HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • - .Transpac· Protest Claini . Denied ~y Guard Pilot FRIDAY AFTERNoOt-l, JUi:Y--'18, :1 96~ r .. • U,.IT~ll SPRING ON MOON -·Charlie Merrilleld; 11, a Seabrook, Tex .. neiShbor of Apollo 11 astronaut EdWin E. Aldrin, .uses some bed spnngs to de111onstrate his theories on what Aldrin might find when he steps onto moon's surface. A.Jdrin will be second man to walk on lunar &urface, if all goes as pfanned. · Astronauts May Not Rest Before Taking Moon Step SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -An Apollo II flight director says "the pGssiblllty exists" that man's first slep onto the moon may come sooner than ex- pected. "We have no reason to .change the plan at the present time," Eugene Kranz said Thursday night, however. AstTonaut Neil A. Armstrong is scheduled to ease out of Apollo tl's lunar landing craft at 11:12 p.m. PST Sunday and step onto the moon's surface nine mirwt.es later, at 11 :21 p.m., afler a scheduled four-hour rest period. .Another flight dir~tor, C 11 ff or d Charlesworth, said the scheduled moon wait by Annstroog and astronaut F.dwin E. Aldrin Jr. cook! be advanced as much as 3~ boors if both crewmen felt the rest perkkl would not be useful. "You won't be able to decide that until arter you get there;'' Charleswortlt said. .. J rouJd hope the chances are more towird the way we planned. If they can rest, w~ ~ouk! prefer that." Kranl said the moon walk could also be advlnctd by a problem with the landing craft. IUCb as a slow orygen leak, whfch waula force them to return to the orbiting ..... 1111111tfill'1 llnt llll•111t-r · cpmmand ship sooner than planned. An eat!ler-than-scheduled lunar walk would leave the astrooaW with an opUon o{ relurning to the mother ship early. It wOIJ!d not allect Apallo ll'1 scheduled Thunday splubdown In the Pacific. What Day Is 'Moon Day'? Becluse of the time differtil1ial belw,.. thU\lesi.Coa.ll and lhe rest ol the. United States, Moon Day is apt to be dl!ferent in the two areas: Sunday, July 20 In California, which is on Pacific time, and Monday, July 21 over the rest of the 11aUon. 1'he lunar landing is scheduled at 11:21 p.m. Sunday in California and the Pacific . Daylight Thne tone,. 39 minutes befort rnldnJ&bL EI-"ere the landing Will come ·wly oo Mondi)' momln(, '°"' the confus.ion of "Monday, Moon Day." It will occur at 12:21 a.m. ~onday in tho Rocloy Mountain areas (and Arhona), I :21 a.m. Mondi)' In lhe Midwest, and 2:21 a.rri. on the Eut Coast. But no mat~: everyone In the naUon will be seeing the same thing at the tp.me lime, no matter what thf clock or Iba calendar 1ay1. • VOL. a, MO. 111,, 11 liCTIOflS. 4o1 PAell ----~ . .. ~-----' .. '--s---~ ea Soviet Luna ' ' 'No Threat' -To Apolto 11 SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) Hussia assured lhe :un11@ States today .· after a personal telephone call from U.S; aitronaut Frank.Borman that its Luna 15 satellite.'.. would not interfere with Apollo It's flight to land men on the moon. But the Soviets did not say what their spaceship's mission was. "Col. Borman was informed tliat the orbit of Luna 15 woUld not intersect published trajectories of Apollo U at any point and that he would be informed U any change developed," the space agency said In a statement. There was no clue, apparently, as to whether the Russians-intended Luna 15 to land on the moon, scoop up lunar material, and try to beat Apollo 11 back with it, and Borman said be did not ask at a later news conference. "Your guess is as good as ours at this point," said the American astronaut, who recenUy completed a 10-day visit to RllS!ia and)ts space installailons. Christopher C. Kraft.. Apollo fllgi1t operations dlrector, who also appeared at tile Jlews conference, said U.S. space 0£· ficlals L'i>u!d·only "gueMlimate" what the Russians were doing .• "Probably they are doing a step by step program just as we would do." · Kraft said he assumed Luna 15 would leave lunar orbit, UlUmatel}<' and cortJe back to earth. He-said ·tbe Rlwlan spacecraft was lo an or.btt ranging 83 le J'll mil~ above .the tnoOn, based on Soviet figures. · Apollo 11 ast r ona u ts Nell A. Annatrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins ·were three quarters of the W~.Y to the moon, when the IP8Ce aaency sald it was reJeaain& a 1!.Very ~t" ~te- ment on LUna II. · 1 • Luna 15 wu already In orbit around the moon'amid wortdwide speculaUon It we a "moonacooper" craft intended tp take some of the luster off the American achievement The Russians told Bonnan Luna 15-was (See APOLLO, Pafe I) • Goard Pilot Testifies C:laim Against Passage , In -Transpire . Rejected By Ai.MON LOCKABEY DAILY.PILOT aMllftt l.iMr HONOLULU -A U.S. Coast Guard pilot testified Tbunday that when heDew over the Windward Passage in the last two days of the Transpacific yacht race the ~foot ketch wu at or near the posi- tion it bi.d last reported. This appeared to have shot down the protest of Bla~'s skipper Ken DeMeuse that Bob Johnson had falsified Wlndward Passage's posiUon during the last three days of the race, leading DeMeuse and Jlls crew aboard Bla¥in to Hello, Moon - This Is Nixon · In White House WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon will talk to the Apollo 11 astronauts on a twt>way television hookup when they set foot' on the moon, the White House announced today. "He will speak on behalf of lhe American people from his office," press secretary Ronald Ziegler said. Ziegler said the idea of the twf>.way television hookup originated with the Na· Uonal Aeronauti cs and Space AdministraUon (NASA). .believe the)" Well comfQ.rtably ahead. Johnson hlmsell teotllled at the protest hearing: "I don't claim to be inlalllble as a navigator but I certalflly never know- ingly gave a false position." The race protest committee ruled there was "no evidence" that Johnson falsified hi.! position. Giving a false position is a violation of the "s pi r 1 t of ·the rule" in tbe Transpacific race, primarlly for safety reasons. In some races, skippers and navigators have been known to give false positjons to mislead a_~ _ DeMeuse claimed that on the basis of plotting poslUon reports during the last lwo days of the race he was coovinced Blackfin was some &O to 80 miles ahead and the crew did not drive the boat ao hard because of being down to the last two spinnakers. Blackfin 's crew was celebrating the winning of the boat for boat battle as late as 30 minutes before Windward Passage boomed across the finish line to set a new elapsed time record. "You can imagine the gloom that set· tied over Blackfin when someone spotted Windward Passage ahead and only a few miles from the finish," said a Blackfin crewman. The gloom aboard Windward Passage had evaporated. earller in the afternoon when Blacklin was spotted saWng out of a squall line ·off Molokai Island several miles astern. Until then, the Windward Passage crew had been convinced that ' they were behind. The Idea was tben discussed with television network representatives in Washington. Ziegler said at no time did the White House make a direct request · for television Ume for: the Pruldent. ·Johnson must survive one more protest session today when he answers charges of Ralph Phillips Jr. that Windward Passage made con~ct with hia: 34-f~ E.sprtt at the start of the race. "nle~ were several. minor collisions on the starting line, but because of light wind conditlom there were no damages. Nixon plans to devote much of Sund8.y evening to watching the mooon voyage vta lelevlsloo. With him wilt be Col. Frank. Bonnan, the Apollo 8 astronaut who ii acting as a White HOUJe llalson man with NASA. It'll Be. Business as Usual , Most Local Firms Plan to Re~ain !)pen on 'Moondn.y' Moo\ hllalhesaes In the Orange Coul area will remain open on Moonday - Monday -whUe city and stale e m p I o y e 1 will enjoy a three-day ........ '' Pre!lident Nlr.on~ call_fot a "1>11 of. PartJclpaUon" Monday to celebrate tht tint lunar landli>I has be<n rejected by -local flrins. 8anki •nd Si•lnO and1.oan bulldlnp will remain open MOnday1 is wlll ltol'tl In Fashion Island In Newport Beach and Soulh Coa1t Plaza tn· Costa MeSI, a survey Indicated today. In o. poll talttn at ·lhe Oo111 M ... Chamber ol Commerce Board meellnc 'I)>uralfay, 11\1)11 fll'OPrlelon planned to keep storea open Monday. The BOVOl'llOl'I ol 1111!" than hall ol lhe stat.ea and clty IOVfrMM!Dll acroaJ the nation baye resPooded to Ni.loo'• cleciaraUon abd coiled Moocll)' a holiday. Laguna Boacll 11 lhe only city "' the cout tbal , has DOI clolod city olflcel Mondi)'. • II 11 poa!ble that Mondi)' rnJahl nal be Moon Day aft.er an, space oCficlais have Nld. ' -Flight ·dfrector Clifford Charlenorth said man'• lirlt wait oo the moon. may bt moved u;i from early Monday to Sun- day nigh!. But It will have no effect on the boll· day, Major lll<>ck exchanges win al!O bt closed In observation of the Apollo 11 Astronauts' scheduled walk on tbe moon. Moot bonking and lndllllltal finnl upecf... their employes to report for -k. Calll"!TILI declartd an olflclal .tato holldl)' on Monday, cloolng down all pulr lie achooll. colleges and unlversltlu u mil ., state ofllcri. South Caiollno Gov. Robert McNa~ J><OCfalmtd Moon °"' I legal holldl)', cloalng bankl and ltlle ol· fices. Mysterious Clue Hints No Suicide ' Orang• pallce tllll aftermoo·...,. ...,. ilnulng lhetr lnveatlgallon Into the myo. terious death of an attracti ve yCllitg woman whose body wu found in a car parked ln -the-city-corporaUon-yard. Officers said although there was a hose leading from the auto exhaUJt pipe to the interior. they are not saUsfied that Karen L. Goorley, 23, died ol carbon mormicle poisoning' The Orange County Coroner's OUke conflmled there is a mystery element in the death of Miu Gourley, wbo •u found Thuisday night. "There is certain physical evidence that she might not have died of carbon mormicle poisoning," deputies 1ald,. They refused to elaborate further, un- til the Police investigation ts coq>leted. Investigators said they had no def- inite suspecb for a possible murder case, but were checking out several per- '°"'· · The young woman, who lived at 13112 Allard Ave., Garden Grove, was found by a city security guard at 11:17 p.m. Thurs- day. He reported the car's engine was running when be found the vtcUm. 3 Arabs Acquitted NEW YORK (UPI) -'l1utt Yemeni men accused of plotting to asw•stnate President Nixoo were acquitted Thurday. The all-male jury found the trio giillty, however, of pnsseu!Dg twg switchblade knives which were recovered when Police searched their apartment Nov. I of,Jut year. Orange Weadler Summer bu certainly arrived along lhe Coast and It Is expected to remain that way tor awhile, at leost through lhe weekend. And for beacb-loven1 there'• no be.t- ing 671legr<e ··- INSWE TODAY . County sehool1 on the t.oltolc havtn't Jared too weU with the voters thil t1tar. But Oranoc Coast diltrietl someMw bt4' thi odb. S1e how th.Iv 1t4ck up compared to tilt othm on PaQe ll. • l J --- - -----· -, ----.,__,, ... --.. s .. -. ~--:W~hi~gt~n 1 • , ~ eilOUCll to handle any fdvttlll')' 'Rivers (Nouth Carolina) ao one whlch rdoCltloo and the ·Sltlh Army ad· on itrth, tbe Amtrican military is &00.. -could go. -ministraUve beadquart:ers wi,11 ,probably den1y 11urrouricled at certain key in-The cbalrma~ of the House · Arn!e~ slay put. · atallaUons by an enemy identified as Servicea Comm.itt~ -tradlUonally mill· He said El Toro MCAS, he repeated, ls . . . taqt about protechng what belongs to the a case in point of a military stallon which civilian encroachment -and is con-U.S. defense force -Js yielding to acer-could and ~naps should be moved, sldering Conditional surrender. ta1n degree in the race of this new con-'ciUng resldenUal deveJopment a nod HOUaing tractl, drJve.ln c a f es , ce}>t. . dangers of alr cra!he~. superhighways abd other developments E1amples cited earlier this week ot A '(ighter-bomber on a Jandlng ap. are advancklc on. bases throughout the but3 occupying valuable real estate and proach three year:s-ago collided with a se- country; and tome post! may be sold and perhaps suitable for relocaUdn were the cond aJrcraft and plunged into Leisure relocated elaewhll"t. local jet and helicopter training faclllty World Laguna Rills in a fiery disaster Despite .rtpeated statements that It is and the Presidio of San Franclsco. ' which killed several perSons. ooly an ewnple1 Orange County'a El D'Jring a United Press lntertl41ional in-cOngressman Richard T. Hanna (D- Toro M~ Corps Air Station waa men-tervlew Thursday, Rivers indlcat-ed the Westminster) mad6 note of l.hls in a lioned agaln Thursday by Rep. L. Mendel Presidio may now be off limtt.s for such telephone interview Thursday as one From Page l APOLLO .•• traveling at a S).degree angle to the path Apollo 11 will follow. Luna 15 is traveling around th\! moon on~ every 2 hours 30 · .seconds. the Russians said. "U they land toniorrow momina, I'll read about it," Kraft said-The.Russians said their spacecraft would remain in moon orbit until midnight PDT Friday, but did not specify if it wool<t land at that time. Luna 15 was la_unched last Sunday from Russia and reached the mQOn Thursday, where it dropped lnto orbit. Russian scientific sources have said ~~~~~~~~~~~~---'~~~~~~~~~- __ihe_~YleLmooo..<tafLwas~ _to land on the moon, scoop up a spadeful cf lunar dirt and head back to earth, Wk· ing -to beat Apollo ll's schedule by two days. Western sources agreed ttus was a . possibility. . I , • j E_· ~ T~ro-=8.ale-llrim_or ---, realllil wily tbe Orqe County ~ came to...Jllv.era_' mlnd._durln& recent ~ · mittee· hearings. Congressman· Rivers had appointed . congressman Speedy O. Long (0. Loulsi&na) to be~d a sutieommlllee to probe the turning over ol military bases lo outllde purchatera and nolocatlng them, with sale funds. I ' 0 [ Want ' this subcoou:nittee to In- vestigate the possibility of lielilng 80mi of these extremely valuable properties and rebuilding new facilttles In l.....,opulated · areas," Riveu said. Civilian encroachment was explained to the Congressional Com.mltlee that Rivera Mother Sees Son, 5, ·Killed By Panel Truck As his mother looked on in horror, a 5-o year-old boy darted into a Balboa Peninsula Jntersection Thursday night and was killed instantly when hit by a heavy panel truck. Randy Goo4nlte, Of DiamQ.Qd BN:, died from a basal skull fracture and massive internal injuries in the 7:30 p.m. mWlap at Bay and Alvarado Avenues, police said. ~ -"Traffic -orncer-R.eed-GloSHen-saia'lhe boy and hiS mother, Mrs. Marjorie Nolan, were having a barbecue with friends at 20Cl1h Alvarado when the youngster dash- ed into the intersCcUon. Gloshen said Mrs. Nolan was sitting.in· -by ~t DefO!lBe Secretary Barry J, Sblillto. who ,.Id it generally happens in coatlal and metropoUUln areas. .r "We have always USumed U\at any resource1 needad for delwe uae -land, ·water, alr apice '.C.. -would alwa11 be available," Sblllito: aaSd. "'IntU<aU""' now -tt may be politkatly, publicly or -1ca11y Im· possible to obtain IUCll r-u... noeded for ·future milltary operaUooa, .. """llto' testified. ..,.. • The defenso aide said the perll of civi- lian encroachment could conceivably cause the involuntary loss of SO to 100 I military 1nota11at1o111 within 11 yun i not c.orrected firtt. • Dur.Ing Robert~. McNamara's term 11 Secretary of Defense, Rivers staunchJy ,battled against .the McNamara program of closing down unneeded "millWy reeervations. • His new attitude stems from Pentagon cllsclosure that the trnerlcin defemo torce faces a ntw threat besides SovJet mlasiles, Suicidal Red Chin.,. leedn and tbe so-called Domino Theory of coo- q\lest. Unlilte the othen, the newest menace fs In the heort of the homeland and looked upon as h€alµ,y In generaJ terms. ' Playing President ' •• Hunti·ngton Chaplain Gets Royal Treatment By ARmVR R. VINSEL Mr. Nixon boardi the pickup ve5Sel early 01"" 0.111 l'li.t stiff July 2tto await the historic return. A ProteStant Navy ~plain from' Hun~ Mrs. Pilrio said today that she bam't Ungton Beach today 11 being treated like beard from ber h!"band since the H'!fllOI visiting J.oyally aboafd the aircraft car· dep"artea, but was thrilled by word of hl1 strategic role in the Apollo recovery rier on which President Nixon wlll greet mission. the Apollo moonmen oert Thursday. The lieutenant 'commander, his wife Lt. Cmdr. John A. Piirto,· 317, of 9131 and their five children moved to Hun- -Madellne-Drive;-ls assigned-u~.~~Beach-about~)'ear~o._Mrs._ f the htef. u that t Piirto lS a Southland native, rai.sed in the or c ,ez:ecu ve, so wo Whittier area. per50ll~ stewards .and other crewmen . That. she said, is about the closest c~ polish their pr~~1dential manners. parallel to the life cf President Nixon and Obi Obhb Boy, boli<red ?,!ro. Nancy · his Navy sllnd·ln Pllrto today when Informed thal tbe · · lieutenant commander she saw off June .., The space age~y announcement said f::-:==~-~,•-Clllll.~· dent of the USSR Aacdemy" of Sci~~. tiald in a cable to Borman that Luna 15 w.ould stay in orbit two days. But the an- -~•!tfthe home--whtrtMe:saw~tie-­son liit. a Wo1Id War II type panel ti-uck driven by Kenneth A. Foster, 22, of l~ W. 'filson St., Costa Mesa. 26-is----mw--playing-the -role-of-the---c ,. .,. C -. ... mlh'!ii'Y's commander-lll"dllef. ivic enter c--~ "I think it's great,'' she added when the . · initial shock wore off. . . ______!'E z· • • s u.-em.ir.Pllrto-i. -.i-dtaplain .1-e evision et· -· -----oancement-di<hlot·Gy-wbether1t·woukf~ land oc;i the moon and scoop lunar material to try to beat Apollo 11 back. • Flight Director Glynn Lunney said' the American spacecraft was "right on the book" and its course so accurate that the astronauts' third opportunity to correct it would be skipped today and a fourth op- porluntty Saturday might be. "It's going as· well "1lS any mission we've ever had,'' Lunney said. Today's major event occurs late 1n .the day when Armstrong and Aldrin wiggle through a connecting tunnel into the lunar module, nicknamed Eagle, hitched nose-to-nose with the Columbia command ship. For two hours, they are to check the systems of the sJ)ldery lander. -'Ibey mainly wUl look for damage that might have occumd Wednesday during the jolting liftoff from Cape Kennedy. Ir they find major damage, they will cancel their landing plans. However. mlsslcn control ofDclals say, -chances of thb are remote. 'lbe astronauts slept well during the night, with Aldrin sleeping eight solid hcurs1 while C:Ollins logged nine hours. No Developments In Death Probe Long Beach police have found no new leads in tbe pistol killing of a Huntington Beach resident in his Long Beaeb swap •hop. "J wish we had more information," said investigadng detective Jerome Lance, this morning, "but nothing has developed." Emory Nielson, 58, of 16222 Monterey Lane, was shot to death during an ap- parent robbery of his swap shop in Long Be.acli's tough central business district July 11. "We feel there were probably three men involved in the robbery ," said Lance. "but we have no idea who we're looking for. No one can identify them." Investigation, though at an apparent blind alley, is still under way, added Lane<. IJAILI PllOI ..................... " ..... ---·-......... CAIJIOINIA OftAHO& CO.Ul "'1tl!Stl1WG <OM""'N'f ""'tft N. Wu4 """""" ... l'ulllilllrt J.c• l. c.1., Vkt ........... Wld Geltl'M MINltf Th·-· ltlttil .. w n1111•1 A. M1,,..1u ~E-1W - • --Foster-waniot cited, pob-e-e -s:a11t aboard the Long Beach-based carrier . PAILV l'ILOT l'M .. llr Dtlt """*-' Falling Out to Sea Construction pier for new Orange County sewer outfall line stretches into sea on Huntington Beach side of Santa Ana River. Sanitation plants are.at left (background). Huge natural sand.bar built as re. sult of winter stonns stands off river mouth. Newport Beach is at right. In background (right) is low-lying Banning' property. Holdup Men Get Haul After Ransacking Home Two unsuccessful holdup men bound three Garden Grove sisters and their brother with adhesive tape and ransacked their heme Thursday night. The bandits, one of whom was armed, left the place with practically empty hands. Police said the pair forced Cathy Branson, 20. her sisters, Connie, 18 and Northeast Search For Cool Means Po,ver Failures NEW YORK (UPI) -The northeast coast was threatened with major power failures today as use of electricity for air conditionel'!I and fans reached new highs io the third day of a heat w(lve. Power companies in the New York- Philadelphia-Washington are as warned Uie situation was ''critical" and issued appeals to customers to use electricity onJy for emergencies, SpOradic power failures began bitting the nation's most populous area Thursday night. They were blamed on heavy use of air conditioners and fans. Temperatures rose into the 90s again today for the third straight day. Jn New York City, the Consolidaled Edison Co. reported a record 7 ,266,000 kilowatts of electricity were used by its customers between 4 and 5 p.m. Thurs- day. It said this was just 200,000 kilowatts below its absolute maximum generating capacity. Barefoot Bandit Robs Gas Statio1i A barefoot holdup man with rotten teeth robbed 1 Stanton urvlce station manager of more than S300 early this morning, pollce reported. . Officers sakl the male white suspect, about 21 , wearing a fake goatee, con· fronted Richard E. Cole, 26, at the Euco S1aUon, 10601 ltagnolia St. about 1 :30 1 .n1. Th• bandit simu~Led pcssesslon ol a gun In his pocltet, Cole told police. The holdup man escaped on foot. Caren, 12 and brother Kyle, 13, to lie face down on the floor and bound their wrists with adhesive tape. Their mother, Mrs. Edith Branson Davis, a Garden Grove real estate woman , was absent at the lime, as was her husband, Jack. · The victims told officers the pair walk· ed into the home through an unlocked front door . After demanding money and jewelry, the intruders put on stocking masks and rubber gloves, tied the glrls and boy and ransacked the home at 11611 Brookhurst St. When Mrs. Davis returned, she found that the men had taken a wallet that belonged to her daughter Carole, who died in an auto accident five years ago. It contained one dollar. "They didn·t take much , but what they did take really hurt me." said Mrs. Dav- is. Judge Williams To Open Plaudits For Chief Seltzer Superior Court Judge Kenne th Williams, former Orange C:Ounty-district attorney, will lead off the plaudits for retiring Huntington Beach Police Chief John H. Seltzer, at 7 o'clock tonight at the Sheraton Beach Inn. Judge Williams will be the. guest speaker at a fareweh dinner sponsored by the Huntington Beach ·Police Officers Association. Nearly 300 persons are ex- pected at the dinner to say goodby to the 32-year veteran of law enforcement. Chief Seltzer's retirement becomes ef. fe<:live July 31. He has been fluntingtcn Beach's top law enforcement ofifcer for five years during a petiod of the city's largest growth and UJ)aNlon. Notable achievements under Chlel Seit· zer's adm inistration haVe be.en the ad- diUon of two police helicopters to the police department, rapid department growth, and tnltiatlon of "Se.ltur's Sandmen," the undercover beach police officers. Other groups honoring Chief Sellter tonight Include the Huntington Beach Elks Club, Orange eaunty Chiefs of Police, the cU.y's Harbon 8.nd Beaclies Dept.,• •nd Mayor Jack Green. Orange County District AttONM!y Cetll Hicks ts \!so on the program. ,.. Investigators said that Foster reported seeing Randy dart out into the in· t.ersectlon between two parked cars, but it was too late to stop. · The boy was dead on arrival al Hoag Memorial Hospital. C o r o n e r ' s in- vestigators there stated the boy's severe injuries made death instantaneous. Gloshen tenned the accident "a tragic waste." .J'The little boy was one of those really cute-as-a·button UtUe blue.eyed boys with tennis shoes that you see all the time," he said. Randy's body ~was taken to Baltz MortuarJ-in Corona de! Mar. I L El e USS Hoinet, which 11 now on splashdown station in the Pacific Ocean, off Johnson Island. Jn his temporary capacity as acting President, the chaplain is being attended by Navy chiefs Richard T. Friaa, 44, of Long ll<ach and Charles J;:. Ralgana. 4', of Oklahoma City. -.. Before the Hotnet steamed out cf Pearl Harbor, Secnt Service men toured the shi p and also advised Raigans and Frias the President will probably ask for a light breakfast. · Fruit, orange jUice, cereal and coffee is likely to be the presidential menu after :_a -· 5 Orange County'• Civic Center in Santa Ana becomes part of Universal Studlo'1 .. lot" beginning today. Filming began on a new TV series entitled "The Bold Onea." Used as a backdrop for the serle!, which will at.art Sept. 14 on NBC, Will be the new county coUrthouse, new jail and the Santa AM Police Facility. '1be Series deals with the activities of a Negro dl5trfct attorney, played by Hat1 Rhodes, and a white deputy police chief, plaJ"d br. Leslie Nlelaen. Local lllmlng 11 expected to be com· ploted late In September. ' a iL 2 ' JULY Hemedonft-~ ON SALE NOW HENREDON & HERITAGE Uphotatory now 1v11t1blo ot 1 11•4 roductlon to lncludo special ord•n In your cholc.e •f fa~ricL Thia 11 one of those rare opportunltin to·purchaM the finest at r1nMrk1bl1 savinp. Our tUmrner ule •Ito includes Mlect groups from Drtxtl -Hen,..,on -H•lt .... Alto National, Mire-C.trMn, ind numerous other lines. lleductlona on acceuorl•, lamps and pidures are .tvail· able. NIWPORT BEACH 1721 w.1,1111 Dr., 642-2050 -oNN MtDAT 1'11 t INTERIORS LAGUNA llACH :MS Hirth C-Hwy. P-..lona! Interior Doll'""" Av1tl1blo-AID-NSID °"f' fllDAY 1'11 t .... , ......... *' a.-.. ...,. ..... ,.&l 4,4-6551 . . ~ I '. ,I I ' . I ,I I ~ .. -~-........ _ . ...,.._ . -. ---. . • • / •. ' . VOL 62, NO.' 17f, 4 SECTIONS, i44 ·PA6E,S ORANGE COUNTY, CA[IFORNIA FRIDAY, JULY ·1 e, .1969 TEN CENTS • Most Be~ch Employes Get Pay Hike Next Week RICHARD P. NAIL Of tllt cr.ttr PMlt IAlff Hunlinilon Beach city empl<lyea scan- .nlng their pay cb_ecks next weet will find pay m....... rellected there. Some will !Ind Pl7 lncre-. Not allrA few baTe been "Y rated" or "red nag· ied". This me;ms-the ldminuilr.atiooi believed -the jobs aluody paid. 1oo mud!. But most of the 560 full.time employes will flnd good news. It averages about five percent, aaid city otnclals. 'I)lt hikes are the result ol a recent Ci- ty, Coundl action '-sornewllat open ond in,pature. 'Ebe coµncll adopted a voluinlnous private study they bed' IJouibt from Ihm! nar . called "MF.B Job • all!I Salary Cl.ftMiD~alion,StudJ." · ·- Tile initials sta!\d for the oamei ol the -~; studying 2Z3 empfoye claulllca- tions: 1 JUcbant W. Maxfield; D. Verner Freas and M. Neil, Bilell •. ~ ; ' - Councilmen not 1 only approved the study -after hearing administrative dissent on parla -they ldopted ld- diJ.ional recommendations. Tbest!:' caine frOQl City Administrator Doyle Miller. who had 11, rteommetlded ~es~ BUI WQO\ls, chalrman of the_ five-member city personnel committee; and department heads who felt there were inequities concerning t b e i r departments:. City Clerk Paul JGbes went to bat over ""°mmended aalarie1 for bis aides and bis own salary. Jones aald the city clerk's salary should relate to the importance of the poolUon not the person holding It. He said the clerk hid just u Important declsioos u other. department heads. Jones wu asklng that his post pay at r111ge IO (fl,077 to fl.SC monthly) raiher than r&Jlfle 53 (lt,020 to 11,270. He noted that being an elected official sometimes complicated the r'!lationsbip with the city ldmlnlalt1tlor. Jones pointed out hat pr_.i JllY would put him below tha( of U1lstant dty attorney police captain, city pllonioR director and ualstant director ol Beaches, Pub ond Development. Woods lli'eed that !be job should )>e '"' evaluated. Councilmen agreed to do IO aJon1 with olber poalUoM they lefl on the hook. n these posiUona are given ralles, they will come in 5eptember when city employes gel lbelr coo!-<l.UvJni pay ii> creues. 1110 blket for lbooe lo limbo would be rellolcllve to JUiy I.• 1110 salary roorpnllltloe ....._ the ...... ol pay ifadea from -lhll1 'II to 91, said new city. pubUclit Wlllllm -. In terms ol dolllro-lbil ..,. '""° fl.JI• per-boural !be bolt<m to fl,JJi mao111J1 at the top. It also oetl new oiterta for ralinlf the importance of a )Ob, criterll to rote in pOlnts the importance and ~ ol the poo~ - 'Luna No Apollo Thre3.t' Russians Give Assurance to Borman -------" . 6'-- SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) -matertal, and try to beat Apollo II hack spacecraft was In an orbit ranglni 113 to Russia assured the UnJted Stales today with it, and Bonnan said he did not ask J79 miles above the moon, ba"sed 00 after a personal telephone call from U.S. at a later news conference. Soviet figures. astronaut Frank Borman that its Luna 15 "Your gue'ss ts as good as ours at thili Apollo 11 ~ s t r on a u t s Neil A. satellite would not in.terfere with Apollo point," said the American astrooaµt, who A~, EdWin E...Akl,dn.and.J4icbael ii'if!ilhHoiaimneo on-the ....... -. _-recen11y completedA-10,day~vl!it to --~~ But the Soviets did riot say what· their ~:aw:l 11.s "s.paceJnsWlatioos. Col~. were three qua rte~ oI the Way 1.° 1pa.1;eship's mission was. Chrlsl;opher C. Kraft,. Apollo ~ight · the moon, when the space-agency said it "Col. Borman was -wormed that the ~ations direclor, wbo also appeared at was releasing a "very significant" state- orbft-of"liina 15Woiilil~ iiOl iiiiersect thilieWs coiifi!rence, satau:s:--space ar~-ment on LUnif15. published trajectories of Apollo 11 at any flclals could only "guesstiqiate" what the Luna 15 was arready In orbit around the point and that he would be informed if Russians were doing. "Probably they are moon amid worldwide speculaUon it was any change developed," the space agency doing a step by step program just as we a "moonscooper" craft intended to take said ln a statement. would do." . 0. some of the luster off the American There was no clUe, apparently, as to Kraft said he assumed Luna 15 would achievement. whether the Rus.!lans intended Luna 15 to leave lunar orbit ultimately and come The Russians told Borman Luna ll was land on the moon, scoop up lunar back to earth. Hi!: said the Russian (See APOU.O, Pa1e I) Judge Williams Hunt for Police Chief ToO~nPlauclits .. · ·1·"··' · ~ SPRINo 0 OH ~ _:::ei;~e Me;;;;m;-~' 1~ ~··;..t,.;;~".f'ex. ,.;t6" For "1...!ef '1_...: ·1 esw.. Exp'1 anded ·nelgbbo{..pl ApoUCL.ll, ,u!fonaut Edwln · uses snme "" ~ ~re..., •prlng1 to demonstrate bl( theori .. :on wj)at Al rin tnlghl find whon Noiv .to Seven h.e steps onto moon'• surface. Aldrin 'wilt J:>e second man to Walk on Superior Court Judge Kenneth lunar surface, if all goes •s planned. Williams, former Orange County district f FiremenSuspe_ctArsonists . ' . attorney, will Jead off the plaudits for retlring '1!unlington Beacb Police Chief John H. Seltzer, at 7 o'clock tonight at the Sheraton Beach Inn. The search for a new Huntington Beach police chief-narrowed by City Adminis-trator Doyle Miiler to three men-has been . expanded again· by City Council· meA to seven men. William Reed,. new city publicist, &aid today the Ci(y Council felt the job is so semitive ttiat they should hrterview seven of the top applicants. Bill :Ptteenk, • Los Angeles sberllf ~ap­taln; Henry Heyen, a captaln on the Fremont force; Edward GlaSgow, a Costa Mesa police captain and Loren Russell , a cariin in the Huntington Park Pi>lice rtment. Stores to Stay Open Monday For Moon Walk -, • Most busin..,.. In the Oranee c.on area wW n:main opm. on Moondar - Monday -while 'City and atate employe.s will enjoy a thr~y weekend. · President Nixon's call for a "Day of. PartlclpaUon" Monday to celebrate the . first lunar tandin1 haJ been rejected by most local firms. \ In $20,000 Plant Blaze fire Department authorities &aid today the fire.W1*b roared through the Chico Judge Williams will be the. guest speaker at a farewell dinner sponsored by the Huntington Beach Police Officers Association. Nearly XII> persons are ex- pected et the ~r to say goodby to !be 32-year veteran of law enforcement. Chief SeJtzer's retimnent becomes ef· feclive July 31. Ht bas been HunUncton Beach's top law enforcement ofifcer for five yeara during a period of the city's largest growth and espan!ioo. It had previously been stated that tll e Council Tuesday would interview Ca pt. Earle Robitaille, commander ~ of the Huntiniton Beach Police Detective Divi- sion ! Police Chief_ Walter Koenig, of Torrance ; and Police Chief George Tielsch of. Garden Grove. Mayor Jack reen said that tlle top seven men In the com~itlon run by the State Personnel Board wer:e sep- arated by just a few points and1sald, "We owe it to the community to take the tbne to talk to each of the aeven." Green said he plans to call · a press conference Wednesday alternoon to Intro- duce the new chief if the Council la able to make a decision Tuesday night in secret aession. BankJ and Savings. and Loan bulldinp will remain open Monday, as will stores Jn Fashion Island In Newport Beach and South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, a survey indicated today •. In a poll taken at the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce -meeting Thunday, moot -proprleton planned to keep stores open Monday. I I they auspect arsoru.ta of setting a blaze Farms ·building at 17101 NIChob St. late w):Ucb caused an .esUmated $20,000 in Thursday atternooD ",wu definitely set" d;unage Thursday at a Huntington Beach at three •diHettnt locations inside aoo produce pactlng fmn. outside the building. Division Chief James B. Watten said Jla.wev_er the~pollibllity that cJi¥.ren, Mystery Shrouds Disappearance of Youth in Ocean Mystery surround.Ing the disappearance of a 14-year-old Pico Rivera boy, possl~y drvwned off Huntlngtoo City Bead!, con- \ Unued today with no clo<s turned up by poHce or llleguards. l Dean Hart 1'U last seen walking along i the belch Tuelday and ts believed to be the vicjlm of riptides which have plaaue<f the coast land siiice early,t.his week. • CI015e surveillance of the water line, ' bolh by police belioopten and lifeguard I mObile units, will conUJme unlll his body , ha~ been diaoovered or be is found alJve. ' Perslstenl Tiptldeo kept the lileguarda bU@Y with 149 ft!SC\le! 'nlunday. OnJy one of the vtctJms required resuscltatton. She is Debra Hood, 14, of Ada, Okla., who is now resting at Huntington ln\ereommunlty Ho.!pltal In fair ·co.,. I. ditjon. Msistant Llfe Guard Director Max 1,1 801fD1an said that M1Ss Hood was pulled I In from the surf at 2:15 p.m. by lifeguard RlChard Barth, who admJnlstered moot,h I to mouth and meChanlcal ....UicltaUon to her. ·Bowman aald he expects the h,.vy surf to. continue for at least two to lhrte d.Qa. '.['ht waves pounding the lhorellpe bave diollnished ln 1iu but' a~ stl.ll oc- culonally five to elibt feet high. Valley Boys to Profit Fron1 Fireworks Saleii 1be Jo"ountaln • ~, --eiebiiige h .. <l«ted to 1h1n: i>«>f!Ja lroni Fourth of..' July flrtworkl aala wllh tht 'Boys I Cltlb ol Fountain Vllley to lbe tune GI "'°' ' -We pli n to doo ate that amount of money tllher In cash, building mate-lala 1 or ~:;"'1·'' espl1ined MlrY Ha&IW!d, Ex • Club pruldelll. j ··- literally playing with fire. cau><(I the blaze has·not been ruled out, according to authorities. 'That would mak~ the fire maliclOUS' mischlef . on ·a rather grand acale, they lndieated. Firemen donned breathing untb and a'Sbes'.tos vqta in battling lhe , flames which spread through the bullding. There weie~ no lnjurJe., but thousands of catdtioard .packing cases inside tl;ie buildin( were dootroyed and ·t h e building's metal .walls were .warped -by the1beat, firefighters said. No produce was Jn the building at the , tune. according to-firemen. Fire deportmeDI Capt. J . W. Vincent !aid some of the 'bti:rning packing cases had· to be moved. outside ol the buildllig wttJi-a ~!trk", lift tract" ID firemen. could douae the mouldering material. raemen llayed· ... the acene f<W about four boars, maJdng IRll"e the fire wu out and moppinlf up. Ne1rby bulldlni' nre noUhreatened, lireflihtera said. <NltY 'OIU!MAN •lllSIONS L~'• WHiiom Mortin 'Ibe. new Lisi includes those three and: Notable achievements under Chief Sell· zer's administration have bea1. the ad- dition of two police helicopters to the police departmtnt, rapid department growth, and initiaUon of "Seltzer'• Sandmen," the undercover beach police ofncers. Other grol.IPI bQnoring Chief Seltzer tonight Include the Huntington Beach Elks Club, Orange County Chiefs of Police, the city's Harbors and Beaches Dept., and Mayor J'ack Green. Orange COUnty District Attorney Cecll. lllcu ill Grand Jury Gives County ~ arningonBay Exchange abo on the program. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP)-1110 lltock mark•! remained in shll'plf lower territory this alt.,,_, with many Inv..,..... ~­ edly coutiolla prior to the long wediend. (See quotallons, PAl'I IH5). Trading was quiet. Declines led ad- v~ by better than ~ iaues. By TOM BARLEY Of fM DlllJ Plllt S11ff1 The Orange County Grand Jury warned county 11upervisors Thursday that the controversial trade of Upper Newport Bay land between the county and the lrvio e Company had been consummated in the eyes of a public that 1'is not aware of what It now owns in terms of unfilled tich~lands." But that same public, indicates the in- vestigative pani;I, has become sufficiently alarmed at elements raised by ~wing Laguna's Martin Resigns ' . . As Grand Jury Foreman .... Former Laguna Beach mayor Wjlllam Martin, who makes his home at lOJl D. Martin today resignefl from the Marine Drive in Laguna, Is also "'-••e COUnty Grand Jury where he Wiii chairman of the Festivil or Arts Board or vi a.,. Directors. He served two terms as 1erving as foreman of the panel. Laguna mayor. Mafthi•1 resignation has been a'cctpted Martin wa1 quoted by c o u n t y by' Judp Robert-Gonlner,. the Superior c:ourthowle ooorces ••having commen~ Court'• o:rtminal jurist and Ualaon with frequently lri the Grand Jury room and In • the lnvestlgaUve panel. Judge Gardner . public on h1I .increasing convicUon th.at hu announced that be will appoint • DIW' he was foreman of a pane.I which was far foreman W-y. removed from bis penlOl1al pblloaophlu Sup<rlor Court Admlnlslrator Leslie and lncllnatlool :1n the pursuit of ln- Mc:Cartney dtsdooed the mlpatlon of vetllgaUON ln\o counlf '°'ernmen~ Mlrtln but refuaed to comment on !be I M'lflln ~<fec:l,b!ed to ~t.11>, ......,.. behind the declslon o1 the ~ da~ on hll' ~auon. , Ari Colony ma)'W·to;qait lbe"Gtand Jury ..Bui~~ del!V\Ufe.~ t1te Grand,Jury 1t lhe halr...a!lltag ol f!s~~ IO<l•Y" r'1•eiL lhe, PQfo!J!il!ly · But the dec~loo eame ai no 111rpr!K to , ....w;atton may. have been impelled Id SUp<rlor Court ond•Dlstric:t Attorney'IGI· the Grand Jury'• strona crlt!clsm of Uces who have worked clolety' with tie counly acUviUu whlch led to the Upper panel. I Bay Jand swap between"fhe COUnty an<f" • A reliable ...,... In {he Dlslrlol ·A~ ' the Irv~ COO!p1111y. · tomey'o office today told !be r DA!LY 1·· · It Is idiown t~l lhe.veleran slYlc· qi· l'ILO'J' thal "lt'1 not IUfprlolns Ind l'nl. · f~l't }lad Dlllill qUestl<ll& to '\'!) Of. bis oal1 llW']>riled !hit Bill Martln dldil'l di lilJl>W ~'.iflttlJig 1\1'1.,llla• in-' lllll a loaa lime 110. • lo ~ 1~illl 4Ul. ' · ; opposition to tbe deal to realize "that public waterfront and access are limited." There Is "a new public awafeness," the Grand Jury states, "that once public tidelands are traded or sold, the county Will have lost forever these very precious resources so Important to the recrea- tional needs of the people,." The Grand Jury's vi ews were conlalned In a resolution to be heard b~ the BOard of SUpervlsor1 Tuelday and In a following !our-page explaaatlon of the resolution. Both pertain to a long-discussed 11"1-I to exchange 457 acres of lrvirle Company land for 1!7 acres of county-owned tidelands in Upper Newport Bay. But the trade faces an uphill court !lght. Awaiting seUing of a trial date Is a taxpayers' suit Died by alx Harbor Area homeowner11 wbo argUe that the public was hoodwinked "by hundreds or millions of dollars" when county ·of.£ ·1 c l a I s assertedly misrepresented values of the two disputed territories. Lined up with them In opposition to the deal are County Auditor V. A. 11elm Ind County Assessor Andrew J . Hinshaw. Both men brand the deal u un- consUtuUonal and both refuse to ~rform functlons ordered by the aul)el:VllOra - Heim will not pay • 111,ooO dredging bill aubmitted by Irvin< and Hinshaw will not remove the Irvine land from the tu rollt. T - U<ring the county's Immediate aludy ol poss ible alternatives to the· Upper Bay laJ>d .... ap, the Grand 3urY .polnta<1U~the ltllf"S~te Londa Commlalon did not Ill>' prove ol tlie 1trade.· .. ' , t'ln.Jplta nLtblo,'!.Jbo bolrd ts told ••lhe aame exchan1e agreement wu taken before.. the 11117 State Lands C- mllllon with no attempl to develop ao alternative plan. Yet It V¥•• approved." The Grand Jury rejected the county'• long-standing lrl\llllenl that \he ~ 91. filUng the ttdel1n<ls 1uirendered lo ·tbe lrvlDe ·eo. -.ould have )>ef:n 01Pbiilv•1 · . fliOo JlillY WAllN8, I). The governors of more than half of the 11tates and city governments acroa the nation have . responded to Nisoa'1 declarati~-.nd c:aJled Monday I b0lidll7.-- Laguna Beach 1$ the only city on the coast that bas no& closed city affJca Monday. It Is possible Iha! Monday might not be Moon Day after all, space of!lclall have 1aid. Flight director Cllfford Cluu:l...,orth said man's first walk on the moon may (See HOIJDAY,.l'lp I) Valley Employes Get Moon Day Off City employes in Founl.aln Valley will join others around the naUon with 1 dt;y oil Monda~ ~ "1ebr1te the· Apollo 11 moon rrusBlon. Monday was declared 1 cllµloliday by the city cooin<:ll which clOled all cltT, al- fices for the Apallo m'obn \OUthdowit. Oruge wela~r · Sum~ hu cettalnly 11TIVed along the Coast ond It ls expeeted to remain that way• !or attbUe, at least through the weekend. And {or beach-lovers, ther9'1 no baa. Ing 67, degree Wilm. INSWE TOD~Y County 1cht>Oll on the iohol• haven't fared too 'sotU wijh th• oottrt thk 111ar. Bvt Oroteoe Coast dirlrlcu IO!llflloto b<ol th< oddf. Se< how th<11 flack •P compared to &ht o&htr• 3 hf/• 11 . • •• • .• • ....... . " -.... ..... .... ,. --I --" ........... _ --.... =-"11 -· . ·£?"-j I • , OAIL Y 'It.OT ....... IW £>.it S.inobr • lso Hit·s L~nd Sw.ap -'f~~ ·· ~inalr(iw Beu:. s Gr~nd Jury, Levels Own Attack r..-..,. ~ • Cowity ,u....., Alldrow J. lltnshaw has added bis seven-pace condem!laUon ol the Orange County-Irvine Company Upper Bay deal to the Graner Jury's criticism of the controversial land 1w1;p. 1-(lnshaw again refused to· accept the ruling by county supervisors that the land deeded to Ille coonty by tbe. lrvlne Company should be held tu-free by the company pending a court ruling On the consUtutlonality of the trade. Hinsha.w p~ the long, carefully- written statement to the press Thursday within two hours of a Grand Jury press release ln which the panel explained the intent behind its earlier l"e59lutlon to county supervisors. Hinshaw placed a $&5,491,440 price tae on Ille Irvine land, a fisting wlilch puts the disputed acreage on the county's assessment rolls for 1969 al .$18,22:1,360 - 25 percent of the essessor's calculated market val~ That valuation is up by more than $4& million on the valuation placed on lhe 1~ ·-according to opponenlll ot the land swap ..... by the Irvine Ctlmpany. It Ls based on Hinsh4w's belief that the ·land, at ~y·s prices, is worth '41,000 an acre. . Hinshaw poinls oUt to the county board that the same, land wlll be worth at le~ fl00,000 an acre 11at the end of my aix·year rtappraisal program. "I feel I would be remiss in my duties lf I did not value and place on this year's ~nt roll an assessment for these lands/' Hmshew said. lllnahaw has been told by tbe board on numerous occ~tons that he is being remiss In bis duties b)< re!UllnJ to ac- cept 'the land trade as. an aCcompltshed fact. Both the-county and the Irvine Cotppany _vgue that the land should be held .1ax.1 ... by 1rvf .. pendlna a court ruling which could be as much as thn:e years away. From Puge l JURY WARNS COUNTY • • • and beyond county resources . tidelands and methods of financing the "A case may be made for the state-harbor development:'' Such studies have ment that the county does not now have not been made, the panel notes. Hinshaw w a r n e d the board that i•1t woold be legally Improper to permit c&n- cellatlon of current taxes Jevlea OD tbeae properties for two reason&." JOINED CRMCISM He joins lbe Grand Jury in its crjtlcisP,1 of lhe amendment to the ftrst alffflment between the parties by pointing out that "The Irvine Company . • . would sllll have an element of ti.:e to. the propertlei conveyed to the county because of its reverslonary interest." He claims that Irvine "would be liable for, as a minimum, a tax on their posse• sary interest on the subject properties." 1-limhaw also criUclzes the agreed for· mula "for i;;ett.lng tax amounts for the years in which the UtJe to the land woold vest in the county 'aa 1 gross mllltate- ment of the probable assessed values 'and probable t.aX dollars." : He asks suPervisors to determine "the nature of the conslderaUon .•. that the County ef Orange gave to the Irvine Company in return fer whatever rtgbta the County received." "What ts .the nahu'e and eKten~ of the property righls described in u. ... deeds which the Irvine Company bas retained (or it.self in t.he eveut there ts no cul· mlnaUon or the proposed excbana:e?'' Htnahlw lili. i19ARD ASKED Hinlhaw al.so asks the board: "To wNit extent bas the Irvine Company re- linq\116hed all of Ille custody, OCC\ipOllC)I, contreb and possesslo~ it has ex~ over ti., land4?" lie alsO seelcl to determine "to what extent does the Orange Ccunty Harbor District and/or the COunty of Orange now assert itself as a result of these deeds in the exercise or the ccmplete custody, ~pancy, controls and posses- sion consonant "1th fet simple .msolute title?" And HlMhaw asks the Board to do- termlne Ille ~precise ·Jegal deooriP!lons of both the perimeter of the Upper Bay and all of the JJnd parcels involved 'in Ille land eschange." The assessor warns that the board's demands for removal or the Irvine land from tax rolls, "would be a,sking this office to assilt in developlhg the mech· anlcs ulUmately leading .to a gUt or public money. "This I cannot do," HUWlaw said. Trauspac Claim Rejected the money to develop these tidelands," "Additional studies: will mean the ex- the statement concedes, but "this in no penditure of public" funds," the Grand Jury concedes, "but this Grand Ju ry ALM way means that fu'ture development is feels that the Upper Bay, as 8 natural By ON LOCKABEY two days of the race be was convinced Falling Out to Sea impossjbJe. resource, is 50 lmportanU hat the alter-OAILY P'ILOT ... 111111 ••n_. Blackfln w11 some flO to 80 miles ahead £9ns~Y,oo pier.f_or new Ora_~S_~ C_~W!_tY ~e1V~_outf!l11 line str~tches "Thia G nd J 1sh . native of waiting t'o make these gtudles HONOLULU _ A U.S. ecast Guard and the crew did not drive the boat so mto sea on Huntini'fon Beacli s1ae of Santa AiiaR1ver:-San1ttitlon.:-- -ra W'Y ··,_'Ji es to pomt untit·after the exchange is ill 3dvised." pilot te!tlfted-Tbursday tbat·when he flew -ti.rd ~~_of belng-4°.!!I.. ta.. the 1ut plants are at left (background). Huge natural sand bar built es re. out that there are limitless ways of con-Anticipating the possible comment that over the Windward PUS1ge in the lut two rs . .suit of winter storms stands off river mouth. Newport Beach is at serving waterfront and access for public n~ither the county nor the Irvine Co. can two days of the TraD!padfic yacht race Blackfin's crew was celebrating the ri.&bt. tn ba~ground (right) is Jow.Jying Banning property. use," the board is told. "It ia felt that the withdraw from the agreement, the Grand the ?:J.fOot ketch wu at or near the po&.-winning of the boat for boat btttle 11 l1le . . . Supervisors as trustees of the Jury points out that "an alternate plan tion it had tut reported. 'as 30 minutes before Windward Puaa1e tidelands should . consider could be ~eveloped whid!. wo~d facll!!ate ~ appeared to have ~1 -~ ~ ~med acroia th! flnilh ~to set 1 new S ; lte ti' -........ 1bl ,, aa n_iany _ ~ more raptd consummation of the protest: of Blackfin'a skipper Keo elapsed time rtcori1. t d • _ ~ 8_ rna ves. as......-;,.!~ •. . _ . . tld~l!lllds e!qutnae . ~~-_Alcl~..tbat..Bob-Johnao:n ~ftltlfW ..''You can imagirie.U.:,Joom;-lhat'"Ht· an •ID ·"'--=--~-vrn~lt! plan. :~-.mi em r,een~~lilif"'!gree-'""fOW1thdr~w-ana re--Windward Paasa&e's posttlorrdurlng ~ -tied over ·B1acJdln~when 90meODe apotted . s1dered by the parties to the asreement 0 · negohate. . last three days or me race. Ju.ding :Windward Passage ahead and only a few ~ • 1_ the Grand Jury said. ' "In answer to the. argument that It will DeMeuse and his crew aboard.BlaCkfln to mile.! from the flnilb," -said a Blackfin £-1-L,... 1=* p-1-=~p ---1r:-J.-.... -~--£1.. . • --~ -It-notes-th t t.here-h __ .. tak_e_ !00 ~ch ti~_! to _ dev~ an believe they were comfort.ably ahead. . crewman; · . \JIUlptuln W .JS, re,,ureUi, On \JllTTfeT modlllcatlonl~ made ~·u..~lan "':!,; alternaJejilan ... Ills GranifJUry wOUJa JObliSon llliilitl!le;JllleOaf"W.-_____..,,,e-gloom-aboard·WIJl!lward~Panqe streue1 that oth odificauJ> answer that it feels 1l is better iQI) the heafin&: "I don't claim to be infall1ble as had evaporated earlier in the ifternoon By ARTHUJ\ IL VINSEL aboard the Long Beach-based carrier related te upland~rmpark land~::::. countJ to retain control of u much a navigator but I certainly never know· when Blacklln was spotted sailing out of or thf Ptllr ,...., s1ett USS Hornet, which is now on splashdown quently asked fer by the county rather w~ted rontht and access as possible." ingly gave a false position." a _squall line off Molokai Island several · A Prot t t N cha 1 . fra H ta · . th . th. iltun te 'r . n e county shou1d do that, the The race protest committee ruled there mdes astern. UnW then, the Windward es an avy p lln m un-s tJon tn e Pacillc Ocean, off Johnson an " a arrangements o filled Grand Jury warns, "even though some of was "no evidence" that Johnson falsWed Passqe crew bid been convinced that tington Beach today ii being tttatod like Island. U~~ds. ,, . the coonty-held lands might not be his position. they w; .. behind. . . visiting royalty aboard the aircraft car-In his temporary capacity as acting nous p~oblems that were not ev1-developed unW some future time when Giving a raise position is a violation of Johnson must survive one mort protett ri'r on which Pttsident· Nixon will greet PrEsident, the chaplain is being attended dent at ~e ti~e of ihe land-swap agree. adequate funding can be arranged. the "spirit of the role" in the se&alon t.Oday when he answers. charlU the Apollo moonme.n ne.xt Thursday. by Navy chiefs Richard T. Frias, 41, of ment slaned Jn 1965 sh~ld now be con-"This Gra~d Jury fttls tha~ the .cost of franapaclflc race, primarlJy for safity of ~pll Phllllps Jr. that Wlimfard sldered by county supervlSOrs, the Grand futher studies wruld be Justil1ed to reasons. In some races, skippers and Puu.ge made contact with hls at:foot U . Cmdr. John A. Piirto, 317, ef 9131 Long Beach and Charles E. Raigans, 46, J~?' ~ests. ~tennlne the best PQSslbl~ use of the navigators have been known~ give false E1prit. at the start of Ule race. There Madeline Drive, is assigned as a stand.in of Oklahoma City. PeUution and ecological Imbalance tidelands which the county holds In trust positions to mislead a competitor. wert several minor collisions oo the for the chief executive, so that two Before the Hornet steamed out of Pearl were not considered serious problems (in for 111 the people in the: County ef DeMeuse claimed that on the basis of 1tarting line but because of liaht wind personal-stewards-and~other crewmen Harbor., Secret Servke men toured the ?,965} in Orange O:runly," it points ~ut. Orange," the statement adds. plotting position reports during the last conditions th~ were no damages. can polish their presidential manners. ship and also advised Raigans and Frias But they are QOW and · · · it ls felt that "Ohl Ohhb a -," holler·• Mra. Nancy the President will probably ask for a lil;ht techrucat studies should. be made to tn.. _,J cu breakfast. sure that the proposed Land Exchange Pilrto today when lnfonned that the Fruit, orange juice, cereal and coffee is will result in the best possible design of lieutenant commander she saw off June likely to be the presidential menu after the Bay to avoid pollution and ecological imbalance.'' 21 iJ DCIW playina the role of the Mr. Nixon boards the pickup ve8iel early military'• commander·in-chief. July 24 to await the historic return . And the Grand Jury, in a stroncly "I think it's grea,t," sht added.when the Mrs. Pilrto said today that she hasn't worded detlaratlon that sums up several heard from her husband since the Hornet weeks of deliberations by the ln- lniUaJ shock wore off. departed, but was thrilled .by word of his vesti.catlve panel, expruses its Lt. Cmdr ~Piirto ia· Protestant chaplain strategic role in the Apollo recovery dluatlsfacUon with circumstances sur· Summer Swim Classes Planned The l:lllft,ington Beach Recreation and Parka Department will conduct ils fourth summer session of swimmJnc classes be(lnnlna July 28. tnstruction will-be offered at the Hun- tiJicl«l·Beach High SchoOI pool, Ille City P-001, Muina High School pool and Golden West College Pool. ChUdren entering the beginning clus must be sl1. or older while those entering the advanced beginning class must hold an American Red Cross beginners card or Its equivalent in swimming skills. . 'Ille department also offers a "Mommy and Me" swimming course for children at least thtte years of a1e. A $4 fee will be charged for the regular cour11es with a $fl charge for the "Mom· my and Me'' program. Additional swim courses have bten scheduled beginning Aug. 11 and Aug. 25. • 0 ~1 1 o PllOI ...... N ...... ....................... J•d1 l. Ce1ln .... ~ ~~" MWttr n.. •• k...-4 -n.::~":-'='" """'t w. ..... Wtm•111 a • .., A.-oti.iW -'lfltlOI> 1-.cf\ ltl... City ••Hw " ................. J'9 Ith Str..f M1Uf11t ~t: P.O. I•• 7'0. 9tMI --.............. 1111-... ............... J:::. ~ •m-r.,:r !':!. mission. · rouncHng the November, 19'8, amend· The lieutenant commander, his wife 1nent to the agretmenr or 1985. and their five children moved to Hun· It was agreed four yean ago, the jury tiniton Beach about one year ago. Mrs. notes, that the "Department el the Army Piirto is a Southland native, raised ln the define the harbor lines. This requirement WhJttier area. was changed in the amendment to read That, she said. is about the closest 'appropriate governmental agencies.' parallel to the life of President Nixon and "The significance of the amendment," his Navy stand-in. the jury statement notes, "is that by changing the basic requirement (or rules of the game) the Irvine Company and the county agreed that neither c o u I d Fron& Puge l APOLLO ... traveling at a 53-degree angle to the path Apollo 11 will follow. Luna 15 is traveling around the moon once every 2 hours 30 secon~. the Russians said. "If they land tomorrow morning, I'll read about it," Kraft said. The Russians said their spacecraft wouJd remain in moon orbit until midnight PDT Friday, but did not specify if It would land at that time. withdraw from the tradf!. "Why the basic requirement was changfd has not been answered to the Grand Jury's saUsfaction," the statement stresses. "If it was impossible to have the Departmtnt of the Anny define the harbor llnes in 198$, what changed It to make It no longer necessary?" the jury asks. "If the change was felt necessary to clarify whether or not the agreement was binding on both parties, lhere is a quesUon as to why the vague term 'ap- propriate governmental agendes' was subatltut.ed for the precise 'Department of the Army'.'' • Luna 15 was launched la st Sunday from Russia and reached the moon Thursday, where it dropped into orbit. Russian scienUfic sources have said tbe Soviet moon craft wu desitned to land on the moon, scoop up a spadeful of lunar dirt and head back to eatth, seek°- ina to beat Apollo It's schedule by two days. gest.s that "further efforts should inelude an englneerlng and economic feaslbWty . study or the proPQ!ed main public beach Western SOW'ces a1reed this wu a possibility. The space aeency announcement said Soviet academician M. V. Keldysh, presi· dent of the USSR Aacdemy M Sciences, said in a cable to Bonnan· that Luna 15 would stay in orbit two days. But the an· .nouncement did not say whether it would land on the moon and scoop lunar material to try to beat Apollo lt back. Flight Director Glynn Lunney said the American spacecraft was "right on the 'book" and its course so accurate that the astronauts' third opportunity to correct it Yi'OUld be skipped today ind a fourth op- portunity Saturday migbt be. "It's going as well .I! any mission we've ever had," Lunney said. Today's major event occurs late ln the d11y when Annstrong and Aldrin wi1gle lhrough a connecting tunnel into the lunar module, nicknamed tagle, hitched nose-t.cHme with tbe COiumbia command ship. . Fer two boors, lhey are to check the systems of the spidery lander. 'MMiy mainly will loqk £er damage that might hive occurrtd Wednuday durin1 the · jelling liftoff from Cape Kennedy. It they find major damage, they w111 cancel their Jandlng plans. flowever. mlssien control of!ic.ials say, chances of thla are remote. The astronauts slept well durinl the nlgbt. with Aldrin tlffplng eight solid hours, while Oolllna logged t!lne houn. area.'' There should be, the slatii:nent adds, "a cost study of the filling of some coun- ty.held tidelands and/or purchase of small areas of Irvine land adjacent to From PUfle l HOLIDAY .•. be moved up from etrly Monday to Sun- day night. But it wlll have no effect on the hell· day. Major stock exchanges will also be clOlled in observallqn of the Apollo 11 A'tronauts' scheduled walk on the moon. Most banking and lndwtrlal firms upect their employes to report for work. California declartd an official stile holiday on Monday, closing down all pub- Jlc schools, colleaes and unlversltles as well u state offices. South carouna Gov. Robert McNalr proclaimed Moon Day a legal holiday, closlna: banka and atate of· fices. Most of the nation's 7SO,OOO PoStal workera will have Monday off and thtre will be no window service or residential or rural dellverlu. The Senate will obwve a holiday Mon- day, but the House of Representailvb will cond)ICI regular buslntn. House leaders decided to meet MOnday to take up legitlaUon ~eduted for floor action. Orange Coast clUta Ill~ have dtclared a three-day wffkend for tmployea In. elude: Costa Mesa, rountaln Valley, Huntl113ton ... ch; NewpOrt !!each, San Clemente and San Juoo Clpblr- I I t a m • Henredon ii.ot~ ON SALi NOW- HENREDON & HERITAGE Upholtttry now anllable at a 15% rlductlon to Include spec:l•I ord•n In your cholCll of f1br1cs. Thia is one of tho.e r•rt oppartvnltl• to purchMt the flnett u retMrbble Mvlftll. Our -1110 oloo lncludH ...... groups from 0....1-Honrodon -Horii .... Aleo Notlenol Mlrt9 Cenon, ind numerout other llMS. Reduction• on ~, l•mPI ind plctura .,. avll~ 1bl•. NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wttlclllf Dr. 642~050 orlH NIDAY "T'IL t • INTIRIORS Profottlonol lntoilor Detldno,. A••lltM._,.ID-NSID LAl>UNA lllAClf 345. North c-H\ry. °"" NiDAT 'TIL t """' T• PM .._ _, OW.., C...-, Mt-lltl ( 49USJI I f I ' I ' '· f 1, • • ----------------· -~----~~~-~---~I. ......IL.ILL , I I . .... ...-._.. ., ' . • ••• • J ~ r.§ef~41ns ~~~~Seace Meffa0d1 1. '. t ~Ba~i«t : · ·lhr~-S~h~a~ru~ow:!:!:=,-::::!::I E"o~nm~s !}_.vect M~Oqn ~ ,. '''li1 'HIDll!lllT ~.,tRB >.mfrlcan hands and ••en-made ~bl< by. p-...,..-----·-'--4.P. •,. ·" •. · ', \ 1 tually was ,.turned lo what mu<nde rman:h and testing • 'Nllll:I · •' ,.BERLIN(AP~-Jtlsalqpa: becameWestGerma!JY.Al!l63 became-,, the '""'~'won.der ~. DJft,1.. ' wiY Jffwn a "lulf:V ,(ishi'ng .... book, , '"Then l n " Peene-weaPoJlS .with \ which· . the • -!!!--- , vu~ OD U)e>.'81.ltlc /Sli a>ast inueode I~ by~l 1Klee and Nails hoped. to ~tc;h ,vidory : . ,to:Oiaii'"s firJt, bi&. to 'pJt:a'root ·f' Ol\o Merk tells 'of this from defeat. . 1 , • ~ , ,on.tbe.mOiolt:'Buj t~-sha~ material. ' But throughout~ there was a·1,·1• '.of· !J>e yilla1«. IOOP:l!l large . in , The Peenmuende team t nonmilitary drf:tim f0$te~ by .' • • what the·iJnlted Slates.and the .lot!ither ·' l\<luid;luel engi'l"'" th"°•Wbo :law lnllitaey-·.'lf\'7:;.....~ 'Sovl~t ltmon can •o:on:tPl..Bh.: ;..tliat in ·190.hurled tl'te wwld's · lag as a means of eventually • i/Ait v ,.un: 13 ~FACT! If 'YO lLJ enl. 3.0 secondLlookin~t ,. , eac o 9ur I 1!9 sa"'p es, it · wpuld take, you, over 9. hourr to ••• them alJ.- lo com ... early and ·bring your -lunch. .. • . • I· I DON'S 'CARP.ET SHOP I ' 426 so: M>'IN a·11k1. No. of ... llock'1l ORANOI ' ' ' . t• .1_n· ~'' , · · . , : • ' , first (roly· big ·toclie11 bigh illt~ ,.adlina the Illar!· r · The.vWosi!Js~E· endt,; 1th• atmoo(lli~ ·at,& •. !Jl'i'd Dr. Wa,t!er DOm!>trger, ~. · llltraJli'ia:~.•t . .Ol.llJe .ab••!l.!wict lh>t of sOOnd.. maJor 1ener•l ·Wh• b<gan ·l!j 1 : : F~n.e~. ~Rlvliri"1, ~-.. ~Dr.~ ~uncb .~p;.m , an'd roc~«:t an ;artillery ~ptllin in .c~ie .. j~~~~~~~~~~~~H~O~U~IS~,~·~·~l,~Jt~DA~l~LY~.~~C~L~OID~~IU~M~l~A~Y~~~ ,. ' • ; ; WetMer ... voD'lfniun,~;put towers 190t:, on a I o'.(I k o( · developkll •w11 r,k ab J e •together~ ~ team .tha\"'1.ed Mnarkably Jijce ·those in 'use ordnanoe wt:· of ~lific." ' e~ally1 to the satum "5. t0d8.y. MObDe militafy launch ·research, preep.Cted·!D lMZ 'at . : ·.~et. . 1. ••• • • vehicles wete the' ·foreiwmers P~tl\UM(le that •, in the , ., , ·Non Braun1 was ,lechhlcal ... of those Used 'now,: future roc;ketr)' woulCI .make ·U.-.Y- ; dii:ector· a 't . PeeQf!lllUeode. At • time when. there' was no possible 30-minUte t r i p s n ''<--' t With"the c<illapoe OI .Hllle<•a publi<; television;.cl~t betw.O. Gerniany ,om! the I ThJid Reich: he~~· . of telf:visidb. wu ~,to: watCb, l.!ilit~·stata.. · · .-.M'>~R-'+M-IOA£f. "'r'OU?~ • hb ,~ue(lde .:went """'~a~& -···~WAY ·~. ,_ __ . _______ _ ! to the United Stat~ .~ von , Ti!ST. i5nu:NG ' • Voo. Bra'un in..Jµly 1939-Sii· 1, • • , l B.r•WJ became d\rtctO' pf .the . 'Test •fiting 'of uniterwater ·i;<ste<f 'vertjCal 'lake; oil In.' book, !Qee and Merk<l<amlbe i ~anflall SJ>&ce FUglit ,Senter • n:icketsifrOnra submarine wis · terceptors ppwe~·~Cs Uils American catch is;·"'a : at .. Huntsvlll~, /.¥· ~ f, · c a r--r.1:e d ., '"o61. , An ir .. · that 'would 'climb more · thMI/ valuable,. perhaps the 7 most lhe top priority QJ. hiJ war • NEARED HEAR~ • tercontblehtal tmissile with a 26,000r r'eet befo,ii th,elr pil~s", ·valuable spoils for •the' vi<> machine, a decision that tum· 'i Aj:'the Ru!atab .tlf:a.tj!(I the tlansitlantic•ringe was on the toOk tovet"! In eJfec,t,\he was to.rs.~~ i · • ed out to be tar too late. • German heartlan(ln 'ifis,. V0n c d(awlilg board, a two.stage I !~,''for,: :a' Wl'( } o ' ; Peenemuende, b~lte~d by PICKED SITE I i I I ' '' I I I I, II, I· I • I " . . J ~-BnUD.· and otbm ~: Pe':ne· ~I blgg~:tllll!l the pre5"'1 · demOllSW • the ""'1d s ·fil'sl l>Qr(ltpng, fell lo ll\i' Russians • mu~' sent,-OUt/ Uie ·Va:lliaSJe U,SJ I j:: B MS : 'AntiAircra!t malined 'rcf'ketl1 • • ' .' 1• \, aftd,'800D Uiey 1 round~ Up the It wu Von Braun h~U ! ;~a .and ,~~~ (S' ;ot ·~~ were~1_ctevelo~. Jet" As~Oertj\i'ny c9Ila~ Von : ~.an ·r'o c ke1t1 s,clentistl' .. who at Christmas 1935 p.icked ~ • pienefp.,.Genn!p\ · wort ~ ·for 'aijplanes were a Braud ~~~\'/est -.1 avat14ble to them and shipped quiet Peenemuende as the ! tfi~t f!aied 1~0 t¥:lat.e• .. ' i ~; \ide (lrOduct ~.·such plar}es, and 118...e '!lft~~ u.S. ~Y 1.1 tbem .. t~QSSOW. place to develop his rockets. It • al'Wnear. Berlin aDa ,tter i"93& made Uie1r 6rJt appearance·at in Ba1larl~;-S6me 400 'eene-:Thus it"t~•~!_·~t Gennans in was almost surrounded by ~ .at-PeeWnuehlk. ~ ' the·cihse ofttht war.: • •. :i mueJ14e. D\fD."i:ventua'py ,~e~ ~}·Uni~~1 ~tes and ~r waler. ~re w~re blands • '"Thli 'maiettat· • ell-•in ·-The..,...._. develOJlll)ent>·bfi>UgitH-loPther. IJ!:-theii~ JD tbe·.SOv~ Umon ctoso by. A lj3.mile _easJ\\'llllJ > · ' · .. ' • · " flrlng range ajoog th e • Pomerania coast could be ~f viewed all tbe way from land. if.'~ .. ... . ' • .. In these respects, Cape Ken-<J• ~ ,<:;,.;.,.~~ nedy is a second, if far a~ ' vanced, Peenemuende. ·-~ ' Coast Men t~:~~ .. . "' ~J)fjgi:ees r -:!'.!!;~ Thtt:e Orange Cost residentl have received · degrees from .;.LQy_cll_a.J} !l i .v e ul.ll_ t Los Angeles. They are: FROM COSTA MF.SA ' Den-L nla G. Monge, 851 SanUago Road, juris doctor. FROM HUN'f·INGTON BEACH: Vernon Lee Rening JI, 16972 Ruby Circle, baChelor of science. FROM NEWPORT BEACH : Robert I. Kolob, 210 Via lthaca, juria doctor. Y. •, ' W:,,'' ~-i~~.it;,.,.. Intl de evtfY .can, ,you'll find thrH honelt- to-goOdneu fr .. h cocktalla. Ltquor and .al,l They don't tute homemade. They're ml~td profelllonaUy.•With the lineal lrigttdlenta we can lay our hands on. Like Smirnoff Vodk• for the Vodkll Martinis, Glmleta and Screw- driverL And because the cana are aluminum, they chill 1uter. All you do It flip OJ>M and terve. Whenever you're riady, ·we ar,. ·Whtr'IVW you are. · • , Mote. Important, Clublall1 come In· nine favorite flavor1, from ExtrH>rJ Martlnl b fr .. h, ·frothy Dalquk'I. we Clfl-ihlln Cluti11na.-BecaUM -thiJ"re 10 muc~ easier, quicker and bentr tf'l1n cocktllls. ''l'U drink to that.'' A me~sage of hope for those who were left out because we couldn't s.et them a Volkswagen right away. NEWp0RT BEACH Chick lvttSon, ·Inc. 445 . E. c-1 Hwy. (714) 67M900 Ovr ship coma in. Your local authorized Vollcswagen dealer has a good selection of models, colors and' optional equipment to choose from. And if he doesn't hove exactly what you're looking for, he con probably get it in a day or two. So if you've been wailing for the right time to buy a VW, the time hos come. ...,. , " . : . -· .. , ' l t • ,.. SAN JU!IN CAPISTRANO . . iill Y otos, Inc. 32H2 Vollo Rd. 499-2261 . ... • 1HUNTINGTOlll llACff Horbour V ... woton 11711 looch loulo¥1nl (7141 142~-4!JH---, .. • • <I ' :II OAILY PILOT H • l I \ I I I 1 . ~·-·~-·-··· .. -~- '~dlt. :llifl II, 19'! H DAil y I'll.OT JJ Frid;ey's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List I r ' • ' .. r-~..,--~-...,....--;:,,...---------------~~--------------~--------~ ----.---' • . DAILY PllOT Friday, Ju~ 18, 1969 • MID-SEASON ' ' STARTS .TOMO.RROW.~. OOME SALE . 100% BELGIAN LINEN TABLECLOTH With no-iron fi 'nish and soil release in o brightly wild "Colifor.n~ Doisy" 'yellow print. By Colifornio Hond Prints. . 10.00 52x70" --'--8.99 17.00 61x86" ovol ...... 15;99 · 14.50·60x84" -·=·-·-13.49 18.00 70" rd. (bonded) 16.99 · J. P. STEVENS THERMAL BLANKETS "Honeyweove" in 100% Creslan® acrylic, nylon bound. Your choice of colors. 10.0o 66x90 ....................... 7.99 12.00 80x90 ................ 9.99 18 00 90, I 08 --.......................... -············-···--... 15.99 . .. ................................................ . Bedding, 55 1'4.00 Miramar ~oven spread, twin or full _ .................................. _ 11 .911 15-$16 Lustro spreod, twin 12.99, full ..... -....................................... 13.99 • CANNON NO-IRON WHITE PERCALES 4.50 twin ............... -........ _ 3.~9 5.50 full ..................... -............ 4.49 ~8 .50 queen --·--.. -·--·-5:99 I 0.S.O _king fil:ted _... .. 8.49 ~I lc50 ~ing flot .......... :::::::, .... ~!' 3.20 42x36'~ cos~~:·: 2,58 p•ir -. -· 3.80~2x46 coses .... : ... ---··2.18-palr · 6.S0.13.50 Connon no-iron print percoles ......... .. ... 4.99-11.99 ~-~.Sheets,-2-- RICHARDS DISH AND CUP KEEPERS reg. 4.30·5.00 2. 99 ea. Bru1hed 9old •ff• c.t vinyl cases with 2ipp•r closin91. S • r v i c • fo r 12 c1p1city •. pletes, s1\1ds, d • s s •r t s, s1ucers; cup-che st with fo•rn dividert holds 12 sefely. Notions, 4 IMPERIAL POKER . TABLE 49.99 Over1ll 53" si1e in he1 vy duty ' h1rdwood construction with 8 chi p pockets i nd 1sh tr1ys. 37'' pl1yi n9 surf1ce in green vinyl. METALCRAFT 5-PC DINING SET reg. 219.95 189.95 42 " ovol Romo top extends to 54", 66 " w;th fills. Cone style hi· back chairs. Housewares, 95 MARDI GRAS 7-PC COOKSET, BY REGAL 39:80 Open stock value 29.95 Lined with Teflon I I® In flame red, avocado, harvest gold. Includes I, 2-qt saucepans, s.qt Dutch oven ond IO" open fry pon (fitted by Dutch oven cover. Ceramic clad porce roin enamel exteriors. Housewores, 39 FRIGIDAIRE 16.6 REFRIGERATOR 269.88 Save $20. Has twin crispers, 154 lb. freezer. Fully no frost moClel. In white coppertone, avocado. Major Appliances, 80 G.E. 18.1 SIDE BY SIDE, 32" WIDE 399.88 A true foodsave in white. coppertone, avocado & gold. Ma jor Appliances, 80 G.E. 2-SPEED WASHER, 3 CYCLE 189.88 w;th the fomous Filte,.Flo® wo sh for lint tropping. Mo jor Appliances, 80 Reg. 69.95 Hoover upright vacuum with light ............... -................. 49.95 • • ~ I ' RCA 18" COLOR COMPACT WITH CART 48.88 With carry handle and bu ilt in an tenna, 18" diagonal meosuro- T elev ision, 72 RCA 19" B/W PORTABLE 139.95 The deluxo model with handle ond oeriol, 19 " diagonol meas- urement. Televi sion , 72 ~ ' -• ANAHEIM 444 North Euclid ... 515.81 21 Mond•y thru Stturdty .. 10 e.m. to 9:10 e.m. ' • ZENITH BIG 23" SCRE!:N ' COLOR TV 499.95 A console model with automatic fine tuning. Walnut finish cabinet . Television, 72 . " ZENITH 16" COMPAC'T COLOR· 329.95 · Built in aerial and hand le. Television, 72 SAVE 35-50% PERMA PRESS DRAPERIES "New Horizons," fully machine washable in 5 decorator colors. 84" length. Mony other sizes. reg. 16.00 48x84" ............. _ ........ ______ ,, __ reg. 55.00 144x84" ........................ _c::..__ ... _ ........... .. Curtains, Draperies, I 0 $7.29 $29.99 ELEGANTLY FRAMED LITHOGRAPHS 25.99 $30-$35 values All now subjects in carved or sculptured 3 ond 4" fromos. Overall sizes 37x45" thru 3 1 x6l'', Mexican table with tile motif .... _. __ ......... -..... -.............. _ 24.99 30.00 ltolion bross-top table ........................... --.. ·-·-·-·---........ -... '.19.99. 30.00 Italia n round table ........................................................................... :19.'99 ltolio n musical table ........... -.................... :_ ...... -........ -.................................. ·19.99. 60.00 ltolio n goldtone tables, set of 3 ............ ---·-·-......... __ 39.99 I 0.00 Hobochi-suson ....... _. ___ .......................................................... 7.99. 1q.piece lacquer solod set ._ .......... _..... ...................... .. ................... 7.99 12.50 Moxicon choirs .................... 7-.. .................. _ ......... , .................... -... 7.99 Gifts, -70 KROfl:ILER SOE.A OR 2 CHAIRS . . . . ' ,.-------------~------~ .,.,._.O_f\l,·LGWl'RIGE z~~~x~~=-=~-=.~~ 4~~TC~ ~~~b~AIN;5. ~ :~.~: .. .. ;:.·:~~s~:!·o~t~:~_oS~Qt,ngor:® t~:i~~o~::::.0 ;~;:i:"=-- 5.75 80xlll"-::.::: ... ::: ............. 4.99 3.00 72 xTl "-vo1ance-............ :2:69 cover; gold, Spanish red or am ber. Hi· or lo-bock choirs. reg. I 0.50, I 32x38" P6scilla tie·bock ..................... .. .. ................. 9.49 Furn;t ure, 38 4.50 swog volonce . ... .. .. .. ........ ...... ........... ....................... .. .................... 3.99 Curloins, I 0 SAVE 15% "~OYAL VICTORIA" DRAPERY ENSEMBLE • 48x24" 5.29 TO 192x95" 57.79 < Over 450 size and color combinat ions. FuH line of matching acC.es~ ,. series. 2-yecr color guarantee. Our most popular ensemble. Draperies, I 0 "GILBRALTOR" HOLLYWOOD BEDCOVER SET reg. 32.00 19.99, SET SAVE 1/3 39" cover and 2 wedge bolster cover s. Your choice of decorator colors. Draperies, 10 75.00 Amzo Boroque SJ.pc chino sets for 8 .. . .................. _ 39.99 40.00 Lipper & Mann 40-pc dinnerware set for 8 ·············M···M .. ••·-27 .99 Royol 65·pc dinner set for 12, now ................ _..... . ................. 29.99 7 .50 mug trees ............ -................. --·---·-.. ·-................... 5.99 I 0.00 Snock sets, set of 4 ............................ .................. . ................. 7.99 Ch;no, 11 SAVE $201, STERLING 32-PC SERVICE FOR 8 Choice of 2 patterns by Alvin, a divi sion of Gorham: "Avila ," reg. $440, now $239; "Vivoldi," reg. $492, now $289. Open stock olso reduced by 25 "/,. 50.00 volue Sterling 3-lite codelobro .................................. _ 39.99 pair SPIEGELAU GOBLETS, SHERBETS, WINES 4.00 Jozette, gold & plotinum ........................................................ Ea. 1.99 4.00 Marilyn, gold & plotinum ........... : ......... _ ....... _ ......... Ea. 2.99 6.00 Nodjo pottern . ..-.--....................................................... --Ea. 4.99 5.00 Stockholm pattern ____ ........................................................ Ea. 3.99 7.50 Poris potlern ..................................................................... -.. -Ea. 5.99 Glassware, 36 Reg. 1.50 Kimberly goblets , sherbets and wines, in amber, olive or blue, now 1.1 9, eoch Reg. 1.SO Giovanna goblets, sherbets and wine s, in amber , olive or blu'. now I. 1-9, each Glassware, 36 ' DECORATOR SWAGS, CEILING LIGHTS Reg. 25.00 to I 00.00 $19.99 to $69.99 Popular assortment from e famou s maler in transitional, Medi- terranean or contemporary. • Lamps. 71 · NEWPORT 4 7 Futlio n lslo nd , •. 644· I 2 IJ Mond1y thru Frldty 10 1.m. to 9:l0 p.m. S1turd1y .10 a.m. to • P.:·"'· Mediterranean Dining Room reg. 369.95 299.95 Clessic oct•gon•I table on pedestal. Hi·btck cheirs in rn•fte bleck prastic, tr•punto details. Furnitur•, 92 "MADRILLA" 3-PC. BEDROOM GROUP 379.95 reg. 329.95 W • rm gracious living : in· eludes 70" triple dresser, mir· rot, full-q uetn heedbo1rd. Furniture, 92 MEDITERRANEAN, CONTEMPORARY PARTY SETS 299.95 -329.95 < reg 359.95-379.95 Contemporary with "48" round table, Mediterranean with" 48" octogonol t able .•. both with Nevo·mo r® tops ond four motch;n9 • . block vinyl choirs. Furniture, 92 SERTA SLEEP SETS 1'0rtho Zone'' 1 'Posture Line 11 Twin, full size set ................. 99.95 Twin, full s;ze set .................. 89.95 Queen size set ................ 159.95 Queen size set ............... 139.95 King size set ................. -199.95 King size set ................ _ 179.95 Sleep Shop, 69 SERTA SLEEP SETS, 12 SIZES reg ... 89.95 .......... . 79.95 SET Mony sizes in tho regulor 75 " length or extra long 80'', Sleep Shop, 69 279.95 ).pc velvet boudoir ensemble, spreod, heodboord end · bench. Six lovely colors -.. -·---·--·-·-................................. _ 198.00 -Sleep Shop, 69 LUXURIOUS CUSTOM DRAPERIES 1.99 -3.99 yd. Including labor Select from e wide choice of fabrics and high fashio n colors. Always custom deluxe workman ship. Shop at Home, we bring samples to you. Custom Dra peries, 82 100% WOOL PILE SHAG reg. 12.35 8.99 sq. yd., instilled Greet assortment of colors including, celery, crystal green, im- poriol~old. Broadloom, 32 . -r· HUNTINGTON BEA'CH 71.17 Edinoer Av•nu• .•. 192•llJ I Mondrt thru Seturd1y 10 t.m. to t:JO P.""· ' \ I I ' I -I I l I ,1 j I I /' I l ' I I ' .1 I ,1 j l r I , r . I 1· -·' - • ' ~FountaiiI Valley~ ........... Teday's Fbud • ,. YOl. 62, NO. 171, 4 SECTIONS, 4-4 PAGES ORAN"GE COUNTY;. CA~IFORNIA FRIDAY, JUL 'r II, 19'9 TEN CENTS l ' • -· .Most B·each Employes Get Pay Hike Next Week " .. RICHAIU) P. NALL 1 Of ... 0.llY Pllitt SWf '·Huntington Beach city employes scan- ning their pay checks nert week wUJ find pa,y incttuea reflected there. , Some will llnd pay Increases. Not all. A few bave ·been "Y rated" or "red Oag- 1~". This means -the a4mlnlstraUon believed -the ,jobs aireaw paid too . JDUdL. • But ·most of the 560 full.time ei:qployes will find 1ood news. It averages about five percent,, said city officiala. .. The bikes are the result ol a recent Ci- ty Gouncil action -somewhat open end iD nature. 'Jbe. council adopted a volumiQOUS private study they had bought from three men called "MFB Job • and Salary Clas&iflcaUon Stqdy," 'M>e inttlals·stand for the names of the men studying 223 employe cla.ssi!ica- lions: Richard W. Maxfleld,~D. Verner Freas and M. Nee.I Buell. Councilmen not ooly approved the study -after bearing admlnlstraUve dtssent on parts -' they adopted ad· dlllonal recommendations. These came from City Administrator Doyle Miller, who had 21 recommended changes; Bill Woods, chairman of the five-member city personnel committee; and department beads who felt there were · inequiUes ,. conctrnlng t h e I r departments. City Clerk Paul Jopes went to bat over recomme~ aalarlea for hb aides and his o..rn salary. Jones aJd tDe city clerk's salary should r!late to the importance of the pooltlon DOI the penon holdinji ii. Ht said the clerk had jun u lmp<rtant decWoo. as otbt.r department heads. Jonea wu asldifg that hi! post pay at range to <•1,0TI to •t,343 monthly-) rather lhan range 118 (!1 ,020 (o 11,211). He noted thlt being an elected official sometimea complicated the relAtionsbip ' with the clly ldmlnlstrallor. . Jones pointed out hit propooad Plf would put him below th.al of ml&Wll dlr attorney, police captab1.t\ city P1aM1na director and ualalant dlredot cil Beaches, Patka ud DevelopmenL' Wooc!J qreed thlt the job llhould be 'e- evalilated. Cqlmcllmen qreed to do so """" with ~ 1llef loll .. tho ~k. U ~ poaiUons are given ralaes, they will come In Sept.ember when city employes 1et theJr coet.ol-Uvtng PIY i.. • creases. The btna lot' -In limbo would be retro1cUvt to July I. · The salary --Jncreuea the range of pay grades from Jes than 10 to 11, aald new city publlclat Wlllllm Reed. In.~ of dollaiS thia --IU'I· pel'liour, .. the bottom to ll,llll-thlJ II the top. • _;i llso aots --!Or llllog 1111 Im.~ of a Job; criteria ta rate 11n poliltl the lmportanc:e 'lllld r..,....billly of Ille pool 'Luna No Apollo Threat' Russians Give Assurance to Borman SPACE CENTER. Houston (UPI) -material, and try to beat Apollo 11 back spacecraf1 _was in an orblt raqing a to Russia assured the United States today with It, and Borman said be did not ask 179 miles above the moon , based on aft.er a personal telephone call from U.S. al a later news conference. , Soviet Dgures. astronaut Frank Borman that its Luna 15 :"Your guess ls as good as ours at this Apollo 11 astronauts Nell A •. satellite w~t~terfe1Jt ~Jtt~Uo ~~t·~5!.~~rlcan8 1.~Y -~~.w~ ··-Annstrone. EdwJn E. Aldrin and MI. chael ll's-nlgbf1o rana inen on the moon. ·~· ·~ -·-r-•<;:IQI -¥1Ml.--W. .,..~ But the Soviets d.1d not say what their Russi.I and its space lnstallaUons.. · ....o'lrtnnrere...tb~ quart.en ol the way to s"paaship's mission was. Christopher c. Kralt, Apollo 'light the moon, wheii the apaa agency sald R .,..'.'.llol.Jlolm~U .lnf<llllled Uuit JhL _aperalioos dlu<W • .>rlloJlilo apP<md at was rcl,.sing a "very sigt\lli>;<11t"· ajat ... orbi t of Luna 15 'Would not. 'intersect the newa. conference, said U.S. gpace of. 'ment on Luna 1&. . ·published trajectories of Apollo 11 at any {icisls coWd only "guessUmate" what Qte Luna 15 was already In crblt around the point and that he would be infonned if Rossians were doing. "Probably they are moon a.mid worldwide speculation It was -al\Y'tlmlg>-dO\'el•P><f;'"th.-spa"-.gency-&11\g-1·step.-by-steplJrograln·Jusr...-we a moonscooper'' ci'ift'lllll!ii<loii-to'la1io U..,-T..._.. SPRING ON MOON -Charlie Merrifield, 11, a SeabrOOk, Tex .. nei~hbor 0( ~ ll as.lronll!ll -Edwip. E. ~ Ull<I• l.OIJlt· ~ spnngs lo demonstrate his theories on wliat ')\larfo might find lvhen ae Steps onto moon's surface. Aldrin. will;J>e second man to walk OD hmar surface, if all go,s as planned.--n- Firemen·Suspe-ctArsonists ht $20,000 Plant Blaze 'Fire ~partment authorilies said today they suspect arsonists of setting a blaze whjch caused an estimated $20,000 in d.fJnage Thursday at a Huntington Beach prQlfuct packing finn. Qlvislon Chief James B. Watters said My ste ry Shrouds • D~appearance of Youth in Ocea1i Mystej.y surrounding the disa)lpearance o( a 1&-year-old Pico Rive ra boy, possibly drowned off HunUngt.on City Beach, con- Unued today with no clues turned up by potlce or lifeguards. .OUn Hart was last seen walking along llie beach Tuesday and I.< believed to be the~vlctlm of riptides which have plagued the coast land since early this week. Close suNeillance of the water line. ~ by police helicopters and lifeguard JJ'l)blle units, will continue until ·bls body ha~ been discovered or be ls found alive. Persistent riptides ~ept the lifeguards busy with 148 rescues Thursday. Only one ot the victims required resuscitation. she ts Debra Hood , 14, of Ada, Okla., wbO is now resting at Huntington Jntercommunity Hospital in fair con- diUon. . 1 A!slslanl Life Guard Director Max BO'fnnan said that Miss Hood was pulled in from the surf at 2:15 p.m. by lifeguard Richard Barth, who administered mouth to fttouth and mechanical resuscitation to bet. "Bowman said he expects the heavy surf to continue for atJeast two to lhree days. The waves pounding the shoreline have tilfnlnished tn slZe but art still oc· cdlooally five In eight feet high. • Vhlley Boys lo P rofit From Fireworks Sales ·me r·ountaln Valley Exchange Club bi elected to ahare profits from Fourth of JJu.ly fireworks sales with the 8Qys C1ab at'Fount.in Valley to the lunl•at the fire which roared through the Chico Farms building at 17101 Nichols St. late Thursday afternoon "was definitely set" at three dillerenl . locations inside and outside the building. However, the possibility that children. literally playing with fire, caused the blaze has not been ruled Out, according to authorities. That would make the fire malicious mischief on a rather g_rand scale, they indicated . F~en doMed breathing units and asbestos veals in batUing the names wwch spread through the building. There were no . injuries, but thousands of cardboard packing cases inside the buildJng were destroyed and t h e bulldlng'I metal walls were warped by the beat, firefighters said. No· produce was In the building at lhe time, .according to firemen. Fire department Capt. J. W. Vincent Mid some of 'the burning packing· cases had to be moved outside of the building with a fork lift truck so firemen ctuld douse Ufe smoulde:tlflg material. Firemen atayecf on the scene for about four hours, 'making sure the fil'f: was out and moppiJti up. Nearby buildings were not threatened, firefighters said. said in a statement. would do." .. some of the luster off the American There was no clue, apparenlly, as to Kraft said he assumed Luna 15 would achievement. l whether the Russians intended Luna 15 to leave lunar orbit ultimately and come The Russla.N told Bonnan una 15 was land on ·the moon , scoop up lunar back to earth. He said the Russian (See APOLLO, Pace &) Hunt for Police Chief ""' .... Ill .... tire •11*-r ' Judge Williams To-Open Plaudits For Chief Seit f ,e$J.l(J,~4, ~ £m,. to~Sev~~ ' ' . .. . .-. . . . Stores to Stay Open Monday For ·Moou Walk Superior Court J ydge K e n n e fb Williams, former Oraage County distrld. attorney, will le8.d otf the plaudits for retiring Huntlneton Beach Police Chief John H. Seltzer, at 1 o'clock tonight at the Sheraton Beach Inn. Judge Williams will be the guest speaker at a farewell dinner sponsored by the Huntington Beach Police O!flcen Association. Nearly 300 persons M!:· ex- pected at the dinner t{) say goodby to the 32-year veteran of law enforcement. Chie£ Seltzer's retirement becomes ef- fective July 31. }f.e has been Huntington Beach·s top law enforcement ofifcer for five years during a period of the city's largest growth and expaMion. Notabfe achievements Wider Chie! Seit· zer's administration ha•e been the ad- dition of twO police helicopters to the police department, rapid department growth, and initiation of ''Seltier'1 Sandmen," the undercover beach police officers. other groups honoring Chief Seltzer tonight Include lhe Huntington Beach Elks Club, Orange County Chiefs of Police, the city's Harbors and Beachel Dept., and Mayor Jack Green. Orange County District Attorney Cecil Hicks is also on the program. · Stock Marketa NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market remained in sharply lower territory this afternoon, with many investOn: report· edly cautious prior to the-long weekend. (See quotations, Pages 14-15). Trading was quiet. Declines led ad· vances by better than 600 issUet. 'Ibe search for a new Huntfngton Beach police chltf--<lll'Mltd by City Admlnl>- tt'atol' Doyle Miller to tbl'<O ,,,.,...ii., been t<pMded agaln by City Council· men to aeven men: Wllllam Reed, new dty publicist, 11id todQ' the Clt"y Council felt the job Is so sensitive that they should fnterview seven o{ the top applicants. It had previously been stated that the Council Tuesd•r. woold Interview C;tpt. Earle Robitall e, commander of the Huntington Beach Police Detective Divi- sion ; Police Chief Walter Koenig, of Torrance; and Police Chief George Tielsch of Garden Grove. 'The new lilt" Includes those three and: . ' Bill Meenk, I Los Angeles .,,.,.ill CIJ>' tain; Ht!VY Heyen, a capltt1t ~on. the Fremont force ; Edward Glugqw, a Costa M,.. police captiln and 'Loren Russell, a captain in the Huntl.rigton Part Police Oepartmenl. Mayor Jack Green said that the top seven men In the competition run by the State Personnel Board were sep. arated by just a few points and aaid, "We owe It to the community to take the time to talk to each of the seven." Green said he plans to call a press conference Wednesday afternoon to intro- duce the new chief if the Council is able to make a decision Tuesday night in secret session. Grand Jury Gives County Warning on Bay Exchange By TOM BARLEY Of Ille 0.1" f'li.t Sl.tt The Orange County Grand Jury warned county supervisors Thursday that the controverlial trade of Upper Newport Bay land between thti county and the Irv1ne Compariy had been consummated in the eyes of a public that "is not aware of what it now ownJ in terms of unfille.d tidelands." But that same public, iJ!dicates the in- vHUgaUve panel, bas become sufficienUy alarmed at elements railed by growing oppwiltlon to the deal to realize "that public waterfront and access are limited." There b "a new pub\lc awareness," the Grand Jury states, "lhat once public tidelands are traded or .sold, the county will have lost forever these very precious resources so important to the recrea- tional needa of the people." Mast -In the Orange Cout are.t will remain open on MOODday - Moiaay -wblle i:lty aii<l llila e mp loy e 5 will t11joy •I !ifree-dq weekend. President Nixon'• call for • "017 at ParUclpaUon" Monday to celebrate the first lunar~Janding h83 been rejected by most local firnul. Banks and Savings and Loan butldlnp will remain open Monday, as will store1 in Fashion Island in Newport Beach and South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, • survey indJcated today. In a poll taken at tbe Costa Mesa Chamber of O:>mmerce Board meeti.n1 Thursday, mo.<! proprietors planned to keep stores open Monday. The governors or more than half of. the statea and city governmept.s across the nation · have responded . to Nixon'• deciaralion and called Monday a holiday. Laguna Beach la the only city on the coast thlt. has DOI doied city office< Monday. II is ~bie thlt Monday micht not be Moon Day after all, space cfficials have said. Flight ·director CllUord Charlesworth said man's Urst wal~ on the moon may (Set HOLIDAY, Pap I ), Valley Employes Get Moon Day Off City employes in Fountain Valley will join others around the nation with a day off Monday to celebralt .the Apollo U moon mis&on. Monday wu declared a city holiday by the city council which closed all city of. fices for the Apollo moon loucbdown. Laguna's Martin Resigns As Grand Jury Foreman The Grand Jury's views were contained In a resolution to be heard bu the Board of Supervilors Tuesday and hi a following four-page explanaUon of the resolution. Both pertain In a long-dl!cuioed proposal to exchange ts7 acrea of Irvine Company land for 157 acres of county-owned tidelands In Upper Newport Bay. But the trade faces an uphill court fight. Awaiting setUng of a trial date 11 a taxpayers' auJt filed bY al.I Harbor Area homeo.wners_ who _argue...that _tbe_public was hoodwinked "by hundreds of mllllot11 of dollars" when county o ff I c I a 1 s Orange -w-tJier . ... Former Laguna Beach mayor William 0. Martin today resigned from the Orange County Grand Jury where he was serving as foreman of the panel. Martin's resignation has been accepted by Judge Robert Gardner, the Superior O>urt'• crlminal jurist and liaiaoo with the investigative panel. Judge Gardner has announced that he will appoint a new foreman Wednesday. Superior Court Admlnlstrator Leslie McCartney discio8ed the resignation ol Martin but refused 'to comment on the reuons behind the deci!ian cf Ll)e form£r Art Colony mayer to quit tht Grand Jury at the halfway stage or lts dellber1UoJU1. But the decl!ion came a.t no IUl'Jl'lae to. Superilll' Court and Dis\ricl ~··of· fiCOll who hav• !'°"~ed .c~ Wit!\ !ill! -panel. _._~ -r usertedly misrepresented values of the Martln, who makes hla home at 1051 two di.sputed territories: Marine" Drive in Laguna, ls also Lined up with them in opposition to the chainnan of tho? Festlval of Arts Board of deal are County Auditor V. A. Helm and Directors. He served two tenns as County Assessor Andrew J. Hlnshiw. Laguna .ma!'Or-Both men brand the· deal as un-' Martin waa quoted by c o u n t Y conslltuUonal and both re{uM to perform. courthouse IOOJ'ces as hJving commented functions ordered by the aupervliors - frequently in the Grand Jmy room and in Heim will not pay a Sl41000 dredging bill public on his lncreaslng conviction that submitted by ,Irvine and Hinshaw Will noe he wu foreman of a panel wbJcb wu far remove the Irvine land from the tu removed Crom his ptl'IOMI pbllooophles rolll. and lnclinatlona in the pursuit of io-Urging the county's lmmedlalfi a\udy ot vttllptlanl tnto·county government. poulble att.maUves to the Upper Bay. Marllil hlmseU decllnm to i:ommtnt to-land swap, the Grand Jury polnla oul the day '"' his resignatloo. t986 Slal< Landa CommJqlon did not ap- Summer has certainly arrived along the Coast and It la expected to remain that W"f for awhile, at• least through the weekend. And for beacb-loven:, there'a no beat· inf 67 degree wa""I. INSIDE TODAY CountJi 1ehoolt on tht ioholt haven't fared too 10tU with th• voter• this ~tar .• 811-t Orano• Cocut districts IOmtholo blGC u.. od<ll. S« "°"' thtv 1fock •p eotnpared to the other1 on Poor 11. But bll departure from the Grand Jury prove of the trade. today rllaed the pollibility that his-0 In spite of thfS:." (he bolrd fs told "" '""' " Mii._ • ,l'Miptbn•qi&y )iave bdMt impell8d by '1the llf'te eicbJnp ·~t • .; ~ :: ::::" ..J: 1the; Gr.and 4uey's ·1tm111 criticism of ~en before the fllf7-state LIDdS Com-::"· U.:: :.:=I.": 1 ·CP!ty•ICllVIUta ,whicJt.IOd.W ~>Upper m••~~ with no atletilpt to dtt~ 111 ---n,, °'-'-n ~l1Dd....av"bt1weeat7tbe:~-and""IJ~ftve plin. et t waa approVid.fl Dlw n :.:J::.1 =. ~ the ll'VIM Compaay. • , The Grand.Jury reJflded the countY,'I • ...,.. ,._ • '""" .,.. .t~ ii ~ that the Viteran· ciYlc of. 1ollg-t\ancllng arpment lhat the COit.i of ;=--~ ~::,..:-•• : fl~l b~ many ~·to Uk~ot lU1 fllllnj lhe-Ude:Jandl iumndered to the """ ._. " = ,,., lf!Ow. plan to donate that amount or JontY ellhtr Jn cash1 building materiall ·•·equipment,• .. plained Marv-Hqlund.- 1 • E~e Club presidenL URY-,Oltl!MAN RES IGNS Le,....•1 Wllllem Martin A reliable ..Urce in the Jlillrlcl A~ tomey'• office today told the' DAILY. PILOT that "!1'1 .not-surpr1Jlnt11nd~'m only sul'Jlrii<d Ilia! BUl'Maitln'llltfll1110 th.la a lon1 time ago." •. 1ft membel'I dotlni tiivmli~ lrvtoe CO. woillirfia~ tietil prohJblUve ::W t:.':u':': :J_._ --. .. to the ~a:lial clAll -· ·(lloo•JURY-WARNI, P• I) , , ., ,;-'----------"' • ' " , "' • • -• I • if.