HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa~-~ -~ . . --. -. .. --____........,---· --......--• • I ~ ,, ~ ' ~ \ • • • • ear--· ID: \ ac •• Ill • .• • . --• • • ;· . " l . _Coa8t (JhiJd .-;·~-edi . . i . .. • • --~ 11· Ord·.--With Girls n . ~Y.-. . . . ' t .. • ' ' ',.(,.. , ~uy -Pm.f Pon.f Tat.I~ .. -. . ~· . . . ~ ...... ' . . • l I 1 , •• • . ~ -• SATURDAY, JULY 12, '1969 VOL. U, NO. 166,. 4 $ECTIONS. 1' PAGES Way IJp There , . • •• ' ~xper.im:ent __ ·:M~Gos,_That~s Bain~ , .... 1 ... i· .... s -. ---.J -, -,. ... ~ - S"UdJe:,t j ummer Sto;m 'Startles SO.utbl.and ( 1ta1;: . ays' -Pentagon WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pentagon docunlents showed'"' today the Army pla"ns -and already may have conducted -Increased open-air testing of five deadly nerve gases, including one that killed 6,000 sheep last year near the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. • Weather forecaal publiibed for Frlday : day. On~ 1t 11ili1e1f lhe area· arr Eati)' morninr low clOU<J.l l!l)d fog.!11Uow~ -~ of Jo!.qf~. f'rlday, 11_-lov~r ed by hazy'IUolhine. tno eariy'fo get the plctun.. · · Actual weather Friday: Early morning "So, we didn't koow the moisture was low clou$ follow~ by rlln Jightning oc· there. By the tlrne we found out, it was caslooa.1 tbuDder Md lhllnd~r. ' already l'Birilng, '"" It was a__.thunderstornr, ,pure and Rain_lt ~id, enQUgb fo sUCk up Southern simple. And et>irlplete with sultry muigy . CallioriJ.ia s oD-glar.ed ~.~s and snarl air ' weekend traffic in all directions. '· ', 'rechnicilly, saya the· Weather Bureau, Youd have known about sooner, in the rain, thtinder and lightning . came Ume to c a r r y ab umbrella, except ~e from a weak little upper level low satellite let us down. That's the satellite presSure: area that started moving off the t h a t ~ally keeps track of clouds and coast southward. t~o.se th1ngs'and le~ the Weather Bur~u, As It got down to the ocean area west via photographs, 1n on the probability curves of what's corning up next. I ' of SoUlhern c;aJllornla, II waa able to tap _roqislure lr~r911!< ...., of! the Wes) ooaat of Meilco. 1be satellite was muffing its role about then. Then It all swirled around a bit and dropped its trap on Southern CaUfornJa. The weekend? Well, t.be-upper level.low ls moving out and the weather man looks for a clearing weeke~. possibly even a nice one. He gave that report after Poft went back on at the Weather Bureau~ Jt was off for about 30 minutes Friday. Lightning bit a nearby power pole. In the documents, which showed the tests were slated to begin last March and continue through September, the Army confirmed it was resuming its expei'iments ·at Dugway and revealed for the first time that open-air tests . were plannned at Fort McClellan, Ala ., and the Edgewood Arsenal, about 25 mil· es northeast of BaJtimore, Md. Officials at the Defense Department !'¢used to say whether any or the tests stheduled actually had taken place yet. Said the Los Angeles Weather Bureau : "The satellite takes onJy one picture a Pag eant Go es On Despite Rains Hessians Arraigned After Orgy 1With 2 County Girls The show went on Friday night at Laguna Beach Pageant of the Masters, maintaining a tradition marred only once in 34 years. Almost out of siiht, Allan' Williams, oceanographer for U.·S. Anny Corps of Eng~eers, climbs tall pole to load time lapse camera used in Corps of. Engineers study of beach erosi~n along Orange County coastline. To. get t}}e picture on how corps is studying the problem, see J anice Berman's story, page 3. ~ The documents were p~ovided by the Army at the request of Rep. Henry S. Reuss, who released them Friday. Re· uss, (l).Wis.), is chairma n of a House subcommittee on conservation and na· tural resources that has been investi· gating the possible dangers of outdoor testing with chemical and biological warfare agents. All the tests listed by the Army involved only chemical agents. Il was before the ReUss subcommittee the .Anny admitted last May that a nerve gas identified simply as "VX " An as the rains came pouring down during Friday's late afternoon surpris· ing thunderstorm and showers, artists scurried frantically to protect their works al the three art festivals. But by curtain time of 8:30 p.m. for the Pageant, the worst was over and the opening night went . off without a hitch, although spectators watched the skies with as much interest as they watched the stage. ' Blackfin Near Honolulu killed, 6,000 sheep In a testing accident at Dugway in March, 1968. In a statement Friday night the Pen· tagon said· Dr. K. C. Emerson, acting deputy assistant &ecretary of the Anny The only time a show has ever been called was four y~ars ago when bad weather .hit. With Passage in P-ursuit for research• and developmest, ·told the subcommittee "why It is essential to conduct open-air toxic agent testing." The Pentagon said •Emerson testified May 21 that "open-air testing ls neces- sary to validate predictions of capabll· Russian Envoy . Plans to See Apolto La1~nch HONOLULU (AP) -Blackfin moved tn willrin 611 miles of the Diamond Head fmilb line In tile Los Anleles to Honolulu Trilllpldlic ;Yacht Race Friday with a """ -IJ\ slghl The"-73-foot. kel'cll with K~-De-~ 1 In cij.. and represents Ufe ·S(. Fl'l1lcis Ya , Club of Sao ~11c~. ~~ radi he exp«µ to ct08s· the 11 11n~ a'I'u1p:m, ,1109<1111J1:Ailn• s ay. . • z , .. ,... • ~tec1>rd tl*! event is, nine days, 13 hours, 51'.2 minutes; set by Robert F. ities concerning movement, direction Johmon Of the Pohland Yacht Club in and deposition of ae;en\S." 1965 .with the 'nconderoga. 1 , Although the Army dOcuments tndi- Jollnson was DeMeme's .-cfoseit com· cated the tests scheduled at Fort Mc· pef.itor. nm,.Jng ,20 miles to the 1tern1of ctellan were ~/gnificant and limited. CAPE ,KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -Am· .»~his. new ~t, WliRtifll'tt to training for troops, they listed exten· bassaaor Anatoty F. Dobrynjil of the ~~ge. -;,_,~-· ~ ' · sive plans to test vx and oUler gases Sovl~ l!nion has ·accepte<t an Invitation Wif5ctWard.'PU.Ugl!: t3dioeCt·4hat 'It e-. t •• Ed ood • J !hr h th to watch next week's launch of Apollo peets"'t41.&fflva:a't~· '' ~-· :ll'e&a.ra1-$:i 8 uie gew arsena. oug e 11. If he comes, he will be lhe first p-m;,~iilu,_, , .. " !i~ Of , use o! "111lery $ells, .ground flxturea, R I •• _.., B~ t.-niceOUkf S:idl:::tbetewu . land · mines-and •1oombtets."' ussarrto visit Cape Ke ......... ,.. som'e ;...i-u to the' boal~'--se. OfI~iihi:.'prlvately hope hiS atteodance .._, 11 ......... would mean a similar invitation· from · Other ilriitU runners were Pursuit. Of Bil' .I to Of>en B the Russians. , · J~l., }6 p 11 • d San Francisco YC, now TT% miles !rom ars' '""1 . r Ota8lllle t'>iamood Head: Rascal, Saotl Barbara "There will be no request !or recl.P- ' ~ YC 824 mJles: Kamall, Los Angeles •YC rocity," said Julian Scheer, a.99istant B_icentennial Dav s:n miles, and Queen Mab, Calliornia During Elections administrator ol the space agency'• ~ :;-: \..I • YC 845 miles. pubUc aftalrs office. "We certainly· ~(AP) -G<W. Rell.ga.n Eugene Brlcker,-A7, or Fresno, a crl!!w· SACRAMENTO,. Calif. CAP) -A bill ' wou.kl not a!k.1But.Jt enhances c:hancts hal offlcLa.Uy -~ed July 18 as cau. man aboard the sloop Mahi a, was injured lo remove thl!! baD on the sale of alcohollc th•t an American will attend one of fonill. Bkefttennllt Day. Thursday when struck in the head by a beverages on l!!lectlon day moved Friday theirs." In liili ptQ;Cltiiatton issued Friday, spinnaker-boom. He was taken aboard to Gov .. Ronald Reagan's desi.~ Tht • Russla'ns rjµlve ubeem Invited ' be-'; Rolpn , recoul!ls 'the est'abl~bm~t of t&e desir"..:r,e:v USS. ~lack Friday, bound . The measure would allow Calilornyt.1 fote. but tbe'lbvilatlon alw~y1 w~s turn- lho:.•tlla:l..!lm.. .. ttlemenLm wlllt ls , lot a.r OULwilb.mllltacy.helloop,...-li&n-aodc Jiquoo.fl'oreo to r8Jl!lln ~ -~lloWo-llUaatlii=-#lfilet• 11.lVe been now the, City of~ Otego. . 1"' oil San Diego. , . durlog. any eJecflom. • . ·~ .lllrJhore on leVef&l launches. , I• ., I J • 'll Six members of the Hessians outlaw motorcycle gang were taken from Court to Los Angeles County Jail .on Friday following their arrest on charges vf rap- ing two Anaheim girls in a 20-hour orgy. The six also were charged with pos- session of heroin. The Anaheim girls, both 15, report· edly were picked up1by three members of the motorcycle gang who offered to drive them hQme following a group ther· . apy session at Orange County Medical Center. Los Angeles County Sheriff reports Indicate the girls were taken to a resi· dence In Hawaiian Gardens where tbete were mor~ than 20 persons prueut, re- peatedly raped and forced to submit to acts of sex perversion. One of the girls finally escaped and reached Lakewood sheriffs wbo rescued, the Other girt ,and made the arrests. Sheriff reports say th"'ey found the secdild girl nude, partially covered by a dirty blanket and crying hysterically; "Will somebody get me out of here, Ping Pong Table Kills Coast Girl " • i • + • ' , Fiineral services art pendlng~for two-~ yeaf-old Debta • Paatiiht" ot l'lluntlnltan Beoch wbo diod Of,ln]urles mcun.d when a ptng-pong table fell on her.1 · The girl died late .. l'huraday hli<1!t at• H~ntlnllon ~ch lnteroommunlty 11oop1. Ill. ·She auJ(aloed major h<ad lnjorles• earlier in tile •Vtninfl -.hen.the Pinl·J>OOC , table, li<pt agaloo\ •a &ar•&• waJT, (DP; plOll•QY<t.>COl'Oll<?:1~'81iPto .... Kld.., '!'ho d"'d ·~h~ ... Mr. and . MS:-MiCtiiil~ · ~iiiiiiOl,.1ti · Laoe, Himtln~~ ~ , . , ' Will somebody please be1p me." Sheriff reports said the girls were beaten wi.th motorcycle chaJns and fills while being repeatedly molested. They were told they might be cut up and dumped in the ocean. Arrested on the charges were Edmund "Fuzz Face" McDermott, 22:. of Ana- heim ; Charles D. Goeden, 23, Charle1 M. Gasj>er, 21, and George 0. Hanson, 20, all 0£ Hawiilan iGardens ; Donald H .. Peterson, 19, a t;ranslent, and a 17- year-old Anaheim youth. Or ange C:ou e ' Weatlaer Better to be llfe than sorry and ex- peCt · some afternoon showers, al- though ofilcial):y 'they're suppo&< ed to ran · only 'over· mountains. Temperatures fin thll high 71>s will IJlake' thlhgs muggy, 100. . INSWE TODAY e N.eil . ATm.1trono may be the fir!t man on tht moon. bu' ht.I moon mf!aion won 't be his first taste ·of t zc:itement and danger. Famflu Wte~ly cover r~.~/iles our "Man on The • • Dt!{)1 Martirt's Golddiggtrs beautify the,,.,, of TV WEEK: C h i 1d1' e n'J thow, "Sto~~ S q" 4 re 1," fill1 Jn.skit .Color Page. • -. .. ~~g, ~nl~ggl~ng ~fti~~, Even Bow and Arrow Vsed Across Border _ ;,.,-1 ~ L -... t,, • .. · • l • ~ . . . -, .. _. • SAN DIEGO ~AP) -By land, were cauaht carrying pot acroM, the In. No official. reoord b kept of the. nwn· air and &ea, smugglers are feeding a tetnaliooal border in the L;iguna Moun· ber of ~qrs, m.s~ted, but a customs of • .qowing American market wJlh. illicit talns, Sin tliego County -~heriU's. Sat. ficial said several hundred tho!lSand .,.druga..a.od. narcotics, autborilit3 told a R9bert E., Ryan"sakl. __ relurning .motorists.. wer~ stopPN.__a~ ,&r'i'P-•lcoogi:-. Frlcfliy. Olhen, Ryan-'laid,,,,,. ~'11rt-stardled 'durlng lbe year. , •. . Sruugglen are ~g )PW·levtl bor· roads between lbe por11 of enll')' to Edwin L. Miller Jr., U.S .. attorney In der )!Qps al niflil In jmall ~!&lies load· drive lhe drua.s into tho uoi:ted Stales. San Diego, said lhe f8jjeral judicial •laff ed with mariiu.ana, SheriU Raymond Vernor V. Hann, district mfector of in San Diego last year handled ~1,025 Rowe of ImperiaJ._ County said, They're U.S. Customs in San Diego. scUd bis narcotics and marijuana cases, cotn· even using ~"' and arrow to fling pack· limited stalf' ~ four legal ports of entry pared tq 455 in the next highest district $ls ol Jterobi across the All ~erican flj!m Mulco -~ -YaidrQ, Calexico, in the rlatlon. . • " Canal, he said. , . Andrate, Tecate -seiitd 900 of w mil· Miller urged appointment of three ad· Cuatoms o(ficers told of pleasure -lion motor VeipCles in the last ~ear. -d.iUocJJ jud~es for Ute a~the.m distrlc~ .. boati, which 10 tmSearcbed, returning He sald the 900 )rielded s milhon dair of Califonrla, and pf'9po5td • joint ef· from Mexico, som~ of them ~ibly -~.erous drug pills, as,ooo poynm of rnar-fort by the Un.it~d Slates and Mexico carrylng.,!df~ cargoes of dope. IJUana, 33 pounds oC heroin and z pounds to wipe out Me10can poppy and marl· Bick' ' ~ .. roce11111 <I oocalne. juana (itlds. Hoola Hoop Hoopla, . - ' UCI Awarded ,Strike ID IJ~h Day Pally Mu11ay, 10, displays form wblcil won,.ber All·City .. Jloola Hoop Cbampi91lfhlp Fri!l!t. tii-:t:Osta- Mes1. Patty, who faced stiH QOmpetition U. "hoop- oir' against local winners ill'diri.sion s baa:ed on ,age brackets, will face .a tougher test next* month when she travels to SoulJ!ern Cali!omia Champlon- •hlps. l)t Torrance. She ls the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Daniel <L. Murray, 39$ E. !Blh St. . ' · $284,000 for Medical ·siudv . . ~ Do~it-yourself ·the · Rule . Toxic .Blllllle-..=d _ In -Deaths-of -. - Harbor Fish UGBegents End Lecture. . . Ba~, Adopt ·New .Policy . . "' ~With ·Plumbing 1rouble_s A grant-of ·-4,ooo has 'been received by the UC Irvine School of Medicine for the --continuation of a medical training By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Cmplofer gi-oups do not resume talks un· c~nter for childhood p u J mo nary Of tt1• O•lrr P1i.1 .s1.11 til next Thursday. disorders Emergency repair is available, b ut a · --• I -random poU Friday suggests citizens A concerted campaign is continuing by .llf':'' cram s for tbe second nu-of a the union representing an estimated , .. ...._ .v.t.. ••~,ooo -~ ....... to mlght pray against water heater leaks as L .... _ _..,_,..,.., ,. • ....,am,~&'""" 12,000 plumbing workt!ts in Orange and S,., -'"CI AP Th Uni , ,_ train --cal ~.;: ..... 1 '--... _ •-a~~t a union strike against Southland plumb-"', &.n.n.11 SCO ( ) -e · Cleaver1 _a fuaitive parole Vlo~tor rt-'"""" ~""""°'P 1U1 ~ U"1: 1.1..lft;,LL iDg firms enters its uth day. eight other California counties to keep ..... •·• and ••~ b"io'-l·•-'""'•.. verstty Of, CalUornla bas ellmtnattd il;s r,';dly ui Qlba, was hired tut fall and care of cbildhood 'c:bett dlleases such them working for ,·n. dependent firms . ........ u.u _..... ..,...."° ""'4N "A ~ •~ .. --d·••"" •-~ f·" Ber' ley · of u .. ~. _ ...... _. -~ lb-.. n-1 One union shop was open with only its bl:i=;an unknown and -1bly to11c .,..n 00 .p. .... ~ .. a .,.......... --... 'I .e campus group U one 1n11::=.~ ..........,,._ GUU O -"'"... "Our membe~in is not hurting," said !!"... when B Panther Eldridge Cleaver aeveriil speakers in an expVtmental a.;-. owner available for repair jobs, while "' au " for the death Of 5COl'eS of hlre4 ..-..i . 1 Jt w• presented to UCI as 1 part of a telephone recordings at four others an· a spokesman for Plumbers and Steam- amJ J>aJs and aznelt a!ong certain parta :':ital~~-~ !n ':a~r~~le any ~~~ course on race re ation.s. U.S. Department of Htaltb.. EdUcation nounced the line wu no longer in service. fitters Local Unipn 582 in Santa Ana . of Lower Newport Bay. · Gov ... ~ and almost all other'VC ~d atatewlde controversy, repnt1 and Welfare program to lmpnm: care fO?' ''Tell them all I know is what I read in He said 90 pertent of the Orange Coun-Jbtia l'itch, chlef biologist with the regenfs v6ted fof the revl!Jon Frldaf. v~ tn September to limit gueat lee-patlmts with heart disease, cancer, the newspapers," called Ha.cry Taylor ly area plumbefs have been hired by in- _,._ Department-of Fish and Game-biology Tbe-"ijlinge, iUggtsted-by UC President ture to speaking during only one ses-stroke and related diseases. from the workshop of hit flrm..Jlt 1672 dependen t employers since the July l department at Terminal Island, said Charles J, Hitch, set up a new policy siOn of any cOur se given for credit. Dr. W. F. Taylor, assistant professor of PlaC611Ua Ave., Costa Mesa, when a strike be·gan:. They ha9e been -paid at chemicals dumped into the bf!Tbor pro-on guest lec:t~ers. holding department Cleaver continued to speak in the pediatrics al UCI, who ls heading the secretary relayed lbe query. higher-thhan~ahry wages: he indicated. -bably-killed·lhe f!-'h. _ chairmen atcountable for .their 11.Pi"Uir.t~· classes last fall and students received" program at Orange County Jdedical f-Deadlocked over-demands for the first ''\\'e aven 't ad to put out any "W e-can·1 determine. whit exact!"· mcnt. .no credit. Center in ()range, feels the: first year four-day work.week contract in the West, Phickets." he ccgitidQll~11·h·:we jus1t go up to caused the killing, but two biologists and Hikh said his new proposal &till was But ... as, tioth Hitch aod Reagan .... p-''has been a grea~ au~cess.'t negotiators 'for tl'1': plumbers union . and t e contract or an te 1m to s gn.'' · a w~ ~m conyinced that titJ_ier "lht strlCteJt re~ation on guest Jee· plained, the ban also. hindered plans ''We treat up lo 45 chUdren a week, in· "If it comes dowr. to IL we'll gel someone fT 0 m--a boatyard·or a~ turen ot •113'-~ity in"""'the• United f9t. hlrin& ~1.Uldre<ts .of iueat lecturer1 eluding about 10 newborns pnd discuss N · -cooperation from the truckers and manufeduring operation may baVl Slates." on the university's nine campuses. The care techniques' with physicians ai1d -egro Resigns aii:cra people who -deliver t•h"C dumped something in the bay," be· said. On· other i.6'1les, regents discussed Jn university .traditionally bringa in exPerts nurses through Orange County," Taylor , . · materials," said the spo~esman at strike Fllch said the crew conducted ex· private the hlrlni of a ·controversial in many fields to lecture in lllbjects said. headquarters . tenllve testa of the diuolyed oxy1en con-professor at Uc Santa Barbara,' took variyng from law and buslness to l1ber~ Pulmonary diseases art known as the Nix.on Post as Since the walkout against the Plumbing tent(l(·ttle·bly" water. The testai lhawed another step toward IJvlldlng atudents al arts. ' No. 1 killer of new,boms and young Employe rs Council and Pacific Institute the ~ of the brine from that housing on Berkeley's dJlputed u~ The only no vote on· the p::iodiflcation children, be said. of Plumbing Employers (PIPE ), some standpoint "was very good." pie 's park" land and gave Berkeley was cast by Regent Edwin W. Pauley "We have detennined that 70 to 80 per· Aide Wi"th SBA independent contr actors have agreed to a Chancellor Roger w. Heyns a three-of Los Angeles. cent' of all childh9Qd diseases are cen· raise ol $5.79 to $7.25 per hour. DWolved oxygen content is a general moo••· ~;d v-a"on. tered in the n11lmona"' track and have Unde.r terms of the union demand, the fnalc.tor Of W.ter qua"ty f flsh he uia ..--u " I believe Ul.is action is goino to cosl r-• J ,,.. 1 said .. ~· u or ' • Regents also voted unanimously for us votes both with the legisl~iure and d~ermined the death rate of premature WASH1nGTON (AP) - Philip Pruitt, base Journeyman pay rate would be stricter camNic regulation of experi· 'th th bl' .. p 1 'd "Whe children from these diseases. saying_ he had trouble f~ctng himself in almost doubled by July 1, 1970, on a four· ' Fitch said the case oi the fish ltill Is mental _,_,._-at Berkeley and UCLA. wi e pu ic, au ey 181 · n u0qr flrit year program was primarily the mirror. ~bruptly resigned after ~our day work week. uni lb of th ............. it cost.s us votes, it costs us money." ......... ,.__. 1 t•· d 1 f •··1gn closed, eu a new ou reat e bob-'-"'""~·""' .i:!D~· usemb ying a staff · and mon '"' as U"ec or ~ a pr~gram ~ • -Negotiators for management have of. l---1bi'n"h"if-ll-foundl _____________________________________ ~t~ medical personnel," Taylor ed to help redeem President Nixon's f ed 1 bst t• 1 . rr-.. no campalgn-pledie-of-!!Btaek-CaplUili&m..'..'--er ll ess su an 1a _ wag~_2ncre~se, The dead fish have been spolted by the L y h G • u -T 1 _____ , h · "You go to lbe mirror every morning Out 1,1n1on execuUves are b0ld1ng out lOf score: on the leeward .&ide .of the lower ost ac tsman 1ven p ay or expr~ ope that the pro-and you ay to yourself 'I'm a Nixon air their !ull demand. bay; particularly near Marine~1 Mlle, . · gram's lulu!" will be able to hel~~.._ ,iJoliiee', 'and you see ail lhe things going The _'strategy at this point appear! to where ir.du::trial and boat repair ac. 8~ i::~~~t.,!!e1Qtne tm...,~I'On 'ln-lhe governmeiit around you,'' said involv!ng signing up as many independent tlvifie!·ate especially heavy Urts Ume of •' · s. .,..,., :r-:•yf.-:~· 8 pu """:.:." · ·'"' itt. • _ plumbing conl!actors as possible by yeitl r.· · ·; •,. · B ·s· · M · · · ' . D · · d~;,r.ilo .. ~i'\~ · ~'!be 32;year-old ·Neg~steOJ>t!d down Tbur!day1 to use as a1bargalntng base. Tblck moss cloggin( lhe harbor at ut ea Y .. ~t· ery eepe' .ns u!'.biwr~ ~~·our:.-"' .l Friday as an aoslst>iit;ldrnlitistrator in "We're a union shop and .. we're Dot many -of tbe.ume locaUons as the dead, U heed «it belD." h ms -m05~. charge of the. SmaIL8~_Adnurustra-able to do aoy work," said a spokesmaq.. decayfni flah bis been termed normal for urgen 1 • p, e added. tlon's ~ enterprise ptogram. for earlson Plumbing and Heating 1750 early .summer by several offlcial!I. ·" President Nixon is _prob~bl~,commit~ed Monrovia Ave., Cost.a Mesa. ' , LONDON (API -Brltlsh round·the· Electron ,... found !I'hunday1 700 milt• County·· Gets Back to the program, Pruitt said, but I. thm~ She said owner Glenn Carlson, owner or world yacbtatoan Donald CfO'llt'b~·wls I f n.~ ... -... eomeone"s. telling bim the wrong things. the firm , was able to accept i·obs but '"veo up for •-toda B I the . wea o W'I: --res. : -: . • The White House had no comment on _...,... of lb . k . ' 15 I di ·•t d _. M:J~ y. u ·m ry Seart:h beadqu~ 0'9:.amounced. the resilnation of one ol the adminl!tra· iu .... _.. eir wor wu being ipread ;,,,, n : . c1,e ;::r"lh~.C1~fr.f~~r:~ ''The seardl his hetD abandoned. .. M 'Auto Fee Funds· Uon's hfJ<hel'. ranking negroes. ~t ":":J'~wnblng flmlS ... lhut -the fourth .found a_p~renUy abandoned Jn Jone· a.sit is:eoosid~a rue 1ican·be itv· The mfnority program, Pruitt said In an °~ Y e. In1' I.A _)y...,.nsas· the same area within 12 days. . ed, eveey .eftort ls ~mada. +Odee 1 it' is interview, has been bogged down in bur· Qimplainls of a ~ percent unempJoy. ft.rap U.S. A" Force pl•-,,:_,_,· a 11 ,. • ., • ..:........ . Auto license tax money collected by the eaucratie battling between the SBA. and mfnt roll among union plumbers Jed io " · F..i.J-u ... _. 11tu:1N WAY .. ~ .. ~ no longer tMtondle-·1 1 perion state -almost $2 million.of it-is being the Commerce Department-which the demands for ~ shorter work week and -rl\UIY for the 36-year-oJd, sailor:whole can ·be allve, as 1!f tiis·C•, then· ,re· sent back to Orange County citie s. this. President assigne d to coordinate a drive U*n the walkout when negoUaUons broke Prison JssUe ~ned three-hulled· yacht Tei~ sources are wiUi41'at;'rt" · month . to clmie a busin ess ownership gap 'be-d6wn nearly two weeks ago. LrITLE ROCK, Ark., I AP) -A feder· al irand JUry ·bas charged 15 per11ons with brutal 'treatment of inmates ln four Arkansas penal institutions. It returned 4& indictments Friday. charging that the defendants, .. under color of law," wilfully i!flposed summary purtlsbQl~ on one or more inmates, de- prlvil\g-them of their const1tutional rights. Jim Bruton, fonner superintendent of the Tl.JJ*er Prison Farm unit of I.he state ~tentlary-, we.a named in 19 of the ~ indictments that charged former employ. es and misty guards with brutality at Tucker from 1964. through 1966. Bruton was charged with pun ishing tom.ates or causing· them to be punished by electrical shock!, Whippings with a leather strap and the use of such objects a.s pliers and hypodennic needles. -~ DAIL\ PILOT ............. " ......... ". ~~ ~11Veflty e--c•uPOaN1A , OllAHGI (CASI l"llt~l~NING COM..._,.)' lo!Mtt N. W"4 f'mMlflt -"*'"' Jt-c• a. Cltfl•., Vb,,.... .... '*"*' ......., fh•Nt IC....0 ·-n ...... "'""""'-~·~iW -c.t. Mtlr. .. '#af ..., ..... ......,, ""°'' 1211 ...... , ...... ...,....... ~ IMicfo: m. "--"'-· ~lftdlt MJIA t._. . ' ... The London SundiiJ'.l:fin\es. which si>6n· It is being distributed on a popul;1\ion 1ween minority members and whiles. ~A spoiesfnan for the union local In San- sored the around-the-world race that basis and is the third payment this year Les~ than one per cent of the nation's ta Ana said Friday that citizens. with Beach Fireman Rescues 2 Boys Trapped in Vent Prowhurst had been favored to win, an· from license funds. . bi1s1ncsses are owned by Negroes. plumbing emergencies such as broken Orange Coast cities will receive these waterpipes or heater leaks can get nounced that the $1%,000 prize for the amounts: 1\1antie Eisenliower plumber ser vice, fastest voyage would go to Crowhurst's Huntington Beach. $181.312: Costa wife Cla re. A spokesman said the trl· Mesa, $1 11,078 : \Ve stminstcr. $96 .213; 'C. A maran had crOISed the line of its out-Newport Beach, $74,281 : Founta in Valley, etli11g long Fine' Johnson to Attend Launch of Apollo ward journey and thus had completed $49,04&: Laguna Beach. '18.901. · ct Largest amount received by an Orange An athletic Huntington Beach fireman dangled .Ulrough an air vent opening of an elevator shaft Friday and removed two trapped boys while another fireman held his ankles. its rcumnavigation of the globe. Crow. county city will be: $264,396 for Anaheim. hurst had been at Sea 262 days. The license funds can be used for any ShortJy before the-searc~ for Crow-city Projects as of July 1. Prior to the burst was abando~d, Lloyd's Shippillg passage of Propositian 7 last November, Exchange in London disclosed that since they were restricted to state-connected" The boys, Bruce and Brian Higgenson, of 17291 Ut Mesa Lane, Huntlngton Beach, were in the elevator for 25 minutes before firemen were able to ex- tract them. June 30 three other boats have been programs. Fireme!l Bob Baker lifted the 4·year· old youngsters through the vent, whlle Lou Torres suspended him inside the sh.aft by holding bis ankles. , The elevator, located in the Towers It J\1edica l Center, 8041 Newman Ave., was stalled on the first floor when the boyi'l apparently pushed the "stop" button by mistake, firemen said. ~th were frightened by the ex· pe!'lence, but were unin'jured, firemen &aid. Seeing found unmanned in the same area where Crowhurst's boat was found . The Vagabond, a 20-foot fiberglass boat belonging to Peter Wallin of Sweden- anotber lone globe-circling sailor-was found Sunday by the Swedish ship Golar Prost. A boarding party" discovered tv~ erything on bOard undistU'l'bed but no sign of Wallin . The last entry in the boat's Jog was July 2. On Tuesday. the British tanker Heli· sona sighted the up1urned hull of an un· ident!Iied 36·foot craft. That was nine days after another British ship, the Maplebank. reported sighting a 60-foot vessel. thought to be a white-hulled yacbl', floating bottom-up off North Africa. U.S. Nixon Croup Studies Anniversa1·y Goals WASHINGTON (J,JPI) -President Nix. on today created within the White House a "National Goals Research Staff." He said its first assignment "ould be to study possible goals for 1976, th e nation 's 200th anniversary. The staff will be under lhe direct ion of Leonard Garment, special consultant to the President, who will work in liai- son with Daniel -P. Moynihan, executive secretary ot Nioxn'• Council for Urban Affairs and a presidential assistant. Mesa Youth Joins 39 for 3,000 Mil,e Trip By RANDY SEELYE East coast, but It won't take Jnn" to aet 0, tk 0.llY P'U•t lftft k lh -~ o Dick Day of Balboa Wand la 16 years to now em," he saJd. old and Friday he became licensed to But, even if he doesn't get to kDOw drive 1 car. z them right away. he has over a month to get acquainted. On Monday he will no longer need that They leave Tue!day morning and will liccme -or at least not (or si1 weeks. spend five weeks on the bikes, arriving in ~·or the bfond Corona del Mar Hi4h Wa¥1ington August 11. School Junior Is leavtngon a bicycle trip Wandering wheels 11 a club that was across the United States with 8 group organlud several ft.art ago by Bob calllled "Wandering Wheela." Davenport, the former UCLA football ff ..Ul 1 ' -star, now a coach In the midwest. fl eavt I.NII An&eles for SoatUe on ''Th ere w!U be 20 white and 20 black Monday and then Tueaday .will join 39 other hflh school 'tnd collep boys 00 • studenll taking the trip," Dick "lated. 3,000 mile trip to Washington, D.C. ..We will be 1etung In shape physically "I wlll be .. 1 8 dlsadvanta at the ·~ W. have a rood chance to exchange •·~,. DI , 'd '"'·-&e , ldias. a..... c .. Sil • ~a~ I ~on t know "Wt wlll~t ~O'.'!l •I~ the route any o! the Other tf\IY•liii UiOTrlp. -to IV8.shlngl00 -moltly In Chur<:hel. We "Moot ol Ille oilier l'l)'1 aro from Ille will be 11n&1n&, but l'm· llttld ~ will . . . be more quanlity than quality, 0 he chuckled. Dick saJd there will be a large van following the 40 cyclists that will carry all or lhe provlslons. "We will be C8Jfl• ping every night and traveling about 100 miles a day." he said. To train for the strenuous trip Dick has been riding his bicycle all over the Orange Coast area. He has logged more than 60 miles a day and feels confident about his ability to Increase the mileaee by 40. Dick nys the trip will COil him about $3IO. "M1 plane fares to Seatue and then home from Washington are mGSt of tho expense. "I don't expect any problems on the trip -but U I beoome sick .:. I CID alwaya ride ID the batk ol lhe vib." ' . - LAKENHEATH. England (AP) -Ma- mie Eisenhower "is getting along fine" recovering from acute bronchitis at a U.S. Air Force hos pital. a hospital spokes. men say!. The widow o( President Dwight D. Eisenhower was brought to the hospital July 5 after becoming ill on a European vacation. The spokesman said Friday no hospital bulletin& are being issued on her condi- tion because her recovery continues ex· cellent. " '. WASHlNGTON (UPI) -Former Presi· dent Lyndon B. Johnson will be at' Cape Kennedy for the launch~8 of Apollo 11 toward the moon Wed y at the in- vitation of President Nixon The White House said Nixon cal'ed Johnson Friday afternoon to invite him .. Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler u ld the two men talked 15 minutes "on a wide range of subjects." DICK' DAY CONTIMPrATErtRO~ONTRY1JikcRIO--~ RHllnt Up llillo1'11 JourMy Fram S.~ttlt to Waahlntton, D.C. "-/ · ' J I l .. :VO[. 62."NO. '166, 4 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES . Astronauts I ~aper Off· On Training CAPE KENNEDY, Fla, (AP) -Apol· lo Jl's astronauts slowed their train- ing pace tod8y to assure they will be rested when they blast off on their moon-landing mission Wednesday. "We don't want to launch a tired crew," said Or. Charles A. Berry. the astronauts chief physician. "It's a difficult schedule these guys have gone throUgb. but they 5eem to have 'fit it very well. "Our one concern was fatigue," Ber- ry said. "But they've done better than we thought they would and they've done better than they thought they would." Berry has kept close watch on the health of Nell A. Annstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins for sev- eral weeks. He has isolated them as much as possible to prevent them pick- ing up a cold or other germ from a stranger. · Berry's health campaign has -been so strong -thut-President~·Nixon cancel· ed plans lo have dinner with the astri> nauts the night. before launching. ' ' ' -- SAT\IRDAY, JULY ti, 1969 TEN CEN:tS Deadly Gas Tested PentagonP WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pentagon .documents showed today the Army ptsns -and already may have conducted -Increased open-alr testing or five cleadly nerve gases, Including one that ldlled 6,000 sheep last year near the Dugway Proving Grounds m Utah. In U\e doclsment.s , which showed the tests were ;Jited lo begin ·last March ·and con,tinue through September, the Army confirmed it. was re9.lmi_ng its experiments at • Dugway and revealed for the first time · that open-air tests were plannned at Fort McClellan, Ala., and the Edgewood Arsenal, about 2S mil· es northeast of Baltimore, Md. Officials at the De!ense Department nning More Experiments refused to say whether any Of the tests s .. beduled actuany had laken~p!ace yet. Tb&<documents were provided bJ, the Army at the request of Rep. Henry S. Reuss, who released them Fridal~ Re· uss, (D-Wis .), is chairman of a Hoiise subcommittee on conservation and na· tural resources that has been investi· gating the possible dangers of outdoor testing with chemical and biological warfare agents. All the tests listed by the Army involvecLonly chemical scents~ It Wf!S before the Reuss subcommittee the AJ·l!\Y admitted last May that a nerve gas identified simply as-"VX" ki lled, 6,000 sheep in a testing accident at Dugway In March, 1968. In a stalement Friday night the Pen-- tagon said Dr. K. C. Emerson, ad.Ing deputy assistant secretary of the Army for research and developmest. told the subcommiUee "why it is essential to conduct open-air toxic agent testin,. '' The Penta gon said Emerson testified May 21 that "open-air testing is neces-- sary to valid ate predicUons of capabil· ities concerning movement, direction and deposition of agents." Althou~h the Army documents indi~ cated the tests scheduled at Fort Mc- Clellan were lnslgnUiCant and llinlted to trainhlg for 'troops, they listed eiten~ sive plans to test VX and other gases at the Edge,rood arsenal thi'ough the use .of artillery shells; rrwnd filtiires, !arid mines and "bomlilel!I." "'My Gosh" That"s Rain~ Sl.tdclen S-u.mmer Swrm -startles Soutliland Said the Los Angeles Weather Bureau : As it got down lo the ocean area west Armstrong and Aldrin planned to prac· tice moon landings 8nd takeorfs in luir ar Janding craft simulator today, while Collins took up a T38 jet plane up lo &hatP® hls_flying proficiency. Weather forecast published for Fdday: ·Early morning low clouds and fog follow- ed by· hazy sunshine. - . "The satellite takes only one picture a of .SOuthem C'alilornlil, it was able to tap day. On ·'I'hursdaY" U missed the_.a~J>fL....maisture..from th_e sub-trOpio. areaS ol.t-.... .... ~ctual weather Friday: Early morning low clouds followed by rain, lightning, cic· casiona1 thunder and lhunder. · the coast of MexicO. Friday, it went over the west coast of Mexico. Tbe astronauts planhed to take Sun- 'day off and relax in ·crew quarters. At the launch pad, the count.down con- tinued oo schedule toward a launching at 6:32 a.m. PDT Wednesday. There were a fe,q minor: problems, bot nothing serious. It wa11 a thunderstorm, pure and simple. And complete with sultry , muggy air. You'd have known about sooner, in time to c a r r y an umbrella, eicept the satellite let UJ down. That's the satellite t h a t usually keeps track of clouds aril those things and lets the Weathel' Bureau, via ·photographs, in on the probability curves· of what's coming up next. too early to get the ·picture. The satellite was muffing its ro1e about ~·So, we didn't know the moisture was then. there. By the time we found out, it was Then it all swirled around a bit and Jilready raining.'' dropped its trap on Southern Ctli!omia. Rain it did, enough to slick up Southern The weekend? Well, the upper level.low California '1 oll~lazed freeways and marl Is moving out and the weather man looks weekend traffic in all directions. for a clearing weekend, possibly even a TeChnically. says the Weather Buruu, nice one. lhe rain, lhund~r. and lightning came He gave that report after power went from a weak litUe upper level low back on at the Weather Bureau. It was pressure area that started moving off the off (or about 30 minutes Friday. coaat southward. Lightning hit a nearby power pol~. The main pad work today Involved disconnecting tesl. eqWpment from the two spaceships -the command vehicle and the lunar lander -and starting to bring them to a flight-ready condition. Other crews continued to monitor: the 5y;tems-oLthe-SalUm-S-r.ockeot.---- The rocket Js to boost Apollo 11 into ~rbit P,J'Ollftd the moOo. Oq July 20. Arms__jtong and Aldrin are to set the 1unar· vebiC~e on the moon whUe Collins orbits o~rhead in the t'Oniinlnd shlJ>. Early \he next mom1na, ArrnStrong end then Aldrin are to be the first bu~ mans to walk the surlace of tfie moon. For 2'h hours they are to gather rock and soil samples, set up scientific ex- periments and d_etermine how well man can perfonn in the moon's one-sixth "avity field. ' ' -w2 vp "fter~. ~ · .. , .-' A1m0St·out ot:f!'gi;1; ~ .<naiil wfiliii'iili1 .xl.anog~aplier<&r:m s. Afiny Corps ol-Englbeers,,cliqlbs tall pole'to load time 1-P• i::amera.used in Corps <WEngmeers study of beaclr ·erolioil a!Ollg 'Otallr ... eounty ·coaslline. To get the.picture on bow corps is studying the problem, see Janice Berman's story, pag~ 3. 5,q .Jua~Teaehers~t Pa Increase But Ptotest . Pageant Goes _ On De1pit.e · Imi~ They then are to launch themselvts oil the moon to rende.ivous with Collins for the trip home. Russian Envoy Plans to See Apollo Launch CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -Am· ba.ssador Anatoly F. Dobrynin of the Soviet Union bas accepted an invitation to watch next week's launch of Apollo 11. If he comes, he will be the first Russian to visit Cape KeMedy. Officials privately hope hlS attendance would . mean a similar invitation from the Russians. "There will be no request for . recip- rocity," said Julian Scheer, assistant administrator of the space agency's public affairs oHice. ''We certainly would not ask. But it enhances cha nces that an Ametjcan will attend one of theirs." Bill to Open Bars During Elections SACRAMENTO, Calif, (AP) -A bill to remove the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages on election day moved Friday to Gov. Ronald ReagM 's desk. The measure woold allow California bars and liquor stores to remain open during any electiQOS. • . Blackfin Near Honolulu With Passage in Pursuit HONOLULU (AP) -Blackfin moved to within 618 mlles of the Diamond Head finish line in the Los Angeles to Honolulu Transpacific Yacht Rac,e Friday witH a new record in flight. The 73.foot lteich with Kenneth De· Meuse in command represents the St. Francis Yacht Club of San Fr~cisco. DeMeuse radioed he expects to cross the finish. line al 7:42 p.m. Honolulu · time Sunday. The record foc the event is nine days, 13 hours, 51.2 minutes, set by Robert F . Johnson of tbe ·Portland Yach( Club in 1965 with the Ticonderoga. Johnson was OeMeuse's cl(l$est com· petitor, running 20 miles to the stern of Blackfin with his new boat, Windward Passage. W'indward Passage raciJoed that it ex· pects to arrive at Diamond Head at 5:30 p.m. Honolu1u time Sunday, ahead of Btacklin, but race ofEicials said ·there was some confusion as to the ·boat's course. Other front runners were Pursuit, of San Francilco YC, now m miles from Diamond Head ; Rasca1, Santa Barbara YC 824 miles; Kamali, Los Angeles. YC 832 milts, and Queen Mab, Califofnia YC 115 miles. Eugene Brickm', 47, of Fresno, a crew· man aboard the 1Joop Mahia, was injured · Thursd.oy when Slruclt Ill the head by a spinnaker boom. He was taken aboard July 16 Proclaimed Bicentennial Day SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov, R<agan has officially proclaimed July•16 as Cali· fomia Bicentennial Day. . , In hi& proclamation issued Friday, Reagan recounts the establishment of the state's first'"11ettlement in what ii now the City of San Diego. By THOMAs FORTUNE Of ... ~"' ..... , It.rt Trwiees ol San Joaquin Elementar1 Sdiool Distt1cl disappoint..i Jeacbm Fn· day bYJadoptlng a salary scale thafw111 less ·thln teachers asked. lJoaid members immediately were told that 115 ol 225 dl!lricl Jeachera have· 1Jgoed a petition "flng lheY wUJ :curtail free serviCes to the schol distrlcl ng in September. . chers did not say what free services they meant, but it is believed they refer to ool!llde the cfaslroom activities such as supervising the playground and seeing ch!ldi"en get on a school, bus. 1'1e aalary scile adOpted by the board range! Crom $8,825 'to $13,309 pei-year, up·from 6,500 to 12,400 last school year. Assistant Supl. William Stocks said teachers will receive a 91h to 10 percent pay increase over their salary last year. 1be bargaining team for San Joaquin 6 Hessians Held After Orgy With 2 County Girls Six members of the Hessians outlaw motorcycle gang were taken from court to Los · Angeles County Jail on Friday following their arrest .on charges of rap. ing two Anaheim girls in a 20-hour orgy. The six also were charged with pos· session of heroin. The Allabelm girls, bolh 15, report~ edly were picked up by three members of the motorcycle iang who offered lo drive them home foUowing a group ther· apy se1slon at Orange County Medical Center. More Soldiers D·ue Home Los Angeles County Sheriff reports indicate the 'girls were taken· to a resi.- dence in Hawaiian Gardens where there were more than 20 ~SOl)S present, re- pea1ed7 raped and forced 1o ·111bmlt to acts o sex perversion. One of tbe &itls finally escap_ed. apd • rtacbed LakriObd sheriffs who rescUed 9th Marine Regiment May Go to Okinawa th~b~~iil ~~d ;:;deth~ ~="'th• · · second girl nude. pllrtially covered by SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. ComD>and Infantry, arriv~ In Ft. Lewls, Wa$h., As the troop withdrawals cl>!'tinued. a di~y blanket and ,CZ'Yi"I hystericaVy: announced today that another battallon Tuesday. The unit lea'ling Sundiy ls U.S. commanders reported li&HI a,n d "Will somebody get me out ol here. from the Army's 9th Infantry Division the "800-man plus" 4th Bat1alion, 47tb scattered ~nd fighting but •aid they Wiii somebody please tielp me." will leave for the United States SunC:lay. Infantrr. expected the' enemy to renew'. his 'at· Sher;.tf, reP.C>rts said the girls ~ 'Ibe wttbdrawal of the 9th Marine Rea· Although a typhoon in central Vietnam tack in the bext few days. ,;.t ~:..• beaten W1ttf in'btOr~ chAins rand· flsis hnent to Okinawa may start at the samt is slowing down operations, Marine of· IhteUlgence an.itystR "satd !tlit. lik-·~st White belnt\~' molested. They Ume. ficen safd they hoped Jo send the l•t area is the infiltraUon · corr!f!!>r · W.re 'IOl«·-thet ,inliilit be cut up 'Md '11ie !>Jest pullbacks are· part of Pm-Baltallon ol their 11th R<giment by ship we!I ol Saigon ile'fr,the •Canili6dian -· d\lm~ ,Ip' p.f ~ani , ,' •. .. 1dent Nixon's plan to...rtduee U.S. troc;>p to Okinawa at about the same ttrt\t.-the der, where three enemy ~tislon are ·n .on ~ chatges were Edmund atrength ,in Vietnam by 25,00 at the Army unit leaves. believed maneuverl ni. .... . ,--", :--t~· .. ~ct;>er~t; ,21; of ,_,,.. end ol AugusJ, The timelable OIJllined The A{my'• 11th Infantry ol"rales in Th• U.S. Cpmmanc\ 1'epqried ,ili(ee ,_he ; Cfi#rlii'. ~· .JS .Cbaf\tl by the U.S. Command may bea\ th.ti the Mekong Delta SO!Jth of Saigon. The BS2 strikes overnl1hl'lil''Tiif N1Wt M;/', ~o' ll. .and <Y. H1f110!11 deadline by a few week!. 11th Marllleo "" _below the dem1,lltarb,. vince, alt hilUng th~ i!Qlf!i< of B ~' ~ all , Ha!Afu\!I., ~; DQIJlld -The lint U.S.-.pil to"'-willljll11wo--~--lhlt-4iv~c.&loth -Vlr&!t>-'-•hlOll~' ~ ~..,47 •. the 9th lnlantry'1 3rd BattaUoit, eotb Vietnam. . area. , ·~.1 !._1• 1 """"',1. · · .. _ ~ ... : .. _,, .. '!". • .. ~ ....... . I j •' ,. ~·•·"' • •' -, . " •, • Jeachers originally bad uked for a aaJ. azy-cl""°° but ca,me ~·to a·Jatest p-1 of fe,125 lo llart, .with .f(3,812 reacblble lo 1J yW'S. 11 takes I! years to reach the top salary oo the scale adg,pted by the boord. Sixty teachers Were present Friday aftenxm to ,.. the board adopt the sal- ~ 1t!ale. Mn, Flo Brown, cbaimwt of Jhe leach-. er negotiat'hlg panel, 'said,' ''We can only deem this an unfriendly act by the board." ' She said it would be in the be!lt interest of boys and g~la in Jhe schOol dlstricl ~ negotlatloos continued. She requesled t!Ja( lbe board allow a budget elimina- tion by representatives of California Teachers Association. Stocks said the board's position Is that district flies have been available for examination since May and thai trustees: now are desirous of iesolvtng "the long and arduous task" of &al&!'Y neg.>tiatiqn. The teachers request for an <i~ contract so salirles could be lnCreased· if addttional revenue came in was re- jected by the school board. Requests ror mid·year reclassification of teachers who .have completed educ•· tion courses and to allow teachers to re- main on the job throuib ail months of pregnancy lnst'ead of five. were agreed to by the board. House Studying New Tax Curbs 4gainst Bonds 'l'be _abQw .. w.enl _OILF.rlday nlabt Ill Lagun-Beach Pageant or the Muten, maintaining a tradiUon mamd only once in 34 years. An as the nin.s came pouring down during Friday 's late afternoon . JU?pri&- lng t!Jundenlonn ·and sb..,ers, artlSU scurried frantically to proteet their works at the three art ~vals. But br. curtain time Gt 8:30 p.m. for the Pagean , the worst was over. and the opening night went oU without a hitch, although spectators w&tcbed the 1ki.es with as much inttn!st as they watched the stage. The only time a show bas ever been called was four yean ago when IJad weather hit. Ping Pong Table Kills Coast Ghil Funeral services are pending for two- y•ar-old o.bra Paaluhl of Hwrtlllgion Beach who died of injuries incurred when a ping-pong table fell on ber. The girl died Jale Thursday niJ<ht 11 Hunlington Beach llltercommunity !loop~ tal. She sustained major bud injuries earlier in the evening when the ping-pong table, kept agWt a prage waJI, top- pled over, corooer.'s investigators .said. The dead girl's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paaluhl, 20632 Farnsworth haoe, Huntington Beach, Orange Coast WASHING TON (UPI) -The H""° Ways and Means Committee bas agreed· JentaUvely lo Jenninate the current we e:rempdon allowed oo income from state and municipal bonds, held orbnarily by Belle · •· ~···• .... d wealtliy'iinonf, 1>infs and' Jirge flnan-r...w uo;:...,.e..wuw.JOJTY an ex- Weatber cial tnstRuttons; peci some afternoon 1howers, aJ.. The docision was reavealed Friday by though ofltctslly . 'Ibey~ suPf>OS' Ub D • ho ed to Call .. on:!y over mountains. Chairman W ur · Miils, D-Ar ... , w Temn1u·atures ·1n ·the high 70s will issued a 'second pro~ report on the }"..... , committie'• private effort to agree on JIJllke 'thliiP1muaY, too. a package ol tax reforms calculaJed lo INSmE TODA y close.many ao-ctlied-Af-loopholea'' in exJ11t ... Ing tu law. , e Neil ,Armstrong may be 1be move wal seen u another sttp in the fir1t man. on the moon, but the committee'a.drlve ~ard a req\41* his moon mis"°n won't be his ment that all wealthy hMilvl~u~Is P8l' a_t firit tastt of . e:ccittment and least some income tu. Mills sald bis rlmtger. FamiJJI Weekly cover own Preference WoUld be fat continued ,,.....,, m_ofile.t: our 1'Man On Tlie exemption for annual mcomt1 tielcitt an o:v• 11 r. ~ amount of about $$,000 •od a m.HJim11m ~! oon. rate ot· 10 Pl!r!='R( Cot W'ninl abov. that-e Dtan Martin~& G0lddiggti1 levefi.but lh<i; llnal · riJe, and ,bai are bl!G•ftftl the C"JJ<r of TV WEEir: still d!MJ decided.,. , · • c'h i!Cfr'enJ1.shoio, f'Storwbook Tho commluee alao,'Qreed lo n>Qe' Squares," •filfl •l-'Colo1' ,.,. t••, bite·-.. on ·~• •-'-' · t b~ ";J,J bit It big 1i ~.:..If~ ':'g!.' . a gi~DJ cUlllOJ Th" Wiii -!">° , ~~,!"'" ,, 1: ~.:::.•: ed tbrougll~ ift.<ru.Jllo~I---CIMIH... 1Nr Mftt!MS ,1 pt!r'M::tG-"lftl'lftrOWhil &uilfO'fll'J•Y.:, -C'l""lct lJ o.liv.rl• 1 et:al ,.yart• JIO Jhlt ·the CQ'lerim»nt'• ~=ri ....... It =--~'-:lL11ti1 "'"'ldn'l-'.~~ {.."';I' "<1' ~~'Ml .. ~4 .. ~ r: . ~] . J : I : ; .. ~'.. t2=·:!::-::;::2:E'.:'.'.:~~'.J I • •' , Qrug Smuggling ·Ri 'Ses Even Boiii .and 'A~;ow Used Across Border ·· SAN DIEGO (AP) -By land, air ~nd sea, smugglers are feeding a growing American mar"et with illicit drugs and narcotics, auttwrllies told a grpup QI congrwmeo Friday. Smuae:I~rs are making low·level bor· der hopl' at nlghl In amall p!Anes load· ed with marijuana, Sheriff Raymond Rowe of Imperial CQunty sald. They're even ualng bow and arrow to fllng pack· eta of heroin across the All American Canal, he said. CU.toms <lfficen told of pleasure boats, j>bich go Wl!W'ched, retumin1 from Mexico, some of them poaslbly carrytni la~~ eargoes of dope. Bacl<'plClllq amugglm recently were caught carrying pot across the In- ternational border 1n the Laguna Moun· t,a.l.ns, San Diego County Sberllfs Sgt. Robert E. Ryan said. Others. Ryan said, use remote dirt roa4s between the ports of entry to . drive the drugs Into the United States. Vernor V. Hann, district director or U.S. '.customs In San Diego, sa\d his limited staff at four leaal ports of entry from Mexico -San Y11fdro, Catei:lco. Andrate, Tecate -seized 900 of ll mil· llon motor vehlcles ln the last year. He said the 900 yielded 5 million dan· gerous drug pills, »,000 pounds of mar .... ijuana, 33 pounds ct heroin and 2 pounds of cocaine. No orfielal record is kepl of the num· ber of cars inspected, but a customs of· Cicial said several hundred thou.sand returning mot~rlsts were stopped And searched during the year. Edwin L. !'\tiller Jr., U.S. attorney In San Diego, said the federal judicial staff in San Diego la.st year llandled 1,0%5 narcotics 111nd marijuana cases, . com· pared to 455 in the next highest district in the nation. Miller urged appointment of three ad· ditional judges for lhe soulhern district of California, and proposetl> a joint ef· fort by the United St.ates and Mexico to wipe out Mexican poppy and mari- juana fields. HooJ.a, Hoop Hoopla UCI Awarded :Strike In 12th Day Do-it-yourself the Rule Patty :Murray, 10, displays form which won her All-City Hoola Hoop Championship P'dday In Coata 1.fesa. Patty, who faced stiff competition in uhoop- ofr' against local winners in divisions based on age brackets, will face a tougher test next month when she travels to Southern Califurnla Champion- ships in Torrance. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Murray, 395 E. 18th St. . 'Toxic Blamed In Deaths of l!C Regents End Lecture $284,000 for Medical Study A grant of $284,IXX> has been received by the UC lrvlne Schoof of Medicine for the continuation or · a medical training center for childhood p u I mo n a r y 'With Plumbing Troubles Harbor Fish · Slate fish and game biolog~today blained "a.n unkl'JOWD and possibly toxic substance" fot the death ol llC<li/s or sand bass and smelt along cc:rtain!paru of Lower Newport Bay. John Fitch, chief biologist with the Department of-.Fish and Game biology department at Terminal Island. said chemicals dumped into the harbOr pro- bably killed the fish . ''We can't delennlne what exactly caused the killing, but l\\'o biologist! and a warden seem convinced that f!itJier aomeone f r o m a boatyard or a baysldr manufacturing operation may havr durrip'ed something In the bay," he said. Fitch said the crew conducted ex· tensive tests of the dissolved oxygen con- tent of the bay water. The te.rts showed the condiUon <lf the brine from that &tandPoint "was very good." D~Jved oxygen content is a general Indicator or wa~r quality for fish, he said. , Fitch said the case of the fish kill is ~losed, unl"e6S a new outbreak of the bob- bing bass u· found. 'Ille dead fish have been spotted by the scote on the leeward aide of the lower bay, parUcutarly near ~1arlner's ~Ule, where .\rAu..<:trlal and boat repair ao- ti,ftles art especJaJIJ h11vy lhll lime or year. Thick moss clogging the harbor at many Of the.same locaUons as the dead, decayiri.s filb.has been tef'med narmaJ for early swnmei' by severill officials. 15 lndicited In Arkansas Prison Issue LIITLE ROCK, Ark., (AP) - A feder· al grand jury has charsed 15 ptrs<>ns wit!\ brutal treatment of inmates in four Arkansas penal institutions. lt returned 46 Indictments Friday, charging tbal the defendants, "under color of law," wilfully imposed summary punishment on one or more inmates,· de- priving them of their constitutional rights. Jirtf Bruton. former superintendent nt the 'l\Jcktr . .Prison Fann unit of the stale ~Uentiary, W8§ named In 19 of the ~ tndictmenta that charged former employ- es and trusty guards with brutality at Tucker from 1964 through 1966. Bruton was charged with punishing inmates or causing them to be punished by electrical ahocb, 1Jhippings with a leather strap and the use of such objects as pliers and h)'pOdennic needles. • DAIL\ PILOT tt ....................... ....... L9feM ..... ,... .. II ¥9'ley ·--CAUPOlNIA OAAHG& COASI f'\llLl:.MIHO COMIWl't 1!eMrt N. W11I ~,....., ... ,_i.r J1c\ R. c~rl1r Ylw ,,...... Mt o.t!'• Mlftttn n1111•• 11: ... 11 ·-n ..... A. "'-''11• ~e-•ntr . Ban; Adopt New Policy dillorders. The grant Is for the second year of a three-year, '8'0,000 proiram, designed to train medical personnel for the treatment and care of chUdhood cheat diseases such as asthma, empbysema and other viral By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 l~t Ol llY Pllol Sl1H Emergency repair is available, b u t a random poll Friday suggests citizens might pray against water heater leakll all a union strike against Southland plumb- ing firms enters its 12th day. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -'The Uni· ve.rsity <lf CalUornla has eliminated its ban on gutat ~rs adopted la.st falJ when Black P111ther Eldrid1e Cleaver was hired .M# spuker In an eiperi·. mental Comae .on the Berkeley campu!. Gov •. Reagan and almost all olber UC regents vo~ for the revision Friday. The:---chtiige, suggested by UC Presldent Charles J.: Hitch, set up a new pollcy on g'Uest lecturers. holding department chairmen accountable for their appoin t· meot.·· Hi.tcb said his new proposal still· was "the strietest reguJation on guest lec- turers of any university In the. United States." On ·other issues, regents discussed In priv.ate the hiring. of a e<1ntroversiat professor ~t UC Santa Barbara, took another step toward building stuitents housing on Bttkeley'a dlllputed "peo- ple's park" land and gave Berkeley Chancellor Roger W. He)'M a three- months paid vacation. Regent! al!o voted unanimously for stricter campus rtgulatiorl of experi· mental courses at Berkeley and urµ. Cleaver, a fugitive par<lle violator re· portedly in Cuba, was hired last rail by a Berkeley campus group as <lne of several speakers in an experimental course on ract relations. Amid statewide controversy, regents voted in September to limit guest lec- turers to speaking• durjog only one ses- sion of any cours_e given for crecht. Cleaver contitUJed to speak in the classes last fall and student.5 received no credit. ~ But, as both Hitch and Reagan ·ex- plained, the ban also hindered plans for hiring hundreds'· bf guest lecturers on the-univcrsily's nine campuses. The university traditionally brings in experts in many fields to lecture in subjects varlyng from Jaw and business to liber· al arts. The only no vole on the modification was cast by Reg~nt Edwin W. Pauley of Loa Angeles. " I believe this action is going to cost us votes both wltb the legilllature and with the public," Pauley said. "When it costs us votes, it costs us money." inlect!ona. It wu presented to UCI as a part of a U.S . Department of Health, Education and Welfare program to improve care (or patients_ wtlh he.art msease. cancer, stroke and related diseases. Or. W. F. Taylor, assistant professor of pediatrics at UCI, who Is heading the program a~ Orange County Medical Center In Or.ange, feels the first year "ha.a been a creat success.'' "We treat up to·4S children a week, ln· · One union shop was open with only its owner available for repair jobs, while telephorie recordings at four others an· nounced the line was oo longer in service. "Tell them all I know Is what I read In the newspapers," called Harry Taylor from the workshop o.f his firm at 1672 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa, when a secretary relayed the query. Deadlocked over demandl for the first four-day work week contract in the West , negotiators for the. plumbers union and cludi.ng ~t 10 newl><>ms ~ discuss .. _ N R care 1echn1ques wlt!'i ph)!Siclans a.ad eg· ro . esigns nurses through Oran1e County," Taylor . said. ' Pulmonary diseases are known as the No. 1 ldller of newborns and young chlldren, he said. Nixon Post as Aide With SBA "We have detennlDed that 70 to 80 per- cent of all childhood diseases are cen· tered in the pulmonary track and have determlned the death rate of premature WASHINGTON (AP) -Philip Pruitt, children from these diseases. saying he h.ad trouble facing hunself in "OUr first year program was primarily the mirror, abruptly resigned after four tent.ired on assemblying . a staff and months as direclor of a program design- trainlq medical personnel ," Taylor ed to help redeem President Nixon 's Lost Yachtsman Given Up noted . campa.ign pledge of "Black Capitalism." Taylor e1pressed hope that the pro-''You go lo the mirror, ~very m<>rning gram's future will be able to help nurses -~ Y01f Si3 to yourself, Im a _Nixon ap- and physicia ns to determine when to Pol~tee , and you see all lhe lh1ngs.~01ng start and stop treatmezt ot-a pulmon ~on 1n the government ~ound you, said . ~ ' ' . But Sea Mystery Deep~ns disorder .. i .1 '-Jtt. 'IWe W'Bnt to~ conctntrate ou; effo~·o •: , ~ 32-year-old. N~~s\epped do~n • -• 1 obi Fnday as an ass1st.aut '4Jnlnistrator 1n the .~ul dren ,~d pr ,, ems th.at mos~ charge of the Small~ Admlnistra- urgenUy need cm help, he added. lion's minority ent!\-prlse program. President Nixoh is probably committed to lhe pr<lgram, Pruitt said, "but I lhink someone's telling him the wrong things." LONDON (AP) -British round-the· WOJ1d yachliman Donald CrowbUlllt WU given up lot l<lo( today. But the mystery surroundini his disappearance deepened' With the dtllclosure that his vessel was the fourth found ai>J>areolly abrndoned In the same area Within 12 days. U.S. Ji,ir Foree planes searched all day· Friday for ·the 3&-year-old sailor whoie deoerted three-bulled 11cbt Tdrnmouth Beach, fireman Rescues 2 Boys Trapped in Vent An athletic Huntington Beach fireman dangled through an air vent opening of an elevator shaft Friday and removed two trapped boys while another fireman held his ankles. The boys, Bruce and Brian HlgenAOn, of 17291 La Mella Lane, Huntington Beach, were in the elevator for 25 minutes before firemen were able to ex- tract them. Firemen Bob Baker lifted the 4-year· old youngsters through the vent, whlle Lou · Torres suspended him Inside the shaft by holding his ankles. The elevator, located in the Towers JI f\1edical Ctnter. 8041 Newman Ave ., was stalled on the first floor when the boys apparenUy pushed the "stop" bullon by mistake, flremen &aid . Both were frightened by •the ex- perience, blJI. were uninjurtd, firemen said. Seeing ElecVon was found ThurSda)l. 700 miles west of the ~· • l .. County Gets Back 'Auto Fee Funds Search headquan'er( then "nnounced, ''The search has been ·abandoned. • , As long ill it is considered .a life can ~" · ed, every effort is made: ()lc:et. is Auto licen~e tax money collected by the thought no longer reasonable a · n· slate -almost $2 milllon of it -is being can ~ alive, as Ui this 'case, t~re-sent back to Orange County citie,; this sources are wiLbdr.awn."· \... month. . The London Sunday Times, which siion-It is being distributed on a population sored the around-U!e-world race ).pat basis ~nd is the third payment this year Crowhurst had beerf favored lo wln,\.~n· from license fund~.. . . n •• , th. 1 th 112 000 lze r ..... Ora.nge Coast c1t1es will receive these oun"""' a e , pr or ure '-amounts: fa~test voyage would go to Crowhurst'll Huntington Beach, $181 .312; Costa wife Clare. A spokesman said the tri· Mesa, $111,078; Westminster, $~,213 ; maran had crossed the line of illl out-Newport Beach, $74,281; Fountain Valley, ward journey .and thus had compleled $49,046; Laguna Beach: $18,901. ·u. . . t· Largest amount received by an Orange 1 circumnaviga ion ol the globe. Crow· County city will be $264 396 for Anaheim hurst had been at sea 262 days. The license funds c~ be used for a~y Shortly before the search for Crow-city projects as <lf July 1. Prior to the burst was abandoned. Lloyd's Shipping passage of Proposition 7 last November, Exchange in London disclosed that since they were restricted to state-connected June 30 three other boats have been programs. found UMl&nned in the aame area where Crowhurst's boat was found. The Vagabond." a 21).foot fiberglass OOat belonging to Peter Wallin of Sweden- another lone gl obe-circling sailor-was found Sunday by the Sftdish ship Golar Frost. A boarding party discovered ev- erything on board undisturbed but no sign of \Vallin . The last entry in the boat's Jog was July 2. On Tuesday. the British tanker lteli - sona sighted the upturned hull of an un - identified 36-foot craft. That was nine days after another British ship. the i\faplebank, reported sighting a 60-foot vessel, thought to be a white-hulled yacht', floating bottom-up off North Africa. U.S. hy Nixon Group Studies Anniversary Goals \VASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nix- on todar. created wtth in the Wh ite House a "Nat10nal Goals Research Staff." He said its first assignment would be to study possible goals for 1976, the nation 's 200th anniversary. The staff wlll be under the direction of Leonard Gannent, special consultant to the President, v;ho will work in liai· son -with Daniel P, Moynihan, executive secr«.ary of Nioxn's Council for Urban Affain and a presidential assistant. Mesa Youtk Joins 39 for 3,000 Mile Trip By RANDY SEELYE Of tri. Dlll'I' ,,,., ll•tf Dick Day ol Balboa Island is lS years old and Friday he became licensed to drive a car. ,,,.. .:J • On Monday he will no IOllier need that li~n.se -or at least not for 1lx weeks. f"or the blond Corona del Mar Hiih School Junior Is leavlngon a bicycle trip across the United States with a group calllled "Wandering Wheels." •te will leave Lot Angelu for S.ltlt on Monday end then Tueeday will join 39 other hlRh l<hool one! oolJece boya on • 3,000 lnife trip to Wlshln,iton. D.C. East coast, but It won't take long to get to know them.'' he said. But. even if he doesn 't get to know them right away, he bu over a month to get aaiuain~d. They leave Tuesda7 morning and will !!pend five weeks on the bikes, arriving in Washington Augusl 18. Wandering wheels Is a club lhal was organized several years ago by Bob Davenport. the former UCLA football star, now a coach in the midwest. "Tb ere.Will be 20 white and 20 black. students taltlng the trip," Dick r<lot..i . "W• will bo geUlog In shape phyolcally Md Ibo have • good ohance lo eachan1e Ideas. be more quantity l)lan quality," he chuck.Jed . Dick said there will be a large van following the 40 cyclists that will carry all ol tht provisions. "We will be cam• ping every nJght and traveling about 100 milea a day," he said. To train for the strenuous trip Dick has • been riding his bicycle all over lhe Orange 'Coast area. He has logged more than 60 miles a day aod feels confident aboul his ability to increase the mileage by 40. . Dick says the trip will con him about $350, "My plane fa.., lo SeaUle and then home from Washington are most ol the erpenae. The White House had no comment on the resignation or one of the administra- tion's hi~er ranking ntgroes. The minority program, Pruitt said in an interview, has been bogged down In bur· eaucratic battling between the SBA and the CorrJ.merce Department-which the President assigned to coordina te a dlive to close a business owner.ship gap be- tween minority members and whites. Less than one per cent of the nation's b1.1sinesses are ov.·ned by Negroes. i\fan1 ie Eisenhower 'Getting Along Fine' LAKENHEATH. England (AP) -i\ta- mfe Eisenhower "is getting along line'' recovering from acute bronchitis at a U.S. Air Force hospital, a hospital spokes- man says. The widow of President Dwight D- Eisenhower was brou,ht to the hospital July 5 after becoming i~ on a European vacation. The spokesman said Friday no hospital bulletins are being i~ued on her condi- tion because her recovery continues ex- cellent. • I , -~ . ' employer groups do not resume talks un· ti! next Thursday. A concerted ca1npaign is continuing by the union representing an estimated 12,000 plumbing workers in Orange and eight <lther California counties to keep them working for independent firms. "Our membership is not hurting ," .said a spokesman for Plumbers and Steam· fitters Local Union 582 in Santa Ana. He said 90 percent of the Orange Coun- ty area plwnbers have been hired by in· dependent employers since the July 1 strike began. Ttley have been paid at higher-than-ordinary wages, he indicated. "\Ve haven't had lo put out any , pjckets," he rontinued. "We just go up to the contractor and tell him to sign." "If-it comes dowri lo· it, we'll get cooperation from the truckers and aircraft people. who deliver t h e materials," said the spokesman at strike headquarters. Since the walkout against the Plumbing Empl<lyers Council and Pacific Iwtitute of Plumbing Employers <PIPE), some independent contractors have agreed to a raise of SS. 79 to $(.25 per hour . Under terms of the union demand, the base journeyman pay rate would be almost doubled by July t, 1970, on a fO'Llr- day work week. Negotiators for management have of· ferecl a less substantial wage increase, but union executives are holding out for their full demand. The strategy · at this point appears to Involving signing up as many independent pl\lltll:ltnk contract.ors as poalible by Thursday , lo use as a bargaining base. "We're a union shop and so we're not ab!~ to do any work," said.Jl spokesman for Carlson Plumbing and lieating, 1750 Monrovia Ave., Costa Mesa. She said owner Glenn Carlson, owner of the firm, was able to accept jobs, but most of their work was being spread around among plumbing firms not shut down by the strike. Complaints of a 30 percent unemploy· ment roll among union plumbers led to demands for · a shorter work week and then tbe walkout when negotiations broke down nearly two weeks ago. A spokesman for the union local in San- ta Ana Said Friday that citizens with plumbing emergencies such as broken "'alerpipes or heater leaks can get plumber service. Johnson to Attend Laqnch of Apollo "' ASffiNGTON (UPI) -Former Presi· dent Lyndon B. Johnson wUl bt at Cape Kennedy for the launching ol 'Apollo 11 toward the moon Wednesday at the in· vitation of President Nixon. The White House said Ni1on called Johnson Friday afternoon II) invite him, Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the 'two men talked 15 minutes "on a wide range of subjects." 0 1 wUI be •t 1 dlaadvantaie at the sllrt," Dick Aid, ''becouse I dot>'I know •• , of the oth<r llUYl"Oft tbe tr1p. - "Mott of.the othet'IUYJ"" ,,_Ibo "We wll!~ shows along the route to Washlnjf.m=-1ii0i!ly lnC!iui'!liti. 'we will bo stnalni. bul I'm alrald there will "I don't expect any prob.lmls on the tMp -bul It' I become sick -I can always ride In lhe back ol tht van." DtCK DAY CONTEMPLATES CROSS'COUNTRY BIKE RIDE Rolling Up Befort Joumey From SHttle io Washintton, D.C. t I ,, • • .. -II.Illy "1.0T s • Er,osiou ., l\nswer~ Pursued·: Army Engineers By JANJC!l BERMAN 01 ll'lt Dlllr Plltl Ii.ff The Amiy C'.orps ol.Englniers b taking the meai:.u~ of Newport Beach. ~far, It's betn found wanliJlC. " It's naw, says the corp_,, ii erosion. By !tudying the factors cat11lng "Ht- toral drift,'' or ...sand. move_plent. the Corps hopes to be' able to work out met~ods to mQdify it so It won't cause erosion. A wide range of measuring techniques are being used, with va"Y.ing degrees of success, both in Newport apd at other points along the Orange Coast as well. Under a •·cooperative observer pro- J:tam," \•olunteers like. Bob Reed, chief Newport Beach lifeguard, a~ helpln'a the Corps wilh its studies. At Newport Beach arid Doheny, Hun· tington Beach and San Clemente Slate Ii. Parks, data Is being collected to be fed &ntO a compurer In Washington, ·o.c. The computer digests the infonnation and feeds back suggestions on how to construi:t har.OOrs, breakwaters and piers that will prevent erosion and sandbar buildups. A gauge at 41st Street and West Ocean Front in Newport Beach measures the amount of pressure generated by each wave. A. cable laid by a smaH Navy lan· dJng craft, runs from an electrical recording devi~ onshore into the sea, where it Is connected to a transducer. The transducer rea!ives changes in . ~ '• :IN TODAY'S NEWS J.. ~."""' .. ·" ·-·~ ...... , -! _tC-•l.i n 1111 0.11" ~I"" SMll) . St. Louis, Mo. police. hot on the trail of thieves, recovered 24 stolen wlndow air conditioners valued at $3,300. • Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley of Lansing, ~1ich . thinks lawyers have trouble wiU1 complex legal language. Kelley, \vho has ~een reading about the Mackinac Bridge in connection with an opln· ion he had to 'vrite, summed up the legalese 'vith thi s comment : •·Jn this regard. I can hardly re· frain from commenting that the miraculous engineering achieve· ment of spanning the straits of tflackinac is almost matched by tbs intricate legal and financial system devised to furni sh paper support for the physical struc- ture. '1 • \Vlwt would you do if yo1' discov· ered you had just stepped on the l1tad of a snapping turtle? Afarlc lifotthtws, 12. of New Orleans, made friends and now rides I.he JOO pound t11rllf' 01~ occasian.. The t11r!/c had burrowed inlo the edge of \VilLs1vood Pond and. as t.he iooter rPdceded dur· hfP tile c11rre11t hot spell flfark sttir pecl 011 t/ie a11i1na/. • •-• 1 ' ' 'i' tll' ~ If ~.,. ... ;-A_ "t:-C: ... ~ A village rector in E:11g/011d r evealed today just wliat. it is tliot ma~es bad drivers bad-it"s I the de1.;U. "\\'hat else could turn ft humnn beings into irrational '" I Zombies,'' soid the Rev. Dennis ~ Quatt. "The devil is a 1oicked I , passenger nnd a hellish driver." \.-k-f.MftJ'' . : .... t'6Jll-.,J,,.)' :. .... ""'4 • Teenager Sheila French of Lon- don accepted the job to so to America to cook rice pudding for a "Mr. Crosby." But sbc didn't know at the time her boss would be crooner Bing himself. "I was going to take a job in a mental hospital,'' said Sheila, 18, "but this sounds mud better. I'll cook \vll3tever he wants.'' • • SOc:iety portrait painter Cowan D6hson decided the time had come to sell his six-Year-old Jaguar. His i ru.l(al \\•ife deCided differenU~ - they'd use it as a spare bedroo1n. "Now 've don't have to tax the. car ft nd we didn't have to get pl8llninR: per1nission for another room." said Mrs. Dobson. '4~t's worked out fine .'' • • Using Gauges, Fum, Dye,, Observers • "' ~ , ,, I • overb<ad presaure cauaPI by wne '°' EEthmd ~ llll letltl>Y atucJIU WI!' tion 'Yhich in turn Is i~ oft.a1atrip u lot~ of DMI Pobi.t or paJ>tt 15y1hr" •ll!Clrlc !111..... . . n bu 1iOen piuntd to Re<d ch«kl tl)o ho< MTJ -liiiCI illlcourll•iand"f"bd°'"llleyhlppen .. 11""1, ~ the corps lendl Oil\\ man to ''J'hll work1•-"'lt JmportonH0< Ill!" late .the data ~t lo Ht .l.ol hngeles· ll]d Jl'rallk lllh1,~lillon.atlon offlceMor- beadquar1ers. ' tile L<>a <\!lades' ,District of ' the Army A h'lmllar deYlee has been ln ~raUon ~ t ~!i!J>~i.,,~.:±-2:>,:,::::;:-;. et fturi.tiflgton Beacl1 Pier .JfnctlAr."'"aDa . "Mor~ DeQPle art using the beaches, & thought to be the oldest In the W9fkl: and there are inore boat.s Jp the water. A time-lapse movie camtta,1 ~0Wlted Ahd lhere·isn't much Information avail· on ' pOJi high above Newport ·Beach, able on tllls sort ol thtn1." takes seven !eCOnds of color' pbotographs The studies also . rtsuited in con· or the beach al high noon eaeh day. The-strucllon or i 400--loot experimental pier frames will be spUced together Into a at Polnl it_Ugu. U has mqveab1e panels movie al the end of August, providing a that can alter tbe shape of the pier, af. one-year fihn record of what hlppens to feeling wave movement. The encl!letra the beach. measure lhe waves there, toO, tD The film focuses oo the aperimtmal · determlne...whaLconflguraUon nrb best groin cor.slructed by the Corps at 4tst to retard erosion. Street and .West Ocean Front, and will be._ The ArJny ls moving on to a new tiudy used to discover whether or' not the groln -surfJ.nl , of all things, ' has succe~ed In retarding erosion. . "We're going to appropriate money to Also ln U~ at beaches elona the Orange catalog and classify beaches aa to><use. Coast is a special dye. Toased ·1nto lbe which ones are suitable for sWlmming, ocea.nl. i~ l\lflls yellow: or green, making it surfing and so forth," said K1n&. easy to see w,hich way lhe water is mov-"We fir.ct that !lll'fing ll'becoming more ing. important to more p;eoplt. We waist to The Corps of Engineers is also ex-find out how we can enhance surfiJ)g perimi?nlln& with low·yield radioactive features, using UUnp like artificial rtefl Isotopes, to tag sand samples so the)'. can for wave amplification." · be traced after ttley leave the shoreline. A. prototype surfer's p a r a d I s e , Previoas attempts to use them failed. duplicating the perfect wave, mlatir ~ The sand disappeared without a tr~ce. built in Washington, D.C., King sala~· ' - One of the first practic!d applications "We dor, 't know much about surfing," of all the Army Corps or Engineers data he added, "but we'll leafn." . •• ,'+ " ii ~, 'l.A~1'v-AA~·~ .PERICUS CREW MISS FIRST TRANSPAC CHANCE William H1rtge, (left) and Willi•m V. Wright Doomed by Dl1m11tln9 They'll See Transpac Finish-Thanks to Jets Knifing through the Pacific swell s bound for llawaii under heavy sail, the 41-foot sloop Percius -named for the Angel lord of the \•;estern sea -was well underway in the Transpac Race. Skipper William Wright and his crew of seven had spent .,,,.eeks preparing the vessel £or an all-out assault on lhe Los Angeles to Honolulu yacht race. Then at 3:25 a.m., a week ago today, the mast snapped and a dream buret, on· Jy 56 miles west of Santa Catalina Island. Huntington Beach Cily Engineer Bill Hartge, navigator aboard the yacht, whose taut rigging produced a sym· phony in the singing wind. had just got· ten off walch. "I was in the bunk when I was startled by the sudden qu iet." said •lartge. 43, a veteran sa ilor who often crews for Wright in ocean races. "The boat seemed to have lo~t its driv· iniz force :" he added. "I went topside for a look and there wa.~ the top of the mast lying in the water -broken off about 48 feet above deck. it 'l'l'as unbelievable.·• "It reminded me ·or a bird with a broken wing." Hart ge said. The Huntington He.rbour·based Perlcus -Angel lord of the PaCific -did have a btok:en wing. for all practical purposes qi reaching Diamond Head and the finish line. "Everyone w11s dejected," said llartge, ''w& were doing very well based on our calculations and we had a very good chance to win.'' Jury·rlggtng remaining plis, 1he proud Pericu11: limped home aod the discourse· ing task of unloading stores meant to be entoved on the high seas began. La Paz race , which \Vright and his crew will ent.er. Only two months ago, the mast broke in a different spot. Unreplareable, however, Is the vision o( a Transpac Ra ce win and the wrecked vacation plans although the Wrights and Hartges will Oy to Honolulu to watch the "'inners plunge home. Both men, Wright at 39 11nd Hartge at 43. learned to saii on Maryland's Chesapeake Bay as boyii although they were not acquainted at the time and became friends Joe.ally. Wright is a Cal Tech graduate with a PhD in metallurgy and owned several boats before buying Pericus last January. Hartge was employed as assi stant Hun· lington Beach city engineer in 1960 and owns his own 26-foot sloop. the Red Baron. Newport Jaycees Pick Vandervort Charles Vandervort, 30, plant manager for a rope manufacturer, today Is the new president of thi Newport Harbor Jaycees. He succeeds Bul'ch Pickett. Vandervort was installed Thursday night at a banquet held at the Bob BllmS Restaurant, FashJon Island. Judge Robert Gardner, a founding father of the organizllion, was master of ceremonies. - Other members installed b es I d e 1 Vandervort as president, were Keala Soder, Urst vice-presklenl; Or. Dtna,ls Barker. 8eCOnd vice-president: Jirn UTILITY LANDING CRAFT HITS BEACH AT NEWPORT Vt11el Uaed to Lay C•ble for Wave Recording Devic• Meet the People lndian Takes .Lions Reigns By ~ELYN SHERWOOD Of tM C.lly ,!tit 111" "~ will not be ,ad~ed to the ~dj· tional Lions Club Fish Fry," chuckled Talik R. LalT; new president of the Co$ Mesa·Newpo. ~-Ha.i;bor Lions C1ub. Lall. a tall Hindu, Is assistant supervisor of the Miiitary Stress Grotip for McDonnell·Douslas, Long •. Beach,- \\'hen' he isn't "!Ionizing." • "We gros&ed $Tl ,000 on the lasl F I s h Fry," he C{)mmented, "It is sn old fashioned parade and carnival which everyone · enjJ)ys and . the 1.ion~ CJub members ~ork dam hard to make a go ol it." Born in India. Lsll, 44, bas been a niember of the local club for nearly four years after transferring his membership from the east co.asl. "I moved up in the offices faster than usual," be said modestly. "A vice-presi· dent resigned because of his bulineu. '.' Lall, his wife and five children make their home in East Bluff. "We love Newport Besch," The Lions Ctub president said. "Our first. im· pression was on a fOU)' day rou.r yeirs ago. but as soon as the sun came.out we made our decision . This Is the best place in the world to li ve." He should kmw. He has been around the Mid 111any time s and just•1receiitJ' returned from a global trip. Lall also visited his parents during a stopover in India. They have been .in I,~_.,,,.,.,!''~ 'f ~ "t,; .• ·~•)~. ...... ''"' .,, ~ ~ . '. ,,.,.,... .... HEADS LIONS r,., , .,,N1wpor.f'•;L•ll tlll;i )., ft Umes to vlsit him and see his brother, an engineer in Seattle. He has two olhec · · ~· One Is a lawyer in New ,n,Jhl and the other is a tel plantaUon owner In Bengal. . tie visitW ,severaJ Lions Clubs during his trip and commented that be fowli friends everywhere. •· 1 have' never felt like :a atiana:er in the Lions Club," Lall said, "~re ii a spirii of welcome and sfns:er.t: ftiendshlP.~ _ Club in Search For Youth Jobs The Jr. Ebell Club sponsored Youth Employment Service needs employers. The club has Usted more than 500 Y.QUths, ag~ 1+21, that are looking,for summer employment . Some of the youtbl are hoping to earn enough money to enter C{)liege in the ran. . ·• '' : Headqua:rtered at . the Harbor Area Boys' Club, 594 Center St., j::osJa,. MeJa, the youth employment· service has placed ISO youths so far, 1:8Jt.beaauH of•i. J.act ol employei:s. has been unable to .. place the remaining 500 applicants. 'J:be· applicants are wtllll')g, W 40 moat any ty pe of wark, accordini to I Jr. EbeU' 11pokesman. The office-is open from t ·a.m.,to l pfm. daily and can be reached by phoninc MJ.. 047~. Monday &ninff Under the Stars !-fear a summer series of nine "Pops" concerts under the direction of i11r. Ifenry Brandon, free to the public, on the Mall at FASHION ISLAND each JV!ondar evening at 9:00 p.m., June 30 through August 25. Thirty-five talented musicians from Orange County:, will present a delightful selection of "Pops" numbersdur.ingthe: nine-week /l.fo nday 'n{ght schedules, each 011e a.different· program. • lvu are invited to bringfoldihg stools or cushions in case of overflow seating capacities. Spo'nSored by The ·fr J./i.ne Company anti· Fashion Island Merchants Association ·in cooperation with the Recor~ Industries Trust Fund. "When they were coming off lhat boal It looked just like a funeral ," -said Mrs. Hartge, who lives with her husband In th~ "'aterfront de v e Io pm e n t , almost neighbors of Ille Wrighll. Holloway, secretary: Gary Meyera, 59 FINE STORES and SERVICES treasurer ; Tom Barnum, membership Sitting dockside by Pericus, Wright de· jectedly thumbed through c o I o r photographs o( the yacht, theo glanced sadly at her spllnlered mast. "That's "'hat she med to look like." he said 5howlng a snapshot. "ifs re ally strange to aee her like this." No ooe kno1vs jmt why the 12,000 mast Bnapped, but tt wlll be replaced wtt.h MOthtr, tougher version in time for the ,i ' ch~~::;.:: a:;:~:.:·:~~"'::;, FAS H I 0 N . ;:JR 21-I SL AN D Lane, N~ Beach with hl1 wire and • lwo children. ,.Id his goal lor the coming • ~ I , '. ' year win be to doubJe the schoiafMJp Aa .,.. rund, continue th• Jaycees' anu-narcotics ,...11W .. 0KT 011,...TIJK program and have "Miss Newport Beach ft ..-ft go on to be r.jiss Californi•." . '9dftc 'c..t HfafMi ....._..,,...,_ ancl ~. r,...,.j .;,,...... ..,. The Ja)'CtOI fponlOr &be annual beauty I ______ ..:._ ____ ~~--~,~'~~-:,_:-:_ _____ _, __ ---~·:·~·:.=~·:.=::::: _______ :·-:-~-;-:;-:==• contest. 1- • ) ' '). ,\ ~ I 1 ' • Pulpit. and Pew .. ·.-., .. -· -PICl!lc Vin • ~ Carmi dot Illar will <I· ! lor .... <I Niilltp II I :• .. II LIL Sa!iilaJ. Qudi ---at•:• ...... -Dr, -I\. . Eller wlll _.,..,~A'-°"""""' , la 094.• -, Cbarlll Palmor, Newport ,-. wlD llpeal< Wednaday ,.'at &bl ••ffow to Pray'' , .,,,..,, CGDducted by the 'llov. -Pale, mlnlller of tbl--"IWlll'" _ .. _...