HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. -. ....-----.. -.. • ,.. . ~ . ·~-~...---.....-...--.·,--~ .,..-·_..----• . . • , • . ' . • ~ran·s . . . ·ac. a ur ' ., .... - .. . " . Pageant ;~f Masters ·-.. Nixon.Aide Explains Q.$~ J>o~cy __ -. I • By JEROME F. COUJNS . . • ... ..&:=-~ : t'!-=--.. --.ot....._~~,::,--.--~"' ···-.....-.wit._....__ifi:-at "II! ~~•CTi'ONs; W"PltiF ----~--~---· LQS. ANGELES -The federal govern- -ment will not permit permanent. clo31ng down of Orange County Airport at night, but it will consider any plan submitted by county government to sharply restrict operatiQn,s, Federal Aviation 4dministra- t ion officials said Thurada1. - John H. Shaffer, President NiHti'a _ newly appointed FAA administrator, ex· plained lo'th> DAILY PILOT> · "Most airlines today fly twin con-- figuration aircraft. 'They're convertible: they Hy people· In the daytime and they carry freight· at night. Tbeie are .eound economic reasons for oJ)eratiDa an :-----airport arouna-we clock." · SPEClll'ICS UNKNOWN , 5¥1•, ""° Jlew'_to 1"" 4oiel"-lo·ad-~ (RSI -& -confertnce of the \ Soutben\ r~ cantomla ·Aviat,ioa Council, em~ ~ be did nol know the apeclllcs of or11111e County's air traffic problems. He UWstect however, that ''l_ou can't shut down an alrpon overnight and 1tlll have an air travel system." The 5().year-old FAA chief, an ex-Air Force colonel, Ulen sugges_!ed that. the. director of the agency's western region, Arvin j). Basnig!tl, would be able to com· mt'nt more knowledgeably on the Orange County situation. L~Yffil' PICTURE -Norman Rockwell's painting o~~· p·siton8u¥t ~ preparing for space mission adds touch.Of timeliliess to LagWla Beach's 34th Pageant oft thfJ..i?-sters .. _Figures in ·liv~g pic::ture ar~ _por· trayed by (from left) Don Whan Sr. o! Huntington Beach, Charle styron of Anaheim, John Lima of ·co.ta.Mesa.and Rilssell Funk <ii Newport Beach. Basnight did -and his views hetd some pl'OlJlise !or a measure of control OD jet flight. out Of the Orange CountJ field. The proposed limitaUons would have ~o be initiated by county gove:rn- mentt he said. B~ht said he is familiar with co~ ty aire>muter, planner W~am..Perelra'.s recominendalion that a tian on night !llght.'1 be placed on County Airport. At present, airlines are voluntarily limiting their operatiQns to mosUy daylight hours. !iigh,na Pageant Comes to Life For 34tli Time B1 RICHARD P. NALL 'C;l 1111 C•ll_".,1"11111 ·l~_l,_1 , _,,, Stars twinkled down on Laguna's Irvine eon Thursday night as the 34th annual Pageartt of the Masters came majestical· ly tqrlife. The p,soo seats in the woodsy am· phi~ater contained a preview audience of press, civic officials from Orange Col°inty[.and other VIPs. Many rate it the best.--1how yet. The }tageant and Festival o{ Arts will oonliftue daily on a slx·week run thrpugh Aug. 24. • It began high atop the theater. The two nguris:on the "Venice Bell" tolled the •how.11'. life as their mallets sgy~ tpe bell··· '~ " , The prbgram moved .. back and forth rro~.Jnaln stage to upper stage to the- woOded hillsides. m ·f1 works ranging from painting to 1~ll!:lrf include much that is timely this year: · 'I' hoe re is t b-e creation of Norman Rockwell's amazingly detailed a n d t.e@ntial painting, "The· l:iongelt Step .... . The paintin'g:·of two-'astroQauts suiting up with the Aid of technicians will be show· log wlen ~history is made with the luriar landing thls montll. Catlfornla's 200th birthday celebra'tion In ~ted in .s triking hillside statuary of missionaries and soldiers 1fbo created the historic string of'mlsslons. The mtislc this year, agaln an original 1core by d>mposer-conductor Vic SChOen. is a smooth supplement to the subjeCt. It is so«er, leu dramatic, U.ail in some years. The .brass ts gone. The 22-piece prof..,lonal orchest(a j>Onststs largely of 1trinoed t n st r ·u men ts with two wooa'Wmos. --- Don WUllaiii<on, procluctr !'f the unique art 1pectaeular, wasOOsy with one im· (See PAGEANT, Pa1e Z) NOW'.iN FORCE - Pediira, antlclpl!ting I n c r e a s e d press.tires for more service, said last year the · n1ght flight prohibition sl).ould be .. government-imposed as soon as possible. He citpl Washington National Airport in ·(Se< FAA POUCY, Page Z) .. J '-u;~ty Schools PICTU-RE PREPARATIONs -'.cost·memberJ and stage hands go oVer'last min'ute detailt prior to staging of'Norman Rockwell 's -11The J,ongest Step'! '11-Laguna Beach's unique Pageant of the Masters which opens tonlghl Preview showing was. Thursday. J ·Plan Security #rogram in Fall ~n educaUonaf security consult.ant wDI be hired to coordinate Orange County ~ool districts' auempts to curb van· dallsm, burglary, arson, student unrest and Oarcot.ics use, ·the county school board unanimously decided Thursday. The board mtimben heard a report that vandalism losses to county school! last year were conservatively estimated at lll00,000. Establishment of the new post In the county Department.of ~~tion wilt be similar to the 127-man foree employed by Los Angeles city schoola for security purpOsea~ * · Board members said they w_ou1d teek approval. of the Board of Supervlsprs to· spend aboOI !30,000 on the· oecurlty pro- .gl'am In the school year beginning In September. • 1Approval of the new job waa urged by a cdrninittee of three .. s c h o o 1 a!f.- mlnistrafors. Memt>ers are · C 1 e o Mouman, maintenance supervisor for Magnolia School, Dislrlcl and two <00nty · edueaUon department employeai Ernest Nortoo, assistant · auperintendent for · business and J"l'k Roper. reseafch direc-tor. ' • Assisting the committee on a voluntary baala has been Jacli: Redican of Hun- . tlngtqn Beech, a security ~genl for 'the Father Slain Over Hair~µt ArgUU).ent • 1fn A!ge~ .. 11oo~ to the board 00 --sr.1.0uis, "'Mo. ~roPn -lilia1 aiil--si., u, Wiilho~;=-;;~ dii;i 1110 tn lcliOols, .Jliillan Maul, 17, didn't want to,~ a balrcul 1111 Milhatl ., i 1 arresled and he I ii· ror cited M\rlna High School in fftmtJnctoo father wanted hlm to. ~cb 11 ~· ont of the mdlt ttvere Thursday night. they argued;-Harey murder. problems m Soulhern Cllilornla. . _, -·1, -. ____. - ~--.. •He Had Right' ·--.• Court Rever-ses·~ Sp!>ck Rulin·g B 0 S TON (UPI), -A feeler· with Uie ~r effart." . _ al •.J p • • I • ~~tacllJ--+NVel'lld­the antldrafl complraey Olllllli:!i..,. ol famed baby doctor &iljamtil 8pOcli and> three olheri, .aaY1nlr they bail ,the ri&ftt.to ·crltlclJe the Vietnam war and tbe draft "even though Ill· e!letl ls lo lnlei'fete •'l'he--lil U:S.--<ll!adt c.ur\-oC-A-11 d~lon '!)ler<d ' 8liock and llli9anl 8'1duato s!Ud.ot ~ ~-~~ lit. Buffalo, N.Y:, freed permariel!lJy· bql ordered ne_.!V triala:' for 'X_ale ~~-­ Rev. William SlOane --coifhl ',lr:aiii! aut1l9r M~~ Goodman, 15 .. orTempi;;;--- 'Transpac Race Sailor ·Suffers Skull Fracture SAN PEDRQ (UPI) -The .\'3'ioot ketch B~ln.;-tJn~ed .her ~· breaking .~ ~ay· In tlli· .25t11. Transpaclflo>Yacllt Race but \,.t nine- miles of ~·overalf lea!l to llM!·~ed­ pursult ol;the Windward ·~-· ' The Biacldln, now 791 miles fronr 'tbe finish ci u.e .2,mpauttcal mile 'race, hid. her lead s~~ frOpt C~ io 32 miles by the Windward Passage.-· However, W~r Kenneth OeMuese re· mained aptimilt1c, confidently predicting his Blackfln1,;from, tl'le, st.,1'r.lincis Yacht C1ub of San 'Prancdsco; (would. arrive at Diamond Head tn Hawail at 5:02 p.m. Sunday (Honolulu time): If the Blackf1n skipper's forecast is correct, she wtll trim by five hours the 1965 record set by the Ticonderoga, which Mafne. • The court ordered the retrtib of Good' man and Coffin on 1n1 tOchnlcanuecn - found irrOrs iii lhe g tri8l-)udge11 tub7 ·. mission Of the charge to tbe jury. The majority decia.ion wu written by Chief Judge Baliey Aldrich. Judge l'ranlt M. Coffin -no relaUOn lo the cbaplaln - dis9ented ·and eald all defendants ibould be freed. Judge F.dwani M. McEnte COD-·. curr~ with the decision. · The four were .co.nvictecl in June tMI of. cortlJ>lrihg to counsel .Y~ men. toiev.ie the drall. Marcu• !WU!,• cO;.dfri!Cfor'of' the , iiist1iiite 1or f>otii:y· itud!O.. 'm WaShingtOn,.' D:C., ·was ·aCqU:Jttes:.--,., Tlie decJston · aa11r•sP..t1-~ei'be• w.ere protect.ed undet> ft'etr· -lll'Go • vislbOS of ihe IJ:S. Cqnititutlim. ., · ,--_:_, S~k;'a5, aod the othfu-S W:~' sen.·, tenced to.two years in prison ·~~(hied '·: $5,000 e&cb, exc'ept :1or-i Fer~,. :1fho received two yea(1 in prisob and a' ff,000 · fine. ·_ . . 1 )I v.s. Atiy.-Httbi.rt ·F. :rraver.'.,;wno1 · · lmmediateJy·.aVanlble for:·eorftnient' OJI' ' what steps the government wOuld-take tn: the case. · ~. "The court agrees with the defendan:ts· "that vigorous criticism of the draft mid ol, the Vietnam war •'ls free 'speech protected was skippered by Robert F. Johnson, who by the First Arrl.efldmelit 1 even though Jtl· ..., Is at ti)O, b$1;9J..Wl[!d\U(d Pmag~' · • elf~l·Jikt•'inleri....-..itb' th&waH!lort ~ • Oo·~'W.Oii 8'9PP1~~fml~, 'tbf ~1$ion saicl."1""1"1---~·. -..-· • .-' • ~~fi~~~~~~~~1r.•@.1':L~ d:,;~;~~°i·':f!!;.,,~,~~ ~: <,'. strBurl~~:".:"~·~~/l~b~t.t.ii~u:lu..: ... :"lenpitio11· mid .;;~~re,;.Pl>or1 .fOr ·• • . qt:r ·l)w ,a _!J' , '· ·' w~oae· constJence· c<tnpeUedi 'tbent'itO' 1 U.S._ ~I G~anl' rejiorted. Authof.illes · disobey the law, bu~lt drew~ dlstltlcllon said ra ~ from the race escort. VQ88el bet~n such e.MsSions and lf· Bon ff.00!'1e Richard went aboar~.and firmative counselinl:'iidtng ahd abettlnl " l the ·~Black ·a rfd the .tJSS R1~rd violaUoneoftheatatute''Uadded , ,i Edwarde,1 some 140 mil~ away, were · 1 ' ... _ .' i dispatched·.to.i'endfooos .wlth tbeisloop. 1 • : , They iald BHi~er'WoJtl4 J>o put aboanl · Or .. ge ' ' .. C0ut · , . I one of the destroyers and taken to San .. · Diego. . .. . "· • . I me standings by class showed J;lascal leading Class A, fjimble Cl111 B, Quisar Cla6' c and E!J!lrlt Cius D. w~ of 18 kn6ts witb•fou.t'to five.foot seas J>tOValled Thuraday·wlth visibility at 10 n:illfl. • • 'I I -' ,. , ~a~e 'l~jur~d 1n Cycle ·Mishap ' • Thrown lo the pavement when· ~b motorcyc~ struck a curb on thei New· port ·i"~i!', 'i young Marine suffered· severe lnjur!et ·today, a ll1ort ·diatance from the' SU!a Alla Air F.aclllty. L/Cplr Modl1'{1 L,' Starr1U 1r.; IU, stationed at-· h<llcoptel"1rllnlnTbue -was rlJken to ata "' Ant Community Hoopl!al In ierlous condldon. · Tltt caJ1fomJa. JllChway Patrol ·alld · S~lt-l\'M~-~..wliO­free-.y1iy near Edln,aer Avenue when the 1:30 ~u11. acclclell!. ocarrred. · H...-.ul!ered a ·fi'actiued hip and In- ternal lnJurt... . .... -' • r Weadler The sun's a1eeplna In Saturday too,· sh~tng-hla·raee about 10· a.m. and ilriftllnl temperatures In Ibo mid 'IO's •long the COB!l and up to I.I further lnlond • , INSWE TODAY Weolthv· Ammcans -"'""11 ' \' t1e_rt1 prom.tnnt -ore /inane.·· tng tfle new left orponi:otiOU which ore 1ttking complete vp-: r h1aval of .American •oci1t11, Gc- ~dlng fO FBI' chief J. Edf/llf 11rover, Page 18. .. -., .. _____ ... _ -c........ ·~·h---1 ' c~ ., .. ,or-.~ t -\ C..le• ... -.. ....... n.tt ~' 'l =-U:3 . ...... '= ............. .. ~~ ,:=-... .. ::·~:.... n ;;:-..... J """'• • .,... w • .. ... • I ' • • DAll.V l'llOT s .. , -.~ DAILY ,IL.OT lfefl',.,... --yraladown ~----~ -r:-- 7~ little soap and water never hurt anyone, says Bill Lupis1 15, Costa "':Mesa, as be prepares his mack Angus steer for judging in annual Orange County Fair aod Exposition which 1Jegins next Tuesday at fairgrounds In C'l'l8 Mesa. Steer appears '*"'1vlnced but tolerant. . , .Viet Cong Rejects P~n 'or-~Opening .Eleitinns_-_ . . . . . . . . , B. . . . arga1n1pg On ABM -~ejected lVASlllNG'IQN (lJPIJ -NllOl1 ad- mlnlllt"1lon ftfteo lo the Senate refuud qaln laday to cOlllldtr <ill"" ol 1 com- Pf<llll!M .fmlJ -"5 ol Ille Sale1W1rcf onUbllliitlc mJaU, (Alllol) .IY~m. who claimed enoucb lltnll(tb Jo block it. - Senate Ropubllcu !elide< Eoierett M. Dlrtsee '-be atill bas 1ufflctent voles to aet fund• "" .\!Ill deployment approved Jq the 8enale. lie sajd be bad oo lntenUoo ol l\ugalnlng. Opponents ol lhe Safeguard. ollerlng to compromise, said T h u r I d a 1 • s an- JlO\ll!Ctment by Sen. ~e Alken (ft.. Vl) that be opposed AJIM deployment gav1_~ enough vOf;e. to win. Alken urged a compromiae to avert either defeat or narrow vote cl approval of the ldminiatration plan. He said either wll11d reduce President N \ i: o n ' 1 b&rgalninl power with the Soviets fn forthcomlna arms control talb. Aated about Aiken's vien -on a close vote, Dlrben observelf·to-reporten: l"fo-·· win by one point is u good aa winning by 26." But ABM opponents declared victory as a result of Aiken'• speech. ·-• "It mearu: we've won~" sen. Albert Gore, (D-Tenn)., said after Aiken's speech • 11>ey then turned their efforts to work· Ing out a compromise so a question of na- tional security will not be forced to a i;howdown in the upper house. ..., ; • ~ ' -• UPI T.._..te AHtlWAR HECKLERS-Aptl;AR.AT V(ELCOlo\ING CEREMONIES In Seattle, GrHtln91 for Troops B•ck from Vlltniim Antiwar Pickets Greet • 1st Viet Withdrawal Men Ai.ken's commitment leaves 49 ltnators opposed to the · ABM, 4& in favor and -three undecided, according to an Imof· -:f'T. bEWIS, Wub. (AP) -The first in Vietnam. flcial UPI poll. The undecided are Sens. U.S. troops withdrawn from V1.etnam As Resor addrtsaed the members or Soviet Task . Force Moves To Cuba_ ----- JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Af) -Acf. ditiooal U.S. recofl)\lissance plants have joined the surveillance of a Soviet tu:k force moving slowly and .boldly tow:ard -Cuba In an unprecedented ahow of the Soviet flag. A Navy spakesman ,said today aircraft fr.om the attack carrier Indepeodence mo\'ed into the-shadowing operation that already included the U.S. radar picket ship Tbomas J. Gary and planes irom bases in Maryland and Maine. The spokesman-said-the-eight SoYlet- sbiJ>6 were about 280 milb &OUtheast of Jacksonville at midmorning, movinJ ln a southwesterly direction. z.... This ~lion would be les.s than IDW miles from Cuba wber~ the task force ls eq;ected July 20. The USS Iodependf:nce was about IO miles from Jacksonville on a prtvk>w:ly -.. -scheduled tralning..mission-~tts aircraft include Vigilante jet reconnaissant'tt planes with two crewmen each and radar-domed Hawkeyes, propfller-drlven planes cprryir]g_!iye-l!Jan crews. Tbe Soviets have l&lde It clear their Jn.. tenUon ls to send the Ru,s.5ian warships on their first visit to Premier Fidel Castro's Cuba. The force is expected to stay through the July 26 revoluUona11 celebraUon in CUba or Soviet naval day which falls on July 'll. The maneuver is viewed by some U.!. military sources as Possibly a response to thf'ryearly visits by U.S. destroyers to the Black Sea near Sovlet territory. And l . John J. YlilUams, (_~Del), Winston made their final fonnation °Thursday the 3n:1 · Battalion, eoth Inf<intry, 9th Prouty, (R-Vt.). and Thomai J. iiilbt Safd goodbYe to their comnillndor ID!antry Division, his remaks-oc-- Mclntyre, (0-N.H.) Prouty mi.iht be U· ' ' casionally were blurred t>y _lhe:.V>outs of . . From Wire Strvlctt mmce violence and pledge themselves to pected to ·follow fellow Ven:ilonter Aikeh and set olf for home leave. -. antiwar demonstrators d e m a n d I n g • '---Yiisidenf 'NJ.JOO ib'Oilgfy~!Va""'"="'r~~-tne~tbe eJeai<Jfts. '' lhtcr1tie opposithm C4lliP ilnd Mclntytt-b-_ _ne ~ men earlier ·had paraded a.Dd "&i~m·:tll-home no~ provides an opportunity fQr the Soviet navy to practice keeping submarines fn operation -for extended periods •!ay from shore-based support. p-Oposa1s today for open na4onat elec--The key ~ of the proposal wu an 9"-. already on record in f~vor of a COin-' dlned in Seattle, where they heard "We have continually made it plaln," ~ .JiOOl-in South Vtelnam but in Paril a Viet f ~ by ~e~ to. establish an electoral. promise, although h.e. ba.s...not_~d bow he sec:etary of the Anny stanJey !1-Rasor Resor saJd,-''wj! would not Stay' in. South Feliciano Suit Delayed Again COna: spotesman naUy rejected the offer t;Y South Vietnam's President Nguyt.n van Tbleu. "·Nitan sald Thieu's election plan "I[.,....,. the support of all who seek ""''" In that tortured land.'" "II tht! other side genuinely wantJ ~oe," Nixon said in a statement given rtporterl by presidential a1de1, "it now baS a comprehensive set ol olfen wtuch ,,mrut a fair and reasonable setUemenl U JI approaches U1 in this spirt~ it wW OOU5 reis&lable. Hanoi hu-nothin1 to pin by waiting.'" 11le "compreht.mlve set of o(fers" to •bich Nixon relerred Included his owe eigbl.point P<'C< pill! ol May tf; his lune I llllOOllllC<IDe ol the withdrawal of 25,000 American troopo from Vietnam, ond Thieu'• newly announced olfer to tllo Viet Cong to miounce violence and take parl In electiom to detennine South Viel· aam's future.. In it pres1 declaration the Viet Cong's 'e ll.atyled _ provi!ional revnlutinnary •govenunent" condemned the Saigon ,1an as a "perfidious maneuver" of the ~nlted Slates and the Saigoo ad· niniltratkn to deceive world opinion. The Viet Cong's barah reaction to the lffer wu a Mir warning that the Hanoi· taeked insurgent 1ovemment will con. inue presstne for the overthrow of the laigon government. The proposall were made in Saigon and relayed to the Haool and Viet CODI lelecaUoos lri Paris today . In his pro-~ Thieu Invited lhe Viet Cong to ~ violence and take part n national elections to determine South Vietnam'• future. ''The government ol Vietnam declares hat jt will abkle by the results of the 1lectiom, whatever the results may be," Mlieu said. "We challenge the other side o declare the aame.'' Thieu called his proposal, delivered j·, be form of a six-point election plan . '' •major iniUaUve" for peace. He ,wesented it In a lengthy radio address lelivered from the presidential palace. The president said "all political parties md iJ'Ollps," including the NaUonal Liberation Front (Viet Cone), could mticipa.te In the electioru; "if they re- DAIL' f·I LOI ........... .......... .... --_,..., .,__ , - JH. ••• c..1 • ., V1c9,,....., ........... .,.,..., n.-, ICMWfl ·-- ' • CODimlsslim ufWb1ch the Vlei. ConJ wou\d would vote. desertbe_ thefr .return as-<tang1ble '-Vietnam JOnger than neceSSary to insure be represen!ed to ~e equal 0_2!. ,-evidence of our progrenh toward reduc-that itl people" pouess the power to po~es 1n election campajgnlnr, tng the American mllltary commttibei:it choose their future frft:. of coercion." -~ • voting free from coercion and honest Front P .. e l The jeeni of demomtraton had . beeli ballot cotJ1!ting. . matched by cheers from the crowd u the The president wu vague about who ac-FAA POLICY Protn P .. e 1 men marched lbrough 8 chill rain, each A third continuance of the $100,000 tually would control the e l e c t I o n • • PAGEANT carrying a red rose presented by women damage suit filed by internationally machinery Becauae of thia Jt -as e• •--• 1 known singer-guitarist Jose Fellclaoo • • • • • , , -~ emp oye!. ~led that the proposa~ would be swiftly the nation's capital as a facility where Following the parade and speechmak-was granted Thursday in Superior Court rejected by both the Viet Cong and the such restrlcUons are already in force. portant problem this morning. lng the men went to the Seattle Center until Wednesday, Aug. 6· North Vietnamese. "Orange County Airport," s a Id Five times, jeta making an approach to and lunched on salmoo, beer, milk and Feliciano, a Newport Beach res.ldent, TAKES TOP SCHOOL POST Fountain Valtey's Brick Jl'l ike Brick, 35, To Head Valley School District 1'Uchael "Mike" Brick, S5, ol Hun- Ungton B e a c b Thursday was named superintendent of the Fountain Valley School District by district trustees . Brick, who has held the position of al!istant superintendent of penonnel with tbe district, repalces Dr. Edward Beaubier who rt<:ently resigned to direct a. 'state-wide project· to evaluate elemen· tary school proerams. Basni&ht. "Is something like Washington El Toro Marine Ccrps Air Station noisily popcorn with Resor and other dignitaries. and his wife, Hilda , have sued Newport National lt is located near two larger broke the coatlnulty of the program as A group of antiwar pickets waited rRan~~~ I:.; ~rl:O~:.· cfai: air.ports, Los Angel" ln~and they roared ovtrhead. Marine official! In outside the hall carrying placards ~ ing-misrepresentatiom in financing and Long Beach." These airports, he m. the past have rer<iiitid IBe""""jet approaCb-f ead, "Welcome-home Gts loin our next operating "Felicianos" cocktail lounge dicated, could absorb the traUic that during the Pageant. demonstration.'' ' ·) ..... and restaurant in Newport. Orqe County might not be able to ban-"We are tn contact with them today to The aoldien responded with cries of, The defendanl3 have filed a moUon die because of contro!J on the nwnber of see what blppened, normaJly they're "Get a uniform" and, "Don't worry, to dimliss the action, cOntending jt OIMt' 01gbta. very cooperative," sakl the producet. they'll get:' you nut!" tained several flaws. "But you have to remember that 1-~;ljj;miiiililii1~;;;;;11~;;;;~····;;;iiiiiiiiiii•;;;;m.1;;;;;;:=---Wasbington National's jet noise abate- ment program wu accorapllshed throu&h the FAA becall5e we are the landlords of that airport," auntght said. "Orange County government ls the landlord of your airport. So as far as the FAA is concerned, ft iJ the county's responalbllity to come up with an airport plan that ls compatible with the com- munity aod can serve the people safely.'' The FAA, he explained, would COlll.ider such a plan, and approve it, if it were consistent with flight safety need1.- "0ur rule-mating is oriented to air salet)\" be •Id, addinj:: "We don't want tfl be the landlords of Oran.re County Airport." Tbe ball thui awarenUy booncecf back Into the laps of Oran&• County supervilOrs, who last October uked the FAA to establish control! over the number of flights in and out· of County AirJ>orl. At that lime, Supervisor C. M. "Cye" Featherly warned the FAA that ••con-- linued jet operaUons from Oran1e County Airport WW oterlliu lhe Upper Newport Bay area by 1972." Featherly, then board ch a Irma n, declared in his letter to the federal agen. cy that maximum noise limits, including flight restrictions, should be established by the FAA inasmuch a1J the FAA won't let the county do it throu1h ordinances. The FAA has yet to reply to the coun. ty 's letter -or to two others sub!e· quently sent County Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan grumbled about that this week . Fifth District Supervisor A!\on E. Allen, who was among those attending the Southern California Aviation Council &essioo Thursday, said : "I am very much In favor of disallowing flights after 11 p.m. and before 7 a.m." But be added be doesn't know what else the county can do. ''The FAA wants a plan, and In my opinion, it ha1J already gotten one from us. We're still waiting for an official response." Beach Woman JOLY HENDREDON'S FONTAINE aomd ...... dk*'IWMlta" .. cS.dw, .tit ....... ~. C" wttll two ......... MaWle __., I -b _., ...... 11' an• ........... a JSK' "'-"" • ~ ......... flHh~ -'llbl.. The new superintendent, his wife Joan, nd tbelr two children, Jonathon, 11, and Jennlfer, 7, reside at 9062 Cirrollt.own Drive, Huntington Beach. He'• been with the Fountain Valley dJstrict since Ilis. He bas previously beld pos!Uona on the Wants 'Sp d ' faculty of California Western Unlvenlt7. en er and with San Diego city scbools. · ~ DREXEL-HENDREDON-HERITAGE ALSO ON SALE •.. NATIONAL-MARGE CARSON-HIBRITAN ETC. LAMPS, INC..-MARBO-PAINTING5-ACCESSORIES c!;:.~ hu served with the U:5. M1rine T 0 For get Her While in the service, he took un- dergraduate wort at Stonehill College in Massacbusetll and graduate work at California Western Un1"'1ity and the United States International :Jniversity, San Diego, where hf. wW receive bis doc-o torate later this year. He hu won numerous awaf'dl. In- cluding the "Award for Merit ln Public .. tio!ls" <rom lhe NaUooal School Public ~Uooa "-lalior. in 00. He WU named "Min of the Year" by the FO\ID" taln Valley Chamber of Commerce ln 1168. Brick wls choatn ·for Ult superlrt- tenclenq <rom • fteld·oflnore than lll If>' pllcanta by 1 ocreentna committee which ncommended the top 1b< appllwil to the boanl ol - I A harassed Huntin(ton Beach woman wishes someone would forget her tele- phone number and address. Wedouday. the Laurelhurst Lane tesldent toJd police she was the reclpi· ent of two dozen l'Ole:I delivered by an unknown florist aµegedly at her request. That ru,tl\ an upbolstery ftnn called to cmnrm the ordtr to recovtt two chairs abe supposedly bad orcfetecf. Thursday a. plna parlor called Mrs. Mannine to confirm her order of 11 doten ptzul. Then ca.mt the pool salesman. "When would yau like your new pool installed?" he asked. 1'We alrtady l\ave i poor,~ she replleit. Police lnvestlgaton say they believe the fai.M orcfen ,..,.. placed by I 1eeJ> age boy', a man and 1 woman. f • -------------- WI All IOllT POI ANT INCONYINllNCI CAUSIO IT THI CONSTaUCTTON WOii ON wmcuFi DllYL THUi ts WY ACCUS ANO P.t.l•IN• AT TMI UAI OP OUI ITOIL NIWPORT MACH 1721 W•tclln Dr., Mt.toll OPIN FRIDAT "TIL t INTEllOIS --·lt-Deoltoon 4..tlalllo Al-Sir • LAGUNA KACH MS North c ... t Hwy. 4"'"'511· OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL t Phtnt Taff p,_ MNt ef Orlftft Ceunty .MCl•l26J i '1 · r • I I I ~ • . . Uu ~tin:gion Peaeh EDI TI O N' -. . Today's l'laal 1 N. "f'. Steeb · • • . • • • • • . . • • • , I·_ -~----------,.,,,,.,,...,....,,. ~:::::;=-::=---=-::;;;;~:;;::;::;;;;;~:=-;;:;r;;:;;,~-""~=::;;;,'""'~-. vot:. 62, NO. '165, 4 SEctlON~.":Jfl'A~ , ORANGE COOfllTY; CAllFORNIA _,.. T&N GENTS •• 1-, l ·1 ' Hipp1e _Robh.ery Suspects -· .Captured : ·Three hippie-st~Je teenagers are In l!Unllnglon Beach City Jill toda)"'On Slllplcion of anned robbery lifter being caught by their intended vlctlma near a downtown apartment house. Arrested Thursday afternoon wert Roy """:a-~Efi;'.ds!l!n@ll..-..[r., .. 1a,. 9J_Qr~&~.L !'red w. Busclt, 18, 9' Rolling Height., and David E. craft, l9, who refys~ to Jiu_Jti:,i ad- dress. A young· woman with lbem ment of Robert G. Lunde, 512: HarUord Sl;· just before nooon Thursday. One of them p-oiiied a ,32 caliber revolver on six men Inside. Order:t were given lo ''lie down and remove your wallets" and $45 wu taken -frorii wallets and pockets ortbe vletims,- potice"said. . ' trio out to their small foreign car, police reports stated. .. We tried to enter the car," Lunde told police, "then I ran to the rear.and opened the hood while Hait pulled oiit the ~I line." • • · -Hart !ben·halled a-·p""""1rnn which pulled in Pront of the car,.l>locking its ex- it, police investigators said. · .. where anothu J!l&D and J 1'ckled them." -· The other man wat a third victim, Richard 'L, Zy!Jlra, an off<!uly Long l!<och policeman, who took o .. yOUlb in custody while Huntington : Beach' police arrived to grab the other. 1 The third' fled. craft was arreite.t IO minutts la~·by detecUve5. · The girl .wu detctibed aa between the escaped, police s~ ~ Witnesses satd a trio entered the apart- Lunde and another vlctim, Robert J. !lBrl. •LlOllLNew•llSt.,_no!iced that-the- rtvolver was not'loaded and followed tbe .!..'_They backed----away...toward Delaware- and Knoxville Streeta," relatedLUDde; agea of 11 aMI' 18, skinny, '4With ·Jong bliCln1111' b UDtd to ··h<r-chl"''!'------1 -Soviet-l'.ask Force Move s To .Cuba JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -. Ad· dltlona:t U.S. reconnaissance planes nave joined the surveillance of a Soviet task force ,moving ·sloWly arid -boldly towifd Cuba In an unprecedented show of the Soviet flag. . · -:--A Navy spokesmaft' said today aircraft from the attack carrier Independence 0A1L y l"ILOT '"~ .,., Ter,;~~11..--... moved into the sh8do~ing operation that. Dr. Spock Freed Appeals Court Overrules Conviction_ BOST o N (UPI) - A feder-mission of the charge to the jury. U.S. Al\y. Herbert F. Travers waa not al a p p e a 1 s court today reversed The majority decision was written by Immediately available for comment on the antidraft conspiracy convictions of Chief Judge...Bailey Aldrich. Judge Frank what step.s-the-government wouJ14 tate-1or M. Coffin -no relation to the ctiaplain -"I ~ famed baby doctor Ben~amin Spock and dissented and said all defendants !lhould the case. • three--others,-saying they bad the right-to. be freed;-Judge Edward M. MCEnte coii-"The court agrees with the ·defendailts- criticize the Vietnam war and the draft curred with the deciaion. that vigorous criticism of the dralt and of "even-though i~ effect is to interfere The four weTc convicted In Jllne 1968 of ~e Vietnam \!_ilr _is~[ree &peecli pr0tected with the war effort.,, ." · consp~-to·counael yOU11g men ·to ev'ladede-~ The Ist U.S. Circuit Court 'Of Appeals tbe draft. Marcus Raskin, ®-director Of by the First Amendment, even though lts decision ordered Spock snd Harvard the institute for-...,~pollcy stu.dles', in effecl is to interfere witli thew,; effortj • graduate student Michael Ferber, 24, of Washington, D.C., was acquitted. the. decision Said. HUNTI NGTON BE AC H BOYS CINCH UP FOR CAMPING TRIP Dinny Millin, 9 (left), and Michael Cortei, I already included lhe U.S. radar picket ship Thomas J . Gary ar.::I planes from bases in Maryland and Maine. Buffalo, N.Y., freed permanently but-The declslon said Spock and Ferber "It (the court} hOids that the defen- ordered new trials for Yale Chaplain were protected under free speech pro-dants were equally free to express com- Rev William Sloane Coffin Jr. and visions of, the U.S. ~tutlon. mendation and moral support for thole Dead Squirre ls and All Camp U11iqueExperience For Huntington .. V-anths When JO-year-old R.lcky went on his first campin1 trip he was so thrilled he had to brlili back ···a-prize to·· show his· mother. He pulled his pack off his back, opened tt up and dumped a dead squirrel on the kitchen table. The · incident -ls not fictional. tlundreds of boys just like Ricky experience_ their first taste of mountain camping every year with the Huntington Beach Boys' Club, 319 Yorktown Ave. •·Most don't return with dead squir- rels," said Ed Dobkoski, program direc- tor of the club and teller of the true squirrel 's tale. But each boy has his own experience, and for most it is unique. Members of the Boys' Club range in age from 8 to 18. Atany have never been to the mountains and would never go as a boy il it weren't for the work of pjrector Pat Downey and a staff or young men like Ed Dobkoski. Right now more than 40 boys are at Camp Norris, owned by Boys' Clubs of America and located in the San ~ardino Mountains, not tar from Big Bear Lake, "'Mi!y relitrn Monday,"-said Dobkoski, "atler two weeks of cook.in§, hi.king and a variety of olher aclivities. ' . Camp Norris is a once-in-a-summer op. portunlty for Huntington Beach boys who pay $36 to attend or sell cans of peanuts to work their way to camp. But summer camp Js not the only chan- ce & boy has to escape the asphalt streets and barren fields of Huntington Beach. On July 30, a group of 13 boys will spend three days on Mt. San Gorgonio-during one or ~ club's three-day camping trips planned this summer. "We have two more lhree-day hikes planned." Dobkosld explained, "on Aug. 27 to ML San Jacinto and one for the older boys 'Sept. I to Mt. Whitney in Northern California." Overnight camping trips are regular fare for members of the Boys' Club who eagerly lineup whenever one is offered. "Right now we only head for the moun- tains, but in the future we hope to expand (Set CAMPING, Page %) Valle y School District Nam es Brick New Chi ef Alichael "Mike" Brick, 35, of Hun- tington B t a c h Thursday was named superintendent of the Fountain Valley School District by district trustees. Brick, who ha s held the pG&ition of assistant superintendent or pers"onnel with lhe district, repalces Dr. Edward Beaubier who recently resigned to direct- a state-wide project to evaluate.. elemtn- tary school programs. The new superintendent, his wile Joan, nd their two children, Jonathon, 11, and Jennifer, 7, reside at 9062 Carrolltown Drive, Huntington Beach. He's been with the Fountain Valley district since 196.1. He has previously held positions on the faculty of Cailfornia Western University 1.nd with San Diego city schools. Brick has served with the U.S. Marine1> Corps. While in the service, he took un- dergraduate work at Stonehitl College in Pttassachu.setts and gradµate wart at Call!ornia Western University and the United States International :Jniveraity, San D1ego, where be will receive his doc- torate later thi.5 year. He has won numerous awards, In- cluding the "Award for Merit in Public&- tions" from the National ~hool Public Relations Association in 1967. He was named "Man of the Year" by the Foun- t11ln Valley Chamber or Ccmmerce in TAKES TOP SCHOOL POST Fountain VelJey'a Brlcjc Stock Jlf•r lcets The spokesman said the eight Soviet ships were about 260 miles southeast cf Jacksonville at midmorning, moving in a .southwesterly direction. · This position would be less than 600 miles from Cuba where the task force is expected July 20. The USS Independence was about 80 miles from Jacksonville on a previously scheduled t.riirilifg mission. Its aircraft includt0 Vjglllllte jel ""'""'lilflll!i9 planes With two crewmen eiclt' arid ,-.,ec1 Hawkexes. propellrr4ri,.. plane! carrylftlliv~an Ci'ew'S. 'nte Sovietl_:.mvi made It clear their in- tentitm is te 'tiftd the Russian wanhlps on their firli-visit to Preml_:~_.~Jdel Castro's Cuba. The forCe is expec~ to stay through the July 26 revolutionary celebration in Cuba or Soviet naval day which falls on July 27. The maneuver is viewed by some U.S. military sources as possibly a response to the yearly visits by U.S. destroyers to the Black Sea near Soviet territory. And it provides an opportunity for the Soviet navy to pracUce keeping submarines in operation for extended periods away from shore-based support. The task force is comprised of a 5,600- ton guided missile cruiser of the ~'Kyn· da" class; a 3,500-ton destroyer that ca~ carry ant.i•ship missiles ; a 4,450-ton destroyer that can be armed with anti-air mi~iles; two COl')ventional submarines; a su b tender , and two oilers. Trio Sentenced I n Stealing of Man's Pants, Car Three Orange County women who took a man's pants and car May 14 in Hun- tington Beach. then drove the stolen auto in Santa Ana where they tried to rob a gas station, where handed to.month jail terms and placed On three years pro- bation Thursday by Superior Court Judge James Judge . Barbara · Ellen, 2S, or Anaheim. and Sharon Bro~11, 25, of Santa Ana, pleaded guilty to'""'"'" degree robbery. Their companion, Agnes Eliiabeth Miles, 24, of Westminster, received the same sentence after pleading guilty to auto theft. The strange excurskln began In a Long Beach bar when Barbara Ellen reported- ly asked Long Beach resident Max Howard Bahr for a ride home to Orange County. Bahr drove her down to Huntington Beach, said pollce, where his car was stopp~ by a car driven by the other two women . The trio allegedly held him at gunpoint, took hi!! pants and car and left him iu a oil field area near Clay and Goldenwest Street!, \ Bahr managed to bit.chhike lh hb !lhor.s and T-shirt to the polifl. station w6ere he told his tale. A few hOOrs later the three women were arrested by Santa Ana police 11 th~ attempted to rob a .service statlon oft the corner of Edinger A venue and Main Stnet. -Nixon Va~ationing author Mitchell Goodman, 45, of Temple, Spock, 65, and the ' others were sen· whose conscience compelled them to 1vlaine. tenced to· two years ln,.prison and fined disobey the law, but It drew a distinction The court ordered the retrials of Good-$5,000 each, escept for Ferber who between such expressions and af· man and Coffin on legal technicalities. It received two years in prison and a $1,000 firmatlve counseling, aiding and. abettine f'l\lnd errors in the trial judge's sub-fine. violations of the statute," it added • Schools Approve Hiring " Oi Securiiy c~~ult4iit : A~~ucaUonal security consultant will September. ;. be hired to coordinate-Orange County Approval of.the,new Job wa1 ut1ed by a school disbicta' aUempts to curb van-committee of three sch o o I ad- dali.sm, burglary, arson, student unrest mln.lstra~. Members are CI e o and narcoUCs use, the county school Mossman, maintenance supervisor for board unanipiously decided Thursday. Magnolia ~f J>istrict and lw_o CQUnty The board members heard a report education department em.ptoyes, Ernest that vanc!alism losses to county scboob Norton, assistant superintendent for last year were conservatively estimated business and Jack Roper , research direc- at $600,000. tor. Establishment of the new post In the Assisting the CC1mmlttee on a voluntary county Department of Education will be basi!I has been Jack JJ,edlcan of Hun- similar to the 127-man force employed by tington Beach, a security agent for the Los Angeles city schools for security Los Angeles achools. purposes. ' ln a brlel report to the board on Board m~be(s said they would aeek: widespread drug me in school!!, Redican approval of the Board of Supervisors to cited Marina High School In Huntington spend about $30,000 on the security pro-Beach u having one of the most severe gram ln the school year begim)i.ng in problems ln Southern california. Huntington Pair Nabbed On Dangerous Drug Rap State narcotics agents and Newport Beach Police detectives Monday arrested the manager of a Newport waterfront bar and a Huntington Beach coupl.e on war- rants charging sale of restricted drugs. An estimated 10,000 tablets which in- vestigators allege are benzedrine WP.re found at the Huntington Beach home of the ma:. and wile, police said. Monte Anthony Brancato, 31 , manager of the Stag at 125 McFadden Place, near Newport pier, was taken from the premises by officers Thursday afternoon. Alm.)St simultaneously, W i 111 am Marshall, 43, a plumber, and his wife, Sandra Jean, 31, were arrested at their home, 9946 Continental St., Huntington Beach. The three. face charges of possession of restrict~ drugs for sale. Polil.!e closed down the bar and ad· jacent liquor store during Tburaday'a in- veaUgation and arrests. The businesses remained closed for Tidelands Piers Fee Scales Set A new permit fee covering the building of public and private pien on cocmty tidelands ha8 been approved by Orange County Supervisors. Tbe Harbor Di.trlct will-levy tho teea. ~ h e y are S50 for commercial marinai, 450 for semi-public pien for yacht clubs, ~hooll: and youth groups, and $10 for more than an bOur. They reopened later In the afternoon. Officers aaid a small quantity of tablets alleged to be benzedrine were found on Brancato, also a Huntington Beach res!· dent. He gave his address as 19911 Rangl!r Lane. Newport detectives said the in- vestigation into the alleged sale of the restricted drugs lasted three weeks. A 1968 Cadillac alleged to be stolen alSo w a s recovered f r o m the Marshall residence. Bail for Brancato and Mar$hall has been set at $12,$00. Mrs. Marshall , who police said Is two . months pregnant, was released on her own recognizance. Beac1i Woman Wa nts 'S pender' To Fo rget Her A harassed Huntlnfton Beach woman wllhes someone ·wouli1 . forget her tele- ~ number and address, Wednaclay, the Llllrellnint I;ane resident told police she .wu the ncipi· ent of two·dozen roses, delivered by an u.-florill 1llegedly at ber roqueat. ni,t night on upllollltry !inn called to conflmr the ordtt to recover two chair• she• suppooedly had ordered. ' Autopsy Awaited In l\illing of · ffµntiilgton •Man · Long Beach police ire waJUlig lbr autopq r~c.t(J\fay to determine Iha· type of weapons that tllled a Huntington Beach resident Wednesday during an apo parent robbery of his Long Beach nap shop. "No new Wormalion has been -on-· covered since the murder was dlacover'9 Wednesday afternoon," said Del. Sp. Rodney Mickelson. An autopsy was performed" 'rh~ afternoon on the body of Emory l'fi-. 58, cf 16222 Monterey Lane, Huntington Beach, by the Los Angeles County ar- oner's office. Nielsen was shot to death Wednesdi:y afternoon by robbers who apparenUy took about $100 in cash from an open re~, r;:aid poUce. 1be vidlni's shop at 1200 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach, Is localed In a rough section of the business district. An empty shotKUn -found lying open on the counter -wu apparenUy be.ihg cleaned by-Nlel!en at the-wne of"tlie roo; bery, said police. "We think more than one person wu Involved, maybe three,'' sakl Sgt. Mickelson this morning. _ Funeral arrangements have not )'et been made. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth, of the Huntington Beach address; a ion, James, (lf Cypress, and a daugb~r. Laura, a teacher at Humboldt S t at e College. Lemnitzer Honored WASIUNGToN (AP) -Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, former supreme U.S. and allied commander 1n Europe, recelVed from President Nixon today an un- precedented award -DiaUnguished Service Medals of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Orange Coast Weadaer The sun's ·steeping in Saturday too, showing liis face about 10 a.m. and bringing• temperatures in the mid 7U's along tile coast and up to 8S further Inland. . INSIDE.. TODAY ,Wtalth11 Americans -many J "Tfl prominent ~ are Jinaflc.' ing the new' left orgoni:ationi which~ are seeking complete up- heaval oJ American society,. oc- corillng to FBI chi•/ J. Kdgar Hoove t. -Pog1 rs.-...,... ... ........... ,. C-•"""'.. . 1 ,..,... ~ 4:! c~ w.. 0r ...... ~ • WASHINGTON (..\P) -President Nl:c· piers In front of private homes . '!llurlday a piZZI parlor c1!Ied Mn. ~tannin( to cooflnn her order or 11 dozen' ptZz&s. c-ict ,. ••*'"" . ""' C...,_. N tltllt ...... '"l' , OMltl Ntilcitt • ~ I• J ~ 1966. ' Brick was chosen for the superin- U\ndency from a field of more than 30 ap- plicants by a acreenlng committee whicb recommended the top Iii applicants to Ute board of trusi..s. on Is going to Maryland's CatocUn moun-The: fees will be imposed in the form of NEW YORK (AP)-'l'he stock ·market talns today for an overnight stay at the permits required before the: atructuru closed on an upbeat todsiy-lts f1r.t:t-of p~UaJ retreat,. Camp Oavkf. The • are built. Theli came the pool salesman. ''When would you like your new pool imtalled?" he asked. •·we alrtady have 1 pool," she replltd. POiice ln...U,alol'I ,., !hoy believe . the false ol'ffri wtre placed by 1 ....... age .lto)'1 a man and a woman. ........ ..... ' llMll ....... , .. ,, ............... '"" "''"".. " ,..._ M-11 ~ ... 1 tbe ,ileek-although doWil from• Its besl White House said ·be planned to 1 .. ve by i<.~·'JIUllllt poilcy w1ll cover an county Jovt~ of the d1y. (~ quotallons.. Paget · .. halicopter late ~--and returo. late,., ~ 1dmlntstered alODi the Qran8l' 14-lS.) Salurday evenln(J. . ~~JIY'the dlslricl .·, ' I .. • . ~ • "" ','\: " ., • .Ai~ " ::T'~, ;! :...,.-.._. J I MWI• 011 Ws&m an ,... •• ~---------------------~---~ ----..-------~-----~--------------------~ I •. H Frid<Y, J•~ II, lt'9 . ·' :'. Uf'lT~ :l'ANTIWAR HECKLERS APPEAR AT WELCOMING CEREMONIES ..-'"" t-<. :__1,n_Se_•ttlt, Gr11tln91 fo(·Troops Bide From Vitt,nam ;:. ' j{ntiwar Pickets Greet 1st Viet Withdrawal Men 1T. LEW18, Wash. (AP) -The fast U.S. troops wllhdrawn from Vifto.am m'adt their nnal formation Thursday rupt, &aid &oodbye to their comm~, ail ltl p(f ror borne Jeav~. 'l1le 7A men earlier bad par11ded and -~ ln SeatUe, where they · heard llecretary qf the Anny Switey R. Resor de«rlbe their return u "tantllbl• .eT.idence of our progrtss" toward reduc· 10,: the American military commitment In Vietnam. M Relor addressed the members of the Jrd Battalion, eoth Infantry, 9th ,Wantry Divislon, his n mab: oc~ casimally wm bl WTed by the shouts of antiwar demonstrators d e m a n d I n g , 4'Jlring them all home now :" • ¥We have continually made It plain," Resor aald, "'we would not stay in South ¥\rtJWn lo111er lhan neceuary to !Mure that u.. people possess lbe power to choose their future free of coercion." · ·n.e jeers of demonstrators had been matched by chttrs from the crowd as the mm marched throu&b a chill rain, e.ach. carrying a red rose presented by women bank empl~s. Fellowing the parade and. speeclmt1k· 1·n1 the men went to Ute Selttle Center and lunched on salmon, bee, milt i nd popcorn with Resor and other dlplt1ries. -A group of antlw1r picket.II waited oulliide the hall carrying placards that rnd, ''Welccme bcine Gts, Jc.in.our nut demonstration ... YMCA Day Camp Taking Signups 8f&n-ups are now being taken by the .West Orange County YMCA for three one-week day camp session• beginning during the first part ·or August. The program to be offered to boy1 and girls aged S-1 lncludes crafts, swlmmin1, 1pecia1 event day1, gymnartlcs, pbytical fitness and archery. A $15 fee, which includes lunch milk and Insurance, will be ch1nged for the camp sus.lon. YMCA members will be .admitted for 512 per session. The YMCA baa also developed 1 way in which the chUdren can help pay part of their way to camp. Further information, about this, as well as lt\e August camping HJsicrui are available from the YMCA at 147'19 Beach Boulevard, Westminster, or by phoning 893-8511. UMIV PllOI 1.a..rt N. W .... .. ~..,, l'IMmtf J••lt .. c..tn Viet ,._...,..~ o-fJ _,.,.. n.. •• kfffiJ ·-Tk••• A. M .. ,11111• Ml...-.IE•lw All••'' w. 11!11 Wiilie• 111..I ..,,_..._ ... u.,.."" lffdil Elli*' Cl" Wllr " ................ 1H Jiii Sfl'••I Malli"t -'"''''" P.O. l e• 7t0, 'tl6'4t --............... 1111 ........ _ .......... Ctnl """"I • -· "'r ..... ~--llK'!I J» ...... • .... The soldiers responded with cries of, "Get a uniform" and, "Oo1f't worry, they'll gel you nut!" TO DIRECT CURRICULUM Ocean View's Ulery Ulery Appointed OV's Director Of Cm·riculum Ocean View School District Supt. Clarence HaJI today announced the ap- pointment of William "Hal" Ulery u dirtctor ot curriculum for the district. Ulery, currenUy superintendent of lhe Goleta Union School District, will aasume his duties August 1. ,, He replaces Joseph Clancy, who resign· ed earlier this year. The new Ocean View administrator is a graduate of UC Santa Barbara, and holds a master's degree from the University of Southern California. He is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at USC. Ulery, 48, has taught in Covina and Los Angeles schools and has served as an adult school principal in Los Angeles and a junior high school principal in the Rowland School District. Prior to his Goleta assignment he was superintendent of the American Com· munity School in Buenos Aires, Araen- lina. Blackf in Leading Transpac Race; Sailor Injured SAN PEDRO (UPI) -The 73-foot ketch Blal:kfin continued her record breakina pace Thursday in the 25th Trt1nspaciric Yacht Race but Jost nine miles of her overaU lead to the doaged pursuit of the Windward Passaae. The Bla.cklin, now 791 miles from the finish of the 2,225 nautical mile race, had her lead sliced from 41 to 32 milea ~ the Windward Passage. However, skip~ Kenneth OeMueat re- mained optimistic, conlldently predlclinc his Bl1ckfln, from the St. Francis Yacht Club of San Fr4f1Cisco, would arrive at Diamond Head In Hawaii al 5:02 p.m. Sunday {Honolulu time). If I.be Blackfin skipper's forttast b correct, sht will trim by five houn the lMS rtCOrd set by the Ticondero1a, which was skippered by Reibert F. Johnaon, who i11 at the helm of Windward Pa1Uge. On the f1·foot sloop Mahia, crewm1n E\llent C. Bricker, of Fresno wu 1t:rlOU1ly Injured when 1 aplnnlktr pole l lruck hJm on the left templL i B .. · arga1n1ng On·. ABM WASHINGTON <UPI) -Nixon ad. ministration forces in the SeDate refused 111galn today to consider offers of a com4 proml!e from oppo~nts of lbe Safeguard anUballislic missile (ABM ) system, who c1a\lned i?nough strength to block it. senate Republic.an· leader Everett M. Dirksen insilted he still has sufficient votes lO get funds for ABM deployment approved in the Senate. He said be bad no intention of bargaining. Oppooents of lhe Safeguatd, offering to compromise, said T h u r s d a y ' s an- nouncement by Sen. George Alken (R· Vt.) that he opposed >.BM deployment aave tbem enough votes to win. Alken urged a compromise to avert ei~ defeat or narrow vote of approval of the adminittration plan. He said either would reduce PnlidenLNJ.x_o n_' s argahrlng power with the Soviets in forthcoming arms control talks. Asked about Aiken's views on a close vote, Dirksen observed to reporters : "To win-by.one point.is as good as-winning by 28." But ABM opponents declared victory as a res1.1,t of Aiken's speech. "It means we've ·won," sen. Albefl Gore, (D-Tenn)., said after Aiken 's speech. They then turned their efforts lo work· Ina out a compromise so a queation of na· tiona.I security will not be forced to a ghowdown in the upper hoWle. Ai.ken's commitment leaves 49 senators opposed to the ABM, 48 in favor and three undecided, according to an unof· ficlal UPI poll. The undecided are Sens. John J. Willlaml, {R-Dei.), Winston Prouty, (R-Vt.), and Thomas J. Mcintyre, 10.ftH.) Prouty might be ex· pected to follow fellow Vmnooter Aiken into the opposition camp and Mcintyre is flready on record in favor of a com- promise, allhoogb he bu not said how he would vote: - Nixon Supports Open Elections; VC in Opposition From Wire Strvicet President Nixon strongly supported proposals today for open national eltc· tions in South Vietnam but in Paris a Viet Cong spoKesman flatly rejected the offer by South VieLnam's President Nguyen Van Thieu. Nixon said Thieu's election plan "deaerves the flupport of all who seek peace in that tortured land." "If thti other side genuinely wants peace," Nixon 11aid in a 1tatement given repo~s by presidential aides, "it now has a Comprehensive set of offers which pennlt a fair and reasonable settlement. Jf It ll.pproaches us in this spirit, it will find us reasonable. Hanoi has nothlns to gain by waiting." The "comprehensive set of offers'' to which Nixon referred included his own eight-point peace plan of May 14; his June 8 announcement of the withdrawal of 25,000 American troops from Vietnam, and Thieu's newly announced offer to the Viet Cong to renounce violence and take part in elections to detennine South Viet- nam'• future. In i press declaration the Viet Cong's s e I f·slyled provis ional revolutionary "government" condemned the Saiaon plan as a "perfidious maneuver" of the United States and the Saigon ad- ministration to deceive world opinion. The Viet Cong 's harsh reaction to the offer ,yas a new warning that the Hanoi- backed Insurgent government will con· tlnue prt:sslng for the overthrow or the Saigon government. The proposals were made in Saigon and relayed to lhe Hanoi and Viet Cong delegaUons in Paris today. In his proposal, Thieu Invited the Viet Cong to renounce violt!nce and take part in national elections to determine South Vietnam's future. "The government of Vietnam declares that It will abide by the results of the elections, whatever the results may be ,'' Thieu said. "We challenge the other side to declare the same." From Page 1 CAMPING. •• lo desert trips and other localilie!," said I.he club's prografu director. Plans are made carefully because of lhti training involved belore leaders are allowed lo handle an expedition of young boys. Each leader must first be approved and tested by Downey or Dobkoski before allowed to be in charge of a camping trip. Th~ . boys are given rugged physical tra1n1ng before each trip to avoid pro- blems during their long bikes. "One youngster got lost on a camping trip," beamed lhe director, "and waster· ribly embarrassed when he was found ." The young lad was mortified because he was found by a groop of Boy Scouts, chosen rival! of the Boy1' Club. The boys learn typical camping skills lncludlna hiking, cooking over an open fire, startin1 the fire, washing outdoors . and general camp ground maintenance. ''Bluest surprlae ~to most boys," relate. Ed , "is their first bath in cold 1tre<1m w1te:r when they find out the soap cllnis to their skin bec1115e It's not soft water.'' ''It's quite a shock," he concluded, "but they teep c:ominC back." • Buildings ForGWC . Approved Orange Coast Junior College District trustees Wednesday approved plans for •1.7 million of new buildings at GQlden West College, including a new theater aria bQllding. Tbe plans, call for additions t0 the . _ police science build.Ing, an addlUonal food services center, outdoor recreational courts and the theeter aria bultding. ~ Arch!tects of the William Pereira and Associates firm said the theater arts bulldlng will cost aboot II.I miIJJon of the total for the project. Members of the junior college board questioned Dr. Norman E. Wat.son, district superintendent, about the finan· clng of the building project, since the proposed 1969-70 budget quotes a figure ol S*I0,000 for the project. oi.1.4~,_watson said there ts "some fleJJbility -Ul!"bmtget-ihatwtltaccomm·odat~ -· - total amount. Washdow11 He stressed that because enrollment at A l~ttfe socip and water never hurt anyone, says Bill Lupls, 15,~Costa - Mesa, as he prepares his Black Angus steer for judging in annuaJ O~ange County Fair and Exposition which beglns next Tuesday at fairgrounds jn ·Costa Mesa: ·steer appears unco nvint:ed but tolerant. Golden West Ui expected to jump to 3 &XI at the start of next ye__ar, the new the~ter arts building and food se·rvicts center are extremely important. "This will be one of the finest little theaters in the community," Wa taor{ 1ald. "It wiU include seal.s for 300 persons and features an excellent stage." \5 Harbor District Breakup Orange Coast Budget Increased By 30 Percent Measure Clears Assembly SACRAMENTO -Ao!tmblymon-Jolm · V. Briggs' blll which would transfer all responsibility or · the Orange County HarbOr District to the Board of 5Upervilors uiled through the Assembly Thursday and its author says he expects no opposition in the Senate. "It will probably go before the Senate's Local Government Committee," Briggs (R-Fullerton) said this morning. "My bill is simply a 'trigger' mea!lure to be used if the board of supervisors or the voters of t h e county dtcide to dissolve th e district. tional acUvities. . The supervisors Tuesday tabled action Trustees have authorized the publica- on a recommendation of the Local Aaen-lior. of the 1969-'10 Orange Coast Junior cy ·Fonnatiolt-Q)mmluion that tbe~_,,Coll,. ~ge ~•-up 30 pttcent district be. dissolved and the matter put from 196U9. before the county's voters in the prtmary The current tax rate of 81.9 cents will election next year. not need to be raised, ·according to OCC district olficlals, because of higher pro· Broken Pipe Hal~s Marina Teen Dance perty assessments. · 'Mle publication budget, which will not be finally adopted until Aug. 6, set a tota l expenditure of $21,914,435 for the coming fiscal year. Donald Hoff of Westminster, who was elt(:ted board president Wednesday, and Supt. Norman E. Watson emphasized that th e final budget will include more ac· curate information on property v1lue assessments. ·"It will provide for the orderly transfer of powers, assets, and responsibilities of the district to tbe supervisors." Planned as a substitute: for the Harbor District if it is eventually dissolved is a county w I d e Department of Harbors, Beaches and Parb to direct all rec:rea· There will be no lecn dance tonight at ~larina High School because of a burst pipe which has Oooded the gym, Hun- tington Reach Recreation Department of- ficials announced this morning. Saturday niaht the "Unknown Fron- tier" will play from 8:30 to 11 :30 p.m. at the HWltington Beach High School gym. Admission is $1. Correllan Thompson. district business manager, said the $2.4 million increase in I current operations is based on salary and • staff increases. JOLY HENDREDON 'S FONTAINE ___ .... "' .. -· wlll ...... ~.C' ........ ...... ,..... ..... -""..., ..... .. I 7f" ....... I .. datttl" • .... ...... ,.,....... ........ DREXEL-HENDREDON-HERITAGE ALSO ON S~.LE •.• NATIONAL-MARGE CARSON-Hll~IT AN ETC. I.AMPS, INC.-MARBO-PAINTINGS-ACCESSORIES WI ••• SOllY FOi ANY IHCONQNllNCI CAUllD IT THI CONmUcnoN w IA.IT ACCW AND PAll lNG AT THI IUl O, OUI STOii. Oll ON WUTCUHI Dll'YI. THDI IS NIWl'ORT IEAC!f 1727 W..tcllff Dr., '42·2059 OP'I N PllDAT 'TIL t • INTERIORS Profosslonal '"'"'°' D ........ A~ll)....NSIP • LAGUNA WCH JCS No'rth Cout Hwy. 4""'151· OPIN 'llDAY 'TIL f Ph9M Toll ,,.. MMt of or.....-Ceunty Mo. I :U) I MD Five Oobb~r s Mesan s By DAVE CEARLEY Of IN Diiiy rli.t Iliff Mater Del virtually eliminated Costa Mesa title asplraUona In the Costa Mesa basketball league Thuraday ni&}tt with a 59--tl victory at Estancia Hlah School. Sttond place Estancia routed Saddleback, 14-2&, and league leader Buena Park clouted Los Amigos, SMO. Costa Mesa never l e d 1gainst the Monarchs, as cold 1hootin1 beset the Musttngs from the outset. The Mustangs were still within range of the lead in the " ' I Vaq Explosion Ro~k s ~; Sea l(ings Topple Sailor~ • • By ROGER CAWON ot"" llllfll.r llll tltft • A drlll\IUC . 11-Poinl ex- plosion in the final S:31 of 'lc-tlOn by Rancbo-Alamllos c:l:r--,lfd' the Vaq.,..... 1o aip.$1 victory ovtt hOllil 14untittgton Beach Thursday nl&ht ln t h e Hunttngton-Mar!.na summer 1»1kelball league. 'nie loas, the teCOnd In a row !or HUnting!Dn • Beach, d"I~• Uie Ollen two run games behind ~e high-flying Vaqs in the ·title chast -along with Marina and Weitminster. Other action In the• Hun- tington confines had Fountain Valle)" dropping a & 4 · & i decision to Garden Grove and Villa Park polisbed 'off Edison, M-49. . Steve Mc Lendon led lltAMCltO """""'1"1'1 i~1,, ~ Westmlrlllet't 1 herout with 4-0 A~-j f I j ~~~n , first thtee ~:f-m ~ J ~ ~And.--Marina ~1vid .-==11. -r£r -J1 ;={ t- P91nt performance from Rick av:1"~ 1.t M 7f Mc;>tlei: In •nipPing La Quinta 'H11~11111~ W °"'~17 11_.. • bra slnale tatty. 111nc11o A11tn11oi 20 • ~' n-10 HUHTIMeTO• •• .,.\H ,,~ .. ;-, COllDN4 DIL ~~ .,,,,,., t~' ~"ti:-IM : 1 t r f:l~:-r i t ! i li :r.•11 • r : t ~ ~;·... !' t ~. , . 111,..1 2ss•11;11111 j 1.. 111 3 l II:::, l l I '! ~~ ~. .1 ,,' I I ,,.~~ 1j 1' 23 6e 1 NIW .. OllT MAlt l a: ,,,,.,, ,.; Douglas, Wilson Nab "" '""' -· ! i !' •.t: • i ,, ~ l ., 111•1JM '''"' ... 9'*1fl' ,_. I ,11~ 'lt-U 'T MA•INA '"Jo-•T "" .,_~ , , , I third quarter. but t h e ---11-'-·i'---M<"'·"•ho-°""""'ed-c.o_s_.u_+:,. Mesa, 12-4, iµ a space of five At Marina; meanw h 11 e , · Corona del M._ar "'._as pulling off the shocker of the night with a come.from·bthind SS·SO win over heavily favored Victories· l l i I • I 1 I t: I . I ~ 11· ' I , ,o, 22 1J a LA QUIHTA l"O l'T I'' Tfl . I I minutes. Four first quarter goals by Monarch forward P~ t e Roberts gave Mater . De.I a quick lead, and the Mustangs never seemed to recover. Mater Dei's depth took Its loll of Costa Mesa, with Roberts recording 14 poinl!, Tony Bomkanp, 13. and Tom Mc~fenamln, 10 tallies. Center Bob Austin was high- point man for Costa Mesa with 11 points. DAIL.'r Pl\.OT llltf "flltol · Newport Harbor. '""'" ed I A!IOlrtw• I I 5 I' • • .., L •• Wilson Ford stay n con-i~.S;!11r ~ i i 1 1t11'ICllO Al•mH• • 1 tentlon for the Costa Meia Se1~v 1 • J 1 · -tl~r:~ .. t11. !· I -1 0pen~mtet&ll-'-lh -e~Alf" e'.!r' J t ~ lr.:..=•lf.rtror s l l Wednisday night wl~ a 97·71 Morrl• • o I 2.,..., Grow : 1 l win over Luc"ky's at Orange K~~1~• J 11 11 l. ! v~~ IM_'_ ' 4 Coasl~,.,A1lege.-· -~--Mtrlnl ''"' _, QU~"I u 1"-" .lt ~:1:f"'~1n Vt lll'I' -.l ,-, ' ......,. L• Qu!nlt If 1 14 1J-..tl.f • L• Qulnll 1 1 1 Victory move, Wilson into a w~JTM1N1T111,01",'r ,, r• eo1s1 Gr•nll• • • • 4·2 mark behind J e a 1 u e Ncwl!Ouu 1 0 0 11 ~1arina had its hands full leading Woody's Wharf (5-00CC). :::: ~ t : 1t l ,,.ith La Quinta before edging In other action al H1w1tr • ' t t: the A:itecs, e&~. I n if Wednesday, Dougla! beat ~~r:nc1on ,: 1 j J Westminster routed 8 0 ts a winless Bill Barry Pontiac, 61· ~=k f I j 11. Grande, 89-53, _to 1'0Und nut 53. °'fed~ ~ ~ 12 ,#: Estancia breezed to its si1th league win against Sad· dleback. The Eagles were always able to increase their wide lead at will. SNAGG ING REBOUND -J efl Goelilz of Corona del Mar seems a little surprised himself as he brings down a one-handed rebound in summer basketball . action against Newport. Watching. the action -.are teammate Afark Grigsby . (50) and Denny Bean of Newport. Corona pulled off a stunning up set, trip.. ping the Tars. 5_3-50. Je11gue host!lltlet at Marina Tom Read led ·Lucky 's with 10LsA o•AHo"d'f.1,. "'" ,.,. High. 27 points but il wasn 't near e 1n• ' 1 2 'l ·~··h lo off•"'t the scoring 'w',',','' '• • ', 'r Rancho's Cal Graham (20), ~~-..... 1 •·•·~e 9! w:,--n. ---!~!'!. 2, •, 'j Jim Anderson (17) and Blil -·.... _u.:.u --- Sell (l7) were the big scofing Wilson received do u b I e • ~~~" f l 'J Skip Williams (16), Mike Hays (12), and Gary Orgill (lZ) all finished in double -:. -ligurts-forEstancia. With only two games re- maining in the league before the tournament p I a y o f f s , Buena Park, with a 7·1 mark. 1till retains a slim lead over Baseball Standings E~tancia, which holds a 6·2 l\'ATIONAL LEAGUE record. J East Division ISTAHtlA r .. 1 Won Los t Pct. GB r:o flT "'" ,.,. icago 53 33 .616 ~~':,. : : : ~ ew York 47 35 .573 4 w111 i..m1 7 2 J 1• ittsburgh 42 43 .494 JOlh ~~:UflMHY ~ : ; l~ St. Louis 43 45 .489 JJ 0r1111 $ ' ' n Philade:lphia 37 ,45 .446 14 Lh ~:f!': i : ~ ~ i\1ontreal 26 59 .306 261h ,.~_, l 1 o 1 We.st Dlvi1ion ~=~on ~ ! ~ ! Los Angeles 49 35 .5&'1 To1111 ,, 1 i• '4 Atlanta SO 37 .575 ·~ IADPLll ACIC nu LIP•kl '"'""' ~. Ttvlet .,,, '"-1Kt1'1 "· T1y1or S1Mllv1r Tol1l1 trG 'T ,., T" 4 0 I I I 1 I 4 I S l S 0 0 , t 1 Q ] 1 I l 1 ! 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 f!OllM kw• •v O~rt1f'1, i:1tt11Cl1 11 n u 17--6-1 S11Sd1ei..c• 4 5 6 t--:J6 MA.Tiit Dll Utl ltob9rh Kt"""'' ........ MtrMlll Ulf l omk1m1> l(llry Mc.Min.mi n • Toltll l'O "T "" Tl' s • s u 1 l 1 ] ] 1 J 1 I 2 2 ' s 2 1l . ' . • ? , 10 !I ]I 16 It COSTA MESA (4\l Au1!in c.,..m., Ot.,,.,et Mtvllle 01vl1 ... -5WMtltl'Hf W1llln Dill Wtlld"I En.clJlfl' W1ll1 '""' Tol1l1 "O "T l'F T"' j J 2 11 1 a l • 1 I 1 ., ' . . ' . • ' ' ' ' • . ' . ' . ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' • • 1S ,, ' ' ' ' . ' ' . • • • • " " Sc.,. ., OVl<llt"I .... (Diii Oil !D 16 11 l~St MIJI I 11 12 1...._.I Harbour Vies With l{atella Huntington Harbour meets Katella Friday night at 6 in Anaheim Summer basebaU ac· lion al Western High after dropping a 6--l decision to Los Alamitos Wednesday . Harbour was limited to three singles by Los Alamitos pitching as it dropped its league record to 4·5. Al II. H II.II ~11r1111Y, ?b-U 1 0 I I Sl>Vbll\,ll<l 1 00 o Molh,C 1 1 1 0 ~~~r,,~ 1:1: OMl''·' 21t0 ltrt II, rt•ft f • 1 I ~r:J~b 11=1f ·r~:wr, u l I 1 : ot1Js ?1 1 I Sclt"t ..,. ln1ti11t1 Leg ion Ra tings AMllll(Alf Ll"AOIJEW L 01 Fultert: Ooc:l11•1 H I ~ t°' A "'"'" n!I An• . ' •r=~· ' ' j,., AMri. m K t ... Cincinnati 45 35 .56.1 2 s. Francisco 43 39 .552 2 Yi Houston 43 4:i .489 8 San Diel!O 29 60 .326 22'h: t .... ,,..,., llltl~llt C11la90 ,, ...... Von: ? c1~ ..... t1 " HOU•IOOI. n19"1t "1t"1:1u11111 2, MOrO!r11r l, 11 lnni"9S SI._ LD011$. ".. PhUW1tph!1 ) • At!-. ], Sin D'"'° 1 Sin f'r1nc:l1co l, Lo. ir.nvtle• O TMlln GtlMI Mat1trn1 1sr-.,..11 4-11) •I New v;~u!o~1!'e;c~-~lc:;~l)' 11 Clll· UtO {!>\!Ima 9-J) Plrtsboor!ll> (Wtl'"'r D-Q) t i $1. LOii i• tC..rll01' 1D-5l, 11!11111 Clnclnri•ll (CVIYer s-o •• Hou1•°" (Wllmlnvton J.7J. nlol!I All1nt1 (Jlrvl• ... ) 1t $111 OlfllO (ICtllfl~ '·S). 11111111 51n Frtr!CISGO (l'errv lD-1! 1! Lo. A~'H'IH !Orv1d1le 4-1). ri~ht S..IV!'iilr'I 0111111 Montre1t 1t New V...t Pllil1<1el1>lll1 t i ChktllO l'il!tbur1ll ti SI. L1111I• Clnc:inf\tl! 11 SI. LOI.Ill, nl1hl 'Atllnll 1! St n Dl~. ni11ht St n FrtMi.co ti lo. A"9t1<1!1. 111thl 5untlt Y"• G•ltlft MOtllrttl t i N~ York, 2 1'11iltc1etlll!l1 11 Clli .. 10, 1 Pfthburllll •' St. Louh, 2 Ctndnn111 11 Houiton Al!lfll• t i 54n Dlfl10 ~n Frt~KO t i LO• An•ltl .V.1ERICAN LEAGUE East Division Won Lost Pct. GB Baltimore 60 25 .706 Detroit 4S 36 .556 13 Boston 47 39 .S47 131,~ Washington 4ti 43 .517 16 New York 40 47 .460 201/i Cleveland 34 51 .400 26 We.st Division Minnesota 49 35 .583 Oakland 44 37 .543 3 1,~ Seattle 38 46 . 452 Chicago 37 47 .440 Kansas City 36 49 . .f24 California 31 52 .373 TllurMl•Y'• ll1t1Ulh Clevt ll"ll 7, Oelttil S, 11 lnni11•1 ltl!lmore J, lo•""' ' Otki.ncl n, ClllU90 2 Minnesott I, K1ns.t• Cl!v J C11Uornl• 11 SNl!lt. r11n Only 111-1 ~let! TMtY"s OtrMt t:•llforn;. lMtiMl'lmltlt Ul J I Olk· 11!IOI O<r•un1 J...t ), nlfllt Cllla10 IPt!•fl '·'l 11 K11•111 Clty !l ulltr •·'), 111tht (ftw!1nd !M<Oowe!I ID-I) ti 0.:-. tro!t (WltlOll 6.7 OI' Hiiier 2-11. nltlll Setltle tlr1bet'ldfr 1-S) 11 Mln11e9ot1 (IC1ll 7 .. l. 11l11t1 N-YOl1c ISlo!Utmvr• 12 .. ) 1t w1m1119ton !Botm11n •n, n11111 IMlon (Culp 11.. trld L1nc1l1 ••1 t t l1!1lmwt !LIOt'IMrd l ·I 1.-.I LOMl ~J), 2, IWl.,,lthl Slh!l'hr'I 0..mff C1llfor11lt ti Olli.111\0 Clllcato 11 Ktt1S11 (fly Stt!llfl ti MlnMscll Clevt1t'ld 11 o..t•oil 110.1on 11 l1lllmort. nl<t~I N~ Vorlc 11 W11~l"•'orr sunt11r1 0-•""'' C•litornlt 1t O.kl1nd. 1 C111'ctto 11 IC1nu1 CllV, 1 5et!lle 11 Mln11t1ol1, 1 Cltv•l•nd 1! Ot'tro!I. J '°''"" " ll1tll"ICl11t Hew Vort t i W11lllntron. I bos-Alamitos ~· Entries .... .., .. "'"""""""'~"""""" .................................. :: ... +et,.;"5•••···· ,,.,,. l"rlt11r. Jutv 11, 1K•-Utt1 DIT Ci.tr & l't ll. "'"' "''' 7,41 ... M. !"Ill.ST llACI. W v•rlls. ,J old1 11111 \IP 111 Gr.cjo A ,..,,, lllOO. MIOWIY Mllll1 fll l•rikt ) Dot>tr Mt:l,.1n rsrrt unl G1ll1nt Vtltr {H (r0$llY) l'rlllltr'I Mtld [I Lht,..mJ Doll "ueblo C1 A6'>1r l Pr_r...,. Glrl IP11•J F1Uc1tr 11 Smlllll Octtn Q"'"n (Vkk•rvl Bud Ev1 !llk t...rd1) Hip H111oer (C1rlla11\ AIM l"l1ti.1t G<> F'laHlf Go Cltll\llO•I ""°11o 1tock•1 (2 S"'l!1'11 C1'1•-rer II Llolltm) De1no11rt f1 A111!•1 "' "' "' "' '" "' •• "' "' "' "' '" "' '" Sl!COHD II.AC•. l!O v1rds. ) ~tr •Ids tnd ut> In Gr•~ A l'lus. ,..,, .. J!D . MIH l o" Pi!co (Wll.onl 'Money {!Ill! (2 Str1v11) Cupl4 In lt6d (llp~t"'I Otbbr'1 lt"M"I (Sll'('llfl} Fl~ ltodl.i !Ad1lr) Ctll!arnl1 Smoe (Rlc!l1r0t) Quklc!llt (H C'Olbr! J~Ulno Johnny fH1r1l Ow blt lh<111t1I (Me>rrll) Mt"tttl (1 C1tllOll\ Al11 l:llt l-lt Siient Ground C2 C1rd<l11I Pu,.... Grtblttr (1 $1r.u~I) C•I'• On ~ck (7 H Crctlby\ C111!orn Cullf !Rllcv) '" "' '" "' "' '" "' "' '" "' "' '" "' '" lHlllD 11.ACl. 5'9 v1rd•. l ~~' "ldl In.cl \10. A!lOWl~I. l'Urlt 11600. So·rt Blue (Wrl9~1l Ill Wiiiow ll•'lllNI !Mc ltevna\111\ 11' C1tcll PKk (Llp#\1m) 11~ LumlN•Y (Ktl'll) 116 O-ruu1 l or (Smlllll 114 lr1n LIM {5.lnc~cl) lXI M.,.,11 Dlt l fSlloM I 110 '0UltTH II.AC•. ]~ y1rd1. Old\ Ind UP In Gr•dt AA l'Ur'le lltoO. Olt l lrtl'ldY Ill Btnli.•J Go Go E11lt 11 AOllr) Mr. Olo Tort (!mlllll llOYtl TIPPf'! {Wl!ion1 1(1rtn l ocket (1 LIDlotml ldlt Ol1"r (H Crmby) l'm l1rlo r••"! Cllllltr (SltH) Wiit• Luck ISlrtunJ l't1h' 1 1111 le\I '" "' •n '" "' '" "' "' "' "' "'" 11111-11 Dlf1lfV Moo\111 U Llph1mJ ~ttler &<ill rDr1v1rl Qtlllc Ml• Wtnn (Morrlo) Wi'I" R"Unl (1 411tlr) ' "' "' "' "' "1"TH llA(I, ... Yl rctll. ) Y•I• olds _..,, u• Ill GrtOI AA 1'1111 br9d 111 C1t11.,,.,,i1. flurs. U lDll. Hr RHuttl Clrlllltlty) 117 OrP11111-Liii IK111!1l llS Hr<fflll'I Giiie IAdtlrJ 11) SI"' Afld Go !Ct<$1} llJ OrlU (M<l•'fl'Cl~I 11' Tn..tlr'I lout tLll>Nr"'J \2l ~llor's Nltlll !S'1"1ithl 111 Gtbbl"I Bay (lllc~.r4ll lH SeYtn S.-S (H C .. lbY) 111 SIXTH .ACI~ v1r"9. ) W!l r olOt t nd u. 111 Grtd. AAA Mlnu1. ... , .. suet. Set Hvml'll {Ill 111'1111) Lltllt T-/Mtln M'dftlthl Note (l lcll.ol'lll) TIOV Go !C1rdol1! llg)lllll"!ll lllc!9t (Htr!J E~ IL!ollt,,.1 W1tdl EU !CrC111lly) '" '" "' "' "' '" '" SllV•NTN llACll. VtlML& Sr. tour<• -f10 Yt .. I. l ¥11' .,;d1 tl>d Uf , Al· low1nce1. Tiie l'A"-"ur141 MOOO. Mr. "-•1on.an1y 1Mwr111 111 ••~'I ·1~u~11 ILIPtlt m) 111 , l lOtobY Chtr•er !A•Odteal Jlml'l"O!'t' Jr. (I 1-nk1l lull ltt1lu1 !H (rolllY) Merclno (4d•t•l 11GK"!'H llACI. l 'O r1rd•. ' "kl•. Allow1nc11. The _JDlonnr """' $6000. lllc1'1 G OI~ fllC~or61) J1tu1r llttktl {H C101by) lttd Cllltleer ltr CMoN'l!l l11$dt'S l(k11>U (l rlllkltY) Nuttier .. P'lt!l'ler !Adtlrl Count Cl1r1n (ft ltnk•l l't!I C..rln' tH1t1) ,., "' '" '" '" "' "' "' '" "' "' NINTH llACI. Ve11tll Sr. Court ... 11' r 1rd1. 3 .,,.,, tWt 1Pltl uo. Clllm- 1'". l'11rw tltoll. Clllrn111t ,rlCt IUOO. S-4 A Lee !Clrdo>.11) 117 aonll•'• ,,..,.,. !Morrlt) us ,.,_,...... Deny 11S C•sll 1.-(Wrltllll 1n 1111'1 lte<111esl Ill links) 111 Nidtl Del 1hlr fL1-fltm) 111 Gokjen l'vtblo (l'IM) 117 111""1' Bir Let !Alltlrl 116 AIM l ll1i.11 Vlt lo "ueb!t 0Wrl) Sir W1r ltm (ltldl1rd1) "' '" o......., . ..,....,....,....,,..,...,,,,.,.mr;..,,,,..,...,,.."""~ Race Results TlllH'••tv. Jwl'f 11. 1fff Cit• & l't•I ,.,.ST llACI. uo Yt •d•. M1\llen ' Vttr ol6J. (lt iml"". l'une 11600. Mt, Ml (H Cn11bvl 1.)0 2.ae 1.ae T!\f: Woo fMorr\1) J.411 3.l'O l't1111m lleouest (Wtbonl JM Tlme-11 6/10. Al.o 11,._Sur1in G•t ct. Miit l'fl!l!y Pel, ZIPll'in l1r, Mtno !'""· Tri.le •~• Tom. °"" l1r'1 Cn1'"' l•••k !o ••• kr1t¢1'llO-Klc1~ Jaor Jukt, llt¥11 Ol0t Mr. BrtlCtdor. lndll~ lltcu!I. SICOHD llACI. :HO y1rcls. J ,t1r ollh ind Ut> In Grlde A Mlflllt. "11ru SlllDO. Ur1elt i:tt111r f5t•111n! n.4'G '-" J.60 Sir l !lll'ICr\ff ICttffzt! 6.at l.tO Otr!llv l1r ROie (II 11111!1) J.fO Tl-11 1110. A!•o lt.,,._llocllln ltr MOntt, fl'enn.,. ChtrtWr. Min l•r Fly, Bot>bv Dt Lu••· H•~.,1~" 11, 11vco Otolfr", Mon!fr~v Gv,tv. Scr1lclltd--Clllc1ro G11Pltl, Old !1'1u•, Miu Al1ml101, Vt ll•"' l'rlllCeH. NIGHTLY DOUILl!-1-Mr. Ml & t · Un"• ,,,.,._ "'•Ill IJ'·"· THllD II.ACE. l"' Ytrds. M•lokn 2 v••r olck bred '" C1IH. l'u"' l lllDO. Deck P•~ l!t ltnkll ll.14 J,IC 3.20 Mr. L111!9 Didi llrl,._!trl Go C1ec11 Go rw.rrlu r1,,__11 s11e. 10 "° • . .a '·" 4llO !tin -Cl'lollt I •"· lt•ll~"' Oueen, !lltffle f'11, Klo!v'• $,...., kr1rcr..-C1llfcMl1 S•""" ,GUITH 11.l(I. ue ,,,,,.,. l rt•• ftlcls .....i .., IA Grlllt I ""u•. '"'" 11500. HC'Tlmb..I ~· !O Btnlt.O S•crtl Glnotr (l r!llltleVJ Tito D1n.dl' (II. 11111111 Tl-n 111e. ,_ .. ,_ ... J,,. 7.lO '·'° .. ~ Alie R1,._l11dtftlde Mete hell. Flylflt Slr•w, Olr'I ICnr, Tt"'mv llovtl, Betll T-, How1rd Gi1Hr. krl'<lled -'rvni""fll. ln..tct's J•I l 1r, LICIP Gin Gin, Mlllt h M111le. fll,TH IACll. ,,. y1rd1. 1 ve1r olds. Clllml"". ,11ne lllOO. Jo l11•1"1S1 fl lthtrtl') s,:io J 16 , ... Mf. M1rt (lllltvl ,,ft J." "•uum Deck {W11ton) t .lt Tlme--11 5110. Alt0 R1 n-LortlT1 t.orlc, Cl" fl•r ?t"t. Sl!Oited Dc~ll~ Mr. Cueld, Cl· ''""" 2. No lCr1tCfle1. SIXTH IACf. « v•<dl. l vtlr lids ••·• 1111 I" Gtt tl• . .\ l'lu1. "u"~ 111(111. llt1I (h1rttr (MtlludlJ '·"° '·'° t.Dll llonlfloh 1110 CA••lrl 'Of .!." Tr111 Clft Flv ILl!lll1m1 •.It Tlme-M •!It. ~~ A11rt l'Hr-I:' • •• NATKlNAL I :f 1: LIAOt.11 W L el Deep Sea Fish Report Scrtltllt~ot Gullty, Grltcll, C..I\. le>r..i1 5,,,..., l'rwt,..rou1 Glrl. l'I•, .... llVI NTM ltACI. 251 r1r0!. l ~'' .iot ttMI ~ Cll1rnl""-,..,, .. lllOI. A1111::1: HtfPrlNI 'I l f ,. ... lwl -~ ~-a~:: .. i l i" ~(~h ...... t llrr i .I. -t: -. Laker Clinic The Los Angeles Lakers Will hold a basketball clinic at the Stars store In South COsta Plau Saturday, Aug. 2 at t :30 1.m. NIWP'OltT (Arri &.i'!MllH~ •~ t ltr1: 11 bt~1: SM 11orilt.., tU 11111, J htllbul. fDI..,.. t. .... >-»t 1,,.let'•: ... lloOt!lflt, IMI bnt. ,., .. ,.. r.CVM, J i.1111111. llAL llACH-112 '"'"": 1J .. ,.. rtclllki, MS borttto. f20 llnd b•n, JI ll•llllul. °"' •• ,..., ff t"91t•a: u btrrl<Udl. * blrlllflt, 25 1111t1 1>11 .. JI mld.trel. MUNTIJllOTON lllACH-1' 111111ot•': JC! f>lf'l"Kudl. 1• Wlit.. HO ll11i. 0... ••~t. l.I ,,,.ltrt: ut -:10. m "'''• 3 htt!but, 1 wl!J1c ... twn. IAN CLllMt!NTl--105 t"911": N1 blu, ..,, bofol'11, 2l btrr1c1H11. 1 ""'llw 111 bin . IAN Dlf.0 (Myfllcjp1I l'llt"}-l!J IAtlerst 11' •IMCe!'"f. l:t billll.. I lltlfllul, 25 lllrrK\1111. 40 roe:" cod. :rll ••"" tlttl. LONG 1.f:ACN fl tlmot1I l'llr) -7l • ,,.,..._: 71 ... """'"' 111 11.tn, '4S btlllle. l lltllt>ul. Ollt ...... S1 ..... """' n 11n1, "' ..,.,..._ t7 mildltrTI. '"'""'911tt Uftllflt) -24' .... ,.,.., ,. HITt<l/OI. IAIS t>lu, I09 bonllo. 11 rod! cotl. C .. Klfk ......,,ltfilllt>-"I» •11el«1: ' ytllOWl1H, I 11!.U Mt Utt.. H i..NIC\Hll, • 1111~1, 1,\1), Cllltl bl11, )fJ beo'llhl. OCIANll • .__ 1"9ltn: U1 Mrtl· cw41, 111:1 llH, 1.bl M!ol .. , I wlllM 111 blu. 1 nllowt•'~ t• Nllkt. H•llMO\A •IACH-U '"''-": ,,. "'-••· 1 btitrKlldt, .. Mflffti, I IMllM.lt. ltlDONDG llACH-ln IAtltrs: ' 'HtlloWl1ll, II blrrlCIMfl, J h1l!bvl, l~•I lltn. UI bonito, T-l1rM1. t1 .... 1rr1: !ti b1H, $32 bonito, ' 1\41flfllll, • ., roc:k cod. .. AllAOlla COVl-41 1n1Je>r1: 511 ci llcn 11•1., •I lleflltt. .1• ~1llltul, I! b1rr1c1H11 • L..,....llW fSmMtl JM t.M T.tl "Kiii •• , !C.rdlll ) ) ... , ... Cw Ot<-11: fPlft) I.• Tll'M-lt 1111. lft KrtlCl'ltt- •l•MTH llACI. 1111 r•'*-l r'tl• tlds Ind ""' Ill Grffe AA MJnu,. Tri. ir.llMl'llbt•. ~ ..... Intl .J"i<MtUl'I (1(.111!•1 J.00 ).It J.M lll'Old Alltft !A•Hlrl t•.11 110 S«rff TOMI fClr"°UI t.tt Tlrnt-M tilt. k,.ltlltd -Mt•i. C~ll Tto. ldlt Olff9r, Vt...,. Olr l, t1rkllt\ftl. NOl'TN ltACI. V"'llt St. CourM- 111 r1rti, J YI!•• tldl 11111 u~. Clll~ lllt. "lll''t-... . ln'lt M\Cktv !It 1•1111'1 1,IO ).It 1.61 F-•f'lll &ttlttT fttrdoitl 4.00 2.lt unci. srutty fll.n.tmJ t • T~1 n11, guns in the feature tilt of the firre scor~'-~rom !1 x ~r~ i l f "~ . evening. -'-P eyers, Y T 0 m ~ro111• -d 1> 11 • Huntinjton, despite trailing PetU!On's 2.1. we11m1t11~~· " OM-3V1ll ,...., by as many as nine. in the se-. wtLSON ~Q t•n 1111.. u 11 1 1~ "' COOd period, battled back IO ·O. n Oii • .____..;~~--·-.,-~'--'!.:...~i'fl..; ~r· ,- take the lead at the half and ~=~ t l l ll ::~~";; l i •l ' · maintained a 58·57 miraln r~i:,,_-: f I H ~~t~~ ~ l \ • with 4:29 to go In the game. 1un;•c 1 o,• : 1: i~:'.; ~ ~ ·· However, tl)i Oilers· were C~~ i 1 n "'t'r 11 11 ,I 21 not to Score .g.i-uni•'! 3l Tl!•ls ' ~~ ' u '' 0 I 0 All011' Ctlt0V" ,,.., " LUCKY I !l~O PT '" T" 1'0 r:T r tr T~~-secondS remained, and by that 11; Mi11c•Dit , D 1 u Run ' • 4 > 12 •• time the winners had clinched tclM ' 2 t u i:r:.:_11 ,, f ~ ..t it with a 66-5& lead. ~iiincetio 1? l i l? ~~~~ i 1 f ij· ... Shields- liits 6-9· In Meet Jim Harrell (22) was high ~:~":.fer f ~ l ~ ~\!W,.S ! f ! }~ Don Shields of Golden West for Huntington in a losing ~~~;1• l g i j Mt~~:"1t l' 16 17 ~, College highlighted the Co!ta cause. G~'"''°" ~ ; 1J 11 FV 11"'' •1 ow~'i"ro1 11 1'-st ii M e 1 a R e c re 1 t i 0 n Corona de\ Mar, down by 10 H~'~Pi.... _,.., w11.on tl. LldY'r GG 21 l t 11 ,..._... In the third quarter, batUed "· DOUGLAI !Ill l!DllDN (4'i. l'T '" ,.,.-Department's aJl..comers track back lo tie il at fl.ta with 3:23 Fa 'T ""Tl' A•ui 1 1 ' ~ and Held meet at Costa Mesa tt•lllH 1 I l J; 5-:111"11 1 • ' to go, then utilized its patentt.d ~1;:\'lt'' 3 3 I , "~~·r 50' !' •,' 1 1 High Thursday evening with a stall and added a three·point gr.::,u,i11 ~ l l ~ ~.~, • , 1 1 leap of 6-9 In the high jump. play by Mark Grigsby and two k~er i ~ j 'l ~~~ J i l 1 Other top efforts came in clutch free throws by Don Tot11t 11 ' 1 •1 Tot111 u '' u • l lLL 1.-1tAY VILLA .. All K IMI •1 lhe distance events with Keith Killian to stymie NeW'port. "'oNttAc ui~ l'T "'" T"' l'O ..-e "" ,."' Newport's rebounding and 4 1 ' ' ~~r~: ~ f I lj Strodle of Santa Ana selling a scoring strength wu nulllfled ~~•11se" it ~ l J ~r,:~. f f ; meet ttcord in the cros.'J coun-by Corona de! Mar's pressure ~,., t ~ ~ 'l ~~1 ~ : ; ~· try race with a clocking of defense and the absence (lf Lll11v 1 o 2 ' wc11• l • o ~ > >jl•Tottlt 1'Htl · 18:1K.7.~ center Lee Have.n,_wbo'J_QUl 1r,r.t 11 10 " k.,.. '' ev.r11r1 H 1111 1«11'1: Oowlt' lt, Pontilc · Edison · '1• • f::::::: Don Cherry of Canada step-,_:ol~a:c:U:°"::..:w:i:lh~a:n:.::ioj~u:r:ed:..:b:•:ck:"~~"~· '-------------""="':.c."=~'---~'~'~"~'~'~'""''-"'-~ ped off an I: IJ.O mile walk. Tar Poloists Nip Troy, ~5 Unde.fe1ttd Newport Harbor Hl&h won Ill third stral&hl Costa Mesa Recutlon water polo lilt Wednesday niaht at Estancia Hllh -Scbool with a narrow 1-5 verdict over Troy. Host Estancia made It two In a nw; wldf an wy lS.I romp over Bolsa Grande . Fountain Valley n Ip p e d ec.ta· Mes,. M , and-Garden Grove rougtied up La Quinta. 16-2, In other action. ' ItS an Old Forester.~·; kind of The gleam in their eyestells the srory, What's ahead? A toast to happiness with the good fl avor of a grear Kentucky Bourbon. 86proof. $6.19' fifth •i-!111 II' ., . ' ' . • ' • ' '"11' ·u. '· .. , •j t ;, ' .. " Save 10% .,heft -.:.._ f you buy by th' ct.SC. ~ -n -.A1 U °' 100 PfOO.f "I.bu~ h l}(l.lhinJ ~t« in 1hc m~rkt1:• ~ ',, fl"11KU Uh•f~I tOIJllOll 'll"U'l1oII,_..,.1M Pttw t<illUI 111 ttlll• tlOifN.f'OI-l1llll~UI Ctlll'OIU•Oll • 11 lOU!ftU.U t• •Ulllllft e ~,.. • Im " I l I l f l l ' . • -----:c-·------------.------:---::--:---..,--~--,----------·-· .. ..-~~~~?~-,-·~-,--:---,-------~- -""~"'"· • l f o.111. V PILOT LEGAL NO'nCE p.JitU Cl!ll.Tl,.IC•T'!! Ill' COltl'Olt"T!Olf P"Olt TRANSACTION 01" a USINESS UNOtilt l"ICTITIOUS NAME 'ntE UNDEA:510NEO CORPOllATION lilln ~ r;:ertl!Y Ill.II n II conduClll'!9 • i..tauranl •~cl c..0.1111 b•• tlln;IM.s•I uteot 11 ms E••' cuu Hl1hw1y,, ~Mt,,.,.,, C1!!to•"la •rdu !M f1c·1 "'°"' '""" "-of CHAALES SISTROI .... "''' i.-111 firm II CO!TllMl!H er! tllt ~i-illt c°"'°ral!Gr>. -· ~tncl ... I .... of bu1lneH II '' follows: G a. H RESTAUltANlS. !NC., 131$1 Eail Coa1I Hlt hway, Co•ooa. do!l ,Mlf, Ciilf'llm!a. WITNESS I~ h1fld 11111 71111 d1y of June. "'· (; ' H 11.ESTAUllANTS. INC I Geo<V't' c. Htlnrlc~. Pre•l<ltnl I MloN H1ide-n. Vice PrPSIMn! li;ll'l•llnll"" P. ~...-. Se<r~•rv· Tr~11urtr TATE OF C"LIFOllN I'°' I .QUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ' " I ON THIS Ult\ ~., of Juno, A.O .. lff•. tfo .. mt. Matlf (IW'l'fr. • NOll•Y1 'llbllt 111 and lo• laid COUlllY Ind Sl1le.1 !1-llllllt ttwreln. <lwlY t11mml111«>1!<1 •rid •om, ite•'°n1Hv 1ppt1rircl ~0111e C. I le!Mcl'I, Mirr Htklt'n ind KonlUnl!~e P, ·-" trwrwn to "'* lo IN! trlt P rtiidetil. q 1rnicltnl •"" wtret1rv·tre1wrer Ill .... eor-1!10t1 1'1111 t•KVlocl !Ne w\lflh1 •tr\llntftl Of' l!ell•H ct !Ne corDOrlllcn lllf'eln ... ~. IO'ld l t-r>OWlf!Clt'eCI 1(1 rnf !lel """' _._,1 .... t•KU!l'cl IM wmt, IN WITNESS WHEltEOF, I l'lt VP ·••-lo HI my ~ """ 1111.eo my ot. ·cl•I ... r lt>e div 1..0 veer In thl1 1t1ll1c:1"9 flr1t 1bavt .... 11ten. Ol'FICl.\L SEALl ,,.,..1e , • .....,.. No11rv Put1Uc.(1!l!o•nl1 Prlnd1>1I ornce In Lfll Aflftlci CounTy My CommlHOorl l•POffl Nov. n. Ifft ,.ulllill'led O!'t~ Co.11 Otltr PilOt. ''"' 21, 1H10 July I, 11, 11, IH' lilUt LEGAL NOTICE __ ..:._-'---=-c=-----I ,..,, I NOTICE 01' I.I.LI! 01 ltl!AL ,.IOPEllTY AT l'llVATE lJILf NI. A•J"1l JTATI! OF CALll'OltltlA Ill ANO l'Olt I 1'MI! COUNTY Of' OltANGf In !ht Mallet o1 1M E1!1lt of .\NGELll ~. OYl1ARZA&AL. ~·tH. I Notlct l• ~,...., t i""' 11'111 IM I.If'. 'tnltnecl wlU wll 11 ..,1v1te wit, to 1M '"'"t '"" bP.•I bld<Mt, 1ubltcl lo ton· imal!Ofo GI Nl<I SUl>l•lor COl>l'I on or I ,.,... IM 7111 d&y at Julv. 1'6t, 11 !M of· Co' or NAGEL. REGllN & OllVIOWN, 1 111 Nor!h Main Slraef, SUltt $10. S#tn!I "'' Ctllfo<t1i1, ,..,..,.,. of Or111te. Stt1e (10fom11. all IM rJtl!I, ll!lt '"" !n , fftl o1 N iii com.,..atH, lft -lo •ll1 " c.rtain ttll ,.,_...., 1ltul11 In lhc 1tv ol S.nt1 Ant. c_,tr or Or•-· a lt: qt C1lffornl1, •••llcwl•tlY ott<-•I"", 1k>1-.,-11· T~ E•sle•I• recllnt11l1r on-."11! 01 f!!t Mllowl"': Comm....:l"' It t 1tOlnl ~n !H! WCIO'll'll'rlv !IM ol l'r11!t Slff'fl a! !"~ E~rl'I' comw• "' Loi 1'. 8 111<-E ot F~UIT AOOITtON 10 SIMI An1. £1,11 .. .-., on 1 MN •«o•<I"" !~ atia11 J, -, .. ol Mltc:tU..-. ll~orct1 01 LOI "-"" (-tr. (tlllornlt . t'ICI ,_ .... rMnet N«fl'IW!olterlw' 110M ll'lf' ~Iv liclel of Leh ,,. 11 '"" u O' .. If l iott .• 1)1 llltf '' Nlll'IP>erlv CO•.,., ti 111d Loi 1J, lht!KI Nort ... 11ltrtY t• Ille SQlr!l,.<t' II"' or LOI 11 Ir "fid •IDCk · 100 ,..,, ~ ~ ..... ·~"''" '"'''""' wJlll llrjl (Olffll ltJ IHI to I 1110inf o1 lllt No.rltlerl'I' !!"4' ol M id Fruit ,.,._, ... l!leflcf Sollftlwft11!1'1¥ 100 ITfl .. "" ,..1n1 or bttlnfl!nf . ..,... ~Iv ,,_,, n Alt F'rwit S!...t, SINttt M t , (tllfOO'~lt. T-.. 11lf ulll In .. wtul """'"' OI "'• U~tt.d Sit!" .,. Clllflfl""'l!on o! Mil. ~ Q01 ...,.11 te e. .,..1tH wlll'I bk! II* • 9ffe'"I '9 bt lf'I 'l'T'ltlM -.. II 'r ~ t i IM ~ic ·offl(f ti '"' -.,,_ IN nrst .v1111c1t\ofl "''""' '"" I ...... <Ille .. H it. D11tf 11111 ttl'I fll' ef Julv. lt+t DAVID S. HIGUl ltA -~-.......... -.,,...lfdlM d .. 111 ANGllA D. O'l'HA,Jll:AU.L ,. .. t:L ltt:OAM I OA\'IDtO• ........ c. ........ ,........,.. at Law 't1W'1L -........ ''"' tit •• AM. Ct tlf. ftJll I --· 111..m ~ Or•~M c:..111 01nv ""' , .. 11. ''· '"' i-+1o•.1 IJllt.fil II rrld.,, Ju~ 11, lt6t Dt·ive to Market - Smog Device Due Family M'eek.{y Neil Armstrong: He Thrives on Bunger A biographical sketch revea ling gerous experiences of th e futur e the moon . ALSO various don- first man on • FUN 'SCHOOL' -Noted cducalion \~ritcr Vir· ginia Warren says vacation travel can be planned to boost yo ur child 's IQ and knov.1ledge. e ABOUT THAT OSCAR -Cliff Robertson gives a direct answer lo a direct question: did he really \vin his Oscar or was it the result of clever ad · vertising? e PEARLS, AGA IN -Familv \Veeklv fashion Fe~· lure says pearls are "i n" ai?ain because fen1ininc clothes are gelling feminine-again. All Coming S1lurday • IR lhe ·-----------~-~-· ' OVER THE COUNTER_ Complete-o-New York Stock List FORO MANAGER Rob•rt Heu1s1r Dealersltlp I Ii I I I Friday's Closing. I· -. Prices -C.Omplete New York Stocks End Mixed Afte1· Rocky W eel\: NEW YORK (UPJ)-The stock market turned mixed \od ay to cap one o! its Jnost discouraging weeks ln months The UP1 stock rnarkei 1nd1calor \Vas up by the.... barest of margins, O 01 percent on 1 542 issues traded lss ues on the upsid e outsco red those on the downslde 654 to 624 Do\v Jones Indu.rtrial average finished higher but belo\v the day's best level President Nlxon s seconding of a proposal by Saigon for open national elect1ons helped market sentiment early 1n the sesSJon The proposal later \vas denounced by the Viet Cong Bargam hunting also provided the market ~ome support A market feature on the upside \Yas B F Goodrtch A federal ;udge at Chicago issued a rul· 1ng ln eflect giving 'Northwest Industries the legal right of \vay to n1ake an exchange ofler for Good- rich shares Northwest showed no marked reaction to the news:- U S Steel Bethlehem, Repubhc and Armco helped keep their group f1nn Chrysler was on the plus side most of the 1s~ss1on among the autos It fell 5 Thursday am id news of its cutback in capital spending The company said today it ha s shelved plans to hire add 1t1onal employes ' Frld;q, JulY 11, 1969 H Stock Exchange List , OAl(Y ,11.0T J7 u _, . _, --· --~ "'-'! -·~ "" -. -·~ ..... •Ito -" "" + " 1•" ... "" ,.._ .. 21\\ + ~ .. Ul<o -\oii Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List 12 10>'6 101\.\ 111'2" -" JtOIOIO ] 7,,,. 11>.I 1~\j, ""!" 1 i1s ns us - 11 106 111'2 '°' .;. ll 7~ 7~\lt 1t -+I. 1 n11n ' d lGI 101 101 + .... 111..\ 11 '~~ + 'tl lot' 10~ 1119 . -" "Ii> '°"' 11(1\o'J -"'-,, 1111~ 101 1~1 ~ 111JI 116 U~ -• ?lo\ 21• 114 _, u ''"" :l" ••Ao + v ~ ... _\ I '"" 61 ti -TM Auoc:l.t9111 ~ ... "ff I I ,. I ·-· -· ----------------------------------------·-------- JI OAllV "l OT Frldoy, Ju~ ll, 1'16\ -'} • \ ,J ' ' D,lillY ,ILOT ll•n l'MNI She Asked Andy Eleven-year-old Patti St ubban of 17592 Wright wood Drive, Huntington Beach, examines the \Vor ld Book Encytjopedia set she won for her qflestion on 1--~monsoonsin t1Je UAILY PILOT's Ask Andy.<:olumn. Patti'& question was answered in the JulY. 5 edition. FBI Director Hits Gifts to 'New Left' • WASHINGTON (UP I) -has been active in new left FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover activities." reports tilt coffers of "new Also, he said. "a wealthY - New York lecturer and writer left" organizations such as who for years has bttJ1 link- Studeots for a Democratic ed to more than a score of .. 1;oeiety -(SOS} "are being-en-Commtilll.St-lrOnfoi"gaiiizati{;M -· ~ riched by wealthy Americans. and has contributed liberally ~d·-;AJ1h0llgh the majority,,_of ..:-~ .... ~-oi..&~ J~-­ gH'ts are In the $10 to $50 viduals alone have conlrlb. range, wealthy benefactors uted more than $100,000 in· who have acquired their for· suppOrt of new .Jen activi· tunes in the United" States ties." have contributed substantial Hoover said the new left amounts in support" of the new alsli had received money left movement and in support from several foundations in- oC the activities oI the SOS in eluding "a very prominent pirticular," Hoovtt said. foundation in New York" He ga ve a detailed run-which · he said cont ributed down of sueh contributors-more than a quarter of a without ever naming the in-ll]illion dollars from 1961 to divlduals-in testimony to the 1968 to ind iv id u a Is and House Appropriations sub-groups. cammitttee April 17. Jt wa.s Most of the reeipients. he made public :.tonday. said, "have been identified as Incl uded among the con-either present or past mem- --tributon,-Hoover sai<t;-""are--berri>r-sympathtzersor-th~ a Cleveland industrialist who Communist Party-U.S.A.1 or has long been a Soviet a polo-new left movement." gist; the wife ol an attorney He estimated that ne8rly 60 in Chlcago·who is a million-percent of SDS funds came aire: an heiress in the New from contributions and much England area who is married oC the nationwide travel by to an individual prominent in prominent new left leaders is the academic community who paid for by honorariums paid· lo them, "generally out of Pop Sin"e1·'s " Condition OK · SYDNEY, Aust ralia (UP l)- St. Vincent's Hospital said to- day the condition of Marianne Faithfull. 22, British pop singer and girlfriend or Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones, has stabilized. li-tiss Faithful was hospitaliz- ed Wednesday for what the hospital said was exhaustiQn. Unofficial sources at the hospital said she v.·as treated for an overdo s e of b a r b i tu r a le s. Hospital authorities declined to com· ment on the reports. Goldberg Leads Vi sit to USS R UNITED NAT IONS fUPIJ -Arthur J. Goldberg. former U.S. ambassador and Supreme Court justice, will lead a four- man delegalion of lhe United Nations Association on a vlsi l to the Soviet Union this month, It was announced. student fund!!, for lheir guest appea rances on college cam- puses.'' Funds for new left anti- draft activity,_ Hoover said, al so have been supplied by organizations such as "Re- sist." a Cambridge, Mass., group of professors, writers, ministers and others opposed to the Vietnam war. '"Demonstrations are fre- quently financed by fund - raising and collections," Hoo- ver said, "For example more than $25.000 was collected from participanls and spec- tators by lhe organizing Ctlm· millee daring the march on the Pentagon in 1967." Hoover described the new left movement "as a firmly established subversive forct dedicated to the complete de- struction of our traditional democratic values and the principles of free govern- ment." He said it represents "the militant, nihilistic and anarch· istic forces which have be- come entrenched. for the 1nost part, on CQllege cam- pu ses and which threaten the orderly process of educa- 1 ion as the forerunner of a more determined effort to de- stroy our economic, social, and political structures.·• ........................................................ ; i YOUR PROBLEM: -i : You w•nt to NII some item : ! that you no lon99r need but : l •om.one else c1n use for • • N.OT OVER $50 i ! ?????? i i YOUR ANSWER: -: i You cell THE DAILY PILOT, esk for : i Cl1plfied Advertising, ind pl1c1 1 : : PILOT : • 3 •• • • PENNY i PINCHER ClASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE L-1 NE S 2 TIMES 2 D 0 L l AR S AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-56 .78 • • • • : • i ~ • • • • • • • • ~ .................................................. : l •• • r i I ! ' J. . ~ t ! • ' ' All Mar eo stores will ciose-•t 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 1), for In.-mtory I ---. . ' ' ~ 'j ' l t ,. Sale ' . .. ·. . f.f'", •• ; i ~ :"· ; < ! . ·-: l\1aybrookc two-pan t tropical suits made of Dacron® and wool • -' l"his lig ht••eight tropic.ii "'ill not "''ilt with the heat. Dacronll polyester adds .its "''tinkle-shed- ding pro.,.,•ess to long -wearing .,.,-ool and · that".s a combination that".s hard to beat , especially at thcSt savings. Oloosc ha.nd:sotnc pla id or solid. r<gularly 8).00 69.00 • • • • permanent pressed pants in a lig ht hopsack weave 111cy shed wrinkle} _!S,_ c~lt: as they shcrl th e heat. Styled with top'..podccts, extension waist. Many coiors. }O to <40. reg. 16.00 12.99 ~ .. men · s no-rron dress shirts from a top manufa cturer Cool short-sl eev e styles in a choice of bold •tripes, 10J.ids or white, Select but· ton-d(,)Wn or •pread collars. 3 /or 10.50 , reg. l .0\)·6.00 3.59 , men 's furnishings 6 discontinued style shoes fro m a famous maker Cl as.sic ity!c.s in discontinued designs for casu al :rnd drc.s.s ..,·ear at grca.t .sav- i n8~· Sorry, no ma.ii ·or phon~ orders. reg. 16.CJ0.17.00 12.99 men · .s shoes 60 0 I mey co 1outh eoest pleze , 1en diego fwy et bristol , coste mue; shop mondey throug-h seturdey I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m ~ • • • famous maker's short slee ve spo rt no· iron shirts !o-swnm~r. classic f~on:ifort and g_ood looks. Button-d~wn or spread coll ars. S to XL,. Stripes, aolid colors or whites. reg. l.00-6.00 3.99 men· .s .sportswear 84 it's a kn it shirt bonanza with · ,a bounty of styles Short sleeve .a.nd long .sleeve \Vith mock - turtlc or crewned.s. ln solidt or .stripes. t\ 'Y.tst choice i.s yours. S to XL. reg. ,,00·8.00 2.99 barton hall 83 Yi off fa med make belts in .. a large selection of styles • Alligator a.rid other fine skins in • ••idc .selection of 1tylc.s, widths and buckle lrcatrn cnt.s at one-half regul ar price. reg . J 00·17.)0 1.50-8.7 5 men ".s furnishings 80 MAVC::O ' l I I I , I I d " I . I I I I I ~· 't I I , 1 I I I . I I \ , I -• ! = • • ~O~. 62 , Np. '16S, 4 SECTIONS, 38 PA""&ES • • . ,. HUNTINGTON BEACH BOYS CINCH UP FOR CAMPING TRIP Danny Millan, 9 (left), end Mlch1t l Corlti , 8 · ·Dead Squirrels and All Camp U11iqueExperience 'For HuntingtQ!l_Ygu~ps __ \Vhen 10.year~ld Ricky went on his first camping trip he wu so thrilled he had to bring back a priz:e to show his "mother. He pulled his pack off his back, opened §t up and dumped a dead squirrel on the Jlitchen table. The incident is not fictional. Hundreds of boys just like Ricky experience f.heir first taste or mountain camping every year with the Huntington Beach Boys' Club, 319 Yorktown Ave. "Afost don't return with d~ squir· re ls," said Ed Dobkoski, program direo- tor of the club and teller of the true 1qu\rrel's tale. But each boy has his own experience, and for most it is unique. Members of the Boys' Club range in age from 8 to 18. Many have never been to the mountain:i and \\'ould never go as a boy if it weren't for the work or Diredor Pat Downey and a star[ of young men like Ed Dobkoski. Right now more than 40 boys are at Camp Norris, owned by Boys' Clubs of America and lxated in the San B!rnardino 1'1ountalns, not far from Big Bear Lake. '"Mtey retdrn Monday," said Dobk06ki, ''after two ~ks or cootlnft. hiking and • variety of other activities.' Camp Norris-Ls a once-ln·a·summer ap- portunity for Huntington Beach boys who pay $36 to attend ar aell cans of peanuts to work their way to camp. But summer camp ls not the only chan· ce a boy has to escape the asphalt streets and barren faelcb ' of Huntingtan Beach. On July 30, a group ot lS boys will spend three days on Mt. San Gorgonio---during ane of the club's three-day camping trips planned I.his summer. "We have two more three-day hikes planned," Dobkoski explained, "on Aug. 27 to Mt. San Jacinto and one for the alder boys Sept. 1 to Mt. · Whitney in Northern California." Overnight camping trips are regular fare for members of the Boys' Club who eaguly lineup whenever one is offered. ''ru,ht now we only head £or the moun· lains, but in the future we hope to expand (See CAMPING, ~ge %) .Valley School District Nam es Brick New Chief ,.tichael "t.1ike"· Brick, 35, of Hun. Ungton B e a c h Thursday was named superintendent of the Fountain Valley School District by district trustee11. Brick. who has held the position oC assistant superintendent of personnel with the district, repalces Dr. &!ward B~aubicr who recently resigned to direct 1 state-wide project to evaluate elemen.- 1.ary 6Chool programs. The new superintendent, his wife Joan, nd their two children, Jonathon, II, and JeMiler. 7 reside at 9062 Carrolltown Drive, Huniington Beach. He 's been with the Fountain Valley district since 1963. He has previously held positions on the fa culty of Cailfornia Western Univer&ity and with San Diego city schools. Brick lw served with the U.S. Marine Corps. . While in the servke, he took un.- dergraduate work at Stonehlll Co.liege in Massachusetts and graduate work at California Wr.stern University and the United States lnternalional 'Jniveraity, San Diego. where ht. will rcctive his d.oc- torate• later this year. He has won numerous awarcb, in· cludin& the "Award for Merit in Publica- tions" from the National School Public Re~Uons Association in 1967. He was named "Man o( the 'Vear" by the Foun· lain Valley Chamber ot Commerce in 1966. Brick was chosen for the superin· tcncltftcy' from 1.fitld of morti tl~n ~ ap-. pllcanls by a screen.in& commUlet which reoommcnded the top six applicants to the board of trUJtees. TAKES TOP ·SCHOOL· POST Fountall\ 'Valltif'• Brick . ' . NEW• YORK (AP)-'llle tloct mart.I cl08ed on an upbeat t.odaY-itl--fir&t of the w .. k-although down ln>m ' Ill "'91 levels.of .the day. (S.. quotations, Pqes IH$.) r . , . N.Y. Stoeu ORANGE COUNTY CA'IJFoRNI~ ' . flU[),j.Y; jl:J~Y 'I t, '1969 7 ' Hippie ·Robbery Suspeets ~Ca-ptur~d~·. Three hippie-style teenagers art In HUnUngton Beach City Jail today on su.spicfOn of armed robbery alter being caught by their intended v1ctilru: near a downtown apartment house. Arrested ThlQ'Sday afternoon were Roy E. SmJth1 Jr., ta, of Orange; Fred ·N. BuJ!Ch, 13, ol Rolling Heights, and David £:"Craft, 19, who refused to glfe his ad· dreis. A young woman with them *aped, police said. Witnesses said a. trio entered the apart--Soviet Task '• Force Moves To Cuba JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Ad: dltlonal U.S. reconnaissance planes have joined the surv~lllance af a_ Soviet task . force moving slowly and boldly toward. . CUba In an unprecedented ~w of ~ Soviet flag. • .A Navy spokespiar: said today aircraft · from the attack carrier lndependenc<! •moved into lhc shadowing oper;;ition \hat_ alrr:idy included the U.S. radar picket i;hip Thomas J . Gary a1ld planes from buses in Maryland and Maine. The epokesman sakl the ei ght SavieL ships were about 2tiC miles southeast or Jacksonville at mi<fUloming, moving in a southwesterly direction. This position would be less than 600 miles from Cuba where the task force is expected July 7n. The USS lDdtpendence was about 80 miles Crom JacksonviUe on a previously scheduled train;ng mission. Its aircraft. include Vigil"nte jet reconnaissance plaue.s with two crewmen e•cP _,.and. radar-domed Hawkeyes, prope~ planes carrying !ive-man crews. · 'Ille Soviel.IJ bafe n:ade tt clear their in- tention J1 to senP the Russian warships on their first visit to Premier Fidel Castro's Cuba. The force is expected to stay throtJiD the July 26 re\tolutlonary celebration in Cuba nr Soviet naval day which fall.! on JUiy 27. The maneuver is viewed by some U.S. military sources as wssibly a response to the yearly visits by U.S. destroyers to the Black Sea near Soviet territory. And it provides an opportunity for the Soviet navy to practlce keeping sub!flarines In operation for extended periods away from shore-based support. The task force is comprised af a S,000- ton guided missile cruiser of lhe "Kyn- da" class; a 3,500-ton destroyer that can carry anti-ship missiles; a 4,450-t.on destroyer that can be armed with anti-air missiles; two conventional submarines; a sub tender, and two oilers. Trio Sentenced In Stealing of Man's Pants, Car Three Orange County women who took a man 's pants and car fl.1ay 14 in Hun· li ngton Beach, tben drove the slolen auto in Santa Ana where they tried to rob a gaa statian, where handed 10-mooth jail terms and placed on three years pro- bation Thursday by Superior Court Judge James Judge. · Barbara Ellen, 2S, of Anaheim, and Sharon Brown, 25, of Santa Ana, pleaded guilty to seco~ degree robbery . Their companion, Agnes Elizabeth Miles, 24, or Westminster, received the same sentence afler pleading guilty to auto theft -The strange excursion began in a Long Bea..:h bar when Barbara Ellen reportfd.. ly asked Long Beach resident Max Howard Bahr for a ride heme to Orange County. Bahr drove her down to Jluntinglon Beach, said police, where hi s car was stopp~ by a car driven by the other two women. The trio allegedly held him at gunpoint, took his pants and car and left him L1 a oil field area near Clay and Goldenwesl Streets. Bahr rrianaged to hitchhike In his shor'1 and T ·shirt to the police station where he told his tale. A few hours later the three women were arrested by' Santa Ana police u they fillempted to rob a service station on I.he corner of Edinger Avenue and Main Street Nixon Vacationing --. wASWN111'oN•JAP) -Pmklent lfll<·' an is g6ini\O'Mlryland'1 CatocUn mou~ taJna today for an overn1gbl stay at the JJl'<!ldenUal retreat, Camp· Dovl<I. The lvh11e """"' aaldne plannecf t'Oleave lff helicopter 'late today and r<IW'n liite Saturday evening. .,. I " m~t of Robert G. Lunde, 112 Hartford St., just before nooori Thursday; One of them ~led a .32 caliber revolver on 1ix men inside. Orders .were given to "lie down and remove YOIU' waUels'' and $45 was ta}!:en from wallela and pockets of tht victims, police said. Lunde and another victim, Robert J. Hart, cf 7030 Newell St., noticed that the f!VOlver wu not loaded and followed the trio (!Ul to their small fortlgn c:a't, police reports &lated. "We tried to enter the car,'' Lunde told police, "then I ran to the rear and opened the hood while Ha<! pulled out the fuel line. 11 Hart then hailed a passing van wWch pulled In lronl-of the c1or, blocking Ill-•>« it, Police lnvullgaton said. • "The.y backed awiy toward Delaware and ~Knoxville streets," related Lunde, • "where another DWI and I llctled them." The-other man wu a third vktlm, Richard L. Zyiltra1 an off-duly J.ona Beach policem~. w~ took one youth ill custody wblle ~ Beach pollco arrived to gr~b tbe olhlr The third fled, Crafl WIS ,mated Ill minutes later IQ' dMctlvts.-r ~ _ The girl wu deacrlbed a between the ag .. or 11 and 11. atlnny, "wt1b long black hair !rolled to her chl'n;• · Dr. ·Spock -Freed Appeals Court Overrules Conviction ~. B 0 ST 0 N (UPI) A feder· miss.Ion of the charge to the jury. U.S. Atty. Herbert F. Travers was not al a p p e a I s court today reversed The majority decision was written by immediately available for comment 1ifn the antidraf• canspiraey conviettons of ChltI Judge Bcailey Aldrich. Judge Frank what steps the government would take fa famed baby doctor Ben1·amtn Spock and M. Coffin-no relation to the chaplain -the case. .. dissented and said' all defendant.! should three others, saying they had the right to be freed. Jo.dge Edward M. McEnte con-·~The court agree.s with the defend&Dfi criticize the Vietnam war and the draft curred with the decision. that vigorous criticism of the ~~ "~ven though Its" effect Is to· Uiterfere The fw ·were convtcted In June 11168 of the Vietnam war Ui free spfecb 'Pf'Otfcted with tbe wa~ e;fl~." . ~-_@rll:plrlngJ.o __ ~_young.menJ~ ~de _4_~-"--.dmen~ ---- . The l!t U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal! -me"amt'ltaitfK·~~of . . . . • .... ~. ,... decision ardered Spoc k and Harvard • the institute for policy .stud.Jes in effect 1~ to Interfere wltb the war effort, gra@ale studel).t ~~r,.__24, Qf \Y_Ashington, 0,C,!,_was acquitted. . th~ ~ecision sa~d. __ Buffalo, N.Y .. (recd permanently but The decision said Spock and Ferber Tl (tlK! court} holds fiat the dtfett. ordered new trials ror Yale Chaplain were protected under free speech pro-daots were equally free to expres.s co,n- Rev William Sloane Coffin Jr. and visions of the U..S. COnstitutlon. · mendation and moral support. for tboA* author Mitchell Goodman, 45, of Temple, Spock, 65, and the others were sen· whose conscience compelled them i, Maine. tenced to two years in prison and fined disobey the law, but it drew a di!Unctlon The court ordered the retrials of Good· $5,000 each, except for Ferber who between such expressions and -af. man and Coffin on legal tecllnicaliUes. It received two years in prison and a ,1,000 firmative c:ounsellng, aiding and abeWD& fl'\Ulld errors in the trial judge's !IUb-fine . violaUons of the 1tatutei'' it added.-- .Schools Approve Hiring 81 · SecuritJ._' Ctimultant·· Autopsy Awai~ed ·-r'ln Killing of Huntington Maui An educal)onal "<Urily "1llllllllant will be hired to ·coordinate Orange County sebool ·dlstricts' attempts to-curb vao-- dalism, bur&lary, arson, student unrellt and narcotlca use, the county school board unailimously decided Thursday. The board members heard a report that vandalism losses to county schools last year ,were conservatively estimated at $600,000. Establishment of the new post In the county Department of Education will be similar to the 127·man rorce employed by Los Angelea city :schooll!I for aecurily purposes. 