· r I 1-- - - - -- - - -- --- ---- -~ -----. - --------- , ' --- • DAILY PILOT .. .._.. " Cale IJMIK•• Falling Out to Sea ~onatructlon _pier for new Orange County sewer ouUall line stretches into &ea on HuptiJtgton Beach side of Santa Ana River .. Sanitation plants are at left (background). Huge natural sand bar built as re- 'sult of winter storms stands off river mouth. Newport Beach is at rigbt. In background (right) .is Jow-1)'.ing Banning property. Nixuii-'-s Stand-in ~liap_lain Plays Pr~sident_on Ct;trrier By AR1111JJ\ R. VINSEL Of 1Jtt Dtllf Plitt Stttt A Protestant Navy chaplain from Hun· tinglon Beach today la being tmlld like vi.siting royalty aboafd the aircraft car- rier on which President Nixon will greet tbe Apallo m®nlll'n nen Thursday. U . Crndr. John A. Piirto, 117, of 1181 Madeline Drive, ii assigned as a ~tandin for the chJef execuUve, so that two personal stewards and other crewmen can poll&b their presidential manners. • aboard the Long Beach.based carrier USS Hornet, which 111 now on 1pla1bdown sta~ton In the PacWc Ocean, olt Johnson Island. -In his temporary capacity as acting Prti.ident, the chaplain is belrlg attended by Navy chie~ Richard T. Frias, 44, of Long Beach and Charles E. RaJgans, '8, ol Oklahoma City. "Ohl Ohhh Boy," hollered Mrs. Nancy ~rto today when informed that the :'"-lieutenant commander a~ 11aw oU June 21 ts now playing the 'fole of the mllltary'1 comm1nder·bH:hler. Before the Hornet steamed out of Pearl Harbor, Secret Service men toured the shi p and also adviled Raigans and Frias the Pre1ldent will probably ask for a ll1ht breaJdut. Fruit, orange juice, cereaJ and coffee is likely to bt. tbe presidential menu after Mr. Nixon boirds the pickup ves.el early July 24 to await the hlstorlc retum. Mn. Piirto aaJd today that 1he haan't heard from be:r husband 1lnc:e the Hornet departed, but was thrilled by word of hi1 strategic role in the Apollo recovery mlsaion. "I think it's areal," Me added when the in!ti.!11 shock wore orf. Lt. Cmdr. Piirto is Protestant chaplain Summer Swim 1 Classes Planned The Huntington Beach Recreation and Parks Department will conduct Its fourth summer ~Slon of !Wlmming claues be&lnnhlg July 28. lnstrucUon wUl ht offered 1t the Hun-tington Beach High School pqol, th• Cily Pool, Marina High School pool and Golden West College Pool. Children entering the beginning cla11 must be giJ. or older while those enterin1 the advanced be&lnnlng cla111 muat hold an American Red Cross beglnnen card or Its equivalent in swimming skills. The department also offer11 a "Mommy and Me" swimming course for children at least three years of age. A $4 fee will be charged for the regular ' cow-set wiUt a is charge for the "Mom- my and Me" program. q Add1tional swim courses have been scheduled beginning Aug. 11 and Aug. 25. lt~l l\ PILOT ••li•tt N. W..4 .,....., .......... J•c• L C..Wt Vitt..,...,'!'"'.....,.., ....... n .. 1,K...a ·-n. .... Ii-Mw,M1e -·-Alblrt W. laht Wllll1• l•..f ~Ml'-HVlttiMMtl ..... ffli. Clly hllw "---Jff ltfri ,.,. .. M•l~Mt P.O .... ,. .. •1'41 --....,.,. ~.17U ""'91 t!i'-c-'11 N4Mt la Wtll ' .,... ~llWlt tDJ ...... The lieutenant commander, hia wife and their five children moved to Hun· tington Beach ·about one year qo. Mrs. Piirto Is 1 Southland native, raised ln the Whittler area. That, she said, ts about the close&t parallel to the life of President Nixon and Ilia Navy stand-in. From Page l APOLLO ... traveling at a 53-degree angle to the path ApOIJo 11 will follow . Luna 15 ii traveling around the moon once every 2 hours 30 seconds, the Russians said . "U they land tomorrow mornin1, I'll read about It," Kraft said. The Russians said their spacecraft would remain in moon orbit until midnight PDT Friday, but dJd not specify If it would land at that time. Lunt 15 waa launched tut Sunday from Russia and reached the moon 11lursday, where it dropped Into orbit. Russian scientific sourcea have said the Soviet moon craft was de.signed to lend on the moon, scoop up a spadeful of lunar dirt and hesd back to earth, seek· • Ing to beat Apollo It's schedule by two days. Western source11 agreed th.11 wu a poS8lblllly. The space agency announcement said Soviet academician M. V. Keldy!h, presl· dent of the USSR Aaedemy of SClenett, said In a cable lo Borman that Luna 15 would stay in orbit two dayi . But the an· nouncement did not say whether If would land on the moon and scoop lunar material to try to beat Apollo 11 back. Flight Director GlyM Lunney aald the American spacecraft waa "right on the book" and its course so accurate that the astronauts• third opportunity to correct it would be s'klpped today and a fourth OJ> portunily Saturday might be. '1lt'1 going as we.II as any mtulon we've ever had," Lunney said. Today's major evtnt occun late in the d.&y when Armstrong and Aldrin w(Ule through a connecting tunnel Into the lunar module, nicknamed Eagle1 bitched MOl·lo-<os< wllh lhe Colwnbl& comlllalld ship. For two houn, they are lo check the systems of the spidery lander. 'Mlcy mainly will look for d1ma1e thit might ha\'e occurred Wednt!day durln& the Jolting llltoll ln>m Cape Kennedy. If they find major dama1t, they. will cancel their landing plane. However, mlelon control oftlclah say, chanctl of th\1 are remote. The aiitronauts 1lepl well durln1 the night, wlUt Aldrin 1lffpln1 eight IOlld hours, wblle Collini loged nhl• boul1. • ·-• - As~essor A~s~ Hits Lan_d ~Wap lmlril-delt 6~·~ • Count, -~ .J. .llllllh•w ht\11 added his seven-page conde~ation of· the Orange eoUnty-Itvlne ·Company · Upper Bay deal to the Grand J0ry's crlticism of the controvtrsial lend twap. Hlnsbew again refuaed to accept the ruUns by county aupervlaors that the land deeded to the cqwity by the Irvine Company ahould be held lu·fret by the company pending a court ruUng on the con.'iUtutlonallty of the trade. }{jnshaw passed the long, carefully· written statement to the. press ·Thursday within tWo houri of a Grand Jury press release In which the panel explained the intent behind its earlier resolution to count1 superviaon. Hinshaw placed a $85,491,440 price tag on the' lrVlne' land, a listing -which put.a the disputed ·acreage op the county's assewnent rolls for-1918 at $11,221,380 - ~ per:cent :~ tile-weuor:'a calculated matkel value. ' ' . . '!bat "'JUaUon Is up by more thin '46 million on the valuation placed on the land -'-according to opponenla of the land IWa)> -by the Irvine Company. Jt is based on Hlnshaw's belief that the Ian~. at loday's prices, is worth $42,000 an acre. Hinshaw po!J\ll out to the county board that the 18Dle, land wUI be ·worth al least •100,00Q 1n acre .. at the end of my tlx·year reappral!al prpgram. "I feel I would be rem1i1 i.n my duties if I did not value and place on this year's assessment roll an auessment for these lands," Htnsba:w aald. Hinshaw hu been told by the boerd on numerous occasloJ11 that he la being ~miss in his duUes by refusing to ac· cept the land trade as in accompllshed fact. Both th6 county and the lrvtne Company _•rsy•.-that ll!e land should be hefll tu-free by lrVlne pending a eourt rulfng which coWd be as much as:· three years away. Fro111 Page l JURY WARNS, COUNTY • • • and beyond county resouFcea. tidelibda and methods of financlna tbe "A case may be ma di for the state-. harbor development.;, Such 1tudie11 liave ment that the county does nOt now have not been made, the panel notes. the money to develop these tidelands," "Additional studies will mean the ex. . - J{inshaw •Warned the board thll "It would be let ally tmp,.oper· to p<rmrt can- cellation of current taaes levied On tbtle properties for two reasom.'' JOINED CRmCISM He joins the Grand Jury in Jts criUc111m of the am.-,..i to the lint 1greemenl between the paitl<!s by pointing out thit "The Jniine Company . • • woltfd llUI have an· element of ti~ lo UJe properties conve)'ed to the county because of its reversionary interest." He cla..ilm that·Irvlne "would be liable ror, as a minimum, a tu on their PDfHS- sary interest on the subject propertteS." Hln!hp.w abet crittclus the 1greed for· mula "for setting tax amQUnt.s for the years In which the title to the land would veat in the county as a gross rniJstalt'- ment of the probable assessed values and probable tax dollan." · He uks supervisors to determine "the nature of the consideration ... that the County of Orange gave to · the lrvlne Company In return for whatever righta: the County received." · "What ls the nature and extent of the pro'perty ri8;hts described in these. detds which the Irvine COmpany bu retained for it.self in tbe event there ls no cul· mlnatton of the }iropoeed ex&aDJf? .. Rlnahaw ukl~ · BOARD ASKED HinShaw 11$o uka th& board: ''To what ntent bu the Irvine Company re- ltnqulahed all.of the cuotody, oeeupmcy, corriroll and poaeal0tt it bas e.erctaed over the11 landl!" He atao oeeks to determine "to what extent does the Orauge Cotmty Harbor District and/or the County of Orange now assert itseU ~s a result of these deeds In the · e1erelie o'r ·the COJ11Plete custody, occupllllcy, cot>lroil and posse&• slon consonant with fee 1lmple 1btolule Utle?'' A!>d Hl!>shaw ukl the B~d to de- termine the "prec::tae legal dez;crlpt_lom of both the perimeter of' the Upper Bay and all of the lud parcei. Involved In the land exchange." The asseMOr warnS that the bo&rd'a: demands for removal or the Iivlne land from tu rolll, "would bi uklng thJs olfi~ lo wi.t in devilopl!if the mech- anics ultimately leadl.ng to a gift or public nxlhey. • ''Ihll I cannot da." Hlnlbaw said. Transpac Oaim Rejected Ute statement concedes, but "this in no penditure of public funds," the Grand Jury cone~, "but this Grand Jury By • ~AB way means that future development is feels that the Upper Bay, as a natural-ALMON 1.N1i.tn EY two dly1 of the race •"e wu convlnced jmpoalllble. resource, ts 90 hnportantt hat the alter-DAIL v l"ILOT ta111111 •••• Blackfin wu some SO to ao miles abu.d "This Grand Jury ... wishes to point ·native of waiting to make these etudies HONOLULU -A U.S. Coad Guard and the crew did not .drive the boat -so until after the exchange Is ill adyised." pilot t.esUfied Thursday that when he new hard because of beJ.na down lo the last out that there are limitless ways or con· Anticipating_t_be possible comment that oyer the Wln<tw:1rd, Paasag~ in the )gt two aplnnakers. serving wi\etlrorit and acce11s for pijbUc neither the county nor the Irvine Co. can two daya· of the Tranapaclfic yacht nee BliCkfiii'a Crtl!w wu ctlebratbfi the Uh," the board la told. "It ts felt that the wiUtdraw from the 1greement, the Grand the 73.foot ketch was at or neat tbe ·poa1. w~ of the boat fof ,boat battle 11 late . . . Suptrvlsors, as trustees ' of the Jury points out that "an alternate plan tlon It bad last reported. u 30 dilnutes before Windward PQll.ge tid I l1d hould l,d could be developed which would facilitate · This appeared to have shot down the boomed across the flnllh line to let a new ea s, • t?On~' er aa many a more rapid consummation of the proteSt of Black.fln't skipper Ktn elapsed time record. . al~maUv~l!J»l•lble. , . _ tid~1'-ncb. exchapge ~hit;:}! botp side~ ~Meuse t__hat_B-Ob J~n ha4-Jalai!1ed · :vou can lmaiine the a:Ioom that aet. __ • Or)ly one plan ..•• bu !vu.been con·_ might agree. to withdraw and re-Windward Passage's poiltloo aunn1 the ~eel ovetBlactfln when someone spatted mdered by the parties to lhe a~ negotta~. _ _ · . -last three dats -of th~-ietding~ward ~~d and on1 a few 111& Grand Jury said. ---"In aMwn-w the argument thaTU will -Ue¥elii< ,oo bl!. crew abosra!iliCiliii1o--=mllif iiWI · _ , · ·md"a:'lllfcii1ii-4'-if-Ir It notes that there have been "basic take too much time to develop an believe they were comfortabJy ibead. · crew1u111. moditicaOons" 1hade to th t lan but alte~at.e plan · · .this C'.rand Jury would Johnson himself testified at the protest The gloom fboard Windward Pas!lage sl.rf:IHI -tliit-"theae liiodlfl_!_U~---ans:w.erJhat. it Jeels it .tS beUer. fflL1he _ hea.ring:..'!Ldon'.t-claim.Jo be 1a11u1b1e a1 had evaporated •arller~ related to uplanda or park c~~· .::: county to retain control Of, as,, milch ~ navigator but I cert8:181Y nevir know-when Bla~in was spotted ~ out of QuenUy asked for b the l th waterfront and access as possible. 1ngly gave a false position." a tqUall line off Molokai Island .everal than alternate ani em= ~f ra er And the county should do th1t, the The race prott?!t committee ruled there miles astern. UntU then, the Windward tidelands,. DI · filled Grand Jury warns, "even though some of waa "no evidence" that John.son falsified Pauage crew had been convinced that · the county-held lands might not be his poslUon. they were behind. . "Serious problem11" that were not evl-'"developed WIUI some future time when Giving a false posiUoo Is a vlolaUon of John.loo must survive one more protest dent et the tbne of the land swap agree-ad,~u~te funding can be arranged. the "s p I r I t of the rule" in the session today when he anawen Charges ment signed in 1965 should now be con-Tlus Gra~d Jury feels .tha! the cost of Transpacific race, primarily for safety of Ralph Phllllps Jr. that Windward sidered by county sUpervilors, the Grand futher studieS would be 1uttilled to reasons. In. &0me races, tklpper11 and Pusage made contact with h1I Moot Jury aug1ests. d.etennine the best possible U5fl. of the navigators have been known to give false Esprit ·at the atart of the race. There 11PolluUoo and ecological· imbalance tidelands which the county holds 1n trust pos!Uon.s to mislead a competitor. were several minor collisions on · the were not considered serious problems (in for all . .,the ·people in the County of DeMeuse claimed that on the buts of startlng line, but because of ligbt wind 1965) in Orange County," Jt points oul 1_0r_ang....::•..:·_th_•_sla:=t•::m::e::n::.l ::ad::d!::·= ___ _'.P:::lo::ttin::'.!g-'po!C:::l::U:•n:_::re~po:rts'..::..:durtng:.:~th:::_e .::las:::_t _:con'.'.'.".dlt~lo'.".°''..th~ere~w'.'.e".'re'..no""..'clam~":li!"-~--"Qut they are now and ••• it is felt that 1 technical studies should be made to in- sure that the proposed Land E1change will result in the best possible design of the Bay to avoid poUutioo and ecological imbalance." And the Grand Jury, in a itro111!y worded declaration that. 1uma up aeveral weeks of dellberaUons by the in· vesUgaUve panel, expreues I ts dilsatlsfaction wJth drcumstances aur· rounding the Novtmber, 1988, amend· ment to the agreement of 111&5. It was •creed four years ago, the jury notes, that the "Department of the Army define the Pll'bor lbte1. This requirement waa changed in the amendment to read 'appropriate governmental agencies.• "The lignlficanct of the 8.ll}endment," the jury stetement not.el, "is that by changing the basic requirement (or rules of the game) the Irvine Company and the county agreed that . neither c o u I d withdraw from the trade. "Why the basic requirement was changed has not been answered to the Grand Jury's satisfaction," the statement stresses. ''If it was impoulble to have the Dtparlmont ol the Army define the hatbor lines in 1965, what changed tt to make it no longer necessary?" the jury asks. "lf the chqe was felt necessary to clarify whether or not the agreement was binding on both partiea, there ts a qut1Uon aa to why the v1tue term 'ap- propriate governmental agendea' was substituted for the precise 'Department ot the Anny'." gesta that "further efforta should include an engineering and economic feulbtllty study ol the propoeed main public beach area." There should be, Ule 11tatement addJ, ••a COil study of the tUUng ot aome ooun· ty-held tidelands and/or purehase ol small areas of Irvine land adjacent to .From P•e l HOLIDAY .•• be moved up from early Monday to Sun- day night. But it will have no effect on the boll· day. Major stock exchaJlles will alto be cloaed in obaenation of the Apollo 11 Astronauts' lclleduled walk on the moon. Moat banking and lodustrlal firms expect their employes to report ,for work. California declared an official state holiday on Monday, closing down all pub- lic lchools, collea:ea: and univers:IUes 11 well •• state offtets. South Carolina Gov. Robert McNalr proclolmed Moon Doy a legal holldsy, closing banks and state ol· flcts. 'Moat of the natloo'1 7litl,OOO poetal worken wl11 hive Monday orf and there will be no window service or rtlldenUal or rural dellverle1. I 4 a --- JOLY IF 11 _ a E ON SALi NOW ---'' 2 l-Ienredon t"'~ HENREDON & HERITAGE Uphol1tory now •vall&blo at a 11% rtduotlon to lndudo 1peclal ord•n '" yeur choice of f•brlc.a.. Thia: la one ef thoM rare oppertvnltln to purchl .. the flnHt at Nml:rkaltle Mvlngia. Our aumrner 111• alto includes Mltct 9roup1 from Dreul -Henredoti -Herlt11•· Al .. Nitlonal, Mare-C1~ and numtrou1 other llnes. lleductlona on acCMMtlet, lempa end plctuNa: are 1vlll· Ible. The Senate will obluve a holiday Mon.. day, but the House of Rtpreaentatlves . will conduct rqular buslntu. Houte leader• decided to meet Monday to take up lealalatloa Jcltedulod for floor ac\lon. Orange eoaitcltlii1ll1t have declared a thrff<11y witktnd for IJllployes In- clude: Cotti M111. Founi.ln Valley, HunliftC14n Beach, Nowpott B!taclt, San Clemenlo and S.n Juan Capiatr- NIWPORT llACH 1717 W11telllf Dr. '42-2050 Of'llt n1DAY TIL t IJmllORS ,,.,...._,, lnterler o.il ...... LAGUN+ llACH w North c-lhiy. Av1l11bio-AID-NllD 0PU NJDAT ,,L t ,.._ , ..... WM 9' ._,.. e...tf M .. 11U 494'151 --~---·-· I I I . I " I I I I. . ' " • --r . . ~ • , Lagu na Beaeh . .VOl. 62, NO: 17f, 4 SCCTIO!lf$, 44 PAGES OR-ANGE COUNTY, :CALIFORNIA • FRIDAY, JULY ·re, ~69 ns ran~ 'Luna No -Apollo Threat' Russians Give Assurance to Borman • SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPl) -material, and try \o beat Apollo 11 back Russia assured the United States today ~·ith It, and Bonn.an said be dld not ask after 8 personal telephone call frpm U.S. at a later news conference. astronaut Frank Bannan that its Luna 15 "Your guess is as good as ours at this satellite would not interfere with Apollo point," said the American astronaut, who ll's flight to land men on the moon. recently completed a lo.day visit lo But the Soviets did not say what their Russia and Jts space installations. spapeship's mlaslon was. Christopher C. Kraft, Apollo 'light "Col. Bomian was lnfonned that the operations director, who also appeared at orbit of Luna 15 would not Intersect the news conference, said U.S. spaeil of- publlshed trajectories of Apollo 1 t at any ficials could only "guesstimate" what the > point and that he would 6e informed if Russ.laos were doing. "Probably they are ~ -~'1> any dl4nge developed," the spa~ agency doing a step by step program just as we ·~; --, said in a.>ftatement. _ .. _ would--do ." \ .. spacecrait was In an orbit ranging 83 to 179 miles above the moon, baud on Soviet figures. Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Annstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins were three quarters of the way to the moori, when the space agency said It was releasing 1 ••very elgnlficant" state-. ment on l.Ama 15. Luna 15 Wil!I already in orbit around the moon amid worldwide speculation it was a "moonscooper" craft intended to take some of the luster off the American -• • - Teday'• l'lllal • -~. 'Y• Steeb '; TEN CENTS ·ur .. Ex~~~ .. :- . '. , Mayor Qtiits :In Silence Fonner· tlguna BUch ma; ... 1lllllom D-' Martin tOday l'tlJined """' the Orange County Grand Jury where be was serving as foreman of the panel - Martin's resJgnaUon bas'been accepted by Judge Robert Gardner, Ibo Superior Oow:I'• criminal Jurist and l1aleot\. wtlh the lnvei;tigative panel. Judie Gardner has Bnnounced that be wlll tppolht t new fortman Wednesday. · Superior Court Adminiltr,ator" Leslie Mce8rtney cilsclooed tbe ·rOslgnalton of ..... I .. 'a !kt-'-···-There wu no clue, apparently, as to Kraft said be assumed Luna 15 would hll-lf~=~-'"-·"·-" · I' ---ytietlfel'lli~ltimtarur-l>in.-!5-.. to~-.1!fi>in -liman>rb!nitlll!laffly and come ••tllil... land on the mooo,-acoOp up lunar back to earth. He &aid the Russia.a acllleyement. _ _ _ _ -Tiit llUISiann>ld Bomwt·tana 11-was (See APOu.6, Pase 11 JURY PORl!MAN RE SIGNS M"arllilbut refuSEi!·to coiimleiifOi\lli< -, ---------reasons behlodJbc..dec:tskln of=tbe·f«mer La9unf'rWllll1in Mn tfir-""-"Art c;.Jony mayor to qutt.tl>rGnnt-iury ' I, I I I \ ........ -------,--u...-:1,.=-~t-from Allen Aide at the hallway stage of II!: dellberaticm. · eclsJoa cam• a,.no.mrpria.---- Down tlae Mission Trail First Baptism To Be-c;i_ebrated El Toro: By JACK CHAPPELL 01 .. l)llltJ •n.t .• ,,,, Desp!t,,.contlnulng hints today from W~. D. C. about po.'ISte sale of urbail military baaes--El ·T o Marine 'Air ·statton lochl'ded-lt now a ars llke- JJ that the Orange County iovernment hu Jost interest In the Marine air sta- tion. Pcmible joint civilian-military use of Ille El T.,. bues u a reglooaf airport No County Sale has been studied by the county and is b!Uerly opposed by El Toro, Miaalon Viejo, and Ir.1ne residents. Joh(!. ·K.illef'er, adrriinlstrative ·mist.ant to Fifth Distrlel Supervilor 'AliOo 'E. Allen, .. ia 1"day It Is llbly ti)at ln \ho next mooth the board d. SllllOfVison will be asb<f to forget about the study d. the El Toro base. . That-n:c;mnuendation, he llld,-wtll axne tram the aMster Pll4 d. Alr Transport.aiton Group, a body made up d. the, ~· d. county d"ljlitmenll of ~. roods, bulldln, '"!""~• rial ll'~£~F.'~d.. Air TransJl!lNllGn Group will advi!e U,. Soe R.iatet1')iillfi PaJ• I ' . Gra--..J Jurors .. Superior Court and Dbtrlct Attorney's of. ff.,(L fices who haVe worked clbsety with the W arn_ County On Bay S-wap ; BV TOM BARL~ 01 111t ~tt•(Pl.., twf' , panel. A reliable ooorce In the. District ,\I· tomey'1 offlce today told Ibo D,\ILY PILOT that "It'• not ourprlsing and rm only surprised that Bill Martin dldo1 do thll a long-ume agG." ----..... Ma_rtln, who maw his ho.me at 11151 Marine Drive in Laguna, is also chairman of the FOl!ival of Arts Board of I>im;tora. tf• aerv84 two terms u ~tna)'Oro _Marlin WU quoted by .C 0 U ft t J courthause -ubavlngcommented In Ibo Grand Jury roam and In hllllncnaallll,.........,. tbal SAN CLEMENTE -The llJl!th an- niversary of the first ChrisUan bapUam In ... CaTir'Ornra Will be celebtated hlday, Saturoay and Sunday here with bands, carnival rides, ~ parade, dory races and dancing. The event is called Fiesta La Cristlanita, in honor of Father Juan Cres- pi'• baptism of a dying Indian be.by in what is now called Cristianit,os Canyon on Camp Pendleton. Council Sorry About It But Parking Fine Stieks board to drop considerallon of the ,._ glOnal airpprl phase of the Malter Plan d. °'"'11• County Air TransportaUon prepared by Wllllam L. Prreir.a and ASIOciates last year. That consideration should be left to the Soolhern Ca!Uornl1 Aviation Commiti,. Inc., in the opinion of the county air groqp, he said. EVen if the big-base ever were to be put on the mark.et, purchase cost would make buying the Marine Air Sta- tion unfeasible, Killefer said. ·'111;· 0ranp Cowily Clra111durJ ;i)'nild county 1Upervisors ThundaJ that !be C"'11rovenlal tndt Of Upper Nowport Bay '!nd belweeII. !»l!PIY A!ld _ui, Irvine Company bad been CODSUJiunalsd In. lhe eyes or a public that "la not aware of what It qow owns in terms of unfil]ed_ t.JdeJands, II But that aame public, indicates the in- vestigative panel, ha.a become sufflclenUy alarmed at elements raieed by growing opposition to the deal to realize "that public waterfront and access are limited." There is "a new public awareness," the Grand Jury IUttes, 11that once public tideland& are traded or sold, lhe county will have lost rorever these very ~ r~urces so important to the reaea .. Ilona! (letdJ of · lh• people." . form.In d. a panel whldl wu far romoved ln>m bis penooaf philolopbles and lncllnatlona In thtJillrlU!t of ln- vesllgationl Into county 90....-t, Martin btmaelf dec~comment to. day on his resignation. ... 1 - Bui his departure from the Grand Jury today railed the pooalblllty that bis resignation may have been lqlpelled by the Grand Jury's strong criticlmn of county activities which Jed to the Upper Bay land swap ~een the county and the IrvJne Company. Festivities get under way Friday, when the gates to the midway open al 5 p.m. La Criatianlta Pageant, a reenactment of the first christening in the canyon, will be i;taged at Cabrillo Playhouse 7:30 p.m. all three nights. Saturday will be highlighted by a 2QG.. unJt parade at 10 :30 a.m. and the 1 p.m. dory races at the Municipal Pier. Kiwanis will serve ranch breakfasb Saturday and Sunday at 7 a.m. e "fissions Tract OK'd Approval of a tentative tract of 30.2 acres involving 150 single fa m 11 y reaidence lots and two walkway lot.a in the Missions Planned C.Ommunlty has been granted by the county Planning Commiss.ioa. Location of the Maceo Corporation development ls between MacKem:ie Street and the San Diego Freeway about 1,000 feet oorthwest of La Paz Road. • Go Flshin' r 1 .. e LAKE FOREST r 11'1 time to go fishln' a1 Lake Forest next week, U the Lake Forest CommunU1 AasoclaUon moves Into "Water and What's In It Week" Ju!Y 21 through 2S. Children ages & through ll wlll start the 'week off Monday at 11:30 a.m. mak* Ing boats out of popsicle sticks. Tuesday their creations will be raced on the lagoon. Wednesday the group win lake off for' Laguna Beach's Heisler Park for an ocean study field trip. '111ursday the children will prepare gear for the gfand opening Friday of the f\Shing season at the lagoon. Boat loads of children Friday will spend two hours out on the lagoqn trying their luck wllh the f!Ole and book. Prizes wlll be awarded for the·best costumes and biggest fish. • OIOn Sticker Si.ted Laguna Beach r~idtnt Louis D. neaene had the satisfaction . of hearing city councilmen eay th ey are sorry, but be didn't a:et the $19 back he pa.id for two ' Balloon Bursts For All ·stars With Capo Lo~ Twelve-year-old Mitch McComb -all 150 pounds of him -struck out 18 of 19 batten Thursday night to pitch the Del Oblepo Dana Point-San Juan AU-Stars to a .3 to O win over the Laguna Beach Na- tional League All-Slacs. , 1be only batter to reach base for Laguna was walked. 'Ibe losing pitcher for Laguna Beach, Gene Ober, g"ve up a hom&.ron in the first in,ning Wrth two men on baae for the only three runs. He allowed seven hits and two walkt in the game. When McComb, 33282 Marina Vlsta, Dana Point, entered the Little League at age 9, he was poslUoned as an ouUielder. "The manager Jet him pitch the last two innings of a game once, and Mitch struck out ev~ batler he faced L' his mother, Mn. Jolinr.rcc.mb, recalfe<llOilay. - His onJy loss this season· was a I to O def tat. Mitch's arsenal consists <l{ two basic p1tches -a strong fastball and a fork ball. It was the forkbaII, with its un- predictable path, that bewnaered the Laguna batters the most, hilJalher laid. When the need arose, Mitch fe>l baclt on ~ chahgeup. But the Y°':lngster ob- viously wasn't ln much trouble. Young Trio Arrested In Stabbing.of Leaders MJSS)ON _Vlt;J.Q -Formation ol a 1'ipecial ad hoc Bumper Sticker Com· mlttee has beeo announced by the lAwer NEW YORK (UPI) -Three youths Saddleback LiUers A&soclatkm rule 'o were arrested today ln the stabbing of a ruin President Rulon Runyon. state Senator and a commun)ly leader the c O't1l m I t t e e , under the who went to the aid of a poUce ofticer l·hairmanship of that stk:ky m.racter being itliclted by a \ten.age 1ana (fl a Elmer Wllhold; will lllvestlgat. various -8<ooklyp 51.-..t. _ • worthy causes, candidates and cam-State Sen. ~. l!~rederkk Meytnon, 52, Pllelu-It will then recornmeDd ap. wa1 reported In satisfactory condiUon at praprtate bumper lllckm to midents of B0r"• o t d a I e llQspltal with two lltab the Slddltback Valley. woundo of the back. CWton Jones, 40 a Tlie unldentifll>I author d. llllt -· '"""'"unlll' lead<r-lo tht eulJleW"Yortt-re lease lflO'll answen mall al P.O. Box sectli>n, pllo . waa In satlsfodory coft. a131, Mbalon VleJo. · dition. ... ' p8rklng tickets received by his son JO months ago. DeBelle told councilmen this week his son, now serving in Vietnam, was twice ticketed fer parking his car facing the wrong way on a street. City Manager James Wheaton said the tickets were given Coritrary to city policy which is to overlook the offense unless a complaint is J'eceived. .The officer who gave the Uckets, Neil Purcell, was new on. the job and had come from the Newport Beach Police Department which gives such tickels, Wheaton explained. OeBelle aaid he came to the City Coun- cil because he hadn't received any satisfaction from the police chief or city manager. He said he wants! the law eilber enforced or taken off the books. Ctty councilmen saJd they would look Into it. "We would have to have 20 officers on duty lo enforce. every ordinance and that ls an impossible task," said Wheaton. "So we enforce selectively on a complaint basis." Steck Ma rkee. NEW YORK (AP)-'Jbe stock market remained in sharply lower territory this a{ternoont-with many investors report- edly cauhou! piiOfto the long weekend. (See quotations, Pages 14-15 ). Trading was quiet. Declines led ad- vances by better than 600 !&sues. He said the base Is valued in exes ol $200 million by the Marine· Corps. Thal figure Includes land purchase. '~Then. you still have got to build an airport. 'M:le runways are not tn the proper config\lraUon for civilian use," he sald. Mention m possible sale of the El Toro base came In d.lscusslon during organl· zation of a congression.il panel to inves- tigate sale of military posta on e%pel1Slve urban land. Rep. Mendel Riven (0-South Carolina) brought up .the mat\er,."Aa you know some of oor military lns:tallaUons are presently occupying extremely valuable property which ls way out of proportion to use value. "One In partlcula: Is the Marine Air Corps Station at El Toro, Calif., but I use El Toro only as an example. There are others, such as the Presidio of San Francisco," Ri vers said. Community Hospital T o Hold Art Auction A request by the South Coast Com- munity Hospital to hold an art auction In Irvine Bowl Aug. 30 hM been approved by Laguna Beach city councilmen. The hospital is presently undertaking an ex- pansloo rund drive. QifnCllmei1 Siio approved a request by the Laguna Beacli Community Ch.,{ to conduct a drive Utrou&h the mall from Sept. U to Nov. :a. The Grand Jury'a views were contalned Jn a resolution to be beard b!' the Board of Supervisor• Tue9day and in a following four-page explanation of the resotuUon. Bolh pertain to a long-diacuu<d propc>11I to exchange 457 acres of Irvine Company land for IS7 acres of county-owned tidelands in Upper Newport Bay. But .the trade faces an uphill court fight. Awaiting setting of a trial date is 1 taipayers' suit riled by flix Harbor Area homeowners who argue that the public was hoodwinked "by hundreds of millions of dollars" when county off l c i 1I1 assertedly misrepresented values of tbe two disputed territories. . Lined up with them in opposition to the deal are County Auditor V. A. Heim and County Assessor .Andrew J. Hinshaw. Both men brand the deal as un- consUtuOonal and both refuse to perform funcUons ordered by the 51.l~n - Heim will not pay a 114,0CIO dredalnJ bill submltled by'Irvlne and 111ns1u1;,-,;m.no1 remove· 'the Irvine land from the tu rolls.· Urging the county's Immediate study of possible alternatives to the, tfpper Bay land swap, the Grand Jury pointl out Ule IllM,Slat. Landa Commlaslon did' not ap- prove of the trade. "In 'flit. or .tl\il," !be ,board Is loJd, "lhesir')----eeiCtiifige 'agrtli!IJlefit wu - taken before the 1167 State Lands Com- mission wlth no attempt to develop an (See JURY WARNS, f'qel) It'll Be 'Business as Usual Most Local F~rms Plan to Remain Open on 'Mo<)nday' Most businesses In the Orange Cout Thurlday, moat ProPrtetors planned to But ll will have no eUect ·on·lhe ~ area will remain open,._on Moonday -keep atorea open Monday. day. . ~ ~ · .Monday 1 while city and sttte The govemon of m~ than hfU: of the Major stock Uchangea: w1U afao be employes will enjoy a three-day atatea and r.tty 1overnment.s acrou the .cloaed Jo ·oi.rvatiop of ·the Apollo Jl weekend. . naUoo have r111Ponded to NIJoa'a AJtronauts' ~walk Oil.the moon. President Nison's call for a "Day di declaralloa ao;d cal1'1Ulonday a tiolldaf . Moat banking and Jndul(r!al !!roil upec;t Partk:lpaUon" Monday to celelirat. the Laguna ~.Is the only cit)' on the their employee, to re(iorl for wort. ' lirst"lunar landplg bas be<n rejected ty ~ that bas not closed cll)I offJc<il Calli0<1)ll, declared an olllClal llale moat local firms. -' Monday. holiday en jililllday, cloalnc do!m aQ pub- Bank5 and Savings and Loan blllkf~ Ii Ii (IOl&lble that Monday mllht not.be Jl.c sc:bliols, coTit1t1 ...S:.unlvtnlU• u ww remain open Monday, u "Ill ...., Moon Da1 after all, l!pACO ofTicllis hive well 11111te offloel. Soullt Canlltna a.., In Fulilon lSla\lil In Newport Beach' Ud laid.. Robert McNalr proclalmid -!lo)' a South Coaat Plaza In Coita Mesa~-F!llbt diredor"Clmlird CblrltlWOrth legal boUcfa1, cio1¥>1 bankl anil -of· IUMIO)' lndiclled todar· --~-...it <id U... ..... may · flooll•. -' It Is known that the veteran civic or- ficl&l had many qutltlons to ask of his fellow membert dutlng lnvesllgatlocl In- to the controversial deal. Hello, Moon This Is Nixon WASHINGTON (UPI) -~ NU.on will lalk to the Apollo t1 aslmlault on a two-way television hookup when they SOI foot on the moon, the White House announced today. "He will speak on behalf of the American people from his-offica, .. press secretary Ronald Ziegler llid. Ziegler aaid the idea of the lwc>wa1 t.lev!sion hookup originated with the Na• tlooal Aeronautics and Space Admlnlstratloo (NASA). Tiit idea ,... then cllsclmaed wiU> television network representatives in Washlngton. Zlecler lllld at no time dld the White HOUie mate a direct request for televi&lo.n time for,&M Prelldent. or .. ge Weaaer Summe< 1-. -c:et1aln4c-arrl.e.t- afong the Coaol and' tt 11 expected to remain that WI)' for ilwbile. at least tbrouib the -And lo< beacb-loven, there'• .. boil- ing 67 ctewee waten. INSmE '1'8DA'Y County 1chooll on the toholt haven't /arid too wU with t.lle uoter' this ~~ But Orono• c ... 1 d1ttn.:ts • ,.,..,..., _ l>fft. tlie oddr. S« how th<ti rtilct •P compared to the 0Uttt1 cm Pag11 .u. ' 'Art ltlWll N -n ·== .: --~ ,_ .. ~,,...... 11 -.. ........... ..... ,. .... , .. l'lilMct 1+11' ,....... " Mllflllll ..... It Mii &.-a ,, -. =-11 .......... --: ............ I °' ... c..tp ,, ....... ---, .. ,. ---.. -.. £?:' ... J In a poTI laken a !he Coala Mtll , !:!._~.!/!'.'!'~,..« ~ to• , M6il . 1... Ibo . nallon't 710,Gllll• pWi1 . Cl111nb<r of\Oommme-lloarl!•IQll41!11i~ ··~•I'' • .tJ',J .<!." ·1:---'-( IO\oll)AT~l'lp~ ....,._''-'"-----=;;;:;...;;;;=~U ·--• I • I • ., DAILY PILOT ,._,.~ 0.it ~ fi'alllng Out to Sea Con1truction pier for new Orange County sewer ouUall line stretch~s Into oea on Huntington Beach olde of 5anta Ana ·River. SanitaUon plants are at left (background). Huge natufa! sand bar built as re- sult of winter storms sWKls Ml river mouth. Newport Beach is at right. In background (right) is low-lying Banning property. From P•ge J • ·APOLLO • • • f----traveun,-1t·a-53=de1reer1911e-to the-path-once-every 2-hours-30 ·stc0nds, the Apollo 11 will follow. Russians said. • ... Luca 15 ii traveling around the moon "If they land tomorrow mornfn£, l'll Modjeska Death Investigated A M~ Canyoa mon died wly to- day &lid hla wife WIS hospitalized in criUcal condition in drcwnatances which er< belnc lnvut11at.d by <>range County Slltrifr1 oUicen and coroner's depuUu. An autopsy wUI be carried out on the ~ .Cllotler Bowden, about :IO,;to ..,,_ linji 1n,._if1aton' pnllmlnery _dllllftO'l! -that Bowden and his wife, Marie Lciulle, took an overdote ol ID un- detefllllned drug. The couple was dlxovered early todty ny alanned . ntlghboro who alerted of- fictrs. Mrs. Bowden Is listed u being Jn ciUtcal condition at the Or1111e County Mediql center. canyon Wrecks lnjw·e 2 Women Two traffic accidents Thursday along Laguna Canyon Road injured two young wamen, one from Laguna Beach. Diane Woodbury, %1, of 1$81 Catalina St., wu injured when her small foreign car struck a parked car along the center dJvider In front of the Festival of Arts (f'OUDdf aboul 11:30 p.m. Mill .Wodbary waa released following U.~t for culf and scratches at South Col.It Communlty H<>!pital. Patrice ·eyM Romero, 18, La Mirada, wu injured when the small foreign car she wu driving rolled over on the Can· yoa rotd near the Irvine ponds about tWo mUes north of El Toro Road. Miss "Romero was 1iven emer1ency trea~t 1i South Coafit Community ~Ital and· then transferred to the c.rqp Pendleton BQse Hospital. \ 1·,11( P11ur ~ 4*11 ""*--...,,,.,., ._...,. H. we .. ---J••• I. e.,i., Vla,,.... ... ~t!Mtfltttr n.-..1 ... il -"""' A. ,.,,.,,.. --a1~::~1~ Cltr I_. ---122 ,.,... ""'·· Mtlht M.4. ... , P.b. a. 6". t 26n --c... ...,., -.... '"9!Mf ..._....,.:m1•1 .. ..,...,.....,.. ...... IUOli ....... read about lt," Kraft said. The Ru!:sians said their spacecraf_t would rcmaln in moon orbit until midnight PDT Friday, but did not specify if it would. land at that tim,, Luna 15 wu launched last Sunday from Russia and reached the moon Thursday, where it dropped ir.to orbit. RU.!Sian sclenUfle source have said tl1e Sovitt moon craft was designed to land on the moon, scoop up a spadeful of lunar dirt and head back to earth, seek- jng to beat Apollo It's schedule by two days. . Western aources agreed this was a P'"lblllty. The s~ce agency announcement said Soviet ac8demlclan M. V. Keldysb, pres.i· dent of the U~R Aacdemy of Sciences, tiaid in a cable to Borman that Luna 15 would stay In orbit two day11. But the an· nouncement did not say whether It would land on the moon and scoop lunar m11.terlal to try to beat Apollo 11 back. Flight Directer Glynn Lunney said the American spacecraft was "right on the book" and It! course so accurate that the astronauts' third opportunity to correct It would be skipped today and a fourth o~ portunity Saturday might be. "It's-going as well as any mi11lon we've ever had," Lunney said . Today's major event occurs late In the d1iy when Amulrong and Aldrin wlgale through a connecting tunnel into the lunar module, nicknamed Eagle, hitched nose-to-nose with the Columbia command ship. For two hours, they art lo check the systems of the fipldery lander. They mainly will look for damage that mlsht have occurred Wednesday during the jolting liftoff from Cape Kennedy. l( they find major damage, they will cancel their landing plan s. However, mission Ctlntrol officials say, chances of this are remote. The astronauts slept well during the night, with Aldrin sleeping eight fiolid hours, while Co\lin.s logged nine hours. S. U>unty Plans For Moon Day Summer school classes wnl be can· celled, city halls and municipal court of- fice; will be closed throu&h<>ut the SOuth County area on Monday to allow cltiuns "A Diy of P&rUclpatlOn" In 'the momen- tous event of an expected landinl on the moon.· Police, fire and Uleguard personntl and trash Ctlllectors will be the only local government employes working Monday. Laguna Beach Mayor Glerin Vedder. who followed Uie Prealdenl's and governor's e:rample In proclaiming the "Day of Participation" for his city, s:/J employes who must work will be given a compensating day oll later. Fro'!' Page J HOLIDAY ... workers will haft Mond1y oU and there .,..11 be no window aervtce or residential or rural deliveries. The Senate WW ob$el'Ve a holld•Y Mon- "da1, but the Houle of Repfttentfttve.s will oonducl rqul>r buslnOI. House leedm decldecl·!o meet Mondoy to lilt• up legl•latlon ocheoluled for floor action. Orange Coast clUes that have declared I three-day Wetktnd (or employu ,In. dud" Coata Mesa, .Fountain Valley, Huntington Beech, Newport Beach, San Clemente and San Juan c..·p1strano. • • Asses so AlsQ Hits Larid -Swap· ' • I • C«mly ,._ Alldriw J, "'""'"" hu added his seven-page condemnation of the Orange County-Irvine COmpany Upper Bay deal to the Grand Jury's crillclsm of the controversi:d land swap. Hlnshaw again retused to accept the ruling b)' county supervisors that the land deeded. to the cOunty by ~ Irvine Company should iJ held tax-free by the company pending a court ruling oo lhe constltuUonallty of the trade. Hir.shaw passed the long, carefully- written statement to the press Thursday within two hours of a Grand Jury press release in which the panel e1plained the Intent behind its earlier reti0lution to county supe.noisors. 1 Jilnshaw placed a $65,491 ,440 price tag On the Irvine land, a listing which pub the disputed acreage on the county's assessment rolls for 1968 at '16,221,360 - 25 percent o( the assessor's caleulated market value. That valualion is up by more than $46 million on the valuaUon placed on the land -according tO oppanent! of the land swap -by the Irvine Company. lt Is based on Hinshaw's belief that the land, at today's prices, Is worth $42,000 an acre. Hinshaw points out to the county board that the same land will be worth at Fron• Page l JURY WARNS. -------- leut •tOt,000 an acre "at the ind of my 1li:-year reappraisal program. 111 reel I would be Nmlsa in my duties tf l did not value and place oo 1h111 year's assessment roll an assewnent for these lands,'' Hinshaw said. Hinsba.w hu been· told by the board on numerOU11 occulons that he is being remlla In bio duties by refualng to a<> cept the lond trade u an aocomplished filcL Both the county and the Irvine ComWy ucue th•t the land should be held lit-free by lrvlne pending • court ruling which could be ati much as three years away. Hinshaw warned the board that "it would be legally improper to _pe_nnit can- cellallon ol CWT'tnt taxes levied on these properties for two reasons." JOINED CRmCISM He Joins the Grand Jury in its criticlsm of the amendment to the first agreement between the parties by pointing out that "The Irvine Company • • • would rtill have an element of tltle to the properties evels Own Attack · . . - . cooveyed In the county be<:a"" ol )ts Unqubhed 111 ol lh< CUJtody, OCCUpan(y, reverslon.ary lnter~t." • , .-controls and ~lon It ~ exerciled He claims that Irvine 0 wou1d be llable ' over these lands?" 1 lor, 81 a minimum, a tu on their~ He alto aetks·to determlne ''to wbat sary interetit on the subject properties. ' Cou 1 H rbo Hlnsh.aw also crttlclzes Ute agreed for-crtent ~s the Orange n y a r mula "tor setting ta:r amounts for tile Dlltrict and/or Ule Counly of Oranao yun 1n Which the title to the land would ~ DR'.. assert. itselt as a result of these vest In the county as .a ~ ll\ISSl•1'-. , dledJ In the eJel'Cjse ol the -pleto ment of the probable useued vahwis · _, ... ...w occu--y. controls and -ses· and robable tu doll&r1." -~\WJ"• ,,_ • • ~ ..- Hep ub gupervlson to determlne "the lion coiwonant with f~ simple lbsolule nature ,of the. consider•Uon , .. fAat tile' title!''. , . County of Orange gave to the Irvine And Hinshaw asks the Board to de- Company in re1!1rn !?r whatever rights: tumlne the "precise legal descrtptloM the. County received. of both the .... ..i ..... eter of the Upper Bay "What ls the nature and exte.nt of the ~,. .. property rigllti de..:rlbed in these deed.< and all ol the Jan~. parcels involved In which the Irvine Company bas retained the land exchange. for Itself Jn the event there. ts nq, cuJ.· nie 8SSeS!Or war11t1 that the boar.ts minatioD of the proposed e1chang:e?" demands for removal of the Jrvtne~Jand Hinshaw asks from lit rells, '"'°"Id be askJ'Qs !lib , · o(q,,e to. wist !n developing the -~h- BOAJl!l AllKED anics 111Umately leading to a gift of Hlnahaw ,iJlo asks · the board' "!o public money. wbat'iutent has the Irvine Company re-"'t'IW: I cannot do," Himhaw Wd. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER • By TOM GORMAN REC•~•TION IN LAGUNA BEACH the r-reation director the needs and out in a recreaUon survey undertaken by alternative plan. Yet it was approved.'" n.Dn ..... The Grand Jury rejected the county's -may have entered the dawn of a new era wants of the elementary, junior high, and the Laguna Coordinating Council. Two long.starxling argmnent that the costs &f Wednesday night with the appointment of high &:hool students. four-by-four posts and a net is an in· filling the tidelands surrendered to the a fuJl-Ume recreation director. But the Due to the mere fact that a 41-year-old. _ ~ve way to keep kids happy. Irvine Co. w00Jd bavt. been prohibitive succw of the program will depend on man is naturally disaoclaied with tbe · 'fg~! have been ukJni for a yoµtl'i and beyond county resources. tfte inclusion of young people as an ad· yoong people, he couldn't be expected to recreation center. The city council has "A case may be made fQr the state-visory or liaison committee. feel and understand the waols of put this oil un,til the new director was ment that the county~ does not now have The city father! adffiiUM"°iro'ltletbing Laguna's youth. -, -name<!. May'f>e now 30ntething can be the money to develop' thele tidelands,". was-hlcking in the old recreation pro-The teen commitlee, besides Informing-done to give Laguna's youth a place to go the statement concedes, but "this in no gram. That wa$ made clear wherrthey -the· director, could relate to the students at night, to dance, play games, listen to way meana -that-tuture-development 1s -showed a desire to hire a...fulbUme.direc. the philosophy and objective&. of the · mu~ij:-and-just-rap. impossible. tor last year. · recreation program •. Thi11 could be ac-These are the two most basi c requests. "This Grand Jury , .. wishes to point B~t will the employritenb of a full-time Ctlmpllshed by word of mouth, the high But there are over 2,000 students In the out that there are limitless ways of con-man by itself solve the pressing problem school newspapers, dally school an-Laguna Beach Unified School District. serving waterfront and access for public of an lr:lcomplete program? Obviously nouncements, and special assemblies. And they might all have their own Ideas use," the board is told. "It ia felt that the not. One man by himself can't be ex-What In essence thls would accomplifih for a successful program . . . . Supervilon, as trustees of the peeled to engineer an effective t~·about is a free-flowln1 dialogue, so desperately * . -*-..., * tidelands, should cons ider as many in the present program . needed for an effective program. ··· alternaUves as possible." That's where the teens enter the pie-SOMETHING 1S NEEDED to funnel "Only one plan ..• has ever been con-lure. What was licking In the old pro-* * * these ideas into the recreation proiram. sidered by the parties to the agreemenl," gram, and what Laguna can't let slip by lT IS NO SECRET what the yoong peo-A teen advisory eommittee would help the Grand Jury aald. now, ls the establishment of a teen ad· _ ple_wo.uld like to see initiated in an ex-see to this. It notes that there have been "basic visory committee. pantling recrealioo program. Whether the sun ls In fact creeping up modillcatioOS" made to that plan but * * * Volleyball players yearn for additional ~er the horizon and briahter days loom stressM th1t ... these modiflcaUons were .. _:S:::U:::C:::H:.:_A:_::CO:·::MM::::m:_::E:E:..:co::u!d=-r::el::•::te:_t::o_.:c:ourts=::.:•::llllll::::.th:::.•.:bea.::..:ch_.._.Thi..._·,_.,_u_brou_gll::_t __ •h_ea_d_"Tmra __ in_;_to_be_see_n. ___ _ related lo uplanda or park lands fiUbse-- quently asked for by the county. rather than alternate arrangements of filled Ude lands... ..; ~. "Serious problems" that were not evi- dent at the time or the land swap agree. ment sllfled in 1965 should now be con· sldered by county supervisors, the Grand Jury suggest!. ~--!l'ill•E!!"!!~i!l!!!!!!!!l!L~1 .. l!!!Sl!!!!"'~&~!!!!!!!C•_!_~S_.•a-. .. m==-o•a~,~~ "Pollution and ecologi<:al Imbalance were not considered serious problems (in 1965) in Orange County," it points out. "But they are now and , •• it ls felt that technical sllldies should be made to in· sure th.at the propoRd Land Exchange will result in the best pc:153lble. desiln of the Bay to avoid pollution and ecological imbalance." And the Grand Jury, In a strongly worded declaratian lhJt sums up several y,·eek.s of dellberatlom by Ute in- vestigative paoel, expresses I ls dl.ssatWacUon with clrewnstances sur- rounding the November, 1961, ainend- ment to the agreement of 1965. It was agreed four years ago, the jury notes, that the ''Department of the Anny define the harbor lines. ThiJ requirement was changed in the amendment to rtad 'appropriate governmental agencies.' "The signiflcanc.e or the amendment,'' the jury statement notes, "is that by changing the baaic requirement (or rules of the game) the Irvine Company and the county agreed that neither c o u I d withdraw from lhe trade. "Why the ~ requirement was changed has not been ahswered to the Grand Jury's satisfaction," the statement stresses. "Jf it was impossible to have the Department oC the Anny define the harbor lines In 1985, what changed It to make It no longer necessary!" the jury ask!. "If the change was felt necessary to cl~rify whether or not the agreement was blndlng OD both parties, there iS a question as to why the vaaue tenn 'ap- propriate governmental qencles' was substituted for the precise 'Department of the Anny'." gests that "further efforts slfould include an engineering and economic feasibility study of the proposed main pubfic beach area." There should be, the statement adds, "a Ctlst study of the filling of some coun-- ty-held tidelands and/or purchase of small areas of Irvine land adjacent to tidelands and mahod!I ol financlna the harbor development." Such studie.s 1'.ave not been made, the panel notes. "Additional fitudlet will mean the ex· pendlture of public funds,'' the Grand Jury conctdeJ, ''but this Grand Jury fetls that tht' Upper Bay, as 1 nattiral resource, is so importantt hat the alter- native of W•iting to make these .studies until after Ute exclJanc:e_i! ill advised." AnUclpaUng the po111ble comment that neither the county nor the Irvine Co. c.an withdraw from lhe agreement, the Grand Jury pol.nts out that "an alttmatt pl•n could be deYelClPec! which ...Wd fec!lltate a mort rapid Consummation of the tidelands e1ctience which both aides mlght agree to withdraw &ltd r. negottate. "In •oawer fo the argumtilt that It will take too much llr!le lo develop 1n alternott plan • . .thb Grand JU11 would anner that It feels It ls better for the .. county to retain control of 11 m\lch waterfront and accesi-u:wuthlt. ,.,. -- • JOLY Henredon f<~ · • ON SALE NOW HENREDON & HERITAGE Upholttory now 1v1lla~I• 11 1 15% nMiuctlon to includo 1,..cl1I o~•r1 Jn ywr ct..ice of f1bria. This 11 one of fhoe.e r•r• opportunltl• to purchl• tM finest at rem1rk1bl• N'lihf'o · ()Ur 1ummt1' 111• also lnclufta Mlect 9roup1 from Drexel -Henredon -Heritage. Also Natkmal Mlrve Co~ and numerous other lines. Rlductl ont on accenorl•, lamp1 and pictures ere 1val~ abla. NIWPO~T IEACH 1727 W•tcllfl Dr., 642~2050 OPltl PllMY "l'IL t INTDIORS LAGUNA IEACH S45 North C_. HWy. °"" ...... , 111. ' ..... , .. """' ...... 0-.. c..-, '*120 · . . . -..JSI J I I I ~ I 4 I I I I I . • / Ul'11" ....... SPRING ON MOON -C~arlie Merrifield; 11, a Seabrook, Tex., neigtlbor ol Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, uses some bed springs to cfemollstrate his theories on what Aldrin might find when he steps onto moon'J!I surface. Aldrin will be second man to walk on lunar surface, if all goes as planned. Nixon!Js Stand-in L DAIL'« PILOT .; • , Birth. Control ·Speed-Up Urged . . - WASHIN<n'ON (AP) --t ~ on told Conarw today fie -to mate 1vaUabl< within llvo yelrt !roe blrlh con- trol advice to Am<rJcu -"' chl!d-bearlng age with low Incomes. In I special m<ISlg•. Ni... eaUtnlted Iha! near)J • mD1lon U.S. wom'" "do not now ba" adequalA! ..,.... to llm1l:f plan• • nlng asslstanoe. u Propollnc an e 1: p a a 1 I o n and ,_-glllislllon fll lederal faln11y plannlnl aervlc<s, but living DO ullmlta fll the in- Cr<aaed apendin( In-, Nb:DO uld: . 11Clearly, in DO clrcumltancel will the activities .-lated with our punult or tl>ll goal be allowad lo Jnlrlnga on tho rtllglous eoovictkN er penonal wllbes IDd lreadom ol IJr/ Individual, or wll1 CG Knocks Wind Out of Race Protest t)1ey be ~ lo ln).najr the. 1blolute rl11>t or aJl lndlvld\Jlli. to hive luch niat- tera ol cooac1alce respected by publlo authorWes." The chief aecullvt, In Ille i,OIJO.W<Jl'd doculnent, Uetched out 1 rather bleak plclurt ol Ille potao!W hnpact "' the global populltioo "'fi"p 1 o 1 lo n 11 govemmeata, p1vd agenclu IDd ll1e Untied N1-fall to belln dea1lq -with antlclpatacl J!<.Oblell\I. In ll1e United· liiites. alone, Ille poputa. tion will -n<arll' 100 mlllJoo to mere !ban 3' mJJUon by the Y•ar 2,000, be pred1ctad; Polntlltl to just oneJ:OMOquence ol the expected populatloa powth, Nixon aaid: "If we wt.re to accopunodate the full 100 miWon perlOOI ln new communlUes, we . . Washington Talks Heat Up _ Bo&ilBiidget ~ RumorsAhoutElToroSale ' ~~~s ~ ·. At Med Center MicblY enough to hand!• any advtt1a1y Presidio may now be oil Umlta !er 1Ccli · · '· · " · • ' · · · · · ·" By Al.MON LOCKAIEY on earth, the American military Is sud· relocation and the Sixth Army Mo Arr ~uent service for <>raqe Com- DAil v 'tLot ... ,_ ltilte!' denly surrounded at certal.n key in-min.l.straQye headquarj.ers wW probably ty's l!cohollcs was thoroul}lly wwtied HONOLULU - A U.S. Coast Guard stallatlons by an enemy Identified as itay put. over '11luriday in the comity M"edlcaJ pUot testified Thunday that wbea he De• civilian encroachment -and is COD-He said EfToro MCAS, he .--aled, ts center's .budget proposall for i•70 u • -~ the Boord of SUperv1son .-thnJUCll over the Windward Passage in the last slderlng cooditlonal surmider. a case in point of a military staUon which the second of eight daYi of budpt beaf'o two days of. the Tran1p1clf1c yacht nee Housing tra cts, d1·ive-ln c a f e s , could and perhaps should bt moved, ings. the ~foot ketch wu at or near the posi.· 111perhigbway1 and other development.II: ciUng residential development a n d Most supervlaors seemed to approve ol Chaplain Plays Presi.dent on Carrier tioo II bad lut report& are •d•ancln& on basu througboul the danger•"' air crub... • Dr. H•nnan llannel'I propooala for Ille 'Ibis appeared to have shot down the country and some posts may be ·sold and A fighter-bomber on a · landing a~ alcobolic .rebabWtaUon procram. tut likely to be the presidential menu after protest of Blackfln's skipper Ken relocated elsewhere. . . proach three years ago collided with .a ae-Supervbor David L. Baker wu .ittmalY. _,_,~_.. Despite ?epeat.ed 11tatemtnts that it l• cond alrcraft and pl':l'lged .lnto ~ oppgeed on monetary grounds. • 01 tM c.nr l'l11t suH Mr. Nixon boards the pickup vessel early DeMewie that Bob Johnson bad f..wueu only an e:i:ample, Or~e County'• El World Laguna Hilla m a fiery di.salter Ra.Mell. the medlcal center'• medJca1 A ProteslJJlt_Navy chaplain froJ:ll_Jlun.. July it to await the hiJtoric return. Windward Paa.ace'• poeiUon during tho Toro Marine.CCX'ps Alr St.allon was mtn-which tilled several per90ll1. director, estimated flrtt year costs of tbe tington Beach today is being lr•aied like Mrs. Pllrlo aald today Iha! 1lbe hun't Jan three cta11 -o1 Ille -· leldlng tioned agaJn Thur&day by·Rep. L. Meodel Congressman Richard T. HlJuil ())-program al 1'11,l73 • . ·11z1c al"• k.,,..,..1 .1. • ,,1 • heard lrom her huaband since the Hemet DeMeuse and his crew aboard Blackfin to Rivers (D-Soulh Carolina) as one which Westminster) made note ol lhia in a -"Once a program ftH Its fotlt h1 the vw NW v. a.........,._IL..,,e mcr~ar· · · · t I • · t · Th·~a u d t •• •-JtaJ.'rn-: .. ~-__ __.. .. ~ • . -~--. . -d~UlWas tlirilled by word oflill-believe they were (:Cftlfortably ahead. ..-COilld &O.. . .. --· ~--e epuone _m ervte.~ w_. y one oor a wie ...... ., ·~, .. .-~ By ARTHUR II. VINSEL tJer on wbkh Presid•nt Nixon wlll 11"'1 ' =-••-~If "~"'·' 1 ••-·-•·~ The chaJnnan of ll1e HOllle Anneo naaon why the 0rllll(e CDuhty bale conlhmeo to--f-Tbll"'81-lo---the Apollo moorunen nert Thursday. sttalegic ro1e in u... Apollo recovery .iuui~. iu.a~ \Qw.te:\I a . t.IM: .,._ Services Committee -lradltionaliy mill· came to Rivers' mlnd"dW'ing recent ctm-t!R!Se"biiloonh,g *" ll to·-1top--them_lt __. -:- m.iSsion. hearing: l ~ t claim to be infallible u t.ant abo. ut protecting what belongs to the mittee hu:"nP· the. outlet.." • tt:-Cmdt:--John A:-Piirto;-!l-7;--of-tlal The lieutenant comman<IU,-1UJ11'J.fe a nav1gatw-but"1-certalnly-nevet-kno1f----tJ:S;;-dtfel'l9e1orce --i& yieldlng-to-a..cer· COngremnan Rivera bad appolnted 1"be P"1Pl*d overall budlet al tbe Madeline Drive, is assigned as 1 stand in a.od their five children moved to Hun-ingly gave a false position." . lain degree in the race of thla new cw-Congressman Speedy 0. L<lng (0. OCM:Cla,U:r-~--SS::4~ f« the chief executive, IO that two tington Beach about one year ago. Mrs. The race protest committee ru1ed there cepL l..oLllslea) to head a subcomm!ttee to over last year. The total Health Dlput.. personal stewards and other crtwmen Piirto ii a Southland native, raised in the was "no evidence" that JohmoD falcJOed Exiioples cited e.arller this week of probe the turning over of military bases ~~~et under study totes up to tlU can polish their presidential manners. Whittler area. bb poslU hues dCcupytna valuable real estate aDd to outside purchuers and relocating 1f 1he "Ob! Ohhb Boy," hollered Mrs. N11..,.,, . on. perhaps IUltable for relocation were the them with sale funds. Rannelt coatended that MW -··• Tha~ !be lald, b: lboUI 111e clowl Glvuic • Illa po&ltlon la • vlolallon of local Jel and bellcopltt training !aclllty "I want this aubcommltt.. to In· alcobollc P-could 11'" • perCllll Pllrlo today when loformed Iba! ll1e parallel to th• Ill• ol Prtsldent Nb:on IDll the "1PIr11 ol Iba rule" In 1he IDd ll1e Preatdlo fll Son Praoclsco. v•M•••IA! lhe-•"'ill~ ol adllng oome ol o[ .l!>e patlooll "li would_be Ille belt.. •-'-be fl J -..... V---" •J ..,..,000 .. -·I.I __.... II Jieutenant commauug· s uw o une b1i ~avy atand;tn. TJ'ucpac!Oc race. prlmarily for safety Durlne a United Preu lnternadonal In· these eitremely valuable proputies and •''" t,;UUAI •..--. 26 is now playing the role of the nasons. In ICIDe raca, HI.ppm and t.erview Thurlda)', Rivera tndlcatei1 the ftbtillifiiik new racruueifln l&s-popUlated .Ramlell emph•atud ibll: Jbl eountt. mllltary's commander·in-cblef. navigaton have been known to pve falle areas," Rivera said. ~ :..: ~ ~== "I think II'! great," sh• added when the pacifists Leave po&ltlolllJ to mlalud a OOIDpelitof. Clvlllao encroacluoeot wu •xplalned to Short Act would pay IO~ fll Ille..,. lnu.-.1 shock wore ou. DeMeuM a•im•.nut'i>irlbo --o1 Murder Probed 111e C!!ngressJ\mll Committee lbal ru..... P'""· . . , heads by Alllataot Def•M< 8ecretary F pl -·" be ~ LL Cmdr. Piirto ls Pr9(estant chaplain ,P1~_P"'illOD reports during ll1e lut Barry J, Sbl1Jlto, who said It generally a ph~= :.=i,w~~ •bosrd the 'Lorig Beach-based carfl•i -To Pick Up ·Gls· •two_,. o1111e ... he --· oaovlnced In Grr" l's Death, happ<nl 1o coastal ™ metropouta. wor1rer,cun1co1poycho1oglllaod•el""- uS&JJornet, which b: now on splashdown Blackfin wu some eo to II m.ilu ahad areu. Dr. RaonU llld tbe ceDtii' WoUld. at statfon in lhe Pacific Ocean, off Johnllon VIENTIANE (UPI) -Seven American and tbe crew. did not drive the bolt.J., ''We have always a,,.samed tAati::I.. t.o hm>lve ~ Alcobollcs Anon;rmoUs Jsland. .,' , pacifllta left on-a fll1ht to Hanoi today to hard becau11 ot be1na: down to the lat ti~~n&th• eJrpoUceln ~"8!Utiinoonlnlow.rth e con· re.sources needed for defense use -, orpnizaUoo. Uii Saltatbi Mm11 tbie plCll:; up three 'U.S. prlsonera and tab two rpfnnakera. I ves"6a on e ~· water, air space etc. -would always be Half Way HOl* and the VWa "':""' all Io bis temporary capaclly ut acting other capUves mall from ll1e Untied Sta~ Blactllo'1 """ wu oeltbn"•• tlte ..nous death o[ an attractive y C avaUable," Sbilllto sald, engaged In alcoholic ""rkould 1;',.!" ~ President. the chaplain ill belng a "°6ed ..d .... 1 .... of th boll -. . woman whose body was found in a car "lndJcaUw now ahow It may be gram. He II.Id they w - by· Navy chida Richard T. --· 44, ol' es. ·-• t!or boll beUle u Ille parked In the city colJIOratlon yard. poJJUcaUy, publlc1y or economlcal1y Im-closdy with the clerSY IDd ll1e medical ,....., --I '°" ~ ••· -llJI n--~ C u 311 mlnutff be!°'" Windward P-Olflcen lald althou•' there wu 1-,_,_ ~--' -· Beach and Charles E. "•'•anl, 46, ' .. ~ 11-·· •w ·~ ... • ~" • '-"-~-"" posslbl• to ob~ such resourcea needed P•~-· ......, •-. Dam, 21, ol Chicago, lllld they expecl· to ......-. ..,.. the llDlsh line to Ill• ..,. leading lrom the auto exhaust pipe to for future mllltary operaUo1111," Shillito Ralmdl coocltlded hla lflUDl'llll for of Oklaboma City, retum from the Commlmist capital 'with elapoed Wne record. Ille lntlflor, they are ool aaUsfted that tatlClad ll1e program will!, "Al Jeut ilO pen:oa1 ol Before the Hornet steamed out of Peart the three released prlsonen. in a wetk or "You can Imagine the gloom that set-Karen L. Gourfey, 23, died of carbon , sa.l ol I the freewq accldenb 1Dvolve alcobai.,. u. bor •-•t •-•-m-tour·' ••a two. tled over Blactrin when someone apoUed monoxide poisoning. ,,_~.~~~'"~~ ..'!.~d ~lvcobvJ.ly ln the overall Medical Center budfet. '""r • ~ ~ .,..... .... ltU I.II Windward p a.he d nd Olli f The Oran1e County Coroner's Office U-.0 U\.:l1Jll\.:unu:IA \,"\NJ ... vu..~ Offl n-~ E 6hip and a1IO advlled Ra!pns and Frias North Vietnam on July 3 promised to uuge .~ 1 Y a t!IW el cau.se Lhe involuntary Jou of fiO to 100 County AdmlnistraUve ctr nuui::1 • • ••· ~sld••t .. m nMbably ask !or a ''"hi release thr" prison"' and to let oth"a mil" lrom Ille !1n1ab, lllld a Btackfln cothn!lrmedth lher~•l,!_ll !!'~! ry •m•nl In military JnstallaUoDI within 15 Y<lll II Tl!omaa and Rob«! Whltq. ctJtltt ld-uK: i-1.: ..... r ... ,..¥ ue receive mail in commemoration of in· crewman. e dea o mlM UVl.lr ey, wbo "u [ninisti~, are $2i3,000 -lpart Oii t!ie breakr.t. Clepend<nce day July 4, lo the United 'll1e gloom abosrd Windward Pwage lound Thursday night. not corrected .flnl n...i !or ""' equJpm<11t. Fruit, orange .Julee, cereal and coffee la States. h~ eva1~~ted earlier 1n Qle afternoon "There J3 certain phyalcal ev.ldence " ... ~tarying Robert[ ""A~· McNRlamara'ata~'"~ Thomas sugpsta t;ill,000 ror ~ Wuen B a~ln WaJ!I spotted sailing out"of that 11he might not have died of carbon ~re 0 Vt:-tense, Vtra .e wiuuy ment 1n the ttotaUve buct,el aocf Whtie Astronaut,s May Not Rest BeforeTakingMoonStep I SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -An Apollo 11 flight director says "the poss.lbility ex.ists" that man '11 first step onto the moon may come aooner than u - pectecl . "'We have no reason to chan&e Lhe plan at ~ pteJ!leDl Ume," Eugene Kranz Bid Thursday night, however. Arnoll&UI ~·il A. ArmJtrooi 13 sdleduled to ease out of Apollo 11'1 lunar litidlng craft at 11: 12 p.m. PST Sunday and atep .onto the moon's surface nine minutes later, at 11:11 p.rn:, aft« a Rear-end Wreck Ki11s ·Co'untian A 6S-year-old Anaheim woman was kill- ed in a rear-end crash Thuraday nJght and an 18-year-0Jd youth jailed on four felony charges including hit-run. pouce aald Mrl. Birglda PeilecrJno of 911 S. Loara St. was ejected from a car driven by her daughter when it was struck from the rear at hlgb speed by one drlveo by Jesua R. Eoqueda, 11, o1 10392 Gravler St., Ana.helm. 1111 CanlJ Tnl!llO 1111 • 121 De1tk ToO U7 EsqUIJla. who fied the. -of !ho IC-cidenl In the 2100 bloct fll Wal Bill Rold an4 wa1 captUrtd two bloclci away, wu jalted on charltl ol ausplclon of ~J1ughter, hit-run, posaea~on of dW'1'0U• drup and drlvlnll under the tnlki•nct o! drup. orncen 11kt the amall J1panese car In wbich Mtl. Pellegrino wu rldlna w11 dliallllbed. II WU driven by her d...-.ier, J--Mta. 41, fll IJJ S. LDara St.~beJM.. She la ...... be1d !or • oboerv1110n In AnallOlm General il<llpltal, lllfferlnl llom minor Injuries. > ---- scheduled four-hour rest perki(f. Another filght director, C 11 r r or d Charl..worth, lald th• oclleduled moon walk by Armstrong and utronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. could be advanc.d 111 much as 314 houn if both crewmen felt the reli period would not be uteful. "You won't be able to deoide that until after you set there, .. Qwlenrorth said. "I would hope the chancea are more toward the way we planned~ U the)' can rest, we would prefer that.'' Kranz said the moon wait eould alto be advanced by a problem with the landing craft, such a.s a 1low oxygen leak, which would force them to return to the orbiting command ahip IOODer than plaMed. ' , .. An earller-than-1eheduled lunar walt would Juve the astronauts with an option of returnln1 to the mother. ab1p early. IL would not iffect Apollo ll'J!I scheduled Thursday splashdown In the Paclllc. Tustin Child .. Nearly Drowns A thr,..yw-old 'l'ultln girl la !lick home today, a lbnlt dlatance lnlm her mother'• watchful eye and a Jona way from th• pool which aJrnoot clelmad her Ille Thuraday lllA!rDOon. LltU. Diana ·MldleUe 11lrjWeu wu rushed to the bolpltel by [ir{mri lltar beini pulled QllCOlllClous from ll1e pool used by resldenLI at a Tustin apartment complex. She wa1 belna cared ror by a couple lbere wbDe her ~ wu at work. The child 1pparenU1 supped-Ind !•II whll• playln& in the lhallow end fll the poal, flrtm..en llld. "She swallowed a Jot fll w1i.r,• a lt<Joollal opokeomin .ol i.. day, "but she'• hne now and there'• no reason to keep her here." ~ a squall line off Molokai I.!land severil mon0%lde poisoning;" depuiies said. battled against the McNamara program wants '5(19,000. · mil" ulmL UnW lhen, Ille Windward They re!....S to elaborate lurther, un-or closing down wmeeded military The blu.st ihunbllog block la While'• Pusap ertW bad been convtnced that tll the police Investigation is completed. reservaUons. requeatfof .,157,000fornewlaundtyroom tbey were behind. InvesUgatorJ!I said they had no def. H1J new aWtude lteml from Pentagon equipment. He aays the cost of in- Jobmon muJt IU?Vive one more protest inlle suJ1pecl5 for a pos!ible murder dLsclosure that the American defense stallaUon can be recavered ln three yt&rl session tod&~ wbea. be annrera char1es cue; but were checking out several per-force races a new threat beJldea: Soviet throuab penoone1 and maintenance llV• ol Ralph po Jr. lhal Whtdward aona. mla!lles, suicidal Red Cblneae 1eaderl lngs. P ... ga made contad will! hll II-loot The young woman, who lived at JllJI and the O<><aJlad Domino Tbeory of coo-Orlglmlly Tbomu and Wblta ,..,. $1 Elprtl 11 Ille start fll the raee. 'lbere Allard Ave., Garden Grove, wu found by qu .. t. millloo apart 1111 the centei'a blldgel, bot were several minor collillom on the a city security guard at It :37 p.m. Thurs-Unllke the others, the nswe.et menace 19 White earlier agreed to cut $'100,000. The starting line, bot beCIUM o! lllht wlmJ day, He reporled the car'a ••glne was In the heart ol the homeland IDd lookecf cenlA!r now baJ 1,295 employes -Ille coodltio111J !hero ...,. 1111 --. nmDIDg when he found the vlctlm. upon u heallhy In general t'""'. new budget adding 312. Beach Scientist,s Await Precious Moon Sample By RVDI NlEDZlltSla Of tlllt Dltfr '"91 SIMI Space ICl.enUsts bave pretty much con- cluded Iba! precioul inetals and minerals wUl not be found on the moon, yet the rock samples to be brought back fttlm the tu,nar llW'face are more precl.OUI than their weight In gol4.. If the Apollo 11 nitsslon is C¥fled to suctessful conclusion, H. Gerald Grou, a physic.ill:t at McDoMell D 0 u 11 a I Astrolllllllct Corporation, Huntington Beach, wUl receive a 1mall sample of that precious cargo. "It may only be a chunk of ba11lt," Ill'• Groa. Byt Ille oclentl!lc tnowledge to be gi•aned Crom Ille ... IDd I hall Jncb aquare and quartar loch thick Nm· pie be wW receive in a vacuum.ttaJ:tt alwnlnum container may have fir relChlng oclentl!lc bnpllcatlolll. Grou Ind Dr. Norman N. GrtlOmlD, also o!, McDonnell Dou&Ju will subject Ille materiel lhroltlh 1 variety o! testa to @t<nnl!Je !ta Jwnlneacent quaJIUes. SURFACE DAMAGED •'The lunar l\lrface hu bttn r1di1Uan- d a m a g e d for ctnturlel," malntall'll Gross. "lt would be Jntertltllli to 11""1 the de!ecta cauaecl It Ille surface by thll ndl•lkm incl to -tho el!ldfo!tCr wllh Which the lunar pmple can convert to1ar radlaUon Into liunlnetetnce"or 1Jow." 11• added Iha! IOl11111f1c lovllllpton !or Ille put IOO ynn Ila" botlcld 1low· inl Ill dlttconl opatl of lhl lunar topoo'apby whlch bu extended to an clllora ol Illa spaclrtlm, ev111 durlol total lunar ecllP1es. Grou IDd ills aaooclata Wll1 attenpt to dupUcalA! thll 1low Jn the labol"ltory by subjecting the samples t o elec- tromagnetic radiation, such u ultr•violet kRd X·rl)' aourcta aDd to charged particle radiation by bombarding it with protons and electrom. The sample will be mounted on a rotatlng turntable and subjected to the radiation 10Urces through portholta. At the same time UM! sample will be analy~ for Its color composition and compared with fiO s a m p I e s from our planet. SENIE COMPOSITION "Ultimately we hope t obe able to 5erlle the aeolOllcal composllloo of the entire lunar surface and other planets from an OrbJter once we have WblllMd ·a spec. trotraphlc data bank," lllld Gr..,, "II wll[ allo live us an idea where tbe lunar resources are Jocifed." Relminf to the NASA d1<lllon to honor him. with a sample Of moon rock, Gtoa added, "We consider thiJ a very diJllnct prlvll•g•. It has grown out of our prevloul ahidy o! the lumlnescense ol earth IAmplea." 0"17 three p1vate companies ware teled.td to rectlve lht aamplu, tocludinc Ille HWJtlngton Beach firm, North Amer!Clll RockWell IDd General Eloctrlc -·-· n. -ol tho 13 kllogama Ille utronauta esj)eCI to bring back wlD be dllllrlblltad lo unl"""1 l'UOll'dl-dtpatlmenll aU .... tlta -111. I lllG GUN -McDonnell Douglas' Dr.' Norman N. GrNMl•D '(llll) and U. Gerald Gross lnlJ>ect high en•!'IY proton and electron _,... tbo,y bulll to study sample of moon rool:-lo be brought bact1e llrtll by Apollo 11. HWltlllgton Buch 1clentlatl are 1mon1 lllale ICbldlllltl to rqve m90D,Jampl~ fro!n fiASA. · · I --- • - • ------ -- - -------.:-c--,-----------------:------,--.,-----:;---:::----::-..,,......,-..,----;:--,..-----;;----·----:;----- . - t • I .... ._ .. ~, F~lx•S. Rol•l!'l .of Mlalnl Beacn, Fla.. was fined '28 tor thtow.ing ~~ ~ debris on a city' slreet. ~ was convicted of shteddillg .a tmljc Citation a!id dropping' \be · ~~ at the_ feel of a patrolman. 'You can't jus~ go. abo\lt thµmb- lng')'bttr nose at the law," Mlll),ici .. ~c· ~ F. Nesbitt ~·~d · ' . • • ' f~, Joly 18, !W., . : Mn. INM Desrochers, 20, of ._ · ~r. England was charged -, _ J With 'butllary alld fal5e pre!eilse Al'OLLO ·ASTRONAUTS-1;0 LEAVE -OJI.MOON iNSIGN°IA OF THREE DEAD AMERICAN SPACEMli°N AN MEDALS OF TWO. FALLEN SOVIET COSMONAUTS Vt19ll ·Orl1oom -l;dw1nl White Roger Ch.flt. · ,. Vledlmlr· Komarov Yuri G.,.rln !ft di Irie! "'1111'1-The mother of • U,IT ........ three -, waa ·accused o! . otealfng · checkl ' mm the home of Ronal4 . Karon, of Manchester. One of the Truce: Called . checks was loi 10 cents: • I ' • " , • • . . . \ NoChancelfMenMarooned Nerve Gas ' -Freedom for 622 amrlestled prlo- onera· In Bangkok was delayed for at-'leist a week bY the Apollo '11 m<>OJW>ot.:-The prisoners were to biive·bet!n -escorted from a J!Olice training; .school outside Bangkok where .they had been imprisoned But Honduras Oxygen Supply Limited, Rescue Impossible on Moon On Okinawa ' Claims Break SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) - Death awaits the Apollo .astronauts . if they ~ 'marooned on the moon - tii new .homea in the provinces. By 11lE ASSOCIATED P~ But the guard& who were· to have El Salvadoc and Hondutaa agreed pro-'' · W Lull -gone .w!lh-ihem refuse4-to1el1Ve-ally to bilwieir·.....-a~dawn-todoy -l' lClDOID -&r-- Bangkok netil,after lhe Apollo-has but -Honduras cbfrged Ila ~· returned from the. moon because enemy · brote t.be cease-fire . about two · they W11Dted ·-to be present for live hours later by openiJll fire on the teleVislmi broadcasts .of Ibo ·voy· wemrn,fropl Ne: A government 1pote1man in -• . Titudgalpa; Honduras' capital, aaid !be ~ ~ • -._. Hoodtiran forces at Nuevo Ocot~ue Continues; No U.S. casualties ·-. rotimJed the tin!. -' MIGON (iJPi) ~ U.S. w"sr com- Up ·to that. time, prospect&.. had ap-muniqu'es .today' """Wed no Amel'1eaiis peared 'good !or a bait lo the lighting that ....,. ~J>a,d_been_und..-_w.,_aince..Mondq Jdlled in adloo 1'ulrsday despite the ~ A peace committee of the Org8:Jdf.atioo -shelling «. Saigon in nine daYJ and tht of American States reqiam,d J n ambush ol an lU'JllY (.'!!:lnvqy north of the Teguclga1pa Jn It.I effort to , acliieve , a · capital. formal ..-.fire which ·botll Jl!lUOll.I · 11 ·unden<Ored lhe,deplh ol the -loor· would respect. • · week , old baWe lull. now under iQto · Foreign Minister F)anctsco JQ!N!. ~uer· · -rere of El Salvador said u,, ~flP'IU'J' vesllgalloo ·by Gen.-Earle G. ' Wb<tler, ' ""~~· orders bad been -to com· chairman of the joint -chief~ wh> tool!, to J11811!1· pclllb, at all· tbroe .r..nu !"' ,,.bicb the-lield today_ !or lalb with -· the Salvadoran army invaded' HOndtiru. mabden there. , One of these !ronla· la aio"'4 Nuevo Wbeeler's mlslloa is IO·determine' H the ' <Ji:olepeque. A Hoodaian ipj>li~' said · lull would ail.,. a speed-up in the wlth- 'lllursclay lhe Salvadoran aip;JP,tbst sec-drmi ol U.S. troopo, which conthaied- and they know it. Collins, could not come down, pick them For there is no rescue vehicle that up, and, blast orr again. It has neithercthe could save them . rocket tngines nor guidance equipment lo Rumor Probed / Even lf another spacecraft were poised do so. on the Cape Kennedy Jaundl pad, it would Vt"ere another Apollo spacecraft already WASHINGTON (UPI) -'nle Pentagon take four days lo reach the moon. in moon orbit, or near it, iLs LM wjth said today 14 persons received medlcal Astrooouts Neil A.-Armstrong and-Edwin---1wo-r-merr-aboard couldn't--pir.k-up the attention on Okinawa 10 day1 qo 11 a E, ·Aldrin , Jr., will land ·with ooly Jess cutaway&. There bn't room in the LM result of a ''miabap" that other rqSorts than a ~y's supply of oxygen. for more than two men. said involved accidental leakage of II, In landing, their lilnar module . '!be assurance going !or Armstrong and becomes tilted more than 35 degrees, Aldrin is that "engineering talent has poisonous VX nerve.gas. · they. eaJU10t Ure their ascent engine to re-been cmcentrated on reliability and basic The Pentagon rel used to say whether join . the command ghlp orbiUog ·above designs," aayS Ch,ri5topber C. Kraft Jr., nerve gas was ii:tVolvft!:°Tl:ie WaD Str_ee:t -tl\em, Tb< lrajedoly.-would not.be.right. diridoc oU!ie!!!,,"!>"!Bli....__ __ :_ Joui:nal£!•.Jhe U.:l<le;l.lnYohoed..l mt, And they have no too1s-to-set ·ttie-tM~-A.,.escue-vehftle-would-cost-several · tafnForaweapon-r.rnecr·wrth-VX, which upright. Even on the moon', the bri-i times more than the Apol!O spacecraft welgM 16,000 pounds, too-heavy for men a·nd it wodld have to have far mor11 in-it said broke oeen. in bulky JPIC8.1Uib..lo..lho.Ye arollnd. · t.rieate ffi_Jht capabilities, Kraft ex· In Tokyo, the Japanese foreien office The command ahlp, piloted .by. Michael plained. suifunonecru:s:-Mffii!ter--Ui.vid.Oebom t'o -question him about the reports. Asked .. bout the reports, the PentagOn said~ "As a result of a mishap on Okinawa which occurred July a while they were working on a-nialn~ operation, 23 U.S. military penonnel and one U.S. civilian employe were placed~ der medical observation. lor apparenUy bad, ~ ; tO ; drive lhis inon\mg wilh. the deperture of a ~ nortbWard to BoodurU' clnbi>ean Coast. man battalion of the U.S. Ith Di'1aiolrfor· • Honduras and El llo,lv~ l}>d ~ !tom~ • _ : "All were released ·and returned to fn11 duty within about s1x hours. No other persons were involved." Jerry W. Friedheim, deputy assi5tant secretary of defense for public . 1f(aln, told a news COJller:!~ .. "This is all we to a temporary cease-fire Wedheiday ' 'l'btle. were items ill!=.~' : night, but this co11apoe<1 Tllufidoi. · --ti'lbal' reiih....r, ;,A- Meapwhlle, .• ~ace t?m from Ult. OAS ol. a new Communist buildup_ The7 listed • " nejcitla\ld WithOut·letup in the capitals of at Jeaat St tons of Viet Cong food and the two countries, and late Thursday suprlles uncovered from caches on Sai· Mist Thmland, · Sangdutn Mano 1 IWOtlgr . captured one priUmit&of'tl · Mias Universe Pageant win aim.ply _ by looking Ml•rill. 'Sli< · waa 1i<mo•-.d a.T ·dirl with. the: ''l>l•t Mtiot C03' tume:" Mias Universe will .bfl crown-. ed Soturda11 nigoht. nig~t OAS Secretmy-General Galo flau goo~ ,outer de!-ring. • alUlqUiiced in W.-li\O_il lhal El A total o( U0 Vlei Coog and North Viel· SJJ.vador and Honduras liad agreed to the nJmese soldlera died Jo scattered com~t beilfs· for a negotiated settlement. Thutaday, Ailled 11P,Okesllten saltl. Twenty. 'lbe peaoe plana calls for a ceaae-flre one Americans were wounded but none accompanied by the withdrawal of all killed. South Vietnamese l°"ses were s&Jvadoren forces from H o n d u r a 1, light. · guarantees for the · safety of the more The rockets, six feet long and welshlnc th&n m ,000 'Sl.lvadorens living in Hon-100 pounds, slammed into Saigon shortly duras, and the ltatkln.ll'ig· of OAS before , mldnigbt Thursday, killin& two • • • The Noi-th Carolina legislature LoOk Wlao's. Giving Tours deslgi13ted the gray sqnirrel as Nortll carolina's official mammal, desP.ite comment ftbm one stale . senator tha't it is in the same fam- ily ·BS the ·rat, and Lrom another · thal·skunks are more .prevalent in his<eounty. • . Car thieve• with' a yen for rpeed itole a mw souped up sp(trts car from a local auto ~~i:'• lot in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. But first they used a fam- Uy-stylt auto from the .same lot to batter down a gate .so they wouldn't mar the paint on the high performance model. observers in both countda to guard civilians and wounding two in the out1y. againsl violation" -iOi 9th prednct, ini!hil reports Slid. Allit.d ifl:illelJ' _answered the , (int at- , tack on !he cspltai ,.mce July• with thun-U.S •. Missile · Falls de~ barrages · into !he ._cled From .Jet by Mistake TOKYO, (AP) -An air·l<>a!r misaUe s!Joo~:1 .... and tell to -1be ground today from a ti.s. jet fighter plane over the ceiltral Japanese mountains but no deni.age haS .been re~, the Air Force Mid. A military spoke!man said the missile, a Sparrow with a convenUonal warhead, should not be dangerous because It should not explode unless find by !he pilot. IauUchlng P:'ds but SP.Oller pilob reported no CODclusive ~· Irishman Wins World . Porridge Eating Test CORBY, Englaod (UPI) -Jilshrllan John Coyle won the ·world's porridge eating championship Thursday, downing 23 bowls of instant oatmeal in a 10.mlnute time ltmit. He defeated 35 other com- peUtors. Rain Deluges Midsection Wettest July on Record Chalked Up at Moline, JU. C:allteralc ..__ lllVml Of ESUWlllltEHIJWlllillWITTill:HA.11.llT, •lt•O ·-...... " ... Low'""· .... .... '" " u " 1.u . While President Nixon w8s meeting with a &roup of Republican senators on the White House lawn Thursday, he .spotted his daughter U,IT ........ Julie Eisenhower conducting a tour for sightseers. Stand· ing behind the President are senators Robert Packwood, Ore.; Peter Dominick, Colo.,· and Howard Baker, TeM.- . . will say._'iliiut it." · Friedheim refused comment · O·n wh~er VX or any other chemic.al or biological war(ar.e .J&ent was · tnvofted and refused> to e.piam ~ natu~ of •""' "mliihep'';" what the'~~.o~ ation'! was; wbatfranch· «..service .ute nUJ..iUtry j>ersOMef .were Iii,, or whit 1ymptoms were present"in tboae treated. Tb< Unlled Stales ha, 45,000troops11&- tioned on Okinawa, which it administea under ~~ war, since • WorJd War II. Jap.!!n retains ''res id u it sovereigntf'' Over. the island and' hU been pressing the United States to·return role cOntrOI of Okinawa.to Japan. , The Wall Street Journal story was the first report the United States may have stockpiled the gas overseas. Friedheim would not commer1t when asked about this . Appeals Court Says KKK Guilt)'; " NEW ORLEANS (UPl)--The.U.S. IOi Circuil Court or Appe&b has h~ld leve~ • Mississippi ·· Ku Klux Klanstnen wett guilty of a "cold-blooded and merciless" plot to murder three civil rights wpri;erl in 19M. • : The seven were. among 11 ~ members and symj>athJzers the Justicli Deparlrnenl, lrlet!'in De<ember, •1!117, ~ Meridian, MJss:.-oo ~I" ¢ "'°"'1>1r- lng to injUN, tbl'dten, oppress end l;,- timidate" the slain m'en: Michael Scbwerner. James Earl Cll8liq alll( Andrew GOodman: · ' • Attorney Mike Watkins of Meridian, appointed by the court to represent one of the defendants, &a.id Jt wu possible one or all seven would appeal the declllon to the U.S. Supreme Court. . IM.wtlleld 11'1Nltdi; • "4M ..... ,_...,Ult .,, .... onei""'n ...... " n " " .... M .. " n ·" .. " Cleaver-May Return to U.S. 11.S. s ...... ,,, ' ' • • -----~- ... ,.._ ...... '•lrblllkl Fort Worlfl f~M ·--· k.-(lty ... -. ·--"""' -"" ....... _, .. Md ,lttko ...... '*-"" ..,_ , .• """'" -·· ·-........ • .,.. (lf'r .... tllltf ·-...,_,, lilt \..Ike Clf\' ... o .. S.ft ,,.riyecl ...... --,.,,,. ... w- I I .. .. u n .• " 71 1.11 n " .. " lOI 6f .... " n " H Tr n n ~.as .... " n " .. "' n ·• • n .11 .. Q . .. " n • 1' ilt "' .. .,, 15 .. : ~ .. '1 ... ·~ " .. " 11s •s tJ '1 .. .. " .. " -..... 101 ., fl " Bl.ack Panther Leader Says cHe Just Wants Trial SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Alkr eight months u a fugiUve, Eldri4ge Clelver aays he Is homesick for California ~ : plans to return -ln 9tCfd if necessary -to ovoid going behind prison -ban without a trial. The Black Pinther Information m~er Thursda1 in Algiers · gave , telephOne interviews to a number of Ca1Uomia newsmen and held a new c:onlerence. Cleover arrived in Algien Tueoday, -a gueat of tbe Algeria-government for the. Pan.African Cultural FesUval ·"hlch starts Monday. "t comlder lhe Bay Aru my h_ome, and I ~e oo l\lleo\IOO of stayin( away fnJl!I home," tl)e »-yur-old ~r jl\bi, · beol llllinl book ""'"'l oo Jce".ii>ld an .in ltry~U, • I•• · "I'm l"rlffily wlllin( to catch the !Im. ptlne: out Ot 'here and stand trial if i.can do lt.withotit going ... Jail lint," be said. "l J4&l denut:nd a lair heario&." . Cleaver t•ces trial on charges of ~A Slaps 'Cheaters,' Hits ;Catching· Plan. " . NEW YORK (UPO , -Tb< American Medical A!soctat!OO eoded Ila convt111ion here Thur&daY -with a llroo( con- demftl.tion o( miltlcaldi "cbtaten:" Within its own rank.I. At ·the 11me Ume AMA dtle1ates overwhelmingly adopted a tesoluUon o~ posing "Operation Watchdog" a proj«t planned by lb< lnteiml ROvenue $ervlc:e !O ch"lk on posslble ltaudulcbt medlcsld clainu by doctors. assault with intent lo \ill and auault with a deadly weapon . stemming rrom a 11169 shootout with Oakland pollce in which be"'was woopcled and ren.w Panll)er Bobby Hutlon ltllled. -!..<.• Because of ihai. Jllci*i!I; lils·......., .. on earlier to. Anttie. Ulatilt Coa.ldloll was revoked -and be. wu ordered.bict;lil pilsoo. He !aiied to --!or prisomne'ht lut · NOV<nlber and fled. c:ountry. Suboeq-ly )Ila ll0.000 blll- the pending isiiaull cb.,... was ,......... Cleaver taid ht belle.es he wOI be .._~ oneraled.by.rny peers" 1n 1 trial. He.._ he hoped bis lawyers could •rranaw• him .. stay oilt !>I ~rjton llDlll audl • 11'111 la held. Tb<n, bi,Ald._be'd'come liolli promptly. . _II t!!_ey ctn't' be "<!If~ '<I wl~ )1111 to sneak !>&Ck jnlo .~~Jill' . way I got out." "' ' . -.... .... .. -· .. ' I • I I \ • Tomorrow, S.t. $100.DDD HOUYWOOD JUVENILE CHAMPIONSHIP • TUEIDA Y. JULY 22 ' $20,000 BEL AIR STAKES CLOSING DAY WEDNESDAY. JULY 23 . fl00,000 SUNSET HAND.ICAP .2 milu on the Turf . -· _ , ,11dor, ~18, iM_.. 6.111.Y I'll.OT f __ ...._ _ _....~~..:;;;,:;;!:....... P~e for Swr~'l .. ._ .... • • -·--- • • •• ..... _ • -. • •• • • . - .'} . . BllJSAVIKGfl Lim~0d quantt~~ Colors availaDte . ' .:. -. . ---................................ ~t ~ ........ ~--. .J. µ . ••••••.•••• •. t: • i: ••• PERMANENT PRESS WASHERS I: DRYERS · HELP YOU CLEAN UP . lllloblLf,a- ' • f Whirlpaol ' ECONOMY WASH1iR wfth l111proll9d Permanent Presa Clri18 C)ICl09, 5 WUll-rinse watertempera!unl eelectlona, 2~ewil water eelectarand ·Maglo-Mlx filter. Buy now and save. AU YEAR LONI ' . . DELUXE WASHER with spedal wrtnkl.rree care lor Permanent Pretol FUturea 4 autiimeUccyClea, SUper Surgllator Agltafl>r, 3'19Y81 ~ Nleclor, Bleachdlspen11er. Be1181'~WMhlng­ lower-fhln.ewr price! .• ., _..,._ -... Whirlpool SUPREME AUTOMATIC WASHER With no-Iron C8l'8 for Permanent "'-1 Deep Wltar rlNI and a power_ rln_ blelch dlepenMr, labrlo eollener dlepenlllt', Magic Clean aell cleaning llnt fllter. Save on lh• ball! · irlpooI · ~e all the new 1970-la-qndry line NOW ON DISPLAY AT ,,. . . . . ._,_,.......,.. •••• .. . DIRECT FACTORY DEALER ~ ..,, -"' . ·" •. ; ... , •• e 1, •· •'· ... e : •' •• •• • : • ·-• •• •• • • • • • • • •• • • • : • •• • • • • -· •• • • 401 MAIN, .DOWNTOWN HUNTINGTON BEACH-536·7561 ~ BROoKHUR$J &· WA~NER, FOUNTAINVAUJY-:-962·2456 I fr -~ ' .I .. I __ i.., l.- • . 0 j r,: D:-:A=-=-o,=-,Y:::-::P:-::R=-OT-c·:-::E:-:iDITO~"""R--Lll--;-=p~A-GE---il I s • i=;==;=::=='="=---=·t~~agunf!. Cany40!l i\nnex .. ' •• • .. ' ' • · Orange: County's .Local AJericy Fol'l!\atlon Com-, miul,on has given Its blessing and paved tho way !or Lag\lna Beach city eouncilmen to annex 441 acres of La1una Canyon. In so doing, tho LAFC approved tho city's end run play, a play that skirts around canyon residents who ~-.-only 'a couple of years ago voled against aMexation by a large majority. · · • ' . The proposed anne~atlon Is in the so-called Big Bend area of Laguna Canyon Road near Castle Rock ilq8d. It would c"'ate two county lshµ1ds. . Associate City Planner Al Autr:;, . told the LAFC 'the islands eventually would be 'annexed to the city but only part of the property owners there now favor annexation. To include just tb.e "yes" voters, he said, would create jagged lines. Configuration of the annexation, nevertheless, is a political maneuver. It takes in just enough to qualify as an uninhabited area. : 1 Only 11 of the 20 persons residing in the area are . , ~egis~ed v.oters. II· takes :iUJt '12 · to, make an area teClilllcBl!l"-Inhabited and neeessitale an annexation •" ' vol,. , . , , · 1. • • • . ·.'l'.h~ ~ run ,, a. bitter pill ,f(jf those who voted agamst -annexation last tun.e· tA;.;swallow. ,. I" ...1 ~en . why. did · the LAFC' approve tbe annexaUon ,.. prapo1al! t .. " · , .. ' I' . For the 1imple and logical reason that the area comes within the natural domain of the ..tty. Canyon residents are ti.ed cb\lurally,.socially and economlc8lly . ·to · Laguna ~ch. Tl}eir chjld~~ g<_> to L:a·guna schools. · The area: . Som"eWhat ramshaqle and no'! ..-looseJy .· zoned,,for-agncult~ral, maqufa~tWing and .residential l\S ... rellec~ unfavorably. on the city. . . Tb.e.re ~~-Jess 1 ObVious ties. The water district is wOJ'kiilt its-wa'y out into the canyon and there will like· ly lf!te'd&Y l>e ·se'wer tie.ins. ' ~ ' ' Jn unde~ng annexation t.he city will be accept~ 'Ing tom.e difficult engineering problems -particularly 1 d~g~.t as s_p ~~bly demon~trated during this win-~eti'~~· ; . · All In all au~c one can't blame canyoq rtsl· dents for feeling ered, annexation probably"IJ for -the best. 1 Another New Frontier Back in the hills whert sheep only rectntly grazed, men snd their bulldozers have beeo at work cLltting paths for automobiles.· . · Their work was done ' Tburldl!Y with the openl!.ll: · ceremony put on by Orange County Chamber of Com· merce oJ roadways connecting Laguna ·Ntguel, Mission Viejo and Leisure World. · The system of major county roads, six lanes wide in places, opens up a whole pew area of La'1"!a Ni· guel and Moulton Ranch. In the heart of it 1s North AmerJcan Rockwell's new Autonetics plant. And all around it, with the road system now ln1 deveJopm'ent is goinJ to come. This is another new frontier for soon-to-come south- ern Orange County home buyers . But now, while just the roads are cut tqrou.gb' and the hills are still in their pastur.e state, take· a drive and look around, It isn't g~lng.to.~IJU' that wa;i.:·for·long • But th3t's progress. And money in someorle's pock· et. That's nice too . Luck to Both Men . ' Laguna Beach soon will have two new deeartment heads--police'chief Kenneth H. Huck and rt<?reation director George C. Fowl'er .... · · Both are experienced and hold Jhe same positions no\Y in other cities. That definitely is to Laguna's ad· vantage. Huck, the new police chief, inherits from dedicated peace officer Harry Labrow a tough law enforcement job-a city with unique and chal.lenging .problems. Fowler's task will include organizing recreation ac- tivities as the city's first full·time recreation director. Here's wishing them both luck. 11 (L) . """'"" . " --' .... • 4.#.! ~ -· 'MELVIN'S IWf.'(. I-It TU1NKS AFOtf.() IS tllE A.8.M.' " . \ _ 1 "' _ '.;_;_ ·-·"~·~!'f-ei;eJU!e ·tn· Civil Act:on . . M~~~l ~tood Drttg··taki~g·-Is - -~~ --=-·f liisGb . ~ ·S.4!.S. D1ser.001.!--~AnilH~d--=1he.=.---.C_:. - ~I N~:~=~=.=::~; what ~~· ·:·VeT.J~ ... ~ a.y_,:-·.:;·; :::1~1·~·~;:~b~;"':ttic~~::;~: Dashboard 0 l" '""~ groups can express emotional rebellion within appropriate and well-defined ~:~q···· .,....,..,, • , ly ia."clvu dlaordet." , ~ &oliJeintt ,. limit&. 1 .. ~· • r n .,.._ '":1. & Ame:rlcan.s, we. bellevt In dissent l · Most participants m a civil revolt are • 6'0.W •• :;,, Ac .lon A ~~nead~end Quite often J receive letters from anx· ,iou; pareots who tell me that their high school or college children read Ulis col· umn wilh , some respect and ·attention, and askinA: me if I would write about "the druj pfOblem" among -today's youtli. en though in Umes of stress we tend to .attracted by the thrill of the mob, the t..a u ~ 0 -1et "5'tiit •• wrIUen-brlndependence -adlllatioo of a gifted leader, and the feel· f .J _ '~~...;'f!~~=~llrtg~~-~~~:·~~:e:::i 1:gac:1 ~Jw,~;a. i~~~:i~~l~~~n though the Mabelworkedlnatoodplantw~rethe . 1".""' 50ciety. . Nearly a}l'ay1 they _a c t ClealfLaand!1 Company did the WOrkers-. llbert:iel.' No ~ can be punished for anonymously or as part of a mob to avoid THE AltERJCAN tendency to admire uhlfanns. AS a "paasenger" she took 1 By this n\ey rncan, would~! advise their children to stay away from drugs, and would I fw1her recommend some reading that wiU penuade the youths to shun so dangerous l\nd sell-defeating a habit. \'.if:W that we muslsomehoWJearu to get beyond our ordinary selves lf the human race is ever going to realize ita full and al;-he thinP; nor can anyone be ar· punislunent. Their actions usually lead to violence In the hunter, the warrior, the short business ride with one of the laun- f6if wMf ~S&Y.S or dOea: UnlE!ss it personal violence, J>l"OWt.Y desfrut1ion, heavyweJght .champion and the killer . -dry drlvtra lo the other plant to get tnore· creative potentialities. . -11'.~to et a publihc dt~g<r11· Butblit lttdnapping and looting, wbet!ier they PPl~7~u:n bymatheJor ~emubecicaatu,.~~ ~-~x· uniforms. '"' --.TY agree.on w a ,. • owa e par.tld,pate in ci'lil righta activ1Uu.,1 stu· .. ,,,., n ......... ~a. nie truck had ottlJ one. seat. Mabel But while druga can -at great rist - give some a glimpse of th~ unrealized possibilities, Dr. de Ropp proves con- clusively that no matter how often they are taken, drugs cannot change our level oJ _ being:., "Their eontinued u~,'' he wflles. 11represenls a form, of_ apiritual burglary which carries it,, own penalty, an irreparable depletion of t h e substances needed for re.al inner work and a. total loss of the lndivtdual'a .. capaci- '-.wbal. fa not. dent fadical action or a vlo1enl prottst -just u the ~11 enhance the ef.. atood and held tbt d ..... 1.... .. M.1 On the " against poverty, warj')°' any•i.1 .. ~.... f~lveneas o~ d1S5ellter1 by cover.lng ~"' way • BEGINNING wmr an e If e ct I v,e :At the 1969 mei!tlng' of t::'16 .. ,,,.. ,_violent happerungs alm>St as IOOll u they, the drlver hit • telephone pole. He had NO, I WILL NOT give such advice, because ii would be useless. I will, in- s~ad, recommtnd a book that both the parents andl'i yoothS-shouJd read, for· two riasons so that the parents can better under nd what their children are looking: for, and so that the children will understand that what they are (qu.ite rightly) looking for cannot ultimately be found In drugs. bo cott of c-11• -•-tabl Dd '"' ........ been obvJoiltly necUgent, abd clearly to Y -0• 1"411 e crapei 1 Psychl8tric Associatl6ft,lhetl1fere1bny oocm-~ . -..L-, ·' .. '--1 blame for Mabel'a lnjuri~ . .-other peaceful means, Cesar Cbavei disculsioos of the causes of vtolenat and Clearly, violence in civil diJorder1 Is hopes eventually to acbJeve a fuU role In unrest. To understand the leaders of the anti-law and . cannot. ~ .