-.. iDI laplc Will be "How lo Pray for PMce.11 'Ibe aemlnar Js held wb Wedneola,y during ventlon, be&lmilna »*"1 at JulJ, I p.m., In the Womeo'1 Dodger Stadium In L o 1 Club-. 4llO w. loth St. All(elel. Mcml>en of the local ~ 11. 1* ,_ Dl•toe-)rill join U•on ...... of other ~1po!Qordo,IOl30raJ!le deleptea who are CC1m1nC Ave., Cast.a Mesa, wlU obwve from all 50 states, 17 cowrtrie! communion at 7 a.m. and will and islandl. hold. l family worship service at 9:30 a.m. The church will sponsor a refreshment booth -at the Orange Couhty Fair Tuesda): through Ptionday. LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? ... FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH , .. L c.1 F1irvl1w Rd. At Fair Dr., Costa Mna 9 A.M.-Chur<h S<hool . 10 A.M.-Wonhlp Dicus I 't1.,f11 Dip" .. w. Shidy ..... rrl.,.,. -4.6'"1' CH11Mtl111 -141-4611 -· HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH · 1210 ...... St. 9t Fain.... c... ..... a.... c.s.lc Sell"' hltsr Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worabip 11:00 a.m. • 8apt1d Tralning Union s p.m. Evening 1ervlc1 7 p.m. Wodneedl.1 Bible Study & Prayer ..........• 7:00 p.m. RRst SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Ill HAMILTON. corrA MDA COlcndo. 5mx1oJ 't c boo I 1111 •-: t :• IJ!L II U. -,., ... -will -Peek'• Cllepel, !IOI -Tiie _._ Aft.. Wzt*is and 11 a.m. II t:• a.m. • ._ II _,.....,. -Qiepol, -., ...-wm ... ht!d 111 illi..., °'"*'. . 1 o'clocL . Cl>llrdl -far boll> Acti.ttlta far )'Olllh durllli dilldie !ind -le beld et Jlllf lliduda a 5oalh Area t:IO a.m. II tb1 dowolown C<al-Y...tb Fellol!lb!P 1cllipe[ ...,...,. -are Picnic, -SalllnlllY: ..... , not .................... . .......... tralnlal at 1llO Jl'lnt The BYF moots Wed-.Ya, Baptlet Qiurdl In Lakewood, 1:30 p.Jll, Jilli' .21 ; and the Soulb Area - C. Y .F. College Car Rally In -......, 'fimp1e wlU Whittler lat.r In the -th. be boldlq --.... CommWllCll will be' offered at both I and 1:30 a.m. -·s.um, at II. MlclaMI'• .. Al Aao:ll'" Bp'r 1 "tll a.relt. am Pldfic View time, Comla de! Illar. The Rev. John BID from an Eplacopal -"' Colona will preach II both eervloes. He will be In dwp while the llov. John Rogen Davil ii Cll vacation. topUierr-.iiout the .... . ..... order fO< momben .... . --.lo-llUfil Btmanl P. KID1, tho templt'1 -IUD· lli••~-t Cllee CANE lllDGB, Pop I) COAST -CHURCH -DIRECTORY • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES . -IUNCHES OP THI Montfl CHUICH THI ,llST CHUICH OP CHIJST, $CllNTIST IN IOSTON. MASSACHUSITTS . . "SACRAMENT" Subject of Lesson -July 13 Cost1 Mesa ~ First Church of Chri1t1 Scientist ,1 I I ' THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST. JAMU. J2ot 'fki U... N..,.rt .._. Newport Harbor Luthora~ Churc~ 2501 C1111 or. u M293 . l :Ol"AM-Hofrl..a.ht I j 10:00AM-H..,.l11Ctrt.fst ... M ... , .. ,;.,., v . I ................ ,,,.,... CM~ ~., 10:~ AM . n. '-!~~~::,Mllechr lect•!• "-Re.. Jolt!! r . ......,. II; 4-., Th ._.,, Dftlcl en,. 1~, _ Ii W1n11111 knkt . . ,,,..,,. '·""' 11 Phone: 675-02 10 • · I '"""'' ldl .. 1 .... ••u.1o:u ...... • .. Lutheran Chun:li of the Mosler -2900 Pacific View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR bR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phone 64f.2664 t :•S A.M.-F1mlly Wo11hl1t ------~--I 1#9"~11• "'"'kit ... ll:lf.lt!• ST. MICHAEL & ALL ./INOEtS c- Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sundays: 8:00. 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Nursery care available' ~ at all servicl!s WELCOME I •:45 A.M.-Su"'d•T Chvtcll • School 11 :00 A.M.-'F1di¥1 Wor1hl1' Hoty Days as tDJlODnt'ed Att a-wetn- 1111 w ... v..-Dr., Ceft w... 1 IKtw, Tiie a..r . .W. a.,... Dfttt-..._ M4-M6J ,._ ,...,, ''" A.M. ST. JOHN TH& DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave ., C.111. CHllST LUTHERAN CHURCH I "·""" ,,.,W14 """"' .. ,,., 11 •·11• Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School-9:30 Mlaourl s~oo ...... a.... 1110 ,.._ ,_. DJ. ''° YI , •• 'Iburadays: G:SO & 10 a.m.; Holy Daya u announced """' "· ,..,. -. Huntington BH~Flnt Church of Christ, Scientist w..., n. 1w • .w. w. D•-••• -..._ 1411121 . LotMr Y;4:i:,.-• Putor S11ncl1y School ••••••• 9:41 Tr1lnlt1t Unlof'I • •••••••• 1:00 I Enni119 Worsltl!' • •••. ••. 7:00 M..-el111 WorJiil' •••• 11:00 WM. E.1nln9 S.rYics •••• 7:00 .... 642.tlll NtncryAlw9ylA.,.,.... 110 on.. 11 EPISCOPAL ..._...,..... 11u a n A.M. ....., 1c:Me11 •1• ...... ,....., Sc...s-t:J•" ,,:.. llii~~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~ijii:~~l~~~~~~~-~~-~-~~· ~"~·~ ..... ~~~~~~~~ ClmQ ..:..11 A.M. Sema 11 . CHlllTIAJrf ll.IMINTAIY SCHOOi. 14'°"" -•----4 10 .,... I ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH La9un1 Beach -First Church of Christ, Scientist ljl •lb "· ., a.. a.-_ ....... ., ,..,. """' '" HI .. 0,, •--...-PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Clr111rdl & ~ ~-t:JI & 1 I :to TIM 1"· "-c. CQrr, ,... Ma•• Vardt Dri"'• I l1k1r Stf11t, C.1t1 M11a. C1lif. a.-... 1 .... 214 """ Ave. Suncfly S.rvlcet I AND•tw c. ANDl'llSON. ,._ 11M A.M. ....,,. c-..... t.a A.M. p_,.,..,... a aiwc• illllftr k lltoll t :11 ~r9illl w11W1i, ,, .. a 11:• UNIVERSITY BAPT1ST CHURCH IUMDAT KM::.:~~~~~~~D}·· , ... h4 A.M. MMHIMO WOl:IHll" •.•••••..•....•••.••••• , ••• • ... ll A.M. Newport Beach -First Church of Christ, Scientist JJOl Y1e Ut1c ''"'".M. ·--k .... Jr• l".M. ••'-*" lh M AM. ~ W"911111 i!, r rlnce of r11ce L11th1a1en $clloot -Mitl Estli1r 0 1-, ,r,h11l,.I Y-. °'......,.. .......,., ewe.....,.... Office l'llon11 149-0521 Sc~oOI rhon11 54t:..01•2 •V•H•N• WOJllMll" ..•..••..•• •••• 1~P.M. MIDWallC llJIYICI Wl.DMl!IDAY ........... .".:-;-:. 7:• l".M. _....,. I. A<tlll. P""r awm "*" ..an Q..U. & S......, k""~t:tl & 11 :H ........ IC, JJll on. Ll4e :Z,."""""""'""'""""'""""~'.""'===='""""' .. ""'"":111 Newport l11ch-$1cond Church of Christ, Scientist Flnt Assembly of Goel Church 146 E. 22nd St., Co1lo M.11 5411-3761 W1 11111"1 In Yo11 ... UNITARIAN ' Attend the churc.h • FlllST FIRST CHRISTIAN ~:-;'"'...:: .'!~~.:'.::':" .. ":/ . .,. IAl'TIST CHURCH CHURCH "" ....... _, .. , •. c-Hwy. .,,.......,....., ~· tAiMr1ea11 .... r111 Victoria & PiacenUa Ave. AU ate cordially invited to attend the chtircb servtcea I · M. C. Cronic, P11tor R1y Nic•11on, Mlnltt.f sf Yo11th SCHEDUU OP 11av1cu 1 UNIVERSALIST I of your choice CHURCH 1! 12" ~it .. ~!~~"~··• [ on Sunday 17411 M-le. •· '· CoSta Mesa and enjoy the privileges of the Reacllng Rooms I a... ............ M....._ .i-1.fltercy M1MtW Clltwl C:... "'"11111• AT ALL SllYICU S1u11Ny-.Cll11rdi ~ ••••••• , •• , •• , ........... t :lft c.111. ,_111Hy Wanllll' •••••• , • • • 10:50 •·"'· & 7:00 I'·"'" Ch11,ch Choir -Sh1ril r1ul11n, Dir1clor Mor11l11f Wonhl, l :lO l I t :00 Sulld1y Schoo~ •••••,,. ':JO Yo.,tft M11tlnt ••••·~••• 6:00 Pr1ye¥ $1rvic1 •• •••,, •• •:JO b1ni119 Service •••• , • , , 7:00 M__.,AY ...... ltll ....... 142-2421 ltrty ..:::.~~~~~·It• IA 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:111 ..... ._. ••••••••••• ' 1 • .... CHURCH OF CHRIST ....... W--....•... M1•1.M. , ·--................ ··~ ,. Ml-4m J41.6141 lrrwtlN HAUOI _. ,All'YllW ' Yhltcl'I Wclca• -Nimerr A,.....•llt STATI UCINUD PU4CHOO ......... I Wiii--. DhcM ""6: Ml-tnJ HARBOR RfJORM TEMPLE ·~.,, Cara· PrOVld:ci 1' 217 w. WILSON ST. COSTA MISA EJ ·-;;:;;;:::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;;;:;~::;;:;=~~~~~~~~~~:1 SUNDAY MOll.NING ltllE STUDY .••...••••.••••• t :41 AM meelin" at ;. SUNDAY MO RNING WORSHlr I COMMUNION •• 10:-45 AM • ~ .c I 4 D I W _ _. 1 SUNDAY EVEN ING WORSH lr •....•••.•.•••••••• 6:00 P~M. St, James Episcop1I Church ..,..n11rui e 1111 1l y o.... ,i, 1 3 ' WEDNl:SDAY oe:VENING l lllE STUDY •...••.•••••• 7:JO rM _ 209 Via Lido. Newport Beach NEWPORT UNITY : NUUllT CUI "0YIDID SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL I I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mei" & Ad1m1 Streets 1, Huntington Bttch Mor11i119 Wotthip CHURCH °"" 0. M•yflettl o .•. Hfflt llA••• ••1tM•JtD ... IC INO ,011 INFORMAllON1 CALL •1J.MU w. D. flllddlltlf Mlnlttw AllM:S.. Mhlllfet 1====================:1 '"',!!:';:;.l..;.:;t!~"' lfi!~~~~P~ho~n~·~: ~54~8-~5~7~11~D~1y~or~N~l1~h~t~~~~li1 GLAD TIDINGS 1i l :JO & ll:OOAM l lble School •. , •.••• 9:45 AM Youth Grou p• ••• , , •• 6:00 PM &1nln9 .Worihlp •• , •• 7:00 PM .... SI""' "'-• -w.-. -1 J'.M. NllfW'r Cir. l"nwklld It Ill MTVlca Offk:I: Al-Dlf .• DJt l ~ ,,., A.M. 5"d•y '''"' CENTRAL CORONA DEL MAR ASSEMBL y OF GOD I IO :OOA.M. O.-..otion1I S1rvic1 BIBLE CHURCH OFFICE: aoo w. co.st Hltf'l'*'Y· N.1. llC ' 15th & Monrovi1, Newport Beach ~= "'-Slll -, ~\J H 0 I ('I> lledi: W•t •f ""' Hosplt911 '4M620 ., 141·1111 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .... ....,..., 1.-dl M-tlr Cllvrdt If U•lttil Cllwdl Jlllll'"' kll!KI. Wt Allf9ln SUMOAY SE.llYICI!! • , . 11 AM Mlnllllf" •••• Albtrt 8\ltlt•, Jl.1.c.P. GlllFP:"M CMAl"EL O•t"'99 Col•I YMCA. UIO Unl¥r$SHV Dt. WHAT A SHAME •••• let Y.•'11 ... ,, lc11ow. M=-Y P"l'le say tttOf tM MtYlcn ., CALVARY CHAPEL ... ... -· hllpll'GtilHICI ...., ......... -=~·=·~ .. ~ ;.· ~· ;.· -= ... .....,.. WW. ·~-.,. ....... ...,.._ ....... dll9t .... • •• ttt.f ... Cltrhthol ............ •• • 1 IMI' i. e fnlil .. ef .w.c1,1aMp. ""' .., 1111 .,.. w ,.. ........... ... NM YH ...... lllYICI. I01JI ~ M ..... , ... tlit arwsr -t........,... a Saft•-· • I:, ,..._: 141-JIJI OP NIWPOlr IUCK-CD.....,...1 ~ • ........, "..,.. 11 .... , ...... ~ 425 I. tltti It,. Cothl w ... Worship-9:45 A.M. Nu,..., C-"°'"" Phone: 675.J91S Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMl••Hrl SJflOlll ... w1,1~ •• .,.. UNIVliRSITY PARK SCHOOL SAIPialfet M1ttk.rt ht Ull.._..tty_,.,.. -. ,. - OISHIPt. lttJI A.M. lw. H. NTen111111l, '••t.r IJ1.ltll : .~ W '= :1· ~('\ fliellltt .. ....vn,. Pntw -•-MAier, Mnltlll DlrtdW ;: '$. , SUNDAY SERVICES ~ "' I 10:10 A.M. -"SoKflflcftiH hf TMay7"' Z :: .-I 7:00 P.M. -''Tti. lrffhm t.r tM hni Atab1 hli...r" ; ~ latl 5-wte• lty , .... , + /' ~ + i MeH.,-, 7:10 P.M. -Cetf'9te h~ 1111..ri.. I , Emphulzing The P~" of (.od n.. Ptnon o1 Chritt I The Powtt of the Holy Spirit 1 I !und.-v Sclmol 9 Mt I Mor111t11 \Vo~hip !I ""td 10.JO A.\I l'1'9nint 51fV•('-7 PM TllvrlO~r 811:119 S!lll!y I 11 a: I Wedllffdcry. 7:10 P.M. -llt~ Stwdy -I :P> 1'-. _,,; .,,.._O Choir Si"'.11 •f Both S11ncl1y S1rvic11 I' ·~lJ'Ma~~~~ j(l ~~~~~·;"~'~"~M~·~•~tini9~,~S•~'•~od~•~y ~·~,J~O~A~.M~~~~~1 and l'r~t 7 l'M NuMry du ring ~!Cn A full Youth Program Cm. of Or•nse •nd 23rd. St. Costa MUA Putor II. r. jonn , IFCi\ ,'.1br. UsWC._.., RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 I Otlri St., Huntln9te11 l111h Phon1 516·2120 Adult l Yo11th S1r¥ic11- l I !OO A.M. llNDT PATI. MINlma ' COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE WenM~lt:OO A.M. a..Q S•11I lltOO A.M. or.•11i1• .. -w.M11111tw MIR """7 s111M1. o.c.1. 6n-4000 S.venth·Day Adventist Churches c:-,._ 271 A'HMllMe Street John Sh1w111 ,k1, r111or rhonl l i 41·fl59• ...... ", .... -nM" St Sod SHNt a.,tkt C•'ll'tll lJ71 J er.-Yell.-, rcrti _., FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH '"' , .... A ... (T69tf a w.,..n.1. IOUNTAIN YA.LUY UNIFIED SllYICE • SvH•r su ... t 1JO-Yiol$Hlr • I 0:)0 • HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa ¥. L HERTWECK. P1ntef' CAIL OINTIY ' . 141 ... 704 MW.. cf Mak SUNDAY SERVICES 9:41 A.M. -s • ...,. Sclrioel Cl-fct.U .... 1 O:IA.M. -"T'IMi Lor4'1 s..,,.,.. S1,mo11 by r11to• l :OOP.M.-YMtti t.nke 7:0I ,,M. -'"Tiie .._, Ms,_,. S.r,,.•n Oy '•ttor COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL --- ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH I n•-..-d1nrn oi,,•tle111l I CMtC 1119141 Wc!Mtt'I Cl ... -Wftf 11ttt St. et AHllela c:.t. M- SUNDAY SERVICE ........ 11 A.M. LsctttN "I• 1.....,-'1 Au ttie U,i.t 9f r1Mi Wetti'' Ml....._: c•""' Offtcot: o.. . ..._.. ....._ Dlred9r 141 ••• ''" St. .... ~ ............... .... ._ ----_ _.... ............ '••ii•• 1 ' 1U:JO A.Mo A Cordi1I Welcome .from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lbo1 hl1ncl COMMUNITY MITHODIST CHURCH Ill A<J•'•"" b75-0950 l :IS lnformtl Wor1h:p 9:10 Tr1ilitio,.1I Wors~'p & Suncl1 y School Co1t1 t.4•11 FtlST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH lttlt St I H1rbor l lvd. Worthlp I Church Sthool 9:10 l 11 AM 141-7727 Ce.+1 M111 North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M111 V1td1 I l1k1r St, 149.211t Wor1hi111 I Chutch Scho•I t :OO I 10:10 AM -H11"ti119t1n l ••t h FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 11th St .•••. S)6.J5l7 S1rvic1t -9 :10 & 11 '·"'· Nll"nffJ thr11 211.cl 9r1cl1 • 11 Cl111rch kh•ol -9:10 '·'"· Hul'ltln9ton l11clo-Ncr+li COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH •662 H1il AYs .•• l42-44il Wor1hlp & Cli11fch Seh1M 'I 10:30 AM lrvin1-E1tt 1111ff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH lll-1 211 11 Uni¥crtlty DriY1 Wonhip & Ch11rch Sch11I 9:10 A.M. L1911n1 l11ch LAGUNA IEACH MITHODIST CHURCH 21632 W1111y Dr i11 So. L19un 1 Worsh ip 10 AM Church School 10 AM 499 .1011 N•wport l11ch CHnlST CHURCH IY THE S!A 1400 W. l1lbo1 11 .. d. •71-1105 Wor1hip I Ch1irch 1 ~ch11I • 9 t 10:10 A.,..,. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 11112 Ma .. 11111 INw ..,._, H ......... ..... ........ 0 .............. ,...... Ill.._ W .... : t :IO AM a.di~: 10:41 A.tit. OfftMZlllJ M••lc St.,.._ 91Mt4t Church of th• Covenant nso,..,...1...,c....w.. l tuce A. Kurrie, r11tot s-...., Wsnlt&p & a.rd ~: f ;Jo.-.,MN MMJM St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Ito St. AltdNwl ...... N1wpcH1' lcftll CH.UW HlllEIT DIEl:IN,llLD, rASTO• W....W, & CMrdl kllffl: I , t :lD I 11 AM 14 .. 7147 St. MC!lk Presbyterian Church c.... ...... ,.s. ~ Drtw, c...... ...... -'-" ..... ""' ,.._ W ...... a a... ldr11I II AM 144-1141 I I • l • . . PnlpAt and Pew (Cotltiowed from Ptce 5) Ullkd Metltod.ltL Cblll'Ch nf Hutiq&M Beacb wUI honor thf!lr new mlnlster an<! lib wlf~ the Rev. and Mrs. Edward Em,y, at an inronnal welcome recepUon next SUn- dAy between the motning services held at 9:30 arid 11 a.m. DUring U1e worship hours he will preach 1"lnvilation to Adventure." "Bear Ye One Another's Burdens'' will be the sermon topic of the Rev. Nonnan L. Brown Sunday, 111 a.m. at the P I y m o a t ti Coagrepttonal Cltardli ot Newport Harbor, '262 Broad SU..~ Newport Beach. Sund.ly school Is held at the same tJme and a babysJWng eervice Is pro- vided. Morning wor&hip begins al 10:30 a.m. at Re.!lllttectlon Latbenn Church, 9812 Hamilton , Huntington Beach. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley will preach "A Loftier Standard or Righteousness." · Combined sessions or Sun- day Church School for 3 year olds through third grade meet at 10:30 a.m. in tt'le Educa- tiorlal Building. Older children worship with their parents at --10:30 a.m. The Church Council will meet Monday, a p.m. Worshippers at Flrit Chris- Ua.n Cbut.b, 792 Victoria Sl; will hear Pastor James E. Piercy speak on "Overcoming The Fear of Death" at 1:30 and 10:60 a.m. werahip services. During the 7 p.m. vesper service he will report on the North A m e r I c a n Christian Convention ·which he recenlly attended in Detroit. Orange Cooiity chapter of the NaUonal A11ocl1tloo or Evangelicall will conduct a prayer meeting at t h e Magnolia Baptist Church, 720 S. Magnolia Ave., Anaheim, Thursday, 8 a.m. No breakfast Is planned. All Orange County pastors are invited lo allend. "An OuUine of 'Mere Chris- tianity' " is the tiUe ol the sermon to be delivered 1t the 11 a.m. service of the in- dependent Prelbyterian Cbur· ch of ·Foutain Valley, !H%0 Talbert. Sunday-School will be held at 9:45 a.m. At the 7:30 p.m. Family Hour a personal testimony will be presented by Lewi! Scogin, who along with his family will be spending the remainder of the summer in the Philippines. Replacing r e g u I a r Wed• nesclay evening Bible study sessions, the church will participate in the Tuesday evening Billy Graham cluses, he.Id thia month at Harbor Trinity Baptist Church or Com Mesa. "Possessionn or Profession'' will be the sermon delivered by Dr. Vincent Gottuso at Church of the Crossroads' It a.m. service. The church meels at Pacific View Chapel, Coron1 de! Mar. The Rev, Henry Gerhard will preach "In Search of tdenilty" at 9 and 11 a.m. services for Cbun:b o ( Religious Science of LlfWla Beach, 20062 Laguna Canyon Road. Hish xchool group meetin@s and Sunday school classes will not be held during July or AugwsL Baby care will con· 1.inue al the 9 o'clock service only. Minister of Christian Educa· tion, the Rev. Cecil 0. Eanes will preach at 8, 9:30 and tt a.m. acrvicq Sufldty at St. A11dnw'1 Pre1lliyterl11 Cbllrcli, 600 Sl. Andrew's Roecl,~Newpoort-Beoch. llJa· theme will be "Det......-Wittt- Advenit)"' Nursery cant and church IChool lh"""h lhlrd grade are available during all Lhree services. · Preaching at bottl 9 and 10:30 services, the Rev. Roger G. Betsworth will address the congregation of Commualty Un.lied ~tethodiJt Cbarcb, 156&1 Heil Ave., liuntington Beach. Church school and nursery care are abo provided.. Membership class begins Sun- day 9 a.m. In the pa!tot'I study. This -t lhe chun:b will welcome new Asaoclate Putor ~; ~~-.u.'.ciilt group BARTON W. STONE AND ALEXANDER CAMPBELL PlltlACHID Hllltl SHRINE MADI O' NATIVI $10NI INCASliS CANI RIDGE MllTING HOUSE meets 1:30 p.m. Sundoya; Cano Rlcfte Pvlplt HH S.rvod 'Ilg Name' Speakers 0..r Yurt S...,mructvN P_,. OrltlNll LOI C.lllft lullt In 17'1 In Kontucky Senlor Hlgb Melbodi!t l""'P .-----------------,--------------------meets 7 p.m.. SUndays. G u est minister, the Rev. John F. Sterns will preach "The Importance of Believ- ing" at JO a.m. services ror Corona del Mar Community ConaregadonaJ Cburdl, 6ll Heliotrope Ave. Church school and child care are also pro- vided at the-same hour. "The Joyous Spirit" will be the Rev. Loren Dale Flick. inger's sennon lesson Sunday, IO a.m. when he preaches for Newport Unity ctnrrch. The group meets at the Senior Citizens Building, 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach. Wednesday, Dr. Mai: Flick- inger will present his la!it lec- ture on psycbocybemetics al 7:30 p.m. al&o -at the Senior Citizens Bulldlng. Changing its worship hour to 9:45 a.m., the Harbor Chris- tian Church will meet as usual at Harper School, 18th Street at Tustin Avenue, Newport Beach, Guest preacher this week will be the Rev . Clinton P. Campbell who will preach on "Foot·1oose and Fancy- free ." A hobo party ls being plan· ned for July 19, 7:15 p.m. by lhe adult Sunday School class of Huntington-Valley BapU1t Clw.rcb, 9179 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. • Sunday activities fl <the church include Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, Jl a.m. and 6 p.m. and youth meetings, 5 p.m. Nursery care is provided at :all services: Plans are underway at Temple Betb D1vid oI Oranae I Co ii• I y er a ''Gala Latke Luau" on July 1V, 8 p.m. and a tbeater party excursion to see "Fiddler on the Roof" ¥on- du,y, July 21 at r asadena Civic Auditorium. The luau will be held at the Mel Jaffee home -with the public invited. For further lnformatlon call Hiida Rood 527-6093 or Sheila Jaf· fee, 430-0356. Von Braun Believes CANE RIDGE ..• God Makes Sense to Apollo Scientist (Ceadaaed from Pqe I) chlll'Ch 'which oppoaed the dlaclpilnes of the main body or Pnobytery. 'ftM>mu wlthdrew eve.n from the enU-Burahet brand of Presbyterianism after coming t o the New World to settle In southwtst Pennsylvania. He and bis "campbellltes" fonn· ed lhe Chrlltlu AasoclaUon of Wuhlnctoo, PL, In 11!09. Regular sabbath services will be held Friday, 8:15 p.m. at Community Conare11UonaJ Clnu'Cb, Kalella and Bloom- field Avenues. Los Alamitos. Services will be conducted by Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith and Cantor Harry Newman. "The Gospel or Another Cha.net~ will be the Sw\day- sermon at Balboa Island Com· munHy Metbqdlst Cbui'cb, 11.s Agate· Ave'. Services afe held at 8:15 and 9:30 a.m. y;ith church school and ·nursery provided at the laUer service. Casual dress~ welcome. By LOUIS CASSELS Unilt<I l'rtH lnl..-ft•lltt1•• Dr. Wernher Von Braun, the Gennan-born scientist \\'ho has played a major role in America's space program, is baffled by people who suggest that modem scien~ has discredited belief In God. As far as he is concerned. just the opposite is true. Since he became director of the National Aeronautics and space Adm I nlstr,uon's George C. Manhall Space Flight Center at Huntsville, Ala., Von Braun has. Joined the Epi~pal Church and· has become an avid reader of theological books. ages as man's c1paclty for un- derstanding growa." ThUJ, in this 1ge of space tr1vel, w~c.h dramllhes the lmmet1lty ot the universe:, men rtlust enlarge thelr con· cept or C!od and reco'""" !hat He Is not a local dtlty of lhl& planet but "the creator and master of everythift&." "hfaMed spe.ce fligh t is an amazing •chlevemcnt. but It has opened for us thus far onlf a tiny door for viewing the awesonit reachl'S of space. Our outlook through this peephole al th e vast mysteries of lhe univ erse only confirms our belief in its c~eator." Von Braun said he bellevu in "the continuity of our spiritual ex~ 1fter de1th" for essentially sclen- tUle reuona. ''Science bas found that nothing ·can dlsappe1r without a trace. N1ture does not know exUnction. All it knows Is trlinsformallon. "'Now il God <PP!le.< thb -fundamental principle to lhe most minute and Insignificant parti or His univerie. doe!n't It make sense to as.sume that He applies it also to the rnasterpiect of his crtaUon - the human soul? [ thlnk It does." .. Bui It .....,, IDIW lltJ when his ........ to America !hat the elder Campbell ind his: followers embraced bapti!m by Immersion and were m. vlted to join lhe Baptist... Alexander Campbell, h y Ulen the leader of the Pre.s-- byteriam · turned -Baptists, began calling h i 1 followers The Rev. David DiProfio will preach "A Cons um in@: He dlscussed his religious beliefs in a recent Interview ·wilh Adon Taft, religion writer lor the Miami Herald. The in- terview will be published in the July issue of the magazine Christian Llfe. C-hurch Commotion Unity Seen In Pope's Africa Trip Fire," al 9 and 10:30 a.m. services Sunday for Chrlsl. Church by lhe Sea; 1420 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. This week will be the (irst. of a series of "Heritage of Hymn Sundays." Von Braun said he finds it as difficult "to understand a scientist who does n o t acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the To Bring Shock? KAMPALA, Uganda (UPI) -The July vlslt of Pope Pius to honor Z2 Catholic martyrs, creaaingly toward "merger 1t tortured and burned for thelr practical levels" -between faith nearly a century ago, fundamental Proteslar!.ls and may tura out to be 1DOther fundamental Catholics, and step fOWard CbristlaJrunltr.: Meu Verde lJ n It e d eli.stenct of the universe as il Methocll11 Cburcb, 1701 Baker-ts-io-cmnprehend a theologiln St. Costa Mesa will hold who would deny the ad vances worship services' al 9 and of science." By GEORGE W. CORNELi. NEW YORK (AP) -Out or the mutltlnw-of Ule pt'tserit CM'lmolion and changes In the churches, a Prole.stant scholar has taken a long look at the eventual resulta of it all -Ind he sees some shockers ahead. 10:30 a.m. Sunday with the Von Braun added: "Thert Rev. P1ul B i es em eyer certainly ls no s c I en t If l. c preaching ''Cour1ge ls the reason why God cannot retam Word." At JO a.m. Sunday a the same ~ltlon in our reception will be held foe new modern worid th1t he hel.d Pastor Biesemeyer in the before we began probing hl! AAIONG THEM: The di.sap- Fellowshlp Hall. creation with telescope and pearance of sennons and Sun- o • cyclotron." . day morning church servlca~ between liberal protestants ~ a n d Calholics and liberal Catholics. ...,.. tirrned·'lbeether In lhe -Most I n s l I t u t I o n a I public pyres ordered by a balf· members will be 45 years Old, demented, African ti n g and up. "There will be a between 11&5 and 1887. steady decrease In t o t • I AJlboqh it is still not known membership •.. fewer youths here whether the PontHf plans will Join the church." any apecllk tz:ibute to the Ille Reformers. H• joined the movement c1lled the RtformaUon ant tiepoualng a relurn to the slmplicll)• rJ the Scrlptwv h e R • n moking "we.tem•1 trips to Irallucky whtte Stone and hla tollciwers bad tho Monnatlao aofnl un· ""der a full head d ltelm at tbe Cano Ridge MeellnC Bwle. ManJ an ''all~ mMling wllh dinner on the '""""1"" was held 1t the old los bulldlna. And lhe oplrU of Canl Bid# even today infects marlf ~-~1' acUvltles o f t be Quisti~ Churdi. C1urtch of Christ arol Di!9Jple.< of Christ hr ~ Midwest and, indeed, In other parts of the natlon. ~ The old lo&: meeli!'ll hou.Si sull stands, much u it •11 in the days ol Campbell aNI Stone, protected now by Oie: shrine built around Ir.:. Meetings of vatloua chQr:I groups often are beld there~. 1" And, in the paradox.ical , century, the Cane Rid Shrlne vies with thorough race bot&e farms and tobacco patches of K<ntucky!s Bluegrass reglon for the a~ 1en&n or tourtm. I Interfaith I I Center Due \ COLUMBIA, Md.raAP) ' ae.,....-vesor Catholic and Jeirilb I . marnrocf shovels to hre ground 1ut weei for a new id- terf aith re.liiiou1 facmty ·Ip Columbia. ~ Laguna Church Plans Talk on Space The God which many people growing interest in Jesus and find it hard to believe Jn, Von less in the mystery or God: Braun suggested, is actually a broed church consolldaUons ; pathetic caricature con· multiple memberships by strucled by limited human some believers in more thin vision. one church. "AnyefforttovisualizeGod. The Rev. Dr . Roland W. to reduce Him to our com· . Tap_p, of Phlladelphla, a prebension, to describe Him in · United Presbyterian 1peci1ll!t our language, beggart his In religious educaUon, says greatness," -the famous "part of the upheaval now physicist said. golng on in the churches is --On the other hind, thert1 Anglicans who perished 1t the will be "increasing interest in royal whim, the VatJcan has religion a n d Ch.rlsUan.lty" already officially h on o re d among college students and th young ad ults but "they will ;:·the ca no n i z a t I o n conUnue to avoid the instllu· ceremonies ror the 2 z tional chu rch." Catholics 1n 11164, the Pope ~hrisUan teachers will see said : "We do not wish to themselve "more u fellow-forget othel'S who, belong;"" seeke rs'' rather than --o "tranamitters of a heritage." to the Anglican confession, 1be bulldlng wtU wvt Catholic, Mlaourt S y no 4 Lutheran, Amerlcart Bapda~ Unliarlan Unlvenallst, Jm•• and United Methodl•~! Presbyterian congrea~ The coot of the facWly, cludinl! land and archlloct A talk on '"Outer Space and Inner hian'' will be. given by aerospace manager Ed Lin- daman at 9 1.m. Sund1y, July Modernizing For Churches? LONDON (AP) -A con- sultancy for advi sing Christian organi:iatloru oo m o d e r n management techniques has been launched in London. Called Christian Organiza- tions Resareb and Advisory Trust, it is registered as a charity and has represen· tatives from the Church of England, the Rom1n Catholic Church. and Protestant Churches on its governllig board. 13. al Laguna Beach Com· munily Church. 415 Forest Ave. The program ls billed as a community seminar rather than a sermon. Lindaman, as.sistanl to the vice president for manage· ment planning at North American Rockwell S p a c e System Division in Downey. conduct.! a half hour ABC-TV television program each week in which he ta.lks with high school studenls about ethical implicatlorus of recent sclen- U!ic discoveries. His Laguna talk will be ex- actly one week before !he scheduled landing or men on tbe moon . Lindaman suggests I h a t those present will get a rude awakening concerning hidden implications of space ex· ploration. met death for the name of 'Mley ''will be more interested Christ.·• ''I find it best to accept God temporary but much of it will as an intelligent will, perfect have penn'anent effects." in goodness, revealinj: himself Recently on a three-month in the world of eJPfrlence research assignment f o r more fully down through th e analysis an d planning, Dr. in Jesus and leu in God" even Anglicans an d Catholics though th.Ii seems a "nat con-I" --·'de th · tradletion in Blblcal terms." a ~e ""'""' r is menuon deeply slgnlllant despite the and rurnlahlnp, will top $J million, .. id tbt Rev.~ Sinclair, eucutive mlnlstef for lhe Cc>hrmblo CooperaU Ministry. Each rell"""3 orpl)ilafklh Uiing the atrucWre wW-leaiJ it, payln1 a fee in ratio to th& extent of use. . f Laborer Drowns In Self Baptis111 PHILADELPHIA {UPI) - Alfonso David, 41, an unemployed laborer, drowned In the Schuylkill R I v e r while baptizing hlmsetr. Police said David baptized his sons, Eric, 7, and Samuel, 11 months, and returned to the water after leaving the boys on the river hank with their mother. He disappeared in eight feet "f water. Tapp said In an interview that indications 1rt that t b e organiiational structures or churche1 "are not going to make it" to the end of the century. "The long-range prOl!lpects are good for eaaenUal Judeo- Christianity, but not for the In- stitutions," he said. -THE CONSULTATION on of[icial Vatican posiUon that It Church u n i o n will bring ls unable to belt.ow any kind of unification of major Protes-status "on &host who have not tant denominations a m I d died doing battle within our "great walling and gnashing of own ranks." " teeth," but the new connec\lve Nevertheless, uncontested church "will be no more ot a historical fa ctors show that monolith than it is now." the brutal, petula11t King -ChrisUan educaUonaJ cur-Mwanaa of Buganda did not rlculums henceforth will be differentiate between types of produced lnterdenomlnaUonal-Chrisllans in his persecution ly, on a national ar l"f!gionat campalana and It ts agreed - There will be four worth!' areas of \larylng aises. Thi largest will seal 600, anotbet 350 and two will bave .f capacity of 70. The cent.tr ~ also Include offlee opace, wt~ secretarial and oervlca .,.,, to be 1h1red by all. · • bub. Church sc hool teaching though much less research has A._,•11••11111' DR. TAPP, a one-time wUI be by :!-D color TV hook· been done on lhem -!hat the WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SA'( mlssJonary, cautomla putot ups among clusters of church-Anglicans, llke tbeir Catholic ABOUT FAITH? 1 ! and World W1r 11 bomber es. contemporaries, went to the -·: pilot, ~ a former professor of "Sennons are out. And ao Js stake proclaim.log their belie.f "-faith cometh by heertnl: psychology and philosophy of the Sunday morning worship they would meet 1n heava and helling by the wocd «: religion at Kent.ucky'1 Center se.rvice at 11 o'clock. The According to Ang 11 can God," Rom. 10 ;17, Jn. 20;•3r. College aod o{ B I b l J c a I death rattle will be long and records, at least 20 Anglicans God's plan ls for man to rel languages 1t San Frmclsco loud and gruesome." perished this way. VaUcan FAITH (belief In Christ) from Theological Seminary. -The main theological ahirt records meoUon 13 Anglicans, the Bible. MEN must teaclt ~ For l'ietnani Protestors On hla denomination'• Board will be away from the doctrine 13 Catholics and five heathens er men this faith from the B1· of OlrlstJan Educatlon for the of d Iv in e transcendence in the final incintration at ble. "-we have this b"easure in past decade as asaoclate toward a "doctrine 0 f Namugongo outside Kampala, EARTHEN vessels-," 2 Cm:_. editor tlf Its publication house, panenth eism," which holds where the Pope will corr 4;7, Rom. 10;13-15. MEN art Weslmlnlte.r Preu, he offered that "God is in everything," in seer ate a new shrine. God's earthen vesltls, made of ' hts Uvely preview of the future contrast from pantheism, ·--==========:Jclay, Gen. 2;7. church at a recent gathering which says "God is every-Ir DO YOU WANT A GREAT of religious J>Ubliihen. thing." Tho FAITll'1 Then sludy Ille Bible. !terns on the forecast in--1\AClAL JNTEGR.AnoN Orange Coast's God will not whl!lper tnto you1-) Amnesty Asked for 'Exiles' I ~TON (AP) -A body of A general amnesty, the Protestanla whose roots go church &aid, wouJd be "in the back to the nation's beginnings · interestl of reconclliaUon and eluded: 0 wlll be a fact wllhln the t..l Co pl eer the ll'Ut facta o( the Blbl~~ amnesties through American "AddlUonal casualties will -A re-enactmf!nt o( the fun-churthes ••• It atrudy la a most m ete YOU must atudy to Jurn thi!tet --..... history, beginning with George be in vain." damentalill-liberal flibt of 50 workable, everyday fact 11 PRINTING 2 Tim. 2;111, 2 Tim. l;IH7, Hebj • Wuhlngton. Appnrring an qreement yeara qo , •• It already his headquarter. leve~." JI:&. Where the Bible ls NOT. • lbe binding tip of wounds, for wants Pi'!sident Nlxon ti> the sake of our freedom and to grant amnesty to YoWll men 1how our high respect for con- who have been punished or science " driven tnto exll~ for refusing r h e • · two-milllon·mernbrer to serve in the Vietnam war. church said, "The reputation -irri'e United Oiurch of Christ, of the United States as a at its policy-making assembly, strong and confident urged "In the name or Chris-democracy would be enhanced tian love'• a pirdon for those by amnesty." Imprisoned, indict.eel or c1u~ The seventh Jargl'.!st among to flee the counlry 1 n Prolest.a.nt bodies, the United resistance to !M!rvict In Viet-Cllurcb was fonned lhrough a nam . merger involving Congrega· This has happened lo an lionalisLs, who stemmed from unknown number or young the early American Puritans Americans ")¥cause of U1e who started the colony In moral ambiguities of our na. Plymouth, Mw .. In 1620. lion's Vietnam policy ," !he "This nation Is strong enough church said In • ttatement to embrace both UM* who odoptod by delega{es. It hu hove particlpatod ·1n and - been utimited th1t 1bout 700 who have <JS1P(>Rd the w•r ," are in jail. with many othen the church said. c j t l n a ' living 1broad. numerous mass presidential - In 1795, he granled amnesty worked oot between 1 black resulted In• marted Polari&a· -Church =Y· valued SERVICE there, faith Jn Chrl!t d<ies nol to parilclpants In the Uon or tbt cburcb at aU levels ~.j-"y at -b , wms.;oo nlstl clergy aroup and the church's ""'-· Ut ~-Ir ~ '"" Pe n nsylvanla insurrect.lon, • · • ''"' IP msy ,,_-wue • 11 "In lur I Phone 642-4321 ~ eiecuUve co u n c i I , the reparable. tu ro s. a P c If we want our chlldn:n MYing national JustJce should assembly also voted to society with Chrlltlanll rapidly have faith. we mmt tut.It th include as milch "moderation gua rantee a new Negro-con· -WITH PROTESTANTS and becoming a minority, this kind God's word, 2 Tim. J ;5. er. :U;61 and tenderness" as safety trolled Commission on Racbl Rom1n C&thoUcs "no longer ln of tu-exempt weah.h afmply Otberwl!e, they will grmr up 4 permitted. JusUce with a $500,000 budget real dispute" over major doc-cannot be tolented. It won't GODLESS. geMnUon. Hive w& After World War II , Pres-in 1970 and '800,000 ln 19?1. trtnea, they will move in· be." faUed them In lhis respect"? t~ dient Harry S. Truman --------------------i;===================:;Jthls what ls wrong with our n•' pardoned more than 1,500 Im· Uon today! "BLESSED Is uw{ prisoned war objectors. MARINERS CH. URCH naUon whose God ls the Lord Th r eight-day assembly. · .. p 33 tJ Pr 14 34 H which closes tonight, at.so urg· fni ·· flon _I Jlcarlt -• 1· ; ' • ; · °"t ed President Nixon to declare • oven oriw New LeMtlM does Bible study. irt your homt, an "early cease-fire" In Viet· compare with TV watchb:lat ! UH I. C-........,, """"' ..... nam and irtep up withdrawal T ht Soul hlantl s Most 81didi/lll IJu1t ••rt •f M•1Arth111 I I ...... I Come, study the Bible with us .. of U.S. troops. (111. I: JI). C1*e1 for ed~ The "adminl!lration ls mov· MemorUds Guest Speaker: Dr. Don Sunuklllan and child.ran. Church ot Christ.: Ing in the right direction" tn -..&USO\fVM • COWM&411\a11 • ~ SC 00 287 W. Wilson St., Costa M~j it.. de<:l•lon lo brln& 25,000 I SUNDAY H l •••••••••••••.••••••• ''DO AM SUndayl. 1:1$. tO:U A.M., I :~ tl<IOps home, bu1 "lhe •peed e:,.'"""_m. TREES ... ·o, .. f,_th,_e_WORLD woRsH1P s111v1cE ....•.......•......... 10 AM tM .• wednesdl)'s8~, .. '!.:!l..t.~~ with which these neps ore uo you h4v• •P~ , ___ 'i bellli taken ;. ins•Cficlent," l!VININO Sl!RVICE ................... 7:10 PM ~ us or wrti. !heat.. 114Ji the church uld. ........ s.. .t...,·o.mp · &'fl, ~2'41, ~. J ·' ' . . J ' l I • ... ' -· ),;...._, "" ·' ·? , ' • • • . .., ~.,,.., • • ---• -• ·~ ". ' , .~ ' Comment ~age I -~ .-I " -. " • togistics of -Co~eiing ~Nixon's Visit • DAil Y P ILOT Ii.ff ,_. UNPERTURBED-BY SECRET SERVICE AGENTS , LADY GOLFERS CONCENTRATE ON GAME ___B,cg_iness fl Usu1I on Newport1r Inn Links P•spite Pr1sidenti•I Prese!tC• (Suite in Background) . . . STEPS TO REVOLT· Campus Rints Leading to Takeover? By 1lD MONTGOS!ERY lavestlptive Repor'Wr SU Frudlco Ex•mlntr I arrived in Berkeley a little after 3 a.m. on so-called "bloody Thursday." Tbr:re was one individual there. who I ~ve pictures or, 1-kno•-bit ide'nlit)'. but l'm not at liberty to disclose it. al thlS ternoon because they put the show on the road at 12::.J from Sproul Plaza. 1 did not see this man again but am satisfied be was present You.wonder, well "'bo is he! While rm not frte to n1mc hiM, his background goes back to the l9Xl's and he's one o( lbe old guard CommW\i.si.agila.ton. time.. ART GOLDBERG. in a radical Com- ln compa113 with one ol o u r . munis1. paper, went so far as to stale lbat photographers. we parted on Bowditch 1 the People's Park was pre-arranged. It Street just Mrlb on u.e-Hast.e Stfeet in-afforded them the opportunity lo bring t.ersedloi. .We IPde.-a:'lllD~ ~ Ulrough•.• about the sort of sit.uaUon they w,nled. the part and saw at lhal ume about 135 Todav's militants look no further than demomtrators. Some o( .them had hard Fidel Caslt'O, Ho cm 1-tinh. or Mao Tse hat.s, some gu masb, and others bad Tung. pki.a.J.e handles. · Mike Klonsky, national head of the At approximately 3 :30 a.m., a quarter SOS. was a recent \'isltor to Berkeley. He of a bloc« ahead of us. at the H.asle stayed at the home of Uncoln Bergm1n. Street in~rsectlon. a car passing south Lincoln Bergman is ,an annou~r in one oa Bowditch Slreet met coming toward of lhe far out Berkeley radio stations. them a second car headed north on His wife is on the fi!-culty al Merritt Bowditch.. In tht car headed south, a C.Ollege-a sociology teacher teaching Jit- yelknr Mustang, were Bill Davis and two lie more than ~1aoist doctrine. or thrte leaden of the Berkeley Peoples Lincoln Bergman is the son of an old Park con.frontation. China hand, \\'ho i.s perhaps one of lbose TIIERE WAS a brief con,1ersation between ·t.he iwo drivers. lasting Jess lhan a minute aod one half and it closed with a clenched salute. ~ car beaded north then parked on Bowdit.ch Stttet.. very near us. 1 later took a picture of the car and was able to establish tht man's true iden tity through. the license number . I had this man under su rveillance from that point on for four hours. After park- ing his ear, he 'A'enl directly to Bancroft Way where Sheriff Madigan was mar- shalling his farces. The man coonted heads and returned to the People's Park at Haste aM Bowditch. He conferred briefly wtth the leaders. This individual then retired across the street-he's never there "A'ben the arrests are tnade , he's always a half a block away. From there he went to a coffee-donut shop on Channing and Telegraph. He held court in a bark booth. conferring wlth the ringleaders one at a time. He ltlfn left the coffee shop and return· ed to the area ol the par.k. I doo't know ~·hat happened lo th.is man in the af- caliins: the shot." behinrl such men as . i\-.-akian. and H. Bruce Franklin. Back of the SOS movement and !he biggest indica tion of \\'hat is lo come is the foun~inc: of the Rt"d Guard do\\•n lht' Peninsula. This is tied in v.•ith the Peninsula Free lin1\·ersity, \\'hich offers a \·arielv of coorst's hilt concentrates on ~faoisin and guerri lla \\'arfare. ~tembershi p in the Red Guard is com· prised ol 1w~i\ id u:'.ls "'ho have carried out orders of stii.c::tiin '.! arms. ammunition, and explosi\'CS incl~idilfg plastics. TUE.5E PEOPU Hre heatied up bv II . Bnx:t' Franklin. flts initial objectire 'is to tear down Stanford Uni\·er~ity al'ld put it in the category of the University of Pe- king. l asked Franklin in an interview -ho'" do you justify taking on Slanford Unl\·ersily -this isn't a tax supported inslitution, it's endm\·ed. lie said that's the point, it was endowed by the wealth of Leland Stanford. He took his money from the people for bu i Id in g the railroads and therefore the institution should go back to the people. He said it had to be patterned after the The Doctors' Dilemma Prom a ·qustion and answe r colum n in Ameri'°11 Medicat News. publilhed by the Amt"ricon Aledical Associalio1l. Q-How doc1 a ~ta.I staff handle • felt.w staff member. wH m11 have 1 problem wi1' alcobc>I! R. L., ~ID ~llnlsslppl A-It is the conclusion of American Medical Association legal advisers that physicians themselves ihould quietly and 1-•·'' Saturday, July 12. 1969 -. The Comment Page of the Oaijy· PiJot seeks to inform and stlinulate readers by preSentlng i variety of com- 1T1entary on topics of lnter· e.'it and significance Crom 1¢onned observers a o d cpok9men. ( ..... N. w...i, P-tr ·' ' secretly detennine the facts: they can observe a fellow physician in his hospital practice; they can see him and ob~rve ha conduct on other occasions: they can evaluate the e:iteal of his disability . Once this evaluation is made , there are two COJH'Sits open. Ooe ii to pre.fer charges of unethical cooducl aDd have a hearing before the crJW'jtY society board of censors or ethics committee:. The other course or action--and reDer3UY thi' inore t11ective--lt to have the ,ppfopmje officers or the county m«lical society call the physician In to an off-the·rec:ord meeting and confront bi:m --dtririUely and forcefully with their tlndlnp. Hevlna done this. wilh equal force.. the !eiders o< the medical corn. munily should ltll the physJcian whose conduct is unacceptable that he: must take corrective action immediattly or 1 .... d;.clplln•Tl' cl>•'lff· If the slfualion is aggravated, then an appropriate group of lhe local medical society with the ltJM>wledge tt ma y have be<:ause of Us observations of tbe physi- cian should call.; Up()n the bolnf of medical n:amlnerr '8fld prtSent Ibis in- forrqaliQfl . The boa.rd can ~ake 11 more thorough and fonnal tnvtitlgation arMr take •PIJl'1IPl'i>IAI action. New Peking University. He said the only answer 'A-ill be the fonnalion oC a revolutionary party, but !here might have to be an intermediate .step wi th the formation of a revolu- tionary red union. The fonnation of the revolutionary union was announced in May , with the original chapter in San Francisco. Chapters are now located in Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco. down the Peninsula. Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, and New York City . Chapters ·are made up ol the elite wiUrin various radical student organiza- tions. They are dedicated lo a program o{ sabotage. infiltration withln various in- dustrial plant.s. They stress training in guerrilla warfare :md the need for terror. SlX PttONTHS AGO in a private home in Palo Alto, with 23 persons pre:stnt. there "''a1>Wld out a definite program for what "'ould occur in their sector come lhe revolution of 1973 -dale they have set for initial takeo'-"er. They didn'l slop with a list of the cop<; who .,.ere lo be killed forthright with n1embcrs or lheir families. They e\·en picked leading busines!'mfn Y!'ho were to be assassinated. starting ·with a former St2nford football plaver no"; practicini:= la\I' and a prominent Pz:operty Ol\'l'IE'r and civir lta<ler in Pain Aho. They got around to the point of ler- rori:;r.1 ;"Ind one indivirlua\ said th<1l 1t might be n~ssary to go dO'A'n th e hallw·a~..; or public schools and open lhe 1Hlor.; and shoot every kid in sight. · You n"~ht i;a~'. are the)' go1n~ to tom(' lo this? I don't kno"'· if you get.the right acid·head Bnd the right machine gun he 111lght be just damn fool enough lo do it '\'HO'S FINANCING this sort of lhinJ!'! \Ve do KnO\\' \\'here some of the money is coming from . It wasn't too many months ago that I listened to direct testimony in \Vashington. D.C., from individuals who had been in the Communist Part y. One said TtlOCM!'Y was coming from Red China by way of Hava na and brought into the U.S. in diplomatic pouches of th e Cuban U.N. mission. This person made al least fi\1e trips to the U.N. lo pick up an ~ttache case and take il back to the Progressi\'e Labor Party headquarter.:;. We know money has come in bv y.·ay of ~fexico City. The man above H. Bruce rranklin and Robert Avakian Is the ttei· pient. at regular intervals, of large sums of money in tbe form of bank drafts from Hong Kong sent to a bank in Sall Fran- cisc<I. In July at P.fenitt College there will be an alliance betv.·etn the Blacll: Panthers and various other groups -.a conference for the United Fronl-Agalnst Fadsm. On that occasion there will be a change of name for the Black Panthers and olhers. They will come under one head ing knov. n as the American Liberation Front. ll will encompa.M almost all of the A"rican lefUst radial segmenl!!. A. BLACK PANTHER coloring book use!d throughout the Bay Area in con- junction with the Black-P a n t h e r breakfast program. This colorlna book is highly inflammatory, racist propaganda. The coloring book is for youngsters $, 6, 7, a year• old. In addition to the coloring book. they i;ing little songs- "There's a Pi& upon the hill. "If yoo don't shoot 'em the Panthers will, "They got Huey Newton In jail. '"They won't let him oul on bail. '·tAng live revolution-Hail, Huey'' Thia: ls the: soft of thing lh:il has been lblnf on In th< •ntltt 11.ly "'" for !lie put several months. Custom Car, Copter vs. Rolls .for Press Br DAVID C. DENLEY 111 Edlltr 6 PUllllott Mquhie Memo to Dewsmen planning to cove-r lhe moolh-loog stay b<re of President Rlc:hard M. Nixon and hlJ family in """"'' . It's pretty hard to matctt the: President's mode of a u t o nf o t ·1 v e lransportition, because there a~ not too many cars In lhe United States th.at can eqUfl his $500.000 made -t o-order J.4nou.!1ne. But U you can get 'on the good side 0£ Douglas Ross, he promises to give you quarters tiy White House Prw Secretary Ronald Zleg'ler. Ziegler, who used to spend lime In Newport .Beach swimming and playing tennis w~ a USC undereta~Ull;t.e, said that the kication, size, .00 accessibility h~ped make the Inn the Presideat's choice for bis office!!. . The bot.el, a country-club affair, faces Newport Harbor .ahd its buodreds of sailboats, motorboats, and y.achta. . The . hotel has a lar,&e pool, tennis eourt.s, and itt own golf cour~. It al10 has on it.s groun:is many shops, restaurants, and a large-paiking area. Goldwater lands his plane at Orange County Airport when commuting between his NeWport Beach apartmenl at I.he e1- clusive, private Balboa Bay Club (abou t five minutes from the ·Inn) and Washington. O.C., and his home in Phoenix. the ~ ol his $40,000 Rolls Royce while 11IE INN is located only five minutes reporting the news of Mr. Nl_%oo. And (via a wide fast. highway) from Orange And equally important, a large heltporl races the Newporter Inn. Here, the Presi- dent and his staff will fly to and from tbe San Clemente estate and the fi.farine Corps airfield al El Toro. About 10 scheduled flights a day on Los Angeles Helic<lpler Airways are m:!ide from the Inn to Los Angeles International Airport, about a 15-minules flying trip. Tbe President's offices here are located in I.he New Orleans-style Villa San Remo, a ·modern . two-story building detached from the main hotel. The. structure faces lhe Harbor. the hotel, and the ninth tee of the 501f course. tibllJir.~'31~ OU '~•~ • •-• lracti · · k' led h ~-·· ho n.y Atrpor_t. nere, )Cu arrive on ve, miru-s 1r o,,~ w comes. scheduled airlines from Los Angeles equip~ with cold champagne and bot (about an hour's driving time) and other hors J oeuvres. California cities. Arizona Senator Barry ROM, c-. oatti~y-dressed Englishman. is manag~ of the N~porter Inn. a 365- room luxtw)' hotel which President Nixon during his June 4 to 7 visit here named as his "Summer White .House." And thfill Ross wiU be host to hundreds of American and foreign newsmen who will cover tht. President during his August and future stays on lhis sunny Southern California coast. Why Okinawa Bme for West, Sy mbol /or East ., Actually, the President has chosen three locallowns here as his·su mmer and vacati:>n headquarters. Taken frorn on addreSJ In/ore~ tl,e Orange County Forum, a Town Hall organization that encourages interest and k11owledge in ·mltional and i11ter· 11ationot affairs. • cooperation and the cotttinued use o( military bases in Japan-altd on Okinay,·a. fi.tost Americans arc totally unaware that this problem exists; and so the lime bomb licks toward 1970. and lhe ex· piratiori of our agreement, in an al· mosphere of complacent ignorance. It is important to remember that the ,trea!y, Okinawa, and the U.S. bases fn Japan ate all interrelated subjecL.,·which must be evaluated in tenns of Jap8n's crushing defeat in World War II and hrr subsequent rehabilitation. For the first Ume in history. Japan was occupied by a foreign army and the myth of the divine wind \\'hich would al\\-•ays save Japan from defeat and occupation was shat- tered. (IJ San Clemente -about a half-hour driving trip to the South·, is t.-1-r. Nixon·s official resid ence. 'J'htte, the Pfesident· has purchased for a reported $.140,000 a 10..room Spanish-style dwelling fronting the Pacific Ocean for his home and offi. .. cial voting residence. The house. and its adjoi ning 21 acres, has five bedrooms and baths. a five.car garage. a two-bedroom guesthouse. and additional servants quarters on the tree-covered grounds. The house adjoins a Coast Guard Loran Station helipad , whlch the President wiR use to transport himse.U to the jet airfield at El Toro Marine Corps Naval Air Sta- tion. about 20 minutes away, and the helipad at Ross' Newporter Inn. The Presid~l has stated that the Newporter Tnn will serve Bi his official offices dur· ing his visits here. By JOHN V. TUNNEY California Coagres1 man, 38th District lt becomes obviDU:i that Japan is in lhie centrum in any policy formulationi \Vithout strategic bases on Okinawa or the main Japanese Islands, it virtually wou ld be impossible lo s u p po r t logistically a major military operation in Korea . Taiwan, or Southeast Asia. Without Japan's assistance, our economic and technological aid programs to other Asia n countries would fall far short of what is needed to keep alight the torch or sustained progress. In other words, The Japanese are an immensely proud Japan must be lhe focal point of our people and the shock of nuclear attack. Asian policy. defeat. and conquest produced a deep For too k>ng., we ba\•e been laking the sense of national humilialion . friendship of Japan for granted. V.'e This manifested itself in a pathological have ignored the fissures that have ap-fea r of atomic \\'eapons. a strong strain The San Clemente Inn . a 140-room motel located about ·five-minutes fr om the Nixon estate. will serve as the sleep- ing headquartus of the President's.staff. Staying at the inn will be bis ad- ministrative staff, communications offi- cers, and Secret Service guards. The inn al.so has inst.ailed press room and darkroorr, facilities and will be the head· quarters of the press pool which covers the Preiident's activities on a 24-hour basis. pcared in the foundation of mutual sup-of pacifism, and an unalloyed ~uill over port and ~peration . It is time to take the militarism that led to Japan·s foreign a lone~ 1f1:)1ased look al our relation-wa rs and :U!Urruttc)'l)i~ryr~ru~. ship in order that we may resolve U'le-~ differences which exist. · THE l\fOOD has been changl n,i:: 1%1 L1pna Beacli. -the famed art com munity and senior cillien retirement cenl.er located mid-wa y between San Clemente and Newport Beach. The sea· front Surf and Sand Hotel here will be the residence of the'. press during the President 's Southern Califori\Ja \'isils. The hotel . which has 174 rooms f\i;hif'h start st S35. a day, single rate) is a nine- story affair owned and managed by ~1 ~·r­ rtll JohnlJOTI. Johnson ha !I turned the ~iai T:ii Room <a mammoth bar>quel faciJ :tyJ into .t>e press roon1. anrt telephones, t\·pe\l'riters. and 'Vestern Union fa cilili(>S arc now in operation here. The hotel. u·hich is built and decoraled in a South St'as motif. fronts a grand beach. Fine re~taurants. shops. art studios and galleries. as well as bikini·\\'earing lem ales are within walking and watching dislance. Observers of lbe hotel and its surroundinJ!S positively guar11ntee lhflt the press ""'ill nothing to complain about. about. ll l Newport Beacli. -site or the Ne"'porter Inn which the President has named as his official officr. The Inn , anolher 20 minutes drive north. is con· sidered a "perfect'' Presidentia l head · JAPA.'J IS particularly cooo:!med that social upheaveals and polilical unrest in the underdeveloped counlries of Mia could lead to a direct military con- frontation betv.ttn China and the United States. And the fear is that such a con- frontation \\-'ould inevitably result in !he use of nuclear \\-•e::\pons by both sides and lhe destruction or Japan, since it is an all.v of the U.S. Nevertheless. Japan wants to remain under the An1erican nuclear um~la . J:ipnn knoy,·s that had she not benefited frcm such protrction she "·ould not ha ve reached the present high level of pros· peril y. Thr Japanese have spent less thun I.I percent of the ir Gross Nat ional Prorluct on defense since World \Yar IL Br contrast. the U.S. presently is spen- ding 9.5 percent bf its GNP on national fi nd free \\-'orld defense. Tht> ties betl\'ecn Jan<in :ind lhe United States have become intricate and mu- tually rey,·arding. Our joint trade is over the 7-biUion-dollar mark. ranking sec- ond only lo our trade Vt'ith Canada and greatly in e:xces.s of trade y,·ilh any Euro· pean cou ntry. This is by far the largest lrtinsoceanic trade bet\\·cen any t\\'O Cflu ntries in history. NOW AGATNST this backdrop of cooperation and sh a red aspirations sevrral serious problems have arisen between our nations. One of these relates to the treaty of mutual security and dramatically In Japan. in other resJ>«l'i as well. The young fe~I no guilt about \Yorld \Var 11 and they are showing in- creased di~satisfaction with playing the role of "shadow'' lo the dominant U.S. presence. An inl.egral part of the psychological dilemma racing the Japanese people may ~traced to article 9 of Japan's new con- stitution. Article 9 forever renounces war as the sovereign right of a nation and'" pledges nol to maintain land. sea. and air !orces or other war potentifllities . However, thi s fact notwithstanding, thr Japanese presentl y maintain a balance<i military lore!' of O\'er 250.000 rnen. wh ich tilt-government refers to as a "self- defense force.·• THE APPROACHING crisis i 11 Japanese-An1<"riran relations hinges on the fact that in t97tl the mutual sccur itv treaty \\•ill I){' ~ubjrcl to abolition b'y either party \\'ilh a one.year notice of In· ll"nt to tl"rmina!I'. Left-1\'ing groups in Japan intend to p1"C'Ssu re the gov-ernmcnt to do just that. It canmt be doubted that . if~ are tn preser\'r the friendship and cooperation \1•hich has ITTO\\'n het11'een our nriti(lns. ::ic· commodations 1vill have to be made with popular Jap<1ne~ sen!iment. A way will hal'e to be found within the next year to retum admi nistrali\'e control of Okinawn to Japan find to makP our militarv presence lr.c::s 1·i'lible to the Japanese 00 the home islands. ·------------011r "'"" in Snn Frnnrlsro -----------~ Poetry By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -I agree. ni~ people -sometimes ~ hot-headed P whippersnawers 10 too far! J mean. Imagine getting up before a swell bunch of fellows like the O.tk.land City Council and BERATING them and then reading a long al!egorica1 poem oontaining a k>t of words about various parts of the human ANATOMY. Disgui;Una:! ... Was lhis a tf pical out- burst by one of your typical long- hail"Cd ca mpus radicals! Nol exactly. The performer was good old Tim Richardsoo, lovable chiel of lhe S.F. Teamsters Union, angered by the Council's delay on fringe benefits lor policemen. llis PQem. which eoded by com· paring the Oakland Council to a por· llon or one's nether regions. was greeted by stony si"1lce. Then a coun- cllrrian ob::-erved thal "'Richardson has set back the cause of the Police Of. ficers AS9Xiation by 100 years." And a white-faced Mayor John Reading aald idly' '"lblnk yoo for Wears a nothing. ~Ir. Richardson . You can go back to San Francisco now .·• ''0i\11GAWD!" wailed the charming hostess at lbe door of U1e St f'raocis' English Grill. "Tommy Smothers is c<lming in for lunch and he's bringing a bunch of HIPPIES ll>'ith him!'' And so he did, the "hippies"' being reporters and photoggers from th~ B.:rkeley Barb. Hov.-ever, The Establishment didn't take long to get even. Same day. Tom made an illegal U-turn on Van Ness and was promptly sirencd down and tagged by a motorcycle cop. ''Is there anything I can say?" asked Smothers. Cop: "Like what?" Smothers : "Like, I'm sorry.·· Silence. BEI~G A compu lsive reader, I even check the ads in the financial section and sometime.'> it's rewarding. Take Walston & Co. ·s big ad recently. If I tead it right. this fine old stock 'n' bond house has 6000 employu.. and ha! had 1n office ln the Rusa Bldg. Badge since 1932. "And.'. we read on, "at- testing to tht virility of our client servicing slaH -·· Whoa! Stop right there. Assuming that half of lhose 6000 employes are girls, 'A'e Still have 30IJO rilen Who h:l\'e been servicing customers with virility for 37 years. Is this what thev mean by a bull market? Are the cuStomcrs satisfied? Docs Planned Parenthood know? Don 't just st.and there, \\falston. Speak up. STATE SUPRE~1E Cour' Ju.rlice: St an I e y Mo.sk, expanding on the rumors he'll n1n [or U.S. Sena.tor. "On fi.l ondays, ¥.'ednesdays and F'rldays I lhlnk I will. On 1\t~tdays. Thursdays and Saturdays I thin k I won't. On Sun- days, I can't make up my mind."' SIGN BElltNO the bitf of Frank Werber's Trident in Sa \1 s al i 1 o : ''Please Keep Off Gfass_·· f\\r . Werber, is currently beihg tried on marijuana charees. I ... • . [ • Pisces: Share Pleasure With .Those Who N@ed You SUNDAY, JUL y 13 IVh>t w ... preulna financial LEO (July 23-Aua. 121, In· lrlendihlp. Mal<• conce .. 100. aco~IO (qct. II-NOY. II), • wOrthwhlle people. K..-.: thb. ·111,. IJe mOaeffii. AVOl<l G!Ve 1ooreet1Y• lll~- 8y SYDNEY OMAR!\ quttllon I• sallolaetorlly n • r-uU.factJon Indicated. Keynot• lllrmOll)'. Mnen 10 Good for wrltlllf, .. tdllllf up -111<1 act accordln&ly. Stand ovorlndull"""·--• -Ir to4a7 II '"' .,":.!ii:f. R£C•v"TlON HlN'I"': A' answered. There lJ sreatu emot.lonal ·• princlpMa of 101dto rule. T.hen on cwretPoodtnce. Ktep com· tall. You will bt • wlnntr. ~ trying to tfll you L':::. :f9um~.I~': ~'\ ~ ·-• CANCEi\ (June II.July 12 1' •tabUlty. You beiln lo,,.. !he thll becom01 ro.emoral>le day. munlcaUoo Una open. Be CAPRlt'Ol\N (Dec. 11 • sometbl111. Biiie Issues need· whtn lo l•t &0. ~cycle talld •rt tDlbl~ • r O\• • e Handl• detaiJJ. which previou>-''"ht. Thh aldl •ou and ,.__ UBllA. (Sept. ;J-Oct. 12): 1Vallable Io r opportunity. J&n. 19), I( ·a keen observer. alt<nllon . Steady (JI.Ct b;in&• io tlldin&. G<t _.,,. Iii' -· .--UU..0 ...,_: Po I y were' e I 1t1·l • e . "" , •-ROYIO!I. arnbltlonJ. Tl)e1 may 11>f01ltabl• uaJiamenl msy be you galll ••!'!Ible lnform1Uoo. goal nearer lo, ...Ut)'. ,_, reeeardt oa cread•e ~1· c Ir tum a!\1. n c e 1 wUI be who have deep fee 1 t n I• not be as pr1cUca.1 u im--in ortlq. t" '· Pl1y waiting 1azne. Patience PISCES (Feb. i•March 30): grt1tsr oppoi1Wdtlu. ~ :•~lalb' lood f 11 '*"" favorable for your elfort1. rqlfdlns your welfart. aai.ned. Or• ls not ne<.'!Ulri· SAGTnARruS (Nov. 2%-combined wtth ahrewdne11 Keep. promlla made to, ~lrf1111".:-... ~i..,TJ..¥ cif.:,,.~ b c aa:. de •11 1 &. wtdt Know this 1Dd take lnlti1Uve. VD\GO (Aue. is-stpt. 21): Jy greener acroas tbe ·way. Be Dec. SI): S~•d views. Let gains objective. Cooperate youngsters. Share pleasure ii ~~ .. "~" .., ~cl:= litortua. Eajty past lf J.a h 11 g h t lndepeQdenct. Family rtunloo CQU)d provide rtalLstic..-Don't· d e c e I v e others knaw that you do have1 with mate. partner· with those who depend on you. ~-.err,~ ,,~~"'Vr~ :''!:'*.t;:~~:.;.::U:,_o_r1~1_1n_•l_il~Y·~~~~~~--'P_l...,,,..~~·~Eitond~~~hand~~•-l--'y~our~,.~'-I-~~~~~~~-•--'po'-llc~y-·~Yo~u~"'-n~-•t_u_ac_1~--'-AQ~U-A~Rl..:...U_S__:.<J~1~11-·_"9-::.._F_•b_.~Good~~-w_r~U-•_••~l,~v-•_c•_lw_n_.~""'""-·~·~·-~~..t'.~.~""~·~'~l~~"~·~~-'~• AlW!I. Day ii I1.W1•le ft< n.bms. .,. "'" ' AIW!I (Msrch ll·Aprit Ill' Fine for ch~klng property values. Be In touch wllh real· estate agenll. Be aware of put conditions. Setk w1ys to improve without 1 p o 111 n I charm. TAURUS (April '3-M1y 20)' Delightful time wilb relatives is distinct possibility. Key ls to , be 1 good listener. Let othtn have spoUJ(ht. Short journey, picnic ii beneficial. Study ·recrea tion hint. GEMINI (May 21.Jun~ 20): lf1Ve fun ; be versatile. Avoid extravagance. Le.ave detail! to other1. Take long-range vlew . EE?DMIZAMA M For The Record Meetings MOMO~'I" . Stt1lor Clt11en1 Cl\lb of Hllftflnttell ll•dl, Perti •NI "Ktttlii:ol l 11lldlnt, 11111 •NI 0!'•119• SlrH I .. Hunllll'tl'Oll lelcl\, 11 I.II', I M••·s Trunks Strs!ch suits 1n assorteU 2 69 solid colors with contrest- 1n1 trim. S·M·L l•l· 2.11 , •on· Trunks Slrel<ltlits iussort· 2 39 \, ed solM a kn ii lilei ~ S-M·L lq, !JI , ~J~ , G•111 ... Suits ~ Ciil .. ""'1tl ll!IM ~ · '"""' """' a.... 2 29 . .. lmmw1ndtw.plece ! s!I< !11 IX • /, -'18 e '' Trunks · 1 MIN'S I IOYI' QX r COOL-"'AY OLAROID' Suaglasses Onlt COOl·RAY l'OU.qQIQ Sunglij5es h•~t ie1111r.k· ~ble POtAROtO ilmse~ that stop r1!1ected !lart, •~ demonstrated on V. "Angler" ~ RimlesS slylt far ""' lllCI tlOl!ltll 'fri~ l'W ~es. ldul for 1klold ww. COOL.UY POLAIOID . "Angler'' Glamorene . L1au10 RufShanipoo [ ~peCla1!1 t1111Centr~ted for elettrn: s~int: tny hy hind l(llllitller. Ideal lor ust on upllll· stery 11~0. I.II It. Silt l.111\ C1l.Sl11 1.29 2.59 GWIH£ME Dry~Cleaner flf IUIS -th!lfts w1l'-out wett1n1 , • -. • ''Gleeni" TOOTHPlSll ' w/SIJlr G!,71 ••• lie 5 u . Siu ZIE· Toil et Tissue . 4 Roll '"k 01!11s l Wkilt- 29c ,-Hr1~rtnt~~!~1."'1111r1c~t;"~~': !tVl.W A•tnue, Ntw,...I 1'NCll, 10 Cettan iults in mol"!ed colors arid stylf!S Ali witli t~lde su~porl~r. S·M·l. t1. l 1 98 leam r~as Gry -.1 79 le~ te Wiik C~ •• 2.11 ~ 811. Slr1 . 1 - ·~ N•wJ>l)tt '""''' 1t!wlnl1 ciu\. Jo'"t'1 llt1ll1ur•nt, 1U1 E. Co1st Hl11'1wfr, Cot-llfl Mir. 1l noto. , Co•iltm .. i.r. 1'1.,ntm11i.n. Corti ll~l:'f lt"!eurAnl. 1645 H1rlloot l lvd .. (0111 Me ... 1 p.m. ~~Plore• kout1, l1bcoc:k IE\Klronl(I, E•Jlorfr "°'' No. 1ff, l1bcock Eltt· lrW1lc1. l,llH H•rbor Blvd., Coltt M .. 1, 7:U p,m, DtMoln, Hunllfttton 6t1<.11 cn.11«. Me11Mk 1'11m1>ll, 104 Leke A.,.,, HIHl- llnt"°" 1 .. ch. 1:)0 1.m. ,...,n111n Vt11eY Jim .. r Ch11P1tltr el CornllllfCt , 1-••I -btl'ltllt, Cltr Htll. 10200 Siiier Aw .. F-i.ln \tt lll't, 1:31 J,m . Ot•"'' t.111 Coln Club, Mtrli'llrl l (llrlo'. l'tO!I Oovtr Drl1<e, N.w,erf l14dl, 7;:IO 1.m. C9'11 Mnt HtrrMn't LodM Ne. tll, Odd Fellewl "'ti, ''" N--1 111<11 .. Cal• Mftl, I 1.m. VFW Nil. n611, VFW Ht!I. Vortta.,. A-enue, Hun!lntlon letdl, I 1.m. Am<1rkan Sdil1epllr1nt. Flllfld1llfl'I. OrM!<lt (°""''' Cl'lt1>Mr, UnltH FufWf &ulldlllf, 1U12 Sl1,...,rd Aw .. Gtrdfft ·-· DEATH 'l'l/O'l'ICES McDONALD Wtt!tr 11. M~O-ld. Jr. UI ti. Gufllh· . ,,, S.ntl Ar-.. Su,..lvf'CI b' "'lie, Evt• lyn; dlutht•n, Judv Ann eNI l 1<t lVfl Leul~: lt!IW'r, Waller V, Mt0-1•, Sr.; broth«, ~Wt~; tl1!er, Mlll'Y l""' J~11<1fr, S.rvktl, Monolt't, ?1ll PM, ' Peek F1mllr c.i1nla1 Funt••• Home. ffiGHFllJ. Atbf:rt Hl .. lllt. 101 t11 ''·• Huntt1111on '1tlldl. Survl"9d bv wll9, A!111 ..,, l'•uli dt11thttr, L1vln1 t nd llfenor Sl'ICltmfkt; bro~r. w11111m1 11si.,., Nftll1 Mtn~ tNI ltUllll Fltldl1 e NI four 1r1i'ldc.lllldren. S.Vlces, 2 PM MandtY• Smllh1 Cl!tl'fl, MILLER Me•htm MIHtr. Jl6 Gf'....,.t Hun1ln;,on l •llCll. St1rviv1d ll'V ...,,, Orvl!lt , Del· ton 1f'ld 1r1 f•O.lllt'I dtutMt r, Golflt Frltf! 1lt1t r1, EfOt WllOlll t nd Ellie c ....... ~-•" t 1r1ndc:hllt1r"' -' orttl-gr1noKftllt1r..,,. krvlc ... MOntll't. ll 4JA, Smlll'lt Cl'lt~. lntermtnl, Wi1t· mlntlef M!l'r'al<ltl ,.,.-_ Smll!!I MarfV. ••~. Olrr<:tor1. HOOD 11!.i!llP tloocl 1MI 11!11>'11':< Lt,,., Hunl- !rUO!I 8fttft, Survlvf<f l>V 1on, Ct;1. /('rd. ~rvkt\ t rod ln!rr..,.nt wilt tot l!~d !n Wt'Jllfgtn, t111no11. Smlthl Miit· 111ry, !arw1rdJog dlre<!o•I. ARBUCKLE & WEUIH Wt1tclllf ft.lortuary 4%: E. 17th St., Co1tt Me11 146-4311 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Cotona del Mar OR J..Nll Cotta Mees Ml .. 14U • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY ttl Bro1dw1y, Coria Me11 LI I-MU • DJ.DAY BROTHERS luntingto11 Valley I MortulrJ 11911 Beach Blvd. l'111tJngtoa Bach IU-71'11 • M~· MICK LAGUNA B H MORTUARY 17H L a Ca11yo11 J\old -Beodo CK-HU • PA IFIC VIEW ME RIAL PARK Ceme y e Mortaary l(IOI fte View Drive ac•, C11Uoral1 1-1700 • rAMILY FUNERAL ME ilOI Isa ""'· Westmh11 r m-3w SHEFFER 10RTUARY Llpn1 Bea 4N-IUS Su Clemente Ul-0100 R1\JARY SL. Beoc~ ' •\ AM Portable Radio Solid !late cirfiit, bit 2~" spaktr, wtomalic volume control. buin·in 1ntlru11. Battery 1r.d urry strap kieluded. 3 95 #!>27!>0. • HEL A RUllNSmN SEA&SKI. Tau YOI Dirk -TllS·Yn Fosl! Sllllm Loti1111 1 29 1.75. 11. 5111 • !~ !.~~ 11 llh 1.35 Dark Tanning 79c Butter 1.0" u. "' Dark T•in1 Loli ~.. 1.59 "Beauty Pa'1rs" ... '° '*' · · · a lttwtlftl 91ft It try BUY: Lo112-Lash Mascara ... GIFT: Eye Make- " Remover Paa BUY: "llldil" 3.ll ¥1111 2.50 fir Ille Fxe . • . 1.n '''" GlfT:HmllSut 1· 75 Ea lie Psful • • IUY: Super Blodorlnt . GIFT: He:~·s: 2l.ll 50""' ·' Eau de Pam-. • . BUY: Mi.it Malt-IP Stick Gin: Skin Dew Moisturizllc ERllsion · IUY: llllle Uf 4.25 Ylltt 2.50 . '\ & Bady Make-1111 1.1111111 · GIFT: Skin Dew 3 50 Moist Clunser • .• BUY: Bully I IUY: lll&·l.asll Washilll Grains 2.11 '''" Mascara 111111 211 "'" GIFT: "Water 1 75 -GIFT1EyaMlk1·1 65 Lily" Pore Latlen • lilBI upR.everPads • 111111111n11111111111~m, __ ,. Water Wiggle 9r,a~!Mc&;i~~~vel c: tr-~ -k's T:. ""'"'" Ort des;"' 73 cool spl1st11n1 fuft -I\ 10~" ,iastic slllvei. wi~ action .•• just •Jtt-Dll<" "" 1 " '"d 01 "''"" Tracer Scope l!Ose -ind wattn 11\t hrn. ONlT 1.69 vo1r Volleyball frt111 TY'l "Stir lr1t" •.. hou1s nf Jtt ~le l•n 1 49 !or todays SP1(! M1"6ed k1d~. 1 '4 Square ' Play Ball Head & Shoulders SHAMPOO for £1fecti11 Dandr1ff ·c,.1111! 1.U 93(. 4.~ .,. $11• "Friskies" MEDIUTlD "Noxzema" SHAVE CREAM Concentr•ted for closer slwves • ••• 1lvts rrore sllav~ 1111' Clll. e3c Choose ffom Rt&ulair, Met1111o1 ind Lime. 1.2t 11 11. Str1 -- RUllERMAID Dish Drainer for h~111 Size Sin~ . , . w1!h buif1.in silverware wps 11111 J· ---- white 'nd 1ssorted co!ors. ' .alau holders. Choose lrom 1 38 t ~.,. 1.51 I (....... .... -...... -· .... --.......... VOii -8111" 1nH1ttd •uatE'M'ID bill 101 t it baun c! I\ I\ "' 1'""" .. ""· ""'ulltr Dra1·ner Tray m •lruct<o 2 ·, 79 with wtler lip tl\at 1llows ~:::::::::::::-~:::"":'"':t•ttlllMlllllllMWHllllll w1ter lrom dishes to dr1lA 1 58 inta sinl Choose from w~it1 -~'"P'Ei .. $.;ppH;;""~.-nan, .... __ ""'-·~~~-"::~_.::.~:.::_:·======: f1 S.ntle art ct!PJler willt I Clipper SET •rwAHL l issortN llfbchmetlts & r1 0ci1 lrimminr lrJokfet 9 • 99 1• 'Sentry' Flea Collar i fer DOGS I CA n "S1ri111r1~ -~ills t:ea! 111 DVtf YO!lf pet for I COl!lrols tiru. '"" J """"' . " 1 39 I.ti Silt 11. ,· 'Rawhide' TOYS Delicloa cllew treats 49 ·~ ""' '" ... ~·· c wl'fa1d Of R1t. UCM SKIP'·fLlA SllampDO s • ..,.,.,t·• e'lc 111. .J- Flea Soap Ser~•••t'• 33c Flea & Tick SPUll u.1 23 Sup11t'1 • Jewel Collars 111 c.11 '"' ""'" 79c -In nsortecl colots. ... \!All 10 llllCI 79° CAMPANA'Pursettes' Ill SMllltr, lttltr TIMJll Oa11tbe1 t.amp:wi wi~ tONClflTIATI 'Sweeta' c.~::.,. 1rul~ -~y. frls!lnt IJld c:omp!tle sar.11¥y Jll'OlecilOll. 1.11 ht ,, •• Swtttteir •1 SIUlll Fancy Mixed Nuts S A sobd fMrilll It Mtybmt • • • · · llcll ra.st~. h(hUt slll!d ... ea~ . 1fw1ys lresk •~d c1isJ11. " · 1 It ltt -----_ ............. ,.. ----- ID n Garden Hose • 2.69 DRUG"'SlORES" OPIMfAMtt1t,M-IOAIUWUl HUNTINiHOll llACH II A _ _._ ..... HUNTIN•TON HACH 1 ............ s. ...... .,, ,._ NIWPOlT llACN ,, ............. ......, -------- ' • .. I , ' 4 • 1 \ ' -r f UllV 'n.Of ' s11urday, July 12, 1'69 Real ~E~:tate Questions and Comment -By Realtor RandaR McCardlo Retirement Home Open 1n·.Laguna CO(lllnental Manor, Laguna. a new concept in facUIUes for persons of retirement age, has scheduled an open house today and Sunday frJ>111""""' •t>IA S p1m. 1tccording to Don R. BaUcom, general manager of Continental Health Services, Inc. . · Local<d at 2130 Soulh Coast Highway in' Laguna Beach, ' vytilt-manct· that if you frequently byy and tell Continental Manor will pro- r11l .. etN.,., the internet revenue ttrvic• may cl1ss!fV vide j~ guests with ocean·vlew • rooms, a number ol special you at •.''dealer!'~ a de1ler, you I~• certain u1come luxury featu_~s and )>ro. taLhrleflt1._Wh•t •.!..L.lh• d1ter~~in1 f~ctors whether grammed ,social -activities. • piison is~ just an ''investo'r" or• ''deal11r,'' •nd what The proj~ ;s designed for ac- are tome of the benefits of no,t being • .1•dealer.'' lively retired persons. C. H. Coron• del· Mar Administrator of cOntinental A non~proCessional irivestor pays on1y 3 capital gain Manor, ~gu'na. is Patricia Crom his real ~state transacU6ns; but if he is active Ann Wadlow. a graduate of • ·d ed d I USC with a _masters degree in --------------------------~--------.------r --- .. Oolf Resort . Set At Rancho. ·Tr.act l'lle IU milliOll, goU ™"rt currently under construction • at Rancho Callfomia Is ex~ pected t.o be open early next March, according to developer . 1 lrwtn L. Hearsh. -~ , C.OOSlrUctlon on ~ $800,000,' IO<lnit motel alMI a ~.000... t~story clubhouse will start1 1n July, said Hearsh. Both will1 be completed by the end of lbe year. . Hearsb, a Los Angeles 11 ~ ·executive, s a l.d seeding ol the falrwaya aod · greens of . lhe new &.i._800 Y¥d golf-coUtse wilf 1ef unOer WaY shortly following t'h e ·ift. stallation of a sprinkling enoµgb he may at one point be ~ns1 er , a ea er pubUc health and-h06pital ·ad- under .the tax law and his profit is taxed as ordinary ministration. Miss Wadlow . 1 ' incotn•· , pojnts out lhal every effort HEAVY BEAMS ~UPPORT CALIFORNIA TILE ROOF AT RANCHO tA CUESTA ~.tll.~d~ap;.,..x•,·m~e~' fallbr90ifi [With ; ~ob!rl F. ........... _ .,... ""·v ~ Lawrence of Tucson ,.,, 'con· a mi~~catlOns of water as sultant. the-course will have 1¥&!Jt •¥1r'fVI leh'e as Uie live Jake4 and c;ivet 50•fairway watet supPly for the cot. and greeJl traps .. '-;<):.Ocate'd on , a 250 ac site The two-~' tory, te,<M:lo ..,,uarc The criteria most commonly used to jud~e whether will be mad~ t.o oHer the you ~re a non-professional investor or a dealer are: guests a stimulating, in- 1. The original purpose !or acq~iring the pro_P~~t y. t~resting .and active w;iy of 2. The circumstances surrounding the--acquis1t1on~e. _of.,tbe.nro~Jj:y.. ~ , _A J"!~~te dinin~ ~ril ~ill ~3~ The pilrpose for \Vhich you were holding the proir ofter meals ~d speciaJ ~d1ets rt • h -under the d1recuon of the e y at~t ! t1m~ of sale. . guests' own physicians. Every 4. !i?'V' active. you_ \Vere or. ~our agents \Vere in room is equipped with with advert.1s1ng or otherwise promoting lbe sale of the television and 24-hour phone propert'~, · . . · service. A fully equipped 5. Last -.a nd probably most 1moortant. ho\V frequent. recreational lounge with color substanti"'l and continuous are your buying and selling TV and a large variable activities? temperature pool with Jacuzz.i whirlpool will be components of the IS,00()..square-foot facili- ty. J.'11 bt fini shing UG college this summer. I am con· tidering getting into the' real estate busine.ss. Wh1tt kind of ptrson suc:r.•ltds in th~ real estate business? What Designed by Fred Briggs of Laguna, the exterior features R. S. Costa Mesa contrasting t extures of qualities should he possess? ' -Tbf-.Teal estate-a~enHs-mnch --more than--a-sales• r~ ~d glass_. Interiors emphasize a cheerful, homey man; He must be \VE'fl versed· in land values. construe-atmosphere utilizing bright tion . and financinj!'. He 's ,:tot lo be lbe kind or man \Yhn colors and llJSll.-carpeing in snires tn1 st A'ld he should dPmoni::trate fl sense of throughout. A large patio and civic resoo!llsi bilif .. v because of his. vital influence on exteLsive landscaping makes Community gro\\'th. • -use of bright f_I d we r ing • If you are the-ktnd of a person \Vho likes hard wo-rk _go11rd_ens ang Californi-' foliage. but doeSh'l \Yant to be chained to a desk, if you're \Viii-A full-time social director ing to study anything from the tecbnicalitij!s of zoning will plan a coatinuous pro- to th:e· ®roplex fact9rs \Vhich make up properly values, gram of tours to places or in· jf k terest in the Southe r n you U e to meet and hel p people -=-t.here's a place California area, and the for you in real estate. maaor's own bus will provide Planning Key to Cost -. . . At .La Cuesta Homes Careflil land acquisition, planning, cost control and purchasing a r e important elements enabling builder Don 4.yres, Jr. to build and sell his Rancho La . CUesta homes in Huntington Beach for as low as $25.995 to $34,200. The Huntington Beach loca- tion (Brookhurst Street and Allanta Avenue) was selected for-its -proximity to-the ocean -Huntington Beach State Park is 1.6 miles do·wn 'BrookhurSt: Good planning has enabled the city" to keep a balance between 'fine residen- tial and industrial areas . outlets. Carpeting is Included. There a r e ·serve-through patio-kitchen windows with serving bars for indoor-oul· door living. Rancho La Cuesta 1 s architecturally coordinated ex- teriors feature tasteful blen• ding or masonry, wood ai;_id color coat stucco. Lecture Slated On-'Landsca ping A lecture on landscaping will be presented lo member! of the Orange County Apart- ment House Association , July 21 in Anaheim. ~ Guest speakers Chip Warner and Rus.WJ Craver of the Warner Landscape Services Co. will speak on "Landscaping Analysis'' and "Correction of S u m m e r Lan~ape :"Problems." -· 00trtfteas1·C1 !he interse.cl o of • ~ HlgtiWays l95 ·and -?I. th new foot clubh se will feature 3 RilnCbo ~Ja gold esort dining and banquet area includes an . 18 hole m-sealing 180, a cocktail lounge, pionahip C.OW'3e, drivin' range coffee shol> and pro-thop. The facility was designed ~ y and practice puttiag green Clair ~;µJ, L a.n d s ca p c atong with-four ten . c:Ourts architect I is Michael P' • and a swimming pool. oil Hear.sh-said the re . rt will Schmidt, of Hahn, H man, be a public golf course with a Schm~ 'f Sierra Madre. country club atmosp~ere for Wa)'lle C. Kirts has been golfers "tired of walling for named. to do the interior starting.times" in the;1rclty. desigm of the 60-unit mote l The golf resort is utilizing as well '45 other facilities. the natural contours tf the e:r-;::==:;:===:;::;::=::; tstmg landscape, wilh oak 'Lo· CAL ' trees dotting the course. He~ revealed O,at mor'e No ottl•r 111w1p1p1 r tells ve• than 200o frees &¢ Plants rnor1, ,.,...ry d1y, 1Devt 1,1h1t'1 have. also been ad:k 9oing en. In th1 Grtiter Qr•n9"! Co11t -tkln +he O_AJll\11'llOT. Designe4 by ~ck osson of • =· ;i=!~ Rancho -La Gu~sta--homes reflecl the Southem ·california attractive, . but r u g g e d architecture. They have heavy b e a m s . cathedral ceilings, concrete driveway s , un- derground uti lit ies and built-in TV and telephone "' , . . You'JJ be expected to have a banker's knowle.dge tran.!'portation to local shop. of financing, a practical grasp o! contracts, and a mind-ping centers, churches and reader's knack tor discovering whether young Mr. and parks. Mrs: Smith would be happier in -a new split-level or the Activities in a variety of N J • tiig. ~omfortable house on Elm Street. areas will include hobbies and eW rVtnC 3S Spanish Styled l 'own Houses Under Foreclosur,-e -Must Be Sacrificed! You ouJ?ht to become the kind of a perso n who can craf~. game_s. bi 11 i a rd s , make somethin~ more than an ed~ted guess abont ~arties. a~1v~~sa~ cel~bra_· -T --•-0 . 1r---.111-n~future ot rear e~ooe 1nyouf area, ,,-0-uons--am:t rehgi~s s.ervices. r-ae11 pen-s no this, you'll have to learn \vhat m::ike s your com-Outdoor recreation includes $1,981,~ Worth of ProperfJ list Be Sold • 't t· k th wt · 1 1 -- shufOeboard. horse shoes, cro-muru v -JC -e e;ro h potenba .o 1ls business and quet, fishing, gardening and On Sunday Jndustry. mast~r-plal'l'I for J~nd use and ""development, wooclshop Jn addition cocktai l tl:ie tax .structure and laws affecting ~ro~rty~· hours, si;ectal _snacks and The Great Estate's grand opening will be. on Sunday, Ju- ly 13. in University Park a1 lrvine in Orange County. EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall R. Mccardle i.v an investwenC group functions will round out amzly1t, PresicUnt of the Real Estat.erc. a coUeoe lecti~rer the social program. " director of the Colifor-nia Asiodation of Real Esto.t~ The emergence of manor- Teachtrs. aut/lor of "Real Estate h1 Colifoniia." Stnd you r style living has come about questions and commt>11t.~ to Ra11drr/l R. MrCardle, clo the because ol the special needs of DAILY PILOT, Box 1560, Cost.a Mesa 92826. -retired people who want to be intellectoally involved a n d ha\'e freedom or their own The opening of the newest community of award winning homes in the Park will take place at that time.. The newest model_ in Vlllage Three, .the. Yale model will be previewed. Fred Sattes Tabbed Leadership Executive LEADERSHIP VP Frid H. Sa ttes Jr. Huntington Liquidating 40 Houses Drastic savings will be ltn6sed this weekend at Green Valley near Huntington Be.acb State Beach where tbe owners are liquidating almost 40'"7tWb; --three and rour bedrooln, Spanish styled town the appoiatment of Fred H. Satles. Jr., as senior vice president of Leadership Homes, a division of the Mac- co Corporation, N e w po r t Beach, was announced today by Harry Lasky, president of Leadership Homes. Saltes, who joined Leadership' Homes last year. was formerly vice president of the Los Angeles division of the American Housing Gu i Id. Prior to that, he was associated with the WUliams Construction .Company and the P a r d e e Construcllon Com- pany. Sattes is a graduate of Lhe University of Sou thern California, where he majored In p u b 11 c administration, architecture and city reglonal planning. As senior vice president, Sattes will be responsible for construction and coord ination of approximately 21 new hotne d e v e I opments through.out Southern Ca lifornia, as well as several out .of state projects scheduled to start later th is year. Sattes Is a native of McKeesport, Pa. He and his wife and .two children live in Newport Be~ Terry Realty Office Open ~· ·~Uh buil -Mrs.. Loreua Terry, a 00& ~ .carpet, t ms.-Huntington Beach --realtor for pa11ii,~ double g a r 1 8 e 8 • the-pas,l twO years,tias opened firei)raca and other features a new ofCice at 4.14 Walnut -St. of the. two story town house.s, the c>1r1ee specializes in &be buyer will also enjoy the property management and Prf•Ate wt, two swimming sale. of commercial and in· pooli, tnd. two club houSes. A come property. _ putUng lteen Within walking Before opening Terry Realty, dlltlDae and the ptoximity to Mrs. Terry was 11 real estate the new Orange County public broker with a Glendale firm golf corse on Warner Ave-. of-for 12 years. fer added appeal to the goUer. She is active in the Hun· the O'lfMtS polned Ol.tt. lington Beach.J'ountatn VaJtij' To UquidltJon site is off Board of Realtors and hJs -W~ A.venue-be t_w e e 11 ... ur\!Cd as publicity and public. Euclid and Brookhurst in relations chairman f o r the FOtQ)taln Valley. oraaJ'.lb:atlon. place of residence: Here. a staff of 20 people, including nurses aides and maids, will cater to their needs in an at· mosphere conducive to com· fort and relaxation. •·con t i nen ta 1 Manor, Laguna. is created for the ac- tive. independent r e t i r e d persons who de serve something better than a spart! room in'their children's home or life in a lorM!ly apartment," Miss Wadlow stated. Capistrano Trailer Park Sta1ts ''The. Yale model is our largest home in Village Three and satisfies the needs of the bigger fam ilies,'' said A •. P. Lench II, executive vi'ce presi- dent of_ Stanley C. Swartz Company. The homes that ca ptured the awards at the recent Pacific Coast Builders Contere.nct, presented by the National· Association of Home Builders to the StanTey C. Swart: Com· pany will be featured-the Grand Prize Gold 'Nugget Award Winner and the Award of Merit Winner. The se awards are given on the basis of excellence. of design, con- struction and value. These homes will be presented for inspection and purchase by the home. buying public beginning at 9 a.m. Constn.ictio_n Is expected to University Park can be st.art this month on San· Juan reached by ·taking the Culver Capistrano's newest mobile turn--0ff on the San Diego home park -Rancho Alipat, Freeway. a 132·space luxurious develop-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jll ment. The development is owned BUSINESS AND by a group of investors headed PROFESSIONAL I by Harold H. Miller of San Clement<. Walters & Son, Inc. GUIDE I of Newport Beach Is the design-engineering firm for:1 i.