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1969-07-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
' 7 • ' \ • ·-- • .Ont 300 • llrings . • I Cyelists~ Poliee . . • . . . -. ' • • • ~ ' ' I Ne_wport-Tyeoon -. . - M•y ·1Jse l\le•tl.-az -~-----'--• '~~1ti As Touris.t Meeea / _,- DAILY PIL OT * * * 1oc * * * JUESDA"Y ·AFTERNOON, ·~UtY 'IS, "1969 \'Ot.. 4Z. NO. 1... I S•CTIONI. M PAOal All Systems· Report OK For Apollo From w~ Suvlce1 ' ... CAPE KENNEDY -"Go" r'1JOrli streamed In rrom launch • f! re w s. weathermen and global support fotce1 to- day 1or"tbe launch o1 the· three Apollo.1L astronauts Wednesday 'UI history's first moon landing expedit.lon. Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and F;/win E. Aldrin were ready lo go at 1:32 a.m. PDT. 'l11ey were "just laking II easy" In their final day before blastoff. reviewing . plan.s r~half-mllllon. mile rounatilp ' wiequalled fi, llit-Unali <!(1 s~~·l· ·,~l ~ Transpa,c Time teader Pftparallons fcr the --..-.;, ••GQ .. " ~CouoLcknpl work-"' ablld ..of achedtlle Mil lbe -.. -....... began mov!nr 8WI)' from lbe - space machine At 7:45 a.rb. Meanwhile, the Soviet moonshJp Luna 15 Is streaklng toward the moon. Hoivever, It ii traveling at a ltower ~ than usual and •ID~take longer-fhari the usual 3~ day1 to reach tbe ·area of the moon, the direc:tor ol the Brltlah astronomy llaUon at Jodrell Bani! reported &od•y. Mesa Student Dies in UCI Pool Tr.ag.edy A young goalie for a Costa ?.fesa water polo team mysteriously slid to the botlom of the UC Irvine pool :after a tough match 1'-londay night and died while a crowd of .spectators waited for the next game to begin. Coroner's deputies today were at· tempting to dete rmine the cause of death o( Robert Cunningham, following an au~psy at Baltz Mortuary. The 15-year~ld Estancia High School r;tudent, who lived at 2832 Stromboli Road, Costa Mesa,. was fished from the pool bottom by teamn)ates and coaches after the tragedy. ' Ef!orts to revive him at the scene through· mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and external heart massage were futile and he was derd on arrival at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Cunningham had played the last quarter for the Eslancia High School water polo squad in .a clash with Lakewood High School in the summer athletic program at UC Irvine. A'fter reaching the locker room, CUn- ni'Tigham w a s noticed missing from the group, although one youth said he had !ietn the victim climbing out of the pool ' at the finish . Retunllng to the deck area, lbey spot- ted lhe substitute goalie at lhe bottom of th~ pool and pulled ~im out, but il "''as too late to save hi.a life . Coroner's inv6tiga\ors said Cun· ntngham bad no history of ill health and had ,been cleared .Jor the wqter polo Jcague by a physical examinaUon. A cause of death was expected lo be annouootdolaler in the day~ while .(uneral arra,.enie:nts were still pending. 'l'be Yk::thn-U-su"ived by his parenl.5, M'l. and Mn. Louis Cunningham, a brother MJch•el, 17, a sister Caryn1 9, all of -the Stromboli Road address, and his matornal grandparents. 'Secure' South Viet Areas Reach Record .&\JOON (UPI) -The numbeT of Sooth Vietnm>rie UVing rn areaii "rtlaUvely ICCW't" from the Viet Cong reached a ....,..d high last month, o!Ocial U.S. 1Ulljlt!<;s sbow~,ipday. Aium:an ......_... said the stafuU<!j lhowOil that duttog JUoo the Sllgon ao~nment extended.its control to SS.I -t ol the counU,'1 . ..tlmaled 17.2 million people. ; • . - RestOre Prison Newport Firm tO Lease Alcatraz as Tour Spot? Macco Corporation of Newport Beach wanst to lease Alcatrai Island and turn the famed former federaJ prison into a tourist attraction. ·Edwin Ettinger, a vice-president of li.1acco, told the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Monday that his firm is will- ing to spend .$J.2 million for a 10-year lease to restore the prison as a tourist al- traction. "We would hope to be involved In the total redevelopment of the island," said Ettinger, adding that sights for tourists of tbe rock-bound prslon would include the old fort. penal areas, and a vista of the San Francisco Bay, Macco's proposal was made in con- junction with the Harbor Tug and Barge Company of San Francisco, which w o u I d provide sightseers with f e r r y service to and from Alcatraz. Ettinger sa'id Macco1s interim develop- ment plan would give the city of San Francisco "an opportunity to acquire the island without· any tax fund being ex- pended." The General Services AdministraUon Is offering Alcatraz to the city for $2 million. The former federal prison is now government surplu!I property. Macco Corporation has land holdings throughout California. Its property in- clude& ct1mmercial and industrial lands. It will be several months before the ci- ty of San Francisco arrives at a decision on what to do with Alcatrai. It is coru1idering Rveral offers, in- cluding one made Monday by H. Lamar Hunt Jr., a Dallas investor. lfunt, who owns the Kansas Clty Cheifs football team, did not d~ his plans except to say that they would "have no policical implications" and would be done on a long term basis. He denied he ever considered building a Statue of Liberty on the San Francisco Bay Island or a "freedom tower." After promising to make a firm pro- posal within a fortnight, he 11ald the isla nd presents "a real opportunity to be an out.standing supplement to what 11 an outstanding city." Mi.ss County Fair Choiee Today Opens '69 Edition · "MW Orange County Fair" will be selected today at the opening of the ll69 ediUon al the Orange County Fair and Exposition. Preliminary judging starts at 2:30 p.m. and the finals will be hekl at I p.m. in the Amphitheater. Gates~ opened today at l p.m. Other major events Sche.dnted for the six d~ fatr Include: -Junior llorse Sllotr -at.arts Tuesday and continues through 'Thunday from I a.m. to S p.m. and 7 to U lJ.m. of the ~ three ct.ya. _ ~for Ctthtt1'1 Jarnberee-Wednu- <lay al 4 p.m. In the Amphitheater. -Daisy Clipper P .. y Sbft -fril11y from 10 a;na. • to 4 p.m. lri the Ampb1U>eiter. - -Joal_or Uvewtock A.ctltn -Ftid•J atternoon at 1 p.m. in the Auction Ring. ~ Market beef bidding will start 11 l :lO p.m. - -Inttrnation.J Ro doe o Association Championship ROdeo -five performances.,,,tarting Frid8y and COflt- linulng ·through ~Sunday, The-IRA eom- peUUons will be he"1 at 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with S p.m. performances Saturday and Sunday. The ralrgrounds open at I p,m. Tuesday through Friday and at 12 noon Saturday and Supday. ' Nixon Readies Plan WASRINGT0N · (UPI) -Pruidenl Nixon will . Pf'OPose to Congress wfthln the ·next-frw dayli creation of .~com· mm!Oii tii 1wc1y·111e .. 1~·1 " 1-crtrts," Rouse R.epubllc1n 1e1J:° Gerald R. Ford said today. =~-- . , ' • Mir Finishes Race . Sailing In Backwards By ALMON UlCKABEY Dally Pilot .Bo•Uo1 Editor HONOLULU -John Hall's Columbia 50 sloop Concerto from Newport Harbor Yacht Club today took over the unofficial lead in the Jong, drawn-out balUe for cor. rected time honors in the Transpacific Yacht Race. Concerto crossed the fini sh line at Dia- mond Head at 3:30 a.m. PDT to establish a co rrected time of seven days, 48 minutes and 47 seconds, oust'lng Bill Wilson's 59·foot yawl, · Rascal, Santa Barbara Yacht Club, which bhd been the previous handicap le•der. Rascal was the fourth boat to finish at I :50 a.m. PDT, with ct1rrected time of seven days, 2 houn and 59 minutes and 21 secoiids. Ron McAnnan 's 82-foot cutler Pursuit rrom San FranciSC<l, finished at B:Sl p.m. and John Mcintyre'• 7J.foot yawl Barona finished at 11 :07 p.m. Bul It remalned for George O'Brien's 78-foot ketch Mir frorn Vancouver to give the Waikiki yachting fans their greatest thrill Monday. The big ketch · was dismasted .Jess than 150 yards from Ult finish line when .she took her fourth knock.down In the 45-knot gusts. O'Brien waved off powerboab who rushl!d to hi! •id' and turned the yacht around-and finished backward!, propelled by rni7.U!nt sails. No one was injured in the spectacular accident. O'BrJen said Mir Was knocked' down three times on the drive through windswept Molokai Channel tq the finish but that the rigging and sails survived the first three blasL,, "We noticed that the third knockdown left us with a '"S" curve In the mast and !he simply could not withstand the com· pression when we were hJL by the next gust," O'Brien said. O'Brien s•id damage to Mir, including U!e Joss of. the stick •nd damaged sails amounted to aOOut •~.ooo. "But why cry about that here In Paradise," he quipped. Foltowlng Is the finish order at AJ8 "Wal Yacht Harbor : Windward Passage. Blacltfin, Mir, Punull. Blrun1, Rascal, K.amalil, and Conoerto. Larry Pringle" 711-fool ochoooer Quttn Ma& wa~ fiCheduled to flnl.sb at t :fS 1;m. today wtlh remnants of 1 blown 1pln· naker llill trtillng under" Ille boat and astern. Ken Qe:M~,--. o W11'"e Mldpptt ef1 Blacldlll, 1akl he """ild Ille a protest (8" TRANSPAC, Pa1e I) 1 UPI Tt ... 'WILLING AND READY' Apollo 11 '• Ar mstron·g 300 Hessians Bury President In Westminster • By TERRY COVILLE Of IM 011,,. Ptltl Stiff "There ls evtrJ Jn:UcaUon that it may be attemptlhg aomethihg new," aakt Sir Bernard Lo .. 11. ff• said uu. could be lbe recovery of moon rock. Lovell spOke with· newsmen arter bis giant radio tel~pe. which has been tracking Luna 15, has discovered ..the moonship was on a lrajectory different from other unm•nqed Soviet moon fUghll!. "This-ls unique as far as Lurrlb U'9 ct1ncerned, II Lovell laid. "TbilJ lndicafa that a new fonn of oj>eraUon ls 1,,.. tended," he added . 1'It 1upporta the Trouble was predicted, but It didn't theory that Luna 15 -be atlempttni lo come as 300 liessiitn motorcycnsts and recover lilnar roCk." friends burltd their leader Thursday There bas been widespread speculation afternoon in orderly funeral senrices at In MO!ICOW that the Soviets may be •t· Westminster Memorial Park. tempting to,steal some of the glory from Marvin Currier, 46, Garden Grove, was the plaMed U.S. manned landing on the elected president of the ltesslans only moon bf bringing back some moon rock two months ago, said his friends, dressed flrsl in black, sleeveless vesta with skulls Luna 15 had been erpect.ed to reach the drawn on. the baclc vicinity of the moon Wednesday, but Curr1ei:, died July 6 near Indio in a traf-Lovell said after studying the t1teSt fir, accident a.s about 40 Hes!lans return. signals picked up from the Smlet ed from a trip to .the Colorado River., spacecraft that it would not ttac:b1 the "A dirty ••.. trucker pushed him off the moon's vicinity. witH Thanda~ morning. rOOd," sald one·He!Sian, angrily c1&-iri1lng · Armstrong, the clvUJiiJT corinnaodir or it was hit and ruu. "He even tried to get the '350 million ~·po0o U ·mlision, tol~ more of us." . the nation ii ·bodrl before ,blastoff that Nearly ·JOO • choppers ( a It ere d "we're willing and reedy lo lttempt to motorcycles) trailed the hear!t to ,a col· achieve our naUonal goal. We're v,ry. umn of twos as the procession ie(t the h8ppy to be ready.to fiy.'' ' ' chapel to take Currier to his grave ln the "I think"I woo1d sum up..rny TeenrJ. m cemetery. a word -anUclpaijon," ll1d Aldrin, who will i,Ojn Annslrong oo history'• first CUP ON ALERT moon wart-next Mondaj ~lft& ~ 1 Cal.ifo,mia iligbw~y Patrolinen were . ....-----· -·-· ·~·------.' reportedly on the alett to bead off any at-• .. tempi! by the rlval"HeU's Angels lo al· · Orange «:ou• tend the lunera~or!had spread that the two "outlaw" ·motorcycle clubs were sp()lbhg for a fight and the "Angels" might try to break up the funeral., But cercmonJes were quiet. and the only excited individuals were ~a~. drawn toithe ceiner.er;·by the. celleCtjon (ht BllRlAI., Piii• i).' ' Pos~,. Service8 · Rates ·Increased ' , Rale' increases went mto tffeet Monday ' ' for, dei'tlln apecllJ. postal\flervlf:es,~ It ·was annoonced by U.S. Post Office officials. · The riation wide lhCreUes have been ralaed on special-delivery, reglaier«I ltl· ten. C.O.D .. and return rttt!lpt rees, Speclal delivery lettert for , fint cluit and llr miif are up j5 Cents to 45 c:enl5. '!'be minimum reg!su, fee !or letler1 liu gone up to ., cents, an IJ\'C:riltll of five - CO!!lt, 1'blle-6'0iD. aeUveliel ere ap 10 cent.I · arid rtturn .reotJ.pt1 art up! five centl to 15 cents. .t Wea~r· ' I ' Cloods,dlJrlng the lale·nigbt and :early mOrnhi8 will, mar otheorisO llUMY summer d111 · alon:g• the ,coast ~nd ~re mlghl be some ·patchy f.~ .. INSmE ToDA'l' NatiO•tDfde IU1Wy • by AP 1h01J1<' thot ·by a 8·1 mdrgin Am~""-cotwi"",ln ca ... tn~ vldLntt•1arid ,abou~. Ont Jou~ 1 tzprt11 :•vmppthV for "the r~ /om oooll. Page 20. , 1 -II ............ It ---.. =~,: =--·~.~~~ ~.,. ~-lJ -. --.. -, • • • r: • -' f ; ' . { I I l • I I ..,,_ __ ..._ -.. .. • • ;t OAJl.Y PllDT S Tllt$day, Jul1 15, 1969 . . I . . Lai·-ra: Corner -Turned Toward Vietnam Peace WASIDNGTON tUPI ) -Def.,,.. llomtary MeMn R. Lalrd, prediollng tbc -·bu been turned loward -In vi.toam, Ald lodly • cbaDf• II belo& • _qip.oidered Jn U.S. combat ladles lo nducf! pressure OD Communist forces. 1'1 fervently hope the day will come when peace will be restored in Vietnam," Laird told the Senate Fore.j&n Re.laUom commtttee. "I lhlnk 'l\"e've certainty tlll'DCIJ the oorner." Laird &aid he · sent Oen. Eule G. Wheeler, Chairman of the Jo.int Chiefs ol Slaff, to Vietnam loda,y on a quick trip to aasess tbe batllefie!d lituaUon and to det.e.nnine amOl.g other thin&• l! etm· / dlUons are ripe for a ~scalatJon of U.S, offensive \cllons. · LaJrd otrwed tlJ.tl no -.IaUon orders had yet been. lautd, but dig(;losed that Gen. Crt1ghton Abrams, U.S. com- mander Jn Vl el.nam, baa been ordered by Pruident Nixon to m a k e reduction of U.S. combat cuuallies. one cf h1I * * * * * * * * * Delays • Ill Talks Anger Ky ' Say1 Saigon Shquld . Quit If Rejections Continue WOON (UPI). ~ Vice ~residen\ ' NCU1'11 Cao Ky-DI So•th-Ylttnam sald to. dlJ lilt c<Alll\ry 1honld pull out DI tho -·lallul In P.ia lillct lfiocCom- mun!Rt MOp nJ«:11n1 tll pnlpOllli for -· 11tt la mJ t*'IOOil opJnlDJl that Wt. should boycotl lbo-Parli talb," be ·lold n....-.... r.tlowln( a opoech lo the N• tionat Defense College. In the 33-page le.it, the flambo>:'ant K.Y said South Vietn am "must continue to fight with all our strength, with sacrifice, with a apl.rit of self-reliance and accept the hardships, and ii is that which will give us hope of survival." He criticized tbe United States on uveral fronts -deploring its UmiUng the bombing of North Vietnam, saying It started g!ving Saigon's armed forces modern equipment too latt, and accullnc U · of , i ''seUfsb ouUook" In &lvtn& monetary aid. · For ibe firtt Ume lillct bil rtlum ltOm Parll u South Vietll1111'1 -dte1a· Uon held in Maret>, Ky mada )lllblle bll view• oo lJit lllilJed aqotlltlooJ. -a· llaU a yur old. . "Al tho Pana lalb, we pul fonmd • many proposals and hoped they would bring results and hasten peace," he said. "But after many rejections : . , I think we have oo further reason to maintain and prolong the Per.ls tatQ. There ls no other way !or us but to continue to fight." The vice president-condemned the Viet Cong's denunclaUon o1 Prealdent Nguyen Van Thieu's proposal to Jet the aue.rrillu h<lp arr..,. and Pltllclpote In nalla11al electlom. TeUs GOP Leaders President Won't Bend · As he SPoke, the North Vlttnameae delegation In Paris rejected 'Ibleu's plan, repeated Monday. 111Dol'1 1tatemenl said, the Saigon government Wu illegal and tbal the iw-• of I00,000 American iroopl In South Vlejnam precludes free elections . "The Vietnamese people vigorously condemn and reject the siz fundamental principles on fr~ elections that Nguyen Van Thieu has advanced on the order of the American a&ll'essora," North Viet· nam aald. Ky said In hll opeech tlJ.tt il the Pen. tagon bad from tbe beglnning tried to develop and strenatJte.n the South Viet•· name.e armed Corea inlttad ot trying io win tbe war more "quk:k!y and cheaply" with American troops, then the mi;orlty of U.S. troops would have been ablt lop home In 1989 rather than only 25,000. Nixon Unlikely To Use Inn prltnuy goals: Laird siid there "baa betn a com· munlcation to ,Gen. •Atnlna to ~eep ca.sua!Ues at the Jowut poalble rate," However •. he said there bas not been any o!ficilJ change yet ·in the policy started mider the Johnson administraUon of maintaining maximum preuun on Viet Cong and North ·vletname.se foretl. Lalrd'• 85SeSJmfm' of the war was one DI 1111 l1JDll o~ to dale. Ha llld lhlll hid been a decline in what be ce!l- eCI ..-... -attacks by tho Com- munists in the past 10 or 11 days that bad ttduced U.S. cuualties to the lowe$l levtl this yta,. Laird called' this sljllillcan~ allliotllh Swim11Jitag:l/nder Cove~ . emphasizing there had been periods of.:i h1U in the war -from 20 to ~ days -lo prlor years. , 0 1 cannot sJy with eert&lnty U~ere will not 'be new ~Y lnlU.Uves," Lan ttsutled bul said it was "lmportani to UI to-look at thb matter, and if there h.U been a change that we don 't mW the cb.anct." DAILY PtLOT ,,._,. lloJ Let P•Ylll On Controversial ABM As His Office It ls unlikely that President Nixon wtll use the Newporter Inn as his ad· ministrative offices during an Aligust stay on the Orange Coast. Balboa .Island's-Fran-Logan ,' 22;-Js-taking-no chances with the weather .since today Js St.. Swithin's Day -on this case swinuning .u"nder an umbrella is more reliable than keeping your !ing· ers crossed. According to a British tradition, if it rains on July 1S1t wW rain dally for 40 days tiler .. after and I( It'• fair, woll, it will stay fair for 40 days. So things look good -·both Fl'al! and the 'veather. WASIDNGTON (UP!) -Pmldenl Nixon told Republlc.n congreaional leaders today he would not compromise on hi< pro-1 lo deploy an anUballialic ml!Sile (ABM) system. StMte GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen I.aid reporter• at the Capitol following the While Hollie mee:Ung that the chJef ex· etutive1f&I ~·very firml I in ftiectinl Q)Do &dtration of any compromise. "He said there ls no compromi&e," Dirbea uid, adding tlJ.tt !jlxoo .... llill ccinfident the admlnlstratlon hu the Senate •Dtel to •mw-nve au~on of -faftho Sii~ ay1lilii; . Senate Democratic Leader M i k e Ma..n.Id. an Allld foe Aid when told DI Nilln's position, ''That'• all rl&bt; we'll Record Numbers '.At 3 Festivals' First Weekend Reeord crowds were drawn to Laguna ·Beach'• three art fesUvals during the opening wttkend of the ~ay elhlbiUon ....... The Festival of Arts drew 22,927 people ~riday. saturday and Sunday to Its ex- hibitions -up nearly 5,000 over last year, Sally Reeve, Festival publicilt said. She Aid 10,288 people attended the showings of the Pageant of the Masters. At the sawdust Festival, director Ed- mond Van Deusen estimates_ that between 3,500 and 10,000 people visited the cround& over the three day period - well over the number that attended dur· in& the ume period last year. Attendance at the Art·A·Falr Is reported very good with about 2, 700 peo- ple \•islting the North Coast Highway site of the art show over the three days. All three fesUvals reported that sales are good . However, no exact figurtS ire available u artlsts do much of the sellln& themselves. DAILY PllOI ......, ..... " .............. --_,...., c--CAUPOllNlA ~.t.NQ CO.UI P\llLqMnla COMMMY ··"·" N. w ... Pru!*nt-'~ J•d1 I. CMrl•'f vu Ptuldel'lt,.. oener" tiUM111 Tk•-• IC•..,il ·-n.111 •• A. M1,,Jil11; liMllMlrll •• ..., - jtlll have lo do 011r bell and lff what comet oul" . Dlrltlen oald the ABM debate mli)>I nm "for a condder:able time*' IDd added, "I'm conltdenl we'rt golnz to prevail.'' HOOll GOP IMder Gerald R. Ford oald there was "certalnly no need for ~ promlle" on the Houae aide on the ABM Lssue.. "The Pl'._aldtnt'a pr,ogram wUJ be approved. in the Houae with no deviation frOm lt," he aid. . Tht new Alllance for Labor Action, formed by the Unllld Auto Worktn Union and the Twnaten·Untcn, ...... 111 -ur&lnl -thoy vota aaalnlt ABM deploymenL - UAW Prtsldent Walter P. lleulbcr 1nd Aetlni TWllller Prtaident Fr1nt E. Fltzalinmons ll1d. "Dlployment DI the ABM ••• will mull In escalation of lbc ~uclear arms race IJld wUJ put tn i_..ey the delicote and dUficull • negoUaUons we are about to undertake to reduce the level o( the nuclear arms race." Teen Found Strangled SADDLE BROOK, N.J. (AP) -A teen- age girl waa found strangled and partially. disrobed near a cemetery today Jr. the third W110lved slaying of its kind ln tht> past year, police aaid. The klenlity of the victim could not im· mediately be determined. The Bercen County Prosecutor'• Office 1aid the Jkl was clad only In black shoes, blue jeans and a pink bra11iue. He "'ill instead stay around his home in San Clemente. Public Beach Advocates An administrative o[fice complc:ic is now under construction at the U.S. Cou;t Guard Station adjacent to the Nb.on sum· mer White Huse. Completion is expected in liJ!le for the President'~ use during Augw;L Renew Salt Creek Battle "Some of the building is being plaster· Public beach advocates are off on a ed and other parts are atlll in. the-proees!I -new ·tack~today in an effort. \.0 petition of -being framed.'' ta1d Lt. (f.g.) John Orange County government for develop- Ganahl , comm.anding offlctr of the sta· ment of public access to Salt Creek tion. "There ire two-by·fourt all around beach. here, ready for in!tallatlon." Laguna Beach attorney w i 111 am 1:'h~ Newporter .Inn has not yet h~d any Wilcoxen has filed a petition bearing official cancellation of the President 's . . original announced intention lo carry on about 1,800 signatures with the county his work in Nrwport Beach. Laat June, Board o( Supervisors asking that public Mr. Nixon told the preu he would use the access be created. . . huge hostelry as his administrative base Wilcoxen has been involved Jr. a legal throughout August battle, unsuccessfully so far, lo overturn ''Let's put It 'lhli way," uid a 1P9kes-county abandon~ent of Salt ~eek Road man for the Newporter Inn, "the Pre•· to ~e Laguna NJ~el Corporation. ident, of course, 1s more than welctime Niguel Corporation owns the uplands at here. However there ha.s been no formal Salt crtek Beach, located between Three reservation as 1ucb fur the month of Arch Bay and Dana Point in the south August." Orange Coast area. "Sources say the presidential staff Wilcoxen said "many more" peti tions had recommended a pennanent office are out ln circulation today. arrangement cl01e to the Nixon family Wilcoxen said the Capistrano Bay Park summer home because of crowds at the and Recreation District which he N.ewporter Inn. represents as attorney ls eager to bring 'M>e Preshl~nt and his staff worked the petitions to supervi10rs attention out of the IM s Vlll1 San Remo in June. before they i cl on the annual county budget. quested that the Orange County Boai:d of Supervilora.iteek means t.o provide public acceu to the Salt Creek Ocean Area so that the citizens of orange COl.lnty Cln continue to enjoy the recrealional ac- tivities provided thereupon. \Vilcoxen said it is hoped submittal of the petition will enable his group , to secure a spot on the July 22 supervisors agend a. * * * Newport Asks For 'Protection' Of Beach Access Medical Aid Call Proves He said county government projected ill aaseued valuation increase at 8 per· cent over Jut year while county aues1or Andrew Hlnshlw's office has aaid it wlll be more like 12 percent. A substantial portion of that Increase is su pposed to come from the southern part of the coun- ty. WilcoJen said. \Vlthout mentioning the controversial Salt Creek Road abandonment by name. Newport Beach city councilmen Monday night a'ked the county never to let It hap. pen again. Municipal lawmakers made t h e deelaration in a unanimously· adopted resclutlon urging 11all levels of govern· menl to take the-nttessary steps to pro- vide and prolect public acce1s lo the shorelne." · Just a Tired Tricyclist HunUn1 an lnjur~ man seen 1ylni beside the freeway, Cotta Me11 police to- day discovered lnst.ud a teenaged boy asleep after his first lej of an 86-mile tricycle trip to San Dleio. Yes, tricycle. A bandqe on his httd, mentiontd by alarmed motorlata who reported the uny Hippie Holdup Hearing Slated Preliminary hearina has been aet July 23 for two of three hippie.styled youth who allegedly took cash at runpolnt from si.1 men la&t nuulday in a HunUngtOlt Beach apartment. Fred W. Busch, 11, of Rollint Hei&hll and Davld E. Craft, lt, no known ad· dress, were arraigned Monday on charges of armed robbery in West Orange County Municipal Court. A third companion, Roy E. Smith, JS. of Orange, was ill Monday and had to be taken to Orange County JaU. He was to be arraiJ!>ed today. Bail on the two men arraigned was set al 12.600 each. A fOW1h oUl]lt<I, a , ...... air~ bu not yet been fDlll>d by police. The quartet walked inlo the opartment of Robert G. Lunde, Ill Hllrilonl SI.. Thurtday afternoon ind took 1bout MS in pocllel chan1e, llld polle<. . They were Jatu captured by Lunde and other victims who chued them wbcn they decided the pistol one of t~e sroup h•ld wu not tooded, police claimed. Tht &irl bad moped on fool, police uld. ' ' journey 1s a medical aid ie1ll 1bout g a.m., tumtd out to be a 11weat band to keep perspiration out of his eye&. Police Offleu Chuck HamJlton found the 17-year-old boy napping beside his oversized three-wheeler on the San Diego }'reeway about 100 yards nortl\ of Harbor Boulevard. Setting out from HunUngton Beach the si:ic·foot, four·lnch, 220 pound trlcy1cllst "'8S reportedly stopped by the Callfomla Highway Pair<il about 2 a.m. and ordered off-the high speed--ihorougblare. -- "He appartntly misundentood and thouaht he Just couldn't pedal at night." explained Costa Meta Police Patrol Sgt. Gary Barwlg after the details were learn· ed. OUictr Hamilton htd not yet filed his report litting the youth's name, but sa.Jd the lad was en route to Sin Dle10 on the adult .. i.te tricycle and hid gotten off to an early start. "J wouldn 't even ride one of those things across the atteet.'' S1t. Barwif marveled. • Honduras, Salvador Asked lo Follow OAS WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White Houte today caJled on Hondur11 and El Salvador lo end their hollllllla and ablde by tha ceasefire resolution of the Oratnllallon of American States. Prtaidtntl1J presa secretary Ron1ld L. Zietler told newsmen : "We regret the outbreak of hoaUlltlu and support the OAS efforts" to end the con!lict. "W1 hope both sides will abldo by the cease fire and resolve their dll· fcrenccs." He suggested that would g i v e supervisors the ~apaclty to fund ac· qulsltlon at Salt Creek as supervisors recently did 1t Bolsa Ch ica Beach in the northern end of the count:Y. A1ked If he is proposing the county buy back what it gave away, Wllcozen said : "I wouldn't want to phrase ft that way: I wouldn't want to 10 into whether part of the money would be for purchase of the road . If there Is additional access and parking obviously the corporation 1hould be paid for It. This has no connection to the lawsuit." The ~titiQ!!§.._ \!'er_!! prepared by lhe Park and Recreation District, They read : .. The und ersigned respectfully request that all appropriate government bodies protect public access to t h e llhoreUne v.·herever possible. It Is specifically re- Surf Builds ·Up All Along Coast Ltreguards at Huntington Beach and Seal Beach were keeping a wary eye on building surf lbday wbich tfii U.S. \Veather Bureau predicted mlaht reach seven feet Wednesday .. Llfeauard Marl!: Bodenbender or Hun· lington Beach said the &urf this morning was ruNlin& four or five feet ''and com· ing up." It was-building in Seal Beach also. \Vlth lt come Wors<! rlpUde huards to swim· mers. Both departments will asslen extra Hfeauards. The r o u e h wattr !a part of. the turbulent pet90naUty of H u r r I c in e Bernice movtn1 nortbweat from the Mu· lean coastline. ' The resolution la similar to one adopted by the Laguna Beach City Council one month ago and by the San Clemente City Cound.l last week. All the actions were inspired by the county's giving away an access road to Salt Creek Beach south of Laguna Beach las t year. The iuue has since erupted In· to legal battles between the Laauna Niguel Corp., which acquired the road, and citizens determined to overturn the ctiunty supervisors' decislon. Newport Mayor Doreen Marshall press- ed for swift approval of the resolution, 1vhich also calls for obt~ining beach land for the public dnmaln "whenever possi· blr." Mrs. Marshall said the proposed state- ment °"'·ould be in line with the: city's gen· t?ral pvlicy or supporting public access to public waters. At her suggesUon, the resolution, 1 copy of Y.'hlch will be sent to supervisors. wag worded so th at it contains specific endorsement of the recently completed County Shoreline st.ey. Tlie otudy, undertaken by the county PlaMlng Department, recommends acquisltlon of additional lnach facilities. Ra Skipper Radios Boat Taking on Water OSLO, Norway !UPI) -Hilb "" left the stern and left aide of tfie papyrµs reed boat Ra submerged, erplorer Thor Hoyerdlbl radioed Monday. Heyerdahl said In a radio meuaae ~ hoped to make 1 rendervoua IOOn with the ship Shenandoah east of the laland or fltartlnlque. The 1hip is to eacort him on thO 1'81 lel of hil voyap from Alric• to MeDco. ' From Page 1 BURIAL. • • Of motorcycles and wildly clothed mourners. "They'tt extremely loyal to their own people," commented Rev. Joh D MacLaughlin, who h a n d l e d the ceremonLes ai1!I Sf;f!'es at t h t G~ Grove Presbtyeri.an Church. 'Ibe Rev. MacLaughlln didn't follow the book during the ceremOJly. "It woo1dn't have meant much to them," he said. "Instead I told them it's wonderful that when a man dies he has this many friends.". Currier's friends included members of the Hessians and representatives · fram molorcycle clubs of four other at.ates; Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. They bore club names like "N uggets," · "Nomads,'1 and "Hangmen." Currie r's survivors include his wife, Vi· vian, three sons and two daughters ranc· ing in agei from seven to 19. After the 1ervlces the groups split up w i t h some heading to a beer b u s t in Garden Grove and a group of about SO spinning their wheels for Huntington Beach. Police In both cities took nonnal precauUons, worried that once the drink- ing started, fighting would soon follow - but nothing major happened. In Huntington Besch, the police talked to the Hessians and finally closed the Fireside Bar on Pacific Coast Highway because lt was overcrowded. Police kept watch as the Hessians filed out of town , disgruntled but peaceful. Two or three arrests involving drunk charges were made in HunUngton Beach, but no major lncldenU occurred, saJd police. Fron• P .. e 1 TRANSPAC ••• against Windward Pusa1e for allegedly falalfylng her dally poaIUon reparts d~ ing the race. Protests had not been filed late Monday nl&Jll. Unofficial reports say the proteat In· voJves alleged erroneous poailion reports from Windward Passage. In Sunday morn In g's roll call, Windward Passage reparted it waa 68 mnea:-behlnd Blackfln and 209 milea lrom Diamond Head. 'But at 8:44 p.m. that night It wa1 Windward Pa.sa1ge that came charnlng across the flnl.sh. Windward Panage Cl'<lUed the linloh line t days, t houra, 24. minutes and 6t secondl alter lea ving San Pedro, Calif., on July f-knocking 26 minutes and U seconds ofC the rtcard set. in 1N5 by Johnson's Ticonderoga. Blackfin had a Ume of 9 days, 10 hours. 21 minutes, also bettering the Ticon• deroga'1 mark. Neither had Utt two starting llnc pro- tes11 against Windward Passage Men fU. ed. A1rt protert upheld In the Honolull race costl the proteated yacht two boun in corrected time. Al lut "'port. the 17-foot sloop Qu..i, skippered by Tom Lavine of Callfom~ Vllcht Club. "'" 11111 flound<rlng In mk!-Paclflc with a broken rudder and an 11- tremely·llJ crewman aboard. A com- ettclal rug w11 en route from Honolu1U to pick-up the stricken yacht. ., ' t • I • I \ . , • untJDgton Beaeh • Today'• 'n..t vor. "62. NO:'l68, l SECTIONS;-14 PAGES ORANG E COUNTY, CADFORNI>: ; TU~DAY, JOLY , 15, '1969 TEN CENTS ' DAIL y· l"ILOT St1ft ....... 'CHOPPERS' PARKED OUTSIDE, HESSIANS FILE INTO CHAPEL FOR LEADER'S FUNERAL 'It '& Wonderful,' 11ld the Minister, 'That When • Min Diu He Hes This Many Friends.' · All Go for Apollo . Will Russ Craft Get Rock First? From Wire Services "This is unique as far a1 Lwtlka art CAPE KEN~EDY -"Go" reports concerned,'' Love.II said. 0 Tbla indicates streamed in from launch c re w s • weathermen a.nd..glGbal-support forcu to-that a new form of operation ls ln- day for the launch of the three Apollo 11 tended," he added. 1'lt .Uppc)rt;-the astronauts Wednesday on history's first theory that Luna IS may be attempting to moon laodlng eipeditlon. recover lunar rock." Nell A. Armstrong, Michael Collins aM There has been widespread speculation Edwin E. Aldrin were ready to go at 8:32 in Moscow that the Soviets may be al· a.m. PDT. They were "just taking It tempUng lo steal some of the glory from easy" in their final day .before blastoff. the planned U.S. manned landing on the reviewing plans for a half-million mile moon by bringing back some moon roci: roundtrip unequalled in the annals o{ first. space exploration. LU11a IS had been expected to reach the Officials reported all aspects of vicinity of the moon Wednesday, bu\ preparations for the~ adventure were Lovell said afler studying the latest "Go." Countdown work was ahead of signals picked up from the Soviet schedule and the massive service tower spocecraft that It wouJd not reach the began .moving away !ro.m' the 363-loot moon's vicinity until Thursday morning, space machine at 7:45 a.m. Armstrong, the civilian commander of Meanw hile, the Soviet moonsh.lp Luna the $350 million Apollo 11 mission, told 15 is streaking toward the moon. the nation 36 hours before blastoff that However, it is traveling at a slower speed "we're willing and ready to attempt to than usual and will lake longer than the. achieve our national goal. We're very usual 31n: days to reach the area of the happy to be. ready to fly." moon, the director of the British "l think I would sum up my feelings in astronomy station at Jodrtll BanJt a word -anticipation," said Aldrin, who reP,Orted t~ay. . . ' . will join Armstrong on history's first ----. ; -Hessian· Buried There UI every indication that it may moon walk ne.xt Monday morning. --l>e.all1"111ling.mWrir-:" .'~;~ Sil;---Tb&.th,... pilots ljpped.~Un a lit,,,Ue,__ J!ernanf Lovell. He said this roufd be the more practice spacecraft flying fi.idiy Wife of Beac1i ·• Funeral Draws 300 Cyclists, Police Doctor Accused Of $30,000 Theft By TERRY COVllLI': Of Hie D1ltr Pli.t Sl-'f Trouble was predicted, but it didn't come as 300 Hessian motorcyclists and friends buried their leader Thursday afternoon in orderly funeral services at Westmlmter Memorial Park. - Marvin eutTier, 46, Garden Grove, was ilected president of the Hessians on1y two months ago, said bis friend;>. 'dressed in black, ·Sleevekv -Vesta Wtilb lkulls draw·.,.~baJiack-~~~- Currier died July 6 near Indio in a traf. fie iccldent ill about 40 Hess.tans return· ed from a trip to the 'Colorado River. "A dirty •• , trucker pushed him off the road," said one Hessian, angrily claiming it wa:i: hit and run. ''He even tried to get more of us." Nearly 100 choppers ( a t t e r e d motorcycles) trailed the hearse in a col· umn of twos as the procession left the chapel to take CUrrier to his grave in the cemetery. . California Highway Patrolmen "'ere reportedly on the alert to head off any at- tempts by the rival Hell's Ahgels to at· tend the funeral. Rwnors had spread that the two "ooUaw" motorcycle clubs were spot ling for a fight and the "Anr;els" might try to break up the runefal.' But ceremonies were quiet and the only excited individuals were spectators, drawn to the cemetery by the collection of motortjtcles and wildly clothed mourners. Huntington OK's Funds for Youth Rock Concert Huntington Beach city councilmen Monday agreed to underwrite a youth rock conurt July rl that will Include. the bands. "Canned Heal", "Cal Mother and the ·All Night News Boys" and "Fusion'"• "Is this the same band they had at Northridge,'' asked Councilman Ted Bartlett, re.fer rt n g to the Devonshire Downs gate crashing spree. City Attorney Don Bonfa said he didn't know. Btrtletl said, 1'I beard they were the same three bands." The council action Monday night guaranteed the bands $$7,250 as flnal payment. The council earlier had authorized $2,000 for the youth event. It is expected to pay for itsell from the pre-sale tickets to J,be 8 p.m. perform. ance at Huntington Beach High School auditorium. Seating will be available. for 2,915 p.n;ons. City officials said all funds from the &ale of tickets are being deposited wilb the city Hnance officer. Bartlett asked U the city might be out .. .. limb for ""' (Wida. -Mayri"lacFGreen~saNI"'Ca~ Heat" hu been booked ·at the Convention Center in Anabe1m and had been scheduled in the Hollywood Bowl laSt week but was rained rOUt. He said there would be no OOlslde advertising and ticket sales would be con. trolled and local. The conrert begins a week or youth ac. tivlties through Aug. 2. Included will be a aurf~'-contest, teen art show. a dance and otllt!t events. NEW YOl\IC (AP)-The 1tock market lkldded liwJilY in MTiy tro~ to<lay. but an aatlt from seledtve · ng Mlp. td ft trim ill loom by I"" c ose. (See qootations, Pages 10-11). .,They're extremely loyal to their ow1 people," rommented Rev. John MacLaughlio, who h a n d I e d the ceremonies and serves at t h e. Garden Grove. Presbtyerian Cfiurch. The Rev. Macl.aughlin didn1t follow the. book during the ceremony. "It wouldn't have meant much to them," he said. ''Instead I told them it's ~ u..t when~• man dies h< haJ th~ frleoda..!L - CUrrier's frienda included members ot the, Hessians and representatives from motorcycle clubs ol four other states. Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Me.rlco. They bore club names like "Nuggets," "Noinads," and ''Hangmen." Currier's survivors include his wife, Vi· vian, three som and two daughters rang· ing in ages from seven to 19. After the. services the groups split up w i t h some heading to a beer b u a t in Garden Grove and a group of about 50 spinning their wheels for Huntington Beach. • Police In both cilies took normal precautions, worried that once the drink· ing started, fighting would soon foll ow - but nol.hing•major happened. In Huntington Beach, the police talked to the Hessians and finally closed the Fireside Bar .oa Pacific Coast Highway because it was O\lercrowded. Police kepi watch as the Hessians 'filed out of town, dQgrunUe.d but peaceful. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Mrs. EUrieda Steinberg, wife of a Huntington Beach physician, wat arraigned Monday on ctwgtl of embeu.ling more than $30,000 from a mortuary where she-worked as a bookkeeper. Mrs. Stelnbe.rg, wife of Dr. Terry Stein- berg, 10071 John Day Drive, Jiuntington Be"°"' -cbarpd with 4 I "')lllllallii wiU> :M COWIU ol ~and lherl . Niither"l)r. nor'Mn. SteinberJ nor lier attorney Wu 'ivallable for comment t~ day. Repraenlatiff! of the. mortuary declined comment Preliminary investigation allegedly disclosed at least f:l),000 wu ml!;sing from Gates. Kinpley and G a t e !I Mortuary ,and the total could l1Ul as high as $90,000. Investigators charged Mrs. Steinberg used the money to purchase furs , art ob- jects and erpensive fwuishings for ber home. She was the bookkeeper for the mortuary's main office In West Los Angeles from August, 1965,. until last February when a routine audit uncovered the alleged' shortage. Investigators charged Mrs. Steinberg got authorized persona to sign blank cor- poration checks for what she said were legitimate company expenses but lhen she alie11edly made the checks payable to her personal debtors. Mi,ss County Fair Choice Today Opens '()9 Edition "Miu Orange County Fair" wilt be. selected today at the openlng of the 1969 ediUon or lhe Orange County Fair and Exposition. Preliminary judging starts al 2:30 p.m. and the final• will be. held at 8 p.m. In the Amphitheater. Gates opened today at 1 p.m. Other major events scheduled for the riix diy fair include: -Junior Hone Show -starts Tuesday and continues through Thursday from 9 a.m. to S p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. of the three days. -&nklr Cllh:e111'1 Jamboree -Wednes- day at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater. -Daisy Clipper Pony Show -Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. in the Amphitheater. -Junior Uve1tock Auctlon -Friday a!ternoon It l p.m. in the ,\udlon Ring, Market beef bidding will start at 6:30 p.m. Postal Services Rates liter.eased Rate increws went lnto effect Monday ror cerfaln special postal servltts, it was announced by U.S. Post Office officials. The nation wide increasea have been raised on special delivery, registered let· lers. C.O.D. and return receipt fees , Special delivery letters ror first cia.u and a.ir mail are up IS cent.a to 45 cents. The minimum registry fee for letters bas g~ up to I) centa, an lnaeue of rive c:ai1', •bile c.o:o. deliver!., are up If cents and return recelpta are up flvt cent.I to 16 centl. .. I -tnternatlonal Ro d e o Association Championship Rodeo -five perfonnances starting Friday and con· tinuing through Sunday. The IRA rom· petitions will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with 2 p.m. perfonnances Saturday and Sunday. The fairgrounds open at l p.m. Tuesday through Friday and at 12 noon Saturday and Sunday. Hippie Holdup. Hearing Slated Preliminary hearing has been set July 23 for two of three hippie-ttyled youth who allegedly took cash at gunpoint from six men last Thursday in a HunUngtoo Beach apartment. Fred W. BU!Ch. 11, ol Rolling Heights and David E. Craft, 11, no known acJ. dress, were arraigned Monday on charges or anned robbery ln West Or811Je County Municipal Court. A lhlrd companl"!'. Roy E. Smith, II. ot Orangt:, waa HI Monday and had'to be taken to Orange County Jall, He. was to h< arraigned l<lday. . Bait Gn the two men arrai~ .was aet at $2,500 each. A rourth sUJped, a teenage &irl, .bas not· yet been found by police. The quartet walked Into the apartment of Rober1 G. Lunde. 511 Hartford SL, Thuraday alternooo and -•boot 146 In pocket change, Aid police. Tiley were Ills .. plurt!d by Lunde and other victims wbo cbued Jhom when they 11..,idtd the plJlol one oMhe poop held wu oot loaded, police clafmeti: re<X>very ornroon-mk.--but Collill!"said .. , plan-to s!eep;lie·trrthie'-~;,,;<.. Lovell spoke with newsmen after his sun arld read the flight plan •.. agaiil." giant . radjo telescope., which hu been • For the Apollo l I launch team, today tracking Luna 1$, has discovered the was 11 day of final preparations for the moons.hip was on a trajectory different last nine hours of work early Wednesday from other unmanned Soviet moon that Launch Director Rocco A. Petrone flights. calls "Ule mo.st dynamic of the count." I( y Believes S. Vietnam Sho~d QUit P~is Talks SAIGON (UPI). -V.U l'ruldenL Nguyen Cao Xy of South Vietnam said to.. day bis country should pull out ol the peaCfl talks in Paris since the Com- munists keep rejecting its proposal! for peace.. "But _&{W_1rulny rejtc_Uons ••• 1 think we have. no further reason to maintain and prolong th< Paris tafu. There is no other way for us but to continue to fight." The vice president condemned the Viet Cong's denunciation of President Nguyen Van Thieu's proposal to let the guerrillas help arrange and participat~ in national elecUons. "It b my personal opinion that we. should boycott the Paris talks," he told newsmen fo!Jowing a speech to the Na- Uonal Defense College. In the ~page. text, the flamboyant Ky said South Vietnam "must contlnue to fight with all our s)rength, with sacrifice, with a spirit of self-rtllance and accept the hardship5, and It is that which will gjve us hope. or survival ." He criticized the United States on several rronts: -deploring Its llm!Ung the bombing of North Vietnam, saying it Started giving Saigon'• armed forces modem e<fulpment too late, ·and accusing it of a "selifsh outlook" in giving monetary aid. For the first tirtl' since hil return fr0m Paris as South Vietnam's peace delega· Uon head in March, Ky made public his. views on the stalled negotiations, now a half a year old. "At the Paris talks, we put forward many proposals and hoped they would bring rtaults and hasten peace," be said. As he spoke, the North Vietnamese delegaUon In Paris rejected Thieu's plan, repeated Monday. Jlanoi"s statement said the Saigon government was Illegal and that. tho .presence of 500,000 American troops in South Vietnam precludes free elections. "The Vietnamese people vig9rously condemn and reject the. six fundamental principles on free elections that Nguyen Van Thieu has advanced on the order of the American aggressors/' North Viel· nam said. Ky s.ut In his speech that H the Pen- tagon had from the beginning tried to develop and strengthen lhe South Viet- namese armed forces instead ol. trying to win the war more "quickly and cheaply" with American troops, then the majorilY. of U.S. lroopt would have been able to go home. in 1969 rather than only 25,000. Court Action on Teacher Salary Dispute Delayed Courtroom action on I.he Huntington Beach Union High School District teacher wage dispute was continued to July 22 to- day to allow more time for both sides to prepare their cases. Al next Tuesday's hµring the t.eacbers are P.J:pected to ask the court for a writ of mandate, crdering the district to pay them for two days lost l!I the result of a cll\Ss boycott in June. The suit, filed In Superior Court by at- torneys for the California Teachers' AssoclaUon (Cl'A)~ ls In response to a board ol tnm..s ded.!!lon lo dock th• teachers two days pay for alleged illegal absences . Carl Manemann,~ presjdent of the 430 member District F.ducators AsMIClatlon (DEA) which called ·the class boyeotl.J, contends teachers had the right to take pe"ti!C)nal l!ave on one of the. two disputed days and remained Jn cl~ for the minimum amount of Ume set by Slate law on the-other day. He tpeci!ically referred to May 29 when the teachers called a mJnlmum d•f Nixon Readies Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pr.,ldenl Nlton wUI propooe to Congreu within I.ht l'lt.lt few days cruuon of a com- mission to study the llltlOll'I •popolltlon crlats," Hoose Rep.tbllcan leader Gerald R. Ford &aid ~. · and walked out of classes early and June 9 when DEA members too~ "personal leave" in unison. High school tru.11tees have called the teacher action illegal and ordered pay withheld. The salary dispute ori&inated earJy_tbls spring wben teachers and the ad· ministraUon failed to reach agreement on salaries. Surf Builds Up All Along Coast Lifeguard&: al Huntington Beach and Seal Beach were keepln1 a.wary eye on buUding surr l<lday which th< U.S. Weathu Bureau predicted might reach seven feet Wednesday. Llfegu'ard Mark Bodenbender of Hu'n-, tington ~h said the aurf this morning was running four or five feet "and com· lng up." It w11 building In Seal Beach also. With It come W1)!'Be riptide bf%ardl to ntm- mm. Both departmenis wllh11lgn mn Jileguard!. The rougft waler ltpartol·the turbaleot penOnlUty Of Hu r r l cane Be/nice movtnt oorthwest !mm the Mu· lcao coutllne. . , .~ I ;,.. ''* ' • n • UPIT• ....... 'WILLING AND READY' Apollo 11'1 Arm•trong Edison Pr~posal " ' Flareup E~peeted- A.t Planners Meet Controversy over a· proposed F.dlso!l Company substation in north HunUngton Beach is expected to flare up again tonight when planning commissioners consider a conditional exception to allow, construction and operaUon of the facility. The commission will open the hurlng at 7 p.m. In city council chambers. The substation, proposed for locaUon near Golden West Street and Ellis Aveooe, has drawn loud citben pro&eat be<ause It has been planned on property pegged for the future Huntington Central PArk. At a previous plangtng co.mmlsslon meeting Robert Sutake, a part proponent told the commission that the BU.bstaUon and its transm!ssion lines would "create ugliness where natural beauty fJ para- mount." The two-and-a-half acre substation would be built on land which the Recrea- tion and Parks Department has reaerved (or a public golf course in the park. At tonight 's meeUng, commisslonen also will consida a proposal for a trailer park near Slater Avenue and Gotbard Street and a propooed 196-lot residential development near AtlalU Avenue and BrookbUrst Street. Army Denies Request MIDLAND PARK, N.J. (AP) -Tho Pentagon baa derued this amall Bergeo County town's. request that Its soldier- sons be. exempted rrom future duty ta Vietrµun . . , Mayor Cornelius A. POnUer ·had asked President Nixon for the. exemption after a seventh man from me cotnmunity of 8,200 was killed in the war rone last month. Orange Cout Weatller Clouds during the late nlght and eirly m<1rning wlll mar othenriSe sunny summer-days ~along' the coa!l and the.re might be some patchy 1011. INSWE TODAY NaU'a;widc ••""11 by. , AP ' ahowt that bu o J.I ma'lli• Amm<...i cond<m• cam""' I uiolftce and tlbout ·one fourth fzpre" . IVJllPGlhr/ /or -the rr-r form goals. Page 20. . t • -" -... ..... lt .............. +• Or.., c.-t1' • ..,......,_, It .......... ~14 .,.. ,.,, ......... ··~ -" -.. -. ........... • • I .. I • • • ' ' ' ' ' • I ., ( ---~. ll! DAILY PILOT • H Laird: Cnrner Turned -T.oward Vietnam PeaceL . . . WAl!HINGTON (UPI) -Dtl"'5e Secr.wy .llelvlD R. Laird, prediCllA& lhe -.... -llll'aOd --.. Vietnam, said today a cha!lle Ii being consSdered. in U.S. combat tactics to recluce pressure on Communist r.,..,. "l fervently hOpe the d.l_y will come whoo peace wW be restored In Vlnlnam," Lllrd lold the Setlole Fonlan llel1U-ecd.ntuee. 1•1 think we've ~ ........ Ille "'I"*· .. Lllnl Aid bO -aeo. M Iii Wbeelor, cllalrmao ~ Ille Jolal llbl~ !" SW!, "' Vlelnlm today ... ql!lck lrlp "' ..,... tile baltlelield llluatlon and In determloe •mo,tg other l.hina• it COD· di-• ripe I • d.-alaUon of U.S. clfoml~~ . . W-lb Ml 111 tbat PO de-e'Cll8'IOD tllllR llM r!i im .-llql-tiili-Gea. ~ Alli-. U.S. C\llll' mander in Vietnam, bu.been ordered by President Nllon Lo m a k e reduction of U.S. combat casua!Ues one ol his prt""" -.is- Lllrd llld lhtre "~ been a com- mualct!laD In Giii, Air-to ~ <•'"let at the lowest posaibJO rain.'• llOoevtt, he said there has lljlt &en any ollJctal -ebaoiJe yet in Uie Policy started under the Johmon adnlloiatration or malntainlnf mulmum r=• oo Viet .:Ont and North Vittoameae forcts. ,Laird'• weaament of the war was one ~' bli ... ODlhllllllc "' -. e. llUd -111ore 11&1 W l dedlilt lo wbal bl con. ed ~ ahacu by tile . Cain-. munlsts In tbe Pool IO or 11 days tbal ~ • reduced U.S. casualtla In tile lowest level this year. Lalrd called tbis signiUCllll, altbou,h emplla1lll111 l!iere bad been periods or' lull in UH: war -from 20 to 30 days -UY prlOr yun. • • "I .a.moi Ill' wU11 cortilnlj lllOre wUI not be new enemy iniU1Uve&," Laird. testified but said It was ''important to UI' to look a..t this mltter, and ll there has been a change that we doo "t miss tbill chance." Concerto Leading Transpac 78-foot Ketch Mir Finishes Race Sailing Backwards By ALMON LOCKABEY .Dally Pilot BoaUtag Editor HONOLULU -John Hall's Columbia 50 sloop Concerto lrom Newport Harbor Yacbt.Clllb lod'I' look:onrJltull!'llJl<l& lead In tile long, dra..,,...,i battle !or cor· rocted time bonon In the Trampacllic Yacht Race. qoncerto crossed the rmish line at Dia~ mood Head at 3:30 a.m. PDT to establish a corrected time of seven days, 48 minutes and 47 seconds, ousting Bill Wilson'•. 5,.foot yawl, Rascal\ Santa Barbara Yacht .Club, which had been tile previous handicap leader. Rascal was the foUrth baat to finish at 1 :50 a.m. PDT, with corrected time ot Medical Aid Call Proves Just a Tired'Tricyclist Hunting an Injured man seen lying beside the r ..... ay, Costa Mesa pollce Monda7. -.d instea<l a t.enaged boy uleep after his lint leg or Ill !$- mile tricyole ti1p In Son Diego. A bandage on hl5 bead. mentioned by alarmed molmlN wbo reporlOd the zany journey u a meclical i..id call about 9 a.m., turned oiJt ta-.be a sweat band .to U.p penplralloo Olll or his eyes. . · Police Officer Chuck Hamilton found the 17-year-old boy napping Wide his oversi:.ed three-wheeler on the San Diego Freeway about 100 yards north of Harbor Boulevard. Setting oat from Huntington Beach, the Rest.ore Prison slz·fool, four-Inch, 220 pound tricyclist wu reportedly stopped by the California Highway Patrol about 2 a.m. and ardered oll the high speed tlloroughlare. "He appattntly misunderstood and lhoughl he just couldo't pedal at night," explained Costa Mesa Police Patrol Sgt. Gary Banrig after the details were leani- ed. Ollicer llamillnn bail not yet" filed h~ i-epo"rt listini: tbe youth's nime, !Jut said the lad was en route to San Diego Q11 the adult·olu tricycle ail(I hod gollen" off In · an early statt. "l wouldn 't even ride one of those things across the street," Sgt. Barwig marveled. N eivport Firm w Lease Al~at'raz as Tour Spot? MalXO Corporation of Newport Beach wanst to lease Alcatraz Island and turn the famed former federal prison into a tourist attraction. &hrln Ettinger, a vice-president of Macco, told the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Monday that hil firm is will- ing to spend $3.2 million for a 11).year lease to restore the prison as a tourist at- traction. "We would hope to be involved in the total redevelopment of the i51and," aaid Ettinger, adding that sights for tow1sts af the rock-bound prsion would include the old fort, penal areas, and a vista of the Son Francisco Bay. Macco'a proposal was made in con- junction with the Harbor Tug and Barge Company of San Francisco, which w o u I d provide sightseers with f e r r y service to and from Alcatraz. Ettlnier said Macco's interim develop- ment plan would give the city of San Francisco "an opportunity to acquire the island wilhout any lax fund being ex- pended.'' The General Services Administration is offering Alcatrai to the city for $2 million. The former federal prison is now government surplus property. tt.tacco Corporation has land holdings throughout California. llS property in· eludes conunercial and industrial lands. DAii Y PllOT l Mfft N. W ... .. , .............. Win Jtcll I. C ulrr Yke ~1*111 -Gem.al "'8Mfll Tlle11111 kn •il ··-n."''' 14.. Mvrp!J'Ra ~ ... IE,,;tor AID.rt IN, 11!11 Willi•"' .,_,, •-t· " ............ ~ l!llW C"' l!•ttw M111 ........... ~ JOt 1111 Stretl Mtili~t Aitlrfft! P.O. In 7t0, •lMI .,_.,.._ . ........ 9-dl. 2211 ~ ............... c-. -: .. ..,., ..., .,,.... ....... ...,.,. IZ1 ,...,... ,._ It wlll be several months before the ci- ty of San Francisco arrives at a decision on what to do with AlcatraL It ls ~erlng several affers, in· cluding one made Monday by H. Lamar Hunt Jr., a Dallas investor. Hunt who owns the Kamas City Chelfs football team, did not discuss his plans except to say that they wou1d "have no policlcal implications" and would be done on a long term basis. He denied he ever considered building a Statue of Liberty on the San Francisco Bay Island or a "freedom tower." After promi&lng to make a finn pro- posal wllhln a fortnight, he said the island presents "a real opportunity to be an outatandlng supplement to what is an outstanding city." Record Numbers · At 3 Festivals' First Weekend Record crowds were drawn to Laguna Beach's three art festivals during the apening weekend of lhe 4X!ay el.blbiUon season. The Festival af Arts drew 22,927 people Friday, Saturday and Sunday to its ex- hibitions -up nearly 5,000 over last year, Sally Reeve, FesUval publicist 11aid. She said 10,)88 people attended the showings of the Pageant of the 1'1asters. At the Sawdust FestivaL director Ed- mond Van Deusen eaUmates that between 3,500 and 10,000 peaple visited the grounds over the three day perK>d - well over the number that attended dur- ing the same period last year. Attendance at the Art-A-Fair ts reported very good with about 2,700 peo- ple visiting the North Caast Highway site at the art show over the three days. All three festivalJ reported that sales are good. However. no e1act flgures are available as artists do mucb of the sellina: thematlves. Nixon Asks College's Head to Give Sermon WHIITIER (UPI) -Dr. Paul Smith, preoldelll of WbltUer Collnge, bas been invited to lake part in reUgioua services al the White HOuse Sunday and 1ald t~ day he will deliver a sermon titled, "Th<! Meaning ol the Min on the Moon." Smith said he waa advlied by Prnide>t Nixon that astronaut Fr1ni Borman will re1d from the Billie 1( !he services, apeclfie1Uy a quotaUon from Gene&ls w"hlch he read durl!ll the Apollo I mission . seven days, 2 hours and 59 minutes and 21 seconds. Ron McAMan's 82-foot cutter Pursuit Irom San Francisco, flnished at 8:51 p.m. and Jobfi.Mclncyre's 73-loot yawl.Baruna finished at 11 :07 p.m. But it remained far George O'Brien's 78-foot ketch Mir from Vancouver to give the Waikiki yacbUng fans their greate!t thrill Monday. The big ~tch was disroasled less than 150 yard.t..from the finish line when ahe took her fourth knockdown in the 45-knol gusts. O'Brien waved off powerboats who rushed to his aid and turned the yacht around and finished backwards, eroJ>'lled by mizzens salls. No one was injured in the spectacular accident O'Brien said Mir was knocked down three times on the drive through windswept Molokai Channel to the finish but that the rigging and sails survived the first three blasts. "We noticed that the third knockdown left us with a , .. S" curve in the mast and • she almply could not withstand the cmn- presalon when we were hit by the ne1t gust," O'Brien said. 1 Swimming llnder. Cover DAILY PILOT I',.._~ Lei PtYll O'Brien said damage to Mir, including the loss of ~ stici and d1maged nils BinOUDted to about $.W,(1()(1. "But why cry . about that here in Paradise,'' be quipped. Follawing is the finilh order al Ala Wai Yachl ·Harbor: Windward Passage. Blackfin, Mir, Pursuit, Baruna, Rascal, Kamalii, and Concerto. Larry Pringle's 7&-foot schooner Queen Mab was sch<!duled to finish at 9:45 a.m. trxlay with remnants of a blown spin- naker still trailing under the boat and astern. Ken DeMeuse, o w n e r~kipper of Blacltfin, said he would file a protest against Windward Passage for allegedly falsilying ber daily position r~rts dur• ing the race. Protests had nof been !iWJ late Monday nJghl. Unofiiclal reports say the protest in- volves alleged erroneous position reports from Windward Passage. ln-Sunday m or n I n g's roll call. Windward Passage reported it was 68 miles behind Blaclcfm and 209 miles from Diamond Head. But at 6:44 p.m. that night It was Windward Passage that came chwnlng across the finish. Windward Passage crossed the finish line 9 days, 9 hours, 24 mlnutea and 59 seconds afler leaving San Pedro, Calif., on July 4--knocking 26 minutu and 23 seconds off the record set in 19&S by Johnson's Ticonderoga. Blacklin had a time of 9 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes, also bettering the Ticon- deroga's mark. Neither had the two starting line pro- tests against Windward Passage been fi\· ed. Any protest upheld 1n the Honolulu race costs the protested yacht two hours in corrected time. At last report, the 37-foot sloop Quest, sldppered by Tam Lavine af California Yacht Cl11~1_ was still floundering in tnld- Paclfic witn a broken rudder and an ex- tremeJy-111 crewman aboard. A com- cercial tug was en route from Honolulu to plci up the stricken yacht. Probe of Beach Man's Mur de r Hits Slo iv Going Long Beach police are still struggling today to put together the few fragments of Information surrounding the killing of a Huntington Beach resident July 9 in his Long Beach swap shop. "It's a slaw pro.."t!ss now," said Sgt. Rodney Mickelson, explaining the lack of progres:!I on the apparent burglary- shoollng incident w'hlch led to the dealh o( Emory Nielson, 58, ot l6222 Monterey Lane. . "Autopsy report showed Friday that Nielson was killed by only one (Cal. 22) bullet," conUnued Sgt. Mickelson, "and we have witnesses who Indicated there may have been as many as three indlvt· duals In Nielson's store at the lime of the shooting." B u t no one saw it happen. Theories point toward a gurglary and a shot fit!d by perhaps a novice bandit who hadn't entered with the intention of -killing anyone. Nielson was found by Police lying behind the counter, crumpled over a stool. . "The robbery and shooting look place In the rear , of the store," old Sgt. Mickelson. "the man or men who did it had to leave by the froot entrance of the long, narrow store." Depth 9f the &tore was such that shots fired in the rear would not be heard outside the building, said detectives. Who or bow many men were involved iJ sllH a mystery, but PollCfl will continue the slow, thorou&h process of checking · out .sll poslble tvldeote, said Sgt. Mickelson. "'We're g<>lnf back to the llnn today Ml:! \ry to reconstruct the evenll," he concluded. Balboa lsland's ·Fran Logan,_ 22, is taki!lg . no chances with the. weather since today is St. • Swithin's Day-a.nd in this case swimming under an umbrella is more reliable than keeping your fins~ ers crossed. According to a British tradition, if 1t r;iills·on July 15 it will rain daily lor ilO <1ars tbere-_ -after and i! it's fair, well, it will _slay fair fOr .40 days. So things look good -both Fran ·and the weather. Nixon Unlikely to Use Mesa Student ' -H. I f o~.rf. Dies in UCI Newport ote _ or [(_ ices P 1 . oo Tragedy It is unlikely that President Ni.Ion will use the Newporter Inn as his admin- istrative offices during a!) August stay on the Orange Coast.- An administrative offiet complex b now under construction at the U.S. Coast Guard Station adjacent to the Nlxoo sum- mer White House. Completion is expected in time for the President's use durlrtJ August. "Some of the building is beini plas· tered· and ot'her parts are still In the process of being framed," said U. (j.g.) John Ganahl, commanding officer of the station. "There are two-by-fours all around here, ready for Installation." The Newparter Inn has not yet had any olficial cancetlatiOn af the President·s original announced intention to carry on his work in Newport Beech. Last June, Mr. Nixon told the press he would use the huge hostelry as bis adminlstrat.lve base throughout August. "Let's put lt this way," said a spokes- man for the Newporter Inn, "the Pres- ident, of course, 1s more than welcome here. However, there has: been no formal reservation as such far lhe month of August." Sources say the presidential !taff had recommended a permanent office arrangement close to the Ni.Ion family swnmer home because of crowds at the Newporter Inn. The President and his staff worked out of the Inn's Villa San Remo in June. President Won't Bend On Controversial ABM \VASHINGTON {UPI) -President Nixon told Republican congressional leaders today he would not compromise on his proposal to deploy an antiballistic missile (ABM) system. Senate GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen told reporters at the Capitol following the While House meeling that the chief ex· ecullve was "very firm" Jn ~jecting con· sideration of any compromise. "He said there Is no compromise," Dirksen said, adding that Nixon was st.ill J ohnson, Lady Bird To View Apollo Shot PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, ~·1a. (UPI) -Former President Lyndon B. Johnson, who recommended to Pruident Kennedy eight years ago that America try to land a man on the moon, arrived here today to watch the launch of Apollo IL The former President flew to the Air Force bast south of the Kennedy 1pace center with Mrs. Johnton for a round of pre-launch activilies before the Wed- ne.sda)I morning blastoff. Ra Skipper Radios Boa t Taking on Wa ter OSLO. Norway (UPI) -High .... left tht atem and left side of the papyrus reed boat Ra !iUbmer1td, eJPIOrer Thor Heyerdahl radioed Mloday. Heyerdahl said In a radio tneasage he haped to make a rend~ous soon with the ship Sh,nandoah eut of the bland of MarUNque. The ahJp is to elCOri him on the last lei oC hlll VOYl(I lrom Africa In Mexico. confident the administration haa the Senate votes lo approve authoriuUon of funds for the Safeguard system. Senate Democr atic Leader M i k e r-.Iansfield, an ABM foe said when tald of Nixon's position, "That'& all right; we 'll just have to do our best and see what comes out.·• Dirksen said the ABM debate might run "for a considerable time" and added, "I'm confident we're going to prevail.'' House GOP leader Gerald R. Ford said there wa s "certainly no need for com· promise" on the House side on the ABM Wue. "The President's program will be approved in the House with no deviation from it," he said. The new Alliance for Labor Action, fonned by the United Auto Workers Union and the Teamsters Union, wrote all senator$ urglng thi;y vote against ABM deployment . UAW President Waller P . .Reutiler and Acting Teanut1r Preaidenl Frank E. Fitzsimmons .11id, "Deployment of the ABM ... will result In escalation of the nuclear arms race and wUI put in jeopardy the delicate and dif ficult negotiations we are about to undertake to reduct the level of the nuclear arms race." Honduras, Salvador • Asked to J:'ollow OAS WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House tod&J called on Honduraa and El Salvador to end the.ir hoitillUes and abide by the ctaseflre resoluUon of the Organlulion of American Slllea. PrtSldenUal prus secretary Ronald L. Zieg\u told newsmen : "We re,rtt the. outbreak of holUllUu and support lhO OAS elCom" In end the cmflict. 11We hope both sldes 'fFtll abide by the cease flre and resolvt their dll· lerences." A young goalie for a Costa Mesa water polo learn mysteriously slid to the bottom ' af I.he .UC Irvine pool after a tough match Monday night and di&d while a crowd of spectators waited far the nert game to begin. Caroner's deputies today were at~ tempting to determine the cause of dtath of Robert Cunningham, following an autopsy at Baltz Mortuary. The 1$-year-ald Estancia High School student, who lived at 28.11 Stromboli Road, Costa Mesa, was fished from the pool bottom by teammates and coaches after the tragedy. Efforts to revive him at the scene through mouth-~mouth resusdtation and external heart massage were futile and he was dead on arrlvaJ at Co«ta 1'.1esa Memorial Hospital. Cunningham had ployed tile last quarter for the Estancia High School water polo squad in a clash with Lakewood High School in the summer alhletlc program at UC Irvine. After reaching the locker room, Cun- ningham w a s noticed missing from the group, althOUJh one youth said he had seen the victim climbing out of the pool at the finish. Returning to the deck area, they spot. led the substitute goalie at the bottom of the pool and pulled him aut, but it was too late to save his life. Coroner's invesligatOrs said OJn. ningb.am haifno hlstary of ill health and had been cleared for the water polo league by a phyalcal examlnallon. A cause of death was u)>ected to be annoanced later ln tbe day, whlle funeral arrangements were stUJ pendln&. The vkUm is aurvtved by his parenb. Mt>. and Mn. Louis Cunningham, a brother Michael. 17, a sister Caryn, t, all of the Strom boli Road addre1111, and his maternal grandparent.!. Humble Assures Santa Barbara Oil Leak Over . SANTA BARBAJIA_(AP)-Humble Oil Co. aa71 a one mile by llG-yanfoll all<k ln the Santa Barbara channel was a result of a minor Jtet, soon repaired. Th•Y assured city ol!Jclals Monday the INk is no way comparable to the Union Oil Co. well blowout last January which coated mlll!lll of channel water a.nd beaches with crude oil. The leak, company 'officials Rid. cime from a flexible tube leadin1 off 1 drilling rig 1bout 10 miles 80lllh of Santa Barbara. A flare which bums Ciif eiceu gases at the end of the tube wu ao- cldenta1l7 extinflUlabed. spokesmen sa id, permitting no more thin four barrtls oC crude oil lo llJJb Into the 1e1. The Ital< wu repaired &mday allu-noon1 spokesmen 1ald, and cMm~I \ dl>penanll on bul removed tho allck by Monday .venln;. ' I I I ' I • • ' j • I I I > ~ ' ' 11 y • \ j .I 1 I ----~------.-• DAllV I'll.OT 9 .Gemini Pilots Charted Moon Course ,,- Second Program Filled Una nsw~red Gap Between 'Pr~mitive' Mercury, Moon Flight CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) - T?'le course to the n1oon was charted far ApoUo 11 by the pilots of 10 th.ii.clti~ lhal could fly no more lhan a few hundred mlles from earlh.. They were the men of GeminJ, the aslronauts who bridge the gap between the primitive little capsules of Mercury and the massive sophisUcated ships of th e Apollo program. • Project Gemini built upon the thin fooUng of space ex- perience laid down by Project Mercury and answered some or the most pressing questions of moonOight. Wh~n Presidt:nl Kennedy on May 15, 1961, set the nation's sights on a lunar landing in this decade, the United States was just struggling to get a man into orbit. It was apparent that a great deal had to be learned, and learned quickly, about man.'s ability to endure in space Jong enough to make the roundtrlp to ~e moon, and his abillty to develop and perfect t h e rendezvous techniques needed to make the Apollo plan work. That was the job of Gemini, the four.ton, t w o -s e a t sp~raft that started out on the drawing bGards as an overgrown ''Mercury II." Gemini had a hard time get• ting spaceborne, but once it did, its 16 pilots developed in IO flights a broad base of technological knowledge that should pay generous dividends for years to come. 22nd SINCE 1947 "We did 10 times as much Jn a single Gemini mission u we did in all of Mercury," re- -eount.s spacefrait m~ager George lif. Low, who was in on Mercury and Gemini from the beginning. "Mercury put to bed a kit of questions about what happeM to man in-space. In Gemini we gained operaUonal proficiency in miµmed space!Ught." The list of Gemini astronauts reads lilr:e a roster of Apollo fliers. All have either flown in Apollo moonships, or have been named to prime or backup crews. The project's bigg.-.,t suc- cess came in one tw1>-week period 3'12 years ago. Gemini 7 astronauts Frank Borman and James A. Lovell set a If.day space endurance record that still stands, and W a I t e r M. Schirra and Thomas P. Stalford flew Gemini 6 within inches or them in history's first space rende%Vous. Eltyen astronauts went on to gain valuable rendezvous experience in Project Gemini, perfonning IO space meeting• using seven dilferent ways to do it. Among those n were Neil A. Annstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin, the three ApoUo 11 pilots who are about to set out on man's first lunar landing ~Uempt. As comrttander of Gemini 8 on March 16, 1966, Armstrong and copilot David R. Scott became the first men to latch ooto ariother 1atellite, a • HURRY -IN FOR THESE FLOOR SAMPLE & DEMONSTRATOR • ; ,• O"Keefe & Merritt GAS RANGES PRICED TO SELL! >• specially prepared A "g e n a tar&el rocket orbited less lhan two hours earlier. He and Scott also eaine close to becoming the first men to die In space. 1'wenty- seven minutes after the dock· ed with the Agena, a faulty · thruster sent the e n t l r e usembly whlrling out or con- trol. Despite rears the two docked craft might rip apart under the strain of a one revolution per second ·spin, the two astronauts cooly separated from the Agena, activated an emergency control system and made an emergency landing. A related accomplishment of singular importance to future manned spacefllght programs was Gemini's proof that man· ned capsules could hook up to an orbiting rocket stage and µ.en use its own engine and fuel to maneuver from one orbit-to another. Besides proving out the vital rendezvous and d o c k i n g techniques, the men of Cefllini took ovtr where Russia's· spacewalking A l e x e i A. Leonov left off and ac- cumulated i; hours and 25 minutes of time outside their spacecraft. Gemini also pioneered the controlled, gliding returns into earth's atmosphere t h a t Apollo _moon pilots rely on to ease the deceleration forces, and heat of friction, on their high speed returns from the moon. And the 10 manned spaceflights in 18 months. gave ground controllers and launch crews the experience and con- fidence needed to send far more complex spaceahips to the moon . · Although Gemini wound up doing everything it set out to do, and more, its $1.28 blllion c0$l was more than double the orlglnal est.lmate. The project started more than two years late, and when its final unmanned test flight was about ready, Titan 2 rocket wu damaged by a launch pad lightning strike In August, 1964. Two hurricanes caused further delaY$ and then a hydraulic failure shut down the booster's engines a split second alter they.fired on the pad Dec. 9. 1964. That, said Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom who ~as waitiing to fly an identical Gemini, "was like a karate chop behind the ear." But the flight finally got off and cleared the way for Grissom and John W. Young. to fly GemlnJ 3 on a !Uccessful three oribit test fight March 23, 1165. James A. lifcDlvitt and ]!:dward H. White followed in Gemini t in June and, alter a last-minute deci.s.ion prompted by Leonov's spacewalk three months earlier, White became the first American to leave his orbiting spacecraft. Whereas Leonov ni e r e 1 y floated about at the end or a tether, Whil e controlled his movement o u l s I d e Lhe spacecraft with a jet gun. And WE CILEBRA'U- YOU SAYE "1 IT'S ·OUT -of THIS -WORLD! 00(]3LJ[] Color TV · HERE'S A LOW LOW PRICE ON COMPACT-LIGHT WEIGHT COLOR TV TH! PHF!CT "HCOND" $25888 COLOI sn . COLOl·9UICI TUNING -AUTOMATIC CHIOMA CONTI OL 14 .. d.lot. -102 Mt· I-. ~ct•re COLOR. TV -ST R.EO PHONO -FM·AM & FM STEREO RADIO-IN DANISH WALNUT STYLE 21" di .... 291 "'' ••• ,k t.r. , _ ,, ...... -... .... 795°0 4 -)1/i ............ t.,.t-cli. •"-'" t.e.dp•ou 1-1. IA••ll•W. I• ,...._ cHtNI., ColorTV @DAVI S RRl'IWN Tl!L.•VISION •A .... LIANCl!S he admitted later !'I~ enjoyed the 2G-mlnute adventure JO much •· ( was b:ldeed ri!luctant lo come In." Gemlni t re.rna.ined in orbll four days and Gemini 5 aslronauts L: Gordon Cooper and Charles (Pete) Conrad ex- tended man's endurance record to eight days ln August, Doggedly nursing a generator problem from abnost the beginning to do it. "We were hanging on a cliff all eight days or the flight. It could have l!llded at any time," Cooper reported. But the fact that lt did last that long. said astronaut physician Charles A. Be~ gave the body time to stop fjghting and start enjoying we.igh~lessness. That started one of the most dra1natic cbt.pters ia spaceflight hi.story. Schirra and Stafford were scheduled to fly Gemini 6 to a rendezvous with an Agena target rocket in October, 1965. But their Agena, whi.ch was launched 95 minutes before they were to take oU in pursuit, vanished -the victim of an engine explosion just before achieving orbit. The decision was made then to have Gemini 6 rendezvous with Gemini 7 in December. Gemini 7 took off on schedule Dec. 4, and Gemini 6 was lo follow eight days later. The engines on its Titan 2 ig. nited on time -but quit one and one.half seconds later while the rocket remained locked to the launch pad. That malluncUon w a 1 enough, accordJOI to• the ~on rut,es, to have Schlna and Stafford eject from Uielt capsule. But Schirra wisely decided not to, and won h I m s e I ( a Distinguished Service Medal ln the process. It turned out that an elec- trical plug in the tall of the Genilni 8 ~ter dropped out prematurely, causing the twin engines to st.op firing. Even if the plug had not done the job, a plastic dust cover that someone left on an engine fuel line, would have. Launch crews beat even the most optimistic estimates In effecting the needed cor· rections and had Gemini 6 ready for another launch try three days later. This time Schirra and Stafford got off, and later se<1red the historic rendeivous wtth Gemini 7. Ge.mini 8 followed with the inilial hookup of two satellites and from then on, the pr1> gram proceeded rapidly with the rendezvous and spacewalk missions of Geminis 8, 19, 11 and ll. Lovell and Aldrin closed the project with the four~ay Gemini 12 mission i n November, 1966, .and in the process Aldrin set a spacewalk Tecord by spending two hours and six minutes outside his cabin and another three hours and 24 minutes standing up in an open hatchway. And with that, America turned its sights lo Project Apollo. PLANTING FLAG -Simulated lunar landing mis-· sion features planting of U.S. Flag on moon surface by Scott MacLeod, chief consulting pilot for· Lunar Module Projects from Grumman Aircraft Engineer· ing Corp., Belbpage, N.Y. The simulated mission will be shown on CBS televisiOn in connection with the Apollo II flighl. Background is full scale model of actual LM. Moon Will Receive A ssortment of Junk SPACE CENTER. Houston The staff will ride In two 4· (AP) -The moon's first foot sec.tions. One of human visitors will leave Armstrong's first duties whe" behind an American flag made he emerges from the LM will of nylon , a plaque, microfilm-be to assemble It before plan- ed messa&es from leaden of ting it on~ moon's surface. · ··10re1gniiauonsaM an . ss0··. ~-Amo "'t(rbe 1~rroourrtt1ra ment or~ space junk from one to 1 "1-lnch silicone disc over~hoe11-to a tw0:ton eng1ne. -bearing microfilmed ~essages Neil A. Armstrong -the of goodwill from heads of SWIVEL COLOR ·JV flDDLl-flll TYi AU TOMATIC FINI TUNING IA.f .T.t LOCKS IN PICTUlll SAVE DURING OUR SALE! Beautifully Styled Console Color TV Automatic Fine Tuning (A.F.T.) for color so real you'll think your there. Two 6" oval Duo-Cone .speakers too ! SHOP TONITE AND SAVE! first man to walk on a planet · state o( many nations. Some other than earth -will plant 120 nations have been invited the J...by·S.foot flag soon after to send messages, and SO have he starts his tw1>-hour. 4.G-responded . minute stay out on the lunar The biggest piece or space surface. junk the crew will leave Air Force Col. Edwin E. behind is the 4,100-pound lower Aldrin Jr. will photograph half of the moon landing crafl Armstrong as he sticks an It contains the engine and fuel eight -foot staff bearing the co1npartments the astronauts flag into the moon's crust. use to de9Cend to the moon. It The metal plaque to be also has the-four spindly legs. (astened to a part of the lunar which give the lunfr modul~ module that will remain on the Its spidery look. moon will bear the inscription : When the astronauts )eave, ''Here men from the planet they launch the upper, or a,s. earth cent, stage of the LM from First set foot upon the moon atop the descent stage. July 1969 A.O. On the moon, the astronauts \Ve came in peace for all will use and discard 17 pounds manklnd ." of spectaUy designed tools. The plaque will be signed by These include a hammer, the three Apollo 11 astrnoauts claw.Jike tongs, a .scoop, a and by President Nixoo. handle e1tension and a coring Etched at the top of the device. plague will be two heml s-They also will leave two pheres, symtiOlizing the West-scientific instruments whicb ern a n d Eastern hemisphere will provide data for months of the earth. A dot on the arter the flight. One is a Juer Western hemisphere will mark beam rerlector and the other the spot where Apollo 11 took is a seismic measuring unit off from earth, Cape Kenn. powered by solar cellJ. edy, Fla. The television camera which Space officials said the nag will let the world watch man 's was . designed to look good first steps on the moon also despite the absence of a will be left behind, slW.O, on a breeze in tbe moon's at· triood some 70 feet from rnosphere lo keep it unfurled. wl.'~re the LM Jaom. The A spring wire mechanism will camera will operate until the hold the flag at a right angle ascent stage leaves the moon to its pole. and will, JI all worb well. The flag and the staff will show Armstrong and Aldrin be stowed jn an aluminum blasting off to llnlr: up aaain tube attached to one of the wilh the command lhJp in moon lander's four legs. orbit around the moon. Lunar Landing to Cost Bookies Over $34,000 LONDCN (UPI) If astronaut Neil A. Armstrong sets foot on the moon, major British bookmakers must ante up well over $34 ,000 to those ADValtTUIMIMT WHAT DO ES THE BIBLE SAY about DEATH? who bet on a manned landing before 1970 or 1971. The payoff could hit six: , figures because the bookies ' won't say just how much has r been wagered. The biggest winner is no secret, however. In 1964, David TbreUall of • Creston, Eilgland, bet JO ' pounds ($24) at 1,000-1 odds ~ "'ith the William Hill organize~ . lion on a manned U .s. landing before 1971. Threlfall, 'rl, a personnel or- ficer, will be in London July 21. The moment Annslrnng sets foot on the lunar surface. Wllllam Hill will stuff a check, worth $24,000 In ThrelfaJl 's hand. "We're ready to pay hhn off," 1 William H 111 spokesman said thb week. "In fact, we're about to draw up tbt check now." "We are golng to take a bad loss for ·an event of this kind," the bookmaker spokesman ..Id. "The Americans just g:ot going ahead · by leaps and bounds and were too fast for us ." 411 E. 17th St.-Costa Mesa -646-1684 The ApoUo 11 mission comes loo late' to capture one 1oo4- 1lzed plum. In Novemblt, 11167, 'nle Peoole, a Sunday newspaper, ofter«t SU0,000 for lbe first man or men to either land on tilt moon or dr-- cle II and .. tum lo lell 111 ... elusive 11tory for t h 1 new11paper. The offer etpirecf. unclaimed, tn November, 1967. DAILY 9 .A.M. to 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. I ' • ' ' ' ' • • • • l ' I I I I ' Jf DAILY PILOT " Cu'i fornia CALIFORNIA HOUSIN~ • IH&-1969 STA~TS _OVER THE COUNTER Comple_t_e-Ne~r ork SJock List Sets Pace NASO Lr1tin1• for Mondoy, July 14, Ifft H• Yori 5 ExO..,,.. 11r1~: {llft,J Mltll ltwCIM C"9. t1M1.J Mltll Ltw tlM•Cflt. ,.~.,.. vo•~~l'J • T\Md•"'' _..,.... ''"' ...., ..... "tt I I Ml• \.ft <• c':. ~C'l1ri'5l "°} tt~ ilu ;1: .!1= llM="'Dl~I itt ~ fl14 n~ ='u & BorikMlti J.21 t '6\lf 1-IVi 10\li -'4 i!1~Mll ll)d st 11• - In Building •• ,,_,,,_ ......,.....,. ..... , ... ......_,,.,. t A.M. ,_MAIO. -llW4"' 130 11• )t '''-' ,.._.,_1111 rt:·~~G,l... ljl _ ;t~ I ···•• P"'-.......... Ntlll «' Mtl'tl .... __,....., w UtfllllllMIM. AMew .lff f!, 11~· u.,-~ ff" -1'-' lo...W.,. 'l,tS .U 21 2*l'I U\6 + ~ l,.Jr.'r\J "f 2• l ~ 3r :.:1~ 115fr-----+-----+----;:ri1--Jr.:.c---J-"ii:i:8:..~inJ "~ ~~.ifm'"lc~G~: a:~tz~=~ir ... ,1Ju 1J~~.1.i.~:i H '1~ P.~ 1m~:E!?:,!ft ~,\~\it:~ EmP1~ .! ~ ~n "mi"";," SE--OHAtt• A"'UST"" / " [\U ''~"-.. ,.~ M c. 11 12\4R111 ,,..,. t ?, .. CM ..w.. 1t1 ,·'lt'b.1':..~ /~,,· .-~-j!l'Mll'Alr ,Ml n• u11i UVi 1111i-"'Emp()!it \M j ~· ll~ ~+.,.. c&ttromta 11ocounted for one- sevtn!h or total building ffiwno_ Ultbe Uniled States ANfrtUAt.. ftATIES • "',' •1 Alfoi: .. • 1'-,. Mlctw GT 2•"4o jjY) -l(tr 1"" 7Vo AIMIM'"E•11 rt 1·16-1·1 llt11fM., _1,20 i.. IN ~ .O\t -\.Ii f.rt1111\Mlfl ,40 l11 10 •• ~ '~-----,...-----t--tf&.f--Jr:+ "-'-~'>-I DoNi.rl.. /'i" •r. "' Mr,ts G•t l4 ~ tt '" 14 14\ot Md"'" 1,.0 '°"' .,._ 1i.. llctwY H•i. I 21 ~ 3'f 3M1o + "I 5111 111< 1.10 s ~ ~'l "" --._ • 1110 *Wll14 ~" lJ• MUI ftov 221/t .,,,~ I! 71\ a'Mo M MUiis .:>o 01 1'W ff1\ ''"' ! " ar ttMy "'t lt ~Ito '1 '1141 -"-IQl/!Gtt 2 70 ) J6 + 1)0 I" / •,• l'lll ::Ii"'' rlf\U<• I lH Mu VIG lt'A lJl'lo ~II J.1'4 ~VI Ad!lllr•I 34 11"° I ~ U V. 8WVH1 1>1 A.t 1 '2Vi ~Ji.i. .Qlh + 14 IQUlr1 .lO ~ 211\ 1 ?Gt' -t -'""" u.r 1• '·r:J' r. " it.II '611iooo Ho jl\lo.611.A4-El.f1f ..-n13-.-'l""St2 .... llr.1\tii$11"iJ\li-1i.EncUohft .21> T\321 a-~ 1'°"" 1 •r• ,.. vlt R' i,o, f Ml Rtdr -s• • C.om1 41\ s All~l.lf 1,e 2" '3'111 4\lo q _ ~ lk~"IJG 1,n 1 ,.14 '*¥o '"" _ .\9 EJMdt11 l.l'O r l1 I.Ii '1~ -' " n=-·~ h!Mr· .... 6 ~· ~~· It »,,, iii l!JO • ' -Alu ,, ~ n :ti\\ JI~ a\'o -Bnwm Co 4 lt14 lt 1714 -"' I hl'I Co .n 1t 11 ... ,.~ -:a I .t. 1"' ::..oxkn•t.I: •• 'f rlr=. li f -.-.rri 'l'li: l6w 17 5QrlJ ,,,.., •f Afr ·;w · .204) ~ Cl \i ;;o 11._.,_ Co J1t l! j'i.t 111'o 17\\ -~ "''\ l'H.'11 6 ~ 4'1"-..,.. + last ye•r. ~-IJ~::----J---~~B:t:!l:J~---+YiJ'--'---j om .. •twtildl= J:'•lnl v. 14 ~ P ta IOI\ rh•111 +t i.t142Jl.4i Air llltn I.SO ,. ,x,.,. 2~ _,. ew11 Sll•rm 1 t 1 u._ U••+ 14 u111nd .N9 f 1t11o1ti1 lil'1 -'I\ C~ IZ5 ''"i:t ,_. 1 R ll~ • S l1 12111 rtpjo A 7'4 71'! AJ PI01J1trl11 t~ tl't. lwnSl!ol 1 50 IJ -~ :M'llo JtV. -111> uroftj fn.l'Oll t It,,. lt 19 , , A r lM• vu· Je<ur "" •r 1 ell M '* 10\il It pt 16 16~ Ai. o .. I ..... 8r11MWll 059 511:2 l'"" illot 1' -l'i EvlnsP Mb llJ *Yo 4l\ll ~~ -1 su.rvey 0 i1W NIY• -•SI Sh 1,,'"' MOt Cklll IJl'I "" ,. cm11 31\.'o Ult A"'9rtoC ;32 A ~tt 1r'° Y"' .::1v. 9Uo(y£r 1:,0 " ~ 221~ 21~ EVflrofl•rP " t 1,( ,,~ 1,llo '"' "' structiOn C 0 mp t Jed Jind l MONTlot ~Uldlbl11. '°lnt::. fort L\~ 23~ :U Mueller 11\'J Ill'> I 44 4t A~k; .10 1911 n.i, 25'11 "\.\-l'I = Ct ,N SS 1m lf lt :;_·'lo ~11C•llO 1.15 34 27 mt+ a published by the F..conomic MOVING AVERA.Ct ~•,•r ~!.~ ~P l~f 1~ t ~:fr\~,.S 'J~ ~ N~r ~\l ifV. :~~.1-= fi f:t: r~ fm ~1'9 B~d11frn 1.'J f: n~ ~ U'°" 1·11 F1~~ A'40 il l4t: n~ ~:: •---h Depa~-·nt 0 r 100 ~--~--+---~f-.,;.._,------1------t 00/rnn:. tllv. P~; Nri1 1r ff.Ii N1tcf: II: IS\\ 13,_ ll'llT (11 I t Alil:; "1t .60 2 1$,_, )$1'1 »~-'~ IW01WHF.o ortJ.11 :H 3-l'li. 32i-. ).I 1 F1 rcf\C I'°" 61 7(1!A .. ~ 1~5-'* ~~ c '"'~ ~ "° not lnc11/C11 Nuc 1 1·· ',•• """ 6J T1 PIP ril'I ,,.., A '"Luci t.C 1• ... ~ 41411 ' ' -II .... .... IJ ~ oM\\ •9'11 l\ F• rdi H (.... .... 1' u"' 3 -Security P-~•c " 3 I t' O n a f \ / ,..~ m1rilw, E tc""' 10 I F Pd 311'1 32V. NG l\11 14\11 A liOrs j·" 7• 11& 11\.'J !I -+ Vo ai''*•lllllmO,.. •17 11»1 101~ 10..., _ ,. F• •monl 1 •S l'" j1'-' 21 , -"' m:u1 l l'lll c1ow11 or com-E ,,~ '"' Jl/o NII GMl 131'1 l~b'i W.t J" l.!~ ~I.""~ .2!_ w F," ff\'.! 21 ti uflk Pl'l.&v t 33YI 33 331'1 Vi F•.l1t1ff ·'° 70 l~ l H~ ... • Bank reports building permit / m1u . 'E 'Sn 5" '"'Nit lib :u H E ·1.i ,.-_ ...... ~I~ 1,, =.-lt M 2'\ot ".':' ... 11rl hw:I 1.'11 111 3S\to u 3\ =Yo F'1m Fl~ '·'° • ~v. ?Oti . ·-• •-----tc-+-j~'----j------j------1 ,,.. Ent 24'h t5\ll f' 11 1' ltll N1t "" 4'I S\t 5oU" 01 ., 11 .n 1 1 \lo 21 ~I Bvrf'dV ,70 22 311 ~ 3i) F•.,.t~l IM. 11 lSll; l~lio -14 valuation totals af $5 billion 75 r UI (9'0 ' 11 E Modi/I t\11 ,~ Nit Smell: 14'b t• I: GIC• 16\11 17111 A t .... .,!'... ,, 2S'MI SI\ 2',,. -YI 8'"1'11111 .60 ~ l:tf It~ 1'11't "i..-"•r Welt F!.. 1 1H\ 11,,.. 1~ -'"' "I ll/M Co lj\11 1• ~ (fO lO 3 NII Sl\ow 61'J 7,,.. E1$¥C 11 JI AllJlllPd 3 1 '° '° 6(1 -1 BihlJnv 1,21' I :J(IV, 20\IJ 101't -F•rfhMI ,80tl 160 .. ~ SI ~ -.3 for lht state arid $35 billion for v .1,cmor El l 11. l,..,.av c SJ sr N11o1 1111 r.= tt) •lh ,.,.. Al~ecu1t .-111 ,1 uiio ~ uv. -l\11 &utlert.Sh .ao 113 l6'AI 3ll't 35v. ··1 ·• Ftddero ·'° et 24.., "it 1•1to + lot th ti •",m• v11: .M"' ~· ~.,!,' , .. ,~ 11.1o NE" Ge 20v. s 11 .. 1, 21 ,. Arnl.,su, ·'° " .. 1~~ •'m ,",'"~ _ .. ·~ _ --e--F::~ i·~ ~ ~~ ~ fs1t .:.:.·*' e ·M on. .1 ·.·~ ~,.,. ·~ ' ' • '\'J 15\.\ N JNllG 23.. ~ SI ' 5(rw ,., 30 ~ I ,c,..,,,, ...... ,.. .. co·-· c ... F.c!P~•Bd , I '' ?6~ 21 -,_;; Continuation of the 1967 50 UJ..L.l..l.l..l.l..l.l..1-!-'..J..u..•,!"'uu~,-"-"-",C'-u..u..,:,-uu~, ......... 'l~r~'il ,v; 1 ,.. =., w lori> It 1' H1cti•" " :).i lS'J2 ~11n HPd 21 2t .. i c.020t •• "" u Ul'J -y, c ...., • is lll ".,.l3 '° + ,,., Fed.\t•nS .60 6 H'lll lt•\ 18'1\o -~ ' ,,., 1968 1969 'butt .. u~ .. ! ou!I 011 !m l;~ ~I:~ : B"' ~ t~:.~ ~! 'Hi~~ ~=sJ. 1.60 ~ "'r.~ HI\ i:~ .:.:.·YJ, c:l11~lllf'~~31 5l ~i;u 2S ~\lo +I~ l'«<!DSlr ,9J 21l :u ll\'o :u + 14 recovery was noted in Security 1966 'I"°" '" ll'la '\.'i Er!• T1e ''-" l..~ NA ""c 5 6 S::11t•i F 1'"' 1iv.. AM&Ac; .50 ,1 l\to ii 11 +I.Ii-camPR .~ ~ ,1 :to11o ~ -Fed Mt• '"" • ,~ ltl'll I~ -\.'i Pacific's survey. Permit $Me.::rc001Cllf1csorM•t"t111,....,.0#•lflR•« lie• l"" 21 '""-~1•rt" 3J ~NC•r NG •1-.1ol.llSz111o Fd 10 101'1 Aml•E• 1.111 l 22.\\ 22\to n ........ ~1m1>8SP 1.10 37 ,.._ 29 291,+·~~fbr:11,~".to"' 1,tl ~.,.,lilt ~\l =~ 'llco nd 1~ ... ll\\F& Ctco ,.,,,,NE11r011 ~"4 JlliTtmitx 177 llO A.111rE1"'2.60 6 4 \IJ 4 \.\ d\.'t-\fi"llft rtw A 6' li'o ,.·~ '''-,'-'Fltlc!,IM !.'II t ?I\~ 16"1i 7'>.Cl-U valuation last year increased ~U·i.,;~: 1i; ""~:!':Jo T~ 1 ll.!I NPA Gu h '4 15\/& T•-10 "" Am.r HtM .._, -Wl.11 s.i\t so• -nt. d" P1e l~ '•' JN 11r 16>4 -1' FHtroi 2 1 3si. u•• l!ll4 ... by more than .. percent in Bous.:ng S4ar4S lJp ,11 A•ro ,•,• ,s F-'•rr1.... n"' :l'Jlli Nw i..11G 1G lov. TN"'" ,''"" 20v. ~.~~11r,n,..JO n1 1uw. 111 11J11r -1~ .,,..'fd~o 'J ,~~ :uv. -11o Fin Feotritn " ,~ 1,1o11 ,, _"' "" .. So & 'I! Ea '4 ~ FtdN Mt 201 205 NWN PUSY 11~ tt1h TtqelO ~ In.I 10 16\'o "* U -~ i'•11r 1 ' 32"" 32\t '7\11 .. Fl!°f'lfM 1 ~ 41 ~S''t 5-j('I S.'A -"" C.l"orm'a and by about 20 \I"" Geo 11 11'-' Fi• 8011 n 11 uct llK :n " Tn10r w 71 n •m Alrn" .IO ti u 2.1 2'~ -v. 1• Uft 1.• • •l " a -1v. F'itChrt 1.Mt 11 fOI'> 39~ .o•.\ + " u , .... de ' 10\o'I F1YG 11:1! ,, " Ohio Ari 12.\\ l:M T"'IS AS ' ' Am ~,r,-l • lt"' ,, 1'~ + " c•rllll• &48.. )t ,,,,. ltl'I "" -V. F•+NCv , 7G 90 6.!~ 6514 ~$\ti -"" percent in the United Stales. Housing starts In Calilomia in May were at a sea· ~'\1oz:' 21:): 'llll ~:;"'11.!;= 1;:t 1:1l 8ru0 :: fi"' =.,.fl;:;';' to 3ftt Y~ =~er•::f: ~ 14f s; •. ~ Y~ =14' r1~1..I J.J 12? :111' ,.n ,P :t E~~ ~-d if~ f~v.-~w~1''° An adv.nee of 36 percent sonally adj'usted annual rate ol 178,000 uru'ts, up from lm Eqr 60\to llOlli F11 wF1" ~v. ~ Ormo111 •14 lo Tffflrt '" nv. 12 AmBdat 1.60 u "" 60\11 '1 +1"11 c •• , ctt . 1s :nv. 32 ""' -"'1=1Wierser '.1' ~ 1~ 11 1,,.~ -.., Am F'"" t'lll 101/i Fllckno 11\IJ 1t14 Olf•r TP ~ 211'1 Tll1n Gp 17~ l)V. Am Cln 2.10 200 oMtii ~V. ~ -\!I 1rrlerCp .40 •9 ~V. 15\4 31~ -I Fk!ml"I! .50 2' 14\41 ""' 1~ _ ~ "'IS recorded in the state's '10 the 138,000 of May, 1968 and one of the highest in _ A Grter ~"" J1,• Sh' s., u 21 over NA '""' 1~ Tr1...c 1 5'411 ~ AC•n pt 1.1s ' 21'4 n<A llll'4 •...• ~~ 1.111 1 314\ 31"'" l1~ -v. "'Jlnlkott , ,"~''"' j\"' ''14 -..., ' · b "'m Herl! 1~ I l'l FP 1 N O•VC1t IJ '' TrllClll G 11>% "•"' ~h~'' 1..,.60 11 ll Ut. lS ••.•. JI .IOll 146 7,y. 1.1"4 2•1" + ~ F 1"1 PIA~.SO tlO 80 o 90 -M~ southern counties, wh.ic ac-r~ent years, accordi'ng to Bank of Ameri'ca econ~ Am 1~ P, lJ F-'0<"$ 011 n ""'PE.£ 1.,1 i1v. 14V. Tmen1 o ....... 13 Ja n i:i ..... c1"" 50 l'lt llll 13"' _ · Fl1 e COl•t 3l :111,1, 1v. !"'-~ £ ..... Am MIHll l~ 35111 Fosl Grnl 18 ,. P ..... 1 tr 4?'4 43 Trtnd In 2l 22 AmCrtdlt ·'° s " 2111\ ,, +1 Cl•t pl' Al.oM 2 ,1'14 71~ ,. ... -a ". Ii•• '° u 171\ .... }>.\ -14 counted for 61 percent o omi·sts. The bank expects the pace to decline by late "'"! Pl"' 'v. 201Ai i:otod\r 1v. ,~~PK i:,e " • TMeo PO ll ""' Acrys111 1.e 2 26v. " uv. -V. l'''if-k• . .o ao ,..,. 2~ 2114 _ Fl" Pow ~.n ,, 4 •ni. 11~ ••. Californl'a'S total COnstructlon A I GOb ' 6\6 Frnkl Cn 10 11 Pll<~ Co ,,. 11'> Trld11r 1111614 AmCYtp 1.15 '-'if :Z.V. n 1'\IJ + '\\ •1er r 1.20 11! •714 ~m •m-Fl11Pwlt l.U :1(1 611 67'h 611 + \\ I I ll h lb full . t f th AS! G of 10 11\IJ l"rntln !!:: 20 11 P8f)(;OI 11\o!t 11'4 T•~IC• 27 27'lro A01111v1 .no I• 1114 " 12 +"' CCI MPrlldl )2 ll'A 11 11 + 1'111 Sttel .oO 10 25V. 24 1!V. +1 last Year' r'•t'ng to 13•1 bt'llion summer or ear Y a w en e 1mpac O e A.m r11v 1Sl'o 1s~ "'" tn R l "• 11'111 PkwY 011 2J 2• rv"" "' nv. i•14 ADu• 01..... 10 1 I• fl »~ ! ",•~,. c ... ta 14 2,.. 271'1: 1 + v. Flu,,,co 2 03f 37 ll\'J :nli 31 -n• ~ t' ti' hi l' ' f 11 Anchr Co 1ll'll u,. F!ilW\lf 1V. •'-Ii PtullY ,. 1'1"111\l Unllte 10\\ 12 AmEIPw 13' Hit l 'h Vol \It .,_ • l\HeCp 2 60 62 61 62 .. ,. Fluor Pl 1 3 1 S.C'h .WV. 5'Yi _ V. r $2 3 b'll' ' 1""'7 governmen S g . money po ICY IS e • Anhe11$ 8 60\lo •1 G•rln" 1no. 17l'o P11vtlle I0\11 llV. Ul\Arl Tl!-n 2t Am Enltt I It :W " V. eltn PIA.I.JO 1 M ,u '4. _ % Ftv TIMr .to 17' 1m 1•io 11'11 ... rom . I ion in ;ni • Anken c 11• t\l <>•• svc l!A<l 1~v. Pe...-ltt T u v, 21 n oonr :n 241h ~Ellll 1no 2' l4'111 :1114 U14 •.•.• C.nco fns .lD 500 4lV. l41V. :iev. _."'FMC c11 .1s 1'1 ,.~ ,~ ''"'·"""' -More di••proportlonale ihan Arc1t1 N 31'4 39\li G A.lrcll 114 N Peti Dh1L , 61'1 71 un 1111/m 32~ JJ\11 A •Ind OIM ,11~, 15'" 15,._ Im\"+ b SentFdv l10d 3 U\'J 16l'J l'V. _ 1.10 FMC pl1..25 , ~?'f.O •7 42 ~+ _, "' A•c• ll'ld 11 211 I': ~It• 3•11 • P1 Engl" 5\11 6'A. u" McG11 '"' t'9 A nlni _,,50 22>i4 tt.. I'> -Vo'""" Hiid .-'I a ~ ~ 2~'111 _ "-l"t>adFelr .90 ts 2r11t 111'. 