'Board members said they would .1eek approval of the Board of Supervisors to spend about $30,000 on the security pro- gram in the school year beginning in SC!'ltmblr. Approval or lhe new job wu urged by 1 committee of three . a c b o o 1 Id. mJnlstrators. Memben are C J e o Mossman, maintenance supervisor for fl.fagnolia Schoof District and two county education department employes. Ernest Norton, assistant superintendent for business and Jack Roper, research direc· tor: Asal.sting t,he committee on a voluntary basts has been Jack Redican or Hun· tington Beach, a security qent for the Los Angeles school.!. In a brief rep:irt to the board on widespread drug use In schools, Redica n cited Mirina High School in Huntington Beach as having ane of the most severe prpblema,<in Southern Calllornia. Huntington Pair Nabbed On Dangerous Drug Rap State narcotlcs agents and Newport Beach Police detectives Monday arrested the manager or a Newport waterfront bar and a Hunti ngton Beach couple on war· rants charging sale of restricted <!rugs. An estimated 10,000 tablel.IJ which in- vestigators allege are benzedrlne were found at the Huntington Beach home o( the man and wife, police said. Monte Anthony Brancato, 31, manager or the Stag at 125 McFadden Place, near Newport pi er, was taken from the premises by officers Thursday afternoon . AlmJSl sim ultaneously, W i 11 I a m fl..tarshall. 43, a plumber, and his wife, Sandra Jean, 31, were arrested at their home, 9946 Continental St., Huntington Beach. · The three race charges of possession of restricted drugs for sale. Poli~e closed down tht bar and ad· jacent liquor store during Thursday's ln· vestigatlon and arrests. The bu.sinesses remained closed for Tidelands Piers Fee Scales Set A new perm:lt r~ coverlJ!g lhe building of public and pri•ate pien: on county tidelands has been approved by Orange County Supervisors. • The Harbor District will. levy,~ fee.a.. T h e y are ISO fQI' C'!171mercia~ nW:!Qar, lso fj)t'..><ml-publi<: pltt1 10( yacht ~k!M .c11ooi1 and yoyth 'groUP', 400 >m-aor· plan inilront 0/ prlv1&e.homts. ..".·: The"" will be lmpol<d'in lhe lcrm ol permits required ~qre the .. ltnlc?tum "' bull!. Tlle1>FID1r po11cyw111 cover-all c;ountY . tidelandi'. administered 110n1· Ufe Oi:ari&O· Coast by the di•lrlcl. more than an hour. They reopened later Jn the afternoon. Officers said a small quantity or tablets alleged to be benzedrine were found on BranCato, also a Huntington Beach resi· dc·nt. He gave his address as 19911 Rangl!l' Lane. Newport detectives said the in· vcstigation into the alleged sale or the reStricted drugs lasted three ,weeks. A 1968 Cadillac alleged to be stolen aJsa w a s recovered f r o m th e Marshall residence. Bail for Brencato and Marshall has been set al $12,500. Mrs. Marsha!L who police i;ald is twu months prtgnant, was released on her own recognizance. Beach Woman Wants 'Spender' To Forget Her A l\arUled Huntinaton Beach woman wl8bes aomeone would forget her tele· phone number and addre111. Wednesday, the Laurelllunt Lano r"tdent told pclice she wu the recJpt. ent or two dozen roses delivered by an unknown florist l.flegediy at be'r request. Th'at night an upholstery flnn called to · confirm tbe: order fl) re:cov~r two chair• •be · "'!PP<>Oe41Y had orile!ed· . .Th~~ '1 pizza, ~li>r cal~· 1,1n., , lo!1Mlng ,lo cOnllrm her ' ,order o( 11 doten . ptDa. ' • ' Thec:I cam~ the 0001 11le1nlan ... When "°"Id_ you lllre your new pool Instilled?" be .. teer. ' .. ''ll'.• alrtll<IY. haV< a pooJ,:" ah< replied. Poll&Tnmtfgaton uy tbi7 bt!lovo· the false orders were placed by a teen· age boy, a man and ~ woman. Long Beacb police are waltlng !or autopsy reports today to determine Ole ~ ol weapo111 that killed a llunUngtbo ·Beach -resident Wednesday durfllg an aP: parent robbery of hls Long Bel ch nip shop. ' . · "No new Information has. been wt- covered since the murdfr was discovered Wednesday afternoon," said Del. Sgt.. Rodney Mickelson. An autopsy · was pe rformed Tbursdv , afternoon on the body ol Emory Nielsen, 58, of 162%2 Monterey Lane, Huntingtai Beach, by the Los Angeles County cot .. oner's office. ~ Nielsen was shot to death Wedneadq afternoon by robbers who apparently took about $100 in cash from an apen register, said police. The victim's shop at 1200 £. Anaheim St:, Long Beach, lB localed In J rough section or the business diatriq. _ - An emply .$<Jtgun -found lying open on the counter -wu apparently be.In& cleaned by Nielsen at the time of the rGtk bery, said police. "We think more than one person wu Involved, maybe three," aaid Sgt. MJckelson this morning. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Survivors include his wife, Elizabeth, ot the Huntington Beach address; a son, James, of Cypress, aM a da uahter Laura, a teacher at Humboldt S t a t e. College. Lemnitzer Honored WASIUNGTON (AP) -·Gen. L~ Lemnitzer, former suprtme U.S. and, allied commander In Europe, received from President Nixon today an uo-1 precedented award -Oislingulshecfi Service Medals of the Army, Navy end' Air Force. t Coast . Weatlter The 1un'1 sleeping in Saturday too, showing his flee about 10 a.m. and brln&h!I temperatures in the mid 70'1 along the coast and up lo 85 further Inland. INSmE TODA. Y Wtalthy A.merlcom -ma.nr1 Wfll P{'O"'irttftt -art flttanc-: ing the naw ltft organi:otton.r · whfch art &ttkino comptett icp- htllOOl of Amtfican 1od1ty, ac- cording lo FBI chief J. EdQar floover. Paoc J!. ....... I ' ~lj,,·-.-.... ,,.. l l -.ii::,:: . r .....,. ., • tr.a ~ 't..,., ... • C-"':1 '9 ....... wls '9-h C~ M IMW ..... 1l•IJ 4 0..-~ • ....... l4oll .... .... .,. . ''"' ..... '"'' hterlt lll!MM ''"" ,............ ,. t Plfl-. 1fol' 'T'*"'" IWI '" ...,_... II ..... I "" IAMltn-II ._,..,...-_,.... 1>JS w111111 s1 lJoaf ., • \ ... l!W.,. .... .. ·.. '·~ ,_ _ , . ' --11 • • ' H ,.. Ul"I Te....i.te , ANTIWAR HECKLERS APPEAR AT WELCOMING CEREMONIES ;~ In Seattle; Gre_1tin11 fo r Troops 81_ck_fCOJ" Vietnem •'· ·t. ~tf ntiwar Pickets Greet 1st Viet Withdrawal Men 1T. LEWIS, Wash. (AP) -The first U.S. troops withdrawn from Vietnam nfide their final formation Tbursday rupt, II.id goodbye to their wmmlllder. qa-set off for home leave. · • The JOldierii reaporided with cries or, "Get a uniform" and, "Dor.'t worry, they'll get" you next!" Bargaining ,. On:ABM ' . -.R_eject@d WASHINGTON (UPI) -Nix<ln ad- minisuatlon forces in the Senate refused 11gain today to consider offers of a com· P"'fllise from opJX>nent& of the.satquard anUballlsUc. mi&sile (ABM) 1ystem~ wbo claimed enOugh strength to block it. Senate Republican leader Evtrett M. Dirksen Jnsisted be still has s\lificienl votes to get funds for AB~f deployment approved in the Senate. He said ·he had no inttnt.1on of bargaining. Oppune.nt.a of the Sateauard, offering to compromise, said Thu r 1 d a y ' s an· nouncement by Sen. George Aiken <R· Vt.) that be_ opposed ABM deployment gave them enough votes to win. Alken ttrged a compromise to aver\ either defeat or narro\v vote of approval of lhe adminilttatlon pla,n. He said either would reduce President N ~ x o n ' s bargaining power with the Soviets in forthcoming arms control talks. Asked about Aiken's views On a close vote, Dirksen observed to 'l'epc:>rtert: "To -win by one.point is u good.AB winnina: by- 28." But ABM opPonents declared victory as a res1.11t of Aiken's speteh. . "It means we've won,•• Sen. Albert Gore, (0.TeM)., said after Aiken's i;peeeh. . .. ---.- Buildings For.GWC Approved -. --- Orange Coast Junior College District trustees Wednesday approved plans for 11.7 million of new buildings at Golden · Weat ~llege, including a new theater artB bulldlnj. Tbe plw, call for additions to the police science bulldll1(, an additional lood servJ~. center, outdoor recreational courtl and the ~ater arts building. ArcbJtects of the William Pereira tnd AllOCiates-flnn said the theater arts building will cost about $1.Z tnillion of the total for the project. Members of the junior college board quesUaded Dr. Norman E. Watson. district superintendent, about the finan· cing of the building project, since the proposed l!J69..70 budget quotes a figure of l800,000 for !ht.project. Watson said there is "some fiei:ibility in the budget" that will accommodate the total amount. DAILY l"llhf Stifi PMt. ff W hd e stressed that because er.rollment at US OWQ Golden Wes t is expelled to jump to 3,600 . . . _ . . at the start of next· year, the new theater A little soap and water never-hurt anyone, says ·Bill Lupis, 16;"-Costa -ar'l!-lluiUlliig-and·foodSirviees center ire !\1esa, as he prepares his Black Angus steer for judging in annual extremely important. Orange County Fair and Exposition which begins next Tuesday at "This "will be one of the finest littlft fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Steer appears unconvinced but tolerant. theaters in the community,'' Wat.son said __ ..::_ _________ .:....:...:..:..:.:...-c..:...::..::..:::::.:..::..:::.:.....::..::::.::_ "It will include seats for 300 persons and features an e1cellent stage." They then turned their efforts to work· H lna•utacompr•mleeao•qu•stl••·fn•·. arhoi· ni·stri·ct Breakup · tional security will not be forced to a Orange Coast Budget Increased showdown in the upper house. Aiken's commitment leaves 49 senators opposed to the ABM, 48 in favor and M three undecided. according to an unof· easure Clears As "'emhl flcial VPI J?OIL. The undecided are ·s.na. . ~ y John J. WUl!ams, (fl.Del.), Winston . -B 30 p Prouty, (fl.Vt.), and . Thomu J, y ercent . Mcintyre, (D-N.H.l Prouty mlgb~ be ex· SACRAMENTO -Assemblyman John tional activities. · pected to follow feilow Vermont.tr Aik~n V. Briggs' bill which would..Uansler all ·The supervisors Tuesday tabled action . Trustees have authorized ~e ·publica· -'The '181 men earlier had parD.ded and ·~-;;;-'-sr;me, .wttlti·-<ney -lfea!ir-· 5ecrelary of the Army Stanley El. Resor delCfibe their rttum a1 "tanaible evidence of our progress" toward reduc· Jn1 tl1' American military commitment into_~e opposition c~p and Mcintyre is re~"""'Qlbiji"t ,.,, the i o. ... nn "'"""' on 1 recommendation of the Local .Agen. tior. of the 1~9-70 Orange Coast Junior --alr\~1 ·~d--Ut-ft~·a-~ ~ .. Y .. ~--~~c.. ~.t..ty,_cy=·r'a\'Jmlfton-'CtitmfuSslOn-nrar"'lnr'2'sUege-Bh!trm--budget;'""ilp 30 perctm"'-- promlst, although he ha1 not said how he Harbor D1str1ct to the Board of di strict be dissolved and the matter put from 1968-69. · jn Vietnam. · M Retor addressed the members of 'the 3rd Battall9n, eoth Infantry, 9th lnl'antry Divialon, his -remak! OC· -Osionally were blurred by the shouts of antiwar demonstrators d e m a n d i n g • .'.'Bring them all home now :·· · .. We have continually made it plain," "Reaor said. "we would not stay m-South 'Vietnam longer than necessary to Insure .that its people possess the power to choose their future free of coercion." -The jeers of demonstrators had been matched by cheers from the crowd as the men marched through a chill rain, each carrying a red rose presented by women bank employes. Following the parade and speechmak- tng the men went to the Seattle Center and lunched on salmon, beer, milk and PoPCOfl1 w-ith Resor and other dignitaries. -A group of antiwar pickets waited outside the hall carrying ·placards that Hid, "Welcome home Gls , join our next demonstraUon." YMCA Day Camp Taking Signups Sign-ups art now · being taken by the .Weft Oranae County YMCA for three one-week day camp swloos beginning during the first part of August. 'the program to be offered to boys and girls aged 5-1 includes crafts, swimming, special event days, gymnastics, physical litnees and archery. A $15 fee, which includes lunch milk and insurance. will be changeO for the camp session. YMCA members will be admitted for $12 per session. The YrofCA bas al!O developed a \\1ay in which the children can help pay part of the.Ir way to camp. Further information, about this, u well as the August campiag tie&aions are available from the YMCA at J47?6 Beach Boulevard, Westminster, or by phoning 893-8511 . ,.I' U~ILV PILl)l le\,1rt N. We-4 '"'U*"' .... il'ulllWlet Jeck l . C.rle:r \llet ''"i.nl ..... ~ Ml ..... , l1'•••1t• ICeeYil .... T•o111•• A. Mvr,hl~• 4\al!Hlnt lilt! .... Albert W. l •I•• Willi•111 •••' Au.c1-1• HllM"lon t.e~ Etl• Cll\< ftHw H---J0t Ith Street Meili111 Ald,•n1 r.o. a.. n o, •t••• --"-' IN<JI. 1'11 ........ --... .. c.te Mttt:•W.t..,1 .... L...--..et11 m ,.,.,, •- ,. ' TO DIRECT CURRICULUM Oce1n View'• Ulery ' Uler y Appointed OV 's Director Of Cur1iculum Ocean View School Dlstrlcl ~upt. Clarence Hall today aMounced the ap. pointment of William "Hal" Ulery as director of curriculum for the district. Ulery, currently superintendent of the Goleta Union School District, will assume his duties August I. He replaces Joseph Clancy, who resign· ed earlier this year. The new Ocean View adm!nistrator is a graduate of UC Santa Barbara, and holds a master's degree from the University 0£ Southern California. He is currenUy enrolled in a doctoral program at use. Ulery, 48, has taught in Covina and Los Angeles schools and has served as an adult school principal in Los Angeles and a junior high school principal in the Roy,·\and School District. Prior to his Goleta assignment he was superintendent of the American Com. ~unity School in Buenos Aires, Ar1en· tlna. Blackfin Leading Transpac Race ; Sailor Injured SAN PEDRO (UPI) -The 73-foot ketch Blackfin continued her record brt>aking pace Thursd1;y in the 2Stb Transpacific Yacht h.ace but IO!t nine miles of her overall lead to the dogged puriuil of the Windward Pasaa.1e. The Blacifin;--now 791 mtles from the finish ol the 2,22$ nautical mile race, had he!' lead sliced from 41 to 32 mllea by the Windward Passage. However, sktptier Kenneth De.Muese re· mained opUmiatic, confidently predlcttn1· his Blackfin, from the St. Francia Yacht Club of San Francisco, would arrive at Diamond Head in Hawaii at 5:02 p.m. Sunday (Honolulu tim e). If the Blackfln skipper's foreca•t is correct. she will trim by five houri the 19&5 record set by the Ticonderoga, which was ski ppered by Robtrt F. Johti&Gn, who ls at the helm of Windward Pauage. On the 37-'foot sloop Matila, crewman Eu1ene C. Bricker, ot P'remcf w11 seriOW1ly injured when a splnnaker pole llruck him on Ole telt wnple. ' would vote. -supervlson sailed through the Asliembly before the county's voters in the primary The current tax_ rate of 81.9 cents will Thunday andits authOr says he expects election next year. n?t ~eed t~ ~ raised, according to OCC Nixon Supports Open Elections; VC in Opposition From Wire services President Nixon strongly supported proposals today f6r open national elec· tions in South Vietnam but in Paris a Viet Cong spokesman flatly rejected the offer by South Vietnam's Pre11ident N1Uyen Van Thieu. Nixon said Thieu's election plan "deserves the support of all who seek peace in that tortured land." "If lht other sfde genulnely wants peace,'' Nixon said in a statement 11iven reporters by presidential aldeJ, "it now has a comprehenaive set of offers which permit a falr and reasonable settlement. If It approaches us in this spirit, it will fi nd us reasonable. Hanoi bas nothi ng to gain by walling." The "comprehensive set of offers" to \vhleh .Nixon referred Included his own eight·polnt peace plan of May 14 ; his June 8 announcement of the withdrawal of 2',000 American troops from Vietnam, and Thieu's newly announced offer to the Viel Cone to renounce violence and take part in elections to detennlne South Viet· nam'd future. In 'l press declaration lhe Viet Cong's s e If-styled provisional revolutionary ..government" condemned the Saigon plan as a "perfidious maneuver" of the United States and the Saigon ad· ministration to deceive \\o'orld opinion. The Viet Cong's harsh reaction to the offer l't'a!I a new warning that the Hanoi· backed insurgent government will con· tlnue prtssing for the overthrow of the Saigon government. The proposal• were made in Saigon and ' relayed to th.e Hanoi and Viet Cong delegaUons In Paris today. In his proposal, Thieu invited the Viet Cong to renounce violence and take part in national elections to determine South Vietnam's future . "The govemtnent of Vietnam declares that It will abide by the results of the elections, whatever the results may be," Thieu saJd. "We challenge the other side to declare the same." f'ro1n Page 1 CAMPING ... to desert trips and other localities," said the clltb's program dire<~. Plans are made carefully because or the training Involved be/ore leaders are allowed to handle an expedition of young boys. Eech leader must first be approved and tested by Downey or Dobkoski before allowed to be in charge of a camping trip. The boys are gJven rugged physical training before each trip to avoid pro- blems during their long hikes. "One youngster ao~"lost an a campine trip," beamed the director, "and waa ter· ribly embarrassed when he was found ." The YOlllll lad was mortified became he wu found by a grou p of Boy Scouta, chosen rivals of the Boys' Club. The boys learn typical camping skills includln1 hiklnJ, cooking over an open fire, starUna the fire, washing outdoora and ieneral camp lf'OUnd maintenance. "Blj:gest 1urpriH to most boy1," relates Ed, "b their flllt bath tn cold stream waler when they find out lhe soap cllna• to their skin beeaule' H's not soft water."' "lt'• quite a &hock." he concluded, "but !hey keep comll1( back." no oppositlon in the Senate. · d1str1ct ofhc1als, because of higher pr<r "It will b bl bef th Se t • perty assessments. .. Loe I Go pro a Y eoc mloret ~. Bn~ es Broken p· H It The p~blicatlon budget, which will not a vemment om t ff, r1ggs I pe 3 S be finally adopted until Aug. 6, set a total (R·Fullerton) said lhls morning. "My bill expendit ure of $21,914,435 for tbe coming is simply a 'trigger' measure to be used l\f arina Teen Dance fiscal year. If the board of supervisors or the voters Donald Hoff of Westminster, who wiis of the county decide to dissolve i he There will be no teen dance tonight at elected board president Wednesday, and district. ~1arina High School because of a burst -Supt. Norman E. Watson emphasized that •'Jt will provide for the orderly transfer pipe which has flooded the gym, Hun-the final budget will include more ac- o( powers, asset.s, and responsibilities of tington Peach RecreaUon Department of· curate inrormation on property value lhe district to the supervisors." ficials announced this· morning. assessments. Planned aa a 8Ubstitute for the Harbor Saturday night the "Unknown Fron· Correllan Thompson. dislrict business District if It is eventually dissolved is a tier" will play from 8:30 to 11 :30 p.m. at manager, said the $2.4 million increase in county wt de Department of Harbors, the H'lntington Beach Hlgh School gym. current operations is based on salary and Beaches and Parka to direct all recre.a-Admission is $1. staff increases. HENDREDON'S FON TAINE DREXEL-HENDREDON-HERITAGE ALSO ON S>.LE ••• NATIONAL-MARGE CARSON-HIBRITAN ETC. LAMIS,. IN C.-MARB0-PAINTING5-ACCESSORIES WI All SOllT.POI ANT INCONftNllHCI CAUSID IT ,THI CONITIUCTION W IASY ACCISS AND PAlllM• AT THI •IAI Oii OUI ITOIL Oll OM WISTCLJJll DllYI. THIU IS NIWl'OIT IEACll 1711 W.m:llff Dr .. '4t·2tlt OlllN PitlDAY 'TIL t INJERIORJ ,.,.,...,..., '"'"'°' D .... _ A..rloWe AID-NS" LAGUNA HACH Ml North (Mtt Hwy, 4""551• OPIN FRIDAY 'TIL f ...,.... ToU ,,.. Mitt .t Or•l'f• C.unty f40·12AJ ' ( I • \ I I \ ' \ - Lagun.a Beae)i ~: - Pageant~ Down the Mission ' T1·ail 16th: Oemente Fiesta Saturday SAN CLEMENTE -The 16th annual La Cristianita Fiesta will get tinder way Saturday with a fiesta kickoff ball at 8:30 p.m. at the San Clemente Inn. It is open to the public, with no charge. More than 200 floali will culminate the fiesta in a parade Saturday, July 19. Ma- jor General Donn J. Robertsen, com• manding officer..of the .U.S. Marine CorJ>' Base Camp ~endleton, will lead the ""'jniradflii·i;r8nd ·marshal. -----·- :• Suter ClllJ Hunted --'Mas ·ters ' . -' •r' J ' -N.'f. Steeb , ! jest . .. . • ' .. sot.ti,,. taait Satellite :~~spital. Slated For Saddlebaeli A 350-bed non·profil llospital will b! behind the plan ts that South Coast would bult In the Laguna Hills area as a remain the mother bc.spital. AddlUonat satellite operation to Laguna Beach's hospitals, possibly in Leisure World mt South Coast CQmmunity Hospital, It was Mieslon Viejo, would speclalile tn a cer-. l~rned~y. lain branch of medicine, depertdfng on the Jt Will be callecfSaadleback community needs ol that particular conununity. HospJtal 81\d}wlll be developed by the The hospitals In San Clemente and Golden Rain FoundaUon of Laguna Hills M1ssion Vle}o will not be a part ol the Leisure }Vorld. Cost and site have not master plan, Andrews said, because thefi been revealed. are proprietory (profil·making) ventures. It Is the .lhlnl hospital plan announc<d Even with those bospltall going up, tn .the south Orange County area In re. Andrews assured that tht" .usoclat• cent weeks. The other two. both to 00 Hospital Plan wW be carried out. .. ]'don't 0prlvate1y-operated, -.re: · -care how many proprletory hospitals are -Mls.slon Community Hosplt.al, e1· proposed, we.'U continue with our plan," -~ to be under construction in he said. \ ...... "Niis!ttiiiVle)6, ur l57iint 80 days. ~-. · -·-"""~---""""-~--....-~,. •. SAN CLEMENTE -The City or San Clemente is about to adopt a sister cily f -San Clemente del Tuyu -pending a 11ludy by a committee named by the City Council. LIVIN!' PICTURE -Norman Rockwell's painting of astronauts preparing for space mission adds touch of tin'lel.iness to Laguna Beach's 34tb Pageant of the Masters. Figures in living picture are por· !rayed by (!rom left) Don Whan Sr. of Huntington Beach , Charle Styron of -Anaheim, John Lima of Costa Mesa and· Russell Funk of Newport Beach . ., -San Clemente Medical Center, for which gr~-breaking alre~dy _ llas been held In San Clemente. The California Advisory Hoepltal Coun.. cil -a semi-Official advisory organiia· lion -annOunced in May the formation of a separate hospital service area for southern Orange County. The council mentlon.ed-the Leisure Workl area as possibly the first satellite type operation, closely coordinated with South Coast Community Hospital in Laguna. State Cutting Speed Limit At El Morro The idea was Initialed by the city's Rolary Club, which had been cor.- responding with the clty in Argentinl!I. Because of similarities in climate, geography, fishing, and the city"s name itself, the Rotary Club requested a com• mittee to be named to look"1nto lhe adop- tion "as a move of international friendship and goodwill." • \/oler Drive Slated Laguna Pageant Comes to Life For 34th Time By j!JMURD P . NAU. CAPISTRANO -In an effort to. ret-. . , ··~,~~~,.._tittf,,' people on the v<Jtlng reiD~ for OCtober's . ---:'~ .. · • . school tax override electioo, a voter · • Stars twinkled ~own on Laguna s Irv111e registration drive tak9' place today and 19wl 'l'hunday night as the 3Clh annual Saturday in the Capistrano Unified School Pageant o(the Masters came majestical· District. Jy-to life. Deputy registrars will man tables from The 2 500 seats in the woodsy am· l to 7 p.m. both days at the Safeway in . ' . . . J,aguna Niguel, Vons in Capistrano phitheater ~n.ta1ned. ~ prevM?w audience Beach, and Market Basket, $Jfeway, of press, c1v1c olhc1aL~ from O~ange Albert.sons, and Alpha Beta ln San Coun!f and other VIPs. Many rate 1t the Clemente. best show yet. .e l11terfaltl& Sing Due MISSION VIEJO -An °lnterfaith Sing" will be slaged by various churches In the Missi on Viejo-El Toro aru Sunday al La Paz Plaza. The program will feature a variety of songs ranging from spirituals and blues numbers to religious songs and a medley from "Oliver." The program will last (rom 2 ta 4 p.m. e Crafts Weelo Set ~USSION VIEJO -M<inday will mark the start of Crafts Week at the Mission Vieja Recreation Center. Each marn.ing from 9 to I J the Center will present special craft ses.sions. A 30 cent charge Ls required for supplies. The Pageant and Festival of Arts \Vill conUnue daily on a six-week run through Aug. 24. It began high atop the theater. The twG figures on the "Venice Bell" tolled the l!lhoW to life as their mallets struck the bell. The program moved back and forth from main stage to upper 5lage to the wood~ hillsides. The 27 works ranging from painting to sla\Uary include much that is timely this year. T h e r e is t h c crealion of Norman Rockwell's amazingly detailed and technical painUng, "The Longest Step." The painting of two astronauts suiting up with lhe aid ol technicians will be show· ing when history is made with the lunar landing this month. Victor Andrews, chairinan of uii board of South Coast Hospital~ revealed1that the Saddleb8.ck Community Hospital will be the lint addlttonal'hospltal to' be built U:n· dtr lhe AsaOclale Hospl~lan. ,_ ~· lhat '~lans !o• the j\l;Mtilj~ Saildl,_k ""'1>lW• eao be in operation before, jhe San Clemente Medlcel Center or die 'fo!iaslon COm· mllJllly:llotpltal. _ , Plans are under wa1 {or still ~ llbspitil• in the arra under the .Auoclate Hospital Plan, Andrew1 NJ'd. Tte idea No ~mpromise On ABM System, Nixon Declares W ASHING'l'ON (UPI) -Nixon ad- mlniatration lorcu in the Senate refused tr.gain today to consider offers ol a com· promise from opponentJ of the Safeguard anUballistic mlasile ( • .\BM) system, wbo claimed enough strength to block it. Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen inllsted be 1till has au!flcient votes to get funds for ABM deployment approved In the Senate. He said he had no intentlon of baigalning. The week will be climaxed by a P inewood Derby Championship Friday afternoon at l :JO. Additional infonnation js available by calling lhe Recreation Center, 837.-4084.. .e EnjolJ Eskimo Week California's 200tb birthday celebration tn represented In s t r i k i n g hillside statuary of missionaries and sokliers who created UK: historic string of missions. The mu.sic th.ill year, again an original score lily composer-conductor Vic Schoen, is a smooth suwlement to the subject. It is so(ter, Jes., dramaUc, than in some y~. 'I1le braU. Js gone. The 22-plece professional orchestra consists largely of stringed instruments with two woodwinds. PICTURE PREPARATIONS -Cast members and stage hands go over last minute' details prior to sfaging of Norman Rockwell's "Tbe Longest Step" in Laguna Beach's uni'que Pageant' of the Masters which opens toiti ght. Preview1 showing was· Thursday. ' · Qpponenb of the Safeguard, offering to compromise, aaid T h u r s d a y ' s an· fioUncemei>t by Sen. George Alken (R- Vt.) that he opposed ABM deployment gave them enough votes to win. Aiken . ursed a compromise. to avert eltllr:r defeat or narrow vote of approval of Uie aclminislratloo plan. ·He said either woufd reduce President N ~ 1 o !I • s bargainliig power with the -Soviets in fortbcomit'tg arms control talks. LAKE FOREST -tn the heat of the 1ummer, the · Lake Forest Community A.ssociation has oi'ganized Eskimo Week. to be staged from July 14 through 18. Any youngster aged six through twelve is in.. vited to participate in the 1 to 5 p.m. dai· Jy programs. The week will include Eskimo storie:t, papier mache Eskimo jewelry, a kuluk contest, and a skaling party. ·• TeeHs to See Beuh µKE FOREST -A beach party at San Clemente Slate Beach has been set next Wednesday for teens living in Laite Forest. The day excursion, leaving at 1 p.m., wlll also include grunion hunting lat er in the evening. Beacuse rood and wood will be supplied by the A.ssociatfon, a $1 fee will be charg• ed. Mike Phinney, organizer or lhe event, warned that teens 16 rears old •Dd over must possess a !i.stung license before catching the evasive fish . Further informaUon is available by calling 137-6161, ei:tension 61. 8 l\1ental Hospital Inmates Stage Escape SANTA CLARA . (UPI ) :-Eight ma1- lmum security prisoners at Agnewa State Mental Hospital escaped Thunday night hY' sawing bars oo lhe second floor. and sliding down a drain pipe. Three oC the escapees had been com- mitted 11i.er arrests by pOIJ~. ont on • charge of attempted murder in the shotgunning or a young San Jose laborer. ' \ Art Festivals Maintain Asked abo\lt Alker1'1 views on a close vote, Dirben ob!erved to reporters : "To wln by one polnt ls as good a11 winning by 26." Don Williamson, producer of tbe unique art spectacular, waa busy with one lm· portant problem, this morning. Fiv,e Umes, jels making an approach to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station noisily broke the continuity of lhe program as they roared overhead. Marine officials in Full Security Service But ABM opponents decland victory u a resu;t of Aiken's apeecb. "It means we've won," Sen. Albert Gore, (OtTt.zlD)., said after Aiken's speech. IS..,PAGEANT, Pait%) Roller in Roll; Driver lnjm·ed Laguna Beach's three art festivals have set up day and night security to pro- tect the art works left in their keeping. The Festival of. Arts ls employing off· duty haguna Beach police officers to patrol the grounds and all!O to direct traf· fie. During the day, officers will mingle with otPer Futival goerli and generally keep an eye on things. At night, three officers will maintain a ' ' ' vigil over the grounds and the lrvir1e Bowl area. A · five-ton asphalt street r n 11 e r overturned Thursday as it lmit braking PoW<r goiJ!=• steep section of SUm· mil Drive,'. . ·eeach. 1be driver was slightly 11\i"""' as he jumped clear just before the. mtichlne toppled. Driver Willard Allen Oneg, 37, ol IMS Bob~. festival business manager, Arroyo Drive, Liguna Beach, was said that perhaps because of tight secur· treated'fqr cull and 1 pulled leg muacle, ity. thiever bu not been a problem in Jooeph ~wiany, Laguna public worn paSt lestlvals. ~nc'::!t occurred 1n the 900 block Ntght t1me security will also be., In of Summit Drive. 'nle road crew had effect at the Sawdust Festival. A h1red finished patching a secUon ol the guard on the grounds there will; be;on' roadway, and Wu preparln& to break for patrol every ntgnt•ot .tbe f5..:nigM'.festtval lunch. fmm the-midnight closinf to the IO a,m. As the hea'Y roller Was driVen down OJ)elrlng. hill it &.PJ>l!enlly gathered momenWm "We have had very little stealing:. Peo- and woula not slow. ple tend to respect art works, for some One& tumed'1!1c70Uer·Wwatd the bank-mm."~Edmond4'<1ft -· SawdlJll end as he~dld, tt started to roll over. Ftsllval director 83Jd. Oneg threw hlmscll clear. · Out on Nort.b COast lli&bway al tbt.Ark t A-Fair. burly college studenb will keep watch at night. . MrS. JOan Short, :Art-A'-FaJr treasurer' said it ws~ decided lhai·coJ1ea:e students could do the job \,Veil and "they C®ld 'ase the money whtn they ntufnito school.' Mrs. Short·said-no problems' were e.x- perienmi last yur by "the Arl-A·Falr's · predecessor, "Splinter. Festival." ' . ' Dog Obedience Oass in Viejo Tiley then turned their eff.or\s to work· Ing out a compromise so a question of na- lional le(':urlty will not be forced to 1 shbwdown In U, upper "°""'· AJken•a-dlmtriJt'meuf Jeav.es 49 aenalon opposed to· the ABM, 48 in ' fav.or and three undecided, according to an unof- flclal •UPl pell. The und<clded are Sens. John J, Wiiiiams, (R·Del:), 'Yln>fDn Prouty, <R-vt;J; and Thoma, J. MCintyre, !l).N.H:) Proul>: nil&bl be H• p«ted to follow . leUOw V""1\onf.r ~en ln\o .tl)e opposition cam·p and Mclntyn la a1ready on record' Jn ravor ol a conf- proml,oe, althoii&h ·be bu not lald how he woqld vote. A' dog obedie~e class will btgln'Mori- day al Mission Vle,Jo"R~eatlOn ~ .. tor. Stale {;Jose& ·.Part Cof1<f'l;cted by Jo!1" ,Marfin. ot M..ctjri· . . , , · • l. 1 t • • , cml Ken~s, lhe, one·bour 1 ...... ,.,/U .: Of• Valencia. Avenue it.art at 7 :-ll ·p.m~ and will ·be .beld evtty 1 • • Mond1y evening for • 10 wteb. The A porlm ol Val~la Avenue, just reglrtraUon fee is f20 and das•'must •be 10uth of-t>*Sant1 Ana F"req'ay ln Irvine aL least sit months old. • has been <;bed. to ,(taJttc for Uie next . . • nb>e month.. Tile DIV!llon of lilitr*IYI F.!"lher Wonnatton may be ob!Jlned oald 2 llllO..ml o1 the roadway will be by calUlli the Recreailiiiic enter, 837· c1,...;," """1nidlon o1 alilifp ntar 4084. the Ll""1' Frttway, A fi ve-mile-per-hour speed redudlon soon will go into effect on a dangerot11 one mile stretch where Pacific Cont Highway dips · and p twl11t1 "1firouA Scotchman's Cove and 'Ei Morro CUrve, northwest of lAjU11a .Beach.· State Division o( Highways ottk:lals said today \hey will replace ~mile.per· hour signs wit~ 50-mile-per·hour 1igril. "We e1pect it to happen almost daily," said the divi11ion '1 Orange County traffic engineor. Alfred Qoldln;'l'be-tlp-hlve been ordered. The present speed limit of SS mlle1 per hour has been in effect since l980;Goldln said. There have been many trafrlo deaths on the stretch sTuce -thal Uine, in= eluding five this year. Goldin said lt was determined the critical speed for the stretch ls 52 miles per hour. By critical speed, he sa.ld. Is meant the speed 85 percent of.drivers do not exceed. He said the presenl philosophy of the Division of Highways ls that the public sets its own speed limit. "That way there is virtually self enforcement," he said. Bruce Hand, public information officer for the Califomla Highway Patrol'! Orange County office, said posted. speed reductions have worked in other area1. "Our job is to enforce Jt," he 1ald. .. Drivers ellbe.r are going to ~uce speed, be caught by enforcement or be dead or very Injured." He said CHP of!lccrs investigating ac· cldents ·Jiad recommended the apeed rt'duction. Newspaper publicity played 1 large part in getting the Division ot Highways to review the speed limit, he noted. "Our greatest. advantage Ls the general public support," he said. "The in- dignation· of the public brought about these requests. As far as we're concerned this is lhe worst area along the coast." Stoek Jlfcrketa NEW YORK (AP)-Tlle slock mane! closed on an u~at . today-lls fint of the week-althoUgh down from Its best Jeveb ol. the day. (See qµotalions, Pqea 1~15,) Orange Weadler The sun's sleeping in Saturday too, showing his face about 10 a.m. and bringing temperaturu In the mid 70'1 along the coast and up to 85 further Inland. INSWE TODAY Wealthy Am1Ncana -many veru prominent -are financ- ing the t1:ew leJ~ organimttom which are seeking complete up- htaoht of Anit,.fCGn aociet11, ao- <ordillll ·to •JIBI chit/ I. fdQfJf'. Hoover. P(lfle 18, .. ' I I l ii --· • • frl!lll, J~~ .ll. 1969 ·~ ·zso llfJles Ott ,ll.~ . ~= ~~.U.S. l(eeps Eye i'• Night Flights to ,Stay -. ' F-itA Chief ·Willing tQ StudyHestr:ietions ' On _Russ ·Fle_et , ly JEllOME F. COUJNS landlord of your air(>Ort. So as far as tbe F.e:atherly, then boa:rd ch airman 1 Of>t "-"' ,., ... '"" FAA ls concerned, It is the county's declared in his Jetter to the federal agen~ -Ll)S ·AfjGEbE&---Tbe.foderal .. ...,.._i:osponsibUlty f4 come up with an airport cy l!tilm~iiiiuioiltJUiilll, in<!udlag .. . " t .... ,. ; . JACKSONVILLE, Fla. !AP) --Ad- ; dlllooal U.S. reconnaisSance planes have : .. .loed -meitlance of a Soviet t..k :prct-'JDOvln,.-llowil'·IUld boTdlY IOwird i-CUba In an unprectdentad .llhow of .Ille , -Soviet flag. • · A Navy 1pokumar. s1id tciday aircraft · from the attack catTier Inde~enecs. :moved into Ule shadowing operation that .aJready inclUded the U.S. radar pic\et • ~P Tbomas J. Gafy aiid planes from : "bases in Maryland and Maine. · . • The spokesman S'ald the eight Soviet ships were about. 2tiCl miles southeut of Jacksonville at midmorning, movtnf tn a toothwesterly direction. Tbis polition would be less than 600 : miles from CUba where the taak force is • ed-Ju • . --- •• 1lle USS lnde~ence was about 80 !ftiles from Jacksonville on a·previously .< Jlec llirec~or, 'Police Chief mttnt will not permit permanent clo,,ing plan that la compatl~le wltti the com~ flight rettrictlons, sh0uld be. established h·• i~ tr In' I I air rnunity and can serve. the people 1afely. '1 b th FAA In h th FAA , SC ~u.,.. a 1n1 m SS on. Ill ·craft of .o..an. ge County Airport at night, The FAA, be explained, would consider Y e aamuc as e wont include Vigllante jet reconnal!sance bur it will consl<ler any plan submitted by such a plan, and appi"ove It, lf it were let the county do it through ordinances. planes with twO crewmen eieh and county government to sharply restrict con1iJteot with OJght safety needs. The FM has yet to reply lo the COUD-_,; .. ___ .. u.. "Our rul ty's letter -or to two others subse-r-ar"IN1UCU._...w):;eyes, propeller-driven operations, Federal Aviation Administra· e-making is oriented to air Quently sent. COWJty Aviatlori Director planes carrying-fivHDan crews. tion officials said 'lbursday. ~ety__," be sai~, adding: "We don't w&[lt Rob8rt Bremahan ·grumbled about that The Soviets ~ve rr.ade it clear their Jn-John H. Shaffer, President Nixon's ~::n~ landlords of 0r8fl&e county this week. tenLion is to send the Russian. warships ne..yly appointed FAA administrator, ex· The ball thus apparently bounced back Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. on their first visit to Premier Fidel plained to the DAILY PILOT: into the laps of Orange. County Allep, whn was among those attending Castro's Cuba. The fnrce is e1:pected to "Most airlin~. today fly twin con· su~rviiors, who last October asked the the Southern· California Aviation Counc il stay through the July 26 revolutioriary figuration aircraft. They're convertible.;..-FAA t~ establish . controls over the sesaion Thursday, said: "I am very much celebration in Cuba or Soviet naval day they fly people ln the daytime and tbty ~~~. of lll&h_ ta_ lri and c:wt of Counly in favor of disallowing flights after 11 which falls on July 27. f alnkt t .. 1 .. lt.t Th d ~.-.· p.m. and before 7 a.m." The maneuver is viewed by rome U.S. carry r.,.... a ...... • ere are soun At that time, Supervisor C. M. "l'ye" BuJ he added he doesn't know what elst milltarysourcesaspossibly aresponseto -CONVICTION OPSIT ecori.omlc rta.sons for operating an Featherly warned the FAA that "con-the county can d.o. "The FAA wants• the yearly visits by U.S. destroyers to the -• D:r. 81nl•mln Spock airport around the clock... tinued Jet operatlort1 from Orange County plan. and in my opinion, it has already Black Sea near Soviet territory. ·And it Shaffer who fleW to I.m Angeles to ad~ Airport will aterlllze the Upper Newport gotten one from us. We're still walling provides an opportunJty for the Soviet dress a ' conference of the Southern Bay area by 1972." for 3n official response." avy-w-practfce·nepln(1Ubmarlnu-ii•n-~--~---·~-----'Calilomia-AvlaUon Council, emphaa!;ed A + _,,_ ;._ .A.. ..A.. operation for eltended periods away A eals Court that he did not know the specifics of w H -g 'W' -µr-~ from shore-based support. pp Orange County's a~ tratnc problems. '0 G d D y The task force ~ comprised of a 5,600· He Insisted, however, that "you ~an't n .a 00 (Ly, OU ton guided missile cruiser or the HKyn· u v di shut down an airport overnight and 1UU . da" class; a 3.5<>0.ton destroyer that can p'"'""ts-er ct have an air travel system." carry anti·ship mlssllea: a 4,450-ton °" The ·SO.year .. ld FAA chief, an ex-Air destroyer that can be armed with anti.air Force colonel, then suggested that the w ' s s k A mi .. u .. , two conventional submarines ;. F D S k dlrtctor of the agency·· western region, on t ee i"es at . ll? sub tender, and two oilers. . or r • poc ,; Arvin O. Basnight, would be able to com• ni.t'nt more knowledgeably on the Orange County si tuation. A I C FronJ Page J BOSTON (UPI) A leder-Basnight did -and his views held LOS ANGELES_ Within 10 years, "on • Pp icants ut al appeal s court today _reversed aome promise for a measur.e_of ntrol •-good day," there will be-%.5 mllllon PAGEANT • the anlidraft conspiracy convictions of on jet flights out of the Orange County . • • field. The proposed limitations would Americans somewhere up there in the "The program,'' said the ex-Air Force colonel , "asks those who used the na· 'tion's airways and airport.a tn invest to a greater degree in the improvement and upkeep of these facilities. In the past, some 70 percent of the costs of the airways system has been met by general tax re·venues. Aviation has not been paying its way." And th t famed baby doctnr Benjamin Spock and have to be 1·n1·uated by county govern-nation's skies, Federal Aviation now ere are wo. three others, saying they bad the right to Ad · 1 tr Joh H Sh fl In six hours of interviewing Thursday, the past have rerouted the jet approach criticize the Vletnam war and the draft ment, ~e said: . , · . min s ator n · a er predicted t screening comrnltlet reduced the during the Pageant. "even though Us effect is to interfere Basrught said he 1s familiar with couri-Thursday. number of candldatei for lhe new post of "We are in contact with them today to wilb the war·effnrt " . . ty air mJlSter planner William Perelra's_ Shaffer for!!S&W the C!_OWdeq g:y ~ o1y of Laguna Beach recreation director see what happe~ect, nprmally they're The lst U.S. Cir~Wt Court of Appeals recommendation that a ban on night equivalent to Detroit 's popu11tion -in an £rom seven to two. very cooperative, 1aid the producer. decision ordered Spock and Harvard flights be placed on ,County Airport. At addr~ here before the Southern ~ty ~ager Jam.es Wheaton will The progr~pi ran relatively smoothly graduate student Michael Ferber, 24• of present, airlines are voluntarl!Y limiting California Avl~Uon Council, headed by make the final choice • ..-for an operung performance. A small Buffalo N y freed penn.anently-but tbe'ir operationa to mostly daylight houri. Orange Counfy-Supervisor W 111 I a m -llio. ·--. .iso.Jio,r~ . .be.on..ul<.el«L ~..il1o.oJ10J>•lnU!Jl_l!!!J1.~~l~th~ed.,,~w~trlalLfllr_ Yato...mi.m!n Peretr!,_Jnticlpltlng _ In er • a,. d Phillips. " . for the Job of chief ~f police, vacated wdh amusement Of Ule·-audlence an<ftlming · Rev William Sloane-Coffin Jr. and p~for-more ~.-u.""'ast-yti!"---the~!y.....-,.?C!ffted-FM chief-noted the ret._!ement . today of . Harry l.:8bro~. ~eeded sharpening, but these are norinal author Mitchell Goodman, 45, of Temple, the night ~ght prohlbiUon should_ be that 500,~ passe.nsers on the average ·Another screening committee earl!er this first night problems. Maine. government-imposed as soon .as PoSSLbl~. areJJow airborne each da y. He cited the ~ .-week .. cu~police chief field from 10 to ~ Williamson said he is tightening up the The court ordered the retrials ot Good-He cited Washington National, ~rport m anticipated escalation in passengers in a two. ·i · "program today for tonight's 8 : 3 O man and Collin on legal technicalities. It the nation's capital as a facility where talk keyea-to winning support for Presi- .. Whulori also makes that selection. performance, making some "judlciolls f,,und errors in the trial judge's sub-such.restrictions are already in force. dent Nixon's recently propOsed $5 billion -----or about 20 applicants for the recrea· slalhlng here and tbert." mission of the charge tn the jury "Orange County Alroort," s a Id airport and airways expansion program. ljon director job, seven were invited to Subject matter was masterfully chnsen . The majority decision was wr.ilten by Basnight, "is something like Washington Shaffer emphasized that the funds, oral Interviews Thursday. The rich tones of script author and nar-Chief Judge Salley Aldrich Judge Frank National. It is located near two larger which would be split 50-50 by federal and . ·Wheaton hopes to fill the recrtation rator How1td "Hap" Grahlim again add M. Coffin_ no relation to the chaplain_ airports , Los Angeles International and local, including state agencies, are pro- .direct.or post on Aug. 15. Salary has not powerfully to the humor, beauty and dissented and said all defendartts should Long Beach." These airports, . he in· posed for use only in the improvement of been specified. . . . drama. . be freed . Judge Edward M. McEnte con-dicated, could a~sorb the traffic that airway.s ~acllities and equipment. Another The police chief Job will pay from One of the most striking works and a curred with the decision. Orange County might not be able to han· $3.5 billion would have to come from '12.768 to $15,312 per year. pose excruciaUgg to maintain is "The The four were convicted in June l968 of die because of controls on the number or other sources to pay for new terminals. . There were 42. appli~ants for the posi· Rock1! 'f!ltowtr'' . in P?werful motion conspiring to counsel young men to evade fll~hts. . He explained that te.rminals .. 3!e con- Uon. Ten were 1nterv1ewed by Labrow, hurling his celestial missiles into the the draft. Marcus Ra.skin co-director of ' But you have tn remember that s1dered revenue-producing fa c11Jtles and f'ullerton Police Chief Wayne Bomhoft, heavens. the institute for polidy studies in Washington National's jet noise abate-hence should pay their own way. Costa Mesa City Manager Art McKenzie, There Is the raising of the flag on two \Vashington D.C. was acquitted. ment program wa1 accompll$ed through Shaffer called the President's plan. now and HWlt~ngton Beach City Administrator Jlma in dramatic contrast. Jt 1J the tam-The decl~lon s~id Spock and Ferber the FAA bec,~use w~ are t~e landlordl of before Congress, "eminently fai.r." He Doyle Mtlle r. ed photograph in World War II by Joe were protected under free speech pro-that airport, Baaru1ht said. noted that the package would be financed During interviewing fnr bo~. jo~. Rosenthal (with 48 stars Jn the flag) and visions of the U.S. con.mtution. "Orange County government is the by taxes on passengers and freight. Wheaton sat as a non·parUc1pahng the statuary that came later (with 50 Spock. 65, and the others were sen· ob!trver. · stars). The statue is a colorful creation tenced to two years in prison and lined Blackfin Leading Transpac Race: Sailor Injured SAN PEDRO (UPI) -The 73-foot ketd! Blackfln continued her record Oreaking pace Thursday in the 25th Transpacific Yacht Race but lost nine miles of her overall lead to the dogged pursuit of the Windward Passage. The Blaclcfln, now 791 miles from the finish d. the 2,21.5 nautical mile race, had he!' lead· sliced from 41 to 32 miles by the Windward PaSsage. However, sk.ip~r Kenneth DeMuese re· mained optimistic, cnnfldently predicting his Blackfln, from the St. Francis Yacht Club of San Francisco, would arrive at Diamond Head in Hawaii at 5:02 p.m. Sunday (Honolulu time). If the Blackfin skipper's forecast is c<1rrect, she will trim by five hours the 1965 record set by the Ticonderoga, which was skippered by Robert F. Jnhn&0n, who ls at the helm of Windward Passage. On the 37-foot sloop Pilahia. cre~·man Eugene C. Bricker, of Fresl\o was &eriously injured when a spinnaker pole &truck him on the left temple. IJA!JV PUOt ~MG~ CO.U1 f'Ull 1$HING C~11'1 ........ "· w ••• tm-.i ..... l'lllllltflu on the hilllide. The black and white com· $5,000 each, except for Ferber who bat photo iS on the main sta1e. received two years in prison and a $1 ,000 .,. A striking creaUon a~oss the broad fine. upper stage ls a portion of the famous U.S. Alty. Herbert F. Travers was not Bas Relief from the Albert Memorial in immediately available for comment on l~ondon. Forty life-sized figures of great u•hat steps the government would take in men from the ages are reproduced. the case. ~ Colors and lighting in the program are "The court agrees with the defendants magnificent. There are the golden tones that vigorous criticism of the draft and of of impressionist Vincent Van Gogh's the Vietnam war is free speech protected painting of peasants harvesting in the hot by the First Amendment, even though its sun. effect ls to interfere with the, war effort,'' The bright colors of Frederick Rem-the decision said. ini:lon capturing American Indians "lt (the court) _holds that the defen- signalling with smoke contrasts uniquely dants were equally free to express com. with the dramatic u.w of pint against mendation and moral suppart for those whlt.e in Giotto di Boodone's "The Vision whose · conscience compelled them to or Jochim... disobey the law, but it drew a distinction The show closes beautifully again with between such expressions and af· ies tra~~ion1! endinf, da Vln~i'1 "La.st fi~tive counseling, aiding and abetUng Supper. violations of the statute," it 1dded. L~guna Stockbrokers Suspended for 30 Days The Laguna Beach branch office o[ Roberts-Scott & Co. Inc.. bas been suspended for 30 calendar days by the SecurlUes and Exchange Commission (SEC) from certain over-the-counter trading. Tpe ruling c111me as the result of SEC charges that the firm had sold North An1erican Research and Development Corp. com1non stock in violation of registration' and anti-fraud provisions of federal securities la\v. The suspension becomes effe<!li ve July 21 . The ruling allows certain exceptions £or unsoli cited over-the-counter transac~ lion s. Activities of the firm on the New York Stock Exchange are not affected. I JOLY HENDREDON'S FONTAINE F eliciaiio ·Suit Delayed Again A th ird continuance C1f the $100.000 damage suit filed by internationally known singt'r·guitarist Jose Feliciano was granted Thursday in Superior Court until \Vednesday, Aug. fi . Feliciano. a Newport Beach resident, and his wife, Hilda, have sued Newport Snuth Bsy, Inc.: Gene Randono, Carol T. Randono and Charles Dryer, claim· ing misreprtsentations in financing and operating "Felicianos" cocktail lounge and restaurant in Newport. The defendants have filed a mntion to dismiss the action, contending it con· tained several flaws. J1t\ a. c .. 1.1 \tk;t PNrlllilfll -0-ra• M~fltf '"''''"' "•••ii ··~ Tl10P1te1 A. Mwrphl11e Joaquin Trustees Meet on Salaries Charles R. Scott, president, was censured by the SEC for failure to supervise properly with a view to preven- ting the violations. tl\c Wall Street Journal reported today. l.wd ....... ~labt.·~ i.itt...w. •Ill ...-'° a••~ wl~ a-le..,.. Mobllt -· • -.. ..., ........ 'I 11• ~ ... JI JSK. cbed" ........ Mfl'ltllftl •• , .... tl:lc~ei4 P. Mill ·--Cll'I' lllllllr San Joaquin Elementary Schoo I District trustees were .scheduled to mett today at.A p.m. to set next year's salaries for teachers of the district's 10 schools. The meeUng is the first trustees and teachers have had face·to-face. Previous- ly, bargaining has been through negotia- tion committees. All details of teachers salarlei were supposed to be ironed out by t.he com· nli~teet before lhe matter came to the school board. However, Or. William Stocks, district assistant superlnte.ndent, 1ald there is still a gap between what the teachers are asking for salary and what the board is willing to grant. An eleventh hour meeting at I :30 p.m. was to be held with teachers to see If a1reemenl might be reached on th e salary schedule. No information J.bout tht: salary Bchedule was disclosed by Or. Stocks. Roger Garrity, assistant manager or the Laguna Beach branch, said no one still employed in the ottice had anything lo do with Ute improper dealings charged by the SEC. He said the office was bein1 punished for something that occurred about two years ago. "Rather than fight it, \ve just accepted it," he said. Exchange Club l11stalls Tonigl1t New officers of the Laguna Beach Ex- change Club will be. invested tonight at a 7 o'clock Installation dinner 111t the San Clemente 1nn being held jointly with the El Toro-1.A1un1 Jlills and San Cltmente Exchange Clubs. New pretiident of the Lagunf E:xchanae Club Is Gary Zimmtrman. Vice-preak1eht is Robert Hudd leston: Dr. Richard Haits Is secretary, ind Donald Dornbos is b.kM, ~ flnW. ( .t 1 ....... ....iWi!L DREXEL-HENDREDON-HERITAGE ALSO ON SALE ••. NATIONAL-MARGE CARSON-HIBRITAN ETC. LAMPS. INC.-MARBO--PAINTINIOS-ACCESSORIES WI ..... SOllY POl ANY 1-.eoNftNllNCl CAUSID IY THI COHSTtUCTION WOii ON WISTCUFP DllYI. THiii II IAS't A.CCIII AND PAlllNe AT THI llAI 01 OUI ITOll. • •• NIWrOIT 9',\CH 1127 Wtttcllff Dr., M2·2Gll O'IN 'IU)AY 'TIL t INTEllOltS l'refftl!MOI '"'"'°' Dflltoon ""°""'-•-11r LAGUNA WCH .MS Nwth CNtt Hwy. 4f.MSSt· OPIN ,llDAY TIL f While the matter ol pay Is still un!itl· !led, Dr. Stocki aaid 1ireement haa been reached on-a number of-iml>Orlant side lss UM such as cr&duate wor k credil'I, maternity policy. IG-month pay period, and lunch sch'<lules. treasurer. !------------------------------------------- > \ ' I --------- \ I I I \ j I • I l -----------------------.... --:--------.-----,------"-,.===--or---- IJCI 1o S1o:dy Strokes $1.3 Million Grant Received for Medical Researcli By RANDY SEELYE Of t11t D1lt1 ,.!let Still ' Tesman will train ttroke teams from " hospitals, 22 in Orafige County and 11 Jn Long Beach. days," Tesman said, "We want ~ lnaure the survivors ·a better chance of reco.very." Dr. Combs .said the entire program will take Ulr~ ye1r1 and will eventually al· . ' U.S. Public Health Enemy No~ 3 Is a "forgotten man" among chronic diseases. ,...Ib<. llll!!le !§ on~.oLl!!Lm"'1 <!!J.al!!!!!g and oJ'ten tatal diseue1 .. in I.be country, )'et the number of survivors la unknown. Thtm teams or physicians, nurses and physical thera~ will be trained at -J,.onghKb-1!1~@ llosp(til arid will then return to their own hO.spilals to train · teams there. tempt tO aid in 1lroke prevtnUon. ~ --' UC 1rvine Medical School Thursday an- nounced the start o! a program to find out and treat that unknown quanlty. Dr. Robert C-:--eombs, associate de11n, for continuing medical education at UCI, reevaled Thursday in a press conference that the university's medical school has been awarded a $1 .3 million-three year £rant to create a stroke research center. A $431 ,000 grant has been received for the first year of the program. Dr. Bertram L. Tesman will coordinate the program designed to train hospital teams to manage stroke victims. The stroke center grant was r~ived from U1e Department of Health, Eduta· lion and WeUare under direction oI the California Committee on R e g i on a I Medical Programs. It is one of eight similar centers being established throughout the United State.s. Other stroke centers are being set up in Alaba~a. Georgia, New York, Utah, Washington and Alameda. "There will be approximately 3,000 new stroke patient&:...in' Orange County in 1969 and about l,SOO of these will ~e within 30 "We already know the seven· danger signals 01 the stroke," he added. "Our major task "111 be to acquaint these ... signals \\'ilh physicians and the public. 11 They include di~ness, blurred vision, numbness or weainess, slurred speech, changes In facial muscles, disturt>ances or thought and minute ptr&Onality . changes. The prQJ!'am also includes a post graduate ttaining program for 1pt!ech therap lt1 a refresher trainJng cow:ae for v lar surgeons; a trairilrig course for ,·a ologLsts and a public and patient educa on and stroke screening project: ' Jury Continues Talks In Vet Embez~ling Case · ank Robbery, Dope Suspects To _Lo.se -Borid? . __ A jury of nine men and three women Cadwell testified that DAV director• today continued to deliberate the fate of were authorized to pay him a $7 ,500 re· Santa Ana attorney David Cadwell, ac-tainer plus $1,000 a month in legal fees. cuud of misappropriation of more than In closing arguments Thur s d a Y, $34,000 in the Disabled AmeriCan defense attorney Hugh Manes of Los Veterans' funds. Angeles told the jury that Deputy At- The jury began deliberations at 3:23 torney General Charles Rumph was "not WASHINGTON (AP) -Atty, Gen. John N. Mitchell asked Congreas today to allow potentially dangerous persons such as accused bank robbers and dope ped- , dlers to ,be jailed without bond up to &O days while awaiting federal trial. " Federal law now allows such a con- P.m. Thursday and was locked up for the exactly candid" in his testimony on a proported conversation with Cadwell 's dilion only on capital crimes such -as night at 9:30 p.m. wife Carol. murder. Defendants in olber cases may Cadwell, 36, has been on trial for nearly "Carol was 1·n an obv1·ously emot1"onat be · ·1 d · h t bond I ·1 th I d th ft Jal e wit ou on y 1 e govern-five weeks on two counts o gran e state and frightened at th, 11t interview," · I · f d f th s la Ana Jack ment can show they probably would not mvo vmg un s o .e an h1anes argued . Fisht\t Chapter of the DAV. The reference was 10 a session Mrs. appear for lrial otherwise. Dur1~g the trial, which began. J~ne II, Cadwell had last ¥tar in the district at-Mitchell made his proposal, which ..r 1t v.'as testified that-Cadwell-was fured ~y totfiey'r-office--with ·Pumph -~nd Asslst~t would modify the Ball Reform Act ()( the D~V to ~efend an atlorner gener~I s pistrict Attorney Everett Dickey during 1966, in letters to the speaker of the ~wsuK...,,~-th@-\lat.e.ill'b •. -Otgan~,·-wmch she-alleged hel:---husbe.nd ~ouii_--Houst an~resident--ef-the Senate. hor.. seek a mental commitment for her if she Prosecutor ruehard BeaCQm said didn't juggle his books. · ·It. apparent~y g~ bey.o.nd the ~an. 31 shortages occurred ·in funds handled by Manes charges that .testin:iony su r-recommendation b~ Pres1de~t N~on to Cadwell and that no contract existed rounding the attorneys v.:1fe w as use such prtventive ~etenti~ tn the between the attorney and DAV for pay· "garbage" and added, .. it proves District of Columbia as part of his pro- ment of legal fees. nothing." gram to enc! what he called Washington's Cleared it& Mtcrder \ Panther Claims Party Just Starting in County Daniel Michael Lynem. 22, Santa Ana "Santa Ana Pig (poli~) department," Black Panther Party leader. told a~t ·• the press and soc'!t.Y .. ,~ i~~~ral.~ 70 persons at the Uni~rian Church in The bulk of Lynem s 3{)'.:m1nute talk Anaheim Wednesday night that his party Involved commen~s made by Lt. George "" is "just beginning to roll in Santa Ana Morrison of Huntington Bea~h, a mem- and Orange County ." ber or the Los An~eles Poll.ce Dep:11rt- Lynem was released from jail Jasl ment, before a service club in Hunbng- k b h d. t · 1 ttor , fflce ton Beach Tuesday. wee Y t e is ric a ney s 0 u Morrison had criticized the news cleared of charges that he murdered : . . Bl k p th ub-Sant Ana police officer Nelson Sasscer ~~1a for ~vmg ac . ar_i ers. P a 1tc1ty and said the organization .t~1es to on June 4. gain control of Negro commun1hes by The Black .Panther leade~ was ar-terror~ing the people. raigned again Thu~sday in Central "The police lieutenant said th ings are Orange County Mun1c:lpal Cou~ on a going to start happenin¥ here. II there previous charge of failure to disperse. are any Santa Ana pigs 1n this audience, He. had been arrested by Sant~ Ana they can go bac~ and te~l the chief ~he police on that char~e hist April. The lieutenant was right. nungs are going arraignment was continued to Aug. 7. to happen," Lynem threatened. Lynem will be in court again Tuesd.ay "We're going to organize to feed black Gfl a charge filed by Santa Ana police children and we're going to remain in last March of carrying a concealed Santa Ana and Orilnge County and will weapon. aid in the organization of other revolu· Wednesday, Lynem took swipes at the tionary groups," Lynem continued. tt's A Dog's Lite crime crisi!. The Nixon admin'tstraUon also sent to Congress today a package of propou.11 to deal further with Washingt.On crime, but they would not immediately affect courts outside the capital city. Mitchell said, however, the proposals .,should serve as a model for other major metropolitan areas struggling lo solve this national problem." The proposal to jail prisoners without bond before conviction would apply na· lionwlde if approved. Only a judge or U.S. commissioner could order a person held under the new proposal, and then only after a hearing. Jf the defendant were jailed, he would be entitled to be released after 60 days unless his tr!al had begun or had been delayed at his own request. Beach. Woman Wants 'S.pender' To Forget Her A harassed Huntington Beach woman v.•ishes someone would forget her tele- phooe number and address. Wednesday, the Laurelhurst Lant resident told police she was the recipi- ent of two dozen roses, delivered by an unknown florist allegedly at htr request. That night an upholstery firm called. to contlnn the order to recover two chairs she supposedly had ordered. Thursday a pizza parlor called h1rs. Manning to confirm her order of 11 dozen pizzas. Then came the oool salesman. "WhEn would you like your new pool installed?" he asked. "We already have a pool,'' she replied. Police investigators say they believe the raLte orders-were placed by a teen-· age boy, a man and a woman. l-. .u;:a:a:ir_~-Q<L~'!!~ .\ County Solon Gets Message, Also tlie Bird SACRAMENTO (UP I ) Asse mblyman Ken Cory (D-Qarden Grove), asked the Assembly Rules Com- mittee for a telephone extension and got a pigeon. The black and white bird was in a box on Cory's chair in the Assembly chaml>ers when the lawmaker arrived Thursday evening. "This ls Jn response to your request for a telephone by your couch in addJUon to the one by your desk," said a note taped to the bird's box. "[)o1e tv an unfortunate ahortage of telephone equipment, and in accordi.oace with rule:: comrrilttee policy to promote efficiency and economy in Assembly operaUon... we have procured a n alttmate mode of communication -well · tested and proven and with a very low maintenance ractor," the note said. "When dispatching menages, please do not stand beneath carrier. I &nm thil will meet with your needs." The note was slantft by Ammblyman Eugene Chapple (&-Cool), rultt com- mittee chairman. PRESID~NTIAL DIGS-Aerial view covers Presi·. dent Nlxon's new Orange County home and environs. Santa Fe Railroad tracks run along beach at base of cliff in front of old H. 8i· Cotton estate purchased by the, Presidfnt and neighboring Cyprus Shores home .of magazine publisher and surf photographer John Severson. U.S. Coa!!t Guard Loran Station, wi.th 1anding pad for presidential helicopters, is in. background. Beyond is San Djego Freeway. - $8,000 for Estate ' .. S~nat.e Confirms·· President Nixon's Now ,Egeherg to Post WASHING TON_ CAPJ -Dr. Roa« p, Egeberg was confirmed by the Senate 19- -• day u.tbe paUop'.i diiet.heaJ.tb_otncero.' President ruchard M. Nixon becomes an. Orange County taxpayer, beginning July I. value of about $3M,OOO. The eritlre esta~ Js valued at $637,080 by t!fe assessor's of· flee. Egeberg was the man Prta:kfent Ntm named after dtopplng the long-delayed seiedion oi Dr. John H. KriOWles of Boston. Knowles was opposed b ·, segments of the American Medical Association • and· conservatlvea I 'fl Assessed value (25 percent) Is about $84,000 on the Nixon portion and Sl34,27tl on the total , the assessor revealed. Congres:!l. .. County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw Thursday estimated that the President will be paying about $8,000 in property taxes on the porllon of the Cotton estate in San Clemente which he purchased la.lit month. Hiwhaw says the Nixon parcel which Includes the home, several satellite buildings and the beachfront has a cash llinshaw said he understood the balance of the Cotton estate will be purchased for a library and museum by a non-profit foundation which will be tax free. Egeberg, dean of medicine at Ott University of Southern C a 11 for n I 1 , becomes a1slstant secretary for healttl and IC!entlfle alfaln In the Deparlmenl of Health, Education and We~are. • • ' A message of hope · for those who were left out because we couldu't get them a Volkswagen right away. NeWPORT BEACH Chick Iverson, Inc. 445 E. Coast Hwy. 1714) 673.0900 Our ship came in . Your local authorized Volkswagen dealer hos o good selection of models, colors and optional equipment to choose from. And if he doesn't hove exoctly whet you're looking for, he can probably get it in a day or two. So if you've been waiting for the right time to buy a VW, the time has come. I t ... ..L.." ... - ln cose you forgot what ~ looks like. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Bill Yates Inc. 32152 Vallo Rd. 499·2261 HUNTINGTOJo! llAClf • Hubour Volhwe9tn 11711 laoch louln1nl 1714) 142-44JS_ ' • ' Lady, three-year-old Collie owned by Mr. and Mrs. Herberl Cook of Vancouver, Wash., nuztjes baby rJ.bbit s)le hes adopteA an~ is nursing. Mrs. Herbert said Lady bed two pups die shortTy alter thefi birth and then apparently found the rabbilt in nearby field and brought it ho1ne. : = ~.+,;;·--...-e-ur?'P5TF&-ii33' ·-------------------------------------------• -~-~·~-~· ~~-------------------------=---=:.__:.__:_ _ _::::::..:..==:::::J - I 4 . DAILY "LQJ M1yor Euttn• LHhy •f Omaha, Neb. had had a particularly_Jong and arduous first week in office when be encountered RoMrt Cun- nlnfham, his opponent in the re. cent election. "Bob," said Leahy, t'I•m going to demand a recount." • The sugaestlott box in one ~parttknt at VandtrbUt Uni· otrsity at Nathville, Tenn. 11a..t been removed. Officials said it &006 wed only twice in a little over a year. One message, dated June 15, 1968, Sllflf1t1ted im· prove:mmts in the dt'partme1it mail room. The second, dated L~luft~~-15; J969,·-WOS Jrom-the mme person who suggeste~ the suggestion box 'be checked more frequently. ; Frl!IN, Ju.~ l~.1.969 . . "' •• Ast·ronauts· ·Take Final ·physical ... elude the nm• thlngs. •• ~~::-8,~fu-:6~f!~fV&!~ Jt:1'1::t.: ' th!"1clool~fio~pi!%:.""p11a'":'J pre..'n.ight medical examination today and 11ample1 ol variOU! skin artas on the body , 11 was expected to confitm they are flt 16 compare with similar samples to be for launch Wednesdiy on Amerfca's t.Jken . •·the end of the eight-day Apollo moon landing adventure! 11 mi,5.VOn. Nell A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and To make certain the space adven,urers Ed#in E.-Aklrin began the morning kine showed up for the exam carrylng all -the checks at 5 a.m. EOO' when phystcians mkro-o{gani!J'Ds each of them normally took blood samplea before breakfast. ~ carries -internally and uternally - The examJnaUon wasn't so dilferent they were forbidden to eat or Jirink from the one the family doctor might ~an~g but what they would normally order, with pne big exception -the pilot! cwiswne for the 24: hours before the test. ~re going to the moon and scientists want A "medical requirements handbook" to make certain they -know what for &stronaut.s also imp:ISes these restric- organisms are going with them so they tion.s : "Crew memben should not bathe can identify any moon bugs they mi&ht within ).2 hours of the test period. bring back. · Deodoran~. foot powders, gargles and At the launch pad six miles away,.the other disinfectants should not be used countdown was rolling alq on the 36$-followl~g the tast~shower" prior to the rOot Apollo I spac~raft-rocket com-examination. bination. A Space Agency spokesman The handbook also lorbids brushlni; summed up the status with two words -hln · h l th .. bl ., teeth wit six ours o e exam. no pro ems. th · h Launch cre\vS today were loading the All of .~ organisms common to t e command ship ''tolumbJa'' with helium astronauts systems have been ca~eful\y and oxygen and_ pressuritin..s __the ~ .:,_ catalo!'1ed so that any they may pick up tanks in the landing craft ''Eagle." on them~ will be del~ed whe_n they The CQunt began on time at 5 p.m. PDT are exallllned after the trip. Their con· Thursday alter -a leak in the rocket's tact with .o~r people _has ~lso .~n he.lium pressurization system was found sev~rely !~m1~ed to avoid being con· and rep_aired by two men who climbed in-tammated with new germs. , UPI Tti.pllolt side a cavernous liquid oxygen tank. The President Nixon had planned to eat dln-• When news time arrived on the BBC (B.rilish Broadcasting Corp) R ad i o· Network the newscaster slarUed listeners with this afro nouncement: ''No news is good news and there is no news." He saliUater the newss'cript \Vas late in arriving from the newsroom. ASTRONAUTS ARMSTRONG (LEFT!, COLLINS (CENTER), ALDRIN GET PHYS ICALS . Doctors Want to .Know If They Come Beck With • Germ They Didn't Take With Them pn;>blem was eliminated by a few turns of ner the night before la unch with o. torque wrench. Armstrong and his crew, but called off I • San Francisco'1 Charlie BroWn..¢ double leg amputee, is cu1ret1tly making a 11ound the 1oorfd trip uia 1iis wheefchair and his thumb. He stopped in Denver this week hopirig t o catch a ride. •• The Iowa liquor commission has $11 million worth of liquor in its \va rehouses and stores enough to last into the 22nd century. "The in- ventories that they have far ex- ceed anything you '''Ou\d expect," Gov. Robert 0 . Ray said. He ask- ed the commission to get rid of the surplus. The governor, \\'hose tastes run more to ginger ate anyway. suggested the commission try to sell some of the less popular brands back to the manufacturer. • Commanders are fining soldiers $12 at the Royal Ar1ny Ordance Corps Depot in Bicester, England if their ha ir exceeds regulation length . An army spokesman said. " . .\!! "'e ask is that a chap's hair must be tidy and not curling over his collar or his ears." Biggest Si1~e War Egyptians Take-Big Toll · In Canal Co1nma11do Raicl By United Press hternatlonal An Israeli military spokesman In Tel Aviv conceded today that the Egyplian commando raid across the Suez Canal Thursday night in the Tewflk area was tbe most successful by Egyptian forces since the end of the June, 1967, six-Oay war. Egy~ reported "Enemy losses are not less than 40 either killed or injured . Five enemy tanks were also destroyed and fire 2 Reagan Aides ~epo~Lf4 in Li1~e i..r .. " I • • . For: Nixon Jobs ' . SACRAMC."'NTO (UPI) -·Lyn Nofziger and Tom Reed. two ror1ncr top advisers ta Gov. Ronald Reagan, are iri lipe for jobs ilfl 'While House aides to Ptt,sident Nixon. · .~. State administration sources ·said Thursday that Nofziger would join the Congressional liaison staff and Reed ~-ould become a White House assistant. Nofz.iger said he had no comment on the report. He was Reagan's et>mmunications director betore resigning last year to open a public relations offi~ in Sacramento. A former natiorial political writer lor Copley News Service in Washington, Noftlger headed Reagan's press office during the 1966 campaign for governor. Reed is Republican national com- mitteeman from Caillornla. He served 1s Reagan 's appointments secretary and "'as out-of-state campaign coordinator for the governor during his unsuceessful try for the Republican presidential nomlna· lion last year. Sources said Reed now ls I n \Vashington but may accept only a tem· porary job with Nixon. was set to his equipment. which is still ablaze." -~ The Israeli military spokesman said four Israeli soldiers were killed, four others wounded and one .apparently cap- tured by the commandos and taken back to the west bank of. the waterway. Ile reported two Israeli tanks damaged. The commandos struck out from the Tewfik area, which is a port and railhead at the end of a promontory jutting out from Suez City. The raid whieh began at 7:30 p.m. - before dark -was the second or the day and the fifth within the past 23 days. An Egyptian spokesman in Cairo said the special attack force moved under artillery et>ver, stonned enemy positions aocl 1held . them for an hoQr while "deltroying all eqem1 weaponr, :tanks, equipment and personnel inside thelr bunkers and ditches." NYSE Committee Okays Members 'Goi11g P1ihlic ' . NEW YORK (UPI) -A New York Stock Exchange committee ne1t Thurs· day will recommend, reluctantly and under pressure, a rule change which will rock the securities iDdustry and affect investors, big and small, it was learned today. After weeks of deliberation, the ct»Tl· mittee will recommend \hat members be permitted \o "go public;• that is sell stock in their own firms. For decadet, ..the exchange has for- bidden .memberi to do so, contending the regulation whs necessary to et>ntrol membership and to prevent power insti- tutions such as mutual funds and insur· ance companies from eitending their influence on the market and avoiding large commission charge3. Teeth Chatter • Ill Wyoming Evanston's 39 Contrasts With Arizona Higli of 109 C•llforid• Loc.o! lo. tnd ..... t loudt l>W•t'CI l11ra t0.11•1 l tlff af S-olill'14"!\ Cth· to:wnlt. oll'lerwl"' -lt>tr W•• mc1!!• l•I• '""'"· TPM!re ""'? •om-1f!et-rioon Cio<lch !!\ ~ h~r ....,.,Mll!\1 t"ll lhe arrwm. T1>eore "''' l•Ulr itm• Nrtf\lte <"-119t. Lm Atl!leln Ind •lcln111 "'°" h11• 111•11"1"" will! life n!•h' '"" e1•I• rnomln~ low tloo>d1 11>11 loo ""'' '"• t.,_11. l"" h\911 ll;ldty Wll IJ. • lour d~~'"' l11mo "°"' l~11rillt•'I ~,,h, l he 1>rf'lllcttd low 1on1,M w1• ,,_ f"-tJ.$, Wfl!Mr 1111'91\l't ll•e-dt• nu!-<•II"" for no 1>rftl1>ll•H!!PI with lemoel'l1urf\ •-•91"9 t~rte 'to li•f -·~· tbo'le --·· 50UTHEllH CALIF'Ollfll!A -l ow Ciooldl tnd 1«11 '°' lle'9T It>~ <C•>I nl~M 111d Nrtv ""°'"ln1 "°"" o'"''" wise mo~tl1 ltlr lh~ 5•Turlltv 11<11 -tfll-cloull1 owr hltl'lo• mou"!tln1 1rw MMrtl. Nol mucll ''"'" -•IUre d>lnt! LOS ANGl!Ll!5 AlilEA.-l!Jllf <looxl< tnd l«Al tot nl•"' e.W ••"• mor""'" """'~ with "'"'" MlflWllnc i.11 """"~' '""' 1~5 F'ridty 1nd S1!11r111v. °"""'""" IOws 61. A 1111111 wtrmer frl0t1 wll!I llieh 15. COIUTAL VALLIEYI -Mo>trv l•I• """°""' Sl!\ll'dtv With ""' Wn•hl .. bllll'I den _. leul lot or io. <louttl loww -""" I" "'"' morn""'. NOi mlldl ....,_.,..,, ™""· °""',,..,,, ... '6 IO •t. H""' F'rloltr M "' •• IHTEIWEDIATIE VALLl!YS -l"tlr ~ .. tyrM,., Hor """" "-·· Iv,. CMllM. (>ttmi.tll loWI ll "' st. Hltfll ,.,....,...,, ftl "- MOUHTAIW AlllAS -Melll'I> "''' ~ S.turfl¥ llut ,,..,_ (lo\lcll flllff lli.t-,,,_. NII nldl ~ .,,..ru,. dllnfl, INflllll°" .AJitD DESlllT 111EGIOH5 ~"' fllf' • 1'lll'Wtl'I Slolulo:Stlf trul -tlllldl .ntl ... ~ .. ,..,. ..... "'""' "" /MICJI ......,.....,.,. di .... Coastal L11t lli9hl ind e•l'tf '""'"'"" IOI or lcw tlOv•h, QfM""IM ll'IOl!lr felr with ""'" wntlllne t°""y •nd SllurCI••· Wlt!1h W'l!lle•l• I 10 IS knot•. H\tll lo-d1y n. Y"t1rd1v'1 t-•t ture rtllOed trnm 1 "~ at '1 to n. !nl1nd ~""''" 1, .. , ••"" w11 ,, la M. W11t!r te"'" ""lu" ... S im, /!loon, Tides F'lttt ..... ,, .. 1 "'"" 'I"! '°"' f lrtt 111.,. let-..... -.... l·M 1.m, t .I I OQ p.m. J,, jATUlilOA'f J:ioe ..... o., . 11.11 ...... JJ , i 11 t .11'. t.P 1.30 11.111 ••.• 11.S. S un1mar11 Het.vv lf\u,..r 1!1P1"m1 K'""''"nlHI ti~ lllofl "'""'' llllmmtled lht "'°" •rtPlllc.tl hetrl of lf>e Nllon lod1y ltV'>' 11111111""" lndltnt to (tnlrtl K1nui. Wlr,d\ Cluvd o•-•IV dt"'I~ lfl W..lb!f!\ llllnol1 nt1r C11>a111t ""' In _,.,,, lltlleYllle ...... 1y '" 11\tll tnd I -•!fr of rtl" ~It. In lnllllnt, Ev1n1•ll~ realved 1n J.toc11 OI 'lit! I" ont ,,.,.,. Ind I." I" t ll•""""'r ..-rlod. Htl""' r1l11 I nd w"'dt .,. "' llO ITl!tn tn flour 11tf "''' af Ktnwl. Sllow•rt d1.....,.,,.cr Ntw enwllnd t"ll ~ G~t! l1~'1. 1rt1 '"" p1rl1 OI ~ toulll Arltnll( ca.II, Ir, fUnnol Claud w11 1!9"1~11 •t•lv ·~11 rno•n- 11'11 .... , Pfl>W,011 Ol'I 1111 Florldt (Gell. Temperat11res l•lltr!Otlcl l l1m1rtk ll0$•on ('11tt90) Clncin,,.11 Cl!•tl1N;1 O~•tr OH Mol""1 Dolt roll Eurel\1 Fort Worth F'rflNI Hei.nt Hl)llOlulu H<>.11fon K1M•• City Lii Vt•U• LOI lr,~lfl M1tm! Ml!WIUll.tt MlnneePOlir. ~ °'""", New Yo;wlt North P141ttt 0.-11.w """"' P110 ll~1o>1 Plll .. *4111111 Phtitfll• P1!tlbllrolt Po;w!J1nd rt ... la Cltv RM llulf ,_ 1.ter.,,,"'11 !I, lOVll 1111•''" &11'! lll<I (lflf !1n O•no 11 71 " 51 ~ " . ,, ,. '1 •• l l ll 11 11 n 11 ,. ll " ~ ~ .. ,. ., 61 ~ ~ !01 11 K " '' s~ ., 11 .. " u " '" II j} " " U IJ .J7 u " '° n ·°' I I '1 .. ~ .. " U M " " 11 If .II '°' u " .. n M .01 " ,.. .1' IOI II ---~' ~ .. ,. u °"""" v ... ~......,...., " .,...C.WW-Wlllrrt• 4' ft 11 ~ 'l'tftt'f'I, Hltllt 1"""'-¥ "'"" •ltff I:•'·"'· Sm. f;t1 1.m. MtM 1111141 ~~°' 1.m. Ith l:tl T.ln. TioyNltr t'-'ttt dtlltl-.d Ill 1M SllUt N..,...O. et HOl'ttll?" (ltltomi. '"°' In l"'9 ltoc~v Mou"!tlnt. TIMN -rt "Wl•I ..........,, 111 n.. PKll~ Norlhw1n1. Sill F'r11V;IKO SeotL l1rto.r• Sl'llflt Sadr.Int l1>crm11 Wt.,,lf!l'On fl ii .. ~ .. ,, .. ~ " ff ., " .. " .. " " ~ .fi .. " n .. ,., .._., ••tlfYa. m i. 110 '°""" ""'"" 106 11 " ff JOwll Lttl 0. 1"1rtl O. '°"" July H A~•· Jvly ZI J~lt 1• . I . '• . I --. .. I· t ... .,.....,_.~ ,.,, ·r-, .• Car Tal<e• Off The auto in the sky is getting a lift from a helicopter \Yhicb re- moved it from the swimming pool at the home of the Robert Howes in Glendale Thursday. The car had been sitting in the pool since Sunday when it sli~ ped its parking brake and plung~ down a hill. ' ' The astronauts' medical examination the plan because of the chance he mlght included blood samples, an electro-"ccint"aminate" them. . cardiogram, hearing test, near and far The astronauts easily passed their vision eye test, chest x-rays and a detail-previou!l medical checkup 10 days ago e<l urological examination. A thoroLU1h and were pronounced "in excellent checkup for anyone probably would in-physical shape ••• amaz.ingly relaxed." * * * *' 300 Solous Going ~0,000 Special Guests To View Apollo 11 Shot \\'ASHINGTON (UPI ) -Space agency oHicials expect at lea.st 10.000 "special guests" ranging fron1 chamber of com. merce officials to authors at Cape 1\en- nedy next Wednesday Ylhen Apollo 11 is shot toward the moon. Included in the host of VIPs will be nearly 300 itiembers of Congress and an unccunled number of their wives or other guests. One congressman not going is Rep. H. R. Gross (R·lowa). lie took to the House floor Thursd'1 to denouoce UJe 8Jcur'Sion as a taxpayel--financed junket whose .~nly ac_Ct'mplishment woukt be to "clutter up (the sile) with three or four hundred con- gressmen and their wives." A spokesman for the N a t I o n a I Aeronautics and Space Administration {NASA) said 2.83 lawmakers ..,..... 41 senators and 242 representatives -had signed up so far for the trip. Each may bring one guest. ~lost will board Air Force planes near \Vashington early \\'eclnesday morning, fly down to the cape, glimpse the shot and return that same day. All expenses will be paid by the government. An advance rontingent of 42 members of lhe House and Senate space com· mittees '>''ill fly down Tuesday night. Bec£use they are on "official business" they may charge lheir rooms and other expenses lo the government. But a NASA aide said, "You'd be surprised how many consider it a privilege and pass up the chance.·· Most of the 10,000 "special guests" must pay all their own expenses, ac- cording to NASA, But NASA rould not say how much it would spend in mal\- p(M·er and facilities . to accommodate them. Besides congressmen, exce ptions include ambassadors or their represen- tath·es (about 120 are expect!':d) who have been invited by President Nixt1n. ProlocQJ centers, v.·hich go into opera· tion today, have been set up at five· po inti around Cape Kennedy where the VIPs will be assisted and from where they can catch bUsts far tQurs and transportation lfto .(~:;.ce$~~~%in .said ~c. chods1n1 whu ti. inyjte the ac;eney de:ekled ~9.,_C°iJ)­ ture a "cross section" nol only of America but the world. Among those )n- vit.ed were deleil:aticns fnlm dlfferept countries; high federal o(f1C"la l s; go\'·ernon of each state and territory; mayors of all cities wtih populations over 100,000 (and cities \vith fewer · people where there is a link between the com· mur.ily and the space program): air and scientific attaches or embassies: artist!, authors, and Pulitzer Prize winners; representatives of farm. labor. '>'"omen's, Negro, church and business groups: na· tional and state officers of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ; prominent ia- dustry figures; educators and ordiniry members o[ the public who '>''rite in (when there was tin:e) for tickets. North Viets, Cong Regroup For MassiveNewOffensive SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces are preparing (or a substantial new offensive before the end of July, U.S. military sources said today. ''The indications are they are preparing for a high point of substantial intensity." the sources said. Both shelling and ground attacks are expected. they said. Thirty-eight allied targels, including six provincial capitals, came under rocket Ha vcuia Joke ' ' Costs H i111 $200 BOSTON (UP I) -Tilford E. Dudley asked the wrong question and it cost hin1 $200. . E&sl Boston District Court Judge Gtly J . Rizzota Thursday found Dudley ~illy of disturbing the peace for his question to an airline ste'>''arrtess. "How long dQE':s it take to go lo Havana?" The judge fined Dudly mo-and sakl he was ··a~lutely amated that a .man of your high education and a member of the bar would make such a crack as that." . Plun1hers Talk s Off bOS ANGEl.ES·<Al;'J, Negotialions to end-a strike by-So\lllm.:Gallfomia phun- bera ha ve been recessed unUI next Thurs· day. and mortar attac~ overnight and the Viet Cong promised more or the same. "Our people will fight on, launching et>otinuous attacks, until the Americans go and the puppets fall ," the Viet Cong's liberation radio said in a broadcast to Saigon Thursday night. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong probably will try to gel their new of- fens ive going late in July and use both shelling attacks and ground assaults, the infon:ned sources said. They said they expected the campaign to last seven to 10 days with activity fall- ing olf as Communist troops regroUp and resupply. ' Communists reported allied lroope klll- c<l 190 Communist-soldlera in more than a dozen battles Thursday, but none of the engagements was large. The Communlsu stepped up their sheU- ing attacks, pounding 38 targeb com· pared with 33 the prevlou! night . l~e;avlesl casualties came at Tan An. 23 miles southwest or Salp, where a bar- rage of 107mm rockets killed one Viet- namese and wounded three al a center (or Communist defectors. The military sources said Vitt Cong ;ind North Vietnamese forces had suf- fered heavy kJS5e9 between April and June . In the II provillei!s surrounding Saigon. Communist casualties during I.he 90-day period totaled about 25,000, the d<>urcts said . Thal included 17,000 dead counted on bl'lttleflelds and an estimated 8.000 who died of wounds or were 90 stverely y,·oun· ded lhey wtre out of action. Going Dom1t llnder \Vatter L. Rice \Vas nominated by President Nixon Thursday as the Ambassador to Aus .. traJia .... Rice, 66, is a former vice president ot~ Reynolds l\1etals Co. \Yb ich once had mining interests in Australia. tollege Sends Regrets To 1,000 Applicant& HAY\VARD (UPI ) -California State Colle~ at Hayward mailed letters toda,y to more than 1,IXKI appllC!ants saying they will not be adM1Ued for lack of space. The school's ,admission quola has been slashed from a JlJanried 11,000 ftlll -and patt·ti..,.,rodentrto t ,:ioo. TIM! r..rocu0n resulted ft'om cuts in lhe budgcl ol \he state rolleee system. --._ --------------- I f I I J . I I • ' . . Mid~est Rivers . Swollen By VDJ1ed Pm1 laternaUOQll The Iewa River, swollen to lti-Jirghe&t-crflt, ... wH ao-OeeP today oCllclals couldn't even measure it. "The gauge ls under water," officials said, reporting the river had risen to at least lt.3 feet at Marshalltown. IOwa, Thursday and driven 800 persons from their homes. ~ Iowa was receding to- day aft.er floodini-•~block sectiQ.n in the town of 13,000. National GuardslT\en stood guard to prevent looting. Police reported 20 cases of looting. Many areas of the water. glutted Midwest bave Rlifered flooding because or weeks of rain. M o r e thunderstorms poured more water ion t o swollen streams Thursday. Jn the South, a heat wave con- • tinued. . Flooding or the threot of Seat on Bencli? flooding-continued today in 1 • - ---~ ~ ---~·-· ~·-- Iowe, Misso1Jri and Illinois. U.S. Circuit Court Judge Shirley HufstedJer of Los Showers and thunderstorms Angeles takes rest from seminar at New York Uni· were reported today in these versity Thursday in New York's Washington Square. states, and in Indiana and , Secret Thaila~ Pact Admitted WASHING TON (AP) -The ~tale Departmen't acknowledges ulstence of a ·:iecr tl&i6.--arrangemen between the United States and Thailand but denies Sen. J.W, Fulbright's contention that it broadens the American eon1- mitment to that Southeast A.sia_p nl\Q9n. _ · The arrat):gement Is what a Nixon. Tlll'ns To Senate . . On VoteLa'v WASHINGTON (AP) Rebuffed by i House sub- committee, the Nixon ad- ministration turned to the Senate today for support of a nationwide vOtlnl rights law to' _"re,,.lace a 1965 act liml\ed to south"e"fn stafe...~ '"'"' -01~ ' Michigan. More than an inch She is reported high on list of \VOmen being consid· of rain fell in si:r hours at ered by eresident Nixon for appointment to U.S. Sioux City, Jowa , and more _s_u.o.p_re_m_e_C_ou_rt_. ______________ _ than three-quarters of an inch Atty. Gell. John N. Mitchell "'as called be.rote the '~nate Judiciary Committee's con- stitutional r i g h t s sub- committee, where the ad- 1ninistralion bill is _ regarded as ha\'ing a slight edge. fell at Pickstown, S.D. Sailors iri Distress * Plan~s Search . ' A Rouse Judiciary sub-· co1nmittee approved Thurs. day, by what Ch a i rm an Emanuel Ce I I er (0-N.Y.), called an..overwhelming voice vote, a bill to e>;tend the 1!165 Voting RJghts Act for five years beyond Aug •. 6, 1970. I' Verf heavy rain fell in the St. Louis, Mo., area today. The St. Louis Airport reported .38 of an inch in 15 minutes and local flooding was a threat. A severe .thUnderstorn1 waming was in effect early to- day for three nearby Illinois counLies. Wind damage was reported in a severe thun- derstorm at Cahokia, Ill. For Yachtsman ' T .i IGNMOUTH,. England (UPI ) -'fhe u:s. Air Foree P~py1·us Boat Dumps Supplies The administration's pro- posal for a new law was not even put up .for a vote. ·The full Houser Judfciary Com-----'-------- Beregovoi, Cernan Feted HELSfNKI (UPI) -U.S. astronaut Eugene Cernan and Soviet cosmonaut Georgy T. Beregovoi will arrive i n Helsinki this weekend to ac- cept golden space medals of the International Aeronautical Federation. Ceman was a member of the Apollo 10 crew. Beregovoi made the Soyuz 3 flight last year. • • and British Coast Guard searched today for British round-the-w or Id yachLsman Don'ald Crowhu'rst. A freightoi' found his triinaran abandoned SAN JUAN, Puerto Riro mittee ·is expeeted tu;atJpiove (UPI) -"It's a qUestion or the extension bill nexfweek . how· long v.•e can· keep going. But in the Senate . .:1u~ T h e crew are w o r k i n g committee headed by Sen. desperately lo keep together Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D·N.C.), SILVER FOR IIIB? what we have.'' backers of an extension of the WASHINGTON (UPI) That urgent message from present law concede their Minllng of a "silver" dollar the papyrus boat Ra raised chances are dim. They figure bearing the likeness of Dwigh~ fe ars today for the epic they can count on the votes of D. Elsenho··er was proposed 900 n1iles off the coast Thurs-h Id Jy ••· f th J ht " voyage to t e new wor . on uu ee o e e g Thursday by Rep. Laurence .J day. Thor Heyerdahl. skipper of members. Burton (R-lllah. I A British steamer spotted lhe Ra, radioed Thursday hi s Already there is talk oC A similar bill calling for the three-hulled vessel and six~man crew had been forced trying to bypass the Judiciary mintlng of the dollar con- sa1d the yachtsman's personal to toss so"!!e 5 u PP 1 i ~ s Committ.ee . and hfing the taining 40 percent silver was I f·1ms d overh?8rd, as the waves HoU&e 6UI directly be.fore the introduced in the Senate by ~~-og, _1_ an tapes --bteaking_.oyg the depressed Sena,te -. ~trategy . that has Sen. Peter H. Dominick (R- were intact. An emergency stern h a v e ~been u~ tri-the-past.-~0 · liferaft still was a_board. amidships. • ..,'4111 civil rights legislation. -· CONTINENTAL MANOR LAGUNA Md.!1, .My 11, 1'69 ,--------,...---·----. THI ITIAHOI WOll.D .. ·lllul.MUM ,. . Murder Gun Found • now generation ... who had been where action was , . , who was deeply concerned." COOPERSVILLE, M I c h. (UPI) -Margaret Phillipa:, wllose "deep concern and Jove for her fellow man" led to her The 3 and lh day hunt for violent death, was buried the weapon used to murder Thursday in a simple funeral Miss Phillips proved succe.u- · So:viets Release ' 2 Filers , ! j MOSCOW • (AP) -Two fliers from the 'Unlted Statts rii!CWelt ~ Ho• be<O" re~ by p.. Sov~t Union 1 i after being he1d a week f01 , 4 straying across the border, a ' U.S. Embauy apokesnutn said today. -He said Lt. COi. George Pat· ·1. terson of Chamblee, Ga., and . • _ Dr. Karl Slchelstiel were told · ~ ~y could ~ntlnue on their 1·, way to Turkey, their destina· , . lion ln a light plane rally when they made an emergency Ian· ding in Soviet territory on lhe -. Black Sea coast July •· Th~ -spokesman said the men were to leave the Btack ~ Sea town of Batu mi 1!1-soon L, 1 weather permitted. ' ' T h e J ·' chances are they have already t taken oU for Turkey," he said. The release was announced by lhe Soviet Foreign Min.islry this morning in a phone call to ·i the-U.S. Embassy. Th c Russ Chiefs Dela y . Trip To Romania ·• I senrice here. ful almost at the same time PARIS' (UPI) _ Romaruan .,. Some 160 miles to the south-as .she was being buried. With Ambassador Constantin Flltan : " ~~ iii Anil Arbor, police the lever of the Huron -RIVer · -annou1:.ctd today thaf SOviet .., were anxiously awaitihg the.I In northeast AM Arbor · dro~ · leaders will not visit Bucha- resulls of ballistics tests on a ped by lbe closing of. a dam, rest as scheduled in mici-J.uly, .22 caliber pistol they say was ·akin ·divers UJed meh.l-detect-a few days, before lhe Yis1t ~f used by the , KrJJ.Sed .killer In . 1 d , -~ President Nixon. . .. Miss Philli~ : 'fU tr)!ing to , g equipme.n . ~ recove.~ Flltan told an embassy help. '"the weapc;in from the mud. news conference that after , ·Author:ities were attempting Police Chief Walter Krasny consultations between Bucha· ' to lffik·the alleged slayer, Er._ said spent bullets fr~m the r.est...and.)A08COW, lhe\~viet ·~ nest131Shop Jr., is, to at leist gun were the same as ~Ul!et leaders had decided to go to · ~ two of six other slayings of rragme~ts removed from ~~11 Bucharest in the fall at a date young women in two years. Phillips head, but he said Jt to be set through diplomatic Miss Phillips, 25, had been w~ld take longer to deter-channels. · ~ a ·doctoral candidate in sociol· mine whether .the same weap-The lhnbassador's statement : ogy at the University of Mich-on was u&;ed m the deaths . of · was ihe first official confir· .. igan in Ann Arbor when she Jane A-fixer, 23, and Alice ti th t Sovi t p ·Ide ·t 4 met deathL allegedly a~ the Ka lom 23 who also were ma on a e res n hands of Hishop whom she shot I~ t~ head. N~lai N. Podgomy.. Pre- wrote her parents she was Bishop and Miss Phillips rruer Alexei N. ~gm and trying to rehabilitate. met al a partr. at a univer· party leader ~Id I. Brezh. In Coopersville, the Rev. sity professor s home last nev have decided to delay Philip Steele. pastor or the Fetiruary and the woman had their Buchare.st visit tollo;w. U n i t e d ~1ethodist Church, written to her parents she ing the announcement of NII• ch.aracterize<lthe U·M &rad-· wu trrig,e: \o rehabilitate the on's .s~er ln the Roman- uate as "a member of the ex-convict. ian cap:itil-early In ·Augmt. CJJedicated to c:Active ~enior Citizens · . . '• ... RESERVATIONS NOW ACCEPTED., Snacks are served daily, and wine is served \v ith meals (when approved). Fresh fruit is available all the time. Located in the lovely resort area of Laguna Beach, Continental Manor is especially de•igned for active, ambulatoey resident guests. Here is a total environment d'l{licated to gracious living in beautiful surro,undings, A resi· dent nurse, a social and recreation director, and a carefully selected staff of aid es, dieticians, and maids ate attentive to the guests'.special needs. Luxury Apartment Living. Both private and &emi-private rooms, with elegantly designed interior! and private bathi, have 24-hour switchboard service and television. Daily maid service is provided. Gourmet Mui& and· Special Dieta. Dining is in the gues~· own ocean-view dining room. Special attention is given to Jl!lYsLcian-ordered diets to make them~u Wteful and attractive as Possible. A Division of: Shoppin1 and Sirbtseein1. Our own bus provides dailytranaportation to churches, parka and spec.ial point& 'of interest. Theater parties and excursioM to tourist attractions are regularly 1cheduled. Shops and the beach are just11. stroll away. Full Recreation Program. Under the direction of a f1JIJ.time social director, the guests may enjoy a wide variety of events. Hobbies and crafts, pme8, billiards, parties and outdoor recreation including ~huffleboard, croquet, and gardening are available. Recreation I.ounce. The lounge. with a fireplace; library, color television, 1ame tables, and comfort- able furnishinp, serves a.a the active center of the Manor • . Beautiful Ground8. Colorful flower beds and lush California plantina'a create a perfect aettinr for the gue!ts in superb year.round climAte. · CONTINENTAL MANOR, LAGUNA CONTINENTAL llUl.lW m'llCU. .. ------- 2130 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach, Califorhia 92651 Tclephon< (714) 494-9458 .. • • ! ) i • • -. 'I DAILY PILOT EDITO~ PAGE / • Laguna's Glory Days These are Laguna's glory dars . Three art-fe.sllvals and the incomparable Pageant of the'"Ma!tl!rs •Jtving-pictures""'t>egan~·x 'v~ek runs today .. Tens of thousands \viU be drawn to Laguna Beach. The city's economy \viii benefit. And so will its rep· utallon as Southern California's Art Colony. This year there was no bickering by rejects, no feuding among artists. That's very much to the .good. Nearly 250 artists have round their niche in either the Festival of Arts. the Sawdust Festival or Art·A·Fair '69. Rolling smoothly into another seeson is the "living pictures" Pageant. This is -the money raiser for the city treasury with 171h percent of the gross ticket sales last year producing $65.000, worth 11 cenl.$ on every proper· ty owner's tax rate. Making it possible are scores -of unpaid volunteers \vho in a labor of Jove pose or preipare others for posing night• after night. These six \veeks see Laguna at' her finest. The glory days. Hospitals Oose By' A baby is about lo be born. A child swallows poison. • Bleeding-must-be stopped~'A "'l!Mrl 1ifust 15e -lfe~f r>caf• ing. Ho\\' Car Is the hospital? Sometimes the answer bad better be precJous near. For residents of Mission Viejo and nea'rby environs The A1isston hospital, to go up on the r1cent1y aben· donod Saddlebaclc.Co)lege.Jnlerim site. ls strategically located .to serve the thousands of persnn11 finding homes in new communities along the San Diego Freeway. Another plus for the community is the teaching er. filiation with the junior college providing practical training !or medical technology students. A helicopter pad \\'ilI add a new dimension in emer· gency accessibility but most important, it's e hospital close by. Beach Restroom Needed Laguna oceanfront residents around the area ot Anita Street don't want a public restroom on their beach. One can't really blame them. But what has tO be kept in mind is the best interest .or the total community. It is evident th~t Lagunans and the city's visitors go to the beaches in great numbers. They need restroom facilities. At present there are restrooms only at the Main Beach and Heisler Park. Another is about to be opened at Crescent Bay, where the nearby residents also did not want one. ~. -The-,,ityllt·taguna"has-been-farirehiml othcrbe,.c1r-·~- cities in providing these public fa-cililies. 1 . The residents' argument against them is that they \viii attract undesirables. That is not necessarily so. ., tt soon \viii be. Construction will begin in a couple or months on the 25G-bed Mission Community Hospital with first patients to be ·received tn about one year. Also just announced is a 350-bed Saddleback Com· munity lfospital to be built in Laguna Hills in the near future. The lifeguard at nearby Thalia Street can keer \Vatch and if necessary report t<J police. At Crescent Bay, the restroom only wilt be open during the hours \Vhen the lifeguard is on duty. Should a problem devel op after the restroom is built residents near Anita Street can count on help from 'My fiance, /!fr. Nixon, promised he'd be alang any minute. By th£ way, wlw did you say jilted you?' the council and the police. • 'T1•aditimaalist' Protests Editorial Favors .Private Fireworks To the Editor: Havine just read your editorial in today's final edition of the D_AlL Y PILOT concerning fireworks and safety, I felt I should write a p~test. - ' • I L•Tt«I ,.._,.. rMdlt1 .,~ -lume. N..mlll'I' wrl'-rl •l>ould ""VfY !heir llltHltt lfl ))Cl W9rd1 or ltn, T~• rltM lo t1N'llltnl4P i.tttn 1e 111 i.ptce 0t t llll'llnttt ~ibtl It rt .. rvtd. 411 i.11,,. mull !~Cl\IOI 11t"t1urt •"'II ma111,,. Mclren, bv! n,,.,., will be •ltftl'lelcl O<i •Mueit II oulllt"~' re1ion la •~•rtnr. parenlal supervision. KENT DURWARDSHIRE welrome on her beach . IF TlllNGS GO on like this, it will be known as just Laguna No Beach and the only thing public will be a 4 JI'. 4 foot area of sand where the lifeguard tower is located. . The fact is the public is being pushed around by a couple or tourists and old lrouble·starting. money.hungry Hannley. STEVE BUNTING ~1orr1i11ai i1111 To the Edil.Clr: (L) Dirksen and Percy Switcli Positions , Allen-Oold!ntith 1 ; Happilless Must Be ·Natural By ELLS~'ORTll L. RICHARDSON l\11n\1ler Neighborhood Congregational Cburcb Laguna Beach r I ~ ' --r-·-~· -~ • Every~ay Proble~ns I J believe the problem here (mishaps in· valving fireworks) U not in the "ireat menace" fireworks provide as a lack or parental supervision and inl:truction for those. too young to know the proper pro- cedure of setlifli off firework$. I have no idea of the number of fires 1'91Ultlng from improper use of matches, ga50Jlne and 11'-----other-munclane combustibler,but-t-woul'~d---La9u1111 J\'o Beacl1 imagine that these would far exceed l woold like-to-nominate for Best Editorial or the Year the DAILY PILOT editorial_ on the Fourth or July entitled, "Two Pieces of Paper." \VASHINGTON -Sen E v erett ~JcKinley D l r k s en, the 73-year-old sonorous]) mellifluous Republican floor leader, is.aoing out oL.hi.s way_l.hese..days to rcf'!r to his much younger Illinois GOP colleague with significant sardonic in- dulgence. Everybody has a right to be happy. It is guaranteed in the ~claration of tndep:.ondence, namely. , ..•. "the right to life. liberty and the pursuit of hap. )litmss.'· Ouf'l'ight lo lire and li!lefty is guaranteed but our right to happiness is HaY.1horne, ''when it comes, comes in· cidentall;.-Make-il the object oI puriu1t and ii leads us a wild goose chase, and is never attained. Follow some olher object and very possibly \\'C may find that ~·e have caught happiness wilhoul dreaming of it."' l I ' • !ireworks mishaps. To lhe F;ditor: If any ol you wert at Sleepy Hollow SINCE IJM when Ca1ifomia state laws lut weekend, I'm sure you noticed the we~ passed against fireworks, n~ crowds. Like never before, people were manu!acturers have been emphasizing packed together too tight to be com· the safe wie of their products and print fortable._The. reuon for lhis ls lhe Vaca· on ~ch it.em the safe and Proper use of tion Vill¥:ge-Se.as Hotel property mark the Item. Firecrackers. skyrocke~ and made out of palm leaves (that don't roman candle. ~ere all outlawed 10 the burn). What was worse wa g seeing people By any standards of criticism, this is a great piece of writing, deserving of the highest journalistic award. BILL ANDERSON Cult of Vglhaess To the Editor: state, and local 1mporl~,rs and manufa~; coming out Of VacaUon VIilage to the turers strused their _safe_ and sane _publlc..aide of the fence. _ policy. - Anita Loos, in Family Weekly for July 6, tells us thaC tod;i"y's youth i"an't right about everything. This should cause some revision of opinion among our adult apologists who have accepted all the guilt for their own generations. Perhaps I am a traditionalist in beHev· lng families should have the right to «lebrate Independence Day with the cot· or and ceremony involved v;ith private displays of fireworks. In short , family fireworks displays on the 4th of July are part of America. and I hope the day never comes Y:hen our legislators outlaw them be cause of an occasional accident or improper use by youngsters lacking Tms STARTED thl111s off. The lady next door starttd policing the beach, ask· ing people if. they would please move. \\'hat made things ~'Qrse was when the lady asked Candi McCue to remove her dog from the beach (the dog was on a leash and she received no comment from the lifeguard). The lady told Candi it wa:s the cruelest thing anyone could do to their dog and told her she n·asn't Thus they have justified or excused the violence and vileness flaunted by a few of our youth. But tne cult of ugliness will diminish. Purity or motive a n d cleanliness of person are still adn1irable. MILTON S. KIMBALL Democrats to Democratize? \\'ASHINGTON -Everywhere that Sen. Gt!orgc 1i·lcCo\'ern goes, Democrats arc disproving \\'ill Rogers' famous remark : •·rn1 not a n1embcr of any organized politicai party J'm a J.kmocrat ." It IS McGovern's job -handed him by the 1968 convention and Nation a I Chairman Fred Har ris -to democratize the party, to get its delegates selected by an open systen1, not necess arily elecloral, but at the least honest and fair. He eic· p~tl!d that John Conna1\y and Lester ~laddox \1·ould not apprO\"C. but he did no1 ex pect that Northern Democrats would put up roadblocks. YET A;\ EXA!\llNATION of !he J)emo~ratic Party's method of selett:ng delegates shov.•s that the Southern states ha\e 'lO rnonopol y on neffi for reform. In lhc .st.ate of v.iashinglon, the ballots by 1oJhich the last Democratic detega!ion v.•as ::.clectl!d v.·ere later discovered to have been burned. Missouri selects i t s delegates behind locked doors; some North•rn states name delegates more 1han one year before the convention, and 1he eight states whose laws do not permit .., democratic process of dC\cgate selec· • ---- Frid a y, July 11 , 1969 Tiie editorial page of !he Daily Pilot seeks to iu/orna and s1 in1. edate readers by presenting t/Hs netDIJ:l(lptr's opiniollS 011d com· mewlory on lopic.1 of i11lerest and 1fgrtl/kcu1ce, by providing a forvm for the cxpr1 s.sion of our rtoders' oph1ion.i:. and by pr11enUn9 the diverse vic11 1o pohltl of informed observer~ o.nd 1polctsm.1n ot1 topics of t/Je c1au. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • + tion include Tdaho, North Dakota, W~m· ing and 1\linois. Yet McGovern is making progress. Thirty states have now either reformrd the procedures by "'hich they ~·Ill namf" tlelegates to the conventions or at least set reform procedures in motion. P.1cGOVERN NOTES, somewhat wryly in view of the publicity suggesting the un· popularity of his commission. that !'verywhere politicians arc aniious to testify . The significance of the reform nio ve- ment is not lost on those who shared con· trol in 1968. A H&Y.'kish Vietnam platform statement carried by a 3-l margin, 'but the minority view prevailed in every slate \vhich elected its delegates. ll can hardly be araued that, if th e 1963 con· venlion had been conducled under lhe rules now being urged before the lifcGovern Commission, it would hnv<' or- feffil the country a different platform and a different candidate. IN A TRULY democratic proce ss. lifcGovem h I ms elf or Sen. Eugene t.1ccarthy ~·ould probably ha ve been selected. On the other hand , a truly d~mocratic process "·ould prob.ably ha~c meant tt·.at Estes Kefau,·er and not Adlai Stevenson would have been the party'!! prtsidehtia\ choice In 1956, and Henry W111lace might ho ve been President of the United States instead of H!'rry Truman. Y.'hal lies at fault in the convention system. as ThcOO,ore White has i;o brilliantly theorized in hi8 "Making of the President, 1968,'' is not so much that delegates in some states are clan· dtstlnelx or mecbantcal.b selected. lt iii. White wrltn. "lh11t no overall governing principle detctrmines the frame in \vh\ch delegates are selected." WIUTE PLEADS for such principles as would eliminate race discrimination, re· quire consultation with the voters in the year of the election and which would restrict the power of governors or other party leaders to appoint deleaates in recognition of past service. A req1iiremenl that delegates be elected in a primary or at least be able to trace their selection to a precinct er county primary ls certain to be one of the commission's recommendations. More than 700 delegates in Chicago were ln no li•ay elected, and more than 600 were named a~ least two years before the con- vention. Th.is wind is blowing favorably, P.fcGover1. believes ; Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago has indicated that he "'ould just as soon not have the burden of naming delegates and would gladly ac- cept .:1 .primary . NO ONE ON TllE con1mission, least of alt Sen . McCo\'em. has an y illuslon.s thnt hr can tring Utopia to the Democralic Party. There must be reform . he feels. er the party \Vill die in some olher Chica.go. By Frank J\.fanklewlci and Toni Braden Dear Gloomy Cus: llow come lhe beach al the tnd of La1una Slrct'l isn't called Ltiruna. Beach ~ -\\'. It Y. Tiii• '"'"'' "'""h ,.. ... "' 'ii~ -""" ....... ,11, ,...... ., ,.,. ~-. • ... ~"" ~ti _.,. tt OIM"lr G~t. 01lty fll1t1. i ------- There is good reason for that. Between Dirk.sen, a fourth-term veteran, arutSen. Charles Percy, 50-year· <Jld first.termer, there has long been a barely concealed bacbtage feud. They have widely differed on issues, legi.sla· tion, politics a.Kl patronage. . Currently, this last Is now playing hap- pily into Dirksen's hands. A Percy choice for a prize appointment - a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals - turned it do\qn be<:ause of "pressing com. mitments to his law firm." But insiders attribute still another reason for the declination. They say Charles Bane, prominent Chicago lawyer, would ha\'e run head-on into torrid confirmation o~ position due to a racial incident. IT INVOLVED the denial of an apart· menl to a Jewish family in the East Lake Shore Drive cooperalive where Bane lives. For public consumption. Percy is re gretting Bane 's withdrawal. In a press re\eaa~. Percy characterized Bane a.s a distinguished lawyer who would have made "an outstanding judge." But prlv11.tely, he is obviously embarrassed. Before Perey can get approval for another selection for this patronage plum. he has to get Dirksen's nod. Jn other words, Dirksen 'IOW wields a veto over Percy. That's a complete reversal in position. A few months J!go, Dirk.sen wanted another Chicago attorney, John Bickley, naml!d t .S. attorney. Bickley belongs to the Dirksen wing of the Illinois GOP. Pertf, who li&ta himself as a 1'liberal," let it be known he would vigorously o~ pose Bickley -if necessary would block him on the ground he was "personally olr noxious.'' THE \\!HITE HOUSE im111ediate!y backed off. Not wanting to get involved in the acrimonious ro"•ing between the two Illinoisans. it held up filling this job until they could get together on a selection. Wh.:n that v.•ill be is conjectural. But Dirksen ''has a hunch" it will be a lot .1>ooncr than it might have been before Percy's embarrassment over the Banc affair. A~ one Senate Republican, on good terms with both of them, chucklingly remarked, "Percy now has to do business with Ev, and he'll Rel arounr' to doing it tn short order. Thal's politics and he knows it. A.!I the old saying goes. 'There are times \.\'hen you have to rise above principle'.'' Percy, polltlcally ambitious (in 1!168 he \.\'3S an avo'l\'l!d vice presidential 11spirant), differs with Dirksen on many major lssuff -the Vietnam war, anti· balllstlc rnlsalles. tough f e d e r a I crackdown on campus disorders, Yt'hlch Percy opposes. Percy a1&0 broke squarely wiU1 Dirksen over the selection or the Stnatt GOP whip. \Yhlle Dirksen backed Sen. Roman l\M,la, Nfb., P<n:Y..W!tlqr :n, HUJ!l Scott, Pa., who won. By RotM:rt $. AJJen .. d Jo!lll A. Goldsmllll not. All that ~·e have is the privilege to pursue hai;:piness. Jf we pursue happiness we'll end up like a d9g trying to catfi his tail! We con't pounce upon it. We can't retrieve it like a cuff link from under lhe bed. It can't be forced, it must be natural. HAVE N'T YOU heard people say, ''Let's do so and so and we'll be happy." Not so! It is the difference between being an amateur and a professional. The amateur strains. is tense and in his dclermlni.tion to give the f i n e s l performance. he goofs. On ~he ollter hand. the professional with the greatest of ease gives a perfect demonstration of his art. Happiness cannot be forced! There is a carto..i.1 that pictures a mother and her children at Coney Island . One child is crying or to put it more vividly, "bawl- ing". 'i'he mother's reaction is recorded in these words. "Have a good time, you, or 1 'll larr you one !!" Do you suppose the child 11topped crying and danced a jig? It ~·as not likely. He probably bit mother • , . or shot her ! 11APPINESS CANNOT be forced. ll is a fragrance that arises out of nowhere. at the least 11ntici pated moment. "Happiness," wrote Nathan i e I Logan Pearsall wrote : "Sometimes at breakfast, sometimes in a train or empty bus, or on the moving stairs at Charing Cross, I am h.appy; the earth turns to gold. and lile becomes a magical ad· venture . Only yesterday, traveling al one to Sussex, I became lightheaded with this sudden joy." THE SELF·ll\tPROVEl\1ENT books provide many different formulai on. how to be happy but the best recipe that I have foLnd was suggested by Frank Crane. "Happiness always come~ to you over your shoulder. And it comes, most pcrman£'r.tly and regularly to those who arc trying to make other people happy." Ju:;t help someone. give a word of a~ prcci ation to some sensitive boy or girl, cheer up a discouraged soul. forget all your own troubles, and the first thlng you kno"" happiness, the wilful jade, will steal up behind you and have her arms about your neck." That's simple enough. •·Just help some one . • . try to make other people happy ..... and forget about your own troubles." You 'll be surprised for sonic one Is pursuing )·ou! There are am1s about your nec:k! .. Body Not Like Machine After playing three sets of tennis yesterday morning -doubles, naturally, at my age -I felt better than I harf all t~·eek. As I was luxuriously relaxing aUer this workout, I thought about the wide.spread misconception in m o s t people's minds about the human body. In our mechanistic age, it is custo1nary to think of the body -and all living things, in fact -as a kind of machinery. We makr analogies 'tl'ith pumps and pistons and bearings, and look upon lhe body as an intricate piece of hardware that obeys the laws of mechanics. BUT TIUS IS A totally wrong view, 1•onfusing the two differtnt fields of blol1.1gy and physics. As a living entity, lhc body is quite the opposite of a m<ichine or any sort : a machine \Years out with use. and the more use the fa ster It ~·ears out ; the body is renewed with u&e , and the more use the slower it wears out. As Or. Albert S;:enl·Gyo rgl , the noted scientist. has polnled out. "If you use your car a lot, the car wears ou t and your legs gel 14'cak. but if you ~·alk a lot, your legs get slrong." This. as he rightly says, is one of the great di stinction!! between life and non·life. "Lile Itself kerps lift: going.•· IF '\'OU USE A pump long enough, the pump will brt1k dvwn or \\'ear oul : but the heart is a kind of pump, } et it la:sts rar longer thr ough excrcl!4! than through s1agn11ncy, and Ill; more )'QU use ll. the bl'lle.r it ope.rates. The same is lruc or musclc.s~bi~h deJcrtorate wit~_non.uae:, but keep thtlr tone and renew their vigor the 1nore regularlv they are e1nployed. Life b oot "physical," then, in U1e • Si dney J. Harri' • =... sense that a piece or machinery is physical. While nothing lasts forever, it is the nature o( inanimate objects that they suffer depiction through use, while it is the nature of living objects thal they achieve renewal through use. THE 1\fiND, TOO, has often been con1. pared to a mechani sm. say a giant con1° 1;uter machine, but this is just as er. roneous -for the mind also crows by ex- ercise and dies from lna.nitlon. The more you use it. the more il develops. 'and the longer it lasts; whereu a tropld mind soon sinks into a hall"31eep and may die, for all practical purposes, before its possessor does. There is a vital !actor -what Bergson iong ago called the el•a Yitai -in all liv- ing organisms that operates in a wholly different mode than that of inanimale ob- jects. They mpond' to the law of diminishing ~turn°, while life pays blek more dividends the more you invest in its participation By6eorge CONl"IDENT!AI, TO STE YE ALLEi'i : Oh, no ipe~lal size -just IQ U'• Jara:e. enough lot twG or thrct loaves. l I r j I • l I ' l + ' I I i I • I I I I { . - • L ' . ~ J• -HELPING DANNY .....,. La'guna· Beach ~:ssistance Le~gue· H~use was the selling for a Christmas Jn July me~ting this morn1~g. Assisteens ·Mi·ss-Diane Judy and Miss Wendy Taylor along with- ----...........-~ Mrs. "'l'homas Maddock, t:orilmittee member of the Danny Davey Doll Club (left to4 right) wash and ·repair dolls for· Danny Davey -to-give-to-Navajo-Indiaft't'ChildrerMtext-~6ir=------ J Christmas List Drawn t ,Seem a Jittle early to start planning foi Christmas? Not \Vhen you • , have more than 1600 Navajo Indtan girls on your gift list. Danny Davey Doll Club, sponsored b.Y Laguna Beach A~s istan~e Lea· gue for the past two years, had its first 1969 c?nfab -. a Christmas 1n July meeting -in the Assistance League House this morning. -Thlrl.ea·gu·e;--by-beglnning-meettngS early, hopes to surpass-the 1963 1otal of mo.re than 1600 dolls for Indian childr~n. Mrs. Harry E. Hansen is doll chairman. Committee members Mrs. I P aul Beemer and Mrs. Thomas Maddock are helping doll club members ~ 1epair, wash, beautify and dress th ese ~hristmas Presents for the young I Indians. . . . _ ! ... ColleCtion boxes \Vill be placed i1~ shops and offices in ~he South Coast ., area. Those who wish to make donations may drop doll s in the boxes or t bring them -to the League House at 526 Glenneyre. JEAN COX; 49~9466 ,rlf1r. Juir 11. lN' I. • 1'111 11 ' The [agu~na Line ' l Countess Poggesi Sees Emerald Bay I By JEAN COX Of lht Df!lr 1'1111 SJ•fl People from far away pla ces are not strangers to the Art Colony. . FOR INSTANCE, there is Countess Annamaria Tede~chi. l Poggesi of Milan , Italy. She is expected to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 1'.1rs. C. J. E. Stanton of Emera ld Bay from ! July 28 to Au g. 4. Co untess Poggesi ha s written several best sellers which t have been translated in to several languages and-ni.ade into moti on f pi'ctures. Among them ared "AnEd the~~~~ CGlos 1 es,P" "Fdo~ '!! tndhe Heart," "Road \Vithout En , " " veryuuuy s o a ara 1se a "If Lo ve ls a Sin." • The famou s countess al so writes bea~~)!., fashion and eti- quette columns. She was an editor for more than 25 years Of both Grazia and Marie-Claire, a fashio n magaziiJ,e which she found~d. i She is particularly known for her "Modern Encyclopedia for Wdm- t en and the House," a classic infltaly and "The Ideal Woman." • Coun tess Po ggesL 'vho writes under the name Annamaria ~ Tedeschi , wi ll be introduced by her daughter during a tea in her f honor. ! THE CHAR.LES De Keysers of Lagu na B~ach recently en- tertained young I1ernan Figueroa, the ~on of Simon Fi gueroa of Santiago, Chile. \vhom De Keyse r met \Vhile he was a youth in mili-t tary school. -,. f Hernan, 17, \Vas an American Field Service student in Glear· t field, Utah for a year and befo\-e returning to Santiago, stopped to visit with hi s father's old friend s. During his stay tli'e De Key- sers hosled a barbecue 'for ·their guest an{· AFS students ftom Laguna Beach High 'Sc hool. Diana Baralt and Nick Elll'lgbt. Mrs. departing students. . SPEAKING OF TRAVELERS, Mrs. A. D. Cowley of Em· erald ~y fecen~ly returned from her sixth vI$it lo Hawaii. . · THE RUDY BUR TONS also have been getting 1around quite a bit. Recently they were in Las Vegas \"'ith Uieir' old. friends, the Richard Archambos and Robert Stemmles ol Tole'do., ~hio and also were seen in Inglewood 'vhcrc they, were guests of honor a.t a dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Arthu)' Neville Jones, parents Qf their daughter's pew husband. In addition, .they were in Camarillo lo celebrate . the 88th . birt~day of Mrs. Albert Davis. 'vho is Mrs. Burton's mother. Cur- rently Mrs. Bavis is the Burtons' hoosegtJesl. MRS. MARVIN T. Brown was named chairman of Laguna Beach Committee,· Orange County Chapter, Ameri can National Red Cross, during ·the group's recent annual membershi'P meet- ing. ' Mr s: Brown. who succeeds Stuart Weber1'lr.t!'"'been active as a Red Cross volunteer for 12 ye~rs and serv1>:d as chairman· ol volunteers, for the Riverside Cou nty Chapter before she arid her . 'husband moved to South Laguna la~t year. Serving with Mrs. Biown for the coming year.w.ill be·weyer, vice chairman and Mrs. Morgan Cuthbertson anil Mrs; Car1• M. · Gilbert, record ing and coriespondillg secretaries. In reviewing chapter activit~.s. Ed Colburn, chapter man- aier. spoke oi the valuable contri~utions· made by Laguna Be'3ch prridu ction· se rvices committee which under Mrs .. Claude Willis produced all the smocks, pinafores \vith caps, and men 's sbirt- jackets required by volunteers as well as such ;terns as baby quilts Cot military families. Members praised for 20 years Of service included the 'Mmes. Bea Singleton , Katbryil Miller arid Della Staihr ariO Miss Lu' Van · Wagoner. • ------~ ------------. ,, AWAKENING INTEREST -Officers ol Laguna Beach-Branch, Amer· ican Associ3.ti0n of University Women, get on the Phone to tell 'pote_ntial members about the group's upcoming coffees. They are (left to right) the Mmes. Robert Berry, Allen Barnes and Gary Leach. Members Recruited Cups Runn~t-h Ove-1 At August. Coffees Laguna Beach Branch , American Associa tion of University Women, hopes to widen its ranks by hosting more than 10 coffees to recruit new members during .the .month of August. Currently the gro up, led by Mrs. Gary Leach of Mission Viejo , pres~ ident, and Mrs. Robert Berry of Monarch· Bay, vice president in charge of program deyelop1nent, is. plannfng the 1969-70 seas-on. The Laguna Beach branch, chartered two years ago, is one of 150 such groups in CaliforOii and currently boasts about 230 members. The group serves Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, El Toro and Mission Viejo. The many facets of AAUW's program include four study topics to be imPlement~ fiati.otih11y:;tbis year. OUrrently plans are b·eing developed by chairmen !Or-Study next fall to 'incluae the Human use of Urban Space; This Beleaguered Earlh, Can Man Survive ?; American Foreign Policy - Dilemmas· and Re~lities of Power, and the Academic Community, New Look on Campus. In addition to study programs, members participate in special inter- est groups which offer a Wide range of diversified activities. Next season, _ groups iri c&nversational French, gourme.t cooki ng; bridge, book reviews, golf, stitche ry and play reading and theater will be formed along with a group offering special and vafied events for members an(I their husbands. A third part of the prOgram is fund raising to provide fellowships for wo men students. In accordance .with the national -AAUW fellowships program, the Laguna area b'r.anCh joins with the 1,625 other branches in the. U1S. and Guam .to offer stipends for women doing graduate study here and abroad. lnq~vidUal stiper},d~ range fro~ $3000 to $5000 . During 1968-69, $350,000 was awarded to 54 America!) women scholars and to 40 women scholars from Europe, the Middle East, Africa , -Latin America, Southeast Asia, Australia11and India. • ~ .,, 1 All activities of the group ~re· voluntary in nature and members may participate in as many faCets of. the program as they w)sh. -The branclJ; is open to wom'E!n grad,µates 1of ~ccredited cqlleges and universities and veri- fication of graduation J& nece·ssary. If no.v1Si.ble proof i§ available, Mrs. Dorta1d Tanney Of Mis!ion 'Viejo, membership "Chairman· and ,second vice pres'ident, will verify' gr~duation•with the cdlle~e or university. Further information regarding membership and invitallons to the various summer coffees may be obtained by caJling Mrs. Tanney: 830-1044; Mrs. Berry, 499-3420, or Mrs. Denny, ~99-1736'. 1 I Bruce Carsori helped witti the· party which gave several Laguna Beach High Sc hool students a Chance to say "goodbye" to the i ~ oyng Pianist's Labors Could Be ,Fin.anc~d . by Neighbors f DEAR ANN: Stop telling parenls they destructive iQd.ividual decide that he Jive: He acreams .back, ''l .Jove you! I having a fuss over the lnvitations. Mom fhould make their kids take music WANTS to live. need 'Y_du!~' •Ulitil• I am qb.iet.. :rilen he plans to ~ve engr~ved ·on the bollortl, t ons no ·matter how muCh they. hate to 1 speak from experience, as one who ho'l;dS, me. ~n -~ts . irms·and 1gives rn~ the "Ple<j;se oM.ir gilt. We "want their clict My mother made me desniCJ> .altem' plcd suic•"-twi· -. Alte~ ••· li'rsl reassurance 11 need. If so~O!Je. I love presence-, not •your presents.' . . . _ · "-· iuo .... • u!C' sa id he wanted to kill himself I would · · · i: piano becaure of her nagging Now I attempt, a ~-:(who should have been t~ h' . ( h the · 1 1 1 say it would be 1n poor taste. No eU-. ·"" doing something else for a living) told me im in my anns 0 ' m racu ous q!Jette book mentions this Can you ad· ouldn't go across the street to hear 1 1 try· to t ttentl Th. he ing qualities of a tender touch) and vise us'--WRECKSVlLLE - ZJ-rowitz'. J' I h y 'd 'nd d Is ho • \ 'd 1 was mere y ing ge a 0~· 15 lell him •I love and that T need him. Then · · 1¥1 , , m a at er now with three kids or my ou Mil 1 ivl ua w uave su C1 a so infuriated me that I was determiqed to ., I Would go to thb phone and call the best DEAR W: I hope your moUter wW,.. They call~ me the IJ.i t t I e own. None ot them Is musically inclined patterns develop them early· in life a1'd if k!U rnyseU ~nd .prove her wrong., J realiie psychiatrfsi . In ' toww.· . --. ST 1 L1 It your Way. No reftrtiJICC!I io lifts 1houllf asebreaker. Two . scls o( neighbors and I don't push it. Jr we want music we a person is, bent on destroying himsell, he , now how sick I was and how twisted was !i'IGH'PfNG. -appclar 00 an invilaU9t1. oved out of the building on account of turn on lhe hi-fi. -PEACE will do 50 and nobody-can stop him . my reasoning. ,. . Alcohol is no shortcu& lo social succes,,, 1Qe. One nel&hbor told ~ she }Uld a DEAR.,,PEACE: .Aid wht do )'.01I lhi.nk I wish I could say you arc wrong, but I No person will la~c h~s _life if he feels DEAR • S'.'1LL:. Vou are hair W~}' tr YO\! thin.le you have tO, dtlnk to be '°" llpadache for sit fuont.bs straight 1 said C plays Lbe mflile you htar on ' tile hi·fl'! can~. I do .believe, however; that you " he Is really needed. This was my proble1n bom~. You II make II, I ain etrta1n. _ cepted by your lrien<l:h,, get thLJ~~~ 1-~.._,orey bULm motbu-paid~ r.tallt!laflr'trbO)ii'aCd,c&t, ·that•t' •ti·01 -couki~have--added 50!nething-to-your~ and it STUJ..li,-to a large ext,ent..---Plta~'--~&e-1gain 111 month1 from-w-ltead •'J30oze and You -·For Teenagers tots an hour to1pracUce and it was my answer. Please tell your readers that an There are times when I feel hopelessly day. Id II ~• progn:ss report. . , Only," by Ann Lander~. Send 36 ctnts tn . ~~S1>urce or income. She said .. "I'll give DEAR ANN LANDEftS: I read wil k 1lcrt and perceptive. friend, relati ve or-inadequate and I scre am at rny hUsband' DEAR ANN LANDERS : ,.m gctUnit coin and a long, self-addressed, stamped r06"11fleen cenu: an hour iJ you don :l." · speci81 inleresl your colu1M on suicide. doctor might be able to help a seU-that l am a burden, that I'm not flt to married soon and my mother and J are envelope with your request. ' J L • U ~VPtt.OT • rrld17, Ju~ 11. 1'169 No, Panic Ahead for Astronauts' I Wives.- i• " • SPACE CENTER, llOIJStl)N (Al') -Like thebr-b-. tbe wlv" Of the A""o 11 utronauta are all veterans. Tbty have waited, watched and prayed while I b • I r htJINNls uplored In the YU1ftollof'PIC<, All Uine wlvu, J 1 n e t Ann&C.rona. Joan AldrlD and Patricia 6>Dlu, have listened -to tbelr husbands talk from •Pict· And they've all felt the .. ue1 o1 1mow1n1 that their hwbandl .re once again sa!e- ly back OD earth. Jan Armstrong, wile of Apollo 11 commaod<r Nell Annatron1, la the only OM ot- tbe wives to have suffered through an outer 1 p a c e em er I ern c y. Annstroo&'• Gemini' I mght bad to make an emerseocy rHntry only houn afttr lt began tn 1111 whe11olbe thrulfor ftlll-wtld. . . -"ff tht,•mercency ha4 boon somethtna they couldn'I han- dle, then there wouldn't have been anythln1 anyone could have done, Jocludlng me," ahe recalls. "] never felt the situa- tion was .• ':o dangerous that N'11 could nol handle ll." She aald she felt "no atroni senae of danser," bec11.11e -"none of UI really knew what wao bapptning al tbe Umo." AnnslrOfll landed 1afely _In the Pacific, but b1I wile - 3.000 mllel nay -couldn'I sleep. , "1 sat up for an hour and a half going over.staUoq by at.a- . Uon the transcripts of the 1 p a c ecraft-to-ground com· nwnlcatJonao" 1 be 1ay1. "J wu 1Ull troubled by a Rnse or not undentanding the 1e- quence or events." PANIC PR-EVENTION The wlve& feel that an awareness of the dangtr1 Ulelr husband! race ~ th e me&Jurts that k@ep them aafe is the best prevention for panic during a spaceflight. "The more you know the • . less there ia to fear," 11ay1 Joan Aldrin, wife of Apollo 11 lunar module pilot Air Force COI. Edwin E. Aldrfn Jr.- Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Collins likes to "share" his flight with hls family, aays Pat Collins. Tbe astronaut brl?_f, home food like whal they ll eat in space and prac- tices using his camera at home. AU three Wives frequenUy find themselves on the edge of the--ftight preparaUom. The ApolJG 11 crewmen often gather 1t ooe ot their homes lo talk aboul fllPl.plana. --A~ three utnmaut families Jive in conununltJes sur. rounding the M a n n e d ·Spacecraft Center, an area almoat totally devoted to .the 1pace program. Collins and Aldrin Uve in Naasau Bay, a small and fashlonable residential town of winding street.a, tall trees, bicycling kids and expensive homes and cars. Armstrong lives In El La10, a similar community jlllt a 10- minute drive away. HELP EACH OTHER Most of the other a1tron1uts also live in one of these rMldentlal areas and most of their neighbors are in the space program. Wives o! the astronauts hud- dle together whenever a apa«!Ughl la In _.,. "I remeJ)lbeT cllmblnJ on 'l'hou-wbole.Jullbands~ar1-11ot-Iha rool ol Olll'. bomt to the flyjng brtna food, run errands Cafllornla mountains with a and help take care Of the pair of blnoculan to witch his children. · llillhta,'labe aafd. "I cou'<I HO The Apollo Jt w1ve1 were • Ne11'a X15 drop from · the accustomed io their hutbanM mother ship aDd then fd doing dangerous work Jong follow tt rl&bl throulh the beJore they joined the apace flight . sometfmes even· aeeln&: proiram. it lend on the <bl' lake bid.'' Each of the spacemen wu a P.1rs. Arnutronc wu a pilot or high performance sorority beauty qUeen 1t aircraft beron space beckon-Purdue, where she and' her ed. liusbarid rnetu~smaen•~. -- Armst.roac wu a te1t pllot Mrs. Aldrin met her hu.s. in the .X15 roctft pla.~ pro-band in New Jersey, where gram. He slx times new the they both Uved, just before be black-winged rocketshlp to the went to Korea. edge of space. "Her mother met me at a Collins was a tut pilot party ind brou8ht m e before he became an around," Is the way Aldrin astronaut and Aldrin led 1 jet :tells it. They married after he fighter squadron. returned from a combat tour Mrt. Armstrong rectlls wat-------11.LK0rta. chlng Armstrong fly the XIS. Mrs. ~rr,,. ~m-e"'t'M~ik'e~fu France. She wu there u 1 U. & govm>meot employe and he w41 1taUoned there M a fltbler pilot. They married there a year later, Mrs. Aldrin has becOme aom<lhlng ol a coltbr!ty In the 1P4Cf commu.nlty on.-M:r own. She holds a muttr'1 dqree In clramallc lril and bU-< aj> peared In a number of the.a.tee. ·&r'OUP presentallotu. •. -- 11She'1 a ver"f hard worker: very talented-and dliCljillii'ed, .1 says another actreu. "She is excellent with a iood dim:· tor." The Anmtrongs have two sons: Eric, lZ: and Marlt, 6. 'Ib_ere arJ... three A I d r I n childrtn: Michael, 13, Janice, who wiU be 12 In August, and Andrew, JI. There are three Collins chUd!en ; ~ll!l,.o, 10; Ann, 7, and Michael, a. Prints, ·Voiles, Dots Sizzle for Summer Fun ' ' ... • • ·~""'"~"'1 ' ' , . ~ Horoscope Cancer: Be Confident SATURDAY JULY 12 necemiry blckl ng. Career AQUARIUS (Jan. :ZO.F'eb. . . - • r -~ ' -. • . -· .. .; ,, Make Mos Of Sheets Are y00 maldn& the most of big both abeela and beach 1 towtla! Tbe newut patterns, which 11-goU. t.nnis, bo.attna. bowl!ni, hunUng, filhlng and other bobby patterns can be ~ used as a dttorat.lve pro- !•: tedJon for eummer furniture, 11 tlbllc1othl or .bedlprudl, ~ a• cottaie curtains. or even IUlo'INI (')Ven, -llMm lo shape, °' limPlY pin In J)6allloft. l_ W4Jd Watch_ers I TOPS Wlllt Watchers a,...lle •Yrf Tbunday at 1 p.m. In ClrClo View Scboof, Huollnatoa l1eacn. With rings on her !ingen and beU1 on her toes, lhe young fuhlon maker moves Into 11ununer. Cole Jr. shapes the happening wlth unham- pered good looks that allow her to do her own thing. Super body sh8pes, wllh soft natural bra and no back ta 1peak oft in ·til:zllng. poppies, [ claasic solids or 100 percent wool knit, set ofr Jove vibra- tions. Ribbon, tied at the waist, rings the pastel pleats 1 whlch c o n t r a s t beautifully J with sun-bronzed skin. Carerree tunics, w l t h separate bikini trunks, go transpar~nl in voile plaid or cut.out with peek·l·boo'd bra. Wear 1 head scarf tied gypsy style with hip-slung two- piecers in hot and cool stripes that eo it alone or team with flower power on a multitude of min l-cai·e cottons. Minimal bikinis of mad hat· ler dots, stripes and flowers - or spirited gypsy patterns - buckle, bangle or Ue at the !Up (Ol" groovy good looks. A pinafore, tied in su n day's best bow, or a shifty dress matching the 1uit it's con- cealing are perfect cover-ups to get you near the water. prospects brighter). 11): Practical tffortl succeed By SYDNEY OMARR SCORPIO (Oct. UNo~ 21): if you perform with zest. Good lunar upect today coi.n-Means display enlhUJlasrn. 1 ~ • ------; ARIES (March 2I-April tt): cldes wtth chance to travel, New methods should highlight 11: broaden education. You learn your special abiUtie1. ' .t<1.: • ~lf.1.,:_"·;;;1':ffe--Z.' r"-1-Today you complete important -and you gain. But be on PISCES CFeb. 19-March 20): , , ~· .:;... . .. ~ ~ · . task. Later you can rtlai at guard against one who Would Favorable lunar aspect today ,· ~ ""' .., · · home. AV1:lld argument with like to impart false in-· coincides with chan1e, roman-' ,. • ., ::'; '"1 one whose pride has been in-fllrmation . tic interesb and creatlve er. 1 ;~ ' • ,-jured. Provid e ~ faC~saving SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22• ror~. You can !ist: .above pe_t~y i? -,. devi~. Diplomacy gets you Dec. 21 ): Money siluaUon details. N~w 1s. time to put -.. ~fol• -t_ everywhere. v."Ork8 in your favor. Gain across ma1or P.o1n~. belief. • TAURUS (April 20..May 20 ): cooperation of one close to JF TODAY lS Y 0 UR . • Be daring. Break fr 0 m you. Backing you may need is ~IRTilDAY past e fforts routine. A short journey con· fbrthcoming. But don 't give ~o'!le . home .tG roost. Success 'j neeted with recreation is imprtssion of panic. Be cool! 1s 1nd1ca led if.you took proper favo ed c Id •-u· prep a r a t 1 on . You are r · OU ~ roman c CAPRICORN (Dec. 22:Jan. versaUle. but conservative evening because opposite sei 19): A~ent on marriage, where basic principles are is attracted. Exude con-~artnersh1p1 a.nd public rtla-conce rned. fidence. Make most of con-lions. Key 1s to enlarge lacG4. horizons. Narrow view today ,..!~1":.,"r~v1~':;'J1,"1~:ne':"o~~,,\~ :&MINI 'May 21 -June 20): could create dlsseMion. Put bor)l(i.t, "i«.••t H1111s 1« Mtn •'If Cycle Swl.n•• to -ney area Womt11." hl\d 111rthd••• 1nc1 ,. t!nh -... .., · finishing touches on important 10 OfT\Mr A1rre1o1v Atc.••ta, '~• O•H. v Emphasis on what ls possess-project. r~crt-·o:~~H.v.'r~1.Ctnlr1t st .. ' ed. what can be acquired. Kty1jii;;;;;;Oiii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iiiiiio0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iiiiiij ! ;, to follow through on ba•lc TRA.NSP a,,.. BIGBLIGBTS hUnch. One who aided in pasl _.." may 111ake reappearance. 'CANCER (June 21-July 22): Dlr1ct Rldlo Reports from the F l~et 3 and 7 p.m. Daily KOCM Radio 103.1 fM Cycle high . What appeared a problem now becomes soul'ft of amusement. Realize you have facts on your side. Act in forthright, confident manner. Then you invlle success . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Announcing the opening of Cole Jr. goes to great GYPSY PRINT -S\vimsuit in vagabond style is ~~~ ~::!: :e~sfr:\~:i,C: this print model from Cole of California which fea. I 11 ky lur es bright gold bangles attached to a cut-out mid- RomanCf:, intrigue featured . Be sure private consultation is really privalf!. Some have big ears today. ~1ay be necessary fo r you lo take precautions!' against gossips. At/redo~ HAIR ETC. formerly with Gent Sherove, Beverly Hill 5 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Establish principles. You ha~ \Vith giant da sles, or 8 s n r iff. There. are s;,'d,arate bikini trunks for the multi-long Acrilan terry T-tihlft in fresh-grown colors. s are colored tunic m el. All suits may be found at shoulder shifts have built-in _B_u_lf_u_m_'_s. _______ ~~----- bras so all that's needed are little bikini p 81\ tie 11 un- derneath. Culottes have a go- anywhere quality - barefooted or with sandals far more "dressed-up" occasions. Paintings On Harbor BPW Members Off for Monte Corona more allies than might be im -1 agined. Accept social In- vitation. Be with compatible persons. Could be a delightful. romantic eTen!ng . LIBRA IS.pl. 23-0ct. 22): I Accent on accomplithment. O~ you respect pays mean - ingful compliment. Strive for family harmony. You get Featuring the fine•t in ~tylin9 with • little help from my friends •JON • PETER •RUDY For View July Painrin8S brought to the· public eye during July will in- clude still Ute, seasctpe and landscape · compositions by Mrs. Houston Snldow on display ln Mesa Verde Library. Oil paintings by Mrs. Roderick Freeman may be seen in Mesa Verde Library and scholarship winners of Costa Mesa Art League will display thei r works in the Art League Galleries on Ceiiter Street. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to t p.m. on Wednesdays and I t.o 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sun- The Newport II a r b o r Buslntss and Profhsional \Vomen 's Clu b will be wt:U reprt:sented at the summer conference of the San Oreo District BPW Clubs Sunday, July 13. 'l\•;e)\'e niembers of the Ne11.·port Harbor group will travel lo Monte Co ron a Conference Center for the 8 a.m. registraUon. Mrs. Jerry Childs, district president, will ope'n the business .session at 9 a.m. Heading the Newport group will be Mrs. Ht:len Cole, club president . Pitembers of the ex- eculi\•e committee .attending are the Mme11. Janice Haines, De Muri To.!lh , W . A. Ror;enfeld and Miss Erma Mllltr. Others to be present Include the ~lines. Jack Broback, district membership chairman: Vergll Ciak d e n , a11sistant San 0 r con I a o chairman; Arnold Naegeli. past district president. and the Mines. Robert Chamberlain, Shawn McCarty, John Palen and Lawre~ Shields. P.1rs. Patty Burbrid ge , president-elect of the California Federation or BPW Clubs. will be the luncheon speaker. Rebekah Lodge Triple Link Club or Mesa Rebekah Lodge has mettlngs tho !ourlh 1'.1ondays at 8 p.m. in varlou11 locatlon11. Mrs. Douglas Morgan at 548-1938 may be called for addillon1J information. B'nai B'rith Orange Coasl Chapter of B'nal B'rilh Women gather the first Thursdays at 8 p.m. In Mercury Savings Bank, Hun- tington Beach. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil F111r Appointmtnt C•ll 675-6070 326A Morino Avo. Balboo Island SEMI· ANNUAL SHOE SALE MEN'S WOMEN'S days. --------------------r=======================1! SANDALS 5'0 The ever popular Mitchell Marlon .... , an back at }funtington Center this Thur.day, Friday and Salurd~y. July IO·ll-12 •••. this time featurina "Showboat" " • ••• free to all the children in our air conditioned mall .... show times: Thunday and F'riday-11 a.rn.-1 p.m.· 3 p.m.·4 p.m .. 7:30 p.m .. Saturday-II a.m.· l p.m.·2 p.m.-3 p.m.-4 p.m. Huntington Center at the San Diego freeway at Beach and Edinger Huntington Beach. Uncle Len Offers Prizes Let 'rv WEEK Turn You On • PLO•SHllM 19'0 DlllllS SHOii ,. J1 .f5 IVANI 12'0 CASU,t.L 5HOU .. 17.00 CHILDR!N'S STllOI llTI ,. 11.00 900 & 900 Pl.ATS 8;0,& 12'0 .. 1t.fS \'ALLIY .. Jt.00 PLOlSHllM, DI LllO, JOHANSON .. 21.00 VlfALITT, lllOUI te JO.ff • 18'0 15'° 12'0 HEMPHILL 'S COSTA MESA 1111 NIWPO~T AYINUI -Tll.ll'HONI: 141·9744 • 7 ' • Sadtlleha~k TetJay'1 Flnal . :VOL 62, NO. '11>5, <t-5ECJIONS, l8:'P,AGW-ORANGe COUNr:t CAµEOANI IDAY.,...J.ULY ·1 i:, 196t:---------TEN CENTS , -· .. ~ .~ ' ·~ ' . ~ • Pageantz.-'Mtisters -Majesty' . Down the Mission Trail -----.--· ·- 16tl1 Clemente Fiesta Satw·day SAN CLEMENTE -The 16th annual La Crlstianita Fiesta will get under way Saturday with a 'fiesta kickoff ball at 8:30 p.m. at the San Clemente Inn. It is open to tbe public, with no charge. More than 200 noats Will culminate th'e fiesta "lo-a parade Saturrlay, July-19. Ma· jor _General Donn J. Robert.sen, com· mabding officer of the U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, will lead the parade as grand marshal. · :e ·Sister City Hunted SAN CLEMENTE -The Citf of San Clemente is about to adopt a sister city -San Clemente de! Tuyu -pending a study by a committee' named by the City Council. The idea was initiated by the city's Rotary Club, which had been cor· responding witlt the city in Argentina. Because of similarities in climate, geography, fishing, and lhe city's name itself, the Rotary Club requested a com· mittee to be named to look into the adop- tion "as a move of international friendship and goodwill." ·• Voter Drl1'e Slated CAPISTRANO -In an effort to get people on the voting rolls for October's !ichool lax override election, a voter registration drive takes place today and Saturday ih the Capistrano Unified School District. Deputy regi strars will man tables rrom 1 to 7 p.m. both days at the Safeway in Laguna Niguel, Vons in Capistrano Beach, and Market Basket, Safeway, Albertsons, and Alpha Beta in San Clemente. ·• lnterfait11 Shtg Due P.11SSJON VIEJO -ATI -''Interfaith Sing" will be staged by various churches in the Mission Viejo-El Toro area Sunday al La Paz Plaza. The program will feature a variety of songs ranging from spirituals and blues numbers to religious songs and a medley from "Oliver." The program will last from 2 to 4 ~.n1. e Cruft• U'eel< Set MISSION VIEJO - Monday will mark the start of Crarts Week at the Mission Viejo Recreation Center. Each morning from 9 to 11 the Center will pre.sent special craft sessions. A 30 cent charge is required for supplies. The week will be climaxed by a Pir.ewood Derby Championship Friday afternoon at 1: 30. Additional infonnation Is available by calling the Recreation Center, 837-4084. e Enfoy Eskimo Week LAKE FOREST -In the heat of the summer, the Lake Forest Community Association has organ!ze~ Eskimo Week, to be staged from July 14 through 18. Any youngster aged six through twelve is: in· vited to participate in the t to 5 p.m. dai· ly programs. The "'eek y.•ill include Eskimo stor ies, papier mache Eskimo je"·elry, a kuluk contest, and a skating party. e Teens to See Bearh LAKE FOREST -A beach party at Sail Clemente State Beach has been set next Wednesday for teens living in Lake Forest. The day excursion, leaving at 1 p.m., will also include grunion hunting later in the evening. Beacuse food and wood will be supplied by the Association, a $1 fee will be cllarg. ed. Mike Phinney, organizer of the event, warned that teens 16 years old and over must possess a fishing license before catching the evasive fish. turther information is av~ble by cllling 837-6161, extension 61. 8 Mental Hospital Inmates Stage Escape SANTA CLARA (UPI) -Eight max· 1mwm security prisoners at Agnews State Mental Hospil31 e~aped 'lllursday night by sawing bars on the second floor and &liding down a drain pipe. • Three of the escapees had been com· milted after arrests by politt. one on 1 charge of attempted murder in the shotgunning of a young San Jose laborer. . . . South Coast Satellite. ·For Saddlehack· ·~ A 351}.bed non-profit hospital will be buit in the · J..a&una Hi!J,s area as a 11atelllte operation to Laguna Beach's South Coast Community Hospital, lt was learned today. • . It will be caJled Saddleback Community Hospital and will be developed by the Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Hills Lei.Bure World. Cost and site ha\ie not been tevealed. . lt is .the ,third hoapit3.1-plan announced tn the ~th Orange County area in re- cent we.en. The other two, both to be priv;ltety owated, are: -M:iulon. Community Hoapital, ex· pected to be Under consfrucUon in Mission Viejo, in the ·next 60 days. .. behind the plan Is thaJ South Coast would remain the mother hospltal.v Additional hospitals, possibly In Lels~re World itld A1i.!:sion Viejo, would s~Iallze ln. a cer ... ta in branch of medicine, depending~ the needs or that particular C{)nuDUJ}ity: The tiospitals . in San Clemente and Mission Viejo will not be a part of the master plan, AncUQ's said, because they are proprietary (prOtlt·maklng) ventures. Even· with those-hospitals-golng-up.,--- Andrews assured that the Aalociatt Hospital Plan will be..cat-ried·out:-"1 don't care how many proprietory hospitals 'art proposed, we'll 4';ontinue with olif"plan," be said. . •'• tlVING PICTURI; -Norman Rockwell's painting . !rayed by (lrom·Ielt)•Don 'Whan Sr .. of Hilnlington of ·-ast-ronaut~-prepering·-for sp,ee---mifision adds--Beach, Charle ~ty~n ·of Anaheim. John 'Lima .of touch of timeliness to Laguna Beach's Mth Pageant Costa Mesa and Russell Funk of Newport ·Beach: -San Clemente Medical Center, for . which ground-breaking atready has_ been Sta· te Cutting· tield in San Clemente. ., The California Advisory HOflpl"8J Coun-l'.. ' of the Masters. Figures in living picture are por-cil -a semi-official ad9'Ney organiza· • • lion -announced In May ~ formation Speed L•m"t Lqguna Pageant Comes to Life For 34th Time .. •• h>1li..">'d'c' ''' ( • . 1:1uawnl'I'. NALL Of Ille DlllJ 1"119f Slltf Stars lwinklld down on ~na's Irvine Bowl Tliur"1a1 nfi!!ihl the !!th annual Pageant o[ the .Masters came majesticaJ. ly to life. The 2,500 seats in the woodsy am· phltheater conlained a preview audience of press, civic officials from Orange County and other VlPs. Many rate it the best show Y.et. The Pageant and Festival o[ Arts will conlinue daily on a six-week run through Aug. 24. __ It began hlgh atop the theater. The two figu'res on the "Venice Bell" tolled the show to life as their mallets struck the bell. The program moved back and forth from main stage to upper stage to the wood<?:d hillsides. !he 27 works ranging from painting to statuary include much tha t is timely this year. T h e r e is t h e creation of Norman Rockwell's amazingly detailed and technical painting, "The Longest Step." The p$Ung of two astronauts suiting up with the aid of technicians will be show- ing when history is made with the lunar landing this month. California's 200th birthday celebration in represented in st r i k: in g hillside statuary of missionaries and soldiers who created tht: historic string of missions. The music this year, again an original score by C{)mposer-conductor Vic Schoen, is a smooth supplement to the subject. It is softer, less dramatic, than in some years. 'Ille brass Is gone. The 22-piece professional orchestra consists largely of stringed instruments with two woodwinds. , Don Willfamson,.producer of the unique art..:;pectacular., was btl.By with one im~ porlant problem this morning. Five times, jel3 making an approach to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station noisily broke the continuity of the program as they roared overhead. Marine officials in (See PAGEANT, Page 2) Roller in Roll; Driver Injured A five-lon asphalt streel r o 11 er overturned Thursday ai il lost braking power ~oing down a steep section of Sum- mit Drive, Laguna ~h. The driver was slightly injured as he jumped clear just be/ore the machine toppled. Driver Willard Allen-Oneg, 37, of 1685 Arroyo Drive, Laguna Beach, was treated tor cuts and a pulled leg mU1Cle, Jooeph ~weany, Lagupa. _publjc worn dlrector ,gald. ' " Tbe inCidenl(ecct•r•eihln ·the 9()() block· of Summit Dttve: ~ 'roar1 ·crew 111(1 finished patching a acction of the roadway, and was preparing to break for luncl'I. As.tbt heavy roller was driven down hill it apparenUy gathered momentum and would not slow. Ooeg tumedJll<.roller toward tho bank ind as he did, It started to roll over, ()neg threw hlmseU clear. " of a separate hospital service area f9_r II It southern Orange County. The council mentioned 1.he Leisure World area as A El M · tJO!Sibly lhe firs( salelllle type operation, t orro closely . coordinated with South Coast COmmunity. Hospital in ~guna. , Victor Andrews, chairman ol t,he board a( South Coast Hospital, revealed that the Saddleback CommuniJy Hos_pita,I will be the nra'i'~ttiooal hQ,pltal lo be'Iiuilt.un· dr.titl:l~;.:,,llle llOfflW,i'llM:JI,., A five-mUe-per-houi' 1peed ~uCtlon sodn will go ,into effect qn a danceroua ane mile atrttch, wttere . ea~ coui - !Uibway !lips an~ liv!N ~ SC<>tdunan'• f()~ .and El lllorro eunt, northWest of t...118uni. Beach. 1 ,~1·~1nted : tl\iit'" .Plans "YR oe pubtlcly-oirned Saddlebaok "boiplial can _ be_ln ~Uon ber!>I" ti; sin.Clement• Medical ·£enter . or the Mls8'Qn Com-mUnUf HOlpltal. • ..... ,. , .. •· • . Plan.s ire under way for still more hospi_talJ in the are_!. under the Associate Hospital Plan, Andrews .aata. 'l'1le taea Stale Division of Hlllhwa)'I .offlclall .said today they will r.eplace .55-mile,,per. hour 1lgns with 50-miJe.per·hOUl' •IF· "we µpect It lo happen afJhmt ilany,• said Ule division's Orange County traffl~ en8toeer. Alfred Goldin., Tbe illnl .havl..!.. been ordered. The present speed limit of M m.llea: per Co . hour haa been in effect amce 1980, Goldiri No mpromJSe -said. There have been many traffic • ----deaths on .the stretch since that time, in- cluding five thia year.. On ABM System ll?tdin said it was determined th• ! _ criticalJP<lidJQi:JltU!L.etcb a U rni!_q . • . per hour. By criti~ speed, be iahf, 11 N IXOD Declares meant the •peed 15 percent or drivers d• . not exceed .. WASHINGTON (UPI)·-Nixon ad· mlnis:lratlon rorces Jn the Senate refused c.igaln today to conaider' offera of a corn· promise from opponents of·the Safeguard antlballlstlc missile (ABM) system, who claimed enough 1trength to block it. Senate Republican leader Everett M, Dirksen lnsiated he still has 1ufflcient votes to get funds for ABM deployment approved in ttie Senate. He said tie. had no intention of bargaining. " PICTURE PREPARATIONS -Cast members and stage hands go Opponents of the Safeguard, offer.ing to compromise; said T b u r s d a y ' s an· nouncement by Sen. George Aiken (R· Vt.) that he apposed ABM deployment gave them enough votes to win. over -last minute details prior to staging of Norman Rockwell's ','TQe Longest Step" in Laguna Beach's unique Pageant of the Ma.sters \vhich opens tonight. Preview showing was Thursday. Alken urged a compromise to avert either defeat or narrow vote of' approval of U..admlnistralion plan. He said either would reduce President N \ z: o n ' s Art· Festivals Maintain bargaining power with the Sovie!.!! ln fortht9Jning arms COl\l.rol talks. . Alked 1boui Aiken's views on a close vote, Dlrklen observed to reporters: ''.To win by one point is as good as winning by 26." Full Security Service But ABM opponents declared victory as 1 rest..1:1 of Aiken 's speech. "It means we've won,11 Sen. Albert Gore, (0.Tenn)., said after Aiken's Laguna Beach's three art festivals have set up day and night security to pro- tect the art works left in the ir keeping. The Festival or Arts is employing off. duty :.aguna Be8ch police officers to patrol the grounds and also to direct traf· fie. Durifig the day , officers will mingle with other Festival goers and generally ke ep an eye on things. At night, three officers will maint3in a vigil over lhe grounds and the Irvine Bowl area. A·Fair, burly colle~e'atudents will ·keep speech. ,,.,. wa\c6 at night. , They then turned µit!ir efforts. to work· . lng out a C{)mpramlae IO a question· of na- Mrs. Joan Short, ~-~·Fair tru11urer · tlonal security wlll not be forced to 1 said il was decided that college students" showdown·ln the upper boWM!. could do the job weJI and they could use , Aiken's commltment Jeives 49 senators the money when they return to school. oppased to the ABM, 48 in favor and Mrs. Short ~id no problems were ex· . lhree undecided, according to an unof. perienced last year by the Art-A-F,air's flclal UPI potl. The undecided are Sens. predecessor, "Splinter Festlval1''. JoJm J. WjUlams. (R-DeL). Winston Dog Obedience Class 'in Viejo Prouty, ( 11-'.:Ll, and Thomas J • Mcintyre, (l>N.H.) Prouty might be ex· peCt.ed to follow fellow Vermonter Aiken into the opposition camp and Mcintyre ls alrea(ly on record In favor of 1 com· · prbmise, a1tbau&h 1le bu-not· said ho* he · would vott. Bob Lepert, festival business manager, Aid that perhaps because or tight secur· ity ,, thiever bas not been a problem in past f61ivfis. A dog <>bedjence cl.., wi111 "'81n. II! ... · . . N!g!lt time security will ·atso 'be. In ·da~·•t Ml"kin~•!~ ~ryllojf~:: ·State, (}loses .. Part , tfftct .'3t.the-Sawmiit,Festival.,,A;hirtd j ,c;onctuctfl\hY JOMtl!t~·~~·, ': ., .. 1 • • , guard .. \he ',,.;.Inds 'there.:Wlll be' on ,c....i1 Kennols; \11.;:on~leiionf will, o. f, . y-n(en. 'c, .i.a.· -Av, e .. n ue, patrol evrry night or the IS-night fe~vat 1ta'1 at 'nao p.m. ait& wit! ~'tWid evuy•; -'i' from. the midnight closing to tbe 1~ 'a.m. 1Monday evepln1· :for ' t~ee~.~ ~ I\· R9ff.lon of X•lencia Av~ue, .Just opening. ·'• . "ealslratlon r .. ,ii flO and '(op' mUll )>e ..ud\ W the.Santi Ana Freewa1 Jn livtne ple tend to respect -art worts fotllJBe 1 . • t. 'l 1 • ' nlM' ~ The l)lvIJlOftOf.lfljhways He said the present philosophy of the Division of .Highways is that the publlC sets il3 owrl speed UmJt. "That waY therl is virtually self enforcement;" he &iid. ' Bruce Hand, public informatlon.Of!;c<l for the California Highway Patrol's: Orange County office, said posted opeed reductions have worked Jn other areu. "Our job Is to enlorce it," be said; "Drive.rs either are going to teducti speed, be caught by enforcement Or be dead or very injured." . He said CHP officers investigating ac-- cidents had recommended the speed reduction. Newspaper publicity played 1 larc.e part in getting the Divlsian of Hl.ghwayi to review the speed limit, be noted. "Our greatest advantage is the general public liupport," be said. "The in: dignation of the public brought abou\ these requesl..s'. As Jar_as we'.re cancemecr this is the worst area along the coast." Storlc Jlfarlcets . NEW YORK (AP)-Tbe olock ·marl!et:'. closed on an upbeat today-Its first or the week-although down from its best levels of the day. (See quotations, Paae.a ' 14-15.) Orange Coast Weadler The sun's sleeping in Saturday too: showing hlS face about 10 a.m. and bringing temperatures in the mid ?O's along the coast and up to 85 further inland. INSIDE TODAY \V«althy AmtriconJ_-many 11tr11 prominf-nt -or« firione- tng thl '!,e"W' left oraoJtizottona whfch are ae1king compleU iip- h«aval of American 1ocittv1 4c- cording to. FBI chit/ J. Edgar HOO!!<r. Poge· 18. • :IMH.. . • ff ,,..... .. , ,... II .c•Hftrftl• '· .,..._, ,....., ,.. C.__. 21-Jll .,......_~ I Cemlet 21 ............. ft,,1 C,_wN ,. lletJel NWt 11•11 et.Mii Ntll«I • heft. , .. ,. ldfttrllll ,..,. ' Ii.ct Mlrttttll l•lt. lllflf'l•l""1""' ltJ'J ,-,WIM • .,,.... 1 .. 11 ,......,. • .. • "We have had v;ry liUle sl.ealilfl-~ ~tO-Jat l.Ja.at si~·. ills ~ld. .. '· · . ' , .h'!_betn . cioffd. '«i traffic for' the ... t • reason,'.' Edmond VarLDeusen,_Alw~ , . ~':.. adCn '"~ 1»_'4b\albljl •• "lid s~·r..i ol.Jbe roamr_a~ wl!Lbe r .. uval director oald. · •~:' 'l~~lllj~IQl!rillj<ii> Qii . ,.;,,. cI..,.t;fcir '~loG of a l>rtili• near·~ ......... 11 ......... _,,,. L.M.-:ii-... n ...,.. -. u~ -,_.... D21 WWI tll .. OUt oo North Coast Highway•at-tW~ ,.. r:1r.1• •• ;,. ..•. · , ' i the~,.,..... • .,. . . ·· 1 • • ..._ __________ __, • , ~ ~ " .. ft •• • • , '.!'1!'( • - • • • .~ • • • 1 • > ~ . • ----·--.. -........ ._.. I ' !, • • Friday, July 11, 1969 • . ~eo Miles on v.s. •. • • U.S. -Keeps Eye Nig_ht Flights ~o~ _St~y •• •• . -.. FAA c_hief Jfillil}g to Study Re$trictions --' On Russ Fleet ---; JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Ad· s<heduled training mission. fls alrcralt l$uonal U.S. reconnaissance planes have includ,e Vigilante jet reconnaissance . Eed the 1urveiUanct of a tSoviet task planes with two crewmen each ·and 0roe movlnc 11Jowly and boldly toward radar-domed }Jawkeyes, propeller-driven ba in an unp'recedented show of the planes carrying li\•e-man crews. Soviet flag. The SOViets have rr.ade it clear thetr In-•~A Navy spokesman 1ald today aircraft tentlon ls to send the Russian waNhlps from 1:1\e attack carrier Independence moved into the shadowlng operaUon lhat on their first visit to Premier Fidel already included the U.S. radar picket Castro's Cuba. The force is expected to Mtp Thoma1 J, Gary and plane.a from stay through lhe July 26 revolutionary bases in Maryland and Maine. celebration in Cuba or Soviet naval day . 1be spokesman said the eig'ht Sovie~ which falls on July 27. ships were about 260 miles southeut of The maneuver is viewed by son'le U.S. Jacksonville at mkimominc, movinJ in I military sources as posiibly a respon&e to ~lhwesterly direction. the yearly visits by U.S. destroyers to the ~ 'I1lis posltlon wmld be less than 1100 Black Sea near Soviet territory. ADd it CONVICTION UPSET Dr. 81nj1mln Spock B1 JEROME F. COLLINS or .,,.. o.11r ""'" 1t1tt LOS ANGELES -The federal govern· ment will not permit permanent cloa1ng or Orange. County Airport at night, but it will con.siCler any plan submitted by county government to sharply restrict operations, Federal Aviation Administra- tion officials said Thursday. John )i. Shaffer, President Nixon's newly appointed FAA administrator, ex- plained to the DAILY PILOT : "li1ost airlines today fly twin con- figuration aireraft. Tbey're convertible: they ny people in lhe daytime and \bey carcy frelght at nlght. There are sound economic reasons fCll' operating an airport around the clock." ShaUer, who flew to Los AngelOI lo ad- dre!s a conference of the Southern ~es from Cuba wbtrt the task forct ts provides an opportunity for the Soviet 4ipeded July 20. navy to practice keeping submarines in I ~ 1--~,,._WO-lndapend~enl'f:""':~w~a"=s c'a"'bo~ut'Y'!O'--'!•ll!l!fotrallll!2ion!LJf\QlorLJe~xt~en!!Jld~edl.,...JW!ruiod!!Q1.s ~•~w!;!•ll..Y _Antw.a S 9• •Ht "'.J,es rrom Jacksonville on a previously from shore·bascd support. ·rr-m-· Californla Av-iaUon Council, emphasized that he did not know the specifics of Orange County'• air trarfic problem1. The task fo"rce is comprised of a S.600· l :! ton guided missile cruiser of the ''Kyn4 u v d• D_· ec D:tr. ecto1·,-da" class; a 3,5QO.ton destroyer th at can psets 'er let . ,,. carry anU.-ship misslla: a 4,450-ton He insisted, however, that "you can't shut down ·an airport overnight and a\ill have an air travel system." The 50-y.ear-old. FAA c6Jet an ex-Air Force coloMI, then auggested that Uie director of the agency's western region, Arvin O. Basnight, would be able to com· ment more knowledgeably on the Orange County situation. .•. , destroyer that can be armed with anti-air missiles; two conventional submarines: a F D s J Police Chief ••b ttnder. •nd two oilers. or r. poc { Applkants Cut And now there are two. In aix houri of lnlerviewing 11\ursday, l tcieenin1 commiUtt reduced the numbtr of. candidates for the new post or city ol Lagw&a Beach recre.aUon director Erom. seven to two. city Manager James Wheaton will make the final choice. Two flnallrb aL!o have been selected for ·the job of chief or police, vacated· With the retirement today of Harry Labrow. Another screening committee earlier this week cut the police chief field from 10 to two. · ·Wheaton also makes that selection. Of about 20 applicants for the recrea- UOn director job, seven were invited to l)fal interviews Thursday. Wheaton hopes to fill the recreation !itector post on Aug. 15. Salary h8.3 not been specified. the police chief job will pay from '12:161 to $15,312 per year. 'I'bere were 42 applicants for the po_si- !ion.' Ten were interviewed by Labrow, rullerton Police Chief Wayne Bornholt, Costa Mesa City Manager Art McKen!.i.e, •nd Jhmtlngto!I Beach City Adm!nmrator Doyle Miller. Durinl interviewing for both jobs, ~'he.aton sat as a non-participating >bsfrver. . Blackf in Leading Transpac Race: Fro1n Page 1 PAGEANT. • • the past have rerouted lhe jet approach during lhe Pageant. "We are in contact with' them today to see what happened, normally they 're very cooperative," said the producer. The program i:an relatively .smoothly ror an opening performance. A small child in one painting bobbed about to the amusement of the audience and timing needed SharPentng, but these are normal- !irl:l night problems. · .Williamson sa1d he ls tightening up the program today for tpnighl's 8 : 3 O performance, making some "judicious .slashing here and there." Subject matter was masterfully chosen. The rich tones of ·script author and nar- rator Howard "Hap" Graham again add powerfully to the humor, beauty and drama. One of the most striking works and a pose excruciating to maintain is "The Rocket Thrower.. in powerful motion hurling his celestial missiles Into the heavens. There is the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima in dramatic contrast. It is the fam- ed photograph in World W~ II by Joe Rosenthal (with 48 stars in the flag) and the statuary that came later (with 50 stars). The statue is a color!ul creation on the hillside. The black and white com- bat photo is on the main stage. A striking creation across the broad upper stage is a portion of the famous Bas Relief from the Albert Memorial In London. Forty life-sized figures of great men from the ages are reproduced. B 0 ST 0 N (UPI) A feder· Basnight did -and his views held al a p p e a I s court today reversed some promise for a measurt of conlrol the anUd!aft ctinspiracy convictions of on jet fli&)!ls qut .of the Orange County famed baby doctor Benjamin Spock and field. The proposed limitations would three others, saying they bad the right to have to be initiated by county govern- critlclz.e the Vietnam war and the draft ment, he said. "even though Its effect is to interfere Basnlght said he ls famillar with coun- with ttie war effort." ty air master planner William Pereira's The 1st U.S. Circuit Court_¢ Appeals recommendation that a ban on night decision ordered Spock an<I Harvard flights be placed on County Airport. At graduate student Michael Ferber, 24, of present, airlines are voluntarily limiting Buffalo, N.Y., freed permanently but their operations to mostly daylight ~ours. ordered new trials ror Yale Chaplain Pereira, anticipating l n c re~ s e d Rev William Sloane Coffin Jr, and pres.sures for.mc>re servi~e, sald last year aulhor Mil.Chell cooa:man, 4$,-or Temple,-the-Alght_fiight pro!'!lb1!\.Q!L~~ be_ Ma ine. ~. gov~ent·im.posed ps ~n a~ pcssl61~. The court ordered the retrials of Good· He cited \~ashington · National ~1rport in man and Coffin on legal technicalities. It lhe nation s .capital as a facility where fr,und errors in the trial judge's sub-such restrictions are already In force. miss ion of the charge to the jury. "O~ange .. County Alr;x>rt." ~a Id The majority decision was \li'ritten by Bas~ight, ls. something like Wa11h1ngton Chief Judge Bailey Aldrich. Judge Frank N_at1onal. lt 1s located near t~o larger M. Coffin -no relation to the chaplain_ airport s. Los 11 Angeles ln~ernat1onal a~d dissented and said all defendants should L~ng Beach. These airports, _he In· be freed. Judge Edward M. McEnte coo· d1cated, could a~sorb the traffic that curred with the decision. Orange County might not be able to han- The four were convicted in June !968 of die because of controls on the number of consplrlng to counsel young men to evade llight.s. the draft. Marcus Raskin, co-director or "B~t you haye ~o ;eme~ber that the institute for policy studies in Wa.shma:t.on Nationals Jet noise abate- Washlngton, D.C., was acquitted. ment program was accomplished through The decision said Spock and Ferber the FAA because we are the landlords of were protected under free speech pro-th~,t airport," Basnight said. . visions of the U.S. Constitution. Orange County government IS the Spock, 65, and the others were sen· tcnced to two years in prison and fined ,5,000 each. .e1cept for Ferber who received two years in prison and a $1,000 fine. U.S. Alty. Herbert F. Travers was not Immediately available for comment on what steps the government would take In the case. , landlord of your airport. So as far 11 the Fealherly, thtn board ch a I rm 1 n, l''AA l1 concwned, it Ls the county's declared In hJ.s letter to the federal agen-. responslbllUy to com~ up with an airport cy that maximum no~ limits includ.l plan that ts compaub1e w1th the-~ flight res&rtetioal. should be Uta~ rnun!lY and can ~rve the people safely. ~ .J>y lhe fAA .1Qa5much a.s the FAA won't 'Mie FAA, he explained, would ~nsidor let the county do it through ordina ce such a plan, and approve II, if it were n s. comlstent with night safety needs. :"he FAA has yet to reply to the ~ "Our rule-malling ls oriented to air ty s letter -or , to two. o!1Jers .sub.le-- safety," he said, adding: "We don't want •. quently sent. County Aviation Director W be the landlords at orange County Robert Bresnahan grumbled about that Airport... om week. The ball thu s apparently bounced back Flfth District Supervisor Alton E. into the laps of Orange County Al,len, who was among those attending supervisors, who last October asked Uie the Southern California Aviation Council FAA lo establish controls over the session Thursday, said: ''I am very mu ell number of fight.I In and out of County in fa vor of disallowing flights after ' 11 Airport. p.m. and before 7 a.m." At that time, Supervisor C. M. "Cye" But he add¢ he doesn't know what else Featherly warned the FAA that "con-the county can do. •·The FAA wants a Unued jet o~aUom from Oran&e County plan, and in my opinion , it has already Airport w1U 1tertll1e the Upper Newport gotten one from Us. We're still waiting Bay art.a by 1972." I-or 3n official response." * * *. * * * 'On a Good Day, You -··-. .. Won't See Skies at All' LOS ANGELES -Within IO years, "on a good day," there will be 2.5 million · Americans somewhere up there Jn the nation's skies, Federal Av I at Ion Administrator John H. Shaffer predicted Thursday. S~affer foresaw the crowded sky - equivalent to Detroit's population -in an addre1s heft belore the Southern California Aviation -Council, headed by Orange County Supervisor W 11 I I a m Phillips. The newly appolnted FAA chief noted t'im~ 500,000 passengers on the average are now airborne eao:h day. Re clted the anticipated escalation in passengers in a talk keyed to winning 11Upport for Presi- dent Nixon's recenUy proposed $5 billion airport and airways expansion program . Shaffer emphasir.ed that the funds, which would be split 50·50 by federal and local. including state agencies. are pro- posed for use only in the improvement of airways facilities and equipment. Another $.1.5 billion \\'OUld have to come from other sources to pay for new terminals. He explained that terminals are con· sidEred revenue-producing facilities and hence should pay their own way. Shaffer called lhe President's plan, now before Congress, "eminently fair." He noted that the package would be financed by taxes on passengers and freight. "'The program," said Ute ex-Air Force colonel, "asks those who used the na- tion's airways and airports to invest to a greater degree in the Improvement and upkeep of these facilities. In the past, some 70 percent or the costs of the airways system has been met by general tax revenues. Aviation has not been paying its wa y." Feliciano Siiit Delayed Again A third continuance of the $100,000 damage suit filed by internationally known • singer.guitarist Jose Fellcianc> \Vas granted Thursday in Superior Court until Wednesday, Aug . 6. Feliciano, a Newport Beach resident. and his wife, Hilda, ha ve sued Newport South Bay, Inc.: Gene Randono, Carol T. Randono and Charles Dryer, claim· ing misrepresentations in financing and operating "Felic ianos" cocktail lounge and restaurant in Newport. The defendants have filed a motion to dismiss the action, contending it con· tained several flaws. Sailor Injured SAN PEDRO (UPI) -The 73·foot ketch Blackfin continued her record breaking pace Thursday In the 2Sth I'ranspacific Yacht Race but lO!t nine miles of her overaJl lead to the do1ged pursuit of the Windward Passage. Colors and lighting in the program are magnificent. There are the golden tones of impressionist Vincent Van Gogh's painting or peasants harvesting in the hot sun. "The court-agrees with the defendants that vigorous criticism of the draft and o! the Vietnam war is £ree speech protected by the First Amendment, even though its effect 11 to interfere with the war effort," the decision said. ·JOLY "It (the court) holds that the defen- dants we.re equally free to express com- mcndaUon and moral support for those The Blacklin, now 711 miles from the finish of the 2,225 nautical mile race. had Ile:-lead sliced from 41 to 32 miles by the Windward Passage. The bright colors or Frederick Rem- ington capturing American I n d I a n 1 si~alling with smoke contrasts uniquely w1lh the dramatic use or pink agains t white In Giotto di Bondone's "The Vision of Jochim." The Mow closes beauUfUlly again with le.s traditional ending, da Vinci's "Last Supper." whose conscience compelled them to disobey the law, but it drew a dlstinclion between such expressions and .af- firmative counseling, aiding and abetting violations of the statute," it added. HENDREDON'S FONTAINE However, skip~r Kenneth DeMuese re- mained optimistic, confidently predicting tus Blackfln, from tht St. Francis Yacht Club of San Francisco, would arrive at Diamond Head in Hawaii at 5:02 p.m. Sunday {Honolulu time). Laguna Stockbrokers If the Blackfln skipper's forecast Is correct, she "''ill trim by five hours the 196S record set by the Ticonderoga, which w:is skippered by Robert F. Johnson. who Is at the helm of Windward Passage. On the 37-foot sloop Mahia, crewman Eugene C. Bricker. of Fresno was seriously injured when a spinnaker pole &truck him on the left temple. DAllY PILOT CU.NG~ CO.Ul "'°'ll 1$HllU) COMMM'I ••Mrt N. w.,4 l"rwWM! ... l"llllllllW J1c.~ 1. c.,1 • ., VQ l'r....-1 Hid o-.. M-r Tllo1110, ICM•il .... Tho"''' A. M1r,h1Rt M.t" ... 119Mllllr J.lcllt,.f r. Ntll , __ Cltt ••ttw ._ __ 222 Nr•tt J.y1, M11n~1 "'''''11 ,.o. ••• '''· •2tst °""'°'"'" C.lt Mn.I: ,. Wal a.~ ... .... ..._..., 9Hdl: HU ...... , ...... k •IWtt• ........... lt!I .. .,,, .. llh """ ' < Suspended for 30 Days The Laguna Beach branch office of Roberts-Scott & Co. Inc., has been suspended for 30 calendar days by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from certain over-the-counter trading, The ruling came as the result of SEC charges that the firm had aold North Joaquin Trustees Meet on Salaries San Joaquin Elementary S c h o o I District trustees were scheduled to me<:t today at 4 p.m. to set next year's salaries for teachers of the district's 10 3Chools. The meeting is the first trustees and teachers have had face·lo-face. Previous-- ly, bugalning has been through negotia· lion commltttes. AU details ol teachers salaries were supposed to be ironed oul by the com- mittees before the matter came to the school board. .. HO\\'ever. Dr. William Stocks, district assistant superintendent.. said there Is still a gap betv•een what the teachers are asking for salary and what the board Is willing to grant. An eleventh hour meeting at 1:30 p.m. v.·as to be field with teachers to see If agreement might be reacht<I on the salary schtdule. No Information about lhE: salary schN!ule was disclose<! by Dr. Stocks. While the matter of pay is 5Ull unset· tied, Dr. Stocki said agrcement has been reached on a nun1ber or important sldo issues !ucb as araduate \\'Ork credil'I:, maternity policy. JO-month pay period, and lunch scliedules. I American Research and Devel opment Corp. common stock in violation of re9istration and anli·fraud provisions of federal securities law. The suspension becomes effecti ve July 21. The ruling allows certain exceptions for unsolicited over-the-counter transac· lions. Activities of the firm on the New York Stock Exchange are not affected. Charles H. Scott. president, \\'as censured by lhc SEC for failure to supervise properly \\'ilh a view lo prcven· ling the \•iolations. llie Wall Street .Journal reported today. Roger Garrity, assistant manager of the Laguna Beach branch, said no one slill employed in the office had anything to do wlth the improper dealings charged by the SEC. 11e sald the office was being punished for something that occurred about two years ago. . "Rather than fight it, \1•e just accepted 1t," he said. Excha11ge Club Installs Tonight New ortictrs of the Laguna Beach Ex· change Club will be inv.ested tonight al a 7 o'clock installation dinner at the San Clemente Inn being held joinlly with the 1'~1 Toro-Laguna Hill:; and San Clemente l-~~changc Clubs. New president of the Laguna Exchange Club Is Gary Zin1mt'rman. Vice·presldent Is Robert IJuddleston; Or. Richard Ha11.5 i~ secretary, and Donald Dornbos Is treasurer. llll!W.,....., dlrilns &llilt ii ft' .. cn....r. wlll _...toll' 1 a'~ two le-. MotirM ...,.,, ......... _,, homt,,... I n' ~..,I .JSK' doted'• .,._ "''"· ~ ftrihti 00tt' -~- DREXEL-HENDREDON-H ERIT AGE ALSO ON SALE •.. NATIONAL-MARGE CARSON-HIBRITAN ETC. LAMPS, INC~MAABO-PAINTINGS-ACCESSORIES WI All IOl•T fOI ANT INCONVINllNCI CAUSID IYTHI CONSTIUCTION WOll ON WUTCLJFF DllYI THiii rs IASY ACCW ANO ,A.KINI AT THI llAI OF OUl ITOll. . NIWPOIT RACH 1727 W•tcJlff Dr .. '42-20.50 OPIN PRIDAY 'TIL t • INTERIORS ' l'n>ftnl-1 1111.tor o..i,.en AHlltble---.t1D-Ns1r ·- LAGUNA HACH J4S North c .. 1t Hwy. 4•WSS1~ OPIN PRIDAY 'TIL t ' • Newport Barhor EDITJ O N Yev Bometewa -;, Dally P a per VOL'; 62, NO. "165;"11 SECTIONS, 3.1 PA&ES ORAN&E· ·co_UNTY, CALIFORNIA: I FRIDAY, JULY. ll7'196-~---• Won't . -. . . . ;. -. Bari ~~~gh~ Flights, Says ~FAA ' B·11:t Cou11:ty Can Limit Operations .-. .. By JEROME f. COLUNS Of ftit o.lb' Plllllt tiMtl c --LOS ANGELES -The federal govern- ment wW not permit permlnent dollnl of Orange County Airport at night. bur lt will ~n!ld'er any plan eubmitted by. county love.lnment to !harply ~ct operations, Federal Aviation Adminlstr1· tion officials uld 'fhurMay. -John H:-o Shaff , President-Minn newly ~appointed· FAA' l:<fnilnistratar, ts• plained to the DAILY PILOT: "Most alrlloes today fly twin con- l!ll!ral!<>!!~aft, They're COl\)'eriJbJe: they fly piojile In the daytime• ind !heY carry !Telgbt at nlgllt. There m aound economfc reasons for operating in &lrpoft arounc( the clock~" Shaffer, who flew to Loi Angeles' to ad- dress a confertnce of tbe Southern CalUC('n!a AviaUon Council, emphasized "\ll•I he did not--lmow<the-spedltcs of orange County•a·a1r traffi~ problems. He· lnalsted, bow~ver, that 11you can't 'Be· Bad Right' . " shut down an airport overnight-and 1Wl haye an air_ttav_elayate:m.." --.... The· llG.ytaf-okJ FAA chief, an 01,AJr Force cofonel, then suggested that thl dirtdor of the 1ge:ncy•1 we.stem region, Arvin O. Basnight, would be able to com- "1ll'ftl more kno"ledgeably on the Orance County situation. Basnight di<! -and his vlewa hold ·so1Qn>11>111ifr"fOi'"fmmtlffilf'"CiJ!itiO,__ on"jet lllgllts out of the Orange QiUnty (See FAA POU CY P110 II • Cons ultants To Urge New BBC Lease Appeals Court Reve~s~ . . . . . ' . ~ . - A munlclpal consultant Monday wlll recommend Newport Beach City Council Dr. SpocW-S Gonvic~ approval ot a ltase extensiOft . proposal B 0 ST 0 N (UPI) - A fedtr· Crom lhe Balboa Bay Club. • al a p p e a 1 s court today nversed . _ _ De.velopmen~ R e 1 e a c. c h ~lea.-tbe;::anndtafLcoNplr1ey ...ainv,_·,...,,.._.._.~ CORA) ol Los Angelea, hired by the city lamed baby doctor Benjamin Spock and LIVING PICTUR E -Norma)! Rockwell's painting of astronauts preparing !or space rriissiOn adds touch of timeliness to Laguna Beach's 31th Pageant of the Masters. Figures in living picture are por· DAIL'( l':R.01'. Sl9ff ........ ~ Lt9 p.,_ !rayed by (lrom le!~) Don Whan Sr. of Huntington Beach. Charle Styron of Anaheim, "John Lima of Costa Mesa and Russell Funk o( Newport Beach. • ID Life Majesty ·last April, wlll present Its lindlnp ot an u.... other!, saying !heY.had the right to analy~~ ot the Bay Club req~est at the criUclze: the Vietrlam war and the draft cou!1Cli·s afternoon st,ooy sesmn. "even though its 'tffect· Js ~to interfere City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt said with the war ettorl'~ tbe consulilng II'!'\ "Is In basic accord" ~ Isl u s ClttUll court· Ot Apj>eals with the Bay Club proposal, which calla dectalon ..;i.;...i Spock and Harvard !or $110the! 20 years tacked onto the ex· graduate ltudent Michael Ferber, 24, of 1sUng leue on lhe 13 acres of city~ Buffalo, N,Y., freed permanently but property. The present lease expam ,in ordered new ,. trills fer Yale Chaplain 1998. · . · Rev WUUam Sloane Collin Jr and Hurlburt noted, however, th.al DttA aulhor Mitcbell Goodman 41 of 'J'tznp1ie , does have additional rt00mmenda&ns. Maine • • • Newport Guar ds Save 3 Youths From Riptide Whelbtr they wwld be acceptable to the 'llle ·court ordered the retrlals of Good- " Bay Club 1!l•Y be ~own Monday. man and CoWn on lepl teclmlcalltiea. It: 34th p Ul!.ean t of M cute r s Ove ~~:declined to detail tl!epropoaed ("Und . arnn' la Ult \Nl lll!IP'• '1111> . ·;, f.v.f."~' ~ ,,.,: .. .,, ' " ' f ~ ' -:.wu 'ff('at ~{t'liil ·==-=~ By RICHARD P. 1'fALL from main stage Jo upper •"!It bl IJ1o' i)'!IA ';:., ~ · lllilll·l·;Jollot -JUqe ~ Two Newport Beatjl lifegu'ards dove off C!' ._ _..,. P111tt Miff wood"' hl.Qsldes. "· • meftdl ti ._ · "* ..,'* M: ~ -bo rel1Uoti•Wttie1diap1iln !-- the end ol Newport Pier late }inlnday Stan twfpkJl!ld~I"' Lafun•'• Irvine 1'11' 2'/ wo~ ranging from painting t• i!.o.t-;;s"c:Jbvl:': =.i ~ dl-ed and aald aU deleadants allfMdd afternoon to "''"" three younpters Bowl Thuriilay nlglll 11 the 34iJ. aMual 1tatuiry Include much that Ls Umely thts ~ bu ollmil th< ell)' 1 cooi1J>1b ~· loifle Edwi!nl-JI. ... llltf - awept out to sea by a violent riptide. Pageanc or the Maslers came maj.,tical· year. reJ>lai toe·pilm Jie.fl)'•-id-)lellUbe_cJ., .=wltl!_Jlle-:S Iii Jiin.U.-~ GIW'dl said the children were sucked ly to life. T h e r .e is t h '= creation ~r NOi'man ty $3l5,000 in annual income. ~ city'• . were . ane out 'ISO yards before being carried to The 2,500 seats in the woodsy am-Rockwell s amazingly detailed a n d yearly nivenue from the club ii now to couniel 10UDf me.n to e\!ade. safety. They credited Betty Phoenix. an philheater contained a preview audience technical painting, "The Longest Step." about half thal The estimates do not In· the draft: M~s Raa~. co-directer of employe of the bait shop at the end 'Of the ()f press, civic officials from Orange The painting of two astronauts suiting up elude property taies. ~ R"1~tute. for policy IWdiea in ~ (~"'ION .iJP: pier, wilh spotting the children at about 6 Coonly and other VIPs. r,t:any fate it the with the aid of lechn.!cians wiU be shf&· lf-coonellmen-endor11e the Bay. Club~ _ a!N.~..,1C D.C., wu acquJtted....._ _ -.---o r~IAmlii; p.m. best show yet. · -ing v;hen htSfory Is made wl!h the lunar plan pruumably u revised by DRA the T1ie eclilOn slid SPQCkand Ferber The pier blocked th:! youngsters, whl' The Pageant and Festival of Arts will landlna: I.his month. final deciaion will rest with the city's were protected under free apetcb pro- Wefe not identified, from the view of continue dally on •six-week run through California's 200th birthday celebraUon voters. Stevens hu been presaing for an v~lona 01 ~be U.S. ConliltuUon. auards on the beach. . . -Aug:-24. tn represented in striking hillside early eledfon on the ·1a1ue. 'The nut imc:,k;., ·t~ -;:,:.;.. 0~1 :de th..: The children escaped tnJury. It began high atop the theater. The two statuary of ~o:nari~ and so!di~rs who scheduled municipal election ls April. $:1i 000 each lctpt 1.,P ;'~--ho In another mis~~p, guards resc~ed a figuru on the "Venice Bell" tolled the created Utt: historic strmg of m1sstan1. trro. ' ' e q-pa-w Santa Ana youth rn1ured while surfing at ·show to life· as their mallets struck the The music this year, again an original received two years Ip prllon and a fl,000 8th Street and the beach. Brian Irby, 15, bell b nd to v· Scboe fine. . score y composer-co uc r 1c n, us A•h. H bert F Tri not :,:s .:~ t~~~g Hospital with a possi· • The program movtd back and forth (See PAGEANT, Page Z) • Feliciano Su it 1~;. a':auable. for ~:;: 00 It was only e sprain, and Brian was wh.at 1teps the government would take in released. N T M the cue. c:rowds were moderat• to h""" during ewport av~rn anager Dela ed A g ain · "The court agrees with th• d•lendants the 11unny day, with peak attendance , Y that vigoroug CriUclsm of the drart and of estimated at 70,000. • the Vietnam war ii free speech protected A third continuance of the $100,000 damage suit filed by internationally by Jhe First Amendmen~ even u..ia\i JI. effect iJ to lQfufero,wiill the wai: ell<irt," the deqi.ion iaJd. -,_ 7 ,,: • ".._ "It /the <our!) holda that the cierm.. dants were equally free to eipress com- mendaUon and mor~ IUppOl'I for. ·lilflllt wboae conaclence COD!-pelled tberb a. disobey the fatv, but lb!..,. a d~ betWeen ·auch' expfftll°"". uc1 .• ·If. llrmaUve COUN<!\ni, aldhtg and I~ violaUom of the i!atute," lt added. · Watson Gets Ne'v P ay Hike, Title Dr. Nonnan E. Watson, superintendent of the Orange Coast Junior College District has recei ved a salary boost and a new title to go along with it. Arres ted On Drug Charge known singer·guilar~t Jooe Feliciano w2-: granted Thursday in Superior Court l.ntil Wednesday, Aug. 6. State narcoliC! agents and Newport Beach Pollet! detectives Monday arrested the manager of a Newport waterfront bar and a Huntington Beach couple on war- rants charging sale of restricted drugs. jacent liquor store during Thursday·s in· vestigatlon and arrests. The businesses remained closed for more than an hour. They reopened later in the afternoon. Feliciano, a Newport Beach resident, and his wife, Hilda, have liUed Newport South Bay, Inc.;· Gene Ratldouo, Carol T. Randono and Charles Dryer, claim· Ing misrepresentaUons in financing and operating "Fellcia001'1 cocktail lOWlge and restaurant in Newport. Blackfin Leads· Trimspac; Sailor Seriously Injured Watson was given the title of auperlntendent<hancellor to go akmg wUh his salary hike from $29,500 to ~.ooo per year. The new chancellor said he will now "auume a 'two.faced' role. I musl legally retain the title of superintendent, but 1 will accept the new title." He didn't object to the salary increase: either. U.S. Watching Russ Task Force An estimated 10,000 tablets which in- vestigators alle_ge are benzedrint were loooo at the lluntingjon s.aainom. of the man and wife, police said. Monte Anthony Brancato, 31, manager of the Stag at 1%5 McFadden Place, near Newport pier' WU taken from the premts" by o!licera Tln~r'4"Y '.iwnaon •. Aimoot •imw..-iy,-WIJ p tam Marshall, 43, a )'llumbei-. ·and. hls wjfe, Sandra ·Jean, lt, were arrested at their home, IDt6 Continental St., Huntington Beach. The three face charges of possession of restricted drugs for gale. Polk.-e closed down the bar and ad· Officen said a small quanti ty of tablets alleged to be benzedrine were found on Branca1o, aJSO a Huntington Beach resi- dent. He gave his addreu as 19911 Ranger Lane. Newport detectives said the in- ve.Ugatlon Jnto the alleged sale of the restrjcted drugs lasted three weeks •• A 19119 (!a(Jlllac.alleged to be stolen also w a s recovered f r o m the Marshall residence. · Ball for Brancato and Marshall has been set al $12,500. Mrs. Marshall, who police said is two months pregnant, was released on her own recognizance. The defendanta have filed a motion to dismiss the 1dlon, CO!lteoding it con- tained several flaws . Stae"k Mor keu NEW VORK (AP)-The atook m.orl<et closed on an Upbeat today-its first of the week-although down from Its best levels of the day. (See quotations, Pages 14·15.) The Dow Jones lndust'rial average at 2 p.m. was up 4.59 at 152.38. The Dow had been up 1.17 al U:30 p.m. JACKSONVILLE, t'la. (Al') -AcJ.. diUonal U.S. reconnaJssance planes have joined the surveillance of a Soviet task forCe moving slowly and boldly toward eu·ba In an unpreeedcnted show of lhe Soviet flag. Mesans Favoring Helicops A Navy spokesman said today aircraft from the attack carrier Independence maved into the shadowing operaUon that alre.ldy included the U.S. radar picket ahfp Thomas J. Gary iu;d planes from baHI in Maryland and Maine. Tbe spokesman sakl the eight Soviet 1hlps were about 26C miles southeast or JaCbonville at midmorning, moving in a IOlitllwesle(ly direction. Lemnitzer Honored Mail response to a proposed Costa Mesa Police helicopter patrol sy5tem dropped off today, as City Councilman WUliam L. 5'. Clair announced his posi· tion on the matter which is up for a vote Monday. ·A statement IS8Ued b1 St. Clair says the benefits of aerial ~w enforcement cannot be challenged, but •UU"ts the $8S.525 local program is to6 much for the . ctty to haiidle alone. -He mentions exploraUon of a joint use agteern!nt whh the Huntington Beach Police De:partm~t's H'.B. Eye program, WASIDNGTON CAP) -Gen. t.ym;m or better ~et. Lcooperative, county.wide Lemrut:rer, ·former supremt U.S. and bellcop system. 1lllf.d commander in Europe, received MaUed coupons eent to Mayor Alvin L. from President Nixon today an un-Pinkley showed 17 citilena for a!Mt three preced<nted awar<I -Di!tln&uish<d !8!!!!'1 the 1":"8f•m Thurlda , but drop- Service Medili tJii Miny;-llavy and -lied to ali-Jiil1Vijfa1'! wo ~Te> A.Jr Foret. dey. \ The coupons were contained In a newspaper ad by Hughea · HeUcoptera, a division of Hughes Toot Campany, wtUch wants to supply lhe choppers', accessories and pilot training. • St. Clalr'1 atatement today endorses the pollceman·in·thwky concept itself without reservation, praising Police Chlr; Roger Nelh1s progresalve ideas and Cbm- prehenslve· heliCQp study. ~ Under the six·monlh budget pac\a,ee which would go inl().'effect in January, lwo Hugh.. whirlybirds would be ob- tained on a lease-option \(l()(ltract, ·with three patrolman..piJoY·on duty. "Ot\e helicopter can adequately cover about 30 square miles and CON Mesa can never ~much morA than 17 ~are mn ..... fie silif," usfilgugurn complle<I by police. "That means wtth one helicopter, we would have about half a beUcopter too much," he continued. ''Tbe comparaUvely small size ot coat-_ Mesa woukl CIUH: too many oVerOJ:gbta and the noise and 'spyitlg eye' could cause a negative reaction from citizens," he 1ald. '"I'hia make. Councilman Tucker'• suggestion of buying one heliCopter and work.Jng a joint use. with Huntlnllon · Beach look very practical a n d economical," hi lldded, "bul 111-ltt il1n\ 1ell hlt own idea." Coundl!llan St. C111t m<ntloned the cOoperallve,J:'IXJnlY~Wkle communications and }ransportatlon ayalem!. ur&!!!I L i!iiiry of lhe 11mo lotal cover11• by helicopter lawmen. SAN PEDRO (UPI) -The 73·foot kei<h Blackfln continued her (OCord b(eakinc pace Tbursda~ la the 25th Tranapaciflc Yacht Race but lost nine mUea ot her 9verall lead to the dogged p<inult ol the Windward Paua1e. The Blaclclln, n0w 79j J!IU .. from th• finish 'of the 2,225 nautical ril11e race, had her lead sliced l'rom 41 to 32 milu by the Windward Pwage. · However, akipper Kenneth DeMue:se re· malned optimlltlc, conlidently predicting his Blackfin, from ,the SL Francis Yacht Oub of San Francisco, would arrive at Diamond Head in Hawaii at 5:02 p.m. Sunday lHonolulu time). If the Blackfin 1klpper'1 forecast Is eorrect, lhe wUI trim by five houri the 1185 rocor<I aet by the 'rlcondtro&a, which was aldppered by Robert F. JobMOn, who is at the helm of Wlnd"ard Fauage. On the 37.foot sloop Mahla, crewman Eugene C. Bricker, of Fre:sDO was -ly Injured. when a aphmaktr pole atruck him on the left temple. BriF 1Ufferod a fractured silull, the U.S. Coast Guard repOl'fea; Aulhorlile1 saJd a doctor from the race ucart vessel Bon Hemme Richard went -rd and the USS Black a n d tbe USS ~ EaWards, some 1«1 miles iwaf;" were dispatched to •endezvous with tbe-srOop! They said Bricker would. be·put aboard one or the destroyers and tlltn to San Diego. 'l'he .. standinp. by. class ·~~al 1eamn·1.Clau A, Nimbte Ciaa B, ~ Claa, C and E!pirl{ Ctasa b:-1 Winds of 18 knots with four ~o f1ve-toot seas prevailed Thuraday wilh vislbiljty at ISO.· TRANSP AC, Pag• I) • Orange Coast . . Weedier The sun'I 1leeplng Jn 8aturday too, ahowJng hit face about 10 a.m. and brlnglhg lem\>O<•turu In the mid 70'• along the coast and up to 85' further Inland. INSm E TODAY Wealth11 Amtricana -.man11 oerv pi'ohahtmt -are JiMnc- ing the new .left orgianizatkml which art ff!tkino complete 11p- heqvrd oJ American soc(etu,. ac-State Closes Part cording. to FBI chi•/ J, lidoar Hoover: Pooe 18. Of Valencia Avenue !!'..!.!!.. H, _, ·-" ~·---" ...... "'" .... c....... .,... .,,..... c.... • A porUon or Valencia , Avenue. Just • ~ = ftllllil"IMt. "'" south of ,the Santa Ana J'retway 1n Irvine .,._ """" • := !"9" ;~:= hu i.n ck>led to trill1c for tba nut L~ ,..,: ~-.-"'~ nine months. 11>& Dlvtslon _of JUabw a ,.._. . ..." """"" ... Wd..l.oot.De1 ol.,tbl...~a.y .w:il[-._,_:::.,__,.~'.:!-!i>w .. .,-ii=•...,.,-...-,_l--"'-1 closed for consti-uCttoo of a b114Ce near ..... w...... .._ the llalUJI• Freeway, ' •• .. -----.. ~--·•· - -~ 'DAllY PllOI H 1 ' FAA Chief Sees Huge Passen:ger l~(!r~e t . LOS ANGELES -Within JO yean. "on "· 1 afJOd day," there will be 2.i million • · Amtrictns somewhere up lbere ln lba ~·nation'! ltfes, Federal Aviat.ion Administrator John H. Shaffer predicted 1 Thursday. • Shaffer foresaw the crowded sky -~ equivalent to Detroit's population -in an ~ addras here be.fort the Southern •'C&Urornla Aviation Council, htaded ~ ~ Oran&• 'County SUpervi9or W i 11 i am : PlllU!ps. The nftly appointed FAA chief noted -·that 500,CO> pusengers on the average - .,. no" alrb\><111 •ch 1111· He cdli ;r enUciPotoa eicllatlqn Jn _,ot'f lil a talk keyed I~ J¥Jnning support for Pres~ dent Nixon's reeently p('Oposeil ·as, blllloa. ai.rPort and alrw1y1 erpanak>n program. Shaffer emphasized that the funds, which would be split 50-60 by federal and JocaJ, including state agencies, are pro- posed for use onJy in the improvement of airway• faclllUM .and equlpme.nt. Another $3.5 billion woilld hive to com~ from other IOW'Cel to pay for new termmala. He explained Uiat terminalJ are con· !idued nvenu•producing facilities and : Viet Cong Rejects Plan .. For Opening Elections From Wlre Servkt1 of 25,000 American troops from Vietnam, ~ President Nixon strongly supported and Thieu'• newly announced offer to the 1----~'0l>Osab' today-for opeo •neUonal -•le..-Viet-Conti i...ronowice.vlolence and..IAke :,.'1.ions in ~ Vletn·am but In Paris a. Viet part in eleetions to determine South Viel· L r t ( I E ' I ' h E • I' ~ng spokesman Datly rejected lhe offe( nam'.a future. ·\; Sooth Vietnam's President Nguyen In i prus declaration the Viet Cong's Van Thieu. s e I I-styled provisional revolutionary Nixon said Thieu's election plan "government" condemned the Saigon "deserves the support of all who seek plan as a "perfidious maneuver." of the peace in that tortured land." "If th+:-other side genuinely wants United States and the Saigon ad· peace,•• Nixon sakl in a statement given ministration to deceive world opinion. reporters by presidential aides, "it now The Viet Cong's harsh reaction to the has a comprehensive set of offers which offer ""as a new warning that the Hanoi- permit a fair and reasonable ~.tU~me~t. backed insurgent government will con· _JJ il~p~ U! In Utls spll'Jt, 1t will find m reuona6ie. Hanoi 1ias notlilng to tinue prusing for the overthrow of the gain by waiting." Saigon government. The "comprehensive set of offers" lo The proposals were made In Saigon and which Nixon referred included his own r~Jned J2. Uie Hanoi IJ]il_ Viel CoOB djb\.painL. peace plan ·of -M•Y 14; his delegations in Paris today. JUDLI announctmenl ~f tht withdrawal In his proposal, Thieu Invited the Viet No C.Ompromise . On ABM System, Nixoµ Declares WASHINGTON (UPI) -NixDo ad- 'mlnllltalian foreu in the Senate ttfused klaln today to cooslder offers of a com- .promlle from oppooents of the Safegumf antlboIH•lc m!Ssile (ABM) system, who claimed enq)J strenaih lo block il s..aJe Repibllcan le-Ever<U M. DirDen inailt.ed he atill has sufficient • ..., lo gel funds for ABM deployment approved in the Senate. He said be had no intentioo ol bargaining. Opponenta of the Safeguard, offerm, to .compromLse, Wd T h u r 1 d • 1 1 • an-- nouncement by Sen . George Aiken (R- Vt.) that he opposed ABM deployment gave them enough votes to wln. Aiken ur1ecl a compromlse lo avert either·defeat or4 narrow vote of appFoval of the administration plan . He said either would reduce President N ~ 1 o n ' s bargaining power with the Soviets in forthcoming arms control talks. Alked about Aiken's view1 on a close vote. Dirben observed to reporters: "To "'in by one polnt is as &ood as winning by 26." Joaquin Trmtees Meet on Salaries San Joaquin Elementary S c h o o l District trustees were scheduled to meet today al 4 p.m. to set next year's salaries for teachers of the district's 10 schools. The meeting Is the first tfustees and teache rs have had fa ce·to-face. Previous.- ly, bargaining has been through ne1otia· Uon committees. All details of teachers salaries were 5upposed to be ironed out by the com· m1Uees before the matter came to the &ehool board. UAllY PllOl. Dl4 ... I COA.11 "'1tl dHllile COMPAN'f -·hri N, W.H Pfw,.... ........... J.ck •. c.t.., va ,,..,..,. .,,. o-<• .....,.;- T~."''' IC..,.11 1,;11or Tli•11111 J., M1rp\IM1 ~...-...1•uor . J ....... '· C.lliftt __ , "" ----Jl 11 W"t .. ,.._ l••l•vtr,. Mttll•t M4rMu P.O. In 117J, '2"1. --C.lt ....,.., -....... """' L_...,,,1" ...... #1-......,,.....,_: .... """ ,_ Cong to reoounce violence and take part in national electiorui to determine South -Vlttnam•s future. "The government of Vietnam declares that lt will abide by the resulb of the elect.ions, whatever the results may be," Thieu said . "We challenge the other side to -declare the same." l'rom Pqe 1 TRANSPAC • • • 10 miles. Late reports received by Newport Beach's Carroll Hudson via !henwave radio from the fleet indicated these I»" sitions at noon today: . Overall: Quasar. Overall leader on handicapped calcu. Jations: Quasar, followed by L'Allegro, Ar1onaut and Typee . Boat for boat: Blackfln In the lead, 613 miles from Honolulu, followed by Windward Passage (638 miles), Oare (747), Pursuit (772), Kamalii (8S2l, Queen Mab (84$). -·on corrected times, class leaders are: Class A: .Dare (UO miles out), Su· matra (8811), Rascal (124), Concerto (811). Class B: Nimble (934), JubilaUon (191). My.tic (907), Salacia (908). Clw C: Quasar (958), Argonaut (911), Typee (11'15). Class D: L'Allegro (1,0:17), Ano.Nuevo (1,1182), Intrepid II (911). Valkjrie II (I.IOI). From Pqe 1 PAGEANT ... ls a smooth suppliement to the subject. It is softer, less dramatic, than in some years. The brass is gone. The 22·piece professional orcheslra con sists largely of stringed instruments with two woodwinds. Don Williamson, producer of the unique art spectacular, was busy with one im· porlant problem this morning. Five limes, jets making an approach lo El Toro Marine Corps Air St.alien noisily broke the continulty of the program as they roared overhead. Marine officials in the past have rerouted the jet approach during the Pageant. •·we are in contact with them today to see whal happened, nonnally they're very cooperalivt," said the producer. The program ran relativtly smoothly for an opening performance. A small child i:-1 one painting bobbed about to the amuument or the audience and timing needed sharpening, but these are normal first night problems. William50n said he is tightening up the program today for tonlabl's 8 : 3 0 performance, mak.inc some "judicious sluhin1 here and there.'' Driver Arrested Following Chase A hip.speed chue that took a Newport Beach min and a pur1Uing Newport police patrol car throuCh Newport Heights 1tretta at tpeeds of more than 70 mph finally ended at Pacific Coast Highway early lhls mornin1. Poliet said they arruted Rodney Philip Spelts, 22. of 471 Walnut Ave., at tht cor· ner of Pacillc Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue at 2 a.m. Officers said Spelts allegedly led a patrol car on a chaA from the Westcliff area throu&h rtsldentlal 1rtas to tht higb.,ay. Durin( the 'epll0d1, offlcen ~ said, Spella ran five boulevard stops. He was arrested and booked on '------------' l'tekleu driving charges. ) ·~~ut0w.~ .. bofore Col\lml, "•mm.,,tfy fair." H_e noted tllat the packqe WO!lld be Unan<td by taxes on passengers and freJChl. ''The pro;ram," said tlie U·Alr Force colonel, "asb those who u:sed the n .. tlon1s airways and airportl to invest to a greater degree In the improvement and upkeep ol these facllities. · In the put, 10me 'II ..,..nt of-the -cl the al"9AYI IYS~ bu been DJef by gen.er al taz revenues. AvtaUOn bas not betn paying its way." From PafJfl 1 FAA POLICY • • field. The propol!ed Umitatlons would have to be initiated by county goverp.o ment, he said. Basnitht said he b famili!ll with coun- ty aJr master Planner William· Pereira's recommendaUon that a ban on nlaht flights 6e placed on County Airport. At present, airlines are voluntarily llmitinc tbrir opera~ te mosUy daylight hours. Pereira, anticipating I n c r e a s e d pressures for more service, said last year the night flight prohibition should be government-imposed as soon as possibl~ He cited Washington National Airport in· the nation's capital as a facillty where such restriclions are already in force. DAILY PILOT Pllt" h' '"'""' '"""""" Wheeling to Surf il'Oftrscti1lltr.13;"NeW)JOrt-Beach, !!tis -.urfboartt--be~-him.~YoungsteFS, O<Yyoung to-drive auto., off rack behind his bicycle and prepares to hit surf rely heavily on tw()owbeel transportation to beach early this morning near Newport Pier. Several of where boards' and waves transport them over his surfing collegues apparently have arrived water. C.Ounty Schools Plan Security Program in Fall Harbor District Breakup Measure Oears Assenihly "Orange County Airoort," s a I d Basnight, "is &amelhing lite Wasb.i.ngton National. It is located near two larger airports, Los Angeles h)ternational and Lol.g Beach." These: 1airports, he In- dicated, could absorb' the lrafflc that Orange. County might not be able to han· die tiecauu o( conb'ols on the nwnber of aJghts. An educational stcurily c:onsullanl will SACRAMENTO -A!semblyman John • The supervisors Tu""-Y tabled ac:llon "Bu! _f.W ba_y_t t:o_.rmP.M\ber Uiat be hired to coordina!ft _Q.r~~ Counb ty -V~ Briggs' blll-whJch would transfer--all-M-a recommendation of tha.Local A.gen· Washington National's jet no15e abate-schooJ dlstrk:ts' attempts to cur van-responsibility ~f the Orange County cy Formation Commission that the - ment program was a.c:c:ompllshed through d·"-m burg'·-·aroon stud-' ··---~ the FA.A .btcauae we are the landlords of e&11lll ' ..,..,, ' " 1 ---Harbor District -ta-the Board of district be dissolved ind the matter-put. - that airport," Basnlght said. . . and ~Cl-uae, ~ ~ty school supervisors sailed through lhe Mlembly · !;>efore the county's votefs in the primary ~'Orange--eotmty 1overnment is ·the -board unao.unoualy decid!d Thursdaf. . Thunday '2.nd its authol' says.he expects ~lectior,i ~t YEX. ___ _ landlord of your airport. So as far as the The board members heard.-«--l'epol't..·-·no-oppm;ttmn tn1he Senate. · FAA is concerned, it is the county's that vanc!alism loases to county schools ""It will probably go before the Senate's responsibility to come up with an airport last year were conservatively estimated Local Government Committee," Briggs plan that is compatible with the com· at $&00 000 (R-Fullerton) said this morning. ''My bill munity and can serve the people safely.'' i. ' . · . is simply a 'trigger' measure to be used The FAA, he explained, would cont:ider t;Stab!Jshment of the new i:iost 1~ the if the board of supe rvisors or the voters such a plan, .and approve it, if it were county Department of Educahon will be of t h e county decide to dissolve t h e consistent with flight safety needs . similar to the 127-man force employed by dis trict. "Our rule-making is oriented to air Los Angeles city schools for security "It will provide for the orderly transfer safety, .. he said, adding : "We don't want of powers, as.sets, and responsibilities of tf' be the landloras of Orange County purposes. the district to the supervisors." Airport" Board members said they would seek Planned as a substitute for the llarbor The ba11 thus apparenUy bounced back approval of the Board of Supervisors to District if it is eventually dissolved is a Into the laps of Orance County spend about s:Kl,000 on the security pro-coonty w I d e Department of Harbors. supervisors, who last October aslted the grarTI tn the school year beginning in Beache! and Park! to direct all recrea· FAA to establi!h controls over the September. tional activities. number of flights in and out of County Airport. Al that time, Supervisor C. M. "Cye'' Featherly warned the FAA that "con· tinued jet operations from Orange County Airport will sterilize the Upper Newport Bay area by 1972 • .,. Featherly, then board c ha Irma n, declared in his letter to the federal a1en- cy that maximum-nobe-limits, inch.1dlng- flighl restrictions, should be establlabed by the FAA inasmuch as the FAA won't let the county do it throtJ&h ordinances. The FAA has yet to reply to the coun- ty's letter -or ta two others 1ubse- quenUy sent. County 0Avialion Director Robert Bresnahan grumbled about that this week . Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. Allen, who was among those attending the Southern California Aviation Council session Thursday, saith ''I am Yery much In favor ·of dlsallowlng nights after 11 p.m. and before 7 a.m." But he added be doesn't know what else the county can do. "The FAA wants a plan, and In my opinion, it hl!S already gotten one from us. We're still waiting for sn official response." Sea World Trip Deadline Monday Newport Beach children have untll 4:30 p.m. Monday to siill up for a parks :ind recreation department trip to Sea World on Mission Bay Wednesday. The trip to the aquatic park trill be1in .at 9 a.m. Cost is $1 for children; $1.75 for junior' qed 12-17, and $2.SO for adults. HENDREDON 'S FONTAINE Broken Pipe Halts !\farina Teen Dance There \\'ill be no teen dance tonight at Marina High School because of a bur st pipe which has flooded the gym, Hun- tington ,Beach Recreation Department of. ficials announced this morning. Saturday night the "Unknown Fron· tier" will play from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. at the H•Jntington Beach HJgh School IYlD· Admission is $1. Registration can be made t.hrou1h recreation leaders al city parks, or through the PB and R department head· quarters, 87l-2110. Reservations are llmtted. Still Openings In Swim Oass l.eund ...... ~~bG'IJI....._., wtll •"4 to ll'xQ"witti tw ~ MIMI• --· 1 11111111 for .,.,, ,.._.., 11" In• ..,...t. TX JSK' "*-'f' • ..... t.io.. s-ail finish CJ .... , 4 ....W,11', Openings are still available in tht Tiny Tot swimmina: program at the Orange Coast Y~fCA. The program starts Monday and con • tinues through July 25. It is for children from three to &ix years of age. Ten haU·hour lessons will be held Mon· day throu1h Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with the tots placed accordln1 to qe and ability. lmnales S~ge Escape SANTA CLARA !UPI ) -Eight mox- imum stCUrlty prisoners 1t Aptwa Slate Mental H01Pllal ucaped Ttwroday nl&hl by sawing bars on the 5~ floor and sliding down i drain pipe. Three of the HCapMI hid bttn co~· milted after arrests by 1>2-lice, one on a char1e o( atten1pted murder ln t'ht 1hotgunnlng of a young San JoH l1borer. DREXEL-HENDREDON-HERITAGE ALSO ON SALE .•. NATIONAL-MARGE CARSON~IBRITAN ETC. LAMPS. INC.-MARBO-PAINTINGS-ACCESSORIES WI All IOllY fOI ._NT INCONYINllNCI CAUUD 11' THI CONSTIUCTION WOil ON WISTCllfP DllYL THiii II WY ACCbl AND PAlKIN• AT lHI II.Al OP OUI ITOll. , NJWPOIT MACH 17Z7 Wtfttltff Dr., '42·2151 O'IN PllDAY 'TIL t INTERIORS l'ref...i.M- Detlpon Affllab!..-Al~Sl~ LAGUNA IEACH MS Horth C.:ut Hwy. 4ff.4S51 · OPIH PlltlDAY 'TIL t · l \ • . -• • Costa • Mesa , . ' FRIDAY, JULY J f, '1f69 JEN CENTS .. FAA Won't Ban County~Airport Night Flights By JEROME ·F;-COWNS Of .... Dell'I' "'" •••ff LOS ANGELES -The federal aovern- ment will not permit permanent closing ol Otange County AirPort at nllht, bur' It will coos id er any plan submltte;d by countJ gaverhment_ to aharply restrict operl.pom, Federal Aviation Admini:!V'a- ti~ official.! said Thursday. JOhn~ 'H. Sha!1er, President NiJ:on's newly appointed FAA administrator, ex· plained to the DAILY PILOT o 0 Most alrllnes~today. fly twin con" figuraUon aircraft. They're convertible: they Dy peo'* in the daytime and they carry freight' at night. Thttt are sound economJc' N!UOns for operating an airport around the clock." Shaffer, who -flew to Los Angeles to ad· dress a conference or the Southern California Aviation Cou"cll, emphasized that he did not know the specifics of Orange CountY's air'tra(Uc problems. He insisted, however, that '"you can't "He Bad-l!ifih stiul down an airport ovemi&ht and_,_atill have an air travel sy1tem." The SG-year~ld FAA chie!, an ex·Alr Force colonel, then sugested that the director of the agency's western region, Arvin 0 . Basnight, would be able to com- mrnt more knowledgeably on the' Orange County situation. Basnight did -and his views held some promise for a measure of control on jet flighb out of the Orange County field. The proposed llmitatioos ·would Court Reverses UP'I T1i.rto11 CONVICTION UPSET . Dr. Benjamin Spock Spock Ruling :;;j BOSTON (UPI) A feder· al a pp ea Is ·court today reversed the antidraft conspiracy convlctlons oE --r~a~me<lb&bf doctor Benjamin Spock and ~ ~ee others, sayln& ~-h~the right t~ -cr1ficize the Vietnam war .and the draft ••even though its effect is to interfere wittrthe-war eff0rtf1-- The lst U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision ordered Spock, and Harvard graduate student Michael Ferber, 24, of Buffalo, N.Y., freed pennanently but ordered new trials for Yale Chaplain Rev William Sloane Coffin Jr. and author Mitchell Goodman , 45, of Temple, Maine. by the First Amendment, even thQugh IL! errect ls to interfere with the war effort,'' the decision said. , "tr (the cwn)-holds-tharthe-defen. dants were equally free to express: com- mendation-and moral 1upport for those whose conscience compeUed them · lo disobey the law__, but it ~w a distinction betWe!n-such expressions-and ---.:1f· firmalive e<1unseling, aiding and abetlin& \'iolalions of the statute," It added. Let Nurseries Till · 'Strip' ' ' .... haY<...lo · be lnlU.l<<Ll>L<OJWl' 1mnt__11e cited Wublngton N1tionil,Alrport In ment, be said, ' ·-the naUoq's capUll. as a .faclllfYWliire Basnlgblsald be ls Iamlllar wllh coun-llll<h restrlctlons mo already11n force. ty air master planner WlWam Pereira 'a "Orange County Ain>Ort," 1 a t d recommeNlation that a ban on nlgbt Btsnight. "b something ll.ke W1shington night.I be placed on County-Airport. At N,tkMW. It ii located near tWo Jailer pment, lirllna are voluntarily limiting airports, Loo Angeles International and their oP<railons,!oJD01tiy,cil)'lllhtboon. • 1-l!tacb.'' Thae aifPO!:ls, he ·m. Pereira, an.lklpating f n c r·• 1,. d 'dl<;&led, c:Oufc(' abloib !ho. 1ralflc llj1t pressures for more service, said Wt year :0r1J11e COunty might nc;i& be abl~ to ban. the nlgbt • ..,prohiblUon abould be · din beca.,. of coolrola On tbe nmnber of 80VemmenWnipo50d •~loon u possible. l1Jclil.i. , ' '. ' J •. -"But rou have to remember.. that Washington National'a jet noise abate- ment progral!' was· accompllshecf throu~ lbe FAA because we .are lhe landlorda al, that airport," Basnight said. ,. "Orange County government Is ttte la'Qdlord of z.our afrjiort. So ~s far 11 tbt FM I! concerned, it ls lhe ~ respoMibillty to come up with an al • plan that ls compatible with-the (Ste FAA POUCT Pa10 I) - Driver Finds . N-0 Wild Cards The court ordered the retrials of Good· n1an and Coffin on legal technicalities. It f..,und errors in the trial judge's sub. mission of the charge to the jury. The majtrity d~ion wu written by Cliie!llbdjf Bail<j> Aldrich'; Ju'clge Frank · M. Cofiin -no relation to the chaplain - dis11erited and said all defendants should be_ freed, JudiJe Elt'l'JJll'd M. McEnte con. ••. St~ C kiir ,~· ... Ll\'ltlG PICTURE -Nonnan !Wckwell's pajlltlng__~~-%Jk'jm lef\) Don Whan Sr. of'Huntington of. asttPna~i. P''P.