--.... -------" lhe proje<t. e MATTRESSES •1 Henry Hastings, president of• Ir--..;. ...... ..;. ____ ' Walters & Son, said a s.ooo MA nRESSES square foot recreational BOAT~· HOMES -TRAUXRS building, done ln California httplar Sbepe9 Ranch motif, will be the Cost• Me• Mattrea Oo. center attraction of the all-tlliO Newpoft Btid· adult park. Uberty 8°1303 Recreational facilities wi\111'----"------- include a billard room, swim-• UPHOLSTERY e ming pool, therapeutic pool,lr-----------.11 barbeque area. picnlc area, two covered patios and an assembly room. "There will be tw o fireplaces in the. recreational bu ilding," Hastings said. "One Mesa Upholstery Uberty 8·4781 2lSO NIWPOff ILYD. will be. in a Special _lounge, the 1'----------- othcr is an inside-outside e COMPUTER DATING e design ." · --" Harold Miller said lhe! THE END Of developme.nl will be. cuu- slructed on Alipaz Street, jusl POT LUCK south of the Del Obispo-Alipaz intersection. DATING "All of lhe 132 spaces will accommodate up to 24 foot Stitt! your dtlt1 ttirou9h , 01o1r wide coaches," said ~filler. "''" m1rnOt11hip. Zoning for the projed. was recently approved by the. city, It is expected the develop. mcot will be-iudy f-0r oo- cupancy by the end of Sep· tember, Hastii1gs said: Ph. 547-6668 14 Heir R-.r411t C.ALlll. TUTINI> INSTJTUTI ___ ..__ • " " 0 6 Short Miles From the Beach NEAR NEW COUNTY GOLF COURSE NOW •20,49,5 ·10 '25,600 ' SAYE '3,50~ 2·34 Bedrooms ! Deluxe ! Everythin9 Included Pools• Private Park• Club House• Putting Green NOTICE! Bonafide liquidalion T1t1M ll del11Je 2 .. ,-.ry Spai•lt 1ty1" ''""' hou•" ol'9 -in '-"doeunt, loch "'UM M .Old prior le th• Au9u1t cntdltor1 ffadline'. It's your chonc:e '9 buy ot "1tnort lnv•stor'' pricie.....octuolly 1ave 01 mudt 01 $3,500! They lftUd be 1old dur• in9 thi1 bonafid• Jictuiffatlen ot ttt....ecind& .. 4ol- lor1 u11der aoorint "~~m•nt '""-Fot1clown1 dawtn•11h on4 orl1i-1 U.S. Oov•rnrnent volvo- t\on1 o" evoiloble for YoUr i111pecti-. lnve1to,. are lnvitM. All ho"1oc1l0t11 tubitd to oppreval of credit. lrlnt coth or certified check. Title P9'k!.1 ............ It? fl"' A-ri••11 Tlth (_,.,.., •Loo...ten ,,...,.. HI""' ROCI"'"'' Ideal Investment Location These Green Volley town hcwses ore sitvoted in the center of one of Drong• County'• most ottroctive planned devel · opm•nh -with design ond lond use approved by U.S. Government officiol1. Imagine! T~ low prices-this luxury all within walking di,tance to neighborhood shopping. 21 ocre private pork., along with 2 community pools, two club houtes, children'• play orea and brond new elementary school. ' ' l ' ' -------------~~-- Unbelievable Terms If you hove been loall:ing for o new home, you know thcrt prices ore soorirt; everyday. Yau hove reod obovt new ond higher int•relt rotes -building com that have in- creased over 20% In jVJt o few short months! Here is yovt opportunity to invelf that wttl never be re- peated. These ottnxtive and '"'artly designed town house• wer• built ond completed before the new high c.m.r AU uttlltie1 ore in ond poid for. Terms ore lo eJt cmywh.;el ·priced from $20,495 to $25,600 NO DOWN PAYMENTS TO VETERANS LOW FHA TERMS I MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT ALL THESE FEATURES D"'t t11"8 t\le _,,.,._elty' te ••• • Mllertfy T••• w .... hi o .. et o.W,. C.•••tJ'• Mtt r1 ......... .-1~ '°' .... t wfec.tl••· • ' ••• l .. lffl'lflt'I MClpellC'f'! DOORS OPEN AT 10 .. 0 ' We uree you to be th•re •orly. Door• ope ot IC>.00. Take Son DieSo fNewoy .. Wo"* Ave. EAST eff.. ramp. Stoy hit en Womer j1111 pa11 Ir lhe Grnn Valley lntry. t l A infd,119 OOU.lna tn~tet rev!..,. by the Building -if\dllltry ASIOCiallon'1 Orange COlln\y ,,ii.plot lodlca~ that 1M8 rttldtnU4l constfuttion "Ill be !II' subotantlalil ov.,. !Ml -~•Rh ·~ pro-Ject.lw clown moillalety lrom· w . •i\1111•1or. Th•·· y; coridUcled 1 Bob llliiilloq,1 ~·~Ill\' 'BIA rfise@rf$. . .~,~nts I ·~ Ol''llie ili'Mview 1"9''·1J~ Issue<! early this ye.-. Based on mld·1ear data, howtln( atarts for f"9 are ex· ~..AO IQl&l ll!,lQO, up l ,000 of CO ~t1civer 198( Single l•Q!l!Y unlta will r i ,., &raauany to i ·projectod 1o1a1 dC-14,000, Oi'J,500 ~over last MODE L High Cllii~g at Harbor Vi ew Homes Harbor View Homes • Ranch, was described as "a land supennarket" by John Murphy, rte president, in a speech before the Los Angeles Ct'lapter of the American lndustcial Real Est ate Assoclatloh in Los Angeles this week .. Architect Ricardo Architect Ricardo A. Nicol "Like the housewife who goes shopping for soap and has opened of!ices at 34118 can buy it in any size package Pacific Coast Highway. in with any particular C1>m· Dana Point. Former 1 y binalion or ingredients, the in-associated with Laguna Niguel dustrial finn shopping for a new home on the Irvine Ranch Corp., Nicol will practice as can come into the complex both architect and general and buy, right off the shelf, buiding contractor. anything from a handy %-acre Nicol. who was born in site to a large economy 25-Guatemala, is. a graduate of aCre site. We have parcels of the SciHx>J .of--Arc:bit.eclure_ at all sizes between those ex-use. and joined the Laguna tremes and all are fully im· Niguel Corp. in 1961 as a pro- proved and pr.iced. ready for ject planner and arehitect. .Qp.rne~te. sa~. While-with the Laguna "And,; the Industrial finn Niguel Corp_. Ni~! was ~ can get any combination of in-proJe,ct arc111t~t ~or the com- ifedief)b, too, such ..as ffiE_ pany s new J:tiUSlde develop- mediate proximity to the m_ent or CffiWfrV1"l l_e y airport, the freeways, a Highlands and was ~spons1hle railroad siding, or similar in-for f!!OSt of lh_e innovative dustri1s or even a view site. planning and design ideas that Of course, the industrial finn have made the development can't carry our land home, but one of the m~t popular a~d ~·e do offer something almost ~ccessful pro1ects to be_ built as immediate : 24--hour escrow in the South Coast area tn re- service." cent years. In addition to his NEW. OFFICES Ricardo A. Nicol Murphy indicated that il the ·b·1· · h c industrial finn wants a site respons1 L tlJes on t e rown V a 11 e y Highlands develop-Jarg.er than 25 acres. the com-ment, Nicol was also the proj- The Donald L. Bren Co., localed at f\.1 a c A rt h u r plex. is in a positioo to satisfy ect architect for a number of --builders and developers haVf!------Boulevanf-at Ford Road . Take almosL-any~need. He noted. o t h-e·r-outstanding develop. Sell at ftapid Pace ' \ hte'ally been selling thert the San Diego or Newport that the la rgest resident to ments within the community Harbor View Homes faster Freeway to M a c A r t h u r d a t e • P. h 11 c ? : ':' 0 r d ' s including the award . winning \ thaD tbey can build them. --~ • Bot.µeJW.d oU _l'amp and .pm.._ • .A~toQ.~orucs -D1vis100. OC· Monarch .Bay Plaza Shopping f / A total of 288 homes have c~ed south. Or. take Coast cup1es 200 acres. Center and also serves as 1 been sold since the din oifice ~ghway ~ M a c.,Ji r t h 1!f. M~:f t:Qld lQI re~lton • coo~nating manager for ·all opened on Septembe?ii: lja. • ·BoulM~~ tum Jtdrltl. tlJat tif a~ the other in-lanclicape projects and, Jn Harbor Vlew Homes showed signs of becoming one of the 1 fastest-selling, flneJt n e ,"f •· home values right from the '\beginning . Eighty-seven families had decided to b11y homes ·tven ·, before all ·the models were completed. It's obvious that something \ special has been moving pro- spective buyers t o w a r d Harbor View Homei;. The families that have already purchased homes will tell you the reasorlS'! Value. Local.ion. Architectural design and interior plann~g. The eighth Grand Prizes and Awards of Pt1eril won in con- tests sponsored by l h e American lnstltule of Architects and the National Associat.ion of Home Builders attest to 1he Bren Company's imagination and creativity in design and construction. Harbor View Homes Is in the city of Newport Beach on 2l2 acres of the Irvine Ranch. The first three unlt.s comprise 30fi homes. Then: will be 10 unita with a tot.al of more than 1,100 homes when final con- struction is completed. This unique development Is planned as a quiet. country- like atmosphere which in· eludes a ctnlral aix·acre park. The homes are only minutes away Crom the Newport Cenl.. and Fashion Island shopping mall, the beaches or Newport, the Orange County Airport, Corona del P.1ar High School. and the · University of California at Irvine. · · There are six Harbor View Homes' models from which to choose In one and two-story floor plans, with up lo five bedroon:is. Priced from 127,995 to 131.1195. Harbor View Homes are ' Now ~s The Time 10< "'Uodenrandl"'I Ft..-cJol St.temllftts" f er Yevr fltll COl'Y ef "1 -K'ejs To V1lue ......... -........................... . • ... ,... .............................. . Clly ................................. . '""' .. "" " .. . t11 I How to save time shopping new home developments: just mail us this fonn. .. ~---------------------~ (# Hou N-llunllro Computer Input Fonn 1 1 , ....... _ _...,~c.11111m1oui.eo.-.,. OFFICE USE ONLY a a 0 a I -~a.-°""°"' I ,,o ...... .)Sj, I.Oii A ...... CtliJoffKI llCIOU I I I ~ifll Ht.,. ....,d" Wiiii LllJI Ntmt CJty., 1p9cn11: ~""""' o..tftd I I """"*'"'~: o I ltl'MI """.... lflj!ftbot, olklll-0 I I I Qr ll•le Z.Coft '•IC1olflonwV011 ... IMl!'°'Oll<I-----I I .... ___ ,,. .. .,_°'......,...-I ,,,..Godo ,.....,__ ~-----------------------~ FREE OFFER: This computer fonn can lead you to ncwly-con~tructcd Mcdalli<>(I Elccttic Homes in new housing dcvclo_Ficnts in Central and Southern California. At Edison we all it ourSlfE' prognm. SHE stands for Sclcct- Homcs-Elecuonically. And SHE can go to Work for you right now. Also, ask your local Realtor to ahow ~oo hb selection of Medallion Homes. Our computer (and your mailman) wlll 11.vc you from tt11ffic jlma, cndlea driving and I011 weekends. All the computer nct:ds to know Li whar-kind of home you want, and it wrtl match ycu up . Thou5ands of homts ire li.sttd by 1izc, pria and area. And thilcom~terKrV~won't COit you a cmt . Jus1 fill in the HotW-hunttr\1 Computer Input Fonn.1n t fewday1 you'll ~civc •computer printout of 1v1ilabk new Mo.ialllon Homes that tu it your ttqUirtments. Complimcnu of Edison. South11n Califotn/1 ldi1on ~ I • -.. ,,; _ .... ,... I : , DAltY PILOT , I ·. • 10 DAll.Y PILOT NEW WEEK 'S AND Y,.EAR'S HIGH, LOW CLOSE >-- ' ... • ', \ • " ' ", • •• • ' ' • " . ' '" ,,, ' • ' '" " . " . \~I ' ' .. ' . • l\ " " ..... , . fl 'h Ltw "' &~ • " " n ,,, " •• " . r> u • ~, • " ~ • • 'J. "' ~ .. " " r U> ,. ' .. ' "· •• ll~ " ' . • • « .. ". -• Al\IERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE •• '" " • " "' , -~ • ... " " ~ ·~ .. " " • • " . • "' .. ' .. '. 1. i: " ' " • .. ,, ' " LO • l~' " " " ' . • ' •• " ' " • ,. " • " '" New Yori, Stocks 5• 01 Ntl Yt•t ~ !ftoh I H Ill Lt .. Lftl Ut loi t~ L ... -UV-" " M .. I: : .. '" "" -WEEK'S YEAR'S S.t...,.,, Ju~ U. l::l6:;t ______ ::.;DAIL=Y.c.P--IL--DT--"J"'l ffiGH, LOW, CLOSE l - Mutual Funds Bid an cl Ask • • • r ~nglishman Tops.J'ield By 2 Sho~s • L'l'TllAM.sT. ANNES, -Cngl1nd (AP) ,-lJ'ony Jacklin, U:le 1 $·ye a r • o I ct Enl;lllhman now at home 1 on the United 8tlte1 circuit, took a two-stroke lead Fri· day ovtr Irlatunan Christy O'Connor and Nf'w Zulander Bob Charles 1rtu three rouodl of the 11189 Brlliih Open Goll champlolllhlp. A total of 41 players, Jncludlnc nine AmtzicanJ. made &he cut at 2b: for M holu ovtr the Royal Lyt.bam and SL An- ntl Unb betide the Irish Su, where par ii 3'a.ll. Jacklin 1bot a one-under-par 'ro Frlday and trOUnd up with a five.under-par total for throe rounds of 68-70-70-208. O'Connor had a 71-M-74-110 and Charla, left-handed winner or the crown on thla ume course in 1968, carded 71~ 1'-210. Roberto De Vicenzo. the 46-year-o\d Argentine, ahot a sparkling &&-only one off the record set by Q'Connor Thurlday-&nd together wiU} five-tlme "" winner Peter Thomson of AusLtalia was only ·three 1hQta behind J ackiin. Thomson had a 70 for hla thrid round. Jack Nicklaus of ColumbU!, Oltio, pull- ed ls 1une together with a 68 for a three round total of 213. Brian Hug1ett of Encllnd hu I.he same mark. After hi• round Nicklaw sa.ld "Once I won the Western Open after a:olng into the fintl round eight shot. o(f the pace. So nobody knows what could h1ppen Slturd1y. This course, too. ls one that' can be kind to you one day with the bounces and very unkind another day." Nlckl1us hid two birdies going out, Uni' a ~loo&u at the 10th for a birdle, and a Ji-footer at the 11th for aocther. Stlll anothfr birdie came at the 13th where he sank one from 1! feet and If bis Pllttr stays hot be still could make a charie ln Saturday's final round. --~ Jaeklln;Mw atta~-10-U>e Sea~land­ Country Club of BtuMwick, Ga., went out in 34 -one under par -and came home in JI. "I wu Jn the bunkers four Umes and got aome sand in my eye," Jacklin 'Said. "But I came out well at mo1t of them. "Playlnc In the U.S. has made 1 big diffmnce to may game. You've got to be toqh to play in the States." ~aver Ea sil y Whips Okker; R0sewall Next ... BROOKLINE, Mass. <AP) -Otfen· dine tltllal Rod Liver of Corona del Mar moYed Into the semifinals Friday nigtlt aft.er Ken Rosewall wore down America'• aging but gallant Pancho Gcmala 1n the $33.000 in the U.S. Pro Tean.l.I OWnptonshlps at Lonpood. Liver, the undilputed king or world termll biddin& for a fourth stralaht and fifth U.S. pni Ut1e since 1964, won his fD"lt five games, cooled off sliahtly and then posted a &-3, to.a victory over the Netberlands' Tom Okker under the lights on a synthetic court Liver. lookina: ahead to the U.S. Open and a 1econd lfand slam aft'r winnln1 tM Auatrallan, French and W!mbltdon t!Uee, turned on the pressutt against Ok- ktr at the outset. Bltldlng fo< top prile or 11.000 lhe :JO. year~ Laver joined John Newcombe. the No. 2 teed, Ken Rosewall, the No. 4 ~. and unaeeded Fred Stolle in moving throoab the quarter4inals. Laver will meet Rosewall and Newcombe will play SloUe 14day. Rosewall, a sprightly 34 and a two-lime winDer of the U.S. pro litle last won by an American in 1992, had too much Iutil)c power for Oonza1a in rallylnj; ror a 7 .. , •7, W marathon victory. Newcombe breaed put Pierre Barthes ol Jrr.ance 7-6., 1-J , wh.llt Stolle rallied-for .a U, M, 1-2 triumph over Ron Holmberg of New York in a mettln& of unseeded pl a yen. Rosewall and seventh-seeded Gonzalet, .a 41 -year~ld dght-lime American pro champ, turned in a magnificent duel for two seta before greying Pancho wilted. Gon1aJe1 won the first set by breakinl!" Rolewall's service in the 15th, game and then holding bis own 5erve. ' • -' Bare -handed Tou~h ' Dodgers Lose, Drop From I ·st LOS ANGELES !AP) -Bobby Bonds ' doubled home two runs: in the loth In- ning to give San Francisco a M vlctoPy over Los Angeles Friday nlcht, knock· Ing the Dod&ers out of first plact In the Natlonal League West. Bonds hid doubled a.nd scored one run when the Glanls came up with two in the ninth to tie it 4-t He cracked his winning twHUt blow Dodfler Sr.te J:~, 11 ~~ :: ~, i;::J'ft :::: l'!'I !I'! Ju 'I ' •r• •I toll 'I: p.m. " 'I .,.. •' ointon l' •·"'· Ju!' 1 "" •t OUllOll : •.m. to center after a walk, Hal Lanler's S!Je~'.• aroundtr, plncll ~.Jn Gabrielson. slnaled and Maury Wllls belt out a bunt to load the bases. Manny Mota forced Slcemore at the plate but Willie Davi& drilled ·a tw~ run single for hlB lhlrd ,hit of lhe nJaht to eend the Dodgers out In front 3-2. \Vea Parker lbett brdka an O:for-fS slump wlth a sin1Je up the mlddle for another run. The triumph -the 11th In 14 games for-San F'mJcisco -moved the Giants into third place, J \.2 games btek of the Braves. Claude Osteen ( lh7) will try and halt the Dodgers' two-game skid tonlght agalnst the Giants. single and another walk. SAN •11t.uic1sco 1.os ANOt1.11 1-.r11111 ••r~i.i The loss, coupled with Atlanta's 6-3 """"" •1 • t s 1 wmi. 11 s 1 1 o ttunt:lb •llOMoll,rl ~lte victory over San Diego, dropped the M•.,.. cl ' • 1 2 wo.v11. c1 _, • • 1 Dodgers to second, one-half game in ~;;,v~ !: 1 : : : =:~~· c '' ~ ~ : ~ back of the Brayes. H9M••"' u 1 • o o sua1kt1. • s • • 11 "''""'" H J 0 I 0 Cr•wt.rd. " l 0 I I A walk. Bonds' double and Willie F-'"· u 2 o 1 o .......... 11 1 • 0 0 Mays' sacrifleil fly produced one run r:~:~ .. ~1 i ~ ; : r-.'t,~';.; ;_ : : : : for the Giants Jn the ninth. Btr!O!I. c , o o o s11~mor1, :r11o ' o o o ~~--_1.. • Ole.Ii, c I 1 I G l(Ottq, P11 ....J L 0 O :i; Willie MeGovey-thfm--nlt-a '!ma!h f<'J~fi'Y-:-'"i>• 't o-o-Fo1t1r. 11 1 0 0 0 Ut'I T ......... UNCAGED CAGER -Anybody who would foul Toko, a 2-year~ld 220-pound Kintoki bear has to be crazy: Nol only ~t, but Toko would kill you from the free throw line. He's a 9Q.percent free lhro\v shooter, good enough to be in ·the top five in the NBA. If Toko can learn to shoot this well at the Japanese Deer Park and Village. maybe the Lakers should send Wilt Chamberlain out to Buena Park for pointers. Spitz Equals 100 Flv Mark • SANTA CLARA. Calif. (AP) -Mark Spilz tied his own world record of 55.6 seconds in the IOO·meler butterly Friday in the third annuill Santa Clara Intern•· tlonel Invitational Swim Meet. Spitz, 19, of lhe Santa Clara swim club, won four medals in the Mexico City Olympic& last year and now attends the Ind iana University. Second was Satoshi ~1aruy3 of Japan . who finished in 58.6. Closely missing a world record as the three-day meet got underway was Brian Job, ""'ho was pursued by Olympic cham· pion Felipe Munoz of Mexico every inch of the way in the 200-meter breaststroke. Job 17-year-old Californian, finished in 2:25.8, four-tenths off a pending world mark of Nikolai Pankin of Russia. Munoi was second In 2:27.8. Debbie Meyer the Californian who won three &old medals at_~tex.ico City. won the women's 400-meter freestyle In 4:26.4 breaking a meet mark but failing by nearly two seconds to break her own world record. Kaye Hall of Tacoma Wash., lhe Oly1n· pie gold medatlst in the HXJ•metcr backstroke won her event at 1:07.l, a meel record . and Sharon Wichman of Fort Wayne, Ind .. winner of the Olympie 200-meter breaslsjroke, was also a Ylin· ner at 2:46.l. Krausse Toss e s Zeros Jackson Doubles in 2 A s A's Top Halos , 3 -0 OAKLAND (AP) -Lew Krausse seal· tered seven hits and Reggie Jackson drove In a pair of runs Friday night help- ing Oakland to a 3-0 victory over Callfoml;.. It was the first complete game of the Angel Slate 1~\~ n ~='r: :i r:~~~ 0) i:I ::::: ~I! !n,11•1 Julv u •-• vo 11111111:1" 7; 11.m. 7 J•• JS A.not• on 1n111 ff'( 7, 11.m.' 71 Julv f Anoe ton 11111• It-, 7: 11.m. 7 season for Krausse, 3-4. He struck out nine, walked none and started a rally with a third-Inning double. . Krausse opened the third with his hit, moved to third when Jose Tartabull beat out a bunt and SCQred as· Ted Kubiak rappc:f into a dou ble play. In the fifth, Tartabull and Kubiak singl- ed with two out and Jackson followed wilh a double, driving both runs home. California had only one scoring chanct'. Aurelio Rodriguez singled to lead off the third inning and moved to second · on 8 sacrifice. With lwo outs, Bill Voss singled to left, but Tartabull's perfect throw to the plate caught Rodriguez trying to score. After that Krausse allowed only four singlts and didn't let a runner past first. He struck out the side in the fifth . Jackson's twc>run double off Murphy was a liner that bouncro oU the left fleld fence. His 69 RBis rank :1tm third in the Amer1can League. Hard.luck Jim MeGlothlin goes for the Angels today when lhey resume play against the A's. Jim Hunter (6-7) will pitch for the home club. C:Al.tFOltH1A .-. r II -.1 ,,,_,, 21> ' 0 1 0 "°"·rl •0 2 0 Frt00$1. u -' 0 0 0 JD1'>"51<11Wcl •Oll LJOl\rl50ll II • 0 2 t S-e<lb 1000 A1cue t JOIO Altol1rgtr lb l O I O M1irph-., 11 1 0 0 0 Rtpr.rlll\ 10 0 0 Wllhtlm p 0 0 0, 0 OAKLAND T1rt1bul! 11 Kubiak 1.5 RJ1ck10r> rf 8tndo. )lo Ct!tt, 10 Mondty, el OG•""-20 Soo•. c Kreuut, P •l r II !It • 1 1 II l I 1 o ' 0 1 , l 0 1 • • • 0 0 • 0 , 0 l 0 0 0 1 0 0 • l I l 0 Toltl l1 0 1 I lolol :JO l t 1 Otk ltr.d 00 I 010 00~ -l C•lllorni• DOO 000 DOii -o OP-Cl>Ul'Ot"lt 2. Otkltnd 1 L08-Ctll!Otnl1 5, O.tl•NI '· ,a.vou. Kr•...:;•t, H, Jactton, S-M~rllhv, Murph-., l , 5-1 Wll"<11m l(rauu! W, J.4 t-UIP4v MurP"'r Aool II' H It Ill: II SO llll2J 1 0 0 0 0 I 11000' Wf>.Murp~'-T•l:07. A·l.ul. second but Ted Sizemore threw wild E:h1rldo• flll o 11 o o G1or1e11n, ~ 1 o 1 o • M11on,pr O!Olllluutll,rl 1100 and Bonds came in from third to force Ll"1~. 11 o o o o !he aame fnlO extra innings. Tottl 1' f U 4 Tall! 41 4 10 4 An error b.v third baseman Jim Da· t:: ~~:0 :f: : :: : :: : venport opened the gate:s for three [)odg. e-wi111.. 0.-•1, 01111. s11~. Ol''-S.n ,,,,,.. er runs In the seventh against Giant c111;0 1, L11t .v..11" J. LOl-$an '••ncllco 11, Lot Allgelfl 1. 28-W. ()lvb, Htlllr, CrtwfOtd. starter Gaylord Perry. &onc15 :. M1.,... $&--l"•rker. S-Lll\lY. Sl"-.M.•'fl· After Davenport could not handle HIP·b'I Fott.r Parr-.,. wP.J>o.,.., L lr•w"' :. T· J:ll. A.U.i5f. Sports in Brief Namatl1 Rumors Fly; Don ·Hudson · Stricken NEW YORK -Pro football circles were stirred Friday night by a report that Jot: Namalh, lhe retired quarterback hero · of the super Bowl, had changed bis mind and would report to the New York Jets' training camp at Hempstead, N.Y. Sun- day. Several television stations reported Namath would be in camp Sunday. However, a spokesman for Commission- er Pete Rozelle, declared "There is no change in the situation at all. He is still retired. We have had no indication that he has changed hs mind ." Namath was una vailahle for comment at Cororna, Cali£., where he Is complet- ing a movie. Phil lselin, pre:sident of the Jets, said he knew nothing about the re- port. Neiqier did coach Weeb Eubank. • RACINE, Wis. -Don Hutson,. 56, for- mer star end for the Green Bay Packers Y.'8.S under treatment Friday at St. Luke'• H06pital for a possible heart attack. Hutson entered the hospital Monday and was traMferred Thursday from an intensive care unit. A spokesman said Friday he had a good night and was de> Ing as well as can be expected. Hutson. a member of the Packf:rs from 1935 to UMS, set many pass eatchJng re- cords, incluliing 101 touchdown passes for a National Football League record . • LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Rams traded veteran linebacker Tony Guillory and a draft choice to the Phil· adelphia Eagles for linebacker Jim Pur· nell and two draft choices in a deal Fri- day. The National Football League trade was the seventh between theh two club! since George Allen started roaching the Rams four years ago. It Was the third trade between them this year. The deal gives the Rams a 19?'0 draft choice ; the Eagles get a 1970 choice and a 1971 choice. • LAS VEGAS -A 16 foot 7 Inch pole vault by Robert Pullard of Los An&eles High School last ~fay 31 was offldally accepted Friday as a naUonl interscho- lstic record. Other records approved were a 50-1h triple jump by David Tucktt of San Joa- quin 1t1emorial High School. Fresno, Cali- fornia, in Fresno, ~fay 9: 440 relay, 40.7, Lincoln High School, Dallas, Tex., in Austin, Tex .• May 2; 2-mile run, 8:41.5, Steve Ror1<1ld Prefontaine, Marshfield High Coos Bay, Ore., in Corvallis, Ore., April 25, and a tied record for the mile relay, 3:11.8, Killian Hi&h School, Miami, Fla., set at.Gainesville, Fla., May 10. • SEAm.E -Al Bianci, Seattle Super· sonic coach, announced Friday he is re- signing. Bianchi had coached the team to two seasons since Seattle was admitted to the National Basketball Assocl1tion. He still had a year remaining on three-yer con- tract. • DUBLIN -Nikki Pille of Yug06lavia upset l\oy Emerson of Newport Beach 4-6, 7-5. 6-3, Friday t1nd reached the fin1ls o( th& Irish Open Tenn.ii champiooshipg. --Altk:a'! Australian-born Davis cup play- er, ln Saturday's final for the first prize of $1,lllll. In the women's final Mrs. Billie Jean King of Long Beach races Britain's Vir- ginia Wade. Stockton's 67 Takes Lead EDINA, Minn. (AP) -Dave Stockton, one of tht: hungry youne lions on the pro tour, bolted out of the pack with a four4 under par 87 Friday and vaulted into the second-round lead in the $100,000 Min- nesota Golf Classic. Stockton, 27, who won just over $100,000 and two tournaments last year, had a 8&- hole score ot 135, seven-under par on the 6.913-yard par 71 Braemar Golf Club Course. Stockton held a one stroke lead on youthful Hale Irwin and a pair of veterans. Frank Beard and Dan SiW. tied at 136 . Irwin and Beard each had a 67 and the hard-hitting Sikes had ·a 6t in the :second round. Hugh Inggs, a South African who hu been on the tour only live weekl, mat- ched the course record with a sparkling 65 for 137. He Was folllwed by Wayne Yates, R. H. Sikes and J.C. Goosie, all at 138. First-round leaders John Lively and Mac McLendon ran into difficulties in the hot, muggy weather and fell well ba.ck. Lively went from a 66 to a 77 for 143 while f.1cLendon took a 74 for 140. Demp~ey, Louis Still Pack Wallop · How Th ey Stand AMERICAN LEAGUE Eas& Dlvtllon • W L Baltimore .. . .. . . .. 60 27 Pct. GB .690 NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Dlvt1lon w J, S! 34 Pct. GB .609 By STEVE SNIDER NJ;W YORK (UPI) -Two famous rWnta In boring still pack a mighty wallop Joni after their ring deeds are -· J'or the gr.andfalhers and great crlftdfathert of America, Jack DtmPlfy still ii the klnc. For the dads who grew up in the tou1h depression years, it:s Joe Lout•. K1d1 ol 12 aren't supposed to cry but t almofl did -when Demptiey lo1t to Gene Tunney thll nnt llm•. I nearly wept when Louis. cru.klna and broke •t 37, trled his final comblck al Mldllon Squire G•rdl'll Ind lloclty Marciano sttetcbed hlm out on tilt ring aprvo In the eifhth round. Rocky ftll Uke cry! ... too. • t1t blted to do tt." Aid Marciano, lhtn oal11 fMt awoy tr... lhe IJOt, hl1111eif. Hffil--.U"li'ifk10l. ,.--__.. I 'l1lul, the olda' 1t11tt•tlons In~ J In botiui have an edge on the modern whose memories don ·t go back as far as Joe Louis. The younger set, etcept for th-Olt followers of Cassius Clay, mostly must look for idols in olher arenas-pro foot- hall , baaeball, basketball or whatever. There is tittle to evoke emotional memories about the heavyweight champs~ between Dempsey· and Louis , Louis and llQW, When Joe went do'fn ror a count rt.-eently winding up in a· New York Hospital, it seemed lhe whole world sud· tlen\y remembered. Phone calls. cables, letters and lcle1ram1 nowed from around the globe. fl hu been m~ than 20 year• :since LQj.ils wore the hejlvywelght crown. But people remembered. Tbey remember«I hlm u • righter and u .a man, not u an obJ<ct or aympathY ro.. ghuUy fniancW emn he had made. Dempsey and Louis were products of an era -Oempsty in the golden aae of sports In the J920s, Louis in the dark days of a depression, a world war and a period in whlch black athletes were beginning to merge as human beings. The signs of that emergence weren't "'easy to recognize. There was . a feeling among offlciJls, on a hot summer nlghl in Chic.ago 32 years ago, that all hell would break loose in and around Coml!key park when Louis a~ expecled -would win the heavyweight title from Jamet J. Braddock. Jack Jqh'nton. first Negro champion from 1908-'15, had left a bitter image wiU1 I.he pubUc by his way of life out1lde the rtne. The term "white hope" wu coined durlna Johnson's tenure, The color of • lighter'• slcln became an issue. Along came. Louis. He was called by such names 11 ••Brown Bomber" and "Dork Desb01tr", But IOIDehow thooe . - became terms ol affection r1ther than a racial ts.sue. So there were mighty chetrs in Comi!lkey Park \\'hen Joe knoc:ked out Braddock and became the fint Ulleholder of his race since Jack Johiuon. There were no riots, no fist fight.Ii . merely a general ac:cepllnce by the \\'llnesses that here v.·as a fightina machine perhaps 1norc worthy of the tlllc than any since Dempsey. Between 1937 and his rlrst retirement In 1949. he defended his title a record 2.'l times by beating up the best men available as well as his "bums of lht month." A• a boxer and as a man, he suffered two key setbacks. Mu Schmeling kayoed him in their first fight before Joe bteame eh~p and later the income tu people threw him for a loss. His reactlat1 to each dlsaslef'was the llllM: ... ''l forgot to duck." • -. ---""------- Boston .. . • . . • • .. • • 49 39 Detroit . .. . • . . • . • . . 45 37 Wuhlngton ........ 46 44 New York; ........ 41 .t7 Cleveland ........ 35 SI Wett Divi&lon h1innesota . . . . . . . . 50 35 Oakland .. . . .. .. . . 45 37 Seattle . . . . . .. .. . . 38 47 Chicago ........... 37 48 Kan!a!I City . . . . . .. 37 49 California ....... 31 5.1 fPlolll'r'5 S<•r11 IJOU(lfl 7-n , ltltl~ +), Cl.v.ltr.d L O.troll t. Ntw Ytrk. .. Wtl/lir19ton l o.t~ltllll l. Ctllft1111t o. IC-It C:l1V I. Cl'llcQO S. ,,.,..........., '· ktltlt l. TMt\"'t Ot- • 5&7 lllh .S49 121\ .S il lS IJ.i ·™ 191\ .407 24•,s .!88 .549 31 ~ .447 12 .435 13 .4:KI 131h .369 18 1~ E~~ ~.'.', =f £:TJ'Tr:1' M ...... ·~' of .. lfuMI'. ~ .. ,. ll'9M t'~~: II • tl II Wll !lltofl,,.mill f..? rn~r.: '°"'\l k:i":f~k """"' .. ,. Chicago .. New York •••.... St. Louis ... , .•••• Pitl•burgh ...... .. Philadelphia ..••.. 11-fontreal ......... . ,, 36 44 IS •a 44 38 46 27 59 \\.'e~I Atlanta 51 37 Lo.~ Angeles . . . 49 36 San Francisco . . . 49 39 Cincinnati . . . . . 45 36 Houston . . . . . . . . . .t4 .t5 San Dieio 29 61 Fr14fl'f•• s~­ MoMrt•I II, Ntw Yor~ 4, Plll!tdr-llltl!t J, C"'lcta<> J St. Lovlt '· 1'11111111-.~ 1. All1nf1 '-5tft 0!'90 ) Helntorl IL Clrocll'Nll ), .566 • .4lM 10 .488 10~ .4M: 13;\ .314 25 \I .!IO .576 '1 .fi~7 2 .556 21-1 .4H 71i .322 2i S.11 FrMKl$co '· l.M """'" ,, 1t lft'\!l'ltl ToHy°I OtlMS MllfltrUI Sion.mt1ft + U ti ~w Yl!'ll lhlft J.I P'hl1Nt1pti'\ Win M 11 Cl'! Jn1,. H-4 l"•!l\Ovr9h l1tf M ti S!. 1 M Clnclfl!llll ClonlrlQ<ff .. ti _. IM Di.tlttr ' '"'' At'Mnl9 Slar!I f.1 ti SI~ 01100 Nlokre J.,. n1911l S.ft l"Plll(il(O Httllotrl + 1 1! Los A!llHllM 0.'-t 1. 11)0frt, LYING DOWN ON THE JOB ·-Ed Wade (left) looks like he has a pretty soft job ridlng on the sidecar of Doug Bingham's motor- cycle. The 5idecar cycles compete in road races Sunday at Orange County Inlemational Raceway. Bingham and Wade currently are third AFM points standlngs at OCIR. New Style Drags Set At--OCIR- Orange County International Raceway's new heads-up style of super stock racing schedul· ed tonight was neafly left at the starting Jine this week by bickering Dodge and Plym- outh drivers. Those drivers argued that the new racing formula gave unfair advantage to Ford's _new U9 ".ShoJgun'..'..J:n_otor and they rerused to drive unleis- the cars carried the same weight. Under new National Hot Rod AssoctaUoh beads-up formu1a, performance handicaps are computed through different vehicle weight minimums in- stead of the previousiy used staggered start system. The ei:perimental formula requires the hemi-powere-J Chrysler cars t.o weigh 3300 pounds as compared to 3150 for Ford's 429 and Che\1rolet's 427 seml-hemi engines. After Chrysler racing direc- tors refused to concede, even on a tryout basis, raceway manager Mike Jones con- tacted Butch ·t..eal at Mickey Thompson 's Long Beach facili· ty. Leal, driver of the only 429- J>OWered Ford super stock car on the \Vest Coast, agreed to run tonight's race a t Ride 'em Cyclist Jim Berry of Costa Mesa roars ahead of Dallas Baker during recent AMA motorcycle races at Ascot Park in Gardena. Berry will be in 100-rider field tonight in the eighth annual 5()...Jap champion- ship race at Ascot. Chrysler's weight. --------------------- Leal said he would concede because tt was the only ap. parent way the new system would get an equitable tryout. "If super stock racing is going to become r e a 11 y popular and be worth larger purses It will be through heads-up racing, 11 Leal said. "The spectators just don't understand the staggered st11rt and, who knows, we might t.rail lbe Chrysler boys even at the 111me weight. National champion Bil 1 Shultz heads up the superdlarged gas dragster en- try list that will make up the second half of tonight's pro- gram. Qualifying for the 16-car superstock and eight.car gas fields begins at 2 p.m. with eliminations getting u n d e r way at 8 o'clock. TV Sports: A Week To Do Worl{ in Yard This weekend looks like a perfect time for armcha ir sports rans to catch up on their yardwork. The weekend televi sion calendar is on the thin and not particularly exciting side. .. The baseball action will be busy, with two games in lwo days. NBC's game of the week originated from C h i c a g o where the Cubs take on lhc Richie Allenless Philadelphia Phillies at 11 a.m. Saturday. The last-place Angles are on the tube Sunday at I: 30 fro1n Oakland where Reg g I e Jackson will have chance to fatten his home run rota]. The remainder of t h e televised schedule features such diverse acUviUes as jai alai, volleybaJJ, swimming, wrestling, a sports awards dinner and the roller games. Sommer Basketball Holmes Leads A:rea S-corin-w ·- Rudy H o 1 m e s o£ Mission Viejo High School leads the Orange Coast area In scoring percentage in the second release of summer basketball statistics. Holmes had compiled a 21.6 per game average after seven outings. Rick Mos1er or Marina High follows closely with a 21.2 -average-after eight games in the Orange League and also sports a 20.6 in t h e Huntington -Marina League. Steve McLendoo o[ Westminster leads the Hun· tington-Marina loop at a 21.0 clip. Skip Williams of Estancia is the Orange Coast scoring Jeader in the Costa Mesa League with a 17.4 average and Werner Raes of Mater Dei has a 16.S pace in the Santa Ana circuit. BB-MARINA LEAGUE (QllON,\ DIL. MAit U·I) Co11rov Kllll1n Grl111b1 Goellt1 Holl~nder Ford ~,v;,, 8•rf Ad•m1 Steven• WIP1t llile<"lot Funk ·-· WlllO!'I Ar111 Wrltlll Drlll1• ll1lcllff llt1htr ··-111vmi:ond C1nirell '"'" «O•SON n-n • .. • " • " " " ' " " " • " " " • " • " • " " " • " ' ~ • ' " ~ ' ' , " ' , • • ' , • • ' , • • ' ' ' " fl l• 124741? .'1211571 ,1,1446 1117.U • u • 47 IUll lt 611 ,,, ''1111 ' ' 1 10 $ S $ lS ' 1 1 ' I o 2 1 POUMTAIN \l'lLLIY f'-4) • "' ft •• V11bu..,1 1 l'I ll 19 LY~d! 1 ll 11 BJ l'owt r 1 24 I 56 Sll1W 4 11 ll 15 Krlitl11tl 4 10 11 l l ll~lde• 7 ' f ,1 Clltll'\lllen 1 J O 10 Goodt-~r l I 1 t Sl'>lbal• 1 .J 2 I Gerbfor 1 2 1 ' l'leU 4 1 1 l T~•rlautt l O 1 I •L1 Qu!nt1 Otl"l'le ''M• om!nHI. HUNtlNGTQN ll:ACH U·ll H"""ll Wllli•s Car!K>n T~gm•• "'" Oe!lrlrto11 C1!f "'IOd1 McCord Mosler S!rttford Mul._llV lltlrO CK• Mc:G11!rt '"' Crvn~llt t.v.ltlMA l'"tl '''"'~ l l61f'1 671 2167 1 77UU .,,,.,! 1 13 U 60 111155! I 17 I tl s 1 u ~o J ' s 19 • fl ff ,, I .W S3 US 7:Kl231l l'H '" 1J ~1 IJ 55 • .. .'I ,, COSTA MESA LEAGUE 1!0$TA MllA lf.ll D'tt AUltln """"' Nnlllt C111llH Woll Dte1o~ W1tkl<11 w1mn $1A1Hill"'1 McKl"lt!v .... ....... SoUot . " . 122104'1 12'75' 110165' • lf • ,, 120747 s 14 s ~ 1136'2 117 ''' I f I U s 6 1 l• ' 6 1 It • t 0 ' 3 l 1 l I 1 0 2 W!lll•ms HIYI l:STAH.ClA l .. .l)_ tftfttJ fSl7]1Jt 1 211571 Orvl!I Buller Sc~•11nn1uv IC•ratl"I Th0m11 V•tltrt He!ler Tl>oMPSort Ze!sdorf 1 n 11 3t I 14 t D ' lt 10 .. l 11 I tt • 11 • 31 6 11 ' 31 7 1 s lf 1 ] ; • 1 ) 0 ' MATI• OE I U·JI ••• llom~•"'" 1 1' McMen.tmlt1 ' ?• l(lltY 1 16 RoOtrts ' 11 Hll'l'lll!!llU){ ' 11 Gorm•ft 1 1J Frn1 2 1 .. ~..,.st ' ,. l(J111118m•n l 6 k:emlN!• 1 3 ORANGE LEAGUE (MAllfHA IM~ ,,.,. .. Mof;ltr • 61 ,. 110 Mul111!lv I 36 I 71 lttY I 77 S -" !1011 7?•151 B1lrd l 27 4 •I McGulrt 5 u I t2 Cron~I!-I lJ 4 :JO St•1tf~rd 1 1 I 1 24 Thurm t 10 l 11 Earl~ 5 1 I '1 ll:!IAl8kl I t 1 11 l'ovntr J 1 1 16 SANTA ANA LEAGUE H~'°0111t H.t.•IOlt 17 .. ! 1 ·111111 630 11 74 ·6211161 ··~ E'Cclet Toh!! Mt llnotr Ktnl S.xton Y""l\9 '"'" T1vler 8tan VO!!el Hiii 1 n ' •1 72lf5J 71'1331 111214 111 ,,, 1 ,, 7 3$ •lllO:n ' • l lf ' ' • u l 2 1 ' MATlll D}:I U·!J .... " "' ll:tes 6 11 ?J " C~tndoti I Jf lf 91 1(11~~ ' ,, 11 .. Wt lktr S lf lt " Frltt 6 17 10 41 McMtntm(n J 11 11 11 l(emotr 6 It I 36 ltllberl~ ' 4 J 11 H1•tl~e1ult I I l 5 ...... !.~"' l ' 0 ; TUSTIN LEAGUE M1$SION Vll!JO (M) •ftlll• "" 61 11 1.11 1)Q$07Q 110141 HOIM~~ Kfllr Wnt Cl!ro Mit1ltr5on St~dfer AV.cr1ft Hna~ Jn""I O'lritn Otnlelton 01vl1 '1133' 1 16 s 31 ~ lJ 1 Jl 1 1 s lt I t O I I 1 l l , 2 l s 1 1 0 , I I I 2 $AN CLIMINTI (HJ tflfltil 7lf:Ul12 7U l6tl S. Lombtrdl Mlld>tll """'"n .. _ MtC"!fn Domtflldllnl .. ,_ ,,, 250 ,,,.,, J 7 11 2 ' 10 l J ' ,f 1J ' ' . ,, -~--· S1t11tdiy, Jul1 12, l %c> Albacore R11n s Set Tonight To the mutu1l delight or fishermen and Ianding 1, albacore are starting to run off Coronado I1landa down south and both local landings have .scheduled runs lo go after the longfin Sunday. Special albacore runs will ·teave from Davey's Locker and Art's Landing at ti p.m. tonight. Tab for the trips ls $20 a person includlng a bunk. Reservations are required. Fishermen on a charter boat out of Davey's landed 23 albacore Friday aqd the Jan. ding reports plenty of f~h In the area, Biggest of the longfin reeled in Friday weighed in at 28 pounds. The two landings advise fishermen to check the guides on their rods to make sure there are nO sharp edges to fray or cul a line and to niake sure drags on their reels are new and not worn out. Fishing In local Waters, meanwhile, remained hot Fri- day despite rainy weather. · Both landings reported the act.ion torrid with bass and bonito supplying most of catch along with a number of bar- racuda. Fishermen on the half day boats out of Davey's Locker also booked a few yellowtail. A 15-pound sh~pshead was brought to gaff on a Thursday nlght twilight run. -• =• e • Santiago Upsets Mater De~ 69-SO 5antlagg ripped Mater Del Thursday night, 69-501 in the Tustin s u m m e r basketball ' league at Footb.111 I-Ugh School. I~ marked the· first loss for the Monarchs in leagut play, dropping their record to 6-1. Foothill moved closer to lhe top with a 72.-60 win over San Clemente giving lhe Knights a 5-2 mark. Mission Viejo lrlpped up Tustin, 66-$8, in other action. Rudy Holmes paced t h e Di&.blos with 27. Mater Del was never In it, f&.lling behind by 10 at the end· or the quarter ind never com- ing closer than that. IANTIAGO l•fl9f'9 'ii,'! ' 11 • 17 ~ : f I G G l O ,, l.S lj .. LEGAL NOTICE MATIER OIEI (50) 1------------1• ll If It &_.~~· S ~ ; 17 NOTIC5 01' SALi! MtMen1mln 1 4 ~ Nollet •I "ubl!c Sill .t Olli tll t11llN1.,. R~u 1 1 11 Clbfll Crvlur IW llt11 INl•r to:ll~v g& l .1 NOTICE" IS HEll:EBY GIVEN t~1t. ~:';7r~":au• 1 2 ourroa~r to 1111 l•w tn1c1e Ind ,tft'l!dfll, Robeftl _ O 8 l Ille 11n~r~l11M'd, 111111 .. II It "1~1k l llC• Toltls . " 11 II so 110!!. •I M1•lnt"-OeYltu Inc.> "°' S ~ QOj 19 l1!1yel!e Av...,.,., N....._I lt1c~. Slnll~oo (WI V 1llr11"t1 l'-69 C1tllor11l1, It 10 O'Clodc A.M..-• Uluf• Mlltt Dtl u t 11 13-$11 oav, 111e 1't~ div ol Juty, 1Ht, lllt fl!IOlll-1.., de$cllhtd PfOltllrfV, fa.wit: FOOTHILL C11J Ont Cll JOllMOI! Olllttotrd Clbln ... n .. .. CrlllH•. l ltc:tr. 11 FHI Cl" 111' cc. ~:r.~IOI\ 6 1 1 !t DllH JU"' 11, 1Ht. • H ! J 1 :: PubllWcl Orlft91 CNlt Dt llY 'l"llot. P=fl' l J f ' JlllY 12, l•O 1*41 TRJ\NSPAC: WGBLIGBTS Direct Radio Reports from the Fleet 3 and 7 p.m, Dilly KOCM Radia 103.1 FM General Jet-Air :0: lll ... I(~ "l:.ri' ·-· ~:C..°n:' -U.cll fll ( ·-· -6.~x 13 IJ2 ..... ., ...... $l79 7.75x 14 $.!7 $55.50 $\UO ""' 7.75 x IS $2.21 ll.~icl4 .., '"""' "'·" ,,,., 825)( 15 ..... ...i. ______ "_""""•-11•· ~-··-·•-111'9~.~U....,l'ri«ol •I-Tl ........... 11(-\'ll\( u.. C:.-01 ..... ... a road0 grabblng, ti••·aavlng package. General BELTED JUMB0700 •Wlde,ftat7-dltn.d • Twrt. ~cord """ • Twtft..pty lbwtl ... btlt • Ntw, tow proflle Lf:s49~2,~~'" :~:,,." !!!r~.fi.141 NEW MASCOT FIRE EmNGUISHER American La Franc• extinauisher for llquld, 111. electriCll fires / Oty chemical I Non toxic J UL approved J Easy to UH • • •395 Our specl1fists reline all 4 wheels, tebulld cylinders, turn breke drums, adjust brak1s to full contllct, adjust emergency brtke, and edd ftuld, 49!!sT · . U.S. Santa Ana Blanks MD Arms Oass Available .... ·-· • 15 to "° 4 II "3 l'I J t I 76 s • • u ' 2 I S o . lembardl E"'1tnlm Koltll • J 1 IJ '-~~~~~----.... ~~~~~ 7 2 7 • r CARS Mater Dti H1gh meets Sad· dleback Tuesday evening at 6 at Santa Ana High in the San· ta Ana sutnmer ba seball league with hopes of im· proving its 3-7 league re~ord. The Monarchs dropped a s.-0 decision to Santa Ana Thurs- day when three Saint pitchers limJted the losers to one hit. A hunter saf!ly_and basic small arms instruc\lon class is being offered at V liege View School, 5361 Sisson, Huntington Beach beginnirig Tuesday and each following T u e s d a y through t.ug. 12. Classes will be held in the mulU-purpose room at the school at 7:30 p.m. lrutructlon is offered for anyone 10 years or older. pijlWPOllT MAltlOlt ~f.1)-. • fl " •• MtYffl 5 7t U 14 81!101 ·~­VI iie"' ' 3 • ' ' 2 • • 1 ' 0 1 iccltt 1 H 24 1' Mtllnot'f 6 11 10 .. MATlll 011 (•1J Ttlltl 1 11 I •2 ClltndOll YMt ' H I• n lleu Kellf 1 1J 7 33 WtlOtr S.•9"" ' 1 • ~) NleMffl""11! llMn 3tl1fl(HtY TtVler ) S I 1i Frl!z llKll:tl 4 I I lf Ktmfff HI!! l l 0 2 11toberts '1.1 Oul11!• M1'M-1!• .. Ollllltf'd. M•r1!n111111 1 : : ,;: 75017111 737lJl7 7JJ121J 720121J 2 t J 21 J 3 • 10 , ' 1 J 1 I I J WllTMlpijSTlll f6-fl '•0iii0iiOii0iiOii0iiOiiOiiOi-1 fl H ''II Mtl~ ·I ff )Ill~ Htwl\Olllt • U 14 106 lrocltrldt I « II tt Mell~ I n II 60 PHrtOll t 1' t '1 HtWll"f I t 10 71 ll•ld s ' " 70 ·-1121' Dtd,ldl J • ' 11 Yodtr 1 1t• FREE POID'I TRAVILING ,lllPOltMANCI llMINAR 10 TallllY W OICk WOOD MEN. Let"' ma1u uou look ~our verv !><rt bv gclll11g ... of Sir Walter'• fa,motil European. R41or Cuti. 111 ..,.. wllll 11!tlf PAMID OIU.O CAllJ TUllDAY, J ULY 15th 1iM PM. 'llll '1llll._.IPlUMMltrrr" THIODOll lOllNS PORD I SIR WALTD'S •1----'°"c~:O:!!D'---·co.'1'~~~'}.."'&1 ' JATO SUPER-100 GOLF BALLS . DO" SWIDlUND COAST GENfRAL TIRE Ill W. lftti Cello M- 140·111'""""4'-1011 TIRE INSPECTION SMART SAFEGUARD Experts checktall 5 tires for cuts, bruises, cricks, imbeddtd foreign objects, uneven wear, correct pressure. FREE AVERY GENERAL GENERAL TIRE TIRE 5ERYKE SERVla 1'"' ......... 1m ...... 1 HHll--• ... .. ••7·111t 14l.aJJ' ~ .wro .. owrtt1 HIGHWAY SAFm aJM111tm:i • • • •• < --------------~~-------------------------- ' , .. _[f>sAlarnitos Entries --~ .... ..,_,,.,...,, M 1t. 1M,_11lfl D•' C!Mr • l'Mt, l'lnf ... , t:G Jl.M, . ·- Ht'I A ll~unl tANlt) Cll11" liloy1I (ICtnlt) HHIY llNd (S'--l WllloW Gokl 0 MClll•vr.olcb) "'"'°' !»!I (H CrtilbJ) J11M1I llu!t1 f~ (D ll1nlu) ... ,,. ""'"""' Mr. SW ... <1 ~"t$Y!'OOlclJ! IS•• Mt Jw (I H~rl) '"'"' ~ft 11 sm11111 lfTll'trl11 lllod"' 0 Sml!lll "' '" \I I I "' Ill ' "' "' "' ,,. ", • DAILY 10 °10 SUN. 10 ·_7c_, . . . ... . . . .. ~ .. . . ... . . COSTA ~A ONLY S!llTlf 11.t.CI'..· Vtl"'!h Sr. Cour- 11t v1rdt. J "'"' CllOI •NI 11<1. C!olm. i,.... 1111,.. ntoO. Clll!'llA!ll prlct mOll SPECIAL PRLCES_EOR SUNDAY, JULY 13, 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. WHILE QUANTITIES-LAST . . ' "' "' '" '" sacoND •Ac•. a ... 1111. ' ...e•• Mii Ind W lo\ 6"-A "lllL l'lltK •' ..... \Slf Wl'!lz IA4elr) (Tila ~ IWr""IJ <ar1 CM o.d: IH Cr.,M'J lo'•• tt11Dh ~"'' aar ~ It s ... 11111 blc:kW. Olld: IL!~) DcWi.-it11ty • ......,_1 l.udt'f .. ,, J• Cf1n• Skr (C1rd!IU\ MIM UIOC:le ll1r 1!11,...1 AIM l'.Jk~·1 0.ITWI TDO!iol' !Wll~! C11 Q..iltk !"11110\ Tiie Vtrli!I {S.n""'f) v ... tul'OUI Fly ,, Smithj '" '" "' ' " TMlltD •ACI. :UO y1rd1 1 ••tr o~. ci.1m1 ........... "'°"· c 111mln1 •• a SlDOO. SuflHI Leon.on! (H CroU>•) Kltifl'Jl'.I l1bf: K1'1l1 p,. Utl1111dll 11t Cl..i.IMr lled locll; IA~} 111 Hu,,.., Jo1111 ftbrtl 10 811'1\iled (AdllrJ 111 Go Al Go flollill'I) 11) ltuletll 1L~"'1 in EIGHTH llACE. ~ID v1rd•. , vet• <>Id•. Tr.e t ... '1l1ml1C• Oort:IY. Pur'I' ,.5,loOll. FrfV.D 81• Gil 1Slr1uul 1t11>el" "'~-· (•ood~c•) 1:1•~~·, H•"<IK~ tfl"nk~1J o..1r><:v 1t1K~~1 rs .... 1•111 Jo• 51>'!9 rt C1rdo11) Ou• Ll>'C11 tDrev•rl S'l'!T.ht Bir Ml•1 !II 81nk•l S-.flO' ll'adlef /H C~DYl Witch Clltc (lioft1m) K1<H1h llu !Ada!t~ "' 111 I ~~I "' : :~I ~ "' '" P1lleo'1 (•Piii• /1(1nl1) Tl!oy"1 Tomboy '.HHTJ Tn,ld:i, hll {C1•doz1) lrttr!ll' (Adair) CIM.llM-ID ll1nk1J M4lr'/'1 Tonto G11 u 11 .... 1 Twe Twell'l'r Fl-.. IOreYrrl .. "' '" '" '" '" '" ", A!H EU1fbl1 l>dv Go ll Cordo:1I M1ndll• !H1rll "' ,. JUMP FOR CANVAS CASUALS '" "' '" "' "' ' " "' '" '" '" "' Los Alamitos Results NINTH llACE. !.It vlrO•. J vo1r okl• 1f'!d Ult. Allo.,,.nc:t•. Pur1e 11700 Mr. Oki:.v IS"'llll) 11• Ton ~II (Adelfl 111 ,,...,tc """-~ (WrlVf>11 11t Frei.IV tUwll /ClrdOll) l'XI 5.,,.., llovtJ !Hirt) 111 IMNl;l'Ott 8otl Ill lltNl.11 11' ,lotomlc Action (H CrosDrJ 111 lltll Oki< 11 LI"'""') 111 5'n'lellto !llrlnklffl 111 llf'Cll.lttt Jt,_ (P1lllfll 111 .... -'"' F.,., Mfflt f1 l.lll!ltmJ y,,,.1, HI 111r1uu) Victorio11s '" "' 1'1cDonakl! 19th, with only lhrct elayers ·on the floor in the first overtime period S1111day Oral!J \\'omen, tC<.'n!I~ \Vashablt' ox· ford tennis sho<'s '.l.'ith cotton canvas du ck uppers, molded rubber soles. Cushion insoles. 5-9. J44 Our Reg. 2.%8 "~·~ ~>;.:·· ~~u;:; !0~1~:;; ~~~ HANDY TABLE TOP GRILL ~ltlT ••c1, uo ¥••0s. J 't'ff• 011h Wigmore Jnrurance Thursday' ;: ':,!' 1\'::!!r"11.:.""':iJ!~,... night in the Cost.a Mesa 0pen Sunday 011ly ~ ~~':;1 u.• ;:: basketball league at Orange 18" stetl table top grill \\'ilh SPORT SHIRTS IN BOlD STRIPES, SOLIDS AND PLAIDS S1111d11y Only J33 Boys' no -Iron shirts with stand-up, button do'>'·n col-lars and regular collars. 1 pocket ,tapered body. Charge IL 8-18. 331/3 RPM RECORD ALBUMS LONG LEG GIRDLES FOR CONT~OL AND FIT Sunday Only 288 • ... Our Reg. 3.47 ' TIME -11 2111. Coast College. OO\\' bum resistant leg. triani?lr .------at:tO-ttA" -Miii••• Mltlk!; bablf -==~ --fl'lfl.k" --outdoor eooking-fun.----"'°"""' o.~ \111or. Prlntw'1 ,,,..w, And Woody's Wharf con-Compact. ideal for travel. ~ Sunday Only ) 18 --"'"'.J'.:;>.F<;;;;;'inii'n• . ..,. '""""'"'""-;~o::::;:"':;;:;;:::::;' L . "'~-*=' • ·- \Vhlte lons: Jr' panty girdles Selection of lengths and pro- portions to fit . Rayon and i-uhlx'r u·i tl1 stylish C'D~fron• pal'ferr.-Sl!op early and sa•·e. Jusft.'lli'rge-il tOOii.Y! ___ _ I r . ' . \. .' o;;~~iE~e11c~, ~~~·Go. tin'uf!d unbeaten in six tests Un11111 °""'uia. N-s.111 T• o..1en .t.1•11ll1 11Kt.e1, c "•••"om ' I• r. with .a 101·96 win over Oran .... DN!IOllllt. b'- SICOND llACt". 1Y vt•"' J "I' ftlcl1' ..., i.-In Cit-A Piiot. PIKM .... C1filerlll! -r lll!'Puorot.il lf.60 '·" CUP!d' 111 lled fLlpl'i""J ~.OCI Fl~ ltodo.t1 fAdelrl TIME -11 1/1e. ··~ ·~ ,. ALSO llAN -Min T~ l'~o. MOfoh Mlll, °""""' llM\ll!tt• OU!(t:en1. Jtl• lirt Jlill!111Y. DlivDll Jle<1uul, Mt11rl. SCllATCHED -511tnl Gro11nf. Pur51 Gr1~, Cet't On °"*· Custo<n Cuti•. Hlttit" double-•·l lld Ev1 I. l ·C1U- tor11ll smog -"•Iii un.llC TIU•o ltACe -5.1'1 v1rcts, 3 ~•tr Ok11 •1111 uo. AllowtllC~ l'u'3t SIMG l rtH Ll ncl (S l fl(h tl ) I.IC\ 4• 1 ... Mot>. D111 1si.o;, J ~ 1.MI Lllft'll,....., fl<..,"1! 7 to TIME -17 1110. Coasl Coll~ge. ruchard Hardgrove and Jim Butler led the McDonalds al- l.a.ck v.•lth 39 and 35 in the overtime tiff. Woody's, meanwhile, was led by Bob Bedell !29), Greg Kind (27) and Pat Grant (27) in disposing of Coast. Jim Kindelon (24) and Troy Rolph (221 were high for CX::C. WOODY'S WHAllF 11111 hi1t.i 11 l~d>ell ln+ot1 Klod """"!flt Grlnl O.mei,.,,;er Ta1111 occ CfO 10 ' • ... 1f j ~ 1f , • l j 11 1 I 11 ~ 0 I 11 •1 J1 II !Qt I• ft 1f '11 ···~ ALSO llA"f -$.or•• 1 1\lt', V/ot~· ... llt· ....,.,, C.tc:lo ~"· D~111:t lor HO SCRATCHES ~\11£""' :; 1 1 ~.BOX OF 3 "FLASHCUBES" k•,.v 1~11.1 "OUllTN llACI!, )XI v••d~ 3 v••• ekh •1111 UO ill Gr.,,t ,., ... Mll\U! Puri• .... llov1l "T~ !WH'IO'll a .rt 11.l'O I 10 Cllllltr !Pt .. J t 40 • oo Wtlll lud: ISlrluH) 1.'0 TIME -11 tit!, ,loLSO llAN -0111 l •1ndY, Go Go Ettie. Mr, Dlo T«o. I( • ..,. ltork•I, 1<!11 Olll!ltr. 1'"' 111!0. Pl!IV lkN l!•lt. 5CllATCH£0 Dt""" Mo-Ith. ""ler loll, Llttlt Min Wtf'f\, Ht'I • i~~;,-1., i I , i S ttfl. o ••• !, 8 a~ Tat•l• 11 I~ 16 'N I .., H1lltl"" Kort· WoocfY'• 19, OCC 45 So:< O( .1, J2 flll'llf, Amp ]C!X flash- McDONA\.D~ llT~, C~) •' ti! cubes. Bulbs an sefetv COl'llcd s.1 ... r 1 1 .1 1 ! and flnshcubt' f'OVrr prov1drs '1r.i"'r ~ ~ • :1sh1rld. "Chari:;r II." 11-l. ,.ll'TN llACI!. 100 Ylfd•. l Ytlt eld• Mid u. Ill ();rlldl M Plu1 tired In C:tlll. l'urw t'llO. l•irtr1 lat ILll>htm! 1.10 Dttll (McAWl!Cllcbl Slltor',J HltM (Sm!lll) 'TIM!' -7t l fll, <I.Ill 1 #0 '·'° l 60 •.H ALSO ltAH -H, ""'"'''· Or•h~" L"I' Hy8eH1't Cf'llc. Sitt t ncl Go. G11>- by'1 h'I>. s.wn SHtdl HO SCllATCHES . t!XTH ltAt t". "°° ~••d• l ve1• ell'~ -n -..., In Ored AA Mln<rl l"v!U 0900 F;;'"'"lllNI !LIP'\lm) 19,.0 11111 ] 60 Wile~ f:H CCrO!bVI IN 1.•0 Tl<IY Go (C1•do11! l .IO TIME -~ Ji it. ALSO llAN -$t1 NvmMI. l +1111 Tewn. Mf.dfl191>' "lolt. Lltf'lllll"'11 lt1"9t. NO SClt.0.1-CHES. S.Vl!MTN •.t.CI. \liu,!i, Sr Cou•>" -I ll YlrOL l Vtt• Ola• lf'CI 11•. Allow9"C-'tt. Ti.. Pw. llur,,. M«O J I_. Jr. Cl1M.d S .ic; l IO 1 l'O lltMJr CIMr9f"' IAHdlcl) 110 l 4 H•clnl !,lodtlrl ?.IO TIME -M 1111, ALSO llAN -Mr. Ptnof\l!•!Y, ltet'1 11-1.lullltntw. NO SCRATCHES. 1 1GMTll uce. 150 , .. di t ••• , olcts. Allcrw-et. ltw Joll"~' 0~1. Pu1'91 1"'000. """*' l rofha' !Adt lr 3.411 l.ID J,4 Jt~ll¥ aocc.+ rCroltrll J oo J_ao llhoclt '• l<lc1pu !lrl~ln! •.Ill TIM,E -II 1110. ALSO llAN -ltlc1'1 G<olO. ll•o (11,1• ttr &1r. c-1 Cllor1n. P11t C"I"" ND SCllATCHES. IONTM ltACI. \l••MI• S• cou~ -en Yt•ch. 3 vt•ri old!. ''" 110. CMllNf!I. l"urM S2WI. Hldol 0.1 ,.,,.,. IL~\ ,..,OCI '..0 310 c;Clf..-i li'\H'Olt (Pe11J l tt ? ff •llt't ltftWl1 ~' l '° TlrN -a 211&. \. llller '• 1 ~ JS H''$'.),avf !J ;i ii r. 1 Llmllt<I Q~ll!HliM -NIM .. Ill i. dt~llrt W!CM.ORE tN$UltANCE CUI •• " •' tp 11 ~ ~ 2~ 5 1 5 11 ' ' '• ,", • 1~ ~ )1 ~ u Wiqmor' l I , Vikes Win 3th Straight ~1arina fligh won its eight slraight game in the Oran~e summer basketball I ea g u e Thursday night vl'ith an easy 63-32 vdn over Anaheim. The Vikings had little !rou- ble in downing the Colonists, piling up a 37-15 lead at the half, The win kept Marine a game ahead of second-place Lowell. Rick Alosier, usually high- point man for the Yikes. was held to five points atter seeing limited action. Mosier. to date, 11as ac- counted for 170 points in eight games for a 21.% average. The Vikc& put nine players in the scoring column in their balanced attack. 011r Reg. 1.28 22" OSCILLATING SPRINKLER SALE S1111dny Only 366 Reg. 5.96 22" oscillaUng s1>rinklcr '>''R- 1rr rttlang11lar orcas up ln :1,000 sq. fL Shop K mart for 11.Jl i.:ardening Ot'eds. AIM 11111 -s.erd A L••, ~nt11 I'•~• !".....,_ Dtt!t>f, Chh Irv'<"'", .., w., --la'tKMllll -I _., Ill" LN, \.Ide ·-MAltlKA fUI .. " ,, "' ........ ". ) ' 0 s ~·11'ufll1 J a O 10 "BLUE ICE" FOR SPORTSMEN vr ••ltt L t TV WEEK ,,.. ) t 0 I S1111 . Oitly! e _ ~:~~~ ' • 1· ~· : : OPluxe unit In mUIU-w111l ro\·M" C•Ollk111 • ' 1 ' rlimh:1atrt1 11>11trr n1ess! Rerrreze Turn You On ~:-= : ~ ~ 10 fnr 1't'-llll('! SAie! .. ----------·-·-··-----~-· ..... .;, :~~E 1 1~:. ~~.11. .. 1.1 I UIGRLIGUTS TRANSPAC Direct Red lo lteportt from the Fleet 3 and 7 _p.m. Daily KOCM ltadlo 103.1 FM . 43~· ,, I -.., ' r t f t ' ' • • ' .. I l-GAL PICNIC JUG J47 1.97 S1111d11y Oraly Insulated , polyethyl ene jug. SO FT. PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE S 1111da11 011111 123 Reg. J.94 so· length. "Triton" pla~lic bardcn hOl'e h11.~ 1i" I.D., bras~ couplini:s. Shop K m11rt \•her(' you clln ju~t "Chl\r£e Jt ." JA~ LIGHTWEIGHT TRAN11STORIZED WALKIE· TALKIES Sunday Only 011r R eg. 9.97 Pr. A 11 J.rensili torizcd \•·aikit'- talki~ u·ith handsomt' fa('r penel. ell.SC'. VAri1blr volum" control. Complt>te '>''ilh 9 voH battery. Sa.v~! M..i.l Jut I INFLATABLE BEACH BALL Ottr Reg. 23c S 1111. Oraly 1'.t' In. rlia., 12 panel. vinyl IX'nch ball. SUNTAN OIL OR SUNTAN LOTION 94~ S1111d11y Only Disco1111t Prlee Choose 4 0 1.. • Coppertonl" suntan 011 or 4 oz.• 11untan lotion._ Bo! h provide! • ~n1o0th, l"Vt>n tan. ChRrge It. Ll1nlttc1 Ot1111llltu -N-11N 11111.- •Filtltl OJ. ~. Jsro'RrsMA·-;;..,.,,...,.··e:,,~ A-.:M""p""''l STOOL J S1111day 01dy ftf!g. 1.27 ) . ·- J ' • • " . • • ,. t ~ . ...,. ,. t, ·. "" ... t ~ .... " Hello 11alj). boys and &Iris, and welcome to another Satura day morning in Uncle Len's ·eomer.~ We received.quite a few eo- tries for our an:. contest thla week, blll unfortunately, tbere otlll aren't gui• enough poejl to go around. Qnly ooe -poem ..,_ came In uu. ....i.. LET'S ~ a •J>t!'f¥ ef. fort to send In l!Ol1le .poetry.for the comer -.,,st week. It'• really a wide open contest. •• •• ... • . . .... .... -.. •• • • .. , .. ... '. ,_.,. .. • • • • r • • .. .. • • 1•1 ... A • • • .. I . \ • • • • • • I -• • -• •• ' ..... 0 . . -.. ~--· .. ~· , -. " • .. '. " . • • • • Many ot you youngsters are probably packing up lo go lo sumine'r camp, and µia t's what next week's art contest wUI tie all about . OUr Kennedy half ~llar for !\illoJ.s \Will go to the boy or girl sending in~-----------------------------,! tbe beat picture. about his or her adventures at camp. HONORABLE mention win· ners in this week's art contest are: • * PRIZE WINNER * This week's contest winner is Nicholas Verdina, 7, 9751 sOline Drive, Huntingtoo Beach. Grant Dawdy, 7, Fountain Valley; Cindy Carbon, 11, Seal Beach; Jcihn Sway, $\;, Corona del Mar; Michelle Mendenhall, BIO, Hunllnglcm Beacti; Christina ·wanace, 4"', Corooa def Mar, and Ted Wallace, a, corona dd Mar. Aily child under 12 can enter Uncle X...n's Art ConteaL Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on iuece of plain, white paper 5.,. inch" wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make line< black. (2) Do not copy or ~ce picture. It mll!I be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and addreos on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle X...n's Art Contest, Bo:r 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Meaa. Winner will receive Kennedy hall dollar. ' THE BEACH The beach is where ,,.e ail have fun, S1vimming, playing in the sun : There'.s lw-<>U~ings to fee ·and·d_o And that's what makes it fun !or you ; You sing. and .play a'nd dance all day Until the sun [\as gone .away ;· Just watch and see the people play Beneath the-hot sun of the day: They don't care if they get burned much For they just think of games and such; But soon the fun 'will disappear S.114 Y•• lll"'tl•u te All A...,, C/• ON• C... hfy ,.. ... , ... 1560, c....-...... C.llf. AnOr sends • 20-volulM ul of the w....,. '-II •llC'l'c...,.... "' Jtflnlter °'""• ..,. U, °' P~~. Onl•rlo, C.,..dl,. for her 111111f.011: from the towering,· glowering clouds. Meantime in the center of the couUneat, the scorching .. • • PERKINS JUDGE PARKER I O:UOW !OMEONE IS IN TME~E! t _Ii<!.~ Jll...EI\ ! MOON MUWNS And come ag~in some other year. Wiiy does llgll&nlng only occur ln summer? ground warms the lower air ~ but no cool ocean breezes blow • tPS PRI! I O' t.ATJS. 10 • A Ktt1'*'°' Molf •i.r -M ll>•ttt Srnltt., 1!, JIU IUrl"I' L1~1, C..t1 Mesa. ..... tlle w1Nlfl9 Mfl'Y I• ttM ...,., ..ill -('llltelt. MIH .,..., -M' lt9n' M UllC .. L911, ••• ,..,, '°"'' ~ c.w...i1. in to chill oU the upper air "IF.ANSPl.AMT' l!UT level. ~owe_!er,_~ter _sunse! Wint MNYf'i;~;:.ii~~ the airy warmtli escapes fast -<3~E" ~ ---Carof~ Corner·----- RIDDLES AO "JOKES Dear Carol : Whkt is the best material . . for kites? "' ~ . and the upstairs level grows i+IUMB ... freezing cold. The necessary steep temperature gradient builds up and a thunderhead gets ready to slart bom- bardment around midnight. The eastern seaboard gets most of its lightning during summer c;ays, wblle the mid- -T ~. PRIZE WINNER 'Jed ed A1;1 :JtMStnf ~.i11 01Vil6. 111 AllN<f l"lecf, C1111 Meu Lightning ls a fast, fiashy weather event that can occur C!ay or nlght at8 ny season cf the year. Right now, its fiery darts are piercing l , 8 O O thunderheads around t h e world. On a global scale, about 44 ,000 storms flash 1Ightnin3 every day of the year. Some regions expect more lightning during sultry summer nights, some during summer af· ternoons and other regions get most of their lightning during winter nights. conlinent is struck most often ~~\ ~ , during summer nigh ts. J.-"""'"""..._ ____________ ___. Dear Carol: How is a dentist like a soldier! 'lllJP 01 •A•~ "tlOCI A•1.tl !JeMsuy -urr ... \I""""'"'""'' HvltllftW'I ... •••dt Dear Carol : What weed is like a valuable stick? ·poJuep~ :JeMIU\f -Str•~• """"""""""' M11nllll9tell IMCll D~1t1tis the Menace I - - GRAFFITI ' . . -· Darts of lightning may pierce through a fierce little tornado or rip the ragged clouds of a howling hurricane. But we expect most of it to come from tcwering thun· derheads. And since we get most of these electric storms during the hot weather season, most of the lightning we see occurs ln the summer. The eastern region of N o r t h America expects most of Its thunder-and-lightning storms on summer afternoons. But in the center of the conlinent The vast oceans warm up and cool down more Slowly Uian the land. In winter the land chllls fast while the water holds onto its stores of sum- mer heat. 'The warmish water gives a little of its heat to the lower air that touches its surface. But alter sunset, the upper air becomes very, very cold. The mJldly warm air below and the icy layer above create the steep temperatqre gradient required to produce thunderheads. The oceans ex· pect most of their lightning on winter nights. they tend to build up after Andv ie~ds a war111 •-Alias •~ Midla~t ..t.111!1>, eoe !7. cl s ... .SUnset and begin bombarding 8erN1rdl110. Ce llfornl•, fQr ftl1 QUftllo!I: around midnight. Over the e~· pansive oceans, more thunder How many different insects are there? and lightning oceur in winter and during the night. The different animals, of No matter when or where it course, are classified as striltea, a very special set of species. And the insect species weather conditJona b outnumber all lhe other necessary to create flaahes of animal species in the world. lightning. It depend! on A& pre.sent, scientists have strongly contrasting layers of Identified lKl0,000 bitsy bugs air stacked one upon another. and new species are being The lower layer, resting on discovered every week. There land or sea. is much warmer are. no doubt, many uniden· than the suddenly cooler air tified specimens in unexplored above it. The contrasl is 311 jungles and many more in the degrees or more. In winter il tu ndra regions. where insects . may range from 4-0 degrees HI thr ive in as t r on om i c a I sea level to far below (reei:ing numbers. Npbody knows \vhat a mile above the ocean. 111 the finnl count ~·ill be. &l summer, it may range from 90 scien tists estim&le that there degrees at ground level to 30 may be somewhere between degrees a mile or two above two million and !our million the surface. ' different insects in the world. The scene is set when the All these assorted bugs air temperature drops sharply belong in the huge Class alonga Unestra..ightupfrom Jnaecta . And this the surface of the gktbe. This overpopulated animal class is weather coadltion is called a subdivided into about 25 dU· steep temperature gradient. ferent orders. When each ln· The layers of wann Ught , air sect is discov~red, be ts and cool·heavy a.If also create classified in his correct order, contrasting a.t m o s p b e r i e family and genus. He shart11 pressures. But~the prime fa~ _@l~ QL lbese groups wiih _ tor is c o n t r a s t t·n g tem-Varlout numbenr or his kin· perature, fn summer, al ong folk . However, a new name the Atlantic seaboard . loft y must be found for his specie!!: ocean breezes blow loland. becall!e he does not .share lhill This upper Je\·el of aj r may be wilh any other . type or insecl around fr eezing point -while in the u·o.rld. There are ex· the lower level near lhE" perts who decitfe such r11D l· ground may be a sweltering 90 teis. And sometimes lhcy bor· degrees. The warm air below row the name of . U1e person txpands and becomes thinner. who made the discovery to It rises and cools it.sell. so it name a newly introduced in· cannot warm the cold air sect. above. By mid-a.tternoon, this ;=.===::======::;;! · ~ wnpera11ae lfadl'"t . -ON .THE TUBE builds U.1!.. I 11n'blllelll lbw). d~ ' S" add. n I y u. For .,:. i,,,, ,.,r,, fo wh1I'• ~ ~--·c!J,_. = fi•llJP•tii..q o~ TV, •••ti TV -r:;Dlr,; WU.IC --tlirlribut# with th• with hltl;-wblle ~tning :r{(,1."V .i°l.fiot1 of tll• DAILY ; flashes and thunder roara '-----------' ~ -· .. TUMBtEWEEDS WUL!1 WHA1'RE 'IOU Sl'AAIN. IO"?J ••• AIN'T YA NEVER. ~~"°' NEKl<EP INPIAN wv=u MUTI AND JEFF ti's GOING TO BE A GREAT -r,JrNG FOR. US 'lb llAVE 1!-IE ..-rRSTMAN 5TE~ON1!-IE MOON! GORDO J.'J.L ~IT, TJl!t i~1 •..u.zv IXX!f' JIAS A fill/Jfd Of' TRUTJ// MISS PEACH lllKIN• 11srs roi>A'f. GREAT GOBS O' GERONIMO GRAV'( RYAN! GET ME OUTA THIS ! 00 SOMETHIN'!! 6VT f-01:. SHEJ:R M!A5TLV l/.'MO/$/LITY, ..... _...,_ 'I .. ( . ' DAJLV Pllf. J4 --ly Charles M. su.11 ,1,l,,..'TM006HT OllECJ' W l -SW~.~! ~·· Sal!ftden GllcJ o • .,..n1 .. IOOPEl<'5 fM il<EltDl<OOM ··-ASLEEP.' SO JUST SET THE TRA=:JE~ By Harold Le Dom " ... /, By Tom K. Ryan .. . ... ~.. ..,; ""'""--· -. ·---"""" . -·--·-~ ~-~~-. '-r/1?;1 -·-• -.. . By Al Smith 'BUT ONLY BETWEEN 1i4e EARS • El-I? ' By Gus Arriola ( W!IAr OTHl:ll ClliTTl!fil CA/J BE USEI? AS A IJOOl(MAfilK.! By Mtl ' ,, • .. - I . ' ' l 1-. .. • . • • D~ll Y l'llDT Satlll'd11, July 12, 1969 YIU KNOW YQlil CHILD Will LEARN i 10 ·SWIM_ AT 1 ILIE BUOY Athletes Fall Guys • ' ·wamatli1 ~test for Hollywood Pitch ' ' " ' By VERNON soorr HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Professional sports types ire fall guys for Hollywood 's sharpies. The men w~ play on baseb$11, football. basketball, hockey,-beafi:bag and ju1np rope teams compet.e with the candor of brigands on the · Spanish main. A CIANT OF A MOVIE COLUMBIA PICTtJRSS P-ft8fiBNT8 •••n.1a•1 1 PICI I lllllr CARI.. FOREMAN'S MIClllll'l IDLD ' Plus -Jules Verne's 'THE SOUTHERN STAR' . ,ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! . ! BEST ACTRESS! l · . BARBRA STREISAND ct\IMIJA PCTIRS'" RASTARl'!Oll.tfOIS- "( BARllRA a OMAR ' They like to think · or or attempted to try actfng themselvea as though cut· career~thtr for Je.verage lhr.,ta. bill pul lhem In _ll1e against lhelr fl'!>.r\LOWJ),«Lor Hollywod arena and they are in the mlabegotten belit;f that pussycats. because they could 1~ The film . types a r e t:urves they could also act murderers, For wb.alevtt reason, tne It hoppens like this. A· pro sports stars never seem to player 1nckr challel ,,0f the catch on. P!'OfeMi9nal team 11 becomes · The l:lollywOOd hustlers just d1senc~ant~ with h!8 «in· want to cash in on the public!· !fact, playing condltiotls .or ty to sell their movies. They maybe the weather 1 n are not dedicated to the pr~ Cleveland. position tJi~t ~Jllllalh or others He becomes a holdout or of his sweaty lreade are going "retires" or demands lo be to make the world forget Sir traded by the boss. This Laurence Olivieir. makes news. Lots of news. Some of lhe play1rs point to 1'1ovie-makers love n e w 1 •. ex-Cleveland Brown fullback Ergo, · the celluloid shark Jlm Brown and convince meves in for the kill. ' themselves that they can lie slides up to the rebellious rrlake H as big tn movies as on alhlete, dries his eyes with a the athletic field. silk handkerthiel (almost all Their chances are roughly produters either wear them as good as Wally Cox, Don around their necks or let them Knotts, Dulltin Hoffman and hang from lhe breast pocket) Tab Hunter making the green and offers the big 01 a role in Bay backfield. his current movie. Anyhow , Namath can still If the athlete is shrewd, he make passes in Hollywood. wlll hold out for a contract, lg-everyboQy else does. norant of the fact. t~at1;::==========1 l!ollywood contracts USJJally contain six:-montti options, at the end of v.·hieh the producer doesn't accept his telephone calls. The latest alhlete to hear the siren call of filmdom is former New York Jets' quarterback Joe Namath . He will play a role in "Norwood" for Paramount \\'hich stars Glen Campbell. But quarterback Namath will be strictly a bench warmer. Campbell is the star. Low Budget Films Get Stars Cheap Lagana Playhouse 'B~k Co.medy' Hilnrwus • • <. • Toppe.r of Tandem:Show By TOM TITUS Of ffll Pllly PIW ttatf • For those laboring under lh~ misapprehension -that thcri · exists preclou,.s Jlt1Je of novelty Ul)der the theatrical 11un, we wou:c! rrcommeod a.trip to the Laguna Playhou~ and I.he 90 minutes of mndc..r: hfljlrlty called. "Blad Comedy." This reat:Ured tw&-thlrds or a tandem bill by Peter Sbaffer is lndeed different for the simple but uproarious gim- mick of a power failure which, HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Hop-for purpose.s oC. at a g I n g , ing woo u n d e r g r 0 u n d presept.s dark as light and vice ver§a. The comic opportunities filmakers Jnto signing "above are endless and, undq the in- ground'' union contracts, the genious direction of I an Screen Actors Guild today Brown, most art fully realiz. asked ill memben; to give cut-ed. The more abbrev i a led rate prices to producers of low opener, a moody lnrth vs. 11- budget movies. lusion piece called "\Vhlle The plan, sent to actors· and Liars," is less sut'Cessful, actresses across the country principally because the for a vote, would all~w them ''WHtTE LtA111 ... ~0 to.work at half salary m small a1.Ac11 COM.EDY" • pictures, deferring further d;•~~td<IMb"J1 f1l~v~ 8~~:."~or:l!•I~~ , Payment until the product is lkl~!l..o 11v M•rt R1ou. 1echnlc1r • dl~10I P1YI Toft. or• .. n1•d Thllll"'" released and starts turning a t1V011oh s ... nd1v1 un111 Ju v 11 1 '"- Ill LIOllM P!t~hOllH, J!9 Oc11n Aw., pro . L•OYN 11·~·'· WHITE LIAlltl" It's the first time in the Sal'hl• J"1n w11so1>n . , Frink . . John Hlftlrd AFL-CIO Gu 1 Id s 37-year-Tom ............... ~1. 1.imber"t h'st •• l ed ced Vls!'s valc0o 5tevtn ken I ory u1a r U wages or Sco/lle'i; mlrict . . . . 1<1r1n llenHn modified conditions have been 11riwnm11v"11~~1~~ '°".'.~~:;; J..inlnm proposed. Ballols will be~~~ F~~~ ·:·:·::· .. J.-r.11~"11=~ counted Aug. 1. Colonal Melkett . .• . . . L.11 lna11due H1rold Gor•!not ... C"-•1" coirnn SAG said . hundreds or piC-~~iiilil · ...... J1eow1,.,,1,F~m lures, buOgeted at $50,000 or &1mbtrotr . .. ........ • • stevtn Scott STREISANB SHARIF · S u c h other athletes as pitchers Dern Drysdale,·San Koufax and Bo Belinsky tried less , are ''produeed from playwright has become so cap- coast to coast ~ach yea~ on a tivated with his own syntax: he __J.Qlally unorganized .basi.s and work:!! his character -to the on a scale .tha~. approaches a point of tedium. The reverse, Inm explosion. _ however, Ls true with "Black "' ITllJlll ll!UJI. RAY STNIK - SPECIArCHILDREN'S PJ!.ICES THRU AGE T4 -$1 .50 **** EXCLUSIVE **** ORANGE COUNTY _ENGAGEMENT STARTS TODAY 12 BHOWB-1130 &B1DDP.M. The Worl~'s . ( Most Honored Motion Picture! I WINNER Qlf 11 ACADEMYAWARDS . """"""" ... WILUAM 'Im.~~ CHARIION HFSfOf.'JACKHAWI<lNS HAYA HARARE£f · SIEPHEN BOYD WTDE SCREEN • STI:REOPHONIC SOUND METROCOLOR EXCLUSIVE RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENT-TltKrn NlJW AT BOXOFFlCE OR BY MAIL Bex Offk:I 0PlftDlilyllXoon-T1tklltlAbo1tCompvdcbtc.itm-Al1 Murual ""9nciallld Ill Liblr1y Trdtt Apncia . --.-----------------------------------~. :" PRICE ANO PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE : I l&ltinttS: I : w.......,llMIS.t11rHy t:JOp• suo a sz.so : 1 '9fllillllr ... ........,. 1:30pa.-. SZ.00 • $Z.IO 1 • e-;.,., • I ~9Wollfhn..rMrt~ll-IG & SUO I : frill11Y,Sl'tlfrdloy• Hol. E--t:3Cli!LM--!!Ji000 ....... !~ : I Sul'llllllY 1:00p.--. ._..., -· --------------~---·-------·-----~- i , .. • ·----·-·----------~---------------~---~---·-~----~ -~·--- SAG said it considered Comedy." which leaves. its au- forbiddi.ng Us actors to go dienre literall~ng for underground, but decided in-more ..... -- . stead to . "provide-contracr· --rtie-openllfg five mlnut~ or terms which. protect the ·acJor ''Black Comedy" are played in and still recognize and deal complete darkness -y.·hich with the economics involved .'' for its characters is normat -,l'Ll PRll"TECf YOU'~ Joaii \Vulfsohfi vows fide!: ity to Joel Jennings in ,lhis scene from "Black Com- edy" at the Laguna Plci)'house . A SAG spokesman said pro-light. Then: zap, the ~1ver ressional actors have been ap-goes oH and the sta~e hghls pearing in experimental films go on,_ and l~e show 1s played ror years -often without pay ostensibly in darkness. an "Later they come to us and u?usually effective idea bu~ a complain because they didn't n1ghti:n~re for the lighting get paid ... we had to do techn1cra~ y.·ho ble1y a , few something to organize the fu ses o~ his own open1~g ri.g.ht. situation." Groping _around 1n t n c _ NIWP'Otf l fA(N -_. 14M ·--fe leHI-lWe lole -01. 1-tJ)I EXCLUSIVE Mhl Southern Callfornl• Indoor Showlnt "The April Fools" blackout are a young engaged couple y.•ho have "borrow<'d'' bis neighbor's furniture to 1m· press her father, the aforesaid neighbor and father, an old name who picks lhe y.·rong time to carry her torch and a maiden lady from down the hall who, predictably, gets smashed during the whole mixup. Through much of the show, the dialogue is incidental lo the frantic goings on onstage, for sight gags (or sightless gags) carry the day here. And Joel Jennings as the harried suitor is the pr incipal perpetrator. WQtking himsel£ into a frenzy (his shirt \s soak- ed through long before the curtain ) with a series of desperate attem~ to get t id of the hot fumilure and the unwanted girl. It is an ex- ceptional performance in a most demanding role. Joan Wulfsohn comes off arl· n1irably as lhe confu .<;e d fiancce, ~·hile Les Ingledue presents a hilarious picture of her military-minded father. The sh ow stopper, ho\Yever. is Charles Colgan as the daisy from across th.e hall ~·bo gels downright bitchy with jealousy and outrage -as, also, does Jacqueline Fleming in a shvrt but decidedly sweet assign- ment. Tochn~ i!ICD• AC1-.~tnf~~11t11ioft.. A N11ional Gctin-JJ Pkh!l'ft ~a., PLUS SECOND FEATURE TRANSPAC UJ6ULI6UTS WHll: .. r-1 •141-t t\J CHllR-l S.1'11 ... 1, IMI $1111111}' 1 .. m 2:• '·"'· Aclmltill!I: EVft. 1...i $"""''' Ad"'ttl 12.st Chlld....i 1M: Direct Rad io Reports .from the Fleet 3 ind 7 p.m. 0 1ily KOCM Radio S.honley M•ll-1 . .uwni n.• C~Htlrt11 nc 103.1 I CN ST~C31: UJ.~.1 PATii PA6E THE DOODLETOWN PIPERS musical director ... John scon Truner July 14 -18. Shows at Band 10 PM I •·0r P011Rlti I THE PEPPERMINT RAINBOW July 14 -18. Shows at 9and 11 PM I COUNTin' MUSIC JUBTILE I BUCK OWENS The~ •.Susan RBYB Guest MC ... Charlie Wiiiiams, KFOX Sunday. J uly 13 . Shows at 5, 7 an d 9 PM FANTASY IN THE SKY Starring Tinker Bell and a brilliant fireworks display every nite at 9 PM. FM • • • • • • • • • •• • • •· • • • • • • • :1 Disnc"land • ········••t . - •• l I ---~· ....... The backsliding spinsler ls well done by Sally Brown, wh.ile Pat Birk ett and Ste1·en Scott come in for some late-in- ning licks. But the principal credits must be directorial, and Ian Brown has fashioned a most workable comedy. one which functions uhiquitnus!y from one end of the Sli!Ge to the other. ''\Yhite Liars·· l s a somewhat differl'nt kellle of fish, a surrealist1c bit of business in 'vhich t hr e e persons are unmasked. tilc:11 unmasked ..again as all are caught up in their O\\'I fa lsehoods. Miss Wulfsohn is superb In this one as a fortune teller down on her luck whose at· tempts to help a young 1nan win back hi~ girl go awry in a most unusual direction. Her tolat immersion in her chara cter is evident in the slightest inflection. • J ohn l!aggartl successfully portrays a .,.,·i~hy "'ashy lad with clouded n1otivatlon. As the stronger of the two, Den· nis Lambert delivers a moving account of an admitted liar ""hose guise is actually !he least self destruclirc of the th ree. It is, however, a bil C'<· tended and loses its impact some two-thirds of the w~y home when the audience begins to distrust the authnr as \vell as the characters. Trimmed and polished, 1t would make a fine balance wheel for "Black Comedy." The two shows continue for two more weekends at the Laguna Playhouse. 319 Ocean Ave ., Laguna Beach, as the first of two summer pro- ductions "'hich will ring the curtain do1vn on the old theater. + HEY KIDS! • lig Pal Show Today I :00 Tonltht et 6:00 & t :JO JACQUES DEMYS ModdShop iij -CCIWMlllACOl..Oft ii AND AT 1:15 ONLY RU.a M•Yalt'a '* VIXEN. ,.Penen1 1'-•nd Dvar °""' All s .. r. sz.oo . .I A•• IAtiden - Slwuld Relatives ,Adqpt . Problem?. .., . ' DEAR ANN LAN\>l;:RS: J am 18 81Jd preg-.nt. Jorey 11!'4 J '1all\.•~. about,(elting married 1"}10ll we were JolriJ .to(ejlitr, bllfw eq I told hiro Lw J!i a 1iil°bl!' aaj~ he '\l'asn't going o let a dumbbell liie me rui n his oha•ces tor college. 1 !ticked him otit of the house and ·d~cl\led Uiat ~t to give up m:;; ba~y for adpotlon. / 1 . · c ' Yesterday Jordy's mo •:.J camo ld • met It war t~j ~ · ,, first _,I )u11i ever met lier' DEAR ANN LANllERll' lily She offered to pay myllosj>ltal wile ls~ world's l°'elt poid and dOc:tor bU~ plu!i $400 if J employe. For 30 y,... s)le bU would'' give the0 6aby to her been a. cook. a maid, • laQn.. cousin and her hulband. The d re 11, cbaUeur, .a:~. • couple ~ .beeft married 10 bookkee~r, n ta I e and years and they have n o chil· P1Ychiatrist. She made her dren. They, are -lovely people ow,n clothes and cut ber own she 1aid, and would be so hap-blir. She also put. up with a py tr they bad a child to raise. mJaerable motber-m-law. , I am sick with indecision. 2bis great woman managed t i1y mother says ll's up to me: to mae five w 0 n d e r f u 1 Help me decide ~hltdren and she has kepl me -NEEO.GUIDA{'<ICE' sane, well and happy. DEAR· NEED: If Yoa 1ell' Don 't you think she deservis yolU' bal:(y to \Ills boy's lalhUY . a medal? I hope you will print it wlU be the· second biai'a' this letter because her birth· mistake of )'ou.r life. Do ynu day ls lomorrow and I want realbe 'bat II would be like to her to know what she m~ans wakdl ·i' O 11 r ch'Ua arow up io me. HoW about it. Aiin1 under your nose? Tel.I Jordy's -..:.M~RJED TO AN ANGEL moiitei no and continue with DEAR MARRIED: Hel'J t It -.. ~r: UP'I T...,_ Hard Bitting .Movie George C. Scott, playing Gen. George S. Patton in · a movie biography, slaps a shellsbocked soldier (Tim Consi dine) and sends hls helmet Oy~g in a recreation of a now.famous incident which occurred in 1943 and aroused public opinion against Patton. More -SCR Musicals ~Saturd1y, Jufy 12. 1%9 bother 'i.. Manche'? • B1 JAQt GAVEii 1be ctOtury tea(utq yam. Brllllh hit .. v.ra1 yun 110 Tb• final Goodspeed pr.. ll1d represenlod the Ont ...,. NEW YORK (UPI) -Four duclion wUI be "Lock Up Your ce11 for Lionel Birt, fyriclst, aummen 110 Utt GoodsPMd Daugbten," Aug. tt-30. 1'111 who went· on to fame u the ""Opera Houae in Eat Haddam, musica1 version of Henry crutor of the mu 1 l ca I Conn., was the iQCUbator for Fieldlng'a bawdy classic wu a "Oliverln 1n unhe!~ded mUlicll belllf:~---='----'--------------­\rled out for po1·1ible'1r------------'-----~--- Broodway_ ·-dlon. HELD OVER! 2ND WEEK ~ That illO~ turned out to be one of the ·\beater's biggest arlllUc • and flnanc1a1 SI.IC· cessu, '"Man of ·JA Mandla," 0.... Shows Nightly 11 s\111 -•·· ~ In ita lhlrd ,,.r-At ..... ,........ ... B=l·~peed_ "baby," , .... ...... ~ 7:0Q ,I. 9:~ ooe . thal wu.-.! a year lll7ll •. ..:...,. .• "' ., · ;.;.;.,_ ago, Is toorl!ll tho aummer --·------.,...JQlllU~YOl·ulenl'.J&lll...-• theate'5 DOW prep1ratory lo I _......,, l.Jtkt' ..;,. tlie DJ·JCll did Win!"°.·) :-QIE Bro1dway engagemaif m the ,._, LA fall.. , This ooe Is "On Time," a e-' , \ mmk:al and dramatic ex· ~lllnlllU ' amina.Uon of the aenerattoa -' g1p over the past 2,000 yeart. " ., ' · 1 The show wQ conceived by r • , ador..d,irector Howard D a ~orttl &ou.tllo,.,.·.- Silva, who is now playing Ben- jamin Franklin in Broadway's ,. "1776." AUted Drake, who shares IWINICDlOR' A PAJIAllOUNTPIClUltE Ill Plus "SKY OVER HOLLAND" Color star billing with Lana Cap-1'::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:;=:;~=:;;.::=:::;'ll trell, described the show a9!; havipg been "translated, col· }&~;-adapted and added to by Fl!lil Leon, Howard ,oa, Silv<1 and Alfred Drake ," with some or the "15 t'Ollaborators" being the Bible, Chekhov, Freud, your plans for.adoption. is -plus my blrtbda)' wiibes to your angel. D~AR ANN LANDERS, I .m writing In the ho~ !hat •'f WMl 1w1i11 "°" on , ... ollw 1~ °' r~ 1111! m1rrl1 .. ,,,111 How (.In "°" ~ Planned for Future I .. , ... soon e"""'"'h we can ""' vow m1rr1191 .,,, wowk? ltt1<1 South Coast Repertory's .,..... • ~· AM l.•~1~111 "Marr I~ -11111 I JOhn Y. Lindsay, Rlcllani M. Nison, Playboy maguine, Shakespeare, Shaw, Mark but it will not be the last , ac· cocding to David Emmes, SCR's executive director. NOW SHOWING avoid an office batUe that rag· l'.'.!i':.-o:c'h: '81'e r:r {11~~ ... ':~';:; current offering, •'The ed for nineh weeks lut sum-:::...'°:lll ::=.,;,~01;.,.:~~-lol!1. Threepenny Opera," Is the mer. We ave a huge air-coll· ......, l.l/ldien w111 toe 11eo 10 Ml•.,.,... com~•y's f"sl venlure 10· to '••'•• '( · ff wllll l'OUI' prgt,M'"'· $end t,..,,, 1o hit' r-• u dlti"""t>& uru m our o ice. It '" c.r1 ot TM 0A1L v PILOT, 1nc1os-the world of musical theater, must,. be adjusted manually. -'"'-' _• -'-w"'-='"-=·:;_'::;":;_";:""'::..;m:;_~;:""=·---------- 1i1i$1 Betterthanyou always is just about to fa!Dt from the Jl~1Ji~ insj$!,, on ll.ll'lling on the unit as high as it will go. Yesterday she 11ei the controls to please herself, taped over th e knobs wtlh adhesive al'ld ~·-~which read '·LEAV-E -AS Is,·• l nearly Iro1.e. lo death. · Must ttte entire office for~ suffer with colds and sore throats all summer because of one nutty cha n ge-of·I if e broad? What should be done? -FREEEEE - -EEEEZING FRANCES QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi Plans for the 1969-70 seuon will include at Jcasi one mus1cal comedy, with a st rong possibility of more to come. "We have learned a number cf lhlngs from "Threepenny Opera," F!mmes said. "First we find we have singers to handle the music, and second, we find we enjoy this kind o( production." The initiiI performances have--also proven the box of· fice potential of musical theater. "We hoped people would want to see "Threepenny Opera,'' but we have been overwhelmed by response to this production." says James de Priest, the show's directOr. Twain and cartoonlst Felffer. Charles Burr ..,... the music ll1d lyrics. Tbe pm- ductloa Is • joint """'"' by Letter Osterman Produd1ool (Osterman hts Broadway'• "Hadrian Vll" hit) and the National Lyric Arts 'lllealer FOund&UOn, lfic., o!wblc!J Drake is artisUc director. The "On Time" tour began June· 23 at the Oakdale Mus.ical Theater in Wall- iog!ord, Codn .• lnd.subseq~ weeks will be spent in the summer stock tents at .Had· don field, N .J ., Devon, Pa .. Nqrth Tonawanda, N . Y . , Cleycland, West Springfield, Maas., Owings Mill. Md., Gaitersb·urg, Md ., and Weatbury, Long lalll1d. Meanwhile, back · at the historic and p I ct u res q u e Goompe<d Opera House, the program this summer began this wee.I. with a revival . ot CONTINUOUS FROM .12:30 P.f,t. BOX OFFtCE OPENS AT NOON 2nd Family Feature "GIT" .. DAILY PILOT J l EDWARDS . C,tNIM• lz'!!!~I!! THIATllE ·-··-•tloM • TNIA,._ •~, .. ,. ····· .. , N EWPORT (-~·-· o;.i...;, J. •Jr·• I , (ip-~·.-..1 tNlrOUT1TAMDING P'UC lTIV• 11.t,YI McQUllN e bUMAWAV • "THI THOMAI ClOWN AFFAIR" ~.,.,..cmr.i..a...,,........,i1u ·--·-------. w n1M1111 wm D!AR FREEZE: The bols 1bould caU in an air-con· dltia:llag e~ to settle the arpmeaL The exper1 1boald regulate lhe unit and Inform one ud all that It ls set for the teasoo. M I a I Bet· terthu you should have tbe desk nearest tbe air con- ditioner a 1 d you altoutd be a the far t;nd of th' room-with a sweater tiandy. "When we started o n ''Threepenny Opera'' we felt we had a allow that made an artistic statement. ~ well as entertained ," says dePriest "Wlien-we produce -future music.a]j, we want to pick only those that suit our particu1ar compaay'.: atrengthl a a d futrire ~"' :_ ..._ •"Ibe 11-· Friend " wfilch NDS ..,,, ' through July 12. It wilfbe followea, July 1.4- Aug. 2, by t heW' mualca1 eo- Utled ''Tom Piper," a tur'JH)f. ~~11r1mmar11;J1 ~· . .. .OOLUNlllA f'JCrV'll•• PJI ....... Let TV WEEK Turn You On 7-r;z. . Scats are stfll available for most performan ces of ''Th reepeony Opera." Perfonnances ·are Thursday through Sunday for several more weeks, and no closing date has been announced. ~~Ckasr.::~~·-.·,,:.,;;~-~ . .--. 