7114 _.,.. comparabie percentage gains Arden M 12.i. ll"' G G111>ert 3~~ 3\4 Pe G&W 'J.At MV. un Rll'lt 1"' 1s'lt A nln '"•~ nv, l'""' ..... c*" l!iLt 1.11 .,.., 2s14 25 " _'Iii FODT• ca .to • ·n 114 12 •. -A•den o' 31 •l G 1(1,,..lk: ,•• ,•, p-1111! IJ~ 1~ u! tlknot 21'.lo !2. AmHOI" "' 34 ,~ ~ 4 -"'Cl!fll!IPS 1.12 ll l"' 19" t~ -"'Foolt Min 10 l~ 15 15'1. -v.. jn total construction were Ar~ MoP 11 ll"' l':ltl Esl " Peosl WI lilo PA U Cl"W!'l SYI' f'li ! =• .. 1·1 n lil •• ""u•• "il•A.:." Cc!'2lt.,"wl , ... ,, •,,2 21'41 11~ 1tW. -\ii FOOl8 P12.20 l 21\4 2•V. 21'4 -~) . . ' -l w ll w ' G . r~'!:. H 1"'4 11)!4 ~~1:! f'• ''4 p"""' lll'I\ 11 IJ Envel 1' 2 Am H~ .22 ., r: ~;; ~--c~"'s . 'mro ,, ,, ••. ForGMlll 2.40 22 .... ~ ~ .... ~ + ~1 comparative 111creases n ··'"C Sol !!"' 26'1'1 •1-·· ! .... !!""Petr!~ SI •1111 4 \lo u Suo•r .It Sl Amlnv:i., 1 1Q 13 M,. 11.. 1 ... ._, ... !!!! ."!.!. l.IO " 40Vi 40 A0\4; -... For.Mel( .15 " 2'/V. 29\'0 """ -·~ 'd 'a) b 'Id' e e re oing _, ~ 27' .. • ·~ :::;•• ~ Pt!rollt 13 «Vi U Yri!L 39~ 41)'6 "mM' -"" '""'" ""r' ,llO ll 23 ''"' 13 + °" FMck pl'l,IO 1 •1\41 46-1' ~ -\'IP res1 ent1 u1 1ng. A11ioF1r tv. ,{,r-11,.11 -... Pt>R'lof 111 72 up ,.~P '6"-2'""'" .fO ~ .,~ lltt ~+·\\f'"te1v~• ., '°"' 1~ 1'14-\i Fostwni .60ll 11 ,,,,.. 11 17\'o ••••• Sl'ngle ramt'iy home bUiJdin,g ' ' ~~~s:I 10~ lOV. G,tll$n,,~. ·r~ ~:1_ P~ll Ub 2'l 72\'J Ul~h 5Ld I'll! I~ ~l~IJl;~iJilO 2n ·~ ·~ -ll I!!'."',~ , II ''"'-14'.li 2~'4 .. l'PSI Wh pl I 2 16'/l' 161/t l•Vi-\l .fl 1, ' tx. Glob ¥ "' Pl'lokln 11'11 1 ... "<I '"' ,.,. ••• •-N < > •> ~·' _, •o~ -., -~ • '4 14 2l 13 -l'o Fo•barO 60 17 29!il • ~ 1""" -,,_ volume rose 42.6 percent In ~~'=Ill ' 10 .. :;~.::-~s r., ~::...11~~ Plc Pd '" sv. v.1 to 11~ 1m AmP~I ·~Oki fl iil'I ii H~ -.... cf:"1'"t~lr Iii ~ 'M j4~ 2Jllo 13'1.i -.... l're~~ Sir' .31 1$ 25'4. 15\11 1ii; -\'t 897 000 32 811rd Al ISV. 16V. Grll>fl Sc U 60 Plnkrln SJ 56Y, Vtnc:t St 2SV. 2'V. ARffrc:h ,aq 31 lll JU lM'lll =114 Cl\IOtlrn 't ,; l~~ 16'4 't.11 + V. Fr..,PSul 1,6(1 :1(1.-1 ''"" 26 'Ul4 ... 1 $754,956,000to$1,076, , • Biker 211/J JJVir;,.,.n "'' Ul'f1J1/,Porlt l-IK 2tV.31 V Wadwd 22'111~ Am l'F, 1, 1 21\li 2•~ 24V.+V.c~ $ 1~ '"° 1 .... +..,Frut11C1> l1Q n 3'~ lAI.\ ""-"-' . th t I f B k w . h s l 8•1 P•l~t '~ 1i'Z r.r ... 11 ltE 11 l•l'I ~·0 ~If 16 1,\1. Wldiw ,. lt 72 Al!I h ,jO lJ 211/t 10V. 70>4 -\I, Ch:~:rNY. 1 3l rr:: '""' '':~ -\II FU<W• l!ld n 36-li 'Wt. :N -... percent 1n e sae. rom t t :~fll~kWI T. ;.g~~':.Pr 1i~l,'j1;~P~t'S N".: 2~~ .. =.~:'4' tT"lr" ~mt:::~;?' ~ ~u n111 ~tl!1~~~-=Mft l.IO 111!9 so :lrt !:~~·... -G-I SJ.389,202,000 to $J ,827,636,000, ro e l y e l'l11ln P 10 1l r.rwtfl 1~ l•''i 1fl',~ PullS NM U\i, 1514 Wllfl NG 11\'t 17M. Am Std 1 IJ >:S\lt lJ lu.: c_,,...,:r Mo! 1 yv, ~ ,,,,_., -'4 GAC c 1 50 201 !.1'4 Sl'4 !.1'4 + J\ and~12 percent t'n the nation. B•YltH 111.\ ll r-111nl Ch 1 ...• I,. P11b$ NC lJ\li 13 ... Wuh ll:E 11 ... n ... mStd 1114.75 11102\'r 10 .. llh l02VJ '..:";,i. r:~N'Y ;::g 1~ ,.~· ",.·• l."' =··-~GAF c.:1 :~o 96 :IO .... 20'\ ~ -'Jo BHCl!m Jl.\li l2\li l':vJ.1· T...: '\ti ...... Pullllllr 1'\11 UV, W1t Tr 19V. 20 ... Am S!etll ,4 12 30111 121' -114 ...,__ " GAP pl to 12 29 11M! 21~ In terms Of Single units B•lle 111• 1:1 IJV. r-utl 1111 • l~ Pur•P• l1h Wt ebb 1111 '''l.i u A. Sug•r t '° 27 26"" UV. 2'~ v. · '"'"'w~v · '1 1',.. 11 1T -¥ k• · 15 25 ... 24,, u ·..:._:,~ ll•tm l!ld 12 U Gvrodl' tl 11\i, 11, Benllf't 261'1 '"" Wehltm 131_. f4\lo ASll!I 1>1"2.u ' .t.1\lo 4114 oM\li +1i.. l'.t>n Ofllp ' 23 61~ 62 62"11 + m 5 0 1.30 "" ... authorized' the UI• creases were Be1$<:cil t:W. lMI. w.111 r115 lf'll 2fl Puruv 5t ll JM W•lj1111 M 21\'t n Am511<1 of .6' 2 Im 101/0 1014 v. Chn•llr~ ·91 .u " •n'ta '"~ -1 ms 1111.75 2 2'1 2'1 2'1 -'"' VIA PORTER fl t• In lined Btrk Ht ~ 31 ' M1nd· Vo '" JI,~ PDuo CP 7'AI , ... Wtl .. G 11'1o l\l'o Am T& T 2 Ill 1'26 "'" SlV. + ... ~~lcE•1t 111 1] ,-, 11.1(, ,, -ms Pll .60 l 21~ 21~ 21tt -~ .2 percent in the z;outhern By SYL a ion -we are c ee11 L1b 51,,, ~ .. H•r.ov• s. ,~ 211 P11tNT1• 16 11 witcit p 131,1. 93'4 AmWWk1 .,u 11 21 .. 11'11 u . fl!MU 5tP,. .'1 78'~ ,,.... 28"4 +1 n.-.ett .65 ,,' '•"' ",.'1' 3l0,,_ :.:.:,.-· 81111/0S W ,. I v. R 6 O ?.!\'IP 2,,.. N l:W. 1•v. AWW!Jifll 1.U JI" 111't 1~ lTl'IP +·\li Ct>l"'SIPP ct 'S 711\'i 1~'11 2~ -'4. ""-,. counties. 28 percent i n As prices spiral across the almost roubnely lo overspend. ll!rG Son 3S 3t ~r1h"'M.'; l;~ '~ 11::~ 'Ei ll ,; ~:~ M~ 7:i,!, IV. AW ..,., I u ,j 0 11 ll.~ 11 -~ e~~ip~ ri's' ,: !!., ~! ~!,, =' ... G•rlock .• 1a30 r ~ ~.\lo~ ~lt .. = ~ . '" bo d d t t A E a Muelle th led ll lrldw' ~ 8 ....... ed F' 71 """" ""~°' Cp 2'1 25' W1!n Pub 20V, ,1 .... AW (,101 .•> ~ .,_ 22lli "'hf "'A ''" ,., ... G ' •• • ' ' ' " California and 5 percent tn 1.ue ar an axes soar a every s v r, e no 1111eck HI :J.l'h 35'"' ,,,1h...,, 1H4 !fol,(, R•ym co ....... ,, ~r-,.,., 1.._ ... ,,, .. ~ inc: . 2)~ 23 llv. .:.:.·~ '"" Music l 1 13'h 11'h 73'h .... 11e,..y " .... 6 n-. 1 . l · -,.. a El •l'J '" e Ml JI e .... .. "• .... ,,_ • Amlteic "° 75 " :is '' + •,(, Ch~P.-evT 2 ,. 37"' :t.u,:, JW. -1 Gemini CAP u 15\li IS'Ki 154oli United States. level of government, millions consumer economist at the e:i1111eer 11 1'1 12v. ~g:;« P r,14 2 ..... 11.:c"'r M••~ t1~ f'," Wl1M,,",. T ",:-!' ~ .. A.mficinc' .to 18 49 .a~ ,.. + ~Chi RI P&c :111 1~v. 7314 13:i.:. _1 GnA.tnv 2.21t i1 21i;. 2111t 2rv. .:;.·~ l . h . f h 'd Boolfle c lO 31 H I ?'fa ~v. .. ... .... AMI( c .. XI .,5 , ..... n 21 .. C~l!IP ctNW 9 ,, ... 21•\ 771·, _,,., GAmOll .60b 69 60"A 59'11 59t. -1~ Comparative mullip e·unit of us are doing no more t an Un1vers1ty o Mic 1gan, sai io ao. c.ci 21i.i.,:n,,. "'~' t-l 1~ ,. :r1evcr5-::', "., !l w!.!,C .. MPt~ 21~ :z:ira A.MP ine ·., 61 .i ..,. •~'lili _2 Ch1T111. 2.:10 1 5,"' 59v. 5914 _,,,. GArra" 1.60 11 Jll', 311~ 1Jv. + ~ al I cti ' th I d I I pho · le " 'I l'lrl<wv G ?I Tl\.\ H· ... pp :u 31 ~ •u,.. S'lli "'"""' Coi.. ~ 4Uli Jt'lla ~l\.'o + IJo ChodFull ,6(1 ,, 17'1t ,,.,, ""' -1.1. GATr~ pjJ,:.O 2 .16'.4 .16','o 46'.lo ••. 1'CSidenti cons rµ on gains holding our own on es an a e e ne m rv1ew •. qw ~3 lrwn N 27'.i. 21 H/l; G"• 1,Vi 1s =" EJ !?"?!Yo 'f..•,"', , •,•,. '•'·· ~'°, .. .J . .O , lf 31ft :Ill;\ -.,.. Chr!1 c11 .M u 1.~ l~ l 'l\ii + ,,. GMt B•nc .M l ,, 13"" 134\-lli South C I . r . a d ( ,. . I dd d 11 ol I ho rv5I'> 81 " :1'1114" ' • " l' . .. ... ·~ .... """'~ ~· ll It~ 1N u + v.cctt (VPl.llld I ](I 30 31'1 -o1v.G"C.ble 1.10 n 21 "lOl!i. 21 for em a J or n I • ar o 1v1ng a er -an o peop e W re<;e1ve w.age lluckw 11 13V. .. .''"" c 31 i11i AMcond 2.JG "'' ~ lO Xl'Ai -11i c"'oma11 ,... 104 2'"' u 'Miio _ v. Gen o1 l.to 11 ?1$\ 21 '4 21'ili :.::"4 California and tbe · United mil hons are actually stepping increases -as sa many have a,-:t!'ltE' ,' ,,.• •,,3:-! 1:..', c.~s0 ,. 1•v. • Anc:~Hod< .to Mt A3 41\t A:J +1v. cnrom•• .., s J 11o>,o, 11a 1 1~.,., -2'" GnOev• .141 ,, :io>1• 2'141 29'4 -v. . oc h i...... . . ;., in.. ,.. 1 j' ""rt INI Nucl "'"" 21y, /lroncorPN5v I 'l 2~ 24 24>~ + 'k.Ch<"vsler 2 U3 39>,i 39 :lf>A + ~ Genovnem 1 1ll 2~ 27lrt 21',t. -..._ Jtn. Jplle·rm~.:.-r ~v-Jo~lum-e~!i..nll!:d~77rse.J1~ dOW!J. b,(te~g!C'J!~IS-.-WH'~~L~~ P~.~ ";. .. w~ l'1 ..:!-" ~ , ... ,;;~~~. ~ .. J:f l1 'llrl4\/o ~. ~ ... = ~ ci~iE Jl:S ~ h~ ~ t;',1~1it ~,,~.~ ~1= lt: ~fa. --=-t~ = n -01• our rising paychecks and pro-pfe ~r years -go out and~~ ••. r," ~w Int C....t lt '""' MUT1=f"F_L--APC001'1'1:.m 1<11 r '° "!!'Al -•;; Cln GE pl 4 zlOll '"" ,,,,-.. ''14 -'" Gefl Fiii 1.60 65 "'" ""' 111\' + ;z ~ I -~' nl r:·-· ,.. ., .. I II SY 11'4 ltvi '='-ft-MUI Chtno 51 ~ l-1\Jo -1'· ClnMfll-1.t&& _, !T'-52--51 -:::... ~(;an.. HO&t .,. JI) 11'4 ~·\'o-... 12 -,,ercen in terms-u.. u ts lils kept as well ahead o{ in-Spen morelfiifrillle amount ·~~ e 1-. n.,,,. i::f ..... I~ 1r•1t llY, AJl:A SY( .u "10.l 100\'t 1C1Vt -1V. l'.!rSuTltl '"' 2 ,,_ "3>.CI """ -14 G*1I tiut .s.lf 1• mv. 31.\.t ll\\ + ~ h ' d ""' d t f th -•--Qr they f l•Q 15'h 16'4 lllf IJW!h 11 .. t\'t A.rctlDllfl J.MI ll JIM n•.r. JOI.lo ~" Clll'l"-1.to ti 35 :11-. 34it. _ \\GM! Miiis .Ill 10,' ,"",,, .~,. s""••• _ ... , •• aut orLZe • creases in ,...ces an axes, o e r~. orget eo -,. ,,., 15,, 111 Ml't • 13,~ ,.,,, ,..r11Pubsvc 1 3' !''" 2~ 241/t + v. rcu1" svc , 12 5,,~' 51 ,1141 ,4 GM111, .,n.1s ..... " ' I I d r $742 k' r b h th II Cl'D n... .,. ... • ' ,,,,fl'' FUNDS "'rlafll 05 .to 71 iv. 31~ ll -.... City Inv .ll'lb 486 1~'11 21~ '""" ~ .. GrnMot l.<l(l~ eit 7\1• 14''t 74\o -\'o Multip es accoun e or we're not ma mg a su • a out t e extra taxes cy' C1pTcti 71• • int c r • Armcos1 160 n 1•>\ n !'"' c11v1nv ..t 81 as ..-:r:\'i 41 ''",. ~. G Miii s1>1 s 1s ,,,,, M'h ariv. -1 r C ljf . 1 $2 8 1J grlt ~ ?';4 tf/) Int SVl '' '1"' ArmJ.ICk IO 62 l1'~ ~V, 1'!> + "'Cl!y Slr1 1a y] 14\'0 lt'll 14'll + \\ G Mg! pfl 11 10 60'·' t.O 6111/o -ft! million o a orrua s · ficlently bigger total of do ars have to pay from the raise ~'"•• ',', •• '•'•" ,'",' iv,,~, 1: ... J~., A•ml!ub 1.1111 1 11~,1 'l'"' •2t'o -,..., r.1ar~EQ 1:~0 ini 31.;, 3,.~ ,,.,. _1"" G1nPCtm :eo l~ :M'o 20 10 •..• bl.lli'on ,·0 J968 residential con· · · th I · •..: "" '" n ' ,. ' ""' Cori> ,'Ill _ ' "" ? ~ 11'l'il-,,~ r.1a"' 011 .10 .n '!'"' '·''~ 4"'• +1"· GP11bu1 1.60 1a 21'~ 26.,~ 21 ••• to Offset lhe erOSJOn In e and then they fee pinches tnflX 1:1.,,, r'llll lnl•XI 21 'l'" ~I." o'•"• '~ m--,.-!!" ,.u,. '.~:i,:. -10:·• ClfvCll!f 1.60 t ~· 12,~ ~,,,_-I'~ Gen ll:tlrect 60 11'h 1~ !()\lo _"'° .tructio. n. llome remodellng b · r ea h ol our h th li th ' tn vPs •onrcs 111 1 ....,, ··~ ..... , •• '.Iii: -v., ci.ve1111 '°' 77: 1•11t ,.,~ ::u.•r. _..,,, ~ sit 1.20 2J «i~• ~·"' Jt -1~~ uying power 0 C W ent ey thanrea tzhe ey :-e ~t l~• lj"4 Jll'l j!J:.UI~ 'Ia 2!:t: Mh,...911~PE_.-IO Jl~ r,,, f', '3s1 .. :;:-I,~ ci.v Pit 3..SO l'O 51~ s:m. $?~ + ·~ G•~ Slv Jlf ' ~ n 16V. 76\lt -V. 'construction rose about 6 per· dollars. spen more ey recelV• 111m1o .3..,. ,_.. ,_, .. , c .,,, 14,,. .1v1r 14 Proe ,,, -t.17 ... r... •,. .. c:i.v ,. ~ .. 1 2 11.11 ,..,.., ,..... '9'111 +1-1o1i Gensr1111c1 to 11 20'AI 1-n·. 2fl"• ... d " files IPIO W. 7>,.;J;;.,¥w11 1•14n"' ;;(SW YOl!K IA.Pl Slodt 2fl:Ql21,I?~~ 11Jg 16 ~~:~ ~~ ... 31...,+114 Clevl!t l.10 12 141'1 TJ'.4 7' .... GT11 I ! . .if 307 ™" 35\Jo 3514-"' cent to '270 million. Ballooning prices and taxes e . i.. ut11 17 11 J•m•bv ,,,,. 13V. -rM 1011ow1na ouo-S111ct '°' • 1~ A ..iT · 40 ,, u«a 1~.;.,, u~ r:1ie ... u. p12 !t ~ 111 nu, 7!! GTttEI "'7.so s "'"' 4\'o -'l't. -v. FOLLOWING . I r hi era.t 11 7' J•roe"• 161~11 Ill t.1uor11.c111'1' V1r py 1: ... :,,At1C1vrl1"f» n 16l• ?6\i ,,"'_-,~ lor0ll .7So 8l 19"e 1~1,\11•'11:+'.Y.GTt11'f:1 .111310191.1< 18\l lni-l are the basic reasons so many are JUS a ew !hr111 s n1 121 Jlltv Fd• 6V. 11'1 t"' N11ion. AuJ>cf. Inv Resh 4.lf s.:JD Atl 11:1ch feo 4JG 11o 106111 109~ +?'Iii 1ut1•"-• " ss 30•; ,.,,~ ,.,,.~ _.,. Gr,1 11 ai.>0 i).2 ,", !!!.L ?! t' • oceanographic ·1undilc. a mutual fund lrwestlng in the development and U$t «if the ocean ind its resourttt ·r· t . "' I th fl•ffl ol 100 105 IC I ~ SI ,. 711 '''°" °' $Kurl!let !•l•t :22,:M' 23.114 A.lllllch pf) 7J 1110 l7'111o m;.57\i +1~ CluO't!P pt, $ ,,,lo 2l'" 1t'4 .. G.nT!me ,llO ,, .. , • ..., ... of us feel "poor" in the face of ~peel hi~sh O lnu,icha e eharea1 S 'i'•'"H' , ,•,~ ,•,~ l(:i~s~ "' 1~ 111v. Dtalert. 1ne.. ''' tvest l•.n "·" Att Jllch ""·3 , 115 '"' 115 +l CNA 1'1~1 .J(I 1n n ''"' ~ -1·~ Get> 11" 1b lM 101-'o 1911i ?0\11 \~ ·-w IC we ave 5 arpy I' " ·•I("' 130 1..., tM orlcn., wt>lch1yy tis t 2J AllRd> ""'° 71 72 71..., 71 + 'liC NA DIA1.10 ~1 Jl 29V. :l'l',~-1v,G \Ir• pl 5 z:io 7A 14 1~ -1 our highest incomes ever But "' · 1 • a 2' 11 • •• Slli Rli ihe•• .ecur111e1 J'l<Hnc:ock 1:01· t)> Att•l Chem' 1 53 us;, :4-.;. 15 _ ,,.. c°"''1 s1 Ge• 75 3~'ii 34>4 J~ _ * ~ ... oca 1.60 54 38"11 5tt 3N -11to '' Upgraded our Standards and lril Ml 2JV. 2•'-1• ~tv•my l!'ft 19V., to<.!ld fltvt beln Jllfln•ln to,1120.lf A.ltoi Coro .SS 5>i! JV. !1,0, -. ,,._ C•IS(;• pl1 ,1t 3 ~·~ lfl\i lll"'-.•. Ga Pac .80!) 11S .en; '1'h '7 ... + l'b there are also less obvious c11v1.,.. ~~ sv. e,,r 6i,i, ~,,.. r.1d lbld1 or bouo 1 Kevit-F'und': 4.,,,,,., Pl•s 11 1,,,, 1,,, 1.,;:, _,... cocacoi 1.:n 101 11'1/o 70 ,,., _,,., GaP&e pf1.6' 1 s•v• SI ~t~ +"' reasons We reel a P''nch. For demands: l'i:::",,nt.._Mtro ,•,. •'•• ~=t~ 37 311 lsl<IOl Mond,• "·,.~ CUI Bl "·'' ~.11 A~ISPklr Oii• lm ""~ 1~ lP:, -Ila "ourflllt 1,70 ,. 3'111-l~ '(loi + .... G1P1c pf1..i(I , oil '3 '3 I born ' '"":..-19\; 2(11,'t ICet>tl E 11 11V. lid .. Cu• Bl 20.,7 n..ss Autom'11 1"11 11 15'• 1!1v. 1si·. + "• Coif P11 l.l'tl JI ~"' .,~ 4 -~ GerMr 1,10 6S »I'll 1m 30 + ..,. l·nstance·. D our new _ es, we re , -. 1 '"' KeY.e Ffll 11 19 ~~\11~ J:!1 j·t, c111 B• •-110.u Avco c .. 110 ,5 !~ 1si. 1si.;, + i~ ~·"',,' .. ,.1,so rio ~s s. 5• -2 !!!ttvo~.;at l2 6l'ii '1'1.1 ''°" -~ d d-rn Ktvi C • .s-~1-r: '15 Cl.lllrl 141t'1A~E>llto 77 ·{ 5' S-N+"G'-OMAk l SO ff 1'1'\t mt _.,., ... ,..~ ...... ~ & 1• It · 11 ..• -WE HAVE ror Y ar' been cm. a.n ing m.ore space •. more o,!!!.."' .,", 1~ ~ K•n' ~c. 1 110 •1111 •1d 1 •·;t 10·7, Cu• K2 ~:n 5:11 Averl r.d· .n J s1.11o si v. 5"" _ v. co111"RA<1 .IB 11 .o* ~~,,.. 1q,:; . . . G11111 PC .IO 39 U'lli ,, ic -" e b ii li ""' ~ Kl El I'~ 9V. AIUtre 0 ~ • Cul 51 20.4'\tt.32 Av,,. <IC .~ 1n f~>,<, 15 l'™i COlolnhl 1.60 " oM AS\4 ~·~ -l-1 Glbrllt F!n j ??:., ~ 2,.•,. +···,r 1 ti 1 d' u1-1n ma1or appances, e111 ~it~ Ki::::: Pr 2,~,5\~~\~~:mF~11 ·lt 1!~ cu1511D."11.ttA.vonPdl.BO 24o11s.. 1so 1U'f>+S•h~o111...o .'5Dcl 2.•~Hti '"""",l".-a..g~~t~""'1 toao ...... .,..v ,. -rd~~~n~~s :_ ~~~gin~e 01~x~ more carpeted or linoleum-: M\ '1" ~~~~!a '?ot ~l"' ~v. ~mc1g ~-;! ~:ff ~:i.! e ~-~ t·~ -B-c~1{ 1~.~-60 1,t ~,., ~ .... r,.~ =I:: Glmbei a• , 1~! ~~ ~~ ~t~ =':t esterd . 1 tbe covered floors, more easy-care ""' G•s 11v.. 13•n KDracp 11v, U'4 .~ ~f" 11 ·fl-l 1io.r. Pot1r 4:" ,:14 BttK.k w 1.36 U4 11'Ao '"·~ 14\'1 -~ ces pf t 9 ,,v. 311'• lll•'o -'"'Gitn Akk!" 1.s 1oi.; 1ov. 1014 -'"" ury af y ay In 0 . om T't ,.,. 21\1 lMC 0&1 .~ .... ,, AE• !l>I ... ,, : .. Knlckb 7,:56 •. ,. •••OUT .I! Sl 10 19'19 ?O ... + \'. ~·l=ur.~, 1.60 Jl?4 1111. 2•l'o ?~ ... -·· g:::11 ~-rs n: ~\~ ~lh ~ .. +1~ . 1 'i e, of today counter tops, more recreation ~ Mith 11 2A tine• 1.. '''" n v. A.m Grlh '·"' 7 . .s Knta Gt 11.n 11.30 B•llGE 1.10 31 a1•n :n J?V. \!o r.01 Pl 1•,l• 2300 J1:w. D>4 .,.,,. 7 "" :!::::'un ~'1" 30 ,..,. 11 l1\\ ... n·e CC 5 S I -' ,,._ , ... ''"'' '' ~"· '"' om >•w I.~ I."" Ln!nll 10.4111.d llt!tG pfC' 130 !' Jt !t ... o 6 2 l'Oti 3~ 3~ ~ v; · -.,,. ' r sew· g oo e ~al ~·-"' " "'" _.;':', ,,,,., >m M>o• , ''·" .,, ,~ ''·" ••.-!'"'""' .... ... ,,.._ ''"' _ •.r. CambE11 2.40 '~ srv;. s~lh 56 -1\11> rlc~ 1.n 1s.1 ltlll 1"' 39•,i, + .,. translating the piped.reams of c:ioms, . ~n . r ms, c n.. 11111 T~ ~ 36'j''t ~::i:.,., Wd 'i'1r, •"• AmN Gt~ 3109 i.lll l 1bertv.,, ,,;; a::; 1ii11pl' Pf i"' 7 36\~ ~; :i.i __.,, c--.n"°tv-·"" 31" li•1t '~~ 1~~ -1~ Goo:!¥••• .tJ !o1'10 f''Ai 2t\\ 2'1\' +v. th 19'~ :.1 lh langi'ble air cond1t1o:ung. The 8Jr mo Mth ·~ ,.., ltft c°"'t !'~ 61" Antt>or Grouc : t111 s11o; J.ll s.11 118.,k Tr ).14 'J &J!"t ,3,.. il'i _... ComlSol 1>1.t0 ? lJ'~ 1.s lJ -'Ii (;(ir11J1v.o. .2• 1.s JO'~ 1<110 30 -)" e """ '-'' O e I' lh I be" mo Tee 11',;, l~V. Lel•ur G 'A''> '.1!111> C•gU 1.n t '1 u11 111v 6.10 11'3 !l•rbOll 1.3!1 32 61l'o 60f 61"11 + "' comwEd 2111 61 u:i.o,, .uv, •~'11 + -0Gou~e i·~ 7' Al'• fO '1\4i -'"" · or the 1960, P 1ances emse ves are 1ng ""1rnr .s s>.< Levin ,." , 12 Gr'WI~ u.61 ll.N u ... , u"•van B•rd CR ?J 11 "'"• ol&~ ~'~ -·~com E "'L'2 lG '' 211\li 11 . , • r~c ..... a ·"" 11~ lO\~ 2'1"' "'' -.,.. posseSSIOnS • t d"I ded I lf an Roell'. 30 31'h L-1• BF-' UV. 1••1o Inv 1.93 t.1' lonmls S•YIH : 81t!c Inc '.to 4 161~ l~V. 16\'0 -~ ~omw D!I .60 19' 7"t;i 7" 10'1!1 -tO Gr1nl1Y 1.20 10 m• 78~ 2'1~ + .... '" •r del OSI r ge I t S•r•lo ,,, ""'tuw EH 7D ... 71 •;,A150CI• .:161.•I C11>U 1113111lt•lfl '"" 10 37¥0 JI·~ 31'4-~'-oml•I 54 •A~· 44\'a .1.11,(o -\4 ••n.... 61 lH'i 11"11 11''···· t·u d I r -I h t r 1 n g re r1 ra ors, on1r1r1 1>o1. ''" Lai>l .., ,~. Pt Astra" :IG.62 22.s.1 Miii 14·,, 1i61 B1t11tthlb 80 n ~ JJ'l'o s•¥o _ ,4 Cone Miiis 1 ' 11 1,.,, 11 + 1~ Gre"11ev •.~o 12 20·~ :101 .. 20•4 + "" ---------. _We have -me to feel e"· s ea I Y up~ra -:-O se • ~ cmo 11!'-ll\~ Lib EoUlt 11 11v; F11 1 ... v !·'* 10.11 c~~1111 Jl.2131_,1 eeie1 Ml• 3'I "'" 11 11 +•4 S°"'""' Sci 'n 21•-11 21 ''"• + >4 G, .. ~,,l!: ·,',', fl J\.ti 23 2J' .... 1 e .0 airy s_arp year:o-ovCrhead ovens, etc. New ~n L 0>0;!,•,~to11 1cdV 1•1:> •• -,,.t.Ji:e Houohl°"' M.t~htn ·,..~~viona.~+rLill .'11 51 ~ 4.1'4 4S'4 ... Conr~ccp • .io 11" •111o •11.10-1 v.0Gr1ntw 1.•0 71 '°"" •21\t •l +•_. Y increases 1n our Jv1ng '"""" •• .. t e1 11 19 Fund A '·" 7.611 M''' "" 10 1111111 111.i,,,., 1 s :itv.i 31 :i. _ v, can Ed11 1.ao 121 J2',t :n :n•.\ -\'o ••"' Pf J,15 zl31~ ~ ••. ~ ..... ~ ...... ., ear . homes bought with FHA r..:i,ds ~ffv.t~ C" 32V.lJ\~ Fund 11 t9J t.11M$u r.th 11·1111·,, ee11Fds 1 n W'I 3511, 1s>ii-'llcaneo11 "'' 4 '-~ t§ ts -~~g••A_~~ J·J/l 52 21 '" 2i>l' 1'~-~ Mlcl.-Diltrii...n, 1-. If ,,..,. Strwt 11 .. Ytrk. N, '(. llfM ...... ---·~M .. OCMnottaCl'lllo Niw:I. tnc:,; standards -With the re~ult mortgages last year bad an ~re•I M~ 10 11 Miii GEi ~~ ~ ~y<kCP 1.':f, 1:~f ~:,Tr lf~ lfu l::Z~ir'!!: '~ !::Z l'~ !:"' ::'~t e:::~dl~!c:"J.6i ,1J n~ ~ ~~ :j:" ~ G~~~N~r iij~ J UV, 111/• lS.,., + v; that We boost Ollr Spending "average of 5 9 rooms· a fUJI 72 f~~~h '; ~~,z ~:i,:. ~lcll:l<f.C .!J'li 11 :r1tr,.anFd 1~·H 1 it Mtl~ert 11:6211:62 BK! Dick '.30 Jl 6>; 45 41 .... -'~ e::F:o:r:~ 11~ 1gv, t# i:-' -:14 1 ~o:aRy.4] :i !~,~ m: !~ .:.:.1" budgels to new records each · ' ~orn c ll IJ\li M• lkrt v. 50\lr 5'k 6'1s ,:,,. McOo11 '·" 10·"' !oe(ll Air .. 15 1<6) 1114 n "'"' -~ conF'rel~flt 1 100 2,v. 26..., ,,..., -,.~ t WH• Fl"I m 24\41 2:i-i. 2l'll + ,,. percent had two or more ni.1 r~ 2''" 2!l Momt As ~ '"' ,.,,, st t• 10 111 MldA Mu ,_,1 1.H ,rco Pei .so :n n 21'°' 72 .. ConNitG 1 76 56 211111 21"< 21 -" 1wnu"11 .90 s.. 4\lo ., " __.,,, .. Year even though there may nlv M 11 1:m M1M1ur 14¥, 1sv. ton ,·'° t11 ~ C1> 14.lt 11.n 8t1<1H-.60 1 1D"' "':i. ""-') +-'·'"con PW!" 1·90 21 ,,., -wu ... .,., u t 2• !J"'" 21 + ,,.. ' bathrooms· 58 percent had Dlt• Din ls:li.\,~Mmn!n M 5to P'ie!'flld st i.::u1Ss1MoedY'1 U.7'IS.o.ts111 Mow Ml ,, 65V. 65 , l5'4-Vtconf.w p1in tlJO ~ ~ ,t~·";.., tW••~I" .JO t 1~ '"" 1,.,._,.., be a year now and thm when ' 7 1>1v11 Fd 11,,. 12 :., Brgrr 37 JtVt &lJllodl u.1216 5' Mor""' Fvnd~: t•n lnl•f'(."" 2J ,.,.. ''t f'\'o -·~ CQl!Pw Pli:to i7SO ,m 67 '""" -" HnGnt 96 19 i1:w. 1 21'4 -~ ~-d garages· 2 percent had Div Mir 211" ttv. P Jt :riv.~ Fd J.ll 10.l~ Gnrtll 10.611 . .o Bemlf co 1 •• l4V. 3'.'14 34\'t -'' cantA.lrl 5o 2,9 1, ... ,,,. ,, ... -.. rteflSll 1.10 • 1 26 21 l"' uie hikes are unwarrante . • §:!"" tn lP4 i'~ M&ver o 3t 40 "u" 11.:u 19.ll 1ncam •.11 ~-~l eenc11x 1.6G S1o 31•i. 1111o l''" + ""'°"'ca~ :i 211 ,, ~· ••" ,,;·: -"::!. g''Y"°"f!d 1 65 20v. 19to 10 ,,.. carports 111ne 9'~ lo Mc0'1'1' 31 32 w f 1~ !·.! t.11 IMUr 7.6J t.36 BM!ll-.. p1 3 1 66\lr uv. 66V. c · ... "" ·" --rollff 1.6Q ll S5\ii 5s, .. S5V. l' -And because O{ this al· • flt AP tlt. J'2 MM!c H 11\1.1 lf'!J o I t>r ·n 7.45 MIF Fd 11.'I :I0.11 l'lentl'Fln 1,60 3' .c:l'Ai .f? .ci•~ +11,'J c::: cw,·: ~ )J'-= I~ -~ rumnAlrc 1 ..., i?i;. ~ .. rs _,2,z tl'tude _ and most recently, In nine out of 10 o.r our new 0e.,•,",,',"r ',','I. ,,' ~!"',_!~,· ~,• ~. '"' shr 10. ,,_.. MIF Gt11 s.n •.2s a ... uF l>IJ.50 1 1:io 111 13111 +s c1 CP l>IAl·so 10 4"' """" :S"' 4 G111•,M89, ~· ~!f ... ,. 31,,. ,. _ "" "' ,.,..,__ Ch•""'"" Fll'flds: Mv OmG J.Of S.5.1 Bt<11lF Pl•.50 l«I '1>.'o 61ft 6'~ +lli CI Cp p11iso 1 41\\ 411 Gu .SO ""' ...,_ Our bell.el t'n con"nui'ng In-cars, we 'r~ pay mg r o r -""--"'------""'--'---I 111111" n.ll 13,,1 Mu 0m1n 10 .. 1' n .n een11F' ol,.:JO s n n 13 •• . ft Mtoe 1 ·to 72 .,. "'" ,~ -1 •• Gu 1,. eorc!.!. J2, l•~ 11•-. 11 + ,,.,, u Com SI I 71 1.ts Mui S>lrt U.59 11.59 !lenF Spl'J ~ 1120 J.J 3J :» .. o · "" " -~•Gutt 5 pt,.,. 211 191"' 1?1"' -~ automatic transmissions and Grwlh j" ',·•.01 Mu Trst ,_,a 1.11 e...wuet · 1rn 2J.,. n·~ ,1,~ + v. c=:i M8f1 .11~ 16• ~! ,,''~ ~"' ++2.,_ G11,•,,K, '•"•~• J nv. l,~ 221Ai + ~ "WE SALUTE OUR LEADER OF THE MONTH U.lRY ADAMS Congratulations to Larry Adams for leading the Orange Agency in new life insurance protection placed during the month of June. ~1r. Adams specializes in business and personal financial plan- ning. Carroll D. Bryant, C.L.U. General Agent Suite 310, Union Bink Square Or1nge, C1llforni1 92668 Now!PSJ\ d•etsevery 9 minutesto Oakland! 7:15 am to 1:45 pm. Both w1ys. 7:1M:4S.10:15'-11!4S •~1 :1S-2:f5 .. :1S.5:4S-7!1M:45 pma More on wnktndt. Why wony about a TNtrvallon wtion PSA has oYer 160 fUghta • dfl¥'1 1tKJ1 811 easy-~embef' acheduie you can carry It ...-lit J'Ollf tMllld. Wby remember towesf hire•? Or •II Jela? Or ....... to Sin Frmcllco, S.n JO&e, San Dtllrla-• -·••nto7 Or Shtt Jdd&"undet 12 ._, -- --•> 10t ~•If,.,., SUI -.: 1 a ,,_, .._ ~ ~.....,., aoerit:llL ors' r n ................. ,_. 1Mom .,4 · NEA Mui 10,5211.1' fl~ In 111 1l'I) 21''< 11''< C OO • '3 ... ·~ ""' -.. G11 IUI . 38 2•\'o ll;, 21 +"" in 50 percent, air conditioning. s~c•G ·" 1.11 N11 ws1e 10.1111.5' l'l•rkPllo .111 ~· lf>~ lP\ 1•v. ...:. ~ cg::1 ~/1 "/ 2 1l t~ ~:: ~r.1-1:z gu1~~ 1>1!~ i 100 t1ru ~~;;: ~~~ :;:l"' Moreover. the auto insurance Go c~~ rou,~=~~ 12 n N&t Ind 11.11 11.1' 8Prm1e Co•P '"" 1''' 11~ 1:14 + ""canr 1'e1 ·" 6l n,_, 11'~ n:i..o = 1: G~lfW "r,1i 1s ·~ n ?1 n -1 · .• N t Fu 1 95);100;00 N .. 1 lnvst 7.611.1.lO tle!'! Sit 180 1"' Jl~ 31, JI>~ .... Control O•I• 519 1'4\'1ll91h1,4 +l'to GullW 013_11 .,, !ll', so•o 51 +\It liability limits We're buying mg 0 C~~ ~J·J; Ji·:~ N~11:~r 10~·11.M =I~~~~ 1:: i~ 5j~ Ji,z ~~>,i, ··:· ~~~P:~~ l2~ MjS'lli t1~ t'I.:.:. ~ g~r:: 'r'~'5 :i! ~r,,; ~j:Z ~m:: ~ are increasinglv likely to be in c tan1i1· · · 11""" s.~1 6.nt s11rtok 1.to n 6111, ~, 6, -•,~Cook 1Jn11 JO 11 , :i111> 33,,.,, -t11> H 1 I oEall!Y' 4 64 S QJ Dlv!d •.~ 4.91 ll!•lrJor.n .'49 12• """ ff'~ 7''~ CDOOf!rl11 f.io t 21'4 11'~ ?IVJ 'Ii -• -the $100,000-$300.000 range G Fund ll09J \JOl (;rwtt> '·'·'·"1'111Hl8ug' 4 )J•t 21 ... 1l•i-V•CowerTFt°I 20 19~ 19\.t H:w.'+>..:.H1tkW1!270 2 '211> '1 A1 ..... S t Grwlh •lJ 6tJ Pf S!k 7.11 1.n BlueBell l .so 1 .11 '9'-1. 4'11\-1 c._r l>t\25 j 2114 71~ ?1\.t -~MtllPrt 1~01 1 '°"' MJ"ll ..ol•-"li against the previOUS ${0,000-0 rea Von! 6):i fll lnc:om S .. ~S 6.0I !lhoB~I l>l•.IS ,, l!ll>'h,101 lltl -lV. CoPel~ncl i.70 '3 41'1r '1'Ai _ 1~ Hl llllll/M 1 05 54 •ll-o Ali'~ 41 -'Al r gommc 11 .11 ll.M St«k' t.U f ."1 11..tlblt tr1'1 I 16V. 16\41 lA''< .. Cop11Rtt .SOii n c:I\, 42•1, ~1'.'t -1'.lo HamWll JJf n ll'h ll'.lo IJ~ -'·" $20.000 range o coverage. om~ so '·" s.4 •' wed ,_os •.11 a°"'"' 1.20 631 15~ :J.1 l5V. -* c-1sn l.?O 1 10'4 711•, 2o"' ~amm Peo 1 1 2t 21 ,. t" JN OUR FOOD b k th lll'flmgnWflti f'dt: Ntl Grth '~ 10.ll Cori'llt\l .21!1 3J 2S\ll 23\;I 23~ -?!,lo 1xmnG .10 ~1 11\1 11 O'AI = "" as els, e F p Am Cao Fd t.1$10.1$ Ntuwth 2~.1' 10.1' Col'GW 2.SO. .I.I 21t 2•1 2~9 +1 •l!dlmn ·ti Tl1 '°'' lll <l(l +? •Upgrad1'ng t's unmt'stakab!c, or an lncam t.H10.t7 PW Ent ,,t1l0.I~ Coron111".22 1!0 21>4 J1 21 -111.HanclH1r . 7 21':. 211'! 77\t •..• lnvtd t 10.10 NfW HDr 26.S316.Jl Cow~ .JO 15 11\'1 11 -\'> H&MICO . a '3 21 2l -'4 W ' t' t k th Sloo:lr. t IO.!J NPW Wld ll.<ll ll,15 Cox8dcif .:.0 2 41 •1 •1 . .. HannaM 1,lO 1 39'4. lt'Ai lt\lt ,. ere ea mg mores ea an iwtth A!I 1·4 !·'°NY Vt<1I 15.'9 17.Jl B J • CPC •ntt 1,10 111 ;tJl~ 3.lt\ :is•1, _ v. 1-1arcourt 1 n 63'" ,, 6l _, ever before, at a time when with CO .n .M Newlofl 14."' 15.J.t erry oms Crene 1.60b 11 olO'tll 411~ +'A Hlrrl• l~I I ~ ,•,s~ ,", 6~\ + '" Pan American W or Id omo As 1s.1o0 11.10 Nor••sf 16.lt 16.3' Crom1>kn .eo t 11'.lo 11 11 -~ Henco CP 1 ,,.. , ?l ~ + \lo some cuts cost up to $1.75 a ~!'SI ·~ t.:i.i OcntPll t.n •.c CrovwHlnd 1 11 1a~ ~ u -v. Ha11SMrx .io 1• 21\1< :ll'>\ lP~ .... pound; last year, each of us Airways, Inc., and i ts:;:=~ ,,:otl!:1'~!J~ 1~J~1::n ~=01J;i11 N fi eo'" ~~~·~~:~c~11'·~0 40 2tO'!t 2fo;1 2t:a.-_~ C lid t d S bs'd" · omslk 5.12 611101 FG 100310,9' N t, In ~rownCk l>f1 1 4.l•fli .Ulh "31" ... H•wllEI 1.32 5 )2v.,_ Jlh ll\) .teanaverageofll0pounds OnSO ae U l larle.5 ancord li,'116tjo-WmS1J:MlS.1J avsa Co CrnZellnl.<IO "ll'llilM ~l'-!lo-ltnHAlbl 320'.lo20 20 ~:\.\ · d d'!ed "''°' In untvlr, O:N111 lfll 16.10 Crn Z 111~.?0 tl<IO ""ti 67"-"~ -llt H11el!lne CP 74 241.41 2m 1)0,\, -~ of beef against BS pounds in preliminary an unau 1 an1u in 0•5.n ,',· o""""" 1 . .u 1.1s crs Coro . .io 1t ln'o 1.,.. 1~ + v-HK!1M,,,. .10 31 2l'.lo 72•11 nv. -~' Tod h r f DrP LG .)4 .IJ p..,n SQ 1.77 1.21 COOllhv Co 1$ ui. 14'" l~Vt ... Heinz H J.M u 31 30'4 :io•.'o -"' 1960. ay, one-al o the statement for April indicates "'v C•o 11.'1 UJl Pe M11t • .t11 9 . ..-NAVSAT SYSTEMS INC Cudhv 011.21 2 19 21e~ u~ -..., Heline curt 12 15v. 1M 15•1, -"" k be. d · rown W 6.'2 1.n,,l"l>ll• 14111'.71 .• Culllgf" .n lt ?!'It n 17li -l'.6Hell co11 ,60 1s 18'>~ 18\lo ll'a -'11> por 1ng consume in our t loss after taxes or rnw In un1v1 Piii> Im 9,1 1001 . cumml" IOb 20 3' 3s•11 JS''"+,.. HentrWe '° n ll'IJ lf!,-ll'lli +,... Country l·s the ht'ghesl quali'ty, ne • • eVoh M ',',·", t',.10 1>1iol i'2 1·n developers of a system to aid cunno,,,. ·.1V 16 ""-31'"' ,1,. -v. H111tr 11u ~7 , 11 11 n _, .. 689 900 13 ts h_ 81 Inc ·1 .!6 Pine St ln'r.i 10:11 • . . Curll» Wr! I 70 1'\lo lPli HV. -\'r Hflm' Pers' 1 is 20•,1,o :IO 10'4 .. , higheSl priced, leanest grade, .,..., ' ' Or cen B S are, Qelawrf 11n 1:·r. P1-r 13:.fll 14.14 navigation and operations Of Cu•! Wr A. 2 1 J'.I: 3? 3i HflmrflP 10 21 14'.lo 2• 2•'1• + \'t d I · r 1758 000 gr.na S~ ] M ·11 P~n tnY lf:n 13 41 Culler H 1 '19 2S )1',~ ~ 34"" -t' ttemllllh Cao ID 1 1~'11 6''o -"" compared to only one·third in compare o a gain o , , ~~ 1: 6:6i 1:,, P••ce TR 2 :Nn:M commercial ships, announced ~v<1t101 1.to 111 33'111 "'" 33'-:!: !<t.Htmnnc .~J, 1 '"' ,,, 9•1. -111 { A 'lf.lxel 1J"1J•7 ProFvnd 11nav1!1 ... vP•usM l.'11 11 U •5\11 .IJ'i> "Ht'f"c Inc t 41 39i.; 39"" lt•'-\' 1960. or 2 cents a share, or pr1 '111• 11:as 1A)lt l'rovdnt •.tO i.36 that Robert E. Berry has join--D-ttere1nA 1.6~ 1 ue Ho 1.0 _,.,,. th~n ~~:~ ~~~Jeth~f t~!1~d r~~ la~eier:~s for the first four S~iH-r~1~ B:!i ~~~Fi "~~!::::: ed the company as vice presi· g:~r1~ ~is ,:1s:~~ Ma M~ + '" 5fJE;k ~~~ ,u ~~ u;i h5ti ~a · ln(<>m 4.1' l 11 Goort 1~.fl.I H.:ll d I I' 0~,1 Ind p! j 2, SO ~ll't ,1,,., i lflt~ Voltatt RO 19"'° 191\ 19'1ii we'rebuyingpeakamountsor months of the year was ~Mel l!,62n10 Grtt> 11.0&n.011 en -(lpera 1ons. 011vcoCP i 7 1, *' ao':r.ti lttli=l HlllMHote1' :io,,• ,5!,~ ,s~ ~~ .... ++1;~ Stock 14.39 15.IJ lncom 1.2' •.M d riavCOl'"o .;,1 1 ?T ,, ,7 Hl!co ,IS -. ~,. ...,. " t.hesefoodsatoftendoublethe $15509000 o r41 cenls a1btr~1 lJ.101~.•1 1nve11 1.011.M Berry announce o~l'lnPtlio 64 ,-.,1 ~+ ... H11COPI"'·" 114 ,, 21 +1 ' ' ' or~t U.ll l•.$1 v111e 10.7'111 ,69 Dl'l "'" 3 -,5 ,.._ \Ir .... ~rt amt 11 4 .U'lli .._.,., uv, -3' price of ordinary calorie-filled share, compared to a loss af ,mra s.r. ,'·u"• ,•·•,, v ....... G '·" ,.u simultaneously that Robert A. OPt .,10 1:4 mg ,g~ 1ll.'1 1llv. =11• ~.· •, "'"•n 1u 13 21v. 1n1 -v. · W , I • o. m OOO & Is sh .,..,nv •· '· Riii Ttd'I S.04 5.51 °""' Co 1 l09 3'1~ ;;I; );y, 'h .,..1 v nn . 5511 •1'4 39t:o. •1 -.. items. e re sp urging on im-"'°'"°°'' , or cen a are, i""'~ i'·tt 1~·r. 11:ev,r~ 13.391•.~3 Thom"~"n bu been named oeiPwt+ 1 °' :ff 21 20,,., 20.,., = v. HolldA l.Xlb ' 4lv. 6lV. 67'"1 -3 rted 'food 'Ii:.-f th 'odJ t 8f oull'r . 11:0\lnlh 14 tt1 t""' OelPwlf,.; 4111 3-6' J..U 3-6-4 Ho11~1,:IO .i 1rn: ~ ~·.:_v. po gourme s, ~cnt or e same per1 as ye · :~Git> \,.1~ 1.'::1 Sd>u•'' "vn.•vill director of engineering: Dr· o.1 Mt:,1. 1,10 4 ""° 21v. ,,... +',,., :t°'"" 1 1 '# 1 411; 121\Ja apples, exotic tropical fruits, Total operating revenues ~~•·st In ~-· ~·ij ~'tnv"~:s":il·1s ,, · Otl11 Tr ,..., •4 32>6 31\li "'" -11t H::al 1 '°"' ll,',3 '~,".,...1~ ~.~ • .,..~ .. ,~,,. _+:,,',,' wine to drink w1'th dt'nner, 11·-were $83 480 000 for April up ~=r~ tfll51 · 1 Seid ":'1 :M:., John B. Opfell, assistant to the~~~"' 60 ~ 1~"f.. 1~!4 1~"' ··1,~ HO'lt 11111 ~» ~ ......... • ...-• ' ' r . · · 1111 1''714'7 · '"' '" -.,.. ttolelCP ,._m quell,$ to dnn. k after dt'nner. 2 6 percent over the F•rm l!u 11.1 l .1 Com st 10:,,10:" director o( engineering· and DennMtt Pl' ' 31 31 31 __.,,,~ Hourt INI .eo 16 '""' 17 17 -" ' · l'!ll 2•th !3.3 14.~1 Sec Olv l1to12 tS ' Oenn~Rfl .OI n 111.t 1n\ 7W,, -I,~ Hout Mill .IO 33 1l•ii ?l\11 111111 -11< We're sinking swimming $81 .327,000, for April, 1.963. 11a ~!~ ~l·:a \J:ri f: e~11 J'.56 l:" Captain James D. Luse,&~~":~,'!~ 1~ filt 1ii1o ttl'a = ;:~:;~hF"']·;J' 1~ ,~r~ 1~" 1?1;~ +1"" pools into our backyards at a· Total operating revenues for j~,.c'l:f J'r!:,27..«1 seiec1~m ~:n 1o:ll manager, z;ystems develop-&!~:::: =: i ~~'.\ f,U ~~ =':? ~:rlitif'fl~ n ~., 5e:'* ~~='it record pace, joining golf-clubs, the ye a r -t o • d.a t e -were ?;:..111'1'11 ~·!i-I·M ~· 6."f'i.5 ~-~g:~ ment-1Soto1nc: .90 s 11 31 31 -~ f>!(l!t<•N6" :10 11 »:w. a1"" 31•" -1 ~ OOO • S I f~us ·r. 6 SIM lo'o.s 10·"!! • Dt!Ellll l.«1 7l 74\'0 ?JC• 1r~ -•\ HouGs 1111.so 91 ~ lt''i 3'~ + lti acquiring trailer·cam-$325,u,11, , up"· per cen v~ ::1~ 1:q11.,,,_ 10)711;55 All rour men were with0e1 s1"1 .60 n H'• lS•• 1~11;i +•~HowJfll>n .74 2s1 n •11nVt1P•+•1;i pers-and at the same time, over the $308.160.000 reported ~!:F1~)" 1;·Y l~·t4 s~u~"v111 ':·~ 1i·~ Phil~Ford's space and re-en· gf:r'~fn~J' .$0 1~ ~;~ l;~ ~lli: = ~ ~:::!' 3.~. 34! ~r" ~ r.\11 =1:.i taking an all·time high for the same period last year· ~~I ~!(~ :·'ff ;·!: t'v..'r"",~~ ,::~ 1;:n try systell\5 division 1 n g::mi1:.!: 1': ~ ~~ t~~t ~•\• _:_ ~ :i,'::,~1 i:: ~ ~i: ~ ~:~ + :.i number of vacations abroad as Tota$881 0023pe~ing expensd .... ~r:, Ne•,, ,.~ .'.';' ~:~r.m s;·1 s:.,~.~::i Newport Beach, where they gi:~ rror.~ ,~ ~:~ ~:~ ~::·~ ~ ~ 1::1:·~~~.11 "t ;:;; ~r~ ~:~ = ~ well as at the U.S. resorts. were , ,uw, compare F'ltl Fnd •.SJ .... StPedm~" Fu""" worked 00 the 0 r ·1, 1· n 31 001~~'!.""°n •• 41 •~ 15 1~•4 '''' + '~ 111 c .... 1 1.so 11 s114 s1 s1•1o -•<1. th I'll Giii UMV~ll Am Ind 1111 1118 !> """"' ,...,b 7] ~~\l '"-II ~·~ -11 Ill CM Pll.JG 1 2JI'°' )1V. 57'·" -1'1 I'M NOT SHRUGGING off $78.453,000 for the same mon Fl'ld Gtn s . .n s.u F111uc 1:31 1:0J research and development (If 01G1oro n .io 11 11 1••• 1•~ -1 ·~ tn Pow 1.llO 11! 1v~ 3l'\ 31•• + '" I foul>llrt '1.)3 ,,QI Sc!e" $ti ~6J 01('.;loro l>f ~ I J3 3~ l-1 \1\ 111 Pw "2,U l#'IO Jl'h '.Je>.\ JO'to -J''t one bit the exlent to which list year. i:ou.;.r.o -•fl s1r1" ~°' Fd., the NAVSAT System ounn111>m .:16 6t ~ ''"" ,'i\O f .. 111 Pw lltt.~ f.5Q l0'4 30•1, :iov., + t1o t Oda y's galloping inflation The A Pr 11 year-to-date ~m1~1°T~i 1.'1 ~=~ °" n:~~ ff:~ . g\~~b ~ 1~-~"" ~~ ~~~ ·:· :~: ~~ ~~ ;':o 1fil. 1~,_ 1iJ'l, _ 04 make' Us reel We're got'ng rigures include capital losses u rc 11·• '!·"• S!Odl ll.to ljij or .... v .lOb 6t 7• n ,, .. -'""income c~~u 1 u"° U''o ,, ... -'" ' Ill 6 • ~II ll!Gf 'fl Dl~!S..K 1.?0 S .SI~ Sl\11 S!•t In CCum S10 13 fl~ t\'O t\lo -"lio broke on the hinhest income of after taxes, on disposal of ,':id':: i ~ i·tf Su1ln$t t: '10. or Pen~ .to '° 4'\.'o •e 4'1'> +1v, 1nr111n Hd · .611 .., 15'\ '~t• "'" + ..., " . ~ · · 5Vf1Cf" GI 11.JJ lt.:111 1'I f'loom~Mln .IC! 2.J '' 64''> '"" ~V, lnd1>~Pl l,JG 5J H'A H 26.._,. OUr Jives, But before yOU property and ·eqUlpment of!(~~~ 1f·~11~·ftTM~ Ap 20 •• 4 n .14 a-•·e"' l'}omFd 1,1.)a '' 1'~ 17\'t ui:,, !nEIMel .Sh ' f'' &"' l"'-llo blame It all on "outside'' $337.000, as compared with Gi::,11r,tc.12:5t 2:" ~~~t 1!:~ 1t:: • H & ~'~v,'!° 1'i i~ ~ \"!'"' :--"!:'..:r\"!1""" ·fl ll ~,. TI~ ~i:' :::1~ forces. ~oolt honestly at your capital gains of $1,135,000 for ~=: tf ·1i·ft 11-il f:g:~ 1.ff1i~ S L-f ~~ ;.~ ~t mt l!~ ~1.1 :i:Z I~~ 'm·3: ~~ b~ ~v. ~M +'~ own way of living -for I last year. 2::~· .~ lli:ll ;g·f~ 1:;~ ~· 'l:~'i'~l gmvv S &~,:Fi:, 1·~., 12 ~1 ,1••1.,.'°~~ ~ l:f:i,:~ l~ l;~ lf!: 1~ !1~ •Ufn'IH't ""'U'll ruefully "O"-rvol\~ '.as11.2' r111 ~·I·" oreur ortXI 1~ U14 ~1 ~'4.+-"'l"'llCGC11 .JO 4s n 11v. ''~-!~ v,...... .,v ...... ~ UI""" .11 :IS.11 •IV • .»lo. """' Qf a~ l Wli 'It )4\ ...... Mlk ll!Al.1.J 2 ?JI.\ '~ ,,,,., "' elude that You 're t l l H•ll'llto11i lldO!' d 1•.n 11.is n.. ~ " 1""' tot W!'lllMlll Vlld twevt\lteo 11t ' Y.l'I\ ~ ,,, -"" 1~1pirtf!Coll l 11 n"4 "5\.li •S'AI =,.. • eas s . B k •r.t 4.t) S,,. Ct ... ,. •. ,. .. "'-•fl:ldl" -rbt '_... GNOllt.. '1vlt•-l."11 ~ ll111 l•l'J ~,,.. -"'lnlt•~o 1 ' 3'' :N )IV, golngforbrokeinstyle. ecurtty an !'.!. 1:i f~ ft J::f 1•:"1F"'l:inflwl'tttf't 1. ~~·1etc~·10 ~f _;~;~ ~~ ~~~.:.:.·u r;':{-l' 1.111 $~;t.'d 3~":~~t~" tlifl' !· 11·~ 8,1N ~~11.fi .. -,routra or :."rr:c't....1111...-1 1Nllc! "1JPon~ f ,Jtln l5" l;l'I~ 1,. I_,, -V, [ntFl&fr Mill !' 50V. "YI 4'"'1 -1\tl H• ~ 1 u" llCI · •Ir.II •~Iv~ f'-.O«r.nd .fuPont ef1 ,~ 1n '" 1"\0o m,,. -• nl Hirv i to t) lO''I 30 3111,t P• k H lJ lJ H& tv 11 I '. ACQl'I r.· I.lit •r:r IO fir .i. "'9r. f-l'tnbl• 1"""P°"I of'-JO S ,.1., 5-11/o ilo'(ti--. ,.1 tlald :iii 1' 11,._ !8>4 1~ '.," IC S 0 Owe N l•lll t , lna>n 1~· tS:)t t 1119 I • llfl"~' f9ts flus l'ilie I. 1 "4 tt ''1t ,.,14 ~•"I -.._ f t 21 · Lassere Na1ncd Credit Officer John L, La~re of Newport Beach has been promoted lrom con.<;umer credit officer to e.sslstaol vice , prt1ldent with the Instalment loan division of Security Pacific National Bank's head office central credit department. H#tl<>I 1 .ts 11. s Sclffl ,. 1·56 1 d!Y~. • or Cftll Vlll/e l'>n ~.l~l'I ts ..., ''"~ "'\ ,..,, -.... 1:1 ,.:C,ncluJ\ 70 1~ ~:: ff"' ~)':111 .!1~: l-ltrl!M ].~I J,:16 UFd Ct!I l 7 S1i OT n-dl tNI « Ill-cl •lrlbllllort dlllt. f'luoL+ "°' ' rl"' ~\ l't ;It' ·"'"' .& .\I, Ml •S •• O ,, tl. Mt~n lS.'• •1·., , lint Fd· · t-P11d t "''' ll-0tc11rert or Pl!d nvmo tn .$1.! '~ •1~ 1••~ t• -"•II"' "'"' P -"' • u .. I~ -'" Gearge L Hollowell of l!"Mm~ l·U ·il v~':I Lt~ '·". t.St •ffer ··:r dlv\t1 Of 1Pllt UP 0¥M A'" .40 ' ,. + 14"\ lJ -,, :":N~9 i ~" rif ~.. ll14 ~~l :... ,. ' -B .h h bee Iii f'h ~·1; M 11"!(0!'1 !,. •.• k-Oec·t~r ' ... " lh!~ a ... I(• -E·F-· ,~, P~P i.J 2)11 ¥ ... w..., u·· -. " ~gun a eac as n ap-_ If.,., 10.1, 11 ~ $PL 111 "'' , ... , cvmu t"" !If~ w . o"' "" •r· , .... i~P•ll "" ,, ,. ,11, '"'-' -H• ~' Pap '" • uo ...,.... 6PJ. .., Pointed assist.Int 1r11st officer 1119 G1h t.so .1s ~:C:J~1 i·~ :·~ !§:'"ni~L':. ~~--·~ ,, ..._"m F.~co c1 :oa u '1 "">1o "1llt -""' l"',1 ~.c:itft '' uv.n.,. 1 .. -"" responsible for living trust 8d· 1a.s~ 'J~ 1~:n ~~"ll:JP; ls:~ Is:::~ =··11v"~~.~i:::'1~111 • .:: ~::ir.~,, ,·r;t 1?1 W' ua ~~ =~ 1::1~\. ? 2n l~3 ~ ~ = ~~ ministration <1t the bank's IHI' Trnd li:H J,:Jl v'1rz0"; ,::llfA :n 3Y:i:J+e:r ~"rttrib.i~ d!\I:' e;_n ~:;: ~~f.·1 ,1: ~!~ ~"" "~ -.~ i"~t+-1 11~~ / ;~31f!i'! 1n" If Pl+'" bead OfDce 1n Los Angeles. ~l1~"'s11t ~1' ij! 111s1..,:: 1t11 l':if .,,'!$,~ \i~ · j:f::Y:i,.1;'l j ~tt lt: -~ :! ~ n1 a.V :tJ, I "" R = + 141 llol,oweu joined ~urity ~.r ~~ 1H:~ ~:r. ~iv-1:::: 11:,. db~: ::..e: ~~~ ,~$ir" l.2 'it ,,~ n: 1m ~h 1~ ~8,~!Jo lli n" ,. 1r-:\, Pacific lhls year. followulg bis ""' lntllc 1 1 1.i.~1 ~H 1~.:u !!Jf ..,.,lltft -wtlll w I,, I" '' !d1Wi8•~ ..J 1!11'1 lJ 25 -"" nl uiil A I "'• 114 Jl'4 -" 1'etlrement as a coloneJ wilb 1:~w':' Jri-.>°.~"" w ~~ J:# ffl ~r,i:~~.u~:i,.. ~lif'.grc·1~ .. ltl ~\-: ~~ 1".:;. ti l:l:%ct "~ti ' r.~ ,:;t ,...;: :!:1~ the Marine Corps. 11>~ ~ 1:1 1f:i ~""'flfl u2: a.L ~~-'W1=r.':~ ~l:f t:< f; 11:: l~:~ l,!,t = u l~:J&s~ :... ~ !:"' ~" h111 =•~ • • 1 I Ii l l I I .. -- -H·I- New Yorli Stocks Slip Again In Active Trading · NEW YORK (UI) -Stocks llni>bed lower Tuesday for the 11econd successive session. Trading wa.s moderately active. Vtetnam and the surtax again proved to be major adverse infiuences, although a flurry ot de- mand deve101)ed around mid-sesslon following De- fense Secretary Melvin R. Laird's comment that the corner has been turned toward peace in Viet- nam . The UPI stock market indicator, measuring all stocks traded, showed a loss of 0.90 percent. Of the 1,547 issues traded, 940 declined and 388 advlnced. • The Dpw Jones average of blue chip industrials was off 2.98 to 840.16 near the final bell. Volume ex- ceeded 10,500,000 shares . .Nalomas,-down Sl,ii Monday, contiJ'lued to fall sharply. In recent months the stock had benefited from its oil exploration. in the East Indies. Superior, Afidwest Oil Co rp. 'and Standard o( Ohio also were easier. Several electronic issues \vere in the minus column, including Burroughs which reported a rise in second quarter net. I BM moved in both di rec· tions after sliding 10 in the previous session. Motors were mixed , although the industry re· ported a 13 percent drop in car sales during the July 1-10 penod versus a year ago. - Steels followed an irre~ular pattern reflecting a cutback In production. Chemicals "'and aircrafts also moved on both sides of previous closings. Prices declined on the American Stock Ex- change in moderate turnover. r~.-Ju~ 1.1. 1969 H Stock Exch!ln ~ List -American Stock Exchange List "'o:I--..--..-.....--~-=-~-,~ ........... ~ ........ ~~~------------------------ -- -----· - l ' • ... ,_.,. -. - J 2 O.l!L Y PILOT Tursdoy, July'l.5, 1969 • • ,......__ ' -.) • Repairs Complete In North Vietnam ' WASHINGTON (UPI.) North Vietnam has rebuilt all the bridges, highways, and trans-shipment points t h a t were destroyed by U.S. planes . before the Oct. 31 suspension of bombing, according lo Air ' Forei! Chief cf Slaff John P. McConnell. ,., ••Practicall)' everything in North Vietnam h a s been Pass, Mugia Pass, and Ben Kara! Pass -into Laos." LITfLE IN DMZ He said there is not much infiltratioit cf supplies through the DMZ. hotcConnell predicted· North Vietnam will soon be able to infiltrate supplies through the DMZ "because the weather over there is going to betome • l I ~ ' ~ ,.. Zf -t ', 1 • ,.! ,d ' • • -. .. ~ -r read bur· i'shaggy'-'-tale qnd learn how to reap out t~Jldihg carpet :Savings ' Shag is in • , , and May Co is tlie place lo get ii! Now, when you'fe reaay IQ carpet any rO()m,-shag it at great savings. Coriie ·in and choose from ~odel·"' polyesler pile or nylon pile in a wide se lection of colors. They're both moth and mildew proof, stain and soil resistant. Shop at home if it's more convenient. The special price includes inslallati6n at nb extra -charge with your choice of rubberized waft~ or sponge rubber padding. reg. 11.99 and 12.99 9 • 9 9 sq. yd. completely installed • • nylon pile brass spring g1een ice mini blue·green henna blue Kodel®· polye<;ter pile ho 0eytones copper tones green .tones olive 'tones sun tones red tones par<;liment coin gold jade olive _ a\/ocado daisy moss tones bronze tones sand·tones dark blue tones call for _the carpetmobile ... our experts will come to your home with many sam- ples of carpeting, and help you wilh your selections. All Mily Co t.lores Will tlose at· 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 15, lot Inventory. • rebuilt," McConnel testified. ~~~!"'-the-JYghW8fil:7 U!~ ,.._ · , r1dg~s, the trans-shLproent g~e -are ·riot allOWld~ ·=-~: ---=-~~- ;---_,._ -.-points that were destroyed, ..--t-:..and, what little indusl!f they _. ..... · ~-.ilave, which is not much. · ' l~ I • ''But everything is operating ; up there now very nearly as if ! it had not been even touched," ;. McConnell said. "I would .say ~ ~t:J.~.air is 75 percent com- ~GIVEN TO SENATE .. McConnell's assessment was ..,.given to the Senate Armed . Services Committee in closed ~session April 16. • McConnell said-that-stnce· •the bombing hall, "supplies ·now enter North Vietnam •without any difficulty and are brought right ~ down ta the DMZ (demilitarized zone) -'-wtthout-any-difficulty;and the tonnages are extremely high. "From there the supplies go .over into Laos,'' he said. .. Prior to the time the bo1n- bing in the southern part of . North Vietnam was restricted, we were able to practically close all of the routes leading into southern Laos, and much of the supplies that were com· ing down through the southern half of North Vietnam were :oomb;o.:McConndl.Wd~~ ,. . will have free rein to come · in." "They have moved their supplies from the north right down to positions nor.th or the DMZ," he said. "They have mOved their supplies from the north to points just across the border between Laos and South Viet· nam, so therefore they have them much closer. MORE-JEOFARDY "So I would say that the troops are in more -jeopardy than they would have been had the supplies been under attack all the way back up to the ehinese border and Haiphong, or at least to 19 degrees north, as it was before the bombing halt." The Air Force chief of staff said the allies have been able to curb enemy supplies going into South Vietnam to prevent a major atlack but have not been able to stop North Viet- nam from sending supplies in· to Laos and Cambodia and right to the DMZ. ' ' ' destroyed UI!til the lime. that r=========:::.I I ,; ' i l I the complete bombing cessa· tlon was made effective." •·since then of course," McConnell said, "they come down through theJ>MZ and go through three pdses -Nape STARS Svdney Om1rr ic on• of th1 world'1 9'''' 11irolo91r1. Hi1 r;olumn i1 on• of th• DAILY PILOT'S gr••t feehir••· 116.332 Acres ' I . I \ I -• .. use one of our convenient credit plans ••• savings are great during may co's _ .. " ' ... • ' I -! • l • • ' I I I • FOR SALE SO. CAL EDISON SEMI-ANNUAL HOME SALE : HVNTINGTON SHOPPING CENTER This 'eholc• l•vel percel J,es R· I •nd C-2 i:ontng, lo· ceted in the er•• of the Huntin9ton Shoppin9 Center, City of Huntin9ton Be•ch. Atoetl°" to be held oa tht site. ""'"'' 20. 1969. 11 :00 A.M. Mlolm•m lid $320,000.00; Del"'lt $9,600.00. "P•rmits euthorii:ing interested bidder• to enter upon the lend_ for inspection, 1,1o1rvey or cor• boring pur· po1e1 will be iisved vpon •pplie•tlon to the Division of Hi9hwtys." may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa; 546 -9321 shop monday through saturday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. • MAVCO • • • ' I • I I ' • ; • • ' • • • . ' • ··~ • • I I "I I .. ' Fonniain ·Valley • Teday'a Fla•I \ N.Y. Steeb • VOC. ~2,.Ncr.-168, 3 SEeTl0NS, 34 PAGES ; . ORANGE· COUNTY, CACIFORNIA , . . . Tl:IESD'A't',:JUL Y'"l 5, 196 v1lN CENTS . - All Go for Apollo Will Russ Craft Get Roe.Ii First? bAllY PILOT Sl•ff l"llet9 'CHOPPERS' PARKED OUTSIDE, HESSIANS FILE INTO CHAPEL FOR LEADER'S FUNERAL 'It's Wonderful,' said the Minister, 'That When,. Man Diet He H•s This Many Friends! '<;c::)L~ -· -----·· •----:::•---- -Hessian Buried Funeral Draws 300 Cyclists, Police . By TERRY COVILLP: Of Ille D•llY ,1191 Sllff Trouble was predicted, but It didn't come as 300 Hessian motorcyclists and friends buried their leader Thursday afternoon in orderly-funeral senrices at Westmins~r Memorial Park. Marvm Currier. 46, Garden Grove. was elected presidem.. of the Hessians ohly lwo mMths ago, said bi! friends, dressed in 1>.lack. sleeve.less vest.s with skulls ''They're extremely loyal to their own people," e<>mmcnted Rev. John MacLaughlin, who h a n d I e d the ceremonies and se rves at t h e Garden Grove Pres.Qtx_erian _Qw'ch. 4 'Ibe Rev. MacLaughlln didn't follow tf)e book during the ceremony. . .. Wife of Beach Doctor Accused Of $30,000 Theft LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Mrs. Ellrleda Steinberg, wife of a Huntington Beach physician, was ai-ralgned Monday on charges _of embezzUng more t.ban6f: 000 --:-..:;: -t -rrom a mortuary where 1be wor as a bookkeeper. , Mrs. Steinberg, wile of Dr. T'J'TY si.tn- bera. !GOU JMA Dly lldve, ~ Beach, wu charged • with a complaint From Wire Strvket "This Is unique is far as lAmika are CAPE KENNEDY -"GG" reports concerned," Lovell sald. l•'J'tiis fnd1cate.s streamed 1n from launch e r e w s , weathermen arid global support forces to-that a. new fonn of operation b in- day for the launch o[ the three Apollo 11 tended ,'' he added. "It support! the astronauts Wednesdar on history 's first theory that Luna·I5 may be attempting to moon landing el)>ed.ition. reCover lunar rock.'' Neil A.· Armstrong, Michael Collins and . There has been widespread speeulaUon Edwin E. Aldrin were ready to go at 6:32 Jn Moscow that the Sovieb may be at- a.m. PDT. They were "just taking it tempting to steal some of the gloey from easy" in ·thelr tinal day before blastoff, the planned U.S • .manned landing On the reviewing plans for a half-million mile moon by bringing back some moon rock roundtrip unequalled in the annals of first. space exploration. Luna 15 had been expected to reaeh the Offlclala reported all aspeets of vicinity of the moon Wednesday, but preparaUons for the adventure were Lovell said after studying the 'latest "Go." Countdown work was ahead of signals picked up from the Soviet schedule a.nd the massive service tower spacecraft that It wouJd not reach the began moving away from the 363-foot moon's vicinity until Thursday morning. spai:e machine at 7:45 a.m. Armstrong, the clvillan commander of Meanwhile, the Sovie\ moonship Luna the $350 million Apollo 11 mission, told 15 is streaking toward the moon. the oaUon 36 hours before blastoff that However, it ia traveling at a slower speed ''we're willing and i'eady to attempt to than usual and will lake k>nger than the achieve our national goal. we·'tt very usual 3~i days to reach tbe area of the happy to be ready to fly." moon, the director of the British "I think I would awn up my feelings in · astronomy station at Jodrtll Bank a word -anUclpaUoo," .aafd Aldrin, wbo reported today. will join Annslrong on history's first '~t . lu•~th· ~Lil nmiiLaYl-JJJllSl<l"' l!U!:~•!1Mol!dJ.>:Jll!>~~ ~il ue a tempting some ing new." said . Sir The three pUob hc:iped to get In a 1it e Bernard L;ovel~. He 5ald this could be the .more .practlce spacecraff Jlying today.- recovery ol moon rock. but Collins said' "I plan to sleep, lie in the Lovell spoke with newsmen after his sun and read 'the fliaht plan ••• again." giant r"1to telescope, which baa been For the Apollo 11 launch learn, today track~ Luna 15, bas discovered the was a day of· floal preparations tor the moonshlp was on a trajtctory differerit last nine hours' of work early Wednead8.y from other unmanned Soviet moon that Launch Dlreclor Rocco A. Petrone fllghl.s. calls "the most dynamic o[ the count." I{ y Believes S. Vietnam --- ShQuld Quit P~is l'ftl1';s r • Uf'I..,.....,. 'WILLING AND READY' Apollo 11'• Armstr""9 . E~ison Prop01al drawn on the baci. -' currier died July 6 near Indio in a tral· fie accident as about 40 Hessians return- ed from a trip to the: Colorado River. "It w.ouldn't hfve meant much to them, .. be Slld. "'lnkti!lld t told' them tt's wonderful that wheo a man dies be has -thiJ-tnany friends:'' Cunier's friends included members of the Hessians and representatives from n1olorcycle clubs of four other stales, Nevada, Arizooa, Utah and New Mexico. 'l'hey bore club names like "Nuggets," with .H coon11 cl ·1r0111Llhdl, --..u Neitb<r Dr. nor Mn~..,.. r GOrt-(UPI 4'mldent attorney was available for comment to-Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam said to. day. Representatives of the mortuary day hJs cwntry !hould pull out or the ~~=.:i: ·.;-;::: "Threup ·Expecr.ed "A"d!rty •• , trucker pushed him off the road," aald one Hessian, angrily clair;ning it 1,lfis.hit and run. "He even tried to get more cf us," Nearly 100 Choppers ( a It e red motoicycles) trailed the hearse in a col· umn of twos as the procession left the chapel' to take Currier to his grave in the cemetery. CaWomia Highway Patrolmen were reportedly on the alert to head off any at- tempts by the rival Hell's Angels to at- teDd the funeral. Rumors bad apread that the two "outlaw" motorcycle clubs were •poiilng lor a fight and Uoe "Angels" might try to break up the funeral. But ceremonies were qu1et and the only n:cited individuals wel't' spectators, drawn to the cemetery by the collection ot 'motorcycles and v.·ildly clothed moumers. Huntington OK's Fttnds for Youth Rock Concert Huntington Beach city councilmen .Monday agreed to underwrite a ye'Ulh rock'concert July 27 that will include the baodl, "Canned Heat", "Cat Mother and the All Night News Boys" and "Fusion'", "l! thbl the same band they had at Ncrtltrldge. 11 asked Councilman Ted BartleU. re ft,rr Ing to the Devonshire Oown1 gate. crashing s!>l'ee. City Attorney Don Bonfa said he didn't know. BUtlett said, ''I heard they were the same three bands." The .cwncU actioo Monday nlghl guaranteed the bands $f1 ,250 as final payment. The council earlier had authorlted $2,000 for the youth ~ent. lt 14 expected to· pay (or itself from the pre-sale tickeb to the I p.m. 'Delionn- ance al Huntington Beach High School audJtorlum. Seating will be available for 2,91$ persons City offlcla's said all funds from tbe ule o( Uci:eta,.are being deposited wil1' the c~ flnucll: ofOcer. Bartlett 8!1:ta if the city might be out on a limb for the funds. May« Jack Green sald ''Canned Heat11 h&a betn boOked at the Convention Center In ~Im and bad been sch'l[uled In I/Ml HOl\Ywood Bowl last we<k !ill! 11.u rolned out. o . .-!. · He sakl there would be no buf.lklC 8dvertialng aoJ tJckel sales wouJd bl con· u.tled and local. The c..c.tl begins I """k of )'Ollth IC· !MU.. U11'11Ulh AU(. 2. Included wtll be a IUl'f1ng contest. teen art mo.t, a dance · and other aWntl. Sc.er. Market• ' NEW YORK (AP)-Tht <tock market 1klddod """1>i1 In .. rly lradinj today, but .. ~ lioln 1<lectl•e buyong bolp. ed It trim )Is -by the close. (Ste quot1Uons, Pages JO.II). 1 i declined colJlD1ent, peace talks ln Parts si~ tM. Com- Pn!liminary Investigation aHegedly munlst3 keep rejecting its proposals for and prolong the Paris· ta!U. There 1' DO other ••1 '°' .. but lo continue 1o fight." At Planners Meet The vice president condemned the VJet Cong's denunclaUon of President Nguyen Van Thieu'• prop:>aal to let the guerrillu help arrange and partJcipat.e in national electlom. "Nomads," and "Han&me11." · Cunier's survivors include hls•wife, Vi· vian, three sons and two daughlers rang· ing in ages from seven lo 19. After the services the groups. split up w i t h some heading to a beer b u s t in Garden Grove and a group of abou t 50 spinning their wheels for Huntington Beach. Police in both cities took nonnal precautions, worried that once the drink· ing started. fighting would SOOll follow - but nothing major happene'd. In Huntington Beach, the police talked to the Hessians and finally clOsed the Fireside Bar on Pacific Coast Highway because it was overcrowded. Police kept watch as the Hessians 'filed out of town, disgruntled but peaceful. disclosed at least $30,000 was mluing Rtace. from Gates, Klngsley and G f t es "It Is my personal oplnlon that we Msirtuary and the total could run as high should boycott the Paris talk,,,. he told as $80,000. newsmen following a speech to the Na· Investtsators charged Mn, Steinberg tional ~ense College. used the money to purchase furs, art ob-In'the 33-page text, the flamboyant Ky jecta. and UJ)enltve furnlsbingS for her said South VJetnam "must continue to home. fight With all our strength, with aacrlflce, She was the · boQltkeeper far the with a spirit of aeli·rtliance and acetpl mortuary's main office In West Los the hardships., and It is that whJch will Angeles from August, 1965, until last give us hope of 5W'Vival." February when a routine audit uncovered He cr£ticized the United States on lhe alleged shortage. several fronta -·deploring lta · Um!Ung Investigators charged hotrs. St.$bug the bombing of North vtetnam,.1aying.it got authorized persons to sign blank cor· started g\vtng 8aigon'1 anned forces poration checks for what she said were modern equlpment too tale, and tcCUSing legitimate company expenses but then it of a "sellf5h ouUook" in giving she allegedly mad~ the eheckJ payable to monetary akl. her personal debtors. For the flnt lime since his return from Paris as South Vietnam's peace delega· As he spoke, the North Vietnamese delegaUon ln Paris rejected Thieu'• plan, repeated Monday. Hanoi's statement said the Saigon 1ovemment wu illegal asad that the pretence of 500.000 American troops ln South Vietnam predll<les rree elecllona: ''The Vietnamese people vigorously condemn and reject the slx fundam'ental prlnclplH on free elect:lona that Nguyen Van Thieu has advanced on the order of the Ameriaan aggressors," North Viet- nam sald . Miss County Fair Choice tion head Iii March, Ky made .public his views on the stalled riegotiatlons, now a half a year old. "At the Parts talks, we put forward many proposals and hoped they would bring resulta and hasten peace," be said . Ky said lo tu. speech that ll Uoe Pen- tagon had from the beginning tried to develop and strengthen ~ South Viet-. namese armed forces iosteill~of trying to win the war more "quickly and cheaply" with American troo~. then the majority of U.S. troops would have been able to go home in 1969 rather than only 25,000. . Today Opens '69 Edition "Miss Orange County Fair" will be selected today at the opening o( the 1969 edition of the Orange County Fair and Exposition. . Preliminary judging starts at 2:30 p.m. and the finals win be held at I p.m. In the Amphitheater. Gates opene:d today at 1 p.m. Olber major events scheduled for the six day fair include: -Jllldor Horse Sltow -starts Tuesday and continues through Thursday from 9 a.m. lo 5 p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. of the three days. ~ntor Citbe1111 Jamborn -WedneJ· day at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater. -Daisy CUpper Pony Sllow -Friday from • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater. -JGDlor Uvestock AueUen -Friday afternoon al 1. "·'!'· in the AuctJon Ring. Market beef .Ing will start at 6:~ p.m. . Postal Services :R.ates Increased Rate incttues went lnto effect Monday for certain s~ poetal tervices, it wu announced by '!1.S. POii Ofllce olllcl1ls. 1be nation wide lncreuea have been raised on special" deliver)', rtpstm!d let· ters. C.O.D. and return receipt fees. Special deUvery letlert for first class and air 91all are up 15 cent.I to 4S cents. Tht minimum regi.Btry fee for letters bas gone up to 80 cents, an tncreate of fJve cents, while C.O.D. de.liveries ar11 up 10 cents and return receipts an up five cents to JS cents. .. -lltteraaUonal Ro cl e o AMoclatlon Champi onship Rodeo -five perlonnances 5larting Friday and con- tinuing throug)I Sunday. The IRA com- petitions will be held at 7 p.m. Friday. Saturday and Sunday, with 2 p.m. perrormances Saturday and Sunday. The fairground! open ac 1 p.m. 'l\ltsday through Friday and at 12 noon Saturday and Sunday. Hippie Holdup Hearing Slated Preliminary hearf1;1g has been set July 23 for two of three hippie-styled youth who allegedly took cash at gunpoint from six men l!Sl Thursday in a HunUngt0n Beach llpartment. Fred W. Bu.sch, 11, of Rolling Heights and David E. Craft, ll, no known act. dress, were arraigned Monday on charges of armed robbery In West Orange County MunJclpal c..rt. A third companion, Roy E. Smith, 11, or Otange. W&I W Monday and bad to be taken t.o•Orange County Jail. He was to be arraigned todliy. Bail on the two men arraigned wu Id. at '2,5'!0 each. A fourth suspect, •· teenage ah'~ has not ret been /O\Jlld by pol~-. • . The quartet wolked Into tile 1partmmt or Roben G. Lunde, 512 Hortlord SI., Thursday afternoon and took about • In pocke~ change, said pollce. . They were later captured by Lunde and ·other vlet.ims wbo chased them; 1then they decided Uoe plilol one of the Voll~ held was not loaded, police claimed.:. • Court Action on Teacher Salary Dispute Delayed Courtroom action on the Huntington Beach Urrlon High School District teicher wage dispute was continued to July %2 to- day lo allow more time f0r both sides to prepare their cases. At next TUesday's hearing the teache:n are f!XPeCled lo ask the court for a writ of mandate, ordering the district to pay them for two days lost as the result of a clus boycott In June. The. suit, filed in Superior Court by at- torneys for the California Teachers' A&sociaUoo (C'I'A), is In response to a board of trurtees decision to dock the teachers two days pay for alleged illegal absences. Carl Manem&M, president of the 430 member District Educators AsaoclaUOn (DEA) which called tbo class boycott.., coolmda tuchen bad the right lo' tsb per80l'lal tuve on one of the two. disputed days and ftlllllntd• In classes for Uoe minimum .-mt ·cl time IOI by mto Lnr on the other dly. He opeclficflbl rtlerrod to . May 29 when the td.chei1 called a ininimum day Nixon Readies Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pre8ident Nixon 'will pr>poo•l' lo Congr.sa wltPfn the oext few ,days crution of a com- mlQlon to 1tudy the naflon11 °popotat10n crlli11.'' HGUle ~Ucaa Jeadu Gtrltd 'JU Ford 1114 ~· . ' ? and wa1ked out of classes early and June 9 when DEA members took "penional leave" 1n unison. High achoo! trusteeJ have called Uoe teacher action illegal and ordered pay withheld. The salary dllpute originated early this spring when teachers and the ad· minlstratidn failed to reach a1?eement on 1alariea. . Surf .Biiilds Up All Along Coast Lifeguard• at Huntington Beach and Stal Beach were keeping a wary eye on bulldlng surf lllday wbtch Uoe U.S:, Weather Bureaa predicted• mlgbl r<atb seven fett wectneaday. Lifeguard Mark Bodeohtoder of Hun- tingtoorB<aclr Aid the~ tbta.mat'Dlng WU lUn'°I fWD «five feet "and corn- ing up.""' It was bulldinc in Seal Beach alto. With It come .-.. rlptlde·hwftts lo swlin- mers. Both departments will ..,lgn utta lllegumll. The r o u I h1 water · ta part of' the turbulent penoullly of•Hurricane (lemlco m..tn& nwthwest from the Mn- tcan (!Olltllne. -~_:,.__._::-_____ ..,. __ _ .~~--~-~-...... _ ••• 1 ··-· * ... ·-1 =-== ccfid • + ·a . 1 -t ==-• Conlroversy over 1 proposed t;.dilon Company substation In north HunUngton Beach js expected to fiare up again tonlght when planning commlssiontrs consider a conditlonal exception to allow COMtructlon and operaUon of the facility. The commission w!JI open the heariac at 7 p.m. in city councJI chafnbers. The substaUon, proposed for k>cat:ion near Golden West Street and ~ · A~e~ has drawn loud citizen proi.eSt hec8uae It. hU been planned on -1, pegged' Jar the future Huntlngtoo central Pm. At a previous plarmillg commiuion meeting Robert Sutake, a park propanent told the commission that the ·subata&n and its lransmiJsion lines would "create u,glineu where natural beauty ii ·par .. mount." The two-anck-hall acre.-.subltation would bo bu.ill on land whlcb lhe Recni0- lion and P1ru Department ""' r-...1 i-Of" a public golf coune In the park. At tonight's meeUng, cgmmJll!looen also will consider a proposal for a traJJer park near Slater Avenue and Gothard Street and a proposed Its.lot mfdeat."1 development near AUanU Avenue . and Brookhurst Street. Army Denies Request MIDLAND PARK, rt.J. (AP) -Tbe Pentagon bas denied UliJ small Bergen County ~'I :n.tum that Its 10ldier- sons ' be exempted from !Uture duty In Vietnam. May(lr ~U. A. Pilnll<t ~ President Nixon ror the exempUon after a seventh man from 1he cmununity of 8,%00 was killed ln Ule war zone last montb. Orang., Weatller Clouds during the !Ito night and early momlng will mar-otherwiM Sunny summer days along the coa.t and there might be 10me palcl!y log. INSIDE TODA. Y Nationwide tUr"Hfl bv AP show1 that b~ ca !·Z margin 1 ..tmerloana: condtm" campq viofen« and •botol """ f .. ..U. • upru1 1J1111J>OlhU for Ille t<-1 I.,,. goall. Page 20. -. •, •iii . .. ..... ~ Mlfillll ,...... l .. c ........ i •• .................. ~ ,. "'°'""' C'4ollllW • • ~ 11 IYM~ "'1w It 0..... Ntlkw I hdtt ..... t•l• ~ ..... ' ....,. '"'' ....................... , 11 '"° w lf.11 ,...._, 1 .. 11 TtllW,.. 11 ........... 1• ,........ ''1 .... LAHlrl 11 ......., • ..... • ...... -.n .. I . I I ' ' ' l ' • ~ ' I I ! ,, • ' ~-----,,-----:-• ... ' . = ------------------· ' :'! llAJLY l!lLOT H Tut'41J', July 151 1969 , tairii: Corner ·-Turne·d Toward Vietnam Peace- WMll!NCTOl'I (UPI) -Dtlon,. __,. Melrio II. LalN, pndlclloa 1111 _____ ,....In V-. said today a cba111e ls belJll considered in U.S. comblt tactics to reduct fn.llW'9 on COmmunisl forces. "1 fervesitly hope the day wUI come wh-.n peace will be restcred in Vietnam,'' ~ told u. 11tnete Fottlan 11e1a11oqo ~ ''1 -...... corlllnlJ · tw...s tbl cars." · LoJni aid ... 11111 Cea. ..... 0, ' Wheeler, cllalrmin "' 1111 iollll ~ of Stall, ID Vietnam tod111 on a quick trip lo aimesa: lhe battlefield situation and to determine amot g other things If con· ' dlU..,. .... ripe'" a d.....,alatlon ol u.~,. off--. Laird ' illb &Ell~ that Dt de W•JaUan: ..... Ml'"' ....... \Ill d"""'"" lllal Geo. ~ Allr.,.., U.S. com-· mandor1n \'lotuam·, !w b«n ord.ereil b1 President Nixon to m • k e reduction or U.S. combat cuua!Ues one of his Concerto Leading Transpac 78-foot Ketch Mir Finishes Race Sailing Backwards By ALMON LOCJCABEY Dally Pilot Boattnc F.ditor HONOLULU -John Hall's Columbia 50 sloop Con<erl4 from Newport llut>or Yacht Club today took over tbe u:oolf\cl&1 lead In U.. long, draWl!<Jtlt batUe for «<· _... time booon In the 'j'ranspodfic Yod!t Race. Concerto crossed the finish line.at Dill· mood Head at 3:30 a.m. PDT to establish a corrected time of seven days, 48 minutes and 47 seconds. ousting Bill Wilson's 5~foot yawl, Rascal, Sant.a Barbara Yacht Club, which had been the previous handicap leader. Rascal was the fourth OOal lo finish at 1:50 a.m. PDT, with corrected time of Medical Aid Call P1·oves Just a Tired Tricyclist Hunting an injured man aeen lying six.foot, four-inch, 220 pound tricyclist beside the freeway, Costa Mesa polk:e wa.s reportedly stopped by the California Monday discovered instead a teen.ged Jli&hway Patrol about 2 a.m. and ordered . . off the high speed thoroughfare. boy asleep after his first leg of an SS.-"He apparenUy misunderstood and mile tricycle trip to San Diego. thought he fust couldn't pedal at night," A bandage on hls bead. mentioned by explained po.ta Mesa Police Patrol Sgt. ~ rnotori!Ls who arrted the my Gafy Bi"nt4 after the llet.all.s were learn-Jooniif. u 'i medicil can ibOUt,-ed. . a.m., turned out to be a nut band to Offi9tr 1-lamµton had, not yet filed ~s mp persplraUon out of hia eye111. report listing ~ youth s nam~, "but wd Police OUicer Chuct. Hamilton found the lad wa.s en route to San Diego on the the t7·;yW'-Old boy napping beside his adult-cbe tricycle and had gotten off to ovenlz.ed three-wheeler on the San Die10 an early st.arl Freeway about too yards north of Harbor "I wouldn't even ride one of those Boulevard. thin gs across the street," Sgt. Barwig Settiog out from HW1tington Beach, the marveled. Restore Prison Newport Firm to Lease Alcatraz as -Tour Spot? MICCO Corporation of Newptlrt Beach wan.U to lease AJcatru Island and turn the famed former federal prison Into • tourist attractlon. F.dwin Ettinger, a vice-president of hlaoco, told .the San Francisco Board or Supervisors Monday lhat bia: firm is will· 1111 In speod IU million for a 10-year lease to restore the prlion as a tourist al· traction. "We would hope to be involved In the tot.al redevelopment of the island," aald Ettinger, adding that sights for tourists of the rock-bound prsion would include the old fort, penal areas, and a vista of the San Francisco Bay. Macco's proposal was made in con- jundlon with the Harbor Tug and Barge Company of San Francisco, which w o u I d provide sightseers with fer r y service to and from Alcatraz. Ettinger said Macco's Interim develo~ ment plan would give the city of San Franclsco "an opportunJty to acquire the isl.and without any tax fund belng ex· pended." The General Services Administration is offering Alcatnu: to the city for t2 million. 'Ibe former federal prison is now govmunent surplus property . Macco Corporation has land holdings throughout California. Its property in· eludes commercial and induatrial land s. • IJJlllY PllOT OIAM~I COAll ll'WldH .... ~ ••Mrf N. Vi.ff ..,...,, .. ._ .... J•c• a. c.rt.., ' ~ f'rtlldtnl...., ~-INMtff n. ..... , kff'fll ·-no .... , A. M.,,.w.. ¥a-"'sflll-- A1Nrt W. l•fff Willi•t11 a,,4 "'-'•'-.................. .Efllllr Ci'Y .-.... .................. ~ JotltliS..... u.m.1 .....,,.. .. , P.o .... n o, •2'41 --........ 9..o.Utl ___ ............. c.... ....... _...,....,. Lo..-._... m ,.,_. ,,_ .... ., fl'k.o'I ........ ~ .. ...... .._ ................... ... ~-------...... ._..__,.ci... ..... .... ........... ~ .......... ..... .................... °"""" C..f ...... ... ~'""""' ~ -.. Jiit .... ......................... ....... ~c... ...... f s ;I r tn•• Ml-1U1 ..... t 7 ·~ ... 1 .. a •rt w t' 1 ...,...,. ~-.~""-.......... c..-.. ..... , ••••• ---....... --· = ..., ••• lfl ......... W .,.....,.,.. . ~~---=-.... ~~· ' It wiD be several lDOlllhs before the ci· ty of San Francisco arrives at a decision on what to do with Alcatra.z. It is conaide.ring several offers, in· eluding one made Monday by H. Lamar Hunt J r., a DaDas investor. Hunt who owns the Kansas City Cheifs football team. did not discuss his plans exce pt to uy that they woold "have no polic1cal lmplicatioos" and would be done on a Jona: term basis. He denied he ever considered building a Statue of Liberty on the San Francisco Bay h1and or a "freedom tower." After promising to make a firm pro- posal within a fortnlght., be said the island pre.senls "a real opportunity lo be an oulslandlng wpplement to what is an out.standing ctty." Record Numbers At 3 Festivals' First Weekend Record crowds were drawn to Laguna Beach's three art festivals during the opening weekend of the 4fH:lay exhibiUon season. The Festival of Arts drew 22,927 people Friday, Saturday and Sunday to its ex· hibitlons -up nearJy 5,000 over last year, Sally Reeve, Fe.stlval publicist said. She said 10,288 people attended the showings of the Pageant of the Masters. Al the Sawdust Festival, director Ed~ mond Van Deusen estimates that between 3,500 and 10,000 people visited the grounds over the three day period - well over the number that attended dur· ing the same period last year. Attendance at the Art·A·Fa ir Is reported very good with about 2,700 peo.. pie visiting the North Coast Highway site of the art show over the three days. All three festivals reported that sales are good. However, no exact figures art available u 1rtist.s do much of the selling thmuetves. Nixon Asks College's Head to Give Sermon WlllTl1ER (UPI ) -Dr. Paul Smlll1, -ldent of Whiitier College, hu beeo invited to take part In religioua ltl'Vicu al the White House Sunday and u.id to- day be wUI dell¥tr • sennon titltd, ''The Meanin& ol the Man on the Moon.'' Smith Nld he was advised by Ptuldent Ni1on that astronaul Frank Borman will ft.Id fnm the Bt>le at !be 11trvlces. opeelflcall! a quotation from Gen"ls which be read durin( tile Apollo I mlulon. seven days, 2 hours anq 59 minutes and 21 seconds. Ron McAnnan's 82-foot cutter Pursuit from San Francisco, finished at 8:~1 p.m. and John Mclntyre's 13-foot yawl Barona finished al 11 :07 p.m. But tt remained for George O'Brien's 78·f®l ketch Mir from Vancouver to give the Waikiki yachting fans their greatest thrill Monday. The big kelch waa dismasted less than 150 yards from the finish line when she took her fourth knockdown in the 45-knot gusts. O'Brien waved off powerboats who rushed to his aid and turned the yacht around and finished backwards, propelled by mi.zzens sails. No one was injured in the spectacular accidenl O'Brien said Mir was knocked down three times on the drive through windswept Molokai Channel to the finish but that the rigging and sail! surviVed the first three blasts. "We notlced that the third knockdown left us with a '"S" curve in the ma.st and she simply C9Uld not withstand the com- pression when we were hit by the next gust," O'Brien said. . O'Brien said damage to Mir, ti\clutling lhe )053 of the stick and dam.1:ged sails amouni.d ID about 1125,000. "Bui why a-y • about that here in Paradise," he quipped. Following is the finish order at Ala Wal Yacht Harbor : Windward Pas.sage. Black.fin, Mir, Pursuit., Banuia, Ru:cal, Kamalil, and Conceito. Larry Pringle's '78-foot schooner Queen Mab was scheduled to finish at 9:45 a.m. today with remnantS of a blown spin· naker still trailing under the boat and astern. · Ken DeMeuse, o w n e r-skipper of Blackfln, said he would file a protest against Windward Passage for allegedly falsifying her daily position reports dur· ing the race. Protests 'had not been filed late Maoday night. Un~lal rePQrts say the prole;st in· volves alleged erroneous position reportll from Windward Passage. In Sunday m orn I rig's roll Call, Windward Passage reported it was 68 miles behind Black:fin and 209 miles from Diamond Head. But at 5:44 p.m. that n1ght it was Windward Passage that came churning across the finish. Wlndwm-d Passage crossed the finish line 9 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes and 59 seconds after leaving San Pedro, Calif., on July 4-tnocking 25 minutes and 2.1 seconds off the record set in 1965 by Johnson's Ticonderoga. Black.fin had a lime of 9 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes, also bettering the Ticon· deroga's mark. Neither had the two starting line pro- tests against Windward Pas.sage been fil· ed. Any protest upbe1d 1n the Honolulu race cosls the protested yacht two hours in corrected lime. At last report, the 37·foot sloop Quest, skippered by Tom Lavine of California Yacht Club, was still floundering in mid· Pacific with a broken rudder and an ex· tremely·lll crewman aboard. A com· cercial tug was en route from Honolulu to pick up the stricken yacht. Prob e of Beach Man 's Murder Hi ts Slot v Going Long Beach police are still struggling today to put toget her the few fragments or information surrounding the killing of a Huntington Beach resident J uly 9 in his Long Beach swap shop. "ft'1 a slow process now,·• said Sgt. Rodney MJckelson, explaining the lack of progress on the apparent burglary· shooting incident which led to the dtalh of Emory Nielson, 511, of 16222 Monterey Lane. "Autopsy report showed Friday that Nielson was Jcjlled by only one (Cal . 22) bullet," continued Sgt. Mickelson, "and we have witnesses who indicated thtre may have been as many as three indivi· duals In Nielson's store at the till'M! of the shootin1." 8 u l no one saw it happen. Theories point toward a gurglary and a shot fired by perhaps a novice bandit who hadn't entered with the intention of killing anyone. Nielson was found by police lying behind the counter, crumpled over a stool. "The robbery and shooting took place in the rear of the don:," said Sgt. Mlckelm, "lbe man or men who did it llAd to leave by the fl'Ollt entrance or the long. narrow store." Depth of the store WI$ such that shots fired in the rear would nol be heard outside the building, said dctectl\'es. Who or how many men were involved is sti ll a mystery, but police will continue the alow, thorough process of chtcking out sll poiible evidence, said Sgt. ltflckelaon. .. "'We're 1oina back to the at.ore today and try to rtCORSlrUtt the events, 11 ho concluded. • prim!'>'~·· hlli1I Allj lillro-~ -I ..... -"""'"lo O...AlnmltO l oep _.....,at the Jowett posslble.rato." tiever, he said there bas not been any P!flci41 chan1e yet In Ille policy •tarted under the Johnson adminl!tration of maintaining mubnum preMUre on Vi et .::OOg and North Vletnameae forcea. L.aird'a a.utallDtDl or: tbe-wu •11 ooa ol. lila -optkn!t!!c lo -lit '* there bail been a clecllne ill what be cill- ed hand-to-l>and aUacb by tile Qm. munists in the put 10 or 11 dlys that hid reduced U.S. casualties to the lowest level this year. Laird called this '1gnllicant, allboo&h Swimming Vnder Cover ~ emphaslitng tiler< had been p<rlodJ ol lull lo tho war -lrom :Ill In 30 cla¥& -In l'flar ,..,.. ·~ ill "[ cannot '*1 with eertalntJ UJID"• w not be new ._ !niUaUvea," Lalrd testified but said It was "impori1nt to t1! lo look at lhiJ matter, and ~ ll1<ro hos been a cbal11e that we don't miss tbt chancf.'' DAIL 'f 'ILOT f'llfM W IM ,.,_ Balboa Island's Fran~ Logan, 22,_ is laking oo chances with the weather since today , is St. Swithin's Day-and in th.is case swimming under an umbrella is more reliab1e than keeping your fing~ ers crossed. According to a British tradition, if it rains on July 15 it will rain d&Ty fo r 40 da,rs there.- after and· if it's fair, well, it will stay fair for 40 days. So things look good -both Fran and the weather. Nixon Unlikely to Use Mesa Student . H I f Off. Dies in UCI Newport ote or tees Pool Tr · ed It b: unllkely that Presk!ent Nilon will original announced intention to carry on ag Y use.. the Newport.er Inn_as h1$ 8drnin· his work in Newport Beach. Last June, A young gaalie !Qr-a~Costa Mesa water istrative o{flces during an August st-l)' Mr. Nixon told the press he would U5e polo team mysteriously slid ,,. the bott«m • on the Orange Coast. the huge hostelry as his administrative ~ An administrative olflce complex is base throughout August. of the UC Irvine pool afte r • tou&h match now under coostruction at the U.S. Coast "Let's put it this way," said a spokes-Monday night and died while a crowd cl . Guan:! Station adjacent to the N"tXon sum-man for the Newporter Inn, "the Pre~ spectators waited for the neit game to · mer Whlte House. ident, of course. Is more 1han welcome Completion is expected in time for the .here. Howe ver, there has been no fonnal begin. President's use durlni August. reservation as such for the month of Coroner's deputies today were 'flt· "Some of I.he building is belni plas· August." tempting to determine the cause of death tered and ocher parts are itill m the Sources say the presidential staff f process ol being framed," said U . (j.g.) had recommended a permanent office 0 Robert Cwmingharn, following an John Ganahl, cunmanding officer ot the arrangement close to the Nixon family autopsy at Baltz Mortuary. station. "There are two-by·fours aU summer home because of crowds at the The 15--year~ld Estancia .High School . around here, ready for i~llation." Newporter Inn. student, who lived at Z832 Stromboli The Newparter Inn has not yet had any The President and his staff worked official canceflation of the President"s out of the Inn's Villa San Remo in Jone. Road, Costa Mesa, was fished from the pool bottom by teammates and coaches President Won't Bend On Controversial ABM WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pre~dent Nixon told Republican congressiona1 leaders today he would not compromise on his proposal to deploy an antiballislic missile (ABM) system. Senate GOP leader Everett 11-i. Dirksen told reporters at the Capitol following the \\'hite House meeting that the chief ex· cculive was "very firm " in rejecting con· sider ation of any compromise, "He said there Is no compromise." Dirksen said, adding that Ni1on was sUll J ohnson, Lady Bird To Vi ew Apollo Shot PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. tUPI) -Fonner President Lyndon B. Johnson, who recommended to President Kennedy eight years ago that America try to land a man on the moon •. arrived \ here today to watch the launch or Apollo 11 . The former President new to the Air Force base south of the Kennedy apace center with Mrs. Johnaon for a round of p~·launch l i..'tivtties before the Wed· nesday morning blastoff. Ra Skipper Radios Boal Taking on Water OSLO, Norway (UPI) -High teas 1eft the ste.rn and left side of the papyrus reed boat Ra subme.r1ed. eiplortr Thor Heyerdahl radioed M:mday. Heyerdahl said In 1 radio meuqe he hoped lo make a rendeivous soon wtt h the ship Shenandoah eut of tile Island of l\-fartlnlque. The 1bip Is to escort him on. tho l"t lei of hil voyage !tom Mrloa ID )texico. confident the administration bas the Senate votes to approve authoriLation of funds for the Safeguard system. Senate Democratic Leader M i k e f\.lansfield, an ABM foe said when told of Nixon's position, "That's all right; we'll just have lo do our best and ste what comes out." Dirksen said the ABM debate might run "for a considerable time" and added, "I'm confident we're going to prtvail." I-louse GOP leader Gerald R. Ford said there was "certainly no need for com· promise" on the House side on the ABM issue. "The President's program will be approved in the Houu with no deviation from It," he said. The new Alliance for Labor Action. formed by the United Auto Workers Union and the Teamsters Union, wrote all senators urging they vote against ABM depioyment. UAW President Walter P. Reutm and AcUng Teamster Prttident Frank E. Fltzsimmom said, "Deployment of the ABM ••• will re!\.111 in escalation or the nuclear arms race and will put in jeopardy the delicate and difficult negotiaUons we art about to undertake to reduce the level of the nuclear arms race." Honduras, Salvador Asked lo Follow OAS WASHINGTON CUPI) -The While House today called on Honduras and El Salvador to end thelr hoa:UliUes and abide by the ceasefire resoluUon or the ora:aniuUon o! American Stites. Presidential prtu secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told newunen: "We regret the outbreak of hostlliUes and support the OAS efforts" to end the conflict. "We hope both sides lVlll abide by the cea~ Ure and resolve tMir dU· ferences. '' after the traa:edy. EffortJ to revive him at the BCene through mouth·to-mooth resuscltltlon and external heart massage were futile and he was dead on arrival at Costa ?tfesa Memoria l Hospital. Cunningham had played the last quarter for the Estancia High School "'ater polo squad in a clash with • Lakewood High School in the summer athletic prOgram a~ UC Irvine. After reacl).ing the locker room, Cun· ningham w as noticed missing from the group, although one youth said be had seen the victim climblng out of the pool at the rinish. Returning to the deck arta, tbey spot· ted the substilule goalie at the bottom of the pool and pulled him out, but il was too late to save his life. Cororier1s investigators aid Cun- ningham had no history of ill hellth and had been cleared for the wattr polo league by a physical examination. A ca115e of death was expected to be announced later In the day, while funeral am.ngtmenu were sWI pending. The victim is survived by his pal"fnts. Mrs. and Mrs. Louis Cunningham, a brother Michael, 17, a sister Caryn, t, all of the stromboli Roa d addrw, and his maternal grandparents. Humble Assures Santa Barbara Oil Leak Over SANT A BARIWIA (AP)-Hwoble Oii Co. H-)'1 a one mile by 200-yard oil sllck in the Santa Barbara cbaMd w.a.s a result of • mlnor Ifft. IOOft rep1tred. They auurm city otficWJ Monday the leak is no Wlf comparable to the Un»n Oil Co . ...it bw-t lut Janual)' whidi eotted mUes of dwmel nter and beaches with crude oU. The leak, company officials said, came Crom a flexible tube leadln1 off a drllllna rig about 10 miles south of Santi Birbara. A flare wllich burn& off excess gases at the tnd of the tube wu ~ cidentall.y utin«Ui.shtd. apoktamtn U.1 permitUnt no more 1han fou r barrels o crude otl to l\lSh Into the sea. The leak Wat repaired SUnday after· noon, spokelmtn .u.ld, and chtmkal dlspenanto all hut l'Omoved 1111 11iclc bf Monday """'lnJ . • • ~ ,,_ ,.,-~·---:-T ·-:-r: I'" ,u l" 4 i• 0 • 1~-· ~' -,f""'lf"'TI ,..,,...,.F.,,,.., ,., • .,., ...... ~, _, """'""•''"'""=''":"!'I .;:".lr""''*"'",..!r-•==-;;:::=,-"-.;"-""'""ll"t:'"--:;?:::!'.'°~!"~-,,.-.,,::-=-~-..,,.,....------~~,-_..,--.. ---'...,. --..___ ... ..;z.,,.~~=-r-~~--,--_---.... " • .. • • • ... -Laguna~· Deaeh - N.Y. Stoeks .. ~oc. 62, NO. '168, 3 SECTIONS,,34, PAGES ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAOFORNIA TUESDAY, JULY is, "1969 TEN CENTS .. . . Salt Creek Foes Take New Tack to Open -Beaep· Public beach advocatn are off on a new tack today in an eifort to petition Orange County government for develop- ment of public access to Salt t'rftk lleacb. Laguna Beach attorney W i l l i a m Wilcoxen has filed a peUUon bearing about J,800 signatures with the county Board of Supervisors asking that public atee111 ·be created. WllcoJ:eo baa been involved in a legal -~ ·-- .:.->" -- . . • • • • • • batUe, unsuccessfully IO far, to overturn county abandonment of Sa1t Creek Road to the Lagwui NtauoJ CorporaUon. Niguel CorporaUon owns the upland! it Salt CrMk Beach, located between Three Arcl1 Bay and Dana Point in the south Orange Coast area. • WJlcoxeo said "tnauy more" petitions are out in circulation today. Wucoxen sald the Capistrano Bay Park and Recrtatlon buitrlct which he lly Phil ln .. rtandl . _ _, , . • -:::;::~~ ''Gre•t Scotti The City Council Has Gone Medi " LagunaSchoo~GetHope With Hike in Valuation Happy days may be ht.re again for the Laguna Beach Unilled School District, beset for months wilh budgetary woes and problems in salary negotiatlom with tuchen. Figures released by the Orange County Assessor's Office Mooday show a slight increase in lhe district's usessed valua· Down the Mission Trail Trailer Park Okayed for Capo CAPISTRANO -A mobile home park that will eventually be bisected by a county highway has been a p p r o v e d by the Orange County Planning Com· mission. · Ed Martin, altoFeY for Walters & Son, Newport Buch ~esigners, convinced plamlera that the .me variance for the 168-space facility lhou1d be granted despite the fact that Camino del Avion in San Juan Capistrano will be built through it In five to JO years. lion above that estimated by school of. ficlals. Total.1.axable valuation for the district is $83,007,326. This includes about $1.6 million for the agricultural preserves, an amounl the district cannot count on laJ:. ing. -School officials can count oo lulng $81.3 million -about $100,000 more than their estimate of $81.2 million. This will raise an extra $2,500 for the district, Dr. William Ullom, superintendent, said. Settlement of the long back-and-forth negotiations between Laguna teachers and the board of trustees appears likely to come al a school board meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. Teachers scheduled a meeting at 2 p.m. today lo disct.w the latest district offer amounting to an increase of about $84,000 lo be spent for salaries and benefits. Teachers and the board appear to be about $12,000 apart now in their talks. Representatives of both sides today said that a compromise hopefully will come at tonight's meeting. Postal Services Rates Increased Rate increases went into effect Monday for certain .special postal services, il was announced by U.S. Post Office officials. The nation 'Wide lncreuts have been raised on spedal delivery, registered Jet- ten. C.O.D. and return receipt fees. Speclal delivery lett.n f<r first cla8' and air mall art up 15 cents to 4~ cents. The minimum registry fee for letters has gone up to 80 cents, an increase of five cents, while C.O.D. deliveries are up 10 cents and rtturn receipt.a are up five cent. to 1$ cents. represents u aUomey ls eager to brtna: the peUUoos to supervisors ~Uention before they act ·on \he annual county budget He sakl county 1ovemment projectl.d Its iwessed valuaUon increase at a per· <!i!:nl over last year while county· assessor AodreW Hinsbaw'a office bas aaid It wjll be more llke 12 wcenL ,;. subst8ntl:al · portion of that Increase la suppoaed to come from the southern part« the COIJDo- ty, Wilcoxen said. He suggested that would gJ v e supervisors the capacity to fund ac- quislUon at Salt Creek as supervisors reeenU/ did at Bolsa Chica Beach In the northern end of the county. Asked if be is proposing the eounty buy back what it gave away, Wilcoxen said: "I wouldn't want to phrase it that way.' I wouldn't want tc go into whether part or the money would be for ptll'Chase ol the road. If there is addition al accessH and parking obviously the corporation should be paid for iL This has no connection to the lawsuit." The petitions were prepared by the Park and Recreation District', They read= "The undersigned respectlufly request that atr apgropriate government bodies protect publlc access to t h e shoreline wherever possible. ll ls speclflcally re- ' I quested that the Oran1e County Board of Supervbors aeet rn~ to pfovkle public acnss to the Salt Creek Ocean Area 10 that the cltitem of Orange Counly can coolinue to enjoy the recreaUonat ac- tiviUea: provided thereupon. Wilcoxen said It ii hoped submittal of the petition will enable bia group te secli'e a spot on the July 22 .supervilon agenda. Laguna Studies Budget Bul Tax Boost ·Remains Just Hours Away Apollo Set for CAPE :=:o~ &en;~:.. reports streamed in from launCh c r e w 1 , weathermen and global stlpport forces to- <IO)I f Pf, tbe tatjllCi\ of the three ~J>Ollo 11 as\RlftaUU 'Wednesday on history's first moon landlDI expoct ltloo. Neil A. Artrtstton& Michatl Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin were ready to go at &:32 a.m. PDT. 'Ibey were "just taking ft easy" in their final day before blast.Off, reviewing plans for a half-million mile roundtrtp unequalled in the annals of space exploration. Ofricials reported .all aspects of preparations for the adventure were "Go." Countdown work was ahead of schedule and the massive service tower began moving away from the 363-foot 5pace machine at 7:4S a.m. Meanwhile, the Soviet moonship Luna 15 ls streaking toward the moon. Record Numbers At 3 Festivals' First Weekend Record crowds were drawn lo Laguna Beach'• three an festivals during the opening weekend of the 45-0ay exhibition season. The Festival of Arts drew 22,927 people Friday, Saturday and Sunday to its ex· hlbitioo!-up nearly S,000 over last year, Sally Reeve, Festival publicist said. She said 10,1.88 people attended the showings of the Pageant of the Masters. At the Sawdust Festival, director Ed· · mond Van Deusen estimates that between 3,500 and 10,000 people visited the grounds over the three day period - well Over the number that attended dur- ing the same period last year. Attendance at the Art-A-Fair is reported very good with about 2,700 peo- ple visiUng the North Coast Highway site or the art show over lhe three day11. All three festivals reported that sales are good. However, no end figuru are available as artistll do mr.cb of the seUina: themse lves. • Systems Launch Howevei:, It i5 tr.av.ellna.al a slower 1pecd than usual and wift -tah longer than the usual 3'h: days tc reach the area of the moon, the director o( the Brltiah aeln!!llllllY , +!lallon al Jodl:ell Bani: rcpoited iOday. ~ la every indlca.t!.on th•t It may be aUempt.101 IQmelhing new," said Sir Bernard Lovell. He uid this could be the recovery or moon rock. ~· Lovell spoke with newsmen after his giant radio telescope, which baa been tracking Luna 15, has discovertd the moonsh.ip wu on a trajectory different from other unmanned Soviet moon flights . "This is unique .as far as Luniks are concerned,'' Lovell said. "This indicates that a new form of ope.ration Js In- tended," he added. "It supports the theory that Luna IS may be attempting to recover lunar rock." There has been widespread &peculation In Moscow that the Soviets may be at~ tempting to steal some of the glory from the planned U.S. m9nned landlng on the moon by bringing back some moon rock first. Luna JS had been expected to reach the. vicinity or the moon Wednesday. but Lovell said after studying the latest signals picked up from the Soviet spacecraft that it would not reach the moon 's vicinity until Thursday morning. Armstrong, the civilian commander of the $350 million Apollo II mission, tokt the nation 36 hours before blastoff that "we're willing and ready to attempt lo achieve our national goal. We're very happy to be ready lo fly." Laguna Beach Surf Builds Up Surf along Laguna afld San Clemente beaches is .building, as Hurricane Bernice continues to move slowly northwest off the tip of Baja caJilomla. Laguna lifeguards reported three lo four-foot surf, an increase over the weekend surf of one to Olree feet. San Clemente surf watchers said su~f· Ing conditions are e•cellent there, with sporadic sets of three tc five-foot waves. OAIL V l'ILOT SI ... PMtt JHSt f'lahln' Sal Becerril· of Mission Viejo studies bis line during surf fishing outing Monday evening at Laguna's Main Beach. He caught a sand shark. Youth Injured Diving Off Rock Still in Coma Jeff Willlon, the IS year old Laguna Beach boy who suffered a fractured neck while dtvfng ofl rocks July •. remains in a coma today at South Coast Community Hospital. A spokesman for lbe hospital said he hasn't respanded tc treatment since being brought in· 11 days ago. Chamber's Fund Plea Faces Cut By THOMAS .FORTUNE Of "'-o.11'1' ...... lteff ' Laguna Beach city councilmen poked genUy at the propo&ed citil ~ day_ and did not do any whackln& at idM estimated 2:Q..cent tu increue. And ii appearect ,today thal the tu nte t~crease m11;y have grown anoa.T tWo or !!!J:!'!O ~b wi1h ,.lease of llWl'd valuaUoo fillftl by counfy Aazn1or Andrew Hlnahaw's ortlce. City official.s, tt seem1, h ad t>verest:lmated tht tar base for tht fiscal year that began the first of tbJs month. CouncUmen made better progress toward resolving the Laguna Buell Chamber of Commerce bud1et request. wblch"does not affect lhe tu rate paJd by property owners, A compromise appears to be In !hi fl. ling betwe<o the 135,000 the cbambei- received for city promotion last year and the $49,000 it ls asking for thil year. Couocllmen Joseph O'SuWvan sug: gested thejlgure $42,IOO: Coun\y isaessor figures released Mon· day show Laguna's al!Sessed valuatton has grown only 6.4 percent the Jut year while City Finance Director Shelby Langford had esUmated the growth at t.f percent. "The estimate we make ls practically a shot in the dark," explained Langford. He: said there had been preliminary ~ or revaluaUon in the South County area but apparently tt did not affect Laguna as much as other cities. Newport Beach to the north hid a t•.t percent as.ses.sed valuation lncreue and San Juan Capistrano an 18.8 percmt in-- crease. It looks like it will Lake two or three ~nls on the 1,.aguna tu rate to make up for the overestimate. Already a 20 cent increase wa11 before the City Council. Mayor Glenn Vedder put his Unger Monday on one place where a penny may be shaved. He suggested fl ,IDI in the proposed budget for the new recreation director to develop new programs be cut to $1.200. The amount this ~year wu !MOO. Other counci~· not propose specifics, althou Goldberg said he would like to uctlons in pri> posed allocaUons for-supplies and for ISM BUDGET, Pap I) Orange Cout Because of the future roadway the varta:nce had b e e n he1d up since last November. When the road is built, Walter &. Son will dedicate a center segment to the county, eliminating about 40 borne spacu. e lro11Rlfl11 'E111h1ra11r., SAN CLEMENTE -The national ••Jronmen" races will be staged on the beach ·nort11 of the San Clemente Pier Saturday m • test of endurance. Y Def ends Street Dance WUson was diving off rocks at Wood's Cove wbt n he struckthe ocean bottom. He remained race down In the water for an estimated five lo six minutes while girls watched nearby, thinking he was practicing underwa ter endurance. When swimmers fin8.Uy brought him ashore, his heartbeat and breathing had stopped. Dr. 'Vincent Carroll, who wu on the beach at the time) and lifeguard John Cunningham administered e x t e r n a I cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitauon on the bead! and en rwte to Weedier 'Jbe ....,, rpomorod by the National surf Lile Saving AssociaUOn, will involve t"' to 15 ocoan lifeguanb from the .....,;ation'1 C.llfonila cbapten. Each men will In quick succeulon &Wim 400 yanl~ paddle boanl anolher 400 yards, and then row a ·dory through tbt surf a final 400 yards. e T-••• c1 .. , Oflend LAKE FOREST -'lbe a«ond serlea of tennlo les!ono will begin Wednesday and conUnue every Wednesday aod Friday through Aug. I. Aduttl will practice from 10 to tt a.m. 'lbe cmt of the ellht -r 1-ooll wUI be 11· Ywoptm (-f.12) wlll have tht aiurts from tl to 11 :30 1.m. Their cost will be '4 'for the eight »rn!nut• 18" TIWU, PtP I) I • Youtlis Reply to Businessman's Criticism 'Ibe other side of the controvenial street dance i.aue Is told tn a letter to the La&una Beach City Council fl'om the South Orange County YMCA Youth Council, aponson or the llred dance ~lest dance, held May 31, WU blHted at 1 recent City Council meeUng by downtown businessman Charles R. PticCalla. His ~ crtticif.ed the number fl. out-of·town person3, .general conduct, tacit of adu!Wuper<isioo, lilbted can- di .. , and otbtt facton. 'lbe Jetter of reply Is on Wednesday ni~'• Council agenda. 