~· But Jn COlirt the llundry c 0 m P a n '1 • U.S. ,SOclety for aU Mexican-Americans, black revolt and student insurrection much of no1rv1olent civil disobedience, on however. aaid that Mabel her1elf had u well as labor union power for himself. groupa, Dr. Gene Usdin, 1 New Or)eans or oH campus;~ not be feared. For been partly to blame, standing instead of Mahatmi Gandhi, a wizened old man in a psychiatrist, used the model ol. adol&cent It 11 aimed at brmgmg all men -cOUege sitting oo the Door where sht. would be loin cloth, overthrt:w Briilsb arms by rebellion · student. Negro, Mexican-American, the safer. fasting and preaching non·vlolent dlsobf.. · poor --in:f:o fuO 80Clety aow. U kept The court sjded 'frlth Mabel; It ruled ty to develop." _ dle~ of a_ tax on salt aod other laws he "TIIE ADOLESCENT," he said, within reasonable Jtmlts, ctvll disobe-that the laundry's defense, based on corlsldered immoral. Likewise, Martin "needs the means to rebel against dience can be constructive ln challenging Mabel's "contributory negligence," did This book i~ "The Master Came," by Dr. Robert S. ,:je Ropp (Della Paperback. $1.95), and its author is a noted biochemist who also happens to be a sensitive humanist. ms,sympathies are totally with the young people who are looking for pathways to a higher con- sciousness th8n their parent,, have found -but his training and experience have convinced him that drug-taking is a dead- end and not 1 pathway. IT IS BASICALLY, "the level of being," that these young people want to change, and that is a good desire .... to go beyond the paltry games of profit and glory and (ame that have so seduced and deformed our society. In this they are riglit, amt their Parents wrong' and .blind; but the yotmg people are wrong in mak·, ing the easy assumption tbit the upward path can be found J?y popping a pill Jn. your moulh , without first attaining self .. reafu:ation, self·knowledge, self-mastery. Luther Kina: first achieved recognilion in parent, or parent surrogates. The wise us to deliver the goods of equal op-not apply. It had to pay her damage.a. the civil rlghta movement by iead1ng a parent provides the opportunity to ex· portun.ity, equal rlghta, and genuine peaceful 1tn'ke againn the bus lines and pms this emotional rebdlion, while sel· respect before It is too late. AJlll')' businesses in Montgomery,. Alabama. ting clearly defined limit&. Since many of retaliation through unjll.'ltfied police ac- Like others involved In acts of civil lhoit involved in civil dilorden have no Uon ls not the aniwer. Foi' in the words disoa.tleace, ail three expected Amat so parents, the . closest they can come to of John F. Kennedy: "Those who make as to draw altenUon to laws and con· rebelling against a paren~ ls to rebel peacerul revolution Impossible make clitions tbl!y comidered unjuet. against &OCiety or some fonn of the violent revolution inevitable." Critical Republican Margin WASHINGTON -19 the political serute, wbat President NIJon's trouble in Congrtsa ·all comes down to is his in- ability to persuade or control about a hall douu Republican se,wi:tors who wish for a sharper and faster Drealc with the im-" mediate past. These aenatcn in their varicw: ways are moving with wh at they consider the trend of the Umes. They include F.dward Brooke of P.1assachuseUs, Mark Hatfield of Oregon, William Salbe of Ohio, Charles Goodell of New York, Jacob L. Javlt&.of Ne'f York, Charle.!! Mathlas of Mal')' land. When the names of Clifford P. Cue of New Jersey, John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky. and Chal'les It. Perey of lllin!>ia att added the group becomes somewhat hard to handle. Some of them will not follow the President's leaa Ori the ABM iSsue, others assault the mllltarj·industrlal complex, others are not satisfied on civil rights, and ' others &eek a brand new set of priorltles ahead of the Vietnam war. AT THE HEART or the matter are loot lnler<OOlleded Issues ' the Vietnam Wor, military pri>curement, clril righll, and lhat complex of circumstances called the Ottion -problem. • ------ Friday. July 18, 1969 , ... . ' 'Richard W,ilson ' , ' ' . .. r If President Nixon bad t h e whole.hearted support on all these issues or the aforementioned Republicans his way would be far easier. On the contrary, however, Nil on bas had to depend ,mainly on Democratic leadership on the ABM issue In ihe persons of Senators Stennis of Afisslssippl and Jackson of Washington wilh the help of Republican 'Senator Dirksen. He cannot count on much help on the Justice Department voting rights bill ex:tensioo from the. c r I t i c a I Republican fl).,gin. He• must look to Democratic Senator Long Of Louisiana to save the proi>osed extension of. the surtax. · One recent day in the Senate Illustrated the problem. ~Senator Jack90ll, Nixon's first choice (or secretary of defense, Ted Ult fight for deployment of the Safeguard anti-ballistic mlwtle system while three RepubUcan senaton' were joining In a manifesto for a $3 billion reduction in the mllilafY budget in nine areas including the ABM. The senators wer'e Goodell, t.1a\hla1, and Hatneld working as members of what ls called the "A,llitary Spending Committee of Members of Congress for Pu~ through Law_._.. a Vol\Ultary organualioo ol 71 members of Congrus. , THEIR RECOi\fMENDATIONS were described as only the bf!ginnlng of a sus- tained effort to uamlne military ex· pendltum wllh "greater scrutiny and un· derstanding," which Is en aphorism for a good sharp cutUns back of the military now so popular 111 aome quarters. A Republican lady't voice has been raised In protest. She Is Sen. Margartt Chase Smith of Maine, a veteran on the-Senatt Armtd Servlcos Committee, Ill ranking ReRUbUcan member aod no -wannonger. M". Smith said high d<(...,. costs art aS rtpu1nant to her N to many ....,ericans but there Is no.-aettlq around the fact lbat Ute strategic advantage Ion& ' held by the United States Is beginning to disappear in 1969 and the balance may clip In favor of the Soviet Union in the early l970s. TIME IS SUPPING away from us on the maintenance of Tl}Ullary s~ngt.h because or the Joni Jead time, the ex· pensive -ye.s, wasteful -ez· perimentation. "At a time when it has becotne fashionable to question, challenge aod defy defense spending," Mrs. Smlth said, .. I urge ·a word of cauUon to those who would emasculate our pation's defense p o s t u r e. For the forseeable fuLute a strong military poa.ture remains absolutely essential to our ttaUonal survival . I cannot in good conscience sup- port a reduction of our offensive capablli:. ty and.a relinqulshnient of oor technical superiority. Heaping siCont on. the Peh- tagon and making our uniformed person- nel the.-&Cflpeg91ts ,for OtV national and international ills represents the cynicism of those very elements that threat~ our property, our institutions, and our lives."· 1 THERE IS AN important distinction to be made between miafeuanct, bl~ dering, loeUiciency and Jutt plain ht.cl gue~ in the sophlstlcated qii\itary syst.e.ms necessary to mj,lhtaln offehalve capabUity and !ecbnlcal superiority. Dear Gloomy Gus: • Jets overflying the Pageant of !ht Masters havt ruiMd tome bcauUtul momenta. I hope the military and civilian Oyen' re- sponsible will cooperate from htte on out. -D. R. S. Tllk ...,.,,. ,.,..,.. ......,... "'"""" .. _........, ...... tf .. ._... ..... ..... "" Mt "'"' "' • ......,. .... DI!., ...... .. • I TRUE, A PERSON must look out for h1s own safety even if someooe else ia negligent. U a claimant falls in that, be may get no damages at all, for in such cues he ls to blame, at l~ast in part, for his own injuries. Further, such a claimant must take available precautions for his own safety. He also ou&ht to keep damages down by getting medical care. Any lncrused lir juries that result from his failW"t to do so art not chargeable to the negligent defen- dant. They are the injured peCSOl'l'I own fault IT IS NOT • medical or morall&tic book, but a metaphyalcal one; that is, it reco~zes the inadequacy of everyday . experience, and it sympathlzu with the , Parents. as much as their children, need to read "The Master Game." It goes to the very nerve-center of lbe con· ruct between generations. But to return to Mabel : Her standing tn the truck was not unreasonable under the rlrcumstances. since nothing else was available, and nobody could blame her fol' standing and holding the dashboard . Note: California lawyers offtr thi$ column so you may know about our laws. Brent's Cr ime Caree r • ' \\' ASHINGTON -The Identification of Will iam Lee Brent, for.mer Black . Pan- ther captain, as the reputed hijacker ol a Trans World Ajrlines plane' to Cuba list month, reveals be bu a long record of violence add crime.· ·At the Uqte oC the hijacking, on June December 1968 on $50,000 bond, his trial 17, while ttie plane was en route from was scheduled for June 23, 1919 tn San Oakland, ~If., 10 New York City, Brent Francisco. was due to ,\le tried :tn· a few days for On June 17 be allege(lly ~uacted 1 armed robbl;tY. ~, uault '!Ith a deadly TWA I ed '"' To the 'Editor: weapon -in, which two San Francisco Pane and fore the.·pjlot •t gun W ' --• "·t J d policemen were woUnded. ' point to fly to Havana. A !eCleral warrant e ~ w.. your ea story on the _ 1, ror hit arrest ts out.standinf. front page July 14 is irrespoosilile The diaclosure of Brent's criminal 8 rti)Orting. You have created • negiitive ba'ckground and Jumping of $50,COl bail Is rent is a friend ol Leroy Eldridge report on the new Token Parking admittedly embarrassing Black Panther Cleaver, the Black Panther Party na- Program in Laguna Beach. Party officilJI who have been stre ... .,., ... 1.. Uonal official whQ al8o j!J.mped $50,000 ...... _,,, bond and fled lhe country to avoid arrest We _have aP.proached ~ very ~~rs trying to·~e.aft a more BaVDr)' pub~lc fm· ' ·oil .a federal warrant. Cleaver has been of. the buatnw -communttr.you-baf1!-aie·of the1r-org:~zaUon-anj:t memtiers. reported -uving·liffi llf Cuba . quoted in this feport and escli 6nf! cla1m1 . ~ • now in to'bave been misquclted or quoted wt GI ONB VIGORqtJSLY publicbed project .F;Jarice. cqnlei:L · for that ·~ is their ao.called AJ a ~lack P~~ther captain, Br~nt was Obviousl)' no new program such u the .. Breakfaat foi: Childttn Program." actlve in recnuling for the orB:anuaUon. Token Parting plan can be implemented Through mored or le.9!1 forced con-In . January of ~ y,ear. be was de-- without some problems. It will take time trihutJons of food and funds from, ~need by Q1e Panthers a.s a "renegade" to educate the customers and the neighborhood merchants· and othm the and expeJled from the party. But three men:hanis In the use ol the token. Panthers have been giving breakfasis to months later, t/le Pant~s· publication Petto youtha simultaneously with large printed a statement saying he genuinely TllE TOKEN PARKING plan Is just a-of aci>t ..... U·whltt yro_.eaganda. beli•ved In the "peopl•'s revolution" and the first ll<p In oolving Lagunl'rtQI-llniit~ Criminal roconl bogan not Ion( bad beon wrongffinytirillded a parklnl problem. Tho purpose of the airer lie ~ out of hlgh school In the "unegad<." token 1s to offer free parkina: to . the fi~ )'tar. · By Robtrt S. Alln customer. The token ls purchased bJ the Bcim in 1930 In Franklin, La., he and Jolt.a A. Goldlm.ldi merchant from the clly. All revenue from t:nb~ted tn the Anny In 1947 and was the parking metera now go ~to a sped.al dlscl\arpd 10 rnonlbs later .for ''lack of fund which will be used by the clly to buy adaptability." Tbo followln~ yur he 'I" -llollal land"and ad4 additional Ievell commltteO to the cantornla . Yoath or partln& tO _.. fac\UU.S. • Authority alter being charged pltli rob- in contrast lo )'0\11' reporting. we have bery. Several Jtlrl later, he was len-- fouod very good reipOnse from both tbe teru:e<l to from flve years lo lite In a merchants -and the-customers 19_ ~~ cau£ornla sta.t~ W-boo on a canvicUon for .token klta. We ree.J that this program Is first decree ro-b_!er'Y.- 10111(1 to cnatt cooclwlll by olloririi (,.. -parklnC to our cultomert. We. ask for the IN EARLY JIU, hf was paroled from tuppOrt of all tiua!ncRS ln La&una San Quentin, onJy to be arrested • few Beach to btlp implement th1I program. yea~s lfttr for armed robbery. While ooL . ROBERT ljENNER on bail oo this cliarg•. be was involved tn O.atrma• Downtown • gun f>Cht Jn whicii"two San Francisco Bu!lnw .woci.uoo ~'° ,.,,.. wounded. R<leased in i By 6eor9e --- Dear George : I have found Jbat 'l!"lien I am standing on a wet .tltchtn noor my refrigerator ghies me a mlld 'SOOck wher -J touch th~ rne~l!_a~e. 4 -MRS. O.Y,' Oear Mn. O.Y.: ', Don~ touch th< metal handle Ol your refrlgeralor wbfte lllndJnJ on a wtt kitchen nocr. (I wish I had a drillk.) I -----______________ ._,;;_-==------"----------- I I I } I ' ....... ·-_._ ~ ~ ...... -,.,~ -- J • ., • • • • • 6ClOJ ,, J EAN COX, 494-9464' ,!'NI,., Jvlr IL lHP .. , ... " Th e Lag una Line Art Colony . R~sidents Travel Host Parties · d By J EAN CO X Of Ills Dally 1tllf Sl•ft It's not ea sy to keep up with the ·comings and goings of Lagunans. ONE OF TH E fastest moving resi dents in these parts, travel agent Eloise (Mrs. Pete ) Fulmer is back from a trip to Alaska and she and Pete are planning two parties in their Las Robles Street home . • Old and new officers and board members of ·Mermaids, Women's Division. Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce, along wi~ their husbands are invited to the Fulmer home for a potluck-supper Fnday, July 25. ' The following evening the couple will have a backyard party and reunion for travelers who ,v_ent on the Prjhcess Carla cruise last spring. Lagunans remirii scing about the 17-day·jaunt which included a week In Jamaica and four days in New Orleans will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastings, Mr. and ~trs. C. T. Corwin, Mrs . Betsy Rose and Dick Chapman. "A group of 27 residents from the South Coast area joined the tour. DR. AND .MRS. z . J'. Malab~ jusJ r~tum- ed from a tw~\veek trip to Port Townsend, ···--· ··-Wa sh. where t-hey vi sited MF-6.-1\.1ala~s daughter and son-inlaw· Mr. and Mrs. Rob-.;. eit $t:';.Sori:'''C5ii..;.1c-w~U0'""bt~~ in Alameda to visit .Mrs. Malaby's niece and nephe\v, l\1r. and Mrs. John Entwhistle. · The Malabys celebrated lndt:pendence Day \Vilh about 35 friend s in their ,backyard. J<"cstiviti es included picnic in a basket. S\'iim· ming , gan1 es and firewo rk s, ~1rs. ~1alaby said. CONGRATULATIONS .to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carleton of Laguna HiU s Trailer Park who just celebrated their fiftieth \Vedding an- niversary last Sunday. MR. AND MRS, RICHARD Whitaker gave a kaffee klatch to celebrate the birth- day of "Cap" Ellls in Lagup a Beach Shuffle-- board Clubjiouse. The birthday cake was decorated with a ;;eplica of the shuffleboard court. JSAN COX Those joi ning the party included the 1'-1ess rs. and Mme s. Dean Clanton. Floyd LeRoy, Jack Hunter, James Cav· itt, George Bohlken , Hen,:Y Anderson, Homer Valentine, Percy Cart.zda!· ner, and the Mme s. Pluma Buss, Maude Peterson. Ellis, Myrl McAlhster, Laura Song, Eleanor Kraak, Mary Crock~tt1 Ardith McRoberts and Flo Sharman. Others present included Willi s Leach . Don Kerve~, El~er Edgc.r, Kenny Barnes. Mike Divjak, and the Mmes. Mary Lous1e Miller, Bessie Brisco, llelen Doran and Hesler Moore. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB of La'guna Beach particip~ted in the 1?09 American Ho st Program last Tuesday evening by sponsoring an ~ven~n~ reception in the home of Mrs·. Carl Manus for Mr. and Mrs. Bo Ehhn. VlSJ· tar& from Lid ingo, a suburb of Stockholm , Sweden. The Ehlins, who both are English and German in structors in their home country. were spending one week with club member Mrs. Jon Baughman and her family. The evening was centered· around slides. followed ~y a lively conver- sation comparing ways of life in our respective countnes, reported Mrs. R. Bruce Stevens, clubwoman. "Club members were · amused to learn that prior to the ir vi sit, the Ehlins knew California only as Hollywood , Ronald Reagan and the San Francisco hippies," Mrs. Stevens observed. The Juniors anticipate a simi lar evening two years from now when the Baughmans themselves return from a tw~year stay in Turkey. MRS . WILL ISTON Bradway reported the Friendship Club. a group for people over 50, will not be meeting durin g the summer and will resume gatherings Monday, Sept. 15. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Church, San Juan Capistrano was the setting !or a performance by the Eugene Ober Chamber Symphony last Sunday evening. . The appearance wa s sponsored by a Patron Committee for the Don ·Miller Youth Ce nter headed by Mr. and Mrs . Neil Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schreiber and the Lynne Morris Dance Work shop. MRS . RALPH RAYMOND left today for Minneapolis, Minn . where gbe will represent the Laguna Beach group at the biennial convention of Altrusa International, Inc. Mrs. Orval Wilson, an alternate dele~ate from the club, has been visiting Michigan and will be in Minneapolis in time for the event. The representatives both reside in Laguna Hills Park and are former residents of Minneapolis . RUDOLPH JEMMETT Lacaye earned a perfect straight A average at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Adol!e Lacaye of Dana Point, he is a senior majoring in political science. • QUEEN OF Hf,ARTS -!,!rs. Francis G, Fabian Jr. of Monarch Bay has....become the neW leader Orange County. Mrs. James Townsend .. pl"-ce-tlle of Queen of Hearts Guild , Children's Hospital of • • cr:own on her ·leaders1 head w hi 1 e Mrs . Gord9n Forbes, second viCe president, trumpets the good - neWs. Mrs. ·Fabian replaces Mrs. Macauley Ropp . of Three Arch Bay. Mrs . Francis-G. Fabian Jr . Leads Gu ild C'hanging of Guard -Reported ' Queen of Hearts Guild, Children's Hospital ol Orange County, has chosen Mrs. Francis G. Fabian Jr. to replace· Mrs. Macauley Ropp of Three Arch Bay as its leader for 1969-70. Mrs. Fabian, a resident of Monarch Bay 'for the past three years was chairman last December of the highly successful Holiday Home Tour which raised about $1 ,300 for the guild. Her hu sband, now retired, wa s the former president of Hunt Foods and they lived in Dallas, Tex. before movin&--to California. They also resid· ed in Pennsylvania where Mrs. Fabian was· active in hospital auxiliary affairs and in Chicago. The Fabians have two children. Their so n Ri ch· ard, 26. just returned from studies in England and will continue his education in New York General Theological School next fall. Their daughter, Mrs. Richard Booth, rfsides in San Juan Capistrano. Assisting Gretchen Fabian will b vice presi· dents. the Mmes. William GWinn , G don Forbes and Earl W. Steer. all of Emerald Bay Other new officers will be Mrs. I\. r Zim· mennan, who recenUy moved to Newport fileacb . recording secretary; Mrs. Howard R. Hinrichs of Emerald Bay, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Ropp, parliamentarian. -Committee chairmen are the Mmes. Horace Fritz Ill of E.merald Bay, Thomas B. Fleming of Monarc h Bay; Stanley G. Eichstadt of Lagunila, Charles F. Roberts of Emerald Bay, and Robert M. Patterson, also Emerald Bay. .r . Under the leadership of Mrs. Ropp, the 44-mem- ber guild raised more than $14,000 for the hospital last year. Fund-raising activities included. the annual fashion show and CHOC 'Fair which were both given through. th• joint .efforts of all IS guilds in the county. The fashion show , with clothes by J . W. Robin- son, took place in Anaheim Convention Center. The guild participated in the second annual CHOC Fair last fall by sponsorin~ three different booths· which offered cookbqoks with recipes by members and photographs by Mrs. William H. Beck of Laguna Niguel; tarts and paintings donated by Laguna Beach artists. Individually Queen of Hearts had 1ts Star Span- gled Ball, Christmas card saJe and Holiday· Home Tour. Plans are under way to exceed last year:s goal and in Au gust the gu.ild will put wheels in motion by staging a series of Christmas card coffees for members and their friends. Christmas cards may be ordered during these coffees at a considerable saving. Further information may be obtained by calling Mrs. James Delaney, 499-2380. O~er future plans include a Halloween ball, which they will call, The Goblins' Hob Noblin. 1'Head witch, Mrs. Ropp, and her committee are brewing up a fun filled evening in the San Cle-- mente Inn," Mrs. Forbes said of the anticipated~ fund·raiser in October. Children's Hospit$1 of Orange County is a non· profit organization dedicated to the idea that all children have the right to a happy, healthy futui:e, regardless of race, religion, color or the ability to pay. , · Fraternal Love, Spread So Thick, Makes Wif.ely Trio Sick \ DEAR ANN LANDERS ' My husband ~ cheating on me. It's not another woman, J'd know how to fight lb.at. It's his brothers. There are three boys in the family and they are like triplets. Every evening they play glh rummy. On weekends they go t.o baU. gameJ or play 1otf together or 10 fishing. \yt,en I was in labor with our StcOnd Hilld , tny husband)eh me in lhe1iosp1tal to I~ .see h\Si brother who ~ed had a tOOlh pul*-t'. lt'!I been that way f~om the day .. 'e 'tnlrried. 'Brothers flrsl, -wile •e<:<Jnd. My slsk:rs·in-law a~c as fed up as I am. What'• wrona with these mco ? What can we do abou t Ill -FOURTH FIDDLES. ANN LANDERS ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS' Last night my mother and I had an argument. One word led lo another and lb< said Pr<!ly cutllni things. When my mother 1larll !O yeU the ~·bat lhlog ~ do b llOI ..,....,, and, f!I buay, witb something. So I wept to my desk 11fiif Degan tO write a letter. · , DEAR F.ID: Tltt lntben are em• tionaJ adf)eacnts. 'fl.eJ ba\111 JltVV emcriff ,....,; cllllclloiod, _. 1H1 pr» ably never will. OuUo• Utem bl pl1n· tHn1 1tmf lii\emthft K llfltlri. If )eu w'omt:a l>oag:bl dcfttl~~ee-'tfflier tr arranged movie d1le1 w1UI 1111rel1flves, the boys wouldn't play so much tin n•m· Mom ame up behind me and screa~ my. Use some lma1ln1Uon. 11te Hly dlr· ed. j·vou are writing your father, aren't ference.betweea_• rut 1ad a 1raYe ll Lbe_you?"_ tTbey are divorced)i: I .said, dlmen1)ou. •'fes." Then lht lhouted. "You will no~ be allowed to mail that letter until I have rtad il I'm not going t.o have you tellinc lies on-me." Ann, I djdn 't even mention my . ' mother's name In the leUer, yet ahe stood there unW I finished writing and then in-- slated that I hand it ~ver. Is UUs fa tr? Isn't a 15 year old eptitled to some priva.7?' My mother says as long as I live under .her ,roof she has the right to know ... eyerythl1tg J s•Y and do. ls she ~· rocl7 ~ BUGGED DEAR BUGG~D: Aay person wflo 11 old e.nou1ll . to writt 1bould be peruiltted~ to nitfl 1 letter wl&bout ce"1or1blp. Your motlM:r IOUM1 like a 1lck wo1n1n. If 1be bu11t -,. a docier r!Ctlltlj for a --pby1lc1I checkup, 1be Uoold do '°' II Ute meanUme be paUu:L EvW)' Hae --91 al leut one mature perM, ud Jtl ml1" have to 5e lbal on in JOdr ltoue. DEAR ANN ' You keep prln1lng letters from girls who have to punch guy1 lnihe mouth lo ~ them lo Une. What..i.oot guys who want a nice, rispectable even-- Ing. but the glr'l1 have different Ideas? l hope I don't sbund Jik• a Jerk hill in the 1111\ fWOiiiOilllin'vt dalff llifffliR chlckst, Fui\ny lhint is, Ann, I'm not much lo look at and 1'"1J1 not the type you'd think would tu,rn I &irl on. Yet l keep running Into aexpots with lar;.out ic:h!as. Any.1ug1estlons?-J. P. DP!AR J'. P.: I a1ia.me yoa 1~ eot paUIDI me OI IO r l ..,_. fa Nrllfft. ' Tllere In! plealy If ._.i.. -.,...... Ud lHy _.., .. ,.. • ..,.. like ytu. My adv~ ll lilelllt for a ertwded ploce, mU. II aa -'1 , ......... IoM &bedoU'1 .... allDlller. ll you have tiooble geftlnc •'"'11 wtUl - your pat enls . . . If you can't set them to let you live your o1t'n lite, 1end for Ann · Landers' booklet, n~ bJ Pamta? 7 How-nr-Get Mort Ji"leedun1:'-'--Senct--1t1+.~­ ctnll in cOin with Y0'.18' r~uewt ..r • long, stamped, sell·~'-eeftklpe. Ann Landen wlll be 1Illd lo bolp 1• · with your mbl<!ll•· 5e!ld them lo her II j c ... -ol the 1MltY"1'1t:x71'. _...,. ~ • 1eU-iddrW«l, •\alJU>elenve• -. .. • • ' ·~ • .-.,.-~ ~---·~-~--.. , ~--...... -..... -~"-..... -..... """""'"··= .. -:-. "'"'"'·"·==""':". ":":''lll\;"~::+µ:r;.::.;: •• :;:;;;;:::;::;::;::.::,;;:•.:;:. :;::. ;:, :;:, ::;,;:-.,;:·:; .. ::;· ,;:·:p,-:;.;:;.;:.:; .. :;,;:·;;, ::;,:;-.• ;;::·:;:. *:;.~· ..----;f -, -+"~ ~ -~ ~ f . . . .. -. -- • Q 4 Churc.h N'uptial ' ' V-ews Pledged Costa Mcsa'•-i1rll-SauU\em-nceptton -1 o l low l n g ·the- Bapllst Church ..... deoqratod ceremony, where purple and with white SUDllDtf flowt'l'I white flowers were featilred In accented with. parple_l!l!l!!~ations. · Patrta. Sanctersoa became Special guest. were· the the bride of Melvin Hlldlcoclt b r lde&room'a grandmother, tn an early a ft er Do o n Mrs. Marie Hemnler from ceremony. Vlsta and Mr. and Mra. Cy The Rev. Ray Franklin of· A~tin. his aurit and uncle · !!ci•ted i_n the _douJ>.!e ring from Ariuma. service for the~ daughter oI Assisting at Qie r~ptlon Mr. and Mrs. ~obert San-were the bridegroom's aunts, derson of Costa Mesa and the the Mmes. Bob Benner and Al son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hemmer, along with friends of Hitchcock of Sal1 Marcos. the bride lncludinR'. the Mmes. Escorted to lhe.allar by her ~ Cififfi•, W. A. Hurtado, father, f:be bride wore a. gown Chet Wells and Bill Boyce. of chaotilly lace over A.tin and · Tbe bride was graduated a full length manWia veil also from eorona d~l Mar High tr}mmed with the lace. Her 'school. Her new husband is a PWb&x style headpiece was San Marcos High -Scho01 irr~ with seed pearls. graduate now aUending ?.lira Along ~ her booquet of CoSta College in Oceanside. p om po n chrysanthem.ums The couple are maJOng their surrounding a purple orChld, home In San Marcos, following ~ cartled a whl~ prayer a wedding trip to San Fran-boOk contalning cascades 9f cisco. fJoweted love knots. "Ii:.· William Loughery of Costa Mesa, matron of honor, and other bridal attendants wore lavender dotted swiss dresks accented with dark Solve Maid , Problem: •• ·'fbOOie goini to thj! Or- ange County Fair this . 'year have a treat in store if, they visit the home economics dis .. plays. Little Debbie Hal)nan," 6 (at let!), hopes her mo.th er, Mrs. Rnbert Hahnan of Corona del Mar, will get a few ideas from the prize-winning hand· made. mice dolls she admires. The treat truly is sweet for Arthur Ince, 10 (at right), as he tastes prize • wjnning holl'\e-- made jam with the help of his sister, .Debbie, 12. They·were accom·~ panied by their father, Paul Ince of Westmin· ster. Sweet smells tempted Mrs. Edward B. Richardson of Hunt- ington Beach (below, · right) and her da~gh­ ter, Valerie, 17, as they admired a winding cake .displayed by Miss Tommy Edwards, as· sistant supervisor o( the---i:.t'air's Home Eco- nomics Department. Handiwork of Orange County homemakers, including baked goods, sewing, knitting, weav- ing, preserves and dec- orated cakes is on dis· play for tempting ad- miration. · Settle Down \ • Peru toasrmistresses See Office . ·New ·Face in S.. die Phtett e llt •tt1 A111t119I DISNEYLAND Dlsneyllnd Hotel ...._., leltfMM · 1 .11 , ... hllr fllATU•INe TNOUIAHDI Ofl RA.RR, IEAUTl .. Ut. & HOVIL OaJiiCTS l'ROM AltOUNO TMI WORt.O IY THE NATION'S TOI' OEALlllS Announcing the opening of .Af/reJo; • HAIR ETC. former ly with G1ne Sherove, 8ev1rly Hills Featuring the finest in styling :with a little help from my friends e JON -~ ~-. :t..HIER .. "----"-·:-.-RU·-o-y~ Mesa Rebekah For Appointme"t Call 675.6070 Every first and third 'I\Jes- day of the mooth members of Mesa Rebekah Lodge assemble in Odd Fellows Hall , Costa Mesa, at 8 p.m. 326A Marino Ave. Balboa J.land eA:,~ Will Give Your Shoes .•. :J/ie flew ofookf Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise •.. ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY Corona del Mar 5 CONVENIENT SHOPS e 340 I E. COAST HWY. Coront1 del Mai ••• 673.-4640 e 3433 VIA LIDO Newport Beach ••• 67).8620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND Nowport Beech , •• 644-7551 e 1108 IRVINE AVE. Westcliff Plaza Newport Beech ••• 548-4051 CHOOSE FROM ALL THE lA TEST STYLES R1styl1 your old 1ho1s to th1 new round look. Bring u1 your problem •nd we'll 9ive your shoes purple velvet ribbons. Petal . By MARY LOU JltNNINGS Maped headpieces of lavendar were trimmed with matching LIMA, Peru (UPI) -Yoo pay a maid $25 8 month Jn Lima; a gardener, $3 a month -for once a week service. •ROBINSON'S Peruvian landlords iet $300 a covers, a pretty feature, you start to !rust her you Fashion Island month from a gringc,, for the aren't there for beauty's sake. come hO!l}e and everythlng's Newport Beach • new look. pearl$. Bridesmaids: were M i 11 11 Carol Myslivy and M r s . Charles Loughery. J u n i or bridesmaids included t h e Misses' Peggy Hitchcock, aiste.r of the brJdeeroom. Kay Hemmer, the bridegroom's cousin, and Judy Griffis. All canied bouquets of lavendar potnpon chrysanthemums. same type of house a native lJ:::~. there to keep out ro:~·"English woman, com.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-!!!~~~~~~~~~!!'!'~~ rents for $200 ~r less. 1 "You never know when a menting on the burglaries, James crafts of San Marcos was ~ man. Ushers in· eluded Ira Baldwin and Bill Foeppel _.\pproximately 125 guests gathered in the home of the bride's parents for a garden_ The maid liV'el!I in . Comparably low are salaries for butte.rs, coob, houseboys and chauffeurs -low by salaries paid in mainland America. But natives here still com· plain, saying the prices for domestics have gone up quJte a bit alnce: gringos -as they call people from U n c 1 e Houses in Lima's maid and her boyfr1end ma y said : fashionable areas o f. f e r carry off everything you "\Vhen you see the in. amenities like large rooms, own," sajd a P .er u v I an credible poverty, the places multiple baths, parquet and housewife. "She tnay .spend where the people who work as polished stone floors, crystal months buttering .you up and sei;v,ants come from. it is hard light fixtures, stone fireplaces,. =bet:::::n:.;,g :;:oh=-so-=sw=ee=t.=T=h=en=·=w=hen==lp=b::;l::;ame::;=lh=e=m=fo=r =''='al=i='ng'=. '=' =,I and interior gardens. Ii But all i! not a rose without a !Jtorn. The good looking crafted wrought iron window Samland -have ret up Medical Group households here. The trouble with grineos : Every second 'I\Jesday of they overpay tlle domestic the month members of Orange helpers and even pamper Shores Medical ASllistants' M J them. AssociaUon assemble at 8 rs. ayeees All Is not financial heaven p.m. Location may be ob. Huntington Be.acb Mr 5 , on the homefront, even though tained by calling Mrs. Janis Jaycees meet the second Mon· 1 _he_Ip'-c-"_Is_r_el_at_ivel-'-y-li_tU_e._And __ ers_o_n,_•gg._25_11_. ---II clay of tll• month at a p.m. • ~.a. ' ' Locatkm information may be rocdftd by telephoning Mrs. Michael Brooks, Sl&-7022. THINK ~~.lnh' Wllfeltff Pie• lhn Only 641·%444 • , THE GLYCINE TIME MACHINE Left, the Glycine Va cuum in stainless steel and gold filled case. Automatic Day aiid Date feature, $110. Rig ht, Glycine ComPressor autometic With1calendar. $60. Sl..AVICK:S .,..,,...lersSltlcettt7 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 Y-Crwi111t1 A«ovnt W.!tome -eitikA"*IWrd, -..,.,,., CM~. \M. o,.. M...,, Mdcrr U11tll t :JD ,_.. ' CLEARANCE SALE SAVE 30% .. 50% ON Spanish Mediterranean Furniture Sof S 11 l•••rlevs faklu;, V•rfon Styln •114 Sl1n. a ..... ,.,. SZ4t " S5't - ' SAVE 30"/. to so•;. Ch • IS.V-hlirlu •Sty-. airs· ....... '" .. "" T bl OrlHrtely Corwd Styles. a es •11 ........ Tf•~ SAVE 30°/o to 50°/o SAVE 30°/o to 50°/o D• • R ...... dt.r .. Seti. 1n1ng oom ............. sm. . -SAVE 30°k to 50°/o 8 d ... ,_ .... e room ....... "" .. '"' ' SAVE 30°/o to 50°/o L CntMI T<iMe i..,.. CltntWI-. amps _ ............... u ........... .. SAVE 30°/o Beach lloulevard, STS!t~.H9,~~ 962-6631 ,.o: ''" , .. , -..-WllKD:Ts 1 .. 1:11 I • • • TOtlay'sn.aJ. N~Y. S•e±a Saddlehaek . VOL. 62,.NO. ·111, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA FRIDAY; JULY 18,' 1969 ' art in ur • • I 'Luna No Apollo Threat' Ex-1.aguna · May~rQuits In Silence fl'n llM1 It! ... , f111l . 111111 * .... 1· ~ ....... • Down the Mission Trail First BaptiStn To Be Celebrated SAN CLEMENTE -The 200th an- niversary o( the first Christian baptlsm In California will be celebrated Friday, Saturday and Sunday here with bands, carnival rides, a para~. dory races and dancing. The event is call!d Fiesta La Crlstianita, in honor of Father Juan Cres- 11i's b~ptWn_of a_dying Indian baby in what is now called Cristianitoll Canyon on Camp Pendleton. Festivities gel under way Friday, 'If hen the gates to the midway open at 5 p.m. La Cristianita Pageant, a ttenactment of the first christening in the canyon , will be staged at Cabrillo Playhouse 7:30 p.m. all three nights. Saturday will be highlighted by a 20().. unit parade at 10:30 a.m. and the 1 p.m. dory races at the Municipal Pier. Kiwanis WUI serve ranch breakfasts Saturda,-and Sunday at 7 a.m . .e "Jissluns Trart OK'd Approval of a tentative tract of 30.2 acres Involving 150 single fa mi I Y residence lots and two walkway lots In the Missions Planned Commwtity has I been granted by the county Planning Commission. . Location of the Macco Corporation tlevelopment is between MacKenzie Street and the San Diego Freeway about 1,000 feel northwest of La Paz Road. e Go Flshla' Tlme LAKE FQRF.ST -It's time to go fishln' at Lake Forest next week, as the Lake Forest Community Association moves Into "Water and What 's In It Week" July 21 through 25. Chil4ren ages 6 through 12 will start the-Wttk-off Monday at 11:30 a.m. mak- ing boats out of popeicle sticb. Tuesday their creations Will be raced on the lagoon. Wednesday the group will take off for Laguna Beach's Heisler Park for an ocean study field trip. Thursda,y the children will prepare gear for the grand opening Friday of the fishing season at the lagoon. Boat loads of children Friday will spend two hours ouLon the-lagoon tr)'ina; their:.Juck wllh the pole and hook. Prizes will be awarded fM the best costumes and biggest fish. e O"'" Sticker Slated MISSION VIEJO -Fonnatlon of a 11peclal ad hoc Bumper sucker Com- mittee has been announced , by the Lower Saddlebaci Lltfen AsaociaUon rule 'n ruil Pre8idenl Rulon Jlul»ton. Russians ·Give Assurance to Borman Bt:nt from Allen Aide El Toro: No County Sale By JACK CHAPPELL Of !tie Diii,, PilM Stefl Despite cQnti,nuing hints today from Wa.sbtngtOO, D. C. about possible sale of ·~ mqitary baae>-E! '1°.oro llarlne Air ililllaoi lnclaclell-11 ..,.. _, lill- ly that the Oranp !lo!mlY aov....,~, hn loot lnCiei'eif lit a.; ti'lnO air sta- tion. Possible,Jolnt civill1n--mil.ltary me of tbe El Toro buea IS a realoruil airport . - has been studied by the county and is· Transportalton Group, a body made up bi.tterly opi:ios:ect by El Toro, Miaaion,-0( the directors o( county de~ of Viejo, an~ lrv.tne rea\~ta. planning. roads, building serym. real t/~~·~:;v\w:';.'. p"""'1! ~ "'!! avialioa. - Allen, ·,.Id tOday It llllely thil' In .1111 • r · Ktl!«er iillil lie -rsianil& · Git Air neu ....U. Ille board of suporylson TW1Sportab G,.Up wt~ adviaa the. will tie med IO forget ibo<lt ti. lllldy or the El Toro Jiase. S.. Related ~ Pqe l That ·recommeridltion, he said, will come from the a.Mster Plan of Air Council Sorry About It board lo drop <Gllllderatloo of the re- glooal airport jlllaae of the Master Plan of Orange County Air Transportation prepared by WUli.am L. Pereira and Associates last year. That consideration should be left to the Southern Calilomla Aviation Committee Inc .. ln the opinion ol the county air group, he said. But Parking Fine Sticks Laguna Beai::h resident Louis D. De8elle liad the 11Usfaction or hearing city councilmen say they are sorry, but be didn't get the $19 back he paid for two Balloon Bursts For All Stars With Capo Lo ss Twelve-year-<ild Mitch McComb -311 150 p:iund.s of him -struck out 11 of 19 batters 'Thursday 'night to pitch the Del Obispo Dana Point.San Juan Al)..St.2r1 to a S to O win over the Laguna Beach Na- tional League All.Stars. The onJy batter to reach base for Laguna wu walked. The losing pitcher for Laguna Beach, Gene Ober, gave up 1 borne nm in the first inning with two men on base for the only three runs. He allowed sev~n hit1 and two walkl in the game. parking tickell received by his son 10 months ago. DeBelle. told councilmen this week, his son, now serving In Vietnam, was twice Ucketed for parking his car facing the wrong way on a street. City Manager James Wheaton said the tickets were given contrary to dty policy which is to overlook the offense unleu a complaint Is received. The officer who gave the tickets, Neil Purcell, WR§ new on the }ob and had come from Ute Newport Beach Police Department which gives 1uch tickets, Wheaton explained. DeBelle aaid he came to the City Coun- cll beeause he hadn't recelved any satisfaction from the police chlef or city manager. He said he wanted the law either enforced or taken off the books. City councilmen said they would look into it. # "We would have to have 20 officer• oft duty to enforce every ordinance and that is an Impossible task," said Wheaton. "So we enforce selectively on a complaint baai1." • • Stork Mer.1tet1 Even if the big base ever were to be put on the market, purchase c06t · · would make buying the Marine Air Sta· tlon unfeasible, Klllefer said. He said the ·base b valued In excess ol $ZOO million by the Marine Corps. That figure includes land purchase. "Then you still have got to build an airport. The runways are not In the proper confliuraUon for civilian use," be said. Mention of passlble sale of the El Toro bese came ln discussion during organi· za.tioo of a con~rea:sional panel to invu- tlgate sale of mtlltary posts on expensive urban land. Rep. Mendel Rivers {D-South Carolina) brought up the matter. "As you know some of our military Installations are presently occupying extremely valuable property which is way out of proportion to use value. "One In particular is the Marine Air Corps Station at El Toro, Calif., but I use El Toro only as an example. There are others1 such as the Preaktio of San Fraocl.sco, ' Rivers said. Co1n1nunity Hospital To Hold Art Auction Grand Jurors . Warn Couniy On Bay-Swap ·By TOM BARLEY Of .. D<lllr l'*f Mllf I 'llt 0ralj'"'Qpun1y.tranc1 J..., med <!\Wilt , _,perv15or, Thunoday , th~I lhe "'°'""""!ti trade ·or Upper Nr.iport By land,~twcen )he. c"l!!!b' Jod.Jbo Irvine Company had been corulll1Ullated in the eysof. a public that "is not eware of what it now .owns in terins of unfilled tidelands." But that same public, lndicatu the In. vestigatlve panel, haa become IUftlciently alanned at elements raised tiy growing opposition to the deal to reallze "lhat f;ublic waterfront and access are 11nited." There ls "a new public awareness," the Grand Jury stales, "that once public tidelands are traded or aoltf. the county will have tost forever these Vf!l'f preCl.ous resqur.ces so lmporiant to tlie recrea- tional needs of the people." The Gr!ind Jury's vieW1 were contained Jn a resolution to be beard !>:" the Board of Superviaors Tuesday and in a fonowing four-page explanation of the resolution. Both pertain to a long~lscu.ssed proposal to exchange 457 acres of Irvine c.ompany land (or 157 acres of county-owned tidelands In Upper NeW'por't Bay. But the trade faces an uphill coort fight. Awajting setling of a trial date ii a taxpayers' suJt filed by six Harbor Area homeowners who argue that the public was hoodwinked "by hundred1 of millions of dollars" when county o t f Jc i a I 1 asserted ly misrepresented values of the two dbputed. territories. Lined up with them In opposition to the deal are County Auditor V. A. Heim and County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw. Both men brand the deal a1 un. constitutional and both refuse to perform funcUoni ordered by the supervilors - Heim will noi pay a $14,000 dredging bill submitted by lrvlne and Hinshaw will not remove the .Jrvlne land from the tu: rolls. Urging the county's immediate study of poeslblo altemaUVtt to -the· U-Bay land swap, ·the Grand •Jury polntl ~ the 1966 Stale Landi Commission ~ DOf. •P- prove of. the trad,. Hello, Moon This Is Nixon WASHINGTON (UPI) .>.. President Nl1on will talk to the Apollo 11 astronauts on a two-way televWon hookup when they set foot on the moon, the White House announced today. "He will speak on behalf ol the American people from his office," pras sea"etary Ronald Ziegler zald. Ziegler said the idea of the two-way television hookup oriKlnated with the Na· tional Aeronautics and Space Admlnl!traUon (NASA). The idea was then d.l.scuSlied with television betwork \ nip1eeent.atlves in Washington. Ziegler ~ •t ao time did the White House make a direct request for television Ume for the fresldent., Oraage Cou& When· McComb, 33212 Marina Vl&ta, Dana Point, ent;ered the Little Leai1Je at age 9, he was positioned as an ouUle1der. "The manager let him pitch the last two innings of 1 game once, ,00 Mitch 1truck out every bluer he faced,'' hill mother, Mrs. JQhn M.cComb, recalled today. Hb only losa th.ls aeason WU 8 1 to 0 defeat. NEW YORK (AP)-1lle stock market remained In sharply lower territory this afternoon, with many investors report· ed.ly-cauUous prior to the long-weekend.- (See quotatioos, Pages 1~15). . Trading was quiet. Declines led ad· vances by better than 600 issues. A request by the South Coast Com· munlty Hospital to hold an art auction In Irvine Bowl Aug. 30 has been approved by Laguna Beach city councilmen. The hospital ls presently undertaking an ez- panslon fund drive. Councilmen also approved •--request-by the LaRl\na Beach Community Chest to condud a drive through the mall from Sept. 22 to Nov. 22. "In spite of this,"•the board 111 told, ··~-sarie--ercbange-1~~...,~--- taken before the 1967 State Lands Com- rnlssi.on with uo attempt to develop an Weather Mitch's arsenal consists of two basic pitches"" - a strOng fastball and a fork ball. It wu the forkball, with its un· predictable path, that bewildered the Laguna batter• the molt, hil father 11id. When the need ll'OR, Mitch fell · back on a. chanieup. But the yoµngster ob- vlowly wasn't in much trouble. --------- Young Trio Arrested In Stabbing of Leaders ' (See .IURY WARNS, Pqe 11 . ' It'll Be Business as Usual.· . . --Most Local Firms Plan to Remai1i Open on 'Moonday' Moot bultne..u In the Grana• Coul Thuraday. moat proprleton planned to Bui It will have no ~feel on-Jl1i boJl. area will ·remain open on Moonday -keep storea open Monday. • day. .. • • Monday -while city and ltal4' ~ 'nle 1ovel'Dot1 of more lhan,balf ol the Major llock a:cban&ea will abo be e m p I o 1 e 1 will enjoy 1 three-day · ltatel •and dtJ govenunera lCf'08I the · ck>aed ·in -obee:eyatkll'I ~o~ ..tlSe' ~, 1.1 weekend. 1 nat1on bave ) r~ to ~ixon'1 AIU'OnaUtl'i.l!Chldu1ed..wal~ Ob...tbe"DMOG. President Nixon'• call ror a "D•r · ~ dedarallori ...i ._i1oc1,lllondaf'• .hollday_, Most 1>anklng and lndUllrlal tirlilt.-_t 1 PartlciJJl'Uon" ,Moqdar IO celdl!wtt thO ! · Laauna Beech· lo lbelonly. •111 on·~ their to>ploje'S•to~ir11r ',,..,t.;1 • Summer has certal.nJy anived along the Coast and It ia expeded to rtmain that way for awlµle, at least lbcough the weekeoo. Allcl • for beach-lovers, there's no beat- ing .., dqrec waters. - INSmE TODAY Count11 achoofl on tM whole haven't fared too 10tU with the voters • &hU ve:ar. But Qrange Cotut diltrlcts someMw beat f the ~ SH IW!1_ tllQ 1tad: up cOmparea to the othm on Paa1 11. .... I t M....,. 'N • Mli1Mlr • !....... II ,......... ti • . . ~Tbe committee·, under the chairmanship of that sticl<y chartctu I i:lmer Wllj1old. ·will ln..,.lgate varloul worthy causes, carididates and cam- paigns. Jt will lhen recommend ap- propriate bumper stickers to resident& of &he saddleback Valley. NEW YORIC (UPI) -Three youtha were arnsted today in the llabbtng of a state-:Stnator""lbd a dtlUDUnUy leader who went to Uie aid Of 'a police olflcer being·au.acked by a teen-a1e llnl on a Brooklyn Street. Ctllflnlfl ,. ,..... ... ... ~·~.~~ .... ~.-!-~.~ .... ~~ ... :!!-.~,t--11--~~·· rtr11t'unar1ahci1n1 hail>Oen-~;,ctoa by C01J.S1 !hat bu not 'closed , city· Offices ,CtlJfomla" clectartd"in .. olflolal, -.q,1o motrt local firms. • ' , MO!!'.d'1·' ~L .. ~ .._......,._ -' -: holiday on ~,-clolblf-den d-,p&b-... The unldenlllled author or lhl> preu releue aPbol answers mall at P .0. Box fill, Mlsalon VteJ<!. • Stale S... A:-Frederlc~Meyenon, SI, w,a.s reported in ulisfactory condttlon at Bro o t d a t·e Hospital with two stab wounds of the back. Clifton Jones, 40 a c:ommonlljl leader In tho wt New York aectJon, allo wu In salidactory con- dllfon. \ / c___.. Jt .,_ .....,. II De-. ...... 11 ......... tto.a ~ '' ......... '"" :::.,.~ ~ =..,.... ~ ,...... .. IJ T......... II S:·:!:= ff SF.... J llankl and Sivb\iiind tOln liilldilfs , 1111 pooslble that Monda; m!J~I OOI be Ile OtJ>dlla:1:0n,..,and,~ aa will remain open Monday, u will otorOa Moo1t 11V afler all, ipac:e ollldala have well aa tt•le offlcel. Soutl> ~Gov. In Ftihlon laland In Ne"#.,~cb ind 11ld. ·1 I. ·' ~. 1 Jlober,I McNalr .-!aimed -Dv a South Cout Plaza tn c ........ 1·., FligTit( ~~ .currora . Cborla\ou'lh Jaaat hollday;.<:Jootn1~klaniI1111e of· survey Indicated ~r· . ' \ lald ~. fi'll ·~ , .. qi, -may . l\<:fs. , ' • " • ' • • ' ' In a poll taken a tho~ ... llJl,,,....19tl-',s!7'1Caitdl¥ le.Suo-1 llil.ti!•of ·~ ...... ~)~'f' ~...pitial Chamber al Q>mm.erce ~)' t'~ · .... ! ,... '-, ... l 1)-i ~ {'"*~'· • • · ·.(..,~ .. ,-..».tr . 11 .,. . . . ... .. . • • I· I 1 • • -~ - Falling .Out to Sea · . Conatructlon pier for new Orange County sewer outfall line stretches into aea on HunUngton Beach side of Santa Ana River. SanitaUon . planll are at !ell (backgreund). Huge natural sand bar built as , .. sult of winter stonns stands off river mouth. Newport Beach is at right. In background (right) is low-lying Banning property. Fro,. Page 1 .-- --• .... t •• •• \-!_• ~..., .......... ·-...~····· •• '!..""--~ -~-. .... -. -·~ r ' ' AsSe~sor_ Also 1fits . Land Swap HiljlhaW BackJ~ury, Levels Ow~--zirmc"k . . ' Counl1 Ane•ar A!idrew l. Hiaatiaw hu added his geven·page condetnn1llon Gt the Orange County-Irvine Company Upper Bay deal to the Grand Jury'• crltlcism ol the controverslsl land swap. . Jtinahaw again refused to accept 'the ruling by county supervi&ors lhat the land deeded to the county by the Irvine Company should be bald tax-fr,. by the company pending a court ruling on the con.sUtuUonallty of the trade. Rinshsw passed the long, carefully· written statement to the press Thursday within two hours of a Grand Jyry press reJeW in wtiich the panel eJip(ained the intent behind its earlier resolution to county supervisors. . t llinsbaw placed a "6$,491,440 prt« tag On the Irvine land, ~ listing which puts the dbputed acreage on the county'a assessment ~Is for 1969 at $11,221,300 - 25 percent of the assessor's calculated market value. That valuation ls up by more than $4& million on the valuation placed on the land -according to opponents of ihc land swap -by the Irvine Company. It is based on Hinshaw'• belief that the land, at today's price!, ts worth $42,000 an acre. Himhaw points out to the county board that the same land will be-worth at Frona Po9e l JURY WARNS • ' i.aai '1ti,,loo an acre "at the end Of my slt·year reappr.alsal program. 111 feel J wOuld be remLss in my duUes U l dld not value and place on Ulla year's asseument roll an assessment for these lands," Hinshaw said . Wnshaw has been told by the board . on numerous occasions that he is belng remiss io his dutlet by refusing lo ao- cept the ·1anc1 trade u an acCompillhed fad. Both the county aod the lrvlne Company •!SU• that the ·land i;houtd be held tu4ree by Irvine pending a cowt ruling which could be as much as three years kway. Hinshaw warned the board that "it would be legally improper to permit can- ctllat~ of current taxes levied on these properties for two reasons." JOINED CRITICISM He Joins the Grand Jury in Its criticism or the amendment to tbe first.agreement between the parties by pointidk out that •'The Irvine Company : ..• would still have an element of title to the properties conveyed to the county because of Its Unquished allot tlie custody, occupancy, reverslonarf interest." C(>{ltrols and possession It has exercilld lie claims that Irvine "would be Hable over these lartds?" for, as a.mlnlmum, a tu on th~lr J>O$es--He alto seeks to determine "to whit sary lntere.st on the subject properties." extent does the Orange County lfatbot HINlbaw alao criliclzes the agreed for· mula 0 for aettlng tax amounts for the District andlot the County of Oran&• yean in ,.hlch the title to ~ land ~d · qow assert itseif as a result C?f tl!ese ve.1t In the· county as a gross misstate--deeds In the exercise of the complete ment of the probable as:seutd valuts custody, occupaocy, controls and posses. -and probable taJ: dollara." -•-1 bsot He asks supervisors to determine "the slon COl\fOl\ant with fee .uup e • uto nature of the comlderaUon .•. that the .. title?'' • COunty of Orange ga"ve to the lrYine And Hinshaw asks the Boitrd to de-- Company In return for whatever rights tennine the "precise legal description.! the County received." of both the perimeter of the Upper Ba)' .. What is the nature and extent of the d all of the 1 d _, .. in 1 ed. • " property rights described In these deeds an an ,, par~ vo_ v lD which the Irvine Company has retained the land exphange. , ro itse.lt In the event U.e is no cul· The ~r warns· lh#lt the board 1 mfnalion of the proposed elCbana;e?n demands for removal of the lrViDe: ~llld Hinshaw uts. fronl lax roll.s, ••would be asking 1)ila office to ~st ln developlng the (Jlech· BOARD ASKED anlcs ultimately leadJni to a ii!t of Hinshaw a\ao asks the board: 1'~ public 11U1ney. what extent has the Irvine Company re. "This I cannot do," •llnShaw said. -LAGUNA TEEN CORNER By TOM GORMAN -·• , 11ilternative plan. Yet it wa.s approved." , RECREATION IN LAGUNA BEACH the recreation director the nttds and out in a recreat1on survey .underllken by 1be Grand Jury rejeeted the county's may have entered the dawn of a new era wants of the elementary, junior high, and the Laguna CoordinaUng Council. Two Jong-5tandlng arcument that lhe costs of Wednesday night with the appointment of high school students. four.by-four posts and a net is an in· filling the tidelands aurrendered to lhe a full-time recreation director. But the Du~ to the mere f~ct that a 41-year-old expensive way to keep kids happy. Irvine Co. w.ould have been proh.ib!Uve llUCtell of the program will depend on man-ta naturally di!9oc,lated with the Teens have been asking for a youth and beyond county re50urca. • the inclusion. of young people as in ad-young people, he t'OUldn t be expected to recreation center. The city council has "A case may be made-for the slate-vlsory or lia11on t'Ommlttee. feel and understand the wants of put this oft until the new director was ---·------~~the-county 1tees'Wlt.-:tw--hlve =·'!i.e· elty ·latR::=...idmitltd-soAM1thina .!..~11'.1.\:S._~._. ...._ ~ ---~~-n·aint!d:1fa~iow-s6trr!!:fii{i~Cln be --n1e·moneyto divilop-niese--uctetand!,'' WU liclting in the·-otd-recreation-·pro:--"I'De reen'CbMm1tr~tnrormtng-.(fone ragrve'Ggf.na~~yoowa p ce-fii JO the statement concedes, but "this in no gram. That ~as ma.de clear ~hen ~hey the director, could relate to the students at night, to dance. play games, listen to travtlln1 at a 61-dtgree angle to the path Apollo tt wUI follow. !Alna l& 11 traveling around the moon Modjeska Death Investigated A Modjeska Canyon tnan died early to- day and his wile WU ho.spitallzed in crlUcal condfUon in clrcumstanca whicb are being lnV1!silgated by Orange County Sheriff's officers and coroner's deputln. An autopsy will be carried out on the body of RoJer Bowdon, lbout JO, to COl\- flnn Investigators' prillmlnary diagno!Ls -that Bowden and bl.a wile, Marie LouJse, took an overdose of an un- determlned dru1. _ The couple was discovered early today by alarmed neighbors who alerted of· fictN. Mra. Bowden Is Jl1ttd as· being in critical condition at the Orange County Medic.ti c .. ter. Canyon Wrecks Injure 2 Women Two traffic accident! Thursday along Laguna Canyon Road injured two young women. one from Laguna Beach. Diane Woodbury, 21, of 1561 Catalina St., was injured when her small foreign car struck a parked car along the center divider in front of the Festival of Arts grounds about 11 :30 p.m. Miss Wodbury was released following trutmtnt for cuts and scratches at South Coast Community Hospital. Patrice Cynn Romero, 18, La Mirada, was Injured when the small fureign car she was driving rolled over on the Can. yon road near the Irvine ponds about two miles north of El Toro Road. Miss Romero was given emer1ency treatment 1t South Coast Community Hospital and then transferred to the Camp Pendle.Ion Base Hospital. -, Lf\ll Y fltlO I ~NO~ co.\IT f'\111. llftlNG c:<IMl>MY leN,, H. W••• ...... _.....,.,... Jee• L C.rl., Viet Pr~ Ml Ollllf .. ~ -n-• .-~1 -·-n.'"''' A. M"'l!t11e """"""'l•lllr ar.~'" r. Hill ~­ClrJ •tllw .._ __ 111 F•rtd "~•. M•'"-• A.111111,,". P.o. ••• ''' ,,,,, -- I 2. hours 30 seconds; the once evtry Russians said. "lf they land tomorrow mcmlng, I'll react about it," Kraft said. The Rusalans said their spacecraft would remaln in moon orbit until midnight PDT Friday, but did not specify if It would land at that Um,. Luna IS was launched last-Sunday from Rituia and reached lhe moon Thursday, where it dropped Into orbit. Russian sclenUfic source. have said tf1e Soviet moon craft wu de1igned to land on the moon, acoop up a •J>'deful of lunar d1tt and head back to earth. seek· ing to beat Apollo ll's schedule by two days. 'Western 80Ul'ces agreed this Wa.s a poulblllty. The space 1gency announcement .said Soviet academician M. V. Keldysh, pre.st· dl!'nt of the USSR Aacdemy of ScJe.nce.s, said in a cable to Borman that Luna. 15 would atay tn orbit two days. But the an- nouncement did not aay whether It would land on the moon and scoop lunar m11terial to try to beat Apollo 11 back. Flight Director Glynn Lunney sald the American spaettraft was "right on the book" and ita course so accurate.,JJiat the astronauts' third opportunliy to diTect it "'OUld be 1klpped today and a fourth ~ portunlcy Saturday might be. "It's going as well as any mission we've ever had," Lunney said. Today's major event occurs late In the d&y when Arm.strong and A1drin wiggle through a COMectlng tunnel into the lunar module, nJcknamed Ea1le, hitched. · nose-to-nose with the Colwnbla command ship. For two hours, they are to cheek the systems of the spidery lander. They mainly w1ll look for damage that might have occurred Wedne.sday during the jolting liftoff from Cape Kennedy. If they find major damage, they will cancel their landing plans. However, mission control oftlclals say, chances o( this are remote. The utronaull slept well during the night, wllh Aldrin sleeping eight solid hours, wblle Collins logged nine hours. S. County Plans For Moon Day Summer school clasltl wUI be can- celled, city hall1 and municipal coort of- fices wtll be closed thl'OOlhout th« South County a~a on Monday to 11low c!Usens "A Day o( Participation" ln the momen- tous event .of an expected landing on the • moon. Police, fire "and lifeguard personnel and trash collectors will be the only local govemmel\t employes working Monday. Laguna Beach r.tayor Glenn Vedder, ,.,,ho followed the President's and governor's exam~le in proclaiming the "Day of ParUclpatlon" for his clly, S:IJ empJoyes who must work will be given a CQmpensatlng day o!f later. From P119e 1 HOLIDAY ... workers win have Mond1y off ind there will be no window ae.rvlce or resldentlal or rural dellverlts. Tho S<nato will obsefvo a holiday Mon- day. but the Houoe of Rtprum11uv .. will conduct re;ular buaineu. H~ leaden dtcided to meet Monday to talte up legialaUon 1theduled for noor 1ctlon. Orana:e Coast cltlet th1t have declared a ~ay weekend for employea In- clude: Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley. Hunllnlton Beach, Newport Jlcach, San Clement. and Sia Juan Caplatrano • • way means that· future developmen~ i.s -showed a desire to htre a full-lime direc· the philosophy and objectives of the music and just rap. impossible. . . tor la.st .Year. recreation program. Thia could be sc-These are the two most basic requests. "This dr9.nd Jury ... wishes to point But w1!I the employment 0~ a fqll-time compllshed by word of.mouth, the high But there are o.ver 2,000 students in the out that there are limiUes.s ways of con· man by. itself solve the press~ng pr~blem school newspapers, dally school an-Laguna Beach Unified School District. sel'Ylng waterfront and access for public of an incomplete p~ogram · 9bvJ~us\y nouncements, and special assemblies. And they might all have their own Ideas use,'' the board ii told. 1'Jt is felt that the not. One man by himself cant be ex· Whal in essence this would accomplish for a successful program. . . . Supervi!Ol'I, u trustees of the peeled to engineer an effective tum-about is a free-flowing dialogue so desperately * * * tideland&. should consider u many inThathet~e;~~:~~~~~ns enter the pie-needed for an etfecllve ptogram, SOMETi\ING IS NEEDED to funnel altemaUves u possible." * * * "Only· one plan , . , hu ever been con· ture. What was lac)tjng in the old pro. these ideas into the recreation program. sidered by the parties tot.be agreement," gram, and what Laguna can't let .slip by .. TT JS NO SECRET what the young peo.> A teen ~dvisory committee would hefp the Grand Jury aaid. now, ii the establi.shment of a teen ad-pie would like to set initiated in an ex-see to this. . . Il notes that there have betn "basic visory committtt1 panding recreation program. Whether the sun Is 1n fact creeping op modlfications" made to that plan but * * * · Volleyball players Yearn for additional over the horizon and brighter days loom stresses that ••these modifications were SUCH A COMMITrEE could relate to courts along the beach. This was brought ahead remains to be SCM. related to uplands or park lands 1ubR- quenU;v Wed for by the county, rather than alternate arrangemeota of f1lled Ude.land&.." "Serious problems" that were not •Yi· dent at the Ume of the land twap agree. ment silned in 19e6 should now be con- sldettd by county supervlJors, the Grand Jury suggest.!. "Pollution and ecoloeical Imbalance were not considered ser.ious problem1 (In 19'6) ln Orana:e County," it polnta out. "But they are now and ••• It is felt that teclmlcal studies should be made to in- sure that the proposed .Land Es:chana:e wlll result In the wt poutbte deslp of the BllY to av<ild pollutloa and ocologlcal imbalance." And the Grand Jury, in a stronaly worded declaration that swn1 up several weeks of dellberaUons by the In- vestigative p111el, expresses J ts dis.saUsfaation Wilh circumstances sur· TOUndln& the November, 19U, amend- ment to the agreement of 1965. It was agreed four years ago, the jury notes, that the ''Department of the Army define the harbor lines. This requirement was changed in the amendment to read 'appropriate govenunental agencies.' "The sipificance of the amendment," the jury statement notes, "is that by changing the basic requirement (or rules of the game) the Irvine Company and the county agreed that neither c o u I d withdraw from the trade. "Why the basic requirement was challJed has not been amwered to the Grand Jury's satisfaction," the statement stresse.s. "If it was impossible to have the Department of the Army define the harbor lints tn 196&, what changed it to make it no longer necessary?'' the jury asks. "U the cbonge wu felt neces:sary to clariry whether or not the agreement was binding on both parUes, there is a quesUon as to why the vague term 'ap- propriate 1ovemmtntal agencies' was subsUtuted for the pr<dse 'Departmont of the Army'." geJts that "further efforts should Include an engineering and economic feasibility 'study of tile propo.!ed m>tn public beach a~." There should be, the statement adds, "a cost stlldy of the filling of aome COUD· ty-held tidelands and/or purchase of small areas of Irvine land adjacent to tidela.nds and methods or flna~lng the harbor development." Such atudlea ""hive not been made, the panel notes. "AddlUonal studies wnt mean the ex· penditure of pubiiC fun lb," the Grand Jury concedes, "but thia Grand JUry feels that the Upper &y, as a natural resource, Is so importantt hat the alter- native of waiting i:o make these 5tudies until after the acban&t ii Ill advised." Anticipating the possible comment tllat neither the counl,J nor the Irvine Co. can withdraw from the .,,..ment, the G<and Jury points out tblt "an ahtmate plan C<MJld be developed whld> .... 1d factllute a mort rapid coosummaUon of the tldtlll!ds nchanae which both Ilda might 11ree to withdraw and r• negoUate. "In answer to the &rl\lment lhlt It wilt take too much time to develop an altem1te plan . . .thlJ Grand Jtll')' would 1nswer that tt feola It Is better for the C<JUnly to rtllln <00trol ol II miich wat.erl'.ront and acceu u poulblL" • 7 • , ·-· s • JOLY Henredon rer~ ON SALE NOW HERITAGE Uphotstary now avalt.ble at a U% r..JU<tlon to include tpec:l•I orders In your choice of fabriu. This ia one of thoM r•r• opportunlti.M to purchate the flne•t ot rem1rk1blo 11v1,... HENREDON & Our •umm.r ule al.o includes Hlec:t groups from Drexel -Henredon -Heritage. Also N1tlon1I, Morwo C.rw.on_ ind numorou1 other lines. Roductl1Nt1 on .cceuoriu, l1mpa and ,Mcturu ar. ovalJ. al>to. NEWPORT llACH 1727 Wodcllff Dr. 642·2010 Of'IN NIDAY "l'IL t INTlllOltS ' '•ofoasl-1 tntortor DetlgMr9 Avallabl-11>-~SID • LAOUNA· llACH :US ... rth Coat! Hwy. OPIN tllllA.f ,,L t . 49U551 ! I • . . • • Ne:wpqrt ~ BarOOr J . • , . _ .EDITIO N ·VOL 62, NO. 171, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA FRIDAY, JULY '18, ·1969 TEN CENTS Gran.d Jury W arnS County on Back Bay Trade By TOM BARLEY Of .,.. o.w. '"" ... ,, The Orange County Grand Jury warnM county &upervjson Thursday that the controvers.ial . trade of Upper Newpcrt Bay land between the county and the lryln< Company bad be<!i COll!lll1llD&tOd in the eyes of a public that "ii DOt aware of what it now owns in terms of unfilled tidelands." .,. But that same public, indicates the J.n.. v6tigal!ve panel, has become MflclenUy ' . t.Iom Sees Bal Crash Kill Son, 5 As his mother looked on in horror, a > year-old boy ·darted Into a Balboa Peninsula Intersection Thursday night and was killed instantly when hit. by a ~ hea vy panel truck. ~~-.Ba.., died ·fl'Gfll a-bMal-C.·~ture and massiY&- thtemal injuries In the 7:30 p.ni.' mi!hap &l Bay and A"lvarado Avenues, police iald. Traffic Officer Reed Gloshen said the boy and his mother, Mrs. Marjorie Nolan, were having a barbecue with friend!! at 2001A Alvarado when the youngster dash- ed Into the intenection. Gloshen said Mrs. Nolan was sitting in thf!' patio of the home when she saW her aon hit bY a World Jiar It type panel truck driven by Kenneth A. Foster, %2, of ~ W. Wilson St., Costa Mesa. - -!roster ..., not tlted, polJoe Aid. tnvesusators said that Foster .reported seeing Randy dart out into tbe in- ""'8ction-between two parked can, but lfWas too late to stop: "I'he boy was dead on arrival at Hoag Mtmoria1 Hospital. C o r o n er ' 1 In-. vesUgators there stated the boy's ltvere injuries made death instantaneous. Gloshen termed the accident "a. tragtc · waste." "The little boy was one or those really cule..as-a-button little blue-eyed boys with tennis shoes that you &ee all the .time," lie said. Randfc body was taken to Balts Nortuary in Corona del Mar. J et Pollution Measw·e Si gned SACRAMENTO (UPI) Assemblyman Robert G. Beverly (R- Manhattan Beach), today said Gov. Ronald Reagan signed his bill limiting air pollution from jet aircraft. Beverly's district includes Playa Del Rty, an .l!:rea affected by pollution from jets taking off from Los Angeles Interna- tional Airport. "This blll is another step in our pro- -gr.am to give Jong overdue relier from aircraft pollution, depressed property values, and increased jet noise to persons li\'lng and working in the airport area," Beverly said. He said the legislation signed Tue!day by Reagan is the first In the nation aimed 11.t aircran-caused pollution. Its limita- tions on jet aircraft emissionl take effect Jan. 1, 1971. alainied at oll'l!l<11IS raised by growing opposition to the deal to realb:e "that pubUc waterhjlnt and access are limited." There .is "a new public awarenes.s," the Grand ·Jilry stat.ea, "lb.at once ,public tidellndl...are Vad'.ed er &old, U.. county will have lost foreVer these very Precious resp,ur:ces ao important to the recrea- tiOllsl needl ol the people." - The Grafld JUf)''s views Wert contained In a ?aolutlon ID be beard b:• the Boan! ' 1 •• or Supervisors Tuesday and in a following foui-page uplanaUon of the resoluUon. Both pertain ID a long-discussed proposal to exchange 4.57 acres of Irvine Company land for 157 acres of county~ed tidelands In Upper Newport Bay. a.ssertedly mJsrepresented values of the two dlsputed. letritorles. Urlbll tho coanty'a lm~lil1 lludJ al llllblc tho IJdelanda ••-i. tho PoAlble alleinaUva ID bi Ulll* 111J lrriDe Co. would Ila" -.,.,,.,..._,. Uneil up with them In opposition ID tbe deal are Qlunty Auditor V. A. Heim aod County As!essor Andnw J. Hlnabaw. Both men brand the deal as un-. lanG awap, the Grlild ~lllJ polnil Gat 1111 lild ...,._ ceilijy i-· !!lee Sllte Lllldl r .... ml-did .DOI Ip-"A cue "*Y lit mac1e far .lbt - prove o!'tho lnde.. . , ' . , . . lllOill Iba! tho=-DOI - -..:1n apile of tlda.tt U,0.boonl fl tllld. die -·i.. -...... _. But the trade faces an uphill court fight. AwaJUng setting o( a trial date 'ia a taxpayers' suit filed by six Harbor Area homeowners who argue tbat the public was hoodwinked "by hundreds of mllllons of dollars" when county 0 ff l C i I I 1 COJl.'llluUonaJ and both refuse=• -functions ordered by the su rs -..... -----Ille -but "Giii in ' taken be!.,. the llllr S(4te 1-c.p.. WIJ m-lbal !limn de•d>-': Heim wlll'nol pay a 114,000 gtng bill submitted b)' Irvine and Hlhshaw will not remove lhe Irv lne land from the tu rolls. · mlaolon with no au.bpi to ~ u ~· . ' alternallve plan. Yet tt waa ........... " ~nnil JlllJ, .,·wllbs to po1111 The Grand Jury "'~ tho eoomlr'I au1 tbal there 1n1 llmlllm _. GI _. IOllll-t!lildJn& argumeot Iba\ tbO -al ... (llo JVBY WAlll<JI, .... J) ' I . ; 'Luna No · Apollo Threat~ Russians Give Assurance to Borman · SPACE CENTER, HOl!Ston (UPI) -. material, and try ID beat 'Apollo 11 back baclc ID earth. He said the Ruaa1an Russia assured the United States today with It, and BOrman said he did not ask spacecraft was ln an orbit ra.nglJll &1 to after a personal telephone call from U.S. at a later news conference. 179 nUles abOve lhe moon, bued on astronaut Frapk Bonnan that its Luna 15 "Your guess is as .good as ours at this Soviet figures. · satellite. wouli:t not .interfere with Apollo point," said the Amerlcan asjronaut, "Who Apollo Jt astronauts Nei1 A. Il's·fllght to land-men on-u.e.moon. recen.tl• Completed " 8-lo.:aay visit-10 Armstrong, Edwin E: Aldrin and :Micrute Btit the Soviels did not say what their " spaceshJp's mission was. Russia and its space. instattaittms. Collini-were.three quarters ol the· way to · ·~1.-Borrnan was lnformed-lhat -&h&-ChriMopber-C.-Krafl;--Apell&-~lgtit. -the m<>M.; whefl tbe-.'P"ce agtney..aaid ·it- orbit of !Alna 15 would not intersect operatioru; director, who also appeared st was releaslpg 1 "very significant" state. published trajectories of Apollo 11 at any the news conlerence, said U.S. space of-ment 00 Luna 15. point and that he would be informed if ficlals could only "guessUmate" what lhe Luna 15 was already ln orbit around the any change developed," the space agency Russians. were doing. "Probably they are said Jn a statement. -doing a step by step program just as we moon amid worldwide speculaUon It was Th cl t) to Id d " a "moo"~'" craft tn'·nded •· •-•e ere was DO ue, apparen y, as wou o. ·~..... ""' w ~ whether the Russians intended Luna 15 to Kraft said he assumed Luna 15 would some of the luster off the American JURY FOREMAN RESIGNS L•turt•'• Wllll•m·M•rtin 1 -· land cm the moon, scoop uP . lunar leave lunar orbit ultimately and come achievement. i.:·· . '· ... ~~" Martin Resigns Foreman Ppst_ . . . ' . . ~~ . On Grcind Jury .Eormtr '"IUDI Belch ID&fGr Wllliam D. Martin lodoi nolgned from the Orange County Grand Jury where he waa servin1 as foreman of. the panel. MarUn'S resignation has been accepted by# Jad,ge Robert Gardner, the Superlof COurt's crinlinat jurist and Ua1'on wilh the invesUiative panel. Judge Gardner · b~ 'announced that he will appoint ·a new foreman Wedne&day. Superior Court AQrn\nJstralor Leslie McCartney_diJclooed the..reslgn&Uon of Ma.rtlli but refused to comment on the reasons·behind the decision of lhe former Art Colony'mayor to quit the Grand Jury at the ballway lla(e'ol its deliberations. But· the decls!CJI caine as no surprise to Superior Court and District Attorney's of- fices who have worked closely with the panel. A reliable source lo the District Al· lorney's olflce today !Did the DAILY PILOT that "It'• not surprising and I'm only f!mFiJed that Bill Martin didn't do this a long time ago." Martin. whQ mabi his home at 1051 Marlnt Dri•e -in Laguna, is also chairman of the FesUval or Arts Board of Directors. He served two tenns as Laguna mayor. Martin was (tuoted. by county courthouse sources as having commented trequt!'Jltly !n the Grand Jury r!)Om and in public on his increasing conviction that be was foreman of a panel which was far mnoved rrom his personal philosophies and ~Ilona Jn 9"' pursuit GI 1 .. ve!ti«ationl into countr eovemment. Martin himself declined to comment ~ d~r ·oo bta resliilltlon. · Hint f-rOttl: Al~ Aide \ El Jar~: .No--~Co11nty ~Sale By JACIU:llAPl!ELL • , lbaLfl&ur.eJnclud!' 1'Jld purclwt. --°' n. o.ar ''1tt .._,, "'111en you ·.WI ~ -~ to build u Deapite continuJpa hints today from airport. 'lbt runwa)1 1 are not in the Washfngi'on, D. C. ·about possible sale of proper confipaUoD f(I' civOlan use," he urban milltary bases-E:'l Toro Marine s1id. Air Station inclu~t now appears like-Mention or .pouible aale of tbe 'El Toro ~.base came In diJcua&lon during organi-See Related Story Page S zation of a concresslon•I pan~ to inves. . ly UJat the Orange County government -UialO.aale-GI inllitary pooto .... ._i .. uibu Lmd. Rep. Mendel Rima (D.8oitth caroltila) brought up the matter. "Ai' you knctw aome ol. our military Installations are prese,ntly occupying eltremtly valuable property which Is way oot o! proportion to use value. ' has lost interest in the Marine air sta· ti on. Possible joint civilian-military use of We El Toro bases as ~regional airport has been studied. by t county and is City Launches Bahia YC; . -~ ' bitterly opposed=--by Toro, Mission Viejo, and Irvine residents. John Killeler, administrative assistant to Filth District SUJ>":'!lsor Alton E. Allen, said today it ll lliely that in. the next month the board of supervisors will be' asked tO forget aboot the study of the El Toro J>ase. 'That recommendatton, be said, will come rrom the aM.ster Plan of Air TransportaJton Group, a body made up of the dlrectDra o! \')Ullty departments of planning, roads, bUilding services, real property services and aviation. Killeler said he understands the Air Transportation Group will advise the board to drop con&ideralion of the re- gional airport phase of the Master Plan of Orange County Air Transportation prepared by William L. Pereira and Associates last year. That consideration should be left to the Southern California Aviation Committee Jnc.. in the opinion of the county air group, he said. Even if lhe big base ever were to be put on the market. purchase c03t would make buying the Marine Air Sta· Uon unfeasible, Killeter said. He said the base is valued in e1ctss o! noo million b7 the Marine Corp<. --··· ·- .700-memher Limit Sought By JOUN VALTERZA Of ,.. Dlltr 1'1191 tlefll ' Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, after weekJ of delays, finally received an of- ficial sendof! from the Newport Planning Commission Thursday for a n e w clubhouse, slips and parking lot. The club Is expected to provide facilities for about 7Clq..members. After more than 90 minutes of public h e a r I n g , commissioners unanimously recommended approval . of a conditional use permit for the clubhouse and slips on 1601 Bayside Drive. Planners said they are convinced·the 99 parking spaces planned for members would be enough . .About two dozen more spaces will be ·provided for non-member occupants of ri'ewly built slips in the club marina. The Irvine Company Is developing the expanded club complex. Dredging has been completed on expanded boat altp areas on the channel. It started last February. The yacht club request had been bang- ing on commission agendu for the past few months. Delays aroee over the park- ing space isaue. Commissioners, acting on the: advice or Ass~tant City At!Dmey Tom Woodruff, agreed thit a firm restrtclion on the club's total membership could not be legally applied. Commissioners said, however, that they were using the theoretical '/OOo member amount as a guide for their •P- proval. In a related matter, the comnUsslon granted unanimous consent to the Irvine Company for subdivision of a six-acre roadside strip near the club into 12 residentiaJ Iota. The small, exlstlng Bahia Corinthian clubhouse will be razed. -€ocu~Store- '!' o Srox_ .Qpen., For Moon Day Mbcl-~lneMOI bi the Oral* Cou1 atell WWvremi.ln opep OD MoondaJ - Monda; -while city and llale • em p I 01 es will enjoy a threHIJ weekend. President Nixon's call fOr a "Day al PartlclJ!aUon" Monday ID otlebrate tho first lunar landlns bu been rejecte11'by most loCll firm!. f!Onka and Savlnp and Loan buildJnp w,lll remain opin Monday, u will stores In Fuhloft !111..,,Mn Newport' Beach and ~th Coast Plaza In Coot& M.... a survey Indicated today. In a poll taken at tho Co1tf. M- Cbambtr of Commerct Boord •._.,, lbunday, moat proprietors plallled to keep llorel open lllonday, The govemon of men than ball o! Ille •tales and city governments """" tho nalioo bave reaponded ID Niml'I declaratloo and called Monday a holiday, Laguna Beach Is the only cltr .., tho coast that bu not cloled city o!f1ca Monday. It is possible that Monday mlgbt !IOI be (See HOLIDAY, Pa .. I) * * * Newpo'rt Ob8erves Moon Day Holiday Monday Is Moon Day and a hollda1 for everybody Jn Newport Beach dty (OVel'I> me®_,.cepl, lrub collec:lon .. General semce -Jake Mrn-dene aaJd hla cmn: w1D be out as usual. All contaJnen lbould be oal by 7 a.m., ha added: . Bay Club Too Much to Tear Down, City Told By JEROME F. COWNS Of rM ENI~ ,1191 tttff Tearing down the Balboa Bly Club in 1998 ,and starling over with something new Is neilher reasonable nor realistic. For that reason, say municipal finan- cing conwlt.anll, the City of Newport. ·Beach should extend the massive prlvatl"" - Club's lease on· IS acres of city-owned bay{ront property. A-report containing these lindiop of Development Research Associates (ORA) (If LOJ Angeles is noW under study by city aides and Balboa Bly Club execuUves. The clty c<>uncll hired Dl\A last Aprtf to analyze a lease extension propoul from Bay Club vice preslden1. Rlcbard Stevens. Stevens is seeking another 20 years '°*"·onto the l'J'btlng lease, Which ex-pins ta 29 yeart. In exchange, the club 1\'"0Uld agree to a hlke in rental lea that •ould, he said, yiekl the dty_.$315,IOO in aMual income. The city now 1eta little more than a third of that. -• -~ .· , .,...-.l ."!'JiJ" ,·.c ,.ri~JPK.f',..;lif,..~, Wl~L IALIOA "'y CLUB BE BU.T "~~~R.~~T ~fcuRR.E!fT .~PSI I XPI R.Jl,•l N'l'?I' ORA• In a lengthy preaentaUon to coun- cnmen thls week endorsed Ute. pro~I, Wi th !Mime modll)caU~ CouncilmOI> cave.no lndlcllUon whethu they would go •Ion& with the coMUlllJll Orm'.• recom· ' '· • >r ;.••.;,.,l. ~~ •• ~..;._r."'·4 _. ' .... JI -~~ , ... ~ J \ lJ ' .mendl.Uon!. Their appt'OYll, Jn •11Y·•venL woutd not be final. A vote or the people on the propoaed new t..,. b required by theclty cbartet. • Dale Levander, DRA vtc. praldent. tDld (:OllDCI-tho n<I IMl1eflt to the cttr of . •Cceptil\I the Bay Club plan fa ll,lltl,tltltl, aSIUm!Qg the club embarkl Oil • • a IS million e1pana!Ofl _.,,,, .. Jltld up pending a r•1ie11>1l<tled 1ea,.. , LeVander said "lhere is ,DCJ real alternative" to a new Bay Club ~ · arrangement. ',. ''The city cannot let the pmeot lea!IO expire Jn 1998;" he said. "It la . not realt•Uc )" erpe<t ID clear the 'lie then • "Thia would become even tnore 10 ·If the lease is ext.ended, and we foreaee that for all practical purpo9a UM! leue wW conttnue to be extended out." He.said it Is ureasonable" to expect the club to seet a lease exterialon. The club'• lenders, he explained, nqulre more.than the remaining 29 yean on U., cur-i lea!e· The·llay Club'• orlg)nll ~. ,iitcb has been noaUng around dly ball i!<)CO last Ausust. aeekl a mlnlrnmn ~ of 21) y>an beyond the cumnl G]llrltjon • date, with an ma-ID I ~ -~Yll'leilts. on,~ .. OV!"· fa,.I ~ ati!f I ~·aullilea~lM. ., , Weatll;er Summer bu certainly airlved along the.eo.at·and II is eipected to remain that way for awhile, at least lhrott&h the· weekend. And fcf beach-lovers, there's no beat- ing 17 .~ Walen. INSmE TODAY Countv JChoola on the 10holt havn1t fcrtd too 10tU '°'"' tht ilOl<ra Chia -· • But ~· Coon dlatncts """'"°"' b•al the oddl. See hmo tht:JI atact up compared. to tM otMr1 on Pflo-~!" "'--"".s J1ll'C1!'! "' the IJnl, "'°'"'Jn :oilol; ...... Oil' ' ' ~ ~ ~-8114. Pft4M ....... ::...::·j :: ==:. 1~ 11. 0Vtf•'1 mW.ion. t ... _:-= le ...... INf ~D8A'1 r~ modiOc:M._ .ot W:: =. r:e, 1: tha(~Jnclude: ~· · ~....-...... ,~, --" • .-Pi'ov.lalift ror rtnt.i1 renecotI•ilw ~ :=... -u :.;:=:;. := rqular tntetvall. ldealb' IVeJ'! 10 Jiilit: .::r:,.ti;' .. ,. .,.i: : w •f. -'laclullon ol Mthltectural and illlf,p , ,.... ... , .. ,. ~ • ,,~ • -' ~ J. =-·~· : ~ ~ ·~M1~~i~,. 1 L;-::..::.-=:....:.:~:.:.!"":.._-_....:;_ .. _, , - • • • • ' • , • ) • ' ., . • • • '. --:::".~ ____ ..._ ----'------------=----~-~----_ ..... _..:__._.!..,. __ ~--'"-'~~..::..~~~:.... ... ~.--~·..:.~-~.----·-··-=..:-== . ..;;;.;:::;. • .;:...:.:.....::~.11~.;;.~ .• ~:;--J~-c.--.---..lo' s. • .:.;..,_,..,..:.·:.:..===C...:<... ,. .•. · As_sessor Also Hits Land Swap i ~iris.haw ·BllCks <;rand J~ry, Levels Own Attack ~y~AndmrJ.Hl..i­ has Jddtd his seven·page condemnation of the Orange County-Irvine Company Upper Bay deal to lhe Grand Jury's crltlclsm of tbe controveralst Jand nap. Hinsh11w again refused to accept the rulina: by county supervisors that the land deeded to lbe coonty by lbe Irvine Company should be held ta1.-free by the company pending a court ruling on lhe coll!Ututlonallty of the trade. Hinlhaw passed the Jong, cartfully- written statement to lhe press Thursday ~·llhin two houra of a Grand Jury press release In which the panel exp!ained the Intent behind its earlier resolution to county supervisors. Hlrishaw placed a ~.491,440 price tag on the Irvine land, a ll!ling which puts the diJputed acreage on the county'•· assessment rolls for 1969 at •18,221,360 - * n ptl'ftllt of the assessor's calculated market value. 'Ibat valualjon 11 up by more Ulan '46 m.Ullon on the valuat.lon placed on the land -according to opponents of the land swap -by the Irvine Company. It ts-based on Hinshaw's belle.I that the land, St today's prices, is worth ff,2,000 an acre. Himhaw points oUt to the county board that the same land wil l be . worth at least $100,000 an acre "at the end of my six-year reappraisal program. "I feel I would be remiss in my duties if I dJd not value and place on this year's assessment roll an assessment for these lands," Hinshaw said. Hinshaw has been told by the board on numerou! occasions that he is being remiss in his duUes by refusing to ac- cept the land trade as an accomplished From P•gfl l fact . Both lbe county and Ille lrvltJe Company argue that the land should be held tax.Jree by Irvine pendl.q: a ceart • ruling which could be as much as thrte years away. Jtinshaw warn e d the board that "it wou ld be le.gal)y in\l)roper to permit can· · «ll@Uon of current ~ levl!d on theae properties for two reasom.1' JOINED CRmCJSM He jo!M the Grand Jury ln lts criticism of the amendment to the nrst agreement between the ~it! by pointing ou.t that "The Irvine Company . • • would sWl have an element of title to the properties conveyed to the county because of its reversjonary interest." He claims lhat Irvine "would be liable, for, as a minimum, a tu on thelr•possu-- sary Interest on the subject properties." ltinshaw al5o critictz~ the asreed for- mula "for-setUn1 tax MlOUnls tor the ynn In whlch the Utle to the land woo\d Vest in the county as a gross misst'ate- ment of the probable assessed values and prtbable tax dollars." He asks supervisors lo determine "tht nature of the CQJlSi(leratlon . , . that the County or Orange gave to lhe 1rv1oe -Company In return for whatever right.a the County rectlved." ''What i:ii the nature and extent of the property rights described in these deeds which the Irvine Company has retained for itself In the event there ls no cul· m.ination of the proposed" exchange?" Hinshaw askl. BOARD ASKED lllMh'"' ilao aab the board: "iii 'vhat e:1tent has the lrv111e Company rt- linqtilshed 111 of the.custody, occupancl', controls •nd po.sses.slon n has e1ft'd14;d over these lands'" JURY WARNS COUNTY ON BAY SWAP • • • He also seeks .to delennlne ."tG ~t extent does the Orange County Harbor- District and/or the County of Orange now aiisert itself as a result of these deeds in the exercise of the complete c~stody, occupancy, conltols 'and pones. .s1on coruonant with fee simple absolute title?'• serving waterfront and access for public will result in the btsl possible deslgn of use," the board is told. "It Ill (elf that the the Bay to avoid pollution and ecological •.• Supervisors, as trust.ee.s of the imbalance." tidelands, should consider as many And the Grand Jury, ln a strongly alternaUves as po.ssible." ~·orded declaration that sums up seve ral "Only one plan ... has ever been con· weeks of deliberations by the in- sldered by the parties to the agreement," vestigalive panel, expresses I t s the Grand Jury said. dissatisfaction with circumstances sur- lt notes that there have been "basic rounding the November, 1968, amend- modillcatlona" made to that plan but ment to the a1reement of 1965. ~-· ConstructlOll pier for new Orange County sewer outfall line stretches stresses that .. these modifications were It was agreed foor years ago, the jury into sea on HUntington Beach side of Santa Ana River. Sanitation related to uplands or park lands subse-notes, that the ''Department of the Army plants are ·at IeU: (background). Huge natur41 sand bpr bullt as re--quently asked for by the county, rather define the harbor lines. This requirement suit Of winter atorms stands off rivet mouth . Newport Beach is at than alternate arrangemenll of filled was changed tn the amendment to read righL In b&ckground (right, is low-lying Banning property. tidelands." . 'appropriate governmental agencies.' -~-----"'----=-----.:....-=----''--'--.,.o...-'-----"5erlous problems" that were ·not ev1-"The slgnllicance of the amendment,'' _ _ ··--, -dent at lbe ttmt of the land awap aa-1he jury stotement note!: "ts thlt by • ment 1latted in 1965 should now be con-changing the basic requirement (or rules Falling-Out to Sea ' ·. Al ~ 4 ,..,oo· .. ~ 4 ft •idered by coonty .upervl!ors, the Grand of the game) the Irvine Company and the -----= ·-l ... R~l;r------~~-~~ ·+_...JW'l'JUll~,._-_ coonty agreed that n&ther c oul d -· -,. . --~-----·-----·. -----~ . -~'llollutlon--and-·<-ioiJCil oll>bo .......... -wtthdnnrlrorirtt .. !rodeo--. -• · were not conaidtrtd serious problen11 (in "Why the basic requirement was T L • S • Af M • ha 1985) in Orange· County," It points oul ·changed has not been answer.ed to the Ot earning to Wlm ter lS P "But they are now and ... it ts felt th1t Grand Jury•s aatlsfaction,''the statement technical 1tudies should be made to in· 1tresse1. Ranlyn Hill, a four-year~ld Cost.a Mesa tot, did not know how to swim lut week and almoSt died becaq,e of Jt. Her wenta art not goinf to give her a aecond -~haoct. Today Ranlyn is tUing 1wlmm.lng lessons. She was found floating face-down in Newport Bay Jast Wednesday and wu. rescued by 71-yur~ld Costa Mesan J. Donald Douglas. Ranlyn spent. the next lour days Iii Hoag Memorial HoopltaL She waa released last Saturday. Her parents Mr. and Mn. Robert 1t Hill, t6ll Coriander immediately decided they had better teach Ranlyn how to nbn before ·w took anotber dive Into the water. Mn. Hill contacted Oran1e C..al College to enroll the lot In • IWlm clu&. structor . ouered to give the dtild free in- dividual inJtrucUon during bet ,lunch hour every day and lt was quickly accepted . Tue!day Mrs. HUI broughl b.nlyn and her smaller sister to OCC's pool and in· struction began at noon. It was-very qulckly evident why Ranlyn had almost drowned last .week -she loves the water. The accident didn 't even slow her down as she jumped right into the water and began her le!son. • Mrs. Hlll IAii ahe knows exaCUy bow the accident happened and noted it should be a warning to all mothers with small children. "I turned by back on Ranlyn for jwit a moment and that was enough for her lo jump into the w1ter and almost drown.' sure that the proposed Land E:1change "If it was impossible to have the Autopsy Finds No Injuries ..!J On Pool Victim An autopsy report today confirmed a Costa Mesan who was an excellent swim- mer and in fine physical condition simply droned at the cloet of · a ~UC irv~ water polo match Monday nJ.iht, it wu announced tod1y. Department of the Army define the harbor lines ln 1~. what changed it to . make it no longer necessary?" the jury asks. "U the change was felt necessary to clarify whether or not the agreement was binding en both parties, there is a question as to why the vague term 'ap- propriate governmental agencies' was substituted for the precise 'Department of the Anny'." ' geats that "further efforts should include an englneerinl and economic feulbillty &ESIJ . __ , 7 study of the proposed main public beach area." There should be, the statement adds, "a cost study o( the filling of some couo. ty-held tideland.! and/or purchUe of :small areas of Irvine land adjacent to tidelands and medtods of financing the harbor development." Such studies have nO! been ma'.de, lhe panel notes. And Hhµihaw asks the Board to de- termine the "precise legal descriptions of both the perimeter of the Upper Bay and all or the land parcels involved in the land exchange.'' The assessor warns that the board'! demands for re•val of the Irvine "land fro_m tax ro lls, "would be asking this offi ce to .assist In develo ping the mech· anics ultimattly leading to a gill or public money. "Thi.s 1 cannot do," Hinshaw said. "Additional stud.it$ will mean the ex· penditure of public ·tun~/' the Grind Jury concedes, "but this Grand Jury feels that the Upper Bay, as a natural resource is so importantt hat the alter- nitlve ol waiiing tO ~ mue fheie 1tuaJts unu1 after the .. ch .. ~·,, 111 •dvlsed." Pa; .. Wi'th.dra,·v AnticlpaUng the poSSJ.ble comment' that .. .u. neither the county nor-the Ir.vlne Co. CM 4~.:-.=--------.--. -wiU1dra~ ''"'" Uie agreemen~ ~Grand-B·eatm' g -€ha O'P~--Jury points out that "an aJtemate plan r" _.._. coold be devtloped which would facilitate a more rapid cobsummaUOn of · the Two men who reportedly were beaten tidelands exchange which both sides in Newport Beach with cycle chains end might agree to withdraw and re-bel!J: by assailant~ alleged to be ;nembeis negotiate. of the Hessians Club said today the in· "ln answer to the ariument that it will cident ''was only a misunderstanding" take too much time to develop an and withdrew their charges. alternate plan ... this Grand Jury would Clyde F. Watts, 2S, of Garden Grove answer that Jt feels it is better for the and Jerry L. Young, 24, or 312 33nd SI .• county to retain control or as much Newport Beach, said reports which stated waterfront and access as poss1bte." they Were beaten July I were erroneous. And the county should do that, the Young, who was earlier quoted as Grand Jury warns, "even though some of saying he was a former member of the the county-held lands migh~ not be llell's Angels motorcycle club, said today developed until some future Ume when he has never been affiliated with the adequate funding can be arranged. group. 4 a E &" Shirley Ceresa, an OCC 1wim in- From P.ge l BAY CLUB ••• Group Readies Another Fight On Beach Access Coroner's Deput11 ·Jim Beisner said there were no marks or bruises to indicate Robert CUnninlham, JI, of 2132 Stromboli Road, may hive struck his head or anything before sydln& to the bottom. Team members who noticed young Cunnln&h•m miW.ng when the Estancia High School squad .. 1e...i the ctreaslnc room ftflt back and pulled him from tbe water, but it was too late. JOLY tot.el of 6.\ years, preferably iO years. Thia would mm Onarltlna: of im· provemeat.s easier, DRA spoteamen et~ plained. The consultant! pointed out that ln- asmuc~ u the estimated net Value of the pi"opo,ecl leue exten&ion to the city i1 $1,211),000, that. figure al11> represents the Jou In income the city would e1.perlence .st.>uld the Plan be rejected. DRA'1 Clark emphaaized: • "The city should v1ew the Balboa Bay Club 11 a partner in a joint venture. The irrtert!t of the t'wo fall totether quite closely." Bay Club vice president Stevens told councllmen be and rus associate1 would have to study ORA 's written report "very closely" before commentuig. He did say, however, that "it is very possible we can Lalk to our lenders within the framework of the ORA rec.ommendatlons." He sald he expects to be more respon&ive on July %.8, when the city sttU will again review lht matter with coun- ~cilmen. ' flAll ~ PllOI Oll:ANll co.It IO\.ltl, 1SMINO (OIU'A)l't ....... N. w..4 ............ l"!Ntllfllt J•t• I. c.,1,, 'licit ..,. ..... -o-...... __ 111 ... , i...u . ·-· n,,.,,, A. MMrplr.111• -.....,., .... . J1r-• F, C.11111 --Cl"' ....... ---1tl I WMI l1ti.. .... t..1t4 M•!fttt Mtl,.tt P.O. I•• 1171. 1l'''· --Cttt• .-..r m .... ..., """' l_.._..,m~•­.., .... ....., .... ...._ A amall but determined band of southern Orange County citizens Tutsday will once again ask county supervisors to reopen th e public tidelands at Salt Creek to the public. Brennan "Big Hevs" Mt'Clelland, 1 sppkesman for the group, said he ha11 been promlsed a spot on the county board's agenda for the presentation of peUtions 11lgned by 1,800. Time for the hearing in Santa Ana is 11 a.m. McClelland, one of the giants of West COast surfing, explained the petitions re- quest supervi!ors to take wha tever steps are necessary to assure public access to the once-popular surflftl and swimming spot in Laguna Niguel. Supervisors ln March, 1988, authorized the abandonment of Salt Creek Road at the request of the Laguna Niguel Corp. The roadway, once .a slate hi&hway, was the only public access to the tidelands area. The abandonment has since become the subject of court battles, not yet sell.led. \•J caJJ't discuss the legal technicalities of this Issue," said McClelland. "All I know is that for 40 years I swam and surfed at Salt Creek Beach, and now I can'J.. The road · Js aone. 1 just hope there's something the counly can do to correct the situation." Among· those joining McClelland 1n his efforts -in addition to the petiUon- signers -are former Orange County Grand Jury member Helen Keeley, Santa Ana school ollldal J0&epb O'Sul livan and altomey Wllll1m WllCOJ:en. Tl'ley all live in the Laiun• Beach area. .f'rom P .. e J HOLIDAY •.. ,.foon Da,y aner all , space official• b1vt said. --Mi,.ii'S -nrtt watt-on llieffiOOO may be rllOVed up frnpi earJy Mandv to Sun- day nlah~ · But ft will have no effect on the holt- day. M1jor st~k a:cb&nges will alao be cklled in oblervatton of the Apallo 11 Astronauts' ldleduled w1lk on-the moon . !.(ost banking and lnd111tr1a1 fi"l'I eipect ll\elr employes to report far work. COUfornia dtciareil an olflclol otato holiday on Monday, cloolng d°"'1 all pub- lic 1ehoolf, collece1 and 'WtivenltJes .. well u 1tate offlctt. Soulh Carelin1 Qov. Robert McNalt.proclaimed Moon Day a lesal holiday, clDllnc bana and liate of. fices. Requ.iem Mass was held Thursday at St. John the Baptist Ca tholic Churcb, Costa Mesa. Survivors include his parenl8, Mr. and f\.l rs. Louis L. CUnnlngham, a brother Michael, 17, and sister Caryn, 9, all of the hnme address ; paternal grandparents, P.fr. and Mrs. Louis L. Cunningham Sr. of Yucca Valley and mat erna l grandparentJ, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trlndl, of Costa Mesa. The Estancia High School student hid just finished the final quarter of a gniel· ing water polo match with Lakewood High School in aummer recrtaUon leasue play when lhe tragedy occurred. Playing as a substitute goalie. the vic- tim was reportedly seen llftlng hlm.