1'Boy, rn bet that plays heck with your hairdo." Crossword Puzzle ACAOSS 45 1t t fll lSI •~ Slufr with J Cornmanri'ntnts 1 sort S Pltastd subst11ncr loo k 47 Clrar sp1ct 9 Hlghw1 y of !and 14 S~~~ as -•• ., 49 ~n:~~~t:~ln9 l words 51 Calltd 1 S Physic;il ly 54 H.-d to accept dl s1 bl td 58 Ovr1 ly lh Thtater ait1 drtSs td 1111n 17 --· btnr: hO Wright of Takr nol ic t wrapping, JS laying on rte, of I burdtn lol Whrnrvrr 20 --· Sco!l: lou wish: Princ ipal in w«ds nottd law klil lo) OK! 21 Prtfhr ustd t.4 Rrglon of with ohrs lts Eu1opt Md clltmlslry loS Makr s cold 22 Causrs ol fih Compltttly dtllght consumed 23 Olvrst of b1 Truant prlv!lrgts offJcrr's 25 Crnter of tht Ritir dlstlict 27 Boy In lilt Blblt 29 ld1Uclou ' child JO No tor lr!y co ncern t.8 Sur e thlng: Sling h9 Hlghw1yrnrn DOWN 7 Skyscraper, r .g.: 2 won!s 8 Prtlix us ed with Latin and Gothlt 'Kin d of monumtnl 10 Ctrtmony 11 East of th e Ura ls 12 Kin d of apertur t 13 Birds 19 Mannrr of walking 2~ Supporting 34 Th tlltr sign )b Frminlnt l C ~l thr s: membt rs namr Ja Rrducr in srvrr ity 39 One of !ht alumni· 2 wo1ds 42 Drug 43 Back In 1i11't: Comb . !01m ~4 Cl uslr1 of plants lnfo1 mal 2h lntrlllgrnt 2 Drvr lop 28 Kind ol incom plr tt ly mix ed drink 3 Kind of J() Common plin\lng illn t ss: ~L A 's Informal Colis tum and 31 Whttr Mobil t Mont rea l's is: 4 words Auto s11d l j CO!Apanion 5 Loquacious J lookr d at " Fiber ustd 34 Contagious in le-tilts skin dlse1st .. 7112/h9 35 Actor's part 37 Showed lll m aga in 38 Make &trlci!VI! ~o Tablr pa1t ~l Tht .6.ltar 4& Dictionary rntry 48 Co nsumes wholly: Z words 49 British r nl rr- ta i11111~! fjfl'!I: Informal I 50 Promising ptrson I 52-\llrnt wrong S3 AchltvtmMlS 54 Coty in SW England SS Ca tilorru 1 county Slo NPOphyl e 51 S•ized 59 Ho use 111, for ont lo2 KJnd of • i muscul ar ., conlf1ct ion .t, ... AT MUSICAL COMIPY "A Highly Impressive Production" ... D.P. 'iHf THIEi PENNY OPIU" ·- ~~,~~~ ~ ,.,.,..,. ft! Mir 67..ut Phone 67)-6261 ALL FAMILY PROG-U.M -Show Tl111- "IF 1rs TUESDAY" et 6111 •11d l O:JO "HAWAII" 9' 1:00 MQtln" S111dcry .t :Z:OO I)' lllltTOLT ••EtHT l'•r Jlitllf'\<llilll1 '*'-UU Ill 1me11 (DlllWl'Ol l'llSfm · JUUE ANDREWS MAXVON SYDOW RICHARD HARRIS • t116E!l6l 1171' 11.1-.ra tllSOI ~~.;;HAWAII" ~ PW'l'D'IXUl~lllla ~' Family s:. I See By Today's Want Ads : e IHAT t e IT'S e DIME eA e LINE e DAYI ·----~- . ...,. saluting Callfnmla's Blceritennlal i Va1110no! A111igo1 I jul]?1~20 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR &:EXP081TION N(W,ORT BLVD. &. FA1R Oft COST-' MtsA FREE STAGE SHOWS ••• Fr i., July 18 . BALLET FOLKLP,RICO MEXICAN FIESTA ..... , Sat., July 19 DON EWS andJ,i• N.EI'/ BAND I .... Sun., July 20 LOU RAWLS in Concert __ ............. .. lJltrall·MT.l IUll. • Spec11c11!1t Floww ~ll:Pw • •Glint Ntw fhc:rn llllft ·Veltkl• • &Ml Show e •JuttlOI' ,,;, & s..,..i1 Aftlm•I rarm • • 1.000'1 of [AblblU. • •l119c1 & k~ r .. turtl • • Jpteltl Ctl!ldrtn"• lllollo•. ' · • Hellco,U, "ldu• , 1 •C.nttnl MMwt7• II.ft Clw14is ,.._ .... 1rt. • '1 ._.,,, &It.• I ;. .... & 7 '·"'· . ..11. • I ,.,,.. & 1 ''"'' 'MISS ORANGE COUNTY FAIR BEAUTY PAGEANT TUE., JULY 15 Seml·Flnals- 2:.lOpjj\., Finals - 8 p.m • t --------~ FA.MILT PUN ANt ADYINTUll --"My Sld9 .r the Mountain" • .... •rfffhl -Jerry'~-Dyl• "An Ang•I In My Pocket" Jap1naie MOvleo Evwy Tuetd•y N .... f . r l ........ NOTICl TO oua" PATllONI 1-, I • T,,. pktwnll) Ill ... Ill IMI "" rNOy " centNtrM ~ -1 · • 19 M "'"'"'"' fer c .. IClrel! .,.. ,.-. ,..,1e-.111111 ~ t .,.,.,.111 tlKre1i.11. · : "THE SER~U.Nr' ' • . ,.. twitr•ry • .,_,,,...., .,..,.... ..,, Cll'ltnl .., ......... ilwWlltrw· ,_... "''" .,..,. 11'1""" 111 wUI ""' .. ...,.. ' .. Ptdfk T"""-Mo ... ffle !lkhfrwh) llt ... Ill 1111• • ... ... tc'°m,.111111 ..,. ,.r1111 ..,. "•" ,.,.11111111, • . . . .... GllAT FAMILY' PUN huJe ... -W4y ........ .It W-'t D._,.a --- ''The Love Bug" POw A11dy lirlffith -Jetry, Y~• "An Angel In My Pocket" ............. ~ ............ . H!LD fOl THIRD llG Wiii .lflCll: L.111111011 -p~ "The April Feld•" j • S....Me ..... -~lhlta•; "Th• ThonM• Gr.wn Affair" l.ceM ........ fer A41•ftt ·········~···~ .. ······~···· IXCLIKIYI 1N••••11m "'' \'/,jy iq ~ ::. •••••••••••••• • . .. ~·· 9T.!----Mackenn•'• Goldu ' ___ .._w_ "Ttt. Southern Star" ""' __ .. ._ .. S.ittlll .. tf DI,__ hi! IHffl-...... Q'•I• "Th• LOY• GodH l lc1HN'41 wt.....t -t... HcrH "DHth Of A Gunflghtir"' .............. __.., ...........•. VJ i'•fl 't! P < .. -::.:...r:f " ... ...... ,.,.., llle- •Stcret c-ny" \ I. ---' 1'The s.,....nt'' - ..... ~-!. CAJU. l"OllmlAfft ff ........ .· IDLD•-..:i::: ( I lllM-.l li•. ,5 ,_,, 21d TOP FU.TU• lltOllMiy's. lnl'tm .....,._ \ 1•1 JANI • ~ \ . .. • . . . .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • -.J"'l~~..::U::c..'lc..P!"-\.0'--T--_-_, ,:--~-'-'--' J-ul)''--1:,_,__l_M__.- • \. . .. • • I I < i J • • l , . • I l ! j' . . -~ , ' ~ ~ \ I I 1 • ' ' i • • l • : ' i I . ! • ! • • i •• - A, dij.p SE HABtA ESPANOL . - J '&l DODGE PICK-UP f795 ' "_ ... __ lllAllD • IEW 'It.CHRYSLER . r lEWPORl' _ 2·DR. HARDTO~ $ • -· .. ._$ ··INCLUDES: ,. . ~ . • .: All MOORS l>F THE . GREAf16l .• ,.. ,., · PlY[.\ouni ru4r ~·; cluded·i.;~iMJlpe~le. ~ lo . c~coie fr:om '• wiffi varied equipment optioni .and; as ·;ii. ways, at the years IO"NtSt prices. First come, first chciice, so hurry I YI ElllllllE, AuTOIATIO TRUSllSSIOll, RADIO, HEA~R, POWER STEERll&, -TiiiTED russ-;-ixTERIOR DECOR PACKAGE SAVE V-8 eng_i9e, •Ulom•lic lr•nsmission, , .. dio, power stttring, power br•kes, vinyl top, dttp dish wheel coven, tinted gloss ind ... f1ctory 1ir conditioning· Seri1I No. CE23G9C143143. . . . . . ' • .-.. -~. 1" -:· I . . Serial No. RE 21F90 288781 BRAND NEW I 69 VALIANT 2 DOOR Vl21~9E149922 '68 PONTIAC ''· CATALINA 3 SEAT WGN lllt9 .. frtnt "' • '68 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUH-I' ••.• W·S.W I"•'• H. fic11:1,.., 11r • • • • 1'1). • ..-.~ .• $3295 • •~11 , • •l\Y WAGoN ·~~r ·1·, •• ,c,~t. •v'°""•tlc AIGIC; IJ:110·•I, _..,. brik~~Jo0.;..,! /lqff~ • ' ..• ,,t i;. ICi: $3495 = '68 PL Yt.(OUTH = ,~ ROAOIU""rR --:i:::;s . ,,..._ . .., Yl"l'I-'-I 0 ...... .;:110 & llit•!fr • . IJll). -"' •Ir C<lfld.; = ,2795 . $2995 ' CHR ,'VSLEll PL'V/tf OVTH lltlPEBIAL · I ' . All ~ iJIW II~ '"' llCMM ~ wllf wntll 1'1:• 1"".Nl1 SOINf Jlllf ti. M . . ' • ·~· ..... ~ ... -Joh.· { -- - ' • . \_ . ·. , ..... , --:;! • -::- LT ·o·; ·2-dr-.--- -~r~toi • - • • ' ..,, .IF" ·-' · LTD 2-door hardtop. Indian Fire Red, 429 VS, Brougham .interior, bl1ck vinyl roof, automatic tra'nsmission, white sidewall tires, pOwer winGowa, power steering, power disc brakes, 6-way power teats, tilt whffl. air con- 1pitioning, AM/FM stereo fadlo__. tinftcf, gl111, front head rettraints~ and de- luxe wh9el covers. Serlal firU. 9J42N10950l., . . .. ' , .. --· • t DAILY PILOT . . ~ -. . ' 1. •,I, ,. ~ ~ . ~ .. .. . .. '~~PET -~ BRANl>:~EW I 969· . ' l • • ' ' r . RANGER c CAM~!R . .\SP.fCtAL !" ._ . . iN STbCK. ,;, READY;~R 'lMMEDJAtiE '.DEUVERY! ·An J.h• "Hard·To,-Gitt~; fofodelilJ!~!i~lft9:"i¢.r -.·~-· '·. _4 Wheel Drive a119er • Custom Ceili· •.sta_. ~ali · • • rancas. • ChCiteau Wa90ns, And. l'leitty Qf. Cciiii~r $~1cjls: := ' ' • • • • ·" _, • • ! • ' - , ........................ 9 ........................................... . . ~ ~~--~ : CAMP.IRS -.,. !. ' . ......to .. elar9nt. ,. : , . · . _ , • . • Komp K1tMJ ·~pen -w1tll the Mttlrne ·.-...ty .. • "TomorrDw'1 Camper · · · ·r..,.• 111"'"""' -~: .. ·111e1r...._. . ..... ._ · ' i e Chm Tope-,...-'AQ'lffel -cab to 6'·6". : I : : 'COMP~Rf OUR ·.P-ACKAGE' PRICE!.. i· 19 6 9 M US J.: " A;.N· __ 0. --; w• Nahir• ~·~irst, ar the LQwEsT PRICE!. 1. -------••!••······· ... ········•"'"~" .... "'''''""'''''-''"'·· .. ~-d~or hard+~;· . -~ ,._, 1969 TH.UNDERBIRD -1-3192 h"~ --•.• J~\'4oai~ ., 2-door l1nd1u, Mornin9 Gold With bl1ck vinyl roof ~ 2-c1oor· h•rdtpp, white_~inyl~ end .black bucket 1Nt1.•nd contole, 429 VI, power roof, autom1tlt tranamlil..Wt ~ . iteerb.,,1dl1c br•kn, retractable f:teedli9hts; power air condit&onlng, power Sfffr• windows,. 6-wey~powtir INh, tilt wheel, power 1n- ing, power dJsc br1ke1, r1dio .·.feruta.. "ffA/FM11tit"to .. rldio, ttn~~,i.u, front and h•ater, front head· re-~d~ cornering ll'ghts . •,n~ ,deluxe , WhMI covers. •fr•int. Seriel No:9ROIFlll510 • -S.rlel Nol tJMl!lfOJ567.-7" , • . ' · 1 .. A 'DB,O.ton ~·peal~ ~-·. Yol!r: -~aarantee of· t~~. Best:$$·iBqy~~-y·w11~,~ AMIGOS Y VECINOS Los lnvitos a que Vcn~an R DUNTON FORD, para l[Ul' hagen la mejor compra de su vlda. Tenemos preciosos bajos y execelcnte 11crvlcio despues ~las .;Vl!'nlas. Esta- CHOOSE FROM . OVER 400 '' CA-RS & TRUCKS! mos Rqui para servir.lOfl.. •• '-·-su SERVlOOR~JAcK HORN PICK OUT THE ONE YOU WANT ••• GET A DUNTON DEAL AND DRIVE . IT HOME! ' :· . '66 FORD I Cu1tom 500 "4-door, V-8, auto. tran1., ' ,f•ctory air, power steering, radio, heat. er. l ie. No. SI P 8"43 .. '66 COLONY PARK 9 P1ssen9er st.tion W19on. l ugg•ge MAVl•ICK TRAD-E INS ,.ok, foll powe• indud;n9 l1<t°'y .;,, _ ~ , • radio, he•ter. l ie. No. STS 703 51·995 ''67 TOYOTA ' CROWN .4 Door Sed•n• Air conditionin9, automatic tr1ns- '66 T.;BIRD Full power end ·~;1 ~~ 0111.ng. l ie, -~ , No. SAA 603. - - ' -. -· - m;u;on, 'if6RA9 5 '65 FAIRLANE 500 '67 FALCON '67 CORTINA ' ' I ' - ' t · · ---·'67 VOL.YO ~-• SPORT COUPE v.a, autom•tic tr1nsmission , p 0 w. r tteering, r•dio, heater, bucket se•ts. RFL 135 . '68 COUGAR XR7 . H1rdtop, V-8, autom•f!c, f•cfory .ir, ,power. 1t11rin9, •1dio , he•ter. ~GF 261 ' ' '2895 .. -- Futura Coupe, 6 cylinder, •ufomatic, radio, he•ter. TIP .496 '65 T·llRD 2-door h-1 rdtop, V-8, autom1ti c fr•ns- mi1sion, f•ctcyy ajr conditionin9, pow1r . 1te1ring, power 'wind'ow11 power s1at1, r1dio, heifer, w/w•ll1.1lic. No, ERT•00.4 Y> '63· VOLKSWAGEN i SUNROOF '4-speed, r•dio, heater, whifew•lls. l ie, GJJ 981 ,I 2-door delulf•, 1utom•tic tr1n1mi11itS~\.: f"}dio, heeter, whitew1ils, blicket se1'ts~-i1 low, low miles. l ie. No . XEY 6.40 ·. s11 ' "4-d9or, autom1 tic fr•nsmission, radio,· . ,. ,, /'., • ., wh itew•lls. l ie. No. TZR ·486. '66 MUSTANG • ,. , "'~ OLDSMOB.LE H1rdtop· V,I, ,•utomatic, rt1flio,j hMter..,. Vi1t• Crui•er 9 .... p•ss1n9er rt.+ion I " • nd't' . ' l" ' ~w .. 9611. v .. 1 auto. \t~•n1.1 radio • h.,1. powtr s 1ar1n9, ·••r co 1 1onuu1. · 1c .. • , p S "8 I ' ' N RPf 061 ' · .er, · ., r .• , 1ct~1ir concfittOnini, . ':1·•95 :~ '!lifj . ' ' • • • j • • I t I I • l ' ) • )- . • • • • • .. . ' . ' HOUSIS l'OR SALE HOUSIS FOii SALE flOUSES POR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUSE~ FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HO\ISES l'OR ~LE 1:=~~=-::=::-'=7~-=:::::-11~:,;:::;:.;:;=.::::.::::._:::::~~~~1.~~~~~~~:::::::~ Geno,.I -• l ~~ty~±'.;', _ c~ ~I 10C!_G ~r~I lODIGonorol 1000 G~tol lODl~ol )000 r;.;r:1 1000 o-rol 1• ·1 MATI tl BORbE " ReeltOr 3 ~!!fl nm!~ ~.~~"IERS .. GOLF COURSE DUP ~EX cLts*~~:~"6oLs c~~E~:!~;~,? tro~~.~~ .~!~ ' i 1, Ill Re<!uce your Dou!tng upenMS aod "1ttJI live well! Each two 'bedrot:>m bome hu modem built-in kitchens, forced-air heat,. nice car· pets and drapes, HARDWOOD FLOORS and FIREPLACE. Watch tbe (!l!fers go by. Stp- arate a:arages and wor~l Your ftllUre investment at-todays pricel ....... , . $29,500, OWNER WILL HELP FINANCE . 21llJiJ Sq. Ft .• Pool -~ kitchen • dotle-ts 1alott - miNmllm yard upkeep • quiet rtreet iJl Wutclitl' are& • Gn:.t Wrrll.Y Hotne • room.~ Bedroe1111, COllYOi11ble den, family room and fo1'11111 dining room.- All this plus a gorgeous pool in a pro- tected courtyai-d.-For the family that deseJ'Vea the best.-$77,500 $$1,500. ---·---HAltlOR HIGHLANDS How about a 16x26 Family room 4 Bed- rooma, 2 Fireplaces, a huge kitchen and many, many family features -in top Harbor area.-just $52,500 ! FHA·YA TERMS I SIX YEAR NEW. completely redecorated. FOUR BEDROOM, family room, l 'l< bath COLLEGE PARK 41v. " LO I home witb !ireplace. forced air heat and • ~0 · AN ' built-in kitchen. Completely carpeted and 2600 Sq. l"t. "f.1ov<'·in.'l'r'' • Jlere's 3 Large Bedfooms & Den home f draped. Large over-sized double garage with no<A·er r~sh • 1a11:e comer in a quiet cul de sac locaUon.-New Car- FIN·E·R HOtttES •. , .,. .~ ' ' IAY~ONT An ezcept!Oiiilly beiUUfiilnome, which bas been lavishly decorated. 3 Bedrooms & fam- ily room, &Jldj.og glass walls open to a lovely terrace. A -home designed to .serve all func· tiona of entertalnlnf-Pier & float .. $139,SOO . Call for..app;t._ ' -- : • UNDA ISl,E IA YFRONT Most desirable view of 'marina &: boating ac- tlvillu. Protected from wind. New, beauti· fully decorated 4 bedroOm & famuy room home. Finest wallpaper• & carpeting, inclu- ding kltchen & breakfast room. Self-cleaning : v _e ~ s:. 13uu~~in-_vacu_UJll· Outside . l\g~'.~: -. NEED A BIG ROME? SEE: 2700 WAVECltEST, CdM OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 • 5 4 Large hdrms., flus family room w/, wet bar. Loads o cupboards & cloeet space. Transf~ed owner says, "seltr' Vacant. immed. occupaocy ..... $65,500. Corona del Mar 673-3770 2828 E. Coast Hlway ·1 washing facilities. 15'x20' patio, fenced yard lot -•Pl~ !.>r boat or trailer pets and spotless throughout1-$27 ,950 -sprinklers. Only min· u•·s from ma)·or shon. • bl& all)' roomi • formal • • 1'.1. .... -.... I 1000 : ~ r dlnlnc"""" -ttolly "m.... WESTCLIFF "''ACANT UDO ISLE ~,,,....J;Ge;"';r•;1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1~000~-~~~··~~=::==~L_J ·•f · PinJ._irnd schools_. A BARGAIN AT. ONLY _ In~ ... c.,_t tami\y •• • c..;all for app't. ·i, .... EA." "c" H"" "o" u" 'P"L"E"x"" ',L"o'mTS,11511. -·~~:;~SEE ~:c~:Too": ::'k'e~~ ~~:::~~~d ~ . ~~ri;;-~:-l~t~"!o~~ur/J'~1~~e!!~!~o.:: CORdH"A DIL '"M:\1l -·-~ Family an exceptional home-Ready 'ror private beach. 3 Large bedrooms, large liv· 2211 Wtltfrfront Dr. ! NEWPORT BEACH : Comer lot, i,o block GREAT FAM!!.X 119MES immediate poeseasion $39,5oo -!0% mg room, formal dining room. 2 Fireplaces. HOUSE SUNDAY 1 5 I, lrom Rlvo Alto Caoal, 11>0 b 1 o ct s from HAL PINCHlll dow n. Beautifully decorated !or executive taste. OPEN • , RICHARDS MARKET and sho~ing $25,000. MESA VERDE REPUBLIC HOME · · · · · · · ·· ......................... $115,000. 3 Bdrms. 2 baths, incl. lge. mstr. suite+ a ·• BALBOA ISLAND : Corner Ru & Park-And A•MCiates Call for app't. guest api. & bath, with a view. Carpeted, I' 60, R Luxury living can be yours in this 4 h · I · tr t · on uby. Ideal location · $42,soo. ;r"slfu_ '>z~~;: Bedroom with fonna! dining room CORONA DEL MAR CHARMER ~·rill,~~~~=~·.°,". ~ ~ .·~~g'. .exc -~"_v;M,~. FINANCING RELIEF · ' home. Beautiful carpets and drapes. Tbe Newly decorated 2 bedroom, 1 bath home yy- OWNER WJLL·CARRY lST TRUST DEED. Not Ono Cont Down large corner lot has <oom for pooL and with fireplace & separate guest accomoda-STEPHENSON REAL Cus b To Veterans there's a pass through garage for boat Uons. An exciUno home on a lot and a half. <All POI LUCY GATNOll tom ullt, carpeted aod dr~ped fPa<;ious For thia 1.,.. , ""'"'°m 2 or trailer. $45, 750.-J t bo • two bedroom borne in EAmlDI! 'COSTA bath r..,,,, CARPETS us a ve LittleCorona ............. $47,500. 306 MARINE AVE. 67~ MESA. Copper plumbing thruou~ ·stove, n!ROUGHOOl'l!<>m!plete. 546-2313 * 646·7171 __ WUTCL_I""' LOT _ 0.ntr•I --1000 General -reir1gerator,-clothes wash eT -and power 1Y remodeled nlncb sized • 673 8550--!.II mower included. Large corner Jo't with alley, kitchen with an ELECTRIC • • Located on one of the most desirable streets double garage, boat storage area, patio, fruit BUILT -INS AND 'DISH· WE NEEb SALESMEN I . in the area ........................... $27,500. 379 SANTA ISABEL OWNER!S LOSS trees and grape arbor. Vacant -immediate WASHER. \Yarm wood burn-· A ra.mily 1tyle sparkler. 4 Your gain. Mcxlern ranch possession. 0 n I y ~.950. CALL TO, DA.Y I I ing fiM!place ln spacious liv-1•ohft mac nab bedroom. 2% baths, den and type home, l spa.rklln& btd- ="'------ ing room ! Easy to I a k e formal dlnlna: room. rooms and 2 baths. OM.rm· FHA BARGAIN care -<1f ·yarct \l'ilh d~ble.. , ,.,.., ,00 block w•ll r.~· -REALTY COMPANY "OPEN SUN 1 • S '"' kll,heo •"" I•mily room - VACAN T • IMMEDIATE POSSESS ION. Ing. rabulously large EN-901 Dover Dr., Suit• 120 Drop by and see bow nke ~son:.~ J:e~:O e~~ Tttree bedroom freedom home on large lot. a...oSED PATIO !or great 642"1235 a home ctn be. home for so little. Priced OUt of town anxious owner. May sell to vet· summer living. o NL Y to sell at $25,900. Call Dan erans with no down payment -low down U:V9:'·sELL A HOME l========o=======:!= · Ltt, SfO.USl H•ritaie Real I on FHA. Full PRICES ONLY ........ $19,SOO. EVERY 31 MINUTES 1 ;°"';:;;"';;'a;;I :=;;;:;;;:=1000;;: IGono._.,rc.::•l:__ __ ..:;1000::: READ Tll nAILY PILOT .CWSlflED E"•'• '""" ••"l Must be sold th.is weekend! I• -" OIARGE IT! Walker & Lee Tropical.Paradite ' , SALESMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED ZONED FOR BUSINESS 6 Bodroom-FHA Loon r.=====~lllllll~Ge~~no~r~•l====l§OOO~=G~o~M~r~o~l ===~l~OOOG;g°""~r~a~I ===~ 1 BR oottag~ w/p.r $14,500 7790 Harbor BlVd. al Adanu: NEAR SHOPPING Rent like pa,yments. 3 ~~· 5'6-tm. 3 Bdrm t Y. ba, hOme $20, 750 Family room. Patio. ~ormll 646-0555 Open 'tU 9 PM Wells-McCirdle, Rltrs. dining room. Olchondra .turf 1810 :_t;rt ~e C.M. ~:7:; ~'=' nre. 220 (. s.,..,_,~ St. IL 17 .. St. Slooppl .. err.I COSTA MESA Open Sat /Sun l 'til Diisk 459 E. 19th Street '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""'"""""""~l TARBELL 2'55 H•rbor DAJLY PILOT WAHi' ADS White elephanl5l D1J11e..a-line Dial 642-5618 for RESULTS Dial 642-5671 for RE8ULTS 'you'll like our friendly service Jus1ap1euantw.i•1owost1 .G::•::n:;•r:::•::l ====1::000G:=a:=n::ar:::a::.1 -====1000~ ' cliU Sboppifl& Cent.er. PlebtJ 1- Evenin91 Call '46-4579 or S4f.l265 pa.rkinc for boat & trailer '=========1=======ol + •iwl> 3 Bit hou ... hanl-1 wood Ooon, 2 car garqe. General 1000Genor•I 1000 $24,500 Nowport Sales th rou9h the Multiple .Listing Service of the Newport Harbor- Cofta Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $31 ,605, 905 for the first 6 mo nths of 1969. This represents 896 unit sales. Li1t your property with a Realtor today. •• Victoria . : General 1000 Gener•I l --'-------..:.0= 1000 DellghUu1 3 Bdrm tm.- shaded home in Mesa Verde'. Clean as a pln! Many convenicncell and <'Xtras. Added storage in gar&gl' and massive double llttplact: in llv· Ing room and family room . .Asklna: $36,500. Op.n Sun from 1 PM 1S80 J\IAUI CIRCLE . Strictly custom -\l'alking ' distanct' lo J\lcsa \lerdr Country Oub. Outstanding I l:irgt' pool home -just I"C' ducM a drastic $5000 for quick sale. Qy,•l'IC'r ready to occupy out or area. Low in- , terest 'insurance company Joan may hr taken over. DON'T DELAY~ ~4&·saao ,_ cr.r. thllbl) OLLEGE RtAL'rY 1500 Mlflll 11: """"·CM. Open House 217 POPPY ly steps s1\·ay lrun1 Liltlf' Corona Bffch. A sp.•clal house for special proplr • 4 bedrooms, a f'lf'wly ttmodel- ed kitchen, largr family t1.nd • well prol~lffi pallo. Som<' view downstairs -G r e a 1 ~ viPw 11pstair11. -Comp to the +beach and Uve . • 673-3!.SO Meaa Verde Rltlty hal · i.old a home a day !90 far' In July. CaJI Us for , action. We !JM!Clallzc in Meaa Verde -whtre ~ UvJ"' ll 100<!. VACANT IM:\1EOIATE OC'CUPANCY l BR family room home. l.af'EC fenced back yard. As- sume present loe.n of approx. in. 750. Asking price S26.950. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 ?81 Nueau Rd, Collep Pk Open House Sat 1·5 7187 Irvine, NB Channing 3 Bdrm, 21;4 bl home with VIEW. Almost 1,t acre zont'd for HORSES. ~'1' . "'\•. , .. ,~ -.... l•.•!'·l \,f,'. ''" ' 546-5990 OPEN DAILY 241 SIERKS, CM VACANT 1-l~e master suite, 2 lrplcs, Immediate pos&e!!Sion, 3 one in kl1chcn. Beautifully large lxlnns 2 balhll, built· landscaped. ins. FA heat, dining arta + JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-32SS 400 L. 17th, Costa Mt!llll ~9,RONA DEL MAR TRIPLEX brick lil"l'placr in living room. Dbl earaae. t.arre fenced yard. 1 years new. Good flnancinf. 1860 Newport Blvd,, Ot Rllr. &tG-..'\928 Eve. 644·1655 Lachenmyer 3 "'"'' unlts °" ... clOUJ POOL BEAUTY! Jot. Low malnler.nce land· Ll.rse heated and m~mt scaplng. Ocun aide of high-poql, surrounded with laviab way, Jmtt itepg lo fine beac::h decking and landJCRplnc 4 and thopplng. Dwnfor will spaciou. bedl"OOllll 2 fift. ~ at ~.w 1\i% and placa, 2 blltha, 'tMlllt-ina. NO POINTS.. . wpetirc ""' -Thll WESELLAHOME !stheWpln,...bavobftn EVERY 31 MINUTES lcoipna tor! 'l'ra.nlferttid. Wl-1 k & L """'1 IU>' 132.ooa. er ee WE SELL A HOME ""' w .. 1eun Dr. EVERY 31 MINUTES '"'"u °"'" E .... Walker & Lee 5~'1. $141.00 Mo. p1y1 All• 2043 We1tcll!f Dr. 3 bedroom, 2 blllh. Pillo. 646.7711 Open Evtt.. .. ,.JMi..,, buui.1111, °"'' JUST USTEDI' $24,500. \Ylli G.l. Tip-top shape; 2 BR. ~ 2 llOUSES 6% GI ~ OOWNI 4 Bedroom • Spo~lth + l BR •pt. 2 ear p.r;e,p. Step1 to .oettn! $45,000. Pri- vate rtnanetrw pONtbie. IALIOA aAY PltOP. • -fq wltl( ~ ..... 41J• l•n>ily """' wlth'fltt-"t.ltlt "*'tll" wtil, 2 pleet,' all electr1c Jdtc•n. lflll". out ol ttate 2~~ ')'ears akl. MOYe riabt ~. MUST SELL -MAKE" flt $3000 Down SZ23 mo. 671-7421 2300 W. Balbo< BJ..r., N.B. . ~ '"-..,~--'" Y-A. IOGOS HARlh ...: llWG. S ~ DAIL'f PllDI' WAllT ADS Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: LUXURIOUS COUPLE'S HOME White water view of ocean. Large master bedroom with an abundance of c I o s e t space. Lovely patio, having excessive room for pool. .......................... $159,000 Mrs. Raulston OPEN HOUSE Tues. thru Fri . You are Invited to vltw this distinctive home. 4 Bdrm., lrg. billiard rm . Spacious terrace overlooking oceaJ) & jetty. 4615 PERHAM, CAMEO SHORES ..... $130,000. Mrs. Harvey WATERFRONT DUPLEX $79,500 Slip & pier: lovely, custom 2-story 3 bed- room, 2 bath (master BR. 555 Sq . ft., fire- place&: view). Lg. patio; also 1 BR. char~ ming apt. w/sundeck. Immediate possess· ion. Mary Lou Marlon OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION Sunday&: Tuesday a(temooua. 2591 -BAY· SHORE DRIVE -Lovely 3 Bdrm. 3 Ba. w/din. & garden rooms. Enjoy the Bay & boating year round ... , ........... $58,950. Mrs. Harvey THE BLUFFS Popular Trina Plan. Great view of back bay. J-16me in excellent condilion. Three bedrooms \vilh large dining area. lmmed- iate occupancy .................... $53.900 Mrs. Raulston WATERFRONT LEASE/OPTION Charming home with large side patio and covered bayside patio. Slip for large boat. ·Sandy beach. In exclusive area .... $53,000 Walter Haase IA YSHORES REMOD. GEM 3 BR. 2 Ba. chormer that looks 2 yrs. ol d. Comp. remod. by decorator. Tile patio. bit· in kit. w/break. nook. A steal at .. $42,000. Joe Clarkson AREA'S BEST BUY Walk to WestcllH shopping. Neat 3 bedroom large 20x20 !amity room. 2 Bath•. Fire- place, patio. Just redecorated, vacant. Owner transferred. Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. SSO NEWPORT CENTER DR., NIWPO~T BEACH Bll1llG Jt!lSIJLTSI __ l\)I . • ~1 R<_•'..:"'-..,.--""',,,_"'-'::;f_,.::. ___ ,.:..~ • ..l....: I • l Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ••P t'1t. IM11Q 6"1_,. ..... ,_ tW1 ......... • '" .. ••tM h ...... Al ... l..zt'MI AltM ~ .,. ~ .. ......, ..... .., co41•l'W11 ... ...... ;. ,.., .. DAILY PILOT WANT AH. ,..,._ ...... , .,... ..... .., .... ., ... ""' .. .... t. Jhf IKll ... ,_,_,1 .................. "'"'· (2 Bedroom) 314 34th Street, Newport Beach . 673·9060 (Sat 14, Sun 9·2) * •20 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 67?HIOOO (Sun 1·5) (2 Bedro.om & Famil y or Oen) 151 8 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1218 Cambridge Lane, Newport Beach 548·1768: 646-9280 (Sat & Sun) 242 Hazel Drive, Corona de! ~1ar 673·2222 (Dail y 1·5) 232 Tustin, Newport Beach 646·7171 (Sun 1·6) (l Bedroom) 408 Prospect (Newport Shores) NB 646-7414 (Dallv 1-5) 2211 Waterfront Drive, Corona del -Mar 6754000 (Sun 1·5) 430 Esther Street (Off Twtin) CM 642·3863 , 837·6417 !Sat & Sun) 522 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB 642·5200 (Sun 1·51 2591 Bayshore Drive, Newport Beach 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun & Tues Afl'n.) 1 JOO B,..kshire (Westclilf) NB 645·2000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 464 Sara Drive {Corona Highland~) CdM 646-3255 (Sun 1-5) 459 E. 19th (Eastside) CM 646·8811 (Sat & Sun 3 to dusk) 2032 ~1iramar {Balboa Point) NB 675·6000 (Sat & Sun 1-51 418 St. Andrews Rd. (Newport Heights) NB, 646-2414 (Sun 1-5) 18061 Mann, Jrvine 675·3331 !Sun 1·5) • 1628 Corsica Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5990 !Sun • all day) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2612 Redlands (Back Bay) CM 546-5460 Eves: 642-4951 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 26622 Cortina, Mluion Viejo 830.1583 (Fri, Sat & Sun 10.7) 26-09 Redlands Drive, Coota Met1 642-5570 · (Sat & Sun 11·5) 2372 Rutgers (College Park) CM 546-9993 (Sat & Sun 1-5) •1224 Nottingham Road (Westclifl) NB 642·5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646·3255 (Sat l ·5) 324 Snug Harbor (Newport Height.) NB 645-2000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 287 Na .. au Lane (College )'ark) CM 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2359 College Ill' (Collea• Park) CM 646-8811 (Sat' & Sun 3 -dusk) 1147 Gle neagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun 1·6) 3228 Iowa, Costa Meaa 642-177 1 (Sun 1-5) 28U:. Wll!$. S.treel. <&ola !ii@'. _ . _ &45.2~5 __ (Sun 1-5) 311 Nassau Road (College Park) CM 540·2496 (Sun 1-5:30) 2910 Paper Lane, Newport ·Beach 675-4392 (Sil 1-5) "31 49-Yellowstone;-Costa"'Mesa 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) 3000 Broad Street, Newport Beach ·646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·6) 2033 Palonia, __ CO$ta Mesa . 646-7171 (S un 1·5) 1528 Cor nwall, Newport Beach 646-7171 ISat 4 Sun 1·5) 1307 Marlon Lane (Westclil[) NB 646-0809/540·2858 !Sal & Sun 1·5) 2828 Droll~, Costa Me sa 546·2313 (Sat 1·5) 1831 Trl!lewinds Lane, Newport Beach 675-4392 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 318 Visto Baya, Newport Beach 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Guost Hou••) 615 Catalina, Laguna Beach 494·7691:494·7561 (Open Hous•) (4 Bedroom) 3218 Montana, C01St.a Mesa 545·3221 (Dally) 1148 Santiago {Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 (Sal & 8un) 46 15 Perhan1 (Cameo Shores) CdM 833-0700; 644-2430 !Tues thru Fri\ 4501 Hampden Road (Cameo Shores) CdM 642·8235 (Sal & Sun) (4 Bedroom & Fa mily or Don) 2940 Redwood Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 546·7545/546-4890 !Sun l Q.6) 1338 Antigua Way, Newport Beach 675-6000 · (Sat & Sun 1·5) 115 Milford (Cameo Shores) CdM - 67?Hl996 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 312· Buena Vista (Near NHYC) Nwpt. Bch. 642·5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1901 Commodore Lane, Newport Beach 642·5200 (S un 1-5) 1380 Galaxy DriYe (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 1836 Santiago Dr (Dover Shores) NB 646·1550 (Sun 1-5) 1430 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores! NB 646-1550 (Open Daily) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB , 540.1720 !Daily 1·5) 1338 Santiago Drive (WestcliU) NB (Sat & Sun) * 1930 Commodore Lane, Newport Beach 645·0303 (Open 1-51 2084 Goldeoeye, Costa Mesa 546·2313 (Sun 1-5) 4071 Morning St.ar, Huntington Harbour 546-2313 (Sun 1·61 2513 Lebigb, C<Jsta M .. a 548-231 3 (Sun 1·5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Oen) 2060 Phalarope (M•n Verde) CM 549-0684 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 10122 Cynthia Drive, Huntington Beach 962-3861 (Sat & Sun 12·5) •1536 Galaxy Drive lDQver Shores) NB 842-8235 (Sat & Sun! •304 Robinhood Lane (Eastside) CM 646-88lf !Sat & Sun 3 -dusk) 2115 Santiago Drive, Newport Beach 675-4392 (Sun 1·5) UNITS FOil SALE 514 "' 516 Avocado, Corona de! Mar 545-9451 (Sa t a. Sun 1·5) ...... • . • y • = IO • !!' lO i :b d· •· .. '"' "' Id m al lO .... ""! ____ ,.. _________________ ,.., _________ .,~·------·---··-·--·-·-----·---·-··==.=.--·--:=:::--;- ' • HOUSl!S l'OR SALi HqUSE-5 FOR SACl-ICOllSIB FOR SALi !fOVflS POR {i\n.--1HOUSIS-FOR SALi -HOUSES'FOR SALi Gonorol 1000 -·I 1000 0-rol 1000 ·-- . Pek /Jarrell 4'ft~ prcidenLJ A Wffkend· of OtMn Ho- JUST LISTED . A most popular lamily'plan in Baycrest. 4 Bdnn wllh separate Master bdrm wing . ..ffil'- mal dining room and ·lal"ge· famlly room - even a boat yard! Well prtced at .... '511.500. 1901 Commodore i.,.n~-Open 'sun l·S OLD FASHIONED.QU4<1NTNE$S ' ON THE Pl!NINSULA WATERFRONT Sun and swim on Your ow1;r beach, and from your home enjoy the spectacular-view of the main turning basin, all the sailing an.d water activities. 312 Bnena Vi>ta (nr Npct Hbr Yacht Club) Open.sat I< Sun I • 5 UNl)ER $60,000 ON LIDOlll 3 C:ir garage • 3 Bdrm • £0l'Df!r lol.' Sunliy -patlO. Come see this lovely hoine. · 522 Vi!'. Lido Soud Open ~·,I .• 5 WESTCLIFF C:ORNER • Adult oecupie~·;· Bdrm borne wilh dining room and family room -.:plus pool! Heavy shake roof and used brick, low maintenance yard. · 1224 Nottingham Road Open Sat & Sun I-ii . Office Open S•turdays & Sund•y1 -~ PETE BARRETI REAL TY 1605 Wostcllff Dr .. N.B. 642-5200 -------- B~Jl:DEtS .CLOSEOUT . ' Just 5 o1 lhese popular 2·•tory' 4 Bedroom homes lell, and non~ are on a bad lot., Don't wait too·long. Full price just ........ $29,950. Included at ·No. EXTRA COST are fireplace, wall/wall cfrpets, C(!mpletely bUllt.clA ti!· chens, complete tencing , uhderground ·util1· ties; nd. •mud!' more. . ' c • • • ·-'· . • Low Low Do'l!fn Payments To All - LOw Inter.at Rate11 Low Monthly P•yrMnt• . ' For furlh•r information call * IEtT BUYS -.. * ;Just . Ustecl ' o.,.n Hotiws ll07·B~tt0n1hell BAYCREST ' Sot& Sun 1-5 Outatancttr\g :S BR, formal dln. nn, fam. rm., 1po.clous muter aulle, 3\t bn.ths . l ~:A~·c"~~;~•k Sot&Sunl-S 5 Bdrm, 3~ bath, Ivan WieUa built. Owntr movlnc, must sell. . . . .. NHI t.s A Pin Baycrut 3"'8R home, Prtcet! at $4.6,950.. 6~" tral)lfftl'o able loan. Phone for appt. WEST~~IFF CU5tom designed by archl· tect/o,vner. t BR + dining + ram. rm. Shimmerlni pool and w~ h2,I'. Price ~ duced. JERRY FREUD-CHARLES ARNOLD 388 No. 17th Street, C.M. 1>46-7755 Reoltors -------------- O.n1r1I 1000 Gorier•! . ' IDOO ~~~----~~ 4 Bodrm1. $171.00 Mo. lncls. Ev1rythlftt No quaJ1ti rw to auurm ~ Assum. LOW INTEREST · ===""'=====1 l!'xiatlng 5~% llM.n. You'll firxl it In Colfere Parle on a ll"@e li!]ed stmt clOR ti schools ind shopplna. s.t,000 down is all \t tabs. Call today. . -------GI LOAN -c;.neNI 1000 G.Mral ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I For a.limited time ... 8EW OCWIFROIT HOMES A 3 Bedroom liR'AND OPENING 4 li: 3 Bedrooms, 3 baths, dining· room, play roon1, laundry roo~. Complete. w/ 1 or 2 Jirep~ees. Tull b11\lt. in ltjtchen.s, ~tercom1, food centera. F\ill carpeti111:. Sun- Home FOR ONLY $10,495 BUILT ON YOUR LAND l''EATURING: • 1680 sq. ft. • Double garage. • All lath and plasttr • Hardwood cabinel.ll OlfANGl!-COUlffY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 $21,500 J year old SPANISH STYLE 'home near Sobtli Coas Plaza .. 3 bclnn, fonnal dU.. Inc room, family room, gar- den kitchen, covered patio, low mn.lnt. back yard \Vi°' chlldrens plav area. Thl! b Q m c ls BE.A,.UTlFUL - ne@ \\.f' s11y mo11' 1! FU'll prlCt'. $32,500. ,/C;..,. COATS ~ WAL'LACl -EAlTORS 1000 Gonorol 1000 decks, wet ban, muonary • Pullman balh e Spacious wardro~s c,ALL · 537-4380 Sharp 3 BR 2 bath Condo.. mlniutn In .cholee location of ?.1onUoello Complex . -546-4141-(0pe• _..., ... --------------. entries Ir. many more cus-..LA.L~\.Lfi tom 'features. Oaoice area •Jn lllO~t Orange. County and other ilPProved attµ. 140 LEXINGTON Opon Sot/Sun 1·5 OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 18061 MANN ' llRVINEI 3 Bdrms. 2 balhl. Lovel y ~ting & drapes. lmma.c:ulate condition! Beauti'ful land~aping; 2 private patios. Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 ~arlne, Balboti lsla"d ~ next lo t.;o~ BeactJ Marilla. . . FROM 184."!0 < 100 Oct-an Ava, See.J Beach OPEN SAii' &·SUN (21Jl 447-6617 STANCQ Builders Inc. 02EN 7 .Dus ... - PEl=lt=ION ·~ . .,. ........ -;"""'{ .. 4 BEaROOM ·10066 Westminster Ave.. Ganlen Grove. * '42· 1771 Anytime * W•nt Low Payments? ... •:a1~'~""'~'~"~"~"';'~'~lo~m~•~· .. 1·==:;:::7:;:~~= $1,100 "'>ill handle this pat 675-3531 o,_n 'til 9' Every Night ~·bedroom. 2 bath doll $21 ''500 J>o""'· N.if""""-~'k yaro • ·~OYELY ' ·1' ' oU covered patkl. H d..m e Rollinn Hills needs trnder lovinc care. ''7 EASTSIDE CONDOMINIUM Priced at $17,500 with total WU\ be your setting If'You NEW "CA.'RPET I I 1179 00 S b 't choose this 2300 sq. II, & • Dolph1'n Tt'rrace pa.ymen s o · . U m1 bdrm home. for your own. NO QUALIFYING . .. Our . 24th Year • . . • . Results thru Service L-0-0-K-l-N-G-? For LOW INTEREST LOAN.S? Here are 6°,> LOAN Can be taken over~ No change of rate. Vacant 3 BR + l1r5te family room. complete.I)' carpeted, gardr.n ki.tchen, fonnlca top, bit-ins, dish· \V&.,.hcr. 32xl5 heated pool, auto· m1lli<' 1 "'' r pe r. decking. Prie(' $36.950. E·Z Tiifllo.1$. 5'16·5440 6¥~•/o LOAN Payments $164 month, Includes Prln· clple • lnter!'s t • Ta:>1es • lnsuranc('. Charming older 2 BR home · R·2 lot, room to build additional unit. Has new bath, M\V roof, flreplac,, gQld Rha~ \\•l\v Cf\rJ>elli in !iv. rm. &: hall. Price $Z2,500 -HURRY! ......... a few!· 6% LOAN Assume this luge VA Joan with no ch&.nge and no extra point.a to pay. 1 ~.& baths. All e!~tric blt·ln kitchen. 13:oc20 Hv. rm., w/w cptll. A: drpa., fireplace. Price $28.SOO. EZ·TERMS. 546-5440 6•/o LQAN This 4 ~rUs family room + dinini;: room Is a flne value a t only $25,500. 2" baths, 2 showers, near- ly nl!'W \vlw cpts., large f11.ml1y room '"ith stone flrepla.cc, fenced rear yard over 2000 sq. I\. of living sflQce. Payments $173 month-that'a all! 546-5440 I $25,000 to $29,999 I WE'RI IN A NO DOWN PAcYMENT TIZZY. Gen•r•I . 1000 Gener11 i,;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;. 1000 your down payme.nl. Upitoin you'll find a cute Everyone can ui:.ume this Clean fl; l'fil;l)' · 2 Bdrm., WE SELL A HOME SURPRISE ROOM suitable. high~ nu Joan. dc.n. 21 ,; baths -"lcc. kitch- EVERY ~I MINUTES for bedrm, .sewlna, hobbles 546-9521 or 541).6631 en, Dbl . garage & covered NIAR WESTCLlfF CENTIR, NIWPORT Beautiful 3 BR home 1vi1ti hardwood noors. \Valk to schools It &hop. ping. 2 batha, apacioul living rOOn1, fireplace. Fenced rear yard v.•lth lovC!ly cove.rr.d patio. Loi\· est prl~d home In Har- bor lUghland~ -ONLY .$28,500. Call for 1howini;. Over this just listed t.fesa Verde 3 BR home. Has jMt been redtt0raled in- terior &. exterior. Nr.w 1hinlng floor In I he kitchen has bit . Ins too, wilh !llainless steel sink. Nc'v 5g gal. Water healer. Large family room + traffic . free llvlni: ,room. Double' fil"l!place, "' I w cpls I drapes. Modern rustic shake roof. Priet S26.950. EZ terms. 546-5440 To own thli. vacant 17&-I aq, fool, 2 yea.ti old, 1 story, 4 BR home plus family room. Interior all Qe.''"ly repainted. Lovely terraced kitchen with bit· In eleetrk! eve level range and double oven: plus dlsh- 1vasher. Separale living room. tirplc. La.rJe mas- ler bedroom with private bath, exlTa large ward· robe-closetll. Buy on no do\vn VA tenns, Low down FHA or 10~·~ d11Wn ConVentional. A s k I n C $29, 700. Make oHer. • HOME ON THE BEACI! Whe!re the fishermen roam and the mennakia play, liaten to the iUll' and the rolling surf all day -Thi5 attractlve modernized 2 bd- nn. home completely furn- ished prwt furn. gul!'st apt. on the ocean front can make your dreams come true . --pfUCE{)-a~L·Y-$59;500 with eXC'l!'llent lenns lo qual- W~ buyer. BAYSHORES OPEN DAILY I· 5 2441 MARINO DR. UPPER BAY $20;995 3 Bdnn family hon1e, ~1 block to Bayview El~men­ tary School. Extni la.rgt! fenced , yard. Now ts th! time lo buy for scbool re&:· i~lratiOn:-Cill UltOstt In- side. Walker & lee oc ?! Locatod m i..aotUol boat port. · , , . ' Mission Viejo aru complete ' $39 ,500 '"'"E'u'...-w "h UNDERGROUND CURT DOSH, Realtor coLuGI &42-4455 or 5-40-5140 UTILITIES, AIR CONDI· PAIK Open eves.. TIONING, Fu.LI price oiily N D GI 1730 W. Coa.,t lligbway See this clean and neal 3 $3.4.500. t:OA&TS O· own .......,, E,.,, 673-3<68 BR •'"' '" hom•. l'I OPEN SAT & SUN OPEN HOUSE balho. •tall '""""'· rod< CARRIAGE ESTATF.S CE rool m°"'m '' ci<oi<o fo. -1147 TAHll'.1-DRLllE '...:R.RE~LLLATORS. -s-2_,_,950 -SAT.-ANO...WN-1-'ro.>-11-~;...:::::=; P.1ammoth 2900 sq. fl. 5 Bd-"' ~. ..""" FAIRF cation iiidlCJiOOls. Spac- • tho _, ~-~ .. , •i•l--IELD DR. "·" 1 rm n ny.,....... '""'"'· .....,rn. ~ ~ CAMEO SHORES k>us u.:urooms. )otg o ....... I ' -• _,_ 1~ I Ide 3 BR 2 blltb, with ocean vi~w P e .,,,y ni<,n:Ulra ""' 115 IOoen Evenings> Sparkling pool, 130• vi"' of closets, bit in oven lt Newport and out. °"1."nen mowd out z=:::::::S:::::i:Z:::=:::::::i::i~I R•nd Realty 64$--2340 oi::ean 11nd jetty Imm nearly ra-. Jivl..., room with of area -anxious for offer! .... ~ ... 1t A CUTE PLACE evl!f'Y room.· 673-8550 f1rplc plus new w/w cpts. V.•ctorl• , ~ "MUO NEW HOME YOU CAN STEAL COME BY FOR C 1 1• ha~.~ ( ....• ~-I-) A REAL T"EAT e a m " l n• vuu -· l , ACRE 2 Bdr, knotty pine paneling, "' 646-111 l OLUGE REALTY • " furn, close to the bay ,,_ !loon!I, well landscaped. l!IOO Adlmlllttlfbar,CM Wiil be ready for occupan~ beach. 314 :Wth St .. NB. covered patio. 0 n I y Anytime I ""'""'"""!"'"""'"""'""'"~ [ August 1st. 4 bdrm. family SHORE PROPERTIES, $27,%0. Call now. 546-5440 '"'i>"'A"N"o"R"AM'"""ic""v"1"E·w"-~1 $19,750 :a;;U::rv~~~rc~: 673-9000, 675-lrl.'i3. ONLY $26,250! For this spotle81!1 home in a choice, ·convenient k>ca· tlon to all schools &. shop. pifll. 3 GoOO a.ize bed· IOOllLS,. loads-of closet1, spacioul living room with ~lope ~laC'l!', w/w car· PfJ.S ~-o/ll~S. Bit . in kitchen, 2 baths, fenced rear y&.rd has double pa· tlo, shade trees. O n I y $26,250. E.Z TERMS. ..~ .... -IT WON'T LAST This ru.alic beauty 13 a MUST-SEE.--WUU BI1''-l~--1 plus family room. 1tep savtt kitchen wtth a 1 l bitin, plus a solid walmit wet bar. Spack>ut llvllll room, lirepla~ and qual- lly w/w cpts " drapes. OUtstancllng patio. Only $26,950, no down VA or min down FHA terms. -NEAR BAY CLUB . Newly Pf.\nted'; Jge. 4 lxlrm. 4 bath family home, huge !iv. room, dill. roo1n, lge. irreg. cor. lot . vacant, L'11.fED. Occupancy. ASKING $54,!}5() "C" THOMAS REALTOR OF OCEAN! A gracioU.\, 4 3 Bdrm :z bath Glen Mar. drive. fence, etc. Full price Morning Sun... Formerly Orange.Coast Prop. I BR. home with 2ll baths. $2500 to move in_ PiYme11ts juat $30,050. fllA, VA or TwlnkHnt Lights BEAUTIFUL Htd pool, 3 Br, OVER $30,000 I Tremendous pool &.rea, ldeaJ SlSO per month lncluding Conventional terms avan-'Ivan Wells' new VIEW hom~ l"Ji Ba. beamed ceillng1, 224 W. Coast Hwy 548-5527 riw'J)Ort Beach, Eve. 545-5643 for entertaining. Irvine Ter· taxe1. Cal'P.f'ts. drapes. COV· able. What a beauty -facing Bay In Dover Shores. bit-ins dbl frplc, 2 patios, • racf'. across from Country ered patio . with Ba.r-b-que. WHAT A BUY~ 5 modf'ls to c~ from. 4 ~ E-slde C.M. Avail no-do\\'?I 1rs A StEIPER RICHLY APPOINTID PIYE IEDROOM Club. Antique cabinets, b1illtin & 5 bdrms. Models open d11.ll:( GI or fltA. Kings.a.rd Rlty. dishwasher, range and ov· ~ COATS at 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-155() Ml 2-2222. Marlboro Country RmDIRPEr en. \7acan1, move In today. & l"'iiiiiiiiiiii ...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.o [ iBiiiEAWUT:iTIIFFLIULL"i~c;,;;10;;:ry;-cLa;,P;;u;ll 'J ~ALLACI OCEANFRONT Mo•loo V~lo-""'"'" FHA REALTY 202S \V. Balboa Blvd., N.8. Call _!\nytime 675...6000 ·~"~~~:.. ~~·p· REAL TORS at 6%; By owner "''ho is -·---·---5" •1•1 3 BR home on e:iccellenl ..,_ • -anlxous lo move, and can (Open Evening•) beach: ™·950· lake back second. ~1583 Bring horws and cowboy~ - extra nict!, expand&.ble 2 BR &: fam rm bllns, dshwr. lrplcs, B-8-lJ house, stable I: corral. CM i;chools, 60' x 231' lot. Priced to sell &.t $37,50J. Xlnt terms. Call ID1151 Heritage Real £5... bite (open e\'es). 3 BR. & DEN $23,950 Immaculate. Covered patio. BuUtins, gas B-8-Q. Sll,f)J(). 41.;r;f., Atsume low loan - $129 inc all. BKR 646-9666, 642-2721. -2 DUP LEX ES-- Ju11l steps to ocean. bay. N""~rt Pier. Ad.)olnina: lee lots. 2 B<lnns. ea<'h apt. Bil· in range a: oven. lnveslmenl opportunity! $52.SC(I ea<'h. B•lboa Real Est•te Co. JOSEPHINE \VERB, Rea\!or 1~ E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa • 6734110 • DAILY PILOT DlME-A· LINF.S. You can use them lot jU1t pennies a da,y. Dial ..,...,, NO matter what it is, you c:an sell It with a DAILY PILOT Oassifted ad. PLANNING to mover You'll find a.n amazing number ol home1 in today'a Oaulfied Ads. Che<:k them now . Gener•I / •' 1000Gener•I $©\'.l~).\-.!Gt.!PS. s.1 .. a Simple S=bled Wonf Pu.rzl< f01' •Chuckle 0 R*1rTOr>09 tti. 6 aaomi>Wd words below JO rr1<1b 6 li!flple -dL Ptfnt J.tters of eotJi ill !ta liM of .tqUOl"es. IS EA VIL ' 1 1 I' r 1 I !BELTER I I' I I I ILEVWIS I I' f I ISENLUS I I' I I I I I I I' . ' Butcher shop scene; A .w..nt bought a pound of n-Jn " butcher ohop. He ·noticed that the bul<hor put a heavy thumb on the .t00le. · The awaml began t.ummlng1 'Welph down upon the -.. ~R_ETE_R,,,A.....,W_,,-r;ri, :· """"'",. .,. dwddo 7;.!J.., .' I I' I I 1• :~l!.i.:.~;:ii:::. . -.......... ----. _o ~iw....... r 1· r r r r I' 1· r r· 1 · er;;.. I I I I I • I I I I I 1000 George Wllll•m•on REALTOR O\VNER Offers ht:autiful 5 4 PLEXES ·::EDRM ~';;2;:~ bdr, 3 ba, 2-story home. 6~ % loan, $283/mo. incl laxes It. insur. call 54&-6740 THF SUN NEVER SE:t'S on Casslfied's a<'tlon po"·er. F'or All a.cl to sell around the clock, diaJ 6'1Ui678. DON'T live It away. ret Attracttvr brick patio . BBC). 2 buildings -each with four ! baths. Handsome fireplace. 2 lxlnn units, !COO sq, ft.. F'amHy room. Nc11r i;chools built-Im. paUos It. garages. It shopping. 540.1720 $500 mo income on each TARBELL 2955 Herbor building, ASKI"lG $44.250, PLACE "· EXCELLENT T E R M S . Your wi.nt ad wr..,re \1.'JTH LO\V DOWN. ~y are lookl.rlf -DAILY quick ca.sh for It with a Dally Pilot want Ad! ALSO PILOT clA..U;.d 642$18 642-5611! 16 unlts Costa f.tesa $169,000 \Valker I< Lee Mr. Levine Income lnvestrMnL Dept. 545-MSI LIDO ISLE $42,511 Fantutic 8lld unueual ' BR custom built borile In lovt'ly Mesa Verde. WaJldng di..- tance to clubhouae It roU cour&e. Let your lmarina· tion wander with creative_ idea.a for noo lq. It, of llv- lnr Atta. Massive Ii( acre wllh sparkling pool. Ca 11 5~, South Cout ReaJ Estate. SPANISH ranctHtyle 4 Bdr home wt atrium A. pond • All bullt·ina indudlfll TV. 2 blocks to Mach I new schools. S29.995. 5 1' 'i{, morlrace an ~ uaUJMd . 0,.,-ner, ~l 1000 0.ner•I lleqinners Luck • Here is the perfect home for the young couple with payments a lot less than rent. Located in North Costa Mesa, 3 bedrooms l lh baths. fenced yard and double car garage. Low F.H .A. exist- ing interest. $21.000 full price. Call for details and a pleasant surprise. Investors Attention \Ve will agree that good income units are hard to find at a realistic price. 6 super sharp units just a block from the S.A. Country Club that are the live-in kind for the owner. 5 two bedroom and 1 one bedroom, separate yards with lot.. of landscaping and privacy. 1966 rental schedu le and 1966 price $69,500 Excitl114 llaycrest · Truly a· fine executive home. 2600 .sq. ft. designed for gracious living aod en· tertalnlng. 3 bedroom plus study, fo r- mal dining room . Large kitchen with eating area. Pool sized' lot ... , .. $69,950 FOR A WISE BUY COWWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 1000 GRIAT FAMILY HOMI Evr!r')'thin&" for the tam· 111 hel"fl0.-4 big bedrbam•. 3 baths, farm:style kitch- en with bit In ovel'I Ir; range, dishwasher, extra la.ri;e ea!ing area. \Valer softener, automatic heat control, w/w cpts iii drap- es. Park l!ke ya.rd with 14 x 29 patio, room for boa!. Price SlT.-150. 546-5'140 CAESAR'S PALACE was no flntr than thls o!Jtl!Bndina 4 bedroom . family room borne In Mesa Verde. MaWve pil· Jared 46 foot roof, cover- ed pa.Ila, troylcal land· 11Cap!ni. Ure pit + water- fall . 3 Baths, 2 shOwerw, lra!fic free llvlni room. formal dining room. Tiled entry, lovely kitchen, na- tural cabinets, bit · Ins, service roon1, waler aolt· ener. Vacant. 0 w n er transferred, f.11111 Se I I. S43.550. Call to.. 546-5440 Huizy and lnspttt this popular T plan 3 BR home + famUy roOm in Mesa de1Ji1ar. Ideal location to :oichools, shopping. Step saver kitchen with bll-ln oven. Bnre. diBh"-asher, formica spla.sh. 1%. bal'ts, 1tall shower. 17. x 12 Uv· Ina: room. V.'/w cpl.I l. drapes:, Plus a . healed & tillered pool. Owner must IK'll quickly. Submit a I I oilers, $3'J:,9JO, 546-5440 QUAINT AND CHARMING \Vlth a definite pen;onal· ity. This older 3 BR + family room home Is dlf· fercnt. Oiolce Ne"'JX>rt Bea.ch 1ocallotl near !-!ar- bor Hia:h. ~SS coodi· Hon thruout. Fantastic 18 x 20 8un.ken family room with rode wall + hearth. Spaclou11 living room too, "·Hh \\/w carpets • qual- ify drapes. Separate din· Ing room with beam cell- ing. Brigl'lt ldkhtn. Park l ike yard with covered pa. tlo. Priced fi&:ht at $32,900. IO<;~ down. 546-5440 . MANSION Lwcuriou1 family home tn BA YCRES'l' tw design th.al will please all mem- bel"I. Huge kitchen with modem built-In, + dish-~. i-ese-t Jisf!Ung, quality curved formic& top. 13 x 7' service porch. 13 x 16' formal din~ roon1. Scpanlte den oll kitchen, sliding door B open out to paridlke yard and lovely heated Tahlt. ian pool. 3 bath.I • all C81'• peted, huge muter bed- room with own private ba.lh, 24 root llvln& room with lush wall to wall car- pets. A must see at $73,400 • Good terms • Vacant~ -snl'S TO THI SUltf Owner Uquldatkm, will &ell this 2 BR beach home plus I bedroom unit over the prage at a reduced price. King st:re kitchen '1.'ilh modem bit-In oven, ra1"1Ke. relrlgerator. ~ ary yellow Jonnie&. sink lops. Natural wood cabl· nets. Niet! livina; room. 1% batha. Completely fumi1hed. Mking' i-t(l,lm. a.1ake your oHer. 546-5440 pen Houses, Sun. 12:30. to 5:30 31' ,IL MODINA • NIWPOlT HllGHTS Nice 2 BR home on 15 x 121' lot. Hardwood (loora, 18 ll 12' \Ivins room, atone flreplaef'. BJock walled yard with paUo. ~ $32;r..,o, tz TERMS. ........ 2111Whtdwanll:e• VACANT 5 IDRMS. + HIA TID POOL Over 2950 sq. feet In liv- irw ateA. Quality con- struction thruout. H o m e completely carpeted, 3 bl.du. wlill expensfve w.]1 pa.j)el"I A: carpets, J.arae formal dinlnc room. bit· in kitchen plus tttrl&ert.· tor. Many more eJl'.lnl - askina S73.400. ~fake oll· er. l bl eut ot frving, 2 ~ IOUth of Sanitqo Dr. 046-'4<0 2003 1AL TIA PL MESA 'VERDI . Vacant 4 l:M!dmom + Wn- il1. room, 3 baths, choice' location near schools. park like yanf, COYUeCI pa.Uo, th~ pit. 21 x tr Uv. In& room, wtw cpta A drapes, 1ePf.J'&le dinlfw room. Opon IJ:i<> to'l:IO. - PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN .. ' 'SCAA~L~ AtcSWER l.N .J>IMU~UME · Re•ltlt Ce. 1093 --SAKO STREET;. GOSlA ·MESA 546 5440 r . . ' ' . .; .-... • ! .. ' •••• J '71'~ I 'lWl.Y Pll:aT _ 1'!~.li!z..12, IW.t , ~"1~lii!!!!1s~F~ll~lt~Sl~L:l'!:::~HO~US~l!:s·fi~~E!'.~ s l"Olt SAL•~ HouSIS l'O!!'SALI -HOUS!S-l'OlfSA[I HOUSESl"Olt St.LI • lllNTAlS :-· - I , .... COIOlla •1 .;.. 1 .. "C.,.... •iMu 1250 , Huntl...._ 11Nclo'1400, Hllllll_....... hocli 1400 ~ Fymlaliil'• II. Newpott llM<h, '"" "'"' ...., . ,.,..-. . ,,.,_, ' • t , > ' llfnt•ls to ...... 2005 Coron• del Mar HM • I • • ' • PuP!""" Fum. 2975 FANTAS11C ·l"Y .. ~$iiliil ... OPEN MOUSES • M_O.DER. N LIV' ING t'OI\ ... ,'ti> !lbaN 3 Br -" • $ll5 L!IE. Adlta. ~· " .. ,.., ,..rfMllor r-• -~ ... men. mo co~ Olfw ., ~ " c1ear. t a... "'' "''" ~ Slf.Jll .;.J•OOWN =Joca!td ii the iw:.,. DAILY ' 1.S • SAT. I SUN '1.s . , , ' .,.. _., ldt · privl. ~·2 '!!ec!rmi flriPlaoe, <lar. · S.. SUn. 311·8 ~'11 "1ltdy nad a bilrpln · .., _ _,_i., :i::-_ · · :". -··"-In u. mll ..._ -.s:tll -• .... "-·-a.... u--.....ite Wee lb!&! ca-"'111t 3 ., -· ~-,242 HAIIL DIUVE 4501 ~ ROAD Now homes, • ......, to m~v· ' 7' .. ....... ....... ~run~ •w;u-~ i' .... r::•:;.,;.;-"-'-'-...,,.-.,--,1 bedlooml· (:tnlroJJ.y loc•I· Bw!i. 4 "'""f.,::" ~~ 11-lhe aurl .... the ..._ Oniie ShOrao-beach. Finl P\'ymenl Up lo eQ days alter;" llonu:R.11, 6 2 dau&blml or yearly Sfg..2394 illler 6 2 tiR ·H-. ''"''11..t ooad. ld -.,;;....._ ...... ....... .---.,,..,.,.,. 2111!. pl .. 11\>blry 4 --"'""-· P• mo••· in. . . • . :;,:.: ~ .. -homoiw:'' PM . ---' .. "" Walk~ iicbool. No down for: of sWi u..a tropical~ ml.· 'Ji(pt• Jl'!UthQld. EXcel-fe ct..· oond!Uon..•A\'W.ltable Term• VA/f1HA. From $2l,to0. · =-· n.me. . · , •AL~ cbUdrtn. S250mo. * m.32!ll >r 1 •• <-....._ ~n-wets) around • huge famUlt ~ l'1tt tlftl.nd"'· "°'Y• ~ 5ta-?d Heutet U ... fvrnilhlrd IM1dAG1JLAT& .3 Bi:t. I• 1.,., ·"' _. ... '"" A 1upub aettinJ lot' sum· • T B '1!M4LE coilece pao to, ·r ~ BA, 'r)I) am.all c:hll4nft. ;~.no ~100"'· • ... ,..,. ""'"....,mp. Poolillouai-Don Y. Erallldln, Rnltor ha.... e•""·h· .~~t'l\:..~ Gener•I 3000 s;;o • .,....., -. • , -lut, -. -fll'Oeilp. Ool)''!Olr-3250 E. Co t H CdM -..--WV -I . 64S.Ql03 Y<>11 mm. ii.. '"""· Won't 18 wy, ton Breelclourat•I mile South el Adema) I• 1 '( 2 BR. 2 BA. UoWro hJu!e, • lilt &} 1$1.SOO.' c>lt tdday. 673-22ll 962 • 1353 NOwport Beech 2200 ~ Ii..~. ;rtU.:1 A~~ • '64S.030J DOVER Shont ~a y I ro 0 1 <BR a botha,·.heatod lilteml 1 0( ' ' Irvine 1231 lelboe lalend 13SS • .... 170, home, g BR. 4 be, Iara• ;:i.!'.-ck. Bay cul-cl._. Huntington Beach 3400 ·Huntlng!Gn Beach 1400 L•l!!.~a IHch • ·-~CHOICE llr\v Vanderbilt V-3 I'-=>=.._-'•~-•-'""'' -1 pa°ii 10' prinle dock. June DAVIDSON•ltealty $350 MO. On~. 3 BR lovely al (The ParkJ. By owner. es~·TE SALE 4 lle'd..-v .... , THE ~-,.""'.:...~. 1r,x;. ~: 546.5460 Evu. -~ • ·~ Ehone. lomlo ~; """' .,,,..., , ••. lot -·~ $21,tSO BIG n;, -~ "' 213 ' FREE RENTAL .. ~y ........ "'" Ex-,, BY OWJIER Ba.rpn! call: 842:-1502 II! •-lena Hugi'! comer location with . 18S-Q33 SERVICE elusive community. Pool ' , LIKE 10 live on a small , , ..,..... country atmOllpben!. With a ONE maint./pdnr loc. _ p 1 ck • -ua. -.. _,, ~ Bed ,_, __ ,, F-sa!o b·" owner 81clc a.y 1240 . u.. Ht~' paint thil. home will HfiRE'S THE .LA.Sr BIO 4belldrf~:. ~-~· ~~~ ~ ~~ .,..°" llatth -~•homup.• T~· Be:rc R.E. !IS2.-2421 I ... ~ttJtt\li!rLllUI•, • u;&IUa,l~----_,,_ . ---.Jul)'2!5,_l9619,_9:30am._..... be-a-beauty.[)eep-p~aV• ....... uc..-y Lt'W---"!'6< ... .._ &<JU An,. ... -m, 1amuy room, 2 bath iJue fu dlvoret. ~ SPACIOUS l bdnn + family niclpa1 Court..J.. 20:) N. Cu-acado llhag --ti ..... ·Mod-But OF THE• y EAR. aleepg S avail wkJ, to Sept BEU. M0-1120 4 BR, 2 BA, larae 1a.m room. •M "·~-hom Brick old hoUae on Ne• po r t .,_,.. ___ ..... __ ··-'la 3 .. _.,.. .... SPrawlinJ, custom quality ' -'In · · Near H.B. HI 1-Grammar (' Ha "Q""' e:. ....... 2•L baths. "---led I ui=u, p._ ...... 2 lllU ; em bull"• Jri-•--for_..._ wilUer: -I rno or .. ~... 2 Br -··~ -· __ _,_ t --.~ ~-·--.. 1 2 baths ..... • ...... ...,. • "' ~ ......... han\e w/detalled exterior • • ............ • ... _....u;u. -· acboola, blt-1... ww. -.· ; ,,,,...,tnace. wa !'r so, ... ,..r. ce-.ll!J.aliu, rooms. · dta......t. Fenced. Sprinklen. Bdnn hit, Bacbdor apt Double G•-"e. Gl's NO ~ · -~ C1S-J'T1T cb1Jdre11 Q K. Bkr 5Uof980 ...., .,..,.., .; 'ment drive, Qrick patio, Has been com p I !' t e 1 Y ou\of town owner wlll selL Min. bid $49,325 cub. Wkd)'t MONEY OOWN, ""'"""'"nts brick. window abutters I-· . · · · · "avail . July 1Stb. • S 2 GO : tomptete sprlnklen, '-sh remodeled-modml kttcht'n _ down ~ ~ ~ (213) --Sun. f73.a930. _, ... ~ heavy shake roofiine1. Lo-$175. 2 Br, bit-ins, Vf_IW, c~ -3100 rnontMeue. sn.eiO 11fttr ' paint. "~ w/blt•i.ns. Lota o• storage. Low · <f..,,_, uuer. ·~ ' like rent. Alao F'HA. ava.IJ. cated OD 1arae )l)t with. 83 children O.K. Bl'O•eF ----••_.--'--~---5 PM. 1 V ASSUME 6\4 % LOAN Used brick fl'pl & dlnlng ~~ ~Pomona 623--4929 able. ft. ol road frontage, In bet· 53M980 _ · ~ ==:--,-:,:---,-.,.---, I. ·. Owner may take 2nd. room wall. Bathrooms new ,,. ou.-'1-"N ~untlnrten ... ch 1~ WE SELL A HOME ter La&una section. $85. 1 Br, fenced yd, child A PPR RENT; Bis 3 . CONDO, 2 BR ';_den, formal . L EVERY 31 MINUTES -· build 1 ho ... _ houae:. 2 mt. tamU.Y rm, :I din rm, 2 car pr, 1% bath. , I , OPEN HOUSE SUN 1(1.6 \v/sunkeri tub. a r ge 250 WALK TO BEACH · ••:oi; eni .pans • w '-!~ pet O.K. Broker ~ patios. xldt Mes& Verde WUher/dryer, $190 mo • .2940 Redwood Ave. or call sundeck w/view. Newly Coron• d•I Me r I A.uume Cl Joan. Only Un Walker & Lee footage or THE IMPROVE------. Joe. Avail. A~ lat. $22$. 96&.-3415 eves A: wknds. -546-7545 or 546-4890 for a;ppt. painted outside: A1c ro s s MENTS AT. 2601 ,q. tt. Irvine Terrace 224S mo. CaU 54!)..1673 alt. 6 pm. NEWER 4 ~ •. 2 •·, ___ 1 · 1U price $26.9::.0. slrt><'t from Ba)' on 2 sides DUPLEXES mo inc taxe~ Gorgeous Spacious 3 DOR;'' .(: FAM.J---'--------~ ~ - & 3 blocks !rom ocean. rustic gold and while rar-7G82 F.dinger R~t FLOOR. p· : WITH BAYADERE DR. Children OK. bch., 4225, Jae. 11282 Breton , S42500 buys thi~ 4 bdrm OPEN SAT/SUN. l~S den kitchen. exqui!ite car-8·12-4455 or-S40-5140 SEPARATE FORi1l.\L DIN· Immed. octupe.ncy. Betlut. $115 • 1 Blt cottage, .i;lowt, Lane. near Atlanta. BARGAIN HUNTERS: S4500 ~--4008 A.!.a.N;~ _ . Great .!!._1!1~Y 4 -~~·-2 Ba. _pets. custom ~rapes, hard· Open Eves, ING .RM. Liv, rm. feat~s Ium 4 BR, 4 bath-home. rcfrlg. dispt>flai1 tile, \Wier 1 ·M J' e c· t.> n""r 1mprovcml'.nts ~3 or ~1-5-120 &fl. il::liiWt; · Or. 158. du· "\\'OOd-'110011 anti shakt-roof. AS IS MASSIVE ·FIREPLACE O Cla.u'lc architeetUtt. Swim· pd. Se:nioJ' ciUten pert zms UgUni: S.1Ch.:l ~ 3705 · , 1'lia\'c already been n1ade to ON'T MISS pl.ex. Quick 1ramfer. PALOS VERDES STONE. 3 ming pool. s-ctacular view. E. 21st St.. 642-5733. lhk 1 r~uc p k D 715 J • CdM LOW' LOW DOWN 4• Bedroom 2 bath, hais ten· · .. -I.ARCE Sparnsh ho u 1•. ~~e.c:tnm.500. fteis p~c: GREATLY REDUCED asmini, llUrt.RY: ON TlilS ON.c:.• ants behind .SOO in their rent. BATRROOMS. Wide com· Yearly lease $1,250 per AVAIL Aua: l, 3 Br .. 2 Ba., Ocean View:\Valk to beach 2,, BA pl"' · Will n·"-!hi SIOOOO dor entry hall 'vith floors Of month. Crpts, drps, b.ltns, dlwhr, • t , B"·' p ~ e<itosellfasl.H11"e13x2l' Lovely3BR," • 3BR.2Ba .• 2 B•·.1°·th. MUTUAL'REALTY sac ....... 11 ' PO M ICAN •$own., '""'· a. ........ -d·• f t ~ ho f m ~ YOU t IM RTED EX Mn. Raulston pool, &side Joe $300. mo. y I .,,~ ~·-·• 1' :sep family room, large liv1· -~mi.J,y. UWpgracll=U ea ure.s exciting a.rchltecturt. JW!l 842 .. 1411 1nytlme t•'."'m o'u't• '7.'..~'down pagey TILE, Luxurious WIW car-COLDWELL, lse. 54&-0584 be:twn i & 5. ear ease . .,........ mo . ., ... ...,.. , " \)ng room. 3 BR, be.autifu m choice est area. completed So ol Hwy -'"" · ...uw • ln hN av,aiJ.. n-U 4&h1712 l•.•)andlfcaping that can~ OpenSat&Sunl.S 511D.•hl.le CdM 4 BEDROOM rnent. t;tbr \io ~~N ' BANKER & co. $150'; LGE. 2 yr. oltl l Br.l·CHARM""'""',,.:.;:"'H"'om"'•="'.,---. l active children. Walk to all 1307 Marion Lane, NB ' m na n 83J.0700 . 644-2430 New shag thruout; adltl ---,, . Rltr Don V Franlclln Rltr. $215 per month, $3&00 to \!lilt'-~; .-FAM. RM. of APPROX. .••••• only, no -u. 357 lStb Pl. adultl. No peta. Carll foi'Jd. ' • ':jchools I ghopPing. Open sat Rol,,,E.,o,,.~eo~!·-,.,, · ' ...,.. """" mov• in, ONE •---. Built-in _.,, 55o SQ fT features all r -854-Wendt Tet. ~ ~sun. l" -&•-n. --··~------ -· ·• Corene del Mer 2250 Sl&-6962 '"'=======I ,.. .,.. ~·· ..,.. .,;i;.=,;:~;i;ccii;;:;iT·l!!~~~~~!::"'!!"!'"' I ta.Die le: own. dl.&ltwuher. elec. bllt-1n RANGE,. SELF c • • 1 : ~I. 546-"'93 -PROPERTIES WEST OPEN HOUSE l ·l Sorvtoe "°"'h, ahalte eoof, ======== CLEANING OVEN, DISH· SUMMER....-2 BR. So. $1!0. lmmac 2 BR. adullll, no Latune Niguel S7W I PRESENTS 2131 VISTA LAREDO doublo -· Ftttptao<, Huntington WSHR., WET BAR. PASS ol Hwy. Rea-"'o. """ pet., ,.. to appn!C. Yd BEAUT.' .\ililW"EXd 3br 2 , 3 BR. 2 Ba., lwturioUI condo. 3 BR. 2~ Baths. lmmed. carpetg and dftpel. OUr H1rbour. 1405 nmu CPATIOM SERC VITILECE othen. Canon Realty ~Homelike d u.p lx ba. hltns dlhwr. cri>llfrPi. ' • MONTICELLO Close to IChcds, ~I possess. 10% Down. $37,950 BEST listing. --------BAR, ER A I 3034 E. CbUt H"1 .. CdM , fp. $300 Di/5150 50-~ ~Jg 2 BR, 1 .rory. $19,500, pool. S32.500. (J.59.C). \!Al .W.ATERFRONT...3-8r .... 2-Ba. COUNTERS .l'EXTENSIVE i-,;:=""°===.==:: : BR 3BA, w/w cpll, drps, ,_ . ,.,,,,..-1021'Bi""lili', NB ••• v·-ISTA 'BONITA . --ij·•1t1MP ))SE OF ORNATE HDW!l. Uclo l1le 2351 b1•1na. Pool & "" ..... -u .. Du I --U~f •971-:;' EASJ'SIDE CM , .. 30 -: •_i' boa1,.,1,~1 ~900-Sale or CABINETS. You won't tind ;;...-"---~---:--per Back Bay. $285 mo. P Off n um. • ' l.. BR 2 story dol.Cxluse:. 675-41 3 BR. 21f• Bath!. $3l.9SO Tl ..... ~...,. anything ln all of Lquna t EXC&LLENT Lo cat I o.n, 642--0645 ARTlSTIC 2 Br unfu:m, I !· 1$18.950, walk to shopping. e THE BLUFFS • CALL FOR APP·T. compare with thi1 Mme for, Charming 3bdr. 2ba, firept, Costa Meaa, encl. patio. '' l'>f-1 ZONE By O\Vtll'r, l level, 3 Br, 2 •·BEST BLUFF'S BUYS • DREAM HOME Fount1ln Valley 1410 $31,SOO FULL PRICE Pllio k gar. Sept.June ~'UR L!'ue: 4 Bdr 2ba. home near stores. ~ pet!!. $l!IO. I 3 BR -c:d i-t-p/mach 5hop. Ba. cu~t cpt.s I drP!I. Im· BOYD REALTY So-clear> it sparklesr'Ca $3850 ON. PYMT. lease. S29;i I mo. 613-4.176 near ('\-erything. av.all. Aug 675-~1 , J25,000. ~01vncr will carry , niac! Other extras, Z pa· 3629 E. c.o.ist iliwa)I, Cd~I llnd cWJtom dl'ipe:s lhruout. ---yt25_.~EI Tulipan O\VNER WlLL FINANCE eves .it. wkllds. 1. n95 548--7594 1--------'----I '.'lst TD. ~ tios, handy to pool. 2 sid~ 67S-5930 1.8' antique mirroi'Cd ~·all. The nicr-st vacant 4 Bdrm THF. BALANCE \VINTER Renlal--avail Sept. 2 BR, gar, pntlo, cp1s, drps, Apt:"'Furnis.hM . ,., ~0-11~1 HERITAGE R.B: on green b!'JI. ean• to see. -w;·.,. On Thi Grow-Aluminuni covered patio, l\1eadow hoi:ne in this a n-A. M ISSION REAi,. TV Nwl)' iredec. 3 Br. 211~ Ba_lh. stove,' retrig; ·Tropical set· 1 644-2779. S.11,500. • Salesmen, , . . 1'>1anicurl?d lawn and la/XI· FHA gay~ ifs Worth $34.400. 9Sj So. Coa,t l!wy .. La..-una furn. 2131691 _1932 U.ig for adults, 1 blk shops. 1 * HARBOR VIE\\' JilLLS * \V!' need you!!! Our i1cw off. scaplng. Price reduced to Has everything. L 0 ts of Phone (714) 494--0731 1-========o== $11:>. 544-4780 642--6132 2 HOMES Just m::luccd over $300). 4 ice in Corona del ~tar is ~1.9Ml, and owner is anx· squa~ footaa:e. b I &' lof. ENTER this de:li<>hUul 2 Balbo• Isl end 2355 SMALL 2 Br. hou&e, $115 Mo. WOULD like to exch&11&t 1 t \ bdrm, 2'1.i ba view home. another winner. Earn more JOU8. DrivC' by al\d sec. .. 1 Child OK. No doga. 162 Bdr, Furn pe:ntbouie In On ONE BIG LOT. In excel· Lie LR, DR. fam rm, ... Serve better. More clos-MUTUAL REAL TY • bdrm. 2 balb home thro11&h CHAmp:NG Cape Cod 4 Sr, Magnolia, C.M~ 540--4900 . JioP)'WOOd Hilb for com- lent condition. Ch\'ner mov· separate laundry rm. Over .ed eacrows, less frustration. 142-1418 ANYTIME •_IU'IBM 1Ytro:ecal~n,V~;~~ ~c, patio, .aptd, clean. 3 BR. Older hotne separate parable: in Laguna. 49Ml95 1ng to Oregon, \ll&nts quick 2030 sq. ft. Pool siu yd. Call Mr. McCardle :'»6-2313 NEED LISTINGS T!!1113Tr from the beautilully decor-frellh. co.mfortablt, nr So. shop. New paint. hu.ge lot, l~(=213=)=462-6544======~I ai.I!'. 166 Virginia Place. cau -"'-'·"°=·,,644-2115=,...,==.,....-I --~AS=su=ME atM living room. The kitcit: Bay. Avail Aur .• aDo wtnteT dbl aar. lllO mo. ~lm Glenn Queen.. MO-ll51 Heri-FIXER UPPER ~LD OUT. Le:l'1 work to-en is terrific al&o. $49.SOO. rental. 6Th-626'l or 'l95-963'7 2 BR. 1 BA, flU5 pordl: e Rta1 Estate {open eve1) Near Beach Ii Olannd. 2 &ether. We mt only what 61& % FHA loan on nearly can us for a sbowlne. Mar-~. mo. winter rutaJ. furn. adults. no pets. S l 5 o bedrms. 2 batbl. R-2 ,Jot. w. can lt1'Vice property. new 3 BR. with !unily area shall & Ropp, 111 Ocean 4. Br, l'l!dll!corated. 119 Ma-~1456. (213) 3Th-2842 BYQwne:r,.3Jg.bdmu.b~ Nffda care. A bargain at <:omoan,b1e WN filel wUl A: dining rm. Tranatt!r foro-Ave .. Laguna Be:acb. line Aw .•. &lboa bland. ;'i~7,<:"~-';;:;;';i,;::;:::I '. .. • l lt!NtALS ' 1~ •INTALS ~ -:y HoUIOI Furnl1hetl Ho-UftlvmlllN4 • . ' 4100 $30.00 wk. up •J)I>'. we<lr. ....... . will;.in ~ fam. nn., $23,000 but make'oHtr. Lrt ~holce View u•ure you top dollar. e:i; Acri.fice at $27,500, Re-494-l<r21 5 Br, 2 Ba. Nr. OCC. Drtve ~-1'--~~,,.__.._.,..ta.Jlm. r.tw.m.Realty-646--2414 A.baY.e.....miibe .8.RASHEAILR£AL?¥-qu.ltc&..14,000 ~sh Driv --Summr-bnt•l.-19l0· b)'_l044,_Hantlng, ,.,,u _mr. a.ir beat. blt-ins, n e: w N N~ PO«( Otfict Btwn Bir & Little C.d.Mar 847-8531 Evct. 968-ll7! 18039 Briar St. (off Talbert) BY O'WNER app't m.1'784. m lse. • Stw!io .. Bad>. .. ... -lnc:H1tilJ-• Phiue-.er<r. e Maid SoJVta.. TV a-e Ne\J Cafe &. Bar .. 1llshwshr, hot water beattr &: ear btache:1. Corner lot, ~·x BUY OF THE WEEKI It see agent at Rancho Mesa BEAUTIFULLY detalled 3 BEN BROWN • l:lisposal, NE. CM. $28,950 NEW VIEW 177'. 2 llories. 'approx. 4400 2 itory. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath oUice. 968-4S51 or E\ICS., Bedroom & Guest hou:11e; APT.·MOTEL Mesa Vert#• : · . terms. 642-5570 . Ill: ft. -4 + BR., 51iS BA., 968-6260. cellar, work3hop. Profession-64, 1 &: 2 Br. ap't.!I. ·Com!). ------.,.--"'."-. , • 3 car gar. Call owner for home. Huge rnaslet BR. 4 BR, 2 Ba. breakfu:t rm, t iPOQ L home, lrg LR, lam Beautiful view during the Pr! 1 Bullt·ln~. Sprinkl!!rs. Jd!'al OPEN UNTIL SOLD &U.v designed patio. 159,500. furn. Priy. patios, bid, pool, fam rm, gardener Incl. $325. ! .rm. 3 BR, 2 BA, <'arpe1:11. day, breathtaking at night appt. (Tin.j1 ~.J~5274 for larae family. on 1 y 18939 Acacia. Ntar Corner S1'JE at 615 Catalina TV. resJ.auraot. ! hole goll pi!'r mo. 549-J22B r'ilra.pes, 8ut'(.'(lla bull!, low -+ J'le\V 4 bedroom & 3 bath. ~.9'.0. l\lagMlia k Garfield. Im· 49~·7691 or 494-7561 course. \Valk to be1ch~ No ..;:========= 1 ma1nt ~·al'(l. SJO.il.5.0, Della Rt.al Eila!e 646-4414 CAMEO HIGHLANDS HARBOUR-REALTY macuiate3BR.~BA,\\'/w NEAT-OOM'AGE ON Il.000 traffic noise. Wffkl)L-, &. ColleOe'ParlC ~ ~&-1.895. 21" E. \Vilson, 4-Plex W/Extra lot . e 847_85i 5 • crpt &. drps thruout plu8 SQ. FT. LOT. Laguna Oi.n· n1onth.ly rates. 311~. Coast 3110 3115 2376 Newport Blvd. MS-9755 SUS CASITAS FURNISHED -' 1-BR. & Bachelor Apt1. 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. l\feda.Uion by Hotpolnt . J c.r.1. 200. From ocean. C-l: pol. PErofe11sLi1?nallyH land2 sc8aR~ OWNER. oU!'rs new Buccola many, many extras. 0-.Vl'tcr yon fid. $25,000. Marshall H1vy., So. L3g~na. our en-Nici 3 Bdr home, $21,500 • OWNE R--. "'OOO 1.,..""" . xecu \'C omP. s, 4 BR anxlow;. immediate. poss.ell-" Ropp. 2ll Ocean Ave .. trance by AU&0 Beach. S2"5 Lease. CHATEAU La POINTE inc. .._.., Yt. ,.,,...., den 2 baths POOL ' tam rm, den honie at si n An I l f nan -'I ••• ""' , Bdnn, l 1A ba, blt·ins, frplc, terms. · · less than cost $4000 ca.n ° : Y YP1'-0 1 cing Laguna Beach. 494-1021 3 PIU&h fully turn . bch front -==,,;=:=;-;:====I Lovely 2 Br. f 11 r n. apt ~ ·dbl car gar. patio, crpts & CANON REALTY 675-3581 Ow Sbo\\1l *by app~7S-6560 asaume.GI 6*% loan, debt available. Bkr 213: GE 1~ _fl)R Sale by Owner, ~ BJt. 2 ap!!: 1 ~ 2 Br. ~a~~ oc~an ~ PoOJ, carpori: ·-adults, ·no : IIBQ, fncd. 2Z20 Maple St. 3 BDRM Watrrf:ront. No. 62. . ner extru, wch 811 shutters, BY 0\\11er: 4 BR, 1ri familj BA, Valley view, lge cor lot, vfe:w, patioll, pnv . acy. Newport l~ch 3200 pets. ~ 646-2300 ' Balboa Cove& $ 6 o, o o o • fixtute11: etc. S 3 5 , 9 o o . room, carpets &: drapes beaut I a n d s c ape d. nr $1~180/wk Most dat~1 stW $150 Mo. plWI 1\Hlities , 1fY Owner Custom Home 3 \Vould trade for acre~ ot Country Atmes~re _..i-=""=~~~~~~ et~trasLMauscar1 begar~ ~~ schools. $34,500. .f94..2'116. ~~nl. n1!...th & ~· PaSaclll1 ~. BJ•-1941 POMONA, C.M. I~ 1~ Ba. Blt·lns, CSbn apta. ~7771 ne:ar_lhe ocean. _Designtd for SPANISH RanctM.tyle: 4 Bdr · """"' ..., 3108 Tyrol Dr; Laguna ..:>&• u-;u. any ume TOWNHOUSE I,BDR. turn prde_n apt $12> , \drpl. Frplc. Dbl: gar. Patio. B UFFS 3 br 3 ba I family wltb childn!n, this 3 home w/atrlum 1 pond. All appreciated! Assume 6% ·Beach. ''Top of the World e:ve1. (714) ~ any ew YI Ind utilities. Quid adult&. ; ·Enclosed yard. Nice l y L • • • w BRltdenhomeisa"mulf: blt-inlincl.TV.2 blocksto VA.$.15,000.96i.-0688 Atta". atterlOpm ADULTS ONL Refs. 2643 Orange Ave. i land.leaped Low Int 5~% Bay-View, wide greenbelt. ~·· at $t2,500. Built on beach It new . I c h o o I 11. 1605 OVER 22,000 SQ. Fr. ln this 3 BR bse, alps 8, $1'f5..Dl wk. Three bedrooms • 2 baths. 548-8007 • . .___ .,. , .. • """ ..,,,.., Steps to pool. Cua. addtna. Iarae lot. you own the land Out of County --'th oak 1 Br hie -•-·4 .,. __ ll5 Fa.c:e1 pool. Thtte car car-;-;;;;c--=-...,---=I • ,..,..n • ..,..siue ....,..__., Save! $4fi,SOO. Ownr 644-4265 LEIGJITON LINDEN RLTY $29,995. 5~' % mortgqe can -----~---Laguna Canyon lot w• ' -i..-• -ports, Availabl~ Aua\llt 1st. l·BR. upper, redecar., blt-~UME 5~ %. 3 BR. 1~ WESTCLIFF OPEN HOOSE. &U-nn or 673-0372 be assumed. Owner 536-7621 OPEN HOUSE trees a.nd le:vtl garden area. wk. 1% blJta Crest:ent 81,Y $265/Month. in.!I. Adults. ro pets. Sl30. 1 ~BA. 21Ar: car gar +· carpt. 500 mg cam JUl..Y SPARKLER S4S54 SOUTH CIRCLE DR. Has quaint one bedroom cot· Beach. 232 Chiquita, l.qunt1 I & I h Call after 5:30 PM. 64M044 ' cipf:s, drps. S125 PI/Tl. Why 2 ~R-Oen. S43, · • HARBOR VIEW l1IU.S 9 mo 8 I I h lDYELWILD, CALIF. tagc suitable: for ex-pans\on. Bea.ch. or 213-244-6386 GJ eaC ~Pa,y more, call O\Vrtet now bridge. Realtor 548-1768 old "Lusk" n!sale. 3 BR 2 ig 2 BR 1 ~ ba, U8 new $30,(XX), Manhall & Ropp, CHARMING 2 Br. apt. on Rt1lty, Inc. S75 BACH 2 rooms. bath, '"2-1R27 ba, fam rm. Ocean and shag w/w. bltm. FA heat, Sat. and Sun., July 12' 13 2ll Octan Ave., Laguna LUU~ Balboa Island. Im· 901 Do.,.tr Dr., NB Suite L"fi refrig, hot plate. Woman ~ Newpo· rt Heightl 1210 mountain VIE\V. "'·"""· ne\v paint. B~ fncd yard. Mountain home, nestled Be h <"' JMI only. 642-5046 an 8 PM '< 4 BDR & POOL t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~o;;;;;;;;;;;.t """ XI.NT tenn,oi. f\tay Jy-/opt. among go plne tn'C~. 4 ac · ;r-1·"'"' • mac., close to good 1wlm· 645-2GOO Eveii. 5~8-6966 I• Jean Smith R c 11. It o r 1 · ·1 R·2 ZONED PROPt:RTY. n1i1u• beach: Sl25 \Vetk, • 'l>ots of (!('eking. in tropica.1 ST ANDREWS. ROAD S46--325:i ' • 847-ssM Broker 89~1:'!~ Bdrms, 2 Bath~. F'am1 Y .... r t -m. f'irepla.,,, Knotty Btautiful j be:d"""'nl surf July. US Abalone 615-0:>88 NI::\V 3 BR, 2 BA, fm r n1. rlin selling many t"Xtra ca Ul~ • VACANT ·-·--t s call ov.·ner 54j.J221 Spacious 3 bdrm, l family LIVE on the roof. 500 sq f1 pine intt"rior, located on 5~'1 vlev.' home on extra large DANA Marina Inn, Dana rm. J-larbor View Homes 2 BR ." carpeted, close to shopping, garage. Fenced ye.rd. S140 mo. 644-4131 ' ' ' rm. ll"plc. lfW Doon, cpts. sun deck, \vith ocean as 20 x 2D P•n•lltd o~n city lots. Jot. FC"w llteps lo Diver's Point, I \:l blk lo ocean & at't'a. \'ear round lse, by ; BY OW~ER • Low intel'tsl & drsr>es. Pro land!!Caped. front yard. 4 bdrs, 3 ba, Plus 3 BR 2 ba, newly painted THE REAL ES'l'ATERS Cove, $140.000. Marshall It pier. Roo~ from $50 wk. o\vnt-r. 1213) '1'97·7487 Niwj:>ort h•ch 4200 514-6\~<;o lrg transl~trable Good area. st. Andrews Rd. fan1. rm, bar, din. rm. HAFFDAL REAL TY 646-1ln 546-2313 Ropp. 21 1 Ocean Ave., La· Pool, kitch. prlvl 'gs. 34lll SPECTACULAR vie\v: 3 Br. NEW SPANISH 1 ran1. AU 3 soru.t s. 2·E A:11king $28,(((l. M&ke oiler. separate i'lest rm. &. 8740 \Varner, F.V. 842-4405 gUna Beach. 494-1021 Coast Hwy PH. 496-1300 llA. ba. Frpl. New cpts. tn1· VIL'·AGE APTS. '.aide, 2 w side. &ig..J~ HOLMWOOD DR. bath. fi4,900, °''-ner &15-0751 Sent• Ana 1620 la 124 u•--Pl s•M • ( TAKE over S"'-% mortgage 5 LAGUNA CANY\'.)N 2 BR CdM BlufU -$350/Wk far 3 macu te:. •M<..,s . JW 1 & 2 BDRM. Furn or on. ~y O\\•ner: 3 BR, 1% Ba. dbl Cozy & cheerful 2 bdrmJ,, OlARMING Duplex on 00 ho e frpl Iv nn ---------house S14.SOO. Fenced yd. bdr l\i ba. finest view or er Mo.lye. le:ue. 494-6744 film. Atr-cond, d!hwbn. •elf ! gar. 1959 Ro.semary Pl, CM. dining nn. frplc. Gsra.ge: on beaut. cUrner dbl tot, s. ot ._.:_ m ·._.,c. d' · · BIG BEAUTY Zoned industrial. -494--8170 .,.,., & -an. Avail. Ju"•, 3 BR, 2 bath Back "D .... cle••'g ove••, p•tlo, ~-• I "543-8786. Prin. only. alley. Large !enced. yard. Hwy. Owner $ 5 g, 5 o o . ....,,,_ nn. ""'" in. rm. 66 x 300' Jot with a gigantic F """J ~.. ...., ,,,..,. v ho ,.._ ..1-: .... , ·~· un=-aa--Extra parking. $24.500. 67l-4169 landscaped. 2-car gar. Must heated pool. Horses OK on ENJOY THE LEISURE 0 Aug. A: _.pl 111.,._."' me. '-'l'tl, ... .,3, r nr Wt ban, private f\indecka, es.a V•rdt 1110 4' !--==,,..,==,,,--see lo appt"l!!clate:. $39,950. th1I tree covered estate. Po-WALKING to town from this CLEAN Balboa Beach 'Umts. incl. $230. Avall Aua: 8. 11'1 storage closets. Hetttd '7:tl ~ CAMEO SHORES t ~Cal=t~!J61.3861~~~~-~-te:ntiaJ for unittll. $4l500 Spic A~ 2 bedroom home ~ 2 to 10; for 111t1U'h11!r M).-0658 pool, a.unu, bar-b-qun. i $26,3(».:.B)' Owner 3 .Br. 1~....... Oceanfront 4 Br I: Cit~ TIGHT ON LOAN -Owner Rex L. Hodges, Rlty. with view ol Victor lf\11<1 ttSttVations c11ll 673-9945 OCEANFRONT 3 BDR. Sound proof wall$, walk in ) Ba. bltns, fa m 11 y nn, 1 1 A LT y 115 Milford * ~ will carry contract, On 3 847.2525 point and 1urf. Beautiful 315 E. Balboa BIYd., Balboa Lease or Leue w/ option closets. covered carport , prapet1, carpets, many plush &16-14l4 LGE. hilltop lot Perm. view BR Gltn Mar home. $22,IXXI .;;======== am.all garden. l..atle double w TERFRNT · • Ot modem 2-story wi t.am. rm. Adults, no pets. features. Must see! Call Near. Np!. Pod Ofc. of ocean & hills. $1500 down. L•nuna Hil11 1700 garage, extra room bll!Rhlnd. ,•,,_ to -a'n p;e:; l 90 avail Atig. 1. 833-2!1n eves. TH E CALTFORNfAN •flet 5:30. ?>45-3271 Realtor 6~2010 TERRY REALTY " -----S38.jf)f). Marshall It opp. ,... ....... . no Phone 546-2727 DUPLE.'< 4 yrs old. 2 BR·~=~-~~-=07,..-, 211 Ocean AW!., Laguna Sl25 per wk • up. «110 f BR. 2 ba. 1h blk to be.ach. t• 5 bdr, 3 ha. Republic each. Built·lru, crpts, drps.1$29,900--2 units-1 BR house SJ6..l'1jil E\.'t. 53&-7658 LAKE FOREST T..akefront 2 Beach. 49-1-1021 Ri\'er Ave. NB. 673-8229 Yearly lease. LIDO AREA APT • . home, by 0"''!:~· ,..,,~,O 5 D $.12.500 Ov;ner. 6 4 6-2 51 0 . w'I frplc, !\IUdlo apt & dbl -pA,(fflC SANDS ~;~,~~~ ~:~':~t~aut SALE OR TRADE . S20.000 BA YFRONT apt. \V I beach, •675-1917• Spac. bay vk-11', Jge. 1-Br., -Phalaropc, Ci\1. ~ Principal!1 only. gar. 637-3052. 83!>-M66 3 Bdrn1. 1~' blt!ll. dhl gar, eiiui1y in immiH:ulatc 4 i;lc~ps 5. avail !1/9-8!16. FOR LEA.~ La.rge 4 BR 2y, )iv. rn1. & dini~. Cu~tom 1115 ' ~ ----'IV/\1• crnt~. lrnlc. blt·ln~. la ~una Beacli 1705 Bd l'1n, rtrn, 2 bnlh Vie11• Sl7.1. Al!'O hse, N.B. g/~ • t>a, fam nn home. S350 mo. furn. Pool, boat slip~. Y~ar- l'C::0:.:1:.:l•,.9:;•_P:..:o•:crkC----: Newport Skor•s 1220 lido ltle 1351 S18,900. <>11 nrr S.1:::? 7111.111.~trr ................ _ honic. I.ow lo1:1n, 1 0 w 9/6. 931'1 \V. Bay. GU--2012 Jea.n Smith, Rltr. 646--32,j.'j ly or 1um1ner renla!, \\'ill '' 'NER ·. ;i :.. FHA. 3 Br, 2 ------,.,._..,. Dr. tilG-:.':l()!) __ L_A_G-UNA BEACH 9• ~1 Balboa d' sell. "' 2 STORY -------PAyn icnts. O\\'ncr. 4-~-~= 2 BR Rpl • J 3242 Walk•r Rlty 675-2676 : Ba. Jg fan1 rm. ('O\' patio. • H HOUSE JIOi\l'·: ~pread o\'f'r 2 lots. \'.01\ll"ORTADLl:: 2 BEDltAI OCEAN VIEW __ bc>aehl"~/pier. 515-$150 \\•kl)" E-.;;H:;t..;B::;lc:uc;.11;_ __ ....;..;_;;c ~=~~-~- ' 'Choice property. S?'l,500. 311 ~ BfBEABCh f I , _ I Char1nin11. pc1mancnt. 3 CARPT·;'I"ED. Dr.iJl('~, ,\s-CUSTOM M0"1'P., low(•1· Tr n1-S1n Clemtnfe 1710 536--3911. 615-MlO n"LUFFS Exe-·to've 2 Br. 2 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· ; '1\assau ;..i0-24%. Opn Hsc ·' t 2 al s; 11> c . ...,\·e Y Bf'rlrrn .. 2 ha.th residence 1umP. 5!4 ~~ loan . Dri\'e by pit" Hills. :I BR, 2 BA, din· ---------,.-2 f 1 xl t 1 f '-u ury garden apts n1th coun· !, Sun 1-5:30. patib. Walk to awlnini.i°'. with large rooms. Sep. din. 218 Knoxville, !hton call eUe. h~c li\·\na rn1. frpl<', HARBOR ESTATES . BR um ap' n v ew 0 Ba, on bay, 50' deck. $400. try club atmosphere and . •ewpert Beech 1200 FARMEkiLngWSA28L.50)KER nnp. •.A.indooPALrMERBBQ. S11N9c'"". W-2395. Sl9,500. elec k\\-bltins incl range. Eovely %>&.ni.!h, 2000 ,q ft ~tty & beach. CdM. Mr. Mo. 497.1537 or 644--0.!37 complett pri\'acy. sourn " VACANT. Sharp 3 Br 2 be Elec thenno control rach i Br, ~~ Ba all et!C:. bl~ Towne. 675-t&9? . BAY CLUB APrs. Irvine at -.,· . .:BEACH BARGAINS SREAPACIOLTOUSR ..... _ .... ~~~~ l377 Via Lido 67J...73DO 5~% ,FHA loan, Sl2t mo. rm, beamed l"eilings thru· ins. tltt MiJ grill. W/:ft 2 BR~. S. of Hwy, QIM. lrvlfte Terrace 3245 16th Newport Beach. ~ ...,....... Open to offtn. 19 8 0 2 out, w to w crpfs, drps, cpls. drpe. Lee ~encl. patio $150 week. ' 4 BOR, 3 ba, fireplm, din. -(7lf) 645-0S50 ~ • A·F'rame :J. Br. 2 ba. Iv. rm. 3 bdr, 4 blka ocean. A BUILDE·R 'S hthmut 536-4558, owner. trunk rodm l playroom. Cor w/fish pond 4 water fall. * ,673-21J3 * rm, lg. doUboule in play yd, MODERN 2 BR dupl•x. • Fast-sale, $26.500 (or $30,!IOD OWllll!f 6Q..3547 WINDFAL'L.. \1UJ.J\ PACIFIC TWNHSE Jot 1~·. dblt gar, rear ya.rd•, Lie harbor v ! e w patio. LIDO ISLE 4 Br, 3 Ba. Avail lmmed. oc:ctfPU>CY. $550 WIW. bl.tn. ~ & own. , ). Only avallable:"'15' blyfront. • br l ba 2i,s car pr, c/d. patios. 1hnW. $42.700 ... $39,750. «>wn/Act 496-9* Aug. 3 thru Labor Day. yearly teue. M7..0W Enclosed patio. Nr. beach A i : Westc1fff 1230 2 Lob, 2 pien I .Upa. OwJl. Ul.IOO. asm. fi!\ rnA. Sl0,000 eaah. Bal on con-Idell location f15..2990 pier. FUm or unfum. Ye:af'. 1 film. 3 BR. 2 be. Steps to ""°""'"'VI_ " SHJN•• 1 er may consider movtna: 962-15t0· tract of sale to hold 25 yr: Condomlftlum 1950 • Balboa Pe:n!Mula., rJp1 s. Coron• del Mir J250 .1,y. 53(),'2500 ~pm. ·~an.$25.000. -x-~ ~ n-homH.$225,000-Landval11e1-~~=====:-·I $25,000 Joan: Int '"I.le 1%% 1&5 k: AYWOOD REAL TY side 1:. out. Liv nn. l din R. c GREER. Rll!alty e SHORECREST Pymnts monthly until paid 3 BR. 3 BA, w/w cpta, drpc, 1.vail Au.g. S per 111 -3 BR. 4 2 BATHS... MODERN·Z-Bft. + cot1wrt • • r 630; w:O:>a.st Hwy., N.8 . nn: service Porch. .etec Sl"i5 ·via Lido ' 673-9300 3 Br, 2% Ba, 11'1 de'n. Irs In full. \Vtite Owner. P. O. hit-Ing. Upptr Back Bly. 838-5824 _1 cp•• •-• •vaD dtn. W/W, bltns l"R"llge & ov- , • ~1290 • bltn~. clean crpt., drpe: REAL CHARMER! yrd w/ bMt c11tt. Open Bax 914, phone 491-4726 La· Will lst/optlon. &42-0645 2 BDR. apt. cleln. Octan "N .,o.w' No•·,.· t :,:: ·chli°d un: tn. Priv11e •undeck. Nr . O"~ER lhrll~t thts 3 BR 2 BA ll6use SI.I/Sun 1·5. 962--0131 gUM Bcac:J. ~ ... IALS side of hwy. COM. (21)) '31· . g '" bte.ch A pier. Furn or un-BY .,. L...:..,, ~1. 1-,.~ • Proleulonally deeorate:d 2 "' 11,-de:r 13. PAS mnnth. r11m y 1 •• 530-1..,,,. 4 o Oannlna: ocean lront hOme ,..,.,, riv fl'lh'"""· 2 ba I ·1 ho 2100 sq fl~ bdr, 211 bl\ tw l,....,_,...,...,_ ...... ,.I Houttl Fi,,rnlthed ·" -Corbin-Martin ' ear..,. -""" -opm -.n n -4 lol 3 00'.I mu -\· nlnlnt. w7 chlldm's play Br; ·· ami 11 nn. me. Jot nr Brkhst & Adanu;. \ti EW HOME -BALBOA -ll'lexpe!UiVt tot· REALTORS FURN D\!Jlll!X. ~ & 3 Br. 1~ I v. nl & pet an•a. Hea"'Y 5\~',~ Ai;...u_,n1ablt Loan """-. . " R I Sh "00" \' kl I J I blk i ~~ S ~~if!& nn. 1m:~ __ !pcalio!1, !hU:e-l"OOf mmpletes thi~ s ... .,000 $46.500 61it loon, :m.<•1vi• 1 •ntt • to lr;:_t '" " tages. \ee y ta~ U)'. 3036 E. C5t H~·y., Qji\I 1u.,.· ocean. un1met ..nr ~s. MCIOl!ll'll pulto, Lid R It , B\' O•\ .. "'r·. 4 BR·. c1tl-<tc .. ~r. !,,.,, .. -"ro"cl• '"'''"·'· ::.: ..... n AugU!i!. N'!pt. Ms.-31;,s • 675-1662 • Rtntaf. $12'. prr \\'k. PRo.s-;'Nlai crplt; lhl'Oughout. Lg rhnrmlng homf'. By 01v11er. o e• Y --.nc. AA; '"-'"' '--' • '-' \\'ANTl::D! 2 Yng. men ovt'r fM!ci 4·3917 or LA 5-~218 ,i.it(htn \1'/blt·lm:. $67.(Q}. 5l2.'."i00. &12-15'98 :noo ViM. J.klo !.-er.; .• ~ Nr ~chili. wlk ro i;\iJJi, 2 llll.th. 01-cl\n \'ic11" 1ret 2l In ~h:u·(' r\'p, In 4 Bdi·m. 2 Br. 1 B!t. ~rden d1111l>< a.;!I 4 RR. '1 b."t. ~plil·!e,·el -.-LARG-~E-l""'B~EO"'' ~P.~00~-1 "' TIRED OF Barr:nin~ $Z3,900 962-&ZT biP, rh't"111n klfrhen. 1\!nny h!il·. $62.7!0 per mo. b:iJ/bl'ach. Jul;.-i:inly. Slr:i, duplex. $100 monlh • M 673-Un'1versity P1rk 1237 OLDER HOMES? IT'S Beach hv1Loq> time, Bl~· r'l l1·n~. Only S43.1i00 ~.:.000 su,,ine<:Smen and/or Tl"hr. prr l\'k. 673-1901 Don V , F r 11. n k 11 n S\j() nionth. Yt'.1rly OWN1':R"S NEW 4 or 5 BR. do\\'n. O,.,·ner will ctU'TY baJ. •* 673-6068 * t i'iarbor V~ Home, J· bt'1, 4 IDRM.·PLUS Set thl16 yr: old famfly hnf!1t ldtD"L5!1ecpt~lL"o'r""o' ,..,...,.,,',..ht Rn!,'('. 71-,".'~ loan . no loan pn~f., l'i mi. to 'Bch,., near NE\11PORT att,••Bdtront .. A~~-Rltr. gn.z.m DEC:XUtATOR'S PAD I B ' · -II bd-· -nv .ttn I dtn-"" ~ S. 0. Fwy. After p.m. Best Beach. r. ~ ..... 3 BDRi\t l Bath Ne,v1 .. rctlec. · . r. lh nn, din rm, tam tint 2 nttp1~a. 2~ ba. Ip. .. ,,...,.,"" ·., , llCtion NO\V! f~. 968-5233 Sleeps 6. 64:1-.t\16 • 1'.-., -t. bit·!••.~ 'dulll StertO. 'cOlor ·TV. nr bey. bll I kl• 2 '-lea. .,,,. R bl t • ~'-1 Ing room. can tor app I. ....~ -.. '"' n I~ -....... s N. rig~ .. ~--6' many ~ ~ ~':e.iw:--.;';,i ur: Walker Rlty. 675-5200 DON"T JUST \\'!5fl Jor aome.. WANTED Lady to share niy BEACli at door. Ntwly furn 0nly_..__no pets. t2SO Lit. 423 _.. .. _ -" t.. 8· c f 6.9 f In an c ~ n I · pjay area. o~. •ttomey BUSIEST markttplace ln tbint 1o f\zmlsb your homt Mme. fNr Brooldrutsl l bach apt 1tartirlf 1t .$50 per Carnation. e wtNTER RENTALSe ~ •.. .,..,1.,,11 ____ ...... l'be DAILY_PILQ1 .,.111,d_t,,,...ln• Adama, HS) Prolu Sehl wk.~Htillch. 2 W..Ona_l ~&il.~L.FOSS,,_A(L,_l-- £UX>W•-·13Br,% e •RftlHIH lt.M1t( O...lllod -'S•u i!Wi~MI. • _ lii<Mt1.!16:i-D-3Door11Dbe~.s111c.1>a<J>. red~!td. AJ>P.l!ince~· -et.D;;~fillh"'!iw>r.n· 'llOli8 O!im Dr, !nine ..-. -I< .-. Looi! For·Dd7 i'iliii Wiii> Ma Awyl~IN . ..,. 11n;;-QUICKER YOU ,CAU., ap~, 11 .... ~ a. ,._ "°" lllO!ldl. All< lot 1)ldi iii!LY PllDI' WANT A'6Si '\rlir. m,iap.._ · 0!'£1''! All!~ PM mD -II -Dial~ for ltEStJ!ltS " 1'11: Q!lla<Elt·YOU SELL w .... &13,143!) • ~ 8RlMG Rl:SUl."nl , .......... !I!!!!!""!!!-• )~13C I "I' Si !¢1 -*-• • • • r'"!"'"'"""!_...,..,.~,..""'"" ........ "'!~!!~!!111!••··--------~---------... --... ---------·--------_____ ., ____ ·-----· ----~--·-·--· ~-.--,.-~-... - ·~:.rnhheol ltl=~nfu-lt~~.twi.-u:!.:1T~1' u:;.::;rATI * 1M NOTICIS New..... ...... .UOO -ol • ~ C... ~ 5100 -•lo Wo-SttO --ltlfttol '4*1, _ -..,--...,.--.... -~ ' , .... "-Mo) '400 ...._." --:.:....._.;,_ ....... , NJ:Wi:R a Bii. )'t\r lcooo. I Br . --Rid .... . SI l(l'., old ~ bach a • MAIUN>;l!S CENTEk $3'.lO. Call m.704.$.. Avt.11. v EN DOME Adu.I; 00 pe'a . SlS$/ uui ,Plit ttme ,law' tludttll OUkie . a 'tci? Wide, te!(t er fri:iJt\ 8123. 30 Yarda to bt•ch p<L 6'9--'62'1 S-1740 dtlfr.et Yrb lipt-. (110w or ltt.te. S15• to U fef' cno. INTELLIGIN'rt UNMARlltlEDt I ,,, .... Yo\U' lovl!&tloo to 1111> ' Sepl) on B&Jbol lal.,.t li9 R.lwnkie Aw. 14$-)0f 1-~ ~~~ex~.:: ~'Ci.~;.~~t t~:.,.~Ji!:-~v~ ~~rice~, ttl1'1:~C:W::· = ~ce :"~ , ~· 1111 VI. Balbm. Blvd. SECTIONS AVAtLASLE ' ~15S5 ' SI N..-•.,.c:f 'L plntu. Phono '517- l!LACK La.,..,,. RA>lriovtr, i -"-"'-.--==,,,""::"'-'''-'·+I male chain cellar. Vic .r LICENSED Clo •"--•-p k WIDOW di"~'-U '°" 13 · .. .,. ,gg1. ea & t:, l'l'ont Apt, llps 5. Ht•-~._, 1r BAC:HELOR APT. Med uAfW:)'BR, 'vtcint0: ~ $100 •• $140 wkty. 220f W. ~ ~:_!k'•...:2 Ba S100 lbo. 5tl$704 Haven I Clay, Sept nat.1o '"m=CE=-w""l"tb-a""t"'t ,-,~.~. d Oceaa. Front. 543-42M .-• ~ ...... ua ~:....--,. " Swim ...... Puv,..... . . -.i..~ s Ah-maD ... ~ I 91 " I ...... Total !!!JO .. ft •; * Frpl,•lftJ!livllnd.rJ' fac'ls Nt9porr, "9Kn -200 Bron~ ~kcf -ID'Ollre NS\V ~ Nl or Cout Hwy',;,_ Ceroni del Mar 42So lM.J Anlihtlm Ave. MOD. 2 BR. 2 BA. -i. bit-Australia .\rCbti, N.a s 4 a -3 2 2 4 rn.,.A .,.;. •-2""~ .. ., WANTED To le&ae 3 or 4 Br betWttn I .I: 4:30. LUXURJOUS apt avail for ... "'"!'. MJ'..OI'\ -· °" Ina, new epti~ Steps 10 In' I ~~"'!'!!!!~I!!! ......... , -.~ ID,$4!0. P" mo. e P!W14<' 11$U LocoYon e awnmer or w a-·rental, I~.. heh. Yrty. S26S. P.fo: PH~ Cd'! .... ~·.:.';....1.a Ill.... NB !TX~ ~-1 loo! • --r furn or unfm'n. k>cated.an -· 1 Br. all· util pd, W/W, 67l-L990 v.•k endl/oi 21s. ". c.nJC&~ ~· . • ...,, ......,, • lUw ... • thl-Bl)' with •.Ptetacular llDW: ~ Contact t.tr. P&lleU.e (7ll) fie. 1m Hlrboc-. I c .M. oce:a.n view, Pocil. aauna ~ s:w..69M> 549-U21 or+(41Sl ~ 6t6-861M . • PENTIIOUSE •pt for be -======== bOat sllp ai an extru. '!! 2.., Br, RIO, r'Cfrli, Balboa Bay Club. Beautiful \VANT To re.ht or leue, l or Collect 21J: 2C-61!2 Mr. __, 4 Br. in _ COilete P a r k Hood. !-========== bay ~~· S.1115. per area. Pool ~ $200-U50. ,._ nK". • xlnt Reier'•. '549-2497 Aft. 6 BAC!lll.OR apt, ohaa ... ~ .... 11 -SIOO e F'ACJNG BAY e PM uW incl, $120/mo ~ 1---------Lwnuious Balboa Bay Cub. 615-"954 Newly Construded Subl" ' n " "'""'" j BR. Balboa tum. or Wlfurn. 642-7633 QUIET COO.p\e riefld ll1Wl hOme v.·f fenced yd. for doC. yeazV, u~r $150 O:IM local rela. ~ bel 4:30. 43oo Av•ll•blt A.119. 1 LEASE -upper duplex 3 bdr YEARLY $150 Jn0..1 Br. 2-ba. new decor·Lklo ihopa. BUSINESS L4d§ desires 1 ' frplc, yard. Step11 to .ocean 16 ainQ:~ s~ry Wlila. Un-Only malure manied. no bdrm unturn apt to SUID. le bay. 615-3353, 67l-5l2;2 fUrnisbed 2 Bt. I Ba, Crpta, pets.. Rere?"ences. ~ 00--0086 drpa. dahwhr, f~ patios, 1 " 2 BR apts, tum Ii un-1 ========== 4351 bta.med ceil:i.np. frplc, gar-furn .. J16s to PlO yrty, Rooms for Rent 5995 ----ap. Adults, no pets. S155 Anita.' Jones Rlty. ~10 Lido Isle Office Rontal 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Air Condltlonod BR. Util paid. pr. 1 Adull, mo. no pel!I. Sli3 mo yearly. 