'We feel the evt.nts of the atrett dance have n« been fullf repreHnted," the leltet llatts. "Now, after the inltlll emotlonalim brought about by alltga- tloos against the daJ\Ce hi> died down, the Y Council would like to olfer the trash on the alreets I.he morning follow- facil as we .ee them." l.ng a Clance." Regarding the small number of Laeuna students said to be·at the danae, the let.-The teen organiiaUon listed nine adult ter auerts, "It is Our estlmate (verified chaperones and four addltlonal pro- by Laguna studenla "ho manned the fca&nal securily guanla who palroUed Uckel gate) that local students were in .... the streeta. "It should be noted that there the majority. At any rate, w, feel-the -,;era....no disturbancu of any kind re- QUettlon ii trrtlevant. cons.i~ ~l' ~~Irina police intervention," the letter dance was btld on the Memorial W!ll!kitid Mates. in a beach raort.."' rt.asi. summer, the Y C o u n c 11 'Jbe Y Council pointed out that the • """"""" a luncheon In whldl the Forel!I burning candles that dripped wu: on lhe Avenue businessmen were invited to at. street and lldewalkl were mpplted "by 1 tend and expreas lhe1r opinions regarding Forest Avenoe Buslnesaman u 1 pro-.~ dancea. 9nly one buainr.lsrNn ·•t- motlonal gimmick." • :n.. y Councll lni<~ to About trub on the street, the let.te:r r mean that there were no on retds, "We have never recelvtd 1ny • the part of busiDeU t.o the daJl. complalnil by lbe Street lltpartmect d ' (Set LETJ'Ell, Pqo.lf tbe hospita1. · Stal( doctors al the hospital finally stimulated bis heart back into actloo by electl'1l8llock; WUion is the 1on of Mr. and Mrs. Richan! Wilm, iM6 Ramona. Stork ltlarkf't• NEW YORK {AP)-The elock market '1<1!1ded 1barply In early ltadlna tod!OY. but an assist fl'Om ,.lectl•o buyfng help-e<H~ lri!'l. lia,l"!"'· bJ<!M «looe~liiee qlJ<llallorii. Pqes 10-IJ)., ·The Dow Jones ·ir.:llJ.stNl average at 2 p,m, WU off 2.52 at 8f0,Q, The DJ( bad Clouda during the late night and early mornin& will mar otllmrlte sunny IW11.mtr dayt along Qt1 coast and there might be some patchy fog. INSmB TODAY Nationwide -b~ AP •hows !hot bu a 3· I , ,,,.rg;,. AmtrlaJM condem1' campau v'iol.enu and about OTtt fmwth ~ t%J)f'e•r lfl"'po.t.ltr fm-i.i.. ,.,... form .goala. P•o• 20. •1'1M • C..ltf9"H ., """"' ... .... 11 -.. Ollilefl ........ • ·~ ..... ' ............ u " """"-lt-11 ::•t:-•, • 1: -. beeu of( I.lit al U:IO a.m. , .. .__..._ ________ _. ,, . . ---------J ____________ _,i._ _____ ._..., __ ,..~ .......... ._.,~ ........... ,.,_., ... ~--··"•"""'•"•"·••'";,.'""'k"e""'e'"*'"''"'''"":o>o1~ .. eot..,.""'~.:l::.:;i::~:;:.:::::·-::o:'::::-::.:::....,~-:..·.....,.~·::·:::'~·:..::.=..-::..-,.•--~ l I I I 11 • • ' 1-· ~ ' r ' I 1 l ' ' i ' ' 1 ' ! ' ' ' I I I ' 1 ( • .·--· -· • !! OA.Il.Y PILOT l Tuesday, Jult U, 1969 Laird: Corner Tµrned Toward Vietnam Peace WAl>!llNGroN CUPIJ -Ddtl\SO l!oa.., Mll'llo R. l.IJrd, pndlc!IQI tho -'.l>Ube.n tmaed Iowan! -In Vietnam, sald today a change Is being considered 1n U.S. combat tactics to reduce pressure on Commu'nist forces. ·•if· fervently hope the day will come when paac1: will be res~ in Vietnam." • Lolrd told 6"' 5en•tt Forti/ill Jl'1aUOlll ~~·1 tb1nt we'.ve ctrt&tnJ, lumeJ' u.e -·" Loin! Aid be Riii Gen: -Q. Wbeelcr, cbalmiao of tho lolol aililt of staff, to Vietnam·today on a quick trlP to assess the blWtfield altuadon and to dettrmlne amota <Aber tl>illi• ii con· , dlllou.,. ripe for a d ... sc~tioo ol U.S. .a...J.. ICllOOI , t..lnl ~ lllol 1IO ~llon .. ~~Iii!!!\ ~l ~I dllc- llial Gm CrelilltOn Aiiiami, U.S. Com- mander in Vietnam, has been ordered by President Nixon to m a k e ree!uctlon of U.S. combat casualties one o! his Delays Ill Talks Anger ~ y Says Saigon Should Quit If Rejections Continue SAIGON CUPI) -Vice Presidtnt NauYen Cao Ky of South Vietnam said to- day bis coonlry should pull out or the peace talks in Paris since the Com· munisfs keep rejecting its proposals for peace. . . "It is my personal opiruon that we should boycott the Paris talks," he told newsmen following a speech to the Na- lional Defense College. ' Jn the 3:1-pige text, the flamboyant Ky said South Vietnam "musi conUnue to fight wjtb all our strength, with sacrifice, with a spirit of self-reliance and aocept the hardships, and it is that which will give us hope of survival." He criticized the United States on · several fronts -deploring its limiting the bombing of North Vietnam, saying it started giving. Sai&on's armed for~es modem equipment too late, and accUSUlg it of ~ "sell!sh outlook" In giving monetary aid . For the fifst Ume since hls rtturn from Paris as South Vietnam's peace dele1s.· tion head in March, Ky made public hls views on the stalled negotiations, now "i half a year old. "At the Paris talks, we put forward many proposals and hoped they would bring results and hasten peace," he said. "But after many rejections •• , I think we .have no further reuon to maintain and prolong tht Paris talks. There is no oilier way for us but to continue to fight." The vice.,,.president condemned the Viet Cong's denunciation of President Nguyen Van Thieu's proposal to let the guerrillas help arrange and participate in national elections. As he spoke, the Nortb Vietnamese delegation In Paris rejected Thieu's plan, repeated . Monday. Hanoi's statement said the Saigon government was Illegal and that the presence of 500,000 American troops in SOuth Vietnam precludes free elecUons. "The Vietnamese people vigorously condemn and reject the six fun$mental principles on free elections that Nguyen Van Thieu has advanced on the order of the. Amei-ican aggressors," North Viet- nam said. Ky said In his speech that if the Pen- tagon had from the beginning tried to develop and strengthen the South Viet· namese armed forces instead of trying to win the war more "quick1y and cheaply" with American troops, then the majority of U.S. troops would have been able to go home rn 1969 rather than only 25,000. Little League All Stars · Nixon .Unlikely h C N. · To Use Inn Play · Sout ounty i~s-As His Office With di)' leque play behincl them, th•· all·stars from the American and Natlonal leagues of the Laguna Beach Lilt1e' League will head south this week for regional compe:'tilion. Wednesday the American League AU Stars wil ltake on the San Juan Capis· trano AU-Stars at the San Clemente field. .Laguna Federal Shows Postcards A diaplay of 3,000 picture posl cards will be on exhibit through August at the gallery in the Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 260 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. The cards are of California scenes and of the historic Spanish missions. The ex· hiblt is being held in observance of the C&llfomla BicentennlaJ. The display ls from the collection of W. Von Boltenstem of Loa Anielea, a fonner post card photographer who bas taken pho\OS for 100,000 cards·. His collecUon is reputed to contain a million post cards. In addition to the card collection, there Is on display a collection of art work dQJle by Laguna Beach school chlldren. S. County Y Sets Eight-day Trip Any south Orange County teens in· terested in an eightrday back pack July 21 through 27 are asked to attend a special meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Gary Zim· merman's house, 3045 Bem Dr., Laguna Beach. Zimmerman, a member of the board of directors of the South Orange County YMCA, wiU head the trip in the High Sierras. The co&t of the excursion is $25, which includes food and transportation. The trip is sponsored by the Youth Council of the YMCA. Additional information may be obtain· ed by calling the Y office, 491-9~31. !1~11 Y PllQ I OAAHG~ COoU1 PVal tlHifrtlf 'Ol'llJWJrt'f ,,._. N. w • ..1 -.. -J•c.• tt. Cwl.y Vkt ,,....,, Mii 0..M ,....., 1\0111•• K11Til l!:dlttr T~Ofll•I A. M.,,11;"' MeNl9if'll f.liltw '-1du1'4 r. N•ll ..__,_,, c~ •t11w i.---21t ht111 """· M1ir191Allt1••n11.0. IN"'· t2•1l --c.r. ,.,.., ,. ......... ..... ~ 9"dl: ~n wttt ..... ..., • ._. . ...,.... ~I • 1111 llf'MI Game Ume Is 5:30 p.m. The next day the AU Stars of Del Oblspo host the LaiUna N ailonal League AU Stars. That a:ame wW also be at 5:30 p.m. at the San Clemente field. · The American League team, made up of 11 and 12 year olds, include Bobb~ and Jim Anrutrong, Ktrk Dablqulst, Andy Gilleapie, Greg Grindle. Elev• Hogan, Je:ff Johnson, Mike Kooeig, Mike Kruger, Pbll Lowe. I.lark .LyatoF, Bobble Potter. and Dtrk PraUey, Althernates for the team are Doug Browne and Jobn Llljestrom. The team will be managed by Joe S!ll'ller and coached b? Leroy com111ell. -Mlling -up -the National League-a11- stars are J, Paul Armstrong, Steve Brooka, Bill . Dolby, Chuck Goodman , Mark Johnson, John Kramer, Danny McKeown. Gene Ober, Robbie Patterson, Dan Penney, Ozzie Simmons, John Verdugo, Frank Wright and Dave Yeomans. Alternates art Matt Albade. Casey ArmstroDg, Vic McCaUa, and Phil Mor· re ale. From PGfle 1 TRAILS ... courses, Teenagesr will go from 11:30 a.m. to noon, at a cost of $4. e 'Works' Pay Ralaed CAPISTRANO -J . J. Meadows, San Juan Capistrano city publlc works direc· tot who serves as distrlct superintendent of county Weter Works District No. 4 wlll get a 5 percent pay raise. Supervisors approved the increase in Meadows' 17,500 annual fee at the urging of the city. The City Council originally asked for a 10 percent pay boost for Meadows who supervises the water agen· cy which serves the San Juan Valley area. 1\-fost of the agency 's customers arc residents of the city. e '.tlnttre••' on Stage EL TORO -The play "Once Upon a Maurw" will be preseated by the Rancho Community Players Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Ollvewood School amphitheater, 23391 Dune Mcar Road, El Toro. The musical fable is based on the fairytale, "Princess and the Pea." and will run Friday· and Saturday through Aug. 2. Tickets are '2:50 for adults, $1.25 for-students aod 75 cents for children. For reservations and further Jnforma- tio, call 8!7·1n7S3 or 837·2222. e Viejo Barbecue Set f..flSSJON VIEJO -Looking back on a successful sttak and salad partf the Mission Viejo RecreaUon Center wit) host a hamburger barbecue Saturday. The center will furnish the hamburaer and chips whlle the party goers will sup ply their own salad. Today is the last day to register for Uie party, which will cost $1 per person. e Ron Opening Set LAGUNA NIGUEL -New roads con- necUng Mission Viejo, LauanA Niguel and Lelsure World and opening up a vast area that lakeiJ in Laguna Niguel and the ~Joulton Ranch will be dedicated Thurs- day. Ceremonies J>Ut on by the Orilnge Coun- ty Chamber of Commtree wlll ht at 11 a.m. at the Intersection of slz-lane La Paz and Allio Creek roads near North American Rockwell 's new Autonttics plant. Alao dedleiled will be Moulton and Allele parkways and Oood control tm· provement.s. It is unlikely that President Nixon will use the Newporter IM as his admin· istrative offices during an August stay I on the Orange Coast. An administrative office complex is now under construction at the U.S. Coas t Guard StaUon adjacent to the NiJ:on swn. mer White House. Completion i!: expected In time for the President's use duMn~ August. - "Son1e of the buildtng is bein~ plas- tered and other parts are st.ill m the process of being lramed," said Lt. (J.g.) John Ganahl, commanding officer o( the staUon. "'Ibeff: are two-by-fours all around here, ready for installation." The Newporter Inn has not yet had any official cancellation of the President's original aJinoun&d intention to carry on his work In Newport' Beach. Last June, Mr. Nixon told the press he would use the huge hostelry .as his administrative base throughout August. "Let's put it this way," said a spokes· man for the Newporter Inn, "the Pres· ident, of course, 1s more than welcome . here. However, there bas been no formal reservation as such for the month of August." Sources say the presidential staff had recommended a pennanent office arrangement close to the Nixon family summer home because of crowds at the Newparter Inn. The President and his staff worked out of the Inn 's Villa San Remo in June. Newport Asks For 'Protection' Of Beach Access Without mentioning the controversial Salt Creek Road abandonment by name N.ewport Beach city councilmen Mondaf mght a11~ed the county never to let it hap- pen again. Municipal lawmakers made the declaration in a unanimously adopted resclution urging "all levels of govern· ~r.nt to take the necessary steps to prG- v1dc and protect public access to the shore lne." The resoluUon ls similar to one adopted by the Laguna Beach City Council one month ago and by the San Clemente City Counca last week. All the actions were inspired by the county's giving away an access road to Salt Creek Beach south of Laguna Beach last year. The issue has since erupted in· to legal batUes between the Laauna Niguel Corp .. which acquired the road , and citizens determined to overturn the county supervisors' de.tis.ion. Newport Mayor Doreen Marshall press· ed for swift approval of the resolu(ion, \\'hich also calls for oblaininR beach lend for the public domain "whenever possi- ble-" Capo Property V aluatio11 Rises Assessed valuation figures released Monday by the Orange County Asse.ssor's OfCJce !ihowS an 18.8 percent increase in the worth of San Juan Capistrano-about four percent greater thin tbc city estimated. That addlUonaJ perctnlage will n1efln about $6,000 more In the city coffers than \\'as estimated, a welcome windfall to San Juan, which "'1.5 hard hit by winter flood lo:oises. The assessor show1 that asseued va luatJon or the private proptrty in the city Is about •ts mlllion1 a siiable In· crease from 'll.6 million last year. Aiseued value or public utilities will be .announced later by lhe State Board of Equailiatlon. " ' . ' prlllll!r110JIJ, . ' Lialfti .aid tbere •1bu been I com- m.1catillol ti Gto. A'iif-ti keefi NC111UIU at the lowes( po.ssi~ rate." However, he said lhere MaoQt been any of(icial .~ge_y~t ill l!te pollcy liiarted under the JiliiisOn admlnialratlon of 1I1alntalnlng maximum pressure on Viet .:ona arid North Vietnamese !orces. Laird'• ,,...,mtat oi U,, war-waa J)IMI "' bis -"lltlllmlttlc 19 date. He Wd there had bten • decline fn what he call- ed h•od·to-hand altacka by the Corn· munists in the past 10 or 11 days Ut&t had reduced U.S. casualties 1o the lowest level this year. Laird called this 6ignificant, altbougb emPhasltlng there had been perlods 'ol lulf ID tho Wlf -from :IO lo JO dl,l'J -ii prior )'W'I. • "l t:annot say w1th certainty there wlU not be new enemy initiaUves," Laird teilliied but saf(I U was "important to U! to look at this met~r. and ir there ha! h.!en a change that we don't miss tbf cbaoce." DAILY !"II.OT 51•ft ..... 'CHOPPERS' PARKED OUT~IDE, HESSIANS FILE INTO CHAPEL FOR LEADER'S FUNERAL -'It's Wonderful,' 11id th& Minist•r,. 'Th1t Whtn • M~n DJet' He Has Thl1 Ma"y Friends.' Hessian Buried Funeral Draws 300 Cyclists, Police By TERRY ~OVILLE Of t11to D•lll' fOIMlt Sllff Trouble was predicted, but it didn't come as 300 Hessian motorcycHsls and friends ~d_ l.beir leader Thursday afternoon in orderly funeral services at Westminster Memorial Park. Marvin Currier, 46, Garde.n Grove, was elected president of the Hessians only two months, ago, said his friends. dressed in black, sleeveless · .ve1t.s with skulls drawn on the back. - Currier died July 6 near Indio in a traf. fie accident as about 40 Hessians return- ed from a trip to the Colorado River. "A dirty ... trucker pushed him oft the road," said one Hessian, angrily claiming it was hit and run. "He even tried to get more of us." · Nearly 100 choppers ( a I t e r e d motorcycles) trailed the hearse in a col- umn of twos as the procession left the chapel to take currier to his grave ln the cemetery. California Highway Patrolmen were reportedly on the alert to head oft any a~ tempts by the rival Hell 's Angels to at- tend the funeral. Rumors had spread that the two "outlaw" motorcycle clubs were spoillng for a fight and the "Angels" might try to break up the funeral. But ceremonies were quiet and the only excited 1ndivldua1s were spectators, drawn to the cemetery by the collectlon of motorcycles and wildly clothed niou rners, ''They're extremely loyal to their own people,'' commented Rev. John MacLaughlin, who hand 1 e d the ceremonies and serves at th e Garden Grove Presbtyerian Church. The Rev. MacLaughlin didn't follow the book during the ceremony. ''It wouldn't have meant much to lhem," he said. '·Jnstead I told them it's wonderful that wben a man dies he has this mariy friends." -Currier's friends included members of the Hessians and representatives from motorcycle clubs of four other states, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. They bore club names like "Nuggets," "Nomads," and "Hangmen." Currier's ·survivor! include his wife, Vi- vian, three sons and .two daughters ran&· ing in ages from seven to 19. After the services the groups split up w i t h some heading to a beer b u s t in Garden Grove and a group of about 50 spinning their wheels for Huntington Beach. Police in both cities took nonnal precautions, worried that once the drink· ing started, fighting would soon follow - but nothing major happened. In Huntington Beach, the police talked to the Hessians and finally closed the Fireside Bar on Pacific Coast Highway because It was overcrowded. Police kept watch as the Hessians filed out of town, disgruntled but peaceful. Miss County Fair Choice Today Opens '69 Edition "Miss Orange County Fair" wUI be selected today at the opening of the 1969 edition of the Orange County Fair and Exposition. Preliminary judging starts at 2:30 p.m. and the finals will ht held at 8 p.m. in the Amphitheater. Gates opened today at 1 p.m. Olher major events scheduled for the six day .falr include: -Junior Horse Show -starts Tuesday and continues through Thursday from 9 a.m. to !I p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. of the three days. -Senior Clliaen11 Jamboree -\Vednes- day at f p.m. in the Amphilheater. -Daisy Clipper Pony Shen;,· -Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Amphlt.beater. -Junior Uve.stGCk Auction -Friday LETTER ... .ces." the letter stattd. tt conclud,s, "lt is unfortunate when poop!~ complain of belnk 'stuck' with this program, but the V Council feel1 that lhe youth of lh\s area tack a sense of community! of belonging, and qf ldt?n- llly. and hat thJs program of street dances helps to supply these need&." The letter wu signed by Eric Van Deusen, Y COuncll representative; Ted Willis, YMCA program director: Tom Gonna11. YMCA board member; and Roger carter, YMCA dirtclor. afternoon at I p.m. in the Auction Ring. Z...1arket beef bidding will start at 6:30 p.m. -lnt.ernlilllonal R o d e o Association Cham pionship Rodeo -Uve performances starting Friday and con. llnuing thr<>ugh Sunday. The IRA com· petitions will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with 2 p.m. performances Saturday and Sunday. The (airgroi.inds open at 1 p.m. 1\le&day thr.gugh Friday end at 12 noon Saturday and Sunday. Surf Builds Up All Along Coast Lifeguards at Huntington Beach and 5eal Beach wen keeping a waey eye on bulldlng surf today which the U.S. \Veathtr Bureau predicted might reach seven roo Wednesday. Lifeguard Mark Bodenbend~ of Ht.1n-; lington Beach 581d the surf this morning \Vas running four or five feet "and com- ing up." It was building in Seal Beach also. With it come worse riptide haiards to swim· mers. Both department$ will assign extra lifeguards. The t 0 u g h water a part of the turbul~nt personality of H u r r 1 c a n e Bernice moving northwest Crom the Mex· ican coastline. From Pqe 1 BUDGET ••• contingencies. Budget discussions will re s u m e Wednesday night at the 7:30 p.m. city council meeting. Mayor Vedder, w!Ur an eye to wrap- ping things up Wednesday night, said, "I dOn't think it's posSible to stUdy a biidget: until everyone in town agrees on IL People don't seem to get concerned until a couple of days before, wbife these people (councilmen) up here sweat it out.'' Councilman Charlton Boyd said ht can understand the mayor's point of view of wanting to hurry ' things along but he wanted everyone interested to have a chance t..1 be heard. He said he knew of no urgency in getting the budget adopted. Gerald Linke, president of the Lagun• Beach Taxpayers Association, has re- que.!lted another budget study session a week from Wednesday. He also invited councilmen lo a taxpayers session on the budget Thursday night. GROUP MEETING Linke said the group is meeting with a knowledgeable gentleman, but would not tell councilmen his name. "I want to surprise you," he said. Later. Linke revealed that the con· sultant is Laguna resident "Bill" But- cher.. retired U.S. Corps of Army Eng1oeer1 officer. Mrs. Thomasina Gunn said a reduction of one policeman and one police car woold save J.5 cents on the tav rate. But she also said people she had talked lo aren't concerned so much about the tax rate as Laguna becoming a Miami Beach or a Long Beach. . Mayor Glenn Vedder pointed out that. 1f the tax rate goes up, "this·terrible 21). cent amowit everybody is shuddering about, the tax bill for the owner of a $30,000 home will go up only $15." Harry Lawrence, president of the chamber of commerce, spoke for the chamber budget, which is funded out from a bed tax charged against persons who stly in motels or hotels. BOARD OF DIRECTORS He told councilmen they are the board ol directors of a business *rosslng $50 mil1lon a year and that ctties to the north, east and south vigoroualy are C01'1!.· ptting for the tourlst doUar. H!rry Willets, owner of Laguna RJviera Hotel. said he thinks councllmen should feed the goose that lays the golden egg rathet than starve It. .• The ,bed tat brlnga in t1cess of $100,000 In city reven1;1e, he 1>ald. He also argued that ls only five percent of $2 million spenl at the hotel desk and that the U.S. Department or Commerce says tourists s~ five limes a1 mucb for food, clothes and other items - another $8 million or •10 iliilllon altogether spent in town. The dollar c:irculate& seven or eiaht ti~es before it leaves town, ht asserted. Figuring only five limea, it sUIJ results in $1001000 in tales tax for lbe city lrea!IUl'y. He said, if adverti!ing and promoUon can resu lt in doubling of the winter vacancy factm\ it would brln1 i:n ~.000 more in bed tax and ll0,000 in 55les ta1. Teen Found Strangled SADDLE BROOK, N.J. !AP) -A lee!> aae titl WU found str&n<cf and partially dl!robed near a cemetery todax Ir. the third unsolved slaying of it.I kind In the past year, poUoe said. The klenllty of lhe victim could not Im.. mediately be determined. The Bergtn County Prosecutur'o Office Mid the g~I w11 clad only In blact shoes, blue Jeana and a pink brusiere. l .) '" ·II rll ird UI ta! !lH • " ty P- "I ei· IL Iii .. It an o! he a of d. ,. .. • id " • ot lo n· II· 1y I, [). 1g I IC IC It • d ~ •• l• • d g ~ 11 d • b n It I. n n r 0 l I ( I I I I I • -I ----------------------------•• ------·----·-·--M-~~---~·--..-----·-·'"·°'·"'-~''°''""'"'M"""a-!l!J:'~....-llwt#f24S 4 42 ~ p µ ·-----------~~~~· ~-. ·~ .Burris Pits '- SaidMenace; .Steps .Due . - Owner• of the conlrovfrslal Burris S~ Pit alongside the Santa Ana RJver near Anaheim must take steps to pre.vent a recurrence of 11dangerous condlt.ions prior to 1970-71,'' the COW:lt)" Grading Board o! Appeals ruled Mooday. The board has beld four aesslons over the past ,.,....al w..lcs lo determine U, as charged by County Bulldlilg and Salety Department Director Floyd G. McLellan, lift'., the pita are a menace to We and pro- perty and that corrective sttps are ll<C<!ssary. McLellan now has the power to enforce the boant:s ruling by filing complabrta through the district attorney. Water fnlni the wlnt«'s storms bad seeped through fJlfl river levee and the north end ol the ,:&and and gravel acavatjoo.s, causinc- steep slopes to crumble and fall away. 'Water _in the pit rose beyond the 50-foot 1 Jevt:l and the pit inched toward the IUl'• ~rounding more than 400 homes. . When the situation b e c a m e •''dange.('(lus'' pumping and filllpg acljon ::was taken by the c.bunty at a cost o[ 1nore than $200,000. : Mrs. -MarjOrii Tmsend, operator-o( the sand and gravel pit and ~ pit pro-~ perty owners, appealed McLellan's ruling jto"the Grad.ini: BolM. ·She contended the' pll problem stems m.ln Orange County :water District's percolation project in t the River bed near her operation. 1 The Grading board did express concern lover the water percolation. Sand pi~ are 1ocated on the west side of the river between Ball Rd. and South Sl ' "'In our opinion." the board ruJed, "'tbe most criticaJ area of increasing concern -other than I.he.occurrence of a destruc- tive earthquake ~ deals with a renewed intrusion of water into the pit, regardless of the manner or method from which it is der~ved. -- "We feel that the most critical area 0£ concern is the weakening of the Santa Ana River levee during flood cooditioos and/or water spreading operations. Our second at ea o( concern is the possible damage to private property and streets along the west and north boundaries of the pits.. The decision of the board concluded ad- ministrative proceedings on the problem from the county standpoint. Two steps tre open lo the appellates, however. 'Ibey can seek a Superior Court order to compel the appeals boml lo reacind or rflCOllsider its action, or they can file a euit against the county Hood control district and the Orange County Water Dilitrict. Mrs. Townsend has indicated she migtit fGllow the latter CQUrse in tiling $19.5 million worth of claima agaiMt the coun· ty in the two districts. Wife of Beach Doctor Accused Of $30,000 Theft LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Mn;. Ellrieda Steinberg, wife of a Huntington Beach physician, was arraigned Monday on charges of embezzling more than $30,000 from a mortuary where she worked as a bookkeeper. Mrs. Steinberg, wife of Dr. Terry Stein· berg, 10071 John Day Drive, Huntington Beach, was charged with a complaint with 34 counts of grand theft. Neither Dr_ oor Mrs. Steinberg nor her attorney was available for comment t~ day. Representatives of the mortuary declined comment. Preliminary investigation allegedly di&closed al least $30,000 was missing from Gates, Kingsley and C a t e s Mortuary and the total could run as high as $80,000. Investigators charged Mrs. St.dnberg used the money to purchase fur s, art ob- jects and expensive furnishings for ber home. UP I Tt ......... Higla Livin' Maryann Mace, 6, West Orange, N.J., is flanked by playmates •he entertains in style in treehouse that's bard to top. Its features in· elude air ~conditioning, wall-to-wall carpet, color television, ·a -- stereo record player and other niceties~ Schmitz Sex Education . Bill Clears Committee SACRAMENTO (UPI) -A set1ale- passed bill allowing parents to det!Cle whether their children will receJve 5tx education at school moved to the Assembly floor today. The measure by Sen. John G. Schmitz: "(R-TusUn), cleared the Assembly Educa· tion Committee Monday on a ·spUt voice vote. One Democrat, Assemblywoman March Fong, Oakland, and s i x Republicans voted for it. The bill would permit parents to remove their children from sex educatiGn or family life classes by "making a r~ quest in writing to a teacher. Under the measure, any tea cher caught in~tructing an exempted child could have his or her teaching credential revoked or suspended. However, this differed from the Senate. version o( the proposal, which would have made a teacher liable lo a misdemeanor for the same offense. "It'll be a significant safeguard for those parents co~rned about sex educa- tion," Schmitz said. He said school U.S., Sov iets Talk On Mideast Solution United Prts1 Int.ernaUonal The United States and the Soviet UniGn conferred for more than four hours in MO$COW today in another effort to find a solution to the Middle East crisis. The Moscow meeting was between Jooeph J. Sisco, an assistant socretary of state, and Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir M. Vinogradov, G. J. Kor· nienko, chie( of the ministry's American: tjection, and Near East Chief I.N. Yaku- .shln. Sisco talked on Monday with Soviet Foreign Mbrlster Andre! A. Gromyko. districts who st.art se_x tducaUon courses -Win l>t prevented by the bill 11lioin go1ng wild.'' Wrong-way Car Driver Dn1nk In Fatal Crash The drlver of a wrong-way car which collided head on into another on the Santa Ana Ffeeway July 6 tilling six pe.nons was under the innuence of alcohol at the time of the crash. James Bicker, coroners Jnvestigator, said today that Moyses Cruz Garcia, 36, of Enscnada, Mexico had a blood alcohol count of .24. A reading of .15 Is con- sidered under the influence by state law. Killed in the crash, worst in county history, were four EL Toro Marines, Garcia and his passenger, Augustine M. Cineros, 32, Placentia. Caliiomia Highway Patrol officers said Carcia entered the Santa Ana Freeway from the 17th Street exit ramp and Ig- nored a warning to stop by Sheriff's deputies Robert Romaine and Andy Romero, who were southbound on tbe freeway at the time. Garcia, the deputies said, swerved his car past the patrol vehicle and into the auto carrying five marines. Lone survivor of t b e collision w a s Corporal Henry M. Herbert, 20, of Arcadia, Fla. He ls listed in satisfactory condition today at Santa Ana Community lfospital. Stamp Hon.ors Jfloon Landing _ Marking America'• first mail run to lb• moon, an engraved master stamp die and a SJ)edal ''moon letter" will accompany uti:onaut.a Wednesday on their way to lunar landing. The die will be used to produce airmllil commemclrative atamp and will . be half agaJn as large as usual. The "moon Jetter•• will bear a die proof of the stamp and will be hand- cancelled by the astronauts with a postmark read .. ing "Moon Landing USA, July 20, 1969." • OAtt Y PILOT ; . County Val~ation Up Ques~ion Remains If Property Taxes to · Drop As predlcted, valuatlons ol taxable J>1-1Y in Orange County climbed lo llf.l -bllllon fol' 1969-70, but It's ltW an open question today lf the added values will reduce property tax rates. Coonty A!sessor Andrew J. lllnshaw had predicted the valuatioo boosts two week.ii ago and Monday released the flnal assessment . figures. Rlnsbaw teported an assessed value of $3.:t billion, an increase: of p.49.5 mllUoo or 11.i percent over last year's comparable figure o( p .9 billion. The ass~r said the figures allow for a ~on of '43 million in usessed value of household personal property aa dictated by Propmitlon lA. ~ propeny tax relief measure approved by the state's voters last November. Whether the surprising increase in assessed valtlatioo will mean a reduction in the tax rate of the count"y and of sev- eral dozen other taxing agencies remains to be teen. As to the county rate, currently $1.68, Jim HarrinJton of the County Adminls· tralive Ott1ce aiaff, said today, "We can't be certain at this Ume but it is very possible the tu rate can be re- duced." Re said a fmal decision probably will nd be made until July 25 when super- vi&:n conclude a week-long series of. public hearings on the county's pr~ Humble Assures Santa Barbara Oil leak Over SANTA BARBARA (AP)-Humble Oil Co: says a one mile by .ZOO.yard oil slick in the Santr Barbara channel wa.,, a resu!t or a minor leak, soon rtJ>aired. my assured cfty omciafs Mon<iaYOie leak is no way comparabl e t"o the Union Oil Co. well blowout last January which coated miles of channel water and beaches with crude oil. The leak, company officials said, came from a flexible tube leading off a drilling Pig about 10 miles BOuth cf Santa Barbara. A flare which burns off excess gases at the end cf the tube was ac- cidentally extinguished, apokesme.n said. permitting no more dlan four barrela or crude oil lo gush into the sea. 'lbe leek was-Tep&irtd Sunday afu!r. noon, epokesmen said, and chemical dispeNnt. all but mnoved the olick by Mooday ...mn,. po<ed $161.I million budiet for 1161-70. The ll!lall and newly.incorporate "l!lnshLw ... filllm cklJIOI l1IWI ex· community o! Villi Part led 11! 0<be• actly the aame thing u aur figures," With f1.'1 percent: ind Slinton wu at th Harrington ezplalned. bottom o! tbe lilt 11 U. In elell\«llary acbool di.trlct.t, 8a "We allow a I ~I delinquency Joaquin led with a whopping 21.1 pel'cel1 factor, for inst.anct:. He added that any increase. Fou0..;,u, were Ocean Vlei Increases the auperviscts might make ln ~-.. t F the proposed budget would also be a (Huolington Beach), 11.S percen : ow determining factor on the county in taln Valler., 10,7; Walmtoater, 7.2 Huntington &acb, 5.7, and Seal Beact rau. lnus 2 Hinshaw . atributed the 11.9 perceht ~Saddieback led junior college dl5t:rld assessment jump, which &mpares with with an increl!le of 21 .8 percenL Santi an 8.6 percent inci:ease recorded in 1968-Ana followed with 12.3; North Or8111• 69 over the previous year, to seve.raJ 9.6 and Orange c.oast tnJled wltb !.f. fadors : Capislrano topped all coastal unilie They are : Increase in new CQnstruc-school dlslricts with 13. 7 peroerit im tion, panlcularly in the southern part crease. Following were Newport.Mesa of the county: a continuln6 study of 10.2, and Laguna Beach, 4.9. escaped assessments by business firms Of the non-unified bi£h :school distrldl (some deliberate "and some honest Huntington Beach ranked at tbe botton errors); a dramatic increa.!le of about 35 with 7.3 percent. Tustln led with 21. percent in equipment and inventory percent. a!UeSSlTients, and a revaluation of com-Hinshaw cautlmed that -.!though th merdal ai:xt industrial proputie.s u well city assessed value fiRures and thOI as t'ransittonal land. for the county aa a. whOle were adjus'te Tiny San Jua n Capistrano led all for the loss of. levies on houSeho> Orange eoa,,t cities in per.-:entag~ In-[W"YMna! prope~. thb m.s not true • crease ol assessed valution with 18.8 the school distncts. percent. Following were Newport Beach, He said this was because of his-et US.I; Fountain Valley, 13.8; Westmin-lice's coding system which placed ead sler, 12.1: Huntington Beach, 9.8; Seal entire citr, in a single code but SCOO. Beach, 8.4: Costa Mesa. 7.4; Laguna districts n many instances cover aev Beach, 6.4, and Sao Clemente, 5.t. eral cities with varyinj: codes. County Gives Tentative Approval .to Metroport The nation's first such aircraft facility -the Anaheim litadlwn ~fetroport - was given tentative approval by lhe Anah'!im Planning~ CQmmluion Monday after a 00-minute public bearing. Citizens not allowed t(! speak during the session are expected to show up July 28 when the condiUona l use permit required to establish the 85-acre facility comes up for final action. Orange City Attorney Funnan· Roberts has warned that il the Anaheim City Council approves the Melroport concept ii will result in lengthy court litigation. UnanlmoUJ approval came at the plan- ning commission level Monday after l lfl hours of discussion, in whlch several ma- jor restrictions ltete pJ1ced. Oil Jhe PJO-ject. Despite the (act they are engineered to cut down the citizen c o mpl a ints originating from airports, r..-op. posed to establlshment of the metropor are not e.ntirely soothed. Planners sug~t these restrlctHm::· _ -l!olle. leve\1 or au aircraft laklnf·il will be limited lo 100 decibels '... unit. a sound. measurement -based on cm renUy accepled standards of measurin~ -Only dayllght flights will be allowed.. -No freight handling facllltiel will b allowed, except those required fa passenger luggage -unless this llmita Uon Is eliminated by a city attorney rul Ing that it violates umlng laws-becausi . the Metroport will be in an industria zone. -All ac><alled pure· jet alrcrall will Ii banned. -Noti.a of any ...-1-ezpmmon • other changes in the OperaUon roll.It. bJ malled to citizen groups in Anabelm mi neighboring OrBDge If and when beWal are acbedl\)ed. ' The reasony_ou're not reading this is because you alreciCiy know we have morajng,m~a-day and eyenitig 1ets gomgtoPhoemx. The reason you're not reading this fl beca1l!e you alnad)' know we have new Super D~9's with more leg room for all passengers t.o make your trip more comfortable. , So inst.ead o! reading any of this, just call your 'li'avel Agent or Air West and av.' Air\latiadlewut\ownairlioe• - • ••• • • -~·--. ,:._• _ _..._ -~ ..... ---. -~----~--------~-l----------=-------------------------------- -- • I I ) ' I , -· -4-f • I. • I I ' I • ---- 1. 0.111.Y Pll.OT '~ "' .. DlllW ,.,.. ....,, When Wllll1m E. Fuhr of Wax· ahachie, Tex., returi;>.ed to h~ park· eel car Friday and found bis sam· pie case, filled with 64 shoes, missing he at least had some corr solation' that the thief would have trouble putting them to use. All 64 were size 71> C and for the right foot. • MasSacbusetts National G\iards-- men have a new complication add· ed. to their summer camp training bivouac at Camp Drum, N.Y. ''These bugs are as big as bullets this year/' one sergeant said. "The government wasn't allowed to use DDT." • • When th< Occidflltal LI/< ,,,,. .wronce Co. computer in Pitts- burg nteds some information, it places a telq>hOM call i:o· a bigger computer in the Los An- geles o J f ice. The telephone rlngi in Los Angeles, a man lifU the rtceiver off the hook and tMn pmhti a button on the com.putt?'. Only then can the conversation begin. -··----' --• Tut!d•>'. July 15, 1969 Bel.es Cut in Fence 'People's Park'· Stormed by Moh BERKELEY (AP) -Nearty 1,000 youths, some armed with wire cutters bidden in loaves of bread, stormed the '"People's Park" ,they once held and cut gapl'ng holes in the .surroundlng eight· foot.lilgh dlain link fence. Rocks and tear gas filled the air during hit-run clubes between police and demonstrators throughout Monday af. temoon. There were at lea.st 37 attests and eight persons including a p o 11 c e lieutenant and three newsmen were in- jured, qone aeriously. Some of the demonstrators we~e sludenls from nearly University of California, which fenced the property May 15 to prevent. its continued unauthorized use as a park. But pt1'8t of those In Monday's battling were so-called .. street people.'' At the out.set about 50 Berkeley city policemen trying to protect the fence were bit with rocks, bottles and even cherry bomb firecrackers. B e f or e hosUlitles tapered ofl, reinforcements from the C&lilornia Hiibway Patrol and the Alameda County .sheriff's office rais- ed the law enforcement's troops to about 138. Since a big Memorial Day parade six weeks ago, the furor over "People's Park" had abated and the wtlvenity went ahead with its plarui to make the property a parking lot. Bulldoze.rs recently cleared away re m a in I n g children's playground areas the street people had set up. Last week. however, m!Htant.s be.gan • publicizing plans for an assault on the fence to coincide with the celebraUon of Bast.ille Day, the 180th anniversary of the start of the French Revolution. Mike Delaoour, one of the "People's Park" organ.izera, said of the demonstra- tion : "When they began shooting Jut May, they scared a lot of people off the streets. We had to gel back in the streets to show them we were sun going to demonstrate." When the fence went up May 15, a riot broke out in which 130 persons were in- jured and one man killed. Police used shotguns loaded with blrdshot and some buckshot to rest.ore order. · In two weeks of disorder that followed, more than 2,000 National Guard troops- were deployed in the city. About 900 persons were arrested. . Ul'I T ...... M DEMONSTRATORS CUT G.t,PING HQLES IN NEW 'PEOPLE'S PARK' CLASH MONDAY . Y-1 Who Stormed tho Berkoloy T""'blotpot C11lod It o llostllJ. D1y A1HUlt El Salvador, Moon Not Hungry 4 Choppers Lost Honduras War North Viets Inside DMZ Stepped Up Abernathy Leads Protest of Shot CAPE KENNEDY CUPll -The Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, leading a group of 15 Negroes on a tour of this spaceport, JMOl>h aus11!1. •1. of rr.y.. · '-"L -lLAllied· £\ .. ·*posts ~u;;a, Eiij)iiiiil.._nas ad\lel'\isecrnr--UIW · · . . c-11...u.£. _ . . bis local paper for a Cwlle. Candi· dates must be left.handed. Bush· · nell, a sOuthpaw, said "left banded people are looked on as outcasts. Any wile of. mine must know exact· ly how it feels ... United Preis International declared today that America mu!l try as Honduras announced its warplanes car-hard to .wipe ouL hunger on earth as it ried out widespread air raids on bas. to put a man on the nioon. _ neighboring El sa1Vador today iil i-etalia· f lion for an El Salvador invasion it uld "What we can do or space and er· He said, however, that $33 billion had been spent to put men on the moon and this money could have been better spent eliminating hunger. Abernathy said SCLC would bold pro- test demon.strati~~ ~tranc.t gate to the spaceport, a mass meeting and probably a . mareh tonjpt at i>earb1. Cocoa. Then, he aaid, the de!Ttonstrators would return to the gate for an "all-night prayer vigil." SAIGON (AP) -. North Vietnamese RUDnen shelled allied outposts from within the demilitarized zone four times Monday and made four other rocket at- tacks that could have come from inside the DMZ, the U.S. Command report..i to- trea he J • Ila k plor;ition we. demand that we do for llded while maneuvering to avoid enemy was as c roos as apan s a c on Ure. Pearl Harbor. It also actused El starving people," the head of the Four Americans were killed and three Salvador of bombing nine of its towns. Sou.thern ChrisUan Leadership C.On· wounded in the aerial eolUsion late Mon· A Honduran war communique also ference (SCLC) stated. day 34 miles north of Saigon. Two South reported a Honduran Corsair drove off a His party, comprised primarily o( • -day. Vietnamese were killed and three Salvadorean PSt Mustang wh.lch was children, carried signs reading "Billions Americans were wounded in one of the bombing the airport at Tegucigalpa and for Space, Pennies for H u n g e r , ' ' 2 ESCAPE EAST'. INSIDE A COW The command said a total of .35 rockets and mortars were fired. It was the first shelling reported fr<>m inslde the buffer zone since last Wednesday. other critshes. shot it down in flames in a dogfight a "Rockets or Rickets," and ''Moonshots , One of the helicopters was destroyed n1ile outside the city. Breed Malnutrition." when a South Vietnamese soldier The Honduran communique broadcast George N. Friedrich, tour direct.or at The U.S. Command also reported the lou of four more-U.S. Army helioopten;, two to enemy gunners and two that col- detonated an enemy mine as he leaped over the national radio network: said the the John F. Kennedy Space Center, met off it near Tay Ninh. morning's "reprisal raids" on El the Negroes at the moonport's welcome BERLIN (UPI) -East German border The U.S. Command said·thi! raised the Salvador. were directed agaWt ll}e_ In-~and tilarted them on a toar-of ex-g'l,ards unwittingly permitted t w o total of helicopte:r.i: kist in the war to temational Airport at San Salvador, La hibits and a showing of(a !J>8Ce movie. refugees to enter Wesf Gemtany 1il the 2,850. Union, Cut~ aednd Adcatrujutla: Theolco~j He said that Wednesday's manned moon body of a stuffed cow, a West Berlin A command s.....i.e.sman said that munique C1t11m es ction o1 landi I . ... obabl ... bl newspaper reported today. Republicans Pwih To Extend Surtax ,,,,., depots and refinery installations a_l ng m ss1on 1s pr y ... ,,. ggest A-•1n ,._ "surprisingly" none of the shelling near Cutuco. event in the history of the world." i.."v.u g to w11: newspaper B.Z., the the DMZ caused any casualUes or The morning attacks followed llun· Abernathy agreed lhat space tihot was cow we used in separate episodes to car· material damage. The targets included a duran reports of Salvadorean infiltra!lon "man's noblest venture11 and added that ry a :.>-year-old man to Weal Berlin and • South Vietnamese infantry outpost near across the border al El Poy, as well as he was "profoundly moved by the na· 22-year-old woman to West Germany. Gio Linh, a U.S. Marine posiUon four down me Pan American Highway. Lion's achievements in spat!: and the 'Ille newspaper laid the refugees hid in-- miles :southeast or Con Thien, another El Salvador claimed Jts forces ~·ere heroism or the three men embarldn.g for side the cow, which was put inside a WASHINGTON (UPI) -Republican coogressional leaders aald today after a two-hour sessiun with President Ni1on it was imperaUve that the income surtax extension be passed by Congress before its summer recess. Marine post near Con Thien, and three acting in self defense. the moon." crate that WB!!i placed aboard a truck. olher allied bases in that area. 1------------------------------------------- While dad concerns him.st!/ with ApoUo 11 business, astronaut's Ed· win E. Aldrin's children concern themselves with more tarthly mot· tfrs. Michael and Janice prepare to "launch" bicycle after repairing punctured tire. • Five Salisbury, England students who played badminton non-stop for 148 hours have claimed a world record. • When two ears collided. at an intersect.ion in Turin, Italy their drivers leaped out, began arguing and squared off to fight. Bystand· ers separated them and suggested they exchange insurame informa· lion. The men looked at each other'.s documents, then fell into an embrace. They were brothers separated during \Vorld War TI who had not seen each other for 28 years. Senate GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen and House leader Gerald R. Ford said ac- tion on the surtax sbould not have to wait for tax reform legislation. "The surtax is the No. I order of business and we've got to get this con- summated if at all possible before ,the recess," Dirksen said after the meeting. The ~ starts Au.a:. 13 • Ford said, "Under no clrcu~ should the problem of reform deter af- firmative action -and I don't think it will -from the surtax measure." Egypt Drops Plans For India J et Proj ect ROME (UPI) -Egypt has quietly dropped plans to develop a supersonic jel fi ghter in conjunction with India because the project is becoming too costly, in· formed Asian diplomats said today. The two countries in 19&4 signed an agreement to develop a needle-nosed in· terceptor called HA300 v•hich would fly at mach 2.2 - 2.2 times the speed of sound. A U.S. Spokesman said lhe command had "no indication" that the la.st four at· tacks came from within the DMZ but ad- ded that "all of the targets certainly were within range" of the ione. Allied artillery fire was directed against the firing positions ln the DMZ, the spokesman said, but the results were not known. Nerve Ga s Plan Hit by Solon WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Army is planning to resume production of nerve gas after a layoff of "several years" and has cho6en a plant in Newport, Ind., Rep. Richard D. McCarthy (0.N.Y.), said to-- day. McCarthy's assertion was contained in a letter to Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird in which he demanded to know why the Pentagon was taking such a step. ~1cCarthy said resumption of pro- duction seemed inconsistent with Presi· dent Nixon's recent directh•e for a government.wide review of the U.S. chemical and biological warfare pro- gram. Humidity Melts Eastern U·S. Area Sweating Out First Sticky Weather of Season ca111a .... 1a S<!lsllw"' C.~ w11 ..,.t!y U lr to.MY WI"' low Cl9i.ldt fl' '°" -· ltre ro. .. 111 rnor~1.,. l'lllurt. It ... , 11fvhtlv .......... 1111-. lot Al'IOll!ts In(! y\c1~11V ~ h••V 1uMh!""' wOh low clolldt or fo. nr•• !ht eot1I 111 !Iv "IO'~l~1. Tl>t ~I"" -v .... , "· lhrN clP'if'ffl •bo ... Morodilty'I -~. t"-Air Pollll'*' (""!tot Dhiri<' a id ""1• wn lltlht 1-In Ille Lo• ......... a.sift. IHCIWl _.., rnmttr wn..., •~ • rneniir. bl1nlt~ d low <-•· no. fl!9M Ml'I ,_, 7' wllfl WllH' ,_ _.,u,.. • .,.,,., ,,_ Tetttperatures A~rflVI fll,tl l-Pl'lt. ~ " All111t1 " " fl11k, ... 11~1c1 100 n l!llma1ck " .. Bol~• ~ ~ lloolotl n " 11._..,,,1u, n " (~ic-" n C1t1e:ln...,11 .. " 0!'11\'l!f " .. "' Pu Mo:nn. .. " ,.,,.., " .. ~M ·Wff'• Wiii"!' with "hl9hl -.. 11 --- 1'9Wlmtt• POTOtllt~ F1lrt.nlt1 ""' w°"" " " '" " ~ -_., wlltl •'-..... ..... 1tf Ill ....,. .... ....,. Ind I ~fl,. ,..... n• 111 "" '°""' n•llVI· .mJTMl!IOf C ... lll'OftNIA -Mml'I¥' tlllr "'"'""' ~..., but fll9 er loW cloud:t _, ltll Qlffl nltfll 1nd ..,., '"""""' lleu". SlO.l'lll'f w1fl'Mr .-f lfl\111111 -· TUH~Y. LOS AMGELE5 Ai11£A-tow clCMh .... ,..irctl1' ... Ill' l'llfhl Ind fftlY ~ ...... ~ lllfV "'"'M"' mctf d _ ~ 1Nll WNIWldlv. HIP Tu. ... __ ... (OUTAL VALLEYS -~ttv lt!r ~ .,.........,. wilt! "'"' tuMl'llllot Mlfll _,. 1M Ital "" .,-low clouh .....,. ~ .... """' '"" .... ., "'*"""" ...,.._ Hllfll T..-.., as N fS,INTfllMl:DIATI YAllffi -1"1lr ......... ...........,, Clll'llJIMll - d"'1 ......... tu.Nv .. " "· MOUln'AIN Altu.f -.#•Ir' ~ ... .....,._ ......... -.-•. .!!,· IJrfl'l"ltl(Mt AHD l)fMJl'T t' ....,.. ~lf' ........... , .... lft'llt _,...... T__., wr111 lllft fll .. lot .,,_-. lff ,. 1tl ,._.. Wit ..... Coutal ~ t"'* Ul'ltlt 11 .. lft.., INft -· WINb _..,,., 10 le II k""'•· Hllll , •.. ,., Yftltrd#1 ..,._lhi"I! nlllt'M 1,,,...., 1 M911 of 6t "" 7•. 1n11nc1 ~-•lu•• ,...,.. Wll U le 16. Wtfflr lfmlll!'fllu.-. ~ ... -s..... Moon. Tide• TU Ill DAY Fl"! llM .• t ·OO a"'· 11 l'lr11 hltoll IG:\2 '""· ~.t ••DNISDAY ,..,,,, Jow . • . i.Jll. "'· 0 4 111...i 1111111 .............. n:n•·"'·'' 5ecclnd low • .. • . ••• .. .. • .• '·"'· ' s S«Glllll 11\flt , •..•....•.. 101n •·"'· 5,1 ""' ·-f:U I .Ir!. lottl l ;fl •·"'• .... 1u-'·" •·"'· s.11 '· u '·"'· """ l... •• llln! o. Nt• JM 2' "'1f, ~ Jvt1 n Au1. 1l (J .S. Summnr11 "' """""' .,....,.. .• " ""' '"' llu"'ldll'I' wtlttocl much et Ille eoti..r11 I'll!! fl/I th'9 ""1'°" ""'·'· ' Llffilr ff(l\I f"t41!'1 W•i ll'ldic.ltd f<lr 110rltlem rl!Vklonl ~-Tin• "'1t their tJri.t I~ ol sl;cli:¥ WMIMr l'l'lls tt .. IOOI• fl' fDr """ $0uth, Wlllth /\,tf ''""~red far mort ~" lllttt Wffl\1 Ill leml'ef'llv<K 111 ~ IOI or fl~r. Vi~ """"*""'90'1'1\11 """'"°' -n.t Narflllom Plllta Mot>diY "19!11 '"" llM>H<f Nrt°" ol """ Ol-OI•' •nd Ml ..... ~1 Wflll ~191'1 W•nd1o """" rtlft ,...., ,,,.n. m,,..,., ' Inc~ al r•ln novrl'cl t"'" *"' Ml-• (orl'\munHv ol Hthlo!•~· mldw•v ~ Ftr•o •<'Id Grind Fort;.1 1t-1!>t N(ll11! D.!-O'lt 11,,.. A.I~ l ~ -~eel I'•'" 111 #It Prt-dliwn l'IOl,irl. Wll'lllll Ut lo IO ..,,,,._ 1n l'IQllr ~ Hw,.., l-0~ "'•lllf e llM.., ltwl'IOtl'Jlorm. ·-·~ " ..... " .. Honolulll M ~ ka-Cllv n ~ ltt Ve•u~ "' " LO'I ....... ~, v " Miami .. " • Min-I~ .. n " Ntw Orlffn' '\ " .• """' v.,~ .. .. ()lo.lel'lo'!M C•fy "' n ""'""' ~ " "''"' S.•lr>n "' " Pl'loefll• ... " Prn.a...•111 M " Por!t•!ld " ~ "•aid CllY " " ••• ·-.. " $1(t.t.._D .. " ~tt L•~t Cll1 ~ •• .M $811 o-" .. .. ~ ,,..11(!1(.0 ~ ~ ~.tti. " " 5110ttM ~ " , ............ "' ~ W.tll'dlllfOll ,, " LOOK m'iHlS, WILMA. OUR LOCAL OIDS D€ALER SAYS WE CAN Gf;T A NEW OLDS AT REAf.V( BIG SAVING$ l<tGlfT NOW. NICE, HB?eERT; VE1'Y NICE. NOW DO YOU TI!ll« WE CAN G€f 1HE FAN fl)(i;p? --, • - I j I • j • ~ I 1t " • .. • •• r-• .. • I " • -----. -. ------------------·----·---------------·-·---·-·-·~-~--~"-~··"·--~-~--~-·"·~·"···"·-· ............... ,,_..,.,,..,,, ....... ,...., ....... ,,.. ... ,... ............ ""! . • Benefit • a ' , JEAN COX, 494-9466 Tv.M1r. J~IW 1a. ltff C. Pitt ll The La.gu na Li ne Ball Avidly Followed . By Klosterman Clan By J EAN COX 01 Ille 0.ltJ ~llM lllH • • ' • " • • • • • • STEVE KLOST ERMAN, who will join the Bruin loot~all teem next fall , is the first Laguna Beach Hfgh School football player ever chosen to pl.ay in the North-South Shrine game, aod his p~re~ts wouldn't miss it for anylh.ing. . , ~1rs. Walt Klosterman of Three Arch Bay said she and her husband 3re taking friends fro1n Palm Springs and San Bernardino to cheer on her amazing son Wednesday, July 23, in Los Angeles Coliseum. Steven \vas one of 25 Southern California graduating seniors chosen lo play on th e Southern California team against the northern California team \vhich aJso recruits the best from this area for the battle. ' Steve \vas carted away last Thursday morning by a Shrine member and will have two weeks of intensive training before the game with hit teammates at University of Southern California. • A center and defensive tackle at Laguna Beach High School, he was offered athletic scholarships from six different universities and wishing to remain in the Southern California area. finally settled on UCLA. The day of the game will be especially important to Kay Klosterman. She 'vUI be celebrating her loth birthday while her brother is playing. . ··MRS BEA CRI ST will host a s8T8d filncheon for abaut-35 fe!Jow~mem· bers of Gamma Tau Gamma Chapter. Alpha Chi Omega trlumnae--ne·x·t·- Thursday in her Laguna Beach home. These fays $1.50 usually doesn't go very far, but the about 10 wo1nen attending the Opera League's re- cent benefit fashion show Snd Juncheott certainly got their money's worth. Among-them are Mrs. Gordon Forbes and Mrs. Marion Parlette who check in "'ilh Mrs. C. Sidney Johnston, hostess (left to .rightr.ln add.ition •fO ·a varied sal?d luncheon prepared by ,member I ·'P.articipants saw a fashion show Of tlfe· lales{ "tio 8.nd sun styles from Deau~ ville . LJ.nge~. e:ntO~ the sun and cocktails in the spacious gar~eos pf'--1dfs. Johnston's Laguna Niguel home and_ heard it(t· ... J. Oliver Pyle sing. MR S. JOHN POOR was the winner of Laguna Beach Country Club \\1omen's Golf Association's annual club championship tournament. Miss Gracia Johnson, president, was runner-up and Mrs. Corneliu~ Toomey was the first Oi~ht with runner-up Mrs . Art Griffen. The · second flight \Vas won by Mrs. William Casparis over Mrs. Ike Westmoreland, runner-up. Mrs. Paul Willetts won low gross on qualifying day with an 83, and Mrs. Poor won low net with 63. Following the match plav event-; ·awards were oresented durinJ! A buffet luncheon In the home of Mrs. Toomey. Helping the hostess were the ~1mes. Leonard Drexilius, Glenn McMullen, Willetts. Edith Marks, Paul \Vaterman,-Westmoreland. Gri!fen;-Casparis-and William Trotter. - Junior Women · J~t Propelled Laguna Beach Junior Woman's Club has a busy month with a reception tonight for visitors from Swe-- den , plans fur a champ~gne brunch Tuesday. July 29, and the Free for All booth which the group is sponsor· ing once again on Festival of l\fts grounds. The club will participate in the 1969 American Host Program tonight by sponsOring a reception in the home of J\rlrs. Carl ManUs for Mr. and ·~lrs. Bo Eblin. visitors from Lidingo, a suburb of Stockholm. The Ehlins, who both are English and German in· structors in their ho!tm country, are spending one week with club member Mrs. Jon Baughman and her fam· ily in order to learn more of the American way· of life and to satisfy a professional interest in this country's educational system. Tn order to promote a better international under· standing, the evening will feature sU de s from Europe followed by coffee, cake and conversation. Old, ne'v and prospective members of the club are a'vaiting a getting-to-know you champagne brunch ,vhich will kick off the beginning of a new season for the group in the home of Mrs. John Ballew Tuesday, July 29. Festivities \vii include campagne and hors d'oeu· vres and Mr s. Manus, club president, said all women from 18-35 in the community who are interested in be- coming members are invited. Reservations may be obtained by; calling Mrs. Ballew by Sunday, July 27, at 494-384-0. The booth on the festival grounds will be open from 2 to 6 p.m. and will feature chalk drawing for children ""hile their ~ar_ents tour and enjoy the are display1. It may be found below the new Festiv&J of Arts Forum. , ,, . CHAMPAGNE FOR BRUNCH -Mrs. R. Bruce Stevens (right) is ready to pop the cork for a champagne brunch to acquaint prospective members with Laguna Beach Junior Women's Club's background! achievements and golls for the upcomblg ye3r. Join4 . ,. ing ~er in making plans for the affair Tuesday, July 29, are (left to right) the Mmes. Carl Manus, Kenneth Erikson and Don Futerer. ! 1-----------------------------------1 .. Prison of Mind May be ·· Escaped With Trip to Bookstore DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've made aome mistakes tb my life bot as I look back over the pa.st 34 year! l see many tragedies over Whk:h I had no conlrol. Both my parents were drowned when I was 16. My brother whom I adoffi! was burned to death In a Eire. A sister I en- vied and disliked died in a car accident. To this day I feel as if J murdered her because I was driving. You may not be abit. Lo help me, Ann. but perhaps Just expressing my feelings in writing will make me feel better. I am haunted by the fear thal I will commit suicide. niere are times when I hale Uv· lnlJ 1nd want to die, but J know suicide ls the coward's way out. More Important. 1 hpve three. wonderful children who need a , ANN LANDERS mother. Their father Is away a great deal and I am afraid he has no real Interest ln his famUy. I am terri(ied that I will jump out of a window. Whenever I'm near-a large, open window I pan1c. I am ao afraid of elevators. I'd rather walk up 10 flighll than go Into one. ~ Can you give me a few sentences of hope? What can J do lo cet over yiese beUish feellngs? -GWENDOLYN DEAR GWENDOLYN: I 1hno1t never recommenil books bat l'm .1olng to make aa ei:ceptlon bec:am I've ju1t read a bonk that could help 1ave your Ille. II II called •"J"M J>rison o( ~fy ~llnd," bT Barban Field Beniiifl'. The pubtlcber 11 Walker. U your bookstore doie111•1 •ave It, ask Uttm to gel It. This book i1 a movlftJ personal ac· I t 'roUnt of a courageous woman who co1t- quered mental IDntss. Her bonesty and opennns wOI give encowagement ud hope to ievery penon wlHt lean be Is crackln1 vp. The btst answer for 00:e whO Is suicidal b a therapist In whom bt has conrldence. Tb~ au thor of "Prl!OD of ~fy ~1ind'' emphasb:ta t!d• point WbiJe Mn+. Beotlitr credit.a therapy with u.vlng btr llr• she maktt It abundantly clear that not ALL psychiatrists art bumane, kind and ClOIJlpetent. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Wh<n P•r<nts whn are far from rich give a married son end daughter·in+law $.1,000 -to help them through 1 financial crisis, are they en· titled to get It back? Or are the parents supposed to forget about it because they havt more money than the kids? Two yeani have passed since we ga\•e LOOm the money and not a word has been said about paying it back. Last night my husband brought up th! subject when our son and his wife drove up in a new car. 'rnt!y called us mereenary, money•hungry and worse. There must be otl\ers with the same problem. Wiii you cpmment, please! -THE MONEY BUS~ DEA'R. ~fONEY: What was the un- denitandlng Jl'ben yo!J luutded over the p .ooo: Did you 1ay, ''Thi• I• a toan. nol a &lit?" If )'O\I didn't, )'Oii 1~d blve. A; surefire comblnatloa for Bis Trouble 11 reladves, mOMJ eel ootb ln1 oo paptr. Welcome to tlle tlub. < •, Give In or lose him .•. when 1 guy gives you lhis line, look ouU for tips oq how lo handle the supe:rsex salesman. ~ check Ann Landers. Read her booklC,. .. •·Necking and Petting -What are the· t Limits?" Send your request to Ano i Landers Jn care 9f this newspaptt. enck>sing ~ cenli Ir. coin and a ioq, stamped, self-addressed envelype. Ann Landers will be glad tO help you with your problem!. Stn<t them to her Jn care of lhe DAILY PILOT, en<:lollnl a sell·addressed, stamped envelope. ' .. [· I I ~ - • • ! ' ' l I I I ' 1 • I ·"--··- Horoscope / Aq.uarius:· a ·Bserve Shrewdly WEDNESDAY • family ·problem. Key ii lo JULY 16 •81'ff on reuonable cbziP. B llYDNEY OMAllR Older Individual deoerves ...,. 1 sideratloo. Pace hu ._, fall. 8PECLIL IDNT: B • l Now slow dowo and •t\eod IO ......... jowetr,., !MM .... -deiatll. , IMy .. HI ool,.lllU..1. GEMINI (May 2t.J"I" 20): Good ~11 a..U.llle fa -" Urge lo move, '1'¥v_d ls atlfte ud -.•1 ""6et. -· M..,.g,. mt calla Eicdlad rw "•ea l l •a. flow from relatlv~ Your ,..._.., •-.U pM1lol. -may be bue f« l"t· s.dUllMy II 1 e e ea t e •. together. Have tun. Ii don't SP"lfP'. It •LEO. tire vOOll'lelf. COnuMn ..... is AlllE8 (March 21·April It): Accent e r e a t l v e acttvltle.a. Keep pn:m.lses made t o cblldmi. Day fulura change, m:iiement, var I et y. Be analytlcal. You can get the belt H )'OU '° -TAUR118 (April »May 201: Stress ui ho" you_ handle ~I CANCER (J une 11.JW, D): You coukl be on· brilllt of vlluahle iltscovery; you won't find perfection. ~ -compromise could w o r t Woodert. Belt lo remaJo In bac:kgroond 10< pre""L LEO (July »-Aug. l!I): ey. cle high. Act in autbaritailve PT A· Officers Seated manner. Takeln l l 1 a ti v e. Welcome contacte., challtnaea. New llarlr In new .. diNlctiOlll favored. Accent on ap-pearance, per!ODlllt.y. You're a winner. VlllGO (Aue. 13-Sept. 22): ObtaJn blot from Cu<er ,.....g._ Work belilud the acenes. Finish what was """'Uy atarted. Separate fact from fancy. Be rea1lsllc lo AP' pralla! of penom, attuall<>ns. lJBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. ZI): Good hinar upocl today coin- cldeo with cbance to repay favon. Be lrlendly. Accent desire for justice. The more you give, the more yoo will recdvo. SOORPIO (Ocl :!$-Nov. II): Presoure on·pmjlge, lllan<!lng in community. Follow hunch. One in authority 11 trying to aid. Know thJ1; respond ac- cordlngly1 Good chanco tod•Y for J>!Olillolton. SAGmABIUS CN o v. :.l· Dec. ·ti-): l;alch up on caU., eorr~e.nce.. Keep in touch withl retaUves at a distance. Good for wrlUng, publi1hhlg .1n4 advertiai.nt. OuUlne pro- mqtlooll campaign. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19}: Unknown factors elist. RealUe there ls·more to know. Be espectauy cautious in financial matters. Dig deep for additional information. Avoid being ru$ed in lo deciJlon. A,QUARIUS (Jan. 20 • Feb. 11): Check partnel'$hlp op- portunities. Key is to be cooperative. Take care with written word. Be sure you can fullill promises. Be a shrewd observer. ' PJ.SCa {Feb. 19-March 20): Soroptimist Scholarship Winners Congra tulated Belles Sound Harmonize relations w I t h associates, co-worken. Steer clear of dis:pul.e.!. Be amiable without being weak. Means strive for balance. Domestic adjust.ment·may be neeeS!ftlry. Miss Kristin Welzel and Miss Susan Duggan, both graduates of Laguna Beach High School, received Alberta Patterson Memorial Scholarships from Sor· optimist Club of Leguna Beach. Talking over the coeds' fu ture plans are (left to right) Miss Duggan, Mrs. Monte Warr who is scholarship committee chainnan, Mlss Wetzel, and Mrs. Albert Cornelius, club president. Looking both forward lo a new year and backward to put actOmplishments were memben of the Hunting1Dn Beach Union High SChool PTA. . ' treasurer; Vern D a r t 1 hiatorian; John Drake 1 aUditor, and James DJ.rstin. parliamentarian. IF TODAY 1$ YOUR BffiTHDAY your social life improves. You come out of emotional shell. You are seri· ous-minded, Joyal. you also are tenacious where ideas are concerned. Let's Talk Girl Talk Jewel Clip Latest Fad LONDON (AP) -Now thal the girls are wearing the trou&ers, a· leading London costume jeweler bas come up Paularino Park is bultling with an idea .for keeping bell bottoms under control and ad-_with activity as 73 Costa Mesa ding a feminine touch to Blue Birds and Camp Fire pants .• Girls are participating in day Jeweled blcycle clips to be camp along with 17 coumelors worn over trouser bottoms and aides. were shown~ here today by Pari$ House, wtlich m8kes Following the E a r 1 Y bells for Queen Elizabeth II • California Days theme, the and the royal household. campers are cooking meals Unisex crept in, too, with and studying crafts in keeping jeweled scarf rings for hippies with the state's heritage. of both sexes. A girl could almost go out in nothing but The girls will display their ~~er pearls and still look decent camping and crafts skills dur· 1r she wear s the nuge variety lng a Speclal Even"5 Day pro. favored by Paris Hoose for gram tomorrow f e-a 1: u r i n g belts. necklaces and earrings. • . As the boo!< makes belts, songs, sail! and exhibit!. buttons and ornaments for Leaders participaling in-several London haute couture Clude the Mmes. William Ban-houses, the jewelry show drop. nick, Les Thompson, Frank ped a hint as to what will be Hickey, Don Minnl1 Chet seen in the dress ihowrooms. Baugh, Ron Franke, Hal Buttons· are extremely fan- Broodbead and Grtg Guth. cy, made ol beads. pearl on Horiioft Club members will leather, wound chain, or jet. staff the Goodwlli booth at the Belts were of two varieties: Orange County Fair, where wide leather ones wilh big they will put nam.e tags on buckle1, and stringy rolled small children f 0 r tdeo-ones with big jeweled bobbles tillcaUon in cue of aeparatlon on each end. Giant. pearls also from parents. were used to make tie belta. Bloaom lllue Birds of Special lightweight pearls New officers who will serve during the ltlt-70 year inclu<le the Mmes. Joe Muniz, presi- dent; Joseph Van Buren, v1c:e president; A. M. Pedersen. recording secretary; W. H. S t a n d ridge, corresponding secretary; R. L. Pi a rd, Symphony Performers In Unison Committee chalrmen who have betn appointed to serve include the Mmes. Van Buren, program: Donald C r o f t , membersblp; J a m e a Seift.. metb, ways and mean.!; Kathy Armstrong, FOllilden Day and honorary lile; Joan McKinney, publicity; Esther Lu%, health and we.Hare, &00 Van Buren, legislation. Also active will be Richard Piard, men'a participation ; WoodroW Smith, a c b o o I representative; Mrs. Polly Hanna, character and eplrit, and l.Joyd McCracken, scholar>hip. The organization concluded the school year with the in- FLIGHT HOSTESS Lind• Jester .Graauate ·Takes Wing. sta.11ation of new officers. Joining Trans World Airlines They also sponsored t b e {light hostesses after com· senlors' 1raduation party at ks f · · -Symphony lovers may at· Disney I and under the pleting six wee o trauung m tend a concert of chamber chairmanship of ~lrs. Ourstin Kansas City is Linda Jester. music and contnl>ute to and Mrs. Dart. The graduate of Huntington Orange County's Symphony Beach High School joined Orchestra at the same time graduates of the 46th class to Tet fll'llf wt mor• ltloul YlllU'Hll 111d •tlroloev. orillr $Y'd .. .,. Ornarr'1 ~ Pftol DOoll\11. Tiii TruTh Abetul .t..slrolo OllY. $oll'ICI 50 (tflla 1'11 Omarr &oakllt. .,... DAILY PILOT, BO• n«1. Gr•...:! c.1r1I $1111loll. NIW '!'on. N.V. 10011. Nuts 'n Nibb les Attending meetings every Friday at 10 a.m. are the l\'OfllfD of Fountain ValjeJ. Nuts to Nibbles TOPS Club. Members have selected the Recreation Center in Hun- tingtGn Beach Cor the meeting place: nut Sunday, July 20, at l p.m. Court St ella complete ela!SWork in the ! C7/ I · Appearing in recital tG airline's hostess tr a in in g Jh • 12 benefit the orchestra will be ~1embers o[ Court Stella center. She will be serving tn 2 Mary Louise Zeyen, Gloria Maris 1448, C a t h o l i c passengers from K a n s a s JC " .,.,. I'\.._~ Grace Prosper, Christie Lund· Daughters of America meet City's Municipal Airport. \.I.All I lJJ, quist and Frit.s Hardi. The each second and fourth Mon-Her mother and stepfather Wutcliff Pl•z• Stor• On 'I cellist, soprano. clarinetist and day at 8 p.m. in St. Joachim's are the .John Browns of Hun. ~ 6 4 2 . 2 4 4 4 pianist will perform romantic . .2p'.'.arish::·~h:•:::ll'.:_• '.'.Co:'.'':'.:'''..':::':":':.· --~t:'.'.in~gl:•::_n_:B:::•::ac:::h:.. -----"========== and post·romantJc music in the ftdtal hall of lhe music building on the Callfomia State College at Fullerton campus. CONGRATULATED AT PARTY Mr. •nd Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown K!Uybroote Sch 0 0 J., Costa have been made for mu1ti- Meoa, biVe c:olloct<d a total drop earrlop thal look beavy al \'If food COll]JOll!I which will enough lo .u.tcll an earlobe be used to help pudlase bus-down to the shoulder. Tickets will range in price from '2.50 to ss. or $1 for -under 16. Fw1her in-fonnaUon may be obtained from Mrs. James Klotz, m. 12S!. Lile--like FULL COLOR Mesa Pair Honored On Golden Wedding es for Falrvit\f state Hospilal. Those fancy bicycle clips Karen Wilson received the can doable aa upper a nn prize fer bringing the most bracelell, another po p u I ~ r coupons. trend in costume jewelry. t.eader of the group ls Mrs. Chain belts, u s u a 11 y in- John Zorger, asslltant leader corporating jeweled or pearl is Mn. Richard Crowe, and medallions, still are going Bags Draw Attention The Costa Mesa home of ~tr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown was the scene of a par· ty honoring them on their 50lb wedding anniversary. Hosting the gathering were their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Brown of Torrance, and their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pullen of 1"1idway City. For the golden wedding celebration the palio was decorated with gold flowers, and the focal point of the buf· Jct table was a three tiered wedding cake decorated with white roses and gold lea\'es. The Browns were married in Snyder, Colo., and have b!en residents of Santa Ana, Hun- tington Beach and Costa Mesa since 1923. Brown was employed for 2' years by Spicer Lumber Co., which later became Ward & Har· • sponsor ls Mrs. w 11 ) I a m strong, as indicaUon lhal hip-For fall and winter, Julius rington Lumber Co. Wilson. Membtta art Barbie pie styles are continuing. Resnick created a silver lame The couple have f Ive Oreatorex, Celina Wang, Jan-Tassels of chain and stones evening knapsack for women grandchildren and fotir great-et Duncan, JennUer Heath, appear on nearly everything. who don't want their handbq3 grandchildren. Four of the Jill Freeman, Karen Wilson, A spokesman said Lord and to noat away whUe dancing. grandchildren attending the Karen Ballard, ICelly Golden, Taylor has ordered a lot of the For fall and winter ol the party were Mrs. Janice Rojas Kerl Zorger, Laura Jackson, string belts wilh jewel-bobble year 21MM>! Hi.! entry wu In a atfd family, Robert Pullen and Leslie Crowe, Michelle Ken· ends, while t. Magnln ls going "bags o( the future" ubibits family. the Misses Patricia nedy, Robin Babos and Sylvia In for the boot brace.lets made sponsored by the Natklnal Brown and Lonnie Pullen. A Pearson. by the London house. Handbag Association. fifth, James Pullen, is serving.,...::.:::..:::::.. ______ _:0<...::::..:::::::::.:::::::;_ __ _;=="'-'="-'='--- in Vietnam. Among the relatives and friends presenting con- gratulations were Brown's sister, Mrs . Margary Eichelberger from Sacramen- to and the pair's nieces, Mrs. Ray Rhodes and family from Las Vegas and Mis.s Willa Martinei from Sacramento. ON THE TUBE Fo1 tlit l>t1t 9uidt te whef1 h1pp111i11<1 011 TV. 1e1d ~ WtEK -didrib11t1t1 with th1 S1turd1v .ditio11 of th1 DAILY PILOT. BIGGARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPffS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.tt.'B-'11'"" PASADENA: Colorado al El Molino POMON A: Holt, east of Garey SANTA ANA: M•I• .. 11e ... tti e S-NI AN St9N o,.. M9114., "-11t11 portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGES! Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! . One per subject, two per family. I HURRY! STARTS TUESDAY PORTRAlT SPECIAL ENDS SUNDAY -JULY 20 I PHoToclAPHER'S HOURS: NOON to 8 PM DAILY• SUNDAY 11 to 1 PM ' 7212.,S 3088 BRISTOL AVENUE Juat Off Newport Ava. BatwH n San Diego Frwy. &. B•ker Strfff I II ., .._,-. -· ;---. --- -• -" -";-"' -.. . • Saddleha~k TOday'_• 6-81 • N.Y. Stoeu"'" E·DITION -VOL:. 62 ,NO • .168, 3-SECTIONS, 3!\ PAGES ORANGE COUNT"(, i::Ai)EORMA ' TUESDAY, JULY IS, 1969 . --TEN CENTS Salt Creek Foes Take New Tack t9 Open Beach Public beach adVt1Cates are otr on a new tack today jn an effort to petition Orange County government for deveJop· ment of public access lo Salt Creek beach. Lagutla Beach attorney W i 11 i a m Wilcoxen has filed a petiUon bearing about 1,800 algnatures with the county Board of·Supervisars asking lhat public 1ccess be crealed. Wikmen bas been involved in a legal y ., -· ·-- - ' . -'. _:;;--- •• • battle, unsuccessfully so lat, to 'overturn county abandonment .of Salt Creek Road to the Laguna NigUel Corporation. Niguel Corporation owns the uplands at Salt Creek Beach, located between Three Arc.b Bay and Da.Da. Poirit in the ~uth Orange Coast. area. ·Wilcoxen said "many more·• petition! are O\lt in circulation.~Oday.: Wlfcoxen said lhe Capistrano Bay Pa~k and Recreation Dlstrkt which he By Phil lnterl1ndl -:s:.,v::;:f,,,J)~ ''Great Scotti Th• City Council· Has Gone Medi" . - LagunaSchQols G~tHope With Hike in Valuauon Happy days may be here again for the Laguna Beach Unified School District. beset for months with budgetary woes and problems in salary negoUations with teachers. Figures released b_y the Orange County Assessor's· Office Monday show a slight increase in the distrid's assessed valua· Dowti the Mission Trail Trailer Park Okayed for Capo CAPISTRANO -A mobi!P. home park that will eventually be bisected by a county highway has been a p p r o v e d by the Orange County Pl.anning Com· mission. Ed Mart.in, attorney for Wailers & Son, Newport Beach designers, convinced planners that the use variance for the 168-space facility should be grant~ despite the fact that C~mino dt;J Avlon m San Juan Capistrano will be built through jt in five to 10 years. tion above that estimated by school of- ficials. Total taxable valuation for the district ls $83,007,326. Th.is includes about $L6 million for the agricultural preserves, an amount the district cannot count on ta1· ing. School officials can C<Junt on taxing $81.3 million -about $100,000 more than their estimate of $81.2 million. This will raise an extra $2,500 for the district, Dr. William Ullom, superintendent, said. Se ttlement of the long back-and-forth negotiations between Laguna teachen and the board of trustees appears likely lo come at a school board meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. Teachers scheduled a meeting at 2 p.m. today to discuss the !al.est district offer amounting to an increase of about $84,000 to be spent for salaries and benefits. Teachers and the board appear to be about $12,000 apart now in their talks. Representatives of both sides today said that a c.ompromise hopefully will come at tonight's meeting. Postal Services Rates Increased Rate increases went into effect Monday for certain special postal services, it was announced by U.S. Post Office officials. The nation wide increases have been raised on special delivery, registered let- ters. C.O.O. and return receipt fees. Special delivery le'tters for [lrst clas..o; and air man are up 15· cents to 45 cents. The minimum registry fee for letters has gone up to 80 ~nts, an increase of five cents, while C.0.D. deliveries are up 10 cents and return receipts are up five cents to 15 cents. represents as attorney ls eager to bring lhe peUtions to SUpervisora atl.ention before they act on the aMual county budget. He said county government projected Its assessed valuatipn_increase at • per- cent over last year while cowity assessor AndreW Hinshaw's office has uid it will be more like . 12 percent A substanUal porUon of that increase ii supposed to come from the ·soutbern part or the coun· ty, Wilcoxen said .. He suggested I.hat would g I v e supervisors the capacity to fund ac- quisition at Salt Creek as, supervisors recently did at Bolsa Chica' Beach in the northern end of the cowity. Asked il·he·is proposJng the county buy back what it gave away, Wilcoxen said: "I wouldn't want to phrase It that way. I wouldn't want to go into whether part of the money would be for purchase of the road. U there Is additional actef3 and parking obviously the corporation should be paid for it. This has no connection to the law,uit." The petitions were ptepated _by the Park and 1*reation District, They re8d-: "The undersigned respectfully request that all appro~rlat.e government' bodies protect public access to t h e shoreline wherever possible. It Is speeillcally re- quested that the Orange COunty Board of Supe"isors seek mean11 to provide public access to the Salt Creek Ocean Area to that the citizens of Orange County1can continue. to enjoy the recreaUonaJ ao- tiviti~s provided thereupon. Wilcoxen said II is hoped submittal ol the petition wUI enable his group to secure a spot on the J u1y 22 supervilors agenda. Laguna Studies ·Budget But TaX Boost Remains . Apollo. Set for From Wire Services -GAPE-o. KENNEDY~ --=--"Go.._ reports· streamed ·in from launch c r e w s , weathermen and global support" f~~ t.o- daJ for the launch ct the three!AP"fO 11 -1111 W-.tay on -4 (Int moon landing upedltlon. ' -Neir A. i\rmstrong, -Michael Collins abd Edwin E. Aldrin were ready lo go at 1:32 a.m. Perr. They were "just taking it easy" in their final day before blastoCC, reviewing plans for a half-million mile roundtrip unequalled in the annals of spa~ exploration. Officials reported all aspects of preparations for the adventure were "Go." Countdown work was ahead of scheduJe Md the massive service tower began movlng away from the 363'.-foot space machine at 7:45 a.m. t1eanwhile, the Soviet moonship Luna 15 is streaking toward the moon. Reco1·d Numbers At 3 Festivals' First Weekend Record crowds were drawn to Laguna Beach's three art fe!tivals during the opening weekend of the t>day exhibition season . The Festival o( Arts drew 22,927 people 1''riday, Saturday and Sunday to its ex· hibitions -up nearly 5,000 over last year. Sally Reeve, Festival publicist said. She said 10,288 people attended the showings of the Pageant of the Masters. At the Sawdust Festival, director Ed· mond Van Deusen esUmates that between 3,500 and 10,000 people visited the grounds over the three day period - well over the number that attended dur· ing the same period last year. Attendanee at the Art·A·Fair is reported very good with about 2,700 peo- ple visiting the North CoaSt Highway site of the art show over the three days. All three festivals reported that sales are good. However, no exact figures are avail.able as artists do much of ttie selling themselves. Systems Launch However, It is traveling at a slower speed lhan-..nal and-will tal<e-longu ·than-the usual 31,1: days to reich the area of the ""'°"' . the dtJ;<Clor of tjle· Brill$ Uliiiiioin'j . diiltGi\' st Jil<lrell Bink l'l!llOl1od ld<l4Y· . "There ls e\'ery ~tcatlon Ulat it -may be attemptini-aomething· new;0 -sald Sir Bernard Lovell. He aald this could be the recovery of moon tock. LoveU spoke with newsmen after hi..s giant radio telescope. which has been tracking Luna I,, has discovered the moonshlp was on a trajectory dillerent from other unmanned Soviet moon flights. "This Js unique as far as Luniks are concerned," Lovell said. "'l'his indicates that a new fonn of operation ls in· tended," he added. "It supporis the theory that-bma 15 may be •ttemptlng to recover lunar rook.'' There has been widespread speculation in Moscow that the Soviets may be at- tempting lo steal some of the glory from the planned U.S. manned landing on the moon by bringing back some moon rock first. Luna 15 had been expected to reach the vicinity of the moon Wednesday, but Lovell said after studying the latest signals picked up from the Soviet spacecraft that it would not reach Ule moon's vicinity until Thursday morning. Armstrong, the civilian commander or the $350 million Apollo 11 mission, told the nation 36 hours before blastorr that "we're willing and ready to attempt to achieve our nationaJ goal. We 're very happy to be ready to fly,·· Laguna Beach Surf Builds Vp Surf along Laguna and San Clemente beaches is building, as Hurricane Bernice continues to move slowly northwest oH the tip of Baja CalUornia. Laguna lifeg\Jards reported three to four.foot surf, an Increase over lhe weekend surf of one to three feet. San Clemente surf watchers said surf. ing conditions are excellent there , with sporadic sets of three to five-foot waves. C-'IL"' ,ILOT S11ff ,Mflo J111t f'lshln' Sal Becerril of Mission Viejo studies his line during tiUrf fishing outing Monday evening at Laguna's Main Beach. He caught a sand shark. Youth Injured Diving Off Rock Still in Coma Jeff Wilaon; the 15 year old Lagufla Beach boy who suffered a fractured neck while diving otr rocks July 4, remains in a coma today at South Coast Community Hospital. A spokesman for the· hospital said he hasn't responded to treatment since being brought lit 11 d.ars ago. Chaniber's ... --...,,,.=~""'~=--·.-~-~--'----- Fund Plea Faces Cut By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tilt' D1ltr Piiot Sr.ff Laguna B~dl city ~ilmen poked aenlly alAh•-PtO!JOse<l.tilY-budi<l Mon. day _and did not do-any. w.hacktng at the estimated 20-cent tll·lncre&se. And It appeared'tadi1 t!lal Ille tai rate increase may have ifO\m anbtbet twO or three •cenb with --oi..- va!U&Uo11-111ffi'ei by COOl!o/~ ·Andrew Hln!haw's olfloe. City officials, It seems, h a d 'overesttmated the tax base for the fiscal year that began tbe first t)f thJs month. Councilmen made better progress toward resolving the Laguna Be8cb Chamber of t:;ommerce budiet requeSt, which does not affect the tu rate paid b)' property owners. A compromise. appears to be In the t'.lf- Jing between lhe $35,000 the chamber received for city promotion last year and the '49.000 it is asking for this year. Councilmen Joseph O'Sullivan sug· gested the figure $42,500. County assessor figures released Mon· day shqw Laguna's assessed valuation has grown onJy 6.4 percent the last year f while City Finance Director Shelb1 Langford had estimated the growth al 9.4 percent. "The esUmate we make is pracUcally a shot in the dark," explained Langford. Ht said there had been preliminary report! of revaluation In the South Couilty ere.a but apparently it dld n6t affect Laguna as much as other cities. Newport Beach to the north had a IS.t percent assessed valuation increase and San Juan Capistrano an 18.8 percent in- crease. IL looks like it will take two or three • cents on the Laguna ta.1 rate to make up for the overesUmate. Already a 20 cent increase was before the City Council. Mayor Glenn Vedder put bis finger Monday on one place where a penny ·may be shaved. He suggested fl ,000 in the proposed budset for the new recreation dir&:tor to develop new programs be cul to $1,200. The amount t.hlJ past year was 12.000. Other councilmen · did not propme specifics, although Richard Goldberg said he would like to see reductions in pro- posed allocations for · supplles and for (See BUDGET, Pap l) Orange Coat Beca~ of the future roadway the variaoce had b e e n tield up since last November. When the road ls built, Walter & Son will dedJcate a center segment lo the county, eliminating about 40 home spaces. e lrottme" Endurance SAN CLEMENTE -The national "lronmen" races will be staged on the beach north of the San CJemente Pier Sat.urday in a lest or endurance. · Y Def ends Street Dance Wilson wu diving of( rocks al Wood's Cove when he struck the ocean bottom.· Cle remalned face down In the weter .for an esUm~ted five to six minutes while girls watched nearby, thinking he was practicing underwater endurance. When swimmers finally brought him ashore, his heartbeat and breathing had stopped. Dr. Vincent Carroll, who was on the beich at t~ time, abd lifeguard John Cunnin~ administered e x t e r n a I cardiac trlassage and. mouth-to-mouth Weatller The races. sponsored by lhe National Surf Life Saving AssociaUon, will involve ten to 15 ocean lifeguards from the association's California chapters. Each man will in quick succession swim 400 yards,-peddle board anolber 400 yards. and then row a dory through the surf a final 400 yards. e r-•b Cius Offered LAKE FORF.ST -The second series of tenni1 lessonJ__ will begln Wednesday and continue every Wednesday and Friday through Aug. 8. Adults will practice from JO to 11 a.m. The coil of the eight·one-hour lessons will be ta. Youngsters (ages S..12) will have the courts from II lo 11 :30 a.m. Their cost will be $4 ft'.lr the eight 30-minute !See TRAILS, Pqe II Youtlis Reply· to Busi1iessman's Critici.sm CIMds-durlnl-lh• lalflUghl_lild_ early morning will mar otherwise , sunny summer days along the coast and there might be some patchy Cog. The other side of the controversial street dance issue is told in a letter to the Laguna Beach City Council from the South Orange County YMCA Youth Council , spcnsors of the street dance program. The latest dance, held May 31, was blastectat a recent City Council meeting by downtown businessman Charles R. McCalla. Hls letter critlclzed the number of out-of·town persons, aeneral conduct, lack of •dµlt .tUpetvi.sioo, lighted can· dles, and other-factors. ~ Tile letttt of reply b oo 'l'ledntsd1y night's Council agenda. "We fetl the events ol lbe 11treet dance h&ve not'. been fully represented,'' the letter 11tates. "Now. after the inithtl emotionalism brought about by allega- tiona: aga inst the: dance has died down, the Y Council would like lo offer the facls as we see thetn." - Regarding lhe small number of Laguna students said to be at the dance, the let~ ter asserta, "Jt is our estimate (verified by Laguna students who manned the ticket gate) that locaJ students were In the majority. At · any rate, we feel the queslion is irrelevant. COtl:!li<feMiig \he dance was held on the Memorial weekend In a beac~ resort." , · Tlie Y,. ~ ,pointed aul l1/4t Iii~ • bumiog c&ndlet thlt dilpped wax on the street and aidewatu were suppllcd "by a Forest Avenue Businessman as a ~ro molional gimmJck." About trash on the street, the · Jett.er readt, "We ha~ never received any complalnb by the Street Deparlmenl ol trash on lhe streets the morning follow-resuscitation t'.ln 'the beach and en route to ing a dance." the hospital. 11\e teen organiiatlon listed n~ne adult Sta!t doctors at the hospital finally chaperones and four addiUonal pro-sUmttlated hls heart back into action !>Y Nattot~wlde 1urve11 by AP !esslonal security guirds who patrolled electrosbock. . .. •howi that by a 3·1 margin the streets. ;'lt should be noted that there Wilaon is the son of Mt. and Mrs. A,mericCl'n$ co~mn ~1>1" were no ,disturbance.s .of any tlqd re'-Ri~hard Wllson. 646 Ramona.. Viol«"nCe and about one fourth l ~ub'lnf-police~ IntbvenUon, •:"1he' letter, ;.,,,-,,. •fllllpolhu /or lll<c I•· states • · · ' 'St04'k · llffit'ketl · t.orm gooll. ~age 20. ." ··~ summc11; the Y OC).p n~ I ·' ~ ,. , . ~ f .. • .~~~r• • , ~r '= ~ .. ; ;:t-spcnsored a Junch~ In which Ole ,Flore.st NEW YGRK (AP)-1'be •tock matkeq c1m1n.. •ts _..,... ....,, •s ·AvWU:e.buslneasz_nen wen invilfrl t~ •t-~klddt~i~rplyt_ln-earlY tradl~Joclay, . ·-=:..C ;: ::'::'rtC.::'°' .1: .ten4 and e1preas their op,lniont rea&rdlnJ j)\if .. lntasitsf from stieCtlve buying litlP1'. ·--Dllslfl ... ,._ _.. • .... '"""' , .. ,.' street dance.s,. Onll onf. btJJ!neuman ,atr !d It trlai.1£s tosses by thi c1ost: (Sei ~=:::...::.-,; ::::' ~ :~; tended. The Y Council Interpreted this to .' qCi'tl'atJons, PagU 10.fl). ,•lllfft• 1 .. n T""""" '' mtAR tbir there ,,.ere ,no ~}ec:Uona oo . The1 bow Jones Jndusf.rial aver~t! at ·3 ' ~ •• ,, ·:; ~ 1: the part of bu.uoe.s to the llred>daii-I p.iil . was oil UI II ilO':a. The DJI bid ·-"' • .,.. -+> (Sff .IZl'h:ll, Pact 1J ~-.., • · been'qlf l:ll8 11 lrlao 'O:m." .. ' ... . , ,, .,.. 1 '~ ·',.,.J 1 .. ~.t.~~·-.. ' . INSWE TODAY T • • • . ' 1 . . ' ' ! 1 I I I ' ' ; ' I I ' I. l ' ' I ' ( .. ·Laird: Corner Turned Toward Vietnam Peace I WAS!UNGTON (UPI) -Doi'!"< llo<nllz71Wfln R. Laird, prodldlnl the • -1111, -turned toward pui:o ill Vklnam, aald tod1~ a change ts beln1 considered in tJ.S. combat ladles to ,reduce prusure on Communlst forces. 111 fervently hope the day will come wlma puce wW be restored in Vietnam.'' Lllnl lold !be s-te rart1rn Rtl>Uool COnunltlee. "I tblnll we've ..wai,, turned tbt caner.'' • Lllnl WI he ... 1 a.n. WJ g,. Wheeler, dlllnnln of the 'Joliil Cblai. ol Staff, to Vietnam today on a quick trip to assess the battlefleld 11ltuatlon and to detennlne arootg lither things U con· dll!ooo.,. ripe for t llH1<:~Uoo of U.S. prlm1r7 1oai.. -·· -l.lirll ..... llllre "hlo ..... -Lalld .-uw no oiHscal.uon . ~uoa 1o Ct@. )lqnM 1o 1roep ~ !@!! "' W.1!!1!!11. bul dllcloood ~ 1t the loweat possible rate." thel Gen. er.JibloO. Abhm, U.S. com-HowoTW, he said there h ... !Jiii been · mander ln Vietnam, lias been ordered by any olfic1al change yet tn the policy President Nixon to m a k e reductlan of 1tl,rted under lhe Johnaon admln1Jtt1tloo U.S. combat casualties one of bJs of malntalnlng maximum presiure on Vlei Cong and North Vlelnameae foreea. Lalrd'• •~-war Wat GM . ol 1111 IDOll '1'4JmJtllc lo -Ila laid thefe had bcoft • 4ecUne In -t lie ein· ed h~ attacks by the Com- munlsta Jn tJi. post 10 or u da,ys Lbat'bad reduced U.S. casuallies to the lowest · level thll year. Laird coiled thiJ sl&nillcanl, although emphaslilnJ there had been perlodJ d WU Isa the war-frlNll IO lo Ill~ -ii pdar~ • "I cannot 111 wtth certainty there wlU not be new· inlmy in!Uatives," La.ml testified but saJd Jt was "important (o Uf lo look al this matter, a1xl' If lhete ha! been a change that we don't miss the chance." · Delays • ID Talks Anger Ky Say s Saigon Should Quit If J{ejections Contin.ue i~ of a "selifsh outlook" ln giving lflonellll' aid. delegauon in Paris rejected Thieu's plan, repeated fl1onday. Hanoi's statement said the Saigon government was illegal and that the presence.. ot 500,000 American troops in South Vietnam SAIGON (UPI) -Vice Prealdent NIUYen Clo Ky of South Vietnam aaicl to. day his country should pull out of the peace talks ln Paris alnct tbe Com- munlllS keep rtjecting its pfOposal.s for peace. "Jt is my personal opinion that we should boycott the Paris talks," he told newsmen following a speech to the Na- tional Defen!e College. For the first time lince llls return from Paris a.s South Vietnam'• ~ delega- tion head in .March, Ky made pub Uc his views on the stalled negotiations, now a half a year old. precludes free elections. , In I.he 33-page text, the Oamboyanl Ky said Sooth Vietnam "must continue to Jight with all our strength, with sacrifice, with 1 spirit of self-reliance and act_tpt the hardships, and it is that which will give us hope or survival. .. lie criticized the United States on several fronts -deploring its limiting the bombing of North Vietnam, saying it started 1iving Saigon'• ~ forces modern equlpm<nt too late, and occusing "At the Paris talks, we put forward many proposals and hoged they would bring results and hasten peace," he said. ''But after many rejections .•. I think we have no further reason to maintain and prolong the Paris talks. There is no other way for us but to continue to fight ." The vice president condemned the Viet Cong's denunciation of President Nguyen Van Thieu's proposal to let the guerrillas help arrange and participate in national elections. As be spoke, the North Vielnamtse Little League All Stars Play Sou_th .C.aunty Nines With city leque play behind them, the all-stan from the American and National • Jeigues of the Laguna Beach Lillie League will head south th.is week for regional competition. Wednesday the Amertcan League All Stars wll ttake on the San Juan Capis· trano All-Stars al the San Clemente field. Laguna E e<leral Show s Postcards A dtspi•Y ol l,000 picture posl card! will be on exbll>lt through Au&U&t al the gallery In the La&wia Fei!Ual SaVllll> and Loan, 2GO ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. The cards are of California scenes and of lhe historic Spanish missions. The e1· hibi\ ia being held In observance (Jf the Callfornl11 Bicentennial. The dllplay is from the collection of W. Von Boltenstem o( Loi Angeles, a former post card photographer who hu taken photos for 100,000 cants. His collectlon is reputed to conl.ain a million post cards. In add!Uon to tbe card collection, there is on display a coUecUon of art work done by Laguna Beach school children. S. Count y Y Sets Eight·da y Trip Any south Orange County teens in· le.rested Jn an e.l&ht.-day back. pack July 21 through 27 are asked to attend a apeclal meetina: loniiht at 7;30 p.m. The meeUna will be held at Gary Zim· merman's house, 30U Bem Dr., Laguna Beach. Zimmennan, a member of the board of directors of the South Orange County YMCA, will head the trip in the High Sierras. The cost of the excursion is $25, which tncludes food and transport.allon. The trip ts sponsored by the Youth Council of the YMCA. Additional Information may be obtain· ed by calling the Y office, 494-9431. VAl!Y l'HO I OUNO~ C0oUt P\llt ISHING tofllH.N""t' ''"" H. w ... _ .. _ J••• t. cwt,., Vk.t,,..... ... 0-M ....,., Tht1t1t1 K1e•ll .... The""• A. MMr.hf~• ,.,....Ill,, .... l rc•• ... P. N.tll ..