&elf out at the edge of the pool's deep end, but apparently slid back, umeen by a crowd of spectators. Investigators for the Orange County Coroner'• Office said that many factors can occur under the strtss of athletics, leading to tragic death by uneipected causes. Planners Pick John Jakosky John J. Ja~ooky "·· a Newport Beaeh planning commissioner since 1982, was elected commission president Thursday nig!M by unanimous vote. Jakosky. an electrical engineer, lives al 1719 Terrapin Way. He has served as interim president of lhe commission since the mlgnatlon of David Curt.is, who moved to HawaJI. First vice cltalrman for the 1&70 fiscal '}'!ar ts John S. Watson. Second vice chairman is Curt Do&h and the new secretar1' la lloa R. Adkin!Ol1. ni. comrnll!lon'• ..,ganlutlonal meet- ina brouaht out a full commlssM>n for- lhe flnt time in rtctnt months. William 0. -Martin.. Dr. Ge<lr(LW. Brown and Gordon A. Glw are the three recent appo\ntees to the body. Boy;i Club to Note Monday Moon Walk Following Prts.ident Rlch1nl M. NII· on'1 declaration of a naUon11 hGUday for Moon Mond.ly lht S.ys' Club of the liarl>or >,r<a wilt ""pend operaUona that day. • Both branches, at SM Center St., and 2131 Tustin Ave .• ln Cost.a Meu:. WllI close lht:ir doors. • Henredon r"f~ , ON SALE NOW Hl:NR£DON & HERITAGE Uphoiatory now available II a 15% raductlon to loeludo ~ aped1I o nltr1 In ywr chlilte of ftbria. Thlt 11 one of thoM ,.,. opportvnltlel to purchue the flneet •t renwirkablo H'llnp. Our summer Nie •Ito lnctudts Ml.ct troupe from Drexel -Henredon -Horlt19". Also N•tion1f MIJrge Canon, and nun'Mrout other llneL Reductlent on ICceMOrMll, lampa and pldur• are avlf~ •blo. NEWPORT BEACH 1727 W"'clllf Dr, 642-2050 OPIN NllAT'TIL1 • INTERIORS ProfNtlon•I Interior 0..1,.,.,, A•allabl....._.ID-41SID LAGUNA llACH w North c-Hwy. ONN PllDAY "nL t _,, I lj :I I .I I ! ., . I - ,--...----------r-------- • • . • '.·::s~cref Seriate-Mee·t-on ABM Nixon Sets -.. ,..... ..... ....._ __ __,....,....-,.__..;;..., · Price for Sur~: ,,....__. • • 811~ ·~.No: V~te Switelwve~-~;7~u1 . W,UlllNGTOK iUPI)' - 'Ibe Senate'•· 1lxth aecret .. .... ' ~illl rlnco World W1r U 1 pPlrtll1ly h11 yielded no oon- verta: to either side ln the evenly-dtvlded deba\e ever the 1aleguud anllballl•llc miliUe (.\!!Ml. Aller I hour• 11111 45 m!nulel behind locked dooia 1bunday lo -lop """'t In- formation on the strategic arms race, not a aingle seriator aa1d h• had changed ru. piJnd. n,e· l'ftL"5lve doors Jeadinc . Into the .di.amber slammed •hut at -10d until J(4~ · l•Ulienc• Oii how ma 1 U.S. p.m. no 000 HI foal on, !he · l\Y llobt or Jn tlii 1il1trles aboVe " -m1aa11.11 c\• u t 4 except the inembua ind a SUl'Vlft Ind 1lrike ... et hall-®zen Cloru · ....,,, lo : ..;..;m1111. • mld-1910 couo- aecrecy . . terfor<:e alt.ck by tilt ~l In Ille privale ·cloistor, be<b Union. . 1ide1 dlecuwd cloaalfled In-Somt 1<11llon lllcl al· Tomorrow, s.t. $100,000 HOLLYWOOD JUVENILE CHAMPIONSHIP ~lpool Jl .. •llTAIMt ECONOMY WASHER wllh lmPRlll9d Pehnanon!-Clrtl3cyclae, '5~ walAlrtemperature aelectlona. 2·18\191 , Wl19realoqtorll!d Mogk>MIXfilter. Buy . TUESDAY. JULY 22 $20,000 BEL AIR STAKES CLOSING DAV WEDNESDAY. JULY 23 $100,000 SUNsEr HANDICAP 2 111iles on the Turf · nowendaave. c • DELUXE WASHER with epedal wrlnkl•freB care for Permanent Pr-I Features 4 autcmattccycler, Sil per Surgllator AQltator,'3-18\191 wal8r eel actor, Bleechdl1P9nser. Better·lhM-everwuhlng- lower·1har>-ever price I ..... LfAfM" NOW ON DISPLAY AT ' DIRECT FACTORY DEALER BltSAVlllG Limited quantity.: .. : ~ • ' j ( Colo~ availa1SRV 1 -_,,;,, i' .. -~:-••••••••• •• •• •. , . '· .~ _..,._ Whirlpool $239'1 -- SUPREME AUTOMATIC WASHER with l\O'li'an care for Per;manent l'reeol Detp Wiier rlnle ll!d ri pawar epray rlnlM, bleach dlepeneer, llbrlc eoftener dllpenaer, Magic Cleen eelf cleaning lint filter.Save en lilll'bNll ••• •· • •; ·•: •• •• •: •• • . ' • • • • ·• i ., • . -• • • • • • : • •· • • ·-•• • : • • • • -;e-J . . - 401 MAIN, DOWNTOWN HUNTINGTQN -BEACH""".536~7561 e BROOKHURST & WARNER, FOUNlAINV.4Wf-962·t456 . . ' . .. • t _: • .. • ---w • ' ' " . ' - • • o joAIL~ PILOT EDlTOBIAL PAGEj ' • ' Military Heli_copte~·s -- One month ago a helicopter hatch cover fell out of the •ky and plunked on lbe beach In West Newport . < . That, said Newport Beach city officials, w•• the iast. stnw. bureacrntic game of buck-passin,, 111d the. bellcopter• would have droned on-and over.:.;.interminab\y. Col. Harry G. Robinson, Marine Air Re•irve .co· at Los Alamilo•, summed up the sensible f>osilioii 6f- • And El Toro and J,oa Alpmitos military author!· I. , ties -apparently agreed: Ne\l'PQrt:s «ld~s are now re•• '1 S'¥Jably' free of roof·scrapiJlg.Jlelicopters. lhe riiilitary bod when he said: ' "ll may take longe• for u• to ,get frotli .point A lo point B (as required by his directive), but o(t,wlll' be ' worth it because of the public r-elations ~~cb.e1/:· · ' • ''Reasonably" free because the ao-.caUed PaJlsades Route, wbicb cub across Big ·Canyon Reservoir and ou~ to "'" near Callleo Shores, will cdnlinue lo be trav- : eteit ·by El. Toro MCAS chopper lrain~es. But, Marine spokesmen have assured the city, lb• hellcopleri will slay within the route and at a helgbl no lower than 600 fett aboye ground level. The Marines admllted that frequently Jn ,lhe , past there bad been vloiallonJ of these minimums. · ' Uncle Sam's Big Bite A story in the DAILY PILOT one day last week be· gan : 11Are you ready for this?" Many Newport Beach residents may not have been. • Meanwhile, at Los Alamitos Naval Air Statlon,.the .1>rpss lhere-Na,vy and Mappe,-llave.iuued. a directive 1<----.....;~.,.,..i;o:call be!icppt.et.~sonnel..lo-ilay •!!'u.from Ne1'POtl ~ . . , as' much as possible. U the ~ilob mus! fly below l,000 . t!"~ Ibey are 14 do It at least'• •mile from shore. For the article went on to disclose that· ttie aver-~ge , . homeowner liere-pays $4,;JM in. taxes annuaify...ADd · that doesn't include sales taxea; .. ·Los -Alamitos, ·Of cou~ ·wps the home ba~e for the , • 1 ha.tcb-cover«lzopping hellCOJ>t.er. .. , •• , ... · Newport Vice .M~" r-. Li.peffley. "P'-rsons, who first •blew, the wh!Jtle on e mlli!!uY 'Irilou and N•J!tant City Manager Jame Dj!Cliaine, wtid dld moil ol· lhe negotiating for the'City, deserve much ot the credit for bringing: order into; a. situation f,llat ·was clearly getting .. out of band · ' · · ·-.: · • • • r • ! ~ ' ! I : . ' 0 But credit muft,ll.IS~ be gfv.eti .to•the comtnanding <>lllcers and their ~·~•ntaµ_v., _at ·i;;1. Toro and Los Alamitos. , . . l .' · Tbey respoqded '.swiftly and C!>Qperaliyely to ·the clbrs concern over the noise and plainly evident safety P.l!lbl•ms caus."4 by pilots lll!der -their command. They could have engaged .Jn the' alJ.l ... familiar " · For many, the article doubtlessly containt!d Soine surprises. Among them; The avera~e Newport waee earner makes $15,000 a year; he lives tn a $40;000 home: and only '122 o! that huge tax Iota! winds up in the city treasury. Most o! the tax bit~,0111--goes to Uncle Sam, through ·the income tax. The state's share is $410. · · Local schools, including OCC, gets about as much as the state-. County ·governmeht's bite is •$16&. ' • That's all very interesting, one might say, but what does it mean? , A lot of things, including clear evidence that loca l government-school, county and city-just can't hold a candle to the federal government \Vhen it comes to tapping the ·family till. (N) ! •· ~I>· ... ·~ ' -.~ "MELVIN'S J.Wtf. ~E TU1NKS . APO~~? IS TH~ .A.S.M.1 "· · . 'A Dift~~e In Civil Actioti Mabel Stood n U t k• J . ; ft!· -.1;.· .:J!, -',"! --· n· ..l -~ ·f!.rU~.-a 1ng_, S ·--== ~lSQn f'~~~AC~, l:S. ·-•aorw.:L-AJld_HeW _th.e~----~-. ~-. -~-~--::-~ . By NORMAN NIXON, M. D. ' . ' -~7.'.4 -.-. ~~ 'establishment'." Obviously. society must D hb d -.· A Dea~· en·d . I ( -. l Nearlyeveryonelscon(usedaboiltwhat ;_:;;"':11!'r"A·" ":"";,. ~ crest, lhe means by wblch dissident . as. oar LU· . sent! "clvll dllobedletlce" and what · .13.1\i'e~U;B \)t ~ps can expi:-eas emotional rebellion 1 ;~ • 'J..> • · ; · , • · wtlhfn appropriate and well-defined Qulte often I receive letters from anx· ~arty ts "civil dJ1order." · r.A l·~l'n.ti. "' ""' limits. _ ii!· ~ .. ~,,,... ,.. \ bel · di If "' W'\"!.•G" M t part! · ~,. °"' Joos .parents wbo tell me lhat their high AB Americall!, we ieve . m ssent ' f os cipanl! in a civil revott·are • A • · · 1 school or college children rtad this C{))- en though in limes of stresi we tend to attracted by the thrill of the mob, the ~ ~tto~ri;r , umn with some res.....,,.. and attention, adulation of a gifted leader, and the feel-· t-• !!'<!~,!J!"'-lW.11.rt!liLleu in Imkpendence JN-CONTRAST, lawbreaken-in-clvU ing of being effective even-though the ·;-. ~ ~ _j and asking me if I would write about years ~-vi(tuals and "the dfiig pr-obJem" alnong loday'• •~' . dlMl'dert: are in defiant revolt against results may be destructive. Mabel workeci'tD-a~food nlant w"A-lhe w:e..111-. Jn~la.bl!~-90C'iety .. Nearly alway• hey-ael 1roo--! -" ·---~ youth. fr:xf Hbertlet. No ooe k:an be punished for anonymously or as part of 8 mob to avoid THE-MtERiCAN tendency to admire Clean fimidry ~did the'"worktts' By this they mean, would 1-advise their what he ~'8; nor can anyone be a~-_punishment. Their actions usually lead to violence· in the hunter, the warrior, the unltonni. As a ·~ger".she took a children to staY away from drugs, and tested'•f8l" what he says '!I" does unJess !t personal violence, property destruction, heavyweight champion and the killer $>rt business rlae with one of the laun· would t furtherirecommend some reading Fly ~ties a publiC da.111er. But tt kidnapping and looUng, w~tber the_y plays a major role because of ' e&· ~driven to the other' plant to get more that will penulde the youths to ahun so not eaJYJ to agree on what lS al!owable part.ici.nate in civil riahts acUvll.ies, a stu· ploilation by the-conununlcaUona media, Unifonptt ·-dangerous a.od..,.se.lf-defeaUng a habit. w:blt is not. dent iladic:al actiQn ~ a violent--pnitetil ju.st u tbe media eManoe th&. ef. The truck had only one Kat. Mabe.I , against 1 ythJ ,__ fe.dlveness of • disaenten by covertnc stood and held ~ dub~On the way NO, 1 WIU. NOT give such advice, BvrlNNING WITH f f t I pover Y • war' or an ng e~. · 1 t i. .. ._ .. 1..... the driver bit a t~"'°""" I H h d ~ I uu an e e c v e At the 1969 meeticC -of the American v10 en ~ abJl.>St u soan u they e,._..... e. e a ...:..:au.se t woQld be useless. I will, in- boyCCJ!t of_.&JUJomia tab!~ &rli!PtS ..iD4-P.s-ych&atric Associalion. lhert were iu6t OCOl.lr.Clear,• ;t;.r", ole~ . Cl·;t ~IDd"len~ 11 ~lameob10vtous, Mal)'beln~1 lnj·g~~.. cl~~:!>' !_o stead, recommend a bookvthat both the dtbtr peacelul means_, Cesar ~vei discussions of tbe causes of vJolenee and. JJ ._ ii· v1 ., wiga p.arentl...nd tlll youths' sllbuld read, for hopes eventually to achieve 1 full role in unrett. To understand the leaders of the anti-Jaw and cannot be coDdoned. But -In court the laundry c o m p a n.")' , two rta30!l! -so that tht parents c:an U.S. IOdety tor a~ Mexican.Americans. black revolt and student insurrection much of non-violent c disobedience, on however, said that Mabel herself had better underllf.and ·what their children are as well as labor union power for ~Ir. group$, Dr. Gene Usdin, a New Orleam or off campus, should not be feared. For been partly to blame, standing instead of looking for,·and so that the children will Mahatm.I Gandhi , a wlzem;d. old man Jn a psychiatrist, used the model of adolescent it b aimed at bringing all men -college slttinc on the floor where sht would be undeniand that what they are (quite loin .cloth, overthrew BrtUsh arms by rebeltion student, Negro, Mexican-American1 the safer. rightly) lOoking for cannot ult.imately be f'asting and preaching non-violent disobe-· poor -into fuJt society aow. •If kept 'lbet court sided with ti.fabel : it ruled found Jn <I.rugs. d~nce or a tu on salt and other lawsrhe "111E AD 0 LES CENT," he said, within ' reasonable limlts, civil dlsobe-that the laundry's defense, based on l'his boo~ Is "The _Master Game," by considered Unmoral. Llkewlse, Martin "needs the means to rebel against dience can be constructive Jn challenging Mabel's ''contributory negligence," did Dr. Robert S. de Ropp (Delta Paperback. lAJther King first achieved recogniUon in parent, or paA!nt surrogates. The wise us to deliver the g'bod! of equal op-not apply. It bad to pay her damages. $1.95), and its author is a noted the. civil rights movement by leading a parent proyide1 the , opportunity to ex· portunity, equal rllhts, and eenulne biochemist who also happens to be a peactful strike against the bus lines and press this emoUonal l'ebeWon, while set· respect before it U too late. Angry TRUE, A PERSON must look out for l!ieMiUve humanist. His l)'mp&thie! are businesses .. in Montgomery, Alabama. ting clearly defined lhnJta. Since nlany of retallaUon through unjustUled poUce ae-hi• own aaJely even 11 someone el5e ii totally with the young people who are Like othen involved in acts of -civil those involved Jn civil diaorden have no tion is oot the answer. For in the words neglljent. If a claimant fails in that, he looking for ·pathways to a higher con- dlsobedleace, all three upecled arrest so parerits, the close.sl they can come lo of John F. Kennedy: ·"Those who make ~ aet no dainages at all, -for in such sciousness than their parents have found as to draw attenUon to laws and con-rebelling a,alnst a parent is to rebel peaceful reV1>1uUon • bnposslblfi make cuea he is to bl.ame, at least in part, for -but bis traJnfng and experience have ditiom they coos.idered unjust. atl1mrt society or some form of the violent revolution inevitable." his oWJ'I injuries~ convinced him that drug-takiag is a dead· Further, such a claimant must take end and not n .. ~ritical Republican Margin available precautions: for hi! own ufety. a pawway. He also ought to keep damages down by a:etUng medical care. Any increased in- juries that resu1t from hi! failure to do so are not chargeable to the negli&ent defen- dant. They are the injured person's own fault, • IT IS NOT a medical or morali!tic: book, but a metaphy_slcal one; that is 1t recognize! the inadequacy of everyday uperienct:, and it sympathizes wilb the view that we Il!_USt somehow learn to get beyond our ordinary seJves: if the Jiuman race is ever going to realize its full and creative. pot.entiallties. But while drugs can -at great rut - give some a gijmpse of these unrealized possibilities, Dr. de Ropp proves COl)o elusively that no matter how often they are taken, drugs cannot change our ltvel of being. "Their continue<f. qse," he writes, •1represents a form ol spiritual burglary which c:anies its own penalty, an irreparable depletion of t b e substances: needed for real Jnner work and a total loss of the individual's c:apaci· ty to develop." · IT IS BASICALLY, "the .level of being," that these young people want to change, and tha"t is 1 good desire -to go beyond the paltry games of prOftt and glory and fame that have so seduced and deformed our society. In thJs they are right, and their parents wrong blind; ~ut the young le are g •k· 1ng the easy pU -at the upward path can be f popping a pill in your mouth, without flnt attaininj: self· realization, self-knowledge, self-mastery. Parents, as much as their cbiktrtn, need to read "The Master Game." It goes to the very nerve-cent.er or the con· Oict between generations. WASHINGTON -In the political sense, what President Nixon'11 trouble in Congress all cornea down to is his in· ability to persuade or control about a half dozen Republican senators who wish for a sha~r and faster break with the im· medi1t.e past. Rich~rd Wilson • beld by the United States Is beglnnin& to disappear in 1969 and the balance ma)' dip in favor 0£ the Soviet Union in 'the early 1970s. But to return to Mabel : Her standing in the "truck wu not unreasonable under the clropnstances, 11ince nothing else was available, and nobody could blame hu for ataiidlng and holding lhe dashboard. Note : California law11ers offer thlt column .;o 't/Ou mau know about our Brent's Crime Career Tbue senatqf& in their variOU! ways are moving with what they consider the trend of the times. They include Edward Brooke of MaSiachusetts, P.1ark Hatfield or Oregon, William Saxbe of Ohio, Charles Goodell of New York. Jacob L. Javtta of New York, Charles ti.tathias of Maryland. When the names of Clifford P. Case of New Jersey, John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky, and O.arles H. Perey of Illinois are added the group become! 10me)Vhat hard to handle. Sonit of tltem will not follow the Preaklent's lead on the ABM issue: others assault the mll.lllry-lndustrial compler, others are not satisfied on civil rights. and others seek a brand new set of pciorities ahead of the Vlttnam War. AT THE HEART or ibe matter are four liter-connected luuia:·l.be Vietnam War, mill~ procinenleni, civil rights, and that comple1 of clrcumllanc:ea called the urban problem. I \ ~ . . 'I ~.;a;.. J..;.J If President Nixon had l he wholehearted support on all these issue! of the aforementioned Republic8JUI his way would be far easier. On the contrary, however, Nixon has had to depend mainJy on Democratic leadership on the ABM issue l'n the persons of Senators Stenni! of Mississippi aJXI Jackson of Washington with the help of Republican Senator Qirksen. He cannot count on much help on the JU!lice Department voting rights bill extens.ion from the c r i t i c a I Republican margin. He must look to Democrati"c ·senator Long of Loui!lana to save the ptoposed ertension of the surtax. One recent day in the Senate illustrated the problem. Senator Jackson. Nixon's first choice for secretary or defense, led tht fight for deployment of the Safeguard anti-ballistic mllsslle 1system l'i'hile three Republicen senators we"' joining In a manitl!!tO for a $3 biWon reduction In the military budget in nine areas including the ABPtf. The senators we.re Goodell, fiialhias, and HaUield workin" u members ot what is c:alle<t·the "Pifilitary Spel)(iing CommiUee-c>f ~1e,mbers or Congi'Qs for Peace Through Law," a vollm~ organiuUon of 78 mtmbe.rs ol ~ THEJR RECOMMEND A TlONS were d~~ as only ffit beginning of a SUI· tained effort to eumlne military ex· penditures with "greater &en.1Uny and un· derstanding," which ii an aphorism for a good sharp cutting back of tbe military now ., popular in IOftlt quarters. A Republican ltdy'11 voice has been r~ rn protest She ii Sen. Pt1argaret ChaSe Smfth of Maine, a veteran on the Senate Armed SeMces Committee:, ill ranking~ Re~bllcan member and no warmonger. ~"-. Smilh said high defense costs are as rt)ugnant to he as 'to many Americans but ~ 11 no 1e.Ulnc around the fact thal the •lr•te&ic advantap ion, TIME IS SUPPING away from us on the maintenance of military 11trengtb because of the long lead Ume, the e~· pensive -.yes, wastefuJ -el:• perlmentation. "At a lime When It has become fashionable to quest.ion, challenge and defy defense spending," Mrs. Smith said, "I urge a word or cauUon to .those who would emasculate our natlon'1 defense p o s l u r e. For the forsee'able future a l!ilrong mUilary poeture remains absolutely essential to our national survival. I cannot In good conscience sup- port a reduction of our ofrensive capabQi· ty and a relinquishrnen~ of our technical superiority. Helping .scon\ on ·the Pen· tagon and matln« ou:r uolformed· person- nel the scapegoats for our ,national and international ills represents the cynicism. of those very elements that threaten our property, our institutions, and our Uves." THERE IS AN important, dlstincUoii to be made between: misfeasance, ·btUn- dering, inefficiency and just ·plain bad guesses in the sophisticated mllltlry sys!Alm&.neceMal')' to maintain -ollei>llve capabllil)' and technical superiority. Dear Gloomy Gus: So VJce Mayor Parsons wants more money for county mpervl ... ors. I think that's a Cood Jdt1. And 50, I should lmaglfte, does ooe ol Llndsley'1 nelgllboro ""° ii looking that way poUtically. --Underpaid laws. - Minuteman To •tbttEditor So .tlie FBI caua:ht Minu~men leader De Pugh! So why hlven't lhey caught Panther leader Cleaver? A Jood questlon. Altbouch the Minutemen and Pantben· are daSSlfled w subversives •by the braJn,wuhlng machint (TV), I jllll doo'! recall any new• Item about • the · llll/!Ulemen roaming tbe streeL<, U.....inl MOIQ$ov cocktallt, abooUnr the police, or e\'.tn ~allln1 them "pigs.". Now thlt;1 a swltc:b among the "subversives." )ut I do reclll a news item abo\tt: J.!}e Minutemen· resurtng two whlf< gir~ wl\9 wtre threatened by black rioters d'Urlne lhe 'W1tb• rioll of 11166. How doa that crab you? • ,:;, • !>- ' DE P.UGH "!S IN jail, but wlia'e lo Panther Cleaver? The Mlnutemm we repc1Qedl7 trained in guerrilla w.Hare but they are oot uslng Ii, while fffilTlll.a waffare Is colftg on alt about us .!,,of l>I& fir< tvery ~ay in IM•Angeles -hit ud. nm llbotap .everywhere -whlJe tbe dt\f!lll elthW stiep or rt<!oil with fear it the goinp·on. Ilt lhlgh.b In llll. So whit? The--- rilla war goes on withioUt blrn, but on a d!Rirebt lido. MILT BASHAM WASHING TON -The Identification or William Lee Brent, fonner Black Pan· ther ~aptaln, as the reputed hijacker of a Trans World Airlines plane to Cuba last month, reveal!. he has a long record of violence and crime. At the Ume of the hijacking, on June 17, while the plane was en route from Oaldarrd,JCaUf., to New York Cily, Brent was due to be tried ln fl few days for armed robbery-1nd. ua,ault with a deadly weapon -· !l'.I wbiclt .two San .Francisco policemen .we.re wowided. . Thf'i disclosure of Brent's criminal background and °jumping of $50,000 ball is admittedly embarrassing Black Panther ~arty olll~ "llo)live been strenUOUJly tryjng to crtfi~.a !"ore,IJl:VOry J>l:lblic im· qi: of their orgaruzaUon add memtiers:. . . . . "'. ' • ONl! VIGORovSL Y" Pl\bllclied project !or .that .purpose "!! their '°"'alled "Breakfast for Children Program/' Thn'.iugh mOre or 'less forced -cOri· trlbutlona ·of food and funds from nelghbotbood me.rcbants ·w others. the · Panlherl hive been i\vln( tireaklasls lo <hello youlha 8'11l!llta-.1Y with large ilo.e. or r1<11t '"'1ll·wliHO .Propaganda. Brent'l -Cflinhj,at rtcotd began' not long ari.r be dnJl>pell o0t or hl&h school in lh< first year. · ·i Born In 18 1 In Franklin. La.. he enll•te<I In 'tJ!li; ~ney In ltl7-anct .,., diacblrgtd to \ftOl\ths Iller (or "tact ol adlpll~lKy.""ftloofollowln~ yw be. wa• C01.11mi1t..t ·ta lhe CaillllnU , )'oolh "9thorll7 Iller 'being char~ ..tth rob- bery. se\oeral yean latlr, bl: l'IS ae&- tenced to from five yt.al'I \0 life ia a Califomla-1tateiprilon oa a oonvktioft for lint degree pry. IN EARLY .... hf: WIS paroled from San QuenUn, oqlY to be arrested a few ye1ra later for armed robbery. While out on. bail'. on thi&Cbai-ge. he·wu lnvolVed la 1··pn lfcht tn whlch two S&n Francisco policemen wtrt wounded. Released in December 1968 on $50,000 bond, his trial was scheduled . for June 23, 1961 in San Francisco. On June 17,... he allegedly hijacked a T\VA plane abd forced the. pilot at gun point to fly to Havana. A federal warrant for his arrest ls outstandins. Brent Is a friend of Lertiy Eldridge Cleaver, the Black Panther Party na· tional official who also jumped $50,000 bond and fled the counlry lo avoid arrest On a federal warrant. Cleaver bas been r._eported living first in Cuba, now in Franct. A! a Black Panther captain, Brent was ac:Uve in recruiting for the organization. In January ol this year, he was de- nounced by the Panthers as a "renegade'' anfi erpelled from t"lle par:ty. But thTee ~oo&hs later, the Parllhen' publication pfinted a statement sayh~ he genuinely believed in the "people'• revolution" and had bee" wrongMly branded a 11rene1ade." · 1 By Robt:rt S. Allen and Jolla A. Goldlmltll B~ George ---. Dear GeOr,e: I have fou.nd ·tha.t tfhen I am standing Oii a 'wet kltchen noor my _ 1... relrigerator a:iV!tf me a mild shock wher J touch tht metal handle. MRS. OJI. Dear ldrk.0. Y. : Don't touch lhe metal handle of your refrt«erator Whilei itaDding on .a wet ll:ltcltm noor. (I wlah I bad 1.clJ1lll.) ' . I I l I I I I l i ·-~.,-.. -·-------·---. • • l \ I I " Y' ' • ' I 1 ~ ' • ' . 1 I • I ! -• • .. .. . ' . ~......... .... , , BEA ANDERSON, Ed itor ,,...,, Jiiiy ... ,"" Iii ,.,. 11 Minerva Medal For Bruin Coed i\1iss Ma rcia Ann McK~rren, who affilial4Jd with Chi Omega sorority al UCLA last February, has been named by Ne\vporf Harbor .Panhellenic as the 1969 winner of its Minerva medal and a $500· scholarship. The award , made annually at Panhellenic's mother-daughter infor- mation party. goes to a coed who has a hlgh ·scholastic avera~e at lhe ·~ime of initiation in to her so rority and maihta1ns an active role in her univer- sity and sororlty activities. . A graduate of New.port Harbor High School, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs , Jbhn t.1cKerren of Newport Beach is a Spanish major who plans to teach school. She arso is interested in the Peace Corps program. The coed's collegiate activities include service as pledge class treas- urer, Sigma Chi little silite r and Chi 01nega Chapter correspondent. In ad- dition she is a member of Anchors. women's auxiliary to NROTC; Shell and Oar, a support group for the crew team , and is active in intermural basketball and badminton . - An Empire debutante of South Coast Child ""Guidance Clin ic, Miss McKerren had a grade average of 3.3 when she was graduated from NHHS in 1968. • Her long list of high school activties includes members.hip in the flag twirlers,. drill team, -Harbor Institute and Tri-Hi-Y k _She was president .. of Keynote. junior auxiliary of South Coast Child Gurdance Clini.c, ~noo : -a11executtt~ounctt"m'e1'11~--Gi~~~~~-M;;.;·-i-\-.ZOn- ta-GirI of-lhe-ffitmth ; newsp·aper editor, and . ways and-means _chairman- of American Field Service. In addition, she maintained an active interest in S\vimming and sewing. ''Newport J-larbor Panhellenic feels Miss McKerrcn typifies the-ac- tive, interested college sorority girl who one day will take her place as an active, interested member of an adult community and is proud to oiler any possi ble encouragement to the type of enthusiastic participation and conscientious effort exemplified by the modern sorority girl," said Mrs. LlQyd McCollum, awards chairman. t COUNTING MEMORIES -Mrs. Lloyd McCollum , awards chair- ·man for Newport Harbor Panhellenic looks through a scrai)book with Mrs. J.ohn McKerren and her daughter, Miss Marcia Ann Mc- Kerren, winner of Panhellenic's Minerva medal and a $500 schol· · ----- arsbip., Miss McKerren , a gr3duat~ of Newport Harbor Hjgh· School, affiliated with Chi Omega sorority a't UCLA where she ii majoring in Spanish and active in campus "Bctivilies. ' . ..., .. , • • Benefit Casting Off . Sunset Cruise Plans Af I oat W~th mid-sumJJler approaching, would you like to cast off foi' a Sunset Cruise to Nowhere? Sunday, July 20, will be your chance to board one of a group of area luxury yachts and set out for a two and one-half hour journey with no particular destina· lion in mind. The Executive Cl ub of the Orange Coast Family YMCA headed by Edgar R. Hill is planning the cruise to benefit the Y. Executive Cl ub members will join area residents with a wanderlust, as they cast off at 5 to be under way until 7:30 p.m. -casual clothes will be proper attire, and refresh· ments are to be served aboard the craft. Cruise chairmen planning to make the summer fund-raiser a relaxed and fun-filled event are the Mmes. Murray Chotiner, Charles Hostler, Ralph 'Tandowsky, E. M. Quin n', John Kerr and Executive Clu b Women's chairman, Mrs. Ray Dike. Dr. Max Russell, president of the Orange Coast Family Y is working on arrangements with the men's committee as they commandeer an annada of yachts for the occasion. Joining him are 0 . W. Richard, Joe Metcalf, Ray Dute 8nd William JOrdan. If you yearn to leave the summer's pressures be- hi nd and investigate that broad, blue horizon, keep the Sunday date in mind. HURRY ABOARD! -Calling area residents with a yen for cruis- ing toward that blue horizon are Executive Club members of Orange Coast Family YMCA sponsoring a ben·efit Sunset Cruise • • ·to Nowhere. Ah<)ard the Sea Diamond are (left to riglit) Ed&ar R. Hill, Executive Club president, Dr. Max ·Russell, president of Orange Coast YMCA, Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Hill . ' . You may receive full details of the prospective cruise by dropping in at the Newport Beach YMCA or by calling 642·9990 for reservations, according to Mrs. Chotiner. Fraternal Love, Spread So Thick, /Makes Wifely Trio Sic·k· DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband l.s cheating on me. It's not another woman. I'd know how to fight that. ll's his brothers. There are three boys in the family and they are like tripleta. Every evening they play &in rummy. On weekends they go to ball games or play etilf together or go l!shlng. lfhen I was in labor with oor second child, 1ny h!clSband left me in lhe hospital ·1oeo,.. hl.s brother who had ha<h looth pulled. It's been that way from lhe day we married . Brothers first -wife •e<und. Mi. sister1-in-law are u fed up as I am. Wha ' wrau with these men? What can we -ii -FOURTH FIDDLES ANN LANDERS ~ DEAR FID: Tile' broUleri 1re emo- Un1I adote1«1ts. Tiiey ti1ve never · emerged from cblldhood, and they pnib- abl)' HVtr will. OwU"o1 the.m by pJa,... ning seme icttttsttsc tCilvlllt:t. lf yot1 wemtn bought dckeu to the theater or arranged movi e dates-with IH!.Drelatlves. the boys "·ouldn't play so much fin rum· my. Use 1ome lmaglnatioo. The only dlf· fereace ·bt&weu 1 ral aDd 1 &i::fve ii Illa. dlmensloa1. ~ -. bEAR ANN LANDi!RS: L"I nishl my mother and I had an argumeat. One word led lo another a~ ahe sakl pretly cutting things. Wben my mot.her 11flr1J to yell ,lhe b~ thmg te.do js/not.,..fitwer, and get busy, w{th methlo(."" So I went to my desk anJ beg'lin \e write a letter. Mom tame .UJJ behind me and scream- ed, "You are writing your father, aren't yo!Jl " (T)ley ar~ diV<>rce<I )., I said,. "Yes." Then she 1houted. "You 1'ill not , . / be allowt'd to mail that leUer until l have read it. I'm not going to have you telling ,....nes on me." Ann, J didn't even mention my pbyalcal cbe<kup, He U..W de "· Io IH meanUme be paUeat •. £fer., Mme eeed1 at leut one m1&1:re ,.,...., ud yoe mar have to be tUt one ii year ltoute. mother's name in the letter, yet she stood DEAR ANN: You keep printing letters there until J finished writing and then In· from girls who have ·io pUnch guys tn the sisted that I hand it over. Ls· thls fair? mouth to keep them in line. What abOut I n'l a I~ year old entitled .to some guys who want a nite, re5pectable even· pri va")'? My mother says as long as I ing, but the girls have different ldeu? live under her roof she has the right to 1 hope 1 don't aound I.Ike a jerk bulln know eyerythlnc I say and do. IS she, cor-th!! last fwo months !'Ve.dated .~ such rf!Cl? -BUGGED chicks. Funny Uiing b:, Ann, I'm not DEAR BUGGED: Any pcraon wbo Is ' much to look at ind I'm .n(lt the type old enough to write should be permJUtd you'd think would lurn a &lrl on. Yet I lo maU a Jetter wlUiout ctntonldp. Your • keep ruMing into sexpots with far-out mother 1ou.ndl Uke •sick woman. Jf 1bl ldeas. Any auggestiona?-J . P. llanrl teen a doc(Or rtcelltY lor • ,. .DEAR J, P.i I Ul?e )'OU are nol . ' puttfn1 me on M 110 annru Jn earnest. Tbe:re are plenty of a,ggmstve damt1 around •nd Ibey a1uU1 I• for quJeC PY• 11.ke you. My advkt ll ftead far a crtwded , place, make It an eariy e•eDllg ud lote I Ute doll'1Jb0De number. I I If you have trouble gellil'Ji along w}lh ~ your pa1 ents ... if you can't get them to let you live your own life, send for AM bandm' booklet, "Bu.IP! by P11renll! • ,!lbw to Cet Mote ~ ~ so-L cents in coin with ·your request 1nd a Jong, 1tampcd, ,.11.addreae<I ,. .. lope. AM Landen will be glod lo helo you with your problem11. Send them to Mr in ·care of tho DAILY PILOT, -1oo'OI a ~ll°!!ldr"'ed, atamped envelcpo. • 1 I I I I I I _ JI o~v mor .·. • .. se g to -the Or- an&• County Fair . I.hi• year b~ve. a treat In 1tore If Ibey visit the home economics dl•- Pl•Y•· Little Debbie Hahnan, 6_(at lejt), hopes her mother, Mrs. Robert Hahnan of Corona de! Mar, wlll get a few Ideas from the prize-winning hand- made mice dolls she admires. The tre:al truly is sweet for Arthur Ince, 10 (at rt~!), as he las I es pnze -winning home-. made jam with the help of his sister, Debbie, 12. They were accom- panied by their father Paul Ince of· Westmin- ster. Sweet smells tempted Mrs. Edward . B. 'Richardsoa of Hunt- ington Beach (below, right) and her daugh- ter, Valerie, 17, as they admired a winning cake displayed by Miss Tommy Edwards, as- sistant supervisor of the fair's liome Eco- nomics Department. Handiwork of Orange .. County homemakers, •• -including baked goods, - sewing, -kniUing, weav- ing; preserves and dec- orated cakes ls on dis- play .for .tempUng ad-. mlration. Church Nuptial -Vows Pledged --costa Mtsa'a First SoUUi'ern-reteptlon fort ow t n g tM Baptist Church was decbrated ceremony, where purple and with~ wblte summer flowen whltt flowers were featured in accented with purple when decorations. Patrk.la Sanderson became Special guests were the the bride of Melvln Hitchcock bridegroom's grandmother, in an early • f t e r no o n Mrs. Marle Hemmer from ceremocy. Vi.ta and Mr. 11!111 Mrs. Cy 1be Rev. Ray Franklin of-Austin his ·aunt and uncle fidated •in the double ring from Aruona:---· service for the daughter of Auisting at the receptlon Mr. and Mrs. Robert San-were the bridegroom's aunts derson of Costa Mesa and the the Mmes. e<>b ~fll\er ~ Ai son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hemmer, along with !riends of Hitchcock of San Marcos. the bride including the Mmes. E9:C0rted to the ctlta~ by her , Lee Griffis, ·w. A. Hurtado, fa!Nef, t_he bride wore •.gown Chet Wells and Bill Boyce. of·alanWly lace over satin and The bride was graduated a full length manUlla veil also from Corona del ?i1ar Hifh t~imm~ with the lace. Her School. Her new husband is a. p1~lbox styl~ head~iece was San Marcos . High School trnnmed wtth seed pearls. graduite now .attending Mira Along with bu bouquet of c..sta College in Ocwislde. po m p o n chrysanthemums The coople are making their ~g a J!UrP.le on:bld, home in San Marcos, following ~ ca~ .• white prayer a wedding trip to San Fran- boot containing e~es of -I--flowered love llilots. ~v. Mrs. W'llllam Loughery ol 1 Costa Mesa, matron ·of bQoor, s I and other b[l4•1 attendants • 0 ve wore lavender dotted swW P.roblem: Maid dresses accented with dark punl]e velvet ribbona. Petal By MARY LOU JENNINGS 15haped headpieces of lavender were trimmed wltb matching pearls. Bridesmaids were M I s s Carol Myalivy and M r s • Charles Loughery. J u n i o r bridesmaids included, th e Misses Peggy HI tc h cock, sister of the bridegroom, Kay Hemmer, the bridegroom's cousin, and Judy Griffis. All carried bouquets o( lavendar pompen chrysanthemums. James Craft.I of Sao Marcos was best DWI. Ushers in· eluded Ira Ba1dwin and Bill Foeppel. Approllmately 125 g'uesU gathered in the home of the bride.'1 pattnbl for a garden LIMA,\ Peru (UPI) -You p.,-a maid $25 a month in Lima; a gardener, $3 a month -for once a Week 11ervlce. The maid livea in. Comparably low are salaries for hullers, cooks, houseboys and chauffeurs -low by salariea paid in mainland America. But naUve11 here still com- plain, saying the pr~ for domestics have gone up quite a bit aiDce gringos -as they call people from U n c I e Samland -have sel up Medical Group households here. 1be trouble with gringos : Every second Tuesday of they overpay the domutlc the month members ol Orange helpers and even · pamper Shores 1ttedical Allsisla!}U' M J them. Association as s e m b I e at I rs. aycees AD ts not financial heaven p.m. Location may be ob- on the homefroot, even lhouf.'. taiMd by calling Mrs.· Janis Hlllllil1Jton Buch Mrs . h \ -·-relatively 1·11\e Andenon, ·~"'\!. Jaycees meet the second Mon-, _•_Pc_·_-~----'----·-----·~-w-~---11 day of the month at a p.m. Location tnfonnatlon may be ""'"1ved by telephoning Mn. Michael Broou, 636-7022. THINK Jt41n tnh! -111 flua ·-Ooly -642•2444-0 I TURN ON . lV wto: ••• ,. ,... tvMo4 te wh•t'• .,,,.11;_, l*IM tM ..... -n.,., S.h1ttlty 111 fht DAILY PfLOT._ ' . l -· • • • • • Settle Down Peru Left, the Gfycine Vacuum in stainless steel and gold filled case. Automatic Day and Date feature, $110. Right, Glycine Compressor llutomatic With calendar, $60. SLAVIC K'S .......... Slftca 111,- 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1310 Your C11•rte Ac~ wtkotM -ltfltAll'llt'lu,.,, M•ttr CMrwt ..... 0,... M~, "'4«J Ulltll t ill ,.... ~· r Toastmistresses See New ·Face -jn -Office ·1 ~;;.i~~'t-:Bulldlnc IAldenhlp--New-Wrlsbt.--Laguna Beacll, eor- F.,. la l{ew ·Places, was r"pOndlns secrel.n-. and aeltete(" t!' lwme bf Mrs. Quentin H1cket'\, A n a he i m , Cal>ta QICoel. di llluatlnaton treasurer. '!'"<h when ..._ 1111 lmlalled Couneil Six Is comprised ol \ u praldenl of, Council Six, nine Orange County clubs, and International Tolltinlstre.ss Toutmlslrtsses is 'open to all clubl. ~ adult women without regard to Mrf. Olcott fs a member of racer religion, citizenship or !lie 'Laa Olas Club. , couptry of mldence. OUMrl 'lnltaUed tnclude the Women Interested in con- Mmes. Howard Jene111 Garden tinuing e du c a t Ion and Grove, vtce pruldent; Barton leadershi p are invit¢«! lo call Bolen, HunUnston B e a c h , Mrs. Dom Corradino al 774- recording secretary: W.H .• 5814. s.re......, • lit ............. DJ$NEYLAND Announcing the opening of _Af!;(?Jo ~ HAIR ETC. form•rly with G•ne Sh•rov•, Baverly Hills FHturing the finest in styling ( with a little help from . my friends { •JON • PETER -.·.:. ,,,___ =-~--......... -----~ ··--. ,.., --·-----.. --·-· •· l\'-'t/ ____ ._ . --_..____ . . . Mesa Rebekah Every first and third Tues- day of the monUt members of Mesa Rebekah· Lodge assemble in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa, at 8 p.m. For Appeinhnent Call 675-6070 326A Marino Ave. Balboa Island -~~ Will Give Your Shoes . • • :Jlie new ofookl Visit Any '5' Anthoriy Shops And Our Staff Will Advise . . . -ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY Corona del Mar CLEARANCE SALE CHOPSE FROM ALL THE LA TEST STYLES Restyle your old shoes to the naw round look. 8rin9 us yoi.ir problem and we'll give your sho•s •new look. SAVE 30% ,. 50% ON Spanish Mediterranean Furniture S f I• Unrien Polwia.. lMie• Stye. ettd St.I. o as .... ,."" .. SI ... · SAVE 30°/o to 50°/0 Ch • llttHt ,_rfu ut1 Stytes. airs .... , .. '" .. 11" SAVE 30°/o to 50°/o T bl . Oreotety Ce"M $tyln-a es All S\,.. ... Ty,_, SAVE '30°/o to D. • R .,..... Dlal1t Seti. . in1ng oom .... sAvE°'30•1. to Bedroom '""~:;,~ ..... "" SAVE 30°/o to C...... TeMa '-'Pt. CheMeflen.. ,..,. _.1c"""" .... sit.ts,. in.ts. 50°/o 50°/o soe;. Lamps SAVE 30°/o to 50°/o \·9322 Beach Boulevard,. Huntington-lleach STORE HOURS 962 6631 SUNDAT-12·1 • MON• H:l 1t.t WllKDAYI ll·ltll I t • ? ( I I I ~ ( I \ I I ~ -,._. - • • '· ., Vbl. 62, NO. 17 r. 4 SeCrlONS, '44 ·PA6ES . • • ' ..... • , ORAN6E COUNTY, C~LlFORNI~. ·' FRIDAY, JULY "18, '1949 TEN ,cENTS " Ilelicop Experts to Sit I~ ,,on Mesa Meeting St. ·Cla.lt ~ the value of police hellcwter patrolJ ts eatabllabed wilbout quesfiOn, 'ijut he believes Oolti Mesa is ~ loo ·M1all with '12,GOO porlOllS and· 16 A pair of men who have piloted police helicopter programs for several years wiU be present-for consultation TUesday when the Costa Mesa City Cowi:R cm-, 6iders a $5.98 million fiscal operat;?n budget. Originally set for Monday, the session lla1 been postponed in official tribute to three flien and their 15 milllon-.com- ponent sttlp, which makes a whlrlyblrd seem like a paper pinwheel. • Ctty Manager Arthur R. McK..We 1 ... day mninded citizens Interested tn at· tending the 7:30 p.m. hearing that 'Jt ls now set ahead by national o~ance of Moon Landing Monday. Final decision ls abo scheduled on the • saS,125 budget alloqtion for establishing • a Coots Mesa Police -~partmenl hellcop P-1-trol system, whlcti is expected .to get Council approval. . . COJnCilman William L. St. Clair Is op- pooed• to lmmedlale lnilialion. of the crlmeflghtlng -am aod baa tn•lted the Loi Angeles County l:Ulhorllte.s to dl.!c""' their bellcop .,P..ionces. , One is Lee Arnold, a coordlnptor who has been involved wJth a IM Aoge~s city and county pollce helicopter program.. in exlal.,,.. for ·lhe past 14 years. Lakewood City C.Ouocilman !ieQrp Nye was abo .irivlted by St. ClaJr;bui•tie wW he out of town ~ ,plans to KDCI a spokesman for the suburban "clty'1 ~ chopper cooperative belic,op ~stem. I · square.nillel to-try It alooe: Armed , wlih dati"':omplled during the thr.el-,..re-Opora&ll Sky·Knllbl prGCram which' pione<nd amaU city aerial police ~. Lakewood 111blequenUy begao its """ l)'Jll<m. ' The .City has _only 11 square miles, but ~ fiff _,_ ... ,u.... c:ammunftiea . J '";'I'•"~ . ' comprlalnc l6 oquare milet wllh Ila three.helicopter air force COi I tonlnct fee ba.W. • • A list of, II comprehenllye ;qu~Uons about the--anrlw been ~ed 'by St. Clair, who will pfobably come out tbe lone diuenter on a 4 to 1 'Tote in favor of presSJn, ~· . . "I do not believe it b poeSlble for we councilmen to mate lhe best d~k>M if we do not use all facts available to us,•• St. ·Clair commented. • He said Arnold hopes to bring aeverol top police officials involved in Los Angeles County'• Argua l aod Augua 3 · he1icoPter program.11, cooperaUve ven. ture.s. each Serving several cl°'~ "And Llkewoocf bas already aolYed a lorol"lhe'prohlems 'for ua," SL Clift aa- ded; notl\g that CouncllJllan Nye does not agree with his own 1tated poaltioo on _a amall city starting a helJCQp ope:raUon. Costa M~a councilmen Toted 1 ·lo 2, (See HEIJCOPS, .P ... f. l una 0 rea ' . . 0 0 ' ' County Not ~ --·-. _lntere.steil · ··--- In El Toro By JACK CHAPPELL Of ... De.Hr Plllt ll•ff Despite continuing hints today from Washingion, D. C. about ~ible sale of urban military bases-El Toro Marine Afr stati0rilric1Uded-it now appears Uke- See R'lated Story Pll' I Jy that the Oran~e CoUnty gov~ent has lost interest m the ¥arine air it£- tiQ11. • Possible joint civilian·military us' of the El Toro bases as a regional alrport has been studied by the coonty and . is bt\lerly-"""""4ld by. El Tol'O,' MJuloa Viejo,. and. tm.e residents. John Killefer, administrative assistanC to· Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. Allen, said today it is likely that in the next month the board of supervisors wilJ be asked to forge( about the study of the El Toro base. That recommendation, he said. will come from the a.Mster Plan of Air -- Tramportaiton Group, ,a . body made up of the directors of CQUnty departments of planning, roads, building services, real property services and aviation. • 'PA•~i"· rn.Or ,.... ., R-. ~ NEAR-DROWNING VICTIM ENJOYS FIRST' SWIM LESSON Feerl111 Ranlyn Hill With CCC ln1tructpr Cer"• KJ!Je£er said he understands the Air Transportation Group will advise the board to drop consideration of the re- gional airport phase of the Master Plan of Orange County Air Transportation prepared by William L. Pereira and Ai~§Ociates last year. That consideration should be left to the · Southern California A via lion Committee Jnc .. In the opinion of Ure county air group, he said. Even i! the big base ever were to be put on the market. purcha se cos( would make buying the Marine Air Sta· tion unfeasible, Killefer said. He said the base is valued in excess of $200 million by the Marine Corps. That figure includes land purchase. "Then you still have got to build an airport. The runways are not in the proper configuration for civllian use," he said. ,,_fention of possible sale of the El To-ro base came in discussion during organi- 1.ation of a congressional panel to inves- tigate sale of military PoSts on expensi ve u~an land. · 3 Arabs Acquitted Of 'Kill Nixon' Plot NEW YORK (UPI) -Tllree Yemeni men accused of plotting to assassinate President Nixon were acquitted Thurday. The all-male jury found the trio guilty, hO"i~ver. of possesili1i tWo sWltchl>taae knlves which were rerovered when police searched their apartment Nov. 9 of last year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·- ,Al111ost Too Late Tory ~ Wari•mg To County Board Over Bay T1'ade Tc0t Learni~g w Swim .After Mishap Ranlyn Hill, a four-year~ Costa Mesa • tot; did,~ know how to swim last week and al.molt died because of it. Her parenta-are nof going to give her a secood chlo..._ Today Ranlyn is taking awimminc Jessons. She wu. found floatlnj face-down in Newport Bay last Wednesday and was rescued by, 72-yeaN>ld Costa Mesan J . Donald Dotlgla1. Ranlyn spent the next four days In Hoag Memorial ·Hospital She was released lut Saturday. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill, 1611 Coriander immediately decided they tlad better teach ·Ranlyn how to swim before she took af!oQter~dive irilo the water. Mrs. Hill co~tacted Oranje Coast College to enroll the tot.-Ui a swim class. Shirley Ceresa, an QCC swim in· structor, offered to give the child free in- dividual instruction during her·Iuuch hour every day and It was qulcklJ accepted. Tue.oday Mr•. Hill brouCht Ranlyn and her smaller sister to <x:C's POOi and in· 8truction began at noon. It was very quickly evi4ent why Ranlyn had almmt drowned last weet -she JOVeiUie-water. -----~ --.- The accident dldn 't even alow her down as she jumped right into the water and began her lesson. ~rs. HUI said she knows exactly h'ow the accident happened and noted it should be a warnina: to all mothera with small children. "I turned by back on Ranlyn for j\l&t a moment and that was enough for her to jump into the water and almost drown.' 14 Nominated For CofC Posts By TOM BARLEY Of tM O.ltr PMlt SI.ti The Orange County Gr.and Jury warne.1 county superviaors Thursday that the controveraial trade of Upper Newport Bay land between the county aod the Ii-vine Company had been consummated ht the eyes of a public that "is not aware of what it now owns in tel"Qls of unfilled tidelands." · But that same pubUc, indicates the in- vestigative panel, has become sufficiently alanned at elements raised by growing . opposition to the deal to realize 1'1hit --. --....-public -waterCront and -access are Fourteen memilen,ol the CO.ta Mesa limited." · · ciwnber of Commerce have· been porn· , "IheTe ii •1a oew public awareness " the inated, to fill seven poft.s on l.he busmeis Grand Jury ltatea:, "that once Public group s board of df~ra. tideland• are traded or sold, the county Six of the 14 cand~ates for the board will have lost forever these very preciotJJ are seeking re-elechon for three-year ~ l ta t th tenns in the mail balloe'ing. Results of r~urces ao mpor nt .~ e recrea· the election should be known by the nett Uonal needs of th~ people. . board meeting August 21 The Grand Jury 1 views were cont,ai.ned Candidates for re.election are: At in a resolution to be heard ~ ~ Board Geiser. Chic Clarke, Bob Robins, Werner of Supervlsora Tuesday and in a following Eacher Kerm Rima and John Leon-four-page explanaUon of the resolution. hardl...'.___ --------.Bo!lt!!<r\alJLlo.Llo!li-dlsaweclpropoul New of'flce,seekers include: Ken Clark, to exchange 457 acres of Irvine Company Vaughn Reddin, Cliff Wesdorf, Bob Wig-land for 157 acrea: of county-owned more, Ginny Morrison, Roy June, Cor· tidelands in Upper Newport Bay. nells van Miltenburg and Frank Zreblec. But the. trade faces an uphill court fight. Awaiting setUng of a. trial date is • I ' It'll Be Business. as Usual taxpayen' 1Wt filed by six Harbor Area homl!9Wflen who atgue th:a:t the pu¥Jc was hoodwinked "by hundredJ ol milll0!11 of dollars" when county o f f i c I a I 1 assertedly mlareprnaited values of the two dllpuled territories. Most Local Firms Plan w Remain Open on. 'Moonday' Most businesses in lhe Orange Coast l'lrea will remain open on Moonday - Monday -while city and state e m p I o y e s will enjoy a lhrtt-day weekend. Prtsidenl Nixon's call for a "Day of ParUclpation •1 Monday to celebrate the 1 • first lunar lart<Ung bas been rejecled by ~ t 1D06t. loca I nrms. Banka .and Savings and Loan bulkllnp will remain open Mor)day. as will stores tn Fashion Island in Newport Beach and ! South ('.(last Plaza in Cofla Mesa, a • ! aurvey lndlcaled today. 1 In · a llOll taken al !be Costa l>l_eaa 1 Chamber of Coriimerce BOatd metlln& 't • .} Thursday_. most proprleton planned to keep stores open. Monday. The governon of more ihan half of the states and ctty jOV"'1UllOllts acrou. the naUon have responded to Nilon'• dcclarallon aod called MoOday a holiday. Laguna Beach la ihc •OOly city Oii the COUl that bu not elated city offices Monday. 11 ~ pogsihle lhal Monday might not he Moon Day after all, &pact offtaalJ have oald. Man's first walk on the. moon may he moved up from eari; Monday to Sun- day nlahL • But ll'wlll have no effect on the holJ. day. Major stock ezchlnj:es will also be closed f!1 observation of the Apollo 11 Aatronaull'..acheduled walk on the moon. MOii honking and lnduslrlal firms expecl thtlr employes to report for work. California declared an official state hollda1 on Monday, clooln& down oil pub- Uc schools, coTieges and funtvenlties as well as lltale offica. Sooth Carolina Gov. Robert McNair proclaimed Moon Day a legal holiday, closing banks and state of· flee.a. · Moot ol the nation'• ~.oov poalal workfl'• will hove Monclq olf ond thert (See HOLIDAY, P'lt I) \ Liqed ~ In oppoalUon to the deal are ty Aljdltor V. A. "ijelm ~ COuhll'_ , Andrew J: llJJ)shlw. Bolh men 'llnnd Ute cft!ll u un- consUlullonal and both refuoe to per!onn functions ordered by the supervlsora. - Helm will not pay a $14,GOO dndfln& blll submitted by kvlne1and Hinshaw wilt.oat remov.e UM. IrVtne lud~ from the tU rolls. ~ Ulclng the county'• lmmedlll& lliudy ol poasibk ,lllematl,.. lo Ute Uppa: Bly land owap, the Grand Jury pqlnlront lhe Itel Stale Landi Coounluloa did not iii>' prove. of the ttadf.. "In 11pitc"Df this.." thl t&.nt ll told, "the 18J'l'le excNinge agretment wu takeg before the.19117 Sl&lt 'Landi Com- mbslon wllh no otlmpt to develop an • (lioe JURY WARNS, P ... ,JJ \ Russians Make Vow . ' 7To --&1-mali ·-- SPACE CENTER. Howton (UPI) - RullSla usured the United Statei today after a persooal telephone call from U.S. astronaut Frank Borman that its Luna· 15 aatelllte would oot intlrfere with Apollo 11 's flight to land men on the moon. • Bui the SoVlels did ncil uy whal their spaceship'• D'!tmon WU. - ''Col. Borman wu: ·wormed that lhe orb~ ljl ·Luna U would not tnlenect piibltshed ~ectorlet ol Apo/lo ll al •Ill' IJ!ll8lclll\ll ~1.'f\" "":~ lnlOfl'le_d..tl w~ .. ~··. II*!'~ said m ~ ltalenient. Thtrt wu no clue, apparently. 11 to whetbei' the RQMi•m bdended Luna 15 lo .J4nd ''ei' ~ moon, 1CQ!1P up 1.~ nfalerll!. aod ~ to belt AjiaOo l -with I~ and Borman &aid he did not uk at a later news con!trence. "Your~ h: u &ood u .curs at tllls poln~ • .,id the American ulrooaut. whi recently · completed a lo.day visit to Russia and lta apace frutallations. Christopher c. Kraft, Apollo · ·~1ghl operations clir.ector, who also aw.eared at the,new-1 eooference, said v.~. a:pace of· ficlals could only "guesath'!\ate., What the Ruulans were doing. "ProbUly they are doing 1.1,lep by sleP ptoKralll just u we would do." , Kraft said lie asnm9d Luna 11 would le.ave lunar orbit ultimately and come back to earth. He aa.id the Rualan 1pai:i!craft was in an orbit ran&Jnc ' ~ to 179 miles !¥Ve the lnO!XI, \aied on Soviet fliuri'. · . ' ·Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin aod Michael Collins were three quartera of the way to the moon, when the ·apace agency uld it wu releasing a ''very algniflcant'' state- ment on· Luna 15. Luna 15 was already in orbit around lhe moon amid worldwide speculation it was a "moonscooper'' craft intended to take acme of the ·tuster. off the American achievement. The Russians told Donnan Luna 15 was (See APOLLO, Pa1e Z) First Drug Bust Then Jail Break tt was a drug bust that turned into a near jailbreak. Costa Meaa police arresled a 1&-year· old girl Thursday at a Harbor BoUlevarif hamburger stand on suspicion of bebig intoxicated. The youngster was beina processed prior -to-transfer-to-: Orange--'('.oaMy-- Juvenlle Hall, wheo . matron Michelle Parker found a bag contalnidg f7 red barbiturate capsules in tbe ,pl'1 un- derclothing. , She then wu· charged wWa the more serious count of poueaal&n'of dll)leroul drup· by arreatlng officer Pa~!lOdier•.; Seemingly 11~ the ,tlrl ••keel· to ,,.. the ladjes' room and was llbown to the door by Palrolmon Rodgen, ,who niumed wr111n1 the arreat reporl, inYllllplora aakl. J .,.. A check when she failed to \ftt.um wlthln JO minutes revealed no oae In the restroom, but police picked up the e!Capee .llhorlly altwlfllld,:a-l<ilr bfoc:kl away. · 1 • , I , ( • 1 tf ~oya Club ·IQ Nole ' Monday Moon W 41lk . Fol1owlnc PreaJdent llldlard M. Nil· on's declaraUoo of a notional hollday for M°'"' Monday, the Boya' Club of the Haitor Area li!ll' suspend operatlool that day. Both btanchel, al,114 Center SL, llld 2111 .Tllelfn A,.., In ~ Meta, wJJ1, clOll their doon.· r · '!'ft .... ai .. 'a llnl . .... -~ Me$a-n, s~~s. ti unti.ngton _ Chief's Job The search foi-a new Hwrtlngton Beech police chief-narrowed hy Clly Admlnls· trator Doyle Miller to three men-bu been expanded again by City CounclJ.. men to seven men. William Reed, new city publicla~ uld today the Clt'y COundl feH the job Is ao sensltJve that they should interview aew:en of the top a~plicant.s. It ·bad prevlOusly been stated that tJ;e Council. Tueadar, would Interview Capt. Earle ·Robitall e, commander of the Huntington. Beach Police Detective Divi- sion; Police Chief Waller Koenig, of Torrance ; and Police Chief George TieJsch of Garden Grove. The' new 115' includes those three and : Bill Meenk, a I.as Angeles aheriff cap- tain; Henry Heyen,· a captain on the Fremont force; Edward Glasgow. ·a Ooeta Mesa police captain anO 1m'en Russell, a captain In the Huntinctoa Park Police Department., Mayor Jack G,..n said that th< top seven men in the CQ/l'lpet!Uon ruri by the State Personnel Board were ae~ arated by just a few points and said, "We awe It to the community to take the time to talk to each of the seven.'' Green said he plans to call a press con!erence Wednesday afternoon to intro- duce the new chief tr the Council la able to make a decision Tuesday night in secret session. Stock l'llarlceu NEW YORK , (AP)-'l'he sfock market remained In lhlrply lowier turtto,Y thl1 aftern<;on, with many investors rePQ~ edly cautious prior. tq ~e lon1 wed.end. (See quotations, Pages 14-15). Oraage Weatlaer Summer has , c<rtalnly uTived along 'the Coaat ind It ls expected to re.main that way for awhile, at lent throqh the ,....kend. And for beach-lovers. there'• no beat- ing rl degree walera. INSmE TODAY • County 1c.ltootr a.1thc whot. Mvt1t1t fartd too wtU with &M ool<rt 'lhfl Pt•r. 1M Ol""'Of· CQO.Bt df.ltrlc" tomthow brat the oddl. Ste 1iow tll.tt1 1tock wp cotnpared to Ute othcn cm PaQt 11. • •• • • • l ' -APOLW ... tmolJot al a ~ 11111t lo Ille p1th .\pllllo II wlll t.lloir. i:-11-i. tra'ftllas •round Iha Q\OOll :I::~~·._.••• 1ra .• ·u. ... ' I "If ...., laod tomorrow lllOrulni. I'll nad -ll," Kral\ &aid. The Ruutan& 'Ifill .~~all would rtmaln In -.Wt until mklnlibt PDT Friday, 11111611IOI opedfy 11 ii would Jud al that tin*. Lona 15 wu 11..-lll,I SUl>day from Jlf!ial&.ud itadMd the ...,.. 'l'llllrtday' ........ ll clloppooJ Into Cl'blt. ~ aclenllllc -have aakl tho tloYlal ~ crlfl waa designed to lan4 on the mooil, ICcOp up a spadeful of Ion&r dirt Ind head back lo eartll, NOit· Ina to beat Apollo 11'1 -bf hro t1111-Weotem ........ qmd lhls WU a polliblll\y. Thi --..........,..,...1 said --lc!IO M. V. lteld1ab. pmi• dent of Ille USSR. Alcdemy o1 Scleocil, uid. In a cable lo lloriitan lhal 1.una II ~ llll' In .nit 1 .. daya. 11111 lha a,,; -I did not 11,l' wllelher 11 WOllid land on the moen and llCOOP lunar m;t«Jat lo 1r1 lo but ApoUo II back. , Fllchl Jlltectbr Glynn Lunney oald the Ameriean spacecraft wu ••rtatit on the boot" and Us cotu'le to accurale that the aatrenauta' thlrd opJJ.OflUnlty to eomct tt would be.1tcJpped iOday and a fourth OJ> portunHy Salurday mi&llt bt. Assessor _.Also Hits Land Swap Hinshaw Backs Gr.iioo.1-ury, ·L~vels Own .Ji.lt4Ck ' • • • • I. • • -----· JUR'i:' FOREMAN RISIGNS L.e9un1'1 Wiiiiam Martin Grand Jury Foreman Martin Quits . .-<litUQly AruUor AnclrW J. Hinshaw has added his seven-page condemnaUon of the Orange County-Irvine Company Upper Bay deal to the Grand Jury's criticism of the controven!s.1 land swap. lllnsh.'lw again refused to accept the ruling . by county supervisors lhat the land deeded to the cou{lty by the Irvine company should be he)d tu·free by the company pending a court rulin& on the c0nstltutlonallty of Ute trade. Hinshaw passed the long, carefully- written st.atement to the press Thursday within two hours of a Grand Jury press release In which the panel explained the Intent behind Its urlier resolution to county supervisors. Hinshaw placed a ~.•9t,440 price lag on the Irvint land, a llmng which puts the dis~ acreage on lhe county's assessment rolls'. for 1969 at •ts.221,360- 25 percent Of the assessor's calculated market .value. That valuation is up by more than $45 million on the valuation placed on the land -according to opponents of the land swap -by the Jrvlne Company. lt is based on Hinshaw's belief that the land, at today's prices, is 1¥orth $42,000 an acre. · Hlmhaw points out to the county board that the same land will be worth at_ . Fonn,r Lagw1a Beach mayor WllUtm least fl00 ,000 an acre "at the end of my D. Maittn to<:ay re1lgned from the she-year reappraisal program. Onnce County Grand Jury where he was "l feel I would be remiu In my duUes sttvinc u foreman of the panel. if t did not value and place on ~his year's Martin~• resignation ha.S been accepted assessment roll an assessment for these ceUat.IOJl of cumnt taxea levltd oa these properties for two reasons." He joins lhe Grand Jwy In Ill cr!Ucllm of the amendnlent to ~ flnt J&r""1ent · between the parties by pointing out that "The lrvine company • • • would atilt ha¥e an element of tiUe LO the properties cot1Veyed to the county because of lts reve.rslonary tnterett." He cla.ims that Irvine "would be liable for, as a minimum, a te.x on their posses- s1ry interest on the subject properties." Hinshaw also critlcb:es the agreed for· mula •·for setting tax amounts for the yeart In which the UUe to the land would vest in the county as a iroa misstate· ment of the probable assesaed "alues and probabl~. tax dollars." • • ' . He asb IUPlrYilors lo determioe 61the •extent does· the Orange County Harbor n~ture ot the QJMJd,r1Uon , .. that the District anc$1or the County of Oranae County of Orange gave to the ItVhie'. -now assen .itself as a result of thele Company In retum for whatever ngpi. •1 dtedl ln the exercise of the complete the Counly received." · aistody, occupancy, co~ and poaet• "What is the nature and extent or the slon consonant with fee simple absolute property Hgbts described In these deeds • UUe?'' which \he Irvine ComJ>Jny ha.. retained And Hinshaw asks the Board to d .. for itself· In the eVent thtre IJ o« cul~~ term.lne the "Jireciae leaal. dacrtptions minaUon of the propo1ed txchange!' of bQtb the perimeter of lhe Upper Bay Hinshaw asks. · and 111 of the land parcels involved In the land uchange." BOARD ASKED • " 1be assessor wams that the board's Hinshaw also asks lhe board : To demuda for removal of the Irvine land ~hat extent bu the Irvine Compiny rt; fi'Om tax rolls, "would bt uklng this hnqulshed all of the C\Ultody, occupancy, office to assist ln developini the mech- controls and JIOl!~ion It has e.xerdsed anics ultimately le.adl.nf to 1 1i!t or over theae laods . public money. • He also se'lb lo detennioe "to wtilt '"lbil I cannol do ," Hinshaw said. from Pq'e I . . . JURY WARNS COUNTY ON BAY SWAP ~ • • • alternative plan. Yet it was approved." will result In the best possible deslan of There should be, the statement .adds. The Grand Jury rej~ted the county's the Bay to avoid pollution and ecological .. AA_. 1 dy f ••·!WI r 1ong-1tanding argument that the costs of imbalance." a'-~• 3 u 0 ulC ng o some coun- fil ling the tidelands surrendered to the ty·held tideJands and/or purclwe ol I I C ould ha been hib,. And the Grand Jury, in a strongly small areas of lrvlne .land adjacent to rv ne o. w ve pro 1Uve worded declaraUon that sums up sev~ral Ud.alanda and metllods of financlru!: the and beyond county resources. weeks of deliberations by the 1 In· harbor development." Such studies Dave "A case may be made for the stale· vesUgaUve panel, expresses t t s not been made, the panel notes. ment that the county does not now have dissatisfaction with circumstances sur· " the money to develop these tidelands," rounding the November, 1968, amend· Additlonal studies 1'11l .mean the el· lhe s'"lemenl conc~es, but "this ,·0 no l l th t r 1965 penditure of public funds ," the Grand ... C\l men o e agreemen o . Jury concedes, "but this Grand Jury way means that future development is It was agreed tour years: ago, the jury feels that the IJpper Bay; as a natural by JIJdCe Robert Gardner, the Superior lands," Hinshaw said. Court'• crtminaJ jurist and liaison with Hinshaw has been told by the board . the investigative paneJ. Judge Gardner 1 that h HELICOPS .•• Impossible. notes, that the "Department of the Anny resource, ii so lfuportantt hat the alter· "This Grand JW'y ... wishes to point define the harbor lines. This requirement native of waiting to make these studie.s const11utlng 00 action, on ~Dina: such has announced that be will appoint 1 new on numerous occas ons e is being • ~-'·"-'"" a lw n>blic w....11 remiss in his duties by refuling to IC· .,_,_ 1-.. ,. r-foreman oeuneaday. ........ the land tr d lished hwilll lut Monday and continll.ld the -Superior Court Administrator Le!lie ..... ,.. 8 e as an accomp matl<t unUl a !Ul1 CCWICil la ~-l. r 11<l. Both the COW1ly and the Irvine n--~----"-~ 1r--• . McCartney dlaclosed the resignation of Company argue that the land sbould be ~ "waiu T. ord~ .is in MJrtin but ttfuaed to comment 011 the held tu·free by Irvine pend1ni a court ~ fav«', but wu alllent. while C«mclhnan reuont behiftd the decWon ol the former rullna which could be u much aa three ~· A. -will ~ mene Art Colony mayor lo quit the Grud Jury years away. out that there are' limiUesa ways of con-was changed In the amendment to read until after tbe exchange is ill ad¥1sed." serving waterfront and acet.Ss for public 'appropriate governmental agencies.' Anticipating the possible ct1mment that uae," tbe board ls told. "It is felt that the "The algnificance of the amendment," neither-the cOudty nor the lrvlne Co. can • . • Superviaol'I, u trustees or the the jury statement notes, "i.s that by wit.pdraw from the agreement, the Grand tidelands,. lhould consider u many changing the basic requirement (or rules Jury points out that "an alternate plan altemaUves u pouible." of the game) the Irvine Company and the could be developed which would facilitate "~ one plan .•• hu ever been ct1~; county agreed that neither c o u l ~ a more rapid consummation f)f the A aldered by the partle.11 to the agreement,.. withdraw from the trade. -• -tidelands exchange which both sides . hll n0-rate; -..__~ ---at·the halfway stage of-H.sllellberatJ:ons. lflnshaW.., a r n e d the bOard that "It , .· ... -· 'lbe council wW aloo._!:CI on Ille ": ; .• Bul th_e.d«lsi!"l Cf.\JlUl.ll!Ullll>!•!t.lo •.. --.kH.e,.._.._...,_ ·~ ~~ .. :.:6 -m . _ -~ -:>upertort!6iit ·aria D1str1ct Attorney'a of· ·~ ..... ,..-...-.,.__to~ ~Grand J~!flld. -. . -.uwhy-=..the •!le -requlrement~was ... mtght--acr-ee -to-wltbdraw--and r• _,~ ttr.rwin-"blv~~r~te~;;..aed .. ~ ..... -:."".lwerN. t-: .!~& .:. ..negoUate--_ -~ · ·..-;:;.._ _ modJffcttktnt" .. made to .that plan but Grand Jury's satisfaction," the statement-· -"In answer to the atgutTieilt that it will f • • eludes seiwate porUona: tot.allitC $1.$8 neea who have worked. cloaely with the mllllon, · besides the II.Ill oporattng panel · bud1tt. alone. A reliable aource ln the Dislrict At· Ponce Clilef ROCtr E. "tleth hu coo· torney's office today told the DAILY ducted a detailed study of appllcaUon of · PILOT that "It's not 1urprlaing and l'in police helicopter ay1temt In preporinl hll only ruprtaed that· Bili Martin dldn'l do bud1et package for coonct.1 consideration. thls a long Ume qo." Preswnlng the city -ahead with his Martin, wbo mlku hll home al !Ml tequat. HunUn&ton Buch la upect.ed to Marine Drive 1n. Lacuna, is also include ill eliltln& H.B. Eye pn>gram Un--chllnnan of the FesUval of Art! Board of der 1 maintelllJlCt and repair 1ereement Directors. He aerved two terms as to-.llt-..oto.-Laguna mayor. Pauntaln Valley police are alJo known Martin wu quoted by c o u n t y to be lnl<reot«l ln workln& oul some type cow1l>oUle sourcu u havinl commented of contract llJ'tlf!Pltsit for 1 k y frtQuently in the Grand Jury room and In aurvtlllonct ud Seal Belch au-publlc on bla tncreulnl convtcUon thal hive JM CU tentaUVe feelers too: ht WU 'foremlD of a panel wbfcb WIS far SL Cliir onvlslon& perhaps a county. remo\otd from hll pononal phllooophies will• hellc:"l>ter police pau.i l)'sltm wllh ud lncllnalloN In the puraull of ln· •lud1 aid bf the Orange County Leque v..U.ationa Into county govemmenl o1 Cities and wanto·to dela1 final act1<m ·Martin hlmseU declined lo comment l°' for the ~I ~· clay oo llil rutcn&Uon. · ' Buddy's Salty Buckshot Lands in Boy's BacksUie Hll at atmott polnt-blQJc ''"P by a buddT• lbotiwl l04<led with nil, • Colto Miia boy WU found in aJOllY 'lltunday, afltr hll frlg'1leMd companion pou...r poroslde on the buttock wound and tried to patdl il up. . Tht wounded D<>y, 15, called an older olattt' ud WU taken · to l!oag M-iol Holpi\11. where he wu treated and "11aaed lo the care ol hll fomily doctor. 'Ille vicllm told Officer Bob Arnold the 2 p.m. incident occurred at the home of a H-year .. id frieiuf. ne wounded )'QW\l&ter s1ld the othtr boy removed the buckshot from 1 .flO tuace .tlollUJI llhell and fired il barmlealy at the wall once, then r•load· ed another she.II wtth ult and shot him fnwn a ran&t of four feet. Tbe victim 'a 1lJter said he fainted twict en route LO the holpUal, when X· ...... c:AIY1" .............. c;:oMHJft ....... N.W ... ~ ... ,......, .,.,. l. °"'" .... ,,...... .. 0-"..,,...., n.... K....it .... n..•• A.. M111t,lil111• _ ..... C.0--110 w ... ..,. ,,,. •• t.&At~P.0.1 .. 1110.tl•I• --............ .:.:,•:.-:::.~~ =· ..... l .f.\. ..... • ' riya ebowed no buckshot or other roreign matter wu lodged tn Ille painful wound , wl'lLcb wtll keep h1m on his feet aWhlle. The -ppattnt cue of mischief resulUng In unintended injury is under 1n· \'t1U&ailon by juvenile buruu officers . Bw·glar Takes $1,000 i11 Loot From Mesa Home A daylight bura:tar who almply walked up and prted open the front door looted a CQ.$1& Mesa engineer's home of near· ly $11000 in jewelry, camera gear and penonal ellects 'lltunday. Wllllam Earnest, of 1017 Presidio Drive. told police the Intruder a:ot away with a $25 bottle of French perfume and h1a wi,fe'a.wi& too, but abandoned ~£forts LO O!llTY olf 1 IA:levislon set and silver- ware. Invllligaton said the loolinl occurred someUme between Earne.at'• fe1ving for werk In the morning and relurni.111 home in the early evenlri1. A spakesman for the Ted Von Hemert: Furniture Co.. llll Warehouse Road, abo ~ theft of flvt tables worth $324 from their stora&e bullding tbun· d1y. BIJTY Von Hemert told police the un· crllld Items had been loft near a door for delivery to a model home. noUng thlt there wa• no •lln or forced entry tG the warehouse. An employe or the firm, however, re- po111d rtnding a doer which appeared to ~ave bten left unlocked, investigators &lid. No Smoking Please- Smog, Heat's Too Bad ITHACA. N.Y. (AP) -Smoe. logether with bum.ld heat. conUnued today over this area of Ctnlr1l New York, and nskknll were cautlontd agaln1t even \ Upttng a m§tch outdoors. Dr. -H. Qro>d, Tompkins County Mal th comnUS1ioner, said polluUon and hot-air inver1ion had been cotnmon In Central New York this week and had crtllecl I "serious lmOI hamtf, 11 From PGfle I HOLIDAY •.. \ldll be no window serVice or ruidentl1l or rural dellveriea. The Senate will observe a holiday Mon- d1y, but the House of Representa.Uvea wll! CQnducl tollllar bualneu. .llooMo leaders decided to meet Mondly to take up leglllatlon ocheduled for floor ac:Uoo. Orange Coast cities that have declared a lbre!Htay Weekend for en'lployes lo- chldao Ooota Meaa, Fountain Valley, Hunlln(lon Beach, Newport Beacl>, San Clemente and san Juan Capistrano. Autopsy FiDds No Injuries On Pool Victim An autopsy report today confirmed a Costa Mesan who was an excellent swim· mer an<t 1n fine physical condition simply drowned at the close of a UC Irvine water polo match Monday night. it wu announced today. Coroner's Deputy Jim · Beisner said there were no marks· or bruises to indicate Robert CUnningham, 15, or 2332 Stromboli Road, may have slruck his head or anything before ·sliding to the bottom. Team members who noticed young Cunningham missing whfn the Estancia High School squad entered the d~essing room went back and pulled him from the water, but it was too late. Requiem Mass was held 'Thursday at St. John the Baplilt Calholic Church, Costa Mesa. Survivors include his parents, ~fr. and Mrs. Lou.ls L. Cunningham, a brothe r ~1ichael, 17, and sister Caryn, 9, all of the home addreas; pa ternal Rrandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Cunningham Sr. of Yucca Valley and maternal grandparents. Mr. and ~trs. Joseph Trindl. of CMta Mesa. The Estancia High School student had just finished the final quarter of a gruel·· lr.g water polo match with Lakewood Hl1h School in summer recreation league play when the tragedy occurred . Playlng as a substitute goalie, the vie· tim was repartedly seen lifting himself out at the edge of the pool's deep end, but apparently slid back, unseen by a crowd of spectators. -rnVesUgators for the Orange County coroner'i Ofnce said that many factors can occur under the stress of athletics, leading to tragic death by une1pected causes. Car Can't Turn Quite That Fast Taking a downtown CO!ta fl1esa In· tersecUon tum too fut In his small foreign car, a HunUngton Beach motorbt suffered a hand injury 11lW'aday ni&ht when the vehicle rolled as he tried to ct1r· rect Its skld. Cody A. Evans. 30. of 10142 Jon Day Drive, crawled from the auto which came to rest on It.a side after sliding north· bound from Newport Boulevard onto lfarbnr Boulevard. Patrolman Richard Frederiksen uld e vans' Cir flnaUy "came to rtll In Newport ·Avenue. the tronta1e street along the boulevard. . Ile was taken to Colla Mesa Memorl1I Hospital ror suraery on 1 smuhtd left finger, but WU relealied lo &O home l~ day. 11leasea thlt thest;' modiflcaUollS were stresses. take too much time to devel op an relit.Id to upllnda or park lands·IUbae-"If il was impossi ble to have the alternate plan ... this Grand Jury would quenUy uktd for by the county, rather Department of the Army... deflne the answei-that it feels It is better for the than alternate arran1emenls of filled barbOr lines In 1965, what changed It tG county to retain control of as much Udelandl.'' make lt RG longer ne<:essary7" Ule jury waterfront and access as possible." "Serious problems" that were not evi· · a.ski. "1( the change was felt necessary And the county should do that, the dent at the time of the land swap ~ to clarify whether or not the agreement Grand Jury warns, "even though some of ment signed in 1965 should now be con-wu blnd1ng on both parties, there ls a the county-held land!· ml&ht 'hot be llidertd by county superviaors, the Grand question as to why the vague term 'ap-developed untjl some future time when Jury suggests. proprlate aovernmental agencies' was adequate funding can be: arranged. "PolluUon and ecoloatcal imbalance subltl.tut.ld for the preciae 'Department '"Ibis Grand Jury feels that the eo1t of were not considered sertous problems (ln of the Army'," futher studies would be justified. to 1915) in Orange County," Jt points out. guts that "further efforts should include determine the best possible use of the ''But they are now and ••• it la fe]t that . an engineering and economic feasibility tidelands which the county holds In trust technical studies should be made to m. study of the proposed main public beach for all the people in the County of .aura &bit the propoted Land ExcNnae area." Orange," the 1tatement adds. ·r -------·--. ·-··-.... JULY ' Henredon f't.W.-<t ON SALE NOW HENREDON & HERITAGE \lpholatoty now anllablo al • IJ'k M\l<flon to lncludo 1pecl1I ordert ln your choice of fabrics.. Thl1 11 one of thoH rare opportunitlel to purcM• tM flnut •t remarkable wvings. Our summtr 1111 1l10 Includes Miid groupe from Or.xii -Hlnredon -Hwlf ... Al" Natlonal, "'-r91 Carson, and numerous other llne1. Reductions on 1cc1uorl11, lamps and plctur .. are 1vall· able. NlWl'ORT llACH 1127 W0ttcllff Dr. '42'20JO ONN t'lllA'r'RL t INTlllORS ,rof••lonal Interior o.s1, ..... Aval11bl.._..l~SID UOUHA llACH HJ Hor!h Cooll It.rt. OPlll PllM.Y "nL t \ ' - Tomorrow, Sit. $100,000 HOLLYWDDD JUVENILE CHAMPIONSHIP hr Z·yur..US TUESDAY. JULY ZZ $20,000 BEL AIR · STAKES . - .. ---. ' DIRECT ~ ORY Dl!ALE Liberals Spell 6Ut T~ Reform Hopes • I Ra Crew Sleeps· On · Escort Boat 401 MAIN, DO~OWN H~_NTIN~TON BEACH-536-7561 e BROOKHURST & WARNER, FOUNTAIN ,VAWY ~962·245_6 • • ' ' I J • • -~---. .... '.... . ' --- -. • • • • 7 / D.\JLY PILO't EDITORIAL PAGE • -' • t _ART'S,Unique Service .. ··· --~·--..._,_,~ are yau coqld use CHART. Information abOllt meetings ' u it• name is ' somewhat ~ontrived, its goals and ambiUons aren't. . The name is CHART -the CIUiens Harbor Area ·Research Team; It's an organtiaUon that has devoted · lt$' lnlelligepce and energy lo l!'~rsulng and anal ping • .il .~ some of Costa Mesa's pressing lssµ.es . It's an orga~lu· • • i Uoo. that bas done yeoman work,..'i!kroalting the~e issues ' ~ Wider&b>od. • • • • · Already this year, <lHART has provided l)>"al<•rs ·and in-d~pth altalyseS of s,uch items as school financinc, s ~ ·~ 1 NeWport Freeway route, Costa Mesa's role in a new court house site, the Orange «J9unty Airport problem. effective tw1>way liaison with Newport Beach and the Back llay land swap proposal. ' .. CHART is ail inforinal otgruiization. Dues are only • • , $5 a year and tlie mon\bly meeljngs are casuiil break· .. ·~. ~ fatt allairs. M'emb~r.sbtp is open to anyone· who is in- " l • ~ • • ' tere•tW in Costa Mesa-,.nd ·Costa Mesa<s problems and i ~ • op~rttinities. · · . . · " · · l -CHART's setviCe to th~ 'toi:nfuunity is unique; No -.i --~other orgariization· concerns itself with the-same type , 1 of . Issues alnl without C,l!ART -~y. of these· issues ; • ~oulfn'ever be su6jected tq a penetrating analysis. So 1 • ··tong as CHART coptinues its present·,J?Olicy of remain- ~ ijl~ aloof from poli!Wal machinatfoos,.11 is,perlormlng a ' '!.'. , veor u~efµt , function ·~ heli:J4lg ·costa Mesa's citizens luJo"". ·more about their community,, 41pd what can be done to make it a better comrnunijy. I ' I CHART' bas taken stands--and should. continue to do so. But in taking stands, the organitatio"n should be ~xlf~i:nely cautious that _tt does not ]Jecom·e p.n _e_$~Y man 'for groups that would use ii to advance their own views: 1'· If you're arl activ.e.person.in Cosia Me~a actiyities, or if.you'd lik~'lo be,•C!f!JIT coufd .use you ancl'chan~es r .. - and membership can be obtained by calllllJ' 547-9191; · • I ' ' .· . Another .Park Milestone ·· Too often, memorillls to ihose who have .. gone on ahead are of littie ben~t to those wbo remain .. but the late Cbuck Heller, Co~ta Mesa's longtime streel super· tntendent and qne of the city's first employes, would be baj>py that It isn·~ so In bis case. Formal dedication-of Charles 1.. Heller Memorl~l Park on the Costa Mesa's !~th. incorporation · anpiver- saey, marks anotbel'. milestol\e in establishment of -. 30,park system during the next decade . The eastside facility was. established through a unique excess of land-for-free-rent trade between. the city and the Coila Mesa County Water Distri~t. now a civic center t~nant . Costa Mesans can be plea$ed with the.city's ingenu· ity i~btaining 'pailts aoo green-:areas tor-cjtizen use and is always on the lookout for.new possibilities in site acQui~ition. ' Lawn of the Month . Kudos are in order for the Costa Mesa Kiwanis ClUb for its sponsorship of a Lawn-of-the-Month coTI\est. · Aimed solely at Costa Met!ia beautification; the con- test recognizes outstanding lawns on the basis of puri- ty, color, texture, grooming and. general landscaping appearance. Jlldges from the Kiwanis Club 'vi sit all lawns entered in the contest and make an award each month . . , . If you have a lawn you're proud or. droo a nnte to the Costa .Mesa Beautification Committee, Post Office Box 1200, Costa Mesa, 92626, !or contest ru1es. IC) -. ' ;' , A ~~~ff«;r:~ce :In Civil . Action . . Mabel Stood D f . k• . I· '.n! · ~~ · · d, . · " ._. --_ n! .,i ....: . . -· _rug· a ·Ing s ·' -~So· -P.~1@n~.o --v:~sor~l!·---And. Held 11ie_=~ ___ · · · _ ___,_~ ~ 0 Near. Bly7 .:0.ryRMo~e is' :r~~~~M.bouD.t wha,.t r;: ------· ~~~~u;:.~:~b~~h;;:,~~ Dashboard A .,c, i } e~tid. -·e· :a:--·n· ' d-... ' I ' ,. ~ r., g'rOups can express emotional rebellJon presents "civil dl1obedltnce" and what within &ppropriate and well-defined • ... ..i.. 1£ "clvd disorder," II · _,, nuis. . . As Americans, we believe. in dissent MosJ· partiClpanb in a civil ·revolt are jbough 1h times of &lresJ we ten.f to attracted by lhe thrill of the mob, the •~wa(Wrt11'o ih.lndetftndenco IN CONTRAST, lawbri.w;-Inc civil adulatioo-oC!iJlited leader, and the ·leel· JN )'8'ti ago. ... IocUviduala·. and dJIOl'den are In defiant revolt against ~~~ .. ~~g.:~t!:t1~~~ though ~ ~~. ~-"f.Y />l>Y•Jovlolable-r1ghls -soc1e1y. -cNeartr 'Ahla~•""--a ,,-1 .. _ _ _ _ _ Mabel worked ia.a:tood plant where the ~~ No one can be puni!hed for anonymously or 81 part of"a ~"to avoid THE AMERICAN t.e~eney to ljimitt -aem·~·~ did O\i'Worli:ers1 1'8 _~: nor ~ anyone l?._e a:· pu'hishment. Their actioM ....... n .. Jeactto violence' in the hunter, the warrior, the unlfoi:m. ~A•, El;ll!:Dget" she took a r!!i' itlat,ijwp oa:. does uni~ 1t ~nonal violence pto_pe____N ~ction he.avyweight champion and tbe, 'tiller ~~ ~.en ride "1th obe of the laun· ·lleiiiivc,iiifiifttiitei't."Pu~Oing!r.Bot1t--~dnapPing ~and 'iootmg, wne~-theY plays . a._major-role beca~se . of .. e~· ~1. !JVetl ~ the.olJ!tr l!&nt,to get more . not .x~ agree·90 wbat is allo,,able participate In civil ripts·~~ a itu· ploitalion by ·~-co~~U~ mtfia. ~:erm~c _. ! ~ :·. . w~jl not. · ', dent radical action or a' violent ~ 'Just. Al ·'1>e media !ntiance . tJie ef· , lood k bad onlT one seat. Mabel ~ .,. asrainst poverty wal''or anjtbing e~ • fective~ of dilsenlerl~ by' covering s and tield the duhboard. On the way ;'BEGINNING WITR an e ff e cl h _e -.At the !969 meet(,;. of Ille Ainli!i:u , vldleniha~ ain)·lll u llO(lji !14 thq . llle driver hit·iJ ~{M;llone\l]Ole. He had boyOOll-Gl-Calllwofa-4ebi• .grapes arid ' -Pfycblatric Assodall"ll;'th'"'~ ~ ~ ---. ~· ~ ~ ",""~~ ~ cJ!~lY . to other pe-.il ""Jllll, ,.cesar. Cbavu dllcUoii<Jns al Ille ~iJseS or vlolenci' and Clearly, violence In Civil, d&ordors la , -u for Idabel I injijii&. , hopes 1YentuallJ to· achieve a full role in unrest TO underStand the leaders cil the aDti·laW and cannot be condoned. But 'Jn court the fauodry c o m 9 a n y , U.S. society for all Meiican-Americans, black ·revolt and student insurrection much of ·non-violent civil dlsobe{llenct, on however, said that Mabel herself had as~ ~ labor union power-for himself. groups, Dr. Gene Usdin,·a rfew otleans ~.oU -campus, should not be f~. For bte.n partly to blame, standin&. instead of Mababnt Gandhl, a wizened old man in.a psycJ;iatrtst, used the model of a.dollscent ,It 11 aimed at bringinf all men-:--cOJ.lege sltllng on tbe ·Ooo.r where sht. would be loin cloth, oyerthrew BrlUab arms l>1 rebellion student, Negro, Mextean-Ammcan. the l&fer. fast.ing and preaching non-violent disobe-· poor -into full BOCiet)' ..... U, kept fte court sided with Mabel ; it ruled dience of a tax on salt and other Jaws he. "THE A.D 0 LES CENT," he said, wtUtin reasonab)e limits, ct'fil disobe-that the laundry's defense. based on considered immoral. Likewise, Martin , uritedJ the means to · rebel against dience car. be constructive In cballengin& Mabel's ••contributory negligence," did Luther King first achieved recognition £0 parent, or parent surrogates. The ~ise us to deliver the goods of equal op.-not apply. It.bad to pay her damageS. the civil rights movement by le.ading a parent provides the'' opportunity to e•· portunity, equal rlgbts, 'and _genuine peaceful strike agaiosl the bus linei and )?rel& this emotlona1 rebellion, white set-respect befort lt is too ·tat.e. Angry businesses in Montgomery, Alabama. -ting cl~ly defined limits. Since many of reta1iaUon through· unjustified pcSllCe ac- Llke others involved ift acts of civil thole JnvoJved :in ctVU disorders have no tlon·ts1fot the IJ!J'llttr. P'« tn .the wOrds dlJGbed.1-=e, au three expected arrest so p&1'nts. ,the closest they can c<lme to or John F. Ke.nnedy: "Those who make as j.o draw attention to lalJS and coo-rebelling against a parent is to rebel peaceful revoltitlon impossible make dit.ions they Considered unjust. agalA&t BOCl_ety or some form of the violent revolution inevitable." ' C,f itical Republican Margin TRUE, A PERSON must look out for his own safety even if someone-e.lse. is nq,llgenl If a claimant falla in that, be may get no damages at an, for in such casu·.he is to blame, at least in part, for bis own injuries. Further, such a claima9t must take available precautions for his own safety. He also ought to keep damages down by getting medical care. Any Increased in- juries that resuh from his failure to do so are not chargeable to the negligent defen-- dant. They are lhe injured person's own fault. Quite often I receive 1etters-.from amt· kllJs .parenll who tell.me that tlteir blgb ·school or college children re8d this col· umn with some respect and attention, and asking me if J would write about "the drug prpblem" 'among '•today'a youth. · ~ · _ ~"' By lhi! 1bey ~ean. would I advi.st'their children to stay away from drugs,· and would I fo~~end some 1'.e&ding that will ~e the )_'ouths to·&bun so - diilgerous ariiffJf~efeitfilg a habft. NO, I WILL.f NOT give such advice, because it wodd be useless. 1 will, in· steadt recem~nd _a _.book that bo~' the PQninll. ~'llii,jiirllis .bouid iiaa;: !or two reaso'.ns ·-tsO ithat the parents can better undei'!itand. What their children are looking for.,' and so that the children will understand that what they are !quite rightly) loQking for cannot ultimately be found in Clrug.. '11lis book is "The Master Game," by Dr. l!Obert S. de Ropp (Della Paperback. $1.95), and its author ls a· noted biochemist wbO· also happens to be a sellJitlve hwnanist. His sympathies are totally-with" the young people Who are looking ·for paUtways to a higher cOQ.. sciousneas than their parents have found -b~t his training and experience have· convinced him that drug-taking is a dead- end and not a pathway. IT IS NOT ·a medicaJ or moralistic ~k. but a ~taphysical one;.thal is it recog~ir.es the i~adequai:y of evetyday ei:per1eoce, an4 Jt sympathizes wttb the ~Y.iew that we. must somehow team to get" beyond our ordinary se.lves H the ·human race is ever going to realiJe its full and creative potentialities. • · • . But while dn\gs <Jill -.at great• risk - give some a glimpse of ttit:Se unrealized possibilities, Dr. de Ropp proves co .... elusively that no maiter how often they are taken, drugs cannot change our level ot_ belnc .. "Their conuiiued..'.use.~,be.. wntes, "represents a form of apirttual burglary whJ~h carries its own penalty, an irreparable depletion of th e .subitances oe.eded for real inner work and a total loss-of the individua1\s capaci· ty to deveJop. ... · IT JS BAS~V, "the level or being," that Uiese' young people want to change, and that ii a c.oOd desire ..... to go beyond the paltry •games of profit' and glory aild fame that hlive so Seduced and ·deformed °"' a(iClely . .l1dlus :they an right, and their parents wrong aDa·blllicf; but the young peop1e are wroog jn mak· ing the easy assumption that the upward path can be found by popping a pill in your mouth, without first attaiiµng !el(. realization, sell-knowledge, self-mastery. Parents, as much as their children, need to read "The Master Game." It goes to the very nerve-center ot the coo-ruct between generations. WASHINGTON -In the political sense, what President. Nixon's trouble in Cortgress . aJI re mes down to is his in- abilij,y to persuade or control about a half dozen Republican senators who wish for a &harper and faster break with the im· mediate past. held by the United States is beginning.to disappear in 1969 and the balance may dip In favor of the Soviet Union' in the early 1970s. But to return to Mabel : Her standing In the truck Wu not unreasonable under the circumstances, since nothing else was available, ana nobody could blame her fo1· standing and holding the dashboard. B-r.ent' s Crime Career TD1E IS SLIPPING away from us on Note: California lawyers offtr this the maintenance of military streftgtb colum11 so you may know about ou.,. V.'ASIUNGTON -The identilication of because of the long lead 'time, the ex· Jawi. WtherilliamptalLee Brehnt, former Black Pan- pensive -yes, wasteful -ex-ca n,..as l e reputed hijacker Of a perimentation .. "At a time when it has Trans Wurld Airlines plane to Cuba last tr President Nixon llad t h e Tbele itenators In their various ways are moving with what they consider the trend 'of the times. They. include Edward B1'00te of Massachusetls, Mark Hatfield of Oregon, 'William Saxbe of Ohio, Charles Goo<SeU of New York, Jacob L. Javit.s of New York, Charles Mathias of Maryland. When the names of Clifford P. Case of New Jersey, John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky. and Charles H.' Percy of lllipois are added the group becomes somewhat hard to handle. wholehearted support on all these issues of the aforementioned Republicans his way would be far easier. On the contrary, however, Nixon has .had to depend mainly on DemocratJc leadership on the ABM i8Sue in the persons of senators S~ni• of Mississippi and Jackson of Washington with the help of Republican Senator Dirkml., He cannot count on much help on the-Justice Department voting rights bill extension Crom the c r i t.l c.a 1 Republican ~p.rgin. He must look to Democratic Senator Long of Louisiana to s.ave the ·proposed extension Of the become fashionable to question, challenge .Min' utem' an month, reveals ~be has a long record of and defy defense spending," Mrs. Smith • . violence and crime. said, "I urge a word of caution to those At the lime of the hijacking, on June December 1961 on $50,000 bond, his trial whO would emasculate our nation's t7, while tl'!e plane was en route from was scheduled for June 23, 1969 in San Some of theJn -,ill not follow the Presidenl'i lead.on the ABI\t issue, others assault the military-industrial complex, othen,are nb:t satisfied on civil rights. and others seek a brand new set o! pliOi'illes .U:orwe Vietnam war. AT THE HEART OF the mailer are !our Inter-<oru\eClt Issues ; llie Vietnam War, mtlllary proeurement, civil rlghls. afl(I that cornples: of clrcwllltances called llie urban problem. surtax. One recent day in the Senate illustrated tJ:le pr._oble_rn. ~or Jackson, ~ixon's first choice for secretary of defense.,-fed the fight tor deployment of the Safeguard anti-balli.8tic milsslle system while three . Republican se.naton were joining in a manifesto for a $3 bllliOn reduction in the military budget ln nine areas including the AB~f. The senators were Good~ Mathias, and Hatrield world~ as .. nlembers of what is called the '°Military Spending Committee of Members of ._ fW ·. Co~ for Peace Through Law," a ---1 = organization of 78 members or 1 Fil~. July 18, l~ d TilEIR RECOMMENDATIONS were e!ICfibed as only tbe beginning of a sus. Tht odll•rtol f)OQ< of tlit Dolfr tained effort to Wmlno military ,,, Pilot""1akl to (nform ond ttifli.-pendltuns with "grei:ter scrutiny and un- tflaU f"ddtra btt ·im:ttntfng thil derstandlng," which ls an aphoriSm for a .IW10IJJOllf"t _o,,;n.i~nl '!!'<I com-good sharp cu\Ung back of the mllltary tnen&arf °'" top(ct Pl inttrut now so popular In 1ome quarters. defense posture. For the forseeable Oakland, Calif,, to New York City, Brent Francisco. · future a strong military poisture rimalns was due, ~o be. tried in . a few days for On June 17 lie allegedly hijacked a absolutely essential to our national armed robbery and assault with a deadly TWA plane and forctd the pilot at gun survival. I cannot in good conscie"""' SU"" weapon -in which.. two San Francisco · t fl H .. ,. ' II po1n .10 y to avana. A federal warrant port a 'reducUon of our o!lensive=lli-po cemen· were wounded. i .. T lb Edit Th for hJs arrest lll outstandln11 ty and a relinquishment or our cal o e or . e disclosure of Brent's criminal . "" s:uperlority. Heaping scorn 00· 'the Pei\-So tbe FBI caught Minutemen leader background and jumping of $50,000 bail is Breht ,is a friend of Leroy· Eldridge tagon 11-nd making our uniformed per'so~ De Pugh! So why haven't they caught admittedly embarrassing Black Panther ~leaver, ~e Black Panth~ Party na· net the. scapegoats . for oUf national and Panther leader Cleaver? A good quesUon.# PJrty officials wbO lJ,aVe been strenuoUsty .;-tional official who also -juinJ>e<! $50,000 international ills represents the cynicism Alt.ho~ .t~ Minutemen A?d Pantbe~s trjing to cte&te, a·mire savory public iJ])o • bond and fled the country to avoid arrest of those very elements that threaten our~ .. a.re. clauified as subvers1yes by Jt>e--....aee o!.tbeir 'otg&lliz.aUon and members. __ on a fed~ral. wan:ant. ,Cleav~ has _!>et:~ property, our institutions, and our lives." bralt\-washing maclline (TV), 1 just don't ~ , .:t ---_i:_epqrted Uv1ng first .Ill Cµba, now Ul re!ll1 any news Item aboot t1ie ONE VIGOROUS1'Y publicized 'project France. THERE IS AN important dlsUnclion to be maile between misfea~nce, blun- dering, ·inefficiency 'and juat plain bad guesses in the sophisUcated mQary 5y~ms necessary to malnta.ln~off-ve capabiUty and technical superiority. Dear · Gloomy Gus: Costa Mesa Is not afraid of ha\I'· Minutemen roamJng the streets, ~ for that purpose is their so-called As a Black Panther captain, Brent was M~lotov cocktails, shooting the police, .or "Breakfast for Children Program... active in recruiting for the organization. even calling them "pigs." Now·tbat'a a Through "rt.ore or ~s forced con-'In January of thil year, he was de- IW1tch 1JJ1ong the "subversives." ' trthutiotls of fOQd ind funds from ,.. nounced by the 1'anthers as a "renegade'' But I do recall a new1 item about \he neighborhood merchants and _others. the and expelled from the party. But three Minutemen resurlng two white gii'll 1t'ho Panthe.n have •been giving breakfasts to months later, the Panthers' publication wei't threatened by black rioters dUrin,g ghetto youths aimultaneouslJ 'iitb tar~ printed a statemefit saying be genuinely the Watts r1ots of 1965. How does that ~ of racist' anti·white propaganda. believed in the "people's revo'luuann and grab yOU-'J-t~ ~I crlm1hal r!£0.rd ~an not long had been wrongfillly braiided a DE PUGH JS IN jail, but wti.re ·II :i:yw ~out of blgnscbool In the "rene1ade." By Robert S. Allen Panther Cleaver? The Minutemen are' Born i~ 1930 tn Franklin, La.. he tad Jobi A. Goldlml~ reoortedly trained in guerrilla warft_~ enliAed !n tht' Army in 1"7 and was but they are not using It, }'hUe auerrtJ,li: discharged 10 "10nlhs later for "lack of w,arlart Is goil}g ~n aU about P5 .!. t ;W, adaptability." ft! followin&. year he 'tfas me every dsy .In Los Angeles -hit anti eommttted to the Calilornla Youth run ubotage ev,erywhere -while Ibo Authority 'alter; .being charged wi!h rob- citilens either sleep:Or m:on with fear .at bery. Several 7ean later be!WU ien- the ~ngs Ofl. • tenc$1 to ' from Ove yu/1 to 1Ue In a B1George-~ Dear ceorle: "en.Kii" Wt ""6 1WJ!olne<, br pro11idlng • A Republican lady't voice h81 been ~ ftt:r CM: upreulon of raised Jn protest. She is Sen. f.fat'gaiet ing crowds. Il 's .the ·:..:;Wf".