673-007 eves. Ot<J FOREST AVENUE Deslc a,pacea available in ~•t ottioe bulldl.nc at prime location In dowfttown Laguna Beach, Air condi- tioned, carpeted, beautirul eiitrancts: Frontaie on Jo,orest Avr., Tear leads to Munclpa.J patk.ing lots. S50 per month for space. Desk and chain available for s:;;. TOWNHOUSES, 2 & 3 Br, 2 I.AR.GE· pri ent &: ba, patio. Business hours ans"111eriiw I lg . _..11 Gf!nUcmen, nict. l ·-"·bl 11 .81Jboa..blond -.Q5S BEAUTIFUL -Upper d\.rplex apt. Very (!lost to So. Bay. 4 Br. 2 Ba. $400. per mo. yrly Saliabury Riiy 673-6900. Huntington 8e1ch 4400 NEW 1 BR. IDk to ocean. Fur•• -Unfurn-.Sumnier - Yrly 202--A 14th. 536-1319, i-673-1714 l BDfU.f. furn.. apt. Slllt , MJ1'. Xl6-C Joliet H.B. ......... NEW WI iip, kH Br. bJd Ac a.una pools, rec nn. Heil .I: Algoquin. !of_gr 846-nl7 2'50 Elden, Cott• Mesa Ba, ~ '. patio, -to S42-5392 serv ce avlU.lll e for o. (1 b!k E. oI Newport Blvd. $3:JO. Liaison, 646--0732 I "'==:---..,...,.~-~-: All utilities paid excepl ~of ~llt&.-AN.. _ 81..UD:S..J _B.R... 3 BA._Lsc ROOM For rent In nice quiet telephone. -.Country Club) $315. mo. Call own er 1f6i'il • ~'Otking· p er so n . --DAILY'~Pll:.O'I' 54.8-0110 alter 6 pm . Phone 642--4794 22'2 FOREST AVENUE 537-0062 <1ft 7 pm or DELUXE ill CM. priv hm. LAGUNA BEACH $JU791 Ent lluff 5142 pilot or v.Tkng man only. $15 l---=c=-'"°"==--- 11 'Mft.-1 d wk. 546--0889 DESK SPACE -· pm iys GOLD medallion new dlx 1 desk $30., 2 desk.I $50., 3 NEW SPANISH Townhouse 2, 3 A t BR, Ml1c. Rentals · S"9 deiiks w/private o r t Ice, VILLAGE APTS. $3X). up. 752 Amigos Way, S125. WW WI deslc, oUice 1 6: 2 BDRM, Furn °" un-1-=N='.B.=;::'7=>-0033======= Stora.re ~ availa.ble, table; ·•taHooeey cabinet. tum. Alr<ond, dahwhra, ~1 · . Coal>t H;>'f;r~ :el Mar. ~", ren~ ottice for S75. el''an'r ovens, patio, break. CorOftl clel Mir 5250 ""' tut bars, private tundecks, 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ENCL Ga.rage, stora~ only NEW Deluxe office spac.1 Irr 1l0l'lle closets. Heated It _ Costa ?tfesa. $15 320 tD 1200 1q ft at Santa Pl)'JI, .iunu, bar-b.que.. ~-v 548-8007 Ana Fwy & Crown Valley Sound proof walls walk in a,. ST0RAGE Ga.rages, 1 car turnoff. 831-1400, •99--1198 c~~-~end • carport, "re• US· 2 car $25. Corona de! EXEOITIVE Ollioe spa.ce. Adult&. no pelJI. fl1ar &: Costa rt~esa. 673.-7629 1100 ft Crp•· d ~" THE CAI.IFORNlAN.. ON TEN ACRES ' sq. . ""· f'Pll, .....,. Phone 546-2727 l I 2 SR. Furn .I: Unturn STORAGE Garace 'DI/mo owr'll!:r alt 6 pm. 61>4644 Or1rave County 4600 !---:==,,.,.,=---Frplcs I prtv. pat1os/Pools. e 642-2657 e 300 Sq. Ft. Office l--"Z...---'-----1 BU..IEDJATE Tennis. ContrJl1 Bkf!t. put· COstA Mq.A 646-2130 ~g.E young adults. tux-• ~•--OCCUP8.,.,. ~-~ 1irc ~ · ury 1:arden apts w/tull •>.&<'ti • LOCY•.,.,,..., .,. 900 Sf.a. Lane. CdM 644-26U recreati?Jl. .ficllities & com-bath· upsta.in. spacious liv· · plete privacy, South Bay ina rqQl'I\ we lireplace 1.: J,i IMacArt!lur nr~O>ul Hwyl c I u b A p t s. Z77 So. b a t ti· downstairs. Bit • ins, WV Brookhurst, Anaheim 1n4l ud'rtcreation facilities tn. FLY, Lc:e. UJ!per duplex. 772-4500 duded. Adu1ts. $185. 1st -3 d}l. 2 be •• bl~.:.m rllztll:e .& '-=========•I 1ut months !us .. ~:: de . oven. OceBll side of Hwy. 1 P .,,,... an $250 -yearly lease. G•rtl•n Gt-o't'e 4610 1ni chuge. F 0 r •P-Sallibury Realty 6n.6900 I-'-"--"-...;....;.-"-----I potntment, 549-0614 1 ~°"·~.,_~~--~~ SJNGLt Young Adults Lqx. ---=~~~~~-2 BR, 2 BA. S"'·edish frplc. ""' pnleo "" wHh """" HARBOR GREENS Jmmac • cu!e. 2 ,.,.. old. try club atmOl'lplW!re and SDI mo. 6/;>-S.720. . ln«»m• Propt'rty 6000 lnd-u1tri•I PrOp. .--6oao SLHPER . ENG . Finn requires S00.1200 ft office-lab area Irvine Jndu11trial area. Running water~· 546-13S2 ComnMrdal' 6015 SOUND VALUE C2 Stucco store bulld1nr. Good condition; 3.250 sq. ft ., 5 acres 7·yr-old ,produclne oranae crove. Ctiltrtl'callf. by~ ~r.' Equlj)> $28,000 va1ue $33.000. \Vfr:tt 3-4 bdr borne. Waldron 6*7010. Trade! C·2 property, rood tor anythin&. LiltJ.e restau- rant at present tlMt, tor what have )'OU '! Call ii In- ter. only. ~2039 or 646-4700 Prof bldg, 1870 Placentia,• CM. Many USe$. $&1,500 val. Equity $24 ,500. AU typea PtOP eon1.-0wne I agent mo<n Silve1warc. furnitui'e, TV, Sew niach, movie camera Ii: projector ' much mlsc. Trade for late model VW camper. Call~. TR.WE 45M eqly in • BR. 4 BA, pool, lab. view Em· crald Bay, LagUna Bch homf! tor commu. acreqc, TD, yacht. Ownr, Campbell 494-1385 Palm Sprlna:1 land on Rac- quet Chili Road. $30,000. OWDCJ' w..lll' W'fl&iite tor beach · aree · JIC'OPft11. Vic Stewart R.E. 4s+Tl331. 40 act'CI 11&.r Lake Elsinore $20,000 eQUity. Will trade for home, Income, boat etc. SUbmll: V1C"Ste\vart R.E. 37+ acreg nr. Feather Riv- er ReC. Lake ~ Apple Val- ley area. Terrific potential. County paved • elct, !cl. 494-7990 Retired-don't need tax inti· tcr. Want hst lret> & clr ror $19M or $38M ~ in trl· plexe~. S960 mo, pool; prime loc, no vac. a4G.6001 =" . ' -fin Vb' Spiritual lle&dlop, oa lll mauen..au N,EI SN'JJ..L BLK w/wh\ cotlu Cajn1no R.tal, San Oemon ....... • -o1c1: Vic ... • . 49Ul36, 4'J&.1i91 1· 1tadoc at Pomona a Utb u AM ~ 10 PM 91-, C.M. -• " SERVICI DlltlCTOllf P'0".111!.~i.9 h• p ••rd · . male, 10iot hair, Orao0• col-··~I~ ' ; '550 .V:ic: f!~··~ •',<••• 1 . -BM WtJi ~t..'I> , ~~· ,,(l V:ie E. home. Fenced ya rJI . -Jin, · (Nr. Lunchea. NW' Harbor a ~ ~ '. -Center. t D'IOS ft) 3 ... ........ ,. day -.,, hr . FOUNDt-Jt.a.Wt. m OlmeD Ji"'Wt time or occuiona.I. •. 8oka Puk Lane, HA ~ ..... ~ ... ~-~~;,so..~1~!95~i&ii;*I 111197~ • Horse Lovers! 3 BR bOl'ISe. ro•~D· .N L .....____, ~E Student: Baro con'll r1d1nr arena .,.,, • ewp ~·---· llilc $1 .00 hr. Near Wllaon bl.ck, room, ·~tc. l',41 am'. Lust. cute turtle, muat be Harbor ln C.M. ·we k $31,000 eq. Trade for land, pet .. 548-2426 nlttita, or ~ntire \vteke comm. SUbmit. &t2-6487 Bkr BROWN A white lmall poo. Ask for Beck;y 548-lBTl Rented bollse 5Ckt140 R-3 dle, w/plutic oollar-. Vic YOUNG mother wlth 3·yr lot. Nr. Ganie~ Grove Civic Coita ~ 6G-135f boy would lilt! per !'!! Center, $20,300. Trade $9.500 DARK Rlmmed &lauel, on ba.byalttlng job f~ eqty !or units or ! ! Owner rocks in Balboa, JuJy 4th, boy Mon thtu Fri. ~ ~ Broker 5'7-6469. ' Call 675-5831 WrLL Babysit yoor ~ llXMI ,ac.,. $250,flCX\ 10 ml F 0 UN 0, A 11 ye 11 ow my home, eXJJ'd motba'. rrom dntwn LA', 5 min. parakeet. Identity. · Wll!o.n &: Ca..eyon Dr., . rrom twY on paved id. btwn 673-37~ 64&-3817 : Beiumont & ~a!t Glen, T!d HUNTING..Kp_ife 01\ Maraut-MATURE M>m&n~ \llilL~ for nc. Pl'OP·· 547-6"69llrtr. rite, om. Call to \denttfy. for your childmftn 'Youtt. NORTH Tustin Lot, $18,!IOO. 644-2919 HOME day or night. XLNt Free & clear, moo excl. l•ro=UN=o'"o"n,,-,F&ll'vl<=· =w-,ln-.,CM"°' rera. Sl .25/hr. 548-4389 .• area, fabuloUs view. Tr, for Tiny kitten wearing collar OIILD Catt, my lovely lne. PPOptrty w/spendable. with "Scott" Call 546-3QS8 ham Bl fencd yd !t Bkr. 546-0-169. .._ Sane. tar A • SL' ~ EXclwiie Sll.500 equity 3 BASSETT Pup, fem. vie. Cst • n& .....,,. bdr, 1 * ha. OB cln&'. [rpl, !!.~denrod. 5'73-StlO Mell. 64s.553J l tmly nn. Lower Hutinp.I-========== LICENSED Babysittiflf, Pasadena, for same Hnt.1· feneed yard, hot mllllt. Bcb or Cat Ms& or lnoome. Lett 6401 Harbor/Wllaon CM 6U- 213-,3Sl-8779. 1--...... ------DEPENDABLE be -"""v"A°"CAN"r""'"'"'LOT°"''"J~N:--IL ID 0 It I e : L.arre my C.M. home,·Hot 1;·--""'·1 NEWPORT BEACI{ long • haired black • white tencd yd, 'l dsy1. 54&-37tl Wll.L ACCEPT TO'S male cat "Jo.Jo" extremely BABYSITl'ING by friendly, hu red tallar and • O:T. • ne1cou . Ai\Ylnlo7 Jilease ~~ -;-1~i; call 67>1621 Heavy duty rolotlller. 3 LOST: \Vhippet, w h I t e BABYSITTING .• Reliable $ sperds forwa.rd! .1 reverse. Brindle markinp. \V 1 de wk. 132 W. Wil!on Spc E.-cctUent oorx:huon. Trade b ll . Be h •-C.P.1. ~ aft 6· I for front throw laWMiOWer rown co ar. \llC. ac ..: . povoer edgei And /or -i Adams, -HS-S36-6275 A e BABYSITl'lNG _my ho"l' '42-5488 536-8126 children's pet. on Flower. CGl!ta Meaa. II ave Soowbird sailboat B'i°'V!" ~a.qy female Poo=" Reliable. 548-,.TBOl -·i1 \\'it}t trailer, want travel or ~ e WJth hght eyes wearlni cJ,mpcr lra.iler or car or ea . collar. Left Tuesday lo•t cl~rt land. mo"!ina. Nr. Victor1a l MI Jntenancii 655 646-4837 Wallace. Reward. 64&-3365 What do you baWi to trade f MISSING 2 Girl's Schwinn List It here _ ill Oranc:r 2f" bicycles. 1 Blue, 1 Gold. Coooty'a·~ read trad· Chrome ft!nders, h a n ti • l.D£ post _ art mab a deal braket. Reward for their retum. 5*>-1422 Boat Maintenance * MR complete privacy. SOU'MI BA.C'HELOR untum r r om!========== BAY a.us APTS. Jllcp:l pio. Also avail 1 • .O? l 3 l11boa Island 5355 CHAP~tAN A\or., C&rdeh Bd -Grove fTI4l 63&-.:lllC nn. Hated. pools. child ON Grand Canal, Y r I y 20 ACRES navel, high pro ducing orange-grove w/tre· mcndous growth potentla1. Adj. lo H11'y. 60 otr.ramp, the main tf'rmlnus 10 f'IC\V lak~ &: rttrealion project. PRE • PAID INTEREST D 0 W N; $147.500 FULL PRlCE. MAY TRADE * U ft. C@ilirlg, tuU span: .. neon lightJ;, heating, 2 rest rooms. Lot 60 x ISO to al· REAL ESTATE Gener•I * * * * L057: Toy white frmale Poodle. Blue-collar. Need1 . medical Att'n. Vic. Ba.y I: -·--· BUSINESS aM f.INANCIAL BOAT ~ OWNER·· ~! iagyn• aooch 4701 100 CLIFF DRIVE Tvt,, bed.room furnished All ~luxe featurt11 care center. adj to 1hoppin&. I~ mo 2 bdr car. boat No pets. -' ' 2700' Peterson Way dock. New deluxe. 6TS-3S28 COMMfRC. CORNER ' ==Chs=ta=M='="~-54G-0.1--1-o_.1 Huntin9ton Btech 5400 Hottest spot In Oranie Cnty., TOWNHOUSE 2 story wl -.--nr. So. Coast Plaza .I: new baloo~. 3 BR, 2 Ba, 1r& llv NEW $150 up. 1-2-3 BR. hotel site. 2.55 Acres ready nn etriwn dbl prqe Heated a: aauna poob:, rec for dnrelopment: superb Joe. Cl ' ' · nn Heil • ·~·1-••.,... for restaurant, automotiff bhse, pools. Lease $197.50. . °" Rll;UU\(U ........ . Adults. 968-4193 846-3131 center, etc. ·Only $240,(0); l=c====,,--~,-..,-1 this includes 'a • 1lalidii' PANORAMIC View owrlook-$160. Lge dlxe 2 bdr 11~ ba NEW Modem 1 BR. cpts, corner. Walldni( btstanci! to' Seaeb $225 -Yearly lease 494-244t tng Allio Bch. 2 BR tun. all G.E. Kitch, 2 ear aar. Adlu: drps, avail Now! e Please call: Tom "JeMakl elec. ~fature t dulta,. no no pets. 240 E. 16th Pl. 536-25'79 e REALTOR TI 4: STa-6259 e child. no pets. '1ti{mo. 54UW 2 a: 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, JO UNITS Eves, 49S-3155 2 BR dlx, cpta, drps, bltrui, h e ate~ d P 0 0 1• ne.wly Wllh pool plw; &Clparate hG. Be.ch. V i ew, Victor carqe. $165. AduJta. 3005 decoratid. 9624994 home. Gr 0 , s annl Jnc. Huao &rea. Sl.50. Lse, util Coo 1 i d g e 546-4021 or .. · d I 5700 $23,000. Ideal for owner-m1r '~ms 54" """"' .... • pd • ......-~ ---------or n'KIJ'e than 101i~ spndblt lENTAL" RE-DEX.'ORATED 2 b d r, ... h A"" on inv, Easy to renl 2 bd. • Apfs. Unfurt1ithed . up.1ta1rs bit-Iris; crptJJ, drp&. DGIC I'''' l'i ba, studio apts. plus 4 No pe:ts 568 W. Wilmn St., bdr home ·w/sep. yard in '9n1ral 5000 CM -545-0760 New • Deluxe cholee E. CM area. To •ee ) •• .,1 lhis exceptional property BESI' Value. 2 Br. crpts, (714 s-6 call Mi5.1 Line 530-2170 and drps, dishwshr, pool, qu~t. (714) 536-1417 evcs/wknds 673-8437. Adults, no pets. $115. 2295 TI! Ocun Avenue Pacific Avie. 548-6818 <3 blks w. or H. B. Pier) 1 TIMES GROSS ~10DERN 2 Br. cpf.!, drps, 6 Units \Vilh a good rental e RENT e 3 Rooms Furniture $20·$25 & UP t.fonth·T~P.tonth Rental• WIDE SELECTION Appliances Ir rv·1 avail. GE Jdtch. encl . gar, nr' bus. L9'1Uftl IHCh 5705 record. Ocean side of Balboa -·t1fs. AdultJ:, ~fgr. 124 E.1---------Blvd . Nr. chun::hes. OCH.n a: 20lh NEW Lower Duplex. 3 BR. 2 bay beaches. Good invest· No Security Qeposlt HFRC F\lmituN Rentals 5l7 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 1568 W. Lncln. Anhm 77,.2300 EASTILUFF Brand new 3 bdt, 3 b& apt. View of back hay from bdr areas & Iv ·rm, htl&'e fire- place. all blt-iM. Every. thinr! $325 on a year• lease. No children or pets. See al 745 Domingo Or., NB then calli-" owner at 145-1'60 or 54s.348'1. 2 BDRM 1 bath -BA. dinl.n&' rm, patio. garg. men!. Aski~ $120.<IDO. . '.c:rpu. ' carpeted &: draped BURR WHITE "'""'· bl!n•. su;. Joaoo St. $250/mo. '94-1949. Ev<s \Valk to Harbor I hp 1 . call <f:!H..3458 REALTOR ~ 2901 N~ Blvd., N.B. REDEC l bdr ~/-2 BR lov.-er duplex, 2 biles ~ 673-M59 EVl!ll. • c:rp • to beach Ir shops, ~ Pfl· •tove. refrla. $1JI Incl util. $l'l5/mo Lae or rent to 32 UNITS 6V4% Loan Adlt 549-1839 resp. ~plt. 494-3727 aft 6 $415,000 2 BR ]" BA 1 I -~· Su Superb cond., excel Garden , 711 • carp, au ..... ,,, pm or n. I Adu!•-I=~~===,..----Grove area. No vac. Good "°" · ~. REAL ESTATE 548--0336 returns -EZ l~nns. Gonorol FIRST· PIONEER LARGE 2 bdr apt. Watal--'-------- pald. 1100. mo + 135. dep. ltontalo Wanted S990 842-4421 571-3811. or 112'1-761M .... =='-'-==-="'4.--• ...,T'"R"•"P"L'E"x"'•--- $145. 2 Br 1tudio, RIO. 2 BDR. 2 ba. Mui.ts, M pets. D~Y ~t ~taltne!,'ri~ PLUS vacant R·l lot? WIW. drps, avail now. Bkr $150/mo. Call bed 5m ~ y ho . Owne_r will carry lit TO 1t 534-6980 54G-&453 nn. u ' use in 81.!S~ int. 15% Down "'"-, '"'========""'=========/ Newport Beh, Hl!.l&:hts or .,....,.;, I" S100 Easlllide CM 1tart1ng in $55,000 FuJI Price 1 'j;c;;°';;';;';;M;;;;"":;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;1;;00;;;C;;od;;;;a;;;;A;;\e;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I mid-Sept. Lease preferred. Ewing Invest. Realty 11 Our family dog must stay 644-4323 OR 644-1361 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HB6HTS :J..our LUXURIOUS 2 A) BIDlltOOM APTS. HARBOR HBGHTS • Spacious cab!neta e G&ffers A Sattlen: ... bullt-lnl e Bala.need powtt Uvin1 • Encl-portdna: • twpeto • bpoo 2117-A Clnnernen Ave., Cut• MM• (1 'lock .... of Harbor •Mt 2 bl-IOlllh "' ... San Ditto-) __ .......,146<1-- \vlth us; our two \Yell· 12 NE\V UNITS neu ocean beha~ chlkl~ loo. Abun· Huntington dcach. S u n dllftt local refer e n c e 1 Decks, patios, 4 frplc. available. M5-J;29 TERRY REAL'TY UCI 53G-1459 Eff. 5.16-1655 sruDENTS .1: FACULTY INDUS. Bldg. 100% occpd. are faced a.pin with a hou!-Nprt, Bch. 10% net return. Ina ahorta&e. We are uk1nJ Sl!'J,<m. Phil Su 111 ''a n the community to list any ~ available rentals, aummer or yur rottnd, with tbe bous- lna: ot1iee. Pleak c a 11 mall for a Hattnc form. SALBOA wa;;a; Newport • 4 in tatnllY • pre.fa S BR. M\at be .,..,.,,. J!oor. 2 - after Aug. 12th. Xlnt ms • avail. Writi lnfonnation: Mra. E'. 8 . Jaekson, lIOl La Rosa ~. Arcadia, Calif. 91006. MIDDLE-AGO> E n I I I s h couple need 1mall. clean, unfurn house with mall )lard for tiey dogs (Peke ·" , Yortde ) Reas. Lorta-tenn rtntaL at ltue. Ref. avail. ..... WAHTED by tbe end ot •-b'l-ll.2BR.2 BA (deain.blel .,.r.r £. lide"o.ta M-Or Newport Bch'. modttatlt ftnta.1. All f or all ctt.Y Sal. 543-6371. ' e LANDl.OltDS e FR£lt RENTAL SERW(Z -- -lluolnMS Preporty 6050 FOR rent or leue, bld1 2380 Nwpl Blvd. q!' 3600 sq II, 548-2817 6060 STORES for lease Villap Shopplnr Ctnter. cor of El Camlno Ir ?ttendou, C.M. SultabJe Food to Go, TV, variety, hobby shop, rte. Set Uquor store for key. Al Wapcr 213{981-1510 3600 SQ. IT. rtar bid&: Npt Blvd. Strae or adptbte tor otm, accn 1ton!, ek'. $'50 mo. A 1 t. 642-6851 or 646-7tn BALBOA ISLAND Top location 300 + IQ rt, 4 yra mnt.ln"-on ltue. $115. mo, ·wn;e "l>.O. llm< 15.115 W Vep.a. Nev. • BEAUTIF'OL crpl'd ottiC9 1t.1ltft, alMOnd. Best dnl In town. - ley. Parkin& 10 can. JOHN MACNAB REALTY CO. . 642-8%35 OR 548-3355 lnd111trl1I R9nt1I INDUST Bldg in M-1, 744 W. 11th St., O.t. 3500 sq .II, $325 mo. 645-1.133. Eves 642-147'9 NEW industrial bldr; 2500 sq. ft. 9c per ft 1639 Monrovia, CM. 673-9017 6100 Acreage 6200 40 ACRES adj. mulli-milllon laDd development, Diamond Bar. $5200 Per Ac., Terms. Coates. Broker 531-(IJtO> 901 S. Harbor. Santa .\Da 5 AC R&nchO. tCity ot OceaMlde, $26,500. $7500 dn. Larier parcels a v a 11 . Wea tern Lan d .I: Dev&pment. ~2060 TAKF. OVER PAYMENTS! 10 aCl'l!l!, no down. Near N'pt. Blvd., C.M. Reward. 831-5511 or 873-1:04~ Bus. Opportvnlti" 6300 BEIGE Uncut female toy . , pccEle. no-collar, Vic Baker BE INDEPENDENT a: Paularino, reward. \I/ark your own hours, your S46-2563 Does your bot.I l.ooK ~ the money )'OU pajd ror It U not, let WI scrub it, it and polish jt from bow Item, inside Ir out. FOr apeedy, dependable a: re• IOtlahle service, call 645-17' Mr. Thompson. , own pace. Universal lb!m,l;G"R"E"EN"'°-.,.-m-an-,·a-w~al~le~l-v>c-· -:vefYOne uses. No compe~-of Don the Bchoomber CdAI: fion, 100% profit. Au1omat1c return just identification. repeat businel!I. ABOOLU'J'E m-B347 ,. minimum investment lt·•-,=-.c:---,.,-..--B · k ... C'ured. Limited num~r ot1LOST: Rinr y.g. bl~ cameo rte 'm.110nry, etc. lhesc rare oppty1 avail! set. Vil' Harbor Center I ~Jii:D,"•;.;;;;;;--:;;;6,5~*' Ask for Mr Cash. 642-6001 1hops. Keepsake 642-7020 [ 1 CANDY Supply route, part Reward. MAGNIFICENT-La~&: City. 89M743 Ocean view lo! in Lquna I===="='==== or full Ii.me, day1/evc1;1'PIJ!l="E-'B;,red=-1•,."1,~h--,S<°',"11e-,, ~fill le coiled money from Male F1u collar. V I c oollL aper. Dispensers In Hamlltt'ln & Pomona. Beach. $5,950 wi'h $500 dn. bal @ S50 per mo. 497·1210 497-11121 LG. Pi~red lot ln Wrightwood, 4 mi. to winttt gporl"I area. $6000 call cwner. TI4-624-7393 R-3 VIEW lots in booming Laguna Niguel. Fee simple, xlnt lerms. Box M867 Daily Pilot. OCEAN -Canycn View Lot N. Laguna. Sacr. SI0,500 \1: cub. Owntt 21:1/355--01$ R1nchet 6150 THOROBREO HORSE RANCH 43 acres Mun1ela Valley. Excellent improvemenla and ample t'heap water f.rom larre new v.·ell. Pastures fenced and crol!S fenced. Tli.'O nev.• pole -type barns with · stalls, shop, and Jo~ man'J olfict. Three · bed· room, 2 • bath house with garage. Solid sprinkler sys- tems. Tree • lined exterior \.\'ilh chain -link fencing. Good roads. Ideal climate tor hol'!IC breeding. Priced at $5TJO/acl'e includes $1!){1M o: Improvements. For furth· er information call Harold Bu11ick, Broker (714) 677-2711 days, or (714) 677·3161 evel'l- ings. Citrus Grovn 6175 SECUIJITY IN LAND Build Yoiir e1ta.~ • uvt tax dollan with weU located cltrw pvtt, S,ta.rt with thlR young double set producina navel irnve in Lake Mal· thews area, SaleR p r I c e $34,500. • 5 acres. Tey $1,500 down. Complete m.anaae. mat avaftable. ··r0r nm 1ololmi1Jon:;p-:t.i1' k. '''· 'Sn\n.~11 ~ Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 \V. Chapmlln Ave. OrllJl(e, c.JIL 54.1·2621 , Eves-,.·knds 539..sen R. E. Wanlo4 ' $$ MORE CASH $$. 1',or Yolft Home Equity Absolutely no cost . , • to )'()U the Seller! 12 years of payinJ more cuh tor Orange C.ounty property. Call the Rest . . . Then call the Be1t BEVERLY JACKSON RfALTY 147-6033 or 545-1245 Coata Mesa f: vie. No Reward. 542 Hamilton. C.\f Carpent<1rln9 Se 111 n &:· $1650 Tot a I MIN. Gry. poodk 712 vie. cash req. Send name, ad-Birch & Orchard, c .tif. CARPENTRY dress &: phone to: Route m-004? .:;wnr In hospital. i\fINOR REPAIRS. No J'o Dt'pt.. P. O. Box 3846.i '°'=~"'"-"'"'="'o~ TUC' Small. Cabinet in Anahe>lm 92803 MALE Kitt"n· beige. Vic or qes &. 0 1 be r cabtne BA TI'ERY REBUll.DING :1~~ & Coast Hwy CdM ~5-ilTh, 11 no answer lea.v PLANT. Rcbuildlnc auto, msg , at 646-2372. H. P: truck &: marine batteries. LOST bclge female toy poo. AndenlOll 1 s wamped. w/orders. Owner die, no collar. Ill~. Baker & MASTER carpe.nte.r ,$4 per \\111 complet~Iy train buyer. Paula.rlno, tt\Yard. 546--2563 hour. Remodellng-Repatr.; No a:lmmlcks. S15,000 fuU BLACK tomcat. blue collar. MU409 or 536-3900 price. $8,000 down. OCBS. Vic Catalina & Diamond, QUALITY Re-i-• AJten;. 547...fil.58. Lquna Bch. R.!w'd. 494-5 785 Uol'lli _ New ;t. by baut RENT by the hour, fully CALJCO Cat, blk l yellow or C.ontract. 646-3442 equipped print 1 h o p , 10me whitt. 12 yn old. 2241 -=========;I Training available. ~1398 Goldenrod, OOf. 673-3982 Cement1 (4ncrete 6600 or 897-9467 WANTED: oHWe liquor P1rsori•l1 6405 * CONCRETE Work, bonlJ. llcenae, Oranp Count)'. 1---~-----ed A Uc. Concrete aa~ Call: 642-8139 e COUPLES e Phillips Cement. 548-6380 · Mexlcan/Spaniab Imports e SINGLES e PATJOS, WALKS, DRIVij WAYS. Free estimate. $3(Xll) full price, Sl.000 ~n. Tl~ of Ban, Mail Ii. HI Cost lnclude1 •tock I-fixture11. computer cl\lbli: JOIN 11iE J. Jt.AY CONST, 642-4210 f \VANT£D: Duplexe~. apls 01' ~1293 or 1533-1914 FUN! TJl.E IN CROWD -•CUSTOM PA.nose ! conc:rete awing A removal • Sat Llc.•842-1010 lrcomr: property. Principals BEAUTICIANS D~. OP 1 .~f;P. Meet otht!rs only. P.fust be fairly new: Be your own ~s. Rented with YOUR 1nterc11ts at our Cost. ~fesa. 64&-4ll2 •pace. Rl!~n•hle. 147.9164 \vcekly parties or select CASH QUIO<-need 3 · 4 lhem lndiv\dually 4 fGALS e CONCRETE work all lypeR. Pool decks .I: custoih! Ca.II 548-1324 or 6 •• 5 join FREE) Call Leah I-9 Br. G.I. or FHA house near lus. W•ntH _. ,,.,,,9~ hf-re. 499-194& ---------p.m. ~ .uu. WOULD Like to auociate ~ • .,....,.. --,~---- BUSI NESS ..... wllh .... '"""" " m'"ogo '. A one'· FINANCIAL same around Laguna Haw N!fs. oantaet.t, -194-8195 or e CONCRETE flrs, patiol etc. Concrete .I: blk top saw· l111. Reas. Don, 64u.114 ': Bus. Opportunltlos 6300 lll3l 462-<544 coll. YES IT 'S YOUR Child co,. 6610 AFFILIATE CANDY SUPPLY· . ROUTE fNo Sdlina: Involved) D:cellent lnoome for few hours weekly worlc (0.,S or evenlnp). Refi1lirv A c:clo- leeling moMy frotn coin op. era.led dlspeneer. in O>sta Me11& a: a1ll"f'0\111di~ &rea. We ts1. roule. (Handle1 name b r a n d candy a: 111\1.ckl) $1450 CUh requtz.. ed. For pel'900al interview In Costa liftt& area. send name. addrt111 &: phone num- be:r to MWtl -State Inc .. 9075 E. TmPtt111 H\vy,, Downey, CaJlf. 90242 PIZZA --FAULT NEW N.....,,, School! U,,.,: Money te LNft 6320 For recorded meaaaa:e tl\at Ungton Beach. infanr. to 5 i.: le 2nd m. Jor qWck w."b~~ fu 54~ call yn. Very re.a•nable ratei cuh. Borrow on )"DUI' pro. 2 • for working m o t b e r ~ ~ ~ eq w:ithOut di:lturbbw 4 hour recording !16&-'356 , I ')'OUr low tntuelt 11C TOI. WANTED: LMnc quartu. .u.o w,..n.., 2nd Tos. for ex-1or ,..,, • l""loct':::~rl:".ca':':l:".".'._~=.:::il !af1ler _,.... Co. li>c:. """' ....... Mu, 53. •• . Se:rvtr\a: Harbor Aft& 20 1fL dlvol"ced, employed in eieo-ELECTRlOAN, no job 131 !:. l TU. St. trl'*1 A pnen.J plant •mall. For promJ)l servf 60-2111 ~ maintenance. Have all tools. call SC5-t&l• wlll tuPPIY rell. Wrt" o.u, ''""' Me,...._., T .D.'o 6345 Piiot Box N.17 ==----=;:r,i •6 TO'• for -1e or trade 123.100. * (nll 351"'719• Attr•ctlw Expert YOUNG 'WOMAN dancor wtll ""b ,... all latolt •te-P&. Call Ardell Corpot Vlnyl Tllo AU' atyles l!'ld colors • Free est. 'lk. contr. 54().12fl2 """"' '350 2llo '91"531 J.10 PM ~-BAOf 5'7" atic::; 1inctte 1lrl Gt;_;;; ..... :";;.":°-i;;;nt:..,~-:0-"';.;:.1 \VTO $'1.:i:,IJOl'.rfcr t )'t'ar. Top to 35 for bm 6: com-. -Int + po1nts, wee. by pank>nshlp. 40i-038$ AL'S Gardtnlna. I. L& Money Wanted 11.talntenanoe. CommerdlJ $100,000 equlty. G'lS-NU-ALOOHOUCS' ~ottt. tl'dwllrlal .t resldirittll. An plua tqulp for iilzta ANNOUNCIMINTI 1Pbonrt 512-'mT o.' wrlta to * &4&-3629 • ... houte, incl: own. elect ----.nid NOTICES P.O. Box 1223 a,m. Me.a. a.£AN-UP Spttlalistf -A_,,._,_,1"'•-=-·-•.;..200-'-' ',,,.,.."hoc""""·l',"'° .......... •--• IF ·~· ·-s.n.liiVifyGravp .... --. odd Jo bl: t c • ~"'"' nl", .... ~ ,.. _,<i _ ~UO or ~13 Reuonable. M8-aS VALLEY CENTER -UD S.noe k:e-cftam maker( ... -;;u;;:;;;;;;;;;:;~,:;;;;;::,l;;m;ii~~r..~~i;;;;;; ~,-.,.--....,-"""-,-,,.---f ....,.. m»'..:.dlYlilt, iov.ty ter • ....,.t<,dl, T-ler fO\Jl'Do Oill!f'• "'"'"''~ lllDE w.-oa:., °"""" Landlcop!oa ~ vlen A ~~. In· 1tate~ cafe [rencb-".fi:yu, ete. M ~ vie. Del M.-Aft., del Mar, eM 'jVW 'Pl.1· Z11l'I up. Can J\&m , tor shpff . tf1he ,~ ~ ~tit mliJlfA. row, V.Jue Cotta Me..· c.Jl I tdentlty Call S'15-03S aft 1 pm. • 83M41l • salt: :.U..~ui-.... -..,_ ~ wD! ilellaitronzM , • RETIR!!D"·'Qltt.,_--iikiiii:ilCED"";! rrontqe nr Dtl Mw .. Box c.J.I fm.1116 or·6!i&'ltm-f». BROWN AbJ'dlnian 'cat to meet'-"~· prdttltr. ft.tUUM. 5tl). 998 Solaoo Ilea"'-'1$-211JT ""· Coeta iw .... 141.mJ ..,._ r.r 11w ...... ,. • , -I • ~~ ' I• ' '· " ~ • .. . • • • . . . . • • : I ' ' • • . -. I . ' .~ . ,, .. ,..,, o• .-'o I ! r \ S.turW, J\ilr u. JM ,,,,.---- ,& IMPLOYMINT JOIS .. IMPLOYMINT JOBS " I MPLOYMINT Joas a IM!.LO'(MINT JOIS a I MPLOYMINT 1~~~~~~~$T,..~_;s..~ ... ;-;;;-;;-1~M~IOljllol~p~W~•~--~~Mt~n~72C!Ol~l~lol~e~W~11~vt~o4,~M~oo~n~TJ~:ioD~ Help W•nW. -7200 Ht:,P:.::,•lld • 1400 "'{;.:..,......i t40I • ~ • Jt. .. I ~ * -N.,..oo'"· _GEllEHT ___ 'l1WNE£ __ 1--==----=-=='---= ~111~ • -. ~~=-ANY-~·=~ Payroll/Accounting Clerk • 646-1941 ' ESTln: 1i1JiOt no. ..,, u •• M llmt :i=r. for ' Cl!<> onlquo ..._ .. Rmlonl .. trfrlOnlap. n. DAit trllnlnr procrui lollowl a --"'""""' .....,.,..can"1-. AUTOMOTIVIS llVI PllN w t ll -plan n ed~com- .... ...,.,.i -........ ' ' •••·•· -~ ~~ 1 ~ •--e-~1 "'ptrWlce ID lubrlcatloD, brake ad· >«-•• -· · · -·· ·~•··• Upholttol"f ..,.. ~ ~ .-you the best opo -.. lbtlolltwill --jultmlllt and w he el balanclllt nqu!Nd. ctYl«isla·s CU.I. Upld. Com tltl a1•-I, to fll ht porl\mlf> to develop qulclcly ' G &RDENER •· --u.. ~"'"""'"• pe •• • -, arrancemeo 1p I ........ ..,na11>1e execuUw ,. ~~~ ~----worlilll• cond!Uons with newes~ and finest • 00.... , •··-- ~ La'il.licapi•• U!t·1h-11t,'CJlf. equipment. Generous belle! Is u g os· .rnr.rvlewJnc ts a major Must have ot least 200 employee'jll.)'?Vn H· perteoee; so~ receivables bactrround d .. sired. Must be able to irow wlU. a irowln1 company. Pleue apply ln person to Miss Larson GENERAL AUTOMATION FEllT JAPAN-· J<ill.(. !lo! &C-145< • J Incl dill h • ·-me w-••· . ... pltall.Zlitlon, employee discount and prolit part of this non«tllnr. ~naneie and Qeanu,p shiring. aalarled poaltlon. LtbvraJ 706 W. Kettlle, Or•nee, Cellf. MIKE INC. Weldln. 6995 employ« benefill ~ recuJar All I rtunlty ....._ CALL '4UIK wr:LDJNc: l!or1>,lle: ~ Apply flt. pe!"on 10 AM to I PM, uw,. .....,., are buedj====-==='op:.p::-o T'==""•m;;,..'=i"',."=== J ANISE Gardenln1 rnenl Silclallllnc In tx· Monday thru S•tmd*Y on )'OUr FOfP'HI·' Hlch ,...fnWMt.1,Me .. noo and -· cav.flns ...,1p. s te v • PENNl!Y'S 'ASH ION ISLAND adlool ond.,.te. Help Wanlld cl<u""-Mel..,i.~band Aft J'AciFJC\TINANCE W_,, 7400 e ......,,, e ,,,. _..,,._ Equal OpportunU~ Employtr 16612 Beseb 81"'1. EQUIPMENT e ~ • EDGE * WEED. JOU & WLOYMlNT * * H1mtinpmBHch OPERATOR l'jlll. lawn,.... bJ <&pOble l--------E4"'1 "-""""'Employer $Stl .~1. por month · .-. ... &eu! Jolt w...._ -7000 Help woni.1. Min 7200 Holp W""'*" Mon 7200 -6*-l2U BOATING BUILDERS . . . . - I AU.EN lllWS. • •. MANAGERS> PAINTER SIGN AND PAim' SHOP HEJ.fER $562.-$614. por m- CITY OF NEWPORT IEACH ~~,::'°=. ~ROJ~i.Jufr!;SICN CAN YOU QUALlfY Ell>-Lie. Ral. ...._ ,-..,,,., chief dnlllnWI al TO ~po-Gordwr ..,. ot Plorida'a -boot EARN E:qlrr, com~ yard ~k:'t! companies t.I eonsidtti.nc $11,5IO ~est. 548-7!QB. ~4 ~klc:mlin& in Onnie Cban- Johmon'• Gudeninc Finest equip., exput catt. Pll.ntlna, clean-upt. 962-:m:i BUSINESS ' R.ESIDEN· TIAL Cardeninc Ii: Oeanup. Exp'd.....,,, ty. Good experitnce in boat dt&lgn ( )J' -00"'1 Knowled&e o1 flbertlus. l{ull design ~ tanJc ttslif11. Dtlt \I dtafUtt . 70H I l G Houllng S.rvlco . Reasonable. M9"1359 Georle'Alltn Byl&od A&tncy Employer Pay• Fee C ... n Up ond Hovll"tl 11111-B E. 11111, SA 511-4195 $10 per load. 64&25211 Oine&e live-tna. Cheerful H-1oon1., 67U r~ ....... ~ Wlndowl, fin, er.. Ra er O..C'L Xlnt Holp Wonted. Mtn 7200 -*k Ru.I! Rm. 646-1401 MAINT-ftl/CIDIDC:'l. window& wr specialty. Xlnt ~rk. reu! Refs. &4:i..&MG ROUSEO.EANING by !be nou.r, alao iron~ done. Call &It 4:30. M&-5414 BUILDING MAINTENANCE .MAR 1n $542 to UIS por mo. CITY OF lrenlnt 675$ NEWPORT BEACH =='----'= IRONING or babyJlittinl my Requltts completion of lenth holn~. 25 PC11 $.1. Brina: rrade and 111rtt yetn re- hanlen. 646-013C. 2622 San-ctnte experience-in blds. t.a Ana Aw., CM. maintenance work involvln& IRONING $2 dozen. Brin& routine p&intinr, carpentry, O'#tl barlKus Costa MeJI& roofln&, JnUOIU'i', cement. area. sa.mO plum.bin& a.nd electrical re-,.,=.,...,__,...,._,._,.,,.....,, PfJ,r, Apply before 5:00 PAl WILL tan In ironln&: Man &: July 25th to ~ oft. Wed. 166 E. 20lb St. CM. •--. .... N-•···• ~·. ~ .. , ~ -·~· -. 1=519..,""==alt=S=pm.====I 3300 Newp:rt Blvd., N""" -Beach. Calli. -6790 (n4)°61316!3. J1nltoriel WALLS, Wb>dowl, floors. SALESMAN to twidle ale Of ~ Commttclal Ii; educaUon COW'9! to induatry ruidentiaJ. Daily, weellcy for in-planl hi.level tralnina. aMJar !.fo. P97-7350 Must have min. 2 yrs.. tx• Bay A: Beach Clea.nini Serv per. aintacting indwtrlal carpets, windows, floon, etc accnts. to stU home-.tudy per year As Mana11r1 With McDonald's The N1tl0"'1 Ler1t1t Ce,,,....,.. R1.rt1utent · Cho in LOOK AT THE FACI'S: A .......... ..., •• $9000 Awrqe bonus ...... $2.~ A\lft'Q'I!' total ••••• , $11,500 .................... u mucll u $15,000 lnttrvi.ws Mond1y July 14th From te.m.10 7,30 p.m. . At 6 HOWARD JOHNS NS 14624 E. Dtlewood Ave. Baldwin Park, Calif. <San Bernardino Frwy. Puente exlt) HOLIDAY INN 2640 L&kewood Blvd. 1-Ileo<h. Calli. (San Diet<> Frwy, Lakewood Blvd. exit} WATlll l S~R MAINTENANCE MAN $53' to $651 por mo. CITY OF NEW~ORT IEACH R.equire1 tv10 yea.rs exp!:ri· cnce In the maintenance of water &nd sewer lines, In concrete work or In .ame cloetJy related field. AJ)ply immediately to Personnel ~. Cit)' ol Newport Beach, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Reich, Ca!U. -.0. (n<J 613-0633 Admln Aul $12,000 up FH pe.ld, (AllO tee jobt) Al!list Pre11, i ot O.C'1, wt. est srowlnc co'1. Oppty to kun all phue1. Buie met· al dbtrib bka;rnd. Stnd re-- IUD!t-or call Larry. 546-MlO J11on Be1t Employrntnt A&ency 2120 So. Main, S.A. MAINTBWICf BKTRICIAN "A" Hl9h School education plus tfoirff years I J:· perlence In industrial 1l1ctrlc1I conttruct· ion and/or m1int1n- anc1 work. MU1t be •bl• to obtain a li- c1n11 from th1 City of Costa M111. Cell for •f:tpofntment to Polo Holfrlch 546-IOIO, Ext. 154 »» Hort.or Blvd. Coste M11a Milmile Systems DiviJ3on A11ANl1C RWllOI CORPORATION A Div, oI Susquehanna Qlrp, Equal opportunity employ!'r CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Emplo)'DW!t benefttl lllchlde tree talth and Dental tn: IUZ'UICe tor employtt and lkpendenta, Matemity bene- n t payment. and free Ll.te Insurance le a maximum Employment btnefjlJI 1nclud· Pi>: e1 free Heallb and Dental .,.....,OQ'.I coveraie. Requires 3 ytan Stretl, Wattr, or Insurance-tor employee and Sewer Faclllty Coo1tructlon dependents Malemlty ben. A_., efit payment. and tree Life ... ,,... Maintenance Experi- lru!urance to a maximum ence, includlllf 1 year of S25,000 coveragr. Rt:qultts light or medium EquipDJC!nl t r a I n I n r In Mechanical Opention, Appl)i: befQfe 5 Drawlfl&' •nd two yeara ex· P.M., Friday Jl.lly 18, 1969 perience in Sim Patndng. lo the Personnel OUice. Apply Immediately lo the ITI4> 673-6633. Pmionnel Ottlce beftJft 5 FlJIL..tim~ truck driver ex- P.M., Friday Ju.l,y 18, 1969. per. preleITed. Harbor Tow- (TI4) 67U6.1.1. in&. 964 W. 17th St., C.M. ELECTRICIAN $701 lo $152 por mo, ....._ MAOUNl.ST-Weldtt, Temp. Pm. Call Karmen Ou'til for 1ppt. 8J3..2500. ICM, 2'11r Campus Drive, Irvine CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH SERVICE Station attendant, exp'd. Lite me c ban i ca I Requltta Blah School dlpl~ work. Good ~-chevron ma, completion ol-apprenU-Station, 3000 .Fairview, CM ship Protram and one year EXPER. IUbrication m a n. journeyman ievel experi-Salary plUJ1 commiuion. ence. Apply lmmedlatel,y to Apply In pel"llOn 3100 E. PenonMl ofilce, O ty of COOf"RWy, CdM. Newport Btach, ·3300 New-DISHWA~ p- port BMI., Newport Beach, pl 5 .... ......._, 1 "< N Ca.Ill 92660 (714) 67J...Qi33 y \viii ......... e\t .. ' ml!!!!l!!!!!!!!l!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!' I · · Newport, Newport Beach EXP'D COUN1'ERMAN":: POLICE OFFICER $711 • $172 Pot month FOR CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • ENGINEERING AIDE (RocHirnkholn m•n) $620 lo $754 por mo. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Auto Parts ~ Pla.ctntia, C.M. Holp Wonlld Womon 7400 Cumnt ·-.... ,,.. SALAD WOMAN hi&h llChool Graduate, mini-ReqWxes Hi&'h School sradu-OR TR.AINU mum 5'9" and. 15(1 It.., 21 ation, two year. ot recent Working Mun Mon thrll Fri.. to 30 years old 20/30 uncor-experience in field survey 7 to l PM. Previous exp. re-cted vision. Written teet work. Apply Immediately y,'il..1 be tclcnowled.1ed. Call Wedneld&)', July 23. &:30 to ~nonnel oUlce, Oty ol 833-0600, ext. 2036. Ask for p.m., C ly ltal1 Coune.11 Newport &ach, 3300 New. ltln. Pezmin&ton. Cham..,,, '°' lurtl>et to-poet mvd., Newp>rt Btach. OPERATORS formation contad: the Per-Calif. 9'26f.O. 1714) 613-6&ll IOIUM!I OUice,City Hall,3300 EXECUTIVE Experienced on dresses, Newport Blvd., Ntv.1>0rt SALES CAREER sport.'I we ar, zippers, Top Betch. california 92660, TI4 St -·• 1 Pay. Aho PRESSER. 673-$633 arttnr "'""ary P U! com-863 Production Place ___ _._._._._.5 1 mluion. First year earnlna:s Newport Beach. 646-alaS VONS GROCERY CO. ol 112,000 plua posaibl• 2 --::====--year tre.lnin&" proiram, by SECRETARY· has Immediate openin11 for: century old national com-RECEPTIONJST . GROCERY ot.ERKS & pany. BUl.ineu or salea Dictation, typinf, aood tele· MEAT CUTIERS background helpful. No tra-phone voice, knowlectae ol Experience de1ired, but wW vt:l. Manaaement cpport~ general oUi~. Prefer con. train career-mlnded men. itles. Equal opp. emplr. atrocticn backrtound. Sal- Sala.ry $2.J..85.$4.07 per hour, R. E•rl Bittinger &l'Y open, 642-3432 depend.In& on nperience, 82 900 Apply in peraon Tueaday, 7.7 July 15,, 2.t pm at VONS new marlret. 16201 Harilot Blvd. <at Ectinatt> FountUn Valley, or VONS P!.nonnel OUioe, Morday • T'Ueaday 8:»-11:30 11m, 10150 Lower Azuu. Road, El lolon!e. An equal opportuni ty employer. Auto SERVICE ADVISER SALESMAN tt GENERAL ** OFFICE 18765 Fiber Glass Rd ., Hu ntln,ton Beach, C&lif. For Orange County's largest COMPANION an!! I i I e Pontiac dealer. Unl imited housework lo liV!'-ln for earnings and benefits. Only youhg lady mual have rood those 1vlth at least 3 years drlvin& record. Other Mlp experienct need apply. Con. In home. Refel'l!nce please. lac! Mr. SWer at 6U-.8933 SECROAllS CURK TYPIST 40 WJ)m tlectrlc ~ writer, I 11 i n 1 report•, m.ilcell. departmental 4u· "1ie1: · ACCOIOOING CLERK Expttie:nce In a.cmtmtin& departm•nt. work wttb flt\U't1. Muat bl: &C'CUl'll.t. f)'plst on IBM elldric. PBX OPERATOR 1.tmt be experienced on multi~ board. Typln& nquirtd. S AM to 5 PM and 1:30 PP.I to 10:00 P1.t ahiftJI available. COLLINS RADIO CO. 1'700 JomborH Rood Newport looch Equal opportunity ernploya' e FRY COOK e Graveyard lhill. 2 )Tl exJ· Heavy brea.Jdut. Gd Mlaey for ad employees. U or awr. Apply in pertan. COTI'AGE COF'F'EE SHOP 562 W. l~h Ct., CM Experienced WAITRESSES Day .l Niaht Shift for busy Ctlffe. 1hop MANNI NO'S COFFl!E SHOP 34001 E1 Toro J\d. t.aiuna um. 331.101.• Res &: Come'!. ~1401 courses. Call Irene Hoad, 1-=========I National Sys tems Corp. tor Interview 546-7360 '•l"'rhonglnt HELP WANTED • Boat Carpenters • Boal Mechanics MCD ON ALD "S Family Restaurant is lookinf !or n11ture men to v,. o r k part-time evenings. Ex· ctllent 1upplement&l Income !or day-Mi.ft worker, retired m•n, er military per90nnel. Pennantnl y e a r -r o u n d employn'lent in c I e a n , p l e a 1 a. n t •urroundi?WS. Meals Ii unllonns furnished. Apply al McDonald's of Huntinaton Beach. 16866 Beach Blvd. Col'ltad Mr. u..amu w...a100 541 ·2681 CL=E~Rl~C-AL--A~C~C~O~U~N-T-S i "'""'!E~X~P':l'E:!'Rl!!!E'!!N!!!C!lb~R ~-~------1 ~AYABLE GIRL .. Some fil. P11ntlng 615Q AFRAID or WORK! Then 1---------1 Don't apply. We nttd • • Cabinet ?ttakeni • Jollrllt)'?llen Security Guartl ing and act0W1ting ex-WAITRUS ZODYS ""'"'"" ,, •• ,., •• , •. PAINTING? ntat-appearing YoUn& man EX·PAINTER now tear.her. •s permanent truck driver. quality p&intlnr wkend1, va-Or. Cnty area. Wholell&k catkm. Free n:timalt. dlstrlbuton. Mutt be dra11 ~ exempt. Start $ 2 / h r w/some ovattrne. ~ay PAINTING lnt' Ext J.Aweat wlr. Send reiume lo; Daily cal'ltractfd pricn, FU11y ins. Pilot PO Box Pld. S&tiafactlon l'W· Free at.1--,==,..,,==--Jirn Wee.kt 673-11(16 Pol.lt1on open fOr MAINTENANCE MECHANIC PAINTING -lnUext. 2 Univ • Boat Ftnilhtra Savanneh Ent1rpri111 n& W. 16th St., C.M. * DRIVERS * No hperleace NecnHryl Must haft dean Cllllmrll& --Apply YILLOW CAI CO. 1811 E. 18th st. Colt& M•a District SuPtrvi1or Janitorial Malnt~ Has immediate openin1 for pennanent SECURITY GUARD Equipmtnt 1upplled, Qver 40 YtUI rtq'd, Set Mr. Shanton a.fttr 10 A.ht &912 Edlnrer Ave. Jiuntington Beach, call!. fTI4l M7-m6 Equal opportunity employer Superior w or k I ng en. vironm enl. Call for ap. polntmcnt, Ml-9660 HAROWARE SALES Some experience prdemd Ktrm Rim• Hardwere 546-70IG 2666 Harbor Blvd., C.f.1. COCKTAIL Waitress. Al· tr acti v e . Tow e r s Reslaurant. Laguna. ~Ir. ~lo 494-6574 fOr ap. Apply In Ptrnn SURf & SlllLOIN 5'30 '"· Cat, Hwy. Newport Be•ch * INSfRUCJ'1t.ESS * younr . ma~ r lrl, ntat ap. pea.ranee. Mutt be able to mffl and deaJ with peoplt (part time t vail1bl•) apply In pel'90n : 1~5 Main St. ll PolntJI Shoppln1 Center), H.B. seokn. 3 yrs exp. Reap. WUl conalder trainee. Day &n-2:232, 492--4.W eves. ahifl App, Industrial Cla,y NEAT, Exp. Painter, no Products. 111'65 Fi~ Glul drinkins. Colleae atudcnt. Rd., Huntington Beach F'UU or pt-time. Hunt. Bch., •MULTlLIGH, otflet pres,, Coat& Mesa, Carden Grove 36 .. 48... Dlddt. I I a 1 er arta. Salary, ~pe:nses, com-MECHANICAL -INSPECTOR- pointmenl 1--------- STORE MGR. Low prie!g! Stew M&-4M9 operator. mluk>n. group in!ur ... ~rrite e CAMERA Men I stripper. Daily Pilot box ~J9Cli, or &. Part Ume Oerk Martec Rc productiorui phone f21ll 2$.6617. e PATQI PLASTERING. AD lfP"s. Free estimate. Cail......,. APPLY 10.6 e 64>-l1Ue P ·~-·c ,Papon··· 16 ......, The Tob1ce9ni1t Inc. ........ ln1ur1nc• An1ly1i1t ~,, •. n ... J•V •ZUU1"1EE: Salesman. Youn, $575 00 ir Harbor area. Uc. &. Fuhion ltland ma.n to train u W e&ma.n · bonded. Rt:fs furn. 60-2356 Newport with tut expandlna ala-Head financial I: estate plan. ARCHrtECTUR.AL nine dtpl. for Newport l\finimum h \•11 yea r~ rx- perience in inspecting machillC! part~. ClU Jim Hyams. Days : 642-2400. Eves. ~OJ.19 EXT/Int. pnl£. AVl!'f' nn. $20 DR.AITSMAN ~~ry F&nd 0"1 lce_,~u~!3!Y BH.ch firm , Mature, shut, + rood p&int nt1t >A'ork ' ,........,, or lPP " .,.., .un.. .1ft rec pd.. call Lontne, I 7-:=------- loc rm &y U,.13.11 · l n!mnedtale Experle..,.. WEST. 64:1-2991 "'"'""'"' P<n<>n•d ••en-Sale> . ' Tom ' Truslder Atchllll!ct:a ==,,,---:~------. ..,. YOUNG MAN 'S Bonded Paintinc". 10 AL\, HuJrt. Ha r bou r STEREO Component cy, 2°'3 Westclilf Dr., N.8. FRYCOOK- l\lature, experitnciM lady d11y or evening, full time. Ca.JI for inte rvie\\·. fo.1alie Callender Pies, 8t2·4480. SEk\.fSTRESS, Full or pt. Ume. K"\Ofl. pref'd. Xl nt wk ronds'. \\'a.rrt'n Blinn C&n- "ll!S Prod's. 646-4633 PBX/ AdmitUn&:. part • ti me week-enc!JI. Hospital t xper. only. Contacl; M. E. Elliott 64M'l34 yr1 in a.ru., llc'd • t.n.um.. 84&-{l8T1. lalfaman • Know~ ol 643-mD D Pt EAM 6'J.042I EXP=::,D.::--,,=~=·=~.--.= •• CUlftllt 1teno compoNnta.l ·c"ARD='°EN=ERS=-,-,-,,..il..,t~lt HO U SEKEEPER OR ~•n.n-. -· M111t be 21. ~ lMf V11t, h&fld1man for place on 13 •ks. trainlns. Nat'l. Jines. HELPER for widower. pan PlumWnt "90 time, Sal I: sun. Start July MS-3197 eoaat. Sm. aalary, plant tum $6200. Wary plus comm. time. Call morn t n 11 ;....--''-----·119tb. Oftna dd Mar. A~ 1 -.~.-D~JSllW==ASHER=~-.-.~ cottaae w/all utlJ pd, we pakt vac., frinat ben'11. 841-2429 PLUllBJNG REPAIR in penon, 3100 E. Cout e e BUSBOYS e e Wlllt a a!nrle penak>ner. Pref. mt n under 27, some l 'M~ED=ICAL~~R-t<p_V_S.C_f>_l_". f No job too unall Hwy. Mmt be ovtr 21. Write Box P.TQI, Daily Pilot. collep, Call SJ4.3Qll, 9 to Dr's olllce in H.B. Send e 60-3128 e EXP Pllt1'Y cook II Don The Bt:achcorn.ber BOYS 10 .. 14 5 P.M. rtsurne to Dally Pilot Box •-~ I R I '"° Exp fr)' cook, part 3901 E. Cout 1-lwy, Cdl\t Canier Routea Open ln1urence An1ly1l1t J.I 493 ~ ' tpe r' Be.J)t:~ =Shop SERVJCE Sb.lion Atttndant for ' $575.00 1 'P"1T'"°"St-.,-.,,-,-pJ--F1'1~d1_y_to * J7 .J'llU need nmodtUnr, llS s . Coat Hwy, l.B exptr. pref. Andert0n't Lquna Beach. So. Lqun& Head-tlnanclal I: eatate plan-retired J1ltny. mw tn atodl -..lntfnc or n:p&in Call ~k>I\ 154.5 Adams. Of DAlL y PILOT Ina de pt. for Newport Beach mkl. 20 hr wk. ~7331 ~IO-lm ' SERVICE s:tat»n attendant """"'1206 64:z.a21 fln l . J.1a1ure. sharp. calll=====--~ ~~i;~::::!; p/ll~. ?>1 AT TH E WS Loraine ?oferchAntJ Per90n. SECTY/RECEPT, 1 &iti of· ~ Union, ZS23 E'. Cout H'NY. EXP'O. Auto Mtch&nit'. O't'."11 J".UIAtCA Jl\'N HOTE.1, 2101 net A~ncy 2M3 \VeitclW fice. Experi~nced. rc&ponsi· •7VV C:lbl. tooli; lor busy I h o P · Ji;. Coa11 HJ.&tnvtf, COrona Dr., N.B. Ms-7770 bit>. Alco flectric "2-6242 ~tio&ll 5'Mn7; 1747 Anaheim Ave. dt! f\far, needs DESK e Dh-"h'GI -~ • EXPER.IENt1'l> Se T' v I c e Colla. ~ttaa CLERK. n1idni1hl to 8 A.M. HARDWARE SALE S P RACTICAL i~urse. 3 pm--9 CUilom Dtl!Cm s!al\on allndnt. Apply 209I PART TtME Doo rma n . Pay comn'll!111urafe Y.i lh Some exper ience prelert'l!d pm 5 day~. Y.ttk. no per · * ~ * Harbor B.lvd., C.M. "6-6551 Elderb man pret'd. Apply 1blllty. Kerm Rimi Herdwert 1-day-=-°"· .,....;;==-....,,,..,..,=.,..,.. · AJ .. •tllM • '4£ISiU 2 TEENAGE boys f o r $46-70IO e MAIDS • HoleUMotd eves. aft & p.m. Port FVU. time Skipper for Ex--...i.. 11 I.I bout r~::;-::;'"';:emr:=u:;::·:;":;,..,.:;;;::;""=::·I atMn.I pa.lntinc work oa ThOa-. •--· del i1ar. 2666 Harbor Blvd .• C.M. .-.. ... ~~.;_ ..:.,, • ~-~"' ......_ motor y&eht. Avail aa of ===~~-''-"'"'-~ .. ~~ yacht, $1.5G hi'. l13-o20T hi;xp="ERml""'=CE=D,..Rt=oJ,..-.,71&.,..tt All(. l . For d4t&Ut call SEJ\VJCE Station Klcln'Ml nl-.=-:-o--,,=-,=---, n&.m, Caw;.. "74 TV Tedmidln Wam.d uJmnen. <>Mee e1tabU.ahl!d (2131 sg....(233,, Mt. Chulea (2) l full t!Jne p veyard, l OENTAL ASST .. exper. at Rold man. M.00 hour. ZS )ltt n . Howard. pttlme t w • 6: wknd1 Muat close chalntde. Xlnt. ~ * v:, ;::. ~1-,_,,,,*,,Call,,.....,9!2-Cl3===*:-:,-''C'" THOMAS. REAi.TOR M I: CH ANICS-Explrienctd bt net.I In &pJ>W't~. Sfe portUnlty! 646.44U Mt .. -'D.. J1tu1er • ll'OOL PRESSER. e 224 W. er.st Hwy 5Cl-$S27 w/lnbclanU. outbo&rdl I. .lltn. 2590 Newpott, Of. LJV&IN HOUll!kecper. S250. "'~'1)iold~~·o,W1 K ... ,~ EXP. Ci\1ener. Good pt1, tlmldriws. Call-·Anchor MALE Help Wtnted. Ktn-~°!~MrRf!·~ .... !*· .., .... ,...... , Mf...an Net*· J'or tnro call M&rint Repair. &44-45'5 tucky Fritd Chlcktn 683 S. --....,.... • Dll.l-.uey ;:iiriil~-~~~~n!!!=::!#S~. ~·~rr!f:'ro~!-~r=-.... btwn M . O:>ul RIW)', , .. ,. Bch. Whitt EiepWtl! ' HOW'S. THI TIME FOR Cl)UICK CASH THROU~H A DAILY PILOT WANT AD No· Maller What It 11 • I • YOU C74N SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOl WANT AD! 642-5678 DIAL DIRECT CHARGE IT! • ,, ) A•vortlMn may pl1oe their tda by t.lepf'lone. Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. -S:JO 9 to Noon S1t.rd1y-:cJosod Sunil1y DIAL DIRECT 642.5678 ,.111. • WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL: FREE 540."1220 • -:t;:. POLICI CLERK $474.4SM P•r -th TYPIST CLERK 11 $452.4149 Pfr ln°"th Huntington 811ch .540-1220 Laguna BHch 494-'466 ' ~TYPIST CLER~ II Hours-Regulations-Oeadiinss IJlftOJll1 Adv•r11aers sl'tou•1 eheok th11r ads d•lly and report lmm1dl1t1ly 1rrot1 or mlecl111lflut11n1. TH E DAll.V PILOT aaumt1 Uablllty for or,.,.. only ti tn• extent of publl1hln1th•1dv1~IHm1nt oorl'ICl'tly en• tlrM. (Part Tlmol '$2.6l·$S.17 )Ir. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH- DIADLI N!. PO ft COPY AND KILLl1 61SO P,M. th• dl.Y btfo,.. publtodlon, •1«11pt ,,, Bendit& Include free Health W11ktnd Edition 1nd Mond1y ..etlo"' wh1n C'llOlh~g tlrM a. l :SO P.M. Friday. and Dental Insurance for ' · employets and de~nti, YOU MU&T MA.VI: KILL NUMllftl WMn kllllna alt ad INoliUN 9f qulok ,_ultt, Matemity benefit pe,yme:nll be 1urt to make • reoord or th• klll numbtr .ilvt1t )'IU by )'our 8d taker as and !:ff Llfe Wun.nc.e ben. v1rtflutlon of ,..,ur •II. etits to a m&Ximwn ot ;25,000 ClCJ'Yen&C. Ivory tffort 11 m1d1 tt ,klll .,. OOl'f'tot 1 new td that f'lat "'" 1rd1Nd, but wt un• net guartnt• to de ao untll th• ad hu appuNd In tho pa,.r. ~&Ill reql.li.re HICh School OIMl·A-LINI Ada are ttrlotly GIWI In 1dvan« by mall or tl any 1111 .tour oMce& Dtploma, ol50 :.!~ ~ ... ~: NO ,JloM oNlt~ Me' ~ar ~ .... ._. ""°"'"...,... expeneooe. Tiii DAILY PILOT NMtVel ttt. right to ela•lfy, edit. ctnMr or ""'•• •"1 odv1r- t lMm1nt. and t• change lt1 r1te1 •"d ,.0111atlon1 wlthollt prior notli;: .. Mill Addreu: lox 1175. N1wport Beach, Callf. ' ' " S•wnl11, JuiY 12, 116'1 MllCHAHOISI POI Ml RCHANDISI 'Dl SALi ANO TRAiii SALi AND TRAOI SA ~T~ ::=:". 0u~!'ri~~~~Sna~~L!,1ms1 Sp1nish&Mtdltemnt1nfwnilm DON'T MISS THIS All BRAND NEW Chonco of A lifetime! Unbollovoblo Prlt HI ::i!;':n·~=i=-~··· .......... L•r1•s•s.1.cott• Mes• H1s 1ver·s..n iW~!J M:~c;;.:~::~:::\; •• 'l!t.I $PANISH •• MEDIT,ERRANEAN l:!1i.i. -... ~ .. ft•ti'.11> ............ tiff ill Otluxe S Room S~rdth Fvrnltur• Group At O.WhM • A decorator dream house on display :-3 $$$ Ouillty V1lue $795.85 for $389.95 rooms of gorgeo\1$ Spanislo furniture (was 5 Pc Spanl1b Dlnlng Room••~ a ft. sofa & love seat, 3 heavy Modlterranean " reg. $1:195.00 1tyte malclrlng table•, 5 Pc Spanish bedroom set. Value lll<e this nevll' be-< 1 SACRIFICE .... fore seen-don't miss itU • • • • • • ...,. Bank Financing, Master Charge, BankAmericard, Store Charge Phu1. ... 11 .,, , ..... m .............. ,, ............... ,11.Y Approved Furniture RJRNITURE (Been In Costa Mesa over 12 yea") H.,.. 6,000 sq. fl, W1rthoUH at: 1844 • rt Bl d lat 2065 Charle St., Costa Mesa newpo J oHarilor IMI.) Behind "Harbor Car Wash.'' Enter on Hamilton or Bernard St. • .. ·l • ' '1 • . . CLASSIFIED COUNTE .. I 1r1 loe1ted 11 fOllOWll Apply bnmtdiatd,y to the Personnel OffiC>e be.Core ~ P.M., l'riday July 18, 1969. 71...,,..,,, Costa Mesa Only A little Hord to F ind But Worth It : 1001 Item• toO Numerous to Mentton L Oa :ly Pilot Classified CLASSll'IED INDEX uoUSES FOR SALE NllW.-OltT "•t•MTt 4111 •1.1CTAICAL ~INlllAl NaWllOllT IMO&•t <tJH llOUl,.MINT lllNTALt l• WISTClll'P n• l'llNCINe C01TA MISA 1111.•. UNIVIUITT PAliK •1»' ,.L.OOllS MllA Dll M.t.ll IA(I( aAT , _.. ,UltNACll ltll,.1.111, lk. MllA VllltDI lilt ~ ILUllP tloll l'UIU>UTVll• llUTOlllNO cou.a•• PAltk :: COllOMA D•I. MA• CM • 1ta•1NdNIMO ::::::; ::-::n lfll IA~ a. O.UDIJUNO •• '. U.Y llLAJIDt .... llN•llAI. l•llYICll IALIOA CO'lll LIDO Ill.a ot»I ellAOUle. DllCINe -... --"" ..,, -... ... e SECRETARY e ADMINISTRATIVE I _, &S 'TR rA0966Q 0,..',.' hllr •: •oryN~ht'Til9 -W ... ,Sat. am. 6 ~ S11a. 10.I *let. f·I •' ' JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT JOB$ .. EMPLOYMENT$$$ SAVE$$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ : : ·I Help. W1lltiil Womtn 7400 J. W. Robinson His opening for: Help W•ntod Women -----------------------------... OIS & EMPLOYMENT 7400 -------Jobi-Men, Wom. 7500 e REUBEN'S e . FRY COOKS Fvmlturt IOOO G1r11• Sile I022 ------ OVER -STOCKED EVERYTHING MUST GOI MUST $Elli w. aro "1llna our boaut!lUI New 9 pc. corner arrang. houaebold fUrfllture that we choice ol cln.. ~. $%30, have acquired owr the Jut . ' • .. ; • -) now $149.50. Headbrda; twenty yean. MO'VlllC to Kin&s. ru. Quetns $12.50, bay apartment a: c&.ll't tab • : MIWl'OllT IHOll•I IHI U.LIM'A llU.HD CUI GLASS IAYCll•ST 10~ MUllTINOTOM llACH ... ellllM TMUAlt IAYIHGall ·~ • OCIVlll lltOllll IUJ 'OUNTAIN VAU.aY 4'11 .UN IHO Wlll"CLI•• IHI lllAL llACH 44# MIALTM CLUll LOHe llACH uel MAULlff KAllMlll IUGHL.ANDI :;: OllAHOI COUNTY ._ HOUl•CL.SAJlllMO ~-flt~~l .. llTY PIJlk UJI $AllDIH GllOYa 4'11 IH,...lltOll DleotlATIHe tACtl llY U61 WllTMlfltlT~ll •U IHCOMI TAX IA$TILUf'P 11'1 MIPW•'I' CITY •H llll»t OrM .... llo 11"' "" HlHTA Al>IA ... ltlOfUl>IO lllVIHI T11t .. ACI ',',,.u IANTA """ HllGHTS ... IHl\IU.TIH• COllOHA OIL MAii TUll"IH .... UISU~Ca IALIOA PIM1HIUU I.. ll~VllTIGATIHe. o.t«tttt llACOH IAY lllll CflAST.N. '"' llY 11\..AHDI •IHI LAGUNA llACH Ott IANITOlllAt. LIDO ISL• U5l U.OUHA NIOUllL 4H1 laWILlltY lltll'AIR. Els. IALIOA tSLANtl lJH UN CLIMl!MTI '"' UNOSCAl'IHO llUHTINGTON llACH 1411 DANA PCIHT 47H LOCKlMITH HUHTIHOTOH M•.111ou• 14" Tlll'LIX, "c. '""' HllT. lfllc•. -., .. '"' "" .,. .,. "" .,. "" "" .,. .,. "" .... -••11 ... ei:ia:inl". diversified dut. iel. Must have gooCl ~&ecfe.. tarla.I skills. tyPe on mM elect typewriter, -ble to as- sume responsibll,tits with litt1e supervision, knoWdge- able in personnel w or k. Shorthand reqUired. NNt, attractive and pleua.nt pe~ oooalil)'. 5aWy • 161~ Xlnt worki?l&' conditions and lrinre benefits. Send resume or apply to - SAN JOAOUIN SCHOOL DISTRICT 14600 SW S&nd Cany0n Aw. Eut Irvine, Calif. 926Str * PERSONHfl * ClfRK Responsible woman for position Involving pay- mil, typing, fillna: &nd ptl'l()nnel experience pre- ferred. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. 10-4 p.m. Mon-Fri . --F1shiOn lsl1nd DEPARTMENTAL --CLERK- Costa Mesa NOW INTERVIEWING -WAITRESSES- Apply In ptrson 1555 \Yest-Adami, C:M. Exptriel'ICed e e WAITRESS Top wqe1. pennanenl, hon- est, and woridtJa conditions in arta's leadlne re11&1Jr&nt. Apply 9 am tD 5 pm for [n.. tuvlew at MANNING'S CO.FFEE SHOP 24001 El Toro Rd. Lci~lln! Wflrld Laa:una Hills • 837-1014 • • HOSTESSES THE Newporter Inn F\al1 $10.50, Twim $.3.95. it with us. Belt quallt)t tn • 1 Trundle •ts (duo rlsul w/ tin& condition. Youn for a • ' Inner 1prilw: matt, re1. $106, pittance. Maple twin bed• : now $1'9.50. Roll.a-W&)' bf.di A: bl!dmom funtlture, Blonde ~ ; w I Inn. 5Prln& mart. reg. Hey;oo(i-j Wike.field dlnlna • ' $59.50, now $39.SO. run u. room table. chaln a butfet. stttpn..eqfa·rq. $239.50;-now 3-nar•,-diairt, wal.nuHabiea; $169.50. New beds: KI n r lamps, book.cues, 1tool:1 & $99.50, Queens, '89.50, Full llld~r. Power mower, pow. $49.50, Twlni $39.50, fully er ed&fr " &.UOrl@d tools. 1u.ara.n. Klrc-stze Qreads, Golf dubs 6: bundredt ot u- cholce-ol cln, rte $20.95, rorted item&. 2915 CltaJ~ now SU.99 SIESTA SLEEP CEutbJuU) -Nl!WpOl'f. 8e&cb f'OUNTAJM VAU..IT 1411 CONDOMINIUM 4tJI MOYIMO & STflllAOI ff* ''"" ••AcH ,.,. ReNTALS """",..1"•· ,_,,._1.1 , .. ••• ' ••• '. '.. PAINTING. .,._ •W '" '''' A~ts. UnlurnlsL • ..1 PAT1os _. • OAllPIN elOVI ,_ l'HOTOOUl'Hlf "" -' Typing 45 \Vpm, · filing, minimum one year a:en- eraJ offict: experience. Newport Beach Equal opporlunlty employer Apply In per!oOn NEW M1tln• Rest1urent OPENING SOON W1it1rs & Waltre1N1 Ex.per 1eml • continental restaurant 1 e r v I c e nee. Please contact Mr. James Demalc>, Wed. Uuu Sat., 2 :':;oo i:~~r~~~ :;:;~~'":EVERY. :~. ~.~ :.. ' LOHe llACH HM llNI AL .... l'l.AITlll11>19. P1ltllr ll.111>1W ... REUBEN E. lff RETURl:iP Fron:. !.fODEL THING GOES. Hall 11eata, 1 LAICDOOD lfll COSTA M•IA llM PLUMIOllll Htl OllAHGI COU"TT u• MIS,t. VlllDI 1111 PIT GllOOMINO .... Ancient Mariner 301 N. Tustin Avt. Santa Ana. Calif. 542-1411 HOME : 8' Span\Ah aof.a & pot belly •tove, armoift, 1 love sut. fllive are e n chest.I, ta bl~. chl!n, ftlck· • ' brocade; c::ommode1, 1 hex-en, desk&, mlrTorl, old qon, 2 91'fUal'e; M!d.lt. twin glua, china, brlc+tnc. poster BR suite: matt &et, CENTURY HOUSE ANTI· t• ! : night stand&, 2 three QUEs. 2134 Newport BJ'fd. -r drawer chests. Also lam.pg, CM (Juat be)'ood 21.tt St. ·; '; OUT Of' C:OUHTT "" NIWl"OltT llM:H IHI flOOL 1a11v1c1 ffll OUT 01' ITATa Utl JICWP1>1T HllOHn S111 POWlll IWlll'IN• •tU ITAMTOlll' 1611 NIWPOllT SHO•ll ll!t l'UMI' Sl•VICI •m WllTMUllTSll: 1111 WISTCLIA'" n• 11:00 .. IN• Mii CALL Jim Hyams. Da,ys: 642-2400. Eves. 53<)319. fllll0¥JA'I' cm "" UNtv•••ITT PAIUC fUJ llADIO, ...... Mc. '"' IAlf"TA AHA 1111 Lt.CIC .,..., 1111 auoo1L1No a •••Atlt .,.. ...A--nic 01 . .;~•An of IAHTA AllA MtTS. I.. llAfT ILUP.. ntt llMOOILIHe, llTCHINS .... ""'' "" Y....., 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Bo•ch 1----------1 pm to 4:30 pm. 1107 Jambo- pictures. pillows, e t c • Walch for lip.) OeaJen ' ' DUMll USS coaoNA DIL Mil JUI ldlMn ....,,.. '""' CULTON INDUSTRIES rusTIH ,, .. l,t.LIGlo '* 11W1H• '"' INCORPORATED HOtlTM TUSTIM IHI IAT llU.NPS use ••••HO MACHl!tl all'Allll .,,, , ... \Yhlt'; •• AV•. Taking appllcatlon1 for • • EXPERIENCED ree Rd., Newport Beach. LUNCH ""'100 ext ""· 11.HAHllM 1QI LIDO llLI 1111 Sll'TIC T .... U. ~ a1s. Ifft ...,... '"""' WAITRESS -TEllER- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK NEVER USED! 54&-1634. welcome. 642-5120 ~· , Seeat3117Cinnamot1Ave., HUGE Garare rate •?:I Apt A, CM refrtaeratorr. TV~ . • NEW Bdrm sel. Queen 1itt, 1urfbfl&rd1, auttar ~· ' triple dreuer & frame: mir· .ie'-"tlry, houlewatts, dolls, • •: llLVlllAOCI CANTON IHI MUMTll>llllf ... llACM Mii TAILOlllNe ltN Costa Mesa, caJif. HAVASU l.AICI 1•'1 l'OUHTAIH YALl.l"Y Mlf Tlll.MITI COKTI°'-• '"1 Equal opportuni..; .m-·-··· U.OUHA HILLS llM llUOA ISLAND 1311 TILL C--lc tnt., =~=='="="=~'',,.:....;..-...;..'-lAOUMA 1111.CH l1ll 11,t.L 11!ACH 1151 TILi, UM!wnl ·• tMrVe ••n•·ADVERTISING L.AOUHA NIOUIL 1m LONG llACN -n•• SlllVICI '"' lAH CLIMINTI 1711 OftANOI COUllfTT SHI TILIVISIOM ........... lie. ''" s t I SM JU,llH CAl'tlTllANO 1721 OAllDll>I OllOVa 1111 w°'.~!L,•.•8HY ,'.,'" ecre ary CAl'llTllAHO llACH 172' WllTMIHSTltl 111! ~ Apply betWffn 1 pm I: 5 pm ee NEEDED Two Office Girls S.500 Will sell $298. A1ao new clotM1, suns, Gruen dta. dual bed eet w/ walnut tble mond watch, furn t I u re S190. 66-1041 palntinp." lntenecHon of ~::tss't~"' :: ':i;':t~NcArrY ~;: JOBS le EMPLOYMENT B kk OC•ANflOI UJI SANTA AMII. HllOHTI MJI .JO• WAHTID, Mell .,... 00 eeper UIM 01100 1n1 T\llTlll ""' 1oa WAMTIU. ·-rm tt l'lflllJDI COUNTY Uot COASTAL llM w .... TID HOUSl.S TO •• MO'llD '"' LAOUNA llACH 11111 ~o:N & WOMiH me Responslblt, top level Muat be 25 and 1ble to drive APPLY 6 Monarch Bay Plat.a Sotllh Laguna CTI4) 400.1361 FOOD AND BEVERAGE lN· t'Ql\tE AUDITOR M u 1 t haw he1vy hotel or re1taurant expeTlence Penn. Position, good fringe be~lts; tlve. S.hour days, one I-hour day: Muaf be willing to start at 7 am and \ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I have car. Call after 10 11.m, MT. Airy table, 6 chn s.at. llat & Santa Ana. C.M. SAT •1 t Bullet $450 Tak finish ONLY. lG-7. pecan. 2 years old, COit -'G"'A"RA=G=E"S"'A"l"E~­ $2179. Walnut lamp table Mahos:any dlwnport, ~ $40. 644-1627 two be<U. CWrs. Tables, CUSTOM built dining & llV· AnUque card table, •"1lW ;~:E::~~1u,':. IALI :: L.A •• ~".",'••"·'·,·,~L :;: DOMllTIC HILP IUI position-for sharp, t•k• ..... ,t.GIHCllS. Miii! llM • L M h A'AllTMl!HTI '°' IALI ,, .. SAM IUAN CAPlrfl,t.NO Jtl:J "''"' WAl>ITIO. ~ 1211 ch•rt• •• , ust •V• RENTALS o,t.HA '°1"' n• AOIHC111, •-,,.. II t skillt incl 186 Wt 16th St. Cosla J\1esa Sat u rday THE NEWPORTER INN 644-1700 ext 535. H.u ... Furn'1shtd REAL ESTATE HaL• WA"T•o. w-1• exce •n • I JOll-MMI • '#-, .. Shorth•nd; h1ndle llf• alNlllAL ,... Gen•r•I ,t.Olt+CllS. ...... w-.,, .. bkk b'll' u d llllNTAU TO IHAlll 1"5 Tilll'LI•. "' .... ICHOOLI • ll>llTIUCTIOM ,... pg; I 1ng. n er F/C BookkHper $541 Know m1chine bookkeeping, beach area, ca11 Loral~. Merch1nts Peraonnel Age,.. cy, 2043 We11tcllll Dr., N.B. 64>2TIO. newport .. personnel ,agency ing room furniture in Hun. cabinet. ' ' tln(ton Harbour home. ~uat 310 FERNLEAP', CdM ' 1 &o this \\o'eektnd. 213: PARK IN AU.EY CflSTA MllA t\OI CONDOMINIUM '"' IOI l'llll'AllATIOM "" 30. Call Berblr1. (714) MltA OIL MAI tll:S 1aHTAU WANTl!O ff9t THaATIUUI. 1* ••,•,•,•,v,•,•:: • .,, ;::: 100M1 f'OI •INT m• MERCHANDISE FOR 1 64::.::2~·~19~1~0~·-=--:--:-,.--""S321 GARAGE SALE llOOM .. 10.ll.llO .,,, TRADE MIW,.OllT 11,t.CH ,, .. MOTIU, TllA1Llll GOUlllTS "" SALE AND Blue Dolphin WALNUT Din 1et·, chlna 111.wPflll.T NOTI. ltll IUIST "OMal ..,. PUIUttTVf.I -NIWl'O•T sH011s tn• Misc. ••HTALI •'" o''te' .. u11111Tu1111 .,. Restaurant Clerk-Typist $450. Pr.._•slon1l Service . r.Jlblnet; tomball conaole IATSHOllS nu lltcOM• ••OPIJtTT .... (),,.tee IQUl .. MINT Mii or.-.. o;.... wptn, knOwledge ()! VUll piano; flreplc llCm .et. o.ov•• .,.o.... mJ IUSINllS ••Of>l•TT .... IT<llll IOUll'MIHT MU .... = Via Lido P/time aft 5 pm, Mon.Frl to .,..,..,.,_"'~ keeping, ~ .~. '"nc1' thoh amp,'•, yer ~6.17 w1sTCLll'I' 2u1 Ta,1.1L1a PAlllCS "" c..11.••· 11;1STAU•""'' •1• .,.,,.,,, work in CM. NB or Irvtne '"" •"""" .,,. UNl'llltl/TT r1.111e nn IUSIHlll ••HTll.L ........... IOUll'MIHT MU LIDO ISLE A I t l"""~..... pearance. Co. paya the fee • t • •PP cant DBL bed w/mltt •-box 1•v1N1 me OPfftcl ••NTAL "11 HOUllHOLP OOODs ..,. area. PP Y • ""'>:"-Slcy-133 Dover Dr N B • SAT I SUN Oothe1 all II.HS Howehold '° Mlle 302 Monte Vitt&, Costa Me11. IACk IAT n• IHOU$TlllAL ••o•••TY .... •AitAel '"'"' 9021 park Circle. livlne. 540-1910 (a!AO ree jobs), cal Loraine • ., • • 1prings. Beauutul dresser II.IT ILUf'P "HU COMMERCIAL .... l'UIU>llTUllll ,t.UCTtOlt •TJ Experienced • ovtr 25 P.1en:hants Pe~nnel Aaen· 642-3170 549-2743 w/mlrror, brand new. Sac GARAGE Sale Sat ~ 10' llllVIHI TllllACI 1,',',', INOUSTlllAL lll>ITAL "" Al'l'LIANCIS ti• \VOMAN \Vanted for recep-CY, 1043 Westclitf Dr .• N.B. EXPERJENCEO s. 'v I". $!"" ,.., ....... ~ 00.t It motor, .t Porta Cable COllOHA OIL MA• LOTS ,,. 1.1>1T1ov11 11u e OS lionigt & S\.\'ilchboard. lite .. '"' .............., IALIO" ,. llAHtHlt "" sawiHO MACHtNll 111t H TESS ~mo. Stati<>n man, fall time, MODEn""' Hld ... -bed m' an· 1kill 11.wa. Shopsmlth, elec IAY ISU.HDI 1lM C1TI UI 0110'111 ,,,. MUSICAL 01STllUM•t1T llU typing. Some sales. pleasant l rl + ™' taJ1ie ' oven. power la LIOCI tsLI 1"1 AClllAOI "" ''ANOS• ORGANS 11J1 e WAITRESS with public. Pern1inent. Ap-permanent. rou Y waa:e tique gold $50, studio couch "" IALID.l ISLl"'O '"' L.Al(f. IELSIN()ll! •211 RADIO t1IO See Betty Brua at commi.srion. Overtime pay S25. 548-6903 mowu, mi.le kit, utenaila .. •• HUHTIMGTOH a1&CH "" 111!'.SOllT P•Ol'f.llTT '"' TILIYISION nM Apply btivn 3 pm·& pm. ply 215 Riverskh.> Ave. tfB after 40 hrs. 990 E. Cout I ======~~~~ household It.ems. ! 112 FOUNTAIN YALLIY 1•1t 01t.A1>1Ga co. l'llOrllt:TT 41tl "11·11'1 a ITllllO nit,1-.::!0:::'-':.::C:....:C:::::.::C::::::_ YOUNG "rl f '-•b · · m 6 l'wy .. NB . BREAKFAST Nook lab~&. 6 Al-Circle, H8. l6J.44S2 . •t llAL llEAC" 11" OUT 0' STATI! ... o... '"' '"'' lllCOllDlll IHI gt or "" Y~lltlni; • • chairs. Like new. , 'o:".:a~f.~~~HTY ~= MOUHTAUt a 01s111 •111 cAM••AI a 1ou1,.MtNT .,.. EXPERIENCED &: mother·~ hel~r. Private t.6.1 Xl!C M:GR for 12 furn. 2 Br. urtlta ·~"' ~~" ,,._, 42" SOLID oU c:oUee table, , •C ltlt IUllll'/1110" L..A1t0 '112 MOllY SUPPLlll ""' room. Ot.-eanfront 673--7876 or ~ '""""'""" cl f I P.faho& break.- •...... ,· •• •••••••• ,.11 Ill.AL ISTATI s11v1e1 •ns SP1>JlTIHO GOODS 1511 e NOTE TEllEn 17•1,33 "''""for caree-r Glrlt w/pool, adults only; for FOUR -t•• ~ s-. E-~ ,.!..w, "ma1'i ; •• ~ 1'1' •.•• lllCHANGI •1M llNOCULA••· ICO,.IS ,,,, " .... '"'IV eo-~ H-N B part renl. Write Dally Pilot ..... ~ UC\O IA/ uu uun. s 111111. ~.an. •,.1~w••"•~!,,.."..11011,1 u• •· 1. waNTIO 011> MIKILUJi1aou1 MM e PART TIME EXPERIENCED Concourse • ou• _,,,, · · Bo M .. ~1 tablet $3.50. Miscellaneow. tlque tab I e 1, &IUl'IJ'&ft, coAnAL 11• BUSINESS and M.•, .... ,,•.,•,~.·~k. :: By appoinL 646-3939 • "'>}J • 321 h1flnle Vbta. C.M. hooked "'''"• 2007 a .. t .. LAOUMA ••AcM ~= FINANCIAL LUM••• 1111 TELLER &: Coffee shop glrl. Apply 7600 Euthl ft·--- lAlllUMA N1eu1:L 1111 eusiMass 0.,.,01,uwm•• .,. IT01tAo• cm 9-t Mon-Fri. 19582 Beach SECTY/RECPT, Xlnt adyemt Schoolt-ln1~ctfon Mile F\Imltutt: Living, dln-1 ==~"~·~-----·• i ''" CLIMIHTI 2115 IUStl>llSI WAln"ID .,.. IUILOIH• w.111111.1..1 11u UNITED Blvd. HB sec Lori H Ing li tng bedroom den Xlnl GARAGE Sale Sat g..s 3 1 •ut JUAN CA'11~"!.11ANO 1131 11>1'VPTMIMT o""""'"" uu IWA"S mt CALIFORNIA BANK CHRISTIAN• -dy 10 ··-for obpk~ Toea';:;n,, typCall, Mrte ORGAN-PIANO cord. Lldo Isle' 673-7226 Famllle1. Col; TV. ,· ~ I' CAl'llT•ANO I -" 11• iHvasT11111>1T WANTID ""' PETS .and LIVESTOCK ..... ....... ...... ,, ...,.,., LESSO S ~ i OAHA l'OIHT , ... MOHIT To LONI .ne my childrn In my ablenc-e, 6 Richa~s, 54~. · N 8 PC MAPl..E DINING SET. refrla:, furniture, clotbff. 1 111v111110• coullTY itte ,.1110HAL LIMMS 1m 'ITS. •lMllAI. 111t v.•ks. !\1ual like beach. "-'I COASTAL AGENCY Elementary & advanced, All Xnlt -·'. I awn mower, •PJlll&rlca. •· 'l'ACATlflM llNTAU '9M llW•L•Y LflAHI ~ CATI mt 222 Ocean Ave., Ltiuna Bcb. ........ utl .......... I ~i;:~~~1u,":.1t.1t. •u coLLATlllAt. LCIAfft ms 00,0::11 = 494-6546 67>-282!1 A member of types oSfludml '64· ~Y.~~ home 968-3195 many PollhoCMr items. :IJ92 S lllAL llTATI LOAfft Alf ___ ...:..c..c.;:.:..;.:..____ URGENT NEED lo• • ~.. ·-•'·· • Sne"'-Inc. M my o. .........~eves. Meyer ' • '. RENTAL MO•TGA011."""' DtHt •>11 LMllTOCIC ,... IJ"C """' .... "" ....... . TIJRQUOISE aora. 3 piece Housts Unfurnished MON•Y wANnD '* CALIFORNIA LIVING tat AM!atant, flra1 SUl"ftt"Y 2790 Harbor Bl, Coat& Meta Educational Vacation 5th M?ctional $25. Fair condition. ANTIQUE Tab 1e1, com- OINlllAL *' ANNOUNCEMENTS Hu1t.s1•111 '"1 NURSES AIDES fllC. X·RaY txp. a musl. STOP graden • · · Sr Citit.ena 549--0674 modes. butt.er ch urn, t:osT,t. MllA 1111 •nd NOTICES sw,.,'-,,,111• POOLS ... •,, 543--7719 .., Chlleo1t 10 leuon typing _;;_::.,.::.;.:==-----I .L .... ans . Wa~tlng timo <'"-hi. -1a1 • -,-. . 173 ~1 6 DINE'ITE chain. 4 M!Cl'l!lary, butfel, love Mat, M1SA 0 .. OUttD ,,,.. ,Mlt) ,. ••NINOI ..,. """ II ...., ""'' IJ"C ·-· IA ---IL -·--· MllA v1101 1111 ... , CLERK TYPIST-IO key arid . START match1~-S25 total or S5 ea flva.i p ...... .,,...,, • rniag. COLllGI ,A.IC l \U Lost VACATIOHI ml Full time • All shifls Mat, C.!\f. MS-2859 uog. . 17651 Sen Marino Ctrcle, Nlw,.o•,. ll!ACN Jlll :::~~~~·MIHTI :! TRANSPORTATION Calitomla ArtistJI, 311 1'11\n Making Money. MERCHANDISE FOR Beige 642-2112 alter 4 pm F V !l6l-M52 or 962-5419 PtlWl'Olll tfOTt. Ult •••TNS 1411 IOATI .. Yll.CtfTI ,... 1 . St., Seal Be1ch. ( 213 ) $2.00 lo $5.00 per hr. \vllh * HEAVY old O.k d"k .. NtWl'OllT 11to111s :mt ,.UHlllALS ••n sA1L•OATS tt..,", App Y in person 431-132l Equal opp I y borlus. Go-gettu, fuJI or part SALE AND TRADE ~oh •--"I-•-wen. ·~-GOOD USED ITEMS •11.YINOlll :ms !'AID OllTUAIT ... u l'O'#al CllUISlllS j "'' IUU\ .,.. w.• -oov11 1Ho111s Jn1 f'uMt•AL D•••cTO•• uu JPl!t!o-tlU 10ATI "" lluntington Beath _•_m~po,-c'.-'~'·===~~-lime. 230 W. \Varner, auite F ltu 8000 M7..o.119 rum. hana:hia: lamps, mat· w11TtL•'" nn "li,•sTs ,." ao.-T TllA1lt•1 """",, al • e CASHIER e • 217, S.A. urn r• ""-=-'o~~~~==--treu, rup, mile. Sit. I uN1v1111TY l'Allk m1 CA 0, T!IANl(I "" 10.T MA1JtT1NA1tCI O:lrw escent Hospital • RICH EL A I N T w In v 1ttV1Ht :!: '" IMOllAM ",, 1011.r u.uH<HlHO tlll"" 18792 Delaware St.. H.B. Mature \\'Oman. ExJl"r. Part flr full time 10 women SPANISH bedroom &et. l\fodern. 4 CoSu~;:~~7ld•IHMorbor•'· ~~•~~·· II.Ck '"' CIMITIR' LOTI "11 MllllNI l!Qlilll'. "" Don The &.1chcombe.r ___ _,_... t _... •vo---••.&T ILUI'' un cl!Mllf:llT c111.,,11 ••It 110•' ILll'. "'"D111N1 ",,.l• Recpt Trnee $37S ..,,..,1 E. "---t H-, Cd'! '"""'~ mm...... tor child MEDITERRANEAN pleeea $50 each. 8'17...Q19 1Jl¥1H1 1s:111ACI nu ,,, .. -,,,, ..,. 1o•T 1a1v1c11 """' ....,... ~" " ,.. .. _ aid•• 0, -mpanloM NEIGHBORHOOD ())n ......... (OllON& OIL MAI J~Jt MIMOll;;L ""lllCI .. '1 IOAT llNlALS tell Lh•ely hi sch! grad. mini Ask lor Mrs. Gregg ....... , Age 21'::65 ' M Shown In model homes. MAPLE drop leaf dlnina tiona: Many new I~;; IALIGA , *'" ..... TIONS ..,. IOAT CMAITlll "-" 1klrt ok. Beaut new Ne1v. 3 Rm• of lum (din rm' llv ..... $3S """ • ... ••• '"" 11LAND1 sne 11.V.AtlOl>I •aav1c1 "*' l'ISNINCI IOATI "" port co. Call Bobble. ;,46-5(10 a.ERK-Very rood w I Sitting Pretty Agency • · Windsor chairs $35. 831_1973 Furnltur., hardware. lll:>ll, • LIDO ISLI tUl TllAVIL ... IOAT MOVIMO numben. Some acoountln11: Member of We Sll Be"u. nn, • bedrm) priced elae· etc. 430 Ellhtr SL CoU UIJOA llL•"'O tHI All TIAMll'OITATK>M .... IOAT STOllAll .... Jason Best " wbe~ at S89$ la )'OUn today CM Sa s Nl'#POIT w•sT »n AUTO TIAMIPO•TATIO., .... '°"'' WAHTSO ~. Empl-ent 1. .. ,...... theory ()?' pracUce deaired. Inc. Subaidlary o; Gerber at only .. ~. ~ .. -. "--'it H--·hold Goods 8020 TUIUn} • t.. un. • ~UttTINOTDH llllACN ... LOOALL NOTICIS ""' AlllCllA" •. ""'" ,.. .~,, •1cG-Ya-•11 16 31 ~· Co ... -· ~ -.a;r ~ --c···c --· ..... . MUICTIHOTON MAlllOUI ... Ml#.All. TUTOllKe ... PLTUM 1.lllOMI ,,., 2120 S,. M•ln, S.A. p", • ...:·n· .. ---A·-.~CM·· .riv.i. . ~' Term1. MO'~G .,~,.,. """"" E 1a1e: Juy 11th .... i;~tr:~~c~ALl.IY =.n1 Sl!RVICE DIRECTORY :=,'i.'~M~• = '""' "" .... Gen. lntur•nc• Agency Sant• An• Furniture Yu• Qlt.WJ 12th, 9 to 5 pm. Sbftll., u.•011>1 ••OWi >I ..c:couNfm• ,.. 11cTct.1s "" SECRETARY SECRETARY -Dpe("i'noed SECRETARY Qi W. 4th St., Santa Ana Nearly new twin btd. com-. ibortnve n@, Ill.All'. LOHlll II.II.CM ,,.. AMIWllllll• •••vte• .... ILltTllC CUI '"',,. s b 0 rt h. n d. Preferably Ma•--.................... ___ ... ••7 •1n bo-crlb, infant'• car teal, lawnmawr I:~-. men 61•.MGa CO\IMTY 1'" APPLIHlt'• ll•PAtb. ...... "" MIMI illlfft 30 (;Ood tv1 [tsure '""" ,.....,, ...,,...,.111!,"-'"1'\I """ ..., I f1oDr ~ good buya. f78 E. 20ttl Cbf. :rt,N.~~.:~~.. 1 ~~ :::::~~ :: :=::~~., : Technlc•I Typing R&D ~~ Can Mr. th lnnea ·~ ~1A~1. ~nespen. ok:naU:!.,n<:e'· DINEM'E 1et, ( w a 1nu 1 :=.re~:1k>n ladder, ~ 54U782. 1111ow,t.Y CITY Jllf ,t.UTO atrAIU -Al/TO SlllVICll • '"'" ... "'~" ~~Cl\ ......... ;, w uwce. formic& table. walnut &: ....... ""==="",..,._,=,..,..--1 IA•TA AMA HalOHTI Ult AVTO. .... ~ ~ ltc. .... AUTO 'r1)0l.I I ltUI,, '"" mM Encutlvt: 3-5 yn ~p. ~ Great opport. 644-4738 black vtnyl awtwl cha.Ir) Julca, dean ..,.;v m&ltn:u. GARAGE Sale: l98C LmmDI COUTAL S11f IAITSmlMT11• •••( -.... TUii.i ... T ..... 11.Vn M2I Advanced Kinetics Jnc. Dental ftecept. 1: Bklcpr. _ -••nn GAL• •~. B--•·-~ •OfA .. _ _, IQUlltt dance lhJrt size 38. Drive, Meta V~, Mt-3'10C 1.AIUNllll ••,t.CM JJIS IOAT MAl!t .... I f9,t.IL..... fQf.... 1231 VlctoMa SI., CM ~-. or "'''" -.,, ~ -.......... ~ ~ m~ 499-2lll ..... 11 ....... •• turn • ~ L.AOUNA Nltllll J1tl ··~IC, MAIOfltlT. flt. 4WI TIUCKI <:.oA • • ........,, Betweeti 20 &: 35 -enced $3S 644-095li ' '""'"'W"' ._ •A• CLIMtllfTS #II evtlMN MJrlKU. .... ,...... Hll • 646-7165 • 548-3000 '""!""' . . AD .. ,...... ........ .. _ _,... by meta.I 1hed. lawnmowr. t CAPllTllAltO :rm &UlLO'll... "" c~•••s ttM In lrl·fuhion ~"" &lid LARGE. chrOme d I n e t t e '""""""" ..,.., ....... e ~e • • . ' . r • l : -.. -. '~ ' . ; : u;,., ...... 11.M'·• ,,,. CATalllf9 .. ,, CAMl'llt llHTAU nn Equal. Opportunity EmplO)'l!:r WAITRESS 1pQrtswear le> &M151 mge of lab!• •• m•'Ahfng chain aide 23 cu n $3]). • ~I =A=SUll=~'~,..,,....,. ..... -:..,..=,-1 OAHA POIMT ""' ut1MnMAJCt"9 '* ou•• 1u••1•• -•t;t Exec S.cty to ••24 o E·-nlng Shift ~ LOOK -= .... · tional aota. Mile tum. GARAGE SALE: Ewryt:JJ'-~~=~~~·~:,u•tt. == rs::.~~!'::::. :: ~=;1;fft"tot Mii Xlnt opptyl ~ So. ~i) 54>9863 ' DR'ESs SHOP Vtrr aood condlUon. call M&-.7634 115 E. 16th SL CM unrkr ~sun. Sit 6 SUn "jO , ·) nENTALS CHll.D e.t.••· UIHIM .. ,. AJITIQUll. CLAISl(I -.11 l!Aata ·-... 1~-· ~ .. ~. .......... 646-.fCl63 anytime. -.• tl..,IVl .,_AL--'... I' " cowTllA(TOlll "" uc1 u111. 1100t ''" .,...., ... · ..., .. ..-ui .. •J'C $PE C 1 AL MAC lf TN E '"'9'4-tlN ORAPES--DRAPES. Rooms .,-. ·~ ...., ... _ ... ., f t Apta. Furnithtd c•11:1•1T CLIAM11te 'flt AUTO 1vam em C'Ot-', lop benetib;. Call OPERATORS. Experienced. RF.AL Ealate Salmnen w'-·• SOlJD tn•ple 11 dnwtr of dflipn. Mwct aee to app. CttM. t.ua.k Homd. '*"-. · l ••M•Ut. ... CA•''' LA'ilNO a •ll••I• ... ,. AllTOI WANTa• "" ~ M6-5410 • •v Mrt chest w I 50 J: 35 mlr· S&l--4(U cu. Cot.TA MISA ••• o1..,.11111s ""• ~.'.?... "••'•'••"• ::: • J1son. Best ~-not ad1 A bl! trained ?1 lfte ror.. '85· P'nl.ltwc>od 2 Up to S25 rm. 't!.~:4 .~,...,. ~!· 1ro111t• vw101 "11 OIM0'-'1'°" .. -·.. RELIEF cook. full ar part holltit area ~ Hunttnaton dranr lamp table, $50. uana• ... • m-.. -llllWPOll:"t •UC"' -DllA'1'1MI lllr'n("I IW' ut•o Co\fll ... Employment AtPl'lC)' • Im e. Will tratn. 642-8044. Boach. Ca_II Phil Mc.N~ 963-6002 C?•r!J! S.S. I022 Lof'tn J.AM.·CM -: 1;;;;..;;;_..:,:~~-----------------------I 2120 s,, Main. S.A. E\p aflir 4 64U27'§= 962--44n V•lla&'e Real FAtate KING Slm M v e 1v1 1 OlMP1 Hcuef\11 of tum. c:ust ! HAVE . YOU LOOKED FOR s;:~~·~~.t~!.; WOMAN tor kitchen v.'Oric, ~~~~MANHARllfor~~ bfdlprwl $50. Tn orarce bookcutl • bWlb. retnc. Afttl!lt'IW 1100 ; d Ml Call tull or pt. Ume. Call beL 11 _..,._ .v-. na~ ncken $a J , tMk tum. '11h1• " c&tD· KENMOU w a ab• r. ..,... ~-9Sl!I oome. mnar. "5PM.4»-W.I 1"24 trvlne, N.B. "2-W3 6'13-1811 pins equip, cbllds blke, ttllentcoadftloe. l3l .... , THE HIDDEN D. OL'7ARS UTE ASSEMBLY EXP'O.c.c,r.etltrrt,Dorpt AlkforPhU. Qualltyltlrcbed,qull~.· mllc. Frl •• Stt. am. 112 Ml-XII • : .. Exp'd, f<>raciuotorl .... 30ID lune. Fuhlono for La F.,,,. Jobo Motl, Wom. 7500 0o1n.,.t., u..-$98; -b Be ..... CdM U.OY ~·wuh>; '• 40 yn. Hn. g to 4:30, Mo!>+ 'tne, Newpt. OentB 844-0lTO $250. Mbtt 5 or wkrldt ~E ChlndeUer: 3a ~ tied dryer. XI.. ' 1N YOUR HOME I 'ATELY? .Df.BoXt,l-6351)&U,Pllol JJS!!PRJVonted, _toll !In!!. BIAU!LCIANS NT.-JniMlllaD<.,00!.-cond.1'15.-, ..:_1 ' . -. ........ -BEAlTl'Y OPERATORS a.o.i c1 ........ ,r ............ Be,.,... ...... ---~ SPANISH Iron lbd IM!htr NO ...... -JI -fl.,,.. HOTPOINi".Cl,opporh•• ' wan~ ·J'lo-tollowln1 m.aJl ., ape.ct. Reuon,.bll'. 14T.st64 cbe.ln. hatch <.'QVtl', oottee ce.n 41 U 'fltb a ~AJLY. elecL ~. nr..., SIS.• ''!1 .........,.. m-G12. 6J5.J10l While Ele-7 WblO. E1opb&nllt lal>le SD ... 11W111 PILOl'-lfAl<f ADU IG-ifll .,. ---- t " • i· .,, i, ,.. ,_ . " i' .. i· ·- -• -. ' I • • . ' OAll.Y )>fLOT S.twdq, .1117 12, 19" FOUi CONV9tlENT OFFICEs TO . SERVE YOU • • • W llACH --U11 ..... -. e COSTA lllSA U O WW ,,,, e HUllTillfTO!t_MCH ~ JOt f!llto jtttef -. e IA.UNA llACH ---UZ _, A- Here's How You Con Ust Ow Famous D1~.'A 0 Ullft ..... -...... -wttll ....... - • te .. el -4 cone1leet offfca. e Ne -trelol .. •wM. • Eidt --... ,.. ..... •'"'" 11 ... -$l5. VER.T-..an" ""1te itove, l KEY§roNE Mar Whff.ls, GflEiN Tiber 9 x 12 ""'' 1968 MINT Se11ed Mint ttt 50 i) 75 YW' old lice ~ to GRfEN ShKUo couch WAi:mrr Dinette table wi\h COCKTAlL table SJ!). End ANTIQUES: Oak commode ~ $25. •t Lange like MW, •·ith 2 Indy tires Jlke new SU. 238 f'1ower: $2.15. 1969 Proo! .et $&. $25. Walout Console T.V. w/bolatcn and blue plaid ~ le1'-vt1l$15. Sf:SJ98 table no. Telephon!! table $15. Trt!adle rnact'llne1 :· Dr.1 Stnta Ana Heights, $15 each. 615-4186 CM. MS-2980 , 676-MSS ~ka arut $25. Load1 of ~~ sip ,.-~ l&tnp TWl1'{ ~ • 1 $25 $10. Roekine chair $25. Oak rocking foot •too • ,,.,. -.. d:¢TRJc \Vhite rotary WEIGHTS &r4 b111tructions C WHEELS. platform truck chlldtefll clothe~ 4-7 il.5d-J&Ot.$e,s~ Df·· ~A . tacb. .eomu~.R coUee ~tow~ o~ =~tabte:s O~~ :.:1~er ~,N.~ak = 2 BARBEQUE 24" Big 11ewfna: machine, ready to $U. Draltina board with steel $10. t wheels, platfonn 5IJc to $3.. Ladles 1 alze DISHWASHER. rum $20. table $2.\ both. S w \ v e I eac v · rua: c bl ·bed $8. End Boy't. pn.cdcally nrw $5 Jtt, entry table " I y 1 e T-MJUani Sl. Knick-knack truck, 'NOod $3. 3 wbHl1, 11-14 50c to $5. valUH 10 &Ci:--Ui84 rocller $15. taide chairs S\5. S20. Cu.stom dt!11gned ru& $20. Dou e TV S6 Old and Sfl. motor and spit l cablnd, attachmenll ~$2S. shelf $1 Pole lamps $2. plAtform,-trudc $6. Rocking :-·::~••bot!•~~ iiUNCAN· ~~e )I~ 2l"RCA'IV$15.548-aJG'T $20. 548-.9"95 !~~:rw::~ JQc.50c. Leather piece plate rlua. 21 x 44, i .,;mion pole 3 panel flat Study lamp 50c. Cameru chair ft. Carpet iha:rnpooer ' W ........ 10t ·i::l1¥.1':8m P 1 . bn!aJdront $20. A n't 1 q u t DRESSES, 241/\ $20. Browt'I, BIEAOc ~:!'_fF<UacLhdab~~. ~lsaJE~ eoata ~10. Jev.·elry lOc-$3.. 2 .atumtnum Chrtstm.s 1 llCJ'ttn SS. Foldln&: se'frirw $2. Raad er' 1 DJ 1e1 t $3 . .tf3 HP motors $3 to SS. ..,..... • ll'atll\Y rocker SlS. Anti band 'ed wia" $25 531 1923 ..... ........,. 50e Cha~ $.1-$6 Old elec ~ 1-1 ft. • color wheel S.3 l table, old refinished $5. Boo k a SOc. Purse 50c. Picnic table, patio and ::;!1•:~ $2.:fi ~ room dl~r $15. Old W: KING-:! ~ad -pink 21st St .. C.P.f. trk auvtce $25. Llczuew; lil!t eadl. Venetian blinds. eood Brown wiglet $10. Clean Lad.le! hata 50c, Footstool tttchin table wtth benchH fpr iddn:u a!)d directions rocking chair n.so. unwuaJ ~ -" ~ • KOHLER. bathtub • s·-new. SlO. Lamps, lamps, lampa condition, ·63 x 51, $1.Sl'.l, 2-41 i chest of drawers SZ>. Best $3. Pla.y aand 5 O c. $8 to $14. Long strips teak I ~Bow ~tension table sa 4 ~anc84•7 7307 avoca tl!!rN 1li1ht derect $25. Sears 2 U·$25. 2473 Fairwa,y Dr., x 51. 1.J3 x fiO $1 each. Shttl ' construction. 548-5632 D«wative bark 5 o c. mahopJl1 tor moldings and flOTARY Mo-.·er almost ~ mafchh!:z clWn $ 2 0 . .-. -~ Floor poli!her, H· C.M. Lt g..1862 ,cobl set. Prealdent $5. 'MOVI.E Projector, t-xcdlent Driwway crack nner 50c. blocks, alao Marine plyv.'OOd $2.S. Medhu'n tins S 4 · Bed.side lamp table ss. BAR Stoola, rattan with Wlent condition $25, Judo 2 SCHOOL type de 1 k 1 , 962--7635 ccndiUon $25.. projector Plumbtt 1n&ke SI. Pant.I IKftPI, tit, mabopny, teak 536-$l25 TYPewrlter table $l 2 larte aeats and ba.cks $15 rutt, medium, like new S8, formica top ST each. Head· ELreTRIC guitar and SCtten. new $14.· Dayllte lltretc~rs 35c. Radio SI. lOc-$2. 646-2317. 216 E. Zlth MENS O'Neil v;et .WI. lllJ'le tormiea twin headboards is each. Cofiee table S 5 , Bicycle. Huffy, boys 16'", as boards. twin set, bookeale a In p 11 r I eT $20 uch. viwen $&-l22. Maholan;y ll"ODI $1, $3. Salt and pepper St, C.M. 6 monlhl old $20. Aten'• eacb.. Pink twin be~ ~ $2(1. 2011 ICnp ii: $5. 54S-3023 style Sl each. sun hood fat 1'irescreen and tools $6. and vinyl cases. new, ideal 35c. Crib bumper pads $2. R E FR I GE RAT O R $25 medium wet auit $8. Surfina: $5. Twin bed 1rame $4 Road Sunday l~noon BABY crib • very clean. SIS. outsidt! door $6. M6--8fi93 Booka 5c. Otl paintings St-ror wnple or traveling $9. ~1., seat 50c. ~Y &hoes. "'WUhtt $25.' l>rye.r sz. btlmtl st M'l-6591 X-lol'lg, X-finn mattres1 MOVING: Blonde desk with 60-4412 2 AUTO n bench seats $20. $2S. uatit tlxtu~s 50c. Blue· Baby crib and mattreM, ex-11zeri .-7. Sl-t2. D1spooo.bJe Built-in ra~ and ovtt $25. OORMEYER Mixer $6. Anti -no: 2 large heavy duty rat-chair and bookcase sz;.. • USED tire!, T.75xt4 s20.1.:,::,:__:_:_v~·-...,.=o-;;;:;:;;:: sreen lamp hues $2. Bouti-ce!lent condlton Sll. Digplay diapers 50c. Indoor games Comer hutch $25. Dininc que drea&er with tllt type tan chairs $10. SlO Outdoor ~[qnus e1ec1ric 12 chord Short sofa. &ood cond.ition 9'2" sw-fboard $25. Folding que items 50c·$5. Camera movie projector w i t h 15c • S2. C u r I a i n rods room table $25. 6 dining mirror .need• "'Ork $12. wicker chaise and chair 01..,.an 3 months old $25. Mary SIO. Leather Swivt:I chair J ,i""'iiiii';ilOi.;iDii""'i;i;i';;"ii;· 615-2485 $L Deer 12. 4'x4 ' window $3. a'to•n•ti" lhut~tf 12 5 -20e, 2-1" x 48'' decorative -c"·'-includes l •··t I 50 $1 6' x 9• -• oval • '" '""'" ,...,,.. •N<ll 8t7~ ... ' · ·~ Proctor Ironing board llke $4. Upholstered chair $5. Clown curtains and canopy Aluminum extttl!ions 1 518" scrttn 50c 24" x 24" notice chair $12 each. BuUet $25. wool rug S2S. Matching 4 x 6 17 ~ "~ 1 Car antenna 11 , Ironing $S. Walnut headboard $10. x3/32"*6' long with siffener board SI. 4 panel shulters, Small portable wash 1 n g COUCH Modem $5. Small $15. 3 x 5 hand .hooked wool new. ....,,. ~room antps Crib with new m11.tttt~1 $15. r ibs $1 each. Card table, 9" x 26" $1., 9''. x 20'', $1. machioe $1.50. GarPen cart coffee t.ablea $1 each. Pio. tu&: $5. 4 x 6 blue, ireen rug 18" high. while $4. Men's Board. metal frame .Joi. Baby p1clc back $8. Boo!lttt wood and me..tal $4. ~~ Sc! of S glasses Vt1th §land $.1.50. 4 and 5 drawer Chests twes 5lk: to $1. 5~;.J..~ ·Sl.50--barP stra~t> $2. \\'e_I :iluit top . JP.,. lmbs!t.1"'°':';6-"90~1':!,. =,..-.,.....-~~ ~1r"11;-NtW1QMper chair 2 PIECE sectional bei e sofa -$3. ~ table OOV1!1' $2. of d r ll II' e rs .S20 each. COOLER For car $10, king Suede. gol!•sboH, 9%M $5. 2 water ski $12. 615-37i5 FURNITIJRE: Ass or I~ d $5. Record rack St. Coleman S20. Box spring, m!ltress, P_lastic, table cloths for cam· Portable TV'S $15 each . padded headboard $3. ex-Lamp fixtures S3 each. REAR Alun1\num \Ylnd!.lw tables Sl each, P.Ur ni~ht atove $10. Maple 111.bles $3.-full · SIS 548-5684 ping 2Sc. Place matt> 6 for F.lrr·frlc Irons $2 each BBQ erciur $1.50. 5.16--1354 Caplz shell hanitn1 lamp S2~ shade tor station wagon S;>. stands $2 each. Metal patla $5. Mom turntable, amp sae · Sl. Vegctablt' slicer J01•. \I ilh nlolor and spit $5. lk-d FISHERMAN; Chest hirh Folding lirepla.~ screen $4. Set of 15'' bub caps $5. "Bon table wl.tb umbrella. boU. for and hmer $10. New copper PARAKEE'T Bin\ and cage Motorcycle i;rca.~er SL 9~ t-m•• 12 •ach. Kitchen ta· Loads of ribbons and •• , .... ,. .... cooler (use urith u S4.50. Slide projector ~. SS. 2 llo '"''"S ST each c "-• ... surt waders. real brarta!n ,. ....... .,. H h bottom 11.a~pan set $5. . re w_ •-.. · apitaJ, C.?i-1. .n&-017'2 ble no. Kitchen chairs SJ,50 35-t decoralioM for wed d l n I volt batltry, plugs In uman air blonde cucade Z102 Moontide Circle, H.B. Electnc hair clippers $4. SECTIONAL S20 Lawnmo~· each. Occasional tables $3 for only $4, ~l -p?Jsenta $4. Chopping block cigarette lighter) S l O. $4.50. Human bah" mini till. ....... _ :P.tedium glre mens !ihirts . ' -I ELECTRJC Blanket $ I . 13 4 · •··· J • ,.,,. dark b 13 = N -•-ii. 3 CU·'lo• 0110.,, .. er $5. lbair $6. couch $12. each. Crib $9.50, loon to 6 • Pl~ '""· uo x ~u-bumer hot plate $5. au urn, . ...,,, ew 8' SECMONAL aofa, grttn. loam cushion1 SIS-6' ll'hile bed divan $10. 224 Tulane Rd. 545-2429 COUCH. sreen &:Old S15. Ba.by bed, clean S52. Baby chair ~. TV doesn't work, excellent cabinet SIO. N"M11ara CS'clo-musaxe -s~. Pt..Uorm rnc:ker. Sl5. CaH- 1..owirm' c h a I r 11 with vibrator $25. 54~7 LARGE Seanish hanging lam? S20. .37" lamp. 1tke new SID. OrlcinaJ Mexican Folkloric oil pa.lntings $15 es.ch.' Frigidaire portable dlshWuher, heed11 work SlO. 30S Hanover Dr.. C.M 5'6-3m AUTOMATIC wu:he: In wry aood .. condition $25. Pair of fender skirts Jor '61 .Ford, new $5. 847~115 '51 PLYP.tOlml S25. Large IU lo&: UJ. 5t6...J090 3 HP 8rigp & Stratton $15. 6" balloon mlni·bike "'heels. complete $25. 546-1775 f HP Continental racing engine $25. 4 HP Clinton SIB. 546-1775 EXCELLENT u 11 ed carpeting, 9 x 12. 10 x !5. 9 x 20. lOc 11q ft. 2M Knox St,, C.M. 5-7 evenln,p.. SOUD State cartridgt! tape ~r. baHery operated $17. Motorcycle part s: Triumph pipe 11tock, clean SS. Wa.UJe iro!J S"2.50. 2 chain and 3 e.nd Jable11 SL ~ll!Ctric hedgeor $3. Triumph 1c:rambler pipes $5. S1ereo headphone11 $5. ~14 Hamilton Sl.,C.M . .......,, ........ -"'' " " " PM d·"·· t 5 .. ....i.... Kitchen dock Sl-Skillet $2. 12 ,~ .. SI 50 ,-..-2 diamond a·• pear! -"tail 16. Llgh' flx•-15 .••• al 932 Coronado Dr., C.M. ~ ex~ .... ......,. 'o · . '"""' ... en !Jira)'· Twin beds SS each. 4 dra-.ver "" """""" ·~· = 512 w "'~.. ....__ Toaster $1. Iron 50c •II work 13 ,-.., __ , ---' "'°-,..... rtna ~t ~ u m N 903 W. 17th St. Space No . .(9, ~1984 · .... -..man, .... , .... '6e, .. ,11 """' • ...,~ er · ""w-uun ""-'I .....,_.........,,;, chest $5. 543-6315 . ..,., ,...,., •• ..., it! .-. · ew .. ...,.,......,. Towel raeks 50c nch. material 25c-,S2.SO. Shoes. 01 atternoon only. TINY Crib for tiny baby $9. REF RIG ER AT 0 R Sl5 CONN, Comet, case and ~fan's, ladies bikes $5 each. AUDION Tape rec»rder $10. purses and jewt'lry 'iOc-$1. 'N'O Roddy spinnina: rods, UND~~WOOD St and a rd ~8;::"ra~ec~~o~ ;ce ~ mouthpiece S25. Holton f'iacher • Price toyg 2Sc·SL 13" RCA TV portable SJO. 111 E. Bay st .. C.M. No.. c. reels, mono $8.50 ea.cb. New type ... ,,ter. clean, A-1 con· $tO and ns RI . super comet $25. Case and 9' cafe curtain $2. Large Di1hmuter a:ood $22. % Flre 642-8746 Coleman single man t I e dltion SZ2. Samsonite bridge ~s b $IO ~Vie': moulhp)ece for same $10. B umbrella cover $1. Brass screens ifr.SlO. GE c!ock CENTERBOARD Klte 15 x lantern n _o. 'rhermaster ice table, like new SS. 548-TI65 .de·" "'11""0• ,~~ Pail·-~-flat Clarinet. good condition llem1, pictures, housthold radio $8. RCA record player ...._ '"""' ~ _.......,. __ , 1_.._ 6.. \\'hite, no dings $10. chest--v..ilh~ -b'ily, --dratn. BICY'CLES rn good con ·Rd Sa t A Heiibta m;-Olds Trombone $25. items 10c-,fl. 2821 "'"Hai'tirf" -$11. 6 El~u"' .. ann c """" 673-593.1 artificial ice $10. One gallon diUon, real nice 20" boy's ·· n a. na. Case and moulhplec'e for View Dr .• C.M. 644-1356 $2-$4. 2 Sunbeam ha1r ;;;;;o;o7,::;:=--,:-.,-;.,-,~,., ThentlOi picnic jug \Oi th ss. 3 Speed $22.50. 26" YOo/8 Bed, 48" box same $15. B fl at French COP.1Pt.ETE Aquarium with drye~ $6-$8. J: 1 e c t r i c NICE J\todem ma t c h i n a: spigot $2.50. Free wiih ~·•ar 115. G.E. iron 12. spnngs, mattress. metal made, wood clarinet $25. •-~ .. 1. h t • Broom SlO. 16" AD TV "'alnut oofftt table and . ~ 0 •«-,_ 3 -·· -•· ,_ t s .......... 