___ c~ ... .., ._ __ 2!t ftttd A••· Mtllh11 Mtl•-1 P.O. le.a '''· t lllt --c. .. "'-: me w..1 an ''°"" ,.....,, 1..u1 mi ,.,., ......... .,..,.. ..... lllf!WI awo.: .. Mfll ,_.... • Gam'!: Ume is 5:30 p.'m. The next day the All Stars (Jf Del Obispo host the Laguna National League All Stars. That game will also be at 5:30 p.m. at the San Clemente field . The American League team, made up of 11 and U year olds, include Bobby and Jim Annslrorig, Kirk Dah1qui!t, Andy Gillespie, Gret Grindle, Steve Hogan, Jeff Johnson, Mike Konelg, Mike Kruger, .f-biJ_lp.ve,. Mark Lyster, Robbie Potter, and Dirk Pratley. Altbernates for the team are Doug Browne and John LUjestrom. 'Ibe team will be managed by Joe Snyder and coached by Leroy Cornwell. Making up the National League all- slars are J. Paul Armstrong, Steve Brooks, Bill Dolby, Chuck Goodnton. Mark Johnson, John Kramer, Danny McKeown, Gene Ober, Robbie Patterson, Dan Penney, OzzJe Simmons, John Verdugo, Frank Wright and Dave Yeomans. Alternates are Matt Albade, Casey Armstrong, Vic McCalla. and Phil Mor· reale. From Page l TRAILS ••. courses. Teenagesr will go from 11 :30 a.m. to noon, al a cost of $4. e 'Work..' l'ay Raised CAPISTRANO -J. J. Meadows, San Juan Capistrano city public works direc· tor who serves as district superintendent of county Water Works: District No. 4 will get a S percent pay raise. Supervisors approved lhe increase in 11eadows' 17 ,500 annual fee at the urging of the city. The City Council originally asked for a 10 percent pay boost for ~1eadows who supervises the water agen- cy which. serves the San Juan Valley area . Most of the agency"s customers are residents of the city. e 'Haffress' on Sfage EL TORO -The play "Once Upon a Mattress" will be presented by the Rancho Community Players Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Olivewood School amphitheater, 23391 Dune Meat Road, El Toro. The musical fable is based on the fairytale, "Princess and the Pea," and "ill run Friday and Saturday through Aug. 2. Tickets are 12:50 for adulu, $1.25 for students and 75 cent. for children. For reservations and further lnforma- tio, call 837-ln75.1 or 837·2222. ·• Viejo Barbec u e Sef MISSION VIEJO -Looking back on a succe55ful steak and salad party, the Mission Viejo Recreation Center will host a hamburger barbecue Saturday. The center will furnish the hamburger and chips while the party goers will sup ply their own salad. T6day Is the last day to re1i1ter for the party, which will cO.!t $1 per person . e Road Opening Set LAGtlNA NIGUEL -New roadl con- necting MJsslon Viejo, Laurna Nlwel and Leisure World and opening up a vast" aru that takes ln Laguna Niguel and the P.foulton Ranch wlU be dedJcattd Thurs- day. Certmonies put on by the Or111ae Coun· ty Chamber of Cc>mmerce will be at 11 a.m. at the intersection of aix-lane La raz and AlllO Creek roads near Nor1h American Rockwell's new Autonetics pl•nt. Also dedic11ted will be Mou\l(Jn and Alicia parkways and flood control Im· provement!i . "The Vietnamese people vigorously coridemn and reject the six fundamental principles on free elections that Nguyen Van Thieu has advanced on the order of the American aggressurs," North Viet- nam said. Ky said Jn his speech that If the Pen· tagon had from the beginning tried to develop and strengthen the South Viet· namese armed forces instead of trying to win the war more "quickly and cheaply" with American troops, then the majority of U.S. troops would have been able to go home in 1969 rather than only 25,QOO. Ni.xon Unlikely To Use Inn As His Office It is On1lkely C'lat ·President Nixon will use the Newporter Inn as hls admln· istrallve ofnces durlng an August 1tay on the Orange Coast. · An administrative office complex is now under construction at the U.S. Coast Guard Station adjacent to the Nixon sum. mer White House. Completion is ezpected in time for the President's use during AugusI "Some of the bui lding is bein~ plas- tered and odier parts are still m the procm ol being lramed," said LI. .{J.I.) John Ganahl, commanding offleer oT the statioo. "There a~ two-by-fours all around here, ready for installation." The Newporter Inn bas not yet had any ofticial cancellation of the Presldenrs original announced intention to C'arry on his w.ork in Newport Beach. Last June, Mr. Nixon told the press he woold use the huge hostelry as his administrative base throughout August. "Let's put It this way," said a spokes- man for the Newporter Inn, "the Pres· ident, of course, 1s more than welcome here. However, there has been no formal reservation as such for the month of August." Sources say the presidential staff had recommended a permanent office arrangement close to the Nixon family sununer home because or crowds at the Newport.er IM. The President Md his st'aff worked out of the Inn's Villa San Remo in June. Newport Asks For 'Protection' Of Beach Access Without menUonlng the controversial Salt Creek Road .abandonment by name, Newport Beach city councilmen Monday ni1;ht asked the county never to let It hap-- pen again. Municipal lawmakers made t he declaration in a unanimously adopted resclution urging "all levels or govern· mr.nt to take the necessary steps lo pro- vide a~ protect public access lo the shorelne.'' The resolution is similar to one adopted by the Laguna Beach City Council one n1onth ago and by the San Clemente City Council last week. All the actions were inspired by the county's giving away an access road to Salt Creek Beach south of Laguna Beach last year. The issue ha! slnce erupted in· to legal battles between the Laguna Niguel Corp., which acquired the road. and citizens detennined to overturn the county supervisors' declslcn. Newport Mayor Doreen Marshall press. ed for swift approval of the resolution. Y:hich also calls for obtaining beach land for the public domain "whenever possi· blc. •· Capo Prop erty Va luatio n Rises Assessed valuation figures re leased Monday by the Orange County Auessor's Office Shoi.l'S an 18.8 perctnt increase in the worth of San Juan Capistrano-about four pen:ent greater than the city estimated. Th.at addJUonal percentage will mean about $8,000 more In the cily coffera than was esllmated, a welcome "'indfall to San Juan, which was hard hit by winte.r nooc1 lo!9ell. The ISMSW shows that a1R11ed Vftluatlon of the private property In the city Is about $15 million, a sizable ln- crtlst from $ll.e million last year. Assessed value of public utlUlles will bo 11nnounced later by the State Bo•nl or Equallzatl(Jn. DAILY Pit.OT Sti ff l"tleflt 'CHOPPERS' PARKEO OUTSIOE, HESSIAfiS FILE INTO CHAPEL FOR LEADER'S FUNERAL ---'lf'-1 Wonffl"f~; u id the Mlni1ter, 'Th1t When ~Mio DJ1_&J:11· Ha s Thia M1ny Friends.' Hessian Buried Funeral Draws 300 Cyclists , Police By TERRY COVILLE 01 IM D1l1Y "ll•t Sti ff Trouble was predicted, but jt didn't come as 300 Hessian motorcyclists and friends buried their leader Thursday afternoon in orderly funeral services at Westminster Memorial Park. · Marvin Currier, 46, Garden Grove, was elected president of the Hessians only two months ago, said his friends, dressed in black, sleeveless vests with skulls drawn on the back. · Currier dled July 6 near Indio in a traf- fic accident .as about 40 Hessians return· ed from a trip to the Colorado River. "A dirty ... trucker pushed him off the road," said one Hessian, angrily claiming it was hit and run. "He even tried to get more of us." Nearly JOO choppers (a It ere d motorcycles) trailed. lhe hearse in a col· umn of twos as the procession left the chapel to take currier to his grave in the cemetery. Califomia Highway Patrolmen were reportedly on the alert to head off any at- tempts by the rival Hell's Angels to at- tend the funeral . Rumors had spread that the ty,·o "outlaw" motorcycle clubs were spoiling for a fight and the "Angels" might try to break up the funeral. But ceremonies were qlliet and the only excited individuals were spectators, drawn to the cemetery by lhe collection of mo~rcycles and wildly clothed mourners. .. They're extremely loyal to their own people," commented Rev. J o h o MacLaughlin. y,•ho h a n d I e d the ceremonies and serves at th e_G_arden Grove Presbtyerian Church. The Rev. MacLaugh1in didn't follow the book during the ceremony. "It wouldn't have meant much to them," he said. ''Instead I told them it's wonderful that when a man dies he has this many friends." Currier's friends included members of the Hessians and representatives from motorcycle clubs of four other states, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. They bore club names like "Nuggets," ''Nomads," and "Hangmen." Currier's survivors Include his wife, Vi· vian, three sons and tW(J daughters rang· ing in ages from seven to 19. After the services the groups split up w i t h some heading to a beer b u s t in Garden Grove and a group of about 50 spinning their wheels for Huntington Beach. Police in both cities took normal precautions, worried that once the drink· ing started, fighting would soon follow - but nothing major happened . In Huntington Beach, the police talked to the Hessians and finally closed the Fireside Bar on Pacific Coast Highway because It wa.s overcrowded .. Police kept watch as the Hessians filed out of town, disgruntled but peaceful. Miss County Fair Choice Toda y Opens '69 Edition "Mlss Orange County Fair" y,·ill be selected lodey at the opening of the 1969 edition of the Orange County Fair and Espo.sitlon •. Preliminary judging starts at 2:30 p.m. and the finals will be held at 8 p.m. In the Amphitheater. Gates opened today at l p.m. . Other major events scheduled for the six day fair include: ~unlor Hor1e ShOw -starts Tut$day and continues through Thursday from 9 a.m. to ~ p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. of the three days. -Senior Cltlten1J Jamborte -Wednu- day at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater . -DaliJY Clipper Pony Show -Friday from JO a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Amphitheater. -Junior Livestock Auction -Friday F ro1n Pqe l LETTER ... cc.s," the letter stated. ll concludes, "It ls unfortunate whtn people complain of belnk 'stuck' wtth this program, but the Y Council feels that the youth of thi!: area lack a sense of community, of btlonging, and of Iden- tity, 11nd that this program of street dencc1 htlPJ: lo aupply thest needs." The letter w11:s lllgned by Erle Van Dtusen, Y Council representative; Ted Willis, YMCA program director; Tom Gorman. YMCA board member: and Rogtr Carter, YMCA director. • afternoon at 1 p.m. In the Auction Ring. Marktt beef bidding will start at 1:30 p.m. -Internalioaal R o d e o .U.,ociatlon Ch ampion.ship Rodeo -five performances starting Friday and con· tinuing through Sunday. The lRA com- petitions will be held at 7 p.m. Friday. Saturday and Sunday, with 2 p.m. perfonnances 5alurday and Sunday. The fairgrol.Jnds o~n at t p.m. Tuesday through Friday and at 12 noon Saturd~iy and Sunday. Surf Builds Up All Alon g Coas t Lifegu ards at lluntlngton Beach and Seal Beach were keeping a wary eye on building surf today which the U.S. Weather Bureau predicted mlght reach seven feet Wednesday. Lifeguard Mark Boden~ of Hun· tljJaton Beach said the aurl thl.o morning was running four or five feet .. and com· Ing up." ~ It was building in Seal Beech al®. With It ct1me worse riptide haz.ards to swim· men. Both department& will usl&n ertra lifeguards. The r o u g h water l:i ptrt of the turbl,ilant personality of Hu r r 1 c • n e Bernica moving northw~t from the M,ex· lean roas.Ulne. From Page 1 BUDGET • • • contingencies. Budget discussions will r e s u m e Wednesday night at the 7:30 p.m. city council meeting. MaYor Vedder, with an eye to wrap. ping ~ings up Wednesday night. said, "l don't think it's possible to study a budget until everyone in town agrees on IL People don't seem to get concerned until a couple ot days before, while these people (councilmen) up here sweat it out." Councilman Charlton Boyd said he call understand lhe mayor's point nf view ot wanting to hurry things along but he wanted everyone interested to have a chance f,1 be heard. He said he koew of no urgency in getllng the budget adopted. Gerald Linke, president of the Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association, has rtr- quested another budget study seas.ion a Y.'eek from Wednesday. He also invited councilmen to a ta:rpayera session on the budget Thursday night. GROUP MEEl'ING Linke said the group is meeting with a knowledgeable gentleman, but would not tell councilmen his name. "I want to surprise you." he ssid. Later, Linke revealed that the con- sultant is Laguna resident "Bill'' But- cher, retired U.S. Corps of Army Engineers officer. Mrs. Thomasina Gunn said a reductton or one policeman and Ont! police car would save 2.5 cents on the tav rate. BlK she also said people she had talked to aren't concerned so much about the ta+ rate as Laguna becoming a Miami Beac.ti or a Long Beach. Mayor Glenn Vedder pointed out that if the tax rate goes up, "this terrible ~ cent amount everybody is shuddering about, the tax bill for the owner of a .$.10,000 home will go up only $15." · Harry Lawrence, president of the chamber of commerce, spoke for the chamber budget, wtiich is funded out from a bed tax charged against personi who stay in motels or hotels. BOARD OF DIRECTORS He told councilmen they are the board of . ~!rectors of a business gr05Slne $5() million a year and that cities to the north, east and .south vigorously are com· peting for the tourist dollar. Harry ~lllets, owner of Laguna Riviera Hotel, s&Jd he thinks councilmen sh(Juld feed the goose that lays lhe goldtn egg rather than starve it. ·The~ tax brings in excess of $i00,ooo In "city revenue, he saJd. lie also argued that Is only five percent of $2 million spent at the hotel desk and that the U.S. Oeparlment of Commerce says-tourists spend five times as mueh for food, clothes and other Items - anothtt $8 million (Jr 110 ·million altogether spent in town. The dollar circulates seven er eight times be.fore It leaves town, he asserted. Figuring only five times, It B\111 reaultt in $100,000 ·'" aales tax ror the city t.reuury, He said, Jf advertising and promotion can resutt in doubling of the wlnttr vacan~y factor. it would bring in $50,000 more in.bed U1 and $50,000 ln aalea tu. T ecn Found Strangled SADDLE BROOK. N.J. (AP) -A teen· aae girl w11 found 1trangleQ and partially disrobed near a cemetery tod., Ir. tht third unsolved ilaylng of Its kind ln tbe pa.It year, police said. The Identity of t~ victim could not Im· mediately be determined. The Btr1en County Proo<cut"''' Olllce said the firJ was clad only In bl1ck shoes, blue Jeans and t plnk braulue. 1 j I ' I f ------;-;:----------,-,----------------.• --~-----..... -.---..... ------.-.-------~- Newport Barhor- : I . • · EDITION Voar Bometo'Wll Dally Paper DAILY rlLOT Pllotrt "'LM l'11n• Sweet Teetli Harbor Area Boys• Club candy salesman Ken Allen, 9, \Yalches as Don Swedlnud (left) and Blair Barnette sample his wares. Ken . along with other boys' club members, is selling candy throughout .Harber ·Area to help pay their way to summer camp. Sale has been extended through July. Ban on Firewo1·ks Called 'Scofflaw'; Easing Seen_ By JEROME F . COLLINS Of t1!1 OtllY Piiiot Stiff On the Fourth of JU:ly next year. Newport Beach residents may be able ta light up spark1ers without breaking the 1aw. . But only in designated places. Balboa City Councilman H o w a r d Rogen began moving municipal govern- ment in that direetion Monday: He com· plained· that the city's present ban against all fireworb is a "scofflaw". Tt is being observed mainly in the breach, he aaid. . "Do you know any Newport family that didn't have fireworks Wt July 4?" he asftd City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. "Yes," replied Hurlburt. "Mine." "Well, that makes two . of us," said ~ers. "But J don't know of anybody eJsc. It's a law that we can't enforce. It's ~ worth having." llNDER sruov Hurlburt 'then disclosed that the city BLiff has had the problem under study for a\ least a year -:i;ince just after Jridependence Day, 1968, when coun· Qilmen iii.st grumbled about it. He sarn there are three ways the city could go on the issue: -:First, police could rigidly enforce the Jaw as It exists on lhe books today. He recommended against that. "It's a mat· ter of public relations." -Second, the city could change the la1v to that it' Is similar to Costa Mesa's. That city permits the use of state-approved fir!works •(ju!t about everything except firtcracken1 and high-flying rockets). Hurlburt recommended again.st that, " alao. ".There would be usecklp sparklers all over the beaches. The pieces of metal would wreck our beach-cleanlni equip.- ment and cut up a lot or feet." -Third, the city could permit state. sanctioned fireworb · -t n c I u d I n g sparklers -at desigrµ.ted areas, with firemen standing by. Hurlburt said he lii.· ed that Idea. So did.city COuncllmen. OTHER PLACFS . Among places where fireworks might be set off, said the city manq:er, are Newport Elementary School on the Penin.sula, the Youth Center in Corona de! li-tar, Mariners School west of the Back Bay, and al Eastbluff Park east of the Back Bay. Cooperation with the city of Costa Mesa on the plan might also be sought, he added. Councilmen enthusiastically endorsed t h a t approach. But some or them felt more super1iud areas should be pro· vided. "Newport Elementary school isn't enough for the whole Peninsula," said Mayor Doreen Marshall. "We Can include the Balboa Pier park· ing lot." said Hurlburt. "How about 40th Street in We.st Newport?" said Rogers, clftckllng with· out explanation. The staff was ·directed to punue the matt.er further, including consideration of the purchase of a $1,500 magnet. The magnet would be mounted In front of beach cleanup vehicles -in tHe: · e""11t that the sparkler-tossers wander onto the sands. Pease Displea.sed Last Bal Isle Pier Permit Okayed The door slammed shut Monday night "bn.any more Balboa· Island private pier permits. City councilmen granted the final one to Dr.•Otiver G. Howell, 204 South Bay Front, wllose residence overlookl the last avlilahle space for a private docking 1ac1u1y. The action was protested vigorously by Balboa lsland realtor and one-time school tiOifd membd mrvey o. PelR. Ptase. -who lives at 304 Collins Ave., some aiz .blocks awaJ from the Howen home, last Apn1 had sought 1 pennit to build a pier In rront or the Howell boylront property. Bui c:ooncllmen lurn<d him down, in aceordance with a long· standing city policy to aUow only watarfront homeowners to build and as& pie.n. As berore, Peue charged Monday night thalJht cJty'I policy was "a sham, void I I and illegal." .He·said limiting tpe righl to piers in that manner ii not in•accord with the city's "'fiduciary rdaUonship"., with the Jtate. "The tidelands property is not owned by the city, it. 1s he.Id only in trust," he' Qjd, Dr. HowelJ, in presenting his ap- plication to councilmen, aaid: "I am not unaware that theie ire ctr· lain covetous eyes lookln& on f.hi.a;. -I hope t.nls----rett1:1eat closes the door.··- He Wd be intends lo· build the pier with '"all dellbera~ apeed." "l'll buy the boat later," he added. Councilmen unanimously aPJ:IVYed the appUcaUon, eiplaihlu1 Uie policy question had been ll\On>Ugllly reviewed in April and wu 'found to be' the only practicll· way of adml.nistering l'1'iv1te pier UH in the harbor. • Pease gave no indk:alion whether he would punue the mate.tr further in the courts. I ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, ~ULY '1s, '1969 • TEN CEN!L ~ . Center Architect . Signed Welton Becket to Design ~4.5 Million Complex Newport Beach -city councilmen Mon- day ntghl-unanlmowdy agreed to hire Welton Becket and Assocites of Los Angeles u arcllilecta o! a proposed IU million civlc center complex. v Municipal lawmaken questioned the cl· ty staff closely and fielded several quu- tlona from Balboa lsland ~altor Harvey D. Pease before reaching their decl&1on. They assured,Peaae that Welton Becket v.·Rl concentrate t~ design eHor:t1 on city I Apolln Okay For Launch Wednesday _ From Wire Se:rvlCe1 CAPE KENNEDY -. :'Clo" reporu streamed in from launch c r e w 1 , wealhehneii and globahupporl rofces to- . day !or the launch of the three-Apollo il astronauts Wednesday on history's · flrrt moon landing expedition.· Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin were ready to go at 6:32 •. m. PDT. They were "just taking il ca!J" in their final day before blastoff, reviewing plans for a half-milliori mlle roundtrip ~unequalled in the annab of s~ exploration. Ollldab reported all aspects of preparations for the adventure were "Go." Countdown work was ahead ol sctledule and the massive service towtt began moving away from the 31S-foot space machine at 7:U a.m. Meanwblle, the Soviet moonshi~ Luna I~ 11· ttnaliri1 1owud tho' moon! B~m,_tt b trtvtUng-1.t • 11ower tpeed than mual .-cl will-take longer llwl the usual 31h days to ttlCb the area of the mooo, the director of the British astrononiy station at JodreU Bank reported lOday. ''There ls every Indication that tt may be attem"PUnl something new," said Sir Bernard Lovell. He said this could be the recovery of moon rock. Lovell spoke with newsmen after his giant radio ~escope, which has been tracking Luna ts, has dlscovued the moonshlp was on a trajectory different from other unmanned Soviet moon flights. "This is unique as far u Lunika are concerned," Lovell said. "Thl• indicates that a new form or operation Is m- tended," be added. "It supports the theory that Lullll 15 may be alt<mpting lo recover lunar rock." There has been widespread speculaUon in Moscow that tbe Soviets may be at· templing to steal some of the glory from the planned U.S. manned landing on tile moon by bringing back some moon rock first Luna l S had been expected to reach the vicinity of the moon Wednesday. but Lovell said after studying the latest signals picked up from the Soviet spacecraft that it would not reach the moon 's vicinity until Thursday morning. Armstrong, the civilian commander of the $350 million Apollo l l mission, told the nation 36 hours before blastoff tlfat "we're willing and ready to attempt to achieve our national goal. We '.re very happy to be ready to fly .'' "I thlnk I would sum up my feelings In a word -antlclpaUon," aald Aldrin, who will join Armstrong ""81'1 history's first moon walk nert Monday morning. 'Ibe three pilots hoped lo get In a little more practice spacecraft Dying today , but Collins said"'J plan to sleep, lie in tfle sun and read the [llght plan ... again." For the Apollo 11 launch le"'1, today was a day of final preparations for the last nine hours of work early Wednelday tha:r bunch 'Director-Rocco A.-Petrone calls "the most dynamic of the count." Surf Builds Up All Along Coast The surf's up and It's getting upper. Newport Beach Weguards today kept a • cloae watch on a four-to-five foot aurf that wu still building at noon. Seven-footers were predicted I o r Wednesday. Lifeguard.I-wanned-up for the.task t.bat may lie al!ead by fishing 28 endangued swimmers out ol a moderate surf Mon- day, Rlplldes, loo, were beginning lo p""e troubksome. "We'Ve got acme bad riJ)I from 20th street down to about 15th Street.'' said a lifeguard ~- Adding ' lo ~ ,.-oblems •lhls moml03 was .the water ~it.IA. Tt was an Irresistible 15 degrees, the wannut 111 year. Perfect foe ~Inc -except for rtsil!I surf and ·~ rip- tides. -~!' l .. ' ' ·-· bulldlnas only. which are expected lo oc-c~py 1,.6out tight acru of a 19-:acre parcel just 110Utheut of Fashion l&land at Neyiport center. The arthileejural _flrm, however, will roughly m~lan the rest of the acreage to help make certain that Jf it is used by ••quas.i-civlc" organir.atiom, the uses are compaU6le with the municipal governmen~ FOject, 'Pease was told. Welton pecket, architects of. lhe Los Angeles•-MuBic-Center-wUJ • prepare . U'1 ,. .......... ''WILLING AND READY' Apofto 11 'I A~m1trong Estancia Youth · ' ' Drowns in UCI' Pool Tragedy ' ' A Y'>Ul1C goalie lor a C<x!ta M~ water polo team mysteriously slid to \be bottom of the UC In:iqe pool after .a tough ma.lch Monday night ·and died while • Clowd of spectators w~ited for the next gime to. begin. Coroner's depuUes today were at· temptinc·to determine the cause or death or .Robert Cunningham, following an autopsy at .Balk Mortuiry. The 15-year.Old Estancia Hlgh School student, who lived at 2832 Stromboli Road, Costa Mesa,· was fished from the pool boUom by teammates and coaches after the tragedy. Efforts .to revive him at the -scene through mouth-to-mouth resuscltatlon and eztemal heart massage were futile and he Wh dead 'on arrival at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Cunningham had played the last quarter lor the Estancia High School water polo squad in a clash with Lliktiwood High Srhool in the 11ummer tSee DROWNING1 Page Z) preliminary drawings for a city hall, city be paid only If the project la completed, council chambers and police bead-_,!d be $311,000. quarters. Paul J. Gruber was the only coun- The fee for the preliminary architec· ci1man to vote gractglngly for the am- tural and e~ineerlng servl_ct.J, including b'acl He explained hia reluctance st~ an estimate on total const.rucUon costs, is med from the ftict that the voters have $107 ,500. not yet had a chance to make their views City Manager Harvey' L. Hurlburt e_x. known on whether they want a ne\f civic plained the figure is roughly 30 percent of center. · the total architeclural ree, Olmputed on "There Ls no question in my mlnd &Ml the basis of 7 .5 percent of the anticipated Welton . Becket Is highly capable " be final conslrucUon ~ 1!'° total lee, lo t (See ARCHITECT, Page Z) ~ - Mir Backs In Concerto Leads Race Overall By ALMON LOCKABEY Dally Pllot Boatla1.....Edlto1 HONOLULU -Jobn·Hall's Colwnbia 50 sloop Concerto from Newport· Harbor Yacht Club today look over the unofficial lead in the long, dr8wn-out battle for cor· recle<I time honors in the Transpacific Yacht Race. . · ' • Concerto crossed the finish line at Dla· mood Head at 3:30 a.m, PDT to establish a corrected Ume oI seven days, 48 mlnu.te:a and 47 aeeonds, ous\lng BUI Wilson's 59-fool y1wl, Rascal," Santa Barbara Yacht Clut>, whlch had been the ptevious t\andlcap leader. . Ra.;cal....., the fourth bolt lo·finlsh al 1:50 a.m. PDT, with corrected time of seven daya, 2 hours and ·51 mlnutes Ind u~. -·.,. lion M<Amin'1 --Pursult from San Franclico,.Uz:ibhed at.115-1 p.m. and-JoM Mclfttyre'1...YMoet· y8Wl 181runi llnilhed et 11:07 p.m. But It rtma1ned tor Gtorae O'Brien'• 7Woot ketcb 1Mir from Vancouver to give the WallQ.ki ·yachting fana their greale!t thrtll Monday. The .blg ketch wu dismasted le5s than 150 yards from the finish lfae when she toot her fourth knoc_d_own Jn tpe 45-kn~t gusts. O'Brien waved off powerboats who rushed to his aid and turned the yacht arowid and lllllohed backwardl, propelled by mizzebl salll. No one was injured in the spectacular accld~nt. O'Brien said Mir was knocked down tltree limes on the. drive through windswept Moloka.l Channel to the finl&h but that the rigging and sails survived the first three blasts. ·•we noticed that the third knockdown left us with a '"S" curve in the mast and she simply could not. wllhltand lhe com- Postal Services Rates Increased Rate increases went Into eUect Monday for certain 1pcclal postal services, it was announced by U.S. Po&t Office officials. The naUon wlde increases have been raised on &peclal delivery, registered let· ters. C.O.O. and return receipt fees . Speclal delivery letters for first class and alr mall are up 15 cents to 4S cents. The minimum registry fee for letters has gone up to 80 cents, an increase of five cents, while C.O.D. deliveries are up 10 cents and return receipts are up five centa to 15 cents. preulon w~en Wf· were. bll by~the next _ _ _ gyst," O'Brien said-'- O'Brien said damage to Mir, includin& (Ste TKANSPAC, Pa1e J) Macco Wants • Alcatraz as Tourist ,Spol ~ Macco Corpora\jon of .N"'Jlll'l·Beadt '1allts to lease Ales.tr" Island and tum tho famed former federal ~ lnlo a tourist a.ttractlan.. Edwin EIUnger, -• Yi<e-pmldeol-ol Macoo, told tho. 8811 Franc!ICO Board or Supervi>ors Mond11lhalhit0rm·11..in- Jng to r;pend $3.2 milllo~ for a IG-yut lease. to restore the prison u a towiit at· traction. "We would hope to be involved In the total redevelopment of the l!l4nd," Aid Ettinger, adding that algbts for tourlsts of the rock-bound pnlon would Include the old fort, penai areas, and a vista of the San Francl.sco Bay. Macco's proposal was made In con- juncl!_on with the Harbor Tug and Barge Company of San Francisco, wtµch w o u I d provide sightseef'! with f e r r 1 service to and from Alc;1traz. EWnier said Macco's Jntertm devetop. mr.nt plan would gixe the . city of . San Francisco "an,opportunily to acqulrt the island without any tu fund being ex· pended." The General Services Admlnlatratlon Is offering Alcatraz to the city fur $2 million. The former federal prison Is now government surpl111 property. Macco CorporaUon bu land Holdings throughout California. Its property In- cludes commercial and Industrial Jandl. It will be several months before the cl~ ty of Sln Francisco arrives at a decision on what to do with Alcatraz. It is considering several of!era, 1n· eluding one made Monday by H. Lamar Hunt J r., l'I. Dallas Investor. Hun!, who owns the Kansas City Chelf! footbau team, did not discuss: hls plaruJ ezcept to say that they would "have no policical Implications" and would be done on a Jong term basil. He denied he ever comldered building 1 Statue of Liberty on the San Francbco Bay Island or a "freedom tower." Miss Coun ·ty Fair Choice Today Opens '69 Edi~ion After promising to n\ake a flnn pro- pcw1I within a fort.night, he said the island presents 11a real opportunity to be an outstanding 5Upplement to what Is an outstanding city.'' -Orange Coast Weather "Mlss •Orange County Fair" will be selected today at the opening of the 1969 edlUori ... of lhe Orange County Fair ind ExJ)O!ilion. Preliminary judging 1tarts al 2:30 p.m. and the finals will be held at 8 p.m. l.n the Amphitheater. Gates opehed todtly at 1 p.m. Other m•Jor event.a scheduled for the sia: day fair Include.: -1.m. lhne Sltow -otarta Tutsday and c:ondnuel through Tlninday,from t a.m.' to 0> .P.m· and 7 to JI p.m. ol tbe lhr<6 day~ · ~ Cltbe1'1 Jamtiorff._.Wedne.-. dll,Y al 4.p.m. In the Ampbilhealor. , . · '-Da111 OJ,,..-P0111 ·-..,.VC<My from'· to '·"'· "' • p.in. ·1n 1t11t AmJ)hllheater. • • ' ' 1 -Janlor· Llvatock AucdU....-... .F;rtday afternoon. al i p.m. Ill the A""!ioe.lltnl. • Merkel beef bidding will start at 6:30 p.m. -International R o d e o Association Champlonahip Rodeo -flve perfonnancea starting Friday and con- tinuing through Sunday. The lRA com· petition! will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, Saturday and SU'bday, with t p.m. perfonnancu S.turda7 and Sunday. The falrgroundn(>en all p.m. Tile.day lh,rottgi) Frjday Ind at IJ llOOll·Salonill' and Sunday. NEW ·YORK (AP>-'l'ht 116ck motkot skidded sh~ '" urlr ir.~· :tOdl'y, bUt *" as.tit •from l<iec:lhe• lltlf>' od w lrtm•ltl hllles; Dy the· (See" qaMaUpns, .Pqe. 10-11), • • I; : ~ . ·'Ille°"" Jottet tiidUfllrllil .... ,.,.·,ai•2 p.m. wa1 of( l.llS .tJIO,li. Tht•DJ'l ,llld been of!l:Ol'll 11 :"'\.m:• ••••• "1" • I . . ' • • Clouds during the late night arxl early morning will mar otherwise. sunny summer days along the coast and there might be &0me -~alchy fQi , INSIDE TODAY Nationwidt 1urve11 by AP 1how1 that by a 3·1 margin A-mtrlem&8 eondtm1l -cam~s r violrnce and about Ont fourth l:tprtSI svmparhy for &ht rP form goal$. Pag• 20. • ... • I ' l ' ·~ • - ' ' I ' ' ' : I l I • .. L ' . .I • ··"-"'·"·;.._,;.· .-~·...:...,.~--··-·.·...;.·,.·;..;;-...... ·...;.· ....... ,..,.,;;,,..;;;..; .,. __________ :..;.::.... •• ~--·.._...... ....... -:--..... -r· -• " . -·-~--..... --• ' ' " OAll'f l'Jlot N - Laird: Corner Turned _Toward · Vie .trtam Peace WA:!HINO:J'ON (UPI) -lld"1'e ~ M•Mll R. Lain!, pr~ t)\e -bu been turned toward poace IP Vietnam, said today a change is bting cocsidered in U.S. combat tactics to rc.dMCt pru!lu.rt on CommunisLforces: "I fervently hope the 4ay will come wbo°'.Jl peace will be restored in Vietnam," ' ' Laird told the Senile Fortip lit~ dl~artripefora-~Uooo!U.S. Conunlttoe. "'l thlalo -.t.,. cei'llJllly oa.n.ive - Wtnld tbt qirner.••I, , LWd: ...._ u.t • di ... .u ... Lalrd' aila .ha •1 a... ~ Cl:-. """'~ ,., -~. l!ul dllclooOd . Wheeler, ~ <Jt Ille Joint Cblell ol ' that Gto. Crtlghton 'Abnml, U.S. com- St.affo to Vietnam today on •.quiet trip LO rMJlder in Vietnam, hul>cen ordtred by assess the batUefield situation· and to President Nt1on to make Teduction of determlne amoig either things lf con-lJ.S. combat caauaWes oae of bis Mesa Nears Sky Patrols Councilnien Split, But Copter Approval. Felt Certain Burglars, sunbathers and the more law- .abiding or modest among 72,000 "Costa ]}1eS¥ns today face the fact together that hellcopt.ers soon will carry the police war against crime into Harbor Area skies. Only the absence of one councilmen at a special hearing Monday blocked passage or a helicopter patrol system the Cbsta Mesa Police Department will put into. service next January at a cost of $85.525 for the first six months. Voting with little discus$ion after a lively, two hours of testimony by ahthorlties and clUzens both for and against the helicop Concept, the council &plit 2 to 2, resulling in oo action. The helicop program was continued un- til 1'1onday's regular meeting when it will be considered along with a $5.98 million fiscal budget, but its passage is virtually certain. Councilman Willard Jordan was absent itonday, but is known to be in favor, while Councilman George A. Tucku voted against approval only because he wanted further information. Councilman Tucker suggested begin- ning the program with only cne chopper -net feasible, ·according to Police ·Chlef Roger E. Neth -while Councilman Wil!Lam L. St. Clair said the city shouldn't tiy to inaugurate a helieop pro. gram by ilself. Vice Mayor Robert_M. Wilson moved for approval of the newest. weapon in the arsenal against crime after the long hearing and was promptly seconded by Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. " Wt160Jl, fresh from 2 European t.Our, said America's risir.g crime rate must be curbed ind .Costa Mesa can afford to gam&1e-,~·ihe system atrudy proven iD ·larger U.S. cities. "1 wasn't as certain when I came tonight as I am now,'' added Mayor Pinkley, ooe cf lhe earliest crJUcs of lhe aerial law enforcement system . Under the program expected to be adopled Monday, two Hughes Helicopters aircraft would be obtained under a Iease- opUon plan, with three pilots trained for lhe lG-hcur-per-day patrol. ~ Clling statistics, Chief Neth said major crime since 196S has risen 42 percent in America, 5.5 percent in California and only 39 percent in Cos~a Mesa, still a formidable gain. Ba(!;ed on an estimaUd 40 percent Mule·heJUled_Protest .. Employes Claim Colleges Stubborn on Parking Fee By RANDY SEELYE Of ttl• 0.llY ,.lltt ll•lf UC-Irvine and eight ot.ber UC -cam- puses are being "stubborn as a mule" about parking fees their employes must pay. At lea.st. .thaL's what the members of the Calilornia 'Slate Employers Aasocia· tiori think and they protested those fees at UC! loday. Members of CSEA feel tbe $36 annual parking fee at UCI is out of line. It Wall raised from SM recently. "Parking rees are an unfair tax on employment -the price a university employe mus\ pay 'in order to maintain llis job," said Rob Allen, coordinator for CSEA chapters on UC campuses. L. E. Cox, vice chancellor, business and finance at UCI, defended the fees. "The $36 a year paid by all students and employes of UCI gees into a fuod to build new parking lots and pay for the lots already existing. "We have to run our cwn parking pro- gram because the state doesn't provide funds for these facilities," Cc1. related. The vice chancellor also said be ft.It the protest was pointless. "I'm a little surprised they (CSEA ) protested bere - we can't do anything about it -it's a state policy. They should be protesting at the stale level." Countered CSEA spokesman Ralph Netz; "At Irvine, university employes must drive to work as bus service from wrrounding communities is inadequate. "It is ironic that a yoong campus with acres of open ground must even force visitors to ft«!. parking meters," be sa id. CSEA claim! more than 6,000 member! on UC campuses statewide, including 51 in the UCl chapter. They are protesting the annual parking fees on all campuses, ranging from $21 at UC Riverside to $132 DAILY Pll01 MAMGI QlAl1 !'Vil IStflfrtQ '°"""J.NV It•"" H.. w,tJ •'"""911 ..... ""'Ii.ht!' Jtck I . C•rl•y Vd '~' 111141 O-• ""-1t1 1lte""' KtnU .... 1lt•..,•• A. Mtrphl111C1 Mtfllt!llCI E'lll'-' . J,, • ..,, F. Colli•• _, .. _ cir.-hllw ............. 0 ..... 111 1 W"t l•ll, .. l•111f..,Hd MC1ili11t Aoi4rtot•: P.O. lo• I l7$, •2••>. -- at lhe UC Medical Center San Francisco. The university is clearly out of step, according to Allen. "A _ ~jorlty of universities and colleges in the nation and 85 percent or private buainease·s provide free parking fer the employes," he said. From Poge l TRANSPAC .•. the toss of the stick and damaged sails amounted to about $12$,000. "But why cry about that here In Paradise," he quipped. Following is the finish order at Ala Wai Yacht Harbor: Windward Passage. Blac:kfin, Mir, Pursuit, Barona, Rascal, Kamalii, aru:t Concerto. Larry Pringle's 78-foot schoonu Queen Mab was scheduled to finilh at 9:45 a.m. today with remnants of a blown spin· naker stlll trailing under the boat -_nd astern. Kt!!n DeMeuse, o w n e r-skipper <Jf Blackfin, said he would file a protest against Windward Pusage for allegedly falsifying her daily posiUon reports dur· ing the race. Protests had not been filed late Monday night. Unofficial reports say the protest in· volves alleged erroneous position reports from Windward Passage. In Sunday m c r n in g's roll call, \Vindward Passage reported it was 68 miles behind Black!in and 209 miles from Diamond Head. But at 6:44 p.m. that night it was Windward Passage that came churning across the finish. Windward Passage crossed the finish lin e 9 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes and 59 seconds aft.er leaVing San Pedro, Calif., on July +-knocking 26 minutes and 23 seconds off the record set in 1966 by Johnson's Ticonderoga. Blackfin had a lime of 9 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes, also bettering lhe Tieon· deroga's mark. Neither had the two starting line pro- tests against Windward Passage been fil· ed. Any protest upheld In the Honolulu race costs the pr otested yacht two hours in co rrected time. At last report, the 37-foot sloop Quest, skippered by Tom Lavine <Jf California Yacht Club, was still floundering in mid- Pacific with a bro'ktn rudder and an ex- tremely,ill crewman aOOard. A com- cercial tug was en route from Honolulu to pick up the stricken yac.ht. Hessian recovery factor in terrils of stolen pro-- perty, this trend cost Costa Mesa citizens $500,000 last year. he explained, with a 1570,00Q.orojeetlon !0< om Y'"'· TU.ming to estlmated manpower needs to keep pace, Chief Neth said, a five-year computation shews $626,000 for men and patrol ears compared to $550,800 for the belicops, ·a $75,000 reduction. "If we project even on the conservative side, we feel we can save $115,000 in dollars and cents ror the people, besides the patrol savings," he said, referring to theft JOiis. Questioning the chief, Councilman St Clair asked if any otbtt city com-parable to Costa Mesa's 72,000 persons and ap- proximately 17 square miles has est.abliahed its own system. "I don't think so," Chief Neth replied, but said today that Lakewood, with 11 square miles, began with t h r e e helJco~, now operating on a contract basis to Cover five neighboring ciUes or 1 3S &qWll'i! roller. , This was begun after the 196Ma Opera- tion Sky Knight program sponsored by the federal government and the Los Angeles County Sberi!f'a Office showed hellCops can be eUectlVe. Scores Seek, Four Win City Board Positions Foilr men who have never served on ci- ty boards before were appointed Monday ni&ht to Newport Beach municipal com- missions. City eowtcilmen made the Choices in a one-hour extcutiv.e session at which they pored over more than four dozen ap- plleations for the norrsalaried posilioas, Here are the appointments, each for a four-year term: -Planning Commission: Gordon A. Glass, 42, or 2M2 Waverly Drive, Bayshores. Glass, who succeeds Alvan C. Clemence, Js an architect and vice presi· dent for LeHch Klyotok and Associates of Newport . -Civil Service Board : Henry C. Ouffir. 41, cf 2121 Seville Ave ., Balboa. Duffie is the director of juvenile investigation for the Orange County Probation Depart- ment. He replaces William Pennington on the Civil Service Board, which oversees city employe matters. Library Board of Trusteea ; Cbtrlea Sll·ord, 45, <Jf 2741 Pebble Drive, Corona de! Mar. Sword is .President of the Harbor View Hills Homecwners AS30Cia- tion and is administrative director and legal counsel for Calllornia Computer Products, Jnc. He succeeds the library board's outgoing chairman, J oh n Hopwood . -Parks, Beaches and Recreation Com- mission: David S, Tlag:Jer, 36, of 21 ·1 Via Quito, Lido Isle. Tin.,-Jer, an attorney, replaces PB&R Cha1J'l1lan \\'aller S. Semeniuk. Councilmen Monday night also reap- polnte~ Edward R. Millett to the city's Technical OJI Advisory Committee . Millett js a petroleum engineer. Mrs. Neil Armstrong At Cape to See Launch SEABROOK. Tex. (UPI) -Neil A. Armstrong's wife went to Cape Kenne'l'ly ~fonday night to watch the launch of the moon landing mission Wednesday. The wives of astronauts Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins remained at home with their families. A space aa:ency spokesman indicatea tney probably would \\1atch the launch on television at their homes, Bu1·ied Funeral Draws 300 Cyclists, Police By TERRY COVILLE Of I~ OCI!~ Pllft sun Trouble was predicted, but it didn·t come as 300 Hessian molorc;:cllsls and friendS burled therr-1eader 'l"hursday afte.rnoon in orderly funeral services at West.tninster Memorial Park. P.,arvin CUrrier, 46, Garden Grove, was elected president of ·lhe Hessians only two months ago, said his friends, dressPd in black, sleeveless vuls with skulls drawn on I.he back. Currier Wed JuJy 6 near Indio in a traf. fie accldenl as about 40 Heutans return- ed from a trip to the Colorado Rh·er. "A dirty ... trucker pushed him orf the road," Wd one Hessian, angrily claiming it was hit and run. •·He even tried to gel • more of us." Nearly JOO choppers (a It ere d motorcycles} trailed the hearse in a col· wnn of twos ~ the procession left !?te chapel to take currier to his crave In the cemetery. California Highway Palrolmen were rtportedly on the alert to head orf any at- tempts by the rivll Hell's Angels to at· lend the funeral . RUmo~ had apread thst the two "outlaw"' motorcycle c:lubl were spoiling for a fight and the 'jA.n&els" ml1ht try t<J brtak up the tuneral . But certmonles were quiet and the only e.xcittd individuals were spectators, drawn to the cemetery by tbt collect.Ion of motorcycles and wildly clothed moumen . prl111¥Y .,,.1a .. La¥d Altl there "~ """ • -"Cl!in lo Gtti' Abrams lo ktep c ~ Of••I the lowest pcis,ible 1111.e." ·However, he said there has not been lll'l' o!f1da1 chaoi• yel ln the policy ltarted under'the JolwOo a4lnbllstr1Uon of maintalnina muimum_ prea:ure on VICI .:on, ond North Vtetnameae !orceo. 'ttird11 u.epemmt of tbe w1r "" GDe ot 1ila moot ... lmlitlc lo date: Ii. aaid there had h..n I declioo in Whal h• call· ed hond·to.blnil attacks by the Com· munlsts in thO>j>ast 10 or 11 daya .&bit bad Tilduced U.S. ci!ualtin to the lowtlit level Uds year. ' . Laird called lhia aljnilicao~ allboogb Swimming lfnder Cover emphaslting t.htte bad been periods 6t lull In Ille war -!JOm st io·111 daYI -ln prioryeon. , . "1 cannot -say with.certainty there '.tYPI not be new enerriy inillaUves,'.' Litrd l"'tl!ied but &aid tt was "Important to'Uf to look at thll matter, and if there ha1 ..beent• change that we doo't miss the clinct." . . OAIL Y PILOT PN:tt •r LM Pl~llt Balboa Island's Fran Logan, Z2. is Uildog no . chances with the weather since today is st. Swithin's Day-and in this case swi~g under an umbrella is more r~liable than . ~eeping r.?ur f~n~~ ers crossed. According to a British trad1t1on, if 1t rains on July 15 it will rain daily for 40-<k;'!c!bere- atter and ·u ifs·fair, well. it will stay fair for 40 days. So things look good :=-both Fran -ancHhe weather. Public Beach Advocates Renew Salt Creek -Battle Public beach advocates are off on a new tack today in an eftort to petition Orange County government for develop· ment of public ae<:ess-to Salt Creek beach. Laguna Beach attorney W i I I i a m Wilcoxen has filed a petition bearing about 1,800 signatures with the county Board of Supervisors 8l!iking that public aceess be created. WUcoxen has been involved in a legal baUle, unsuccessfully so far, to overturn county abandonment of Salt Creek Road to the Laeuna Niguel Corporation. Niguel Corporation owns the uplands at Salt Creek Beach, located between Three Arch Bay and Dana Point in the south Orange Coast area. Wilcoxen said "many more" pWtions are out in circulation today. c Ucoxen said the Capistrano Bay Park Recreation District whi ch he resents as attorney is eager to bring petitions to supervisors attention re they act on the annual county get. He satd county government projected its assessed valuaUon increase at 8 per· cent over last year while county assessor Andrew Hinshaw's <Jffice bas said it will be more like 12 percent. A substantial portion of that increase is supposed to come from the southern part of the coun- ty, Wilcoxen said . Newport Eyes 2 Vacant Lots as Parking Places Newport Beach officials are eyeing two vacant lots in West Newport as places to: -Park cars. -Build beach restrooms. -Raise money. City Councilman Donald A. Mcinnis. who represents West Newport, won agreement from his council colleagues for a staff study <lf possible acquisltlcn of parcels at 32nd Street and Balboa Boulevard · and at 54th Street and Seashore Dri ve. The properties are own· ed by the Pacific Electric Corp., which ripped up tracks from the area more than a decade ago. Mcinnis said it is (luite likely con- version o( the lots into parking lots would pay for itself, through fees char~ far parking. There might even be a lltUe pro- fit in It for the city, he said. He added that public -re1t.rooms in Wtsl Newport are as greatly needed as park- ing spaetiS. Vice Mayor Lin&ley Parsons agreed enthusiastically with Mcinnis' PJ'QPONI, then cauUously ·inquired : "ls it possible that there has been a change in sentimenl in West Newport over changing tbat wliole strip (the PE strip beginning at the Santa Ana River brldge) into a parking area ?"' "AbS()lutely not," said Mc Inn is . "Nobody wants that." The staff was instructed to be1tn discussions with the PE Corp .. and report. back as soon as possible. "We can st.art out on a t1mall scale," Mid Mayor Doreen Marshall, without elaborating. He suggested that would g i v e supervisors the capacity to fund ac- quisition .at Salt Creek as supervisors recently did at Bolsa Chic3 Beach in the northern end of the county. • Asked if he is proposing the county buy back what it gave away, Wilcoxen sa".ld: "I wouldn't want t.o phrase it that way. I wouldn't want to go into whethu part of the money would be for purchase of the road. Jf there is additional access and parking obviously the corporaUon should be paid for it. This has no connection ti) the lawsuit." The petitions were prepared by the Park and Recreation Oistrid, They read : "The under&igned respectfully request lhat all appropriate government bodies protect public access to t h e shoreline, wherever possible. It is specifically re- quested that tbe Orange County Board of Supervi!ors, seek means to provide public access to the Salt Creek Ocean Area so that the citizens <lf Orange County can conUnue to enjoy the recreational ac- tivities provided thereupon. Wileoi:en said it is hoped submittal or lhe petition will enable his group to secure a spot on the July 22 superviS<lrs agenda. -tr Newpo1·t Asks For 'Protection' Of B~ach Access Without mentioning the controversial Salt Creek Road abandonment by name, N_ewporl Beach city councilmen Monday night asked the county never to Jet it hap- pen again. Municip~J lav•makers made the declaration In a unan imously adopted resolution urg ing ''all levels of govern· ..,.ment to take the necessary steps to pro- vide and protect public access to the shcrelne." The resolution is similar to one adopted by the Laguna Beach City Council one month ago and by the San Clemente City Council last week. All the actions were inspired by the county's giving away an access road to Salt Creek Beach south <Jf Laguna Beach last year. Tbe issue has since erupted in- to legal battJts between the Laguna Niguel Corp., v.·hlch acquired the road, and ci tizens detenntned to overturn the county supervisors' decls.ion. Newport Mayor Doreen Marshall press- ed for swift approval of the resolution, which al.so calls for obtalt\ing beach land ror the public d!5.Mlii'l "Wbeniver po.s~l blt." Mrs. Marshall said the proposed state· ment v."ould be in line with the city's aen- erl!! policy or supporting public accus to public waters. ~ At her suoesUon, the resolution, a <'OPY of whic h will be sent to supervisors. Wli.'S worded so that It contains specific endorsement of the recently completed County Shoreline Study. The study, undertaken by the county Planning Department. recommends acqulslUon <Jf additio nal ~ach facililies. Fr•m Poge l ARCHITECT. •• said. "But I wonder whether wl!'re on th• best kind of ground in entering into this contract without the approval <Jf the public of a bond issue to financ~ the con: strucUon." Ll'ITLE CHOICE Hurlburt replied that the city has little choice but to proceed with th e preliminary des~n pact. He explaintd that is necessarY in order to develop a firm cost figu re and plans ·to present to the voters. Mould the council deeide to finance the project through a general obligation bond issue. A vote on such an issue would require two-thirds approvaL Councilman Robert Shelton added : "I understand your concern, Paul. But it is unrealistic not to do anything until we have a mandate from the JM:<>Plt. Thete are . two reascns why we have to move ahead <Jn this. First. we need the facilities. And second, we have the aite, but only for a limited period of time." (The Irvine Company has turned UUe to the land over to the city for $LI million, the property's current market value. The city has four years to pay for it, and is paying nothing down.) HURLBURT QUFSTIONED Hurlburt, closeJy questioned by coun- cilmen, emphasized that his staff had worked closely with Welton Becket in getting the best deal possible for the city. He poi!lted out that the firm originally had sought an eight percent fee, but that \11as knocked down to 7 .5 percent. He also said Welton Beeket executives had agreed to undertake master planning of the entire 19 acres at no additional cost to the city. The preliminary designs, w h i c h llurlburt said would "rigidly adhere'' to pr,esent zoning limitations on the are.a, v.•ill take about nine months to complete. By that time, he said, the City Council should have reached a decision on the propOsed means of financing coostru<> tion, which may or may oot go before the voters, depending on the financin& method . When actual eonslruction commences, \Velton Becket will be entitled to the balance of the $338,000 fee. It will be the firm 's responsibility, the city manaier added, to seek approval from the council of proposed design and types of con· struetion. Fron• Page l DROWNING. • • athletic program at UC Irvine. After reaching the locker room, Cun· ningh.arn w a s nollced missing from &he group, although one youth said he had .seen the vtctlm climbing out of the pool at the finish, Returning to the deck area, they spot· ted the substitute goalie at the bottom of the pOOI iiiCI pulled-film out, but-it Was too late to save his life. Coroner's invesllgaton said Cun· ningham llad no history o! Ill health and had bet.n cleaffil for the water polo league by a physical examinalion. A cause ol death was expected to bt.i announC'td later in the day, while funem arrangemenls were still pendln&. The vlcUm is survived by his parents. Mrs. and Mrs. Louis Cunnlnghi.m, a brother Mleheel, Ii. a sister Caryn, 9, all of the Sttombolt Road addms, ond '!iiJ maternal 1randparenl!. ! • ii • II d ~ ~ • I t ., Ue .. ed • ta ta ·al "" l :ut itil lo. ta he le, tie I.& tel :or ln- 1d in :y. Uy •t .. ad ·ol "t : h "' ... le. cit he ..,. re 1111 "· he he "' cit ... In- he •d ool M· ol as ,.. 'li.1 · !!, i 111 is / . -~------~-------~--~----------,..------~--~---. -------------------------:-~---;-------• • ..,,. • , • - • ·' • . BEA AHDE~SON, Eldtor TvflftY, lil!r'll• lfft H "'" 11 Big Goal In Cards Bay Ci rcle of thC Florence Crittenton Home of Or· ange County, Inc. is winding t.IP Jast·mil'\ute details for the bridge luncheon benefit in the ·Stuft Shirt, Newport Beach, Friday, July 25. at noon . Membei's are cheered on by the recent oUicial nnnouncement by the home's board of directors that the build ing site in El l\.1odeno has been purchased and fully paid for. 'fhe gala is expected The ga la affair is expected to attract a lar:ge at· tendance fro1n the Newport Harbor area and represen· tatives from all over Orange County are invited. The fund-raising event is open to the public and Bay Circle \viU have a welcome mat out for new members. Groups are invi ted to make up their own. lf!bles and for $5 can enjoy lunch, prizes and bridge . Accordini;t 1o J\1rs. Fred DuPree of Newport Beach, president of Bay Gircle, the proceeds are earmarked for the $600,· 000 building fund goal. · . " MINIATURE MODEl. -"-It's final ... the Florence Crittenton · l--...,Jl:muf+IM"'~""1>!'0l'Alige"Cotlffiy'.-boartt-onfi rectors~llJl!'ollbceil that" the building site in D..M.odeno.has been purchased and .fully_.pa1d for. ---•.. ~lit. oo that site must go_ a building. Helping to. raise fulfds during a·bridge luncheon .are Bay Circle membe'rs who will presen t the . event 'July-25-in tire Stuft-'Sbi(t:-•book·ing Oft!! -e!vetal-bouse--mod-- cls...are (left to right:) the Mme's. Ernest 1'.1cClelland,...Er.ed....QµPiee, • · ~ president, and. Delight Church. Tickets are -available by calling Mrs. Deligh t Ch urch or Corona del Mar-at 67J...8781 or Mrs. Ernest 1'1cClelland of Irvi ne_, 833-2146, · -· Others-assisting with-atTanJrement~rc th~-M-me:.:- 1'.fary Fitz of Corona dcl Mar,-Ed~ar-llill oC Lido Isle and Ste\vart Nolton of Corona del Mar. • Miami Beach We/comes Secretaries to Confab Bahia Cha pter of National Secretaries Association will be represented by two members at the 24th annual international convention today through next Satnrday in Miami Beach. Waving farewell are (left to right) the ~Imes. Thomas Leamons, Dana Lamme and Lou Richmond. Ready to board the plane are (left to ri ght) Mrs. Lloyd Fleming and Mii;s Marguerite Voelckel who are carrying Cali- fornia poppies for all the Calilomia delegates. Thing s and Stuff Awaiting Bargain Hunters Collectors items, antigues and small treasures will be awai Ung bargain hunters next Saturday at 9:30 a.m. when the Hunter Chapter of the AuxiUary or lloag Memorial Hospital. Presbyterian conducts a garage sale ot~Thiogs and Stuf! at 445 Via Lido Soud , Lido Isle. Admiring trinkets are (lert to right) the Mmes. Harry 1-1. Cornelison, Gavin Witherspoon and Donald Lingle, ways and means chairman, who is lur-Oing her garage into a &outiquc. P·rison of Min·d May be Esc9ped ·With Trip to Bookstore DEAR ANN LANDERS: l've made aoote_ 'mistakes lRJP Y life bid· ~1 1 Jook Uth.-+t"'ll~t!r the past 34 years ]~see many tragedies over whl~h I had no control. Both iT"'J perenb were drowned when r w~s ~. My brother whom 1 adored_w.u burned to-death In a flre. A al'st.er l cn- '1ied and disliked dk!d in. a car accident. To this day 1 feel as U J murdered hu beeaust 1 was driving. You may not be able to help me, Ann, but pe.rha1JS just expressing my feelings in writing will make me. feel beUer. I am haUnted by the fear that I will commit l'iuiclde. There are times when I hate liv- ing •nd want to die. but I know suicide is the rowanliJ w1y out More important, I havt three wonderful chiklren who need a --~-- ANN LANDERS mot.her. Their rather ii away a great deal and I am afraid he has no real interest in bis famJly. I am terrified that I will jump out ot a· window. Whenever I'm ntar a large open window I panic. I am so afraid of elevators. I'd rather walk up IO nights than go into one. Can you &iVll me a few sente~ of hope.? What can I do to 1et over lhese hellish feeling.? -GWENDOLYN OE.AR GWENDOLYN: I almllll ne,•tr rtcommend book1 but I'm aolng '° make u exception beaUH I've just read • book lbat could be.Ip nve your llfe. It is called '"Mte Prl5011 of ~fy ft.find," by Barb1ra Field Bendger. The puhUaber 111 Walker. U yoar bookttore dot1n'l llave I&;" ask thenf to get II. Thia boOk 11 • movln1 per1onal ac- count of a courageous woman who N.ln- qucred menlal lllnas. Jiu-honesty· and openotu will gl,·e encouragement and hope I• every perlOD who fears be Is cnickln.g ap. Tbe best aRswt!r fw~one-who 111 l&Jtldal is a ~efaprst· ti waiom lie bas confidence. The aathor of·'-'Pruoo of l\ly l\llnd" emphasizes this point.. Whlle l\Jrs. &nzl~tr ettdltl therapy wlU. 1avlng ber lllf' iille makes II abundant!)' clear that not ALL psychlalrilts are huinane, kind and campetent. DEAR ANN LANDERS: When p;u:enls who •re far from rich give a married Ion and daughter-in.Jaw $3,000 to help them through a financial crisis. arc they en· tilled tu gel it back? Or are the parents ·supposed to forget about it "because they have more money lhan the kids?. surefire ctmbin11Uon for Bl& Trouble I~ relatives, money anll· tMltbtr on paptt. '"elcome to tbe club. Two )'ears have passed since we gave Give in or lose him ... when a euy lbem lbe. money· and ool a. ward hasJ>een.. _gi\:es_you, th.is lin_e, look QY!l..Ior tt~n. said about payirig it back. Last night my ~how lo tiandlc the supersex salesman, husband brooghL up the subject when· our check .AM Land~. Read her booklet. S(ln and h1s wife drove up in 1 new car. "Necking and Petlin& -What are U. Th!!y called Us mercenary:money -huf1¥ry Limits?" .Send your re.41Uesl lo Ann and worse. There must be others with the Landers in care of this newspaper, sarne problem. Will you comment, enclosing 50 ccnls ir. coin and a I091, please? -TilE 11w"\ONEV BUSIL tit.amped, sell-addressed envelope. LJEAR l\10NEV : Whit "'' tftt un: Ann Landers will bi &lid to help JOU dentaadblg: when you banded over the with your problem1. Send them lo.J:ler-fn $.1.00ltt Old you 1ay, 11'1'tils 111 loan, not 11 care of the DAILY PILOT, encloslna 1 11111n U you didn 't, )'OU 1bould h1•e. A ~el!-addrcsSe<I, &tamped envelope. ~--~~~~--------------'-~--------------------------------~-----·-------·-- • • l " • ' I I • ' ; . ' ' I l • ' ' • ·~ ' I • l I ! • • Horoscope ' -Aquar.ius~ Observe S.hrewdly -' ' WEDNESDAY JULY 16 II)' SYDNEY OMAR!\ lllllll,y problem. Key ls to aaree on reuonlble c:biqe. Older lndlvlilual deeerva ..,.. sid<iaU... Pace hai -rut. SPECIAL mNT: Bey Now alow down and attend to cl.U..., jrieley, bot tie ,.,. detalls. Ibey ore Ht -.. teotadiu. . GEMINI (May Zl.Jone '°): Good baya; 'avalllble la tports · Urge lo move, ·travel is attb-e and dllldna't d-. ~-· Meioqes and-<alls bcellent tor • a e a l lo • , flow from . r_elaUv..ei. Your welcomlq or farewell parties. home may be hue for get. t!edablllty Is a cc•• I• d . toge-. Have lip!, hut don~ -Spotllpt-11 • LEO. tire Y!l!l!°oell. C2!!i!noo ~is AlllES (Mareb21·April 19): Accent c r e a l i v e activiUes. Keep promises made t o children. Day features change, excitement, var le l y. Be analytical You can get the best if you so choose. · TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Stresa on bow you handle • prescription. • CANCER (Jllfte 21.July 22): You could be on brink ol v aluabte discovery. You f(OD 't find perfecUon. l[UI minor compromise could w or k wonder:s. Best to Nl:main in background for present. LEO (Jiily 23-AuJ. 22): Cy- cle high. Act in authoritative PT A Officers Seated ' manner. Tatel 111 t la ll v e . We!COlne cootac11, chall<ng ... • New ttarts in new directions fa~. Accenl o n ap. peaim;e. peraooallty. Yoo're a winner. VlllOO (Aug. 23-SepL 22): Obtain hint from Cueer meuage.....:-Wotk behind the .scenes. FbJish '!'hat was recently started. Separate fact from fancy. Be realislic in·~ prajsil o( penons, situations. LIBRA (Sept. Z3--0cl. 22): Good lunar 8lpecl lodoy coin- cide> w!lh chance to repay favors. Be friendly. Accent desire for justice. The more you give, the more you will receive. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): P,....,.. on prestige, standing in c;Ommunity. Follow bunch. • Ooe In authortly Is trying to aid. Know tl>la ; rupond ... cordlngty. Good cllanse todalj for promotion. • SAGnTAJUlill (Nov. 11- Dec. 21): C.lcb up on calll l correspondence. K .. p ill ~J with relaUves-11 a ~f Gi>od for writing, pub , J and adverlislng. OuUine I mo\(onal campaign. CAPRICORN (Dec. 2i.Jan. 19): Unknown factors Wst. Realize there is more to know. Be 1f.specl.ally cautious in fUlllllciBJ matten. Dig derp for additional information. A void being rushed i n t o decision. AQUARIIJS (Jan. 20 · Eeb. 18): Check partnership op- portunities. Key is to be cooperative. Take care-· with written word. Be sure you can fulfill promises. Be a shrewd observer . PISCES (Feb. !!>-March 20): Soroptimist Scholarship Winners Congratula ted Belles Sound Harmonize relations w J ' b associate!, co-workers. steer clear ol disputes. Be amiabl~ without being weak. Means strive for balance. Domestic adjustment may be necessary. Miss Kristin Wetzel and Miss Susan Duggan, both graduates of Laguna Beach High School, received Alberta Patterson Memorial Scholarships from Sor· optimist Club of LegunB. Beach. Talking over the coeds' future plans are (left to right) Miss Duggan, ?i.1rs. Monte Warr who is scholarship committee chairman, l\1i ss Wetzel1 and Mrs. Albert Cornelius, club president. Looking both forward to a rlew year and backward lo past accomplishments• were members of Ole Huntington Beach Union High School PTA. treasurer ; Vern D a r t , historian; John Drake, auditor, and James Durstin, parliamentarian. IF TODAY IS YOUR BlR'IBDAY your social life improves. You come oul or ie.motional shell. You are seri· ous-minded, Joyal. Yoa also are tenacious where ideas ate concerned. ii .Let's Talk Girl Talk Jewel Clip Latest Fad • LONDON CAP) -Now that the girls are wearing the aw••~ trousers, a leading London costume jeweler has ctime up Paularioo Park is bustling with an idea f_or keeping bell . . . bottoms under control and ad-. with act1v1ty as 73 Costa Mesa ding a feminine touch to --»~Us an~~l!JJlp _,F,:iie .,.~ _""" .r-• . . ... .- Girls are participating fn day Jeweled bicycle cliJf& to be eamp ~long with 17 counselors worn over trouser bottoms d ide · were shown here today by an 8 ~· Paris House, which makes following the E ar I Y belts for Queen Elizabeth II California Days theme, the and the royal household . campers are cooking meals Unisex crtpt in, too, with and studying crafts in keeping jeweled scarf rings for hippies ·th th tale's he itage of both sexes .. A gir~ could WI e .s . ~ · . almost go out 1n nothing but The girls will display their her pearls and still look decent camping and cr~fts skills dur-if she wears the nuge variety Ing a Special Events Day pro-favored by Paris House for gram tomorrow featuring belts, necklaces and earrings. "'ts d °xlfb.t A> the hoose maie.s belts, songs, Siu an e . 1 1.!': buttons and Ofpanients for Leaders participating In· several London haute couture elude the Mmes. William Ban-houses, the jewelry show drop- nick, Les Thompson, Frank ped a .hint as lo what will be Hickey, Don Minni, Chet seen in the dreu showrooms. Baugh, Roo Franke, Hal Buttons are exti~ely fan- Broodhead and Greg Guth. cy, made of beads, pearl on Horizon Club members will leather, wound chain, or jet. sLaff the Goodwill booth at the Belts were of two varieties: Orange County Fair, where wide leather ones with big they will put name taes on buckles, and stringy rolled small children f 0 r iden-ones with big jeweled bobbles tlficatlon in case or separation on each end. Giant pearls also from parents. were used to make tie belts. Blossom Blue Birds of Special lightweight pearls New officers who will serve during the 1~70 year include the Mmes. Joe Muniz, presi· dent; Joseph Van Buren, vice president; A. M. Pedersen, recording secretary; W. H. S t and ridge, corr~nding secretary; R. L. P 1 a r d, Committee chairmen who have been · appointed to -serve include the Mmes. Van Buren, progr~; Donald C r oft. membership; James Sein- meth, ways and means; Kathy Armstrong. Founders Day and honorary life; Joan McKinney, publicity; Esther Luz, health and welfare, and Van Buren, le&islation. · Also. active will be Richard Piard, men's participation: FLIGHT HOSTESS Lind• J91t•r , To tind au! tnOr9 tboul 'fOU""8M' •!Id 11tro1atv, ordlr Sl'(I,,.., am.n'• 50- ,,.,. booklet, Tiii! Tn.rtlt "boul Aalralo tM#Y. s.rio: !iO c:enb to Omlrr lloolcltt• "" OAIL Y Pl LOT, l oit 3'2•. Grtl'ld C.lr-.1 St.liar!, Ntw Yon:, N.Y. JllOl1, Nuts 'n Nibbles . Attending meeUngs every Friday at 10 a.m. are the women of Fountain Valle)' Nuts to Nibbles TOPS Club. Members have selected the SY.rnphony Performers Woodrow Smith, s c h o o I representative;· ... Mrs. · Pofty---G-=--~---=-f-'•-· ·- Hanna, characlkr and spirit, rauua e _Recreation _Center in qli"'"°'"---· tington Beach for the meeting and Lloyd Mc C racken , scholarship. . T k w • . Th• organizalion concluded a e S I n g the school year with the in· In Unison st.allation of new officers. JoininiTrans World Airlines They also sponsored t h e flight hostesses after rom· seniors' graduation party at pleting six weeks of trainii'ig in Symphony lovers may at· Disney I and under the tend a concert of chamber chairmanship of Mrs. Durstin Kansas City is Linda .tester. music and contribute to and Mrs. Dart. The graduate of Huntington Orange County's Symphony Beach High School joined Orchestra at the same time graduates of the 46th class to place. next Sunday, July 20, at 8 p.m. Court Stella complete classwork in the Cl/ I · Appearing in recital to airline's hostess training Jh • k benefit the orchestra will be Memben of Court Stella center. She will be serving tn Mary Louise Zeyen, Gloria Maris 1448, Cat ho 1 i c passengers from Kansas J~" AA I'\,..~ Grace Prosper. Christie Lund-Daughters of America meet City's Municipal Airport. \A.Ill I l.U quist and Frits Hardi. The each secoud'-arid fourth Mon-Her mother and stepfather .W•tcllff Plau S.ton On cellist, soprano, clarinetist and day at 8 p.m. in SL Joachim' a are the John BroWns of Hun· 6 4 2. 2 4 4 4 pianist will perform romM1tic _!_'.P•~r::ls~h..'.h~all~,_:Cos~t~a_:M~es~•·~-_!:~i~ngt~oo~Be~a'.'.ch~.~----~========= and post·romantic music in the recital hall oJ: the music building on the California State College at Fullerton campus. , CONGRATULATEO AT PAR:rY Mr. and Mrs. Ktnntth C. Brown Killybrooke s ch 0 0 I, Costa have been made for multi- Mesa, have collected a total drop earrings that look heavy of 724 food coupons which will enough to slretch an earlobe be used to help purchase bus· down to the shoulder . Tickets will range in price from $2.50 to $5, or $1 for children under 16. Further in· fonnatlon may be obtained from Mrs. James Klotz, 879- 1253. Lile-like FULL COLOR Mesa Pair Honored On Gold~n Wedding es for Fairview State Hospital. Those fancy bicycle clips Karen Wilson received the can double as upper a rm prize for bringing the most bracelets, another p o p u I a r coupons. trend in costume jewelry. Leader of the group is Mrs. Chain bells, u s u a I I y in· John Zorger, assistant leader corporoting jeweled or pearl is Mrs. Richard Crowe, and medallions, still are going Bags Draw Attention The Corla Mesa home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brawn was the scene or a par- ty honoring them on their 50th wedding anniversary. Hosting the gathering were their son and his wife, t.fr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Brown of Torrance, and their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pullen of Midway City. For the golden Wedding celebration the patio was decorated with gold flowers, and the focal point of the buf- fet table was a three tiered wedding cake decorated with white roses and gold leaves. The Browns were married in Snyder, Colo,, and have t-een residents or Santa Ana, Hun- tington Beach and Costa Mesa since 1923. Brown w a s employed for 26 years by Spicer Lumber Co., which later became Ward & Har· • sponsor is Mrs. w i J Ji am strong, as indication that hip-For fall and winter, Julius rington Lumber Co. Wilson. Members are Barbie pie styles are continuing. Resnick created a silver Jame The couple have five Greatorex, Celina Wang, Jan-Tassels of chain and stones evening knapsack for women grandchildren and four great-et Duncan, Jennifer l{ealh, appear on nearly everything. who doo't want their handbags grandchildren. Four of the J ill Freeman, Karen Wilson, A spokesman said Lord and to float away while dancing. grandchildren attending the Karen Ballard, Kelly Golden, Taylor has ordered a lol of the For fall and winter of the party were Mrs. Janice Rojas Keri Zorger, Laura Jackson, string belts with jewel-bobble year 2000! His entry was in a and family, Robert Pullen and Leslie Crowe. Michelle Ken-ends, while I. Magnin is going "bags of the future" exhibits family, the Misses Patricia nedy, Robin Babos and SyJvia in for the boot bracelets made sponsored by the National Brown and Lonnie Pullen. A Pearson. by the London house. Handbag Association. fifth, James Pullen, is serving,_:.:::c::::::_ ______ _:.=:::...=='"'-'=------~------ in Vietnam. Among the relatives and friends pr e se n ting con· gratulations were Brown's sister, Mrs. Margary E ichelberger from Sacrame~ to and the pair's nieces, Mrs. Ray Rhodes and family from Las Vegas and Miss Willa Martinez from Sacramento. ON THE TUBE far th• b•1t 9uid• ta wh•*'• hepptnin9 on TV, lttd T\I WEEK -di1lribut1d with th1 S1lurd1y 1dil;an al tht DAILY PILOT. BIGGARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.t1.'B'11411. PASAQENA: Colorado at El Molino POMONA: Holt, east of Garey SANTA ANA: ....... 11 ....... e S...AMS....0,_M.....,l...i ... portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGES! Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per subject, two per family. HURRY! STARTSMTUESDA y I PORTRAIT SPECIAL ENDS SUNDAY -JULY 20 i PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOURS: MOON to 8 PM DAILY• SUNDAY 11 to 7 PM 7212·$ 3088 BRISTOL AVENUE Juit Off Newport Ave. Between San Diego Frwy. &. Baker Streit ' I I I • ! • l ! -~ • ·~ " • l • ,, £osta . . • • YO~. 62, NO. 168, 3 SECTIONS, 3<4 PAGES- .. • . :--,;-=--· -----. --,.. --.:,. -i • • Mesa ' . ORANGE ·c o UNTY' C>,[JFORNIJ\ ~ • • ~ • TUESDA¥,.;!Ul Y 15;-'I 969 . EN". ams . Choppers. Near Take-off ' • Council Split B.ut .Oka y for Sky Police Felt.Certain Burglars, sunbalben and the more law- abiding or ·modest among 'lJ,000 Cosl4 Mesans· today face the fact (ogether that haHcopters soon will ~ the police war agaimt crime 1nto Harbor Area skies. Only the absence of one councilmen at · a speciJll h<aring Monday blocked pusage of a helicopter patJ:ol system the Costa Mesa Police ·0epar1ment will J>U1 ~nto service next Jan~ _at a cost of,, $85,5%5 fOr the first six months. Voling wtth UtUe discussion after a A poll,o Okay For Launch Wednesday From Wire Serv1oes CAPE KENNEDY -"Go'' reports lively, two hoUrs of testimony by ahthorlUes and citizens bQth for and against the helicop concept, the council split 3 to 2) resulting in no acUon. The helicop program was conUnued un· tit Monday's regular meeting when it will be· considered along with a $5.98 million fiscal budget, but its passage ls virtually certain. · ' Councilman Willgrd Jordan was absent Monday, but is known to be in favor, while Councllman George A. Tucker · " . voted against approval only ·because be wanted further information. Councilman Tucker suggested begffi. ning the program with only one chopper -not feasible., according to Police-Chief Roger E. Neth -while councilman William L. St. Clair said the city shouldn't h'y to inaugurate a helicop pro- gram by itself: · - Vice Mayor' Robert M. Wilson moved for approval of the newes( wfapOn· in the arsenal against crime after 'the long , hearing and was promptly seconded bJ Mayor ,Alvin L.· Pinkley. Wilsoii, fresh from 2 European tour. said Amerlca's'rislnccrime fate must"ba curbed and Coata Mesa can afford to gamble orl the sysf.em already ·proven in larger U.S. cities. \ . "I wasn't as ·certaln when I came tonlght as J am now," added Mayor. P.inkley, one of th& earliest critia of the (See llEJ,JCOPS, P••• I) •· Mesa Student Dies in UCI Pool Trag~y A yriung .soaUe (or ~ Costa r.iesa .mu polo•team rnystetioosly slid to the li9ltom -fitffiUQed.->ir:t-from--.launeh-c ~-lt'f -, weathetmen· and global support forces to- · -or th..u01nMe-po01'titel"a-tdiJP11iiii·1<-1t--"-I Monday night ana died While a crdWd-o[·· spectators· waited ~r the next game to Sweet Teeth l:larbor Area Boys' Club candy salesman Ken Allen , 9, watches as Don Swedlnud (left) and Blair Barnette sami;>le his. wares. Ken, along with other boys' club. membera, is selling. caqdy throughout Harbor Area to help pay their way to swnmer camp. Sale has .been extended through July. Mesa's C~ptaQ:i J!ollom.., To 1le~ome -11ein'ifCli1e£ • Veteran Costa Mesa · lawmen De:in Pollom, 43, who rose through the ranks from patrolman to captain resigned today to become chief of the Hemet Police Departmenl Word of his appointment was tele;>hon- ed by Heinet City Manager Paul Wilcox, who said councilmen Monday night ac4 cepted his n!COtnmendation for a new chief. day for I.he launch of the lhrte Apollo 1 t astronauts Wednesday on history's lirst moon landing expedition. Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin were ready to go al 6:32 a.m. PDT. They were "just taking it easy" in their final day before blastoff, reviewing plans !or a hall-million mile roundtrip,. unequalled in the annalt of space exploration. Officials reported all aspects of preparations !or the idventUri were- "Go:" COuntdown work was -ahead of schedul~ and the ma.sstve !lervi~;~ began moving away from the ~tOot 1pace machint at f:45 a. • Meanwfille, the Sovie! moonshlp Luna 15 is streaking toward lhe moon . However, il iJ,traveliog ~t a slower speed than usual and will take longer tban ·the usual 31h days to reach the ar.ea or the moon, the director o! the British astronomy station at Jodrell Baruc reported today. "There is every indlcalionJhat it may be attempting something new," said Sir Bernard Lovell He !laid this C-Ould be th& rfcovery of moon rock. Lovell spoke with newsmen after hi1 giant rad.Jo telescope, which has been tracking Luna 15, has discovered the moonship was on a trajectory different from other unmanned Soviet moon flights . "This is unique as rar as Lunlks are capt. Pollom will begin his new job Aug. t, while a chain of reassignments in the Costa Mesa Police Department is under study by Chief Roger E. Neth. •"Dean is a good man and we hate to lose him," Chief Neth remarked today, "but it 'doesn't hurt to send our men out to head other departments -it shows what kind or training we give." ,. concerned," Lovell said. "This indicates that a new fonn of operation is -in- tended," he added. "lt supports the theory that Luna 15·may be attempiing to During the past four and a ha1f years, Capt. Pollom has been in charge:-of ad- ministration and services, a post which literally means running the personnel section, plus building and lacilities. His law career began in 1949 with the Newport Beach Police Department, where be served as a motorcycle officer, joining the C<i6ta Mesa force in 1954. for · two years before going into private bus- Jness. He rejoined the local department again in 1959 and rose through the ranks, at- tending college and completing pro- fessional courses as he went. His background includes work in police aftd city government administration, as well as specialized labor4tory crime detection and he has taught at the OCC police science institute. Capt. Pollom Said he will head a staff of 20 sworn patrolmen and five dispatchers in the Hemet Police Depart- ment, which covers a 12,000 city popula- Uon. "Actually it serves a poflllace or about 30,000, including the area's shopping TAKES POST IN HEMET Costa Mesa's PoHom centers and business community,'' he ex- plaiped. Capt. Pollom boughl property in nearby Perris three .years ago {or, weekend relaxation and decided to apply !or the Hemet position when illness fotffil the present chlef to retire. He was chosen !rorit among a field or 30 appUcant.s after a series of writte n tests and interviews. capt. Pollom and his wife Artie, residents of tht .tHarbor Area f()(' 22 years, ·will take 1 short vacation In late Ju(y before be assumes his new duties. Miss County Fair Clwice Today Opens '69 Edition • ' "Miss Oranae County Fair'' will be 1<i.rud Im at tilt op<nlng ·of the 198!1 edition of the orange. County Fair and ~I ti on. Pr<limlnacy judging allrls at :,30 p.m. and lhe finals will be held at a p.m. In the Amphitheater. Gates opened today at 1 ,.m. -Othir.·major events scheduled for ·Uif ilX day fair ln<lud" - -Junior Hone Sltft -starts Tlle!day end continliei through 11>unolat from 9 11.m. to ' p.m. and 7 to 11 p.m. of the three days. -senior Cidre•'• J1mlHmie -Wednes- <ay et i p.m. In th<! Amphitheater. -Daisy. Cllpper POay Sliow ·-Friday rrom 10 a.m. to ' p.m. In the >.m1>1t1t1> .. w-. --- -Jiusll!I' Livestock A action -, Friday afternoon at l p.m. in the Auction Ring. Martet bed bidding will llarl at 1,30 p.m. -hieraltklaal R • d t • Al!loclalion Champion1hlp Rodeo --five ptnoi'inancea ilarting FfJOay and con- tinuing through SUnday; 1lle IRA c:om. pel!Uons will be beld at 1 p.m. Friday, S.tumy-and Sunday;, with s-p;m. performances 5aturd1y and Sunday. The fairgrounds open at I p.m. Tuesday through Friday and at II .noon Salurday and Sund1y. • recover lunar rock." . There has been widespread speculation in Moscow that the Soviets may be at- tempting to steal some of the g]ory from the planned U.S. manned landing on the moon by bringing back some moon rock first. Luna 15 had been expected to reach the vicinity of the moon Wednesday, but Lovell said after studying the latest signals picked up from the Soviet spacecraft that it would not reach the moon's vicinity until Thursday morning , Armstrong, the civilian commander of the. $350 million Apollo 11 mission, told the nation 36 hours before blastoff that "we 're willing and ready to attempt to achieve our national goal. We're very happy to be ready to fly ." "I think I would sum up my feelings in a word -ant.iclpation," said Aldrin, who will join Armstrong on hlstory's first moon walk next Monday morning. Record Numbers At 3 Festivals' First Weekend Record crowds were drawn to Laguna Beacll's three art !e1tiValJ during the opening weekend of the -&>day exhibition season . The Festival ol Arla drew %2,127 people Friday, Saturday and Sunday to its u - hlbillons-up nearly 5,000 over last year, Sally Reeve, Festlvatpubliclst said. She said 10,2811 people attended tl>e tbowlngs of1he Pageant·oNht!rMasten. ~ At the Sawdust rest1val, dlrtdar F.d· mond Van ~ ..umates that between 3,500 and 10,000 people visited the grounds over the three day period - well over the number that attended dur· ing the-same period JW-year~ ------. Attendance at the ~A-F1lr is reported very good with about l,700,,... pie v!Jltlng~ North Coa;t Hlghway alto of the art .•er the lbree.-day1.- All lhr lclllvw reported lh>l .. 1ea are good. However, no uact flguru are available as artists do much of tbe 1elliq themfflvet. begin. . . Coroner's deputies today were at. lemptlng to detennint the cause: ol deaUi· of Rohm C1.1nningham, foll0Wift&1 ,811' autopsy at Baltz MQrtuafy ~ 1 • 1 • ' nie 15-year-old JEitincla'-llighMlclidol itudebt; whb n,..i_ .. 1· 283S 'Str<nltioll Rold1 Costa · Meila,; WU 'flshod 11'1111' tliilo Pooltbottom<hrteammatu-·and -~-after the tragedy. . ' . · Efroft, ··_10 · ?eviye _him' a_t .tfie ~ ~ thriNS!I -m~moutli -~114l!iil! a~~~;~~~r=-~ . '"ftllllrnlnu'HOllJ'8ll. ,..._ ~,· .. • Ommngham had. played lbe • lost ,,.. JqlUl!llQ\Jpr;;,llll!_l!>tancla !¥! SCtiool water.>:..Pdfifri•1Pt1 -ht• a-e asft-wttit;, La"'wood Hljih School Jn the iUmmer a~Jetlc progi:am at UC Irvine. : Arter ,reacliµtg ,Ute loc~r J'QOm, . Cun-ni,n~m "'.as .noticed misslni fr:oQJ Ute grouF. aJ!houih one yooth said' he had seen, the .victim cllmbing~out ij Ule pOol ~ ' • < • • ' ! • • CAll.,Y l"R.CT•'11tft ... Plf ~ WIDOWED.FIRE. VLCTJM GETS 'WE.T WELCOM E ROM E ' AI J1rt 'Maltmutt 5av1s CHt• MMI WOm1n'1 Life , Dog Saves Widow ~ - W liimpers A lerted Owner w Fire By ARTUUR R. VINSEL Of !he 0•11'1' Pllol S!flf Malamute, malemute and the nati ve m2lemiut are all accepted by Webs ter's Dictionary, but a Costa Mesa woman In· debted for her life spells the name l!·E- R-0. Discipline runs in this dog 's bloodline. conditioned through a brutal heritage of • service to man in the frozen Arctic wastes, where disobedience can mean death for dog and maste r. Obedience would have meant death early on July 4, so Pasha cornmltled himself to instinct, awakened by acrid fumes in the smoky dawn of Jndepen· dence Day. Awakened himself by Pash a's forbid- den whimpering, R t c k Staples of 837 Plum Place, Costa Mesa. arose angrily to gQ out and remind the malemute the con· sequences of disobedience.. "He. went out to Jlck him , but that dog had his nose in the fence pointing toward my l'Kiise.,'; says Mrs. Harriet Uzgalis, a widow who lives at 838 Pine PJace.. Mrs. Uzgalis was. unconscious -only a few minutes at the most from the eternal sleep -and never heard the 6 a.m. whine. and whimper of the dog. "Mr. Staples saw the smoke pouring out bf my house, so he ran in and awakened his wife and told her to call the nre department, that he was goini over the fence to get me," she says. Aroused once earlier by flre rmoldering in a couch, Mrs. Uzgau_, poured a con- tainer Of water over iL and returned to bed, thinkJng her dariger wa19ver. Deep in ~ padding, a· spark of deatll lingered. ' The doors and windows were locked sign of. widow's wisdom--but~the mode5t- home was fast becoming a gas chamber, as smoke and hot vapors accumulated. , "The battalion chief a.aid another five minutes and l would have been asph)'x- ia.ted." sayd Mra. Uzgalis, who ts staying temi)orarlly at a MarbY CQnY.lleacent guest borne. • • '1Sbe most certainly would have," .said lllllallon Chief Bob Beauchamp, who credlled IM 11<1 Jhat Mr1. Uqalll' bndroom door was. closed with keeping her aUvt thal long. , "It t;9Qldn't bave'held much longer," he added-- Staples, meanwtiile, was discouraged by his lfantic efforts · to rouse the neighbor woman, for whom it seemed-his help might already be too late. "He tried the doors , but they were locked and hot, 0 said Mrs. Uzgalis. "He couldn 't get in. So he called me, afraid 1 wru; already .• , Finally he awakened me and helped me out." Smoke snd flames were filling the house, but Mrs. Uzgalis at least was safe and fire.men who arrived on the scene quickly extlnguisped the blaze although heavy damage resulted. Visiting the dog who disobeyed orders to save her lire recently, Mrs. Uzgalis hugged the sturdy Alaskan sled dog and was given a damp greeting in return. Unlike Eskimos, Alaskan dogs don't just rub noses. "The thing that's wonderful is (his dog just never barks," she said. "he's ~o quiet. He's got one blue. eye and one brown eye,'' she. pointed out. "He's just beautiful." Tip Brings Mesa Trio's Arres t A tip by som.eone who chose to get In· volved led to the weekend arrest of two women and a man at a Costa Mesa motel; today lacing charges of lit- • volve'ment tn_sa}e of illegal p~ls. DetecUvet took the trio Into custody at ~2376 Newwrt Blvd., and booked them early SauirdaiOi suspicion « both possta:lon"--'Ot---dangel'WI ~ drup" a n d pouell!on !or Ille. 'Mi<:belli Birrel, 13, ·arid ·Jean~M. Burton, 21, were taken to Orange County Jail; while Robert H. Boucher, 25, was booked Into .city Jail On the C!rug chargea, plus two trattlc arrest wmanta1 Detective Nohn Kul<h lllld l20 In marked money and two plastic bags con· lalnlnl 20 alleged oeconal pilll each thonged hanclldarina lhe,inV..U,allon. Patrolmen rrank Jordan and Sam Arnold nld 1 •11Jlll addiUon1! q_uantlty or pills. believed to be 1<eon~ benJedrint Wff·confistlted"U e'f , ' J af the finish . ' I ' a.turning to the declc area, they ·spot. lf>d )hp stibstltut.,,goali~at the b</llolll•ol "~ the J>OOi and •1QUed1him out, ·bu£ i,~WU. too fate tU s&ve·his Ufe. · · ' · Coroner's invesUgators . said . eun- ningharn bad no hJsto~of.:.lll healt& and had been cleired for the water p0Io league by a physical examlnaUon. A cause of .death wb upfcted to be announced later in the day, whUe funeral arrangements were still pending. ' . --. Postal Services . Rales Increased Rate increases went into effect Moi:ldiy for certain special postal services, It wu announced by U.S. Post Office officials. The nation wide increases have been raised on special delivery, registered let· ters. C.0.D. and return receipt f_ees, Special delivery letters for firtJt class and air mail are up 15 cents to 45 cents. The minimum registry fee for letten bas gone up to 80 cents, an increase of five cents, while C.0 .0. deliveries an up 10 cents and return receipts are up five cents to 15 cents. St oek Markt'I• NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market skidded sharply in early trad~ today, but an assist from selective bu ng heli:r ed It trim its losses by the c ose. (See quo(ations, Pages 10.11 ). Or a nge . Weather CloodJ during the late night and ea:-ly morning Will mar olherwise sunny summer days af?ni the.:., coast and there might be some patchy log . INSIDE. TODAY Nationwi&! survtll b~ AP showi ihat by a~ 3.f mOfliiia:· Americans condemn campuc viole-nce and aboue one fourth t:rprets iympa.thy for the re- form goals. Pao• 20. \-.., ------ -----~ -----~~------~-~ ---- • • ' l I • • • I • 1 l I • I • • • • • • I I • ! I ' I •.:r....: : , '- • ~LY "1\0T_ c Laird:· Corner Turned .TQward Vietnam Peace WMl!INGTON (UPI) -Defense s.,slXf ~-. Lo1r4, predlcllnl Ult ........... ,........~"' VleLuiin, WI !Oday a cli'ani• Is belna c:ocllldmd Jn U .s. combat tacti" to ~ pmsure on CommUnlst lon:ts. '1 r.,...uy hope the day Will com• who!n petct wtIJ be restored ln Vietnam," . . . . ~ told ~ -h!"iP ·a.i.u.. ~ 1•1 1b1ok wave COrl4lalJ .""turned tbl a.w." ' Laird .US loo •t 0-. kla G. ll'beolor, c11a1rn1ao GI U. Jeial., Staff, to Vletoam to-lay on a quick ttlp to u;ess-the bltUefltkf tituation aAd determine amota otbtr tbinJs U coo- . ~119rtp1,. ·d-~ol U.S. GlllOll'!t adloao. .::i:•,:..IMI DO:=: ~--~';;:U.S.~· mandtr l~ hu. been ordered by Pmjdenl x-... ~i· l]ductloo ol. U.S. combat CASU es ooe 01 b1I Concerto Leading Transpac 78-foot Ketch Mi r Finis h es Race .Sailing Backwards By ALMON LOCKABEY Daily PUot Boating Editor HONOLULU -John Hall's Columbia 50 sloop COncerto from ~ewport Harbor Yacht Club today took over the unofficial lead in the Jong, dr1n-out batUe for cor· rec:ted time honors in Ule Transpacific Yacht Race. Conetrto crnssed the finish line at Dia· mond Head at 3:30 a.m. PDT to establish a corrected time of seven days, 4S minutes and 47 seconds,· ousdng Bill Wilson's 59-foot yawl, RaJcal, Santa Barbara Yacht Club, which had been the previous handicap leader. Rascal was the fourth bolat to finish at 1:50 a.m. PDT, with corrected lime of seven days, 2: hours and 59 minutes and 21 seconds. Ron ~McAnnan's 8:2-t'oot cutter Pursuit from San Francisco, finished at 8:51 p.m. and John Mclntyrt's 73-foot yawl Banma finished at 11:07 p.m. . Blac.kfm. aald be would me a protest agalnat Windward Pasaage ror allegedJ.y falsifying her daily position reports dur· Ing Ule race. Protesta: bad not been filed lat• Monday nlgbl · · · Unofficial repom uy Ule prole!t in· volves alleged erroneous posiUon reports from Windward Passage. Ia Suodly morn 1 n g's roll call, Windward Pm.age rtported It Wl.8 68 miles beh!nd B1ackfin and 2Q9 milea from Diamond Head. · But at 6:44 p.m. Ulat nJ.&ht It was Wlndward Pissage that came cburnlng across the finl.sb. Windward Passage crossed the finish line 9 days, 9 houn, 24 minutes and 59 5e(.'Ollds after leaving San Pedro, Calif., on July 4-kllocktng 26 mlnutea and 2l seconds off the record set in 1915 by Johnson's Ttconderoga. Bl<1.cklin had a lime of 8 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes, also bettarina the Ticon· deroga'1 mark. ' Neither bad the two atarting line pro- tests agairiat Windward Pauaae been fil· ed. Airy protea! uphold Jn the Honolulu race costa the protested. yacht two hours in corrected time. At last report, the 37·foot sloop Quest, skippered by Tom Lavine· ol CllHomia Yacht Club, was still floundering In mid· Paclftc with a broken rudder and an U· lremely-ill crewman aboard. A coo{. ctf'cial tug was en T'OUte from Honolulu to pick up the stricken yacht. F rom Page J , • HELi COPS NEAR OKAY • • • aerial law enforcement systnn. "L<t your wile I~ mugaed or hit by a bunch of moton:ycle pmlla and you'll be ready to pay your ahare,"' be Continued. • Prt-1 pli. ' LllN • fold thert "1111 b!U • com· -lcollaa lo Geo. Air-to n.p ••11llllo 1t the !oweol possible rate." ROweftr, he aaid there has pot been any olllcia I chaoge yd tn the poucy start..i undu the Johnsoo admlnlstr1t!Oll of IDllDtilnliii iiiilffibriljjieuure ~ Vld ~ and North. Vletoamue for«s. 1 I'Afril'f_~t of the wet WI& Me al"lill1ilOll .......... fjj dote. flo Qld tlooro bod -I dldtao_ bl Wi!ll loo call-ed . hand·~ attacks by the Com- qiunl&ts I• U. peat JO or It day1 thlll !lad reduced U.S. cuualUes to the lowtist level lhls year. --i.atrd-witd this slgnlftcall~ altlfO<Jsh einph<~Zlllg tiler• had been J!U~• ol Juli ln the war -from 20 to 30 daya -ln prior ,..,.... • ' "I r..-1ay wUh Cll'llln\y ~ wU1 not be new entm)' lnltltUvea," · Lllid testified but said ft was "important to UI to look at thll matter. a'nd if thett has ber.n •~change that we don 't mlls the ·ch~" DAILY PILOT Stiff ...... Under the program eIJ)t!Cted to be: adopted Monday, two Hugbos Helicopters aln:ralt would be obtained undu a tu... · But it remained for George O'Brien's 73-foot ketch Mlr from Vancouver to give the Waikiki yachting fans their greatest thrill Monday. The btg ketch was dismasted less than 150 yards from the finish line when lhe took her fourth knockdown In the !Hnot guru. opUon plan, with thne pUots ttaln"1 !or "How are we going to pay for the good!" we're gdtlng now?" sald Ted. C. 'CHOPPERS' PARKED OUTS IDE, HESSIANS FILE INTO CHAPEL FOR LEADER'S FUNERAL 1 11 O'Brien waved _off powerboats who the IO-hour-per-day palrol. . .i1ii6ed to 'his aid an<t· tutn!d ~ yacllr -· -Citing statistics, Chief Neth uld l!llJOl' aiiiund and filli.shed backwards, propelled _crime a1nco 1JI$ lw risen 41 pet<tlll In by mizzens sailil. No one waa igjured in America, 55 ~t ~ C811forhll and Boloth. 286 Del Mar Ave., referring to · 'It's Wonderfu1,' ••id the ~lnl1t1r, 'That Whin •·Main Dl11 He H•• Thfs Meny Friends.' ~2U~8F.Jo°:t:'J~~~ond·~!:-~--.:..---·-'":_ ·---;--=-·=~-=---·~-=-.. ~---~L'l !::.'..;.~--' -----=----~.: the spectacular accident. only . 3t percent m COsta Meaa, 1tlll a O'Bt' .d M. k • d do formidable gain: 1e~ saJ ir was ~oc .. e wn Based 00 an esUmated 40 percent .three limes on the drive ~gh recovery factor in terms of atolen Fl> windswept Molokai ChanMI to the finish petty !ht, tnnd cost Costa Mesa cltluns .but that lhe rigging and sails survtvoo $500 OOo last year he uplalned with•a the fir·st three blasts. ' . • • "We noticed tbat the third Jcnockdown $570,000 projectioo .for next yet.r. lelt Ith "'S'' · ~... ast ._... TumJng to atlmated man.Power needs us w a curv~ m -m auu to keep pace, Chief Neth said, a fivt?year she simply could not w1lhs_tand the com· computation shows a ooo for men and pr~, w~ w~ wm bit by the nezt patrol can compared tO $&50,.io loi the gus~. _o Brt~ said. . . belicopl, a '15,000 reduction. -0 Brita satd damage to Mir, iDcludiog "U we _w...t evtn 00 the comervaUve the Jou ol thO ajick and c!am>ied .aalls • n •.