~!ll .for spa~•. JlllJ'llo~d• ~ . es Styrnn orAltmemr,-Joluri:.tnur"'off----• 'foiM~linesf"~'fiifillii l!UCfr'fM!h Pageant ~II ~all and Rus'ell Funk of Newport Beach. CMy~ieation sub.sidized by allow· Ina IOcit nurserymen to grow their sale! atocli'' lrea and lhua ti anslonn Costa Mesa't 18--year-old weedpatch into 1 love- ly parkway was proposed today. of the Masters. figures In living picture are po.-. Allowed in Garne Stop for traffic citation .•• go directly to jail 11-a.s the name of the game ea.rly today, when a CO!ita Mesa man wound up 6ehind bars after an incident with a_ policeman,__ ---- Jerry W. Finl~y. 24, of 328 University Drive, was booked on suspicion of assault on a police officer, after he allegedly came in bodily contact with Patrolman Jack Koch. Ftnley was stopped in the 1900 block of Anaheim Avenue alter allegedly making an improper turn, Officer Koch wrote in his. report, with an exchange of words resu)ling. . 'Ibe officer requested a backup unil and Patrolman Don Casey and s~. ~ Cordeiro arrived at the scene Jn time to help subdue Finley afler he alleg· edly struck or shoved Koch, they said. A passerby wrote a note to include in the report. telling Police Chief Roger Neth his men displayed courtesy per- haps above and beyond the call of duty after the scuffle. Despite the e:itertion and uniforms soiled by rolling on the pavement, he :'!.tid, the trio very politely discus~d with Finley what would be done with his car while he was being booked, Stock 1'1arkets NEW YORK (AP)-The !tock market closed on an upbeat today-Its first of the wffk-1lthough down from lb btst Jeveta of the day. (See quGtatlons, Pages 11-1~) The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.bl. was up 4.59 at 852.38. 'lbe Dow bad been up 7.17 at 12:30 p.m. cutred wllh tbe deClilon. . . The four were convicted In June 1968 of conspiring to counsel young men to evade lhe draft. Marcus Raskin, c<>-director of the inltitute for policy studies in Washington, D.C., wu acquitted. The decl.Slon said Spock and Ferber were protected-under-free speech--pro- visions of the U.S. Constitution. Spock, 65, and the others were sen· tenced to two years in prison and fined $5,000 each,· except for Ferber who recei ved two years in prison and a $1,000 fine. ,. U.S. Atty. Herbert F. Travers was not Immediately available for comment on what steps the government would lake in the case. "The court agrtts with the defendants . that vigorous criticism of the draft and o( the Vietnam war is free speech protected ' Marine Injured In Cycle Mishap Thrown to the pavement v.·hen his motorcycle struck a curb on the New· port Freeway, a youni Marine suffered severe Injuries today, a short distance from the Santa Ana Air Facility. L/Cpl. Medford L. Starratt Jr., 20, staUoned at the helicopter training base was taken to Santa Ana Community Hospital ln serious condition. The California Highway Patrol said Starratt> was riding northbound on the freeway near Edinger Avenue when the 8:30 a.m. accident occurred. He suffered a fractured hip and in· temal injuries. Originally an idea by acquaintance Al J. Delphino. the concept is suggested by City Councilman William L. St. Clair: as a method of sprucing up the dreary st.rip .-divlding _norlh and southbound lants of •. Newport Boulevard. The idea is based on commercial grow· Ing of flowers along the San Diego Freeway in the Oceanside area and would eliminate current costs for weed killing, St. Clair explains. "We keep the weeds down by,chemicals at considerab,le expense and it leaves us wilh a barren piece of ground that may be an improvement over a weedpatch - but not much," he saki. The property in question totals 50 acres and was bought by the state Division of J!ighways for future freeway right-of-way after abandonment of a Pacific Electric Railroad spur 18 years ago. St. Clair said the freeway development has dragged on for 24 years now and is still six to 10 years off. "IJ Newport Beach doesn't sign a Pacific Coast Freeway agreement soon, it could be longer than that," he added. By turning over the trash-littered, weed-spiked · property over to local nurserymen free, St. Clair contends, the land could be used to maximum benefit for all. "Just imagine driving down the boulevard and seeing trees, plants and flowers Instead of just weeds or bare ground," he said enthusiastically. If fellow councilmen are as enthusiastic and agree, SL Clair says, he will ask the Costa Mesa Beautifuca!lon Committee to forma:llJ study the concept. U.S. Watching Russ Task Force Heading to-Cuba JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Ad· diti_onal U.S. reconnaissance planes have joined the surveillance of a Soviet task force moving srowly and boldly toward Cuba in an unprecedented show of the Soviet nag. A Navy spokesman said today aircran from the attack carrier Independence moved into the shadowing operation that already included the U.S. radar picket , ship Thomas· J . Gary ar.d planes ftom bases in Maryland and Maine. The spoke!lman said. the 'eight Sovtet ships were about 200 miles southeast of Jacksonville at midmorning, moving in a southwesterly direction. This position would be less than 600 miles from Cuba where the task force is expect.ed July 20. The USS Independence was about 80 miles from Jacksonville on a previously scheduled traioing mission. Its aircraft Include Vigilante jet reconnaissance planes with two crewmen each and radar-domed Hawkeyes, propeller-driven planes carrying five-man crews. Mesans Favoring Helicop_s. The Soviell have n:ade it clear their in. tention is-to send the Russian warships on their first visit to Premier Fidel Castro's Cuba. The force is expected to stay through the July 26 revolutionary celebration in Cuba or Soviet naval day which falls on July 27. The maneuver b viewed by some U.S. military sources as possibly a response to the yearly visits by U.S. destroyers to the Black Sea near Soviet territory. And It provides an Opportunity for the Soviet navy to practice keeping submarines in operati9n for extended periods away from shore-based support. Mail response to a pro~ Costa Mesi. Police helicopter patrol system dropped off today, as City Councilmari Williafn L. St'. Clair announced his posi· tion on the matter which is up for a vote Monday. A llatement issued by St. Clair says the benefits of aerial law enforcement cannot be challenged, but suggests the ~.525 local program is too much for the city lo handle alone. He mentions exploration of a joint use agreement with the Huntington Beach Poliet Department's H.B. Eye program, or better yet. a cooperative, count)t-wide helicop system. Malled coupons sent lo Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley showed 17 citizens for and three againat the program Thursday, but drop- ped to six In favor and two opposed to- day. The coupons were contained In a netr1p1.per ad by Hughes Helicopters, a divi3kll: oi Hughes Tool Company, whkh wants totuppfy the~ and pilot training. St. Clair'• statement today endor1t1 J the pollceman-ln·the-S'lty concept itself without reservation, praJslng Police crur: Roger Net.h's progressive Ideas and com· prebensive helicop study. Under the six-month budget package which wouJd go into effect tn January, two Hughes whirlybird• would be ob- tained on a ~ption coolracl, with three patrolman-pilots on duty . "One helicopter can adequately cover about 30 square miles and Costa Mesa can never be much mote than 17 square miles,'' he aakl, using figures compiled by police. • "'nl•t meaip with· one helicopter. we would ha•e about half a helicopter too much ," he conlinUed •. "The comparaUvely small size of Costa Mesa would cause too many overfli&hts and the no~ and 'spying eye' could cause a neaative reaction from citiuns, '' he said. '"Ibis maku Councilman Tucker's suggestlcr, of boylng on• hellcoptu and worklq a join! .,._with 11unt1J111on Beach look very practical a n d fC'OOOmlcal, '' ht! added~ "but I'll ~t him sell his own idea." Councilman St. Clair mentioned the cooperative, coonty-wide communications and transportation systems, urging ·a study or the same total coverage by helicopter lawmen . He suggests enlisting help from the Orange County League of Cities to work out a successful concept or recommend against It if a study should indicate it unfeasible. The question will go before the public and the city council Monday at 7:30 p.m. in an adjoll:rned meeUng in Costa Mesa Cjvlc Center chambers. DeaP.ite lacing a beavy agenda of buslneSll, the Costa Mesa Planning COm· mission wlO squeeze into a eonference room for its regular 7~ p.m. meeting. Mayor einklg has_suggested thit all citizens with i;trong vlewa.on the beliChp propaaal show up to olfer their comments tno. The separate public hearing Hi for OQly the bollcop portion of a 1$.71 million fll<al budget to be dllCUUOd and "'"' bably adopted at the council'• JLIJJ. 21 meeting. • ... Feliciano Suit Defuyed Again A third continuance of lhe SJ00,000 damage suit filed by int'ernationally known sihge.r·suitarist Jose 'Feliciano was granted Thursday In Superior Court ~ntil ·wednesday, Aug. 1. FeUciano, a Newport BeaCh resident, and his wife, Hilda, have IUed Newport 6oulh Bty,In<.;-0.ne-Randono, C&rol T. llandono and Char1u Dryer, claim· ing misreprt1entaUon1 lu fintnclne and operaU~ "Jellcl1nG1" cocktall tounp and re!taurant In Newport. -The deleodant. hive fi)ed • motion to dismiss tbe action, d>olelid!DC It -talned several flaw1. · · Majesty • ID Life 34th Pageant of Masters Opens By RICHARD J'. NALL Of tM DlllY 1'1191 Iliff Stars twinkled down on Laguna's Irvine Bowl Thursday night u the 34lh annual Pageant ol lhe Masters came maje&tie&l· ly to life. The 2,500 seats in the woodsy am· phltheater contained a preview audience of ~. civic offic:lals from Orange County and other VIPs. Many rate It the best show yet. The" Pageant and · Festival of Arb will cQntihue daily on a six-w,et·.n.µ1 through Aug. 24. It began high atop the ~eat.er. The two figures on the "Venice 11" tolled the slpw ti> life a.s their m lets 11lr'uck the bell. The program moved back and forth from main stage t.o upper stage to the \\'ood~ hillsides. The 27 works ranging !tom painting to statuary Include much that is timely this year. T h er e is t h e creation or Norman Rockwell '• amazingly detailed and technicaJ painting, ''The Longellt Step." The painting of two astronauts suiting up with the aid of tedulidans .will be show· ing when history ls 111ade With the lunar landing this month. Califomi~'s 200th birthday celebration in ~esented In 1 t· r I k in g hill.side statuary of.1T1issionarie1 and aokilert who created Utt-historic string of missions. The music thla: year, again an original score by CODJposet.(!OlldtJCtor Vic Schoen, is a smooth aupplement to the subject. It is softer, less dramaUc, than in aome years. The brass' ii gone. Tlte 22--piece professional orchestra consist.a largely of stringed Instruments with ,two woodwinds. · Don WJIUamsoa, -producer of the unique art spectacular, was but,1 with ..oi'lt Im~ portant'problem-W. 'm«ninf. · Gun Was LOaded; " Mesan Qi H~pital Cleantn~ a rill• he thouillt waa unload· ed sent a man visiting -at a COSta Mesa aparlment.boilldq IO tM bo$plltl with a .%2 caliber bUOet wound ln'thtlool 11tur• day nlghl. Donald E .• Lofton, 2$, of 2213 Val encl~ Ave., Santa~ Ana, WM taken from tho scene 1t '1~ Shalimar DrJve to tlo111 Memorial Hospital for emerrency ,.. mnttrallqn. . • Officer Dennll 'Hoaleld aald phytlclaM detorminod the wound 11u not semo• and t..ofMMI Wa-traasf«nd &o Oral_\ga County Medli:al Cenlel' for 1ddltlo!iil trtal.mcnt. • ' • Five times, jets making an approach to El Toro Marine Corps Air SlaUon noisily broke t~ contirruity of the program as they roared overhead. ~tarine officials ln the past have rerouted the jet approach during the Pageant. · I "We are in contact with them today le see what happened, nonnally they'rt very cooperative," said the producer. The program ran relaUvely smoothly for an opening perforinance. A miall" child i!'I orie painting bobbed about to the amusement of the audience and timing needed sharpening, but these are normal first night problems. Williamson said he is tightening up the program today for tonight's B ~ 3 If perfonnance, making some "judicious slashing here and there." Subject matter was masterfully chosen. The rich tones of script author and nar· rator Howard "Hap" Graham agaln add powerfully to the humor, beauty and drama. One ol the most striking works and 1 pose excruciating to maintain is ''The Rocket Thrower" in powerful motion hurling his celestial missiles into the~ heavens. There is the raising of ~he Oag on Iwo · Jima in dramatic contrmt. It ls the fam· ed photograph in World War JI by Joe Rosenthal (wilh 48 stars in the flag) ahd the statuary that came later (with ftO stars). The statue is a colorful creation~ on the hillside. The black and white cozn... bat photo is on the main stage. Orange Coast Weatlier The sun's sleeping In Saturday too,\ showing his face about IO a.m. and bringing temperatures In the mid 70'1 along lbe coast and up to BS further inland. INSWE TODA l' \Vealthy A.mtrlcan1 -manu ~rtl prominent -are finaneo. big the ntw le/e organizotion1 w'1.ich are •ttking complete up- heaval of An1erican s~ty. ac. cordinQ' to FBI cfift/ J. Edoar Hoover. Paoe 18, • i .~ • • . ' --'"--------• c '""'· Jufy 11, 1 i69 • • argrun1ng ronABM • ~ejected ,, ; WASHINGTON (UPI) -Nixon ad· tnisltaUqn forces in the Senate refu~ ~.in today to oonslder o(fen or • -lromb< ir'om opponents of U.. Saltpud it•JiballJl!!c mlsalle (~) •)'lt,em, Who ,,Wm«! ....,.h 11renclh to block JL Senate Republicin kader Everett M. blrksen Insisted he !itill has sufncient ·: Yl)lel·to get funda fM ABM deploy1D<11t .,\pproved in Uw: Senate. He said he had no intention of bat&linlnJ· '()pponentl of the Safeguard, offerin1 to compromise, aaid T h u r 1 d a y 'a an· nouncement by Sen. Geor11e Aiken (R.· Vt:) that be opposed ABM deplayment iave them enouah votes to win. Alken urged a compromiJe to avert ~tber defeat or nPTOW vote of approval or the adm.inimatlon plan. He said either O(ould reduce President N ~ x o n ' s bj-plnlnl power with the Soviets in .1~ arms control t&lks. . -.~;AJ:bd ibout Aiken'• vl!w1 on a clOH '*· Dlrklen obaerved to reporters: ''To ""1 by one point ii u """" u winnin1 by 26-" ,-- But ABM opponents declared victory as a re~t of Alken'• speech. "It means we've W«i," Sen. Albert Gore, (0.Tenn)., said after Aiken's •peecb. They then turned their' efforts to wori- lnc out a compromile ao 1 quest.Ion of na- tional security Wfll not be forced to I showdown tn the UP_PU boule. Cotinty Schools .Plan Secwity , Piogr&m in. Fan An educational security con5Ultant w111 be hired to coordinate Or1nge COUnty school dlltriclt' 1ttempts to curb van-- daliam, burglary, araan, student unre.st and narcoUc1 use, the county IChool board unanlmoualy decided Tburlday: The board members beard a r<port that .vanc!allam loael to county 1ebooil Jut year were conserv1UveJy estimated ,__ __ .al ll00,000. Elll.bUthment of the new po.st in lhe county Department of Education. will be &imilar tD the 127-man force employed by Los Angeles city schools for security purposes. Board members said they would seek approval of the Board of Supervisors to •pend about ll0.000 on the •ecurl\r fl"" gram In the school year beslrmlng in September. Approval of the new job was urged by a committee of three 1 c h o o l .ild· ministrators. Members are C I e o Mossman, maintenance supervisor for :r.tapolla School Dlatrlct and two county educ:aUon department employes, Ernest Norton, assistant superintendent for bll&iness and Jack Roper, research direc- tor. . Aasisting the committee on a voluntary basis has been Jack Redican of Hun- tington Beach, a security agent for the Los Anj;eles schools. ln 1 brief report to the ~rd on widespread drug use in schools, RediCln cited Marina High School ln Huntington Beach as having one of the most severe problems ln Southern California. State Closes Part Of Valencia Avenue A portion of Valencia Avenue, just 50Uth of the Sanla Ana Freeway in Irvine has been closed to trarfic for the next nine month s. The Division of Highways said 2,000 feet of the roadway will be closed for construction of a bridge near the Laguna Freeway. Ohll l PILOI Olt.4NOI COIU't t'\lll JltllN• COM'AH"I ••"'* N. w, .. ""'lflftj Mil '"'*'llkr J•di: •· e.r1 • ., 1/lm .......... .,_. 0-.. "'-•' T~•11111 k1tYi1 .... Th•"'•• A. M"''"hi11• "'-........ '~"'" c---lJO W•1t ,.., $!1•1f M•lliftt A44r.u: P.O. I•• 1160, fZlZ• ..... .._. ... .,.., ...,,, 1111 ... , ............... L-tMC1>1 nt ~ .__ Mllf'lll'ttltfl '-Iii • Mii 1"11f1 ' Washdown A li!Ue· soap and water never hurt anyone, says Bill Lupis, 15, Costa l>{esa, as he prepues his Black Angus steer !or judging In annual Oran1e County Fair and Exposition which begins next Tuesday at fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Steer appears unconvinced but.. tolerant. IO.year Prediction Fliers, 2.5 Million Are . ""' CoJ:UiJJ,g_ Vp _t,o_ Join¥ of:t LOS ANGELES -Withln JO years, "on m now alrbofnt tacb day. He cited the: . a good day,'" there "Will be 2.5 tnllllon anUclpated eacal•tion _ln.puungen 1n· a Americans~aomewhere up there ln the, 2 talk keyed to ...w~.::~Pport for Presl~ nlUl)"n' s'kle:s, edera!~A V·I at Ion dent Nixon's recently proposed ss~bUllon • Administrator John H. Shaffer predicted 1irport and 1irways expansion progr1m. Thurtaay. Shaffer emphasized that the fund!, Shaffer formw the crowded slty -which would be split 50-50 by federal and equivalent to,Detrolt'• population -In an loci!, includit11 state agencies, are pro· address here before the Southern posed for use only Ll the improvement of California Avlltion Council, headed by airways facilities and equipment. Another Oranse County Supervisor W 1111 a m $.1.5 billion would have to come from Phillips. other sources to pay for new tenninals. The newly appointed FAA chitf noted He explained that terminals are con· ln.1"t-5Cllf,OOlrpassengels on the averqe sf<lffea re~nue-prOducin) ftc!UUU'"llnd he~ should pay their own way. From Page l FAA POLICY •• munity and ean serve the people ufely. '' The FAA , he e1pl1lned, would consider such a plan, and approve it, il it were CQnsistent with flight safety needs. "Our rule-mWng is oriented to air safety," he said, adding: "We don't want tr-be the landlords of Orange County Airport." The ball" thus apparenlly bounced back into the laps of Orange County supervisors, who last October asked the FAA to establfah controls over the: number of fllghts in and out of County Airport. At that time, Supervisor C. '-f. "Cye'' Featherly warned the FAA that "con· tinued jet operations from Orange Ceunty Airport will sterilize the Upper Newport Bay area by 1972." Featherly, then board c h a I r m a n , declared in his letter to the federal agen- cy that maximum ilolse limits, including flight restrictions, should be established by lhe FAA inasmuch as the FAA won't let the county do it through ordinances. • The FAA has yet to reply to the coun- ty's letter -or to t\\'O others subse· quently sent. Count y Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan grumbled about that th!s week. Fifth District Supe rvisor Alton E. Allen. who was among those attending the Southern California Aviation Council session Thursday, sald : "I am very much in favor of disallowing flights after 11 p.m. and before 7 a.m." But he added he doesn't know what else the county can do. "The FAA wants 1 plan, and in my opinkm, lt has already gotten one from us. We're still w1!Ut11 for 311 official response." Still 'Openings In Swint Oass Openings are still available in the Tiny Tot swimming program at the Orange Coast YMCA . The program starts Monday ind con-- tinues through July 25. It is for children from three to six yeara of age. Ten balt·hour "nons will be held "1on- day Ulrou&h Friday tiom I a.m. to 3 p.m .• with the tots placed according to a1e and ability. Mesa Burglar ]\fakes Hin1self at Home Not conteat with stealin.& a $Zli0 camtra ar.d accusories, a burgl1r watched televlslon and drank a bottle of wine Thursday night before leaving a Cost.a 1'fesa apartment, police aald today. Patrick J. Dalley, ol 2029 Pom011a Ave,, sRld the intruder who vlsllcd hh1 unlocked nsldtnce also poured 1 can of motor oil onto the carpet 1nd Jell th• lights bum· ing. • • Shaffer called the President's r,lan, now before Congress, "enUnenUy air." He noted that the package would be financed by taxes on passengers and freiiiht. "The program,' said the e1·Alr Force colonel. "asks those who used the na· lion's aifways and airports to invest lo a greater degree in the improvement and upkeep of these facilities. In the paa:t, some 70 percent of the costs of the airways system has been met by general tax revenue&. Aviation haa not bte11 paying its way." Shoe Repairman Boots It; $100 Lost to Thief Those boots were apparently made for walking -right out of hi! shoe repair shop with $100 from the cash drawer -a Costa Mesa cobbler told police Thursday. Don Smith, working at Maybtrry's Shoe Repair, 1890 Harbor Blvd., said he \vas busy during mid-afternoon hours when a man came in to get a pair of women's shoes fixed. Repeatedly saying he was in a hurry, the customer browsed around while Smith started the repair job, then finally demanded -and was given back the un- finished shoes. Smith told Patrolman Rudy Malik he thought little mure about the impatient customer until he. opened: the cash drawer and found it empty. Driver Arrested Foil owing Chase A hlgh·speed chase that toot a Newport Beach man and a pursuin1 Newport police patrol car through Newport Heights streets at speeds of more than 70 mph finally ended at Pacific Coast Highway early this morning. Police said they arrested Rodney Philip Spelts, 22, or 471 Walnut Ave., at the cor· ner or Pacific Coast Highway at Riverside Avenue at 2 a.m. Officers said Spelts allegedly led a patrol car on 1 chase from the WestcUff area through residential areas to the hi ghway. During the episode , officers said, Spelts ran fift boulev1rd atops. He was arrested and booked on reckless driving charges. Broken Pipe Halts l\Iarina Teen Dance There will be no te.tn danct tonlcht at ri.tarlna Hl&h S(hool because of a burst pipe: which has flooded the gym , Hun· tlngton Beach Retreatlon Otpartment of· Oc.lal1 announced this morning . SAturday night the "Unknown Fron- tier" will play from 8:30 lo 11 :30 p.m. 1t the Huntington Beach H1&h School l)'m. Admission is $1. I • Three Held I For D1·ugs On Coast Slate n,;,c;,UCJ aaeoil and Nowport :&.ach PoliCe detectives Monday arrtsted the manager of a Newport waterfront bar and a Huntington Beach couple on war- rant• cbu11t1& &ale of rettricted c:rugs. An ~ 10;000 tab1etl which in- vrstlg1lors allege are benz.edrine were found 1t the Huntington Beach home of the man and wife, police said. Monte Anthony Brancato. 31. macaaer of lhe Stag at 125 McFadden Place, near Newport pier, w11 t.Utn from the preml1e1 by offlCUI thursday afternoon. Alnwtt aimultaneoualy, w 111 i 1 m '-farshall, a, .a plumber, and bis wife, Sandra Jean, 31, were arrested at t?eir home, 99f6 Ccnt.loental St., HunUngton Beach. . The three fact charges of. J>06$Wion of restricted druCJ for sale. Poll-.:e cJoaed down tbt bar and ad· jacent liquor store during Thursday's in· vestlgatlon and arrests. The businesses remained closed for more lhan an hour. They reopened later in the afternoon. Officers &aid a small Quantity of tablets alleged to be benzedrine were found on Brancato, also 1 HunUn,Wn. Beach resi- dent. He 1ave his addre~s as 19911 Ranga Lane. Newport detectives said the in· vestigation Into the alleged sale of the restricted drugs la1ted three wttb. A J968 Cac!lllac alleged to be stolen a1ao w a s recovered I r o m the Mar.sllall residence. Ball for Brancato and Mar&hall has been stt. al $12,5'». Mra. Marsh.all, who police 1aid is two months pregnant, was released. on her own recoplzance. Watson Gets Ne,v Fay Hik~ Title Or. Nonnan E. Watson , superinttndent of the Orange Coast Junior College District hu re«lved a salary boost and a new Utle to go 1long with it. Watson was given the title of supcrintendent<hancellor to go along with his ulary hike from $29,500 to $.:'.15.000 per year. The oew chancellor &aid he will now "assume__&_ 'two-faced' role. I must legally retain lhe title of 1uperintefident, but I will accer. the new Utle." He didn't ob ett lo the u.lary increase either. - Nf~on Bt«!ks It Cong Rap Open Elections· Plan . . .Fre0t Wirt Service• President NIJ"on stron1Jy 1upponed proposals today for open national elec· tions ln South Vietnam but in Parll a Vitt Co111 1pollesman flatly rejected the offer by South Vletn1m's President Nguyen Van Thieu. Ni1on said Thieu 's election plan "~eserves the &upport of all who sttk peace ln thit tortuud land." "If !ht. other 1fde 1enuinely wanll peace," Nb:an akl in a Jt&tement given reporters by prtsldenUal 11des, "lt now has a comprehensive tel of offers which penn.it a fair and reuonable settlement. If lt P.i>proacbes ua in lh11 spirit, It will find us reasonable. Hanoi has nothin& to £I in by Wilting. U I The "comprehensive set of offen;" tp wblch Nixon ·:rtfernd .included bl1 own eight-point peace plan of May 14; his June 8 &nDOUnetment of the withdrawal ol l'J)OO American. troops.from Vletntm, and Thieu's newJy annouDCed o(fer to th1 \'let Cong to renOW1ce violence and Cake part in elections to detennlne South Vitt· nam'.s future .· In 1 press declaration the Viet Cong'• s e I !-styled provisional revolutionary "government" condemned the Saigon plan as a "pufidious maneuver" of the United States and the SaJgon ad· ministration to deceive world opinion. The Viet Cona:'s harsh reaction lo tht oiler .vas a new warnina that the. ff.anoj.. - backed insurgent government will con- tinue prtssing for the overthrow of the .. ,.S.Aii.Q!l,&Ovemment. Blad{fin Leads Transpa~ Sailor SeriQusly Injured . ' SAN PEDRO (UPI ) -The 73·foot They !!iald Bricker would be put aboard ketch Blackfin continued her record one of the destroyer• and taken to San brt1king pace Thursday in the ~th Diego, The 1tandings by class showed Ra.sCll Transpacific Yacht Race but lost nine leading Class A, Nimble Class B, Quasar miles of her overall lead lo the dogged Class C and Esplrlt Class D. pursuit of the Windward Passaee. \Vlnds ol 18 knots with four to fin.foot The Blackfin, now 791 mi les from the seas prevailed Thursday with vllibWty 1t finish ol the 2,225 nautical mile race, had 10 miles. he!' lead sliced from 41 to 32 miles by the Late reports received by Newport \Vindward Passage. Bucb'a Carroll Hudson via shortwave However, ·skipper Kenneth DeMuese re-raCllO""from t:Milaif-JMiCittd lliese-po- mained opUmbtic, confidently predicting sitioM -at..noon. today.:._ ~ his Blackfin, from the St. Francis Yacht OVeralf: Quuar. Club of San Francisco, would arrive at Overall leader on handicapped c1tcu~ Diamond Head In Hawaii at 5:02 p.m. latiotU: Quas1r, followed by L'Allecro, -Sunda.v (Honolulu Urne)._ _ArgomwLand '!)pee. _ -__ _ If the Blacklin skipper's forec8l5t is Boat for boat: Blacifin In the lead, correct, she will trim by five hours the 613 miles from Honolulu, follow~ by IMS record set by the Ticonderoga, which Windward Passage (&38 miletli Dare was skippered by Robert F. Johnson, who (747), Pul'Suit (772), Kamalii (832), · lh h 1 rw · d d p ~een Mab !845). is at e e m o tn war assage. On corrected times, class leaders On tht 37-foot sloop Mahia, crewman are: Eugene C. Bricker. of Fresno was Class A: Dare (880 miles out), Su- seriously Injured when a &plnnaker pole matra (888), Rascal (824), Concerto struck him on the left temple. (857). Bricker suffered a fractured skull. the Class B: Nimble (934), Jubilation U.S. C.Oast Guard reported. Autboritiea (892 ), Mystic (907), Salacia (g(IS). said a doctor from the race escort ve.ssel Class C: Quasar (158), Argonaut (S'88), Bon Homme RTclimlftrinl»ard -.nd--Typee-(915). -. - the USS Black and the USS Richard Class D: UAltegro (l,037). Ano Nuevo Edwards, some 140 miles nay, were (1,0621, Intrepid II (998), Valll:yrit 11 dispatched to rendezvous with the sloop. (l.106). HENDREDON'S FONTAINE ..... ~ ........ .,~ .. di ....... "l"llllMM~1o'wltlliM ....... MnWM ..... -.. _., ....... )I"'.,...,~-,-·~. ,_ 1'tlow. ~ ltr!llh ~--M~J,. ·' DREXEL-HENDREDON-HERITAG,E ALSO ON SALE .•. NATIONAL-MAkGE CARSON-HllRITAN ETC. LAMPS. INC.-MARIO..-,OAINTINGs-ACCESSORIES WI,,., .... , JOI ANT INCONWIMllNCI CAUllD "THI CONITIUCTION WOii ON wmci.1,. D•IYI. THIU II IAIT ACCIU AND PAlllN• AT THI llAI 0' OUI STOii. • NIWPOITMACH 1'17 W.t•ltff tr .. ..,.,.,. O,IN P"llDAY 'TIL t INTERIOIS ,,.,..., .... l1totf• DllltHn ANl!alllo AID-IUIP LA•UNo\ RACH J4S N•rth C••t Hwy. 4f4-6JSI· O,IN ,llDAY 'TU. t I ,, I • • UCI io Study Strokes $1.3 Million Grant Received for Medical Resear-eli , By RANDY SEEL YE 01 lllt 0.lly '°"" SlaH U.S. Public Health Enemy No. 3 ls a t•rorgollen man" among chronJc diseases. The stroke is one of {he most disabling and often ratal diseases in the country, .yet the,1umber of survivors ia utlPlOwn. UC Irvine Medical School Thursday an- no~ the start of a program to find out an1 treat that unknown quanity. Dr. Robert c. Combs, aasoclate dean for continuing medical education at UCJ, reevaled Thursday in a press conference that the university's medical school has been 11warded a $1.3 million-three year grant to create a stroke research center. A $431,000 grant has be.en received for the first year of the program. Dr. Bertram L. Tesman will coordinate the program designed to train hospital teams to manage stroke victims. Tesman will train stroke teama from 33 hospitals. 22 in Orange County and 11 In • Long Beach. These teams of physicians, nurses and physical therapists will be trained at Long Beach Memorial Hospital and wUJ then return to W own hospitals to train teams there. - The stroke cenlu grant was received from the Departffient of Health, Educa· lion and WeUare under direction of the California Comrolttee On R e g i o o a I Medical Programs. It js.one Q.f eight similar centers being established throughout the United States. Other stroke centers are being set up in Alaba.';la, Georgia, New York-, Utah, Washington and Alameda. "There will be approximately 3,000 new stroke patients in Orange County in 1969 and about 1,500 of these will die within 30 Jury Continues Talks . In Vet Embezzling Case days," TesmJin sald, . .!'We want to insure the · survJvora a better chance · Of recovery." Dr.-Combs said the entire program will , take three years and will evenl!Jally at· tempt to aid In 1troke prevention. -'-~We air~ know the~seven d~.i~ signals oi the stroke,'' he added. '10ur major task will be to acquaint thele signals with physicians and the public." They include diulness, blurred vision, numbness or weakness, slurred speech, changes Jn facial muscles, disturbances or . thought and minute personality changes. · ·The program also .includes a post graduate training program .for speech therapist!; a refresher training course for vascular surgeons; a training coune for radiologists and a public and patient education and stroke screening project. County Solon Gets Message, -Also the Bh'.d ------.-~ ---. "*"'· ---............ -------:--·~----~ ------- A jury of nine men and three womon Cadwell testified that DAV directors today_,continued to deliberate the fate of were authorized to pay him a $7.500 re- Santa Ana attorney David Cadwell, ac-tainer plus $1,000 a month in legal fees. custd of misappropriation of more than In closing arguments Thursday, $34,()(X) in the Disabled American defense attorney Hugh Manes or Los Veterans' funds. ! Angeles told the jury that Deputy Al· t 3 23 torney General Charles Rumph was "not The jury began deliberations a : exactly candid" in his testimony on a p.m. Thursday and was locked up for the proported conversation with Cadwell's night at 9:30 p.m. wife Carol. Cadwell, 36, has been on trjal for nearly "Carol was in an obviously emotional five weeks on two counts of grand theft state and frightened at that interview," involving funds of the Santa Ana Jack Manes argued . Fisher Chapter of the DAV. The reference was to a session Mrs. During the tri<ll, which began June 11, Cadwell had last year in the district.al· it was testified that Cadwell was hired by torney's office with Rumph and Assistant tb.e..DA.Y tQ. defend an_attor_11_ey _g~_.!:r~l's _Distric1 ..Attorn_ey Everett .Pi~kl}y ~g lawsuit against the veterans' organiza-which she alleged her husband would tion. seek a menlal commitment for her if she Prosecutor Rlchard Beat:om · said tiidn't juggle ·his books. · .-•·· shortages occurred in funds handled by r-.1anes charges that testimony sur· Cadwell and: ,th_at ng contract existed rounding ·the attorney's wife was bet"'een the attorney and DAV for pay-"garbage'' and -added, "it proves men! of legal fees. nothing_." Cleared i11 Murder Panther Claims Party Just-Starting-in €ounty Daniel Michael Lynem, 22, Santa Ana Black Panther Party leader, told about '10 persons at the Unitarian Church in Anaheim Wednesday night that his party is "just Dl!ginnii'lg to roll In Santa Ana and Orange County." Lynem was released from jail l~st week by the district attorney's office cleared of charges that he murdered Santa Ana police officer NeliOn Sasscer on June 4. The Black Panther leader was ar· raigned again Thursday in Central Orange County f\.1unicipa! Court on a previous charge of failure-to disper1e. He had been arrested by Santa Ana • police on ·that charge last April. The arraignment was continued to Aug. 7. Lynem will be in court again Tuesday on a charge filed by Santa Ana police ]art March of carrying a concealed weapon. Wednesday, Lynem took s.wipes at the It's A Dog's Life "Santa Ana Pig (police) department," the press and society in general. The bulk of Lynem's 30-minute talk involved comments made by Lt. Georg_e Morrison· of Huntington Beach, a mem- ber of the .Los Angeles Police D<!part- ment , before a service club in Hunting- ton Beach Tuesday. Lt. Morrison had criticized the news media for giving Black Panthers pub- licity and said the organization ,t~ies to gain control of Negro commun1t1es by terrorizing the people. "The police lieutenant said things are going to start happenins here. If there are any Santa Ana ptgs tn this audience, they can go back ana tell the chief the lieutenant was right. Things are going to happen." Lynem threatened . "We're going to organize to feed bla"tk children and we're going to remain in Santa Ana and Orange County and will aid in the organization of other revolu- tionary groups," Lynem continued. SACRAMENTO (UPI) Assemblyman Ken Cory (D-Oarden Grove), asked the Assembly Rules Com- mittee for a telephone extension and got a pigeon. The black and white bird was in a box on Cory's chair in the Assembly chambers when the lawmaker arrived Thursday evening. '·This is in response to your request for a telephone by your couch in addition to the one by your desk," said a note taped to the bird's box. "I>1e tu an unforJunate shortage of telephone equipment, and in accordinace wi~h. rule!: committee policy to promote effiClency and -economy-in-Assembly operation.,, . we have ·procured a n alternate mode oI communication -well les~ed and proven a[Wi with a very low maintenance factor.'' the note said. 1 "When dispatching messages, please·do not stand beneath Carrier. I trust this will meet with your needs." The note was signed by Assemblyman Eugene Chappie (R-Cool), rules com- mittee chairman. Bank Robbery, Dope Suspects To Lose Bond? WASffiNGTON (AP) -Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell asked Congress today to allow potentially dangerous persons such as accusf4 ban~ robbers and .®pe ped- dlers to be jailed without bond up lo 60 days while awaiting federal trial.· Federal law now . allows such a con- dition only on capital crimes such as murder. Defendant.a in other cases may be jailed without bond only if the govern- ment cah show they probably would not appear for trial otherwise. Mitchell made his proposal, which would modify the Bail Reform Act of 1966, in letters to the speaker of the J{ou.se and the president of the Senate. It apparently goes beyond the Jan. 31 recommendation by President Nixon to use such preventive detentior. in the District of Columbia as part of his pro- gram to end what he called Washtngton '1 crime crisiil. The Nixon administration also sent to · Congress today a package of proposals to deal further with Washington crime, but they would not immediately affect courts outside the capital city. 1\.titchell said, however, the proposals "should serve as a model for other major metropolitan areas struggling to solve this national problem." The proposal to jail prisoners without bond before conviction would apply· na- tionwide if approved. Only a judge or U.S. commissioner could order a person held under the new proposal, and then only after a hearing. Jf the defendant were jailed, he would be entitled to be released after 60 days unless his trial had begun or had been delayed at his own request. 'Cross Country' Balloon Voyage 01tly 25 Miles BILLINGS, Mont. (UPI) -"The free life,'' a seven story high balloon, drifted down this morning about 25 miles northeast Of its launch site. The balloon took off on its maiden voyage from a grassy cow pasture east of this southern Montana plains city bound for Bangor, Maine and a possible world distance record, but came down about an hour later. No details were available· as to why the craft descended. The takeoff this morning went off without any apparent problems . PUot James Cootos, 51 , of Akron, Ohio, and crewman Arnold Holm, 21, of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, hurriedly dumped sand from bags as the bright yellow gondola bumped across the pasture, was hoisted over a fence by spectators, and finally ascended into a bright cloudless sky. Mark Semlch, manufacturer of the balloon, had earlier delayed filling the en· velope because winds were 15 to 20 knots. 8u[ at 8;4S a-.m. he decided to take ad- -' \ PRESIDENTIAL DIGS-Aerial view covers Presi~ dent Nixon's new Orange County home and environs. Santa Fe Railroad tracks run along beach at base of cliff in front of old H. H. Cotton estate purchased by the President and neighboring Cyprus Shores home of magazine publisher and surf photographer John Severson. U.S. Coast Guard Loran Station; with landing pad for presidential helicopters, is in background. Beyond is San Diego Freeway. : ' $8,000 for l;state ·President Nixon's Now -~-·--- PayiJig Cou-.yty Taxes President Richard M. Nixon becomes an Orange County taxpayer, beginning July I. County Msessor Ar.drew J, Hinshaw Thlll'Sday estimated that the President "'ill be paying about $8,000 in property taies on the portion of the Cotton estate In San Clemente which he purchased last month. Hinshaw says the Nixon parcel which Includes the home, several satellite buildings and the beachfront has a cash value of about '335,000. The entire estate is valued at '537,080 by the &Sie$S d87av s'r osi·fluea0t530$,a s tbheessor is valued at ~7,080 by the assessor's of- fice. Assessed value (!5 percent) ls about $84 ,000 on the Nixon portion and $134,270 on the total, the assessor revealed. Hinshaw said he understood: the balance or the Cotton estate will .be purchased for a library and museum by a non-profit fO}lndation which will be tax free. • Senate Conf~ Egeherg •to Post' WASHINGTON (AP) ..., Dr. Roser O. Egeberg W83 continued by the Senate lo, day u the ·natlon'a chiet-heihh off~.-·;-.. .. ~ Egeberi. wos.the mJln J>iesldmt Ii~ · named after dropping the long-delay"' selection of Dr. John H. Knowlea Of Boston. Knowles was oppoted · 6; 1 segments of the ·American M~ ' AssociaUon and conservaUves i-,n Congreu. Egeberg, dean of medicine at tfie , .. University of Southern Ca 11 for DI l • becomes assistant secretary for he&iili and sclenUfie affairs in the Department of Health, F.ducaUon and Welfare. ' '. A message of hope for those who were left. out; hecause we couldn't get them a Volkswagen right away. N!WPORT BIACH Chick Iverson, Inc. 445 E. c .. 11 H.,.,. (714) 673.o900 Our ship came in. Your local authorized Volkswagen dealer hos a good selection of models, colors an.P optional equipment to choose from . And if he doesn't have exactly what you' re looking for, he can probably get it in a day or two. So if you've been waiting for the right time to buy a VW, the time has c6me. • In case you fo rg ot what it looks like. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Bill Y ales Inc .. 32852 Volle Rd. 4'9·2261 HUNTINGTON BEACH Harbour Volksw•g•n 18711 llHch llovleverd (714) 142-4435 ". " : "· " . , , . . . • -• . . -• • ! • Lady, three-year-old Collie owned by M~. and Mrs. Herbert C~l< of Vancouver, Wash., nuzzles baby ·rabbit she has adopted and 1s nursing; Mrs. Herbert said Lady had two pups die shortly after their birth and then apparenUy found the rabbitt in nearby field and brought it home. . vantage of 8 brief lull ind hooked up tbe a balloon td the helium tanks. !----~------------------------~------------~.,;. I I -------------------------------------------------------· - -- • • • I • • .. IN TOIAn IEI IC.-• -.. IN"' fltlllf Jt-"1 Mayor Eueen• L••hy of Omaha. Neb. had baa a particularly long and arduous first week in o(fice when he encountered Robert Cun. ninth•m, his opponent in the re-- cent election. "Bob," said Leahy. "J'm going to demand~a recount" • TM su9gestion boz in 01ie dt"partment at Varn.Urbilt Uni· versity at Nashville, Tenn. ha.! been removed. Officials said it wa.s used only twice in. a little over a year. One message, dated ·June 15, 1968, suggested im· proveme11LI in the department mail room. The second. dated Junt' 15, 1969, too.T fre»n· tile same per.Jon wh:o suggtsttd tht' suggestion box bt' Chtcked more frequently. Fridli, Jv1r .11, 1969 V'I T15"hcll1 ·- Astronauts ·Take Final Physical .... CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo !l's astroiia'uts. underwent their final major pre-flight medical examtnaUon today and it was expected to confirm they are til f!)T launch Wednel<liiY on America's moon landing adventure. Nell A. Armstrong, ~Ilchael Collln11 and Edwin E. Aldrin began the momlng long checks at 5 a.m. EOO' when physiclaris took blood samples before brealc:fast . The examination wasn 'l so dWerent from the one the famil)" doctor ;ight order, with one big exception -the pilOOI are going to the moon and sclenllsll want to make certain they know what organisms are going with them so they can identify any moon bugs they might bring back. At the launch pad slz miles away, the countdown was rolling· along on the 363- foot Apollo I spacecraft-rdckit com- bination. A Space Agency spokesman summed up the status with two words - "no problems." Launch crews today were loadlnf' the command ship "Columbia" with helium and oxygen and pressurizing the fuel ,-taiiks in the landing craft "Eagle." ' The COunt began on time at 5 p.m. PDT elude the same things . But for the men bound for the moon, the doeton also ordered photographs and samples of various skin areas on the body to compare with similar samples to be taken at the end of the eight-day Apollo U mis.slon. To make certain the apace adve.nhlJtrs showed· up for the exam carrying all the mkro:otganisms el.ch of them normally carries -internally and externally - they were forbidden to eat or drink anything but what they would nonnall)' consumeJor the 24 hours before the test . A "medical requlr£'ments handbook" for astronauts also imposes these restric- tioos : ''Crew members should ,not balhe within I! hours of the test period. Deodorants, foot powders, garglts and other disinfectants should not be used following the latt shower" prior lo U1c ex.amination. The handbook also forbids brushing teeth within six hours of the exam . All -of the.. organisms c<>mmon lo the astronauts' syste1ns have been carefully catalogued so tbat any they may pick up on· the moon will be detected ':"hen they are examined after the trip. Their con· tact' with other people has also been severely limited to avoid being "con· taminated".with new germs. • When ne\YS ti~rrived on the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp) R a d i o Network the newscaster startled listeners with this an- nouncement: ·'No news is good news and there is no news." He said later the newsscript was late in arriving from the ne\tsrootn. ASTRONAUTS ARMSTRONG !LEFT), COLLINS !CENTER), ALDRIN GET PHYSICALS Doctors Want to Know If They Come Beck With • Germ They Didn't Teke With Them Thursday after a leak in the rocket's · helium pressurization system was found and repaired by two men who climbed in- side a cavernous liquid oxygen tank. "The problem was eliminated by a few turns of a torque wrench. President Nixon had planned to eat din- ner lhe night before launch with Armstrong and his crew, but called off the plan because of the chance he might "contaminate" them. G San Francbco's Charlie Broten,' a double . leg cm1putee, i.f currently 111aki11g a round Jlte world trip via J11s wl1eelchair and his thumb. He stopped fit Denver this week hoping to catclt a ride. r • The lo\va liquOr commis.sion has $11 million worth of liquor in its warehouses and stores enough to Ja st into the 22nd century. "l'he in- ventories that they have far ex- ceed anything you v.•ould expect.'' Gov. Robert 0 . Ray said. He ask· ed the commission to get rid or the su rplus. The governor, whose tastes run more to ginger ale anyway. suggested the commission try to sell some of·the less popular brands back to the manufacturer. • Commanders a re fining soldiers $12 at the Royal Army Ordance Corps Depot in Bicester, England if their hair exceeds regulation length. An army spokesman said, "All \VC ask is that a chap's hair must be tidy and not curling over his collar or his ears." Biggest Sittee Wa1• Egyptians Take Big Toll In Canal Commando Raid +By Uctiled Press lnternaUo.nal. An Israeli military spokesman In Tel Aviv conceded today that the Egyptian commando raid across the Suez Canal Thursday night in the Tewfik area was the most successful by Egyptian forces since the end of the June, 1967, si.J:-day war. Egypt reported "Enemy losses arc not less than 40 either killed or injured. Five enemy taaks were also destroyed and fire 2 Reagan Aides ~p~rwd . in; L,ine ~ ' ,. For 'Ntxon Jobs SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Lyn Nofziter and Tom Reed. two former lop advisel'B to Gov. Ronald Reagan, are in line for jo~s as White Rouse aidis J.o President' Nixon. State administration sources said Thursday that Nofziger would join the Congressional liaison starr and Reed would become a White House assistant Nofziger said he had no comment on the report. · He was Reagan's communications director before resigning last year to open a public relations oHice ln Sacramento. A former naOori.al political writer for Copley News Service in Washington, Nofziger headed Reagan's press office during the 1966 campaign for gO¥ernor. Reed is Republican · national com· mitteeman from California. He served as Reagan's appointments secretary and was out-of-st.ate campaign coordinator for the governor during his unsuccessful try fOr the Republican presidential nomina· ti on last year. Sources said Reed now is i n Washington bul may accept only a tern· porary job with Nixon. was set to his equipment, wllich is still ablaze." The Israeli military spokesman said four Israeli soldiers were killed, four others wounded and one apparently cap- tured by the commandos and taken back to the west bank of the waterway. He reported two Israeli tanks damaged. The commandos struck out from the Tewfi); area, which is a port and railhead at the end of a promontory jutting out from Suez City. The raid which began at 7:30 p.m. - before dark -was the second of the ~y and th~ fifth within the past 23 days. An Egyptian spokesman in Cairo said the special attack force moved under ~Jlery ~tl{~tormed enemy poslliC!!ls ... ! lfJd h~ld ~ for an hoar while - '!destroying all enemy weapO;is. tanks, ' equipment.. afld personnel inside their bunkers and ditches." . 1 NYSE Committee Oka ys Members 'Going Public' NEW YORK !UPI) -A New York Stock Exchange committee next Thurs· dfly will r~mmend, reluctantly and under pressure, a rule +hange whi ch will rock the securities , industry and affect investors, big and s·ma11, it was learned today. After weeks of deliberation, the com· mittee will recommend that members be pe.nnitted to "go public," that is sell stock in their own firms. For d~des, the exchange has for· bidden members to do so, contending the regulation was necessary to control membership and to prevent power insti· tulions such as mutual funds and insur- ance companies from extending thei r influence on the market and avoiding large commission charges. Teeth Chatter • ID Wyoming Evanston's 39 Contrasts Witli, Arizona High of 109 California Laul io. 1rtc1 i-ciouo. """I'd Into cot~t1I 1ro11 ol $out"'"' C1ll- f0<nl•. ol!wrw...-wutltfr w•• n•<>l!IY 111r tod11. tltf•e ....-• .,. '°""' 1llt•· .,..,,, clovd1 I" lltf h•llltf< tn011n!1ln1 Ind l'w: CfHrl•. fltforl WI• !llt11 I~· per1lvre <"9"" Loi. Anvelft Ind v.cln•I• had hl>Y 1u.,.;,1...., ... 1111 Ille nltltl •"" e••lv rnornln1 low cl-• 1nd IOll Mir ti>• Wilt. Tltf lt!llt tod1y W11 ts. 1 lour d~grH lumo from t1>11nd1•'1 hl11>. ,"' ll•fdi<!l'd )OW tonlGltl Wll 11. ti.._ U.S. wr1111er au'"u't ll'lf-<I•• ou!IOQll c•tll'd ror no 11"1cl111!1tlon wl1!'1 1omlll!r11ure1 1wr1•lnt l1>1ec !o livr 11e1•ff~ 1bcve llQl'nwtl. SOVtHEilllll CALIFORllll'--Low t l-1 Incl IOQI IOll neer lltt COii! nl1hl incl e1r1~ 1ne1rnl,.. l>Qura 0"1111,. wist moslly l1lr l!tf0Ut1h S••urdtv !tut -1frtr,,_, LI-• OV""r llltllltr """'n111 ... incl !MH•ll. Nor ,,....;fl totm- H•tlurt dtanw. LOS ANGE LI!$ AREA-L.,.. OOU4" Incl IOUI IOI nlfltl '"" 01rty motllilll 1taur1 """" ~•r-,. 111.,ll'line ll!t mll'ltl'ltl 1rtcl 1!!••-1 FrloH~ •Itel SllUrOI~. o...trniotl'it lllwt u . A 1111\t w1rmer Ft'NY wlllt lthlt IJ. COASTAL VALLEYS -Me»lly 1arr IM!lll9tl loll\l ... w wllfl 1t111 1un•lllM bofll .. n but Ille.II IOI 0< -(iovd1 lowtl' -'"""" In urt-,. -~Int•. Nol mudl Mf'lt-11-dllM!I. O..rni.flf !owl JI Ill 6t. Hilhl ,,....., " tg " Coastal L•I~ "leM •1'd (tr1f mor"ln, foe Of to"' CIOulh. ollttrwitiro mooilly 11\r wllll h11y l~lllne 100.Y Incl SINnl••· Wlftd• wtStlft-,. I II) 15 kl'IOll. Hltft !o- cltY n. Ynlf-0.l"I te.._r1turt r1noe<:1 from • lti911 ol 61 to n. 1n11rtc1 le"'P"'• lllrt ''""" "''' II lo Lt. Wiler re.,.. "'''""' ... 1NTE1lME01Atl! vALLevs -F•l• S M T' .. es t11rOW11 ,.,..,...,. 111ot ~" 1Mt1>er1· 11n, oon. na fll,. dlt"" .• °"""""'' ..... '2 lei JI. Hlt'll Fr!H~ ft¥ .. fl, MOUNtAIN AllEA$ -Mot.Hy ltlr ""9Uefl '-"""' ~I .~ CilluOl -ltf9Mr ..... Nol """" '-' •r•lvra d'tlftll, INTl!!ll!Olt AHO OISEll.T 11.l!OIONS -N.OIHY !tlf ....,... )lturOly Ill.II JrOlftt c:llllCll •I""'°'"' ""' HriY •-Pl~. Nol mud! -....1Nr1 dllltff, Finl low l :M "·"' 11 Finl hit~ ...._ 1.0G 11.m. S.f •tUl:OAY Fir'! low . ).)0 1.M. 0.S F!rtl ltlelt ....•.. l~.11 '·"'· J.J Slconcl '°"' .......... ,111 "·'"· ~.1 Stcond l'lltll •• • ..... 1::111 '·'"· ••• o-i.M~ a • t$ Owen~ 1111... -• • •IMI J:.IL&.111.... Jib l;.01 11.1'1'. IPI' -"'9rwllof; f1 11D 1' IHl'!'tf ¥1ltey,, M• •1111 JrO<I ....... kit •:11 "·"'· • ,. 11 lllw'lr 1111Jfn. """' ''Id•• '2 fe lot 11Htr Y1lrw1, IP 11 110 '"~' 111ti.,.. """ u,, o. Jyt~ 11 AYf. • •• Jul~ '' .· V.S. S1nn111ar11 He1wY lftllrtcler 1lormt 1<tom111n'" by """' wilt(I\ """"'"'1<'11 lltt ~o 1rt,,,,k1I ~r1 Of Ille .,.!Ion lod•Y '""" '""""'"'' 1..cii..,. to cenrr11 K111111. Winch c1111KI o.-erl• cl1ma" 111 Mll/llttrn l!llntll llflr Ctl\Okl• trtcl 11'1 • nr1rto1 ee!lnlllt "''''" 111 lfK/'I tncl 1 -ri.r of r1ln rtll. In 1...,1.,.,., l!W..,JYll\t rKef'IKI 111 l"l:lt of r.in lot -"''" ""' I . ., Ill • 11•"""'• "rlod. HetVY rlln 1r>e1 w11'1111 11• lo lrO "'llet 111 """r ltll Hfll DI ltll\WI. r.ltower'a Otmpef'ltd Ne.: l!""llrtcl Incl .... G~•! L1ln ••I• '"° 111'11 O! !tit loaull'I At1111llC Cotll· A funntl clolld w11 1lt1ttet1 e1rl• !1tl1 morn- 1111 -r '-toll Oii !lte Florldt CHll. lhunit.r ..,,_.,,. dlw~ 111 IM S!trr1 Hewldl If Norllttrn C1lltor1111 lrtcl Ill Ille 11.KkY Mounlt!Pll. TM,. -~ mort ""°""'' Ill Ille PKlllC H1>r111w1i1. Temp.erat1ares AlbuQuor<n1t Anel'IM•M An1nt• e.~~r111t1d 8 i1m•rC11 Bolw: l\D\10" ()!jc190 (i'>Cl""llf Cf<!vtl1nd Of;nvtr Dt• Malntt Oe!rolf Euret<-1 "" ••• Frnno He~.,. Honolu"' Haut!On Kll\$11 Cl!y "' Vt-911 "' ·-~ Mi1m! M!IWlllkff M•nMfilOllt M? ... Ori~•"' ••• T<O NM• PllU• Olklll'lll ...... ''" 11.olllel Plttlftlrlpltll Pr.o.nl.- Pl!lltlur11t ·~-11.111\d "" ... 81ull ··~ Secr1meoito '" LOUii S.tlnt, $1tl "" Cl1y "" OoN '" Fr1ncLKO ..... .. _. Stl"ll ,,.. . .,. rm~1 WIJllll'lflOll Hit/I L•w 'rec. " " • " .. •• "' " " .. • • " ~ '" • ,. " • " '" " • • • M " " • " .. ,. '" " n " '"' " • " " ., • " • .. • •M ,. " " " " " ., " " .. .. ~ .. " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " • • • u .. " .. " " • " • " • ~ " " " " " ,, • ·" .N . .. ... .n I The astronauts' medical examination included blood samples, an electro- card,iogram, hearing test, near and fat vision eye test, chest x·rays and a detail· ecl urological examination. A thorough ~-~~,.,'·~----J --,::heckup f~ anyo: proba: would in· ! 300 Solons Going The astronauts easily passed their previous medical checkup 10 days ago and were pronounced "in excellent physical shape ••• amazingly relaxed." 10,000 Speciiil .Guests To View Apollo 11 Shot l Cur Takes Off The auto in the sky is getting a lift from a helicopter which re- moved it from the swimming pool at the home of the Robert Howes in Glendale Thursday. The car had been sitting in the pool since Sunday 'vhen it slip- ped its parkJng brake and plunged down a hill. WASHINGTON IUPI) -Space agency offic.ials expect at least 10,000 "special guests" ranging from cham~r of com- merce officials to authors at Cape Ken- nedy next Wednesday when Apollo I I l.! shot toward the moon. Included in the host of VIPs will be nearly 300 members of Congress and an unccuntecl number of their wives or other guests. One congressman not going is Rep. H, R.. Grou.(R...Jowa). He;toot to the House flOor Thursday to denounce the .excursion as a taxpayer-financed junket whose only accrimplishment would be to "clutter up (the site) with three or four hundred con: gressmen and their wives." A spokesman for the N a t i o n a I Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said 283 lawmakers ·-41 ser,ators and 242 representative• -had signed up so far for the trip. Each may bring one guest. ~lost "'ill board Air Force planes near \Vashinglon early Wedne<"...day morning, fly down to the cape, glimpse the shot and return that same day. All expenses will be paid by the government. An advance contingent of 42 members of the House and Senate space com· miltees will fly down Tuesday night. Becz use they are on "official business" thry may charge their rooms and other expenses lo the government. But a NASA aide said, "You'd be surprised how many consider it a privilege and pass up the chance." Most of the 10,000 "special guests" must pay all their own expenses, ac- ~orth Viets,CongRegroup For MassiveNewOffensive SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces are preparing for a substantial new offensive before the end of July, U.S. military sources said today. "The indications are they are preparing for a high point of substantial intensity.'' the sources said. Both shelling and ground attacks are expected. they said . Thirty-eight allied targets, including six provincial capitals, came unde r rocket Havana Joke Costs Hi111 $200 BOSTON (UPI) -Tilford E. Dudley asked lhe wrong question and it cost hiln $200. East Boston District Court Judge Guy J. Rlzzota Thursday found Dudle y guilty of disturbing the peace for his question to an airline stewardess, "How long does it take to go to llavana?" The judge fined Dudly $200 and said he was "absolutely amazed that a man of your high education and a membt"r of the bar would make such a crack as that ." Phuubcrs Talks Off LOS ANGELES (AP) -Negotiations to tnd a strike by SOUtttern California plum- bers ha\·e been recessed until next Thurs· day. .\ and mortar at.tack overnlght and the Viet Cong promisld more of the same. "Our people will fight on, launching continuous attacks, until the Americans go and the puppets fall ," the Viet Cong's liberation radio said In a broadcast to Saigon Thursday night. The North Vietnamese and Viet Con~ probably will try to get their new of· fensive going late in July and use both shelling attacks and ground assaults, the informed sources said. They said they expected the campaign to last seven·to 10 days with activity fall· ing off as Communist troops regroup and resupply. Communists reported allied troops kill· ed 100 Communist solillers In more than a dozen battles Thursday, but none of the engagements was large. The Communista stepped up their shell- ing attacks, pounding 38 targtls eom· pared with 33 the prevloua night. Heaviest casualties came at Ty An, 23 miles southwest of Saigon, where a bar- rage of 107mm rockets ktlled one Viet· namese and wounded three at a center 'for Communlst defectors . The military sources said Viet Cong ond North Vietnamese forces had suf- fered heavy losses between April and June. Jn the II provinces surrounding Saigon, Communist casunltles during the 90--day ,,eriod totaled about 25,000, the sources said. That included 17,000 dead counted on bnltlefields ana An estimated 8:000 who <lied of wounds or were so severely woun· ded U1ey were out of 11ctlon. cording to NASA. But NASA could not say how much it would spend in man- power and facilities to accommodate them. Besides congressmen, exceptions include ambassadors or their represen- tati ves (about 120 are expected) who have been Invited by President Nixon. Protocol centers, which go into opera· lion today, have been set up at five points around ·Cape Kennedy where the VIPs will be assisted and from where they can ca\ih "*"{or ""Ir• and U'~po.ttalion to the space lacmtY, A NASA spokesman sa'ld In choosing who to invlte the agency decided to cae: ture a "cross section" not only Of America but the world. Among those in- vited were delegaticns from different countries; high federal off i c i a Is ; governors ol each state and territory; mayors of all cities with populations over 100,000 · · (and ·cities with fewer people wbere there Is a link between the com· munity and the space program): air and scientific atlaches of embassies; artists, authors, and Pulitzer Prize winners; representatives of farm, labor. women 's, Negro, church and business groups; na· tional and state officers of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; prominent in· dustry figures ; educators and ordinary members of the public who write in (when there was tirr:e) for tickets. Going Down Under Walter L. Rice \Vas nominated by President Nixon Thursday as the Ambassador to Aus-- tralia. Rice, 66, is a former vice president of Reynolds f\-1etals Co. \vhich once had mining interests in Australia. College Sends Regrets To 1,000 Applicant& •IAYWARD (UPI ) -California State Colleitt! at Hayward mailed lellers tOOay to more than I ,GOO applicants saying they will not Ix admitted for lack of spare. The school's admission quota has bee• slaa~ fr~m a planned J 1,000 full-a~d patt:tlme itudentl tll IJQI. Tht teducUon resulled from cuts In the budget of lhe stale college system. • Rivers Swollen • By UPUed Press lnltnaaUonal The Jow1 River, swollen to Its hl&hest crest. was so deep . loday officials couldn't even measure it. "The gauge is under waler,''' officials said, reporting the river had risen to at least 19.3 feel al Marshalltown, Iowa, Thursday and dri ven 800 persons Crom their hom es. The Iowa w.as receding to- day a(ler Oooding a 40--block section in the town of 23,000. National Guardsmen stood guard to prevent looting. Police reported 2(1 cases of looting. • t.1any areas of the water- glutted Midwest have suffered flooding because of weeks of rain. tit o r e thunderstonns poured more watel' -i n t o swollen streams Thursday. In lhe South, a heat wave con- tinued. FJ~ing ., Jhe lh<ea1 . ?r Seat Ota Bencla? flooding__£Qllllnued..-Wday~n---~~~~~-·~~~~~~.·=~~~ Iowa, Missouri and Illinois. U.S. Circuit Court Judge Shirley 1-fufstedler of Los Show~rs a n d thunderstorms An I t k t l · U · were reported today in ll'lese g~ es a es res. rom sem1~ar at ~e\V York n1- states, and in Indiana and vers~ty Thursday .1n New Xork s Wash1ngt.on Squa:e. r.llchigan. ftiore than an inch She IS report~ high ~n list of wom~n being cons1d- of rain fell in six hours at ered by Presi dent Nixon for appointment to U.S. Sioux City. Iowa, and more Supreme Court. than three-quarters of an inch -~------------------­ fell at Pickstown, S.D. Very heavy rain fell in the SL Louis. Mo .. area today. The St. Louis Airport reported .38 of an inch in 15 minutes and local flooding was a threat. A severe thunderstorm warning was in effect early to- day for Uiree nearby Illinois Sailors ·in Distress *·* * Planes Searc·h e-0unties. Wind da·mage was F ' repo<ted in a '"~" lhuo--or yachtsman derstorm at Cahokia, Ill. Papy1·us ,Boat Dllillps Supplies Secret Thailµnd Pact Admitted ,. WASHINGTON (AP) -The State · Department acknowledges existence of a secret-defense arrangement i)etween the-United Stales. and Thailand but denies Sen. J .W. Fulbright's con~ntion ·that it broadens the American com· mitmer.t to that Southeii.sl Asian nation.· The arrangement is what a Nixon Turns To Senate On Vote Law State Oepartm~t 11pokesman terms a "rilllitary contingency plan whicb explicitly provides that it cannot be put into ef- fect except \ h e mutual agreement ~·consenJ of both governments." The spokesman, press of- ficer Robert J. McCloskey, ad· ded Thursday Utat this "plan- ning involves no further com· mltment beyorid the So1.1iileast Asia Treaty" -the basic legal foundatior. for U.S. in- vQ.lvement in Vietnam. Pi1cCloskey, In confirming the U.S.·Thal arrangment he said was signed ln 1965, would not remove the secrecy tag from the documeQt. He~sald it Is still in effect but no action has been taken under it. Thai Prime Minister Thanon THI STIANOI 'tliOIUt .. M_p,MUM -' • ' • DAILY I'll OT 3 Soviets Release ·2 Fliers MOscoW !AP) -Two fliers from ihe United States and Wiil Germany hive been re.1....0 by ~SovieUlnioll alter belnc Mid a week fOt straying acrou the border, a U.S. Emba!l.'ly spoke!man said today. He said Lt. Col. George Pat- terson of Chamblee, Ga., and Or. Karl Sicbe.lllliel were told Ui~y could conunue cm_ th~•~ir-~ way to Turkey, their destina- tion ln a light plane rally when they made an emergency lan- ding In Soviet territory on th~ Black Sea coast July 4. WASHINGTON iAPJ Rebuffed by a House sub- committee, the Nixon ad- ministration turned to the Senate today for support of a nationwide voting rights law to replace a .11_965 act..J..imited to, Kittikachorn, Thai defense ~~======~~~~~~§~~==~~:. min.is_!er when h~ signed the arrangement, had said earlier Thursday in Bangkok that it The spokesman said the men we.re to leave the Black Sea town of Batumi a! 900n as weather ,permitted. ''Th e chances ar:e !MY haYe already taken off for Turkey," tie said. southem---iim1es. · Atty. Gef!. John N. Mitche ll was called before the Sena te Judiciary Col?lmiltee 's con- stitutional rig h t s sub- committee. where the ad· ministration bill is regar4ed as ha ving a Slight edge. A House Judiciary sub- committee approved Thurs- day, by what Chairman Emanuel Ce 11 er ((}.N.Y.), called an overwhelming voice vote, a bill to extend the 1965 Voting Rights Act for five years beyond Aug .. 6, 1970. "is not a secret agreement.'' He added it provides for U.S. participation Jn joint opera- tions wittr-'lllais in--defense against Comrnunl s t ag- gression. Fulbright, Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman, told ne"'-:>men Tues- day the secret pact exceeds the terms of the 1954 SE ATO treaty that provide.'! for a defense of Southea!lt Asia. Joining the Arkansas Democrat in this assessment was Senate Demo c rati c Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana. A detailed report, sought by Fulbright, is being !>rt!pared by the State Department for the senator, Piit'Cluskey said. Slain_ Girl!}y,r.iedi Murder Gun Found The release wa! aMounced by the Soviet Foreign Ministry this morning In a phone call lo !he v .s. Embassy. . h ' Russ Chiefs Delay T1ip COOPERSVILLE, lit I ch. (UPI) -Margaret Phillips, whose "deep concern and love for her fellow man·• led to her violent death. was buried Thu rsday in a simple funeral service hP.re. Some 160 miles to the south- east, in Ann Arbor, police. were anxiously awaiting the results or ballistics tests on a .22 caliber pistol they say was used b)'._!he accused. ....tiller now &eneration •.• who had been where action was • . , who was deeply concer;ned. n The 3 and 'ni. day hunt for the weapon used to murder Miss Phillips proved success-To Romania ful almost at the !&me time PARIS (UPI) _ Romanian as she was being burled. With Ambassador Constantin Flitan the level of the Huron River announced today that Sovift in northeast Ann Arbor drop. . leaders will not visit Bucha· ped by the closing ol a dam rest as scheduled In mid-July, skin· divers used m&l«teet: a few days ~f.ore the visit of 1n-M"n1!N'l'lent · and-recovered_fr.esldenl.N.1100. 1' E IG~MQUIH,, ,E{lgiarid_ SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico The administration's pro-. posal for a new la w was not _e_ven....pui_up for a_ vote._Th_e full House Judiciary COm- R1ittee is expected tQ .aiiproYe... the extensian bill next weik . SILVER - FOR IKE? .. Miss Phijlips was trying to __ heJ -. --o .. ,M n"· Flitan told an embassy the..J!.m>on (ram._ the Dll!L_ · Mows conference tLal.-:.alte.t..--- Beregovoi, Ce1·nan Feted HELSINK I (UP!l -U.S. astronaut Eugene Cernan and Soviet cosmonaut Georgy T. Beregovoi will arrive i n llelsinki this weekend to ac- cept golden space medals of the International Aeronautical Federation. Ce rnan was a member of the Apollo 10 crew. Beregovoi n1ade the Soyuz 3 flight last year. (UPI ) -The u'.S. Air l'orce-tU PJ ) -'·Jt 's a questio~ of • how long we can keep gwng. and British Coast Guard The crew are .,, .. or k I n g searcfied today for Brit ish desperately to keep together round ·lhe·w or Id yachtsman 1-1•hat we have.'' Donald Crowhurst. A freighter That urgent message from found his trimaran iibandoned the papyrus boat Ra raised fears today for the t!pic voyage to the new 1-1·orld. 900 miles off the coast Thurs· day. A British steamer spotted the three.hulled vessel and said the yachts~an·s personal papers, Jog. films and tapes were intact. An emergency liferaft still was aboard. Thor Heyerdahl, skipper of the Ra, radioed Thursday his six-man crew had been forced to toss some su ppl ies overboard, "as the wa ves breaki ng over the dep ressed stern h a v e no1-1' reached ;imldships. · .. 11f4 But in ··the Senate · sub- committee headed ·by Sen. Sam J. Ervin J r. (D·N .C.), backers of an extension of the \YASH INGTON (UPI) present la w concede their Minting of a "silver" dollar chances are dim. They figure bearing the likenes.s of Dwight they can count on the vote& of o. Eisenhower was proposed only three or the eight Thursday by Rep. Laurence .J members. Burton (R-Utah .l Already there is talk of A similar bill calling for trying to bypass the Judiciary minling of the doll ar con· Committee and bring the taining 4(1 percent silver was House bill directly before the introduced in the Senate by Senate - strategy that has Sen. Peler H. Dominick (R-been used in the past to enact. Col civil rights legislation. --•-· -------- Authorities . were attempting to link the alleged slayer, Er- nest ·Bishop Jr .. 28, to at lea.st t1-1·0 or six other slayings of young women in two years. Miss Phillips, 25. had been a doctoral candidate in sociol- ogy at the University of Mich· igan in Ann Arbor when she met death, allegedly at' the hands of Bishop whom she wrote her parenl!! she was trying to rehabilitate. In Coopersville, the Rev. Philip Steele, pa!tor of the U n i t e d Methodist Church, characterized the U·M grad· .uate as "a member of the JULY 12TH AND JULY 13TH, NOON UNTIL 5 P.M., REFRESHMENTS SERVED CONTINENTAL MANOR LAGUNA Pollct Chief Walter Krasny consultations between Bucha.. said spent bullets from the rest and ·MoacOw, the Soviet gun were the same as bul!et leaders had decided4to go to · fragme~ts removed from ~t.s.s Bucharest in the fall at a date Phillips heed, but he said 1t to be set th.rough diplomatic w~ld take longer lo deter- channels. mine whether . the same weap-The ambassador'! statement on wa! used 1n the deaths. o£ the flr t official confir· J a n e ?>.fixer, 1.3, and Ahce was 11 • K41om, 23, who also were m.atlOft: th•l Soviet President shot in the head. N1.kohu N. Podgorny.. Pre- Bishop and Miss Phillips nuer Alexei N. Ko!ygm ;pd met al a partr. at a univer-party leader Leonid I. Brezh. aily professor ! home last nev have decided to delar February and the woman had their Bucharest visit folio~ written to her parents she ing the announcement ot Nix. ·was trying to rehabilitate the on's stopover In the Roman· ex-convict. ian capital e&rly In August. ~edicated to c.,Active _ ~enior Citizens RESERVATIONS NOW ACCEPTED .. Snac.kl!I are served daily, and wine illl served with meals (when approved). Fruh fruit is available an the tjlile. Located int.he lovely resor~ area of Laguna Beach, Omtinental Manor is especially designed for active, ambulatory resident guests. Here is a total environment dedicated to gracious Jiving in beautiful surroundings. A resi- ~ent nurse, a social· and rf\!reation director, and a carefully selected staff of aides, dieticians, and maids are attentive to the guests' special needs. Luxury Apartment. Living. Both private and semi-private room11, with elegantly designed interiors and private baths, have 24-hour switchboard service and television. Daily maid .service is provided. . . Gourmet. l\leall!I and Special Diets. Dining is in the guests' o"'n ocean.view dining room . Special attention is given to ph ysician-ordered diets to make t~em as tasteful and attractive as po!!ible. A Division of: Shopping and Sirht.seeinr. Our own bus provides daily transportation to churches, parks and apecial points Qf interest. Theater parties and excursions to tourist attractions are tegularly acheduled. Shops and the beach are just a 11troll away. Full Recreation Prorram. Under the direction of a full-time social director, the guest.a may enjoy a wide variety of events. Hobbies and crafts, games, billi ards, parties and outdoor recreation inclu'ding shuffleboard, croquet, and gardening are available. Recreation Lounge. The lounge, with a fireplace, library, color television, rame tables, and comfort- able furnishings, 11ervee u the active center of the Manor. Beautiful Grounds. Colorful Bower beds and lush California plantinp create a perfect 1ettin1 for the guel!ts in supe rb year-round cli mate. • CONTINENTAL MANOR, LAGUNA CONTINENTAL llUlTI stmw. llt. 2180 South Ccast Highway Laguna Beach, California. 92651 Telephone (714) 494-9458 I I • • I r I • I I ! I I • • • ( ... ____ ... • • • a joAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGEi Time to Get. Involved Anolher delay has been tacked onto the drawn-out recall batUe ill Fountain Vallty. This Ume Orange County Superior Court Judge Claude M. Owens has ex· tended tbe court case1nvolvin_g Yie legality of three t«? call ...petitions submlttcd to the city by rec8U leade"r Eugene VanDask. VanDask submitted the petitions June 2, at which t ime the city had 30 days to validate the signatures. But on June 5 City Attorney Edwin Martin ruled the peti- tions invalid and told City Cleri. Mrs. Mary Cole to stop counting them:On June 17 recall supporters achieved a cou.rt order forcing the city to count the signatures. concern for the future of Fountain Valley should be· come involved. Reca11 supporters have made it clear there will be a recall election il the court upholds their petitions. Now is the time for observers to really become in. terested. If an election is held and if the three incum· bents are defeated, good , solid councilmen must tak~ their places. All those who hold an interest in the city's future must wor_k to assure it .of competent JO_vemment alter the balUe 1s over. · Progrfl m Rates an A-pl us Finally the petitions were validated and each show· ed n1ore than 2.800 signatures, enoughJor a recall elec· tion. Then Martin used the option granted him by the court and appeared before .fudge Owens on July 2 to You'll find them saving swimmer s, directing rec- sho\\' \\•hy he thought the petitions were not legal. reation, chopping weeds, driving trash trucks, pounding On July 2 i1artin asked for and received a delay In typewriters, running errands, even doing research and the court hearing until last Wednesday. Wednesday, legwork far the city or Huntington Beach. Judge O\vens himself delayed the hearings until next They're the city's summer workers, a flexible. :r-.tonday. young crew of faces and personalities keeping busy at a The battle has no\Y raged so long and furiously that multitude 9£ tasks. the i ssu·~s have dropped aside and personalities are the The youngsters, mostly local students, are hired focal µornt. Mayor Robert .Schwerdtfeger, -vrce 1'-layor by the city to help handle the peaking work load that Donald Fregeau and Cou ncilman Jos.eph Courreges, the summer ~rmgs. ft's also the period that most of the t~ree men recal~ supporters are s~~1ng to oust from. of· regular city crew takes the earned vacations. f1ce, have cons1stently been unwdlmg to compromise. The program, employing 378 young persons this _Q!t t~~E!_her l]_and ~es~ s~P?J:ie~§~~ VanD~~k ~ ummer.,.,puts t.he.city_in~-lh~~eing_gnfl o!J.h.e ._; .have cont1nueCI to p_fo'w forwar m tlfelf'-<leSire to oust a -rea's largesf employers of young people. the three me~ despite such facto~s as the damage the It helps the young people earn and learn during recall campaign can do to the city and the fact that what might have been unproductive summer doldrums. both Sch~erdtleger and Fregeau are up for reelection rt helps the city too. The yo1:1ng work force helps next Apnl, less than a year away. IIuntington Beach cover all the municipal bases. It's Casual observers, trying to follow the long. complex also good on-the-job training. Some of the youngsters re- dispute and its cross-currents and personalities. might turn year after year with growing job expertise and have a strong tendency to shake their heads, walk away eventually become fuU·time employes. from the scene and say "a pox on both of you." The program, never ballyhooed much, rates an A· But that altitude must be avoided. Anyone with any plus for accomplishment. (S) . . . . ·- 'My fiance, fair. Nixon, promised h£'d be along any minute. By th£ way, who did you say jilted you?' 'Traditimialist' Protests Editorial Dirkse1i and 11---_FavQrs -Priv~_tf} _f!-~~~-o~k_s_P~r2y ~witrli Happiness .Must r , Be Natura1· . -. ,. I I .'To.the Editor : Havuig just read your editorial in today's final edition of the DAILY PILOT concerning fireworks and safety, I felt I should write a protest. I believe the problem here (mishaps in· volving fireworks) is not in the "great menace" fireworks provide as a lack of pareni.al supervision and instruction for those too young to know the proper pro- cedure of setting off fireworb. I have no idea of the number of fires resulting from improper use of matches, gasoline and other mundane Cilmbustibles, but I would imagine that these would far es:ceed fireworks mishaps. SINCE ltM when CalUonlia state laws were passed against fireworkl, fl.reworks manufacturers have been empbasitlni the safe use of their products apd print on each item the safe and proper use of lhe item. Flrecrackers, skyrockets and roman candJes were all outlawed in the st<ite. and local importers and menufac- turers_ stressed their "safe and sane" policy. Perha~ I am a traditionalist in believ ing families should have the right to celebrate Independence Day with the Cill- or aod ceremony involved with private displays of firB¥rks. In short, family fireworks display! on the 4th of July are part of America, and I hope the day never comes when our legislators outlaw them because of an occasional accident or improper use by youngsters lacking -MailhQx \ I s -ltttt~ ,,....,. reacM~ ,,.. -lcomti. NorrntllY wrltert -Id COl'IW'I' Their -In 300 -nl• or leH, The rltlll lo (.OfldtnH le-I!~.,.· lo Ill ..ct tr t llmlnttt libel IJ rtuirv..i. AU lelttrt "'""' ll!Cludt 11tn1ture •nd m1llln1 IMMl•nt, but "'"'~• will be w!llltidd .., '"IHlll II tvttlcll"t rN-II ·~~lr ... I, parental supervision. KENT DURWARDSHIRE ~ledlocre Duploy To the Editor : There can be no·crttlclam of the cause for which the fireworks display held at Orange Coast College on the 4t~the Orange Coast YMCA Is a very v.·orth· .~·bile or1anization. · The sbow Itself bordered upon fraud. 'nle proiram was advertised profusely as a fireworks display with some pre-show en1'rtainment. JlajJ_l The audience was forced to siL throogh two hours and 35 minutes of "pre·show" to see 15 minutes of firework s. I HAVE NO IDEA whether the .mini- display was made necessary by budget restrictions or just poor planning. t do know that next year I will much prefer to mail a donaUon to the "Y" and be considerably more entertained by -· shooling off an assortment of-fireworks purchased at one of the local stands as has been our custom in the past. The only applause I can offer is directed to the hundreds of children in the audience who sat patiently for all that time only to be "treated" to the most mediocre fireworks display 1 have ever witnessed. K. E. YOUNG Noml11otlo11 To the Editor : I would like to nominate for Best Editorial of the Year the DAILY PILOT editorial on the Fourth of July enlilled, "Two Pieces of Paj>er." By any standards of crlticism, this is a great piece of writing, deserving of the highest joumali!Uc award. BILL ANDERSON Cult of 1J111i 11es• To the Editor : Anlt.a Loos, In Family Weekly for July 6, tells us that ·1ooay's 'youth isn't right about everything. This should cause some revision of opinion among our adult apologists who have accepted all the guilt for their own generations. Thus they have justified or excused the violence and vileness flaunted by a few of our youth. But tne cult of ugliness will diminish. Purity of motive an d cleanliness of person are still admirablt. MILTON S. !<lMBA!.L Democrats to Democratize? \\'ASHINGTON -Everywhere that Sen. George McGovern goes, Democrats are disp roving \\'HI Rogers· famous re1nark: "I'm nol a member of any organized political party . I'm a IJt'mocra t." It is McCovern·s job -handed him "'ty 1hc 1968 C<lnvent ion and Na t I o n a I t'.hairman Fred Harris -to democratize the party. to get its delegates selected by :1n open system. not necessarily electoral, hut at the !east honest and fair. lie ex· peeled that .John Connally and Lester ~faddox \1·ould not approve, but he did not expect thal Northern Democrats ""'ou\d put up roadblocks. 'i'E'I' AN f::XA~tlNATION of the Democratic Party·s n1ethod of selecting delegates shows Uuit the Souther n states have no monopoly on need for reform. In the state of Washington, the ballots by whi ch the las t Democratic delegation was i;clected were later discovered to have been burned . Missouri selects its delegates behind locked doors; some NortMrn states name delegates more lhaR one year before the Cilnvention, aod the eig ht states whose laws do not permit 11 democ ratic process of delegate selec· ---iWWW- Friday. July 11 . 1969 The cditonal page of the Daily Pilot seeks lo infortn 011d stir11· ut.ait readers by presenling this nniipoper's oplniom a1td com· me-ntaru on topic.! of interest a/Id 1tgnificance, by pro viding a forum for the t'xpression of our readtrs' opinions. and by pre.tenting the df~rst v1t1"" pohltl of hlformtd obseroeri and lf)Okttmen ot1 lOPlCS of flit cJau. • Robert N. Weed, Pu61isher .. lion include Idaho, North Dakota, Wyom· ing and Illinois. Yet McGovern is making progress. Thirty states have now either reformed lhe oroccdures by which they will name deleSates to the conventions or al least set reform procedures in motion. 1\1cGOVERN r\OTES, somewhat y;ryly in view of the publicity suggesting lhe un· popularity of his commission. lhat cvery\\'hcre politicians are anxious lo teslify . The significance or the reform n1ove · ment is not lost on tbose who shared con- trol in 1968. A Hawkish Vietnam plalform statement carried by a 3·2 margin, but the minority view prevailetl in every state which elected its delegates. lt can hardly be argued that. ii the 1968 ron· ventlon had been conducted under !he rules now being urged before the ~1cGovem Commission, it would have orr fered the Ciluntry a different platforn1 and a different candidate. L~ A TRULY democratic process, McGovern h Im s el I or Sen. Eugene McCarthy v.•ould probably h:.i vc been selected. On the other hand . a truly democratic process v.•ould probably have meant that Estes Kefau ver and nQt Adla i Stevenson would have been the pttrty's presidential choice In 1956, and Henry \Vallace might have been President of the United States instead of Harry Tnnnan, What lies at fault in th<' convention system, as Theodore "'hitc has so brillianlly theorized ln his "1\1aklnJ: or the President, 1968," is not so much that delegates in so1ne states ore clan· duUntly or mechank:ally selecttd, It h;, While wrltts. "that M overall R'OVtminc' pr lnciple dttcrmines the frame in which dcleg;itcs are selected." WIUTE PLEADS for such principles as would eliminate race discrimination, re· quire consultation with the voters in the year of the election and which would restrict the power of governors or other party leaders to appoint delegates In recognition of past service. A requirement that delegates be elected in a primary or al least be able to trace their selection to a precinct or county primary is certain to be one of the commission'!! recommendations. More than 700 delegates In Chicago were in no way elected, and more than 600 were named at least two years before the con· vention. This wind is blowing favorably, McGoven, believes; Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago has indicated that he would just as soon not have lhe burden or naming delegates and would gladly aC'· cept a primary. NO ONE ON THE comn1ission. least of all Sen. f\1cCovern, ha s any illusions that he can bring Utopia to the DemOCf'allc Party. There must be reform. he feels. or the party will die in some other Chicago. By Fran\ Manklt"''icz and Tom Braden Dear Gloomy Gus: \I/hen is lhe ll untington Beach t;n. ion ·lligh School District board go· Ing to reali ze tf11:1t their altitude '1nuy drive tenchcrs Into the Amcr- icnn Federation of Teachers \Aflr CIOl" -If. K. \\' I ~ Positions .. Allen-Goldsmith \VASHINGTON -Sen. Ever e t I McKinley D l r k s e n, the 73-year-old s<inorousl~ mellifluous Republican fl oor leader, is .going out of his way-these days to rcfl?r to his much younger Illinois GOP colleague with significant sardonic in· dulgence. There is good reason for thai. ~ Between Dirksen, a fourtb·term veteran, and Sen. Charles Percy, SO.year· old lirst·termer, there has long been a barely ~-oncealed backstage feud. They have widely differed on issues, legisla· tion, politics a;1d palronage. Currently, this fast Is now playing hap-. plly Into Dirksen 's hands. A Percy choice for a prize appointment -a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals - turned it down because of "pressing com· mitments to his law firm ." But insiders attribute still another reason for the declination . They , say Charles Bane. prominent Chicago lawyer, would have run head-on into torrid CQnfirmation op- position due to a ra cia l incident. IT INVOLVED the denlal of an apart· ment to a Jewish family in the East Lake Shore Drive cooperative where Bane lives. For public consumptiOn, Percy is regretting Bane's withdrawal. In a press releas~. Percy characterized Bane as a distinguished lawyer who would have made "an outstanding judge." But privAlely, he is obviously embarrassed. Befoce Percy can get approval for another selection for this patronage plum, he has to get Dirksen's nod . In other words , Dirksen now wields a veto over Percy. That 's a complete reversal in positi on. A few months ago, Dirksen wanted another Chicago attorney, John Bickley, named U.S. attorney. Bickley belongs to the Dirksen wing of the Illinois GOP. Percy. who lists himself as a ''liberal." Jct it be known he would vigorously op- pose Bickley -if nece!!sary would block hin1 on the grountl he was "persona lly ob- noxious." Tilt.: '\llUTE HOUSE im mediately backed off. Not wanting to get involved in lhe acrimonious rowin g between the f\\'O Illinoisans, it he ld up filling this job until they could get together on a selection. \Vhcn that will be is conjectural. But Dirksen "has a hunrh " it will be a lot sooner than it might have been before Percy's en1barrassml'nt over the Bane arra ir. As one Senate Republican, on good lerms with both of them , chucklingly remarked. "Percy now has to tlo busines!'I \vilh Ev, and he 'll get arounr to doing it In short order. That's politics anrl he knows it. As the old saying goes. 'There <1rc times v.•hen you have to rise above principle·.·· Percy, politically ambiltous (i n 1968 he was an avowed \'ice prcsidel\tial aspirant ), differs with Dirksen on many major issues -the Vietnam war, anti · ballistlc missiles, tough fed er a I cr!lckdown on can1pus disorders , v.•h!ch Percy opposes. Percy also broke squarely with DirkM!n over tfle ~lectlon of the Stnale GOP \1·hip. '''hile Dirksen b11ckcd Stn. l\oman Hru!l!ta. Neb., Percy voted for Sen. Hugh Scott, Pa., who won. 1 Uy Jlo~rl S. Allen and John A. Goldsmltb By ELUi\VORTH L. RICHARDSON fl1inlster Neighborhood Congregational Church Laguna Beach Everybody has a right to be happy. It is guaranteed in lhe Declaration of Independence, namely ...... "the righ t to lire, liberty and the pursy_it of hap- piness." Our right to life and liberty is guaranteed but our right to happiness is not. All that we have is the privilege to pursue happiness. If we pursue happiness we 'll end up like• dog trying to catch hl.s tail ! We can't pounce upon it. We can't retrieve it lik e a cuff link from under the bed. It can't be for ce d, it must be natural. HAVEN'T YOU he;ird people say, "Let's do so and sO and we'll be happy.'' Not so! Jt Is the difference between being an amateur and a professional. The amateur strains. ls tense and in his determination to give the I in e st performance. he goofs. On ~he other hand . the professional with the grea test of ease gives a perfect demonstration of his art. Happiness cannot be forced! There is a cartou11 that pictures a mother and her children at Coney Island. One child is crying or to put it more vividl y, "bawl· ing''. The mother's reaction is recorded in these words. "Have a good lime, you , or l'll larr. you one!!'' Do you suppose the child stopped crying and danced a jig·! It was not likely. !{e probabl y bit mother . .. or shot her! HAPPINF.SS CANNOT be forced . It is a fragrance that arises out of no>A'bere. at the least anticipated moment. "Happiness," wrote Nathan i e I ( f . --·----~- E-reryday' Problem~ . j Hawthorne, "when it Cilmes, comes in· cidentaUy . ~take it the object of pursu it and it leads us a wild goose chase, and is never attained . Follow some other object anti very possibly we may find that we have e.aught happiness without dreaming of it." : Logan Pearsall wrote: "Sometimes at breaklast. sometimes in a train or empty bus, or on the moving stairs at Charing Cross, I am happy; the earth turns to gold, and life becomes a magical ad· venture. Only yesterday, trave ll.ng alone lo Sussex, I became lightheaded with this Sudden joy ." THE SELF.IMPROVEMENT books provide many different formula s on how • to be happy but the best recipe that [ have foi..nd was suggested by Frank Crane. "Happiness always come~ to you over your shoulder. And it co1ncs, most permancr.tly and regularly to those who are trying to n1ake other people happy ... Just help someone. give a ""·ord of a~ pr('('iation to some se nsitive boy or girl, cheer up a discouraged soul. forget all your own troubles, and the first thing you knov1; happiness, the wilful jade, will steal up behind you and have her arn1s about your neck." That's simple enough. "Just help some one . . . try to make other people happy ..... and forget about your own troubles .'' You'll be surprised for some one is pursuing you! There arc arms about your neck! Body Not Like Machine After play ing three sets of tennis yesterday morning -doubles. naturally, at my ag:e -I felt better than I had all \Vcek. As I was luxuriously relaxing after this workout, I thought about the widespread misconception in mo s I:' people's minds about the human body. In our mechanistic age. it is customary to think of the body -and an living 1hings, in fact -as a kind of machinery. \Ve makr analogies with pumps arid pistons and bearings, and look upon the body as an intricate piece of hardware thal obfys lhe laws of mechanics. BUT TIOS IS A tolally wrong view. 1·onfusi ng the two different fields of hiology and physics. As a living entity, l he body is quite the opposite of a 1nachine of any sort : a machine wears out with use, and lhe more_ use Uft faster It \\'ears out; the body Is renewed with use, and the more use lhe slower It wears out. As Or. Albert S~enl-Gyorgi. the noted scientist. hns pointed out.. ·'Jf you uae your car a lot, the car \\'ears out and your legs l{Ct v.·eak, bu! if you walk a lot, your legs get strong." This. as he righlly says. is one of the great distlnctlon!'i between life and non·life. "Life itself keeps life going." IF YOU USE A pun1p long t:'nough, L~ pump \Viii break dClwn or wear out : but the heart is a kind of pu1np. yet it lasts far longer through exercise than through s!:tgnancy, nnd th" more you USt' It. the better il operules. The same is lrue of muscles, which deteriorate with non·use, but keep their tone and mew their vigor tho rnore regulorl~ they are rmployed, Life is not "ph)slcal," then, in the -! Sid ney ). l l arris sense that a piece of machinery is physical. While nothing lasts forever, it is the nature of inanimal.e objects that they suffer depletion through use. while it is thr nature of Jiving objects that they achieve renewal through use. 'l'HE Pt11ND, TOO, has often been con1· par~ to a mechanism. say a giant cttn1· ~uler machine, but this is just as · er-- roneous -for lhe 1nind also gro\\'S by ex· erclse and dies from inanition. The more yotl use it, the more it develops. and the longer ii lasl.'I ; whereas a tropid mind soon sinks into a half·sleep and may di e, for all practical purposes. before ilS possessor does. There is a vital factor -what Bereson long ago called thr elan vilal -in all liv· ing organism~ that operates in a wholly different mncle than that of Inanimate ob- jects. l11ey respond to the law or diminishing return", v.·hile life pays back 1nore dividends the more you In vest In ilS pttrticipation > , Bu Geor11e ---i CONFIDENTIAL TO s T E y E I ALI.EN : Oh, no spec.Jal .size-JU!!. I so it's large enough for two or I thrl!f.: lottve!t , T \ \ I ... I l , I State Clas'h On School • \ ... ~ 1. ... 1 Hayakawa 11 · Presented CHECPKING • u • Aid Brews Grievances Ile. Bu.ys His :Wife Stuffed Toy Bears By L.M. BOYD TEDDY BEARS dishearten, d I s t r u s t f·u I , dwindle, evenUul, exposure, fitful, fretlu~ gloomy, hurry, Whenever he gets into a fight i m par l1 a I , inauspicious, with his wife, he buys her a mis p I aced_. monwnental, stuUed teddy bear lo make up. ncall, and suspicious. That is lhe sent Im en la I CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. custom of a certain young hus-"Who gets the most money, band . His wife has been fond Elizabeth Taylor or Barbar of such toys since her grade S t r e i s a n d ? ' ' A. Per rt performance~ Barbra school days. Went to a pa Y Streisand. NJ a~ne she gets al 'their place the other night. more for one show, I'm lold, He parks his car h1; the street. than all four Beatles ever got He showed me why. Their together. Like $100,000, for ex~ · f II t ample. Why do I feel all con. garage 15 u -me 8 n strJcted inside and a little ,__ shoulder·hi~--or_stuffed J!_d· tight in-the-throat when 1 dy· bears. think of that? Could this be envy? INTIMATES OF George Burns testify and espose the ON DRINKING -Swallow only time he ever gets angry a tablespoonful of olive 9il b .dg before you take the first is during a ri e game. · · • cocktail-that is the avlce fre- OUR LANGUAGE MAN says quently given to drinkers who Romanian is that modem don 't want to get wobbly. language most like. lhe ancient Maybe it work!, can't say. But Latin .... ANOTHER DI1TY doubt it's as effective as the I wish they'd revive is that simple technique employed by a Seattle medical m a (l . !Piing caJ!ed, "Can Your Always among the first to ar· f\1.other Ride a Bille with a rive and last to leave at any Baby on the HandJebars?" · • • lengthy party, he nonetheless Tax Cuts Face Senate . JUST li MORE YEARS until never shows any signs or in-... SACRAMENTO (AP) -The f\foscone of San Francisco, Halley's Comet shows up ebriatiOll. Because, he says, he Senate has a_ choice or lwo author of the Democratic Pl~n . again. Will ·you -wait?. , , , alternates . evtry gla,s of Ii·· D\Ult.i-~ilion dollar i~me tax Fur in~e taxpayers ,1 "WHAT.WAS the world's first quor· with a glass of plain Na.t Kin!! Cole's . --M.i;?r b;ll ....-w:,1 ll'K!an-eti>t~i daily newspaper~" ruks a water, drinking each with ._, cut bills today -Republlcan money ln !he pocket in 1970. 1 subscriber. The Frankfurter equal !Klnchalance. Gov. Reagan 's $Ul0 mllllon Here's how they would work : Zcitung of Frankfurt., RAPID REPLY : No, sir, Widow lo Wed plan and a Democratic pro-REAGAN -Allows ·every' Germany, in .1615 A.O .. 1"-,.. nevei· did faste'· any roast posa\ for substantially more. personal income taxpayer la THE SHORTER YOU CUT kangaroo. Don't really expect HOLLYWOOD (UPI) The two bills cleared th e dedacl a nat 10 percent from your lawn, the more apt it is to, either. Have a Ir e ad y Maria Cole, widow of singer Senate Finance Committee his 1970 tax return -based on to sprout crabgrass, reports developed more tastes than 1 N<it King Cole, has announced Thursday each getting a bare the tax he paid for 1968. an authority on such. • . • can satisfy as it is. plans to marry the ct>·pro-majority of seven on the 13-?1-fOSCONE -Allows ta1:· LIFE WITH A PHYWS is ducer of the television show on man body. If they both payers to deduct 20 percent ' oftentimes difficult but rarely Your question.I and com· which she appeared as manage . to pas s the from their 1970 tax returns, dull, says our Name Game ments are welcomed and moderator. She will marry in le gislatu r e , Reagan based on the taxes they pald man, cryptically .... JOHN will be used wh.eT'ever pos· !he faJI Gary Devore, who presumably would veto the in 1969 for the 1968 calendar SCARNE contends there's no •ible in "Checkin g Up." wrote and helped produce the Democratic biU anc:i sign his year. Jaw in the se United St.ates that Address ma i I to L. A! program. ''Tempo.'' Mrs. Cole own. Moscone, however. limits his prohibits the mark.i.ng of a Boya, in care of tlte VAILY married the singe r in 1948 and "This may be lhe only real tax cut. Single people would deck of cards. PILOT, Box 1875. Newport they had five children. Cole tax reform we have this get no more than $75 credit Beach. Calif., 92663. died of cancer in I~. year," said Sen. George and couples $150. WORDS -\\'ho was the 1------''-'-----------------_:__:._ ___ :._.:...cc..:...-"...:_..::::._='.::.::..::.::::: ____ ·ll first man to use the word assassination? Mr. William Shakespeare was the fellow . Jn all their lengthy studies. the scholars have not been able to tum up assas.sinatloo in any English writings before it ap- , peared in Mr. Shakespeare's work. That's not all . Mr. Shakespeare is also crediled with the creation o f : barefaced, baseless, bumps, countless. courtship, critic, denote, di sg raceful , Birchers Take Yorty Win Credit BELMONT. Mass. (AP) - The John Birch Society says it played a decisive role in Los .Angeles f\1ayor Samuel \V . \'orty's re-election, which it calls the Communists' most Important defe8$. •sip.~ .lhey smeared the Hardlh,ij -ad· , minislratln into "ignominious oblivion.'' The article appeared in the society's July bullelln and was written by Robert Welch. founder or the society which has its headquarters here. A spokesman for Yorty said: ''The mayor is not going to get involved in Vt·hat the John Birch Society says. It doesn't matter to him." The article said it was "the slowly growing understanding o'. the Communist conspiracy . of how the Communists work, of,the nature of their pro- paganda , and or their real purposes. which made possible the defeat of Thomas Bradley." TV Station Cl1allenged LOS ANGELES (UPI I - Tbe Los Angeles television station owned and operated by NBC-TV will have to defend Its right to kttp its broadcast license agairu1t the challenge of a new company . ~your • DODGE $50,000,000* CLEIRlllCE SILE ... Areyou a Charger? • Prices are al11hed on every 1969 Dodge Car and Truck. Trades ate up ..• tarms are yours to make. Even danionstrators and executive models are on tho block. So get your share of the savings. today ... while they l11t. •A"'"'"""' ...... ..._ottlll o...,.c-.,..iTrwMMWlfl~ erMlftf tN,..,-tetMfw ... ~LA~ 11 .. lotl•l •ffic•. nte National Broadcasting Co. and Voice of Los Angeles, Inc. will present their cases at a special competitive hearin1 befure the Federal Com· municaUons Commission. l•-----------------------------------------The FCC has accused the station, KNBC-TV, Channel 4, ol mia~adlng the public on two television quiz shows, •·Hollywood Squares" and ''PDQ" on which celebrltlea were fed questiOM, a n d sometimes the answers, prior to lhe tap ing or the shows. HARBOR DODGE 2111 HARBOR llVD. COSTA MW-5'0-IUI BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 BµCH IL_!D; (Hwr_._39) HUNTINGTON BEACH -147-9631 I ' DAILY 'llOT 7 TRADE UP TO COLOR TV SA.LE! $ TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE up to • for ·your old TV Choose from the;e 4 popular Furniture Styles Tht COl'fl"llCUS Z4Sl2 Clinic Mediterr1ne1n 11yltd lull b11e t omp1ct console wilh c1s1en in genuine. 01tk 01k veneer1 (Z45l20E), or In 1enuine Pean V9nttl'1 IZ4Sl21'), both with • the look of fint diMr.uit11. C1bln.t fe1turH lhrtt --~...:I-~ wi1h bt11u pt1ted . door puU1. ,· lllumln1ttd VHF 1!'1d UHf cfi1nn1! numbtn. 4A I0°S&f l•1utiful 1tvl•d Mocl•r11 1wiv•I bit• eo11tol• i11 tr•l11•d W1l11ul color 011 1•l•ct h1Nlwoocl 1•Udt •114 v•n••rt. C1bin•I "Swiv•I•" for mo1t eo11v•11l.11t viowlnt · 111910, S"'1rtly tfylod •~orh•119· in9 top. Adv•1"•d Z•11ii+i Super Golcl Vitlo• Guerd Tu11i119 Sy1t1111. 2300 Harbor Blvd. <flliStige ... ,,. GA so.s• Con1empor1ry styltd COl'li.oit in 1tnu1ne oil finiWd W1h1ut veneers ind 11ilect h11dwood solids, u.dusi~ of dec.onlo.,. ~rl1y. 9'' Oit1I ind s·• 1: J~ Twin.Cone Spe1~t111. • NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR REMOTE, CONTROL Tht JENTHAM Z4S12W 8e1utilul Conttmponry ~tyled compacl console in 1r1lnfll W1lnut color On tel&et h1tdwood tollds ind \·tneers. Super Video R1n9e Tunlna SY1tVl'I, VH F i nd UHf l llumin~t•d D!J l1. TV & APPLIANCE CENTER HARBOR SHOl'l'ING CINTEl l'lr. 540-7131 Casta Mesa 1 t i 1- I , ' . . !J· OA!l.Y PILOT 1rlday, Jvty 11, 1969 Fair. 