~~h~~-~.1:~~1-l-'llhooe Smitb·of Q'"'ainl,-a veteran -.,...,,..__!-~--~ . De Pugh·il in J~. So wh~t? The P.tr· California s~i,·prtson on a convlctlon for r1lla 1¥.MJOU on w thout hi.m,_btJl:.00 .1. · i degree~. I ~ve found tlllt when I , am. standing on 1 wet k!tchen noor 011 • refnigerator glv~ me a mild shock wher I t~b the metal handle~ --·..------.....-Srnat! Armed Services CommlttH, Its on. ·want- ~ o Informed obstrwri ranking Rtpubllcan mem'Wr and no --~on topkl of the warmonger. ..._ J.Jra. Smith sakl high defense costs are _...; ' , .. as r-epucnant to ber as .to many 'JlllJ' ...... 11111, Publllbet Amerlcan11Ju1 then!1t no gettlhg around flleiacl lhaltbt ll!'llqic advant1111ong _ .diffuut side. -' MILT BAsl!AM .. • IN EA J\Ly ~tc, he· was parofed from S•n Quentin, only to be arrested a few • yeara.Jale< lor. armed roj>bery. While out, •• ball on lhla'Chll'ge, he wa.I involved tn 0: gun OiJit Iii whloh two San Francis«> pollcem----eb were wobnded. Released ln • ' . lllRS. O;Y. -DMr Mn."O.Y.: -; i • Don 't touch the metsl handle of. your refriaer_atof •hlM-·ctandinc on ~ • wet ~ floor. fl wlab·I b14 • drjnk.) l • ' I ., ~--·-===--..,.,-----------.,,...---~------------~----------------- DAILY PIL01'. lt&tt PIMt. LIFEGUARD BROOKS PATTERSON, 10 SURVEYS DOMAIN Paid to be Alert, Not to Talk to Girls or Listen to Radio fMq, Ju~ 18, 1969 CS) D41LY P!LCT 3 .Birth --~ ontr.Ql Speed Up Urged NixQn Wants Family Planning Available Within 5 Years WASHINGTON (AP) -Prelldaj Nix· on told. Coqrea ~ be wull lo mako ava!Ja1>1e wllhlll five~ lret.)lrtb coii- troI idv!Ce to Xli>li1clD -ol ddld- bearlnJI .,. with low -· In a specW meaqe, Ntsm tll!lnated that nearly 5 mUUoo U.S. women 'ido not now have adequate acceu to !amQy plln· nin& auiltlnee .• , Propostng an e1pan1lon and l'<O<l!anlzaUon or federll !amQy p1111111og service!, but livinl no -.ie ol lbe In- creased lpendlai Jnval'!<d, Nlloo Aid: "Clearly, in DO circumltaDcet will tbe activities aO!Oclated wlllt our punult ot Ibis goal be allowed to lnlr!qe "" tbe rellgloua convlctloos tr penooaJ wllbes 8llCl freedom of 1111 blcUvldual, '11: Wiil • woold have to build a -city of f,50,000 ·pe?IOOI acb mantb from now unW the end of Ibo century." · · Saylq !lino f<r ad....,. Planning. "is growing very short/' be asked Congress ·to create a ColllJDla8loo on Populalton Growlh and the American Future. The panel ·-~Y populiuon trends, canvus pemmentar re90W'Ce5 needed to deal wllh a qer populace and study w1y1 In whl<b population growth may affect activities or federa~ state and local governmenL Deallna wllh Ibo wurld at large, Nixon said the planet'• populaUon of 3.5 biUlon wUJ be lncrealed by an addltio'l"l billion every five years after lbe yen 2,000, Thia ·srowth· ·raw-: 1ie-aald, Pl!,.. ~ pro!>lema ·for_ ,the .o•veloplng lndtiitrial Land Area nations, where tl}e trend of increase Js strongest. · He e1pressed belief the Unlled Naticih• "sl,tould tak•the l<adershlp In responding to world population a:rowlh" and P(O- mlsed full cooperation by the UrUted States in Ifs programs. Nixon said the critical U.S. issue is whether social institutions can prepare lhemselves for bigger population. Nixon (>Ointed to potential major pro- blems in such fielcb I! housing, educa· lion, transportation, recreation, main· tenance of pure air and water and pro- viding employmeni for the millions of ad· dltional Arnericans. ' "We can be sµre that society will not be ready for this growth unless it begins lts planning immediately," he added. -~ r Board B.~dget_ Hearings Look At Med Center Valley Planning Opposed Several land owners and at leut a Metzer, wbo organlr.td the home An ootpatlellt senlee for Oranp Coun-ltanclul at " retJdtm:i have taktA latuo ty 's alcoholics was tborouthly worked . with tbe city o1 Fountain Valley's desire owntrs north of Warner Avenue, has also over Thursday in the county Medical to muter plan and bold about 700 acres opposed using land north of Warner Center's budget propo.Ws for i-.10 u ot land nw the Santa Ana River form. Avenue for any type .of industrial the Board of Supervisors ground throu&h du!b'ial ue. development. the second of ejght days of budget bear-Nflll'ly 50 of tbam appeared before the He and several of the residents Pointed ings. pllnnlng commission Wednesday night to to the pdjacent boundar'tes of school, land owners in the industrial area bas been the primary hindrance to its sale and development. "The people who own lhat land must get together themselves before It can be presented as an industtial package/' 11ald Dick. Most supervt.ors seemed to apprwe of upms oppoolUon -to the muter plan _ Dr...Herman..Bannel'a __ propoull fol the cturtni.a-pubUc.bflrinl an.JbalJ.uue:. _ residential and industrial_ land as a poor C.Ommiss ioners and citizens alike alcoholic rehabllitaUon program, but CommJaaionm, ~I the large oP--&itilitiorCfor-IiKlfiili~allroitlf. ---agreeil-tnafllie biggest problem-~ inT Supervisor David L. Baker was strongly' position, 1ccepted testimony from Metzer recommended establishment of hardest to solve - is taxes and the poor, op~ on monetary grounds. reJldeata wbllt COOllder.in& tbe rep«t on Warner Avenue as a natural buffer lo W paying uses available for lhe land. Rannels, the medical ctnter'1 medical industrial land submitted by specl.al can-between the industrial Jmd residential Metzer, earlier in lhi week, showed the director, esUmated fint year costs of the 1ultant.s Lampman and A.saociates. difference between his earnings and tax· program at$'12,2'7S. 11it i..mjmln rtport-wltd·the olty~t..-properties..'. For the ~st ~tl,! _b~ bas_ cs on his lO~acres. - "Once a program 1ets Its foot ta UJe sland by 111 lpleoUOI) to""' the Industrial pushed the idea of high density (probobly : · '. .. door at tbe hos£ilal," BWr argued. "II aroa and lo acllvely adopt mww:ea for ·apartments) ronlng on the )ancfnort~ of PAID $3,7%1 TAXES . -iitliil,.;.+.....,-s~ ·mGl'Fftfll -~mt....:S~ . ~--itlt->,lot:Dtgr,.itbefC=-·-hrl968 !!tl!•\t.¥,724-lh"lfur<Al "fiif ---, these ballooning cost.a ii to ltop them at . NE PoINT -Lampman ~d ~ociaets strongly ac;_res._ltis _earn g!fi'Om nffie acres or-- the outlet." O . t • t betwffn o ·recommended t<t tbe city that all of the stra!"berrles w~ only_ $J,350. "An~ The proposed overall budget of the One poofln ii:: ~the Lam P' propoR<I industrial land be maintained in that ~ typical of the agricultural uses, OCMC ts $15.4 mlllJon, up lU m1llJon Jl9llO!lla ul1ly pman llul status. he said, , • over last year 'The total Health Depart..-report.!~ ~t current.ti'~~ UHi are -Metzer admitted that poultry, one use meilt budget uiider study~ up to $24.S not pa~!''6 wn;: ~ 00 W1l:llO -N· 1111_1 M~ also' urged the city -if it allowed in the area, does ·make a profrt, million. Art -.etser1 ll'Ull' nns acrea -deaired to develop lbe other area into irr. but pointed out that "!lies and the smell Rannels contended that. lf tba new Warner Aye., on tM nortbern tip of the duatry -to put it to a referendwn and drawn by hundreds of chickens/' are not alcoholic program could 11ve 25 percent ind~ area, told! ~neofnl tt let the cltfZens C!eelde 1f they want ·an In· a commodity highly desired in Fountain of the patientl "U would be the best was, tOtaUy Ul'lf.air or a group an-dust.rial area. and if ·they are willing to Valley. f13,000 we..cwld-spllld.'' ~~ . ~ ~Ye_ to support the entire_ pay to establish an industrial park City planners base their desire for tn- Rannels empbaalJed that the county blitiitft Of a proJect-expedtd to ~~ eetup.fGl';rapkl-<devek>pment·Of ~ land, dustrial: acreage on thir "clean tu .... coats ln the project would be only '7,100 the enure city." . Commlulonttl mooe ·nc> special com-dollar" it pays by.not requiring schools The state under the i.nterman-Pttrt.: ment.11· dllring tbe1 meetjrlg; but chairman or greatly increased fire and police pro- Short Act 'would pay: to~ of tbl u-I Jlll'DfS Dick noted lat:er that two pro-tecUon. peme: · ~ --R _..n· d Wreck -blems.appea.rJo Metw's ar~nt. MeW:t disagrees. "Gar_de_n Gro~_e Four new emplayes -14 be~_ ear~ . First, a referendum would be Im· school!. not Fountain Valley a<hool1, will a physician ~ ~tdc· IOdll practical, and probably would 1.ot clearly benefit from the taxes, and industrial worker, clinical Pl1Cbologilt and a clerk. ll"i'l_J. S Coun.~an 1ndlcate the desire ol the residents. complexa present a much greaj.er fire Dr. Ranoels.Ald,-the.-WwJd •k }:'lti.~---__:_~ Second. a lack of cooperation among and 1>0¥ce problem," he said Wednesday. to Involve the tlcr:iboUCt~ ' , · -· -.. No~~on was-taken -Wednesday, and organization,· lbe Salvatloo Arfll'/ . Ibo A 115-JW'Old Aullelm woman wu klll· Qlck citrefUlly lnfonned the audience Hall Way Houio· 8llCl Iha VUJa ' •all ed ta a .,........ craih 'Jllunday nlghl Tustin' "1... ! ld that II and when lhe commission decided engaged In ilcobollc wort _ Jn the pro. 8nd an J..,ear.old yOUth Jailed on f~ \..dill to actually zone the area for industrial gram. He said they woolcf aJ.IO Wtrt felony ~gee bidudhlg bit-nm. use a ~ublic hearing would be held and closely wtllt UJe c1eqy and lbe medlcal Police pld Mn. Blrglda Pellegrino of N } D · due no11ce presenled. profession. 911 s. Loar• St.. ejectad !rem. car ear y rowns Rannola concluded hla USUJlllllll for driven by her daushter when tt wu lhe program with, "At feast IO percent of JllrUCk from the rear at hllh lpeed by the freeway accidents involve alcohol." one driven by Jesus R. E5queda, 11, of ln the overall Medical Center budcet, 10202 Gravier St., Anaheim. County Admini!trative Officer Robert E. Thomas and Robert Wblle, cooler ad- rnlnistrator, are $293,000 apart on the need for new equipment. Thomas sugge.ts $216,000 for eqtdp- meot in the tentaUve budget and White wants $509,000, Ila UI 11• ll7 A three-year~ld Tustin girl Is back home today, a short dJstance from her · mother'! watchful eye and a Jong way from lhe pool which almost claimed bet life Thursday afternoon. 2 Boys Arrested Jn School Fire Two 1969 graduates of Biea Junior High School have been arrested on charges of firebombing the school on July 6. SPOTTING SWIMMER IN TROUBLE, PATTERSON TAKES OFF Those Pulled From Surf Seldom jklth1r to Sey ·:Thank You The blUest stumbling b~ la 'Wltlte'• request for '157 ,000 for new laundry room equipment. He ,.Ya lbe coot ol In- stallation can be recovered In Uuft yean through personnel and malnteoanco .. ,. Esqu1dl, who fled the scene. of the ac- cident In lbe llJMI block of West Ball Hold and wu captured two blocb away, was jalled on ·char... or IUlplclon of . maosiau'1>ter, ltll-nm, polltlllon of dangerou5 c1rug1 8llCl clrlvtng mtder the influence of cirugl. LitUe Diana MJehelle Ulricksen w~s rushed to the bQ.!Pital by firemen after being pulled unCOMCious from the poo l used by residents at a Tustin apartment complex. She was being cared for by a couple there w~e her mother was at work. Police 1said the two boys, both 14, have been released to their parents pending a juvenile court hearing. It~s Rough Life lngs. Originally ThomU 8llCl Wltlte wm ll mlllion apart on the oentor'a tiudgel, but White earlier agr~ to cqt mo,a. The center now bu 1,3'5 emptoya with the new budget addlne 3U. · omcen llld the mall Japanese car in wblcl> Mra. PeJlt&rino Wl!I rldlng WU demolllbed. It wu driven by her dauahter, Jos~ Alta, 46, of 513 s. Loara St., Anaheim. She ts being beld for ob.ervaUon In Anaheim General Hoopltal, ltllferlq frGm minor lnJurlu. Lifeguard Job Doesn't Include Harem By TERRY COVILLE Ot IM 0•111 Pllol S!11f Lifeguards don't sell hot dogs, snow cones Qr surf riders in Huntington Beach. They'd like everyone to know that Summer Aquatic Activities Told For Huntington • The Huatington Beach Parks and Recreation Deparlmcnt has announced its sched ule Qf summer aquatic acti vities. · fifon days thropgh Fridays will inelude: I p.m. to 4:30 p.m.-public Sl\'inuning. 1'.1arina High School, Golden West College, and Huntington Beach High School pools. 9 a.m. 10·12:45 p.m.-swimming lessons at Golden Wesl College and Marina lligh School pools. 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.-swlmm ing lessons at Huntington Beach High School · pool. Tuesdays: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. -JtdUlt swim· ming lessons, Huntington Beach City pool. . . 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. -public swun· ming Marina High School pool. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. -public swbnming Colden West College pool. Wednesdays : '· 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. -idult iwim· ming lessons, Marina High SChool pool. _G_;_~ '9 8:30 p~m. -emoU~nall>: ha__n- dicapped Swmiiillng class, Huntington ileach ·c11Y pool. . 6:301o e:ao p.m. -bo)'S water polo, Marina High School pool. Fridays: · 6:30 to 8 p.m. -cmolton>llt han- dicapped swimmine class, Huntington Beach Cl\y pool ,, point. They do save lives, mend woonds and give directions, not to mention re-uniting lo.st children with lost parents. It's an eighl-hour job demanding con· centration, physical stamina and strict obs'ervance of rules and regulations. Beach Scientists Await B:ut the Huntington Beach lifeguard service never lacks for eager Qppllcants at the beginning of each summer. Precwus Moon Sample . "About 100 young men apply for a sum· mer lifeguard Position each year," sar Lt. Mark Boden bender, of the city' a Harbors and Beaches Department. Requirements for service as a city Space sdentlst.s have pretty much CGft. beach lifeguard &re pretty stiff and pret--eluded that pr?Qoua met.all.and minerals ty precise. Minimum age is 16, minimum will not be found oo the "®:D, )'t:t the height 5'7" and weight 150 pounds, 20-40 rock samples to be brought back from vision uncorrected, excellent health, an,d the lunar surface ar~ more precioul than s,uccess[uJ S9IDPleU~n of ;t rough. Jteek· their weight tn gold. Jong training period. If the AJioDo li mission ls clrfled to "We nonnally add 10..12 new men to successful conclusion, H. Gerald Groaa, a our 69'-man summer crew each year and physicist at McDonnell D o u g la 1 100 percent of our lif.eguards have been Astronautics Corporation, Huntlnston or are competlUve swimmers in high Beach, will receive a am.all ample o( school and college," c o m m e n t s that precious carjo. Bodenbender. "It may only be a chunk of basalt," or the 100 or so recruits each year a 11ayi -Groas. But the lclenUBc inowledge select list o! 40 is picked from wWch the to be gleaned from the one and a half necessary number of new guards is inch square and q~ 1Dcb Ulick Am• se lected. Those not hJred rlgbt away are pie be will receive in r vacuum.tJabt put o~a ~eserye list _for emerg~les in alumlnmn container may bave far. the season. · reaching scientific lmpllcatkml. Physical tesls, applied to all 1ea;onat Groa and l)r. Norman N. Greemnan, lifeguards, Include swimming a hall mile also ol McDonnell Douglu will aubject Jn ~e~n. water under . 16 ·minutes a!>d the material t.broukh a varlett of teAI to rMmlainlng an ,advanced R..i Ctou flrit. determlne Its luminescent quailUes. aid card. An average day of a Huntington Beach 81JRJ'ACE DAMAGED 11f'!llJatd . rnlihl Oil\! him laking \wo 9r "il1e lunar ourface baa been radlaUO!t- thr& dips 111 the U1!d Pacific to pun out ·a d Iii ma 1 • d for centuries," malatlJnl nounderlng swimmer, escortlng a Uny tot Gt'Oa. "It would be P,tere1Ut!.g .to stud1 to his parenlS who mlghl ~,.. f!l!!J!laced lbe defec:ta caused tr. '1le ourfoco by Oda themselves somewhere along ilie aana iaillil!On and to---~ wl1lt and applying salve two or tllr..-tlnf'" to which the lurlu aamplo ami -oo1ar unwary swimmers struck by jelly tiah. radlaUon into lum1nelcenct fll l}ow." Contrary to popular belle! t h • He added that oclenUflc liWestlJatora handsome yoqng guards -average age ror the Pl9l 400 )'tatl hive wotlctd tJOW· J8·19 and single -are not conatantly sur-ing in differtnt 1p&ta of the fuaar rounded by a harem of beauUlul oun bun-topography which hu ..-to all nles. eolOrl or tlie 1pecuum. ...-4111Dr1·tata1 ' lunar ecllpoes. GrOll abd hll -iate wlll attempt to duplicate tllll ·g1ow In the laboratory by sub)ectinJ the aamples t o elec- tromqnOtlc rad1allon, IUCb U ultraYiolel and x-rly IOllfCtl and to charged partlcli radlalton. by bombarding It with protons and electrom. The wnple will be mounted on a rotatlbg tumlable and su~)ected to Iha radlaUon aour ... throulh portholes. At the same Ume the sample wlll be anal:rzied for ii.a col« composition and compared with to s a m p I e 1 from our planet. SENlllC COMPOBITION uUltlmattly we hope t obe abl! to 1enle the geolOilcal composition ol tbe entire' lun~ lll!{act and <J!ber ~ets from an orbiter once we have ertablllbed a 1pec. lrolnpblc dala banlr," aald Gn>11. "II wUf allo pvo UI U Idea Wlim UJe Jmtat resomct1 m located." IWtrriJll to the NASA dec!alon to honor hlnl wllh • aample of ,,_ rott, Groil added, "\Ve c6oaSdtr thLI a Vrt'f disUnct privilege. II hu grown oui of oor prffloul otudy ol Iha -of eartb -plea." 0111J -prlnta comp<nl• ware -ta.ncelve.tbe~JAcllldllig the llunllacton Btadt llrm, Nonh Amerlcin RockWell and Goneral Elecrtrlc corporatloM. Tbe ttlllaln4l1' of Iha ZI kJlolrmt Iha utronauta upect to brtnJ back wtD be rllltrlbuted 14 wdnrtlt,V r...-cll doplrtmiatl all mr 1hl wwld. The chiW apparently slipped and fell while playing in the sh.alJow end or the pool, firemen said. "She swallowed a lot of water," a hospital spokesman said to- day, "but llhe'1 fine now and there's.no reasc>n to keep her here.n ~ The pai r were apprehended arter a lengthy investigation of the blaze which did $30,000 damage to the northwest wing of the school on a Sunday nigh{. A dozen prescription vials were found at the school and traced tO... the boys, police said. They bad beenSl'uUed wlth cotton and a flammable liquid. · llG ·Gull --'McDonnell Douglas' D~. Norman N. Greenman (l~lt) ind H. Gerald Grou lnrpecl high energy proton and elpctron aourco they built to 1tudy 1ample o~ moon rock to be i>roughl back to earth' by Apqllo 11. Huntington Beach scientists are among tho~e aehedu<ecl to reetiv.• 1110011 aample tfpm NAM ~ • • I • I ' I I • Felix S. Rqlend of Miami Beac.ii, Fla. was fined $25 for · tbrow!Jif I.rash and debris on a city street. He wu convicted of shredding a 11'¢fic citation and dropping the pieces at the feet of a patrolman. "You can't just go about thumb.. Ing your nose at the law," Munici .. pal Judge Alfred F. N .. bilt told Roland. , • Mrs. Irene Desrochers, 20, of Manchester, England was charged with burglary and false pretense in district court. The mother of • three · was accused of stealing checks from the home of Ronald Karon, of Manches~er. One of the checks was for 10 cents . • Mils Thailand, Sangdutn Matt• twongs captured om preliminary Mias Universe Pageant win simply by looking natural. She was honored as girl with the '1'e.st native cos· t ume." Miss Universe will be crown- ed Saturda11 night. -. The North Carolina legislature designated the gray sqtlirrel as North. Carolina's o.Jficial mammal, despite comment from one state senator that it is in the same fam .. ily as the rat, and from aitother. that skunks are more prevalent in bis county. • Car thieve& with a yen fo-r tpeed stole a new souped up sports car jr(}Tfl a locaL auto dealer's lot in Fort Lauderdale, J Fla. But first they used a jam-It Uy-style auto from the same lot to batter down a gate so they wouldn't mar the paint on the high ·perfoNMn.ce model. • F~d>y. July !8, 1969 • 5 Gave Lives t-o hart · Moon Path ' . ' . . . . "· ,. APOLLO ASTRONAUTS TO Ll<AVE ON MOON INS~GNlj\ OF THREE DEAD AMERICAN SPAC.EMEN AND MEDALS OF TWO FA~LEN -SOVl1'T COSMONAUTS Virgll Grissom Edward Whitt · 'Roger Ch•ff.. VlacUm lr Kom•ro~,' Yuri Gagarin Truce Called But Honduras U.S. Missile Falls From Jet by Mistake TOKYO (AP) -An air·to-air missile shook loose and tell to the ground today from a U.S. jet fight.er plane over the eentral Japanese mountains but no damage has been reported, the Air Force said. A military spokesman !laid the n1issile, a Sparrow with a conventional warhead, should not be dangerous because It should not explode unless fired by the pilot •. , Ul'I T...,., NoChance.IfMenMa_rooned Oxygen Supply Limited, Rescue Impossible on Moon Irishman Wins World Porridge Eating T est CORBY. England (UPI) -Irishman John Coyle won the world 's porridge eating championship Thursday, downing 23 bowls of instant oatmeal in a 10-minute time llmit. He defeated 35 other com- petitors. ' Nerve Gas On Okinawa Appeals Court Says KKK Guilty Rain Deluges Midsection NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -'The U:S. 5th Circuit Court · of AppeaiS has held seven Mississippi Ku Kluz Klansmen were guilty of a "cold-blooded and merciless" plot to murder three civil rights workers in 1964. The seven were among 18 Klan members and sympathizers the Justice Department tried in December, 1967, at Meridian, Miss., ~ charg~ of "conspir- ing to injure; thteaten, opprw a1id in- timidate" the , slain men: Michael S<:hwerner:. James Earl Chaney aifi Wettest July on r Record Cludked Up at Moline, Ill. Ul'I TtlMiMtet Julie Eisenhower conducting a tour · for sightseers. Stand· ing behind the President are senators Robert Packwood, Ore.; Peter Dominick, Colo., and Howard Baker, Tenn. Andrew Goodman. · ~ v.s. s ... _,,, Tenoper•t•re• Attorriey Mike Watkiris of Merkliad, appointed by the court to represent one of the defendants, said it was possible one or all seven would appeaJ tbe decision to the U.S. Supreme-Court. -BakHllleld Bllln*rtk l•M ..... ,_.,,. ... "'-Clriclnntll ...... ~Mo!,_. ...... 1'1lrtMl'lkt Fort Wsitl ·-H-• -· KtllMI CllY "'"'-LOI AnpllS M11ml Ml"'*'IMll& N-Orletna N-Yori\ North 1'1<1111 o.-i.nd Ckt."-N Cit\' ....... l"1lm ~11191 -.. _. ........ 1t•c1tv ltfd '""" ·~ 1a<r1Ml'fllo Sell 1..9kt City ... ·-~IL l'"rtr'C.IKO ...... ,,.._ ·-w ... _ ~· Mllll Lew l"l'tt. N .. .. .. •M n " .. " " " n • " .. n n " N " " n .. " 73 J) " .. lOl ., " .. .. ~ ~leaver May Return to U.S. .., .~ Black Pantlier Leader Says He Just Wants Trial _ .. 1.11 ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -After eight. months as a fugitive, Eldridge qeaver : ~~ Tr says he is ~ck for Califonu\. '8.Rd , "l'JD perlecUy willing to catch ~e first plane out of here and stand trial ii I can do it wilhoot going to jail f~' he said. 1!} just demand a fair hearirig. lssault with intent to kill and awult with a deadly weapon stemming from a 1.969 4hootout with Oakland police in whic~ he was wounded and fellow .P.anther Bobby Hutton killed. n • n " .. u n n " u n ff " .. ., .. " " ... " " .. " "' " '" ~ " " • M -1'1 " " n " u n " " " " " .. " M " .. ~ .os plans to return -in secret if necessary -to avoid going behind prison bars ; Without a trial. ·• The Black Panther lnrormatlon •12 minister Thursday in Algiers gave · telephone interviews to a numbei:. .of California newsmen and held a new conference. ~ 2.lt -" .. Cleaver arrtveci In Algiers Tue9d•,~ a guest-of tbe Algerian government for the- Pan-African Cultural ' Festival which starts Monday. "I COMider 01? Bay Area my home, and t have no lntenUon or staying away fram home," the 3.1-yeaN>I~ author of the best Hlling book1"SOul on Jee" told an in lervlewer. , • ) C~ver faces bial on charges of AMA Slaps 'Cheaters,' Hits Catching Plan NEw YORK (UPI) -'Ibe Ameri~an Medical AssociaUon ended Its convention here Tllurilif -wilh a slrong con- demnation of medicaid--"cheaters" wiUtln its own ranks. · At the same time AMA delegates overwhelmingly adopted a resolution op- posing "OperaUon Watchdog" a project planned by the lntema1 Revenue Service to check on possible fraudulent medlcald claims by doctors. Beca1J8!9 of that lnddent, his parole <fl' an earlier Las Apgel@ assault convlCUon was revoked and'be was ordered b~ to prison. He· failed to surrendel'. f~r i~ prisorunent last ·November ahd fled tJtl country. SubsequenUy Ills $50,000 ball "1 the pending assault charges was revokeA. C'feaver Sal<fhe., beljevt!S" be will be "~ onera.ted by my peen" in a trial. He ~ he hoped his lawyers could arrange (~ him to slat out of prison until such a~ is held. Then, be said, he'd come · 1 prompUy. II they can'~ he added "I wW just hale to sneak backi nto the~lbe u~· Way I got ouf." ~ - ' ' on ~al a 'Is of er ~l . m-_ ch . ce to on on ile ce ad ID- ,u .er ml rs, •e •n or ed he !r· Oe •l I. la- " Id a I .. m he ve Im •Ut >th en re , .. an Ce al ii' ,,_ 1e1 od •• of oe to tit • in " .. I --- ---~ ...... - ----- - - ---·---~ - -------- evenly-divided debate over the safeguard anUba!Jjstlc mWU4' (ABM). •· After 5 hours and. u mtputes behind Jocked doors Thursday lo dlscuss top secret in- fonnalion on the strategie- ~ arms race, not · a single senator said tie h&d changed bis mlnd. . The mat111ve· dOIX'S' l!a'ding 1r:ito-the. c;twnbet I· ~~ shut ·al llO()Q .~. ilnUI 5:45 p:m. nO one set foot "on \the floor or in the ga]Jerles a1?0ve except tqe mtmbers and a half-do~ clerks. sworn to secrecy, In the private cloi.ster, ~ aides discussed clu1~ , hr I Tomorrow, S•t. -$100,000 HOLLYWOOD JUVENILE CHAMPIONSHIP for Z·year,alds TUESOAY.JUL'f22 $20,0iJO BEL AIR STAlitS · ~ I --CLOSING DAY WEDNESDAY. JULY 23 $100,000 SUNSET 2:~~l~~urf " " w . ~1ence--on how ipany U.S. MlmJ!emab lhl>alles c q u I d survive and strlke b a c t' 888UJillng a m1a-1110 cam: terfo~. attack by tbe 1Soviet Unlon. ~ome \\'hu.1pool -, Mod•I LTA 5MO $)9996 ECONOMYWASHER with Improved Permanent Press Carel 3 cycles, 5 wuh-rlnse water temperature seleetfons, 2'1evel willer selector and Magic-Mix filter. BUY now an_d save. ' • ••• • • • ' • • I DELUXE WASHER with special wrinkle-free cara for Permanent Pressl.Features 4 automatic cycles, Super Surgllator Agitator, 3-level Wiier aeleclor, Bleach dispenser. Bettef.lhan-everwashlng- --lower·lhln-ever rirtcel· ...... LTAITOO NOW ON DISPLAY AT ' • DIRECT P4CTORY DEALER ' Fddq, Ju~ 18, 1169 DAit V PILDT S Price for St1rtaa::-• -Ljherals ~Sp@ll Oat ' - Tax Ref orm·~opes MATCHING DRYER Gnorel•etrfc, Autom1tfc Permanent P1&aa Cyeto, Automauc o,Y ayatsm1 Nod' .. LTA 7ICIO -whlrlpool SUPREME AUTOMATIC WASHER . with no-Iron care for Permanent Press! Deep Wiier rinse and 8 power spray rinses, bleach dispenser, fabric softener dispenser, Magic Clean self cleaning lint tnter. ll&Ve on the best! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ._ • • • • •• • 401 MAIN,_ DOWNTOWN HUNTINGTON BiACH--S36-;;7-S61~.-iROOKHURST"lr. WARNER,rOURtAIN .VAUEY-962-24S6 ----------------• - -~--... -' __ .. --.. ~-' -• -. c • • . • I i • - J • -----• _,. G I D..µL)' PILOT'·.EDITOBLll PAGE I • • • r Decide . . . 1 -. I Voters Shoul Proposed annexation or Sunset Beach to big neich- bor Huntington Beach will be aired al an Aug. 6 couricll meelin& to determine ii 50 percent of the property own- ers invoIVoa-oppOse-tbe-action. --_ Thls percentage of. opposl\ion-measured' by assess· ed valuation -could kill the proposal without elec- tion. And this duth could be adminiJtered by the Southern Pacific Railroad with the help of a scattering of other owners. Southern Pacific owns a mUe-long,_. 13-acre strip that the county intends to acquir& for . parking. Were Southern Pacific to register opposition, the electorate of Sunset Beach would likely Jose Its future opportunity to decide its destiny at Ute polls. ~ Those same voters doubtless already know whether they feel the availability of municipal services, better access lo the governing body and more say In local government are wwtb increased taxe~. More than one-fourt}\. .. of the affected voters have petitioned for the annexation and the electorate should be allowed to decide it. ' · · The propei thing for Southern Pacific to do in the circumstances is not to take a position of opposition. It might be well for city and county officials to underline this recommendation to tbe railroad. No Place for Pettiness Through a variety of pyrotechnics in the Hunting· ton Beach High School District· school boSrd room, some of tbe major problems facing the 52--square mile djstrict have become clouded .. The pros and cons of sex education, teacher sala· ries, dress standards with overton~s· of political pbiloso- phles have absorbed much of the board'• energies in .Mallbew Weyuker'• election u ~ .• of lie governing boaril may clwl&e lhe tenor of Ille hus!H, however. with Iii• tnlroducUon of a touill alid c!onser- -vaUve gavel-on 1h9-tnlltee-ttble · · He Is COflvhiced that' pubUc educalll>li Olfen•le!s • dragged doyn Into the mire of petty arguments· and ' · feels that tlie board sbOuld 1turn to aome of the;,mon' p~slng need.! of the district. , , • HI.I prime.stated concerns are \o keep tho.cunlcu• lwn as ll!ocl•m as.po1Slble, to COflcentnte"6n'balanclni the budget and to come to grips with eot1&tructlon' ancl improvement 'lleeds which will find exprOlslon In ·a . bond issue and-tu. ovei'rlde the district ls eipectlng to pass this fJ\11. 1, Yet even thO!l&h 'Overyone agrees lhal ,lhe ·board must face, up to these problems, '\l'eyuker's election to the ch•!nnansblp. may open the . way .ta further .a,nd Intensified dlssenilo....,n the board of t1111tees ·itself. -Weyijier,a -voca nservative, has hiJ lnteu.ctiiaJ and political opponent In Trµstee :Joseph Rlbal, Who bas In the past been a fonnldable challenger. · · . Both me~ have stroll.It personalities and bllve their atte~ant .retinue of fotniWers in audiences usually at- tenC;ling the board meetings. More than once, the. schism that bas divided -the public on ceriain issues has found its expression bn the board or' trustees with both Weyuker and Rlbal.\taktng bard, and usually ell· ametrically opposed lines.~ · · There is no reason to ieve that the bi·montbJy debate In the board room will calm down soon: Both • trustees are .up for·re-eleCti wtutin the next two yelrs and th.e battle ls beginning to shape. up now. .. . ~ ....... . the past few mo~ths. · ~-------.. _ . It 15, lo be hoped that bcith men avoid the ·pltfall·of personality clashes where possible and seek area1 of consensus., The district future is too crucial to allow disagreement for its own sake. It's too Important lo our youngsters. (SI I ' ,_. •MELVIN'S 'lWtf: ~f'T111JJ'K)",A;p'oo;O )fHO-;].-,a.A; ,. ·-- .. Dr1:1g~taking ·Is~ .. . A Ditf~~e ·~ Civil Aciion · Mabel StOOd --Disobeui·e-:llee--vs~ Disorae:r ~·11.rinil~w i1ie . . A Dead-end '· ' , . --. By NORJ\tAN NIXON, M. D. [ ..... ':""'" 'estabUJhment'."Obviously,aocietymust D · hb . d Nearly everyone b conlused about what .. ·. create the means by which dissident (lS . ·oar re--ts "civil clilobedi .... " and what E-veryd.nr IJl'OUJJl ,Can expras emollooal tebelllon r ,._. -J wit.hfn appropriate and well-defined flearly b ·"clvil dlsorder." P:robleml limltr. ~-"'"' A! Americans, we believe in dissent Most participants in a civil revolt are even though in times ol stress we tend to attracted by the thrill of the mob, the forget w-hat-wu-writteo in lndepeadence adulation of a gifted leader, and th! feel· '"' HaH tH yean ago. lodividuals end IN CONTRAST, lawbr'eakerl tn ctftt toe of beil]g eUective even though tbe dlsorden are In defiant l<Volt against ttsU!ts may be desjructlve. \, Moli.i~·• 1n ,.~ -'-~ ~-~·- Quilt """1 I ·receive lelltt• trom onx- I0111. parents wlto ltll me tbat,tbelr rup 11cbool or· college children read Olli ·col· WM wlllt some Hspect ~·altenUOn; ms ukme me II · I wOllld -ihout "the dnlC problem0 •m1r11J :JOday•ii view lhat'we muSl somehow learn to get miQorilies, we say, have inviolable righta society. .Nearly always they act ,...-aw. 1-1 .,._ ~ wi= antf-,Utiertieat No one cln be punished tor anonymously or 88 part of 1 mob to avoid THE AMERICAN tendency to admire Clean La~~~ dkf tbe worttn' wMt he tb\n.P ; nor can 9.nyone be ar· punishment. Their actions usually lead to violence in the hunter, the ·wurior, the ·~ _A;s ·• "~riltt'.' 'lhe toot, a Y Ollth. . __ , • By \NI they mean, would ladvile their beyond our ordinary selves .lf the human chlldren ~ stay away from clr:\Jgs, and race is ever going to realize ll5 full and resLed for ·wl\at he says or does unless it personal violence property destruction hepvywelgbt champion and . the twer· bOalneu ride 'ilh one ·of U)e JaUn.. ~ltarly ~ut.ea a public d8;88er. But it kidnapping and 'looting,· 'fbether they play• a major role beause of tX· cfPvm to the~ ~t to~ more would l tunher.ftCOl'nmt:nd aome reading creative ~ties. that will pera&ade the youtbll to lbun so But while ' drugs can -at great risk - d1PP1?11 and tell«feattnc";i !'-~ . give some a glimpse. of these wireallud 1s not ~to agree on what lS allowable MparUclpat.e in civil rights activlUes, a itu-· plqlta,?-ey the comDl~ODI ~ w¥!~· 1.. • • and wbat.·11 not.. . dent radical action or a violent protest just U tll!t media enhance the ..,ef. 1tie: truck bail OllJy ooe aeat. Mabtt --~ • qalnst J>O""rly, war, or 11nyUU,.,olae. _ Jectlveneu • of. d-ters .!PX: COV!!\!lst _ ·~~held the-~· On the woy. possibilities, Dr. de Ropp prOYU con- NO, I WILll 'tOT jlve_auch advl<'!l •• elusively tllat.na...maller.J>o .. ...ottpi.ibey beca~ ,lt ~~ be Uselei!. I will, In-.. are taken, drugs cannot changt ow level stead, reeonunend 1 book that botll the tf bellt. 11Thelr conUnuf.d Use."' he BEGINNING. WlTll an e I I e c I v e At the 1969 meeting of the 'Amer\CoD' vl<>lenl UJ>l>!IUD4' ~(t u ,....,.u lheX °!.,'r.l'tt lilt I It~ pole., He IWi boycott of California table 1Jl'8 and Psychiatric As3oelatlon there wtre many , · occur. > , -obvlotlsly MlllJMI;' ihd clurly to other peaceful means.. Cesar <llavei discussions of lbe ca~ ot vlok-nce and Clearly, v1olence In Cl!il di8orden .11 bJIDli for ¥a~'1 ~· ~ parents IDd.(&he youths.abould read, for wrjtes, "n!present.s a form ol. spiritual hopes ev~tually to achie:tt a full rpie ln unrest. To uoduNnd the ludtrll of the anU·law and cannOtr be .condooelt Bnt In' lcourt the laundry co m p •1l J , U.S. society for all Mexican-Ame!'lcans, black revolt and student insurrection much of oon-vloltnt civil d1s.obecile.nce, on bow~, aUd that Mabel btrsell ·hid as well as fabor union power for himself. groups Dr Gene Usdi n 1 NeW Orleans or off campus, should not be feared. For been p.rtly to blame, Jtand!ng lnsttad of two~. -:~so that ~ parents can bUrg1ary which carries i1a own penalty, betUr underStand what their children are an irrepar8ble depletion of t b e ~,,and so that~ children will sub8tances needtd for real inner wort Mahabni GaDcihi , a wizened old man in a psychlitnsl used the ~el of adolescent it iJ aimed at brln~I all men -colle&e stttlnt on tbe floor where she would lie loin cloth, overthrew British arms by rebtllion ' 11tudtnt, Negro, Mexfcan-41DeriCln .. the safer.\ . that what they are (quite and a total I061 of the lndJvidual's Cipacl· rightly) Jooldng·for cannol ultlmaltly be ty to develop." found In dtlip. . -fasting aod preaching non·v\olent dilObe-· poor -into full aocfety ""· H kept N court aided with Mlbel· It ruled · dience of a tax on salt and other laws he "TllE AD 0 LES CENT," he said, wUhin reuonablie lbnib, civil dlsobe-that the laundry's defense bnect on considered immoral. Likewise, Martin "Deeds the means to rebtl against dlence can be ~Ive 'ift cballenclng Mabel's\ 'jcontribulory ne1Ui:ence " did 'I'hll fiOot IJ·''Tbe Master Game,". by rr IS BASICALLY,. "the ·"')e\.et of l.uther King firsl achieved recognition in parent, or parent surrogates. 'The wiae us to deliver the goOds of equal o~ not apply. Jt had to pay her dam11t.. -~ the civil rights movement by leading a parent provides the opportunity to ex· portunity, equal rigbls, _and genuine · peaceful strike against the bus lines and press thls emotional nibellion;while set-respect before It . ii too late. Aitify .~A PERSON must look out.':for· Dr. Roberl S. ck Ropp (Ddta PaJl'.l"back. being," that these young people want to SI .95), ~ tbl author 11 a ,noted chaq.ge, and that is a good desire-lo go bloch~ .who a~ ·~~~· to be ~ ~beyond the paltry giunea of profit and ~live . 1 1ifiihifilil. Hls sympatlilu ·are glory and fitme that have so seduced,and businesSes In Montgomery, Alabama. Ung clearly deiined limits. Since many of rttallation through unjusW~ po~ ac· biJ own safety eftll if 80IMODt else ls Llke others involved in acts of civil those involved in civil disorders have no tion ls not the amwti. Tor tn the words nea)J,ent. U a clalmallt fails in thlt., be :toll "'! w,th lbe young peopl_e who are deformed our society. In this they are 1ooklnt for ])lthwaya to a , lilgher con-right, and their parenll wrong ·and blind: dbobedience, all thrff expected arrest so parents, the closest they can come to or John F. Kennec11: "Those who make m11 '1et no damaJts 1t all, for ln IUCh as ttt draw attention to laws and con-rebelling against a parent is to rebel peace(ul reyOluUon Impossible mike cues'be ~ ~ blame, at leaat in par.t,.fO( dltions they considered unjWll. against society or some form of \he violent rtvolutlon Inevitable." his <own lnjdl'ie1. ,, ••. :. .Further. sqch a 'claimant must tah . acl~~lban· tt;ieb" parenlt have found but lhe young people are WJ'Oni in mat- -·bol llia trslntril and eiperlence ha ye , In& the easf assumpUoil that lhe upward convtnctd"b,lm ~t drul-takinl ii a dead-path can be found by ·poppfug ~a pill in end and· ~a ipatbway. . your mouUt, without first attainiilg self- avalloble.preoautlonl·for hll own~· C . • • I R bl• M • He.allo·outl>IJo ieep ,dam~ii!i'. r1t1ca epu 1can arg1n ·SeJ:~~-=.\·~! · dant: .'Ibey. m llte Injured person'• own . • re,alization, self-kno.wledge, self-mutery. ·IT IS· NOT-·a .medical «" moralistic Parents, as much as their chDdren, boot, but a·n\Sa(lh)afcal one : •that is · tt-need to read ''The Master G81ne." lt recocnlus tht lriade(at!acy of everyday · goes to the very nerve-center of the con- e~lence,, ~ it '.1Ym1>1JJ:dzls with the Diet between generations. WASIIlNGTON -In the political sense, what President Nixon's trouble in Congress all comes down to is his in- ability to persuade or control about a half dozen Republican senators who wish for a sharper and faster break with the im- mediate past. These senators in their various ways ere moving with what they consider the trend oI the times. They include Edward Brooke of Massachuselts, Mark Hatfield of Oregon, William Saxbe or Ohio, Charles Goodell of New York , Jacob L. Javits of New York, Charles Mathias of itaryland. When the names of Clifford P. Case of New Jersey, John Shennan Cooper of Kentucky, and Charles H. Percy of lllinoil are added lhe group becomes '°mewhat bard lo bindle. Some of tflem w1U not follow the President's letld on lhe ABM Issue, others assault the mllllary·tndustria1 complex, otbiri are· not satisfitdOn. clVtr rights~ and others seek a brand new set ol priorities ~of the Vtelnan\ War. AT THE HEART OF the matter are four inter.connected issues: the Vietnam War, military procurement, civil rights, and that complex of circumstanCel called the urban problem. ----- Friday, July 16, 1969 · Th• edllonof page of th• DaUv PUot '''"' to inform and 1tim.-ulatt rtader• bt1 presntJno thit MWspoPfr'• opinio"na and com· ITWltMtl on tOpicl at tntere1t and"slgnffloa!JCI, bv f)!'OOl<llllg • forum tor u.. ,.,,,.mon of our r<ad<rl' oi>fnlom, and bv prcunlirao u.. divtr11 111eu> pointr of fn/o""'d obi.,,,.,.. ••d <!\Ok•-.. topla of "" dof. • Rob«rt N. \Yeed, Publilber • • ., n· h d ""'11 I . -.de ~ :1'1 son held by the United Stales Is be&IMinl to • disappear in 196t and the balaace may \ · cilp in favor of the Soviet Union in the early 1970s. --· . ·I 1f · President Nixon had the wholehearted support on all these issues of the aforementioned Republicans bis way would be far easier. On the canlrary, however, Nixon hes had to depend maln1y on Democratic leadership on the ABM issue ln the persons of Senators Stennis of Mississippi and Jackson of Washington with ~ help of Republican Senator Dirksen. He cannot count on much help on lhe Justice Department voting rights bill · exiensioo from the c r i t I c a I Republican margin. 1le must look ·to Democratic Seqalor Long of Louisiana to save the proposed extension ol the surtax. One recent d&y in the Senate Uluslraled the problem. Senator Jackson, Nb:oo'1 flnt choice for secretary of defense, 1ed the fight for deployment of the Safeguard anll·ballisUc milssUe. system whlle three Republican senators were joining in a manifesto for a '3 billion reducUon in the mlllW, budget In nine area• Including the ABM. The aenatora were Goodell, Malhlaa, and Hatneld working as members of what Is called the "Military Spending Committee o1 Members of c.onerus for Peace Through Law," a voluntary OrJlnlzatlon of 78 memben ol. Coocrees. THEll\ RECOMMENDATIONS were deaCrlbed 11 only the beginning of a sUs-- talned. effort to eumlnt milltrry ex· pendltura with "ireater tcnrtbQ' and un- derstanding," wlilcll ts an aphorism for a good sharp cultlnr back of the military now so popular In IOITle quarter•. A Rtpubliq.n lady's voice has betn ra¥ In protut. She 11 Sen. Mllrgmt Chue Smith of Maine, a veteran on the Senate Armed Senlca Cclmnllttee, ill ranking Republican member and no warmonger. Mrs. Smith uld hJgh defen1e Cost8 •re · Id r1"Pu1n1nl to her es to many Arnericanl but there ls no getUrw around the fact thal the strat~gic advantqe.lonf· I " TIME JS SIJPPING away from U1 on the malnlenance of military llHnllh because of the long lead time, the n• pensive -yes, wasteful -n· perlmentation. "At 11 time when it bas become fashionable to queatlon, challenge and defy defense spending," Mn. Smith said, "I urge a word of caution to those who would emasculate our n1Uon's defense po s t u r e. For the foraetablt future a strona: military posture remains absolutely eaentlal to our national survival. I cannol In good eomclenct sup- port a reduction of our offenslft ea,abili· ty and a rtli.nqubhment ot our. technical super'9r1ty. Heaping l!COn1 :on the P<n- t&.gon and maldng our upifonned person- nel the scapegoats ·for our national and- intematlonal ills represents uMi cynkism ol thole very elements thlt threaten our property, our lnsUtutions, and our µvea." THERE IS AN lmportonl distinction to be made between mlateuance, blun- dering, tne!lldeocy ond jull plain bad guesses In the l\lllhl&lklled military s)'lle:ma necessary to malnlal.D offeaalve capability and lecbnlcal superiority. Dear Gloomy Gus: I ctr1olnly hope the Ediaon Co. c~ Ond a, aubatitute location for their aubatalloo '° It won't spoil plan1 lot whet otherWlse could be a truly beautl!ul Hunllncton Cen- tral Part. fault. .. . \ ·J1Ut·to rtltJr1I to Mabel: Htr 11aq!ilnl ln"tl>e truck waj DOI U111<UOO&ble Under the clttmm~I alnct notlµn.J else was available, and !nobody could blam< her Brent's Crime Career for -· °"" ho~ln& the Qshboanl. Note: Cclifomia latoyers oJJer th.it colunm fO vOu '"41/ know about our lau!•· • Minuteman WASHINGTON -The ideolUication of William Lee Bient., former Black Pan- ther captain, as. the reputed-hijacker ol • TranJ Wodcl Airlines plane to Cuba last month, reveals he bu a long record of vtolence and crime. Al the time of the bljaclttng, oo JUll< 17, while the plane was en route from Oakland, Callf.,iO New ·Yort City,-Brent was due to be 1tl'ftd in · a few days for armed robbery and asuult with a deadly weapon -.in· fiblch two Sin Franclsro policemen were wounded. To the Editor . n., dlsclosuro of Bmit's criminal So the FBI caUSht ~-lead« bocl<Jround and jmnplng ol $!0;000 bail is De Pqh! So wby haven' they ,caq!lt odmlttedly emborrassln& Black Panther Panther leader.Cleowr.?.A question. -Farll.ofllclal1 l!iho.have beeo llrenuoQliy .• Allhougb the Minutemen ancl l'oMhert tryin& to creite'~ more aavory public tlll' a re cl.auifiM u . subvenives bf the. qe or tht1r OrlaaiJation and..manben. · brajn.,.uhiq machln .. (TV), / jUll clon, '· · HCl1I 1111· . tlewa ltfm abool the ONE VIGOllOUSLY publldzed pn>lecl Mlnultmen roamln& the streets. tlirowllJf f« Qllt flC!lllOIO b . theh> IC>j)alied Molotov cocki.lls, shoollng lhe,ipollcl•• ''Breakfut ·for Childrto J>rQgram.'1 even caWng tbtm "pip." Now thlt'a a Through more or leu forced cm- &Wllcb -die "IUbvmiVts." tributlool of food and. luodJ from But I do ..call a ..,.. Item aliout the ne!l)iborbood merchants and others. the Mlnu!tmen ~two whlJa aft!a who Panlhen. han'""° pvln& breaklaot& to were U..altned by blaclc rloltn~ at>etto.Y«lthl-almultaneouJ!y with lar., the W•Us ~al 1111$. How ·.i.e 'tllil iloats ii racist antt-whllt propapnda. IJl'•b 1"'1 · I • , ·I . Bftnt" criminal record \iegao not Jona DE PUGH Ii IN jail. bul wi1o!e I& altar be.dh>!>P<ld out ol hllh !lchool In the -~ , llnt yeor. , • Panther Clea-1 The Mlnu~ Dom In 1911 In Frlnklln; U .. lte nporltdly tl'.llnldno( In perrilla ' Cllt&led In tlte Army In !Ml and WU but they are U&ln& It, while ~ 10 months later !or "latk of warfart ls ~Cll .. alaiout. 111 -lldaptabllit)'." The fotlowini yelf_be WU llro every clq .!Aa·Anpia -11!1 • -'tto;I to the eanloinla Yodlh run ssbolqe -while tbe Autllorlly alter belni c11arp1 "1th 1:1)b- c!U-either or HCO!I with fur 'll buy. severs! yeara later be wu ..,,. the IOinP .!IL "'"' tanced to"""' 0ve 1em.to wetn a De Pugh Is tn.,..t So what! N ~-c.llfinla s!IW ~.., 1 ~vlctlon !or rllJa war -without him. but en •· Dnt del"" rcibbery. dilfen11L &Ide. • I I MILT BASHAM IN EARLY ua, he "" paroled fri>m • san Quentin. .. ~ to be amosted • few .. ,..., .._ ...-rM· ~ .,........ yun liter Jot arintd robbery WbUt out ;t'~ ~ • ~ ~.::!4 ~ '(di blU tn tltl1 d\arp, be wu inv91ved to·. =' :_::n:;,.., ':".,,::; ~ '=: a p Dahl tn wbkb two San Francbco • '"""" w _,.,.. ,.... 11 ..,.... · poocemen were wqu.nded. Rdtutd bl December !!Ill on $50,000 bond, hll trial was scheduled, for Juqti l3, 1969 in San Francisco. · On ~une 17 he allegedly hijacked a TWA plane and fon::ed the pUot at gun point lo fly to Havana. A federal wUTant for his arrest IA outstonding'. Brent Is a friend ol Leroy Eldridge Cleaver, lhe Black Panther Party na· Uonal official wllo also_)umped l50 ooo 0000 ana nea Uie country fo-avoid ar:esl on a federal warrant. ·Cleaver has been reported livi.1'1 um in Cuba,. now in France. As a Black Panther taptairr1 Brent was active in recruiUng tor tbe organiiation. In January of this year, he waa de. nounced by the Panthera u a "rene1ade" and expelled from the party. But three months later, the Pan then' publication \~printed a statement <1Qlng he genuinely believed tn the "people's revolu'tk>n" and hB<I been Wl'Olllfully branded a •1rentpde." By Robert S. Atleft •ad Johll A. Geldsmldl ; 1111Geo.,,e --- Dear Georft ' I !\Ive · loCnd that '!'hen I om 11tlnding on a wet kitchen floor my relrlgerator Ii.,. me \.nllld ahock when I toucll the mow handle.· , MRS. O.r.• I OW Mrs. O.Y.: , Don' touch th< motol handle of • your relrlgorator while sWldlnf .., , a wet tttehen Door. (l wbh I had 1 drink.) ,-' ~ n d d ~ •Y ol ,. >I r. e •k J. :o Id d • I; " " in f. r. " It 1· • ~ ti 10 a 1n ,, re •· ~ <i '" " ~ •• •· " "' '" ly d • 'ft h -. •' - -- -~ :i ----. - \• ' .. For the ~ ' ARBUCKLE & Wfl.SH WemJUIM-ry U1 E. 17~ St, COila Mes• -• BALTZ MORTUARIES eorou c1e1. M• , on wUI Colla Mal · Ml MIU • BELL B)!.OAl>WAY MORTUAllY 110 Broadway, Cost. Me11 LI 1-3133 • DILllAY BR~ llathtl* Val!IJ M-, 11111 -111\-d. llwdle&fM Be ... uz.mt· • McCORMICK LAGUNA NACH MOllTUAl\Y 1111 to-caa:ree 11o1d Lqwa ll<adl 414-Kli • PACIFIC VIEW MICMOIUAL PARK Ctm~lortury 3$11 Paiclflc View Drive Newport. Bua, CalUonl• llH1ll • P~FAMILY CO~JIAL 'Zttl UM Ave. w .. --• SHUFl!:R_MOllTIJAl\Y Lolria -••UJ SU Oemente <11-0l .. • SMITHS' MORTUAl<Y G'I Molo-8'. Hu111111ioo ~ _ .. " • " THINK I JEDKt tn~ w0.1e1irl l'loi.·•-oiott · 6 4 1-1444 ,---------c---...,---,.-..,.-------:-~~ ---·--· , " -----· '1elil'ltn12 ,..., ..... • • ...... AWIQt . .....,,.,_,_ .. , .. ........ Clllll!I. -~ ... . . - 11.n..,;.1,. ..... -. Mmr """" ... -., .. .. , ~fl ....... c.oit.. ., ,...... ' ' t ,. .. DAll.Y Pll.OT T lect ions , -• SEPr£MJlllRI C.dtraliti ·-ride• P,wED, -' _wi.a:>, and .wheiln City, • bor.4-eloctlooi P.\8SED; Fotla. rEIRUAllY: New• o t • bond election, FAILED. ·tatn Valley, bond . dtcUon M,.a;J!llad~ PASSED· APRIL: . C.pl•trano flll •• eb. lhe ote. PASSE,!>: San Joaquin, bo;;;J Fufleit<in, bond election , override, FAILED, and-· eleollon, PASSED: Placentil , FAILEl>i .HIQllln&lo!I Be~h Laguna Beach.-•ta• ov1rride, tax override, PASSED. 1 City, &&% ovenidit. PASSED. FAILED . Pla~nlla, boDd e)ecUoa. Huntlnctorf Bucb,Clty, bond MAY : Ocean View, ta1. FAILED; Oranae Co a ::\ t etecllon, PASSJl!O, · override, PASSED; Yorba College, tax cbanee_ o t Yorba LlnCll,' tu" oven1.de, Linlla, tu override, FAILED;· purpos£. PASSED. and.Orange FAJLEI>: Yorba Lln<la, bond Yorba Lillcla; bond eleclloo, Coa•t College, bood -electloo, election, FAILED: Bmo-Olln· FAILED, and San Joaquin, }!'AILED. • . da; tax avtrrille, PASSED, lax ovel'ride, PASSED. . NOVEMBIJ:JI; Tustin Hllib, • Ali! p~ -·olectloo, JUNE: Tullio, Ill ov"11<1e, tax override; FAJJ:.ED; ffim. PASSED. - ' FAILEDt 'Garden Growe', Us tlnglon Beach High, boiid elec· · MARCH: 'l)llUn llJib, la• override, ,FAJLE[); Girdill tion, FAILED; Brea-Olinda, override, PASSEDi• Anlhelm Grove, bond election, tax override, FAILED, and Citf,.,,0 ovvride, 'ASSED; FAILED, ·ind .Maenolia. iU S.nta Ana Unffled, 18' ovet· Anahdm 'City, fltJd act bond, ovel'ride, FAILED. • ' . • , ........ -...... _ ..... c.ttr,,.... .... • 17* Mllfl9" It. It Te_,_VW... C•litf'• l'-Nlirl Vellt., • tM411 ........... ~.t ....... 1.-cll si.,,I .. C..ltr, Hllltllltttfl ._.. . . ' ' .t; \ s1• ea. Yalliel 9 Fashion Jewelry ~ e -,. ... 4~'1 ~ Cheloo .. •• R .. &~ ..,_. ---$1.00-lo--..-. ' 1 . ' ta1••rl9' l~­ Cosinetlc1 • I ~, • I'.• Rog.~< .. Silli-. ~ . ' ·. ~ flourSICk · 41xM" l>lsll Towels 2::7 .. ~ ,~.,.~~ ... •llMrM:nf. ·~ CanH Montlcello Coltoa Muslin Sheets s111 ' 'I .i ' 1 ( I' i l ' I ·- • -. 'I I ..... - 0 lo~v pJioT··.mno~ PAGEi c ' • ' • Voters ·shoul Proposed annexation of Sunset Beac)I to big nelch· bor Huntlngton Beach will be aired al an Aug. 6 council meeting to detel'!"ine ii 50 percent of tile property own· ers involved oppose the action. This percentage of opposll;ion-meamred hy assess· ed valuation -could kill the proposal without elec- tion. And this death eould be admllllstered by the Southern Pacific l\@ilroad with the help of a scattering of other owners. Southern Pacific own.s a mll&-long._ lll-ac.re strip that the county intends. to acquire for parking. Were Southern Pleine to register op,poslllon, the el~torate of Sunset Beach would likely lose its future opportunity to decide its destiny at the polls. . Those same voters doubUess already know Whether they feel the availability of municipal services, better access to the governing body and more say in Jocal government are worth increased We~ , More than on~fourtlt. of the aff.eCted voter! have petitioned for the annexation and the efectorate should be allowed to decide it. Th .. proper thing for Southern Pacific to Jlo in the circumstances is: not to lake a position of opposition. It mig_ht be well for city and county officials to underline this recommendation to the railroad. No Place 'for Pettiness Through a variety of pyrot~nics in the Hunting· ton Beach High School District school bo8rd room, some of the major problems facing the 52--square mile district have become clouded. : ,_ ' 141\ttllew Weyul<er'a eleCtlo~ u cbalnNn of Ille governing bo~ may change the tenor ol tho ha1sle1, ·however, with ljle Introduction Of a touj)I aiid ConM""' vatlve gavel dn jhe trustee· t•ble. , · • -" ~ He iJ convinced that public education 'of!On~feta dragged doyn Into the mire of petty argumenta· -Ind ' · I.eels that Iii• board $hould 1turn lo aouie Of the.more pre!slng needa of the illstrlct. , • . : · HiJ .prime stafed concerns are to k"."I! the currtcu• !um as modem as possible; to concentrate.on'batlnclng the budg!t and to come to £lip• with construction aqa improyement need• which Will find e:rpt01slon in a . bond JSsue and tax override the dlslrlet ii upecUng to pass lhiJ la)!. " Yet even though •everyone agrees that ,the board must lace up to theae problems, Weyuker'1 election to the chairmanship may open the way to further a.ad ·Intensified· illlsenslon....n the board of trwtees ;ti.11 Wayutor, a vocal ~nservatlve, .hair hii"lntelfectu.i ·, and poliUcal apponent. In Trµstee Joseph Rtbal, Who has In the past been a lormldabfe challenger. · • Both men have strowi p0rsonalltle1 and have thdr •tte~dant 1etinue of follliWers in audiences usually at· tending the board meeUngs. · More tl>an once, the. schism that has dlvld~ the public on certain issues has found its expression tin the board ofirustees with both Weyuker and Ribal \taking hard, and usually ell· ametrlcally apposed Une.. \l . There is no reason to. \believe that· tbe bi .. montb1y debate In the board rocim i!"lli c.alm down soon. Both trustees are up for· rwleeti9h witilln the next two years and the batue is beginning to shape up now -• . , .. • ' .. • • ' The pros and cons of sex education, teacher sala- rie_s, dres1 1tandards with overton~s of political philoso- phies have absorbed .much of the board'a energies in the past few months. It is.to be hoped that bcith men avoid the pitfa!J ·of personality cl~~he~ where possible and seek area• of consensus. The district future is too crucial to allow disagreement for Its own sake. It's too important to our youngsten. ($) MJ-•M.>t ..... • MELVIP:tS ·IWrf; ~f-TJ11ms A~ IS THE A.~:' -- A-Differ.~e In Civil Action \ By NOR~fAN NIXON, M. D. r·· v .,, ..--·i.i:l., . 'establlshment'.'' Obviowi1y, society must Nearly everyone is conhtSed·about what ~ •. ~'~F .I create the means by which dWident represents "civil d1 .. bedlence" and what ~ "' .,Everyoay ~ie.c;,..;,:: "::1°":eil!i~ clearly is 11clvU disorder." -IX.:it!·'l:."f ..-..a limits. • !.1'."'<' ~ ..µ..IM.II e.,.,. M. Americans, we believe in dissent li Most particfpants in a dvil ttvolt are even though in times of stress we lend to attracted by the thrill of the mob, the adulation of a gifted leader, and the feeJ. ..!orgeLwbat-was wtit~n io lndepeml~ NTRAST, lawbreakers in dvD log · of being eUecti.vt even though U* 1 ;l~~!::?::i~t,~~ HaH 194 yean ago. lndiv1dualJ and dlsorden are in defiant revolt acatnst ruults may be destluctive. r ,• • miqorities, we sqy, have inviolable, rights society. .Nearly always they act \~ Mabil1tarbd·m •fold plant where the and ,lJbertiel! No one ctn be punished far anonymously or 11 part of a mob to avoid THE ~RICAN tendency to admire ~Clean ~ ~ dkl. ~ worftn• ---WbaU.e. thinks;...oor-can..Jll'ly™-1lL.~ p.ul.isbment Their acUons.usuallY. ~ violence ln the bunter, the wanior;tbe ~ L P',,....,... abt toot a rested for what be says or does unless It per&oDal violence, properly desitucUon, hea•:rwelght-.champioo . and . the -tiller 00•frweia--Jide_WJtb....one·of the Wm- cluriy constitutes a public danger. But it kidnapping and looting,· whether u.ey PJarl . a ma)Or role becaUH ol tJ• driven to the ~ plant to gtt more is not Wy,to agrtt on what i$ allowable participate in ci vil rights acttv!Ues; a ahl· plq1ta~ l1Y the comm~ ~. Ulf!'~· and wba.l is mt~ dent radical action or a violent proltlt 1:1 as tbe media enbarice 1.be ,ef· Jtie truct hid only one. aeaL Mabel _ _ • ~ qainst povert.y, war ... or anythln&-~. venesa .of. diutntm by cover.tog, ~-~ beldtheduh!pnL On the way, BE;GlNNING . WITH an e f (e-c JI v-e Al the 1969 meeting of ·fihe ~CU-\'ktlentba~ almi>st-a...on '8'ibey ~-~tp:i;wr hit-a ~-polt.-He 1'id boycott of California table grape! and Psychiatric Assocl.aUoo, there""° msny • occur. ' , tioel)·obv~Jy llfltia,.t; and clWI)' to other peaceful means, Cesar Olavei discus&ons of the caU89 of violence and CJearly, ~le~. i_ri, .dvll dbordm _ii tilariM fof Mabe1"1 lnjufieti". hopc;t ev~tually to achieye a full ~le ln , unrest. To understand the leaden of the anti-law and cannoc be condonec!. But In '..Jcoun tilt laundry c o_m pa~ 1, U.S. soc1etr, for all Mexu:an-Amencans, black revolt and student insurrection much of non-violent dvil disobedience, on howey,r, Wd j.hat Mabel herself -hid as •ell as abor union power for himself. groups Dr. Gene Usdin a New Orleans or off campus, should not be feared. For betn p.rtly to blame standlni instead of M.ahitmi Gandhi , a wliene.<t Old man in a psychi~trist, used the m~el of adolescent it is aimed at~ all men -eoUece alttlnf.on the floor .;,here she would be loin cloth, overthrew BnUsb arms, by rebellion student, N'egro, Mn.lean-~ the 1afer.1 \ fasting and preaching non-violent ·disobe-' poor -Into full eoclety .aow. If .. kept TM court aided with Mabel· it .niJed dience of a tu on salt and other laws he "THE AD 0 LES CENT," he said, wiUtln reasonable ttmita, dvU dlsol>f--that ·the laundry's defense ' boed on considered immoral. Likewise, Martin "oeeds the means to rebel against dlence can be constn«:Uve in cballenalnl MabttJ\ "contributory negliience " did Luther King first achieved recognition. in parent, or parent surrogates. The wise us to deliver the goods of etiual op-not applr. Jt had to pay her damag~ .- the civil rights movement by leading a parenf provides the opportunity to eJ· portunity,-equal rigbtl, and pnuine. _iftll . • · peaceful strike against the buS lines and press·th.la emotional ttbellion, whi)e set· reaped before It is too ~late-. AJtgy __......,.:..A PERSON must loot out )or businesses in Montgomery, Alabama. Ung clearly defined linUll. Since many of retaliation through unjustified police ac-hil own safely evtn U IMJlntOM else is Like others Involved in acts of civil those involved in civil dJsordera have no tion ls not the answer. 'For 1n lbe wordr ne&iicent. lf • claimant fails in that, he dlaobtdJence, all three e:s:pected arrest so· parents, the closest they can come to or John F. Kennedy: '"ltlose who make mu''-et no dsmagea -at all, for in such as 19 draw attention to laws and con-rebelltng against a parent iJ: to rebel peaceful re:volution lmJ)085ible ·mite ~:he b: lo blame, Jt lea.st in par:t, f(){ ditioos they considered unjust against society or some form of the violent n!voluUon inevitable." h!l""OWb ~Juries. · , ' Fmther, ~ a ·daimant must tan Critical Republican Margin WASffiNGTON -Jn the political aenst, what Presidenl Nixon 's trouble in Congress all comes down to is his in- ability to persuade or control about a half dozen Republican senators who wish for a sharper and faster break with the im- medJate past. These senators in their various ways are moving with what they consider tbe trend of the times. They include F.dward Brooke of Massachusetts, Mark Hatfield of Oregon. William Saxbe of Ohio, Charles Goodell of New York. Jacob L. Javils of New York, Charles Mathias of 1.1.aryland. When the names o( Clifford P. case of New Jersey, John Sherman Cooper of Ktntucky. and Charles H. Perty of lllinoil are added the group becomes somewhat hard to band.le. Some of triem will nol follow the President's lead on the ABM lssue, others assault the mllltary·lndustrial complex, others-are not-satisfied on civil rights. and others seek a brand new set of priorities ahead of the Vietnam War. AT THE HEART OF the matter are four lnter-connecled issues: lhe Vietnam War, military procurement, civil rights, and that complex of cJ.n:umstaocea called the urban problem. ----- Friday, July 18, 1969 Th• edl"'""1 peg• of th• D<rilv PUos 1e1kl io Inform and 1tim- u1atc rtada• b11 pnaenUno thil nf1DIPGJ>f1"1 opfnfon.a and com-mct1""11 01' topicl Of ml<f<lt ·~ Pgitlfloc-, br provldmg • ronms Jo<· th< e"""'""'" of o., noa.rl' opinlotll. ll!ld br .prcu•tlllil th< -.. ..... • point. of lllfo,.,..d obs.,,,.,, ••d rP,Olcum<• ... topicl of th< rJar. • Rollett N." Wee!, Publisher ·.Richard If President Nixon had t h e wholehearted support on all these issues of the aforementioned RepubliCans bis way would be far easier. On the contrary, however, Nixon has had to deJ5end malnJJ on Democratic leadership on the ABM issue in the persons of Senators Stennla of Mississippi and Jackson of Wuhh1gton with ~ help of Republican Senltor Dirkml. He cannot count on mucb help on the Justice Department voting right. bill-extension from the c r I t I c a t Republican margin. He must loot ·to Democratic Senator Long of Louisiana to save the proposed ertensioo ol the surtu. One recent-day in the'Senate lllustnted- tbe problem: Senator Jack'8on, -Nlxont1 first ehoict for secretary of defense, Jed the fight for deployment of the Safeguard anti-balll!tlc milaslle system whlle three Republican senaton were joining in a manifesto for a 4S billion reducUon In the military budget In nine areas incladlng the ABM. The senators wcrt Goodell, 1'1athiu, and Hatfield workina: 11 members of what is called the "Military Spending Committee ·of Jl.fembers of Con&re&s for Peace 'nlrougb Law," a yoluntary organization of 71 members of Calio- THEIR RECOMMENllNl'IONS were described u only the beginning of • .u.. tained effort to ewnlne military ex· penditures with "~ter acrutiny and un- derstanding," which ii an aphorism for a good oharp cuUing back of the milltary DOW 90 popular ln IODle quart.er1. A Republ.ian lldy'1 voice has been rai.\e(I fn PrOttst. She la Sen. Mqartl Chist Smith of Maine. a veteran on the Senate Armed s.tvlcel Comll\lllee, It. ranking Rej>ubtlctn member and no warmonger. Mr1. Smii.h sald high defenH COltl are as repuaaanl to her u to many Amelican1 but there la no getting around the fact Uiat the ttral~.e:lc advanLa&e bl& • II held by the United Stal•• 11 begbmlns to disappear in 1969 and the balance may dJp in favor of the Soviet Union in ·the early 1970s. TIME IS SUPPING away from us on the maintenance of military llrenllb because of the long lead Ume, the e1· pensive -yes, waste:IUl -et• perimentation. "Al a time when tt has become lashionable to question, challense and defy def..,. spending," Mr~ Smltb aa1d, "l urge a word of cauUoa to those who would emasculate our nation's defense po s t u r e. For the for1Hable future a strong military posture ttmaint absolutely essential to our national · survival. 1 cannot in good t'OO!lcience sup- port a reduction of our offensive ·eapablll· ty and a relinquishment of our technk:al superipri\y. Heapq scorn OD lhe-Pei>- tagon and making our unifcnned person. neUhe ""'"°""'" I!>!' our ~Lane! international ills represents the cynicism of those very elements lhat threaten our property, our institution&, and our lives." 111ERE JS AN important distinction to be made between mlafeasance, blun- derlns, Inefficiency and jusl plato bod guesses, In the sophlotlcated ml1ilary s)'llemt necesury to maintain offeoaiYfl c.opablUty and tecbnlcal ouperlority. Dear Gloomy Gus: I cerlalDly hope the E<tioon Co. can flod • substitute location lot theV IUbslaUoa IO It woo't ·~I piiill for wbat otherwlae C<lllld bi a tl'1lly beautiful Huntln(lon cen- Jral Part. -It. c. R. ' avlll~.~-for bis own Af<\y. He Ibo ouPt ,ti> ieep d1ma~ doWn;bf Plllnt .llllJkal ..... Jiny 1ili:m..d 1"" juries that ,...it from bis flllure to Qo Ii> ue;not~l!k to the·lltl!llent clel.,.. dsnt 'Ibey an lhe lnjur<d penon'• on fault. .. . 'J!bt•lo ,.Jurll Mabel: Her stao!llng ln"the tnM:k '!¥ not unreaaooable Undu tbe ~I since ~g else was available, and •nobody could blame her for standln& lllll llOldlnc t1ie dashboard. Note: CaUfomia lawyer1 off~r thi• coltft'ml IO yOu m&11 know about our lator. ' Minuteman Drl!g:taki:ng· Is --_.,.. ;:..;>-~----·-- A Dead-end Quite often I ·receive letttn from anx· lous pannto who tell me that.Jbelr hiib EcboOI or·colltge children read this col- wnn will! ,.... ,..ped aod,"atlelltlon, and' uklng me U I WOllld -"about "1..--.:.:i-.ai:~.,;;i...,..;.f;.! "the drul problem"· amona-Joda:Ts , ..._ Youth. ' · view that'we must aomehow learn to get By Ut1a: they 'mean, would I advile their beyond our ordinary selves .if the buman children to stay away from driigs. Jlnd race is ever going to realile ita full aod would l furtherftcommend some reading creative poteot.ialities. that will penu.de the youths to "1!11,111 so -But while· drugs can -at ieat riat _ darJCel'oUa and aelf-defeatJnc ~ ':'lb:fl give some a gllmpae of these unrealized possibilities, Dr. de .Ropp prcwea con- NQ, I W1W 1'flrl' jive such advk:lo, Clusivel)' that no matler how of~·they because Jt WOllld be utel<es. I 1rilJ, hi:"., are taken, drugs cannill ~ ov lent stead, reco~d a boot that boU. the of behl.J. "Their continued we." be parenll aPd U{e: youths .~ read, for wriles, "representa a form of spiritual ,two reuons --ao that ~ pennta can burglary which carries ita own penalty better understand .what thett clilldren are an irreparible depletion of. th; =.,and so that the children will . subist.ances needed for real Jnner work that what they are (quite and a tofal loss of the indlvidual'a cipaci-rlghlly) looking for cannot ulUmately be ty to develop " found In diup. . . . Thll book ts ~''The Master Game ,". by IT IS BASICAU.Y, "ihe·~re:.e1 of Dr. llDbert s. de Row (Delta Paperback. being," Jhat lheae young people want 1o Sl.M); and Its author is a~ noted char}ge, and that ia a good desire_ to go blochemllt who also happen1 lo · be a beyon<I Jhe pa!Jry pmes of profit and senaitivt :bfnban.l.!l His .sYmP&thlu-·are -glor.y and fame that have so seduced-and .totally ·with tbe young people who are deformed d1r society. In tb1& they are 1 lookinf for palhlfays to a tilgher cco-<igh~ and their parento wrong ·and blind. llclou.meu JhaD· their parenti, have found but the young people are wrong In mak'. --bat bis lralnlns and experleqce have Ing Jhe eas'f assum]llloll that lhe upwanl coovlncetfblm that drug-taking ii a dead-palh can be lound by poppillg-a ptD in end and pot 1 pi.Urway. your mouth, wit.bout first attalning sell· ualization, self-knowledge, sell-mastery. Pattnts, as much as their children, need to read "1be Master Game." It goes to the very nerve-center or the con- Oict between generations. Brent's Crime Career WASHINGTON -The ldentlfl<allon of William Lff Bient, former Black Pan- ther captain, u the repul<d hijacker of a Trana World Airlbs plane lo cuba last lll"1Jh, reveals he hu • Ions recoril of violence and crbne. At Jhe time of Jhe hijacking, oo June J7, while the p1ane was -ea route from Oakland, Calif . .-iO New York City,-Brent wu doe to be ·tried in a few days for armed robbery amt ausult wtlb a dudly weapon -,in Which two San Francisco policemen were. wounded. ~ dlscloaure of Brent's criminal backpoonci and jmnplns of ll0,111111 bail is admittedly embarrasslog Blact. Panther P~ offlcl.all Who have beeG otrenuoualy ti1!rit!Ocrute 1.mori! iivory publ!Clfu. .,. ol thetr orieoltatlon and membtis. • •. . ' ONE VIGOROIJBLY publlclze4 project fw tllat P\ll'POI< ii their oc-<:alled uBreakfut · for Children Proglam." 'nu'ough more or tesa forced COO· lributlool of food and funds """' neighborhood merchlnto and olhen, the Psnlhen havt ~ &Ivins bf<akf•sts lo ghetto YGutbl 'lllmulta-1y wilh larje iloser rJ: racist anU-whlie pnipatanda. Br<nl'• criminal record becln not Ions after be.dropped out of high"sdlool In the lleC<Jnber ,,. on ISll,111111 bond, bis trial was scheduled for JWM? .11 196'9 tn san Francisco. ' • • On J1111< 17 he lllegedly hijacked a TV!A plane and forced the pilot at gun pomt to fly to Havana. A federal warrant lot bis arrest ii outstanding: Brent b a friend of Leroy Eldridge Cleaver, the Black Panther Party na· tional official who also jumped $50,ln> bond and·fled the-country to avold arrest on 1 federal warrant ·Cleaver bu been reported living first in CUba, . now in France. • As a Black Panther captain~ Brent was active in recruiting for the organization. In January of thJs year, he was ~ noonced by the Panthers as 1 "renegade" anrl expelled from the party. But three mlrihs later, the Panthers' publicalloo '-·printed 1 statement <11aylng he 1enulnely believed in the "people'• revolution" and had been wron&fully traoded • "renegade." nrst year. · Bonr In I~ In l'l'W1in, La,. he llllilted" 1n lhe Army In IMT Ind wu dllclia,...i II moolhs later lot ~ of odaptabilltJ." 'l11e following Y*' Ila WU committed to the Calilomla Yodlh Aulhorlt7 after belns c:harJl'ICI )l\lb rob- bery. Several yean later, ht n.~ ten- tettced to from five ytan to Ufe · b'I a Callfornl.a·state. prlaoo CID a 1l91i"IC!lfn.lor__ Dear Georee: By Rnbert S. Atltrt 1Dd John A. Geldaml&l I have ftJand that when I ath sUndlng on a wet klJchen floor ml' "'frl(erator cl.., me a mild llhock when l loucll the mtliflialidli> ~ ~ ftrst ~ robb<ey. ' IN EAllLY 1111. be "" parofed ff9m Sio Qutnlln, onlY to !>< arTested a. few years later i.r arrn<d robbery. While out ball on tlll• charge, he"" ln~tved Jn • gun BPI In wblch two San Francl8co poticemeD wut wounded. Relwed In \ MRS. (>.!'.I I Dear Mn. O.Y.: 1 Doo't toodl the metal handle of , your ref11Jer1klr' wblle NNfin( 411 ' • wet kitchen floor. • (I wish I had • drhlk.) ·' ' I ' a , I ~ f ·' ;, ' \ -·-.. For th~ 1'1drltlfre Ueeue•t ~ -· ARBUCKLE • WELSH Westcun M-ry Ui E. J7tll St., Costa Mesa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES C...-dd· Mor 1 OR UPI COiia -&U""'414 • BELL BJIOAllWAY MORTUAllY 119 Broadway, Coeta ~lesa uwa: • DILDAY BROJ'ID<ltS llatinflllo VllltJ ~. 11111--· lllultiqta -___ sa.m1 • McCORMIClt LAGUNA RACH MORTUAllY 1111 La-c.,.. -La .... Beacll 41f.Ml5 • PACIFIC VIEW MIMOIUAL PARK Cem~-ry 3SM P.ctfle View Drive Newport Beacl, Calfforola -• PEEK FAMILY . PIJNEIUL COLONULOOME 'nil Bo111 AYt. w--• 811JFf1!ll\ MotmlAllY --Lliioa---...Ci -till" 11u Clem'!!ll llWlM • SMITHS' MORTUAkY 117 Milo 81. "4C.- ' . I . ,,., ~ II. IM DAil V PllOT T Reoord ~ :f?o~st ·Beats · School ~le ~tions \ :·~ MNI>;~~ ' yme",. In -C:.Ost_ 6o • ~ot 'jr-SEl'1Ellll&ll• ~.11 •• 'No' Odds ~,&. ANA .-;!..u:° f. school di4_1ri<is dlfle<! !he Yari>a L1ni1o held I eloc> bond .-.0: PABS!:ll1 l'OU. ... ~ mellUfel;ftre , ced countywlde trend. · Uon.s • Jwo f« 1 tu. · tain yaUey, bond eltcUoG, '~''.•\)lµI In ~I .... , Four•IU 0-, tl<cllons and two for • bond -PASSED; 8an Jl)1q1dn, bond or-Counly tdiWI'~ ...,. suceeu!UI, wlille lhr<e and au weal down to eat. electloo, PASSED: Plac.ntll, ~ lilCll 1-;W !WY failed; four bond -pa5'od 1111 diJltld loot I!" tax tax override, P~ED. 11 ~ , -',' 1\ ...; ' • aad two l&t~ att4 tbl Orange _,,cwerri(le by four'y""f Pn,,eb. Placentia, hood . el6clloo, . fb 'oYti'rlde et«t "1s n-· Coast JW\lor qouo.e Dlstrtd 25 af111 a rtc:llUlll ~od the FAILED; ot1111e Co a ~ t ·i!h'. olmple . miUaPty II>' pessed • .~ change of eli<!Uon•a failure bf 'fne vote. College, tax chana• o I • in.oi. ~~ volilrs /alle~ II pwpose ~ meat .oo in-ll faUod ·by 11& vo!M on a oe-purpose, PASSED, aiid Orim&I' '1\nils~, ~t . ~Ml were crease tn .tal~S. cond altefTlpl.. ·: Coast College, bond ·~lecUoo, Gkayecl, accorcfbil" lo figun1B '!be B~-\)llndo and Yorba A moolh-by·mOD"' l'IJUn<lup ~'AILED. "£ bJ !he COjlQly,scbools Llm\a• district§ ln ·the north o1 school I~ eleclforui NOY!i:MJ!&R: TusUo Hip, • , • · . '-1., COlllll)I -arta .,...,. !he m"'I . <hiring fiscal 1"""3' loolls like Ill overriile,' F'AILED; ru. -, ~ ~ a two-desperat<Jpr ~ ~s. . !his' · i_ ~· Ungton Beach High, bond el~ ·u· ~J wtre 1111> ' To ~lilt elocllnos In . JULY, (11111 : rea-Olinda; .lion, FAILED : B"'a-Olfndi, ;,. _ p Vtaf/ six l1Jntt .... T1n ', Brea-Olin?~aUed ,be-fo ~e tax ovtrrtctt, F -; Santa·, tu override, FAILED, and , • • _ 1 ., voter appro•i.I wu .. ebtairied Ana, tr.:c ove~ FAILED. santa Ana Unllled, ~ over· ..... . -. . . '' ~ - e W •· 1l'll Sl......c-te MIMI ....... (....,, C-._ • . .,.., ................. ..._.~ •. , .. klllll.t""r• ~ llJ tlA•I•• ~ C.•, a.NM On~• e "61 OWi...-A.,.._ to II 7 nt DI_. c.-tf r!ul. .. ..._ G,..,t ~ . . ·.. . THI NK I 'Jf..Gln ln~ w ..... ~-··-°"" .. 6 41·1444 I .. • 'i ' t , ride P,uBD. -FMioED, and _ADlhelm City, rDIWAllY: twp or • bond ekctlon, FAILED. Mm, hCllld .--. PASSED; APRIL: Olpiltraoo, t 1 w Fullerton. bond e I e ct l Cl n , .override, FAILED, a n d FAl~~ HUfltlnC\ol1 Beach Laguna Buch, taI ovtrride, Clly,'IU override, PASSED, FAU.ED, Huntln&t••i Blacb;Clly, bond MAY : Octan Vl<w, tu eI«tlon, PMSED. override, PASSED; Yorba Yor1>o LlnCla, Ill ovemdl, Llnlla, tu override, FAILED: FAILEl>; Yorba lJnc\11, l>Ond ·Yorba lJoda, bond tlectlon, election, FAILED; Bid-Olin-FAILED, and San Joaquin, da, tu cwtrrlde, PASSED, tu ovefrlde, PASSED. Aod PftOait!a, -•ei.ctloa, JUNE: TUllllD, Wt OV"1°ide. PMSllD. "FAILED: Gorden Gme, tax MARllll: Tllllln !fllb, Ill override, FAILED; Garden OYtrride, PASSED~ Anaheim Grove, bond election, Cit~. Ill' .,..qlde, 'ASSEO; FAILED, -and Magnolia, tu AnAhelm CJtr, field a<t -· override, FAILED. • _, .. W, ..... _, ........... C.W, S.... AM • 17'M ~ tt.. T~ c.tw, ~ V•Jlt'f ~ IMdl ......... SM--lt ......... l..U ....,.... c: ..... MlllllllltMll llHdl '1"Ccin• ." ....... J1C11•• lath , ...... 1 MIU' all firtt ~· ... ---... -~·•tlw:1r .... jl C•••rC _ ......... _ fklrill ....... . .............. _ ' $)37 :J=::ir~R: .... 19C . Roar Sick Dish Towels 4 fw ~1 lhttr1 ltff....,, ...,,... .......... 11 • . Deluo 7 pc.; Set · ltiffii0m-Eit1·•••' r:;.£i:~f. $3·~ '11. ;:.;''• .... CC!.lorr.-i' ~ ·tr Cana Montlcollo con .. Muslin Sheets • 72>r10I '" .. llllMTwlo-$)1' • • • I I 'I I . I -. I l I ' I • • ~ I I .. j • l • $99.95 ELECTRIC DRYER .s .. 7· SAVE $21 "' , 2-Temps. Model 691000 '•in.ff OAS' 01,Ylll . 2-tertiperatures. bro. 791000 .... '" ..... $1C)8 ~1:·'~t'!:N1M=. ::= ·················-;············· -~·2•· ~:.-~~·Ji~~~~'.".:.~~· ..... •_:.: .. $118 $1st.ts SOFT HIAT !LICTIUC DRYH $' 138 No. 69610 --·-·····-··-············--··············-····················· ~:::.!~!1'.:oo"'.~~... . . -·-. $1'54 .. . . ~·:~~ ~!'= ~~T~~:~~~~--·--· $158 . . $1".ts SOFT HIAT O~ DOYH $158 1 only • .No. '19759 ----·-·······-··············r········-······· · -r!!1~ ::N:.:l .. A~~T'.~ .. ~ .... ~~---$ 18~ ~~~T~'i'~·~:=~----·--···-····· $' 99 . t~~~ ::H~:~ .. ~~~~~~·:~-~~~~-~=-.. s-19 .... : r f':i~·~:.N1i:i:· ... ~~-~~~·· = c; .-$208-. ~::.:~~:.4~~~::~ ·······-······· .. ······ $!o• ~~~ ::N,'tgcr,a• ~~~Tt~~~-H.E~ .... $2J 8 ~!.:~!'~~ ...... ~ ....... .. ...... $228 . . $99 AIR CONDmONERS SAVE $301 ' $"69 1 Only. Model 8905 ::>·~~.11 ~~~~~:~~-SAVE $60 .................... $99 $219.H AIR CONDITIONER $ 149 io:CMXI BTU. 2 ony. No. 6827-SAVE $70 •. :.. ...... . $'19.91 AIR CONDITIONH $21 9 18,000 BTU. 2 onJy. No. 6874-SAVE $100 ...... . 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Now ····----·•-··:..·-··---···-·-·-·---················ ~· $4Sf.ts SIDl·IY·llDI UfRIG!ltATOR 3ft.88 3 only ·-···-····················-·····-·····---······-··-~ • • ~-~~~~-~.':.1:.~".'~ .. ~.".z.".R .35'•95 . ' '4"·" 01101.a~·SIDI RE•o1G,lltAT.OR 399 95 Now -·-··--·-·------············· "' S'l-•9;95 S.lEIEO..ftl.OllCl..t.-... . ,,,. ·5·9 ··95 SAVE $40! " 2 Only. Model 3292 · •.. . .-• ·. : ' . . .. ' " ., . . $49.ts s'(JUO .. PHONOGltAPH . · ·290 95 1 f""· Model 8262 ._ ........... ,., .......... , ........... ; .. -· , S1't.tS ITIUC PHONOGRAPH 89 95 1 nly. Model 8276 ··-···-··-··-·---························· . • $11US ITIUO PHONOGllAPH . 79 95 1 only. Model 7274 --------··-·-·····--·-·-····-•. $1n.H STIUO PHONOOltAPH 99 95 2 only. lrlodel 3274 --···-··-·--·····--··············· • • s2tf.H COLOll TILIVlllON l99~95 L onlY,. M~ 6172 ·-···-·-··--··--·-·············-. . $a)t.H COLOR CONSOLI TILIVISION . 259;,95 -\ only. 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OX(ORD~- =·· 3Io $5 . . . ,.. ·~ "!.. • r . 0.tton ..... k .lippm. Heel to ... cual> .,. : Oacra~·~ll'rftberflll. C1'tton. . lick ~-Bu1 .,.., 1 kin...W~:s. ml.bet, childrt:n ailet, .............. ' . -· , tJ y ,51 ~ .. . $111).95 Hollywood Bed Sets .. -- Consists ot solid maple ~adboard, frame with C&llten. twin size mat. treat and foundation. 69.88 f-. ' ' ' · $15:19 FOUR DRAWER CHEST . : SAVE $61 • •' " I.' . 't.rnftnlshed wood pln•.desk.~dy. to -paint or s,li;fn. Top va' .. . . ., . • • .. i . $59.9~ "11Pl8 . s1u~js liesk SAVE •,221 37.88 Attractive coJoni&J styling in m!Vlle. f4llah. Roomy drawer.. · ' SAVE ·•21 ;M••'s Kylon . . .J · Ji4ets ., ........... ~ . ·~ ~aJli~ OXfOllD • &Y~i'SllOES • •.&1111 ' ... .. , ' .. .. . ... I If .•/ ., " . . ......... $269.'5 SAVI $1! ' SEA~ AQTQMATIC WA~Somla , tow PR1a1>1 . " ! "' I ; -.. ---.. ·--' Fl"ldly, July 18, l9ftJ ~ DAILY PlLOr 8 Ii -11a~· a11 ·11>e aott water ,.. S,¥1in9 M~hlne fn ~ablnet 1-neec1, ll)eeial &U~t cyCJe Will , ~ , I, ' .1ive )'UU additional capacity s 8 • when needed, 1 , 1 Used model. l only . . . fJ!1;~~t1it:"..'i::._4~~~~:~~.... . .... -99.881-'114..:0. ;;;tS;;;Z;.G-...;-.-._..;;;;_;,;;;.. -•, ,.;;;;;;;;,;;;;;J tttt CONTIMPOAARY VANITY, 41•1.NCH ff 88 In aab~l i~ ~·::~ ... ~~:~IN;.··~-····~· $38 No. 41654.·:I,~ --~·-:----;-·-·-·--. • POlTAILI SEW ING MA INE Siii CONTIMPOllAlY VANITY :ZS.INCH : 69 88 White: Used. As 15 ··-·······~·~················-·· .. · .. ·········-···-·-$6 :1~·.4:.~~;;;~~;;;~~-----··-.. 69 • 88 .1~2:ir~t1=~~~:~i.~·~~ .......... _._.: ___ $66 No. 4110(. 1 onlf -·---··--···-·········--·····-·-.. --"·-• P"LL SIZE SIWING MACHINE $89 Slfl COUllTllY VANITY 41-tNCH 99 88 ·In Cab!!iot .................... : ............... -·-··--·-··-·····-·-- No. Cl.SM. 1 onJy ---·-·-··:.·-··-··-·-·--··-·-:., . • S2'4.t5 AUTOMATIC ZIG-Z G PO T I . f:!:':u~~'o"ai:~UN~~~IN'.~~N_\:~--29.18 ~~:..:.:~H:E~T~I:':~~;;;:~~~:··-$17 4 $72.ff Cl.!ASSIC VANITY, D-INCH 5·9 88 '{Used As·ls) ------·-···-·-·-·-··----·-~·~.~~-~---$2 No. 41234. 3 nnly ---·--····-·····-·······---~-·-o $174'$ DELUXI ZIG-ZAG PORTAILE $ r:!'~~~!~~~.:'._~~·-·~I.'.'_~~-· 49.88 , HWING MACHIN!. 1 oniy ···-·--············-; 1 :S4 ~~~~:i~· -~?..<>.~·.-.._ .. _ .. : ...... -........... 39;88 LAVATORY FAUCm , · CHOICE I IJ YOUR s1· o· . [~-• ' ' ' :· • j .• . . . . ;.~!~c U.VATOIY PAUCIT-4 arily .• ·--SK\~A~::T~tdj ... ..,., ' ' ... m.tt LAVATQiY. F~U~IT-Nb. ~ 6 o.nly . . . . '· -. ~' ~ . -" . .. SZll!4 NYLON PILE RUG.S . Blu~~~dGree~tweed. · $8"8 15x2l~toot. --. ~ ~· ' . -. . ' • '?;, . .. ,. -. ·, ., . .. --eth:-~~1.'.'~~'.~U.~.~.~~~-$66 ~ ' ' l • -• ~~·':li_~~~ir~:~ ~~~ ... , ...... , ... _ $90 .. ~~1~ 1:r~o~2:n~~ ~-~-~-·---.. -.. -····---·-· $44 ~~ ~ ::,1i!,:Ou~-······-'·-···-·-·-·-·-$90 :!::e l~l~~.~~Y~C~.U.~ .... ,.--·-·-·--· $69 J:!',,.~~~1:c:~~~ ·~~·-········-.......... --$64 - $275 111% POL YISTU SHAG IUG $199 Green tones. 12xl8·ft. ... -······-·············--···········~ _ ~~ '.':~~z.·~r:. l~~~~'.~_U,'.,'.".'°~~~···-$55 ~oca'd':,%~ft".~~~-·~°. ·····-.. ··---$144 . =. 1~~.·~::.. SHAG RUGS __ .,,_.,_,_,_ $99 ~~':J: ~~~~:::. ·~°--··-····-.... ·-·--· $99 $853 POLYESTER .PILE RUG Shaggy gold ru~. .s3 8 8 . 12x84 • foot. ·r.::,1:?;.~J~I·~-'-~~~~~~ .:.. .. _ ..... -$22~ -~•.%.111'.•l],l!.•llG -- -$399 AYOCado, 12x3'!-.., 9-ln. --·····-··-·--·-·-- 1/z HI' Cannister Vacuum ---_,Regular -...--S124__ --~ >$39'115 .,. • . -' . .2 .0•.ft _.. ., ... ' . ~~~i\'i!~~·:"'~~.~~~~.~~~~"·~·~~~·-M•l:S $127 IUILT·IN UNIT $97 • 1 onlf ............................................... :-·-········--··········-··· . .. SUS REPLACE VACUUM H.o ... s 1.88 !"OW ···-·--··--······-·-···············-··········-····-·-·······-··· $17 LIGHTWllGHT POWER SWHPS $9 ,,4 Only~··--··················-············-····································-··-• . " . -f.~3~:::~.~-~--~-1.~~-~~~.~-.~~--·····----=·$69 -----"-..~ ___,,,_ .... ts CANNISTll WITH ATTACHMINTS $14 2.3 HP. 1 only ···-· .. -··········-·-········-····-·--··-··-··········· , ~~~~ .. ~=~.:'.".":.;~~.~...:. ___ . __ .=__··-$14 . . , '. 1 :: : 1 ~In. ·Fll!Or l!qHIMf,; ' · ·. .::.~ ·. .~ ... , _,.._~~ -. sg .. -'.:. ,.. , . . !<#Useift< . . • , . ~ . . . -~· ·oc1~; . , m t. •• I ' •o•. I -.;.:, 1:onl¥ ' '• . .. . ~-~~.~~.~II.~~~~' TllAILI~·-$, I 188 "4:t~ J.sPHD SPYDEI llKI 39.88 Onl,y ---··-····-····-······-·-~·-··-······-·--·--:-·-···-..-. $64.tt IOYS' 24-INCH IPYDll·llKI 39 •• 8 Only ·········--··-·············"····-····-·--··--·--. ' .-' ------. "'·f? IOYS' IPYDll 49.88 20-lnCb and 16-lnch ···-··-··-···-····-···-······-·····-···· , r:,.;c~~,X~1~5~1 ~~~~~ .. ~~'..~'..-•• ·-·-····-$199 ~ c:.~M~:~~~O. ~~~~~~~-~-~·-•-•M---~459 . . P~~~a~~: .. :. ·~_an~,~ Diego ---...... ·-':"' ·. FreeW~y-~ at. \~Dris(ot ~ ( I ___ .... ____________ --... ' f r I l t- •• • I I I ' ,. I I l l' I \ " -· • l l ' I • - l I ' -' .. ~, .. . ... --. . . ~VPnOT - SchpplAi ;Showdown· Nears . . l , • r· r Solons Seek $16Million More for Junior -Colleges , f SACJWIENTO (UPI) -e..._. (R-Sln lllqo). • The Ltg!llaturt neand • I I• addMb,> to llllll'OOl'fating r;howdown to d a y over how , .$85 ~ I.be· 're&le bUI · muCh money to provide would: '~ Call!omla scboou. · -Req\dre iUiat any state I A oe<ond !!sue' was !iow the sun>Iuo money up to 17• ~ tnoney should be spent. milhon, be 'lpent on big city ., The aenate educaUoo co)n· achoola •nd special reading · miU.. Thuraday flatly re-daases. • . ? jected a llOQ million school aid -Automlllcally .booot 1tato blll passed by the assembly. «hool aid bi> Jlx percent ..,. , _ lull •--l -~~"~ a nuaDy starttn& nm July to •--e ~---for lnllatlon. In .• vote todai on a P5 mUllon ur. the .tint 1w, .Wa would ban-orlenled measur~ by ~n. amounl-1<> $81 million Stephen P. Teale (D-Ralln>ld -a.mp a lid on the. number F·lat). Some senator'I ho.ped to of school d ls tr I ct ad+ ~ake on another $16 million for mi.nistrators. • JUolor colleges. -Repeal a law which "·ould July, 1171. Wi~aUve leAdul all but In 1he -! on major tax reform this llOISlon,-adlool aid has eniar1- ed aa othe. number one issue still 'facing Jawfnakera. A final school aid com· promise Is expected to be negotiated In a two-house con- ference committee. But It muet be dooe eoon because the Lt~lature pl1111 to adjoorn Us 19St llC!Ulon In three_ week!: Gov. Ronald Reagan has vowed to trim new IChoo1 aid to the Sl20 mllllon ·~ proprllited ln the state's $0.2 billion budget. On top of that, he has pledged to add any surplus money f~m the,: wt I "Junior ~eges are our big-· eli~ate the. need fo_r ~x gest. bargain ir. higher educ•· ovemde elections start:inJ 1n lion," decloted Sen. '1air w. ~ I ... *** *** 'Search Ends Colleges May Becpme • fi"'ll year. That amount won't be "-" 1111111' fall. Tlfe. olate alr""'1 ·provides . · elemmtarjl lt\d secondary schooll with SIJ 1bUUon an- nuattl: : · The ' Senate Education COm· mitt.ee turned down a 'Ill Thundoy by Asaemblymon Vlctor V. Veysey (fl.Brawley), to ' appropriate abool PIO million. · Jt amended ioto tbe mea.sure. anotbir ~ill orl1lna lly sponsored by Tealt. That one al!o appri!priated o)>out PIO million, but In a manner more favorable t.Q..urban areu. The amended bill still fell one vote short of the seven necwory !Or approval 'LA Schools • ... . .. • • . • ' ff ii JI I Seee•d fo~-1A - Jet · No~e--ShuU • A.irp6rt s~k>ol~ . ~i:,~~~-.i lends to ~ .... M<Ond school due to noiae old IOlety buarda from Jell al Loo Anplei liiift-~ '1'be boon! -.lded ~~ that l,IG04\I'*'" Alr'porl Jwlior Hllll .~ bo cJooed but held all a fonnal vole Uiltil a meeuqc,1111\ week. A new north r u n w-a 1 , IChedullcl r.r complOllOli In Decolnbor, ,. .. bWned. Of. llcla~ Mid. paa.., llllai lbe ....,.l...iwllHl1 dheclll over- lbe • Slill ~ is whether to close lbe lchool next fall or Dest Febrult)'. We•-~ Uonally bod." ! In Sierra State Vniversities Set Rilles School Wu dosed Jut fall and "And tven thtn," 1 h 1 lb eoo _ .. lrlnlletred to dedand, "a plw could eully N liu PubJi h G • · -u · other, IChaola. drop on the school." e lT . s er 1ve. 8 p The baud .. ~ .. idea The junior hjp is al • bad F Ri ts · o[ !IOUlldproollng lbe airport ,. ~te. Bald board meinbor 'For Plane SACRAMENTO (UPJ) _ A educotlon determine when a Or 0 . . school -al a cool of IU 11ichard F•rlaro, declarinl blll .permit.Ung some of Pie 18 couea:e h•d ruched _. large wi·th Fil'. st Barb Iss e million -.. ti.rd mem~r ··,1nce we can·t remove •be MADERA (UPI) -The state colleges to cban&e their ellOUlh size to be termed a LOS ANGELES (AP) -In U OeorPno .llar<IY declaied "• .m1hl path, we lbould reaJ01(• . J\tadera County Sheriff's office names lo state univtraitles state university. an apparent effort to prevent 1et.,i · wttbout ~ ,and ,you DC l•t er'' ~ .lhls -h'6 abandoned a <wO<loY was hall way toward winning Barnes Bald the campusea at future campus unrest, the city BER~ (UPI) -The He said Schm had '.'<lewd :;l!tlla;:::_:<:;:.~:-:~~cll:::""~'~i.,C.'.'!~~'.:_~da~n!>itr~OU1~il~~~11~llM~.'--- . 5eaJ'cll of the rugged Sierra legislative passage today. San Jose and San Die10 Board ol F.ducaUon ha 1 Berkeley Barb has a new · i~ ror a DC3 ''G ambler 's The measure by already met the requirements adoptedst.rongerrulesgovern-. publlsher,whosayshe'sready out the advertl.alng and Special" mWinl for nve Assemblyman E. a i c b a r d of a un!venlty complex. He ing conduct of c a m p u s to quit after printing just one circulation files" and accused months with 35 person s Barnes {ft..San DieJ<I), waa said tbert were 15 accttdlted organizaU:QllS_a1 Los ~Anieles edition. tl!e ex~wner of taking $4,0IX) ·aboard. approved by the Asaembly on subject areu at San Jose and junior and seni« high ICboolS. TI>e Barb came out Thurs-in advertising receipts. i Search efforts began ea~y a U.2f-Thunday.and sent 10 ill Sin lllqo. · The rules forbid ··scliool· day with ita usual array or "Why,-be wouldn't even give 1 \Verdnnday , after two lj)edal to the ~~ But opponents argued the sponsored clubs from Usocia-club-swinging police. bare-me the le)'I to the mailbox." ; shsi!f'i deputies from Uedtr;tbe p~. the of-st.ate coUqea failed to meet ting, or. aftili&Ung wtib .oU· breasted girls, af)d erotic ads. "fm not roioa: to touch that Meroed County, nm anet John ficial.iuuneof the stale college the same acadeude·and fin.an-campus grpt.IPI and pi>litlcal Its headline read: "Barb thing again," the one-Wue Anderson , reported sl;hting sYsi.em 1'0!.lld btcollte the dal standards u \he'Unlverst~ and religious organizations. Sold." owner Aid. what appeared to be the cali!omla State Univenity ty ol CalUomill . 1'>e state ·col-The dabs also ma'/~ not Anthropology pro t e s so r Scherr. put out the paper for wreckage of a lar&e .~e a~d,. !11., .individual cam~s. leges do not 1~1lly grant ~ with !lRY group Allan '"Coull, 11. lutfed 57,000 seftn, yeµs, but decided tO mar ffie north 1ork. of the San.. such:"~ San J°':" cauld be ~rate delf'ltl. ' which dtiiies membershJp an coptes of the radical weetJy. A sell It two weeki •go.· 4bout 40 -. (Joaquin River. , n~ed ._ .tallforrua St!te l think tbq art first class the bash: or "'race,, coIOr, ~J8ge editorial said he staff membu1,. calling -~ uU Utji_!eralty ~t San JO&ti , aalle~es but ~ may we!! _ or, RO.U!J.~ " ._ ::..-; ,.._ ~ "•~-~ly _ the:_mae'lvts tbl ~ Mountain .. -:_;-w!i to the area. at 11\l ~.ooi>-, '1>111 provtdei-'the . ~r-el~. TllO rUJes will Ulhlen con· ra -prfJ' from 1li";Of'iii<r' Tri • nesii!lileil wlUr l!Cherr " ~foot elevation.· between ~t: edllege . :~ . and t be Alpern i r 0 Y trol of mch ·o,.~..._ owner, Max Scherr." -• " and then went on str1ke when t.Ritter and the Devlt's Post coordinating COUDCil for.blgher Greene, (0-Sacramento • the Bla~k Students Unlon1 But a1, the aame CkDe ven-talks collapsed._ Pile·-Moiiument.. but was BrowD Berets and United don ba~ the issatton the _Scherr, ;ivho bas pl)l>UJhtd ... always brin..gS you · -~~Ps<--i'ect1}ietwes "'-,,-- AUTOMATICAIJY.1 · r unable to locate the ,,rec.tage r.iexlcaJl..Ameriwl st.bden~. ·~ ~ ,the Sin Fran-plenty of an&kapltalJst in- with the Utl! or high-power'!! SAftur1· ty La .. k""' l)ul do Dot forbuf ' lhefr ei·' c1lco B'ay Ar<a,,~t an-vedl•e.,IOWJdo-hlnlHlf on the ,-telescope,,. Tb e Anderson& .::;.._, .._, ~ istence On campus 85 Ion& as J nounced thft once WA cDOUgb rece!vini end when, the staff , said they made their sighting tbe.ir coniiituUoo and ac· and accused Scherr , o f published a 1bike paper call- Sund ·th binocUlars. tMt1es comply with re,W.· violating the tmnJ of their ing Scb;err "a capitalist pig" 1 oywi Yor,ith Hide. S in AFB Plane tions. cootract. and other names. Tbe____...__r.!!:~9'DS w er e _ .L Polic'e-Tieu~--.:oRCE'BASE-said. -~..-nprtm..;-ha.,. ~ ... ~·.:·the~vo~: T eainsters Get Foot ~ (AP) -Sentry dogs ~.a been lslued. called them "negative in tone" At Vall • ..airily force of 3511 men "rt Is feU that security pro-and said he bell"ed student. • e J 0 didn't keep ·l 14-yur<ild boy cedurea at March Air Force should -tie given m 0 r e I M . I d from ~·""'-I parked &z Base ote 'now in order," be mponsiblllly!O ..tabli!h their nto ovie n us try VALLEJO CAP) -This U.S. --. own ru\el of conduct to "learn •Naval base city of eo,ooo bead· jet bomber" where he '-took· added. to part I c i pate in · a ,l ed intO the weeW>d li>daY some .food, J!Upplles, a 12-iilal Brig. Ge_n. Tlm'!'ht. Dp.cey, Jl•.,..,,,acy.'' L'Q§ ANGµ,ES (AP) -The fwlth police and f\remen on and ammunltion. • SAC chltf of staff, and a Teamsters Union has organiz.. ·•trike for more pay. An Air Fotce spokesman ei:-representative of the Air ed l9 Independent Hollywood t NegotlaUonsondemandsfor plai ned I.he .,curlty Force Ju<!•o Advocate Corp• LICENSE TAB comWiles making animated "10 percent mcreases in breakdown: "A -temporary • cartoons, and leaders of long , monUtly pay of $801 plus other deficiency occurred." investigated. establl1hed film I n d u s t r y demands, broke off shortly The boy, aooghl by A spolloaman at SAC h'*d· FEE TO RISE unions view the mo•e as a alter -i;nldnlgbl Wednesday. autbortUes aa a runaway, .qu·arttr1 to Omaha, Neb., aaid pogslbft threat lo -the future. Plcketa 1ff:nt utf '11lursday. crawled into the Strategic Alr .many persons have been in· SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Team11ters Local 986 an· Jnd no renewal of bargaining Command (SAC) plane July 5 side B521. The cost "Of inflation today is nounced Thursday it has ta.JU has been scheduled. and broke Into some com· "The only thing t b a t catching up with California reached agreement on a three- "Things have been sub--partmenb. The · Air Force perturbed us wiJ that this boy drivers. , · year contract with the 10 normally quiet." a re~ spokesman said the boy was got in undetected. As a result, The Senate Thuraday ap-firins covering cartoonlsts. from police headquarters satd on l®t apd was caught as he we have reviewed our security proved 3Z:.o ·and' sent to the an&nalors, cameramen and after the first. diy of the attempted ·-to leave the base. proceduru," he said. Assembly a bill to raise the directors. waiUUL His name waa not Wea.std. The rimaway boy was tum-price of a driver's license Dotson Bennett, bu~ Only the chlef, th r ~-e AD items taken from the ed over to .Riverside police. from $3 to $5 and to lncrta&e agent for the local, said the their organizations, "then of course we would be willing to discuss their affiliation wllh the Teamsters." John Lehners, pre!ldent of the Hollywood Film Council and an officer of the AFL-CIO International AJllance 8 f Theatrical ·and 'st.age Employes, commented: "We see it as a threat to our long established unions, bul so far ·the Teamsters have con-- tracts only with small in- dependenls, and so as of now we are oot overly concerned." lieutenants and three c.apt.ainS plane were recovered, the The Air Force said It will not the cost of a duplicate from $1 Teamsters are not trying lo wei't on duty, augmented by spokesman Slid, adding that file charges: to $3. steal members from. other LOCAL 10 deputies.of the Solano Coun-·all claaaified documents were The Air Force disclosed Sen. Randolph Collier (0-Hollywood unions. N• 001., t1•••P•P'' t.n, .,\. ty sheriff. The other 86 accounted for. cletaila of lhe incident cmly Yreka), author of the bill, said "Bul where there are non-m•r•, •v•ry c1 • .,, tbo11t ... h•t'• memben of the department Since then, lhe b a s e ' s after receiving . an inquiry by the incrta.9ed fees will raise ~ union operaUons we are going t•lnt '" In th• 9r•1t" "'-ue 00 strike, all members of Security officer has been the Riverside, calif.1 P ress-million in 'new revenues. to work," he said. If members °''"'' c ... t th'" the DAILY the Vallejo Police Association. reassigned, the apokesman Enteri>rile. ...:=========-~o~f ~other~~un~io~na~b~realt~~"'~.th~=P~l~LO~T;. ======~IJ 6 . ; aaso1r ... •~•• . ln1tan1-. Coto"°"porfected andfinllAtrOdocad hy Mqaavox in 4,964-il tho mOil imporlalll advan-ait lA Color TV! 1mt tum your ;Magnavox on'-il bo t1md illd! ow-=ity._ siYiuc you .1,.paf~ 111119' 1khit• that·~~_, chanad, ...,Y time! . NffM9i1a.,..• ~ 6906 wtth $52950 lnltlnt Automltlc Color and all th• olh•• fln•perl...,.nea l•1t"'.. · det.Ued btlow. Also avalltbl• ln Contemponiry and Colonlal stylts. Today's Bigges t Picture in space-saving fine furniture Thrilling 295 sq. Jn. screen-plus the beauty and charm of ~uthentically de$igned c.a.biuel,\ that require no more space than most "smsll·!Crten compacts ... With Brilliant Color, Chtomatone for depth and dimen• sion, Quick-On pictures that .flash·to·li(e in aeconds, and space-age Bonded Circuitry for famous Magnavox lasting reliability. \Vhy not eojoy your favorite pro- irams ud excitin1 sports evenu in the best way po .. sible-on a mapific:ent,Mapavoxt SUMMER VALUE! Complete with MOBILE CART NOW ONLY $299 90 Wh•r•wr you go-this ruggedly.built p0rt1bl1 will bfing YOO.!!!. tti. t~Us of your favorite shows ind aum· mtr sports avents in vivid color! Its~ 17 sq. in. ICJ'ffn fa . 