-• amounted lO about $125,000. "But why cry side, we feel we ean aave tlll,000 In about. that be.re in Paradise," he qi.Upped. doUa:s IDli cents f2'" the people, besldea · P'oftowlng is the f.ini!b arder at ~a.Wal the pa~aa~, he aatd, reftrrtna to Yacht Harbor: · th.it loio. . . Windward Passage. Blatlilln:-' Mir,-Questtonlng the chlef, Couni;:URian St Pursutt, ~· Rasca~ Kamalii and Ctalr aakod U any other cljy .,.mperab!e Concerto. ' ' to CoN Meu'a 72,000 persons and ap- Larry Pringle'• 18-foot schooner Queen proximately 17 square miles ha• Mab was scheduled to llnl&h at 9:45 a.m. e1tabli5bed Its own ayatem. today with remnants of 1 blown 1pin-"I don't think~" Chlef Neth replied. Wet 1WJ traillnJ under the boat and but said today that Lakewood1 with 11 a.st.em. square mlle1, beun with t h r e e Ken De.Meuse, o w n e r-.skipper of hellcopten, now operaUng on a contract bulJ to cover flve nelpborlng cltlea of That Medical Aid Call Proves Jus t Tired Tric yclist Hunting an injured man seen lying beside the freeway, Costa Mesa Police Monday discovered instead a teenaged boy asleep alter his first leg of an as. mile tricycle trip to San Diego. A bandage on hu bead. mentioned by alarmed motorlsb who reported the zany journey as a medical aid call a.bout 9 11.m., turned out to be a sweat band to ketp pen:plration out of hl1 eyes. Police Officer Chuck Hamilton found the 17-year-old boy napping be.side his overai?.ed three-.wheeler on the San Diego Freeway about 100 yards north of Harbor Boulevard. Setting out from Huntington Beach, the sis-foot, four-in ch. 220 pound tricyclist wu reportedly stopped by the California Highway Patrol about 1 a.m. and ordered off the higb speed thoroughfare. uue apparenUy misunderstood and thought he just couldn't pedal at night," eiplained Cost1 Mesa Police Patrol Sgt. Gary Barwig after the detaiJJ were learn- ed. Officer Hamllti>n had not yet filed his report listing the youth's name, but said the 1ed wu en route to Sen Diego on the adult-du tricycle and had 1otten. off to an early start. "I wouldn't even ride one of tho3e th ings across the street," Sgt, Barwig marveied. Surf Builds Up All Along Coas t 'Mle surf's up a.nd it's ltttin& upper. Newport Belch lifeguards today kept a clo.o;e watch on a four-to--flve foot surf that wu still building at noon. Sevtn-footen were predicted f o r Wednesday. Weiuards wenned up for the tuk lhat may lla ahead by lishlng II •ndanaered swlmmua out o( a moder1te aurf ftton- day. RlpUdes, too. were be&innina lo prnve troublesome. "We'\.'t &ol some bad rips !rem lOth Stml -n to about 16th StrNt," eald a lllquard opo~eaman. · -Addlfte-W1C4"otlll pioblema_WL nw>11dfll-wuW1wr ternperatur.. lt wu an irmt.aillle 65 ~. the wannest all yw. Petftcl for awhnmlng -uctpt for rUlllg llllf and raclna rlp- lldn. r 35 equare miles. This was begwi alter the 1966-a Oi>era- tion Sky Knight program sponsored by the federal govemment and the Los Aflgeles County Sheriff's Office 1b0wed helicops can be effective. - SOLID SUPPORT The hearini Mood.ay drew solid suppart from several quarers, lncludln1 the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce, Mesa Verde Homeowners Association and one cf the Operation Sky Knight research pioneers. Paul Whisenand, of 2061 Mandarin Drive, Costa Mesa, ls an auociate pro-- feuor with the InsUtute for Police Studies, Dtpartment of Criminolo&}'', Cal State Long Beach. One of the C{rproducen of a federal evaluation of the original pilot program, Prof. Whisenand wae present when Sky Knight lawmen captured their first suspect, later convicted o( auto theft. "I see nothing to preclude us fro m doing il after looking Into the city budgrt and resources;" he said, adding that ether cities of the aame size are now planning flelicop systems . Various quulions raised led lawmen to say the Costa Mesa pttrol will ny at a minimum of 500 feet, with takeoffs 1et from police headquarters and out over empty, vacant land. PEOPLE OPINION This i! what a few people hid to say: •·we wholeheartedly endorse 1t," an- nounced Norm French, 2865 Stromboli Road, pres ident of the Mesa. Verde Homeowners Assoclalloo. "rm against ihe helicops for several reasons," said David Yarnell, 2584 Santa Ana Ave. "I have never seen the city put out $550,000 for young people." He said larger surrowiding citiu would borrow the helicop service, using an analogy of a neighbor with a bigger yard borrowing his power mower because it was new and did a better job. "Law enforcement ia the fir st thing ptopte want and the la1t uuna they want to pay for," declared Kenneth Gallagher. son of a veteran Miiwaukee policeman . l\frs. Neil Arms trong At Cape to See Launch ~EABROOK, Tex. (UPI) -Nell A. .. Armstro~'1 wife went to Ctpe Kennedy Mood.ay n ht to watch lht launch ol tht moon -land na mlulon Wednesday. Tht_ }fives Qt astronauta Edwin E. Aldrin aiif Michael Col(lna "'malned 1t home with their families. A apact aceney apokesman Indicated they probably would wat.ch the launch on televlalon at their homes. • ''Uke mlsc;ellaneous;" he aaid, "my wife would kill me if I cam home amf said I spent $50 on grocerieS and two fitth.8 of booi.e and S30 o n 'miscellaneous.' " FOR AND AGAINST "I'm both for and aga1nst helicopters," said Mra. George Watford Jr., who ex· plainoo lhat sunbelhlng-~ bl her College Park nelghborhG04 Is rather popular. -"My grown son ha.I a teleacope and lf he can eee pilots in the helicopters up there, tbeY can see-what's on the ground." "I wondu ll thia ia &•In& lo be a polic< patrol or a peep patrol," she oot1:tinutd, as the gallery burst into llughteT. "l'm not tryin1 to be funny," added lhr.... attractive blonde lfandmother. "Let me say In closing that I stand for it and J atlnd against.it," ahe conclllded. Realtor Jim Wood, the only Mesa Verde Homeowners A55oci1Uon director who voted against that group's pro- helicopter at.and. aaJd money ahould be diverted to programs for ~ulldlng people. Thia wooJd partially remove the ca"" of the problem the bellcops help prevent throogh a deterreiicy factor, he ex· plained. "We II\.uat deal with facts -not fan- tasJes.:... and act on the factual materials given tonight, not baseless objections," said Eugene Bergeron, 2.1185 Europa Drive. WALKING BEAT John Wakula, 648 Beach St., suggested returning some local lawmen to waJking a beat, so they could become acquainted with citizens, their children, their pro- blems and habits. "We aren't going to progreu by going backwards." sakl French, I.he f\.11?lla Verde area spokesman, returning to the podium. "Why not do away witb patrol cars?" Gordon Martin, vice president of the Costa h-fesa Chamber of Commerce, read a letter from the group's uecuUve com- mittee, saying the city cannot afford to be without a heUcop sy1tem. "I would like to drive home the fact that we are already committed to that $628,000," said Paul FOllter, 2529 Littleton Place, referring to prnjected cosu of earthbound law enforcement. "And I've done a lot nying.''lle said, addressing himself to the sunbathers' spokesman, "you can't see much from 500 leel." "I've had helicopters fly over and the pilots wave," $he replied. Newport Firm Wants to Restore Alcatraz Prison ~acco Corporation of Newport Beach wants to lease Alcatraz lsland and turn the famed former federa1 prison into a tourist attraction. Edwin Ettinger , a vice·presideni ol J\.iacco. tDld the San Francisco Board of Supervisors ~1onday that his firm is v.•ill· iog to spend $3.2 mllllon for a 10.year lcaat to restore lhe prison as a tourist at- traction. • "We would hope to be involved In the total redevelopment of the Wand," said Ettinger, addlni that sights for tourists of the rock·bound prsion would include the old fort, penal areas, and a vista or tho San Franct.co Bay. Macco's proposal was made. ln con· junctiOn with the Harbor Tug aid Barge Company of San Franci!CO, which w o u 1 d provide sightaeen with r e r r y service to and from Alcatraz. Ettinger said Macco's interim develop- ment plan would give the city cf San Francisco "an opportunity to acquire the island without any tax fund being ex· pended." The General Services Administration is offering Alcatraz to the city for $2 million. The former federal prison is now government surplus property . Macco Ccrporation baa land holdings throughout CaWorni.a. IlB property in- cludes commercial and industrial lands. ll will be aeveral montha before the ci· ty of San Francisco arrives at a decision on what to do with Alcatraz. It Is <Xlnsldertng several offers, in· eluding one m1de Monday by H. Lamar Hunt Jr., a Dallas Investor. Hunt who owra the Kansas City Cheirs footb&ii team, did not dlscu55 his plans e1cept lo say that they would "have no pollclcaJ impllcaUons" and would be done on a long term basis. He denied he ever considered building a Statue of Liberty on the San Francisco Bay Island or a "freedom tower." After promising to make 1 firm ~ posal within a fortnight, he 1ald the i1land presents "a real opportunHy to be an oulltanding supplemtnt to what Is an out.standing city." President Won't Bend On Controv ersial ABM WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pmident Nison told RepubUc•n concresaJonal leaden today be would not comPromise on h11 proJIOSal to deploy ln anUballlstic missile (ABM) system. Senate GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen told reporters at the Capitol f0Uowi111 the White House meeting that the chief ex· ecuUve wu "very firm" ln rt1Jtcllng con· slderaUon of a!Q1 compromise. "He uld thtrt ls no compromise /' Olrk1en said, adding that Nixon wu 1Ull confident the 1dmlnlJtraUon has the Senate ~otea to approve •uthorlzatlon ol funds for the Safeguard system. Senate Democratic ~ader M I k e M~lleld, an ABM loe gald. when told ol Nlson '• pooltion, "That's all rtchl : n'll . just have lo do our belt and see wtiat comet out ." Dirksen said the ABM debate ml&ftt run "for a con1lderable time" and added. ~ .... ''I'm confident we·re 1oing to prevail.'' House GOP leader Gerald R. Ford said there was "certainly no need for oom· prom.lie" on the House 1ide on the ABM issue. "The Presldent'a program wilt be approvtcl in the House wttlt no deviation from it," he said. The new AIU&nce for Labor Action, fanned by the United Auto Workers Union and the Teamstera Union, wrote: all senators uralne they vote aglinst ABM deployment. 1 UAW Pre1\dent Waller P. Reuther and Aeling TeafJ\lltr President Frank E. F'lluilmmona aaid, "Deployment of the ABM ... wUl ttsult In escalatlon of the nuclear atm1 race and will put In jeopardy the dtUcat. and dlllklllt netoUatlons we ire about to undertake to red"uce I.he le\ltl of the nuclear ~ race." ' ' Hessian 8nried Funeral Draws 300 Cyclists, Police By TERRY COVILi.Ji: Of ~ 0.11'" Plllt SI.ti Troubli was predlcled, but It didn't come as 300 Hessian· ·motorcyclists and frie nds buried their leader Thursday afternoon in orderly funeral services at \Vestminster Memorial Park. Marvin currier, ff. Garden Grove, was elected president or the Hessians only" two months ago, said his friends, dressed in black; sleeveless vtSb witb skulls drawn on the back. currier died July 6 near Indio In a traf- fic accident as about 40 Hessians return· cd fropt a trip to the Colorado River. "A dirty •.• trucker puahed him off the road," said one Hessian. angrily claiming it Wat hit and run. "He even tried to 1et more of us." Nearly 100 .choppers ( 1 J t e r e d motorcycles) trailed :he hearse in a col· umn of twos u the processlon left the chapel lo take CUrrter to bls lfl.Ve in ttle cemetery. California Highway Patrolmen were reportedly an tbe alert to head off any at- tempts by the rivaJ Hell'1 Angela to at· UCI Faculty Protest Fees For Parking UC Irvine and eight other UC cam· pusea are being "stubborn ae a mule" about parkJ.nc fees their employes must pay. At least that's what the members of the California State Employers Associa- tion think and they protested those fees at UCI today. Members of CSEA fetl the $36 annual parking fee at UCI is out of line. It wa.s rai.!led from 124 recenUy. "Parking hes are an unfair t11 on employment -the price a unlvenlty employe must pay in order to mslntatn his job," said Rob Allen, coordinator for CSEA chapters on UC camp1.1.11e1. L. E. Cos, vice chanctttor, business and finance at UCJ, deferx!ed the fees . "The '3f • year paid by all atudents and employes of UCI goes Into a fund.to build new parking kits and pay for the Jots already emt.lng. "We have to run our own parking pro- gram because the state doesn't provide funds for these faclllliea," Cox relal!d. The vice cbanceUor allo sald be felt the protest was pointless. "I'm a Httle surprised they (CSEA) protested here - we can't do anyUUn1 about it -lt'1 1 state policy. Tbey lbould be protutlng 1t the State level: .. -· Countered CSEA spokesman Ralph Nett: "At Trvlne, university employes must drive to work as bUI aervice. from surrounding communities ii inadequate. "It Is Ironic that a young campus with acre• of open grgund mu1t even force \llsitor1 to f~ p1rkln1 metus, ''be uid. CSEA clauns more then 1,000 members on UC campuses statewide, Including 61 In the UC! chapter. They are protuUn1 the annual parking fll!J on all camp.a1t1, rangln1 from 121 at UC Rivenlde to ttb at the UC Medical Cem.er San Fr1ncleco. The university Is clearly out of llep. ac<ordina to All<n. "A majority ol universltlu and Collqes tn the n•tlon and 85 percent of prlvatti buslne11e1 provide free 1>1rk!n1 for the empleye.s." be said. tend the funeral. Rumors had apread that the two "ouUaw" motorcycle clubs were spoiling lot a fight and the "Ange)I" might try to break up the funeral . But ceremonies were quiet and the only excited individuals were ~ spedators. drawn to the cemetery by the collection of motorcycles and wildly clothed mourners. "They're extremely Joyal to their ()Wtl PfOple, '' commented Rev. J o b 1 MitcLaUghlln, who ha D d I e d Iha ceremonies and serves at t h e Garden Grove Presbtyerian Chureh. The Rev. MacLaugblin didn't follow lhe book Wring the ceremony. "It wouldo 't have meant much to them," he Said. "Instead I told them It's wonderful that when a man dies he hat this many friend!:." Currier's friends included members of the Heslians and representativea from motorcycle clubs of four other states. Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. They bOre club names like "Nuggets,• "Nomads," and "Hangmen." Currier's survivors Include his1wife, VI· vian, three sons and two daughten rang· ing In ages from seven to 19. After the 1ervlces the 1roups spilt up w i t h SGtlle heading to a beer bu 1 t in Garden Grove and a group of about 50 spinning their wheela for Huntington Beach . Pollce in both cities took nonnal precautions, worried that once lhe drtn)t.. ing ll.arted, fighting would soon follow - but nothing major happened. ln Huntington Beach, the police talked to the Hessians and finally closed the Fireside Bar on Pacific Coast Hlgbwa7 because it was overcrowded. Police kept watch as the Hessians filed out of town, dlsgrunUed but peaceful. Two or three arrests involvlni drunk charges were made in HunUngton Beach, but no major incidents occurred. 1aid police. DAii i PllOT OAANIJ& COU1 PUil lltflNe CCIMPAN't ••Ml'f N. W•9' '"""...., ......... Jt cll I . C.tf.y ~-,,...,... ... o..• ......, rtt.111.-. r ..... i1 . ... Tll•11111 ;... M•rpliifR• ~l!~IW c ......... 0....., llO W1~1 ltJ St r"t Mt lllllf ......... r.o .••• IJM,t t••• --..._.,....,.,, tt1r ""-' .. _ .......,. ... _ h«n: m ,_., •-"""""'*' h9d\: -Jiii"""" -----------~"------------------------------- ll I -• !\ I I I I l ' • • I • ' '· • I· 1· p n ~ n d - " •• ,, 1k h. Id -~~~~~~~~~~~---~~-~~~~-~~..,-~~~~~~~-~.-----~-~~~~-~---~---· -----~------------- • • Burri~ Pits Said Menace; Steps Due Owners of the controversial BWTis Sand Pit alongside the Santa Ana River · near Anaheim must take steps to prevent a recurrence ot "dtngerous conditions prior to 1970-71." !he county Grading Board of Appeals ruled Monday, The ·board bas held four sesslOt'IJ over the past several weekJ to determine if, as charged by County Building and Safety "Department Director Floyd G. McLellan, Jr., the pits are a menace to life and pr~ perty and that corrective steps are necessary. f McLellan now has the power to enforce ~he board's ruling by filing complaints. through the districl attorney. Water from_ the winter's storms had seeped through· lhe river levee and the north end of the sand and gravel excavations, causing steep slopes to crumble and fall away. Water in the pit rose beyond the 50-foot level and the pit inched toward the sur· rounding more than 400 homes. When Lhe situation b e c a m e "dangerous" pumping and filling action was taken by the county at a cost of more than $200,000. Mrs. Marjorie Townsend, operator ()f the sand and gravel pit and the pit pr~ pcrty owners, appealed McLellan's ruling to lhe Grading Board. She contended the pit problem stems from Orange County Water District's percolation project in the River bed near her operation. The Grading board did express concern over the water percolation. Sand pits at,e Jocatcd on the west side of the river between BaU Rd. and South St. "In our opinion," the board ruled, "the most critical area of increasing concern -other than the occurrence of a destruc- tive earthquake -deals with a renewed intrusion of water into the pit, reil;ardless High Livin' -- of thOtfanne'r~or nfetnoa fl'Oln Whiclfit1S • - derived. Maryann Mace, 6, \Vest Orange, N.J ., is flanked by playmates she entertains in style in ·treehouse that's Lard-to top. Its. features in· cTiKfe 3ir "Conditionirig;-wall-to-waU carpet, color television, a stereo record player and other ni ceties. "We feel that the most critical area o[ concern is the Weakening of the Santa Ana River levee during flood conditions and/or waler spreading operations. Our second area or concern is the possible damage to private property and streets along the west and north boundaries o[ the pits. The decision of the Peard concluded ad- ministrative proceedings on the problem from the county standpoint. Two steps lre open to the appellates, however. They can seek a Superior Court order to compel the appeals board to rescind or reconsider its action, or they can rue a suit against the county flood control di.strict and the Orange County Water DlstrlcL Mrs. Townsend bas indicated she might follow the latter course in filing $19.S million wort.h of clalllu against the coun- ty in the two districts. 4 Cities Near Joint Polvers Fire Agreement A joint powers fire protection agree- ment for four cities cleartd its first hur- dle lt1onday night with Huntington Beach City Council approval The plan wou1ci utilize a consolidated communications system to best deploy fire-fighting manpower and equipment in protection of Fountain Valley, Seal Beach, Westminster and Huntington Beach, the core city. The agreement will go to the three other cities now for council blessing. Fire Chief Ray Picard said he hopes to see the system implemented well before the Oct. 1 rating by Pacific Fire Underwrilers that could favorably affect fire insurance rates. Th e plan would be admnistered by liuntington Beach, the fire chief said. He said thls agreement would cover opera- tion. Picard suggested that a later second agreement c o u I d cover new physical facilities. Schmitz Sex Education Bill Clears Committee- SACRAMENTO (IJl'O - A senal,. passed bill allowing parents to decide whether their children will receive sex Cjlucation at school moved to the Assembly Door today. The measure by Sen. John G. Schmitz ·(R-Tustin), cleared the Assembly F.duca- tion Committee Monday on a split voice vote. One Democrat, Assemblywoman fi.1arch Fong, Oakland, and s i x Republicans voted for il. The bill would permit parents to remove their children from sex education or family life classes by making a re- quest in writing to a teacher. Under the measure. any teacher caught in~tructing an exempted child could have his or her teaching credential revoked or suspended. Ho~ver, this differed from the Senate version of the proposa l, which would have made a teacher liable to a misdemeanor for the same offense. "It'll be a significant safeguard for those parents concerned abOut sex educa - tion," Schmitz said. He said school Westmi nster School s Set for Conference Three representatives from t h e Westminster Elemenlary School Dis!rict have been selected as delegates to the 43rd annual conference of the California School Employes Associalion, July 28 to Auit. 1 in San Diego. Delegates are: Andy Clark, 133{12 l-loover Street, Westminster, Gardener; William Smith, 15931 Purtain Circle, Hun- tington Beach, Custodian ; and Mary Jo Bryant, 5832 Va 11 e c It B Drive, Westminste r, Multilith Operator. dlstticls who ·start sex -education courses will be prevented by the bill "from golng wild ." Wrong-way Car Driver Said Under Alcohol The dri ver_or a wrong.way car which collided head on into another on the Santa Ana Freeway July 6 killing six .persons was under the inOuence of alcohol at the time of the crash. James Bicker. coroners investigator, · said today that Moyses Cruz Garcia, 36, of Ensenada, Mexico had a blood alcohol count of .2.f. A reading of .15 is con- sidered 11nder the influence by state law. Killed in the crash. worst Jn county history, were four El Toro Marines, Garcia and his passenger, Augustine M. Cineros, 32, Placentia. California Highway Patrol officers said Garcia entered the Santa Ana Freeway from the 17th Street ex it ramp and tg. nored a warni ng to stop by Sheriff's deputies Robert Romaine and Andy Romero, who· were southbound on the freeway at the time. Garcia , the deputi es said, swerved his car post the patrol vehicle and into the auto carrying five marines. · Lone survivor of t h e collision w a s Corporal Jienry M. Herbert, 20, of Arcadia, Fla. He is listed in saUsfactory condition today at Santa Ana Com:munity Hospital. UPI T""°'"" Statnp Donors Moon Landing ~farklng Amerfca's firs! mall run to the !noon, an engraved master stamp die and a special "moon letter" will accompany astronauts Wednesday on their way lo lunar landing. The die will be used to prcxfuce airmau-comrnmnorattve stamp and Will ~ \1 ~ be half again as large as usual. The "moon letter" w~ll bear a-die proof of the stamp and will be hand- cancelled by the astronauts with a post.mark read- 1ng "Moon Landing USA, July 204 196.9." I / I T-y. Jur,'15. 1969 DAllV PILOT County . Va 1 l atio~ Up Question Remains If Property Taxes to Drop Al& predlj:led, valuations ol tauble property Jll. O!'lnl<• CouDIY. climbed to $1S.$ bilUon for 1ta-79;-bui tt-'s stW an open questk>n today if the ldded values will reduce propen'y tu: rates. County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw had predicted the vaJuatioo boosts lwo -U ago and Mooday releesed the final assessment figures. Himhaw repcrted an assessed value ~ p ,7.1 billion, an increase of $.m.5 million or 11.9 percent over la.st year's comparable figure ol $2.9 blllioo. 'file ........, said !he liguttS allow for a reduction ~ $43 milUOn · ln aS5t5Sed value ol household pononel J>l"O!)erty ., dictated by PropostUon IA, die j>niperty tax relief measure approved by the state's voters last November. Whether the surpris!ng incre..,se in assessed vaJuaUon wlll mean a reductk>n in the tu rate of the counfy and ol aev· eral <f9zen other taxing agepcies remains to l>e seen. As to the county rate, currenUy $1.68, Jim Harrington of the County Adminis- trative Of'fJce staff, said today, "We can 't be certain at thls time but tt Is very possible the tax rate can be re- duced." He aaid a final decision probably will n« be made untU July 25 when super- visors conclude a week-loog series of public hearings on the county's pro- Valley Apartment Building Shows Sl1arp Increase ' Apartment building in Fountain Valley has recenUy taken a s h a r p in- crease. "S l n c e May," said City Manager J:l.mes Neal, "the planning-departmen~ has approved 2,456 apartpl.Cnls. Largest development is planned by Republic homes with more than 1,000 units." Republic's development is slated ror construcUon on a 50-acre site east of Brookhurst Street and · south of Warner Avenue, continue. Neal's report. Other apartment developtneDts In the planning stages include 170 units by George Holstein, 440 units by William Lyons, 128 unita by Covington Brothers, 20 units by Rose and Auociates, 176 units by Amel Development Co., and 250 units by PBS Corp. Most ol the aparttuent·construct.lon lies within-the city's city center area bounded · by Brookhurst and Ward Streets and Warner and Slater Avenues, explains Neal. peeed 1169.f mlllion budget !or 1169-70. "Hinshaw'• figures do DO( tne1n ex- actly the same thing as our ngures," Harrington exPJalned. "We allow a 4 ~ delinquency factor, for lmtance. ' He added lhat any Increases the JUpervison might make in the proposed budget would also be a determining factor on the county tax rate. ,. Hinshaw atributed the 11.9 percent assessment jump, which Compares with an 8.1 percent. increase recorded in 1968- 69 over the previous yeu, to several !actors: They lll'f:: lncnase In new construe· lion, pan1cularly in the 110Uthern part of the county: a continuing st1,1dy of escaped ~sment.s by business nuns (some deliberate ~d some honest errors); a dramatlajdcrease of about 35 percent in equipme nt ·and Inventory assessments, and a revaluation of com· mercial and Industrial properties as well as transitional land. . Tiny San Juan Capistrano led all Orange CO&!t cities in percentage In- crease of assessed valutlon with J8.8 percent. Following were Newport Beach, 18.l; Fountain Valley, 13.8; Westmin· st.er, 12.I; Huntington Beach, 9.8; Seal Beach, 8.4; Costa Mesa, 7.4; Laguna Beach, 6.4, and San Clemente, 5.4. The ltnl!I and newly-lllCOl'J)Ol'lted community cl. Villa hrk led alJ other• with 11.7 ~and Stantoo wu at the bottom ol lbe Ji.I al U . I~ elementary school dlstrlclt, San Joaquin led with a whoppJ.ng 28.1 percent increase , Following were Ocean Vie" {HuntingtOn Besch), 11.S percent: Foun- taln Valley, 10.7; West.minster. 7.Z; Huntlng\.on Beach, 5. 7, and Seal Beach, minus .2. Saddleback led junior college dbtricta with an increase of 21.8 percent. Santa Ana followed wilh 12.3; North Orange, 9.6 and Orange Coast trailed with 8.6. Capistrano tOpped all coastal unified school dlstricts with 13.7 p(:reent !l)o l'f'ease. Following were Newport.Mesa, 10.2, and baguna Beach, 4.9. Of the non-unllied high school district!, Huntington Beach ranked at the bottom with 7.3 percent. Tustln led with 21.6 peTCent. Hinshaw cautioned that all.hough the city assesSed value figures and those for the county u a whole were adjusted for the las; of levies on household personal propetjy, thi5 was not t'rue ol the , school dlrtrlcts. He said this was because of hls of- fice's coding system which placed each entire city in a s.Uigle code but school districts in many Instances cover 1ev- eral citifl!I with vaJ"Yini codes. County Gives Tentative Approval to Metroport The nation's first such aircraft facilily posed to establishment of the metroport -the Ailahetni· Stadium P.1elroport -are not entirely soothed. · was given tentative approval by the Planners suggest· rhese restriction~: Anaheim PlanrUng €ommisslorf )donda)"·---....:Noise-levels-of all 2trCraft thing oft- ·after a ~minute public hearing. will De Illnited tB 100 decibel1 .--unit.a of Clti.zens oot allowed .to speak during the sound measurement -based on cur~ session are expected tB show up July 28 rently accepted standards of measuring. when the conditional use permit required -Only daylight (lights will be allowed. to establish the SS-acre facility comes up tor final acUon. -No freight handling facilities will be allBwed, except those required for passenger luggage -unless this llmita· tion is eliminated by a city attorney rut.-. ing that It violates zoning laws -because the Metroport will be in an industri.aJ zone. Orange City Attorney Funnan Roberts has warned that if the Anaheim City Council approves the Metroport concept it will resull ln lengthy ,court litigation. Unanimous approval came at the plan- nlng commission level Monday after 1 v, hours of discU&Sion, ln which several ma- jor restrictions were placed on the pro- ject. Despite the fact they are engineered to cut down the citizen c o rn pl a ln ta originatlng from airports. l'Mldenll op- -All so-called pure·jet aircraft will be ~Med, _ -Notices of any propoSed e:rpanslon or - other ~nges lo tbe operation UUJlt bfi malled to citizen groups in Anahe im and neighboring Orange Jf and when bearln.p are scheduled. . The reasonyoit're not reading this is because you alrea<ly know we have morning, mid-day and evening jets going to Phoenix. ' The reason you're not readinr thiils because you already know we have new Super DC-9's with more leg room for all pasaengers to make your trip more conifortable. So instead of rooding any of this, just call your Travel-Agent or Air West and go. &:..ur..... ....._ • • rl' ..,,...,_a1111:wutaowo11 •ne,. ' ' • ~J -------~---~--::------.,..----;-::..,...,,,-----.,.------=.-----------~------• I· I 4 DAILY "1.0f -· Wben Wllll•m E. Fuhr of Wax-• ahachle, Tex., returned to his park· ed car Friday and found his sam·. pie case, filled with 64 sboes, missing, he at least had some cor>- solalion that the thief would have trouble putting them to use. All 64 were size n>, C and for the riibt foot. • Massachusetts National Guards. men have a new complication add· ed. to their summer camp training bivouac at Camp Drum, N.Y. ''These bugs are as big as bullets this year, 11 one sergeant said. 4'Tbe government wasn't allowed to use DDT.'' • Whtn. the Occidtntal Life In· nirance Co, computtr ln Pitts· burg mtds iome i71formatton, it placer a telephone call to a biggtt computf'r in the Los An- gel.ti office. The telephone rings in Los Angeles, a man lifts. the receiver off the hook and thn piuh.ts a button on tM computtr. Only thtn con the convermtiun. begi.U. I . Til0"'1, Ju~ 15, 1'169 'People's Park'· Stormed by Moh BERKELEY (AP) -Nearly 1,000 youths, some armed with wire cutters bidden In Joavu ol hr.ad, stormed the '"People's Park" they once held and cut gapin& holes in the surrounding eJght- lool-bigh chain link feoce. Rocks and tear gas filled the air during hit.run clashes between police and demonstrators throughout Monday af. ternoon. '.lbere were at least 37 arrests and eight persons including a p o I i c e lieutenant and three newsmen were hi· jured, none seriously. Some of the demonstrators we:-e students from nearly University of California, which fenced the property May 15 to prevent its continued unauthorized use as a park. But most of those in Monday's battling were so-called "street people.'' At the outset about SO Berkeley city policemen trying to protect the fence were hit with rocks, bottles and even cherry bomb firecrackers. B e f or e hos,tilitles taR'fed off, reinforcements from the California Highway Patrol and the Alameda County sheriff's office rais- ed the law enforcement's troops to about 138. Since a big Memorial Day parade slx wet>ka ago, 1he furor over "People's Park" had al:lated and the university went ahead with its plans to make the property a parking lot. Bulldozers recently cleared away re m a l n I n g children's playground areas the street people bad set up. Last week, however, militants began publicizing plan:; for an assault on the fence to coincide With the celebration of Bastille Day, the l80th anniversary of the start of lhe French Rev~lulion. Mike Delacour, one of the "People's .Park" organizers, said of the demonstra- tion: "When they began shooting last May, they scared a lot of people off the streeu. We had to get back in the streets to show them we were still going to demonstrate.'' When the feoce went up May 15, a riot broke out in which 130 persoru: were in- jured and one man killed. Police used shotguns loaded with birdshot and some buckshot to restore order. In two"weeks of disorder that followed, more than 2,000 r.;atiooal Guard troops were deployed in the city. About 900 persons were arrested. DEMONSTRATORS CUT GAPING HOLES IN NEW 'PEOPLE'S PARK' CLASH MONDAY Youtht Who Stormed th• Berkeley Troublespot Called It a Bastille Day Assault El Salvador, Moon Not Hungry 4 Choppers Lost Honduras War ... N~~t~ Viets lmide DMZ Stepped Up Abernathy Leads Prof.est of S~t CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The Rev. --J-ph Bu~; 47, Of _Trave.--c~'Sftelt A1li~7l -Ofitp-osts send, England lias advertised 1n his local paper for a wile. Candi· UnHtd Press International Ralph D. Abernathy, leading a group of 15 Negroes on a tour of this spaceport, declared today that America must try as HondW"iranoounced t~"lilimW-tar·-hard tG wipe ou\ htmgtr6i1'""fattlr-as'it ried out widespread air _raids on has to put a man on the moon. neighboring El Salvador today in retalia-"What we can do for space and ex· JI• said, however, that $3.1 billion bad &iee.n spent to put men on the moon and this mOney could have been better apent eliminaUng huiiger. --•AbeJ'.!1"'11!'-..;~ would. hold 'pro- test demonstrations ·at ~entrance sate to the spaceport, ~ mass meeting and probably a march tOnight at nearbf. Cocoa.. Then, he. said, the demonstrators wou1d return~ the gate for an "all-night dates must he left·handed. Blish· nell, a soutbpaW, said ~·1ett handed people are looked on as outcasts. Any wife of mine must know exact- ly how it feels." ·-. While dad conctrns himself with Apollo 11 buainess, astronaut's Ed- win E. Aldrin's childTen concern the.fnselvts with more earthl~ mat· ters. Michael and Janice prepare io ... •·i au n ch" bicycle afkr· repairing punctured tire. • Five Salisbury, England students who played badminton non-stop for 1'8 hours have claimed a world record. • When two cars collided· at an interSection in Turin, Italy their drivers leaped out, began arguing and squared off to fight. Bystand· ers separated them and suggested they exchange insurance informa- tion. The men looked at each other's docwnents, then fell into an embrace. They were brothers separated during World War Tl who had not seen each other for 28 years. SAIGON CAP) -North Vietnamese - guMert1 shelled allied outposts from within the demilitarized zone four times Monday and _made four other rocket at- tacks that could have come from inside the DMZ, the U.S. Command reported to- day. The command said a total ol 35 rockets and mortars were fired. It was the first a.helling reported from inside the buffer zone aince last Wednesday. The U.S. command also reporfed the loss of four more U.S. Anny helicopters, two t.o enemy IUllllets and two Ulat col- Republicans Push To Extend Surtax WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -Republican coogressional leaders said today after a two-hour session. with President Nixon it was imperative thal the income surtax extension be passed by Congress before its summer recess. Senate GOP leader Ever ett M. Dirksen and House leader Gerald R. Ford said ac- tion on the surtax should not have to wait for tax reform Jegislalion. "The surtax is the No. J order o[ business and we've got to get this con- summated if at all possible before the recess," Dlrksen said after the meeting. '.l1ie ,...... s1artt Aua. 13 • Ford said, "Under no circumstances should the 1Jroblem of reform deter af· flrmaUve acUon -lnd l don't think it will -from the surtax measure.'' Egypt Drops Plans For India Jet Project ROME (UPI) -Egypt has quietly dropped plans to develop a supersonic jet fighter in conjllflCtion with India because the project is becoming too costly, in· formed Asian diplomats said today. The two countries in 1964 signed an agreement to develop a needle-nosed in· terceptor called HA300 which would ny at mach 2.2 -2.2 Umes the speed or sound. Uon for an El Salvador invasion it said was as treacherous 85 Japan's attack on ptoration We' demand that we do for Tided while maneuvering to avoid enemy h d f h Pearl Harbor. It also accused El starving people," the ea o t e fir;~ur Americans were killed and three Salvador of bombing nine of its towns. Southern Christian Leadership C:On- wounded in the aerial collision late Mon-A Honduran war communique also ference {SCLC) stated. day 34 miles north of Saigon. Two South reported a Honduran Corsair drove off a His party, comprised primarlly of Vietnamese were killed and three Salvadorean P51 Mustang which was children, carried signs reading "Billions Americana were wounded in one of the bombing the airport at Tegucigalpa and for Space, Pennies for H u n g e r ' • • other crasllei. shot it down in flames in a dogfight a "Rockets or Rickets," and "Moonshots One of the helicopters was destroyed mile outside the city. Breed Malnutrition.'' prayer vigil.,, • 2 ESCAPE EAST INSIDE A COW when a South Vietnamese soldier The Honduran communique broadcast George N. Friedrich, tour director at de~ted an ~my mine. as be leaped over the national radio network said the the John F. Kennedy Space Center, met BERLIN (UPI) -Easr GemiailbOrifi?r off it near Tay Ninh. rrlornii:lg's "repr!Sal raids" on El the Negroes at the moonport's welcome The U.S. Command said this raised the Salvador were directed against the In-center and started them on a tour of ex-guards unwittingly permitted two total of helicopters lost in the war to ternational Airport at San Salvador, La hibits and a showing of a space movie. refugees to enter West Germany In the 2,850. Union, Cutuco and Acajutla. The co~-He said that Wednesday's manned moon body of a stuffed cow, a West Berlin munique claimed destruction of 011 newspaper reported today. A command spokesman said that depots and refinery installations at landing mission "is probably the biggest "slltprislhglf' none o( the shelling near Cutuco. event in the hlstor:y of the world." · According-to tbe newspaper B.Z., 'the the DMZ caused any casualties or The morning attacks followed Hun· Abernathy agreed that space shot was cow was used ln separate episodes to car· material damage. The targets included a duran reports of Salvadorean infiltration "man's noblest venture" and added that ry a 30-year-old man to West Berlin and a South Vietnamese infantry outpost near across the border at El Poy. as well as he was "profoundly moved by the 08• 22-year-old woman to West Germany. Gio Linh, a U.S. Marine position four down me Pan American Highway. tion's achievements in space and the The newspaper said the refugees hld in- miles southeast ol Con 'Thien, another El Salvador claimed its forces were heroism of the three men embarking for side the cow, which was put inside a Marine post near Con Thien, and three acting in self defense. the moon." I crate that was placed aboard a truck. other allied bases in that area. 1...::=::::..:::_.:::_.:::_.:::_.:::_ _____________ :::___.J_c_ __________ ;;_ _______ _ A U.S. spokesman said the command had "no indication" that the last four at- tacks came from within the DMZ but ad- ded that "all of the targets certainly were within range" of the zone. Allied artillery fire was directed against the firing positions in the DMZ, lhe spokesman said, but the results were not known. . Nerve Gas Plan Hit by Solon WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Army is planning to re!trlfle product.ion of nerve gas after a layoff o( "several years" and has chosen a plant in Newpdrt, Ind., Rep. Richard D. McCarthy (D-N.Y.), said to- day. McCarthy's assertion was contained in a Jetter to Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird in which he demanded to know why the Pentagon was taking such a step. McCarthy said resumption or pro- duction seemed inconsistent with Presi- dent Nixon's recent directive for a govemment·wide review of the U.S. chemical and biological warfare prG- gram. LOOI( M11i1S, WILMA. OUR LOCAl- 0!.DS DEALER SAYS WE CAN GET A NEW OLDS AT REN..CI BIG SllVINGS l<IGHT NOW. ~I --1 Humidity Melts Eastern U·S. Nt::E, HEl<BERr, \/El<'{ NICE. NOW DO you 1HINIC WE CAN GEr 1HE FAN FIXED? Area Sweating Out First Sticky W eatlier of Season Calllort1la 5ou!Mm C.llftlirnle Wll mot!IY ftlr too.r w1m low clOl.Jd1 or '°' 11ttt ~ ai-11 111 .._nlntl llOl.ll'l. n wet 1Ut1111Y WI"'""' lfli,tod. LOI Al!telel tnd vidnllv Nd ,..,, s.unM>iN w11h low d<>Udl f)lf '"' "''' -c.oetl 111 !he mornll'>f. f"-h'9h tcdl¥ -ts. mre. ""'"' 11w:rvt Mcw!dllV'I -~. T"9 Air Poll\tllo<I C0t1trol Dlstrld MW t:l\ftt Wff lllht ti-In tht L05 ,,_.., a.1111, 8..0. ~ ll'IOlflY tuMV 1flli' • ITIOl"lll.,. bltl'lk" II low clou1h. T"" fllft Mf'e -· 13 Willi Wllff ,,_ '"''"'"" ... ,.... ''· Mollftllfl1'4 -· 11./l'lllY wllll 11111- -· • ti ..-fl. Oel>ttft -"'""" wlllt flltflol '- "'"" tot "' -.... """ •rid • bl)t. IMlflt llt In "-lfW9r •tlll!y.. SOUTM!fl:N CALll'Ol:M!A -Molflv 111r llllWllll w.,."°'' bu! fat or 10W cloo.lft _, t1M1 co.11 1111M •nif HrlY ITICll'lll"' lloun. $Utl!!ly W•f'fl'ler moot lnltM '""'' l~r. LOS ANGELES AREA~.... clouds • .,,.. Hfd!Y ..,. ..... """"' ..... "'"' rt'ICl!'l'l!lt lloun IMll lltrv WNl'll"" ll'IO'' -of T\IHCler UICI' w.Jllftelar, Hltll T- 4-r -tl, COASTAL VAlLIYI -MolltY fl!r """"""' w-....., wt!!! Ntv Wflll!lne Wiii wn tMfl Ioctl loll " 111w cloulk '-""'°""' '-" """'' """ •M'IY """"""" frloln, Hltttl TUl!MltY ,., tf M. Coutai Low cl•Mh 111'1111 11 ,.,m~ ~ tun.,... Wlnd1 westwty 10 to. II k!'IOIL Hlf.'I tad•Y 11. Vfl!t1dey'1 ~llUrt rll'IMd ,,....,, I 11'911 ol U lo 71. lni.nd 1-r.IU,.. rll'IM wts U .to M. W1tw femptrtt'Vnl '1 -.rea. Sun, Moon. Tides TUllOA't Fll'Jt t-... ,, ......... •rOQ J.tl'I, 2.1 f'ln1 1119f1 IG:l2 J.m. S.t -WlDNUDAY l'lot low ............... S:JO '·"'· t.• ll.S. Summar11 A "-""" tomt>!Mllon of !!Ml •1111 humidity wll!l:ll mucll ot '"" eesl1rn 111rr °' tti. "11\ol' tw.o~. Lil1!e fff!Y rf'llf'f w11 lndlu!l'CI fOl' nort!>ern ..-vlom •-!11>11 out flltlr fi'11 lffllt 11' 1!1Ur -"'" lhfl at• Mlfl, or fw Ille s.o..111. Mildl 1'1411 '""'~ tor ~ """ "''" Wl!fk1 111 l!'fl'llltf'&ll.ll'ft If\ ""'" 'kb or 1119'•~•. Vloltnl lf\ul\Otrnonr,. _ _. ,,.,.., 11\t f<torltltm l"i.olns Mondi¥ ftltlll 1llCI ,.._.., l'Ortlom !It IM 0.k.,.I trod Ml-.a+1 With 1111111 Wll\d'$. lie....., r1rn 1"'9 111!1. Temperatures A!Je.,ta l!.tkeril~d 8 ltm1rcit '"~ !li'l1Wn1¥ili. C~!< Cll!Cl11nel1 ""'~' DH ....,_ """"' F1l"'9'111e ,.,, w .... •m~ ...... Honolulu K1>tw1 (Hy • t., ... ".~ lM AO\fe!K Mltml Ml.._UJ N.w Orie.PIS N~ Ycirt;_ C11.11110rN cttv ....... "•Im ll>rlllb Pl\ot<'\1~ l"l"1b1trlll!I P~l61'1d R11>!11 Cttr 1411111 ltW f"l'M. " " tl 1J l~ n " " ~ " " " tr 71 77 71 N " •a s. .11 .. " U N " ~ l~ n ioo ts " " N ~ " ~ lftt 1S ~ " .. 75 .11 89 T1 .DI M 11 ..M " .. "' n .. " l~t 11 lOll I I .. ,, " ~ ... a2 M 1 1)1 1 -·} ~~-If ... """t l 1 •f .. v'I ~ ... f.~·~ _ ... f. -ttilTlltMt!O!An VAll!'VS -Fth> 0 ____ .,-.,.:;;· ...........,, Cofltlftuef W•rlft ... ...~ .......... MOUHlAIN AlllAS -l"•lr t1nW1t ~'' ~~ .,.,_,. TWNtr. l'lr.T 11191'1 .............. 17!12 t .IT'I. ),f ~ '-............. t :ali '·"'· t.I kOOllll tH,lt ............ .,lt:• ''""' ,,, N"rTr 4 I~ of r1ln -.rl'Wd lflh:> !flt M~1 tommunl!y of Hl11..,.0. -miown ~ l"11'W ....r G""""' FCW'b •'-IM "1111111 ti.klll<I llM. ot.Jmwt l l!'Khtt -klld f'•r90 11'! 1M "rr-o.""" "°"'"- ·-~·-'• --S.lt ldt' (11'r S.n D~ .. " N ~ " ..-.. II ,1 .... ttilTll:IOft AAO DUl!l:f" ftlGtoHI _,.If' ~ W"°"'911n', A 11"11 ~ ~ wllll llllflt 9' '9 IOI -r· ,. ...... ,, .. ,.. ':"Im. S.. fl:.._ f :P '·""· ltrh t :M '·"'· MM!! .,. 6111 '·"'· .... f !1' •·'"· fllllt L .. t O. l'W Q. Ntw JUIY tt A111. S J\111 22 A<tt. lJ Wind' U11 10 10 f'lllf\ 1n '*'' Jl<ll,l,i!'!-d HUl'Qft 1,0,. Cl~rlflt I llffVY Thu'\Clir•form. ' hft Pr11oc:l1C:O $1ottti. $°""-•"-T~rm.I W1)hlno~ 11 &1 T5 •3 ·~ . ~ " . I ' STOb T8Xi Plane Kennedy · ' ---r< · Crash Kills Two Plans 2nd Bank Meet • Clay Suffers KO in Court HOUSTON (UPI) -Fonner heavyweight champion Cas- sius Clay, wha never lost a prol...,lonal llghl In the ring, has suffered another setback in the courts. Dist. Judge Joe Ingraham said Monday Clay·. or Muham· mad Ali as he prefers to be called, will be sentenced again '}.'hursday, July 24, on charges of draft evasion. Two years ago Clay was sentenced on the same charge here but the conviction was sent back to the courts when the govern- ment admitted it monitored telephone conversations invol- ving Clay. GRAFFITI by Leary NEW YORK (UP!} -A lllllll plane oPU•led u an Interurban tuL crubed and blll'I! into llamea .. l'.Ueofi from Kennecjy lotematlooal -todoy, kUllni tho pilot ... co-ptlol -and-ln]url.. all 12other-alloarcl Autborllles said the STOL plane, deal&ned for short runw5eof!J and landlnP. wu for Newark Intema cwl Airport ahortly before 8 a.m. with 11 ~· gers and a crew of three when it suddenly veered to the left. , A Wing struck the runway and the plan smashed Into the ground noSe flnt. Tlle cockpit was demollabed. Air- port firefighters quickly u - tingu.ished the flames. Port of New York Author- ity police identified the dead as Earl Bior1e, the pilot, and George Harriman, the 1»- pllot. •· The two-engine De H1vll1nd Otter was operated by New York Alrw1ys which provides short haul helicopter 1nll STOL service-in metropolhan New York. Three of the injured were airlilted by bellcopter to Pen- insUla General Hosplt.11. Am- bulances took five others to Queens General Hospital and four we:re treated at the Air- port Medical Office. At Peninsula General Hos- p it a I, stewardess Barbara Tagore!. 25, and Mrs. Anna Puctrter. 36, of Vanberg, Ger- many, were treated for cuts and bruises. Mrs. Puchtcr's daughter, Angelika .Wirth, 5, was being uamined, the hos- pital said. Bombs Hit In Ireland AUSTIN, Tex. CAP) -For- mer U.S. Sen. William A. Bla- kley, overcome by smoke from a burning mattress In his hotel room, was reported "doing fine" today. Blakley, 71, was carried un- conscious from the hotel room after the fire was discovered early today, given oxygen and then hospl!allz.erl A hoapilal _ attendant said-1ater he_was • 1.11'1 T .......... MARINES THANKED -A young Vietnamese girl gives a departing marine a big hug as she hands out gifts to members of the Jst Battalion, 9th Marine Division, at Da Nang Monday. The marines were all given ribbons and -gifts by young girli before departing for Okinawa. The withdrawal brought to 5,300 the number of Americans pulled out of the w4r. · Nixon Polley Defended GOP Attacks War Critics W ASmNGTON (UPI) - Treasury Seeretary Dovlcl M. Kennedy will meet Wednesday wJth 25 more of the nation's leading bankers to continue blJ efloll to talk the ""'10l11Y down from its inflaUODlfY binge. Them ee t Ing, announced Monday. wm be the second In a little more than one week in Kennedy's drive to 1 close a "credtbillty gap" over the Nl:s:on admlnlstrntion'a determin1Uon to stop iD- flaUon . At the first session last week, Kennedy urged the na- Uon's blgeat bankers t.o avold further increases in the record high prime interest rate. But he neither sought nor received a pledge lo hold the line oo the cost of money. Invited to thl11 w e e t ' a meeUng here the e1.ecutlve of- ficers of the banks ranked %6 through 50 In size_ Unlike the top 25, the hanks In "the ...,_ ond group are usually follow- ers instead of leaders on 1nte:r- e6t rates. Hoffa to Appeal Again for Trial CKICAGO (UPI) Teamster Union President \YASHINGTON (UPI) -who "mim!ck" the Hano! line. said Some critics have dis-James R. Hoffa's attorney Senate Republicans, m~king The Republicans made clear dained Nixon's withdrawal of . says Hoffa wijl appeal the rul- their first ooncerted defense Of they were not talking about 25_,Q!Xl men, leading the othe' ing. by 4 te(ij!ral J!!~le which side to. waif and OOpe this will d -.,' hJ-new trial for "· the adminbtration's Vietnam their Senate coUcaguea: _-eru ... a nu War policy since President many of whorp are outspoken !:o:~~owed bJ 25,000 or 50,000_ 1914 c:onviction 1.n-a $1.f · ~------~ __ , 't -t· f 1 . critics -although Sen. John_ "It would be be.st lhlna: for U.S. District Court Judge c"""""1 5 cri JCS 0 pro onging G T (R T ) 'd th ·1· I t 'ti•·-R1"chard 8. Austin ruled Mo-the conf11ct they so outspoken-. ower · ex .. sa1 some e cr1 1c1 o s op crt cu.1ng . • ... Jy seek to end. _ Senate speeches "convinced the United Stales and praise day that government elec- Led by Senate GOP leader Hanoi t bat its •unilateral the Unlted States for the con-tronic surveillance ol Hoffa Everett M. Dirksen, about a withdrawal' will ulUmately cessions it has already made did not taint the convictions of dozen ad m i n i s t r a t i 0 n happen." and let loose a blast at the Hoffa and five other defen- Rep u b Ii c 8 n 1 said un-Sen. Jack Miller (R-Iowa), other side." dants on lbe fraud charau· coostructlve criticism 'leads,_----------------------------''-- North Vietnam lo believe Jt .. can sit back to await more U.S. conceS!ions. tt!»A~~;:, . : . , ;·. . "sittµJg up and I.al.ting -do-~tiw · ~'I.,.~;;:~.. lng fme." In short speeches -on the Senate fioor !Thursday the Republicans specifically de· nounced war critics who have called for unilateral wi~awaLof A_m er l can troops. J!en. Hugh Scott I R- Pa. ), called them neither hawks nor doves but parrol.! Ul"IT ....... High and Dry The USS Seminole, a 10,664-ton Navy attack cargo ship, lies in tbe mud of Budd inlet at Olympia, Wash., waiting for high tide after running aground Monday. The ship was on display at the Lake!air celebration over the week· end and ran aground leaving the area. The vessel was freed in high tide about seven hours after hitting the shoal. -------~---------1 Fire Hurts Ex-senator LONOONDERRY, Norther n Ireland (UPI) -Four Molotov cocktans exploded today in a street just cleared by police o~ battling Roman CathoUc and Protestant mobs. The botUed guollne bombe burst u police nported the first fatality in four days' ri0Un1 which left more than 100 persons injured. One Molotov cocktail 1pluh- ed' after dawn against a va- cant sOCial-club-alRt Oltte hit a government employment agency. All 1ltuci on Biahop Street where the pavement .~ii wu wet from nlghl·long JCUon by police water cannon. "41¥1r11Mmtfll New "Sleep + Aspirin" tablets help you pop right off to Sound Safe Sleep I .,,.,., ... ,, ........ ':"'""' ~ ... 1 (8peel•l) ... A Nn Tork elltmltt lro111 1l•plt ''•r1h1 atr,011 ••• pttfecttd • rt1111rlt1blt "A1pe,r· ttn1lo111o 51M8" fonn1l1whkl•1111ltt• In ont (J) t..1t bit •ot Jtatt, Aipor- 1ma t_1bl1t I 1&!1 1ld1 to 111111d, Slttp contalnt analft1kl, p11A-re.- r1lrt•litn1 lll1tp. Ho tthor 11Mplnl lit'flni upl$. Tbt. iurbl t .. mlt· t1bl1t1 111t'1tr ll'IOTf ffll'lfttt •• • t• 1rl11 ot tommo1 1i11d1clln t11ld an 1111t h1blt-fon'llln1I 111d minor artbrltla, rb111rft1tlim' N1W:t btl•n 1111 tbtrt bttn 11e1ri m•-1•1' and 1111a1tnal 1chM 1a4' • camblftatlo11 l.t IMI! 101 nll1r1 .,..·1n.-.o hip yoa 1lttp whan tb111 Illa problaoi ti tlttp Mflftfft -1.t di1t1rba11tt11rtk•11lq y11111w1lit. brtnr rbtf11.I 1l«p 1rlthoot hfoblt.. s. "" Jftlf 111.., ~aif•t wh.b- tar..lnt dnirt. No PNltl'lllllltn a. Ott t"a Ulnt1llll att.lr-dtcW ef 11M119Cl-;-J111t ••II tor "'A 1,. ... 1111p t11blt·ftnn nr dnp. 4.lptt.llft' TtbltU . 'For l00f1 ..te tl•p t.&b ttnlalftt •• b1rblcvaw. Tft "' .. dlNtttd. •• ti llHp, ••k• ., M""P""'redi !\• "":'" ,.. 1a11 fin 111..," and IHl .. 7.laJ1"" 11ot 4•11 •r ,.,., t11t •nd •IHf..lllt • kif 11 that Oar1nr t .. •llllt yo11 111 r11.U:fl '"" A1,. ... s p tabl1t t11n\lln1 Jll f'ffP11n•l•1 '° tmtr,.nd•. dlttt I ln~lenb : -MINIJ tlld: f:"'•Mt1'fil• (I) A" 1ntl-hl1t1mtn1 •hlch (111 A1p1r·Sl11p "' •• !'II "•t~•r • t11t by d11tt.1t•l 111ro•td 11 •«tt· l11t1r t!ttp th.111 ••J 1 •PlnrtU: tl'ft •• • 1u11al dOM 1t plit111ti.rlll· l•t '" be" '''' u.lit• , . , rttura ttl· ••• J'tt. A1ptr·S1H_p lt 11lld. ttft. tb1 1111rU1 v.1td bottle ind "' 1U tJ) ,\,..i.111 .. -'01 ft11tlt tooth· roar m111n ~. An for A.1)1r- ln1 ,..,_,~ -to IMlp '" nlas Sleep t.blttt 1t"dna111N. l9t. We can make a sweet deal sweeter by ssoormore. Free checking account. You can get a car loan most anywhere. But at First Western Bank you can get a free checking account included.No matter how low your checking account balance, there'• no service ~ for the length of the loan. And oervice charges average a little over $2 .00 a month. So if you borrow the money for 24 months, you'll be about $50 ahead, If you borrow the money for 36 months, you'll be over $72 ahead . And that's not the only way you'll save. -Bank interest rate. There m all kind• of interest rate• on car loan., but all things considercd,nobo.lywill give you a betta dcaJ than our $900 million bank will. There an: no strings attiched. You don'thave to ~a rcgu1u customer. Youdon'tnccdabigdownpaymcnt.Andwethinkforeignarsaresimply wonderful. , - To put it oimply: LOans have prices just like can do. And if you can beat our dea~ you probably own your own bank. '--'--- ~Low Car LOam , wivzul'l'Y PAU omos: 1802S CW-Drln. tnlDa HUNTINGTON BEACH oma: 16982 Golden Wiit Stroot, Blmlbielm Jltoeh .,. " ..,. D.\11.Y P!lOT Ii LOSE UPTO 10 IN • 20 ·VISITS INCOMPAUILI FICIUTIES • Heated Rom1n Swimming Pool • Ultr1 Modem ' ' Condltiofting F1tilitles • Rom1n St11m Rooms • El1etronlc M1u19e "ecflnlllsll Rock Saun•-"~ Rooms • Florld1 Sun T1n Rooms • Whlrlpool Blths •Conditioning flcllltles • Swlu flcl1l M1chlnn ==4,~ Complete F1cilities for Men & Women Call or Stop by for your FREE TOUR OPIN 7 DAYS A WOK 10-10 Ill (O')T/\ M(<,A ' >.i? l Jo1: I\ OMA~{,( ... 10 144 l • 1 D AILY PILOT' EDITORIAL PAGE I I • Beyond Compre_hension It ts no overstat•menl lo say that tomorrow's '24 billion blast-of.! lo the moon represents lhe highest peak_ ot sclentiJlc accompllshmenl yet sought by modem man. I t climaxes the moot enormous single lecbnologlcal project ever undertaken. And it it succeeds, all man· kind will &liare in the achievement. Speculation continues concerning the Soviet pur· pose in launching unmanned Luna 15 just ahead of Apollo 11. Is it an attempt by Russia lo be the first to bring back' soil from the moon?· Is it to observe the landing of the American astronauts on the moon? Or is it neither? Some believe it is just a regular part of the Soviet space probing project. No matter, the eyes of the whole world will be on Apollo 11 ·as it ·eiCber succ~ed's ·or falls to achieve ~ centuries-old dream -always thought to be just that, a dream never to become reality. It is a feat nearly beyond comprehension for ail but a handful of sci-. enUsts. Hundreds of millions of people around \be world will, on the crucial fifth day, join Americans in hold· Ing their breath In tense suspense. That will be when astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. begin their descent to the moon's surface: 11 the lunar module Eagle should setUe on a slo pe and tip over onto its side, the venture would end in tragedy. The-Eagle could not take oU and there would be no way to rescue Armstrong and Aldrin. The two men will have to make a split-second de- cision as they settle toward the moon's so il . If they are successful, as all the world -includihg the Rus- sians -will be boptng, the most dangerous part of their voyage will be over. Will it have been worth the risk and the dollar ' I •. # coat? A majority ot Amert'cali. didn't lbW< so last winter. But now they've revened 'tbemselves. Tho latest Louis Hatri1 poll attributea the change in public atutudes to tbe feeling, .. Jf we bave ,-a:ooe thla far, .-e oog!>t to finllb th .. job and ll!'tUallyJand on \be moon."· Approval for \bls reason Indicates \bat tho public- at-large remains unaware of \be huge fall-out of sc~ entific knowledge which has · already resulted from \be space effort. Many feel that the '24 billion should have been spent on intemal domestic problems. The fact is \bat knowledge gained by NASA more than likely will be worth a huge· multiple of \be '2f billion by the time ail the new knowledge is applied for the general good. • Only over a long period of .time will we be able to .assess fully the benefits of space probing. But we kj)ow that tpey are great. And for the present, we can watch and wonder at map's ingenuity -and nray for the well·being of our Apollo 11 astronauts, Peterson's 'Poll' County Supt. of Schools Robert Peterson says he is about to embark on another barber shop poll pre- sumably to determine what the residents of O~ange C~nty think about the perfonnance of schools . He is going to "broaden" the poll this time to include beauty shops. The best that can be said for.Peterson's "poll" is that it may not cost more than $100. The trouble ts that his chances of getting more· than $50 worth of reliabJe info~atl<!n. are ext:emely remote. And the danger of gerttng nusinformation that could cost man:Y thousands of dollars worth of mischief is extremely likely. ' - • .-... " .. • . - Apo_llo ll's Flight ~o th~ M~_ From Fantasy ·to · De·stiny ,The mission of Apollo 11 will be acted oat before the eyes o( the world aa • tlchnologlcal and human triumph -or ... penooal and nallonal tragedy. The .. is ~ous Utile margin for error if man iJ tQ walk upon the m~ and return alive to tell of its my&terie.S. Even in an age wed to science 1 and secularism, the bii(_rdOUJ flight bu laken on mystical oW!oiies: ("''{r"~""!'J: ~ -• 1 ~itori~/ ~-,, .Y outh-Cor..p- No Place for Sex Education An -Bgly--Phrasef---·· 'Generation Gap', 'Since the dawn of clvlliza.Uon, man has dftamed of st.andin& oo the moon. Now qi blJlloo and the"work of 20,000 cor-..,_Uoaa and 300,000 technicians seem e.peble~of tumlng fantuy-into-desqny. Tiie .money and the machinery, 11ow....-. are not the principal stuff of ·which the clnma Is made. A special breed ol 20th century b11Jlll111 kil>I '!ill live 1pirltual meaning lo the apace adventure. 'Ibere are some who think that the eumple set by the three Apollo 11 astronauts will help civilize and uplUI unruly mankind. '"l'llE CROSSING of space," science writer Arthur C. Clarke has said, "even though only a handful ol men take part in I~ may do much lo redu<e the tensions of our age by turning men'& minds outward and away from their tribal conflicts." Yet we· know that other triumphs of the human heart have had but passing effeci on man's inhumanity to man. President John F. Kennedy foresaw one healing and unlfying aspect or space e'I· plontion whtin he proposed in • message to c.ogr.ss, May 25, 11111, that the United States commit Itself to achieving • moon I ; J BelearcJr t r:tJt ....-..: } • •. ? . ~,,,,;.i; JI "t -./.,. ~ l~g tr! thls~decade. ''Jn a very real se~" he uld; "It _will not be one man going to the moon -it will be an entire nation." Btrr ms APPROACH empliasizq ... tiooa1 goals was too narrow. Man is drawn to space not ·ooly out.of a • or compeUUon and ruriqsl.ty but for reuons not wholly conscious. One spaCe age philosopher put it this way: "Earth may perish someday, but the universe, for all science tnows, may be eternal. Mankind, on leaving earth, has taken what could be the first step toward escaping CJUt planet's fate." That the escape to th'e moon seem.s cer- tain to be won by the United ~ fits the prevailing aura of Jnevilablllty sur- rounding Apollo 11. Jules Verne a century ago assumed Lhi ,\mericanS woUld be the frrst to visit the moon. "The Yankees,'' he explained, "are engineers -just u the Italians are musicians and the Germans melapbysicians -by right of birth." BUT THOSE WHO wbo use Apono 11 as an excuse for self .. piproval are remlnded that it wu I.be Rl.ISSUlDS who, with Sput· n1k I on OcL 41, 1167, achieved the nm decisive break-out from the earth's gravitational field. 'Mlat event ha! been described as "the most dramatic step in the enlargement or man'• consciousnes,, of the external universe s I n c e Copernicus.'.' New superlatives no doubt ~ will be found for an actual moon landing. In the majesty of space, however, simplicity is best The three American astronauts circling the moon last Christmas Eve aboard Apollo 8 contented themselves with reading aloud' the Biblical story of creaUon. And the Apollo l l crew will leave behind them a metal plaque bearing a stark four-line inscription: "Here men from the planet earth -First set foot upqn lhe moon -July 1969, A.O. -We came in pepce for all mankind." Jn the airless reaches of the moomcape, the meuage may last a million years and become mankind's epitaph. Roll Back Interest Rates? Mgumenll that the government should llOITiehow roll back the banks' sin percent "prime" interest rate point up several of the problems inherent in federal tam- pering with the private economy. The Ill percent ral<, the fee chllfi<d the banka' best-rated customen, is &UJ'ely a painful lnconvenlence to a great many peoplt. 'Iber!'I no question that it adds to businttl c:osts and thus to the inoenUvo to push up prices. A rrontat assault on the prime rate, however, would have various unfavorable remt>eratiom ill banIUng and el,...h~. Tbougb the pvernment often tries to deal with economic prol>l<ms in lsolaUon, the eronomy it much too interrelated to aubmit to such manipulaUon. QUITE POSSIBLY the banks should have been doing more to hold down CTOdit, by ~ customers into postpon. Ing spending or limply by saying "'· But bankers often commit tbem3elves to loam many months ill advance, and It bu only been ln .....i m<mths that federal mooetary policy· bu indicated anything but more expamion to be the nde. • In the best of circurnStancts this -of ralioning CIOdil, wlunlarlly I f . i ue11f; 'EdjtQrial \)' ~ ~ ...... '_,.o,.-.ffia. .,._ or otherwise, ls a messy process. If a bank sell aome aort of quota on it.s own lending in • certain period, the borrowers who get there while the bank has money left may or may not be the ones whose projects will be the most productive. The problem will be made much worse, not better, lf the prime rate is pushed down to, say, 71n percent, where lt was unUI early June. The rollback would pro- duce a rate that Is highly artificial, well below what many borrowers obviously are willing to pay, One effect would be a large rut tn·Joan demand and even worse rationing woes. BORROWERS TURNED away by the banks ml&ht try the ~rcial paper market. Where up to now no one has sug- gested controlling rates. Others might go to finance companies, where interest costs already are well above the banks' rates. The maril;eQ for money are several and complex. No ·one~in_W~ ls wise enough to be able to say what the "proper" rate is in any one sector of the market •\ any elven moment. Jet alone in all sectors at all times. The "proper" rate, lf that tenn bas eny meaning. is merely the one that serve:i to equate the supply of and the demand for funds at a certain point in lime. · _ When !<deral oUldals do assume that they're wile ~b to control the economy, or 1ny segment of It. they are capabln ol producing aslonl8hin!I dbtor- tlont. Tht govemment, for eumple, llml1' the lnltresl roles th•l boob and other imlltutiam am Pl)' on savinp. The .... u ii 1o.-.....-po1enUaJ1Y lJlll.l&- flallooary •91a( anil lo encounie poten· tia!lr disn>ptlve atad: market sptCUla-lloa. ~ lr'l'RE GOVEtlliMJ!NT M!ally wan1' 19 ·oea -intereot ratu COi!\& down ..... Wally, tho bill war Is lo pm• al!tad willi lbt p-ftscal,i,anct monetary measures to check inflation. Much ol the present heavy loan demand has been generated by fears of ever.higher prices -fears that certainly aren 't lessened by the talk of an artificial rollback of the prime rate. ''Bankers must coopentl!!: in the fight against inflation," Federal Reserve Chainnan Martin told the House Banking Committee the other day. Bankers, he added, "mu.st be more willing to turn down Joans to which they are not al- ready committed, and they must strong- ly resist making further new commit· menls.." MOST BANKERS, we believe. are mol'! than willing to c o o per • t e , Businessmen aJso will cut down nn their loan requests as fiscal and monetary rtstraint bites Into their sall!!:s -and pro- vides more as&1rance that the c:osl of new plants and equipment won't go on escalating upward. The answer. In sum, ls not clumsy tinkering with the prime or 81'1 other In- terest rate. It is instead limply 1to limit slun1!1Y the funds !he banks bave a..und to lend. Dear Gloomy \ Gus: Did you know that nearly half of all automobile deaths an youths under 25 yura or acet This means each IOoio ahout 50 ,.ars ol ilfe -a toe.al, loss of more than 2.S mllllon life yun· every year. What a traglc waste! -L. E. C. ~ ..... ~ ,.:.:::.,~,: ,..., Ml .......... ....., a.. DlltJ ~lllt, ·--- One of the phrases I am most tired of • hearing these days Is the "generation • " gap." Not only is it an ugly end ' ' thoughtless phrase, it is an untrue one. ; WASHINGTON -The torridly con- troversial question of sex edueaUon ts .in- volving the scandal -wrac-ked Nelgllborhood._ Youth Corps in a ne.w storm of congressional denunciation.· Vehement demand is being made for a sweeping lnvesligaUoo of the type and nature or se.x teachint taking place in the Youth Corps. Spearheading this clamor is Rep. William Scherle, R-lowa, member of the House EducaUon and Labor Committee which has charge of anU·poverty legisla- tion. The Neighborhood Youth Corps is an anti·poverty program financed by lhe federal government. It is directly ad· ministered by the Labor Department. In pressing for a probe, Scherle con- tends there are no grounds for sex edu· cation in the Youth Corps. There has always been a "gap" between generatiofls -and there should be -but now we openly recognize: it, and deplore it. The modern phrase implies that "gap" ls something .ne.w. an,d thai ii is~.l"lder th.an it Wa'S bl!fore . The first ifl'.!pllcation is false, and the second Is dubious. Generations have always differed from one another, because the process of growing up is painful, arduous and com· plex, in any•society, at any time. U Ule:re Is a "gap" between young parents and their small children (and of course there is), why sl'louldn't we expect a gap between middle-aged parent.s and their adolescent children? ACTUALLY, AS I have suggested be- fore, one of the contemporary problems is that there is not enough of a legitimate" gap between these two. The childre"n are growing up too fast. and the parents are trying to retain their youth too desperate- ly. It is really a problem of "overlap" more than of "gap." The difference between the roles has narrowed rather than widened. It would be much healthier if we could restore the ancient and traditional gap when parents lived in their own world and children lived ·Jn theirs, and each respected the limits of the other. ClllLDREN BECOME disappointed Jn their parents wben they fail to act likt parents, when they deny the aging proc- ess, when they substit.ute whim and prej- udice and stubbomess for genuine moral authoritJ~a-se·nse-ot valhes. ·. When this happens -as it happens too often in our object-oriented rather than our value-oriented society -the children begin to play .the roles of parents, in some _of the more unattractive aspects. They begin to imitate the wont parts or the parents' lives, or rebel completely - both of which are forms of disap- pointment and disgruntlement. CHILDREN WANT limits set to their behavior, but they want these to be just and rational limits, relevant to modern conditions. I( the parents are too authoritarian , Imposing limits that are obsolete, or too permissive, allowing a kind of freedom that secretly frightens the child, then these extremes of parental behavior result in alienation of the child -and alienation is much more, and dif· ferent, than a me.re "gap." Mere "communication" is not enough, IC there h~s been a blurring of role,,; communicating confus1on drives us apart, not together; "THE PURPOSE OF the war on pover· ty is to lncrease the earning capacities of the underprivileged," he declared. "The aim Is to train youth to be self-supporting and reliant workers. It is not to engage in philosophical and ethical explorations. The American taxpayer is getting sick and tired of pouring out millions into ut1less and mischlef·making programs." Congressional critics of sex education In the Youth Corps are ciUng such a pro- gram in the New York City corps ls a glaring instance of what they irately ob- ject to. Pentagon's Prodigality Jn denouncing this program, Rep. Scherle noted that the study plan states, "We should encourage the teenager to realize that he is growing up in a con- traceptive culture -a new phenomenon Jn sex education." The plan also calls for discussions of prostitution and sexual degeneracy. 'f1'HIS KIND OF scandalous and mud- dled thinking: on the part of anti-poverty bureaucrats," said Scherle, "is another reason wby a full-scale investigation of the entire poverty program is essential before another penny is appropriated by OODgr-eSS. I have asked the Labor Department for a full re1><1rt on this Int.est venture by the poverty bureaucrats into the field of social revoluUon , '1'bett is absolutely no place for sex teaching in a program whose prime purpose ls to Ira.in youths to be self·suf- ficlent and useful workers. Injecting sex edueaUon into thll e!fart ls as outrageous as It ls uncalled for .'' 1JNDER THE-New Yort ,,i.n, -- agen enrolled In the fesJerally-fina.nced Youth Corps 'WOUid be pald ll.50 an hour to attend sessions ~ during their regular 30-hour work week over an eight· w11:ek period. In other words, they would be paid to take part In sex lectures and discounes. - The New York plan also calls lor black history lessons on the same paid basis - with federal money. , According to lnrormallon In Rep. Scherle's bands, the couries in black history would Include material from such mutta.nt ert.remis1-as Eldridge Cleaver, 1ug1u,. Black P1nther of!iclal reporttdly D0'9t' living In France; Stokely C.r- mlchael former SNCC firebrand now tttlf~ed tn Africl'I, end H. Rap Brown1 1nother ex.SNCC olfici•I who 11 appeal- tng a (edual conviction. " 8y Robert. S. A.Uta ud Jobn A. Goldlml~ Any private business as lax In estimating cost of projects as is the Pen· lagon. would be broke in a few years. Mankind has never put together an organizaUon as proudly dedicated to pro- digality as the American military organization today, alas, with the con- nivance of the Congress. The other night on television you barely lisl.cned as some fuzzily • identified character confessed being "over.Gp- UmisUc" in estimating aome project, amount $$00 million. He was a little sheepish in manner, but also seemed to think the miscalculation slightly droll. But this is peanuts. Every month in the cn91ess parade of government witnesses before congressionaJ committees, $1 billion or $2 billion discrepancy bobs up. A.BM 's tab was $4 • $S billion for McNamara, $6-$1 biDion last month, ris· ing Immediately to $7.8 bi,lion. Today's unofficial guess, $1f. billion. Sbouki be $18 billion next month. TllE OTHER DAV Pentagon aban- doned ..a_weapcnon.vthich.,L& billion was already obligated, t.o get noUUng. An electronic guidance device for Minuteman U was originally estimated at $610 million, the lniUal purchase running $145 million. Current estimate on this b ~ milllon, and unofficial estimal< Oii the whole system Is $2.5 bllllon. increase 300 -percent. A. Ernest Fitzgerald, an Air Foret ef. ficiency expert, dlaclosed a P billion cost rise over estimate on the C-5A cargo plane. Testifying before a joint economic committee ofCongress, he Aid Air Foree offtcers are "advocates of a program, not objective reviewers." They "unknow· tnglf" understate costs, and tend to think "large contract.on mll!i know best, must be efficient, or otherwise they wouldn't be ao rich." IF TRUE, YOU'LL ,now il 's one. hell nr. way to handle your pubJic money. So may~yoo thlnk the 1encra.ls don ·t care ~ • ·--·· .. ·~:t"• ~.,.,...,~ .. "'""" \ : "' ' ,, RQyce Briel": • I , • >w. • 1,:; _,,... __ ,~ ~ •• /..., ·-' ,_,,. what you t~lnk? But they do, they dol You'll be comforted lo know. because they pulled Mr. Fitz.gerald off weapoiu estimates in Washington for mentioning the $2 billion boo-boo. and sent him to check costs on • bowling alley Ua Thailand. It's a Bob Hope onl-liner. You get the impression, without the chance to add everything up , or see sp- fai; undisclosed misc.alculaUons. that 1 good ''o billion is being squandered· in military projects this year. If you are a family head, that'.!! a S200 rap. Look in your wallet and see if you have it. THE DISMAL PART of It is the Senators and Repreae.ntatlves, droning through the endless story, don·t see.in particularly concerned. You see them pictured at their big curving tables, and occa~i~ly .one of tbem sp\l._tters a litUe. or Polit.el)' chews out some witness. But their questions don't dig, They sound like councilmen quesUoning an $80 street light, tha t used to be $60. If the Americans are on the ~rts here !'Ind there. they might look into this mindless depletion of their substance. B 11 Geor1e ---• Dear George: Don't olher advice columnists get mud at your pompoos statement thl'lt you Me the world's leadlna authority on everythlng? CURIOUS Dear CUrious : Other advl~ calumtllsls! What other 1dvlce columnlstl? (Write to George, as U you didn't have enough troublea now , , .) • • Arsonists Set Fires .In· Brush -- ----w--~-~ --· • Tutl<fay, J'~ 15, 1%9 DAILY PILOT 7 Landiruj:rk Tuition Bill Over Hurdle ' • SAC~ (\11'1) -A The .chairman, Sen. Albe!\ landmirk eoiltgo tuition bill 114dda (0-SacramenLo), 1ald which une:a:pect.edly passe;d the he !lfQ..fl&IY opposes t h e . Assembly has an ~ctUent measurti, but conceded It pro. chance· el al,. clearlng 'lbe bably would be •"?<><oed· Senate education committee, "l would thhlk It would have ill ('.hairman aald today. excellent prOIJ)ICU," Rodda Bqt-·the future of another told UPI. 1'Tbe committee thla A a sembly-passed educaUon year ls prone toward lerlsla· measure, to boost stllite aid for Uon which shows a I.ck of elementary and high &ebools sympathy for. students I.Del by $200 million, was not so faculty." rosy. Rodda uld he will Dlht the Not only has Gov. Ronald blU because "we've hid a Rea1an threatened to patt tradition of tuition-free hl&her down any new school aid bill education ln California and to $120 million, the Senate also ' thfs ' has prOinoted the educa- has it.I .owp ideas about 'what tional level of our cltir.eM. sl:tould be spent to educate,1---------- Calilornla'• young. YOU KNOW The Uattlon bill, oomptlsi.ng what ite veteran author cal)• a YOUR CHILD 1'iearn, eam and reimburse" concept, went to the Senate fi~i<la!.te'" a barely-passable Will LEARN -~ -Ul"I TtllfM• TRUNK MURDERESS CONFERS WITH ATTORNEY MEL BELLI Winnie Ruth Judd Admits N•me,. Bell1v11 Debt to Society Peid Jury Says Shooting Of Man Not Criminal A!e~blymt..::i e Jo~ u tL~ o ~TO-SWIM ACT {Bud) Collier, It represented the realization of a career-long BLUE BUOY dream. The Los Angeles Republican bu pushed the · legislation for years. But this AM Se WIM Y• Is the first Lime it has passed .... ,,., ...._ w.H. either house. s... AM. T-"t Winnie Admits Name LOS ANGELES (AP) - Donald Lee Oughton, who was fatally shot by pnllce during invesUsaUon of a possible "freeway sniper" did not die by criminal meam. a coron- er's jury rul~ in a 6-2 deci· slon. Two tnembers of the panel, though, voted that officers di use ''criminal .means'' in the MARTINEZ (UPI) -l'he her charade. ----..... matronlr-bllby=sl.tter-arr~ ..... cr Sh~!lS ~Worked :tor many June 27-has admitted that She elegant East Bay families in is Winnie Ruth Judd, notorious. various household~apacities ln.ink murderess of the early since her seVenth esca'pe from 1930s. Arizona state hospital seven death. • Oughton , 29, was jogging home to watch wrest.ling matches on televlslon when Officers Norman P. O'Malley and Henry Kennedy spotted· him. "Let's .check him out,'' O'Malley recalled telling his partner. ' • I ' ' e • • n a • • g n n d " IL .. !L •• , "Ye.!, I'm Ruth Judd, known years ago. to ·my friends as Marian Judge Sam Hall, al the re- Lane," the a u b u r n-haired quest of Arizona authorities, Woman told a municipal cour[ ordered Mrs. Judd he Id Monday. "My legal signature without bail until an amended was Ruth M. Judd. They call-request for extradition arrives ed me Winnie, but it was not from Arizona. Mrs. Judd said my regal name." she wanted to go back to her Previously she has insisted home state. she was "Marian Lane," In a rambling news con- housekeeper, cotnpanJon and ference after the brief court babysitter. She had been ar-appearance, Mrs. Judd said rtsted by Contra Costa County she kiUed her victims in self. sheriff's depulie.s during an in· defense and figures she bas vesligation of a slaying. She paid off any debt she may owe was-deared in thah;ce&e,-&m-:::-~~y, She hopts to be fingerprint analysis uncovered declared sane in Arizona and Stiff Water Pollution Bill Signed SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Gov. Ronald Reagan bas sign- ed a bill directing the attorney general to prosecute water polluters and levying a sliff $6,000 a day fine against befoulers who fail to clean up their messes. The measure by Democratic Assemblyman Carley V • Porter, vete ran chainnan of lhe As5embly Water Com· 1nittee, is the first major revision of California water law in two decades. Reagan, at a bill signing ceremony Monday,. said the measure· represented a "truly forward step in our efforts to improve the quality of life and environment In our st.ate." ffe said the bill elso "moves California Jnto a real position of national leadership in the field of water qualily and en· vironmental protection." Goverrwr Will Sign Divorce Revamp Law Police Raid SD Panthers SAN DIEGO (UPI) -Police raided a Black Panther head- quarters Monday night in the SACRAMENTO (UPI) -incurable insanity. predominantly Negro district Gov. Ronald Reagan has given Grunsky said that would of Logan Heights, where an his "assurance" that he will "run the gamut from eating outbreak of sniping, looting sign a compromise bill to crackers In bed to the present and arson the night before left revamp and up d ale grounds of aduJtery." two dead. California's divorce laws. His bill had provided that a The Black Panther building Sen. Donald L. Grunsky, judge could grant a divorce if was unoccupied when the of. who met with Reagan Mon-the "legitimate objects of ficers entered with a search day, said the Legislature will m a l r i m o !l y have been warrant. They seb:ed two approve a divorce reform bill destroyed." rifles, a shotgun and several probably within 10 days and Both proposals aim toward gas masks. send it to Reagan, eliminating angry court bat-Police Inspector W. B. Gore "There was no commitment ties between couples by ending said earlier in the day 1he but an assurance," Crunsky the legal need for one of the violence Sunday night ap- ( R-WatsonviUe) told UPI after spouses to be at fault before a parently was planned and bis meeting with the governor. divorce can be granted . coordinated, although be did Grunsky is a member of a Crunsky said the Hayes pro-not single out any particular six-man conference committee vision would leave the judge group as being responsible. negotiating to write a single the decision whether there are Deputy Police Chief William divorce law ove~ul measure. irreconcilable differences. Morrison said the situation He and Ass em b I y man flowever, Sen. George R. Monday night was like a James A. Hayes CR-Long Moscone (0-San Francisco ), "typical Saturday night" ln Beach ) lire authors of rival another member of the con· the soulheast section of the cl· plans. Each chamber has ference committee, diSagreed ty. There wert no reports of passed its member's bill only that Irreconcilable differetices looUng or sniping and 14 to have the other house reject would elimlnate fault. persons were arrested on it. Moscone said couples could minor charges. Grunsky said the two-house sti ll have angry court sessions Several Molotov cocklailil The two officers approa~ Oughton, wbo had a severe speech impediment, from the front and rear. "Where Wert: you ~?" O'Malley said be asked OUg)>too. "He mwnb~ !Orl!:ething~ 1 ~idn't understand," O'Ma1ley testified, "and then hf: reached in Lo his poci<et." ' A.I Oug)>too reached inLo h~ poc.k , ,()')!alley said, Ken; nedy shquted--a-waniing::! "He's got a gOn!" O'Malley sa1d he grabbed for Oughton's face to restrain him and heard a shot, felt pain in the hand' over Oughton's face and.drop- ped back, firing sl:a: shots. Three of them hit Oughton in the back. · O'Malley said he did not nnct- out until two days later at the, hoepital th at OUgbton was unarmed, and thal be was shot by his partner who said he ap- parently mistook Oughton's black wallet for a gun. A major point of con- troversy during the inquest was lighting in the area . Of· ficers tutified the street lighting was very dim while other witnesses ·said a helicopter with a powerful Under the measure, which takes effect three months after the legislature adjourns, an individual or industry that polluted water could be fined $8,IKKI dally until the COO• tamination was rmoved. conference panel is near if a judge permits evidence to were thrown and firemen agreement on a compromise be introduced to determine if responded to about iO sma11 Wettcllff Plan lten Only bill. Hayes, who also met with the differences are really it· fires in vacant lots and lfllUY 6 4 2 • 2 4 4 4 Reagan, con f Ir med the _'..:e<:Oll.:....._:cl_la_b,-1•:..·-·-------=":.;..,=·---------'~==========-' governor's sentiment a n d 1- nearness of agreement., The attorney general's office will prosecute such civil cases. The job currently is hand1ed by local district auoroeys. The State Water Quality Control Board will be em· powered to order the clean up operetlon as well as direct the polluter to pay the cost The bill also adds to the nine regional water quality control boards two Of!\\' members who must have e:a:perlence In pollu· llah prevention and provides lot tncre&!ed board siaus.- They said Reagan asked them to eliminate one seetion of Grunsky's bill that reql.lired all 51 counties to set up a mar· riage counseling service • Grunsky said he agreed to drop the requirement. but he Indicated that next year he would submit legislation to re- quire all coun'ties to establish concillation courts. Thirteen now have them . He also endorsed the Hayes: plan to prescribe only two grounds for divorce -lr- recmcilabte diJferences and Welcome Home! To The One And Only LUIS -MORENO HIS VOCALS AND PIAN O HENRY 'S REST AUR_l NT -·2530 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach 548· 1177 Speclac~lar flower Show saluting C11llfaml11's Bicentennial Giant New R"ecrtatlon Vehicle & Boal Show Junior Fair & Small Animal Farm l ,OOO's of Elhibits Spice I. Science Features Special Children's Shows Helicopter Rides Carnlv1t Midway Fri., July 18 BALLET FOLKLORICO MEXICAN FIESTA ••• Sat, July 19, DON ELLIS 1nd his NEW BAND ••• Sun., July·20 LOU RAWLS in Concert lillTES OPEN 1-P.M. WEEKDIWS/IZ NDDN·SllT. & BON. ORliNBE COUNTY FlllR &EXPOSmDN NEWPORT BLVD. & fAUt Oft. • D'.>STA MESA !71-TUE., JULY 15-"MISS ORANGE :J/o :J/o COUNlY FAIR" BEAUTY PAGEANT Seml·Flnals-2:30 p.m., Fl~•ls -8 .m. Rll Ch11111plonshlp R~ilea.. Fri,· 7 p.m. let .• i Ji,m, & 1 p.m • t ,. Sun.· 2 p.m, 6 7 p.m. -· spot light was-Uluminatin& the ..... -The bill's next test is the 546-1 IM Senate Education Committee. UUU zzND-- ••• and save upto15% Our .1970 Sylvania Color TV and Stereo models haVe .anived. Frankly, they'.fe outstanding. But, w~ at.ill bave;;&ame-196~ models lefl Tbey'.ve-got - to go. So,~ redu«d many up to 15%. Hurry. Quan1 ftie"Se:Felimitei:! ••. ana-tliere won·t tie any_.,_ _ _, more. SYLVANIA PORTABLE COLOR TV THE MINI-MAX COLOR TV Oomb1nes minimum size portability with maximum performance. 102 sq. in. screen, model CB31CH is every inch a dependable Sylvania. JUST •259n (TV Reception Simulated) SYLVANIA STEREO AND COLOR TV AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Sylanla H.E.C. CF5'2W e ·c!ontcmporaey •Gliding Doon • Veneers and Solid.' • Reliable Gibraltar Chasis e Colorbrlght 85'm Picture Tube • 295 Sq, In. Viewable Picture • Sealed Air Suspf'ruUon Speaker System~ e Gerrard Custom Delu)te Tum· tabk! • rr.1 Stereo/FM/ AM Tuner • 25 Watll FIA • Convenient FaclllUet For Adding Extra Speakers and Tape. . JUST '79500 HOST OF COLOR TV TUNING CONVENIENCES 1,.-Yov r 'finjortlps Sylwanle AcN•F c.ior TV c pj57n ' e -..sPf,nfsh ProvindaJ Stylln& • Dlll:rol&ed ~ Veneers and Solids e Rellab~ Gl~lAt Chulla e Co!orbright S?e P\ctore Tube e Qptlon&J Full Featur.e Remote Control .-Mr: AutomaUc ~Fine 'Nrub,J ~. Powf.r ' 'runlng and Tone Control • Twin 9'' Ovi.I Sptt.k'" e 295 SQ. ln. V)ewable Picturf!. I , . r ... r .11,rkr A~ Sl'IJVAJ\'l.A Beu.aa r ten 411 I. 5"1111_ .. "· COSTA Mi!SA . '·~•·16 .. 4 _:_ -~:~~~=- \ I' I I l • I IWlY PllOT Yutsdll, Ju~ 15, 1qm ' \ 2 Irvine Orn Wednesday For The· Police Revie w ·Parcels , H_ear~ngs Slated on Budget • Record -Board Oppo sed Rezoned SANTA ANA -T•'O large parcelJ ol land In the centraJ Irvine Ranch area, north or the Sante Fe Ralltoad tracks and south of the Santa Ana Freeway. have been rezoned fof resldenUal.constn:ictlon. SANTA ANA -County, suporvllora Wedneodoy begin a weel<•IOllf! IOrlb of public beartnga oo tJilo county'• pro. PDMd ll!U mlll1on budget for !ilea! 119-70. received by county IUperillon Jwte J4. T1*t In- clude 1100,000 for the new federll Food Stamp Prvtnm. '300,000 opent for emer(ency flood rtpatn, 'llld lrom ll0.000 to mo.ooo for tba fOIJllU federlJ Ccnomatlon Corps camp, lAJI Plnoa, lo the mQUlloo lalns aear Lake EW.Ore. Hearinp can be terminated by tbe board earlier tb1n the July IS legal cJeadllne, If Iba bud(et 0gu,.. .,. whipped 111- lo line. Meetings DEATll NOTICES PEMBROOK 1tow loM ~. AM • """'""· O.!e o1 .. Ill. J\ll't U. lldldeftl of 2M1..\ Hldlort l'IK!e. C.r. Mtwo, ~ ~ Nrwtll. Mr. Miii Mrt. Jahn ~ C•l<I MMAI 1111*'• Htlll!I. Coli. MIW1 Nt.rMf 1r1ftd. ,.-tt. Mr. •nd Mn. ,.,..cl l"tm- 0..-. OrMonl !Nllrtl'MI trt~tt. Mr. _,,. Mrl. Jt"'" O'°"*"""•, 0-1 .,..., .. 111""'""'""''' ""'· Pt1r1 H~ Smllh. °'"""' Gr1-ldt ltf'll'Ctl .,.m M ....., """"""· Ju1r " " ' ,.m. 11 Htrt!Or llld Mlmor1t l"ttll:. Olfld- 1n1, ltltV. f'tlll llft!Nw1r. hm!IY .w1t- 1t11i l!IOM wlllllne 111 nltke __,. i.1 CO!llrlbu1lorll, ,. ...... <011tr1bllt. hi CPlllOri!'fl't HoaPllM Ill Or-Countv. kl! ··-·· MorvhltY, Dlf't(WI. SANTA ANA -Orance COunty Republican leaders have vok:<d atrq 0PP9'1Uon lo the establlsbment of .. "poli~ review boa.rd" In San- ta Ani. In a resolution sent to all Santa Ana city councilmen, It Is poloi.d out that city pollc;e art pretently subject to numeroua reviewtni q:encles, IUCh as the district attorney, city attorney, COllllly Grand Jury, FBI, the eourll, state attorney 1eneral, the city COUllcil and the p o 1 I c e department's own lnternal af- fain dMsloo. Santa Ana councilmen last week named a committee to 3tud,y the need for a pogsible dty Human RelaUons Com- mission. Codncllman Jerry Patterson on June 15 sug· geJted the agency following Firebomb Trial Gets Under Way SANTA ANA -Opening argumenta are scheduled to- day in the Sllperior Court trial or a Wt!tmin!ter man aCCUlfld ol being a member of a trio which tossed a firebomb at a -----FiiNENVOOK-·--·"Santa-Jmrtrome-:-' -• -·-~"11r•ll l'. F~. "" ti, Dale el Antoni c~-1 R . 20 of oeni; Jui, t, ""kte!it llf m T11D01t, 0 ~.,..., UlZ, , Kh1 c 11y. c.11r. survt¥1d 1r1 ~lit~ lill Wilt St. Js accused of at.. ...,., Mn. ltt¥• """' 1ct111 City, c.rrr. te •-..1 • ...... n ... ..,_,..,.,;.,,. c. ......... _.,Jeta _. Miii Stllfrtllr, mp._ &rlOD ..iu UllC ,. ....... lfi Jiii' 1t •' 11 1.m. Dfllct.M, 1t1w. of ..... P911naJ p-..+u Similar Clllrlft Smllll. l""""mtfl!, Htrllw II.Ill r""" -'...,,.,._ •1 • Mtmorilll "•rk. 1111 ll~w•r MOr· charges are faced by b_.ls C0- 1u•rv. Dlraclon. defendants, Richard H•rrlson APPLE Grant, 2.f, Garden Grove, and cw1n J. ..~. ..,... "' 0.11 "' Paul Dale Sutliff, 22, S&nta ,,...Ill. Julv 11. RHiclrnt °' n1 Mll11 $1Rf:f, s.......-. ''· serv1u1 wu1 Ana. bl l'llld 111 s.t1e: '°"'" Mor>oMy, Ju1, J ury selection In t b e U, , p.m. ti HUllll't' fUMrll Homl', .....,,_.__ ol J~e D-~rt. hi ·~·r ~ry, ,,.,...rcll119 '-.,,.., U VUUI nr.lll'L:' Dil'Klor. Rickles wu comp eted ltl! JOSLIN Monday. J•"" M. J01l1ti. "" n. o.te • t1M111. Police arrested the trio last Julr 11. ltftldtfll ol U7 _Ci Slrfff. Nov. 4-after the three men c1wi. Yltk. l.urvh1'111 ~v 1lrter. Mrl.. Flor~ "'-""''· M01111bt11o. s.r.... allegedly drove slowly pa1t tht ica ....,i.... Be" .,,...,, ~ Bewley Street home of Ernest 1rv. Olflcto•1. TROTl'ER C. Moreno and tossed a Molotov cocktail at th e -o.r .. R. Trottw, 0... .. lttllll. ll Ju!r 12. .srrvlctl Plftdlftl..-lell .,.. ret!dence-aft.er hur nc • wine _, Mtttuerv. Dll9don. botUe through a wlndow. POPOVA )(enll 11. ,_,, AM U. Dtlt cf detltl, Jul, 1t. ltnldsfrt Ill UV S, Ito.wood. $1onl1 Arie. Survived bf ............ M1'1. ,,...riN Glllloll fl'lr" -Alwq .... Pooolf, 'o'IHlly, C- tl...rirl. ,., .. rt11 ..,...left Will "' l!eld Mo!IOf,, I ,,..,,. et II. ~'I C>rlJrll>. oM1 OlrHtfl, Oivll'lt Ull/111' t l'lf """""" t i '°"""" WIN llf Mid T..,....,, JUll' 15 ti f 1.m. ti 51. Lulr.t'I 0~1 Cllurdl. lnr.,-me-nl ti F1fr1'1o1Wfl w. lnOI'"!.! Ptrt. 8111 lfWlfwlf MOrtu.lry, o•-.. HAND Mn M. Hind. "-A. Dtlt of •wt~. J11tv 12. lll•ldtllt o1 m w. Wll10t1, C~ll MtM. SutYIWOI lly two IOM, RllDllrt t M Wlrllem ot C•lt MeMI J llalltl>ftr", M1'1. a111111r1 Mor'Nft, NorTll Cff9111111 •l•llr. Mn. Ml,...,.., ,.,,_ kn. ~. ldaht. FWf ••l"'*"IJdr.ti. 1ht trNl .. ,.llddilld~. s.n<lcn w!l1 ti. Mid T~v. July 1~ 11 2 "·"'· a1 It~ ll'llolChJMY O.Pl!I. E"tombml!nl ,, TM "*¥· Oflkl•n•. 11.rY. LMlrr I>, Surw:I. aell l roodw•v MtftlHlrv, 0'""""' CALDWELL H~ C.lotwell. Date of "9ltl July If. krvlcn _,,,....,, a.ii l1oM-Y Mor- tu.ry, Dlreclon. CURRIER las MeMsco Curt~. Date .,. 0.1111 Jui'I u. llal<ftnl IJf 1'f..C AffftiM Ml- 1°"41. L111w ... Hll!I. SurvlY9d 11¥ Plu1o-ti-11d, Rld'llrd (,. LIUUlll Hlflll brol'll- "''' Ml"°"" ~. La•l"'lofl. l<efl. ludy; At Menll.CO, SI. Helena. (111- torn\fi; 11ti.... Jane Fl!lllt'l'lld, S•ftll a.tt11f9. C1llfoml1. Sttvlus lo IM t>tld Tlwnclrv, Jul'/' II. I 11.m~ ,. ... dk Yll!w Oiloei. Pacllic: View Mor1'lr 1rv, Dl..etcn. ARBUCKLE & WEI.SB Wertcliff Mortuary U7 E. 17lh SL, Costa Mua '4M811 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corou del Mar OR :S.MSI Coat. ~faa f.11 Wtu • BELL BROADWAY . MORTUARY Ill Brolldway, Costa MeJa LI MllS • DILDAY BROmERS Huntington Valley Morta..,. 17111 Beach Blvd. u .. u.,... Bucb su.m1 • McCOllMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 La(lllla Cayea Rlld Lquna Beocb U4-HIS • PAClFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK C.metery • _,,. 1M1 P..::~ .... llrl .. NtwJIGl'( ludl, Callfor&ia '4f.l'ltl • PEEK FAMILY COl.ONIAL FUNERAL llO!IB 7111 UuAft. Wntmluter la ISIS • ~---Ell-MORTUARY 1-a-111-1m 1 IM O. I> -·--• ' SMITHI' MORTUARY ., ...... ......... _ ·- The fiery mlsalle landed atop Moreno's car but wu qu.icldy doused by mezOOers or the victim's family. Officers said the auto was on1y slii,htly damqed. Alamitos, Toro Set For Revamp LOS ALAMITOS -Two contracts lotaling more than $300,000 have been 1warded for improvement! to Orange County Navy and Marine facilities. A $198,890 contract for rear· ranging shop spaces and the jet engine maintenance show in two hangars 1t Lo 1 Alamltot Naval Air Station wu awarded to GattmaM and Mitchell of Sherman OW. Coi:co, Inc. of Stanton, hu 1 •lOf,580 contract to make repa1rs -on taxlway1 at the Marine Corp Air Station, El Toro. Transplant Club Formed YORBA LINDA -The Kidney FoundaUon of C>range- Riversldt, loc., ls fonnlng a chapter for arti!lclal kidney machine and traruplant pa· tlent.s and their ~- Interim officers Jud Masters or Anaheim, · a transplant patient, and Mn;. Jean Cohen of Garden Grove, a dialyalJ pa.Uent, m: Ol'lanJ.I. ing the club to offer a s a istance, encouracement and education to penorui with kidney problems. lnteruted perlOM can con- tact the Kidney FoundaUon, 4781 Libra Place; ·Yorbl··JJD. da. Something New! CHOC-LIKS • are coming ,, . .,.. 11 ...... , ..... tti• ,,.111"4 fl•., wiffi tlftll,t111i11 Ilk• P•l•t• ojl , MI M'•, ., W-tl Ike• ftle -wfl.,. -•14 .,,, IM -tv•, .,,yJ s.. •• , ,, 1111 ""' '"'ll•tt o,. 1119rt.11i:ty S.c.flll'. the recent criticism of police from the Negro conunun.lty which followed the murder of police officer Nelson Saascer. Loran A. Norton, President of the Santa Ana RepubUcan A!semhly, said the resoluUon adopted by the Orange County C<Hlrdlnated R e p u b 11 c a n Auembly applies to all cities In tile county. The session last week at which the resolution was ·~ proved was attended b y presidents or Re pub ll can Assemblies In 23 COW'lty com- munities. "A formal Pollce review board Is detrimental to ef- fectJve Jaw enforcement and has proved itself to be so," the rt$01Ution states. ' ' P o 11 c e review boards are o f t e n covertly instituted under many different guises and names," the statement added. County Given Tree No . 