'Fun Fiesta' Open.ing County w ·Give -Xor-0-'the Word'_____,...;, .j I Ft11Ull!Ue11 rangln,c l'tOm Friday a 1 p1e c I a I i 1 e d ti1exk:an dancers and top eque!lrlan shoW is scheduled n4me e n t e r 1 a 1 n e r s . lo !or the youngsters. The Daisy equestrian and cowboy shows Clipper Pony Show will start will highlight Orange County at 10 a.m~and wUI conUnue By JA.CK BROBACK growing concern ot. county Falr1and ExposlUon's "li'iesta Wllll 4 p.m. in the Arena. °' .. Daltr ''-11'" residents over '1 no I a e,' • of"Fun" starting 'IUesday, The Junior Llvestock Aue-$ANTA ANA -Although nuisance and hazards" ol The 1969 edJtion o( the lion slated for Friday al· they have been given the ln· · Orange-COUnly "'Fafr -O~ns ternoon, will leature 4-H and formatiOQ ·~tnfonnally" In the alrcrall ov:erf1Jgbts Witti a fUll slate of aC'tiv1ties Future Farmer animals. past,. Lhe Marin& Corps has re-partlculilrly jets. -slarling Tuesday and running Market hogs and lambs go quested that it be notified He sahf he hoped that "ad· throush Sunday~ July 20 at the on sale in the Auction rung at "formally" of all pending vance I n f o r m a t I o n aod fiirgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, l p.m. and market beef bid· development lying beneath awarene.ss of the Mar~ CoSla Mesa. ding will start at 6:30 p.m. fllgtit patterns of El Toro and Corps' •area of lnflueoce' Activities at the fair include One of thP. highlights of the the Santa Ana Marine Corpa may l[t\lent future prob-' Ch h Air Faelllrn, Jems." scores of booths, displays and six-day fair starts Friday M t "' caij'liva1 ridea, with major evening with the international urc ll.S The request was granted Three ot tfle tour flight cor- entertairunent shows every R 0 d e 0 Association Cham-unanimously Wednesday by rldors are used primarily by d hi 'R d the Orange County Planning helicopters with one of the ay. pions ·p Rodeo. en er Commission. three co~g the Air ,)'Miss Orarige County Fair" FiVe N>ffoMnances of bron-• . Col R. D L · b F w· · h Mt! Squ will •-1 th . r~ . . 1rrr erg, ae ty wit e are l1': se ecttd on e opening co busting, balldogging and representin* lhe M 11 r In e Fleld ln Fountain VaUey. daY of the fair from 19 Orange catUe ioping are ~uled TO Caesur' Corps, specifically requested "For the most part,'' Col. County girls. Friday through Sunday at the information on potential con-Limberg said, "the helicopter Preliminary judging will fairground Arena. strucUon under four air cor-flights are over land already star't at 2:30 p.m. and the The IRA competition will ANAHEIM -The purchase ridors, three from the Air developed. finals will be held at 8 p.m. in.-feature top cowboys from oC Melodyland ~ill remove an Facility and one from El Toro. He said the corps• prinelp.aJ the Amphitheater. throughout North America assessed value of $386,140 The colonel wants in-concern was the corridor ex- A Junior Horse Show featur-baUli.ng for top pri~ money. from the Orange Counly tax formation on ;r:ooe changes and tending southeast from El Ing lop young equestrians will Performances will be held at 7 planned cons.tructlon, "in the Toro to Dana Point. "This HARE RAISERS -Scott Howell and Kathy Ray of lluntlngton Beach's Tri-City Challengers 4-H Club \viii display their CaJifornia buck rabbits in the F "d s 1 d d rolls, but the Christian Center be held starting Tuesday and p.m. on r1 ay, a ur ay an interest of healthy community path js our principal in- running through Thursday. ~Sundar; with matinees at 2 Church which is purehaslhg relations and thorough-plan-strument landing approach . to The competition will be held p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. the property will havc·to pay a ning by both your (planning) the staUon for jet aircraft," he Wins High Post Irvine resident Louis F. Jobst Jr., director of marine development for the City and Port of ·Long Beach,' has been elected president of the American • Society for Oceanography. J o b .s t, 39, ol 17902 Hopkins St., is a member of the Ma- rine Technology Society nn.d the National Ass~ ciation of Science Writ· ers. from g a.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 to The fairgrounds open at I tax bill of about $35,000 this department and the corps." noled. 11 p.m. onJJ:ie thr.ee days. _ .e-'!l· ~~a thr_o~h _'friday .year.-----· Co!_._ ~~rg ,!ldmitted the_l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Oiii;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;~~'"'i~~~"i __ juniJ>rJiY~$loc~Jlil'ikio~ ol.the Pr_f!l e Count F~ _ A!a1w';!~~:;a~ j :1iz e~if,t~ ~~~d=~.12 noon Saturday and County Assessor Andrew J. Where ·1s JET -NO-ISE-.,._ More_ Water Storage Sought for County Jamohree will be held at 4 Hinshaw said Thursday that in Beacl1 Trustee p.m. in the Amphitheater. It order for the property to be ~l~n;n:i::,~ a senior citizen Board Cuts exempt from properly taxes Quits Parks ZOOMIEST _ZOOM_ ZOOM this year under church ex-Scnior cilizcns ran obtain Dr. Ralph Bauer, newest half-price tickets for the Jam-2 SeSSl.OllS emption provisions, it would .trustee of. Huntington Beach 7 00 A M 7:05 A M 710 A M borcc through senior citizen have to be in the church's Union High School District, : • • • • • : • • clubs and by writing the name at a much earlier date. has asked the City Council to H•M AS LOUD SANTA ANA -Or- ange County's waler nttds will more than double by the year 2000 and plans are under way to build additional storage facilities to provide ·for th.e U:lirs!Y JJlilliQM. in the next 30 years. -An enlargement of Santiago Reservoir (Irvine Lake) and the building of a ne.w storage facility in Round Canyon on the Irvine· Ranch · are seen <is possible solution to the prob- lem. C9nsultlng engineer J. R. Lester Boy 1 e made these observations Wednesday al the hrst meeting of the .iewly formed Orange County Waler Agencies Committee. made up of city and \\'aler district of- ficials. Boy1e said engineers :ire seeking to determine if the hcighth ol the dam at Santiago Reservoir shwld be raised lo increase the current capacity of 37 ,500 acre feet lo 62,500 acre feet. He estimated the cost or the projecl at about $S million. The proposed 25,000-acrc· foot l\.ound Canyon Reservoir \\'OUld cost about $10 million, Boyle said. DEATU NOTICES FENEBOCK 5~,..,, l!mlliroe Ferwl>oe-. ..,.,. t1, of 1'1 l•l(loll,. 1Cu19 Cirv. c..mor"i•. G•••H'4• wnricH. su11ra1v, !O AM. i-11t0Dr Rll'll Mrmor!ll P1rl<. Olrectrd by llell 8ro.dw1v Mott111•Y, 110 8ra1!tw1v. Cosl1 Mew. APPL~ CMrln A,pJile. 1•7 Poidoeniw. Ca,t1 M•w. ~lte• 11tt>do11~ •' llell ll ro.oO. w11 , .. ,.,rll1•rv. Cost1 Mew. r.tlLLER Mod11m Mllll!r. A9" II. al :IOI Ge· nf've, H~Ml11910n 8f.Cll. ~••«n H..,,. In~ 11 Smffhl Morluuy, ARBUCKLE & WELSll Westcllff Mortuary f%7 E. 17th St.. Costa J\fesa 646-4888 • BALTZ ftfORTUARIES Corona del r.tar OR 3-9'400 Costa l'llesa J\U 6-t42f • BELL BllOADWAY J\IORTUARV 110 Broadway, Cosla !\le~a LI B-3433 • DILDAY HROTHERS lhmllngto11 VaUey J\tortuary litll Beach Bh·d. llunUngton Beacb 1.u-rn1 • J\lcCORJ\llCK LAGUNA. BEA.CH MORTUARY J ;95 Lapna Canyon Road Lagvna Beacb 49f-.Hl5 • PACIFIC VIEW ftlEJ\tORJA.L PARK Cemelery e J\fortuary Chapel 350t Pacific View Ori\·e Newport Beacb, Calllornia Mf..!7ot • PEEK t'AMILV COLONIAL FUNERAL HO~lE 18'1 Boin Alie. Watmt--m.mi • SHEFFER MORTUARY Both may be needed if suf· Orange County Fairgrounds. SANTA ~ANA -Regular C t h. esignation from I HAD NOT REMEMIERED T e; • fieient water JS. lo be provided hurch officials said Thurs· accep is r llRDS OF FEATHER DOVES AND 9UAIL HAVE meetings of the Orange Coun-d th .11 1 the city Personnel Board and for county residences and in-ty Board of Supervisors on ay cy wi c ose escrow on the Recreation and Parks IEEN THE MORNING SOUNDS. dustries in the nut 30 years, Coast Resi(Jenls Tuesday and Wednesday, July the $1 ,125,000 purchase August Commission effective Aug. t. WOW-ILAST-OVER THE ISLAND I LARGE' the engtneer warned. 29 and 30, ha\le been canceled 9, well into the current fiscal Dr. Bauer, a chemist, was POPULATIONt IARELY OUT TO SEA-A TURN At the present time, tl'le SI because four board members year. elected to a seat on the high AND TAIL ILAST-QUOTE: "OH YES THAT IS county uses about 400,000 acre lOW Art Work will be in Portland, Ore., al· Hinshaw said the market school governing board in ·OUR 7:00 O'CLOCK JET," feet_per_~ump '--'--'ltel]dl!!& _sessions of th,!! Jia-ll&lue of-the-theater for--l969-?0 · April.' He has served on lhel ~ HA 'lLYO_u...AL_LG.R.Qw__lf _ACt;:.YlTOMED TO to more than 800,000 acre feet ORANGE -Th~ ~Orange· lion.al Association of County PetSDnnef~ard-Uiree y~ars YOUR FAn? llG BROTHER FAA OR CAii by the year 2.000, according to Coast residents are amoog 32 Officials.-(NACO). is lis~ecl at $l ,~4.56o and The 8!l.d .on the Recreation ~-, WHAT CAN I DO? IT'S TOO LATE! IT DOES John Toups. co n s u 1-t i n g students with exhibits in the The NACO annual con· aSsessed value, $386,140. m1ss1on one year. NOT 'BOTHER ME. ·DOES IT? engineer for the Orange Coun-Stutlenl Art Show at Chapman vention ~ill be held from JulyJ;;;•-----.---------;;;--;;;;;;;;;o; ty Y{ater-District. College in Orange. They are; 27 through 30 in the PacWc TRJ\NSPAC DIGllLl~DTS · LET'S. SEND $1.0d TO: About half of lhe present Mrs. Linnae Breckenridge. Northwest city. A" rt N • Ab t t supply, 200,000 acre feet, is 17342 Canna Circle, Huntington Planning to attend are Direct Radio ·Reports from the Fleet trpo Oise a em en ih~v;~~ ~1 ~~ ~a~~h~~ ~~:~~~e~h~s!i~rf~~~h'.~~~ ~~~incha!r:;n ~~~~~so~~ 3 and 7 p.m. DailY 488 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA as replenishment water piped BonnieMorgan,501Carnation, D"id L. Baker. Roberl W. KOCM Radio 103.1 FM AND GET A REPORT. into the county's underground _:Cos:::::"'...M~es;a~·======~B~a~ll~in~a~nd~A~l~to~n~E~.:,,A~l~le~n~.=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ basin. , -•·u we're to mainWn this 56-50 ration we are going to have to develop other water . SOUrcei," Toups said. He listed among "other sources" imported water from northern Calilomia, reclaimeil sea water and reclaimed waste water. Toups strongly recommended that plans he made to store up to one million acre feet or water by the year 2000. Dana Point Harbor Zone ChangeOK'd DANA POINT -A rezone of rounty--0wned property a l Dana Point Harbor to a plan· ned community .zone permit- ting 22 uses of leased property in the area has been approved by the county Board of Supervisors. lncluded are more than 500 acres encompassing water areas inside and outside of the breakwaters. The property, whiC'h in- cludes the bluff area, cliff face and harbor was zoned in 1900 for singl e-family homes, apartments and commercial uses. The new plan, as approved, relieves the county Planning Commission of ha\'ing to review a I I developments within the marina prior to construction. They will now· be subject to approval by Ken· neth Sampson, director of harbors. beaches and parks. !he Harbor Review Bo&rd and the county HarOOr Com- mission. Construction is expected to begin on leased areas of the harbor early next year and the project will be opened to boating use in the summer of 1971, Sampson said . COMING ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 8.EXPO&rnoN The belted GTW la a taf•tJ belt on whMIL A fiber· gl•n twin-bell under the tough, Dutagen• rubbtr tr••d shielda against punctures and blowouts. Full Nygen• cord pll•• -Gener•l's p•tentld proceas nylon cord -add to powerful performance. Famous. deep, dUlil tread design glvea sure stop-end-go traction. Disllncltve1 thl'ff white ring sldew•ll Ml• II 1pert. -tt.11 f'W. Ea. Tia, Slit f'71•U, 11711141 twbtr.11 '*'lll•••tl. °"""' •I•• c1mptr1•l'I' ,.k .... LONG, LONG MILEAGE FULL PLIES OF NYGEN" CQRDt JATO sun•. 100 GOLi IALLS 3 for $1.33 BEACH TUBES for Summer Fun! 1 do1. f•• $5.25 111"'11 • I •1.I Don Swedlund * ProYides uftty at hlllr speeds. • • · * Gives •-twice the mlluce ••• * Soves ps, tool FRONT END ALIGNMENT 011r t,.ciollll'I correct cost•'• c•111ber, t•1°l11, t111• .. t. lnipect e11d •cfjvst 1tttti119, $85~>1 U.S. '"~ BRAKE ADJUSTMENT 011r 1peciali1h ocfj111t lttakn. IMf'Kt ltrtika lh1h19, cfr111M a11d 1ylh1ct.B. A4' kycfr•1lk ft11ld If HICW • U.S. t.ir1 COMPlflf CAR WE Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 Deily Lqu• Be.ell ..... m I V A . I S• ci.m .. t. 41UllO &lllOhD! lnl(D! PHONE 646·5033 • SMJ~·~~R:ARY Jul~ 15•20 flvnUngtoa Bed I '----------'' Fa1reround1-Cost• Me,. I..:--~===:::::;:__ ____ ..::.. __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~ • - ------·=======~-~==-----------------~-~-~~--~---~---~--- .. . R~ports Honor Roll Te l\''I D kh li!lormedlat. • 278 at "Estancia· I - Stbool bu nained Ill students jo-iill'lloopr,.roll IGO'llw- quarter. 1beX half to have a 'B ~"'l'li• "I~ th•-lill· ' 'S~recO(villlallA's~. f]lldO; Eiibth.c;rade-J~ ~~ .Suiiaone BrJdley, tom B.~il>~-.refrries, 15enise ·~ :::,.:o1·, 1, , ... caroly,11 Teraoka,. sh a u-n •-ikf:;.~~1i:~::i~.::i;:;1.'1·, •. ,\lM Lauritzen and Jeff W\ngert. t::ll''""-.nlwi ""·"=• SeVenlh graders with all A's Ire: Kimberly Blank, Naooy DeP~l@e.. Elaine Grogim, Cynthia Holm, Alwyn L'Hoir; Mark Law, Melodee Morgq.n, Ellyi ~tr, Pamela Shively, and Laura Sm.Ith, El!Jhth trlO! llolw ~11.Jden.h •l"I!· k111'11Yr1 AMI , SM!1 Atir111anu.tn: Ronald "'ulllr1, Ch«v, "nttl, Gret AUllUJltlltl, l"tm•ll 8Kli$tl'Oltl, SM(lev kB&llw, P.ula B•lortn. v,1er11 B111b. 11hrvn ION), Otbb11 Brauww t.nc1 GiM Bwtoft. M1r't' ·c•IW!Mr, 81rbllr1 C~rln1 Suwn Codlr1n, TMd ColnP11, S.llY D1i., Jlllfllh 01..,b, Jftftr't' Divis. Suitt Dl(ltel, •Ttrl D~ $ 11 f I t t n ~l:iol .. , k~rtn EMl;".1 Lori Fttltrll1>9, J 111lct Fu llff, 0,.11.., f<ilnou,,... M•te Ginter, Pl rkll Gibbs, AUIDll Gleckler •nd Sari Gr1nzell•. l . Defll'• H"™'", llll"I Mff'fll'tfll\I""· -:-EUr@lh-Hllrrboll....,.F•Jfh tftitr 111orld ~Qlr, Cillo• Howl, Wl!llM'! Hubntt 1dl;1)lla . lnflnii", J"1'Y 'J1eoi.on: '" J~, "'"'"'j' 'J..,flOn, Kann ~11:ohnMG, i.1111r11 Qh"""'• · Mt r k .,....,h ll•na'J' k11r11 .. Vl11Cen1 Kieft lltabll kodl, 511«1 L•lor. Gt.., 1mb, C1ndY L1rntd, Loli Lff1M'11 .,,:r~.~'u·~~ur Liddle, J-Ll11C01r. M~ ' Ginger M•rn. ~'"" M.r Mi, Kelty McCr1nn. Id McOvfflt. Rabin McGt!le, EOd~ L1r1n, Dlvld Miiier,. M1rk Mitter, Miiner, Robtrt Mlldltll, Mlrk '~!!'" John Ntl1el, Jin Ogdtnl tudy ..,,,..f!I. Andrei OIMrt, Mlch1t l r)O(I,, Tony PttllQrlno, s..i111 PT/kin, Ydf\! Robt-rt.on, ll:oblti Rove, C••lt oullh •nd Nll)C'f RY1n. ,,. Lindi khr...c!et'. 1,,,_ S~ewn, L.urle :;wen, su .. n Swiss, Jftl••r, T1ylor ,, .... , Tham11, Brtnd• Tll ey, Pani 't11rl11, 8r1nd1 TUll'YL Cl1ir1 Vin ti"°"'"' Su~le V~n.. llKl<Y W1lll"' li:obtrl Wellst1r. John ' wnterdenl, ~,..., White. G1rv Wr1tlll, Hiner Yorlt •nd K•lllY Zook. > ~ Stlltnlt! Grtde h-r 'studtnl1 ln-c lYcle: LY..,. .t.dafl'IS. Slt¥tn Adll!'ll, Jlt! MHI. Mlrt. Alhler, K 1 m -'utUtllM, Mldlat:.u,. 81!11\1 .l.!!1. i:=ir'Bi~~tl!'Jrv/-~1'!at-:-'r.tt~;.;f LC-°""· Ml.., LYnii'Broktr Ind Dtbr1 urchatl. IL1ur1 Cid"""", CYn11'111r,1rw,•1t1.-n arstensf!I, """""' C1 111, Dtrv1t1 l""lp, R""as Dedlert[ '""" O.l1w• lch1ril Ensley, Alfdll! !e F1brt, ~ 1rlhl'(!• J1n1'' Futlmoto, Jll'll Gl!r; :1ftr 1'.:J'It.,,'~~ss~1rr9lt, 'Kln!n ~ •• s_t~v1n H!lr)tO, A""' H!i>Pr'1, K1t f!I ~min, Mlkt Hodwft, CWOI Horne, lobln HUl(/M, Lori H1111tf, Kerry Ym1n, Jim 1..-a, CO=J1m1_,, rlc Joh11S11nk Fr,,. s. K1rtn 11n, Htrti lndtl, I( Keehn, erb Kanclel, ROM 1(11m, •nd Trude I ,,_..,, ,'l M1rt1 L11kv, Lquls L111rlhtn, Larry lncotn, 8rl.n UndleY, Allin Lllllt, 01Phne Lovelette, Jtnfllter Lowrv, St""11n1t M.Mcl~ -.JIHVllllll'. }Mnnl~, Annt MeCJIO'IOll TOl!'I MCCormltk. D1nl1I Mc;Gmrt, G•ll MJl'-f, Ch'bblt Mfl'", Ellte"--Malrln. Str.-e -rttn5en, Stt~ Morion, Hiney Htl'lrlnbe111, ~~~ ~..:iwrimP3~~ O'Ne1~ ste¥en J'rllnCI Peulson, E11Jlbe11'1 P1't'llr, lftlftfl Plnsllr , JUUi RIDe, 5.tbrlM ~mvssen, Ktll! ll:~an,_ Curll1 A!c.Jr.ey, U,t,111 Alddell, Mike oclltY' Rtblc~e qpeffl«I, wnt11m kott, Mi~e St.>lor, 1r Sllelldllrd, John S.l11lerm, K1lllY !.';,.!'n SortnSlf!, Patt.. Sf1Jart, J011~ ;li1111g1W1, SlndY Trlll'N$Oll. (:1111 lol$0n, Ellen Vin Horn. llnd1 Ve,.. P9br• Wilker, Bonni• Whiddon, r::-c:~. rT ests Set • Kln July-19 ~ ' Orange Coast residents ln-- 1(ertsted in putftng their skills 19 use in developing nations ,around the world are invited to take the Peace Corps J>iacement Test at I : 30 p.m. '&a-Saturday, July 19 at Room '~Post Office, Santa Ana . . ·rne Peace Corps uses the f>tacement Test to determine hDW an applicant can best be \ltiliZed overseas. The test bleasures ~eneral aptitude *ftd the ability to learn a Ian· iuage, not education or fcblevemenl The test re- CjUires no preparation and is iaon-<:ompetitlve; an applicant Can neither pass nor fail. ~ Persons interested in setv· ipg with 'the Peace Corps miist fill out an application, lf they have not already done ~. and present it to the tester l:lefore the test. Application ~nns are available from post ~~~s or from lhe Peace ~~ in Washington, D.C. 2052$. ~-Fifteen thousand volunteers $re currently serving in Asia, Africa, La.tin America and the Pacific Islands, working with £be people of those nations in lelf-help projects ranging ~ f o o d produ~tion to ~Ith to education. More yol~nteers are needed for prt>- 1rams which will begin train- ~ soon . . , iMake a Sharp De al; Use Dime-A-Lines ·• UN I TE D 'STATES . . NATI O NAL 1-B ANK spuTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPEN ' SATURDAYS tt91P.M. MQf(l~THUlS 11·1 P.M. flliAYS 104 P.M. ' 1714),$40.1111. "'....,hi: s.. CM&t ..... '"ti.N 1 --.... !""' "'''· vk• ,~...,. JAMES W• .VERRALL ,.... . . -. . 'y~~jf!~~! ~·, ',,-:~· -·' ' . lUlliPD ·Tllt.JTIUAK CYPRES~\ GOLDEl-DBOBUTIE •. CROSiED ROCK 80LB • BAG SporrdIAg white cruaWroc:k •hln•• Uft 11.df. Sprinkl• a littl• II-. oil • lltlte a... cmd lheaeomHth9.u9toak. .. Wboma4-nda•-r LIQUiD BEAUrf ANTIQUJllG or GBAQllllG llt 11 ... 4.99 llOW I'' Fcrntatllc ~on grMl do-U'fwnieU. Jilt. lt'1ea1y,lt'1flm. aadlt'll talr• yourmbld off high , ;• 30 W. WATER BEATER REDWOOD 8' 99c SPJ.IT RAILS REDWOOD DOOBLE24 ' ,MORTISED POSTS t - 6 FOOT .Ct;D'AR '.CRAPE- '" ST AKES ·19 ~ ---------- • High Fri_~ Ju~! 11, 1969 D~~ PILOT .f Honor Rolls on • REG. 4.95 KIDlllE moon fiBLE AllD BENCH SET Fun fen ll•• ~box ••I. J:IOW lbq CflD. haft lfgh&i ot d.Jaatrtbu Ju•t llfflh• vrowaupa. Szi:iooth. J77 luaMr. b.achff crttai;:J:ittd tor llCflltr~ BABY MOORS .. 333 l\JT OPFOUa 11--....,, ..... ICCDlle wttb th•"' 1 .... ,.,. cold.. tl:iul"" ·-J:llOOll, ha& cop1 will pt.clM. 2x4 NEYAMIR PAlfEJ.S F 2~496 1c SILE ORTBO UWIFOOD with iasecQcii1 ~wilh U..lwoffta. ' ScamefiD• fstllC..cnU!m hut coat .. lwo ,........,.._ ....... S...a and Chlotod.CIU fot, eoiitrol of lawa cmd ..Uluo<lL REG. 8.95 2 ~ .,. DUBO-BUIT PBEYEITllTl'fE ... Sl»RAY PAIRT 129 CAM Good loroll ..W..ba•kMorout.c:J:ioie. of qlort:. v .. oa Mcri:Ms. wcrgooa. bin.. th 1hdftb~1nn.rre1MmMrto pat awq. Wiii po:ffotilHU tU Urat tim9 you UM IL WINDOW ~ LATCHES 2FOR ,,. -----------~- . •• ' ' I • I l I ' 1 - , I -• • DAILY PILOT rnd11, Ju~ 11; 1969'. IT'S OUR. BIG , ---... • .._,... -r---r ~' • -- -- • .J , . . · .. FRIDAY& 9 'AM-9 .eM -.· . , HAUOll SI I OPP ING ClNllR ' 2300 HAAIOll IOULIYAAD ~s~~ lllSA ~ . ' •• : ~----· ....... ·--·---.----~------. WESTINGHOUSE DISHWASHER SPECIALLY PRICED! . . :.HERE A~E -BIG ·SAVINGS : ~=·-~ : FROM TH~~ HARBOR AREA'S: . BUYTHISNOW PAY , LATER Westinghouse GRn~~n~- . ~L~~~~!!~~!~!~!~-!~!1:E_BJ ON T·HE ' PURCHASE OF THIS DRYER ' . Excho"90 ln1l1lletlon $25._00 Built-In Dishwasher -SUl2D • Single dial timer control • -~tf-ct~aning tilt~~ •~ Plu~ _ porcelaln-on-steef .tub, not '):llastic • MlJ lti·level w1Shln& action • Dual deter.gent dis. pensers • Plate-warmer .:et. ting• t..rge1ilv1rware buktt • Tel1scopin1 top rack NO DOWN PAYMENT! (Wmf Al"HOVIO calDrTl --GAc$.-SA.VELW-ESTlMGROUSUaundr-0m.at -·AUTOMATIC WASHER. &'_:GAS DRYER -· ··· • ·A • • Electronic asy llfoisture-Sef/Sing''. Dryer ·. " Easy's electronic umoisture-sensing" device accurately senses the pre-selected moisture content 2Jld automatically. shuts the dryer off. This marvel together with six automatic fabric-heat settings pennihtrying cJothes-just the Wly-yqu--want-them- -the EASY way. • \ Gst all these grsat Easy featu~'es ·and ssy Goodbye to ironing:'·. Q Exclusive No-Press Cycle £) Porcelain Ena~J FinM ,.,. I •, J 16 Pound Cap_a.cily D Lighted Cont(o) Panel and Intc;iOr LJ Up-front Lint Filter ~ Foot Pedal Door Opener 6 Safety Start Button. 6 Automttie Audio Tone Signals Shut-OCT NO MONEY DOWN e Witt. A pro1<t d Crtdit -wESTI N GH 0 USE "Frost· Free 25'' Side-by-Side Refrigerator· Freez·er @ BUY NOW PAY LATER! • 25.2 cu. ft.capacity• Huge 322 lb., 9.16 cu . ft. capacity freezer • Completely frost flee operation • Only 353A ln. wide • Decorative panel fronts optional • le' cube server and 2 ejector trays • Automatic ice maker -avail· able as an cptional ecld·on now, or buy it later • New Westinghouse power econo· mizer • Twin juice can dis· pensers • 7 ·day fresh meat keeper • 3·temperature ad· Justable butter conditioner • Westlnghousa sllm-waU de· sign for greater inside storage • New cantilevered adjust· able shelves • Utility storage. compartment • Removable egg container • Twin vege· table cr\spers • Adjustable refriger1tor door shelves •Glide-out 1djUstable·roll1rs • Autorpatlc door closer • 15-99) I-ONLY AT THIS PllCI NORMAL INSTALLATION HO CHAl•I- Modtl RJK44 Westin&house "Frost Free 14" Relrlgenl« • 14 cu. ft. capacity• Com· plete1y frost free operation • Automatic ice maker optional -makesandstoresover700 party.size icitcubes! • 12l·lb. frost tree freezer • Full.width, full-depthshelve.s •Full-width vegetable crisper • Bullt·ln ea stonig:e • Butter server • Magnetic door gaskets • No coils on back. 248 88 l • • Stack In Just 27" of 1loor space • Five drying tempera- ture selections Including Auto Dry/Permanent Press •Auto Ory/Permanent Ptess, Damp Dry and Time Dry Cycles on timer • Reminder signal buzzer • Interior basket light • Easy-to-reach lint collector • Balanced alt flow system ---· Multiple e)(htuSting-right, left or rear • Safety door switch • Porcelain enamel basket. • stack 'In .~ 27" of' floor s~ • Excluslve Hft'eigh-T o-- Save "lll door weighs each wash load, tells how much hot water and detergent will do each load best • Actuall1 saves enough to nth ltftf'Y third I011d frftl • Exclusive tumble-action. multi-speed washing • Five water tema perature selections-3 for Permanent Press • Regular artd_ O_ejjgt~es · • five position water saver • Three rinses-1 spray and 2 deep rinses-• Interior basket ftg~t • Safety d09r switch • Setf<lelnlng porce- lain enimel wash baket • Automatic Int ojeclor. • ONLY 44~ -specially Priced another • I I Gi.bson first! only ' You co one better with • • • • buys Iha nawast most elegant all Frost-Clear Slde·bJ·Slde Refrigerator· Freezer I Custom designe,d to -fitmostkitchens! 011/y 31 Ii" wirk! .t son The most beautifvl of an 1idMy-tide refrig•rator-fret&trl in your choice of A't'OCOdo, 'Coppertone and Whit91 ir FrostoeV<rformsinfreeztr! • • ir Frost can~fomi in 1>fr1eralor! HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER ir 3 full-width refrigerator 5helves! ir Molded egg racl<s ! ir Removabio door racks! ir JuiCe can rack and 2 freezer basl!!s! . . 2300 · HARBOR cosra· MESA . ' . ' ir 3 fulJ.widtll Treeru shelves! ir Fits ioor present refrigerator spice! ir Sflde-oot porcelain enam~ crisper! ir Spatkling trim on both doors I Aoai/ahk with tml4Matic ia-maka-alsmaU additional 00$/, ,, "' "' .,, '"'"' --PHO.NE ~540-713l ~ ~ .................................................................................................. ~.;~.;:·.;~;;~.;;;;...;.~ .. .;..;;;.;;;;.;;. .... .1 ·'" - • ' . . • • • " '' ' l , ' I l t ! . : ' i 'I l • • ' . ' ' JODEAN HASTINGS, 642.4321 ,rlftr,-1v., n. 1H• 1 '"' n • . . -• -Fle vor--A flaat---~---o--·--:::: --- , ' U .niqu~ ·.oi·nner Sp .i-ces Party \Vhether it's p.ineapple and poi from· the · South Pacific, chill,$ .. a~d mariachis from Mexico, or steel drums and .baked bananas from the Cinb- bean, members of the Huntington Harbour Fishing Club \vill ,be DOing'Their Own Thing tomorrow. . The club will sj>onsor its annual floating progressive dinner for mem· hers only. The costumed, Do Your Own Thing party will begin ~ith coc~~ils, hors d'oeuvres and salad at 6 p.m. in the home of Mr. and1 'Mrs. Wiiham Ekberg. . . Froni there members will board boats for a sunset crbise to th·e home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin where they will enjoy the entree, and Earle Colee, club commodore, and Mrs. Colee will conclud,,the festivities with ·dessert in their home. Providing -transportation for the partygoer_!.b.~ill be Martin, J, l:i. - (Mace) Mason and Colee. · ·· " Part arran ements have been com let . y Mrs. John Silver, so-~cir-arl ~chairman, an rs. erg, enter ainmeD cliFman. _ifl. Many ClUb members recently re.turned frb1n Palmilla, Mexico, where th'ey participcited in ·tne cltib's second annual international fishin'g tourna~ n1ent. '· . r • • -~ _·First place ~as captured by Robert Firth Who cciught aiid rele:ased three marlin during the three-day eve'Qt. Other winners included Mason, second; Dr·. Si Morehead , third ; Mrs . C,:rlee, fo-urth, and Mrs. David Dorsey, filth. 0 iACH HIS OWN -Members of Huntington Harbour Fishing flub will Do Their Own Thing during a costumed, floating pro. ressive ~inner party tomorrow. Hosting the first course will be fr. and Mrs. William Ekberg, and displaying the wide assort- ment of costumes which will be selected for the party are (left to right) Mrs. Joseph Martin, Mr . and Mrs. J. L. (Mace) Mason, and Mrs. David Dorsey. " The club currently is planning a week's cruise to San Diego and a one day albacore tournament beginning Saturday, Aug, 2, Trophies in the jun· ior. and senior category· wilf ~ .. prese~ted during the tournament dinner Friday, Aug. 8. I l & < • I I I I • • I • • • ' • Camp Fire Girls ~1• ;II I •' 'Early <allfornia' Theme .for Day Camp Reliving the days of early California are members of the Blae Bird and Camp Fire groups from lluntington Beach and Fountain Valley. Early California is the theme for the 1969 day camps which no'v -.rte in progress in Lake Park. The 200 girls taking part are pursuing dramatics and crafts that are based on the state's history and pioneer days. Singing, hikes, campcraft and nature lore also are stressed during .the day camps. One day .each week the girls cook their own· meals, practicing the skills they have acquired in the Camp Fire program. Highlight of Ute annual summer event is the overnight camp.out which takes placo tonight for Blue Birds and Friday, July 25. for Camp Fire Girls. Working unde~ the leadership of !\1rs. Jean Hoffman. Hunti~g· ton Beach field director for the Orange County Council of Camp Fire Girls, are 35 Camp Fire leaders and mothers who are setving as counselors. Several counselors are accompanied to day camp by younger sons or daughters which comprise a separate group called tho Papoose Unit. Counseling the Papoose Untt are junior high school Camp Fire Girls who have volunteered their time to teach the younger chHdren crafts, dramatics, singing and campctaft. ~ . Epitomizing a Camp Fire Girl's willingness to put service ahead of self is Kathy Carter, one of the four ·counselors for the Papoose Unit. Kathy, at the beginning ,of sumpu;r vacation, fell .eut of a t~ce house at home but in spite of her broken foot, attends the camping program in the ?ark lo ass,isf with the younger child~n. Day camp bega:n the end of June and will contiri.1,1e throu~h Friday, July 18. Older girls are looking forward to a week of cainpi'ng by the ocean at Seal Beach beginning Monday, July 21, and continuing through Friday, July 25. ' i • , • • ' The Ca1'lp Fire Girl program 1s one of the many community1 c.ideavors sponsored by the Community Chest. The area groups art partially supported by the I-funtington Beach Conununity f,hest through its contrib\ltions to the Orange County Council of Camp Fire Girls. ~ Camp Fire membership is open to all area girls ween the ages of 7 and 13 years-old. Plans now are being form~ ed to form the first Horizon Clu b for high school girls ·this fall,/ SERVICE BEFORE SELF -Participating in the day camp pr<>- grarn sponsored for Huntington Beach and Fountain Va11ey Blue Birds and Camp Fire Girls is (right) K~tliy Carter, junior high school Camp Fire member and one of four counselors for the group's Papoose Unit, comprised of leaders' YoUnger children. Learning campcraft and nature lore are (left to right) Becky Free- man, 4; LeAnn McCardless and Frances Schmidt. \ . ~ ,. Young Pianist's Labors Could Be financed by Neig·hbors DEAR ANN : Stop telling parents lhey i;h~d make their kids take music lessons no matter how much they hate to praqtice. My mother made me despise the pi~no because of her nagging. Now l \.\'OUldn't go across the street to hear ANN LANDERS ~ Horowitz. / J'm a !atbei now. with three kids of my They called 1ne the ' ' L i t 11 e own. None or them is musically inclined Leascbreaker." Two sets or ne.iaibors and l don 't push it. trwe want music we n1ovea out of the building on account of tum on the hi-fl. -PEACE 1 me. .One neig~bor told me she ha~ a DEAR PEACE: And who do yoa lhlnt lca~che for SlJ months S)ralgh.t. I said I . play1 the mwic you bur on &he . lai·fi1 was :._sorry but _m~~__.P!ld me lO. Afu1klans wbe prac-ticed, lbtt'il who! rrnli an hour to pra and Tt was my, . ~ • only isvllrce of ineo .. She said, 0 ('11 g[ye-I DEAR ANN LA'Nl)l!lRS: If· t'ad wiWa • you d~tec~ cc~an hour if you don't." special interest your column on suicide: • You said Individuals who have suicidal patterns develop them early in life and if a person HI bent on destroying himseU, he wlU do so and nobody can 'tltop, hll'n. " I wish I could say you are wrong, bul I can 't. I do believe, however, that you could have added something to your answer. Pfeasc teif your ri'adeFs that an alert and perceptive friend , relative or ~actor might be able to help a self· deslruclive 1ndividua1 decide that he liv6. He screams back, «J Jove you! I \VANTS to live. ,need Y.O\I!" until I am quiet. Then he I -speak from experience, as one .. who • holds m! in his ~~ and give.s me the altemptcd suicide tw ice. After the . first re~ssurance I n~. _If ~meooe I lov.c atteplpt, a nurse (who should have been said~ he W8]1ted to · kill himself I, would doing something else for a Jiving) told me take. hJm In '!JY arms.(oh, the miraculous 1 was merely trying. to get attention . This' healing qualities oI a tender touch) and so infuriated me that I was determined to tell him I love and that \ n,eed him. Then kill myself and prove her wrong. J realize I would ~o to the phone and call the best now how sick J was and how twisted was . psychiatrist In town . S TILL my reasonirig. FJGHTING. - No perSon will+lake his life if he feels DEAR S'l,'ILt,: You are bait, wiy he is r:eany needed. Thifrwas my problem llome. You'll make ii. I am ctrtlln. and it STILL is, to a large extent. Please write aglln 1lx months fn>m to· There are times Wbefrtreei hdpcles.sly d1t1" l'd'ltte a progre1S l'f)JOrt. ~-=--- Inadequate and I scream at my husb11nd DEAR ANN LANDERS:. I'm getting that r am a buratn, that l'm not IJt to married soon and my mother and I are ' • having a1fuss over t~e invitations. Mom plans to have engraved on the · bottom, "Please 'o?nit i:ift. We want theit pr:esence,. not your p~esents. '' . r say. It would be io poor taste. No eti+ quette book mentio.,s this. Can you ad· vise ul!i? -WRECKSVILl.E DEAR W{ l •bope yqhr mollltr Wtll tee It your way. No reference: to g\fta shOuld · a_ppear on ·aa invitation. . ,Alcohol is .nO shor\ou't to soctill·iucc~ lf you t.hlnk YOll have to dri~_to be ac. cepted bi 'your· friends, ·get • the facts. Bead 11.Bobze' ahd .You r 'ror.. Teen;igers Only'," by Ann Landers. Serid·~ cenls in Coin and a long, self-addressed, l!tampe:d envelope. with your request. - ' ~··. [ I \ • 1 : I I f • .. .. .. .. .. ..• "'··. • SPACE CENTER! llOUSTOli !APl -Llkt lhoir husbandl. Ille wtm ol Ille Apollo lLastronaula oro all vetl!:rans. · They have waited, watched ~ pra~ while tbeir husbands explored in the vastness of space. All three wives, J a n e t Armstrong, Joan Al~n ~ncl Patricia C.Ollins. have listened to their husbands talk from space. And they've an ·felt the relief of knowing that their husbands are once again safe- ly back on earth. Jan Armstrong, wife of Apollo 11 commander Neil Arrp.strong, Js the only one of the wives to have • suffered through an outer space emergency . Armstrong's Gemini 8 fligbt had to make an emergency re.entry only • • Fridor, Ju11 II, 1969 houri after it began in 1966 whtln lhe lliM!tr went wild. 0 1r the emergency had been somethlnJI they cOOldn't han- dle. then there wouldn't hate been e,nytblng anyqne could have done., including me," she recalls, "I never felt the situa- tion , was so da.ngefous 'that Nell «>'lid not h~le ii." She said she felt "no strong sense ... 'of' 'dangei'," because ''none of us really knew what was happening at the time." Armstrong landed safely in the Pacific, but his wife - 3.000 miles away -couldn't sleep. "I Sat up for an hour and a hall going ov& station by sta· tion the transcripts of the s p a c waft-to-ground com- nwni cations,'' she say&. "I was slill troubled by a sense of not understanding the se- . . . . --"""----· ~ . -. ---~~--------- • . . ~ A-head for Astr.onau.ts' Wives quence of events." gal.her at o~ of lhelr homu PANtc' PREVENTION to lolk about !Ugh! plans. AU three aa:tronaut families The wives !eel that en li'{e __Jn c:ogun_vnltles~ 1Yr.~ awareness Of the dangers their dl the u d husbands face and t b e roun ng -~ +n a n n e Spacecraft C.enter, an area measures that keep them safe aJmost totally ®voted to the ii the best preventron for space program. panic during a spaceflight. Collins and Aldrin live Jn "The more you ~w the--"· tias~u Bax, a imall and less . there Is to fear, says fashlon@ble reilOeiiilil town of Joan Aldrin , wife or-~}>'!illo-tt-----Wlndfug· 9tretti, till trees, lunar module pilot Air Force bicycling kid& and expensive Col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. homea and earl Ai.r Force Lt. ?,ol. M!~ha~I Annstrong Uv~ in El Lago, ~lhns ~~ea .to ~h~re his a similar community just a 10- fhghl w1~ his family, says minute drive away. Pat Colhns. The astronaut brings borne food like what HELP EACH OTHER they 'll eat in space and prac-Most of the other utronauts tices using his camera al also Uve in one .of these • home. · resideDlial areas and most of All three wi~es frequently their neighbors are' in the find themselves on the edge of space program. the flight preparations. The Wives of the astronauts bud· A.Poll o 11 crewmen often dle together whenever a ..... spacdll&ht 11 In -progress. Those whose husbands are DOl flying bring food, run errands _and help take care a!. lbe-... chlldrtit - 1be Apollo 11 wives were accuslomed IO "their husbands doing dengerous work lolll before they joined the space program. Each of the spACemen was a pilot of blgh perfonnance aircraft before· space beckon- ed. Armstr:ong was a test pi!Q\ in the XIS rocket p)flne pro- gram. He aii: times llew the black-winged rocketsblp to the edge of •pat<!. C:Ollins was a test pilot ,before he became a n astronaut and Aldrin led a jet fighter squadron. Ml'5. Armstrouc recalls wat- ching Anm,trong Oy the Xl5. "I nmemh<r climbing on lho root a! OW' home ln•lhe Calllornla mountains With a pair olblooculau !f. watch hla lllllits," she 1ald. • 1 could eee Nell's XIS drop from the mother ship and lhen l'd follow It right Uirough the fllab1. aometfmes even &et.lng It land on Ille dry lake bed." Mn. Armstrong WU a sorority beauty· queen 1t Purdue, where she and her • husband met u atudents. Mn. A1drin met her bys. b&na in New Jersey, whete they both lived, juat before he went to KOrea. "Her mother met me at a party and brought m e around," is the way Aldrln te lls it. They married after he returned from a combat tour in Kore1. Mrs. Collins met Mike in France. She was there as a U. S. government employe and he was stationed there as a flg!lter pilot. They married there a--year hi~ -- Mrs. Aldrin ·has becorne , sometJ\lng o1 a ctlebrity In th• space communlty on her own. She holds a master's degree in dramaUC arts~and bas ap- peared in a number oJ theater &TOUP prmn!alloQ.!, ~ "$he's a very hard·w..orker, very talented and disciplined, .. says another ·a~. "Sh.e is excellent with a good direc- tor." The Armstrongs have two sons: ;Eric, 12; and Mark. 6. There are . three A I d r i n children : Michael, 13, Janice. Who will be 12 in August, Md Andrew, 11. There are three Collins children: Kathleen, 10; Ann, 7, and Michael, 6. i \ ' Prints, Voiles, ·-Dots Sizzle for Summer Fun Cancer: Be -Confident SATURDAY JULY 12 neceuary backing. Career prospects brighten. AQUARitJS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Practical efforts succeed if you perform with zest. Means display enthusiasm. New methods should highlight your special abilities. ••"°"(" ....... ,..I • " ' --~- I . ·' . .. . • . . : . • • • • . • . ' • . •: .• . ' .• . ! • . . . . . . . . . • . • Make Mos Of Sheets Are you making the most of big bath sheet& and bl!lch towelt? 1be newest patterns, which · .oow goli, leMll. boalillf. bowliJIJI. hunllni. llshlng and •· other hobby pattfms can bt . u.ed as a decoraUve pro- ·~ · t.eclkm for summer fumlture, . . u 1-bleclotJ\S or bedspreads, ::·: u ,oottage curtains, or even :-, auto aeat covers. ·: • ~ Ihm lo shape, or ~ .: ~ pin In poalUon. , . . · ; ·. r w 11ist w ate hers . · .. .=i.!:; ~~ ~[; p.m. IJICl@a-vtew Scliool; BUIJliDl!oa JleaCll. l With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, the young fa$ion maker moves into summer. Cole Jr. shapes the happening with unham- pered good looks that allow her to do her own thing. SCORPIO (Ocl 23-Nov. 21): By SYDNEY OMARR Good lunar aspect today coin-- ARIES (March 21-April ti): cides with chance to travel, broaden education. You learn Today you com9lete important _ and you galn. But be on task. Later you can relax at guard against one who would home. Avoid~ argumfint with like to impart faJse in·. one whose pride has been in. formation. .. ,, 1 F. fJ.j ,... ' ; i Super body·shapes, with ooft natural bra and no back to speak of, in sizzling poppies, , classic solids or 100 per~nt i wOOI kriit, set off Joye vibra· ~­ tions. Ribbon, tied at the waist, rings the pastel pleats which c o n tr a s t beautifully with sun-bronzed skin. --Jured:' -P-rovide· face:-savhig SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· ".· i<·i. device. Diplomacy gets you Dec. 21): Money si~ation ""°; ~~ everywhere. · workB Jn your favor. Gain ... ·3'.~'• TAURUS (Apri:l20-May20): cooperation of one cloSe to Be daring. Break f r o m fOU:. Backing you may need is rouUne. A short journey con· forihcomlng. But don't gtve ntcted with recreation ia impreulon or panJc. Be cool! favored. Could be ; rt1rnantic CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. evening because opposite stx 19): Accent on marriage, is attracted. E x u d e con. partnerships and public rela· !idenCe. Make most cf con-tlorui. Key is to enlarge PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) :• Favorable lunar aspect today. coincides with change. roman:. tic interests and creative ef· farts. You can rise above petty details .. Nc.w is time to put across major point, belief .. 1F TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY past efforts come home to roost. Success is Indicated if you took proper p r eparation . You are versatile, but conservative where basic principles are concerned. Carefree tunics, w i t h separate bikini trunks, go transparent in voile plaid or cut.out with peek-a-boo'd bra. Wear a head scarf tied gypsy style wilh hip-slung twcr piecers in hot and cool stripes that go it alone or team with flower power on a multitude of mini~a.·e cotl.ol\5. Minimal bikinis of mad hat- ter dots, stripes: and flowers - er spirited gypsy patterns - buckle, bangle or lie at the Wp for llTOOV)' good looks. A pinafore, tied in sun day's best bow, or a shifty dress . matching the. suit it's c:on· cealing are perfect cover-ups to get you near the water . Cole Jr~ goes to great lengths with·~ Jong frosty-cool cotton hatter dress splashed with giant daisies, or a slinky long .Acrilan tmy T·shifl in fresh·grown colol"S. B a r e shoulder shi!ts havC built-in tacts ho~·-s Narrow vi·ew t·•ay To 11rw:1 oul who'• 1~o:11v 1or YOU '"' • '"""' • vu mollel' 1nd love. order Svd,,.y Om•rt'• GEMINI {May 21.June .20): could create di.ssension .. Put t>oo11i.t, "S.C"'' "''"'' 1or Men •"d C 1 I t Women." Send l>lrO>d•tt 1r.d 'II ce~t• ye e sw ngs o money area. finishing touches on important 10 Otn•rr A•t•olo'I~ secre!•. Th• DAILY -J~· Emphasis on what is possess-project. fi~~ow.,:o.;0.;:,«1N . ..f'rOO~,.cen1r11 s1a. . . ed. what can be acquired. Key -;;ii;;;;ii;;;;;,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,__.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ii'i is to follow through on baslctl hunch. one who aided in past TRA.NSPAC HIGHLIGHTS GYPSY PRINT -Swimsuit in vagabond style is this print model from Cole of California which fea· lures bright gold bangles attached lo a cut.cut mid- riff. There are separate bikini trunks for the multi- colored tunic model. All Su.its may be . found at Buffum's . may make reappeatanee. CANCER (June 21·July 22): Direct Rldio Reports from the Fleet 3 ind 7 p.m. Daily KOCM Radio 103.1 FM Cycle high. What appeared a problem now becomes source of amusement. Realiie you have facts on your side. Act mj!;:===========~ forthright , confident manner. Then you invite success. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): ROfllance, ·intrigue '"featured. Be sure private consultation is really private. Some have big ears today. May be necessary for you to take precautions against gossips. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Announcing the opening of -4f/reJo; HAIR ETC. bras so all th111l's needed are -------------------- little bikini p a n t i e s un· Establish principles. You have more allies than might be im· agined. AcCept social in· vitation. Be with compatible persons. Could be a delightful, romantic evening. form,•rly with Gene Sherove, Beverly Hills derneath. Culottes have a gcr 1tnywhere quality barefooted or with sandals for more "dressed-up" occasions . Paintings On View July .. For Painrtngs brouaht to the public eye dUring.)uly will in· elude still life, seascape and landscape compositions by Mrs. Houston Snidow on display 'in Mesa Verde Library. Oil paintings by Mrs. Roderick Freeman may ,be seen in Mesa Verde Library and scholarship winners of Costa Mesa Art League will dis play their works in the Art League Galleries on Center Street. Gallery hours sre 10 a.m. to J p.m. on Wednesdays and 1 to S p.m. on Sa1urdays ·and Sun· days. The ever popular Mitchell Marionettes are back at Huntington Ce nter this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. July 10·11·12 •••. this time featuring "Showboat" • ••• free to all the children in our air conditioned mall .... show times: Thursday and Friday-11 a.m.·1 p.m.· 3 p.m.·4 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Saturday-!! a.m.· 1 p.m.-2 p.m.-3 p.m.-4 p.m. Huntington Center at the San Diego freeway at Beach and Edinger Huntington Beach. Uncle Len Offers Prizes Let TV WEEK Turn You On Harbor BPW Members Off'.for Monte Corona The N'1qiort Harbor the Mmel. Jack Broback, LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Accent on accomplilhment. One you respect pays mean· lngful compUment. Strive for family harmony. You get B'nai B'rith Business a d-.~'·f~ional district membership W • Cl b · Orange Coast Chapter of omens u be~ .well chairman; Vergil Ciak de D, B'nal B'rlth Women gather the represented at the '"umffitr as.!listanl San 0 r co n i a n first Thursdays at 8 p.m. in conference of the Sari"-Orco chalrrna~; Arnold Naegeli, f\.fercury Savings Bank, Hun· District BPW Clubs Sunda)' put district president, and the tington Beach . July 13. . _Mmes. Robert Chamberlain, -- Twelve members of the ihawn McCarty,. John Palen amt Lawrence Shields. Featuring the fine•! in •lyling with • little help from my frie nd s •JON • PETER e RUDY For Appeintm•l\t Cell 675-6070 326A Morino Ave. Balboe l•lend Ne\vport Harbor group wlll Mrs. Patty B u r b r 1 d g e , travel to Monte Coro na president-elect of the C:Onference Center for the 8 California Federation of BPW a.m. registration. Mrs. Jerry Clubs, wW be the luncheon Childs, district president, will speaker. opei;» the business session at 9 a.m. Heading the ~ewport group will be Mrs. Htltn Cole, club president. Members of lhe ex- ecutive committee attending are the Mmes. Janice Haines, De Muri Tosh, W • A • Rosenfeld and Miss Erma ?-.filler .. Rebekah Lodge Triple Link Club of Mesa Rebekah Lodge has meetings the fourth Mondays at 8 p.m. in various locations. Mrs. Douglas Morgan at MS.1938 may be called for additional information. SEMI· ANNUAL SHOE SALE Others to be present include ' ' MEN'S WOMEN'S UNDALS S'o •LOlllSHllM 19'0 DllllSS SHOii ' ,. ll.95 FLATS 8'0 & 12'0 te 1f.9S ' ' • IYANI 12'0 CASUAL S"OIS ¥ALLff 18'0 ,. 17.00 .. lf.00 ' PLOllllHllM, DI LISO. 15'0 CHILDREN'S JOHANSQN ... 15.00 ITllDI •ltt 900 & 900 Vl1'ALtlY, llJQUI 12'0 ... ts.oo .. 20.00 • nI;UH,QNI: 541·9744 j 1 ·Feb. :c:eed zest. asm. ilig)lt I 20): ;od_ay, man" e er· petty • put f. I U It I r t I ccess rope r are ·ative are """' lot m1rr'• " ... I C'~'' '.'.IAllY 11 St~ ,, • • . .. • " JAMIE MICHELSEN Engagement Revealed Word -Michelsen Troth Fall Rites Planned ' l\1r. and Mrs . Robert A. Armslrong of Emerald-Bay have announced the engage- ment of her daughter, Jamie Patricia f\.1ichcl- sen to O\ven Timothy \Va rd of· Laguna Beach. Miss l\1ichelsen al .So Is the· daughter of Roland Keith Michelsen of San Francisco. J.ler fiance's parents are Mrs. Betty Leabo \Vard of Carmel and 0 w e n \Vard of Chev- iot Hills. The bride-elect was presented to society in 1966 by the National Chari ty League. She is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School flTid attended both Prescott College in Arizona and Saddleback Junior College. Currently she is a student at Western University, San Diego. \.Vard is an alumnus of Laguna Beach High School and San Jose State College where he affiliated with Sigma Chi fraternity. He \Vas a graduate student at Fullerton State College and Chapman College and served in the U.S. Army Reserve Corps. HoneyJµ.loon in Fol lows Form a I Traveling on an extended Europltn honeymoon trip are Mr. and Mrs. Keith Philip McCon11lck, who were mar- ried in Throop M-'t m o r la I Chureh of PasaOeila. The former Margaret Bird Kraust! is lbe daughter of Dr. and M1 s. Ernest H. Krause <lf Newport Beach. He Is the S<ln of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. B. McCormick of Altadena. · The Rev. Roger T. Walke, pastor of the Costa Mesa Universalls t Church, officiated for the double rln& ceremony. Th.e new Mrs. McComUck chose an empire style gown of satin and white silk organz.a ·whiclL swept into a chapel train appllqued with alencon lace. Lace formed a high col- lar and trimmed the bodice and sleeves. A bo rrol"ed Spanish comb caught her veil of organza, and fresh white blos.soms were scattered in her hair. Her bou- quet was of stephanotis, white roses and early summer MRS. GARY WAYNE BRIAN Afternoon wedding Lesley Agrusa Becomes Bride -----~~---~---- Europe Rites fiowus. Katharine Louise Krause was her 11ater'1 maid of hono:r, and sisters Carol Mar· jorle aod Susan Fraser Krause were JOlned as bMdi!Stnaids tJY"• Alison Schoenfeld. K r I s t I n Krause and Lori Utke, cousiM of the bride, ~?ere flower girls wearing !:.ng white dresses embroidered with pirik and yellow flowers. Brldaf . attendants w o r e gow.ns of organza in empire style with long fuJI i.leeves and satin cuffs. The maid of honor chose pink and the brides- maids wore yellow organza. All carried white baskets filled with pastel flowers a114 .wore flower wre11.ths in their hair. The bridegroom's brother, Kennelb Stuart ~fcCormick, stood as best man. Ushers in- cluded Arth!Jr Meisner, Drury Rldge"·aY Sherrod Ill. ~ns. Jeffrej Show and Marine Lt . Patrick Glasgow. For a reception in the Newporter Inn Ba r bar a Shulgold •. Hannah Shearer and Jal Singh assisted. Frederika Teule circu lated the guest book and Lynda Albright w;is stro lling photographer. The bririe, a i?taduate of Newpo rt Harbor lligh School, was editor of the Deily Californian flJf' the Universitv of California. Berkeley "'here she rece ived her politi cnl science degree and was tapped by Mortar Board. She earned an ~fA degree in e du ca t ion from Tufts Unive:-,;ily in Medford, li1ass., and served In VISTA. Tile benedict attended George \\'ashinglon Unirersity In Washington. D.C. ~nd is a gradiJale Of-UCB. lfe sefved· on the reportorial staff of the Christian Science lifonitor in \Yashlngton. D.C. and Bnston .. After their lour of Europe the newlyweds will 1nake their flrsl home In Anchorage where he is serving as an Air Force lieutenant at Elmendorf A\r B;ase. She will teach at the Air Force dependents' school. MRS. GARY WAYNE JOHNSON Honeymoon in Jemaica Church N,uptial Vows Pledged Planning a home In Costa Mesa _!rter a boMymooo trip to Jamaica are Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wiyne Johnson, who v.·ere married in SL Joachim's C'atfiolic Church. for the bridegroon1. Seating sucsts were. two 'brothers o.f the bride, Gerard Oct bier Jr, and Bria n Dethie.t. joined by \Yillia.m._Barr..-John Ramirez and Douglas HUis. The forn1er Su z anne A reception tn Irvine Coast Cheno\1'eth Det'1ier, daughter Country Club foll owed the of lifr and li1rs. Gerard ceremony, -Will} Miss Candice Dclhier Sr. of Costa Mesa, and Connell clrculaUng the guest the son of Mr. and ri1rs. book. Special guesls were a Robert Johnson of ldyllwild group of the bride's relatives exchanged vows and rings from Harrisburg. Pa . Who in- before the Rev. J ose P h eluded Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McEneany,' ch a p I a i n of Lick, Mrs. Harry Hoke and Fairview Slate Hospital , in a Russe' Chenoweth. late morning ceremony. The bride. now servinG as a ~rted Lo.the alt~r on her · TWA airline hostess. was Bethe I 3 21 rather. s. arm, the bride "'ore graduated from Corona del an or1g1nal s~eath gown with Mar High School and attended att~chcd t;a1n of organza. San Diego Stale College where S •I n g S 0 U t Gu1pure ~rimmed the sl~es she was affiliated with Sigma and bodice. and a nbbed Ka a organza satin band accented PP · . A S . the empire waist. An organza Her hu~band 1s a Newport t ess I on headpiece caught her illusion Harbor High School graduate The First Baptist Church of Frank Brian was best man veil and she carried a nosegay who attend~ Orange Coast Costa tifesa. decorated wil h for his brother. Seating guests Members 0 f Huntington of miniature pink roses. white ~olleg~ ~sently serv- candelabra and baskets of "'ere Paul Schlereth and Beach Bethel 321, Jnterna-carnations and sttphanotls. ing _with the ted S~tes "•hite flowers. was the se tting Da\'id Agrusa , the bride 's tional Order of J 0 b · 5 Members of the bridal en-Manne ~orps ~t .Los Alamitos • D!JLV PILQT 13 Clearance Sale Set By League Mslslance L e a 8 u e or Laguna Beach is planning Its own mldliummer liale in all clothing departments or the Thrill Shop, 526. Glennexre Slreet, beginning next Tuei· day. Mrs. Roy Thoroughman, sh<lp chairman, said the 8¥10 will take place to prepare .for the closing of the shop in August (or redecorating and refreshing. Mrs. Thoroughman and Mrs-. Roscoe Long. her c o - chairman. ha ve planned a faceli!ting for the shop which will include a collectors corner girt shop, a boutique for beUet dresses and accessories. a neyr locatlon Jor house1vares and expansion of the shop's new garage extension ·for the sale of furniture and I a r g e r household items. Donations to the league arc tax deductib le, said Mrs. 1·11oroughman. adding, ''wittr - the expansion of <lur" new facilities. we now are eble to ac<:ept those much needed largl'r app l i;inces and furniture for our sbop." The Thrift Shop will reopen (.or business as usual on Sept. I . November Weddi.ng - Plans Told Nem or the eng;ag,ment of lJCI classmates B a r b a r a Frances Terhune and pqugta~ '"'Brian Davldso.n was revealed during a small family dinner p:irty in the West Covina home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin John Terhune, parents of the bride- to-be. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. \\'ilbur F. Davidson of Costa li1esa .. parents or the bcnedict-elcct. lillss Terhu ne earned her · bachelors degree in English and was a Regent's Scholar. lier Piance received a BA degree in economics and will attend Hastings Coll,ge or Law. St. Martha's Eplscoyat Church, West Covina, wit be the setting for the wedding on Nov. 29. A fall weddi ng in Laguna Beach is plan- ned for the couple. He plans to work with juveniles in Riverside County's probation de- partment and she plans to continue her studies in sociology after the \ved ding. for an early afternoon wedding uncle from Westchester. Daughters, participated in the tourage all wore sher-th gown~ Naval Air Station. \\'hich un ited Lesley Lynn li1iss Pamela Mc Fad de n 23rd annual Grand Bet;1cl of _pink crepe with bands of i--------------------- Agrusa and · Gary \Vayne circulated the guest book for a session in L<lng Beach. lace acctnllng the empire B1:ian. 1~·edding reception at the St4ft Approximately 56 girls, Jed styling. They carried white She ls the daughter of the Shirl follo"'ing the ceremony, by Honored Queen Kathy reed baskets filled 1vlth pink , James N. Agrusas or Costa \\•hen approximately Is o f\tose.s. paniclpated in a cboi.r carnations. ' Contest Young Encourages Story-tellers Mesa and he is the son and guests pre s en led con-competition wearing r e d , Mrs. Jay WJlbur was the stepson of f\.1r. and fvlrs. gratulations to the newlyweds. while and blue sailor dresses. bride's matron of honor.: Charles E. Moss, also of Costa Bolh bride and brideg roo1n Installed as 1969-70 Grand Bridesmaids included the Mesa. Th e Rel'. Haro Id are graduates of Costa Mesa Bethel Girl was Shari Brown J\1mes. Raymond Keyes, John \ Anderson officiated for the High School and Orange Coast of Rossmoor, past honored Driscoll and James Keeler double ring ceremony, after College. Following a honey-queen or Be~321. along with Miss Pat Stonerl the bride was esco rted to the moon to San Simeon and the Kathy W , junior past and Miss Lynn Noska. 1vho alt;ar on \he arn1 of her father. Monterey Peninsula. they plan 'lonored queen. ntcrtained the came from Hawaii for th.e l The Huntington Be a c h Public Library again is sponsoring its second annual SUSAN McTIERNAN To Join Brides Holiday Wedding Planned A Dec. 20 wedding In the Church of the Covenant, Costa Mesa is being planned by SuMn McTiernan and Michael Olson. News of the forthcoming event was announced during a family dinner in the Costa _ Mesa home of the bride-to-be's parents, Mr. and Ptfrs. George lifcTJeman. Tht betrothed couple are graduates of Costa Mesa High School and aUended'" Orange Coast College. hflss McTternan attended UCLA and her flaoce aµtnds the University of CaUfomia, Davis u a preveterlnary .ma· jor. He is the ton of Mrs. Vera Ol11<1n of Bothell, Wa sh. and Clay OISOD. Garden Grove. writing contest for all young people from e I em e n t a r y th~ough high school. The ne\v li-1rs. Brian chose a to make their first home in group st a barbe_cue following wedding. · chapel length go"·n of white Santa Ana. the opening session. Wilbur served as best man Entries must be the origjnal work~ of each indivldual. A minimum of 300 words mu st be subm itted prior lo Tuesday, July 15. to the junior library, 525 Main SL; annexes one, Graham St. and Edinger Ave,, or two, 9281 Banning Sl.. or the bookmobile. pcau de soie in shea th style /r==;;~~~~~~~;;;;;:Rm:i;;~;;:~~=:;;;~~;;----1 \\'llh lace overlay. A bow of r"''""'.~'.'119"1),~!, pcau de soie tri mmed with ·" ""' Each contestant may submi t as many entri es as he wishes. Prizes will be awarded on the basis of originality and im- agination. with t h e con- testant's age and grade con- sidered. A party for writers of win- ning stories will take place Thursday, Aug. 14 . and prizes and awards will ~ presented by liirs. Gwendolyn Talbert, children's librarian. seed pearls h~ld her veil of ii· luslon and she carried tWo l dozen white roses surrounded by stephanotis ... nd baby's breath in hC'r bouquet. l Wearing fl oor length gowns in pale pi nk, empire styled "'ilh short sleeves and scooped neck li nes were bridal atJ tcndants. Miss Terry O'Hair j \\·as maid of honor. and bridesmaids included th e1 Misses Carla Christie and Robin Lee Agrusa, sister of the hrldc. I Flo\\·er girl Jeannie Oddo l 1\•ore a while flonr length dress in empire style, with: pink ribbons tying into a big bow al the back. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL OFFER! FRI., SAT. & Sl,IN . ONLY FREE McDonalds Hamburqer & French Fries With Every Car Wash! af the 19th. St., Car Wash •21 W. 19th St ., Costa M11a (across from McDonald's Oriv .. ln) P.S. CAR WASH FREE WITH ANY liAS FILL0 UP ••• AND YOU ~TILL liET THE HAMIURliER . AND FRIES! Mobil Gatollnt -Mo1t Credit C•rds Welcome > SAY l'r WITH OMEGA From left: Flex;ble mesh brocelet wotch ;n 14 korol qold. $350.00 Flo ront;ned 14 korol qold w;fh Romon numerols $370.00 Th;rty d;omond Omego ;n 14 korol qold, $b75.00 SLAVICK'S Jlwelert.Sinoe 1117 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -'"4~·1310 '\'our Cl'll'llt 4'CWlll Wtlt1!"'4! -111..tl"'""'l(•rf. M111..-(111'9•• lot OpMll MH49f, FFJffy Utttll t :JO ,,,... MAD fashions · 6th ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNT PRICES CUT-CUT CUT ALL SALES FINAL! STORE WIDE REDUCTIONS SHORTS s 12 .95 SWIM & TOPS Arne! Jersey SUITS BLOUSES Volue1 S 12 Values /to Sl !i • $2.50 $5.00 $1.00 D R E s s E s DRESSY DRESSES, COCKTAIL DRlSSES, FORMALS, SUITS, JERSEYS AND CREl'K VALUES TO $30.00 .............. .. VALUES TO $40.00 ............... . VALUES TO $50.00 ............... . VALUIS TO $60.00 ..... VALUIS TO $75.00 ............... . lankAme,icard Moster Charge or CHARGE rTI $ 5 $10 $15 $20 $25 SIZIS 'to 16 HUNTINGTON llACH 10055 ADAMS AVI. AT IROOKHURST • • Jj DAILY .PILOT 'Near-riot After ·11opez Loses Fight LOS ANGELES (APl -YOWll Hedgemon Lewis holds an avtnglng vic- tory over Ernie "lndlao Red" Lopez to. day after a war between lbe local welterweights but the winner isn't ready to challenge the world champion, Jose Napoli. Lewis, 144, who was 'Stopped in nine rounds by Lopez, J471h, last July 18, floored hi~ opponent with a left hook and • right to the jaw in the fourth round TbW"Sday night and went on to win a unanimous decision. A crowd of t,686 paid f77 ,670 to see the rtmstch and 1 near riot ensued when the decision was announced. · Lopez fans in the virtually everHtivkled crowd hurled debris and empty whiskey botUes into the ring and both fighters bUrriedly left the scene. Lopez's manager. Howie Stiendler, scrtamed "robbery." Lewis said later in t b e dressing room, "When Lopei beat me, my peopli didn't cry or com plain or throw boll I es at me." _The near capacitY. crowd greeted each fighter ·with trerileridous applausi"'when # they· entered the ring and it was obvious both of them were on edge. The two exchanged punches after the first round ended and referee Dick Young had to separate lbem. Lopez: closed strong, winning the last four rounds on most cards which ob- ,·iously influenced the Lopez partisans. HALO S FACE A'S ,4FTER RAINOUT OAKLAND (AP) -Rain intem1pted the California Angels' latest winning streak al one game Thursday and washeil eut tre finale of the series with the Pilots at Seattle. The game was reset for Sept. 12 as part of a twilight doubleheader. the ArigetS ·open a four-game series he;t tonight against Reggie Jackson_. the major league's leading home run hitter, antt the hard tuWng Oakland athletics. Andy Messersmith, U, who has won his lut three out1ngs and who attended the nearby University of California at Berkeley, will hurl for the Angels against Lew Kra~, %-4. The teams play anothtr single game Saturda)! night and a doubleheader Sun· day. CdM's Hewitt Faces Old Foe ~ Swimfest ' SANTA CLARA (AP) -Two U.S. sWimmers hoping to avenge defeats at the Olympics last year and a whole flock of stars who don't have to avenge inything will be in action here this weekend. The third Sant.a Clara International Invitational Swim f\.1ett plays host to a group of swimrriers that won some 50 medals at the Mexico City Olympics, in- clUding about three dozen of the top rorelgn stars. Included in the field is Corona del Mar's Torll Hewitt, member of the 19611 U.S. Olympic team. Miss Hewitt will go in the 400 individual medley today as a warmup for her 100 BJ'ld 200-meter butterfly duels with old rival Ellie Daniel. Miss Hewitt is the American record holder in the 200. Ninety minutes of Saturday's meet will be televised on Channel 7 al~ p.m. And while such stars as Debbie Meyer and Mark Spitz will gain muc~ of the at- tention al the meet, which runs through Sunday. two Olympic champions and thei r challengers should provide some of the lop competitive matchups of the meet. This afternoon, Mexico's Felipe Munoz, who became a hero in his homeland when he won the ZOO.meter breaststroke at the Olympics, will face Slanford frel!lhman Brian Job. who finiAhed third in that race and has improved rapidly since then. Sat.urdo.y, East Germany 's Rolafld Mat. thes, who won the 100· aDd JOO.meter backstroke races in t.1exlco, w 111 be challenge<: ln the longer race by Mitch Ivey of lhe Santa Clara Swim Club. Ivey led the 200 for halttht race at the Olympics, before Ma\thel rallied in the homestretch lo win. Ivey went to two meets in West Germany this spring, hop- ing for a re~atch, but the East German was not allowed in the country. Ivey is confident he can defeat Mat- the&, but he may have to set a world record to do it . Mallhes holds the world record in both the 100 and :00. Mis.& Meyer, the Sullivan Award winner who took three gold medals in Mexico, has been swimming well lately and is lavoreJ in the 1,500 meters fr~yle and the fOO.meter tndivldull medley . Spits ii entered in the 100-meter bUL· lerOy and tht 100-and 200-meter freetlyles. . . OtMr top U.S. stars in the meet are Jan Henne, gold medal winner at Mexico lh the lei freestyle: Kaye Hall, who won the JOt)ometer backstroke; S h a r o n Wichm1n, who took the •meter -and Miii Danl<l, who won two medall ln bullerfly compet!Uon. Alio, Mike Burton. who WOil !he 400-me!U ,,_,i.: Oon McKmzl•. who toot the I--· and Ken Watah, who wu an tile winnlna 400-mcter medlef rda7 lam. ' • r1ldo1, J,1, 11, 1969 < no~kdown Blow _Dodger·s Try Again; . -' Foster Duel~ Perry ' LOS. ANGEl,.ES (AP) -J,an J\ltrichal l• a <ellow who prefers I& finish what be atarta. - Marie.ha!, lhe pitcher wbom Lo6 Ang~lu Man1ger Walter A I a t o n unhes1taUn1ly refera to as "the best tn Ille Natlooal L<que" recorded his 131h complete game In 19 sta.rt.s on Thursd1y night -a neat three-hitter -u the San Francisco Glints blanked the DodJe.ra, a- 0, to further tighten the alreadr. hectic race in the National League s west division. The Giants and Dodgen renew their rivalry lOnlghl with Gaylonf Pen')' gotnc for San Franciaco against Alan Foster. Althou&h you'd neier 1et tbe Dodge.rs to believe it, Maricbal actually ac· compllllbed his 12tb victory in 1~ dectoloN deaplte a palnfW lnlurY lo the thumb on hll pltcblni right liarid. "I Jammed II on my flrll Um< al bal," be aald. "It feeb as IJ aomethma I• brpken, it's ao aore." "I'he Injury deprived Marlchal of his curve and took soniething away from bis Dodger Sl.te · i~: 11 §5:: ~: ~:~1!\: j',§ ~~ ~11 1::1 Julv ii •n n "'r•nc~l : '-""· ICJ U>I July 14 •f -lvft ; •.m. l(f'I "' usual pinpoint control but it did nothing •to mar his overall effectiveness. "I couldn't throw my curve for slrikes," the Glant ace commented, "so I just showed it to them occasionally and threw a lot of screwballs instud." "He has to be the best pitcher in our lea.cue," said an admlrinf: Alston. "He bq_ eveey pitch in the book aDd be throws them all over the plate." . Marlchal, disposing ot the Dodgers for the Z7th Ume in his career, also recorded his 41st lifetime shutout. Nine of hi1 blank jobs have come against ·Loe Angeles, including two this year. SAN ,llllJKllCO LOS ANOILl:S Mr•.. '''11111 lond1,rt 50 1 fWllll,IS J020 H1>11t.tb 41t•Mo1t,rl 400t .Y,tn,d 4211W,0.•l1,d •0 10 MceoWY, lb J t , 2 P1ri!tr. lb l 0 t 0 11111'~. lb I O O I H1!i.r, c J I 1 O 01_.-i, JO J o I t a.udlll.11, lb l o 0 c H...,....,, If 4 O O I C .. w!Orll, II 1 0 0 I l'Ufll~. u 4 I 2 t SL!~. ?II J I t C l •r10n. c 4 0 1 I SUtloll, I ? 0 I 0 Mlrlch1L " l I I I G.brltLMfto Ph 1 I t C T,r.1 1S J t 2 Mlle.le.ti..,., " O t t o T11fll 71120 St" "''""'"'° D02 Olt GOO-J Loa ~1le1 OOI CICIO 000-4 Hurt Knee Feels Strong Sayers Ready to Run Again CHICAGO (AP) -Don't · ask Gale Sayer1 about his operation. He is sick of answerlng bow l! knee feels. The Chicago Bears held a bi& news con- ference Thursday to end the que!tion. "I want all the news media to kpow that my knee feels aa strong now as it did before it was burt a,alnst San Francisco last November," t~ great all-pro running back told the crowd_ "I'm hying this now because when I go lo training camp next week, I want to devote all my energies to the demands there. I don 't want to be bother~ by questions about my knee.i' ·He.re are som~. ot.be.r thinjs from Sayers. "l never dteam at night so I've never had a nightmare that maybe my knee wouldn't bold up. "I can 't predict the weather, because any change doesn't efrect the knee. "I've been concentrating on lifting weights and running since Jan. 6. U I'm not ready now, both mentally and physically, I oever will be. • "Th€deslre to come back was the main thiag. ·•11 I have any mental block I haven't : found it out yet. !'To the best of my knowledge, t htve 1JIJlle moves and cuts when 1 run than I ever had. But a lot of these .j ·· In Jlritish Open SWEET REVEN.GE -Hedgemon Lewis has just landed a ~·fu~h'ing;' Brewer _( 68)' Trevino ( 71) left hook to the Jaw of Ernie Lopez, \vho 1s about to go down in the ' fourth ~ound of t~e!r fight Thursday night in Los Angeles. Lewis worf a unan~ous dec1s1on, \vhich brought protests from many fans, and Still Ch • Ch I eyened. his record against Lopez. Lopez earlier had stopped Lewis in as1ng ar es nine rounds. • ! . ' ' ~ ..,._ -... \ Ul'IT~ SUC CESS ANO FAI LURE -There's no doubt that Lee Trevino (left) is happy about his game and Tony Jacklin is looking for a litUe help dwi~g s~con~ roun~ play in the British Open golf championship. Trevino 1s doing a httle soft shoe on the fourth tee while Jacklin grimaces after missing a birdie putt at the same hole': L Y'fHAM ST. ANNES, England (AP\ -If the chewing gum holds out, Bob Charles figures t.e's in there with more than an e.ven chance to win the second British Open Golf Championship right here where he picked up his first one in 1963 . The lankY left-hander from New Zealand, now living in Cleveland, Ohio, went into the third round of the prestige title play at seven-ur.der-par 135, one shot ahead of Christy O'Connor of Ireland and a bit further ahead of other great players including a field c.f 11 Americans. · Today Gay Brewer finished with a three under par 68 for 215 and said: "The pu tting came together today. And if I'm only five shots off the pace at the end af the day then I reckon I'll still have a chance. "This is the sort of course where if you gel the lucky bounces you can qu.i ckly pick up sbou on the leaders.'' Brewer strung together three straight birdies from the fifth to the seventh. Lee Trevino, last year's winner of the 196fl U.S. Open, finished with a 71 for 218 and said : "I rpissed only two greens but I didn't make the putts 1 should have done. "But I parred the 44>yard 14th hole for the first time and that gave me a charge." Trevino bogeyed the fourth after being Jn a trap oU the tee but .birdied t.he sixth and ninth. He sank an IS-foot putt at the ninth. · The American bogeyed the 10th after being in heavy rough, and got another bogey at the short 12th where he sent a 002 iron over the green but dropped a 17- footer for a birdie at the 17th. Bruce Fleisher the 20-year-0\d reigning U.S. Amateur champion from Hialeah, Fla., finished With a 76 for 223 and was in danger of falling to make the cut off for th11 final round. Roberto De Vicenzo, the Argentine who wor. the 1967 British Open and then had the U.S. Masters title within his grasp on- ly to sign his card wrong , started the day at 145, three ove" par. However, he posted a mar velous 66 for 211. two uf}der par for the distance and likely to be a factor in the finale . De Vicenzo said after his round-one Mc Covey TopsAll-Star Vote NEW YORK IAP) -\Villie McCovey, Sao Francisco home run slugger. topped the National League All.Siar poll released today and newC1>mers Felix f\.'tillan of Atlanta aod Cleon Jones of the New York Mets made the starting line-up a.."l first time selectees. ~tcCovey, the Gianl~' fir6t baseman. narrowly edged }lank Aaron. Atlanta ·s right nelder, 296-29S for the most votes cut in the .annual b"alloting or players, coaches and managers , The vote, announced by Commissioner Bowle Kuhn , determined lhe eight ltartcrs (pitch('rs e:ii:cludtd) 'vho "'ill face the American l.Rng ue .Julv 22 <1t -Washington. The Nationals ha\C "won six In a row and hold a 21·17 edge In tho series. J\1anagers Red Schoendienst of the St. · Uittis Cards and Mayo Smith of lhe Detroit Tigers, the 1968 World Series rivals. 'Atill select the pitchers and.other members of the 28-man squads to be an- nounced in the next 10 days . Starters. except pitchers, must play 11.L least the first three innings. J\tillan 's victory over Glenn Beckert, the highly regarded second baseman of the Chicago Cubs, was one of the most in· !cresting developments. • It 'A'as the closest contest on the ticket 1\ 1th l\1illan, making the-squad for the se· cond time, beatini Beckert 137-ilO. Jn the only other close competitJon. the Cubs were the winners when Ron Santo took third base over the challenge of Tony t1erez of Cincinnati. 196-lSL Don Kessinger, tht Cubs' shortstop, }<lined McCovey, Aaron and Santo a5 repeaters from 1968 by outdistancing Denis J\1enke of Houston 228-103. Johnny Bench, Cincinnatrs fine cat- cher, won in a breeze over Randy Hundley of the Cubs, 261·76. Matty Alou, Pittsburgh center fielder who leads the majors in hits. was voled Into the starling outriekl with Aaron, named for the 16th time and fifth straight ;as a starter, and the Mets' Jones, who b the le&gue 's leading hiller. shot off the record set by Christy O'Con· nor of Ireland only Thursday -"I'm tired. so tired. But lhe putts dropped to- day and that five ur.der par p..ives you a lift." Dt Vlcenzo was oul in three under par 32 and got his charge at the 490 yard sixth hole where he carded an eagle three. He used a driver off the lee, sent a six· iron to 15 feet and sank the putt. Then he got a birdie at the S53·yard seventh hole by reaching the green in two and just ml~sing a 16-{oot putl. Ran1s Fire A 'fay · At Fullerton Ca111p Sunday By JOEL SCHWARZ 01 tlHI Olllf l'li.t STiii \\'ilh his opening exhibition game less than a month off, Leis Angeles Rams coa.ch Georae Allen v.•ill start whipping his 1969 football ~quad into shape Sunday at Cal St.ate {Fulle rton). Allen will greet 31 rookies and 17 veteran players who will report by mid- night Saturday. Physicals will be given and equipment is.sued the following day. The Rams actually begin the tough part of lheir, training camp·Monday when con- ditioning drills start. Morning and af. ternoon sessions are scheduled. The remainder of the ve terans will check into camp Saturday, July 111, just three weeks prior to the Rams' Aug. 11 exhi bition opener in the Coliseum against the Dall~ Cowboys. Four of the Rams' top rookies will be reporting late to camp. First-round draft choices end Jim Seymour of Notre Dame and USC tight end Bob Klein will mi ss two weeks of camps because of the college all-star game in Chicago. Linebacker John Pergine, another Notre Da1ner, and pla ce kicker Don 1fartin from Washington have been ex- cused from the opening week of camp be- cause of service obligations. Los Angeles' third first-round draft choice, running back Larry Smilh of Florida. will be on hand In Fullerton even though he was invlled to play in the Chicago all-star game. ''He's still recovering from a foot in- j ury and his physician has advised him ag2inst playlng in the game." Allen said. Joining lhe rookies will be st1ch veterans as quarterback Roman Gabriel, tnd Jack Snow and running back Les Josephson. Allen and the rest of the Rams' coaching staff will ht kUplng a sharp eye on Josephson who was lht. club's lop runner two 11tason1 ago. Last fall he injured a leg and then came up with 11 torn Achilles tendon which sidelined him the entire league ICISO:I. can't C<Jme In practices -only under a:amo conditions. ''I have yet to get hit, but that Is no worry. I won't get hit that soUd anyway -I never have. They may gel a piece of my jersey or hang onlo nly legs but that's all. After all my knee was torn not by being hit but in a fluke incident. "I will be running with the ball as much as 1 ever did this fall . That's what Coach Jim Dooley says. The Bears will be as good as anybody in their division. "I hope O.J. Simpson· signs and plays this year, I have heard' that he intends tc> set1he league on lire. He can say-what he wants. But he will find out that prG · ball is mu~h different than college ball." Sports Clipped Short Fto• tllo-WW. .t AP/UPI NEW YORK -The New York t-.fcts became the first National League team to top the million mark in home attef!d. ance Thursday when the turnout of 36,012 for the game with Chicago boosted season attendance to 1,004,472. 'lile three games with the Cubs, two In the afternoon, drew a total of 123,999 paid and over-all crowds of 163,931. • DUBLIN -Mrs. Billie Jean King of Long Beach, dethroned Wimbledon tennis champion. had to fight hard Thursday before overcoming Rosemary Casals her frie~d and traveling companion, u; 6-3, 6-2 1n the semifinals of the Irish Open Championships. In the semifinals of the men's singles Bob Hewitt of South Africa defeated Roger Taylor of Brita in. 6-0, 6-3. • KAISERSLA UTER, Germany -Karl Mildenberger, former European he~vyweight boxing champion, retired Friday. The JI-year-old fighter said that hn would join a brewery as a sale! repre· sentative. • CINCINNATI -The Ci n c inn at J Bengals of the American Football LeallJo traded wide end Roel Sherman Friday to the Oakland Raiders for offensive guard Robert Kruze. ~ Bengals also GOI an undisclosetl draft choice. • BROOKLINE, Mass. -Aging Pancho Gonzalez gave young. Dennis Ralston a lesson in power and. finesse and Ron 1£olmberg upset sixth-seeded C 11 ff Drysdale Thursday in f i r s t · r o u n d matches of the $33,000 U.S. Pro Tennis Championships at Longwood . Gonzalez. a 41-year-old greying warrior fr?m Los Ang eles, needed only 45 minutes to overpower Ralston, 6·1, 6-0, Holmberg rallied for a 4~, 7-5. 6-4 vic- tory over Drysdale. In a doubles match, fourth ·seedro Rod Laver and Gonzalw advanced to the semifinals with 6-4, S.2 victory over Pier· re Barlhes and Drysda le. A LI VELY STA RT TO OBSCURE OPEN EDINA. fl.tinn. (AP) -If it weren't for th<-presence of defending cha mpion Dan Sikes. ·they might be calling lhis the Obscure Open. \Vith most of the game·s glamor names 1n England for the BriUsh Open t.he rookie! and also-rans barged out o'r \Ile ranks, and lanky h1ac McLendon shared turned the SIOO,(OI >.1inocsota Golr l.12.!!sic into their private field day. John Lively, up from the qualifying ranks. and lanky MarMcl.en<lon shared th<! first round lead with 66s, five under par on the 6,9ll-yard Braemar Golf Club eoum. ''He 'OWi for ·ded his Los • • I o •• •• • • ' . • • •• •• •• • • • • • • ·• • l <no way e of but not .. vhat will n. lays sto vtl at P" I." <lets "'m 'nd- of ;ted o In )aid : or :'lnis day her 6-3, 11<n :les. 1te<! tar I an ~ed bo ?re· at i ill• I tn ard cho n a :ton i f f nd mis :ior 4.1 fr'iC· lnd the ier- N for lan the n .. the Ilic ·ad :Olf Ing red ler lub l ·MD Five Clobbers Mesans By DAVE CEARLEY Of t11e Dtlllr "'"' fttiN Mate Dti v l r ru a 11 y eliminated Costa Meu title 11plr1Uons tn the Costa Mesa b11ketball leaa:ue Thursday night with a 59--41 victory at Estancia High School. Second place Esta n cia routed Saddleback, 64-26, and leaiue lea.der Buena Park clouted Loa Amigos, 59-40. Costa Mesa never I e d against the Monarchs, as cold shooting beset the Mustangs from the oul.Sf't. The Mustangs were still within range of the lead in the third quarter, but t h e Monarchs outsco~ed C o s I a Mesa, 12-4, in a space of five minutes. Four first quarter goals by Monareh forward Pete Roberts gave Mater Del a quick lead, and the Mustangs neve-r setmed 10 recover. Mater Del's depth took Its toll of Costa Mesa, with Roberts recordi ng 14 points, Tony Bomkanp. 13. and Tom tfeMenamin, 10 tallies. Center Bob Austin was high- point man for Costa Mesa with 11 poinls. Ehllancia breezed to its sixth league win a g a i n :s t Sad- dleback. The Eagles we re always able to increase their wide lead at will . Skip 'Villiams ( 16l, Mike Jiays (12), and" Gary OTgln (12) all finished in do'uble figures for Estancia. Wilh only two games re- maining. in the league bef9re lhe tournament p 1 a y 0 f r !i t Buena fark, with a 7-1 mark, sti ll retains a s\i1n lead over Estancia, \\!hich holds a 6·2 record. ESTANCIA fH ) Buller Ht1ter Wllll.lml Ht YI Sttoaunrtt111 Ort Ill ken le" Vt lltre , ....... "Tnomp1at1 Zet>dort "Ta!l!J 1'0 l'T l"I' Tl" l 0 2 2 1 0 1 2 1 1 l 1' ! 1 0 I] 1 a 1 1 5 1 2 12 1 0 J 1 1 0 1 1 ] 1 0 1 0 1 0 l l 0 I 6 11 I 1• 6-l tAODt.EtACW (tO ~ Lll>Skl Bullf!r M, TtYIGr '"" Cuneo lltaN I P. Ttylor S11d!v1r Toft II l'G l'T Pl' f" ~ 0 0 I t 1 1 ~ 0 1 ] s o e ' o 1 a l 1 1 l I J 1 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 I 10 11 2' Scort .,, Ow••h" E1t111Clt 2t !t 1l \?-""' S16dleb1c~ 6 s ' t-'t MATElt DEi Ull ·-· K•m1>er FO PT Pl' Tl" ' . ' " ' ' • Gormtn H1rnetl111~ Bqmkltr'IP '"N McMintmtn To!t !J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' I' 21 ' , " CDSTA MESA. {0 ) " ' " " FG FT Pl" Tl" ..t.u11in Ce11lll11 oei""'' Ntvlllt Oev!1 Oo!tlorl Swee.fltnd Wtllln Dit'I W11kin1 Endiky Wolfe Sollllt • l 2 11 2 0 ] ' . ' , • • • ' ' ' ' Tot1l1 ' . ' ' . ' 0 ' ' , ' . ' . ' ' • • IS 11 Scwt ~' Ou1rt1r1 • ' • ' ' • • • • ~ Dti 10 16 11 15-SI Meu 1 ti 12 1~1 • , • ' • " Harbour Vies With Katella !{untington Harbour meets Kalella Friday night al 6 in Anaheim Summer baseball ac· lion at Western High after dropping a 8-1 decision to Los Al amitos Wednesday. Harbour was li mited to three singles by Los Alamitos pitching as it drop ped its league record to 4-5. A.I It H It I /d\l{P1'y. 1'1-11 ~ I Sl!\lt>ltl, If-cl ~!1,c Jg )"'"""''· 71J ltnlrell. 1 I O c~~~'l'~·.r.,., ~ ~ McOuown, lb I I Cllrtl, l b 1 t G1111{ ti I O Mlrtln If I O W!lllflt(d. •• l : l!f~f:h rt 11 I f(WI 1111 lnftlntl • H I! Lns A.l1mlto1 )01 DO"/ o-' 1 1 !-111111 Htrbr. DOC 100 0-I J J Legion Ha tings Laker Clinic The Los A1.11elcs Lakers will hold a buketball clin~ at the Sears store in South ~ta Ph1za Saturday, Aug.tat 9:30 ll.m. SNAGGING REBOUND -Jeff Goelitz or Corona del rvtar seems a little s urprised himself as he brings do wn •a one.handed rebound in summer basketball action against Newport. \Vatching the action are • o.t.ILY PILOT 511" "~ " teammate Mark Grigs by (50) and Di!nny Bean of Newport. Corona pulled oU a stunning upset , trip- ping the Tars, 53-50 . r rld11, July ~I, 1'169 DAllY PllOT JS Vaq Explosion Rocks HJJ; Sea Kings. Topple Sailo1·s B1 ROGER CARLSON Of .... O.llY , ... ,,.., A dramatic 13-polnt U· plO&l:M Jn I.be fln1\ S~3I ol IC- Uoo by Rancho Alamitos CIT· rled the Vaqueroa to a N:§O victory over hoat Runlingt.un Beach Tbursd'!' night In th • Huntlngton-Mlrloa summer basketball league. Tbe loas, the second In a row for Huntington Betch, drops the Oilers two Cull games behind the high-flying Vaqs in · the title chase -along with P.1arina and WestmlJl!tcr . Other action In the llun- Ungton confine! had Founta in VaUey dropping a I 4 • 5 I decision to Garden Grove and Villa Park polished orr Edison, 61-<i. At t-Jarina , meanw h 11 e, Corona del Mar was pulling off the shocker of the night with a come-from-bebind·53·50 win over heavily favored Newport Harbor. Steve M c tendon led Wutmin.ster"s rout wl(b 40 pl>lntt In the firtt tbne quarters .• And Marina received a· J7· ,.,.,...,...,..,.......1rom-Rick Mosler ln nipping La Quinta by"a single tally. HUNTtli91'0N ··~~"111/'~F TP 2 J • I 0 I I I 1 • • 22 ' I 0 l I 1 s J • 1 1 J J ' J ' 11 ! ' 0 I ' ' ' 11 16 al '° Douglas, Wilson Nab Victories aJIM(HO Au.Milot 1,.1 l • ..,,, ~ 1 ~-·I ' f:F'" 1ij.· ,.,..._ • • I . ltdi;11"M~I l t S ~ J,!J J--.. Sc.,t llJ OU.wt-rt ,i H\lnllftttotl 1t fl 17 I,_.. 1 ··~ Alam"°' 20 ' ,, :12-10 CO•OWA Oil MA• lUJ b 1'0 ,.,. ., ,. ... WleM I 0 1 f'· HoU1...-JI' C~or • JIS · F l ! I '' Gr1br S 1•'1 • Kii ~ J I • ' ~1tf"i i.tl -T,,.i111 ~ 11 1' ll'' NIWP~·f 14Alt•~o '')""TI" ; Mellnofl 2 I I ' Tehll S j J .,. Ect1'!1 ' J '"' ;r.:, ~11', YO\l!"ICI 2 l ! ,-T Olt!I II I~ 1 lo NH ICtrt tf Q~lrsl 11 ,_,. CdM I 1 I, l.....sl MA•INA. t"Jo ,.,. P" TP .I 1 l l l 4 t t I , ' ~ : ' i ~ : t ii • ' l .. n '1 1 M LA. QU INTA ~4~1 PT "" TP 11•M1mt• w L 0, Wilson Ford stayed t:n con-~ ... &,',',~ i 1 ! !!~ • R•l'l(hO A11m1toi ,' ,• , tentlon for the Costa Mesa ,. Hunll"lftool Be6(11 5411 I I l J ~:~l:;'in'1tr : J i.l Open basketball league 1ead ~1:' • ~ 1 l N-por-1 H&•t>or l ', , . Wedne6day ni~t with @ 97-7l "'°"'/' • • G•rden Oro•t I L , O •~,,'',,',, J ,,i J. 1 c~~Mt>r '4 4 w n over uc s at ran ge •• " ~~~t:i~ V11!1Y · ~ : : CMist College. M1r(n1 scwt tf Gu%''r.'u lol-M f:1~1ni. l : ~ Victory 1noves Wilson into a L• 0111"'1 11 15 14 "~ &elt• Gr"'" • • • 4-2 mark behind I ea g u e w11TM1w1r11t,.~tt~T "' ,~- N1W11wn 1 1 • 4 Marina had Its hands full leading Woody's Wharf (5-01. •111t o • • j I h . occa.... J1 1 1 with La Quinta before edging n ot er action at H1w1er o ~ 1 • the Aztecs, &MS, and Wednesday, ·Douglas beat :;::ci;f\Clon 11 4 1 · We.st.minster routed Bo I s a winless Biil Barry Pontiac. 61-=~r::ll f ~ ~ 1) Grande, 89-53. to round nut 5.'.l. ~.1, ~ •• 1; 1~ *' league hostilities at fl.1arlna Tom Read led Luck.Y's wit'1 10LsA 01tAMo,.~11,. ,.,. ,,; High. 27 points but it wasn't near Elli• 6 , J 1i Jim Anderson (17) and Biil balance of Wilson. ~· 1 : T t \"1"lson rece1'"ed a o u b t • Fol•~ 1 1 l • - Rancho 's cat Graham (:!ll), enough to offset the sroring :,eri~n t ' 1 11\ Sell (17) were the bl' scor ng ·~ • • MCCr•• 1 • guru in the featurt till of the fil!Jre ~coring from s,j I ~~n ~ ; l ...-- .v.nl·ng. players. led by , Tom 1tfldltt1• • o 1 · · Eq!l ... _,...,.,..,.,lllEIB:llllSll ...... !llll' ....... -~~~~~~ Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Won Lolt Pct. GB Chicago 53 33 .616 New York 47 35 .573 4 Pittsburgh 42 43 .494 10\~ St. Louis 43 45 .439 11 Philadelphia 37 46 .446 141;, i\1ontreal 26 59 .306 26•/z West Division Los Angeles 49 35 .583 Atlanta 50 37 .575 1l Cincinnati -45 ~ -.S63--2- S. Francisco 48 39 .552 211z Houston 43 45 .489 8 San Diego 29 60 .326 22 1 .. , T~11rM11r'• 1uwn1 Chk_.go 4, Nl!W Yori< 2 Cincl ..... 11 11 H0111!on. t1l1nt PITl'IOllrvli 1, Manlretl 1. It Onn1n11• ~I. L011it 6, P1'11-lphlt J A.!11n11 3. Sin 01'90 1 Stn Fr1nclsco J, Los An11elt1 o ToNy't Gtmu Mon!re•I (StOft"l\ln 4-11! ti New York (McAndrew 2·21. nl9M Phlladeioto;• IC h1m1>lon l-ll 11 C1'1· ca110 (Selfl\I •·l) l>lttsb\lr11' !Wtlker 0·0) t i SI. L1>11f1 (CarHon !1).5). nlgM Clncln,..11 {C11lver 1·6) 11 Hou1ton !Wllmlng!Oft ~-1J. nlgM Atlan11 (Jarv11 '·'~ 1! Stn Oleto tKel~v l-5), nloh! San FrtnciKO tPe,,.y 10·11 1t L•h A.<>0elt1 (0r¥1d•~ ~-3), nlohl s1111n11r'1 01m111 Montff'1I 11 ~w York Phil1de1~n., 11 C1'lca110 Plt11tiuroh at sr. Lwis Clnclli ... 11 11 51. Lou il, rilthl Allant1 1! Sa" Diego, nitM Sin Fr.nciKo 11 Los Afl9ele1. nt0h! Su11d1 Y'1 G1nw1 Monlreal al Nl!W Yo•-· 2 Phlltdel1>f'u1 t i C:hict110, 1 Pltf5tl<lr11h 1t SI. l oui1, 2 Cl11clnn1!1 11 Hou11cn A.t!an!I 1! Sin D~110 S..n Fr111c:o5CO t i LO> ·-~· AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Woa Lost Pct. GB Balt imore 60 25 .706 Detroit 4J 36 .a56 13 Boston 47 39 .M7 131;, \Vashington 46 43 .517 16 New York 40 47 .460 20 1,;,. Cleveland 34 51 .400 26 West Division Minnesota 49 35 .583 Oakland 44 Ji' .543 3 l11 Seattle 38 46 .452 Chicago 37 47 .~o Kansas City 36 49 .424 California 31 52 .373 Th~rld1y's 1t11ull1 C~vel1rod 1. Ol!trolt 5, 11 l1111ln11 ll1tllmcre S, BoJloft • 0 1k11n0" n. C1'ktto 1 Mlnne1011 4, K1n111 Cltv 5 .::1111ornl1 al 5'1tltt , •1in Only 9t"'l'S ~IN! Toclly't G1-.· Ct!!lornl1 (Meste<•ml!I! •·•I 1t 01~-11rod [Kr11111e !·•I. nl!IM Chicago (P~•• ••) 1t K111111 City f8ulltr ,.,J, nlt M CltWltrod fMCo-ell 10.1) 1t D!l-- lroll (WillOfl ._, or Hiii er 1•Jl, n1-M Settl!e C!ltM!ender '·SJ 1t Mlnntoot1 (K11I ,.,\I, niglll Ne.. Yorl !Slo!tlemvre U-.111 •I W111'1lnt11Dn CBosm1n •fJ, nl1M llotlon CClllP 11-4 1nd L1ndl1 '·'I •' B1ttlmore {l~i'llrd ,., trod LGDU J.2), 2, !Wl·nloh! StlllnllY'I G1m11 Ctlltornf1 1t 0 1kl1nd c111ca10 t i t<1m11 Cllv StJtlle 11 Minne.ct~ C1"~1•rod 11 OeTroit !loston ti 81ttlmore. 11!0M Nrw York 1t WeJ1'lnoto>n SUAdlY'I G1rn11 C1!1tcrni1 t! O.kl1nd, l C/lk1QO 11 Kanu1 Cltv, 2 Se1ttle ti Mln""Gll. 1 Cltwlerod at Detroit, 1 lloston ti ll1lt!mor1 N-Yorlc t i Wt1!'oingl.,.,, l Los Alamitos E11tries "'ll:r:::li."'"'~"'-"'°"'U&"'IG .. 11 .................. EE ... 9 ...... f Fw Frld1y, J11ly 11, lff .... Uth DIY ci.1r " ""'· Plr" ""' 7:4J P.M. '" "' '" SECOND ••CE. llO Yl rdJ. l yetr olO"s e"" \IP In Grfde A. ,.!\11, P11•.11 '1IOO. Miii TOI ""'o 1w11 ..... 1 M-v Miii U srr1uu l (up\d In •'11 (lloh1m) De~y'' llt•wetl r11nc~e1J Fl~ ll'ocMt! IAd1ln C1lllornle Sm"' fl\ld11rd>l Ould<el!a {H Cro1byl JetHP\11 Jollnny CH1rll Doo.ob~ RIQIJfJI (Merri•! M11tel (1 C1•doz11 •in l!lltltl.t Sllen! Grwnd C7 Ctrdcnl Pvr!t Gflbber (1 $tr1u.,1 C1I'• On Deck (1 H Crosby) C111lOt11 C11lle lltlley) '" '" "' "' '" '" "' '" "' "' '" '" '" '" TH1•0 llA.CI!, SO YtrO"I. l Y""' olds ti"IG u1. Allow1n.ce•. """" S!6CO. So••• Bl\11 IWrklM ) Ill Wlltow lho..,.•I (Mcl eynol<h) 116 C1!cn Deck Clh•ll1m1 lU Lumlntry (K•nl1) 111 D••un1 Bev ISml!lll 11' B••n Ltnd IS1nch1•) 110 Monl1 Dill ($1.tM) ll'O FOUltTH ltACI!. JSO Ytrd• 3 1e1r o•as i nd uP In Grld1 AA. Mlnu1. Purw tnoo., 0161 !!randy CR 1J1nt;I) Go Go l!Mle U A.dtlr) Mr. Oki fore fS.,,1111! ll<Wll Tippet 4Wlloon) Kutn Rcod.tl Cl l !Pllt m] ldlt 0Tt91!r {Ii CrotbYj l"m !!t rio (P'•,.> Chiller !S\1 ... 1 W1'1t l11Ck 15!rtUt.1) P11i, t lu1 l ell •• "' "' '" '" "' "' "' "' "' '" .... •ll•l"e 01ndv Mool1h (! L!~111ml PH>ler lo!> (Ort"r) lll!lt MIH Wtn~ (Morris! He's A ltl'Clue.t (1 Ad•lr) "' "' "' '" ~" b,.d "' "' '" "' '" "' "' "' "' SIXTH ...... , •• a Yt rdl. ' Yetr o!d1 1nd UP In Griff """ Mlnut. Pur:w SHOO. Se1 NyrniH'i IR 111*1! Lllllt Town t..t.d1!r) Mlclft1•hl Nole fltl«Yrd1) "Tid• Go fC~rd0?1 ! lllll\l'fllnt •ldff !H1rl} E~P"dltlwt CLl,1'1m) Wt lcll Eli (Crolby) "' '" "' '" ,,, ·~ '" Sl!VENTH •AC•. VM1tl1 $•. COUP ~ -110 y1rd1. J ye1r o•d• t rod ""· ~1- lrw1n.cts. '"" PAI". P'11r1t UOOO. Mr. Prritm•lllY (Morri.1 lt•t"• lt•~ue1t CLll>litm) BlotJtiy Clltr~tr (""oollet) Jt"'""'' Jr. (Ill B•~k1) l ull llttl~• (Ii CrotllYl NeM:lno !Ad1i•) ••GHTH ••c•. l!O Yt fd l. t old1. A1'ow1n.ces. Tiie Jol!MY •urse U'lOO. RICI'! G Old fllllc1't •d•! J19u1r Rock•! {H C'ro1b•) """ Cllkl••r ltr tMefflll RhOdt'I KlctO\I (lh lt1-ley) Nult>er '"'t"'" c•o11r1 (..,n1 Cl1t1n f l 11 .... 1) P1Jt Clrlt1' jHtrl) "' '" '" "' '" "' ~·•r Dl11. '" '" "' "' '" "' '" NINTH ••CE. Venel1 Sr, Cwrt"- 1711 y1rd1. l vt1r eld1 ind uo. Cll lm- lnt'. Purse 11100. Cl11mlnt 1rl« l lllOO. 5oeoed A L~ {C1rdoul_ !17 Bot!U1'1 "trtv /Mtrr!1I llS p...,_,°"' Derby llS C•.r> B-fWrlelll} Ill Blll't 11:~1 Cit 81nk1l 111 Nickl Del Mir lll.t'>lml 117 Gohlen Pueblo ('°I") 111 l un<W II• Let IMtlrl 11' AIM l llt l•lt Vlelo Pueblo 1Ht r1l Sir Wt r 11m (lt1<ll1rd1l "' "' Race Results ~ ~ "''"'"''"'•""~"""'"'-'"" .. "™'™ .. a"'"'"'""""•'-'"'•o•==••"""" T~ur1•11, JulY u , 1Hf Clttr & fl•I FlltlT ltACIE. lJO vt rdl. Ml;,,en Year l>ld•. Cltlmlnt. ""'"'" StilOO. Mr. Ml !H Crcsbrl 4.20 1 . .0 2.40 Tiit-WOI /Matris) J.IO J.CO P~Hwm lt~oiuel! (Wat.on) ).611 Tlmt-11 6110. Al• Rt"-Surtl" Gr1Ce, Min Pret!Y "e•. Zlppln Btr. M"'8 S!uy, 7rlal<' !l~r Tom. Don l •r·1 Cr.troe. Brt•k lo W>• Sc•flthl~IC!uw Jo• Jufao. ltov•I Olo. Mr. Bn.rc:edcr. lndl1n l i1tuil. SECOND ltACIE, 350 Ytrd1. l y'·'' ar~, •NI "" In Grlde A M!nu1. ,.uni s1•xi. Uncle l!d91r /Strt 1111) 12.60 '·'° J.ff Sir lllltltlrlet (C.rdou] -'·'° J.•t Otn<IY l1r ltOW C• •1111t1) 2 . .0 Tlrne--11 Ji it. Alie li:-ltocl<"' ti• Monie. ,..,,nv Cl>lrHr, Ml11 l tr Fly, htoby Ot l.11•t, H~11t1lnt11 II, Bt~CO Otaletet. Mflr>lfrtv 01'1>1V. Scr1•cht~hlc1"' Grtnd. Old S1'uw, Mitt A.l1mltot. '.'1ll1n1 Prlnceu. NIQHTLY OOUtLl-1-Mr. Ml & !· Unctt l!lttr. "•" IJt,ff. THlllO ltACI. JJO 11rd1. M~IO'n 1 101r ~Id• bre.t In Ct Uf. P11rse $1600 Deck P1vatf Ut ltnikl) ll.MI !.IO J.10 Mr. LIU°' De~ llrln~le~I Go ciecft Go tMorr!I) T~11 $111. lt ... 1.10 ,. A..11<1 11t1n -Chcl\1 11'1, llt10lum Queen, Slff<lle F'1y, Klpty•, 5Hed. $Crttel'le0-C1lllornlt $tnds. P'OUltTl4 •..t.CI. • .UO ~trd,. J Y!t r old1 •Ml UP I" Grldt t ,.IUI ,.\/,.. "'''-Han)"'""' Je1>1>t rd co ltlll<J) 5.Crtl Glnoc:r (~rln~leY) rno 0 1no1 l ilt !lln~11 Tlme-n 7/tc. •.oo J JO J.:rt 1.40 '·'° ••• Ai,'\ fllt ........ t ld1ntda. Nttt lloolr:. FIYlnt Strtw. Oe<1 Kur. Tt mlYIP lltovt!. Belli T•.-.e. Howt rd Glleer. Scrt!CN<:I ~ ,.,...lotltti. l rutt'9 Jct l1r, Lldy Gin Gin. M<>o11h Mt b!t. PtPTH ltACI. UO r1rd1. 1 vetr oldt. Clllrnt .... "unt 1111111. Jo Bur,...1 (ltlchlrd•l J.l'O l .'o J.N Mr. Mttl {I lk¥> • M J.#1 P1 .. um f>...:• CWtltonl 1.10 Tl"'e-11 S/11. A.!IO fll•n-Leret!• l11k. Cln B•r ZIM, Sllolttd 0.¥11, Mr. CuoJd, Cl. 11110~ 1. No \Crtlctles. Slll'TH ltACI! . .00 v•rd•. 1 .,..,, old• t'ld uo In Gr1d1 A PIN . f'uru lllOO. 1te1I Chtrnr IMt hlldil t.H •.ro 1.00 loro!f;,,e I Olo (M1lr) •.to J,At Ti'll'll C•n l"lY lllj!llt m) 4 60 Ti,,,._XI I/It. Deep Sea Fish Report S<r11c1'1d--Nll 9"11tv, Grlltll, c 111. lrit~ll Jrnot, 1''111.teflll\ll Glrf, Ft•Y 0o1'. SlVl!'HTH llt4CIE. l!e y1rlh. J Yttr t klt ·~ 11a. Clllll'lfnt. "11n1 lll'QO. WIWP'OAT !AM't L.,14m • ._.. I "' •lf<"I: 11 .. ,,l(W .. jJt llerilto. -fU &tp, S 1'•11tlul. f01..ev'I Lldl.,1-Xlt 1 ... letl: ... """"°· 1411 M n , 4' N r· r1c1H11. ' llalifllll. l lA.L l lAC-1» 1,,.len· 11 .... ,... r1c\lf1, KS l>on!IO. '211 11NI b111, 11 n1111:111t. Ont 8•1'9f, " '"'~"' u O.rrf.CYdf , .llO bOftlto. !J llncl blu. '1 ..... ~ .... t. H'VtnlNGT"ON llA.CM-'6 1t1tit'r1: XI bln1CU61. llO lilol<ho. HO b111. One B•"""· JS 1...,1er1: <l40 benlto. JH bill. J PlolUW!, 1 w111i. ... bt,.. SAN CLl!MIHTIE-1'' e"'~rll 7'1 btM, * bot<flo, !l "•rtK"""'· 1 ...,1111 II• ~H. 'AN 0 1100 (Ml'llk••I "lwl-JU 1"9~r1: Ut •lbK-. '1 119f!fltl. I i'lllttluf, Jj b1tr1c:ud1, ~ roe• coel, 7'1 1'L°b-J$,~'-e.A.CHll~-Tirtrl -11 ' t"91trt· n bfrrKudl . no bi~1. :M.I bfnlto. 2 ~ .. lbul. "Olli 11"1R". J7 T!W· krs: n M11, "' llorltto. J, 1Y1K!(er.1. !'°ltt"Mf"' L,...i.,, -Hf 1111llrt: U blrrtCUCll, IMS bl.II M llOf>Ut. ll •act. CCII. CP'tctrlC i.wftbllllttl-l>l """'" • 'f'lllowl1ll. 1 ll>IHt! tel , .... 1' blrr1elldl. • !'o1llblll, 1,UJ Ctllcl &tu, n7 borU1. OCl!AN1101......a6 •t'ltk•t: U I INtt._ CllGI. IOJ N H, 1.fM fllotlllto. I wfllle Ht Hu, I "ltowt1IL H lltl!IMll. Nl lltMOIA •U.CN-1, '"'"": 11'1 bl11. I .. rrl<YIM. i. Monl ... I htl!ll\it, lllOOMOO ..... CN-111 1nt11r11 ) wllowt1M. 11 M•rtevfle, J Mllbut, l1t•1 N1', i,. bonl1o. T-lar"s. t7 t~•krs : 1'7 bin. »J ...,lte, t h•llblll, .,, to';-COd. PAltA.OlllE COYl--11 &fl'l~n: SJf _j.f[i«.JIU. II llorlltt. 16 hlll-.UC • .It btrrKudt . lWtl\9!1W (Slft(th) J It 1.60 2.l'I ,.~n l1r !Clrdo.lel J.Otl J ... "CU9 -Didi fP1i U 1.IO Tltne-11 1/11. ,NI Kfll<~I. ll•totTN llA.CI!. IOI Yt .. , l W:t r lld1 tl'il llJ fft Grille AA MillWf. TM A.li'llnlltl. P'llt'N tltlO. Sweet tt1t11urt IK111lll J.• J,M J,1' 9,....0 A.twtl CAC1trl If.ff 1,1' $Kftl TOM• IC.r•ttl 6.IO '""'-" )Ill. kt1!~ -Mlble Chlcll TM, ldlf P"-r. Vt ""' 01<!, t1rtlltltel, Hl•TH •..t.CI . VnHll Jr. Courie- 1111 '""" l w1r t ld1 1nd 111. Cll!rn- 1"1. "w•~ anoo. lm1 MIOtl' (II: l trok1\ •IO l .IO 1 . .0 ,_rd lt1'9rt IC.rdo11) 1.tt t.IO UftC:ll SlulfY .JLlllll MI A f lfM--(1 1111. P , TOlt tt 1'0UU Huntington. dospi"te trailing eterson s 23. 1cw1 .., ou1r1tr1 W•1tmln111r :ti -it n 11-ft by-as-many-ag nine-in-the se--w1Lso1t-Po1to-t1011 , -klN,oVNT•i-;-v..e.L~iEY :~;:t--11-~ cond period, battled lijlck to G. ThOrnlOfl "~ F~ ".~ T~ l'G 1'1 "' T ... lake the Jead at the half and ~~\f:Tdl ; l ! lf r~~ ! ~ ; 1J .. maintained a 58-57 margin ;;:~roon : f . / ~1 ~1:1'1:; ! l ~-1·, wilh 4:29 to go in the game.· ~-•c 1 • • u i"",.~ 1 · \ ~ _ A.11ll• ~0 0 ( --However, the Oilers were L••-s 1 1 11 P~',',,,, 1i 110 ,1 t·t J To!1t1 ~· t 11 t J not to score again un I I LUCKY'S U!I GA.ltOIM OltOVI! (10 I btht fO.l'TPfTP' "O"TPl'T,.,,, time the winners ht1d clinched K n1 ' 2 o u G~""" f o o • it with a 66-58 lead. ~~•nc•t>o 1i J i t? ~!~~::: 1i j ~ \ ·, Shields -.. Hits 6-9 ~ 111 Meet JJeCOnds rema ned, and Y a 11.1 M1nt11>o ' o 1 11 Run • 4 J 1 Jim Harrell (22) was high a~~~.frr ~ lo l ~ ~~~",,' ' I l Don Shields or Golden \Vest for Huntington In a losing /.'.~rt• n l 1 1 ~urer I 1 ' Glllttlllt I I 2 O Tollll I("' ., Cllllrt;:I ,, 11 College highlighted the Costa cause. G'f~f~J:"' ~ : ,~ 1r r... " 10 11 1'-SI r..1 e s a R c c r , a t i 0 n Corona del Mar, down by 10 Ht11t1m1 sc1tt: w11wn o, Luc•~·· GG n tt ,. 1'-" In the third quarter. battled "· OOUOL~J 1•11 IEOllON 11'lo l'T "" T .. -· Department's all-comers track back to tie it at ~with );2J FG l'T "" '" ~·u• o i i • ndf.fd t tCta M HtllW!I /OIU(tntroll 1 1 1-a 1e mee a os esa to go, then uti lized its. patented ~'.m'rr ~ ~ ~ ·~ ~~::l.." l ~ ~ 1 · High Thursday evening with a staU and added a three-point Hutt.111tt o 1 11 1 Lvnctt • 1 1 j •' leap of 6-9 in the high jump. play by Mari Grigsby and two ,_ i 1 11 F1.ritr ~----! l ',-,--~""' ' j l I wri,nt ~ • 1 1 Oflicr top efforts came in C'lutth free thrOws by DOn~·~·:11• ,, .. ,,,,Yv -f11 •1 -t-r~= n 1• 1' ,. K"lf" •-t ' N ..,..,.. ~~ VILU P'A.ltJ 0CM0)00 '' '' • the distance events wllh Keilh i ian w s ym1e ew""'.. f"0Mt1•c '~~ ",, T" • Newport's reboundfn& and !:u~ • 1 • t ',t~t;e':~::.~ ~ f } lj1 Strodle or Santa: Ana setUnt a Wiled o I 1 o J • meet record In the cross coon· scoring strength. ·WU ,nu oe:J:'51<1 11 i 11 ~:::i1:. 1 .s j , by Corona del Mar's pressure =· ,.., f : ~ 1~ ~~1 ~ : ; 1! . try race wilh a clocking of defense and the absence of LllkY 1 • J 1 wi11• i • o •! ,,,. Tol1l1 !111 :1Jt.l 1 18:04.7. center Lee Haven, who's out 51~:;. ,1 lo s1 sc.,.. ~' -rtw• ,, Don Cherry of Canada step-, __ ocl_•cectciocn.::...w_ictchc•c•:..:l•cic•crced.::...b_a_,_·k_._c"c"' __ "_-_'_'_"_'_' _°"" __ '_"_'_'·_•~_"_'_'_--'Scn:0:"'_•c•c•c' ___ -''l_l_l_,_f_lf::jl __ ped off an I: I LO mile walk. ·-10 HH -I. Slmlf*!1 t. K11zmer S. tlo 1nird. Tlmt: t.I. Milt -1. i trodlt 2. 5'ymcur S. St.nmo11. Tlrno: •:JO.O. Malltr• Miit -1. Mlrtlln 2. s11ftord '· HtrOY. Tlmt; J:$1.I. 100 -1. Ed<vt 2. M1lm1>011ra 1. Cox. Time; t.t. «O -1. Mui-. 2. Hovi l. 1"111111. Time: SJ.l. no IH -1. Simmons L lllnd l. KeMe<iY. Time: 25.•. U0 Reil y -I. CheP!'lln COlit'f>I 1. N1w110f"! Htrbet l .Ge16en GtOVtl, Time: ~'·!· ~-:; U0 -. JtllflfflOI 2. Ht un l. Miii· • .. dl>Otl. Time; 2:01.t. nt -I. Erttrl t. M1!mboctr1 J. JOflfl. tlmt: 21:7. Olscw• -I. I.Oii l. GorO"on l, Cox. Dl1le11C1: 172·111. Ml~ Welk -1. tnerrr 2. ll•meri1 ), s1.-i1n1t1. l ime: 1:11.0. Cf'Oll ovntry -I. SlrOdk 2. Se)'lnO\lf l. Cl"'*'-Timi: 11:0..7. TrlPlt Jllfl'lll -I. llluntr l. F11.r> l. Ollver. Dl11111C1: '"1 J1 ... 11<1 -J· Se1t1M t. l rt n!IY l. M•lml>Oll•I· D lttflCI' 221M. LJ -!. SWllt 1. it.Piii' J. J(J.rffslll . Ol1t111Ct : :!0-0. SI' -1. Lott t. Gw-l. ""' lllird. 0 1.11111;1: ,,., ..... HJ -1. $fllelfi t. Glfltlll J, Oliver. Helo,,!: 1-t. H19k k-10 HH -1. Sf•Wlrl 1. No '9'-""d or ll!l•dl Time: 11.0~ Ml • -11 McOUOWll1. l!Ol"Jlmettr ). Sml!klOfl. Ima: •::U.l. 100 -I. IOOI• 1. t lood J W1lnet. Tl:t: 11.0. l(ul>ulc ..... ii~~nli':. 2. OllJtrl)l"llo J. 210 IH -1. Stewert 2. Ed\114rtlll ). ~ ,__11. Timi! 75.1. JIO -I. OWt"t 1. GrKnlllllftll 1 R:ell!Y. Time: 1:01.4. tl'I -I. llllH)(I !. Fhh t Ht•1n. T!ll'Wi • f . • .. i". ''··· Cros1 Cwntry -1. ~~kl l. />e•tl l, V1>'11:~~1'.!:. Tt~(~ ·\: 111rnett J. MIHtr. Dllll"etl: l:JS..J. l. Ti(~~-m811!;"!:.,';f.'1\': 7. IC1unt• J1v1Un-1. l1•llr !. It. OllWl nt J. T. Olrw1n1. Dl:ll1nct: IOI ... ItS all Old Forester LJ -I. Boots J. KIJrMr J, FGllll•dJ. Dh llnct: lf-4. SI' -I. Btrl!ll! 1. l 1Cllmtr I. CIC· c1'~"J-~l·~~"'i:'Jw~~·Ji 1. U""'"·N<>od l Ktlme<. J•!llw Hltll oo U·fl -·I. O!Berl\lr"° I. D<1n l. Ne lhlrd. Time: !:?ti. MJll 111·1') -1. knllcnt J. l:H!y l. No tMrd. Time: J::U.5. 70 HH -I. JDnll 7. ,_It J. $Hr•. 11 .... : 10.1, ct::. Tim!·: ~,·a·~.t.o·~ 1. 1, .. ,,1, J 100 -1. 51111 !. Ct rPtnlW 1. l"lllY. l !me: 11.f. u a -I. s~nd•ll 2. Colte•o J. Olr~1lek. ll""': SI.I. no 11-1 -1. "-11 1. 1 11y1or l. JOftt!1. Tlmt: 1'.!. tr.I -1, S-.11 2. J. Ollil•ll'CI l . Grider. TllTI!: 7:1S.J. no -I. s~1l1 7. Krlly l. f"c..._ell. Tlrnr: Jt.I. Cra11 Cwntry -1. Hlltltld 2. Rull ), J. Olswarta. Time: 7'.~.o. S,. -1. Sim• J. Sd!uent 1. JOl'tl. 0 :.1,nct: d ·'· HJ -1. Kle~1 7. It. Collltrt J, D. Colbef11. H~laM: S·S, LJ -11 C•1•n1er I. Ke111rrn1n J, Sund~ll. 0 "l n(O: lt-t. Ol1t111 -1. Simi I. Sc~utnt J. JOl'H Df1ltnu: !Ot-0. .• Tar Poloi8ls Nip Troy, ().5 Undefeated Newport Harbor Hla:h won Its third straight Costa ~fes1 Recreatk>n water polo till Wednesday nieht at E11>ncla High School with a narrow 6-$ verdict over Troy. Host Estancia made It two In • row with 1n etry 13-1 romp over Bolui Grande. Fountain Valley n I p 11 e d Cost11 Me:ia, S-4, •nd Gllrde Grove rouah«.I up La Quinta, &-T,1n blh<r "IClliilf. kind of day. ll1c gleam in their eyes"cells chc story. \'Uhac's ahead' A coast co happiness with che good flavor of a great Kentucky Bourbon. -· . ,. ,·· :;.~(''" ... •. . , , 86 proof. $6.19' fifth ""'-I .. S..v< I 0% wh<rt you buy by 1h<eue. ·" • ' ., . ' .. ,, ·I I J " •rt 1001 UM lltllf 1111!1U tN 10"0 • tlO~lf&lllWI l•ihlJJ.U. t0"11Utitlll• Al l.Ol.lll¥1ul ti ., .. \ISliiJ • •• .:/ . Jl j 1 • LEGAL. NOTICE •·IM21 Clillll'ICA'T• 01' IUllN•ll l'ICTITIDUl NAMa ,,.. \lflllln~ -· ctrHtv .,. It c-<lllC!lnt t butlMH 11 111-H ltlw~ldt 0<1¥1, Ntw'°'' Seier... C..llfOl"l'l11. unllloir ftlf: fl<:!lllMll l!rm n•-ol tl\ NEWPOltl WRAP & MAI\, SEltVICI!, 411 Gl.M • p"INTING 11\d !Ml MIG' rltm 11 com• ~ flf lftt foll<)wl.., H •Horo, """°"' "MM lfl 11#11 t lld llKI of r .. ldtl>CI Is I I fllliow.' H1rold l . Gr1v. l l'M SlllllO•lll W••· New!IOfl l .. <;11, C1~foNll1 Dtleol Junt 1'. Ifft H11'11d L Grl V st1N el Cl lif9"'1-, °"'"'t County: O!o J\'nt It. lfff, llitfon! -· I NOii"' .. llbfk lft MN for ... lcl Sl1tt, •·r-!IY -rtd H1rOld l . Gr•• ~no-to mt lo '-1tle ...,,,_ w!lose .,.,... Is 111burTl>ttl 1'0 "'* wlttil" ""'"""""' ii.l'MI 1cknowledf· IHI he 1•K11ll!ll !flt V mt tOFl'ICIAL SEAL! Ml rt I( Ht"'' Molan Putlfk.C111tornl1 Prlnclo1I 0111~• I" Ort<l9t Coo.tnl¥ Mv ClllftffllHlofo E•olr .. Nev. 71, lfn PUlll!WM<d Ort"" Co.st Ot•lv J-ll'I, '1 11111 J11W I, 11, ''" LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL. llOTICE ----·-CPlt'Tll'IC•Tf. II• Ct>••"''''"" l"OR TIUNSAC'TIOH O• IUSINl!IS UND•ll f'IC'TITIOUS NAME 'THE UNDEll.SIGNED COltPOll.JiTION I lllou lltf'fbY ur"lllY TllJI II 11 cond11CtlRg • 'ltnl•ur111I •l'IO o;'\Cll:ltll "'' bu•lnl!'<.I loclled 11 ms E"' Co.it Hlellw•Y· Cllfllfll Clel M•r. C•llfom\1 undf'r !ht 11<· tltloln llrm Ill"" ol CHAltLES ll!STltO 1no Hlal Mid flrm 11 comooMd o! ~ tolloWlne coroot1tkln, wtiow 11rl11t;l otl 111..::1 ot bu1lnn.1 It •1 1onew1; G 1. H 11.ESTAUll.ANTS. INC .• 73?5 Et!! Coas! Hl1h••Y· Ceron. Cle\ Mt r, Ctl\lorn!J . ..; WITNESS lta lltnd !11112•11> ffY of JUM, \fft. G I. H llESTAUltANTS: INC Georte C. Htlnri(I\, l"re11denl Mtry Htldll'ft, Vk:t l"re11dtn! 1<_1..,11ne "· Geot"' Sec:rtltrv• Trtt1<,1rfr $TATE OF CALIFOllNIA I I COIJNTV OF LOS ANGELES I ~I ON THIS :Miit dtY ot Ju111, A D., 196', bt1o!'1! mt. Mtrk CtWYtr, I Nottrv ,.llblk In trw:I l..-n ld (ounh •'Id Slllt. r"lldllll n1ertl11. dul't commlp°""N •"" t.WWll. ~riOMll'I I PPttrK Geo,.... C. He;nrcll. ~rv Htl'"" 11..i Kon1l1n!IM "'· (;eorgt kMW" to ... ~ !O be lh• P•H1dfcnt \lltt prrlldtM '"" 9'etreT•rv·•rttlY"' ol I !ht corPO••ll<m 11111 •~ecuted Ille w!ll\!111 ln1trutntf'I on bl'll~ll ot ti.. corPOrt!lcn ""'"In ntmeci, '"" tcknowlo<tted lo mt 11111 lllCh ccrPO•t lio ... P•KU!K '"" Slr"lle. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I lltvt t.trt11nlo HI my lltnd tnd tll!•~ mr ot· t lcl•I aeNI Ille di• '"" ve•r In tlll• c N'!!!ICI!! llrll •bov• wrlll~n. (OFl'"ICIAL 'EAL) M•tle (IWYf'f Nalt ry Pllbllc·C8lltor~11 P•lntlP•I Ofllt t ln L~ AnttlH Cou~lv MY Com1T1l•1io.. •••I••• NOY. 7J, 1Mt l'ub1i11!N Or•~tt t ou t Otllv illllo!, Junt 21, tnd July ~. 