15 sq, in. ~thin RlOIC other portables. Model 6000, with ttletcoping dipole antenna; m1ny othtr quality f•1tur11. ldffl fOf tables. 'oo-th• ~ second Hf.' • KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX ' I t ' ' .. I MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS : FACTOltY DllllCT DIALER ! 2MJ H...,111'4. C"'9 ..... c.IH. 14 .. 16t1! '''' w ......... .., w ............... C.111. lf4·1Jlf'I' • 11116 le. ... llll'lt ....... Cfme. C .. lf. aaMJ.M. ...... ,.. .. , c.llf. . ' ~ '4U-1 EXPl•T ;A.ctO .. Y 'sE .. VICI ' . ---......... ........ ;' I' -• " •, • --.-1 -------------------- • I • • --------. --.._-..------~-==-=,..,.-,-=-:,.-=:--:-;-. . --. - . --r~ ,_ ' f ''-'lidltt :f"ltGl, 196• • DAil.Y·PIL" II ECKING -U.S. Rewgnizes J>ilots~ .. CO~l°~de~lii?. Up. • SPACE CENTER, Houston Julian Sheer .. NASA asalltanl lni Bonnan'1 ,?tcent !rip lo --nltiiiil 11 . tlle durtnl·a lliiod> lild fln'J ... llfl, 11/er Ille~ m · •-a•-•-•J-tor' for pu•"-· al· m .... I Wblle _, · 17, lll7. • his IN-Ip ..._..., wllllt (AP) -Spaee·Qency o ~~ UlllUU.ll.•• llUI,....., "'_..a · ' will "be ..-. ...,_...= said Thursd•• the plan lo'bave falrs. • SOii~ said B<lnnllf,' while "n..lr ~~ ~ .,..,.., --....... -tlle -""' -~ Allowing the medals to be In M_,,, had told 'his hosts the 1f.W!d'1 It II , Am0neill·i1t4 on lft GUttt cir· to earth alter Ill lkrllll I Apollo 11 leave medals for1wo taken aboard a U.S. moonshlp ""tJ•-N ti 1 ,_ .,_ fttliJIC, \bele1Gn,1lltt'tlle f1rot 'tie aod a Apollo tunmlod olioard Soy,.. I. I dead Soviet -m=auts oo,the tso I .., possibl •~ -a 0111 ~-•-lunar ·-•-11 .,,,.,. with •"• •• 11i111ner clrcle' lmpooed "Thete la .., -.1 bouncl- .. '!-.. -was• v ew .. ~ as a e and Space Admlnlstratlon .'fll ~--.::!:",., .. c10111¥W;' el the oy...,,er""• ..w.-ol .. -.. with ary to -·" N'-<a.Id. F ll P t S · ' moon Is a symbol "of tbe sign of Increased wlllll!gl)tss wllll111 to·oeod...,. memeoto f.'.':'.'.:.::''::-~~-_:::-: .__ '~1n-·· ••-,;._::... .• d ''The _,. of Gar':~ __ , I • e 0:11.1.r u ugar feeling . of comradeship all '!"the part of the Soviet Union aloog -'th Apo I l'O . .>ti "'"''"""' ~ _, ·-.... -·-,......._. • . ~w ~N • · .. ', , " "I'' . pilots liave for one another." to cooperate with the United astrooauii' !ieil ·A Annstrona ploneen wj>o le bi,_,., wllm-be '"' tbl ,_, The Kom1nw, of Grillom, White I · The medals are to be placed States In the fulure . ex-Edwin E. Aldrin · Jr. anii" their · trail," liljt) Preildent ~· I lllldall will be and Chaffee abm tbe boaor "·>"~" onthemoonaloogsldeapatch plorotlonolepa1'9. Mlcbaif Collins 11 Soviet .said. ,.. , rt . ·to tilth ind we .J>l'IY. WJ11 ·CGIM to On~ .. ·Raw Oysters. repre .. ntlng ;America's three President Ntx.n revealed •authorlllu and the ...,... ~ 'al0!!8 •111!' !!16;...C::.' ~~to 111e' ~; -~ A.l~r-111-llld Apollo I ast""ll'ut.,wbo died Thuroday the .aoJdt11 metlals · moaauls' thought 11 ap. moaaot medall '•llt • ,_... ,.w,....,~ ...,_ -·-s ' 1 -'•·•~ b in a spacecraft ftrO. honoring 'Soviet comionauts • ~~-. and tbree·medllS-tina, llid. •. Y • pace tpDCl" ,w•~ ere The act "morf impOrtantly · Yuri A. G11artn and Vladln>lr Pr:"•!""'· ~ . Apol\o· I utrona\jla, Vllill.,( Gapria,( the , firsl 'man ,In oakl • the)', thovil>I IUln{ .1 , honors five. men who made ·Komarov. had been given .to "Ibetwome~'We opewW Grillom,Edwardlt~Jr. apact, wu1 tilled ... ~ rt, ·rnementQIOl~~ a_tt M. BOYD 'press little els< but opinions. great contributions toward the . astronaul 'Frank , Borman by sel f\)OI PD ll)e moon p..-and ·JloC<r .B. CbalW ll)!o 1118, ,la ,oj jet p)lne ~""' asll'Ollluts ,tilled In tbe \\"'of CAJ1i($c:ENES. _ He wore That's the editorial .wrlter ... ~s~u~c<=•~ss~o~f_!tbls~~....,~·~·o~n,~"_:said~~-~the~~.,~oem~1G11~1~q~ts~· ~w~ldo~wt~dui'-~' ~al~\~manklnd,~~~"i·N~!]-~sal~d~in~·~·..!pe~rillled~!_:·~ln~lhli<~,~:.J,,....~-~~b~lp~Koi!lllO'r~~~·•~u~ldlled~!'.'..;A~pitl~~:rr~,~daly~'._'~':v~"'J1~"P~pr~llP~ria~te~.:::_- k f How can a fellow have anl· a ·bltc ur fei_ steel-rimmed opi.r)lon on .everything'! Tue ..,....,_.,. ______ .,.,,;.,_ ... ._ ____________________ _,..,,..,.'!"•.,;,-••-.,;,..,.._ .. ______ .. _____ .. glasses. a red flaMel shirt. whole hiring technique is f ·-, blue overalls, bo,bnalled boots, wro ... Only those, io' unuil~ts -~ yo· r· .. :1ter!:~~~ ~~ ... ~~ in th:ir .twenUes fresh out of ~. , ·',· ·.· .. ' -."U' .. " .;· : .. '.-,·:··.-. '.. _ set befoie' hfrn =-thl! winist college. ought. to-be. employed Sunday ~ J saw him do it _ to write ~dltorj,als. Nq ~a­ he put a teaspoon[ul of sugar soned n e w s m a n of middle " Odd h years shoUld be expected .. to on e&\Oli oyster. ow one '-remain so sure of himself:" \ . a· . ~ 11i~~:'U:l1':!;., ~llstb~ CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. -a·ss u ~a·.·n· -·"· " e.·.·' . waterfront establlshrr1ent a "I'm from Roanoke. Not silre · few -years back. He too I can afford the trip, but hope ordered oysters on the half to travel in the west be.fare the shell, then pWled a miall pro-summer's over. Can you tell Pane blowtorth out . of· his me how far it ls by road from • m-a· r pockets, lit it, and cooked-each San Antonio to B~oise'!" A. · . oyster before e~Ung aame. Last time l drove that route it . -· was a little less than 1,700 UNOBSERVANT -Note a miles, but the way everything city det,eclive recenUy criUciz-is going up out here it may be 1 ed a lady but .teller;wbo, was Q "IS IT Unable tO ,dfJc:rit)e a holdup 3,000 by now . . . • · 1 ""·nk t lie u· TRUE. Tal'ZaJijl, Cal., was , ·111an. Dill e rs genera Y named after Edgar Rice Bu,r-, lare unobservant,~• is what he .. h • T h t '" said. Is that true! Ask the rou&.s arzan c iu:ac er · . next-bank teller-you meet how A, that it ,was. So was Tarzan, · many. times µie worj .dime is TeX. - --.-. Imprlntaj_ on a 10-<:ent piece. · RECORDS -s& YOUJ' boy is · J)eveloping an· lnJetest ~in ONE of Identical twins .can -musical records, IS lie? That's never be a father · · -THAT fine. Ask him which groove of HARVARD UNIVERSITY was 8 recording contains the most . 11amed after a fellow called music the outer ~gt or tbe ~.,Ji~yor<!~J!ll2li;----er! ~l"'-:il~ ... ~-~-;:·i:: _-:._-aut'!O you ~. whr .:._...The..Dnter edge.h.! BeeiU.se --"Mr:-itarva1'Q ti'e: many _ beat.Ii as the iMer. queathed $3,500 and a small 1bey're just. farther apart on library to the school~ ~at's all the outer edge. I , , • TAKES ABOUT six wee.D · for a hair to grow an inch ,.. RAPID JlEPLY: Yes, Mr. AS FOR Gm!S called Wendy, R., our Language man says says our Name Game man, usage has made the wofd they're affectlonate Ii t t I e "gs.I" acceptable. Maybe so . rascals, but maybe a little loo SUU think any newspaper man inclined to faU for flattery . . . who would write "gal" instead ' TECHNICALLY, an alp is not of "girl" ba!t to be the a~ & "riioUntain, itfs a---m.ftadow. --wbo Would tint his mustache., 1w · \OPlNioNS =-aad tuOClr. to-YOuT ques fmiiOM .. co1n-:--.·-·.--· " ' • • .. _,_ . • sion day with a newspaper man ments ate weLcomed aftd Iii who complaiDid his publiJher toill be us;d wherever PQ!· never lets him eipreu an 1ible in "Checking Upi • opinloo. He's unfortunate. But Address ma ( i to L. ~ not as unfortunate. as •the Boyd, Ul ,core·"(Jf tM DAI~'f newspKP,er .man· / w.•ho'!I • .. '1!1.W'1'.;_~:t' 1875, 'NtfD'POfit Pul>llabei: "'ll!ite>~ .. ?'~~~9':11.CF f. 9i663: ~ I -She. M1iss~d Ru~~ay 1 , Alid Tlwy Made F-llss ! , c,an ouy·! · ----·- LONDON (UPI) Mn. Marion Hart, 77, of Washington, D.C. insisted to- day she didn't overshoot the runway. London airport of. ficills said She did. · "But it was a bad landing," admitted Mn. Hart. M(s. Hart Dew. into Heathrow -airport fr om Scotland after fiµishing her se- cond solo crossing of the Atlantic in a single engine plane. "Can you see the runway?" asked the Heat.Qrow control tower . u · · -the plane -proacbed. r •Jl' "Well, dear, 1 can see p Jot of runways," the eldiilY laq;)i said. Instead of landing on a tw~ mile-long runway as the tower I, instructed, Mrs. Hart landed . on ·a baU-mlle-long taxi strip, the airP,Ort said. · "Tb.at made such a fuss!" Mrs . Hart said. "They say I overShot the runway and I say I didn't. This little man said we have to make a ~port of it." Savel Savel Savel Savel r~CJ1 O O·' ! <iq~~ 0 4~- • '' I "/, .' .. ' _, ~~···- PURE WATER NOW AT ONLY 4C A GALLON • 90 DAY SERVICE WARRANTY* Plew RCA Warranty• providts 9Q.dey Ufl'ice on "M" and "Z.''Models RCA Cokir Or Blackl.Wbite TV sels. ll i11Clude1 all urvict required: Service • Parts • ~as naeded. PLUS ... .. •Ul)!a:NIATIOllOf ---~d.lCfWa ....... llUllMllPIUl,lllDIAM-l : ' ·' . ' • s·oup STATE DEVICES repliCe tubes in Se"rar key circuits in llllllJ rriodeb. Solid State devices m•ke ror hi&tier efficitl!CY, cooltr o~rat!Ol'I, loiur Uf .. • Fa lf1tl4 Effect TrmistarJ r1pl1ee1 aitieal RF Tube !Radio frtqlltl'ICy An1S1Ufl1rl ln.SOllt models. FET ls 1 sl1nat prHmPUfler, ile.slcned to 11ve bttter plctu1tl1 directly .trom tltt !llldMll Wflh feJflnte""rfert11te, 1dded dependability, and stabffl!J with tol'C use. . . . • Adaneed$olld SUit! 1nteal1ted cirC1Jits, · microscopic system of lnlercolllllCttd com pone~, 11e uMd Jn RCA Airttm.tic: flnt Turli~ re~I! 'f"!{ol and sound Mp4iflili ellQllts. They I.st ll!deflllftely, assure · Mitter perfOnaallce Ml 1tlllblllty. Th• WOrld'..I most spectacutar colorf Nw ~ fJM .. Yuntnc, tilt-out conlral p1ntl, ·t00d Nie VHF·UHFU.nen'. Convenient Nordic-style~ cabl~ RCA's loweSl.Prtotrd' con~le with new 26,500-wolt Tntns Via~ ch1UIS1 • 1• , ... ! • Ill m1ny sets, Stlld Stll• Color Stlb!littr kolor •Uled '!!"ove' co/Of ~na.blecl Mii ,...lll!t pfrfOmtlACIS,. Shes b1l1nced ~r•&nea. • r r I I I t ' "4c! t.!ust b. .. fm~ke ••• It can'L be right" Is what you're likely thinking If you have been buying· J'llrlfled, oter by-tht-·bollle. ¥ou-- probablypald s.v'eral times more. That's wby 4c a 1allon seenia·rldlculously low. 'Fortwiately, our headline Is correct!' Tlianks to space-age technology which developed tho ''.reverse osmosis'" procus, you can now have ~ed water at a,fraciion of wqat.it used to, cost. And what's more, y0u can have lt at your lingertipi at a tap in your home •. -1 -·- Find ~ut_tociay ·how your· !llliilly can have . · more purified water for mtll:h leu .moqey. A. quick call to our office will bring.you the facll. If you want aa, idea of what you'll save, Jµst adcf up the . .tA~r hbttks you bought last year. You'll be amazed at what you have paid com- peted to our 4c a gallon cost. UNdSAY ..... PHONE 642-6161 Tiit IJl>a Y -(o. . 'pa DO\llR DRIVE ' --NEWPO~T ~EACH 1M C&IWIH le -.,... .m U"' ••s. 1• ... "",ict .. "EW ''TILT'' l'EftlOli(AL 1V-FllP·down feet tilt _.,t forward to 1ivti you two vleWfnc-.,,.... tar RCA's excltlnaly sty~ black tnd whlte ptrson•I -"M Ad¥tnced "Aue In" ModUllf-12.000·Wlt Chassis, sqlid atatt VHF•UHF tuntrt. rot"" 1ntenn1s. 't' ' , • . ;i J. i ee ·yeu .· .. • \ ~' t;. • I • f! ' . : 't t ____ ....,.,.,._. • • 1 .. 1 ' ,..__ . ¥DM17JV~llL102 ... IL..... ' .._ RCIA'• IOwest priced eolOr pirtibtt·wlh "°"""' -1 ~~l,ISOO-Yolt New Vltta Chnait fOf ... bfil• , .-Htrirpk:tUii. OnHet VHF fhli hfiilr& llUlft.fn . •• ~ •M• I . ,. ·' :./ ". ' " I , • ----=',,..,,.,,' ,..,,,,,.;,,.,.....,,.,..., ___ ...,.. __ ....,..,._, _____ ___:_· ,:_l __ _..;.,._._.-.:-,_..., __ ............. ~~~-~' ~-~"' ~ J • • . ' . • -.~ Transpac Winners Celebrate The crew of the overall winning boat in the Transpacific Yacht ·Race, Arge>- naut, celebrate in Honolulu after leami~g of their victory. Sloop skipper: is ·\ Jon Andron (riShl). Mori Andron;;of Santa Barbara Yacht Club is. owner,. Jay Araujo n&VIJator and other-crew members •are lk>b· SeQ,ford Jimmy .. Smith, Gary Weisman, John MacCosbam and Geoff·Anilron. ' · \ ~~-'-~=--~~-'-~~~--'·~~__;..:..:......;;:.c;.:.·:.._~~~~~ .. ,..,, .. 1 • . STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorfQI soun~ of _ ........... Orange County Music ... .am RADIO, KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach Governor's Cup Set LIYC,~1girl With BYC Defending Regatta Set Inrerclub malcb racing by ,,;,, .. by tbo Lido Isle Yacht On Saturdayi---------~---------------- 10 of Sottthem Callfomil's Club, Bahia CiiinUfian Yacht best teen •'< UlPJ!m be .... · Coa!I C9fllllllllll '1111 liillaU llllor• dominate tW 1c116if"o1l·llif·i c v~ b, 11eac1i Yacht U>e llillnc ...., Sol\trday, ~ alflllo II · ·, =: Hl11lor whetl Lido Ille Yacht Club Piii' I• llll llilll' 1' J lluli. . _.-' Nldl HI *' ltlDUll All Girl ·-· .,., -.. "'· 'l'lll!~-... ao1liil lb RiPM41, - • Tbll It the third fur al-sail-tbo Cal Jt cWi WiJ il'ln jhl. "l'llUtftl~ II JJ _, will ing !or the Governor's eup:· flOll. The'larilll! lllie motolJ be tbo llOjtlin labot Bub, ~ by ·tbo BalbOa · llice requlrU M ik!pper If D8Ually mart Ill• 10<. ann- acbl CllJl!. .D!!llL-~-~""~ d!Ji. chair _....,., ... open .... prevkm --· w,anl>y "'""' Iii . tL _ "1100. ~.-----..e.~'1 IR r1,..:.1· '}~Ir rc.r:-~--Ut•a ~ , _ 4Wr llf--9.,...,,,..,,.,,...----~- ----=~~~~~~ ~d!;:'JC".:pe:ru;;~ ·;:...., ,· ~all .,.,11>1--9·-1 ~ ---- l 1. I I l 20lh bCrthday. a>airman of ·1111o· yur'i competlnc 14 .Lido 14'•, Kita, The Balboa Club'• defense eveQl It Bill Catllon. A11lstlnl Sabots A, B, Ind O, apd fl'llp- will be ia the hands of Andy him . will ht cn.t PurceR pen, plua 1117 othv cluaH Role this year. "bale crew aboltd the JjpJltltjjoh. the under II IHI wtlll throe or conslSts of Rick Jennns, r1ee comm.lttee ·-.i ~ more •tlrtm. · Gordo Johmoo and Jay by~ 1111.f Cim Cini mlltil llo llllllllo also Lawreoce. '!'roJ>ll!n, .,..., ~ the an4 skippers -be a Nlilo 6lli*r olube wUI ..,..: GOV1i111it'1 C!ttl ·'lffll . be. member al-1 club In NAYllU peji; CGalldorld.111 be aorlotll' ~ by · i; •·•or~ or or ICYA. w~-~":J*:-W~~:r.h~~ ~~~;i; Randy Sm y I h, Huntiopn Department ol Harbon and Roy Wool>oy, will follow the Harbour Yacht Club ; Ken WatucrafL The ceremonies Jut net, on the veranda of Weil>, Alamitos Bay Yacht wtll lake pil<e al the Balboa tho Udo Clubhouse. Club; and Mary Grlfllth, Los Yocbl Club In, the early even-Salling IOltructon Pore C«>- Angeles Yacht Club. ing following Sunday's f~ nally and Dave Riley will Strong tUllll!i are 1150 bein1 race. serve u ract committee • $7,000 In Prizes . Hennessy Cup Races To Be Richest Yet A new $2125 prize fund for Here'• haw the prize money secondary clasaes assured. to-will be diatributed: day that the purst !or the !!Ith" . OFFSHORE CL.us chairmen, usl.ated by Junior Yacht Commodore K e v l n Ashe, and junIOr olllcon Jay Farrar, Blrbara Hltstand, and Carol Connally. Sea Festival Ski Jump Set Monday annual Long Beach Hennessy Overall Position (Overall A deconted skl jump which Cup offshore power boat race Order of ~}: ,1(0) (Hen-will become a permantntly Aug. 23 will be the richest in Cup •-• ) 1_,. ava ilable facility at Marine the sport's pool-World War II ll<"Y ""l"'Y • •w, $500, hi•tory -over $7000. 13tlll. nso, Ill(), 1~00 Cfim Stadium will be dedicated The Henne.say Cup race, to threougb seventh places). Monday u r.,eparations near st.art at 10 a.m. off Btlmont Special Anidi.: First Single completion or the fourth an- SllOl't Pier, is the cli.mu event Inboard or Stern Drive-$250. nual Caltfomil International ol the fourth annual California Flrat MulU Inboard _ ~. Sea Festival a( Lona: Beach F -Aog. 1-13. tntemational Sta Festival at lf'lt Multi Stun Drtve-$25(1. The jump was constructed Long Beach Aug. 1·2S. The First Outboard -$250. Second of fiberglass by the Lon& west's finest starting fleet is ClQtboard -.$150. Third Out· Beach Public Service Dept., eipec\ed. boird -i100. Fil'st Class T (20 is easily atored, an4 will be HI.eh-powered racers com· to 24 feet) -$500. Hard Luck used for the first time com· plylnl with Union of Intema· Award -$100. Scrutlneer's peUtlvely Jn the American tional Motorboatlng and A.mer· Aw a rd (Boat Preparation, Water Ski Assn. Western Re. kin Power Boal Assn. Off. Gear Stewag!) -$100. rionals at Marine Stadium shore Cl1n rules will be pur-DEVELOPMENT CLASS Aug. 1-3. auing the previously announc-Overall p ••It 1011 •: $300 Skiers' nnal order of finish ed $m presented by Ju. (Powerboat m 1 g a zlne tro-is determined both on dis· Hennt:sly Co., ZOO.year· old phy), $250, POO, $J50, $HJO, $?5, lance achieved off the jump French Cognac-di.stilling fll'm , $50 (first t h r o u g h seventh ·~;:J,,~::u:ii.foot hlah, over a challenging ~mile ph1ces}. 22-foot. loni, tt.-foot w1de ramp coune. Special Awards: First Singh~~ will be launched by vivacious Smalle~. sportier bo11ts flf Outboard -'5Q-. First Multi Cas,,le Hill, "t11s,, California the: Pacific Offshore Power Outboard -$&0. First Inboard International Sea Festival," Boat Racing Assn. Develop--'50. Rint teo Ocunside -tn the tradiU~t m1nner~1 ment Class will race over a tlOO (Sdrlada Boats tro'!'hY}. 1'hlcklng•' tt Wttli 1 clwri· 117-mile course from Long1_,,:Scru;;:llneer:=='::::•~A:;war~d=-=ISO~.=;;fpagne;;::;bcilll=e.;:;::;:;;;;;;;;;:=il Buch to Oceanside and back Ir :!i'"l\:~:1 :.~::Sot~~ OLYMPIC SOLi.NG has been presented by Sch.Ilda • · boats and the .....-do- nated·by·a-!Mding publication, --- P-l magulno of ·v111 Nuys. Three l)lajOl' boatJni doalcn have prwnted a l'l90 tarlll for the tblrd clua tn the not, ·, i the alow«, brawnier Cru'"'" .which lllo will battlo.1111 lllt '""""' """"'· Cootrlbutm are Boet Ille, lnc., of Oranat Coun\J, Weal <:out Yoehl and Autocout. · ,, -" Wt must make room ·ftr new orclors arrivi111 IANK =~~II . iltl¥trtllff: c~ In_ •IMk . fir ~t _ JllMI. SAVIMGS ARE GREAT BE EARlY-FOR THESE! . 100% DUPON'f NYLON PIU ·, long, cl•p, pl1,11h pll• lntul"i4 long wear. and lu•ury. Doubl• ivt• back. Available in four be11 Mlling coJ rs. lo0. I.ts lat. .3· fS $'11 '"· CARPET ONLY COMMDCIAL TYPE TWPD 100% continuous fllam1nt nylon pile in an.all loop con1tfuction. Hard wearin;, 1a1y to cltan, Several popular colon to choose from. bauble iute bockin;. Solo 3 95 5'1!. T4, CAR~fT ONLY 100% CONTINUOUS flLAMINI' NYLON PILI 11_igh-low tip 1heare~ h1•ury. DMp oncl plu1h looking In a sculptured deaign. Must see this to appr.clote true valuer Double jute bock. 3 colOF'I in stock. .... •.u soi. 3ts S,. TL CJ.Aea ONLY 100% ~ PILI . long plush •hag in 3 dKorolor c1lor.1, Avocado, G'""· gold. This 11 top qi.IOI· ity hard w~ring ahag. This won't la1t at this low pric1. l't. 7.H Solo 5•9 S,.YL CAUEr ONlY SPECIAL P.RICES ----· On hundreds of top quality remna"ts. All sizes to choose from. Ufl to 20 fl. long. Wool, nylo", acrylic, polyoiler. All fibors and colors. SAVE UP TO 60°/o HOURS: Me-ft., Thltfl., M. t-1:30 THI., Wff.., S.L 9-1:00 s-12.J UINO YOUI lOOM MIASUUMDITS R~d The· Daily Pilot For Top Spofts Cover~ge Co!llpltte Priitting Servfct Top Quallty -Fast Service ', I 1118111'111'' 641-4321 • nn w .. t 11n... llvd. N-port -h _-.........._.-.--. ..=..o'--~- •• • THE .I • IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN AM Ult tn41l IDho t .... 1 just hOIO lo lurn tht phmt to g•C the fllOlt OMI of thr barb I> DAILY PILOT colum,.. Ill Sl/dntr Hfl'Tll. ff• llol bun c:all<d Ill< "'°""" · dol/ Honrr M11'ct1w. 11 ro..W nadf f6r hi> U<I Of th• ad4 odj1ollo1 OJld I h o u O h t ,_ iWovo1t111g pr011 to give tlO" the '111dl1 • ; • ff #bU woni lo find . '"""llafii, lo thfnJc about iti what uou rtod • • • tf 11ou hsvt o '""' of humor, you b t I o n g toith rlGdrra '°"° cltlloht 1n telliltg c>lhert IOMt "Sl/d ia!d" In °"' of the ttatlon'1 mc>ll • QUG!ed c:olumnt. .. Some Sample Bar/Js . . ~, llutilll~ By Sydney Harris: "One of the hl1httt paJ4 lebo In Amorico con1J1ts of lfancllnt 'Up ln front of • mlo- ,.,hotlO, ·..,-.rttl"ll ·tt;e .............. . f,.... tho Nd ants -and pl1Jlnt1 tho Nd ...... "II'• aad· but uue !hot wlllle lktlbollcs are Ibo bu\.arcumont for abltlnonoo, so many abstainer& are equally effect! .. ·.,. iumen\ for a llttle drink, now and ~ • . \ "Moot of tho OOoCallld 'lildlftplllbHlty' In rna;r1 ... oprlnp from.""' foct that to moat men, .. x 11 •n 1d; \While to 111 women, 11 11 an llMllan. "'1d 11111 clllfor· once In 1111-can be bridged only by love.. ff ''The sole dUferenoe belwttn a 'dedJc. ted Cl'11ladfr' and a 'Do•y reformer' cOn. lists tn oU:r 1;greement or dlsaanement · wltlt bis objectives.• ''Tho mot! axpl11lve comblnotlon In tho world con1f1t1 of sincerity •dlltd t• lsnor•l)C•.'' , ' ''Whenever I am the recipient of an ex~ caslvlly boarty bandllhake, I 1u1pec:t Mr. Muscles b trying to sell something. hide 1amethiq\ or prove aomethin£" Check The Editorial Page for lhi1-Si1nature- 1 It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col-- A Regular Feature of umn, the DAI LY PILOT ________ :Jllf:!". • •• ; ~ ---~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~ --''*'· My 18, 1969 • DAILY I'll.OT J ;i .,,_ ~- Gefmatas Developed Space ltlethods / 1 • • ' I ' • • ·· BaJtie 1 Vil~age Sh~d~w ~Lo.oms Ove~Mo9n IT'S A iJACTI If you · spent 3,0 ·seconds looliln9 et ... j~A Q .11-" she9_~. it 'WOUl4 • • ,, • • ' ' • • ' ' ' ,• • . • • ' , . ' .. ' • , ' ' ' ' ) I . • i ' • ' • • • ' ' ':isy -HUBERT J:' ERB,. L Amerfcan ~ha:nas ana-~ eve·~ made posaibll by Peene-.-,. · ... • BERLIN (AP) _ Jt tually ,was relllrned lo what muon¥ """'rd!, ~ testing '•NIM'&l •., · way from a quiet fishing became ~esrGe"!\a.ny:-'A"tfl&.1-·becanie., the_ ,, o rrd e " " lflK Ulage on the Baltic Sea coast book, Tb.en 1 n Peene-weapons with which the ._...,. ... _._ ;0 man's Jirst bid to put 8 foot nwende," by' Ermt Klee apd Nazis hoped to snatch victory • on lhe rpoon. But ~ shadow • Otto .. ~erk, tells of this from defeat. . , . of the vlllagol looms large' in matenal. But throogbout, there was a -, what the United states and the 'J'he Peerµnuende team ,put , nonmilitary drea~ (oste.red ~Y - So Jet Union can accomplish together hquld-fuel eng1~ those who saw mtlltarY ba~k· l\~r,....,.z . v ce that in 194e hurled the world's ing as a mearf ·or"eyeDtUW.ly m spa . · . first truly' big rockets high into reaching lhe stais. • I . The vil!~ge is Peenemuende, the atmosphere at a· speed D.r. Walter Oor~berger, ,-, literally at the mouth or the almost twice that of souqd, major general ·Y(ho, began as · Peene River." .There Dr. Launch pads and rocket an artillery 'Cafrt8ln•tn Charge. Wernher Vf'; !Jr.a\11\,,_llelped put towers took on a t o·o k or developing . w""o r k a b' I e r."-frlr'JP togethert ~ 1!$~· thll:t led remarkably like those in use ordnarlce oUt ·oe sclentilJC' eveo!p;.i~ fo the .~ , 5 tQday . Mobile military launch research, predicted.In l!M2 •at rocie~. t 1 vehicles were the forerunners Peenemuende that in the· .von Braun was technical or those used now. h,iture rocketry. wOuid make d1~tor. at Peenemuende. At a time wbeo. there was no possible . 30-minute trips W1~ •!M collapse of H1Uer's public television, closed-<:trcuit between Germany and the ' . < •• ..~ take you over· 9 hours to see the111 All--'\ ~ 1 •• 9~ • , so come •~'rly and· bring your lunch. I t:f • .J ·C&Oti1Lsmi1Af ' Third Reich, he and ~m of television was u.sed to watch United States . . his P.een~uende team ~·ent over launchings. to the United States where \'OD . FIRST WAY . . . ffitler was 10mtWhat skep., Btaun became directOf:bNhe TF.S'l'-FIRING -Von Braun 1n July t939 ·sug--~, -. ------tlcal and hence besttalJt; ij: .P.farsha.11 Space Flight Center · Tesl firing of un~watei: gested vertical take off in-book-, Klee a~ M~k ~eseri.~ was not unW Ju))' 'I, IMS, tliat at Huntsville, Ala. rockets from a submarme was terceplors powered by. rockets ~s Am~rican . Cfl~ as a . he made ro$et development c a r r i e d out. An in-that \l.'ould climb mQre tlttm _ vi}4labJe, ~ps ~ 1DOst the ' ~, prkitt7 ol his war NEAREJ> IJEARTLA'ND tercontinental missUe with a 26,000 feet before their pi!$ valu@le spoil$ for-.. the ~.V!c-: Diachirie. a dlclalon th&t tum- .. ~ lhe ~ssians •neared t~e traqsatlantic range was on the took over. In effect, he was tots."· ..J ed out to be lat too late • qennan he~~n~ in 1945, Von draWing board, a two-stage . looking for a way t o P~n~. • battete<t~by · ' Braun and 1others /at Peene. rocket bigger than the present demonstrate the world's first bombing, fell to lhe Russtan& Ple&m 81!2 m1,1enJie sent 19\1~.tl)e :Valuab~ U.S. ICBMs . AntiAircraft manned-rockets; a{Mi SOOd·they rounded µp the lt w•• y,.. Braun himself reci;>~ and ~ ®c.upi~nls ,..i-6f' missiles were develoPed. Jet As Gemiany' co1t8pSed Voh Gennari r octet .. sclentlal! Who ·ai 'Chh'stmu 1135 plcked p\oneei: ·German rpcket 'tfork engines for airplane$ were a Bi'aun and others headed VJ est available to, them· and shi~ quiet Peenemuende u the th8.\ d8fed to the ,~y.:, '2~in side P.roduct and such planes and gave up to the U.S. Army them t01it~l"· ... · ' place to deWlop b1s f(ICkets. It and" near Berlih aD~fte ·1936 made their first appearance at in Bovl!ria. Some fOQ ·Peene--Thus it was that. Gennant in was alntost aurrounded by at:Peenemuen<te.>· :> the' close of the war. muende men eventually \\ere the ·United Slates and./otber water. ·ftere were Islands tr.ruS :material-11.aiided in The. weapon development brought together. In their Germans in the Soviet ymon close by. A 2'8-mlle eutward ~.,.-;-,-~~-"?"-~~--~~--'-~--.:.._-~~.::...""'"..:... ______ ~~--~~·~·"'-~I firing range alona: the • • ( Pomerania coast could be viewed an· the way 'from land. In ~.-mpecta.. Cape Ken-' . nedy ii a second, if far ad-, · t ~· va:nced. Peeneml4_eDde. Coast Men . Get Degrees Or~e COst residents e rece '.degreeLli'Olli Loyola un.1ver1ity , Loa ·Angeles. ',l'bey are: ;. nulM COSTA MF.SA• Den-' "nis 'G. Monge, ase Santiago Road, Juris doct«. a'''"..\'J.alll'" lntlde , ,OU'tl llnd du• honttt· you 1 JMCfj, "ft 8re. Wherever to-goodntia'lrllh cocktaJla. Uquor •'!Cl all. you ~rt. 1 • They don't.tat. h9fMmadt. v-tr. fttlxed More Important, Clubtaila come In nine proleinlonalty. With the ffl'INI lngredlenttwe ravorlte nlYOft! lrom" Extra-Ory . Martill 1o FROM HUNTINGTON BEACH: Vernon Lee Rening ll, 169'12 Ruby Circle, bachelor of science. can 1ey our handt on .. Ukt Smfrnoff Vodka · lreih; frothy Dliqulrl. for the Vodk(Mattinla, Cllmltta and Screw-We call them Cfubtllla.~BecaUH thiy'r. drivers. ao much tUlf)t, qutcklr and better thin And becau .. the cana..,._aklmlnwn.-thay.-ccclctaUa. · FMM NE\VfORT BEACH• Robert I. · Kotob, 110 Vil ltboca, Juris doCtar. chill flattr. All )IOU do II tllp open and ..,.,.. .. I'll drink to that." , -' . A message of hope-~ for those who were ·left out becquse · we couldn't get them a· Volkswage n.- right away. · ~ · NIWPOltT llACH Chick Iv.-,. 1,,._ 445 l.'c.Mt lfirr. ~ 0'14) •7U900 . • Our ship came in. Your local authorized Volkswagen dealer ~as a good selection of .models, colors and optional equipment to choose from . And if he doesn't have exactly what you're looking for, he can probably get it in a doy orlwo. So if you've been waiting for the right time lo buy·a vyt, the ti_me has come. -. ,, ' .. • •''. • . " .. J . • ~ ' • ' SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 81 Y 1111, Inc. -. f1ll Vallo-ltd. -499-2261 ' . . • .. J HUNTINGTON II.lat H1rbour Y_~l9"" 1171-1 IHch -1rtl (714) 142.+US • , I f I • I . I • l I I ' .. IC DAil y l'l\.OT AIR-U--Ull. PRESENTS TtlREE· aiiiium 3 DAYS / 2 NIGHTS Al( fH TOURS ·INCLUDE: f.alifornia ' -Seeks New ~acific ·Line • I . . ,.OVER XHE COlJNTER ., . - • -HAID Llttlnp ler -.v; Joly 11, IM ..... 9 ......................... ~ t ............. -.... -' ,..... • -..... ,_..., ............. Ir ..... .. -... _ .. ' ... ...:-.. _. -~ lf.$11,...... 11=::..:::..:::,.,,.,.,,-::==:"---I 1.,JL!__::__ __ Ml)or tttnd• • C.fjg-:llfl LEGAL NOTICE ~ • dlltiew ffoll Twi11 r.b ll-----.. ~,~,,-"----1 lnflirti-~n· Curbs Fail-MUTUAL . .J J • ~ Sul llcb IM Giff ..... • su•••1011. coullT °' TM• ~~ IJol-• h'~-. ..1 l'IM STAT• OP CALIJ'OAHI~ 'Oil _. VIA NW WI 11"1 ntl COUJllTY OP OUHGI Arts• UDfl htt; • ihe Pmldiit NOTlt'r o~4::AJllH• ·• fOf't la. • lea Qjff • -011' J'ITITK>Jll '°" Plt .. ATI ·~ ~ -llJ'-M OP WIU. ANO H4l -.-... • _ __.. LllTTlb TllTAMIN1'All'f' flllOIS...._tiaf.lleMMs E\11" 'ff A.. CLYCI Olll:IUILl. ' 1111'1 ••• lndlU& r••s ~~E IS HEllESY GIVf:lt 'Tiii! Wharf .. '-fl It flr1tiio'1 JOSEjllHIJfE M. GRIZZELL """ fl lltd Mrtlt! • petttloll tor PrvbtN "' win ..,. • Deluxe Del.Webb TownHoine K· f« lllllaftea °" Len• .. tm•"""'''" -" l"Ttl~ _,....,_ "~-it c.ommodttil)l'IS (3 d1ys72 ni&hts) ..,_ tor turrr..r Nl'lklllf,., 1M • Round ln'p tnnsf•"* from S.1t '"-' iti. t1n1e •1'111 •'-<• " 11•••1111 t1111 ~· ume llu been let for Alltllll I, lfH, 11 Francisco or 01k\1nd Airport to •:• •·"'·· 111 no. court-" O..rt· • T • I """' N9. '-llf uld. ~rt. •I 7W W. 1111 "the downtvwn Airtine enn1na st .. 1" 111e Clt'I' of 11n11 w . c1n~rnr•. • TaUcab from the Terminal to the 011H JulY 16. ,,.. W. E... ST JOHN TownHouse & mum (ind. tip) Co\lrltY c1..-t1 c.llWY. ~. c.lllllH .... --.. .... .... AIR CAUFO-1u '""' aM C-ln 11. ... REDWOODS:&~ r.,~4~= AIT COLONY i"" .,..,..,.. tw PetMi.n.r It HI l'vllll..., ar.11W a.n o.ur P11a1, t••r. ,,,r J ...... 17. IL 24 '"' 11'MP 1119 LEGAL NOTICE Travel across the Golden Gate 11---.:.---,=::-----I "'''" throuiti the tirorfd·famous town of NOTICE TO ClllDITOllS Sausalito, into the lush hills of :~:~;•g: Jf~:0'11:1~ ;;: Muir Woods, Stroll amonr the tN1 couNTY oP o••,..• ""' Id .... A4J1SS fabled redwoods-I,......... year11 1!"1!11t"' IEN u. ltAOING, o.eeun. liants risin1 more than 300 feel NOTICE IS HEll.EIY GIVEN • lllf er.dllon f:Jf lht 1bove MtMd clfudelll above the forest floor 1111, 111 "._' hlvlnl ct.lml ".1 ... 1 lht ... unfor1ettable! u1c1 ~' 1,.. ,_1..i '° ni. thef!I. wlltl !tit nee.,....,.., 'f'Olld'll,., lft ~ PRICES f:Jfllll:<.lertolllle ..... ll'ltltlM .. tQ prn,erit 9-, with ""' _,.... 1-:..;:;o.. • • woud'>tn. Te,,. ........ .,.,. ... "" o4tke _, ... IUnq twil of LIPPOLO, HEND!ll&Ott • AH D (Mddtd IOI• (U.) .......... .$4&.IO OINSMODll, AttorMV•• J'° E11I 111h Ttllnl ..... 51""1, S.,,l!oe 111, COii• Meta, C1lllcnll1 " f'2a7 wflldl It fM 1i.te d •1IMU of (SI• ,_) -·~---... .$.JIAJ !tie .:..0.,,1111ie11 In 111 rNtttA Mrttlnlrll -1• --1? te ttM n1B1t of .aid lllddfnt, r.11'1111 ftlllr -11,_ . l'l'IOl!ttt. ifl•r ~ ~rs! J'.l~llQI 11r1 ot 11111 (11111 , ... , M•O•MW•M••·••M-$Z5.75 nonce. (All-'"-ucJulw If tlr 111'1) D•IH JuPv 1, lfft, ,._. LI.ONA SOW!ll Ell:klllrl• of !tie w1n AIR CALIFORNIA of IN ...,... nMllllll dlctdltlt CHOPSTICKS ~· ' ·~ ~11~':~. MIEMDlllOl'I AMO & SEAL'~ 1¥1 It. 11:.rffl '*'-' n:;: ..... ll'Mt ......... ltl SUl)JIU 1onr ~z~: 0.11, l"!lol. A ruided tour ol Chinatown. llur Ju1v ... 11, .,., ~-.... r 111MI slories of tne "inner city." Disco'tef LEGAL NOTICE exotic shops and bazaars. Aftu 11---'-,,=-=c-::=::---dar" an authentic Chinese dinner CASE No. P·Dm llt IA.II 1111 completes th is unique adventure. ce:11.T11"1CAT• D'" 1u111r11ss Ma rine World will introduce Ji!U to Tiie ~;~!!~' :!!"' :::.':.: ctrtlPY a f1stin1tin1 displ1y of se1lile 1h11 th• 11 corldudirw • Ml""• 11rv•~ ~MU It 1f1 lncll ... Jd\1111 II 1fD7 ~· 11111 (with transportation & admisskrn). 11 hnt• Ml. C•lit. '2106. llfldn "'" 11~i111oo1 ti"" ,..,,,. of GENIE IUSINEU PRICES SEii.ViCES •ncl th.II ulll II"" Ii - POHd 01 1M tlllCIWlftl "''""'' whDM Adllb slllfil& tnl Mine kl full lftd ~ d Alldt!!m It It ...... ' I .. ,.. lolkJrft. to-w11: ,... ... M............... GAct II. Cool(. 12\JI. ,Mrt.fl ,,_, Ati'T Tim1 .. lllt C, Glrdefl Q,..._., C.llf. tf6e ,.. I m15 o.11c1 Jutv 1, 1•. ;;;:,:: ,;;;. ........... -STATE ~r"C.:1~&:'-NIA I I' 17 ( I "'.D5 COUNTY 01" OftANGE l H • Jr1. 11111 nt• .... ...., On JulV 1. lHf, beior1 ,.,., • Nol•rv Under ll .• -w••-•••$31.GO Publlc In •111111 tor uld COUfllY Ind Stitt. ~ .... rates mb .. '-bet-ton•llY ..,...rid Grl(e 1. Cook 11;,_n .., ,... io me to bt "" ""°"' wi.-1111mt (All llficu udaM tf lir I .. ) lllbtcrlbld le flll wtlflln lntl•IHM~I, lfld KltnawlldtMI tD Mt tllll 9IW u~ ,,.. AIJI OAUFOIUllA u=Mt1 "'¥ hll'ld 1nd 1111. • JACK L O'OELL To Slow GNP Growth1...._F_u_N_ns ...... , WASHINGTON (AP) -The Grou N1lional Product, so far lppar<Oily unallect.d by the administration's aue;:E!: t.o ti&h1en the screws cm Uoo, grew steadily during April, May and June, the Commerce Department reported Thurs- day. William H. Chartener, as· sistanl secretary for economic affain, told a news conference the secoqd quarter growlh of $16.4 billion -mostly the result of price lncre&.es - suggested that t h e ad- ministration s h o u 1 d hold "quite firm on the way things are now." 1 The latest estimat.e or the GNP is at a seasonally ad- justed annua l rate of $925.1 billion. Chartener said he ex- pects t.o finish the year with a GNP of $933 billion. The GNP is the nation 's total output ol goods and wvlc:u. He predictM that Ille third quarter report would allow an increase of more than $16.4 bUll~ _but lbal 1he loorth quarter figures would be below $16 bWlon. , ChJrtenet, I JohnaOo. ail· mlnlstraUon holdover wbo is leaving at the end of August, alto reported that lbe depart- ment had revised its GNP llgurel for the last three ,..,. upward by a total of $5 billion. He attributed .$4 billion of the revision to a 11very rapid rate of growth In slate and local spending." One pessimistic n o l e in Chartener's report was that the rate of real growth ln the economy -the actual in· creases have remained the lllll l'l'ED STATES 111 A'l'ION AL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA I RANCH NOW OPIN SATURDAYS MAJESTIC ~ (OFFICIAL SEAL! llPJCOAlsrui iNnrE . • .. ~:;: =· ,,._, c."""'i..11111 ir:~1r.. t ,. I p M """· " lt71 • • Publllollell oni-CO.rt D•llV Piiot, MOM-TMUIS lf.l P.M. '''' • 11. IL 2s. ltill lnwt PIJD•-1M PM Trml the Peninsula and ICl'OSS .. ,.,. • • lush Santi Clari Valle1. lunch in 11 __ .:LE=G::AL:::,:;NOTl;;_;.::CE:::.. __ 11 1114> Mt.1111 . LeNtti11 l•1 Los' Gatos, then follow lhe spectlc· ::ms s.. c .... ..._ c.... w .. ular coastline to the buuty of the c••Ti,~'t:·~ '"'""''' ,.,.. vie. ,,,......., famed 11·111ile Drive. You'll Yisil 1"1CT1TMMt1 ,, •• ,....,.. JAMES W. VE.RR.ALL OldMouterey,Pacif1eCrove,Pebble ~ ... ~':..~':' :-= C::: a .. ...i. the Salinas Vallfy and lllOI!. _..,...,, tlutl-.. •n llldNIMI ''''===================::!!-..:::~:__ ______ _ _..... tlJJ -... Dl'I'#, """' ....... 1~ Brint a camera! c.11Pon1i.. ~ tt1e nd111eu1 f1m "'"" of CONll~INTM. STATES Dl!VILO" PR I C ES MENT COM,ANY tt111 tllal .-111 firm Ii ~ d "" leUllWlr!t ,..,__ ..,... .......... tR MrM In run Mf •lid If ruld9nct It •• - .... t-.J --·•n 1e11on. to-wit( ---Cl\«'" S. H1wt1.IM, 11D MK ._. 1*...,. Drl ve. Soult! $Mlrn. C..Hl<lrnl1. - ..-1 --·-·--Ml~ o.11c1 J-11. '"'· ci.r1" s. H"""1111 QM ... 1.l IT A Te ot' CALIFOllNIA ~ ...., _ . .....PJ.15 COUNT¥ OF Oll.AHG6 ) ft .,,-On JUN 1t, ,...,, bmn mt, • NolllV Siii*............ l"ut!llc: lfl lll'ld tor Mid (IMllY IM llltt, T;,;;:;~ ........ , .. , ""°"'''"' ·-·"" Chlf~I 5. ~I"' .... ,._ II:-lo "" le bl If" ""'°" '""'°"" -" ~ le flit wllhlll Ill- ,. ...... ... • • .... •'"""'"'· .... .--i.i ... le -ht ....... ,,.. TIWll .... • ... f )(KU!foll "" """· Wljntt.I ll'l't' Mlloll Mii lffl ltf.Al.l IElllll s. Ot1'W ,.,,..,.., ~lk<•""""lt ,rllltlNI Ol'fkt lft .... 0.-C-PY ...... Mf C-lt110ft IEulrtt --· ·---IA OK .•. "~ ~~ HAii.MOM I JIMSI N ---'-'_._.11 .... JDJ A"-""' .t WW -----~1M111t., I =--. -IHI• A11, c.ll"'"'i. ft.N I , '.:::~;:;:;;;:::::::;:;;;;.r1f•h W •1MI t ,IAl11"""' Or...... CNll D1lfr Piiot, JllM tr tM J~W 4 11, 1t. lHt lnut • r . Comple~New York Stock List Security's Six-month Earnings Up Jtfarket Sfllllbob • .. I ~ ~--~~~~------- l ' • • ' • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; • • • ' l • • ~ I Thursday's Closing Prices- • ' .. • plete .·New • American Stock Exchange List -~- . f f • ---. . • • OAILY PILOT ~~ 9K_,,. __.. -• . \ Yf" • --=-.. r.r:. • \ • . . . _ ·· · . . MID-SEASON STARTS TQMORROW;.... H. ME. SA E ~ ~·-'--.;;.;... ..... ....,...._-, ..... ~00% BELGIAN LINEN TABLECLOTH . W ith.no-i ron finish.and soil release in• brigh~y-wild "CiiEfor~i4 Daisy" yellow print. By California Hahd Prints. 10.00 52•70" ----··· 8/i-9-17.00 61x86" oval.-,--J5.'19 -14.50 60x84 " ___ 13.49 18.00 70" rd. (ban_ded) 16.99 J. P. STEVENS THERMAL BLANKETS "Honeyweave" in IOO i'o Creslan® acrylic, nylon bound. Your choice of colors. I 0.00 66x90 -----------------------7 .99 12.00 80x90· --------------------9.99· '_ 18 00 90 '08 ---------------------------------------15.99 . x' ------------------------- Bedding, 55 fl 4.00 Miramar woven spre ad. twin or full -------------------------------:-11.99 -_$15-$16 Lustra spread, twin 12 .99, full .. ----------'---------13,99 CANNON NO-IRON WHITE PERCALES . . ' -. 4W.95 A console model-with automatic'fine tuning. Welnut finish cebinet. _;_ ..,_:_:. T elevi;ion.-72---- ZENITH -16" COMPACT COtOR . 329.95 . Built in aerial and handle .. Television1 72 SAVE 3.S-:50% PERMA PRESS DRAPERIES ''New Horizons,'' fully .machine wa;hable in 5 decorator~ color s. 8+" length. Many other sizes. ·reg. 16.00 48x84" ---=-....:...-----=-·-, reg. 55.00 .I #x84" .. . ------ . _ _.<:;4rt ·ini, -p~p~rie1;_ I 0 $7.29 $29.99 4.50 tw in __ _ ------·------------3.49 -5'.50 full.-----------:-----.-=--· 4.49 , 8.50 queen -------~-~-------,--5.99 I 0_.50 king fitted -----------8.49--.:_ _ 11.50 king 'fi at ________ _-8.~ 3.20 42x36" co"'s -2._51.pii~ . . _ -~ --3.8o--4ix46 case~-::. --·--2.9J1M'i-00---~---'-+-i--cQR~EERL>lJTCFrCORTAll'FS" __ _ 6.50-p.50 Cannon no-iron print percales. _______________________ 4.99-11.99 Sheets, 2 RICHARDS DISH IMPERIAL POK~R. TABLE 49.99 AND .CUP KEEPERS reg. 4.30-5.00 2.n ea. Brushed gold • ff• ct vinyl ' c•l•S with z:ipper closing,. Service for 12 c1p1city, plates, 11l1d1,-d • s s •rt s, seucen; cur.·chest with fo1m dividers ho ds 12 safely. Notions, ~ Overall Sl" 1iz• in heevy dUty herdwood construction with I chip poC:keTs end .11h treys. 37" pleying surface in 9reen vinyl. METALCRAFT 5-PC DINING SET reg. 219.95 189.95 42" oval Roma top extends to 54", 66 " with fills. Cane style hi- back chairs. Housewares, 95 MARDI GRAS 7-PC COOKSET, BY REGAL ·-3~.80 Open sfoek value . 29.95 Lined with Teflon I I® In flame red, avocado , harvest gold. Includes I, 2-qt saucepans, 5-qt Dutch oven and 10" open fry pan (fitted by Dutch oven cover._ Ceramic clad porcelain enamel exteriors. Housewares, 39 FRIGIDAIRE 16.6 REFRIGERATOR 269.88 Sove $20. _ _ Has twin cri spers, I 54 lb. freezer. Fully no fro st model.. In wh ite coppertone, avocado. Major Appliances, 80 G.E. 18.1 SIDE BY SIDE, 32" WIDE 399.88 A true foodsave in white , coppertone, avocado & gold. Major Appliances, 80 G.E. 2-SPEED WASHER, 3 CYCLE 189.88 With the famou~ Filter-Flo® wash for lint tropping. Ma jor Appliances, 80 Reg. 69.95 Hoover upright vacuum with ligh t.-·----------:--49.95 RCA 18" COLOR COMPACT WITH CART .88 - With carry handle ond bu ilt in anlenno, 18" Cliagonal meosure· Television , 72 RC'A 19" B/W pORTABLE 139;95 ' ' . ;Jhe deluxe model with handle and ••rial, '19" diagonol0 m,e~~ . urement. Television, 72 : · · • ANAHEIM 444 North EucHd ••• US.112 t M••'•v thr11 Sotvrdoy to • ..._ to 9:10 P."'· . ~ . .... 5.50 80x24" --------------------4.49 6.00 80136" ___ ··---------5.49 5.75 8Qx30"_ ---------4.99 3,00 72xl I" v•lance --------· 2.69 reg. I 0.50, I 32x38" Pri scill• tie-back --------------------------------· 9.49 • ~.50 swag vel•nce -----------------------~-~·---..:,___ _______ ~---3.99 Curtains, :10 '·SAVE 15% ''.ROYAL -VlCf O.RIA" . -' , -· . DRAPERY E-N$EMBLE . / · • : .. 1 4b24" ·.5.29 . TO l -192195" 57·.79 • ' -. . Over'-450 ·size·end color ·combinati • Full rine of motchin9-<icceS:." . , . . . . · wries. 2-year color .guarantee. Our RJOSt popular ensemb1e. Draperies, :~I. 0 "GILBRALTOR" HOLLYWOOD BEDCOVER SET reg. -32.00 19.99, SET SAVE 1/3 39" cover end 2 wedge bolster covers. Your choice of decorator £olors. Draperies, '.I 0 75.00 Amzo Baroque 53-pc chino sots for 8 --------------------------·--· 39.99 40.00 Lipper & Monn 40-pc. dinnerwore set.for 8 ·--------------------· 2789 Royal 65-pc dinner set for 12, now _________ ...;.... ______________ 29.99 7.50 mug· trees ----------------·--------------------5.99 . , I 0.00 Snack sets, sot of 4 ·--------------··-··---,-,--·-----------------7.99 China, 11 , SAVE $201, STERLING 32"PC SERYICE FOR 8 Choice of 2 patterns by Alvin, e division of. G,.prhem: "Avila," reg. $#0, now $239; "Vivaldi," reg. $492, nQW :$l89. Open stock also reduced by 25"/.. 50.00 value Sterling 3-lite cadelobra _ _:__ _________ 39.99 pair SPIEGELAU GOBLETS,-SHERBETS, WINES 4.00 Jozette, .,old' & platinum ·---------.:_ __ : ______________ E1. 1.99 4 .00 Marilyn, gold & platinum ---------------Ea. 2.99 6.00 Nadja pattern ------------------------------------·------Ea. 4.99 5.00 Stockholm pottern ------------------·--------------Ea. 3.99 7.50 Paris pottern __ ____: ______________________ _::'. _______ : ___________ Ea. 5.99 Glassware, 36 , Reg. 1.50 Kimberly goblets, sherbets and winos. in amber, olive or blue, now 1.19, each : 'Reg. 1.50 Giovanna·· goblets, sherbets end wines, in amber, ol ive or . blue, now 1.19, each Glassware, -36 . . DECORATOR SWAGS, CEILING LIGHTS " ' ' Reg. 25.00 to _I Q0.00 $19.99to _:$69.99 Popular· asscrtment from a fomoul moker in transitionol, Medi- terranean or contemporary~ . . .. -Lemps, 71 • NEWPORT 47 foshlon l1loncl ... '44· 1212 M..,joy lt.rv fridoy 10 l.ftl, to 9:10 ,.m. s.11n1y 10 ..... t• ' , .... . . . . . . . r . ~. .. • • ELEGANTLY FRAMED LITHOGRAPHS 25.99 $30-$35 values All now subjects i"n carved or sculptured-3 and 4" frames. Overall ', sizes 37x45 " thru 31 x67". ' ~-Pictures~· 3 l - Mexican table with tile motif ------------------------·--------------------24.99. -. 30.00 ltelian brass-fop table ------------------------------------------------------------· '.19,99. 30.00 Italian round table ----------------------------------------------------------______ . .-19.99 Italian-musical toble ·----------------------------------------------------------______ ------______ 19.99. 60.00 Italian goldtono tables. set of 3 ________ -----------------------------. 39.9'1 I 0.00 Habachi-susan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.'99. IQ-piece locquer salad set ---------------·--------------------------__ ----------·------------7.99. 12.50 Mexican chairs ----------------------------------------------------·-----_ ·---------------------7.99 Gifts , 70 KROEHLER -SOFA-OR 2'CHAIRS ONE LOW PRICE --. . .,..___ __ ----~ ' . . . ----·~ 229.95 reg. 259.00 7' sofa or t~o chair5 . Sofa in custom outline Scotchgard® treated two-tone matelasse cover; gold, Spanish red or amber. Hi-or lo-back chairs. Furniture, 38 Mediterranean • Dining Room rig. 369.95 299.95 a.ssic oct•9on..1f ·tab!. on ·pede1t•I. Hl-bllclr chairs in matte hlack pl6sfic, tfapunto d.taili. · furniture, 92 - "MADRILLA" 3-PC. BEDROOM ~ROUP 379.95 reg. 329.95 W a rm 9r•cious living; in .. eludes 70" triple dr•sser, mir· ror, full-queen headboard, Furniture, 92 ~ MEDITERRANEAN, CONTEMPORARY PARTY SETS 299.95 -329.95 reg 359.95-379.95 Contemporary with · 48 '' ro und table, Mediterranean with 48'1 ocl•gonal table ••. both with Neva-mer® tops-and four m•tching black vinyl chairs. Fu rniture, 92 SERT A SLEEP SETS ''Ortho Zone'' ''Posture Line" Tw in, full size set ------·-----99.95 Twin, full size set ------------____ 89.95 Queen size set ····-----------159.95 Queen size set . ____ . 139.95 ~ King size set--------------199.95 King size set--------------179.95 Sleep Shop , 69 SERT A SLEEP SETS, 12 ·SIZES reg. __ 89. 95 _________ _ 79.95 SET Many sizes in the regular 75" length or extra long 80". Sleep Shop. 69 279.95 3-pc velvet boudoir ensemble, spread , headboard and bench. Six lovely colors --------------------------------------------------------------------198.00 Sleep Shop, ·69 LUXURIOUS CUSTOM 1.99 -3.99 yd. lnOluJing labor Select from a wide cho ice of f•brics and high fashion colors. Always custom deluxe workmanship. 'shop at Home, we bring samples to you. Custom Draperies, 82 100% WOOL PILE SHAG reg. 12.35 8.99 sq. yd., installed Great assortment of colors including, celery, crystal green, im .. penal gold. llroedloom ,' 32 I I, 7777 Editu11er Avenue .•• 892.lll 1 Mond•y thru Saturday .10 •• m. to 9:l0 f..m. I t • ' • ' ' 9, 9, 9 ~ 9 9 9, 9 ' I ) r ...• 1 '·"·/{ t I' .~. :;· /, ' • • .' . -~ " ... •• 6CIG " :i. • # ·~ • • " ' f L..:..--__,;,_;. ___ .,.. __ ,. JOOEAN HASTINl;S, 642-43'11 . '''"'' Jutr '" 1H? • ., ... u Club Parades . . ;- - I w ·ith-. f rop~h~ies-e -·· Entering floats in parades and winning top awards for their ef· forts is beginning to become a pl.eas.ant habit for the members of Las Brizas del !vlar Auxiliary of ·c hildren's Home Society. · Their entry in the Fourth of July parade in Hunting~on ~~ch took the top award for Civic Organiza tions. Last year their e.ntrant received the Mayor's Trophy and the year befOEe -they copped 'a tro-- phy for the Most Unusual. Mrs. Glenn Scoble was the cha irman. The group a.gain ent~red in the California History theme category. Their float, worked p~edom­ iiidntly in shimmering gold, white and green, touched with accents. of - red, depicted an early California misslon banked with huge white flowers. The mission carried the founding date of Children's Home, 1891, a nd the anxiHary's theme graced the archway, "The mission of CHS is the flowering of adoption." · Atop the award winner was Mrs. Anthony _Gajewski, president. She was gowned in a red and black Spanish period costume and was Banked .by se.ven-childr.en in Spanish..outfits. · -· --· Through participation in events' such as this, the women hope ~__p211c1.r4~ J n.J.he . ..cQlllJllunity_._aware .QJ.Jhe seryjce~ ayail- • ·----· --.....ilb1e lbr.ough .CHS. Last year there "'as .a jump....oLTG:,.perce:nUn-the.._·_·. · ··~ . • .,,. _, , . . -.. . ~ _ ~ _ numbers of couples appl ying to adopt and three out of four families . wrN~I N" W4 YS -;·Evecyone·Joves ·a parade, esp.ecially Las , hol.cls thiS year's July 4th trophy ; Glenn Scoble, float chairman: received the ir child wjthin six months after filing applications. Briz.as, de! M·ar Auxiliary .of Children's Home Society:. D.ispla.Ying James Ackley, sh9wing the Mayor's Trophy from July 4th parade \Vilh 32 ,~ successful adopti~ns, the s~iety has become the trophies :won ·~·parades 8nd beginning to ~on'stJ:lct a ~how case in 1~, and WilJiam Ponn, displaying -trophy Won in 10 year cele- largest volu ntaril y supported adoption agency m the .country. are Jl,ert . to ngbi) th e Mmes. AD.thony Gajewski,, pres1deqt who · · bra~~~n parade in 1967. ' .. ~ ~ .. ' ' . •. . . ' :Enterpr is ing Young Women ' . . -.. • Area's City Parks . . ' . -, ' l l's ~not ·every cit~ which has enterprising and talented younr women"who in their spare time wish to beautify their city. Such Js tht ~ase ii\ l{p:ntington "Beach. · -r---The ·COnse·rvation Committee, within Huntington Beacli-Juiiiol" Woman's ~lub , has begun the summer by working not resting. The latest project, under the direction of Mrs. Eugene Kakowski Jr., is to don~te. pajnted oil drums to take the place of ordinary trash cans. B~ef};ting from the club women's generosity will be the Hunting .. ton Be~ch Parks and Recreati_pn Department. Decorating the colorful cans will be the club's name and the city's crest. The.16 oil drui;ns were giVcn by the Signal and Standard Oil companies. Helping pai nt them were Kakowski and Gene Williams. Assisting the chairman with the lettering and city design have· been Mrs . Edwin Zuehl s. Mrs. Robert Wakeman, Mrs. John Knox and Mrs . stanley Hettinga. When the project is completed tliis mon~h the woolen Wiil haVe put approximately 25 hours of time and work into it. According to Mrs. Kakow ski. the paint was donated and the J1untington Beach J aycees lent the lettering. The city hall presented the women with a crest decal to decorate the cans. \ Befo re being distributed to area parks, there w,as a donation ceremony in ~ke Park, Huntington Beach, yesterday afternoon. Admiring the _women's art. work were Norman Worthy and Tom Bushard, directors for the Parks and Recreation Department. Upcoming projects for the committee include the presentation of cons ervation kits to elementary schools in the Huntington Beach atea. Teachers ·will receive the kits which will be based on a fifth grade level of comprehension . JUN IORS 'PAINT' THE TOWN -Beautifing the city's parks with ne w trash cans are Huntington Beach Junior Woman's Club members. \Vorking under the direction of Mrs. Eugene Kakowski Jr,. conservatiou chairman (center) are Mrs. Erwin Zuehls and Mrs. Robert Wakeman (left to right). The next proiei:t.wbich will keep the women busy during the summer inonths 1s Uie-distfibu· tion of conservation ·kits to area. elementary schools. Mrs. Kakowski is beginning to gather pertinent information from the Water and Power Department, Fish and Game Department and the Forestry Servic.e. . Included in the kits will be pamphlets, posters, booklets and maps based on fo.restry preservation. ,. I " . . . . ' Fraternal Love, Spt~~-d_,_·.~P-.~-~b :if:~,JA,pkes Wifely · Trio Sick pEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband is · cheaUng on me. It's not another woman, I'd know how to fight that. It 's his brothers. There are three boys in tilt family and they are like triplels. Every evening they play gin rummy. On weekends thty go lo ANN l.A NDfRS ~ W.IJ"iiwed ~ m~I that ietler until l ha•e pby,ical c~ec;kup, abe.i~uJa do ao.11 the read it.I'M not going to have you tellid& ,~Hniei-be ·palielit· EVer)' Isome Deeds lief on~:". alleut ont mejure·penoa,-aad yoa m1y . , ,.Ahn, l' didn't eYen meriti~n tny have to be that one la 7oar boute. Mother's Dime in.the letter, yet.11be-stood DEAR ANN: You keep prlnting letters there untll 'I ti.riished writing and then".~ from girls who have to punch guys in the • potti.n1 me on 10 I'll Ulwtr ID eantet1J. TM:re are plenty of lllftttlve--dame. aiOand and tlley u1u1U1.1t lor q11!e('py1 like you. My adYlce It llefld for a crowded plact, male II 111 early eveaJ11 ud be tbt doll's phone number. hall games or play 1olf together ot go • DEAR 1FID1 'rbe bnu.tn are emo. fishing.~ ~ --tltnaC:adolaceDt.I. 'he)' bVe ¥Hver ~en I was . ib labor wiLh our ~ tmerged trom <Slldltood. ud !My preb.. . child, my ~usband left me In the hosptlal tblf· .. ""., ,.uf,:-OliftJ¥diea .. lly plan• to go ace his brother who had had a tooth Bmr iomt. in~&· ad&~ .u yeu pulJed., It'~ b.."CR thll way .from the 11:~y · omen 1>o1albt ddetl' &O dlii:-dleater or we married. Brothers 11rst ~ ..... wde ·arranged movie daitl wtlil non relatives. ic~d. the boys wouldn't play 10 m~ll g:ln rvm- A1y sisters-in-law are as ltd up as I am. my. \JRe some Imagination. ne only dlf· What '1'wrong with tllbe.men! Wbat can fcn1ce.tietweea • nl a9d 1 er••• ill dMi ~•do aboul it? -FOURTH F_!DDLES dlmenlou. • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last night my sis~· that I hand it over. ti ' this fair? Jl10\lth to keep the~ In line. What ·about ~.lhad an.Ju:gwnent. ~ WOriS • Im a 15 year old entitled to some guys who want a n1ee, respectable even- kil;I to ~ lfld.~e ""1d F.fll)' eutting 'l!'_iVall)'?~' ~,says " ~s , I \ ing, but the girls have different ideas?·. thinga .• WllOnln)Y ~~I. 1eU the • li~•• -, rool·she lwJ !f>t.1rllbt,ll> ,. """"·I clep~.IOWJ<I Ille.a. UO.k bu! In b>sl"""'"'lo'"':~· · ........ (ever ;rp, and.do:'ll 'lhecor" o :-.., • • · · · ·-. ~"ti!;~"""'·~ ""'I'.•'",., •t"'·: .,., ~ , ... t..,witwq-ihs L'W\<lai.d-•ucll btlft, WJUI som ng. Weritf w my rect -B U\IEO chlckt:. FuMy thing is, Ann, I'm not deik.11nd began lO wrUe 1 lelter.. -... ~ Df:Alt'8UGGED : Any ptrton wr.o 11 nruch to look at-ansl-I'm not-1he-type Mom came up behiodrme·and ~•m· o\d ~p lo write 1hould be ~rmltted you'd thin~ would turn a gtrl. on. Yet I cd, "You are •riling~ f1thpr,,aren'l .~•.mill 1 ~.witltoitt censonlllp. Yovr keep running into. sexpots with far-out r.ou?." (They are . d~). I laid~' motH.-.,u.ta Ub 1 •ltll: wom11. lf..de Ideas. Any suggeshons? -J.P. 'Vil." 'nten aha ahauied. 11Y11.1 wlD ao€ a 1t ieta a ~· reetlUJ ftr • QJAR' J. P.: I usu.me 7oa are 1ot U you have lrouble gelling along with your parents . • . If you can 'I get them tO le~ou live your own lift, ltl'ld for ~ La ' booklet. '!Bugged by P1rtnll! How Oel Moifo ~"-S,nd 50 , cent.$ in coin with your request and • liiilg. sfiimped, self·addresseil en .. ~. - Ann Landers will be glad to belp Y'"' with your probletns. Send them to ber In • care of,tht DAILY PILOT, enclolioc .. oeU .. ddr'1"'f. alamped env,lope. / • \ , I ~ ~~~~-'-=-~-'-~~~~~~"-~~~~~~-..~~ r --::-;;;-------;........,,~-·-. 7 . ----.-·-• .. • ' . ~· tlAlt. v Pll1!J ' ' F' .. JuJ7)8, I~ Church Nuptial '~ ¥0ws Pledged CGSta Mesa's First Southern reception f o 11 ow t n.g the BapUst ChUrch was decorated ceremony, where purple '11.nd with white s~er Dowers white flowers were featured in :accented with purple when decdl'aUOns. Patricia Sander&lin f-became · ~~al guests WIµ:'' ~e the bride cit M.el,Viil 1ti~k .'b r ldegroom:s ~grandinotbert ' in an_ early_. &U er-no o.n.· ... 14r fdarle Hemmer ·from._ ceremony. · .;. " . Vlltta 8nd Mr .. and ~ ·qy The Rev. Ray 'franklin of· Austin his atint' and untie ficiated in ·the-double ring from Arizona. service for the. dau&}lter of AsslsUng at the :reception Mr. and Mrs, ·Robert -San.. were· the bridegroOm'S 8U:nt.s derson of Coste\?'~.~ the the~Mmes. Bob Bem:ier and Ai . son of Mr. arid Mis. Roy }ieinmer, along with friends o( Hitchcock of Saq Marcos. the 1br-ide including the 'Mmes. Escorted to the altar by het Lee Griffis w A. Hw:tado father. l;he bride·wore:a:g~ chet Wells ~nd Bni.&~ .. · 1 1 of chanWly 14ce.over ~!~.and The bride · was · gr.aituated · a .full Jen~ mahtllla veil also "from Corona del Mar ·Hlih trimmed with µie ~ace. Her School. Her new bus~ pillbox-Style he{ldPle~ -was----san · Marccis High School trimmed with seed .. pearls. graduate now attending Mira . Along with her bouqilet o1 ~ College In OCeansld•. po m P ~ n . cht)'santhemm:ns· ·The couple &re makirig ·th~1r surround.Ing a ~rple orchi4 ··home tn·San"Marcos, followiiig she carri~ .a ~lte prayer . 8 wedding bi!P to San Fran-book containing' cascades· ·of CtsCo. · . , : · Dowered Jove knols. . ·-Tiiose &oing to the Or- ' ange Co\inty Fa~ this ' y~r ha~e-.~ treat in · store il they .. visit tlie · hl\me . ~onomlcs:.. di .. )lays. · lJ!lle ·-'Debbi' : ,Hahnan, "8 (at left), hopes' her mqther, Mr•. ·• RDl>ert' . ·Haliilan ·of ': . ·. CofO•• de! Mar, will • get a few ideai from the prize-winning hand·. Jll&de mice dOlls she ·~·· The treat ' ~)' is ' eel for ur race, • o\at...,.. , ·ri~bt), .a.s ... he . .'tastes • ~ ~-.. winning ·horn~ . made jam"l\'ith the help Iii his sister, Debbie, 12, · They were accom--.. panied_ by .. their latber, • Paul Ince of Westmin- ster. Sweet .smells ,. teippted Mrs, J!.dw•«d B. Richardson of Hunt· -1ng1on Beach (below, right) and ·her, da0gh· ter, Valerie, 17, as they ad!Dired a winning cake displayed .by Miss Tommy Edwards, aS· s~ant supervisor of tti.e .fair's Home-Eco- nomics. bey"artmeiil. Han41111ork o . Orange ' C9unty horoemake"8, . lncll\dlng ·baked goods, , sewtng·, kn~tting,. wleav· -pig,-preserve• and·d~ · . Ol"lled cakes Ii Ql1' dis· . .;' play ,for .tempUrig .ad·~ : ~. mi':a_ lion.:_-" - :c;~,-~_-.... ,.._,.~= ..... !'. . , I· • ':'' ": . .-;' Mrs. William Loughery ol Costa Mesa, matron of honor, and other · bridal attendants wore lavender dot~ed swiss dresses ·accented with 'dark Solve Maid Problem: S·ettle Down . ' purple velvet ribOOns •. Petal By MARl'·LOU JE~GS . ·Peruvian land1ords g!t $300 •a month froi:n a gringr.. for the same t;rp& of house a native rents for $200 or less. l!ihaped h~dgieces of lavendar were trimmed with. matching pearls. Bridesmaids were M i s s Carol Myslivy and M r s . Charles Loughery. Jun i or bridesmaids included t h e Misses Peggy HI t c hcoc k, sister of the bridegroom. Kay Hemmer, the bridegroom's cousin, and Judy Griffis. All carried bou·quets of lavendar pompon chrysanthemums. J$Dles Crafts of San Marcos was best man. Ushers in· eluded li'a Baldwin and BUI FoepPel. Approxilnaf.ely 125 guests ga\hered in the home of the bridel.g parents for a garden LIMA, Peru (UPI) -YoU pay a maid $25 a montli Jn Lima; a gardener, $3 a month -for onc;e a week service. The maid lives in. Comparably low are salaries for bl.ltlers, cooks, houseboys and chauffeurs -low by salatjes paid in mainland America. Houses in Lima"s fashionable areas o f f e r amenities· like larie rooffis. multiple baths, parquet and polished stone floors, crystal light fixtures, stone fireplaces and interlor gardelJ!I. But all is not a rose without a thorn. The good looking crafted wrought iron window. But natives here still com· plain, say!ng the prices for domestics have gone up quite a bit since gringos ·-as they call people from U n c I e Samland ·-· have set up Medical Group households here. · The trouble with gringos : Every -second Tuesday of they overpay the domestic the monUl members of Orange helpers and .even pamper Shores Medical Assil!ilant.S' M J them. As.sociation as s em b I e at 8 rs. •ycees All ls not financial heaven fi.m. Location m:r, be ob-· On th. homelront .Ven th~•gh "'n-• by calling s. Jan.ls Huntington Beach M r s • ' """h <U li:\I Jaycees rrieet the second Mon· 1_he...;lpc_cos_1a_re_1_au_v_el.;,,y_li_u_e._A_n_ders_o_n,_4_99-_20_11_. ---II day of the month al 8 p.m. Location information may be received by telephoning Mrs. Mlcftaer Brooks, M&-7022. • Peru In THE GLYCINE TIME MACHINE ·~ left, the Glycine Vacuum THINK Jta,n lnh' Weltdlff Pi.u ltore Only 642-2444 TURN -ON lY WEEK lfteJf ve• t11n.d .. wfl•t'' li•PP•"i"t MlllM tt.1 NM -lvtrv' S•turd1y h1 th• DAILY PILOT. ----~ • J in stainless steel and gold filled case. Automatic Day .and D8te feature, S 11 O. Right, Glycine Compressor tiutomatic with c8Jendar, $60. SLAVICK'S JlweleqSinee 1117 18 FASHION ISLAl>(D NEWPORT BEACH ~ 644· 1380 Yllllt Clllrtll Attount Wtlcornt -hnV.rlltl'IUll'lf, MJ.tltr CIWl'?f, fOO. ,. _M_,....., .... ,,IOp.&• • ' .· ) , .. Toastmistresses New .F~~(:e • IA ' .. • See . Office .. ' ~~~~)'.,. Wrlgh~ Laguna Beach, C<Jtd· • ,_ 11. llw ~~ ,was ~ng secretary, an ,, ~ ,I~--~ Jin, QuenUn Hicken , A n ah e Im , C&IYla, Olcoll ot.,.~on tttasurer. '~ wl>en obe wil iiio@led . Council $1I Is compris_ed o1 11, ~ oj Coulldl Six. nine Orango Colloty clubs, and '.Jn~. 'l'.oUtmlstress ;roPtmislreSaeS Is open to all ~I • ' a<tull w!lP!en wlthool regard to · Mrs. 'OlcoU JI_ a member of race. rellgiori, citizenship or lhO J.u Olu;<lUb. · coimtry ol re~dence: ' Otbet;J PiltlUed ibclude the Women interested in' con- Mmee:. HOWaid ,Jones .. Garden tlnutng educ at Ion and.U croVe, rice. piesident; Barton Jeadership are invited t9 ca "''Bolen, Huntington B ~-a c b , Mrs. Dom Corradino at '17f. recordqlg ......taey; W.H. 5111. · -Announcing the -opening of .Af/reJo~ HAIR ETC. formerly with Gene Sherove, Beverly Hill1 FO.turing tho finest in •tyling with • little help .frorn my · friends " .• JC:lli.., --·· e PETER . -· ~ • •.RUDY Mesa Rebekah Every ftrst and third Tues- day of the month membe1i9 ol Mesa Rebekah Lodge assemble in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa, at 8 p,m. For Appointment Cell 675-6070 · 326A Morino Ave. Balboa lsl1nd Jt,~_Wil/Give Your Shoes. ' • • 2J4e rJew efookf Visit Any '~' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise .• ~ •• ALL WORK DONE PERSONALLY Corona del Mar CHOOSE FROM ALL THE LA TEST STYLES' Restyl• your old shoes to th• new ·round look. 8rin9 us your problem end we 'II 9iveyour 1hoes •·new look • CLEARANCE SALE SAVE 30% .. 50% ON Spanish Mediterranean Furniture Sofas ··--·-........... . ...... U4t,.Slff. . . SAVE 30°/.. to 50°/. Ch • ..... .... " .... "' .... airs .... , ....... '"' SAVE 30°/o to S0°/o T bl o_.,........,... a es All ..... T,,... SAVE 30°/o to S0°/o D •• R ............. ..... 1n1ng oom .............. ,,,. ' . SA VE 30°/o to S0°/o Bedroom '";.~ ..... '"' -. SA VE 30°/o to S0°/o L . _T_._,,~ ..... amps -.... --. ............. "·"· . SAYE 30°/o to so•;. 19322 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beech STOIE ·HOURS. ~ 96. ·2 6L3if ~:~T,;~:::.... • Q , WllKDAYl·lf.l:H . ' -------·-· ...-----------·--~ ~---4 ..,...__..,...,...._ -~---· -. ~ . . . • Benton-Alwin Ceremony ' Costa Mesa .Home Chosen F1nt Southern B a p t I 1 t Chutdl, Costa Mesa was the selling for the &Ingle ring ftl!Jlo tials, performed by lhe Rev. Bryan Crow for Mtra Aimed\ Alwin and Barry Warren Ben- ton. 1'tle bride 11 the daughter of Geor1e F. Alwin of SealBeach .and was given In JUrriaae by .. him. Th~ ring used In. the ceremony belona:ed to bu mottler, the lat! Mrs. Alwln. Her organza over taffeta dress featured ruffles on lbe front of the bodice, and holding hu Illusion veil was a fabric floral shaped headpiece. White daisies, baby's brealh and yellow roses surrounded an orchid ln her bouquet. ._Mias_Dorothy Stone or Costa~ 4 7'.1eia, ..maid of lp:K>r and Mrs. Ste~ Nub)' -of Orange,. b:-ldesfuaid wore yellow chlf4 • Con over taffeta gowns apd matching organza bows with chapel length veils. Thef car- ried bask~ts of yellow daisies • • . ' langleys . . Newl~eP M. ~. Seelys Entertain ' • • Back From l:toneymoon Easterner:s· ~·1n .. ;:d:£G:r.1~ ·~i!:=.:i:1~"i!: , ~ • an: Mk:f!ae.I Laurentt .• Seely laQe·'!hJch featured 1-0owtni Retenr,...u ol Mr. llld .mi· 1.111 ~ .. lhe. l-·,train. II pearl headpiece · Mn..'Howanl ·c;wte ..... ley · Chrlfllne Morllyn Rouolir . l""lhl her shoulder iensth o1 Ntwport Bud> liive been . .,... .. dlanpd -• mlil.rl!!P •v"1 and Ille .cmlod a whHe the ~--.l.-Lee' Hamutonl of before the Rev. Dr; ~YJllO!ld catlleya ~ cm•dt-""'"~~--. ·1. Br~ ·ID s1. ~··~ lllue 'awns, motchlna 'a<> rn............... Pmbyterlan. Church. '-1es·and no1eg1y1 ol pink '.'liio· .*'I ume friends ·o1 Par.en\. o1· 111e bridal couple · • pllalaeoopoil• and c 11 t r e y , w .... ·1"'11leY'• fllnlly,. tile ore Mr.·~ ,Mn. Fraoa G.·. or<hk!t were sef¢td for Kat- •·•· J!ar1 111111 ~•M'""-o/ All-Rbwltr ol-Huntln&li>a lluch ·rJno. Lillian ~' IJ1e '""' -~-' and' Mn. Thoma& YIMk of ~., .. sliler and mild of nesley and .Iler cousins J,.ord Hunlln&lnn ·Beach and l\Obeit hcinOr, Lejp Ann Simmons of Patrick•IDd Lady, Glera~ly of Sffly of LI Crescenta. · ' Runun,ton Beach and Mrs. London and County May., Given In moiriage by her Arthur Cobb of 0 r-n 1 rd , Ireland. were taken on a twr brli:lumakll. ol. ·the Newport H.n>Gr area . Attendlq aa best man wu 'lllld enlertained at •. -t HB Auxiliery , Jtllery Renna, while usl>en J u .n c he o n l.n the ¥Cfudtd 1'ere Ernest Cl8tro a n d garden ol>tbe Langley.home. . Twi<e a mooth Ille Lldies' ·Mlcllael and &ott-Seely, ~-• l!eCOlld luncbeon _A!W!!ou l~ H111111natoa~ : J><Olhw of'.t~ brideiroom. DAllY PILOT and baby's breath. .. ' -MR. AND MRS. BARRY WARREN BENTON ~. tbe'Urii eya 1'oO.ii.a Veterans of ' r ... 1p Wara; . A r<eeptlon foJlowtd In Mn. Aneela White on her Post net meets at I p,m. The Me1dowlark Country ·c I u b birth.day. AsslsUna tlJe -fust F,rldo)' of ea<ll rn0nth "'1ere Mrt .. Lloyd German of . in ""Ing we" Ille "°"""''' U..1 gather In Odd Fellows . Westtl)lnster and Ralph loon "-~r Miss Sue Flcke.r and Hall for a business · meettna: of Huntington Beach wl5'ed;. Mrs. Ray Ogdtg. P e l e r aoil the third Friday ·they . The brkie ls a &raduate or P'icker, tf>e girls' father at. aoclalbe in various locations. ·tdarlna Hl1h School and· .her tended the luncbeop from · Further lnfonnaUon ll\IY be husband is an alumnus of Hun- Poniona 1.lOn& with friends of secured by tall Ing Mr1. Leilo~" tln&ton Btach High School. He ·--The bridegroom, son of DI, and Mrs. Jack Benton of Mount Shasta and formerly of Newport Beach, asked Lt. (j.g.) Arthur James Ebbatson to be his best man . Ushers were the bridegroom's cousin, Dan Benton and his brother, Barclay Benton. San Francl1co Honeymoon Harry W. Wright Jr., who escorted the bride to the altar, with his wife hosted a recep.. lion in their Newport 8-:acb home. Assisting were the Misses Veronica G a I u s k a . Cryss Torens and Ruth Minor and the Mmes. Tom Koch. Am3dor Ramos, R o b e r t Go r don a.nd Gladys Step!)enson. , .Special guests attending bridegroom . After honeymooning in San Francisco the newlyweda will reside in C.OSta Mesa. The bridt is a graduate of Corona del Mar High· School, Orange Coast College and California Sta~ College at Fullerton. She worked for her elementary teaching creden- tials at Calilornla S t ate College at Long Beach. She Is affiliated with A lpha Gamma Sigmi. Alph_a JS_appa pelta a~ Kappa Della Pl, honor societies. •4 Yler~ Mr. an<!._~.__!_ Gerald Benton of Whitt ler and Mr. and Mr.s. Charles Farber of Graat's , Pass. Ore., a 11 ~randparents of the Her husband is a gradu11te 'Of Ntwporl Harbor High Schoolaliil"UCl;"1•°Mff'11e°lif· _, __ _ filiated with AJpha Gamma Sigma. He also · attended CSCF. Horoscope Taurus: Associate ·- Might Be Envious SATURDAY original. Nol wise to copy or duplicalt. Streu uni~esa. JULY 19 Some try to talk you Into euy By SYDNEY Ott1ARR _ way, In long n:in this would TEEN DATING HINTS: J>!'O.~~coatly. Stick to con-VJcutJruj. 'R. e 1tIe11 Gemini f 1 n d s VIRGO (Aug. Z3-Sept. 22:): romance; aensllOU• Ta a r a • Accept your financial share. gets t be check. Ubta's ~t don't permit othera to pull arllstk: ability 1rabs 11potllgbt. wool over your eyes: Be Aries Is s e r l o u • about aware, alert. Read between possibility or a permanent the lines. Fine print may con- relatlon1hlp. Ideal date lea-tain clause-unfavorable to tum spectal concert or m• your goal. tion picture with dJ1Ungul1bed LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):. f01"tlgn cast. Dining at French Cycle moves higher. You can re1laurant before or after ., be ~ vers11ti~. Y~nl shine makes &hit a ·fine evealag, at 30clal event -especially ~pKlally appreciated b Y good for malting new contacts. V I r 6 o date. S c o r p I o Is Highlight independence o f romantic, In a de{lalte baud-lbougb, action. Be vital. holding mood. All aJpa sboWd SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): bee i: Ire mt I Y diplomatic; Excellent evening for theater many are aopersenslttve and or participation in event for egoes art easily bruised. charltable cause. Remember those confined lo home , ARJES (March Zl4 April 19): hospital. Keep promise made You may be too seriOU! at to former romantic interest. wrong time. Key is to apply SAGl1TARlUS (Nov. ,U· light touch. Don't appear Dec. 21): Accent strong on ove ranxious. Do plenty of lis-• friends, desires, ability to get tening, observing. S h a r P e n what you need. Calls, cor· sense of perception . respondence figure prom· TAURUS (April 20--May 20): inenUy. Be av a 11 ab I e . Study Aries message. Best to Dynamic attitude rings bell or be cool, calm. Fellow worker. success. associate tends to be envious. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Don't be deceived by insincere I 9 ): S \res 1 duties,¥ flattery. Get job done in ef· responsiblUUes. Don't be ,. licient manner. Check diet. stampeded. Realize your own GEMINI (May 21.June 20): worth. Lunar position em· Ddlnite indication of ad · phasizes career, potential and vancement through creative ambitions. efforts. Break through restric· AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. tlOrll. ,.Accent self-expression. 18): You learn. Good for Romance could make this a reading, w r i t i n g , COi'· memorable evening. respondence. You may hear (lANCER (June 21.July %2): from someone at a distanc.e. Success indicated In transac· \Vise to keep communicaUon tioo connecttd with land, lines clear. home. real estate, ~)11 i c PISCES (Feb. t•Marcb 20): security. You aTe able lO close other people's money may bt a <lea.I. In personal We, give entrusted to you. Finish what special attention to family. you start. Spread influence. Show you care. New start could be premature. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 )' Be Smooth rough edges. Judith Johnson Now Mrs. Vic -J. Parker Ferndale Weddlfll Chapel Gowned in full lenath em- . ns the afternoon aettln, for pirt a: ow 111 of sea greCn- lhe double ring ceremony link· or1ama were Margaret Pirtle, iDI In marriage Judith Lor-maid of honor; Gail FtnJay raine Johnson anc! Vic James and Ann GiblOl'I, bridesmaids. Parker. St.anding ai best man was The Rev. Dan Mo s s Jolwl Martin Parker and porformtd the nuptials for Ille uslJerlnr guesll to their pow1 daughter.of lhe 0. C. J-were Hank Joiner and flO)' of_Jluntlnll!On 8<1cb and ·th< Slewirl Ttllr!i the \11ctor ·Pari or--rouow111c 1 5"bll _,,, • ltoclrton. _,_ the newiyw<dl wlD ' Tiie brlde donned 1 long retlde Jn South P-. trblte nylon tulle o•er orgam.a The bride wu gram.aated pn with sequin loce trim. from Hunlingtoo Bellcb Hip t..ce pet1J1 held htr abort Schoot and her hulb.and ls 1n erpnu veiling ,and 1he car· alumm1 of Stag Hilb School. rled a Bible and a ca!Cade or Stockton and served three Uny pink r"ebucb. Ytat1 In lhe u.s. i'l•l'J· I .~- .· I . .. ,. :f JIC'llpDfl . ' • Mrs. White. HennaM at 516-U. attended Golden West College .. MfltS. MICHAEL L. SEELY Home In CNrclen Gro'ff ' '.!;he dashing pea cpa.t 19.99 Dooble,brea$ted, b111dty·bllttoiled ra,bin''s COii iooks -. \' r. • J&alcwer Pl!l)ls 01~& lall dresses. RepiO!ISSld wool wilh cotlol!-QUilllmi111; navy, ta11el or lrC1W11; 7·13. YDlll&,CaliforAia Shoo, " • fl FASHION ISLAWD • NeWPORT CENTEI! ' • • • --- Orelises for petit;e ,and jr. sizes 10 .99 rer.17.00 s.t~ed rtmses for stjloo\·or career; for ~ill! or da11ti01e; RayOn wilh a linen teituie' in ween, bfllllt\ -. or beny<ShowitcUJM.sl)'les·lrOli. Ollf ·jOOlor totfettioo;. 5'13 • YDlll& California Shop • .. ' I - U4-2200 · • Mon., Thurs.; Fri. 10:00 till 9:3o • oaier days· 10:00 Ull 5:31 • • I I . . • ' ; • • • • • • I I ; • -· --' -- Jf DAil Y PllOT ' • Ameri ans, So t iets COilide in LA • I I I i .... ~ _., 11J GLBNN WlllTE Of .. °"'" ,.. • ..,. • l.Q6 ANGELES -Ruisi• and tho IJDllad Stalel cluh lonlglllllid Sllurday arterooon at Memorlal Coli.scum ln a rennal ol their annual tract and netd compettUon, whJch went dormant ln lllee. • Atblet.el lrom the Brltlah COm-monwUlth Will lake part in the 5pec-, taclt, which begins at 7 tonJ&ht and I p;m. Salurday. Scorin& will be on a double dual rather ' tban triangular bu.is, however, makln& U!e U.S. 1 lop&lded favorlle agabuil bolh f .... Jackson, A's f . Duel Angels ... At Anaheim The California An1els open their longest harhe stand of the 1009 season at Anaheim StadlUm tqnight against Reggie Jackson and the Oakland AlhleticS. For the first time since the season began, the Angels have a chance to win four straight after thumping the new Kansas City Royals three. straight in the t.fldwest. But Oakland ls on a streak of ils own, compleUng a series sweep at Seattle with an 8-2 victory Thursday night. The Ang· els were Idle Thursday . • T~ open the four game weekend series with Oakland, before the three-day All· Star break, the Angels will send Jim McGlothlin, s..8, againsl Chuck Dobson, 10.'7, of the ~s. Angel pitcher_! baVe gone all the way .the . a.mes. McGJottt1in ho s_ A119el Slate • to add to the complete game string of George Brunet. Tom Murphy and Andy 11-lessersmith. Going Into the Oakland series, the Angels are but two games behind t h e firth place 'White Sox and for the first lime sinct May t appear to have a chance to escape the cellar. Reggie Jack!On, who failed to get a home run during lhe A's Seattle series, was hit twice by pltcbera, and didn't like it. "l would like my own pitchers to take care of me," Jacklon aald. He said be thought U hia pitchers hit a few opponents he-mf)htbave Jess trouble. "Some day I'm coin& to get , a broken band and mia 40 or 50 games. 11 Seattle Manager Joe Schultz denJed hia pitchers were throwing at the major Jeague home run leader intentionally and Oakland Manager Hank Dauer aald, ".l don't think they're-throwing at him - just pitching him Inside." . Jackson and thlra.baseman ·sa! BaJ)do, _who was five ror five Thursday nlght, will. both start for the fir.st time for the American tewie All.Stars In Washington Tuelday night in the annual mid-JWDDltf classit' ... Namath Affair May End Today NEW YORK (AP) -The Joe Namath affair might be settled today. but don't count on it. The reluctanl quarterback slipped into the Jets' Long Island training camp Wed· nesday night to talk to his teammates. and Johnny Sample, Namath's voice to the outside world, said: "Namath said he 's been talking with commissioner Pete Rozelle and they hope to have this thing resolved by Fri· eve-ry day for three or four days." Rozelle confirmed the meetings and iaid he talked with some of Namath's representatives Thursday. He didn't ela- IJ9ratt. However; Rozelle did say that Na· math's clandestine visit to the training camp did not mean that the quarterback had reported for work. -Lallll\I Beocb•1 Bill Toomey 11 lhlonly record holdOr In lhe 400 meters (4.U), Oranie c.ut area performer In the meet takil11 lhe lrlck In hll 1poclally. and he'• one o/ 10.0lympfc 'aold meda1lsta The two. gr,.lell pot. vaullerS lhe who1i be takJng part. world hu ever known. -Bob Seagren Toonley v~ In lhe dccalhlon, Which (17-9) and John P-ennel (17-10!1.h:olllde. st&rU al 9 a.m. bolh d1y1. He bu no ' Olympic chlmP.1 Bob Beamon (lon- .,...1 ... o-iUon &0 lherti 16 • chinco Jump). Dick Fosbury (high Jump), Wlllle he'll be going all out for lhe elU!lVe world Davenport (110 . high hurdles) Ra!ldY, .-II (8)19 polnlil held by. W.,l M>llon (shot) and Madeline Manning Germany's Kurt Bendlln. (wO'men's tJO) bolster ttle Yank con- Featured tonight ls the 100-meter duh. Uncent tonigbL with John .. earroa going qalnsi Ivory ' Anotber Olympic wlnotr-VtMimlt Crockett-UM! chap wbo beat him In the Golubnlchy or Russia -Vies In the 2o. NCAA 100 lut month. kilometer walk. AJJo 0 going km1aht ii Lee Evans, world saturclay the big indJvldual duels will . . . be In lhe Javelin and a .....,., . Jania ..,...., lht Jmll Unlao - lh• lhtetle 1ol '°""' Amtrlclo ~ Mui:ro In the spqr throw wblle Olymp6c champ Ralph Doubdl 111 Auitralla -~·~1 Fellx Johllaon o/ tho USA In the .a , . And Olym conqueror Vlclor ....,_. ' · (USSR) w1f ~0nn in !be trlple jump. ...: """"~'l.:i .... ,. l:i ijl: Womtn'I II • ,,,.... II .M. Mo~ -i'i "=--1:: ll•rt~ ~ l w~.-'""""" . _.. '"t.1:1:' ,n,_. 'it~ ...... ,._, 11 E · """'" ......,...,. l ' • :111 ~~,. ~~~ = '~=' GLENN WHITE Spom Editor How Do You Encore 14-13 'filt? Police Play SAN FRANCISCO (,\!') -Tbe Giacls an4 Dodgers wtlJ be hard·pm..d for an encore tonight when Mike McCOrmlck1 &-4, opposes BUI Singer, ll-7, tn·the·sec.- ond iound of their four.game series. Surgtng San Francisco pulled lo wllhln one game of the Dodgers' National League Westt111 aivision lead with a rree- swinglng lf.13 triumph Thursday. Atlan· ta ls one-_balf game behind af~r routing Cincinnati 12-2. A series or climaxes and a c:omb\ned 31 hits were fused into a memorable bat- tle in the series opener, with Bob Bur· da's three-run homer in the seventh boosting the Giants to their 14th win in 19 games. "Have you ever seen a game like this . one?" asked Giants' Manager Clyde King. "lt was amuing t1ow both clubs kept coming back. But ('ve ·:said it be.fore - you just can't give up on our club. It doesn't know how to quit." The twists of the bizarre conte11t were too much for the U!Ually mild-mannered On TV Tonight Cha1111el ll, ·7,55 Walter Alston of the ·Dodgers, who be- came miffed when asked for a post.game <.'(lnlQ'lenl. - "Usually the writers go to the winners' dressing room." Alston said sarcastical· ly. "There's nothing special about the Glanls·Dodgers rivalry. We try just as hard against the qther clubs." HOT CORNER HOE-DOWN -Ron Hurit of the San Francisco Gianls io lagged out at third base by the Dodgers' Bill Sudakis after he-tried to slretch a two-run double into a \liple in the second inning of Thurs- -~ . . -Al•too had Good rel'Oll lo be dllaf>' -I a.a plldl oll the foul-pole poinled. The Dodgers acorlng ii runs la ICftllil in rifll!I. II was hl1 flllh homer u common aa Ken Harrelton sbowinC ::f.-!,lli!.91!' him ll !""' bau.d in oil hi> in a crewcut. When th01e runs aren l · roundU1ppera. enough to win, the result ls a sullen. lo&-"'°' AAll!L.a: •.,. ers' clubhouse. wiu, " ' l a 1 The Giants had an 11.a lead after six U:;;'~ " : 't : : ~nn1ngs, with ex·Dodier Ron ~unt belt· ~~i.'1~ C:. ; :· i : 1ng a pair of two-run doublea aild Bobb~ k-... "' 2 ' 1 1 Bonds knocking in live runs with a pair :;:::-fb : ; : ; ·of two-run homers and a single. Harter c s 1 1 o Second ba~man-Don Mason's two er-~~:!.3:b 3' 2 1 .1 2 11 rors contributed to this rally, givlng Los Miiei'"' ' 2 1 1 1 Angeles ·a IS.II lead with ace reliever ~c=:., ,• ,• 1 1 2 1 Jim .Brewer taking over in the bottom of -r::t~r~ 11t1 ; ; ; ; the inning. Ruutll rf 1 • .• 1 JAN rltANCISC-0 Mtrlhell It Hllnl :Ill ... _ .. ..,...ct · "'''°"''' lb Llll1y p lryent p 0.venjlf': 311 HW.,&n rl Unlk u llorMll c Hort pll SltllM$n c H.,1191 p &.dido.I ' lwde lb •• r • M J I l I 2 I 2 l t I I I s l J s I 0 1 I 0 • 0 0 I I 0 O l 0 1 1 s ' 1 • 4 1 I I l I I 0 I t 0 • • • • • I I I I 2 I I I I I I I Jim Davenport and Ken Harrelson tot.1 .tS u •• 12 T•I•• J11• u u greeted Bre.wer. With two out, Burda k: ~!::~ ;: .: ;: = :~ Ul'IT ......... day's wild 14-13 Giant victory. The two clubs resume their rivalry 14>- nighl with first place at slake. · Adds Drama To Cup Play BRISl'OL, England (AP) -Brlllsh police tightened their guard on Bristol Lawn Tennis Club foday as Britain and South Africa went into the second phase of their tension-charged Davis Cup match. Officials believe that Thursday's sit· down ob the coort by two youths and two girls was only the start of a campaign by opponents of South Africa·s racial policies,. . A police spokesman said, ··we h a v t reason to believe that tbe demonstra· tions w i 11 be stepped up as the match goes .on. We ·can 't s po I all the toublemakers when they come through "'the-pter,btrt"We will be waiting to jump -.in 'them as soon as they start anythinT"- CARRlEl> AWAY . Police carried the demonstrators away and the hold up lasted only a few minutes, but it added drama to a tense opening day in whiCh Brilain and South Africa each won one singles match . Mark Cox of Britain defeated Bob Maud U , 6-3, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4 and Bob Hewitt ·Of South Africa downed Graham Stilwell ?09, 8-3, 6-3, 6-%, 6-3. The two nations are playing out the final of the European Zone. Section A. Meanwhile Claude Lister, non-playing captain of the South African team, had a problem of ~ own to solve -how lo keep Hewitt's fiery temperament under control. TEMPER OUTBURST Track Stars Speak Out CHARGER VETS REPORT TODAY Hewitt had several bad.tempered out- bursts Thursday. He sJammed a ball hlgh over the roof of a nesrby house. Another time he ,hurled his racket across the court and hit a linesman's chair. Girls Say Th~y're Feminine LOS ANGELES . (AP) -"So whal il we're athletes. We,'re stlll feminine. We'rP._ very feminine!" says the lady track star, paw;ing to adjwt her Jong blonde fall of hl.ir. "I wouldn't run without my earrings on,'' Coos another member of the U.S. women's track team. Still another flutters her eyelashes and admits they're fa1se. She wears them while sprinting. "You just have to find the right glue." Femininity -once thought taboo on the track -is blossoming at th is weekend's USA·British Commonwealth· USSR track and field classic. Girls from all the nations flew into California trailing heaps of luggage in which dance dresses were packed next to sweat sulti. Many toted wigs, falls and he.irpleces, and there were gobs of_ ilnl:ly jewelry. "The sport is masculine," says Jong jumper Willye White, 29, of Chicago. "But you're feminine after you finish." fl.1amle Rollins, 28, a hurdler from Chicago, only began primping when she entered national com~tition, traveling with other glamor conscious gals. "l had six brothers at home, and I guess I was sort of a tomboy," giggles ' ti.1amie. Now she wears eye shadow while taking the 100 meter hurdJes and clips on a new pair of earrings for each meet. All the U.S. girls sport cute pins shaped like skunks -their mascot. "We're gon- na skunk them," they vow. • Pert, blue-eyed hurd ler Jan Glolzer, 17, Padres Taking Beating With Home Attendance SAN DIEGO <AP} -The San Diego Padres, losing on the field in their first seaaon of Nalional League competition a190 are pl8,)'ing before thousands of empty seats in spacious San Diego of PhoeniJ, ties her flowing brown hair atop her head wtlh pink ribbon&, and Sacramento sprinter Kathy Hammond. 17, adm a shoulder-length fall to her cropped blonde hair. Tbe agJle Kathy once dreamed of being a tap dance. "l was aU·aet to dance on a televl!lon show wben I just decided I preferred track." -- Trade dancinc slippers for spiked shoes? Why! · • · "Oh," sighs Kathy, "there are so many f &mdul dancera. bul there mn 't that rOany girls who make it in track." "Most ol the feUas don't like their girls going away on trips so much," says: Willye. "They think you could find aomethlng better to do than be all sweaty and grimy." Mamle notes that her boyfriends may not approv& or her at.h!etic prowess but when they;H out in company, "they always brag about me." Wlllye, a veteran of four Olympic meets, sUll travels with "my whole wardrobe" and 1Uck1 on false eyeluhes for each meel But she sighs that it'• in- evitable -most girl track stars marry boy tract lllan. "Athletes an temperamental, sensitive and very_tndependent. It taku 10meone who's in sports to understand you." Only the two teen-agers are un- perturbed. The high achoo! soclal whirl d4'm1 exclUlfCtitl athletH. ~Jan and Kathy say boys dig a girl who can dash around the track with them. About 35 veterans, led by tackle Ron Mix, report to the San Diego Chargers' summer training camp today at the University of California at Irvine. The Chargers send rookie quarterback Marty Domres; thtir No. I draft choice from Columbia, to his first test as a pro Saturday when San Diego's offense ·scrimmages the San Francisco 49er de!enae at Santa Barbara. The arrival of the veterans brin13 the Chara:er training camp roster to abOut. 75 players, lnclOOing 17 other lettumen who - reported earlier. Heat Fells Moody Lister said, "When Hewitt erupts like this, my job is to try to maintain his con· cent.ration. If he can do that, we will win this and tie. H "I am sorry about the political demonstrations, but they don't worry me unduly. Our player& have been schooled to ignore this." PERFECT RECORD Hewitt and his partner, Fred r.tcMillan, who has a perfect record in Davilil Cup doubles play, raced Cox and Peter Curtis today and were expected to send South Africa into a 2-l lead. The ·two countries are playing for the right to meet the American Zone win- ners, Brazil or Mexico, in the Inter·Zone se_p;U finals. The -other semifinal will be between India and either Rumania or Russia. ' Philly Field Bunched PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -A veteran pro and a youq former amateur great shared a one-etroke lead going into toda1'• -round ol lhe 1150,000 Phlll<felpllia Gell Clalllc. Frank Boynton, a SZ-year-okl pro from Cleveland, and Bob Dicklon, a 25-year-old former U.S. and Br:ltiab Amateur cham- pion, fired five under par 171 in swelter· Ing wealher Thunday during the opening ol the 72-hole tourney at the Whltemarah Valley Country Club. and Tommy Jacobs. Former U.S. Open champion Lee Trevino was among seven at 70, two under par, while Dave Hill, Don Januuary and Chi Ch.i Rodriguez were in a crowd at 71. Defending champion Bob Murphy h&d 1 par-72 as did PGA champion Julius Boros, Frank Beard and 1967 classic champion Dan Sikes. •• Sladulm. ''I know that a good team sells ttedf." he said. "The Dodgers draw millions be- cause they win b-equently. The day wUI come when out fanl will .want to see the Padres ror the same reason . In the mcantimi, we have to live." said the former Dodger vice president and gen· era! manager. "I pracUce with the boys' track team," smiles Kathy. "They always include me in all their stuff. l get invited to their parties. The other girls lh1nt I've rtally got it great." Their similir roUhdSof five bin:Ues and no bogles gave them the .slim lead~ over Mac McLendon, Dale Douglus, New Zealand's Bob Charles and Lou Graham, who were bunched at·l8. The near !DO-degree weather and high humidtty took its toll among the starting Iit:ICI of 14? plB:yers, which will be cut ap. proximately in half after the end or today's play. U.S. Open champion Orville Moody col- lapsed on the \&th fairway and had to withdraw after being treated Jn the locker room . Nine others dropped out, many because of the heat. E. J . "Buuie" Bavasi, Padre presi- dent, didn 't expect the new club to dup- licate the miracle 0£ the New York Mets but he did forecast seaaon attendance of 800,000, which would be the break· even mark. Bavasi compared San otteo to Cin· cinnati as a major league baseball city. and the Rodl'l!• dr<W '133,:154 last season. Baled on the current average crowd or t ,094, San Diego would draw only 693,<KKI for the season. "We're a trille disappointed," admit& Bavul, ''simply becaUM we thought we woukt draw more people than we have. •·we did not come lnto San Diego ex- peclinl 1" ... Ill)' ·---l'OCOl'lla. :;.::=--~--liie knew from the beginning we are ffeavywtight Boxer Buster Mathls is on the miaslng ll•l ever since he walked out of hi• traininc camp two weeks ago . • Nobody .bll• 1et11 him .unce. here to grow with tlie city. We came her because we had confidence In San l'liegO as a major lea~e area. We still have that confidence.' But Buzzle envisions future tta~ when th ettadlum'a $0,000 seats wlU be in demand when lhe Padres pl11. -. The Padres' biggest crowds have re- sulted from special promotions, such as bat day, helhlet day and ball day. Two strokes off the pace were Joe{ Goldstrand, Bunky Henry, Ray Floyd, Bob Stone, Babe Hiskey, Deane Beman What Re~s Could .Do With Pitching CINCINNATI (AP) -A favorite ques- tion among baseball fans in Cincinnati these days is how far ahead in their division the Reds would be ii they had just a little consistent pitching . It's a good question. and one that manager Dave Bristol , won't afiswer directly. Th@ Reds, with the most powerful hit· ting In the NaUonal Lague, consistently score runs In bunches. The trouble is that oppo!ling teams also score runs in bunches. The Reds have six or their starters 1n Uie lop JO NaUonil League blllera -ap ), batting over .DI. The team haa averaged about S.4 runs a game in a conteata. fn. eluding one tie and part of a swpended game. But the opponents also have averaged just over five runs a game. ClncinnaU pitchers have had only 12 complete a:ame.s -live by Tony ~ Inger, four by Jim Merrill and three by Jim Maloney.~ In spite or thal close margin in runs and the weak pitching, CinclMati &till was only three games ou' of nm place in the NL West -going inlo Th\lf8day ~s game, Wben asked where be lboulll>t tho Reds 11 ~· would be If their plt.chlng had been as The Reds' pitching ailment! started good as their h!Hln&, Briltol akleatepped during spring training. Nolan and Mel by saying: "Who knows! You would Queen came down with arm ailments. never know that." · Both ~d been figured as regular slart.ttl It was mentioned that fans are 11i{in1 but are back in the minors. the Reds would be far out tn front the Gerry Arrigo wa1 stricken and, in the pllclllng had come anywhere near lale Aprit ,-Malmey started having matching lhe hlttln&, and Brlltol uJd: thoulder miseries and has been of little "I don't know. I do know thla -we valui ~. although he pitched a good I have been faced wllh the nec:e111ty o( set~ 2/S Innings Tuesday night ag.11.lnst Alla~ ting more runs because of our pitchii\&. t.a, Had we hid a IOUnd Jim Maloney and In lhe 5'1Ven game~ through WM- Gary Nolan all aeason we 11\!&ht be well . nesday, the Reds averaged ·~ in front. Bui 1 wouldn't ventar. any iuus · proJlmately 61ii runs a game but the fou on iL" a¥traged elahL • ' . ' . - ) -. Eagles. -·-'\ Ffuish · Second Dy DAVE CEARLEY Of .... o.)ly ,. ... , ..... E!Cancia captured sec<ind 1pot In the Costa Mesa basket- ball league Thufsday night as It rocKed Cosla Mesa, 45-39, at Estancia. Buena Park nailed the league title as it shelled Sad- dleback, 52-35, and Mater Dei finished in ·third place by edg- ing Los Amigos, 5>-48. Estancia pulled 'ahead for -the first time against Mesa mid way in the second period and then stood off a Mustang, drive late in the las( qUarte'r.. Mesa shooting was lrigld with the Mustangs cashing in on only nine penalty shots in 24 attempts. Estancia on the other hand'. was 21 for 31 from the line. ,---=--~-----' • .. -------~.- ,DAILY PILOT It • Sports, it• Brief. . /. . ! ~eges May _~~. Witl13:po1nte~ .. ~ ; ' ESTES PARK, Colo. -A and .Jose .Leira ol-'Splln;"Wllo member Q.l the ~ NCAA Rules has been biate.n oNy five Committee said 'Illursday it is tlrnes in 116 fiahi.. are rated possible collegiate basketball even bets lit lheit Forum 10. · ' will adopt a three-point basket rounder tonlghl. rule in the futu~. Both former world '· . ... Dean Smith, 'University or a~ . l North Carolina coach, said the featherweight ctwnplO!IJ and rule, used by--tfie American -anXIOUs to reaaln the 12t B~kt~ball Association, Would pound throne, now btld by "b.elp keep the game open for Australia's Johnny Famechon. the specialist." • MINNEAPOLIS· ST. PAUL -Outrlelder Tony Oliva of the Minnesota Twins, who has the · chicken pox, likely will miss the All-Star game next Tues- d a~ght in W8shingtcin, a Twins spokesman $Sid Thurs- day night. • CULVER CITY -Patrick H. Brosnan. 27, Toronto Argonaut end in the Canadian Football League jlnd former · Santa Monica City College and Cal State (Long· Be a ch ) player, died of cancer at his home Thursday. •• •• CINCINNATI American Erik Van Dillen _ and Austr~an Allan Stone moved . into the quarter-finals of tt)e $17 ,000 Western Tennis Cham- .. pionships Thursday with their second upset in two days. Arthur Ashe, top-rinking men's plfiYer in the United States, defeated P a t r i c i o Cornejo of Chile &-3, M . Van Dillen, 18, of ~ San Mateo, deefated U.S. Davia Cup player Charlie Pasarell f. o, 6-3. Stone knocked off fellow countryman Bill Bowrty ~ $- 1, 7-5. . Zeljko Fran u lo v·le of Yugoslavia tripped JI m Osborne of Honolulu, 6-3, 7-5. • •• 1 • .. .. .! :·, " ; . e • E;_stancia Onally began to pull away with 4:35 left in the Lhird quarter on a 15·foot jum- per by Mike Schaunnessy. The Eagles built up a 10.-point margin in the last period, but a 1'-lustang r a 11 y began to reduce the spread. LOS ANGELES -Sinichi Kadota, 134 1,1, Tokyo, scored a unanimous IO.round decision over Paj~ro Corona, 135, Guadalajara, Mex., in a lightweight battle at Olympic Auditorium Thursday night . 'I: . SAO PAULO, Brazil -•: A pair of 20:-foot jump shots by Mesa guard Kenny Deaton narrowed the gap to 41·37 with two minutes left. When . Mustang center Bob Austin ~ fouled out with only a minute --~.~._,...,,;-.,;.;;,~ _ remaining, a bucket by Steve " Butler and '"" free throw; by K..... to Nnw-rt fo' r Steve Valiere finally gave w;;,.3 c:. ....,. · . ' ~st~ncia the n.~-. Rod Lave; -'(SfCor1d. from left) accepts 3. key lo Newport Beach ?-.h\..""e. lla~s hntsh~ high f_or fro thal city's mayor Doreen Marshall during a "Welcome Estancia with 15 points, while m ,. . . • , . son and Mary Laver. look on while the world 's top ranked 1ennis player accepts the token of Newport's appreciation for his ex- pf01ts. Some .SOO-people turnl~d out tb greet the 'great star. Deaton led Mesa scoring with Home Rod reception at Newport Beach Tennis Club. Larry John- 9. . Maler Oei built up a big lead in the (irst half against Los ' Amigos and then ex- perimented in the fina l hair, with center Tom McMenamin playing guard. ~nd~ two guards alternating at center. \ Monarch forward P c t e Roberts. pitched in four first quarter buckets 1Jl'I his way to 14 tallies, and guard Joe Prendergast chipped in with 11 points. Watkins, Rancho Wraps Up HB Tille Crabb Quit ----· --. - -· · Ra111 Club RUnning back Tom Watkins and de'fensive back-Claude Crabb have retired from the ' Los Angeles Rams. By RON EVANS·-· --E(liSOn eXJiloUed 34 ~ Qulnta Dr11i.r l ' 1 • T11111 2 , s 1 01111e o..11Y .. u .. _si.tt persOnal.11 -for 37 pqints tO ·nall =~'.:'::. : ; ~ '; :~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ Huntington Beach, Marina its second win. ,H.,,,,_ 1 , 11 , Se•ion • 1 0 1 and Wesbninster high schools John Fisher led 1 h e :,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~'!i":t: 2~ 1~ ,: ,; scored victories Thursday wr11M o ' 1 1 viLL.t. , .... 