37 SANTA ANA -A Star Pine tree, the 31th in a program lo plant 100 trees in Santa Ana during the city's centennial year, has been accepted by the Orange County Board ol Supervisora from LISA (Let's Improve Santa Ana ), a new civic group. The pine will replace one killed by frost last winter and will be located on the lawn of the · county's Finance-Engin- eering Building at Blh Street and Broadway. The propertle. Include 19'1 acres southwest of Culver Drive and Robert Avenue and 49 acres northwest of Jeffrey Road. The laod developers -Mac- co Corp. and Leadership Homes -have agreed to set asJde kcre park! on the"basis of one acre for each 1,000 potentla1 residents. The properties are in the sprawling Central I r v l n e Ranch area for which the county Planning Commission and the county Board or Supervisors recently adopted development guldtlipet. MJUllmentJ In department bud&ell, both up ond -· wtll be made ilui!q ibe ®Uy seulom, according to County AdmJfdstraUve O!flc:er Robert E. Tbomu. Amon& certain cban&es are f\mda yet to be added to Thomas' t.e.n~Uve b ud 1 e·t Technologists Elect M;esan Jeanne L. Schlalman, Coota Mesa, hu been elected a member of the Judiclal Com- mittee of the American Socie- ty of · Medical TechMIDglsts. Mia Schlalman tJ one of 30 membm of the professional society elected lo ofHces at the !OClety'a 37tb aMual con- vention held tn Houston, Te.1- as . Tbe lll!l~t will v~ depen- ding upon what lllO county supervlson dtclde upon for the facility. Budget hearlng1 are dellnli.Jy ICheduled for 9:30 a.m. Wedoesday, Tbunday, Friday ond lllond.ty, July 11. Md!Uonal seaafona, l ! neceasary, will be at 2 p.m. July IZ and July 13 and,all day July 14 ond 15. Tbe cOunty property la• rote, not expected to thane• from the C\lrttot It.II per ltOO assessed valuation, will be aet OD Aug. rt. The propooed $tll9.I budget . b up !IOU mWloo from tile current year's llgure. JI in- cludes a $4.S million salary In- crease for county employe.s. Thoml5 said the budget pr<> vides for 752 new caunty eittployes lo the coming 1l monlb.8, .up 11 percent from the cumnt figure · of slJihUy more than 7,000. ©DAVIS · BROWN SAVE DURING OUR ©DAVIS BROWN 22ND -·-SINGE 194 7 Frigidaire 15.9 cu. ft. SPECIAL OFFER! Frost-Proof Side-by-Side ~ Frost·Prooll Youil nmr defl'Olt 1&1ln. Ho .•Pitt Iott to ltml Sidi-by.Sid• t onvenl•11etl lntludln1 1 -lta.lb. tla Yefticl1 frnzer! . Ytt 11'.i ""' 31• .... Fnp.Qulck Ice Ejector. Flip '"' 11vtr, cubes zirc Into Ill• ll1nd1 ser,er qu ckly, 1ul/7. Fric:idaire BIG 20V2 with 5.82 cu. ft. Freezer! All Frost-Proof! • Special Feature! Add an Auto-matic lea Maker now or laltr. Repl1ces present' Ice service in this refrigerator .• rrcst-Prool! You'll never defrost! $Jssss Av1il1bJ, with le• M•k1r •I 11ithl •dditiofttl c:osl Super·Surge W11hlno ·· · Aollon cle1 n1 clean Ill th l1 Frigidaire Fllptop Dl1hmobllel • Little or no p,...rlnalno fa tlffded I Shake ort tha llrg• 1cra1>9 •nd toad • Slanltd d•tlgn with lowtir front for ••tl•r lotdl~ • Spoi.-A'#I)' AlnH Condit oner Dl1pal'M-r h•lpe •llnilnate apottlng of git ... • Ind tllvtrwarw. $16888 FllD·OUICk Meat Tender lea EJac1or Kii balds Up to 23.8 tbs. Kl!t ps meat tlmost froze~ rtadJ to sgs~ cook, for 11p to a nel! ONLY. Door Stora19! Butter to111partment, remOV· Whel YIU ~uy a Fri1id1ira 1blt tr1ys for 28 ''f'· snick keeper, dttp shell or lap Frost.f>nlf Relriprallr! Items. Just flip the handle and 10u 398 88 have ice cubes Instantly, ta5-- ily. Offer Includes two 19tCi1I 20.Cube lee Ejector traya. u well as handy SO.Cube server! HURRY! LIMITED OFFER! . -• fACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIANS -PLUS RAD I 0 DISPATCHED fLEET Of SERVICE TRUCKS ARE Y 0 U R. ASSURANCE Of PROMPT· EXPERT AMNTION TO YOUR EVERY SERVICE NEED! ........ !ven tbis thrifty Jet Action Washer has Thriftiest FRIGIDAIRE Front Loading DISHMOBILE Mtftl OM, tltdrk • Washes really clean with powerful Multi-Jet Revolving Sp1ay Alm.. • No hand rinsing.. Effictent wash Ind rinse cycles do ii for you. Easy front loadini with Roll·To·You Racks. Modll WCIWM PRICED AS LOW AS -"""' _!lurable Pre~; C111 For Goof.Proof Washds1>. Goof .Proof Doyi':.\, too. This Frigidaire Washer MrtchfnJ Or)'er on this budget· has 6 Fabric Settings Durable rtss Care frigid1ire Uprighl Freezer Slores Up To 406 lbs of Food • • • 11.6 cu .ft. 1i11. All th1 tp1c:11 you Wtft!, J11le1 etft hold1r on d oor m1~11 1m1ll c•ftt •••Y to fiftd. '4 d1111 1h1l.•11 k11p froift food1 tt yo11r fi"t•rfipt. s179aa Frigidaire Electri-c lean owen range ••. at a rock-bottom price • All tlllt rem1lns of Wfd.on soil Is 1 whlsk ... q fr.ct of nh. • Cleans O'l'tll rtck, tnd drip bowls, too. • Fat-Mltl111 1111'· ftct units-unlimited /111! set· lings lrom Wn to Hltfl. FRIGIDAIRE TWIN 30 RANGE WITH EYE.LEVEL OVENJ · OP!: for no-iron f1brics priced Dryer, too • 6-Posltloa Fabric Selector • ltb J'IMI conttnl *>'inf hell • Durable Prtll Can. Glntle • OW.tlle Preu C,re. Proper Just di1I the t1bric-w1111 to wit tht fabric. washhtf JCtlon plus 1 coll! htnptr11h11t phn end-cf.cycle water Cbol-d(rw11 help no-lrao cool-clcJwn bnng Durable Preu labrics st11 "n.Hronr lleml oul rtldy to #t1r, • Jtt Action Agl11tor. • 2.Cyde Time r. Seltcl e1act • 2 .lft·AWI}' R1nsts. IUnbtr ol dryi111 minutes. • Cold W1tft Wuh S.Ulq. • No-sloop ll•t scretn. $298 11 BOTH FOl ONLY "":"!tr temper1ture,. a~lltlon, • Duftblt Press en. Proper r111s1 temperttur1, sp n a.peed 1ltmptra1ur1 plus to0 l4ow1 ire 1U set 1utom1!1tally. and tflG.ofqclt slinll htlps • 2.floslllon Cold Water S. brin1 111>-iron fabrics out with IM:tor sms hot Wllert he!Ps no itonlnt 11Mdtd, JllCMtoop prmnt Wlnlll:!\ tllll ldiiw. DactOll llrrt SCf'eell. • o\utln!lttic:. Soi Cycl1 s3ss·· BOTH FOR S" For YourMlf The ONLY Savings On These Fabulous El ectric Ranps _ 411 EAST 17th ST. COSTA MESA 646-1684 ' -. ti. Dany 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' " l \ • • ' =----------------~----~------~----~------- •· I f • Gemini Pilots Charted Moon Course Sec~ndProgram Filled Unanswered .Gap Between 'Primitive' Mercury, Mo on Flight CAPE *ErfflEDY (UPI) -"We did 10 times u much in specially prepared Agena spaceDJ.gbll ln 11 months gave be admitted laler he enjofed ~ maUunct.lon w a a The course to the moon was a single Gemini rnWlon as we target rocket orbited les.s than grouod controllut and launclt the 20-m!nute adventure-iO enou&b, according to the charted for A~Uo 11 by the did ln all ol Mercury," re· two boun. earlier. crewa lbe uperience and con. much ~·1 was indeed ttluctant misalon ruin, to hive Sehirn pilots of 10 machines that counts gpacefralt manager He and Scott also came fidence needed to send far to come in." and Stafford eject from their could Dy "?'more than a few George M. Low, Who wu In cJose to becomJng the fint more complex spactshlps to Gemini 4 rel'lllined in orbit cao.ule. But Schlrra wisely hundred miles from earth. on Mercury and Gemini from men to die in space. Twenty. the mood. four days · and Gemini 5 deC.iC!td not. to, and tron They were the men o( the beginning. .seven minutes after lhe dock· Althou&h Gemini wound up 11;stronaull L. Gordoo CoQper hi m s e I t a Dlstingul.shed Gemini, the astronauts who "Mercury put to bed a klt of ed with the Agena, a faulty doing everything It &et out to and Charles (Pete) Oonrad ez. Service Medal Jn the procea. bridge the gap between the questions about what happens thruster sent the e n t I r e do, and more, 111: $1.28 billion tended man's e n d u r a o c e lt tJ,Fned out that an elec-- prlmlUve little capsules of to man in space. In Gemini we assembly whirling out of con-cost was more than double the recilrd to eight daya ln August, trical plug in the tail of the 1.fercury and the massive gained operation.al proficiency trol. original estimate. Dopedly nurtina: a generator GeminJ 6 booster dropped out sophisticated ships of th e in manned spaceflight." Despite fears lhe two docked The project started more problem from almost the prematurely, causing the twin Apollo program. The liit of Gem in I craft might rip apart under than two years late, and when beginning to do It. qW to stop firing. Even U Project Gemini built upon astronauts reads like a roster the strain of a one revolution ita final unmanned ten flight "We were b&nglng on Ii clUt I.be plug had not done the job, lhe thin footing of space ex· ol Apollo Dien:. All have either per second apin, the two was about ready, Titan 2 all eight days ol the fllgbt. It a plutlc dust cover that perlence laid down by Project flown in Apollo moon.ships, or astronauts cooly separated rocket w1s damaged by • could have ended at any someone left on an engine rue! Mercury and answered some have been named to prime or from the Agena, activated an launch pad Ughtnlng 1trike in lime." Cooper nported. But line, would have. of the moat pressing quesUons backup crews. emergency control system and August, 1964. Two tiurrlcanes the tact that It did last that Launch crews beat even the or moonfllght. The proj~t's biggest sue-made ari emergency landing. caused further delays and then long, said aetronaut physician most optimistic estimates in When President Kennedy on cess came in one twe>-week A related accomplishment of a hydraulic failure shut down Charles A. Berry, pve tbe effecting the needed • cor· May 25, 1961, set the naUon's period 3'iii years ngo. Gemini 1 singular imPortance to future the booster's engines a apUt body Ume to stop figbUng and rections and had Gemini I sighla on a lunar landing in astronauts Frank Borman and manned :spacetught programs secQDd after they fired on the start enjoying weigbUessne.ss. ready for another J~uncb try this decade, the United States James A. Lovell set a 14-iiay was Gemini's proof that man-pad Dec. 9, 1914. That started one of the most three days later. nus time wu just struggling to get a space endurance record that ned capiules could hook up to That, said Vlr&il I. "Gus'' dramatic c h a p t e r s in Schlrra and Slafford got off, man into orbit. still stands, and W a Iler an orbiting rocket stage and Grissom who was waitling to spaceflight history. and later scored the hlstoric It was apparent that a great M. Schirra and Thomas P. then U!e its own engine and Oy an identical Ge.mini, "was Scbirra and Stafford were renduvous wHh Gemini 7. deal had to be learned, and Stafford new Gemini 6 within fuel to maneuver from one like a karate chop behind the scheduled to fly Gemini t to t Gemini I followed with the Ju.med quickly, about man's inches of them In history's orbit to another. ear." But the flight finally got rendezvous with »!'I Agena Initial hookup of two satellites ability to endure in space long first space rendezvous. Besides proving out the vital off and cleared the way lot target rocket in October, 106S. and from then on, the pro- enough to make the roundtrip. Eleven astronauts went on rendezvous and docking Grissom and John W. Young. But their Ageaa, which was gram proceeded rapidly with to the moon, and his ability to to gain valuable rendezvous techniques, the men of Gemini to fly Gemini 3 on a successful launched 9l minutes before-ttie rendezvous and spacewalk develop and perfect the experience in Project Gemini, took over where Russia 's three oriblt test flight March ther were to take off in missions or Geminis I, 19, 11 rendervous techniques needed performing 10 apaee meetings spacewalking A I ex e i A. l3, 196S. pursuit, vanished -the victim and 12. to make the Apollo-plan work. using seven different ways to Leonov le!t aff and ac-James A. McDivltt and of an engine explos.lon just Lovell and Aldrin closed the That was tlie job of Gemini, do It. cumulated 12 hours and 25 F.dward H. White followed in before achieving orbit. The project with the four-day the four.ton: two · seat Among tho.st 11 wue Nell A. minutes of time outside their Gemini 4 in June and, after a decision was made then to Gemini lZ mi.s!ion in spacecraft that started out on Armstrong, Michael Collins spacecraft last-minute decision prompted ~ave Gemini 6 rendf'ZVOUS November, 1916, and in the the drawing boards as an and Edwin E. Aldrin , the three Gemini also pioneered the by Leonov's spacewalk three with Gemini 7 in December. proceu Aldrln tet a apace-walk overgrown "Mercury II." Apollo 11 pilot! who are about controlled, gliding returns into months earlier, White became Gemini 7 took olf o:i record by spt.ndlng two hours Gemini had a bard time get· to set out on man's first lunar earth's atmosphere that the first American to leave his schedule Dec. 4, and Gemini 6 and sil: minutes out.side his ling spaceborne, but once it landing attempt. Apollo moon pilots rely on to orbiting spacecr•ft. was to follow eight days later. cabin and another three hours did, Jts 16 _pilots developed In As commander of Gemini 8 ease the deceleration forces, Whereu Leonov m e re I y The engines on 11.8 Titan 2 lg· and 24 minutes atanding up in 10 flights al broad base of on March 16, 1966, Arnutrong and heat of frlcUon, on their Ooated about at the end of a nited an Ume -but quit one an open hatchway. technological kno"ledil:e that and copilot David R. Scott high speed returns from the tether, White e-0ntrolled bis and one-hall seconds later And with that, Ame~lca should pay generous dividends became the first men to latch moon. movemeot outs Ide the while the rocket remained turned ita ai&hla Lo PtoJecl for years to come. OIJtO anather aalellite, a And the 10 m a n n e d spacecraft with a iet gun. And locked to the launch pad. ApGllo. 22nd SINCE 1947 • HURRY IN FOR THESE "1 FLOOR SAMPLE & DiMOHSTRATOR O'Keefe &.Merritt GAS RANGES PRICED TO SELL! WE CELEBRATE YOU $AYE IT'S OUT OF THIS -WORLD! .... -~ . OO®LJO Color TV HERE'S A LOW LOW PRICE ON COMPACT-LIGHT WEIGHT COLOR TV THE NlFICT "SECOND" $25888 COLOl HT. COlOl·9UICI TUNING -AUTOMATIC CHIOMA CONTIOL 14" d~. -102 ~·la. plcttl'9 COLOR TV -STllEO PHONO -FM.AM I FM STEREO 11.ADIO-IN DANISH WALNUT STYLE 2J" .i.e .. Jtl 141· ... ,i. .. ,. , _ ,, .. ..., ·-... '795°0 4-J'/1" twMten. 1.,.1 ... . ...._ i.-tp"-" '9Q. IAMll.W. II,..,. ... c..n.l.J oornoo ColorTV @D AVIS RROWN . T•L•Vl810N •Al'l'LIANC•S SWIVEL COLOR ·JV FIDDLWlll TYi AUTOMATIC FINI TUNINC. 14.f.f,J LOCll IN Pl~Ulll SAYE DURING OUR SALE! Be1ulilully Styled Console Color TV Automatic Fine Tuning (A.F.T.) for color so real you'll think your Ulere. Two 6" oval Dui>Cone speakers too! SHOP TONITE AND SAYE! 411 E. 17th· St.-Costa Mesa-646-1684 DAIL Y-t-A.M~to _,_P.M._SAJ PLANTING FLAG -Simulated lunar landing mis- sion features planting of U.S. Flag on moon surface by Scott MacLeod , chief consulting pilot for Lunar Module Projects from Grumman Aircraft Engineer- ing Corp., Betbpage, N.Y. The simulated mission will be shown on CBS television in connection with the Apollo 11 flight. Background is full scale model ol actual LM. Moon Will Receive Assortment of Junk SPACE CENTER, Houston The staff will ride In two 4. (AP) -The moon's rll'St foot sections. One of human visitors w111 1eave Armstrong's first duties ·when behind an American flag made he emerges from the l..M will (...nyloo, a.plaque, microfilm-be..1o..asa.emble.Jt befoie...pla~--= ed messages Crom leaders of Ung It on the moon's surface. foreign nations and an assort·. Also to 'be Jeft behind is a ment or space junk from one to J 'I;-inch silicone d!ss: overshoes to a two-ton engine. bearing microfilmed meSsages Neil A. Armslrong -the of goodwill from heads ot £in1t man to walk on a planet state of many naUons. Some other than eatt.h -will plant 120 naUons have been invited the S.by·S.foot flag soon after to send messages, and SO have he starts his twe>-hour, 40-responded. · minute slay out on the lunar The biggest piece of apace sur;face. • junk the crew will leave Air Force Col. Edwin E. behind i.s the 4,l(M).pound lowet Aldrin Jr. wUl photograph half of the moon landing craft. Armstrong as he sticks an It contains the engine and fuel eight· foot stall bearing the compartmenta the astronauts flag into the-moon's crust. use to descend to th-e moon. It The metal plaque to be also has the four spindl y legs fastened to a part of the lunar which give the lunar module module that w1U remain on the its apldery look. moon will bear the _inscription : When the utronauts leave, "Here men from the planet they launch tile upper, or u- earth cent, stage of lhe LM from Flrst set loot upon the moon atop the descent stage. July 11169 A.O. On the moon, the astronauts We came in peace for all will use and discard 17 poilndl mankind." at rpeclally designed tools. The plaque will be signed by These include a hammer, the three Apollo 11 astronauts claw-like tonJS. a scoop a and by President Nixon. handle extension and a coi'.ing Etched at the top of the device. plague will be t w o hemJs-They also will leave two pheres, symbolizing the West· scientific instruments: which ern a n d Eastern hemisphere will provide data for months of the earth. A dot on the after the flight. one ii 1 Iasu Western hemisphere will mark beam reO~tor and the other the spot where Apollo lJ took Ls a seiamlc measuring unit oil from earth, Cape Kenn-powered by solar cells. edy, Fla. The television camera which Space affjcials aaid the flag wlll let tbe world watch man's was designed to look good flrst step.t on the moon also despite the absence of a will be left behind, sitting on a breeze in the moon's at~ tripod aome 70 feet from mosphere to keep it unfurled. where the LM lands. Tbe A spring wire mechanism will camera wlU operate until the hold the flag at a right angle ascent stage leaves the moon to its pole. and will, ll all works Well, The flag and the staff will show Armstrong and Aldrin be stowed in an aluminum blastirig off to link up asaln tube attached to one of the with the command ship ln moon lander's four legs. orbit around the moon. Lunar Landing to Cost Bookies Over $34,000 LONDON (UPI) -I I astronaut Neil A. Armstrong sets foot on the moon, major British bookmakers must ante .up well over $34,000 to those BIBLE SAY obout DEATH? who bet on a manned landing before lt'l'O or 1971. The payoff could~· m figures because the_ kies won't say just how uch has been wagered. The bigseilt winner Ls no secret. however. Jn 1964, Dav\d T1trelfall of Creston, England, bet 10 pounds ($24) 'at l,CM»-1 odds with the William HUI organiu· tion on a manned U.S. landing before 1971. 'nlrelfall, 'rl, a personnel of. fleer, wlll be In Landon July 21 . The 'rfioment Armstrong sets foot on t.be lunar surface, W'tlllam Hill will stuff a check, ·worth '24,000 in Thre.lfaU's Mnd. "We're ready, to pay him oU," • William Hi 11 spokesman aald th19 week. "ln fact, we're a"bout to draw up the check now." 11We are IOlnC to take a bad loss for an event pf this kind." the bookmaker sPokesman said. "The Amuicens just got going ahead by leaps and bounds and were loo fast for us." ~ '11le APoUo 11 m1ssbl comu. loo late to capt""' one po4-• sized plum. In Novtmbor, 1157, The People, a SUndoy .. wiq>1per, ofle!'4 JU0.000 for the lint man or llflti. to either land on the moon or clt- cle it and retwu to tt1J an o- cluaive story tor t h • newspaper~ The offer uplred, unclaimed, in 'November, 116'{· • I 1 -. -'- n -.,, _.. ·-·=*=". -- Jt DAll.V PILOT California Sets Jlace In Building 5 Tutsday, July 15, 1969 .CALIFORNIA HOUSI NG 196'1•1969 STARTS -• I OVER THE COUN.TER Complete-New York Stock List 1 lt•••••••••••••••ll:•••••••I HEW YOllK IAl'I• Mof161Y'1 cOll'lllltW s.i.. 1f1t s.-Nd I 1 "'" York Skid!; ~en. ... 111lca.: "*·' "'-.... ci-CJle Ulilt.) llitfl l•• CltM Cllf, NA$D Lf1tln91 f<Jr Mondty, July 14, 1ff9 .,., .,, 'I~~ '" lj i ~ U\.11 + ~ e1Mw ffl.~ 10 ,~. w. "" .. ........ ,.w. .......... ..-...... " .,.,,..,_..., ' AM, ,_ 111.lSO. tl*,J .... Law ~CllJ, I r~!JtM~ 1:l " ua ~ ~ ,~ t::t ~i lt~ 1~1 11~ = ~ fliflhl *' ........ f'lfalf W ...,._ _,....... w a11rlu M -A-..... 15 t 1 1 1t•111 + \Ii ~Pf.,., ii fm r~ fl ••··•, ... ,. 14'0 W.'4 1'~-.... '-h•Hff Ind " 11.; II -I' L~..-< ... IOMALLV ADJUUlD •.. ~nd ~;J""; • A"'e-~ tJ:id111°&' 1!"1t:t:: i;u'-'M"-A' '?41~ ~~-llffi: •No ~t~ 1 Sl~~1 lo:~~ r)'.t; ~=,:~::.r:.\Ptei·'f ~ ~ r.;,; ~=~ c.uc,..-1-tea ,_ I •NHUAL tl:AfEj I ·t..:.. 1,L!-i. .. ~ ,er 2 u--2 ~u. ) ~ ~ ... It: tt»: ~~", Jb I ~!t ~~..-1\.to MW\ ljt 11 '°"' 211'-\ ~~ -·~ ~mEI t! 6 .90 I )i.., .»1'o »It ..... \; 17> hr------'-------t----,;.,rt--t-'::---H-~ zq~~g.JI "~ t 19r ij" f ~-lrilo 21.,.. l'l\\ ltoulon l' 1!.,.. A LU ·'f.11 !f 2'1\ J.m 2~ -1 §"' •l,:111 2ll 31 ll'h :l5 1'-1 IJl1soNG 1 tu ,,.,,. 11.\&· t -\\ ,,. uaa 8CCOllft ~·· ooe> • i'iT.I ;.r'°''-.w t~ .. "'!' :,-;w ~ ~~ f:V. H': E 1 -Ai: ~i"" .Jlj 2 I \'I ™' 11 .... + "' =•t'~ 10:, 'nt. -~ ~ "'+ ~ 1=1 j:if ~ 1!lt. = !fit= ~ -~ or total build.IJll 1)01-1------.------t-/'f.±-.f'---i+---:4--...;,~: :\:"1~~ .,, "Md .... \4 Mr.': Get WV. •• ,. l~l'I !r'm~:';; ,,, 1.:? ,." 1•" .:;;14 lofm1111 .• ,, '°"' '°"' '°" ':". I .._c ·-16 """ ''"" 11~ + \'t "wlume ln the United States I ••• , ...... , I -= "'§f 1 v.1 ~· ~ i:t 'U: ~ ':: , .... ~ 1..ti ll r,:i i5 ~ = (? ::.::: .'!;,;.. 1t = lo"" = ~ " ::ru:t: .P: rial Jtl& ff ~ = :? ~ J = DI' ..,, 11 ltf In o 1'Vll v. ~~!'I.! tt )i l*l'nd 6 6\4 MIMLif 1,AI !l 4.1 11 a\; -.,. &r...it .. lr JD 11! ,>'\ 11~ llb -·~ IMllMlft ... Jt 11'Mo 20'4 20\i _, 1-~ ear t" _,,.,. 1rv , , ~ ~ , --· "' I''" 11 '°"' 67¥1 .. A'!'11" .. , co n im-'Ii a11ti(fs1 2.-. $31,!i "" s1'11 -~ ,,. "' Pl4 u ' i:i.ot 1:i.l'I 13-1•1 -, .. -1 -'-'~_,;;::-----t---iP,c-f'>."-'"i;J----Mf------''---! 1:1 m .• •!:\:::"""di ~." _ ," , • yv. ~·. ~· •'i..• '•'j~ ,'-, tt •,•~ 2J~ •, •,.•,roos .20b 41 ..01'1 -+ v. srtl N<Y 11'!1 '' '°"" '°~' ~ -\\ ll!'l1J8U11 ,M ' :a.i nu :13111 -!\• . ~ !.... 12S r MClll"I .....,.Id -·I m........ Pio A .. YI ii> .U,1J I "m 1'•1'1 11 -+ "' l •llMV p/ t ' "2\.'t .ft!A 0\11 +lv. QUIG11 f.20 11 :16~ 3' l61'1 -+ ,, "' survey ui -con-,,,...,, .,,, .. ~ Motcto 1 , .. ltf 1f It" Alri\w"' i' so 16 f6 ~ ,, -~ •= tt•• , 1' Jtv. " ,, t " ~a 1r.c 1.2<1 ~i j•"'" ,. 14 -\.;: lltnJclion COMpl l td and MOV~ ... ~::.G< =c,"1.Ur.~ '~~ "f ,. =:w: il~lm ',cmta :::~: ~tfr 1 ~ ~~ tm=tt=~G~fj, l'~j-.... :r~.~~ ·~Ji ~ ~=;: n~~~ pu.blbhed,_ by \he Economic 100 ~ :;.~ flt( ! 'l =•I 9ffld Wt Sh • 51 A~~ .. l.10 13 Jl114 2 .... f~ -\'I 8rnn C. pf 12 Ullt. UW. 11\lo ::.. f YI ~\'), n -1 fteleaf'th Department 0 f 1111 rtOldW(, r t: 1 l'I 111::Cr: ' l~ Jr """ t ~;';(;"'.Ii '~ 1~ r.=-t''1; ~I= ::u!::'i.J ': :: ~ !Q +\~ AOb ll t" I~ lt -_.. Sflcwily P11cille ?-! a t j 0 n a I \ I ,,,.~......_ INI uo. !(;&IV I 1 ~ r<d'rJ Sl\lt 22.... l:tVo n~ Allttl ~ ,', .... ••• •.v. _.\lo 8r11t11wll: .0541 :m 20 l .... lt\lo -~ '°', ~s ff 1l ff 11 ::·;.; Bink rts buildl i• I :r:.'t:."" • ~ Vr rv. •I ~~ llv, 14"' irn 16\li All::~~ t. 4 ~ 11 .u -1 8yc;y'r 1.20 "' n~ n ""-+ .,.. ~a 13 ~\I :nu; 1'"' + ~ N!po ng perm~ 'l ~-E'11r 2•11Jr f:S 71'11 .lYl =:J ~ 1\4~\lo : 1:1 ~ ""™ ~l1etliW° r.J 41 ?? ·I-. 21,.,···v,811dd Co .llO 10 19"' l'l'o lt .. +YIFt<'. A :J ~r,~ ~~ :u~=it: valuation totals of $$ billion 5 •"••' ""I(,' ij' I' t Modut 1111 H•1 s ... • t4Yi i. w cool1:1 1~ ~ AmHCi. 1,H 1u "ctt"' ?!"" !j~ =+ ~ :::.t .. t'::: 1 ~ ,:"' 1~" ,~ t .. \,, ~:v,1r~tti~ ''' '~ 10v. 10lot -·~ I ••-~ -te and ~ bill! ( ,ltc C"" l! l Nit "-..... t YI w EIS'IC 17 a. Alll:I Mlln .• JO ,.y, .. .. 8 rtl"-I >O --... ., 1 c w li '"' 131' l>l1 -4-or Ul'I:" ~... ,..... on or """"• ·v•' ' '•I""""" c J 1 H•tol ..... m '", Al!ledMI .7S • " " II _,, • •v ~· ~ .... ~ rl rmoo>I I It nvt ,.~. ti" -14 ••• u.. ~ a llff• Rt N 7\li N~Gf lO\.'Jo ~ Ml Rnls 11 :it .. llM P• ... 40 ""'-1516 2 1i' -1\li 811 .... 1 .llO •1 .tSMI .U\~ .._...,,-I\' F11tl'f,ll .olO 51 11 ... JI Jiiii _ •:, UM! D8~1. ..,, • • fWllJ 9 th 1''4 N NllG ~ 2~ ltd krw :19 30 Att!edf>d s) 3 62 .... 'I 61 =l\lo au'* ll:1mo 20f 11 l~ 10" -l'o 1'1no 11 l,lO 16 2 :IOV. 211\il-t Conu-.. ati"on "f the 1961 50 ~ 11o 11IW''' 1 ~Hi ,. i.c """ I'" HPd ll ~ "fs" .... :n Ul• :w "' 1 aun.1t pfl,M • 3'1'' :u :u _, ~1~ 1~ 21 ljr. uv, u~ _ i1 reoovery was noted in Security ~ 1 '" ~~ 11~ Irle TK ~.... H .... ""' 5 • ~ T; 1~ n'a: A CN"" " ll'"' ;oa 200 -"'8~rrgM ·'° ts 131 .... l?l\lo 1~\.' -... F= i":o • 13'<1 nl " .... v 1 9~6 .~T 0 19Jlo8 0 1 9~9 ~ t.:';1'., 11~ l "' :::11cmr 1 , ~~I:~ ~ El4 n'.ll s ••w Cl .... Sj¥1 ~11 ti .J 11;: ~ n~ ntt .! \l =~~~.Joe n ~"' ~ ii~ ::.v. ~:::.~Ml ~ i'1 w !:~ 1'\'ll =1~ P&eilk!'s survey. p e rm i l ·~;(r;GICIWCS Ol-ltiltJllJ.NmCll'lllUIU ~ ~ j 1twtn NCw NG ._ ID14o w .. '' ,, ···~ A pt 209 ' ' 1t lt &lllUllY 1.llf ' JllV. 201'1 2(1 ....... Fl'dP .. ,.,_ 11 311 ! = ~ t.. ~· ,l-:fld 1 I 8 f-a NEw 011 -"' Jlii T., .. A~.1.M 12t 11 ~,,.. 4111'1 -2"1o 8irti.r.sto .llO 15 l1 3'VJ :16Y, -\lo F ;.~ n~ •J I 25 l'I + 11 vaJualion last year increased H • s If .. h i:: m li ~:r,J.. TT r:. ~ ~:,A,.G~ l'" U llo '= 1U 1 n'111 ~Ar" ~-311 1:""' int i~ =1~ -C-FMF~fd l 'l ... rn? tt:..:. ... ·~----Jl we_than 25 percent in ous, 1t19 tarts P ~rr.l't: ,m~!"~"°MtJl"'J;""NW, __ ,,~v ,~-It~~= ~:-rnt::::e~·~ .. 3 3 " .. '""'-"'•bot<•·• t 1 =.,,.. ,. . .,+'6~:i1~ tr' 51f f: .. ~e ~::·,·.-' Uomia anaby about 20 \ ~ Gto 11 ~ ! 6 I 17 n "'"' 'C° 21 Soi T1vlar W 11 n 60 "3... ~~ ~ =11" :1.:1-..~J:it 1U tti.., 2m ,m =1!t FHI N.r.t ·1,... j *' IO!l I~ + ,, t..IM« • VJ :IG ,,.E 1' j6 Ohio Art !Fl\io l,~ 1e•11 AS ' • ~~ 'm'so 'II• ''!'' 11Jl4 -1\(o. ca111 .. RL .'5• Jl)'\lo-+-~ ~'!!:O,CJI·,-•, 1 ,,i. 23~' ,:R, -.. percent in lbe United States. Housi ng starts in California in May were a t a sea-.. ,,, ore• m. l'•li'll i.w l" ~ 1a W•t »v. 111rrr1 A •111 10111 .....,,,.,u,,. ·• , 1nt 1 "Vo '~'* _, c .... 1:1s11 1.10 ~ ~ ~"' ,. . F~11c1~ ., • a, ~"-· ~,, ~ •• ~ -+'~ I I I d of v t .. El L•b -," F1! RPOU U ' 5cM 641 TIEnr Co 1111o lt .. "' Ai.-t1n .• '31 2114 11'4 11111 -1"11 C•n.Soll R.r l :r20 .u,. ~'.\ ll\!lo-1\11 ll!rol 2 · l9 2R:o ... ,.. An 8 Vanct °"' percen SORaJly 3dj'Qsted 8QDUaJ rate Of }78,000 Units, Up from '"' E)Q)t 60\ii !'ti WFL11 Jill rmanl 9'4 10 Tl "1' 111 11.\ 17 Am a.it .. ·r .l-1 1•\11 lf 6 -YI dll llrtw .• •1 f liol 1\i i,. ""''''" t n!'f' lJi;j, 1ll14 -1" .. as ---~-· In ••• ~-tc's Ht Am ,..,n .!~ 10 f"lldmtl I IN, ,,. 20l;o l' .... T ... Gil nro. 1J\\ A1118k lrilo"' I ' 1$Wi '~ 'N. .. 1111 r.1e '·" ,, """ ,. 1t _, 1,...,.,. , OD ,:io \i ''\lo IJ'-4 -,, n:u.MU"U wi-r; 0-the 138,000 of May, 1968 and one of the highest in A G~" IT" 1 Fkiht s.1 21 NA 1w. N T'S 1 Siio ~Am ano1111s ' lt3 :1.1 mi :1:1 .. -,,., ,.,. 1t.ci '·'' 4 2~v. ,, 1s +v. 1rCft•t 1 Ni "' n li!\li -"" --··---·nti.. whlch ac Alll ~ ~YI Food "''" 1 i!:i ,, lJ 14 r G lm Jt\Ai AmlklQI I 611 Ill a1..i. ~ """-1\.\ Ml c Ide" IO """ :12!\ :11'4 ~"'""Cr J':iro ... ·~ ,....., "9:V. -t.o ,,....,,1\':I Q .......... ' -recent years, according to Bank of America econ-Am I n," lSV. ",!!>'•<!!~ q =~, 1~: IJ¥1 U1.\ l'llC" 0 5 6 Am "'" ,.'° ..-111, ~r.· 'r,'•· ,.is -~ c""'"''" 1...0 I •l'.'1 43.... •JI\ -YI F1INS1r .ma Tff 4'\4 6.Mlt "' + " counted for 61 percent of ~"' ~t<ll 1,"' ;iv. 1111 ... ..,,.. .o rtfld lft '' n ACtro "" ·.75 11o • on.~ ..• wusi. -'° :1-1 20•1t ,,,,.. 1t¥1 -1 "'""Pl!Kh _.. ,; !!!:'<: ll.\lii fl -• omiSts. The bank expects the pace tO decline by late "'J. d:. ' 14 "!!.'&'' \'J r P:f FIE 3$ li Trleo Pd Jl ,.iii A"' C'm .1111 n1 t:t'lo , IJ -""li•<oPLI l.tl • 3-1141 3'I ~ -V. Fl1M.Scl 16 Jra 181" _. -'• CalUornia's tot.al construction :sr' 0 °' 10 1 ,... ~;~;"en ~ l P (0 Co ''" f\.\ T•latlr 151'1110..:. .. C111l11 t.6' ,• "j!ii' ~ ,.,, -~ ~u,rch 1.60 s ,,14 ,,..,. 37,(,, + \\ FltmJ"" ·/' !1 11 1'v. • v. +,.. bill. summer or early fall when the full impact of the A"' T•"' nl4 1m ' '" F. 21 P•llCOI 121'1 1'"' Trlll'IC• '' 2,,. ...... c....,n '° ?O -'"'1..,.'"'c" .1111 ,. 11111 36"' :wv. _ v.. F11n111.oi, fi ~~ in. 1' + ~ last yie.ar, rising lO $3.1 100 Andi!" cg JM U\4 :~:. R. II ... 11"' Plcw'I' Off Pt 2'I Tr-F• UV. ,,~ .t..t:l'VS..... 1.4 ,J 43'~ 1 \4 ~\6 . u. • .. Gn l .7'1 , 3110 ~·-. )111o -"" "•Fl~"'' ,!'f,82 H 1 ,,:'• 26"" ~--.., fr-om $2.3 billion in 1967• government's tight money policy is felt. :=-c '°:1 'ht. G•rf1111;i 1~ ,~ ~~,," 1:~ lt: ~~ Tlt ~OYJ ~ ~,.:: t;t m ,..u ,,... ._--."' .,.,.,.w ..,. 211 2.5'4 1n1o 1N -1 Fi! &.ea.<.1 l6 ""' ~ 31 ~1~ h A.c1t1 ~ J•;, ff"" r,,,AI~~ 1™ l~ P"rln T 1""1 21 U11 DOllr :U 1'.YI Am Olllh 1 • ?• y,iv,, »-WA ~= ~I Al_. • \4 n•Yri rit\4 i,_4"" .~ Fi. Pow i41 ~ 11 l11fi. 111.\ -lo More dJsproportionate t an Aro Ind 11 !t ne k't J':, 4 ~...,, ,o~",,' '"" n u11 mum :12v. lJl'o "'°"'"'' .119 n 1~ 11,... 11\lo -v. c1,1i.c11, •60 '° 30"4 :l'P'& 29"' _,"' Fi.PwLt 1.as '', ~~'!: :~ :~ :t t' -m~•able pe-entage gains jl,rOf" M ~I \'i?; GI!~ 3'' r m 614 U11 McG!I t\11 flt AOulL pf.I"' t Ila 13\li 11& ... Cillr'l'"r 1.:1111 1H ~ ,UV, '' _.: Fl1 Sl•I ,'IO it'' )~..., _ ~ ... u ,..... ,... ArOert ot 31 4 c; Kl tic .~ Pl G 25~ '6Vo U11 Ref9 1•" 1$\ir AmE!-l.SI 4' D D'-" ~ + 1' CCI M•rcidl M 11"1 lit.lo 11~ _ v. !~ 2.M!' 7' s tt > " in total construction were A•• IMP 11 g 111 t.RI E' 1 1" 1 Pe""' RE 13111 I!" M lknot """ 2' A111 En11;1 1 • ,. 21'" 1..:. -11o ctc11 c11 .a 1 ~114 ,1,4 21u. _ '-" uof Pl e J l s. s,,. ~"' -" "~H., G...t .. $ , .... , .. Pei>tl W•-114 1V.U ~n !\llfV.AmEllPlnd UlH•U'4:i.o.i-V.Cti.~ei ls.1"''62 '' -3 lwer .10 16 11" n11 1~:rY., comparative increases i n w ll w ' G • A lNi u. r.1t1.... 1 i•v. =::~ St 11 ""'' 1• t1 AEJ:rnd JlfA6 rrt '~ 1s 1s ... r."""" ins .ll 4 •••• a v, di.\_,,~ F~ c11 .15 l•J 2111, 1w 2Yito -n• rest-dent1"al bu"1lding. e '. e re oing ,.. ~1111 UV. .. I'.! GlllO'S 3'\\ '5 Ptrrollf ll"' ~ • T • ~ ~. ,A9!';'!" ,.-",_. Ul ni-, nv. 11'0-+ "' CerolFdl< .l'Od 5 l~ 16\l 1411, \~ ~-1"•'2.}j .? I() "2111 4)14 -u 2S\\ '"" '"'""" ~ ... , "• ... PhR'U' 111 n ~ ~·-_, ,s 31~ jllll Jl'*i + 111 .,., ttucr ,_... '' 1~ 16\/o ,~..._. _ ~ F 11r .fl! _ n :n ~ ,., S·ng1 I ., •• b "Id" g • ' •• ·~ ~ ...... r.1-.. ,,.w ... -.... Pl'IU -ur Pei>P 26\\ ,.. ... AmHoll .rt 2.5 15..., •111 1-A -14 c 111LI pU.50 tJCIO 7a lit 711 -+ ",oo!! Cll •• l! f:l "!'lo 12 = ~ I e am1 y ..... me Ul In All9ITICll ,,, ~ ffi ..... ~· ,, ..... u ... SLd tMo I~ A Horrt9 1.IO 411 ,..,.,. 5'l'o soi.... -\lo CO!fltllPS 1.1' 9 1t'J l•V. 19\lo -\~ oo ... Min ' 16' l!•t 15'11 -.: ·-Jumc rose 42.6 percent In AllK Oii lS'h 1 orl11'1 10 1111'> ~.. 11>.lo 1•'-' VIII Ind 3111'1 :rJ'll A Horne "" 2 •' ~,.•. P.~ ll .... , •• , C1ntl~E1 .H l! n 711.\ 2114-+ ~\' ~~~Pl1.,H. ' n ,,v, 2~ "' YV •1111:1111 ,,ty, l , .. ·r•Dh rn 1!:~\ !?Vt,.;;-..;.: "' S\lt VII LD 11111 lN A"' ...,,, :n I ... .,. ml! -~ i';~Pw 11? 11 !"Ii 19 lt -F"'Mc . 21l u~ 4.1 .u = '· 175'1956 000 to $1076897 000 32 1•lrd Al 221/t iii GrMlll SC -55 .MY, VIP« S• U¥1 , • .,.. ""''""' 1.10 .~ ,,.u" 11 11 -v, t:ftll SW 1.to 2.1 ,,,... •o>i --\!. F~I( pli'l. "' H'14 ...... 2t .... -l~ , , t • • • lilt< "' t'lret'll Ml &l'o 11'4 ~-d:,'< nv. 31 V Wodwd tl:~ ""' AmMl'dY 90 ..., • :IO 20 -C..., So<r1 .IO 11 '3 '°'" 7ttto _ ~ F tw I ,., 5 .lii4 •71{ 41\t + •4 percent in lhe slate. from B k w • h s l 8•1 Piint '" f, r;,., .. RE ,',' ,!...,,., ,.~ A:, 6 11* lllfw P 11 n .t.M.KIX ;.10 l'1 .cs>< .is1t •s"' + "r."'1T•1Ut .• '"' ,.,_ 70 :io•' -+ ll< .,:.._.!'_ .60b '' 1-n. 1111o1N _ ~ t t 8Pllfllwl l<I 51 r,,"""" ii ,, ua.s ~ 5\/o llt16t l!WoltAIAll\ Nto!or 2•! l''o I~ I'< ... C1rro l.60b 7t 2.5'.r. '''* '''4-~Fr.;:;;'ltr41 'l '°"" :191\,..., $1 ,389,201,000 to $l,827,636,(l00, ro e l y e ·~I> 11 11 g:::;~ ~! i!~ ~~ ~b5 == ~ 7I .. lhw II 12 ..... N1IG1 2 '2 35 3"~ l'l't -'~ Cl<'t.lftd .IO 10 24 ~ 73'0 -I\ l'"<ffllS 1 1·60 I ~ H\to 2~ + ... and 12 percent in the nation. g:e~. l "'Wl Gu•rd c11 fa\ 1111 .Putis Ne 13"' M~ ;:=: =~ 11ra ll"" :i:~ :m 33 ,,\, 11'" 11'"' -·~ c ... 1•1eo1 pf.tll 1 2''" ,,..., ""' -u.. "ruehc~ ,·111 \: ~~ i."il Ln-r:; ~· toec.hiTI 31:U 4",uld T~c )'lio ~ Pillibhr lt'ii U\\ W•I Tr t\ir Mv. Am Seel 1 lt lt~llo IU IN Ji r:Pnn~Alr .IO 2! 2•% 7l'tll 2•'A ~ FUQl/1 1no 11 ]JI\ 36., T ~ Jn terms of single Units &~It Ult l,! •"'• ~If Int f 10 F'vrlN 6V. m ttib Re-h1' lS Am 5ftl11 60 • 2• 1.J'h 1• + 'M CFI Sit .IO 1 1~ 2'"'1 l<V. l•l\o -+-..... ,.. ,.. lHi -'' It m lfld 11 1 1~ p, 80111!1ft >••• 0 W •> >t'' ''' · S '1 111.\ 21\ir ..... C:hldbr" Ir>< 511 lltli l~ l~ -~ -V-•l...rized lhe increase! were tlCOI N 1Mll 1,,... 2tl Purify 51 .. ' r11 .. Smelt 1 '° 1!1 ~• JO'~ llll> ... t"'mpS 1,10 » '"' 21,.., ?7>.il &"c c11 1 » 8UUJU 1 l:nc· -Ht :U l~ -'"' ~ ~V. so,r, f'Dllo Ci 1' .lW, tllnco M 27"1 2' A"'SoAlr 7o '! S.'111 n._ 5 .... +. .llo rtuorrerNY 1 10 ~1>:. ~~~~ ~W. -•h AF Corp 'olO ll Solo.;, S. s.l\t -•• 42 --ot in the southem By SVLVlA PORTER nation -we are inclined ~I L•b n s. H~ 'l ~ .. """"" 1:"' l~-WtlltR G 11~ llf\o Al!I Sid i' '1 li :uv. mo -~ r~ .... Mn 1.IO 111 ., .. .., .,.,~ ~·( -+ ~ AF 1\11..tli n ~1 ~. ,-,. --.. ,,--ll!rt: "" t'li H I ~ ti~ lhd r]y Wttal '° ll\lo h\i Am$1d..J:f4,15 I IOl'i 101\11 101°" -+ '" rhf(-er Mn! I !?1i ,..._ ""' _ r,8m $ko I :)0 II 1\11 ?JIO -... counties, 28 perctnL in As prices spiral across the almost routinely to overspend. \r..!."'" ~~" H:;"'~ h ~Rimi! ~", TI"" h~ =:~ ~~ 1~ 1J~ :"'s!'.r 1, tt• ,: ~tt ~~~ ~ = = ~=r.i'¥ t: ;; r,~ rr.! m :'".. !t &::::i ::l·fi ~ J:1: ~t: ~ =:? California.and 5 percent In the board and taxes soar at every As Eva Mueller, the noted ~ HI :Ul'> lM ~Ev~" 106 15'1' ::;~ c: 2g.,,,2J: ::~; ~ .. r'J: n .• AmSul,P'".61 1 '°"" 10\'o 1,,.. + "r1>em ... 1v .10 21 ,, 11'.<o 11\:0-,.. r.1,.,,.11 .SS 1l J1 ",'•-~ .... -~ Comparalive multiple-unit ol us are doing no more than n1vers1 )' o 1u11gan, sa1 1n rrt c.. tr" ~T Mf 11 1j" 11r11v ~1 ~ ~ .e '\ ,, .. 2214 AW' ...., 1:is rao 11.,. 171.1i '"" -:111c>'11t 111 " u>.\ l"\ ,,,~ _ v. t>tmlrJt C•o , • n"" """ -+ '4. United Slates. lev61 of government, millions cou '!sumi:r, =, M~~ist al 'd~ IE:::~ w~,1m li:!r :: \~ r~ :~?: r~ ti .... w11:= T )l~ »~ a~ ~·~ 1~ ~~ fl~~ tt:A~ ~~ ~$£1e'.J°. 1~ ~·h ~:z ~~ ~ ~ t.:~§r~~lO n n~ J~·· 3f' =1~ residential co.nstruction gains holding our own on the stand a telephone interview •. "quite a I~,: 1.h. ~= ~:. ~ .... fs :::,, eJ gl'J :""' ,~~ c ri" tft ~ ·~,~ l.4l II~ r:: H:Z ~ :: .... ~~\~"1!":; i{ ~~ J.~ ;!"~ =~\' ~I~~"' 2:~ ' J~.. l~:t l~ + ~~ '.J..or Soulherp. c aJ j f 0 r n i a • ard of living ladder -:. ~~<t ~~W-~P~ "tbo r~elV~ wage 1..aw !I ?1....-lltt ~~ t.. n lt\i (lll!Y E 1111 ·-~=..c~.. l~ :YI ll~ ~ + ;; ~:..~ .~ ~: l ~.... ~ ~ ... ~~. °S't',~~ ·?60 . ~q r,}t if:? il'U =1"' Cali fornia and the United miJliODS are actually Stepping 1ncr-ea•--as SO many bave ~llrlMI 1 iiii u•• Ind OH 2'1" '''" AMK Co .:JO ll:J ?•~> ,~ 2• , nt1 Mtr<'c I :t ,... .... ,_...... ,.-, .,-• ..-'"' "7 51 I 2uti.J1W4, ::;;· • ' -~·. i• \! .. llld Nucl 20\li 211.., •MP Inc .oil n •Wt •>oio ..i•; -'1, (ftlP"""'' ' ,_, :'111•1' ~ Jl ' -(I; t:;.,, fl•roc 5' !I '"" l~ ~' ~ States were 15()..U.44 percent down. After years in which been recezving in the pass cou-r-1n1t11ec ~ ••n Amriew Cpr11 1.11 ..,"' MRI ., .. -1111o rM RI ,.,.r s 'qi, ''11o ,,,,,. -·~ G" c1011 1.20 ~~ 11 ~-+ '"' In f I and 77 ~ 2" • ''"''d IV. N MUTUAL Am._.. ? • 5 JtV. -" _ I(,, r~q1., cl II" ? ,, ,, ,, -v, Gen Cl! 'N I• • --. tenns o vo ume ....,,. our rising paychecks and pro-pie of years -fh out and M 7~.. 1111 COii! 1• 7!l"r ~ .....,;:r .Ji J 11 iiv. 11..,, v. rM1.1° c1Nw • ,, ~ .,,,.... -... nl>f,"'I! ,., 11r.c ~ -'' ~ percent In terms or uni ts ll h d f -~ -· lhan " • ··-unt • ,, " ll'ICll -SYI 11'.lt lf\~ . A""CDl'ld uo '" )II.,, ::irn. 311\11 t v. rhl Tfllt 2.?l'I 1 '"" ....... ~ .. -.... ;:e..o......,,; 1 JI "~ ~ !F-~ .-.; fits kepl as We a ea 0 In· """' .... '""" cuuv !ii m "'"" ho 10\'I \11.\ AncriHDd! .IO n Qlt •llli t1•;, -\Ii r..,,.J<F"ll .i.t 11 1~\.i 1-. 1~'11 -V. C... E!ec 2.60 216 IP Ill\ =I •1.--'*...I • d t f '"• •--Or th f el ' I .,t BWlh IV. fVJ AnctwoJrlJ l ! 24)\o '""° ,..., ,..,,rl1 Cit .liO :\" 1~ l<•li 1.<Yi ... Gii F'lrof .Ill!! 11 IHlo l• 4 8UuJUt~. creases in pnces an axes. o """' ra~. ey org 1 1"1 .Mm 23,. 1,\, Afld Cl•Y ).20 1 :i.11i ].llYJ ,.,, + ,. r~,,,,.,..1t . .u ~ '~ ,.. .... ,.,.., -... r-Ffl 2.60 l! ~,,,~ !?.,,. ~ =•~ M IU Jes accounted for $742 ' ' k" f ·-·t !he tr t lh 'II "' ! Int Ht 11Vo .... FUNDS .. acheeo 20 36 '31 0 7'! n·~ ~ ':h,..,.i.t ' ,,.., ~ ,. ... 1"\-+ ~ r...., Hast ... .. r• ,., .• U P we re no ma ~n a SU· auvu ex a ues ey 7:i,i, ...., 1,.,1 SYc,r ,. 21,,., ..,:C0011 ~.QI "' n•· 31 ~ ll''i -2 -:1nnr:E 1 111 ., ?IV. 1~'4 ,11& Gen1ns1r 111 J 1 ,2~, ,2..., 0 ...., =,~ million of California's $2.8 fici·enUy bigger to •I dollars have t pay from th .. ~... u 2 1.,t SY °' 11 1• Aw1 CllHn • .u·~ "'" :161· -~,,.,G,, '" '5 t-.o " 1' n -+1 c;... 1n'' .s.i 2!9 3l!I '.12'4 !ilj-1'-• " 0 e . r....... ljV. llfo 1111 Te-•v. 10'" •RA Sw: .It 7.1 lCS'to 103'' llll~ H't '""1" r:i;: ... ' 161) ~~ ~ ... , A"'4-+ '6 G ... Mlllf ... " 32~ 32'4 \lo -· billion in 1968 residential COO• '-ff t th -->--. th d the ••· feel ~-·•-lit ..-12YI O -'""lnMlll l tn.o 1 5•~ !'"'"'!.. "'°' ··-· G ........ ol l.4e "'50 16;, 1Jv. 'Ai w o se e erUMU11 ID e an n u11::)' . ., ...... """' ~}U 1 t:.O~ ~~ ,. ~<i',.:s..!~ 11 ~;: ~ ::"-I'> ,.,~,~·,.,1 ,. l '''-' l'.'"''o "'• .• 0GMol 51'f s , .,~ .,.,: .,'~=;Ito struction. Home remodeling 1. ... nng nnwer ol each of our when they realue the"'ve 1 l,... 11 SoUt11 '""' "lP'o Ar!IM os .10 :u1 :nv. 3':it. 32,... ··1,,, -:i '"'" 1.111 1., ~·"' ~·..., ~ .. -~ Mot pfJ.1s J '1 .,,. " -~ .. , 6 ->~ ~--lh he 3. 1 t J-F '"°" .,_. ... '1i1C:OSI 1.60 tt 2'11i 71 2l\t -~ '"Uln Sv< 1 1" "'"' 51"11 !" -u GtnPCtm 111 71 70 70 1' construction rose auuu per-dollars. spenl more an l y receiv-"° •~ J-c ,""' 1•111 JlllY 1• "'°' ,,0 "-'1 Arn'lr pl' 4,15 • --:1,.,. Inv ""' l'lf i>U\·1• 1"4 + ''' GP110U1 16o " 1111.o 1,, 27 :..:.·'-' cent t0$270miUiOO. ed" 1f"'11'4J-Wit 171/.i l) NEW YORK (Al") $lock 20.0l,1,'1Arms!Clt .Ill t~ ~~Jiu~ ~_:!:.l~;:~:~v.:;;~i1 181 ~ .... ~:YI ';v.=:;;g: :1~f'20 2' 1\11 ll'lt 11:16o ---BailOOning prices and taxes · Tl 19 J.....tiv 11'.lt 131/ri -X~. followlna "'e i•ltcl '·°' •.14 ArmCk iin.1s 1100 "~ '' ~1 -1 -:itr ,.1,. ··"' ,, ""' '•'\ ~,,., _ \.'" G.,.51111111 ·80 13 ., Mi~ "°"" -2\.\ I ---------MWtft~I-.. •• ,...s, .... N• Y.W,N.Y.1904 "-'" """""". ~ .. IM OCHtllllVllCfl'ok fund. lnoo ·--ti. CltJ U.ll'f AD.t.MS b . FOLLOWING·arejusta few 111 1ll Jll"ff"• 161'>11 t:!"'W·i::rnr.,oCJ. V1r PY 1,t0 1.s1.t..rmli~b lM 'Al .n11o ~-+\.'o-:11.tiEn l.11 ,, ,.v, ,,..., ,.1.,_1 GTelEJ i4 1~\ M ~ "'":..:.- arethe aSLC reasonssoman)' SpectficslOindicatetheareas lflf l,,...~:iv-f~~ J""~""y,1one!t 1s.W;1,.,,.l~t Rnll rl;g,i:~~lnC~.~ ~ = ~'°' ~*=~;::.,'}.,~11 1 :_; 1~ ''""' ~!:~ f~~l~&te\j:I Pfllt 1 ...... _. .... rm+~ or us feel "poor" In the race of . . l'" ~ .... 1(1bS1 "' ltW 201.\ ·i:t llC .• ..J:: '""' ,,_'3 lJ.tt ""'"'on 1.:le 11( '°""" G I! -llo!o "le\o""llll ~ MJll ~::~ ~<\lo "'" -+-.,._ GT:I Je1.:.io zlOO It~ '"' lftt +~ OUr hi·•-t '-mes ever. But in v•htch we have sharply .y. te•"'•' 1J1L uo ~"' a •• 1,. 11 ,,,,.. t.H '·" A.ud erew n 12'-11 12 -111 -........ ,.,.,, • T''-~ ,. ,. _ ¥ c;""'n ·'° 110, ~,,, ~. ?!,., _--~ &=<> <0n.v ""' 1,1, 1(1ysm 5" IV, MCI.It '"J HllCOdt 1.01 I.Tl l.ild 0G I 10 d 4.l'it ,. '' -',I, "Ooyll,. .... Sil I ?'! ,_ 'I"! -1 Gef1 T~ ·lb •• .,. <T.,. , ... ·•-re are also. !••• •bvin•"' upgraded our standards and '""' !1A Ke.~r T 111/, 1 ~ ~ dcbiJ'i•: ~ t~n"~ 10.M :ro.1t .. sc1s ... I.IOI> 1 :ll"• J111. J114 ro...,~~ so. "' ,. 1••\ ,. ..i-.,. G 160 111 20<~ 1th :111 • uu;; ~ v V"'"" d d ' 9 l(ellf:jt 6\1> H•lnl!edl MollcM ktYit-Fufld1: "-'l<ITr111 .olO 'l('\ l(t'I 1'1,1-\'"''"'l'"e"•.., '' '"'-' ll''" .,,..\-"-Ge<>nco · •t »•~ ~ lol"!'t-+-t'll reasons e feel 8 pinch For eman s: 1 l/t 11'' l(tll\lid Jf :is ILd"'.t..1k C\1$ fll 19.1( '10.71 AllCTYEI l.:JO 11 n·~ "'-""~ ..j. "" -N .. Fr~i .9' 7?5 ,,.,... ,,.. •.•• G.,.\l~ntPtl I • ]71'!1 l2\i l2YI -1-w · I \.-, HV.20'hl(tuff E ,, ,, .. .,btf, 2•12 1 Cu' et 10.11n.s5•tt Rldol,IO •15109141116\11!01\lo+""-NA llf /.110 y 311.\ •1 ~· ..'..."·G!P~cpf°~ 165 •?W. 'l''t •l'llt instance: n our new •rumes, we re 1 '"'Kev• Flit 11 lt .t..C!Vli~ 7:., f1 c111 a• •.fl 10.61 .. ~Rd'I !>fl 1s l1JIL s1 !51\ i.. • -,,.,, ~· ""' Tr> ,, , .... , __ ''" GIPK pfJ".io • S9 51''> st ii~ - WE HAVE for years been de~a.nding m_ore space! more ~ ~ ~ •• ~. c",1 1i,, .. Jt~ ~~~~td 1l:n io:i. ~,:: .~,l J:~ j :r.' ,:,'•"',i..,~~J, .J i~i~ 1ff_,. 1R,. =lv. ~:.~:.i p~;· ~ ;;1 ;:~ :.~1""' g--tNr i.10 :J ~to jl~ ~--_ 1.., relentlessly upgrading 0 u r built·ln ma J 0 r appliances, lJ\; ~ Kl= "' ,.it: ,sw; ~lk!"Z 1fu11 ,~.OJ c:!: 51 a:;;;·,. Allltl c;; ,~~ ~~ 2~ l~ = :i ;~-:~~ ~.: .; ~~ ~~ ~ = ~ gf!S01t1~ 'f1 't~~ 'ti 't. ~~ more carpeted or linoleum· 1•.1o tv. tel"-CP 11:i,i, n,.., A~.. j. 1 !·.., c111 $l 1.1a 1:1.1 A•tse• pf.SOI! iSG ,,,.., 11 11 -1 '"010 " ,,n.so i1<11 .. ·~ ..... Glbr•t1 r<i · '! is 1•'-!I 1•'11-~ .demands -turn ing the Jux· covered noon .. more easy-cm °"' ~~ ,~ C~ ~~v111 ~"" r.,~_ A~ ~t .. ilt n:U ~~l.,s. ~:3 4:3 ~~~rJ1r",1::. ~ llv. l;:;t l~ = ~ ~::t:~i~n. . ..\ 1:~ ~~ ~;: !'~ ::;-.. 81ff:11~'i) ~ ':~ Yi""" ~ = l: ury of yesterday into the . . T"' 26'Q "'LMC. P•I '" Wt AE• sol t.•I .. IU\ICktl • 1.2' ~ no 11 -1'"" 15411 lP*-.,r ".1lol"to ..... l.olft !It ~ , ..... ., -114 Gltnbel 8 1 SOii j / •S M\.'t -\lo. n e Ce.SJ. t ,-es •I '-•ay, counter tops, more r~ati(l'l 1>111tt tt """ \" :i.v. nv. Am Grit! •.es ).•~ klolcti GI 11.n 12.lltl A\ICO c11 1.21 161 21"" """ """ -.., '".ott Ind ,,..., lt ,, 1•"t ''"I -•h Git-n AICI~ •t ..,,., ,,~ •1"' -" u ~ win aJ ' >• ~\II L1Nle n •"'° SV. •m hw 1.60 1.s LnlMt 10.• n . .S AYC.O ~.20 76 51 14 Sol -n~ '"<'Ill I" Df1 60 7 ltV. ,..... ,..,. -+ .... G .... -.. pl'l lS ll 10\io 101't l~ . lra••'-tln. g tlJe pi"pedreams •I rooms, 5e g rooms, cenlr Cm :i. Lio"" W~ ,...., 21'4 Am #\It t 50 10. Lu Rael\ 14.M 1' 21 A"""' I'd .J1 l 51\~ Jl~ SU~ -•I r•~ 1 'ti. ,,..,.. ,,. •~Mo "<lo -,. Glell .. kl f1i l 1 IO M IO -l\11 H.:>10 v . d"U -Th mt 1• Vr ,,._ IV. , .... AmN Giii llot J. L!bem f.n , . ., Av!WI lllC .... I• 1!\11 15 IS"' -"" BS 111 1 ' !t ''4o 'I'\ ..j. • Gio;obll Moo I 1 12\\ no.. 17l4o ........ th 1940s • t th ta lb! air con I orung. e ap-lnD 'fK o• y, Liii COii s .... '"" Alw::hor G.-: Life Sit! •.tJ 1:21 Avon P• I.Ill G lUV. 1 ... ,,., 1" -21'> o'U""' '~ •• ,....., , .. ~ ,..,.,, + ,. GlabeU le" ln l-IV. l2 :n~ -2~'9 e rn o e ng e pliances themselves are being ~ K '•Alo 'l." Leh<.11' G """ :!llV. c111r1 \·11 • •1 LI'-111v 6.llO nc -8--r.oh•Pl(T .... q 1n1 lH't Jl"lo ,.'lo -.. GOOdr;h in ,U ~"'• !..,,. 1,.• .. _, nnssessions Of the 196()s. · u :l1'U'"oc11: lO ff; L~I'' '.~ t'1•• u,~ f.::,wtl'I 11::~ 1::~ Llll{I "!llVlll hbl:k W 1.3' '"olSrl"'I~ 11~ '' l<'IJ ~"'t ~ct; -""GOOll . ..., .. r-steadily upgraded -to se .. -Oii Cire 'f~ ru tr.;1~qull ,, .. ,~ .. F'd llW t .lf 10.IJ Lr.~~$1¥:11 3111 1•k<OllT 65 1~ ~~ •• ~;!: 1:>4: ~ ~:;:r~~" i.:J n i: f:~ r.~ =1~ g:U,Vi l:n 1{~ n ~:i ~~ :...1 >~ titled~: ~:~y~~:~O ::.: def r 0 SI j n g refrigerator&, ~~la ~ t V. t~r:~ 111~ 7~ ~:~• ~:fl ri~ ~II l~:n u::J :l~EM~•~ i1:i 5 ll ... ~\4 !1: ~~"EEd..,1·~ ~ r.\4 ~~M ;; ! ~ Gr&aeo 1:~ 11t ~~ ~~2 ~~ "":_~ overhead ovens etc. New 0::,"' I. 1m ~ Lllft Cd\' ,.... l\i Aii:',.."-"'°"~ '60 M""''" Ul\IVfll 1•11G .... ~". • ~ "st"-n •.. , f.,,. =I· COtllW Olt '° ~ n 20'\ '1 -141> i~::i.:u .. 1.':o ~ ",,!! "'•·· ",,(4o :. ;,; year increases in 0Ut Jving h ' s *'... Loi Elnl 17 If A f.t.-. ·11 MtH Fd 10 I.! 11 Ill e'""'"""'" · n "(\ U>;, .. ;: +. ,4 r....,...,, Sd I,. t'"lt '''"• X -1 Gr.,,nee S!I ,... .. .,, 1.\ "" standards -with the result omes bough t with FHA ,....,,.d 21V. Lvnctl ~ 31V. """ f,lllld!'k • : n 1 ~J M1n c.m 11'.11 11:y e:~Ti' t'f, • " ., ... •II\~ c ...... 1 n .\l,lj ~ ,1 ~ ~ Gr11nlln 1 .I) ~ ~~ ~{\ ~·~ = ':i mortgages last year had an "'' ~!1 10 2 U ~1,coO: ffi! ~ 1c en 1·11 ,:n ::;::_ '' 1~·/J 'l°' B•rd 'iR .is •f; ff~ ~n~ ~:_ii! ~::~.:C~i..~ ~; ~; ~:; ~~ = ~i g;:~1w111 \,~5 JJ •J •1¥1 ~" -14 that we boost our spending average of s 9 rooms· a full 72 ~~ R U\li , •• "';;:1,.~J!y .!~ ?!,. :r.~"",.d io:H 1t~ M1llltrS 1(621,,1:0 a:~ o'f2:!3 1100 Q n -2 -:.., ., .. ,~ 1.ltJ 176 :t7\lo .,, :ri·~ ... ·~ Gr1rOro;1 1.10 I~~ ~!;, ~""' ~lii. :..:.-.. budgets to new ret'Ords each · , ora c 13 ~ -........... ""'41111 LU 1.ctMcOPn ,_., .111 I,,.. Mr.t '11 1DK 100.0 t ,..,).onl".d!• {lf6 6 '1'-11 Hlli t<.., + ~c;.1 A•" 1.:io 90 ,7,, 11 11 14 year' even though there may percent had two or more ~1:1 },," ?f"' i~ 5" Al 1~ ,;: ::::: SI :·; '°•ft =. t:. 1:1: 1I:J; ,:::: ,.:c....:r .,, J 'i n>:\ l:"" :fi' "' ~::ed·:ic~; 111! If' :l"' ~ ~.~ gt~'!i'!.. '.~ l~ ~~ ll"' tf"' :1 \41 be a year OOW and then when bathrooms ; S8 percent had ~'• ~ l ~ lt"' M a..: 31»9 ll~ ~=-SI lftt 11 ~ =·F'~:f U.M 1=-i: J!·f0 ~ ~M u~·~ ~~ ~~ t:: .. ~oo:::.sJ ~ l~~ 1~ 1t: =!:Gr~ ri·~ ,f $: !: l1 =: garages; 27 percent bad v Mir 2~ ... "''• II 32~ ~ Fd f.ll 10.l• Grwlll 1'.d"11A •YUkCI• Ii 1J 1'" 111~ -\r; c .... Fr@!alll , 31 ,...., ,.~ ,. -v. (';! W"I Finl SU 11'4 2™' 73'14o -.. the hikes are unwarranted. '" t M =' "• • 1n11111 u.3'·1t.al lllC..., •.n •.JJ !E'1""' 1 2 Jtfi t" J11a ..... conN••G ,.,, ·"' ,." t1 28'\-+ '4 Grw"v"1' ·'° , .5i0t.;, olflio ...,14 _11~ carports. 1...: • o :12 •oll !llC 1,:111 t.11 "'u• J.6l 1.3'! .. , Fdf 1 • 1'"" lS>Ji 3$>.!. -v. <"on,PWr 1.f!l J1?2 •\1o; ,.,on :i.1w -v. ~wu11 1>11.u 3 2•111 2m n~ _ '\ -And because Of this al• I ~I> '" .J14 =c H 11 .... lf\\ .. hr 6.fl 7.65 MI F Fd 11,61 20.17 ec•m!;\ )Cl 1 ... \~ '<\\' ... \, -•J, ConPw PU.51 1'0 ,"t... 66 611 .. GfW311'1 ln 10 l! 11 1614 U•~ _-" Utud nd t II In nine oul of 10 or our new ..... ,", 'r •,,•,• ,,• .,.,ffl "•":it "' s~r lo.as n ... Mii' Gth J.11 ,,,s Iller o .:io a ,.. m~ •ff>+ '' r.on"w PU-'11 1m ... 61 ~'"' -+-. G•M!>Gnt :K 3 29 l™' f'.w. _ ''t e -a mos recen y, ... .,, • • CN>""f"" l"undl: 1.111 0mo 5.09 s.5l Beech Ar .1s 10 11,.. 2J 2:n. + ~ con1A!rL .511 '" 15'4 1•\'t H'4 -:i..1 Gr....,Sh 1.10 1 ,~ ''"' S"ll 'Ii v. OUr belief 1-0 -n"num· g 1-.n-cars, we're paying for ~'''" n.J111M""' °'"'" 10.H 11.n a.1co Pet .so ll nv. ,,,.., 21 -1 c ..... 1 t ft11 2.:111 21 ~"' 6\•• ~·"' -v. Grt¥11ouno 1 61 xi•-. 1911 ti\ • .. v U tm St l 11 1., Mui S»n 11.St 11.Jt S.tdH-.60 I 10~ '°'-:IOllo -l'o C""t Cepp ,311 •I 11 10"" 11Ni -+l<a Grolil'r 1.60 ll !~ 5! 55 -1,4, auLomatic transmissions and rwtto '., 1.t1 M!l' T<tt 2.111 2.n f:'I How .60 t .sv. fl\\ .s1• -~ c1 '"" ~.'5 t'l1I " 11 l' -.. Grum"Ar•c 1 :it ,. '''* 1u•. "WE SALUTE OUR LEADER OF THE MONTH lllCOl!I J,t4 •. 61 NE.t.. Mui 10.'1 n.n er lnlt•C!l!l'I 16 10\. "" ""' -'• c,,..1 C• 1.111 :n ~ """ 42111 -~Gull MO 2.ICL 1 19'io 111'1 11'4 _, .. in 50 percent, air conditioning. SoK1 1.t1 l.11 N•I wsec 10.6111 .1• ,m1i Co 1 6S 35 1'~ l-1'4 -...., c1 c11 ol'•t.50 11 -,. ~ -'" r.ut1MQh "s l N.,., " 16 _ •q. h · Ci\111 GrC1110• 'la! tlld 1114 11 i •1'1<"• I it '°' JI<;, '.11'<a ll•o -••Cl CP Pl87.50 , d d •t -Vr gulf 011 l,M 191 39'11. le\'t :It~ -11 Moreover, t e auto insurance G • N Fu...:r 1J)M 11.1J ri•• 1n.,11 761 1·311 f;""!• 01 J s 6o!V. 6'~'> 661'> + '·•ct Miil' 1.111 1:11. 11..., 3li ~ -1"" u11 R."rcM ~o u•i. 13•,; 1J•1> _, 1,-abJ"lily Ji·-,,·ts We're buy;•g omg ot Frnl t .SICO.OllN~I ~r S..-·. ne,1,1<1~,,:,IO 70 f1 ~1 .. •1'--lllC,,,,1Mo1 .lCo 11 1f''1 111 .. 1,..,-+-l't ul!Rn ol'.70 7 2n•41 1ll 10 -!'" ,,, ... , Shf~ 11 ,1111.tl BAl8" 10 SI il5' ~"" •,::JO ' ll 1l 1l -v. Con• 011 I.Ml 11'1 ~ ""' J ..... -1 GllR" Dfl.311 I 271.Co 1n• 1\~ -"' are increasingly likely to be in =•!· 11•11 lt.•l llOf\4 1:s1 6.ot 1e~r' .50 H~ 25.., ~ R" · ·1" ~°"I ou 111 2 6 dV. 41'111 •7>.io -:i,i, c;u11s1au1 ·" 3' ,.,,. ?Vito "''" + v. £""'"'. • .. s 01 01~ld •.SO •.92 8""""'' '" Ill ?l\ 21''> ll -000 Stl ' ' " .u 4.1 •••• Gul!SU Dl5.0I ilO 7l T.I n -"" the $100,tm-$300,000 r a n ge S G ufld 11 ,3 11 o,i t.rw,., •.1• '·" 8,,_Ptio 111 " 1, • 1,'h lN ··1j\ con1 Tt1 .... 1~ nv. "" n•• -'·• 2u11su •"·"' 120 6..t ,1~ .. ,, .. =1,;~ t rwlh '·ff ,,,! Pl Slit 7,11 ?.ti Bl!"m« CMD 112 1''-'a 12 171, -·~ (Olllrol Cla•• 192 1'1 11110/• l'""lo ~ ylfWln .«!~ '''' ?l\.'I ,. -. _ against the previous $10,0QO.. 0 rea v ... t 6. f.1' lllCO"\ 5.55 6.01 81!~ !!I 1.IO HJ .,. l' 11~ + v. ~:;."'drnl-~ 1~ r ~tt H" :1 .. g~::: ':i\'i1 ,} ~ r;,,. ::,. ±.~:t •~ 000 f ~M( 11 I 11.IO Sloek 1.6' t.M IH tnd l,20 xl ??~~ !'4 ~ , (-rln l.ICI s :HI '7''a ,,.., + \It f:u!fW ¢S 7! 1 6~ ni, ..,..., range o coverage. .:" 5'.4 N11 w~• •.es 6.6l 1a hr" M 1 x11o x .1:1 -•.:. c""""r TR 1 1! 1.,.. i•"• 1•~~ _ t~ Gutt"" 1noi 2A ,, ~,,, !l", -" IN OUR FOOD •·-• '" !he 1111 Fob: Nt! r.rlll •.SO 10.3J c r <> "S t t ti ·•··· ......,.eui, F p Am c111 Fd •~10.as~WWI" 1•.U2•.i. c::11J1'20 ,~v. .J1Z Q"+~ -H·l-upgradlng i.s unmistakable. or an 1-t lO.l1 f'W Ell{I t.'7 lO.fl toooRot .$111) l! Q"6 4l ... ''~ -\'> HKkWtl 2 10 JI •l 47 l'1 + ''> ....... 1 t " 10.I~ N-Hor 16.ll16.ll ~oe>wlSh 1.10 :JO~ ?l)v, :!Ol~ •. HallPn l,"l;o I ~ '°"' olOl.l -'!. We're eating more steak than s ·~ •,_.~ ",_·l-,'-, yw,,•, ',',,-.• ,",_',', B J • ortnt11e .na l ~ """ 2no. + \1 H~Hlbu•t 1 05 111.,,•1o ,, •11• -1;{ ... r.°"Gw 1 !O• 2 2n 2.q 1•~ -~·.-. H1mw11 ,Jlf 1 n·~ u·~ H'-7 -\\ ever before, at B time when W CC 1.n 1.16 Ntwton 14.n 1!.I• e1•ry oms Cor-lln .22 1J 13\.lo 71\'> t?!olt -~ ~~mm PU I l 7S"' :lll l!i \lo -... Pan American W o r 1 d As "j 11.10 Nerutt 16.:it u.:it CO"WJt1 .so 1 IPA n•;, 11,,., _"" H8mmfld 111 1, 1~.,. 11,, N _-"' some cuts cost up to $1.75 a omott J· g.M t'>cMlllo 1.s1 •.•1 ~i~edai .so 12 •1"11 .iov. •I .. ,.. H .. nd1m" :M '' n 3r~ 311 + ll nd I t h I Airways Inc and ,-t s ~ e,• 'I· ,•1_-» ,0mn 1'• ,,•_-." ••'-"•• c tntt 1.111 t1 ~ 351,. Js:ot. -"' H•na H8• . 12 • ,.,... 1r, ,,,, _ Congratulations to Larry Adams for leading the Orange Agency in new We insurance protection placed during the month o[ June. ~1-r. Adams pou ; as year, eac o us • " -·-"' t7 N } 1••ne lMlll 1' •1 "°"' C11~ -v. >11 .... co '° ~ "'' ,, 13\Z C 0 n ~ 0 lidated Subsidiarie& ormll! .12 '° 10 d 10.tl 10'6 t, l'OmPKn .to J 11.-11.,, ,,,.., ..... H.,,,.,1,,., I 30 , lt'i :it\lo :iti.:. " ale an average Of JlO pounds J" • . lft 1··~',.!~!~l ~.;rmS :~·n a·~ avsa nc. ~!1'1~l~ J W' ~~ ~.:!'(I; ~:~~~ti I n ~ .. :t.~ ""' + '-' of beef against 85 pounds in pre 1m1nary and unaudited Olllll ~ ~.a 5. 1 1:~ 1·,.1 srow11 C<>rk 11 H"" 81\(o 11'4 -+--H1rw:o c. I 1 2!'1o 21\J, 711 .. :-1 • 1960. Today, one-ha ir of the statement for April indicates ::'~ ~'!;e 14j U:~ :r11M~tQ ::?: f:~ NAVSAT SYSTEMS 1NC C~}~j ~1° , Li4 !!.,.. !! .... + »' ~:~~sr-::,7i";g ~j n ~~~ ~~~ = ~ nnrk being consumed in our •7 1 '· 7.511 1'11!1• 1•1116 11 ··S:~Com . .io 7l l7V. 1110 11,..,+iilH81 c.,.P ·"" ,, i1 •1c 10~ 11 .+•~ y -nel loss, after taxes, of tit~"", ,~ •,11.':', t',,fi• ;\t"1"' ~{~ 1f~~ developen of a system to aid l1><1~~ p1r~ ~~ l~ !:!"! i:~ ::'~ ~:~~ El~·31 1~ ~:"'; ~'· 31"" -111 country is the highest quality, '" .,..., 000 13 ce ts h i ·-.Cl ,.1,.. St 10 n 1011 lumq111 . ' 1• ni• 1• -+-'" H,.,,111..., co , 10'~ -'" hig hest priced, Jeanes1. grade, .... ,~, ' or n a S are, t:.""1r 1 n I: 1 Pio-tr 13" .. u:.. navigation and Operations Of ummlll · lO lS\lo :i.~ 35"'° -+ '°' HKllMf'll 111 ~ ~: -~:: \'!': =' ... specializes in business and personal financial plan- ning. Carroll O. Bryant, C.L.U. G•ner1I Agent -. 9 Suite 310, Union Bank Squire Or1nge, C11iforni1 92668 Now!PSJ\ • every minutes to Oakland! 7:15 itm lo 1:45 pm. Both ••YI· 7:1S4:4S-10:1S-1 1:4S •m-1:1S.2:u-t:1W :U-7:1M:45 pm. MOfe on Wffllends. ~ wony tb1!JUt • ,_ndon "'*" PS.A h• t:Ml 190 ftlghta I dlYf 8UCih M e11y-to-Nmtrnber tcMdul• you can carry It around ~ pur hMd. Why rttnember iow.t f•ret? Or all Jete? Or .... Mtviol to San frtnCllCO , San JOM, San Dl9fo, IW1d ~ Or flat kid• und1112 ~!'SA'---1 l<H' ... ,_, SdU """• 111 Ndon7 JIM! caft'YO'J(trlwtl egent «'llfdl1'tr_..aJrtina PSA.,_,_.a -m~~d Jo a gai"n Of $7°" 000 lvld $i.r 2Jl6 ':H Pllo11 lnv le'/ 1).ll ""i10r~ 1r .? ll.. l2 m.. -'\\ Htlnz HJ ... 71 JI 31)>,1, :JO>~ _ ._ c..'Ompa red to only one-lhird in "'" ,..... ~ ""· • o-T 1~ , .i J P•lc• TR , .11t:1.N commercial ships, announced ~~' '~. 'l 1 ""'" ~ 1' = :Z Heiene cui1 «1 i.:11o '"" 11 .. -"' I ~" •r 2 cen•-a share f•r April Dr•~•• 1s'•r u·· "111 Fund 11,,,..,•I! . . 1111,r H 1.~ 1• ~ Joi>:. Ji:"'_~ H,11 coit .60 lj ,, .. 1,,,. 11'4 -11Ao '""'· " "'° 1 " Ortvfu• n:ts u:111 Pr.,.,dnl '·" f·l6 that Robert E. Berry hai; JOln· vc1<1o1 1.111 10 :u .n 3> -114 ~·,'•''w,.•,,•,o 1n 1!v, 11•1c u •,1, -t' In di• [ JoodS •• tr nd -,, last year Ettonl.H-(lwlfd: P11rll111 10.'4 l .ft ~orvsM 1..0 17 "614 U"4 4S'li _ \lo .,e r . '1 I 'h 7' 19 -2 e , u•C e · i•I•"' 11.1s "·'' ~""'1 Funlh: ed the. company as vkc presi· -D-~::;;:~';.lh.l~ 21 n•' ~·A XI'~_, the mOSl notable or all, fDr Net loss for the first four 1~~ 1,_-7: 1/·f/ G=~ i~:~ \l:u de l f 01" R!v 1 20 .._. """ 11,~ 1~ \4 H_1,~ C10 I' 1f~ 1f• 1f1' = t: we're buying peak amounts of months or the year was s-:1 11.6211"' Gr!!< 11·"' 11·" n -opera ions. oan1 co ,~ JI ,.,, 7J'4 11-.: \I H-11nc .ov 1 "" •·~ '"' -+ v. •~• I'-" \111 '"com l.!'t t.116 B d Er:' 11111 lOb SI '''• oi6~ ""'* _ "' Hrrc 111t 1 11 :it·~ ;it;. 3~ + l4 these foodsatoftend•ublethe $15509000 o r41 cents a,i..,.1 J.to ~.•1 1~ve11 1.01 '"' e r ry a n nou n ce 1r11ni1 1·11 11 sc·1 so•• so>1 HMlflFd 1.10 11 25''> '' 2J --\lo v ' ' t •rot lj.31 U.S. Vl•!A 10.l'll 11.4' ..... J> >> >'" ... ~ •••i,i .. _,,.,, Jl '' "•~ ~· ~·· .. Price of ordinary calorie-filled sha~. compared to a Joss of mro Sc ,11 1.1t vov•<i 1 ... t.u gimultaneously that Robert A. 01Vf"PL :60 13s 1ra 21 ,, --1" He;,"fct '.10 .i. ii" ii·~ a1·~ =i\1o sh lll!"OV l•.11 l•.11 RtP Tttl'I 5 °' ! Sl Of'L PIO 1 .... z?OO 11),1 .... IOJ'h 103'11, ... Hl'l' v-cli•~ 10t 21 19''1 ttl.4 -''" items. We're splurging on im· $2.584,000, or 6 cents a are, ,n,Qn• 15'9 • H ff•v•r• 11 :it u 61 Thomnwwo has been named O-Nre co 2 ,. 39'.-o lt''> :n•\ _.,..HI lllf!Hott! 1 101 5d1" siv. sJ·~ -:i'h I th .00 1 1 ""''"' • " lo s. "'"""' 1 • •.11 Y""" 0e1PwL1 '"°' '" 21 10,... ~ + ~ Hit" .n so """ 2s·~ ,,,~ .._ 1.,: ported gourmet foods, 25-cent or e same per1 as year. ou1 Giii 11 11 "s2 kt>u1t• ""'v111 d-1 J engine -_ Dr 0e1~1 ., ,.,,. ,.... ,... :i.u 1+MU "'A .t:1 4 2• n ,1 ~ apples, exotic tropical fruits, Total operating revenues ~TI! In i:.-.; 16 M k~·l~Y"~.r~ ,, ,1 irec or Ul enng ' . &:h:A'1'.' ~o m L1'11 ~ ~~ ~1:': !:1~ ~::.d~ro 1~ ~ ~l2 1r~ =·~ wine to drin~ with dinner, Ii· were $83,48().,000 for April, up ~id h f?'JS ~:ft lMf1 ?1~ ~:J Jd~bn B. Opfef ll, ~ssist~nt lo thed 8:~~Mt';t ·'° !i ~j~ 1f" 1~(:·=2~ ei:, '.~ r: j~:~ ~ ~l(: +1~~ quours to drink arter dinner. 2.6 percent o ve r the ~:rim9,:i: lf:ij \,:j~ ~:rp1v'' lf:: lJ·fi 1rect?r o eng1neer1ng: an g~~r::''i.7t 1 1~ ~~ ~\~t ~ -j:'~ ~:v;.1 1~~ 1n 1~ 1y'• 1£~ =f~t We're sinking swimming $111 ,327,000, for April , 1968. ~~ F~ :, .., lJ 12 * E'Nlt 3~ i.. Captain James D. Lu s e 0e"Rc;, 1.11 ' it i1.1:. n 1~ 110•' 1~11 Jo 1 l"• 1'\it 34"" .... ..,. Total operatirig revenues for "~ Tr~ 21 0111 • .0 tf·-'"~ ~t ,&.l; ' Ot<ffi) pf • 10 n.., UfO .s1·~ -+ l'.o HOrtt C• Am 31 ii 1s~ 1s1i. _ 14 pools int o our backyards at a Jhe y e 1 r -l 0 _ d a 1 e were 'etlC' '";~',lli i.!::Ci1.._~s 'n'_:~ !!."• manager, systems develop· 8:~:fi~"'1 ;,,tt ,{ fl!\ JI!'-: J!"' :_1 \~ ~= ~11~ -~ 1; ;r:~ ~:i: ;r:: + 'Al rccordpace,joininggolfclubs, .... v. ~ ......... ..... ment o.1E11 o15.50 1 '° fll ta 11"",..,r 1.10 :t 31•, 31 .. 31•~-.. -1 -1 ·--ooo up 55 pe cenl -'"'°"' • · ldf 1~011011 ' . 0~1 s1"1 .n 26 11" ,~., 11'• Hnu,F """'° J11•• .. 1n.,,1no.,-J-., a c q u 1 r n g l r a1 er-cam· .....,,.u:r, • · r vi'"' I • l" ~lo"'• os111 $! All four men were with Oe•Tt<" •.14 JJ 21-... 11 ,, •tnusF 1111.l1 ' i.. ll st + ~. pers.-and al the same Ume, over the $308,160:000 reportedl'u' 1.:&l/n 1 "lllo'i ~1~"ya ';~1i~ Philco-Ford1s spaceandre-en.8:::::1~~"1 :~ l1! !~ !J'" !r1 ::,~1 ~~:l4~,·:~~ !T ~:: !:~ ~v,=1,11 taking an all-time h I g h for the same period l•sl year-1 ~''" ~ •.,. \w 1""''' '11 '" t le d' · · . 011S/\lm 1 ..o 1 2•'• JA·'> "'~ -·~ HOo;G• pfl .50 11 lt'• :n~-. Jt\~ -u. , 11111 , ... """"'' 111v 1•" 11 6! ry sys ms n11s1on 1 n 011sl'I pf cl l J~'..:. :i..•-3ol•11 _ '• How Jofln ?• 50 H 11.. 11 v1 + •, numberof vacationsabroadas Total operating expenses '' '' ll6 S1Frm c1 s.1 s31 N rt Bea h •-lh Ot•S .-10110 11 u 11•" ,....,_,..._,.fl) 111 • » ~-» ~• 023 000 ed t "" ~-~ I ' .... 11••• si 11,.,.~.11 ewpo c , Wncre ey 01c11o>t>on .4 2.s 251~ 2411o 1.,~ -"~ H1><1111e l."l)t .. \~ \\ _ well as at the U.S. resorts. were _.1 , , compar o ~" 1111 .13 .• 1~adm•11 l'undl: w-ked .-••e • r · 1· 1 g1rt1o1<1 •111:1 s '"" u o -i1 H...ii H•t .o 1,l ll• ~ l ~··,, 000 I ,._ th • ' Ji"'"'n Am 1no:1 11n11.21 "" un '" " I g n a !Gio>t ·~"' f n '°" 11 ~ 1e11ho" ... 1.t0 ., [ • J'M NOT SHRUGGING off $78,453, or utc same mon nd 111 I· I" F111uc 1.l1 j M research and developmenL of 81Gllw• pl 11 1 ,."' lol11 i.•1 -1<. 1,'."1•'•,•','• ,j ' J' -~ -. 1 1 ear , .ti sci... ~ ,, .u 111~ .:i. "" """ 31 ,,,, .• .,.... . J -1 one bit the extent to which as Y • ! """"'" s~1 .. •" i'd1· the NAVSAT System. 0111'"' Pl A 1 1 501£ .so•4 •1• -+ ~ 111 ce~' 11i~ 'i ~"" YI .:!.1'• lo day'• galloping Inflation The AP r 11 year-to.date r ''\,G?il' '-ti ••1 '°,. 111 H 0111c1ne0$ ·"' ' 'S'" 1s'-"' 1sv. -'' " ,. °' 80 12 "" n es include capita\ IOSlf.S, ''' c 11· 'l:st ,...ii:..,~~ l1,i=,, au, g ::;~ .. !O J 7Nl5... fi" ~1:~ .! ~ It 1-f P.Z.,U •;, "' :u~ pjt ~ makes us fee l we're going gur 1• Ii _.. 111 01115en 1.10 4 1~ 5, .. s1~ +"" ~ c:: 1 '° u s 1.ci.. U -~ brokeonthe highestlncomeor efttr taxes, on disposl!ll of ,.:= ..n · 5"1..s1 f1•1r= °''""-. .o •" •Jlo" +'""lnc-c~rt •1.U ~.·~ lL",., ...,.:_ ~-· our uves. But before you property and equipment o llNl1'"tt."', ;a 1\-: V:=R-f.' ~fi'1j:n 1Hqr•·et =:'"1.i!: lfo 'IJ 'l1•\ •f,~ ~ .~~;,,u~d~ 'J ,,. .. "' bl -II ' .. ,,"'.OllO, as -mpared ··•'th •II• I '.ff 2. TNdln lo,.. I !! 1ri R ~tit¥ .• !& asi .. ~ PL IM ~ n~ w: ~ _, -ame 1t :i: on .. ou1&1de ....,. ...u -\!C ' TKI'>""' -Oor• ~11-' 1.-.. 1~ 1~ "«'-! • sto !"• ~ ""t{ force", look honestly et your capital gairu. of fl ,ISS,000 for ~:::r.·,,~1i:nt=\ '·~l"'i~ 8=r"'""i~· 1: ll~·J;YI ::_i,;=\.;:::.,·~~·!f '1i '· 1 = .. ···-n way •J 11·-1-ng -f•r I las! year •111 •ci t.11 ~ o1 r ....... GI n 1 ''it Syt1• LOfS t><A~..CP ,.. , •1 111•• .o" -" 1~" JJl • ! ;.~ ~ = ~ .,.. v • v ' lrlll 11111 ll.S' 11 Tcrw1 ""R 120 I.II •U Orenlnd I Ill l1 u-. 7''• 111•1 + -1' n!•nd 11 2 11 JI'• _ 1~ t ·11 f II !'Y!>ll" lS.1! l 1' Tr1n C•P 1.11 t IJ D•Htl" ol"I 1ll ' ""' Ul'I a!<h nmon: 7' oo 1011 '1 1 _, .... SUSpet you roe U Y COn• u•r~ 25.fl li fl r•v E• '1l 16~ Ornv "'B? 11 3o1·, l•ll ~,,.,. + "i '""'°"' P!i~ illol .. + ''t elude that ~ou're at least em1 IO'li i Fd 16.tt lt, ,.t'" flll'lltwl .. is • kn to IWl'Obols uwd ~IYiusCo lb 1 3-1'• :u-3J" -1 l""'11coc~ . " ,,.., l ,.. _ t• ' S • B k H' •.tl I'" Gt <1.M t' ""' -•ioci:-IMl'klt ,_,., Ol>-llf 11 ~ftw 1.• II .»'" n :Jt -"' llj.Dltt11 OP • d.. .. .. _1 goingrorbrokeon" Style. ecur1ty 81) • G• , .. ff lnt....(.ft '.Ii""' nlllrld 1.10 I 0\\ 6 1• 01\-"\l~ttn:D llD 37'.i"~--_.r · ·u VII Ml.ii 11 .• 1 Slln flWrM -llftlffk:~ Oupl~" Cn l'l n 21 ?l\4 -'~ lnltrl-$1 I 10 '' ;lo\.o y, _ to •::k f . 1 . UrolN lOJI II. ,_~IM...,.,., or ~ II Pih! dllP""I t.SO!I Ill IJIL'• IJf UD -" flM • ?I• il • 11 \'-U111W FV!ld•! ., I ... IM llod! di ll<"l'CI P{llll pt•.'111 i 71 1114 no., ••.. l11tF!•F~ -c '> ;(i -\\ Picks Hollowell , -,l' lfitiA::;, i~·r" •!J ~~-;.'·~N~ .... :::. .... ~~"or: l"k'° .l ri:: ffi? ff~ -111 tml"' ~ ~· ,',i ·~·~?. ~· ~ -::!. ;.~· Lassere Name~ I• ·i f " lltdl Cl~Y ' 11'911OI'c.9th1'11W 0... 'lk>n.01 ''° J\!'I 3\'h 9'\'o +I , ttl lndtltl 1 ,,., __ · , trl... . • u • tlJ . w ~'l or """'l•"lllutlofl dltt 011<1li '°' ' tU'.I Jd'~ ~ fiE-• 1~111111 1111.11) t.S t Meil!! I , l , tlllt ,,. °Fd· t-1"1"1 II ""r h-Otctl!W °' 111d ~ JJSl>fl 11 1Uo ~ ?1'1 14 +1'4 ntM l/111" .1\11 l!• I•'\ ~ i-i Credl-l Off1"cer George L. Hollowtll ot ~s:i: . ·1 Vtl Liii j·tt ··c :~1· .di:.n11"-~':... :.0w-tft .Ml 61 .. \fl!t l .... =1 ~:N~1·Jt' .n 1~i:: ~ = Lagu!!& BtlCb baa been ap-:1 I ' ~ :J ta~, ..... "-With •1~.. . lllAtro .IO ,.E -11 JI\ 'I\ nl ,-;,. ,,,. ti '• • --• L. , ----J'"'• -~---I 1,,, • 111.tt ~• "' 11 1 "'_,,111 "'" -· • ""' -• -111 .,. .. ,, , '"° Juun ~ o( Newport po m~ &Mui1.aut N!l 0 11cer ~ 11f 1 · Vel'ld•bt ; '· or r.i~ :="' 11 dlll'I Hlll"f, ·IS 1• ..._ ""'° 7' /"'' ll:ICllF ' n•1 111;, "+·14 Beach has been promoted 4.a· ~·1 ~ ff\\ 'n: =,:i from consumer credit officer mlnlstritlon ai the bank's r...s 'l:H .; vL1't!...., .:t: •:B :l'..1:J ~· .. !';i:;,1 ~ ~~ ... ~~ ::: (:}, 1i'.!; ls;~ ?I~ ~·'i ··-· IW6l1':ro' "12f .. ;;: ~;f;-~ to auistant vice -ldtnt bead Offi~ In Lo& An.,.les. irstt · t w1ufi1n 11.H 'j· <IO!O~!~., ••• · ''' ""' 1 ''" 71 •· -., '"",,'! "•J • ~ M'" " · _, r·-.. e-~'&' ~· 1111Nwlf,1',, .--. '""'""° ll1ttlS..., +~1" It • '2 tl tO -l4 with the instalment loan Hollowell JOlned SeeurllJ""' "' 1 '+11 WtllttPI I .• ,, ... ~lift. -r. •tvl<tfll4. •4'-1• ·-~." ij !Ill a tnn ~ILl 'O JIN 11'4 '"" 7' .. div'-1"on ·I ·---rl•· p-~11e p ell" •• , I ll I h'· ~ }!' ( Ind J.41 ·" •t.f11MU .... Ol'-h ....... 'IW-\lflll'IOllT bl~ .. -2 1 11'1 ~ lf!f UIU 1 #J ll" u~ Jiit -~ Q u -·., -· a ic •• syear,oow ng ~~'"'"',::ti"'' ·~·rn-r-~--·•• ••"•"·1~i;;--1,·n !!" ·~U:::JI,"' • • • +• National Bank's heod cffiet retirtmtlll a1 a colonel wllh 1=t!:" ~: 1: }:; ,, :t;-cii.Tri!Ki1~J.".., ~~~ !'rx'e~v, f. ~ fl'" ·)J\'I = l~i:.,...:"f 1 a., !l': ~l: :! ;: central credit dt(tartrntnt. the Mlrine COrpl. ,lfJ ... ¢.:it:=:' ii! ~~~~-1t1.-':~1:.W..=&." ~.i~ •,; ..: ~;: ~t•;: 1~1'9:~ ~9' 11 ff~. ff~ Ua i ~ ' \ ' ' \ I ---.---------;--------:---:--.....------,---~----------------·-------------~~--------~----~,-~--~7 • r ·~~~=~ Monday's Oosing -' Prices-Complete New • York ' In Lig ht .fiiiil,ing NEW YOjU{ (UPI) -Stocks finished sharply lower Monday In relatively Uaht trading. One analyst COO!ftl<ntod that the market was.. unable to stand fast In the face of the uncertainty over the income tax surcharge e%tension . Russell Long1 (D-La.). cbalrman ol the Senate Flnance Comnllltee, during the weekend promised $Wilt action of House-passed legislation to extend the surtax !or a year. But Rep. Henry F. Reuss, (0.-Wis.), ur~ed the Se<ate to delay action until a tu reform btll is ready for approval. The UPI Stock Market indicator, featuring all stocks traded, was o(l l.17 percent on 1.572 issues traded. There were 1,008 declines and 327 advances. The Dow JoneS average o( blue chip industrials fel l 8.60 to 843.85 near th e close. Volume approxJ. mated 8 mllllon shares. The electroncis group was about the weakest, but rails and oils also joined in the setback. . IBM closed down 10 at 321.lh. Control Data, Texas Jnstrurnents and National Cash Register al-so were in the minu s column. " Penn Central and Northwest industries gave ground in their group. Southern PacWc closed at 34Mi , oU 'Va. Several oil issues tost more than a point with Natomas among the weakes.t. . D.111.Y I'll.OT Stock · Exchange List -- .American Stock Exchange List \I '. • 1 J% OA!lV PILOT T-. Ju~ 15, IW.9 Repairs Complete In North Vietnam WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pas.!, Mugia Pass, and Ben North Vietnam has rebuilt all Karal Pass -into Lam." the bridges. highways, and UTI'LE IN DMZ • trans-shipment points t b a t He said there is not much • w<ll destroyed by U.S. planes lnfiltraUoo of supplies through be.fore-the Oct. 31 suspension the DMZ ; of bombing, according to Air · .. Force Chief of Staff John P. Vi=nn:~ =~ed a~:~ -rMcConnell . . ; •·Practica11y everything in infiltrate supplies through lhe _ .. North Vietnam bas been J?MZ "~use _!be weaU\er •rebuilt," McConneJ tesUfied. over there lS golilg to become ,-;-''i\11 the highways, t h·e ~good. - --~- •bridges the trans-shipment-"We are not allowed to ;. poinU ·lh~t were destroyed, ~b," McConnell .said. "The ·and, what little industry they will have free rein to come ;have, which is not much. in." ·: ''But everything is operating "They hive moved their :: up there now very nearly as if supplies from the north right •jt had not been even tooched," down to positions north of th~ .;McConnell said. "I would say DMZ," he said, Jthe repair is 75 percent com· "They have moved their ,.pleled." supplies from the north to ""'61VEN TO SENATE points just across the border ' McConnell's assessment was betWeen·Laos and South Viet- :1!:iven to the Senate Armed nam, so the.refore they have --:serYices Committee in closed them much closer. ·"R&sion April 16. ~;. McConnell said that since MORE JEOPARDY .1Jle bombing halt, "supplies "So I would say that the ~ enter North Vietnam troops ilre in mort: jeopardy "'4lthout any dlfflculty and are than they would have been had "llrought right down to the the supplies been under attack DMZ (demilitarized zone ) all the way back up io the 'tt'ithout any dilficulty ,and the Chinese border and Haiphong, tonnages are atremely high. or at least to 19 degrees north, ~ "From there the supplies go as it was before the bombing Over into Laos," he said. halt." ... Prior to the time the born· The Air Forre chief of staff l>ing in the southern part of said the allies have been-.ble .NoRh Vietnam was restricted, to curb enemy supplies going we were able to practically into South Vietnam to prevent close all of the routes leading a major attack but have not into southern Laos, and much been able to stop North Viet· of the supplies that were com-nai;n from sending supplies in- Ing down through the southern to Laos !nd Cambodia and half of North Vielnam were right to the DMZ. destroyed until the time that ;=========.! the complete bombing ·cem· tion was made effective." STARS "Since then of course," Svd111v 01111rr h 0111 of the McConnell said, "they come world'1 9r11t 11ll"olog1rt, H;, c:ol1111111 h olt9 of th1 DAILY down through the DMZ and go PILOTS 9r11t f11Nr11. through three passes .,... Naped===:==:==:;;;::==:==:=:'I • SO. CAL. EDISON HVNTIN6TON SHOPPING CENTER This cholc• '•Y•' parcel has R. I and c.2 1onln9, lo· c•ted in the •r•• of ihe Huntington Shopping C•nt•r. City of Huntin9ton Betc:h. ' A.Ktlol to N •.W °" th• lite. A_. 20, UH. 11 :DO A.M. M-llhl $ll0,000.00: Depaslt $9.600.00. lll1nce .. •wy 20, 1970 "P•rmit; •uthori1in9 interested bidd•l'1 to •nter upan tht land for in1p•ction, surv•y or cor• boring pur· ~·· will bt is1uetf•upon application to th• Division of Hl9hw•l!·" .......... tarllnOICl.mr?Mlll•919 $1(£TCHE$ MAV 11£ 08TAINED AT ....... '•---' ...... -............. ..--· -' • • -- read our "shaggy" tale q,nd learn how to reap (j>Ufstand i rig ca.rpet .osa vi ngs S~ag is in ••• and May Co is the place to get ii! Now, vrhen yol(re ready to carpet any room, shag it at great savings. Come in and choose from Kodel·" polyester • pile or nylori pile in a wide seleclion of colors. They're born moth •!Jd mildew proof, stain and soil resistant. Shop at home if it's more convenient. The special prioe includes insla)lalion at no exlra charge with your choice of rubberized waffle or Sponge rubber padding. nylon pile reg. 11.99 and 12.99 9 • 9 9 sq. yd. completely installed Kadel® polyester pile I brass -· spring green ice mini blue green henna blue honeylones copper tones green !ones olive tones sun tones red tones parchment coin gold jade olive avocado daisy moss tones bronze tones sand tones dark blue tones call for the carpetmobile ••• our experts will come to your home with many sam- ples of carpeling. and help you wirh your selections. All May Co stores will close at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July lS, for IO\tentory. -- ' I • --· use one of our convenient credit plans • • . savings are g~eat during may co's SEMI-ANNUAL HOME SALE may co • , - south' coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristpl, costa mesa; shop monday through saturday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. .. • • I 546. 9321 MAVCO rr ~ ...... "":' ••• ~.·-~· ... ·~-... --.... ··=~··· ... ···~· ... ~ ... ~ .... ':"' .................... .,.. .. ~ ... ~ .... ~ .................... ~ ............... ~~.-~~~~~~~~-u --.... ~ -~ --.. c .. e c • z c c a. c a a c c c z ; c •cs 4 4 c 4 • """'"""" 4 ~· 1 •• , • , , • • • ---~--....-.-·---.--.----· --· -... -;·,.-··· ' I • • ............ I JOOEAN HASTINGS, '42-4321 T......,., J•'Y 1J. Ifft I f' ... II Mar ina AFS Leader.s Fish For New Ideas It's that time of the year again when a new slate of officers takes over the duties of the adult chapter of the American field Service at Marina High School. The Sunset Beach home of the Roland Shutts was the morning !?etting for the installation. The final meeting of the year was con· ducted,, and seating the .new leaders was Mi's. James Stoddard, dis· trict ·representative. · Taking over the reins of office were the Mmes. Chester Wer· onko, president; Donald Mork, vice president ; Bruce Pickford. sec· rctary; W. S. McKinne)'1 treasurer, and Sam Erner, recording secre- tary. · Other officers are Mrs. Orchard Benington, activities; Miss Janice Jbara, faculty advisor, and Mrs. George R. Culy, home selection. The AFS program at Marina is supported by the student club a:nd the adult chapter. . The purpose of the American Field Service program is to pro-- mote goodwill and understanding on a peoj>le-to-people basis in all • the·countrtes 9f the ·world. .' · Marina chapters are col)tinuaJJy thinking of new and-interest· ing ways to raise funds to provide for exchange stUdents. To earn the honor of coming to stay in this country for a sem· ester tQ~ young foreign students go thtough many weary corilpetitive exan'linatioJ\s before their final personal interview. The AFS students ·enjoy a speaking circuit which introduces. them to· women's and men's clubs and residents. An international tour via slides often accompanies the students when they speak. ---=--.- ) IN THE FIRE -Plans for their annual pancake breakfast to' raise fun~s for the ChiJdren's Hospital o( Orange County are cur· rently being formulated by CHOCettes, junior auxiliary of the Little Mennaid Guild of Huntington .Beach. Cooking UP: ~eas ~re (left to right) V;llerie Arkle, Jan Alvarez, Diana Barritt an~ Sharon Anderson. .. Sizzling Break fast -. . CHOCettes Flipping For Annual Breakfast Lighter-than-air pancakes ••• the dcU ghtfuJ, enticing scent of fresh bacon sizzling in the pan .•• orange juice, coUee and milk. All are included on the menu which wiU be served when CHOC. cltes sponsor a breakfast taking place between 8:30 a.m. and noon Saturday, July 19, at El Ranch'o market. ' · · The morning treat will benefit Ch ildren's llospital of Orange Counly and increase the P.lea s11re of small patients ~y proyiding SU:,ch extras as tray favor s. · .' · . . . The market is located ·on .the Boardwalk. Algonquin and ·Dav· enporl streets, l·Iunlington Harbour. Serving as chairman of the !und·raising benefit will be Mlss Diane Barritt, and ass isting on the -cotntnittee are the ·Misses Renee Mc\_,eod, publicity; Kristin Cairns, table arrange1nent s,· and Jan Alvarez, tickets. -~ CHOCettes, sponsored by the Little l\1c rmaid Guild of Hunting. ton Beach. are comprised of a group of teenage girls 'vho actjvely support Children's Hospital. Tickets for the breakfast, a major funding event sponsored by the young women's group, 'viJI be 50 cents. Jn addition lo raising funds for the hospilal , many of the teen· age girls provtde in·service volunteer work . The junior group was founded three years ago by the Little Mermaid Guild to provide . vitally needed assistance in the area of nonprofessional duties by contributing services and funds . In addition they roster community interest in the work of both 1h<t hospital and. the guild. ~ri5on . of Mind May -be. Escaped With Trip to Bookstore -R ANN LANDERS' I've made ~ mlBtakes In my lift but as I l6ok 'over the pas:t 34 years I~tee many t ia over wbJch 1 had DQ, control. Bo my parents were drownM 'when I w91' 11. My brother whom I adored was hurried to death In a fire. A sisler I en- vied and disliked died In a car accident. 'fo Jhls day I lecl..asJl I murd««I li<r because· I was driving. You may not be ab~ to help me, Ann, but perhaps jwt upresstng my fttllngs 1n wrtUng wUI make me feel better. I am haunted by the tear that I will commit sulctde. There are times when I hate uv .. lOI and want to dl!L but t know !Ulclde 15 the coward'' way our.More important, t have three wonderful children who need a ANN lANDfRS ~ mother. Their rather is away a IP'eat deal and 1_,, afraid he has no reel lnlrre!t Jn his ramlly. _ J ani terri!ied that I will Jump out of --a window. Whenever I'm near a large open window l panic. I am 10 afraid of elevators. I'd rather walk up 10 ffigbl.i than go Into one, Can jou"jivlri'll"" a rew sentelfftf""""or hope? What can r·do to get over these btll~h feelings! -GWENDOLYN DEA.il GWENDOLYN: J aboOlt t1evtr recommeJKI boob bit I'm iolng lo make n u:eepllel beeaDM J'veo..,Ju5t rtad 1 botl that CGtlld hetp •ff yoar Ute. ll 11 called ''Ttte PrtHtl ti' 'My Mlnd," by Borbon Pltld &ulger. T!oe pobllolocr It Walkar. U yeur bOobtore doela't lal•e It, 11111 ..... , .. jd IJ, -- nu book ii 1 movln1 penonal at- count of • couragcous woman who con- 411ertd mental Illness. Her bonesty and optnneu will give cacouragtment and hoJ>f! to every person wlto fean he Is cracking up. The best an11wer for one wbo . Is 5ulcldal 11 1 Ute.rapist In whom be 1la1 confidence. n , author of "PrtlOll of My Ptflnd" emphulses Ulll point. While Mn. Bep1tgu. credit• tber1py with 1avln( her JUr 11he makM It abundanUy clear that not ALL p1ycbl1trlsll are humane, ~nd ucl-peltllL • DEAR ANN LANDERS: When p:-tr~nl'I Wlio-are far from rich give a mirrlid son and daughter·~·law $3,000 to help them surefire C1'1mhination for BIJ Trouble Is relaUvea, money and notMD.1 oa pa~. \Velcome to Ule cl11b. through a financia l crisis. are they cn- tilled to get ifback? Or are the parents supposed to forget about it because they have more money than the kids? Two years ,have passed since we gave Gfve In. or ]OSfi hlm .•. when a iUJ them the money and not a word has been gives you UUs llne, look out! For Ups on said about paying It back. Last night my how to handle the supersex salesman, hwband brought u the subject when our check Ann Landers. Read her booklet. son and his wJ e rove up ln a new car. "Necking and Pelting -What are lite They callcd~us mercenary, mont!!y·hUnftry Limits!" Send yoor request to Ana and worse. There must be others with the Landers in care or this neW!plper, same· problem . Wiii )ltlll cornrntfit, t!nclosing 50 cents ir. toln 1.nd a ta.lg. please? -THE 1\.tONEY BUSH -stamped, self.addressed envtloJie. DEA.a ~IONEY : Wbat WAI Ut~ 0 111'• Ann Landen will bc &lad lo bela. 10\1, dentandlng whtn you handea over I.be 'vlth your prob.I em, . .$eod ~m to 7.er it' n,llOlh Old you say, •1'J'1N lt a lo1n, 1ttt •-oorH-Ult DAILY..PlLOT, tnclosln& a &lit?" U you didn't, you, should bavt. A selr-addttsscd, stamped envtlopt. • • • • • ' • • ' , • ' ' .. DAn.Y PILOT TiltldoY, Ju~ 15, 1969 V"~--·F-,--· ----. I . • I Horo1cope , - Aquarius: Qbserve Shrewdly family problem. Key la to manner. Take In It I at Ive. One In authority ls trylne to WEONESDAY __ JULY.16- By SYDNEY OMARR BPm.Ali JllNT: B u y eiotMo, jewtlry, bot be 11Ue Uaey .,. •t ostentaUous. Good blyt •••llable Jn 1portt attire ... cWldrea'1 clotbes. EueUeU for vacatlea, w~ or ftreweU partlt1. Soellbllltr k accented . llpolllpt II ,. LEO. ARlE8 (March 21-April 19): Accent c re e t i v e activities. Keep prom.Lses made t o cblldren..' Day features change, escltement, . v a r i e t y . Be analytical You can get the best u you .. choooe. . TAIJJW8 (April 26-May 20): Strea on • bow you band.le ' h ll 1ld. Know thts: re1pond ac-ag:ree ~ reasonable change. Wei~ co~tacts~ a en1e•:.._ ~lngly~Cood chance tgdJy Older • et con-New 1~ ln new dlrecUons for p~notWn. sideraUoo. Pace hu beeD fa.sL favored. Acctnt o n ap.o SA.Gm'ARJUS (N o v. 22· Now slow down and itttnd to pearance, pcraoniUty. Y®'rt Dec. 21): ·Catch up on call1, details. a winner.. correspondence. Keop In touch GEMINl (May 21.June to): VIRGO (Au1. ta-Sept. 12); with rclatlvtS al a distance. Urge to move, travel Is Obtain hint from Cucer Good ror writing, publlshln& dominant. Messages 8llCI C(llls mesuiee. Work behind the and nclve.rtlslng. OUtllne prO<I 1 flow from relatlvet. Your scenes. Flnlsh what was nlotlonal campaign. · home may be base for Jet.-recenUy started. Separate facl CAPRICORN (Dec. p.Jan, together. Have fun, but dOn't from fancy. Be reall!Uc In ap-19): Unknown factors e:s:la:t.. tire yourself. Common sense ls praisal of persons, situaUons. Realll.e there Is more to know. prescription. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be especially. cautious in CANCER (June 21.July 22): Cood lunar aspect today coin· flnancl1I matters. Dig deep You C'IUld be on brink of cldes with chance to repay for additional lnlormation. valuable discovery. You won't favors. Be friendly. Accent Avoid being rushed In to find perfection. ~ minor desire far justice. The more dccisloo. compn;xniae coukt work you give, the more you wW ~QUARJ\JS lJan. 20 ·Feb. wonden. Beat lo remain in receive. · )I) 1 theck partnership op- background fot)lrtlent. SCORPIO (Oct. IS-N.V.11): partun!Uea. Key is lo be LEO (July il-Aug. 22): Cy-Pressure on prestige, standing coopef!itlve. Take care with cle higb. Act ln authoritaUVe ln community. Foll Ow huruih. · Writteri word. Be sure you can fulfill proml.ses. Be a shrewd observer. PT A Officers Seated PfSCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Soroptim ist Scholarsh ip Winners Miss Kristin Welzel and Miss Susan Duggan, both ·graduates of Laguna Beach · High School, received Alberta Patterson Memorial Scholarships from Sor· optimist Club of Leguna Beach. Talking over the Congratulated coeds' future plan. are (left to right) Miss Duggan, Mrs. Monte Warr who ls scholarship committee chairman, Miss Wetzel, and Mrs: Albert Cornelius, club president. Belles Sound LookJ.na: both forward tO a new year and backward to past accomplilhmenls were members of the Huntington Beach Union High School PTA. treuurer: Vern Dart, 1 historian; John Drake, auditor, and James Durstin, parllamentarian. Harmonize relations w i t h .associates. co-workers. Steer clear of disputes. Be amiable without being weak. Means 11trlve for balance. DbmesUc adjustment may be necessm:y. . IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY your social life improves. You come out 0£ emoUonal shell. You are seri· ous-mioded, loyal. You also ar~ tenacious where ideas are g11 w ±±·-.,. let's Talk Girl Talk Jewel Clip Latest Fad LONDON CAP) -Now that the girls are wearing the trousers, a leading London costume jeweler has come up Paularlno Park Is bw:Wng with an idea for keep!nf ... btU~ bottoms under control aiid ad· with activity as 73 Costa Mesa ding a feminine J.oucb to Blue Blnls apd Camp Fire 'pants. . Girls are participating in day-_ Jeweled bicycle clips to be camp along wlth 17 counselors worn ove r trouser bot~ms and aides. were shown here today by Paris House, which make1 Following the E a r 1 Y belts for Queen Elizabeth II California Days theme, the and the royal household. campers are cooking meals Uni3e1 crept In, too, with and studying crafts in keeping jeweled scarf rings for hippies with the &tate's heritage. . of both ~xes. A girl could almoit go oul in nothing but The girls will display their her pearls and still look decent camping and crafts skills dur-if 5he wears the huge variety Ing a Special Events Day pro-favored by Paris House for gram tomorrow f e a t u r i 0 g belts, neck1aces and earrings. ki and -.M the house makes beJts, songs, s ts exhibits. buttons and ornaments for Leaders participating In-several London ha~ couture ciude1lle Mines.~-Ban-houses, the jew.liy lliiWaro nick, -Les 1Thompeon, Frank ped a hlnt as io-wl\ai wtI1 t Hickey, Don Mlnni, Chet seen in the dreSI lhowroorm. Baugh, Ron Franke, Hal Buttons are atremety fao- Broodhead and Greg Guth. cy, made ot be.adl, pearl on Horiion Club members will leather, wound chain, or jet. staff the Goodwill booth al the Belts were of. two virietlu: Orange County Fair, where wide leather ones with big they will put name tags on buckles, and •trina rolled small children f 0 r iden-ones with big jeweled bobbles tification In case o{ separation on each end. Giant pearls also from parents. were used to make tie beltl. Blossom Blue Birds of Special llgbtwelght pearls New officers who will serve during the 1•10 year include the Mmes. Joe Muniz, presi- dent; Joseph Van Buren, vice president; A. M. Pedersen. recorcllni secretary; W. H. S t a n d ridge, corresponding secretary; R. L. Pi a rd , Symphony - Performers In Unison Committee chairmen who have been appointed to serve include the Mmes. Van Buren, program; Donald C r o f t , membership; James SeJn- meth, ways and means; Kathy Armstrong, Founders Day and honorary life; Joan McKinney, publicity ; Esther Luz, health and welfare, and Van Buren, legislation. Al.'Jo active will be Richard Piard, men's participation; WQ9drow ~.Smith, _1choo1· representative: . Mn. Polly Hanna, character and spirit. and Lloyd McCracke n, scholarship. The organization concluded the school year with the in- ' ' ·1 . ~ FLIGHT HOSTESS Linda Jester Graauate TakesW!ng stallation of new of(lcers. Joining Trans World Airlines 'They also sponsored the flight hostesses after com· seri..iors' graduation party at SymphQny lovers may at-Di s n e y J a n d under the pleting six weeks of training in lend a Concert of chamber chairmll'l!lhlp of Mrs. Durslln Kansas City ls Linda Jester. music and contribute to and Mrs. Dart. The graduate of Huntington Orange County's Symphony Beach High School· joined C<>ic<rned. . To fifld Gii more tboul YCll•Mlf •rid 11lrolOOY. ordlr Svdnev Omt•r'• 50- -boclli.t, TM Trvtll ,\-I Aslrolo ....v. Send jO Ct'flh lo Omtrr IOOlillf, ""-O,\IL'I" PILOT, !lo• :12«1, Gr•lld c.1r11 st.tlor!. H..., von., N.Y. 10011. Nuts 'n Nibbles Attending m~tlJ:lgs every Friday at .10 a.11). are the • women of Fountain Valley, • Nuts to Nibbles TOPS Club. Members have selected lhe RcereaUon Center -in· ·Hun- tington Beach for the meeting place. Orchestra at the same time gradual.es of the 46th class to next Sunday, July 20, at g·p.m, Court Stella complete classwork in tile :Ji~ k · Appearing in recital to airline's hostess train Ing • benefit the orchestra will be Members of Court Stella ctnler. She will be serving tn Mary Louise Zeyu, Gloria Maris 1448, Cal ho I i c passengers from Kansas J~ """hP Grace Prosper, CbrlaUe J..und.. Daughlera of Amerlca miet Cily'1 Municipal Allport. · l.U, qui.st and Frill Hardi. The each second and fourth Mon-Her mother and atepfatber W•tc Plua at.re On celllat. aoprano, clarinetist and day 41 8 p.m. in St. Joachlm'a are the John Browns of Hun-6 4 z. 2 4 4 4 plaolst will perlorm romantic .!P:arish:=_:hal:::l,_:Cost:::•:_M::::":'·:.__ _ __::llJlilon::!:::...:Be::•:ch:::·:.__ ___ ,2========= and potl-romanilc mu.sic in•· the redial ball ol. the. music building on the Calllomla State Collece at Fullerton campus. CONGRATULATED AT PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown Killybrooke S c h 0 0 1, Cost.a have bffn made for multl- f.1esa, have collected a total drop earrings that look heavy of 724 food coupons which will enough to stre.tch an earlobe be useii to help purchase bus· down to the shoulder. Tickets will range in price from f2.llO to $5, or $1 for chlldrtD under ·11. Further ln- formailon may be obtained from Mra. James Klotz, 879- 1253. Lile-like FULL COLOR Mesa Pair Honored On Golden Wedding es for Fairview State Hospital Those fancy bicycle clips Karen Wilson received the can double as upper a rm prize for bringing the moat bracelets, another p o p u I a r coupons. trend In costume jewelry, Leader of the group ls !4n· Chain bells, u 1 u a l l y in- John .Zorger, assistant leader corporating jeweled or pearl is Mrs. Richard ' Crowe, and medalllons, still are 1oln1 Bags Draw Attention The Costa Mesa home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown was the scene of a par· ty honoring them on their 50th wedding anniversary . ll:osUng the gathering were their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Brown of Torra~. and their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pullen of Midway City. For the golden wedding celebration the paUo ~·as decorated with gold flowers. and the focal point of the buf· fet table was a three tiered wedding cake decorated with while roses and gold leaves. The Browns were married in Snyder, Colo .• and ha\'e l:een reaidenll of Santa Ana, Hua· tlngt.oa Beach and (Mita >.1esa 1ince 11113. Brown was employed for 26 years by Spicer Lumber Co., which later became Ward & Har- • ' • • sponsor is Mn. W i 11 i a m strong, a1 indication that hip-For fall and winter, Julius rington Lumber Co. Wilson. Members are Barbie pie styles are cooUnulng. Resnick created a silver lame The hcouple ha,ve five Greatore:s:. Celina Wang. Jan-Tassels of chain and stones evening II.nap~ for women grandc ildren and our great· et Duncan, Jennifer Heath, appear on nearly everything. who don't want their handbags grandchildren. Four of the Jill Freeman, Karen Wilson, A spokesman said Lord and to float away while dancing. grandchildren attending the Karen Ballard, Kelly Golden, Taylor has ordered a lot of the For fall and winter of the party were Mrs. Janice Rojas Keri Zorger, Laura Jackson, string belts with jewel-bobble year 2000! His entry wu In a and family, Robert Pullen and Leslie Crowe, Michelle Ken· ends, while I. Magnin Is going '1ba.p ot the futun" uhlblts family, the Misses Patricia nedy, Robin Babol and Sylvia in for the boot bracelets made tp0nsored by the National Brown and Lonnie Pullen. A Pearson. by the London house. Handbag Auoclatlon. fifth. James Pullen, is servlng 1-----------~-----------~-----in Vietnam. A1nong the relatives and friends pres en ting con- gralulations were Brown's sister, l\.1rs. Margary Eichelberger from Sacramen· to and tbe pair's nieces, l\1rs. Ray Rhodes and family from Las Vegas and Miss Willa .r.1artinez from Sacramento. ON THE TUBE For the \i11t 911id1 to wh1f1 t.•pP•"'"'il 011 TV, 111d Tv WEEK -di1tfib11l1d with th• 5•t11rd1y •ditio11 of tht DAil Y PILOT. BIG GARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.t1.'B'11411. PASADEN!: Colorado at El Molino POMONA: Hol~ east of Garey SANTA ANA: . ' portrait *GENUINE FULL NATURAL COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SA Tl SF ACTION GUARANTEED or money refunded. *FOR All AGES! Babies, children, adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject, *LIMITED OFFER! -- One per subject, two per family. . HURRY! ii ARiffiESDA Y- PORTRAIT SPECIAL ENDS SUNDAY -JULY · 20 I PHOTOGRAPHER'S HOURS: NOON to 8 PM DAILY • SUNDAY 11 to 7 Pfil" 30_!11 ~RISTOL AVENUE Just Off Ntwport Avt . BttwMn Sin 0 1990 Frwy. & Biker Street r ' • l ' 1 i • ....................... -....... ..,, ........... .,.._,.......,. .............. -.......... -............................ -................................ ".~"• ...... ~ ...... ~.~~--~~-··-•ff•~·~~--~-~-~-------~--·~·· .. --.. --··-----.. --· -........ ·-· ----. -. -----... . • . . .. ' ' DAILY t"llOT Sr.., ..._,. Somewhere, Out There . I .. T"'day, Jul1 lJ, 1969 DAILY PILOT War Lull Freneh .. Qua~"tef Wins Out _.... ' ., ' Ne),(;,,(}r,leans Won't Put · Fr~eway Througli Area 1 • • • J • Response Studied NEW omJ (AP) -terstate highway nelwork. vicorouaty backed by business the bb: hole in the groutld.-lle The dty's old French Quarter. Construction of the road, groups u 1 necessity ror ga1..qulte 1·few suggesUOns. "-• 1 mecca for fun-lovlna Volpe declared, "would have qi.deter movement of traffic. ''They'nnw • .,•.,_.e 1 bel~l.1""' -s-A-f·G O·N ( U P·I >~~~~IJu-;--liiia 11vijl·1".Ql!'-'<-~ser~1oull)'lmpalred the liiiWic ,.,,_ prUetVan"11J!S-cOI> place 1o ·:g;o;.'" inuahrooiiii,Jr Diplomatic sourcu said Moo-~ intrusion, of a six-lane qualijy of the French tended the expressway would said J. ·w. Simon Jr., el: .. day the Nb.oo adJ:ninlatriUoo highway. Quarfer.u ruin the quarter. ecuUve vice presid"tnt of tM is considering: a. response to Th~ highway project was of· That's what I a n d mark The decision in favor cf Oiamlll!:r of Commerce. the Communists' balUe lull -ticially. put to deaLh in preservatlonlsts led by Martha preservation left an em-Other Idea!: perhaps a cutdown in B52 w1.,.,;, .. r1 .. n teav1 .... defeNiers Rohlnaon and Mark Lowrey barrasslng cavl~ under the bomber raids or an an-...... ,..-.. u-a "It could be turned lnto ·lhc nouncement that more U.S. ol. tradition in a state ,ol . have been saying all along. recently completed Rivergate. world 's largest "'ine cellar." I euphoria and the city with a The quarter ls an original a big convention facillly at the troops will be pul ed,out ol the' ;1 ,3 million hole in the ground . old square of New Orleans in foot of Canal Street. It's a tun-"N'Ow· we have a.great place war. hi lhi ti .... 1 John A. Volpe, secrttary of the ctnter of the city. nel which was to have con-ror underground movies." · The W te House n .. '6 s transportation, con f Ir med lt is familiar to thousands of nected with the exire,ssway. "Flood the lhing and make that such steps might help ........... thal th r d I l . •· h h nd ed Now th ·~r t t I g..a• it Into a swimmm.· g -.' ... prolong the foor-week lull and re.,...... e e e r a ouris... wo ave wa er e -... oo unne ~ ~ lead to a series of mutual government had withdrawn its narrow streets and reveled nowhere . 1y.;:~rs-:::::3 detscalatory moves that would financial support ror the e•-in its bars and nightclubs . Mayor Victor H. Schiro said~ EDW~RDS ~ce U.S. ·casuall;les and pressway as part ot the in· The expressway was some use must be found I CINI MA create a· better atmosphere at the Paris peace ulks, SC· ---·-THE,'1TRl cording·lothesesources. Transpo· rt ~ll'.fnd Cracks PllMIU..PllSINIAltON By ta1dng sUCh nleasures, · _ ~ • THU.na they said, the United States would place any responsibility for breaking the lull on the Viet • Cong and North Viet-Plane Suffers 1st Setback . Gloria Newtoo is overjoyed as Robert Anderson (left) and Randall Cobb plot her escape in th.is scene from the ~ncho Community Players' "One~ Upon a Mattress." a musical comedy playwg weekends through Aug. 2 at the Ohve- wood School in El Toro. namese. Allied military of. ficials said Monday the guer- riUas are planning a new of-WASHlNGTON (AP) -The Jn the face of lhe criticism, 150 percent of the load limit. fensive to seize Tay Ninh City controversial CSA sup e r a major Pentagon argument The idea or using pressuresj northwest of Saigon. transport has 11uffered what has been that the plane has beyond 100 percent of the Jood Sub Plans to Drift . 4 Weeks With Current CAP~ KENNEDY, F 1 a , completed_ satisf~ctorily, the CAP) -Six ocean scientist,. misSlon will be recycled," he engineers beaded by Dr. Jae--said. ques Piccard started a· It originally was Set to begin four-week expedition deep in early last moot)\. but bas been the GuH Stream Monday -held up ey a ·vatiety of pro- two days before Ulree other blems. explorer1 blasl.