1g ts. hea er, motor, ~ "' ll d 1 lantern and iee cnt:st. ne G.E. clock radio $5. ~2847 ,.. .. me, conwur l>l"'c"' n-case and mouthpiece and nah S1l. Great for kids. po r t a b I e $.1.5. ••Ulll roon . tab e $24. Etid tables inch brass sea suction valve . eluded $20. 140 border cover lor ume Sl5. P iccolo, Electric ,skillf't $6. Record suvCrtone radio $6. 39101,2' lo match $16. Red kathi!'r .aod fi!tlngs s:;. New ex· u:;Dlcl . Electr~c2,. rat n f ~ • brlck.~ medium red 4c each. v.'Ood, $1S. Trumpet ;25, albums St each. Tycoon Channel Place. NB 673-1600· flo'""·er arrangemen t lension mirrors for towing g ai~,· u Y 30 cup coffee ~aker, Wnt -cue and mouthpiece for g:ame $1.15. 2 Stad!wn seals HEAD Skis with marker b!n-sa-J -~. Double 'v a 11' t:i each. Stainlks steel sinks aut~mallc, double. n v e " · Bend electric $5. Ironing; same $1S. 536--8541 rurna~ SID. Girl's 26" bike for small traUer or camper white, iood concbtlon S25. board IRid...Jidl pad and $1 each. Comforter $7. Boy dlngs $2j. Wood skis s.:o. S5 each. Professk>nal high 3104 Van Buren, CM . cover $5 968-l9S7 FURI'.'ITURE $1-$5. Electric Scout sleeping bag $5. Silver Boots SlO. Poles $2. VW Ski $13. Flxable bikes, pa1·Ls k 9. 'th 545-8997 applia~• SOo-$2. Clothing candleholders $5. Water Pie rack $5. Ch11.ins $3. 4 Rar SIO. Plastic sprinkler piPf' shoe rollers ates: s, ~1 • • BOX Spring and mattress )Oc-$2. Free baby frogs 10 with to·o'thbrutih $12. itools SlO. i\1aplc end lal)Jc $10. Ladies 13 lb. bowling case $15. Electric guitar, JUNE Brides nea:hgee and S\5. 'J\\.'O antique "!itron anyone who askt, one tree sunbeam ca. r 0 u 5 e I SIO. _22 Rifle SIB. 613-9191 ball, bag and shoes $1 . hollow, 2 pickups, 5 ~n-aown, Va..wrette, new S20. $20 each. Corner chair $15. gift . to ea.ch c I 0 th i n g rotisserie, hardly used $10. 2 fttan's 16 lbs. bowling t)alJ trol~._ revtrb. bar, hea\llly 548-8l0 Wicker chairs I and $2. purchaser 20621 Egret Lane Twin mattress covers $2 CHILD'S Pedal car $5, $8. 227 E. 22nd St. 548-0302 ch r ~.med $25. ~ NEW Bike J\ght $4. New dou-Wool blankets -$1.5(1; -Radio H'S 536-1354 • ea~h. Good qua 11 t y, "897::,..-00-1903,-,:,,="~·B~·~.,,..-...,--,, amphfle~, tremo,lo, aud10. ble Maple kcadboard, 9011t1 sleep-wake clock, alarm decorator color sheelo; with 21" AO;\IIRAL T.V. needs 3 ~~~As:t~!n~~$~~e~~ ::~pe~ei:~ ~~rJ1•::b1e; :J:~~~~~=rc~:!~i!~ SCR·AM-LETS ~~1;~~~S4tg ~u,~: ~-~··A;~B.1507 Alabama, vested. Weddmg ensemble. $15 each 8t7-441S chin a a,n d kitchenware ANSWERS cases $2.50. Battery 2 TIRES white side wall 695 rings S25 each. Case $25. ' . ll)c...$3 Old · brass tray $10 operated letter opener SL See to appreciate. P.1en's MICROMETER. hke new each ·548-8143 Hand ice crusher $ 4 . x 16 $5 ea.ch. Chev Split rim dress jacket, new $25. Cost $20. Twin bed SlO. 2 oouches ' Vali5' _Treble_ Swt\'e\-"•" ""!9 _. __ .__. tire!: wheel 8 hole. 'lOO x 15, $65. Snug Harbor, 1626 S5 each. COuch. no cushions 1964 YAMAHA 250 cc trami,.e Unless_ Schen-.e _Wearer ............, · l.8ti n.ncu11::lm, Apt. 6 ply $13. 700 x 16 6 ply $15, Newport mvd .. C.M. Space S:. Book shell $7.50. Chrlsl Sl5. Front forkl $20. Seat $5. _ S\VAN I LIVER ,1_,6'"B", C;c·c_":c,· ~-----1 700 x 16. 6 ply S2. Blnfcage 37. Please park out.side tapestry SlO. Sink top, 8' x Honda Super Hawk h'<lnt Butcher shop scene: GOOSEOO'VN Sleeping bags. stand and fttd ss. Di!!hes don't dlslurb manager. ' 2' SI~. 2205 Canyon Dr., wheel S15. Ho~a &rambler A awaml bought a pound walnut coffee table $7 each. 5c-Sl 2 traverse rods 14 ft. P.fEOiANICS Hand tools, 1,{ 5cG.M. . ~r ~! si;:. N;1;, ~ of liver In a butcher shop. ~hie $5~ r!.i12tiie ''':1a_e:_ ~~nfnc~-.~~~~·w:~e:spispe3. electric drill, soldering iron AL aqllartum "'.:11h pumi> Triumph 500 cc motor with He noticed that the butckcr boards., 1 walnut, 1 cherry, sio for all. Sheets. foam S23. New poker table S20. and accessories $5. Double aluminum barrels and put a heavy thumb on the walnut bedstead. complete rubber. take ss. 22j2 Colum-"""'"°""'"="'"=.,..-"' Bedroom chalr $3. Living ~ frame. $3. Double bed heads S25. Tral'ISMis!lion for scale. The .swami began hum-Sl2 each. 495-1132 .. 31906 -bi11 Dr. Corner Wilson, C.1\1. TOASTER $1. Deep lryer $3. room chair $25. Night 1ta~ mattresg S5. 642-4Sl8. TrhJmph 120. 546--0'169 n1ina:: "'Veigh do1vn upon 9th A\·e., So. Laguna ==~-~~~~~= Oood double matln!!s, not 2 \VHITE Throw ruga S'J.~ each. Camp ironing board $1.15. Tum table checker game 40c. 12 cup permla.tor $2. 2 matching Ear I y American night stands_ llJ each. BBQ grill S1. G.E. automalic coffee maker $15, Bl'd~pread $:l. Ladies •'/~. tric razor SJ. DI'e$5e11, sUe 18 $2. LP records, niajorlty J\litch l\lillrr $1.75 ·each. Electric knile $6. 968-5863 or 962-2847 $15. Double door metal utili· 4 CHARCOAL linen club . . . -S\VAMI LIVER PATIO chaise $15, Chair $5. :;o good box springs $lS. Set ty cabinet, new $15. Small chain with Shepherd ~AD~O Ou"ec:ti: :inds'!o $10~ V.\V, motor 36 •1.P. $23, C~~7~ mattress $JO. Antiques; Brass l amps wrought iron trundle beds, drop leaf table and chair caJllers $20 each. 644-1188. ¥ rawe.r c 5 · s.m Ford radiator $5. 24" 1 ==~~=~=~~~·I $22.50, paintini: Sl5, \\'alnut complete $20. Desk $7. $10 Oval lamp table $3. --wrougltt U'OJ! ebel! brackets boy• blke $10. RCA clOck FURN I TURE·: \Valnut chair $25. 616-2318 Ch!h.l's tw1n m•tlres• 110. 2 Pic.tures SlS to sz. L.ar.,.. PORTABLE type.writer $18. $1. 4 oll lamps, milk a;laS! a;ale--leo"ed table· for· Z..8. framed . SZ> P.1ak .. -Standard typt\1T1trr $22. 10 ihades $3. 5 gallon gas can radio S7. 21" T.V, 2 for '$5, -8 H.P. ?i-iAC 6 $25.00. 546-1775 twin coil springs S2 each. 2 mtn'Or ri~~ Kikhen ea~ key. add11e5r -~;>~.,..2 0~od1. •.k and spout $5. Good 6 ~·oil _00 84_7-_ 5 7_0 2 1_7 6 _, --.. ,-._-,-.. -•• --! ~~P~~~~e~~ble:~~~-~ PAINTING eai;el {new} 52. 1 twin beds, complele $20 11 !ie-;20 U Ill ld copiers ~ -... ir s ba,ttiry and 5 trap $3. Light Y ' Schw u111 """ Sil. pictures $20 each. 9 " 11 t"·in box spring It: m&lb-eSli each &el. 2 old hr'llM f\vln ~~~Perle · Pl;cc, 60 0ff boy's 20. in. bikes $10 each. blonde cascade SlO. Ligh! 1>lngle bed, spring, mattre" rugs $5 each. Moviing, must J20, 1 desk (kneeholel $15, site bed frames SID each ~ KEl'lMORE gas range S'lll T · A C J\I Baby JUmp cl\8.lr S2.50. t>londe wig, shoulder lengUi $22, new· air pistol $5, tree .sell. s.ro-9152 children's games (Incredible mattress SS. 646-5242 P..1elal "'all cupboard Sl2. ustin ve.. · · Small oak crib and mat!reS.!I $15. Both excellent con-maa:azines. 8~2-3363 ===~~~--~-~iblesl SOc to Sl. Children's H.O. ScaJe slot car set, 40 fl . 646--fiOSf · S Bellyboards and Kntt-$7.50. Small band saw (ho~ dition. 842-7890 1~ 4 door Dodre Seel. COFFEE Table, marble,' top~. dresses siie 10-12. 25c ot track, 4 cars, 4 lhrouJe~. 1,,:,::...=:_______ boards 3'9" • 4'10". S15.S25. by modell Sl8. Kingslz:e an. nk-e $25. 2 Danish chairs SS to Sl.50. 1 Lovely girls twin ELECTRIC toasters S2-$5. 4~1.53. -bed~"ttad S-t Bro~:n ihorl POOL Table $25. Ques. ball&, needs water hose $ 2 5. and $2. Pnrtable seiving ._.. /off-while) l20. \\'ood transfonner like n e 1.1• S:!:>. Box ri S12 ..,, rnck $20 f"rench human 962-6772 un> Porlable record player, nt1\' •so'P ni.~stu . fSiOrescreen 9 Joi. flberglai;s dinghy, wig $5. Girl's clothes. sure 5 h'a ir ivig. S20 Polyester DANISH Mod •· . ,m,ac.,.hw, •. 111207.· RSoofllx• ~~ bed·=·. Jr&in Sx3 fonnica bar top batteries SZ>. 548-4193 ~"' • .. 11,; res <' • S 3 · needs little \\'Ork s 2 5 , &: 6, boy's elothes. size 6, . · em ... -o piece • ~ ..,, $15. J .t!mall round maple Magazine rack $5. Readers 673-T.>36 25c-$2. Maternity clothes. reronli~g la.pe SI • ~I, 5, sectional S25 each. 962-5149 Bird cage S2. 6 ft. tall tree end table Stil. ~6-3341. Call DOUBLE i\la11ress an n Digesl books 25c ea.ch. Oak 1ize 18, womtn'1 dresses, 6· or 7. · Barbeque gnll S4. WOP.1ENS Colthing 14 -1 6 o: roses $8, 642-0087. 644 after 12 noon. springs $111. fire screen table $5. t.tixmaster S5 and POLAROID Color Pak 11 sizes·tSIY )( 16 ~ shoei; sire Bow. arro"·s. target $2. and shoes 6B/7B also Girl!; Shalimar Dr., C.M. SI.50. BaSsinet1e $3. Ba.by SJO. Shampoo tray St. Lights :~~~ ~~~se, never ua-6t~ & 7, 0 SOc-$5'. Toya' lOc· ~:afm 1;~~Jl~t ~-lttnage 3 to 5 50c-$S. 513 CHROME Red k Itch en Gi:8b~~es~~n !:~~~ clothes 25c-S2. Car cooler U.50. KHchen chairs Sl Sl.50. 54&-8135. 301 E. 19th, d d. bl ~· 16"""'0 1se 673-58651675-0038 Sat/Sun chairs. 2. $3. 1!& rolla\1•ay ~or... 5"6-6441 $5. Books 5c-:Jk, '0 l ~~--310 Femleal. CdM, ANTIQUE Cane rocking C.r.t 11f_tta~th 00 sc:i:""s1. · H:r; 1 ~1~1>-1.,,c,on.c;,IY~·~~~-=-bed. no mattress $4. Small .-FaJcon: Radio $15. Rims $2. r&n\ in alley. chair $17.50. 545-1682 drop !eat 1.1ahogany table '53 MERCURY parts. front Tailgate 11'i1h f'lectrir ll'in-:-,~-,~--,-,--,--IOOUBLE bo)( spring and dryer $2. DP<.'Orator noral MATTRESS Ovenize 6'6"xi bumper lo ~ar bumper 5()e. d PROV I NCIAL rocker. FALL. Human halr. brown. matln!Sll, Sealy, firm, clean wall plaques $1 a.nd s2. $25. Bike parll st. Bike 20" $25. Roll up ball and cla\V SlS. Has P/~ats and ow $25. Body parts $1-r!j, na.ugahyde print. like new excellent condilion, ~xtra Sl5 each. Bed Jrames on Kite"·" util•'ty "'" 13. Oil $5. Drape lrllck 14' $2. foot piano stool $15. Small Side windows for wagon $5 llS. ~tapl.,lud••t d••k a-" •-'" h'ld' f Id ' hai =-P/\\'indows. '51 !\!ere. auto-each 3 _, . k " "" thick and ,..,autiuL cha.na:ed caslers $5. Single Maple bed lamp SL 2230 Canyon Drive, French docrrs SlO. 675-5660 c 1 s O tng c rs """' trans Sl.5. 6V radio! . f"ord · "t""~" II t I c chair, like new $20. 642-.11111 my hair color and will frame, excellent condition C.M. 548--61'97 CAR Cooler. near ne\v SIO. each. 549'1279 or V\V $2.SO. V\V "rims SJ transmif.sion $20. &tS-2905 HANGING Tamp $8. 9 x 12 sacrifice. 11t 1/3 original Sl2.50. Redwood tr e el7'"-i;8~POO~~Lc;:.b~l;:--,2.,,~1,..,.b'1:tt:I ~7481 COCKTAIL T ab I e. $5. a pie~. Sunday &:: ri.tonday 9 x 12 Braided rug $15. Elec- pink cbenllle rua: S 5. cost S2.i 646-8298 rounds, cuts of 2 ft., 15 In 4 x ta e, se s s "=="=-~-~=~-Naugahyde rocker $ 5, nl 2 Fed 1 s C 1\1 Ilic sandel' $7. po"' er Chrome tray and candle 6' RED\VOOD table and 2 all $20. VaC\lum cleaner $1. a: cuea ~25-_Remington 22 FORMICA PullmAn S'6" long Playpen $8. Kiddie cars $5. 0 Y lOO era t., · · mower $20. 540-7023_ 1tick1. new SJ.SO. Stl'\m bencher.$20.Bar-S-QSS.24" Jan. pints 60c doz . ~~~c ~2ts~~:oso -top $25. Cabinet S15. China 916 Paularlno, C.M. 10-5, TRAVERSE drapery rods1B"o""v~·sc-c&=h'"''·,-,-m~i,'i-'b'lk-e, cooker. G.~. new ss. ?i-f11.ple s:irl's bicycle $l3. 21 .. TV, Bathroom sink with fix· era· esa bowl SIS. Moen fa ucet $15. Sat-Sun. with mounling11 hardware Ilk $20 n>Cla!r SlO. Balhroom wash ,vorks fine s22. 646-lSZi ture1, porcelain. c::le11.n $10. FACTORY Second helmets Patio 1tack chaln S3 each. "N_E_IV_De __ k ___ 7_d__ 14' & 16' long. r.1ay be e new. !\fetal dog bed. ba1tn SS.-. &42-8171 . ::==,--===~~~1 Weil ot Harbor on Wilson to half price !l62--066l 201 30lb St. N.B • 8 • hu · ra."·ers shortened. S9 ea. Eleclrlc small liize $4. 54G-3-178 IRONJTE IRONER S25. 2 M ~. so t I =·,l~~""'""°-'T--~-~ · I $20. Ali o carry • all S7. cords new 3--\vire hea\')' duty I CLo==o:-=~~---'60 OPEL. no ...... , OWl' -. E-' tabl•s 110. Golf l.~~ e~r. • '6ht t. o """ 5 Be J 1yb0 •rd s and CAR Cooler, plug tn la;hter, 645-1452 c .?i-l. UNGE Chair f rames, ..-.,..., '"' ..,... '"'·-II St C •t I""' n.-~ -13 T including bonded ma I c I I "-T I .. I 12 Volt apoUl1ht $Io . a-• ca•t llO. What--i •h•U .. ,. .. ..,.., " ·" -Kneeboarda 3"9" -4·10··. Sl5 ....... oa.1-~ue · oy1, I"=~~---~~-nie a """'· e evis1on amp ·~ • ·~ book =-·~ "~ .... ,~~ POOL. 3 x 4, steel fra>ne plugs, ideal for appliances !I c" o-1 Bathroom sink and fix:tu~s 110. «< •~2 GOLD Ca-ting, wall to -$25. 49S-4153 11· ......... -.,.... ""'~ · .no-<MJ ~ ·,,.. 1,1ith liner, 4 corner seats ~-or electric tool!!. P.1ol'ie pro- S5. Cnftsman ~ inch drill, LADIES COii.ts. 1 beir:i: $5-. l w.11 Sl yard. 231 Cabrillo, LAWN Roller $1~-\\lebcor RED Sparkle 1>narc drum Ra~r scat car for ige 2-S jl'C'tor ntar 'k'''-' St'l. Mo\·i<o NET Play pcu $7_ Infant sea\ needs \\'Ork $4. Good lwin off-white SIO, l3-20 aize. Coate P.teu.. 3-1pe-ed automahc record with cyn1bol~ S15. 968-1907 SJ, Child's Easy Curl H>!ir sc:reen new Sl2. Carrying k $2. Rocking horse 3"2.~. mattnu $8. Therm 0 fax Dl'esws from s S-$ 1 0 , STUDIO Bed no. Ne\Y aold pla)~r SIS. OlcJc;r desk T\VIN Bed, complf'te $15, setting kit $3. ch l l ri ·, samnle ca~. m 8 ho g a n y Room ''apoJi?er Sl .50. Hand secretary copy machine m. Berqiaa zig zag sewina: ma-cover !or studio bed S2. ~1 ir-lypewTiter ~s nb~~ Sl. good condition. 962-3781 type\\Ti1er SS. t.iiscellaneoua vinyl cowred $6. Speaker~ tools 25c-$J. .22 Ammo Tx a Hondi Scrambler motorcy-"h' .... ...,,, -~ N•···u Rd.. tors S3 to S25. Hauock S3. 12 l'Olt car air co~1hontt ~----~~---toddler toys 111<-ll. Gou Hi-fi S" rit:nneter ne1\' $3 box. Children"!> couch !Ind cl. lire I"··"' 18 12 -•t ... u.,. """ ~ ....,.... -V."'· l<taa-1.1·heels bus or car · ....., w · iui C.i\t Maternity rlothes IOc:: lo SJ. $12.50 l.a\\'nlllO\\'f'r $.). Weed shots men'& s.itt 711: $5. each. 6-12-693,j chair set S1 each. 518 \V. car radio, push button S8. 1 . aite 12 to 16. Marble coffee sprayer $5. Portable 1V as 15 x 6 524 each, 536-l63l 644-ID24 ~===,...,-"'U!IOn, Ape c. 548--8882 Car top bar type ~r St ~BY Combo-ttib lSS. Elec-tai)le lop $25. Boys ck>t~a is SS. PlaUor1n rocker solid T\vtN Len.~. reflex and case ~~=--~-~-~I GE ironer sz. \re1tinghousc I;;--;;===-..,,,,,,...,...~ 847-T107 Irie bot~ st tr 11 z e r, size 4 10 610c to $l. F1ower needs cover $5. Girls 16.. ~-J,,jmm buill in metf'r, CONVERTIBLE Side\vqJk '"ltclrlc oven ll3. Hair df')'t'1' 2 AVOCADO antiqued hf'd NEW Electric ruitar "Dec-a~troma11c 1hut~H ~· Tall pots lOc to Zic. Blue hang. Bike Sl. A?i-1/f"r-.t 3 speed case, ?.tarolya Sekor 1 2.8 bike without train I n g S7.50. Le\vy t \'&cuum 520. tables $2.l each. 644-1627 ca" % pick-up wl\h mice su:es 12 •"? 14 suits and in .. lamp $2S. Chait'l l5. Bed CM90le $15. Bathroom 1ink lens, Polaroid con1plele kit wheels. Excellent condition Ster!'O, speaker & ~tand $25. SOLID Maple s~p end 14.ble dre-SSE'5 •~ •~ ".,, """" .... ...,,. Su g · 110 "-'" """" Duncan Phyfe coffee table 18 S •• 1 M 1 ta! •ow.. Standard felt lined ..,....,., .,.,..,..~ divan $5. Couch $5. Bultet complete $6.50 Black and ...,. per moV1e camera, · .....,...,,._, . m... ape s ned -Se l'k 120 $15. Brownle camera SlO. book cue. new $13. Gulta.r strap. 2 SCHWINN bikes: man'1 $25. 2 olf white ni11 SlS red Clinese silk prints S5 11"1. 1 e new · Argus PICCOLO Petes 55c ettcb. case with slldlf\I:' '.!<>on • · Industrial extension cord~. ntw, ltill in Mcb.ie. CO.t!l 26" $20. Boy's 24" $15., both each. Dining room table no. pa.Jr. l5U Orange Ave. 01 IUper moV1e camera $25. 548-2063 dadoes. 646-4224 $7. 2 t1vin bcdtiprertds, ff, sell for $3. New set with rack, 2 modern bar 4 chain SS each.. Ba.by ~ ?.fovle projector. Kodak I~=~~=-~~--!===~=--=~= quilted brown and l"Jkl I • 120 good NEW Condition blonde i;tep BICYCLE 18' rtlbl 19 CUilom flat wound strinp stool.s S9 each. Complete clothes lOC to Sl. Womens CLOTHES G'"• blou"' ,-.. regu ar .. con. · conw e . floral $8, Steam lnhalt!r for Girl Scoo , '~ i "' •N ditlo , I tu I le end table w/drawer $;5 Bl I 1s·· I I 18 3104 $3. Call 778-2636 I a un...,, "" • ze 8. clothes 2Sc lo $5.. Bedroom sweaters. size 12, lOc to 7Sc. n, " ens rre mov cyc e I r s . sinus, hew S5. 646-4225 .., • $3 6-t&-3'8o ha! 1· Child c:a.mera $20 like new pair. Grttn ch11.ir SI · Van Buren, C.M 545-8997 BRONZE Presidential coin · c 111 J. s comer IAdit!s lowly dresses. aults, ' Woodf'n foot locker SJ. 1 ===-~--,--~~.,ROCKING Chair $5. Dining ll"ta $7.50 each 60-3479 WORK Bench $12.50. Sewina: desk SS. Matchln& chair $3. aklrts, blouses, sweaters, private party 892-3834 G.G. Stepladder St. PoY.'l!r mower, TABLE. yellow ('brome S' x room1> set $25. Antiqued buf-1!c 01.,1.... machine $1S. JJ! O. train 7 ba111 of white rock St bar. alie1 t~l-4 10c-S2. Mena FRUITWOOO Framf'd 40 x needs Y.'Ork but ntna $5. Ca.II 2' wllh 12" le&J $8. heettr fet $25. Small table 75c. ..... ,. l'tlOm 8et Jl'iUI ~ $15.-Tr•in 880 \V. 191h St., Costa Mesa, medium shirts 2Sc. Shoes; 18 mlrror small na.w $7. 546-128.\ 6' chest type S25.. :not Van Aquarlumi $1fl0-$7.50 TV w: ... -~~ ":e~k ~nd ;hadcJ with bulldinp $31. 2 642-GSll ladles 25c-$1. mens We 10, pair milka:las1 b o u d Io r _Bu="~",· ~C~.M~-~----i tray illet $2. SJng\e bl!ad· o:k'ils 6'S-Ols6 ':"'Ubl& c:uta $2, each lawn METRO Sand bt!UY $25. like new $1. 536-1354 111.mPS ». roo1n dl\.'ider 78 x 20 ORIGINAL Oil pa.lnflng-s 2nvtN ml~. Simmomi. near board SS. Single bed with • cart $2.Sl'.l. Drt11lriJ table body for Sand 8ua:Y $20. 59 GUITAR ss. Adj u 1 tab\ e 42 $10. child's maplf! roc::kn $5 10 $25. Se a 1 ca P ~ s ·. new condition S2'0 each. frame $5. 4 P.1exlcan hang· ROU:iWAY Bed with loam • '8.50....~ kitchen ware Plymouth stick b'l:nsmlNlon dress form $U. Dilhts and SJ. maplt night 11tand $10, Landgcapez, Still life and lil3-30B4 lng l11.nt~rs 50c each. Stel"eo rmttraa. ex c e 11 e n t ~ and VI. ldtt ~ Garden Sl;j. 59 Ford •utomal\c household Items 5c to Sl. •leetrlc 1hof' polisher $2. SurrullsUc al res. 8 x JO to cabinel ST .OO. l'l-llt!wrlter dlUon. Wiled a few times $10. IJOlll"ll 12.50. '46-86QT, 2364 transmission S15 and S25. 57 Ba\vllnt: ball S1 5.Yr-1354 ~n tull quiltf'd spn"ad 2'1 .x 4&. Saturday only HT-Fl contponent par Ir talMe Sl.50. 1107 Donei:e.I. Tr t1ldal re autotnatic Ncra. C.M.' ChcvyfrontmdS1'0.511'unl_,. FORD ~M-l •S . SIO. rolt> and while stripe: 5.Jl...J793 (Fisher&. Gsrrant) tteord '"J""'"'" .......,.. $lO. 5G--0283 ~ '""'•''""' II ed d 110 ~ .. , player, amplifier, speaken ....,"""""'..,, ROTARY Lawnm ower, front end Pl. 58 powr a;llde ... _ _.._ I ·~ ·-p· _, tfU 1 llpl'f!'a . · • w n f"IREBRICRS lOr: l5 u .. _..._ • v •-SS. -•• d' t 110 ,.._ ....,, rQlUUITl•I c -· ..,.,., 1~t..... brown 'l'•fltt!d 11~11.d S7. .,.,., .,,54 SIO each pat1. Atta n..111 · 21" GIRL'S bike $10. Size JO '""'1 11~ ac-u..,..,.,u Craftsman Dell,IJ(e 20". 3\; NA1.""ra 111 or .-m..,..r 32 caliber S25, Lar1 e -.. \Vomen'11itt8l.JOclot~ clothe'!! 13 000 14. 117 l'\a P'cnnu T cutina set SS. HP n;~ Like new. M~JT19 aluminum S7 per roll. 283 \Vonder H-84. Unl...,...le Thnnv pilJov.-s ;,or, ChUd"1 le I ~ -· -·• .~-18 ~-· _ 4 b 1 r r 1 v•..... ~.r ~ cl°"'TI lamp $1. P11.lr be'-12' x 14' Brown oval tnkled 125 tor all. Po amp $5. Jucar. 673-i!Bll. OK1l ~ anu "'°...._,.... ' 2 '?WrN Seds S2S each. '""'"" '""'"' e $5. AdjUllable cnJlches Sl. 4.11 x 72 dnlpt!'s $2. p;;; t\ll' $al. Maple double head 3911 Sirius Dr., Hunllll&'ton l i;;;-';;:<;;,,:,,""';;..,'°'"=~ ~ Home 9lot CP' tel Red __ , plcn'· tabl< ., __ .. carburtlor in bet.ket as. 6 962....f58'7 .... ....~~ 112 aei-Harbour. 19" PORTABLE 'JV $25. 9 x ,._extra tncll: $$. 3 ~ wuw "" 11 .,Jll Holt Olev)' whttll and tm'l"'~:==-.,,==-=c I P.taple end table~ ""lth nu. 8'"' ............. · 06" 13 tent $21). 1301 s. Bristol tat $25. 5'S-6ll64 or be:ncbc1 $%5, Papu bt.ck p nch. Cadillac t~a and KENMORE Washf'r •-ork:a Ing $<!, ~•ch, ChUd'11 dt!!lk kl~~x'n•~.~~ ..... -~~! PARAKEET and cage, bath SI .. Santa All&-&49-4385 • 'books l5c uch. Otcme t S2S 3 C.rt. lton aod bench SS. ~tllny no...i 111;1 ......,.,. aJIU UYUu $9. ~1491, Col~re Pk. all. I,,-,==~~-~-~ ~ --'low cttnette •nd chain 'lfhttlg ~ ••ch. 13"' Urea S3 il't!ll · tle-beckl lncluded $12.50. BOOM·Klte ractnc t)'fle with : rq;cz: ....... JUI Can! ~.~ ttch. stanaanl r a I c 0 n aklllet11 No. 8 $l each. •rnn~ment11 eMap, 50c lo 3 p.m. tillllt q. $(. Table, pup Jlll. ml P\K'nte, CM. transml•lon SlS. G 0 0 d Ortttwood ZSc to $2. 8394$37 Sl. m:t Minel'VI Lane, 63.1 Sl. Jamer ROid 'NB ~G~LASS=~ta'bt~,-,~0,,.-,~7~ .• -rou-od"°' I fiUlnp. Excellent 9' JO" Read The DAILY. PILOT c L A s 5 I F I E 1\ ,, " : D • 1tiv ta Mltd °"it"." 19CO .f'E._IU>M.. FIJ::"_ mcine1_ • Falcon front end $10. Falcon 1lfJ\QtlPlSE EYtnlrw rown ..... ":1.!:....111Se11t.l!Otl10 1 ~naTi•~~.,'i.,\,· Mll--15l4 %" thlclt $Z. ReWI "value l'v'°'l25°'."673-5S35""7.'-....,--::--':c:: .._. N. ~ 1V 115. ""t:amJfMc ...,, "-~ .i&nt!1' •nd pntrtilor $4 sbt 12 worn , ora Sl5. n.,..."' .,, ·-t"'"' CRIB And Mlttras SlO. OVtt $]00. Smaller round ACUUM .. ~ No. 118 , ~ .. 1 4 e10tbet 50c4:L itiJNG ~~jtlf, Z1g-zq each. 11)52 Pal!..adet Rd., Tra.mi1tar-radio $l4 • Q.E. I c=96Mtl02==~~~~~= Coeco plll'Jlen ind pad SJO. a n d rtciangtt!ll S7 • $10. u,=j ·l!JOCI condition SIO. : ~ ~-IO-'!Djf p:!. ~ mt_'f;062' Sant• AM Holaltts. porta .V. !15. , SUf.lJKI 5! U II po. <44-103.1 "'""'~ walltor $100."146 LI &.1?33 - -........................... _ .ode 123, $10. lide ... , E:nd OJ_d !her IOC- tlec- : aet ""' Or., ••• ead· ,... fa< $20. ding 2485 r. i , • •I " .. • . ' • :. • M • · ~'"'1. Mr U, 1969 ::~~ANfJ1M~ "'l:~DJ'~·· MlllClt°~J& ~Oii F"'E" 'TO .• YOU.. .TRANIP.OUATICN-• TRAlllll'OllTATI r --=-=:...:.::=:.. .. LI . I SA\I I'> AADI. 't< i: -. I YICfllt tcm lo 1:A.;>ppl=';;.;"-"''-.·'----"•;.:;100 HI.fl a St•-1110 Mi1111lh• t'IJ ............ '".. ·-L.... . -r-SallllNh fO}O lleol Mol"f!·~-~ -...... ~ "' ...,., A>rl-PMii'ftlt.~··••lf . ,, ______ .:..,.1 LADY iun..... Deluxe CURTIS ld&tbes bwlllkOd ... .-.... SUM.-·SALl 11 wMmJ>l thl... -QIEEllLUr :...Xll<T~~~ ._,,,., . ..,~.:: ' . • , ' · ' 1 •(.obl·JoU'ltH_a_ --~'&!::.:'~ ClltlONAbc>,'--:iwilltalootrd _,..;.,,i,,.·;'.Mllboat n I", ..... i:;o. -alter $300e<i...t.a.r.SMau 'f u R 11 T u·a E ::...-~=-.:i'i 00 "'~ ~ w/-. a>ROljADO:IO ........... ::.,".""'..:..:IO~~i:i .. ,-, •• 1( <. I Jpm. . Ctmona I fqvl 1300 ' "'"" 6 s """ . ' "15 -· Too ~· _., . OOl\OIWlO II -. ':' boat NfL -~ ' 'fl KENllORE ' A •to mat IC p. 111>11 h -el --' SAVE ON In ~ ejlu, :="· v... ...., .... -:;vs.CJ, -., 11u1i a . . '. · . 1o11ow "'° u~ n1a. :: ~-:!:= _.in::r:1~~ .... 1.41nnt ...,,.: "tOU .,.... li..i 11:1 :! = $0 * 141-1115 . Ul!e -121. A u c :r· r 0 I . -dopJ ..... ....... CaUI °"'*~ . SllOIPllrBll' .. l3IO w/trlr • fOR SAtE M NOW OPEHI -I=,-.,-"'""...,..· -=---6'13-1S33 et C.lal!na. !Ar' lic!i. 104 Via°""""' 11-2SU W. Cou<,illlll...,. "-~. ~-4 .E. Auk>ma~;!&:hn, S rtfn , . . '91-1111 . 1p ~-•*"~-.£\..._ !'._,. Il<acll .~o ~~i~=.:";'£,.T,'~~l<P-1'!1",!Pm. ~.::: • l3!i-!JM! 9 Goods HOO MtJ§f 1W ...., ....,., ta< VIKlNG iii' sloop , In>, bt 1r1n, bllae pampo. fn. OPllt·: · 1--------1HOBJESurfboud,l'3",&<>0I! · '"'4 ""'·o1614malell0l<· macut&tely,.... for. Belt 1t""1llf;.-Nlilm. 9 AM T0 .. 6 PM ·~.;;:::...F:!.,;,o~·::~ co"11tJoni:;o, SATURDAY NIGHT ~-~~···· DA~.lt~~.Elt avallable tn ,the 11 .. 1. wlnchel,StanclUonl/cle•••·. ''cm· UMtie tom fl'Mier S!IO iu:c..__'681 *6t4-0l6'1'* , ltttten. OQ:...m. e ~ Extra cl~; Extru plual Chaice $1,800. Sltp available. ttltq.huQ·fl:r, P"'~ fbl ttda, M: l'IUlllK l=====·=-s==== 12 G 1 -•.. • u1 .. .-.1 SaUlnc ln90ftl frM to new alum 11n%1 • scl'litVet. rli • •u o, l"IV choke, • -J TJNJ IP.ck nWe 1Qf poodlf!, .... .,.. mut, late mockL owntr. ~ eq:UIP. Whll,' da.vtls,. bk a: .hd liftME: r '11 ft l"A;;•;;;tl;q-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'1;;;;10 ""~$95. 6•30 P.M SHAR'PI-t-..... old: °'"I'll""-u... C:::'Q:,!~f~ C01-UMB1A Dtfer,der 19' ,..,. radlo (BIMhl\Stll,""" ,....,.... ~. I• _ muat• 1lye UJ>. X 1 n t 3'U VJ& Oporto Newport ExetpUonally we l I -maJri. tatn&. hd liner foim acrub-,· . ANTIQUE Ml1ctll1-l600 e e • w/<hldm. ~ 7/U 6lj.W * ~I ,,_· lalned A equl-tor ,.., be.., ~· Botton Wllo'ler, ,.. 1750 Whfitler Aft SHOW AND SALE I Mo. old moll ..-. ShOll tno • cnrlslno. 3 rn old. ver ""· ,.._....,;. M 12.000,000 1>Up1ay OZARK'S m-,. """' for •-~t EARLY a --Put c.c"' TROJAN "°" below coat tor oulck lSLANDER Y•arrs ..._.. lllMnlllOO -Hilton Hotel ""°"'"'A Jl.!Mjue, 3 ..... "'...... ... Y!a ...... .ftUIC'"LYI •• !>o.y. Vt<r ltlendly. * .... Jliqo * "'' -or '3&<m3 m w. l1Ut-!K; Coat& ..... -714~ 642•1350 ,.,. Wlllblto Blvd. lb _bep 12.~ -... ... ....... .... ... -1/U a.EARANCE.s.u.E 27' SOUNG Hn. IWlfon "5, Sal 1-12 • Sewrty Hilll ......... Sebd ~ or 11.0. SIX -10 -II l5' Sea Sk!11 ........ $111$ • 'a eyINl\UDI' OU!boUd I.AG, Mob11a · -,~ 10, n. u. u ~!! ... .A. 1<omu1a1ne, u w. AOK ,,.. __ 11.1lon Galery -................ ,,. ... S1c11t ........ 112.IOO 1m....r111e Dtllvory 1or 1·HP-•1--. °"'"" ....,,, .....,..,1.,.,,,: Thur, Frt., Sat 1 kl 10 .,...-, • Ontario, Cal. 91111. ~----n. 1oo4 home. 50-74'1 36.' Sea Vayqer •••• $.11.~ SCtfOCI( BOATS Make ottU' tr5..s1l3 1 Bdi. i Ba. ~- SUnclay u,. I. DESKS, cbain. .......... 7722 OAltDIN O•OVI IOULIVARD alt" 5'00 1111 :l5IO Sbtlter llland Dr. . N....... * ITS-ml 0/Jl.MOTOR. IO ' HP plus • d d 1"1 "'" b t nu I B~oek Weit of Buch Blvd., oU G.G. Fnn'· I am: 1 wk olcl Id..,. s 714' 22s.7165 \ii2'TiiRE 21. Pltlpl~ W. ""'ln>I, ...._ "~ .. $95. -...._ '215 ~~~l~~ :i:·~:.-:aw~ ~(2 blk a wht ~~~~oenlei' =~~~:: EN.onbr~ SUPERO>ndnulalVecaUan 1 _s.:_v."":c:.."""=·c:s.:;;•c:·___ St, CM. 54$.3445 • 'i/l4 •re a ~ **-· m1h cabl. ll»s 4. Bolt Slip Mootl"tl 9036 Cnlller made tram ldlOOl Anti Dr'· la! R v Mlacollll-1610 FREE ldttena, -l«lken, ~ for your boot Evto 114, ~· ~-but. Sleepa .T, plus, _ .. que ..,n ur INYL TILE, Lino I e u m , 1 ~ old , ..... _ 1111 9Ul'f'l!oard, car or home. -. SLIP C!'-ce 11y ___..., a'-·t 20. Stove, ~-•, •- $50 Aa"pha.lt Tile -Beautiful col-w... · ~ · Boat ruin •~lal ~w o~ FIBERG~ 2l Sloop, •IPI for ~:.1U-r';;';'; .;;;: water tank, 4.;b191~ Call 842-7800 ors and patttrns. Fret GIGAllTf( WE F'AY MORE . PETS and LIVESTOCK $3.95 pl nwl. Wind an 4, plley, enclOlfd head. World Trilnaran «l' lerwtti TV air conditionlns ncUo Sewing M1chlnes 1120 5f6;..4478, lb . · I 642-7607 · outboard. NICE! TRY Rack Jor. motorcycl trail • estimates. Lie. Cont r . OAS H C l20 Sea, 1737 Superior, C.M. Dacron aall1, rol1P.1' rteflnr. 22: beam. Pbobe. 613-Q207 ' tnside and outakte ;_....· 1.969 SINGER with ~i-zng &. $2S BARCXiNS! Refrir. $25. 'onnis . Court-Siler ·-. -SiA~tUE Kit tins 9 -.:kll, }; ATJ'EN'l'ION ""Yachtamats • -p,m.~J~,7Marl -~TBe'!.cti M:. mooring, hit~ ete;':-Runrildc 'itw~ walnut eon.!IQle, M&kes but. Washer-mangle $25. Ladles trained, Blue Sllal Pt, mi Will Cl'f:W po'ftl' or tail 1'1.YING JR.-~ady for col· t1fJIOl'l-t5S6-)?i2* . completely overhauled •. lMC . ton holes, dealcni elc:. $5.25 b 1 c Y c I e $ 2 5 . 0 e s k , * * * etch. 135-(174, sG-3839 Haw&ll, Australlt.. SOUth lege raclna:t $TOO. WIU trade ,380 Ford e~. ,.utomat:Sc ino. or $.16.00 cash. 52S-661S ~writer, I: metal file SAT & 'SUN 10-5 For furnltUrt,. appliance1, S1AMESE _ 5"Jpoint 12 wkl Stu, C&rlbbun, Dt !?? , tor Kife in equal cond. SIJP Avail. tor (O', ri&ht off trWmiaak>n. Br 0 w n t • cabinet $25 an. 613-3433 POTPOURRI colo~tlqTV, Pl&DO&+ orsana old ~ Fem·.!.! a 11 Cail Andy Brown. Rel. ~?:. . .Cout bw,y, S6S I mo. call ovei'drivt1 unit. 2 Qetd nc Mvskal ·fntf, 1125 SPECIAL! Solt Water Chai.rs $1-$a5. Solas., draper-. and an ua. ~ ~ ' 646-6962 Bu.~ CAL 20, National Cl'llunplOn. m.m7 end;-Aµ eood ti.res. brakl!I, I '.• -•·•·-. ,..-"'-Day or n',.ht 11 $25. 'ISO X1n ~-t ebd, •'" -= ~ -IO tenet, 89c tor SO lb. bq. -. _... ..... ~ .... u...., 19' Glutron, 221 cu. in com-t cond.. New boat bath• •--A.\t _ _...... • uw• -. - FENDER JAGUAR ABC Lumber, 140 E. t7tb tun, unuaual clothes, antiqu-636-3620 Oop 1125 ~ overbauled. ntw top Seagull Motor. 9 gs -2 a 3 3 -• '_,., equjpment than . bl ._. GUfTAR St, C.M. Open all dl,Y Sal es.. I objects of a11, e~. 111 • tuU cowr. 2 live -bait atttr 10 a.m.. Charters 9039 tine SU.009r but tt11 "'t:iii! CUalm!l f1n.lah with deluxe % day SUn. ' N. Mapleton Driw, Holm.by .u.--h AL'SJ<AN Malamu• (lled Ada. kl ccnd. TRUE SlliOl'•a De 111 ht: CAL U tar OWtTER uldnc, $4.500. ~ .~ cu.tom cue. UJce brand SHOPSMml Mm V $150, Hilb; comer ol' su.n.et I ~ lnery, .tc.. l700 q pups), AKC. baaatlfUI $l'825 m-tr515 De.nllb DoubliHnder .l S25 dey. $150 wek tor. anointment ID • =...., ~ ~ ~ cblna cab, ..... din"'' $30, ~~) =' Hllh AIR c.m...-S l!P, lfl = ~m~ .ice:; * NtW Ill' -$1Z -ror ........ fn. ell&-290'7e . Moforcycr... , pm. -baby tum, '""""" ""' 114. , · e.i. tank • •fnrle ....... tnJn. Pm.ct "'"" -Facl«Y. 2l1T s. 1-St, -""'.......,_ so· Olria cnn, n· ---4·Whlte wrought troa dWn.. magnellc atarter, be I t good for b r •• d ID I · Santa Ana (~. Warner I: a· Aii5iliJiJtY Lp I: Untftlte enn.r. Dtil1 • ·1MI ISA ·: GUITARS. Ampljfien, P.A. ~y crib witb' matt; $5. Q.Ch, ladies drtun. cuan1. Uted 90 days; q, ~ puttbred, S1Z Nqt frwy) 56-0563 mocnlC. ful11 equipped. ot wetkly. 6l5-2IOll Motwcyeie: ~~! :10~ben. hulnette.-comp; Hardwood _lulls. " Coats $3 to $15. ~ ~ve ..U $5IX> cuJ!. -up. C-3512 --5liOWBIRD...No. Cl r1 hull, ~DY reuonabl!. * Finett-Seleetlon.-Power I: Ql!l.Y._t.IJJ mBa~-~!"'1--l playpen; -n U maltmtl)> Pa.ma. lhort&, blouaH $2 to • FOUR MINIATURE new ~· $356. Glusbop. otter acceptld: Mi-4126 Sail. Slclpptt optional. For ty. Miilt IJfe to '"'!ai"tl. clotbes.125 for.U . ...._,m ~~all...=.,'! t~ ,!'!: FREE TO YOU LASSIE PUPS-AKC fj~ 1 '!.~ w/oan, $200. tr DAY Saller. Complot• • ..._ c.U 51Mlll IJc. No.'"""· OnlY 5 SJ'RING Kay Banjo cue tnc:J. Like new $85. 642-7800 or 642-m! Hl·Fl record player $20. handb&p $1 to $4. Girls Shetland Shffp dap ii wk1 . 613:1001 equipment. lndude•. llJl!hore $599 .Professional electric m .. clothing, iacket, pan ts , NEED r ho 1 Wlbe 16 .• tall al most. lTMITCHELLCa&inCrutw Balbot. Island moorln1 . Fl1hlnt Bolfa 9040 _.,.._ 1 • GUITAR LESSONS ;;f.c ~~take <lff inches blou&es, dresses, IWl'aten qnclaimtdennbt ca~e ~fal~r Champ 1i~. Superb! Flutt:Y 60 hp, McCulloeh enr. Ve-ry Pbone 548-3331 .. ---~ ~ 494-6160 ftize) 10 to 12. Toys. books, black I ' ~h.,. wn t~ each le happy. MHa Verde, C.M. :e:.~ ~~ ~'"'711 U60 14, llfht blue, dac .. ~~ ~h~: ~ ~ -·--• -, €ARPET P,n1e1 .t misc. 644-0317 f~t. V~ry lovable. Please ~0.0010 r • , sa1la w/trailtr, aood amd. tell, U7~1 . . mua e . P1inoa &.l!rtuftJ , 8130 Shags, tweeds, hi.Jo pile. All give him a home ~& save RARE AKC pupp·,,1 Italian lJ' · AMUtCAN Mark. 8 $1?i0. 962--3603. ~ ·= I F I LI ,..,_ NE\V DISCOVERY Eives • '----Nt 75 •-co ors. ree es . c .....,ntr. bald men hair &&:fl.in! Not a him from the Pound . ,reyhOund ml n i at u re• ;;j'· & ~548-4389 •Ii' 17' .O'Da,y OayM.ller Aircraft 9100 • Keep Your Cool S46-447S. painful traniplant or ex-64Z-530$ 7114 Perfect pet. Lovable 1 nru e. · Demo i11S0 -Ultd 'll:jO • ., . This Su..,,mer RADIUS alcohol . 2 burner pensive hair weave, our new FREE To qual. home. Lov. clean. Reuonable. Vista, 8' FIBERGLAS dingy SSS. 6 14' 0'0&1 med ..••.... $500 ium Givu JOU 113 tnt. in B)'~ tt:nt\ni & Teaming to tlove, $30. Portable cu hairp.iece frOm transpart:nt SMp. mix. ~ female 'lJ4.6158 HP Sea Kini' outbovd, Fun l.orie Boat Co. Balboa clean. Jow.tfme Culna 112 pl-.y a ·Ji&nl> from ua. Per-e-ngine generator S 2 5 · artlficl.al akin defies deteo-atntk, icleal hou.ae pet for p U 1t. E - B RED Gfnnan Ntar new $225. M6!3'DI 311' T·BIRD Sloop 3 Aila, 1: at O.C. Airyt. Call 837-ZIOO 'fonnlllDe suaftnteeil' from ~ tian, 1; antlqultes all ou.r adult or older c b t 1 d • ahortMir pointer puppia. 5 10' CtJSl'OM built Pram 1 p I nnalr.er. Speedometar, wkd1., 83&-3128 ever. 549o30.1l. Ext. fi6 er 17 $10 monthly _ gtve us a try! 1 OLYMPIC Stereo C'OblOle, metboda. nn. avail. Oranie ~ 7/15 wka dew claws I: t.a.111 dock· dlnahY. ldul abore ot ~ Pulpit, 10 hp. ena. $3151). u-Llle -9200 uni HARBOR BLVD. Gould Music ComP1ny· like new, 2 boK lprins • Co. IWr Replacement Ca.tr. 1 HlJilliaYlli rabbll free kl ed, XLNT anlnWs. at $25. ~t. $75. 56-T!l.T Bob Edwards, gc..1403 ,_ = ~ 2045No.Main,SA 547-«i8l -=-~,.!,bl&ct•~te ~tu!!· Tultln, Ora,.-e childaocompanildbyaduli. 543-t9l6 38' sttphena 'Sed. ~ CAL28NllequiPC*l,raeeor UMll~ ffMR:· ~-~-.....__ Wldl./ JULY It 11ot .•but we have ... .., a. ~ ,_, -..--..... Female, r<IOd pet. !lien DALMATIAN .. well marlced, '41, FI n e 1 t blL XL NT cniae. S{S radio. WUl co~ l'IVDILS; ""'°' -..-.....-.w euu;c1- the HOI1'.EfftbuYs In town. DECORATING? * AUCTION * people. Saturday o n I y • I mo 1 o Id , m ate, eond. Mlllt Sall! M&-9511 rider any rtw1*X-• otter. ~TE. mile8p. Xlnt eoal. Spine~ .,,,.. _ol Gnbd I l>aw 4 qualft;y, heavy mlr-U '°" wm aelJ or.... 511-JStl 7/U -bred. e1te•111 In-SABOT Hull, x1nt ....r.-Call M&-3'f!l $10,000 Piarx:Jll: new & u 1 e d · ror aectlons, each 3'13'9''. ctve Windy a tr:· 2 SWEET Kittens, rt.ady to cl/1hota. f15..4875 Ready for riUlng or mottir. 14' itiiiOCIANY Enterprl..e. CQSI'OM Hu1o" S Baldwin Organs -all <ln All 4 for $100. MS-5623 Auetionl Friday T:30 p.m. :ei-"'ilh you; Maned, 1 IR.ISH Setter, male, 3 mos, $15. 673-4754 alter 4. Meuw'tld. Radnc ~P· -OR -f:.oellant ~·· must . uleatlftllyHC1rptices. Quality king bed, quilted w· d . A . •-'6"'• gty/wbt. MS-4592 ~quality, term• to the 1' FIBERGLASS Olney . $800.968-tOTlatt&pm. $35,000 Call~~trmnl $9DO. WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Cmnplete, unu.ed $91; worth lft y I udlOn Dern rl1ht home. 64J.M65 hand trailtr. fl5, Ca.D Gl.OBEMASTER Trlmaran lB19 NeWJ>Olj.£·M. 642-3484 $250. .After S or wknds. Bth1nd Tony'• Bld&-Marl Kt'M'ENS: Plllft Mtlte fem, TOY Poodle JIUP AKC brown ~ · 26' au fblp. A-l~~lld. 'ill SUl'.'\ii IO cc tibditr ..,.. HAMMOND• $elnwa,y • Ya· 847-0tOO ~ Newpoprt, CM 6t6-3686 ·Kf'J'TENS: ~ whlfe. fem, male 8 weeb WANTED fl>. Rent,~ Boat. All n:tru. iTtO:I. \u-t980 HOUSE! 46S ·ml. &at olr Ovfto $175. maha • ne~ t used pianos CARPETING Good cond. 110 WESTERN wagon, wheel male, rutty fem. Ion; & $45 675-7918 min u• pod nd'Uon JUly MARINER 2 + 2. One montr1 1"'491-(lt"'"""-".,....==~~=I of all makes. Best buy1 in yds.. light rold·eylon $75. type lightlrw flxturea: 2 9hort hair. 836-4493' , 7115 BLACK Min. Poodle Pupi $2ii &: A-~1 • old, head, saUey, cUsl\kw:, C.Ome in today and ·~ lux· fOR. aale '66 Trium;b 50IJ. So. Calif. rli'hl here. . 103 Mariaold Corona. dcl grtth naugahyde ncllnl~ TO Qua1nmt home 'beaut.. 7 wki. 2 fem, 1 male &&111. pt95. 645--0llO ury living at down to earth Xlnt cond. 41XX1 mUea. SCHMl~NMMUSIICn CO., , Mai" aJter S:~ p.m. chain. Ooorr. w Ind ow. intell, fem. Gum Shep 9 Adorable 962-6486 BEGINNING aai!lnt lesscna, * Cal 20, No. 3'"' bJt-ln .... prices. Especlall)' now dur-*673--1916 .. ~,,,,.· .. · A: .. · MUST GO! Miscdl. beet.old Artificial flowers. P.faple ln03 AKC shota &&5-4m3 lO hrs or inRlmctlofte. ~ w. inc <lur clearance We on SUSUZKI ~. 1966 Jh6dti ·-book-••, ~" lo 1 , e aft 6'. ' 7,.,. t:AaitAOOR, fem. g mo. all Seleo School. ~7424 bow, pulpit, mtr. xlnt cond. _, .......,. 1---------I Ue~, size 14 ladle• .......... _.. ,..., SAU 644-1156 · ail display modelHbe:y're ~· $.112 Marcus Aw., BABY Grand, like new, clothing, jewelry .l -mott. between 5 and 9 p.m. ·FREE To qual home, lovely ~~llll'Y affectionate $25. I' Ing h.m ~ L .,...., __. _ .. ,..... priced to sell f.m_medlately. N.B. p'J5..0Z53 Wurlltzer1 White A: Gold, 642-7046 ~kdays <lJ' a n y 11 m • apayf!d Shep, mix. Gentlt; &: all effllipmtnt. Sl2S. ,.., • z:.. '-" ·~·1 6........ ._.... Parka available ·jn all areu1-~,~. "·a'""s."'111c:1k.,.t "u=-0 --I 10 yr ~-on pa.rta, POWER Mower 1 yr old Weekcndt. 143-3526 hebrkl'l, ideal Im' adult.a or PIT Bull Tmier, &m. 10 * 637-9'58 * · cond. h"1d tr a I I er. Bly Harlxw "'3&50 mllll $215 beautiful tone. $750. Pr1 w/catcher $35. Metal tile .~OSH Nylon carpet, plus. older dilld. ~ TIM mo..-Shota, pttlllflee 16' GL.ASSPA1t, '15 hp Mere. '550 842.-21ll Mobile Hom. Sal1a 1 -..m'.6 party. Call after 7, 542...f9.'l3 cabiMt $lO. Car'rad!: $7.SO pd. appmx too 111 yda. ott· FEMALE Gmnan Shephud 60-&479 FIA.A .SK}, BOAT. '975. LiHMIN-10 XLNT tand !"25 Baktt SL y IJ dirt 11111!1 VOX Jagwu: Organ, Like Call 546-9019 . white color. XLNT eond. Can 8 jn old AUbui-n color good , H)...8Nf or 548-03'70 w/t.p r'aclc. ad. All S3M or 1i9 block F.ut o1 HarbOr Bmf, cioni!. MUil :..ui sf15 or new •.. C?.o5t •. $500. w 111 PCJRTABLE Family pool be aeen ln d'I&· wall-to-wall watch doc I: good with ~ ~ "::S:klnatae ~ e>Utr. 54S--08IS on BUtt ofter' 'e4-6752 Sacrifice,, IOlAI lo colleat, AqU&}ine by ""'•""'boy .,tv1 aetting at 2008 Holidtl-Rd., children. m.scru, 7115 S.llMafs 9010 JIG For wooden ractna S.bot Costa Mt• Cn4) ~'JO . 841-4078 . ..........,.. _.... N.B. 5t3-6!l6D for appt All with oonttNcUan p I an 1, BAY HAJtlOR OE.AN Yamaha «>. M PLAYER PIMOOStarck. Muat Nia.pra Cyclopad, nbrl)' otters CON!d. PRETTY Red. and white POODLE p.ippJo!a. black .--u= =---·==-6C-53tll Mobile HOIM .,_lff aell ~-tJS er.beat ""' $125. Ml-0983 VY • ·-··'"-male 'lril!>n ' "" tn.tned. mini.at,.., '""~•papen. 2 HARD TO PlWfl ~.. • --.•.• "'!_ •. r.-. fl3'!4.'lll · aell! Highh;t <lffrr <lVtt axsx4 lITILITY trlr., ---'bl KEA -...ul;)' ro~~ · 3 Free to good b M 1 F 5fS..a2JO. SABOT S a 11 boat Brand ....-.._ua IWIH\~.....-$350. 897-8436 jCA..,... 1petdr .forward 1 rtVtt.e 835-057 <l me ' ' • new, COJnplete. Nffd• J>llnt. Sheratori Manor · Hamette • TRL '6'! ~. S.U GI'~ RiMBALL console piano, O:· sides. 2 Dunlap l'l)'l.n tiru Excellent oe1odttion. F~ 4 1115 WHJTE ltflnlatlm! Poodlff, Are you tired of looldna: at $125 5tl-&5l5 g Kit_ Prtrt:IJ:e • Sahara tor ~ camper. 911,illlJ cellent condilion, "~. Call 9.S0x14• likf: nu. 675-4875 sale or In.de for tront throw 3 PUPPIES. (small ~l DD pa.pen. .7 Wkl old. $2:5. overpriced, UJed. abused, ne-· 0 aft ?~M: AtL SIZES after 7 after S, 644-ll6l _,.... 3 PC Luggage no. Table lawtum"N•r. power eQ:er p.art poodle, black. 2 mos. each. MT-3941 1le<:led boats.! 30'Tihltl Ketch $2,200 NOW ON DISPLAY 'Fl YAMAHA 250 I---------I group with lamp $25. su.e 14 and/en; ! 642-MU 54S-4069 7114 FOR Sale Doxit'! pupp\et You mUtt &ee Ute KAI NUI. ~C. AS JS. 669 So. St. t.talo, 142 8'ker St. Lesl ihan 7t'IO mi. Exce:Qn WANTED clothes 50c-$2. 642-7046 INTERNATION~ Stainleu MALE Gennan Shepherd. femaJes, brown. An Islander 32 in the moat W. C.OVina 1213) 795-(Xji9 eve % block Ea.st of Harbor Blvd. condition. Extru 646-.snt SPINET~~~~RANOS G & H OFFSET Println& steel folding wheel-<:hair, tree to JOOd home. hlbkrn. ~ spotless, ftawleu condition SABOT. lrbJp,. raclna aear, on Baker Hond1 50 CC $51 . (discount on order200 I-owr) like new $73. Columbia Loop 962-64l3 1114 IRISH ~tier pupplez. a wkt. of any boat .you have ever trlr. oara. paddle, l325 or C.0.ta Meu. _('114) 540-947Q *-Cid~-* . PIANO WANTE-D 111 H R. .-. NB •-_..,. zeen. Gleaming chrome flt· besl. 673-4491 .7A"'°'n~~~=;-;.;:.=1 --· 1vcn......-, wu Oil amp. mtr. heads. to lOll FREE kittens. Ai:l!Orted col· old. Champion blood line. ina;s, and rich vamiihtd , ~ 2 SR mobile home, '''"7i'9050A.&°'' .T.:k.-.;ll;;l--1 (2131 877·1035 Pvt Party· ELK bflil pump $12.50. ONC amps. ACIOC. lh cue, like ors, 6 wkl old &: hoUstbrok-AKC 531·2094. teak trtni accentuate the COL. 22 Sloop, Q.e. Head, acroa c.t Hwy 1 trom new CKEMv• us.1.u 6 gallon gaS conl'&iner new $200. ~ en. 4994158 7 /14 IParklin& white tlberglat Utes, Dae . ..US. $2£e0. evn. Dana Point Ma f I n a. +' ":"T" ,r;::•:;; .... ='='°":::.. ___ :;11:;0::5 112.so. 548-9868 KIRAY vacuwn cleaner TOP Soll -you dia, easily."°"" auo bull. Htr IDOW whfif ... u. 615--?388 Complete ~et. UP. Perl tor Auto S.rvlcet BATTERIES 6 v $4.96 a, 12 w/attaeh, po1!1hlr, XLNT Brine own containert. 310 YEARJJNG Stud, ~nt cond. and colorfUl 1ptnnaker make fi' AUitORA Sloop, altep. 4, reUn!ment Prleed rtabt. & p rt RENT OR BUY v SS.95 ex. guar. 11 mo. h1 oond. and llW'· Pay on ant, Balboa Island. 1114 Beautlhal .... -• will be you proud to be the captain. head, 3 aa.111, motor etc. ~1~ -''-'.:; 1 ;.;:.'----".l::i $1.2kld batt. S46..a990 balance of 138 67 (ll' ta.kt ' ...... ""• Loaded with eJ{tru. RoQer $1.UO. 548-4075 afttr 8 p.m. M 6 T.J IN G , SacrUioel Ex· ~·57 ,..;__rv S COLOR TV over payments Q.edu Dept 3 PUPPIES. 5-6 wkB old, lood Jmnper. Belt otter. R i1o... G s 1rmabr ~· .. $9 Month Up 8' CUSTOM 11 u rt board 5.l5-TJ89 · ·• females, Beagle mother) Call Rebecca. 6~ ee ... ,., t~, P • i<ITI: No. 311, racing cond. pando llv f111, 2 BR. 2 llnkate. Bel-haul. I: ALSO perfect condition; 1 )'eat old &n-rorr 7/12 REG Path % Arab it.alUon 0 Pt 1 •a II, (ipeedom.et1t), w/h&nd dolJy &: cover. $600. porchff. air conditioning. wheel. ~/$11. ~ S'l'ERE().REFJUGEJUTORS SS0. M7....&5Ql CARNATIONS. Stn.wbtrry. INKY blact"Petllan/!llmeaie 4 ~. Gm-brnkt. Gd. ~ Wind Dlreet.ion Indicator and MM9?5 &ol}-4!24 WASHERS OR DRYERS NEWfiORT Bcb Tenll Oub =~~~~ ~ kitten tree lo loving riorne. nrm. $415. 494-TW ~~· lrR~chca:1:i! *SABOT* -Z1 ~='. "11°",-,-... ,_,tully,.,,..-,.turn-.-l~ik·el TrilS.r, 'fraw&, ti05 OPI'JON TO BUY fam(Jy membenklp. $tOO (ll' Mapolia, CM 64+-2n8 EwL 7112 (X)RRALS For tent $l5 .l any with 1 turnltw'e finish. Ntw flhttalau maat w/aall. niiw. l_i~'s lnexJM!nilvt liv· 12· nsntGLAsS b••1 SQ..4539 beat otter. 673-7002 aft 6 3 ., REFLECTOR T le.cope RABBlT. Yni mall!!, all $25. Sant. Ana Helltrtt HJller range and oven, plus '$U5. ~ inl. $1275 takeL &tl-2C9f welghll 600 I .... Ptfffft 3 Wbl Harley frame, drawlna 200 x, white & bi:ck. Sli blaci: pet lo id home, H.8. area. 54tJ-0925 • ekctric cookinc. Pluth car-• VW & sma4 CUI. Jee ... 21'' RCA Colo r Console tble, dothes etc. 1508 Olive, 545-8919 846-9144 Tf14 FOUR BOX STALLS pets., Ster~. Ship to Shore Pewer, C~urs bulant 1tove, alnk, dbl W. Apt A, H.B. 5 Mitttn toed kitte.na; rudy 2 CORRALS ':l) radio, direction linder, and SKlPJACK )) Open Crulaer almoet ntw. '4J..l291 Large maple ~11.blnet. remote control. beautiful color. °'''n. ed by TV led!. S22J . terms possible. 642·1132 tLE to • "• l hilt I bby "'S-'~I depth Indicator. Universal S S II I ' TEa;; '"""IL-MOB Radio phone MJsc. Wint·• 1610 r a .. op ..... n. w tl ...., i.)JJ I A utraA I ke MW rt 1 1lV\ z:..<1o -5 ... < Atomic 4 eeohomlcal en1lne · · • -us "!).A-ROOM -4 • channe.I, \lf'ry rea110n.. -~·....... 94-3838 7/12 cond 548-6937 days <lnly ri.. ,...., . -,..,_ wUh only 185 hours. A lo-· · ,..,. M•--• d-. able. 54Q.9Cm Cover All Orange t. LA .....,., FREE: Green eyed kitten, Ll¥ettock 1840 I t -2'' TS '"'utSON v ..... """" '" .... '' '" • WANTED la o 11~ extras.! ....... • ..,,., .vea; Co9ta Me.ta: 546-0157 AQUARIUM LS pl, aall I: ~ r a Y ~. Si am e 1 e. ALPALFA HAY A ont owTte.r boat that has SI!. l11nk11. SACR.ITICE! fresh water wfllQ:ht, pump. FURNITURE 675-&133 7112 had the !!nest of care.. u you 673-6912 or 548-2854 * 15' TERRY, 1fpe 5. •teve. MAGNAVOX Color TV. 19.. tilter• accea. $45. 6'15-0590 " Slame ~ kl $2.15 111.-$-47. Ton are hard 10 ple.ue, see the Ice boK.-Good cond. •· portabl<". 2 yrs old, 111king .,.~_1....,...la n~, ...... •-TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes 'black. ~ ma~ n e ;':". . · 637-6143 KAI NUt. (Means "Great ~paid Ski lo•ts 9030 54M066 $250. 64>1803 anytime """'4 ...... .-.. Dr• .... ,,... Quality fumlturP., color TV'1, ""* '""o 1114 TRANSPORTATION -------~·--i GREAT BOOKS ~~ Su" In Hawellanl . Brine 'NUD"'U.AllT.ERS 1'60 • 18' STANL,f,:Y ADMIRAL TV, 23" Color e ~ 9 ~~ .. · ..:.~i&ncH, toola, 2 PARAKEETS • CAGE loth & y ....: 9000 )'OlU' wile and family. (Even M'UST Mii LeavlnE for 'C teU-eontaJntd. Hitch, .._ .., __ ,__ ......,. ...........:: terr.. """''" mot•·r In la-~" •P. Europe. 19' JN Drive ipttd etc. I'""' "" ·---.· ';':'· ..... _ * CLOCKS, ·~~··--M J .. 1.1112 • ~'1!71 * . . · ,__ ~ • WW • Fon xiir§i'i-~ii-~m·i:iii~ .,..._.a __ ... ,. r-• V' H pnY\'9), Priced for lft'lmt4J• bQs!, 427 hp, Rall , . ._TD_1"._U collf!dioo. Good prlce1. $ w u 1112 EGG HARIOR ... 1 ... .&.._. ... __ ,_ c.'Oftf'ed erctne Fire e11""'.,. ~·~ 19'' COLOA,l'or1able TY. 1'1" Dto1en -· m.-E I Y $ KITrENS 2 .,,.. , r * San 1>"8n • =~~.Jf.': lltil wl ~. ~;i llOTdllHDllU l* :ill' i.-,:.i Yoc:llL.=.T biacl< 4 white $30. 5l9-C9S IO" GE--fltllr -J RJlNITUU $ . ho u ae broke o . Co 1 t 2 Dll F.Q Ilbra Dl!J!..... J)Ort '""· o.mtr, w..i,. N. .......... ~· Beal Hl-FI & Ste.-1210 llOJ!.• ~~ • .!°"..._~,1oo3I APPLIANCES -· 7/U ~a,,...n --~:~~ r.,.1or. Roa <ntl 1$115~ o!lrr .trm: • lnclUjlta -· --" BLACK E ••w ..,"_..,_.~-Bui.(213)~.~·-·-· fuD catt\1&1 ~I: bts TV't-l'le11•'-St•,.•'• . · • p e ct a n t 2MO Sbtltw Jll]and Or. _,, -v "-'"" ""-" ..... .., • MARTEL F!J<. 600, AM-FM; $65 WJ.nd I Sea btJlyboard I '1ece ., HMM F.11 Cocko+poo, t )'n old. 2203 11• ..... _.-r ttrne Sat or sun. ......M-• ._.. _,._.,.., DoYtr ~ 1"1l!O tuner A Uled 1X $20. TV 21"• new CASH IN II MINUTES P\JMlte, CM 7115 _ .,~,-~ Sh:fta, NB. for appt, to .. ampl-im.,w. Gunn! tlllle$35._.. • 541-4531 • CX'iCiffit Spaniel r.~ 'rfGLASSPAAClhlf••· oroVWDJJW No. -nlw/-Ill tuntahle ·RArEmpln 1188 LGE o..;;:n;&tt hr clttn bt.aatJtul iK dull.a Inbot.nklut!IOtrd. lll:I Mere •. ~. MJ1d dolley, eovw. "fi""·"i('A=v"'so"'11""'0'aft"""·"°"'=•-;:VI TE cattridae. Speebn $'125. O:inbilla ~Ion WANTED; fOr ~ on &4T...tnt 1115 Cru.IMr wtlh P.CJ'W'r Jtt • $IS. 64)...MU Mil •. Campbell ~ deett. a.1. Rod compact 3 blk $125 M&-8092 • CC11Mlrnment, ledles. strll . -pmNr ~· hll C'.OVtt. L:CINc Sabot. new parta IdMJ tor IJdlrc or owrnftt. w/Mlnut ca.w. $JOO. $700 . . quality appan!l; I u r 1, YO~G Mothet. caJi6o, and Ready to tnjoy, A 11 and tXtru. Uke new. m· C.taUn1.. Power f.fcn:' ne.w. Aft 6 p.m .• 494-9942 KING Size foam mattreN I ai1ual1. c0cktall1. jewelry, ~~ 81~. kitten. .. 12 wkl. malnltnaJO noorda. --1-__ S13-f49l__ ~IJer. Can b8 .een at 7565 120 WA1T Scolt ilereo a.mp box sptinp. Excd.lent mn.. by kadlf'll Orne Ott)> 110ni. Both liibrkn. m:M2'7 TILS ownrr. )0 1-4444 LIDO 14 Acacla St .• C.nl1n Crove. FM multiples Scott tum-' dlUon. 548-:z.m 544-9311 9:»5:30. NiEE. Fi\Sff)-ktt1en1 i %1' &JCKCRAFT '86· ii6 14 ?land I I -f73.tii32 m:.7514 d&11. art 6 ~ Teac prot. l.aPf dt c k: ANTIQUED Plano $50 I' TROOP .U. wUl •cceiit •"7 •-eek.ii. Aaorted color &. HI', Jtttft\'lltPltt, Vol~ wt·...!:!'.__ rr. 1 1 JenyJardlne Thm'ena tumi Ui11 SNare custom be( P5 3 bl.t •tools ~plrc. htkltw A cookirc JIC-3186 TIJS drivt; tteent o'baul. 2 CORONADO 25 14' Gl.J.Sm>AR w/'15 bp out-uni~ mfke, JBL I $3 each. 60-4518 equlpmenl J.1'2 Denet Ln, KITT'ENS. 3 anow Whitt., 2 amkl • head. Xlnt eond. b:tra.. OUet. 61>5&46 br( Johnaon motor. $TE . ALTEC SPKRS. Call Jebn KELVINATOR. a Ir-occi-Cll • ...._ ~)' 6 wlra. old need kMna 8(5-12t3. , k eyek for ..... Set at Bltlhore Putc Kol .....,,,. bot ..._ """""'' brand ""'· la'lf, fitLl)XE ffiREO ....... -' TIU 15' DOU'HIN .outboud, &S * 111-"'2 * Plj: IU-2301 .... 90U!> Slala -• lODI BTU'•. -f.MtJV -..... 711" -T WK old -""""'" bP -· Xlnt -. !ir CUl'Pili CLAss"U'"'°"_,.,...----.,-.~210=-'o"'MC""1 'lid. c speUtr audio ~ttm TWIN Ille Jolctlas bid SJ.S. toLt. 150 watt min. No mbtf!d 'brtft, Fne to pd Traillt • m&rcy extru. Milboat. ONp! ~outbolld ~ In -· -. nt1a1 ~ IJpe au -Ill, ...inttL• --· -• TIU lit"' -· m.<Mftl or . * -* , _ a.so. -. lop. .... '. owr wit ~ or ..,. Call after I pm ...... WA NT ED; OLD TOY PREE Gray. ball SiaMM m,.'M) Ot.YMP'1¢ nnn 'No .. ' iU: 1 'l"hdliw •· ttlOD. ........ .,. ..... .................. ................. ~Ll· &lltt. b , .. ,. ri .., .. , • • ff'1', J YU.• •!•AllO. ... All ,,,.,,..,,, d't.•11'. 1 -~..-~ rrs.a-i'OUil -.............. • 'nWN& .-. -!!Cl t ·w· , ..,,,.,,,, ·-., 01111;-r ••'!,(..., nrtrrt I r i ~ ~ -·-tireL llfnt cobd. l'k J'tOtl • * l'!oc!OL -* I i¢,i FPS;'i .,0.-0lii; TO . $llO. * llWlfl,'. traflar. . .jllO. 111 U II' . -Al!-!l.!.11!.'. ~ """41-• -...,_,. 1'15<• • -liiiiltiii61' wilfi' Aiiiii -..._...,.._!!!-!/JI Wllllt fll1Ei' i'itOf W1lff 4fiii $lfllO --~~S:!~~==;'l~~~~:!!;!~!;!!!!,_1 • , . • / ' • ! l I f . r 2a D.t.U.Y PILOT . Sit,_, Ju~ 12, 1969 nt.-A ION T rRAHSPOl:rATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOllTATION TRANSPOITATION TRANSl'OllTATION TllANSPOllTATIO/'I TRANSPORTATION ~~~~;:~,~9500~ ~f".':.-~ '·"'port.oi AUIO.' t4oo 1;,;,......i AUIM'' Hoo l!!'f!!'ed A-964JO ••.d ~-ffOO AU!ol. Mnt.d bOCi u...r C..rs • 9900 u...r c.rs 9900 Ol!lV Plcbp ' ey1 ALFA ROMEO RAT MG SUN~M VO~A'IN WE PA'r • · • IWCK CHEVROLET -~-C'ASH ..... -.10-1111 ... ALPHA llomeo, mUlt '67 FUT 850 .-\ -""" llQ '67 SUNllEAM Tkor at V.... .. V'lt ca.... t..1111. J> 1B6S llllld<. La .sai.i. -'68 C>IEYROLET ImJ!'la • l'onl y, T Pkk Up ..n. bolt allcr. 33912 .,,,_ cood! * ~ * &O-.lOCt • --. -,_ 4 1111. -dual .. tna. -· S.O. tndo · -ll!le: Xlnt cood. run coupe. 1'...,.,. air, P.s., , ,..a. * $tl).($4 1.Antl!l"fl, D&na Pol n t. aft 6 ' tnunediat. DtlfwrJ, lp.1).ree betArn. ~ P.U. llG• ~ C.M., ,,,;-......,..,. 6:;... fmt · l"°'l>!>,_-_,,,·-;-$ll-50,_._·613.l9'll-i-. ---auto., radio, heater. (WAK- 1=:;:=;;,:===== I •96r8806 1962 Fiat Rold•"'1'. ntltda! .u. Medell der ~lthwlt l1a.. Io ad 1'P· 19. -• • '64 .RJvSera. q owner. 827} Like New, P29.5 tuU · l MPI 9510 '58 XLNT (ll)fXl. •100 d work. Good trans.~ lewlm. lndy rniu" ttrea, l;NEVER'*"'="'R"-='""''68"1'"lu-:t.-bf-•"k 1 ~~le. &audbl!, perlectoond., like ptil,:e, mu,.... M111t .. u flllO .. ·~· ~ ~ ~'!'.'!"'· '": air., c1trm l'ilnclta with. VllVtn• ut1t11VlfT . new. llQOO. 546-43IG CONNELL 62 IVILLYS J ... Wagott wHb beat ottor ~ .,..., ,,..,, ,.., hard . rodi.J ttr.1, olmto, R/llc I ;,:;;;_c-;;Rl"''="~"'"',.--,all,,..-~,..,.-,1,-CHEVROLET ovm1ttwS100N"""•oeinel-:=:==,..,== ''UMIER ~,~• min..'36-381! ..-.i. ---= ~---~ ·-~ ,,-P·· wcrk. ml out. Parked at " ... r• mn Betcb Blvd. VU)' .dean. lf.d• bocb' 'Wl"k. 2828 Harbor""Blvd ;mntop. "' N. NeWport. AUmN HEALEY ... vw. 11111. '°""'r. Good ~ -121001besl &G-<581 c.M. 5'6-m NII. u~~--... HUMBE!l, dloc: -SUit "· °""' e.,.. N.B. TOYOTA condition. ...... -· ~ ·-· .... BUICK -lull pwr,. ---.• ......,.. 'ST SPRITE. Rl)ral bl.ue new auto tra.N. tntd glau. fC2;9fl5 ff>.:l'164 · ·" Prv prty. Muet aell $llOD or '-=::--='::.0--""'==-=--Air, new ·flre!t Xlnt c:ond. '65 CHEVROLET ~·ta· lSSl CAB • OVER pick...,, tuu, rutlo good. Goin& In bttckot "'"·_,.!Id-mnd. AutWbed MG Oooler. BILL MAXEY mu. otter. 646-Ull WE PAY, WH l1"'5. 545--5954 lion w.,oo. VI. auto., -~ .. ~~~~ ::-aervice~ mmt &ell. $13.i(I !.:~ 0~!f Mijit sell Oave l.9Sl TD,. '300 )lat ~nt on . ·~ UUG~ t'°'"" Ute ~U.. blk 1 ~:)·n=~Uu ~~~~· (N'OZ. '-='==-=='=-===·I ~64;;;""863;,;;;====== ~ -~-Cl """ ltatherett., r&dlO. tmmacl MR YOQR W CADIL' AC ·-~ , ~ C:1 ~:P>i ITlnlVIOITIAJ 11•-rv .... ' CONNELL c.n.pon 9520 DATSUN JAGUAR Ews. l wlmda. m.3!169 • G;&.:._ -'62 BUG. '!obit '65 e ... Nu '57 Cadillac de Ville, 4 t>r, CHEVROLET ,69 OATSUN ,65 Jquor 3.IL •66 MG 11a1 BEACH lllVD. bdis. -,.1nt , llrft. clean, CONN!LL fac a~. fUf1 i>o..r . ...,,,t 2828 Had>or 8!"11. CAMl!ER S.leo •Rental• Autborb:ed Oealtt ~Ekkndo • Four Winds Scotsman-Buracuda .. C&l>over Low .. $'19!1 Model # WI Theodora ROllNS FORD ~ Harbor Blvd. OJ«la Mesa 642-0010 .,. ....... 96 hp, °"""''d FINll>od lo dHp •llver with MXl&et XI.NT cood. """"' '!.iunt. ~ l47-15SS """ !Id-l885/belt ~ CHMOLET ~~:..~ PJO. Prv C.M. .,._m.\ to tk dlr rad' contrastl.ns deep blue Jdd • t.op 3 N. of lfwy. on 8cb '63 VW convertible, perfect 2821 Harbor Blvd. '69 OIEVELLE, ,f':l oond. ~r~uw.:-fu.es, ioe.d;; glove leather interior. Every MMH95 TOYOTA .~~:.!~p~-~--i::.!-~~~tldl~~~ -~-~-, r'tc:..<o~. ii-!'ii-i\Eiii!M&-iiil200nv ,1f'0a~s~~l·t'<Olo,..!leetwoodju . V-8, htr, fact ·air. P/S t?Jkl • 3200 mllel, UDder tact war-conce.lwble acceuory: at r 1963 MG MJ"-L Red, eon-.,. ·~ .. ..,.,., . .............., CO E LL .. ~... ''""'" mp olass, turbo. ~~-"tic. -· NFID NTIA Y._ .. ~•",,,,,-~-~""'.:...,,--• ·~--·-ranty. Bal to flnc. $1886. eond., automatic trans., vertible, r/h. wew. xlnt HEADQUARTERS '62 VW Bui. 'Teblt. engine, 17.:: • radk>, Mr. $2985 100% Taft $125_cuh dela or 9Jd. C'bn¥J'lt wire wheell, f n l 1 cond. $1Sl. m.&l69 EtMORE &ood tirH. $100. We Pay More-For '&5. COUPE de Ville, n. pwr, financing M?~ er car. LB YHW146 -can pawe:r, AM-FM Rdio. SUch -e M&-9087• 1'orei(n Or Sports cars air, Must Sac. $2295. only 38 Ke" ... ~". ""' <Ondl-II$ bani to MGI . PAIO FOR OR NOT 3'),lm ml. ~-FOR s.ir, ' O>eYy fl.Im ....,,=-=--===..-I ........ -116T VW. Red w~ in-, I='======== actual mile&. orig. eng. ORANGE COUNTY'S heliew. See.atxl dri"' '"'""· 15.100 Beach BM. Wstmns lr leri<r. RJH. .$1!i)). I. J. SP.ORTSCAR -periect co.-d. ;.iqu;.,, 1'.11 NO. I '61 MGB Convertible PhoQe ll94.J322 *548-J283.. CENTER CAMARO Orange, C.M. '1lOO. fiml. DAT5UN DEALER fa all .,_.,, Iha I~~ [TIOIYIQIT~ RED '66 VW Hdan. xlnt -•unbar Bl·~ ,69 60 CHEVY. Beautiful cood. DOT DATSUN almost all new car. v•...,. , omcl. $l100. Good trans. -6W-. . ·~· • CAl\.fARO P/S, P/B. 2&.1 cu in. 4 sp. Muit sell! 7,500 mlle1. Sold and aer-* 6«-132tii * Costa Meaa ~ b~. toe. Jite':o AM/FM See to ap(ll"eciale 541-6565 l88S5 Beach Blvd . • viced by us. New warranty S.st O.i1l1 Ar, At ,66 VW SunrOot. ~ CC. • WE PAY TOP at~ n.dW>, air I.hocks, af, 6 RENT·A·SHELL--~un~ =2 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. appllea and of co~, e~ey DEAN LEWIS R1m1 areal New paint job. DOLLAR =t8!'n~ ~nd< ! 700J ml ~.61-W-A~GO=N-, ~,.~7~~-cy~L~3 PAM· TOP 839-1800 -======== 642-9400 ~176t possible extra -including WU'!! $1015 64f.ro56 for rood, dean u5ed cars, "'~' need talD So. Harbor, Santa Ana - -Authorized MG Otaler 'll:heels. AM/FM and ton-1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 . all makes. See George Ray carb., $100. Runs but s; ENGLISH FORD neau cover. See and drl\11! 1964 VW.1 Ownu.-Xlnt cond. Theodore Robins Ford CHEVROLET work. 494-2781. ,. HIGHWAYMAN shell. clean lodoy. · 1968 TOYOTA Ralry I'" p aint 2lllO llatbo<.B!vil. '67 EL cam1no S/S; Hke ---Jl~_l>ed._. 1~ifi ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; .KARMANN . GHIA . 'Hardtop Coupe --* • .,.,.,,13 c:tlr. . 642-0010 •57 CHEVY siiilOtT ,...;,.. now; 14,lm Ml; 421..1;& ... ~~~~~iCJ>~Jt'J~ '67-GHIA $1695.00 '118 voi;::AGEN Will B . v~. s";,. .. 3513* eog. Orig. ow~•."""°' . t t ,. ,, ' • I • Dune Bugglh 9525 FORO DEALER Coupa Ltc. No. WIFSlll 894.1320 Dtr * 54Ml45 * uy CHRYSLER DUNE Buggy Show' Sale. SALES. SERVICE 4 spe~ transmission, radio, •59 CHOPPED Dune Bug. Your Volkswagen ot Porsche ~-rf 'S4 8~ ooupe, Bodies from $149. Chassis '69 MODELS heater, air oonditiong. Lie. 3100 W. O:Jut Hwy., N.B. TRIUMPH CliERRY! New seats. $500. i: i-Y top dolla.n. Paid fM .,..., o~, -irom. $249. La Pu Dune Immedlate deliver,r No. VED 232 642.!Mffi 540-176t --------666-1344 Gr not, CaD Ralph '64 otlt.YSLER. 300 H.T. Cpe. Fadoey air, auto., powtr steering, R&:H. oa;v., 911) $1;95 full prloe. Buga &ipmn.rnt, 3623 LARGE SELECl'ION $2.099 Aut~ MG DWer '6$ TR4A, BRG black I======== ,6™!900 ~ CH~ Impala. 327, W. w.,..,.., SA. 54&-40'5 Thoodoro '67 MGI GT lealher: ltadlo, wi,,. wh..t•, VOLVO. 1 --,IMPO="'R°"'lli"',-.,,W~ANl'ED=·=-a.uto,. •''""'""· """ good, OPEN .... wkdy'" "' Sat & ROllNS FORD . MJche/m•. 5"'""' "'""""" °'"-n..ntlea 1 "'",,,".,";,' ,,,",,....,.""",_,,-,,,.--.... ~ Coupe A"'!>lutely tmmacul&t~ V LVO IUYS TOP 1 BUYER l9ll9 CHEVY Statxm Wago". CONNELL CHEVROLET V\V.Porscbe v.·heels, 2000 Hari:ior Blvd, 0 ~ Yellow with black leather in-Ldls of tenckr kMnc care. Q BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Only . 1 ow~r. 53,000 mi. special tires. ProfeWonally Cbsta Mesa &U.<IOlO ~ · terkn' wtre wheels radio Many e:xtr;u. 35;tm mi. '67 122 18111 8Mcb BJYIL $350: 54.3-00!!~ 2828 Harbor Blvd. built. Mint rond. 642-7891 ~~~~~~~~I . wood. wheel, e-tc. u.~' io:. 549-1883 Uc. TIT741 t R. ~ Pb. 111-&fiS '62 CHEVY JI Nova !ila wag. C.l\.f. 546--!203 ...... _ ..__ ..,,. h , 0 i's cal miles. Shbwroom eo001.1"·66"°'T;.-,R:-.-.. ,.,.... "'1"'.R"'.s~. -o~.D~. Extra Sbarp. · rum ..... 11; clean but needs 1967 Chry&Ier Station wagon, U\IJ-== .........,. -p, F · ••1 1•• ,-comp. orange w/bard · top. ERRARI tion. See and drive to be-RAH, Michelin tires, $1550 -Auto Leasing 9810 v.'OJ'k on .top. $325. 613-2921 full pwr, air cond., very :i:im-ti'3S'«m or-962=36341----=""'~~--~A lieve. 83.l-5344 or m.-0178 ew 4 door. I.Jc. No. UVA.333 •67 IMPALA SS, Xlnt con<l, clean. Urxl~r 29,000 ml. FERRARI "\•• ,64 TR4, leather, 4-spd 2 tops, Automatic tranami&aion, air LEASE • RENT bell over Sl750. Lvng entry. Priced under book. ~1400 I led A.~ 9600 Newport J.inporu Ltd. Qr. AM condldonlng. . .,__ "'-.. .,.. .. ,,.,.,17., mpor ... _ · anre CountY • GOl1 author-5-19-3001 Exl Ei6 or 67 • new · Mk hl!lln:!i, $1200. · '65 PllOO ALL POPULAR .,..,,t. cu .... .......,., ..... ..., ALFA ROMEO lud d•&lor. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ~139'1. 38.000. Sport Coupe. LI<. No PBF:;l3 MAKES ''6 CHEVY Statio" .....,.,, SALES-SERVICE-PARTS COSTA MESA '59 TR 3, Jl'ic:..:cnd:; TOll ba't, Volvo's fTne11t. FORD good con:!. $2'.XI. 13 9 2 COMET 61 AU'A Romeo. -New tirt'!. 3100 w. Coast Hwy. '&l XI.NT Cond. engine tonneau cover, wire whls. '63 P1IOO -AUTHORIZED Galway LN. Of. 545-4352 Reblt q . ..xlnt cond. $850 &42-~ewporl.Be~0.,.]?&4 overhauled, new tlm &. 3100 W. C.drast .Hwy., N.B. ·f?OO or ~t offer. S4S-.l528 Sport Coupe. Lie. No IZW483 LEASING 283 cu -in. 4, sp. ?.fust 5ell! '63 CO?.fET 6 cyl. nu •uto trans, AJC, recent valvt job; xlnt oond. S 5 O 0 . '3l--0985 6f2...6606 uphol. Come att to ap-642-9405 54(}.1764 J..ookg like new. SYSTEM See to appreciate 548-6565 Authorlz:ed MG aler p-~"~ -·. 837"-Authorized MG Dealer V · ft 6 •=~K ~-·~ OLKSWAGEN · '57 541 2 Door · Gel OW' Compctltl" Ra!" a 96001mported ·Autos. 9600 '65 KARMANN Ghia, red IL\c. No. FXP351. Lots ol Theodore · White elephlliita! Dune..a·llne CHARGE yoUr want ad llOW. mvert. Price ll005. OPEL RARE '61 VW camper with good~•. . ROBINS FORD PH: 675-7757 --------top, portable w Ind ow s, Be~t De•ls Are At 2<X;O Harbor Rlvd. Imported Autos 960(!1mporiod Autoo 9600 TEMPTED BY UC· li'A~ar.;J MERCEDES BENz 1967 MERCEDES 250 S 1 Sedan. whlte Qterior, bl~ vinyl int., aulo trans, disc brakes, AMI · FM' short wave radio, air cond. Im. maculate! Local car. $4995. AU.Di Okismobile Cadillac 1150 s. Cst HJwy Laguna Sch Next to Pottery S b a c k 4.!K-lOM SE'E DEAN LEWIS TODA YI '69 TOYOTA -$1190 e at; SAYllGS e mcunVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP · .. ·--·----" $2089 '69 YOLYO SlDAN, A-Ilk - . -. --.. $2975 01.1n~ .. · Countv"• L<,,y·~~• 5,.1,.~1 .... n N·""· .".. V".·d f,\,,t•·d··~ BPnl NIW TOYOTA MARK D NOW ON DISPIAY W£ -TOUI TIADlM FOi OUI 1.U¥ usm w DfPT. DEAN LEWIS Jim Sl c mon s Imps . 1'J.1rnt'1 & fl,'\.llll S!. ' S.int,, A ria 546-4 114 190 SL Coupe '59. Xlnt com. A real beauty! $145(1. PTv prty. ~7031 ' °'-Co. T..,....Y .... 1ft1tt1n. 540 9467 • ....,303 1966 HillOl IOUUYAID, COSTA MESA lofERCEDES '61 23) sed. Air. Xlnt cond. Bucket S. Pr/ prty, $UOO. 644-15TI DAILY PIU7J' WANT ADS! 9600 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA SOME FOLKS OFTEN IGNORE OUR SEMI- ANN.UAL SALE OF TOYOTA EXECUTIVE CARS & DEMONSTRATORS YOU ACT NOW and SAVE $ $ $ EXAMPLE: ' 1969 CORONA 4 DOOR ................. $2149 :t:;... ~ i'f:n11 ' . 18881 BEACH BLVD. llUNllNGTON llACH • • '66 OPEL Wqo,, 27.lm ml. •unrl, brand "'w motor DEA·N LEWIS Exceptional cond. Must &ell w/less than 2,0CO ml. New Costa Mesa 642--001.0 by wlmd. 968-1797 clutch, paint, curtains, rugs. LEASE Ovtrsize wheels It bike 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64&-9303 Y' ,,, PORSCHE rack. S900 or best. Must see VOLVO · ~. ~.'m!n~;:· ~ ps, 'air , to a.pprecWtel 494-0518 '67 Porsche 912 '64 VW BUS. '65 Eng., 9 '67 Ford, 10 pass 1tatlon Wll· Am COND., Innine white pUSen&a, AMJFM radio;· Best O.i1l1 Are At on, rh. air, ps, $75 mo. COUPl'wfih plush contrastlni low ml. Xlnt cond. Rtu. DEAN IE1W-·1s ~~arca~-r$67.5() mo: interior. 23,(XX) miles on thi11:::"""""=-,_"=,...,,=-c--.,..--,-I CAR LEASING local rem. Ewry possible '66 vw BUG, Xlnt cond. r &. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9.303 30C \V. Cst 11wy, NB 645-2182 acceuoey. · J.rtuµor1 31111 orts h, sunroof, &ood tlres. itaXJ. '67 VOLVO 122-S, air, radio, '69 FORD Galaxies. Loaded! 673-3074, 646-6245. beater; new W/w: 4 Dr., ean·be seen between·? a.m .• 1'·66""°'VW"""';,,Bug-. =ee-nnu-d~a""B~l,,.-, I $1.695. 842-4953: 54&-7408 6 j>.m., llS W. Katella, xlnt cond. Will finance. Call Anaheim. 5 to choo6e lr'Om. Hany 547""764 or '45-8756 Antlq-Cl-I" 961 S '&I Dix Bus. 1941,boda:• Luxury Uner 4 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. XLNT C'Ond. ~"1'6.000fbiil·thUe1, r t: It. 642·94<6 MO-l7S4 84&-9518 Sunroof a.JI extru work . Im· -~A~¥~lho'2'::ri%ed~~M~G~De~&l~•'c_J -'i6vw:-ei<eiiinl~;:-·J I 066 VW, excellent cond. macu ate, must see to ap-Porsche Targi1's New paint, elute~ tirn. prec. SOOD or otfer::s. 675-0Sl.1 5 to choose Extras. $1295. &lf-4060 or 494-3891 1967 and 1968 models 911 and 9U 1ttiea 1960 VW No traz.misllion, '47 Cadillac 4 -dO:or Rdan. rebuilt engine-, aood titn. Excellent condl"!· J1ctupon 31n1por1~, S2SO • 962-0661 * ' • ;. ~? * e '6! VW Bug, not niMing. Rice C..~ Rods 9620 $200 -or best otter. 536-3911. I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; 67>-5610 1 • ~ VW Top cond. Navy J;.~V. Coast Hwy.;;_i~ bound! Pv. Ply. $ 9 8 5 Authorized MG Dea1er 830-4489 blue color. FREE '60 VW. R/H. eoood ""' FORD'S TRAVELING '61 Porsche 912 Coupe d!Uon. New engine. $575. PERFORMANCE Canary yellow finish with 64~292 aft 6 p.m. SEMINAR black Interior. Fully equi~l -~=~~~~-pM including AM / FM, '66 VW, XLNT cond. ED TERRY and chrome wheels, b u m p e r radio, good tires DICK WOOD hom.'t, etc. F1awless In eveey ~~$0,l""~-•-><>-~-""-'c..' ~ In Person with Their detail. "65 VW, sunroof, red, x!nt FA~1ED DRAG CARS condition. Ca.II aft 5:30 T UESDAY, JULY 15th 543-29:.1 uk for Ace or Sue 7 :30 P.M. '66 SUNROOF'. Beautifully PRIZES-~~~~SHMENTS cared tor. Lo mile. $1200. • THEODORE DYi 546-9212, eves Ms..-4354 ROBINS FORO 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. BUSIEST marketplace ln 2060 HARBOR BLVD. 642-Mffi . 54().176t town. The DAILY PD..QT J1rtuµon 31111ports Auttlorlzed MG Dealer austned section. Save COSTA MESA ''7 912 PONcho. Gold-=.rt -• efJort. Look ...,..., .... 14.,2.,.oo...,io...,...,..., I en-grHn w I bl ack in-1--.,,=====-- Used Cars 9900 TRANSPORTATION CARS llWPORllR MOTORS 2IIlO HARBOR BLVD-rosr A MESA o! 54$-5294 or 548-151 t flNANCING AVAILABLE IUICK '67 RIVIERA. fi pwr', fact air, stereo. landau top, chnn whla, Immac. oond. 1 awntt $3400 . pv. pt y. 837"'31 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 ELMORE -, ' . • All Colort • All Model1 • PI OM I I .I.\ i . 1to1!~ 1~ . 15300 BEACf.i BOULEVARD WESTMINSTER T olophone: 894-.3322 terior. $4200. 67S.7522 l-==SOCK==rr=ro='EM='=="'Wh=1=i.=e=l"=""""=='=Dlm==e..=.1=1ne "m"""'or"'n=lng=h,,,•~u"'rs.,.·.....,.-~ 1 Imported Autos 9600 m.,orted Autos 9600 J .::========:.'..,==========~~~~~=J '66 PORSCHE 912; • •pd., I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I many extras: ishouTOOm lir """· Asking $3800. 830-3418 '66 912 &-speed, chnn whls. Konl's. v.Uld steering whl, AP.1·Ji"M-SW ra.d io, 36,000 ml. Clean! $3995 finn 64fr5732 PORSO-IE '62 Super 90 Cabriolet, new paint, n.dial ply tires, AM/f'M radio. chrome whls. reu. Mi.-0895 RENAULT 19'1 CARAVELLE Convertible Spe(lal Body by Renault. Rt'· built eng. Good tirea. Clean body. $.175. 6(2..5769 '63 4-dr rtlclt. top aind. $500 or bill olfr. 642-5873 anytime or Sophie 646-9331 9-5 wkdYB 691 Cntr, CM SUBARU Subaru of Calif. lnc.-Retail Div. $1297 POE ()pt equip $30. rt-elah.l $14.50 Hatxlllng $49. nel. $1390.!ll) + Tax and License 1000 \V. Coast Htw.,y, N.B. 64.S-«M * 54(}-2733 DAILY Pn.oT DfM&.A· LlNES. YOU CAD U9e them for fust peMSM •db. DW - DEMONSTRATOR SAlf AND USED CAR CLEARANCE I ---'61 SPRITE '67 MGI ........ 191% , •• , ......... IYXI JtJJ '63 SPRITE '66 ALPINE H ... p. l lll t1tt a..--. (SLD 114J '66 FIAT 850 '67 ALPINE S,,.,. 1000 JtO) lffthm . IYHI ll7) '67 SPRITE '65 SPITFIRE ....... (Jtzjf l t IWID llJI '67 FIAT '66 SPITFIRE 1101 w ..... «YT M IJ1 I ''"' 1151 '67 FIAT '67 SPITFIRE 110 c.,,._ (TTU J5') IYDVOS•) !68 FIAT '66 DATSUN 150 C..pe.. fDI 7Ql •Mdlf'9f. IS9Yl711 '63 MGI '66 TR4A l~. (UL• l t t 1 fllY t44l Ll l l lAL m MS AYAILAILI B. J. SPORTSCAR CENTER , 2833 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA 54M491 -' -' .. ' -... Imported Avtos 9600 lmPorted Autos 9600 Imported Autos jiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii---.J , DEMO CLEARANCE WHILE THEY LAST 4 .DOOR SEDANS e 2 DOOR SEDANS PICKUPS e ROADSTERS • WAGONS MANY TQ eHOOSE FROM SAVE-S~ YE-SAVE-SAVE 1U35 IEACH ILVD. • HUNTINGTON IEACH ' . --841·77.81 • 540-0442 -. " . I t900 -r ...... llJ!&I• P.S., WAK- i lull r >U03 ··•ta-lUto., NOZ- r >U03 cond. I tntd >&tic, 100% 17.IXXl eng. IS3l ,, "'°"· sell! ~ '" 3 leeds; Iii.e l • '68 606 H.T. 1Uto., l{EV. • auto """" ,gg . ..... 1600 -.--• .. • ' ' .. · .StlU!!l!Y, Jllli.11. 1"'9 •• • ~ DAil. Y. l'IJ.QT. 19 TMNSPiilt1ATic5ii TRlNSPOittXTrofl· TRANSPORTATION' TRANSPORTATION .TRlffSPORTATfON TRANSPORiATiON • TRANSfi6itTATlotf' TAAN$P.O•TATION TRANSPORTATION. ·-Utoll C.rt ':' 9900 UMCI Can 9'00 ,Uad c.._,.._ . · 990o ir.ij" Con_>, 9900 ~ C1n 9900 ,11 .... Cort " 9900 'CONTININTAL FORD ' ;()RD _ . ...CUIY . 14UsTANG . · . Ql.DSMOllLE U•od Ctn -ttOO UMCI Can , t900 llMd c... . 9900 OLDSMOllLJ. . • .!!tYMOUTH llAMIUl 61 -.., ""' power i' air GRAND OPINING' oiall!) Ol'IHING .'14.· MIRCUJY . 11 MUSTAi!(l:.\'.1,12 llluo' l • • • '(4 CUTLASS l!otkf'.,--· '59 Pu~~ ::...1~~:; SUNSET FORD SUNSET FORD . COLONY PARK =:~~i:.i:.:rm , · =:..~!i_ au;: = N:be=-. .. an1. 00\lldul!,...tnC.-'°"' JulyUth,12th.l3tb JujYllJll,H\b.Uth. l-tr,-11111,..-. '40)'$1$951Ullp~. , ....i, 1'15. MM38T ..-'"·"' • ,. . 'Oli Ram.b. Amtt • ....._ auto tftN. Prl-""1'11'. $ll0. i 21S •E, IBlh ~. Oii!& Meaa ';;_~· Lido II t • lfellc:r:::,.•111.,-. • HeU:!'hlo• I et "1th air. • CONNILL · JORONADO 80-!Tn ' _ · .. _ PQ.NTIAC • T Bl•D · $11" -c·H-01.11'' , 1S63 OLDS t'-85 cu-V-3, . .. • "I 19& t,J!!Wt,N Omtne~tal Color T-V Dr-1w1nt Color TV ·Prowlna " * .,._ *. • sw~ • , · •auto. Mr, !act air. 1o '63 TE!ol~EST La M..,.._v.s, ,...,,,...---. _;.,.;:.. ___ ~ . ._ Vrry de.ail. lUXW')' car, fUll 5440 Cardin Grove Blvd. 6440 Gatdtn ~"'" Bl'Yd,_ , '*~ · eunom' g(ii)i). , 2821 HarbOt Blvd. " .. , .... j mllet, XLt-rr cond. Muat Sharp, blue ooimrt. blkltet ~ T 8DlD nil1 pwr, &Jr ...... air. Mwn ... lhla Wt1tm!naltt w •• -• ~7~: .. r '915 ·eor.i C.11,C'--5'6Jlm . NIW 1.NiXllECv. VE •• 11,· i..v1ng rou•lry I/~ ...... lQ/>t c:!l"!I-.Mi!r • -L.~~t CQnd, Pr! ..... weekend make o t f e r <tt4) &364010 C:ZlSl S!l588 crui 63MOlO <W) ..-. ~~?a -. • ''8 .,:usfiii;'Grbt•" 35r~ ~ 0 l·Y 6-, ~1489 ___ · 673-475L .... ' • cau ~16. - '91.-. --·~Station Wqon. *16$~CUSTOM' .. ~ .• -+--Vl"I"' ... -tn:Aato. ~Th~ter P:S; ...-. "68 CtrrLASs-S. Vleyl top. .;z 16?-°~tfatte ·M&~I -,Sl-T-atd: v..ar ~UU..-Very 'il' Co•fuii>nlal. low ,.u.;: 'Radio, air, .... ""'· 'Exceptional"'""·~-u1u"'-"N"-' AP.8.13111> ....... ofler, TO CHOOSE FROM AM/FM.' Xlill ..... 1 X!Ot condttlio.·lllFAI •""" cond. Ill ll2IXl !akeat . all PQMr, very iood con-67>7SS9attt ., 1.'J3...2318· •~IA w ~· .. ~~ ' llOSAVINGSI ;-oWner., um bekn ~ '*646"-S39.*; ·Att .6Pm~So46-895o c1111on. lll<Xl. ~· . GRAND .OPENING MERc"·a"y· roJ\ eal• '65 M~ .· . ; Unl•ye·r~ "tty ·~01,1•~v' ~·ia~ ..... ,.. ~,~.,"';:t. .,,_ ~~'. ='." ;osJ·B:-k~;: -~1~"J·~::-.,.r..;:r 1~; SUNSET FORD . -u toi.. "° ... ' v-3 au~ t o.p. QL!S~~ _ _ u , " ';,i.,'1'!;.i~~,0~1 -. II!" _,._::::. 'iQ.1381 .mac! * 646-4129 modtt'VW. cn~J-~1492 Jut,y llth;-l2th't Uth DEA11f Niceatfates tile OI -mo ""Or '1000.: Call ---I .., -' . • $23Qf•or $100 TOP._ BO)<d. 1962 T..Slrd landau. Xhlt ~ CORVAIR H•"°Cf.':r Ride• UllUIUol lleO ~-52,IXXl -'!" m.;441. ·" olds 442 OldsmoLi·le 830--0116 =-· .!!'!:_. '""* _• pain~ C wn• ml. $300 M•"' IV.-. ·•-MJsrANG. -,,.,,1., : SPORT-COUPE g OLDS ctm.ASs 062. Good . RAMBLER -··- Color TV Drewing -• all pwr, ..., palnL ~Ip. p/~_pl_b, 11.000 mllea, I -· ll\IW<t;•-· ,.. ~. orii -•ot· ,,.w ,55 Mn•~~_~ .... -•• "40Ga..i..G...V.B!.d. S..~-ISIOO.-tliod,cood.$121D.M&---dlo,llea\et;Llc.No~ ;.~·131~' _ PRE-OWNED ..:.--;,~--'62 OlllVAJlt. gd. cond. new Wutmil>ltor • , $l49J . 2§0 Harbor O/"a M-BIG·Bl!LECl'!ON-~ " ctulcl!. J250 <n•l 63MO!o . (213) "98-0MS UMCI c:.r. 91QP "'"" C.rt 991111 . -5411-9640 PLYMOUTH 'st TlllW '68'• -:-OR::..~ ·~s~zr~;. · .GROTH c~EVROL'"' .'. ooi~iE'Wis • _ -• 1967 PLY. WAGON • ~~~. :~~~.:~: : ... ... , '"' CONNELL K REDUCT·1o"N". --~. c.i.r. -·~ condltlo•·Ota• srtANeo NEW '63-'1991 '63 ww mn.•. l!nmacu1•11 CHEVROLET STOC · u OLDS Comlt. Power. Alii· '!6 OLDS. 442. Good C4nd. ! Arr=~... • • . · all pow<r, 1'Ct air, orig. Shop fNM our 119 lnventwy et ,.,.,. Thn 291 FM rad.kl. Private party * 1-tust aell! Bft1t olltr. * Power Br&kes. Sleftinl', ' owner .. 548-1311 wJcdrl aJl6t C.M. 2828 Harbor ~~1203 Ltt• MM91 "OK# u... (.,.,All Maik•, & M.w.. 968-3195 ~ mso Will trade .. eqult,y ,..., • . • '-_,,. MAKE ... MEMO to gather GRAND OPENING ... CHITT II Shltloo w-$79'9 '65' OLDS 98. Luxury Sedan, ·1$3 OLDS 4 Dr. Air, Plb, !or .;.,k car and ta1'< ov-...... '<fl"• up toY1 "'"no lolwer ,,..<( CORVETTE '64 Red Fastback. 365 HP, 4 spd, ET Mags, ori1 private party. Call btwn 5 &. 8 pm., •• loa, ded, low n. it ie ag e I Pis, fully equipped. S50D er paymtnt.s. 54M1C5 alt r sell ·them for 'cub wit!S SUNSET FORD Stick shift, radio, heater. Blue '"'Ith , 5'18-3273 3 p M · 642.6013 , DAILY PilDl' WANT ADSt '67 CONV: Wpd, posi AJ,1-b1ue interior, uncomplicated car for . Perfect condition. 546-ZJS cssh. · · ' . """"' , :~. ~~m,.~ hitch, ~~)1~~.~2~~~~ r}1~~f i:Jt~ drfvlng. Bareain priced for on!y. New C.rJ -9800New C.rs 9800Ntw CarJ teOo N•w C1r1 9100 t-t.W C1n ,;)d -·c1own1 ·· $ < ., COUGA~R -. Color"TV Dr.wf'ns ' ~'~~!;,,J~D:~. a&H'. Midnl&ht f 099 5.WO Garden Grove Blvd. black arid ready to a:o, real sharp '67 COUGAR XRT; ~ •• Jll, fact air, l2f95, Westminster and priced ri1hl Ucense FXJ 147. <n4l 636-4010 f~l 593-5.W PACIFIC COAST ICOTORS. 14061. Buch. Westmiruiter. ll93--S03L DODGE '63 FORD, 2 dr Galuie, 600 XL. power"""'°"'· -•lri-Clean. .... cond. -644--2052 GRAND OPENING SUNSET FORD July 11th, 12th, 13th HellC09t.r RldH Clowns ~olor TV Drewing , ,95 n.. ... , Stick 5f40 G~J1.len Grov.e Blv.d. -• We1tmlnster MUST Sell '6* Cbarcer black vln)'I top. ""1d body. !ully autom. My equity $600. baJ.. $231.$.94.. Purchue s al e $414!>. *OAJ 2 Pr. 6 eyl R/H, rood tires fn4l 636-401~ f213l ~-* 675-3410 * ~ . --·--·--· ·-'67 LTD. 2 dr HT, loadtd. FALCON "'"' '"""'" low mu.,. Wm --------~. I tak~ tran&portatkln ·car for '61 Falcon. i..1'5r. Radio Auto f>QUlty. Bal ov.'td Sl950. Trant. XLNT ~M. Rt?Y~ ~646--~_=!37=l~~~~~ B1ue4299. 615-JTIS '136 CNTRY Sed, 2 sts, pwr FlllEBIRD ''8 Flreblrd st, dac brks, R.H. $1350 or best. 833-1285 '59 Ford war, 6 auto, both rtblt (tn&ftranll) Good tires &: paint. $350. 646-4129 V8 engine, autorna.tk trans-milllon; air condltionlne, '6t FORD Fairlanl! 500, 8 cyl, power atetrlng, radio, heat· UH, air. Try $450. Aft 6:30 er. 8"::laJ tirta A abockJ, .,;P,,;,M:..-:,,;;;,,;;,:,~~-~ Lie, No.-~ 1961 FALCON 2 door, aood ,._ $2597 '-tim. B<1t ofter . .,... $100. -DE .. it"N .ll·~-!!:EW~-l~S r:""=,."::.._== . JS YOUR AO tN Cl.ASS!· . 1986 ~r, CM. &46-9303 FIED ? Someone will be ~ for It. DiaJ 642-6618 ~ p:iur want ad where ------- ~~ bkiil&' .._.I> FQLt>aily~t Yl.ant Ada . PlLOT cluliftedl 6CS78-• Dial 642-5618' '65 COIVAIR M-$I 099 6-cyl, auto., white w&U t1rta, Unted a:Iaas. Perftet for the 1tc0nd car or the student. Iota o1' car tor the money, good value . here. Ucense Nrx 746. '65 IAMIUI Ambouodor $15·99 V-8 auto., RAH, P.S., P.B., factory air cond., white wall ttra, tinted 1l1.4S. American Mot.on! best, drive this beautiful car today, Low mlleqe and only. Uc. PDS 163. '65 FOID ,.,_ Si.tlOft w ... $ l 599 V-S. •!IW: .. Mlt P.S., f .B. Large _ _ family! Solve Yout problems in thi$ "OK" in-e~ 1ptelal. License. VJE_ 871. '65 T·ll•D 2·-Hardtop $1699 \r-8, auto., R~H. P.S .. P.B .• P-win .. full power factory ati" conditioning; "':hlte waU tires, .tinted 1lu9. \Ve are throv.1ng the. book away on this one. COme and 8tt for yourself at only. License TES 55'7. ~67 MUSTANG 2·Door · '2599 V-8, auto., MH, P.S., P.B .• factory air cond., wtllte wall tirts, vlnyl top, tmted glau. Mtt&lllc green with white vinyl roof. ,lJke new thru-eul:, test drlvt It today. Lie. VTr "26 'H· PONTIAC Shltloo W°'oo '3199 V-8, ai.lto., R&:H, P.S., P.B., factory . air condlUonlng, white wall tires, tinted 1Iau..Let'1 so.camping now In this near new beautiful turquoise station wagon. RH.dy to ao at License WTG 268. GROTH CHEVROLET 11211 Beach Blvd.-Hunt. Booch <Hwy. 3tl 54~3-,.:0pen 7 DoY• 'Til 9 P.M.-7-6139 TEST DRIVE A 1969 T·BIRD ---F.Olr24.ROUR'S . . DR 'AG - • SHOW ONE NIGHT ONLY l'UE.,-JUIX-1~t;11--1.­ -7:30~-P.M~ . MHt natlo01lly fomous drog · drl"n Id Torry and Dldl Wood In pt1tonl SH tflelr · Bou Ford Suponticb • .lhiL.,. b111klnt rKords frorn coast to co11tl If you'11 IWllkl111 of lwtfllg • TIMmdwlolrd, we lnwlta yov i. drln one el our '6r1 for 24 hetn. See ft< ,......11 tho 1gperlorliy of ford'• flnfft cor !hon chock !fie l1ot11tlc dlac-we wUI glvt you on your choko-of IOJ ......, lo our bit TllulldtrMnl Inv..,. tory. hlltht ,,..t If the best buy In townl Set a compl1t1 d!aplay '' ,ftnl'1 neWllf high perfol'TnlnCt ptrfl Incl ltCNMrllL lwo htw It HI •·JOU' own -llodt, on • llrnlttcl bvd91t. V1luabl1 doer prim. fne h'9h l'Nfono•- _-ffCal1 '"' liuftipW otlclton, oxpwt f\lo ...i '""" .. your h19'1 ..-• ....,_ frtt rtfHshm1nt1 tor IYtl'JOflll ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! BEFORE YOU BUYI CHECK OUR CLEARANCE Sul'll 'SAVINGS ON llG FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-llRDS, FORD TRUCICSI ""' 200 NEW l 969's TO CHOOSE FROM h~n Gre1ttr S1Ylng1 on 26 low mllufe 1969 ·o.mo1. FORD ) ; ! j i I I . ORANGE COUNTY'S-ONLY AVIHORl~ED _ ~~LERl _ ~ . .BRAND NEW ''69 IMPALA .Goupe. Equipped with tinted gl1u, tu tone paint V8 ••· gino, A bHutilul glacier blue e1terior with white top ind ·r.ght blue cloth inleri~!· . - MAKE YOUR CHOICE TODAY FROM ONE Ofl ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST SELECTIONS OF BRAND NEW 1969 CHEVROLETS Most All Model1 and Colon in Stoclc-Choose Your Optloa, Tool IMP ALAS • CAPRICES • WAGONS -CHEVELLES e CAMAROS • N0'7 AS . --INO~•CHEVY TRUCKS--EL CAM . 2828 HARBOR BLVD. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DRJVERYI BUY! .;"RE~NT! GOOD SllKTION TO CllOOSI llOM -- E(OllOMICAI. 11.\TU IY D~ Y ·WllK-MDNTll Llrge lnveritory •Of New '69'~ .#or lmnttdl11t lilhnft:"111,.. only-C-NIW 1968'1 Now· Sl~htd For l'!lmtdi11t Clt1r1nc1I . " SEE-OUR BIG CAMPER DISPLAY! RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELSI COMl'UTI CAMPll PACICAGISll F·IOQ • F-260 • F-3JI) COMP.ER SPECIAL TRUCKS AND YOUR CHOICE OF 33 CAMPERS IN STOOK. CllalM ·your _.i_ ptckop for voe1tlon & wNkond Ion In -tltt wldo opon .,..._ 1.on9 , ,,.. -"" mlllble'" """"' . . VACATION SPE(· IALS OV~R r :s~E~~ ~::~:EUABLE , . ---SPEOAL SUMMER DISCOUNTS '67 CllJVROLET ~i: ~ . .J.t s1795 " !· !· • . ' .. " C~ST A MESA . e 546-1200 ,j~-·~ .... ~-~ .. ~·~ .... ~,_;"~~; .... ~ ..... ;~; .. ;"'~;~-~ .. ~-·~ .... ~~~'!!';-~';i:f-~~!~~-:.;·~:.!~~ .... ;;'"!'!°"!';·u~:;-~: "';· ~~~!!-';·AJCni"!''"!'~-!!-'~~ - ' • ' ·, 1 -------- ~ , I ' I _L r I " . ' .. I t • --, Si""'7, Ju~·ll, 1969 ' I OF THE = '&a Pl~ atx: · · $11 ·88· .. · . :I iH.T., .v..a, 1uto. trans., Pwr ... st"!··~· · r£· ~u(ldau tQP,~SR 66§~. ~,if ~~': .,..,,.~.111•1S1 +.·!"!~~ ' -- l ' ' . • • , , r OiiJ , ,:, ·~ ' . ::, '. ·• ' · . IPOll> YOU 'IUY A ' . · USID CAR ANYWHll,_1~1-,"."c -.-. ~ .. -.-.-,-...,, Show~-· ,. .... r ... ,. 9uaNfttM anti •• H: ...... •aklaJtl ' If .net--! I ...... , lnte HAllOI ~DOI, henie of the GO._·Sf.AI GU.AUNTll. , .. · . · . · · isot 'S.dct, ~al ~ .... , .. ..... ,........ $688 • $pftd,;1dio, heallr. CTIW 1711. . ~ " • TOTAL .. tfllCl+T1J.&LI&. . '66 V.W. Sunroof (PC( 364). TOT Al f'lllCI+ ~-··Uc.• _.,...... 4-.P,td. (IOZ 4H). -.- • OF ·USED CARS Ill '. cSO.utHERi -CALIFORNIA = . . · 00 . 1969 -DARt . $\Y•NGERS · · BRAND N•W 2-DOOR HARbTOPS ... .,,.,., ''""'°" •• '" ...... ,. 1 19'~ JIDoG(. l'WU~N .. $PDRJS SPtclAL11 . , , . . .I~ NIW ~.O~. lfA'DTDr (O~PI , ., ... .,.,., . ......,,. WWll,,_ 1.uv.n. IMMEolAn DELMRY <HOOS• .... OM'" IOUTH••" CALll'O•"*" @ ·-21 a~s· TOTAL ~;~~~~·::69 CHARGE-RS-.~ $. . PRI~· E '"" "~' '"'"" • N'l'llll'I c.,."'!"' • ll:Hr .... _! ...... + 'tu: & LIL Fuh raclM 11\llr•· • l'IW~l•lliwl • kll'IP!!• __ '"!"" _____________ , M cft e A.Mi Ir•" • • • • llel'lt • H.D • .,..1nv1 r.1 0 ' · e 14.o tor1111r1 "!'•v CHOtcl 6 1969 ' D l)GE CORONETS ... ~~\\\It} CO~RS ;; ·. BRAND NEW l·DOOR COUf'ES 1im111::re - OTAL 8 IMMEDIATE RICE .11:... DIUVER! . . · PRIC~ , + Tu1I. Lie. ' . 1: § I EASY ,JHiANCIRG IRAND NEW ' 1969 DODGE 00 .I lftllG 'J.ERMS .I LOW PJMJS 8.108.Model, V-8, engine, heavy duty susptmion,·special . •. ,, vn :. ' ' ,, ;. . ' ' • tradesman accessor ies package, 46 amp 1/ternator,. 70 All AYillltlt ·1nc1 !isily 'amp wet battery, tinted gla$S, junior West C0tst n1irror, • ~ fronl ·seat p;is.senger side. Motor No. 198709451·4. ~m- ' . . TRADESMAN V.AN 528·8.8 ~llY .::~.u.~= ~~ir::'.::; iMMEDIAn DELIVERY r1rt. ....... c~ lliit. whNJ -W. ~I( LLN"'l7'1i'I. ,,. • ... ~rrlftgtli O...Yw"<Good Crtdit · .'ijiediiit.,Delivery: · / Torti rric1 + T1.1t a. UC. ' -· " -.. . • ---------·---- ! . • • I ' ( ' ... • ' . ' . ... ORANG£ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -_-.... ~~- JULY 12, r #,Ask Them Y ourseH '""' FOR ROBERT '1NCH, Sttrt11try o/ Hralilt., E'u.c.Jiott, _,/ r,./fffrt ,_ U toaphlely •I• lo eeoJs la P"U CNaft .Ula Te/10111-E,Jlfla Cree.,., a.,, • .,,, N.C. • The Food and Drug Administration ... appro•ed their kikhen use. FOR FILBELMINA, foutthr A oJ Fil~lminc MoJel A1«'11c1 ,, • raoa'l'a-UJe .. ,,. ..... oroua u U aee .. 1--l'la- ""' Bmr, Lo. A"felea, c.uf. ~ e The glamorous part about modeling is • the chance to impreu friends wi\b beau. tiful clothing, travels. and your photo- · .A"-Ph on a magu:ine cover • .Becauee the work is hard, your social life ia limited. Evenings are med for beauty treatments and goin& to bed early. FOR .4UN B. SREP .4RD, fint AmtrK.n to tnkr 1poct 11 ia .eMll yf!ara 1inee yoar •IH'ee /U1lal • .4re you eo•llftMfl Lra ""Y ..Y 111Ula a.la. •IH'ce prOKra• lolMy1 ~•r'-" B. Coofl•U., Sar1U0141, Flo. • I'm a captain in the U.S. Navy and am still with the NASA Manned Space· craft Center in Houston. Texas. ~ chief of the Astronaut Office, I monitor the overall activities of a team of 51 aetro· naut.s and am specifically responsible for developing Bight.crew training programs; providing Bight crews for manned space flights; furnishing pilot input to the de· sign and d"elopment of spacecraft; and providing engfoeering and 1dentific con· tributions to operationaJ procedures. 1111& FOR C.4RL l' .4STRZEMSKI, Bo~lon Rtd Sox Do you rlainlc laittinf bacla.. pound1 o/ baHkU parlu altould be cltanKed1- KU.. Burru, Ellulil'4t, IU. • rd like to see all hilting backgrounds made uniform, preferably dark green. However, because of many different types of parks, it's not po&sible at this time. FOR CH,4JUES /ti. SCRVU, ere.tor o/ .. Pao111u,. I lune laeanl tlua1 rite bool, "Cooll C,V/, /tlore Pea1utaa!" pul you daro.p colle1e. I• daia '''"1-/tloaee Coolc, Ryraa, Ulala • No, but it may help put m1 children through college I I did not go to college. I was in the Anny, attended an art col· lege. and worked for a newspaper until my comic strip was launched. FOR D.4J'ID KENNEDY, ll Sfcrc'4ry o/ ~ TrttJSIU"'f r1a.,. tHre d&e t110rtl. "I• Cetl Fe 7'reu1" ~,._, ..- °" °"' eurreaey, •"" wlty Gr#t I/Ny MWUtJ Oii NMe paper M01tey1-Nr•. R.R. /tley, Li- 1~ P •• e The law wu approved on July 11, 1955. It apeci6cally provided that the uae of the inscription wu lo become effective ... at such time u •new dfes for the print· iog of currency are adopted in connec· tion with t~nt propam of the Treuury Departa1ent ... " While com· plttini .our modernization program, it be., came neoeasary to continue ~me cur· dency production on oldez pre6$.equip. ment. Since April 17: 1968, all currency notes have included the wording. FOR E • .4. IAP ACE, E.u~utipe Yic«' Pruult1tt, ActP Fool Storti FA.1 .m 21,,-ee11111r1 ••per,,.,,rh&a really lMt lllse'f-Jolu1 Sltol•ell, Para,,..., N.J. • Electronic ordering of food staplca should be commonplace. Though many shoppers will always want to aee what they are buying. some will phone theit food lists to • computer for processing. FOR GOLDIE H.4JJ'JY o/ .. t-,A-ln" JJ'lao pauw 11te df!ai1iu •"" IMIMa ON yot1r boflyf -Bobby Ra1kd1e, Sia./· ~"'' .4la. • Two NBC utist&-Arl Trugman and Thurman Harbaugh. FOR CHAR.LES DLSALJ'O, autlwr of KFact1 Ptop/t fT eal" F#ly do people lotte Ille IC.eNraedy•1-7'.R.., F '"9, Tesa• e To many, they are a symhol of those who have everything. We often go around making idols of people lo satisfy our own unful6lled wishes and dreama. FOR JACKIE CLE.4SON In 1~ "'°"ie "7'htJ ,,...,. d~r," yo., plil~J • pool •IMtrl. Fa • double ued for llae pool faMa, or did ~ Y'* plliy aU llae •leout- J. J. POtNlu~ Ma.uto~ Fu. a I did all my own pool 111hooting in "The Hustler." I used to compete a11 a kid in amateur play in Brooklyn and was about 11~ wt'll known in the pool halls a" N~w York Fats-Minnesota Fats, now. WHAT fi:E WORLD! ' The "frieftdly" Stronger The Na· tional Safety Council hos these tips for children: "ff any stronger stops his car ancl cnb you for directions, stand sev· eral feet away from the car door. Never ploy alone in partcs. Keep out of empty buildings or alleys. If both· er.d by a stranger, scream and rm*e as much noise and fUll as you con to ~ttract the attention of other people." FlnoUy, rtery parent should otwoys know the answer to thlt question: Where is your child now? ~ftg-o-di1tgl About 200 yeon ago the,. was a bored teen-oger in the Bishop's Poloc.e at Welts, England. She passed time· by training swans ln fhtt J>9loce moat by feeding them every f;rne they rang o bell outsic:le her bed· room window. The trodltk>n has per· Alb.rl Smedley and swam sisted through generations of swans and palace residents. Nowadays Al· bert Smedt.y and family feed the swans-who hove added a gimmick. They ring the bell at 2 a .m. ond won't stop until given o late snack. llockout Memories Comedians Jer- ry Stt11er and AnM M.oros are a husband-ond-wife team In real life. Though he's short and Jewish and a.he's toll and Catholk, this hos never been a problem In their morriage or as a show-l>usiness team. Anne recalls that famous New York blackout, when all Jerry ·and Anne electricity went out for hours. "I was pregnant with Benjamin. Amy was·· about .4, and aoloyed the excitement. Jerry somehow drcwe downtown to fetch Grandpa (Anne's widowed fo.. ther) and off we went, ewer the bridge, to eat and drive around New Jersey, buy candles, watch the bloclcened sky- line, and wait for the lighb." Weren't you ever scored? "It felt good with atl the family around.'' Shrinking Oldsters Doe& your grandfather look shortet'? A man 5- ffft-8 at 30 may dwindle down to .S. f .. t.5 by 65. Recent research at Brook· haven Notional laboratory found that adding two grams of o calclvm-re· plenishment medicine to the diet "pro- duced a pcnitive calcium bolonce and oded to Inhibit bone resorption." Just two little grams! leoding leouty This year's Miss U.S.A., Wen- dy Oascomlr(who will compete for the MJu Uni- verse title Soturdoy night on C8S-tv), got to know her predecessor, Didi Anstett. Just as well, for Wendy's physic:ion·father was reluc:tont to hove his youngest daughter interrupt her school· ing for a beauty contest. Didi convinced Doctor Ooscomb it was okay because 1he herself went right bode to school when her reign wos over. Bes~, Wendy's school-Stratford College for Girls in Danville, Va.