11. II. l"t IHl-it LEGAL. NOTICE s Fridi}, Jul, 11, 1969 Drive to Market Smog Device Due • W ASHING'FON (UPI ) Opening or a campaign to markl't a $300 device developed ln California for con, vertlng autoinoblle eng.loe.s to burn natural 11aa.. w 1 t b virtually no air-polluting ex- haust emissions, was an- nounced Thursday. The device, developed by the PaciUc Lighting Corp .. will be sold by a new firm whose top officials iilclude a former federal air pollution abate· ment official. Edward Falck.. pr~ident ~ Na tur al Gas Vehicles Inc., said the device which the rom- pany hopes to sell first to truck and taxicab I I c e t operalors o'Jers "lremendoos advantages in reducing air pollution." S. Smith G r is wold \ associ ated with Falck and a former associate dirttlor of the Federal Polution Abate· men I Control Center, said the natural gas system tiad many Co min CJ July 12 Family weekly . . -. OVE}{ THE COUNTER. Complete-New York Stock List . . I • Thursday's Closing .. "" .... ..., ___________ , a.;, ..i.u.c .... a... . - •• • /_p • rices-Complete New York Complete Closing Prices -American Stoel{ Exchange List • I • Hirsch Elec ted Vi ce President Robert S Hirsch of Balbol. ha!! been elected a vice presl· dent ol COidweii Bank~r Ii Co , Realtors. G ~f Mot t. presldtnt, announced The ap- pointment is effective i m· mediately Jn his new office Rlrsch wilt continue as manaier •• Coldwell, Banker s Newport Stach olll~ recently relocated to the N twPott F1n1ncu1I Plata 11t 5 SO Newport Cenlet Drive; Ht hMt- betn a member of Lhe rltm 1 -pnifeS>lonal ·stall nc< lt!l- and wu appointed Alea manager in 1968 .. ' f r I '· J OAILY r lLOT Si.ti , ..... {She Asked Andy ' ~ Eleven-year-old Patti Stubban oc -17592 Wrightwpod . Drive, Huntington Beach, examines the W,orld Book 1'. Encyclopedia set she won for her question on l'c "fflon!OOl!s-ift the-rJAIL Y-P!LOT'! A•k-Andy fdlu1!ilr." · ~ i Patti's question was answered in the July 5 edition. F81 Director Hits Gifts to · 'New Left' I IVAS HJNGTON (U P I) - : FBI ~eclor J. Edgar Hoover ~-reports the coffers or "new ~ left" organizations such as ti_ Students for a Democratic -·~ Society (SOS) are being en· .,.; riched by wealthy Americal\!I. · '~j "Although the majority of gifts are in the $10 10 $50 ;-range, wealthy benefactors . who ha\'.e acquired thelr for- ·..,. tunes i11 the United States have contribut~ substantial ·• amounts in support of .the new 41 Jett movement and in support cl the activities of the SOS in ,,,:· particular." Hoover said. • He gave a detailed run· '9 down of such contributors-r without ever naming the in- dividuals-in testimony to the House Appropriatiom sub- committtee April l7. It was ..,,,, made public :.tonday. Included among !he con- ., tributors, Hoover said. ••are a Cleveland industrial ist who has Jong been a Soviet apolo- ~ist; the wife of an attorney m Cbica&o who is a million- ; -a.ire; an heiress in 1he New ~ · England area who is married ft.., to an individua l prominent in the academic community who • Pop Singe1·'s Condition 01( SYDNEY, Australia t UP\)- St. Vincent's Hospital said to- day the condjlion of Marianne Falthfull, 22, British pop singer and girlfriend of ~tick Jaqer of the Rolling Stones, has stablliz.ed. ~ti.Sii Faithful wa.s hospital iz· M Wednesday for what the hospital said was exhaustion. Unofficial sourets at the hospital said she was treated for an overdose of barbiturate s. Hospital authorities declined to com- ment on the rtports. Goldberg Leads Visit to USSJl UNITED NATIONS (UPI ) -Arthur J. ,Goldberg, fonner U.S. ambassador and Supreme Court justice. ~·ill lead a four- man delegation of the United Nations A.s.sociation on a visit to the Soviet Union lhi.s month, it was announced. has been active in new ·Jeft activities." Also. he said. "a wealthy New_ York lecturer and writ.er who for years )las been Jink- ed to more than a score of Commmtisr-1ront organizations and has contributed liberallr to many of them. These ind._ viduals alone have contrib- uted more than $100,000 In sttpport of-new-!cit --acttvi=- li es." · · Hoover said the new left also had received money from several foundations in- cluding "a very prominent foundation in New York'' which he said cont ributed more than a quarter ot a million dollars from 1961 lo 1968 to in d i vi du a Is and groups. Mo.st of the recipients. he said, ''have been identified as either present or past mem- bers or sympathizer~ of the Communist Party-U.S.A., or new left movemenl" He estimated that nearly 60 percent. Qf . ~OS f~ caqle from contributions and much of the nationwide trivel by prominent new left leaders is paid for by honorariums paid lo them. "generally out of student' fund~, for their guest appearances on college cam- puses.'• Funds for new left anti-· draft activity, Hoover said, also have been supplied by organizations such as "Re- sist," a Cambridge, Mass .. J:roup of professors, writers, ministers and others opposed to lhe Vietnam ~·ar. '"Demonstrations are rre· quently financed by fund- raising and collections," Hoo- ver said. '·For example more than $25.000 was collected from participants and spe~- 1ators by lhe organitlng com· mittee during the march on the Pentagon in i967." Hoover described the new left movement "as a firmly established subversive force dedicated to lhe complete de- struction of our traditional democratic values and the principles of free govern- 1nenl." He sa id it represents "the militant. nihilistic and aoarch- istic forces which have be- come entrenched, for the most part, on college cam- puses and which threaten the orderly process of educa- tion as the forerunner or a more determined effort to de- stroy our economic, social, and political structures." ;•·····················••*************'**** ...... i YOUR PROBLEM: -I t You want to sell some it•m : : that you no long•r nHd but : i someone else can use for • t NOT OVER $50 : ; ?????? ! t YOUR ANSWER: -! i You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for .: f Cla11ified Adverti1ing, and place a : : : PILOT • • i j PENNY i ; PINCHER : f! CLASSIFIED AD : AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE I 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2D.OLLARS : • . AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I : DIAL NOW DIRECT! : • 642-5678 : ~ ..... ~~.,;:;; .. ,,_...,..c...,14f.12ii J ~ • i. ................................................... , • .. ' \· •• .. ..-----'·...;,.· ;..· -------~R:---, l. t, J ! l All Mir Co stores will close at 6 J.m. Tuaday, Julr 1,, for Inventory '\· ' . ·~J \'\ . I " '.i j . ' I ~ \· ~ "'Ji .. '\ ;., I \ \ \ ' . J~ .· ; '·' ,_I " :. ·. -··; ·-~ ·. '· ~ . \ Sale JVfaybrooke two·pant tropical suits made of Dacron " and wool 'J"his lighr~'tight tropii..:al ,..·ill not ,...jJt .,,.·ith the h.ea.t. D~cron• polyester add s its "''rinkle-shed- ding pro~·css to loog·"''caring ~·ool and that's 1 lombination that's hard lo beat, especially at thest 5avinss. Choose handsome plaiJ or solid . rtgululy BJ .00 69.0Q may co men 's suits ~1 • 1, ' ' ' --• • . -~·I". • permanent< . R~d~ · pants in a 'l?fii\ Ji:op' Sii(!li weave ~lf . ~-... ' .lbey ~ ;..'W1 ~y .. !!icy shed the bel:,t; ~Ic<11.;li!!f. top-poCl:ets, extension ... ~St/ M..ni1~rs. ·30 to 40. \ '\ . 12.99 ' reg . 16.00 \ • . ' . ' ' men's no-iron .dfess shirts from a top mailUfacturer Cool short-sleeve styles ·in a choice of bold stripes~ 50lid.s or ~·hitc. Select but- ton-down or spread collus. J /0< 10.50 reg. l .Q0.6.00 3.59 meu · s furnishings 6 ' ' ' discontinued style 5h oes from a famous maker Cl assic styles in discontinued designs for casual and dress.wear at gre1t .saY- 1ngs. Sorry, no m1il or phooe orden . reg. 1600·,1700 12.99 mtn · s MK>tll 6o ' -~~ ---~---· '' •• --. ' .· r . ' • famb"us maker 's no•uon short. slee~e spart shirts A s~u,Qa..ssic Jqr.cornfort ... '!ld good ,. looks. Button.dO....n or. spr~d collars. S to XL. Stripes, solid colors or whites. . ' Its with reg. i'.oo-6.00 3.99 men's sportswesr 84 a knit · shirt bonanza a bounty of styles Short sleeve wd long sleeve "''ith m01.k- turtlt or crtwnecks. In solids or stripe~. A Tl~t choice is yours. S to XL. rrg. ~.UO·S.00 2.99 buioo ball BJ Yz off famed make belt s in a large selection of styles All'igator snd otMr fine skins in a wide .selection of stytfs, 11.•idths ltld buckle treatments at one-h.alf regular prirc. J QO.li.lO f.50-8.7 5 men 's furnishiI1gs' 80 ' --I • may co south. coast plaza, sen die90 fwy at bristol, co.ta mesa; shop monday through saturday 10 a.tri. to 9:30 p.m 5'46 . 9321 ~MAYCO . ' • I . ~ --........ -,-----~---------.----~------~-.-~----~ -------------. .::.-=-::-::-:=:=::~ • . -. (rldl)', J,11 II, 1969 D- " . • 'E ·1 · . -. • ' _A (om .p/e _te Guitle . ' Wha ·t .. Where do -... to · ••• • •• r ' Pageant Unveils L .. i. 1v1ng ·Pictures. U'EEKENDER INSQ)E FEATURES . . -. Before ·you take to the dine out- trail this weekend be sure to check Norm Statlley's Out 'N' About column on Pages 21 and 2;?. Travel Gulde to Fun In the GaJleries Live Theater Out 'N', About David Fr0tt "Maugham" in LA ~aword Puzzle Fraa.t Sutton "FJnlan'a Rainbow" L Ql!eenle TV Views Comics _ LietevWon Log GWde to Movies , Sond~a Loc'ke Page ~o Page ZO Page %11 Page '!O Pages Zl·Z! Page 23 Page U Page !t Page !~ Page!~ _fogeJI Pap28 Pa""ge>!S P...afe.-,-,...,__ Pal'-%5 Page ·Zl· Ratvls , Ellis To Hi ghlight Cou n ty Fair At,t Special t' "~~Tonight I I J0' _, ,,, 4tLaguna ,.: {~ l;,1/"'} t ~ big nigll! long awaited by the '?$'" _ it , sit~· t, motionless actors in the Pageant • ~ w · • \\: 1 <1( e Masters has arrived. The six-week ~~~ 11 1 anpual event ol creating great works of_ 'ti--~' \...J art di! stage opens to the public tonight ln .1,;. • .i.~ :-:.. J it$, ~th annual presentation. · ·~ Two casts of about 145 each alternate · .-i · e~h week for the 45-.n!_ght ~un -of !h~ ~ Pigeant where on stage al the Irvlne ;_ .B:o.wllirtng ibo®.ls_r_emiin_motio.nle&i (gr_ l-~. as long ~ the curtain remains -open - from " to 90 seconds. It has never ceas- , ,ed to amau a[Ji thrill visitors:_ AmQng the gems...to..be shown..-not on the stage but dotting the-hillsides on ' either side of -the bowl stage -are five· sculptures of Father Junipero Serra, founder of Old Califomia missions. ShOwn in the photograph at left is a statue of Father Junipero Serra and an Indian Boy which stands near the San Fernando Mission in San Fernando Valley. Jt reveals the tender affection the dedicated priest felt for the prim· itive natives he found in California when he landed here with Gaspar de Portola. The hlst<lrlc statue will be recreated by Quinn Farnes, as ~the priest and young Ste~ Haught" in· the role of the Indian Boy.· They are shown. right, on the ir way up the·hillside in the dark, to take ~ poslti<11)S. The ci-ew -and producUon staff work day and night to produce the two-hour ootdoor. ~vent. Stui;ients, housewives and businessmen learn the craft under the direction of a few paid professionals. " Television ·and recording star Lou Rawls, avant garde jazz mus:cian-eom- poser Don Ellis, and Florencio Yescas' Ballet F<.olklorico group from old Mexico highlii;rht the big-name entertainment features Ir. the 196S Orange County Fair and E:Cpu:sition "Fiesta of Fun," opening Tuesday, July IS, to run through Sunday, .:uly 'W, in Costa Mesa at 88 Fa~r Drive. The Ballet Folklorico wi ll be joined by the Los Caporales Mariachi Band and comedian Jose Gonzales GonzaleS for the "Fiesta Ge1 Viernes" on Friday evening, July 18. On the following evening, Don Ellis .tno his new band will a\)pear for conctrt flt the Amphitheatre stage, and Lou Rawls. recording artist and star of "Dean M~rtin Presents the Golddh!:gers," will wina up the fair with his own Ampnitht ;:lrt show on Sunday evenitig. STATUE OF FATHER JUN I PERO SERRA AND INDIAN . BOY The switching <1f large sets in a matter of seo:ind" is one or the main production probleJlll!I <1Vercome by efCicient stage QU INN FARNES AND STEVE HAUGHT RECREATE STATU E INTERMISSION SCR See king New Talent; Neiv ·Cla sses at Op en End The wide va riety of other special enter- tainment feature s during Fair and Expo '69 will kick off with the-annual '"f\.liss Orange Cf'unty Fair" Beauty Page~nt on Tuesday, July 5. Preliminary judging ~ill start at 2:30 p.m., finals at 8 p.m., With the crowning of the new queen set ·r91 9 p.m. The Optimist Youth Band of Orange County will also taKe part In the Tuesday program as they begin their six-day stint or twice-daily performances. Additional special features during t~e week inctude twice-<laily appearances by t.he SAC Drill Team from Offutt Al"B. Nebraska, every day, Marine Corps "P.ageant of the Fjag'' on Thursday, Kingsmen National Cham· piOn t>rum and Bugle Cotp!l on Friday, Saturdl'ly, and Sunday. and the Sing-Out.- West-End Singers for three performances <ln Sat.urday. On Wednesd:1y afternoon, July 16, a variety talent show will top the 5th An- nual Senior Citizens' Jamboree. Half. price tickets for the annual Jamboree <Jay are available through senior citizens' clubs .11nd directly from the Fairgrounds. The Brunner famil y will stage a return performance of their popular Popcorn Theatre Marionette shows. T h e elaborately costu med marionettes will appesr in their new prodlictlon '"Hats-a· Courtin'" every afternoon and evening. Another perennial favorite is lhe Small Animal Farm, where tiny children may touch the baby animals: It's desk cleaning out lime in the Intermission corner today as this tenant gels ready to draw the curtain for an "intermission" of his own -three weeks of imitating Martin Milner from the old Route 66 series. And, checking once around the beat for anything we might have missed, we find ·South Coast Repertory getting ready to launch a recruiting drive. This time, however, SCR is making a special effort to snare some older -or. if you prefer. physically mature -talent for the Costa Mesa company. Since the repertory group was formed four years ago, it has relied primarily on young, vigorous actors of the under;30 generation, aging them when necessary to play <1lder roles such as Volpone, Willy Loman 8!1d various Pinter characters. Now, according to Martin Benson, one of SCR's artistic directors, the company is making a concentrated effort to secure th e talents of actors who at least don't have to worry about belng drafted. Those in their 40's and SO's are preferred and should get in touch with Benson If they'd like tcJ get into the company. If you 're wondering what SCR has in store for the Orange Coast playgoer next season, plans are now being made to lead off the slate with Joseph Heller's "We Bombed in Orange County." The original title was "We Bombed in New Haven,'' but the playwright has urged theaters to localize his material, so the show should be replete with topical references. Topping the week's entertainment and fun will be the free stage shows in the S,000-seat outdoor Amphitheatre on Fri· day, Saturdal and Sunday nights. Other possi bilities, still to be con· firmed , are "Billy Budd," "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie," "Rosencrantz and Burgess Meredith Se t Gulldenstern Are Dead." "The Boys '" the Band" and a revival of "The Glass To Narrate Short Film . _Menagerie." which ~R•l•J!ed mo;tJm. ' presstvely in its initial Season. Burgess Meredith, who co-slats with Henry 1'"'onda' and Kirk Douglas in Joseph L. Mankfewicz's motion picture pro- ducUon of "There Was A ~ked Man ... " for W•rner Bros.-Sev,n· Arts, will narrate a 27-mlnute color film writ· ten and directed by a 21·year-otd newcomer, Gerald ~rm.an. a recent N.Y.U. graduate. ..' The short film, "Winter er the Witch." stara-Hermtone GlnioJIL.and Anna Strasberg. The children's fantasy wu "produced by Thomas Sand. * THE OPEN Ei.~D Theater W~·kshop In Newport Beach Is fitarting off the sum· mer seAson this week with a potpoutTI of programs, including new courses in film making, photography, mulfi-media and chUdren'11 theater. . The film maklne class is being taught by Milton Moline, who points out that his etudentl will develop and-produce their own film, uUIWn8 lmprovlsaUonal technt- ques . "\Ve .ton't know where the story is going until we finish it." he says, adding that during each session students will take on different roles of director, caml!raman and editor, then switch at the next session. Kenneth Shearer, whose impressive color stills of "The Threepenny Opera'' currently ·grace the SCR lobby, will ~d a workshop stressing the "impact" ~ap· prOaCh , to creative photography. "We w~ht' ~develop the student's Inner sense -his ability to teU Instinctively when a picture 'immediately engages the viewer and why1" he explains. 't:HE OPEN Er;D has added Warren Deacon, .an act.or-director , in Orange County before m,QVtng east for a year, to its 1s~rr.: ~oW will conduct classes in wriUng for' njultl·medla which will be <1pen to wrl(ers"interested in expanding and oo~iiiinf· their fields. wt!m'g the children's workshop for youngs\ers ages JO to 12 will be Gtorge Lymbui'n. His class members will create their own mime programs, act In im· provisational theater and perform in a play production. The Open End also offers classes in ac· ting, interpreUve dance, body movement and theater enc<1unter. Information on class availability can be obtained by call- ing lhe workshop at 675-1120. * BACKSTAGE -Bertram Tanswell, who staged a superior ptoduction of "Philadelphia, Here I Come" for the Laguna Playhouse last s e a s on, ha:ii been named resident director of the Lon~ Beach C<immWlity Playhouae, replacing James Brittain •... When the new La gun a ~M o ul t o n Playhouse opens this fall, everything will be new :_ the building, • seats, the eq uipment, the prices anl' the playing ni ghts . , . . with an increase in seats from 215 to 350, the ~· now will run Tuesdays µitough Saturday1 for two weeks instead of the current Wednesday- Saturday, for three week arrangemem'. Cfnthia Benaor of Newport Beach, a freshman at. Virghlla Iotermont COilege, recently played Mn. Roc:;ket in the col· lege's production of "Fu.Med Oak'' ••• -. another Newport student, Russell Lund of Uni~rsity cf the Pae!Oc;-reeeiYtd 1 befit actor .tward for his role as Rubin ln "The Dark at Ille Top ol lhe Slatn.JI • ,management. · Live narration by Howard Graham. and live music from a 23-piece orchestra Hollywood dir~ed by Vic Schoen, combine to turn an art show into highly successful show business. This year, as in the past, the United States government has generously cooperated bi changing flight patterns or Marine Air Force jets so that they do not fly over the 2,572-seat natural am· phitheatre duflng the scheduled run. of the Fesliva~ from July II through August 24. Mexican Fishing Town Now .Tay lor-made S pa Assisting the p r o d u c e f , Don Williamson, are Stuart Durkee, stage manager ; Bert Pettey, headdresslng and property director; Dorothy Brookbank, make.up director ; Joe W 1111 ams on, wardrobe direcctor ; Betty T u t t I e , wardrobe assistant; Leslie Jean. lighting director ; and J1U1e Hutter and Glenn DaNels, cesting directors. On the Festival grounds about 180 of the area's finest artists and craftsmen are exhibiting their work dally, from noon to midnight. Many of them are on hand to demonstrate their skills to in- terested visitors. A pupptt show with regularly scheduled performances daily iQ the new Forum, is presented by Rene' and his famous marionettes; and a restaurant and snack shop are open for the convenience of patrons. Good seats are still available for the Pageant of t~ Masters pn week days on- ly. Reservauons may be made by calling Irvine Bowl box office, 494-1147. Irvine Bowt is located at 650 Laguna Canyon ·Road. • By TERRANCE W. McGARRV PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico (UPI) -Six years ago Puerto Vallarta was just a small, virtually unknown Mexican fish· ing village drowsing in the sun as waves rolled in from the Pacific. It was on no· tourist routes. Today all that's changed, thanks to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton . \Vhen Burton came lo the village to work on the movie, "The Night or the Iguana," Miss 1'aylor followed him from Rome to continue the elebrated romance they had begun while making "Cleopatra" - and while the actress till wa~ legally Mrs. Eddie Fisher. ,• With the lovers came battalions of reporjers and photographers and Puerto Vallarta never has been the same JllCHARD ·~JITOH since. When Mr. and Mrs. Burton. now long wed, returned this spring to their $60.000 -Weekend Highlight s TEEN DANC E -A teen dance will be staged tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Harbor Shopping Center, 2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, with the "New 4..ife'' musical group pro-- Viding the music. There is no admission charge and all a~e welcome to come. A carnival with rides for teens and ·tots 1s going on in th e parking Jot of the center also. 1 Al\T FESTIVA LS -There are three bi g art festivals 1 opeiling tOnighi. -all in Laguna. The Festival of Arts1 is being staged in.Jrvine Bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon Road. Jn about th e 800 block of Laguna Canyon Road the Sawdust Festival gels under way tonlJ(ht With over 100 artists and craftsmen exhibit- ing. and at 346 No. Coast Highway the Art·A-Fair opens tonight with about 70 exhibitors showing their arts and talents. All are open from 10 a.m. io midnight, daily through August 24. ' ROCK CONCERT -Anaheim Conven tion Center Arena, three-story vil la, "Kimberly"· overlook· ing the Pacific. they were met at Che airport by a representative of the s~te governor. He solemnly presented them with _a scroll making them distinguished citizens or Puerto Vallarta and favorite S-Ons."<1f the state of Jalisco, for "the benefits your presenec here has brought the town." • Six airlines now run S<>mc 60 flig~t'i loaded wilh tourists into Puerto Vallarta every month. Another 600 private planes land here every month. The (ourist spen'ding hits $40,000 1l ,day during the peak ·of the season. With only air traffic to haul the lolii, tourist income has been rising by 15 pei ... cent per year, but the sta~e expects io :!~t~h :;;:,~e;td ~~r;::se~ i~~~~ ;::; of 150,000 per year is. expected to dou.blo then. J1otel construclion has added 706 rooms to the town 's ~upply sin (e the Burtons arrived, to reach l,100, b_iit tha t's only the start. Tftere'J. $17 mlllidb in hotel construcUon eithc-r: under way .~r on the drawing boards, expected to ad(f another 1,000 roomS .by next year. . .. Altog~tll'.r. the state government artt pri vate in vestors, including the Hiltwi and Western Hotel chains from ll\O Unlted States, are investing $64 million . in Puerto Vallarta, according to Go( Francisco Medina . < Town officials credit lhe BurtOfiS wit't lhe windfall. "The vaudeville they stars: red in made people sit up and take notlcj or us" according lo· Ruben Miller, vi~ chairman of the restival commiitee set up to' cl!!Cbrate PUerfo Valla(la's new status as a city . + 1 As for the Burtons, they like the quite Ufe they find here. Except for a feWf American tourists taking snapshots. thei° can wander the streets, or drop in tor I( drink at t~ Oceano Bar. without ca.us' ing much fuss. J 800 KateUa "ve., Anaheim Is presenting "Canned lieat" in a Rock-Blues Concert at 8 p.m .. Saturday, July 12 .. Appearing wJth this.group Js tbe..Steve..MilleLBaruLand_XaJ.eid.oscope, _ another folk-rock group. Tickets at boxolfice. I The only ooiSt! these days IB the c.aslonal braying of the .Burtons' pe*' burro, Tommy, and Ulc splashing In th swimmlng pool. Neighbors say Burton is a ht'avy reader. They can ~ him 1--eca\cd by a ·light In -the livinr-room wlth a book " long anc.r midnight moal nights. '~ .. • I • 1 • " -.. . . " . "' . • •• " -.. .._...;~:;,;l;:;ll::.;Y_l'l;.:.::;LO::.;T _______ _cr~111 J.11'7 .111 1'6' \ 'Giants' Sta.r • - Art· A-Fair , Irish. Castle Live • _Theater ; Worb Own Cattle Ranch ' In ~aguna Nice Cheap .... "Tbe Thrccpenni Opfn I ' _ Musicol drama on •laf• •I SouU1 Coad Repertory, JllJ <Oaf)' Conw11., .who atara as c1at. Steve llltlon ln "Lond Of Ult Olant1, '' mJ.&1lt be term· ,td a "1•n\lfman rancher ... . c.Mar owNI a 450-&cre wotitnr';. ttlr1'aneh netr. iti.0--ltobleY In cent r a I California and can usually be Jound al the ranch o n weekends and days off, "'ith his wife. r-.1arian, and their two children. JULY 11 ·AUGUST U LAGUNA FESTIVAL OF ARTS -The 34.lh annual Fes. Uval of Arts and Pageant of the Masters is being held at the Festival grounds and trvine Bowl, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, Lagu_oa Beach. through Aug. 24. Tickets for the Pageant of the Masters. if _ available, are on sale at the box office daily, 10 a.m. -5 p.m .. and include admisstoo to the grounds. Single 8$1mlssion to th• irQUnds to see the artists' exhibits is 50 cenls for adults, and 10 cents for children. Hours: noon to midnight daily. Phone 494-1145 for additional infor- mation. JULY 11 • AUGUST ff SAWDUST FESrlV AL -The third annual Sawdust . . GREGANS CASTLE, Ireland -"Find me a place where l can spend a couple ot quiet weeks'' writes a friend of mine. "In the country and n~t too expensive." . Well, here's a bit of Irish luck, friend. And at a ·price so good you can't a fford 10 go back ho1ne. ·. * . . G r~gans Castle ~~tel is in ttie green west coun- try. It s an old fortified manor house, redone in lo a s~an. bole!. (Tweffty-six guests at most, and you won t find more serene and beautiful countryside in all Ireland.) - , FeaUval is bell)g held in the aoo block or Laguna Canyon , __ ..,., ..... , • ..,,._.. Road, Laguna Beach, July 11·24. spon50red by the Laguna .. , w• t L R • THE PRICE FOR lwo is $9.30 .a day with lull Irish breakfast. But don't do that. Take it for a week wttb ALL meals-that will cost you $14 a day. F'our miles from Bally;vaughan -150 people, three pubs. An hqur from Shannon. Four hours from Dub- lin.-A folder with color pictures by writing Gregans Castle Hotel, Ballyvaughan, County Clare, Ireland. (Send 25 cents tor air mail -at those prices for r_ooms, mail costs could ru!n_the man.}___ Artists and _Gallery Owners Association. Over too artists r oca.as OU aw.s and craftsmen wJJI display their work and talent from 10 a.m. to midnigbt. Admission is free. JULY 11 ·AUGUST ff ART·A·FAJR -The arts and crafl3 ol 70 craft&mtn are on txhibi.t ..@.l t.be outdoor art show, spon.IOred by Laiuna Beach Fine ArU AiSOC!itlon, :U61CCOiifl!lgttwoY, tigilil• Beach, through Aug. 2t. Open daily from 10 a.m. to mid- Television star and top vocalist Lou Rawls will headline the stage show in the Amphitheater at the Orange County Fair on Sunday, July 20. Other top names including Don Ellis will entertain on other _nigbts_durlng the July_l>-20 run . njpt, the admiaaion cha.rga.is.-15 cents;. wUh chlldr:en Wider--, ------- 11 admitted tree. s.uo. ticket with unlimited admiasiorur, 1-Ttr:.e Ga••~-ies .$1. Phone 49f-IS14 for information. •• •• lo~•· "U * ---~----~•JO~_.J1 lr•l•nd for...stucl,nt~ tr.aveler1?'' I picked up a girl and boy ~itchhiking yesterday and they say it's fine. There'-S a good country youth hostel on Galway Bay -60 cents a night. They said hitchhiking is easy .. J've .,rented a cottage here -$75 a week. And I rented hikes. New, three-gears, 50 cents a day. Includes damage and liability insur- ance. JULY 11 TEEN DANCE -A teen dance will be hela in the Har· bor Shopping Center, 2300 Harbo( Blvd., Costa Mesa, tonJghl from 7 to 9 p.m. Mulic will be provided by the "New Lffe" musical group. -All are welcome, with no admission charge. A carnival is be.inf held in the parking lot of the center with rides for tots and teens. Wally Berr. high wire artist . will peH'orm. Admission is free . There is a charge for each ride. JULY 11·13 DODGER BASEBALL -Dodier Stadium, 1750 Stadium Way, Los Angeles. Day games start at I p.m.; Night rames at a p.m.. and Twi-night double headers at 6 p.m . DodgerJ Giants July JULY 11-11 DISNEll.ANJl SHO.W---=-..BriUsb.:musical star Shani WIJlis will head.line Dis!ley)arid's !Stage -show through July 11 .. Ap- pearing with her will be the Osmond Brothers,. Dj.sneyland Dancers and -John Scott Trotter and his orchestra. Show tiJ)ies are a and 10 p.m. nighUy. -Patti Page opens bc.r en.- ·aagemeot, July 13 with the Doodletown Pipers. Sunday Country Jubilee features Buck Owens. The Peppermint Rainbow will appear on Tomorrowland Teraef: at 9 and 11 p.m. Mariner's Library Shows New Exhibit * Now the best way to come into Ireland is 'the $25 castle tour -one of the best buys in Europe. CHALLIS GALERY _ 1390 s. Coast Highway, Laguna This gives you overnight and breakfast at a fine Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. on exhibit through hotel. A sightseeing trip in the countryside. And a July 29, oil paintings by Jo Anne Mix. choice of a magnificent dinner and' entertainment LAGUNA ART GALLERY _ 307 Cliff Driv~. Laillna in three splendid old castles. Beach. Admission 50 cents. Members and one guest free . 1r Hours: Mon.Sat. noon to s p.m.; Sun. 1·5 p.m. All California YOU, HAVE A choice: Dunguaire Castle on Gal- _Sh_ow, coID.£.idil!&" with Festi_val of Arts -will be ~n July 1:2-\vay Bay entertains you with reading o{ gre{lt I~~h Aug. 24 . .180 works will be .sllown. wrlters:--Btmra,tty Castte"ffiiSSOffgnna muslc:-- DEMILLE GALLERY _ 1432 So. coast Highway, La· Knappogue Castle does a pageant..of !Tish hi story. guna Beach. Hours: IO a.m. to 8 p.m. Portraits and still You should write for the fo1der on this. Brendan life paintings by Leslie B. De.Mille, through July. O'Regan, Shaiinon Free Airpo.rt, Ireland. It's free, ELLSWORTH GALLERY -1107 Jamboree RoacLNew-no postage needed. port Beach. Bu¥ and Mary Ellsworth are having a -special * two-man show in the Pal m Lobby of the Newporter Inn, ". · · suggest 1m11I present from South America J uly 18-19 from 6-11. Meta~ sculpture delicately designed for • man who fl1h,1?" with semi-precious stones by George Nagel aod the enchant· Never saw any special fishin g gear there. For Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesi Thurs . ..SUn. through Aug. 3 at 8:30 p.m. Reservations -646· 1363. "Black Comedy" Two one-act British plays en_, stage at the Laguna Play. house, 319 Ocean Ave., La· i;una Be a ch. Thurs .. Suo .. through Jtily 27, at 8:30 p.m. Reservations -494.8061 . ••Jt's properly called a work· ing ranch," said Conway. "and l'nt working it. At present we 're raising some fine polled Herfords that should be ready "Once Upon a Mattress'' ror market in !he late spring." A medieval musical comedy Con\vay said he finds the life presented by the Rancho Com· of a weekend ranch ex- un1nity Players· at Olivewood hilarating. Schoo I , 23391 Dunne Mear ·•rm away from the city end Road. Et Toro. Thurs . · Sat. !he telephone, and can .relax, at 3:30 p.m. through July 26. even though there 's so much Reservations -837·5955. to do all the tim e on Uie "Thurber Carnival" ranch," he said· A series of James Thurber "lt's a \\"hole other eJtistence Sketches one stage att theThSan from b a 1 t Ii n g 72-foot-higk Clemente ommuni y ea· . Ls all k . th . ter,-202-A-venida Cabrlllo~ San g~ wee _1n e serJe.S, CtementC, Thurs.~Sat.. July 17• aftd the w~rk on the ranch Aug. 2. ReservatiOC1s~-~ ke.ep~_mc m s~ape J or.-the J-492·0465. work . CHILDREN'S THEATER "Land ilf the Giants" also "Tom Sawyer" will be pre-stars Kurt· Kasznar, Don sented at the liuntington Matheson, Stefan Arogrim, Beach Playhouse, for chil-Don f.iarshall , Deanna Lund, dren, Fri. and Sat., July 2f>-Heatper Young and Kevin Aug. 9. Reservations-847-1631 Hagen and airs each Sunday or 536-8861. night on Cbannel 7. • JULY 11·13 .~ MUSJCA.L -"The Association" plus "The Committee" in1 paintings of Jan Hanson Travis will share hooors in bes t fishing equipment, you shop England, Ireland :·. <lnd "The Dillards" will provide a week· of music and satire : "11.t Melodyland Theater, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, July 8-13. Show Ume wiU be 8:30 p.m. week night!; 7 and 10 p.m. 1 ~at., and 5 and 8;30 p.m. Sun. Tickets, $3.50 • $6.:;<I availabJe T at the bo:r office or most ticket agencies. ( JULY 11 J WESTMINSTER JUNIOR DANCE -The Junior r .. n Club i ~ Weatminster invites all seventh and ei1hth graders living i In Westminster to attend their activities wtUch include a l iance each Fri. ni1ht, 7;30 lo 9:30, at the Westminster Com- ' mwllty Center, 1200 Westminster Ave. "Sweet and Sour •,, lDBlues" musical group will play for the dance. AdiOiuion, ...... t JULY 12 i TEEN CLUB DANCE -The Westminster Recreation and ~ Parks Department will hold a Teen Club Dance in the com· l munity Center, 8200 Westminster Ave., (for Westminster Teena) each Sat. from 8 p.m. to midnight. Admission, SL l • JULY 1% 1 ROCK·BLUF.S CONCERT-Anaheim Convention Cenler, 800 Katella Ave ., Anaheim. The rock-blues group. "Carmed \ Heat" will perform on Sat .. July 12 at 8 p.m. in the Arena. · · 'I'ickets , $3.50 · $5.50 may be purchased at the box office or .~Jrom most ticket agencies. ? JULY 11.-13 • HORSE SHOW -A horse show and gymkhana plus l 4-H competition and livestoCk demonstrations wil be held 'i, all d ay on July 12-13 at Rancho California in the Arena. Located on Highway 395 midway between San Diego and ' Riverside, one mil'! north of Temecula. i JULY 1%-%3 HORSE RACING -Thoroughbi'ed racing at Hollywood ·i ·Park, Century Blvd., at Prairie Ave., Inglewood is sched· ·~ uled Tu~ -Sat. lhrougb July 23. Post time weekdays 12:45, ; Sat., I: 15 p.m. $162,100 Gold Cup. Sat., July 12. i JULY 13 ~ BAND CONCERT -The 5th Marine Division Band will : perform at Westminste r Civic Center, 11200 Westminsler i Blvd .. Westminster, at 2 p.m., July 13. The 75 member band will play music ranging from Beethoven to Tijuai:ia Brass \ and show tunes to Sousa marches. No adrniSBion charge. : JULY 14 ! POPS CONCERT -A Concert with 35 musicians under the , di rection of Henry Brandon will be conducted in the mall at ~ .. Fashion Island, Newport Beach, each Mon. at 9 p.m. No admission charge. ii· JULY lt • %8 ~GEL BASEBALL -Jn the Anaheim Stadium, 2000 Slate i;ollege Blvd., Anaheim. All night games "are at • p.m.; day )&mes start at I p.m. Tickets available .at all ticket agencies lJnd the bo:r office. Phone 83).2000. Angels vs. Kan1as City )luly 14, 1$, 16; (N) Oakland July 16 (NI, 19, 20. (DJ. • JULY 15-lt · OC FAIR -The Orange County Fairgrounds; 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa will be the scene of the an1ual OC Fair. July IS.-20. Activities include industrial and art exhibits· midway rides; a horse show, rodeo, and entertainment by some top name stars Admission, Adults, $1 ; students, 80 cents ; children under 12. 30 cents (free i£ with an adult ). Exhibits and entertainnient are included in the admission price. Rodeo tickets range in price from $1.50 -$3.00 and proceeds from this one· activity 10 to help scouting In Or· anae County. ll is sponsored by the Boy ScouL'I. the exhibit. and Japa n. Good chance he carries a Zippo lighter PtfARINER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive. Newport -or would like one. Now in Lima, Peru they make Beach. On exhibit, through J!Jly, in lhe Jr. Ebell Ex· a beautiful Zippo lighter case in silver with Inca hibit during regular library hours, watercolor and oil paint· temple designs. ings by artists who have exhi bited in the last year. * NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Driv~. Mexico makes good silver Zippo lighter cases. Newport Beach. Currently on exhi bit through Aug. during . .o\ztec designs. Japan JJlakes them -and fills them regular business hours wcavings and tie and dye · fabrics 'vith an imitation Zippo. (Best to bu y an American of H. Crane Dey. Zippo and use the inside. The spark wheel wears COFFEE GARDEN GALl:.ERY -2625 E. Coast High-} ou t on the Japanese version.) Good Zippo cases in way. Corona del Mar. Hours 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mon.-· Italy 'vith Florentine silver work. But go to the very ~at. No admlsslon charge. On exhibit through Aug. 22 paint·\ BEST shop. ings by Ruth Osgood and pottery by Jack Taylor. * CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 Weit Newport Blvd., "If wi spend a few months in Europe, we don't Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.·Fri. Chil· want to get Into expensive places ... " dren's art exhibit including the work of some Japanese chil· Your cheapest countries are Portugal. Greece dren, lllges 5 to 15, which are on e.1change with some New-and Ireland. Now that doesn't mean the cities_ the port Children whose art is being shown in Japan. Two big hotels of Lisbon, Athens and Dublin \Viii clobber murals done by children in the Costa Mesa Schools also are on display .through August. you. You have to make the countryside: Gregans Castle Hotel (as above); a pensao outside Lisbon; MESA VERDE LIBRARY-2969 Mesa Verde Drive Eal'it, hotels in the Gr eek islands. Costa Mrsa. Currently on exhibit during regular library hours, through July, the oil paintings of Mildred Snidow. You'll find all of these going for $12 to $15 a COSTA J\1E.5A LIBRARY _ 566 Center St.. Costa Mesa, day for two with meals. And once you get thi s basic On exhlllit during regular library hours, through July, oil cost. you've got it made. paintings by Lois Freeman. * "Could we find a small pension or a rented C.J\1 . ART LEAGUE -513 Ceoter St., Costa Mesa. house or some place in Mexico where we could Hours: Sat. and Sun. l to 5 p.m. Coritinuous exhibit of art \vork in varlous media by Art League members. No admis· spend a month or so at a very inexpensive price?'' sion charge. Also through July, work of the U!ague 's Schol· Not so easy as it is in Europe. If the house or arship wi nners, in various media. hotel is to your taste, it's fairly high. If it's a cheap COSTA !\1ESA COUNTRY CLUB _ 1701 Golf Course price, it's likely to be buggy a nd the bath is broken, Drive, Costa ~1esa. Marine pain tings, in various media. by In the good hotels. there is a wide range of quality. Gordon Andrew, John Sturges and Clarence Sorenson are But Mexican hotel owners are proud. If the l·lilton on exhibit on the second floor of the club through the month charges $20 a day, THEY charge $20 a day. ~-* SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK_ 17122 Beach Blvd ., However -on a stay of a \VCek or more. you Huntington Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, can bargain. And often get a good price. Try sn1all- through July 25, paintings by Rheta Gillette. er to\vns. Mexico City is too crowded. The sinog is CHARLES BOWERS MUSEUM _ 2002 N. Main St, frightfu l -you couldn't keep me in l\-1exico City Santa Ana. Hours: Tues. through Sat., 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: more than a couple of nights with a pistol. Ajijic Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.; Wed. and Thurs. evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. No or Chapel a, near Guadalajara. Patzcuaro on the admi ssion charge. Currently on exhibit California Bicenten· lake or Morelia. Zlhuatanejo on th e coast. Guana· nial Exhibit and California Missions in Stereo juato in the dry highlands. Oaxaca in the south . ~~v:;;,: ·~·,. ""F..._~qzt& ~~..,., :.ff,.((_ 'Trog' Sets Film Start motion picture drama in which ~ Joan Crawford will star for ,. • \Varner Bros.-Seven Arts, will ' begin filming in England on 1 July 7, accord ing to producer Herman Cohen. The film is based on an . original stoTy bY Peter Bryan ~ and John Gilling. IN PRODUCE IT MEANS A ~OT! Our produce is 1t l•1 st • day fr1sher than 1nyone else's bac•use we go to the market "•verycl1y" 1t 2 1.m. •nd it's on sele 1t 7 1.m. If couldn't be fre~her even if you grew it yourself • , . Come sea . .fh e d ifference! Come s•ve the dif- farence! You'll i ava enough mon1y on your produce t o bu y 2 dozen ro~es in our flower shop for $1.99!" Thous1ncls do ev1ryweak! -CLIP THESE COUPONS AND SAYE - On Swedish American Line's Superb KUNGSHOLM (660 fttt; 25,671 rrou tonJ) J1111 th• "'lflhl llz.•" to' colfr•nl9nf ..,,.,,..,,., /Mtd/nf in moil Jot111 COmplet1ly Air Conditioned • Stabilizer Equipped FROM LOS AN&ELES APRIL 5, .1970 Via Acapulco-Panama Canal-New York Two-d•y 1topover In Ntw Yort-lhlp l1 your hotel THEN FOLLOW BLOSSOMING SPRING NORTHWARD FROM THE AZORES TD Sl'AIN, FRANCE, HOLLAND. ENGLAND, WALES, ISLE OF MAN, SCOTLAND, IRELAND RETURNIN& TO NEW YORK MAY 27, 1970 52 DAYS OF GRACIOUS LIVING-25 FASCINATING PORTS (many not Included in usual crui1e 1tlneraries-each port selected for ita particular ch arm.} RATES FROM $2,030 FROM LOS ANGELES HERE'S YOUR FABULOUS ITINERARY -Guadalupe Island, Puerto Vallarta and Acapulco, Mexico: Panama Canal; Cristobal, C.Z.; New York arriving /here April 18 lor two days "on your own., lor sightseslng, the1tre-going and shopping, wirh tHe KUNGS· HOLM your dellghlful hotel, LEAVE NEW YORK APRIL 20. You'll visit Ponla Dttlgada, In the lovely Azores, the Gallclan Coast of Spa!n in Camellia time. including Vi\lagarcia !or the famous shrine city of Santiago de Composte\a; La Coruna, and Santander lor th e renowned AHamlra Caves; then to France-Pauillac, for Bordeaux' vineyard country and 1he·Cognac district: Concarneau and Ouelern lor optional tours ol Brittany; and the French sea· pon ol Brest. You 'll cruise lo lhe Isle of Jersey. then return to France's great port of Le Havre for Normandy in apple blossom time. On to Rotterdam, Holland, In tulip time. England Is next. with calls at the Isle of Wight. Weymouth, end Plymouth !or Devonshl1e and Cornwall: Avonmouth for Bri•tol, Bath and the charming Cotswo!ds !or England's. lamed manor houses and historic gardens: Llandudno, In North Wales: Douglas on lhe Isle of Man. Then Scotland, calling at Brodick on Arran Island, crui .. ing along the Scottish ljords to lnveraray for Loch Lomond. A lilting scenic climax is the stop at Rathmullan, Donegal, Ireland. More re stful. happy days at sea be!ore the cruiae ends at New York, May 27. A apeelal faatur. Wiii bl th• talk• by 1111111 ltclur.ra on tht wine• and VlnayaNla, flowers, 111rdan1 and aatatas enjoyed along lhe way. ft11/y a connol111u1'1 c111/1e ror lho1a who 11ek th• N111t11111 1nd un11111111 THE MAGNIFICENT kUN08HOLM-a lovely bit ol Sweden, a world of lu,11urlous. peaceful travel-is designed to oiler the ult!mate In gracious cruising-cheerful, well appointed room1, all with private bath or shower. have comfortable bed s, dressing table, easy chair, cornmodioua wardrobes, telephone, and !Ingar· l!p air conditioning control. Public rooms range from specious lounges to Intimate seascape cafes; wide decks invile you to aports and games, or sheer relaxation in the sun and bracing sea air, Two swimming pools-the outdoor pool has a Lido beach setting-a completely equipped gymnaslum w!lh sauna and Swediah massage, motion plctur. theatre, beauty salon and bi t• bet shop, gift shop, are some of the many lacitl!les oflered. Swedish America n Line is famou s for Us gourmet cuisine, tn Internat ional t rray of In-and-out-of-season spec ialties prepered to your order. Service ls prompt and che&rful, anticipating your s!lghteal wish. Professional enterlalnment, dances, concerti and partlas make the KUNGSHOLM a "happy ship" lo which so many of our guests return again and ag1ln. Swedish Am1riean t1k11 gQod ctrt of you/ . The ervlff wlll bt limited to fer Mlow ca1>1clty to assure 1mple • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lnctlvldual .. rvlca; all ,pa,nengart may dl.nt 11 one llmt. • • 1000 C1rton1 For This • ' • • Gr1wn E1,.cl1lly For Us • lv•ntl • Quality Buy•r• and SANTA ANA CALl,ORNIA Re1tevr1nt1 Note! • SAFETY INFORMATION I I • r f ( • y I • 0 • NO 'USS. NO LABOR • The KUNGSHOLM. reg!s1ered !n Sweden. meets lnternelion•I • JWee orn • a encra ranges • Ready Tossed r ·lad• " Solely Standa.d• '°'new "''' aewlopea in 1960, ''"'"'' "' 5 H 1966 fire salsty requirements. •• . C "' • 1 0 lbl. 49c. • CONTRACT PRICE • ' • 8 Swedish American ~ine is ~roud of Swedish seamanship and nd Buz Elbworth of the Mery Ell •worlh Jewelry ond Fine Mary a , . Y to s en d o deligh tful evening ot .t ~e prerruere . Art Shop 1ny,te you P T · d motel •culpture• showi n9 of-4.oil ptiintinqs by Jon H anson rov1s on by George Negel • · In the Palm Lobby of the Newportor Inn Fridey end Soturd ey July 18-19 6 to I I :00 p.m. • V elet. pot~ing Ll111lt .it Limit 10-IH. 14C • seaworthiness trad lt1onal since Viking limes. • With Thi• Coi.ipo" I With 1'1t Coupan • lb. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 a • Include ltvaly Scandin1vl1 1n 1our u1t tri• t1 Europe: ., ~ Coupons 1.,.1re July 16th _ . trnot In "Crub1 ship lnury" tn Swodlsl Am1rlcln'1 11 · '1 TIANSATUNTIC SERVIC!TO I In th1ir nevtr endin9 •••rch to give y0u the fintst foods obt•inable, th•is• fine ~· COPENHAGtlf, DENMARK. 80THilllUIG, SWEDEN I~ re1t1urtnf1 sarva Newport "oduce .• t P•fronite th am. Elks, Foster Fretz, New· ••'•'Yoo"•• 1969 'lllOM OOTHIMIU"Q ,,.,., Pier, C9'Clrles ChlU, Newport: Royal Crnt, Coste Mesa. AHOCOPINHAOlfll AUGUST 14 ....... KUNGSHOLM .. AUGUST 29 I tOECEMBER 6 . '' .. KUNGSHOLM ... DECEMBER 20• 1:1 THE WHITE VIKING FLEET 11'( ,,.32 Yiari of l'.roduct "Wlttrt QtJ<1ht11 f~ T-hl'.'-[ ... o INlrt ,,. .. , .. ,.... LM • .,...,..,.~ ••r itt Know-I/ow" Order of Tht Housr" 1 '----..:0::.":.:"::'::'-''"'°:..::'•::"":::;;'~':;.•.:•:LL~'::':::'"°::::.;•"':::.;•::"::'"::... __ _J ~~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.:~~~~-lll1 ................. _ -. ·~.,.....,..... ~ ~ ·L_ __ __,_,.--~--· • • 1 • • I • n h r :- j ,, d y .. • :- .. h c • h ~ h c 0 n '· I, n y ' . Friday, July ll, 1%9 DAil Y PILOT H - WEEKENDER OUT ~ 'N' By NOllH STANLEY · ORANG E co u N r ·v ' s Me· N ·Ed's . Pizza fans hereabouts can enjoy a field day similar to that mountain climbers woµId relish in the High Sierra .. .o\nd all because of Orange County's Me-N-Ed's Pizza Parlors. These places are a virtual wonderland of pizza possibilities with the many tempting varieties of- fered. You'll probably find all your favorite top- pings, plus a few you haven 't tried, that'll be hard to resist. LOTSA STUFF Selections, in addition to straight cheese, include green bell pepper, ILalian sausage, pepperoni, salami, linguica (Portuguese sausage). mushroom, beet and onion, anchoviy, blook-oW.:e, Me.N-Ed's special (any three items), combination (every- thing). . ~ Before any extra items are added, however, initial preparation calls for some basic ingredients that give the pizza its particular taste. These, for the most part. arc contained in the distinctive cheese base "Ed" employs. Actually, this unusual mixture consists of six different cheeses blended together -mozzarella, romano. parmesano. provolone. pecante arangia and gallo fresco. And to this savory combination add the use of pe<:ante spice pasta. OE LIVERY Further, Me-N-Ed's offers the choice of eating in a Gay Nineties atmosphere on the premises or -having your order delivered hot and piping to the door at home. Those dining in a parlor can order.pizza in three sizes -individual: large, giant -while only the two latter s izes are prepared for home delivery. Large quan"tities can also be ordered, with 24-hour notice, for private parties, meetings or.banquets. At the restaurant, prices for an· individual pizza range from $1.30 for straight cbeese,to Sl.95 for the Open to th e Public ~ New ly Enlarged Popular ... LARK ROOM Entertainment Nightly Tuesday throu9h S•turd•y THE FA BULOUS DICK SEAN * BA NQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAil Y MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co-Owner1 1'782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON IEACH For Reservations Call 846·1186 or 146°1416 'W1le:le Evitio61'Ji111.s ~ &ppuUJ,! f'ltet...a "Three'• Co .. ~ in t.Ae &oilh Low.,c I>UWt, ill the ~ul Mddor llOOlll ..... •\ ~abart:t.. .• tllealre •••• G RAND HO TEL 7 FanoM.lN WAT ANillEIM, ~-772-7717 In The LIDO LOUNGE LOU NORRIS FOUR 8:30 P.M. -I :30 A.M. MONOAY THRU SATURDAY BILL M c CLURE DUO OAIL y , S to 1,30 P.M. 1107 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beech I \ R E S T AU R-A N T, NIGH T I C LUB AND EN TE RTA IN MENT SCENE • combination ; $2 to $3.15 for large · $2.60 to $3.95 for ~ays .• the' rel:1ni'.a~o;phere-height~ned by dim giant. · ' "' _.!lghting,. d~rk wood ~pne/Jng and candles o_n the ~- Owner Tom Prine, formerly associated with the Arrowhead AJplne Club. deserves three cheers in his own right. They are for the restaurant's excel· lent wine li st, unusually zesty draft ch~pagne. and super-refreshing mint julep house drfuk. All take out or home delivery orders are 10 tables -conspires ~1~ good foad and service to cents higher. There also is a 25 cent delivery provide a pl~asant dining experience. charge ; 50 cents for delivery over 2•h miles. Deliv· f ery hours are 5 to 10 p.m .. Sunday through Thurs· day; 5 to 12, Friday and Saturday. • ' (jit'.1• BEERS Anyone dropping into one of these fine establish- ll"!ents has ~ w~de ~hoice of beers to accompany his pizza. Leading off is the house s~ecial, black Bavar· ian style draught beer, ·by the pitcher or glass. Imported bottle beers include top labels from J-lolland, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Canada, Australia, Czechoslovakia, Japan, the Philippines, Mexico and France. In Costa Mesa, Me-N-Ed's is located at E. 17th and Tustin Streets; in Huntington Beach-at Beach Blvd .. an_d H~il. They open daily at l :SO 'a.m., close -at m1dn1ght Sunday through Thursday and 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. ' Ideal spots to take the entire family Cor a pizza fill-up with little damage to wallet or purse, other parlors will be found in Garden Grove, Anaheim . Fullerton , Santa Ana and Stanton. Mr. Mike's One might be forgiven Cor missing the ferry fro1n the-peninsula to Balboa lsland, but not Mr . Mike's Restaurant scant yards from the point . where you drive onto the boat. · Located fll 209 Palm, Balboa, no more than a few waiting-car len gtQs from the ferry loading dock, Mr. Mike's is "'an idear place to stop en route for lunch or dinner. Even better, make it your destina- tion t~ begin with. INTIMATE SPOT Small and intimate as restaurants go these ••• Rtaerv•tion•: 494-6574 Open Oa/ly Oie!~wers e lUNCHEOM • OINNEll • • • • I ESTAUIANT AND C.OCll:TAIL LOUNGE t 5UNO.&.'I' S IUJNCH e l AlE 51JPPE1t OIN1NG OCEA NFRONT DINING, A TOP TOWERS W ING Of SURF And SANO HOTEL IHJ SOUTH COAST HIOltWA'f LAGUN A SIACN, CAll,.OltNIA JUST FIVE MINUTES AWAY FROM THE BUSY IEACH AREA You 'll Find TIM MORGON HI~ SONGS AND GUITAR at A well-balanced ch'o~ce of items on the midday bill of fare Includes ~st sirloin of beef, au jus. $1 .75; shrimp salad bowl , $1.75; sirloin steak sand- 'vich, $1 .95; combination-sea foOd plate (filet-of sole, shrimp, scallops), $1.45; broiled halibut steak, $1.65. LUNCH SP ECIALS Businessmen, and others too, will find each day's different luncheon special more than reason- able at 95 cents. Tbe same holds for a variety of sandwiches from 95 cents to $1.25, and the lo-cal · sirloin, $1~65. Dinners at Mr. Mike 's have an unusual pricing feature, with everything falling under one of three figures : $2.75, $2.95 or $4-;95: All include soup or salod {with choice of homemade roquefort. thou- sand ·tsland or Caesar dressing). and choice of bak· ed or au gratin potatoes or rice. It's the nightly special that's tabbed at $2.15. Prime rib on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday ; top sirloin, \.Vednesday: S\vordfisl), Friday; pan fried chicken. Saturday. ITALIAN OINNERS The $2.95 price takes in four Italian dishes - spaghetti and meatballs. spaghetti and sausage, ravioli, lasagne -:-beef brochette, with mushrooms. green pepper, cJiefl'yl0m3toes and pear onions ; fried shrimp, h·alibut steak, swordfish; chopped si-rloi n. F'or $4.95 the diner can select one of three steaks .:.. top, New York or filet -lobster: frog legs. steak and lobster combo . MASTER CHEF Master chef behind the kitchen artistry di splay- ed at Mr. Mike'S is Rex Kinney, a recent California immigrant frCim Chicago with an impressive list of Second City credits including the Ivanhoe. Pala· tine and Uncle Andy's Cow Palace. ARTISTIC BAYSIDS: DINING . • • '-· - Give a round of applause too for three exceed- . ingly attractive and efficient waitresses-Inngard, Darlene and Joan. Clos~ Mondays, Mr . Mike's is. open from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Lunch Is served from 11 to 2 and dinner gets under way at 4. Lunch At Gira rd . . One of those all too rare occasions presented it- self the other day -an opportunity ·to indulge in an extended lunch hour while hosting a very special friend and associate. Such an event naturally catied for sele<:tlon (If a place out of the ordinary. Choice of the Gerard French Restaurant in Costa Mesa proved wise on all counts. Past experience gave out 'n' abouter every confidence the gu~st's fir st-time vis it and discrimi· nating taste 'vould be well·ser'ved ~ere. And that be-- lief \Vas amply . substantiated in a torrent Qf post· lunch praise. A SURE BET If the truth will out. however, Gerard is about as safe a bet as you can rely· on in treating yourself. or other~. It's beyond imagining that anything you order \viii be less than top-rate. l<""irst to arrive at the table was the always de-- Continued on Page 22 -JOSEF'S- 01x1ELAND BAND EVERY FRIDAY AmRNODN FROM 5:00 to 1,00 P.M. CAL ROSS TRIO ••• f p.m. to Closi"t e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SUPPER e SUNDAY BRUNCH e r~~A-A.~~ AT THE J;:I~~ ~~~ST HIGHWAY 67:J.lll0" fl ~ JtJiµ ~l~D~in~in~g w~i~th~A~n ~Oc~ea~n~Vi~ew~ 6 ~.~~~~u ~l~~z,.0~~~~~1:.~ ~ SEAFOOD, STEAKS AHD GOURMET ENlRW Sunday Dinner from FiVc P.1\1. ~ REUBEN'S AIRPORT RESTAURANT llr-l'~ ·· COCKTAILS * FROM $3 25 * 2;1ZJ Enst Coasl. High1.1,ay--Corona dcl ?i-lar • Delightful Salad-Hors d'Ocuvrc Bnr d1 * * * " " " " " " . 4647 MacArthur loule•ard, Newport leach (Nsar Or•nv• County Airport) " I LES " 11 " Z:i1 I " [!] SUPERB POLYNESIAN "tt'e Entertainment Sat., 8:30 p.m. -2 •.m. promlte you good and s ervice'" POL YNES I AN FOODS food DON JOSE' -proudly ""'"" - The Exciting I -sANDRA ALEXANDER puo. Tuesday thru Sunday Finest Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad1m1 (1t M19noll1l Hunt. Bt1ch 962-7911 f714) 673-8267 ---::::""'di"'""'~ .--e~c\ JESS PARKER ~.y~~ ,.,<!!,) Appe•rlng Nightly NOW OPEN "@!~B"f -AIRPORT COSTA MESA -ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT 1262 PALISADES ROAD (714 ) 546-1390 Mon. thru Sot. 11 a.m.-2 a.m-Sunday 4 p.m.012 p.m. SERVING LATE DINNER To 12:30 A.M. Mon.-Thurs.-1,30 A.M. Frl.-S1t. F•aturin9 lhe s~m• world-famous menu & 1.ounge •njoyed by mi ll ioos for thirty.on• ye•r1 at the MIKE JORDAN DUO MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL I 37 FASHION ISIAND NEWPORT CtlmR .. tw.11 .""",,.. • .,...,... A"'"' P•rtchlt ,._..,...,e.. --•M4-2a0•. T ""My tti,. S1111doy BANQUET FACILITIES AVAI LABLE PHONI 136-2555 317 OCUN AYE. HUNTINGTON IEACH Overlookin9 Th e Pacific Oce•n At The Pier Sorigwriter-Sorig11tre11s Kate Porter A nd Her Guitar Luncheon 11 :30-4 Mon. thru Sat. Dinner From 5 Dally Sunday Brunch 11 - 2 3333 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH 642-4291 VILLA ROMA Specialhl"1 lo -D- HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? . Our 1t•nd1rd 1peci1I sp•ghetti dinn•r con1i1t1 of our delicious meet 1auce end mtat balls, topped with fm· ported parmes•n ch•ese, tncl includes our dtficlov1 g•rllc to ast. ' No tllihtt to w11h witll out lllit,otebl1 t1umh111m c•l\t1IM!'S. "'""* ef ._.. -~ ..... , ..... 1:: = SI r:::: : = ':'.: 21 -16.00 J -l.tt 0 -14.10 I -1.45 445 Ncrth Newport Bou1•;1rd,4 N•wport''"'e-,-.. -h- Opon 4 p.m . • 12 p.rn. Ml 6-4~29 Open 7 O.yi . I ! l .. t. I ' l - I • • I • • • DAIL'( PILOT MR. Ml°KE'S Open 10.2 • Cocktails • Closed Mon. -Now---si~1ng lunchll · 2 DAILY IUSINISSMAN'S SPECIAL ·······-·· ............ 95< Dinner F•aturing A Live Menu (from 4 p.m.) .~19ular-St1alc, Lob1tar·1 frog Ltg_!, Combo .$4.95 NIGHTLY SP!Cl•L ...... .. .. . ..... ·. .. -.... $2.75 ·' ,1 :r ·1 T. Th, ,S-. -Prl1M 1111 -W. -Top 5'rtolt Fri. -SwerMltti -ht. -P-frifll C:hkk•• 209 PALM (onfhe Peninsula I BALBOA -675-5774 ONTRA'S _ All you can eat_ 1-r-~--on-Sunday.$2 .. 25 O<ids 10 and Ullder, J~t it.25) • 'Brine tha wtMiCe fnlly and choose from entraes such as our famous ~ic.~to-order Roast Beef.'' Veal Cutk!t, SUcctJlent Turkey, and ~o en 1o Ot1r fabulous &Pf tads of salads, Vt!getables, b~ads and ro!ls. Its 111 :11iere-Ont111's famoos foods, but now as a special Sullday "AU You Can lit" BOllUS 1• Served SUl!day 0111, 11 :00 A.M. 'lil closing. •Does •GI tncl!R MJtrqts or d~.s.erts. OMLT AT r~llbrook Stio,pilf Ce1kr Oltra 6617 f~llbrook Avenue, Canop Park. Cafif. Ntir,trt Bed 01tr1 # 60 f ashitm Island, Newport Beach, Calif. Wt .can't ima1ine it, but lers say you really don't like steak! Our menu offers other de lightfut meals such as Oe!p Fried Shrimp, and other seafood, Honey·Die. fr ied chicken or our famous Chefs Salad, so next time the famity suuests 2o111g out for a steak dinner, don't flinch-play it cool -20 BA/IOUET FAClllT/ES AVA/lABlE _along with the sleak eaters P.S. We also s1Yve a complets assortment of sandwiches. and enjoy one of our olher delicious meals. . . ~ OPEN11AMJO ~ ·~~ 2267 F•IRVIEW -;: M vr.· ~k . '>,I (at Wllun) e COSTA MESA 6-42-0732 TH E F AM I LY PL A CE . • . . . . • W:EEKEN ER 0 -U I -' N A ,-B O.U T Continued from P•a• 21 ' There's another _in Laguna Beach, at 859 Broadway, which serves d.igner only, from 4:30 to ~O. licious, warm French sourdough bread, accompan---~Bot~h establishments are closed Monday.· ied by one of the restaurant's many express touche$-- -ind1 vidual little crocks of butter. decor and quality food promise an atmospheric re- past. r(oon .meals featu re a dally special at the ex- tl'emely low price of $1 .25 or one can partake of COOL ANO CRISP Next-c·ame-crisp--gretn-sa18.ds -:-·choserl-10 pre-· ference to soup -one with the flavorsome house dressing consisting of oil , vinegar, spices and bleu cheese: the other topped with a rictt and ereruny roquefort dressing. • Entree choices were trout stuffed with crab meat $1.85, and saulee<l llalibuts teak, $1. 75. "Each was ~uperb , cooked and-seasoned-to-perfection. with the portions well on the substantial side. AMPLE PORTIONS 1 Both dishes also included large servings of rice pi laf and mixed garden vegetables. Unfortunately no room was left for dessert this time out, a, pity because the caramel custard. chocolate mousse or mocca roll cake should ordinarily wrap up the meal. Lunchls servea-i'Uesday throagirFriday from 11 :30 to 2. Jf you can't make it then. take our rec- ommend ations that dinner - served from 5:30 to 10. Tuesday th rough Sunday. \Vil! be every bit as rewarding. NOT HARD TO FIND 0 Gerard F rench Restaurant is located at 758 St. Clai r SL , off Bristol and Randolph, Costa Mesa. Sea Shanty P•ESENTS THE ROUNDERS Nlthtlw MDR, tllr• s.,. Superb Seafood Cuisi,1e 630.E. Lido P•rk Dr. Newport Beach -675-0100 111 Price (2 Dinners or Mott) -One Coupon Per Party - Good thru July 31 , 1969 GHIERAL YEN'S CHI NESE RESTAURANT 1500 Adams-Ave;-;-Eosta Mesa PHONE 540-19l7 ' Holiday Awa1·d .. G-balk up a noteworthy achievement !or the el~ gant Che:i: Cary Restaurant in Orange. In the biggest news ever for this posh establish- ment, it has 1ust won one of the coveted Holiday Magazine awards as an outstanding restaurant in America . Geri! Muller and his staff at the Chez can cer- tainly take great pride and satisfaction in being ac- corded this recognition, It _is the first Holiday_Magazine Award given to a restaurant in Orange County since Karam's, New- port-Beach, was so honored a few years back. Chez Cary joins such d~stinguisbed company as Los Angeles ' Perino'_s, -Scandia and Chasen's who also were award recipients this year. The official announcement is made in Holiday's July issue. The outstanding feat of capturing the Holiday award after such a short existence is a resounding tribute to everyone associated with the restaurant. ,Co ngratu lations to all. Swiss Chalet ---Newport-Beach offers.-more ... than-<>ntr way to beat surruner warmth. In addition to cool ocean breezes, there's the totally divEirgent world of an f\.lpine setting at the Swiss Chalet, 4l4 N. Newport Road. LOTS O' •TMOSPHERE Whether fo r luncheon or dinner, the Chalet's HUNTINGTON-BEACH- TOWN & COUNTRY 18552 Beuh Blvd. 962-5912 CHILO'S PORTION HALF PRICE (Chi~ren under 12) PHONE IM ••• lll ITEMS IVllLABL£ TO TAKE OUT · delicious Polish sausage,_ knackwurst, bratwurst, pastrami or roast beef sandwiches for only 95 cents. Dinner.s-come .somewhat higher... but not in pro- por.tion to the quantity, and · excellence of what's served. Continental entrees guaranteed to make choosing a predicament iiiclude original wiener schnitzel, $3.50 : schnitze1 a la Holstein , $3.75; sauetbraten1 $3.75; veal Steak a la Parisiene. $4.50 ; sThuertnger bratwurst, $3.5' . OTHER CHOICES Others are Hungarian goulash, $3.75 ; Swiss beef fondue "Bourguignonne" (beef filet, cooked in oli_ve oil, serveciin....wine), $6 ; aller lei {combination din- ner plate wiener schnitzel, sauerbraten and Hun- garian goulash), $7.50. From the Swiss Chalet's charbroiler a diner can al so order such items as top sirloin, shish kebob, prime roast beef-au jus and New York cut steak. In the.seafood department there are breaded shrimp, fresh trout and Monterey abalone steak, almand~en . _ - All dinners include soup and salad, polatoes or noodles. rice or dumplings, vegetable. lettuce, re- lish, coffee and cakes. Anyone able. to add-to all of that can consider such desse1ts as apple strudel, Black Forest cherry cake or imported Swiss ementaler. No doubt about it. The whole Swiss Chalet ex- perience will really give you something to yodel about. Real Cantonese Food eat here or t•kt ~!)m•. ST AG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st pl., .Newport a..,b . ORiole . 3·9560 Op9a Yew lro•IMI Dally 12·12 -Fi't. anti Sat. 'tD l •·~· YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY fllf.S T l.U ~ ... ,_T 2241 West Coast Hi9hwey Newport Be•ch 1714 1 646-5057 SOUTH SEAS IfM ~-·1t1-~~~ futc /)ini11~1 Si11rt 1Wi5 TROPICAL FISH 12 r .. 11. TO 4 !'.~!. J SO [ [A~T CoA.-,.1 i !IGti \.liAY C~1RONA Ill I, },fAR. C...i.1r-0ti::-."t,\ Jll!ONt;: (71<4) 675-1374 Largest Selection .of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. Now 2 LocofloM 111 W. WIL ION, COSTA M•SA '1.'Sen ~~. "'•0wnt· • • • • • • • • folf F1lrvlew Rd.. !41·7'fl •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tn-G. Rr.-1r1~ Or. -New1>0rl INCi! Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE DANCING NIGHTLY MON. Th•u SAT. The Naturals I 6'H I MONTH Open Daily 7 am • 2 am Res. 499-2663 31106 Coast Hwy. South Laguna (bflllnd 1"-l'OSI Ofl(CI) ..... lll • f@ Caribe Room =~I~~~~~~ ~ (jj'~.(f}kd ~ PRESENTS : '• I •• ,• '• • • • • • CONTINENTAL CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING l RETURN ENGAGEMENT . :1 JOHNNY VANELLI JACK L•WRENCE TRIO AND THE ftMEM RESTAURANT 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY-MON. thru SAT. 11~===~1: • ~································~ 21112 OCEAN AVE. !Coast Hwy.I -HUNTINGTON IEACH -536·1421 • Contintnt•I Cuisine Cockt•ils Serving Luncheon and Dinner 11-fonday througla Saturday. J •••••• OFF •. GRAND HOTEL • 1 ntllDfllllf Wl'f ., llOMllM WEST •• ACIDSS •IOM 1111111 CITI D• DtllllYllHD •••••• r7t:u~ f--.m;,, PRESENTS l[ISATID"At (\ IHOW l lM IEW!ST MIT ·di BLACK _" '-i . WHITE & 14 Ml~ YOUN' CDNElllN l lllCT no111 ll!W TDUI STEW IE STONE lllHI IMITil:lU JEANINE NAPOLEON DAN•~· H, )OJI, 12·1 FRANKIE ORTEGA TRIO I MOWTUlll I AND 11, TUllDAY·IATVJIOAY •tu!IOAT AT I •ESEIVAflO•S 1714> 111·1171 • llDUP SALES (7141 771·4121 OPENING JULY 16th SUE CARSON BUDDY FlTE .CASEY ANDERSON , Billingsley's GOLDEN BULL RESTAURANT STEAKS -PRIME RIB -SEAFOOD -COCKTAILS INCIDENTALS S shows ni9htly Wed .• Sot. at 1:30 Featuring WENDY MOORE ... LARRY REID TERRY THOMAS DANCING in the Garden Room Just.off the Santa Ana Freeway at El Toro Road -Phone 110-0440 Newport leoch, Costa Mesa ancl now H11ntlrtfjton leach oreas- Newptrt ltach and Costa Mno Can 646-7136. 17th & Tustf11 For th~ fttw Huntin9ton ltoeh, Coll 147-1 21 4, ltoch & Hell --. ... --- ]_,____ _ __;_i -'-----' I Closed Sundays Optn for Private Parties Only We •re loc•ted next to the M•y Co. in South Coast Plaza. JJJJ S. l rl5tol c..ta M... 540.ll40 Open Dally 1 t a.m. En joy Your CONTINENTAL CUISINE ,, A•riteflflc 161'11 Ce11t11ry E11tllM r>.ur LUNCHEON e DINNU COCKT•ILS 17171 lrookhunt Strett Fount•ln Volley _ hi• hone: '62·'62' • • • , .... M w"'·~O .... ·----...... ~ ·-· ----.. -· Ifie FLING INTllTAllllUNT • 7 NlO.HI\ A wPK_ DANCING * HAP HALL DUO •1111 '"'" ............ . Th1r ... ,. S.I. MON •• TUa •• wlD. * Larry Like 'Stnaer Gulta.rlat R11r-M1J1 Th11ttr s:u~e -cm1-Mes• 141 I, 1 ftl It. Jltlt eff N_,.., ..... Wl.LD ~th WEST DAYS anniversarJ sabblesack inn 1anla ana JULY 10, 11, 12 + "'·'*-~•.+ ......... -t ... + THREE exciting days JI. -¥ COWBOYS & INDIANS .y. ,,. ... * ................. ,,. • ~fJJ{ej ~oiling Th1i11d,er • • lf!__dian _J)_an£.,.e• _ at the Fountain Pool Thats. 7:06 Pl'ot I Fri. 7:30 PM I Si t. 1:00 -3:00 Pl\l al!IO Ptitlo Cockt8US • Dining $2.85 Adults e $2.00 Children Under 12 See the Indian Artl!I & Cr afll!I Exhibit Saddlebaek We111ern l 660 E. Fi"t St. BALIOAI 673-4041 : Opn 6:4! ,., I. .. -.. u ... '"iftA'• Ar t Gallery SantaAua HELD OVER! 2ND WEEK _Shows_ Nillbtlr At . 7:00 & 9:40 -I DAZZUN&! Ooc2 )'OU.See i~ you'll ntver again picture tlomeo &Juliet' quite the way you did before!" -LIFE -~-~ZEmREW -· RoMEO I .i'JUUET B:cn1·r:;w;m I FAMILY FUN AHO ADVENTURE Thffdor• llk1l "My Side of the Mountain" .A.11dy Griffith -·Jerry V11111 Dvti• ..-"An Angel In My Pocket" Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night I . . ' . -~-.-------. .... I rrlday, Jolyll. 1'169 CAILY PfLCT 23 .. British Satirist I nvh<les v·.s ~ rv · 'Maugham' at Fo·rum ! • ' 1 ' R •mem ber I n g ~tr. became an lntemation•l best:., Maugham", a kaleidoscopic seller the year after Maugham D.avld Frost, England's most convenatlonalist, lntereviewer stage portrait of one of the died and inspired Lonclon career which brougbl fOrtb "Of Human Bondage,'; ,.Moon and SJxpence." "The Razor's aecWmed..television pecsonalb ~d»,,1,_. ~----giants_of ~!he written crili K~!b Tyiwn to crqwn Edge," "Rain," "The Con- ly, JolnectChaMel ll's &Cl'O$S• d:ce:el~r~'~te •tr: ~1::, :fi~ ope:O~er.~it~au:!':~: ~~~~,''~R~&h:~~ ~;~~·; d~~dtr:~~ s~~~ ~~~e~. hun· the-board n i·g ht t Im e pro--Frost also is quite familiar to performance engagement, Ju· Mr. Maugham' presents: With the lively and impudent granuning lineup this week. American audiences from his ly 22·27, at the· ~iark . Taper Maugham as l shall hence-char.as:lcrjzatian of Maugham , I OrlginaUngJrom_,Jhll; hl!a.rL~ role. on "1he._,_ .. Was. --7be Week Forum of the Music Center forth remember him." Dennis King follows a sue- of Broadw.ay, U.S--=-A.• J.nd Tiial. W~" Jelevision's l irst ~ented-by Center· Theatre Now adapted for U\e stage, ceSSiGrl of versatile roles he~ fealuring ouLsCin<ling guests topical Satire Stl'les, which ' Group. Actor Dennis King and the work p r e s e n t s a has played during an ib...;; with outrageous things to say wu seen as a weekly network playwright-director G • r s o n fascinating , re.-creation of tustrious career In clasaic l and do, 11The David Frost showing during the 1963 and Kanin will appear together in Kanin's twenty years 0 f drama, comedy, and musical Show'' wilL a1r ME n_q_ •-Y I?&' se~. _ the extraordinary theatrical friendship wi th the author and theatre, including ''The Vaga. .ihroughEriday at 8:30 p.m. FrQSt did a series <1£ evenl. his remtniscences and·associa· bond King," "Rose Marie," • A 9G-mlnute color series, the television specials for Group A saucy and delightful lions with the celebrated -"Show Boat," "Billy Budd," conversatio~ -entertainment W Productions -with ''The DAVID FROST dramatization based on lhe Sha w and Wilde, Henry ''The De'vll's DI s c Ip I e.' • package will spotlight the David Frost Show" being its On KTTV Nightly engrossing best-seller by James, Laurence O 1 i v i er, "Pygmalion," and "A Doll's witty Briton as entertainer, latest entry In the syndicated Kanin, the production is a col-Ethel Barrymore, Picas.~. House." His latest Broad\llay weekdaJs [I inner ser;td in the Grand Manner • S71 S. MAIN, ORANGE R."""-' S42.359S (Claoed Sunday) Contia11ttift Doifj-1 II::!."· "Romeo ind Juliet" .-1u1 "Barefoot in the Park" Wllfl Jlftl FlllH Tonight At 6:00 & 9:30 --'..!ACQUGS.Ofil4¥l>-- Modd Shop l!i -c:oww~ £! -And Al 8: 15 Only llUS8 M•Y•ll'S VIXEN. * HEY KIDSI * -field--where his-technique-Of fesslOn be admit! -he would laboration .of the t wo and Frank Sinatra, among appearance was as Disraeli in putting guests at ease and have entered had it not been distinguished artists. w ith. others. Il spans a literary "Portrait Qf a Queen." then drawing out litUe known for his tint love, television, King appearing as Mp.ughamjp;iii;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;i;i;,;;ii;;;ii;;;;;iii;ii;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;i.i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ facets of their personalities Frost took an indu~ job as and Kanin, in a rare stage TRANSPAC: HIGHLIGHTS became apparent. a researcher with • • T h i s appearance, p o r t r a y i n g Direct Radio R1port1 from the Fleet 3 and 7 ' p.m. D1ily He elicited amazingly candid Week," 8 current a{fairs pro-himseU. Presented this spring responses from the leading gram in London, where he at The Library of Congress, It 1968 Presidential candidates in earned $42 a week. Evenings was instanUy hailed as "an ii· .. The Next President?" which found him in a London luminating portrait" and "a aired throughout S o u t h e r n cabaret, Where he starred in a new kind of drama.'' KOCM Radio ' 103.1 California on Channel 11. satirical revue, getting· his Gordon Davidson, artistic A bright made-in-America, first nightclub experience. director of the Mark Taper made-for-America s eri es , The nitely experience even· Forum, has scheduled the "The Da vid Frost-Show," in tually led to a job with thC sparkling dram at i c en· general, will not only feature BBC as actor-star iJl a new tertainment as a unique week- Frost and wbal he says and satirical show. "That Was 'f.he long evenr in·GI'G's,establish• -- does, but also: \Veek That Was." And, when ed program which offers a Interesting people whom he the American version was varied series of "specials'' in gets to say and do ex-created, Frost was the sole addition to the m a j or lraordinary things , .. famous British ingredient. subscription season in 'he people you hardly ever see on "I'm not going to have a se· Forum. DOMINIC'S LOUNGE NOW-A!!.1'.EARJr,jG · Tues. thTu Sun. JIMMY VANN TRIO television . . . and people cond banana, or amanuensis, It was Mrs. Kanin (Ruth you've never beard about with as someone so colorfully put Gordon) who indirectly ma~e exciting stories to tell. songs it," explains Frost. .. Instead, 1 it all possible by first in- to sing and laughs to spread. hope in the course of the troducing her husband t.1 Known fo r getting an im· series to develop three or four Somerset M.augham. From the BEACH & ELLIS pressive roster of guests on guests who will come on beginning of their many con· TOWN & COUNTRY CENTER 1 . FM his shows, from members of perhaps once a week when versatiow, K an I n kept HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-9031 Britain's Par Ii amen t to they really have something to -~co:'.p~i:i:ou~s~n~ol~•:•..=~ll<l~l~es~lh~a~l:'h,====================:!;.; religious leaders to royalty, say." 1 Frost wlll . not disappoint A regular member of "The viewers of "The David Frost David Frost StiOw" Cast, Show." however, will be Billy Taylor, _ P~~m~er we!.k~see ~c_!l_ polyglot. jazz. virtuoso and lum1nar1es ap ng a s winner of D o w n b e a t Prince Charles, P rime Magazine's first an nu a I Minist~r Harold Wilson, Rex Critics' Poll for best pianist. Harrison, Ed · Su 11 iv an. as musical director. ~ Charlton · Hes.ton, Duke Ell· An internationally acclaimed ington, P r i n c e s s Lee musician, he is a pianist, com· Radziwill, John -Lennon and poser, arranger, writer, lee· even Tiny Tlm. turer, and radio and tele"vision Frost's relentless efforts to pefsonality -and one of the get leading personalities from busiest musicians In the world. all corners of the world can be "The Davi d Frost Show" illustrated when he sent a has as its home The Little staff member to Rome to try T? eater -on West 44th to line up Greece's exiled King St.reel, just off Times Square, Constantine for a special. NeW York's famed boulevard \Vhen his em is s a r y of show-biz smashes. reported he had been unsuc- cessful with the expelled ~~!~~·!'~!~~~~~·there, Ganis Joins see if you can get the Pope." 1 Frost admits he is no1 over· J 7 Art Film ly enthusiastic about the desk· • S chair-sofa set. familiar to ot~er interview pr?grams. Sidney Ganis has been nam-0~~ ha~ to decide ~bet.her ed assistant to the producer telev1s10~ 1s t~ be a stimulant for "There was A Crooked or sleep1n~ .Pill. The aim of Man . . . ·•. accordi ng to C. every telev1s1on.show I do 1.s tG o. (Doc\ Erickson, executive leave the aud1enc~ a little producer of the warner Bros.· more aware, a little more Seven Arts release. alert, a litlle. more alive,.''. Ganis formerly production J'.~ost, by ,his own adf!11ss1on. publicitf coordi nator at the Is .more .interested m con· \Varner Bros.-Seven Art 5 versing wi th guests rath er s d. · B b· k c rr ·11 lh · t · · th m , • tu 10s 1n ur .. n , a 1 ., w1 an .•n.e~v1ew1ng e . · work on all aspects of the resulti~g in a ~pular nahooal film with Erickson and por· magazine ta wri te : · J h L "What Frost has is the abili· ducer:dir~ctor osep · , TW!tft C&UN!t Sl.JBIECTS . .... orn ung Captured in d ramatic color by a renowned artist; twelve.of Orange CoUnty's m ost c herished subjects deserve to be hung in e very den, parlor, sitting room and public office in California! The Irvine Com pany is proud to make available "County Cameosi" a portfo lio o f 12 ful l-colO'T prints depicting local historical highlights, from ·the Irvine collection of original w ater colors by famed illustrator Gl•n W. Thomas .. A black and white index of the prints, in m inia ture, carries a desaiptive narrative writttn by Irvine H istorian Ji m Sleope r. ' \ • ,. ' l SPECIAL NOTICE TO . OUR PATiOHS ··~ L-~~~~~~~~--' • Ilg Pal Show S•t. 1 :OD \ ..__.llE_l_-P-'J. THE BEATLES I t t put someone at ease and Mankiewicz:. j~sto talk." · Prior to the merger of The third child or a ~Varner Bro~. and Seven Ar~ ~fethodist preacher in Ten· Jn 1_967, Ganis ~~s Seven Arls terden. ~England, · o a v 1 d nation~! pubilctty ·manager studied · as a Jay preacher, based in New York. -- • Th• pk l11nh) li1tltd In lf\11 bclx ""' tit c•n1id1rH Dy i.om1 • + Ito ff 11n111l!1bl1 !Ir cni1C1r111 Ind yo11111 1"0Ple-11111 req11lrt • + ~rtnll( d11er1!lon. + EUTI~ I mrtl AITIQ .-i.1asi: : "THE SElGEANT" : + Contr1rv 11 td¥trl!llng l>lyOllll Ill• ton1 ... 1 111!1 l t P9••1nt + + 111ewh1rt yo11n9 peoptt ulllltf' 11 {ntl 161 will nol M ltdmlneol • • to Picllk Tlle1lrtl le 1ff lflt plctM .. (0 M1t1C in IMIJ bclX 1111• • where his wit and warmth on "There Was A Crooked Man. the pulpit not only drew large . . " will begin filming this crowds -but awakened m&ny month on location at Joshua a sleeping parishioner. Tree National Monument, with lll~~~~~~~~~~~=~A~f~le~r~s~pe~n:d~in~g~a~y~e~ar~a~! ~a, Kirk Douglas, Henry Fonda. primary school teacher a"JlrO· Hume Cronyn. Warren Oates, ---' Burgess Meredith. Lee Grant Winner . and Michael Blodgett starring . • 1111 1ccomp1nlH by p1r111t 1r 101111 9111Nll111, • t ....................... ~ ............. ~ ............ . • . . .. HELD FOR THllD llG WllK Jmck Llflli.O• -Pltll' L•wford "Th• April Foolt" Ste" M,9 ... 11 -Fov• DullCIW-V i'The Thomas Crown Affair" RecoM-ded ,., Ad11lh ............. ~············· IXCLUSIYI INGAGIMINT Gretory Peclt -O"'illr s.iarif "M1ckenna'1 Gold" Geo~• Mtol -OfMfl We11H "The Soutti.rn Star" S11rpritlfltlY Dffftirellf Defl k11ottt -14-M O'lrie11 "The Love God" ~ l lcherd Wld.,.111.t·-Le11• He"'• •10t1th Of A Gunfighter" .............. ~ ............ , Elltoktfl; T.,4or Mio fimow "Secret Ceremony" lod Stelt.r "Tho Sera••nt" 3Acajmly Award~ BEST ACTRESS· Katharine Hepbu ';t;j WINNER-"BEST PICTURE ~!!~Ir.~~~j; JOKl'M(.lMNE -NlA'ICO(MIWS'f"JllM ·PETER ~ KATHARINE OTOOLE ;tr~ HEPBURN ·~ 1HE LION IN WINTER :':.f.-=:.-:=- REsERno SIATS NOW Al IOI OFFICE 01 tY llAll.l ' EXCLUSIVE DllAMGE T1ch 1> .., wll 11 s.. c."-1t1ut1c; Cl., tn 11 !iill IC. COUNTY llESEllV£D ~II -··I Tl•ltl AflM!Q !"-' .... c... i!Mn·INI SEAT EMllAllEMEMT ., 7H·111·M02 1w ""' _... ..,.111111.otlicl ......... Tonlth' at l :JO Tom~rr•w ot 2 Ir 1:30 &111 s CENIUHY 21 lltfll.l .. M:•-·VWMI ALSO AT UA 4-STA" THlt:AT"& L SAN81t: a ACADEMY AWARD WINNiERt 1 BESTACTRESSI li BARBRA STREISAND 1 00.UMllll Pl:MES .. RAST!RPJOM:IOO- . BARBRA • STREISAND ' ... WlLWI 111\fR· RIYStUIK --~- T1M9ht ot t :lO ---1Jme1Jt Y!'. ft ~_l_J:lf. ,,.,, klll lllft""8tll ,,.. OMAR SHARIF TAKE IN A MOVIE THIS WEEKEND ffill£M(l T LAllGE ~TOCI( • Cwtnln11 'til ta i:~g,~~!~~ 11•3 llolll'*QOfl ll•d. e~I ff tloUrwoDd (213J HO t ·l lll THE MOTION PICTURE CODE AND RATING . PROGRAM f lit Motion Pict11r1 Codt 1rtd R1ti119 ,t,dmini1tratiort 1ppli11 tk• followlrt9 r1lirt91 to film1 ditlribulad ;,. Iha U.S.A. ..,Ptc. tur11 r•ttd G, ~· or R 11u1lify for tll1 Cod• Sail. ~ Pktur•• r1l1d X do not rte•iv1 a S111. Tht ••lint• 1ppty to pictur11 r1lta11d 1ft tt Novt11'h b•r I, 1961. Pichirtt r1l1111d b1fo1• th1t dtf• ••• d11crib. ad 11 pr1viou1ly I ~ end/or SMA I, ' i}-S1199••+•d for GINllAL 111dl•nc111. IMJ-S119911t•cl for ll!IATUli 111dlo"''' ( P•r1kt1I di1. erotioft 1dvi11d J, [W-lmllCTID -Plf'toi.1 urtdtt 16 11ot •dmlttocl, uft1111· 1ccomp1 11!1cl by p•r•nf or 1d11lt 9111nl· 1 ... . @-rtr .... •* '' ••t a4mlttff, Thi1 •t• ••· itricH011 mey b1 hl9h1r - -_;,. .~,,. .. ,., .. eke•'-"·--. tbt.tti• ~ .t1 .. 1rtltin.9. PORTOlA'S MARCH Pre pared as mementos of C a lifo rni.1.'s Bi ce~ten­ nial Year, these vibrant prints are packaged 1n a textured p o rtfolio boun d with a leat ~e r thong. "County Cameos" w ill m ake a distinguished add- ition to home, office ot library. Suitable for f ram- ing, they are alre.1.dy well on their way to becom ing collectors' items. "County Cameos" portfolios are avail a ble at: BUFFUMS', Fashion Island-Newpo rt Bf•ch and Sant.a Ana BULLOCK'S, Sant• Ana CHANDLER'S, Santi An.1 B. DALTON BOOKSELLER, f:15Jiion Island-Newport Buch PIP<WICK BOOKSHOP, C.... Maa SOllll!ERN .(:ALIFORNTA FIRST NATIONAL BANK, all 8 Orange:-G nt nty offices s.hach plus 5% State Sales Tax ----- I -·· • ·• • I , . .. I I ..... -I . l I I • • I l ' \ ' I. 1 l· J 1· -· ! • • ' • j(f OAILY PILOT frlda}', July 11, 1969 Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l r,o01w11_!. 6 '-she blows!" 10 Holt 1111n 14 Chocol111 SOlll'CI JS PMI ol tht neck 16 t11n'1 n11n r 17 Flrt houst sound 11 Ptacr to use 1 sand wedge 19 Chi1ntl, for one 20 F1sten with 1 rope 22 Occupies place ol control 24 Oecidt wh1I is pdnltd f-26 Rtgs , 27VIP In Me1Jco Cfty 31 Connett lng linlr 32 Miss Post 31 Engine room worlrer 35 B1othr1 38 Glass product ' 3~ Kind ol lumber , • 40 Pig food , 41 Plus · 42 Standard 43 Ttlt ---~ 2 words 44 Ch ick 45 Powtr of rr.spondlng 41 No( productive 51 Garment SZ Olllcers 54 HJ! h1rd 51 On tiptoe 59 Consume In one swallow bl Gauch o's accessory bl Rtclrontd value bl "···· Was 1 Lady" b4 In a loul humor 65 Left ttit scene b6 Ti mt ol y_ear: Abbr. 67 Quadrupeds DOWN 11 Oe11vati~t ~O Ct'rlai 11 of ammoni a playing 12 Coal marbles producer 42 Well-known 13 At··-: _ strttl , Pe1pl r•ed. 43 Montana s 2 wor ds nrighbol 21 Pur9t 44 Felt on1's 23 Fuss and way l "Br off1" bother •&Small pcc~tl 2 Entlosu1t 25 Haultd 47 Clothinq 3 "--can look 27 Tissue acctsso1y al a king'" 28 Au9ury 48 Complete in 2 words 29 Part ol all details 4 North '" orange 4iJ Superior Ca-ollnians 30 Equestrian •50 A~o 1d 5 "·-·-I'll J4 Less ruddy adroitly Fin d You" lli Stnd 53 Faux PiS & 8 1astlnll 3!. Somelh!ng 55 Russi an ma ttdal ltamed by agency 7 Instrument 111emorlzin11 5!. Ending user' I Separated 37 La19t l#lt«Jlti with din 9 Kind ol llu n persons : and law 10 Ont of a Informal · ~7 Timi period~ biblical 39 Bryn Wawr bO Wo1d or tllbt and Bathurst endearment THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALLI .... . . -'"' ~omer'' Sgt. Carter Sutton Cl ¢aning Up The SUCttSS of c B s . I "Gomer Pyle -U.S.M.C." has made only two changes in the private life ol Frank Sulton -from 5 «> 25 oent cigal'lli, and the air mail edi· tion of the New York' Times · each day. Otherwise, life at the Sutton home iii llke any other average American family, despite the fact that Sutton is on his way to becoming a millionaire from the show. The weekly comedy series is leaving the air aft.er being rated among the top teo shows on the air the past five years. Next fall, Frank will co-star in "Friends and Nabors," new hour I o n g come8y-variety series on CBS. At the end or production last season, it ~·as suggested that Sutton and Jim Nabors form a comedy learn act for nightclubs and other appearances. Had they done so, both would be • FRANK SUTTON Two Changes Noted millionaires ~ice over by now. But neilber was ready for such a move at the time . =hr:.n.ted to take Ume off Sutton ls an easy eoin; type of individual off camera, devoted to his wife or 20 years, Toby, and their two childrenr Joey, 14, and Amanda~ 3. The Sutton.51 ·fa!tes are not typical of top stars -there isn't a pretentious bone in his body. Frank drives 'a 1964 compact car, and his wife an eight-year-old one. He's never become involved in playing the nightclub routine, and doesn't have his clothes custom-made al a fancy tailor. Leprechau11 Turns Mortal He's not a ft.ashy dresser ("Who needs monogrammed $20 jockey shorts?") His family lives in a modest leas- ed Spanish style home with no large pool, maids or butlers. Tommy Steele portray5 Og in "Finian's Rainbow," currently on the screen at the Mesa Theatre in Costa Mesa. Tom my stars with Fred Astaire and PetuJa Clark in this delightful fantasy which finds Tommy as a leprechaun-turned· mortal. His simple and relaxed life slenu .from his childhood ----'--------11 when h"e was the son oI a newspaper ?tinter in t ·d llf Clarksville, Tennessee. His in· o prov1 e we or his family. A GREAT-MUSICAL COM•DY "A Highly Impressive Production" ... D.P. 'THE THIEE ~!NNY OP!ltA'" . Hi.story on Display At 4th Antique Show Ilia I interest in acting was It's also brought him offers sparked by being. cast in a of numerous movie roles, Nashville Communiiy The"ater which, because o! the series' production when he was 15 shi>oting schedule, he has not 1n1 N..,.rt • ..., •• c"'' M~ 11 ·~•roL:.~R:.~.11.,.,· "'-U" years old. been able lo accept. ,~~.r:,~~~~~ij?;jijij~iij~,=:;·~· The turning point of his career came in l954 when he So, he W{)TIG hard at his was cast in the Academy job of today, and looks One-of-a -kind rare objects of English Spocle Stone thina. Award winning film, "Marty." forward with much enjoyment from the pages of history will t.1ade around 1810, the set in· The sensation caused by and satisfaction to returning be featured among thousands eludes service for four, soup "Marty" led to Sutton·s being to the comforts of his home of articles in .the 4th Annual and sauce tureens. large plat-cast in bigger roles in both and family at the end of each Disneyland Antiques Show. ters and a covered veaetable television and motio'n pictures. working day. For Frank Sut- coming to the Disneyland dish. These guest starring roles ton, starring in a television Hotel for a July 17-20 run. Other exhibits will ofJer 8 eventually led to his casting series is much like working The four· day attraction.· wide variety of Fr enc h , as Sgt. Carter. an 8 to 5 job -it's a simple, where all displays are limited English· anct· Early Amtrlcan The role has enabled Frank enjoyable life. to authentic antiques and col· furniture and colorful pieces•;::;::;::;::;:=:;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~====~t lectabl~ .only, will ~.e of artglass ....f.T~ b}'. such I~ presented ~n the Ii o t e J s masters. as Tiffany , Webl:i and Einbassy Ballroom. .. Steuben which will be on A~ng ~he special objects is display for the fii-st time in So. a line . P1rkenhammer plate. California. A.ccord1ng _to John Ivey, sh.o_w All m8jor c 0 I J e ct in g director, 1t was. made · 1n . . Czechoslovakia fbr p 0 p e categones are covered 111. the Benedict the 15th and truly show. Veteran collectors· depicts individual dealers will be present at all craftsmanship. exhibits to answer questions Also expected to rece.ive and provide details about the wide attention is a collection articles on display. All AJroarll lor Catalina Island 9 A.M. DAILY FIOM ... ALIOA PAYIUONa. 40CI MAIN. IALIOA 140 Posl•IJM' LUXURY CRUISER "Island Holiday" ...... Tri, -Sl.51 u-. 11 -54.25 "• ... ' . FOi l!S!rfl11111S Ile llflltMITllllf l'ftOM! fl141 111.5241 MATIHIEfS ''"' celebrate '"'" The tOlllGHT · 1·daY """' Ho' weekend ~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. • IO----~•----'NEWPORIBEACtr*-~760- "IDAIHEDDA'S &DID-HAS EUERVTHID& !'' SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES THRU )\GE 14 -$1.50 I j • l. : • 0RANGE COUNTY PREMIERE RUN-2ND WEEK These Nazis aren't for real! They are Allied agents who must win World War II this weekend ~Patrickl'l)mirk·Michaell-hrdern 0 =·~ ...... . SICOND POPULAI FU.TUii l "'-l Ii f'f 10l c,,,,.,,., ·1b!ait ~ a DWARDS ~ C§·t;;t• THaATR• ................. -... Mts.o.,-J .. ,1QJ ---·-------· EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT -ALSO - TIMI J1t .. Y-Allff11t11 re "The Southern Star" hof1• UrMle Ono11 s.,.m e Aadreu • Wells • • COLOMBIA""'"*-*-··- -JoM e.r.tholomew Tuckef'. WABC•TV "A great big sprawling beautiful western with Indian raids. gun fights, knife fights, fist fights, an ambush. and an earthquake! An action film to say the leastnrs GOOD!" -John Bartholometr Tucker. WABC·TV "mAIHERRA'S GOLD IS AS BIG AS THE GREAT OUTDOORS IT WAS RlmED IR,OUER· WHElmlRGLY BIG r· -Wend• Hele, N.V. O.lltN ... \ "A HUGE mou1E, UllGE AS All OUTDOORS ARDJUnAs COLORFUL, with an impressive cast t.o mat.ch its srope! Drama pounds through the movie. with adventure following na1TOW escape! FOR THOSE WHO LIKE THEIR DERRING- DO IN UNLIMITED QUANTITIES!" -Frence1 Teyler. Long 1519nd Pres• "'GOOD8VE. COLUMeus· .. llllCllT PICI • Ollll nurr --·-... -e titATIHEIS DAILY e ltlddy 0..11111 Hackett • Te11111 .... BOUNO TO BE .\ CAEAT ,.. SUCCIESSr CA.Rl. FOAEM.\~·s -----·-~" II MICllDl'l IOLD &:111211!,. ~- !J ~ TlloLTIDILll ' -• --1 Jt.Uf lllWAR ·CAMl!A ::PA/II ·llEOON WYNN TED CASSIJV IXCLUSIYI Pllliilllglf IUH I slll™EOOffi.EMENFt0m~"'~- [Ef J. COBB RAYMOND~ BIJRGE&'i MERmITH AHIHONY OUl'flf EDWAR!l 6. ROBINroN ·EU lllUJDf-•""""""'·-• .. ,.... ..,.,..,.,..,.,._. . ._11t~ms·,......,D1.llllfW11111111!110Q uu~··l'i.wa ICllll • lmlCO.ot'·~SOJID , .. ·;;;;;;;s;"';;'i~~Eli-~iilt~t * ENGAGEMENT * ~ ... -i. co.l"A.WV.. -_,,, .. J>ot .......... .._. ______ _ 2nd Feature At Both Theatres G112• \ft9 -Vrsul• Afld,_ -OflO• WellM t.ctt111c.1.!' 1 he Southern Star';Kh111tcop• **** EXCLUSIVE **** ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT STARTS TODAY • 2 BHOWB-1130 & S:OOP.M. The World's Most Honored Motion Picture! WINNER OF 11 ACADEMY AWARDS Dl~BY WILLIAM W<\.\.' STA"f'"l"tC CHARITON HF.SIDN ·JACK HAWKINS HAYA HARAREET • SIEPHEN BOYD WIDE SCREEN• STEREOPHONIC SOUND METROCOLOR EXCLUSIVE RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENT -TICK.HS NllW AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL Box Offiai Ope11 Olly It loon-TICbts:Abo1tComputltkttCtnt111-All li!lltull AQetlCMsmd ell libertyTtcbt Asatcie ,--------------~---------~-------.-------: . PRICE ANO PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE ' : M~tinees: 1 WM~ ind S1tu•d.., l :lOp.m..-$1.80 & S2.SO ' 1 Sund.ty MM! HolkWy1 1:30p.m-S2.00 & $2.10 : 1 Eveni1111s: 1 1 Mo..01y1tl<"OUvhThunt11v-8;00,.m_s2.oo & S2:8o 1 t frtdl!Y, Situ...., ft Hail. l!..s;-8:30p."'-S:t.50 & $3,50 : 1 Sund11Y 7:QOo.m._,....$2,00 & S280 ·-------------------------------------·- I ' • • Sondra Actress, ·' Not Sex Symbol HOU. YWOOD (UPI) -"It , wasn't a fluke that 1 was nominated fQr an Oscar in my first movie, a person who couldn't act wouldn't have been able to play that part." and, lo a degree, in ooUook. Clearly, Sondra's future does not lie with sex appeal. She is only a curve or two away from Twiggy, For a newcomer, the~ girl from Tennessee 6u J[iea ideas, rnO!t of which -are not attimed lo Holl)'w()()d's tr4dl· lions and manner of rnQVle making, She speaks out with the clear, bold voice of youth having its day. • 'M'te--wor& belon1 to Sondra Locke, th~ fragile blonde who lost out for best supporting ac- treu of the year to Ruth Gordon. It ls dillicult to say whether Sondra's brave statement war made to convince herself or me. She won her nonrinaUon for playing a 14-year-old in ''The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter," for which Alan Arkin w a s nominated as best actor. The film was Sondra 's first pro- fessional' job as an actress. A natlve of Shelbyville. Tenn., Sondra Is 21 years old and appearing in her second movie, "Run Shadow Run." at 2Qth Century-Fox. Thin and with enormous, ex. pre.ssive eyes, Sondra may or may not become a star. She is oplnio.nated and resembles Shirley Knight in appearance "I ldenlify with the Eufo. pean style of film-making. as compared to America," she said at lunch during a break at the ~t' . \Vhat does she know of European film making? "I mean I'm pleased with the idea of getting away from using the screen as a background for photographs. Now it's being used to touch people. "And another good thing Is that Ute box office is chang\ng. People don't go to sei:! a• pie· lure just because of the stars in il." tl1e-rnesa T--1·1.-·-:; FP'r: Nl -._\ A:-~ :iritr-, •.I' tJE~\/Pt)l<f AND HARBOR IN (Q~TI\ t..~fSA lELEPHONE 541-1552 FOR INFOIMATION GREAT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Direct from reserved seat cnsagemeEt! '•'""""' ,.,i1ii'!i-'.;i" ,. > ... ·, ;.::~: !' . . . .. . ' ; Doris Day and Brian Keith ''With Six You Get Eproll'' CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. ·' Thrill to Thoroughbred action! Del Mar's 1969 season is coming, with a way to enjoy the action .•. and save/ Now through· July 31, buy a book of 10 general admissions tct only $10 .•. you save $5 ! Good any day, all · season. Use them one at a time, or all at once. Sut you must buy by July 31. Make your 11at reservations at the same lime for the best and most beautiful of racing-Thoroughbreds at -~ Def Mar! 42 days or action, starting July 24. Write Del Mar Turf Club, Del Mar, Calif., or phone (714) 755-1141 or (714) 297-4028. Make reservations now~ ,\ Kookie Co111edienne Goldie Hawn of "Laugh-In'.' makes her motion pie· ture debut in "Cactus Flower" with Ingrid Berg· man, righl". It is the story of an un~noticed fellow worker '(Bergman), who suddenly blooms and is no- ticed by her boss, who up to now has been bedaztjed by Miss Hawn's kookie charms. ack Lemmon and Catheril\e Deneuve are "The April Fools" ~ Technicolor'! A Cintma CoittT Fibns P'n!:lmtaticm. ~ i=l A National General f')ctura Releae. 0E11du1h·• mid.Scuiher11 c;iifor"i• lndcor Showi119 lu Office Opein-Wffkdey l•e~l'"P 6~41 P·"'· C•11th1110115 5.tvrdey a11d S11111l•y fr•l'l'I l :OI P·"'· Adlllitt:i•ll l11eninp a11d ,S•Mll•y Adults $2.~0 Child!•" 7Sc Saturd1y Matinee-Adults $2.00-Childr1n 7Sc BONUS PLUS-SECOND FEATURE ~~tli~-· -~ c.,_ •ti ""'' ~"" ,.. .... ,,,.,J.0 ALL fAMILT PIOGIAM -S!tewTl- ''lf IT'S TUUDA.Y" 'at 6:11 .... 10:10 "'HAWAII" et 1:00 Mat!"" l111fff et 2:00 @I> CDlll b!OO..., -- r . . ' • ··.f All· ,. .......... ,.azoot FREE WITH THE PURCHASE Of ZTICKETS -A GENUINE $2.00 PENNANT Of THEF/.MOUS ·nANUTS" COMIC STRI P CHARACTERS BY SCHULZ. THIS OFFER GOOD WIT11 MAIL ORDERS ONLY : ' "A unlqut, ltf1dt1ri111 muskll .nttr· binment. $hol.ild b1 p1t)'in1 di Snoopy ltnds on tl!I moon." -Cot, Wnll., D,C. l'blt NOW! 2ND YEAR ON STAGE TO RECEIVE PENNANT FILL OUT COUPOtrBELOW TUE., WED., THURS. 1:30 f'M & SUN. 7 PM: S4.!5. 3.95. . fRi. 8:30 PM, SAT. 7 l 10 PM & SUK. MAT. 3 PM: $5.95., 4.95, 3.95. Clltcb peytblt ti Pu~b Co. ~---------------------------~----------' Ch.U.enclowd for$1----..1w·--~-~­(Ho. ots .. a> I I I I O S-t1ch fortM•-~=-c,-o-~--PMhrl, I (Si.11,.,-f,tlmtJ I '"-----~===--'----­(di)' l lld d1t.) ··----------------,,.,., .... _____________ _ I I I I I I • I I I C·~----------··----I I •m to ••e•ivc I ~OtlpClll IOI' • '"(£ PfMHANT wtllth w!lt ti• f 11v•n to lfl• Wh1n I t ie 1h1 1how. [11Ct0t• l!l!flptd, 1ctdrnsN I MWIOpe for return Of-1)911 Ind tfebtf, ' IYAA THEATRE r;i I : -isot-N. tvAll • HOU...YWOOO,CAL..~I -1-.J 1 ~-~---------------------------------~--J r1~11. Jv~ II, 1%9 DAIL' l'ILOT II Gulde to Movie. • 'Ben Hur' Cl!ssic Returns ' (Edlli:' Nol<: T k 1 • Androw1, Richan! Harris. Theodore Blkel plaro • travel· aod Oliver Reed. mov(1 b f)f'tpGTtd If It'• 'hetdly, Tiil• Mu1t lng folk..tnce.r who Interrupts * * * 4 b~ th• fU commillft of .. hlllam (M): A busload of the boy's solh\Jde. Ted Eecles Till lttlrr lmmtdlattl~ Harbor Covncll l'TA/ Mrs. Amerlt<n tourbta whlulnc b the boy. . ofl<' U.. UU• fndf<clfs tllt John Clari 'b ~~"'"' hilarioualy through Europe in Oliver: Spect.1a1~r mt.WCal ratfng gtu1n th• pfCHI".'• bw ond ,,,,.._ 8~ Swimtll search of Instant culture are venlon of Dicken t el.Hile -u; MOtkna Picl"urc Code u -'t'" 11o•-· 11 ~by a1tded YOOllf about an orphaned wall cut • Cvrr•utt ..-1 C u"to.t~. Engllahman. Ian MCSJ\ane and Into the teemln& squalor of iJ\f. The Afot'~ Pic:h•r• Codt Ls inc.~ • reftrince Suzanne Pleshette. lower class. He finally escape!\ And Racing Prooram may f'~mi ~ ~1.i· .. ~tam"''=~': Lloa 11 Winter: Clash of two1t. to the elegance of. the upper be found 01' th• moumt ' ""'' • strong.willed monarehs, King class. Mark Lesler, Jack Wild picture page. grOMP< will OPP<°' Henry II ol En&laod •n<! hll ;;:::=================;;: so11klrl Yo~r vitto1 ort queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. .... solfcfi.d. 111•11 th"" to 111.. makes • brilllant ezploslvc ~Ffix SOUTH COAST vie Gllride, care of the drama out ol lrapnents of P'LAZA THUl'llll DAILY /'!LOT.I !Zth century history. Peter ·-~F-allllltol • 546-2711 • • O'Toole and Katharine . Hep-_........., ADULTS Deal) II a GuH1btu (M): Town turns qalnst t h e marahall who Uves the law of the 1u.n and Uata lt to destroy him. Lena Horne aild JUch1rd Widmark. Goodb)'t Columbus !RI: A summer romance between • poor librarian and a nouveau rtche college tirl lapses due to their dilrerent views. A ••tirt on se1. Richard Bejamin, Ali MacGraw. ~11cKeua'1 Go Id (M): Story of a group of men and women who share a fear or ramp&lini Apaches and a greed for gold. Gregory Peck, Omar Sharif. Secret Ceremony: Mi• Far· row and Eliubeth Taylor port.ray a couple of sickles in this bizarre film In which an orph1ned heiress refuses to believe htr mother la dead and brings home a prosUtute re1embllna her. Tile Serput (ft): A tJY..t drama set in contemporary U.S. Army. Rod Steiger is cast as the Sergeant who Is dr1wn to • tortured youth (John .. fhlllp Law) in arr abnonnal relaUonshlp. The y o u t h ' s KirUrt~nd-is played by Lud· mlla Mikael. Tbe Tboma1 Cren Aff1ir: Faye Dunaway and Steve McQueen star in t h i s .sophisticated film about a crack insurance sleuth who becomes an intimate com· panlon of a thr1ll·setking milltonalre whom 1he suspects of mastennindin& a bank ro~ bery. Tbr: Vlln: More backwoods Hl from 'Ruts Meyer. Lusty erotica for adults. MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS T'te April Feoli ( M ) : Hilarious and rem.antic fin· tasy about a married man who meeta .somebody else's Wife. Jeck Ummon and Catherine Deneuve star. Hawaii : Be au ti fu 11 y photographed s e g m e n t of James Mlchener'a novel con· cemlng the miaalonarles or 1SOO's in Hawaii. Ju I I c Parks Gets Top Degree bum. Tbe Model Sbop ( 'I ) : Georae (Gery Lockwood) is a dilUlwloned )'OWll man •ho refuses any reaporulblllties. HiJ brief affalr with a Frtnch dl/'orcte (Anook Aimee) who work$ as a photographtr·s model in a rtnt·a-glrl shop, &ives him hope and couraae. TEENS AN11 ADULTS B1refool ln the P • r k : Beguiling story about the first few weelu of newlywed Ure In a Greenwich Villt.ge walk·up apartment. Jane Fonda· and Robert Redford. ' Fmuly Glrl (G}: LaYlsh musical preJf.llt1tlon about the Ufe of Fanny 1Brice, the child or the slum1 who becomes a great comic star. Barbra Strelsand, Omar Sharif and Walter Pigeon. .. Romeo Ind Juliet: Shakt- s~are's c I ass I c becomes vividly new with splendor, ex- citement and Zelfirelli'a fresh casUnc ind direction. Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey. Tiie Sout11en·s11r (M): J,_n adventure film (bastd on Jules -Ve.me · novtl set in Africa),· about the discovery and theft of the world's largesi diamond and the manhunt for the suspected thief. Orson Wells, Ursula Andress, George Se111. Whtre E11le1 Dare (~1): Tense, es:ploslve World War II adventure In which Richard Burton of the B r It I s h lntel11cence and cunt Eastwood of the American Rangers lead a team to rescue an American General im- prl&Oned In an almost Im· preanable German fortreu . FAMILY Aa11l ho My Pockst (0): Andy GrifHth plays In CS· marine now ordained minister in bis first church. He breaks up a feud between two famUie1 which had impeded the pl'OJl'f:n of 1 .smell Kanaaa town for the past tO years. Bu.lfur: Screen c I a 1 1 I c with superb set!, coatume1 and . • dramatic chariot race . It demonstrates the Impact (If Cbriatianlty on Ben-Hur and his family . Charlton Heston and Jack Hewkina. ,Fialaa'• Rainbow : F 11 m version of the Broadway • musical ol the Ir1ahman who steals the leprechaun'• crock Gordon Parks, who directed of cold and buries It near Fort "The lamina: Tret" for War· Knot to mate it 1row. Fred ner Bros.-Stven Arts from his Astaire and Petula Clark. autobiographical novel, hu re· Gtl : A hosWe al}d looeJy ceived hia second collt:se hon-seventeen year old boy tralns orary dddorate in two months a renegade do& lnkl 1 chlm- -1 Doctor of Humane Letters pllln. The process refonn1 the from Falrfltld University In boy and proves hi& worth wnnecticut ror hit writing. Jack (h<1nl~h1, Heather Nortti . composing, photoiraphy •!Jd TH Love Bua (G): Dlaney endeavors In the motion pie~ comedy about a Volkswagen ture field which have contrlb· with human fetllnc1. Dun uted to international under-Jones and Buddy Hackett. NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 12:30 P.M. BOX OFFICE OPEN$ AT NOON • 2nd Family Feature ''GIT" . . EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! ;_OR IS SHE? Y0u t.ly1t SM The Oranto County Prnenttitlon Of ''Goodbye, Columbus" A Fiim From Th• Novella ly PHILIP ROTH, Tho Author Of Tho N'w Best S.lltr i'Portnoy'• Compli1lnt" e "alNUINILT INTIMATI LOYI SCINIS .. TIMI MAO.UIHI · e 0111,.UHIN.~TO Slf'!- 1.111'1 MAOAJ:IHI e "MINOUILF'-e "'llllUISTllLl"-i1v11w NIW YOl.K MAG.U:INf -PllSONS UNDll 11.~0T ADMlnlD UNUJI WITH PAUNT I ""'-' "On• ~•WI ef A il'k tu,..,. • Vfrlff'f standlng. My Side of the Moul1ln e S.•IMI •mt Stl•w • Parks was given a slml11r (G): Witllul, chinning film FllOM THI 115 llOADWAT . ' degree In April from Boston about a thlP,len year old boy Vnlveralty. l·Jw~h!o~1~ea~v~ef• ~hom~e~to~spe~nd~a1~~~L~t;•;IT~C~O~M~t;•;r~~£~~~:~~~~~ The mu ltl·talented Parks year alone with n 1 t u re . alAO ha s been tebeduled to address a Nobel conference at Gustavus Adolphus Collece in M lnnesot1 ne1t J .nu&ry. Boone Series Signs Guests Producer Barney JlostD· zwei1 hu al(ned Mary Fick· ett and Ford Ra.lnty to guett star ln 20th-For TV't "Dan- iel Boone" epiaodf:, "Hannah Comes Home," with star Fess Parker dlrectln&. Miss Fickett plays the title role of a woman Who had mar· rled an Indian brave l!C)Mt years after her husband wat reported to be dead. Rainey plays the retumln.f husband . "Daniel Boone. which a.In Thursdays on Channel 4, co- slars Patricie Blair. Darby Hinton and Oal111 McXennon. Collier Signs Don Collif'r haa bmJ 11(oed for a key fe1turtd role in "NolxKI! Loves F'appln1 Easle,' ttit Jerry Adler ~ Uon plcturt PrOduct1on ror Wimer Bros . .S.vtn Artl tn which Anthony Quinn w!U star under Carol Reed'• direct.Inn. Collier will portray Quinn'• 1dversary·turned-~r:ltnd 1n thrt fllm-..mon-«-elatr-Hul· faker's novel , "Nobody Lovet STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound or Oran•• County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ... From Fashion Island, Newport Beach .. .. . • <I . l ' i, ' . 1 Dninken Indian.'' 1------------------------------ • . '• ' • ' • .. ' 0 •• • • ' . q • ' , • • .. • ... DAll.V I'll.OT LlllGAL NOl'lt'I! I • ·-11,Y "·°' \ U.IN 11..., 10.'9! 11.IW II.JU 1.755 ..... "·°' t.on 11.t1 ...... 11.1, 11.l't "·" "" 11.37 ""' U.IM ..... .1G.4" ,,,0.$1 11.111 '·'" ..... 11.M 11.n __JJJ1 ...... 11.1~ 11.l't tt.t2 11.12 10.4 - Cat Regatta Dates Listed BIG SPRING SALE - 2 DAYS ONLY FRI., SAT., JULY 11TH & 12TH SIK7Wlnq •-clu11"' C\1$IOIT\ ITW(lt .._,, end WOl'Mll'• i.1hlons for 1'119 .11 HO!>f Kong Pl'kft. OOn'I tnlN 11111 :rr:1t11Ht. Come and ,.,_, tro"' sllk mohelr, 11111 1Mrli.skll\, 1111<, ._ wotllwd, decl'lll'I 1111<. world'• ll!!til JACll ftbl'Jci, end Ori ...,.u1ired ffOm RAJl<VMAll: CLOTI1LERS. L.T.O. of Mo<1i1 l(ang & Florida. .ffONllf!t'tf~ for 5UIT$, SPORT JACKl!TS. $LACKS. SHIRTS, ORl!Ul!S. l!Vl!NING-OVT,JT5. Ali.o '" di.pity be.,.,_ bllgi, awul-. kntt 1ull1. II(. All trt wti:ICMM 10 "'-" 011r d11~y. PORT JACKETS A.ND SUIT PRICE$ FROM IJI to as. CaJl for an Appointment at •• , Lido Shore Hotel and Marina, -617 Lhl'O 'Irk-Dr., Newport-lnch.C •llf. (Toi: 17~) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I Dlrfft Radio. Reports from th• Fleet 3 and 1 p.m. Daily · ~ W• 1 Full s•tection of adidas SP&RTS SHOfS ORANGE SPORTING GOODS --~-~-·-132 S. Glassell 633-4022 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·······~·············· Star eta~ Trophy · 4th Baxter Buml ' • ' l '' ~·.Race o,n Weekend FREE The Sig" or lloollng Plnlurl C.111.'t L1rgut Volume Deller BUY NOW PRICE a, INTIREST INCllUSI SCHEDULED SAVE TO 15°/o IN STOCK AT OLD PRICES & RATES Jilt TO CH00$f FROM GlllHP11r, Su Rly, lll\leWl!lr. l11 V11911. Wried!, AYOn, 0.11 Q111y, GJ11tron. Mfreury, OJltfl 1 O•ra A Weeil a. Eves. 2l11 S, M•ln 11 Wimer, $1~11 ... ,.. 