-of.f-for a lair -Traveling at depths betwttn ding on the moon. ·, 300 and 2,000 feet at whate\'er Conl.i.ned inside tha.new bus--speed the· current propelll Bl.zed reseafch submarin·e Ben them, the ocean scientisLs Franklin, Piccard and his in-hope to make the most ex- tematlonal crew plunged into tensive study yet or the ·cull the Gulf Stream off West Palm Stream's depths -producing Beach and will drift submerg-scientific knowledge useful to cd with Ute current possibly as su bmarine warfare, industry far a.s a 'point about 200 miles and space travelers. southeast of Boston. Mass. By coincl<::ence, the drift is They hope to accumulate the expected to place the un-best infonnation yet about the derwater researchers east of phenomenom known as the Cape Kennedy on Wednesday, "deep scattering layer," a belt when Apollo JI astronauts Neil q.f P~lankton. @d othec. marine A. Armstrong, Michael Collins organisms that reflects sonar and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. plan signals from ships and con· to thunder away for a quarter-fuses sailors with fa I s e million-mile trip to the moon: readings about the sea r1oor·s OOicials of the-Gulf Stream 19'<ltion. rrUaabi '81-'"r&t-Veei•s "teit ls Usfng apace agency planned only as a four-or five-camer8' that automatically day dress rehearsal of the photograph the c r e w ' s f 0 u r. w e e k a d v e nture. movements every t..to minutes However, "if all goes well, the and other instruments th at mission say the test is will determine whether extended period," said a peop1e's reflexes change dur- 1pokesman for G r u m m a n ing long periods of con- AerQSpace Corp, owner of the finement, engineers hope lo Ben Franklin. learn more about what lire "li instrument tests are not may be like in space stations. Crossword Puzzle AC Rei SS l Implements S French Revol ull on figure 10 F1med puppeteer JC E1ude 15 Type 111 Hit i11 certain w1y 17 Ont having i good timt l' "That 's the wa y --!"; Z words 20 Statt of quivffing excitement 21 Lodgin g pl act Z2. Foret 23 Klnd of ha!: Slang 2' Soc iety: Abbr. 211 Slirjl tfy touched 30 Pet 31 Not easily excited 34 Dialect ]Ii E11it1genct 38 Irish Repub!ICl'I Army : Abbr. 39 lnst1umenl s 41 T~bltw1re ii ttll 43 Stfor t <14 Sharp· crested 1i dge 4& M111uf1chring 1 rstabllsh· ment -47 In 1 profoun d m;inner : ~9 Per son 51 Tools Yt slerday's PLIZzlt So lved: 52 Neg alfvt answer .53 Brfng 1bou!, as harm 55 Advttlisin g med lu111 S1 Page In I rt ftrtnt t book 58 Plitale bl Correct !i4 Item of femin in e gear. 2 wtrds 66 Singlt b7 Car li8 Sounded reson1nlly 1iq Ran 1w~y 70"--··IO Remttnbtr": 2 words 71 Force units OOWH 11 Dis1p-p oint· men! of expectalie1n 12 Chtck l l Valorou! "" 18 Quick down· and-up motion 2• Featur t 11ound airports 25 Rising sharply 1 Denom ln1\ion 211 Cut 1n 2 Of tht cert;ii11 USA: Abbr. way 3 Trick 27 Honor as 4 Skltr'1 divine mane uver 28 Civic 5 Oama9ed vehicle: fl Ottom~n 2 words Empire 29 Unit of co~I officer 31 Ovrr: Pre hx 7 TV 1)'0<1ictt', 32 Mrs. Casllt in ttrtst 33 Indoor 91mt 8 l~ck al 35Soft, ity and Yi tai t ntrgy powdtry ' Gull 37 Motion 10" Go pitllJ(t away!" episode 7115/fi'I 40 3 points Jn rugby C2 Ntighbor of Ttnn. and Fla. 4S De stt u<:llvt m1ch lnr 48 Showtd re sults of t llt1lion 50 Making test uncomlorl-1blt 53 Crrt1 ln OtttllnQ5 5• -· Tiki 55 Prtllr used with control ;,nd eslttm 511 Mlbjt tl of 111uch rtvt1enc e 57 Kind of r ltvatlon 5"1 Gi1nt liO Shaped mtlal be;im: 2 woNl s ill Susptnd 6t Incites 115 Ftminlnt 1JiCkn1mr Hitler Not Impotent, Says Author Ally deescalatory moves by could be its first major lest bl;en meeting or exceeding limit Is to "verify the ad- Nixon also would serve as an failure -a wing cracking virlually all c a n I r a c t ditiona l margin of safety," the · answer to the President's crit-under pressures 22 percent specifications. Air Force said. ics who have said he is not do-below lhe conlracl·specifitd The 230-foot Jet P I a n e • The static tests h , I p ing enough lo scale down the level. capable of carrying tanks, engineers calculate stress war or has not responded to The A,ir Force disclosed helicopters, trucks and troops, distributions and show the previous signs or Communist Monday the wing cracked dur· recently made its first cross-ability of the airframe to sus- deescalation. ing ground static tests of a country night and appeared to lain ultimate loads under A cutdown In B52 strikes or CSA airline m In us tail be performing highly satisfac· critical conditions . an announcement that more assembly at the Marietta, Ga., torily. The Air Force said the U.S. troops would be plant of the Lockheed Georgia On Sunday, however, came Id d Co the Wl.og crack. airframe was "lested satisfac· withdrawn wou ten lo . HAMBURG German Y · f v· Co d N h I f h b k Wh1·1e the nose and la1·1 were torily" to 100 percent of its , salts y Jet ng an or! The mpact o t e rea on 1 d 1 · !UPI) Nazi dlc•-tor Adolf d •· f th II d h held down, a spec1·a1 tesl rig oa imit some lime ago. -WI Vietnamese emaf!= or e the over-a program, an w y Hitler suffered from heart same, the diplomatic sources it occurrld, ls being assessed rorced the wings upward in a A Pentagon spokesman said disease and was a cocaine ad ·d b th ,. y-nd ompany tr i a I o! their strength. Then the F'ederal Aviation Agency · sal . • y e 1r v•ct· a c u1 d · Of diet bait was neither a victim Communist negotiators in engi'leers. Coropleted models the break occurred in a wing req res a emonstrahon of Parkinson's dise'ase nor Paris have deplored ssz raids will continue test flights m tht near the point where it joins only 100 percen t of the load sexually impotent as legend .as barbarow aq_d.._have called meantime. • • the fuselage. limit. has persisted, a"'Btitish ·author lftiOn s annOUOclmeilt •tnat--The cs.(":..: World'Slarge'St S'pecifratrr,the crack oc--· "SO, lffir in"lHat cofttext,-uie - says. . 25,000 GJs woold be polled out air-ttansport -has been Ure curred under pressure amoun-cra<:k at 128 percent doesn't David Irving 9lrote a report by. September a lo ken focus of considerable crWci.sm .ling to US percent of the seem so serious," t.h e on Hitler's medical history withdrawal. in congress because of soaring design load llmlt, which is spoke!man said. But he and it appeared in the West Secretary of State William expense. 738,000 pounds. The Air Force acknowledged that. viewed Gemian magazine Stern. P. Rogers said almost two Under original plans, lhe Air said the contract calls ror the from the contract re-, 1ND OUTITANDIN~ '"IX ST•VW f!AYI! " .•• He was addicted to weeks ago that a continuation Force intended in HISS to buy company to·demonstrate that quirement, the problem takes medicaments and swallowed in the battle luU would en-120 models for $3.1 billion but the airframe can withstand on a different light. incttdible quantities or pilb courage the United States to that has eiCalated by $1.S•l.~================"'"====.ll and received injections and speed its withdrawal of troops. billion, according to officlal MtOUa•N e DUNAWAY ''THI THOMAS ClOWN AffAll'" thereby incurred strycnine High-ranking U.S. military estimates. poisoning," Irving said. men see the drop .off in com· ==::...c'--- 111 -... ,.-.,-,-,,.--.,,·ll The medical report was bas·· bat as a sign the Communists ---~.,.. ed on the papers of Hitlef's are preparing for a new of· personal physician Dr. fensive. They want it known, .6 Theodor Morell. tha t aflff'fsponse "l'Jy the Nix-·l '-ID!lllllllll""llll-•- "On the basis of these con· on administration . would 'be temporary document s a reversible should . the guer- number of persistent rumors rillas attack. and legends can be quashed," There apparently Is some Irving said. -feeling tn Washingbln tba~ - "Hitler was n e i t h e.-r administration would have venereally di.seased nor il'n· nothing to lose in responding potent nor sexually abnonnal to the lull, even if the reduc- in any way. A Is o, he did not lion in Viet Cong and North suffer from Pvk.inson's dis-Vietnamese activity is only ease (nervous paralysis). He temporary . also was neither paranoid (suf-Diplomatic sources said the rering from--'persecution com-U n i t e d S t a t e s h as plez) or schizoid (s p I i t made efrorts during the past personality)," Irving said. week to find out through the lrving said Hitler was a Soviet Union whether the narcotics (cocaine) addict. current reduction in Com· As for Hitler's relations with munist activity is of any women, they .... ·ere ··wholly significance In terms of the nonnal," lrving said. peace talks in Paris. Let TV WEEK Turn You On So far, the administration has been unable to get any clariUCation, the sources said. Anouk Almff Gary .Lockwood ,, JACQUESDEMYS· ModdShop Ii -COi_..,..,,. S'J l'•rwn• 16 and over Only All Sut& $2-0D A·CIANT 01' A MOVIE MllH4U II~"~ •11 :)1 TMltJlt II I:• ' COLUMalA PICTDU• •11.il•••n 1 .. DU/,DMll Pll:I . / lllllP CARL FalP!MAN"S MIClllD'l IDLD Plus -Jules Verne's 'THE SOUTHERN STAR' **** EXCLUSIVE **** ORANGE COUNTY ENCAGEMENT NOW SHOWING 1--RBHCW8::1;3D 5. B100-P.M. "j The World's Most Honored Motion Picture! • Winner of II Academy Awards lncludinr "Best Picture"! .)1£llfJ(J){./!lf/)l.l}f/t , ...... . I -I FD-i'"SOUTH COA!ST PLAZA TH-TRE San Diep r-1 al t!Jistol • ~46-2711 NOW SHOWING Wlm o4 AO.WI,. COllA "64, l'IDlt UW!OI ----·-.... --.,.--Jrd PllMIElE Wiii LAST DAY TOl)A Y CONTINUOUS FROt;rf2!lO l!:M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT NOON •1 A mm or A vmir . -,. -~~· ~ 001.\J .. •IA PICl'ft!Ua PJlM•"Te u11DU1n•al . ..,, kWlll _.._....,,.,i..,..,.,. ~;:; · W~L~ qeEY . • ~:..,l_I~,. 2nd Family F•ature "GIT" •••••• OFF 11 GRAND HOTEL • WEST •• •••••• 1 mu••• wn • AMAN1u1 Aetell r!IOM Mill litl et' llPllUlll F •• j OPENING TONIGHT &.t~J'-Jt PRESENTS . SUE CARSON • ~ .-.1111111Nr ~:CASEY :ANDERSON •I FRANKIE ORTEGA ...... _ IMICM f.I. 1•11, 12·1 10011 Drm IT 71•fJ111'1111U I -11, M.·SATJ• IT t IESEIYAfltllS t7141112·1111 • CilllP SALES 17141171-4121 I FW/P•ll',; cuU. PCRIDlAH'S(r~ ~ 'MICllRl'I J I ~· IDLD ..... .::: : I ~ .... r .... -==-. • '°• ·' l!I'• ~ ' I '"IW 'Ul•S v••u•d "THI SOUTHUN $TAI'" e INOS TUnDAY e MATINllS DAILY 'Willi~ ~,. . .. .. ~---~ A ... "'WllOUa T~· !"OOH" ...... n. • ......., o.r * STAID WIDNUDAT * MAttNUS DAILY IT Will llVE Ill YOUR HEART FOREV£R! , O~G-COMIDIAllS lllt.-sTAUll!G- AUG: ~ :.':,~\fl'lllt •1111 u .. w -·-·--· --.. - TWO 1¥1!~ ,,_ llMll-lu.J HIUlll llClifTt o\l.IO A'IA!lAll.t AT SO, CM,, li!IJS!f; ~!1. '371 IO. IOU. Sf., l0$ A/llOl\lS/ \'CM.t.IC+t'S,llUSIC CITY; lllf,UMl'1 Ml""'AW'll AND ALL NUJUAI. .lllll l,11 •n TICKtT Af.;£NCIES. · -...... -... ,, ...... W T.., W.it DhM1' MM I .I I -------· --- I __,~ ...... ' • ' j ' • •' Tuffd.ty, Ju~ 15, 1969 La-ver to Be Feted " Pu blic Invi~d to Reclfl),,Wn 1 °""",. ~ ~.,.. dliunJ will get a chanc• to meet Corona QjJ Mu Ui01UJ ~o Ro4 llav~r Wedne..i.r night in a special ,.._ '-....... " al Newport Beach Tennis Club. TDe .clull ls~ o« Jamboree Rd., at 2eOO EastbluH. W~y·s ruepli.On will be two-fold. Newjlort Tennis Club members will be treated to a special 5:30-6 : 30 host bar get-to- gether with the !Lame-haired aoutbpaw nasb. Then a! 1 o'~oc.k <he dub will be opened to (he general public with a no hoot bar. Induded amooe the guests of honor is Newport Beach mayor Doreen Marshall. Laver, top ranked player in the world an~ th~ ~an many be- lieve to be the finest eerformer in the sport's history, IS fresh from bagging a second straight Wimbledon crown. And he's on the last leg of an .unprecedented second grand . slam -winning Wimbledon, the French, Australian and U.S. opens all in the 'same year. Only the· U.S: Open ·remains on the required list of conquests. Laver is home for tbree w~ek~ 9f. re.st to prepare for the up. coming U.S. Open in New York. Sports In Brief 83-0 Tilt Called in 3rd; Mikan Quits ABA Job KERRVILLE -Kerrville's Little Chicq:o CUbs·New York Mets baseball League team eot a year's supply of runs series by young boys and girls wno didn't In lbr,. Innings Mondoy nJabt. ••· " It beat lhe N~ Canyon Little 5~ ,."' game. League All-St.an, au. The game wa:i They are blind. The specially coo,,en ~eel alter three innin&S and three group is a testimonial to the late Nathan· boun. ial Levtrooe, founder of Canteen Corp. Kemiille made t7 runs in the first in-Since 1963, Leverone has been host to _.:::;::•"J.l=in'-'th",e second &nd l.1 in lbe~ ~i.l .. r-.3'.hasP.ball parties..-far ... -b.llnJL, e youngsters. They followed the game 'a progress on ,. HEW YORK -George Miian has step-special transistor radios or headphOnes ped down as commissioner oC the that piped the TV account to their seats. American Basketball Association. _ He announced his decision MoOOay as the ABA opened a two-day rnetting in NeW'-Yort, where it U setting up it.a new headquarters. Mlkan gave personal and busineM reasons for his decision. ''My home Is In Minneapolis," Mikan 1!1P1ained, "My family is the.re, and I have other business interests there that demand my presence. Rather than at· tempt to_ .sei:ve _tbe~leag~ a_ CQ...m-_ muting commisaloner, I have decided to 1tep down." • Lester Jooepb!on, the Los Aniol" Rams' at.arUQ& halfback in 1967 ~~no missed lhe entire 1961 season because of a tom achllles tendon, worked out with the club at its training camp at Cal Stale (Fullerton) Monday. ~ "It feels great," he said after the morning and afternoon drUls. "There was no pain. It didn't stiffen up at all.'' Coach George AJlen said Josephson. •ho picked up 800 yards rushing and 400 more on pass receptions In 1957, looked better lhan he l!xpecled. It wu Josephson's first workout with the .Rams since injuring himself in. a fruk accident. • CHICAGO -Fifty choice seats behind home plate were filled Mond1y at jam· med Wrigley Field for the opening of the It's Just Like AW orld Series! CHICAGO (AP) -The Chicago Cubs accepted the challenge of the New York Mets Monday and hurled it back at 'em With a 1.0 victory in what Manager Leo Durocher called the "Wotld Series al· mosphere of Wrigley Field ." "Just like a World Series," Durocher Said after the game. "Great crowd, great pitching, great plays. It was some kind of a game." ·A crowd of 37,473 saw the Cubs open a Si,J g.ame lead over the second-place Mets in the National League East in a brilliant pitchlng duel between Tom Seaver and Billy Hands. A bunt single by Don Kessinger wilh one out In the slr..h, an Infield out atid Billy Wililams• run-scoring single spelled the difference betwetn the two con- tenders. Seaver, now 14-4, hurled a one·hit 1hutout agaiMt the Cubs in .New York last week when the Mets took 2-of-3 but wasn·t quite as sharp this time. t.tet Manager Gil HJ,Xiges, who could have lifted Staver for a pinch batler with the tying run on second with two out in the seventh, aaid, "I never lhooaht nf taking Seaver out. It 's as si mPJe as that." • MONTPELLIER, France -A 2l·year- old medical atud~nt accldentally imp1led himself with his own javelin Monday without ctiticilly injuring hlmleH. Doct.on sa1d Paul .Raulln hid left his javelin stuck In the gmmc!·wtth the polnj up while he played volleyball with friends. In a-leap-to bat the -bin· he,.an the javelin Into his abdomen and out h1a back. But no vital organs wen touched. He was reported in good condition. • ' LOS ANGELES-Br\tiah boxina pro- moter Lawrence Lewis aald Mond1y he has signed heavyweight Jerry Quarry ol. Bellflower to meet Brlan London ot England. Lewis Slid he hoped the bout could be held in London durlng the last week in August. • MONTREAL -An ambulance carry- ing injured catcher Jerry May of the Pittsburgh Pirates to 1 hospital Monday night was Involved in an accident on the way, injuring club lrainer Tony Bartl- rome. . May. who suffered a bruised left thigh when he sliPi>ed on gravel in front or t~e ':fontreal ·Expos' ,dugout In M11ndiy night·• game, wu being taken to Quten Ellz.abeth Hoe:pltal when the accident occurred. A hospital spokesman said Bar11rome, accompanying M1y, suffered minor lacerations but was not seriously injured . • NEW YORK -Former Ught heavy- weight champion Jose Torres1 playing po.ssum for more than a round oy falling to the canvas twice, exploded a right to the jaw of Charley "Devil" Green to knock him out at I : 40 of the second round Monday night. Green was a last minute substitute for Jimmy Ralston who pulled out of the bout and returned to his home in Buffalo early Monday evening. It was a spectacular one-punch knock- out for the fonner champion, who went down himself in the final second& of the first round. AREA GYMNASTS WIN WORLD TITLE BASEL, Swilzerl1nd -The Southern California Aero team, a gynmuUcs outnt basEd out or Long Beach, captured the championship in diversity compeUUon at tht> lnternaUona Gymstrata, here. The Southern Callfomla contingent, 28 strong, incliJdes &I• girls from the Orange Coast area. 'nley are Sue Firey of Costa Mesa, Uaa Speir of Fountain Valley, Carla Abby o! llunlington Beach and Denlte Wells, Lori Nrlson and Lisa Nelson of WetlmlMter. The club, which won the title recently, ls currenUy on tour In Europe and is slated to return home Au,. 4.. ... • Rozelle Ol(s Talks With Jets . HEMPSTllAD, N.Y. (AP) -The .roe Nam~lh cue bu ta~==an&e tum with ""'lool!>&ll 'Pele llorolle ~to dltalal tbe sllualloa wllb~Yeteran .membei't tbe ..... wOrkl champion N'"' Yon Jell. ·· 'l1le big q~lon today was .which mtmber of the BiJ Two involved in pro football's bia.,t controversy _,.quid reach &he site of the Jets' camp here - ~· or Namath, the ahaqy-hairtd qliarterback l¥ho may or inl\Y not alrea<ty be en route here. First word DI tbe meetloa wl1h Rozelle It's Laver, Newcombe ·In Finals BROOKLINE, Mau. !API -Corona del Mar's Rocf Laver bJdJ for a fourth straight U.S. Pro Tennis championship against bridesmaid John Newcombe tonight In a showdowo In the 133,000 tournament al Longwood. Laver and Newcombe swept. through the semifinals with impressive victorlea Monday night before an overflow crowd ol 5,200, the largest pro turnout in Longwood hblory, 'Ibe 30-year-old Laver, an executioner on tbe court, and fresh from his fourth Wimbledon championship, continued a drive for top prize money of $1,000 by defuUng Ken Roeewall, a two-Ume U.S. pro titll!t, 6-3, ~7. 6-2, 6-J. Then Newcombe, runnerup to Laver at Wimbledon and here 1ast year, urned ~o~-.t his a!tdoi 1 1ftti ·- disposing of unseeded Fred stolle 8-31 1-4, M . The 25--year-old Newcombe, who handed Laver his last amateur defeat in lte2, has a 1-5 record agalnst lhe undisputed killg In pro meetings. His only victory wu at Qutens in England just b e f o r e Wimbledon. "It's the same as at Wimbledon/' the powerful Newcombe sald. "He's good wherever he plays. Rod has a J>'YChologlcal edge becailse he ls such a great player." Laver , wbo plans a rest before 11booling for a Grand Slam hr lbe-U.S: Open al- Forest Hills, N.Y., was satisfled with his game and appeared confident after h!king hls season match record to 17.9 with the victory over Rosewall In the rain-in· • ' came trom dtfenslve back Johnqy Sam- ple, team -..plain aiooi with Namalb, alter ho emerpd from a rileeU., wtlh vtteran team members held in the Jell cb-usin& room on the ffD!•lra Unl-lly· ·campus. . "Weeb tA.lked to the commtas.loner, and he told Weeb he was golpg to come out here to talk to the team'' said Sample, adding: ''We don't want film (i;tozelle) to lend no secretary or no FBI man. We want hlm." . Namath recefved pennlsslon Sunday from coach w .. b Ewbank to rtporl !alt . . and Aid he would "fel back" to bJm 'ari>und the quarterback'• ratauranl, either Tuada)' nilbl or W-y. ropoNdly frequented by 111111>len. Whether thal meant Namath wDGld cOn--RoieUe ordered Namath to ..U !Ill II> ' tact Ewbank bl ......., or by plio<ie re-temt.s in the Eaat Side nlaht opot or lace malnod • quatlion. --~--" J..... ncl J\oseUe, ineanwbile, confltmfld Jale SWlpeoslM but N'anw,i,u rc:i:UR\I a .. Monday nlflllt that be lsad a,.....i earller nouncod hll rttk<m<nl ftv• ""u 110. in the day to a command pitlormance al · It has been speculated that Nun1th the ·Jeta• t1µ1p pmurnably to preeent his eventually will appur at camp bot wba& ::u~ lbe INuea Involved ID the Namath h1a intentions ire rem.a~ unknown. : , No ~ bu u yet been ttt allhouJ)I Should he appear and either ""'""""' lndlealJoal are that u 'lriil oo1 bi 6eld .., hla rellrement or put on a urillorm for • W late.In the wetk. workoo~ ho llkel1 would be auspOndtd by. "' The NIDialh cue, of• count, rev9Jve11 &zelle. · l.errupted tournament. ~ · AfteT their-sbowdowt\ Newcombe and Aussie Tony Toche wil1 meet Laver and Pancho Gonzalez, -tt, of Loi Anaelea for the doubles champk>nshlp. Newcombe Lefty Thinks • Halos Ready To Move Up California Manager Lefty Phillips is being very cautious about it. "We're at the stage now where we can make a drive and finish third or fourth," he said after hia last-place Angels nudged Kansas City, 2-0, Monday nigbl. "I told them while we were on lhe road Angel Slate JUIV 15 MQtll Vl' KtrMI C!h' 1:~ o.m. m~! Jlljl July 16 Anltt~ n K1..,..• C.!1v 1. o.m. ··~ 'I I Julr 11 Anaftl ¥!. g:1o11r4 7: 1.m. ,.. Julv l Anati. n ki.f'MI U : o.m. 1 trip, 'You fellas know that If we're going to move. up, we'll have to make our m?ve now .' t told them they're a much lm· proved ball club. You have to crawl before you can walk." George Brunet pumped Ille into ·Phillips' comments with a two-hit shutout performance, hla second straight abutoul. Jay Johnstone -parked 1 two-run homer ln the right field grandstand to provide \hi' mar1in or victory. .. "l WU 1etting ahead of the hllter.J. said Brunet, "which 1 haven't been able t do un\U lately. l'm throwln1 the fast b~\1 the way 1 want it. I don't think I've. pitched better than I am rlgbt now." Tom Murphy, 5-3, goes to the mound · tonight for the Angels In the second of the thref'.-game aeries. Bill Butler, M, who beat Murphy wheri the two clubs last met in Kansas City, will -pitch for the Roya la. Brunel's acoreless -pttching string was stretched to 20 innings. 11.ANIAI CITY H rll" KtlJVtl ••t• Htnvncsr .. • • l e Sdll"I )ti a • • • l'lnlt!ll " • t I t K9rri-l• 4 t t t Ollvttrf .Sl11 ""'""' ( ~ ... 111912"' )O lt Htlton D I I I t 1'•'-' • • J • i<.11111 CITY Ctllfornll T-l:U. A-1.a.t.. CALll'OJUtlA AIOINf, 211 JClflMfDM d ,,_,. ,.....,.., SI v-rl "*""' 1b lt0droe1 JO ·-' ,,._, p T"t1 ...... '" ~· .. rlll ~ 4 1 I t • 1 2 J J 0 1 • J • • • ' • • 0 J e • o 3 e o o 3 0 • • l 0 •• 1' ' J t ... -. oo~ -t CllLY PILOT lf9H ,,..._ One, Two, Three S_tretch Members of the San Diego Chargers, training at UC Irvine, take a turn on pro iootbell's version of the rack, the Exer-Genie, which is used to stretch and strengthen leg muscles. Rookie defensive back Jim Hill (39) mirrors the strain of tbe drills. 111 Meet With J!SSR Remember 1964 Upset? Murro Can Duplicate It It was five years ago that the runt from Washington put on his memorable performance la the LA Coliseum to end Russia's domination of American 10,000- meter runners. That wu, of course, Gerry Llndgren's stwm.lng upset of Olympic champion Pytor Bolotnllcov ..... a dramatic race WHITE WASH *******••······ which ranks among the all-time great moments in American track and field . Li.ndgren"s triumph was the ooly time during the Amerlcan-Rusilan dual meet series the Reds didn't go 1·2 In l he 10.000. But it still seemed to snap the image of Yanks being leadfoots in the long. long · runs. Now there is another image about to be eraatd -that of Amercans playtn1 &e- cond fiddle to Russh11n javelin types. Representing the Union of Soviet Socialist Republlcs i., the overwhelming favorite to capture Saturday's U.S.· Russian competition -Anny officer Janis Lusl'I. He owns the world record of 301-9¥4 and the Olympic standard or 295-7V• set last year la Mell.co City. Lusis, who speaks exctllenl English, has won the gold medal the last four times Russia and the United States have collided in dual meeets. Yet he now faces a challenge from an up and coming young Yank -Mark Mur· ro. Murro became Amwica'S premier high school thrower while prepping in New Jersey with • young mller Dllmed Marty Uquori (rtctnt AAU and NCAA mile champion ). Today Murro ls the U.S. record holder with a toss over 292 feet. He won the AA U crowd with a 284-3. If he can unleash a throw in the neighborhood of 290, he'll stand an ex· cellent chance of knockJng off comrade Lusis In thetr Cotlscum coUlsion. And while It wouldn't match Lindgren's triumph for mapitude, It would Indeed help eradicate the international im- pression that American ja\'elln throwers are third class. Pitching Keeps Amazing LA On Top of Heap HOUSTON (AP) -II pitching b 10 percent of the game. then the Lo.! Angeles Dodgers are playing like they have the National League West title wrapped up. Just when things looked black for the Dodgers in thelr Monday even ing game at Houston 's Astrodome. the master fireqian, Jim Brewer. came in to ·t~ tinguish the name, prevent a blar..e antt give the Dodgers a 4·1 victory over the Astros. Don Su~ton worked the first six lnnlnf)l for the Dodgers, allowing only Joe Morgan 's 12~h homer or the year in the first inning. \ The Dodgers send Alan Foster to the mound tonight to face Don Wilson, 10.7, of the Astros. Brewer's rellef work wasn't too rpec- tacular, though, in light of what he'a been doing lately -like since the start of the season. He is 3·2 but has 14 saves. He hllls pitched 48 Innings and allowed only St hits. He has s:ln.ick out S6 and walked.on- ly 17. His earned run average ll!l Its! than 1.95, lowest on the team. - • Natural Gas Car to Go 607 mph? Aro•1td d te Clrralt Jim Bers. .. ~11ter Del mp lootkn •lar, I• U1tell 11 a..aeeoad atrtq defeDllve end !tr lM 1111 UCI.\ nl'lffy. 8eTg, a aoplaoatort, ta 1-1 1Dd ""&bs tll. Re11 ap '""" ... -t .. Uni• ,_ team ud la playillg btlUd Bob G<ddol, Sutton, despite being belted around-two weeks ago and b!ling three straighl now is 11·9 with a 3.00 ERA. He has pliclied 142 Ill innings, ooly eight 1 ... Iha club leader Claude O!tetn. ... LOS ANGii.ii ttOUITON •7" L08 ANGELE.$ (AP) -G 1t y the Apollo fn>Cram la< the NOrlh G~ a :z&.year .. ld racing drlVtt American Rockwell Co. ltml Loog Beach, sald Monday he hopes He hopes lo makt hia rt<Ol'd UllUll on lb mi<ft al i.111 f/11 mllet per hour ill a Utah'• Bonno•UI• Sall becU durln1 the n.etr poWl'l'fld by nalurll llS. Wetk: of Sept. 7. G1belkh was IJUIOUnced u the driver Ptttt H. Farnsworth, ~ealdent o f d "The Blue Flame." the natural IN In-}!eactloo Dynamka:, lnc. lne owners of duatry's rOcket-enaJ.ne land • p e e d the '7-foot race car. 11ld 01bellch w1s 1--~--.. cNllwer. picked from amon,g tha country's top Gabi&hliai paiUclpaled in lesl1 for-'drl~u.-becaUM or hll I • c b n I ca I • back&round and lr1lnl01 u well as hll raclncu= 'lbe di W'&tked with rocket englnea: in the Apollo program for 1everal years. He 11kl he feels only 1 r0tket engine ca11 brelk the record 600.&0l ee:t four Yt•1'11 .,. by Cral1 Breedlov• In th• )el engine "Spirit of America-sonic 1... · Under racins rules, the naw car must aurpaas the old record by one pereent lo be reco1n!ted u a new mark. "The rocket fueled with a cryogenic fuel such all llquetltd naTura.l 11s Is just about the purest form of enero available," tile drJvtr 58.id. The natural gu lnduslry ls sponsoring the race car to "dramatize versatility and potenUet of llquef~ natural gas." One or the speedy big men coming up In the tolleae grid ranks is Steve Wilhelm of Kansas . The KU .shot put sUu Is pla.ying or- !enslve guard. He's 6-4 and wti1hs 260. He'll be 1 Junior this fall ... just a crow· ing b<!y ,-o!ivlously. • Wlft1 ••• Meli, M o. ... r ... d ...... ,,, 111 Svdlk1" )ti ltUMtll .... s~ •. ,., T6rtl0fl. C S\lttorl, I .a, ..... , ,, •• tllM It reiM ll)OV1~1m,lf 4•t JIOOOot..,,1111 ltl • I I I ll'tDrwft. 2'I 1 I ..I J 2 2 2 WVIVI. d ) • I • 0 I II Mltl•t, •I J • 11 4 I • I Gtltof•, " H • •tlllllf'rnPll ' 0 I I Ml'°iiJtfl. r1 O • II , 0. 0 1i."""' 111 • '· IOOOMt~t.11 •0 £d11t1f01. t • 1 '• R~lle•, JI! f ~I Ltn1a\t.r. D t I 0 Tot1I >I 4 10 4 T11t11 J::,p O LO• "'"""' lot !.. . ""'"" 1ot ... ..... - s ' io:: Engines! by Deke Ho(!lgate According to popular legend, when Pete Robln.!on the drag raa.r wu bom he asked the doctor lo order for hlm dlapen of the lightest material available without sacrificing -any of their •bsoltl<ncy. .Robinson and his contemporary, Don Garlits, are best known among the hot rod act for being inventive race car buUden who ah.ave ounces of excess weight from their machinea In a aearch for more speed and come up with revolutionary ideas that often become vogue in the ~port. Pete,Roblnson of Atlanta ls a visitor In California thl.$ week. He'a here to participate in Saturday's U.S. Pro Dragster Cham· plonships at Orange County Raceway . HopefuDy, he will have OR di.splay the latest witchcraft he has conjured up for AA file.I dragsters -the vacuum cleaner aJr in- takes. · • Robinson ls still experimenUng with this novelty, but he has drag racers abuzz with speculation. The re.llSOD is that if It works they'll all bave-1.o put one oo their machines. The vacuum cleaner is simply a long extension on the alr in- take that swoops down through the body of the dragster and picks up ill air supply underneath the car. An air filter in.!ide is design- ed to elimlnate stones and pieces of asphalt that coul<f also be col· lected in the same way. Why? Simply, the theory is that removlng air from under the machine at speeds up to 230 miles an hoor is an aJd to aerodynami~. At those speeda moving bodies want lo take off and fly like airplanes. The trick is to keep them on the giound. Robiilson already uses a wing-like device on the front of his d.ragster, like many other drivers do. The upward force of exhaust gases flowing out of the exhaust headers creates another downward thrust. The vacUum cleaner supposedly completes the job. Reedeni may recall a mention here recenUy that Jim Hall is de.velopin&: a similar "reverse ground effect" ()r suction system- although It bas nothing lo do with air intake of the engine -for his.new Chaparral Group 7 sports racer. Robinson is called Sneaky Pete for his innovative nature, which finds him whipping the opposition frequently with "better ideas." His current kick is a 427 SOHC Ford engine in a sp,;irt dominated by Chrysler power. When he showed up for the 1961 NHRA Nationals .his speeds were so fast that officials wouldn't announce a single one of them for t.61ee dl:lys, while they meticuJously: looked for something il- legal lo the car. They never found it, if indeed there was anything· Illegal. • - Some time later be invented a technique called the jack start and proceeded to lower speed records everywhere he went. With the jack slart Roblzison had a crewman jack his rear wheels off the pavement. He brought the engine up to top revs in gear and - with the wheels spinnhi.g -had the racer dropped to lbe track. The start was outlawed, largely due to a letter·writing cam· paign intiated by Garlits, the man whose records were being wiped off the books. After the jack start was outlawed, the next time Robinson and Garlits met in a race Robinson had his ttew jack up his rear wheels and gently set them down on the starting line, so shocking Garlits that he got a late start aod lost. Ju they. wer.e being push· ed back down the return road, Garlits hollered over at him: "Robinson, don't bug me.'1 Sneakey Pete Robinson, the Southern g~ntleman, smiled back at b!m and aald notbing. rrte•-Gr....i Teurl"ll' Dh•ulon To cet to CM tep hi nclag, tometlmel yoa 11.ave to back don die ladder 1 rug or two. That's wbt lta NASCAR rookie of tlle year Pete Bamlltoa is dolac this aeason ud laa'finc 1 fiDe t1mt of It, thank you. BamUtoa celebrated bla new status u the top freshm•• of sapt.r speedway Grand National nctag by quitting the circuit and golllg Into the equally eompedtlve but more lightly regarded Grand Touring Division. NASCAR Grand Touring can are 1lmilar to SCCA Tran .. American tet:lans. That Is, they are I.be same maket of can - Mastang1, Can:tarM, Coogan, Ja\lellns, Firebirds, Poncbea and Alla Romeos -bat operate ander different rules. Ham.lltoa probably would have preferred ... staylllr ID the big league, but early this year hl1 ride .Ud out: from under him when 11k car owner qtrlt raclllg altogether. Faced with a bleak season another chance to pn>\le bow cood bt was, Hamilton quit the 1eries. . Gene Wbite, a tire dlstribal.or, oflert:d Hamlltoa a full 1ea1011 hi his '69 Camaro. Pete quickly accepted. Drlt>ers Can't Swltrh The way things have turned out for Hamilton, his decision to drive a GT car was a wise one. The other day he won the biggest GT race or the season. the Paul Revere 250 at Daytona Beach . It p bis sixth win, putting him at the head of the GT Class. The problem with racing Grand Touring cars is that N ASCAR will not allow drivers lo switch from one circuit to another. This effectively bans Hamilton from Grand National racing, but that fact hasn't bothered him. A few weeks ago Grand National star Donnie Alllsori fell vic- flm to hepatitis, and Hamilton received special permission to run in his place in the .Atlanta 500. He finished fiflh, and his im· pre~ive showing immediately earned him the oUer of a Grand National ride for the rest of the sea30n. "I was very nattered by the offer.'' he said, "but l had already given my word and wasn't going to back down. Tars Roll To 97.39 By DAVE CURLEY Of "" Dlill't '"'"" ..... Newport !Urbor !hatter<d the Santa Ana basketball Jeague team tcoring record Monday nlgbt at Santa Ana College by decimating Los Amigoo, 97-39. Mater Dei cent.er Ralph Chaodos al8o set a league standard when lie picked oU 13 rebounds in the Monarchs' M- 41 romp ovtr Santa Ana Valley. In a later game, Santa Ana - remained Jn thlrd place by rocking Saddleback, 75-45. The unbeaten Tara, who now hold a game and a half lead over Mater Dei in the stan- dings, actually lrailed, J.5, after I.be first three minute.5. &it-then the iico rlng onslaught began. Goals by Nels Tahtl and Taras Young put Newport in Cront to stay. A dismal second quarter ror Los Amigos cinched the out- come, as the Lobos tallied on- ly two poinU, both fr e e throws. Young led the Sailors with 22 points, while Tabli pitched in IS, Steve Saxton, 10, steve Kent, 11, and Denny BeaRi 13. Mater Dei trailed only brief- ly in the first quarter before 11 points by Chandos put the :Ptfonarchs ahead. Chandos now holds two league records, most rebounds in a single game, and most points scored in one game (31). The high-scoring center also added 28-tallies a g a I n 11 t Valley, Brad Hametiaui (lZ), Werner Raes~(t3), Dave Kiley (11), and Tom Walker (121 also finished in double figures. -The Mooa:rchs are now 6-1 tor the se~n and meet Newport next week In the league champlonsbip decider. • Going for Two Huntington Beach High'; Wes Thomas goes up for Fisher's Barracuda Tops Field Joe F1lllet of Paaadona, driving a 11111 Barroaida, roared lo victory In Orange County International Raceway's e:ilperimental heads-up supper stock drag cnmpelitlon. Top IU eliminator honors were won by Don Enriquez ot Mission Viejo. Bulch Leal, driving Mickey 'lbompson 's Mustang, WU dls- qullifled by Ille red light when he left Ille starling llne early. Prior to the dlsquallficaUon Leal !md Jhe se<ond .quickest Jim• of the ntght, 10.n seconds. Bill Bagshaw was low quaUOer at 10.60 in 1 Dodge. Dart. Enriquez won the top gas r111als wllh a speed of 193.98 mph. He also had the low elapsed time, 7 .59 second,,. In Sunday's sidecar motorcycle competiUon, Dean Hummer and Rulon Gulbransen continued to dominate the road race action. Albacore Scout Run Art's Landing will take another stllb at finding the elusive albacore tonight'Wlth a boat leaving Newport Beach at II. . Weekend albacore runs from the area had mil:ed results. . The Patrician out of Dave.y!&- Loc~er hooked on to 14 of the tuna, which weighed i n between 20 and 30 pounds. However, a Sunday run from Art's drew a blank. Los Alamitos ,.Entries PfalT" UC .. nt .,.,., Mlktllft t ..,..., "*'" ci.1rn11,... '",... '**· c111m111t .,q atio. lndlM lllcul'I (R St'*t) CvM N It_,., (' ..... ) Wtldl Tiii 11~1e lLl .... m) Tiii ltll!lftl"' 0... (ICenl1) SUrtlll O.le IC.nfo1:4) ""· .,,..., (I ...... ,.., •..w Metttl• {S...l!t\) Jilollr. l"ort LldY' fltrwtt) ...... ,..,_ l•ll'l•ldll IC.IQ.., wt Jub (Al>od.tal) '" '" ... '" "' '" "' "' '" •• "' "' DAILY PILOT 11 •• H~ ,,. :: ,,, '" ~}: ~I: '" Ill •U •• '" ' 111 l 11J •leMTM RAC .. •· .,....._ S 'lllr 1U ol6l .,wil u,i Tl! Ot"ICh AAA Mlnw. us """" t:HCll. T,_ ,_ V•llfltt HJ .• A.rH!tn MWlot Clu!J, 111 NOOl'fwllt 1•11nkltyJ :~ u: 1 U .... u.r,.., I ~.tl!IO) US Mls1 "•" &tr ('°• .. ) l:Ofrll!IMlld.tl HI• CH Crotbrl '" '" '" •• .. ·~ "' '" '" 'THIRD tu.Cl. J50 .,..m, M.llldell ' "1't1r Dkl1. Clelm"". "u'" 11"30. Clelmflll tr1ct l2!00. One """ cw... lknlltll D1dttv"1 Stb',o GO !Morrlt) 'T~.-.. L ... (ltl,_.,l LI ... '"* IMlhlHltl J11Wt Glls (Wl1M!fl) Q\lllft S-(PIHi Mfl,.,.., J-!C.rdaitl Sfllno Etn flt 8.tl'lll;t\ 11.oc:kd E•-s (VlcktrYl Ray.ti Olo tMllllldJ>l "'" llltltlt Lit CMYl111 (Ad1!rl Lol'l• l ux (Str1\IU) T-. For All (I Htrt) ~ SI•¥ !I Ht•ll '" "' "' '" "' "' "' •• '" '" "' "' "' '" l'OUITM IACll. 1511 nn!s. J '/'Hf Didi llMI ~ In G..O. A ,.hi,. "urM SIM». Mkt'1 MOO!! (Smllttl 117 ll:ll>tY"• Clt>Oa,. n Ll'4'11ml 111 HtYI lld (R ltnll•) 11' Te•• Drtt ICld (Rldltnfl) no Sllef'll Gl'1llll'ld (Her1 ) 1:10 GCI Heltllrt Go 4Wflton) 111 !«lie ~ 0 H Cro1b¥J 111 S-10!"'1 0.111 !, SI-I 111 Mr. AP90 /Mo::ll.n'Ollld'J 114 MCCo"f'• lltbt !C•rOOvol lU Ai.t Elltl"lt ~·, 81111 !' Lloft•m ) 1U MlllYf (S!r111n} Ill Coed II l ltHl 11, JNnll9 SUni:ler !I H Crnbv) HJ "11'1'M RACI!. l~ Y•tdt. Ml lClfn 1 ~·r olds. l"ur11 llW. - Tot Four lt.tv (Wrlenl) On Fwr\awll isr.-1 Llttll-.. ..-c...i !Smith! Mooltfl Roded IBrlnliltYI lt 1nloo (Lll>flaml S«lllencl C!ndl'1o !H (IOflb\I) Stfot'll 0.MV (R l1nk1} Go Myrt Oo fH1rt) Lto .. ., Diii IC.trdo1.tl __ ,,. ·~ '" ·~ ·~ ·~ •M "' "' Btr Lltllt Diet IL .... ml SH Nvrntll !R 11 .... 1! 1..,. -'-Girl ID .. ~I l lltlt T-'""~•lrl O.vld J1111 (It•-) NINTH ltACI .... .,..,...._ S .,.., akb Incl .. In GrlCh A Mlnut ..... !" C.tllt. tu"'~ SUot. 1'c.\Y'I '-*" {t Adtlr) "' Bobby 0. LuJCe (Llt!Wm) 111 IN. DldF.tY 116 ~-1 Jtne /Pettie) 1• Quid! M Vtn (C.trdotll Ut ltt'9m-N19r.tt (Snllltl) 111 V.tlilnt Prl_,, 1fl Srlt'ft 1t1ln1 111 Su'1t , .. llocket tit ...... , "' Sun Gllol1 tlllcN•OIJ 111 Volleyball Pia y Slated. Two 1 e p 1 r a t e volleyball tournaments will be held .t Corona det Mar State Beach during the next two weekendl . under the baiiner of the Costa Mesa Recreation Department. _ Th~ open tourner t-~ed to draw a majori'y of 1Ma U.S. volleyball Olympic te..,, memben, is set for July » and _ 27 wllh action beginning at 9 a.m. each day. Los AMIGOS ,,.., a jump shot during a recent summer basketball Both landings advise ang]ers to check with them daily on the progress of the developing albacore run and for late.st departure Umes. llX1'M l:ACI. DI y1rdl. S "'9r oldl ind 119 In Grids A PIUI. Plll'M l ltoO. Included In the lineup are 1965 champions Roo VOD Hagen and Ron Lang. """" •.cc..-•• "o "r """"' league test. The Oilers, two-time champions, are 5 • J 10 2 2 1 ' battling for survival in the loop race with undefeat-Cualmi Cutle CRiiey) 111 The Class A divllian It acheduled lo begin Friday. Knllr ...~ .. ICtletl Doulll'l•rty ICrtttet l ra.lfwd . .., ; ~ ~ i ed Rancho Alamitos. Huntington (~2) meets upset· 2 1 • s minded Corona del Mar tonight at 7:15 in Oilers' 1 1 , ' ' • , ' confines. Fishing in local coast.al walen, meanwhile, remains good with bass and bonito su~ plying most o1 the action. Bar· racuda icYoo Jlso is _QP the upgrade . ~ Miu !H.tr1) llJ 'T"'°nt' Doc (ICtl'ltl IU IU. ltr klt9 !C1ntlll1) 111 D'Al'C'I' ICey Cllldltrdsl 116 Go FJo.lt Go (Rlnelcll) lll Cos& for each two-man team ia $2. Further lnfonnalion CUI be obtained at the Coata Mesa Recreation Department or bf calling tournament diredar Jim Keane at 6fl.13tl. 1 I I l --------------------------0 • ' • Otaey'1 Ca\lt< t2 Adllrl 111 O!~tr !LiPl'ltml Ill Tall II 1•11'3' Ml!W~RT ('JI T11'rtl MIY$ft Ecclft .. ,,., ·~· '"" v-T • .,lor YWN ?0111' "G "T '"~ ' l l 15 ' I I t 3 , 1 • 3 .. 0 10 ' I ' 11 6 I 1 1J 1 • ' ' s ' 1 ., ,.,2:1 »Ul•n _,, __ l• Am1-16 211~ HNPOrl tt lt !1 D-r1 SANTA AMA VALL•Y (41) Auld C""'"lrltlfle"' .... ....... , ... .,,_ ·-,_. 'Torrer "''°"'" Tllhll1 ,-Q l'T "" T, 5 2 J 12 ' • 1 • 2 I I $ 2 O I ' 0 • l 0 l 1 J 1 4 4 I 11 0 0 0 0 0. D 0 0 0 1 l 1 1'tlt41 MATll: Dll (Ml , .. _ MtmellfUk ·~·-.... w .. ~ McMlnl....., Tat1l1 l'G l''T "" TP ll2J7t ' • 1 12 1 a 1 • ' 1 l 11 l J 1 11 s r , n 1 D l 4 3J1•16 U ICfl"* " GlllrMn SA V.tll•Y 1' $ 16 &-41 Mtt!r 011 t2 20 II 2~ Reds to Miss E_uropean Meet MOSCOW -A Soviet sports official confirmed today that no Soviet athletes w i 11 participate in the July 36-31 Europe-North America track and field meet in Stuttgart, West Germany. A spokesman for t h e Government S p o r t 1 Com· mitlee said the Soviet team is "busy with a large number of international meets" this sum· mer and could not work in the Stuttgart meet ll'M Roc:ktt CH CrosbYl 1U llad!lf'1 IC.thy (Wrlwl'>ll 114 -~-•»title - Mesa Verde Outguns Newport Shores Team Skippers at Davey's Locker report action especially good on evening twilight runs with anglers •tarting to land bonito welgblng 1 bulthy 10 powids. Johll Gobi (I Adefr) 11, JFll( yt:TAOIN NU ,IL'f DOW DO l{ow They Stand Mesa Verde Country Club added another victory to its swim club record Saturday with a 235-199 win over Newport Shores at the win· ner's"'pOOI. ..... M )S free -1. Jolln.on ktloffne." 11m1: n .s. CMVCCl J. U bre11t -I, kl>ol,...r (N$l ;. JoMlon IMVCCI 3, Hollm'" (NS! llmtt: 32.t. ?S Dad< -I, ll'Ollers INS! 2. JohMon !MYCCJ 1. Hoffm.tn INS\ time; ?7,0 ?S llV -I. R011e'1o tNSI 2. JolwllClll IMVCC) 2. WllWY INS ) tlnw: Z.I, Girts 1-t ?S Ifft -1. RNC!J (MVCC) ?. lttld (NS) time: 1•.•. ?5 breesl -1. ltndr !MVCCI 2. He.tiff (NS) lime: U..S. ts !)set; -I. Sdl"Wtlt.r" IMVCCl 1. lt~llV (MVCC) l. lro~11111 (Nil tlmt: 11.s. 15 11"1' -I, $cl!wellnr fMVCCI 2. Relll"I' !MVCCl l . 8rokKln (NS) tlmt: l f .I. Glrh f.11 SO trM -1. 0.Yh. CNS) 2. 0 '1rllfl (MVCC! J. Prtifll !NS) ll!M: ts.ol. .SO ln.tsl -I, .khw911"" IMVCC) 2. FogertY CMVCCI J. N.tkh INSJ llmt; ...... .SO beet -1. Ad.ms INSJ 2. SchG't· '*' CNS) l. F.tee (MVCCJ llme; d .•. SO II., -l. $cll'lltH111!r (MYCC\ 1. Adems INS) .J, FOll.tth' IMYCCI 11,,,., •... · • lOG 11'1do -1. S.C"""-ft1er !MVCCI t. Fogarty (MVCCI l. Ad11n5 (N5) lime: 1:21.1. Glrll 11·11 SO frtt -1. Sdlollner {Nil 1. FeGt CMYCCI !. OW!rn!lltn lime: <!0.1. so brtltl -I. o·~· INS) ,, Howtll INS) Powrell fMVCCl llm•: O.t. .SO bsdt -I. -.,.., CMVCCl 1. M.tnnlnt IMVCCl 3. IC.tllndt fNSJ lltnt: ll,1. .SO fly -l. O'She.t INS} t. 0tYI$ (NSI l. "'-trv (MVCCI time: •1.•. 1W Incle -l. Mittwerv IMVCCl 1 IC.tllnk.t INIJ J, O'lrltn CMVCC) llmfl: 1:71.!. Glrh l>-1' SD fr .. -1. K.tt•r"lk (NSI t, "''"'" "1119 IMVCCI 3. Sl'lam: !HSI ll!l'lt: l :U,,. .SO brf.IJI -1. D1vll CNS) 1. M1nt11"' (MVCCI 1. Ctlt INS l llmt: '1.•. FV Battles NATIONAL LEAGUE AMEJ\ICAN LEAGUE East Dlvl1I011 Eut Dtvtstoe Won Lolt Pct. GB Won Loli Pct. GI .SO bedt -1. M1nnl111 IMVCCI of. Ctll (NSf l , Sl'lel'lt (NS llmt: :Jt,2. 50 IT¥ -1. Htne INS) 2. M~nnf"' {MV(C) l. ICtwered INS! ll!M: 38.0. HIO lllOo -1, DIYI• INSJ 2. C.tll CNS) time: 1:21.5. Westminster 1s t•tt -1 ... l!~u tMvcci '· Founlafn Valley's Cardinals Mednlo: !NSJ J. WDDll !NSI 11m1: 20.•. will meet Westminster at San. lJ bre1sl -1, C1rbonel1 (MYCCl 1. '"' An • M rJ I p k Chicago 57 34 .828 New York 49 37 .570 St. Louis 46 46 .500 PltWlllrgli 43 .f7 .471 Philade1ru• 38 49 .•~1 Montrea 21 61 .315 RtadY CMVCC) J, Ric• INS) llmt: H.4. ... as emo a ar 1s -bed: -1. ltff<lr tMVCC1 l. Saturday In the second round w t DI I I Rtll"I' IMVCCI 3. CerboMtl (MVCC) el \I I on nme: 21.1. of the National Baseball Los Angeles 51 37 .580 11 11"1' -1. rRe1iv 1Mvcc> '· Wf/1(/11$ Congres.s tournament. Game •u •· 51 39 567 INS)). G1111 (NSl llmt: :n.2. /\ an.. . .. ¥, 7., time is 4 p.m. S. Francisco 50 40 .55& a ''" -1. M•nftlnt 1Mvcc1 '· The Cards defeated El Rer Cincinnati 45 38 .M2 Ovtrrnlller IMVCCI llmt: 17.J. ho · , _ , I based H-·sron· •• " .500 21 1H1t11t -1. Jahn1Gn tMVCC1 2. C rJZO, a LA.I" ,..nge es-"" -w ..,, WY.ti! IMYCCI flmt: 17.$, te•m, 10.7, With the aid of Jim San Diego 31 81 .3J7 )5 br~tl -1. JohMOrl IMVCCl 2. 51> 11 1> m• 17 28 I 2 31> 7 22 Baltimore 62 27 .6'7 Detroit 47 39 .547 Boston 49 41 .544 Washington 49 45 .531 New York a •• .462 Cleveland 36 53 .404 West Dfvlticln Minnesota 54 35 .607 Oakland 47 38 .553 Kansai City 39 51 .433 Seattle 38 50 .432 Qilcago 36 51 .427 California U 55 .375 13\i 13\0 15\i 2t 28 s 15\i 15\i 16 2011· wva11 1Mvcc1 time: :n.s. Demase'• two-run homer in -, 1S brtaJI -1, Joh"aon fMV CC) 1. ..,.., -.rillw Wyatt tNvcc1 J. P•rk•• HISl tlm•: the bottom of the seventh Sun-C'llcMo 1, New vortt o 1:i.o. day afternoon. Lot """'" •· Mou•ton ' MfM ...... liltnll'J Ml"""'°'e .. (II~ J. JJ ll'\rtlM9 Wt"1!"91on J, DI-troll t C.tllfvrnle 2, ICtnut Cttv f Onl)' .. ,,,.. ldmt.llld ?.S bad -1. Ma"nl"" tMVC(l 1. Monflftl l, Pttbburll! 0 P1r\:1r (NS) J. Actlmi !HSI !Im.: "·'· "OUNTAIM VALLIY 1111 OFlf., tem.. KhtdVt.d 1$ fly -1. AdMnl {NS) 1. Mt""I"' " IMYCC) l . Ctll fN5l time: 21.t. 1 I R rM 1'1M11F'1 .. ,_ TIMl1y'1 a.-Mlrllllll, 11 5 I 1 4 , ..... --, 1,.-. ••I ..,., ,.11 '''""' )&-lb ! 1 1 1 •M___. • ...... on 11 SI. Kina.ti CllY 1t111tltr '"4) •I C.tlllornle -' ' • ' ) l LOUii (T1'(1ar 1-t), nltl!I (Muroh, J..I), Ill ... ! .,,, ree -· ut..-e NS 2. F«ld"l'kl Ll>Olfl, lb-11 3 0 I All1lll1 fR_..j 1-4 end Br1ttlll'I 1-11 o.tlend '"""' •N> ,, ... -1•-IN5) J. M.tttln {HSI tlmt: 3$ I. Jftl~lm, t..c S l I O ..... ...,.. SO brtett -I, Durot (NS) 2. Stntmo c armlcllttl, d ·l'I l 1 1 o al ClnclnnlU CM•lonoi:., J.2 ll'MI C.trroll lllr N J, "'°"' l. Ct-• CNS ) t!mtt : 43.•. Mtrktl. <·d • I 1 O lf-4 ), 2, lwHll9hl Chic-fW"""-•11 IJt MlnntMlll .SO beet -I. McCtr11" fMYCCI 1. GeooTf, r1 J 1 l t Lot """'""' CF9t'9r J.5) ti Hout.11111 Ck.tll '"0' Plltfll Adami (NS) l . IC1111••d: {NS) !Ina: M.tltr. p I 1 0 I 1w11-10-71, nltl'lt ~,,,, fMc:OOW.11 11·11 ,, .. ,. olO.J. l(nlaM. I 1 1 • • H-Vort; 10.•I,.., f.1) ,, Chic-motw (P'tloebur. ~l. nltl!I $0 ftv -1. McC1rl1n fMVCCl 77 Tatei.. .U 10 I 10 fkln1f .. SJ ' Oefrolt {Hiiier 2-2) ti WtslllrltlOI' WY•lt CMVCCI l, P.trolfl INS) tlfM : s(..-t "°llll'll-5.ln DI-fKl rll"I' '·HI •I !.111 Fr.t~ (,.,._.. W ), 111 ... t :M.S. r -• (l$CI (Mtrk:tlll t!-i) &o.IOfl (Culp. JM Ind Siibert 7.,, 100 llldo -I. Mccartin (MYCC) '· El R:&r C"°'lio tot 700 :t»-1 ' 1 1911tlbot"91! !Wtllltr 0-01 1t Monlrt1I ti Ntw Yort (51aot!Mm.,.,.. lW tnd Dorl.,.. INS) J, Peroll• INS) !Jme: ~::'.'~'~"~'~";M~·~ ... :;~00>~~"";;-~"~':;' ,;::::'W:•:":-:;;:.' .··~21=• :;"::'"'='=======""~="-~=·='="=• =·======:; 1:1'.I.•. .. ,, ll·lt so lrtt -l. Scll'lltllirr (MVCC! '· LET'S BE FRIBCDLY MEN . Ltt WI makt' JIOU look vour Vt'"' Mvhll!~"M°r IMVCCI J. II.Ill• CMVCCI b " om., xi.t est by gt"tting ont' of Sir Walter'• "' bre~t• -1. W~••• 1Mvcc1 1. fa-·w E•· •--C •· HIHlsori {N$1 ). S....11<1 INS) Hme: ll.t. """ .. ropean '"""'°' u..,, so b1rt -1. Mcc1"111 !MvtC, 1. U you have n~ nelghbcln: RPld OB I 1. SM• !HSI time: lS.L or know of anyon• mDvlna 511 WALRl'S SO llV -I, Muf!IM11 .... fMVCCI 7. 2DS2 N-llYll Scl!'"ltttr (MVCCl l. Rt!d IN5) tlmt: to our area. pleaM tell ua ·---. . " 1. __._.. , .... MMe Hud'°" (NS! J. Muhll'l.tlllff /MVCCI friendly welcom• and hflp "You know, so many professional athletes seem to think nothing of breaking contracts and doing anything .they please. I'm not just talking about race drivers either. I'm talking about many &mm•••••m..,,m•mmmm•a••m• 11X1 1nc1e -1. McC•"'" fMvcc1 ;. ID that we may -~"" • IF:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ""'" 1:1'·1· .,,, ,>-14 them to beoome 1.oquaJnted 100 lrtt -1. Smtllwoad rMVCCI 1, In th ,,. din different sports. "I'm old fashioned enough lo believe that a man should have certain principles to live by even if it costs him money al the time." Race Results C.tllq""" CMVCCI J. ICtlltl (Nil llmtt: f' new wrroun p. ' 1 '0l.A. s ( sf Ylsft so brN•I -l, Mltct>tll INS) 1. 0 oa or C1ll•11!1n IMVCCI J. Smtllwood • IMVCCI tlmtt: J6.J. 49' "579 .50 blldr -l. McCertln IMVCCI !. ..V Wrbl,., (MVCC) l. Pr1l11 CNS) ttmtt: 30.1. Hamilton is a ~year~ld bachelor who recently moved from Dedham, Mass .. to Charlotte, N. C. J:le'a a handsome, blond 6 ft. 2 Jn. fonner gymnast who quit the University of Maine school of •••Dliomm••••::zi;••••••=,..,.,•.., engineering to devote his life lo aulo racing. SO 11"1' -1, McC1rtln IMVCCI '· Wffllff IMVCCI J. "-• tNll lllM: 711.3. 100 lrloo -I, Mc'Cerl111 (MVCCl t. Harllor Yisllor Now in his sixth season of competition, he seems wel l on his way to winning his third Important championship. In '67 he was NASCAR'• national sport!fnan class champ, winning 17 of a races, and ln '68 he was top roolde in the big league. -Deep Sea Fish Report MlltMOSo\ -'9 ...... ,,, 2IU bl" rtc<'ll•. ,. bof-l'a. l l'ltll'lltlT. IAllfTA MONICA -JI _..._, l'OS 1>tK. U bonito. J Nllbltl, 1 rr.rrKUdt, ·~ lllDOMDO •l!ACM -1'2 t1M1tt..: 1:11 bsrtlcud<I• I.Im MU. QJ borl!fo, 1 ""!lbvt. lt'9f'9• " -""'-: .. .,.,., 1" 11on1111. 13, 1111dlere1, m roc1; mt. LONG •l!ACM C"~"' Ll!lllf111) -111 _It.,,: l t1111·r.cuc11. ,...,, Mtt. JCI t1e1111e. s ,-e111:J*11n, o rm C'Od. c•tt -' PW) -1' •"'*'°: 1 bllrr.cu.!1, w bell, " borl!~ s nlU cod. ···"· u -lln: '1 i.rr.c<ld.t. 11 M.11. "'1 P llO. 0 rn.t(klrel. !ltlClflc u.lllltl 1 -,.. .,...lt-'1o: • nnawMI~ I M r• ~. ) htllbul, 1..W Ulla bf.U.. d ..... OCUMllD• -11t INltf't: M e..r. r.udl. IM tolM. m 11on1i.. 1 ,,.1 ....... n. " hlllllut. MUMTUtQ1'011 •IACM -,. -lfl'I: " bof'ltte. t11 "'"· ' t\M4 ....... " .... ien: "' llof!ltll, " ...... • lier-·~· ' ,..llbul, OXMAJllG -.. '"' ..... : MS b.1$1. 11 li<mlll:I, ~ h1Hl!ut, nil rllrt Clld. PAllADlll COVI -U1 '"'""! 450 roct <ad, n cow eotr. • 11.., cw. «IO ...... If bofll'lll. ' hlll!but, SAN D.llMaMT5-1'5 '"'ltrs: 1.1M • ,.,.......,, fth' 14. Ifft (lur& ""' "lliln llACL 1'0 .,. ...... Melden 1 .,..., oldl. hf'M S1'90. MlFlf a. ... (LiPll.tm) 1.00 •.111 lJtl T~ Retd lar (D hnt:tJ J.00 •·" Kfi.!IUn (C.trclrlt.t) 4.• 11-11 J/10. k,..fdle5.-Recllum QUftfl, lttnteo, it.a.19 Iii~. TOP Four IC.ty. SICOWO l:ACI, ~ nrdt, J .,...r -.. .,.. u. In Gre .. A Ml,.._ ,_ ., ... Gtcl9ilf Mn (ll ..... , Ntr. """ Oto fCtf'lllouJ 0.W•-~"-1 T"'--11 ~/M, 4 •• l.Ol 1.MI ..... ~ ... ~....0.U '"""' Rt!MI .... ,,.. ltf"ll. IUOI Melltt, OV"J llldl •1r. NIGHTLY DOU•Ll-+Mllll (Il- a Ml9MI M.t.,, "'" 111•.• 1'HIJllD lilACI. 150 Yl~I. M,jlld,HI 2 ~·· olds. ci.1m1"'. """" 11.00. Ovr 0.Chlll'I tAdttrl 4M JA J.00 R«*.y E-(!Ctnh) 11A 11.00 MK A 900 1""'"11) SM Tlme-lt 4/lf, kr•tdWd--l.lne .... ,..r. l'Uly ltOJtl, Mooltfl ROClltct. $11.ir. l!ers. Potll:TM lilACI. MO .,.,,.,.. J -r .. ....... 111Gr•ll"'u1lrnllllll'I C1llf, PvrM llJOI. Dl.-t (M...,.ls) ••r 0.Vld !Mltwdtl C.llfw'1 IW.. IC.rOOl:.tl tm-12 1110. tAO S.llO 1,IO 4,io J.M ... S.Cret~torle L'°' Moolth "'-• "It· c""' Tant Dan ic.r. 'Tl..,._11 t/10, (.t~ {MV(CI J, Mlk:Mll CHS) S<~Lf '°'-11 J11, L1dr Al. ttme: l :ot.7. !'Oii 1, Mr. 191'"~. P.tllM 111 Tlmt·l;;;i~iiiiiii;m;m;m;m;m;m;m;m;;ii i1xTN llACI. J.11 Yt nk. , '"' aids Ind lJlll, Ali-ncn. l'utae lll'GO, P-'\ PTldt !Ad.Ir) t.00 •.IG l .ICI Gott1 l•r Tero (R la'lk:I) S.00 J,.tl(I L.t<ind'ttr !Htr'll l,llO 'T lme-7' tflO, kr.tfdled-Mldwrf D1!'1dy, llGlfTM l:ACI!, l30 ~1rd1. 2 l't.tr oldl tnd VO 1" Gr.Mt AA "lul. Thll lrt!"fWood. Pvrse ''100. ChlM ler fltlnru 11.00 10,:rt J.4 ._..,, Cllldt !C•rdor1I l ,to •.ltl ~ ,_..,.,, rs.r.11111 4.ao Tlmt-11 1/10. AllO Rtn-l r1tk 0.0:, Detp Qo, Oonll .. Good, O.Nty I.tr Diii, OM .. Tlww, Gold IPIMI, FtllCY Nll1. kr.t1r;!led -1\11.tt,.,_19, l'rlM" Llll.t, Ol~lt. Tl\rottt. led!, I See by Today's Want Ads • What • WQ' tu tot ~ '-.);:xJ."'"''9i inc to ~nnsytvanla oa · Aua. 1. Can take 3 ~ I M'~" East. mum with one. Help drtve and •ha.re IJ1l9 expenee. Good driven and iood re:fere:nce1, 1i9 car. • A baryaln for ~eeortf· Ina:, rentals, or cleal'Mql rtme. 70 yards of beige 117' Ion carpetlns, :rou remove. NINTH IACa. 'AMtlt Ir. cou,__ 11' v...a1. 3 ,...r oldt .,_. ""· c .. ,,... e Hllve a ball Mr., Hickor)t Int. Pllrw .,.,., • Ii.tine Herry !Adll•I 1.to·,. '·• F'al'Tftl netlds a part-tlme Vorff4r 111; ••nt•I J ... "'° ttt.aU clerk, and IOm«>nl • Famlly..dan In for Hrvlc:e? Where does that leave you? Near your FOf'il Rent-A-Car -ler, J11at'1 whentf Rent a new Ford, Mustang. or Torino for a day, week. or month. Low ratee ••• Insurance tnduded. FORD ~-A-CAR SYSTEM 49 sir W1r ••m tRICl'l11'111) ~.oo --" '----T'-<> '"" · ""° ca• ·~• "-THlODOH •OllNS FO•D WILSON l'OID Alto Rt,,_Ancl'lar IN, ~Yl!il OI.. ~ii. • ••• M.... ... • ' ,_, V~lo ~~-_ ·~ r • ltJll .... Ifft.. :tc••lld ,,_,_rM O.bb\<, ~~ ciitffM-.;-Cettf':--H•11 ... 1• ....... c.Qf. l fOWfl. Nl(:-1 0.1 M.t1, Sa.tni.11 l,.ocbt, Mz.t11t 14J"'61l lrtf..tf MoYt. fol_,, O.lf«. ·------------------------~ L..------------------------J I • - , • \ 1 • DAILY PILOT NEW SERIES -Lilberace, above, gets a hand in launching his new summertime series tonight from .JacK Benny. It all happens on Channel 2 at 8:30 p.m. with other guests including Susan Maughan, Rolf Harris and the Bachelors. TELEVISION VIEWS Moo11 to Get TV Spotligl1t By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -This is the week' of the scheduled moon-landing mission of the Apollo 11 flight on television, and nothing else on the .home tube will much matter. . Barring changes. it begins. \Vednesday with. liftoff reaches a hi storic climax at the end of next week~nd when man sets foot on the moon, and con..- cludes July 24 with splashdown afler the eighto.day journey. · Tuesd·ay, NBC-TV and CBS-TV. will off.er one- hour prime time previews of the flight on its eve. The NBC-TV entry is entitled ''Apollo: A Journ·ey to the Moon -the Threshold." The CBS-TV pre- sentation is called "Man on the Moon: The Epic_ Journey of Apollo 11." AFTER THAT comes the real thing, and - again barring changes -the_ f~llowing are some television highlights of the m1ss1on for those 'vho care to make note of their scheduled times and \vould like a hand~ referral list: -rretwofK reporting or tllelauncliing Stal'tS a t 5 a.m. PDT Wednesday. Liftoff is set for 6:32 a .m. PDT. There \\'ill, of course, be countless video re- ports of the progress of the mission during the eight days. -On Thursday. a colOT' tllevislon transmission from space • .15 minutes in length. is tentatively scheduled for 4:32 to 4:47 p.m . PDT. ON SATURDAY, plans call for a video trans- mission from the spacecraft as it flies in lunar orbit. Pictures are expected to be seen in the 15-- minute period from 1:02 to 1:17 p.m. PDT. Sunday and Monday, if everything jells. will be the days that· give viewers something to tell their future grandchildren about. ~ · Beginning at 8 a .m. PDT Sunday. the network s \viii wipe out aIJ Tegular programming for 31 hours and present continuous coverage of the period focusing on man's landing on the moon. This means there will be nothing but moon cove rage until 3 p.m. PDT Monday .. THERE WILL be a television transmission Sun- dav from 10:52 to 11 :22 a.m. PDT -half an hou r -Showing the undocking and start of the descent of the lunar module for the moon landing. Touchdown of the module is planned for about 1:23 o.m. PDT. Then. in the middle of the night across the na- tion -late Sunday in the \.Ve st, early Monday in the East -the hi gh drama will build. .<\. television transmission is scheduled fro1n 10:57 to 11 :07 p.m. PDT Sunday -10 n1inutes - just before astronaut Neil Ar1nstrong leaves the spacecraft to set foot on the moon. QUICKLY FOLLOWING that is the sch eduled historic transmission: A pro~ram of two hours and 40 minutes. in black and white, live and direct rrom the moon. Jt is planned for about 11 :12 p .n1 . PDT Sundav. ending approximatel y 1:52 a.in . PDT ~1onda.v . alid occurring overall as astronaut s :\rmstrong and BU7..Z Aldrin leave the lunar module and carry out their duties on the moon su rface. LiOoff from the moon is set for about 10:50 a.m. PDT ~Ionday. And three day s later on July ' 24. the spl ;:i shrlo\vn is scheduled for approximately • 9:52 a.m. PDT . . , Dentti.s tlte Menace . . .. • STEVE ROPER COME dUT, ROPER/-AMO THANK YOUR LUCKY ,STARS I DIDN'T HAVE 'JO USE Tf.llS / PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS YOU'RE AN'X'INDIAN?. .. HMM!... l'M NOT FAMILIAA wrrn THAT TRll!E! WE'X"MEANS IMA fORM£R !NJUN1 MAC! MUTT AND JEFF ., IN nlAi CASE, 'itlU Sf!OVIJ1A FUT AN 'E' ~EFORE THE'X'10 FORM THE PREFIX"EX~ MfANIN' 'FORMERl'<' OR "PREVIOUSl.Y'! r Gar FIFTY BID oN '1+115 ANTIQLIEWASllll'IG MAc:llJNE! WHO'LL MAKE ITSIXTY? SIXiY! GORDO DON'T CIJ5S 1ffE • !> Wt.A TffE!e, • PANCll/10! ' MISS PEACH j ! ,, I t/ ' • . ' . •:• • . f.COK Ai \» . llA.JN • • WIS WAV··" . , .... /TIS \·. l-IAL~ A HIGHBALL! PORflllltO! ·~:;11.J'RE-• .. " PH1Los~ ~ OPH/:!t.f ... ~AUGH! By John Miles By Harold Le Dou_ "Tl-i-'T LOOKS LIKE LUKE AAO A. WOMMI ! I'll 60 POWN HERE! YOO 'P SETTER T.l.XE THE ST~RS, JUP6E ! __ ... _ ~-- By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryal'.! By Al Smith ONE DOLLAR! By Gus Arriola . . .. 0 • • .JIJST rile . : . ·.SAME ... // • AIN'T A f!T Ntei>IT • ·nn< 11/eM · • W>IAT ;· •, J.!K&S IT ':: < NEAT!: By Mell TUESDAY JULY 15 r 1. r t. 1 ·• ', n Jlj) mm 11 '"" • ""' (e) {IQ) "Rock-Byt Byt, B•llY·" Edmond O'Brien tuata '' Rock MeCeuley. 1 1Jooir old·lllM ul• crukff hired by Al&nndef MUfldJ to htlp ttoll lnlOflllltloll lrom M•n· ny Gr1)'Sln, I crimt SY11dk:1te bo5s. JR) m °"" '"" ftl (10) IE) lull fw Yo.-lift (C) (60) '"' 0"" 111 -(C) (001 ''" D 1H 00 !D NIC ,_ -(C) "8ta11 Sule" (dram.) 66- Guy stodrwtll, TellJ Slv1lu. Dou& McClu1e. P. C, Wt1n'1 cl1ssic now! ol the fttnch Foreign Lqlon 1boul men with 1 past 11ld 1 NVtfl ,.,. atant •ho drfvet; them to nex mutlflY. (R) 0 m MU1!11.,..lrtnk11J (C) (00) e ..,. A11111 $llOlt ('C) (90) Lionel H1mpton, Gtora• Klrti1, Patchett ' TltSlll, tnd JlfTJ Robin· so11 1ue1l U Sb: O'Clod: MIMI: (t) .,._ for lift" P1rt II (d1tme) '5&- Klrt DoualtS. Anthony Quinn, Pim•• I• Brown. fJ I "' (CJ JOO) m I lovtl , Lllef (60) OJ lttf&f11 IC> (30) @ {}) MllY Crt!fin (C) (90) E1!J wurs R•? (~O) M1mm~t th1rad11istlcs. COfl'llYlnl penonib· ty tbrouih mime, ind DlnG$1Uf Nt· t111nal Monument .,, tonlahr~ sub· l•<t. @I) lwtntlld Oivlllt ltlOlt (30) aJ Nfft (C) (60) Don T1avi~ 0 -5 ~I (00) "Tho Glenn Varbrou< Show.'" Slncina ster Glenn Verbrouati likes vitw· eri on 1 flst·PKtd musicll trl' to Si n Fru~dsco'• limed Kunary I, 1/ld theft whlsb oft to the shores ol Maul In Hawaii. Jolnlnr him 1r1 his wile Annie, th1 folk singlna duo ot. Maffit 1.nd O.Vi«. comtill1M ·eufns & Sch1elbtf, Tile r,,nk R1mlr11 Trio, Hn1ii111 ukir lele virtuoJO Helbert Oht• end li- l.1nd siRlltr Chelyte Go. ED NO rtstiwll (60) ''The Chiu· 10 Plcauo.'' Fe1turln1 PfelSSO inti his sculpture, mainly the m1klnr ol his first m1Jor outdoor WOfk In th1 U.S., th1 tontrovtrlial C1tlca10 Plcam. (R) !:30 D IQtlC •-ftl 100> m Yopp ti 6t Bottom ., lbt "' (C) tOO) el Pmaill"t! (C) (90) ''" o 9 m .... .., ftl t30l 0or1. deliber1li1J writes • PoOf" IOfll lo shoW Leroy ha b the victim of • song-publishing t1dtt. but he will not believe her. (R) 113CIJ H"' .... """" (CJ (3~ ED rom " Sndtni IC> (30J .. DoHs With Design." A comptrison of SWeden's fashion models with turn-of-th•ctnlur, all o P· w i,n d ow dummi1s. till C1J m -ftl 130> Uil Notidlft 34 (C) (60) ' o l!1l m m .,,. ftl t30l ""'' Witch of 116111 StreeL'" Hahm,. W1rd ind Cor10 xour the t!Jtets cl East Mti1em h11J1tin1 ICMMOMI willinr to regi$ter 1 c:ornpl1lnt Jiainst In extortionist who II tt11eaten!ng local residents with bl1d 1!13(lc. (R) 0 Nfft (C) (30) Ted Meyn G) Bllltr'• llw (60) 7:00 0 CBS """' .... (C) (30) O Whit's My Une? ('C) (30) m-(t) t301 IO:DOOlitlJJCIS '"°"' (t) JOO) CoYMa11 of pre-fli&hl Apo/lo 1ctivi· 9@ Alllfical (C) (30) tin. ·-··m-•...;;;-....-~ "'·11 r--.is.cn Hm(1fTG!>-• -T ''Ullrt, D1it alld D1wnier.~-Ruuell U @@ EiJ Did CMIS (C) 1'°5 Connor 1nalyzes the W01t of car-Lt5lty Gor!, St&nley Hollowey end • toonlst·1rtiJI Honore D1umier, the Mildr~d Dunnock guest. 1m centurr rrendim1n who ~Id -CJ (OO) Ch rl M • mocking mirror up to his ni"' U a.Ila! ( 1 t'1 ann1, .lost f errer guest. !or 40 11111 fD USC Maic Ftstivlf (60) 1oll1 Qtl (I) Tiit Coed lllfS (C) tJO) Crown hosts a protrtm of 'fllOOd. -1•ftds hi lh s. ""' (30) wind ehamber music. SelectioM 111 ~ , .. , Sextuor, by Poulenc: Diwrtimtnlo. Ei) Drtlm ffo9M (t) (30) b~ R1miro r.orte:s; Woodwind Quin- tet, by Leslie Bassttt; 111d Oc:Ut for Wind lnstrumenU, by Haydn. 7~0 0 Qt (j) u,_ (C) (00) A boy (Blrry W!llllms) whose mother h11 10:30 ID 111n (C) (30) Bm Jollni. -t died asks Mu1doch LlllW to •r· _,,,, llutt CorllOI (3M range a meeting wltti tti. fathtt ltlil 1 ~, __ jj..J),_Ctnnon) Jtt'l _fltVW __know_n. II DO o·o--.-~ Muldoclt apen to the meetlnp, : ltlil !Ou m \"' I UnlWltt that lh1 sheriff (John AA-IJ Alfrld Hltchcoc:t; dersan) Is awaiting just sudl 1n 0 Movie: -n. L111t1Mtt el 1111 opportunity to set • trip tor the Ltnt-Dbta.ce Jhmllll"' (dnma) '52: father-an outlaw. (R) -Mith•tl Re'[lime, Tom Court• 0 9f6>!11NIC -""1>I "'" (C) (00)-X tiiiti:wJ "' man's KCOm--m Alen ludMll'I la!lllJ (t) plialtrnenls in SPIC8 1nd pmln Frankie Rend1ll, Jerry Shana. Ylr· cf tilt Apollo XI mission. f1111-J1nl1 &11ham, Be!llnd & Somer• Mc:Gte Is 111c:honn1n. vllle and Dinny Cole iutSt. 1J Jldl lffmJ, (30) OJ Morrie: "llrt frem .......... (comedy) '48 -Dorothy Lamour, Georae Montgom.ry. o ll7l rn m ... """ 1c1 1001 "Shejijame." Pett i nd line find )'OUng thievH who kldn1p Julie. $Rl 0 Ml!l!t111 $ Morit: "llttll ef K. l!1J I}) till (I) .... (C) Ell it.r• """ c.n1ern1 Uri" {dr1m1) .'.66 -Bert Soller, 11•15 0 "'""' mm NM (C) Olivera Msrlu1Yic. • ._'-!!.I m TrvUi Ol Coriarqunca (C) (30) 11:30 0 Movft: "'HGl'llfutlttrr" (oorn- aJ '"" M111111 (60) etty) '32-Th• Marx Brothers. tD Tht F11nd1 ch.r (30) {R) U @ (})a> Joey lhiflOll (C) • a:I Duelo dt PasloMI (30) ll:lS IJ MO\'lt: "llfwen MidDllM llllf Dnn'" (myster,) '5(1 -Edmond · O'Brien, M•rk Stevens. 1:001J 8illJ Qi-111&11 Cflllldt (Cl (60) m Kuel {C) (30) 11:'5 0 ~ 00 ED Tt111ljllt Sflol (C) ED FNturt (C) (60') lt30 m NtUd City €[1 Discotheque a Co-Go (C) (60) m Action Thellrt: "Sp11nrtlme In !ht Roc~its." 1:30 0 IS Ci) PREMIERE The U~ lt,5 O Morit: "Good S1nn" (comtdy) SliOw (C) (60) _The resplendent Pl· '41--Giry Cooper, Ann Slltrld1n. ' 1nlst ind 1r1ciou1 host roll• oul · • Iha red urpet for aue:st J1cit . lr'I Benny on first prorrim of this 1:00 0 Com~imltJ l 11111tia lolri ,., summe1 repl1ttmtflt tor Rid SkaJ· U Nlft (C) ton. Rict11rd W1ttis 11 Uber1et'1 (1) Fl"flll tlM lfllkh Owl (t) "aenUeman's genllem1n" and Gt0r· aina Moon as his mJld a11 1ecutar l :O.S O No'tlt: (Cl "'Tli• Bia.ck "*" cast membMs. Show Is prodLICed In SO I ~ London. England. Ol~ei auesll In· (drima) ' -yrone Power. "'JOn Welles.. elude Th• B&chelo11. 1n hill! sing- ing group; Austnlfan comed1·musl· cal star Roll Harris ind pr•tty youn2 1:15 O NIWI (C) British tincn Susan M1uch1n. 0 lfi@ID lblil (C) (30) "A Little Chrcll.en Seu!' Nevt1 Hurt Anybody," hmts Sttw1rt PllYI I cameo role IS an AstroS!llCI 1111· ploye1 11 Julia lot$ Into 1ction when sht learns htr l1ndtord Sot Cooptr has diseppeared. (Rl 0 CIM1t Mclttraie'• latttr Hovr (C) (30) Eartha II.ti f1thrr lom Y1urhn 1uesL WEDNESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES !:00 O .. Artlsls end Mod1l1" (m ust. cal) 'Jl --. Id• lilpJno, IUWrd A.rltn. O (C) "Mttl ttll swn~ (dr•- rMI '42-Wmllm Holden. Fr1nces .... 9:30 D "Thi K11rt ti • Men.. (mt1· JC.I) •5µq,.. Ht)'WOOd. Franklt Vtulh!\. l:ZD l)Mevi1: •11111 Tlllnr fll1I Wouldn'I Dit" (horror) '58-WBlllm P.eynolds. 1:30 m All·Ni&hl Show: ''The Strantt(1 Hand," "The Mefie Bow," and "ltMtr Spy," 12:00 D "G1mblinr S'lr,• (lllYSfllY1 '13 ~ll"J Grant. Bentt1 Humt. 12:30 m "War Gods ol ltbyton" (ipeo. l!cular) '62-How1rd Dull, Jac~it" Lane. '7llt. Blue Lamp" (mystery) '51-0lrt Bo11tdt. Jimmy Htnter. 2.:00 m "Tales ti Mnll'lurt" (mo tholoi)') '54-0on OtfOl"e. \.oft Chaner. J:OO 0 (C) "Ttftfd !!It Unbtlnl" {td· vtnlurel 'S6 -wnliam Holden. Uoyd Nolin. •:30 11 "lect Strief" ld11m1) '4t- Cfl•rtu Boy11, Muprwt Su11rva"' e JOB PRINTI NG I e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Ou•lity Printing •nd Oepend1ble Ser'llit• for mot• th•n • qu•rt•r of • century. .· PILOT PRINTING 2ttl 'WHT IALIOA ILYO., NIWPOtlT IUCH -MZ4Jt1 • ... ' ........ • • • • -'-,-....,. -...,-...--'l'-1' ...--o.~••-•-••·~~· ••-•~•-it~..,..,.-, •-~~• .. -•••••••~•-"-'""-•-•-•-••·----r .,..._.....,.~~~--... -.....,-..._,.....,........,,~ • •-..-.-................ ,.....--... .-•...-r I • .,. '' ... . . .._ ' \ .... -. . . .. ,.\, . . • • • " ... ·~ ••• '!-' •• , • ~ " • ~-· ••••• -••• _ ... ' ........ •I-... . , ,...._, ...... .,....T-.. -... ' ...... '.,., ' .... ~ . ' f.•t .,,, " ,. ~ .. •)I• DAil 'i' Pl~Or It Condemn Campus Vio"lence Aueclaled~ Amerlcllll ~lo an Auociat.ed Prua survey oo their reacUon to <:am.pus uprlslngs condemned by a l-1 margin the violent tactics used by some demoMtrators In the past year. About one- fourtb of the more than 400 tn• terviewed expreMed sympathy for the reform 1o&ll soucht by young people. AP burueas across the coun- try questioned citizens who comprised a Cf'Oll·atetlon ot income l1v1l1 and ethruc g:roup!t'. Even· among those who deplo_red the vlolenct, however, many felt t 't e students should be heard. Those interviewed wert: ask· ed what they thought of cam- pus dlsorders. Did they think: colleges have been too strict and unyJtldh\I, or not strict enough! Did lhty thlnk the young prote1ters have a J)Olnt' Did they have college-ige children Jn college themselves? 'Silent' Class A large number of the peo- ple questioned represent the so-called "silent" m Id d I e class. Only a Cew college students were questioned. The word most often used lo describe college uprisings was "disgraceful." A majority thought colle1e 1d- minlstratiolll had beu tooile- nient. At the eztreme, aome proposed e·%ptlllng e v e r y dissenter and a few pel"SC}ns advocated "cracking skulls'." Roger Birdsell • .42. a .writer who lives in South Bend, Ind., and who has two -stepsons entering college 1n the tall, said he aaw the campus upris- ings as symptoIDatic of gentral social dilordtr. ''Insofar as protesten seek genuine reform of the col- leges, I think they have a point," he said. "ln&ofar 11 they seek to destroy colleges, l Luci Nugent think they are 1 danser to our JOc:fety. Robert l'1scher, 46, a pharmaclll in Philadelphia, said, "l tbJnk studenb shoold be treated juS't like every other citizen. They should have the right lo protest, to march. to complaln, to peti- tiM. but not the right lo deatroy property or threaten lives. Colletea haven't been strtct enough." "It's lhe damndest thing in the country," said M. E. Leavitt Sr., 74, Las Vegas, Nev., who is retired. "We should· send in troop s and just Wipe them out. They are playlnf lato Communist hands. ' Leavitt ·•atd h i s chlld:·en are oollege graduates and he has a grandson now at· tending college. Up To Parents Roberto Rodriguez, a television production manager of Harlingen, Tex., said, "It's up to the parents. If they keep paying their kids to do all ·or this isn't going to stop. Don't pay their tuition and don 't send them any money and they 'll either settle down or come home.'' A 27-year-old Negr1> t:ar wash attendant in Boston said, "Tht k:Jds get into college, they don't' know how lucky they are." Gary Buchanan, 27, a Des Moines service s t a t i o n operator, said, "If the students don 't agree with what's being put ODr · they shouldn't be there." Oney PoySky, ··62, Astoria, Ore., a commercial fisherman, Said, ''l don 't think any of their demands are reasonable." A sa.n Diego, Calif., in· surance executive, Stanley B. Wlncote, 441 said, "( voted no on all my school bond issue ballots. Administrators are 1plneless and trustees con- trolling them are spineless. Some of these students are rtgbt..-but the great. majority are disrupting people taking legitimate courses." He has twu children-in colleger tors, most particularly 1n Ciii- fomla, lllinols;-New Yort, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Gary Henkel, 30, Venlce, Calif., a banking exec1.1tlve, said, "ks far as I'm coocemed the only 1ane group of peop}& in the coun1z'y are the cout1e students. I thJnk most colieao are atrict and repressive ln· sUWUOOS." A. 34-year-Old Honolulu housewife of Korean ducent said, "I give the kids toc111 a lot qi credll They're much brighter and are aware of th ..... I •-With the thiltl' they are a'galnst, • but ~lr methods are not good." "Young people are ex· pressing themselves," Jaid Maurice liicWllllams, 41~ Dillsburg, Pa., a federal employe who did not attend college. "l think .maybe the schools are antiquated in Ut~ thinkiag and the students lie catching up with that. But J'<l stop these violent groups from- trying to take over these col; leges and trying to dictate bow. to operate them." ; A SO.year-old Mex.lcan.borft- parking lot attendant in ~ Angeles said, "Well, amigo, l think the college is like 4 great big family : Jr the bOU or lbe father loses hif discipline over the kids, he'i: lost the battle right thete. You've got to iive the kids a break and meet them halfway because thty'rt ·the leldtra ol tomorrow, but )'W;.w ;: to be firm. These )dEb are smart -but not ready to'take ove· DamNained After Ike W ASIDNGTON (UPI) The Senate has pasted and aent to the House a bill renaming Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River ln ArilOna • llie-Dwl1ht D • Ebenho_wer Dam. The bill _was written by Sett. Wallace F. BeMett, (R·Ullh) and carried the namk of a cosponsors. "This is a fitting memorial to President Eisenhower ·whose efforts in behalf of the- upper Colorado Rivu-storqe program led to constructiob or &he dam," Bennett said. Senators Seek MIRV Test Ban WASHINGTON (UPI) Forty-one senators a n d 102 representatives have aaked President Nixon to urgently seek a moratorium with the Soviet Union on testing MIRV, the mu1tiple warhead missile. • ...... 1 * {{ Success Didn't Spoil _JUDY SUSAK Judy jointd The Real E:staters l•t• in 1961 end proceeded to 11t rtcords in 1tlt1- but 1ucc111 didn 't spoil Judy. She is the ltMt tt9tr to 1ervt, hl~hly 1fflcl1nt 11111- ptrton. Judy conllnuts to l1td in 1969, in -4 of the first 6 months, 1ht hH led ht 1aln • • The Real Eattfer• ttlutt Judy Su11k , • A member ol fht tt•m 1t ••• THE RIAL ESTATERS • 646-7171 --~2_313 I ·' • 1 I i • • • •• OAJlY rtLOT ' NOW! -NEW! PILOT • PENNY PINCHER Cl:ASSIFIEO ~DS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE • 3 LINES l TIMES ~l.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e No Item Over $50 • No Commercial firms • e Mo Copy Ch1n1ff e No Abbrni1tion1 • START MAKINCi MONEY NOW! C~LL 642-56-78 ASK FOR· ~OUR DAILY, PILOT, ~D-VISOR AND :YOU MAY CHARGE IT! •I 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 D A I L DAILY PILOT WANT ADS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES F~R SALE General 1000 Genoral 1000 1000 Goilor•I 1000 General 1000 -Beginners Luck ,;;;;;;;:;::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I, FHA-VA. TERMS lfOft ,, the perfect home Iw ~ESA ·-Y!ltDE six YEAR NEW, c~mplotely the )'OUnl QOUple with pay· Thll i:rnmacidate 3 BR fam· redecon.ted. FOUR. BED· menta a lot less than ttnl ily home can be youn b:r ROOM, family room, l\4 . ' , Located ln North Coeta asswrurig 5W, "° FHA LOAN. bath home wllh tlreplact, Mesa, 3 bedroolllJI l~ bat.ha. A must ,lft tq appreciate. forced air heat and buUt-ln fenced }'ard and double cat Asking kitchen. Completely carpet· ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 BEACH COMBERS DELIGHT Thi.a two bedrm, 2 batha:xne . . ... ha.I a den, 2 pa Uos, an at,. rium oil muter bedroom, ~~ •. forced alr ·· beat, bl-"ick tiriplace and much more. Sleep to the !OUlld of the surf, It's right at the beach. Asking $26,500. VACANT S BDRMS NEEDS WORK Located in casbide Costa Mcaa, this borne needs some- one to love It. Owner ls anx· lous, make otter. Askin& 128.500. """"· Low F.H.A. exi'1fr>g $26,9S'O ed and .,.,..., ....,., ov•~ lntertst. $21,000 full price. sized double garage with Call for details and a pleas-washing taclllt1e1. I5'x20' pa- ant '""""'· TWO ON LOT t~. ''"""' ,an1 -••rl•k- "For A Wise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 6J2-1Tl7 BEACH HOME J ust steps to the ocean. Ideal family home, · clo8e to community pool; 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, Lileerful living room \vith fireplace, opens onto private patio. $27,500 • Terms Call Tad Devine Res. liT.l-6235 EASTSU>E. Newer 3 bdrms lcrs. Only minutes from ma· • old ' •~ d ta •-• 2 jar shopping and schools. A . er ~nu, e c,O<:U BARGAIN ATO.NLY $27.!M. car prige &. workshop. Ex· leriar reoeoUy painted. Only $19,950 ASSUME 5V• G.I. $16,700 LOAN al n41 per month TOTAL!!! Lovely shake roof beauty with 3 large bedroom& and 2 pwtman baths, NEAR THE PARK!~! Carpets and drapes througtiout! ! ALL ELECTRIC KITCHEN AND DISl-IW ASHER!! Lovely cus. tom fireplace and BEAMED CEILING FAMILY ROOP.1!! Gracious be.ck yard with COVERED PATIO and all block walled, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES UPPER BAY -$20,995 3 Bdrm fa mily home, ti block to Bayview Elemen- tary School. Extra la~ fenced yard. Now 111 the time to buy lor school ~· istralk>n. Call us ro ate J.0- 1>1dr . Newport al COMMERCIAL BLDG • & 2 BR HOME 5l}x180' rorll('r lbt next to • JX>pt. of !'.1otor Vehlclrs. S390 pol"I fncun1e. Reduced · $14,000. $38,000 PRIVATE ENOUGH TO GO SKINNY DIPP'N Sonny 3 bdrm with shag carpeting and plenty of room to live. Located near school, library and shops in a quiet Mesa Ve rde neighborhood. Drive by at 1633 Minor- cat Asking $30,950 f\ve also have a 4. bdrm 1n similar cond.iUon, sim· iLar location and simi- lar price!) Wa Iker & Lee ..;.;..,B-u1-LD-Y...iio"'!'!u'!"'R •1 mo """";J',';:i" Adam' DREAM HOUSE· Y This beautiful 3 bedroom home in the back· bay has .,. _ ..a te.rrillc swimming pool •)1~~$;f\ ~r1.'~ ·)l, ,1(ti.' 546-5990 • Open 'til 9 P~l Bcautilul big ':laycrest lot, I •;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:.iiiO 'I oiiiOiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiii ... ;;;;-• I just reduced S-4,CXXI. Over BONANZA" OPEN HOUSE 18.000 "'' '""t ol ...... own- . · •• S H FRI •muP w•th ""'"'n(·l ""1'Y TUE , T RU • vie\\·. p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 . 6 7 8 s~ed by lush trop!caJ Iandscap1ng, large added sun nn. lanai or cabana for your entertaining conven· !ence, located in executive neighbortiood. Appointment only. Full price $39,500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CHARMER john ma~11ab BAYHtONT An exceptionally beautiful home, which has been lav- ishly decorated. 3 Bedrooms & family room, aiid.ing glass \11alls open to a lovely ter· race. A home designed to !lervc all functions of enlt'r- talning. Pier & float. ;139,500. Call for app't. BUI LDER'S REPO You...are-inv:iled tii.....vic>N this -we SELL A HOME One man's loss can be your distinctive home. 4 Bdrn1., EVERY 31 MINUTES GAIN. Very sharp Kothe. lrg. billiard rm. ·Spacious Low down payment with terrace overlooking ocean & Walker & Lee excellent terms available. jetty. 4615 Perham, Can1co wau lo wall carpets, built· Shores. $130,000. if\9, etc. FULL P R l C E Mrs. Harvey $24.500. BE QUICK! JCila.. COATS ~WAL~ACE IL._.a::.....· ~ Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, CaliJ. -83:>0700 --644-'2(30 REALTORS --546-4141- (0pen Eveni~95J 204.3 \Vcslclif[ Dr. GIB-mt Open ~- Carriage £5tates A real doll house completely (714) 6424235 """"'4~B'lE~D~R~OO~M~""'" 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 W p 1847 Tahiti Drive P.lammoth 2900 sq. ft. 5 Bed· room Anthony pool home. l Completely redecorated In· ~ side and oul Owners ITIO\lcd out o.{_ .rea -anxioua,-lot oiler! 5'5·5810 . redecorated with s~ car· Nrwport Beach ant Low ayments? peting, new paint and new I !!~![!l!!J!i!~!!!!!'~!!!!!!~ Sl. 700 will handle thi11 areal $21,500 (llUI' cMN theltft) LlEGf REALTY ~AdlmSatHlrbor,tll \ I~ 4 bedroom, 2 bath doll roof,Jt:.1 an older bome..w -FANTASllC-IUY--ho\lsl:!. -Nice sized back yard· a lot ot personality, arch-$19,700 _ $0 DOWN off covered palio .. Home NEW CARPET ' ways and everything, formal You'll rarely find a bargain needs tender lovmg care. dining. Full price $2'l.SOO. like this! Custom buill 3 Priced at $17,500 wilh total NO QUALIFYING Everyone can assume this high IBA Joan. ***** l Al Black at South Coast Real Estate is looking for enthus- iastic a.ssociate& to be al!IH· ated with a profcs.~ional Real Eslalc oUice. Over· whelming BonUs Plan. Call 545-M24 South Coast Real Esiate. 4 BEDRMS $178.00 mo. Incls. Everything. No qunl· !ting to aS!Ume the existing Din% Joan. You'll find It In College Park on a tree lined street c:loae fo schools and shopp~ng: $4,00J do\Vn Is all it takes. Call today. TWO DUPLEXES FOL THE PRICE OF ONE? Well aJmost, the&e are both aingle story, each has 2 two bedroom units a n d balh, forced alr heat, double gar- aa:e. One I.a S77,:;;cxl the other is $29.500. Income ls $2940.00 and S3180.00. HUR RY! 1 t years old 2 bedroom $21,500 It has: l \~ bath!!, doublr gar· age, gas built In kitchl:!n, forced air heating, and that price Includes a refrigerator, washer and dryer and elec fire'place, don't miss it. COLLEGE PARK 4 BEDRM. ASSUME 51°/o FHA Terrific locaUon on a cul-de- aac Jot. All built-In kitchen. Large dlnina" room, .f. oVer· lized brdrooma 2 baths, dou- ble garage, forced air heat, bridt flttplace, Monthly payment lncludin& principal, lnlcresr. taxes , anrt Insur- ance ls $178.00. You'd better nlOve fast on this one! ORA E COUNTY'S LARGEST -+-2n E. 17th St. 646-4494 bedrooms; Centrally local· payments of Sl79.00. Submit ed near downtown shopping. your down payment. \Valk to school. No down for WE SELL A HOME G.l.'s. C$900 for non-vetsl EVERY 31 MINUTES 546-9521 or ... .,. ""' 1, ........ Bette• W I k & L be fut, call a er ee 645•0303 ~ !;';;::~; .. , 1 "'L"1D"o""'.B"A"Y"F"'R"o""'N~T IOHl \l I Ol\O \ A' ' ~ , • (/ J; Barrett Realty presents Harbor Highlands OPEN HOUSE 1 • S 1536 Sylvia Lane Open eves. Real value in a spacious 4 B/B 1701 Galatea Terrace IRVINE TERRACE OPEN DAILY 1-5 PM Bay & ocean vle\V. Luxwious pool. Custom de11igned, spac- ious 3 Bdrm. J'h bath home-. Great home for entertaining. An exccllcnt valut at $69,500, Owner anxious. bedroom, 3 bath family home. I! you know Lido, you wUI appreciate this at ONLY Sl24,500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 \Vestdiff Dr. 646-ffil Open Eves. Bay & Beach Price Reduced Realty, Inc. 675-3000 Baycrest Wells built. 5 bdnn 31.1 baths. Owner moving 2407 E. Coast Hwy., Cdr-.1 East. Must Sl'li nOI\'. * * * * * MESA VERDE-$23,950 FHA OR GI Financing which means low down or no do1vn payment plus closing costs~ \Vhcre else can you find as nice a home in the area ? 3 bed- room, 2 bath. Built·in kitch· en. 54().1720 TARBELL 29$5 Harbor OCEANFRONT 3 BR home on excellent beach: S54,9:Xl. George Williamson REALT'OR 673-4350 Eves. 67J.156i 3 Bdnn pl111 custom family room v.-lth fireplace. Quiel corner location, separate din- ing room + breakfast area. Call to see. OPEN DAILY Arnold & Freud Costa Mesa 1100 241 SIERKS, CM 388 E. 17th St., Cr.I 1;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;:;1 16ffi Westclifl Dr, NB 642·5200 PANORAMIC VIEW OF OCEAN! A gracious. 4. BR. home with 2~-1 baths. Tremendous pool area, ideal for entertaining. Irvine Tcr· race, aCl"OS!i from Country Qub. REDDlllPir REALTY 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd ., N.B. c.11 Anytime 675-6000 COLLEGE PARK 345 Nassau Road Drive by lhis 11.1'll can-d for 3 Bdrm a bath home. f>,\•n- er hnli pun:ha.st>d another. JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-325$ 400 E. 17th, C.OSt.a Mesa 4 PLUS POOL Immcdin1c pos!lession, 3 Realtors 646-7T:l5 I' large bdnns 2 baths, buill-I ~~-"'-"'-~-""'~"""""""" ins, FA heat, dining ar~a + Morning Sun .,. Government Loan RESALE brick lireplacc in living Twinkling Lights roon1. Dbl garage. Large Tvan Wells' new VIE\V homes <I BR & family. Assume 6'ili fenced yard. 7 years ne1v, facing Bay in Dover Shores. GI loan of S~l.500. $182.62 Good rinanclng. s models to choose from. 4. pays everything, full dn. 1!!611 NC\\'port Blvd., D t It 5 bdrms. Models open daily pymnt. '5250. Exceptional Rltr. 64&.J928 Eve. &14·1655 at 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-155() ' hon1e for a.II value<onsc ioui; L h I ~°"'"'=~~c::'..:...:.::.::::._ buyers. Vc!s or non-vl'!ts ac enm. yer B£:'U'l'IFUL Hid pool,. 3 "'· CALL .... 1151 florilago Roai l~ Ba. beamed ceilings. Estate. blt-im dbl lrplc, 2 patios, !'!"~~!'!!!!'!!''""'"'!""'"""I F.,...side C.M. Avail no-down 5%' a • CASH TALKS. Owner GI or FltA. Kingaard Rlty. lransfcm'd ~ long irone- MT 2-2222. almo s t immed i Ate possession. Assum<! $16,200 loan-$151/mo including taxeg.. no loan fees. 3 BR 2 balh home-gorgeous con- dition inside & oul. Priced for quick sale at $26,950. CALL 5-tS-3424. Soulh Coast Real Estate • " Strictfy Custom 1880 Maui Circle \Valking distance to Mesa Verde Country Club. Out· standing largt' pool home - just reduc«I a drastic SSOOO for qu ick sale. Owner re11dy to ~upy out or area. Low inll'rcst lnsuranct! company Joan n1ay be taken over. Don 't delay! (llfwcilena the.lrt) ·~ ~46·5110 OllEGE REALTY lSOJ MlnlS at Hartlor,CM. $24,950. POOL 3 Br, 2 balhs. Hdwd floors. huge enclosed patio. Block fence, 2 car garagl:?. S\85 I nc l udes ' all. Bkr. 6~2"'6115 Lovely 2300 !IQ, ft. hOmr • 2 * 3 BR 1% bath, hdwood baths, fireplace den, Smog floors. cpts / drps, frplc, free country llv\ng just min-double i a r a I e, btlautlfu.I llll's from tht-city. fcl\Ced yard. S24.500 NOW'!. THE ASSUP.fE 51~%. 3 BR. l !oii BA, 2"1 car gar + carpl CPl.s. drps. U2S Plffl. Why ..,... ))al-' more, call owner now &U..1827 DAVIDSON Realty * ZONED ror BUSINESS t 546--S460 Eve. S.f.5-5142 BR. cottagt w/1at $14,500. T·PLAN 3 BR "'"' Shoppl"K. Mesa Del Mar. Nr school. Wella--McC•rdle, Rltrs. shops. ~II-in kitchen, 2 h!i. 18W Newport Blvd., C.M. lllall sho11.-er, dishwasher. lg 548-7729 anytime Uv nn. lrplc. w/w C'J>lll/drpa. I ~..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,,. 32' heated pool. Price $32.950. P.W.C. 5'16-M40 NEWPORT BAY VIEW -~ ACRE ol l>edroom. form& dining room, Large family room. 2\~ bfl.IM. Huge palios. Ctn!· <!r i5111.nd kilcht-n. ~l'l'20 TARBELL 29$$ Harbor For Dally Pllot Want Adi Dlil 6'2-S61I No Down GI ~23,950 3 BR 2 b1th, with ON'n n vtt'w Rond RHlly 64$.2340 DlAL dln!ct 642-5678, OWge your ad, then alt bRct and lb1ten to the phone rin&I TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD f>LA.N'NrNo to move? Ybu'D lllld an arnuin&: number of lfofTl'tA In today's Classified Ads, Olttk them now, 4 BDR & POOL Lots of decking, 1n troplca1 setting, many extra featur- es. call Ol!.'m'r &G-3221 BY OWNER: 3 Br. 2 Bai tam rm , 2~ Blk! &ehls. 51.4 ~ l<>11n. $25,000. XlAt cont!. 2U3 Come.II Dr., CM. 0'¥!NER Says, "Sell." 5,5-;t. assumable kll.n. J BR family, Back Bay $34,!m. lrnmed. (>OSll. A.gt. 64.2-5851 f bY OWNER • Low Interest s~~~'i~ lrg tra.ruderrablie ,. ~· All 3 SOR.M's. T-E f 1kle, 2 W side, Mi-105!t t • BY 'Owner: 3 BR, 19' 84:-dbi gar. 1959 nosemary Pl. CM. M8-87JIA. Prln. only • • Tutldu. Jviy ~s. 1969 DAILY PILOT HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES FOR SALB HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSl!S 'OR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi General .1000 Gtnorai IOOO~tr•I 1000 MoM.._dol Mir· 110.S ~ ... tington llwdl 1400Huntlngton Buch 1400 RENTALi REN AU .~ -' II-Furnl1Mcl Hou-Furnl1Mcl THE -REAL ESTATERS ARJ ON THE-GROW Now in ' CORONA DEL MAR Formerly Orange Coast Properties 332 Morguerlte near Coost Hlwoy 4. LOCAL OFFICES HARBOR AREA TO SERVE YOU BETTER RANDALL w. Mc(#tRDLI Piwldtnt . NIGEL SAYS:- we're excited about Ute opportunity to serve In Col'ona del Mar. · We are particularly pleased and fartuhate to be able to retain numy of the fine people who have done suCh an cxceptlonaJJy good job, with Orange Coast Properties at this same location for Ult' past several years. · . It's Deen especially reward.in~ to have su~h a fine reception from so many ol the Real Estatt; fnms ·now doing business in this art'3, and we are looking forward to an atmosPhere of cooperation and service. NIGIL IAILEY Mgr. Coron• d•I Mir 673-8550 CORONA DEL MAR HOME 1'1.115 INCOME The owner may carry the 1st trust deed on this large 2 Bedroom home with famUy room and formal dining area.• So s/iarltllng clean it must be seen to be believed. PLUS a roomy one bedroom rental 1o add Jlicely., .tG your income -all thi.9',"0n a double i:omtr lot. Call us. POUNDING SURF TOP O' THE MARK ''ie'v home with 3 bedrooms, convertible den, family room and formal dtning room with a 180 Degree view of ocean and jetty. All thls PLUS a gorgeous large pool in a protected courtyard -for the family that deserves the bes!. * $1'1,500 * CORONA BEACH Is only steps away froln ttUs unique two story 4 Channing and unique in a Bedroom Home -Spac- spectacular "on t h e ious and clean with a new. Beach'~ location. The ly remodeled kitchen, owner will carry the Isl large family room and trust deed at an unheard well protected patio. Great of 7~% interest with only view upstairs, some view ~% down call w; quick. _ down. Try $69,500. DUPLEX South of Hiway within walking distance t o EVERYTHING. This well located home plus income could be the "just right'" invesbnent for you -live in ii year 'round or keep it for a $Ummer retreat - South of the hlway !!:tr on- ly $44,500 -OCEAN FRONT Breathtaking is the word for this remarkable view of ocean and jetty~ Located on the beach side of Ocean Blvrl. in Corona de! Mar •••. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths a dining area and large family room -few homes could compare - phone for an appointment to inspect this tine home and investment MESA -VERDE'S-SPECIAL~' REl'UBLIC HOME ASSUME 51/4 LOAN PACE smER on a large corner lot with on this large 1800 Sq. ft. Surrounded by a peaceful room for a pool + boat 3 Bdrm. ~ Separate Jaun-garden atmosphere, ac--dry room -PJ.ea.sant cov-.. . . .. o::itaile:r-.... :(-Bed.rool:iu:~;~ erOO patfo IM outdOor en--tually Clean as a pln · - witb formal dining room tertaining. Like new in-3 bedrooms, slate entry. and large family room side and out. $33,950. -rock fireplace -mirrored with fireplace -2 years Don't miss a chance like walls in hall and dining new. $45,750. this. room .... $34,950. ~ NEWIORT HEIGHTS OUR PRETTT Nealer than a pin. Easily the nicest 3 BR. 2 bath home in Newport Heights. Lot! of heavy shakes and rustic brick with an extra deep lot and alley access that makes it perfect for the camper and boa.I crowd.' $33,500 E a s i I y llnanc<d. REMEMBl!R \ll°HEN Houses had basements'!' Reiresh your memory and see this cw;tom home in top Newport Heights Joca. lion \\'ilh 1055 sq. ft. basement. Needs a little freshening but a buy at this price of $42,500. WALK To shopping and all schools from this spark!- lng clean eastside beauty. 3 Bedrms. or 2 k den:o~ ly $23,500 -Move in with 10% down, 'Westcliff -Harbor Highlands ' WESTCLIFF VACANT The charm of open beam ceilings and a spacious look makes this 3 Bed· room &: Family an excep- tional home -Ready for oi mm ed i ate po&session $39,SOJ -10% down. HARBOR HIGHLANDS ~ro,v about a 16x26 famUy room; 4 bedrooms, 2 fire- places, huge kitchen 11.nd too·many other features to mention! B es t Harbor 1-lighlands area • all Ior just S52.500~ 10% DOWN $14,950 Sharpest home In back bay area. Owners have moved -immediate pos· st>SSion -3 bedroom le Family room. Beautiful rovered patio • intercom thruout • Pool size yard. ' MESA DEL MAR 4 BIG ONES On one of the sharpest "pr l d e of ownership" streets in Mesa del Mar • This well designed single story has 4 BIG bedrooms, a BIG family room and a HUGE living room • Nest- led between two $37,000 homes. ONLY $31,995. CLEAN! CLEAN! Ready to move in. Com· pletcly painted inside and out plus new carpel!. J Bedroom11 + Fami l y room. Ready to move in. SZl.500 10% down • or FHA and VA Tenns. - IOAT OWNERS Here'11 the perfect corner lot with room for boat or trailer 3 Bedrooms and family room. Vau l ted ceilings, large enclosed lanai. Owner moving will accept offer ~ asking $30,500. COSTA MESA EASTSIDE POOL ESTAT£ Imagine a 20 x 30 living room, 3 baths + electric kitchen. Lot 125'x300'. ton- ed for hones. S car gar- qe, "'1th large paved work a~a. -Completely teri'«I $79,500. Owner wUl finanoe. CLOSE TO TOWN .( dandy bedrooms ln this dellghUully redecorated remodeled home. 2 baths, new kitchen witb Built-ins • Spic and Span on large lo! with alley entrance. Ju.st $26,400. "BEWITCHING" B e au t 11 u I landscaping enhances a covrred patio and heated pool of this 3 B/R, den and famUy room borne. located on a quiet cul.~. Loads o1 closet apace and 2,000 sq. ft. of quality. $36,500. -17Q0 Newport • 2790 Harbor • 332 Marguerfte 646-7171 • 546°2313 • 673-8550 OUR INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT SUITI 201, 21'0 HAHOI IOULIVAID -546-Zlll CHARUS FERGUSON • DOUGLAS KRAUTll WE NEED SALESMEN NewP,Oli llHch 2'.!00 N"?}'!rt lle1ch 2200 HOO /. Mo11 Verde 1110 Slll,aoo-ey,Owiier 3 er. N Ba.' blfnt, family rm, drapes, carpeu, many plush featuret. Must ace! Call after 5:30. 54S-32"l1 Neweort Beech 1209 ·BEACH BARGAINS Corona dol Mar 1250 7-Sly. A·Frame 3 B•. 2 i>o. TRULY A MANSION Huntinp!On B .. ch 1400 $19,750 Mod. Fast aale, $26,500 (or lease). Colonial 2·sty., ale~ lo beach. 3 Bdnn 2 bath Gll!n Mar, 4000 Sq, Ft., 4 BR, + ntir-$2500 to move ln. Payments Furn. 3 BR. 2 ba. Steps to sery. ~ Ba,• !rples, Bad-::,.~:"~ra:;,~ ocean. $.25,000. minion ct. Xlra Jg. lot in ered patio with Bar-...... ue. CAYWOOO REAL TY ""' loc. $119,IXXI. ~ D L R I E t t Anliquc ca.bineta. builtin 6306 W. Coast HWy., N.B. • ancy ea 1 a • dishwasher, range and oV• e 548-1290 e 28'l8 E. Coast Hwy, Cd.M HOME PLUS RENTAL 673-3'110 , en, Vacant, move iJ\ today. Immaculate duplex nellr Lrs Hom~holceVlew lfRdmd ocean Ii shopping. 2 Bdnru. Above-":'IWl ~ach It ba,y. '\a.IJT!!1mm-' eaCh., patio ~eek oversize Btwn Big & LltUe C.d.Mar - garage. $40;000, p~ furn. beaches. Comer lot, 45'x R. C. GREER, Realty 1T1'. 2 stories, approx, -C400 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 sq. ft. • 4 + BR.., 5% BA .. 11-~~=~,,.-,==-.-I 3 car gar. Call OWMr tor e THE BLUFFS e appl Prlo. oruy. By owner, l level, J Br, 2 (714) 673-5274 Ba, cust cpts I drps. Im-C . ' niac! Other eXtnls, 2 pa· ountry Atmospher. ttos, handy to pool. 2 sides near the ocean. Designed for on green bell Call to see family with chOdren, this 3 644-2279, $3t,s00. · BR & den home la a "mus! ---=o-==~,.--I see" at $42,500. Built on * BY OWNER * -large lot -)'OU own the land Delightful Qceanfrol'lt Home LElGin'ON LlNDEN RLTY on R-4. lot: 3 Bdrm. Utility 642-7141 or 673-0072 rm. sewing rm. cabana &1--------- WALK TO BEACH Assume G 1 Joan. oa'iY $201 mo inc taxes. Gorgeous rustic gold aJXI white pr- den kitchen, exquisite car- pets, custom. drapea, bard· wood floors and ah.ake root Quick transfer. LOW, LOW DOWN HURRY ON THIS ONE! MUTUAL REAL TY 842· 1418 anytime HEATED POOL patlo. shag carpeting CAMEO HIGHLANDS LARGE .c BDRM 'v/-bltns. Ideal loc near · onty .,, 500 1 •i.:. , __ ,., ····-. 167.~ ....... ,,.,,.,,.. Executive Hom• .,.,.., Ol' "Ulli zvvo::y .,._,m> ........, •~ home with many extrrut BLUFFS 3 BR. 2 Ba, Fam nn, POOL HAFFDAL REAL TY Shown'by appointment , 3 bdr, den, 2 ba, custom d,rps, Owner • • 675-6560 'Homes lo Match Incomes" crpts, one level. reasonable, 8740 Warner, FV '842-4405 E.\NTER this delightful 2 bdnn. 2 bath home through a tropical gll,rden, tbe.n en- joy the OCEAN VIEWS from the beautifully decor- ated living room . The kltch· en Is tenitlc also, $49,500. call us Jor a &bowing. -Mlll'-ahall & Ropp,' 211 Oc;iean Ave., L ag u a a. Beach. .C94-1001 . owner 644-Z787 OPEN DAILY 1 to S Real Et~~;.ai.smtn Newport Budt" 1200 3401 Ocean Blvd. Betit oommmion & bonu.s. Condominium 3 Bdr, tam nn, View&: Beach Confidential interview. Prl-1950 DRAMATIC BLUFFS DON·V.-FRANKLIN vale'"'"· pbo"" + sec1y. 3 BR, 3 B.<; wtw ep ... drp•, Townhouse redu...,,.ced ~· REALTOR BRASHEAD REAL TY blt-W. Upper Back. Bay •. Selle•'1-lrgr• -·"'~· -m?m--••'" -• .,_ --W\JIT I tio 642-0645 ready. ·Many, many cust. 847~1 Eves. 968-U78 se QP n. features you must see. Pre-UVE on the J'?Of• 500 aq fl. itENTALS fened greenbelt loc. Rciluc-snn deck. with ocean as Fountaitt Valley 1410 HouMS FumltMd ed to only $42,500, front yard. 4 bdrs.. 3 ha, H I P. ch. • A tam. nn, bar. din. nn. BY Owner: 4 BR, Irr family O.nerif 2000 a tn •n ssoc. separate guest rm. It room, carpets &: drapes I--------- 3900 E, Coast Hwy. 675-4392 bath, n4,9'.1J. OWner 675-075.1 thruout. J car garage. Many CUSTOM BUILT extra.. Must be seen ID be $175. 2 Br, bit-ins, W/W, cllildren O.K. · B r o ke r 534-6980 To perfection, this lovely 3 Lido Isle 1 1351 appreciated! Assume 6% Bclnn .• 31,2 bath virw home. VA. $35,000. 9S--0688 1 ·185=.-1-.,.~.-,.----y-d-,-.-hU_d_& ~~ERTIES WEST . HOME spread over 2 lots. Laguna Hiiis_ , 1700 .pet O.K. ~Jler ~ , b Charming, perm.anent, 3 1al8 Ba.yaide Dr .. N pt Beac Bedrm., 2 bath residence Rent1l1 .,.. Shire 2005 • 2 Br, 1 Ba, garden duplx adj Coron• clel Mar 3250 b.'.ty/beach. July only. $115. 1---------1, per wk, 6"13-1901 BEACH at door. Newly furn bacb apt starting at $50 per wk. 536-2579 Hia; Bch. 3 Doors to beach. ·Spac, bach. ipt., sleeps 2 or 3. $125 Week. 613-3430 BA YFRONT apt for 2, dock. $125. week during July, Call 675-IO'IO. Duplexes Furn. 2975 3 BR. ·2 BATHS Fpl., cpta.,. .drpi. Avail. NOW. No pets o'r child UD- der 8. $285 month. Corbln-Martin REALTORS 3036 E. ~t Hwy., CdM • 615-1662 • 4 BR. 2 ba. spllt-leve1 duplex, $400 month Don v . F r anklin Rltr. ~2222 2 BR Houle, excellent cond. GORGEOUS vitw oI Bay & Married coupjea .. no Ocean "2 Bedrms, tlreplace, children. $250 mo. * f7S.3291 ~. elegantly furn. Aug. IMMACULATE 3 BR. or yearly 548-23Sfi after 6 ~ BA, .., ""°" chlldrell. PM ""!