-postponed her freshmen exams until lhe was free. So Doctor Ooscomb agrffd on one concfttion: that Wendy read two hours every day while on tour. "And good material, tool'' Soys Wendy, gracefully, "I don't mind. I like to reacl." Family"~ , .. "'. ,.,., .. , • .-Jt1.l11 U, 1169 LIOMAm I.. DAYIOOW ,......., MOITON LlllANK ~ W. ,Ael TltCHlt"ION A~ lHNdi# OOMA.IO M. HWfiOIDA--.U A'-fVI .. ·~ _,.I. MOWN E..tn. A~ 11,,....r llOlmT ft'O llllON UU-"' CW.I JACIC IYAM ,,_,,.. UU- MMIUS N. TlllNQUI An °'"*" MIU• II PIOff ,_, ~ A-'et.•MUft: .......... , ........ ........ ,_,......., ........... , .... ,. °'' t t .w..c..... ............. ,,.,_..,.: ........... :!,~O.f'r,=,:.S'-" as ...-. © IMt, ~T wmlT, INC. NI,._._.... : __ -::., . ._____... - .rt ............ _. ...... __________________________________________ ~~~~~-~ - a l .. I 4 .. , ... If your hemonhoids need something mott effective than Pazo• ••• "'8&ybe it's surgery. Pazo not only shrinks hem- orrhoids in most cases, but actua lly starts relieving throbbina pain oo cootact- and for hours. Io fact, this soothin1 relief begins within seconds aft.er you finish applying Pazo. lo momenta, Paz.o's anes- thetic formula starts to ease the pain, quiets the itching and irritation. Aod, Pazo lubricates the sensitive area thorouJhly-in ...._most cases, provides continu- io, relief for boun. Try Pazo, in suppository or ointment form. If your he'""'rltoith need sometltln1 m<>re ef}tttlve titan Pazo ... maybe it's nu~ry. ·---- .. Family Trips -. TRAVEL Can Boost Your Child's IQ With· these tips, your vacation travel can become a lifelong learning journey for your youngsters CHILDREN with high IQs tend . ti» come from f am- ilies who travel-who go places and do things with them. Their family car is a classroom on wheels. On the other hand, some young- sters with Jearnins problems have never been oat of their own neigh- borhood-never have been farther than a few blocks from home. Wben we expose our children to new sigbb, sounds, and activities, they not only pick up new informa- tion-their abilit11 to leana ia en- hanced. That's why educators encour- age family tripa, both to nearby spota and acrosa the country. But they warn parents that tripa don't automatically result in learn- ing. It takes a little planning and forethought. Just a little extra effort can make your trip not only more ed- ucational--but more fun, too. Here are some steps teachers sug- gest to ready your children for a travel expedition. Ylatt the lllwary for articles and boob about the places you'll be vis- iting. (Be sure the books are at your child's reading level.) One Washing- ton, D.C., father did this before tak- inr his children to Chesapeake Bay- a mere 45-minute drive from home. A book on the Bay revealed that the oyster shells the children were pick- ing up had· been left there by pre- Columbian Indiana. The shark'• teeth they found had been deposited there before man appeared. Get a map showing places of in- terest en route: historical sites, mu- seums, planetariums, factories, dama. Sit down with your children and de- cide which to viait-placea that may tie in with their special interea\8. A few pieceB of simple "fteld equi~ ment" are helpful to have along. For ex&mple, carry a variety of contain- ers. Children may want to collect rocks, shells, arrowheads, plant.a-- even such "livestock" as pollywoas, frogs, crickets, fi reflies. Gius jars By VIR~{NIA W~ ~of "Te•t.d ytoya to H.lp Y-Child l.Mm" I I and milk containers make excellent carryalls. Plastic bags with their twister tops are good camera for aquatic Uf e. Take a notebook that can serve aa a trip diary. One child may enjoy be- illj' the official recorder of the excit.- ing events of each day. Thia helps him to observe and remember. Include paperback reference books on birds, trees, animals, insects, wild-· flowers. It's fun for Tommy to whip out that reference book when Mom aeea an unusual bird or ftower. It helpa your children to develop the "Let's-look-it.-up" habit. load mops can be a great-.nd easily accessible-source of learning. Dave Carroway, in bis book, "Fun on Wheels," says that after you teach the kida what the various map sym- bols stand for, what the scale of dis- tance is, and how to locate different points, they should be able to: 1) tell the distance from one plac~ to another; 2) find historical sites, state parks, Indian reservations; 8) identify the different kinda of roads indicated on the map-freeways, good state roads, secondary roads, or gravel and dirt spring-busters; 4) locate airporta, lakes, rivers, moun- tains; 6) tell the population of cities and towns which may be visited. According to the National Council for the Social Studies, what happens after your children come home from that trip is very important. Help them build on the travel information they have gathered in this way : Encouraae them to make scrap- books containing anapshota, memen- toea, and information folders taken at points of interest. Using the trip diary, have them write letters to friends and relatives describing the trip's high points. ff they brought back plants, in- sects, shella or other specimens, help them set up a home '*museum.~· If they showed unusual interest in something they saw-airplanes· or fanna or marine life-ask your li- brarian for books on the subject, at the right reading level. Dr. Richard C. Brown aaya, "A trip to Cumberland Gap, Tenn., could inspire a study of the westward movement acroaa the Appalachians, or perhaps to read about Daniel Boone. A visit to Hyde Park could lead to reading on almost any aspect of the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt; and Gettysburg could lead to a num- ber of areu of research, all the way from Lincoln to Eisenhower!' In fact, with just a little fore- thought, that vacation trip could be the start of a learning journey that would never end for your child. • .. WITH LOVE -. . HERE'S HOW TO PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN10 SUMMER COOKING ... EVER-LOVIN' .OVEN-BAKED SUMMER BEAN RECIPE Mix Yz cup Karo1dark corn syrup, 1 tablespoon grated onion, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 2 (1-pound) cans pork and beans in 11/z-quart casserole. Top with frank1urters. Bake in 400•F. (hot) oven about 1 hour, basting occasionally. If there's a missing ingredient in your cooking ... it could be KARO. A touch of KARO is an act of Lolfe. Now you can have the deUghtfuf Pennaytveni& Dutch Trivets shown In the photograph a»ove at terrific Mvinga. Thne attractive cut-Iron Trivets are ideal for kitchen, patio and backyard entertainment. In two hand decorated dnign.-the colorful Dtstetflnk is the Pennaytvenia Dutch Bird of Love, and the Ooppel Adler Is the Doubt• Headed Bird of love. Each TrWet is only $1 ptua a label from any type of Karo Com Syrup-$1 .95 Ret811 Value ----------------------• KARO PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH TRIV£TS I I llo• No. 70/Wr._... ... Pa.1n. I I Pleue lend: I I ' Dowel t _ _Olatelflnk Trivet I I Adle• _Doppel Adler Trivet I I _Both Trlwtta I I oi~ I I Enclosed is $1 .00 end a label from Kero Corn I I Syrup for each Trivet ordered. I I Name I I Address I I City I I State_ -(Ott.r eq><rM: o.c:S~.i~•> I ----------~-----------Add a littte love: When you care ... Use KARO I . l ( i _ .. Family~/ July 18, 1969 NEIL ARMSTRONG: He Thrives on Danger This astronaut will be the first man on the moon-an adventure that pales even being shot down in Korea, near-death as on X-15 rocket pilot, and a Gemini B mishap I NCHING SLOWLY and clum- sily down the spidery Lu- nar Module's forward ladder, a space-suited American as- tronaut approaches the ulti- .-.mate moment. He pauses at the dish-shaped footpad, peer- ing downward. Hia left foot move•. feeling cau- tiously for the alien aurlace of the moon. Then it toucbee ... It man and machine work smooth- ly, u planned, history will be made in the next few days. After a journey acroaa a quarter-million miles of B't>ace and a narrowing, 3,000-mile- per-hour descent to the moon'• crag- gy face, Astronaut Neil A. Arm- strong will atep down to meet destiny. But it will not be the first time • Armatrong, 88, haa faced danger with hia own life in the balance. Fre- quent brushes with tragedy and vio. Jent death have marked hia career for nearly 20 years. Other pilota, in- cluding some astronauts, have called it the "Armstrong Jinx." To Neil Armstrong, it is a way of life. ... The man chosen to be tint to walk on the moon learned to fty at 16. At 19, he earned his Navy winga. At 21, he wu ftying sortlea from the car- rier U.S.S. Eaaez, jockeying a Pan- ther jet on strikes into North Korea. Wheeling and twisting through enemy skies, Armatrong earned a reputation as a bot pilot. Hia darinr nearly kilJed him. "We were bridge busting in September, 1961," Arm- atronr recalls now. "The ftak wu pretty bad." The future astronaut swept in low. .. triggering cannon tire into a truck convoy. Almost instantly, flak envel- oped him. Chunks of wing and tail section tore away. Sharda of metal ripped through control cables and severed hydraulic lines. "The plane's control system was knocked out," Armstrofll' says. "l could stay in the air. but I couldn't land.'' Judiciously applying the throttle, he kept the Panther airborne over more than 100 miles of Chineae-con- trolled territory. Just behind U.S. 6 Fumil'll w .. kl11, JKl'll U , 1989 By JIM SCHEFTER lines, the jet coughed ita la.st, and Armstrong ejected. He was back on th' Eaaex within a day. But his troubles weren't over. A few months later, Armstrong spotted enemy troopa in a narrow Korean valley. Rocketing into hie strafing run, be smashed through a taut cable strung across the valley. The Pan- ther jolted aidewaya, nearly craahing. Then it uprighted, leaving a wing tip fal1ing behind. The valley had been cleverly boo. by-trapped by the Chinese, Arm· strong learned later. It bad nearly worked. But this time, the pUot nursed his crippled plane home. There were other cloae ones, but, says Armstrong, "AU the pilots had cloae calls." After his 78th and tut mission, Neil counted the buJlet boles in his torn Panther. There were 78. The next few years were quiet. Armstrong earned a degree in aercr nautical engineering at Purdue. He also met and married Janet Shearon, an aloof, dark-haired beauty. But it waa too quiet. Neil hired on with the Air Force as a civilian teat pilot. His test record reads like a cat- Our Cover A1troftcuttl Ed10in f Buzz) Aldrin (left) and Neil Arm- 1tr<mg go tltrOf:'glt a f1"L-df"n• n- hearaal nf their lunar-81lrface cu:tiv- itif'1t. Aldrin iue1 tong and 1coop to pick up moon rocQ. Arnutrm&g l&ol.dl open a plaatic· bag for the aample• and photograph the "J>M'atiow... Nftl Annatrong'1 career re/feet.a tire adt>OMe of modern aoia-- titm, from "1'.ot'' ~gl&tera to IJ)C<'t velticlea. alog of 1960 American air power- the F-100, F-104, B-47, and F-102. Re shifted to even more advanced aircraft and flew the rocket-powered X-1 and X-14. Then came the experi- mental X-16 and its B-29 mothenhip. Armstrong logged more than 100 flights in the B-29. On 25 of these, be was aircraft commander, respon- sible for both the B-29 and the X-16. He flew the X-16 itself twice in 1960, once in 1961, and four timea in 1962. It wu on one of these flights that the jinx returned. Armstrong flicked through the procedures for starting the X-15's rocket as he dropped away from the B-29's mammoth wing. It didn't start. In the tense moments following, Armatrong tried again. This time the rocket tired. "l didn't know what was wrong at first," Arm- strong says with relief. Whatever it was, he went on in the X-15 to reach the edge of spaee at 207,000 feet and 3,818 miles per hour. Just five monthi later, in Septem- ber, 1962, NASA tapped Neil Arm- strong for training with the second class of utronauts. For nearly two years, it looked like Neil had left the jinx behind. He assisted in getting trainers ready for Gemini astro- nauts, sweated through the regimen. and studied geology with fellow as- tronauts. On weekends, Neil flew light planes and gliders, or joined Jan at the site of their new home in El Lago, south of Houston. But the Armstrong& had barely settled into their dream house when violent death brushed them aaain. Neil awoke with a start at 3:80 on a chilly s-pring morning in 1964 to · find the ·bedroom filled with smoke. Flames crackled throughout the lfouee, already eating through tbe roof. Choking and paping, the Arm- atronp plunged down the ball to res- cue their boys, Eric, 7, and Mark, 1. Shivering outside in the damp night air, they watched the fire gut their home. Had he not awakened when he did, the Armatronga may not have Jived to see the house rebuilt. Again the jinx had struck and missed -this time in the form of faulty wiring that started the fire. Armstrong himself doea not recog- nize any jinx. The least vocal and moat intense of all the astronauts, he shruirs off close calla and grimly continues with his chosen work. But it is not euy on his wife and family. Jan Armstrong viewed the coming Gemini 8 flight in March, 1966, with foreboding. Neil was commander, with Air Force Maj. David Scott aa copilot. Their flight plan was ambiti- ous: the world's second space rendez.. vous, the first docking with an Agena rocket, and a lengthy apace walk. A few days before lift.oft, Jan be- lied her apparent calm by predicting that her husband ''probably will" have uneJq>eeted problems in space. It was a unique revelation from that hardy breed of women who become the utronauts' wives. And the pre- diction was to come true. Gemini I was scheduled for March 15, 1966, but wu delayed for one day after minor troubles showed up in Armatrono i,. h.ia X-15 pl.ane th.at (1/mo1t d'vel~d 4 f afal mal{fot.cfi<tft. the countdown. At-10 a.nr. on March 16, the Atlas rocket car ying Gemini S's Agena target 'began ita journey into orbit. One hour anh 41 minutea late!\ Armstrong anJ Seott rode their Titan rocket skyward. During the next •ix hours, Arm- strong and Seott pursued Agena four times around the world. Preciaely- planned tirings of their Gemini thrusters changed their orbit until the Agena wu clearly vi&ible. Over Hawaii, Armstrong reported that they were 150 feet from their target and were flying formation with it. After inspecting the Agena for nearly half an hour, Armstrong closed in to perform the world's ftrst linkup of two orbiting spacecraft. "It waa a real smoothie," the utronaut radioed. Docking wu complete, and the two vebkles were stable. That condition didn't tut. Suddenly the docked Gemini and Agena combination began to buck and roll like a rodeo mustang. Arm- strong was convinced the problem lay with the Agena. Be ordered Scott to shut down the Agena's control sys- tem while he used the Gemini tbrusf... era in an attempt to master the wild ride. It didn't work. Scott reactivated the Agena sev- eral times, with some lessening of the bucking, but the gyrations could not be completely stopped. Both aatro- nauta were punled. Then with Agena again shut down,· the ride became so violent that Arm8trong became con- vinced of danger and blew the seal between the ships in an emergency undocking. Now the tumbling and twisting became severe. Freed of Arena's re- straining influence, Gemimi 8 went into a wrenching roll and yaw that reached one full turn every second. Control was impossible. As the forces built up, $(:ott reached over to pull the circuit breaker supplying power to the Gemini thrusters. The motions steadied. The problem obviou8'y was with Gemini. (Engineers later determined that a short~ircuit cauaed a thruster to flre wildly. Thrusters on the Agena had been automatically try- Ing to correct the unwantea mo.-- tions.) Neil activated the amall re- entry thrusters in the Gemini'11 noee, and tbe craft reaponded. For the time Armstrong and Scott weie aafe. But under strict minion rules, ac- tivation· of the reentry thrusters means a mandatory end to the mis- sion. A few hours later, with Scott'& long-awaited space walk cancelled, Gemini 8 splashed down in a con- tingency landing area in the Paciftc. Dl~lntecl but alive, the aatro- nauta retuned to Houaton. It wu the only Gemini ftight to have a true emergency, and the only manned apace.Bight yet conducted that ended before the planned time. It alao was Armstrong's only space ftight to date. When Gemini ended 1n late 1966, Armstrong joined other astronauts in training fpr Apollo. But even that training nearly meant the end for the potential moon-walker. Armstrong was practicing the critical phase of a moon 18.1\dinr with a specially designed Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV) at Elllnr- ton Air Force Bue, near Houaton, in early May, 1968. Jt waa hie 21st flirht in the weird-looking ftying ma.chine-more than any other u- tronaut. Nicknamed the "Flying Bed- stead" because of its resemblance to Granny's four-poster, the LLRV uses a down-thrusting jet engine to remove five-sixths of the force of gravity during training for moon- landing. A typleol flight in the machine in- volves a near-vertical climb to 700 or · 800 feet, then reducina' jet po~er un- til fiv~sixth.a of the vehicle's '1'eight is counter-balaneed. For the r~ mainder of the seven-minute flight, the astronaut uses two Uft rocket.a and 16 smaJJer attitude--control rock- et.a. to glide through final descent, hover, and touchdown. Armstrong's ftight that day went according to plan for the first ~e minutes. Then ftlma show the bed- stead dropping vertically to a point neAr the ground, hovering momen- tarily, then climbing straight up to 200 feet. StiU under Armstrong's control, the machin.e hovered for a second, then darted rapidly to the left and stopped again. In the next lour seconds, the LLRV gyrated over the runway. It.a nose. pitched . sharply downward, then swung steeply upward and rolled to the right. "Be~r get out of there, ~ eil, '' ahouted a ground-controller. But Armstrong wu already on his way. Activating the power ejection-· seat rocket (In ita very ftrat use with • human subject), he shot sideways away from the crippled trainer. A• he ftoated beneath hfa parachute, Armstronr watched the $2.1 million vehicle drop edgewise to the ground and explode. The aatronaut touched down mo- menta later, suffering only a few bruises from being dragged by his parachute. A NASA Investigation board cited "a 1011 of attitude control" u the primary cause of the accident. Thia losa, according to the board, {!suited from an early depletion of pre88ur- izinr helium in the fuel tanka.- cauaed, in turn, by rusty wind con- ditions requiring extra fuel use, and by Armatronr forgettinr to abut off - ..... A,.,,.,,trmag re1'«1.rre1 11..ia rol~ cu tu ftr•t m&ta 0tt tlu moon, gathering ~fMM of ita 1urf~• tor geological 1tvdr at a later titM. the throttle to hia lift roclceta u he neared a landing. Lack of warning wu a contrib- uting factor that "caurht the pilot by surprise and undoubtedly added some confusion," the board aafd. It waa the l&at time anything caught Neil Annatronr by aurpriee,.i Alonr with crewmatea Edwin E. "Bun" Aldrin and Michael Collins, he baa been training for the Apollo 11 moon landing for more than a year. If all goes well, be and Aldrin wlll be on the moon in a few days. And if aometbfng does go wrong -well, our ftnt man on the moon hu proved he bu the qufck react~ and eelf-control to handle any poe- sible, emergency. • P AMIL Y WIEK.L Y COOKBOOK avor~- • MELANIE DE PROFr Food Editor • Ther~ '• nothing to compare with the moatll-watering lavor of food cook.eel over an open fire. So, put yCM1r grill in action often and enjoy the fan of grilling with food at ita beet. Uee deconrtive paper mat&, plaae., and 1Utpldns, .llD .,pt the mo.t o•t~of lasy 11111UD.er llvia«- Chera N«e: In these recipes, cook- ing times and distances from coals are aiven only a.-a l'uide. The final judgment must be that of the out- ,door chef and will ~ in ft uenced. by the type .of grill,. the intensity of heat, and the direction of wind. Spicy Grilled Chicken A bottled Ha.waiia.n ba.rbecue 1auu tna.y be aubatituted for tlte mariMde- bnuAing aauce ift tl&i.a rui11e. ~ cap Jiae jaice 'A cup 90J aaaee• Yi ~upooa salt % tu.apon pepper I teupooa 1roud giacer 1 tablHpooD l"'OUM eoriallder 1 doYe garlic, miaud Y1 cap cooking oil a ready-to-cook broi&er-fryer chicbm. abo.t 2 lbe. eada, eat into hal•a 1 frah piDHpple, cat Into 1-ln.. thick aUces aiul q .. rtettd I. In a screw-toJ> jar, abake lime juice and soy saoce; add seasoninp and shake vigorously. Then add garlic and oil and shake. Set aside. 2.. Crack thigh and wing joint.8 of chicken so they will be ftat. ~t chicken halves and pineapple in a shallow pan. Shake marinade and pour over all. Cover and mari- nate at least 2 hrs., turninsr and baating occasionaJJy. 4. Thread c hicken halves and pine- apple onto long skewers. Brush with marinade. Grill, cut side down, 4 in. from hot coals. Tum every 6 min .. brushing with marinade. Grill 40 min. or until chicken testa done (meat on thickest part of drumstick will cut euily). 5. Accompany grilled chicken and pineapple with chutney, salted pea- nuts, cherry toaatoea, banana chunks. and aoy sauce for dipping. Serve with hot French bread and a •An aJl-purpose soy sauce and mari- nade, teriyaki soy sauce and mari- nade, or Japaneae-atyle aoy sauce and marinade may be substituted. salad of bite-sized curly endive topped with slice11 .. 1>f avoc.do and •andarln orance · aedlon~ 6 a ertn"O a Bani Hawaiian Slice a fuJly cooked. ahaped. bone- less ha• (allow one ~-in. slice per person). Grill slices 8 in. from bot coals about 10 min., turning and brushing frequently with a bottled Hawaiian barbecue sauce. Quickie Kabobs Make the 1mtire fM4l a "quickie.'' Serve the kabob• with e<>rft aftd potato chif>3 and iey cold C41'Md or bottled be11era.gea. For duaerl. chilled, rea.dv- to-aerve f)Uddifl{I · f r<m1 a. ca" and pac-k4ged cookiu an Cl delight. Allowing '.4 " qb. meat per serving, cut canned luncheon aeat or bolo- pa into 1-to l1h-in. cu bes; creen pepper and bacon into 1-to I 1h-in. pieces. Alternately thread onto skewers along with pitted olives. Grill on greased grill about 8 in. from hot coals about 5 min., turning and brushing constantly with your favorite salad drff8in9[ (bottled or prepare d from a mix ) or a bottled barbttue sauce. Double Treat Frank-Burgers TM excellent bottled barbet1<e 1e1ucu availa.ble in. tlte nuirket toda11 impart 1uch wottdf'rf ul /favor a that tkue bMrgera are p<>1itivel11 irre1iatible WMn bru/ud t0ith Clftl/ OM. 2 lbe. gTOHd bfff Z teupoomaalt Black Jlepper 2 tableepoons cat.up 6 haakfamn, cut la haJTes IHgthwiH I Yt-ia. stri,. Cheddar~ S dill pickles, cwt ha qua.Ura ~stlawiM Bottled barbecue 11aace J. Light1y mix the meat, seasonings and cat8up to~tber. Form into twelve ftat patties of equal size. ... ft'• tin1e to 1erve Spic11 Chickna fr(}m tlte grill. C&Uorted r eli3hu, 1H4Marift ~ orange-at1ocado 1alad, a.nd aesa?M aeed bread. 2. Place two frankfurter halves, cut side down, on each of six patties; place a strip of cheese and two pic- lde "Strips between the franldurter halves. Bruab Hfhtly with barbecue sauce. Top with remaining patties and brush with saoce. S. Place fraiik-burgers sauce side · down in a baaket broiler. Bruab tops with auce and close ba1ket hr.oiler. Grill about 3 in. from coals 10 to 16 min., frequently turning and brush- ing with barbecue sauce. 6 •entittg8 Sauce-Painted Spareribs 4 lbe. meaty apareribe or back ribe. cut la 11erriag portion l e•p eatatlJ , % cap •~•H Juice 2 tablHpooaa bro"• auiar I table.pooa llOJ aauee I tablespooe prepattd laone- radiah •aatarcl I tablttpooa «r•Uid onion l Y, tuspoou salt Y1 teupoea bladt pepper ~ teupooa orepao, Marjoram, or thyae ~ tH.epooe Tabuco I do"e aarlic 1. Partially roast meat in a 350°F. oven about SO min. 2. Meanwhile. combine remaining ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat at least 10 min. 3. To Grill-Place ribs, meaty-side down, on grill. Slowly grill about 3 in. from hot coals. Turn about ev- ery 5 min., brushing with sauce. Grill until meat i" deep brown and crisp. about 25 min. Note: This bruithlng sauce improves with age; it may be prepared in ad- vance, then heated on the grill. Pork and Bean Casserole on the Grill ' 11litet1 baC'Ofl Yz np lnely chopped onioft !4 cap C'hopped a-reea peJper 2 caaa (1' t.17 os. eadi) pork aDd beau wltla t .. ato a1tee 1 tableePoOA cluk motuae. 2 teaapoou Worenten11tlre oaee S tableapoou ..,k brown 1111'•' Yi teupooa aalt ~ tn.apooe t.lack pepper ~ teupooa OftPltO l. Fry bacon in a sldllet; reserve 2 tableepoons drippings. Crumble ba- con and 8et aside. 2. Heat the reserved drippin&'s in skillet. Add onion and green pepper and cook them about 6 min., stirring occasionally. S. Tum beans into a 1 ~. qt. heat- resistant casserole. Xix Jn onion, arreen pepper, bacon, molasses. Wo.r~ .. ceatershlre sauce, and a mlxtu.re of· seaaoninp. 4. Cover and eet on top of tri11 and allow to cook until thoroughly heated. ._ Ab<*t ti •~t"'D• Vegetables in Foil Packets for Grilling Chooae co1ltrt11tiAg oeoetablu- fruh., froUA, or caw.Md.-/or tlte puket mizt1,rt1. Accnt.t .. ut.ral flavors witlt Acceftt, -U, ll<J.loMd p~r, oJed e.rotU: rpicea aftd lterb•. Let yowr i"'4giution and 11ovr per- ~onal ta.ate ba roltr guide. Mis.,, a,.,. l'•eluJL Partially thaw l pq. (9 oz.) frozen cut rreen beans. 1 pq. (9 oz.) cut wax bean.a and I pq. (10 oz.) llaa bea.na; lightly toas with 1 t.apoon ult. ~ teaspoon black pepper. t,4 teaapoon pound ••"Ceo % cup dopped onion, and 1.4 cup butter or •&rprirte. Wrap, ,11eal, and crtU. Z~ P•clrec. Combine 6 aniall zuccblni, sliced, 1 onion. slided, 1 tablespoon browa aupr, 1 beef boullJon cube, cruabed. ~ teaspoon aalt. % teupoon blad pepper, Yi teaspoon cruehed feDDel Med, an4 3 tablespoons butter or .. rcartne; toss light1y to m1x. Wrap and seal as for a large packet; rrill. Individual Packet& Cut 8-to 12-in. squares of heavy- duty aluminum foll. Put equal amounts of any or a suneated vep· table mixture onto each square: Wrap loosely and seal securely us- ing a druarstore !old. Turning pack- ets, &'l"ill 16 to 20 min. or untjl vege- tables are tender. Laree Packets Uatng_ 18-in.-aqll&J'U of foll, wrap, seal, and grill vel'etables .as for In· dlvldual Pac.Uta. allowing 20 to 1J6 min. for rrillinr, .. Fo'"illl WHkl11. JM.11111, 1111 t I . I r .~~~~~-------------------------------~---------------------- JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Let'a Draw A • Cs B11 A'"' DG11idow A ia an acrobat OnhnB~ HI, -tla Fansl Add up the dates (not the month.a) of these holidays : New Year's Day; Lincoln's Birth- day; Valentine Day; Washington's Birthday; St. Patrick's Day; D~ oration Day; Flag Day; Independence Day; Co- lumbus Day ;.Halloween; Chriatmaa Day. From the total subtract Valen-1 tine Day. Divide that re- sult by Flar Day, and the dates of what holi- days do you get 1 (See AMtOer Bo~) C is a clown with a Great big DOee, Who makea people laugh -Wherever h~ goes. Plus One To a four-letter word for what you do with your hand when 700 hold something tightly, add a l(Ut letter and ret what you may do when you feel sorry for yourself, and you want the world to know it. (Sef! An61Cer Ben) lllddle .. This What is another name tor a maarician? (Su AM'wer Ben) Nlltty -- Thia poor squirrel bu another acorn to add to the two he baa already hidden. Alaa, he baa for- gotten where the other two are. Can you reach them through this maze? Hlde-a·N ..... Hidden in this sen- tence ia the name of a aeaaon: They found that the way to hoist them- aelvee up the steep wall was to fTUP rinp of iron that evidently bad been embedded in the thiclt wood for that pur- pose. (Set Ataa10er Boz) . ......... ·Ju!.1ds :a .. N-•-ap1e ·a<1!.i.1-c1,.1n :no anrd ·.a9l8l(J!.1.L : 11!11.J. aw a1ppn.1 ~ ·z1 = tl .tq-el>JX!'p ! tt law.11qn1 :.,ai 'it '18 't 'tt '00 'Lt 'ii 'tt 'zt 't pp.-.&va snqwn1o0 pav . .<vpq1.1m 1,tqOJUJ'J JO 9lVl> .. ql 1a.I nox 1n,a •nWJt 'IH 10 Fomil~ W•M:lw, J-'N 18, 1111 ................... ~a..----.-. ..... iiiiiillii ........ ____ m-. _______________ ~---- Wfire looking for people in this area who like to draw, sketch or paint F.t.Mll Y WEEKl Y OROERCARO c DETACH ANO MAIL THIS POSTAGE CARD TODAY FOR FREE ART TALENT TEST • • ---~---~ ----~------------- Today as n1 trat..ed con the supply. Schools is : people with years, hund, be trained tc artists in ad\ creative fiel• the natural ' is the time tc ART INSTRUCTION SCHOOLS I I Al /ART INSTRUCTION SCHOOLS PPOATUNITY Slud10 9L-501 1 ' I 500 Soulh Fourth Slreel M1nneapohs, M1nnp~o1a 55415 ss too .strongly the urgent td artists in every commer- 1rtlsi ng art, fashion lllustra- card and package design, vspaper cartooning, maga- ; illustration, television art 1rs. I I I Please send me your Art Talent Test w1lhou1 cost or obl1gat1on CPl!ASl PlllN I) I Free Art Talent Test : Do you like to draw? You may have art talent worth developing. Get an expert opinion from one of America's leading home-study art schools. Fill out and Nome Occuoa1ion C1ly Age Apl S1a1e r age or occupation, It's Nith commercial art traln- 1uld earn top-notch wages FREE ART · mail the postpaid card at right. Art In- struction Schools will send you a free At no cost tc Talent Test. Easy, fun to take. No cost will send yo or obligation of any kind. Do 11 now. perience c I I I I I I I I I I Co11nly Zip Cooe >U love. Why not take the ? Find out if you have the needed to tak"S (hi·s simple test. It's enough if you Uke-to doodle or dr-aw and feel you're "pretty good" at it. You work on the test at home and may take all the time you need. Then return it postage free to Art Instruction Schools. Your test will be evaluated by professional artists. Ar tfl',1•lfl'fl tw tht Accrt-rJ·t1n~ t.omm''''on ~ \)f lh .. Nat onat Hom,. Stu•Jy t.ounc.1 l:.a.J Ar>t>10v,.d fur Vtt~••"' T •• n·na --. . - --· . -.... -- method of measuring baste art ability. i:rus test has-started thotJSands of peopte on the road to success. Many who are professional artists now took the test while stilt in their teens and began earn- ing money with their talent before their art training was finished! >rof essional artist. Mail the ------·--,.. __ .µaid card today for this free Art Talent Test. Or-if ca-m Is missing- write to Art mstruction Schools, Studio 9L-5010, 500 S. 4th Street, Minneapolis,_ Minnesota 55415. No cost or obligation. If your work shows promise, Art Instruc- tion Schools will give you skilled counsel and guidance about your future In art. • • • hospitality plus ••• 31"' wilahire boulevMd loa .,,,,..,. 5, ea/if. """" ~ ltdel «IO It. & _,,. c. -..... ,_ 7a0tS ,,_.o de ,. f'tllorrN no. ~ rMxko 1, d. f. ActMty? JOO Bstl lllllltWBd of lltJn8trullJ lJ/stltJs8 ~ Theu d1yS 1 wom1n·s world Is en 1ct1ve world That means you're 1lw1ys on tht ao. Set 1 lest ~ce. Meet • li11hl sched· ule. No time to slow down . • ind you don"t heve to. Not evtt1 durina your men· struel period. How? With MIOOL. Because M100L• oonteins. • An e1tclusive 1ntl·1pasmodlc that helps STOP CRAMPS .•• •Medically· approved ln11red11nt1 thtl RELIEVE HEADACHE. Low 8/.CI(· ACHE ••. CAU4 JU""~ NERVES . , • • Plua 1 mood brlahtener th1t 11ets you thf'buah the tryina pre-men1lru1r i>e· nod leellna e1fm i nd c;omfort1ble. Be 1c11ve. ~ d1y. With MIDOL. PHOTO caDITS c ..... , NASA. GI AUJOMAllC TUllSMISSIOI IEPAllS TRANS-MEDIC ST'OPS SlJPPAGf. 00WN·SHIF11NG, ROUGH SHIFTING, SLUGGISH ACTION GUARANTCEO AT SERVICE STATIONS AND AUTO STORES ..... It to-ttJ ..._.. •• ,....,_. tlonal ,...., Sorriee Lid.; CIS. ..... 4: .... 1orotin9. PQpS 6, 71 NASA. Poge lSt WW. W...W. DofALS£ TlllH lock, Sllcle .or Slip 1 oon·t UYe ln tear ot t•.._ t.eetb IOOiltlUDI. wobbllhl or &oppln1 Jun •t the WJ'Olll Ume. ~r more lleC\Utf;f ud more oomton. JU11t IP'tnkl• • llttle PA8TDTB Oil your p lat ... PASTDTB bold8 t&lee teeth tlrmer. Make. eaUna Meier. Ho putr. ~ tute. Belell cbecs "denture breath' . Dent\IJW that at are -.itlal to bealtb. See rur dentlat resul&rlJ. Get PA.8'1.. B at all drUI OOUDWft. FASHIONS RIUOKBD wben a atring of pearla and a buic black drea were all a woma11 needed to look chic'! Along came that French us-tart Co~ea who cftanged all that. He uahered in a whole "era" of mini-skirted, strictly constructed clothes--.and s uddenly any pearl bauble looked out of place. What's happened to put the oyater back in business? Feminine, flowing clothea, not as abbreviat.ed, that's what -and even signs that bl4ck u back, yearning for adornment. "Jewelry designers,'' reports the Jewelry lndus~y Council, "quick to sense a change in faahion dfrection, have enaconced pearls in a host of imaginative settings this season." Those pictured here, FAMILY WBBKLY predicta, are especially destined for star billing aJong with today's fashions. • Ttc~ uotU, in Vetado?M'I f°"r- tut Madband of teed JHUU"U a1'd gold beada or aimplr ehgant '" a ltuh. rope of 10-mm P«Jrb from Trif ari . '"°TOGl»ffS IY HAl OICUH Dam "'"' ttrith caboeAcm ,,_ri •rrift.ot Cited pitl, Ht tOit/& rMMIUnul and limwl.ated jtuk. Jlarul BOtl.Clt.M. Comfit tl&e Ir.ours with. V~'• aevn.- jevJel broui.d~~rl toCltch tOitla ~i"g bl4ck <mfl:c •toft.ea °" fat;e. --~ r ~----~....;.~~:;;;;:;;==============~~ ... --~------------------------------~~--~~--- Soothed away by Chooz chewing gum antadd. Gas, heartburn, stom~ ach upset due to acid indigestion all vanish. Anct1ast. Added 'at- traction: Chooz gum is just plain delicious. Pass the Chooz, please. Chooz. . The only chewin& cum antacid. ~ y; YOUR CHILD MAY HAYE PIN-WORMS 1 OUT 01' a DOU Fldntiaa. l~ol lleep aod a tonneat.- lnr lkh -are often telltale Iliana of Pin-WCJmUI •.• url.Y parulta that. meciksl u~ ay lnfe.t 1 out of every a pe...ooaeumined. EntJre fam- lllN may be vict1ma and not know It. Toretridof Pin-Wonna, they must be killed In the larse intestine w~ they Uveand multiply. That'uxact.ly what .Jayne'• P-W tablete do ... and bere'e how they do it: Ftm-a eciendf\c coetina came. the tableta into Lhe bowt\18 before they di.olve. Tfien-J&YM'• mod- em, mecUcally•pproved l~t SON richt to work-ldlll Pfn-Wortn11 qWclll)'. eui[y ............ , ,,,._-a.,. Don't tab chancN with danrer-oua, hlchty cont&Ooua Pln-Wonne wtllth Infect end.re lamillea. Get cen- ulne .Jayne'• P-W Vwmlfuce ••• 11'1\&ll, euy-to-t.ake tab'9ta •.. ..,.aSal a-for children and adult& "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved '"' ,., tllHSIHS Wiii lltFS,lrt ll11•ilJ An antipenpirant that ,.Uy worlul Solve• underarm prob1eme for many who had aeapaired of effective help. Mitchum Antl-Pereplrant bepe underarma abeolutely dry fOI' tbouands o( pat.eful u.en. with co:kf!•te 1entleneu to normal and clothing. It will keep you drier tbaD any anti-wetne. apnt ever put in an aeroeol spTay can! By any- body. Thia unuaual formula &om a truetworthy 66-year-old laboratory ~ guaranteed to aatiafy or dealer will refund purch.ue price. So get the pom- tive protection of Mitchum Antl-Per•plrant, liquid or ~ '3.00, 90-day eus-ply, at your favorite dru1 or toiletry counter. No Nagging Backache Means a Good Night's Sleep N..s:tns •~tie, hndube and mua- cular uhft •i>d perna 111u -on with ove.....exenlon, emotional upeete, or rttrJclaJ •-and etrahl. If U.le ... -sins bechdw •Ith ,_U-. .,._,,._ elstite. i. •t!Dl'intr "°"out. maklns )'OU .-,..Me and Irritable, cloe't wait.. t,.,, Doan'• Pil• -an anall!'MJc. a peln ,.._ l~r. Donn'• paln·rtllinln1t .cHon Oii naninir bec.ltache le ofc..n the an.wet. Get Doan'• PIO. -not a habll...fo..,..lnir drua bot a wtl}.lmown et.andard Nll\-ecb' OIM'd eu-fullJ by mllllon• for OYff 70 "8ra. See Ir 0..1 don't brlnir 100 U.. ..-w~ r.lt.f. For oom- \'titln alwa bv DcNin'• ENTERTAINMENT Did Cliff Robertson . "Win" His OscarY WE'D HARDLY settled in the Beverly Hills Hotel for lunch when the waiter scurried U> our t.able and beamed, "Congratula- tions, Mr. Robertson! You de- served U> win the Oscar t" Clift Robertson appeared aurprieed at the ready recognition. "Why, thank you/' he aaid. "Thank you very much!" Turning to me. be said. "I can remem:. her a time, not too .long ago, when no olle would have known my name, let alone con- gratulate me. And that'• the niceat word be could have uaed-'deeerved.'" But wu it "deeerved"t·or did Robe~ son "buy" the 1968 Academy Award through paid advertialnr and promotion, u Tim.e magazine baa implied. Wben I asked him outrlgbt about the article. Cliff said vehemently, "1 peraonal(y didn't put one red eent into advertising!" There wcu paid publicity, Clift admitted, but he pointed out that nny nominee advertised. Moet were backed financially by wealthy atudioa. cwrs tllm, .. CharJy." had only a ehoestring budget. Slw a ..-lonwWe publicity campaign was financially impossible, .. Cbarly'a" pro- ducers used the Hollywood trade papers, supported by a full-page ad in the Loe An- geles Timu, and a sign board. ''They spent a lot leas than the other atudfoa," Cli1f grinned, "bot I guess the double-page gate- fold in D4ilV V4rietr made the greatest impact in voting." Ironically, Robertson waa deep in the Philippinea on location making "Too Lat.e the Hero," when the golden statue waa being awarded. Frank Sinatra received the Oscar in his behati. Yet it was only after he returned to the States that he met Frank Sinatra for the ftrat time. Cliff learned that Sinatra had a.a"d to accept the Oacar for him, because he bad known right along what a long struggle it had been for him. No one can agree more with Sinatra that Cliff's entire career has been a tough climb uphill than Clift' himself. "I feel Like I've just come out of a dark tunnel." be exclaimed. "Tfll •a..rty,' I wu always more proud of my tv roles," Clift admitted. But be also rejected the idea that awarding him an Oacar waa a sentimental geature of the Academy voters who, each time, bad aeen his highly acclaimed tv roles go to other actors, when they were made into movies. 1 didn't have to pin Cliff down to tell me what prompted him to want to be "Char- ly," the S4-year-old retarded janitor, who becomes a renius with tragic consequences. "I was obaesaed with the thought that someone else might ret the role," he said. 1• F""'ilv WHkltf, Jtdw i1. 111n °Cli6 Robertacm'• "CM.rl1l' 1001& 4fJ Oacor. "Then suddenly I knew· I couldn't sit back and be a stand-in this time. I was goitig to do it, no matter what I'' ' The next morning be called his agent and said, "I don't care bow crazy you think I -am. buy that property for me I I am go- ing to be 'Cbarly !' " Except for the lead in ''PT-109," for which President Kennedy himself chose Cliff to portray him in the ft)m, life haa never been eaay for Robertson. After CIHf's mother died of a ruptured appendix, his father took oft and was seen only rarely afterward. Cliff grew up with a grandmother in La Jolla. He did every- thing from mowing lawns and selling mag- azines to preeerving appendixes in a hos- pital where hia grandmother waa a nurse. After high school, he joined the merchant marine and survived his ship sinking dur- ing a North Atlantic storm. He baa a 10-year-old daughter by an early marriage. Two y_:ears ago be married actress Dina Merrill, heir to a great for- tune. She attended the Academy Award present.ationa in Cli1f'a absence, but hasn't the slightest idea of what went on there. WheftCIHf'sname wu announced as the Oscar winner, Dina buried her head in a ni~e's lap, crying and laughing all at once. A.a a matter of fact, Cliff still doesn't know what Sinatra said in accepting the award-when be met Frank. he wu still too excited to remember to ask. Hollywood rumors claim that cwr, now that he's an Oscar winner, intends to aak $1 million a picture. He scoffed. "Good Lord! I've never measured anything by money I I didn't take any salary for 'Char- ly'-just a percentage-and I'd do it again!" That doesn't sound like a man \!tho would "buy" an Oscar. But it does sound like a man who would battle seven years to play a r ole he believes in--Oscar or no Oscar. -PEER J. OPPENHEIMER T l 'Cf'. a.ck to !nt ink go- for oae l88 red !en itb ry- ag- .oe- ·ae. ant ur- an ied 'or- ard m't e. the D a see. m't the 1till IOW aak ood by l&r- it 1uld :ea 1lay ·Lightweight! Sale! Powerful! • for Farm, Home, Garden CrlltM U.S. ll•n••t ht #l,•1.212 ADJUSTABLE DIAL NOZZLE, FIN£ MIST OR 30 n. AUTOMATIC PISTOL QRIP JET Shoots a Jet Spray 30 Fl Clears Air of Mosquitoes, Flies, Moths, Gnats, Beetles ••• INSTANTLY! Rids Fann and Home of Ants, Spiders, Scorpions, Water Bugs, Crickets, Earwigs, etc. NOW YOU CAN SPRAY, FERTILIZE ANO PROTECT EXCEPTIONAll V LARGE AREAS. Shoot a jet spray up to 30 feet high. Fertilize with amazing instant action results on lawns, shrubs, trees, roses and evergreens. Guard your valuable roses, trees and flowers against disease bearing in- sects and fungicide. Squeeze the auto- matic trigger, in seconds, you can fertilize with instant action results, even on large lawn areas. Produce a barrier insects can't penetrate or survive. So effortless, lightweight. 100% auto- matic. Holds full gallon of liquid spray. Maintains continuous suction pressure. Can be dialed to throw any kind of stream you want. Easy for women; even a child can operate il • LIGHTWEIGHT -(1 lb. empty) (8 lbs. full). less than Yi the weight of con- ventional sprayers due to the poly- ethylene construction. Corrosion proof, cannot rot; unaffected by garden chemicals. • NO STOOPING. NO PUMPING - long 36w pressurized delivery tube. No need to constantly carry the spra}er. leave it standing while spraying those tall shrubs, bushes, where insects breed. • TRANSLUCENT CONTAINER - Liquid level always available, maintains its suction pressure-works continuously. No clogging. U.S. patent approved. 34% fewer moving parts. 100% trouble-free. • POWERFUL INSTANT ACTION - Squeeze, it sprays, release, it's off. Built- in adjustable noule can be dialed to spray fine mist or 30 ft. jet stream with 200 lbs. pressure). • ECONOMICAL-Delivers a super- fine atomized mist of insect killer into the air, spray so fine it hangs there suspended, waiting for insects-no coarse wastful delivery. Compact, easy to store for use year after year. • FULLY GUARANTEED -Entire unit 100% American made lifetime con- struction. Parts always available. Sati~ faction guaranteed or money back. COMPLETE • SO MANY US£S ••• New Super Sur .. with lnMCtldde rlda patio, pon:ti, temtce, lawn or pf'Clen of flies and mo1qultoa In MCOndsl Pro- t.cts you end your family ... Inst bltea. (So lilht-l1ht you can 19'ay twice n much with twtlf the effoft.) f(lll1 ennoylna prden pest.a that bf'eed dlMne and live your lawn and prden that unkempt, ulfY k>ok. Thousands onter extra sprayers to speed window -•hln&. or as • .. ntle 1preyer for pets and ll¥e11ock. lawn fertlllnr, spot spray, for er11b .,._., ,,.. apraylna. etc. MAIL COUPOH NOW. 1a · ~.· ..... ~a Enjoy your petlo ell throu1h the fly and moequlto aMlon. au- per-Spnry "--It b\4-,,.. the M1Y wey. EntiN Unit 100% American ...... 8UARANTE£DI BEST TANK SPRAY YALU£ IN AMERICA Cltfonllne lltMCt Kiiier wettable POWder makes 2 full pllons. GU1ran- teed effective over la111e areas. One apptrcatlon lasts all summer. Mall coupon. r-------------------10 DAY FREE TRIAL I I UM your Super·Sure-s~ for 10 d•YI entirely I at our ~ tr not 100% utl1fled, retum for full I refund. \'ou can't IOM. Order now and edd fun to your yerd wortc and hours to your lel1111"e. I AMAZING NO·RISK COUPON I 8. & G. DEPOT, DtpL 1·\3FW-2 First St. : E. Nonnlk, Conn. OGllO Pl•-rush new Super Spniyer. I must be 100% Mtl1fled or wlll return In 10 days for full money t>Kk refund. d Wint piton container plus free lnst.ent.-ctlon fertlllzer only $2.91 plUI 60¢ PP " Hdl&. Name City Stata " lip ------------------~- . • I I I -! The King and Quee:n of Co~try •~sic ... JOHll5Y CASH c1•1d . ~ TAMMY-Wlt:NET 40 All-Time Great Hits on 4 Stereo Records YOURS TO ENJOY FOR 10 DAYS FREE :-'~":., .. $432 lfa,.....IDronlf A MONTH" T...-VB fta.al1y done it! Johany Cub and Tammy .l Wymtte have combined all their top hill ... all tlMir reconMnatiq linslee ... into one bil round- up ol a let. Tbat'• riibt ... ~·· the Country co1. lec:tioa you"9e been waitlq foe ..• he~ are ..0 all- time peat bits like Joban,y'a orisinaJ m:ordina of "I Walt Tbe Liae" and the best«llins "Folsom Pr1-Blues,.. plus •Don't Take Your Gum To Towa. .. ..,,_Lou Black Vet1" ud .. Fraatie'1 Man, JCJlmaY.' Here'• 1ammy'1 favorite, '°S&aftd By Your Mu .. aad ber tol>«-da&cbarts bit "D-1-V~R.C.E:' alana with ., Don't Wanm Play Homo." "Your Good Oirl't ac-& Go Bad" and "Take Me To Yos Wartd'" ••• al ia -mlcwel C.oamry tet. Aad il'a mly avalable throqb this mpecial o&r -you wm't Wit iD .._ •ywiwe! ne .. ii called nm ICINO AND QUEEN OP COUNTRY .•• wt.at beaer DUne for a collection of llila by T ... y ud Jo11imJ1 Am it can be yoon for )'Cl8l'1 ol ~ f« oaly S t2.9S. ENJOY THE ICING AND QUEEN OF COUNnlY FOR It DA VS FREEi Bat ol .U. JOG am lieu die aet ••• play it younelf iD ,.,.... owa ._. b 10 faU cla)'I before you de- cide to baJ. ·Wltea die collecdoa" arm.. * down ucl 1iMen to .. Locomotiwe Mu:' -n.e Ballad of Boot Hill. .. ud •1f.1tiP u h vou•-Joa...y at bU best. And wait till~ycMI bear Tammy doing "I Sta~ Lons Enoup:' "Cry:' .. All Nisht Long" and -r"he Phooe Call -you11 know wby sbe.'1 called -r"he Queen of Country:' To hear the Id in your home for 10 daya. just flD out and mail the coupon at lbe risht ... we11 mail )'OU the aet immediately. We11 also ICDd a FREE bonus sift aloag with THE KING AND QUEEN OF COUNTRY. lt'• a tr LP callod Top f>op CCH111lry, with 12 more of your Couatty f.avoritea- all hita, indudiq .. , Love How You Love Me: "Geatle On My Mind." '7helc Boot.a Are Made For Waltiq." and "'Wichita Llne:maa" PLA \l THF. RF.C'OROS AT OUK l!:XPENSE! Wbm the records arme, sit down and play chem ••. enjoy them f« I 0 full daya-catirdy at oar espeme. Tbcn, if you caa bear to put with them. just n:tum the albwm to •-you'll owe ahlolu&dy aochiD&. On the other hand, if you decide to u,q, 1llE l((NQ AND QUE.EN OF COUNTRY, it'1 yours foe oaly $12.95 (plus a 11nall ahippioa and handlinl daarge) -wbicb you may pay in tbree coa\llCllieat ID09lhly imtallmeata. ADd To, '°" Co11111T1 ii youn, too, u our boDUa sift. Mail the coupon DOW ••• you'\te p a pat Id c:omi~ ..• a area• bonus albwa ... and you·~ mder no obhptioa wbataoever. .................... 11 ..... _ _. .............. , ....... .... . .. ...... EXTRA BONUS ALBUM r-a.. beck for tnOl'e ~ .. ~ with TOP !'OP COUN-~y 12· CoNmbia LP (e8· A"" •a \ Coufttr)' t.1SiDa tl more l(eS., ... '"tie hits like "Jackso• , ... ~ uni ~ .. "By Tiie Tnno Green . -:__.;... aDd 9 1 Oet 0 .. __.. ... moire. Jl'I yours free if you deddo '° keep Ole ... COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES, Terre H•ute, tndl•n• 41101 1ltE Klll8 ARD QUllll OI COUNl'llY ·-I 5 2 7 .. ..._a U 0 7 ~-~~---------------------~---e119cm .............. ........ 1Van1 Hue Whe1 Doy ( An diffic1 he ca. while see a. Af1 annr shrin infer: wife. "W ehe ai "H Au. aobbe mi11 m1111: A into a one n or an delay• Fir by a · stami: "Whe Do yo for a tion t make Dins• Una Wanl to know If JM9Ye readied middle ap? Here'• a ,.Wei.hie I've lri~ and il'• tnae: When lhe telephone rin,p on a Seta.relay nipt, Do yoa ail there ),.oping---ft ulf't for yea? -Doroday B. a.,.,..u QUIPS AND QUOTES An egotistical man was having difficu lty with ju11t about everyone he came into contact. After a long while, bis wife persuaded him to see a psychiatrist. After hie f\rst visit, the ma11 · · nnnr h&MC ~ a rage. "That bead- shr inker is trying to give me an inferiority complex!" he told hie wife. "What makes you think that?" she asked. "He told me nobody's perfect!" -Robert Brown Away at camp, our youngut sobbed tearfvll11 on the plume, "I miaa you with all of my hea-rt tind m11 101&.ole ato'JJ&{U~." -Dot B. Benning A tall, broozed six-footer flew into a violent rage in a hotel lobby one night because. for one reason or another, all the elevators were delayed on the upper 6oors. Finally ohe descended, operated ... by a wisp of a gicl. The six-footer stamped inaide and bellowed, "Where the devil have you been? Do you realize I have to get packed for a· mountaiti-climbing expedi- tion tomorrow? Second ffoor-and make it snappy." -Dorothea Kent Perlt4pa ftO ltardahip 10Ga 10 dif- ficult for Adam and Eve to bea.r u their iMbilit11 to blanl.6 the atat• of the world on 47J oldM gBn~ tinn. -Fra.aklita · P. /<ntU Little Lenny had been going to kindergarten for aeveral weeb. He was walking along the street one qay with his mother when they passed another amall boy. Lenny greeted him with "Hi, Paul." As they continued along, Mother a.eked Lenny what the other boy's laat name was. ''It's Paul Sit.down," replied Lenny. "At leut, that's what the teacher calla him. n -A. T. Quigg FitJlt e-""4n: a gny who tltinb a fi11h ttltould bite °" CJ f a*1J lure ju~t beca1ue 1ui did. -Lam OlinghouJJe hr Toay and Gl"Olln Tomorrow Give ear to yoar 1b:-year-o1d daughter: The benefit eouldn'I be greater. You'll learn to an.wer the queetion Your lour-year-old will aak later. --Ceorwie Storbucli Calbr•llla "You're all fired.'' Fomi'11 Weekl11, Jvl1118, Jllg l7 ,------*•-111111-..:1•1111*1'1'ml(l-1'111·1mil11191111111*1Mt----- JAY NORRta CORP., Dept. Lo-Ml Pl.._ nllh NIM foltowl111: 11...,_ A-.,,..,.,,.. N.Y.11111 au... 11-111 Pl'IOt Ettelo#d le 0 Mee* 0 ._.., on#w lw '--- (Md'°" '°',,..,...a tt~J ~ • . \. • 0 ..W C.C).6. I.,,.-.~,,._,, I Wfll ,_, ioatfll19 and C.O.D. ~ ..... on f#ltv.rf, ·--~ ~' .. • • - Chargi9 to mvo~ e..... °' • • 0 DIMft aUb Met.._ _______ _ Md 1~ t01 ,.,.,.._ & INMll!f. • ("9ne1UNIJ------------~ lOTAL ..;:t;,.._ __ ,.,,,,.('"1ft·~l-----------~AlldtHa'----.,.......,,..,,...---,....,....,.._~-~.R C#>'·---------------St·•--'.;;.rl'-:,..__._-411~..:..c:'-"-~-·--- DIRECT -BY -MAIL-SAVINGS FROM JAY NORRIS 30 DAY M ONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON All PURCHA 1ES BUGIASTER KILLS ANNOYING INSECTS WITHIN A 6,000 CU. n. RAllGE! KILLS Mei ........ hells ... , R~. lloh. nee. AMI, .......... .,..,...,._, cncut8 ••• o.... ,.,.. _.a .... ......_ ... NO wn SMlll! NO MESSY SPRAY! FRH (Wttla Ill ...its) ... _., • ..,,., tf Cf1lbll J~I hang auo-* unit Oft wall. Ptuo " lft -8nd It ~ lo wcMtt aulomallceHyl New 11.C:lrcM:Mmlcal ~OU!ltl ~ P"I• t111e lnMCt co111ro1 -e.ooo cubk>foot ·~• Jilo .-cl lo ~ • unit -ltlllt at 1 dll1enc1 .•• Witt\ no -111 ""•· no ~ powdert. no coetly .Cllrwl ~ul c~ wort Oft ~Md aciec- 1rv111 of IM«tl -no 1pec:lel eeeMI neecMdl 0-away With coetty emnn:IMllno bUlel l~tef -destroys lneects hlddell de-o 111 men,_.., In 1;1rs>et r."•· ul)flol1t•1Y. Mttl11d ceblMtt Md plctvr ... 1111clfl tebl" -p ecM W!M,. ordlnaiy -'llodt cOllld newr reeclll P1uoe Jlllo any 110 \'Oft outl.---no lllOfl electrlclty ttllr' I .-.II lltflll f'lll With lkl911!U«ef Crytll'9 tbovt once a lllOn&fl ••• Md r.tul Attnc:ll"9 blecll u111t only •*" hletl by SMi• •* by 5" deep. LR lCIMMf .. ICllf ....... _ .... . ... ft.)..., .... ... .. "" ,.., ... w, ... . ....... llw••tt -fL) ... 1 .... '"'~· b · tral _.,.., • 1• NEW/ SWISS-MADE SPACE·AGE TIMEPIECE LllTLE LEAGUERS I Dl&ITAL COMPUTER Wrist Watch flashes exact hour, minute, and date at a glance only .. , .. SWffp-.. concl hand tor aplH..econd KC1ttl90J Just read IM numbera tn the 3 wlndo... and you've got the hour. minute, and d1te •t a gl1nce -with this apace-ege triumph of Swlaa watch- making 1kllll Amazingly 1ccurate. amulngly .. ay to read! Precl1lon. 1hook-real1t1nt, antlmagnellc timepiece hu Swl11 movement, unbreakable malnaprlngl Handaomely dHlgned with golden- tona color c .... brv1hed chrome beck, genuine leather atrap. Unbeatable for preclalon timing. euy reading, and exciting valuel A moat unwuel gift! 30day money-1>1ek 1uar1nttt; l·Yt•r warra~. (and their big brothers and dada) YOUR VERY OWN IUIOllllllC ROBOT PITCHER r Pltcltea .J Speeds/ SAii 8after)' O,,.,.ated I only g COMpiet• with bette'f, 10 ...... Md bat. Now . . . Junior can become a hitting star. without Dad getting a sore erml (In tact. even Mom un operate this Big league-Inspired batting practice m• chine that never gets tired!) Prot... 1lonal-1tyle Robot Pitcher automatically pltchH 10 b1aeball-alze polyethylene belle. Simple adju1tnrents control height, apeed, dl1t1nce of pltche.al Hollow pf ... tic balls and bat are completely H fe rndoora -great for rainy daytl Balle hold shape, no matter how hard or often they'r• alugged . . . are dHlgned for short ftlghta, 10 they won't get lo1t or need chHlngl Runs on alngle fla1hllght b.ttery. t I . t· . ~ I . ~p _RAIS_IN BRAN . __ ...., . -···--- • More plump More tender ,-.-ore -sweet More of 'em Now, Kellogg's• puts more in your morning. Not only more raisins. but plumper, meatier, sweeter, juicy raisins with more sugarfrosting. Mixed with golden bran flakes for more break- fast fun. What's more, . ·· 10'f-ean t~ new and - save 7¢. Mom-'s the Word By NOllMAN HOIF)ELD MATERNITY ·rw ,,.., ), -~ .. --c ( . . , tt0~/-: Ir -c ,- ...... _ ... _s;, "Y 01,r wif ~ will be out i" jut five mittutea." . 11 \ Family Weekly's Shopping Guide rY '1RE E!JCDE ) Stet.l au al •• ...._, tlw nctllnt Mfetv l4dtkr fiU mav wiftdo1o au ea.Ur..,.. ~!::!:::~~•poru 1000 ~. It to()ta•t .· .. SFlll to ~r Aead'a co. tetst 10it1 Sta..-Dn ftfli• oca, to luep VoWr eo$ff t1,re i't 1Aape, med Mir dry, nett '-a dive. E~. it •treteAu ot.1er a /till kir- do · or a lt.eadfwl of -f'OU.. ~'· WAite, OM .Bise fiU all. 11.18; ! for l6.6q. Bre~li'1 of Borin1 N-IO Br"k Bklg., The Arabs have refused to change this coin for almost 200 years. nut or bt&nJ. 16 ft. W.g (two 1tonu) 116.16; fi ft . (th.TH BtoriQ) 111.65. Ppd. Order f roM S,,af'tt.m Saka, Dqt. FW-1, 9U Y~ .A11e., Ymtkera, N . Y. 10704. 'B~, Mau. O~IO. -a• nur bllll SL--w-• -• ----· --"¥ - lvn wllleD t.lile L•-Mana~ n..iw t. •tnlek t:odq, It le etUl daWtl l 7llO • .,_._ \lie Mt.a i. a'-rk o1 peuf--to tlle ...u,,.. ol AraWa UM1 Z.t Africa wllo -tJai. -~ tihl A111hiaa •• M •u~. T-. aflver dollar NM P'-,,. '-lMll la plOlf.Wte ~u.a U. .MO IM llilv~ WI~ tJMt Auel.Na tc.~ ol .,_ oe .... _ .... ,, •-w..... -o1 1... ~'-11tifa)"'fvhw-firUre ..... Nor.a.17 ..... few up w 11.N. YAMm-. oa um •P9dal offer. oetr 11.M. ON to• rwtomn. Set wt~ IUueotrated . cola •takJs, PhM l .. letio!M ol eofM to uaal.-• .., llQJ' --,...,. ....,_, ea...i llft'\IMe aaytf-. a... J uopper , : BY SUSAN PAINE STAllT A BUsmESS in your own home. It's euy and fun! An inquiry brings .YOU free and with no obligation : a giant, fully illustrated catalogue of Mitchell cards and ~ta plu.s UM free eamplee of name imprinted Chri.stmu cards. A fine way to iocreue the family income. Write Mitchell Greet- inp, Dept_FW-'4-47 W. 7-Mile Rd., Detl'Oit, Mich. 48203. BEAD Ji'OR A YOUNG.Ell LOOK? Top Secret formula ll'•duaUy gives a natural 'looking color to your grey or faded hair. Easy to use, apply like a "tonic." It will not streak or injure the hair and does not wub out. 18 oz., '8; 6 oz., $4.50 ppd. Albin of California, Room FP-87, 1016 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank. Calif. 91506. FINCERJ'tAIL TOUCllENDl takes only 3 days, then you can even pull tacks without breaking a nail! Wear your nails extra long and be a glamorowi homemaker. Nails m., bend a bit under streaa, but they'll be too tough to break. "Precioua Dew" is the name of this marveJoua nail toughener. Only '3 ppd. Write Fleetwood, Dept. XXlO, 427 W. Randolph, Chicago, Illinois 60606. -~LIBERTY DOU.All of the fine silver "Cartwheela" in- creases in value over the years. Circulated condition, f4.98. 10 mixed dat.es, '47.60. Roll (20), '89.60. Add ~ poeta.ge. Comes -~~·-~~-. ~"·; . ~ _. ,, ~ -.. •: . ' , "! ...... --e>• '--~ with free 16-page catalog. Katt NumiM, Dept. F68, 2928 -4let Avenue, Long Island Cityt N. Y. 11101. FUN IN YOUR Ji'lJT1JR£t If there a bit of Gypsy in your sou], you'll want to tell fortunes with these fun-fllled au- thentic Gypey Fortune Telling Carda. Tella of loves, succesaes and the future -what fun you, f rienda and family can have at your next gathering! Mys- terious and amusing. $2 ppd. Zo-ra, Dept. X-7, P.O. Box 4214, Miami Beach, Fla. 83141. r.-...111 Sito,,,,., U.... .,.. /'IOT _,....,,,_ •• I/ "'°"'"" ,,.,,. .. ,,,.. .oc ...,,,.,,,. -......, ~ ''°"' ~ • .....,. -... cJWdlt .. "° Pf'OMlml ...., We ... mil • ._, d?.: pocw ---~ .. ) ...,,.._ ................ _ w..wv. • • etm .. llll zcr +e • UNl~!,~fJtRITY _.tlW,7a._.,....,,, ...... 1.1.am .,,,,,. ,,.... ,,.,,, .. ~ "HAlf fRAMl" Reading Glasses T1'tM .... ,. ......... "' .. tllllft ... lltrltct elf lo ,_,,.., ... '""' ,. ..... "'9ls, _,.., ttc .... ,, .... ....,,, ...., .............. ,t .... , •. •l ~ ......... •llll •ll-~ .,_ •.•• '°" u.,-._, ·-T•t0t11 • Jtt It«•. $595 S-•fr ..,.., .. -"· Wll' uw '"'' ,.._ ""'· --· ....,_ utd ap a.: LIITLETON COIN CO .• l>epL llllT-lt. LIUJetM. H. H. UM l lllld ID puslHJp t¥tr5.\Sstmesl EAR.wt<S ..... atas111 flt _,, Ind stay ap """' U9ly Soft, tlasUC tlbs strttcfl Mr ends of eerpieces. tnvislalt. ortabtt. Fit all pflstlc frames (!Mn, WOiMfl, daitdrtn.) Do not c:onfust wfttl lndtctlwt, ldhlsM or other ims>rlCticll devices tut cfalln to elimtnltt sllppinc. ....... Pltentld £Al.t..()U •• IUltlfttHd to ..... from ~ 1 ptir, 2 plU1 $1.00, bf retum mail pos:S. No C.O.D.'s. Donar """9ucts, Dept. FW7, 200 W. 57 St, N.Y. 10019 For Those Who Do Not Want ·GREY HAIR .... a....&•'5 I Moorthly MwtJNper. lo· te•e,tlo9 1••1 ure ~tori••. sh-I forvm newt ... e11ti- f10I pictv,.., ly .... ii. lYevU.• JYeen•u ~ c., -::'':::!."'~ ~FW ~·.Ma. .... 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Some Qtra-value boob are offered 10 membcn al prica-10mewhat biaha' than Sl.69 . • AbaDate ICJoc:tioos include boots of O¥CtY Und-coot books. tnyllCries. trnd boob. d usics, bomcmatm1 boob-a1 qleci.a1 ~,~ ':!:',.. ~ .= 11 prica to memben only. An auractive bonus plan often other bis sarillp, too. AU boob aro new, fulJ-leQsdt, hard-bound ed.idoaa.. • SOii • Mimi IOW-JIST IWl rm AnACm ctlNI. Cirde code numbcn al tbe 6 lotroductory boob of your c:hoicc.. You will receive thoac 6 boob at once, and you will be btlled only 99 CCOll. ~us shippin1 and handlina. Mail the attached coupoa DOW. Doubleda,y kaaiD Book. Oub, Garden aty, Now York llSlO. NOT#!: Tlw ~ Clwb ~ •-•c MMHll.n H-~ .. lllu. ""' U:ldl -,....,,It-Ito, • -" u ""'' ~------------------------------· 11•urn1MM11 ... Clll Ctrdc ......,.. 0/ ... llPf.11 ........ cm ... ,.111• .............. : ,..... accillllt ., .,........._ few -~ .... eend -u .. , 11 11 21 n II _.......,. .._, die 6 boob dlded It . ll{U -oely 99' ~-=' .. _. .......... U .cJt detitbted. ~':£a':" OM ii>-n 4J u 14 .,. .-:beD ...... 10 .,. .. ...,. p wUI be cucelN. .. • 111 1a 1• S...S -free wit lllOlll.lt die Qab lluDed9 clc6a MJo...U.. _... ..-C•kma mid all ..... book berplD1. ~er l 'l •• a 124 111 1M 10 ,.. ::!..8\.-U-. I 1NJ::t::09tlM-~ fonnalwa711 pro- Ttded. lllCICI !:J •1 -a C'lh out of at leatt 20 oftettd ..m IDOIMb, may i-... .., t . after one year. I .-, O«llf 117 171 , .. 111 ,. SIM for adl llleetloft or alhsallt.e (plm llripplq and haodlilla ualaa I ,,,.,_ lO ..,..,.. ui atn-Yahae book a.t a biaber price. 211 us DI ,. DI llr. 141 113 a2 rn ZM ..................................................................... ... ( ...... lritK, ~ ............................................................... 211 Ill 111 m -=-~ ............. ~ ............................. ~ ................. m · w m M1 Ml Ml .. •1 .. ,.,. er.-n...._ ....................................................... n·-.................... __ __.,._, •·Df na -.. IU Qt c-Mlaa :=Witt. ................ ,. --..... will ........ ,._ -c.a.dla 422 UJ .. 111 "' .rn.. ~_...la_.,,_., V.LA. _, a...la Cllllr. ~------------------------------- ;_ m. lllt., ..... ., 117. T,. *" flf elll· m .......... ..W .. m. .,....._ ... _. 81. ,..,.. 11.91 el ,.,._., ~ ... .-.OCle.... ,....., •• .._.. ~Ult.......... lift •• Clll ..... • LO b:r Dick Witten WILSON FORD Hutlqtoa Buell Sometimes a Ucense plate can tell you more about a person than you think. For example, in Texas there's a Ford Mustang I • DIC·K WILSON'S MEET -~ First of th• 70'1 at 1960 Prlua -with a plate bearing GIDDAP. An enterprising three car ownet in Connecticut obtained the fol- lowing from that state's Depart- ment ol M<Mor ¥et1ides:-MUMZ, POPZ, KJDZ. We can't guaran- tee you any clever plates when you buy a new 1969 BeUer Idea _____ F_ort:~~:~--THUNDERBIRDS promise one of the largest and most complete selections of new Fords to be found anywhere. You'll enioY. Ford's better ideas every mile you ctrlve In your favorite model. With over 270 betttt idea options to choose from, you can taJlor your car to your own penoul taste. Our Thunderbirds and Mustangs. for example, feature Tilt-Away Steering Wheel. As you leave. wheel swings out of way and you can adjust wheel to most comfortable driving oosltlon. Another better Idea on Thunder- bird is our Automatic Speed Control. Ideal for frf'eway driv- ers. You preset soeed and cruise with your foot off of the accel· erAtof'. The Mustang version ls called Fingertip Speed Control. Whatever you call it. you 'II love this Bf>tt.Pr Idea that makes drlv- in~ a 1919 Ford a pure joy. Ac- cording to the American Auto- mobile AssociaUoo some 80 mil-· Hon pPOole will drive more than 100 billion milP.S this !'umm.-.r, That rf!{lreiw.nt.4t about 25.noo round trios to the moon. You won't have to travel that far to get the better idea feelln~. You're welcome to test ctrlve your favorite bett.er Idea here at Wilson Ford Sales today. BRAND NEW 1969 MUST,ANG 52288 BRAND NEW 1969 CORTINA BRAND NEW 1969 -COBRA 52788 51888 Ptu.1 taic .. lk. SPOltTSltOOI''. 421 C.l.D .......... tovr •PNll <c:o.. ..,r retie) mHual tr•n1m1u:e1t. uffra ,....,., duty w..-. .. n Ir.cl. lluvy d•1ty "'"ckJ 11'11 sprints. extra ,.,.. stal!lllHr blr, st ... ered ,..,, lllecks. P70Jc14 wide ovel 11e:ttil w+w lire•. 6" wide rim wllHlt •11d hub can. llootl •C90P, frort ard resr carpets. .,.ctat 'Cobra" lelelltlflcatton and special dl,.rne trim. vt11tteu slM ,.._. BRAND NEW 1969 GAl.AXIE 500 52488 Ills i.11 I. lie. DElUXI! SEDAN, .r,1 C.l.D. '1 H.P. lf'Qlne. lvlly syncttronl1- ed ~ •PMd ·ransrnlulOn, disc t>r•k•• vinyl buekel -••· fully carpeted, 1lr- 11ow ve«tllatlon heeler & defrc1$1.,., ,,,_ I htri•r • ellftrlOr Meer ·~ps, -· llres, Pld!Md 01.n & vbors. a:edrlc wlnOsh .. :d wt a. washe BRAND NEW 1969 RANCH ERO PICIUP 52288 El DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL 53988 Brand New '69 F250 Sty&eside & El Dorado 101/J Mohawk Camper JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO -FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH . 842-6611 SALIS DEPT. ' ...... 10 , ••• 7 .,.,. SHYICI OPIN T•~· t1in M .. I e.a. te I P·•· Me:. .. I•·•·...., ... 592-5511 1: 9 9 9 9: 9: 9: 9:• -- .., .. -· ••• -..1 ·~· -7.6 lz• •• Ir• ,,. •W 'le - L ··: .. V . !PORT! H/f1Hllf1/IT! ' SUNDAY, JULY 13 12:30 IJ ~ (i) MU lntematlonal Track and Reid Meet (C) The Hawaiian Track and Field meet is presented as part of a series of outdoor Amateur Athletic Union track and field meets held in the United States and Europe. 1 :30 IJ Qj ~ NFl Action (C) "The AFL Championship: A Stunning Prelude.' A review of the highlights of the 1968 American Football league Championship game between the New York Jets and Oakland Raiders. 1"he film Is mainly a study of two quarterbacks, two top coaches. and a contest so evenly matched that the -outcome was decided by a matter of incl'les in the closing moments. O Angels Baseball (C) California Angels vs. Oakland Athletics at Oakland. Dick Enberg and Don Wells report. · WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 9:00 D Wrestllne (C) The main event features Wortd Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk Jr. Dick l ane and Mike Le Bell report. THURSDAY, JULY 17 12:55 m Dodgers Baseball (C) L.A. Dodgers vs. San Francisco Gi~nts, live from Candlestick Park. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett re- port. 8;30 O Boxing (C) Ron Harris (22·0) vs. Oscar Albarado (26·1) In 10-round welterweight bout. Dave Niehaus and Mickey Davies are ringside. FRIDAY, JULY 18 7:55 m Dodgers Baseball (C) Dodgers vs. Giants at S.F. SATURDAY, JULY 19 11:00 AM tiJ@ Major Leaeue Baseball (C) Teams to be announced. 12:55 m Ood~rs Baseball (C) Dodgers vs. Giants at S.f . 1:30 O ®' World Triangular Track and Aeld Championships (C) The U .. A .• U.S.S.R., and British Commonwealth meet at the Los Angeles Cohseum. Jack Whitaker hosts. and Ralph Boston and Dick Bank describe the action . 5:00 0 @ (}) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) ~Moviesolt'1e Week I SUNDAY. JULY 13 9:00 0 @ (3) "Or. Strangelove • • . " Petlr'Sellers. George C. Scott. S'terhng Hayden. Keenan Wynn, Slim Pickens and Tracy Reed star in the 1964 satire on the Cold War that suddenly became a hot one. MONDAY, JULY 14 9:00 O ~@ "Some Like It Hot." Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe, George Raft Pat O'Brien and Joe E. Brown star in this hilarious flick about two Chicago musicians who posed as members of an all·girl band to escape detection by mobsters. TUESDAY, JULY 15 9:00 O ~@ "Beau GMte." Guy Stockwell, Telly Savalas and Doug McClure star tn the 1966 drama based on P. C. Wren's classic novel about the French Foreign Legion. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 9:00 O @@ "Come Blow Yoor Hom." Frank Sinatra, Lee J. Cobb and Jill St. John star in the film about a swinging bachelor who has all the best things 1n life--unt1I his younger brother starts to imitate him. THURSDAY, JULY 17 9·00 IJ Qj ''East of Sudan." Anthony Quinn and Sylvia Syms star in an adventure about the Moslems of Sudan who attack an outpost tn order to abolish British slave trading. FRIDAY, JULY 18 9 00 EJ ~ (!) ''U.M.C." Richard Bradford, James Daly and Edward G. Robinson star tn the pilot for the new CBS fall series about daily dramas in the university medjcal center. SATURDAY, JULY 19 9:00 O @ (6J "Saratoea Trunk." Ingrid Bergman and Gary Coo~r star in this 1945 film about the romance between an exotic Creole and a rough-and·tough gambler. Where To Write Networb Mr. Thomn Sernotl Vice President NBC 3000 W. Alameda Burba nk, Callfomla TH 5·7000 Mr. John McMallon Vice President ABC 4151 Prospect HollY'#O<id, Callf. 90027 NO l-3311 Mr. Perry Lafferty Vice Pr-n ldent CBS 7800 Beverly Boulevard Los An1.ies. Calif. 90036 OL 1-2345 Local Stations Channel 2 (CBS) Mr. Ray L. Belndorf - Vice President & Genwal Manaa er 6121 Sunaet Boulev.rd Hollywood, Calif. 90028 HO 9·1212 Ctwinnel 4 (NBC) Mr. Robart Howard Vic• President & Genenil Manaaer KNBC 3000 W. Alamocta Boulevard Burbank. California VI 9-3911 Channel 5 (Independent) Mr. Doul(laa Finley General Maneaer l<TLA 5800 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, Calif. ~28 HO 9-318> Channel 7 (ABC) Mr. John MoMehon Vice Ptesldent & General Maneaer KA8C-TV 4151 Prospect Hollywood, Callf. 90027 NO 3-3311 Channal 9 (Independent) Mr. W•llY Sherwin General Manaaer KHJ·TV 5515 MelroH Hollywood, Calif 90028 462·213S Chennel 11 (lnd .... ndent) Mr. CherlH 0 . Yount Vice PrHldant & General Man•a•r KTIV 5746 Sunset Boulevard Hollywood, Callf. 90028 HO 2·7111 Ch.annal 1! (Independent) Mr. John Hopkins President & General Manaaer KCOP 915 N, LaBraa Hollywood. Calif. 90038 OL 6-6050 Channel 22 (Independent) Mr. Fredrick 0 . Custer General Manaaer KWHY-TV 5565 Sunset Boulrnrd Hollywood. Calif. 90028 HO 6-7757 Channel 21 (N....CommerclaO Dr. JamH Loper Genanit Manaaar KCET 1313 N. Ylne Hollywood. Calif. 90028 HO M 212 Channel 34 (Spanish 1.anauaae) Mr. Joseph Rank General Man .. er KMEX 721 N Bronson Hollywood. Callt. 90028 HO 6-8131 MORE BOYS &. GIRLS NE EDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIAL S This i1 the latett word from the major e9e11h a11d producen in Hollywood. T elevition commercleh ere \,i9 butlneu. It i1 • bu1ineu that employ• • larqe number of children end pays them ler9• ••l- erie1. But where did these kidt come froie, end how d id they 9et thera 7 Well, would you beli ... e they're found in such fer out pieces H Fullarfon, Se11ta Ana, or the outer reqio11s of lo119 Buch or Pomona 7 Some of these you119- 1te" may r... ri9ht n••t doorl But who finds thase talented boys and 9irls lo fill the productio11 needs 7 Tha 1tudios and a9enh don't have time, 10 as a retult, there is a large demand, a11d to fill this dem1nd. • Public: Rel•· tions Company called TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hu turned ih ener9ies and resources to fill. Ing this need. TAKE I POD UC· TIONS makes profeuional cont.ch in Hollywood for newcomet'I, SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's e<arnintt~ r each $10,000 in TV ccm- mercials a fetW months after b e i n g signed by Ta~ I R"oductions. IF 'fOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF l AND 19, AND WOULD LIKE A C HANCE TO DO COMMER· CIALS AND T.V. Cell 547-6251 T al<. 1 Produ ctions, Inc. O RANGE CO. O FFICE Pap3 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ta ...... May be used on eovelopes as return address 1abels. Also very hondy os identificot ion labels for morking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Label s stick on glass and may be used for mark ing home canned food items. AlfTab~I;"' are -print~d with stylish Vogue type on fine quality wh ite gummed paper and pocked in reusable magtc seal top container. Mri. CMstine Brown 969 Pott Road Costa MMe, C.r.I. 92626 r------~---f.I"'" this coMpon, cillp and mill "''"' $1 .00 to: I Pilot Pri•IC.•ubel Div., lo• 1171, HIWJ*f hech, C:.lllf. t2'6l· I I I I I I I -, I I --·----------···---·------······-··-····--------·-···-- ···--······---····--·····------------------------------ ····-·-···················-····-···----······----------- le &11rl to HI your Zip Code I I ' I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L ,., ... -----------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE FIR SET OF PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. ,. .................... _J I THE DAILY PILOT, TV WED<. JULY 12, 1969 SATURDAY JULY 12 fVfNING 6:00 tJ Tiit !!J News (C) (60) 0 @ (!) m HunUey-Brinkley (C) (30) O Porter W11oner (C) (30) Bill Ca rllsle guests. 0 Bon City (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m The Invaders (C) (60) 6:30 0 INBC Special (C) (60) "The Heart Is Not Wrinkled." A story of the joys and sorrows of Southern Californla's ailed. 0 Melody Ranch (C) (60) Judy West and "Nudie'' llUest. O Rosey &tier ~C) .(30) ProfeSSOt out of school lockers. (R) 0 ~ (j) m The Chost and Mn. Muir (C) (30) "Madeira, My Durr• Captain Gregg tries to recapture ro. m!ntic moments of the put. but Mrs. Muir's lies to today's world make his h~es impossible. (R) 0 Ci1J W Tiit Lawrence Well Show (C) (60) Melodies identified with the famous bands of the "bl11 band" era are featured toni11ht. (R) I Bu~ Owens (C) (30) 9:00 . ~ ~ Ho11n's Hlfoes (C) (30) 6 m NBC S1t11rday Mov· le: " ump ni Ja~s" (comedy) '52 -Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Mona Freeman, Dick Erdman, Don OtFore. m Bill Ancferion (C) (30) EI1) Critique (C) (60) Stanley Kauff· mann hosts. The film version of "The Midnight Cowboy" is the sub· ject of tonight's discussion. .... _-1nltin..-Cou..y 4U• -·-- 9:30 I)~ Ci) Petticoat Junction (C) ®-N!Jh..!~lllb com~ia_n "Rfcli_lllfrL -guests asR1Ck-Wayne. wliOm B"fffie Jo talks into performin1 on Hooter· vill!'s annual charity radio show show. (R) 11 love Lucy (30) Entertainment ~·Is (C) (60) Cirl From UNCLE (C) (60) 7:00 ~ CV CBS News (C) (JO) Waller Cronkite. O The Anniversary Game (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. O Movie: "Desperate Momenf' (drama) '53 -Dirk Bogarde, Mal Zetterlin!:.._ 0 Ci1J W m Johnny C&$h (C) 0 Death Valley Days (C) (30) (60) Jeannie C Riley Glen Camp· "Spring Ren~ezvous.'' Kit Ca~n bell, June carter, Joe ' Tex guest. averts an Indian m~ssacre and wins I News (C) (30) a pretty squaw bnde. James Mc· Kitty Wells (C) (30) Arthur and Brioni Farrell guest. 10:00 9 Ci) Mannix (C) (60) Man· ID Sportsmen's World Aw1rds 5t>e-nix seeks a missing manuscript that cial (C) (60) CR) holds the key to an unsolved crime. ~ Wondef1 of tht W~rld (C) (30) Barbara Rush guests as a glamor· ''Greenland Adventure. The linker ous widow from whom Mannix seeks Family travel to remote ,Green!and infor~tion. (R) to see Eskimos In their unique O Movie: (C) "You're My Every· towns of Gothaab and Holsteinsporg, thing" (musical) '49 -Dan Dailey, (l1) (3) Passport to Travel (C) (30) Anne Baxter. m EiTtome1ro (30) I News (C) (30) Ken Jones. 7:30 ft hctie Gleason (C) (60) Ernest Tubb (C) (30) 11 fE m Adam-12 (C) (30) : NET P11yhouse (C) (90) "Home." Movie: ''To Each His Own" . Box de Mexico (90) (drama) '46--0llvia de Havilland. 10:30 0 @ ~el Tlle D1ting C1me 0 NOW-Saturday Edition! ~ (30) Jim Lange hosts. * "Eyewitness News" with fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Ateundtr • the Grnt" (biography drama) '56 8111 Bonds & Stu Nahan -Richard Burton. Fredric March. I News (C) (30) Bill Bonds. @World of Women (C) (30) "Hun· Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) gary for Adventure." June Wiancko, Swlnetn' Gospel (C) (60) wife of filmmaker Gene Wlancko, • Hollywood and the Stars (30) shows the incredible beauty of the 11:00 0 0 m (B News (C) mid·European state. 11:15 hbulous 52 Movie: (C) "Joan m Los Caudillos (30) of Ate" (dassic '50-lngrid Berg· 8:30 0 Q) @ m Get Sm1rt (C) (30) man, Jose Ferrer, Ward Bond. ''Tequila Mockingbird." Agent 99 0 Slturd1y Nifhl Movie: "Blue turns fllmenco dancer and Mu De11im" (drama) '59-Carol Lynley, poses as a seedy doctor as they Brandon de Wilde. 'try to track down a valuable gem 11:30 0 m Tonlgflt Show (C) cache in Mexico. (R) IJ Movie: "Exile" (drama) '48 -0 (ill Ci) m The Newlywed Guat Dougla.s Fairbanks Jr., Marla Mon· © C30) Bob Eubanks hosts. tez. m I snCIA\ I Miu California D Movie: (C) "Your Shadow II World (C) (2 hr) Beauty pageant ifne" (drama) '63 -Jill Haworth, live from the Tropica na Room of Michael Ruhl. the Tahitian Village. Byron Palmer @ The Empress (C) hosts and Bill Welsh provides back· 11:45 G) Movie: "Atwnlc and Old Lace" stage interviews as the orchestra (comedy·mystery) '44-Cary Grant, of Manny Hermon provides back· Josephine Hull. ground music. Approximately 40 12:30 G) Man in Crisis lovely girls participllte, each of 1:00 ~Movie: ''The Court-Martial of whom is sponsored by a California Billy Mitdltll" (drama) '5!>-Gary city. Cooper, Rod Steiger. I!) The Amerlcen Wut (C) (30) 0 Movie: (C) "Curse of tbe Wer• tll) NF;J Festival (C) (60) "Coleman wolf" (horror) '61-Ctifford Evens. Hawkln$--IO Memoriam.'' (R) ID Atl-"ifht Show: "Things To a> NodM de Estnno (2 hr) Come," "Baby and the Battleship" 8:30 I) Cit Cl) My ThrH Sons (C) (30) and "Retlk, the Moon Menace." Tandem crises face the Douglases 1:15 R Adventures of th• StuprJJ (C} when they reallze they can't tell 1:30 Movie: "House of Seven Ca· the triplets apart and 1n lnnount bits" (classic)-Han Grey, Georre Ernie ls accused of stealing lunches Sanders, Vincent Price. 1969 Mrs. earr• re ro· , but world (R) Wiik 1tifled "big :. (R) I (30) llov· I '52 Mona •Fore. ;auff. n of sub- (C) w,r I e ooter· $how 1ent" Mal (C) amp· st. Man· that •ime. mor· :eeks wery- 1iley, me." •n! tith 1an !l) loan :erg- Blut iley, l on- Is •rth, let'' ant, of iary er• ans. To lip" .. (C) Ca· 1r1e ---· Eyewitness News now comes to you on Saturday. Continuing coverage of important happen- ings by reporters who are there. The same nevvs team that brings you. Eyewitness Nevvs weekdays at 4: 30 and 11 :00. Anchorman Bill Bonds, novv also in charge of the Saturday scene. With Stu Nahan touching all bases on the weeks biggest day in sports. Saturday Eyewitness News. A vital extension of the fastest news in the vvest. l\bw in prime time. KABC·TV Pqe5 •t' •••• s ebild.'s play It's fun and games mixed with learning, tailored Jor youngsters, and seen Saturdays on NBC. It's Storybook Squares, a show almost identical to NBC's daytime Hollywood Squares, with Peter Manhall as host. Each Saturday moming nine guest stars appear either as the character they portray on their weekly TV series, or as an historical character. The contestants range in a~ from 8 to 1 S and can win all sorts of prizes as they play TV's modem version of tic-tac-toe. Game show producers M~rrill Heatter and Bob Quigley developed the game show for youngsters after an appeal to tone down violence in children's pro- gramming, and consider the series entertaining as well as educational. ''It's no secret that most children do not like to be told that they're being educated, even if it's good for them," says producer Merrill Heatter. "So we made minor chang~s on our successful Hollywood Squares series-which has been educational for adults even though they don't Tealize it-to give the kias educational material sugar~ated with entertainment manufactured by some of their favorite people." The only violence seems to be laugbtq (at Charlie Weaver, Stu Gilliam or Abby Dalton), the only shooting is host Peter-Marshall's shoot- ing questions at the celebrity g\lesta, the action comes in thf' learning minds of the viewing younpters, and --- -thete..Atc....00.~--8\&y.t!' .oa--=stoqiboolr--u ;. - --- Squares, only good guys. And everybody wins. ' - ~ rr la h w rr cc h. ot C< th th 31 sa OI de w sa de re p1 P. is p, er he tic IO 3E qL Ol oeen IC's hey une >ro- :ing we has ;ids of Stu )()t- A FIRST-Newsman George PutTUJm will be the first local newsman to covtr a U.S. spact mission from lift-off to splash- down for a local teltvision station. Southern California viewers of KTIV. along with those of other Metromedill Television facilities across the nation, will witness the most exciting, history-making event of the 20th Century-America landing the first men ever on the moon. And, while mankind. through aid of television cameras, sees with his own eyes the earth's only satellite first hand, Los Angeles viewers will also be in on another first. Apollo XI's eight-Oay moon • mission; July 16 through 24, will mark the first time in televisio n history that a local station bas covered a space shot from lift-off to splashdown and recovery. It will also mark the tint time an independent gr,oup broadcaster has joined the three major networks in live coverage of an event of such magnitude. And, what makes it even more interesting is that the Apollo XI coverage will be tailored to the Southern California viewer-not the nation-with veteran newsmen George Putnam and Jack La- tham sharing the anchorman role for Channel I 1 's extensive live and videotaped reports. While the video coverage of the moon shot will be through the same mission picture pool utilized by the three networks, the audio, or commentary, will for the most part be by Putnam and Latham. In addition to live and in color coverage of the launching, touch- down on the moon of the lunar module, our astronauts actually walking on the moon surface, blast-off and departure from the satellite, linkup with the orbiting command vehicle, re~ntry, splash down and recovery in the Pacific Ocean, there'll be updated prog- ress reports during the station's regular newscasts, plus special programming. Channel 11 newscasts are· wee.kdays at 12 noon, 4:30 and 10 PM and at 1-0 PM Saturdays and Sundays. Immediate interruption of any programming as necessary also is included in the comprehensive coverage plans. But, while the moon shot is not slated until July 16, newsman Putnam has been hard at work preparing special material. Accompanied by news producer Merrill M. Mazuer and a film crew, award-winning anchorman Putn~m last week visit~. the headquarters of the National Aeronautics and Sp~ce Adm1nist~a­ tion (NASA) in Houston, Tex .. to conduct a senes of extensive interviews with the Apollo XI astronauts and their families. Reports of what's ahead for crew members Neil A. Armstrong, 38; Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., 39; and Michael Collins, 38 in their quest to be the first men on the moon also will be provided to other Metromedia Television stations. TWO .... IN LOVE ~!T.