7U /SMUJ IT'S A FACT1 ~ If you spent 30 •econd~ lo;king al each of our shag samples, it would ta.ke you over 9 houn to see them all- so ' ~ome early and b;.ing your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 50. MAIN 12 Bl kt. No. of Bullock'$) ORANGE Pro ducts CARBURETOR CLEANER Stop rough ldllnc. stalfinr. hard starti ng. Just •dd PINT CAN GUMOUT to your i'* Wrik and clean your ca rbureto·r $1 35 whifll you «frive. Nothi ng , like it. • GUMOUT·DEGREASER . Spray It on • dirty, greasy engine, Then hose off wit~ water. Ruult: -A s~r1tlin1 clean e~gine that looks better, st•ys cooler. Perfect for oil stained concre'l• drives and floofl. too. 20 OL ADOSOl CAN FUEL MIX . tune-up C ONC•NTltAT• 0 12 ~L CAN 89~ Restom pep tnd power to tired enclnts. rrees stieky vtlvea, reduces carbon de· posits, incte•M$ comprtSSlon. Perfect for brttkina: In new and ttbultt angine1, too. Jn Costa Mesa' ft '• . • ,; I .< •' • l HUI Auto Supply 120 H1 r r llVd. c Oat1 Mesi --~ - 644-1464 642·245-4 ./ . ' • • ' "' 4 • 44 I I o c; 104 s Ssp:u:e c: a c Ob : : : a : a ... ~.. ' . 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD ' -~ DlCIC WILSON ORANGE (O's·. 'FlSf· .·s1 'G:ROWING FORD DEAL.E·R . . -. . . . S'J•P·E·. R s·PECIAlS vAcATIQ8 TIME! 1 lU, ,· . -. , .OYl!l. 40 VACATION ""5· UNnl ON SAU TRANSPORTAT·10N· SPECIALS "'!"'~ll!lll' ...... ~~~·~.,.~.~--..... lll!lll~ ... !!l'l'!l'--11111! --.... ~l!l!"!'!-~~--!11"!!!!!!"1'~!!1!'1'1 -~ -'65 FORD D;NCH WAGON . --$ 9 8·8. ' . V4. autorM!lc tr1111. '*' llW flnfllll, N~Y '7t. • '65 rOlD COUNTRY SIDAN. STATION WAMik • .._.., 11..__. '"'*!.. v•~ ~11t1r1na.-N.,...•n •. . ' $148 $688 $888' $888 '65 FOlD F!OO'PICKllJ' It T!' Ions llM, ~ ... cw1, a'-radii. .,.. • .,. sum. I 60 ~~~~~p~ed~~~~~eat PFH 012. '89 TIUSCOPIC CAMPER McDO!!Ald AJ19Un 1Y1111 W(lfl ,. 1low1, 1llc,trlc mrlt . ' • Jt,ISf !!!<• ,_, No. 20Htl. $1388 '59 FORD'FlOHICKUP :· V·S: 3_speed.:_rims go00I 9555813 . . . . . 1'11!'9· YOIJISWAGEN ~J .IUOGY . '1388 ' ~ -THUNDERBIRD , $118. .g· · -v __ '""'"·--! ... ,..,._ ..... -~~ ... n ...... _____ _ ~-1:. P. ·steer.; P. Brake<, p Windciws. fad: iir -'67 FOlD COUNTRY SIDliN WAGON $1618 .U_J tond .. RFY 728. • _ _ .. '. V.f.1lllMl.t1~rMll.~ ... ,,,.. ... _._,,WltY.TSHne. ··--~ :-------• ---·---~-- . '68 ~}~~,~~yst~~!~~.~ r~f, fad. $188-8 . w1rranty avail. WXV 015. . . '6. 8--~.~~!: ~~~,~~ f~~!!:anty ivaH. $19 8 8 VCK 819. . " . . .. ·''' '66 TOYOTA LAND ClUIS~ • WNlk DllYI • wh•I flrlYt .Mini f.O!Mllllon. llSW )Qt, ": " -·-' 6 s ~!.~~o ~~~!~~r1~eat VGP 672,. .. . ' . _ '87 DODGE CUSTOM SPORTSMAN $2288 '69 YOLKSW~GEN BUG · .. -$1988 . ·~6·8::::~:;:;:;;:~:::~WAGON $27.88"' '6·5· TRIUMPH ·coivERT $488 Deluxe model w/rad ro. Red with bllck 1n--..,.,, ...,,.. ,._ stew1t1s1. ~rid: -tlm. FvN ..._. -·· · · • · terior. Very low mil,.ge. XVl 415. __ •_w_a'-"'"_M_•--"-.. '"-"'·-...... ~----·-_.. . 4 speed Irons., ~ucket seals. All original. · . · · ... PDA 605. , '68 ~~~~~f~:'!!.~~!~ .. ~ ~!~~ $2988 . '69 ~~~~,~~'~,!~!;. ~~~ Dise$28 88 ' brakes, .factory air c.ood., w.s.w tires, rad io, plus many extrn . Factory wa·rra nty 1vail· . able. l ike new. XNH 346. FULL PRICE BRAND NEW '69 f·lSO STYUSIDE & llOOWIO 101'> MOffAWl(' COMPER ' H•.' '21A l '7 .. 1t • •nu " IMMEDIATE DEUVERY New •t •IW tlrK. Lb -· Aw~ Ntw .,.,.nir ,.,.n, vcc~. ------~~~ , '68 ~~~~~·~;)!~;5J~~4.f.~ "'" v<e>• $2988 . '66 ~~~!. !~~~!~s·N!~~~~~h. SMS . $ 8 8 8 6 OTHER '68 WAGOfjS TO CHOOSE ~ROM -PLUS OTHER MODELS. SAVE • I FROM SU88EST~D UST PRICE ON ANY 1989 THUNDERBIRD ·IN OUR HUBE INVENTORY .UNO ·NEW 1970 MAVERICK ·FIRST OF THE ' 711"• .. AT 1 Hil PRICES • IT'S A um1 GAS -MIY;,kk, prlcff ft rl••I tht bnporh,leiwss JIU Ii Hftw """ pr1etftA:ur. Mlny ,..,.. _., "" .. ''"'' ctlll Intl MtYWkk McHH Ifs all thn. A Ntk Mnoridi h _. ...... ...,cw. CORTINA $1888 FULL ,llCl BRAND NEW 1969 BRAND NEW 1969 RANCHERO GALAXrE 500 The Contempo Motor Home MORI THAN A CAMPU-A COMPACT MOTOR llOMJ SEE THEM · NOW_ AT-WILSON FORD e .All FUil PRICES All PLUS SALIS TAX & oin. MOTDl ~HKµS FllS e . Use one of our m111y .wsy1 to· flnlnC• yolir -itt Mted ~r or trvck includ .llnk of Amtric1, Uni!lcf CaOf, l111k. or Ford MotQr Credit Corp,With your Appro~1d Credit. ' . MAKE YOUR c :M ·acE A D.SAV.E .ATWIL$0N FORDTODAY . --. .... ~ . ,,._ - -1-825.i BEAGD BOU.LE.V.ARD • I ' • • •. U.NTJNG'(ON ~EA 1(;,~B: . IH~AY~l .... 842 . 6611 . ~VT.•PllCIS . i SER11CE O~Ell ' • 1 "592.'iiSl-I . ~s. DEPT, I '~.TO 1~··· Tot114.1'1 fhrw ·!rlil•J' A.M. ,, s P.M. . ; • " . • , , : t. A.At .le 10, P.M. 7 o.p'. · ·l!'"D~T,-Mf. 13TH. M11•1• •. A;M.'te f P.M. • . .. , • ·------........ -... "1" . .- ---• 'f 2 t • • a • . ' • , I' I 11' I ' l 1· I I ~--...:l • . -. ! .JI' DAJLV PIL6T I . F lidp, Ju~ I), l 969 QUEENIE TELEVISION VIEWS ShOWbiz Joins Apollo Shot By RICK DU BROW -~ •• HOLLYWOOD '(UPI) -A couple of well-known earthHngs from show business have been recruited by the television networks to take part in the pro- gramming surroupding man's scheduled landing on the moon. All of the networks will have contini.i,ous' pro- gramming of the Apollo 11 mission during 'the criti- cal phase July 20 and 21 , during which time ~e landing by asl<onauts Neil Armsl<ong and Edwm Aldrin is .expected to take. place.. . , AND JUST in case that's not interesting enough, Duke Ellington and Oison Welles will be on hand to help lhings along. ABC-TV announced Thursday that it has com- missioned Ellington to ~·compose and perform an original piece of music to mark man's landing on the moon." It will be presented during the July 2()... 21 period, at ABC-TV Apollo 11 headquarters in New York. The network says the music will be for piano, bass and drums. It will take about 10 minutes to per· fo rm, and there will be a vocal segment which will be sung by the duke, v.•ho, of course, will also play the piano. ' . READERS WILL recall that on his 10th birth· day last April 29, Ellington was honored at a White House dinner party, complete with jazz, by Presi· dent Nixon. He also was presented with the presi- dential Medal of Freedom. C~TV, meanwhile. announced Thursday that Welles, whose radio broadcast of "War of t.tie Worlds" scared a lot of Americans 31 years ago, will narrate a science-fiction film during the July 2lJ.21 period. · Welles, who will appear li ve from London with CBS-TV E uropean anchorm an Mike Wallace, wlll discuss the relevance or "War of the \Vorlds" a1 a time v.1hen "the work of science fiction writers ·a p- pears to be becoming as much fact as fiction." ''WAR OF THE WORLDS" is a classic science fiction tale, as a story and motion picture as weU as that famous radio broadcast. Oldtimers, and maybe some youngsters, will re- call that \vhen the radio show was presented in 1938, many persons were so frightened by the appar- ent reality of the program tha t they thought earth had actualJy been invaded by another planet. There was a jam on switchboards across the nation, THE CONVERSION of science fiction into fact a lso makes it interesting that one of the analysts on hand with anchorman Walter Cr onkite will be Arthur C. Clarke. a leading space a:uthorlty and author of "2001: A Space Odyssey," the brilliant film by Stanley Kubrick. THE CHANNEL SWIM: Woody Allen will have an hour variety special on CBS-.TV Sept, 21 \vith guests including evangelist Billy Graham. Candice Bergen and the Fifth Dimension ... Anita Loos. author or "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and for half a century a \V riter, discusses her We and times on the same network's "Camera Three" Sunday. "hlale of the Species." NBC-TV's excellent play ?f last s~ason about a young British girl's exper- iences \v1th three older men, will be repeated Sept. 11 .... It stars Anna Cal der-Marshall as the girl, \v1th Sean Connery. Paul Scofield and Michael Caine a s the older men. and Sir Laurence Olivier as host- narralor. De1111is the Menace • • -- MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS LIMPID LIZARD. .. HAVING 1URNEl1 IN \WR FEATHER, INJCCAStNS, TEEPEE, WAA PAIITT MAKE-UP KIT ANSIJJNL MANUAL, \WARE \lffJOALLY NO lOOGER A INDIAN,_ .... YOU MAY LEAVE l\IE PREMISES! MUn AND JEFF WELL,"TllERE IT IS! T+j15 MONT~ FOii! ""111E "FIRS1";"1ME MAN WILL SET FOOToN"TllE MooN! GOt.-\1! Oto! , O~ o~c! UP! UP! TODAV I& Tio F1"5T DA~ Of·• MISS PEACH ~OWWOUJ.0 YOU RATl!M& A' A HUMAN BEING? TO 6l Ve "l'OU,SAY, A 'f/i • HOLDIT! FOMOT SOMETHltt! GOOEY ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN? • WELL··· YoUKNOW, Gooey •• STEPPING INTO ALL _ • "TllAT Gli?EEN .; CHEESE! lt!MV 16 Tll• 1'111.ST °'-'I • ···--- By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith WELL, IF ITS NOT ~Cl'N COME "TllERES SLJCH A RAT RACE ;o see WHO GETS J . >; •+leR: FIRST?~ . ~ By Mell i"MAT'S·our w"o~, Of' A f'O$$llJ.E rrs OUT "f&>I, ltfOHT? Ot' A I..._ __ ---~ ·P05518L9 HuN"ltEP. hn tor Twr Lile (C) (60) I o..w rmt ttl (90) • Wan If Iii 116111 (60) "'The Kin1m1ker." Civil JUf continlllS be- • A F1 ( PNOON tWHfl thl Yorb and LincW111 In 12:11118 9 00 Slllmol (C) toni1hrs tplJOde troll! tile pi,,. or lllnle: "Cerwtte ~·225" (fd. "Edw•rd IV." Edw1rd of YOfi: di· ventu11!) '43--'l1adOlph Scott, Elli f11ts Queeo M1r1ertl Kitll Henry R1ines. ts lmpri9tlrlld Ind thi Queen f\ets. '1) Te1h Fa.a!. Ed'Wwd's 1111rri111 to lldy . CrtY 12:30 8 tBl (I) Jen-r Quut (C) c.aosu W1rwick'1 4'Sertioa to the @(]) &) tbppenh11 (C) P1~ . L1nustrian CIUll. Rev1r1 1MI M1r'I; Unduy co-host. ~ NocM9 Tepatla (30) m Ev1n.Nonk R•lllff (C) t:00 QI (I) CBS frtdly Morir. (C) G) Blue IW)bon Diits: "Prtml 111ntbloed H...,. {dr1m1) '63 Hell" -J1m1S F11nciscu1, Genevie't'a P1ge, J:OOB Q! (l) Mobf Dick (C) Su!1nn1 Pleshltt1, En Gebor. A Movlt: (C) "W•l1oct" (we.stem• netve yount nDY!llst . becomes ro-'59-Richard Wldm1rk. Henry Fonda. m1ntk:lllJ l11VOtved witll I WN!thy 0 Movie: "T1le ... hful fJ1ptsallf9 patroness of ~· uts, and her hus· (drimi) '62-Molfy Meck, Helmut bind takes his rmn11 In • care· Sc.hmid lull, tonlrived plan that re1ves ~e m SpOrt, Sflc{ll (C) lam Kelly rounr 1111n an the ~nk of_financ11l 11 mike.side 11 the Loni Se«h disaster ind phyl1al ruin. S1ci Sj)Gfls Arant for 1 volleybill 1111et IMlmt In Kentuc.ky, the youn1 mt.n btlween the United Stites i nd r11uessCLlb.! tru e va lues ln his J life tnd INMi wiMr plans for the :g•;·mani lulur1. (R) (lD Alme:d f..us Hicllli1!1ts (C) D !m CIJ m ladd '" t11e o.. · ftn• (C) (60) "The PoOOned Tr11." 1:30 0 9 ()) T111 Lo11t R1n1u (C) QI Con1tntarios J Clltbridade1 (C) &) Q1111t It< Ad'lenblr1 (C) 130) 2:1111 0 Morie: .. Hllfrlant lsl1nd" (Id· 9:JO~lllft (C) (30) Ted Meye1s. venturr) '51-.lon Hill, Marie Win41· 1111\t's L.rw (60) sor, Mwntu11 {JO) BSrturdq Dollbll rut111t (C) teMtllldo11 ~IPIPt (30) •'fiat lo Ho Timi" aod "N....,. lO:GO . @ @ m n.. s.101 CCI {60) Wile." . " r1lt of 8rendl." Tht S.lnt llu 0 Movie: ~ force" (1dvt1t- 1 brush wttll detlh wtlen hi It· lurr) ''J-8utt L1nc1ster, Yvonne tempts to U1lv1 ttie mvrdtr of his De Ctrlo. 1rt1St lr itnd. {R) (D Coronet Thlflrt: "Don Ji.aan l~Nns (C) (60) Quilll11n." c.Il !lD Diet Cmtt (Cl 160) iD Sport:t In Action (C) Ha! (C) (60) C.nius CltJ, fl) Set tllt USA (C) Mor11n1 Kini. Ralph Pof.e.1u11I. ?:30 I BitHe Cf"J' fI) R&D •ntew (60) ~irportJ af , St1 tti1 USA (C) tht futu11." Two 1rch~te~s t~· , Rainbow Thmr1 (C) p!D11 th• p10bl1m1 of bu1ld1n1 and 3. 11111 Dl•I 'M' lor Nlllk (C) m•lnt1fnln1 modem 1lrports. · Cllllllf I M1rla11 (30) ...... Dtn T 10:30 """ (t) (30) 8111 Johns. · lw11i..w no tlOI• flllaU Centtl (30) . Bl1 Pld11r1 (CJ 11•00 0 mm News CC) · R1h1bow Tht11lt {C) ' llflJ G.nh1111 Cn1s101 (C) 3:l0 tJ Miwlt: (C) "H11c11lts Aa:•lmt Mllrit: -SWtet s.n tf Silt-tht Moon Mtn" (spectaculu) '64- tntl" (dr1m1) '57 -Tony CUrlis. Ala n Steel. eurt LlllCISI:••· o @rn m ar11G11 . Dpt11 w mAJten llidftl't l1111fy (C) Ed Tourn111tnl (C) Hl1llh1ht1 o! lht Btlltf, J1d;il fW11111, Spank, Wil-tourney lnim Unt1shl!e, Eni:land.. son &utst. m Color T\Htr• (CJ 'l•st ol the at Mll'rit: (Cl "THl&trfl till Mahicans." N11M" (COll'ledJ) '55-0l'tid Hiwn. !ft (I) ftlfurt fll:': "M1 I nd Pl Ywonl'll DI C.rlo. ~ttlt Go to lown. ll:!:DllJ"9n (t) m Tr....i tM Wll1d (C) ll:JD IDT111flllt Slrl'w (C) 4:0ll.ltl A11I ED...,. llslloti tc) • · WIJH Trt lll IC) 34 (C) • Sh Whip (C) 11:55 lilfrie: "Tiie Ltt11e1 Dr9P lid" 4:30 m Dullr U•lta (COll!ldy) '51-8ob Hope. lll1rtlyn m Imm ll·DO ~"='ii· '111t L...., Willtl Min,. 5:00 8 All-AIWkan C.11q1 Show CQ • PU • ...., 0 Kl'IBC Sllmy (C) (t~tdy) ·~-Ruth Huuey, Olin· O Scllll 70 (C) u,,.1 11 0=· ettr o @C1J,tmABC'• Wi4• wnr AttiM Tltllh: °'C·M111.'" ol Sports ( I lt:!ICI lllM: "ffttti Kon1 Af11i" m loaf••• (CJ r1m1) ~JKk ICelly. MtY Wynn. ED lnllMllou (RJ 1:00 D Movlt: (C) "Khnbtrly Ji11" ltd· 5:30 I Ralph SttlJ (C) (RI wntuft) '64-lim ReevtS. M1d• · '-N.B_C Nnntrrict IC) lelnl u.ri.r. · l lllh(llt Zoii1 I,.._ (C) Man Fro111 UNCLE (C) Fn• Ille lnUde Out (C) Tiie •• StWfMI (C) J:JO CMf11ry M'* (C) A Nrw Lio• 11 ESP: "ESP !Ml' Af).fllfM S111w: •1i11nd Res. Dlltl11Ct......,.S'f'thokinni1." Dr • .lull CIM .. "'Dtltll Oii !tit four·PosW"' Ei~nblld rrpofts on • 1Jan•AU1nt!I ind "100 Cries ol Tt11ot." et?fr1menl lht blolorlcat tfledl 1:41 e llllril: ''CIJI' .. tapehow11" ol lht "lryln1 Ol'I ol h1~s" .. (adM\111) '50-B~ Crn· p!antJ .and 1nltr11ls lfl d11tllSIMI ronl. Joll11 lreltflll. by Dr. Bern1rd Grid. t:• 0 c-unltJ ... IMrd (C) 6) A(rk11/lur1 llSA (C) e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing and O.pend•ble Servfc• for more than • quarter cf Ii century. PILO T PRINTING : . , .. ~ 2211 WIST IALIOA ILYD., NIWPORT IU.CH -642·4111 /; I I I I .. ' Ill "" .. ' ... I .. - (t) ... rady. .. ,_ ICJ I.ft. !Cl ,.,, .... -· ~ .. , .. - ··~ "' ... , ... .... .... (1llJ '"' '"' '"' ,, Cl !Cl '"' '"' •lml ,._ "" "" ,,. .. ,, .. ... '"' ... .. -- • • ' -·-·------··--~-------------~-------------------.... ---.. -~-·~7..---·---·--~-~~---------.... -----n • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SAL& HOUSES POR SAL5 HOUSES FOR SALE Houses FOR SA:L& G1ner1I 1000 G1ner1I 1000 Gener1I , i--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii 1000Gonorel 1()00 Goneral \000 -··· FINER HOMES BAYFRONT An exceptionally beautiful home. which bas been lavishly decorated. 3 Bedrooms & fam- ily room, sliding glasti walls open to a lovely terrace. A home designed to serve all func- tion' ol entertaining. Pier & noat. .. it39,500. Call for app't. ~ LINDA ISLE BA YfR0N.T -"" ·Most desirable view of marina &'boating ac- tivities. Protected from wind. -New, beauti- fully decorated 4 bedroom & family room home. Finest .wallpapers & carpeting, lnclu· ding kitchen &. breakfast room. Sell.cleaning 0 v .~ .~ ~:. ~~'.l~~j~ .~~~~.~~· .. ~~~~~ .ilf~~~: Cail for app't. • LIDO ISLE One of _ the most beautiful homes offered_ on corner Jof, on lovely Lido Jsle, across from private beach. S Large bedrooms, large liv· 1ng room. formal dining room. 2 Fireplaces. BeautifuUy decorated for executive taste. ..............................•.. $115,000. Call for app't. CORONA l>EL MAR CHARMER Pele Barrell Jeaft'I pre:ienlt A Wnkend of Ope.n HousH JUST LISTED A most popular family f.lan In Bay~rest. 4 Bdrm with separate Mas er bdrm wing. For- mal dining room. and laree family room. - even a bl>at yard! Well priced at .... $58,500. 1901 Commodore Lane Open Sun 1·5 OLD FASHIONED QUAINTNESS ON THE PENINSULA WATERFRONT Sun and swim on your own beach, and from yonr home enjoy the speclacula~.view of lbe main turning basin1 all the sailing and water activities . 312 Buena Vista (nr Nprt Hbr Yacht Club) ,.OpenSat&Sun 1·5 JlllQJll$i!!,~_0.N LJDOlll , 3 Car garage • 3 Bdrm -corner lot -sunny patio. Come see this lovely borne. 522 Via Lido Soud · Open Sun. 1 • 5 WESTCLIFF CORNER Adult occupied 3 Bdrm home with dining room and family room -. plus pool! Heavy shake roof and used brick, low maintenance yard. 1224 Nottingham Road Open Sat & Sun 1·5 Newly decorated 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with fireplace & separate guest accomoda- tions. An exciting home on a lot and a hiilf. Just aboye Little Corona ............. $47,500. j . -WESTCLIFf-L"OT~ _......_.. Located on one of the most desirable streets ~ in the area ........................... $27,500. "- Offk1 Open S1turdi1y1 & Sund1y1 .PETE BARREIT · REAL TY 1605 W11tclllf Dr •• N.B . 642-5200 iohn macnab !\EAL TY COMPANY 90 I Oov•r Dr., Sult• 120 642-8235 NEW HOME;! ! ACRE VACANT , 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 Will be ready for occupancy August ht. 4 bdrm, family IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 BR family room home. Large fenced back yard. A> irume present Joan of approx, $21, 750. Asking priC'e $26.950. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY LocHlf'd in !ht-N'llter or ,.,.. COsrA J\fESA INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sbc year old. 2.000 square foot building Prf'sently usM as a plumb- ing shop, t>aslly adap!ed to many indu~lria[ or commer. cial uses. Th1-ec priVate off- k-es, storage room plus lllrge shop area \\'ilh over head doors. Properly con1ple!ely black·toppcd and chain link fenced. AN IDEAL BUY AT $33,250. Pl"e!ient financing can be ll!!Uml'd. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 A CUTE PLACE-/ YOU CAN STEAL :? Bdr, knotty pine paneling, fum. close to the bay & beach. 31·1 34th St., NB. S JI 0 R E PROPERTIES, 673-9000, 615--0253. $900 FHA Do~n!! North Costa fllesa location, near all school.<i, shopping and freeways. Ne\\• ca11>(!t- ing. Fenred yard. double garage. Reduced to $21.000. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 200 Wcstclill Dr. 646-7711 Ol'f'n E~. Morning Sun . , . Twinkling lightJ Ivan Wells' new Vlf.:\.V horn's facing Bay in Dover Shores. 5 models to choose from · 4 & 5 bdrrru. ~1orlels open d&ily at 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 White elephants! Oune-a·line 6 QUALITY UNITS room, lt'rvlce porch. Wl w carpeting tbruout Concrete drive, fence, etc_ Full price just $30,CM. FHA, VA er Conventton&I terms avail- able. \Vha r a beau~ - WHA! ~RIJY!_ In CO!la Mesa, -just a block from the S.A. Country aub. ~ super sharp units art the five-lft kind for the own- er. i t\\·o bed1'00m and 1 bed- room. 1066 rental sChedule and 1966 price. , .$69,500. "for A \ViSe Buy" Colesworthy & Co. N•wport •I ~COATS ~WA~CE REALTORS -546-4141- (0pon ........ 1 Stei>s to beach 4 BR 3 bath ( 1nyti,,,.) home in the 200 block. A~k­ lng $46,000. Call for appoint- ment -------1860 Ne111J)Ort Blvd .. CM OUTSTANDING Rlfr. '""3928 E, .. '42-01'5 • """" '""0m •• ;,, w .. tcllll Lachenmye· r home with delightful pool & patio. An::hilec?t designed &: ~'" built this one: for him.sell. I--~ You'll love it! $42 500 Arnold & Freud ' 3S8 E. 17th St., 0.1 Fantastic ~nd U!TWi~al • BR OPEN SA"T .t: SUN 1·5 287 Nassau Rd, College Pk -OPEN HOUSE S,1 1-5 2187 Irvine, NB Charm1hg J Bdrm, :l~~ ba home with VIEW. Almost ~I acre 20/'ll'd for l!ORSES. Huge master suile, 2 frplcs, one in kilchen, B~autilully landscaped. Duplex with pier. all thiJi for $63,500. Good financing. 1860 Ne1vpiort Blvd., CM Rltr, 646-392!1 Eve. 646-2290 Lachen~yer OPEN HOUSE SAT. AND SUN .. 1 TO 5 4433 FAIRFIELD DR. CAMEO SHORJ-:S Sparkling pool, 180• view of ocean and jetty from nearly e\·ery roon1 . -673-8550 OJME BY FOR A REAL TREAT \0 THE REAL ~ESTATERS . ' .... 1' 11 646.rn-cu1tom built home 1n lov!'ly .ea on .,;, ~fe1;& Venle. Wallling di&-Formf'rly Orange Coast Prop. 5BEDRM-;-$M,300- Space &. luxul'y! Park·like yud. Covered patio. Sprink- lers. 2','-baths. Fireplace. Built·in~. Pres tige area. :-..J0.17'20 TARBELL 29S5 Horbor lance to rlubhoUSe & gtilf JUST LISTEDll ooune. L<t yo"' lm•g;,.. •• tio n \\•ander with creatlv' Tip.top shape; 2 BR house Ideas for 2100 sq. fl . ol. !Iv-+ 2 BR apl. 2 car garage. Ing are:a. Massive ~ acre Steps to ocean! $45.000. Pri· wl\h 1parkling pool. Ca 11 vale financing pos11iblc. 545-3424, South Coast Real BALBOA BAY PROP . Estat,, 67~7420 O\VNER Offers beautiful 5 BEAUTIFUL Hid pool, 3 Br, 2300 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.8 . bdr .... 3 ba. 2-story ho~. l 't. Ba. he111med ceilings, BEAlITlFUL 2·story La Paz 6~~ 'm loan, $283/mo. incl bit-ins dbl frplc, 2 patios, Mission Viejo. Assume FHA ta.-.:es & insur. ~I 546-6740 E-l"ide C.~1 . Avail no-down at 6')~: By O\\'ner who is DAILY Pl.LOT WANT ADS GI or FHA. Kingaard Rlcy. anixous to move, and can Dial &rz-5678 tor RESULTS 1'-11 2-2222. take back second. llJG-1583 NEW OCEANFRONT HOMES GRAND OPENING ~ t: S Bf'drooms. 3 baths, dining room. pl~ room, laundry room. Compl•te w/ l or 2 tlrt.plllC!f's. FuU built- In kltc-hen~. intercoms, (ood ctnlf'rt. Full carpetlnc. Sur>- dH>lr.ri', ~·et bal'8, matonarY entrles & many more CW!I· lollll' lealu1'l"5. Cholce atta nexl to Long: Beach Marina, f"rom 184,000. • 100 Oce&n Avl'. ~al Btach OPEN SAT & S,UN <213.1 t11·66J7 LIDO ISLE .129 Via ZUrich OPEN l!OUSE 1.:; Sal & sun ln1maculate 3 bedreom home Cheforful lhring room open~ onlo private paUo. • lfome.Is In b!'auUful condltiOn $57,500 BUILDER'S \ CLOSEOUT Just 5 ol these popular 2-story 4 Bedroom ho1nes left, and none are on a bad lot. Don't wait too long. Full price just ........ $29,950. Included at NO EXTRA COST are fireplace, wall/wall carpets, cqmpletely_buill .In. kit- chens, complete fencmg, undercround utili~ ties and much .more. Low Low Down Payments To All - • Low lntere1t R1t11, Low Monthly Payment1 For-further information call· . ------------------~ 3~ f'ergu50n GeMrel 1000 G•neral Res. i/.rO!SB J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; VA SALE• Mesa Ven.le Pat't'se:Mcr, 4 bdrm floor pl11.n, ru.s- tlc exterior \\'ilh mas- sive used b1ick fire- place. New shag car- pels. Needs some wurtt. Out of 81-ea O'.l'fl(r. $31,950 on V,\ tcrfns. ''1' .-, -' '" . '.~S>l \,:r.~."li.l l t'.' CORONA DEL MAR 2211 Woterfront Dr. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 -S 3 Bdrms:L 2 paths, incl. 1ge. mstr. !uite + a gueSt -apt'. &' bath. with 1f view:-"Carpeted, new drapes. On a charming, exclusive street 1 blk. long ........................... $54,500. STEPHENSON REALTY CASK POl LUCY GAYNOl l 306 MARINE AVE. 675-4000 Gener1I 1000 [ Gonar1I UPPfR BAY $20,995 3 Bc'lnn family home. 11 OCEAN VlEW In E."Ccluslve Cameo Shott!!. Luxuriou,, custom home In a beautiluI. tropical setlini:. 546-5990 ' .. __ ._ __ _._., 1 blodc to Bayvie\Y Elem~n. tary School. Extra lari::e fenced yard. Now Iii the Entrance over pool, Step.down' living room. Fonnal dining room wiih high beam C'ellings. 5 Bedroom!!, ' Bathl $95.000· VACANT ' 3 BR 2 ba In Huntington Beach. Assume lri; 6% GI loan al no cost. CUslom 32' heated Anthon) pool w/aulo- malic· swe<!prr. \V/w crpU, d~. Price $36,950. P.W.C. 546-5440 MESA DEL MAR 4 BR 2 baths, larnil)' room bll·ins. cpts/df'flll. Va('anl. • DAVIDSON Realty 546-S:KiO Eves. 545-4!l41 SPANISH ranch·~lyle 4 Bdr home w/ atriun1 & ponfl . All built-Ins including TV. 2 block~ tn h!>iH·h &· Jlf'W school~. $29,9!1;>. 5 1,, <,;. n1or1gagt> c11n he Hs~un 1cd . Owrier ~13&-7621 $2(SOO :-MESA-VERDE Loaded wilh i.;h!ll'IH~ King bedrooms, 2 bllth~. family room. rireplace. Formal din- ing room. Buill·in~. Large park-likr ya1'fl. 540.1720 TARBELL 29SS Horbor White elephanl.!I! Di"1"H-iiiM! Dial 6(2..5678 for RESULTS time. to _buy fo1· school l'el· istrat!on. Ca.If us to stt in- side. 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adarns 545-9491 Open 'Ill 9 PM 4 PLEXES 2 buildings • eacb '.l'ilh four 2 bdrm units, 1000 sq, fl .. buill·lns, patioi! & garages. $500 mo ·lnrome on each building. ASKNG .$44,250. EXCEU.F:NT T E R M S WITH l.O\V 00\~IN. ALSO 16 unils Coslit J\1esa $169,000 \'lalker & Lee J\1r. Levine Jncon1e ln,·e.~tmPnt ~pt. 54S.94Sl $21 ,500 Call \Vally IIallbt'l'I Res. 644-4787 TWO -DUP[EXES- For Th• Price Of One \VeJI almost, these are both sing](' story, 'ach hall 2 two bedroon1 units and b a l h, forced air heat. double gar. agl'. One is $27,500 the other is $29.500, Income 111 S2940.00 and $31M.OO. HURRY! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 -ASSUME 6~% LOAN On this outstanding 4 BR. home. Xlnt floor plan. 3 Baths, fom1al dining rm .. sizable family rm. w/bar. Exciting elec. kitchen. Bcp.u- tilully landscaped gardens. S74,900. A home worth)' ot )'OW' inspection. RmDUG!EI REALTY 2025 \I/. BaJbua Blvtl ., N.B. _£all Anytl~~~- $21,500 NEW CARPET NO QUALIFYING Everyone can assume this high Joi.IA Joan. ~1G-9~i21 or BUSIEST marketplace In town. The DAILY Pn.crr Qassitled section. S a v e money, time & gfort. Look now!!! OIAR~E IT! General IOOOG.n•ral i oooGoneral 1000General 1000G•neral 1000:; • .,.,., 1000 Genar1 I 1000Generel B/B Bay and Beac for Best Buys Open Houses THIS WEEKEND Ktt• 11111 hM4y ~1,..i...., with ,._ thl• ...... Ind .. yw to ~untfn• All tM lacatlenl ll1teil ~W .,. tfffctfW In ~-4"•11 k aitvtlrtttS .. ......_. In tellli'(s OAl\.Y PILOt WANT ADS. Po1tron1 1howlftf .,.n houtn '9r .ul• er te...rent an ur1N t• lllf 1wch lnf.,.... tlen ·in this column Mch ''"'•1. (2 Bedroom) 314 34th Street, Newport Beach 673-gooo (Sat 1-4, Sun 11-2) (2 Bedroom & Family or Don) 1518 Dolphin Terra<e (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6422 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1218 Cambridge Lane, Newport Beach 548-1768; 646-9280 (Sal & Sun)- (3 Bedroom)•· 408 Pro$pect (Newport s-.Jles) NB 646-7414 (Dailv 1·5) 2211 \Vaterfront Drive, Corona del ·r.1ar 6754000 fSun 1·5) 430 Esther Street (Of! Tuslin) CM 642-3863, 837-6417 (Sat & Sun) 522 Via Lido Saud (Lido Isle) NB 642-5 200 (Sun 1·51 2591 Bayshore Drive, Newport Beach 833-0700; 644-2430 fSUll< & Tues Aft'n.) 1100 Berkshire (Westcli!f) NB 645-2000 fSat & Sun 1-~) 464 Sara Drive (Corona Highlands) CdM 646-3255 (Sun 1·5) 459 E. 19th (Eastsidcl CM 646-8811 fSa t & Sun 3 to dusk) (3' Bedroom & Family or Oen) 2S12 Redlands (Back Bay) CM 546-5460 Eves: 642-4951 <Sat & Sun 1·5) 26622 Cortina, ~fission Viejo 830-1583 (Fri, Sat & Sun 10·7) 2609 Redlands Drive, Costa ~tesa 642-5570 fSa t & Sun 11 ·5) 2372 Rutger! (College Parkl CM 546·9993 !Sat & Sun 1·5) •1224 Nottingham Road f\Vestcliff) NB 642-5200 . , !Sat & Sun 1-5)- 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sat 1·5) · 324 Snug Harbor fNewport Hei~hts) NB 645·2000 · fSat & Sun 1·5) 287 Nassau Lane-(Cotlege Park) CM 646-3255. • fSat & Sun 1·5) 2359 College Dr (Colle .. Park) CM 646-8811 fSat & Sun 3 • d usk) 1147 Gle neagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom) 3218 Montana, Costa ~1esa 545-3221 - 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 4615 Perha1n (Cameo Shores) CdM 833-0700; 644-2430 (Mon & Fri) (~ Bedroom & Family or Oen) 2940 Redwood Ave. (t\1esa Verde) C ~f 546-7545/546·4890 (Sun 10-6) 1338 Antigua Way, Newport Beach 675-6000 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 115 Milford (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-6996 fSat & Sun 12·5) 312 Buena Vista (Near NHYC) Nwot. Bch. 642·5200 fSat & Sun 1·5) 1901 Commodore Lane. Newport Beach 642·5200 (Sun 1-5) 1380 Ga laxy Drive (Dover Shores) NA 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 1836 Santiago Dr (Dover Shores) NB - 648-1550 fSu n 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shore,) NB 646·1550 (Open Daily) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NH 540-1720 (Daily 1·5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2060 Phalarope IAfesa Verde) Cflf 549-0684 fSat & Sun 12-5) 10122 Cynthia Drive, llunlington Beach 962-3861 (Sat & Sun· 12·5) *1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shoces) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *304 Robinhood Lane (Eai;l,.ide) Clt1 648-881 I fSat & Sun 3 ·dusk) UNITS FOR SALE 514 &. 516 Avocado, Corona rte! ~far 545-9451 fS at & Sun 1·5) . "'' READ THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED IOOOG1n1r1I 1000 WE OFfER YOU our servlct>s, backed hy t11·rnly yeal"l! or experie.n« Jn t.he Ne\\·port Harbor Art>ll. our kno\\•ledl::l' of condition~ OCEANFRONT,-BAUOA PENINSULA Decoraton own beautilully lurnished home. Glamor- ous-deJightful-different. Exciting color combina- tions. Large living room. with glassed in sun-roo1n, intimate dining room, Elaborate Master-bedroom·sil· ting r oom. Total of five bedrooms and {our baths. Price is fir"? at $125,000 including all furniture. INTERESTED IN INTEREST? 5,5t;c loan can be assumed! Interested in neighbor· hood ? Lovely quiet street in Westcliff! Interested In value? Charming well constructed three bedroom home on large corner poolsized lot, priced at $48,500. OPEN Sat. & Sun. 1·5 P.M. 1100 Berkshire. Your hostess Florence McCue BALBOA PENINSULA POINT- NO POINTS TO PAY. our undr.rslanding of your nee<h our experienced personnel. WE HAVE little hom"S -lt1rge homf'11 t;myfront homn -oceanJront homP!f-Condomlniums and Income propertty. LET US 11ult your nee& and your f>llT'M!. ASSOCIATES HARQl,0 D. ARTHUR n.oRENCE Mr.CUE LUCILE BASTEDO GLADYS RUSSELL LOUISE COWER DICK TRYON NETTIE LEE DON THOMPSON ~n!lllry, KITIY AILBRJGHT GLODEN J\1. FAY, Realtor Co-owm-r·MaMgt>r nf our new Wf'Stcllff Office 901 DOVER DRIVF., SUITE 126 Telephone: 645-2000 NEW WESTCLIFF OFFICE 901 DOVER DRIVE 645-2000 I " CUFFHAVEN Plenty of room for Family Fun; indoor and out - OPEN Sat & Sun 1 to 5 P .M. Three bedroom home ideally located close to all schools. 32( Snus Harbor . Price now $34,900. Your hostess Louise Collier. OCEANFRONT-BRAND NEW- WAmNG FOR YOU • Price-reduced $10,000 for quick sale. Four bedrooms and den--.'!'h baths. OPEN DAILY 1 to 5 P.M. 1358 E. Ocean Front. '\'our Hostess Lucile Ba3tedo. LOOKING? We'll Find It For You LISTING? We'll Sell It For You STOP IN AND SEE US. BAY AND ' BEACH REALTY, INC. • • ExtenslveJy remodeled home-A delight to see. Two large bedrooms up. two bedrooms down. three baths. Excellent storage, Owner will finance 71h% int. Ask- ing price -$65,000. . , VACANT LOTS: ti Waterfmnt Fee Simple Lot Newport Shores. 30 X 80 127,500 '. R.l Lot. View of Bay! Balboa. Price of $25,000 in· cludee plan.! for 2 or 3 B.R. House. WATERFRONT-One of last remaining lots In Dovtr Shor ... Boat slip jointly shared. 20% down, Bal. 7% live years. Price $53,000. NEW WESTCLIFF OFFICE 901 DOVER DRIVE 645·2000 • I • l • • I Ir ' -. ---·- • FrldaJ, J111J l lt lM' HOUSES 'OR SALi! HOUSESi'OR SALE 10000-ral . NEED A BIG HOME? SEE: 2700 WAVECREST, CidM OPEN SAT. I, SU!'I. 1 • 5 4 Large bdrms.1 plus family room \\'/ wel bar. Loads or cuplioard.! & closet space. Transferred owner s1ys. 11sell !" ...$65,500. - ·vacant 4 immed. occupancy: .... $65,500. --lllM CMI• Mffa llGO FANTASTIC iUY $19,700 -$0 DOWN \'ou'U ratTb' find a ,b&t1tiln like lhlll CWltOl'l) built 3 lx.'<l.roorns: ~ntrally locat- ed near downtoWn shoflpl1ll. \Valk lO ecbool. No down (or G.I. 'a. ($000 for non-vtt1J and no 2lld JMns. • .Better bt fut, call 645-0303 IUHl\I I 111\ll\ -• HOUSl!S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ~l!pOrl ,B .. ch 12GO U~lvarsltt Por~ 1237 -l'ool Season WE HAVE •• ; llt:tCrett Perfection An xlnt sclcctlon ol 2, 3, 4 & 5 BR. 1ownbOU$t1 & homea Suiie-. 1)' locat~ tn the ht•<irt ln Univ. Pk. CommunHy ol hi&hb-dcarable ~C"'po.rt pools, tennis ctfl., 11iU'fc1. Beacb. 4 muter 5.IU bfd. Ell«llent schooh! tuoms, b'mal dJnln1 \1•/ills • R d Hiii R of ela.8s in a tropic-.! Setting • ••lty ., h 1 ·i lllMt Culvt>r Dr., IJvlne arou.,.. a uae am1 Y f'OOln. oPErf9 AM.fl PM o•~ """" A suptrb se1\lng for sun1· ;::;,.:===::::::~:;:;:;;; mer evenfnas. Pool ol quaJ. J.. Uy de1tan ..• 0111110% down Irvine 12.11 You name the terms. Won't CHOICE 00\V Vanderbilt V.J ........,1-st at $55,900 .• 00-lOdal'. ill (The Park). By owner. 645-0303 Many exb'•O: ·1g,. ·lot • Gargan! Call: 642--Li02 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Hunllngton Beech 1400H"l'll'!lon Beadt 1400 ONLY 2 HOMES ·LEFT New ho111es, ready to move in, 'h mile Crom beach. First payment up lo 60 davt; alter move in. • Terms VA/FHA. From $22,990. CORAL SHORES (on Garfield between Beach & Mag nolia . 9 6 2 ·~ 3 5 3· ·---- HOUS!S FOR SALi! RENTALS Hou1t• Fumlth9cf Leguna Baach 1705 __ _. ____ _ LAGUNA-BiAcH Summor R~n11l1 2910 . OCEAN VIEW Bl!/I BROW.N CUSTOM HOME, Jowt.r rem· APT.-MOTEL pie lllllll, 3 DR, 2 BA. -din-~. t .ti 2 Br. 11.pt.8. Conlp. CoU•. "' llvlna: nn, t.rpleo, furn. Pr1v. patios, hid, pool, clec klt-bltlllll Incl ranee. TV, restaurant, 9 hole aoll EJee tl~nno control each course. Walk to beach. No mt, beamed eenlnas lhnl· traUic noise. Wttkly & out._ w to w <:ll)la, drpa. monthly rates. 3U06 Cout trunk room & pla.yro<.Nn, Cor Hwy., So. LagWlll, our en- lot ~55', dble I:ar, t?1tr yards, h'aJK:e by AIWJ Beach. paUoio, shrubs. $42. 700 • Corona del Mar 673-3770 IOlll\I I iil \11\ hslblulf 1242 Lido Isle -------'-' 1351 Huntlnf!Gn Beach 1400 Sl 0,000 C&Bh, Bal Oil con-3 Plush fully furn. bc.h front lract of We to" h01d 25 rr; aptt. 1 & 2. Br. Bea.ut ocean $25,000 loan: l nt ..a-te 6~%' view, patlOl, pnv acr . Pymnta: 1nantllly unUJ paid $14()..180~wk Mo11l dates ~~tll in Jull. Write Owner. P. O. open. 11th & S. Pacific, Box 914, phone 49447'26 La. Snit. Bch. any tln\e Sat 4 guna Baae!l. eve1. (TI4) 642-4993 any eve BY OWNER 2828 E. Coast Hiway Exreflont ""t" .hall .•""'· room, family room, 2 bath TIRED OF OLDER HOMES? See thl! 6 yr. old famlly home l\'/·1 bdrms., t.'!»lv. den & din· ing room. Call for app'I. Walker Rlty.· 67s.5200 JULY SPARKLER R-2 ZONED PROPERTY. oaf="~'-1.cO '-p~m~~==~-1 Beaulllul 5 bedroom surr 3 BR hse, sips 8, $175-200 "'k. view home on extra lal'ge 1 Br hse. sips 4, $100-125 lot. Fe\v steps {0 Diver's wk. l ~r bllul Crescent Bay Cove, $140,000, r..tarshall & Beach. 232 Chiquita, Laguna Ropp, 211 Ocean Ave. La· Beach. or Zl:l-244-6386 l~::::~~~:;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;"J f.1esa Verde hOme. Br!C'k fireplace, water !Oltner, ce- lOOO ment drive, brick patio, complete sprinklers:" fresh Gen•r•I 1000 Gen•r•I OUR SPECIAL Spacious J bdrm 2 bath home witl;I all large rooms on a LIKE to live on a small vel'y large lot. T h I 4 island! For sale by owner E a s t b J u f f home has due lo divol'(.'('. Channing everything! Cpts, drape11, old house on N e ". p o r t fencing, luxuriant landsca!>' Island, 1 rooms, 2 balli.s. ing, a beautllul cleetriC-B•lboe Island T355 llas been com Pl e 1£. l y kitchen ~ at a low price at --".;.;;,...;.;.:..;.::. __ .;..:;~ remod~ed ~ modern kitchen $35,000 Vogel Co. 2667 E. 11·/bll·ins. Lots of storage. Cot.at Hwy, Corona del Mar. Used brick trpl & dining 673-2020 Big 2 BR 1~1 bA; lush new shng W/W, bltn11, FA heat, tlt'111 paint. Blg fttcd yard. XLNT terms. May li<e/opt. 847--355.1 Brokl'r 893-4152 2700 aq JI .f btlr, 21 ~ bit cor lot nr Brkhst & Adams. 146,500 61,4 Joan. 962.7374 gun.a Beach. 4M·lO'll ' CHARMING -l Br. apt.-on LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR Llltle Balboa Island. Int· hoU»e $14,500. Fenced yd, mac., close to good swim- Zoned industrial. 4K-8J.70 n1Jng beach; $125 Week, ENJOY THE LEISURE OF July. ll8 Abalone 67S-0588 ==---""' TRADE YOUR HOME Regardless o1 how m u c b equity you have, on lhls super two-story, will\ 'vind- ini; stail'CllSE' leading to 4 Master Sized Bedrooms. Bal- cony overlooking formal din- ing room with thick shag carpeting. Stunr.ing fire- place, or try S5.000 Down and lake ovt1r lo1v interest GI loan. Asking $3:.i;SOO. Sul>- mit. pain I. ONE BR Cottage w/gar l ASSll?\{E 61( '7C LOAN roned for business. $14.500 <>wner may take "2nd. TWO BR home &. de1., Jara:e OPEN HOUSE SUN 10-& lot. Garage + \\.·orksbop. 2940 Redwood Ave. or call R·2 zoned. $18,800 546-7545 ot S464890 for a,ppt. THREE BR home l~ baths, Full price $26,950. near shopping. $20, 750 Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. BARGAIN HUNTERS: $1100 1810 Newport Blv~ .. C.M. of r e c e n t lmprovemenls 548--?129 anytune ha,ve already been made to roont wall. Bathroonls new !-,,========= w/sunken tub. L arge Corona del Mar 1250 sundeck w/vlcw. Newly .;;;;.:..:.;..:;..:;.:;_.:.;.:::__.;..:;;;;: painted outside. A c r.o s s OHL Y $62,500 street from Bay on 2 sides * VJEW * & 3 blocks from ~an. .. $42,500 buys !his 4 bdrm home. 4008 Marcus, NB. Ocean and channel view! 675-0363 or 494-5<120 \Vatch the boats from the · large living room. Kitchen lllSE OPTION and''Prtvate patio. ·DeliJ:hl· WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES No Down GI Uli& c!tlW ~e P.pk home.. At $28,500, ii is pik" eel.to sell last. Hllgt' 13 x 71' sep family room. Large ii,·. OPEN DAILY 1·5 ing room. 3 BR, beautiful 21 12 Windward Lane ful 3 bedroom charmer, one house • oH Ocean B I v d. 61J.8S50. New C.orona de! Mar location, Marguerite at Coast High1vay . Walker & Lee . $23,950 lanrlscaping that can take DnJy $4.000 .noves you inlo active children. Walk to. all this Charming nC'"'er 4 BR, 7682 Edinger 8•12-4455 or 540-51~0 Open Eves. 3 .BR 2 ha!h, 11·1!h ocenn view schools & shopping. Open Sat 31:1 BA, Ivan \Veils borne. Rand R:ealty 645-2340 & Sun. 1-5. 2372 Rutgers. Din 1m, family rm. Jin· \·t» THE REAL \"'\ ESTATERS -Cbf. f,46..9993 maculatc! Immediate pos--MESA VERDE -session!! H.lgh w ·s. Own/ • • c .,. OWNER'S LOSS Your gain. Modf'rn ra_nch !)'Pt' home. ~ sparkling bed· rooms and 2 battis. Charm· Ing kitchen and family room -so clean you can eat off lbc floor~ Never so n1uch home (or so little. Priced to sell at $25,950. Call Dan $23,9501 ,l!!~!!:!!!!!!!!!===!!!!!l!!!l!!c!! ag!. 5~8-8112 J{ard to find; King sized H U ii S ldl i ..::;Bc,E,cA,.;C""'H~B-A-R~G~A~IN=s-Formerly Orange Coast Prop. OPEN HOUSE l:S- 2131 VISTA LAREDO 3 BR. 21,~ Baths. lmmed. possess. 10% Down. $37.950 bedrooms:, 2 separate bath. Open "· nt • Built.in dream kitchen. car-1847 TAJ{JTf DRIVE pets, Drape!!_ Fiber • glass Big family home, 5 BR. paint exterior. Guaran.teed 2900 sq. ft. Anthony pool. far l5 yrs, 540-lnD _, lreshly redec. Sharp loc in TARBELL 2955 Harbor Mesa Verde. Listed $5.t,900 -but all oftet'!I invited! L«, >J-O.IJ5l H"Hago Roal ·OCEANFRONT Esta1t' -{~n-eves1 - /,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; / 3 BR home on excellent YOu Redecorate-OK? bt>nch: $54,950.. . 548·5180 (nurelnemt tllllbt) LUGE REALTY Good 4 + ram nn on coroer. eorile Williamson • 15'11 AdM!s .t Kfrllof,CM. l.lesa del Mar. Nds paint ~ •~::." REALTOR • i"'" r"'o"'"'°"· Take • -"~~~~~Ev~"·~613-~1'64~1Span"1sh Style look • make an O!fer • buy ':::: a bargain~ Listing is $29,750. Costa Mese 1100 Builders model and still looks 546·5!10 like ii. 3 BR 2 ha, fam rm, (nmcintml thlltrtl BY Owner Custom Home 3 kit eating area. custom UEGE REALTY hdnns 134 Ba. Bll·ins, Cstm crpts. drps .tc wallpaper. lSa)AdlmlatHlrW,CJil drps. Frplc. Obi. gar. Patio. Assume lo1v Int FHA loan. ,.,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!• i Enclotled yard. N ice I Y Sn5 mo pays all. Priced to I' landscaped. Low Int 5%. % sell at $28,950. can ~1151 4 BEDRM • $22,5001 Attractive brick patio. BBQ. 2 ballu. liandsome fireplatt. Family room. Near schools & shopping. 540.1T20 TARBELL 2955 Harbor General c1..:°"..:"~·..:E-..:..•i_do7",.._~9'1l"'T~-~.l 11eritai:;e Real Estate (open BY Owner: 3 BR, J~ Ba. dbl eves). gar. 1959 RMemary Pl, CM.l::::::;z:====:::l= 5'1R-8786. Prin. only. DAILY PILOT WANr ADS! 1000 MONTICELt.O Big 2 BR, l story. $19.:JOO, XLNT lt't'Tll~. EASTSIDE C~1 2 BR '2 ~tory dollhou~. $18,950, Wlllk to shopping, M·l ZONE Coldwell, Banker 3 BR -gd rep/mach shop. $25,00'.l. owner will cam 1st TD. . 54()..1151 HERITAGE R.E. OFFERS: 2-Sty. A-Frame 3 Br, 2 ba. Mod. Try $27 ,500. Furn. 3 BR. 2 ba. Steps to ""'"" S25.IMXl. 681 VISTA BONITA CAYWOOD REALTY 3 BR. 21> Balh'-$31,,.. 6.300 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. C:\LL FOR APP'T. • ~.1290 • • BESr-BLurFs BUYS • -c-.-1-d s BOYD REAL TY u • .e·· -ac 1 -'°'~,.~E=. ~~~'i1s~·~·~;~~~"~·'~·~Cd~'-' Lot + Ba'ck Bay view. Ne'v RU~TIC PRIVACY 4 bedroom 3 bath 75"125' lot Sheltt'nng trees cover cool room for boat&' trailer ' patio. Double lot offers Delta Real Estate 64s.:.i414 quiet privacy, Belo1v high- -way location for easy beach OWNER'S NE\V 4 or S aR. access. OUered at lot value Harbor View Home. 3 ba's, $58.500. lh rm, d~n rm. faro nn. OPEN SAT./SUN. bar, lg. kit, 2 trplcs, w/w 441 FERNLEAF crptg dJ;ps. yard & many • . exlras: 6.9 J 1 n 8 n cl n g. Hal P1nch1n & Assoc. 54s.82Sl 3900 E. CoA!>I H1~ry. 675-4392 -. -F-IX_E_R_U_P_P_E_R_, -w;·;e On The o;o.;- sniesmen ... -Near beach & channel. 2 \Ve need voui ! ! Our 'new olf- Bedrms. 2 BatM. R·2 Lot. lee in Corona del J'\.1nr is Needs rare, A bargain at anotht'r winner. Earn 1nore $23,000. . .. Serve better. More clo~ Grahem Realty 646-2414 eel escroi.vs, less frustration. Near Newpor! Post Office Call Mr. f.1cCardle 546-2313 e THE BLUFFS e By owner, l level, 3 Br, 2 Ba. cust cpts / drps. Im· mac! Other ex tras, 2 pa. \·O ' THE REAL ~ESTATERS " " • •,·1 • r•r tlos, handy ro pool. 2 sidesl--~--.~~- ESTATE SALE 115 Apolen• \VAL.KING to town frocn this TFRRIFIC View. turn dup, WATERFRONT 3 Br, 2 Ba. Spic & Span 2 bedroom honic 1-2 BR, sips 4-7. Wkly July 25, 1969, 9:30 am, l\1u· boat dock, $13,900. sate or "'Ith vieiv of Victor Hugo S1~$l25. Acros11 lt'On\ ?itain Huntington Harbour 1405 nicipal Court·A. 200 N. Gar-lse. Call 544-4090 point and surf~ BeautiJul Bch. 259 Lower CIW ·or, fi eld, P11.sade11a. 2 uniti;: 3 ~========= snlllil garden. Large double Lag. Sch. Bdrm hse. Bachelor apt. Founta1'n Valley 1410 ·~:.:c.:.:.::c.:.:....+:::::c_..:..,:.:.; garage, <'JClrll rocun behind. DANA Marina Inn, Dana t.hn. bid $49,325 cash. \Vkdys • 500 hal 213 ASSUME $38, . A1ars 1 & Ropp, Point. i.a blk to oceap & ( l 79'3-6506. SUn. 613-6930. , 211 Ocean Ave.,. Laguna pier. R&oma from $50 wk. 6% s~ fHA loan on nearly Beach. 4941021 H I' t •··ch I ™'IV. 'I °'R..~.,oh_familv area_._ ===='=====j Pool. kitch. privl'gs. 34111 .un '"9 on .. ~ · ""' ~.e.t -"!..~ ' ·• Coait'Hwy-PH. 400-1300 & dining rm. Transrer Iorc· S•n Clemente 1710 ---~~~-~~-t POOL PAOI es sacrifice at $27.500. Re-Cl.t~AN Balboa·Beach Units. $4,000 Total Cash needed to quires $4,000 Cash. Drive by HARBOR ESTATES Sleeps 2 to 10: fur summer assumt> 53-'.% VA loan for 180.19 Briar SI. (off Talher!) Lovely Spanish, 2000 sq. ft. reservations cpll 673-9945 this 4 bedroom home \vith & see agent at Rancho r.1csa 4 Br, 21~ Ba, all elec. bit: 315 E. Balboa. Blvd., Balboa ·3.5' Bluehaven Pool. Lots of oUl~. 968-4551 or Eves., ins, t>lec bbq grill. W/w WATERFRN'I', pier, & flt declting wllh Patio. Carpets. !J68.6260. epts, drps. Lge encl. patio s teps to IX"!an. 2 or 3 BR, Drapes & Built ins Priced OPEN UNT IL SOLD at $24,90() Full PriCe. pay. "'/fish pond & 1\·ater fall. $125 per ,~·k & up. 4010 18939 Acacia, Near Corner Lg{' harbor vi e ,w patio. River Ave, NB. 6't:'r-8229 ments of $168 includt>s all. Others to choose fron1. f.1agnolia & Garfield. Im· :539,T:iO. Own/Agt. ~96-9246 BAYFRONT apt. I\' I beach, WE SELL A HOME maculate 3 BR, 1% BA, W/\v sleeps 5, avail 819-8/16. t:rpt & drps ttu·uout p I u s Condominium $175. Al!IO h.~e. N.B. 8/30 • EVERY 31 MINUTES nlllny, n1ru1y extras. O"·ner 1950 916, 939 \V. Bay. 673-2012 Wa I k & L anxious, in1medlate posses. er ee s1on. Any tYPt> of rinancing 3 BR, 3 BA. ·w/w cpts, drp1, 2 BR Balboa apt adj available. Bk!· 213: CE J.5268 blt·itlll. Upper Back Bay. bt'aches/pler. $75-$150 ""kly. _7682 Edinger 8,l:?-4455 or 540·5140 Open Eves. WALK TO BEACH Assun1r GI l~n. Only $201 n10 inc taxes. Gorgeous rustic gold and "'hitc gar· den kltch!'ll, exquisite car- pels, custon1 drapes, hard· \Voocl floors and shake roof. Qu1<'k transfer. LOW, LOW DOWN HURRY ON TH IS ON~:· MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 anytime -F-ORECLOSURE- 3 bdrm 2 bath, double gar- agr. builtln electriC' ranee & oven. O\vner in seatll<'. Buy as is for $15",jOO. Own· t'r \\•ill carry a 2nd. l'n1ij1q';~me1 96.Z...+1171 ::::': I Ol. NEED LISTINGS SOLD OUT, Let's work IO· gether. \\'(' list only 11'ha! we can service property. Comparable sales files "'ill aFisure you lop dollnr. BRASHEAR REAL TY BY Owner: 4 BR, lrg !amily roo1n. carpets & drapes Uu'\Jout. 3 cur _garage. Many extras. Must be seen to be \Vill lse/opUon. 642-~ 536-3911, ~10 ' RENTALS . Hou .. 1 Furnflhect 2 BR house, S. of Hwy, CdM. $150 'veek. * 673--2183 * appreciatt'rl! Assume 6'/~ R•nfals to Shire 2005 LJC0-ISbE 4 Br.} Ba: A-n.tt "V~A;;·~"':;:';:,·000=·~":;:2--0li88::====d Aug. 3 thru Labor Day. -\VANTED! 2 Yng. men over Ideal location 67>2990 Laguna Hilts~---'-17c.00:.: LAKE FOREST Lakefront 2 Br home; by O\\ITl{'r. Beaut ''ie1\', 837-8646 eves a rt 6 La')una Beach 1705 VIEW HOME Lagu na Beach luxury. 3 BR 2 bath, Oc.'1!9.n View, wet, bar, drram kitchen. Many C'Xtras. Only S43.500 S5000 do\vn. Owner "'ill cany bal· anee. 71::~C loan • no loan fee. NJ.Jew® * 642-1771 Anytime* 21 -,o~shafe exp. in 4 Bdrm. * Balboa Peninsula, sips I , hse. $62.50 IX'r 111 o. avail Aug. $1S5 per wk. Businessmen and/or Tch&'. 838-5824 pref., 11,t mi. to Sch., near S 0 ' '··· Aft 6 2 BDR. apt. C'lt'an, Occ9.n . . · "T· er p.n1. 968-5233 side of hwy. COM. (213) 431· 1195 \VANTEO Lady to share my l=~=~~--~--cccl 11'.lme. CNr Brookhurst & BALBOA -Inexpensive cot· Adams,' HBJ Prefer Sehl tages. Weekly rates July, lt'flCheMi. 962-7520 August, Sept. 548-3158 Jo"'OR Rent to share 3 Br 11L> home \1·oman or n1an, SlOO HoUMI Unfurnished n10. fnciO.U'g kil privl. 642-3167 FEAIALE coUea:e KTaCI 10 share fu!'n. apt. $65/niu, 4!>1-53119 Newport Beach 2200 DOVER Shotts baylront home, 6 BR, 4 ba, large pe.tio, 70' prlva!e dock. June & July. $2500 mo. Beg. General 3000 FREE RENTAL SERVICE Rent or list a home free. $150 month and up. TAR· BELL 541}17'20 $135. 2 Br, fenced yd, \V/\V, RIO, Children O.K. Broker 5.1H98<1 r.::NTI::J{ lhlS· delighlful 2 Sept., yrly lse, nooo mo. Costa Me .. bchm. 2 bath home through 213: 780-5013 or 21 3 : -------- 3100 785-6333 FOR RENT: Big 3 BR LUXURIOUS COUPLE'S HOt,1E White wate r view of ocean. Large master bedroom ,vith an abundance of c I o s et space. Lovely patio, having excessive room 2 HOMES On ONE BIG tm. In txef!1· lent condition. ~·t1er mov. ing to Oregon, w_fl.nts quick salE<. 166 Virginia P lace. Call &jenn Queen. 540-llSl 1-leri· ja~ Real Estate (open eves) on green .bell. Call to Ree. Lrg Hom•Choice View 644-2279. $31.500. Above main beach & bay. I-~~~~------t Btwn Big &<L1!Uc C.d.?.1ar * HARBOR VIE\V IULLS * beaches. Corner lot, 4a•x Just reduced ovt'r $3000. 4 177'. 2 stories, approx. 4400 bdrm, 21.oJ ba \'iew home. f 4 + BR "' BA 847-8531 i::Vt'S. 00S.U78 $22,950 Corner/ Vacant 1600 sq . ft. in !his lovely 3 BR 2 ba home. l'.M·ner anx· i<IU~- a .).t'Opical gal'dan, then en· 1,:::~=-,,-----~ I ho 2 BR f •t 2 use. , an11 y Tm, joy tht' OCEAN V I E \V S 4 Bdr, on the water"' sandy patios, xlnL Mesa Verde ll'01ll the beautifully deco•·· beach. newly cptd. firepl, Joe. Avail. Aug Isl $22,5. a!ed living room. The ki!ch-sleeps 8, avail "'kly to Sept. mo. Call 5'19-1673 aft. 6 pm. £•n is trn·ific also. $49,500. \rinter: $500 I n10, or Children OK. for pool. .......................... $159.000 Mrs. Raulston OPEN HOUSE Monday-Friday You are invited to vie\v this distinctive home. 4. Bdrm., lrg. billiard rm. Spacious terrace overlooking ocean & jetty. 4615 PERHAM, CAMEO SHORES ..... $130,000. Mrs. Harvey WATERFRONT DUPLEX $79,500 Slip & pier: lovely. custom 2-story 3 bed- room, 2 bath (master BR. 555 Sq. ft.. fire- pl ace & vie w). LJr. patio; also_ l BR. char· ming apt. 'v/sundeck. Immediate possess- ion. Mary Lou 'tvlarlon OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION Sundav & Tuesday afternoons. 2591 BAY- SHOR E DRIVE -Lovely 3 Bdrm. 3 Ba. \V/din. & garden rooms. Enjoy the Ba.v & boa tin ,!? year round .... , ......... , $58,950. Mrs. t-tarvey THE BLUFFS P opular Trina Plan. Great vlt\V of back bay. Home in excellent condition. Three bedrooms 'vitb large dining area. lmmed· iate occuoancy. . . . ........... $53,900 Mrs. Raulston WATERFRONT LEASE/OPTION Charming home with large side patio and covered bavs ide patio. Slip for large boot. Sandv beach . In exclusive area .... $53,000 \\falter Haase BA YSHORES REMOD. GEM 3 BR. 2 Ba. charmer that looks 2 yrs. old . Comp. remod. by decorator. Tile patio. bl t· in kit. "'/break. nook . A steal at .. $42 ,000 . Joe Clarkson AREA'S BEST BUY Walk to Westclilf shopping. Neat 3 bedroom large 20x20 family room. 2 Baths. Fire· place. patio. Just redecorated, vacant. O"•ner trnnsferred. ~1ary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR ., NEWPO~T BEACH I J:J.0700 BY Owner. 3 lg. bdrrns. huge \V&lk·ln closets, (am. nn., 1 %. ba, crpts. drps, forced air heat, bit.ins, n ew dshwahr. hot water heater & dlsposal, NE. CM. $28.950 gd. terms. 642-5570 -slf;'soo. ow.N'~E~R- .J~rm, 1,, ba, bit-ins. rrplt, ~~r gar, polio. erpts & BHQ, [ncd. 2220 Ml!.ple SI. 6-IG-2309 5 1.~<;:, :l BR. !11 BA. 21.~ car gar + c11rpt, c11ts, drps. Sl25 PI/TI. \\lhy pa} more, call owner now 642-1827 4 BDR & POOL-- Lots of decki ng, !n troplc!l selling, many extra featur- es, ca!I owner 54>3221 BY (l\\'NER -Low inte~st 51A.-6~i:'IC lrg trn.nsfemi.ble loans. All 3 BORM's. 2-E side. 2 \V side. S~S-HD!I 1110 ASSUl\IE 5\4 loan on Pulchriturllnous 'I Bedroom home near schools & golf course. Efficient kitchen, family room. frplc, 2 eovered pBtios, sprlnk11"1" system. 5 fruit 1J'C('S amld.;t lovely landscaping. Priced to sell at S26.500 by owner. 540-3&12 $26,300-By Q\\'nf'r 3 Br. l~ Ba . bltns, fa n1 11 y rm, dr11.pl'S, carl)t'Cll, niany plu1h feature.s. ~tusl see! Call after a: JO. 54:J-3271 * ... 5 bdr, 3 b..'l, Rt'publlc ho1nt', by O\\'ller. 2 0 6 0 Phalarope, Cl.f. 549-0684 sq. I. -., J 1. .. Lge LR, DR. fan1 rm. 3 cai· gar. Call oWllt'r for separate laundry rm. Ove\' appt. Prin. only. Call eves. 2030 sq. ft. Pool siz~ yd. f711 > 573.5274, S~9.!rJO. 644-2716 -----4-Plex W/Extra Lot 200' Froin ocean. C·I : pot. inc. $13,000 · yr. $79,500 • te1ms. CANON REALTY 67:>-3581 3 BDRM \Vatertront, No. 62, CAMEO HIGHLANDS Professionally landscp Ex. ecutive home. 2 Bdrms, den. 2 bolhs, pool. Shown by appt. O\\'/l{'f. 675--6560. Balboa Coves. $ 6 0, 0 0 0 . -~--~ HAFFDAl REAL TY 8i40 Warner. f .\', 812--.1405 BUY-OF-THE .WEEK! 2 story · 4 Bedroom, 3 bath horne. 1-Iui;!;t' niaster HR. Built·ins. Sprinklers. Idell! for Ja1-ge family. 0 n I y $3(1.9:>0. HARBOUR REAL TY e R47..s595 e POOL DAYS/Heated \Vould lrade for acreage or Country Atmoaphere apts. !">48-7771 near the ocean. Designed for BLUFFS . 3 hr. 3 ba, ,..,1 fan1Hy \Vith children, this 3 Bay.Vic\\". \Vide gl'('enbt'!t . BR & den homf' is a "mus! Steps lo pool. Cus. addtns. set>" c.t s47.500. Built on 5 BDRMS -2 STORIES S ,500 la..uc lol-youownthl'land. p -,1·g It B t nve! S4,,. . 01vnr644-42fti LE1'Gt1TON LINDEN. RLTY i .. i c onH• -c11.uy LlDO Sands beautiful 3 Br. 2 &t?·7l•11 or 613-0372 Rex L. ~!t:,, Rlty, ba by OC'Can with niany CX· LIVE th r 500--11 ''l-'.J;·•~ tras. $.12,500. 642-3408 on e NlO , • sq ~==--. -v~---sun dt'ck. \Vl!h ocean as O\\'NER offers 11('1\' Bucco!~ \\'FSl'CLIFF OPEN HOUSE. front yard. 4 hch-,i, 3 ba, 2 BR.den. $43,500. 1218 Cam· fam . m1, bar, din. rm. 4 BR. fan1 rn1, df'n hornr 11! less than cost. $.flXX) can bridge. Realtor 548-1768 flt'paralo guesl 1•1n. & GI ,,. assume 7' ~-:-loan. deb; bath, S7l900. O"•ner 67:i-0751 el<lras. such as shuttc1·~. Newport Heights 1210 CH AR!\IINC l)uplcx on fi xlun•s ell". S 3 5, 9 U 0. hl'auL rorTM'r dbl lot, S. of !162-iS!ll SPECIAL OFFER 1t11·y. Ov.·nt'r s ;1s,soo. 'T~.l~K=.E~.-0,-,-,.-5=:4-.-.-,-,-.,-.tg-"'-,-, Spacious 3 bdrm. & family 673-4169 bcir honie, {rplt:. I\'. nn . rrn .. f!l)lt'. 11\V floors. cp1s. l --=c=·A=,~1=r,=0-8=H=o~R=r=·s""-fain. rin. form11I din. nn. ,(, drapeK, Pro landsea{>t'd . Oceanfront 4 l1r t., [1(-n. hu1dscaped. '2-car gar. ~l ust Choice area, SL AndM'\\'S 115 fl.1ilford * 675--6996 ~ 1o ;ipprecia le. Ul,950. Rd. $'2S,OOO. Call 96Z.386l 0"1ler/Bkr. G-1&-2•114 LGE. hfll!op-lot. Perm. v1e\v =~=~-cc. ____ _ "'""""""""""""""'""""' ol ocean & hills. SPAi.'l'lSH Ranch-styl<' 4 Bd1' DUPLEX 4 )TS old. 2 BR Realtor 67J..2010 l1on1!' IV/atrium & pond. All eac~. Built-ins, crptll, dfI!S. $29,~2 units-1 BR hou!IC bl:-ins incl. T\'. 2 blocks ·10 $32.:iOO Owner. 6 4 6 ~ 2 5 1 O . 1,., lrplc, :<:ludio apt & dbl nearh & new s rho o I s . PrinC'lpals only. ~ar. 637-3()j2, 83.'.>-5'IG6 S29.9!l:i. 511'' I mor!gaj;te Nin be as~umed. Ow1wr !'i.1"-7621 Newport Shoras 1220 --------PACIFIC-SANDS-:__..;;.;~ i;L;;ld;o:.,;l;;•;l•;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;13;;;5;,1. / 3 Bdrn1. 1·'• hnH1. dbl ~ar. 2· STORY Ii w /\v c rpls. (rplr, bH.-in9. BEACH HOUSE HO:\IE :<prt'11.d n\'er 2 lots. Sl S.900. 01vnc1· 8.12Z i\.lunstcr l BR. '2 Baths; frplc. Lo\•ely Charming. pcrrnanent, J Dr. 6-J0.2309 patio. \Valk 10 s11,in1ming. Brrlrn1.. 2 balh 1't'Siclf'nct' FOR S A_L_E-. ,-.,,-t,-. -,-00-.-,-pli1: Asking $28.500 1 h t o. 1· \1 l argf' ron1111< .• -..·p. < 111. IC\'l'I 3 yrs old. \\'alk 10 FAREL WALKER l'ln .• ti inctoor BBQ. S7!l.:i!O beach. Hard\\·oOO firs. 10':'~ REALTOR &16-7"-14 P.A . PALMER INC. down. 5~_.·. ~·f'ri,1nd. $J6.9~i0 SPACIOUS bean1ed et>llin~ ~177 Vi'\ Llrlo 673--7300 by 011·1wr. 002-767'.: h·. rm , :1 bdr, 4 blk11 ocean. t_'OM1'"0RTABiE2 BEORM 13<l.!•Xl owner 642-l>IT LIDO ISLE SPECIAL -'--'----=..:::...:.._.13 BORri.t, 2 BATHS PLUS CARPE"rED, Dn·~~. 11~ C II P 1115 su111c !"~,'ft, loan, Drlvt' hy ~0=•;;i@,.;e;...;..:•:.:•.:;k __ _;_;..:;; We1tcliff . 1230 ~;T~~N. so. PATIO, Bl 211': Kno,'(v\lle, then call 0\VNER: ;1\J tllA. 3 Br, 2 SG9 jr(} $239.i. $19.~. na , Jg fan1 rn1. ('i')V patio. SPARKL~.S & SJllNBS ill+ H c GRE.ER, ltcal!y VACANT:-s1111rp 3fu2l-;;-1 Choice property, $27.JOO. 311 s1clc & tUI. Liv rn1. & din l3?:'1' Vi L'd 5-• 9300 :1·\'f. f'HA loau, $171 flll.l NauRU 540-2496. Opn }is(' rm: lK'l'\'ICC porrll. t>!{'c ....'.:..1 11. ~ 0 '·'' ' 'Jflf'11 to oHrr:-;, 1 !ISO '1 Sun 1,5:30. httn.><, 1lr11n crp•~. 1l111s i REAL CHARMER! 131hnlu~ ~~aK <l\l!'ll'•" tl11·u--0ul 1hl:t 3 BR 2 BA ProfC'~~tonally det'Oratcd ~ 1200 hQrnr. Prof. lndsrpd •. Bl'. 2 ba .. lan11ly 1111, hco1nt'. \TILLA PACIFIC 1'\f:""llSI·~ Newport Beach "' , b , ha ,, ---'--------n1nlnl. v.·/ chilrtm's play ~\i% A~'umablt Loan r · 1 1·ar· J:IH', t:/cl. • BY O\\INEH Chum.In&' ocean .front home on R-4 lo!. 3 btd r rns + sewing rm. Ideal location, nr 11ChQols, cnl'IOK'd pet~. !!ha~ t'rpt;-lhtt'>t11i(Ml1!. T..i;: ki1chrn '"/bit-ins, $8l.OOO. ~ )'1'<1 & IX't 8rc8. Fft'a\')' s;;;.,r(IO $26.100. 11.:i:n1. 1P~ Fil/\. lihake roof co1npletes thh1 Lido Realty lht. 962--15-IO rl111rmini:; hon1t>. By O\Vl'll'r. 3·100 Via Lit.lo 6il~30 · • SHORECREST $~2.~iOO. 642-1~ 3 Dr, '1'1 811, Ir~ dt'n, h1: PLA.~NING 10 rnove! You'U NO maH~r \t:hat it 111, yno tbK! an antarinJ: num~r of can --.elJ It with • OAlLY hOmes tn tod:lY'I l'lll:S!llfled PIT.OT 01\S~lfi«t 11.d. Ari.•. Cllf!t•k lh<.-n1 llO\V, yrd ll'I boo! gale. Open htJUM' Se t/Sun l·i !lft.!.(l'i.'17 Call us Ior a !lhOWing. Mar· :2.'il/wk-summer. 6T>m7 ----~-----1 shall s, Ropp, 211 Ocean ~ --~ $115 -l BR f..'Oltage, stove, Ave.. Lag u n a Beach. Corona del Mar 2250 ttfrlg, disposal, 1ile, \vater 491.1021 -..c..._::;c:.;: pd. Senior citizen pert. 226\~ 3V2 ACRES Undeveloped laru:t. City of Laguna. 9 Blks. to beach. Ocean views. Sho11ld divide into 13 lots. Price S40,000; 29% Dn. A rE'al sleeper. i\lISSION RL TY. -19-1.01'.lt SUMMER Rental!!. 2 BR. So. of l·lwy. Rcaso nnblr . Also others. canon Really 3034 E. Co11.!lt Hwy., Cdl\f Lido Isle 2351 EXCELLENT Lo ca tion, Charming 3hdr, 2ba. flrcpl, patio & ger. Sept.June NEAT COTTAGE ON 11.000 lease. $~95 / ino. 673·4176 SQ. FT. LOT. Laguna Can· eves & \vkilds. yon Rrl. $~5.000. Marshall & Ropp. 211 Ocean Avt'., \VINTER Rental-avail Sept. Laglln<t &a~·h. 49-1.1021 N1\·Jy redee. 3 Br. 21 ~ Bath, furn. 213/691-1932 ~·on S:ilr by 0 \1'nf'r, :i BR. 2 ========== BA, V11tlcy vie\!.', lgc cor lot, Balboa Island 2355 bt'nut lands c apt' d. nr :;.;..:.;..;...:...;c...:.....;;. __ .=:.:c: Sf'hoo!s. S34,500. 4!H-2276, :110~ Tyrol Dr: Laguna Beach. "Top of !ht' \'v'orld AN'<i". •c.:.. ____ _ OVl'.:R 22,00U ~Q. Fi'. in this Laguna Canyon 101 wilh oak !rres and level garden art·a. Has quaint one bcdroo1n cot· !ni;c suit:iblr for expansion. :S~C.000. !\lari;hnll & Ropp. 2LI Ocean Ave., Laguna Bcarh. ·191-1021. $225. mo. I u r n. redecorated. 119 Ave., Balboa Island. Summer Rentals 4 Br. r.tarine 2910 BEACH at door. Ne1l'l~· furn bach apt starting at $30 per \l'k. 536-2j79 Hti Bch. 3 Doors to beach. Spac. baC'h . apt., slet>ps 2 or 3. $125 \Veek. 6'73·~430 E. 21st St., 642-G73J. AVAIL Aug l, 3 Br.; 2 Ba., Crpts, drps, bltns, dswhr. pool. E-side Joe $JOO. mo. Jse. 546--05&4 belll'n 8 & 5. 4 BEDROOM home, 2 baths, tireJ?lacc, crpta. d r p s , dsh1vhr, 2 car gar, N. CM. S250 mo. 546-5810, 546-8959 S150: LGE. 2 yr. old l Br. Ne\V shag lhruout: adlls only, no pet.<t. Xl7 16th Pl. f,48..5962 3 BR 3 BA, \llf\V cpts. drps. blt·ins. Pool & rec area. Up- per Back Bay. $285 mo. 6-12--0615 3 BR Older homr Sep shop. NCI\' pain!, huge lo1, dbl gar. $200 mo. 54~1723 5 Br. 2 Ba. Nr. OCC. Drivt by 31).14 Jiarding. caU for app't 673--17M. $225 lse. IT'S WONDERFUL the many buys In appliances you find in the: Clasiilied Ads. Check them now! G.neral 2000General 2000General 2000 Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle fof' a Chuckle · 0 ~eorrange lel!er' of the lour scro mbled words m,.. low 10 form four simple wo11.u. ILAFSlT I' I' I' I I IGAMYN I . I I I' ILOYKE ·1 . I I I' I . ITURAGI I I I I' I' I The mon Who puts a fence around his sweetheart some~ time• -the -. 7· ll e Comp!et. the diuo:kle quoted bv f1lll11g in th• mbalno WOfd. you d-lop "°"' ttef) No. 3 btlow. m. '"NT NUM'1"0 11 1· r 1· r 1· 1' 1· 1 ..... I FTTEl::'S IN sau~s£s . -. -. . . " SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 • ' ' I 0 •· I. u lo • " ~ ~ " '· II 4 " .. ly '" '· .. • k. u •• " 15 .. JI '· ID '· 6. IJ /. I. • '· I, <. " I· l· v. 0 '· '· '· " = 0 R 2 le .. n. '· •• " .. '· r. t• 'I. •• ~ •• p. bl ,, " -.... --.,. .. ~-- • l~fltTALS AINTALS-RINTALS AINTALS RIAL llTATJ REAL ESTATI ~Pc;h..;;...;F..;uc.rn;;;l;:.;1h;;td.;;__ Apts. Unf~rnl1htd ~ Unhirnl.,... APts. U""'rnl!litd 0-ral ~· 0-.. 1 ~E NT A LS HoU ... U"furttl1htd 3110 Coal• M... 4100 O...r1I 5000 C0tlt Molt ~-'100 L14un• IH<h 5705 l_us_l•_-~•-•_nl'-•-1 __ 6060 __ Cllru1 Grovn 1, ·-.-.-. -,-""--· -....,-.. -, .. -, -,,.,-, 5·30.00 wk. up VEN DOME ~..!'!~TCYE NBAi:lv d1..owuln'-°"?' ... ' BR. 2 o••~• ~ blCEN'n!d k Mtsa Verde 6175 f ard lnc.I $325 • o.,y ,...u th. """ur"'~ , ... rm, paUo, IU'I· ..... ""'C" •-" t. ren1 <II' ~~ :;,· ~~ier · · • stvd'lo &: &~ptL 2 Kina sized bedroorrui 1.; c a r p • t e d l draped ttu!: $75 to $120 per mo. -N1wport 811ch B/B TOWNHOUS! 3200 • fncl Utils It Phone R n>, IMMACULATE APTS! bath upst&lra. Spaclou.I ll\lo $%JO/mo. 494-a.19. Eve. 1"9 Rivenlde Ave. MW414 e Mo.id Sti-vtt T\t •va.U. AOULT I: FAMILY ir1a room w•ftttplace A ~ Olil .st-34:iill LARCE Office blda:.. IRlee e New Cate Ii: Bu SEc;TJONS AVAILABLE b a 1 h downatalr&. Bl t ·int. 2 BR lo'4't!r duplex 2 bllcs parldna lot, crpu:, 428--3:2nd 2378 Newport mw.· ~ Cl.-to .hoppl ..... Park atwJ rtcreatlon lacWUe• In-lo beach It •h<iPI. d,P., P l'I· St. Nwpt Bch. L e. I e . ___ ._...,..,_..,iiiiol* Sl).!ltlous 3 Br"s, 2 Ba clUdtd. Adults. S115. 1st -Sl75/mo. 1M or tell! to 838-6089 Sus CASITAS " t Bedroom. 1.ut months pl~ $.15 cletn-re1p. peopJe, ~N-3721 ~t 6 ~.-'p~fU=-=M~E~ll<-taU~~Lo<:-1~Uo-n~• . * SWlm Pool, Put/1tretn 1"' clia.rp. 1' o·r ap-pm or Sun 17X40. Xhft [o()t It auto 1ro.t. Jo'VRNJSJIEO .. Frpl, lnd.tv/lndry tac'll ))Ointment. 541-0514 . . ' RIVIJlSIDE . COUNTY 10 acre1 of !i yt old navel• on approved root •tock \Vlth 1ood setting ot. tnilt for llf!l{t ye&J'I, Prlt~ at $5,U. pcr 1c1't'. C.n ht' purclU\~ with excellent te1ma. 1o·or further INormltlion c 11 I l \Yallfr Frh:k . D.lll Y PILOT :1J. * * * * * AOUL TS ONL YI Three bedrooma • :l bath&, r aceit pool, Thtf!t car caf.. por\11, Available AugU11t 1'1. $265/f.1onth . llav & Beach Realty, Inc. !·SR:.;> BAch<I" Apt" 1145 Allllholm Avo. 2 BDRM. t betb, ""'" "''" R!AL I SJ ATI fie. 1871 1""b0r. C.M. 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA 1.1.ESA W·mt re[rlg, bltns. SJ..2.j. Joann St. 0.neral ~'4;;H651=:=-===== Medallion by Hotpolnt Walk to Harbor a h pa . Rtnt•I• Wanted 5,,a Off1C9 lttntil d070 e ~~NT e 646-584• • , _a-~A:!!=AU La POrNTE l Rooms •urnt•·re e FACJNG BAl'. e ~ YR old wo:1dng be.ch &: LAGUNA. llACH 1.A1vt' Y .1. Br . t urn. Apt. ,.. •v Luxurious Balboa Say Oub. part lime law 1lul!l!nt Air Conditioned Eckhoff & A1aOc., Inc. 1818 W. Che.p1ua• Ave. Oranar-, Callt. Sll·2G:U, Ew•wknds 53U141 Wh1ddy1 Went? Wh1ddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIF ICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Speci•I Ratt 901 Dover Dr .• NB Suite .L~ 64.5-ml Ev~11. Ma.6966 Pool, carport: adult., 00 $20 • $25 & UP Sublet 1 BR. turn. or wi-dtsltt1 yrly apt !now or ON f'9REfil' AVF;NQ.E Acre1ge 6200 pets. Month-Te>Month Rentals furn, 642-7633 Sept) on Balboa Island Desk spacta available 1n ..;.;....;.;;::.;'---,---':C::~ S Lin•• -5 times -5 buckt llU~IS -AO MUI T INCLUOI St.50 P.1o. plus utQitics WIDE -· ~-N b,,....., References, '4'k"'n ••1 ~ """P'"'t otne build!-•t 40 ACRES adJ'. mulH-mllllon 1-w~tt l'W 11•w IO 1r1ot. J-Wl'Let \'VI.I ""' 111 lrt-. J-YOUll pl\-t r.ti/Or ff<ll'l'\t ~ 11"'' 111 Mvtrll.l!M. 19'11 POP.fONA. C.f.1. o.i:.~''v ~' Value, 2 Br, crpts, ..... 16ll X ·-M-r G 1...... '"' ·,_~ ll' ,._ 5 BOR?\1 unt. house In Upper I "=,,,-.,----,--~= Appliances Ii TV 's avtU. drps, dllhwshr, pool, quiet, -, .l.;JIW • ,,...,. prime loeatlon In downtown lnnd dcvclopn1cnt, Dhuuond l-N0TH1N~ 1'01! i Al ll!! -fllAOll!!S Ot4LYI Bay avail now. Al8o 3 bdrm l 9DR, tum garden apl $125 No Security Deposit Adu I ts, 00 P , ts. $1!5, WIDOW. dauahter u. IOTI 13, Lagun& Bea~h. Air condl· Bar. $52IXI Por Ac .• Turmt. PHONE 6'2-5671 !urn. hse CdP.1 $350 week lnd utilitie&. Qulet adults. TlFRC FurnHuN Relllals 2295 Pacifk Aw &t8-687B need unfurD 2 BR, vlclnity -1.lcned. arpeted. bt'au_tltul Coa.tcs, Brokl.!r 531~ To Place You r Tr1dtr'1 P1r1dlM Ad suni.mcr S400 n10 on \Vinter Rrfs. 260 On,nge Avt. 517 w lith, CM S48-348l · Haven & Clay, StJ'll 2l•L entrancts: Frontaa:c on 901 S. Harbor, Santa Ana Rtotittd.-Oon't nctd lax ihcl· lt'ese. Ocean V11.'\V. Vogel 54S4m7 156&'1Y:-Ulclii;"Tntmi .Tr:f..~-REDEC-~.,--ttpta/drps, Alrnl&n Pt:le~9-r3-g--f'ol"'l?lr"A-vr.;-rtar teadrttr 's-Al:' Rancho City-Of 1et. Want~ free & clr for Cu. 2667 E. Coast lhvy C<lf.I. 1-BR. upper, redecor.. bit-EASTILUFf :i7~ S130 incl utU. Bronte Rd. Bronte NS\\' Munclpal parldna lots. s:;o Oceanside, S26.~. $7500 dn. $19~1 or SJBM eq. in 1tl- 673-2Q20 Ill&. Adults, no pclA. $130, Australia per month for space. Desk J...&rctr parcels av a I I . plexe1. $960 mo. pnol, prilnc OCEANFRONT 3 BDR Ca.JI l!lf!er 5:30 PM 64z..4044 Brand MW 3 bdr, 3 ba apt. N 5·200 WANTED To leue 3 or 4 er and chain l \'allablc for $5. w e 1 te r n L a nd t., toe, no vac. 54(}.6001 Le~ or V ast• \1:/ optkin $75 BACH 2 roorrui. bath VJew al back bay irom lxlr ewport Beach hou.v. ~. to $450. per mo. Busi~.u ho,~~. aosf w•rls1"0' r~°'-'-''-'P~"-"-"-'-· _,._,.._2000 ___ 1 -~--------_, 2 /I areas &. Iv rm. h""'e I.ire-MOD 2 BR 2 BA 1 1Cl'\'1Ce ava...une or , Ftlming w/sound. draltin!{ . muuern ·SJory ,.,. ani. 1·n1. t'E'ltig, bot ptate. Woman .... . , . trp , bit· CdM, Emerald Bay, N.B, An 1.1.1. Id Take over pyrnntJJ. 10 Acres Spa"l•h '''"'"'· 11 ..... m"-I A I "" ~1 place, all bit-ins. Eve'""-· u 1 1 1es pa elecept "' ....-avai u:;: ........... ~uo only.~ aft 8 PM '" ins, IM!w cpl!. drpa:. Steps to Qintact P.1r. Paltelte <nf ) tel ,__ n'l down. $25. mo. Rnnch 110,,., \\'ANT·. Cam-r ~=---~----1 thing~ $325 on a ycal'!l leut'. bch y I ~ epnunc. ,.,,. 3 Crt, 2 bath Back Bay 2 BR. carpeted. close 10 No children or pets. Se!' at 6.,,.·1...,.."Y· ,~""· Mo. PH: se.U2l or (lli) 332-4682 OAILY PILOT site nr. huge lake. 894·4143 \rw.:k or tnake propasal. hon1c. Cr pts, d1·ps, gardnr shopping, garage. Fenced 745 Domingo Dr .. NB then zTl-.t;) w endt/oi 213. wANT 'tO rent or leue, 3 or 222 FOREST AVENUE A&t. Byron. 8.U·l898 inl·I. $230. A.,·ail Aug 8. ~rd. $140 mo. 644-41 37 call owner at 6l°'¥-' or 4 Br. in con,.. p a rk LAG UNA BEAOi Id 6-12~ _ 548-8482. ...""" P!:NTHOUSE apt for lse -area. Pool pref. $200-$250. 4~ R. E. W1nttd 6240 ~r:~;sg~~Cen~~~~~ NE\\' 3 BR. 2 BA. Im rm, din Neytport 8e1ch 4200 Sl~. l Br, \V/W, R/O, avail Balboa Bay Club . Beautiful Xlnt Refcr's. 5'19-2497 Aft. 6 DESK SPACE by O\.\'l'ICr. Equity $'.!8,000 r1n. llurbor View llomes bay view, unlurn, Sl27S. per P1'1 l de1k $30., 2 delki; $50., 3 a!Ue $33 000 W11nr 3-1 bd ar~u. Yt'11.r round lse, by NE.W SeANISH now. Broker, 53'1-698rl ~· ~ . QUIE"r Couple need small• ·~dNka w/prlvate oft Ice, ::Ome. W~d~-~7070. r ownl'I', f213f 797·7487 VILLAGE APTS. LEASE-upper duplo; 3 bdr home w/ fenced yd. for SUS, Will Aell de1k, office $$ MORE CASH $$ SPECTACULAR \•ic"'i 3 Br. 1 & 2 BDRM, F'Urit or un. $l40. 2 Br, pallo, RJO, Z ba. new dtter-Lido shoP15. dog, yearly, ·under 1150 O:l.M table, • atatlonel')' cabfntl. _ Trade! C·2 property. good l lh ba. f rpl. New cpls. Im-furn. Air-cond, dshwhn, sell refrig, \V/W, pool. fiunUy Only mature man"i~. no loca1 refs. 833-5844 W 4:30. $100., & rent ofllce 'for $75. for anything. LiHJ" restau· , niaculate. 124 Kingll Pl. S300 clean'g ovens, patio, break· welcome. Bkr. ~ petl. Retett~s. 536-9685 e L•NDLORDS .-982-4219 For Your Home Equity rant at preaent time. for M fut bars private fundeckl ,.. "'=°""',.,_--,,,.----AbaolulclY no t.'OSI . . • what have ybu? Call ir in· ct o./yr. lease. 494-8744 i-.: cl 'ed 1 & 2 BR. apts. furn I:; un-FREE RENTAL SERVICE NEW Deluxe ofllce spaces to )'OU the SeUer! ter. only. 548·2039 or 6464760 4 e n . 2 bn. '·i blk to beacb. u g storage osets. Heat Cott• Men 5100 fun1. $165 to $200 yrly. Broker 534-6912 3J) to UJO sq ft at Santa 12 years of paying more ct1sh pool. saunas. bar·b-Qucs. Anit1t, Jo~ Rlty 673-6710 Ana Fwy & Crown Valle" Palm Springs land on Rar--Yl?ar ly lease. Sound proof wallll, \Val k in N . of BR Un[Uro ~c In Cdl\1 hi " for Orange Coun ty property. quct Club Road. $30,000. •67f...1977* CIOSt'tS, covered carport. ewly Constructed BLUFFS Executive 2 Br. 2 schl area: occupancy Sept. turnoU. 831-1400, 499-4198 Call the Rest . . . Ownt'r v.·ill exchange ror Adults. no pets. Ba, on bay, 50' deck. $400. To $275 mo. 642-0906 EXECUTIVE OUJct spaC'e Then call the Best beach arc.>a property. Vic Newpor t Heig hts 3210 2 BP.., 1 balh, frplc. di n nn, 2 car ga rage. Yr's lease. $200 mo No pefs. 5-18-6640 or 537-1346 Ba ck B1y 3240 ~ BDR, $145. l1rple'; p:sOo, Deamed celling, crpts, dlj>s. blt-1ns, 54S-3197 Irvine Te rrace 3245 4 BOR. 3 ba . 11J"eplace, dill. rm. lg. dollhouse Jn play yd, in1n1ed. occupancy. $550 yearly lease. 847-1>13~ Corona def Mir 3250 T!!E CALfFORNIAN Available Aug. 1 A1o. 497-1537 or 644---0837 BUSINESS Lady de!lrei l l.100 sq. ft. Crpts. drps. Call Stua1·t R.E. 49"'·7:i31. Phone 546-2727 TO\VNHOUSES, 2 & 3 Br, 2 hdrm unfurn apt to $100. owner aft 6 pm. ~ BEYERL Y JACKSON Prof bldg, 1870 Plal'i!nt la. ;:-;,=.,,-o,----,-.,.,-~-· 118 singlr s1ory uni ts. Un-Ba, pool , lg patio, S250 lo Ml-0086 300 Sa, ft, 6fflct SINGLE Young Adults Lux· f I heel 2 B l .. r--......... ,ft,_R "~" -... Cl\1. Many uses. $64.500 VIII . ury gartien apts with coun-durn sd h h '·1 · _U,ta. +..>.N • ............,,, VW""V•~ COSTA MESA ~30 RIALTY Equl!y $24,;,oo. Al l types try club atmosphere and rps, s "' r, enffl! pa os, BLUFFS 4 BR. 3 BA. Lae Rooml for Rtnt 5995 -·-prop cons. 0wllt'r I aa-enl complele. privacy. SOUTII beamed ceilings, Cii>lc, gar-$375. mo. Call ow ner lndu1trl•I Prop. 6080 49-1.9471 BAY CLUB APTS. livlne al age. Adults, no pets, i155 543--0170 after 6 pm. ROOM w/prlv entrance .ft ' == . 147·6033 OT 545·1145 l6•u ·,, .. _,, Bea•h. mo. ba. To mld dl c-ai:rd ENG. Firm required 800-1200 Silver..,.are, furniture, TV, .... " ·.-· " It UJ I b 1 1 Seu· mnch, movie camera & -. 1714) 645--0550 E•st Bluff 5242 employed per.ion U6 mo. No 0 ~a area rv ne "'==~~-,=~~-1 2650 E lden, Co1t1 Mtll cooking. 548-3938 Industrial area. Runnl~ projector & much mi!!!.:. MODERN 2 BJt _du pleJC. (1 blk E. of Newport Blvd. ~OLD medallion new dlx wa tr-r required. 540-1362 \VANTEO: Dupl('JC('ll, apls or Trade ror late nipdel V\V Y.'/\V, bltn range & ovton, l bl k S. of Santa Ana To,vnhouse 2, 3 & 4 BR, J....\RGE • prl ent &: ba, patio. I========== lrt"Ol'nP property. Principals CanljJCr. Call 494·335l Encl05ed pa110. Nr. beach &--Country Club) $300 752 Am' \V GtnUe mt n. nice. Commerciil 6015 onl)''. f\fust 1x>.f1 l1'1Y new: TRADE 4Sll't eqty in ·I BR, pier. Furn-ur unfurn, Year-N.i 6~ ieos ay, ~ Cost.i. Mesa_ 646-4.U2 4 BA, pool, !ab. view Ent· ly. 53().2500 4-6 pm. -5 37·0062 aft 7 'pm or ========= ROOM For rc11t in nlet! quiet COMMERCIAL CASH QUICK·netd 3 or 4 erald Bay, Laguna Bc h MODERN 2 BR. +_convert. 53>6791 Corona del Mar 5250 home, "'orking Per 1 o n · , 8 G y ~. hou ho1ne for comn1er. ac1-e11.::;:l', Pho 64" ·-· B &RGAIN r. · · or ',...,, se near 0 II den. W/\V, bllns range le ov· 11 am-1 pm days liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ne ,.....,,,.. ~ here. 499-J948 TD, yacht. wnr. Can1pbt· en. Privat~ sundeck. Nr. --;;fEW SPANISH I' ROOP.t for Rent. P~ftr C-2 zoned lot \Ylth large pav· 80SINESS~.-nd~---494-1385 beach & pier. Furn or un-.. • \\'Orklng Lady. Kitch priv. eel parking and building Iun1. Yearl y. 53().250()4-6pm VILLAGE APTS. ~l,0,64i&-=2292°"======= suitable tor many UM!s. lllNANCIAL '"'='"'-c~~7',.-,o-°'~ 1 & 2 BDRM. fUrn or un-n.. I · FURN DupleJC. l & 3 Br, 'Ai furn. Air-c:o""', •• , .... ,,, •"U v .. ·nen heath requires im· Bu1 . Opportunltie1 6300 blk iro s '"' .,...,., "" Misc. Rent•I• 5999 mediate s&le! ! ! Reduc!d to m ocean. umrner clean'i; OVt'l\S, Patio, break. $27,200. with buyer~ choice Rental. SUS, per "'..k· PRos-fast bars, private fundeck1, ON TEN ACRES Stornge 1pgce available, ol temu or lf'8de! ! ! ! PIZZA .. * * ANNOUNCEMEN f S and NOTICES Jforsc Lo\-ers! 3 BR homt . B arn. rorra:i-:-Maffii: arena, tack room, etc. l acre. ~37.000 eq. Trad~ for land, comm . 5'1l"imit. 6l2-MST Bkr Henled house, MIJC140 R.J lot. Nr. Garden Grove Civic Ct-nlcr. $211 .. -llXl, Trar!e $9,500 eqty for uni1" or ? ? Owner Broker 5~7-6469. 1000 ac•,, $250,000, 80 ml rron1 dnt1vn LA, 5 min . ftum fl\')' on pa1·eu rd. btwn Bf'iutmunt k Oak Glen. Trd for inc. l!!!!P ? !H7M69 Bkr. NORTI I Tuslu1 Lot. S18,500, Free & clcur, inoat e:.cl. lll'ea, fabulous vie w. Tr. for Inc, property "' s pendable. Bkr. J4&-6469. J:::JCChlll'lgf' $11 5CX) eQWly 3 bd r. I~ b11. OB clng, Irpl, Imly rrn. Lower llasUngs. Pasadena, for 11anio Hnt. Bch or Cl! Msa or income. 213-351-8779. 40 ari·cs near L.a.kt Elsinore $20,000 equity. \YiU tradt for hdmf'. incon1e, boat etc. Sub1n11. Vic Stuart R.E. 4~7531 --VA_C_A~NT wr='°l"N;--I :\'t=\VPORT BEACH \VlLL ACCE PT TD'S UH BOAT. * ~·'1898 .. fl cavy duty rototiller. ~ speeds forward, l reverse., ExceUC'nt l'Ond11 1on. Trade for front lhrow (a1vnmower, powrr etlgcr-and/or 1 litl{>ol~ * * ANNOUNCt:ME NTS and NOTICES 3 BR .· 2 BATHS Fpl.. cpts., drp1. Avail. NO\V. 1''D pets or child un- der 13. $~R5 month. Corbin.Martin REALTORS pect 4.3917 or LA 5-5248 Ira; stornge closela. Heated 1 A: 2 Ba Furn &: Unfurn Coast Hwy. Corona de\ Mar. WE SELL A HOME LARGE 1 BEDROOM pool, .saunas, bar-b.quea. Ftplcs I priv. patl01 /Poola. ·* 67$-5712 * EVERY 31 MINUTES Found lfr8 Ads) 6400 Lost 6401 _;..;.; ___ ~:.::; All p1ua equip for pizza houu. incl: oven, tlt'Ct "I can't find my homr ." BRO\\'N Sharu;y femule Poo. 3036 E. Cst. HIYY-, Cd.:\I • 675-166'.l • $150 month. yearly Sound proof walls, walk In Tenni1 • Contnt'I Bldlt, put. ENCL Garqf!. storage only w k ~ •• ~ ** clo6;el@, ooverM catJlOl't. tt112a1er•1. -CostaMt1a SIS al er Lee OECORATOR0S PAO 1 Br Adult .. "'""· ""' s... ...... CdM 6"-2611 ,,;..,,,., . . -. Slt'reo. color 1V. ~r bay: THE CALIFORNIAN CMacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl 1----------2043 Wcstcli lf Dr. chce!lt' gn ndrr. pizza pans, F ound \.\'&ndering & crying dlc wilh light ey~ "''Winei---- 001 C~ m·acll1nl'!-;-Sllnt: v1c: 1-totty"St.. LagunilBcl'i. f!Ca coTlar. Leu Tuctid&)i Serve lee-cream maker (Wll· A young Sealpoint Siamese n10rn1ng. Nr. Victoria & 3 BDRM l Bath Ne.,..•ly redec. O!'ps, crpt, bit-ins. Adults only no pets. $250 Lsc. 423 carnation. Lsc. 208 43rd s t., N.B. Phone 546-.2727 646-mt Open Eves. NE\VE R 2 BR. )Tly lcue. Sa:lo. Call 675.7045. Avail. HARBOR GREW LOVELY. Li•. uppe• dupl"X. Income Proptrty 6000 SOUND VALUE 3 d R. 2 ba., hit-in r~ 1.: 2 Bedroon1s 1 bath from 8123. :10 Yards to beach BACHELOR unfurn t r 0 m 1-BR. furn. duplex. 1 Blk. $110. Al~ avail 1 • :z ' 3 ocean & bay. Sl50 yrly. util. Bdrm. l lealcd pools. child Pd. 3711 W. Balboa. Blvd. care ccn!er. adj to shopplna;. oven. Ocean side of HW)'. SWPER C·2 Stucco slot!! buildlne. $2:i0 -yearly leuc. Good condition. 3,250 sq. It., r ed ct.'Oraled. Applianceli. $200 111011\h. Ask for Dick ' 646-!!303 Salisbury Realty 6'r.',..69()0 20 ACRES navel, high pro. JZ ft. ceilin&, full span; 2 BR. 2 BA, Swedilh frplc. duel~ oranae a rove w/n-c. nron liahls, Mating, 2 rest lmmac &: cute, 2 yn old. mendout ~·th potenth1J. rooms. Lot 60 x 150 lo al· $135 LSE. Adlls. Newly decor. I Bl'. flpl: \Y{W C'p\11. Gar. Src Sun, 3 l I -B J\.1~ucrilc.. OCEAN Front Apt, alps 6. SlOO • $140 "'kly. 2204 W. Ocean F'ront. 548-4284 No f)('ts. 2700 Pcter90n \Vay ley. Parking JO cars. S220 mo. 675-5720. Adj. to ~fwy. l!iO oU-ramp, JOHN M•CNAB I ==========,I 1hC n1nin lel1Tllnus to n&1v "' e WINTER RENTALS e \\IINli'.RED L. FOS.S, Ai:t. Cos la Mesa 546--0370 TOWNHOUSE 2 slot')' w/ balcony, 3 RR, 2 Ba, lrg llv rm, airium, dbl ilrage. Clbhsc. pool.~. Lease $197.50. Balbo1 l1l1nd 5255 lake &: recl'tation proj~·I. 64~i~Ti' ~:8355 ---'-'-----PRE -PAIP INTEREST ON Grand Canal. Yr I Y DO \Y N: $147,500 F'ULL 2 BR Jlou~. cxN'llent oond. f.1arricd couples k no children. $250 mo. * 6'ffi.3291 2 un. 2 BA, unfurn house. S190. 1110. 411 Narch1sus, Cdm. 673-1338. Ava il 111.8. • 642-385C • Corona del Mir 4250 Adults. 968-4793 $160. Lgc dl;ice 2 bdr 11,; ba, 2 BR furn apt, xlnt view or G.E. Kitch, 2 car gill'. Adlts, S28j mo 2 bdr, gar., boat Pll!CJ-: . dock. New deluxe. 673-3328 MAY TRADE Huntington BNch 5400 COMMERC. CORllER jetty & beach, CdM. f\1r. no pt'ls. 240 E . Uith Pl. NE\V $150 up. 1-'l.J BR,. Heat· H · B h 3400 Towne, 675-4897 548-64l2 ed & sauna pools, ~ nn. Hotteat spot In Oranie Cnty., _ unhngton e1c l ;c====--;-;-;--~•-;-;;;;-:;;;::--::-;::---,;,,.,--.,.,_ l~eil &: Algonquin. ~lir. nr So. Coast Pla1a & new BACHELOR a pl, shac crpl '2 "R tllx 1 d bl s•"f31 . 2 d $350 i 10 . On lse. 3 BR lovely uW incl, $l20/mo ' 0 • cps, rps, tm, ...,.... hotel &ite. .55 Acnes rea Y pool & ~arden. Enc. lanai. 67~ garage. $16:i. Adults. 3005 NEW Modern 1 BR, c pts, for development; superb loc. Tnily C'xe1:•ullve home. Ex-C 0 o l i d g e 546-4021 or drp1, avail Now! for reslaura nt, 111utomotlve clui:h·r community. Pool B Ibo 4300,_,,54~!l--Ol3=7-3=~=:-~--53&-2579 center. etr. Only $240,00'.I: 1 a 1n"'DECORATED • b d r , --c~=-:-:-=--:-c-c,,-1 th" . I d latlon 1na1nl /(!T{ln1· inc. D i ck ·~ ·~ 2 & 3 BDRP.I, 2 Ba, pvt palio. "! inc u es ga s 1 &rg-R.I::. 962.-2421 YEARLY $150 mo-1 Br. upstairs bll·ins, crplll, drps. hea ted p o o l. newly CO~r. N t 568 W \YU SI • PleaSe Cail: Tom ')eMaio • 81.t, 2 BA, I·-· Ian• room. frp!c, yard. Step~ to ncean ° pc s · son ., decorated. 962-8994 n·b~ CM ~~n...:n 1.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:•~R~E~A~L~TO~RJl~l4~'j'~r>~62~59r-=• Near H.B. Iii &: Gram mar & bay. 6T:.>-3353, 6'f3-.5822 .rv""' schnol.s. b1t-1ns. ,vw c1·ptg. 2 BR, l ~s BA, carpt, laundry, 7 TIMES Gl\OSS avail JulY tilh. s 2 o o B•lbo1 laltnd 4355 pool. Adulrs. :o:istal 5700 6 Unit<; \\1th a good ren!al mon!h/leasc. 532-5250 after BEAUTIFUL Up-r duplo•. '-:-=°"""°7"-"'-:-o"'~--~ ----------n't.'Ord. Ocean side of Balboa 5 PM .... ·•1, Beach Apts Blvd. Nr. churches, ocean k ' · apt Very r losc to So. Bay. 4 2 BDR, 2 M . Adults, no pets. 1 bay bcache1. Good lnve~t· CON DO. 2 BR & den. formal Br. 2 Ba. $400. per mo. yrly $l50/mo. call • n1cnt. Ai;king $120.fnl. clln rin , 2 c<ir g(lr. 11• hath. Snlishury ruty 67H900. 5'10-64j3 New • Deluxe llURR WHIT! lndu1trl1I Rent1t 6090 UNDER conttruction 28,000 sq. fl. M·l bldg wJolfcs. 12.J).5000 sq. ft. units. lOc sq. ft. Complete a bout J uly 15. Eves 64G-0681, d11.ys 64&-5033 INDUST Bldg in M-1, 744 W. 17th St., 0 1. 3500 5Q .fl. 1325 mo. 645-1133. Eves 642-1479 Nl.'W indu\!!ial bid&:", 2.iOO sq. ft. 9c per fl. 15.19 1.lonnivla, CM. 6T3-90IT Lot1 6100 MAGNIFICENT - Ocean view lot In Laguna Be11.ch. S!i,950 wi'h S500 dn. bal @ $50 per mo. 497·1210 497-1021 \V1~hrr/rlryC'r. $190 mo. $120. 2 Bdr :itudio (714) 53'-4616 !lU8-317J c\'es & "'knds. Hunt ington Stich 4400 11.; ba, Wallace Ave. Vlll1s. 1714) 536-1417 REALTOR LG. Pinc-covered 101 111 NE\VER 4 bed .. 2 ba .• nenr -64&-1~3 711 Ocean Avt nue 290J Newport Blvd., N.B. Wriihtwood, f mi. to winter heh .. $225, l~r. :.!1282 Breton NFE~Vr .~ -~~u!~u~in~an~ I HR. clec bll·ins, .nr shop. (3 blks \V. ot H. B. Pier) 67S-4630 673-0&59 Eves. sports area. $6000 call Lanf', nrar A11an1a . Yrly 202-A J'1th. r>36-1319• plni; Ct'ntcr. no childnen or DON'T 1 It w pt 4-PLIX&S-6•;. Loin owner. 714~24-7393 :?j,Q5 673-J78t pels. (l46..02'll belore~'=-quick c~e for ~t ~th a ALL 3 bedroom units R·3 VIEW lots in booming L1gun1 Beach BACHELOR APT. Daily Pilot want Adi $53,950 Laguna Niruel Fee simple, h h l BOHl\f. furn. apt. S110. SHIO mo. 546-5704 &t2-5678 N" \lac. Terrlf!c return. Con· xlnt terma. BOx f\.1867 Daily LARGt:: Spanis ou s c . ~1gr. 200.c Joliet H.B.'=========='--'==========l vcnient terms. \\11lk to Pilot. Ocran \'iC\\'. \Valk to beach 536-8900 I' l~='~---~--- ,f I0\\11. 4 BfU.', Patios.l ~=---------1 Co1t11 M•t a 5100Cotta Me11 5100 shops.FIRST PIONE.ER HUGE fH ~lmple lot on Yc;ir lr <isc. $3a6 mo. 1'"urnsd NE\V $200 up. 1-Z-3 Br , htdl -;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~l;:;--m;u~l~4~2~-44~2~1~-;;;= Antiqua, DOVER SHORJ-.:S. a vail. 7141 494-371l &: sauna pools, rec rm. J{ellll 12 NEW UNTTS nrar orc<in Owner. 547~7 & Algoquln. P.-tgr 846-.3137 Huntington 8e11ch. ·s un OCEAN ~ Canyon View Lo! Laguna Niguel 3707 BEAUT. \1ic1v EX'cL3bt.~2 ba, bllns rishwr. rrp/drps. fp. SJOO S:\6/5lj() &12-1215 Sin Clemente 3710 2 Bil., cpl<!. Pool. Closed g11.r. \'il'w. Lst'. $16:"1 or sell Adlts. No ~ &\4-'lGOK Or1nge County 4600 SINGLE }'Oung at1ults. lux. ury garden aplll wtfull recreation facilitln & com· pletc privat'y, So\llh Day Cl u b A p ts. rn So. Brookhursl, Anaheim (714J n2-4500 Garden G rove D uplexe s Unfu r n . 397$ 4610 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING . HARBOR HEIGHTS :J-our LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEDROOM :APTS. • Firnpta~s • D\81lwuher •Spacious c.blnets •Gaffers I: Sattlers 1u built-ins Deck~. J)Atlos, 4 fr'plc. N Laguoa S.cr 110 500 u. TERRY REALTY . . ' ' ~ ~1459 Evt. 536-76M cuh. Owner 21:>/lSS--0155 INDUS. 81!!£. 100% occpct. 1--------- Nprt, Bcb. JO~ net ~turn. Rine(~ 6150 $1!.0.tm. Phil S u 11 1v an 1--------- "'8-6161 Butlnt•1 Rtnt1I 6~0 THOROBRED HORSE RANCH tt'r . operated ), Toutmu tr r \\/earing flea collar. V<'ry Wallace. Rc1van1. 646-3365 calf' (renc:h-fr)'er, etc. 95% thin. Owner pis call 494-2ti53. 1'USSING 2 Girl's Schwinn profit m11.rgin. Tota1 Value GIRL'S head. s e 1 for 2('" bicycles. 1 Blue, l Gold. S5600, w\I\ ~II all for $2500. orthodontic uae. I o u n d Chrome lenders, h a n d Call 925-1115 or 6.58-1628 Col-Oplomlst fireworks s tand hrakes. Reward for thei.r Itel.~===== 17th St. July 3. $48-2314 return. 541)..1422 BE INDEPENDENT days POODLE -Srrutll while \\'ork your o"''n hours, your Jo"'O~U"'°N~oc,~C~h~H~d~.,-P-,.-,-,-,.~.,ctio-n mini.. name l'-rosly. Palm own pace. Unlvcraal item. I · -1 •t • Sprill"S !iC'. Vic. 0 -•·-r • g tl8SCS, VIC • ..,., .. ar n V('., ,., DU"" ni; everyol"lt' uses. No compel!· Coal& J\.Icsa. CaJI & idf'ntify Harbor, C.M. Good Reward! tton, 100 % profit. Automatic 646-0249 l=="=~~"'c--'°~"'~'",---0~29~·-'--I repeat business. ABSOLUTE -~-~-~~---minimum . tnvcatmcn t, 1e. BLACK Labrador Retriever, SC01"I'ISH Fox T e rrier , cured. Lim i!ed number ol male chain collar. Vic of blk/wht spotted male, 2 these rare oppty11 avall! :\1agnolill &: Elli.ii Jo'tn Vly yrs. "Sam". Vic J.lnling Ask for ?\1r Cas h. 642-6001 =96=2-="~'"'-~-~~--Crest tract, HB. Reward! 963---1979 CANDY Supply route-, part SILVER rniile Bedling!on or full tlnie. days/eve# .. Terrier .. Vic. W. 19th Sl., ARClf Bcb H1:ts. Laguna. Refill le collect monty from C.1\t. 54&-4721 or 642-9682 Bch. Shel!!c Cocker mixed coin opcr. Dillpen!lert In 1 ="~k ~focr_M=ik~'--~-~ pup. Brn & \\'hl, looks likt' Cosla Mesa It vie. No SMALL BLK w/whl collar Col lie. 1f found call 49.1-0333 bcrore 5. Se 1 11 ng. Slc;;JO To tar about 4 mos old. Vtc ~a!I 1 caah req. Send name, ad-~tatlon at Pomona & 191.h LOST: Toy white female ch"e~s & phone lo: Roule St .. C.l\1. 646-4987 -Poodll'. Bloo collar. Nttds l><'pl., P. O. Box 3846, FE!\lALE Calico Cat. mostly medical All 'n, Vie. Bay .t Anaht'lm 92803 blk mkgs. w/whl legii. N'pt. Blvd .. C.?.1. Reward . 637-5518 or 673-1434 BA 'M'ERY REBUILDING Wearing Shell flcn coll. PLANT. Re building 11.uto, Area of Tuabn Ave. Boys BEIGE Uncur fC'm.alr toy truck &. marine batteries. Club. 64~U75 poodle. no collar. Vic Baker; Sw.m~ "·/o-•e-Ow---& Paularino, r c \\'a rd , ,,..._, ,. •u •··· '"'' FOUND MlJCed Sh ep~ e r d ~1'16--:!.-£.1 will completely lrllin buyer. male. long hair, Oran~e col· =~=~~~·~-~­ No gimmicks. $15,000 full Jar. Vic Cecil Plarc &: YELLOW Labrador RelrC'i ver price. $8,000 down . OCBS. Newport Blvd. 646-I098 n1:1lc, 11: yr old. No JO. Vic 547..6158. Sanla Ana /\vc/R.orhcstcr. --V~o=G~E~L-,v===---I SMALL Black Co ck e r CM. rkwiu't'l Gt2-360l ~ ALUE Spaniel Vic. P&l is ade s Small Mom Ir. Pop Cafe on Road, 546-7057 LOST: Hing Y·i · bh1c 1•;1111('{) Coast 11wy. Low rent-loni sc1. Vi<' Harbor Center lease. Ideal location. Est. SET OI keys (14). Vic E. shops. K<'f'psukc 642-7020' bua. Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast Coal!! Hwy. CdM. INr. Rc,i·anl. Hwy,CdMar. G7J..2020 •S~ho~re~o~l~ilf~•~l~li44--0G4~~7~--lmciVARii~ii;;;;;-;;;;:--;;;;;;:I -RE\VAJl D Wh lll' 1nin. J)OO-' WANTED: oft-sale liquor FOUND: Rabbit, vie Cornell dll', 011 N. Coast Hwy, llcense, Orange County. &: Bolsa Park l..anc. H.B. l.ap,-una rescued by car July -Call: 642-11139 7/7 891-2.1.~ 4, 494-2025 Mt'xlcanfSpa nlih Imports Ff'OOuUNNroi:,-NNo:ow;p;;;I~. lS~ho~re;;;;s;~ l ,P;.U~R~E~-~B~red~-1~,-,,ch-So~,c.,-,.1 s:rm full price, $1000 down, Large, cute turtle.>, must be Malt' 1o-ic11. collar. v 1 c includes &tock &: flx ture1. ~pe~t.~'48-~-'-"'-~-~--1 Hamilton & p n m o n a . 633-1293 or 63.l-.1974 WATCH -on lo\\·er Poppy Reward. 542 Hun1Uton, CM B&AUflCIA~N~S~-I dAve.~bcC.d .l\i. Call Bil--8544 & SIBERIAN Hu!lky. Rlack, •~ -ur o-" ~-,. R•"t-"' escri . oe er-.. """ .. "" ===~~--~--1 white ma le 10 mos. old. space. Reuo111ble. 84T-916i BRO\VN I: white :r;mall poo-494-l!iO!I UNI QUE diatrlbutlna' co, est die, wfpl1111llc collar. Vic I ~-=---~--~-1 3 vrs. Lo dn, will fine. P .O. Costa Mesa. 64l-1354 BLACK tomcat, blue collar. ~ Vic Calallllll & Dian1ond , Box 1726 CM. 5'6-9218 MEDAL On Chain. 11~ l.ai:una Brh. Rcw'rl. 491·5785 Bui. Wenttd 6305 WOULD Lltm to a!50Clate \vith a.rt gallery or manage same around Lflgune. Have refs. (.'OTiftl.ctl, 494-8195 or 12131 462-6544 coll. China Cove. Owner idcntif)'. 673-5646 FEMALE SilVflr P o o d 1 c , m I n i at u re vie. Vlc- DARK Rimmed RIAS!('s. on totla-1-larbor roll 642--0758 rocks in Balboa. J uly 4111. Call 6T.:>-5R31 Sl\>lALL. lnnG haiJ"ed \Vhire & Tan fen1[ do~. Vic l\lesa MALE whlle husky Crn111 Vtrtlc. H.cwartl. ~~'I. Mesa, vie. 19th St. G45-00TI SMALL Black f{'n\alr poodle ARTISTIC' 2 Br uniurn, Col;1n .l\lcsa, cnrl. patio, ne11.r ~tol"C's. No f)('ls. $150. fiia-2'3-12 SINGLE YounlC Adul'-5 Lull.· ury gnrdl.!n apta with coun- try club n1mosphcrc o.nd completr privacy. SOUTI-1 BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 Cl.fAPifAN Ave.. Ca.rdl.!n r.rovc 1n 41 6J&..303C • ll'tammoth master bedrooms e 2 Bathrooms e Centra, forced air heatln; • Ba.lane~ Power Jivinc • Enclosed parking: • Cupola • .,. ... 48 acrc1 Murrieta Valley, Excellent lmprovemen!!l And ample <::heal) wa ter tron1 larre new· well. Pasture• fenctd a nd croAA fenced. T""' t)('w pole • tyJ)e barns w1th staU1, shop. and fore-Money to Lotn 6320 Lolt 6401 man's oU!ee. Thrt" • ~ •• I ·J.:-.-&-2_od_toano __ f0_,-qu-lci< F~IU=EN-D_L_Y_M-alc--G-,'°',"-m T'OOfll, 2 • bath hOUlle wt caah. Borrow on .......... Pr<> S'· 2 9 B" on Balbon Peninsula Point. fuo\\•nrd. b'7".>-0271 ~E\\TAL S Apts. Fumiahed General 4000 WOULD like lo rschangc I l}flr, t"11m pf'nlhOU!lt' in Hnlly\\'OOd Hills for rom· PRtnbll" In Laguna. 49+-8195 121 3 ~ 46)..&544 s110-:--H8c"b.-,-.c .. -. -l-.. ~ .. c •. -.7.11 11111 1"1 ' nn1kt'r, 534.-6980 $'iF.28 r 1r1plc.>i:, WIW. ler- ra1". 11vnll now. Bk r . 5.14..69.q(l JJLAC:E YOW' .... ~.Jll ~ where they lll'f) looldng -DAILY Pllnr classlfted 642.s6'1! L1oun1 &each 470S HARBOR HEIGHTS \ garap . SOlld spr1nlder llY.. II ",,,_ l ncp, rn mo. Ir. & tan. ttmi. Tree • Ii~ extcr1or P!rb cq w hOul dl1t11rb na: Can be, lde11 t. by ·ss &. '87 I your low lntl't'Ht b~ TDs. t.'\g!I on chnke.r. vie. Bch & with chain • link fenc "I· • ,,. ~ .. -,. for -· ~. •~ ·~21" •• ! r~ d Id o1 !Im I ni uu.r•: ••iu •..,. ..,..,npls. 118. Ol3U"' ..., .... tcr vvuu roa 1. e c a e a .1u-,, ___ Co. 1-. •-• for horse breeding. Priced "'' '"' ""'"'"'6" .... pm ru:ivnrd at Ur.J()/acrt> includes $150.~ !iervlng Hnrhor Arcn. 3) yn, L 1 0 0 I s I e : L 11 r g e 336 £. 1711. St o~ lmprovemen!J. For furth-G43--2ln 54~1 IOl'!f.t · hail't'd l>lack • 1••h1le er lnfonnatlon call lfarold male cat "Jo.Jo" extreml'iy 8 utlck. Broker cn•1 &n·ml friendly. hi• red l"Qllar anri day1, or <n41 ITI-37&1 even. ~glges, T.0 .'a 634J Ota collar. Any info. plea111t lnp. •8 TD's for u lio: or trade.1 ~"'11"'=~'~"~'"~'~628.;---~~~ MAKE A MEMO lo aather $28, 700. LOSI': Whippe t, w hi It up toya you no lorcti' net<!, * (2131 351-3779 * Brindle mark\~'!!. \Y t 11 e aeU therrt for <::a&h with brown collar, vi(. Be nch fc DAIL¥ PILOT WANT ADS! Adami, 118 ~Th l THr. SUN NEVER S£TS on Mo!!_y _\'f'..!"t~._!35~ ~126 ch\ldrerfs pe!. ClAulfted's action powfr. \VTD SJ5,000 for I ye11r. Top C°AUOO ea{. bfk & )'Cli1l1v ror an ad to 11ll around int-:t: point•. 1tc:. ,j)y MMe ..... hlie. '=UYni old. 224 the doc:k, dlal &42-5678. $100,COI equity. 6T:J..941, GOldM rod, CdM. 6TJ..lJ82 Person•I' t ~405 e COUPL ES e e SING LES e Tlrc!d o( Bar1, P.1ail & Iii CM! con1putcr clubs: JOIN THE FUN! T!IE IN Clt (l\VD --. [)JV. Of I M P. M"'°t othen with \'OUR inlertsts al our weekly P41rtlt s or aelcct them tnd1vidually I-(GA4 join F REEi Call Leah 1-t p.m. &:JS.9320. RIDE \Vantcd 0CC to Corona dt!I P.1ar, cw~. Will pny. Call 6iS-42.3i'1 •JI 7 pm. ffifRF.u Gen! .. orNfdiie 'to mecl lac\Y compu"'ijon. -- ' ... I ... • I· • :I! DAltY "lDT rrld'1, Ju~ 11, 1969 ~'4NOUNCtMENTS SERVI~• rn R•L, Olll JOBS l EMPLOYMENT JOBS l EMPLOYMEN,T, JOBS l EMPLOYM~ JOIS l IMPLqY~NJ .. ~·-~~~-~-~-~~~~~-~~~---~-~~-~ ...... • end NOTICES ' . -• • 1---------1 Ctm.nt, Conc,..te 4600 Htfp Want.ct, Min 7200H•ID Wanted Min 1200 H .. 1t W1ntett. Min 7'200tfelp Wanted, Me.ft 1'00 · Aiv1ttl1ttt ~y 11•.;o tfl•!r a•• It)' i•l•lflf',•r:• Penon1lt 6405 1--------1 • CONCRETE On. ,.,i.,. , * · Phones Jl!I Open 8:00 a.m.•..:....:5;30 · p,m. " * elc. (:oocretc &: blk top i;a,,.. lf1C:""Rti1:1:>on;-fa.851.f e CUSTOM PATIQSe -WAll RJRllllURE-UISTAWR . i'J. C. PENNEY CO?ifPANY_ Fat~ion hl&nd -Newport k t.ch· · 9 lo . llfoon Sat~rd.y-OOS11d Su~d,ay ~ , . ., concreb! sawing Ii removal N d to '• ••11 d d II f\Teet that ~ ii01neolle Stste Llc.•842-lOlG ee young man u1SM11 an . e ver !las full time openings for • AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEMEN DIAL D,IJ!ECT 642°5678 • • ' ":! ~ q1n kt lJw. furniture for Jeading systems furniture . ORANGE co. ~'1·0068 Child C•...-6610 store. Must best r on g, hard·working, Recent experience Jn lubrication, brake ad .. WESTMINSTER~ NOJtTH,COU.NTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 2• bl'Jur-m:onJin:g neat, able to work irr~gular hOurs, con-justment and W"h e e I balancini required. INTELLIGENT? NJ.~\v Nul'S('ry School! Hun· sclentious, and reliable, familiar with Competitive salary arrangement, top· fllgbt · • l4untintt•n ... Ch 540-1220 L11un1 1·11·cft Hour......:Reguletions-De~diinu 4f4-f466 UNMARRIED? llngton Bea<.11. influ1ts to s hand tools, capable of working all day \Vorking conditions with newest and .finest Thi• l<lyourlnYltailnn lo hap. yN. Vl'ry reasonable rates alone. No e1Cperience necessary, but equipment. Generous benefits including hos· . pin~M. Phont-s.1i..&&i6· tor ~;_~i·klng ni 0 t h e r s · would be helpful if handy with Wood· pitalization, .employee discount and-. profit 1 1""0"~' A~¥•rtl .. ,. 911'0'1 cttc~lit ttt•1~ •ff ._...,, anf .J'•P'!' 1'!'rtt~~·1•17 ,.,,.,.. ._ 2• ht· teeurded me~. \VOrking_ tools. 'Work Tuesday thru-Sai..: sharing. --., ...... ~ .... TME D/.IL v ·'lt:OT1a•mitt UaJUHy '•' .,,.,. •rt?r. h LICENSED \\1.LL Do bab)~itUng. n1y urday. J?aicl-health .and.life ins.urance.. ~ ,.... tn~o~tJnt., '!ltllthl111ti\•1dve~IMme11t 00,r.otir •"•,, tlf"e. . h0n1c by the "'l't!k, no 1vk. p 'd cati s t 1 •<M th Apply ln person 10 AM lo 9 Pl.I, • • ' Spiritu1d Rl'adi·ig~ adYice ends. Lge ltneed in yd. 31 va on. a r """"" per moo • Monday thru Sa,turday DIA,~L:I ••f,9~ CO'V.~ND Kllt:.l:.l1SO P'.M, the C;.1 ~~ "'"ltmltn. tllloeJt ·,9, Ofl a11 matters. 312 N. E.I 642·906S J\1onte Vista School Phone 642-9742 for appointment. 9 am to , .. ·¥t:.-.ko-1!i ••111 ... and Mo11d•r.1tOtlt,,. whtn clol1~sf~'fa &.:SO ;,M. Frld.Y. CHmino Real, San Clernenlc Dis1. 6 pm. , PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 1• ~ ..... ..,... "' ~ ' I • ~ ' 492-9136, 4SS.950T F.q'!!1 OpPOrtwUty Employer 'f~U.J"'.UV HAV& Kl~ NUMll.'J:!· Whtrt kllllrtl an 1d .._;.._ .f .-olctl ,..uf~ A•i;~~;:i;;. ::::~IAN ... ;o~~ INTERIOR SYSTEMS * -. * ' .. -~~~?.:-:::?:~'d ., lb~. •1!~··~·" ti•'.""'~~ ... .-.• '"'";~ da.'ncer 11•IU teach you au sn1n11. For prompt scl'viee I ~SjE\jll~vi'iic~E~D~IR~E;C~T~O~ll~Y~~~~~~;~~~11H~•l~p~W~•~n;tld;;,,~M~•n;;72:00~;H~•~l"~w;.;.~..,.:;.~,.~';"~·1~2~JO~J£ve~ j.~•c .. ~ mad• i. •111 o; oollffet••.n•w •d that._.• _,rf•~'· bvt w• c.tftt latest sleits. Call Ardt'll eaU 54~614 Htlp Want.d,-Men.nOO MANACL,tBNT TRAINEE ~ _ _ • @'ante• tt_!l!J• untU•Ut• ~ h••.•f!:P...ttrt.dJl!J~....M!' __. • 213: 591-4538 1-10 Pf.I Floo,.,. _f!2!_rhtn9i119 _ Excelleni -training proeram .. _ EQUIPMENT 01e-1·~·:l.,INll_.Adt.~-.tkcl11...uah~ . .dva"nc• •Y m.ail .:r~at ·n~ ·~ ~tout ott1eei BACH :t'7" seek:; sincc1'C girl -----·---666-5 Painting 6850 POLICE OFFICER for an excellent poaition_, QPIRATOR, .. ~ .• :·'10:phtt'.I.• enters. ·. , ·,· -~ . '. 1 lo 3j fDr fun & con1-C V' I T'I Our nlq ' t ' -· panionsh.ip. 4!:2--0386 • •rpet 1ny I • PAINTING ,Papering 16 yrs $718 • $172 -Por month u ue managemen $591.•$711. per month -rape~DAI~ )'. fllLOT ""rva. tho 'rl11tt t6~cla•lfy, 'edit, cenur. tr rtfUh any adVM- All styles 11'ld colors ir Harb.:ll" area. Lie. & FOR training program follows a ; , ·• tlMm.•nt. and to ~"•*.I--,'rat. tt:atid ntulatF!I)• ¥¢1i•itt: prt., notice. ALCOHOLICS Ancnyn1ous }·rec 'est. Lie. rontr. bonded. Refs furn. 642-2336 CITY OF iv e 11 ·P I an n ed. , c: om. CITY OF f . ' ' Phone 542-7217 o. .,nte to 5W.726:1 642·14o.1 EXT/Iut. pntg. Aver rm. $20 NEWPORT BEACH pr\!hensive schedule, •. NEWPORT BEACH M1ll _Add':"'1 ~y.111a,14,wptrt._ctti c1Ht. P.O. Box 1223 Q:ista Mesa. . . . • --.provides YOJ.l !he best o~ . -,.. • 1 • • Sensitivi'iY C;r;up Girdening 6680 ~ ~~ J:!~'84~~~ work Current openings Jtquii-es port.unity to develop quie~y Employment benefits include ' , CLA.ISl'FIED ,COU~TERI art located at f•~!•wtr 6~&-5130 or 6~5-2~13 ---------. .,c~,;.co.,,,;;;,,;_:,,,.,;,:.;:c--1 high 11chool Gradµate, mini· into a responsible· executl~ free health and Dental 11>-' A>ITUONY'C VETS-Bonded PIDJiting:. lO mum 5'9" and l50 Jbs., 21 & ' consumer finance. $Uran<;e for employee and '1'.>11ily. 'Pilot Clanified C1rd of Thanka 6416 ,n1n J yrs in area, He'd & insured. 10 30 years old 2.0/30 uncor· .interviewing is a . major 'depeodenU, ~Iatem11y bene- 6(2..().1t7 reeled Yision. \Vrltten test pai1 of th.ill non:selling, fiJ. payment, and free Lile " THE Family of Paul Ruy· ii-rond R?S-~, wi~J t<l 1~n.k •ll lhoS(' \\"ho honoml our son and brother by al· tending hi~ final riles on Jun<' 26lh, 1969 bec3usc ad- dresses or somt' a r l' unk11011•n. \\I(' hoj)(' this n1cssage will reach all, und again v.'t' \vish to express our apprceiacio1. for your messages. flO\\IC'l'S'" a n d friendship to our son . Ray, Elera & Pam Ross. 646°1948 \Vodn,.day. July 23. '''° wari<d po<lhon. Lib<ral ln.uranc, to a m0ximum CLASSIFIED INDh· The Best, costs no n1orC! Plumbing 6890 p.m.. City Hall Council employee bene.liL~ & regular $2:;;000 coverage. ~ • , • Experieneed 1'11aintenance· Oiamben, for further in-aalar:y ioc.reases are-based~ 3 .years• Street.-Water, or ,._..,...,.... ... • --" t .- Budget Landscaping PLUMBING REPAIR formation contact the Per-on your progreu. J-li&h Sewer Faclli!Y Qwstroction HOUSES FO~ SALE MIWPOtf MllGNTt tti• ILICTllCA&. Gr;:iduate Hor:tieulturist No job too small sonne-l Office, City Hall, 3300 school graduate. and · Malntenanoe Xxpei:i. oaNIU" •• Maw•o•T lllftl.lt = l!OUIPMlfltT ••MTALI -.... SERVIC& DIRECTORY 6550 • GARDENER • EXPERT JAPANESE Commercial Landseapinc- f.lain1C'nan{'(' and Cleanup MIKE INC. CALL 642-5196 ALLEN BROS. GARDENERS Sl'UDENTS working way thru college. Exp. Lie. Reas. 646-4203 Johnson·s Gardening Babysitting F'incsl equip., expert care. :f.IOWER \Vill babysif. :f.fy Planting, clean-ups. 962-2015 hoine. FenC'Cd Y a r d , BUSFNESS ~ RESJDEN- Lunehl's. Near Harbor Sll>P TIAL Gardening & Cleanup. Center. 9 mOli ro 3 yrs. Exp'd 646.-622"2 _ pttfcITed. $4 d11y -~ hrly. ~-ull tlm• or occ:asiona.1. Ex-64Z...17G6 perie/"llX'd. 548-1395 Reliabll' La11•n .1\-laintenanCt" Ga~ning and Clean-up COLLEGE ~tudent: B.1bysil· ting $1..00 hr. Near \Vilson & Rt'liable lawn service, Harbor in C.M. \Vee l• n101\', etlge. trin1. nights, or entire weekends. J ---,.~*c-:'~"~·'~'°-'.,...*---Ask for Beck-y 5-\8-1871 Cut & Edge La1vn YOUNG molher v.·ith 3 yr old ~laintena.nee, Licensed boy \\'Ould like per nl 548-4B08/64S.2310 aft 4 babysitting job for small JIM'S Gardening & lawn boy Mon thru Fri. 54S-3J?B maintena.nee. Res. & Com· \\'ILL Babysit your inf:i.n!, mt'rcial. * 548-8411 n1y hon1e, exp"d ntothcr. Vic JAPANESE gard<•nC'r C(l1111•I \Vilson & Canyon Or., W\f. serv. Ex[)Cr, clependahl~ .• fi4&.3817 11".x' <.'Sf. 642-4389 e 642-3128 e Newport Blvd., Ne1vnnrt PACIFIC FINANCF~ encl' including 1 .y' ear of COITA' 'MllllA " · lt• CrJ:~~~:,. PA•IC ~ ::• · ,.¥ • . ~SA .OIL MAI '1111 Beach, California 92660, n4 16612 Beach BIYd. light or mednun. Equipment M•SA v11.01 • · 1111 &ACK ,.,,. •• 'UaNACI .,,.,.,.,. •1~ -· .... Re'!l_odel, R!pair, 6940 * IF you need remodeling, painting or repairs, Call Dick, 642--1791 Sowing 6960 e Dttssn111klng -Alterations Custom Designs * 646-64_46 • Alte-rations • 642•5845 Neat, aeeurale, 20 years c:~p. TILE, Cer•mic 6974 * Verne, The Tile :r.ran * <:ust. "'Ork. Install & repairs. Nu job too small. Plaster pa,ch. Leaking s b o we r repuir. 847-1957/846--0206 Tree Service 6980 ''" 6~. """· Hunu·nJonBe••h ~ I c:ou.••• , .,.,, ILU,, au FUllUflTUll! •l!TOllNO 1,1-<JIM) I)•' .. ....l""rat on. Apply. befor@ ~ AIK· 1111 CO•OMA OIL M.ltl est • & lll!PINIJMINO ..,. hi c D 0 NA L D's l"amily Equal Opportunity En1ployer P.M., Fridiy Jµly 18: 1969 :::::; ::~:,. :: IAUOA -... •A•DIHINO , .... Restaurant is looking for to the Personnel Oftitt. ~L•,oJ· c9ws u 1211 ~ 1~1~01 :=; .:-.:::',f.':· :~~~:f.'·' :: n1ature men 10 wo rk (n4J 673-&.'.i33. ' u~cf.:lTINOll :C: ••ll'OA '''lAHO .m oi..us ''" -,. . PAINTElt Se"''"'" G ... ,. ......... • .. MUNTIMCITO"'l 'IOACH ...... ,, ....... TNVM• ,, .. pa •• -1me f'\len1ngs. E.<><· SIGN AND PAINT ..... -DOYt:lll ,MOllll ltu fl''oUllTAl'H VAlLIT OUN IMOf' 1111 c:ellent supplemental income SHOP HELPER zoo·y· s WlnCl.tPP • , 12M ti.AL aaACM · .._ HIAL T.H Cl.VII 112t for day-shift worker, retired HA••••·Mt•HUWDI lt11 LOHO IUCN Ult MAULU.O IJH $562.·$614. per month VNN•IU'1Y PAIUt 1111 OllJ.~ .. "COUN7Y .... HOUllCLIAJOHO tnll men, or military personnel. lllVSNI , .. OAlllOP ••DYi •'11 ltlTal ... DICOllATIH• ,,,, Permanent ye a r-r 0 u n d Has im~iate opening 1lct< i•¥ 1m .WISTM•"n•• .. 11 1MCOM•l TAll .,,. I CITY OF for pennanel'lt IAt:rt~P: ua Mlow,..T CITY .. u tltOft, or.uim11. 11• t7st emp oyrnent in c lean , O SECUR T 1aviNa Tl•••<• 1241 .sun-.t AM• *" i.oNnt•. '759 p I ea s ant surroundings. NEWP RT BEACH I Y GUARD ~OMA 0-._L MAiJt 1u. SANTA AHA MllOMTS .. u INSl.ILATIHO -",.!! }Aeals &..11nitornis Jurnished. , , Equipment saonlied. •All~ ••MIM!UU ,,.. TUSTrlti ,.._ IHSUltAHCI ..... E ' t "' f I d o· SK -·;<"=-nACON ,.,. -T?tt .C:OASTH. -.,.. IHV'ltT ... ,~ .... Ot!Htl~• ,,... Appfy at McDonald's of mpoymen ne 11s meu · ver 'IU years req'd. S•Y 'ltWDs . 11u u.ouHA •••CM •itS JAHITOtlAL '"' J-luntington Bench, 16866 es lree Health_~ Dc~tal See Mr. ~nton LIOO "llLI ·1111 ·U.OUMA .... UIL 41tJ JIW'lt:llY lllfl'AI .. llC. 41• "'•ti• .,.... Cont•<• .,,, Insurance !or employee and after. IO A.M. IAL•OA, ISLAND USS -SAM CUMIMTI 4111 U.MDSCAPIMt IU• °"" • " MUNTINOTtN llACM 1• DANA •OINT 474' LOCKSMITN 'lM 1 LLamas 847-9100 dependents, f.-Jatemlty ben-6912 Edinger Ave. MIJMTl"OTOH .. ,.,..10u1 1.e Tat•LIX. tic. •t11 MAUIMltY, •••cit......... ... ~-..ri--efit payment, and free Life Huntington Beach, Calif. POUMTA'" VA.LUiT 1411 CONOOMIHIUM .,.. MOYtN• • STOU•I .... I . n ,,...,. •••c" 1u. R"NT•Ls , .. ,MTIHo. ,., .. 11111•ifl• ,.,. nsuranc:e to a maxJmun1 I 41 847-1256 SUNSIT ••ACH lUS "" "" · PAIHTrw .. 11.. MN 52:;,000 coverage. Requi?es Equal opportuniry employer w.101N .01tov1 101 ADts. UnfurnieMd '•'•~~•111APNY :;: t r a i n i n g in 'Nechanical I.ONO llACH IHI ......... L .... SALES' EXEC lAXIWOOD ,.,. COSTA MIU 11• •LASTl:ltlNG. '''"" ····" "" Dra1ving and two years ex-• Ol.4MGI CtUNTY • Ull M•IA VlllOI 1111 ,l.UMllN• ,.,. Full or Pl·limt'. Hunt. Bch., · · s· p · 1· Th k th I' It < PET 01100M1Ht "" pcr1ence Ill ign am mg. • s y II • 1m OUT o• CUNTY 1"5 NIW•OllT ··••CM •:tt POOL tel.VICI. •flt . Costa Mesa, Garden Grov~ Apply. immedlately to the International Chemical Corp o,,'I.•,0•.u."!• ,•u,,11 HIWl"OltT HllONTI ltlt •ow:•• IW'll,.IMO ttU ~-a "'-'-~ ,x-n··· -m p I OU' "·f ~ .. NIWl"OllT IMOll:fl tllf P""P Sl"l<I ... °""" · ~.,,., · r · = ',_., -ersonne ice '"'ore ;;i needs sales executive \Vlth wastMINSTlll 1.it •11n;Lt•• 12llt 1tOO'PtHO ''" District Supervisor Janitorial 1'1aintenartce n1ission, group insur. \\Tile P.~t., F'riday July IS, 1969. leadership & training abll· MIOWAV CITY 111' UHIVlllSITT , ... IC 52>1 IADIO ........... lie-. &tll J'Thf.S Gardening: le lawn Daily Pilot bo.x M906, or (TI4) 673-6633 'ty If al . SANTA AHA IUI ... , ••• ,. ''* llMODl"LINO • •IPA•• ..... malntcnaoce. Res. & com· phone (213) 29a-6617. -----·-----~d ·,vitt?'~;t~ .s ade~~~~:: ~~~~:MA Htts. ~:!: :::~:l'':ll' MA• :: :::=•~:::,:.;. ICITCMIHS ::: ' mercial. * 548-8411 I ----~-----ti\I or mana••m t . fUSTIN 164t IAUOA IM SIWIMO ''" ADVERTISING ARTIST e en expen· NOlllTll TUITllt IMS ... ,. Ill.ANDI .,,. .. SIW••• ......... IE,•••• ,,., • ESTATE ?.Taint Tree Ser\/ Due to expansion lhe Pen· encc caU us. You msy be ANAHllM 1HI LIDO ISll . 1151 ,.,..,K , .. ,.KL ........ l tc. '~ Removal &: trimmini;"s. free · · SECURITY the n1an "'e need Compen SILYl!itAOO C.l.llTOH UH HUWTIH•TOlf llACH ••• tAILOlllHO ''" • t'Slin1a!l', Call J.11--0088. ;~:~:ns 18tor;.c~~~lnf I~~ sation commensunte with ~"::~~ ~I.~~ :::: ::~:i:'~1~'N~IT :~~: ~~i.'~1~1~o:t•OL '://. LAYOUT. PAST"UP •. GUARD ability. Car & Iring~ beM-LAGUNA •EACH 171:5 1.1.u. 11.ACM sot TILE,"''"'....,.,,• ~,.1• ,,,~ ~ • fi rl-• LAGUNA NIOVIL 17tr LONO 11.ACH t5M 11 PRODUCTION. E.xp. pref'd. ts. uul J\tr. Gardlll!'r, TI4-SAN CLIMl.Htl 1tlt oaANOl COUNTT H• ~=~=v~:.~:'.':.,.1n. Ille. :,:, : Upholst1ry 6990 .. EIEPENDABU.:.....Cllild_.~ JAPANESE Gardening Vir.. do11·ntown Hun1. Beh , serviCI' a.... maintenance. 12j 6th st. SJ 'l clay or 3.X a Also clean up. fZ¥KOSKJ.".S---Gusl-:-Uphol. Luropcan Craftsmanship 100'/o fin! 642-1454 1831 Newporl BL, C.M. Apply in person Wed. thru 638-2260, or 714·962-9700. SA.N JUAN CAP.IS"l'llAHO 17tt GAllOl!N o•ov• $ill u•HOUTllT ltN ' .u.llt 11U fiMIH5Tl!.A 5fll. ·WILOIHO &!Ui--f-- r n . f't<nny • .,.. ''". J "-..;) $2 hr 10 start. Perniantnt Adi'i'itn ASST "''"•YIN up OANA 'orHT ., ... MIOWAY CITV ::~ JOBS A EMPLOYMENT , hour. • 54S-2.i72 • Mi\TURl:: \\'Oman 11·i!L care e MO\V · EDGE * \\'EED. for your childn>n in YOUR Prof. lawn maint by capable HOME day or night. XLNT College students. Reas! Welding 6995 refs. Sl.25/hr. 548-43!!9 Kalina Brothers 646-1234 \VELDING, Port11ble equip- mt'nL Specializing in ex- cavating equip. St t v c J\1elnyk 53&-6782 Sun and Aft 4:30 1veek days. CHILD ~ my lovely AL'S • Gardening & La"'ll honlt'. Big fentd. yd, nr 23d Maintenance. Commercial, & Santa Ana St. Costa industrial & rcsidt'ntial. 1'1esa. 646--5537 * 64&-3629 * L IC E N S E D Babysilling. CLEAN-UP Specialist! ?.low· fenced yard. hot meals, Ing, edging, odd jobs . Harbor/Wilson CM 642:&121 Reasonable. 548--6955 DEPENDABLE babys;t-tin-g ~La-.,-,,.,-,.~,-ng--M-,~ •• -!t-,-,-.-,.- my C,M. home. Hot lunches, 2.l yl'll exp. Call Russ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ~---------Job W•ntodt lady 7020 House Silting !or vacations CaritlhlP rnature woman 1viU care for homC'. p e ts. Non ... trinkl'r, non·smokt'r. lla\'e own car. Character ref.~. SW up per wk. Box P-'159 Daily Pilot. COJ\tPANION Or--~p~,-.-, -.. fened yd, 7 d3.ys. 54S-870C. • 838-8417 • BABYSJ'iflNG, Reliable $10 E.XPERIENCED Japanese wk . 132 \\'. \\lilson Sµc 38 gardener. Reliable. 540.7373 CJ1f. 54;;....6980 a(t 6 for free t'~tin1at(' \VILL baby~lt one or girts in my hon1I' days. 548-9532 e BABYSJTI'lNG my or. Flo111er. Costa Reliablt', 543-7801 Boat Maintenance Boal * il\aintt'nancc MR BOAT OWNER horn< Mesa. 6555 * [)o(-s Your boat LOOI\ worth the ffiorrwy you paid ro1• ii ... If not, let us sc1-ub i(, 11·ax it and polish it from bo11• 10 stern, inside & ou1. For i;peecly, depl'ndablt' & rPa- so nable servict', call 615-1100 J\1r. Thon1pson. Brick, M•1onry, etc. 6560 BUILD. Remodel, Rl'pair Brick, block, coneretl', crpntry. no job too smn!I Lie. Contr. 962-694~ 6590 0730 G ENERAL HAULING nurse aYail., long or short tern1 . Live in or out. Good & CLEANUP r"f's. Call Ho me ma k (' r $12 per load. 962~46 541Mi681 YARD/gar. elnup. Re1nove 'r1=vo~~y70_"_n_g_7s-,-.