11ic uo "ight and barge into the final Chargers with 17 tallies. Tot•+• , l1 20 ss .,. L.l OUINTA Ull f'G l'T '" T" night of action Tuesday with l'OUNTAIH YALL•Y (QJ "o f'T '" Tl' Ltchlr •, •' .', .'•'• ·d · I 2 k · th ' "G f'T '" T, 51 (l1lr J S S • Ol.O~ 1 enUca -8-mar s 1n .. ,ie Hun-v11b!ienl ; .; ; i:-M'"" 1 l J Hf!m ,J 1 • 1 tiniton ""Beach-Marina summer ~.~ , $1ttw o ' s -' -~~.!'1~ --; : 1 ,: '-,,..., ~ l 15 SPrle11 1 2 ' 6 basketball league. Rtklet" 1 J ' 1 Sor'• 3 0 3 6 MtAffl•lv 1 o 2 ' anc o am1tos, Ttier1•11" i 1 1 1 P•'"' ~ ~ ! 1~ Tot•'• 21 13 5'I meanwhile, clinched t h e "'''''""' ' o ' ' Hlr1 1 o , • Sc••• 111 0~1r1.n . The fight was lopsided as. the loser'~ nose . continually -bled.from. th.e. f®rth I'Q_un.d pn. • JNGLEWOOo' Vicente Saldivar o! Mexh;o. who. bas nevei;: lost a professional bout. Brazil Is favored over crippled Mexico in the Amer.ican Zone '1 ' "' Davis Cup tennis final here -, this weekend. . i · The draw Thursday far the opening singles m at c h t 1 Saturday sends Marcelo Lara _·.,' !.· or -.,Mexico... a1a1m.t __ ~ru!)'1 ___ -:or Edson Mandarino in the-fir · match. ,_ .• ·. Little · Joaquin iJi"yo-MayO or·~..: Mexico plays ·Brazil's 'fllomas Koch in the second. . . .:.... ' . .. ,, presefllft 1111xcl111iv1..1llowlnt,0Lth•!r t•p 1ecerd l:ir11kin9 v1liicle1 in tlie H•ltt .. _ ...... -. . ' C111t1r M•ll -Th11rid1v. Frid1y ind S1tuNl1y, J11ly 11·11·19 -,,_I• tht pw"'11. C.llr ........ .-.~. 1Hc91-4 .... M """,_Diet•,,.......,, . ' ' .. . . ,, . . •' ·' ... ' .. -. ~ .. ; - ,) ~ .. . .. The I e a g u c tournament begins Tuesday .. night w12en champion Buena Park meets Costa Mesa, Estancia collides with Sadd\eback, and Mater Dei tips off with Los Amigos. Ram Coach George Allen said Thursday that neither had come to training camp here an<I both had retired. R h A I . Good1kt• I 1 , ' Lllnd ~twl!ler t L ' h . h. .lh To!1l1 ,. ,, '° n Tot1l1 11 " l< Sl N1w1>11rt 20 ' I ' 1 c amp1ons Ip WI an 80-62 11.lNtHO ALAMITOI 1•1 Vl!tfo• ~"~·~·--~'~'~"~'~·~,._.~'--'========================-roul of Fountain Valley at l"O PT '" TP e•ison -" • ,i>"" Tl\oll'lfl• SdM(lllneu v Wllll•m• Or;lil HtY& Vel!ue l<~r••~" &uner TO!fl$ EST.t.NCl.l ft!\ 11 II ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' n 11 COST.l Ml!SA 09) pl ,_ ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' 91 ~.I It It pf IP '"'''''" 1 0 ~ • Oe1tan •1 1 9 01 .. ,,,. $Wfft\~M D 0 0 0 We!1tln1 1 ? J o Mcl(lnl~Y D 0 0 D Wtllln a· 1 1 1· C1asi!11J 0 0 0 O Ntvllle l 1 J • D1'Ji1 100• Dttrml I 0 3 1 Wollr ltl1 f111hl~v o o o o Tot1l1 H t 10 lt Scor• b~ 0111r11" E1!1nclf r t 17 1~ -ol!- Cin1• MeMI 10 6 ' II -Jf LOS .t.MIGOS (Ill " " ,, ,. K1l11l ' ' ' • Htl•nllll • 0 ' • D•u9hel'"tv • • • • "" • • • • F1re9•111 " 0 • • l<f11.!r ' ' ' ' G1'l:l1 • ' ' " Long0ri-• ·: ' " Tote11 " " • Allen also said he had suspended seeond-year run- ning back Vilnis J;;zerins for an indefinite period, hoWever, he declined to give a reason. ,~ -25-year-old DaCk Wis born in Latvia and became the rirst non·U .S. citizen ever drafted by the Rams . Watkins, 31. was a veteran of seven National Football League seasons affer at· tending Iowa State University. He came to the Rams prior to the 1968 season as part of the trade thal sent Bill Munson to Detroit. He spent the pre-season with Los Angeles, then was waived and claimed by Pittsburgh just before the league opener. He was later released by the Steelers and spent most of the season on the Rams' reserve squad . ~arina for its loth straight ~~.':..,.1ck : ; .: '~ Andtnon t • l 10 Win . Huntington took Care of Bolsa Grande, 77-54, while Marina was having an easy time.:,·with Garden Grove, 60- 49. -~ Westminster-stayed---in-eon- tention for second place with a 72-43 blasting of Corona de! Mar, an outfit that Jost _ by a point earlier in the week to Huntington. In other games Newport Harbor beat Villa Park, 67-56. and Edison scored its second Y.'in of the campaign with a 55- 53 verdict over La Quinta. S.U ll 'I Mc:Dlnltl l l 2 f ZadttrdoWlk! 2 o o ' lllrl!;H l 1 l I Rl•b'I' l I ' J OIOt 41,t Or1h1m l 1 l 1 Totlll Sctn '' Ovirt::S 1' 27 ,to IU111:r..,-?0 '' 10"1t--'IO FY t '' tt 12~2 "UNTINOTOH IE.t.C/t (111 f'O l'T fir< Tf' Ct••-• 2 2 10 WIJI 5•21• Wtllefs l ' 5 10 H•rnlll 1 ' S I 0.8rltl'ln • o l t Tl'lorntl l 0 I 6 Prklctv l 0 2 1 McCord o o 1 o C1tw 'lit T1!1l1 31 U , 20 11 ..... _ ·~· Oy1Hn IOLS.l 'R.lHDI! UO "o l"T "" T" I 0 S 2 1 l ' s 1 t 0 ' ' ' 2 16 II Bird Mo11er MuflulllP S1r1lford LICV •w-McGulrt Vtn aioem C11kl111 1111111 w1n11m1 ·~· Kerrltltn "" Jord•n Tall II HEW .. OltT H.t.1110'• un l'O "T "F T .. 0 0 l I) 3 I I 1 • 2 ' 11 2 I I S Westminster's margin of victory over Corona.de! Mar is_ deceiving. lilll• Fll1>11 Tolev IC•rlln Wu• 0 I I 1 ,-~-~-~~~~-~-1 2 0 1 ' The Lions, with excellent board strength and a speedy backcourt. were I e a d i n g Corona by only two early in the third quarter before the roof caved in on the Sea Kings . to1111 , 2 s • ' • l 11 11 " 1' ... lc1r1 '' Ou111tt1 HUfltlntlOl'I 11 16 11 2l-17 •o1M 17 11 11 9-.U COROl'1t, Dtl!L MAR C4ll "0 l'T "" T" Gotlltt O 2 o 1 Slt'le<ol I 0 0 2 Grlttlw 2 t S 6 .. . --,-. ' . .. ~ .. . .. . ' ... . ·' -. 'f • t:f ,":,, .•.. !.(" -'I . , . • . .. .,7\(1 M.t.Tlk OEI (JS! It fl pf Ip ltobfr!i I ~ I ll Pr'tnde•!l'll! J 1 11 Gorm1n I J l IClltY •1 1• Bomk1m1> l , o l Crabb, Allen said, was a valuable '5pecial team.s man while playing for the Rams. I-Te retired to go into manage- ment. Leading 2947, Weslmin.ster caught fire at the free throw line and in less than three minutes it was 42·27. ~llt!t" • I t (OfU'CIY 2 I j Fo'11 •2 10 ttalllnOtr J 1 • I $evlir 1 0--4 1 !lerf Oii\ Tal1ll 17 t 20 c WllTMINfTIJI IF21 ... f'T .... Tl' • • 1 • ' • J '° ltS an Old Forester ... "' ... --; .. McMln1.,.,.,n l 1 l iui~· l 0 1 Hu'f•tll&ul 1 0 D • Kl!nvemen 1 1 0 S To1111 ?• 7 ll SS H1wln' "''-•l'Odtrlc:lt •ft-• ' J 21 ·. • . - seer• '' 0111rurt lo• .t.ml!IO• I U 11 1S--•I Crabb spent most of 1968 on the Rams' reserve squad, but the 29-year-old, seven-year veteran was activated for the last three games when Kelton Winston was injured. Leading the scoring barrage for Westminster were Dan Broderick (21 ) and Steve Mclendon (20). They also dominated the offen.sive and defensive boards. "'"" Pe1r- l ' J • 2 3 2 1 ' • l 1t 0 0 I I 21301772 kind of ),;,,_ I IM~r Dti 11 11 ll 1 -U How They Stand. AJ\1ERICAN LEAGUE Eut Division Won Lost Pct. GB Baltimore 6$ 28 .699 - Detroit 49 40 .551 14 Boston 51 42 .548 14 Washington 50 47 .515 17 New York 43 51 .457 22 1 ~ Cleveland 37 56 .398 28 Wut Dlvl1ion Mlnnes<Ka 57 35 .620 - oakland 50 38 .568 5 -Kansas City 39 53 .424 18 Seattle 38 53 .418 18~2 Chicago 38 54 .413 19 California 35 55 .389 21 TllvttiP"n ••wlh MlllMMl!a I. Clllc•H S 81lllmon J, Cltvelloncl 2, Dt!~il 4, W11lll..,.,... 3 Otkllrod •• 5'!1tt" 2 llOllOfl •I New Yori<. r1ln Onlv ••mts Khedultd -, ... _,.., .. _ O.kl•fld (f>Ob--1~71 1·r c1111arn11 fMtG!Olll!ln 5-1), nltl\t M111Ml~I (Miiier 2-J ..... aa1~ll 11 .. ) ti 5Nllie (5"111 '"4 It'd T1U1e1 4-J), 2. ,_nltl'll Ot!roll (McLtln J).-'l ti Clt"111tl'ICI fTl.nr 1·10). n!"11 Wtll'llf!OICll\ IUllllenbed 2~1-11 N~w Y~f=.0~~;.i"ni •• a.ion (J1rvt. '-II, llltl\I ktllHI City (8\llllltr w1 11 (llktH Nvm1111 tM • C.r!ot f.t , nlt~t NATIONAL LEAGUE Eaa:t Division Won Lost Pct. GD Chicago 57 36 .613 - New York 51 37 .580 31h St . Louis 49 46 .516 9 Pittsburgh 45 48 .484' 12 Philadelphia 38 52 .422 17'~ Montreal 29 63 .315 27 1/ii West Division Los Angeles 52 39 .~71 - Atlanta 53 41 .564 'h S. Francisco 52 41 .559 1 Cincinnati 47 40 .540 3 HOUston 47 47 .500 61.7 San Diego 32 62 .340 21 1r: TllurMaV'1 ••wits 111,ontreel S, Pllts.bvrg~ • Sen Fl'tlnc!s<o U, LOI .lnlllll~J \J Sf. LOUii 11, Pllll~i>lllt J At11nt1 n. ClllcJn ... u 1 Only ""'" H!ledur.d ,....., .. e- W.W-Y9"; lltllONYllll 7.5) 11 Monf. re11 {lit~ ,.n;-l'fltl'll Cll~ !MOlltmtn 11.$) 1t Pl'lllldel- Jlfll1 iFIYl'!lltl 'M ), lllol'll SI, L°"lt (G!btoll 11·1) f t Pllbbul"lh (l!lllt S.10). 1110111 Houtloro !Ol'lff111 .Ml 11 Cltw;:i.in1t1 !Afr llO 0.1 et C.h•tr WI, llltlll ,..,. """''"' csr,,.., 12-n_ •' s.~ """l'=rtf!Cliei !MtCW'tr!Jdf""l-'J,-liltht Stn Olnt llCtll\' •J Miii S.l'llOflfll ... , •I Att11111. ISIW P.S tl'lt lrllloll ,.,, ... fllll"""""' ' \ Corona del Mar was stag- gered at the free throw line where it was outscored b1" a 30-9 count. • In a foul-ridden contest, SOFT SELL SAM "11• Tor.It ICtrl In' Olllrltn W11tmln1tlr • 111 :io 2'-1'1 t4M • 71& ''~ IDllO!lf OSI · l"O .. tfll'TP • 5 2 7 ''TKIS_~'lVSI lli; A l'IKt' FAMILY REST~ORANT, 5AM"' ALL 'THESf M~ti c;;T ~llll 111€/R Ll/ILijHTf'R~. I -$6~i9.fi& Save 10% whtn you buy by th<°"": ...__ At86otJOOrini.of'ihm/JMthin1bettttinrhemarltet." ~ • 1 •tJtlilCJtf IJl•!$Wl ~~lilll ""llC'f• II ~~OOJ• lot "'011f 10111.10 lN IOJ!ll • hOWll0r011'-llUl\Un COl.l'OUllOll •.\f 1,GU!nlut Ill tClllllCf:t • ..., ' • • • ... ~~: > • ·~ • •'• " • • • • ----,. --..---• ! I I I · . 22 "DAil Y l'ILl!T ' Schmitz Sueceeu oi,on • t---_._..._p~rl~s­ Spikers - · Kennedy Selected ~ .. . By ROGEi\ CARISON Of tht OallY ,llet lfltf i • Doug Eckart of Chapman led all competitors at the Costa Mesa Recreation Dept. ~ all-comers track a n d field· meet at Costa Mesa High School Th1Jrsday evening. · · Terry Schmiu of Orange Coast College was a double winner in open classification with clockings of 52.4 in the 440 and a 4:43.1 in the mile. , Eckart won boti1 sprints and finished it otf with anchoring the Chapman 440 relay team to a tie for first with Santa Ana Valley High In the open division. His times were JO. I and 23.l . Carl Fields of Santa Ana Valley in the high school .division sped to ·an 8.9 clocking in the 70 high hur'dles. Tom Lipski of Saddleback took the high school mile with a 4:29.1 effort. Dennis ·Edwards of Tustin was a triple winner in high school action with rirsts in the 220 (24.8), long jump 118-4 ) and high jump (6-21. • t t . •l ' i .... .. G004 f?:£ l ,. -1· . . ~· " • ''1 ::;,,.i -. _,,. .. ' . • ;, . ' •,~/, --.. .. _ Jack Kennedy has been named athletic director al Marl n a High School the DAILY PILOT learned exclu- sively today. Kennedt suceeeds Lu t e Olson for the vacated post af- ter the latter lefte Marina to become v a r s I t y basketball coach at Long B e a c h City College. Olson had just recently been named to succeed rootball coach Jim Coon at the posi- tion. Kennedy resigned his varsi- • ty Wrestling C<laCh job Mar. 14 to-devole mOre' tirri'e tO the classroom after racking up a highly !nlccessful record at the Viking institution. \Vhile coaching at Marina 1963-1969, his varsity tean1s compiled a 46-IQ mark \vhile winning league championships in 1965 and '67. He founaed tt.e Five.Coun- ties tournament -which has since been moved to Fountain Valley High Scftool after his resignation. NEW VIKE BOSS Jack Kennedy track at Long Beach. and \\'as high point man on thE: track squad. . -Kennedy began his teachins career at Rancho Alamitos · High School where he spent four years. , Mater Dei 's Paul Muldoon won the open b80 with a 2: 14.7 time <ind finished second in the open 440 to Schmitz: .... 11 HH ...,. I. M.._.~, l. Simmon> 3. Wlll!•m•. Tl~' t,I. Mlle -l. So;llmlll ?. C1rlotl J. FUNNY CAR CHAMPS -M"ickey Thompson (left) and his driver, Danny Ongais, will be favored to win the funny car eliminator title \Vith Thompson's Mach 1 Ford Mustang Salurday night in.the U.S. Pro Dragster Championsh.ips at Orange County International Raceway. Ongals has driven the Thotnpson machine to six straight • victories. • Kennedy, 36, was a rarity in high school sports at Needles l!igh School. He lettered in six sports - two years running. He earri.ed his ·monograms in football. basketball, track, basel¥i_ll, His first two years tu coaching athletics were as assistant Bee football coach and then he took over the wrestling program along with - varsity football duties as an end coach. McT•lilf•I. 1 1~: 4:Q.1. · Mlle (ml•U••) -1. &G•man ?. 81~1111 ). Wood. Time:~="·'· \Oii -1. Ecktrl 2. Maimbour~ J. 8rook•. Time: 10.11 . 4.rJ -1. ~cl\m1!1 1. Muk!oon J. Hauser. Tlmt: $1.4. 220 IH -1, Slmrpons_,! '"!1use~ J. -wnn-1ml7 Trrllt: 1!1.7. 4«1 Rel1Y -1. Tle belwe<-n S•"" A111 v111rv u>CI Ch1111T>1n Time: •S.O. ~. 18!1 -1. Mu-. 2. Owem ). "'• th~~":~' JJ~·:i 2. Jone! 3. Fro1t. T'f'~: c~};,f,~. o. Wlnltur1';R. WJntOfl. Tl.-..t: 12.1. Mlle w1lk -r.t>IBt-rnerdo l . Cllt'rrl 1. Mtrllen. Tlmt: 7:•9.S. . Cross Caun1rY (J.71 -1. Gr"1Jtle 2. C,anl!Ofl J. T1Ylot _ r;mt: 111S. Ll>llll lump -1. 8!&t'IO 1. Sw!ss J. Fltlds. Oltlenct: 20.\0. Trlplt lump -I. l(.11me-r l . Murreu J. Betttr. Oist1nce: ~1. Hlvh Jumo -1. T~ be! ...... n Scnml!I •t'IO HO'>'I. No lhlr6. Yikes Win lOtJrf}ame . Marina High School upped it~ Orange su1nmer basketball league record to 10--0 \Ve<l- nes day night with a hard- fought 71-SS victory over Katella at Orange High. • swi1nming and tennis. · D · t f" f $ 30 0(\(\ s 1. d The native of ·Gary, Ind. . rag-s ersc-. \70 01~-. ----, \:1\:1-0ll..:. a. ur ay picked up honorable mentiep From there he ·moved on to· I!un.tingfon Beach High School in 1962 where he initiated th.e wrestling . p r ·o·g ram .and assisted with Bee football :- status in the Tri-Stale League · , ,-.... . ---~---• · · , as i quarterback. on the foot- -. .~am m,~ior-y)~ee"'"'· -·--------,-~~-+-Satiir'day's i.hird...annua\ U.S .. The PDA event again w.ill bL.:...vide. fierce compet1tioo ln.1he.- an ;ill-day, all-night affair with battl e for the 80 posilions open qu:.lifying be'iinning at 9 a.m. to qualifying. ruiining for the hrst--t.une·at a After graduati(fn~tie-spenr-a Pro DrSgster Championships meet at Orange C o u n t y Int.ernational Ra&.!way has been called the · summer high point for drag racing. . Little wonder, what with a field of more than 100 top and . the first r'ounds of top Speculation has it that a fuel. funny car, top gas and sub-seven-seconC run will be junior fuel dragster elimina-necessary to capture a berth tions starting at 6 p.m. in the 32-car top fuel dragster The big pol is composed of field. PDA event. ,. year at the University of Tn- The acceptance by the diana, a season at Orange dragsters and funny !!ars of Coast College and then finish· running together -they once ed out his education with three were the bitterest of foes -years at Cal State (Long "has been brought about partly Beach ). Tell . Your Kids To Read Uncle Javelin -1. S~r~ 2. Branllv 3. Fr01t. Dls!ln<t: 1'•·•. OISWI -1. t.0:1 2. Bleu!rlch J. Gor'*"'. 0 11t1ncr: llJ-0. Shel poJ1 -1. loll 2. (;or"°" J FrQSI. Ol1l1nce: )l·lHlili sai..t Rick Mosier led the Vikings wit h Z3 points. Kipp Baird ad- ded 18 to the cause as the Vikes sna'ppcd baCk £f-om ~a one·point deficit at the end of three quarters. · drivers and machines com- ·peting for nearly $30,000. in $17,330 in prize money and Funny cars. the dragstcrs another $12,000 in manufac-with a fiberglass replica of a ·turers' awards and should pro-Detroit sedan r body, will be by the dragsters adoption of At Orange Coast, Kennedy a performance technique in-earned all-conference .recognt._ troduced by the funny cars -lion as an end in football. the burn out. He lettered in football r and Len's Column • 70 H"' -I, Flellls 1 Stubbins 3. Edwlf'llt. -T~: l .t . Mlle -1. Llp>kl 2. McQuown J. Wln· IOI\. Tlmf: 1:29.1. 100 (flrsl hltlj · -1. Saun<lers 2. 800!1 l . R-. lme: 10.•. lOO \~ htltl -1. S1ewarl l. AllR•n'ltn J. Smllh. Time: 11.2. '-'II -1. Ke11nedu 2. H1un J. Meek•. Time: S3.l. MARINA (11) . MG -1. CtrM l. Edw1rds J. Or1v1lle•. Tlme: 1:0.C.•. Mesler 720 -I, E6w1rd1 2. Aldeun1n l. MUllUlllY " " " . ' . ' . ' ' . ' • • . '. (Ir"'°. Time: 21.f. ll<V Cron Country [3.1l -l. Po!lnt 2. 1~ct..,1r~ ..,,,_,..,1'11 J. Perez, l imt : ll:!•.!. B1lrd SPORTS CM TRAt." AOO 2 e~ 1 L-lymo ..,.1. Ellw1r6' !. lltwb'I }. ~•wo II • lf_llteT. OIJ!tnct: lt·•. ·-Thurm • Trt.i. illlTIP -/· .·6••1er. l. Whll· T0!1!1 tlllUl!t, No 'lhlrtl, 0 $lll'C!: J6.S. HllPh lump -l. Edw&rds 2. Ur.6el'Wlllld. Height: 6"2. J1~enn -1. M. l•Xlff 1. T. B1x!rr $. A111'811. 01111"ce: lD0-0. S!)vt i>ul -1. 8ern•ll ;1 L1c~mer J. McKe11non. Olf~';,;"!i'~~o n. .UO ll ·fl -1. Pe~" ?. OIBri-nar<io l . Cerl!r. Tlrne: 1:73.7. ltO !IOI -I. Hives. No SKOnd or 11\lrd . . Mlle (11.121 -1. J. ~ltlll 2. KttlV 3·:'~~~ 1~7oi-,l;2::0;..-11 J. Speer. Tlrnt: 10.2. • MIJb-1. Ber~!! 2. Rust J. Wl!e<-ler. Timt: A:S1.l . 100 -1. KellY !. Jonn J. Poll..,,<ir.· Time: 11.l. UO-~mtn t Bladun111 l . Kttlv. Time: 1 :03.S. no IH--1. Powefl ~. -.lone$. No third. Time: 11.i. uo -I. ICtelv ?. JO!>e> J. Sml!h. Tiffie: 2:'11.2. 100 -1. K'lly ;. Pow"I 3. J°""". Tlmt: as... C.--Country !l.11 -1. Sochl!Hng l. Montvorntrv J. M"5en1. l ime: lt:JO,O, . 'frlolt lumo -1. Alll•Ofl !. 8a~tt-r 3. Wl!lllll-r. Dls!lnce: l2·J. Sl'tol llU1 -1. Cavr!'ll!r. No second or th-!rd. 0 1..WI -1. Ba•Ttr 2. A!!lson J En1k111. Ol•!anct: 1'1·1. ,_ 1ump -1. HIV• 2. Kitti J. s-•· O 11anc1: 11.J. Hl9h lump -1. l(le<"I l. HIYI J. SHer. ttll9hl: S.l. Cards Vic Fountain Valley 's Cardinals will be fighting for survi val in l lhe National Ba s ebJ\I Congress tourrfll.ment Salur- day-afternoon when Bob Chava rria!s-outfit m e e t s · Westminster at M e m o r i a 1 Park in Santa Ana at 3. The winner of the Fountain Valley-Westminster struggle 1 1 will advance to Sunday's test with the loser of the Sanla Ana.San Bernardino tussle at I Perris Hill Park in San BerdOQ 11 p.m.J . &HEAT OLD BOURBON , &HEAT NEW PRICEI -1111 OlD $UNMT IAOOK DIST.CO .. ~OUISVllll. KY. 10 ,K>Qf, M.19 4/.S QT, ' • prize mooey. - Th• belled GTW Is •· .. ,.,, belt on wheels. A fiber· glass twin~belt undei' the tough, Duregen• rubber tread 1hleld1 ilgalnsi-punclurits •nd blOWOUtt. Fuff Nygen"" cord-ptle,-·Genera111-patented procen-- nylon cord -add to powerful performance. Famous, deep, dual tread design gives sure stop-and-go traction. Distinctive, thrff while ring 1idewall sets II apart . • P1u1 Sl.!I Fed. El. Ta•. s;1, E·79 l7lSJU) !ubtla.s Wl'll!ewalls. Olller illl~ com""r1bly priced. SS/8000 Super Sport. • Mirror-polish chrome • Cast aluminum center • Theft-proof hub cap • Other styles available 646-5033- >, !t LONG, LONG MILEAGE FULL PLIES OF NVGEN° CORD t MAG WHEEL~ ·oon Swedlund ' ' ' . ====~"======~~- * Provides s1fet} •t hilh speeds ... * Gives over twice Ill• 1nn11c1.,. Saves r11, too? • FRONT END ALIGNMENT BRAKE ADJUSTMENT 011r 1pec.iolish od]1111 lnokn. h1~t ltrako lh1h11i, dru1111 afld ,,1111d1N1. Add ltydra1dlc fhdd if.-dff. U.S. Cor11 COMPLETE CAR CARE Hours: 7:30 to 6:00 Dally ' .· , ' , ' ~ Woody'~ In 9g.s1 Ba.S, .Bonito Hot Los Alamitos -.:Entries -. ~~o~gfi.n Are Long Gone • ·' l'OU•TH ••cl. «Ill ......... t Y••r aldf. Alie.Mn P'vne UlOll. 01'1 MiK ILi.....,.) ... , Clf'll'' ,~,.., ,1_14 .... fMOn"llJ G~ .._... l()ftftr) 5;19"1 Llfht 1• •..WI Gii ~ ·••"-> """ Mii'« 'AMdtul >H '" '" '" '" '" "' fllPTM •.t.CI. Mt 'IVdl-, "''' llldt., ••rt JlJ T141r W11cil '(WIMlll Doll l"IM~11 (,..Ir! AM11t llodctt (0 H!QI Gr!kll CLIPlllml l"rl"P'rllln ,Glrl fl"IHl J\1111 l"tllt Fllle !H Cr•bY) DI.ill!' .., 80'!' !Smltlll .......... G11tl01 k-t (Str111t1I Wfoldt't ftacktl IH•rtl "' '" "' '" "' '" '" "' "' "' '" >M "' "' "' '" "' "' >M "' ISVl!MTM ftAC .. • yll'ft, I ,...,, oldl lflld ._ In Gt .. M ,......_ l"WrM ""'· P're11r1 PllR !Llltl'llm) 1\6 M--'•t CA<llllrJ Ill Hvclell1'1 Chic l~rtl 11S Roctll I""'" fWtiten) 111 Cock'tl Kid ($'"1th! ,. Ul Tittl Rldltl CH CtCllb'l'J 117 Siu N' Go Cl;ii~IJ 11' FOR THOSE EXTRA YARDS OF DISTANCE • , Jl•r•,ly d~ . t strive for extra d1Stance jo t~o •polnt that "I swin& with mulmum ·tffcrt .. You ' shctuld 'strive to .:.swing :..,.itt,fn ·yourself.", · .• HOweyer, on rare qcci:s:ions , you may need to ''l1toutshafi.'' Your. QP.pon111t:rt11Y ~· closing you , out .and Y9U nted 1 ~ur1 bird It. Of, for p~holoaic.I rea· son1, ')'pu may want to hit it past him off the tff atttr he'S · 'm1d1 ~n especially k>n1 drive . • .. Tfi'i .worst thing yo~ c1n do to add distllnce is. to Swine harder,h1n·norm1I. This mere. ly destroys the timinfyou need to hit it far. Instead. try swingin& slower than normal while makingafun. er shou.li:Ser turn, The bigger turn will add the power, and the slower backswiiig will keep l!IGHTH llACI!. "9 'l'INI .! .,.,, olcl, 1nd u-. AllDWlrc: ... PIHW SIOQO. Tit! Shut Fl'I'. ~:: you in balance and contr61. li.11.i>o (C:.rdouJ Turi'• Bnt 10..wrl ~~ Those who feel they want t~ GO A Miit fL1plwm) 5111-dOW M1n fK1nl$) Witch Chic t"411r ) Oulrc:r floete'I ftt.rO Robin Anll Dtnl.n fPtl!lt) TOP Rod<e'lle Cit ••n~tJ Dlw161nd'• Bar f$mllh) Clllftr Lto (WllMfll "' add distance to their average 111 · d 11, rives can do so by practicing ~: the slower, fuller SJtlng, white 11• , always '1VDiding any lateral I I I 1· H W • ,An ooUclpated run o l oop Ill .. ;in.-. llill huu'l.Aevwped . , m Southern calllomia waters, , llul Dany'1 l«fctt· will 1tnd Woody s \l{harr's undefeat~ . the Fury. 11 after the dUslve string ol eight &-1111'.Vlved jollglin twice ,thll weekend. .play WldltOlday ' nlpi at The ,landing ha• scheduled °''"I' ,eoUt 'College al ui< all-<loy Sa~unlay ond Sunday Costa 'Mesa ope' n biske'._",I l'Ltlll. ·bbth W;blch will leave at . . ....,. ·11 the'nl&lll bdoro. league le~ '!ftPl1 ~; an Art•s, wd1n1. meanwhile, ea!iy 9Ml W"! o•~ Lue:k1 s .. , 1doeln't hive an albaoort run In the second 1 •me · 5Chedttltd o'ftr the week~. Wlamore ' Ir\suranc11: ·Agency' However, a 11 u d den ap- won b)I !ot1eit over DoQglu. ,pearance by 1;he fl1b could Woody's with a COiii. chao&e the land!ni'• plina. ' Georee Newcombe ol Art'• ad-mandlng l'iii 11me bW1e over vilel an&}en to check dally on Its nearest rival, racked up a the natus ol the atbacoR. l~nt hal!Ume iel<l in cruJs. MOii ol the few llblcon! ing to the win. being 1.nded are etnl nlaUvt- Bob Bed<n fed 1u """"' ly 1111111 llld lite lllh ·have yet with 3'l points on nine field 1ooJ• and If.free tluow• wltlle male Pat Grant was tQssing in 27 and Bowar~ Damelmaier added II. * * * WDOD'l"'I WMAll:I' '"' " • .. " l•Olll . ,. ' » ..... ' • • I Gr•ll! " ' ' " W1•m111 I • ' • ""' • • I " Hutchlr. ' • • I Dlmel..,.~r • ' ' " Tcl1h u " " •• LUCKY'S tlH 'fr · * * Fi$h Report ".W'°itT co.ftn L-.1 -~" 1n91tr1: n 111MC-•. HI blrtl<li9. .1)1 Mnlto. :m b•u , I rock Qld, 1 hll- lbl.lt. (""" LllllllllM)-llt 1nttf"'1 lH Mrl'IWN, llS bOlll19, !U Mu. I hill-"'-HUNTIMllTOW l •ACN -Bl,.., '1 -11n1 • .,. .......... 'n io.itte, m ..... . SIA.I. llACN-N -lert: 1) blrf .. cud•. l:N 11aro11o, '" ii..u. s l'llllbut. Baf'91!, '' lllfll"': S blr~, HO bon-llo, 25 NH, lJ rntdltnl. SAW CLaMINT._121 '"'ler1: "1 blss. Al io.in~ • lterrKUllll. SAM 01100 (MCliklHI ,llr~U ... ""°: .W 1lbK-. I bw!ll:ll, 31 N1tntt 1tAc•. w v•rds. 3 ._r swaying of.the upper body. oloh 1...s UP. AU.W.-. ""l'H l!IO&. L-~O!!~-----------l°'!..!!~1~-!.!"""~!-=.~""'~· JI ll. M•nccbo M1i11 Mt Down (Wrltlll) Ill G•r"llr " " ' I ' ' .. ,; ' " ' . --· LOIM l•ACM I'""'°" "ltrl-&c .sun Ghost IRkMirdll 111 Kl,.. Su111rr 11~1 IWl~I 1n .,_. S11nd!9a (llrfnkltvl 117 Amokt l'alllttlr'a ""HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PUmNG." A COP'J' l!;HCI • • • • • • ' " ' . ........ : 1 )'llio.tllL "" 11111, 1t Ml' ~ lJt ~ ·-· 6t '"'""'I 30 bll\tto, f1 ._.. ff R9dtnl. Cl"• Ton Al.Ion CA.dtilrl Ul of ttris hint-pack.ct bookJ.tt is Yo\11'5 for 204 when )"OU 911Clottd L. Mfl..abll 'Come On o.di: {Str1uH} It' t d " d"-•..o 1. •-'th Glllt1.it 111 Cupid. In Rid ftill!Mml 1u • S •mPt • H ""' D•-•nw..,!)e '"'I'll WI )'OUr r.quut to Gu•,.~ 1u Tn.i1r HI f5111N l 111 Arnold P•lm•r, in cart ol thls n•W1p1per. MOr!Oll • ollfl Mid w Ill OrMI A fllua. f>vrse ..... H""""" 0.11'1 (Wll""I ~ llbt IC:.rftil) " ' • • ' . • • ~ . ' " ' " ' . > I • • n " Hllll LtM•>-1111 •l'lllert: It Ill~ Ql<lll, 1.tn' IM•• 11• barol!w 1 'ttllow- l•IL IP•cltlc Lt .... 1-14 ..... ,., ta .... fl7 barofl .. ' Ntlllut, I IN" T'o1111 wuzeew,14 T 11+1+-_;1+am:&R1 ~-. ' NlltMou-JI IMlt"': 2U Ml'tlC~ ••• • ..... JD.I llOrlttol. lo ICbool ilp. ' mtiftl F with the tltr<e B'I -b-. bolillo, aod blrrlCU<j,I Deny'• ciwler ~~ the Patrldln, his been IOinl after ~ longlili llld earn• up w Ith 11 '111M4iY, ,, nlOrt .,Wednelday, INl..»-Tbunday. Al! were Jn the )Wo pound range .• -1UP11i11ni -of the 10- lioa. The ljarr1cttd1 1te atill reJAUvet)< smlD. FlaQlrmen 1ilo are landl11& an OCClllOnll halibut lltd ocuipin. -Flliilng flJ tot.I waters re- YOUR ·,P.OILEM: - You wtnt to Mii .. IM Item that you no fontor noOcl a...t ....,...,. •IM can UN t.r ? NOT OVER $50 1 7 ? -7 YOUR ANSWER:-~ 7 • 3 You all THI DAILY PtLDT, Hk for Cl111lllod Advormr"', •"" p1 ... 1 i PILOT I 'PlNNY f ~~~~~~~DI AT OUR SPICIAL LOW RATE LINE'S 2 Tt'MES 2DOLLARS AND YOUR CREDiT is· GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642·5671 CT• frM NMl c..r, _.Int) ' -. -·--~·:::--:..__ -~.-.---w11A'I' x1mm ~--..-..·~· I I ,., .... ,,. ,...,....,., ~•tr u. '"' Ctur & '•I ,lltST ltACl~r1N1. M1io.11 2 ~, e1111s. Cltllftlnt. hr• t1'00. LlllHI Cit .. ntU 1).6t IM J.OD S11rtln C'-!K111hl 21:1.61 t.2'1 1"61111 l lK1tll ClYrklhlJ ".JD Tl-21 1110 Scr1tcl'llf -G..,w\11, llnl ,_,, ""_,' Oldlt'f'• S,br Oo, OQ,-ll'illltllH and. oi-1111111 ... a. ltllCtd 1111. S•COWD 'llACI!. «Ill n rd1. ) 'tlNr --11111 ... In 0..IW I Pllll. ,WIN su11.1 ,.· ,.,.o:;tr ••r 10.cq '·'° i.e T"'I (Adllr) l ... t.llt •• -.1 T1-111 lll:kll1rd11 J.Oll .....-a 1110 . "ff Kr1tcl'tt1. en•wn 'f DOUIL•-t· .......... lo _,..,.... DMllr. .... ,ell! fftA. .,. noltD · • .(c9:-;;-....... N.llNft t . : ::.r~~J=i '-" SA t.'G , ....... ,,, (l l .. lft) uo t.olO ~ lh lfllh'J' tit lrifl J.60 ,.. T!fne-1 ... -5,111 ... • ,.i1 .c:r1tdlft. ., .. 7.,, ..... ,,, ; " 1ueo. "''"'"" S•P 1c1rdlu) 7.IO , .• l.2ll c .. Quiett (,ettlo) "-00 J.111 Jettl119 Joiwwtt" {HI~) '-ID T1-11 2110 S~k:tltd-&lllV ~rt. ltftl Mick· 1r, Ill G,..ndMlll'I', Mldl;'1 NrtrKw1. SIXTlf tACI!. l5t r•N1. l "'' otdl 1N llfl•· Clllmlnt. ,._ 11a. Dl1I lralld'tl CC:.rdou) 4211 11.IO ,_. lu\-Yrud /Liii~ 1.lt '·'° W1r 81"• ( fflllU) -If.JI Timt-11 I /I" ' • Scr11tM!d -Or4 The SNm, Slllnl GRll.lnd. llVINTM UCL a.,..,,..._ " .,..., olds Ind 1111 In Grldt AA Ml1111t.. l"I .... II toe. DH•llil IQW Deck IC.t,.,u) J.N SAO JA DH.CW-ii AP.,_ 1Morr111 •• u s.e IFMd .._.. (~Ir\ Mt · Tlml-fO 5/tf;-· · · 'e••ldNI ,._ ,.lllit; Illas t»11toca: .id,,_ el, Chlllt.r, ,._II OiilL Viinllr Otll. ,,,... OH-DHllWlt 1W flrtt, •IGHTH Det. JSO Y.,nls. l .,.,, O~I 1nd ~ Ill .Grldtl M Plus brid In Ctlll. P'lll'M '21lllO:> S*Hf Pllnllre 1ic.nl•l 1.00 l.• 1.• T~ff IOU ISlr1uu) l .• l ... Pic111 l1r (C:.l'lkilQ) l.:111 Tlmt--11 t /10 • • S<flldMd-Flolll Rodtt!, Prowoct!lwr, Rode! lnilln. NINTM ftAca. V"Mll Sr. Cwne- VO '1.trd1. J YHI dds •I'll! WI. ti.llll- lng, P11rie SIOOll. Nt>l9 BQClll; (Rlctiltrlll) t.• '-"' JM Buo11r Bir LM (Llphilll) '·°' S.MI Glrlfe'.1 RGtl _(MllrJ 4.60 T~ l/10 . Scr•lmel ·w PiHlllo. lt#rMc-cw. 1"111tY wm-. wti1r1y DoD. .. .. .. Dolphin Swimmers Top Mission Viejo Team .. .fhe Blue Dolphin Swim Club • · defe1ted Mission Viejo S1tur- -day, •263. in the loser's pool in'• an Orange County Swim Conference meet. Blue Dolphin placers: .,,~ 119 .~'"' -'-T 2. --· No frH -Ii ,, ... ,. T1tt, No !!ml . blO; -• Tiit. , c.lt. Nt 11mt. '• ,;. Ill' -I. TnM t. Mortf!W, No t . Oltll 1 .. 1' fl'ft -1. E!111bu111 t. McNtmart. .~trme. -2S llttnl - 1. L•ne 2. ,t,\eNl!l'ltr't . O~Jl!'!~L ' ·--1. £1twlck 2. l11itur11. No ...... • ,I ZI 11" -1. Ehwlck \· L-. No tl"'•· " Olrll f· I 91 trw -1 De!\ton. No time. Nell -'· ~loll. No llmt. . E .,...,,,, -I. B<mwt:lL No lhl'lt:. "" -2. Lt,,. l. C""PWl1. No ·~-"' lndo -l ... lfll'I. Mo llmt. "' 11·11 • lOI ..... -l. Gl1I. TllM;..~.:~U. ~I 91 .,...II -t. UM. rw· ""'": ; ! ~I. ~~11."ito1W:.. , ' • , .. -l. ~~4,,.. tlll'IL .. 'mt -1. l•fbur11 l .... 11. • <(11r11::trlt•i':.... ,_ °""*""· ,.. 11m1. , 1• T,i; -1. E11fWrli 1 ~ J'l~:"*n~t. lotWtll t. DwMNI. '"° ~ .... tt-11 .100 ff'H -I l!litlbi,in1. T!tM: l:ff.I. 1'100 brl!t•! -I. Plowet'L Tllne: ,,,,,, ' I. . ' • , .. !Oii bid!. -1. 1E11t1Mf!, Tlmt' 1:20.t • Ot ,_ _ 1. Flower."°"'"'-''" .. tJ frtt -I. H1rrllllt0n. J. S.• 11111-. Ko·'""' 2:!1br1Ht -t H~!,$M. fl!if-. Ho tlmt. 15 b1ck -1. H.,.rlnt!Cll L S... fiUI~ Ho llm\IYI f-1 1$ 1"9e -I. Gilrfl11 2. 1111. NI tlmt. 1S bft•il -L tll 1 Thtlltn. No '""'· 2:!I blick -1. Thllle" .No l!mt. 25 11'1 - ]. G1rrt1tl. ND tlmt. ...,. ,_,, 50 lrte -2. IEllWlck 3. Mtrtrt. NI '1'J'.1'brffst -1. Elswlct 1 Dl!w. No ..... M Nd! -1. ENtbutn J.. T,,__ No 111!'1. JIJ flw -1. Ow9t-. J. Merer. NI time, lOll lndo -I. E.-.tburn 2. W.tr. NO tlmt. ..,._ H•lt lN lrw -1-H9'rllllloll. Nt time. 50 btt1$I -1. Jlfl..,,_ No !Im•. 50 INdr. -l.1=1~i'r· No nme • ..- 1oa frH -1 L..._ TlfM: 1·'27 10ll 1Ndr. -i. \1t:i Time; i:1i). ' C-1111"-It"""' Mtldlfl' rML -1. 11111 OOW1111 (Enttour11, IWI E~ Hfi:, Medlrt f.lOj-!. Mhllon • Mtcllt'r' 11·1 ) -• M)qltft Malter Ls.u1 -I. Ml'jklll ~I M~ln' (l).lfl -1. ¥1 "Ge: " llE•1tburn. FloWws. L_, °""""'· Hfl '~-FrH tM l -I. B!>J1 Otlllh!n 1n--. H1rrl11DI011. T1t1, Slill1Ulncl. Frft 1-1 ) - 1. ~ V 11 "" \'•1 -1. Miii~"~ Fr• (ll·lU -· l. M.1U V ... FrH fl).14) -1, 11111 Doi-Pllft IE1stbun1. -'-Dnmtnd, Hlf' rlMlao!l. Fne !1$.1n • 1. Ill.le °""*ln llE1ftbur11, L-, Fiow.r, Otto). I See by Today's Want Ads • The best-dreued ftreplact In town! Fh'tplace, eur- roundtd by wry speclal unfum, 1pt fllr a wrr special tenant Or lt )'Oizr ---.meb an offer or trade for nrw HeaUla'tor~ t;ype ~ Sears AokAho•• Sean Conwenient Credit P1101 ~-·~WH-A~ A PR-l{;E -1 CRUSADER 6.50rl3 Tubelee. ·Blackwall Pb11L79. F.FhT. And Old Tire Sale Ende Sahlrtliiy, July 19111 •New contour, ~ abonlder for gretdtt aaf'er, •New l1'ead d....., for all-weather· iraetion •New 6/lo.i!lch white aidewall 10 mal~h the width of tbe wfalte li~all o( m1111y aew c1n ./ BLACKWALLS ANl: SIZE USTED - Till>eleu Blackwau. SIZE F.E.T. 7.75xl4 2.20 8.%5x14 %.36 7.75xl5 ' 2.Zl ·12°1 Pl• P.E.T. Aod OW Th ' . Wfill'EWAUS oNtv 13 !llOflE PER TIJlE • The Utile old _Lady ...... ~sadena or ewn the BQ area ma:r lie in.taresttd In -·-~ battery ~? ipc:!vdtd, ... ,--·--·---·-~---·----~------------------------------------, MM\P.y&TA. MQ. 521""5» .... GI J..ltl1 U:.....al .. f.0121 PICOWI' l..f2'J • ...,,_,. .... ,.....11 .......... 1'11 ... I UH:*,.,...,, ~ot ,.,.,.,a "'611 •-....:.a toJO Nt M111 "**" • i.11u. MA ..,,,,, w MIJf IM«A llillitrA • Wt1 . 'Mlf'flO ,_...,.... I ' • ,_, • Jn .... - •. tft• on '1fllltr IOdll tte\11" ,.., _·---loo Wittr • Boltt Owmri with :n y.n _,,_ ..... .... iuld;cqoiwot .. ....... a~ -10 0 Watt wilts. \ I _ ........ 11 ........ _ ...... '° ..... ' _.,,,..... M ""' ---...... --_lt .. lflt ' I ... WC»tt ' ~ OJ"'f..1J21 ~.., 14111. JI. !"211 .... Jn.(fll • • '--~------------------"' ... ------~---------------,-. "Sallo'*'ionG,•••UdOl',._MaMr..... ",. -•• ... .._.... ,, ..... ,,, 6.1iiDAA1oMrJ1L ' y , f "'\'<, < I , ' • • • ' ' I . ~ . ------------ ~ . ' -- ~- t I I f -. --- ' .. ' !4 DAILY PILOT , ·1r Costs To..Travel .. With AF-'l UC Boar~--0£ Regents 'n ·¥uJ! Tur~ove ~~~ -When the Vniverslly ol CafUornla Alumni Assoc:lafioO.-uet.(-(Seole~ber !Ilia) ~ pmlde~t' iii . 'ihe Calli.;;,,,. pointed IO lbe •l;le Ql~<fin ·~~ presWlll J>f . Ille .!JOI.A ~ California Rcgent.s met in San and execuUve vice president Plu11p R .• Lee, UC-San ,fra.n-Angels baseball club and vlee January, succeeding Robert AfLlnllli Assoclalion ·•Cbris-. f'ranclsco last week, the o( Dean Wltt'er and Co., Inc.; clst.'O Mechcal Center (March). president of the Los Angeles J!'ioch ' w1'19 became US · E M ke Ji , .... seventh new member joined who will serve a one-year The receq~ appointed Rama football !earn., appoiq_ted feCl'e~ey1~('Jieal.lh. ed~t,)~ tian · ar Y! I!~ ~· ' the board since J at t ter,m as ex-officio member regenfs are: y t1\t gov~ in Janua,ni and welfare. -'f: Angeles attorney wbb ~ r December. ~ · 'repreSentini the UC' alumni. -William French Smilbr _:.Joseph A. MOore Jr., who • -.Robert Tr,Monagan, who • Berkeley_ atunuli· P~r.. WASHINGTON. '(UP )1 ,,..._ The turnover, comprising The netf~t chancellor,'..,.ho .. Los . ~geles attome1. llP.'-. beearsae J.n ez:.:.OOcio reaetiJ.n became &n u-officior~t in next July, ·· !' · 1' '", ~:~be ~ra:g"~ft:~~ nearly one-third or the 24-took office July 1, iS Uc-Oavla •.• ~ b' the~ governor· !ail ..._April, alter..( llav~ • t; e e • Janb.tiy ·after be wU elected A I u m n I repr~'u)'i§ . . Presiderit from Apollo ti member board, is sOmewhat James H. Me~ei-."fohnerl~ ~ber: to succeed 1 Mri~ ·elect~~ ~i~ o( ,..tbe.:~ot.ttie.atate,asseinbJy. from the DavC~ S~nli!i·t' 1 shd · th f ·n 1 matpied by four of the nine· dean of tl\t. UC!>•coUege ofr 1 ~ q. Cbal)dlet.,._} 1 , , .Mecha~!~te ln~.&ail t: ,1.1e:~~~eWed •.)ea.5e ~.: Barbara and Rivemde CllJl)-., Npa own tn e .aci c 0 UC campus chancellors, who agriculturaJ .,and f en-r-Dean A. WatldnS, Palo ¥Franc!lsc0 He s1ccee1le·d1J \he p'rtvious s~e·~~~.r', pusorgfllizationswlllbecome ·Romantic Bucharest behind were appointed within the past vironmental sciences. The Altd' business e1CcuUve ~ J.ames Q. !rett, San Francisco In addition to Witter, two i regent-designates beginning in tije Iron Curtain? nSCal year.· other recently appointed StanlOrd Univenlty trustee, real f!Slate executive. other ,alumni representatives 1970, and subsequently serve a lot of company money -~ndell \V. Witter, of ·&an McGill, San Diego (August January . ~ t 1R~i'n~ , who becam~ an e:r-· • r~l1ieslgbates: Willtam C. im, .aod .every Uu"rd year ' \\'ell, to begin with, il takes The newest -regent ls ehtnCdlors are William J. appointed by tile governor in ~-=-ge~nt G9vernor Ed ~ill Sit with the bo~d _C(:s one.-year terms .. beginning in plus endurance. Also a :Francisco, president of the 1968);-Charles E. Young, -Robert 0.. lleynolds, officio r ent on being ap. · FaJTef, LoS Angeles attbrney t h·e re after . knowledge o1 communications _.:.::~~~~~~.;ll.-llll.;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiliiiiliiiiimmiiiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiimiiijiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~-'---1rom far parts of the world such as Jakarta, Indonesia, where it is diffiCull t o telephone someone two blocks away, much less back to a newspaper or broadcast sla· lion in the United States. President Nixon's tripl.O the • Pacific and on to Romania begins Tuesday· and about 150 will be in the press party traveling with or near him. TAKING SHOTS In the two weeks leading up to the beginning of his trip, the press-radio party -as well .as members of .the accompanying official staff -have been tak· . ing shots to prevent plague, fholera , yellow fever, sma!I _ pox, typhoid. -feVer a n d hepatitis. Needless to say, all ~ those injections have caused a good bit of uncomfortable reaction in some persons. Th~ press party will move in two cllartered airline jets, the big Boeing 707s for in- tercontinental travel. The ren- tal of such aircraft for 11 days and nights is an expensive matter -an expense borne by th~ news-gathering organi2.a- -tions .and not by-the ·govern· ment. as many Americarii ·--1 ·-=believe" · -----1- e-Presiden~ wilt--ttavt-r e w reporters anO photographers aboard h i s •plane, Air Force l , as a journalistic pool, but the employers of these pool members will have lo pay the same bill as that charged to passengers on the chartered press jets. This is because melJlbership in the presiden· tial pool rotates from ·plane-to ~ plane. NMHIN'Glil~ There is nothing particularly new about this arrangement. but every time a President travels extensively, some peo- ple including so m e members of Congress -ob--jcct-to --uie-chlel exec(ltlv"t" hauling around a lar"ge iroup of journalists at Uncle Sam 's expense and for his own glori· fication. The fact is -and thi s has been true for many years - every time an American President travels o u t s i d e Washington, and is ac· .companied byre por te r s, broadcasters. photographers and television cameramen, their companies -nor the government -pay lhe _freight for them. Tbis expensive business of the Pf'SS en ma sse paying its own way to cover movements of a chief of state has no parallel in any other country. When heads of other countries come to the Uniled States, they are not accompanied by anything like the mass of journalists who travel wilh an American President. COST MONEY All this is not to say that Nixon's trip to Asia and llomania will nol cost the tax· payers a lot of money. It will. for the planning , protection and communications involved in such a presidential journey is monumental. Many more U.S. aircrart than hi s plane. Air Force 1. \\•ill be involved : A back·up jet for staff. accompanying of· ficials and supplies: numerous U.S. helicopters and courier planes speeding o f f i c i a I documents to him fro m Washington to any point in the world. This is not a new White 11ouse policy, but a situalion made more costl y and .difficult --starting back -llf"the 1~ with development of jet transports and resultant shrinkage of the world when it can\e to move- ment of government leaders. Almanac Outdated HAGERSTOWN . Md. (AP) -The Hagerstown and Coun· • try Almanac, a publication of • -t?: years, has succumbed to the computer age. 'nle almanac's famous con· jecture ol the weather is now being done by Wftliam E. O'Toole Ill, who teaches com· puter. procrammina at Mount Sl..-Mar-1'1 College Jn_ .Em· mll•burg; · O'Toole-says a computer will be \lied merely to reduce tlle limo nft!)ed for colcula- tJOns. Re said it would not displace t b e t.lrn&-hooored method •hich ioolude such conslderaUol'il aJ the phases· o( Ibo moon. -:-_ .... _ . - CEDAR SBIJfGLES flfte'i wh•ff JOU .a•• moa.., Gnd 9et th• good 1l1,1U loo, With low of r lhti h.1t 11oeked ycm:l1 In Cctlllornla. t ' 1 J0U'd 1expect lo 9•1 .OGie good d9Gll, ~;~w· r, rigbt. ~-NO. l BLUE TAG &.95 •··•'· N0 .. 2 JIED TAG ~4.95 •••• ,. . ' 12x12 flSSURED CEU.PIC 111.E A more allrac:tln Pattern with aU th• .ound ab.orbing qualiti11 you •.-p9Ct ~. good 1ll1. Ea1r to db o ceiling. watch lor our clalu1 corning up 900D.. • ~REG._· 14C 25c . • 4 BAR PNEUMATIC ALUMINUM SCREEN DOOR A nv 1loln wond•r complete with odju1tlng chann•I. ldcli:plot1. olr clo1•r and m~llZltlng hardwar1. 30. 32. ond 31 lnc:b widths. EMERALD SCREE.II DOOR r .ahn•• all of the above pllll c:a1t alumlnu!ll c:orn•r in1er11 for odded 1tr•nglh. In 30. 3Z. ond 3& Inch width•. 9aa M_.A_LIJ_U_ANODIZED SCREEN DOOR RoU Jormed, anod:lMd ilniM 1 0 88 mak11 tP.i• a real 1a11.,. AU hardwat•. o ir c:lo1er, ?" ~ klc:kplot1. 3 pu1h bor1. c:otntl In ol! 3 widths. KASBAH CARVED ROOM DIVIDER C~uldn't think ol onything for th• Car'l'ed •••thru patt•m 10 w1 toolt a Ill., on Ko1boh. With th• fnl!lle, odju1tabl• IMt, ond lloor·to-c:11llng h•lght. 999 NUTMEG. SPICE. OR AVOCADO LOAN PUELllG Woni1 cannot d•1c:.rlb. h-nlc:• lh• ton• -ol tlil• pan•ltfti Ii. P•rled. Of coufM, C0.1• w• buy .,,tier and v•rr c:en.fllllf. Full 4xt fl., 'l'-9f001'edo - e- --·- 299 ... PAllEI. 9x9 CARPET TILES This 11 1he woy lo go lhl1 year. So do:tn il'Clly.-and H 1011 bum .. "hol• ln on. ju1t -pull it up o:nd reploc•. SOc. pNltr hip color1. (Georg• Robonon lCIJI w•'N gl'OO'f}'I (Kow who i1 Gt0rge Hobt1oa und •hot'• hi• gomt?f, 22.~. i\, from Shorty the h!>••!llllke~· s friend ------$::::::;;::~~ Tbl1 11 dr.• •hlli C'nc1hem IOU\M oa n and ac:ro11 the .f•llC•l ol th• .ation. f'Mott4i: •J Ir.Ill ~llf JOYH aw. ff• h9ufht Ill• (I jug of 'Janitor la Cl Drue' bttor. b. .._,out bowllll;'"). T011 ccna clean darn near anything w11h it. hocking off ctll that ICNbblng and rubbing ·l•a't Ilk• bavl.,g no work to do. bl.it It NU. cl-..cond. ' Ad .. rtlHd 1p•clalo good lhru Ju(y .23.·11199. Joe. Vic. Mac, Vlwian. H • Eu ene. and ·all. BDDY'L •BAR-B-Q WAGOM 1411 toel1GD ..,_ha• · whffla lor eGIJ' 11orogo (lfyovcleanM01atyour go:rag• NCQ,dfJ' \ lt "---- ft worka In th• brltl• "tonk tu•t like th• Nit you pay 1.10 .. 1.11 tor la lb• IOOper mark•t1. lt alta't a1 pr.tty. U,. bc19 i1 ug!J. and JOU c:cm't man k:• c:r•om with II. but who c:crre1. SO.LB. BAG REDWOOD TRELLIS No !llor• with th• oall1 oll o••r lb• l•nc• ond wctll. do It neotly and prettier with thl1 nlc:t tedWood d.al. 77~ ' GARDEN CART OR WBEELl!UROW El.c:tric , ........ .. worli:1oa hOi&M c:lln•nl. S..bowmuc:.h palat 11 l•h at o.11 tlm• .. M•J lo c:l1oan. got ale:• guarantM d.al "loo. Encm•l.d 1t•lil • .olt Ured. gff<li taUCe c:ort• ,,., ·BURGESS ELECTBIG ' SPRAYER 999 TY-D-BOL .AUTOMAnc CLEAIER Th• thing hong• In tlHt wa1•r c:to .. 1 and kMp1 th• bowl c:.lean auloma~r· Good HooHli:":Jllnt •nclol'M1 II (II It doe1a'1 work will •h•r com• and clean the john?) 12.oz. JUG MEDITERRANEAN WOOD CURTAIN RODS . @"•L ' ' ~ . .J:i~~,· . .. . .. · .. ··~· •.. Elegant. v•ry •le;ant. lrotll•I• ond bangw1 •xlra. UNFINISHED ( FT. 6 FT. 8 FT. 1.99 2.99 3.99 FINISHED ~ '' ••. ·~ I.. ' ij •• I (FT. 2.39 6 FT. 3.59 8 FT. 4.79 4Cl 0 • 00- SYNKALOm ACOUSTICAL' COATER Roll on coater. rOll away .c:bo ond d1oadea IOl1Dd. fQlltet, I'm r.adlng lromotlHt label. c-·· -how It "rn. but tna11 m•I· lD •blt1. PYC ELECTRICAL TAPE Big M IMt o:nd 'Iii wldf!:, UL Appro•ecl. (MJ kid took o roll o:nd maff•a comptilillOll 1trlpt' ou 1ho din! .. ~· tabl•. lof, tblllt'• d~. Ho• • ....,,botlr rac:.1 to the lrollih!. ArousT<C ·ca...rER .. I I I I . . :i:oRONA DEL MAR".SCULPTOlt RON McC.URDY AT .WOR K ' Ch~mist .Stops Travelin,g,· Settles -for Sculpture A ,year ago Ron· McCurdy cf Corona del 1.1ar .awakened tO the fact .that as a· research chemist )l~ had,~ trap~ in- to tbe 'rat race.,CQmmuUqg to San Fran- cisco via car, helicopter and plane was jusi inore Ulan his sculptor liOUI could take . ~ With dispatch he chucked his scientist's badge to participate full time in the LaguIJJI. Sawdu$t Festival. Jt ·was an experiment really. '1y.. st.ab at Milland; Tierney To Star Together doing what he loved to do and felt he could do well. •He was right. Sales made during his first exhibit aj the festival plus contacts for . future commissions launched his gallery on 0ceari' Ave: in Laguna. Cur· renUy he· is working his way throu~ a $12.00J backlog of orders and has known $1.000 '<lays in the gallery. The theme of his graceful ming tree has been carried over into elegant candelabra and one, a six-foot sculP.t\ll'e, ~mes a coffee table when a gla~ top JS added. His whimsical touch shows up too.' Hil flights of imaginaUoa have created .web delights as the turned on "faucet man" or the match holder 11stone head." McCurdy's work, pictured on this page, may be 11een at The Sawdust Festival through July 24. ' . ' . , FllAY, Ju~ 18, 1969 DAILY I'll.OT J/S ~E I to go ••• What ·to do • •• ' . ' . ~ : ' ; ' . . . . ' McCURDY, RESEARCH CHEMIST WHO GAVE IT A L UP FOR ART, US ES BASI~ MING TREE DESIGN IN OTHER CONCEPTS HIS TURN°ED-ON FAUC ET Sawdust Sti-rs Up · TalenJ 100 ArtiSts..Exliib1t11i Laguna's Fub -for-alLSlww Well ·over 100 artists and craftsmen are exhibiting their talents in the third an- ·nual , Sawdust Festival which opened in ·Laguna Canyon lasl weekend for a six· week run. The grounds, across the street .and about one long. block past the Festival or Arts .grounds on Laguna Can- yon Road , wlll ·be open from IO.a.m. to midnight seven days a week. Admission is free. The Sawdust Festival is as unrestricted as the city Jaws allow and about as unstructured as it can get without coming unglued. Exhibitors do their own things in their own way and It might come out being fine art or fine fun -conser.vatlve, traditional, contemp:>rary or avant garde. Some of the artists are successful, '8t:ab1lshed artists, some are making a timid but hopeful debut. But whatever else ·1t ls, this festival l.s..a freewheeling, fun.for-all-show. Originally known as "The Rejects" their first festival was held under bright· ly colored umbreUas on a downtown lot, the use of . wb\Ch they wheedled from a benevolent IMdowner. This successful event gave Laguna Beach two fesUvals of art. . The following year part of the Reject group got together and formed the Laguna Artists and Gallery Owners Assn., Inc., and were ready to sponsor an annual summer Sawdust Festival as an "open show." They welcom~ all taguna area artists and craftsmen to participate. So many· responded that they were booths with brightly colored awnings pro. vidlng shade. So now . there are art festivals all over the place in Laguna Beach a~ if you ·don't know anything about art but know what you like -you can't help but find it in the art colony of.Laguna Beach. Ro bert Ryan Drops Rank forced to find a lsrger spread and located Robert Ryan who fills the title role in on Laguna Canyon Road at their present "Captain Nemo and the Underwater site. They knew then, lhal they had "made Jt," too. · City" is going downhill -fast., The 'Another group, a spin-off of the "Re· veter.an movie actor 's last few pictures jects" was formed , calling itself the show hin. as a Colonel in "The Dirf,! "Splinter · Festival." The Splinters, a Dozen" and a General in "Anzio,'.' -Is more conservative, juried ·show found its JlOW demoted to a miere 'Captain' in Ray Milland and Gene Tierney have been signed by producer Walter Grauman to star in "Daughter of the Mind," a 20lh Centufy-Fox Television 90-minute feature for channel 7'1 "Movie of the Week" series. Milland ·plays a research scientist haunted by the' death of his daughter who suddenly reappear~. to her father. Miss Tierney pl~y.s .Mllland's se,mi-invalid wife. Bo'D.ywood Baekstage home at'346 N. Coast Highway in Laguna Ne.mo. "BUt," commeni., Ryan, "This Beach. This year they formed the Laguna ks I Jn the Beach Fine Arts Association, named their 'Captain' outran everyone e se . 1i1-week show the Art·A·Fair and set up sub-marine city." Grauman direCt& the' suspense--dra,ina which went befOre the c:ci.meras this week on location in doWhtown Los Angeles. Lulher...Davis.wrote the screenplay, ba5ejj on Paul Gallico's novel, "The Hand of Mary C.Onstable.'' WEEKEND'.EB INSIDE FEATIJBES 1'he Orange County Fair is in fUll . swing for its fmaf days before ,cJoSi).lg Sunday night. .\ Mexican Festlval and dancers, plus a mari• • 'OneUe show are featured ' ·on Page 26. rraYel . Page %C :-OraAge County Fair Page tt Tynhe ·rower. Mo~• Paae Jti Uve Theater Pq:e tAi Gulde t.o Fu P11e Jti Out 'N' Alloot . Pag...n-ZI tn Ute ,G1\lerle1 , fage ZI Guide t.o Mo•ies Pqe • Hor~ Paie~ Arkin Tries All Roles By VERNON SCOTr Ul"l ·Hel,,..... Ctf1 ... Mt11t HOLLYWOOD -Alan Arkin lost the Ollcar this )'ear Jn • ck>se race with Cliff Robertson , but ch~nces are the A.cadeiny Award will always be within Arkio's range. , Few actors 11ave had as mud! Impact. In so short a time, on American films. His credits: "The Russians Are Co.m- ing, The~ Russians Are Coming," "Wait Until · D8lk," "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter," "Popi." In roles rangi!'lg from a sadlslie ktller to a, pathetic mute and a compassionate Puerto Rican, Arkin bas ~celled Jn all of them. He .ls an ordiDary man,in,.appearance. In ~II other r~ he ) is extrll:otdlt1ary. For an actor ltis tfo ii· m~ iscule. ,, If:.; .. ,.,. .. enjoys looking at a Rembrandt shouldn't be aware of-the artist, but the painting itsell." Jt is this philosophy that causes Arkin to vanish into his roles in "POpi," for ex~ ample, there remains no trace of Arklil. Audiences are left only with the desperate Puerto Rican. The result· ls that Arkin -al Arkin - probably w!i'never become ~ movie star 2 Guest Stars· Sign. for 'Boone' in, say the genere of Dustin Holtman or · John Wayne. . "~ roJe of Yossarian in this new pie. lure is the closest. I've every come to playing me.~' he said. "It's not really a characterization. As a performer I'm reacting and acting to 1ltuaUons as I would .uiyself. If th~e is any madness ~n him it's an inabUltyrto 'aee madness m others." ~ Ar.kln explained" that movie work 11t'as agony in the begtnn!ng. Now lt ts a job . ei:cept for those electr!c momen~ wl)en a .combUiation., o( ~script. characterization ·and director lift blm to intense achieve- ment. ' "The only Ume I'm ,COMClou1 of acting b when a scene lm't.golng·well," he said. Producer Barney R06ettZWelg haa cut "lt'a an lntultlve, reeling. • . Gene EVans and George Ba,c~an ~· "But when things are going well I'm guest ,,atan __ in :,<'th-Fox ~Y 1 . Daniel ff9mened ln a aort of now that carries Boone e~e, The~. which" goes -aloot I'm an·Ule same tol1 of \hiflg Ar!M' lalkr-arllcu-. l•l<ly abQut acting. II · the subject tul'lll to blni,.1£ he appears bai- . ·~ .. ~., ... ' Into produdion ._-wl1!f1N"'••• Jll" .. • ,,-' l -•d• ·~•-p t d·rectm J ck 0 ~ ~ l"~ hlPeesU-n any:er-•e c 1uc:IY'Of. eop e . 'ThiJ !mi...~"!-~ tntiodum . •fe . .,.ept1" •Joni. aUiJijjl bl' '~te ot Cordle.. _,.. PIP #J, Quetnie Paatlt' t-vea. , ~ fonner Pr'Q(t;siopiJ . fqOOj1f star Retter-Uiemaelves, to achieve their ·erids. 1 ". Grier to y,. -·-Giold''I ~role . A-hu I detinl to dlrtct between hi• ~·." . -~ rv y1e1... ~ii •1 i,~TelQrlslOa Log 1' • .Page Jl CroanrWd Pnnte . . P1ge Sl CM1neyl1nd Stan 1.: · P."lite ~· MluhO .... Lalt 11,c_r • P~ II ; ''ln any art. j!ctlng , Included. the ibdlvldual I wtll be that of uli!'lwly ~ whn uves film rolea, mootly to keep busy. with 1.ndll.nL' . _ ... · "r; • .But. lhts New "iorkeJ<.~lth a delicate AC· . • > who •• the •rtiat-.ahb<lld -.,ALAN AIUUI dlsapp'8.r and leave~ oil!f Jhe esSepce ~t what he creates,'" :Atkin e.xptaiOea at ' ' t Paramount Studi0t. ~ "For miiaoce, J1>elieve a perlOn who . ' ''Daniel ·Jl<>Ooe.''~"' 'I" Packer, ling !illjCh and &e\l'IUve !:iC_l"hlll one real , aln ThurlldaX oo-(;ltiMeli ltiil C<Hlara · blltning detlre --to liar In "I weatem Patrkill ~ liOrl>J Jllaloa ud Pillu .Anil-AI •-co-.'\>OY. oot trueUnc ·McJCennon. • • "'11 , • ~-ol--. I booths at the same address u last year. In addition to Ryan, the motion pktl,lre Art·A·Fair opens at JO a.m. and closes stars Chuck Connors, Nanette Newman at midnight. There is an admission and Luciana Paluzzi. Steven Patios is ei:• charge of 25 cents per person. children , eeutive producer, Bertram Ostrer pro. under i2 free. A season pass, with du.c~s and Jam~s Hill dire:cts from an unlimited admission privlleg~, is •1. or1gmal screen play by Pip and J.ane About 71) p a i n t er s, sc'ulplor11 and Baker and R. Wright Campbell, inspired craftsmen are exhibiUng in' colorful,. ·'by tl?e work of Jules Verne. • weekend Highlight~ ORANGE COUNTY FAIR ·-The Orange County F.alr- "grounds is the sta~e for the County Fair throu~h Sunday, July 20. Activities include indwtri"al and art exhibits, a ro- deo midway rides and, pony shows plus top name entertaill" ers; Located "at· 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. . ' . FLIGHT OF SNOWBIRD$',-,. Bill@d as the "biggest little boat race m tt\e world/' the F)ight of the Snowbirds, which also includes Kites this year, will set sail, about 150 strong ·Jn the bay--in front of the Balboa Pavilion, Sunday, July 20, at 1:30 p.,;,. The lllgbt_ may be Viewed from almost any, spot B!ong the bey. . • •• DISNEYLAND -Patti Page Is -the "headliner iii the Dis-_ "neyl8nd entartainnien\, on the Tomorrowiand Stage throu~ll August t. Appearing with her are the Doodletown Pipers, _01 .. neyland Dancers and the john Scott Trotter Orchestra.· The v Pe~pennlnt Rainbow grou~ play on the Terrace. Sunclax, July 20 Er!!est TubDs ind the TOxa Troubadors provide music~ ' . for th• c.Untrr Jubilee. ' . ~-·--;"·~ ~c' . • ·-. . ~ .. l ' I - ' 1 '] I I ' I ... ' . .. .. ~..--.--..--....--"":' ·-T~·---~---... ----~....-------·-.--···~ ----.----. - ---~ • •. JI llUYl'll.DT r1!dlf, ""~ 19, oo ' ' ·~W.tef!tf TRAVEi..- • ' f Rodeo Set Rent--a.;\loa.t_ For Thames. • 1 At oc Fair JVLV !Ml OC YAIR -The Oranao County Fairground•, 88 Fair Drive, C<*l• Mesa ta the scene of the annual OC Fair, through Sun .• July 20. Actlvlt1e1 Include tndustrltl and art exhtbllt: midway rides : a hor1e lhow, rodeo, and entertain- ment by llOITlC top n11mc start. Admi.lslon, Adult• SJ: stu- denll, 80 cents: children uodtr 12, 30 cenla ((tee 1f with an 1dult). E1lttblll and entertainment are lnoludod L1 the ad· mlaalon prlct. Rodeo tickets ranae In price ttom •t.50 - Q.00 and proceed• rrom th11 one actlvlly 10 to help scouting In Orange County. It Is sponsored by the Boy Scouts. ,-,._ JULY lMI LAGUNA FlllTfVAL OF ARTS -Tilt ·31th .JM\14) ~fl-- Uval of Atta and Pqoant of the Nutn la btllll btld 1t ""' Featlval lfOllnda ind lrvlnt Bowl, 1111 Lquna Cl1'yQll Road, La1una Buch, through A\111. ti. ~ f1lr the P_.1 of the Muten, U avaU1bSt1 are on utt at the box Olttee dally, 10 a.m .• g p.m., and Include ldm-to the pounda. • Slnale ldm!Jslon to the ....,.is to .. !lit lll1ioll' eal11bit1 11 IO cenla f'"' adul11, •nd 10 ""'4S f1lr cllildrto. Houri: noon to mldnl&hl dally. Phone 411-1111 f'"' tddJtloaU lllf,... m•lion. JIJl-Y IMI SAWDUST FESTIVAL -The thlnl annual Sa1"fuafr..tl"I la being hold In the llOO block of Lquna Cll1)'0l1 Road, Lquna Beach, July 11·11. apol1IOl<d by the Lquna Art1s1a and Gallery ownera Auoclallon. OVtr 100 arU8ls And crafta.. men will dlspJay their work arid talent from 10 a.m. to mid· nlpt. Adm!Jslon II free . JULY IJ.l4 ART·M'Alll -~-aria apd cr~ta of 70 craftamon are on nhlblt at the outdoor-art lhow, 1ponsored by LafUna Beach Fine Atta AaaoclaUon, 148 N. COUt !Upway, Latun• Bead>. through AU(. 24. Open dally from 10 a.m. to mJd. nl&lit, the adinWlon chlri• II 25 centl; with children under 12 ""1nltUd free. Seuoo Ucket with unlimllod admllalons, 11. l'1lane 491-1214 for lnfonnaUon. . ·-·--~ . - JULY JI LADY LOUISA 15 A VAMP And Prov•• It lft ''H1tw-Courtln'' · New Pup~t .Production »aking.D.ehut at Fair_ By STAN Dl~loNIE . BRAY-ON· THAMES, ENGJ.ANI> -'nils It • 1 country lane village, Jamous tn the old rhyme "'11te Vlcar of Bray." Here we pick up a ~foot motor · cruiser for a week on the River Thames. (Sleeps sli; stove and refrigerator; '150 a week.) You don't have to be a yachtsman -a Boy Scout can run the boat. Tums on like a car, steers like a car. Speed Umit Is 8 mph. The current Is con- 'trolled by locks. The river is dredged 12 feet, bank 'lo bank. :Vou can't run aground. (So Ibey tell me - but.more nnt week.) . . * ~ ''t've h~rd ~rlcal\ qu1rt~r1 •rtd. K~y luolf Clollors · oro mui:I! 1pprec1otocl H tfpa In EU. ' ,,, ,..,,.... ' Not ·.O. ·Banks ·In Europe· or America won't bandie foreign coins. So ihe maid or bellboy who gets your quarter or half dollar only gets a collec- : tion piOl'e. (I gave a Spanish maid pesetas for silver she'd been stuck withior two years. She bad every· lblng -American, Brazilian, Japanese yen. All useless to her.) One exception: Airport bank• u11181ly take coins. So ail'port porters can use foreign D10ney tips. * ''Wf' read thi1t we can take two c•rf9f'1 of ci,.. 11r1tt11 Into Enjl•nd. But wh•t do we do when 'Y• , 10 on to France • w•k later?'' The two-carton rule is not stric\IY enforced In most coun!ries -unless YO¥ get a gung·bo CU.toms inspector. I take In three. T~ Ille inspector so and -"I'm just carrying enough for my own use.'' * ' Now as you leave London airr.>rt -or 8ny air- port -there's a duty-free shop lnllde the departure lounge. You can buy cigarettes for the next cquntry there. Selection is not always wide. Sba~n and Athens are be~. · ~ JIJNll>fl DANCE -T1ie Jlinlor Teen Club of •-·••• ln•ila all aeventlnmd olpth sn<fora Uvlpg in. Wntm..,.. to UUnd lbelr aeUvlliea whlah ··tnclude a · <!ana ead> ri. niP!, 7'10 to l •IO, at Ille Weatminlt.r Com-nnuiiti' cnw, -Weatmlnater Ave. "Sw,.t and Sour' llllJUl' lllllOi<al lfGUP will play for the dance. Admilalon, Sil cmn:ts. • In the Ir outdoor along with tbetr 11-year-old • u. 1 -'"'""-.n • "t._.... · t•• u. perfonnaaces or o;e----un ~ IOD·Paria -draw trobf'lbelr .i.,.wa .....au.UUQ-8~--"'u.p.uc.e_ctgare ~s •. Afl..UQ!_ .. oranae County Falt 8ltd Ex' vaat and ~Irle<! c~ep& to and....,metlmeaii"!.ium.-in-llllht.--~e)'-d~ve.-• -· posllio~l \hrollgh July .:>Jl in originate the dozens Of .voices great quantities; So 11 )'!>11 are bu)'illg, sit u far JULYll·ll _. llllPIAY -A vlolano vlrtuolO,. Ille flrat fuDy auromllfi!di wubtag macblne ; Thomas Edi.ton'• early wax -, ""°'di ....-, a Rq!na Jorge mUJlc bor, and a band .. -~-""% · llil•>will" aJr be port "' Ille eowera• Mll!ICJI Revue'ln the-·--JtM...,,C--tael'!f 1:anuM1 C-. o1 South Cout -Plua, Golla N,.., tbla-J'rl.-.-.,, --·--•· bl and· Sat Jaly ta.It Show Umea are 2•111 4•111and1•16 p.m. Raul Maa&s, lei!, models an irreplact!l • Aztee ' · ' costume be will wear in Ille "La Fiesta del Vier· JULY ll·AllC: 1 ,,._. .. tanighl at Ille Orange County Fair. Yolanda ~ llllOW -Tap •-diuC -· Palli """'lriI Orqio:ta. who perfmms in Ibo production admires •·-DiwJ!and'a -si-.....,. '-&-L ~ Ille fi:ne:y. -bor will be Ure I>oodklotni ~ ,-,_ -------------------- ...S Jdm Scoli~--··""'" ---., md II p.m. nigbtly. Soaio1 la --jlllilloe '1!lillt widt ErDeal 'l'llblll d tbe 'ta. n-+dMn, JJWy 'SL h l'qip&mlolt llainbcio wil ----at' and 11 p.m., J'OJJ 11; a.t ..,,.,, .......... "db' %}.;Z. Jl!LY !SD Tyrone Power Films Set for TV Festival Colla Mela, the famed Pop-heard In "Hati-a-Courtin; ." front as you Can. Tl!e cart starts from tl!e front. coro Theater Marionettes are Show tlnies are 3 and 7 p.m. * _ appeartq f'"' the flrat time In Friday: Saturday anti Sunday I restocked at JlheMon, the best of all duty-free "Ha~'." aak1 to be at 2, 4 and 7 p.m. stores. Also bought a Sony radio. C&D(ln binoculars, the moot ambitious production a Swiss Anny knife: Much lower Ulan U.S. prjcjt, created by Ure J.D.K. Brunner But for Uie popular bulky Aran Islands sw-.~u. I family of puppeteers. found prices better Inside Ireland. Shannon ~oes a The productiop features col· tremendous mail order bu1iness. The catalogue 'is 0 r ( • I • blper-tltan-We-siud L1· ve free by, writing Mail Order Store, Shannon l"rte 111arl0nettea. Aicofdlng t 0 Airport, Ireland. (Enclose 30 cents II you w_.t It Ml'J. Vivian ~. the m'r mail.) · _ ••ffatl.a.CaUrtin• " marionet· t .. .,. the lltOlt upem!vely Theater * . d fultloood crutloi>s of the I keep three catalogues on tile for btrlb ay and more than 100 puppeb she bu Christmas gUts: Shannon. A French perfume hou.oe. cmtumed., An excellent eiove store in Rome. _:~1o'nc.~~ ~!:. "wrw~ ·M~ca!Tbdrreepeaay ~'!!ra" • . * ·.--. ~ ..,....... . ~ -ama on -1• a, A free port I'm douWul about Is Hanoda Air· brlhe...e-, .~~. ~: .. ~ Soalb Coast81 .. ~~la ,Mlll%7' port at T°okyo. Bought· a· small Sony radio for' '15 _, 0 K. en:;;;;;-bo Newport '"·• ~ eaa and saw tbe same thing next day In San FranclJco, ..±..~~ · _,,......... .;i "the Thun . ..Sun. lhnltlglt AU(. 3 at 18. Many of us think free ports mark up local goods uua;a -= --.-..... 8:30 p.m. Reservations-BM-1 th 'd t ·d th try y perfmm.n, npl•ins that the 1363• or mb oreF an yourfupay ns1 e • e Pcounri tb. oinu new marionettes are con-"Black Comedy". can uy rench pe me cheaper lll a s an s t r u ct e d of I m p .orted Two one-act British plays the Orly airport duty-free shop. linden .....i, "a woodcarver's * on stage at the Laguna Play· A.-roEL BASEBAIJ. -In the A 7 • A S!:Mti1110 BID SUUe Caflop Blvd., Anaheim All .;p& ...... -• I pmi" <lay -11art at I p.m. TicUOl availal* •al lidol 45Jlliea md a.. bar oflke. Phone 1.m.aao. A.,a n.. QM!onll ~Jilr IJ (!I), It, Ill, (0); N.Y. 24, 25, 2', (N). Z7 ro1. dream that permits the crea· house, 319 Ocean Ave., La· The best buys are in places where the whole ~moe Power. med tbe G4el5a1, is ~ adYenlure lion ol ~~~BlilDI oner guna Beach, Thurs .• Sun., country ts a free port -Jamaica, the Virgin ,1~· most nmantie leaLtiDg actars d{ama or two olficen: in kive be!ore·poulUM:. runner says through July Tl at 8:30 p.m. lan:ds, Hong Kong. Competition between stores JULY ..... PADUA !lll..L5 PLAY--The Padua lllJla 'l'bealre la Jft- lmling ""Sermade on Veracruz," with aulbentic auic md a.a from Mexico, through July 2:6, at 2:30 aod 1:31 p.m. Wed. through Sal Adjoining the IOO Mat alr......i- thealer ii the Padua dining room Where the players mtert.alD d!D'inj bmch and dinner. Mexican and American food is mv.. ed daily, except Mon. Padua HllJs ls located on Padua Ave.., Uree miles DCX"th of Foothill Blvd. in Claremmt. Phone , __ JULYll TEEN CLUB DANCE -The Westminster R«rtalion and Parks Departnlent will hold a Teen Club Danct in the ~ munity Center, 8200 Westminst.er Ave., (for Westminst.er Teens) each Sal. from 8 p.m. to midnight. Adml&lion, St. "The Monacles" will play for this week's dance. JULY ll-ZI KORSE RACING -Thoroughbred racing at Hollywood Park. Century Blvd., at Prairie Ave., Inglewood is schf.9· . uled Tues. -Sat. throug?I July 73. Post time weekdays 12:t5, Sat., l :lS p.m. $100,000 Hollywood Juvenile, Sat., July 19. JULY II SNOWBIRD FUGlff -Over 150 boats ~e expected in the 32nd annuaJ Flight o[ the Snowbirds and Kltea -billed as the biggest litUe boat race in the world. It starts at 1 :30 p.m., July 20, in front otJbe Balboa Pavilion and may be . viewed from ~any spot on the bay. JULY Z1 . : POPS CONCERT -A Concert with 35 musicians under the _ direction of Henry Brandon will be conducted in the-mall at •. Fuhion Island, Newport Beach, each Mon. at 9 p.m. No • · admiaaion charge. ' JULY22·%7 MELODYLAND THEATRE -The King Family, aU 37 , of them, will entertain on stage as 10 Freedman Way, Ana- -heim, July Zl-%7. Flip Wilson opens JU]y 29 to play through Aug. 3, Appearing with Wilson will be John Hartford, singer guitarist and composer of "Gentle on My Ml~." Perform- ances are 8:30 week nights, 7 and 10 p.m. Sat, and 5 :~ and 1:30 p.m. Sun. Phone 1-116-7'60. JULY 24 • • STORY BOUR -Every Thurs. the Laguna Beach Library, 363 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, conducts a story hour for children two and one-half to five years. It startl at 9:30 a.m. JULYU .JUNIOR mGH DANCE -Fountain Valley Park and Rec- reation Department 11 holding a dance for all '1tb.fth Graden cl. Fountain Valley from 7 t.o 9 p.m. at the com- munity centtr, loaoG Slat.er Ave., Fountain Valley. Playtna for the danCt on Juty 25. will be "Hank And The Runnera"i on Aua:. 6, "c.ontborated. Faith" will fumlah the muatc. JULY IO· AUG. l OCC MUSICAL -"Moat Hippy Fella" will be presented In OCC Auditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, COata Mesa, July 30, 31 and Aue. 1·2 at 1:15 p.m. All staLt art re.served and llcket.;""11.IO, ll1lf be purth-lt'1he bor-ollke from It a.m. lo 1 p.m. and l •IO lo 1•111 p.m., July 2H5; 21-.11, and Alli· f..S. Pbono llU722 f0< lnformaUon. . AUG. ii-II. OODGD BAIDALL-Dolls• Stadium, 1710 -illdiom WI.)', Loi Angeles. Day sames start at 1 (>.m.: Night aamu 11 I p.m. and Twi-nllht double headcra at 6 p.m. Dodson •a. -Aire· 5, I, 7; CUbs I, I, (N), 10 ID). . ; I that the newest of ~ .exotic Reservations -494-8061 . k th · d cl tbt fk and 50s, will be •ith the sarrie woman and pluUcs . in the marlonette's eeps e prices own. bmr:;ttd a:i ClWlneJ 11 with a their cl.a!b-dwiDg submarine construction· also were-uaed; 0 0ace Upon a Mattrtss" * J hn -·' VJ·•·-B r A medieval mus1·ca1 comedy "Do -n·-, an lntornotlenol Drl .. ra Lictna1 film feltinl lritute fWuring w_arfare io the North AUantic. o MJN '~ rwme • nu presented by the Rancho Com· for Europe?" m·e of his motion pictures at Betty Grable, John SUtton urnnity Players at Olivewood t d •t (I d •t nd Rem••'d G d' · The coun ries say you on on carry one 11 p.m. July 21 through 25. a 5'-'JCU ar mer...-art in al BaJle Sc h o o I • 23391 Dunne Mear __ .~.~"be "Blood and "A Yank in the RA.F.", July Roy t Road, El Toro, Th.,. .• Sat. anymore.) The AAA man hy phone~ald : "You don't Jue:; 1.wu. •11-1 23 It's the ~-ry of 8 br-·"' have to have it, but we advise you to get one." Sand... "Crash Dive," "A · "'"' 11&1 at 8 :~ p.m. through July 26. Amerl·can flier who )oms· ••e "Wby•." I asked h'-. He sa1·d·. "Well, maybe some Yank in the R. A. F.," ui Reservations -837-59!5. ... •• "Americm G 'II . the R.A.F. to be near the woman To Perform ruFal ,policeman will recognize Ille Intomalionlil Philippines" a:I' "~r~ce of he loves, a chorus girl in a . A ;-::ar':rr J=v~~rber license better than your U.S. license." (This doun't Fozes." London show. The n .... al Ballet is ftffi:en-sketches on stage at the San make muc:h sense to me. I rented cars in Shannon, di~ · 5 · · 1957 "American Guerilla in the •-3 r•-Cl Co I Athens, a-me. They never asked for anytb!ng' mo r.e Power cu m pain tn Philippines," July 24, with ting Tebaikovsk:y's "Sleeping emente mmun ty Thea· .i.w while filming "Solomon and Tom Ewell, Micheline Prelle Beauty" full length ballet in ter, 202 Avenida Cabrlllo, San than my California license.) Sheba" for United Artists. The Hollywood Bowl,. Friday and Olemente, 'Illurs-Sat. through * and Tommy Cook, tells the A 2 R t· i · •· picture eventually was com-Saturday, July t.a and 19. ug. · eserva ions -'' •.• neH an lnt•rMtlonal Pr ver1 L1cenM ,.r B nd adventury story of an Amerlc-I49'J.-0445 pleted by Yul rynner a an Naval officer itranded after On Friday evening An-· Mexico?'' became the top grossing pie-the wreck of Bataan, who toinette Sibley will be the CHILDREN'S THEATER No. They recognize all States licenses. For ture or 1980. leads· a band of natives in Princess under a spell, and "Tom Sawyer" will be pre-driving around Mexico, get an excellent new bOok "Blood and Sand," will be fea'· of esp·•oMge until Gen-An"·-y Dowell, the Prince sented at the Hunttngi·on t 1..:1 uwu by David Dodge -"The Best of Mexico by Car.' shown July 21 with Rita era! Douglas MacArthur's r~ Florlmund, whose kiss Beach Playhause, for chll· Practical stuff. Costs $S.B5. {If you're renting a HaywOrth, Linda Darnell and tum and victory. awakens her. Gerd Larsen will dren, Fri. and Sat., July 7h-Nazemova, it's the Academy "Prince of P'oxes," the final be Carabosse, the witch who Aug._9. Reservations-347-1831 Hertz car, they'll give you $5 credit for the coupon Award-winning story of a Tyrone Power motion picture casts the spell, and Ronald. I iiiorlii538-886iiiiiiiii1.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiithiieiiibooiiikii.iiSoiiiiiiyioiiuiiiiigetiiiiiitbiiiiiieiibooiiiiiiiiikiifiiorjjjjjj95iiiiiceiiniitiis.ii) iiiiiiiii bullfighter who becomes in~ of the week will be shown July Plaisted will be Cattalabutte;ll volved with a be a u t i f u I 25 with Orson Welles, Wanda "nt Sleeping Beauty" will woman, forsakes his wife and Hendrix and EVerett S1o8ne. It be repeattd on Siturday even- loses his art in the arena. is the tale of a young ad· Ing, July 19th when Merle "Cra$h Dive," to be view-venturer who ,defies Cesare Park will dance the role of the ed July 22, With Anne Baxter, Borgia and nearly pays for it Sleeping Princess, and.Rudoll Dana Andrews and James with his life. Nureyev will be the Prince. - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AMLING'S Newport N_uraery l!iOO •••f C•••t l'llch••r f'l•wporl b••~h . c •llfer,.I• t •l •phon • (714) e1s -1saa A._¥1.ING-· ... ._Ill u'lfom'9 ~•Ince llllO THROUGH JULY TO CELEBRATE OUR 4th ANNIVERSARY IN N~PORT IEACH \YE";e HAVING A SIMPLE SALE 20 O OFF ONlm]OUR NURSERY_STOCK ·-. . A1lli1111 ••• a ....,ie ln California h0t"tletdt11re .i-J9a& , . , ' ' ' •. WE MAY CHANGE YOUR THINKING TOO!! Mr. Jules Roth , owner of the IQ&.foot lu•ury yecht "The Queen of Sheb11' used to bring his fresh produce from Los Angeles before he di1covered us. Nowl we provision his yacht end then he takes Newport Produce beck fo the city Sund1y nite for his home. As Mr. Roth says, "Your produce hes ch1n91cl my whole thinkin9!" Think you Mr. Roth and I hope you don't sue us for using your name. We will do ·our best to 9ive you end our other 3000 customers the fin9at produce money c1n buy et fhe lowest price1I HEH AH THW GOOD DAMl'l.IS: .......... ,,. ......... ·~ ........ . Ol1nt Slie FIMtt Qu.llty Wa 1.....,1 -. • ICllllG • THOMHON SllDLlll 8 FlllStONI • • LmUCE • GRAPES • PUCHIS • • • • • 10'.... • 11'•. • IOC .. • • • LIMlt 5 • UMlt s..1111&. • Limit J..I... • • with HI~ '""" • with tttll '*''*' • with tftl• c..,,.,. , • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -COUPONS DPlll JU~ 1' 2J - We wish to thanlc th••• fin• ONJ•niution1 fer dacidin9 fo trade with HIW• port Pro4Ke, we c•n ••sure you fh1t you won't re9rat itl IJU.N'a; lftWtl ,H-•. -AN: Now,..... .... Newport; Dollll'a, Co.hi M ... : c•1n lhtro, Ntwpert. How ebout you celling u1I "ORANGE COUNT'l'S FASTEST GROWING Pl!~DUCE ORGANIZATION" :itf!r~~!!~~R~!~~E ~::,~ i r f ' • .. OR AN-GE COUNTY'S Ben Brown's The song uCallfornia Dreamin' u Wll popular-- ized. by the Mama'a and the Papa's several years back but I.II feelliig and e:QlfOSSIOn llllger strongly in South Lacuna these days. Such It the thouRht that came to mind while pus\p• .the twill&ht illnner 'boors last week al BeJ? Brown•1. Rea.leuranL And along with the dreamin was the reality of juJt how yreasant and unique California can be tills time o year too. SOto\ETHING SPECIAL 1bere is a specW quality -cme to templecl to say magic -about this restalirant's locatlcm and' atmosphere t)lat bespeak lh• gol~en state's .um. nier best. Somehow ·1t1s everything the chamber of commerce P8JI1Phltb ever : promised to aU ;the : folks eul of the Colorado River .. Situated where scenic Aliso Canyon comes down out of the San Joaquin Hills to meet the Pacific shoreline, Ben Brown's is nestled. amid sur· roundtngs of unrivaled natural beauty. Not the High Sierra, to be sure, the hills nonetheless have that rugged and craggy appearance typical of Cali- fornia's rusUc mountain areas. VIEW GALORE To this selling on the one hand add the majts· tic grandeur of the ocean on the other and you get th~ sum total of a local without peer. But it's only the first of many delights·to be folllld in an evoqtng here. · ~--..-.~~~----------------~ ----------..... . . .. • rridly, :iu1y le. 1'169 DAllV PILOT ll. I .. ' N' .,. • NOllM STANLEY RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE ' . , casw and t111•nl. the COliteln~ry and tradi- tional ~1!*11 ol Ca!J(omla d•IP a8'I living. Rather ~· Ibo randlo of a ~penlth Don brought up to date with modem convtnlenc11. · When It comas ~ aeltctfnJ ~ entne, each penon bas to. lW .. n his own. Whataver the tasto ol a stven lnOQltnt, lbert's a dilll to saUd)'. . ~· -MINU SILICTIONS If It'• for 1omethin1 with a foreign accent. ex· celltnt po1lllh1Utle1 are chicken foresUere, $4.25; Jl()ul't a.auto aJa Hon&r<Ue, $4.50;. shrimp ·cuny, lnd.lenne, $4.71; Jambon, Bora Bora, $4.25; original KavtaakY shaasllk on iiamlng sword, $5.50; rkk of, lll!Db l>?ovencale (for two) $13.75. More on Ill• American side are such prospects · as bonelesa butterflied ralnl>Ow trout. flllO(I with crabmeat, $5.50; chopped sirloin at.U bourgeolse, $4.SO; roat prim~ ribs of eastem beef, $5.50; top sirloin ~teak, $4.95; New York steak bearnaise, $6.50 ; rill! Long Island duckling, 95.75. All enlrees fitclude choice of soup or salad. Those with rollult appetites, can begin and end with selections from a substantial variety of a la carte appetizers and desserts. VOCALIZE AS WELL In addltlon to the musicianship necessary for mastery of that many tools of the trade, each per- former is equally adept in sharing the vocal chores. All of which probablY. explains w~y those large ag- gregation& of the SO s and 40'& aren't around any more. ' ... And bow the Lancers manage .lo produce their big band sound! LciOldng and li11entn1 Is to be con- vinced of audlble illusion. · There is also-an element of every musical beat fl'(lln yesterday's Tommy Doney to today's Blood, Sweat and Tears. Nor should one be-aurpriled. U it auddenly seems Herb Alpert's 'njQana 'Brass has taken to the bendslend -in fUll fore•. Soog selections come down tbrou&b the years too, from old atandards .to CWTent hits, 11Stardust.'' (What memories that one bi'b)gs oacli.) "Ni(ltt Ttain.~· "I'll Get By." 11Bom Free." '1~y the Time I Get to PhoeniJ:." , enUy 1trlke tbt !Int bars at 7 p.m. (provtclln1 the perfect accompaniment for dinDer 11 wall as later dancln1), ind play ·unW 2 a.m., Monday tbrou&Jt Saturdiy. SpendJni an evening tn South Laguna with an tbe foregolrlt .. now that we think about .it, will ..,._ ly be one of summer's Ion,, remembered exptrl- ences. It adds up to a lot of' California Druipln' 1 ', "llvin' 11 and .. lovin'," if you will, for lucky folb lfereaDOuts:-- LOOK SHARPLY Ben Brown's Is located adjacent to the LalUJla Beach Country Club, 31106 Coot! Highway, South Laguna. Wbeth-.r you're motoring north or south, watch closely for the •Isn or you'll miss the turn off. Besides dinner, drop In sometime for bre'1<fasl or lunch. The re1taurant Is open daily from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. and aJ10 serves an excellent Sunday brunch from 10:30 to 2:30. Finl and foremolt music f~r dancing, It's bound to move even the m03t uncertain Jegs onto the · floor. Holdouts, if they can remaln such, will Newporter Inn Honored log prime listening hours. .. _1 TOGETHER A LONG TIME Now it's a five-star salute for the Newponc' The Lancers certainly have anoth°' distinction Inn. Which has nothing to do with any g_..a!J u mwical groopa go nowadays. They've been t.. that mi1ht have been around during the 'recent th socl presidential ~ctivity there. AllD INTIRTAINMINT, TOO ge er 15 years, since 19114, and were as ated in Final! th . a larger band from·as·far back-as IH6c w · y, it'• e entertainment that rcunds out Just entering their sixth month at Ben Brown's, the night's plea1antrie1 at Ben Brown's. Three they give every indication of being settled in for genUemen known collectively 85 the Lancers are ' a len..+i..y stay. Previous a~pearances in Orange The Inn was one of five Southern Callfomla responslbl~. . · ~-·-•~ ·-• th •• , · o Co •IY) Each member of the group demonstrates amaz.. ~ty, among many, inclu e the Grand and Dis-tourut spoll <-e ~Y one 1n range un olil _ lncly versa!Ue talent, playing as many as fou~ or neyland Hotels and> 13aJlx>a B!f Club. • honored .in this month's pra&enCatlon -cl. the M U • l 1 f . five instruments _ often two simulleneou~This Sli>ELIN&S Travel Gulde five-star awards. The lOCOlnitlon · ' · . · . . . goe< to 41laces rated "best in .U.e country" by the · · . • • _. ::-_: _ _-_ • l!!t•r feat !'8• to be J.nn_as. wall a• .he r_. _ ]'>J:Clesslonal-Jnu•lclans eY<!l'f-waldng..moment, · -,,ational'Jllldebook. -. . -_ . - _ . Food. servlce and..en£ertalnmen1.1.1ton.L~ll!'---1nle...aPlll'.8Cialloll ------~------each_eogagu..111-som....Uytjme-sidallne.-Gala-1"'------· --. --,.-with the environment. And the handsomely appoint-lrnlfvldually the Lancers.and their instruments leader., of the Strawhalters DWeland Band at Di1· SELECT COMPANY · · I '1 ed decor and furnishings, through color and lex· are Hall Daniels, piano, trumpet. trombone, and ney)and · Hall does arranging for Lee Baxter and Only 35 establishments in the wbole countey -1 • tures, prove extraordiparily complementary to na-celesta; Bill Sherman, sax, clarine!, flute, bals motion Pictures; Sherman devotes his time to copy-have the rating·-out of 23,000 listed ·in the l\dde. · 11 ture's handiwork. • sas, valve trombone, drums; Warren uale, trumpet, Ing, and tutoring private students. · Other Southland places joining the Newporter Inn ( Further, they rather Ingeniously combine the trombone, bass and Latin rhythm Instruments. R"1'®ptng as the Lancers at night, they pres-Continued on Pa'° 21 f 1 OPEN FOR LUNCH ~In .. 11,,s nllu nlt2!!!tBI .! FAMILY Rl!STAURANT 2200 Hart.or lllvd-Costa.Mala ~ <KMartCantorl 64U274 \ COMBINATION DINNERS OR A LA CARTE DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL IMPORTED & DOMfS1IC BEERS ' . MIKE JORDAN DUO MONI;IAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL I 37 FASHIOll ISWID NEWPolr aJllll -.:or~ .. iii-~•lkno ••••••• In The LIDO LOUNGE LOU NORRIS FOUR . 1:30 P'.M. -1:30 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATUltDAY llLL McCLURE DUO DAILY: 5 to 1:30 P.M. 1107 Jamboree Rd"., Newport Beach ' .. -'--'•- • ' NOW OPEN I ·~-AiRPORT COSTA MISA .._ DMN•E COUNTY Al .. OIT 1262 PALISADIS IOAD 17141 114WHO MIL -Sot. II .... -2 LIW-S••lf 4 ,.....12 .... SERVING LA TE 'DINNER To 12:30 A.M. Mon.·Th.,.,_1:30 A.M. Frl.·Sat. f9aturlnt the ••m• world.famous menu & leunt• et1leyM l»y rnilliefts for thlrty ... M yMrs at the 4)1Bn -ARCAD~A VILLA ROMA -s........,111....,._ HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our stend1rcl s,eclal speghettl dinner certti1t1 ef our dell1ieu1 meet sauce end meet Niis, toppH w:th lrn· portN permesen ch••••, and lncluJes our d1llcleu1 9arlic toast. N• llllll•hn •• with with ••r 11i1,.11~l1 1hn111i11M 1Ht1l11Mt. N•..._ ef ..._. _, ,, ....... , ... lttl;IJ. 1H -1141M 6 -St.1•- 11 -JUI .41 -I.II 11-16.11 I-I.ft II -14.11 1 -1AI 445 North Newit0r+ loulev1rcl, Ntwl"rt leach Open 4 p.m. -12 p.m. M16-4929 Op .. 1·Doy1 -JOSEF'S- cHucK KDLY TRIO DANCING NIGHTLY ,llOM 9 P.M. • SUNDAY IRUNCH 11 • 4 LUNCHION e DINNlll 2121 I. CO.AST ,HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN 67J.11IO Dining with An. OCeaq ¥.ie• SEAFOOD, STEW AND 60IMr BlllE£S * * * * FIOM $3.25 * JISS . PARKIR .-"==="''"";;::""'=::~ A-1 .. NJthtly , __ ._ IANQUIT PACILmtS ' AVAILAl~I PMOllldwtn 117 OCIAM A'fL HUtmHTOll llACll 0."'""1il"I Tllo , .. 1roo-O...o Al Tllo-Plot ' ' I I , ' ::., -11 :30 to 2 p.m. SUPERB POLYNESIAN lu ~ DINNERS A E•tef'Cal•-' - ;::.. -5:30 to 10 D.fO, I Frt • ...-s.r.·•:30-,,... 2 •.m. a Alie I• L.9t .. INdl 4tC.lt11 ~~~~~~~~~lln ARTISTIC IA YSIDE DINING • • • . a ~ r .• .-t"''"•··· · NIWPOITS FINEST SnfOOD CUISlllE lMacll 11.s DI-S.12 Cocktolls -Yoltt Pnl11t- 6JO E. Udo Park Dr., N.B. -675-0100 I R-rv•tlono; 49W574 Open Dally wars • LUNCHEON • DIHHER UITAUIANT AND e SUNDAY IRUNCH COCITAIL LOUNH e U.TI! IUl",lJt DIMINO OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SANO HOTEL llJI IOllTH COAST HllHWA't u.eutwA lu.at. CALI, •• ,. •• Sbngwrite~ong11tre111 Kale Porter And Her Guitar Luncheon 11:30-4 Mon. thru Sat. Dinner Fro111 5 Dolly Sllndciy Brunch 11 -2 3333 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEW~RT llEACH 642-4291 ·= ~.- Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE ' · D~NCING NIGHTLY MON. Thru SAT. Tha ... Naturals ~ ''""o"'" I 01*' Dolly 7 Giil • 2 0111 lln. 49,~2663 31.106 Comt Hwy. . Soutli 1.atunci "We DON JOSE' -,.. •• ..,pr•••••- The Excltln9 SANDRA ALEXANDER DUO Tuesday . thru Sunday DANCING NIGHTLY IN TIIE FIESTA ROOM Finest Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices ·• COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad1rnt (at MapolJ1) Hunt. leach H:l-7'11 ~ -- . . This Is The Sllrt Of Somelllnv llal AN ENTIRELY NEW CONCEn Of: EN- JOYABLE DINING OUT, A RESTAUR· ANT SIRVING BEAUTIFUL F 0 0 D , flrllAU ·THAT HAVE IJE.<APl'IAL AS WELL AS lllNG TASTE-TEMPTING. Faur of Southern California's moot .........,.. and aucensful rtttaur.teurs have lflMrill t111ther te -a'chaln of faoclnatlflt__ new rtttaur..,.. ...... ... !hi•-· THI l'l~ST LOCATION NOW· Of'IN llfMllll>fS BUUTIRIL R111D mr•ISTDL S'llBT, COSTA"MiiA IF.nil...ty D•J1i11'1I _ ... ..._._,,, ...... __ c-.,_ LUMh1~n·M.•y·thru-,rklay. Diflnln 7 nflhtt • ....... ......-R-.C-all1. E.,ry nJtht a surprlto do1tort with d-. OUR SP'ICIAL, OUT.oP'·THIS.WOltLD llllAD AVAILAILI TO TAKI HOME IY THI L~', lau•l-,._.146MM n I r. I a r I I • • - ,;, : L I • • · r.1.i.1, Ju~ 11, 1969 • ' if'raooois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE ABO.UT· . -WEEKDNDER • J • FLAMING DUCK • t Op~n 11 :00 A.M. -Closed Mond•'f . Continued from p ... 27 "ood and Bad ~ .. "".ngs ' HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA in this seIJl company were Perlno's Restaurant V ':'I""" 18151 BEACH BLVD. 842-1919 and the Cenblry Plaza Hotel, both in Los Angeles, ~ It's probably a lopg overdue compliment but l !.~"'."'.::;;;;::=-==::;;;;;;;:::""'.'~l the La Quinta Hotel of Palm Desert and the Santa giving It now at leut has the saving grace of~ _Barbara Biltmore resort. ing better late tl,lan never. • , So, hats oµ to you, Orange Coll.Qty r,,siaura- • 'J teura, f~r the dignity and good taste~ou've always Important bec•use it bas become a cull118ry base in all good kitcPens. Becharnel sauce ls the starting point ·of many main dishes and desserts ~s well as the finishing touch for numerous gratin dishes. · - ESSENTIAL It is so essential, in fact, no first-rate chef ~orks too lo.ng , w,itliout using the sauce. Surpris-ing 1enough, its few Simple ili.gredietits are butter, all-purpoge., fiour,-milk, salt. and pepper. " I ' ' I . ' I ! I -I I 1 ' -. ! I ' 'W,.,,. El«itU., 'IT<•llS c51ie-H•ppeaia1! f'hel-H •three'• co .. puV-in the Seuille Louge .. Dirti11g in the IM•W-iful M•t•Mr Rooa . . ~;; ... ~ .... . war •• :.,l.)r.alr• ••••• GRAND HOTEL 7 F'1tr.EDMAN' WAT ANAHEIM, CALir. 772-7777 ~~~~ s ii t I t • A : . • ·-E l I l • -' -er-~ li .d n E ,._ • f • - A I ., • . n I .. t c -•· . ' • ' • ' ll • • " • • .. • • f . 1 ~ • . . al • . I -A' I Co -. . g1 I . " • II . i Pl ·: -.... 1 dB : W• • ' ti> du et! . th "H 11 Po nr To • "T ' I ' .: HI ! Po l , uk Stl I r SI' '• u. u PJ ' "" . Pl db •. F'a .. ' : I() "" '· "' "' .. Ill I : l'I "' ell .n: re Gi .. r .. •• oc In :IO, lie I .I All II( "'' II ,. \ _ _._ \ " ' •••••• ·OFF-' e • • • -WEST-e •••••• GRAND HOTEL 7 fllOIWI WA1' • MIAllUM AtlOSI lllM MAlll I.I.Tl -ff-etsllfYUi..._ ·1 i... , 'I:' I .. ' ~ l~ • SUE CARSON , ' I .... , ' ltc1111dlflt sUr .-..>::-: CASEY ·ANDERSON i ···························i·········· EXTRA ADDED ATl'RACTION :::s: THE-NEW 'KICK ··~··································· FRANKIE ORTEGA DMCINli S.I, 10·11, f2-1 ROOM O,EN.S AT.7:31/SHOWTIM'ES 9 AND 11, JUE.·SAT./SU~. AT I ilSEflYAT111itS 1714) 112·1111 • lilDtlP SALES 17141 771·4120 OPENING COMEDIANS INC.-STMRING AUG. 12th ~~It~~~ MUAln WDEIS TWO WEEt<S ONL. V .uCD s111;E1 -lllAY OlM11S TICIETI A,L.50 AVAILA91.C AT SO. C.l.L MUSIC CO., IL31 SO. Hitt $1., lOS Mic.EU$; WALLICH'S MUSIC CITY; BltffUMS'; HtMSMAW'S; rJfO All lllUTUAL MO LIS[ITY Tltm AQVICIEI. • .. =· shown lit opening your establlshments to the pub- . l lie. T.here h8$n't been a single t.nstanc~; to our Making the ·presentations, at ceremonies held in the Century Plaza, was· Miss Nancy Vickerson of tbe travel guide staff and R. D. Pfaff, general' manager of the \Vest Coast Division of Mobil OU Corp. The Newporter's award was accepted by L. C. Jacobsen, chairman of the board. Nll:fE IN CALIFORNIA Several days earlier, in San Fr8n'cisco1• Miss Vickerson gave awards to the Fairman\ Hotel, Del Monte Lodge and the Blue Fox and Ernie's Restaur-ants. California thus bas nine of the 35 top;.rated: places. The. Santa Barbar1;1 Biltmore' atld 1>erino's' hav.e been rafed. five.stars since 1961, the 'year Bfter ·. h-fobil introduced the designation. The Newporter first joined the exclusive groUp~ in 1964 (soon after the Inn opened), the Century Plaza in 1967 and La Quinta in 1968. · . Ratings are determined by an independent group of travel experts who reJy on rigorous in~ spections -. including the kitchens of reslaUl'&Dls -plus the reactions of tens of thousands of persons who ~rite to the editors every year. \ knowledge, when the' doors wer~1 initially .pl!l'led with anything but.. favou1ble r<1Qection; 90-those involv~d. · . _ GOOD, 'UN As a matter of fact, tJjosF kickoffs we've been privileged to attend were mddel1 of respectability and,decorum, characterized by Wholesome good fun and coQviviality a:s wep~ ' . -lill iif tli!S comes-tol'lilrnl lo"vl~Wlif sbm·etbing we read tl),e ot,ber~da1~ ~item in'a ·µatiOnal maga .. tlne concerning a 'L~ Vegas ~rornoter's brainstorm for opening a new resU.urant. ~ As gth1fu.iCkS are conceived -and thire have been many both good and bad -this idea reached new heights, or Is it depths, of vulgarity .. . Riglit out· of a montser's mind, we'd say, is this crackpot's scheme for attracting attention. He plans to fill a re(lecting pool with piranhas and tos's them a live pig, We ]>ropose an alternate stunt. The pig throws the promoter in. Bechamel Sauce _ 1™-ing her Southern Californi{l stopover on a nation-wide tour to present the award plaques Miss Continuing our occasio'nal studies on various Vickerson said the standards met by the 35 five--sauces and their uses, this week we 'll examine star places are "second to none anywhere in the Bechamel sauce. It's an in the interest of becoming Using-a heavy-metal saucepan, the butter is cut into pieces for uniform melting and heated over a moderate name. AU o.f the flour is added at once, mixed well with a wooden .900n, and the mixture cooked for a few minut~s until it turns pale gold . Too high a beat will brown the mixture. ' STIR-'-STIR-STIR The pan is next removed from the fire and the cold milk poured in, Stirred well and put back on the fire, it then requires constant stirring until t.Pe mixture thlckens. It is then well seasoned with the -COri<liments =pepper es(>eci81.Jy' being considered lndispens~ble to a good ·Bech'!llilel. · · NO L.ljMP.S. -• - .There is one difficulty in Becharnel's prepara- tion and that is to avoid a Jumpy sauce. Contrary to some strongly-held opinion, we've been advised the best way around this :eroblem is adding the milk all at once rather tbarM1ttle ·by litUe. The quantity of liquid varies according to the desir~ thickness of the sauce. One final note. Modern cooks owe a consider· able debt to Louls de Bechamel, maitre d'hotel of King Louis XIV, for having invented the sauce. Out 'n' Abouter solicits ·comments, criticism and praise about Orange Coast restaurants and night clubs. U you have something you would like to say, write Out 'n' About~r. Weekender,· Box 1875, Newport Beach, California, 92003 world:" a complet~.gourmand at the dinner table . l~~~:;~~~-~~·~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~iG;iENERAL YEN'S Sea · Shanty cnINE~E Fooo PllSINTS THI • SPECIAL OFFER •• •· CHAMPA~NE ·W...!IH.~NttER_ -~~OR-EAet.1-0ReEIK>H·HHIR-MeREI"-lWRDERS· . ' Niflttty M ... tltnl s.t. Superb Seafood Cuisine 630 L Udto P•rl Dr • Newport Beach -675.0100 DINNERS EXTRAORDlNAIRE Tuesday thru Saturday from Slx P.M. Sunday Dinner from Five P.M. Delightful Salad-Hon d'Oeuvre Bar COCKTAILS 2325 East Coast Highway-Corona dcl Mar (TI4) 673-8267 • ~ -Oh G.-'"""9• .ktty l1 - Suo.-Tliu,._ 11:30-10:00; fri.-Sat. 11 :30·12:00 1500 ADAMS lat Harbor) . COSTA MESA 540°1937 ,....,.,.,.. ,t:;~·;;i;'J.'l 1.-..::.."l>:~~~~ tke FLING _ ENJUTAJHNINT • 7 NIGl:tTS t. _WEii . ' 3/4 lb. of Steak Satisfaction· Kansas City./ Cut Sirloin · Cut from the tender short end of the loi n. served with Ranch House toast, crisp green salad and choice of potato 2267 f!<IRVIEW (al Wilson) Cosio Mosa 6'42-0732 THE l·AMILY PLACE. The Jolly Roger , SERVI NG DAIL>! Breakfut * Ltlnelt -* Dinner FINEST IN FAMILY DINING SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MENU FOR LITILE PIU. TES UNQll lZ All dinntr1 1erved with soup or s•led, choice of French frie1, whipped poteto or beked. H1't home-mede brt1d1. FOR -YOUR EVENING PLEASURE JIM DIFFIE DUO ENTERTAINING IN THE LOUNGE Monday thro 5arurday-1:30 'P.M. -1 :30 A.M. 2300 HARBOR BLVD. 540-8535 • lWl-.1 ·• : 1. ~ ... N...,...~ ,·1 '• ' ' l~!')~o'> ' Entertainment Ni9htly Tuesday throu9h Saturd1y THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AN D DINNER DAILY 'MEADOWLARK ·I country club GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOLLIN&SWORTH, Co-0-#ft•"' "DANCING-MON;;tuas..;WD. * Larry L1ko Singer ·Guitariat * HAP HALL DUO Wlltl .I .. Regw1 M ... Thr • .V.S-. '. Rear-Mesa Th11t'er so"tff:'1 • Coda Mes. 145 L 1M $t, Jlllt eff N_,_ IWll • -, , ~ ..,,. ,.,.. ... ""' !-'IJW". 0... ' '·"" .. t ...... DlltJ Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home • ST AG CHlllSE CASINO 111 21st pl,. Nlwport lle1ch ORiole 3-9560 o,.. , .. ., ..... IWty 1J..1J -frl,'-4 Sot. 'di l .... SI AUTHEJtflCW.I ""'"" .. _ IOI DI IDT Hiii fl( WATII .PRONTO TW•TS D~f&JrTJUL lntllO """"' 1-.S, 1JO.J.51 ........ FlfWllU, Ill VISIT ~IGOS IN COSTA MESA 428 E. 17th St.-642-4262 16712 GIAHA!il snEET HUNTINGTON BEACH For Reserv1tion1 C'1ll 146-1186 or 146-1416 Ott.er Alillgo1 . l•li•11t•rth lot•t•cf lrt: An•k•°fm, M•rin• 411 l •Y• .~~~iiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~iiiiii~ill ... To"•11e•, w,,t Co"i111. . . HUN11NGTON BEACH TOWN & COUNTRY 11552 Bffch Blvd. 962-5912 CHILD'S l'OltTION HILF PllCf (Cllild<a 1dor lZ) l'HDll[ IN ... IU llDIS AVAIL.111£ TO TAI£ OUT ' ONTRA'S All you can eat on Sunday $2.25 llGds 101111 Uldt<, loot IWt Brina tllt Mlole fllTlilJ end c:floost front entreu sudl • our fnoas .,Carwd-to-order Roast Beef,• Veal Cllllet, Sl.lcculent Tll\ey, ind§! Oft to OUf fll>tllous spreads of lllld:s. veptables, breads 11111 rolls. 11 1 •II tl'let1-0rrtni's flf!IOUS foods, lliut.,. • • ~ U1mJ "'M You C11 EJr Bo111Sr _ .....,_,, nma 'Ill- ~-_.. .............. .•UT r--·--1617 F-A"..; Cooop Pirt, c.riL ---..,r-----~ I [ 9 -... 0 • ,, - • • ' • (1 , YOUU ENJO\' OUR MIDDAY . EAER ·suNDAY . 12 P.M.To .4 r .M. !FM~ f111t Dh1f11~ Since J~ 3501 ~ c.o.ur HIGHWAY Q>l:Of(,\ Of.L MA•. 0.UPOJINtA PHONfi (7H) 675-1374 ' • • Dining la ~ • plwure aboard an ocean llnet, yet few realize the elaborate opera· UO!>I Involved In ltoc$lnl Ibo ~.,.~ally -tho re!fiJ!tfltor and panlil are "".:t ~ .J;ler ~lpe.Alperican • President. Ma\80Q, Nllsul· OSK. Oriellt OVenoas and P· I< O Llnel -the regular M<mber Llnel ol the Tram- Paclfic PQBelller Conference -olfer menus whlcb are the answer to a trenchennan's dream, accorc#ng to Ronald C. Lord, TPPC socr<tary: Ocean-tolng chelt, ttnOWJ!<d Welcome Home! • To The One And ·only LUIS MORENO lor lllf1r g<iunnel 'otlerlnp, pound& of bacon and ham, llllO Cali' forn1° a' Sho""T deal not In pound& and caps pound& or fnnklurlers, J,000 • ' '' for their creetka, but ratber dozen eus, lt,000 quarts of In tons and gallonl. It la Ibo mllk anc1· 5,00I bead! of let· ~blllly ol the abip'a luco. Rule ol thumb la elgbt c1U<n1ewardln eacl\.caae to. pouqds • o1 food awea ""' concoct Ibo grocery llat when ptnon-per day. · Now in ~aguna- ~ vessela call at the various Staples, aucb as meat and ports. In the Pacific Basin. poultry, are put aboard ln ()n a typical 1f-<lay Paclllc home porla. Aloof the way, WLL!ll GALERY 1:190 S Coast HJ••• • ·-·· cruise aboord APL'a Proldent the ablps supplement this with -'· · .,Lway, -.w,a Wilson, abopplnc 1., 4 5 0 such items 11 pa~a In Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.11). dally, On exhibit through passengers and 30I crew Honolulu, suhiml fbh In July 29, oil paintings by Jo Anoe Mix. member> .....,Id Include l,000 Japan, oysters in Sydney, ~GUNA ART GAU.ERV -007 etJll Drive, Lam•"• pounds of steak, 1,500 pounds Garupa w"1 Macao IO!e and e-· ol prime rib roasts, $,000 .. birds' nests (£or soup) in Hong Beach. Admission SO .cents. Members and one guest free. Kong. ' . Hours: Sun. • Tburt. Noon, to e p.m.; Fri. and Sat. Noon .. r.ar1.u·,._ .. .,.,. 2241 West Co.st Hl9hw ey Newpori B•ech 17141 646-5057 . How do the liners ·keep foods to 9 p.m. AU Calilornia stlow, coinciding with Festival of fresh for air weeks? With Arb,' through A111. 24. 180 works wW be shown. giant walk-to [reez.ers, lockers for banging meat, cold atorage ELLSWORTH GAU.ERV -1107 Jamboree Road, New· rooms and dry cupboard!, all · port Beach. Buzz and Mary Ellsworth are having a special kept at exact temperatuus. two-man show 1n the Palm Lobby of the Newport.er IM One .freezer holds 1500 gallons July 18-19 from ' g.11. Metal sculpture dellcatetv deligned of 35 assorted Davon of Jee . • ~ cream and sherbert. Milk can with semJ-preclous stones by George Nagel and the enchant· be stored at 33 degrees and rt-ing painUnga of Jan Hanson Travis will share honora ln mains fresh for three weeks ; the ubiblt ·-~--HIS VOCALS-AND .PfANO ___ ·J, --Billingsley's· A.,,U.llNG NIGH1LY ITAITIN6 AT l :JO ! lettuce aqd celery stay crisp · far 46 days when kept at a , -~'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport steady 33 degrees.· Beach. exlil6ff;-lhr008h JUiy, In the Jr. Ebell Ex- A .typical lo-day round-trip . hibiJ during regular library hours, Watercolor and oil paint- VOl'_age (San Franc i 11 C'O • tnga~by artists who hav~ exltibited in the last ·year. • • •· Honolulu) aboard Matson'11 SS HENRY'S . REST AU RANT I •· --2530 W. CoCl5t Highway NeWpcirt Beach 548-1177 DOMINIC'S LOUNGE NOW APPEARING Tu ... thru s.._n. JIMMY VANN TRIO ·· BEACH & ELLIS -TOWN & COl,INTRY Cl!NTER HUNTINGTON BEACH GOLDEN BULL _ Steaks .....: Prime Rib Seafood -Cocklails NOW APPUllNG JOHNNY VANCE TRIO Lurline provides a similar NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, stock list to that of APL for Newport Beach. Currently on exhibit lhrough Al14. during approximately 725 passengers regular business hours weaving! and lie and dye fabrics with · a 425-man crew: 9,532 ol fL Cra.'le Day. pollnds oL fresh fruit; 21,059 '· pounds ol fresh vegetables; COfn;E GARDEN _UAU.ERY -2625 E. Coast Hl&h- 2,421 loaves· of breid; 109 way. Corona del Mar. ~ours 11 a.m. to .3:30 p.m: Mon.· pounds of spices and herbs Sat. No admission charge. On uhlbit through Aug. 22 painl- and 15,000 poonds of yeast. ings by Ruth Osgood and Pottery by Jack Taylor. And not to be forgotten are CIVIC CENTER GAU.ERV -3300 West Newport Blvd., food coloring and flavor eJ.-Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Chil· tract -;. 