· ~LOWER ocean front W. Newp(!rt. 2 Br. 1% ea: Huntington hach 3400 Frplc le gar, avail Sept. l. lO ·mo lse. $110. 64&-5832 3 BR, 1% BA, bit.ins, play 1 AL~ nn., Cl1)1S, drps, Cow:ttd HouHS Unfurnished patio. $215 mo/ or with leue, $20S. 89'J..1357 Gentrel 3000 .NEWER 4 bed., 2 ba., near -'---------heh., $225, 1". :n282 Bre!Oll FREE. RE~TAL Lane, neu At!aoia. SERVICE 67>4130 . with large rooms. Sep. din. OWNER'S NEW .C or 5 BR. rm. &: indoor BBQ. $79,500 Harbor-View Home, 3. ba'-a. ~AJ,MER IN'C LAKE FOREST La.ktfront 2 Bt home; .by owner'. Beaut view. 837~ eves aft 6 lh rm, din rm, fam rm, 3.'ITT Via Lido 673-7300 L1gu"1 BHch 1705 Rent or list a home frtt. LtgUna ~uel 3707 $150 month and ·up. TAR-BEAU'i". VleW EXCL.3br""2 BELL 540-1720 WANTED Lady to ahare my ha, bltn.s dlbwr. crp/drpa. Mme. (Nr Brookhurst_" ~o. ~.Br~ ~painted. gar, . fp. $300 836/57fi0 SU.1215 Adams, RB} Prefer Sehl ch1Jdr'eit O.K. ~~ teachers. 962-7520 Cost• Mesa 3100 Duplexes Unfum. 3975 bar. Jg. ki t, 2 frplcs, W/W crpt& c\rps, yUd & many REAL CHARMER! FOR Rent to share 3 Br ARTISTIC 2 Br unfum, extras; 6.9 t l n a 11 e l 111. Professionally decorated 2 548-3281 .BrJ: ba.., tamny :rm. homr, BY o\VNER: f J eve 1 S~~ Auumable 1.oAn OVER 22,000 SQ, FT. in this Laguna Canyon lot with oak trees ~ -1.!vel gardt_p area, Hu qua.Int one bedroom cot- tage suitable for expans)on. $30,000, Manhall & Ropp, 211 ~an Ave., Laguna Beach. "94-1021. horn~ woman or man, $100 AV AIL Aug 1, 3 Br., 2 Bil., Cost.a MeA, epcl. patio, JP..Q:.. _lpclud'.&-lcit_;rlvL.. _CrpJ.s, _drps, lilmi. dawhr. near •tores. No pets. ,..">t- 642-31S'l pool E-slde Joe $300. mo. 675-2942 "Angelita" 2 Br. 2 Ba, lie $55,000 patios + many eXtiu. lido Realty Inc. $35,500.... After 5 pm please. 3400 Via Lido 67l-8830 644-!21\11 TIRED OF 3 BDRM Waterfront, No. 62, OLDER MOMES? Balboa Coves. $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 · See this 6 yr. old family holne Would trade far a creage or w/4 bdrm.s., conv. den & din- apl!. 548-7771 · I~ room.. can for app't. BLUFFS -3 h•, 3 ba. wt Walker Rlty. 675-5200 Bay-View, wide greenbelt. Steps to pool. Cua. addtna. Balboa Island Save! $4.(.,500. Ownr 644-4265 1355 ESTATE SALE LIDO SANDS beautiful 3 Br, 2 ba by ocean with many ex· tras. $3'2,500. 642-3.fOS 115 Apoleno Newport Heights 1210 July 25, 1969, 9:30 am, ~tu- HOLMWOOD DR. nicipal Court-A, 200 N .. Gar· Cozy & cheerful 2 bdrms., field , Pasa1ena. 2 urut.s; 3 dining rm. Frplc. Garage Bdnn lise, Bachelor apt. on alley, Large fenef!d yard. Min, bld $49,325 ca.sh. Wkdys Extra parking. $24,500 (213) 799-6500,, Sun. 673-6930. Grahom Roalty-2414 Near Newport Post Office ~untington Beach 1400 DUPLEX 4 yrs old. 2 BR 4 Bedroom Vacant each. Built-Ina, crpts, drps. $21,950 $32_.50? Owner. 6 4 6 -2 51 0 · Huge corner location with Principals only. country atmosphere, With a little paint this home will University Park 1237 be a beauty. Deep pile av- ' 'V: 01 acado shag carpeting. Mod- ASSUME 2 t• em built In kitchen ror mom. On this 3 bdnn. former m~ Double Garage. GI's NO del home. Pert. cond. w/ MONEY DOWN, paymenll many extras. Owner can u. • ,h_ FHA vail h I f. .,. 500 l ... e rent ....-.. a • c P lna.J')('e, """'' able e Red Hill Roalty WE SELL A HOME 18068 Culver Dr., trvme EVERY 31 MINUTES OPEN 9 Ml-8 PM 833-0820 Back Bay 1240 Walker & Lee 7682 FA:linger SPACIOUS 3 bdrm + famlly 8424455 or 540-514.0 rm . 2%. bath!!. Carpeted &. Ope E d ~F---•s ·kl n ves. ral"""'. e,~. pnn en.1--:=~====- 0ut of town owner will sell. TRANSFERRED \,-ow ckrwn. $28,500 oUer. Must seU this lovfly 2 slory Trade for Pomona 623-4929 '4 Br. 3 Ba, dln rm + tam or 62'2-3185 rm home. Beaut. decorated! 11::,;=:======I Only $38,950. Submit on Corona del Mar 1250 tenm. HARBOUR REAL TY OPEN HOUSE 1-S e 847-8595 e 2131 VISTA LAREDO 4 BEDROOMS 3 BR. 2~ Baths. lmmcd. possess. 10% Down. $37,950 Immediate Oc.cupancy ANY TERMS $25,T..O 681 VISTA BONITA Rox L. H0<19H, Riiy, 3 BR. 2% Baths. $31.000 847-2525 CALL FOR APP'T. JULY SPARKLER WUJ.. Share my 2 Br, 2 Ba lse. 54&-0584 betwn 8 le 5. l-.-<-N~T~A~L~~~-----1 apt w/ student Or working $150; LGE. 2 yr. old l Br. Aph. Furnished girl, NB. 63-89n · New shag thruout; adlt& .;.-""====== only, no pet&. 357 16th Pl. Gen•r•I 4000 R.2 ZONED 'PROPERTY. Newport leach 2200 548:-6962 Beautiful 5 bedroom surf ~==--~~~~ WOUID like to exchange J view home on extra large DOVER Shares bay fr o nt 4 BDRM home, 2 Ba, frplc, Bdr, Furn' penthowe' m lot Fe'v steps to Diver's home, 6 BR. .( ba, large crpts, drps, dshwhr. 2 car Hollywood Hllls tor com-eove. $140,000, Marshall A patio, 70' private dock. June ~Orth C.M. 54&-5810, parable in Laiuna-494-a195 Ropp, 211 Ocean Ave., La-.t: July, $2500 mo. Beg.i )iiSir.'fni;;;a.;2BR:;oiiUit..,o l..!';213~·!,,';:~~~=====I gima Beach. 494·10'Zl &?pt, yrly lse, SUXlO mo.1 $160. lmmac 2 BR. adulti, no LA"°"'G°"UN=A,--°'C"'"AN=Yo"Nc.-°"2~B°'R' I 213: 781)..51)13 or 213: pets, see to apprec. Yd 785-6333 catt. liomellke d u p l x house $14,500. Fenced yd. 6"1&.-4859 4100 I 1.oned Industrial. 494-8170 4 Bdr, on the water, &andy ENJOY THE LEISURE OF bciich, newly cptd: flrepl, WALKING to town from this sleeps 8• ave.ii wkly to Sept. Spic & Span 2 bedroom home winier: $500 · I mo. or with view of Victor Hugo $250/wk-rummer. 6"IT>-2117 point and surf. Beautiful small garden. Large double garage, extra room behind. $38,500. Marshall le Ropp, 2ll Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. 494-10:21 SPLIT level 2 BR charmer in wooded canyon w/ beautiful ocean view, large paneled rooms w/open be am s, fireplace, modem kitchen, gobs of closets. $32,500. Owner, 4~3 31/2 ACRES Undeveloped land. City of Laguna. 9 8Jla. to beach. Ocean views. Should divide intn 13 lots. Price $40,000; 29% Dn. A real sleeper. MISSION RLTY. 49f.Oi.ll NEAT CO'ITAGE ON 11,000 SQ. FT. LOT. Laguna Can- yon Rd. $25,000, Marshall & Ropp, 2ll Ocean Ave., Laguna Beaclt. 494-1021 For Dally PUo1 Want Ada Dial 6C2-5678 for RESULTS Lido Isl• 2351 WINTER Rerital-e.vail Sc!pt. Ny,·Jy redec. 3 ·Br, 21,.ii Bllth, furn. 213/691-1932 Summer Rent1l1 BEN BROWN APT.-MOTEL 2910 64, 1 & 2 Br. apts, Comp. furn. Priv. patios, htd, pool, TV, restaurant, 9 hole golJ courr.e. \Valk to beach. No t raffic noise. Weekly &: monthly rate1. 31106 Coast Hwy., So, Laguna, our e~ trance by Aliso Beach. CdM Bluffs -$350/wk for 3 lxlr l* lJ!l, finest view of bay &. ocean. Avail. July, Aug. & Sept. 675--6024 CLF.AN Balboa Beach Units. SJeeps 2 'to 10; tor summer reservations e11ll 673-9945 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal~ THE QUICKER Y9 U CALL. THE QUICKER YOU SELL :': BR 3BA, w/w cpta, drps, bll-ins. Pool ii rec area. Up- per Back Bay. $285 mo. ........ 3 BR. Older home separate shop". New paint, t,uge lot, dbl gar. $200 mo. 540-l'lZl 5 Br, 2 Ba. Nr. DCC. Drive by 3044 Harding, call for app't 673-1784. S%il5 lse. 2 Br, private fenced yard. $117 month. •54~* $30.00 wk. !IP e Day, week, month. e Slp<lio & Bach. Apia. e Intl Utlls & Phone serv. e Maki Service, TV avall. , • New Cate A: Bar 2376 Newport Blvd. 543-9'155 SUS CASITAS FURNISHED l·BR. A: Bachelor Apta. 2ll0 NEWPORT BLVD. Medallion by Hotpolnt CHATEAU La POINTE College Park 3115 Lovely 2 Br. t u r n. apt. ---''------Pool, carport; adults. ao Nice 3 Bdr home pets. $245 Lease $1SO Mo. plus utilitie1 Call 540-6334 atter 5 1941 POMONA, C.M. Newport 8e1ch 3200 NEWLY Furn 2 Bl' apt. -~-------1 \V/W cpts & Jgc frof;t ~ OCEANFRONT 3 BDR reltig. 1145. Mo. 1 child ok. Lease or Lease w/ option modem 2-atory w/fam. rm. avail Aog. L 833-2M7 evea. DELUXE 2 Br, 2 Ba, frplc, pool, lge patio, $250 mo. Also 3 Br, 2 Ba, $265 Mo. Avall lmmed. Bkr. 646-0732 .C BR, 2 ba. % blk to beach. Yearly leeae, ·•6'5-1977* 523 Bernard St. 548-mt BACHELOR apt. C r p t 1 , drps, !iv nn, equip kit & dinette. All util lncl $110. 6'2-0400 DLX spac l bdr, pool. Ideal bachelor. $120. 1993 Church, 548-96ll. ALL UtU. pd, 1 bdr, llll'tt. Mature adult?. Infant OK. UOO 2335 Elden, CM Gen1r1I 3000Gener1I 3000 Gen1r1I 3000 ------ S©~~lA-~"B~s· Solu• 4 Simple S<nlmbled Word Puzzle f<>r 4 Chuckle Nowport B .. ch SINGLE' Yoimg Adults t.ux: ., ury prden apts with coun- try club atmosphere and complete privacy, SOUTH BAY O.lJB APTs. Irvine at 161h Newport fJeach. (714}6G--0550 e BEST BLUFFS BUYS e BOYD REALTY 3629 E. C.00.t Hlway, CdM 675-5930 !!_lg 2 BR l %... bo, l'!!'J,""'lJ-- sbag w/w, bltns, FA heat, BEACON Bay mod. J: BR A or xtra lg. playrm, Pvt. beach A dock $325 or $275/wk. Alao 2 BR apt -$225/wk.--4.t"S--5-0-9 C « .. ~ new paint Big fncd yard, XLNT lerms. May LR/opt. Wt're On The Grow 847~ Broker 893-4152 Salesmen •..• • TIGlfl' ON LOAN .. Owner We need )'OU!!! Our new of!-will carry contract. On 3 ke in Corona dd Mar 11 BR Glen Mar home. $22,000 another winner. Earn more $1500 down ••. Serve betitr. More dos-TERRY REALTY ed e9Ct'OWl, le-ss frustration. !!""']~"" .,.._ u.! '9ft:• Call Mi. MCC!udle 5l6-2lll --L~. ~·~ 2 BR Om:lom. 8166 Dttrficld. -1 ml. tQ. beac:b. $18,500. Owner. E Vt! I !!36-8E89 O THE REAL "-. ESTATERS 11,-,~=:-=-=--'-,--I VIlLA PACU1C TWNHSf; LGE. bllltop lot. Penn. view 4 br i ba 2% car gar, e/d. ~ ocieel\ & hW.. -$26,100. asm. 6" fHA, ••• u .. 8'1J.ll110 !IS-IS!O KO matter what It ii, ynu 1'==-,.-u-.-bd~,-. ~2\l_ba_c<r_ . can well It wtth a DAILY lot nr Brkhll A A.dams. Pll.OT Ouslftld ad. 146,&oQ 91,4 loan. 962-7374 ! PR~1!1rs~'!~~s lfTTilS 11'1 I' I' .1· I' I' r I ., gr:~~ lfTTERS-•TO I I I • I I I ,- SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSl!llCA"'ON ,001) MOD~ 2 • ·BR duplex. WIW. bUa ranee A oven. D\clO$ed patio, Nr. bucli A pier. Furn or 'uorum. Year- ly. 53().2500 u pm. 5000 NEPT\INE Avail now 3 Br, 2 Ba, deluxe. C&ll ilC~ 613-3012 CIC' 11•: 629-1492 BACllELOR .\JI, xlnt loc. Clo1e t o b ~y & bdlch. ~II, 615-7871 or ~ URGE 1 BEDROOM' $150 month, yu;rly ' **-** • I t I I ' ~1 • I I ( • ' DAILY ,,LOT T""", JllfY 15, 1969 • • I A NJ_ALS ~ENTA"' • Rf _AL ESTAT~ llBAL ISTATI IUSINIH ... ANNOUNCIMEN'fS '"Apti. fu"'JallH -Apt .. ·Unllimlolled GtMral Gonaril FINANCIAL and NOTICIS NawPort .... h 4200 Coot• Mooe , SIOO Ranlol• Winted 5990 '"''""' Rotit•I 6060 lluo. °"""""""'" 6300 Found \Fr" Ado) 6400 * LIDO AREA APT. • ~~~~f~rt~ aALBOI\ ISLAND CHOC0 UKS SEr 01 ken !Hl. Vic E. Spao. ""' vi..-1, fie. l •ll<.. (Qll""UCTIOM bedrm. un!Um. hoU,. In Top loco"":,.~ + ~ It, Man or woman netded I~ Cout HWY, CdM. CNr. liv. rm. l dinuq:. CUstum IUlll • Newport 8cb. He!ghts or 4 yrs rem ........ ,. on .u:ue. thlt area to become part~ ShorecUU1) M4-064T f\u'n . .Pool, boat &Ups. Year-JUST c-· mMG Eartslde CM'. ltartlng ln $17'. mo. Writa P.O. Bo.l the greateet c:t~dlllOOVCl')' F 0 UN 0 . A.11 ye 110 w ly or 1umn1e.r l"!ntll. Will Ul"lrUllft mid-Sept I.alt •preferred. lMlS Lu Vegu, Nev. since eboeolate! P&J'llke$t. Identity. sell. Our lamily q must sta.Y * BEAUTIFUL ~·d office This excltlng new idea Is lm.-316: Walker Rlty ·67.S.2676 -H,.rbor· Htfg~tl f our .... 1tb -UJ;~our--two well· suite, aif.cond.-&eot deal ln -«WffPltlc-t.he country. Be-·JiUNTIRG Khlte ,on MIJ'lllti-.,.. FURN Du11iu. 1 &: 3 Br. ~ -~ntal Manager -behaved childrtn too. Abun-Jown. 64.~ -~ ti3l In )'OW' area-~ rite, CdM. Call to ldtntifY. blk from ocean. Summer Mn. Chrlsttensen dant me.I r e t e t e n c e a became put ol this very 6f4.29l9 •--•-• ··~ .. , wk. pn--31-17-A Cinnamon Ave. available. &45--2629 Office R1nt1I 6070 hla'h protlt bllll.ne!.1, ;;;;;=.,,:-;;==,,-,,:-= naua .. ....-. .J\,Vil'" Extremely hlah protllt can FOUND On F&.lrvlew in CM * * * • ' . ;,.i._ * :··~~:g~=ECTORY : , PT.itng _ 6850 PAlNTINO Int &-Ext tm.·cst contracted prlce1. Full.Y ins. Sattstac:tion aua.i . Fret ei;t Jim Weeks fi73..-1166 PAINTING ~ I.nVext. 2 Univ seniors, 3 yrs exp. Reap. 833''23!. ~ --- Plumbing 489CI - pect '"3917 or LA 5-S2-U Costa ~Ml BALBOA Ialand, Newport · f LAGUNA B•ACH be realJlled ll'I thlt national· Tiny kitten "lll'J.na: collar (1 block west at Harbor Blvd in farnlb' • prefer 3 BR. AJr Conditioned })' adwrtlaed product. with "Scott" Call ~ Corona del Mar 4250 2 blocks south at the Must be croUnd ttoor, 2 wka ON FOREST AVENUE Part time OR full ttm.e paa1. San Diego Free~) after Aug. 12th. Xlnt :rets. Deak .-na ..... a avall&lal• in dona available, Only .m. Lott LUXURIOUS apt avail far Phone 546.-103' avail. Write lntormatlon: -4401 Whaddya Wan!P Wh1ddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIPlCATION FOR . NATURAL BORN SWAl!PIRS PLUMBING REPAIR No job too 1mall • 6U-312ll • Ramodol, Repair, 6940 8u:Jnmer or winter rental, Mtt.. E. B. JackJ;on, 1101 La newe1t oltfce bulldlnt' 'at oere nttd apply. Requlru I:::'.:'::--------- ( ot unforn located on n •• .i •~-.11a .... u. prime location ln downtown a l(Tlall investment of $9$5. SIAMESE} cat, 1 p • y • d Spacial Rota • ·~ I • 1F you need remodeling. palntin&: or repain. C8.ll I Dick. 642-1'197 urn • ·--·•-· 2 aR dlx: cpls., drps, bltna, Roaa iwau, """'l.'IW • ~. 1 .,_, .... n-·-h, ••---•i to "995 •--•--nt •-tM Bay W1th spec..,........., ea.rage. $16S. Adults. ·31)(6 &l006, -..-DCAC -..-""""" • ..... • ~;~ .. -. re .. , ... _ .. " female, blue point <gray A- 5 Lin" -5 llmas -5 bucko •ULll -4D MUSl INCLUDE t-w!\lt ... ....... .. lnMlt, IJo.WMI Woo.I WfltlT Ill fntM. -an view n....1 ......... ~A~ A-1 tloned, ca,rpeted, beautltul can l"l!&Wa!U very qu ,.... white), An!•· st., Laguna ....... "" • ..---...u , --Coolldae ~ or MIDDJ..E..AGED Ena l lsb '" .. boat al.Jp &: aU extraa. 549-0433 ~·-•-need miall de entn.noea: Ftonta.re on v · Beach. Reward. 494--4044 J-YOV• ---•llllltr ......... ~ l!..e1 of td'ttrtlslna. 1-NOTHINO lfO• &ALI! -!f!.ADIES ONLYI 1..;_:;;;;.;;;;;.~===='I • C.ollect 213. 282-5132 Mr ............, , an, Forest Ave., nar lea.di to For further 1nlonnation MOTHER Dutch B u n n y • Head · · MODERN 2 Br, cpts, dtps, wlfUrn house with small Mund.pal parldnr lots. $50 write sable & white • 4 babies PHONE 442~71 Sawin! 6960 • Dre!smaking • AlteraUOW: · GE kltch, encl. pr, n:r ~s. yard tor tllJ)' dop <Peke " per month for apace. DeAk National Suppliers Corp. need her Vic t "D..... • To Pl1ce Your Trader's P1radlse Ad CUstom Desips ' lalboa 4300 Sl.45. Adults, M&l'. ill E. Yorkie ) Reu. Lone-term and ehaltl ava.!lable·for $5. 5.15 South Second Welt · · 0 "'"•lll!IUlll, J)fh rental or lease. Rel. avail. Bwilneu hours anawerina; Salt Lake ctly ·Utah M.tm. Redland. S.A. Hta. ~ PENINSULA POINT NEW 2 BR apt. Eastside. 66--2629 aervice available tor no. Include pho~ number .G~ woqian's wallet vie. ror Immediate occupancy t.o Crpts, drp!, b u t I t. t n 1 , PHYSICIST & tamUy needs AU utWtles paJd except , with request of Doli the Bebcomber CdM. dellra!lle \enanti. l &: .2 Br .. dshwshr, encl. a:ara:. pvt. unturn 3-4 BR h&e or apt., in telephone. Atfil return just ldentU!.cation. carport, 113> & ll£'T.;o patio. 642-6257 nl"' area; CM or NB, by -FODAlLllESl'Y PAILOTVENUE NEED EXTRA CASH 71 1 ;;;87$.a34...,.,.-;,...,' ,.----,,.----,~ Y~arly. 675--~. l 5 4 4 TOWNHOUSE 2 story w/ Aug. 15. Will pay $Wl.l-$250 ~ BLACK shaggy dog med. siz. lotll'Mlar Dr. balcony. 3 BR, 2 Ba, trg Uv per mo. 541)..~ LAGUNA BEACH PART TIME !! ed, Beige paWB. In Laguna rm, atrium, dbl gar. Cibb.se, WANT To nmt or leue, 3 or '19f.9466 Amblalltlo~-!nmanf Ntotl handl8 de Sch. Name Honey. Rew 'd, Balboa l1land 4355 -" ._, "-" p k DESK SPACE sm o.;na O . • ran 492-0668 or 4,92-6138 pools. $191.50. __..,.,-1 4 Bt. in .....,.,.ege -a r Cand --• s -" uni · Trade! C·2 property, iood (Or anything, UtUe reata~ ~t at prtsettt time. for • -what have you? Call If in- ter. only. 548--2039 or 646-4760 ' Prot bldg, 1870 Placentia, CM. lo!a.ny uses. $64,500 val. Equlty S24.~. All types prop cons. Owner I agent 494-9471 ""'°"UTIF'UL Up-d'plex (llfE SEVILLE) area. Pool prel. $200-$250. I desk $30 .. 2 deakl $li0 .. 3 Y ... .,., ~.';" taklm BEIGE Uncut female toy -~· ul •-..__ Xlnt Reter's. 56-2491 Aft. 6 deika w/prlvate 0 t f 1 c e, Your area. Ex"'"""ent wee Y poodle, no oollar. Vic Baker Silverware, fumiture,. TV, apt Very close to So. Bay.1~ $150. Ad ts,Uocp~~" ~U:.~1a"' PM $125, Will gell desk, c1tice earn.Ines tor one or two work &: Paularino, r eward. Sew mach, movie camera & Bt, 2 Ba. $400. per mo: yr.., bit-ins, prl pa · -m.,...... tab'-Uo cab'-·t hours dally, (Evea are O.I<J. c.o.., ......., projector &: much misc. Sal··-Rl"'-• 673-6900. Ana Ave. "E1 '. 636-4120 FREE SERVlCE <e, ita nery uie ......-~ Trad I "" v $100., & rent ollice tor $15. Work Consists of collections "'==,_.,.--,~---I e for ate model VW -~ BR Studio apt l~ ba, encl to Landfords. Local rental 962-421.9 and restocking ol unltlll. LOST belge feme.le toy poo.. Camper. Call 494-3354. Huntington Beach 4400 gar, patio, cpts/drps, bit· tinders. Call Blue Beaco.1 $995.00 to $2995,00 ca.sh re-dlei no collar. Vic. Baker & NEW 1 BR Blk to ocean. int!. $150. DB,)'S 542--3524 645--0lllBroke-r N:-Vto~ 1114t~t ':ncet! quired (bf.led on part or Paularino, reward. ~2563 ~~~~f~.tyvi:w-4::: F n r 11 -unfum..summer _ Eves. MG---0689 COUPLE With out of town Ana Fwy 6 Crown Valley IYll tlme). In reply please LOST Irish Setter, 6 mo old era.Id Bay, LagUna. Belt Yrly m-A ltlh. 5J6..1319, 1 BR, $ll5: 2 BR. $135. home wants local rental, t tt 831 1400 .,,,. ~.... tumleh address and phone female. Vic CdM. Blk col-home !or commer. acreage, ~1-, Adull5 only. Call before week""'"' only, will share. umo • -'~ number. 1ar: ~1408 u1...-10"1 .......,. TD, yacht. Ownr. Campbell · noon. 548-2900 833--0600, Ext. ~. Dave. EXECUTIVE Oftlce apace "PRODUCTS DMSION" LOST .. Fri: Lady's bifocal 4M.-ll85 NEW $200 up. 1-2-3 Br, htd AVAlL A 1 t I story 2 Bt Co I _....,, ---" 1,lCIO'ISq. ft. Crptl, chvt· Call P.O. Box 2938 glasses, tan case. Costa I:-,-~~-~~~-& sauna poole, rec rm. Heil ug s · QUIET up e ·~ ........ owner &ft & pm. &75--4644 Anaheim, Calil. 9'2804 Palm Springs land on Rao- ' Algoquin. Mgr 84&-3131 ap~ Crpts, garage, lge encl home w/ fenced )'d, for I ;;--,.;=.,.---7.,,..,.-:=;--:,.-I ~===------1 0M~e"'j/}"'°'. -=~~=--;'~~ 1 quet Club Road.· $30,000. !i;;i"';''ii;--;;;:;;-;,;;;:-;;;;:jJP~'~"":o.~$'0130~. W-~~'194i)~~~~I dog, yearly, under$l!i(ICdM 2 SMALL ottlcea a'vall for AFFIUATE ~E Kitten, beige. Vic ol Owner will exchange tor 2 BR. 2 Ba, frPlc, elec gar, 2 BR, Sl4tl. Separate hse, att. local re&. &3-0344 be1 4:30. rent. 3410 w. Balboa Blvd, CANDY SUPPLY \f.vocado & Coast Hwy CdM beach area property, Vlc Jforse Levers! 3 BR borne. • 646-6446 • : Bam, colTa!, riding arena, Alterations • 642-5845 ! tack room, etc. l~~ acre. Neat, aCCtJrate, 20 years eXp. 1 S37,000 eq, Trllde for land, , comm. Suhmit M2-M87 Bkr TILE, Ceramic 6974 1 Rented house. 50xl40 R-3 . _ . • . lot. Nr. Garden Grove Civic * Verne, The 111e Man * 1 Center, $20,500, Trade $9,500 Cll!it. work. InstaU 4: repairs. , eqty tar units or ! 1 Owner Nu job too small. Plaiter J Broker 547-6469. palcb. Leaking 1 how e r 1000 ac., $250,000, 80 ml repair. 84'1-1957~ ) from dntwn LA. 5 min. • • from fwy on paved rd. btwn Tree Service 6980 Bea.umont & ?ak Glen, Trd JU.f·s Gardenlnr k J&wn for tnc. prop· 547-6469 Bkr. maintenance. Res. &: com- NORTH Tustin Lot, $18,500. merclal. * 54S-8411 . '. Free & elear, .most exci. ESTATE Malnt Tree Serv area, fabulous view. Tr. for Removal & trlmmlnga, tree ; Inc. property w/.spendable. t'-·'" Call 541-Bkr. 54&-6469. es .. , ... ...,, ' VACANT LOT. IN_ NEWPORT BEACH Wll.J, ACCEPT 'l'D'S OR BOAT. * 642--7898 • Uphol•IOf"I 6990 f CZYKOSKI'S Cusl. UphoL ~uropean Crafllmanship 100% fin! 642-1454 1831 Newport Bl., C.M. tennis ~:1• 1 blk gar. crpts, drps. gardener, 2 BR W/ garage, noo. Resp. NB: m..tm l ROUTE • .c67>-=•7110-;-=-=.-== Stewart R.E. 494-T:ill. Heavy duty rototiller. 3 <>eean. no child or pets. 64&-2llB middle &it' epl w/ poodle. 300 Sq, P.t. Office (No Selling Involved) LOST, Jadyfl gold Bulova I 7.40;-c.,,,.,,-::::-:,.-:-.,=Lak=e=a.=in"'ore= speeds forward, 1 rever1e. 6995 DELUXE 1 J. 2 Br at beach. 2 BR. 1~ BA, carpt, laundry, 842-8375 COSTA ME.SA 64&-2130 Excellent income for few watch at 64th St Beach N.B. $20,000 equity. Will trade Excellent condition. Trade Welding 219 15th St., Apt 7· Adulll, ·poo1. Adults. • • houra week1y work (Da.y1 or Rew. Robin. 637-3092. for bOme, income, boat'etc. for front throw lawnmower, WELDING, Portable equlp- no pets. 548-0336 Rooms for Rent . 5995 lndu1trlal Prop. 6080 evenlnga). Retilllng & co.I· I "========= submit. Vic Stewart R.E. P<l"''er edger and/or 1 ment. Specializing in ex· Orange Co.unty 4600 2 BDR. 2 be., Adulti, no pe\S. DELUXE In CM, prlv run. ENO. Firm ·requires 800-1.200 lecllng money from coln OP-Personals 6405 13-7-+-• .,.-,-.,-. -r-,.-10-,-,-R-;v-. 642-5488 cavating equip. St e.v e , $]SO/mo call .1 ~-"'" ,,. 1 Ill "b lrvl e-rated disperuien In Co~ _,,.i"l _a v e Snowbird sailboat Melnyk S3&£l82.S_un and At.I SlNGU: youna: adults. lux· ' 5'0..s453 Plot orwrn.,. man o • ..., . ..., 1 0 e&-..,, area ne Meaa & 5WT'Ounding area. • COUPLES • er. Rec. Lake ·Apple Val· with tr8'!tr, want travel or 4:30.week days. ,- -....i t wJ!ull wk. 546-0889 Industrial area. Runnlna We est. route. (Handles e SINGLES • ley area. Terrific potentlaJ. ca tra11e c - W')' ....... en ap 1 1•-a1 f I ·-' -· wate>r required. 546-1362 b d d & Cotinty paved -elec, tel. · mper r or ar or JOBS &. EMPLOYMENT recreation facilities & com-Newport Beach ·5200 w:: or emp o.,.,.,. man name .ran can y Tired o! Ban, Me.II & HI Cost 494_7990 _ desert land, plete privacy. South Bay Private entrance snacks) $lt50 Caah reqUir-computer clubs: JOIN THE I==,.,,=_.,,=,,._,,-,,,,,-646-483.'1 Job Winted, Men 7000 Club Apt s. m So. PENTIIOUSE apt for lae -e 646-5689 e lndust'rlal Rtntel 6090 ed. For personal interview FUN! THE IN CROWD -Retired-don't need tax she!-TOWNHOUSE 3 Br;-2~ ba. Brookhunt. Anaheim (7141 Balboa Bay Club. Beautiful INDUsr Bldg i M 1 744 w In Costa Me1a area. send DIV. OF I.M.P. Meet others ter. Want Me free & cir for Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, BOATING BUILDERS l ~m<OOO=;'::=;;;::::==:~~l-~ba~y'=vlcw~~·~unlUrn~-;·;-;iiZIU'5:0:._.,_r_1 Misc. Rentals 5999 17th St., CM".n !500' ~ .ft; name, addreSll& phonenum. with YOUR tntereste at our Sl9M or $3&M eq. in trl-pool; nr bay, Val $32,500 - In('. Q42...34SL LAND for BOAT $325 mo. 66-1133. Evea ber to Multl·State Inc., 9075 weekly parties or aelect plexes. S960 mo, pool, prime Eqty for T .D., car, camper P RO J E CT DE SI G N , Garden Grove 4610 e FACING BAY e 642-1479 ECalll. Im. ~~!1 Hwy,. Downey!. them indJvidually &: (GALS ·loc, no vac. 54o.6001 or ? ? Owner~. AVAILABLE 1:;;:;.;:.:,o;_;:;.;.,;;c.;. ____ , Cl b bldg of prototypes. WANT·'""""====,.-=-:---;: ~ join FREE) Call Leah 1-9 Former chief draftm'lan of SINGLE Young Adults Lux· LUxurioua Balboa Bay u . ED. 4Cbc20 no uW nee. M·2 INDUSTRIAL apace in ;;VEND=°'~=c;-----"'9320 .& * * * * * t n "•-• I t boat Sublet l ..,.. or longer 1 BR L'"' ....,..., f 7A~ ~,, p.m . .....,.. . ~ one o o,-11.Wl s arge& ucy eatden a.pll with coon-.3• • • ~ ooncrete bld&. 3000 ft'I t. ..., SPARE TIME INOOME l f!!!!!"'~:!!!!!!~!!~~~~!l!'l~~!!!!!'J!l'J!!~I n1e •-Id · --~ and !um ,, .niu .... 642-1633 ~., ••• ~ * A· lone". com.. , ~ "'"' •n·· lrY cl'b au~~·"' . Storage •-available, w, l1th, CM C•w -KEEP YOUR PRESENT JOB r SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY relocating In Orange Coun· • tomplete privacy. S013Ul'll100 2 BR. 2 ~! paPlaUo, oarporttia. • Coa.at Hwy, Corona del Mar. NEW induattill bldg, 2500·~· CANDY _ SNACKS ty. BAY CLUB APTS. POOL. _....... cen • nr * 675--57U * ft. 9c per ft. 1639 Monrovia, B • k M t G d · ••so ,..j • .,.... ..... Ave .. Garden beach. $li5. no pets. C'I. ~ =lT Rellable man or woman with r1c , 1sonry, e c. Ir tn1ng -~·~· -BA~E r 1 '""' " u•.,...,., -to -"--t d fill YES IT'S YOUR •5.1." Good experience in boat ' l;,";"""':=;m:::•;:>,:6J6..aoac:;::=:::::::l1 A 2-Blt apts• fum-6--un--~l\.l ~ -,_.o.rq__e_,;,_,.___,_. I ======== ,_ o.;uw::o; __ an -. _u ""' -----~-~-I "''" <iCi'=-SO'f furn. Sl6S to $200 yrly. $15. 2 car $25. Corona dr-1 L_._ 6100 machines manufactured by FAULT AL'S Gardening: &: Lawn L19un1 a..ich 4705 Anita. Jone• Rlty. 673-6210 Mar & Costa Mesa. 673-7629 v•• our own company right here For recorded mes&age that _B_U_IL_D_,_Re_mod--el-. -Re---. Maintenance. Commercial, i<oov•ledge or fiberglass. MAGNI Fl CENT -In Orana:e County. wlll change-your life call Brick, block. co n c r e t e , industrial & residential. Hull design &: tank testln&. l 100 CLIFF DRIVE Eit.t Bluff 5242 STORAGE Gan.re $20/mo ~111 view lot ll'I Laguna NO SE!LING. Exception.all)' ORANGE co. 547-6667 crpntry, 00 job too small * 646-3629 * l>ctail drafting. 1; Two bedrijom..turnlibed l <!!~i!e!!642-!!!265!7!!e!. !!!!:I Beach. -$5;950. wt•h $500-dn; hl&hJDSlOOle. We can tumiah ---'-',."'.,,-:.-"'="',,"',.nt=in~g--Uc. Contr. ~ 'CLE"'"'AN"'·U"P"'. "s-=·•"·-="-·•"""Mow=.I ,· All Deluxe Features GOLD medal.Hon new dbc ba1@ otltl\ -r mo. locations, i u l d • n c e, tn-LICENSED ~· ls to Beach 3 a: 41 ~R. ..,., .... duding ycur record systems 6590 inc, edgin&, odd j o b • . \Vrite Box M-636 Orange wai;: D ~~Y leue i:~.u_se .J' Am1&os Way, Income Proi-rty 6000 497-1210 497-1021 and training at our factory, Spiritual Readtngs. advice Carpentering Reasonable. ~8-6955 Coast Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, 4-...... 9 .,...,,, .,,...,, R-3 VIEW lots in boomin& to ltl!ute wour suceesa. on all matters. 312 N. El CARPENTRY EXPERIENCED Japanese Cmita Mesa, California. ;;::;:;;;;;;:ii~~~-i;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;:!iNi;.B::;·::•;:•~=::::==== I SlHPER Laguna Niguel. Fee simple, Invest With Real Saiety Camino ReaJ, San Oemenle MINOR REPAIRS. No J ob gardener. Reliable. 540-7373 , PANORAMIC View overtook-xlnt temu. Box M867 Dally ROtrrES COMPLETELY 492-9136, 496-9501 ' for free estimate Job Wanted, Lady 7020 • ins Aliso Bch. 2 BR fun. all;liC~o~ro-naiiiidiioiiliiMaiiiiriiiiii5~2Sii0il 20 ACRES navel, hla:h pn> Pilot. SET UP FOR YOU 10AM·10 PM T!X' Small. Cablnet in i:ear-tiec. Mature adults. no d In '"' ~-========·I Sl,495 CASH INTELLIGENT? age1 4: othe r cab ts. Johnson's Garl'.lening EXPERIENCED nurse-mm· , -'"d, _ -·-. ~K/mo. uc I orange grove " · C •175 545-8175. U no answer leave F.lneat equip ............ care p·-',.,.. """"' ,.,..,.,, .,_, • "'"' '"' ..,_..., "__. ""' m•ndo"• ~th potootlal. 1 ,;;lt;;rua;;;;G;;;rov;;;•;;•;;;;;;;";;;!Write or phone for interview UNMARRIED? "...,."""', · ILlu.., .. , ~..,.,,__. ......... • ~.-.... • • ""'·-...... ~ .... .,,, ,... •• ¥.. insg at 646-2372. ll 0. Planting, clealHlps. OOZ..3l35 Inman. 494-8541 • ~~·· ~·-~b Adj. to Hwy. 60 ott-ramp, Al factory. Tran.slcom Corp. Thisisyourlnvltationtohap. Anderson ;;;-==;;;--;--',===·l;~~.,=-:.=.;:. ___ ~I i<t:NTAL$ tl,.: 11rt• the main· terminus to new SECURITY IN Vendll\i' Division, 851 West ptness. Phone 547-5646 for ,<.=;;;--::::;:::=::,-,;;-=IBUSLNESS l RESIDEN· WINDOW washing & aencra.l Apts. Unfumlshed lake & ~reation project. 18th St, Cotta Mesa Calif. 24 hr recorded messaae. MASTER carpenter ,$4 per TIAL Gardeninz & Cleanup. cleaning. PRE • PAID INTE~ LAND 92627. (114) 6'1'2-9000 or hour. Remodeling.Repairs. Exp·d 646-6222 * 525-2932 * Gener1I 5000 1 • 20NBR.~~~Untum Do W N; $147.500 FULL 546-1423. Attractive Expert &4U409 or 5.16-3900 642-4766 1=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 "" """" PRICE. Build YoUI' estate· aave tax ---------YOUNG WOMAN • Reliable Lawn MainteMnce Domestic Help 7035 I• Frplcl I prlv. patlos!PoolL MAY TRADE dollars with well located PIZZA dancer will teach you all Cement, Concrete 6600 Gard · d Cl VEN DOME ~· .. """.,..,· . n.Contnt1 Bidat. put· cltf1l5 groves. Start with this latest stepe, Call Ardell ening an earHlp George Allen Byland ~ncy ._. -young double set producing 213: 591-4.538 1·10 PM * CONCRETE Work, bond-Reliable lawn service, Employer P&y11 Fee (OMUrtl( (ORNER '-"-M All pizza equip for pizza l ===-oc-o--.,.--=:;-,= _, . IMMACULATE APTS! 900 h Lane, CdM 644-26ll l'IUl • navel grove ln ~ at-house, incl: oven, elect REDUCE Safe &: fast with ed & lie. Conaete aawlng. mow, ..... ge, trim. 1(6.8 E. 16th, SA 5-47--0395 ADULT & FAMILY <MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) thews area. Sales p r I e e cheese grinder, pizza pans, GoBese tabelta & E-Vap Phillips Cement 548--&80 * 531·1404 * Chinese live.ins. Cheerful Hottest ....,..tin t\owo. ..... e Cn .. •., $34,SOO. • 5 acres. Try S7•500 hot ·"--. m· aohlne', "'--•. " t .,,_ .. W t 11 If PATIOS, WALKS, DRIVE-Cut & F.dge Lawn Permanent. -i;o-.....:enced. SECTIONS AV~BLE AVAIL 1'ow, 1argt 2 bdr apt. ....... .,,...... .., down. Complete manaie-'"'"""' ~u wa er Pl ""' . cs c =-t=• Close to shopping, P•rk new crptl painted bll·IN :teiSod~.o~~~p~a&rer;:dyw ment available, For more Serve lc~am maker (wa-Pharmacy, 2>43 \VestcliU ~~'i&.[~N~i.~O ~~~~~23t~C:~tsec: Far Ea!il Agency 64W703 * Spacious 3 Br'1, 2 Ba Sale or re~I at $200: Couple infonnatlon, please call K. ter -operated), TO&stmuter Dr. * 2 Bedrooms 45 615--0UO tor development: iuperb Joe. W. Small cafe french-f.ryer, etc, 95% f 's"A"CH=""s'"T'"'' ,,..,=tc-,•in"oe=re:-g:;":;I e cusroM PATIOSe JIM'S Gardening & lawn Help W1nted Min noo *Swim Pool, Put/green 1,:.0""',,:--';c'""C-C2=:.= for restaurant. automotive Eckhoff & Auoc., Inc. profit margin. Total ·Value to 35 for fun & com. concrete sa.,.,·ing & removal maintenance. Res. &: Com· . • p ..... 1 lndfv/lndry fac'ls 2 BR, 2 BA. Swedish trplc. center, etc. Only $24tl,000; 1818 Cha A $5500, wiU sell all for $2500, pank>nship. 4!l2--0386 Sat Llc. *842-lOJO mercial. * 548-8411 EXPER. lubrlcallon m ~ n. 1MS Anaheim Ave. Immac & cute, 2 yrs old. thle includea & a• itallon ~~e.p~. ve. ~. 925-W6 or 658-1628 Col· AI..COHOlJCS Anonymous • CONCRETE work all JAPANESE gardener Cnmpl ~';: i:h~nio~m~~·o~: OOsrA MESA 642·2824 $220 mo. 675-572(1. :~~·se Call: Tom 'leMalo 541·2621, Eves--wknds 538-59n Phone 542-7217 m· write to tfpes. Pool decks&; cmtom. serv. Exper, dependahl'!', Coast Hwy, CdM. 2 BR. Garage apt. Refrig/ e REALTOR 714 .. -"'~ e BE INDEPENDENT P .O. Bo•·-~-ta M-· "-tt "'°1""' tree est 642-4389 • RENT • stove furn. Adultl only $160 °'......,_ Work your own hours, your u... ....,,, ~-....._ .,...,--.)Vt ========= lilJLl.,.time buck driver ex· mo on lse. 546-8043 1 TIMES GROSS ~cr••i! _ 6200 own pace. Unlvel'58.l Item, Sensitivity G roup • CONCRETE flrs, patios Hauli ng 0730 per. preferred. llarbor Tow· • 3 Rooms Furniture 6 Units with a good rental everyone uses. No competl· 646-6130 or 645-2513 etc. Concrete 4: ht~ top saw-ing, 964 W. 17th SI., C.M. $20 • $25 & UP B1lbo1 l1l1nd 5355 record . Ocean 1ide of Balboa VALLEY CENTER -110 tlon, 100% protlt. Automatic "R~!D=E~W~an~t-ed~OCC=7to-Co~ro-na-Ing. Reas. Don, 54u.i-i4 YARD/gar. clnup. Remove 642-4930 Month-T~Month Rentals __ .:;,;;.____ Blvd. Nr, churches, ocean &-acres, may divide. lovely repeat bUJ1il)ess. ABSOLUTE de! Mar. eves. Will pay. {re()s, lvy, dirt, tractor backl'M7A~CH=1~N~1sr=-w~et~de-,-. ~T~e-m-p-.1 • WIDE SELECI'ION ON Grand Canal, Yr I Y bay beaches, Good invest· ~~-:ho~t~m~'·s!~n~~e minimum Investment, at!· Call 675-4.235 aft 7 pm. Elec1rlca l 6640 hoe, grading. 962-8745 Pos. Call Karmen Curtis for Appllancea " TV's avail. ~. ~~w2 d~e~~=t ment. Atddn& $120,000. sale. Alao 183 feet ocean cured. Limited number ot ELECTRICIAN, no job too B & G Hauling Service appt. 833-2500. JCJ\1, 2727 ' No Securt-Deposit BURR WHITE Ma l:>.w these n.rt opptya avail! Announcements 6410 small. For prompt St?rvice Reasonable. 549-1359 Campus Drive, IJVine ,., frontage nr Del r. °""' Ask for Mr cash. 64M001 1----------HFRC P'urnlture Rental• Huntington Beach 5400 REALTOR 696 Solano Beach. 'lS-2807 SCUBA CLASS Cflll 545---4614 SERVICE Sb.lion Attendant 517 W. UHh, CM 548-3481 -~,.;.;;.;:,_=---2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 5 AC n---ho Ci"'-• o1 BEAUTICIANS S 7 GJ M Hous•cleanin9 6735 exper. pref. Andet10n'i; 1568 W. Lncln. Anhm 714-2800 Furnish•d or ~ 673--0859 Evea. All.I"' ' v Be your own bosi;.. Rehted tarts \Vcd. ( ·l st c-Fencing 6660 CARPETS Wlndo n Union, 1645 Adam&. CM f I hed Oc.eanslde, $26,500, $7500 dn. spa~. Reaaonablc. 847.9164 G11ugh School in Seal Beach, , ws, rs. 54()..]2()6 EASTBLUFF Un urn 1 15 UNITS Larger parcels av a 11 · $25. FENCE building, lndoor-0ut· etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt• "'~=------2 .. d-m,2 beth,~t.s,drap. West•rn Land • "EXP ·-., b • B w -• 6305 d r ho"•epa•'nting Est•· \vork Reas•. Refs, &1~1401 'D, Auto Mechanic, own B~ new 3 bdr. 3 ba apt. es, built • ins, l blk to 5 All 1 story ldg. No vacan-Development. 645-2060 us. 1nt.u C L 00 ..., • • 1 1 View of back bay from bdr points lhoppin&' from $150. cles, good return·&; mlnute1 1,;c:,,=.:,:=:;...c,-==="' ---------'-;,,. emttery _o_l_• __ 44_18 mates: Call 646-0621. MAINT·res/comc'I, windowr too ll or busy ~ho P · areas & Iv nn, hU&e fire.. ?70l Ellis Apt. D, 642-2835 to ocean. TAKF. OVER PAYMENTS! WOULD Like to assoelate 4 CEMETERY Lclts I nlo========="' our specialty. Xlnt work, 548-4TI7: 1147 Anaheim Ave. place, all blt·ins, Every· or S42-8S03. Only $120,000 10 acres, no down. Near with art gallery or manage ARK Flool'J 6665 '"'~"~!~Re~ts~.~W-~94~4G~==IP:cii09~1af1M~e~ .. F0c;o.cm&n ~!1~no~: ;::S J:eU:t''N"EW=-mo=,-u-p-. ~1"-",_..,.--;;B:;;R.c I 84~RST p~~~1.n1& Lake & ·city. ~743 =·e =~ .. ~;a: '~=E~M=O•R=l"'A•L=•P==· Car pet Vinyl Tile ~ronlng 6755 P~::r1;1~~n ~~;:. ~:;iy 745 Domingo Or., NB tben Heated .&: sauna pools, rec e TRIPLEX e R. E. Wanted 6240 1213) ~coll. Travel .6435 AU styles r>.'ld colors eves. aft . 6 p.m. Port call owner at 645-1260 or nn. Heil k A1aonquln. Mg:r. ·.;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ~-==,...,·======-----------Free est. Llc. contr. ffiONLNG or babysitting my Theatre. Corona del Mar. 548-8482. 846-3137 PLUS vacant R-3 lot! • Money to Loan 6320 1 540.7262 546-4478 home 25 pcs SJ Bring NEW Mod 1 BR ta; Owner will carry 11t TD at DRIVING to Pennsy vania. ·-h , 646---0 aim San EXPERIENCED Real estate $125. 1 Bt. all util pd, W/W, em , ' cp 8~% lnt. 15% Down buys. lsl &: 2nd loans tor quick Leave Aug 1• retum by AUK Gardening 6610 angers. 134· • salesmen, Office establiahed &tove drps, avail Now. ·$5(5,000 FUU Price $$ MORE CASH $$ -coli. BdtrOVI Ofl ")iOTu" pf'o. l4. Can take 3 pass East & ta Ana Ave .. CM. 23 years. Brolrer 534--6980 536-251'9 Ewing Invest. Re1lty pert)' eq without disturbing return with 1. Help drive & lllTW\lilY'f ffiONING $2 dozen. Bring "C" TIIOMAS, REALTOR ' $14S. 2 Br atudio, Jl/O, 2 & 3 BDRM, 2 Ba. pvt patio, &«-u23 OR &M-l361 )'OUZ' low interest Ir. TDs. share gaa exp. Must have Anlnvn ~ O\\'n hangers. Costa Mesa 2:14 w. Coast H\\IY &48-5.52'1 WIW. drps, avail now, Bkr heate d p 0 0 1, newb For Your Home Equity AJso bll)"C!l'l lor 2nd TQs. tcfs. '69 car. SU..7614 aft 5 -•="'•'=··""=®=======-Irr. EC H ANICS-Experienced ... -, decorated. !<2-8994 INDUS. Bldg. lll0% occpd. Aboolutely "'""'1 · • • SalU M ~ •--SERVICB DIRECTORY 646•1948 · ~ Nprt, Bch. 10% net retum. to you the Seller! er ottgqe ...... .u1o.;. , Janltorlal 6790 w/lnboan:i&, outboarda 4 $140. 2 Br, R/0, refria:, IMMACULATE 2 bdr, near $100,000. Phil Su I l 1 va n 12 ye&ra ot paying more c.ash Setvina.,!!atlC.bo<lTUAtt, Sla 20 Yl'I· Babysitting 6550 The Best. cott~ no more! sterndrives. Call Anchor w/w child OK. trwy, crpti;, <lrps, atove, no 54S-61S1 for Oranae Counly property. -Experlenef'd Maintenance \VAUS, \VindO\VS, floors, Marine Repair. 64~ 534ao pets. Sra:l. 962-3896 ========= C.U the Rest . . . 642-2171 545--06t1 COLLEGE Student: Babyalt· Budget Landscaping cnrpets. Commercl&l & btwn ~. * J BR. 1~ Ba. Crpts. drps. Buslnen Property 6050 Then call the Best Ung $1 .00 hr. Neiu· Wilson A Gradu.te Horticulturist residential. Daily. weetky.lp''°'o"R"T=E=R,-· "'N~oed...,..hanl~~...,~k. c_ .. _,_•_Mnl _____ s_1_00 Nr beach. Sl65 mo. 842-4085 FOR rent or lease, blda-11*1 BEVERLY JACKSON Mortgaoes, T.D.'1 6345 ~i~h':, ~nen~~M·~~e~~ • GARDENER • ;::1;r i::~ ~-e:ng Serv ~"!int;;~a~f f~rr :~e:':~ IMMEDIATE :oastal 5700 Nwpt Blvd. CM 3600 sq ft. SACR.~d:i ~FFER ~A=ok=for~--~-548-~~1!71~-' 1 EXPERT JAPAN~E Carpel!, windows. floors, etc club. Cood working cond'1 &: O<rUPANCY MS-28.lT * 54~2667 * YOUNG mother with 3 yr old Commercial Landscaplll£' Rei A Comc'l. &'-6-1401 benefits. 5'9--0377 2 Kina: sited bedroOms I: Beach Apls. REALTY ,_ --boy \\'Ould like Pe rm Maintenance and Oeanup • EXP'D. MECHANIC, part batb upgtain. Spack>ul: llv-luslnffl Rental 6060 Mo _ __,Wanted 6350 babysitting job for small MIKE INC. Pa-rh•""'"" time, Sal. & SUn. Start July 1-room we tln! .. '"cz & 'Al e D I .. , • 45 ... , CALL "2-51&.l ,... .,. • b:: 1 h downsw.ra':"""mt _ iN, New t Ult MARINERS CENTER 8474033 or ~~2 ··-boy Mon thru Frl. 548-3358 -'"' Painting 6850 19th. Coron'!. Jel ?dar. Apply and recreation ta:clllllel ~ (714) 53'-4616 Otf1coe A-rtDn bid&. rotlt or ~~·~!~tl~Y!::: To:Y WILL Babysit ycur ·mtant, JAPANESE Ge r denina "'""'T Exp P•'nt•· _Hin"'~"· 3100 E. Cout clu~. Adults. $1!5. ht -(714) 536-14*7 Jeue. S7S to SlJ:l per mo. my home, exp'd mother. Vic se:rvlce and mainte~. ~·--• · ... ""· "" .3· tut months plus $35 clean-711 Ocean Avenue 2w~~Rl~vm1~~lde1!,,'A~""~· 64~6-:!24~1<.j :~'.'!!!~~".'!!~~~'! $100,000 equity. 673-9fU \Vllson &. canyon Dr .• CM. Also clean up. drinking. ~ollege studentsm :=CV~l~CE~-,"'-tlo_n_a_lt_•nd-ant tnc_ cbarp. For ap. 13 blks w. 01 H. B. Pier) LARGE Ottic-e bldg. huge WANTED: Duplexes, Rpts or ANNOUNCEMENTS 646--3817 e 548-:1572 e Low prlcet. Steve 548-4549 p/lime, MAT T H E w s polntment. st!)..(1674 paridnc lot, crpll, 4~~ lroorne property. ~lncipals and NOTICES CHILD Cart!, nty lovely e MO\V . EDGE * WEED. e PAT01 PLASTERING. Union, 3928 E. Coast Hwy, HARBOR GREfNS REAL ESTATI St. NWpt Bch. Leaie . only. Mii.ii be Wrly new: --'""-------yd 23d Prof. JawnrnatnlbycapabJt An typos. 'Free estimate. CdM. I General .,_ ,,_. Costa Meaa. M6-tll2 Found (F"" Adi) 6400 home. Big fenecf. • nr Cott ud .,,~ Cad 540--6825 -.-.... __,.,,,, Ir_ Santa Ana SL CoatA ege sl cnts. '""'as! £.1\C"ERIENCED Se r v Ice BA--A • 11111,_ 1r 0 m Rentals Wa nted 5990 OFnCE wlth at la c: he d CASH QUla<-netd 3 or 4 ALL black wm&ll kltten, Mesa. 646-5531 Kalina Brothen 646-1234 PAINTING ,Papering 16 yn 1tatlon attndnt Apply 2096 ~n. -" &&raP· Total 500 sq ft. lit Br, C.t. or FHA bou5e near female, Ea1tlbu1t R·r ea . BABYSITTING by coll• ALLEN BROS. Ir Harbor area. Uc. &: Ha.rbot Blvd., C.~t 646-S&SS $.m~ Alto ayaD l • 2 A l BUSINESS Lady dettru 1 b!k No. of Co.ut Hwy ltt' here. f99..lM8 644-15!i3 itude:nt, F or p titM. Your GARDENERS mJDENTS bonded. Refs turn. ~ EXP. Gardener. Good Pa.>' Bdrnt Rested p:iot., dllld bdrm unfum apt to $100. Archt't. N.B. 5 4 8 -! 2 2 ' BUSI NESS •nd "n"A°'S<;;E'"1"1"• Pu=p", "'f•=m.,_..,v.,tc". "'Ca"t bo~ or mlnt. m-mo warldfli wa,y thru ~· EXT/Int, pntc. Awt nn. m nice Joe. For Info call ' eve center, adj to _ahOppfnl. 64)..()086 bl!hl.-'ffn 8 .t -i :30. FINANCIAL Hwy nr. Goldelll'Od. 673-2430 Exp. Uc. Reas. 646-GB + aood paint, lk'at work 49!J...409;j No peu. MATURE \llOl:her lo babyalt I refs D-. 7 1358 2700 Petenorl Way e LANDLORDS e e PRIME Retail Locadort e or 6'13-8766 day&, tor 2 children. J a pantM Ga rdener oc · ·-,. M ~ 11t WOOL PRESSER e COs1&Meaa. Sf6.0ml FR.EE RENTAh SEJ\Vl<;J!: 1TX40, Xlnt foot A auto tnlf, lua. ~ftles 6300 s ==RO=w=N~7A,.b,..-1-,;~ .. --.-.-t 645-25.LS E>cpcr, compl yatd'\eMee-! VETS Bonded Pa1ntlfig. 10 Kwiten Cll!11.nen 2 Br., rdtta'. Hid pool. Broktl' Mt-6982 tie. lfTI Harbor, C.M WANTEO: olkale llqu« Costa Mtou_, 548-3763 "w"ILL"'°'ba"°bY>="tt"'t"n"',..,.=r:-;:ho::m"e F'ttt ~11. 548--71158, &f&.072' yn In area. lJc'd • Jnsuted, 548-4381 Mu1(a, l'IO pets. Ji5&I utll 'rtlE QUiatER ydiJ CALJ.... ~ ~. 0ranct Olunly. SET O( kty1, owner idenW,y, by the wetk. Yo u r DAil. Y l'ILO'l' WANT ADS ~642-<J4==2?==-==='=' I CHARGE Your want ad now. pd. 54f..XJJ, *"1.T.0 T1JE Q~laa:R YOU SELL DAILY Pn.ur WANT ADS! Call: 64M139 Beach tt CdM. &i:J-1659 traMporlatton. &41-1407. BRING R.UULTSI CHA.RGE YoUt want ad now. F'lnd It with a want Id! • I + •J'""''•~""'' .. ....,.,..-~~T""T----,,---......... .....,. ............ -.. ~ .. ..-.. ..-............. .. . -~ .. --• .••. I • • • flQll~ a DAILY PILOT .1.1 JOU " I MPLOYMI NT JOIS " EMPLOYMENT Joas • EMPLOYMENT JO IS • EMPLOYMENT JOIS a EMPLOY MINT JOIS " IMPLOYMENT ~'& IMPLO~ I ~ -lllf'. Help W1ftled, Mon 72!lf! Htl, W1nlod, Min 7200 Ho/ll W•ntW,:M.,. 1200'H11e w ...... , Moh. 7200 H1lp w-. -7200 Holp Wa-~ Wonlld ~ Wanlld • Helo W...W . HUGHES SEARS COsTA MESA A~1 openillp for eX· I ~ 1Ul1 -""" _..i. I want a super salesman who still isn 't -~·~ ~~. . ~ -·· . i• P;iill71:1:ii;. Cle~~1 • ...... I.• SUIS ~.. Must tiave at lent llOO employee JleyroD• ex. · .... COSTA MESA . :.a.· perlence; IOme recelvabl~s baotirowxi de-. sittd. Must be,able lo groir wtth a growing An(lollnC'fl opealiwa for _ _ • company. NI WPOllT BEAC H NEEDS . satisfied · ,_ ·-=~--···:f:=!-~-'·splte-plenl}'of..braills, energy and em· MAnnauun PA»IJjGER--TIR&.. ,,11Jon, llielifan&'in lookin.-for liliSD't l!I'~ -HOllSl!WIVIS-* MACHIN• *-· 1'%t TIMI! n lU'IMl,I; PLUMBING ., • " KITCHEN & STOVES th• rigbt'combinaflonyet. PLUMBER INTERIOIJ I'm refu!r lo offer him.an executive sales OPERATOlt SAL& ' KING ~ with at leut three )'ean tt- ctnt. experience fn the f&h- ri.ca&n and ~pail' ol' cop. per pipe, delonbcd water l)'ltrma. industrial "81 and Pb .......is !or add dl'alnl. MAINmlAHCE CARPEllltR with an indu&trlaJ. mainten- ~ and _~ment backiround. Muat be uper- lenced in cabinet wort and tinishjq, JAHITOR (llUYY) DECORATING opportunity In the combined field of Ill& Aho. CXptrlel'ICtd DI SPLAY MAN Excellent Eamtnas PIU> • Proli! lharin( • Hoapltalti.i.tton • Group life int. • Paid vacation • 8 paid boljdays • 40 hr. wot¥ week • EmJ>loY<o discount • Apply in Pel'90nnel OUice Monda> tbru !!alurday lDAMtol.PM SEARS Roebuck & Co. lns\lfance I mutual funds I investment counselin11. To individuals and to busl· nesses. Representing a »-bUUon c6m- pany. With a training salary up lo $850 a !"ODth plus oppor\uitlties for additional income. And prospects high in the five. figure bracket. If this sounds like you, call me at su.54123 (Ext. 321) or write Box M668, Daily Pilot. I'd like lo bear from you. . H1lp W1ntoc1, -7200 He'lp W1t1tod; Mon 7200 Electnmlcs HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH """' ELEC- TRONICS . .. !.f'" ,.., .. MACHINIST "B" Requir<I lmowl .... o1 ba>lc metb and machine dcitterll;y. Wllj a.In. Cell P.,.1onnol 0.pt. (71 4) 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGIHEBHNG CO. L19un1 Blach Equal opportunity..employer EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $591 .-$71 1. por month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Employment benefits include free hW.lb and Dental In- Plus • Profit sharinr • Hoool!allatlcm e Group \Ue Ins. • Paid vaea&o • 8 pald holld~, • 40 hr. work week • Em'*'1ee discount • APP1> In Penonne! Ottice --S&nud .. 10 AM to 4 ·PM SEARS · Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equal Opportunity EmploYft with at 1eut three years re- cent experience operating automatic ecrubbing a n d waxlng.eqtiipment. Must be: prcflclent in &eneral Ja.ni· tori&t duties. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA TECHN1- CIANS Require, two Yttl"I of me- chanical shop experience, read and interpret parts and drawlnas. surance for empleyee and ---------1 dependents, Materntl;y bent!- An Equal Opportwrlly Employer Cail P1rsonno l 0.pt. 171 4) 494-9401 fit payment, and free Ufe _lt1!M'&nce to a ~maximum _ $25,000 coverage. Requires Please apply iii person tO HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Sup1rlor Avenue Newport Beech, C11if. ---..---- Equal Opportunity -Employer M/F Paris Delivery Boy Parts-Counlerman Apply In pe rson Dean lewis Imports ---·-(Parts Dept.) 1966 Horbor Blvd. . for comporients test and production support. A mini-- mum of orie year ot recent lndtl!trial experience is re- quired. A knowledi;e of sol· id state circuitry is desir- able. • TEL ON IC EllGIHEERING CO. 3 years Street, Water, or Sewer f)clllty Construction and Maintenance -Experi· ence, including 1 year Qf light or medium Equipment Operation. Apply before 5 P .M., Friday JuJ.y lB, 1969 to the Personnel ·office. <n4> 673..ti633. • ~-~---MA~tiJ· INT~NANCE L19un1 Blach •• ECIALTSTS. F.qual opi;,rtunil-)' employer SOl.TI'H BAY a.uB A.PJ'S Cost• Mesa H U G H E S HELPWANTED .. -Knowled&e.oIPainting, e Boat Carpenters NEWPORT BEACH PAINTER plumbina:, electrical, and re. e Boat Mechanics SIGN AND PAINT lated Wp apartment com· POLICE OFFICER e Cabinet Makers 500 Superior Avenue SHOP HELPER pl.ex malnte~. General $718 • $872 Ptr month •Journeymen Newport Beach, caiu. e:u..z it.1.•..1 h aupervilion of rna.lntenanO? FOR e Boat Finishers .-·~· per mont personnel and equipment. CITY OF Savannah Enterprl1t1I Equal opportunity employer CITY OF Local opportunities and NEWPORT BEACH 776 w. 16th St.. C.M. M & F .NEWPO~T BEACH = ;:i~:r i::ui:: ci.n.nl oponin"' ,.quire• -fi DRIVERS * . Miko McCall. (213) 41!-1021 ·* CURK * SAUS ORDER Expeiieuoed in A1et order proceull1e, m&lntain order 1oe ucl records. 'I')'Pe 00 wpm on electriC. Coll Peroonnol Dept. 1714) 494.9401 • TELONIC , ENGINEERING CO. =-=-.. *CLERK TYPIST* Diversified dutle., Type 50 wpm OD electric. C•ll PehOlltlll Dtpt. (714) -'401 TEL ON IC EHGINHIHllG CO. L1gu.. Boech Equl opportunity·-' J. W. RoblMOn H11 oponlftf for: * PWONlll * ClfRK Pleaie apply in peraon lo-Miu i.n... - GENEIAI. AUTOltAllON -1 " 796 w; K1tell1, C>r11\f11, C..Uf •. An equ•I epportunlty empt.,.,. . . HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH NEEDS A 'SECRETARY ~in!'!':.~ ~re:! portunlty lbould apply ta person to: 7418 SALESWOMAN Local expnience Sn' 'better rtady to wear; Jor Exclu. live Speciall;y Shop_ S cl1y week. 9-5:30, no nltn. Sel- ary + cmnmlMbJ. ~I cont!dentlal. Write Doi17 PI- iot Box M·333. ' APPLY -PERSONNEL DEPT. H u G H E s 10-.f p.m. Mon.Fri. F.rishlon lal•nd WANTED. aJrJ, a: once--18 Newport Beaclt NEWPORT BEACH or over, to work s days • week, Sat. le Su.n. '• a ma1L Equal opportunll> emp1.,., 500 Supo•lor A .. nuo can peroonally '°' m. ACTIVITIES Newport S.1ch, Calif. ""'''"· ......... li'1inc In · Corona del M a r. Qfat&e DIRECTOR Equal opportunity Inn.-7400 Cout Hwy. CdM.-1 Excellent career opportunity employer M/F inlle Sooth of Corool. del for mature women with f.x. Mat perlence'ln the dlredJon.ofSE ,;::ffih!ECPT====.~lQDi=~..i~vcm~· =ti ""'"_ .... social-•-·I• _,. . ..,,..,. ... ..,._,..I ·-eavv ~.'"'llti'I-·· itiea for adult a:toU1* to ~. To $500. Call Mr.- "°'k"'""' growing SOtml • Clerlis ~ -· ~ BAY CLUB APARTMENTS. -• COASTAL AGENCY • Attractive ..W,., eput. • Typists A member ol mont,. and ... ~ ...... • Secretaries ""'-~ Snolling Inc. ftl.IJ. Local opportunities u 2190 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa ... u aa othft Ca1J0>m1a 1oca. e Keypunch Oper tio.,,. Rocpl T,_ $375 R & B O.v1lopm1nt Co. INTER.. u"""' hi ICbl ..... mini 11570 Olympic Blvd. ... skirt ok. Beaut new New· Los Anaeles, Calif. 90064 port co. c.an Bobble, ~ PBISOllHEL SERYJa -Em:i::.=llCY 2120 So. Main., S.A. EXPERIENCED , , ,, t : • -0-· .... I ~ t ... ·~ .. I• ,_ high sohool Gnduatt. nUnl· No E,,,...ience ENGINE ERING AIDE Employmont "°"''''' lnclud· R & B O.v1lopmont Co. 445 E 17th St -'"''"' .:;r """ !~IU.l>h • .!!. __ -r..-· _ . " '-HoaJth and 0onta1 11511) O!Ym~ L 81 • NOTE I.ELLER • • · SECRElARY to 3o,..,., old 20/30 ...,.... Necessary! -l$6Rod·anckh...,..m11t)--1ns.,,..,,...ror·employ.......,. -Lee"""'"" caui. 00064•~-1--•tu.. och--. PA1fTT IME -~·64.Mosa2·752'3-<WH,--~ .--11-.-.-<1--_..._,_ rected vision. Written test Must have clean C8liiorn1a 20 to $7S. per mo. dependents, Mattmity ben-~s."'a1"",.'-"-==.:;::;:;..=:.:.. TELLER Wednead~, Jul)' 23.. 6:30 driving ree;ord. Aoply el1t payment, and b1!e Wt YOUNG MA S Equal opportunity employer Ttchnlul Typing R&O p.m., Ci\Y Hall Council YE LL OW CA.B CO CITY OF 1"!"""'" lo a maxim.um N' e SECRETARY e UNITED In-"""' Moo. tbrU . ~bon._IOLJurlb<t..ll> . . _ • NEWPORT BEACH $25,000 .,.,,......,. Roqu"" DREAM Fri. 8 a.m. lo 5 p.m. mMExtcuttw: S4'ynexp. formation contact tho """ lJl6 !>-1'1h St ••il·•4·n1-in-.Mecbaa!W ADMINISTJ!,AtJYE . _CA~IF~~-BANJL Admced -Inc. aonr<et Office, CUy Hall, 3.100 -Calta Meu. Requires High School gradu-Drawing' and tWO ·)'ean ex-13 wk&. tnlnln&. Nat1. ilMs. • -T..qua1 opPOrtuillty' emp16jfit -1231-,zt$rla St:,-CM. Newport Blvd., Newport MAOUNISTS , atlon, two years or recent perienee in Sign Pa1ntin& $6200. salary plus conun, Cballengtna:, dlveraifitd dut. 222 Ocean Ave .• Lql.ma Bcb, SEC'n'/RECPT Xlbt advenlt • 6f6.n65 • Beach California 92660 n4 N/ C experience in field swvey Apply immediately to the paid vac., frince ben'L lea. Moat have good ..ecre-494-6546 opptyl Heavy. ~Inc. lite Equal Opportunity E~ ~ ' MIL LING OPERATOR work. Apply immediately Personnel Ofllee befort S Prel men under 11, so.me tarlal &kills. type on mM bkkpc. To $500. Call Mr. E1:ec s.cty to $624 DRILL PRESS ''A'' to Pen;onnel office, City of P.M., Frlday Jul,J 18, 1969 college, c.an 534-3CRU, 9 to elecL typewriter, ~~le to.,. \.. HUBfU AIDES. Richardl, 541).6(65, Xlnt oppty! Dyn&mie SO. WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE MAN $536 to $651 "'" mo. Top aa1aty &. overtime. GxoUp Newport Beach, 3300 New. (n.fJ 673-66.13. 5 P.M. ~ responaibilitiea with IUU . COASTAL AGINCY Santa.Ana co. ldeaJ wortdn& insur. Apply in person or port Blvd .. Newport Beach, STORE MGR. little aupeiviaion,. knowledp. A member of cond, ~ benetlta. Call call; ..,.,..,, Nowoort ,.,... Calif. 9'<60. mo 6T.l"63J MECHANICAL ~ ....... ~~ "N°' k Snolling & SnoU1ng Inc. Edoo, 541>S<JD. •-•· 009 W 16th N & Part time Clerk """""~"" ·~ .... -. eat, Full time .. All ahlftt 2790 Harbor Bl, Cosl4 Mo,. J1oon •·st ·-·· . . • B. ADVERTISING ARTIS!' -1-N. SPE-CT-OR APPLY IO< ·-and pi<asant .. ~ - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AFRAID OF WORK? 'Jben Due to expansion the Pen-. -· The TolMcconlat Inc. aonalU;y. Salary • $6lG-$673. pp]y ln STOP Employment Aprq DOn•t apply.-We need a nysavel" is accepting ap-• Fuldon bland Xlnt working oondltiont and A penon Wutlng: Ume 2120 So. Main.-s.A..- neat-appearing young man plications for part time Minimum two years f!X• NeWpOrt fringe benefiti. Send rHume Hwrttnrton Bea.ch START .. ~ P L A S T I C S Requlreg t\llO years expert-as permanent truck driver. LAYOUT, PASTE-UP & = ~.tnspectina: 1 O! apply to • ~ O:mvalesoent Holplt&l Making Money. illJE!i:Uon MoldJ.n& Os>er. or e.oce in the maintenance ol Or. Cnty area, Wbolcu.le PRODUCTION. Exp. prefd. ~ ~ ·=· ~;:-18792 Delaware· St., HJJ. $2.00 to .$5.00 per hr. with Trainee·. Muit be depi6nd- water and sewer lines, in distributors .. Must be draft Ap.p!y in person Wed. thru '· SAN JOAQUIN bonus. Go-getter full or part able. Ap~ 8-4 p.m .. Qr. concrete work or in some exempt. f:tart $ 2 I hr Fri. Pennysaver. 1 S .f S Call Jim Hyam5. Days: Coast HJwy, Lai. Sch. SCHOOL DISTRICT A I Mari time. 230 W. w'amer, suite a~ County Plutica, 850 closely related field. Apply ,. w/some overtime. ~y Newport mvd., C.M. 642-2400. Eves. 546-0319 EXP'D COUNTERMAN lffn:I SW Sand Ct.r:tyon Ave. ftC Int . ntf • 217, S.A. W. 18th. C.M. immediately to Personnel wk. ~nd J'!AUme to: Daily Jnsurence Analysist ServOnic Division of City Auto Pub East Irvine, CalU. 92650 301 N. Tun1n Ave. Part ot lull time 10 women EXPER.lENCED wattrea. oUlee, Clty Qf Newport Pilot PO &x P908. $575.00 GULTON INDUSTRIES 2072 Pla~nti&, C.~ Santa Ana. Cal.U. needed lmmed. I« cbUd full or P&rt time, bteaJdut ~h, 3300 Newport Blvd., SALESMAN to handle sale of Head financial & estate plan-INOORPORATED ~ RENTAL AG ENTS 542-1411 care, aides or c:iompanjona. hours. Benton•• ())ttee Shop. NeWport Beach, Calil. 92tl60. education course to industry ning dept. for Newport l64t Whittier Ave. Help W4ntlld' Exciting career opportunity Age 21-«i 133 S. O:ut, .......,. Beach. <n4) 673-6633 . for in-plant hl·level training. Beach firm, Mature, .share, Costa Mela, Calif. Women 7400 for matuni women w l th Taking •ppllcetlona for Sitting Pretty Agency .f94-C898 ' Must have min. 2 yrs. eX-'At fee pd., calJ Loraine, Equal opportunity em~r 'EXPERIENCED leaalng experience •to M>rk LUNCH MemWr of We Sl.t Better, WAN'i'Eb woman to do EXPERIENCED FRY-COOK per. contacting industrial Merchants Personnel Agen. in our SOUTH BAY CLUBS. Inc. Subtidiary o; Gerber ceneraI boolework I: ta. Men!s. to ..n hom-cy, 2043 Wos!clill Or., NB. WAITRESS Mu.I typo and hav, ability WAITRESS Prod. Co. 642-3274 dcy. 6 bn -k. 12 per hr. courses. Call Irene Hoad. 64S.2TIO ELECTRICIAN to handle lease agreements.. Apply between 1 pm le s pm Gen. ·Insur..-Agency Mqst have transportation. Full time, rdghtl. Mature; N 1 • 1 tirv!onal S!~,,te~!n C'.orp. for MAINTENANCE MAN S70t to $852 per mo. Apply tn Penon ~,!"·~.n=~·o.tt!ceEx_;,,':"1 R.N. SUPERVISOR SECRETARY 1,,,-m,iii,==~~~-I lead cook. Apply in person n e cw ;,J'ltrl.lW Must be -nainter & have SURF & SIRLOIN ~ ~ •= Full ~ Ii M tur COMBINATION Shllrp e •• between 2 &; 5 PM. .--· CITY O F compematlon and be1Jelil or pe..~-me. 11 a e woman experienced • ~- e P.IULTILIGH. Offset press, some knowledge of light NEWPORT BEACH 5930 P•c. Cst. Hwy. program. Local opportunlt-p.m. tri 1:30 a.m. Good In all lines " of lnaura.nce. Maida & Go Gci Dancen. COCO'S 36".SS". Dlddt a: I as er plumbing & carpentry work. Newport Beach ~3 as well as other Callfor-salary and frln&e bent-Salary open, New oUtoe. Top . wage1 $3.0043.50 to 2131 WESI'CUFF DRIVE operator. , Permanent position for nla locations. fits. Great opport. 644-4738 start. Ph. for int. 545-9913 NEWPORT BEACH e CAMERA Man ol-strip,.,..r. right man. Fringe benefita; Requires High &:boot dlpl~ SALAD WOMAN p k L'do SASSY LASSY 2901 u_-a.-~ pl ti ! ti OR TRAINEE R & B ~-v1lopment Co. •r 1 SECRETARY.-Otriat ...... -b ' .--..uwc-, Marlee Rcproductiona age 40-50, ma, com e on o appfl!n • .,. Qinval Hol ltal ........ -... C M •~1141 e Call: 673-1331 For app'L ship program and one )'W!&r Working hours Mon thru Fri. 11570 01,ympic Blvd esoent P by the Sea. 30 hrs/wk. ~I 'SAL=· ,· .... ..,=-.==-I Position open for JANITORIAL MAINTEN journeyman level exPerl· 1 to 3 PM. Prevlous exp. Loi Angeles. Calll, m. NewpoJ~r ••4~••o mo. General otfioe work: ESWOMAN. Eleperlence MAINTENANCE TRAINEE: Salesman. Young . ence. Apply Immediately to will be acknowled.ged. Call BOOKKEEPER .. vw-..-u exP mimeograph necessary: in ladiet ready tD 'ftlf. l\.fECHANIC man to train a.s sateaman ANCE and GARDENER: ottl Cl ol Call 673-380S or 54$.-st24 for CM-r 25. Apply Mon ttlr\I Fri Will consider trainee. Day with fast expandin&" sta-Betwt;tn ages 25-55, 48 hr. ~e~l~--:· ..... I'll ty"N 83>06M-. oop,·n'n'lngtt. 20.16on .• Ask Jor Excitina: career opportun~ty SECRETARY appl 10-.f. APROPOS No. 2'l. tione..., and oUlce rupp!y wk ... time-and-a·half-ovf'r 40, e~,.... •• uc..c ' VoJ\111 ew· ... fur mature women with in. Town A Qauntry n.-- ahUL App, Industrial Clay ~~For appt., call MR. pension plan, paid holidayll, port Blvd., Newport Beach, OPERATORS termed.late bookkeeping ex· ConttNctton experlenoe pre. WANTED: Exp'd Ml'wer-' ....... '6"' Products, 18765 Fiber Gb.sa WEST. G42-299S .sick pay, ins. plan, pleasant Calll. 92660, (TI4l 67J.6633 perlence to work at our ferred. Pleasant worklna power machine to work In Q.ERK-Veey aood w I 1.._Rd_."-c' ~H-un_ti_ng1o=.,,.n_Be_•~ch--I ---------I wutk cond'z;, Ph: 56-89ll or THE QUICKER YOU CALL. Experienced on d re s a e 1, SOUTH BA y CLUB APART· oonditions. Some reeept1onltt Bikini cW1tom wear ahop. numben. Some llCODQDtlna Auto Service STEREO Co m p o n e n t 546-6682 THE QUICKER YOU SELL sports wur, :dppen. Top MENTS. Local opportunltiet dutle1. Send resume to PO Please call 615-7860 alt 6 theory or pntdoe deslrtid. salesman • Knowledae ol Pay. Also PRESSER. u wen ag other CaliJornia Box 855, Costa Meaa, 9'J627. 673-2473. McGregor Yachts, 11 SJ Writer $800 + current slereo componenta. H 'I W eel Me 7200Hel W ted Me 7200 863 Producllon Place locatlon1. Excdlent com• . REAL Estate Salesmen wto Placentia Ave, CM Mech. knowledge an ma.keL 5 otttees to &e!'ft )'OU! Mu.st be 21 • .:all Lee Van, e P •nt ' · n P •n ' n Newport Beach. 646.(00I pensatlon and benefits. Send Gentr•I Office not tell I be trained lb tbt LlTE ASSEMBLY. 6.f.6..8897 . . SECRETARY-mwne or call Mn. Cara For a OOl\IClentloul 10U1W bottelt area • Hun~ Exp'd, f«actuatorttne. 301D Allen-Warren PART-Time help wanted ex· H you are sufficiently qu•llfled to operate• RECEPTIONIST Dee (213) 471.7500, lady. GOod penmanship, ~ Beach. Call Phll McNIDlN to yn. Rn. a to 4:30. )Im. Reta.II Rout· e Bus"1ness Dictation. typing, •ood ,~ .. R & B 0.ve'-t Co. Ing aklll. Polenllal. 96>-44n Village Real Etlate >'ti. Box M.&5 D•ll~(Pilot Penormel A,pncles perience preferred. Apply al Z30 W. wanier, SA 5t9-3096 Buddy's Burgen comer of MGMT TRAINEE, Re1tau-Newport -Palisades after 3 17.ftt. -u.s. grad.; sorit:e C!Ql.· ~P:::m=---------11 1!:1* pref. Hosp ins. vac. SERVICE Station &a.lesmen Sl&oo to $7300. Call Frank Part time, evenlfto and )\ind 5'l()..6005. w1tekend1. Mui be neat ln COAsTAL AGENCY .,.,.,....,,. Soc Jim, 2590 A member of Newpo~. C.M. snetllng It Snelling Inc. GEN'L. Main,tenaDCe ot ex-l'JIO Harbor Bl, Costa Mell ttrlar &: grounds ot private 4AMINATORS. MU1t be ex· club. Will corWde.r )'OWi& per. & la.st. Top pay. plenty retlrffs. PH: 54s.-o:m of overtime. Penn. posll:iOn. JANITOR. full time night No tay.otfa;-- -'WOl'k,-good. PB1;--B_._.n 1'JDUDlAN LTD. 10920 Brown's Restaunnt, South K"" th Orne BI v d ., Laguna. Mr. Gates 499-2271 Jnllewood. Calif. 00-104 (nJ) FACTORY 'M.lnet. Shift tl~ Work. FARRO GQR_P . GilibENERS a 11 11 l I 8ibergla1 Division, 18811 handyman fOr place on FiberglU& Rd. Hunt. Bch. QOQt. Sm. 'tllarY, plsnt tum TV Technician Wanted eolfa&e w/ab •dl pd. W• Road man. $4..00 hour. want a ainaJe ptnsJoner. *Call 98)..6633• Write Box p.~ D&ib' Pilot. PROJ'ESSIONAL MttHAN· BOYS 10 -14 IC. Salary A ........... · • CUrler R0111eo 0peo r ... 51>arp union oa 613-3320 • . far t'.o-So.!...-WANTED; Marino C011Mntt• .,.,.--=o~ "mo $5 per hour. Ptjvate Party. • ~· 1118-2519 • GOLF RANGE ATl'NDNT. ~ time Sltjpper tor Part time ewti. adult. mo!or l<>Cht ~;all u of ~1140 or 549..'621 with • gro11 volum• of $35,000 to $55,000 •nnu.lly THE JEWEL ·co., INC. Will provide you with an estebllsbed route, with approximately 450 Trading Customers -furnish the investment-Company vehic- le & operating expenses. l This Is an excellent Career Opportunity that also provides voluntery hospitalization & profit sharing retirement program. Salary plus-Commission:-Our average man e3J'Ds. $7500 Per Year Fill in th1 blink bolow & mill to: Mr. Ide THE JEWEL C0., 1NC. 1000 E11t Ball Rd. Anaheim, C1ilf. ~3 Name .••••.••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• Address ...••.••••• , •..••••.•••••••• , •.•• , • City •...•...•••.....•...•.•..••....•••••••• Age ................ Phone .•........•....• No. of Jobs in iasl 5 Yrs ................. .. Married ............... Single ......•.•.•..• ""'· i. nr deWk "°" -=-'--"-""'"".-:::'---11 (2U). 51M233.. Mi. Oari. Wb! .. e!e!>hanta• DunH.4tne Ed ti C 1 t d 01 ·~-~ uca on omp e e ...................... . ~ ' ~"C!!·~~-~··~-!!..!~~ESUL~~TS!~!!!!l!!!!l!!!'""'!!!!"""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""'I!!!!!!!~ / " • phone voice, knowledge o1 11570 Olympic Blvd. MISS EXEC AGENCY WOMAN Wanted tor ~cep. X·RAY Tech-F« Ra4iolol)I aeneral oUice. Prefer con-1.A)g Angeles, Calif. 900&C 410 W. Cout HJ&hway &nillt A IWitcbboard, \jte office. Muat have American 11rUctlon bac-Sal· Bl D I h" Nowport Boach 64&3t39 typing. Some oaleo, plouan! l'!llJb'y cer:t. J1e!s. ~ ""'open. 642-JUI R~uorapnt1n JANITRESS with pUblic. Pennanent Ap. .,. ioterview 54$.8Mt ""'" ply 215 RM.-A,.., NII. !JVE.IN. Ezper, tidy to **GENERAL ** 3355 Via Lido P/time alt S pm, MO!>Fri to liATURE WOMAN !on•tan cano lor lnYaJld l ed, OFFICE UDO ISLE work in CM, NB or Irvine u.les. RION HARDWARE Newport Beaeb. $280/mo ue:a. :AppJy It lTm.2C S);y. 102.f Irvine, N.B. 642-113.1 5U--f1U .t 5&08 18765 Fiber Glut Rd., Experienced. over 25 perk ClrcJe, Itvlne. 5f0.191D Ask for Phil. 1 ASSIS'l'ANT To ualat .. 111 Huntington Be&eh, Calif. EXPERIEN'CED Omo:iunl Interviewers tD wark from DU' bualmu 3 hrs a dq, I e FRY COOK e • HOSTESS ., Oolloe ...., &kl, "* home on l>!Alpbaoo lor 'lino ~•wk. SS. Mn. N- Graveyanl lhilt 2 yn ,... • WAITRESS 9-4 Mon-Fri. 19582 Beach CaJlL deportment store. ec.«ilO :1..4 PM Heavy brealdut. Gd aalU')I mvd. HB ate Lori CAil M2-8402 btwn U.. 2 BEAlmClAN c l I t D t •I• for ad e.mployee11.18 or over. 1Pply btwn 3 pm-' pm. CKRtSTtAN 't;,.d)t to care lot MOTEL Maid. ExJ)trtence it ¥ prtf. bVt not' re4uired. New Apply tn ptl'llOD. Expert~ my ch1Jdm tn 111.Y abae g necessary. I n q u l re at ind wtlooiM. Call macs'· ~~~~~op WAJTRWES -;;z:,Wlt llk1 beech. tin ~=~ MOTE~ 3lM s'::9~1 AL M·ACH IN E COMPANION al1I! 11 t e URGENT NEED tor' a Den-MANI~ ~ SJt\W'OO OPERATOR$. ~. housp.'ork to live-in for Day .t: N!cht S!rttt tal Al91atarit, or&! IUJ'Pl'Y GIRL. Alfredo t Katt. Etc. &Q.&i ,. l'OUn& lady must ha...e aood for tro,y coffff shop ofc. X•Rl.Y ao, a muat ~Marine .Av. B&L 14 B~m'Y 0 PER AT 0 ft S drtvtnr ttCOl'd. Other be.lp' ~Tn9 wanted: No f o 11 o w I n 1 In home. Relemlce plouo. MANNING'S ~ ~~ --JD~. EXP'D. Onellem, ft ar pt -.,.. l'IMl32, l1Wlm 642-.1933 ~ •><-•· -"1d. -Fuhionl lor Lor-~ HARDWAR E SALES COF FEE SHOP CaWom1a NtJsi4. 3ll Mllo me Nowpt "'""' -110 Deotal -• -· 2I0!1 El. TM> Rd. st.. SW lletd>. ( 113 I ' · Eltp. ar colJtao, lMI. ... Some experience pre:feJTad Laguna RUla 137.UIJ.4 C31-la21 ltqu&I , o-p pt 1 LIVE in Htkpr for woman j -.m I K1ra1 Rime H1nlw1,. F/C lloolck•por '54l empoi.yor. Uving -Own~ TV, MOrEL IWD wulod. .. 1146-7080 ~ tnochlno bookl<eepbw. COOICTAll. ""..., IUll llOO mo.-· . ply. 1021 Boyslde Dr . 2686Harbormvd.,C.M. btach t.m, ct.II~. time. Ben Brown'• wil'J'ii:&.OVER,21 .N~ -- -FR'(-CooK Ml!<llMi. Personnel Me .. RUlaunntaLoU.,..South Dayt.n~Ut PARTiiiiiOiOIOi a iMJiO Ma-. '""'"._ la..,. ey, :IJ!3 w ... ell!I Dt., N.JJ. Lquna. Ask lor ltoy . = ....,. baJla. F1mdble bOotn; day or nentna, tun · time. IJlS.7170. .f9&-22Tl· BARMAID. l'lllftt8. sm:ili.-64).(1972• ca!I !or lnl<rv!t.,, Marlo. S£hviltfJCEP'I' 1 ilfi of. e IWlJS · Hottl!Mo'"1-"il!n<illt beot-bu', 'pt, I 'Stdlt'f,;;;;n;;;AR_Y~iiiiddfi-~-...... -I ca!Iondtr !'Mos, IG-. tioe. ~ --· $1.15 -· Blvd., CJ.I.~ 0.,.. l'n>!ollklMI :.U.... Coll w, SOCK rr TO 'El41 blo. Alco Eltdr1< 14~ cau 611-&llO DAILY PIL01' WANT Al5S1 -- ' • I• I j l.o.. I - 11 I ~. -. I· • ( ' • • • .. :U DA11. Y l'IUIT Timdq, .ltll J5. 1969 • • • '!!!!•!::! •!!!~~~~~t~ ~~· •~·~ .....,..~~o~ .. ~i~'~ -~,.CH~A~ND~~IS~!~PO~lt~M~lll~C~HA~NO~IS~E~POlt~~~M~E~R~CH~AN~D~l~S~E~F~O~R~ MERCHANDISE POR -------1: SALE ANO TRAD& SALi AND TRADE SAU! AND TRADE SALi AND TRAii& FREE TO YOU , twit Want9!1 ''~' Men, Wom..-7500 HotNI , 1110 S1llboat1 9010 PETS ood LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION w..... 7400 Fumltvrti I IOOO Futnlture -~ m:rcuM"lltUN IOOO ' Ml"'t.hmeous l600 AN ln~lp~. ti fl."' 11 r u I VENTURE 21, Pulp!!, Ult 1---------lcQr haittd cat named Sam S Yft old ftKlstend hall llrn, mc1cp11, n.Jli. dd. dac e RBIBll'S e ' Costa Mesa NOW INTERVl!WINO -WAITRESSES- Apply In per'°" 1555 West· Adams, C.M. Experirnad • • WAITRESS • • HOSTESSES Apply In pe~n REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Bt1ch e e !:XPER.tENCEO -TELLER- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK p, · , WAREHOUSE SA' LE!. NEW DISCOVERY.,,,.. (lheloanll!\N-•lo,,_ .Vab1eldl11t.cbc1lnu~f"" ..n.+dubJlb,cbaln/sall ¥tf men hair acaln! Not a 1.._ home.' c.an Mn. 8~ feaPonally trained, ctnUe, locker, mah ca~. Jil.ps 4. • Pl~ ~I.ant « e:c-man. ~ bltwHn g lovet .ChUdttn. MOD. See at Evtt 714: S6-Q4D remter . Out 6,000 ft. W•rehouH Open to 'Public F irst Timer pensbalrpl~ ~~ft, ourr lllJW •• m .• s p.m. 7115 Lelturt World . Stable. or }'IBERG~ :ll' ~1-h, 11 .... ~ UVUI tl'alt$pattnt ca!J 4~'f039 .,....,... r-PRSO~Nn SPANISH -MEDITERRANEAN ~~w:1an~~uC:C: 1f1~~~~~1 ~~""',,,,_"'· "'Pa'"a,."' ..... "'1>"--.,.~.~bGd.-,-,.-,~-... -n: ~;.!nlli!~il!~= ~~: A_!INCY 3 ROOMS $HOWIRfO~t:UR'NITURE~ -~~'{!~":n'i'=.•e111ldJ.eo.••;r.. .'J-~ ""'!· 1'7~7'&1-~.;,.,.~TRY SI 000 I . LOW AS 539' i&'I N. Tuatln on..,. ""'-· ,._ lo ,,,. "it" LI nt k 1840 ;-LYING JR.Rc'4Y lor col· .u •. !l'tll st. , .. ,. M-. ... _t 1104 I. 17th St. santa Ant 5474721 FEMALE Order Duk Clerk 5377· up 1-tinimWTI l y e a r ex- perience taking orders. Typeo 40. WUJ pay more tor top notch girl. . Gon'I Office $375 Musi have e.-:pet'ience In 1illn&, light ~. some ollice background. VG Ue • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • 9 • 9 5 633--0431 ' habrkn. 6Wl956 aller S y oc legeraelo1! 1700. Will l<ade EXAMPLES ............................................... PRICES. * AUCTION * pm. 1111 ALFALFA .HAY for Kilo 'in .qua/ '"""· 5 P iece Game Sets Wrought Iron' from .......................... $59.95 · • DUTCH BW:k ~ Bl"",..,. $2 IS Boio,-$47 Ton c"''"'""""'""=~~=--,-.,-,-I 8 Ft. Decorative Divan & Love 8eat .....•..... • .....•...•...... $149.95 1l' you•wtn &el.I or buy blta. Oranee County Fait • 637.4&43 • ll' KITE No 668 wl trailer 60'' Heavy Spanish Coffee Table ...............•••. ,., .......... $29.95 Aue£:= ~:~·p.m. :in':a'°:'bft'c~:.•1 ,: F: TRAt;\ISpORTATION $800. * 847-5529 Large Matching Lamp Tabl es ....•..••.•.•.....•............... $19.95 w· d I A t" B Supervisor. Or Mr . Decorative Spanish Lamps from ..........•.......... , .....•.... ,14.95 in Y s uc ion •m Fitzpatrick. 646-4626 7117 loita & Yachts 9000 9020 Power Cruisers ----------Guaranteed Box Springs or Mattresses ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . ... , .... $19.95 Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'L w Jo'T. Couch a.na female 15 Year Guarantee, Quality KINGS & QUEENS 2075% N<WPOprt, O! ""686 poodl• dog full "°"" AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS!! WESI'ERN wagon, wheel miniature. 10745 Momin& SCRAM-LETS 28' TS CRUISON, v--0,;vos: , SIS tanks. SACRIFICE! ~12 or 548-2.Sa4 STACKS tt AND *** STACKS of Mat tresses to Choose F~om type lighting fixtures; 2 Glory Circlr, 1'' 0 u n t • l n green naugahyde ~lnlrcg Valley. CEdln&er and A d F •+ cbj.irs. Doors, window. Euclkll. 7117 ANSWERS 's~peed-S~~~=~=.t=,=903~0 1 Pp rove urn1 ure Ailltldal fl<>..,._ "'1>l•BEAU'P al"...O mal• bloo! Mldway-Gourd-Fab'y-bookca.se. CaU to 11ee cocker. Free to qua.I home ,Mlsha.p-HOW TAR (Be · C la M · between 5 and 9 p.m. Housepet. Cple or 0~ Aslunr a ~n he-r agr en ID os esa over 12 years) • Banlt or Use wedtda,ys or a 11 yt1 me child. 5J2-380l after 6 Pm Is !Ike buyi.rc a used car. Hugt 6,000 sq. ft. Warehouse at: Our Store Charge weeke~. 642-3526 7/,~ The speedometer's bttn aet Terms . 2065 Charle St~, Costa Mesa HEAVY ~. ~ ,,.,._ • Plan ""'uty ro~Uller. 3 FREE To q\lal:, home. Lov. But you cAn't tell HOW 548 9660 Behind Harbor Car Wash Open 9 to 9 Daily speeds forward..~ reverse. Shep. mix. Spa.yed female FAR. • E t H 'It Be d Excellent condition. For gentle ideal house ,.1 torJ ..,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii n er on am1 on or rnar Sun. 10-5 tf Sat. 9-6 A&le or trade for front' throw adult' or older ch 11 d . DAVID L. FRASER .. ~ lawnmo~·er, POWer edger 548-0813 7/15 30• Rawson Sloop JOBS & EMPLOYMENT • and/or ? 642-5488 2 IDENTICAL. kiUcns, one Extra clean; Extras plus? Furniture 8000 Pi1nos & Org1ns 8130 INTERNATIONAL Stainfess young mother must have a Hinged mast, late model. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 steel folding wheel-chair, home. l"m Ill &: can't keep Inspect & offer. OVE R·STOCKED MUSIC CENTER like cew $1~ Columb;a Loop thorn. 646-7971 1/I7 Call• .Chuck Avory e Credit fi1UST Sell! Leaving for Europr. 19' Jet Drive spcE'd boat. 427 hp, seats 8. COllered ~-Fife enclne Red wl ' chrome. Just purchased for $500'.l. Best offer . cweT $3900, includt's full canvas covers & big trailer. Cati 645-2564, Dover Shores, Na for appt, ID 1tt ii! 19' Johnson surfer, 210 Oli1C ;nboard/outboard eng. All fb&ls, convert. top. 85 hrs. Trading up. $4600. ,8f6-22()( ' 6 Monarch Bay Plua South Lquna. (714) 499-1361 Pay<oll Clerk $520 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I NCR, payroll, computronlc HUGHES or on amp. mlr. heads to 1cm . 3424 Via Oporto, Newport Orange County amps, AC/DC. in case, like 5 ~ITI'EN·toed ktt~ens, 1 673-5252 * 494-3916 Eves. KNABE e WURLITZER new $200 968-6739 white, 4 gray A: white. Ex· Beaut. walnut !klrwr dress-CONN • FISCHER -· tra cute with their bia: feel . er, two 2-d~ commodes, KIRBY vacuum c I ea n e r 494-3838 7/17 MUST SELLI FILTHY 18' GLASSPAR $1850 wftrlr 64&-2063 abilities aalimiteC> ageaciY Quality Po&itions lor Quallfted Api)Ucanta '88 E. lTth st, Strite 224 Costa Mesa 642-1470 Clork-Typi1t $450. Type 50 wpm, knowfedge of rttOt'd keeping, good ap. pea.ranee .. O>. pays the fee Calao fee jobs), cal Loraine ¥etcbar.t1 ~rsonnel AgeD- cy, 2043 Westclilf Or., N.B. 64.>2770. . Jobs M,n, Wom. 7500 ------- ASSEMBLERS One or more yean elec- tn>-mecbanicaJ usembl,y _.,._tncl __ erlnc. C•ll PtrJOnnel Dept. (714) 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. Leguna Beach Equal opportWUty employer THE Newporter Inn NEW M1r lne Rest•urant OPENING SOON W•ihirs &. W•itr•sHs Exper. semi -continenlal restaurant s e r v i c e n~. Please contact P.tr. JalDl'.!'I Demato, Wed. thni Sat., 2 pm lo 4:30 pm. ll07 Jambo- ree Rd., NPwport Beach. &«-1700 ext 553. newpmt . personnel agency experience. ExceUent OE>" portunity to advance. Gi<I Frid1y $476 Someone familiar with con. structiOn field. Wil be scheduling shipment o f equipment. Compute but not do gross payroll. NCR Proof 9P""!!.".l.~ 6 months cxpe:1ieru..-e on NCR 450, will train il yau have ~ o o d NCR back· ground. NEWPORT BEACH Has a requittment for a W ANALYST \Vith experience In metall- urgical specimen mount· ing, sectional polishing. Mw;t be able lo pe_riorm microhardneu measure- men ts. HUGHES- NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue NeWport Beach, C•lif. EquaJ opportunity e:mploy.11r M/F F/C Bkkpr to $600 Will be doiJl&: quarterly reports. trial b a I an c e , financial stateml!nts. One I--------- year basic ace o u n ti 11 c tnlning. FRY COOKS hdbrd & framed mirror, all Rentals-Teaching-Sales w/attach, polisher. XLNT FREE To qual. home, 2 for $1TJ, New 9 pc, corner Ta~~~ ~=n~~;:~ to cond and .gua.r. p~ oU altered m.ale eels, l Russian Boats? Let us care for your Bo.t Slip Mooring 9036 arrang. choice o[ clrs. reg. 30Ulh to: balance of $39.67 ~ take Blue, 1 gray lwhile. Recent craft from stem to stern. REWARD OUcrerl for 35' $230. now n49:SO. Headbrds: G d ewer payments. Credit Dept., shot s , Owner died . Call 637-SCO or 661700. sailboat slip. litusl ha\."l" Kings, SI5, Que11ns S12.50, oul Music Company 535-7289 :>4S-1846 .7117 Ask tor Noah water & toWt>r. L 1 e . >'ull 110 SO Twms· 13 95 2045 N. ~fa.in, SA 547.()681 1 ---;u;;r;c;;;;.---·1,.'~."':!'------.:!!..'.' l~;ii~'T.;~=:;:---.,-"" "I-. • · · BARGAINS 1 Himalayan rabbil 1roe to F'IBERG D"UrV . ..., Trundle sets {duo riser) w/ JULY Is hot· but we have . USED F1.JRNITURE child accompanied by ictuJt. now in~~~plya ~;~~lso.Lc;f"P"'Spa=re=~wi:~'"~u~,-.,.,..=oc-.u Inner spring matl reg. S106, the HOTTEST buys in town. Dryers, . washers, sloves, TemaJe, good pet, likes Everything far your boat, for Carousin' I I_ T r a n s now S79.50. Rall-a-way beds Spinet, Co1JS0lo & Grand Beds, Dinettes., Desks, Cribs people. Saturday lo n I Y. surlboa.nl., car or home. World Trimaran. -40' length, w '/ inn. spring matt. reg. Pianos; new & used chests,&: Mlsc.1550 A, Su-54•3583 1115 Boa 22' "-am.Pl-•-6~- 15950 OOW 00050 Full "·'d · 0 -'I o-t resin special now only ~ _, '~'"' • , ~. . s:r.. D4I win rgans -.. on perior C M 64&-9188 aleeper·$0fa reg. $239.50, no\v sale at really HOT prices. ' · · DON'T Answer this ad ii $3.95 gal retail. Wind an' SUP Space needed im- $169.50. New bcds: King WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO * f'C?R SALE: Living ~m you're supenstitiota. Pure Sea, 1737 Superior, C.lil. mediately tor 28' Chris. $99.50, Queens, $89.50 ' FUll 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 furniture, Frost-~ relrig, blk Halloween kitten Jrec.1 ;;;";,..'-""''""':;.;;;=.,,...~~-'--Perm or temp. 673-1397 . t49.50, TWi.ns ,$39.50.' fµlly_ :HAMMOND _ Sleinway _Ya·,.~ recoi,;te:. '61 VW. 675-2160 aft 6. 7117 '67 GLASSPAR Ci I at i 0 n. FOR Ren~: 14'6" x :\8' U-Slip g1,1a;an. King·stze spreads. maha. new,_ u.sed pianos . · , 3 ·WvABLE liger sniped Jnboan:kiUlOOifil. ll'.l Mere. C4-way tie). Yeirly, "Sltll. choice of clrs. reg $20.95, of all makes. Best buys in 50 gal show tank, 26' Ar· kittens. l brown, two grey. Cruiser )Vlth powt>r jet & month. 673--6880 1io1v $12.99 SIESTA SLEEP So~Clllt. right here. rowana, w/ complete ac-Weaned .c. trained. 7 wks power . trim. ru1 cover. "22"·"oo=AT..-"'•-.,JS"'-,,m"'o<rr=ing"°,I SHOP, 1927 Harbor Blvd, CM SCHMIDT 1'IUSIC CO., cess. $125. Day! 635-8391; •-''-c·~· ""-ii"-';c· """-~--Ready tO' enjoy. 1\ 11 Newport Beach. SPANISH 1997 N. Main, ~vcs aft 7 pm 545-4619 15 MOS old female puppy, 'malnle.o.iance records. l •536-1782* Santa Ana 8 CUSTOM.•. u r lboard part te1Tlcr, part -k·<. -'.,".,""~'·,c.KI~6-4~4"'4<;....,_=~ -~~~~-~~~~1 MEDITERRANEAN _,., ....... " ,, SLIP Avail for 40', rigbt on perfect 0011u1t:ion; 1 ~ar old \\"bite \Vflan. t"'ine tor 16'7" BO. STON Whaler. 55 hp Coast hwy, u:;: J mo. call M Shown in model homes. VOX Jaguar Organ, l..ikc $50. 847-6591 oh•'ld''"· ~· ~,, 1!17 H 11 • -I ~ "··1 $500 \" I t I ~ o_me 1 c ""yc eng, trailer, 67~2717 3 Rms of furn, (din nn, !iv new. \.AJ:I • ;y PO ba ,,. Mn, & bednn) priced else-Sacrilice, &aini to coUegc, NEW RT Bch Tennis Club 2 S\VEET Killens, ready lo 1l tank, 2 long-range gas I ;========~I where at S895 ls yours loclay 84740711 ~~il~rme~=· $400 or live with you; ~'caned. 1 tanks. Many extras. Boat-'I' •cht at only $439, Easy Credi! WANTED s 0 er. aft 6 beige, 1 IJ'Y/wht. 545--4592 S2Bia 675-4835 Ch1rter1 9039 Terms. · SPINETS & GRANDS KlNG Size foam rnattreu &::---------28' Convtd. whale boat, nds 1----"-----'.;;c.. Santa Ana Furniture 636-3620 ' box spring!!. Exc.ellent Con-KITTENS: Plure white fem \\Tit, S1350lbes1. Randy * Jo~inest Selection. Po~·cr I: •-\" 'lh St San A dilion. 5-IS-2573 KJITENS: Pure whll, fem,' Baldwin, Da\.•ey's Locker Sail. Skipper optional. For ._. • . ., · ·· ta na PIANO WANTED 673-1-434 or Iv mess. brochure can ~8-4191 ~-jil7PB~r-noo Top·wall!r.permanent;-hono '~-"---' __ 547~·0._.7~"=----=---(213') 811-1034-Pvt Party JtE4!GCISOR _Ell_·te. Used malt', rusty fem. J9ng & z23F· ;_SL~ICK~r~D ·"" ~°"''"'"·=~;;; I ·'='""'""'""'""""'==="' ~ "-.,.,, I .... ~ I: !! Wttks. S15.. ·shorrflan-.-13&-"4493 -7/15 ~-·-6'.JV -..... est, and working conditions MT. Airy table, 6 chn "150. , ll ...,., HP, fntereepter, Volvo out. Mobile Homes 9200 Type 45, general office in area'a leading restaurant. Bullet K'Al Teak finish Television 1205 Ca ;;l<U-4518 TO Qualliied home beaut., drlve; recent o'haul. 2 dut~. \Vill train on nine Apply 9 am to S pm for in-pecan. 2 years old, cost ----"'------70 YDS beige nylon carpet. intell, fem. Genn Shep 9 Bunk!i & head. Xlnt cond. GREENLEAF PARK line PBX. terview at $2179. Walnut lamp t&b1e RENT OR BUY You remove. Bargain. $70. mo!!. AKC, shots 645-&13 846-1269 in clear, clean, COOi Costa ,., '''NING'S ~· ~ COLOR TV 64.>-0lll aft 6. 7115 ~19;:•:,c;1.,::.1nm~.~221~~<u-.~;,-· -,.-m--Mesa. New 92 space adult ...J Motel Mgr. lo $200. Plus apt, utilities and laun· dry lor older couple. Light mainlenano! tor man, .front desk tor woman. MALE ""'" $9 Month Up CARPETING SO yds mohair, 9 LIVES -Plciu;e save them! pletely overhauled, m!w top ::ledM:3~!!. ~~ ~~ COFFEE SHOP G1rag• Sale 8022 ALSO bel1;:c. r.ood grade. Clean Sm. tcn-ler/collie bl"N'd & full cover. 2 live _ bait to 6 PM. 24001 El Toro Rd. .. STEREO-REFRIGERATORS Sl .SO yd. &42-6ll5 pups. 6 wits. S4s.-.6934 aft 6 sarks, A-1 cond. ACCENT A10Bll..E Lels~World LaiWlaHills ANTIQUE Table!, com-WASHERS OR.DRYERS ·•• p.nl. 1111 $2825 6'ia-6595 837-1014 modes, butter churn. o~oN TO BUY Misc. W•nttd 8610 FEMALE German Shepherd HOME SALES .-~, *NEW 8"' d'""hy or1"11::. 1750 Whittler Ave. BEAUTICIANS secretary, buffet. love seal, S43-4539 6 yrs old. Auburn color good .,. .. .., ......, Cnsta Mesa 714: 642.1350 oval pie. frames & miscl. watch dog & good with Factory: 2llT S. L.YOn st. Be your own boss. Rented Sa ta An I w 11pace. Reasonable. 847•9164 176a1 San lilarino Circle, • WE PAY MORE children. 837-5074 7/15 n a nr. amer & LAGUNA Bch Mobile home 1-==="'=="'===o=o I .!.F.::. v".:·_'962-51152~"""~·~·~96~2-54~"19!.__ I MAGNAVOX Color TV, 19" CASH PRE'ITY Red and white ,,N;;wp;;:;;.I ;;frwy;;;;:.,I :,"::,.._~~~~ I 1 bdr, 1 ha. Beaut vu ocean • l School1-ln1tructlon 7600 FINAL CLOSE OUT 1P'250"•. b64lc~12803'"an'y1tlmd, ,asking male kitten 5 mo trail'll'.!d. SNOWBIRD No. 41.ll fg hull, '" lil.ntnsF .• =, Cst High. ' · ,,. new board. $350. Glasshop.. wey -. .., . Hall seal!, ~. occ. ta· _ Fl'ei! to iood home. 1• . hy , ;;;--:c;;,-,..,,,""°.,.,-=~-1 bll'.!ll $2.9, bric-a·brac S1·4, HI F . &. S 1210 835--0J"74 7/15 per ding wioars, $200. 10 x 55, l BDR. unfurn. awn-. Special Suinmer Rates CENTURY HOUSE AN· :.;:·-:,:•~.;;,:t•:;r:,:eo=;,,,,...,.,;. PUP ES Used 1 season. 673-1901 ing. skirting, coolrr, shed. for Typing •kill improvement TlQUES 2134 Newport Blvd, MARTEL FAX 600, .M1-FM; For fumiture, appliances, Pl ' lather ~rm 17 l'ilITCHELL Cabin Cruiser Adult park. 7766 Bristol. C?i-1. (daytime only), Call NONA c.M. 642-STlO l.fPX stereo tuner &: colored .TV. pianos, organs ~~~~: 5La&b 7Retn~v-60 hp, McCulloch eng. Very TRLR Spe,ct, 8x40 or sniatJ. lnsurinc. Salff HOFFMAN =EV°=Eil.;,.,:YTH=,;,IN:;,C~m-u-st-.,.-,.-1d amplifier 100 W. Garrard and antiques. 642 3570 , ll·~j16 clean. Sl400. DaY!'> 537-871.7 er, $55. aCl'OfiS tr bch, )'TS Manoger. $1o0 wk ""Ulr Newpo<t b Jul 25 u . 1 00 tuntable • SL95. Empire 888 Day or night · &: after 5, 539-3377. !~. N.B. 548-7U9. • School of Bus iness Y Y · rumat 1 · TE cartridge. Speakers 636.3620 2 FREE Smoke rolored long PIL1S bonus, plus OV!'ITide. Stamp collecUon S200. Plus Cal. 1100 compact 3 ha.ired kittens. 6 wks old, 10' CUSl'OM built Pram Tl' sips 4. fully furn. like Able to take over as staff ~ Dover DriVe 10 years of good junk. Daily w/waJnut case. $300, $700 "w"ANT==E=o~ .. ~,-----.---~.,-.,, housebroken. 847.1493 eves dinghy. Ideal shore or· bay new. Hl'.!t't''s inexl)('nsivc liv· Newport Beach ~2-3870 2-8 1751 East Ocean Blvd., ..,. ... _. &: k nru boal. $75. 545-7617 ing, $1275 takes. 642·209tl manager. Must have SUC· L-•'-... ~ _1 nev.1. Aft 6 p.m., "94-99(2 coru-.ignmcnl, ladies, girls w e s. 7116 cessful pat~ f saJ I--..==.,.,=="""-· I ;~;;_:;;~;;;.:c"'"'.:'.~~~:;...-~~ 38' Stephens Sed. Cruis.Jr m o cs ORGAN-PIANO MOVING sale Thurs .c. Fri. 1969 SOLID State stereo, -4 quality apparel: furs, TINY Black male toy poodle, '47. Finest bit. XL N r M __ l_n_i _B_lk_•_• ____ 9_2_75 growth in P re v IO u I LESSONS Utensils, hshold items, hi fj. sµd, 4 ti;peaker audio llY"'lem casuals, cocktails, jewelry, '? mos old. Champion line, cond. Must Sell! 846-9518 employment. El Fisher, books gal=. beach in \valnut colllO!e. Take by leading Orng Cnty store. must give up. XI n I ZEBRA MINI BIKE 3'it hp Account1nt1 (2) $900 Two years Industrial ac- counting experience. Must bave degree. ementary &: advanci!d. All oVt'r iimall payment& or pay 544-9311 9:30-5:30. w/cyildm. 53t)..'800 7112 WANTED to Rent, Bay Boat. xlnl condition -licensed types of musk. Your home gear, 60ll Seashore Or. min 18' good ~-.~. J"'" s~ •--or my Studio. 544-4255 eves. N.B. cash ba1ance of $73.68. TROOP 344 will accept any PART Siamese kittens, 10 • co ..... i ...... ., uv oa * J'lll'"O<lhl Cl'\.'<lil Dept. 535-7289 camping, hiking l cooking wks. old,--4 blk & 1 tan. ,•""'AO:ugu,""~l.;i6"'~:_:;:;:,,-,---l cH~O~D~A~KA~BMa=~.,,.""'x°'1""~'-'°~""- Educational Vacation 5th Appliincn 8100 CURTIS Matltcs home en-equipment. 1161 Dorset Ln, 542-7481 1111 BEGINNlNG saillng lessons. $200 or track for 90 or lllOct grader1 • • . Sr Citizens c '' "" """' JO •-I · • r· m "' I 642-1482 tertalnmenl center, like new -·---~-------2 GROOVY Kittens tiger & •u:> o 1ns rue Jons . ..,..,. -"'°~-""'""'"'-''-·"'=;;=== Chilcoat 10 lell&On typing LADY Kenmore De I u x e S300 or bctd oiler. 646--fi316. w ANTED: OLD TOY b I a ck girls . Lo v c. _Se=k=o&hoo"'="'=l.:64;2-~7;424~== I ·- Sehl. Trial Lesson, 173 Del "·asher XLNT l'oncl. $75. TRAINS. 64.~2246 1121 Motorcycles 9300 Mar, C.M. 548-2859 1''rigidaire dryer. XLNT _M_i_s_ce_l_l•_noo __ .. ___ 1_600_ * Phone 642-0382 * CALICO Kitten, f cm a I e. Sailb~_!s 9010 SOUTll Coast Sailing ir.chl. 1.."Dnd. $50. 646-6789 after CUSTOl\1 rlarlry Sportster Electrici1n $699.33 Learn to sail on 26' Raoc 3pm. \VING chair SlO: desk-drop POOL FILTER tor 18 foot &12-6!137 '1111 VJKING 20' SI o op, i1n. excellent t'ond.. n1ust sell Sloop. 64"ll33 =-=------front·, Virtue d 1 nett e, Ooughboy I WHITE long haired kl!ten, n1aculately cared tor. Best leaving for Vietnam! $900. F. ,,. KENMORE A u t o m a t ic Call "'"" C ll b ••z-ivc years experience in l -c=i====~=~-1 leaves, 6 chi's: corner desk ~336 4 wks, old, 642-3237 7117 available in lhe fl eet . a I3o ... , 3159 residt>ntlal homes. MERCHANDISE FOR ~~r. Very good con-S7: 2 dressers S7 • Slt PETS ind LIVESTOCK Choice Sl.800. Slip ave.liable. SUYlKI-80 196~ $100. 1840 SALE AND TRADE MS * 847-8115 edgt>r mower $15. Moving. FREE TO YOU ··· Sailing lessons lree to llC\\I Saniar Dr .. CM Professional Service 54&-3745 -----·--..::....::...1 t•ts 8820 owner . &tS-2629 546--0306 lo h Furnltu,.. 8000 GE A I ti \" b -"'-'-"'-------=~~==~=-~~ rt e employer J•welry Salesman · · u oma c •as e r • OZARK'S Hickory chips for ANGORA Baby kitten:1, 1 -COLUMBIA Defender 29' ·68 J<A\YASAKI 120. Gd . and th• applicant $800 up Fum\tu~ returned from dis-very gO'XI condition, $35. smoking & B·s.Que. 3 lrg·l wks. old 3 gray, 1 black. BEAUTIFUL 5 week old Exceptionally 'v e 11 . main. oond. $29.l 113 Dover Dr., N.B. play studio&, model homes, * 841-8115 lb bags $2. Includes delivery 962-4610 7117 ~l~nts1~1=768 kiltens, lained & equipped for rac· • 536-4347 e 642-3870 549-2743 E.'Cpe~ence . ~'Ot'king \.\ilh decorators cance:llaUon. EASY Washer-dryer oom· charge. Send check or M.O. DARLING killrns free to · lni;: & cn1ising. 3 yrs old. ---;~,..-===,,-- exclusive clientele Able lo Spanish I Mt'dllerTal'll'.!an etc bination: pref. condition. to H.A. Komu1aine, 209 W. good home, 8 wks old. SIA?i1ESE • Sealpoinl 12 wlu 30',~ below cost !or quick ==Wh='="="='=''=ha="'='='="'· FOOD AND BEVERAGE l deslgn or ouei design RD FURNITURE $175 or offer. 646-1361 Carlton, Ontario, Cal. 91761 ~ 7117 old. Ali.> spayed female. AU sale 646-5943 or 533--0763 INCOME AUDITOR. Mui;;t aulstance lo customers. KEN?iiORE wash c r. Ex· >K:T1frfitENE:Nisi"'i2lcnO<~ffi,-00Yl d~l-'"°~'~'J125~·~54~""~7843~=== haw heavy botd or c.ompany said they will IO 1144 Newport Blvd.,CM ce!lent c 0 n d 11 i 0 n. $35. DESKS. chn.i.rs, bookca.i;es, h b k C 11 27' SOU NG restaurant e x Pe r i e n c e much higher for top man every night 'til 9 ~ a d d i n i m a c h 1 n e ~ ' ~ r 0 e n · ;119 Dogs 1825 lmmedi•t• Delivery P!!rm. Position, good fringe ' \\led., Sat. I. sun. 'til 6 typewritcn. drafting !ables, SCHOCK BOATS benefits: five, 6-hour days, ELECTRIC Stove. xlnt cond. waate baskets. 720 \V, 17th 4 FREE Manx kittens 2 mos, ALASKAN Malamutes, (sled one 8-hour day: ?ilust be S Sbaf,IART Bar stools, large $<10. li73-2'728. 3:l5 Onyx. .S:::t;:"..:CM:;.;c·..:"="'_;'c:"..;5_~=~ old 540-2209 we're mo11ing _ doc pups), AKC. beautiful Newport * 673-:!0JO willlni to &tart at 7 am and Clerk r. $450 ck le arms. $15. Nearly Balboa Isle. VINYL TILE.Lin 01 e um, please rush! 7117 coloring, great fan1ily dogs, 1':" DAY Sailer. Complete haw car. CaJI after 10 am, Light typing:, use l~key ~:i-e.bcdinl~ch. :~Co~~ G.E. Refrigerator Mphalt Tile_ Beautiful col-3 YR. old. part-Labrador, lrie1nd1Y, loving, easy lo equ1ipn1cnt. includes onshore Satw'dpy TllE NE\VPORT· adder, some p h Y s 1ca 1 -v Double door, bottom il'l'.!f'"LCr, ors '-rxi patterns. r"'c male. Loves chi 1 d re n . Ire n. Perfect ~how dogs, Ba boa Island moor in & • F:R INN 544.rroo ext 535. labor. 5tS-239t aft 6 PM Lido Isle * 673-2559 estimales. Lie. Con Ir. dislikes cats. 962-3073 7117 good. for breed 1 0 g. _Phcoc..c,,',;-· .;,":,;0-333""-:.:'==,----I I MOTOR HOMES 9215 J:::Xt'E."R.IENCED Sc r 11 lee 5' MAPLE Stereo console, _ _ 5'16-44?8. BLACK E ~gis!ert'd purebred. Sl20 l7' O'Day Day!W.iler Station man. full time, RCA, AM·FM radio: life Antiq'ues 8110 -''---===----"Peet an 1 up. 492-3573 Demo $1750 -Used $1350 HEADQUARTERS time Diamond needle. Xlnt ---''-------~ CARPET Cock-a-poo. 2 yr.; old. 220311-=-.~="'"'7===~ pennanent. Hourly wage + Drepery Installer nd $225 S4G-6279 GENUlNE JennyLind spool Shags, lweeds. hl·lo pile. All Puente. Cli1 7/15 FOUR MINIATURE 14' O'Da.y u.sed ........ S500 commi11skln. 01r.."rllme pay co • · coloN. tl'ee est. Lie Conlr. SMALL --. . va<·ooty 0 LASSIE PUPS-AKC 1'Un Zone Boat Co. Balboa alter 40 hrs. 990 E. Coast & Siles $650 NEW Bdrm set, Queen tiize, br.d. Olher antiques lnclu· "'"~·~ SI 1 nd"S H NB triple ~r Ir frame mlr· ding glassware, etc. 326 V~c· MG-4478. g hr u b be t y YoU dig 1Cl 11. llet!p doi:s. 6 wks. CAL 28 full equipped, race or "'1·· · -Sharp young man with $500 Will 8Cll $296. Also new h:lria, Apt A, CM bet\vn 9-8 Quality king bed, quilted, 673-8944 ' 1111 Wl be 16" tall at mo5t. cn1\1C. SIS radio. WiU con. BUS DRIVERS sales experience and in-dual bed get wl walnut tblc PAI Complete, unu.~ $98; worth CM.mp 1Jired. Superb? nutty sider any reasonable offer. substitute, part Orne. ten stalBng. ?itust be able to Sl!IO. 64>l04l $Z'IO After 5 or v»kndli COCKF:R Spaniel, female, & happy. Mesa Verde, C.lil. ,"';::;:11:,846-37=='';;1...,..-~~~ FOR MOTOftHOllES rnonttur posidona. $2.93 J>l!r. re.locate. l'o=='c-'c,..:..____ Antiqu~xC:iessontal Rua: 347...Q.ws , beau 11 f u I !br adult11 540-0910 ISLANDER Bahama 24' fully hr. Apply bua i&ra&:• 600 VIR'ruE dinette 9t'l & 4 .:..::..!.=-~---= ' 841-4-418 7/15 ... Irvine Avenue, N.B. 642·7007 ch a Ir s. $ 4 0. G r een Call MZ-7890 ELEC:rn.TC lawn ~w Sta. YOUNG Mother. calico, and AKC t'ei· Male Pl'.!kl~tllC 2~ii eqpd far ~ wfchoiot "~~ NCR 395 OPERATOR upho,lsl~ chair $1 5. Both 1120 cabinet IH'Wlnlt machine. SlS. 1.~ Si.1ul14'.'~4'.' kittrn. 1.2 ~·k.'\. mo. Call 54G-9896. Ne\\<port slip. 833-2837 -:- Auto Part1 Route S1 l•1 good condition. 894-2628 Sewing Machinn i~artha \Vashlngton spread Bolh hsbrkn. li73--07'Z7 7115 CATAltiARAN. Creger lf, Exoelle:nt wcdtng conditions $520. plu• comm. l.1~1Ac::RD;:;;ROCK:::;:;;;::::;M,:::a:;pl..:•::=CO_"""_ I--~~------$j, &12-f® • . f'Olt Sale Doxie puppies all glass 150 sq fl of sail, "'pa,y. Al:r lndumlea O>rp, 196/;i SINGER wiUI z.ig-Ug & 8, ""ANISll .,,, It love scat. F"REE, Fluffy kittens 8 females, ~ .. -, 15;.iO \Vfll'lr, 6'1&-0l62 1257'0 Knott Sl., Gi.rden Top salesman deali .... wilh desk • chr, 4 loldlng brdg "'alnut conrole. Jo.fakes but· =-\ ..... ,, A·-rt~ o Io "'~" ' ·~ hn M'-I •-t "'""" Alm truck ... ,. -· ~ L'\I c r !'. • "·.,.. ...,_ 1•· MAHOGANY Ent,,,......i....... ' Grove wholC!l.ale companies. c • ~mate preuurr tonhole&.detiRNelc .. $5.25 8"'""' new ......... · _l!i6l--'!~!''I0"'-----~''.''~1-;l ruwv"i.~;'2i~o;'-::-::-;;-.: -··-COLLElGE Teachtt wanta Knowled~ of e.ulo parta cooker. 844-1600 1no. or $313.00 cash. ~6 camper ~ .. Mov~ng, niust KITTENS 1 . ~ BLACK Slandatd Po o d I e P.feas~~ Raa1"""6 rquip. ~ t..bysltltt fer 2 ~ and \oolL F"(NJ: Okf Italian J::mp\rc sell! J.14.B V1ctona, C.lii. ' . ~w ~·h11e._ ma.le. 8.. O\O. Pa~rs. S12:;i $9'.lO • ..w-..•u I pm. sCtttr,. Oa.ily ll:»S:I!. M,. sofa. Excel eotwl. Sullable Musical Inst. • 1125 3 PC Lugpae SlO.. Table ~e 6 ~d need ~~ artcr S pm. 545-6586 Gl.OBEMA!bl~ Trtrnaran u ~ Start lot IM11r room or entey • irroup with lamp S2.i Size 14 · . A.K.C. Regia!J!red 1 0 y 26' all gs. A-1 cond. • Ott llSPUY TII AU mr DODGE "EXPLORER" ~~It ~~ E'ectronlc Siles ball. Appt. Call ~4 FENDER T('lecuttt Guitar tlotbes SOc-$2. M2-70t6 4 CUTE 7 °"'.k: old kilt£N. 2 paodle!l, feml!lle 7 wks. old _ All extras. $TIOO. 642-9980 oitAPEiiY wo&Loom, no to $1000. LARGE.. du'orne d In et t e ~e':~h = ~ G It H OFFSET Pr1.nti11t ~4 2 blk & ~~~ sil11er. 536-C240 30' Tahiti ketch $2,200 =:':.:':'1111 ';.,!~ txp. nee. FUR Ume ~ 1*ble Ir: I matching chain. Bufict darinet pS Cornet Cdltcount on order 200 A: over I ' srRINGr..n. Sp&.niel pupplc11 SAC. AS JS. 669 So. St . Malo, ~-.11 .... ._ 11353 Arm•tnina: Ave, Dqree plus experience \n Veey tood condlUon. Call $5. 675-40)2 · 117 I-I Rive.rtlde, NB 642-00~ 1 WK old female puppy, adoarblet AKC hunt ar W. Covinl. l,131 79.>.oo69 eWJ ·"'-' ••rle. t• '"'· n r"OOf. lrvtnt. ~ m8J'ktllnc. aocounUng or 648-4063 anytime. C •• pl! BATIERIES 6 v s4.95 o. 12 mJ:ocro breed. Free to goad show, sso ea. 54&-2-120 •SABOT* n root, r •u111 r111 ... 11c. SAtiiLl\DY wal\tfd ... ftw' ac-finance, with ~ckKround Quality klfll: bed, quUl«.'d, ~ITte'm·-, &~ho f~1"", .. _!:_.~-V $5.95 ex, g\lar. lS mo. Pa.y home. '42:¥61 711.5 --•• 1 - 13 - 0 New flberglull mast w/sall. 1111 •• "'""""'' C•lort. oemal')' uJet. mc, prerd. in elec:t:ronics calea. -! O'Hnp•te. untbed $98; .... wth 8(:~1. Offer.! '642-~1"'"""'"'· $L25-old bAll. 540-!J900 FREE Gray, MU Slamc11e Horset SU't. 6T.>-«i75 , ... 1 Bel.la Home ru:rnWdno, mo. Atta 5 ar ••lrndJ • ('?UITAR LESSONS 3 GR.Alf' ZEPPELIN mfnt killens S4l-4252 7115 PALO~flNO Rfi<11n,.-by 1 .. ~ .. .c...,ct=1p°'p~, ... ~~C~L-A~S s • 'I • Ut19!Jrv1M;MB. !«!hM'. •l!!!!••!!!!!!!!""'!i!!!!!!.1!"~1~--0406[:!~~~~~~~1 _ atamps. 2 lOTTEN'S, 3 met'. old. To pfl11ate <M'nr. 'f1tek MJlboal. 01~p~ • ' "Kid'-~ .,_;on,. -OAn.Y P1LOT WANT ADS! 4.'J.t.67liU * &4fl'621S + pxl hom~s. "'4·lta.1. 7/U aVJiilablf if nttffed. C94-091f _.,. ~ + · ._ .... _ ----~~------------"'~~--------~------------~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~ . ,_ 11m. m .. 111 Iii• """· °"' lil>lll•. 1 aft S pm. • ·, _.__ -- • '63 FORD n 100 .&·0.•f h•rdtop, Vt, •11tom1tic tr,11uft!n lo11, p•w•r Jt,1,!119, r,ow9r •rtktt. rt•l•, h1•f1r, lfl'Ul11111 t!INlll• •• twiflt •• ,.~1 .. , ~11·•·· •••'•· lie. No . KSN 925. • '65 T·llRD C:OUPI VI, eulem1lic lr1n1miuio11, f1c:lory 1ir con· ditioni119, /.ow•r 1teeri119, pow1r br1k11, power wi11 owi, pew1r 1•1+., '•dlo, he•l•r, •kil1w1tl1, 1il••r ml1f fi11l1h with 111etch!n9 int1rior. lie. No. NNT4Jl. StJ775 '67 TOYOTA '65 CORVAIR COUA COUPI 6 cylinil•r, • •P••d, ''die, h,.l,,, l ie. No. PIX 962. 5975 I " DAJl.Y PILOT J.i fltANSilORTATJON cit!ON oF NIAloHIW •it n..iriM CARs1 'JeHNS&M ' solll t\IRNJ' ovER TH fXEOUtlVE CARS AND IMOS M ~ --~-J~E9 NTLY TH . DOU T E AVERA ' DEA 9900 ·-• l '67 T•91RD IAlllMU ~I, f1tfi111•tlt tr1111111lttl•11, ftCfff'Y •It Cfll• •!•lt11ln•\ 1.•w11 1tt111n,, l'•WAr WtkM, p6'wtr win 0 ... 1. powtr •••h, redlo, ~iet1r, whiltw1U1, "i11yl top, 1ltr1e t•pe, cle1p blue melelHc fini1/i wilh mefchin9 Interior. l ie. No. nw 041. '64 OLDS 88 FIESTA 9 l'AISINGER STATION WA•ON VI, 1utom1tic tre111ml11ion, feclory eir con• ditio11i119, pow1r li•erin11, po••r br1~e1, r1dio, h1•f1r, Arc:lir; Whit• fi11i1h with bl11• "inyl i11l•rior. Uc. No. HCA 217, '1375 '65 BUICK SkYLAll 2-Door h1rdtop, VI, •11!0111•lie fr1111111ioio11, power •*•tri119, redie, h•1!1r, Ailee Gold fi11it h with m•tchl119 htl•rlor. Uc. No. NII "' 51275 USED CAR DEPT. 540·5635 4T Wf/~~::a"rs~~~~i .T~~"' NO:f ANO SAVfl 1966 ·H;RD .10.J&a..•011+. •an .. · 1 Llll•~· llBllll~iL. lillll!lll••n·••·u~. ·····••t•··-- ' ' • ·: I ) .. l I l I • I 1 j 1 . . ' I l • • .... --. . ... . , . . , ' DISC·o ·u ·NT ;PRICES AT FAD, THE FAMILY DISCOUlll SAVIN.GS CEtl1ER1 YOU WILL FlllD HOllESl•TO..GOODllESS . DISCOUlll PRlciS --EVERYDAY . OF THE W:EEK - HUNTS e NO. 2Y, CAN e SAVE 1<c 19-WHOLE OR HALVES e YELLOW ,. CLING PEACHES SPRINGFIELD . SAVE 12c 26c '12 GALLON CONTAINER Ll9UID BLEACH GIANT SIZE LOAF 3100 ALWAYS FRESH e SAVE 26c ~. • WONDER BREAD '"Ni(• ·4C FAVOIUTi · ·lb CUT ••• Sc lb. CASABA -·MELONS FULlOF IC FLAVOR ' lb. HORMEL e 1 0 SERVINGS 12-0UNCE PACKAGE All Meal 49c WIENERS • BRIDGFORD • .'1"x7" PREMARKED 69c • COASTAL e ; FLAVORS FROZEN e 6-0UNCE CANS FRUIT DRINKS '. : FUUY 59 COOKED HAM c iiiTaiioi CAiLI 35• • CONTESSA • YOOt CHOICE e ·32.Ql.INCI 100 or SHAMPOO 17' CRIMI RINll . " IA TH· OIL REG. 1.1~ · MOUTHWASH "• REG, 1.19 • 14-0UNCE BOTILE 7• 9c LISTERINE --. PATRIOT e SIZE "D" FOR 1 O' lONG LIFE e FLASHLIGHT M BATTERIES REG. 25' ' ( 1 .. ' . . ' -. . . " 'rRICES IFFEtllVI WEDNESDAY . th{ll TUESDAY JULY 16 . Jbr11 .JU.LY 22 RO STAMPS,· 110 WIES, 110 81111cKS, ·-JUBrEYERYDAYl:OOISTDllllrPlflCES-·. -. PLUS 4 STAR SPECIALS. --__.. ___ _ -· • -~- ' • f • • '