~,-,7,~, h !recs, ivy, dirt, tractor !Jack educators seeking tcn1p. _hoc_._gradln&. 002-8745 cn1p. a~ priv. tutors or HAULING, cll'anup, lot:; etc. llandyn1an anylin1C' you call. 6l:!-'.l39S B & G Hauling Service l'te:isonilble. 549.1359 anylhing considered 511:>-142J HOUSE\VORI\ S2.50 Hr. 54g...24;,.i Clean Up and-Hauling s10 per load. ~·25l8 _D_o_m_•_•• .. «_H_e_l~P ___ 70~3~5 Housecle1ninq 6735 CARPETS. Windo1vs, Jlrs, etc. Rei; or Conic'!. :\lnt \\"Ork Reas! Refs. 646-1401 il!AINT·res/co1ne'l, 1vindo\vi; our :specialty. X!n! work, rcas! Refs. 6o12-944G HOUSECLEANING by the llOUI', aslo ironing done. Call aft 4:3{]. 54(j....j.1l4 Ironing IRONING $~ dozen. own hangers. Cos!a area. 548-4390 6755 Bl'ing !\'lesa \\'ILL take in ironing 1'1on & \\led. 166 E. 201h St .. Cill. 5·18-9J.2.I al! 5 pn1. George Allen Byland Agency En1ployer Pays Fee IOC·B E. 16lh, SA 547..03~ Chinese Hvc-ins. ChccrM Pcm1a.nen1. Experienced Far 1':a!it Agency 642-8703 Help Wanted, Men 7200 e l\lULTILlGH, OU.set press, 36".:;g··. Diddt.. g la~ er operator. e CAMERA Mun,,_ stripper. J\1nrtee Rcproclue!ions •&15-1141• -Travel Agcy Mgr ID $7Sll NC'w Orange County ofliC'<': of ('Slab. L.A. agl'ncy. Cn1J L8.1Ty, 5-16-5-110. Jason Bost CARPENTRY J anitorial 6790 En1pluy111~nt Agenl'y ~flNOR P..EPAIRS. No Job 2120 So. !\lain, S.A. TOC' Small. Olbincl in gar-\VALLS, \Vindov."S. {lours. TRAINEE: Salesman. Young ages &: o I her cabinets. c.irpets. Comn1ercinl &: man lo train 11~· salesman 545-817"5, U no anS\ver leave rusidentinl. Daily. \\·el'.'Jky with fast expaOOlng sta· msg at 64&-23i2. H. O. and/or r.to. e97-7350 tionery and office supply Anderson lb/ &: Bear.h Cleaning Serv housr. }~or appt., call PtfR. MASTER carpe.ntf'r .S4 pe.r Carpets. windows, floon;, etc \ViSI" · 642-2998 hour. Remodeling-Repairs. Res & Come'\. &l&-1401 COLLEGE STUDENT. Full 64Ul.09 or ~iJG..3900 tin1e Su1nnu•1'. part time QUALITY Repairs -Altera. Paperhanging during school at Chevron tions • New const. by hour Painting 6850 Slalion on Beach in Lngun3.. or Contract. 646-34(2 1 ---~------NQ...loni;:: hair. Ptlus1 be 18. PAINTING Int & Ext Lowest 491-t(lf):: Cement, Concr•t• 6600 .. CONCRF:l'E Wqrk, bond- ed &: Uc:. Concrete sa.wina:. Philhps Cmtent. ~33> PATIOS, WALKS, DRIVE- WAYS. rrel' 4!1lln1a!r. J. RAY CONST. 642-4210 e CONCRETE "'Orlc all lJlpes. Pooi ~ & CWJIOm. •-an-"SU-=uJt c:on1ral·!e:J prll'ts. f'ullv Ins. I---------- Satisfaction ""'tu . rrff f.'91. STEREO Com p o n c n I "'M 1111le~n111.n . Kno1vlcds;:C' of Jin1 \Veek.~ 61l-ll66 curr@nt !lll'l't'O eonipont.ntl\. PAINTING • Tnl/c>xl. 2 Univ Mu~t be 21 . ,-::all Lee Van, seniors. 3 ~ exp. ncsp. 64G-8897 m.~. 49'l-4.f32 C\I('~. • • DlSll\VASHER •• Nl~AT. Exp. Pn.in1er. no e e BUSBOYS e e drinking. College student. i\tu~t be O\•er 21. Low prices! Sfl'''t! 548-4'."149 ()Qn Tl~ J\e11d1con1ber e PAT01 PLASTERING. ;301 E. Coast lhvy, Cd.ill ·All ~'p!"l'i. rm:-cirtfmatc. DAILY Pfl..OT \VflNT ADS! ca.I Sf&..682,j BRING RESUl.TS! NC\l'port Blvd., C.f.1 \\'Ork, 1 location. fl[ust be Fee paid, {Also fee jobs) ~=~i~":. !:: :::~: ::: HllOHTI UM ' neat, sober &: have unilorm. Assist Pres, 1 of 0 .C's. fast-s~H 01100 1ns TUITUt li4t .to• W~HTao, M•n '"' Dr.aft1man/ Design $800 up. Some marine krwnvl· edge. hobby sailing ok, call 1.ap'y, 5'16-5410 Jason Beat Employn1ent Agency 2120 So, J\lain, S.A., Apply •t Guard Shtck 711 Oco•n Ave. Huntington Beach bt\\11 lllt' hrs S am-4 pnl GARDENERS assist &: handyman fur plaee on coos!. Sm. salary, pi s.tit furn collage w/all ulil pd, \Ve·l-.-,-10-------- want a single pensioner. \Vrile Box P·708, Daily Pilot. BOYS 10 • 14 Carrier Routes Open SERVICE ADVISER SALESMAN lor For Orange County'~ largest Laguna Beach, So. Laguna Pontiac denier ... Unlimiled DAILY PILOT earnings and benefils. Only 642-4321 those 'vith at least 3 years J AMAICA IN N HOTEi, 2101 experience need apply. Con- E. Coast 1-lighway, Corolia tact Mr. Sisler at dt! M.,, ""'' DESK 541°2681 CLERK, midnight to 8 A.J\f.1---------- Pay commensurate 1vith ability. Position available Jot an EXPERIENCED -TELLER- est growing co's. ~pty to :~vu~~~~~ ~=u~rv,0 ~= c0.tsTAl 11• ~:: ::;:::: W•n.•• 1•1? : learn all phases. Basic met· CONDOMINIUM 1t5t t::~:.: :~:~:l. r,~ MIN • WOMIN ,.,. : al dlstrib bkgrnd. Send re· DUfll.lll"'l!S •Oii SALi U11 UH CUMINTI! 1711 :::::r.1 ~~,, ;n: sume or call Larry ~10 .. , ... TMl!NTI •0• IALI ,,.. SAH JUAH <••llTUHO S?tJ KCLI' WAHTIO. M11 nltl Jason Bosf RENTALS • OANA POI.Ht "" Aoi1t1ci,1s, w-... mt Employment Ageflcy Houses Furn1shH . ·REAL ESTATE, ::it:!.."':ow:,.~ ~: I 2120 So. J\lain, S.A. :::;:~ TO SH•lll• = 1 G•nertl AGIMC11s, Meil• w-•n HH · TlllJILIJll, etc. IMt SCHOOL.$ & INStaUCTIDN 7,. HELP WANTED ~O:lA" D~~·~" ::: co11DOM1NtUM !tst Joa ,.._,,..,.,.,,OH 1m llEHTAL.$ WANJIQ.. $tN THIATa1CAl .7* • Boat ca-nte-MISA Yl!aOI 1111 ............ , '"' E CH ·NOISE FOR • Boat Mc·;haru~ ~~~::11T •:::c11 = aooM & IO.t.t,o "" M R ,.; e Cabinet J\Iakers NIWl"OlllT HG.TS. nit MOTIU.. Tl.AILllll coulllTt ''" .SALE· AND TR.ADE GVIST HOMll I"' flUINITUlll , -tttt • Journ~en ::;'f..°o111"'.r0•0 = MtSC. Htn'AUI -.,,:, 0,,,,. FUIRNITUll• .. ,. • Boat F1n1sbers 'OOVEI ... O.ES 1121 INCOMI P•OfllllTV .... Ol"PICI 1qUlf'MENT lt\1 S h 'E austHl!SS .... , •• Tf 411841 STOii IGUl,MIHT ••n tvann.a ntorpri .. s WllTClll"t" 22• TalJLllll ••I.KS 4tS5 , ..... 1115TAU• .. llT •tt• 7i6 W 16th SI C ,, UNIVllllTT PAlllC 1tl1 tUSINl.SS lllNTAl .... IAll IOUIPMINT 11\S · ·• .l · llllVINI ttJI OPP-1 llNTAL ''" D ...... on• SACK aAY 1'41 '" T MOUllNOl * DRIVERS * .••.ST ILIJ'" 12•1 INDUITl lAL ,.o,a• y 4NI OAl.AtOI SAi.i! •m COMMlllCIAl ,m PUllHITU•• AUCTION tors lllVINI Tll"ACI nu IHOUSTllAL llllNTAL ''" A Cit • No Experience ~:~:: D•'-' MA• :: LOT• ., .. "'"l1 " ::It AANCHll •H• ::~~~~··:...c111Nn 11U Necessary! ~f.:O ·~~:ot ~sr cB•us ••ov•s •11s MUs1c.u. 111st•uM1HT 11u A(llAOI •tM •tAJfOi; & OllGAHS . 11» , l\Ju~t. ha\le clean Calilomla =-~~~~:.~t;:".0 •• CN :'~ lAKI ILSIHO•lf mt ••OtO l'IN drivmg record. A!>ply POUHTAIH YAU..IY· ~,, lllllOlllT '"0,. •• ,.,. .,. TILIVlllON ' ft'5 " YE oaAHOI CO. 'ltO~l!ITY 42'> ltl·ffl A·tT .. 10 IHM LLOW CAB co. t:~~ :~~~ = OUT 01' ITATI ,..o,., 12• TA,. •IJCOllDlltl .,,. ' 186 E 16th St O H611 CO\J TY U. MOUNTAIN & OISlllT fttl C:AMIU.S ' JQUIPMINT l2ff " :· A N ltlt IUIDIVlllOM LAND 4'1t Hot•T :tu•PLlll M• Costa Mesa :_.:~.~~... 1,11 tlAL nTATI 111v1c• '7U Sfl01tT1No oooos tiM SERV. STA. ATTN D NT MIO ... AY ,c1TT . 1*11 ::•e. &.:i~~=:· :;: ••M«:UU.llS, SCOJ'lS •u~ Some mechanical exp: ~:r: .. tH• NltCIMTs ;:: BUSINESS tnd :::~~"::.:::' :: , Days. HARRY & PAT'S LAOUHA .•IACM i71:5 FfNANCIAL MACHIN••T, lie. Int • ~~co Brookhurst &. ~=u~~e:~.;i,".l ~! 1v11N5:11 O'"°"TUN1Tr11 ml ~:..'!':. :;~ FULL tin1l' Skipper for motor yacht. Avail as of Aug. I. ror details call {2131 588--4233,. J\1r. Charles Howard. Garfield, F.V. ,S•H JUAN CAPIST•AHO 77U •OSIHIU.WANTID tlM IUIUJINO MA.flJlllAlS NI Good opportunity \Yilh inde-BUILDING & M ' (AJ'llT•..,.O ··~CH 1nt IHVISTMIHT. OH•l'tllrlllllf 43M , ..... ,s . l1tl . amtenanc:e tl,t.NA flOlftT ,7._ tHVllStMtNT wAM'TIO •311 PETS and LIVESTOCK i\~ E c 1-f ANICS-E.:xperienced pendent bani>. Call custodlnn -d11.ys. Costa •lVlllSIDI COUHTT 2fft MOHIY TO LO•H 4:l2t \\'/inboards, OU!boards l: J\iesa Golf & C.C. 540-7~. ~:~:r...~~NTAU = r::~~~L 1.'ttH~I :: ~:::-GllJtlllAL ::r. slerndriv~. Call Anchor r.tr. Bro11:n 540-2111 Jntervicws 9 to 1.1 Ahf OU,llll"IS 'VIN. .,. COlLATllAl LOANS UH ooos •m f.larine Repair. 644-4545 llENT•Ls tlAl llTATI LOANS IJ4t NOllllS , .. ,. bllrn S..5. SERVICE Sll.l.ion Attendant "' •, MOaTOIAIS. TnGt o..ft 6'4J LIVllTOCX ... , S.aloa Tr•lnoo ex.per. p ref. Anderson's HoUHS Unfurnished ,"!_ •• !*N:/'Ow~'""c'~"MENTS wt. CALtFORNIA LIVING SERVICE Station altt'ndant, u . l"'' Ad ••H•llAL -ft ~ NV:iil;1111 . lflt l'xp·ct. Lile n1 e c h 8 n i ca 1 ~:i~/ld!~a.N~~~a~.:k ~: i>:;~ .,.,;, am5, CM ~O:sTt o~'t'~111 :~:: " and . OT CES ~i'tc:1Ne IOOLt :::: , work. Good pay. cheYron ~ • ' MISA VlllOlt tlli l'OUMO ,,,... ... , , ... 'AWHINOI Int Slalion. 3000 Fairvle\\.', C~I car + eXpen~es. Call Larry EXP D. Auto f.lechanic:. O\\'n ~OLLl.OO PAlltt 1111 ~!!_T • ' · • 1411 V..CAYION9 mt 346-a-110. tools for busy shop. HlWflOlT auc1t l ~ •• ••,~·1~11111HTt ..,•• ·TRANSPORTATION A UTOMOTIVE L i nc J B I •10 ,., •. ,,., '-·h . NIWf"OlllT MGT1, nit ....... ason •• ;:I',,......, I, "·'"" eun A\le. HIWt'O•T SlfOlllS mt lllrT"'' ' •411 •OATI • 'l'llCHTS '"' J\1eehanic. Experienced. 1\p. Eniploynil'nt Agoooy Costa ~lesa i;AYSM"•• ms ·,lllUllllMU ' . t411 !}tfl.IOATI' · ttu ply in person. 2037 Harbor . oovE• IMO••• m~ ll'IO'Ol"UA•T. '4U '0Wll c•U•Slltt ")/' Blvd, C~I. 642-[1&32 2120 So. to.fain, S.A. SALESilIAN retiree part WISTCLIPP mt f'U;ff.fJIAL DlllECTOIS llH ll'l!l~Sll'.· •OATS ... EXPER. lubrication n1 an. Position open for ti1nc.. so~1e . p~/organ ;':~~:.•SITT PAllr :'~ ;~:~~:'TN.I.Mitt ~~ ~:~ ~~~~':fAHCll ;: '!AINTENANCE kno\vled-: Willidl's, ask a•<• IA• •• .... ~MIMYM '411 IOAT LAUNCHINa '-'' Salary plus conunission. " .. ~ .. c;1ms1._.Y LC)Tt '41 MMIN! l'OUI ttU illECHANIC f.lr. Van Olden 540-3165 '"'' ILVl'P lt~f CIMITllllY ClV,.fl ••• : IOAT St.II", ,,io01t1H• tll' Apply in person 3100 E. I" • • M L lllYIHI' Tllll.ft(.I ,,. ClllMATO•••• 'flt IO .. T StllVICll ... Coast Hwy, CdM. \\ii~ consider trauiec. Day A E Help ,\Vanted. Ken. COll:OHA OIL MA• ": WM#IAL flAalCS t4JI, :•OAT atNTAl.S ttit I c=~="'=~-'-----1 Shift. App, Industrial Clay tueky Fried Chicken 693 s. ::r:u.NDS :s.· •l.ICTIOlll '4• MAT ClfAllTl!lll ,.,. PART TI~IE D 0 0 r n1 an . Products, 18765 Fiber (;lass Coast Hilvy, Lag. Bcb. LIDO ISLI IUI AVIATIO:ff"lllVICI • ..,, fl_llHl,,..•ICATS .... Elderly man pref'd. Apply ,.:.c::c.:."-":.:..;:::~=--l1ALIOA llL>llD '"' TIAVll&. '4lS •O•t MOV~N· tMJ • Rd .• Huntington Beach EXP. Gardener. Good pay, WIW,oaT WIST #IJ ••• TIANS•o•f~TIOft .... •OAT ITO•AGll .... e\'es. aft. 6 p.1n. Port STORE MGR nice Joe For inJo call "",.TIHGTCH llACN "" •:: TllANU'OITATIO~ '4lf IOAITI WANTID MM Theatre, Corona de! r.tar. • . 400-409:; KU.MTINOTOH HA•10111 .... ~.r-,,:-..:or~~~oa.N• :: :t~~=~'71ss9Hs :::: • SERVICE Sta. attend. exper. & PAP11rtPLtl~~e10C16crk SERV. STA. MECHANIC Jl'A~~;;,c~At.LIY = $'E,R·VJCE .DIRECTORY' .::;~Lit'! ~M~s = ruu ti.me day. Union Sta. ~ .,. Sal I . OAllDIJt OltOVI )01 acceUMJINO -1.-tc)'Cl.al ' . t7U Santa Ana le P&lis:i.des Tho Tob•cconist I ary Pus comn1. Days, LOH• •tACM l\M · ANIWl•tNt tl:llY•c• "* lli:C:Tlltt'· c.A•t .,,,. A S A H · h <'uho'on l•l•nd nc. pcrn1nnent. PH.: 842-3444 -.tA.Noa.couHJ' ~• .,,.,.1.1.t,,....~ 1tlflA11.s. Pam t•1• iMHh·•tK.Jt _,._ .... tm vc., . . c1g ls. c -'------"-'-=-=.:...1SA1tTA ANA Ult APNAISffilO -MOTOll;:YCi.'ts ti&t ' J-'ULJ....tin1e truck dri~ l':X· Newport .. \\'OO L PRESSER • WISTMlltlTI• illt' Alf"NALT; 011• 1r.l MoTOIRIC:OOTll.I n&• • Kusten Cleaners MIDWAY CIT'I' ,. ... ltJITfj •• ,,.,.. .,. AUTO Sl'"VIC"l'S • "·'"" '~ !X'I'. preferred. I-Tarbor TO\\"• ARCHITECTURAL lA!ITA AHA llllOMTI ~· AUTO. .... ..,. ...... ate-. Utt'. ,\ilTO'TOOLS. OQUI,, tt;, . in"' 964 \V 17th SI c ·1 ORA~· N 548-4381 CO.l.STAl vtt u.aVSITTltlO Int. r•AILla. TIAVIL tm • .,, • ·• •1' • ,. """tA · LAOUf!A llA(M J1IS IOAT MAtHTINjltlfCI #JI· TllAlt.llllS. lltlliff ' &12--4930 l11tem1ediale Experience. LAtUN.A '•IOU!"t '* ••tCJC·, MASONIY. •c. ..., ntllC«S ' :::·. I ~1ACfllNIST-\\'elder. Temp. Tom & Truskier Archltrcl!I Help W•nt-..1 SAN Ct.IMPITI Jnt sus'1NUS llllVKIS ~ ., .. ,, ' tlM • isg CA,lltllANO Jm ldlUlllflS 611'1 CA'.Ml"l'llt t11t • Pos. Call Karmen Curtis tor AIA. Hunt. H a r b o u r Women 7400 CAl'tSTUM tlAl';tl tnl (,A,T"l••MO .,,. c:AMh:• •INTALi tm I 833-2:;o() 1cr.t rm 846-00n DAMA flOINT ,,.. CAatnTMAWIHt .,. 'ouu IWOllS WJ t app. ' . ' CONDOMINIUM ... CAll'l'MTlltlllO .sn· !Ml'OlllTIO jltU•OI .... campus Drive, ll'Vint> SERV. STA. SALES?ilAN. 8kkpr F /C to $650 OUPL1aa1 UNil'U•H.. , Wn CIMINT, CMCl'lft fHI lflOlltT UIS ,.,, Y' A•••'st. 01-1. c--nh'y Part time. One full ""'· ex· lmmed opening x:Jnt small RENTALS CMll.D 'c.t.111, Lk111• .. ,. ANTfCIUIS. CLASllCI ••U v "' ...... ;• ' h ..1 CotltlACTOtl 6UI llACI CAU..aoot tttl club, top -"agts. All!IO day per. !\1ust ht> nc~t in ap. Newport Beach Co. Ideal AptL Fur"il la C,.lt,.IT iLIAHINO •01 AUTO cvlff4TS ''" dlshws. hr. AM r.AA.<! pcarantt. See Jun. 2:'>90 \\"Orking cond Call Edee ••NllAL 4111 CAIPIT AYIHt I ......... ~ .. AUTOS WA°NTll •7" ,.. -• ·~~ N'''""-811,d. C.'I. S46-5.il0 . • conA MtSA .,. DltAl'Olll•S M191 NIW CAA:S .... 0 '' l• . ~., .. va•o• •Ht OIMOllTlDH .. ,. MITO llAllH• "" l..DER 1'11an night clerk ' J•son Bott NIWflOftl lllACN -OllAJllTIMO tHWICI fW USIO CAAi "" II o 1 e I ~lo!cl experience. EXP D. J\IECHANIC, pt1rt Call 67J....9"110 tiine, Sal .• ~ Sun. Slai1. J1tly 1 En1ployn1en1 Agency 19th. Coronii Uel i\far. Apply 2120 So. fflaln, S.A. DISHWASHrn Ov<r 1'. np-1" """°"• 3100 E. Coa" MARRIF.D? TOO MANY HA. VE YOU LOOKED FOR ply S\YISS Chalel, .fl4 N. H1vy. 81 L L s? Ptrmaoont-part Nt:'Wporl., NP\VflOrl Bench tl h I _, I k EXP nastny rook & me t' P "'ant~v n gnac EXP'D OOUJ\,'ERMAN Exp fey cook. pan bu.r. See manager alter 7:30 THE -HIDDEN DOLLARS City A"lo Por" tlm•. .,...,98 pm, P•u!o Dti'< In Th<altr, 2072 PlaCt.nli::., C.f.I. Benton's Coffee Shop !OSl Ntwport Blvd. Ci'lf. • s~~~·, ~~·,z;,r~d0a~~: E.'<~~~~~tf~':·rC:l cc 0:~1~; ~:~~~u1w0i~; IN YOUR HOME LAYEL Y? ,,erm11nt"nt. f"h.: IH2-3+ff stntion 11ttndnL .qfpl)' 2096 nece~wiy. 67s.-l:Z32, S'li-3701 - -· ~ OOCI\ IT TO 'EM! • H•rbor Blvd., C.f\f, 646-55S8 DAILY PIWT \VA.NT ADS! ~ • .. ··---0 ~-~------------ • • j " • l ' . ·I . t __ .. ~·· ' ' J ' ' , I ' I ' -------------~------------------~-~~------.....-- J F1id.ly, JW 11, l'lti? DAILY PILOT 33 JOH &·EM,LOYME NT JOIS & 'EMPLOYME NT JOBS & EM'Pt OYMENT· JOBS.-& liMPLOYMI NT MERCHANDI Sli FOR MEAGHANDIS! FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHAn Dl>E •OK M•RCHAND .ISE' •ult- Holp Want;d Holo Wa~teci Holp Wanl<ld Hol p Wanfia SAL E AND TRAD E S~LE ANQ TRADE S!l!E AND TRADE ~~LE A!"D TRAD£ SALE AND TRADE Women . 7400 Wom•t1 7.00 Womel't9:-I: ~ Women 7400 . F~rnltu're · 8000f\irnl tur• 800QEu,.;ltu,.. 1.000 Furniture IOOOFurnltur•-1000 . _P,ayroll/Accounting Clerk . PoL1c E CL ERK •REUBEN'S • sss s~E sss SAVE s:ss sAvE,s.ss sAvE sss SAVE sss inf-I, $474•4576 Per month . .WAREHOUSE SA LE'. • 1 Musi ha ve at least 200 employee payroll ex-S 11 Costa Mesa t p~rience : some receiv ables background d•· .~'!!.1,J9 ~~~~th Cur Huge 6,000 Squa re fl. Bustin a al the Seams! sired, Must, be able lo grow with a growing ...,~ __ NOW DO DECORATOR GETS CANCELLAT.ION cqmpany, TY PIST CLE RK 11 INTE RVIEWING N'T· MISS THIS OF 18 LUXU~Y APARTMENTS, Please apply in person lo Miss Larson (Part Time I h u.• -· --_GEftERAl .AUTOMATION. 706 W. Katt1lla, Orang,,. Calif, An equa l opportunity employer Help W1nt.d Women 7400 J. ·W. Robinson Hai opening for: * PERSONNEL * y ClfRK Respon:sible 'voman for posit.ion involving pay- roll, typing, filing ai1d personnel experient.'t! pre- ferred. APPLY. PERSONN~L DEPT. 104 p.n1. Mon-}~li. Fashion Island NeWpOrt Beach I ~ , -Equal opportunity employt'r Ancient Mariner 301 N. Tustin Ave. Santa Ana. Calif. 542-1481 T1king applications for LUNCH WAITRESS Apply between 1 pm & 5 pn1 STOP \Vastini; tinlC.' START J'ltaklng t foney. Help Wanted Women Expe~ WAITRESSES 1400 nay & Night--shlfr for busy coflte shop MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24031 El Toro Rd. Lagun:i Hills 837-101 4 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Apply in Person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pae. Cst. Hwy. Newport Beach ADVERTISING· ARTIST Due to expansloii the Pen- nysavcr i:ii accepting ap. plication Ior part time 1..AYOUT. PASTE-UP & PRODUCTION. Exp. prtf'd. Apply in person \\led. !hru Fri. Pcnnysaver, 1 5 4 5 Nc'\'J>Ol'I Blvd., Ci\1. * INSTRUCTRESS * young, mature g!rl. nel\I ap- pearance. J'ltu.~'t be able lo n1eet and deal with pl'Oplc {part time available) apply in person: 18585 J'l.1ain S!. 15 Points Shopping. Center l, H.B. •• 1 h -WAITRESSES-Chance of A lifetime! Unbelievable Prices! • Spanls & ...... hernnnn 5Uniitvrt ru1 -1 ~ LRAND•EW , . . . La rgest Salt Costa Mt11 Hts Ever Setn, , A l B .,.. :N EW~DvT ~CH .. l!"~~~.,1~d:;,or,,:~ · · ' SPANISH .:'lfEDITERRANEt 'N ~illi!l!?:~~~;~,,,t~"ll".~~ ,;.,,,.,.,,, .. .,1: ..... 11.;;J,h E."''"""'"' D$e$1u$xe03 Rool' m Spv·"1is~ Fu$r7n9its"'a'sGro,up ['$t3Ge89nu91ns• !EllfJ~~ig:~~;~;;i~'.'.:.:::::::::::}:; Yi :~~0i;e.,::;ai • .,:,"'~;:.':1.,,'1~ • • WAITRESS ua llV a ue • er • A ;c;~~r .d,rea; ho:se ~~ d;;j;iay -3 !\laternily benetlt pa,yment.s • • HOSTESSES 5 Pc Spanish Dining Room "set, 8 rt. sofa & love seat, 3 heavy Mediterranean f s ·-L fu 'I ( and free-Ur~ Jnsurance hen. . style matching.tables, 5 Pc Spanish bedroom set, Value like this never be· rooms o gorgeous pan1~1 rn1 ure was ellts . 1<> a maximum or · fore 5een -don't miss It !! · ~ ~ '· · reg. $1295.00 . S25,000 '-'Overage. > • Ap(llY In •prrson Bank Financing, Master Charge, BankAmerica rd, Store Charge Plan. SACRlflCr: $398 -'"°"' ""'ui ... "'•"School REUBDU; LEE · Annrc,ved Furniture -· -""'" , .. M, ....,.,.,., ~.;.cr·":.: •• · ...... ,w ... D1ploma-;-~ w.p:m;-tl'J)ing,-~ one year of recent clerical 151 E • ...co.-st Hwy. (Been in Costa lvJesa over 12 years) m· m FURNITURE experience. Huge 6,000 sq. ft. Warehouse at: Newport Beach Apply 1mm«11a1dy to 11,, • 2065 Charle St., Costa Mesa Personnel OUice before 5 Behind "Harbor Car Wash." Enter on J·lamilton or Bernard St. 1844 N t Bl d (ot P.f.t., Friday J uly 18, 19G9. e • EXPERIENCED A Little Hard to Find But Worth it . ewpor V .Harbor llvd.) n~7.J..6633. _ 1001 Items too Numerous to Ment ion -TE LLER-548 9660 °•" • ·• • •·11• Costa Mesa only e 'SECRETARY e ADMINISTRATIVE , • S.1111. 10-5 * Sat, f ·6 \ UNITED $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE SS$ Ivory Night 'Tll 9 -Wed., Sat, & S..n. 'Tll 6 CALIFORNIA BANK j I I .... I ' I ' I 1 Challenging, diverslf!ed dUI· ies. 11ust have good sec:i-c· taiial skills, IYPe on JB~I elect typewriter, able 10 as-• 6 P..1onan·h Bay Plaza Sou1 h Laguna iil~) 499-1361 Fu rnitur• 8000 Furniture 8000 1 Fur niture 8000 Garage Sale 8022 Piinos & Orgl"!I 8130 l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;, sPA.N,lSH Iron and leather .;.: So~-~ak coffee table, K Y C I swne rc'sponsibililics with, iiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii little supelVision, kno1vledge. able in personnel \\"o r k, Stwrthand required. Neat, attrac1ive and pleasant per- sonality. Salary • $610-$613. Xlnt \VOl'king conditions and fringe bcnefi!s. Send rt'sun1c or apply to - SAN JOAQUIN SCHOOL DISTRI CT 14600 SIV Fond Cari_yon Ave. Bast Irvine, CaJif.·9'26.)0 Blwe Dolphin Restaurant abilities anlirpite o agency Quality Positions lur Qualified Applicanls 488 E. 17th St., Sui1e 22·1 Costa l\lcsa 642-1470 Sec BettY Bruce al mi6:J G xec MODEL , HOME-'""'"· loa1<h "'"'· """"' d•w r,,.1, Mahog. ,,,.... eep owr 119 table $50 ca. 67J..&lll1 front , sniall naug. chair , an-This Summer 1 FURNITURE SALE SOlO lique la bl"· gl~swa,,., By renting & leaminii to ; Offi ce Furniture hookf1'.I rugs, 2007 Baja. play a piano from .us, Per-• Lusk l:fomes-Harbor Vi•w Hiiis Sat. & Sun. July 12 & 13th, 10 AM to 5 PM 3501 SEAFOAM DR . !At Mar9ueritel · CORONA DEL MAR· No Teservation, first co1ne. first serve basis on date of sale. Free delivery of large items wi thin 10 mile radius. Furniture 8doo Furniture 8000 ----------------~ OVER -STOCKED LIQUIDATORS ------·----E rbl .. !ormancc guaranteed from CO!llPUTER Division di~por as uu. I ;ccoc=~~-~-~~ SlO monthly. give us a try!! es or modern McDO\velJ & GARAGE Sule -Sil t 9-5. 3 Gould Music Company Craig steel desks, c!lairs, Fan1iHcs. Color TV, apt 2015 No. Main. SA 5<17-0681 • file~. tnblrs. f'lr. rcirig, furni ture, clothes, McMAHAN 'S 772..a.150 I awn mower, appliances. JULY Is ho t • but we have • 1830 S. Anahein1 Blvd., Jn mMy olhcr items. 2082 the HOTI'EST buys in town. Anahein1 (along~ide SJ\ fl.feyer Pl, Cl\f. Spinet, Console a: Grand , F rt'e\\'ay at Katellal Pianos; new & u 11 e d , ========== ANTIQUE Ta b 1 e s , com-Baldwin Organs -all on , H L I Go 8020 modes. butter c h u rn, sale al really HOT priceil. 1 ouseno d ods secretary, buffet, love seat, \\!ARD 'S BALD\VIN STIJDIO ' MOVING SAL.E oval pie. tran1e!I & 1niscl. 1819 Ne'A'PQl'I, c.t.1. 642.&i84 1 , $2.00 to $5.00 per hi-. 'rith . e FRY COOK e . ~~!:i: Go-getter Juli qr.~rt 1.GraVL'yiird shilt.-2 .. )ln-<>'i,'). ~ ___ 3355 Via Lidp "lrme. 73{f'\r.vfarner, suTie Heavy bi-eak.1'.ast. Gd salary LIDO ISL.E Ai;:rncy fo r Caretr Girlll 410 \V, Coast Hwy., N. 8. By apt.edrt:--&16-3939 Nearly l\C'\V hVll'I b&I, com-l76Sl,. --5a.n Marino ..circle,. BABY Gl'lind !Ike new-• \ bo-erib, infant's car :seal. 1'~.v. 962-5852 or 962-54!!} \\'urUtzer. white & Gold; , Uoover elecL Uoor wshr,, HARBOR View Hill'! Estate 10 yr guarantee on parts, ' • M, US_ T SELL ! .. F.O.n ,;.,..,ns,J:•"'•NCE co·s alum. ~'\lt>n.sion ladder, veg Sale. Masslve_._,.1_iandelie1-. beautiful tone. $T;iO. Pr! Nciv_ 9 pc. cor:icr arranq.-ESTATI:'s.t110D£l. JIOi\{ES jtil~·r, <'ltnn bed mattt-c~. Saltrini patio !Urn~ emeNifrl ·111ny--:-canarter 1;--~ ' choi~e of Cll'!l, reg, S230, ·Quality Furniture. Barik& square dance shltt site J.q, area carpel, lounge chr, VOX Jaquar Organ, Like • 217, S.A. fof gd employees. 18 or over. Apply in•person. Expc!'ienCf!(i -over 25 n ? w Sl -!9.SO. llcadb11~s: can·t [){>posit 1''ut"n, They miscell. 4!1.l-2611 marble tbT, v.•ickt:.i':" etc. 3800 ne1v. Cost $500. W 11 1 ll I ; ,, • - • -.· l Part or. fu ll time 10 women .needed in1mcd. fur .child care, aides or companions. COTTAGE COF1'""EE Sl-IOP ~ • 56f \V. 19th-Ci.. Cl\i ~ HOSTESS •WAITRESS SECTY/RECPT. Xln! iidvcn1t opp!y! Heavy typing. lite bk.kpg. TaJ.j(XJ, call_?ilJ:~ p.irhards, 51().6(15:;, COASTAL AGE NCY Kings, $l;i, Queens $12.50, D . I C I' R II . Inlet Isle Dr CdM 644 2883 -, . . , 1 1"u1I-$10;50;-'Pw" -'"~:5a-~1~-(!SL __ t;"C:~~-£!.S ~AD~llRAl.--Delw.:e-e;ido by ., -S;icrifi~&filn&_IG_.COll~~1-' --. ' in~ """ · Of Loss! Spanish -l\-lediter-GOOD USED l TEMS 847-4078 - Age 21-65 Part Time e TELLER e Trundle ~ts (duo r1serl w/ runt·an • i\1ap!e _ Mai10Gany siJc 23 cu fl $300. 9' sec. ~==~--~-~--I inner spring n1aH. reg. $106, _ i\lodcrn. Brand nanll' bed-tional sofa. ti1l!'<' fu rn. Fui·n., hanging lan1p9. n1at-PLAYER Plano-Starck. Must no1v ~79.50. ~ol!-a-v.·ay OOds rooms & king or any fiizc 646-763+1 2l5 E;-J6th St. CM tress, rugs, misc. Sat. & sell! Highest oiler over Sitting Pretty Agency titcmber of \Ve Sit Better, Inc. Subsidiacy o. Ge1·ber Exncricn~ pn·r ... n·pd Apply bh\·n 3 pm-6 pm. A meinbrr o/ .t:ncllin;: & Sncllin.:, Jn1·. 2790 l!nrbor Bl, Cos1a fltcsa 'v I inn. spring nia1t. r eg. "~ . ' 11 ·. Sun .. 2821 Harbor Vic\V Dr., S.150. 897-8436 " $5!150 '!'IOI\' $39 50 Full s.z uux sp1 in.gs,-n1a i-css. i:us-Corona de! l\1ar. 6'1-1-1'.rlli Prod. Co. 642-327-t YOUNG Lady-0ffice trainee, part lime, neat appearing, sharp, good .,,., figures. Type 55-60. Some experience desirable. 1'11ust have car. Pluid '1Urk into full ti1nc. 646-7721 • BANK OF AMERICA NT & S.A, :; Points. H.B. 847-3&41 ~I. 34 Equal opportunity employer CLERICAi...-AC COUNTS i:'AYABLE GIRL .. Soine fil- EXPERIL'JCEO e NOTE TE LL ER e PART TIME TELLER ing and .iccounting ex-UNIJ ED perienre J>"~ferab l c. Superior ,1. 0 r king en-CALIFORN IA BANK P/T SIC!lO as gal Friday 10 rc1irl'd attny. no11• i11 stock mkt. 20 hr v.·k. 546-7331 sle~~r-sofa reg_' siJ!i.so, no~ toin '?~de s0f~s & love seal~. Garage Sal• 8022 NEIGllBORHOOD Conlribu- st69."'. No•" ,,,1,.... .. 1. n,.. e'l:fJlllStle dining J'OlllTI S & • • . .• JV ' ......_. "' .. hutcl" Gu nl-d 1 1 EVE RYTHING MUST uons: l\tany n e ...,. 11ems. $9!1.50, Queens, SS9.j(), Full . . l..?S. , ara ""' ros -Furniture, hard1vare. tools. •l!l"" TY>'in, S39'" fully fie(' rc(ttgt'rators. rolor GO! ~1 ... 430 ~'tho" SI. loll ·""· •. . ·""· TV's, la!(' model '"asher~ & .. '" """ • t;:ua:an. 1'1ng-s1zc topi-.•ad~, dryers are aU 011 S<J.le at ~c· \\'e arl' sellin;:: our bcauliful Tustin) CM. Sat & sun. Jobs--Men, Wom. 7500 choice or clrs. reii S20.9'J. ,.,1, .. , 1 .,... . houl\~ho!d rurni!urc 1hal \ve ~-==~~--=-~=~ •1·>99 Sl"-A'SLEEf> .. t 111 .. s. ho.ve 11......,uirc1t OVf'r 1h, Jast GARAGE sale: J uly )llh & n0\1' ~ w· ""'' • • BUY ANY PIECB _., 12lh 9 I 5 · Shee FRY COOKS SllOP, 1927 Jfarbor l!Jivd, Cl\1 Oil JIOUSEt'UL twenty year,;;. Moving to • 0 .f>nl. Ls, 6·15-2760 claily 1().9 Sat \0-6. bay apartmrnl & can't take st:ortwave radio. luggage, Jlixson J'ltctal Finishi"" --829k'roauchon 1'51. NB Gen. Insurance Agency "Vonm"m:--ea.11 tor ·ap---pointment 6-12-9660 zn Ocean A\'e .. Laguna Beh. ' . 494-6546 W ... rehouse Sale It \Vilh u~. Best quality in l&.wnOlQW.er & edger. more -RETURNED t"ron: MODEL U · fint" condition. Yours lor a good buys. 478 E. 20th C.J\.f. !JOME: 8' Sp11.nish .<;Ofa &: piljance. Miiple twin beds 548--3782. SECRETARY . l\fa ture '1·on1an experienced in all Jines of insurance. Salary open. Nciv oWct>. Great opport. 6-14--1738 -SHARP G1\I.. - 61!1\veen 20 & 35, experienced in hi-fashion dresses and sportswear to assis! mge of THE LOOK DRESS SHOP 644-2400 Personnel Gal *'*GENERAL·** OFFICE 18765 F'iber Gla ss Rd., Huntington Bcac:h, Calif. COMPANION anC I i I e house-...·ork to live-in for youi1g lady must have good rlriving recoi:rl. Other help in_ home. Reference.. please. 642-8933 OPERATORS . ". NURSES AIDES }~uu time • All i;hirts , Apply In pr rson llun!ing!on Bench Convalescent llospttal 18792 Delaware SI .. 11.B. ee NEEDED Top level position, pl'lvate Experienced on d<r e -s s es: office. Xlnt ro. Call Bobble sports "'ear. tippers. Top Two ·Office Girls 5-16-5410. Pay. AJ.c;o PRE.SSER. l'lfusl be 25 and able to drive Jason Best 863 Production Plac(' En1ployn1cnt Agency Ne11·port Beach. 61s-roos APPLY 2120 So. l'Ylain. S.A. --sALAO WOMAN-186 East J6th Sl. .. LYN Ne~dcd. night s, 11 to OR TRAINEE Costa l\fesa 7 Al\l, Nursing IIome. \Vorking hout·s l\10n.thru F'ri. LYN & Nurses A"d •. NURSES Aides, day shitt 1 lo 3 PJ'l1. Previous exp. I S £xperiencc prel'd. Laguna will be ackJlO\l'ledgcd. Call Large .Prog':ssivc E~F needs Beach Nursing II om e 833-0600. ext. 2036. Ask for U. Onentation provided by a 494-8075 Mrs. PenninglOn. full lime, in service, educa· REAL Esta1c Salesm('n \vhy TYPIST 10.r. Opc~ings on all shifts. Ii · d · I -D1tfeJ'ent1al pd fo. swingers Top y,·ages, pcnnanen!, hon- e!t, and 1vorking collditlons. in area's leading restaurant. Apply 9 am to 5 pm for in- lcNiew at lovc seat. <)Jive gr e f' n AOK ===,..,,7'~=-c---hrocade: commodest 1 hex· 7712 Gard•n Grove Bl. & bedroom furniluL"e, Blonde GARAGE Sale: 1984 Lemnos agon, 2 square; 'ili!t'(lil. lwin \\lestniinstcr r~~ Block \Vesl l!t'Y\\'ood • \Vakefield dini'!S'. Dl'ive, Mesa Verde, 549-3704 poslcr BR suitr: matt. srt. of Beach Blvd. near G.G. l'OOJn tnb\C', chairs Ii. buUet. Children's furn & toys, ~ ni"ht '"""'· 2 11,_, ,. 0 1o 9 S d 3 rugs, chairs. 1valnu1 tables, metal shed, lawnn1ower. Sat b ~ ·~ rct>wayi ocn .,.. • un 11Y, lamps, bookcases. stools & & Sun 11).(i d1it11·rr cbefits. Also Jan1p~. Hl-6. 1 ----------MANNING'S • p1,..tuJ'C!I, pilloov., -r 1 c , acld cr. Po\vcr nioive.r, pow-GARAGE SALE: 1'.:vf!f'ylhillf>!" "' ,,. MAPLE drop leaf dining er edger & assor1ed tools COFFEE SHOP NEVEP.. USED! 54&-J0.34. talllc $3.'i <1nd 4 inap!c G II 1 b ~ J nd'ed f · under the sun. Sat & Sun 10 24031 El Toro Rd. See at 3117 Cinnamon Ave., 0 .c u_ 5 lU 1 s 0 as-to 5. 3430 Seabreeze Ln, Lelsw·e World Laguna Ilills Apt A. CJ\f \Vindsor t'hairs S:l.l. !C7-l973 i;Orlcd Htnis-, 2915 Cslslpa Cdl\.f, Lusk Homes. 644-2956. 1 ,..-0=~-------LARGE, chronic r1jne11.-. 1Eastbluff1 Ne\vport Bc~ch1----------R37·10l•l 3 PC I ' . \' rn1 ~cl, Ot'C chair, lahlr & 6 n1atchinio: chairs. Fl'i·Slll·Sun. 64~--0006 THE Newporter Inn NEW · \Vht bucket chr, ~taplc din Vcty ~I eon<lllion. call PR!Cf:S SLASHED E:VERY· Appli1nces 8100 rn1 !bl. 2 chr!(., 4 pc ·brlrm &1µofi.11111y Tin1C". TIUNG GOES !fall t sci, coffee lbl. 2 l11n1p thi s, . 1 • • SC~ s, NORGE Automatic \Vasher. I I . SOLfD mnpl" lt ,1,,,, ... , put belly stove, arn101re, 1 1 mod 1 1 1 d l o" pot? .imp. din nn sc1. 4' " ~ .__ 1 l bl ha' k ac e, xn con , ....,_ Ma rine Re staurant cl!r, 291 Flower St, CM Mrs, chest 1v / 50 x 35 mir-cu.:s s,d •, es, c. trs, roc 1 d· * 847-8Jl5 OPENING SOON G42-4"iS2 ror, $SJ. F"ruitii·ood 2 er~. . cs ·s, mirrors, o ~~~--,,-c7c--c~-c- Waiters & W a itresses ==~·~-'--~~-~-I drawer lanip table, $50. glas~. chin3, bric-a-brac. G.E. Automatic \Vashe r, t::.x)X'r senii _ continental NF.\V Bdrn1 set. Queen !iize, 96843002 CENTURY HOUSE ANTI-\'Cry good condition, $35. restaurant s c r vi cc ner. triple dresser & fran1c mir-QUES. 2124 Newport Blvd. * 847-8115 1~11·11 11•""~ KING Si1.c rt-d vc l vf·\ 1---------~ Please con!act !\'Ir. James .,.,,., 1 sc '"""°· A!so 11e11• CM <Just beyond 2ls! St. KEN?ilORE washer, Ex- d I '-d I I I I lbl i><'d•pt'ead $50. T1vo Ol'Ull<'" \V " I Dcmato, \Vcd. thru Sat.. 2 ua '"' ~ iv '''fl n11 c 0~ u•c·~ or sign. I Dealers ccllenl c 0 n d it ion. $35. $"90 64' 1011 naurrahydc rockers S 3 3. I 642 ,720 d pm 10 4:30 pin. 1107 Jan1bo-i~"~·~-~-·~~~~~= 0 'vr· come. -.1 every a.y. ~S.:.3630 673--8811 --~~=~=~=~ 11-"C Rd., Newport Bca('h. l\fT. Airy lnble. 6 chrs S4:tl. GARAGE SALE BRO\VN REFRIGERATOR. 6·+4-1700 ext 553. Buffet 5,150 Teak fi nish Quality king bed, quilled, f.'IINK ~'TOLE, bca.utilul, $50. 2 dr, top t'rccze, $40. peci'ln. -2 years old, cost Complete, unusl'd $98; 11 orlh l\cnn1orc ivasher, WOl'ks * M&-2'231 * newpo rt . personnei .... agency $2179. \Valnut lan1ri tablt' S:.!:il. Afler 5 or ivknds good, S15. Good chess set in S·l-0. 61.1_lti:l'7 817--040G carrying case S:>. X!nl llOTPOrNT Copper t o n e \VA' NUT o · 1 bl 1 k T 1 1 1 1 . elect. drvcr. n1• r.cw S85 nr .• 1111ng roon1 a e. XJO ~: cc 1n ea , c ar;s1c, new ivasher $80. 5-!0-702'l 2 le-aves $2J. Oak cll'CfiSl.'r t.wka1g. etc. 2.132 Colgate ~~~~-'-~~~--1 $8.J. ti7:1-7j28 Dr, C.!11. Ali \v c e k. 6 li1o old uprighl fl'eczcr, ~rl;,...9678. s.1crific('. Sl Zi. 536-6800 not se & be trainc 111 t 1e 40 . yrs or older preferred, & nile owls. Only lho!;e ivho holiest area llunlington \Vlth stron~ bac,~grou1~l on care need apply at 1o,10 \V. Beach. Cati Phil l'l"lcNamee l~~I electr1c. \\Lil lra1_n on \Va rner. S.A. 5-!6-6·!50 962-4471 Village Real Estate F nden f l ex -o -'" r 1 1 r r1-~""=-="=~~~~ DENTAL Reep!. & assistant Pc1"n1anent position w I. JANI TRESS Professional Service for Ne'\' port Beach inail!ng finn. 540-3095 for the employer CUSTOl\J built dining k liv· ing l'OOn1 ful'niture in llun- 1inglon 1-fal'bour honll'. !\Inst go !his v.·cckend. 2 ! J : 592-:".i:m i\1isr. l"urnitttl'(': Living, dln- GULBRANSEN Studio ', Piano, beautiful tone Ir ' touch, pri pty. $265. 839-2400 RARE -Unusual $170 0 Imported Danish Teakwood Spinet piano. Priv. 644-1650 Kl!'l1BALL console piano, n· cellent condition, $000. Call after 5, 644--1161 WANTED SPINETS & GRANDS li36-3620 PIANO WANTED (n3) 8'n·1035 Pvt Party Television 1205 RENT OR BUY COLOR TV $9 Month Up ALSO STEREO-REFRIGERATORS WASHERS OR DRYERS 'f OPTION TO BuY 54:14539 I l' --=~0~=~~1 ADMIRAL TV, 23" Color ·Console, $300. * 543-8681 * J!l" COLOR PortJr.ble TV. 19" black & white $35. 549-4395 Hi -Fi & Stereo 8210 ., 196!1 SOLID Stale stereo. 4 s1Jd, 4 speake1· audio .sy~tem in walnu t console, Take ·I• ov1>r sma;I payments or pay _ cash balance of $73.68. , , Cl'l..>dit ~pl. 535-7289 • • NE\V CE '6!1 1'"M, Stereo & rec. plyr. library of I'Ccords $585 value, just Otthodontis!. State age, SHIPPING CLERK P/lin1e aft 5 pm, Mon-F'ri to and the applicant <iUSllfieations & experience 40 yrs or oldrr preferred for ,1·ork in CM, NB or Irvine 833 D 0 N B I P o Bo 1686 NB 9"""n . over r., , • WALN UT cabinet; piano: 5'Jg..,j6~17 Din sr1; china !{imba!I console lireplc scrn sel. illf!", h1•dron111, rh.'11, Xlnt cond. Ljdo Isle-67:1-7226 lJEC-quali1y sofa, pr vrlvrt chrs, recliner, lamp(!, light fixtrs. Bluffs. 644-1650 $275. 644-4676 FRI-SAT, 12, 13. ANTIQUES ··--------- n1any lan1ps, 2 pr. oak Antiques 8110 c·hairs, $7 ea. 6' v.·al111i1t roll I ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;; top desk $200. Unusual brassi• I ;om;"",.-;==-,,.,---· I & maple dbl bedstead S4:>. AN TIQUE CURTIS Mathes home en-' . . x , .. .wuu 'Vl'appmg &. labeling IH~ area. A.pply at 1!785-2C Sky., 642-3870 549~2743 CLERK TYPIST-JO key add. packages. Perrr:'.'11cnt J_>OSL-park C1rclt>, Irvine. 54().1910 I Calilornia Artists, 311 Main l!on ~1·/ niaihng firm. \VOMAN \\'anled for n:'CT'p-TELLER St,; . SE'al Beaeh. I 21 3_l.. --5-1:J...309J tionist & switchboard. lite 1 wilh at least 2 yrs f'.'l:pert. 431,.1321 Equal o P P l y GIRL FRIDAY lyping. Some salrs. plt>asan! en"e \l'ith bank or S.~L. Age empolycr. 1 Girl Offit·c-Typing, IHc 1vitb public. Prnn!Ulent. Ap-2\~!j_ Salary co1nn1ensu1~1lc e • CASHIER e e bkkpg & clispa.lching. 5 days ply 215 Riverside Ave. HB • with experience. Full tin1c. l\~ature \~-01nan. Expcr. \Vk-good salary. Call for YOUNG girl for habysillin Apply _Do"'ll('~ Savin.gs & Don The Bcachron1ber appt. 6-12-9390 & molh . h 1 p' . g Loan 25866 l\tuirlandr. lloarl. __ ___ er s e per. rivat.e ~1· · v · · 831 '91 t 'I 3001 E. Coast llwy, Cd1.'I FRY COOK rooni. oceanfront 6i3-7876 or ~ssl-On ieJo .... 1' t'. Ask for !\Jrs. Grc~i; Mature, t'Xpcricneed lady 774-1433 ~c~P~P~· ===,~~-~- CLERK-Very ·good v1 I day or evening, full time. ExPERJENCED Conroun;e· EXPERIENCf:D :-.; er vi cc numbers. Son1t' accounting Call for interview l\1arle & Coct ho . 1 A SIJ!,Uon n1an, full tin1c, --.--c-c~~~­DBL bed \V/mall & bo..~ springs. Beauliful drc.<;.~rr w/mirror, brand new. Sac $175 !J68-6Jj6 P.10DERN red Iv. rm. set. 2 end table~. toffee table, bookC"aSC' lhloncleJ SI 00 . 5.?.6--4·130 1714 Pine, H.B. BED-Divan $50. Couch Pr.:.-incial rocker s1;1. like nr11•. 642.S171 $115. Ali r.100. \\'alnut bi.>clt'OOl)1 set I chesl. J sofa. 2 maple rhalr.~. Aft ~ Pi\! -~;}...9124 $ PC J'l·IAPLE DINING SE'f. Xnlt t•ond. MODERN Hide-a-hl'd in on-968·319:> li"u" "''' s~. •"'rlr·" ''""''I• I===~--.--oc~-" ' .. .JU "'u u Tl'fl.QUOISE ~fn. :'I piece $25. ~8-690.1 .<;cction11l S2i"i. !-"air condition. lh I. d · d Callender Pie• 842:4486 · ", •1" r'. •191;;~2· 8 PP1Y pem1anent. Hourly '1•oge + '°cy or prncicc esire · · · ,...., .. on-ri. ,,,,, each · · 0 1· BE.EAKFASTNooktabl<','1;8 .l\fcGregor Yachts, l 6 31 SEAMSTRESS. F'ull or pf. Blvrl. HB see Lori conimis~ion. ver init 11ay <'hairs. Like ne,v. 2 UOLD chairs, oval 1narble 549--0674 Pla-nl•·a A,·,, C'I ti E I'd XI I k al!cr 40 hrs. 900 E. Coast ,.,..lie· 1· bl• 1r·k, ""'" '"' " me., xp. pre · n '.,... MATURE \VOl\-JAN for 1'C'1ail IJwy .. NB. Sll 513-0286 ._.., " " "• " "" v, SECRETARY -ExpericncC!d con<ls. \Varren Blinn Can. sales. RYAN 1-{ARDWARE I ;-,="7.,..-,""'---""-o:-----I·----------962-1789 Oak quilting rocker ~25. SHOW AND SAL E lertainment center, like new t>·l•1chl:, 111ii.e. tten1s. 2473 $2.000,000 Display S:lOO or besl offer. 646-6316. Fain\'H}' o r. CM LI S-1862 fl('vcrly Hilton /lo!cl RCA Stereo, cheJTy wood, 1 GARAGE Sale Sat 9-3 10. 9876 \Vilshire Blvd. looks & sounds like new .. ,SCU Beverly I/ills $115 (cost $600). 968-1589 hout & 1notor, 4 Porta Cahlc July lO, ll, 12, l'.l ski!I saws. Shopstnith, elce Thur, Fri, Sat 1 10 10 r:1nf!C & oven, f>OY>'t!r lawn . k' .1 & Sunda y 12 to 6. n1owcr, misc 11, utens1 s ~porting Goods 1500 housel]okt items. 9 19 2 ANTIQUE CLOCKS for sale !!OBIE Surfboard, 9'3", &ood Albany Circle. HB. 962..0.162 • \\'Orking. cundition $51). C0i\1Pl Houseful of fw·n, cur;\ 260 Victoria SI.. C.M. l --,;;..,,-~•~644--0=-c"~'-*-,,,.-,--·I 1 hookca.<;C's &. b~nks, rt'lrig. OOLLS. Jewelry, PfctUL't'S, 12 Ga auto, poly choke, leak furn, f1Sh1ng &. cain-Glass,vare Furniture.,. 1201 vent. Rib. $95. ping equip, child;; bikr.. S. Van Nc;s, S.i\. 842-4526 misc. F·r1. Sat, Sun. 6121---------- Bcgonia Cdl\t • 8120 Miseell1neou1 8600 S horth and. PI't"ferably vass Prod's. 646-463? 1024 Irvine, N.B. 642-1133 l.fGft for 12 furn. 2 B1-. uni1s FOUR poster hl'rl $20. End Mf SC. l!ou!ir-hold !w·ni!urc, \\'ANTED: Customers. Sal. Sewing M1chines over 30. Good ivith !ii,,'Ures. PBX/ Admitting, part • time Ask for Phil. w/pool, adults only: for tohles $3.50. Misc('Jlaneous. IXl'vcr n1ower. furniture & mh1c. items 3057 19G~ SINGER \Vilh iig-rog & POWER Mowt'r 1 yr old NB Call ~1.. Innes k Ki H · 1 part rent. \Vrite Daily Pilot 32 'I ,.. C •1 11 • ·~, • • _,....n • _,.,.. CM i b w/cntcher $3.'i. Metal file 1 64~ u •· -wee' -e1 s, osp1ta ex~r. BABYSI1TER, 7:30 lo 5: ]j Box M·?.3l. I .. _on!c v 1.~la, "' . * · ........,,v;,, ..,.,, '"' .......... · \Valnut conso c. l'rl11.k~s-ut-Cl'hlnct SlO:--Clll' rack $7.S() only. Contact; M. E. Ell1on wk. days. Rcliablr, must ~=z::==zo=====~==========..'..~.====~-°"'====-1 ton hole~. des1.e;ns etc., $,l.25 Call S46-90lB RECEPTIONIST • Book, keeper, Medical o trice. References. Pl1one for in· te~le\v. 5-15-9441 642-2734 enjoy children . Boys, age.~ --BEAUTIC IANS--Furniture 8000 Furniture 8000F urniture 8000 '" ·~·~· ~°'~$~36~·~"':,'~·~•h;-~5~2&-<6;;:;:"~ lroRT:Mii:E!;a;;JJY-;;;;;; I COCKTAI L \Valre¥S, )'Oung, 10 & ]. Call aft 5:30 545-5464 lie your o'vn bosi>. J:cntcd -PORTABLE Family pool at 1 r a ct iv c. Howt1rrl' !:!pact': Reasonable. 847-!1164 MOslc1I Inst. -8125 Aqualine by Doughboy $100. CHRlSJ'IAN 1.ady to ca.re for SE" R s PAN Is H ~ Niagara C).>clopad, nearly Rrs~ran1, l\1r: Angelo. my chl.ldm In my ab.o;encc. 6 .. 11-elircd couple to FENDER JAGUAR new $12:i. 64M!l82 Delta! Recfpl. & Bkkpr. 4~74 for appo1nlment. wks. J'llust llkr beach. C'lll manage apL~. ~xper. PO • GUITAR Exp. oc rollogo. ~5. H 0 USE KEE p ER OR '7>-2829 ·Bo' 2GS. CM Cahl. 92•Z1 • MEDITERRANEAN 3 \Vhl Huley lrame, drawing ,, ~""" ~ CUAtom finish 1vith deluxe lbl cl ••-t •~ Oli 54<n>VUU HELPER for widower. part MATURE WOJ'ltAN care for JANITOR. Man & "'ile to custom ca&e. Like brand e, ouro::s e c . .......,,, ve, WAITRESS · Uml'!. Call mcrrn1''1-gf tcacht'r's 2 00ys' plus 11_' pack bread . Also e:<tia help As Shown In Model Homes n<'WI Original priCI! ;450. Apt A, H.B. F.venlng Shilt 847-t-129 , housekeeping. Must drh ·e. for bakery. 642-.~103 W'1at •n 9xciting icene! Your home c a~ come alive with our 9!1morous Sacrilice for $225! Coll II.fl l<fOBU..E Radio Phone Call 545--9863 ?itEOICAL Recpt/SoCty for Re.f's ·~· 842-4117 decorator-Correl•ted p~ck49el Living room includes: Luxurious Sof• 6 pn1. 642-0582 4 • c~A'!."~~ very ttuon· ) S PE C IAL lit A C 11 IN E Dr's oUice i~· 11.J:l. Send URGENT NEED for a Den. Schocls-lnstruction ?600 and Love Sea t in quilted floral fabrics. l Spanish Oak Tables, 2 distln· GUITARS, Amplifiers. P.A. able.~ OPERATORS. Ex~rieneed. n;sume 10 Daily Pilot Box laJ Assistant. or.ti SUrgtl')' ORGAN-PIANO guished Conqui1tedor Table Lamps. "Hec:iende" Bedroom: Sp•"i1h zyt;'tem,; & ('Cho chambers. l4' Boot w/ 35 hp motor. ~ p., 493 ofc. X-Rny exp, a musl. LESSONS Triple Dreiser with Frtmed Mir:or, Kin9·1ize Headboerd , 2 Commodes. Best Offer! 642-1017 ~;ca 910 Penn. rtt:l. ' RELIEF cook. full Of J1 a r I PRACTICAL Nurse. 3 pm-9 MS-m9 Elementary Ii. advancM. All 5-Pc:. Wrought Iron Dinette Set, Spenhh Oak hexagon tod. Must be 5 S"I'RING Kay Banjo cnse -~=~~~~~~~I ) • Im e. \Viii li:_a~~J&42-804 l. pnl 5. d~. wttk. SlO per 'J'Y==p=1sr~-=re_m_p_p_o_,~,-H~. o-,-. types of musiC!. Your home seen to be truly appreciated • , . so come in today! Price elsewhere tncl. Llkc new $85. 642-7800 * LARGE Pool table, ball1 Eves After 4 li'\2-6276. day.,5:!6--$("' Mature, rcRporuiiibl<": llC· or n1y Studio. 64~+<1255 eves. a t $8•5.00, f or 6'12--7771 ~5-~ Inc luded $45. •I WOr-t:ANr.~ kitchen v.'Ork. • MAIDS • Hotel/Molcl c:ura le, able lo ui;c die>-EducatlDMI V:i.calion 51h N I $43 9 • ~:.,.c-==~~~-~~I ' full or pl time. Call bet. LI Experience. $1.85 hour. tapho!K!, 61;'"~0 gtader~ Sr Cilizcm IRA D NEW SPI CIAL SALi ' Pi1not & Or91n1 8130 AQUARIUl\l 15 gal, &alt & & 5 Pr-.t 30-4318 Call 673-9410 · l\IAWE'S \Vig & Beauty Chllcoot Ht l~sson typing • C•" be purch•t•cl 1ep•r•l•lv l•~MAMl ~tt4~D 1 fl-e!lh water w/!Jt:ht. pump. l HAMMOND • Steinway· YA· 1111 &: 11.cce~ ••" fi'/'5.""..,. Part Tyne CASHIER Apply Of:NTAL ASSl'., exper. 111 S11lon rl('lli!'f's Hair stylist Sehl. Trial Les!S-On. 173 Del E•1y Credi! l 1rm1 I maha • new & Ulltd piano. ei· · · -... """" PORT" THEATRE, eves. close chain1ide. Xlnt. op. W/hair picre exp. Sal11.ry & J.1ar. C.M. 54S-~9 , ~-~-~IZ'l!O-~!l!l!l'-~11'>--"' w l'OU•TK IT ot o.U makes. &It buyi rn LGE Davenport, hr. clean :.!~~o~ :~·~~:::. n Or)lt Li;:;~ty~::4~per. STA. if~;;'~~~~~:M:~1n1C aea~~~~o ~!!-~,.~~N~s~, .. -r. JSAUHJ~m~RNEA lll!ff~~~ 54''1"T:•l•8•9. So;;&~~~i&fh!1~Sic co.. ::s,~~Accorc11on, ... -time, Fathion& for La rem-. n1'1o.-l Children. fl4f's. ~ een·1 t".lt:anina. lUc.cooking. -U.C.l. Mu•ic. Majo.r-. _ca.u -ltftlJU w"te.,...1...,.._ Sot. 1w ;;;;. s.rn. 1,_~, -V., ~ -_ --~:1007" N. Main, Ette)lt!_opedla~BritM.nlca -;i--- n1t. "Nt~'Pt Centir 644-0170 ~ das'a. Mr. Barkley 67J.-0820 ' Br'\1:e 5464178. ll!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!i!!!!!lii!i!iii!!!l!!l!!l!i!!!!ll!!lll .. Santll Ann ___ ._548-_94_9;_•_._. _ _, -· • 'I ' I I ' ! .. 1 ' ' .I ' . J • I I I -. ., .. -............... .. . . ' . . .. . ' .-... .• . . ' .. . . . . lllc:kll'ID111 l'Olt I MIRCRlNDill l!Olt " F.R. EE TO YOU I'm'"" LIVISTOCIC TllANSl'OllTATION 1A~! .&NO TllAOI SAL! ANO TRAD!_ H'"" N30 llllllOlta 9010 Mhceflan.ou1 l600 . Mltcellineow NOO•l·AN-~111-lalllc-,-.-~-b-.-.-.-,-,-,-., __ FO_UR_BO_X_ST_A_l_J_-,-SUMMER SALE II 1 iiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiii!!ii!iiiiiiiii l;;;~;;;;,;;;;;;5-;;;::-;;I ioal baired oat named Sim 2 CORRALS $20 II G 6 A~ ClomPl'QIOf 5 HP, al (ahl Ui an It! I Nce41 a iovi-~ I ANTIC pl. '"'" • ,,..,. ..,..., ,.. home. eau ..... 11ott. =========-munetlc 1t.tner, be i t man, &C-317D between t 0.--1. 1••• IUIJ'd, Uted 90 ~; oria:. a.m. le 5 p.m. 1115 LlYff1~ .w 0>tt S825. teU ~ cash. 1-• t .... , ALF•LFA HAY 642.M62 tvt J.IOM J1 t ·~ o p~ nr: '!"' * * * · follow the JIUtt'o<.'Ute lltUe $2.IJ 111.:-$47. ·-y9" SAT & SUN t~S OZAJU<'S lllclcory cl!ipa 1°' ""'' -· ' wkl, hoal<I,,,. 637-6143 POTPOURRI •moJ<11ii ~ B-l>Qu•. ' i,.., &;! cotallna, Lai Bch. "'T"RA=·N"'S.,:PO;;:.,ttT°'A;;T;,l"'O"'N'"-lb bq1 $2, Includes deliVtt)' 497-1838 7/12 Chairs 11·$65. Solas, draper-cha.ratt. ~nd check or M.O. MUST Find ~ ~-1 .~ ... & y~L.o.... --tes, palntinf!I, MlrpetillJ", to H.A. XomulaW, .21:9 \Y, ......... ,,.,."'' QC' --,.nr. TVVV !Un, Unusual clothes, antlqu. ().rt.ton, Ontario, Cal, 91161 OW' 4 mos, old female OoJI:. ri:,lobJectsorart,etc.111 --------ile-Cocke:r-1'•nier pupp'/ OAVIOL l'RAS"R DESKS, ch&1n, bookcuel. and o"' -·--•·•-Tom , • E N. Ma,pleton Drive, Hctmby ,,..,.-,._.._. 30• Ra Sioo Hilla: corner of Sun&t>I It add Inc rnachlne1, kitten. M6-2'139 7112 wson p Tennis Court Sile O)RoNADO M Will W.. ml OOJt~AOO 25 .-,won demo CX>RONADO 2! be:at ht baat SAVE ON DEMONSTRA'ro!lS SABOT SALE $250 aailaway SNO\\'BlJU) , • $350 wltdr 2912 W. Cot1t HJahway Newport , Be:ac-h &tS-0810 VlKllllG ~· SI o op, IM· DIUl!la~ ""· Bttt available In t~ 1 1 e e t • Choice $1,800. Slip available. SaUlJlc ltuori• tree to new owner. 66-D ry~wrllen, draftlng tablec. Extra clean: Extras pllll! J.taple:ton. (Bevrrly Hilla wute basket&. 120· w. !7th DARLING Kllttn, I: puppies Htn&:ed ma1_t, late ~d. 27, SOUNG l"!!.,..~'l!!!{!!i!i!l3!!1 !!"7f!!!·2'~12!j.!!!!!!!!!!!1!] St., CM. 543-MtS who pl&)' IOl;tlher avail to Jngpect A: oUtr, I~ Whit" "TOUJtht Iron chain;, "VlN:,,:cY.;;Lc.T-"1"-L°=E". L:.:;.i .-.-1-,-,-m-,1 ~~ r~~Nr~~e: 34j~~~ giipciu:.A~~rt Im~~ ~!~ery $5. e11.ch, ladies dl't'sse~. A&phalt Tile -Beaut.ltlol! col· Edircrl. 7/11 m~ • ~9'-39.16 Eves. Ntwp0rt * 613.20$J su.llll It roat5 SJ 10 SI:->. on a nc:I patterns. Free Pants. lhorta, blou5cs $2 10 eatimatea. Uc. Con t r . TINY Black male toy poodle, VENTURE it Pulpit, life -~. (all .Clu>s 10 to 121. 548-44'18 -1 tho. old. Champion llni!, T!lOJApt llntl, cockpit, rails, std. dltC' ~-h' ~i. · S" 6 z · must giw up. X I n I * San DltiQ • ..U. + club Jib, chain/HU ..,_ ,._,"""" 1µ.e rr to . ~'BARGAINS! Rtfli&', $25. ~·/chldrn ~ 7/12 CLEARANCE SAU; ~~::" jSl to $4. Girl1 Wuher-manile $25. Ladiea,1-6_::..._= .. =.'-';..c:..,c:..:=--Sho,,=ta ~· Sta Skill ........ $7989 =rht°~~~· sips l 'blo &. .. ~ket, Pan I 1 • b 1 c y c It S 2 5. De 1 k, ._. .... .:.. bromk ' poPartPPY;.. __ k 28' Sea SkUt ....... , $12,500 ~ OURS, w.cUl"S, sweaters """"'writ.r. It mttal file '"""'"'se en. .........-er .,., • .,._ v .,.,. FIBERGLASS 21' Sk>op, sl,.. { · I 10 ...,,.... •-n...v.. V '"" ndl .,.., -• ayqer '" • $31,a.v ..-SW! to 12. TO)'s, books, cabinet $25 all 6'7l-3Q3 ..-vu.v· ery ,..e 'J. 2$40 Shelter laianc:t Dr. 4, 1&1Jey, enclosed head. games I: misc. su.-0317 · 644-0896 7/12 71'·. -•106S Da.cron sails, roller rttllng, SPECIAL! Soft W a I e r , =-=~:;·~-;:;:::.:;::.. __ NEW DISCOVERY gives softener. 89c for so lb. bag. SIX Klttel'I!, 10 wkl. ~' 1 ffBERGLASS Supply center outboard. NICE! T R Y bald men hair again! Not a ABC Lumbc'r, 140 E. l?th slamese-p~blackorbe;a-e. now In CM-NS area.lri$_2300,;,o-·,-,J7m~y.;61~5--'5ll<I=-~ painrul tra111plant or VC· St.. C.M. Open all day Sat., To &aod home. Sfi.,4!11 Everythirw for your boat. 11• DAY Sailer. Complete pensive: hair wea\'e, our new ~.>a .. Sun. after S:OO 7114 equipment, lncluclea Ol'llhore ha. 1 1 -1 ~ surfboard, et.r or home. boa • lf'P ece rom " ... nsparen 2 ADORABLE kltt bOX!d Bal lala.nd mo o r I n g , artificial skin defies detec-SHOPSMITH Mark V $150, itni, Boat ruln 11pecial now only Phf!lne: Ms..3.131 tion, & antlquatea all other china cab, wood din att $30, trained, 9 week• old l $3.95 cal ttlaJI. Wind " an' l ,.-,=-o..-"°'c-~-~- methodi. Fin. l\'ail. Orange baby fum, canopy bed $10. malle~, 1 •tr i•p t d · Sea, 1TJ7 Superior. C.M. LIDO 14, ll&ht lllue, dac. Co. Ha ir Replacement Cntr. 96S-3692 M~05 7111 642-7607 sail• w/traller, good cond. 433" N. Tutilin, Orange BABY -crib \Vith m&tt.: 4 CUTt 1 wk old kilteM 2 --'EGG. HARBOR $?SO. 9IU-360.1.. 633-0431 baslnette, comp: Hard\OIOOCI black. 2 blk &. w h I ~ S!n Dieao * IT O'D~ paysa\ler playpen: 11:r: 12 maternfty S4&:-0TI4 7/14 2 Dsl Ea:g Hbr.s .Ol1played .Demo $1~ -Used $1350 *AUCTION* U you wUI sell or buy &:Ive Windy a tr:· Auctlona Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Sam Behind Tony's Bldg. J.1at'l ~ Newpoprt, CM 646--8686 WESTERN wagon, \l•het\ cype liihting llxtutta: 2 grffn naugahyde ttclining chain. Doon, w I n do ·w . Artllicial fl0Wt>r1, Maple bookcase. Call to 1 e e between 5 and 9 p:m. weekdays or anytim e weekends. 642-3526 COLDSPOT' rehii:".. t\idt-e.· bed liO!a, desk, divan, out- board motor, maple dlnetrt, vaC11um. E!Utl lower, '62 Rambler conyertlble, '62 Melro va n, 2481 TUstin, CM 646-SOZJ PLUSH Nylon carpet, plus pad, approx 100 aq yds . oU· \l'hite color. XLNT eond,. ()n be seen In q . wall-~wall setting at 2006 1-lolida:, Rd .. N .B. 548-6860 tor appt. All 0Htr1 conaid. HEAVY-duty roti>-tillrr. 3 spttds Jorward. 1 reverse. Excellent condi tion. For sale gr trade for lronl throw lawnmower, P<l"''er e:dier and/or '! 64z.M88 19" 3.5 HP Rotary '-tower, S.38. Craft1111en 3 hp lawn edpr, $35. Bowlin,; ball 12) w/case1, SlJ ea. G.E. undtrcounier dishwasher. repairable $25. 968-5&30. KIRBY vacuum c I ea n er w/atlach. polisher. Xl..NT al/Id and a:u11.r. Pay of! bal1l.flce of $39.67 or take over payment1. C!:edit Dept., 535-T/89 clothell. $25 tor all. ~793 FREE klttem:. Aaaorted col· Ne\v Trojan Glasa Raider~ 14' O'Oay used • · • •• · · • $500 HI-f'I record player $20. on, 6 wkl old & houatbmk· Trojan D~Uaed Specials Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa Professional tlectrlc mu-en. 499-tlSll 7/14 2a-tO Shtltnr I~land Dr. 26' T·B1RD Sloop 3 saila, &. sage roller; take ctf lnchts BUCK Kitten, ~~ Siamese, '9.714-22~7065 1 Pi nnaktt. SpeMomet.r, S35. 644-0467 had shotl, tr a In ed . '61GLAS.SPARCJ1a11 0 n. Pulpit, 10 hp, eng. $3650. CARPET 5'S-4032 7/11 lnboard-OUtboard. 1l0 Mere. 1 ~Bo=b~Ed=wudl~~· _&t_>-_1_40_3~ Shags, tv.'eedJ, hi-lo pile. All 6 Free klttelll, s \l'kll, old, Cruiser with po"·er jtt &. OLYMPIC Finn No. 141, 3 colors. Free eat. Lie Contr. lovely Iona hair@d, varied power trim. Full cowr. sets of 1aill, 1 new North ;)46...4478. colon. 6'J5..29Cll 7l11 Ready to enjoy. A 11 trailer. $850. 644--2911 ma!nteM.n~ recnrds. 1 1, MAHOG .. ~ RADIUS alcohol 2 burner TOP Soll . you dig, eully. O\l'Jler. KI 6-444-1 ·t' ..... ~ ~ Enterprise. stove. $30. Portable ras Brin& own containera. 310 I.,;;::_:;;:;.:,"";;;.;;.=~.,,..~ Meuured.· ftaclnc equip, engine: genetator $ 2 5. Coral Balboa Island. 7/14 23' SLICKCRAFT '64; 200 $800. 988-4076 aft 6 pm. SU-9863"" • HP, Inlercepter, Volvo out· GLOBEMASl'ER Trfrnaran J PUPPIES, >ti wks old, drivr: rectnt o'haul. 2 26• all fblp. A-1 cond. Misc. W1ntecl 1610 ~~=· Be:aile mo_~~g ~~9l head. Xlnt cond. All extras. ST100. 642.-9980 INKY black 1'ersian/Siart1ete: 115,;c, '-.00""LPU°="IN"""o-"~'board~~~65 J.1.ARINER 2 + 2. One: monlPI .Jdt1alL1rt.e:•to loving home. hp Mercury.--Xlnt ~t ~d. head, callty, -®)ljpn1, 644-2928 Eves. 7112 , Trailer It many extra•. Slllf:"l3495. 6'.>-CISIO WE PAY MORE RABBIT, Yng male. all Make oUer. 67s..IM69 or 1 . .100 14 - -black pet to &d home. Jt.B. -673-7340 New hand trJr: 67U732 U&-9144 'l/14 19' Glastron, DI cu. in. com· CORONADO 25 CA-SH . . S Mitten toed klttena ready For lurnilun, 11.ppbances, 1Dr adoption. l wh.lte 4 tabby colored TV, pianos, orrans _ 5 wka. 4M-3838 7/U plelely overhauled, n1w mp Extras. Otter. -67~~46 and antiques. Day or nii;:ht 636-3620 4-full cover. 2 llw • ball Kayak for 11le. aark1, A-1 cond. * 5J6..m2 * TAKE These 2 fuzzy little I :1;;;2825~;-.,-,=,,.-,.,.,.,..,.:::675;.~-:::=95 ======== lrttten1 or we 'll drown them. 18' GLASPAR Seafair Sedan. Powe~~~rvl1er1 9020 6~ 7/U Fully eltctrie, 75 h.p. Even-I rude, elec bait tank, full cov· SKIPJACK 20 Open CruiMr. Cover all Orana:e I.: LA Co'a FREE: Green tytd killtn, er, American traJler. 615-4608 SIS. All extru. Like new • WANTED :;>~ ~i S 1 am e ~1'i2 17 P.11TCHEU. Cabin Cruiser cond. S4&..69J7 dayi only. FURNrruRE l'oO hp, M'°"1!0Ch eng. v-28' TS CRUISON, V-<l•I"•; "' Siamese male kitten ~·J s .~ c TOP CASH JN JO Mlnutu black, XLNT manner,, clean. $1400. Days 53'1-8717 S/ ta1111.11. SA RinCE! Quallty--furnitutt, color TV's, 646-1S38 7/1 .. k ailu S. aJ9-33n.. 6~912 or S48-28M stereos, ap~, toala, 2 PARAKEETS & CAGE JS' Stephens Sed. Cruller :i~ Saeed--Skl 801h ft»O oJ!kc equip, * 6~7171 * prox ·~1. Finell! bit. XU.'T J... _ 531-1212 7/12 cond. 1'.tust Sell! 846-9518 MUST SP-II? Leaving lor $ WE Buy $ KtTTENS-7 "''ka old, ready 19' AMERICAN Mark. 8' Europe. 19' Jet Drive •pffi) w leave mother for home of beam. Fllil canvu, 75 hp boa.t. 427 hp, seal.I 8. $ FURNITURE $ !\la own. 548-1591 7/ll Evinrudt. $2000. MS-4389 covered engine. Ftn e~ne APPLIANCES z GOOD •-· 9 lri•b "t-g• FIBE'RGLAS dine m. e Red "'' chrome. Ju!t ,1 _ 1u ,..,.,.., purchased for $5000. Be~! C9 ., !" •-"•11•'-Stw••'• ter-poodle: pupple1, 5 wka HP Sea King outboard. oUer over $3900. Includes I ''•ct •r Hovi• Fvll old &46-8091 7/11 Near new $225. 641hl124 1 .... canvas cover! & big CASH IN JO MINU71S 1..::;:·:...:::..:::: ___ _:.:,:: = • 541~ .. 531 • ORANGE Urer cat, young SABOT Hull, xlnt cond. trailer. Call &6-2564, Dover · ·===-..-.. ----I female, movina; East . Ready for rlU;lng or motor. Shores, NB. for appt. to see WANTED: tor re.st.le on MB-2819 7/11 I ~$c.7&:.,·=''-'7l-4=7°'54~al~lor~.;.'-~-it! cons~gnment, ladles, cJrls BOXER. Ftm. houae:brkn 1' fIBERGLASS 0 In r Y •1 ~21-' ~RA~Y~so=N~Cra!~~I-. ~Dt~,,~y OLYMPIC Stereo ron~le, quality apparel; f u r 1, tree to aGOCI h 0 me hind trailer. S7:-l. Call hull, Campbell type deck. like new, 2 box spring & casuals, cockta.ils, jewtlry, 6'13-1014 7/11 5"9--09:14 Ideal for 1kiln1 or overnlte mTV'.',"". ~~s1.4~ black&. v.·hite ~. 19o3•1d,in9g .. 2."'s·.'31JC. nty store. P .. E:.T:;S::...:•:;;•;:d:..::Lo.IV:;E:.S:.T:.OC::;:;:..k BEGINNING sailing ltlllDn!, w Catalina. Power Mere ......,,... ..u ....,.... .7or ... 10 hrs ol lns1ructions. $53. cruiser. Can be seen at 7565 Dl::CORATING? TROOP 344 will accept any Dogs 8825 :~S.::;::k::..;:•Sc::;hoo;:;:l:.-'::;4:;>-,:.74.::2::_4__ Acacia St., Garden Grow. I have 4 quality, heavy mlr· camping, hiking It cooklna; ---------g· Sailing Pran\ 893-7594 days. aft 6 ~ ror !;C-Ctions, each 3'x3'9". equipment. 1162 Dorset Ln, ALASKAN ?iialamutes-, laled It all equipment. Slti. Jerry Jardlne All 4 for $100. 543--:.623 C.til. 546-3663 do& pupa), AKC, beautlflll * 537.94sg * 14' GLASSPAR w/75 hp O\lt· SINGER &e\l'lng mac h. DELUXE STEREO colorln1, rreat lamUy dog~. I ~16..-. ~G~LASSP-==.,,_~.:.75~,~.-,~ .. ~.-rc. brd Johnson motor. $795. "'/cabinet, buttonholer, in Ar.t1n1 solid state 70" con. friendly, lovlni, euy to FL~h &: SKI BOAT. 1975. See at Bl.yahorf: Park K.S gd. cond. $7:-l. af ter s pm, sole. 150 wait min. No tra.ln. Perfect show dogs, !>-10-6944 or 546--0J'iO Ph: 642-2301 5J6-60Zi walnut. 499-34),2 ~ for breed In I: 19• Johnson surfer, 210 OMC C 0 MP LET E barber \V >.NT ED OLD TOY Rqatered purebred, SU5 TO' Glis1par dinghy Inboard/outboard en11:. All cquipm't 64 Modtl ~Y & TRAlNS MADE Bl:FOREl..:•!:cp._492-35=.=.c"=------=='='='°=· =*='=""=""== lb&l1, convert. top. 85 hrs.1 "''hlte. La~ outside neon l!H5. Phone 642-..QJ82 RARE AKC puppie1, Jt11.lian -Trading up. $4600. 846-2204 sl(n. 5431320 I ;=:::=:::=:=:=;== rreyOOund m In I a t u r e 1 Sa::.:ll::;bo::;a::l.:• ____ 90:.: I 0 ~ .•• 1 kl u ~ Mlchlnerv, etc. 1700 Perfect i>tl. Lovable &. c 20 1 al Boat M1lntenance 9033 ......... ty ng bee!, qu t , J.. clean. Reasonablt. Vista, AL ' Nit on Champion. Complele, unused S98; \l'Orth STEAM BOILER , ~":c'-.-<i-.'S8:c:.-~~-~--Xlnt cond. New boat balh & \VANTED: Live • aboard $250. After S or wknda, 1, Seagull f.fotor. 9 6 8 -2 8 3 3 prvlg aboard 35· + sailboat 847~06 Industrial Steam &Uer. Par-PURE· 8 RED German afttr 10 a.m. in ~xch. f(lr 20 hri;. per mo. NEWPORT Beach Tl'nnis ktr 10 h.p. Good workl.n1 shorthalr pointer pupp!ts. 5 r =~n-u~E-S.~u-.,--,~o-,-,-,-.-.-,-: pref. malnt. Excel. local Club Family r.1embersl1ip. condition. \Vorking pressure wkl dew claw• 6: falls dock-Danish Double~ndtr & rel&. 548-3341 E\'es. $780 1'300 below cos1 I You 01 lM pounda. l&50 548-5613 ed, XLNT animals at S75· mooring. For ftirlher in---------- PflY tram. lee 833-1469 after 6 pm. 548-4918 fonnatk>n call 54G--8493. CARPfi'lNG Good cond. 110 DRILL Presa. Craftsman DALlitATIAi'J • ~II marked, 26' AUXILIARY Sloop le yds. light ~Id-nylon 175. ttal nll'e cond. With bench. 6 mo a o Id, TT'l a I e, moorrtlg. fully equipped. 703 f.1 arigo!d Corona del S6S comp!. MG--Oll? thoroua;hbttd, excess in-l'itust lff! Anv reaaonable ==='======! cl/ahotl. 61)...4175 ~ Mar after 5:30 p.m. FREE TO o!fer a<"Cepted. 96i-4126 1'.IUST CO! l'i1iscell. h&ehold YOU 4 OARUNC black or gald•n LIDO 14 • $800. 2 sails, rac--Labrador pupple1. Good items, size 14 I a d I e 1 NEED Perm, home for brttd. $lO each. ~ ing equip •t B a h I a clothing, je\l"elry 6: more. Corinthian YC. 213: 693-9193 842-7<»6 unrlaimE'd, lo.11t cal. f.fale, lRISI{ Setter, male, 3 nm, 714: 871-2317 ~=.;:;-..,.,,,..,=,,,-,==I blacit It wh .• w/7 toe1 each ahow quaJlty, ltrms to lht CLOCKS: Liquidating part of l~t. v_ery lov11.blt. Pleut rlrht home. 642--0065 * Cal 20. No. 51:->, bit-in 1a1<, co!lttlion. Good pr ie rs . give him a home A; 58.tJtl-"--------bow, pulpit. mlt, xlnl cond. Dealers ""lcomt. 637-91a& him from the p 0 u n d , TOY Poodle pup AKC brown 644-11S6 JO" GE elec 5tovc Jully auto. &12.-5308 7114 inale 8 "·eekil KITE In v~ry good ra.cln& . ~ 6~7i18 -SlOO. Twin bed tnme~. root 2 S\VEET Kittens, ready tol ---=.:.;::c.:.:=..__ corid. hand t r a l I e r · N OW'S T ff E A: bdbrd. SJO set. 494-2113 l\\"C with )'OU: wtaned. l BUCK Min. Poodle Pups $2~ $350 64:2--2111 S6S Wind & Sea bellyboanl beige, 1 11"J/wht. ~ 7 .wk.I. 2 fem, 1 male LEHf.fAN-10 XLNT cond used IX S20. TV 21"' new Adorn bit 962-6486 w/top rack. gd. sail $350 or TIME FOR tubt SJS. •94--0&111 Bl.ACK gJeek l StreamHned LABRADOR. fem. 6 mo. all offer. 54M885 8x5x4 IJTlLJTY trlr: expndbl kittens, Real cracetul to !lte shota. Very aft'ectionate s25. JIG For \l'Ooden raclnr S.e.bot aldei. 2 Dunlap nyln Hre1 ... 11.bsolutely free. 201 30th1 _9'S-0 __ 1'_•______ "'11h conalnictlon p I an a. QUICK CASH 9.SOxl4, ltke nu. 675-4!'7S St. NB 7/11 POODLE puppies, b I a ck 064,'2-S=-"lll8"'-~~--~~ I 13,.:...CPC'c=--:Lug~-.... --~$1~0.-..T'°•'°'bl~e: I FREE To qua.I home, loWly mlnl1tw'e, aholll Ii ptpen. 2 S°ABOT Sa 11 boat. Brand poup with tamp $25. SiJc 14 spayed Shep. mix. Gentle, M, 1 F. MM2JO. new, comnl,te. Nttda paint. THROUGH A clothes SOe:-$2. 642-1M6 hsbrkn, ideal fur adults ot WHITE Mlnlatul'f! Pnodle1, $1~. 54&-6565 aft 6 P.M. • 9xl2 ru& & pad Sl5. 2 men's older chUd. 548-0813 7114 no p1.per1, 7 \l"ks old. $25. 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 suits (Eafle-44 l S2S each, RABBffS. 1 buck Ii 2 does, each. 841.JS.41 ' SAC. A8 JS. e69 So. St. ~tMo. DAILY PILOT like nt'tli'. 646.-8738 A cqe. To retlttd couple FOR Sale Doxie pupplc1 \V, Covina 1'21J) 795--0569 eve G & ll OFFSET Printing only. No children pleue. femalea, brown, SABOT, frbip. racing ttar. (dlte0unt on order 200 A: aver) G7S-24-4a 7111 S4G--0&8? trlr, oan, paddle, $325 or WANT AD 17'7 H Rivenlde, NB M2.fm0 3 PUPPIES. (small dorll IRISH Sttter pupplt1, I wks. best. 67J-4.t91 ELK i.tt pump $12.!IO. ONC part poodle, black. 2 moa. old. Ollmpk>n blood lhw.co :;,:L.;.:;..,22::;;:., .;.51;::..--,0~~~ I ..._... 7/14 AKC 531 ......._. OOt>. .8. Htad, 6 cal.Ion p.s container ·~. Ille., O.c . ...U.. $29SO. eves. 642•5678 $12.30. 54&-al68 MALE German Shepherd, !i">TlU n""-··n==·E~Rl7.ES=',~v= •• ~.~c.-,.-."12~ l (rite to &'OGd home, blbkrn. Herses 1830 21 0 U'> .,. "" ' AUR RA Sloop, slttps 4, V $5.!fi ex, JUI.I'· 18 mo. Pay '62-&W 7114 Y&.\RLING Stud. xlnt cond. head, 3 sails, motor etc. SL~ !:14tt. ~ ADORABLE Black klttemi Beautiful, unlrnd, \l•UI be SIMO. ~8-4075 after 6 p.m. 8, CUSTOM • u r 1b 0 a r d w Ith w h 11 e m It t f n • rood jumper. Bell oiler. KITE No . m. raclna cond. perfect condition: l yur old 54&-8644 7111 Call R.ebe«ll. ~ w/hand dolly A cowr. $600. $)). M7-6:1111 sERVEL Rdrlltrator, \I.wk· RiC. Path ~ Arab ttalllon. 54&-89'15 NEWPOl\T Bch Ttnnls Ouh Inc mndlUon. ~ yrs, Orn-brokt. Gd. con-I 's-'Niio:i.WB~JR"'D.,..-,N"'o-. "'n=1'°w..,lr-ood-o family memherthltf. S«IO « fU..228-4 7111 firm. $415. 494-lftl Milt. sand dollty, coYW . be<! ollu. 6'Jl.71l112 ut 6 ELECTRIC DRYER-COl\llALS ror ""' !1s & 115. 64M<ll HO ma tier ...,._ It aa. you &-~tm T IJ2 $25. Santa .\111, ll•lahta ;;RA~Cl;iNiGO-:.S.~bo"t.-.,-w-,......-..,,. CM ttll n wtt.11 • DAll..Y TREE kittma. houaebl'Oiten, atta. 54()...()925 •nd tXb'al. Ukit ntW. PlLOT WAHT ADii fC.~ 1 Y"b old. 543-&35$ 1/IJ cttA..RCE your want ad now. 61J...M91 • f • • • • . ' • • .. . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' Are You-Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers < See If You Have Any Of These. Things A . .. --·-DAILY PILOT WANT~AD , 1. Steve 2. Gult1r 3. Baby Cr;b 4. Electric Saw S. C1m•r• 6. Wisher 7. Outboard Motor I. Sttrao Set 9. Couch 10. Clarln•t 11. Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing Machin• 14. Surfboard 15. Machin• Tool• 16. Dlshw•sher 17. Puppy 18. Cabin Crui11r 19. Golf Ctrt 20. ·B1rometer 21 . St1mp Collection 22. Dln1tte Set 23. Play Pon 24. Bowling Ball 25. W1ter Skit 26. Preexer 27. Suitcase 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Bar Stools 3'2. Encyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleaner. 34. Tropical Fl1h 35. Hot Rod Enuipm't 36. File Ci!t blnet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterllng Silver 39. Victoria n Mirror 40. Bedroom Sit 41. Slld1 Projector 4'2. L1wn Mower 43. Pool Tiible 44. Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur Coat 47. Drapes 48. Linen1 49. Horse SO. Alr pl11ne SI. Organ 5'2. Exercyclt 53. R•re Books 54. Ski Boots SS. Hloh Choir 56. Coins 57. Electric Train 58. Kitten 59. Classic Auto t-0. Coffee Table 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Set • 65. Workbench 66. Dlemond Walch 67. Go-Kirt 68. Ironer 69. Cemping Traller 70. Antiqu• Furniture 71 . Tape Recorder 72. S1ilbo1t 73. Sports Cir 74. Mattress, Box Spp1 75. Inboard Speedbo1t 76. Shotgun 77. Saddle 78. Dart Game 79, Punch ing Btg 80. Babv Carriaga 81 . Orumt 82. R;flo 83. ·o.,k 84. SCUBA Gter 1'11ese or any other extra things around the house may be turned into cash with a DAILY. PILOT WANT-AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get_ In _On The Action Toda y! I ' ' I ' ' 'I ' •I " " ,. ti !'. " " '• I· t, '1 .. \, ' \ ' 'I ' I • ·I .. " ,, :: !! ·: " ., ·-· ------.,----· --~------·----~----------... ~·-.....---·--.. --·--·-·-----·-----·~~-·--·-.,.. .... -I TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ""'..;;.;.;.;_,;;...;,,_~~~-1 ~'-"'.;.;,;.;...:..-'-"-~--'-Tll!ANSPORTATION ' • ~ TRANSPORTAT ION' .:.'RA=N.:;S:::P..:0::;11!:,:T=A.:.Tl:.:O::;N:....._;'.::'llc;:A::;N::::S:..PO:;R::.,f;.:A=IO== Ml rint Eq~ 9035 Boat Sli p Mooring 9036 A_lr_cr_•_fl _____ 9_1_00 Mobile Homa• 9200 Trucks 9500 Imported Autos 9600 lmoorted Autot 960D lmportod Autot 9600 lm .. rtod Avtoo %DD FOR SALE SLIP s,...., ""''"'"Y """""' 11900 Glvo• you ii! Int In MOBllE HOME 1967 Kenworth COE Varnish, L.i.tquer, paln1 , run fur Ql.rQU5in' 11-T r a n • clean, IOw-tln\O Ceu.na ~:n e 3.35 Cumn11n1 lites, Int, cushions &:. foiuu, 11.'0tld Tr.huaran. 22' beam. at 0 .G. Alrpt. Call 337·2200 e 15 a;pd Road Ra/lier bt trl.1'11, bilgl' pumps, u1o-Phon<' 673--0207 \1•kda.. ~m t•ves. $10,000 • 2 axle strun111. 11•lndow~. rUdden:. n=--ooATo,.;.;.,:...,,,.~.-moo-r~U.,-. l=========cl •Large Sletper 86" wlnctws. Stanchions. clcali;, Nc11.port Beach. Mobile Hom91 9200 _ OR _ • AC It Stereo Tape Deck th1'1-h.ull ftr, prop.!!, !bl std;;, , 530-1782• ----$JS QOO • Air Suspen1lon al1un ainks, sr.hl•C'vl's. !'lit BAY HARBOR , • Del.uxe lntt>rlor frcd) equip. whls, davits, hk &: nd Mobile Home S•les 1968 Kertworth COE stays, rad lo (Bimini 50). cur. Boat· V a cht Ca.om Loma • JloU·Away HOUSEi • :!35 CUnunlns tairu, hd liner loam scrub-Q1arter1 9039 Sheraton J.faoor • Homette • • . • 13 5pd Road Ra~rr bers, 9' Bolton Wh.iler, n'-Ki1 • Prestige . Sahara • • 2 axle vcr ~ear. Al.J... SlZES Come In today and lft! l1n1~ • Large Sleeper 86" ISL.ANDER YAOITS BLUE\\IATER CllAllTERS NOW ON DISPLAY ury llvina; at ~~n to ea.rib e AC It Slcreo Tape Dctk m \V. lTth SI.. Costa f\lC's:s. U Drh'C Sail or Power 142 Baker St. prices. ~p@Cially now dur-•Au· Suspension !Ir«· Fri/Mon 8-" S: t Sr• Skl1J1K!red local i;port liah1ng u. bl-k ""' ol Ila•~• Blvd. '"f our clearance saJe on • Deluxe inlcrior !Wk) 1 -· "· ·a · ~ Jlarllor cruise& 24 hn ~ "" c. ....., al di 1 ode.I !hf.' ' O/B-MOTOR, <O 111;--1,,"' "'9000 on Baker sp 8:J "1 :t-Y re 5-16--01$ .,..,..,. priced to Hell Immediately. -;-;.-.,-- control, taiik. et .... -S9J. --------·~ Costa ~1esa !n-t) 540.9470 Park.!I available In all area. * SHELLS * Evl!!l. onJy 962--0802 CAL 24 for CHARTER r.'I 0 V IN G ' Sacrlfioo! Ex-Bey Harbor Sl.ighUy damq~/Chi!ap. ALFA ROMEO ' FIAT ·6. AlPllA Rorneo. mtJ•t '67 r lAT S50 !\port cpe. XJnt R ll, best orfr:r. 33952 Copper con(il • $1100 '* &t2-ICH9 Lanrcm. Dana Po I n t , WI 6 496-9r.o6 1-,;-;,.,;;;;-;;Fla;:;-I 011oo=d;:,;:,.:-,,-c"""'=:c-, '$ Xl.NT oouff, g'f/ o d work, Good ll'&lls. $250. mileage. Must ~ell STOO or *~3702• beet ollrr 833-2680 1--------- '61 ALFA Ro1neo. New l lrt~. Rebll e~. Xlnl cond. $850 00-f,606 AUSTIH HEALEY 'GT SPRITE. royal blue O(!\V tires. runs ~ood. Going in r.crvice, n111st sell. $1350 """"'' KAr.MANN GHIA '67 GHIA Coupe 4 speed lransn1l11&lo11, radio, ht-at er. air condlllong. U c. No. VED 232 $2099 $25 ~~~;·eek pando liv rm, 2 BR. 2 Mobile Home Salts SJS.1.800 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 -~~~'--"~-'....,~-·: porc™:,11• air conditiorung. 1425 Baker Sf. '58 Ford V2 T ~P~lc~k-U~p I ~======== !tO' Chris Cruft, 31' &12-4&24 'it block Bast of Harbor Blvd. Sl99. • M9-ffi.lol DATSUN ~,@.,ofJ SLIP Avail. for 10·, right 11rr Uniflite Cruiser. Dally 17' sips 4, fully · turn. like 01\ Bakl'!r Coast hwy. iss / n1u. call or Wet'kly. 67fr.2808 rK'w. HC>re's lncx!X'nsivc !iv• 0.ta Mesa -l'114) 540-9470 Jee~ 9510 '67 DATSUN 57;,....m7 •· Jo'inc&t Sclocllon. Power & ~i"1n'"!!·ll~127l~>~ta~ko~o'::,~..,.....~~~.l"'~=::':::~"::":':"I -~--------' SOCK IT TO 'E~1~ Imported Autos Sall. ~kipper opnonal. f'or IN DRil<IWOOD BEACH GREENLEAF 62 \\'lLLYS Jeep \Vagon \\'Ith brochure call 548-4191 CLUB 1 & 2 bdr. crpts, overdrive $100 Needs rngine \\urk, rod out. Pnrkt-ri at 9600 lmport.-d Autos 9600 1 lop. 488 N. Newport, drps. pool. 536-2131 PARK H'll 9215 NB. r.ton-f"'riday. DEMONSTRATOR SALE -;;p;:jp;j;;;T;ir.;~;;;:;1 in dear, clean, cool Cos.ta * 1967 BRONCO * P r.fesa. New 92 spaee Adult \Ya&on llardtop, red&. ,,..•hit.e. 4-DOOR SEDAN •I spc.-ed, ht:aler, white !iltlr "·all f ire L Immaculate, CTUP ~lljl $1295 ~,~~,. s.19-3031 Ext. fi6 nr 67 1!170 HARBOR BLVil. COSTA l\IESA ttMPTID BY • a~a~a~ SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! '69 TOYOTA '"'" $1190 e BIG SAVINGS e • EXECUTIVE CAR SA~E NOWI '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP .... , ............. $1019 '69 VOLVO SIDAN, Automatic ............ $2975 NIW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY R----m-NEID""lDUR TU~ FOR OUJ WGE USED CAR DEPT. DEAN LEWIS Or1ng1 Co. Toyota-Volvo Hdqtn. 540-9467 • 646-9303 1966 HARIOR IOULIVARD, CDSTA MUA I AND USED CAR CLEARANCE! '61 SPRITE '67 MGB P ark NO~ OPEN! Mobil!.' >I wheel drive w / locking Home Display Models & hubs, radio, healer, l'l!ar Sa.Its office located at Park. se'at. S188J. 879-6088 OPEN 1957 CAB -OVER pick·up, 9 AM TO 6 PM ' "''· ""w .. ,,, ;ob, S&50. ATLAS CHRYSLER -PLY?ttOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 5'16-1934 'Cl XLNT C.ond. engine overhauled, rll.'w tires & uphol. Come see to AJ>- preclate $895. 837-7689 BUSIEST markC>tplaet in town. -Thi'! DAILY PILOT Classifit'd 5ection. Save money, time & e!fort. Look noY.·!!! For Top Sports Coverage I Read The Great Orange Coast's l1199y•. C91Z 3451 Rood1ter. IYXll Jtl l '63 SPRITE '66 ALPINE Hordtop. llEE9191 Rood1ter. ISLD '341 '66 FIAT 850 '67 ALPINE Spyder. 1000 3901 Roadttlr. IYHE 6871 '67 SPRITE '65 SPITFIRE RoodUet". (TRZ6111 IWID 1131 '67 FIAT '66 SPITFIRE 1100 We19011. IVTM 2311 1-------Cl'AY 115 1 '67 SPITFIRE '67 FIAT ISO Co11pt1. !TYU 3561 IVDY 0551 '68 FIAT '66 QATSUN 150 Co11pe:. IXEX 783) lloodstet". ISQY 171 l '63 MGB '66 TR4A lood,ter. IUlG'8J91 ISIY 944) LllERAL TERMS AVAl~ILE B. J. SPORTSCAR CENTER , 2833 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 540-4491 ·HEADQUARTERS' FOR MOTORHOMES ON DISPLAY TllE ALL MEW DODGE "EXPLORER" s .• u .... i.i..tf oltll * ••lfl· tJt•ltlr. t.N '•i. •1111 "'"'"'· l ltcMtl, 1tN,s l lP,1. .. L~ 1uc1-11 r11or. 2l root, :111 roar. 1 VlAll• r111 .. 11c;. lllQ A• APl"llOV[I CllEl lJ. Imported Autos 96001mported Autos ( HOME OF. THE @ LOVE BUG ~ SPECIALS ' It's lhe cir th1 I won't 9i•e you •nyl h in9fo worry eboul. W e m1•1 IU•e 0 f 'h • !. We 9 i"1 ii the VW I b·point ,,,f.+y " n d ptdo•m· Low, Low Prices on These SPECIALLY PRICED BUGS! 1r1ce t11!. It h11 t o p1u. So we q;•e it our JO(I'/. 9u1r1nl11 the! w•H r.,. pl1ce 111 m1jor mech1nic1I perti• for lO devi or tooa mile1. which1vf'r com11 lint. Isn't th 1t whit 1 new ce,.ownr,r l'lend11 A bu9 th1t ...,on't dri•e YOU nuh. '64 vw '68 VVI '55 PORSCHE CAMPER SCj>UARE IACIC A cir of dillincliofl--Go•• ld11I 1umm1r c1r--loh of '" .... ;1h bl1ck inl1rior . 91ou1 yellow with ton· toom. R1d io "' he1le" Shu ... 1 1•c1ll.,nt tt••· So lt111;n9 interior. Ver y Pitlure • tr:p ;" th•1 1how· "''" '" ... ro1d . R.1dio p<ee1. l ie No. JKS 945. & h11ter. Lie. No. PtY I ll I. el11n! l ie. No. SVX 159. $1899 $2099 $1899 '67 vw '68 vw '65 GHIA SEDAN SEDAN COUl'E Wh;te witJ.. bl.ck inler:i:or Aulom~+ic Stiek-Shifl . ••• Rod with bl1c k inlerior. r1dio • h11!er. B1 •u1;1,,1 dio, h,,,,r, Ebony with Econo:imic•I 1ummer '"' ori9in,,I cir. Come ;n 1nd eonfr111tin9 i~lerior. low (;••· R•d io & he•l1r. E ~1!1 f11I drive thi1 c.•r. L;c. No. mile•9•. l ie. No . XEWbl l room for li•dd;,, ind peh. UPK 6711. Lie. No. VTU 5~4. $1699 I $1899 $1499 '64 vw '63 vw '66 vw SUN ROOF SEDAN SEDAN FASTIAtk SIDAN Ori9in1I 9r•y lin:1h. ll.1d io Cor1I with melehin9 in!tt-Ori 9;11a1 bei9e fini1h ; r1dio & he1l1r. low 1'1il1191. l ie, ior: tires ... nict , r1dio, & h1elet. w •• ~end 1peci1I h·~ler. Fr11htr thin • No. IEV 507. d111y . Lie. No. VKP'f l I. pri<t . l ie. No. RHX 9J 1. $1299 $1199 $1549 EXT. 67 & 68 445 East Coast Hwy. ot BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT IEACH l ACCENT MOBILE ..,.. .. ,, d•y" "......,,. "T. Campin 9Sl0 OjX'n 00111;.o 'tll 10 p.m. --,69-pATSUN Big SC'dnn, 00 hp, ovcd1!'nd r:nn1, t1Ulo1n11ti<', dlr. radio, No. l Daily Newspaperl-- HOME SAW 1750 Whittier Ave Costa Mesa 714: 642-1350 heater, "'/\1' liI'l'l>. loaded! :"=====~=='--------------:-.,----::::~I CAMPER 3200 mil t.'s. under lac1 \\'3.r· Imported Autos 9600 1 1'":""r ted Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 S I ranty. Ba.I to fine. $1386. • • •• ==:miiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiil•liiiiiia~r,I a es • Rentals Taki.' $125 ca.'>h rirls or old-:m Authoriud De<alcr er car. LB YH\\'146 • Call 10x50 2 Bl°tn1obilc-lMlli"le. across Ci11 Hwy 1 from new Dann Point Marina . Complete sl't . up, Perf 101· rctirt'ment. Priet"d r ight. 496-1485 Eldorado -Four \Vinds Scotsman -Barracuda Kl.'n 545-0634. 8' Cabover Low As ORANGE COUNTY'S 11"9 NO. I f\lodeJ # E'.Xl DATSUN DEALER Theodo•• llOT DATSUN ROBINS FORD ''-'" """" Blvd. 2060 Harbor Blvd. Jlunringlon Beach 842· 7781 or ~42 LAG. Bch. r.tobile home. Costa Mesa 642-0010 _ -~- Ocean view, <1.pprox. 17x50. I~~!""~~'.'!"'"""'"""" I 1 Bdr. l Ba. 499·2196 RARE "61 V\Y c 11. mp c r Bicycles 9225 CLEA.i'l Yamaha 60. f\1u&l sell immed. $160 or best of- fer. 8.17-8368 ENGLISH FORD w/top, 'W'ntb;, i;unrf, brand j ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;; ne\v motor wtlcss than ORANGE COUNTY'S 2,tnl mi. New clutch. paint. • VOlUME EN.GLISH curtains. rugs. ov·c r .'i'i ze . FORD DEALER ~':1~~c ta<'k. S!OO or SALES -SERVltE RENT·A·SHEL--L ·ei MODE!.s lmn1edia tc delivery PAM-TOP 839-1800 "-"'""-"'-'.:C.:::.... ___ 9..cl;.;:.:00 1010 So. Harbor, San!a Ana LARGE SELEcnON -Theodore 1968 BSA HIGHWAYMAN .... ,., doan ROlllNS FORD Motorcycle dlJI bed, h·ig clo~r•. Only 1.118 miles on this beau·,===·='=''""'=="=·=== 2000 Harbor Bl\'d. ty. Must st'r to appreciate.I : Costa l\lcsa 6-1:?.0010 Lie. No. 712509. Only Dune Buggies 9525 ~~~:::::.'.'.'.'=~::::'.::'.: $599 FERRARI FERRARI INC. • DEMO CLEARANCE , WHILE THEY LAST 4 DOOR SEDANS G 2 DOOR SED~f~S PICKUPS 9 ROADSTERS e \'JAGOH S MANY TO CHOOSE FROM SAVE-SAVE-SAVE-SAVE 18835 BEACH BLVD. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 842·7781 • 540-0442 &19-3001 Ext. 66 or 67 New Cars 9800New Cars 9800 New Cart 9800 New Cars 9800 New Ca rs 9800 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COST A 1.fESA SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Festal -1'1angy -YokC>J - Guitar -GETS the GATE The man who puts a le~ around his i;weetheart !01nc- timcs GETS lilt" GATB. CUSJ'Of\1 Harley Spor!Jl:ler excellent rnnd., must sell IC"11vin;;-for Vietnam! SOCIO. Call Bob 842-3159 '6.~ Suzuki 80 cc under "'ty. 468 mi. Best oir over $175. 49·1-0518 }'OH. sale '66 Triumph 500. Xlnt cond. 4000 miles. •67".,-1916 • SUSUZK I 1.ll. 1966 model 1200. :r112 r.Jari:us Ave .. N.B. 6"15-0'A1 '!i.'1 Suzuki 120 36.Xl miles, S2i5 53&-7BI6 YAr.·11\llA 80. dirt bike, good cond. f\lust 8C'i!! ;11;i or bcsr oUrr. 494-5752 sr~l964 BRIDGESTONE 50 .X:, runi. good. 962-:l(li6, F. V. '67 BSA. Mk. 111 CJIEH.RY? 646·1 :t44 Auto Services & Parts 9400 J EF:P 4 cyl engine. Good running cond. Complete SlOO 1'.fust Sell 548-:W65 aft 6. '5''57 CHEVY 3 spd & J:nkaite. &-1-hou.<;. fir fly \l'ht'Cl. All/$75. 54S-OIITT Trailer, Travel 942S 12' FIBERGLAS.5 b o d y , \\°C'lgh.!L 600 lbs. perfect !or vw A: 11maa CAni. IN? box, h11tnnc 11tove, ~ink, dbl llC'cl. nlmosl new . 612-8292. Tt'NT TRAILER- ADO-A-ROO~t $395. 595 Marquette Cin:. C().'!llll Met.a. 546-0157 TR.AVF.L Traller Xlnt cond. 15'. S~fJ{l brnnd new stove & oven. Kl 5-1572 * 15· TERTiV. sips 5. 111ove, Ice box. Good cond. $650. !);18.-6()",G 1960 • 18' STANLEY sclf-con- tatncd. Hllch, jacks , 1'.!lc . SL19: •. 5'1~ Aft 4 Trucks 9500 JOHNSON & SON'S ANNIVERSARY MONTH USED CAR SALE Ca1ilinent.at Two·Door 1965 CADILLAC COUl'f Df VILLE Ebony bl1c• fin i1h. M1tchin9 le1th•r !nl•r- ior. l11lly l11x11ry equipped with pow1r 1lttr· ln9, pow•r br1~•1. pow1r wi"dow1, pow1t 1ett 6·w1y, 1ir conditi onin9, 11dio, h11t••· l ie:, No. NNU 97 I 1967 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR Bt•uliful Gold !1i9e Mi1I li11i1h wi!h 11ddle le1lh1r in t1r ior ind bl 1c• lan- dau roof. Fuil y lu~u:y 1q11ipped. Auto· m1lic lr1n1mi11 io:in, AM . FM ttdio, pow1r 1leet.n9, poWer br1~•1, power wi11dow1, ti · w1y 1eJt. lilt 1!11 rin9 wh~el, ftclory 1ir, doer loek1, •le. E•t ell 1nt l~ro11.9houl. lie. No, UUY 000 JOHN50N & SON IS OFFIRING OVER 200 FINI CARS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSEI JOHNSO N & SON TURNS OVER THEIR EXECUTIVE CA RS AN D DEMOS MO RE FREQ UENTLY THAN DOES THE AVERAGE DE~R. a 1963 LINCOLN CONTININTAL • Door 1ed1n. Golcf Mj1t fi nl1h ' with b!ond l91!h,r inlerio•. Aulometie lr•n1mi11io n, •I· dio:i & heifer, power •ltetin9, pow•t br1ke1, powtr window1. 1i.w1y 1e1t, f1clory t ir. lie. No . LGP 776 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. CONVERTtll E lt~ulifu1 cor1I fini1h with whi11 buc~tl •tlfl i nd whri1 l!l p. 4 1p1ed lren1., power 1l11t• ino, •1dlo & hr 11!er, t ic. Unu1u1llw el11nl lie. No. JRJ 5111 $975 1966 T-BIRD LANDAU Briti1h G1een finish wHh m1t,hin9 inltrior i nd bl1ck l1nd1u roof. Fvlly luir11ry equipptd. Autom1lic: tr1n1mi11io n, r1dio, h11!1r, power 1laetin9, pow1r br6kl1, ll-w1y 1111, f1clory 1:r. lie. No. JI.Tl 724 $1875 '66 FORD GALX. 500 Z DOOR HARDTOI' Antique Geld Mi1t r:nJ.h w·m1tchi~9 infer• lor, 111to fr1111 ,. r1dio & heeler, pow1r 1f1er• in9, power br1~11. f1elory 1it. ISM 5611 USED CAR DEPT. 540.5635 THESE FINE AU TOM OBILES ARE PRESENTLY BEING OFFERE D AT OUTSTANDING PRICE SAVINGS ! • .• BUY NOW AND SAVE! 1964 FALCON FUlURA ? door h1rdlop, 1110 VI, Arctic Wh ote w;!lt Turquoi1e l~lerior, 1ulom11ic lr1n1mi11ion, 11dio 111d h11let, powtr ,1oerl n9. A r11I good 9r1du~lion 1p.,ei1I. ltN 838. IARGAi N CORN~R o 1964 CHEVROLET l lSCAYNE -4 Door. l ie. No. TYX ll9 $77$ 1964 CHRYSLER NlWl'ORT -4 Coot Seden. l<1eded. l ie:. MGF 61 S $775 1963 FORD XLS DO 2 Door Hardtop. Lie:. KSN 925 $775 1'64 PONTIAC GltAND l'lt lX l ie. O~T J JI $875 .Tuhnson.+so:D . . '~~l'Jll:a!L5' m~~'D'O~!Ei!lJ'&l • 111£~1% m: "111Elllll:ntllli • 11:!&!11&1 262' llAUOl IOUUY.llll, COSTA M11A .......... ' .. ' ! I • l 11 I I I I 1 • I --~ • ' ' . ! • • l l ' . irf a~Y PILOT Frldai, July 11, 1969 • ' ' - -ritANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION , l"'POrtod Autoo 960\I lmpomd Autoo I-"'--'-''---"--..;.:...;..;:..-------, I Imported Autos -imported Autoo 9600 Imported Aulos 9600 Imported Autos 96QO bee C•rs.' Rods 9620 TRANSPORTlTION TRfNSPORTATJdN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO~TATION • . Ustd Cars 9900 CAMARO MERCEDES IENZ MG SUNBEAM TRIUttfH ~ tdi.i'aM•a "• "'"'" 1or --------.... ·1------..,,.,,-,.r1 \Iii. FormUla v~. fn'!!h 1961 M.ERCEOF.3 zio; S 1963 blG A~l Red, co~ ;67 SVN8W1. Tjae't 299 V4, '66 TR4A, BRC '"'b a le en:tne ~ transminlon: S6:"JO Stdan, white exterior. blade vertlblt, r/h, wsw, xlnt lful.l~y • brl, Ma.l!e:ry dual ]JI leat~r. Radio, ~ "''heell, lnci traUv. S41)..$lfil ext sa> vlnyl int, auto trans. dl&C cond. $700. ~ lgn. ~ htaden, af~wln. Michelint. Stebro .exhausts. aft 3:30 J\m. bl'f.kes. AM./ FM Ahort =========· I dtr exhiusl sys. I o ad Absolutely lmmacula.te. ========= wave radio, air mnd. lm· OPEL levelers. ~Indy nw tlrt1. Lots t1f tender loving cart'I. Autos WantH maa.ilale! Local ar. $4995. '-'"II mid Joe b.rnps, eust Many extras. 35,000 ad. ELMORE 9700 •••••••• *SPECIALS '68 Datsup Rd.'itr .... $1HS '65 Le 1\1an'i in·. 326. \'.S. auto, \llS, Sl!AHP! .. $1J99 'IN Fair ane, 4 dr., auto, 1~. '69 C;U.1.cRO PIS, PIB. Aydro, fog lltets. AM/FM 11tert'O ndio, air 5hocka. facl alr. perf cond! nm mL Mu.'it 2 11 61!">-2214 Largest Exclusive Toyota Dealer Anywhere !'! ! ! ·Largest Service Facilities Largest Selec.ffon NICIST U~~ !.!,!>!-'~I COVNf't • All Colon • All Mod•l1 • I I ' '" •IW CARS """'":.U.iJI, TO .J - .o. Yr ~ CHOOSE :,·.•Tf~:.l fR.0'4 .,.,., .. , .. A •) i .... ' .. o1rc:o '""" I 15300 BEACH BOULEVARD WESTMINSTER T•lephone: 194-.1322 Al.LEN Oldsmobile Cadillac '66 QPEL Wqon, 27,000 ml. body stripe, roll bar,~..\.~ $1995. 549-1883 WE PAY · 1UO s. Cit lllwy Laguna Bch E:x:~ptional oond. MUJt &ell aott tops & more. 636-381.11 '66 TR _-4.A, I.R.S. OJ). CASH Next to Pottery Sh a ck by wknd. 96&-1197 aft 6 PM R&H, MJchelln Ure !!:: $1550 49>-1084 TOYOTA 8.lJ..5.144 ., 8Jl.<ll18 eve MG MG ~ales, Service, Pa.rts Immediate Delivery, AU Modelo ~ J1rluµort · ·~ ihnµorts . P.ORSCHE ---------J'64 TR4, lealll{'r:, 4-spd 2 tops, ror used cars a trucks tust BILL MAXEY ~. -Mi<hclins. um ~!!lrJ.l'o.< ,_,,_ 'Qi m >speed; chnn whls, Koni's, wood steering whl, AJ.t-FM·SW radio, 36;000 ml. Cl~an? $3995 tirm 646-5732 •"Gae365C Xlnt mech. cond. Sharp appearance, radial· tire11, Butterfly rack, $3575 cail Mr. Hau!ll'r 642--0722 PORSCHE '62 super 90 Cabriolet, nl'\\' paint, radial ply tires. AM/FM radio. chrome "'his, rea.5. 642-0895 RENAULT 1961 CARAVELLE Convertible Special Body by Renault . Re- built eng. Good tires. Oean bOcly. $375. 642-5769 .:;';~~ .~:': .. ,. roll bar. GROTH CHEVROlfT ~IT!~@~Vt-0..,.l...,.T!AI ••• ,,. •• '°""'· w"" wtii.. ~ ~ :J. . _ $700 or best oiler. 545-3528 Ask for SalH Manqer uiru Beach mvtt. HuntJniton Beach Kl 9-3331 18181 BEACH BLVD. ''64 TRIUMPH Spitfire Hunt. S.ach 847...a555 excl cond. I owner, s985 lmiN.QfCOastHwy,onBch firm. 968-5830. --------- TOYOTA JIEADQUARTERS ELMORE 15300 Be11.ch Blvd. \Vatmnstr Phone 1194-3322 VOLKSWAGEN '69 VW'1 IMMEDIATE-DELJV!:RY Bank Financln&: $213 DOWN $44.0l * 36 mos WE PAY WH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor BJvd. Cnslll. Mesa ~6-12JO [1]()Jv(O ITlA) ~:~ '~ ~:_: Best Oeels Are At ml warranly. Avail ooly al CONFIDENTIALLY DEAN LEWIS MBTta!n"b~:l~. Fo!~~~~ 5.14-228-1 •·•t Beach 892-5551 PAID FOR OR NOT 6 cylinder "'._ ......... u $ 549 '64 Corvalr Cpe, 4 $pd, low mllC's, CLEAN!! .... $ 549 '63 Jo'aJcon, 2 dr. ~tick S 4'9 '62 Chev. Impala, lfTt 283, V-8. auto, ps, .......• J 5ff '61 Dodge 4 dr., V:,8,.J ?.tt '61 Falcon, 2-dr, auto~l lit '60 Corvair Cpe, auto. S 27t '58 Ramblf'r, 6, auto. $ 1ft *STATION WAGONS• '63 Ford Galaxic, <& dr, ps, clean, sharp! .. $6H '63 Rambler Amer. auto, Clean! .. _ ............... S5ff '62 Old~. Sttper S 88, auto, ps, pb ... -... S3ff '62 Buick Special, V-8, automatic ........... _ $379 '53 Chev., 4 dr, st .. Sift '59 Rambler. 6 auto S 14' '59 Plymouth, 2 dr $ 49 MECHANIC'S SPECIAL '60 Sun b eam Alpine. rdstcr. wire whls $17t '57 Che\'. 2 dr. Bel-Air, good body, needs eng. ................................ !li H 1966 Ha<bo<, C.M. 64~9JIJ3 OPEN SUNDAY B. J. SPORTSCAR NEWP-OR'°' MOTORS llOC w. Coul Hwy .. N,B. 1968 TOYOTA IQ{ ...,_94,. 54<>1164 °66 VW Campc< Lo-mL E•· CENTER '63 4-clr stick. top cond. $500 or bst oflr. 642-5873 anytime or Sophie 646-9331 9-5 Wkdys 691 Cn'tr, CM L\.uthorlttd MG Dealer Hardtop Coupe tras. Immac. Sell, trade f ?833 H bo Bl d 2036 HARBOR BLVD · 1951· TD, $300 ·Just-spcnl· •" SUBARU $1695. 00 P.U. 1711 Pomona, C.M .• Costa· M•M ar ' 'sio-44!11 COSTA MESA ' · Cl $800 • -~· l!J. -· -. --548-5294 or 548-8511 :~:·5 9 e~~f '7":! 5 PM Llc. No. \VIF57B B94-3320 Dir N~ER Raced . '66 fastback WE PAY TOP Fln•ncing Available l~V!ft. & wknds. 673-8969 Subaru of Calif. DAlLY PILOT DlfifE·A· air, c~m Porsche whls, DOLLAR Open 9 to 8 Mon.~Fri. 'li6 MG lnc.-Retail Div. LINES. You can' use tJwm radial tires, steN"O, R/JI, for good, clean used cars, S t & S 9 f 5 for ju.~ pennies a day Dial garaged, $1950. 644-ll.22 all makes. ~ Grorge Ray a • un. o >tldo<• XLNT rond . .-emov . $1297 PO_E &42-5618 • .62 VW R/H 1 O , Goon Th<odorn Rohl"' Fonl •••••••• lop Opt equip S30. Freight $1-1.50 • . : · \\ner. . 2060 liarbor Blvd. ~8-&l95 Hand1ing $49. fle.J. $1390.50 I THF. SUN NEVER SE"J:S on condition. Reg. ~crv1ced. C.M. 6~UX11.0 PUCE ~ur want ad whe?T + Tax and License Classified'• action power. Prv prty. r.1ust !!Pit $800 or1---,==i -=---- they are looking -DAILY 1000 \V. Coast Hiway, N.B. For an ad to seU around make oUer. 646-lt73 Wil Buy TRANSPORTATION CARS NEWPORTER MOTORS * * 'GS, 377 c.111(. iood rub- ber. Aulo ll'llll5, P I S bumblee stripe. 644--2463 CHEVROLET · 6$ CHEVROlfl CAPRIC.E V~. aolomutic, factory alr, po1ver ateer., po"·er brakes, po v.·er windows, radio, beat- er, vinyl top. SBN 712 $1695 ATLAS CHRYSLER -PLY,,fOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA l\1ESA MG-l!IJC Open Dally 'tll 10 p.m. '68 CHEVROU.."f Impala coupe. f"actory alr, P.S., auto., radio, healer. fWAK- 827) Like New. $2295 full price. CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 liarbor Blvd . c.~1. MG-12m CllEVY"'66.Caprlce, 327 eng. Fact air, pJ11, pJb, vinyl tup, astro seat, new tires, orig. owner, Xlnt cond. SI89J 01· n1ake or fer. 644--0m '65 OlEVROLET Impala sta- tion "'agon. VS, auto., P.~ .• radio,· heater. -<NOZ. 6141 $109.l full price. Pll.OT cla.ssified! 642-5678 &15-0l)() * MG-2733 the clock, dial &12-S678. '64 V\V BUS, '6.'i Eng., 9 ;:;:;;;~;;;;:;;;:==0=======:::=====c-========="-'=======':"C::I piuisengc.r, Af.f/FM radio; Your Volkswagen or Porsche 9800 New c.r. IO\V ml. Xlnt oond. Reas. & pay top ckillars. Paid for 2036 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 548-5294 or 548-ll511 CONNELL CHEVROLET CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! BRAND HfW1969 ELECTRA 4 door c:ui totn "'•rdlop. FACTORY AIR COND. Pow1r 1t11rin9, pow1r br•k11, pow1r wi11dow1, pow1r 111h, t11rbo-hydrt m1tic & fl'ltllY l'Pltll'f 1T1or1. 414)99H221 147. FACTORY AIR .CONDITIONED BRAND NEW '69 BUICK $2877FULL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Fully equipped including VI, power 1tHring. 433279Il12S44 PRICE '66 SKYLARK 4 door. FACTORY AIR C 0 N 0. Auto tt1~1., pow1r tl11r, Rid., lltr. $1795 '62 BUICK '66 CAPRICE A11lo trt111. FACTORY AIR CONO, Auto tr 1n1. pow1r 1l11r. S8M 371 $1995 '67 MUSTANG '65 ELECTRA H1rdfop c;oupt . Full pow1r. FACTORY AIR CONO. NCI 420 $1895 '66 OPEL '66 T-BIRD '69 JAQUAR Full power. FACTORY 2+2. Auto tr•n1. FAC· Al JI. CONO. l •ndtu top. TORY AIR CONO. Only SLV 491 3500 l'l'lil •1 . $2595 SAVE SSS '68 BUICK '65 OLDS 88 '62 TEMPEST Coup•. Auto tr1n1, ••· dio, ll1•t•r. R,A.0 )16 5495 '68 OLOS 911 l11wltl• coup•. Full pow- •r. FACTORY AIR CONO. LUI 240 Conw1rt. VI, 4 1p1ed. Model 32. 4 1p11d. ••· r1dio , ll11t1r. TXI 16l dio, h1tl1r. SVC 1 ~7 El1c;lr1 4 door 1•d1n. F11ll power. FACTORY AIR CONO. W IO 145 4 door hardtop. FA C- TORY Al R CONO. Au!o lr•n1, power 1lttri119. l uaury 1ed1n. F.AC- TORY AIR CONO. Full pow1r. SUP 582 $895 '67 RIVIERA f1clory 1ir, full power. r1dio, h1tt1r. {TQV- 199 ) $3395 --'65 MONZA H1rdtop. Auto. tr1n1., i'Tll'lltcout1l1 condition. fTXJ 1761 $1095 $1895 '68 DODGE Corontl Coup1. A11lo. tr1n1, pow1r 1!11ri11g. XEV 739 $2495 '67 RIVIERA GS Coupt . Full power, FACTOAY AJA CONO. , 14 1 $3595 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m $1195 $3595 '68 CAPRICE I '61 CADILLAC H1rdtop Cp1. full pow· Std. OtVillt. Full powt r t r, f1ctorv •i1. Only 1 fit!. oir. I HXS 742 1 10,000 mil11. WXG50l $2995 $795 NO amER PRICES ANYWHERE MAKE US PROVE IT! $1495' $2395 '63 BUICK '67 OPEL Lt S.tbrt . foe;! •i• c;o11. R<1lly 1 Sport. 4 1p1ed. pow1r 1le1r I br1lr11. r1dio. li1tl1r. VCJ 176 IHYM 4111 $995 $1595 JAGUARS LARG~ SELECTION NEW · USED Complete Sales ind Service Dep•rtm•nt Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun . 10 a .m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK. OPEL. JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE 536-3576 or nol Call Ralph FINANCING AVAILABLE 2828 Harbor Blvd. c.~t. 546-12tl3 60 CHEVY. Beautifu l cond. 283 cu in. 4 sp. l\tu.st r.elll See to appreciate 548-6565 VOLKS\VAGEN 1968 673--0900 SQUARE B A C K * T 0 P Il\fPORTS \\'A.~ BUICK CONDITION OrRnge r.ounties THIS \VEEK $1975. 49'1-1852 TOP S BUYER '67 R[VIERA, fl pwr, facl af, 6 '66 VW BUG, Xlnt rorid. r & BUL MAXEY TOYOO'A b, sunroof, good tires. Sl200. 18881 Beach Blvd. air, stereo: l11ndau top, '67 EL Camino S/S; like 673-3074, 611Hi245. R. ~each. Ph. 847"""8555 ~hnn ~-h/s..-fmmac. cond.. I ne\v, 14,000 l\1i. 427 [..88 '68 owlll"r S3400 pv. pt y. cng. Orig. owner. 646-8606 '6'1 Dlx Bus. XLNT cond • 846-9516 Sunroof '66 V\V Bug. Bermuda Blue. xlnt cond. \liiU finance. Call HalT')' 547--0764 or 545-8756 '66 V\V, excellent cond. New pain!, C'lutch, tireli. Extras. $1295. 6~&-4060 1960 V\\I No lran.~missit:1n. rebuilt engine. good urcs. $2j{) * 962-0C>tit * e ·ti: V\V Bug, not running. $200. or best ofter. 536-391 1, 615-'"10 837-6231 Auto ·Leasinn 9810 I c.o-,-=-------'62 CllF.:VY JI Nbva ~ta wag. I .;;'-;;-;;;~;;;;;;;~·;;;;;.;;;.;;;. '61 .Riviera, orig owner. runs \\'ell: clea n but needs !" Beautiful, perfect cond., like "'Urk on top. $325. 67J.-2921 LEASE· RENT llC\v, S2000. 546-4340 '67 11\IPALA SS, Xlnt cond, ALL POPULAR '65 RIVIERA, all equip., bea t ovel" $1 7"JO. Lvni:: entry. MAKES very clean. Nds body wrk, Snst. Bch. 21J...502-JT43 FORO $2100/bcst. 64Z.:SSS.C 1-----------1 '56 CHEVY Slat.ion wagon. AUTHORIZED • '55 Buick 2-Door * good oond. $200. t S9 2 LEASING Perfect condition SlZi. Gah\•ay LN, CP.1. 545-4352 SYSTEM 604 Clubhouse Ave. NB. Get Our C"on1!Y'!i!1\·c. Rates Theodore CADILLAC r?:OBINS FORD '57 Cadillac d£' Ville, 4 Dr. 2060 Harbor Rlvd. fac air, fuJ.I po~·er. recent 283 cu in. 4 sp. P.lust sell! SPe lo appreciate 548-6565 ti.ft 6 Costa Alesa 6'12-0010 ovt!rhaul. Only nx!. Prv '6:i V\V Top cond. Navy __ prty. 644--0105. bound! Pv. Pty. $ 9 8 5 ,,,.,,, LEAS E ~--L ~"',M'°o"u"s~I~N~E~.,.~,oo1c-.,-o1-wood-o. CHRYSLER '68 CHRYSLER 830-4489 blue color. '67 LTD, 4 dr, rh, ps, alr 2 air-<:andilioners, jump '60 \'W R/H. r.ooe1 con-S69. per month. dition. Ne\\' engif'IC. SJi5. '67 Ford, 10 pass staUon wag. ·seals. S4!J5. 962-7898 &16-6292 aft 6 p.m. on. rh. air, pi;, $75 nio. 'CS COUPE de Ville. fl. pwr, '67 C1Jt1l'!.1r. rh. ~. $67.50 mo. air . ~.lust Sac. $2295. only '66 VW, X'LNT cond, SOUTH COAST 30,000 mi. 968-2840 radio, good tires $1200 * 54!"r2421 CAR LEASING '60 SEDAN d(' Ville I =~~~=-~-~c 3l)J \V. Cst Hwy, NB 64:>2182 CXL....-llcnt motor .. $375 • RED '66 VW sedan, xlnt 642-7289 oond. SllOO. Good trans. ·59 FORD Galaxies. Loaded~ I :c==--'.::...=----, * 644-1326 * Can be seen betv•ecn 7 a.m.· DON'T give it away. get 6 p.111.. 115 \\'. Katella, quick cash for it with a Anahein1. 5 lo choose lrom. Daily Pilot want Ad! &12-5678 '66 VW Sunroof. 1500 CC. Runs great. Ne1v paint job. $1075. 644-0356 MAh'E A MEMO lo gather 1,.------,..-,:---:- 19&1 V\V. 1 Owner. Xlnt cond. up toys you no longer need, It's Beach houS!! time. Big- Town & Country Wagon 9 passenger. V8, automatic, radio. (lO\ICr 11tr,ring. pow- er brflk<'~. Immaculate. CCE- 46GSC'251.'i'22' $3495 ATLAS CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2929 llARBOR BLVD. C'OST A MESA 546-1934 Open Dally 'liI IO p.rn. R a 11 y g r n pain I sell 1hcm for cash 11.'i!h ge11t selection ever! Stt the S!lOJ. * 847-8013 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! DAILY PILOT Classified DAI LY PILOT Oassilied =-=--,,-c-~c:--===c l gec-tion NO\V! section NOW! '69-7 Pa10:s. Bus w/sunroo(, =========_:_,=========-'..=========~! 2·000 mi·s .. mulll sell. $2900. Imported Autos 9600 lmrut.rftd Autos 9600 PH : 6'16-0053 .. ------ '68 VOLKS\VAGEN $16."JO * 546-4(),lj * '66 \l\V. Sunroof. Body er.~-Top cond! Sl350. Days !J46.-9222. eves 545-4354 'j9 CHOPPED Dune Bu~. CHERRY! New seats. $50'.l. 64&.1344 VOLVO VOLVO Best Deals Are At I ,~~.~~ c~E!!! 1067 VOLVO ~22-S, air, rl'ldio, h"atrr: ne\v \11/11·: 4 Dr .. ' Sl.6!15. 842-495.1: 546-74@ I Antiques, Classics 9615 1941 Dodge J.u..xury Liner 4 dr. 75.000 Orig miles. r Ith, all exh'll!I work . Im- niaculate, must see tn a~ prc.1·. $600 or offers. 675-CJjJJ or 494-3891 '47 OuHJlac 4 -door i<t"Clan. Ex('('llent ronclilion. 494-612-j 1 Race C•r•, Rods I FREE FORD'S TRAVELING PERFORMANCE SEMINAR ED TERRY and DICK '"000 In Pr1'l«ln "·1th TIV'ir FA~l~;n DRAG CAR<:. TUESDAY, JULY 15th 7:34 P.M. fR£F: PRIZF:~RE~-R 1:.1:111,IENTS THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642-0010 • Pl.,\(."E your 1v1o.nt ad wtiere- lhe,y a.~ looking -DAILY P ILOT Clasrififtt 642-56'8' BILL MAXEY TOYOTA f'-''t r· OFTEN 16,"VORE REALLY RJCU FOLKS I OUR SEMl- f ANNUALSALE " OF TOYOTA EXECUTIVE CARS & OEMONSTRA TORS ·They Just Come in Any Old Time •nd Pay The Regul1r Prices Shown Below. ACT NOW and SAVE·$$$ OUTSMART THE RICH GUYS I l 18881 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEA.CH • 1 • • IO .. M .. u. .. s = ·'· •• '" H w la ' '· {. ill n •· " '· d. '· •· n l. II i5 •• ,, l, /. '· 2 -' ' '· ! ' l , -----------------------------..... -------.,....-------~,--~-------~-~ --·---. ---..,.---~--·--o--c-c~-c=c-o:-~ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION UMd c... I 9900 11...i c. .. 1.;;.;....;... __ ....., __ _ 9900 CHRYSLER FORD '61 QIRYSLER 300 H:T. GRAND OPENING Cp<, P)Cloey •• ,, auto., SUNSET FORD po\lo-er lteerina, R&.H. (XEV- 911) $1295 full price. July Utb, 12th.-~ CONNELL Ho llCOJlftr llldo<,' Clow111 CHEVROLET Color TV Drewing 2828 Harbor Blvd. (M«> ~ GIM Blvd. • C.M. 5'6-1203 · ~ 1967 Chcyo1u Slallon "a&!"'· ('IU) ~ID 21.!) -I !ull ·pwr,• air oond., very FO a tri-seaiii clean. Under 29,IXIO mt. -wqon auto,-radio, beater, Priced· under book. fi73..1400 pa, 5.t.000 miles. $ 3 9 S • COMET '63 CO.Mrl' 6 cyl, nu auto trans, A/C, recent valve job; xlnt cond. $ 5 0 0 • -CONTINENTAL -GRAND OPENING SUNSET FORD July 11th. 12lll. ""' Hellcor.ter Rldt.1 Cowns Color TV Drawing M40 Garden Grove Blvd. • WestmWter rt Sedan. Full power &: alr ('114)~6364010-(11!) !598-5688 plus luxurious leather 'in-'63 .Fairlane Station Wqon. ~rior. All the Comforts :you Ra1;Uo, air, gOCJSl __.tire1t could ask for inc. speed con-67>~ att 5 • lrol. $31511. Udd' 1•1' GRAND OPENING "'" 2559 SUNSET FORD 1963 LINCOLN Contnental Very cletn luxury car, full pwr & air. Must sell this weekend make of le r 497-1025 July 11th, Uth, 13th Helicor.t•r Rides Cowns Color TV Drawing 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. '64 Contincnlal, low miles. - all power, very good con-Westminster cliUon. $1400~ ~ ~ <n4) 6361010. (213) S9&,5S88 '64 FORD Stalion Wqon. VS, CORVAIR ''"'"' '''· 8"tO., P.S., R& _________ 1 JI. (0MU809) $1295 full pria=. '63 CORVAIR wllh •lkk. CONNELL '""'"" oonditioo. l41S. c.JJ CHEVROLET after 6 P.M. 536--8534 Bl 282S Harbor vd. '62 CORVAIR, gd. cond. new C.M. 546--1203 clutch, $250 545-8060 after 4:30 GRAND OPENING CORVETTE '67 CONV. 4-spd, posi Ahf- FM. radials, trl hitch, tinted, $3400. 673-1392 COUGAR '&'f COUGAR XR7, lapdau, p11. fact air. $2495. SUNSET FORD July 11th. Ulh. 13th ... Helicopter Rides Clowns· Color TV Drawing 5440 G.arden GroYe Blvd. . Westrnlr\lter ' (nil 63&4ll•'' <ru> ~ *'65 CUSTOl\t 4-Dr.• Exceptional cond. $895. . 833-2388 • PACff!C COAST-MO'!QRS, • MERCURY , 14061 Beach, Westniinster. --------- 893-5(138. '64 MERCURY DODGE , ~(:>LON:{ PARK _______ ...;._, 9 paaiena:er wi,ion. full pow· '66 DODGE " with ~1299 CORONET SEDAN '* 893-5038 * VS automatic radio, heat-'63 Monterey Custom 65,00J: e~. po~r st~ring, lo'A·, Jow clean, 1 owner, $695 COM mll~s. (RIG 8851 673-5748 $1395 -·-62-M-on-1.,.,.-. ""'Arr-. - P/S. PL!!,.Good rood !395 • ATLAS -~u;~61N~ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ---~----- 2929 JIARBOR BLVD. '67 MUSl'ANG. V8, 2 plus 2 ttisrA l\IESA 546-1!9f fastback. Factory air condi- Open Daily 'ti! 10 p.m.,.. tiQnlnc, radio. beater. (TVY· '69 DODGE ·.t. 440),$16915lifu!J-price. ·cONNELL CHEVROLET SUPER BEE V8, automatic, R.&11, power 2828 Harbor Blvd. steering, P.B., stereo lapc, C.J\.1'. 546--1203 red lines, m,.ny other ex-'67 MUSTANG V-8 2-dr 'tras. Like new. IYNW20C\) ~~<t Ql(tl):,~tfans, R/H, $2995 . a1., bfliket, PIS, lo mu ... • 11950~. pfi. 548-8270 8-10 ATLAS a.m. or S.! p.m. ~ruy. '66 MUSI' ANG. a 1 r -con d, P/1, auto, big 6, 35,00J CHRYSLER -PLY/l.10UTH miles. Private. $1500 . 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 646-7800 wknds only. COSTA MESA 546-1934 ·,.,.,, M . ,.,.. __ _. ,, ~"! 0 D ., 'f'l JO 'llS ~ ...... L ....... e _,.,, CU pen al Y 1 p.m. tn. ~ .. elk;, heater, P.S. MUST Sell '68 Charger black ~·P.H. $31Dci or Best Offer. vinyl top, gold body, fully 536-2442 aulom. ~ly equity $000. bal,IFO--R--__ ,-,6S-M-ta--~.~, $l315.94. Purchase s a I e .-.e us ng, v1ny $4145. 5~0-0687 top, power, V-8 auto, t.o.p. =====~===I $76. mo or $1000. Call ~ ~ or 673-2448• FALCON ________ _., 'll6 MUsrJ\NG, blue; 6 cyl., '61 Falcon, 2-Dr. Radio Aufc \t/h, pfa. ·p/b, 11,000 miles, Trans. XLNT cond. Royal &ood ~nd. $1200. ~2'84 ru;::_:~''!:~~RA 63 'OLDSMOBILE 2-Door Clean l;==:==:·='=''-"==ITT=O=·===== ~ FORD • '68 LTD 4~r hardtop P/S, P/B, Fact air, RIH Brougham interior, 390 eng. Extra clean, low mile8.iE'. $299J firm. 545-0248 '63 l''"ORD, 2 dr Galaxie, 5aO XL. power windows, brakes. st?g. Clean, good cond. $995. "'t-l052 GRAND OPENING SUNSET FORD J,uly 11th. 12th, 13th Helicopter Rides Clowns · TORONADO Nt:W & 'EXECUTIVE 10NLY 6 TO CHOOSE FROM BIG SAVINGS! University Oldsmobile Color TV Dr•wlng Ska Garden Gi-ove Blvd. 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa r n~l ~~~~m~;{;f 598-5588 S4G.?640 '67· LTD, 2 dr HT, loaded .• Xlnt-·eond., low mlles. Wil l take tran!portallon car for • f'!qUUy. Bal O\\'ed $1000 .. ,o&l~CIJTLASS=~~.-H~ol~;d_ay_c:ou_ .. - 646-7371 bucket seats, auto. r,m,: FORI>-Galaxie 62. ~r 1teerina. fact. air, good steerin&' &: aeat. Raalo, cond. $975. 6C2-U87 or heater. new tire!! $450. 642-tm 64&-6145 11963'=-"'o-LDS="'r~.s;~·"'cuC'C'11a-.,"""'v=.a. '66 CNTRY Sed, 2 111. pwr allto. R/H, fact air, kt at, dee brb, R.H. $1350 or miles. XI.NT cond. ~fuat best. 83J..1285 aell, leaving oountry 7/15. '58 ,Ford Wag, 6 auto, both Sf.5..1489 · ieblt feng/trantl Good '66 OLDS O:mvt. Pm.-ei-. AM- tlrea I< paint. S350. 646-4129 FM radio. Private party * '68 .P'AIRLANE Tortno G.T. 968--3195 limp. P/1, P/b, atr-eond. lc,65~0~LDS='°"98'","'Lwt,---ury="'S<dan==, lllO eng. 23,000 ml. 642-J5n , ta1ded. low n 11 e ag e I '64 FORD Fa!riane 500, 8 cyl, Pm1ect ('Opditlon. 546--2535 R6H, air. Try $450. Aft 6:3D '66 OLDS. '"2. Good C.On4. PN--&16-«53 Must tell! 'e.t ofter. 1961 F.AUXIN 2 .. door, pod 6'6-2129 tlr4:--~ '4,;nr • .Air, lb. ~ , '<. 'Pi~ fllllY -pid, $SOO Wlute t:1erbant11 Qt.ah. 548-32'1S • • Friday, Ju~ 11, 1'169 DAllY PILOT :J7 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOllf.\TION N1WC1rs 9800 Ni w C•n U1M Care . ·---· _____ , ' . 99tlO Uood ,C1n 99qo Uood C.n '900 UNd c... . tfOO ·---------------OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTH PONTIAC T·lllD ' -....--~-----~ '&:! Olda 'oynamio Ill HT. < Or .. P.S, air oold. R& H. Whitt! with blue intf'rior. Xlnt cond in &. out. $14~ SM .al $1 ~e No. 8, C.M, before 10 ami.t: after 8130 pm. For· 1*-642-4321 Between ~ 00 A 1: 00 Frank Salattt. "68 CUTLASS S. Vin)il top, AM/FM. Xlnt cond. 1 ,q~. tore 6ff..1571 aft 5, 646-8206 - .PLYMOUTH '68 PlYMOUTH FURY Ill • 2 Door hardtop, VS, automt,· Uc, radio, beater, power steering, factory air coodl- tlonlng. CVftB.315) $2395 ' , ATLAS OIRYSLER -PLYMOt.rtH 19'1 PLY. WAGON * Good col\dlUon • Clean * 9 pas.tenger * Alr Conditioned * Power Bn.ke1, Slet"rlfll, $2350. Will ""'' Oqulty for WQl'k car and ta.ke DY- l!r payrnttnta. $tMJ.«1i Alt 3 P.M. PONJ1AC '&:! 'l'El4PES!' Le Mana, v.a, ~,blue c:ol'M:tt, bucket Raia. Xlnt cond, After 4 613-4154 '63 Tempest te Malll 2 dr HT door shift, very dean. Rutlll great. $490. $45-49ll '6.5 Ponllnc Le Mana XlJlt, condition. Ul50 * M6-S359 * "65 Grand Prix, excellent _cond,11 new tires, JIO\\U, $95(1 : * 008-1.381 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. la Your Ad ln our cla•lffedaT OIJIYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COS'l'A MESA 516JJ14 Ooen DaUy 'tll 10,p.m. -. RA MILER <;Oi>'!'A MESA .5'6-1934 Some0no will be -1'>< '1 • .i. ,...., ' ·---%"Daily "ta 10 P·':' ll )llal 6IW618 t '< - 9800 Now Cars 9800 Niw ,Co rs ' 9890fiMli, 9ra · .. --~ - 1962 T-.Btrd landau. Xlnt ... ,....s. brake W<rl< 6 PoJal. llSI). 673-3234 '55 T-Blnl XLNT .,.,.i. $lm Best otter take& -Rare, clauic '58 T-81rd Runs rood Sacrltice $295. $109 ROY CAR~E . ,, , ' . . ... TEMPEST ' ~ '-~-. . . v l Bra nd N-._w J969 lll'l'!p~st. Sport Coupe. Decor 9roup, 1utom1tic +ran1mi11lcin, push butt.on r1dlo, P.:OW.er stierin9 , white side wa ll tirel, 1ntique qold finish with blaok Interior, J2li'279R603220 1. .--$4760-- l r1!'1d N•w 196t lon111•ill1 Slt lloR W19111. Ctrnpo whit• 1lri•r- ior with ~old i11t1rior. Turbo hydr11111ti c, ,u1h ~uffo11 r1dl•, dual 1xll1u1h, pow1r 1ft1rinq, pow1r di1c; brtlr.t1, tint,d ~l au, pOwer window1, AIR CONOITIONING, h1tYy dwty 1hock1 tnd 1pri11g11, ':15xl5 wllit1 1id1 walls. 126246.9C l234l&I $2895 • Prices plus lie. & t111 T i--.. GTO Brand New 191>9 GTO, Verdoro 9reen with matching 9r1111n interior. Turbo hydr•matic tr1nsmis1ion, push button radio, console, powe steering. 12423}~,,204141 Brand New 1969 Grand Prix. Champagne exferlor with 9old lnlt vlnyl tnterior, tu(bo, hydr1metlc +r1nsmi11lon, push bu tton radio, remote outside mirr~r, cus- tom whe91 d iscs, power steerin9, power disc br1ke1, tinted 91111, power win. dows, AIR CONDITIONING, front floor m•fs, white side will tires , cordova top. . ' s3495 . \. 1968 TOYOTA CROWN Std1n. 5,000 ori9i111I Diie OWM r rni111, Ab.olutely fr11h, ·A11to., r1cl lo, h11t1r, ltuc;ket Sith , whit• with bl•ck interier. IXEW 1701 1968 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 2 Door ht r1'1oJ!, Vinyl top, ftctory •ir, 1ler10 AM .FM, Vt, 1uto., redio, hi tter, 14,000 rniltt, pow1r 1l11ri11g I brakes. IWWS 406) 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Li9ht gre111. Eco110111y plu1. lt •dio •nd h1et1r. !SST 10(1 ' l276579P2719 ~1r , s4554 i 'I BONNEVILLE Brand New 1969 Bonneville coupe. limelight green with green interi0r, cordova top, turbo hydramatic tran smission, push button radio, remote outside mirror, delu xe belts, cu stom wneel discs, dual exhau1ts, pOw.er steering, power disc breles, tinted glHs, AIR CONDITIONING, front floor mets, white side wall tires. (262379C 1.22052) • s4347 52177 1968 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 52677 1968 OlOS 10 PASSENGER VI, r1di1, "-•t1r, a11to111•tic tr•1urnil1io11, Viii•· Ctult,1r w•ton. Vt , hvdt-•tic, pow1r 1fttrin9. Grei n 1rierlor, !WAI· power 1te1rln9, pow1r bf•kt1, r1jjfo, ht•t•r, f1ctory •lr collCI,. ,....,.. whit• w•ll•. 5t tl 2t,467 lflll1t. ITllOAI ' 53177 1965 PONTIAC GTO 1967 FORD FUTURA 51677 Hardtop. Radio, heat1r, eutom1ti c, pow•r 2 Door. 5111•11 Vt '"Jr"'• •uto1111tlc, ,,. 1lttrlng, ~111yl top. IRR I 5231 dio, he1t1r, white 11 1 will tit••• I 7,74J 111ile1. IUOM 1011 51377 1966 BOl'lNEVILLE 1966 CHEVROLET WAGON 51977 lmp•I• 4 Door 6 p•u•nt•r ••ton. Vt, ( Door lt•rdlop. ve , turbo llyd11rn•lic, 1utorn•llc, rtdlo, tift1t f, powt r 1te1rl119, power 1te•rh19, pow•• br•k•1, ft(fory white w•llt, f•ctory 1lr • c;ol!dltio11lnt• 1lr. lr11111 i11 c•l1r. {$1W 2961 llue w/\;lu1 l11terlot. fSSM 2t2) . • 53577 51677 52277 -·- • -~ -1968 PONTIAC LE MANS 1966 CHEVROLET V2TON , 51377 1961 PONTIAC OTO 52977 2 Door her~o p. Vt,.....hv'r•111riic, ..P•w•r Pic~u' truct. 6 cylirtd1t •nt ll11, redi1, lttcli• a11d ~••l•r, 1 uto111tti~ pow1r 1+•11· 1t11rinf•J• o, he1t1r, whit• tide w•ll1, h1•fer, ] 1p1H, l•ory In color. IT2Z&t511 f1ctory 1lr col'ldltfo11i119, 11,475 111111••· 1119, fac;tory elr cortditio11in9. (WIC 0671 lWFR t]OI ROY CARVER PONTIAC [(] 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA -~.,-....,~.-., . .,..-- ., • ~Kl--.64441 4 - • 52977 ~ -·- " ' I ' - 'a.!.. • • •, .,. ••"'-~m=-=·="C-==" -=,,--cc ._ -A-. .... ~ •--,. ·--··-""...__, -.... ~ , ....... :.:.· :.· """""-"'"-"' -:c· ''-'-~-' ' I . . • • r 1 . . '. • • ......... , .. ~--... READY . FOR ' 'lhtMEDlAil'E ~UYERY lVY !~ RE NT:! GOOD:'SEL,Eii~1Dk ', .> . ECQNOfi\ICff ! ' TO ctipol£'1rR~'" 'oiv~::~!bNt~· ' • ' r ' " • ( ' . ·t • ' . • ... !' .. QRAllG£ .COUllTY'.S Olll l, AUTHORtnD D£AURI · 'Larg• lnventOl'y of New '69'~· For lmmtdlot• Dtllverv. -Thrff only-New • I "_'. '1968' ''N"''" ·-'"-sh-.1 . . ,I CIW•.., .., ·" 'For' lm'lliedi~' · Chprane•J · • -. ... - • • • • • . . ' ,. .. .-· ' . . . • ••••••• ' -... ,, . . ' ' >. < I . !,• ... • .i: ' ' • .. • . ' - S,e e ~co~~l!tte disp!ay. o_f,F~rd'/newest. h\g~ P~tfor~~~~. ~rl• and ac- .-sONes. ~rn how to 5'1 up your own sue-er !l_o~ o~ a l1mil,od budget. ' . .. ~ . ' ' valuable· door prizes', free ~igh p~rlormarice Cleciall and . buriiP:ei sliclers, .. ""1>,'11 ·11ps·lfnd advice on ·your high performoni(o'P,ol:ilems, ,fr•• relres~· ~ ...., . . r· " .... .. -men+"f,ori~•x•r,yone! i ~ ..... ) ~. ' ,· .. -«. ;I ""' ~ . -. t~· •••~-.J,;YJ · Cu•torn 4 Dr. Sect, \II, Allf CO~D .. •uto~ RlH, IYWS426), '64 CHEVROLET l•l·Air 4-Dr. Auto., It i K;F~erbaY·A I R. IVTLll l l '895 Low mil1agt. · :~···· , .. , ··~ ,'6~ PO,(rlAC G11nd, PtiL Aut~;,. ft.I ~, P.~., l',~~-AI~ CONO. IJJV ,201 ·' d: ,.', .:--~,• .~ '' . .;~.···· -.. ....... , ,;;..--~· .. ·1,. . . .~ '66 .:._,~J~;G· R1clio, •i11yl roof,'"' owll•r. IVTP 700}. '159$ '65 PLYMOUTM Sport Fury 2 Dr. H.T. Gr1111 with black int1r. VI , 1uto., P.S. 'IYX5 46 21 '795 '63 FALCON •795 _ .,. ··~ r ,. ·"'u.,...,n . 6, •tiik, rtdio, h11tfr.' f59-,;, 6fl0) ' ··~ '129'5 ~ . I ' ST).TIC)N WA.GONS . ' Fin11t 11l1ctle11 of· fo.1"cl1-111d 0!1Yrol1h,,..Co11ntry S1d1ni & Coun try Squlr11 2·'61'1. ! • ' "' • t IXAMPLE: '64 FORD 9 PASSENGER v ... 1 1 119i111, IORN 5441 .. C"-""Y led• . ' • "-' • t ' • I CrurtOl'l'latic ·tr111•1r11-11011, r1,lio end r . ,. ' •t09$ : -· ~ . ., ' • ' ., ''"