~J2.~~~~or Jack Benny q me a~aicr anglophile. Liberace's affectionate ties with the British Isles are reftected io two command performances for Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mother Elizabeth, during two of his appearances in England, and by his choice of London as the production base for The Liberace Show, which premieres Tuesday (8:30 PM) in color on CBS. Jack Benny bas been in love with London since bis first visit in 1922. "And," he says, "it's 40 years since I played the London. Pal- ladium for ~~ftr.si time." It's only natural, therefore, that Jack Benny should be Liberace's guest on.. the opening broadcast of The Liberace Show. Benoy likes to 'visif London at least once a ·yca.r, and he has appeared tinie and again before royalty in " the Royal Variety performances. Even his famous Stradivarius violin has a British associa1ioo, for it belonged for a long time to one of the Rothschilds in London. Benn)' had been trying out Strada for years before be came across the one he felt be simply had to have. It was one of the last to be made by the world's most celebrated violin maker. It is dl\ted 1729, just a few years before Stradivarius' death. Htnt Ub«rau and pull Jack B•n- ny 1l111ln1 tht praht1 of En1"'1id to1dlur on LJIJ«ract'1 o~nJn111tow, Tutsday ot 8:10 PM, on C S. ·Benny and the Benny legends, such u the myth of his extreme frugality, arc u much a common joke in England as they are here in America, as exemplified by one taxi driver who recognized him and insisted on calling out to · passersby: "Hey, I've got Jack Benoy inside. Do you think I'll get paid?" • • • A Ulf·millloD Amakaa Gb la Vldaam cu DOW lee pordom of the CBS E•eafna New. wttb Walter Cronkite on Armed' Porat TdnWon. Since April 11, the IJl'oedcall bM bee9 ~ by tbe mWtary on tbe Wat COMt ud low. to VleCJmn for re- broadast. !t ii the oaJy U.S. network aews ~ .eea la Vietnun. ..... 7 .. SUNDAY JULY IS '.1 II P •, I '~ C. All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- tice. •:15 m The Christophtn 6:30 m Tht Bible Answers •:55 IJ Sift Us Tiiis Day (C) 7:00 tJ loin and JtrTJ (C) m S4.lnday funnies (C) 7:301 Aqu11111n (C) MonMn Tabemadt Qolr (C) · 0..., ltld liollatll (C) 7 :45 11)-.111• ChrbtopbtrS (C) - a~ CJ) Ll•P Unto My fMt (C) • 11ii a.ristopr.trs (C) ral of To lllOfTOW (C) Day of Discovery (C) Wondnma (C) Men Revival Hour (C) (I) hvty and 'ollatll (C) @ Cod Is the Answet (C) &:301 tool Up and l.IVI (C) Prtflle R,tMll Witll a Claw (C) • Movie: (C) "Bold Advtntu,..-. (adventure) '56 -Gerald Phlllps, Jean Vill1t. ~Revlvll F1ras (C) I ltltttryn Kuhlman (C) full , .. Revival (C) tla KMEX (C) n. Atmm (C) M4fdical or Dental Assl1tant CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL • Student l<>Mts • Day and Evenlna Cla.uet • lifetime Placement Service • For Women of All Aaes ~ Professlonally Staffed Oen~I Clinic Open To The Public · llN NK'WPORT BLVD .. COSTA I084 (714) 645-2922 ,.... THE DAILY PILQTt TV WEEK, JULY 12, 1969 9:00 I Camera Th,., (C) Rev. Or. Edward W. Bauman of • My favorite S.f'llleft (C) Paul Foundry Methodbt Church In Wash· Avazian, United Armenian Conp lnrton, O.C.. is host to the Rl'I. 1atlon1I Chur~. Hollywood, guests.. Dr. Robert G. Bratcher a translator Dar of Dfscov111 (C) ~ for the American Bible Society, In a..11t1111 "Modern Translations," part two of Gospel Music (C) the lour-part series examinin1 the W A. A. Allen relevance of the Bible in today's Kathryn Kuhlman (C) world. Tom and Jerry (C) I (17.) m m Kini Kon& (C) • lllVa Cit.I falthf or Today (C) • God and Man In th• 20dt Ctn· CJ) featurt- tury 11:00 litojed Htad Start (C) "Rab· a> Airtcultoral Report (C) bits." 9:30 U Miiiie, Music. Music (C) The I Tiits Is the Ufe (C) St. Louis Strine Quartet of Youna Ho111tbllJlf"s Cul6-(C) Audiences, Inc. presents a concert (i1) Cl) <:I) hllwiMllt (C) for younc mllllc ioYtfS, Movie: '10dd Man 01sr' (mys· 8 Economics fer All Ales (C) "In· terY) '47 -James Mason, Robert vest In the Future." Glendale Hlall Newton. School students discuss their Inter· I Church In the Home (C) est In money manaiement. ~first Baptist Churdt D Movie: ·~,, Aldrldl Ka11nts Wrtttllnt (C) 1 House" (comedy) 'i3 -Jimmy • mpm (C) • L doln Charles Smith. 11:30 Tell It Ukt It Was (C) Conclu· 1 (3) m Dudley 00-Ript (C) sion of two·part broadcast on the 6 OrilRobtrts (C) life of Frederick Ooue1ass. Aquam111 (C) 0 @ (I) a> Di~ (C) "Back· • 1no 1 M1110 Randttn1 y•rd Odyuey." A two·p•rt study of • This Is tllt Ufa (C) the miniature wotld of Insects. (R) 10~ Today's Rellciofl (C) 0 Movie: (C) ''TM Blob" (scl·fi) ~lculturt USA (C) '58 -Steve McQueen, Aneta Cor· Cl) a> Un111 (C) seaut. • owle: "$boot flrst" (adVen· m Accent on Actioft (C) ture) '53 -Joel McCrea, Evelyn K es. Oral Roberts (C) ~ flffil for Today (C) Ton Hall Mecti111 (C) • lade Cen.z:on • Wlnp to Adventure (C) 10:30 Steps to Larni111 (C) 9@m frontiers of F11tJ1 ( ) "11 the Boolt Still Goocf?" The WHOOPEE! -Patricia Crowk1 ud Dane. McCa• star u f1ar. 1te1 raDC'.her Molly Graham aod UIY-SO'-•apbond Barney Dun- C'ln, ID "BoornttllJll, Dot of MAiiy Takets," a c:omedy.adftllturt eet at the tDm of the c:Htvry, to be col- Ottasf ln two parts oo the NBC'• WaJt Disney'• WonckrfuJ Wortd of Color S-claJ, at '7:30 PM. Ar l I r?NOON 12::00 U S1tnflow• C.l.ttretion Company 8 Norm Anderson hosts. R11d Rletrt (C) Movie: "The lone Tt un•' (west· em) '59 -Willard Parker, Grant Williams. I Essentially Sex CI) This ls tht Lift (C) @ Triple Future: "The Great n," "Operation Stogle," and "Forever Amber." ~ Ci) Feature I Cliit tn Su C... Proliits of Precress (C) Armed forces Hicfllifhb (C) 12:30 Qj (f) MU lntemationel Trad ind f itl4" Mfft (C) The Hawaiian Track and Field Meet. B Ch1raet1rs in the Arts (C) "Death." Or. Stem discusses the many views and Interpretations of Death performing the "Funerallles" of Franz Liszt. Cent Autry 111• Walklna Blblt (C) 1 ffi$torles of Success (C) • Q0est for Adventure (C) ' lnslcflt (C) 1:00 m Mttt tflt Press (C) Anctls Warm-up (C) (11) (3) rn Directions (C) Charlii than War Zone Reviv1I fires (C) 1:30 9 Cl) NR. Action (C) "The AFL Championship: A Stunning Pre· lude." Hi&hll&hts of the 1968 American Football league Cham· pionship came between the New York Jets and Oakland Raiders. B YotJUI and the Polica (C) "Hew Breed of lawyers."\l.aW students from UCLA. USC, arllJ.oyola con· front LA. County District Attorney Evelle Younaer concemin1 unbend· tn1 laws in rapidly changJna times. 11 Anrets Bastbaff (C) Dick Enberr and Don Wells call the action be- tween the Ancels and the Oakland Athletics. 0 (i7J (}) <:I) Issues and Antwtl'1 (C) Howard i[ Smith. I Voice of Calvary (C) U.S. Navy flh11 (C) 2:00 f1e11 tM Nation (C) Stcy. 9f ealth, Education and Welfare Rob· ert Finch auests. Station to Station (C) Ptus Conference (C) Roller Derby (C) ~ Sunday MatlnM M~•Round utlo 6-Paslones • feature (C) · udits Day (C) 2:30 Convll'Utioas With a PsJclll- atrist (C) "Distress" Is discusad ~Or. Edward Stainbrook. U On C.11pus (C) "A Cue for 1tle Affirmative." Narrated by Jimmy Stewart. film is an insider's took at life and education at Claremont Men's Colleae. O Movie: (C) "Benral lripdt" (adventure) '54-Rock Hudson, Ar· lene Dahl. 0 Miiiion $ Movie; ''Tht11'1 (ICI· fi) '54-James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn. mHollday (C) m Amerlan Probltms (C) 3:00 U KNXT Reports (C) "The Siesta Is Over (Revisited!)" An ln·depth study of the Mexican.American community and the Issue of edu· cation. B Movie: (C) "40 Pounds of Troa· ble" (oomedy) '63 -Tony Curtis, Phil Silvers, Suzanne Pleshette. I Oirttr U11its Homnt11d (C) ·MtKMVtr la tht Colonel Scope (C) 3:30 I Darin& Ventures (C) • The Rat Patrol (C) • ladles Day (C) 3:45 11 Anrets Wrap-up (C) 4:00 '-Paewpoint (C) Movie: "Outlaw fury•' (western) • Jim~ Ellison. 0 @ a> Summ• focus 1969 (C) "The elfare Game." ABC News brinp together a blue.ribbon panel of politicians, educators, econo· mists and !!lfar,,.. recipients for 1 problne survel"'dl public assistance programs in the U.S. today. Wll· liam H. Lawrence moderates the panel made up of Senators Georp MoGovern (D·S.O.) and Peter Ooml· nick (R·Colo.); Yale University pro· fesso r Ed Sparer; Georee Wiley, national director of National Wei· fare Ri&hts Organization, and Mrs. Johnnie Tillman, welfare recipient from the Watts section of Los An· feles and a chairman of HWRO. I Man from UNa..£ (C) Tbeatr1 I (f) face tht N1tlon (C) ~tine Sobrt los HIJos Enslp O'T oolt 4:301 Newsmalms (C) • Ntws (C) : Mlstlroaws' Nell'tbtfhood (f) Ptlb Paradt (C) • Music. J Pal1bra1 • feature • m Conrrusional Report (C) Dr. Bultl"1 Adventures (C) 5:00 I News (C) Clete Roberts. . Movie: (C) ''49idaet" (comedy) '59 -Sandra Dee, Cliff Robertson. O Skippy (C) "Marine Blolo&llt. • While Sonny and Skippy are help· in& an attractive, youn1 female marine bloloeisl Skippy causes a 1rave accident. (R) m Mtt'V Griffin (C) Invited to dis· cuss his book, "The Intimate En• •69 .19 II· :1- lld ta th In u- If• :S, ,, i9 IS al J• • :e •· • ~ •• I· '· J· a. rt I• ) my: How To Flgllt Fair In Love and M1rria&e," author-psycholo&1st Dr. Georp Bach uplalns why he feels marria&e should be a "battlefield of love" -and how auresslons should be released. Other guests are Tony Randall, Stan Freber1. Estelle Parsons. Jackie Gleason, pi- anist Lorin Hollander and Tony essina. Public Service f'llms (C) (}) Seven Arts Theltre Got9tf of Christ (i) I DrHM of Jaannit (C) : Whit's New? (R) • Toros Run for Your Lift (C) 5:30 Qj Ci) Am1ttur Hour (C) • Speak Up (C) Bill Leyden Pofka Par~C) Gidpt '<C) The New Sound (C) llrir.;-~ (i) .-eet the Press (C) : YoUna Music.I Artists: Pianist James Dick. a winner of the 1966 Tchaikovsky Competition, performs works by Vivaldi, Chopin and Gina· stera. m The DakotH EVENING 6:00 i) ® 00 The 2ht Century (C) (30) '1he First Ten Months." Part 11. Survey on methods used by doctors to study the world of the unborn. A genetic analysis of chro· mosomes and surgery on fetal mon- is is shown. (R) • It's Auclemic (C) (30) • Seuet A1ent (60) I Jl'1c1A\ I Slaufhter on the Plains (C) (60) Story shows a thun- derin& stampede of buffalo ctashln& to their own destruction. Program tells what cauMs lhis phenomenon and how the problem is handled. i William Tell (30) 00 Con1rmional Report (C) ( ) @) Faces of Business (C) (30) James ling, of lin&·Temco-Vought, is interviewed. I Man From UNCU (C) (60) 6;30 Ralph story (C) (30) Ci) 00 m Frank McGee (C) (,J_Q) 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Car· men MacRae, Bob Carroll, and Jackie Kahane guest. I lnsiPt (C) (30) Manau11 22 (60) The Frendl Chef (30) Julia Child demonstrates how to prepare mousses, bombes and parfaits. ®) 00 Sllippy (C) (30) 7:00 8 ~ 00 Lassie (C) (30) A moth· er owl guarding her eggs is at· tacked by a possum. lassie, after fi&hting off the predator. induces a friendly eagle to sit on the ens, In en all-anlm•I episode. (R) CiJ @ CI) m Hudl Finn (C) (30) ''The Eye ofDoor&1h.'' The young· sters are blamed for the disaP· pearance of • precious ruby. (R) 0 @ CI) al Land of the Giants (lj (60) ''The Trap." Betty and Valerie race death in a series of labofatory uperiments conducted ~giant scientists. (R) 0 What's My Lint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m I sflcllL.i Do Blondes HM More fun? O (60) Al Capp hosts and narrates this summer-wel&ht documentary studyin& why people have stereotyped all blondes as in one category (concernin& morals, personality and intelli1ence). Writ- ers Betty Friedan, Anita Loos and Marya Mannes offer their opinions, along with UCLA students, Cub Scouts and a California housewife. ID Passport to Travel (C) (30) "Shopping in Japan." (R) ~Speculation (60) "A Conversa- tion With Marcel Marceau.'' The masterful French mlrm! artist dis- cusses th• history of pahtomlme and his life as a performer. (R) el Prlsma (C) (30) 7:30 i) ~ (j) Citn1Je Ben (C) (30) Oou&las V. Fowley 1uests as a soon-to-retire postman who loses his cargo of mail and his swamp· boat to a curious Ben. CiJ Qj 00 m Walt Disney (C) (60) "~ntrDog of Many Talents." fart I of two-part story. Darren Mc· Gavin and Patricia Crowley star in comedy-adventure about an easy· &oina vagabond. his dog, and a pretty widow. (R) • 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Court Jester" (comedy) '$-Danny Kaye, ~nls Johns. W Challen1in& SU (C) (30) ''T rea· sure Hunt Off the Keys." Bill Bur· rud takes a professional salvaging expedition to recover $50 million in gold and silver off Isla-Morada, Florida. i Ii& Pidurt (30) Los Caudillos (30) 8:00 Qi) Ci) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) Dionne Warwick, Geor&e Bums, Jack Carter, Lana Cantrell. Sly and The Family Stone, Ma~n Williams, Joyce Cuoco and The Pompoff Thedy Come on in! STERLING CRon (The New Owner! WELCOMES YOU TO HIS CHEVRON STATION MAIN AND IEACH ILVD. HUNTINGTON IEACH Mechanic on. Duty - 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Free Pick Up and Delivery -847-4500 family guest. (R) --------------------------0 Blllr Gr1h1m New York Crusade O (ll) @ (£) AIC Sunday McM.: 'Portnoy's Complaint'," and "P!O-(g (60) "Dr. S1ranielove •.• " (satire) '64 pie Who Paid To Gel Published." 0 @ CI) (;E The F'BI (C) (60) -Peter Sellers, Georae C. Scott, @!)Gran Teatro (60) "Breakthrough." Inspector Erskine Sterling. ~ayden, Keenan Wynn, 10:30 1J World Tomorrow (C) (30) and Aaent Colby mrch for Mafia Slim P1ckins, T_racy Re~. An Air m I IJlct!l I Anythlna Ciotti (C) official Vincent Gray, marked for Force &eneral tnuers an ingenious. {60) An Investigation Into growing elimination by the mob, hoping he foolproof and. lrr~ocable scheme, freedoms of sexual expression In will tell gang secrets. (R) unlushlni his win& of ~-52 H-movies books and on television m Movie: "Mr Darlin& Cltmen· bombers to attacl< Ru&S1a. The ' ' tine" (western) '46-Henry Fonda, President of the United States ID Klthrtn Klllllman (C) (30) Linda Darnell. (Sellers) unable to recall the air-11:0010 0 al NIWI (C) I Wanderlust (C) (30) craft, Is forced to cooperate with Catlltdral of Tomorrow (C) The Fisher family (30) the Soviet Premier in a bizarre at· • Willia,. f . Buctley (C) "Vlo- Sounds of Summer (C) (2 hr) tempt to prevent a hydro&en holo· fence In America." Guests are two "Pittsburgh Festivals." Hl&hlights caust. (R) of the most prominent members of from the Pittsbur&h International News (C) (30) Larry McCormick. President Johnson's Commission on Folk Festival, the American Wind Peter Gunn (30) the causes of vlolence In America Symphony's riverside concert, the · Domingos Herdez (30) -Profe$$0rs Ted Robert Gurr Duquesne University Tamburitzans' 9:30 • News (C) (30) (Princeton) and Hugh Davis Grah1m "An American Mosaic" concert, and My Mother, ttle Car (C) (30) (Johns Hopkins Univ&rslty.) (R) water events from the TRIAD week-Mr. l Mra. North (30) ID Wild Adventure (C) "Wiid Birds end. · Commentulos r Ctltbridades of the West." (R) el Carrousel Mt1icano (60) ( 0) (ll) (}) C?J Cl) News (C) 8:30 CiJ lil 00 m Tiie Mothers-in-law 10:00 8 a 00 Mission: lmposaible0 (C) 11:15 0 Movl•: (C) "Aaron Sllcll From (C) {30) "Love Thy Neighbor-If (60) Guest Fernando Lamas por-Punkln Crick" (comedy) '52-Alan You Can't Make Him Move." Kaye trays a diplomat-playboy who ro-Youn..t_ Dinah Shore. and Eve argue over who played • mances another diplomat's wife, @ c.6J Nawa (C) Cupid for newlyweds Jerry and played by lee. Grant. (R) 11:30 8 Movie: "I'll Cry Tomorrow" Suzie. (R) 0 m My fnend Tonr (C) (60) (drama) '55-Susan Hayward Ed· I The Sports Set (C) (30) ''Voice.s." Professor Woodruff re-die Albert ' The World Tomorrow (30) news a lon&time friendship with an • 9:00 ~ 00 HH·Haw (C) (60) Jerry attractive but troubled career &irl 0 Lohman & Barllley (C) lee lewis and Farlin Hus~y guest. and winds up investigalini a mur· m Maurie• Woodruff (C) CiJ Q) (i) m Bonanza (C) (60) der. Julie Adams, Leslie Parrish, ID Tiit Empress (C) "Mrs. Wharton and the Lesser Lloyd Bochner guest. CR) 11:45 IE) Movie: "Follow tfle Boys" (mu· Breeds." Candy attempts to help a 8 m News (C) (30) sical) '44 -Dinah Shore, Geofie headstrong British widow recover • let Me Talk to ••• (C) (60) Ratt. her stolen valuables. Mildred Hat-Keith Walker hosts. QJ lnsl(lrt (C) wick 1uest$ (R) ~ Labor Report (C) (30) 12:00 g 'ubflc Service 0 ROLLER GAMES-LIVE! (C) 1 ~n~!tu~CllA hr) "A Face 12:30 m Men In Crisis * T·BIRDS vs. DETROIT 0 Wir." 4 1:00 II Movie: "fohnny Allllfo" (dra· fl Roller '•mes (C) (60) L.A. T· eJ1) David S41stldnd (C) (2 hr) ma) '49-Geor&e Raft, Nina Foch. Birds vs. Detroit Devils. •'f'ewlsh Mother'$ Strike Back at 0 News (C) ,. •• 9 ,... 10 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY 12, 1969 ~.1 0 R N I N G APOUO XI Mr. Witllbone (C) Co1HM1dity/Stodl Report The Ed Ntlsotl Show (C) TM FUntltoMs (C) Ci (I) Clptlln lllnprM (C) • Abbott & Costello Cartoons (C) Mlpty Mouse (C) Rodltt Robin Hood (C) Wedntlday, Jyty 16, m1rb ~ bolltlnl111 of Utt h!Atric ...,. fll&ltt tf A,lollo XI. Comm1ndtf Ntll .Ar•stronr. Module Pilot Ed· 1:15 (]) VldM Dlpst (C) will L Aldrin Jr.: and Module Pl· 1:25 O Co••unity Bulletin Board (C) Thursday only. loJ MlcMel Colllu lift off at 6:ll A.M. All Pf9ffl••ln1 listecl.below Is subject bl ct.11111. For 1n u1ct ldtedlflt tf 1Pect tllecastl, set boxtd listJnp !;30-fublic Service f1hU '(C) l hUI"$'; . ~-$)- Bu p Bunny (C) Qu111by (C) Cil Rodly and His friends (C) 1:55 O Co111munity Bulletin loard (C) 9:00 6 The "Lucy Show (C) m FOLLOW APOLLO LIVE *on KTTV with George Putnam & Jack Latham (Wed.) 6:00 I Su.•r S.Mattr (C) 6:30 SU••tr Sdlool (C) · Eduutitrl bdtan1• (C) &tof'IPhJ -Tht fUZZJ·Edpd Sdtnca (C) B fil CI> m It Taits Two (C) HostYin Scully welcomu auests E.d Berley, Jan Murray, Dick Clark and their wives. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Mew1-: See Daytime Movies. Debbie Drab . Dancarcizt (C) ~ (I) Jact lA lAnnt (C) Underdor (C) (J) Andy lirlffittl (C); Ann liut· c:hr Show (C) Friday. m EdKltMnal fil•s ti) Ttdlniul Cotntf 7:00 I CIS Ntn (C) Joseph Bentl. ' @ (6) m Tiit TodlJ Show (C) wrUie Wltll liloN (C) t:JO I S Cl) levtrtf Hillbillies (C) · @ @ m Concentration (C) • Movie: See Daytime Movies. Dennis the Mtnau THE FLIGHT OF APOLLO XI Listed below is the tentat ive schedule for thi s week's Apollo XI activities. WEDNESDAY, 6:32 AM lift.off from Pad 39 at Cape Kennedy. THURSDAY, 4:32 PM First live colorcast from the command module (15 min.) FRIDAY, 4:32 PM Live telecast from the com· mand module (15 min.) SATURDAY, 1:02 PM Live telecast from command module (1 5 min.) AIMED AT THE M OON-Wearing a hard hat, ABC News Science Editor lulu Bergman stands at the foot of a 36-story-high Saturn- Apo/Jo spacecraft. Bergman will co-411chor, with Frank Reynolds, ABCs color coverage of the A pollo XI lunar landing mission. Covuage begins on launch day. Wednuday, July 16, and continues throughout the misrion unJil splashdown on Thursday, July 24. Dur- ing the mi.ssu'", ABC News will telecast 30 con.Jecutive hours of coverage on Sunday. July 10 and M onday, July 21, whm two of the A pollo XI astronauts are scheduled to lanJ their LuMT Module on tM moon's swrfoce and become the first human beings to set foot on the moon. 1 1 1 J ) ----------------------------------------~~~~~--::----:-::;:-~---=~~--~ (C) I (C) (C) ~urs: (C) (C) (C) iests :1ark vies. vies. ~) Gvt- => (C) >0110 !net urn- ,[ds, 'ion. UU.f )ur- r of ' of iule foot Cl) Hayden's Happtnln& (C) I GUMbJ (C) 10:00 Andy Griffith; Apollo Pmitw Truttl or Conaequencts (C) hbflc Service FIT111s (C} l~(j')Ya:, Pa'IOllallty (C) 10:30 Ci) Didi Yan Dyke ~ SUnor Today (C) 00 m Hollywood $qU.trlS (C) Host Peter Marshall welcomes panelists Gypsy Rose Lee, Wally Cor. Paul Lynde, Jo Anne Wortey, ---Jaetr-ensidy, Connie Stevens;-ct.ar· ley Weaver, Arte Johnson and Rose Marie. from the Inside Ovt (C) I Tbe Real McCoys 11:00 Cl) Loh of Ufe (C) io Ro1ers 11:2-0 11:25 11:30 @ m Jeopardy (C) e Gallollln& Gourmet (C) Graham Kerr. Sheriff John (C) Romper Room (C) Felhions in Sewlnr I~ CBS NNS (C) Startll for Tomorrow (C) 6 6t) Eye Cum (C) Jollnny Gr.ant Goes Unlverul (C) I The Anniversary G11111 (C) Tempo (C) World Adventure (C) Mon .. Fri.; Travel (C) Tues., Thurs.; Beau James (C) Wed. 11:45 D Corria Guy (C) Wednesday. AFTFRNOON 12:00 11 lovt.!!_ue (C) ~ 0 @ (!) m You're Pvttina Me On (C) Bill Leyden hosts. I Movie: See DaytTme Movies. (fij (I) Bewittlltd m Ll:OW APOLLO with *JACK LATHAM on KTTV (Wed.· Fri.) Q)Newt (C) Off ice of the President Ci) The Unkletttf Show (C) 12:15 Dodprs Duput (C) Thursday. Stretch and Sew (C) Wed. 12:30 ~ (j) As the World Turns (C) @ @ m Days of Our lives ) Macdonald Carey stars. I @ CIJ Tbat Girt (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Dialinr for Dollan (C) . Tedlniul Comer 12:40 m Oodaen Warm·up (C) Thursday. 12:55 m Dodren Bastf>all (C) Thursday. Vin S<:ully and Jerry Doggett call the action between the Los Anreles Dodgers and the San Francisco Giants. 1:00 II ~ ~ love Is· a Many Splen· dored Thin& (C) · {U 00 m Tbe Doctors (C) (jJ) ()) Dream House (C) Commodity/Stock Report 1:30 ~Ci) The Guidina ll&M (C) ~ 00 m Another World (C) fetller Knows Best (]!) CV m let's Make a Deel ( ) Monty Hall hosts. ID Jo.n Riven Show (C) I 1't Pitlle Sr.ow 2:00 O°t ~ Secret Storm (C) ta 6 m You Don't S., (C) PatriCli rowley and Kent Mc:Cord are Tom Kennedy's auests this week. D Love naf W; Coolllnr Around the World (C) Wednesday only. 0 @ ~ Ef) Tiie Newlywtd Ga•e j Bob Eubanks hosts. Movie: See Daytime Movies. 2:30 ~ Ci) Tbe Eda• of Nlatrt (C) @ @ m n. • Mltdr C11t1 ;-. r Host Gene Raybu'nr~~11419-~-.. guests Ed McMahon and Peter Marshall. I Leave It to Beavtr (i1) m Cl) The Datinr Ceme ( Jim Lanae hosts. 3:00 Tiie LJniletter Show (C) P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. l!!Jtlnr Patrol (ll) (}) Ef) General Hospbl (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Felix the Cat (C) @ Matinee: Don Rodewald. Ci) Dialina for Dollars Movie • Matinee: Don Wilson. 3:15 Dodr•n Scoreboud (C) Thurs. 3:30 Luelf Pair (C) Mike Dou111s (C). One Step Beyond I @ CIJ al One Life To Lin (C) My favorite Mutian (C) Hobo Kelly (C) 4:00 Sea Hunt; Movie: See Daytime Movies on Thursday. I Girl Tall (C) @ (3) m Dark Shadows (C) The 1iintstones (C) APOUO XI On Monday, July 14, the A,lollo XI astronaub-Neil Armstrona. Ed· win Aldrin and Michael Colli,,._ will conduct a live pms confer· enee. All networks are •lPected to carry the went from 4_.:30 PM. 4:30 I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Divorce Court (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. m FOLLOW APOLLO with * George Putnam on. KTIV (Wed.· Fri.) I News (C) George Putnam. Bozo's Bia Top Show (C) ~ Mike Douafas (C) Shaker's Pizza Party (C) witched 5:00 KNBC Newsel'Yic:e (C) News (C) Tom Reddin. Tbe Groovy Show (C) The Addams familJ 00 Jimmy Thomason Show (C) (!) Tiit Lucy Show (C) • Gllliaan's Island (C) That Girl (C) 5:30 @ t a) ABC News (C) • Twill t Zone Par rds (C) Art J~mes. Gllllpn•s 19'and (C) ~Thia Dar 1969 (C) N•WMJ• (C) • own Talk (C) -·. kit Ml· 11 A Heathkit Al Solcl-State hpttl S1111der A .. 1 ...................... ..-4 .. t•l"-<••t •' ..... , .... •tY••"' .. , .... "fl· I I A "•••·•••" •"••I "•ptho willl 5 lt acutay •• all ..... ,...,,, It ,,, ... , 4owa to 100' •• h.,4 l>ott.-. I 00' .,. ••ft •"'4y HttoMo •• , ooa '''"' 1cll.o.h of t.,i., ... .u s46.so Solid-State ,_, Vapor D.tector Y • .,, '-••• euwt•M• •t•hut ••Jle1io1t 18' r.,. •• •••· Meter ,,.4, "11f•-4•-.•'•"• oapro1iwo", •'"' al••"' •••"'• •"•• ... .,.., ••• ,, .... 1. l vr14 •'"' la1toll it I• iv•' J lie ..... 9 NIEW AH loflcl·IUt• TectHNMt• ... ' For Any •oet Ml·11·l MM e·1 C•n be connKted 10 any '36" •33•• SDartHyr tt19lf'\t w1tll any · l ind o ignition 1y111m . Com11 with spluh·proof 1w1t11 _, C.,_.. .. _,, -u,.. ~without u .. fOf p•ntl mounu119. FREE S.nd fw Our HllP Cata ... lt'1 ,, .... You fw the Allitlne. ClllTH T. , .. ch Hutltllt EIHho•lc Co•I•• to•• Hotl>., ti.;. to lall A~•· •UI u a.It o few ohorl bloclc to UO E .. t lall or ••-• Sa•I• Au F.uway to Harw llv4., Hati... ...... t't h ll. • low 1hotl I.loch •'"' Y••'•• ,.,,, SALIS & PARTS HEATHKIT 776-9420 JJO EAST I.AU, ANAHEIM SERVICE .776-9423 llAGllE YCJURSELF IEHllD THE lllCROPHOIEI WHtCH OF THESE 4 FASCINATING . " -. CAREERS llTERESTS YOU? O DISC JOCltY 0 NEWSCASTER 0 UOllTSCASTEI 0 COMMERCIAL ANNOUNC£1l FIH VOICE ANALYSIS TILLS YOU If YOU HAVE "HIDDEN TALIHT"I TllAI .. AT HOME Ott IN OUlt BEAUTlfUl NlW STUDIO SCHOOL! You un study brOtdcasl techniques 1t homt, In your 1111rt time, or In our ,,.., Broedc~•I· 1n1 School-LOCATED ltlet!T HERC IN LOS ANCUES-under Ult 1upervl1lon ol our Olrtctlnc r1culty of 11 f11110VS bro1dc11ttta. Rldlo-TV stllfOlll tYtr)'Whtrt hlVt In IMMEDIATE DEMAND for both mtn Ind womtn to tlh ovtt lmpomnt 1ood· paylnt joba rl1hl now. NATION·WIDE PLACEMENT ASSISTAt.'<:C at no utr1 coetr T111tlon ualatanu 1v1llablt. Sand to CAll[[lt ACADEMY'S divi sion of flmous 8ro1de11tert for f'llEC book· ltt, record, ind toiu nalysl1 details. NOTICE: U.ROLL NOW f"Olt CAJIU:lt ACADDIY'S NEXT C&.ASSI nttt COULD aE YOUR CHANCE TO "1f YOUltSl!IS RHINO THI! MICltOl"HONl!ll •Aft ecc:redlted mem!Nr o4 the Na-tional Home Study Council tnd the • National Aasoc:lallon of Trade and T.chnlcal Schooh~ •Approved for V.tenn Tralnlna •Member of Callfomle Anoclatlon for Prtwte Education •All ellarlbl• ln1t1tutlon under the ftderalTy Insured Student Loin Protrnim. i--------------------, ~~,.~~!_f!!Y fil &.. ._.., C.Hfemla 90028 W "-: (2U) 4'4..ouJ "•He Hnd me my frat copy of "-Spotllstit on Youl" H•mt : CJty. St1te/Zlp I ·----------' Ptlone Ac• I I I am lnttreated In 1 : 0 CIHSl'OOf'l'I 0 Hom• Study I 1 eruo10 en ! --------------------- ,.. 12 MONDAY JULY 14 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programmjng with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "MilliM-Dolllf Lep'' (comedy) '39 -Betty Grable. "M1t1 Wltltovt N1 .. s" (mystery) '35.-Fred Mac· Murray_ • • • fJ (C) "The Swin" (romance) '56 ~race Kelly, Alec Guinness. 9:30 0 (C} "M111 of ta West" <west· em) '58--Cary Cooper, Julie Lon· don. 12:00 O "Belle of the 90'1"' (comedy) '34-Mae West, Roaer Pryor. 12:30 m "DilfJ of a Qi1"'btr•1id"- (drama) '46 -Paulette Goddard. "Draionfly Squadron" (drama) '54 -John Hodlak. 2:00 Q) "C1nptr Story" (mystery) '60 -Walter Matthau. 3:00 0 (C) "A M'" Called ,tiff'' (dra- ma) '5~Rlchard Todd, Jean Peters. 4:30 f) .. Jlttetfluss" (comedy) '43 - laurel & Hardy. EVENING 6:00 IJ TM 811 News (C) (60) Jerry Dun I!!!!. ! W Hllntley-Brlnllley (C) (30) Stlft Allen Show (C) (90) Pete aer, Joey Bishop, Al "Jazzbo" Collins, and Johnny Tillotson guest. 0 Sl1 O'CloQ Movie: (C) "Unt for Uft" Part I (drama} '56-An· thony Quinn, Kirk Doualas, Pamela Brown. I Lon Lucy (60) Batun (C} (30) 11 Spy (C) (60} MIR Griffin (C) (90) ~It'• NIW! (30) Films study bear cubs, conveying size through pantomime, and the Dinosaur Na- tional Monument I Jwtttbad Divino T 110ro (30) News (C) (60) Don Trevis. 6:30 MIC NIWMfVice (C) (60} Yoya .. to the Botto"' of tlle St1~) (60) 0 Huntlty-lrintley (C) (30} I win Cirdt HNdlinu (C) (30) Tom Davis talks with Congressman Donald E. Lukens (R.-Ohio) on Asian affairs. I mm News cc> c3o> HitJdtrt 34 (C) (60) 7:00 CIS Ewlftinc Newa (C) (30) alter Cronkite. O Miit's My tint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner and Attene Francis welcome auest panelists Soupy Salu, An· thony Roberts and Anita Gillette. m Pasword (C) (30) Amenda Blake and Ray Botaer guest. lil Ci) M0ttday Movie (C) (2 hr) "fame Is the Name of the Gama," st.arrin1 Tony Franciosa and Jill St John. fJi) Euttm Wildo• and Modem Litt (30) "Buddh• and Buddhism." Alan Watts explains Buddhist oon· THE DAILY PIL.ar, TV WEEK, JULY 12. 19651 cept.s and illustrates them with ' dlaarams and physical analogies via visual presentations. m ea.'1 Worid (C) (30) m DrN• ..... (C) <30> 9:00 II Maybtny RFD (C) (30) Goober Is overcome with pride when he's asJitd to aive drivina lessons at the hlJh school, but. then he smash-es into the principat's car. (R) 0 @ 6 m NIC MondlJ Mewit: --so ... U 1 It Hot'' (comedy) '59 -Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon. Georae Raft, Pat O'Brien, Joe E. Brown. After wit· nmina the Sl V1lentine's Day massacre, two Chicaao musicians pose as members or an 111-airt di band to esupe detection by the a•nasters. (R) B Tiit Baron (C) (60) th CABARET SCENE-A•a 1Amon appears u bell7 ._, la "lkaa Gate," film adapilldoa ot P. C. W~a I damk DOn l of die Fftncb Pottlp Ucloa. dk.11 ril be ~ ottut on tbe N1sC'1 Tuaday Nllht at tbe Mol'ta, at f!tO PM. @ 00 ED nie Outeuts (C) (60) "Gideon." Jemal David Is ar· rested for a murder committed by a fonner stave of Earl Corey. (R) fl1} NET Joamal (60} "Germany After the Fall." A study of the economic and social reconstltctlon of Germany from the ashes cir World War II. The documentaiy illustrates how the Germans rt· bullt theh own industries, schools and soclel order. I (j) Th AlntstoMs (C) {30) Comlc:ot r Caadoll• (30} 9:30 fa111ily Affair (C} (30) Ota. (LOii Martin}. the jet·set daugh r of a famed lheattical team ( thlMn Crowley and Liam SuttiVan}, puutes Cl3'y by wantlna to spend much of her time with Unete Bill's fam- 1 ~~ (C) (30) Ted Meyers. l urb's law (60) Cl) McHalt's NtwJ (30) Rtwlsta Musical (30) 10:00 ~ Ci) Ji111"'ie Rodprt (C} (60) Jane Powell and Georae Cartin 7:301J~Ci)Qunsmok• (C) (60) auw. D m I OrtHI of Junnit (C) (30) I m News (C) (60) "Ride 'Em. Astronaut." A date with ()1) rn ED Diet C.wttt (C) (60) Jeannie is the prize In a rodeo Dalla! (C) (60) Arlene Dahl. contest as Tony battJes a "wild Jackie Geyte and Neil Diamond bill" contender for the honors. (R) auest I Jacl BtnRJ (30) fJi) flrm1 Una (C) (60) "Urban @ m ED Tht Aw1n11rs (C) Development and the Race Ques· ( ) "The Hidden Tiger." Steed lion." William F. Buckley and iUesl and Mrs. Peet hunt source of me-Roy Innis, national director of dalhons inscribed "PURR," round CORE, debate. at lhe scenes ~f several slayings. I M11 Alla d• la Mue111 (C) (30} @ 10:30 News (C} (30) Bill Johns.. O Million $ Movir. "Thi Youna • Fatltate Corazon (30) l*tors" (drama) '61-Ben Gazarra, 11:00 Del ED Ntw1 (C) Dick Clark, Ina Balin. AlfrtCIHitdlcocl m Trutll or Con11qutnces (C} (30) • Movlt: "~ (mystery} Contestants try to choose the one '46-Sarry Sullivan. Belita. unmarried couple In I group of m Alltn Luddttt'• Qalltry (C) Kay four supposedly Jl•rried couples. Medford. David Canaiy and Charles Q) l'trrJ MUOI! (60) Nelson Reilly auest. Word Portraits EE) lnllftatiou (30) "Mass Screen-are of Jerry Lewis and Lou R1wls. Ing for Heart Disease." Dr. Richard Q) Mowlt : "Tht Killer 11 Loose" Brenneman and physiologist Harvey (mysteiy) '56-Joseph Cotten, Wen- Glassnu uamine an electrocardio dell Cor$. analyzer Ind • phono·cardio scan. i rn (]) Ntw1 (C) which detect abnormal heart beats. 11:30 • @ 6 m Nws (C) Ui) Datlo de Pa ..... 11 (30) Mowlt: .. l1llaM1 P'aaltt" (dra· 8:00 0 m Laup-ln (C) (60) Sammy ma) '41-Madeleine Carroll, Ster· Davis Jr., Ann Miller and Garry Una Hayden. Moore auest. (R} 0 @ (])a) Joey ,.., (C) IBilly 8ralaan1 Cruudt (C} (60) 11:35 II Movie: ''Tiit last,_,. (west· Hanf (C) (30) ern) '53--aroderick Crawford, John Wortcl f'rm (C) (60) Derek. Hit '•rad• (C) (60) 12:00 I® (6) m Tonidrt SM (C) 8:30 tit (j) Hlrt's Lucy (C) (30) 12:30 Na•J City Clint Walker i1Jests as 1 handaome Action Theat11: "Blue Murder construction superintendent who at Sl Trinla11$." strikes u~ romance with Lucy. (R) 12:45 O Movie: -.rlcllr' (mysteiy) '57 0 @ aJ Tht Qun1 of Wiii -Nancy Malone, Eric Fleming. SOnnett ) (30} ''Where There' a 1:00 I Coin•unity llfi.ti11 Ikard (C} tfope." The Sonnetts are saddled Ntwa (C) with Hope, an orphan nobody 1:20 Mowlt: "And ldy Mata Tllrte" wants. (R} (comedy) '49-Robert Youna. Bar· m Dtvid Froat (C) (90} bara Hale. Q) Run for Your Lift (C} (60) 1:30 0 ..... (C) P.I n: M Ot th w D si1 L: m pr de 8: th D m as al (' G th ot w (. th SC. at se se SU . ., G al sh th 8 la va v~ 1969 ioobet 1 he's ns at mash· R) Mvie: ) '59 :urtls, Pat wit. Day iclans fl·1irl I the (C) s ar- d by (R) rriany the ct Ion I of ~tary re- 1ools 0) (l0ti l)f a 1leen rzles IUCh lam- (C) 1r1in 60) ahl, l)nd ban 18$· 1est of 30) try) tay res 1its rls. ..... m- ra- er· st· hn ler )7 C) GOLDDIGGERS Last summer a show based on the Thirties -NBC's · Dean Martin Presents The Gold- diggers--caught the television viewers' fancy. "Golddiggers" ranked in the top ten in the national rating scales throughout its run. The formula--comedy, music, dance and pretty girls--worked so well that Greg Gar- rison, producer and director for the regular Martin show, decided on an encore. But he still wanted a fresh show and some new approaches in the variety format for the l'~IJli:Qg-¥&f<sioe -ei-. ~e-Goldd'ggers- which premieres Thursday at 10 PM. Rhythm-and-blues sin~r Lou Rawls and Dean's pretty singing daughter, Gail, were signed as sta~ ,Popular comedian Paul Lynde was retained from the previous sum- mer's show as-a special guest star fer au - programs and comedian Stanley Myron H an- delman was brought back in a featured spot. Back again. aJso were the Beautiful Dozen. the all-girl singing-and-dancing Golddiggers. Lou Rawls, Gail Martin, Paul Lynde, and Danny Lockin (guest song and danceman). "The emphasis this year," Garrison coO)~ ments, "is more on comedy than on music as compared to last year." Lou and Gail sing, to be sure. but they also perform in numerous comedy sketches ("That's one reason l like this show," says Gail , "I love doing comedy"). Another difference this year will be that the music and sketches will cover the eras of the 40's and 20's as well as the 30's. The finale for each show, for instance, will be related to the days of the jukebox ( 30's and 40's) when people put a coin in the slot to listen to popular .tunes. The stars of The Golddiggen are all sea- soned television performers. Lou Rawls, who sang in his church choir at the age of seven because it made church service more interesting, has had many best- selling records. Among his top earners are such long plays as "Soulm'," "Carryin' On," "Too Much," "That's Lou," and "Feelin' Good." A frequent guest on variety shows (he has also appeared as an actor on fil med TV shows). Lou willtbe doing his first series in the Golddigger sft5w. Paul Lynde, who rose to stardom on Broadway with "New Faces of 1952" and later "Bye Bye Birdie," is a veteran of tele- vision and has appeared on most of the top variety shows. He was also a regular on The Golddiggers The Red Buttons Show and The Perry Como Show before adjourning to Holly- wood for movies and more television. Paul started oul to be a dramatic actor but switched to comedy in his college days at Northwestern University when he found the class broke up whenever he read dramatic lines. Gail launched her career in nightclubs- her father decreed she had to get such ex- perience before taking the television plunge. She then guested on several television pro· grams before getting a starring spot on Mar1in's summer show of 1967. Miss Mar- tin contfoues to work the supper club cir- cuit from Las Vegas to the Plaza Hotel in New York to Sydney, Australia. Handelman started his career in the coffee houses of New York's Greenwich Village. got invited to appear on talk shows, and it was on one of the latter that Garrison spot· ted him. Garrison was impressed by the Brooklyn comic and put him on eight of the regular Martin Shows as well as The Golddiggers for two summers running. Garrison got the idea for The Golddig- gers from the movie musical extravaganzas of the Thirties-the dancing and singing cu- ries whose routines were part and parcel of the Dick Powell-type movies of the era. Once Garrison had the idea, however, the hardest part was finding good-looking gi rls who could both sing and dance. An ad in the trades last year brought a turnout of some 400 girls. B_ut most of the singers had never learned to dance and vice versa. The company even sent inquiries to music departments at 40 colleges in search of talented girls. Even as late as this past winter, Garrison auditioned in New York for more girls since several Golddiggers had gotten married in the interim. The girls come from all over the country: Paula Cinko, Akron, Ohio; Joy Hawkins, Washington D.C.; Michelle Fave, Bergen- field, New Jersey; Nancy Bonetti, San Jose, Calif.; Lezlie Dalton, Weymouth, Mass..; Jacqueline Chidsey, Stamford, Conn.; Suzy Cadham, Winnipeg, Canada; Sheila Mann, Brooklyn, New York; Rosetta Cox, Hamp· ton, Va.; Peggy Hansen, St. Louis, Mo.; Debi McFarland, El Monte, Calif.; and Barbara Sanders, Atlanta, Ga. The girls have varied backgrounds from Joy Hawkins who hs,s been on Broadway to Michelle Fave wbo was a "Copa Girl " at N.Y:s Copacabana, to Barbara Sanders who was a high school track star. The girls have a full schedule of perform- ances this summer touring at state fairs and various clubs across the nation. There'll also be a number of variety per- formers on the show like comedian Albert Brooks and Tommy Tune and Danny Lock- in, two young song-and-dance men. The latter pair were recommended to Garrison by Gene Kelly. There are also other come- dians and vocalists included in the cast. Garrison elected to serve as executive producer for the summer series and appoint- ed two of his lop writers for the Martin Show, Rich Eustis and Al Rogers as produc- ers. He also named Bob Sidney, choreogra- pher for the Martin Show, as director, and put Lee Hale, music director for the Martin series. in charge of the music . No les§ an authority on comedy than Paul Lynde has praised the ·writing for the show which was done by a large staff of young writers. Nine programs will be presented this sum- mer. Producing the nine was a Herculean task in itself since the timetable called for taping to be completed in four weeks. The com- pany worked s-even days each week without a break until the series was completed. Ifs that kind of show with that kind of spirit. The Golddiggers even helped move the scenery. Everyone raced back and forth to their dressing rooms to make split-second changes. But no one minded the pace-not even the Golddigger who fell down the stairs en route to the dressing room for a change. When the bruises turned black she just asked for body makeup to cover them and the show went on. I • THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 12, 1969 TUESDAY I v I • J I •; I 19th century Frenchman who held sloglng duo· of Maffit and Davies. a mocklnJ mirror up to his society com&dlans Bums & Schreiber, The for 40 years. Frank Ramirez Trio, Hawaiian uku· 6:00 I lite 81& News (C) (60) I 00 The Good QllJ' (C) (30) lele virtuoso Herbert Ohta and 1$-, e;, HunUey·BrlnkltJ (C) (30) I ~ • lti.ncl1 in the Sun (C) (30) land singer Cheryle Go. Steve Alltfl S11ow (C) (90) ' Dru11 Kouae (C) (30) fE NET flltiv1I (60) ''The Chle1· Lionel Hampton, George Klrt>y, 7:30 IJ ~ (j) unur (C) (60) A boy go Picasso.'' Featurinr Picasso and JULY 15 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME P~OGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES Patchatt & Tarsus, and Jeny Robin· (Barry WlTllams) whose mother has his sculpture, mainly the making son guest. dl&d asks Murdoch Lane1r to ar· of his first major outdoor work In IJ Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) "lust range a meetina with Ille father the U.S.. the controversial Chleaao for life'' Part II (drama) '56-(J. D. Cannon) he's never known. Picasso. (R) J(irk Douglas, Anthony Quinn, Pame-Murdoch agrees to the meetings, €t1 Pttmiere! (C) (90) la Brown. unaware that the sheriH (John An· 9:30 B ~ (j) Doris Day (C) (30) Doria 11 Spy (C) (60) derson) Is awaiting Just such an deliberately writes a poor song to I Love luq (60) opportunity to set a trap for the show Leroy he is the victim at a 8abll1n (C) (30) father-an outlaw. (R) sonr·publishlng racket, but he will (]) Merv Qritfln (C) (90) Q @ (i) m NBC News Sptd1I not believe her. (R) ~I Ntw? (30) Mammll (C) (60)-A history of man's accorn-0 @@el NYPD <C) (30) "The characteristJcs, conveyina personali· plishmenb in space and preview Wttch of 116th Street." Haines, ty throuah mime. and Dinosaur Na· or the APollo XI mission. Frank Ward and COrso .scour the streets 9:00 0 "Spawn of U.. Nor1tl" (drama) tlonal Monument are tonight's sub· McGee Is anchorman. of East Harlem hunting someone '38-Henry Fonda~ George Ra~ f ects. 8 Jadl Ben..!!! (30) willing to reaister a complaint IJ ''Stptembtf Aftair" (romanee) (!) Juventud Divlno Tnoro (30) @(I) QJ Moel Sqa.lad (C) (60) against .an extortionist who Is '51-Joan .Fontaine, Joseph Cotten. a> News (i)) (60~ Do.n Travis. "Shdlpme." Pete and line find threatening local residents with 9:30 0 "Cai.blanu'' (drama) '43 -6:30 0 PBC Ntwtervice (C) (60) young thieves who kidnap Julle. (R) black magic. (R) • lngrkrBergman. Humphrey Bogart. m Vopae to Ute Bolto• of-tilt fJ Miiiion $ Mevil: "lattie of Ko-I News .(C) (30) T&d Meyen. · Sn (C) (60) ura" (drama) '66 -Bert Soller. Buru's Law (60) 12:00 D "Death Takes 1 Holiday" (dra· Q) (i) Huntley·Brinkley (C) (30) Olivera Markovic. 10:00 eij (j) CBS Reports (C) (60) ~e~ab;:~ -Fredric March. Evelyn m Fo:cus on SWtden (C) (30) I Trutll or Consequences (C) (30) ~erage of pre-night Apollo activl· "Dolls With Design." A comparison Perry Mason (60) ties. 12:30 m "Sl1ftery's Hurricanr' (drama) of Sweden's fashion models with The French Chef (30) (R) I! News (C) (60) '49-Richard Wldmarll. "Blood At· turn·of·the·century shop.window €t1 Du1lo de Paslonts (30) (I)G) Dick Cavett (C) (60) mt• (western) '58-Scott Brady. dummie~ 8:00 O Billy Grabam CrUllclt (C) (60) • Dt la! (C) (60) Charley Manna, 9 (I) m Ntwi (C) (30) m Haztl (C) (30) Jose Ferrer guest. - 2:00 Q) "Jungtt Pabol" (adventure) '48 @m Notldtro 34 (C) (60) fE feature (C) (60) fE USC Mus.le festival (60) John -Kristine Miiier. Arthur Franz. 7:00 I CIS Evening Ntw1 (C) (30) il:'P.\ Crown hosts a program of wood· 3 r.. . WMt's Mr lin.7 (C) (30) ~ Discotheque a Go-Go (C) (60) wind chamber music. Selections 1re :00 v (C) "Mottte Clflo Stllry" (com· Passwofd (C) (30) 1:30 IJ ~ (j) PRtMIER£ The LI~ Sextuor. by Poulenc; Divertimento. edy) '57-Vlttorio de Sica, Marlene (i) A 1 , (C) (30) Show (C) (60) The resplendent pi· by Ramiro Cortes; Woodwind Quin· Dietrich. : Muse:~' "open Hou1e (30) anist and gracious host .rolls out let, by l~ie Bassett: and Octet 4:30 II (C) "Callfomi. Conquest" (dr&· "l ' ht. o ... nd o · •· R -•i the red car.pet for ruest Jack for Wind Instrument&, by Haydn. ma) '52 -Cornet Wilde, Teresa Co~gnor a~~i,:es th~ur:!~ ofu7:',. Benny on first program of this 10:301 News (C). (30} Bill Johns. Wrlghl toonist~ist Honore Daumier, the summer replacement for Red Skel· · fallute Corazon (30) ----------------.......;:__ _____ _:._ ton. Richard Wattis as Liberace's 11:00 1J @m ('E News (C) ··~!Ill·•·················· "gentleman's gentleman" and Geor· Alfr&d Hitchcock """ gina Moon as his maid are regular • Morie: · "Tht lonllness of the cast members. Show is produced in Lonr·Dlstance Runner" (drama) '52 14' • 21' •• 3' to I' Deep 14x21-IN GROUND SAVE NOW s1595oo IMlde Wttw UM 1111 .. 111,_m. ll>cludet PoOI _._ lltCm- llllf, Ct'l\Nf drain, flltet, 10 mtl 11111YI liner. b1;ll now top•njl. Cotnpletlrr lnstelltd ffl grollflcl. ltu l'ltint•n•nc:•. tou chem~ uls. !us 119tllno, Nttds no costly tcld t>.tht or 11pkM9. o,. r---------. lloftel JO llllU llft1i1N Qulllftlft l19hl, bootd . .tt•. clK•tno. l ft. a L.-... ~'·""''4'· °"" $1S9S .,._,, LAZY L SHAPE I Ill Only $1 S0.00 more SIDS WIDOI SHAN $90.00 -HA.II.AU SECARD POOL ha• 14 Ground OHlYt1369 141121 3 ... ~. °"' s-KJt ...... . Sllglttl1 llie'"" ;,. io .... ot.or- 323 S. MAIN ST. o.ANGI • 532-1 "2 HOUU& 1 o-•. 1 hyw London, England. Other guests In· -Michael Redgrave. Tom Courte· elude The Bachelors, an Irish sing· ney. Inf group; Australian comedy-musi· m Alltn ludden'a Callery (C) cal star Roll Harris and pretty young Frankie Randall, Jerry Sh•ne, Vlr· British sinaer Susan Maurhan. glnia Graham, Belland & Somer· Q Q) (i) m Jull1 (C} (30) "A ville and Danny Cox guest. Little Chfcken Soup Never Hurt Q) Movie: "Girl from Manlllttan" Anybody." James Stewart plays a (comedy) '48 -Dorothy Lamour. cameo role as an Astrospace em· George Montgomery. ployee as Julia goes into action I 00 ~ (J) News (C) when she learns her landlord Sol : Reapn News Conftrtnce Cooper has disappeared. (R) 11:15 • 9@ m News (C) 0 Gistlt McKenzie's Better Hall 11:30 Movlr. "Honef11thtrs" (com· Hour (C) (30) Eartha Kitt and ~) '32-The Marx Brothers. Father Tom Vaughn guest. U @ ffi (f) Joey Bishop (C) 0 @ CD m It Takes • Thief 11:35 II Movie: "Between Mldnlpt and (C) (60) ·:Rock-Bye . Bye, Baby." Dawn" (mystery) 'SO -Edmond Edmond 0 Brien guests . as Rock O'Brien. Mark Stevens. McCauley, a boolJ old·hme sale· U ·45 -~ m iC9ll T cracker hir&d by Alexander Mundy · u ,,... ~ ~ onl&flt Show (C) to help steal information from Man· 12:30 m Nak&d Cltr ny Grayson, a crime syndicate boss. m Action Theatre: "Springtime in i the Rockies." Dnld frost (C) (90) 12:45 0 Movie: ''Good Sim" (oom&dy) Run_ for Your lift (C) (60) '48---0ary Cooper. Ann Sheridan. 9:00 0 @ 00 m NIC Toesd1y Movlt: 1 :00 I CommunltJ Bulletin lolrd (C) (C) "Beau Ciesla" (drama) 66-News (C) Guy stockwell, Telly Savalas, Doug frOfll the Inside Out (C) McClure. P. C. Wren's classlc novel l :05 IJ Movie: (C) ''The Blad! Rose'' of the .French Foreign Legion about (drama) ·so -Tyrone Power, Orson men wrth a past and a severe ser· Welles. gea~t who drives them to near 1:15 Q News (C) mutiny. (R} D Showcase 5 (C) (60) "The 1:20 B Mow It: "Tiit Thin& That Glenn Yarbrough Show." Singing Wouldn't Die" (horror) '53-Wllliam star Glenn Yarbrough takes view. Reynolds. ers on a fasl·pac&d musical trip l :lom All·Nltht Show: ''The Stranger's to San Francisco's famed Hungry Hand," ''The Maalc Bow," and I, and then whisks off to the "lancer Spy:• shores of ~aui. In Hawaii. Joining 2:35 IJ Movie: "Wlnchestef' '73" (west· him are hrs wife Annie, the folk ern) 'SO-James StewarP. !, 1969 Davit$, er. The n uku· !Od is. Chica· '° and ma kin& IOft in :hlca10 ) Doris DOI to l of a ~e will ) "The faints, meets meone nplaint ho Is with rs. (60) activi. ) (60) Ianni, John wood· lS are nento, Quin· Octet rdn. r the 1) '52 )Urte· (C) Vlr- >mer· tbn" 11oor, com. rs. ) Ind nond (C) e in edy) .an. (C) >se" rson hi t iam er's ind est- • YOUR HOME s1•v1c1 GUIDE ~ REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e APAITMINTS & UNITS e CUSTO~ HOMlS e KITCHIN UPllTS e TWO S'TORY SPECIALISTS CIMINT WOltK -ALL KINDS- Frec Estimate 25 Years Experience * 636-0374 ... CEMENT WORK Anythinr. You N~<'d ! Free Est .. Lic'd & Bonded DEE JAY CONSTRUCTION Call 142-1157 anytime Patios -Walks -Driveways Licl'OS<'ti • Rc>asonablc Ralt'!' -Fn•c Estimalt>s - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION 642--4210 or 673-6675 eves. Raymond Burr, star of Universal Television's Iron· side. has been named "Best Actor in a Regularly Sched· uled Se ries" by the nation's television critics, voting in the first TV Scout Awards. Sponsored by Newspaper En · terprise Association, televi· s1on critics from newspapers throughout the country were polled to determine the win· ner. Burr arranged his schedule 1n the hit NBC-TV series so that he could fly to New York to receive the signal honor at a special awards luncheon at Sardi's. Frff Layo11t & Detlta 20 YHrS. hper'-c• 4 Call now -Open Weekday• Sot •. & SH. A·ppts. Awell. I• ••t. office or v••r 111 ... 14JS E. Co•t Hltlllw.., c .......... * VERNE. The Tile M•n * Cutt. work. lnst•ll & r•peirs. No job loo s1n1dl. P I • s + • r p.sfeh. le•king shower rep.sir. ,. 7 -1 957,. 846-01011 Haulin~. Clean-Ups. Lots Garages. e tc. LargP Truck Handyman ... Cail Bob 645-2256 anytime KNXT has been honored with a Medical Journalism Award from the American Medical Association for its series of eight editorials on drug abuse presented last year on Channel 2. The award presentation. which includes $1 ,000. will be made at the awards din· ner of the National Associa- tion of Science Writers, at the Overseas Press Club in New York. MIRRORED WAltMOll DOOltl * Ornate Front Entry Doorr • Room Dividt>rs * Shutters • M illworl' ln5lalla tiol' CURTIS· LARSON 67.3-tl2~ Plumbing Repair Drain Cleaning -Free Estimates- SPllDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs. Ir Weekend Work 54.6-2387 or 540. 7217 LAWN SERVICE Mo~ · EdJtc Vacuumc Clean-Up and Hauling Rl'aso nabk Rate~ . R-USS JONES LAWN SERV. 545-2943 Tltlll Pruned -Topr><'d & Removt'd :lE \'<'a rs Experience St'rving $each Cities PAULSON tREE SERVICE 631-7234 anytime CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholatery & Repair Euro1>ean Craftsmanshio 100% Financlnit-Continuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection of Fabrics 1121 Newport II .. Cotfa M~ 642-1454 The editorial series. enti· tied "Parents' Handbook on Drugs." presented an in· depth report on the kinds of drugs, the dangers and dam· aging results of drug abuse, and what measures the pub· lie should take in reducing the rising number of users. Jimmy Joyce and The Jim· my Joyce Singers. a young choral group with a con· temporary sound, have been signed for The Red Skelton CARPET & FURNIT URE CLEANING For 'l Day Service and Quality Wvrk . . . CALL STERLING FOR BIUGIITNESS! 642-e520 SPAltKL•· JANITORIAL Windows Out Specialt)' e FIHT MONTH NII I EXPUIENCEO LICENSED -H LIAILE TONY TATLOI POOL lllYICI , ...... ,. CAllNIT MAltll ltHide"~•I & Co,.uurci•f l(itd1e111, h th1. Store Fi1turu Free E1timetH -St•t• Lie. Sllofl ...... 141·JlJ1 NI..._ '46·Hl7 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5671, ext. 315 Show next season on CBS. Joyce will be choral di· rector and arranger for the weekly variety series and his choral group will appear regularly on and off camera in musical production num· be rs. Joyce and his singers were most recently associat· ed with the Dean Jones-st ar- ring series What's It All About. World? Previous tele· vision credits include variety shows starring The Smothers Brothers, Glen Campbell, John Gary and The Kirrg Family. Pase 1!5 WEDNESDAY JULY US For morning and afternoon fistln1s, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Befow, for you_r convenience, are the day's movres. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "Misti and Modell"~ (musl· cal) '37 -Ida Lupino, Richard Arlen. 0 (C) "Malt U.. S&ewartl'' (dr1• ma) '42-Wllliam Holden, Fran~• Oet. 9:30 c:J ''lllt Hurt of a Man'' (mu- s1ca:) '59-Anne Herwood. Frankie Vauahn. 12:00 11 "Gambllna Ship" (mystery) '33 -C1ry Grant Benita Hume. 12:30 m ''War Goda of l1bylon" (spec- tacular} '62-Howard Duff, Jackie Line. "The ll&tt Limp" (mystery) '51-Dirk Boaarde, Jimmy Hanley. 2:00 Q) "Tales of Adventure" (an· tholoo) '54-0on Defore, Lon Cheney. 3;00 fJ (C) "Toward tht Unknown" (ad· Vfnture) '56 -Wiiiiam t:tolden, Lloyd Nolan. •:30 IJ "lad Streat" (drame) '41- Chet1es Boyer, Maraaret Sullivan. I VFNIN G 6:00 11 Tllt lie News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. R m Huntle,.Brlnklty (C) (30) Siive Allen Show (C) (90) Gypsy Boots, Thelma Houston, Clair & McMahon, Jerry Van Dyke auest 0 Six O'Clock Movlt: (C) "ronJ bpms" (weJtern) '52-Charlton Heston, Rhonda flemina. 11 Sn (C) (60) I Love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) Mm Crlffln (C) (90) ~at'• New? (30) Dlsllnauish· Ina between types of mammals, el· preiilna emotion throuah pinto· mime. and Canyon de Chatty Na· tion1t Monument ire today's sub· jects. I Junntud Dlvino Teiore (30) News (C) (60) Don Trevis. ':JO IUllC NtwMtYlce (C) (60) Vopre to Ult tottiom of "" fJ (60) H1111ttty.Brlnklt; (C) (30) I 11t Cenn"lca (30) "forms: Product o[ Min and M1terial." Host E•ll McCutchen discusses the problems ot•practicat use and visual 11~· In a ceramist's work. m Nws (C) (30) tiC*o lot (C) (60) 7:00 CIS Evtnln1 ,..., (C} (30) Walter Cronltlte. • WMr1 Mr Uitt? (C) (30) hsswofd (C) (30) (6) Yo• AIUd fw It (30) : ilKk "npectiw (30) (I) ......., HHllHlllet (C) (30) • Wlftdeftat (C) (30) Dfta• fftUM (C) (30) 7:JO II Tanen (C) (60) Jal's llfe Is THE OAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY lt. 1969 endanaered when ht 11 scratched Baker, a swinaina bachelor enjoy· by 1 diseased Jaau1r aniif the only in1 the "finer" thinas in Hf.- vial of serum that can cure him is beautiful women, class automobiles, stolen by a bind of Mtive~ who 1 penthouae apartment end eleaant think 1t can cure their chief. (R) clothina. Into this lffe comes Alan's D @ Ci) m Tht Ylrclnlan (C) younaer brother. Buddy, who be- (90) "The Girl in the Sh1dows." l!!!s to emulate him. (R) Jack Albertson and Brenda Scott tl!) Feat.11ro (C) (60) "Darwin." A auest in 1 drama lnvolvinc 1 swin· re·creation of Charles Darwin's his· die scheme aimed at Ellzebeth's in· torlc voya1e in 1835 to the Gala. heritance. (R) p11os Islands. 1 natural laboratory I JIQ le'!!!I (30) of evolution In the equatorial zone @(I) W Hara Coma th In the Pacific. l rldn (Cj (60) "And Jason Makes I "'"i.m (C) (90) five." A/I untamed mountain wom 9:30 ta Ci) GrMn Auu (C) (30) I'll, youn1 Hoity Houston, arrives 0 11~r and Lisa· Douelas tell store· In Seattle with three younpters and keeper Sam Drucker (frank Cidy) a dowry in furs lo husband·hunt, the story of their romance, starting an4 choo1e1 Jason Boll When he when Otlver parKhuled into Hun· THURSDAY JULY 17 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES turns lier down, Hotly spreads the a.,y durina World War II and Lisa word that he Is the real f1ther ol hid him from the Nazis.. (R) 9:00 0 "l'11e Alwap Lowd Yotl' (ro· her children, Laurel, Melody and l"ewa (C) (30) Ted Meyers. m~~~.:..-'46-P .... hili~ Dorn •• Cath.erine Thom. Jennifer Wat aun ts. (R)-Burlie's l.n-(60) ~L""" 0 Million $ _.. (tr lO:llO Qt (f) ffifttr rlVl-O (C) (60) 0 (C) "Gille a Girl a Break" (mU· that" (musical) '53-Pat Boone. Steve M~arrett hH himself com-slCal) '54-0ebble Reynolds, Marae Tommy Sands. milted to a California prison In & Gower Champion. m Trutll Of ConMquenca (C) (30) order to obtain lnformatlon link· Three contestants are introduced ina the disappearance of a pnceim 9:30 0 "Yoo Camt Alon~ (drama) '45 by emcee Bob Barker to three in· Jewel collection to the mysterious Robert Cummin1s. LtZal>flth Scott ven!ors who reveal • numbt< of death of a beautiful airt. (R) • , . , devices they have invented. Con· CJ ~ @ El:' Tht 011tlidtr (C) 12.00 IJ 'Henry , Aldnch, Bor Scout' testants must auess the practical (60) "The Old School Tie.'' A fOf· (comedy) .44 -Jimmy Lydon, use of each invention. mer cellmate of David Ross pays Charles Smith. m rerry Mason (60) .. him a visit to ask return ~f •. favor 2:00 m "The Rlpt Hand of Ult Devir' Ell) ~JC• Clltn Coob (30) ~on that wou!d Involve partk:1pat1on In (mystery) '63-Aram Katcher Lisa T~n.' Mrs. Chen prepares a dish an extortion plot Aldo Ray cuests. McDonald. ' with many faces: deep frled as (R) hors d'oeuvres: bolled, served in m APOLLO REPORT and 3:00 O "Perted Strancers" (drama) soup; for whole meals; or for * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS 'S<Hllnger Roaers. Dennis Morgan. snacks. I m N (C) (60) I (j) Int of Hol!Jwood (2 hr) • Dtlla•tC> (60) •:oo IJ "Shall We Dancer (comedy· Dutlo de Palionts (30) -.. ·1 tiO (60) "S .. D musical) '37-fred Astaire, Glnaer 1!00 Zallt Grer (30) : . ..,,.cu • . n ynanon. r. Roie~ Hazel (C) (30) Keith looks 1nlo th_e present status ~rum (C) (30) "Runnina of the co.nlroversial ~ynanon in for Life.'' Spectrum investlaatu an Santa Monica. Guests include av fV f NING experiment In which hundreds of Pultermen, TV producer and mem· middle·aaed men prone to heart ber of lhe Synanon board of direc· aliments, were aided by two years tors_; Dr. Lewis ~ablo~sky, SFV~C of planned exercisina. ~airman of socioloa. and Reid ti) lmpadoa Mtrlicales (30) Kimball, Sr. Syna.non . director. &:JO 1J The Good Guys (C) (30) A 10:30 I News (C) (30) 8111 Johns. computer matchmakina service, . • Fallaste Corazon (30) proarammed to find the ideal airl 11.00 0 al m News (C) for Rufus, comes up wllh his best Alfrt;4f. "!tdkoc" ,, friend's wife. Claudia Gramus. (R) • MO'l1t., ""'-Milteso Falcon 11 Win With the Stan (C) (30) (mystery) 41 -Humphrey Boaut, ~:~ Dallon 1nd Michael Landon ;;1u:!'t~en's Citlery (C) o. c. 0 li7J CD m The Kine fl•llY Smith. ~11bera Anderson, Jerry Van (Cj {30) All the Kinas take part ~ke, Bill Lear. Belland & Somer· In the rousina "South R1mpart ville an~ O~nny Cox 1uesl . , Street Parade." (R) m Movtt,: 'Thi lion Hu W1np' I O.Vld frost (C) (90) (~rama) 4~er1e Oberon, Ralph Run for Your life (C) (60) Rtehardson. Book IHt (C) (30) "Robert I i m I Nns (C) Kennedy: A Memoir.'' Jack New-11;15 , 1 · News (C) field a newsmen and a friend of ll.30 6 • TonlPt Show (C) Bobby Kenneey, auests. MO'llt: (,) "Htf' Junif• .love'" fl) Sonrlsa (30) (adventure) 38 -Ray Milland, .... .:. . Dorothy Lamour. ::id)O..., Benrlr H1l~bl!llu (C) (30) 11:35 IJ Movie: "Battle Stationl" (ad· Banker Drysdale IS J•l!ed r.or tr~nS· venture) ·s~lchard Boone John portlna Granny's ''white ltahtn1n(' Lund ' end Elly May's drunken bear in 11•45 0 ~ r7i"\ l.l!'l ...._ Bisho (C) ~~h~ . ~~~~ p 0 9 00 a;, llraft Musk Half (C) 12!30 m Naktd City (60) Tony Sandler and Ralph Youns Q) ~ ~tre: "Desperadoes welcome auests Kaye Ballard. are in ~own. Carol Lawrence end Norman Wis· 12;55 0 MOVll: "D1npro1.11 hsa&I" dom. (adventure) '44 -Robert Lowery, 11 Wmtttn1 (C) (60) Main event Phyllis Brooks. ' futures Wo'1d Heavywtiaht Cham· 1:15 0 Ntn (C) pion Dory Funk Jr. Dick lane and 1:20 IJ Mme: "Clllcato Syndicatt'' Mike Le Bell report. (mystery) '55-0ennis O'K&efe, Paul 0 @ CIJ ED AIC Wedn oader Stewart. ilOvit: (C) ~ .. lktw Yotll' Hom" 1:30 m All Nlctrt Sllow: "The Cage of (comedy) '63-frank Sinetra, Lee Gold," ''Psychomania" and "Ali J. Cobb, Jill St. John. Story of Alan Baba and the Seven Saraeen$." 6:00 f) The Blc News (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. R W HuntltJ·BrinkJty (C) (30) Stne Allen Show (C) (90) Don Knotts. Jackie "Moms" Mahley. Sunni Walton and Georaia Kaye guest. 0 Six O'Clocl Movie: "Sink tho Bismarck!" (drama) ·~enneth More, Dana Wynter. Car1 Mohner. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) @ Mm Griffln (C) (90) , Whirs Nl1f'? (30) Films study young mammals, pantomimt with does. and the bats of CariSbad Caverns. ti) Jwtntud Dhllno Tesoro (30) al Ntws (C) (60) Don Travis. 6:30 0 KNBC Newservlce (C) (60) Q) Yoyare to tho BotlDm of the Sea ~) (60) ~ 6 Huntler-l rinklty (C) (3'0) fil) T lnvestiraton (C) (30) "The Ivory Collar.'' Or. John Ott's en· tiahtened techniques In advanced timelapse photoaraphy are illustra· led by host Alan Scott. Dr. Ott dis· cusses his theories on liaht that influences normal human (roWth. 9 (j) m News (C) (30) €fJ Noticiero l4 (C) (60) 7:00 IJ CBS Evtnlnc News (C) (30) Waller Cronkite. 0 wt.at'• MJ Line? (C) (30) m Pusword (C) (30) ~ 00 Hip and Wiid (C) (30) ID Pl1Jin& ttle Culbr (30) "The 2, 1969 oon tAY- low, are sta- to ith- -- ' (ro- herine (mu. Marge 1) '45 Scott. Cout"' ydoo, >evir• Lisa ama) ffln, nedy- lnger I •erry J) Don >ley, (aye the leth ner. Udy with bad the ) ne en- :ed ra· 'is· iat .()) -0) he • Flnal lesson." Frederick Hoed In· the Moslems of Sud1n 1tt.ck an I dicates the type of work to be outpost. (R) covered in the second 111ries. and O (11) (]) &> Thia la T11t11 Joftff offers advice on how to use prac· ~ (60) Judy Carne, Miiiicent Mar lice time. tin, Anita Marris ind Jo Anni Wor· I Cl) McH1le'1 Nny (30) ley 1ue.st. (R) True Adventure (~ (30) @I) E Muoclo Esta Loco (60) Dr11n1 House <C> (30) 9:30 CJ @@m Draa net <C> (30) 7~ II Q!) CiUnhul Worid (C) (30) "Jwenile -DR-32." Frid1y ind The blr klirer cats of the wor1d, who Gannon search fot two doas. ont themselves ue thrutened with er-ol which has bitten a child who ~i~tit~·au~~e 1~o~~irin n!~~~1 I~':. iia allerric to the 1ntl·rablea Mrum. roundinrs. (fil N ... (C) (30) CJ Q) 00 m Daniel Boone (C) ltne'•-.... (60) (60) "For a Few Rifles." Indians rnturt (30) "The Senate In capture Israel Boone and off11 to O."· S.nstor. Georae Murphy, 1en1- spare his life in exchan1e tor a few tori1I candid1te Joh11 Tunney and rilles. (R) Court Justice Stanley Mosk dlscuu 8 Jedi hn~.n (30) . next year's Callfoml1 race for the @ (]) W T1lt n,tna Nun (C) U.S. Senate. (30) "Bread Upon the Waters.." Sister Bertrille turns the convent 10:00 0 @ 00 m N~ KAION Dean into a bakery in her latest venture Mart.11~nts. Tiie c-etclcllaws (C} to make money for the orphans. · (60) Gail Martin, Paul Lynde •nd (R) Lou Rawls headline this year's tdl· O Million $ Movie: "Diary of Anne tion of Dean's summer repla~ement. f rank" (drama) '58-Joseph Schild· Stanley 'Myron Handleman is 1l10 kraut Millie Perkins, Shelley Win· featured, alone with the pretty ters. ' Golddiuers. Tommy Tune, Albert m Truth or Consequenca (C) (30) Brook$. Danny L#n and Joyce As three husbands attempt to mend Ames are f~alured 1n the ptemlere a number of broken household sho• of thtS new sea.on. items. their wives predict the num-(D APOLLO REPORT ~nd ber of rep1irs they will complete. * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS I Pmy Muon (60) TllNtre ... t (30) I '° ...., (C) (60) 0..to de Pasiones (30) SUIJIMe n.utre (C) (60) • Deb! {C) (60) a:oo 119 Ci).n.. PriMntt' <C> <60> (]) rutwt <C> (60) The vill11e's new Number Two, a : s..a flf s.a-(C) (2 hr) woman. pub The Prisoner on trial "Prttsburch Festivals." (R) for an escape attempt. (R) @11 Ma Alla de la M...W {C) (30) - lane Cr~ (30) ff) P._...t .. Trw.I (C) (30) Ci7J (J) W Tlllt Clrt (C} (30) • . he£.amnrs." Don's Valentine rift lO:»Ci) News (C) (30) 8111 Johns to Ann Marie is I pair of diamond ti) rana. toraz.. (30) earrlnra. and she loses one of EB TwfiPt Z.... (30) them. <R> u~§aaemm"--<t> m Haaf (C) (30) Alfred ~ EE NET Pia~.,.. .~90) "Th~ Seek· • Mewie: (C) ..,,,." (horror) '63 ers-The Heretics. The first of -Barry Sullivtn. Mirtha Hyer. three dramas by Ken. Ta~o~ on ltle (D Mea l..._'a Ca11efJ (C) Mary theme of man and hrs beliefs. The Tyler Moore, John Raitt. Sammy initial play, starrlnr Michael Bryant Shore. Belland l Somerville and concerns a eroup of 12th century Danny Col runt. Word Portraits Flemish heretics who flee pmecu-are of Lillian Gi$h and Johnny lion in France to seek refure In Carson. Enafand. IB ..... : '11M la.ct ....-m Ftffdanr. (C) (30) {western) '57-Huiti Marlowe. Co· 1:30 CJ @ @ m lrvnsldt (C) (60) leen Gray. "A Dru1 on the Mar\el" Straftie @..CI) @ (j) a _()) ..... (t) voices from an unknown IOU~ 11;30 D 9 00 m T-..it ... (C) drive an attradive widow to the O lleiwie: "Qiu" (drama) '43- verre of madneu. Bdsy Jones-Loretta Youfti, Alan Ladd. Moreland, V"rctoria Shaw. Ray Dan· D @ CI) CB .lllf lilllep (C) ton and Fred Beir cuest. (R) ll:JS 11 ...-.: "JatM fApls"' (dfl· D 8eaJq (C) (CJO) Dave Niehaus ma) /SJ I-Kim Novak, Jeff Chan· and Mickey D1vie1 are rinpide fw dler. 1 lO·round wetterweirht bovt be-ll:lO m ..._ City t-.n Ron Harris (22·0) and Otcar 8 Adilltl n.tre: "The Fuzzy Pink Albarado (26-1). NiJht&Dwn " "~ CJ)~na'"= (C)~i!~·~ 1~ e .... : . .,......, JOl~ (drama) Conclus~n. After . Serena turns '51-St~ Coc:tiran, Y.itlfnia GrtJ. Sam's dinner cuest into a monkey, 1:00 a ..... ; "TIM DOJf n..t leek u. ttie simian eteapes before it can Tetm" (drama) '65 -Virna Lisi. be chln1ed tttek Into tte1utiful Clio Haya H1rareet. Vaneasl. Nancy Kovack rueats. (R) 8 Co-•ltJ ltllaltill lo9rd (C} m Dnicl Frt11 (C) (90) D ..._ CC> m •• * ,.., Ute <C> <60> • ''"' u. ,_. Ollt <C> ....... , &lrtllal (C) (30) 1:211 8 .... : "flilltt " ~ 9:00 8 f3 CJ) C1S TIMnUf 11eN: ~) '63-Patlick Allen. Wll- (C) ~ ff Wn" (adwnture) lratn Bott. '64--Anttlony Quinn Sylvia Syms. 1;30 • ~ la..: "Mister Perrin In an effort to desbv, British in-I and Mr. Traill," .. Spiritism," ind nuence and tD lbolllh llft9 tr.de, "W11«1ao ROid " 1 .,,.,... Want to REDUCE the size •Want smaller hllNIT Try Rein· A-cizor. lt'a the modem way to reduce the aiu of hilNI (tu.-ia, thi«h., aad wa'-tlina, too)! • USE IT WHILE YOU R~T ! That's right. You rest !or as little as 30 minutes a day and let Relax-A~iz.or do th.e work. Relax-A-<:iz.or provides a form of "eft'ortless exercise" to t.he important s upporting muscles of hips, waist, abdomen aod thleha. And it'a thi1 muacle- toning exercise that reduces the size of the area. , • Many adult women lack good -mu&cle tone because they doo't eet enou&'h exercise. Relax-A- PHONE #OW! Oleander 5-8000 Olympia 2-2550 Toft F,...: Z£nlth 5297 ofyou.r HIPS? NO - WEIGHT LOSS! cizor gives effortleaa, c.oncen- trated exercise to s uch tieure areas as hips, waistlines, thl&'hs and abdomens. Reaular use causes these areaf to reduce i.n eiu meaaurably to the tx~nt these muscles lack tone because of inauJlicient exercise. And the leas the muscle tone, the areat.er the degree of size reduction. • NOW -find out how to reduce the size of hips, wal•t,abdomen, thighs at home ..• without any pby1ical effort! a.&u-A<tt• wri .. ... SUlofUlt MTIOllW10£ COflSUlllUI . TEIJIN' lflSTITUTE, lllC. Flll..:11• ..... -1 ______ RelaxAcizor ~-----, ... -A-d• • .,._ U-01<08 "°,... i..c-. ew. .... ......_CM. 900j4 "AM r.lld lllJ flit£ c..,y of "YOlll F1!1111t" llJ lwlon kllfl 111 pllln 111wtlQ'9. No •llpt~. 0 MAS 0 11111$ 0 11111. .. I HAM._~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ MllTI: fOOAY tor AOOllU 1 ..Ul"*-tl" .. lllllltrllld coJot CITY AT I, I ~. l't lll llow I I .....,. -11 ,..._ z" '"°"' I ' IN sla of 1111111, 0 1 • 1111Mf &a. 0 I • t¥tr J.1. M-11.ie .. : .... t. ~· l•.01-0C f0713 ~. ....... It a f1'El! I.•••••••••••--••••-••••-•••• ..... 17 FRIDAY JULY 18 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "bdy in the D11t" (musical) '«-Ginaer Roaers, Ray Milland. D "free for All" (comedy) '4~ · Robert Cummings, Ann Blyth. 9:30 fJ (C) "four Qu1111s for an Act'' (adventure) -Roaer Harcis. Sylva Koscina. 12:00 g "Murder With Pictures" (m11· terr) '36-lew Ayres, Gail Patrick. 12:30 m "M1ni11 Clllin(' (adventure) '42-Uoyd Nolan. "The Abductors" (adventure) '57 -Victor Md.aalen. 2:00 ID "Arson for Hlrr' (mystery) '59 -Steve Brodie, Lyn Thomas 3:00 fJ "Never let Go" (mysterr) '62 -Richard Todd, Peter Sellers. 4:30 8 "Paula'• (drama) '52-Loretta Youna. Kent Smith. fVENING 6:00 B The Bic N .. s (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. D m Huntlty·Brlnklty (C) (30) America's .,,, Original ,-; Hotel/Motel ,:t Schools 0 Stevt Men Show (C) (90) Willie Bobo, Betty Walker, Steve Martin, Janice Romary guest. D Sit O'C1odl Movie: (C) "How To Marry a Mitlionlirt" (comedy) '54-M1 rilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable. William Powell. I Love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) 11 SpJ (C) (60) Mtrv Griffin (C) (90) ~1f1 New? (30) films study types of animal dwellings, panto· mime t~hniques. and the bats of Car1sllad Caverns I Juvtntltd Divhto Tttor0 (30) News (C) (60) Don Travis 6:30 KNBC Newservlct (C) (60) Voyace to the Bottom of Ult Sta~) (60) ! 6 Huntley·Brinkley (C) (30) k But (C) (30) "Robert nnedy: A Memoir." (R) _ Notlciero 34 (C) (~) I Ci1 m News CC) (30) 7:00 CBS Evtniac News (C) (30) Walter C<onkite. fJ Whit's My line? (C) (30) m FOLLOW APOLLO and the * DODGERS-GIANTS action in & out of this world on KTTV channel 11 ; ~llo XI Report (C) 6 Cinem1 Showcase (C) (90) ac e Drums." starring Stephen McNally. EE) Sons and Daupters (30) "The Tightrope." A new arrival comes to a simulated home for unwed moth· ers-to -be. Her Innermost thougtits are reflected in adual quotes from interviews with preenant unmarried airts. - ,,,~ -_,,_, ,.., , '/· ~ $' ,/ r-.... ,., 'I ' ' I 'I ,/ TRAIN MEN, WOMEN, COUPLES FOR NEW CAREERS AS HOTR/MOffi MWGEIS • and 55 other jobs in the boomklg hospitality business I • Executive housekeepers, social directors, hostesses. apartment managers, etc. • Openings all over continental U.S., Hawaii • Age no barrier • No previous experience required • Good pay; some jobs include apartments • Learn at home or attend classes in Los Angeles • Free book tells how Lewis has been training and placing men and women for hotel, motel, &partment. resort jobs for 53 yearsl Phone (213) 749-1438 or send a postcard giving your name. age. phone and address to: lewis Hotel I Motel Schools 7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite L·1935 Los AnKeles, California 90028 ,.,. 18 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY IZ, 1969 I Amerlun Wnt (C) (30) Or11m Housa (C) (30) 7:15 Dodps D"'4>ut (C) THE SAINT l'N CENTRAi,. AMERICA-Shnon Temptar, Tht Saint (playtd by Roeer Moott), aers mhitd up ln a CeotnJ Amer-ka11 re\loludon, In "The IUluctaot Re.,.olullon" on NBC Television Network's colorcast of The Saint Friday at 10:00 PM. JeannJe Un- deit plays a mystrri~ &irl. DlaM. bury. Henry VI and Queen Maraaret become Edward's prisoners. i Nodles Tapatiu (30ltl 9:00 ~ (j) CBS Frldar M._vit: (C) .. M.C." (drama) '69 -ard Bradford, JamtlS Daly, Edward G. Robinson. Pilot for new CBS fall series about the daily dr1mn in a university medical center. (R) 0 Playboy Afttf Dark (C) (60) Harrr Blackstone, Gloria Lorina. Hendra & Ullett, Jim Webb and The Checkmates guesL (R) g @ CI> m Judd for the 0.. tense (C) (60) "The View From the Ivy Tower." Judd lights to prevent a riot at a university and lo pra- ted the right of a popular profes- sor. (R) I Nueva Clta Musical (30) 9:30 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Burke's llw (60) Adventure (30) "Balloon from Lake Manyara." A balloon · safari moves to the game reserves ot Tan- ganyika where unusual air condi- tions make the flight eJtciling and dangerous. m Constelacion (30) 10:00 0 ta) (6) m The Saint (C) (60) "The Reluctant Revolution" In a small South American _,country, The Saint receives a laSle of prison hie and faces the prospect of death. (R) • §News (C) (60) @(!)al Didi Cavett (C) (60) Della! (C) (60) Paul Winchell, 7:30 B ~ CI> Tht Wild, Wild West (C) Roberta Sherwood guest D m Hip Cllipirrat (C) (60) EID RIR Rtview (60) "Educational "Once on a Day in Sprina." Vic· Gamina." Dr. Albert Hibbs and two toria feels ignored and leaves John pioneers .in the lie!d of developi~g but disc.overs her brother Manolito aames discuss their ~~fulness '" and her father romantically involved teac~lng th.e. compleJt1t1~s of eco-. nom1cs. politics and sociology. with lhe same woman. Frank Sil· m Mas Alli de la. Muerte (C) (30)-C~)a and Kathl~en Crowley auest. 10:15 m Dod&trs Salreboard (C) 0 Jack Benny (30) l0:30 0 1 rn m Let'1 Make a Deal m APOLLO REPORT and (C) (30) Monty Halls hosts. * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS e Million $ Movie: "Callin( North· I News (C) (60) George Putnam. side 777" (myster~) '48 -James News (C) (30) Bill Johns. Stewart, Helen ,fialker. Richard • Fallaste CCKuon po) Conte. 11 :oo D D 0;1 m a> News <C> ID Perry Meson (60) Altred Hitchcock Eil) The City Watchers (C) (60) Art · Movie: "Violent Road'' (dtama) Seidenbaum and Charles Champlin. '58-Brian Keith, Dick Foran. I Duelo de Paslones (30) ID Movit: (C) "Oestination Moon" 7:40 Dodprs Warm-up (C) ' (sci-fi)-John Archer, Warner Ander· 7:55 Doc11m Bastball (C) (2 hr. son. 20) The Los Anreles Dodgers and I @ @ ~ ® (j) News (C) the San Francisco Giants compete 11:30 · @ (6) • Tonieht Show (C) at Candlestick Park. Vin Scully and Movie: " orthwest Mounted Po- Jerry Ooagett call the action. lice" (adventure) '4~arr Cooper, 8:00 9 Zane Grey (30) Madeleine Carroll. 0 cw rn m John Davidson (C) D (i1) rn a> Joey Bishop (C) f60) m Movit: "Captain's Par1dise" m Lucecita (C) (30) (comedy) '53 -Yvonne De Carlo, 8:30 B ®' 00 Gomer Pyle (C) (30) Alec Guinness Sergeant Carter tells Gomer he 11:35 IJ Movie: "Tht Man Inside" (mys· should marry Lou·Ann ins1ead of tery) 'SPr-Jack Palance, Anita Ek· re·enlistina. (R) bera. 0 ta)~ m Name of the Game 12:30 ID Action Theatre: "Guilty By· (C) (90) 'Love·ln at Ground Zero." stander." Glenn Howard is kidnaped by a 12:45 fJ Movie: "Giant Behemoth (sci- aroup of radicals who demand that Ii} '5~ene Evans, Andre Morrell. he witness their "protest suicide." 1:00 O Movie: "Alarm on 83rd SlTHr Keenan Wynn. Tisha Sterling, Jackie (mystery} '65-George 3fader, Syl· De Shannon, Heniy Jones and Jor· via Pascal. O Across the Sevtn Seas (C) (30) Ntws (C) dan Christopher guest. (R) I Counlry Music (C) "I Took My Women lo Africa." From tht Inside Out (C) ID Run for four life (C) (60) l :20 Movie: "Bladl Patch" (adven· Eil) W1r~ of the Roaes (60) "Ed· lure) '57-George Montgomery. ward of York.'' Clarence joins War· 1 :30 m All·Nipt Show: "Pinky," 'The wick in France and they return to Promoter," and "Samson vs. the Enaland with an army. Edward de· Vampire Women." fe.ats and kills Warwick at Tewkes· 2:00 g Community Bulletin Board (C) ;9 et I) i. d I· e 1t , t r - SATURDAY m Clsct Kid @m ElcueLt KMEX (C) tlM Con" (western) '52-Randolph Scott, 0atrice Wymore. Q) Ste Ult USA (C) 3:00 f) DI.ti 'M' for Musk (C) Father Norman J. O'Connor welcomes auests Abbey Lincoln and Max Roach & His Quintet. JULY 19 MO R NING 9:00 8 ~ @ m The Flintstones (C) Movie: "Amon1 Ult lMnl" (drama) '4~.rsusan Hayward. m $por11 in Action (C) A fTI RNOON Saiebfusll Theatre · TNtro F .. lllar D Movlt: (C) ''TIM Mluourf Trav· lier" (adventure) '58-l.et Marvin, APOUO XI All proir1111111ln1 ltst.d below Is subject to ~hl111t for live telecasts from the Apollo XI ship. (Sdled· uled for 1:02 PM) I (jj) CI> W Splderman (C) Jad La Linne (C) 12:0018 (j) Slaman! (C) £studio de hdro Yarps • Ste the USA (C) 9:3011~Wacky I.tea (C) 12:15 ~ovit: "Maid of Salem'' (dra- • 6 m Un'*doa (C) • ma) 37 -Claudette Colbert, Fred a> f'lntastk VOJll' (C) MacMurray. AM Tltutrt (C) "Sla~e Queen I DodfllS Du1out (C) of Babylon" and "Bush Country 12:30 I (j) Jonny Quest (C) I Jwentud Divlno Tuoro R1lnbow Theatre (C) 3:30 Mo.le: "Thi Younr Stranpr" (drama) '57 -James MacArthur. m Color Theatre (C) "Sweet Rosie O'Gredy." I Quot for Advtnture (C) Adventure.'' (]) ~ H1ppenln1 (C~ m Saturday Thllbt: "Road to the ~.ut Ribbon Theatre: 'Storm HS Dodflrs Scorfboard (C) 4:00 ft1tu11 Jal Alai Waaon Train (C) Bir House " Fear. m Lis Eitr.111s y Usttd I Bia Picture (C) 7:00 0 @ Ci) m U11tamed World '(C) 12:40 Dod11rs Warm·up (C) Phil Carey hosts. 10-JIOll~ Thi Ardllt Sllow (C) 12:55 Dodcm Baseball (C) Vin Scul· ID Mr. Wishbone (C) • 6 • Apollo Upd11a (C) ly and Jerry Do11ett call the action 7:l5 f) Give Us Tiiis Day (C) 1 ti Journey to tilt Cen· betwee.n the Los Angeles Dodgers 7:30 tJ Sumnt1r Semester (C) ter of ttl:t" urtll (C) • and the San Francisco Giants. • m FOLLOW APOLLO MOON * ORBIT. after the .DODGER GAME on KTTV 11 Apollo XI Report (C) 0 @ (I) ·m storybook . Squaru 0 ~ovit:· (C) ''Cf non City" (west· 1 :OO~M!· Ci) Moby Didi (C) (C) Peter Marshall hosts. ern) 52-Randolph Soott, Raymond hie: "Dunkirk" (adventure) I Ca111pus Dl1at Massey. • • John Mills. • Sliver Winp (C} · See Ult USA (C) 4:30 Outer Llnilb • Bronco Rainbow Theatre (C) Campus Profile EE Pattern . for livm1 f)Movie: "The Adventures of Rob- ll1kln1 UM Most of Maturity Em la Victim• In Hoocf'\ (adventure) '38 -Errol 7:45 m Sacred Hurt (C) . 10:30 f) ~~~~~an/Superman CC? Rynn, Olivia de Havilla.nd. [! 0 Movie: UtUe Miss Marter' €!) Mu Alla de 11 M'*'t (C) 1:00 Co-Go Gophers (C) (drama) '34 7 Shirley Temple. a> Armed forces Hichll(llts (C) Co ~ m ~'C Sil (C) 0 @ @ G) fantastic four (C) l ·20 0 a;) Major Leape Baseball (C) 5:00 All·Alllerican Coll•a• sa.ow (C) • CIOle Up (C) Scent '70 (C) (ii) CI) a> ABC's Wide World of Spor11 (C) @33 a>'~.!.~ (C) El) The Bible Answers 1 ;30 f) 9 Ci) World Trl1n1ul1t Track • Abbott & Costallo Cartoons (C) 11:00 0 Movie: "Gilda" (drama) '46-and FltlT Cll1mplonsllips (C) The HomllUad (C) : lnnoV1tlons (R) • futbol·Souer Tales of Wells ftrp , Rita Hayworth. Glenn FOfd. United States. Russia and the Brit- Saturday Thuta: "Murder at 0 Ci7i (I)Q) Georp of the Jun· ish Commonwea!lh compete at the 5:30 R1lpll Story (C) (R) llNBC NtwStrvlct (C) • Twillallt Zone Midnight." 11• (C) Los Anreles Coliseum. a:JO f) ~Ci) Buis Bunny/Road Run· m Aw.rd Theatre: "G·Men." 2:00 0 Movie: (C) "Ebb Ttdt" (drama) ner Hour (C) m Travel the World (C) 'J'i---Oscar Homolka I @ @ 'Cool. McCool (C) 11 :30 'Qi) (j) m Tiie Herculoids (C) m ~ronet Tllutre: "flontiu Gam· @ (]] · ;ulhver (C) @ (]] a> Amerlun Bandstand bier. Movie: I ildut" (adventure) ( ) Dick Clark hosts. m Quest for Adventure (C) Man f rom UNCU (C) Tiie New Sound (C) : A New look et ESP: "ESP and Altered States of Consciousness." '42-Richard Arlen, Buster Crabb_e. O ~o.le: (C) "Th• Man Bt•lnct Z:30 O Battle Cry m Alfitulture USA (C) Wally 5cl1irra Reports -on Apollo XI Walter Schfrra hopes to be for CBS News what ground to capsule commuoi- cators are for the asb'onauts, in bia ro1e as special analyst during the coveraae of the historic Apollo XJ moon landing mis- sion oo CBS. .. Capsule communicalors, OT CAP- COMS u we call them." Schirra explains, .. are .utronauts who have the prime func- tiott of handlina communications between the astconauts in space and the scieotlsts on the ground. In a sense, they ttanslate for each group, easing the flow of com- munications ... Schirra, one of 1he original seven astro- nauts and the only one to fly missions in the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo pro- grams, left the apace program on July l after ten years of continuous service. And Wolrtr Sc.ltlna, OM o/ th. orlfinol u111n A111er- lcon tutroltllld.I tmtl dtt only man to ffy '" tht M1rcu17, Gtmlnl ond APollo J>.ro1ra1PU, wUI worlc IU 11 1p1dal Oltaly1t wltlt CBS N~1 Cor· "'"°""'"' Walt«r CronkJJ1 durln1 co.v1raie of 'TA. Fll1lt1 o/ Apollo XI," ,,.. ltlltorlc moon 11111111111 mlulon, o" th1 CBS T1T....Ulon Nit· worlc. Sdtlmi u '"°""" ltoldl111 o modtl of tht M1rcury roclc.tt M roth Into 1poc1 on Octobtr J, 1962. Ult to rlPJ on tlal tabk on moUll o/ tM Guftbtl rocut, flown by Schlrro In Ge"'· lnl 6 o" f>t«mblr ·1 S, IMS: IM Soturrt I B tluH carrl6d Apollo 7 '"'o 1arth orblJ on Oc· toblr I I, 1961, ~ tlu Sotum V rhat wUI lilt Nd Anrutroflf, MkhMI Collln1 and Edwin A"'''" 011 Mr w_,. to tlu "'oon'1 1ur/oc1. one of bis first ctvilian jobs will be as a spcoial analyst during C BS News' cov- eraae of "Mao on the Moon: ApoUo Xi's Epic Journey." Schirra will work with CBS News Cor- re!pondent Walter Cronkite on launch day at the John F. Kennedy Space Cen- ter, Merritt Island~ Fla., and throughout the live color coverage of the mission. Schirra 'sees his role as a special ana- lyst as similar to that of the C APCOM. "I hope to be able to describe and help explain much of what is going on in space in a way that wiJI be enily under· stood by the public,•• be says. "I think ru be able &e give the average viewer a feel for what it's like to be out there on the way to the moon." Following the Wednesday, July 16 lift· oil, Schirra will• fty to New York with Cronkite to participate in the Network'• continuing coverage of the mission. He will play a major role in the 31 boun of conUnuoUJ coveraae being given the phase of the mission when u lronauu Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin are OD the IUDllr surface. Present plans ca0 for this phase of the coverage lO be broadcast fro m 8:00 AM on Sunday, July 20 to 3:00 PM on Monday, July 21 . •• S~nchro·Lctb automatic. turnt•ble-ch11n9N, complete with walnut bue, heavy-weigh! p•of,uic;nal J>latter, counter-balanced and precision calibrated tone arm · Reg. Price $115.45! •SHERWOOD S-8800a • How clots the 999 VE 5IOCk up ~ln51 the other llQhl lra<k' cartridges on tOday's market, • Hl·Fl/Slereo r41Yltw comparecs them a ll for low.force tracking lblllly, and 1.J'ed lhe 999VE Num~ 1. Sl'EClflCATIONS Amphfter frtqutll<Y Response Z0·10K f• Rlltd Output ~ ~dB "°"" 81nd,.1dtll (Hl) ~· I~ Humonte 01tto1toon 12-lOK Hum and fllotse Cl'honot 50d8 Phono_ Input StnS4hv1ty jmv1 U(C) Au• Input Sen11tov1ty (mv1 zoo f M SpurlOus Ruponu Rt1ec1" -tSdB fM StnS4tlvoly (IHft 1.1,.v • fM Distortion ~ I~ Moduletoon 0.1$jf, fM St1b1hly t .0153 fM Stereo Sepuahon ~· t MH. 40d8 C.pturt Ratoo l.9dl FM SupPrtn10n ol AM 50d8 Reg. Price $399.5()! HATUR(S AM Reception -----Ma on and/or Remote Slfleo Spe1~er S•otdiint_ Yet Stpuale Monopbonte: Speaker T erm1n1ls Yt1 fM lnterchannel Hush Yt1(C) Ht filler Yu rronl·P•nel Headphone Jack Yt1 Mlcrocucuot Syrichro-Phue FM Limiters Sep11111 Loudnen Compenntoon Oeleat Switch Y H Instant Overload Prolectlon of Output Transistors hpe Monuor1na Yu Yu • ( W a'fnut case optional. .. Reg. Price $74.50! •ACOUSTIC-RESEARCH AR4-x's , Famuu' Aeou1lic Su•peruion ,._R·4JC ipeuers, in beautiful Swed"h Oiled W al'lul boohhelf enc;loiures, to complement thi1 truly profeu ional FM c;omponent svitem. Reg. Price $ 119 • 701 PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS '6950 B - ~ Joh Sun des. SI ela1 Tra p 10 Job nint seo F (Hi sur }te; up ( F (] , ord tha fro An. Ve1 s ore COi.