109 pounds. dren's art exh.ibit including the work of some Japanese chil· According to Malson of-dren, ages 5 to 15, which are on exchange with some New- ficials, these quantiUe.s shpuld port Children whose art is being shown in Japan. Two suffice for 42,000 miles aboard murals done by children in the Costa Mesa School.! also ships. are on display, through August. For a , three-week -enw:1lse1e--througb tho ~anama and MESA ~-Y-2961' Mesa VmJeDrive East, Caribbean, p & O Lines' SS Costa Mm. Cun-enUy on exhibit during regular library. Oriana-supplements·her larder haun, through July, the oil paintings of Mildred Snldow, - jn San Francisco wjth 2,00> COSTA MDA LDSRARY. -568 Center St., Costa Mesa. -pounds of. chi<:lton -roastus, On xhibit d"~-gu1 lib ·-ho "--.. .-J 1 ·1 1500 pounds o! Long Island e. i.u';'1g re ar r ... ,. urs, 1J.11v""6'' u y, o1 ducks, 300 pounds of turkey . paintings by Lo1> Freeman. +-'l'IM ... ~ waro-;u.t_ a por-·c~.--ART-LEAGUE --·~ SL, c:o.ta ,Alosa.. • Fridn, ""Ir II!, 1969 DAit. V l'ILOT •Y •lllTOLT lllCMT -""·~-...... -- • FIRST RUN ***** .~<;1,.USIVE PAUL. DElilmRR :JDARRE W•DWARD . -~.ROBERT WAIDER . ' . -. . ' -=~1 , __ •• _.. ---.. _ ... llllmsl. -----'•flllli ·-U.lllELl•·•-i------"""""""'/~ANA----· My · l!~!Oke.t" Jim_~ ~ m'!t__!D!I_ ~I~ H~;_§a.L and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m~ Coil.Uouous eXhl.bit <if art ._,._ supplies picked u~ at Ult Weir work in vai'lous miilla' ~ uaguo m•riilietr.Niflllmts:-11~· ~~~-~-r~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~r-1 Coast for 1500 passengera and sion charge. Also througtt July; work of the League's Schol· a crew...of 100 when the Oriana arshfp winners, ln various media. made her first Christmas COSTA MESA COUNTRY CLUB· -1701 Golf Course A G IUSY HACH AREli Yoo'I Flod . TIM MORGON HIS SONGS AND GUITAR at REQBEN'S-AIRPORT . RESTAURANT 4647 MacArtlls ... 1.,n, N"""°" ._. {NMr Or•ntt Ceunty Alr,.rt) EL PESCADOR RESTAURANT Featuring the Finest In SEAFOOD-STEAK e Sl'ECIAL'-ATIRACTION-• Mexican Music Sunday 8:30 to 1 p.m. DIRECT FROM GUADALAJARA MARIACHI GUADALAJARA .... CARLOS GAMA · Hit hltfl 9IMll ••ltar 401 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa ROHrvatlons 548-3241 ' 24-Hoar Coffee SltClp . ~· lrom this 1 I l -e.,. Drive, Costa Mesa. Marino palnUngs, In various media, by .-I ~ I\ 'T OF ~~ OVIE compassing array the chefs al Gordon Andrew, Johp Sturges and Clarence· Sorenson are t"\.lJI . . sea concoct a .diversity . of on exhibit on the second Door of the club through the month menus ~vu: tt&SeS to of July. amlfte .. the-Iiyman -1peclal SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -17122 Beach Blvd., ~ curries,. stuff~ Ca{!n leg H\lltlingWn Beach. On exhibit during rtgular business hours, macadamla, artiJ:Ml«.JOUP or_ through Joly i;, 1!9J!!~oy_l!J!tta GWello, pineapple. flambe . A! Lord says, it is only CBARLD .BOWERS MUSEUM -2002 N. Maln SL, natural that, shortly after the santa Ana. Hours: Tues. through Sat., 10 a.m. to _4:~ p.m.; cries of "Bon Voyage" fade SUn. 1 to $ p.m.; 'Wed. and Thurs. evenings, 7· to 9 p.m. No away, the watclrword aboard admission charge. Currently on exhibit ~orru,, Biceot.en- is "Bon AppoUt!" nial Elhibll and California Misslooa In Stereo. Something-New' s · Cookin' ~g ~~~~:~~~illi ~~1:.z ~C.ld the Bowf this summer is the fashioned hearty, beef stew, a new name and new operator of zesty French ffab stew, and the Patlo dining room. Under southern frled chicken. There the up;erle.nced rurection of will be a crisp mixed green • restaurateur Steve Erdos, the salad, bread and b u t t e r , Opett DaftJ 1 l a.m. patio has takeri on a new loot choice of desserts ·and le!: cold EnioJ Your aOO been renamed t 11·e saft drinks as well as milk-and CONTINENTAL Hollywood Bowl Stew Kettle. coffee. CUISINE Continental gourmet dinners The same menu may be I• are served from 5:30 to 8 p.m. ordered as a box supper by on reg u I a r season calling .469-7971 before 1 ~.m. At1tlleiitlc 1'" c..t.ry performance nights. 'The sell-to be picked up ~at evenmg. hflllti he..-llef'\lice menu will ccwlst of a or may be ordered to be OToole's Home Old "It coold 'be the 16th cen· tury," said Michael Craig after a visit to Peter O'Toole's cottage ''in the wilds of Con· nemara." O'T_QO!e and Craig are ltarring in MGM'11 "Coun- try Dance," now· belng made in Ireland. "Time has stood still in that Celtic coun-- tryslde," Michael a d d e d , 0 and, incidentally, some of it would be ideal for a western." LUNCHEON e DINNER lf joiclloiiiiil!"'iii;;ioii;;f ~Hiiiuni;:g;iiari;iianiii;;iv;iioal~irti;iew~,iid<Uiivjjj....ijjiiiijjjto~yourjjiiiijjjbojjjxjjj. iiiiiii COCKTAILS J ,.... ___ ._..._......,_, 1717.1 llrGOlcflunt Strffl Fouotalo Yaky Telepllooe: H24U5 SOUTH SW TROPICAL FISH ••• ...... 2nd. Adventurout Hit• :································· Largest Selection of Tropical Fish &: Supplies 1n the area. 4th EXCLUSIVE WEEK WEST COAST PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT ·~ @&~-&&J~ Caribe Room PRESENTS • • • ·• • • • • " • • CONTINENTAL CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING . RETURN ENGAGEMENT JOHN.NY VANELLI AND ' THE ' JACK LAWRENCE TRIO 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY-MON. thru SAT. 21112 OCEAN AYE, IC-Hwy.I -HUNTINIOTON HACH -536-1421 ' • ii • it ftMEftA tmfAUUNI' Contlftlfltal. Cubine • • Cocktails • Smmig • Luncheon and Dinner • lfondoi through Sat1mlol/. • • • cto.ed SUftdaVI Op<n for Prfoal< J'.llrll# Onlv • W.• •r• located next to • the May Co. in South Coast Plaza. • -I • : 54l--3SU llif"'S. ...... -(Oiiiil'Sliiilij C:... .... ~ $40.JMO . ' -~IMtl-#411/t:DGMtf'UIM P°6reR "-~ IOOHARIN€ . Q'100l€ ~ HEPBURN . •"""'\!a! 1ME UON IN WINTER ::::: .. "'==' ~ SUTS llri AT IOX tlfflt:l_R IY llAIU DCllSfW MAIM( ,.,... ...... Ill ... Cl9fllllll .. 0....,, .. -.. CMTT llSDYfl M ..... ftdilt-..... ,._ .,_ C.~IMOIMI ~T~ •n+ln.-w,..._. .... ..._......., T.._, •JI t :JI ''"''"". 1 :Je-.a.:.-ttJI P.M. ./ r9-r1u, Cf NIUH~ 21 ., ... --·-·tn.-u• aT R THCATill e1i..ae ' L -- New 2 LN9tfoH ttlW,WIUON,COSTA MISA lllff '•lrvllW Rd.. , S.7"1 ln.G, Rfiifhlde-Df'. -......._, lltadl lWtlnCI .... ....., Otllcel IMH$)I , 4juIJ15·20 t Spldle:ulat Plower Show . Giant N• RtctMtlon Ythlde &. Bolt Shaw Junior fair I. Smlfl Anlm1t farm . t,llOO'• of b:hlblts !ple9 & $c{tnte fHtUrtS SpecltJ Children'• Shows ~rRldes CtmiY•I Midway ---, Fri., July 18 BALLET FOLKLORICO MEXICAN FIESTA ••• Sat., July 19 DON ELLIS and his NEW BAN D ••• Sun., July 20 ~OU RAWt:S in Concert I .. " ' ·- saluting Callfamia's' Bli:entennlal • I . I \. -, lillTEB OPEN I P.M.. Qll!BKDllVB/IZ li!DDN ·BllT; &.IWN. ·~~~-~....;._..;.. ___ ~~~~ ... DRllN6E ( · · CDIJNTVflllR ., •• , .Jiii IDJDll._ & 8XPOSITIDN Ifill Championship Radell . NEWPOA'T 8LVO. • FAIR D!!= COSTA MESA ' • - • Ftf.-7 ~Iii-..... 2 p.rn. • 7,.... luft. .. 2 p.rn. 61 p.m. -r l " DAILY PllOT 1MI ~ l'ICTllU CODI AllO u.n ... NoelAM ""-.,..... Cffo "' M1111hll•tr•tl" •ppll•1 11--. ,.t111ti t. , 1111111 ~.,,,=--1. ~lri\olo4 lo ... .S.A. •k· It ..._ ,,..t.4 Si M .,. R 41utllfy li; . ··-:1 , Frldol', .i.~ 18, 1969 • Nine Falnily _ M~v~es Screening on Coast ' • f!'ditor"1 Nott: T ll f • ol mutermlndlng • bank rob-and Joanne Woodward atar Jn R 1 m • • .a a 4 .J a I I et: motile aui<f< ls ,,,.,,.,,d-bery. thla complex love 11ory al a ~peare'l elwlc booomel ...... Co4o ..... .,. "'""' ,.w x "• .. , "'",,. • s •• 1. n. ,.11..,. .,,11 t• ~r~~::;:;:~~~::. MA~ADIJL"W-:::; ls~ ...=:.·::-:nd~~&: Joh" Clark ls pretld<"t Tbe April Fooll (M) , • ~':;'~kll'OWld ls col· •••Uni 1DC1 direction. Leonard cmd Mra. Harl Swmev Hllstlous •nd romantic 1... ting. Whlllnl •od O!Ma ro-y. Gershwin Best Slated at Bowl domomtrala tho bnPICI al ~ Yov 1-1 Slltrlff On Saturdly, A1llUll ind, Cbrlstlanlty on -Bon llor and (G): lll1arloul l<lilpe-4n-cheek John Green 1'ill acalo cpndllcl hll-lomlly-' CIW'ltoo llMt01I almcilt· 1ID1>'llOleiil westeiil the Hollywood low! Popo and Jlclt llawldlll. with J.,.., Garoer, JJ>ll1 Ol'cheolra In the !1llldc Ii The· Fillu'• a.~: F 11 m Hackett and Walter Brennao.. Great Geot1e Gershw~ wf\h • venlon a1 the Bloldwey Swlsa F...U, ....,_, • Earl Wlld u sololSt, In tho m1111ca1 abOut the Itilhman Walt Dllney'1 aplritH tale of .!:~~7~ ifu!.~'t 0 1 n.d who 1tea!J the 1epnicliaun•1 a llUDJly lhlpwrecked on a ,...., his crock of gold llld buries It delertld la land ls· (4llOl'mo4e Ill~ 1~ J.':::'" ~ near Fort Knox to make It for tho fotlre family. Staral;::::======== .. '· . I • I • l J1ltht•1 ttlt•1H •fttf N"'"'" ,.,., I, lftl. '1chre1 Nletted "9forto fflet 4tf• tr• 4•1crlb- )4 •• ,, •• 1., • .., l E91' ~111!/or SMAI. .J (it-S•tt"tt4 for GINIU.L e11dlt11ce1. i l]-S1"e.ted for MATUU ••.lltKtl ,,.,,11ttl dla- crtotl•• •4'illlff I, I IBJ-lllTllCftO -PtnOlll •"'• 11 ntt eimltttd, ••1•11 t ccompt11l14 by ,..-t111t •r echilt 911erd· 1.11. ~-.... ··-.. Pl.._ Tlilt •9• r•· 1trfctlo111 "''Y bt hl9h•r 111 c•rttl111 eNtl, Chee• ~ ..... 411' td•trfl1i119. ls commltlfe c"'""""1t. It tuy 1bout a mm!ed mu who TEENS AND Alll1LT8 • 'Ille SoolMnt Illar (Ml: Ao. U intended a1 a n/nttte• meets aomebod)' else'• wUe. Baiefott 11 n. Park: Bi. a d v • n t u r 6 film (based on In d<tmnlntno '111l!lblt Jeck L<mmM and C.therlne gulling story about the first Jula Verne novel· set ln fUN /M cutatrl a Q • Deneuve JW, few·~ ot newl,ywtd Ute In Africa), ~t the dilcovery -upi and will onNtar ne Brld1e at RlmNea a Greenwich Wla'e walk-up and theft ol the w or l d's •·· .,. 1M1·. The Ge·rm··· forgot --apartment. Jane Fonda. largest delamond and the weekly. Your uf11D1 are ...... ..,..., manhunt for the suspected ioUcited. Mail them to M~ little brid(e in this war dnuna Fauy Girl CG): .Lavish thief. Orson Welles, Unula vfe GUide, cart of th• with Georee Segal, Robert musical presentatian of Ule Andrea George Steal DAILY PILOT.I Vaughn and B;n Gazzara. IUe of Ftony Brice, the cbl!d ww.' Eoala Dare -(M): • * Greea Btrete:· ~on-pack· of the alums who becomes a T Joel W Id W II * * ed., n 111tlt0Uc nJm which 1~ great · com I c star, Barbra ense, exp ve or _ar ADULT'S tern!: to ·•---"'ct of Slrelsaod, Omar s bar If, adventure In which Richard r-ovruw .. "Vl.14.. al Burton of the B r I t t s b Goodbye c.lnmbu< CR): A Vietnam through the eyes ol W !er Pigeon. Intelligence and .cJ!nt swnm~ ~m~ between a • the Cab14low: Green Berets. Hook. Line and Slaker (G): Eastwood of the American PQOr librarian and a QOUveau John Wayne and David Jam-Jerry Lewis stars u a man 11 .... -1 d rlche college girl lapses due to sen star. who believes he bu only 1 ............ ea 1 team to NSCUe their dl.fferent views. A saUre !Joa ht Win'·-.· M ••• of~ short time to live. Peter an American General im-chard jamln All ~ •~ ·~ prisoned In an alrooot Im· Oil sex. R1 Ben • strong.willed monarchs, King Lawford, Anoe Francis. _ pttgnable German fortna. MacGraw. .Henry U of England and bis Nou &.t 1'e Brave: A The Tbom O'oWn Affalf: -queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, tense...World Wai-ll Mory. It ... FAMILY. grow._Fred Astaire ,Ind.Petula Jobn Milli, Dorothy McGuire. Clark. * * • lce-SlatlGa Zebra (G): All-TA• _ if1ter lmmtdlaf<IY male •PY diam& about a aftll' Ula till• f"4lcote1 Ula nuclear 1Ubnw1ne'1 . trip to raUno ¢!'<ft }ht Pi'l1'ra bw the North Pole on • rtscue the Motton Pfchiri Ccxk. mission. Roclt Hudlon, Ernest The Motton .. M .... Cod< Borgnlne, Jbn Brown and • ... P.utck McGoohal). Aoo Rattno Proaram mqy ne Low Bq IG): ~ be fouoo °" Ula mqUon comedy' about a Vo!Uwaeen __ r>lct_"="=P"ll="====-::!= with human feelings . Oean1 Jones and Buddy Hackett. -. -/ti 1/1 Jl ~?B .-,,_ " l....,M~ --"Tho Love Bug'' .... "Winnie The Pooh" * * *"* EJiCLUSIVE * • * * ORAN(lECOUNTYENCACEM~i'O' ': Faye l)Jn.aWly and S~e makes a bl'Uliant, ezploslve relltes the exputencu and Anctl ln My Pocket (G): • TAKE IN ?-.! c Queen star ln this drama out of fragments of conflicts of 8 troop of U.S. Andy Griffith plays an e1- soph_lliticated film _ about a 12th century history. Peter Marines and a Japanese Army marine, now ordain e .d A· MOVIE crack insurance ~euth who O'Toole and Katharine Hep-platoon IparOODed 00 a South minist.er, lo hi! fint church. QUver ( G ) : 5Pectacuiar mus~cal verston of Dickens' classl<: about-aJ>oephaned wall cast Into the te<nilng oqualor of the lower clan. He finally escapes to ~ elegance of the upper claM. Mark Les1er, Jack W~d ind Oliver Reed. SPECIAL CHILDl!N;S PRICJ (Tluough Age T 4) -S 1.50 becomes an inUmate com-burn star. PaCific ·island. Frank Sinatra,. He breaks up the feud between THIS WEEKEND panion o1 a thrill-seeking Wlnnln1 (M): Paul Newman Clint Walker. · two families which hBI iJri. Peter Pan: Walt Disney's animated version of James Barrie's cl.as!lc story of the boy who never grows up. Features the voicu of Bobby Driscoll, Kathryn Beaumont and Hans Conried. 'j:::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~""=·=m=on=aire~;::w;::bo;::m::abe==""'=pec=ts=.I peded the progress of a small ;: Kamaa town for the. past 60 Rancho Ca_ lifornia ye:;uor1G>= sm..c1 .... ic Exclusive Premiere Engagement A Motion Picture Aa Bill Al History Evervone Welco~ <o•to"iri9 HARRY MORGAN JACK RAM w ,;11,n Ol'ld l'roduc•d bt WIWAM. IOWERS Dftded Ii,. IURT KENNEDY 1 ·~, ._..,.,.. .. _ 0$!> COLOR lhllll ll'lllllT u bf O.tu•• I':'"'...::' t::;_. ... ••• h , • • CllMIT """· ~' MCMnllll: IOll. • I I ..._...,. • .......,.. l •• f!IST TIME SHOWN TOGETHER ANYWHERll These hio AIHed ,Pnts must win World War II this weekend ... ordit tryin&I * MATINIEE'S DAILY * WMt·Thur..frl from 1 p.rn. To Stage Horse Show The First AMual Rancho The summer show features California NaUonal Summer 63 classes with light $125 Horte Show will be held Au-}eepstates evenb and .seven gust 8-10 at the Rancho Cali-$50 entry fee added stakes. fomia Ar~na in soothwest Riv· Sponsored by the .Bancbo erside C'A>unty. California Lions Club, the Na- with superb sets, costumes and dramalic chariot race. It HELD OVER 3RD WEEK Shows Nightly At .Z:OO & 9:40 llmUN&l Oare )111 M it, you11 never again pidiJre Boml!o & Jaliet' quite the way YOll did beIOR!" -un More than 350 horses and tional Show has been approved over 1,000 entries are e~ by the ~Mean Horse Show for the National Show which Association, the Pacific Coast wiU be a~fuU classllicattons HlDlter and Jumper Asaocf.a.. event" leatur!ng E i! g Ii; b, lion and the San Diogo County, .;:-. · Western and Hunter and Chapter No __ 1 "'~ ~1Dnuw -Juinpers. In addition, cla.!ses Professional Horsem~'s As-_ JM~"i~P~n1'~rte~1~':: ..!~ay~~~ Will also will be scheduled. beein under the ligbta on Friday, August 8 slar\lng at 7 p;m., and Is upected to d.r'aw entries from Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and ·other Western sutes. '';::==::::=::=::=:=:==::::=::=::=:=:=:=::=::=::=='.I Arena Supervisor Joe Alex·Jr aoder announced that the judges will be Ltt Sole of Sacramento. Mrs. J u d y Kennedy and Miss Judith G<nz, both of Malibu. The public is invited, ad- mission is free. R a n c b o California is localed cme mile north of Temecula on Hlgbway 395, midway bet" e e n Riverside and San Diego. I PREMIERE MOTION PICTURE THEATRE I PLUS SECOND FINE FEATURE · lfle. 'llillt•tM Or(Jq/J{J 466aii" • • STEVE McQUEEN e FAYE DUNAWAY FEATURING ACADEMY AWARD SONG "WINDMILL OF YOUR MIND" FIRST SHOWING WEEKDAYS 7 P.M. ;., I SAT. & SUN. CONTINUOUS AT 2 P.M. l• FD,,.,~-SOUTH COAST -PLAZA-TH...,._ ~ Dilc;o f,....J at lrlllol • 546-2711 " NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 P.M. BOX OFRCE OPENS AT 12:30 ALSO PLAYING WALT DISNEY'S EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! OR IS SHE? Y°" Mwst SH Tiie °"'"9e c-ty Pr-otolloo of "Goodbye,_ Columbus" ... r1LM rROM TMI MOVl\.LA IY PHILIP ROTH, The Author of the Now a .. 1 Soll" "POlTNOT'S COMPLAINT' • "O."ulnely lntlTNhl LOff Scenn"-Timea Magazine e "l.etrwhlflt Te S .... -Life Magazine e "M9morablo"-5aturday Review e "lltltlSllTAILl"-New York Times -Pl•IOfllS UHOlll II NOT ADMlnlD UH~SS WITff rAlllHT! I Second Greil Shows t "OHi MOWL or A l'ICTURI~ - VARll"TY l'ROM THI llt IRO"-OWAY LIOlf COMIDY THE WORLD'S MOST .HONORED M'OTION PICTURE! WINNER OF 11 ACADEMY AWARDS 'M""''"' "BEST PICTURE"! j(f!/f>aJll!/11?1;.fUY£Jt P••o •~l o BEST PICTURE OFTHlllYEARI WINNERS ~AWM'DS! A GrHt Mak .. Fr,d Asteir• -P•tu1 t Cf1,\ i'Finlan'• Rainbow'' Stew• M,Qu••ll -F1v• Ou111w1v ''The Thomes Crown Aff•lre'' JapaneM Movi•s Ev.ery Tue1day Night • . . . . - Tito Topt 11 Fcmny fMll ..o "''"'""' Walt Di•11•v'• Gr11t ''Peter Pan" plu 1 "Swist Family Robln1on" . ............ ~ ..... T., Actl .. eH Drnt• P•ul N1wm111 -Joe11n• Woodwtrd ''Winning" plut A11tht11y l'erlin1 "Th• Champagne Murders" ............. ~ ............ . .. 'l!IEl ........ ,...., Gtot\I• St9el -R.obett Veu9l'll1 ''The Bridfe At Remaatn'' Jtll'lel 61r11tr -W1lttr lrt1111e11 ''Support Your Local ShePllW' ........... for A4•ftt ............. ~ ...... . ... ~ -........... De•n Jo11t1 -ludJy H•c••H i11 Welt Dl1n1y'1 '''The Love Bug" Al'Mfy •riffitll -J1rry \le11Dyl.:t ''An Angel In My Pocket" .............. ~ .......... .. J1h11 Wty11e D1wi4 J111n111 "The Green Beret1" plu1 ''None But The Brevt" ---~"--"'IMlllll'lll .... Mllltl /. .. • • . ·. ' • . ; l . • l (, . r ·~ . . • .. . ' • • ' • I ( i • • 1•1 f fl ' 1 MY 11 e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printin9 and Oeptnd1bJ1 Servic1 for more then • qu1rtar of • century. r 1211 -· .. ....,. • .,. •iw?orr ~· -........ ' ' PERKINS ... " '· • . JUDGE PARKl!R I'M. !EGIMNINC:f]p liID!VE ME~ MEHTloUY IU., lllPGE! FRANKLY, FELLA .•. ! roN'TTIUNK YOOP MAKE A VERV.600D 6UIDE! VM(, IU.11E!''IOLI CAN'T EVEN TELL ·ME WHICH DIRECTION IS HORTH! MUTI AND JEFF 'Bll51NE65 IS BA'DI I +IAVEN'rSOLDA ~NKYET! . GORDO \ @ All! 1 KNC1NI ---4L ------------------- JI ~ I • By Harold 1.8 Dou1: By Tom K. Ryan • , - TELEVISION VIEWS Wally Schirra Tells It All IMIL Y i'!LOT 31 ·~ ti t ty..JERRY BUCK - NEW YORK ((\!') -Just as the networks blro former itblet'' to cover sporting events, C~ got retired astronaut Walter M. Schirra Jr. to interpret the Apollo 11 flight: . -. - . At the launch and dllring Thursday night's llve _ •&Mml• · · a· translatecl..--T\•• the space jargon into everyday lan~ge. · HE ALSO WAS able to convey in large measure what it's like to be up !n that opa_cesblp. He will .' offer bis Interpretations and perhaps relate person- al experiences durll1g the 31-hlll!!' coverage of the moon l&l!dlng Sunday and Monday, ; SCblrra, 46, was_ the only astronaut to Cy In all three programs, Mercury, Gem!nl and Apollo. He rfl1Jred from the !'lau as a ~P.taln June so, and_ signed on wjth CBS as a special comultant for four Apollo moon lllghts .. --- As commander of the first television flight, .ApoUo 1,·1ast October, Scblrra earned the contra· dictory reputatlon of being .somewhat C1111tanil:eroua about television and of being the funniest man In .• orbii. 'His band·lettered cue card read: "Keep • 'fh°" cards and 1et!ors com\Dgf~... ' "TELEVISION doesn't contribute a lhlDI to the success of a mission, but it's .vita.UY important to the world," Schirra said. ''I foupt to -have it aboard, in contrast to the reports. I sa1d four years ago that the world needs to see ·a mlsslOll as we do." SborUy before the Apollo !/ lll,ibt, the camera was ordered out to save weight -along with one set of the astronauts' underwear and half their -• water supply. '"When they putthe cametablcraball'd·I sa1~;-- 1Seven pounds?' That's where the story started that 1 wa1 opposed " Schitra said. "I want to dispense with that Imai• .. you know, here's the guy wbo bated television now working for a network: "THE REAL ariument we bad was against In- ferior equlpmt!nl Remember those cue cards we had . You had to get the camera right up to them tO' read them. Some people were worried about the Russians reading the -instrumenta. I wUD't wor-' ried." Despite the attenUon focused on the moon walk, Scbirra says the m0<t critical phase of the Apollo 11 operation Is the landing, "Tbe landing ii tbe only new event on the mission. It's the only thing we've never done before," be said. ASIC!D AllOUT the all·buslness altitude of the ApoUo 11 crew, Scbirra sa1d, 0 Their personalities are different. Too _g~en people wan~ to roll out astronaut. with a.fllck of a crani. Each crew has ils own way of doing things. "I balked at the first TV transqlission because I was too bu1y and it wasn't scheduled," be said. "But once I got my work done there wasn't any~ thing 1'4 rather do. We had fun. Thomas P. Sta!· ford and John W. Young had Jun. U you don't have fun, what is there?'' Dennis the lflenaee . . . • • • l • • • I ( t ' I ------- . \ I" DAILY "~QI , Frlclot. J'~ 18, 196t Top Stars -at . Disneyland . ' . . SATURDA-Y- JULY 19 SUIDAY ··. --~J..,.U ... LJ'. 20 ~ ==-+ 9 A.M. UNTIL~IDNIGtfT &OWLING · . R . -I.AR PRICE · f0 . REGU 5th etc.) .GAME -lst• (3r_d, -2~CI GAME . EACH - -tli -etc l ' {2nd, 4th, 6 I • ~' NO LI Ml • • c~b Mtmbert , Id beth days. Y°""' ~~:!01, just• "::i~ V 1kl ' •m • 12 m • rl•• for 1st, 3rd, rn~tlonal featurtt (y• 8.C. J p•Y !Ml~ rot.-._~, Kon• :LanOI pr• S • 4th, •fC, ..,.O OTJnJ ~:,r:'~cent ,.1 •. IOICOE HOLLAND · EITOlAllS ,$at ... July 19 t,n.-2 am. FOOD A\.E only served In Con" KONA LANES . 2699 HARBOR -COS1'.A MESA,.... 545-1112 . . ' ·~ -. ' -~ . -· SONGSTRE_SS PATTI PAGE On Stage At Disneyland 1 Til Aug. 1 Fiesta to Celeli'rate . - Hartf ol'd Shares Bill SI n g_e r. 8 u illftlst John HartforG, composer ol the hit aong, "GenUe On My Mind,'' will-appear as apectal I\! star with c'otn e d I a o Fllp Wllaon tlllS month' a t Molodyland. . A featured. performer on ' Glei:t Campbell's television show~ Rartrord will 1ppear with WtlJon Ii! e I g h I performances the week of July l1Ul!J'OUi4 A•J · l. ;.... __ Tickets for the wll80n- HarUord ~ are av8U11ble .-rfow ... al. ~th e Melodytand lox office, by mall and at all ~~O::ies. Crossword Puzzle " '-· ACROSS 48 Wleld!d the ' \Y.,lerday'f Puztlt Solvrd: • • ' blur penc il l Engross'd 50 -·l11le: 5 Pronoun , 2' wo1ck c 10 Promonlory 51 Fiber 14G·-: 53M ltdln US ¥Idler: character 2 words 57 On the sam e 15 Talk'td lev.el or bf· •· lncessanlly: lo•: Z words Z words bl Half: 16 Old ' Prefht 17 Feellng that E.Z Capabl e of what must producing be !ftllt be 64 NOrse god 19 Re<1ulre.P1enl bS llariy ZO Pu (I out withou t ~ with forcf farinalities 8 Far.mtr's · ·3f({;oad • Zl ·Sw,,pstalte W. Holed pen conctrn· 39 .Blrds' 23 One sigiling name . 9 Theattt shout 40 Ugly a co11tract h7.Part of;the • ·~O GJ!btfJ struc;J.u res ZS N·arrow bo~y head / ~ "~ 1':'.!"lll on 43 Lightweight ol water ·E.a Qicc1;1p iu ' .,, 45 'o'i"'o 1£.-, 2li Rio' --~. 1.iased ' , '[ EduJ I "' 29 Toothless property 13 Kind of navlgatint 34 Food fish E.9 Villlfy curr,nl 47 New Vorlt 35 Herb gr11us 18 Come lntJ athlete 37 Kind of DOWN the airport 49 lnfor111lllon sland · 22 Hav b111 p1on11s 52 Not .- 38 Elth't 1 Abimdant 24 Holds back sltlllful ' 7/llM abnormal 2 TroJilll wat Zb Sho w 53 Meat Cjit or subnormal hero excesslv' 54 MothH'ol 39 Whirled J Si1.e of salllffclion Pollux· 41 Reso rt pr inting 27 Vlmy -and Helen 4-2 Have the paper 28 Fren chman's 55 Give of! -sam' fe,llng 4 Moving name' Sb Olstalit: 44 Can. qulcltly JO Esc«t Comb. form foo1b1ll's 5 Sneakin,ss 31 Usiful 58 Wicked" --Cup b Swiftn,ss quality 59 Wlckfdjiess 45 Hammfr of motion JZ Kind of E.O Kind of head 1 Noun or dwflllng e1tate 4& Moved un· ad/'eclivf ]3 African 63 Negative steadily su fix anfm1I prefix I J ' 7 • ' I " 17 Mission San Luis Rey, near Camp Pendleton ·u .s. J\1ounlcd ,h3o-, +--+--+- Oceanside, celebrates its 17lst Color Guard. 1 11 ,;rl.r-!--t • birthday with an annual two-During both Fiesta days .,.. day Fiesta on SatUrday and tours or the historic Old Sunday July 19-20. Colorful Mission and 1nuseum are con- costume~. songs and dances ducted b y knowledgeable spiced with traditions or early-Franciscan friar guides. Cost day California Spanish rtilonial oI the tour_ is SO cents for · days will be part or the adults; 25 cents (or youngsters celebration which coincides over twelve: $1.00 for families. --wtth San Diego County's 200th Proceeds are used for mission ' birthday celebration. maintenance and r u r t h e r • 61 The Fiesta begins at noon, restoratioa. bri--t--t--t: Saturday, Ju'ly 19, with the Old The mission is located three WorlO custom of "Blessing of miles inland from Oceanside, I" the Animals" when children. ~o~n~S~la~te~H~igl!~w~ay~7~6i;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~~~~~~;~~~~~~ will bring . their g a i I Y -Ii decorated pets to ffie front door of tlie mission for the blessing. lt is followed by judging the animals for prizes awarded for;he smallest, the largest, and the most unusual animals presented. NOW! ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE i Sunday morning a 10:30 Fiesta Folk Mass on the be8utirul mission grounds will signal the beginning of the set- ond day or activities. Free entertainment is con· tlnuous throughout the two days with Spanish dancers and singers, Mexican mariachi players and American folk singers performing. There will be special stage perfonnances including the internationally renowned Indian dancers from SL John's Indian SchoOI in Arizona. The'.v will execute the famed and fierce Apache War Dance with ils war·whoops, tomahawks, chanting a n d drums; the Eagle, the Snake, Horsetail, Buffalo and other colorful tribal dances. The flashing color of authen- tic Spanish-Mexican costumes of the hostesses aQd workers will further recapture the festive mood or early mission days. Visitors also are en- couraged to wear traditional fiesta dress. Special awards wUI be given this year for the most authentic Spanish and Mexican costumes worn by men. women and children. Food and refreshments will be plentiful and inexpensive. Featured both days will be authentic Mexican dinners ($1 .~ for adults ; 75c for children), hot do:gs and ham· burgers, taquitos and burritos. On Sunday only, beginning at 10:00 1.m., a barbecued steak dinner wUI be served ($2.00 for adults). A lively Midway will provide en.tcrtalnment and games for you.lg and old, plus carnival rides, burro rides and dancing. Booths specializing in sewing goods and Mexican artifacts will be operating. Also added this year will be a "fine arts" booth offering original can- vasp and scuJplures from the area's top .artists. Another special treat will be the sale of authenlic Franciscan Brothers Bread. Sunday's unique attraction fs the arrival of ' ' Lo s CabaUeros del Camioo Real" at 2:00 p.m. This colorful group of aome ioo horsemen, many dressed a• 18th century Spanish cavalrymen, will have been on the trail from Asslstcncla Mission at Pala since saturda.y morning. 11le picture they prlsent as they rid!: over the · nearby hills is CONTINUOUS D41LY FROM 2 P.M. ' ANDYGIUFFITH-Krs 11 EX-Ml!l!E TU!ll!D 1WC11E1 ... m 1 w,11:11 IND WOlll!fUL mER111mn 101 !KE wlitiu 11111.11 REDUCED RATES 'TIL 5 P.M. WEEKD4YS ONLY - EXCLUSIVE SO. ORANGE COUNTY FIR$T RUN! el Whtn in Soulhtrn CtliforAft t1itit Unit1tr1tf Studio• ·- PAUMneiJJnan JDARRE WDQDWARD I ROBERT WAGDER ." • WINNING .•• IS EYERYTHIHG ! '"""'"" ., .. m",.. ,,._.,~•· -er~ ... DIV[ CRIJSll • HOWIRO ROOMIN JI M[S CDlDSTDN[ • JOHN IORUWI • I J[NNllGS ~ IRODUCTIOI I uftlVl!S.ll \ NlWIUN -fD!lllll llCIURE --------· TECHNtCOLOR0 /PANAVl8ION" ________ _ lnliy unforgettable. CONTINUOUS DAILY FRoM 2 Tt.M/ . Approaching the mission. • _ -'• .tf .,. the riders are met by the lL. ___________________ ..., ___ .._ __ _, : • I - 1 ., : . • . .. ---,,. __ • • • Wl.LSON FOR.·D SALES·\ · .. · .. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD ; <Hiway 39l . · HIJN1'1NG1' N llEACM . ~lcK·,~ \;':~, OPEN 9 .A-.M. 10.:.10-P.M .. --Y D' YS'--·· _:_ -. . ' . . ' . ·' ORANGE CO' s. FAST(ST. GROWING· ·FORD .D.El\.E.-~·. SUPER SPfCJALS _, "200" engine, radio, heit. Radial Jires. $ ---'m·· m1niRDTop---988 -----TGY 612. -ol '65. ~~~;,~~!~,,~~M radio, bu~ $988 k~t· stats, vinyl roof. (NNF 326). ' --'65 ~~~~~~~~~: Windows. fact. t ir $ n 8. 8 -cond. RFY 728. EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL . ' $398"8 FULL PRICE ' BRAND Nfw ' '69 f·2SO ST'(lESIDE l llDOUD~ 10\i MOHAWK C~PER. IMME~IATE" DELIVERY ov1a !~~~!!~~PET!~,~~ sA• , .TRJtijSPORTATION SPECIALS '69-VOCKSWAGEN DUN£ IUGG !blr Gl•u ~·wiOI tlrfl. roll lllr, dtroml 'IMll1. Tllll II 1 ••r• li.1111v. --'61BUICIC SPECIAL -'67 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON '$168 · Automat ic, radio, "eater & power steering. v~ 1vtem.rtc-'9alo. r-i.r ... ,, 1.ew fll" ~rrllllv. TIN 1:i.. - -· GkC 59·4. ' . · _____ ...... ________ _ '66 ECONOLINE DliLUXE CLUt WAGON $1118 P-!V 3 _, -· 'J p!Ollo..lll!GO'lllk, rllClll, 11f1I. Air cond. ..:.:..=•"··.=.:::-"":::;:;'""-"';:-=:,;;-~-~;;;;;:;;,;;;;;;;.=::~-·'b'11. AmJhAG'F . -$t1-88 -'66 fCONOUNE -CAMPfR VAN -- ,_ v1n w1111 ,_ ~ ~11 bultl·lft. •utomerk 1,..,1 .• ..., tnllinl. 1,.,,, $ 1788 Bucket seats, heater, -4 speed. Excelltnt etM- ___ ..,_ ... _ ------------omy. (OTU 9"8). ,-'67 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON V .. 1uto. '" 11Ht"lng, f1C1 lit eond. rldlot llfft. VRS :WO. --$1788 ,_ '67 FORD FIOO CAMPER SPECIAL ' v ... l>UIO .. uislom ,u b. ••dlo. l!Ntw, u:tr1 tu.l 1•'*· . •nt mltrori. 2 r-. V31f16. • - $1988 '58 CORYE-TTE. D<>!1't miss 'this extr1 spetial VllUt. UJE +41. '65 JEfP.UNivfRSALMl>Dfl 4 WHEll DRIVf ~ dr!Y. Wiit! •U exrr11 ind. ,_.,. loll. Two wt~ •""*-PDO 111. $1888 . ,65 ~!D.!1!' ~~c~p ..! .!!~~~~1~.,; """'". .• s·1918 -'-65 -FORD 1anch Wagon _ , $688 Al•ik ... IYI* le~!ICOPIC Clll'llPM' wit~ ·-· -1K. iJ.1 •. L.lke fttW. No. mi. -v.a, IUIC>nMt~c !~ans. Baby Blue finish. (NOY '68 FORD F250 14 TON PICKUP s· 19· 8-8-: 679 ). Ford Fllll "" Ton Pldl;·uP. V-4, IUlon'lllk, lllCllo, Hu ter. E•alltnl \ltlllf. s'1Z3IO. ------"!'. ----.-------- '66 72.!.0J!t:,~~:~1~\!!,WHEft DRIVI $21'8B ' '6·~ ~~!!.~!~!!~'.New lur:u:~!ish .. ~·7· ·33 ~ '67 !!?~!~~!!~~-~~~~~'!"...!.UDR )Ol, $2288 . '68 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN 10 PASSENGER WAGON y ... IUIO. P, lfee.r/nt, lr.•a•~t rlCk oWIW tires, f ijlj wl'llll CD¥1tl, : , New~· warr1n!t •~•l . o. t 7&St. . $2788 '68-COUNTRY SlDAN IQ.PASSENGER WAGON 2" V.._ ..,IOtTllllc, P. 11 P. cllK IH'.itn, hit"" r.clr. H9w w/t/W tlrn. Like :;':''.tt,: c.io:t. ""-Cir w1rranty 1~111. VCC....,, $2988 '68 COUNTlY SEDAN TQ.PASSfNGH WAGON JN V ... 1ilto. P. 11Ht"1t11. P. dltc D< kn. r1c;ll:. N .. l!rn wul', r1C1ia, he.t. l -rrolln. Afr ~ t1• "'"'""' i v.ii •. y;c.uo $2918 6 OTHER '68 WAGONS TO CHOOSE FROM .o. PLUS OTHER MODELS • FROM SUGGESTED UST 'PRICE 01 AIY 1969 THUIOERBIRD 111 OUR HUGE lllYmORY FIRST OF THE 70'5 AT 1960 PRICES IT'S A LITTLE GAS -M1v1rlck, priced to ri~1I lh1 lmport1, gives you 1 bett1r mor1 pr1ctit1I car. M1ny peop/1 won't·pllt •• 11tr1 cent Into M1v1rlck b1c1u11lt's111 th1rt. A basic M1vtrick 11mtrt•than1 b11lc ur. ,;J IWPU 743>- '66-· ~8~.~!.R!w~~~~~Jradio, healer. $TI"f88 · · new silyir .blue. fin i$h. Excellent value. RUF U 370 •• ' ·~ ~--. BRAND NEWl 1 t69 " •,. I BRANO NEW 1969' CORTINA GALAXIE 500 • The Contempo . Motor MORI THAN A CAMPa..:.A COMPACT MOTOI HOMI SEE THEM -NOW l.T WILSON FORD • • 'All fUl.L PRICfS.,ARI PLUS SALIS TAX ' Dll'T. MOTOR YIHIQIS ms • Use OM of our M.r,-1r1ys to fln111C1 your newor used cu or trvck including hnk of Allltrica, Unittcl'UIH_Bank. or Fri Motor Credit (Ofll.W'rth ·nur AjiprOvtd er.di!. ' . . . . . ' ··~'''" • .. • ,I I . I 1, • • I I \ 1 " 1· ' ' ; ' l I I I l ----- ' .. ' HOUSES FOR SALE ·HOUSES FOR SALE HousEs FOR SAl,E .. *usEs Fo~'SAi.e' ~ tiOusEs FOR SALE HQUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gojlorol llOOGtner•I 1000 .,Onor•I ( '1': 1-~rol 1008 Genorol · 1000. G1n1r11 ,;. lOOO General · 1000 •• • . ' . ' . . . \ .... ~ .. ' -•- .-.... ·-... /' •;· . :;.,.~"-. ' ~ ... 1,. : FINER HOM~S LINDA ISLE . Close to complllion. A bayfront home orient· ed for finer, family living. 2·slory, 5 bed· rooms, •'h baths; on the bay, ready for your private pier & slip. A.!king $135,000. Shown daily, call for app't. • , " ' ,, . DOVER SHORES-VIEW '5 Be<lr09m, 2'lf<>ry home with room for p00l : : o,r huge plaf'irea, fimili ~Ill Wlth-liiasiive fireplace, '!all<•lit wet bar le room fj>r ,bllllai)1 table. Elev1ted out.ide terra'i" for (lelightflfl entertainlhg. $1Jl!,50-0. ' ,BAYFRONT lmpr,..ive 2-stary Bayfront-ho/Ile. 4 bed· rooms, IarJe Jiv.ing room, torm_al diQing toom, paneled den wltb wet bar, niiSter suite with sitting room, fireplace &. extra larae dressing room. Elettrfc controlled gates and garage door. Pier & float for large po\ver or sailboat. $175,000. Call for App't. DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT Spe~tacular 4 bedroom home, wilh an unus- ual blendini of ele2anee & warmth. Large, formal dining-room with sptit bl'iclr flooring. A spiral stairway leads to a magnificent, high ceilinged living room. Priced at $129,500. Call for •PP'.!. DOVER SHORES Beautiful home with view of Back Bay .. 3 bed- 1rOOmi& nlaid'S rOOm. Larie livin~ room, for- aMlining toow;-Asking $110,000. Clll'<rv;-= app't. ·-t ---, ' DOVER SHORES Large family home, richly decorated. 4 Bed· n>omi, famUy room, dinitig room, breakfast room off kitchen, beautiful pool in brick walled cour1J9rt!. View of Back Bay. Only $104,000. Call for Appointmenl Pel(J /Jarrell Rea/lg · ' prB~fnU -'' THREE OP.EN HOUSES ' COMPLETE VIEW OF GARDEN & pool from the family room, kitchen &.formal dining room, of Lhis lovely 4 bdrm home in ·irayctest --a separate den loo!We t: \vijJ be looking· for you at. - ~4 1607 S.ntlogo , • (~un 1·5) ~ • El(CITING BLUPf. Li>CATION beaUtl• fully; cared for large 3 bdnn,. family r.i>om home. Light & airy end unit. Overlooking pin .. studded green belt. Truly outstand· ing location._ 1112 VIII• Dor•do (Sat/Sun 1·5) NEW. .HOME ·· :OLD· ·1NTEREST .. ' . . 4'Blg bedro<\ms. ·2 bath•. wall/wall :carpeting, completeJy ' built· in kitchen, completely FENCED,. 1\llder-ground utilities and much more. lmme<lia~ ·possession. ' ---<--. I ·yft'Y \.O"t1( Down Payment-Low ll'lttr••t FULL PRICE S29,950 ' For further lnfor/llaUon call S464141 &··Wallace ---------- [ R~•li>LINtY•S , . ;LAR!;E~T 2fi I!. 1t11i, St., ~94 ' Custom Built Newport Heights Reduc:ed S4,000 For 9vic:k Sale Exceptional 2300 iQ. ft. 4.hed- room ¥.!?le in .lhe exclusive Ne1vpott Heigf'its area. Pro- fessiofiall,¥ car,d for yards, both tront and reilr. Rear acceq t~arQge plUB stor· age for txlat or trailer. Ma· jestic double front doors in- dicate the ~egant>e of this 2 .story home, matiy quallfles too nun1ero~ to 'hiention. Priced subs£anti8.lly t>cioW . A HOME TO WIN YOUR HEART if you seek a fasliionable & functional 3 bdrm home, pJus ·a 14x27' f~ly room & 2 fire-- p}aces. Harbor Highl~ds inside corner a Cl dress with a larg( BsSUiiiible 51h % General JOOOGentra.1 1000 market.al $45,95o Too good 1:;;;;;;:;;;:;=;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:::;;;;;::;;::;;;:;;::;;;;;;;;; I to miss.-· loan -hurry! · 1536 Syl•i• L•no (Sal/Sun l-5) ,CORONA DEL MAR BAYCRESTI This unusual 4 bdrm 3 bath 2211 Waterfront Dr. home is o,uts~anding for tbJ family need-OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-· 5 !ng a maid's room or in:raw sµite. Invit-. , 3 .Bdrms., 2 baths, incl. Jge . rrtstr. su ite + a t~ghlus~ydpl::°ted garden. hwhaculate!"" guest apt. & bath, with a view. Carpeted, e price .a · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · ·,. · $65,950. new drapes. On a charming, exclusive street NEWPORT liEIGttTI, Quiel..!. welcom-I b!k. long ..... '.., ....... " .. " ... ,,,$54,500. 1ng, this 2 bdrm home is situated on a large lot with separate guest house _ STEPHENSON REAL TY s~rrounded by well set gardens. We in· · IASll JOI LUCT GAYNOIJ " -::::'lle-you...,...ee-this a .. 7-.c .,., •.. $!'1,5()0:-c~c-...J06-MARINE A.VE". --· 61&-IOOO Offlct oPe~ S-.turd1y1 & Su~d1y~ PETE , BARRETT REAL TY 1,6&s w .. tcllff Dr .. N.B. 64%-5200 -------------~------- 1G ·'-''-n'-•'-ra'-1 __ , _, __ ..;1000.:·::: Gener 11 IO%bOWN 1000 ' SHORECUFFS First time oUered! 3 Bedroom S)lOreclif!s home en.huge, corner lot with lots of room Why Pay 81(2 °/o 'Assume 51/2 •;. FHA at $178 mo. total Don't worry about qualiling, you don't have to, jll,st take it oVtt a t 51,1;%. Ifs~ 4 bed· room-2 baLi. home, -t;illt .in kitche~. ~vered p.jl t i o, thcl'(''s rvcn a play house in !he bAck yard, cxdellent ~ 3-J:(!~ .. Gall ~ay. Carefree • Livinq ·: .. ~·I ohn _macna. b Goner•! 1000 Genaro! _!El\,:. , FHA BARGAIN ri::.. REALTY COMPANY VACANT -iMMEDIATE 1000 $34,950 ' Sharpest home in back bay area. OwnC'rs l'.ave moved • immediate PQ4se!ision . • 3 bedroom & Family ·room. Beautiful covered patio~ in- tercom thruout r Pool 1:1iu' yard. . to add on. Paneled living room v.:ilh used brick fireplace Brand ne\v 't bedroom 2 bath Monticello townhoUR. this is the desirable one story mo- del in the adult section, bcautilut clubhouse recre· ation and pool racilities. Only 1 iS years old. Try l 21,500 full price. .-!·~~ 901 D•vir Dr., Suitt 120 POm5SION.-ThNe bed· OCEANFRONT A very good Value A .,._ CLEAN! CLEAN! . At $56.500 rnousand '• Prj~e Reduc:ed earcrest Wells tiuilt; ~ 1xlnn 3~ WI.bi'; ~r 'movini .E"" l\IU.t .~t""1. . Arnolll & Freud 338 E. i7th St., Ct.t Rcaltott 640-m.5 5BEDR0oM- LIKE RENT Paymrnt11! Built-in range, oven & disll\\'asher. •Famijy room. CW;ton1 ca11>Cting & tlrnpes. (:Qvet't?d patlo. Pric- ed below replacement. 54(}.1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor ·.General 1000General 1000 OPEN $U~ 1 UNTIL 5 301 Eyenlng .~tlr, Newport Beach \Vaterfront graciO~ tW-O story home 'vith 3 Bdrms, den wlth fireplace. Pier and float .... , , , .......•... : ....• $155,000 Mrs. Raulston ,fJNEST CUSTOM.\ JI.lust see to believe. This has everythi~ for the gro,ving' family. 5 Bdrms -maid "s TJU., 41h baths, 3 fireplaces, forlnal din rm, lrg family rm, 3•h car garage, gameroom with lots of tile -, ........... , . , ... ,. $139,500 M~ry Lou Marion Sat & Sun 1·5 · , CAMEO SHORES-Open House •. : 4615.$'erham"-.-- -Gust-om-design:-Quality censtruction:-Beaffi- ed ceilings, 4 Bdrms, billard room . Wet bar. Jetty and Ocean View. Immediate oc· cupancy . ,. ., ........... , , ... $130,000 Cathryn Tennille Oc:ean & Bay View Lots Corona del Mar -Quiet one-wav street. 2 Lots 1mproved with older home. Build your "Dream Home" and sell the o t h e r lot. ., . : . ., ...... ,. .. ,. . ., . . . . $~000 Mrs. tiarv.ElY \. ' j ,,.h, ~: 442.a235 room ~om home on ·l';: ..,, large tot. Out ol town anx- Tile~ magnificent 4 & 5 Ready .to mo".e 'i.n. Complete-Call: Jack Scroggy Miles of Ocean Bairoom homes fe•ture ly p&1nted inside and out Res. &M-2250 VieW CjlUALITY, PRICE, LOCATION lf you're looking for the best buy, this 3 Bdrm 2 bath ho1ne is for you. Lovelv large south patio, near play beaCh. Excellent con· • , ~ •I: ious owner. Mity sell to vet. ::~ .. G1Mr1I 1000 General 1000 erans with no down payment aorgeous Views · from the plus new carpel~. 3 Bed- Long &ach CoasUine to rocm1s + Fam~ly room. 1-'ft>tiCuloux European fanllly i\tO =;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;~ \ · law down on_ FHA. Full .-.~-lnves19rs Attention • PRICE oNLY $1!1.'.i(]O. M"" MESA Vl!RDE ' b<_ IOld weekend! Palos Verdes. To&elher with Ready to mov" in. $27,500 is ociling t{icir four year old Incomparable vle\.\·s of the 19% down· or FHA and VA 4 bedl'Oom view honw. H's lw1 fn;i Tet!l}5 spotless and with a view of _,,.._ We wllf--m.1 lfoOd ;,,. 4; ~-~ ~ unlll are hard lo rind ,),:~ at a ttall.ltlc price. 6 super 1,I ·~::•:--1h&tp unlts just a block ~,. ~,,.., r..m the $.A. Country Cl"b '"'-~.! that an thl! live·in kind ._r •• f> JV ~ the owntr. 5 two ~ .. ~m JI:.:#-. ~"" ~ and 1 one besh'oom, aepar· · •~ yuds wUb lots ot land· scap.inc aM privaC,y. l 96G rentll 11ched¢e and 1966 pcice ••• 161~. Th.ii; immaculate 3 BR fain• ily home can be Yours by assuming 5~% FHA LOAN, A mU1t see to &plJt!Ciate. """"' $26,950 m nearly every room. • · • ..... the Pacific coast you won't Each has 3 baths plus out. believe. There's not another door showers •dining rooms WESTCLI FF overlooking the beach. The VACANT one in the area like it at master suik' contains mir-The chann of open beam I "''!!!''!'!'~...,,..'!'!.,.~~I $36,SOO, See it llOY.'. rored dressing areas with ceilings and a spacious look NEW AS TOMORROW. prlvat? master biilh. Pan-makes 3 &dmom & Family Solid as the Rock of Gibral- e!led dens w/ full walk-be-an exceptionaJ ~e _ tor. cust. blt. 4 Br'., 4 Ba. hind wet bars and !ireplao-Ready for immedi~tc pos-& den: top grade materials ORA -. TWO ON LOT , iiliEV..,eiiniil"'ti'..,caIJiiiil'ii67Ull&""6iio !'·for the beat of beach Jiv· session $19,500-ll"down. !ro"'-lloor to ceilillg; i!xpa!l-NGE COUN 1 , 1.'S EASTSIDE. Newer 3 bdnns 11 lfii:. The easy care kitchens . sive hallway, Impressive LARGEST & older 2 bdnn, detached 2 Open HM. Vntll Soldl are complete V>'ith full built. REMEMBER EN fa°mily rm. or den, w/ wal-293 E. 17th St., 64'"'4494 car gata&e a: workBhop. EK· 1841 TAHITI DRIVE ins·+ 8 speaker inlft'OOITI & Holl9es had. bMements? Re· nut paneling. ~tom \vet . , terior recently paint~. Big family home, 5 BR, ~ood centel'll. Other custom fresh your memory 8.nd see bar, Irplc., formal liv. & COMMERCIAL BlhG Ol\ly· $19,950 2900 5CJ. ·fL Anthony pool, f"tw:es include w/1v SA!" this custom home in 10 P din. rwn1s. crystal chande-. .. _ If!' • ~ ,--··-- 1PEnl=lON ,. ' .;.· ·1•• fresl11,y redec. Sharp 1oc In pets, private SWKlecks, Jaun. Ne:ivport Heights location liers Spacious t h r u o u t. , :P.Jesa Verde. Lilted $54,900 d~ rooms, clothes shutes, with 1005 sq. lt. basement. $98,00o : A Baytrest buy! & 2, BR ffOME. -but all oilers invit!d! pnvaJe wroUght iron entries Needs a little freshening but RED.......,... ~•S·SllO + much more! An on 194•-a buy at thls price of $42,500. L.Anl"tl _,dMmll119t11t deep lots w/ elegant Span. REALTY G& REALTY ish, Normandy & Contem-* Mi-1771 Anyt;mo * -.... _ porary -"' to lil lb< • , · most discrltnjnating" tastes. ' •a THF. REAL "'\. T:STA1TRS 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. ~all Anytime 675--6000 50x180' comer Jot ne}tl to Dept. of J\1otor Vehicles. S390 pot'! income. Reduced $14.000. OPEN DAILY -T"'"' outlt•ndUig bom" are "• 14• SIERKS CM MESA DEL MAR ""110 the Long Bea<h Ma· --=-~---'-OPEN j R. · • rtna & are truly Once-In-A-4 BE BROOM 287 NASSAU ROAD . ' $38,000 • F Immediate possess:ion, 3 L" · w I L p ? -, ' or A Wille Bil)"' laite bdntlg 2 baths, built-(BR 2 baths, famil~ room e !Jme values. From: in ow eyments . Sat./Sun. 1-5 ' ·co'lesworthy r Co ins. FA lief.I, dining 8.nll + .·blt7inslcpta/drp1. Vacan1 , $84,900 with 1xcell1nt $1,700 will handle this great Jmn1l'dia1e occupancy .:•1 . ' • • brick 1 I li'" DAV D,.ON R-lty terms & financing. ' ...... m. 2 bath doll JEAN SMITH •h irep ace '" ""' '" -"'""· Nie. '""' baok yud ..... 642-7771 room. Dbl garaa;e. Larse 546-5460 . Eve1. 5454941 OPEN SAT " SUN 1..S oft covered patio. H 0 m c Realtor •! fenced yard, 7 years new. 100 Ocean Ave. · ·t-· Good fin . Price slashed! R.E. Salesman Seal Beach needs tender loving care. 646-l?SS I .• · ~-". Dolphin Terrac:t Prked •< m .500 w1t•.101at Bl F ·1 D 11...i.• •i> CJ 1860 Newport Blvd., Cl\I up to 10-/• Commission I Bay Blvd. th Ocean Ave., payments of $179.00 Submit . j CJ amt Y · I ~ .. , :· ean & ready • 2 Bdrm., Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 Experienced or new. Open-N. lo the comer oI lBL) youi' down P•Ym••t'. MESA VERbE I :-i spacious bedrooms, 3 ba ths, • •°'.: den· 2~ baths· Vee. kitch-h ,.,..~) «7-6617 " ... : ; en. I>bl. iara1e & covered L e lnis now, H.8 ., Wcstmin1-....... • WE SELL A HOME $26,500 I fan1i!y room \Vith \VET BAR . • 4 ;• ~boat port. ac nmyer ',:,',rv•',,,cw.c.__:uor "'.,"r.lldeKon~. . -EVERY 31 MINUTES Loa<k>d with charm! King Lavish carpeting, drapes $39,lOO " ..... •J 5 BDRM. + POOL w lk sized bedrooms. 2 baths. and wall paper, Near beach '\1 . FiratPioneerRealty842-4421 NEWPORT-$49,500 a er & Lee F amily room. FomiuJ din-and shopping and ONL Y . 'i,1 QJRJ DOSH, Reallor $28,500. HUGE tam rm, big BAYFRONT BUYI Area of over $60,000 homes. ing room. Built.in kitchen. $39.950. , llv rm. 1 Bdrm. l~I Ba. Love.l)l horne plus apt .. So. 2~ baths, all electric kilch-7682 EdingC>r Handsome se11ting bar. WE SELL A HO"'E ~ ~ 1730 \V. O>a1t Riahway Pt:rt cond. College Park. eaybont, Balboa laland. 6 en. Fireplace. Lowly heat-&42-4455 or 540-5J.t0 540-1720 EVERY 31 MINUTES a 6U"472 Eves. 673-3468 a1Ctt:!w',·.~~Shop ctr & Years ne\V! ('ii & filteBered .... I. .only s Open eves. 1TSAYROBURELLAD191Nl5 HCLAsS1rbo_,•_ Walker & lee I YOU I -E ~ $135,000 Y.rs. new. st uy lll pres-IS YOUR AO IN Cl.ASS!· 1'IE QtnCXER YOU SELL CHARG )'OUt want ad now. Lido Realty Inc. tige a~a. ~().1720 FIED? Someone ,vill be l'IED '!' Someone will be · 2043 Westclitf Dr , Find it with a want ad! 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 TARBELL 2955 Herbor looking tor it. Dial 642-5678 looking for it. Dial 642-5671 646-trit Open ·~s. dition .... • ..................... $67,000 111rs. Raulston ..,_ VIEW~Open Hou-VIEW Sundav 1·5 at 3811 Topside. Harbor Vie\v Hills. ·(Follo\v Sandcastle off Marguerite). Practically new 3 BR, 3 car garage, fand· · scape_d, . ., .......... , .. , ...... $64,950 \Valter Haase · EXCITING OCEAN VIEW An exceptionally lovely 3 ·Bprm 2 bath ca. meo Highlands home. 180" ocean vie\V. All elec kit, new carpetin·g, prof lBndscapin·g; sbuffleboard court.·. , ... , .. Qnly '46,950 Chuck Place 3 Bdrm-Pool-Westc:llff Reduced 14000 -now· just 144.750. Thi• immaculate Provincial 3 Bdrm, fam rm on corner ~/fenced pla)' yard. Owner n1oving & anxious. · ' Joe Clarkson ' Beit •w-.Harbor Highlands Immaculate 3 Bei!room , 2 bath. large 20 x 20 family ,room : Walk to schools and Westcliff shopping. Owner transferred. Va- cant. . . : . , .... ., , , , . , .. , $32,950 Jl.1ary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 5~ NEWPORT CENTER DR., ·NEWPORT BEACH 1000Gtntr•1 1000 Genetal 1000Gentral 1000 General 1000 General IOOOGeneral · 1000 General 1000Gen1r1I loOo Answer: I : l i Is This .A Good Time To lluy A House? ' • i • ' . • • • l I • • l NOT MANY IN llYINI TllRACI FOi $46,000 The lot is 70xl15 And very we11 kept, the property is also beautifully maintained "1th Job of room-o~r 2200 sq. fl Hu 4 bdtms, family rm, 2% hRths and, bf· lieve it or ML. a lovely PooL The taxes and leasehold are below avtragc for the Atta-, a mogt charming home in a district of hla:htt priced properties. First time advttt.iaed and shoUld aeU quckly. Pleaae call now and let us show -it bears close bv;pecUon. PUT YOUI LUY t$$ TO WOIK. 4 UNITS $11,500 &st close-in rental area. 'I Two Bedrm. Units. Nearly 1000 sq. fl. each unit. Bath a,nd Half ea. Studio typt with bedrms above, Wwin& privacy and comfort . We've sold aev•ral in this location and we feel this is one ot' the best, "'e've had to oiler. Just riJbt to occupy a.nd build equity-the way to go today. Get fua1her detallt on ~g and terms, no problem on 1howin1. • HAWAII! WHO NUl1S IT, SU THI$ LOYll.Y HOME 4 '8drm. + "-'anled Family Rm., 3 {count 'em) baths. A larae pool iet In «!xotlc, Hawaiian atmolphere that Invites you to houi:s of tool, refreshing fun and re· laxatlon. We were. fortunate in listing this home $5,000 under present day values. Owner tranaferred and ia "a serlOUli 1tller." In ftelusive Irvine Terrtce--ex· tttmelf low ltuehold, a matcbltM vaJue at "9.500. Wouldn't you like t6 ate lt't UN~IYAU WISTCluif mLA llAllTY Fori:ct anytblne you've seen or heard about condominium living, appointment!\, l9C1Uon or desltabUlty. This h truly "top cabin" all I.he way. The araclous own-.· era hlve uted e>rq\Jlalte taste In decorating with many added features. 1 Bdrm .• 2 Ba., froJ\t a.n4 alCJt P&Uo. lulh carpeting and drapts, lt.ftdlnr In air of elegance thouJhout. I( )'OU are a quaUty conscious buyu, do arra.nge an Inspection. The ~ ls "'1500 and worth h 'tr)' penny. - -. -• • B/B 675°3000 ~07 E. Coast Hwy. ' ' c .... ..,.M .... tr c.,... !Mt M• Offtc" "Wh,. 1ho11 ldn't yo11? Th1 pric1 cf hom11 ltn't 9oi119 lo corn1 dow11, fh1r1 is nothi119 wilh i11 llum1n ,.;,w th1t wiU 10!1 b1ck w191 r1tt1 or die• th1 coif of buildin9 ft'11!1ri1l1 or d1pr1n l111d .. 1h111 1nOu9h to '"'~' hou111 111b1l•11l;1Hy c!l11p1r '"'" th1y ••• tod•l'·" But th• supply is limited. There •r• f•wer ~homes on the m•rket today th•n enytim• in th• last IO years, so •91in we 1ey "NOW IS THE TiME TO IUY." 10 Good ·R•asons for Choosing B/B H111 1r1 I 0 rt•uo111 wh,.. mo rt \iuyt fl ''' comi119 ,Jo l•v 111d l•1ch R11ltv ••t•v d1y to 11ti1fy lh•ir •••I 111111 n11d1, AtloClAm -w •• ,. flOW ''" •91i11, ltt'tl~ded ••• 2 "'AWOL'•" -Chorl•JM Wh1t. ""'d Dick Col•ill. who c1rri1 b•ck i nd "w1 111 9l1d fftoy d:d." W1 1l1e .h•"• 1 n1w r1crult :n !ht 111 i:orp1, -,i1w to our office, but • dl1+in9 ui1h1d "'''''"' •~ tli1 loc1I firillf ll111 w:th I 11l1i •clli1¥1m1nt rttord of not•, J11n Colo. A11d our well kn•w11 r1911l1ri: Htl•n Ancl1tion, lilly Gr11l:ob. l11d A ~1tJ11, tor•n• S111ncl1ri, ,Hel111 P1tt•no<1, llutll l111n11f end ft11 C1ptti11, J . l1on11d Smith, 9l•in9 l~t erdtri, will> L•tt1IP1e M111k, lt1c1,tio11iil 1M St cr1l1ry -1U pr11tnl 1M 1Cc.011nt1d fo •. , Bay and Beach Realty Inc .. "Sor in9 The Harbor Area S'nce 1949" ... J' TOUCH OF SPLENDOR DUPLIX In the .h.eart of Corona de! :P.1ar really a "one·of-a-kind" in appolntmen~ &nd :;howab1hty. Not only decorative, but functional. O"'Tier's unit 3 Bdrm \.\jlh 2 ~rm re.ntal + . ad~llo'."al guest 9uartera. This just listed proix-rty ha-" real personality, 50 nice 1t v.·1U rent eastly -or. Ideal for hoine and incon1e. Custom iCteslgned: sho~n by 11ppointmcnt. YOUI LANDLORD ~OVIS-YOU "it you are paying s2oo per month rent-chances are, $48 of that Is property tax,''. .shouldn't you be: your own l11ndlord7 You cen pick up a sharp 3 Bdrm. 1 l\~. with ~ carpetlnt11:.and drapes, complete built-in k1tcht'n for only $27,450. It s vacant. m one of this area's mos-t de11lrablc residential de\'clopments and ii'I !ess than S ypars old. You 'll a pprecia te the value more if you'll call us no\v and see for yourse\f, OCEAN AND IAY YIEW d'OI ONLY $54,500 Jlard to believe. isn't It? Herc's a sleeper In Irvine Te1Tace that you should st'e. Has lots of room, the bdrms •. are quite large, as v.·cll as convertible den .. Has been ttccntly decorated throughout-not ll penny to spend. If you'rt> looking for a top value in one of!?ur owst \\'8.nt~ areas, this could be it. Only takes a few minutes to.call for an appolntment to see. ALMOST l'llSUADU OFHR A llT TOO LO,W. But counter-off.er-and price reduction makes this the~bdrm. 2 blllh, OCN!n View ~ome In Co~~ deJ J\lar. A frontage_ of 120', C'orncr location. alt In \t•ell· kept, hveble cond1t1on. but too large for prllSt'nl own(!1-i;. Excellent appreciation potential. has had lotlj of action -someone will get lucky here soon. Asking :U9,500 -,Better _get ~r offer in. .. •-r--- 6f5·3.llPO "2407 E. C~t H~. .. . . ' • .. .. • J ,-!-<.,.. ....... ,.. ........ ~ ~~· ... i. . . . . . .. ... .- IO •• ~ .. I 1r I ·~--... ~·----~~~--.--------, , -- • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSIS l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FDA SALi HOUSES '011 SALi HOUSIS 1'011 SALE HOUSES ,011 SA11. F'rlcU1, iwlJ 19, lM DAllV 'at/' HOUSIS l'Oa G&Mr•I 1000 Gonoral 1000 0-rol 11•1.°";;;";'~•=I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1;0-;DO;,~c..t~o;f"~,.~s•~;;j'";.;,ll;_;IO Newport hodl 11GO iiH~untiiiii!'!.'"";:;;iiiii~l•~•iidtiiiilii4GliiiiHii~iiii~iiiiilloodt 14411 S.nta Ano ~ I• BY OWNER • i.o"I lnte-iiiiiiiiiiiiii ---,--$_1-J,_!1_15_ ... , SPAlllSll rlll1U!£ p11•_1t I ,~!\"!'·.,· $ "" •11~ •--m·•· LIKE to live on a amall 181 I' ... _ IUD\ ·~:--... 21,_soo E-.:z.:.;s ~~ ~~~--:MODERN LIVING GI TE· .. ·-··-~ ,..... , ~tee{ at 23&9 Cont1t Dfu.e -' • old boule on Ne "p o'r I ~ - Open Sunday 1·5 ~~~1 ,'.,',!"Y,~~'11· 4 llDRMS $11.... NEW CARPET ~ ~'..:J. ~-Iambi:: 1a1anc1. I .....,,, ~ -t New homes, ready lo move in; 'h mUe from Rox L~!!'"'-· RllJ lut S•ntl-Drive -•• --...,. ' -~ ·~ Hu been complelely beach. Finl ~vment qp ,tp: 60 dJlys~alter .n'-"15 · l!><cltl"" 4 li>tnft 311 botli A h\llJ lomlly ldtchen wtlh S4Cllldld JocatloJI ·,,.r NO QUALIFYING New 'doh..,.. ht wtr .,. "' mnodel«\ , mod<m kltd>elJ in ' - Wtlb' built homt in Dover built.JDS. UKd brick fiiit-cllJ9 • IChool. ~ tveryone cilil UIWl\e Wa dllpt $29,91'4. 6G-5510 w/blt·lna. Lota of ai.--. move · ' · •I a<• • IWIDW ·-...,-Torma. VA/flHA. Fro. m $22,too L1gun1 ... ch 1709 Shotea. Unique ahiwn with _.. · 111•, llbrary a-. ~lnl:. hl&h nt"A Joap. , Used ~ trpl Ir. dlntnc .. \J'Oollble roof • a<ljac:tnt FtOORS. Bea1.tituI eoncl(llon whh 546'9.Sfl ... Sit~,, -dol Mor nos room wall. Batlirooma ,,.. The. •ea· ch OPEN HOUSE July 20, I to 5 P.tn r wetbllrfortndoor -outdbot $27,500 ahq:~~h-BUJ'Bqy.Lowtntereat. w/au'*en tub. Lat'Ct entertaining at !Is best. {Vets ne down pymnt:) out. handy ave. ~h. AUJITle 5"" FHA loan 4 IUlldeclt: w/v1*w .• .Newly es JasmJnt' Separate 21 x 21' rumpU& Jar&e l&m. nn. and·de-+ · painted outslde. Aero11 (on lrookhunt 1 mile South of Ad•m1) · 1 .~ N BJt • Wn. rm. Sheltered • 2 old room . LUxunoooy e&l'P'~ awport l\ihttul back yard·wtJh ,.,,....,."""!.,.'!"""!""""!""''I ""tlo A watmall llah Pond ob'ttt lrom 8aY on " 962 • 1353 A true charmer wltll much dl1Unctlon. 3 ~ J bath home, cJose..lll Ntrdf .... loe&Oon, boamed -Jnp, .ceramlc tire~ set bacll: tram street In k.nMI fenced 1atden IOC' mpt;nrcmli privacy. Room for pooL Let us show )'OU thla one-or.. im. 138.500 • draped & land.9caped. Paa.. room tor bmt or trailer. 1, $29 !IOO • ; block'll ,from ~ orainic view! Priced to 5el,I. V· i·c•lotrl·o ~ ~. •• :ick*at So~ ... t__jt __ , c~ ~~!>Pe~ Pf~ $42,SC» btcys thlt 4 bdrm -----~--- Owner leavillQ: atta. O>me """ ~ ....... 1 n.e&.I ... n •• &e.Ui9-borne. fOOB Marcus. NB. Hunti-.....n Be h 1 .. - tee ·make offer. ...._11 Eltate.11JookiQI19r •nlhua-1:"-..c.·======"" ~ ar ~ Cor~ ftl Mir 1250 · ...... .•c """' 'Roy J. Word Co. (onytlmol lutlc uooclal., to be alliJl. Moao Vom 11H -~E~X~C~L~U~S~l~v•E~-i ______ , ---4 hdroom Vocont 1&,..-.11. OW«> at.d wtth a -lcllal , ADULT LIVING 0 H 1 5 $21 '50 1430 Galaxy 64&-1550 Rffl Estatt> office. Oftr-* BY OWNER • t:M.SOO I BNutU\11 2 Bdrm 2 batb pen OUM • lfU&e corner' IocaDon with MEsA VERDE nrlllll'm $1000 wbelmlnr -PlaJI. Call BDRM, 2 boU... "'"' ..... Westclilt Villa. Cu• I • m ,.untry a_p._,., With ' EASTSJDE CC.114 DOMINIUM 2 Bd:Mn, 11,.i bath, SlS.950. 10% down. 6"'°9' loan avail. Open Sot/Sun 1-6 2400 Eldon Unit # 15 c;:osta M••• •. PERRON .. ... ......... , ... , ... * 642-1771 Anytl..,,, * RUI"" 54.>aot South (but 11.e:al Bklck wall. 1 pr I n Ir: I e r a , thruout, lncludea ma.ey eX· 242 H•ul Drive little-paint thl.s home will Coiy Corner • , , Eltate. patio, h'ffl. 5'6-9196 __ such as washer. d-r, be a beauty, Deep pile av. Exceptionally clean 3 BR Attraetive 3 BR I: din-* * * * * fi,;pla~ 3 patios, ~~hie HEAR THE SURF ._, ace,do.~bag carpel!nr. M,ocJ. fam1JY room at entrance!to ina:. 1% bath Condo-Col .... Parle 1115 Walk to l')'thlnC ~ the SM. Omnntnc 2 em built in kitchen tor mom. new Mesa Verde Nortb ~ m.inl:um, OOle to .hCip.. COlhi Mele 1100 ~: .• ~ ,_,;:: all eX: BR, plus hobby room. Not Double Gang@'. cr1 NO wlopment Only $26.900. Pini-Swtmmlna pool I"'-=;..;..='----.....;.· I lldl l'ncd Hhl POOL "-··~ -·~ leasehold. Excellent !inane· •lO"""' · 5" ~ I II Ow tqM>t ..rntJ.nttnyce, taxes, · . . ...... , ~· 1>1ymt11ta 618 South O:iut Blvd. &Si"f $UD & rtttt:ation facilities •• ~ E. .,.., ,. ' st Y ner ~. 1.,, water. and ina. ' like nnt. Also FHA avail-Lacuna Beach .-•a.w available. Only SlT,'50 -• o Ls o N S Bdrm 2 Bath • Crptd. acurif)' .ervice, $44.IOO Don V, Franklin, Rltr. able. Salff Dept. 49"41'4 • GEREALTY fOl' thil Jovety home. SJS,500/S4.ooodn. Pleu.ec&n m-2222 WE SELL A tcOME Rental O.pt. ~· "E=$':z. -11Hlitiir,t11. .Low lot"'"· COATS lat; ""'' °' w""". "8-9018 lllJllllfll OP~::.!~ i!.te 5 EVERY 31 MINUTES * VIEW HOME * ..-a 1"' .. R..i••" Newport-1200 REALTY 3 Bd,,1am .... v1ew1a.ac• Walker & lee aYowNER OCEANFRONT WALLACI '"" w. Balboa 8""'., N.B. DOH v. FRANK~IN PERFECT condlllon! ""'' 3 Bl< home on .xcelleot •IALTOU HORSE RANCH B/B Coll Anytime '7MO!IO REALTOR ...:.:. !':~.. ,.e '"""°' to appreciate!' beach; $54,950. -!;.4•.,4141-lf. Aero-Newport llEACH' llARGAINS 613-2222 Open,,...,, 30CEABR.N2 BVIEWA, 11• .':?'"','lot. ffiARIOH mlLHl REAL ESTATE· OMrgo Wllllomson ...,....,...,,.I Pie"'-·• -~ hom< CUffHAYEN', 2-Sty. A·Frame 3 Br. 2 bo. 520 Do Anzo . -•"""' PLACE your WWII ad wbeno R~"TOR l"l::=:i=:i=:l=:i=:i:= ·-·~· "' >!od F .. t -·•e ,.;, ~ 1..-WALK TO BEACH Ind kHoMo. Thermo ...,. they are Jook:lne _ DAILY L.~ J• nest!!d ln the rentle. rollina Open HOUie S.t. " Sun. 1-5 • ....., • ""'""" f'iou Own Th! Landi trols N ch room. REDUCED PILOT clau:Uk!d M2-56'1S 613-4350 Eves. 673--1564 .1.~'•f lacatio ~I countryside or upper New· P.M. 324 Snu: Harbot. kue>. l , BR • Don • 2 B•ths A.!.sume GJ loe.n. Only S20l 'JU $38,700 with '5tt:m down, 1_;,~~~~~~~=:J~~~~~~~!!!!!!/ LUWIUUll. 0. port Bay. O\a.nnlna: 3 bed-Ple:nt)' ol room for Family Funt. 3 BR. 2 bt.. Steps to Doctor haa reeentJ.y movm J: mo inc taxes, Goq:eows 6~ % intenat. Pa,y balance 1000 ~ home on % acn ol' va• ~.M Indoor -~ ou• -.~ •'ll:. home ii now vacant. Take a rustic euid aod white I~ mon"·'·· w---po Cho ol 8 ho I th" livi all "'"''• ...... '" •1"""' ocean _ooo dtn kitchen, exqu.W.te c&J'o u...,, .,..,. o ... _, • • 1-::--::'--::'=----'-"--'-"-'-----===:--I Ice mes n II cation . ·ns year Jone. bedroom hOrne !dee.lb' Jocat-CAYw, ooo.' • REALTY look le then call for terms" ..... C"~lom -.... ........ Box 914 Lquna Ba.cit .. puce:fUJ, park Jikt nelahbor· You can have bones. too! ed doee to all tcbooll. Price details. =..--41::.._ • .::.",•·"-'::'.':'. call 494-4726 a.D,)ltlme. hood. AJI 3 ?Minns, 80tne So easy to own. Owner wW _,, 900 y u-1e W W. Coast Hwy., N.B. LEIGlfl'ON UNDl!:N RLTY UUUl;'I' '"' •lo!U'e n .•. u ha de ••· ~-Uy · ..... .:----1.... o 1 now....... · our'""" • • e 548-1290 e Q Ck transfer. HANDYMAN'S ve ns o....,rs ...... prov .. e .., ... ic._. ~! Loulae O>Dier 642-n41 or 673-0372 LOW, L~-DOWN-SPECIAL l'OOm, 1 with pool. Just ~·~ .. _Don't be late!~ Eve. Phone . SM-411.0 LIDOSANDSbeaut1ful3Br.2 TRULY• u•uslON vn -blocks to all achool11 l ~ -..-....w ha .... oceaa with ""'"" ex "' """""" HURRY ON THIS ONE! 4 Income unUr, lJO )'da;-to pin&". U-U:" $32.500 -~v • -Colonial 2-sty .. 1teps to beach. MUTUAL REAL TY beach. Patios. decks w/ JEAN SMITH BUILDER 'S SALE.' OCEANfRONTI" · 4000 Sq. Fl.,• BR. + l!ur-8'12·1411 anytime ..,..,. view. Ncla. palnt.eit. WESI'CLIFF OPEN HOUSE aery, 4~ Ba, 4 frplcl, Ba.do .-. ..... ..-. $9 -··-• • BRAND NEW • IYAITING 2 -· ... ·-1211 cam FORECLOSUR• ~ •·-·--Realtot Sacrifice--$26,000 J'OR YOU! Price rt'dUced ua"'enR:;J,iMl.M&--1168 • mlnton ct. Xtra lg. lot in .::: Price $69,500. Ttadel ~ '46.32SS Builder'• home. wiU. .. bic tID,cm for quick aale. four bridge.· tar. best Joe. Sll9.«n 3 bdnn 2 bath, double car-~ 400 E. l7th, Oma Mrs.a bedrooms. Fam 1 I y ·type bedrooms and den, '3% baths. 0.L•ncy Rul Est•te I.&". bWJtiri el!C'trie ranee .MisiION-REALTY ~ kitchen with latest o1 all OPEN DAILY l.S P.M. l3S& Newport Helthh 1210 2823 E. Coast Hwy, CdM I: o~n.~Owner-in ~atUe. SPLIT level 2 BR cbanna' In Open H~uses _ THIS WEEKEND • 'I K .. , this .... dlrtchty W'nt. ·yeu thll WMk• 9nd •• yeu. .. houM-huntlns. All tM lecatioM 1J1tM below .,. ctncrlbM In .,,..ter dttoll k · Mvortb:f"'_91..where In tOcl•J'• DAILY PILot . AffT-ADS.: htroftl,lfi:uwl"11' •" housn-W -nlo or to rent are vl'IMI to lld-~ *~*-*-* $26,950 built-ins. ~-U~m, E. Ocean Front. Your~.!.H!:!oa-::+_,.,OLM. WD.QD. . .D" ·--,,-613-3170 Buy .u lS .for $l5,500. ()wn... wooded can......, / beautttul . -~~-,.._, . '"'il'."l"l'!'i'l:r--~·-,,....··--· . .... . , ..... w m ,...,. --. ....,., """"< .,.""'"' °">'-"' """""' 2 lidnM:. "'" • -·~.--...,.,,-.iew:-1usr·~~I=! :C.~~~k~~~ Eve. Phone . ~1 !~~Y~~~~~~ <;:,:ct:r ·~ ~~ ~Y C:~ lf84mf:UI. -=~~~':;~\~: · tloft In thl1 column .. ch Frld•Y. (2 Bedroom) 900 Chestnut Place (Eastblufi) NB 64&-2000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Famfly or Oen) 1218 Cambridge Lane, Newport Beach ~1768 ; 646-9280 (Sat & Sun) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 (Sun 1·5) (l Bedroom) 2211 Waterfront Drive, Corona del ~1ar 675-4000 (Suit 1-5) 1730 Irvine, Newport Beach - . 646-5920 (Sat & Sun 1-8) *1701 Gala tea (lrvine Terrace) Cdt.1 67&-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *242 Joann ·street (College l'ark) CM 548-9578 (Please call for appt.) 464 Serra Drive (Corona Highlands) CdM 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3811 Topside (Harbor View Hills) CdM 642-2430 (Sun 1-5) · 324 Snug ljarbor (Cli£!haven) NB 64&-2000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Oen) 2612 Redlands (Back Bay) CM 546-5460 Eves: 642-4951 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ***2208 Fortuna (The Blulls) NB 644-2787 (IG-5) 2114 Aralia (Eastbluff) NB 67&-5003 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2132 Bista Dorado (The Blulls) NB • 642-5200 • (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1536 Sylvia Lane (Harbor Highlands) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 287 Na5'aU Road (College Park) CM 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) tt301 Evening Star, Newport Beach 644-2430 (Sun 1-5) 10172 Suntan Cir (Shorecrest) HS 962-0737 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 (Sat & Sun\ 9741 Verde Mar (Villa Pacific) Hntg Bch 962-1540 (Sat & Mon 12-8) *1233 Highland Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sun 1-5\ 4615 Perham (C ameo Shores) CdM 644-2430 (Sat & Sun 1-51 (4 Bed rom & Femily or Oen) 1338 Santiago Drive (Westcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) *1607 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 !Daily) 2341 lrvlne (Back Bay) NB 540-1720 !Daily 1-5) 1245 Surfline Way, Corona de! Mar 67&-2503 (Sun 1-5) 1358 E. Oceanfront; Newport Beach 64&-2000 (Daily 1-5) (5 Bedroom & FamOy or Don) 1671 Pegasus (Back Bay) NB 540-1151 (Sat & liun 1·5) 10122 Cynthia Drive, Huntington Beach 962-~I (Sat & Sun' 12-51 CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE (2 • S.droom) 2400 Elden Unit #IS, Costa Mesa 642-lnl (Sat a. Sun I.fl. INCOME PROPERTY 119 M•rtgold, Corona del Mar 343-4166 or 671>-2101 (Sa\ & Sun ~1-5:30) .. 4 BR & RENTAL 161 Mesa Dr .. Costa Mesa 642-7000 (Sat & Sun 1·5:30) ..... • t W•tetf ... ~I .. .... '-91 •:i V•r~~'''f ' I Privacy &: beauty ol front block wall. 3. BR a, family in Mesa Verde. SUbmit FHA or VA ttrm1 to owner for Wt Hle I: move in. CALL 5-0-USl Heritage Real £_,. tate. ($~j00 '°' l"llA·V•tl llld no EAST BLUff'S! Ex<ra parldng. $24,S!IO 2"'. 2 hou"~ I lot. 514 Fero· ~I ~'mm'" aob• ot clo .. i.. - 2nd Joans. Best )'Oil bun)' Open· Houae Sat. a: Sun l.S Grah•m Re•lty M6-1414 leaf, $55,000. Income $420. R OWner, 494-'673 for th18 Fountain Valley P.M. 900 tbntnut Piaee, Near Newport Post OH!ce Clevldence-McLeod 675-6044 . ••I Estate 511!1•1,men 6% lntemt. 4 BR, 3 • beauty. East mutts! lookifw for a ORIGINAL Owner's beach N...i.d • Ja.ra:e ramblin& hoUle 21' BIG t ...__. __ • ..... , Dov'ar Shoras 1227 · home. 3 BR. den, iu· st steps Best L'Ommiuion 4 bollU!I. family room eat ln ldtcl.tn FANTASTIC BUY hlll 1':1':' ;r ~~~~ ·~ --------to ttie water. • Ccnlide:ntlal interview. Prl-wt tree1 •. $.ts.cm. 4M-167s'. * * * * * $ $ Do N -~ led •· --•-••-* UNIQUELY Stan Smith, Rltr. 613-2010 vate desk. phone + Sµty. 1595 Re1atta Rd. 19,700-0 W ,,_e w "--one· "RASHEAR REALTY • 'GUN' N~YoN 2 BR and it's delichttul! Price • Ditterent "Did World" Con-CHARMING 2 houses, s. cf If ...,, "' ~~ OPEN. OPEN You'll rarely find a bulain $42,500. Your Hosltu. Flor. tt!mporary, Extc\ltiVe luxury Hwy., on dbl kit. Owner. M7.a5.11 Eves, 96&-ll7B house n4,SOO. FGICld Jd. w.. tbi" cu.tom bullu 3 • ..,. McCue. home. uno,_..i 8aY ~ "'""'· 013-41'11 5 BR/3 BA-TH Zoned lnduattial. -" 1201 Devon Lane, Wetitcliff Owner. will finance @ 1% % 3 bdrm1 2 baths. Mlllt #ee! Sat/SW! 1-4. J'trm&. Vacant bedrooms! Centrally locat-Eve. Phtn'le . '45-2123 Mtn view from mo1t nn1. -m ntll' dawntuwn shopplnc.--~.000·1q. ft • BR, 4% BA + LGE:. hUJtop lot. Perm. view MUllt see to appreciate-this (ondoinlnlum Tt walk to schooll. No down for maid• qtn. Idetl for enter-of ocean It hills. LARGE home in wey deslr- G.I. '• cS900 tor. DOii wta) • lay & leach taininl. Easy maint. f'llm. Realtor 673.2nO able ln!&. and no 2nd loans •.. Better Realty, Inc. ahd • Immed occupa.ncy. HAFFDAL REALTY 3 BR, 3 BA, wfw cpta, .drpa, bit-ins. Upper Back ~. wm 11e1opUon. IG.-GM5 ~ fut! can 645-0302 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 121 $11S,OOO. B ox 1632 N.B. Lide Isle 1351 "Homes to Malrll lncomes" 645-0303 645-2000 Ew1. 543-60!6 54&-7249 8140 Warne•, FV ..,..... 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.?11. _ ------WHtcllff 1230 * SPiT s#Ecl:LS * mlin SPARKLES ~ SHINES In-* l BR w/crut patio. ~-THE BLUFFS 1ide & out Liv rm. & dill 1Ume 6% Zou-F/P $26,900 "TRY TO BUY , NE\V rm: suvice porch, elec * 3 BR 1% bath, hdwood * Harbor Est.at 3 BR I n bltns, clean crpta, drps thru· noon, cpta I drps, t.rplc, ........ , ....,..,.,. v~t ONE FOR THAT!" out this 3 BR 2 BA home. double Iara 1 e, beautiful ...,..., .... ,WON • _,_ * 4 + family in Mesa Verde 3 Bdrms., 2'11 bathll, 1850 ~. Prof. lndscpd & maint. \V/ ·~e~~~~INESS l S2T,500 FHA/VA terms. ft. 1pllt • Jevel on major childrn'• pJay )'I'd & pet Herltqe R.E. , 540-1151 i reenbelt • l00% mainte~ arei.. Heavy 1hake roof com- BR ~~a~eSJ-76~~1J64,500. * * * * * ance tree. Adults occupied pletes thia ehannln& home. S• u CASH T" v• 0 " '-~-• By owner-, $42,500.. 60-1593. Wells·McC•rdle, Rltr&. ~ 10 • ~ wner •ince new • a.._utely tPOt- 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. transl1 elftd • Ion& eone-le:as '= move.in fifth ·com-. Unlvenlty P•rk 1237 5'18-7729 anytime a most Imm t d I a te plttely appointed with qual-"'"""!""""""""'!"'""""""'"'I ~s.ston. ~e $16 ....... 200 ity carpets, d1'peries, Spen-ASSUME 6 ~% LOANS Open House loan-$151/mo includln;: Wt tile, shutt~ I: priv. pa-2 Bedroom beauty taxes-no loan ftts. 3 BR 2 tlo • attluded location on Comer LocaUon 2 story 3 BR 2 bath. Im IQ bath bome-eorKe<>Us con-lo\11es: leuehold. Call us or Owner· 1e\_virl:R" atta ft, 1 block to beach. 400 sq dltlon Inside & out Priced 1ee your broker. e Red Hill Rulty ft fiber&lass sundeck, del ~~. ~~ .~e Souatth$2tlc!:1. EASTILUFF 18068 OJlve r Dr .. Irvine piu.o file entry. Compl. in-~ ~ OPEN 9 AM-8 PM ~• - sulat.ed + many cmtom ex.· Rea1 Estate REAL n .._--u tras. Cpta/drps. Immac. Jm. * med occupancy $34.500. Qwn.. * * * MUST SELL * Call us for other Bluffs exclullve lilttnas. 241.f Vim Del Oro er. 338 Walnut, NB 6(2.3744 AiJume S% loan on sparklin( NE\vroRT BEACH 4 BR home. Exceptional 644.1132 ~sos Eve1. Baycrest 5 bdrm 3¥.i bath ~~. ~r ~':!---=---=~ home. Owner movi~ East. new home c ALL RAY B1tft..Bath-a.th-S.th Don't miss this ont! GAULT s4o.ll5l Heritqt T~re att 4! P1u1 • fo~WT SACRIFICE Arnold & freucl Reol E•"" V>ew. 3 Frplco. bleod w/ 388 E 17th St CM * * * * * "'" paint lor extn ohann. · ·• Widow will trade do w n. Reoltoi> 646-T75S SPANISH HACIENDA 15·500 "'""'"· 4 BR MODERN Plus ~ntal, plus room for Hel Plnchln & Assoc. E•stbluff 1242 2114 ARALIA OPEN 12-5 SAT If SUN $42,lOO Inby ~·3BR 2 ba home w nn on t:Ul· de-sac. 1iz~ fenced lot w/2 patio&, Priced riaht far qUick salt, Pitter Dobbs 2843 E. Coast Hwy., CdM m500.'I OPEN HOUSES e Near Beach e SUN. 1-5 -. • RENTALS House& Fvmlthlt' 100 V.lA FLORENCE. Beaut. s~,.~s~fl..~h~~l!~u~ ,•.;..•_nt_•_l.;..s_i._s_ho_,.~·,.111_115 C\l&t. bit. home; 3 Br. 3 ba. <IUUI(' 14 J..ee. party nn.: 3,000 llQ'.. ft.; cul~e-sac. Crpts/drps, Near FEMALE Roornmate~l qi! blt-lnl, d t I u x e features. 11Cboo11. Aas.m. 6% Joan. 22--71 4 br, hou.le, stS/mo Owner ml15t sell, Immediate 962-0737 CM, prefer teachtr 5tf..QIW possession. TAKE Over S-% % mortgagt: PLANNING to IJ'IOWlf Yoa.'D 111 VIA Jo~LORENCE. Charm· inc tam. home; 4 Br. 3 Ba. S car rar _, All blt·lns. New carpeting. S69,850. See both houses in 1 slop SHORE PROPERTIES 3116 Newport Blvd, NEWPORT BEACH 673-9060 Extr• Chermlnt Home Coming Up Watdl OUr Adsl I ~R·v~ t~· Re~ TIRED OF OLDER HOMES7 See thla 6 yr. okl family home w/4 bdmu., conv. den & din. Inc room, Call Jor app'!. Wolkar Rlty. '71>-5200 ATTRACTIVE 2 BR cottage. Open beam celllna:. frpl, Xlnl cond, nn for txpan. On beautiful 2 way 1t. $39,750. 213-~m a bdr home, fililc. Iv. nn. find an amazinl' mzrnbler of tam. nn. formal din. nn. homes in today'• a • .,... landscaped. 2-acr gar. Musi "'---i. ... _ to •• ~. ~ 950 Ads • ....,_. ... uc•• now. 11ee ..._......-te. -· . Call 962-3861 PRESJ'IGE HOME .f br 2 ba Immac. cond. beaut. landscaped, Ir . covered patio, assume 6q.f 35 yr FHA loan. Principles only, 842-t24!i tt 2 BR c;onoom. 8 1 6 6 Deer:lield. 1 · mJ. to beach SlB.500. Owner. Eve 1 ......... VILLA PACIFIC . low down. 4 br 3 ba 6"-% FHA condo. ,9741 VerdeMar 962-lSfO. TRANSFERED, auume 6% GI, nr O@'w 4 81, fam rm w/frplc. Many extras, x:lnt area. $37,cm. 842-4803 FOR Sale: A house you could love. 3 Bdrm's, SI,( FHA. $24,800. 847-5788 ., 2700 lq 1t 4 bdr,.. 2% ba COi' lot nr Brkhst le Adanu;. $46.500 6~ loan. 962.7374 NOW'S THE TIME FOi QUICK CAJH • See thla beautiful home Mesa more units. 3900 E. Cout Hwy. 67f>.4392 Verde. Park • like ya rd, 161 Mesa Drive * BY OWNER • sprlnk1ers. all elec. btt-in Owrlookins beautiful zolf Dell&htful Oceanfront Homt kit . 18ia4' llv rm, frplc, COW'll? and lake1. Aakfnr on M lot. 3 Bdrm. UtWt;y '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!~ J llalboa Island 13SS Fount1in V•lley 1410 THROUGH.~A w/w cpts, drps. Ideal Joe. $49,500. rm, stwinc nn, cabana le Only $27,500 · EZ .tmns. D•vi& Re•lty '42-7000 patio. ahq c • r Pe 11 n r P.W.C. 546-5440 I !!~~~~!!'!'!"'!!"!!:!"'I w/ bUn1. Ideal Joe ~ar CASCADING UNBEUEVABLE ~~ ~s BR. WATERFALL. 4 BR 3 ba, formal dln. rnL, Harbor Vie Ho s ha' BBQ -$23,500 frplc, in both f.am. nn. 4 w me, •, l.arie COW1"ed patio. Texas upstain rurnpua room • 2600 8' nn, din rm. fam rm. stud bedrooms, ftttplac:e, l(f It. Only $35,950. CAU.. bar, Ji. kit. 2 frplcs. w/w run dinlna: room. Sprlnldena. JACK HAMMOND 5f0.llil crptc drps, yard A-many ·4*ded wtth chArrn! Sf0.1720 Herttace Rul Estate. = I .I (1 nan e In I· TARBELt. 295S H•rbor IDEAL Family home near POOL TIM E ....,.thlna. P r 1 e e d at llALllOA llLVD. $28,500 for quick a.ale. Huae Lrs M Jot, as x ll6 with f.niily nn, bti Uvtn; rm. 3 duplex unlt. vn, and ck>lle Bdrm. 1~ Bath. Perteet to •hopplftl, $27,~ (15S-C) cond. c.11e,. Parl<. Owner. PROPERTl!'S WEST ltuie 3 Br, din rm, !am nn, 3 car 1a.r + 20xl2 POOL. Garden kitchen enhance• thh1 home. $41,500. Vncant. Owner anxious. HARBOUR REAL TY • 847-859S • SUllSHINE HOME 2372 Rutren. 546--9993 l/l'.!I Ba.Y!dde. NB 6'J!i.U30 LAST YEAR'S PRICE 5~% l'HA My COl'itract $1250 $26.000 Holly LPe. 3 Br, l'i Small transfer feea, pueDed Ba. low · • down. Lo a n lfv nn. inalde I outaide kit, transferable, same t n t • Jae 3 BR, 2 BA, 2nd ttDty Oev\dtnoe • M c Le o d • NEW: bit-Ins, 1arba&e dit-bonus room, d.rJ>e. patio, ~ posal, diahwuher, wal t r block encl yard, rpcinldm.1•8ili(=""'Bay=--.~Lov,_.e7ly~Ca~bana­ heater. Water softener. 3 $23, ~-5.fO..a220 0, w n t r/ mobile home. All elect J BR. l ba. S71.950. Aaent. Br. 2 ba, carport. cudens. R•nd Re•lty 645-2340 BY OWNER: &nit 3 Br, 2 Sl.T,cm tumL Boat dock PA LM SPRINGS-Be. """· ""'· dr)lt, qule1 avail. m.m& E,t. Liq. 11. cloae Co tebl1. Vacant BW1'FS • BY OWNER· 1 J • 3 BR Homff, 23 u.nit apt V 4 apprl $25,950. Drlw by lewl t Br 2 Ba. 'tie b1cfa • yrly laid, J S.lton ~a OJ Estbtt St. loft Tultin) patloa + 'many extra. watrf'mt iota. <hmt:r wW tbm call &CWKl or S3S.SQO. After 5 pm p&tue, amnce or nu.. <nt> 831'"'411 · ..._.1280 , B3W9M or mtJ 325.atl. POOL HOME. Li LR. lam. • i1U,PS $22;JOi.'l IDRM. '"'· 3 er. 2 Ba. carpeta. lbclr,den.2ba.CIM1om-l<ee..9 cO(W on the attractlw dl'QN, Buccola built, low ctPU. Ol)e kft1. brick patio wtth Pl fired malnt yard. $ 3 O , f 5 O • ....._ .. ~. _ reuon& 14'r28lll. • m & w111on.1,•~·=·-~-=~·"'~-~~ BBQ. 2 batlio. Seclnd<d U.. CJll. , S BORK Wa-No. SJ, Ina: room wtth handlomt I :c=,,.-:=:,--;=.....,,.,.-,,-1 firepla«. Jl'amfbt room. Pf,950. POOL 3 Br, 2 bt.tha. Baltio. C.OVU. StO,OtO. BURt-1n ktt.chtn, 540-I1'JU Hdwd tloonl, hup enclOsed Would tnde for &Cl"Ult or TARlll1L 2'SS'Horbor patio, Bldck tence. 2 car apta. M&-Tl7l ~ oft'tn lovely 2 1tory illl'lae· $18$ Incl u d ••BLUFFS .· 3 br, 3 •ba. w/ 5 BR, 3 BA homt, Will con-tlJ;-Bier • ..ut.1$ -Bay·V.lew, wide 1THn¥ft dder 1-te model e&r u part NO matmi What H 11, )'fill Sttpt to pool. CU.. adtftna; dn. Pymt1 lncl tuea A ltlt., can iell .it with a DAILY 1 Savel 1'4.500. Ownr f44..063 •1209 mo. 5'1., . •. -PlLC1r °'""led .... W1llte ~ c ... n• dol Mar 1250 LITTLE CORONA BEACH ill only steps away from thil unique tv.'O story 4 &droom Homt -Spadou, and clean with a ntwly remodeled kltchtn, larre I.amity room and 'well protected patio. Gnat view UpStairl, 10me view down. 1'n' f69,500. 673-ISSO O Tiff: RF.AL "\. l ::oTAT<:Rs 1r;u-1eyV10w Front 1eat. box set.t, lore• -)'OU bave thtm all htre in thll lovely 4 BR and Jam. Uy room home with an all time , b6¥ A ocean ~ w. J'ormtr model home, prof. de c o r ated & Jandac:pd. 115.000. Open Sun I~. 124!1 Surlline Way, CdM. Choshlr~ Rul Estoto 115-'5113 """" CDM DUPLEX . QeYfrl7 decOral@d, onHI.a· kind ctupki<; quality "'""'· tech»ed J*tio. Pt built.Int in front unit. ..&>net unit Wttb electric bui1t-lna. "11- land In the sky" ..... , .. Top -........ 144.S!IO. SIMflLE • RIAL ESTATE 2SI$ E. Qiut Hwy 01M m2101 CAMIO.HIGHLAND5 ... -1 .. ~ a BR., 2 Ba, Fam m\ POOL 8howtl. by appointment Owner • • I~ ! Wlllla EleptwltllT • ESTATE SALE BY Owner: 4 BR, 1rJ famlly room, carptta I: dl'ape1 tbNovt. 3 car prage. Many extras. Must be seen to be apprttiated! AUume 69' v A. $35,000; 96J.46ll8 DAILY PILOT 115 Apolono .· . July 25, U68, 9:30 am, MU- nkipal Court-A. 200 N. Gar- field, Pasa1ena. 2 units; 3 Bdrm hie, Bachelor apt. Min,. bkl $49,325 cul\, (213) 4 BDRM GARDEN HOME. 2 Pool!. Will leur, lo&Q LaRosa Ln. Grttn Vallty. .... 750! WANT A~ 642-5671 :: --Genoral 2000Goner1J '-----_.;; 2000 Gonoral S~\\.~lA.-l&"B~s· Sol.,. aSl,,.ple Sermnbltd WonlPwzlefop a a.era. 0'-1•• .....,. "' ""' ,,.--....,..,r--..... -.... ,..,. ICt'CIMM.d ..,.... .... .... .. -......... -IHODSIM I .1'111'1*_ SC1fM-LITS ANSWEll IN ~CA110N ' I • ::= , ~. ---------~------------------ • .. .:r .... •· - "1>AILY PILOT 'rldlt, .11Jl1 lB, l'6t r~~~~~;;;;~::=:~1•N~1A;~~;;~~~~I .,.,rALS RENTAU at ,umlahN HeuaM flu,..._. H1tr111 Uftfvrn...._.. RINTALS Aiola.,.,., ... ..,,.,. Allla. Ullfv"".w.r * --2200~rt llNdl 2200 L_. 9Mch 37os Gordon o,... 4610 .... lllvff 5242 ---·------1231. YllS' lit. ~ Sll'IGU: X°""' Adults Lw<·1-------- I ' RENTALS -YEAllL Y • View, .. ,., --, -:; ~~ ~ Prestige l.lclllon ( I BR., I Balli. f\lrnlsbed ..... " .•• ; ......... $ISO er. 111 Ba.,6iWis ,..,;.:, .,nv.ey, ~ ! Iii J!R., l Balli, fireplace; unlun>., ......... $200 •. l(AY a.us ,:APTS. woo For,._,, ddw<e 1'81 ... tt. • 1i, l.Jlatb. unfllrn .... ''" · ., , .. ,.., ,. ·" .. '300 L ....... _""'""' .. .¥1J! ·CiAl'MA!I , ~"·• G-.. 4 BR, ,211 ,ba, ~Pt. f'll>le., ; ~ ., II> Bath, unlurn, Costa Mesa ......... $200 B~sli' 2 G,_.!n4l 63oS drape., W>'ls, wtl bar, • !\., 2 Baths. Unlutn ...................... '2'/5 ba, blll1I dihwr. --pr!v. bal~; dbl ..,... ,_ ,.__._. ~ • 2 DQ I Bath rum c•annel lront .. M fp, ·-Dl/$11!0 5'2-UIS Orin .. c ... ~ 4400 oil "tel). Dllhw ..... r, dbl. .......... -I . ~ ., • ·· " ··········f..v¥ -· .,,, ~ pool Q)nvt.nient··to R1V1•'"1DE ' , 3 B ., I Bath, Den. !um .................... $350 •• "AL> Sll'IGU: -adulb, lux• shop:.. "1loall • "°"" (QMt&C (ORMfR "'"' ; 3 BR., 2 Baths, Den lurn .................... $&!0 """" f""ll~ ' ""' · prd"' ap11: w{!llll tlon .. • · ' , Cj)UN1',Y -SUMMER -WEEKLY ·a.-il ' ,4llOO reore"~" tacllltl;, •com-.ONLY '325 MONTH Ho-iql\ttoQrMa.~. BO.lotUullOacrena .. 1e1tna ' ' ""•l<as & locotlo1n, from .................. $100 ~!~~-"'.!;"b""· ~th ~ 135 AMIGOS WAY ,_nr. ~~ .. out .• ~P!~ ·-~ ~-"''""" R!venlde arta. SWPlhl4C•1:f.1 c·~~~!IPWIC~T 1N°'Po1'11 ; ·~., BURR WHITE, Realtor 1!!..2 ~.~::-4 ~: ~~ -m1> N~:.',"h *" ... ~.-;:.;-,;;p.,;;i;;j. ··-;;.1~~.~ '::.:; :!: NAtUllAl:BQRN ~:,EllS 2901 N1wport Bl•d., NB •7~ Chlldrto • oman .... Q.K. e NEW DELUXil: e :":..!;:":~fu;u;:.:; ""'1 year. Prlcad at 11.ooo . Spodal Ible ,· EVENINGS :'42~215ior .67UUt B-~~~~ · t, __ l19un1e1MC"' 470S ~&: .. 2~baapt.l«kaac thll·ij1chldt• rat atatioo ~ •• .::.~ 5 Ur:u-:.SJ1:':'M!uo~ Cost.1 M... 41QI 100 CLIFF ORIVE lDcl. 1pac. rnutr. suite, dW corner. caJI ftl'11tt 'f"ricic' 1 ,_..._ ...., ... ,... ....... ......,... ,.., ,.... 9 .,... -nn. I: dbl. 1ar~. auto. • Please Call:. Tom oota'° Eckhel ·a Ast0e., Inc. ._.,oua ~...,.. ..,,.... ...... .,_ • ....,,. • .,.. $30 00 wk Two bedJ"OOllf flanlshed door opener avau. PoOl 6 •REALTOR nt: '15-C9 • w,a .. w . .,.,,,,,,.,. A-. ~-tioa iw.• -1iv,011 °"''-"' • • up AU ~•uu Featum N "·tbollc ...___, •• •'• • PHONE '42-l671 ~ rec. area. r. .... 1 TIMES GROSS , -Oranoe, caw, T Pl Y T : ~":'~~~ta. wai;:-~~ ~=•eb Olurcli a: tchool I: eoroaa ' Unltl with • eood ~ntal '5.u..Jm., ~ 538-5747 • ~ our. ,....,.,, P1radlM ~ KENTAU ; ~~F.rt Beach 2200 -Houtn Uftfurnithed '60v.tR Shora: ba y rro n t ; )iorn1. i BR. C ha. large Ptlio. 70' privale dock. June t:., Julv. $2500 mo. Bea:. Scet.. yrty be. nooo mo. 2.\.1: '19).60U or 2 1 3 ; ~ WATERFRONT • 4 Br, oow- ly-~d. furn. l''rplc, 4 car ,partt'g. $250 wk. July, $300. wls: .Au.g-Sepl. Avail yrly ~ "'°· 673-7449 , 1 <BR bung. Encl patio, util 1 pd. $175 lae. 218 29th. NB. 113~' CR G-6996 B1lboa 2300 -------~ SI!.l (Penn. point) 2 bdr .houi;r, 2 patk>Ji. w/w crpls, on BelVut l..11 ne. Avail. 5stll. 613-4077 2351 WINTER Rental-a val! Sept. ~y redec. 3 Br. 2~ Bath, furn, 213/691-1932 Goneral 3000 e Ind Uttis •Phone tetY. 4'4-2449 ~ ~ 6'~ m;,s record. Oceanside of Balboa House:, 3 'edrfus t Bath, Hone LCJm:s! 3 BR borne. LEAS--~E-, -,-...,.-.-1-SlSO--HB-.-I : = ~ i:; avail. 1 BR;·ttntnJJy kicJted, tao-165 Am.i&OI Way·, :.a. ::i·t!!~ °'::s! Ac....... ze , 6200 ~!:'.'. ~~~::::. =-="~ -=t 4 bdr at mo. o.t ask tor "237&&.;N.;•.;""iii"'ii"iiiiWi;""-ii. i03iii;ii;'115iii ing OOH.I\. $125 .mo. inc. all GOLD IMda.Won new dlx "mcnt. Al~ 1121,<XIO. 5. AC · ~ Ob' Of ~rty t-lewport/Costa Mesa $37,000 eq. Trade lot lf.nd. Bobbo SUildd 64&-0303 , • uill.49M639 --~,.; .:.!..•"BR. IURR WHITE Ott~. lfl,000. moo .... areL 646-1242 "'""" SUb!nll; -.- Sus 'C:ASITAS SHADY SN<llo ..... r...m N 8.. ~· ----ay. • •IWALTOl« -Larpr ....... -• v) 11. 35 A ·~ ,... -Rented ...... """40. i!3 EXECUTIVE bome : Lrs 5 Bdr 3 Ba, DR, .FR. A vat! Sept J, S350 mo/ 5'8-1544 Cotti Miu. 3100 bch, t!IO Incl util. Work's ' .,,~ ' 1 ~ ' We 1 tern • and a; . -ere•, .,.,.u ..... p:iun .. ,,, FURNISHED lady pret. 83'7"°328 att 5 2901 .N~~ Blf.d .. N.B. ,,.. m.lllty roads, l)e.U'river1n lot. Nr. Garden Grove ~vto 1-BR. &: Bar'be* Apts. BEACH -nt • en d·"·, Ceron• •1 Mir 5250 615-4630 • in.e859 Eves. Development. 16-20e0 Ottion tNdt foi'-equl.I)'-in Center, $20,!!iOO. TNde $9.500 2llONEWPORT BLVD. ·~ • " = 15 UNITS TAKF. OVER P•YMEl<l'S! omall -or ·Eldotado. eq1yi,;,un1i.o<!Tbwner Medallion by Hotiioint Jireplace, elec kit, a!eeps 6. . 10 aqu, no ~ Neu m.1513ear\)'amorlatepm Broker ,Mt~· $2(IO wk. 492-8861 -~•; >j-1 = blda. No vacan.'. Lan• City. 19f..4TG, · i 5 acre, T-yee.r..Qld Pmtucinr , l~ ac., ~.000 • .t_IO ml 2 d:u1S:~a!i.°:w:'ii \~~Y c=.~~:a~: atlHf At' tu I h ·~ . ~ •rt• to es~an. return I: ntlnutea It I. \v1ntt4. 6240 on.nie grove, Central Clllt. = :: .,.1;d ..:. =~ !~~. :!:...S~.: .. 2 ~: -~~ Pool ' l'ffiUtion ball ava.il. .Apt!: n '" 1 .. Only $120,000 .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;; lbvai'Y o~rOOO. Eqwut .. ~ S283 ~·~.: Bea\J.mont A Oak Glen, ·Trd Ulll •-.;1&.1.1 ~ ... • ~ NO "·--r1I-5000 ON_:,,~ • ....:-FIRSl' PIONEER ue -; . .,,. ... uur ! • 125 \V f200/mo . A;t. -•--.~ borne, Waldron.: 646-T07o for nc,prop!5fT-&t&llBkr. ,".''·CHI . 66-0538 '_ ...... ,...,,1"""'.,,..,_-==~ 1,;;::;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;11 •· 2 BR. hra • \1)lfurn 1424421 · Eves. 8f7.n76 ·~ ... • 'l NORTH Tustin~ ilit5CO. A . alibi. crpts, drps. I CHATEAU La POINTE Frp1ca I prtv. pe.dol/Poola. e TRIPLEX e $$ MORE CAJH $$ 20 actta ranch. 3 mod. homo Fm & clear, plait excl. ~~rig ... & ~~veu1=-suN° 0 • .. ~· Lon1y 2 Br. turn. apt. Pool. CONSTRUCTION Tennia • CoDtnt'J Didst. put. PLUS vacaht·R--3 iot! , t. . !.!!_?. Ml1'•·-~·;1tnlnlqr1 ~ ... ' area. tab!Jlowi vn. Tr. tor &tG-5969. ~. ""· cii'port; adults, no pelS tine cnt"L · Owner will carry l it 1D at ~. -~ ._.,., ......... ; JDC. property w/1:pe..nc1tNe • $150 Mo. plus utilities Jun COMPl.ETllG 80) s.. IAw. CdM '"-2Sll l'iii% int 15.,. .Down beys. ~:J~ Home. Equity ~~ta or-? '4.\000 Bkr. !Wf>.6469, , 3 BR, 2 Bath, lam rm, lrz 194.1 POMONA. C.M. l~t'aeArtbur ID', Olalt Rwy) $55,00CJ'Full Price to~.;: :;!r'I ' • , ' TOWNHOUSE J Br, 2~ ba. fncd yard. Short wt.lk to NEWLY Furn 2 Br apt. H.1rbor Htl9ht1-Four Ewl"I Invest. Rti1)ty U yM ot paylllc more cuh Kave large bayb-ont home , Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, Upper Bay. ~ water pd. W/W cpta IL lge ftolt lm: l·l-3 BR JJNITS· AVAIL Now, 1arre 2 bdr aPL 644-m3 OR &H-1361 ~Ora.nae County proptny. )Der&: float, Balboa Pellin. pool ; nr bay, Val. $32,$»- 66-2274 aft j pm. re:frtc. $145. Mo, 1 child ok. all with firepJ.aces, :: a'pta. painted. blt~lnl 9 .-p cau the Rest ... -PL· Need. lfD&lkn.h:om~ Eqty tot'Tl>., car, cuuptr 4 BR, 2 Ba, lee fl.in rm 523 Bernard SL 54$.-271! dishwashers & 2 W.h&. or rent at $200. Couple UllMSI roperty 6050 Then ct.11. the Best Newport OJ' C:OSta. Mesa., or ! ! Ownu 64&«154. \v/{rplc. Nr school.1 & ocr. CLEAN 1 BR apt. w/pr. Rental Manacer -owr CS. 6'B-01.SO FOR rent or leUe, a.i;i ... , 2380 Broker 67J.7420 673-9127 S28a mo. Avail Aug 10th. Ont -·"';It Back a... M-,,.__,_.:A~~·n :t BR, 2 BA. "S~ish·frpl.c. -9fum1y Jl(lrfNil 3BR,2BA,N-MrtShores- 1!1bu l1l1nd 2355 a.1~7805 -att~. aG "&Je J.fa:r. ,ID, 3117-AC:i;;".;;;;; Ave. lmmu Ii; C\lte, 2 Yl1 old. ~~~~:· C.M. 3000 '~ ~ .. IUVl't borne> $9,000 ~trade for l,._~-------'""O I· BR 3BA,.:..-w/W ·cpta, drP£, l.i43J.,ii'C;"9>68::;.""'_,,,=;-=••=,.-_(tstL~~ ~220 mo. 615.5720. ..-ocean front or beacli hOme. Lot, life membership ~ San Moritr: 'tUe -Grtpl')', $2500. Want late model earJ camper, or lot in N. Cltit CHARMING Cape Cod ~ Br, bit-ins. Pool & rec ma. Up-Dt:LUXE apa~ , BR, pool. Phone ·$46.1034 .. • 2 BR. Garage apt. .Reh1g( -lusineu·Rental ·6060 REAi.TY Qa.)'I a.ftep 11. 962-5931. eves --141~1 (rplc, patio, crpllf!d, clean, ""'r Badt a ,.., ~ · •-~ .__ Ad"'b ..... 11-7 · ~~· ~;,:;~~~~~~~~. ~·f;-~~mo~.dl~ld~..i~-r~or~bac~~bo§lo~'~· 1;125~. ;,'99l~[:~ 1..,Y'C ~...... .,.. ......,,. w _ . -r -ti'_:._--1-fs.""'..._.._A=~•~sa wtnre: . · ~ -__ Chun!ft.-548-a633 Jiio on~c · -8Al.,l!!&....1SLAND---147-4033 or-545-1145 N~~m---- ... ,;..a, ....., '""" or """'.,...., "SM I BR coftiie, nu a:pts, \12'.f'i"tJRl't s-,1 liR dujla.i. B Ibo I nd 35 TQl!i loN&n :U...:.±.-a:i..u.+-------~•-.· -WllL~~A~ TDCll'S.,__ ,,......_ .. ,,,.LMN "'"'""""' -'-Util~ " S130 I • 11 I 5 5 ' yn remll)ni.nt Oil Jeue. ~· Trade 45M ..eq in 4 Br' 4 Ba. _.....,_,.. _,,..,nld Bl>. Cir Jld> June_Jot commd' ae, TD or Yatht. Owner-Campbell. 494-1315 . 3 BR I: den, w/w caipet, fireplace-. Elec bit-Ins, dish- washer, 2 padOs, <Ible ~ a:arqe; Trade for duplex. or e;iuil;y in smaller boule. .... 1219 I I , "- _ ... .,... o pe • . Garg, patio, l child ok. t1'"' Wr! W..0 • ~ 11•1s·d .. .,,,. ---~·"" mo, . le P.O. Box OR BOAT. nui'ltJngton Beach 2400 • ., 1 e. ,,,,,_., IMMACULATE APTS! ON Grand Canal.. yr I y l531S Laa Vea:u, Nev; ./ &t2-~ ./ 3 BR house w/ Jae encls'd i"URN l Br. Duplex. $97.50 ADULT' tAMILY S265. mo 2 bdr, gar., boat M"a~c.! rv.N'l'F.i.. BUSINESS ilncl ~ & wife or one adull. no 'Deb". $110 per month Inqui_re 105 Alabama. HB yd, frplc. Located in Back util paid, I car 1ar. 220 SECTIONS AVAILABLE dock. New deluxe. 673-3328 . ~ .......... ~ :-_-·,-· FINANCIAL cu.tom .frplcs &: cement Bay Area, c.au se-05n Sierks St. 548-8341 CloM to shopping, Pirk OUloe e at<ri "bldg,_ rent or ----'---------M>rk. Remodel l room add 3 BR. 2 BA. Clnn Family. * Spack>ua 3 .Bi"s, 2 Ba HuntinflOt'I Btach 5400 ~:r-~ rm f::2!!'°4• Bu ... Opportunttiet 6300 A ~ SWtruAPks ~~ • Lease. w/prdeMr $245. N1wport Be1ch 4200 * 2 Bedrooms ---ve . .,._. .._. u • c , 11,tUi• or ? ? Sum~i' Rent1l1 2910 1213 Parnell. Show Sat. *Swim Pool. Put/p'l!en Furnished er 07FICE wtth attached . PIZZA * S0.72'Jl tit' iEN BROWN NEW S.PANISH * Frpl, Iodlvllndry fa<'b Unluml1hed I iiras:e. Total 500 ,. ft. 11 " *-* Niikport Beich 3200 VILLAGE APTS. 1145 An1htirri Ave. 1 bedroom,2 bath. cpl.I, d~ ~ No. of C:oast Hwy nr All pizza equip tor ' pizza * * bll APT •• MOTEL I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J ti: 2 BDRM. Furn or un-COSTA MESA 642-2824 es. built • ins, l blk to s • Arches, N.8. 5 C 1-3 2 2 4 house, incl: ......... elect rm 64, 1 ~ &: 2 Br. apls. Com". 11 I f <c-8 •' l """ " .. T..... 111.N UNCEMENTS ---------------~------ ,, urn. A~nd, dlhwbrs . .!rU I "''""""l'"'"!"'!'""!!!!!'""~I points shopp~ from $150. -~"ttn : ""'· cheese (rlnder, pizza ~ .._ furn. Priv. patk>s, htd. pool, 1/1 ctean'1 oveiis, .,.Uo, break-NEW SPANISH 1701 Eilts Apt. D, 642·2835 e PRIME Retail LocatiOrt e hot choc. machine, S&nl· ind NOTICE-5 TV, restaurant, 9 hole ...,If f I •--r! t ru....1--1o.: 0 •" 0~...., "'· • ANNOUNCtMINTS ind NOTICIS -.. -•• W"" 10 ~, •• •N·o TOWNHOUSE u .,..,., P va e ·~ VILLAGE APTS. or~. lTX• Xlnt foot a; auto traf· .xrve ice-cream maker (wa-"""'""' ...,. "".. ULTS 0 y lrg storaae doaeb Heated "A '"'" ._.._........ c ter-o-ratedJ,Toutnwter Found {Fr• Ad1)·6400 trWflc noi11e. \Veeklf I: AD NL I · J &: :! BDID.f, Furn or un-NEW SlSO up. 1-z..3 BR. ...... .._..,. naJVUr, ,)f. ,... hr"Mnlll monthly rates. 31106 Coast Three bedroom! • 2 bath!!. pool, aaunaa. baJ'.b..ques. tum. Air-cond, dshwhrs, self Heated Ir sauna P<>Olt, rec 1764&-<654==· ==,--~~~ eafe !rench-byer, etc. 95% FOUND: Child's f)ttleription 11"'1', So. Laguna, our en-Fa«s pool, Three car car-~l.!.proo~~ ~~ clean'g o~ll!. patio, break-nn. Heil I-AJ&onquin. M&l'. * BEAUTIFUL crpt'd ottlce =t ~ JiO:, = flaues, vie. Tustin Ave. & tra~ by Aliso Beach. port!, Available Auiust 1st. Adul fast ba~. private fundf'Cks, 846-JW suite, UN:ond. Beat deal in Call 9'ls..m& or _1.,,.. ...._,: ~t ... .,st., C.oata Mes a, $265/Month. lll, no peU. lrg tlol"llge clo9!t1, Heated 1 BOR, "atil. pd., cfoee to" town. 6'3--m . _. -........ ~ *live! ~· Luxury waterfron1 3 Bay & I-ch THE CA~IFORNIA N pool, saunas. bar-b-ques. beadl. .... ?Mrt. ......... 1, private-. _ lttt. SET Of k v.. ("' Br. 2 Ba ..• bltns. Lowly -' Phone 5'6-2727 Sound proof walls, walk In tl25. sas..lii _. Offlc• lefth1 "6070 CANOY SUpply i:ou~. part to.Si H e-1-· f-~· Vic E. N"P.Ri<>JSJOOpotW~k. IAVbaAIIL . Re1lty, Inc. LIDO AREA APT. closet.!, covered carport. 2 , or full time, days/eves. Shorecliffa('~~· CNr. M&ee~atot ,~ial aomeonl (JW. : . or . of 901 Dover Dr-. NB Suite l2fi ' Adults, no pell!. I: 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, LAGONA BEACH Refill &;.(i)lle(:t money from . ""'5'n uvi:, s u rn.,m t' r . Bo a I 111 p 64$.21'.XX! Eves. 541-'966 Spac. bay view. Jae. 1:Br.. THE CAJ.IFORNIAN heate d po o I, newly Air Conditioned coin optt. Dispefllft'I In ~ GROWN ~ kitten, ORANGE CX>. 541-6661 available. Shof'I" Properties Uv. nn. &: dininf. 'Cu&lom Phon. 0 ... 2n1 decorated. ~ ON ro·~-AVENUE CoAta Mesa Ir vie. No Sell· flea collar Y~-126 • No, 3 2C hour recordlnc 67'1-SOOO BLUFFS LEASES furn. Pool, boat slips. Year. ~ iu:.O>~ Broadw CM. ...... ,....,..,. ' ly or 1limmer rental. \VUI • RENT • NE\V l Br, blk to ocean. $135' Desk spaces available ln lna:. $1650 Total cash req. ay, · vu-.....,, LICENSED PRIVATE beach, docking 2 & 3 BR. Condos. Single sell. ul}f'Um, $150 furn. ~2-A newest ottlce building at Send name, · addre.u & MIXED poodle puppy vie of Spiritual Re.adinp:, advice facilities, on the bay, close levels, 2-sty. Ir. split-level. W•lker Rlty 675-2676 3 Rooms Furniture 11th. 673-1784 &: 536-1319 prime location tn downtown phone to: Route ~l P.O. Lampson & Harbor Blvd., on Au matttra. 312 N. D to everything! Tr a 11 er Greenbelt & Blufb site. $20. $25 & UP NbV P.todern 1 BR, cp13, ,.La&una ~ch. Air _CXlrldi-Box 3846, Anaheim 928o.l Garden Grove, 537-0860 Camfno Real, San Oemente w/cabana. Ideal for"family, Cpts., drps. Dbl. aar, pools, SINGLE Young Adulta Lux· drp ·1 N , · .. ~~.:. """""'led be tllul u ~Peki · h 67 49241136 49fi.900'l b k I ,3-I 1425 ury -~ " Ith Mon••To-Monlh "'--·-·-"· aval ow. ) ............. ~.... • . au. re" CAR LOT ~. Wit • l ,, • y wee or month. To see e c. ,;, o . g11.1uen ap w coun· u.. nerr...,. SJ6.2j7S e,p~I: Fronta,ze on .JUI , , . nse El Caminci Dr .. C .. 1\t,' 10 AM -10 PM call 5~8--1225 :~~v~':~ :t ~·l: !Zmp~!i:! ~~~~~;,~ Ap:aD!. ~.g.:~~ail. * 3 BR. l% Ba. Crpts, drps. '~~1~~ve.!~~ loleads -~ 546--4501 DISCERNING damRl on 3rd CUS"rO~I Exec. 4 brd, :: ba , BAY a..UB APTS. Irvine at No Se ... r~ty De:posH Nr beach. $165 mo. 142-4085 . ....._.... p ... .._. ~ _, LOW UNT SJAMESE w/collar 642-95Cl, shitt ?.'OUld wdaune mall.mt plfb'amlc vlt'W er harbot & den. range, relrg., protected 16th Newport Beach. HFRC J\.-;.;{itwi" Re . Ws ~r month tor space. Desk Good location on.Harbor 646-.1846 call to idenL OJ:, male to while aw a J 1'!1tY. new swim 'P 0 0 1. patio, yrly lse $340 mo. inc. 1714) 66-0500 517 W 19th 01 ~481 Coastal 5700 and chairs available for .ss. MONEY MAKER vi N t Blvd weekend wee houn wbilt Si!iJ~mo. 6r;r2717 grdnr. ~fr. Robinson, Davis """",_;;~,,:::::::~=~ · · Business holll'I answmng TIJRN KEY PRICE! c. wp · the world alttpL .Box 721 -::T.F.A.'I Balboa Beach Unit!!. Rlty 6-1.2-7003 BEACON Bay mod. J BR &. 1568 \V. Lncln, Anhm 774-2800 Beith Apfs. servke available for $10. 541-.SlM MAN'S watch at 21st & Santa Balboa 92661 Sleeps 2 10·10: for summer DELUXE Condo. 2 Br, 2 Ba, ~a:htra 1 lg.~~yrmSJia ~ HARBOR GRffNS ~ep:O~~es paid e.xcept 'MAN=~A~G~E.;R,;125~%;:.:..:......,.--~,~or .~:J~'. ~~esa.,Call to INTELLIGENT? reservations a ll 673-9945 lrplc, pool, lge palio, S250 127!/ .. "·-2 R N e D I p wel l loc t~ Secretarial · UNMARRIED? 315 E". Balboa Blvd., Balboa mo. Also 3 Br. 2 Ba, S265 . IUllV B apt BAOIEL.OR untum r r 0 m ew· 8 UXe DAILY It.DT • 1 BLACK ' white male cat Ttiis is yOW' invitation to"·-- " $225/wk. 573-5094 or 111•1 ••• ••]' m FORESl' AVENUE Service. Mwit be excellent Victoria Bcb, ,.,_,_A Bch. ....... o'E\VPORT Beach. Ni~ 1. fl1o. Ava imml!d. Bkr. 64" .....,,.. • $110. AllO avail 1 • 2 ' 3 ,. -• •GUNA BEACH typist + dictation Jrrvest-MU 'ktl<: .._...... • pi.ness. ,Phone 547-5646 Jot BR duple)!, sleep11 4. 810ck 646-0132 ~.E 1 BEDROOM &Inn. Heated J>Ciol!. child {714) 536-1417 ~ 49f.S4i6 ment secured 4-· weekly ~.6..UJ , • 24 hr rttorded messqe. to ocean & bay. Reas. rates, BLUFFS: 4 BR. Condo. $150' month, yearly care cwter. adj to ahoppln&:. 711 Ocean Avenue LOCATION: 111 E. lTth St.. salary. 2 0Uice:1. Reply Box f'C!UND: Boy 1 St 1 n Ir a Y Attr1ctlve Expert weekly or 1non!hly, Jwy & Av a t I , month-to-month. ** ~·-** · No pets. (3 blk11 W. ot H.B. Pier) P669. Dally Pilot bike, coppertone, 644-4567 yo1mc WOMAN _,,=;;.::,,•=·~,:::::;::..,::..::,-~ 2700 n... adjacent to Security Pacific GlRL'S bicycl · ~· Au~. 6'12--1272 Must be shown for sale. S300 ;;: ..-.. lerson Way REAL ESTAR 'Nat'I Bank, CM .... ·~o or COCKTAIL Bu T e vie. Adams & dancer will teach"""' aD OCEAN Front Apt, sips 6. Costa Mtaa 5-16--0370 ..---... ' ornl'lCC!.. BrookhursL H B 9liJ.-0186 ~~· Cdllt Blttl!.11 -S:t'A>/wk !or 3 mo. SUlll • $140 wkly. 220t w. Gen1r1I 1tt owner at 188 E. 17th st., \\-oukl make a swintini bar. · · latest steps. C&ll Ardell. bdl,· 111 ba. finest view ol Eutbluff Realty 6«·1133 Ocean Front. 548-42&4 $115. 1 BR, RIO. refri&, CM suite 2-A Owner 424--5315 Lost 6401 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM '.:"' "• ~an~A~~-July, OCEANFRONT 1-'"•"w;;INTER~:;;:,:;,.;:REN:;::;;T~Al.';=e~ Availa:oi:::i~~· "9'0 Rentila W1nted 5990 NEW Deluxe otnce il>ACI!• BEAtrrY Salon. O w ner . Zippo Club Adults Only ug. .x-pt. u,,,...,......, 3 Bdrm 2 Bath Leue wtNJFREO L FQSC! ""'"' """"" DAILY 'lo .121 to 1200 sq ft t Santa Reasonable. Newport Blvd, .BICYCLE: W 0 MAN 'S, ~olor picturu I ph no. ot TERRIFIC view, across st. $375 or buy on lease 9642-lssoe "' ,.... $125. 2 BR prden type, 4-and 1~ ~~~'hi~ Ana Fwy &: cro..! Valley CM. 642-6212 Ol'" 5C9--051S SEARS, \V/9ASKET. VIC. dates you pre-select. Na INRI ocean, furn cottage option. 833-97 Eve!. plex. RIO. w/w, children &: bednn. unfurn. hou8e in turnoU. 831-t400, 499-4198 --JE'ITY, BALBOA PENN. names used untU you p on dup, sleeP!f 4. $100. 259 Low· BAYSIDE clamorous 2 Br,~ ~~~Ptua>AJ~ils,cle::~ small pet O.K. Bkr. 534-6980 Newport Sch, ,Hei&:hts or 2 SMAU.' oWcti avail I.or Mono:y to Loin 6320 No Questions Asked I date1. 631-9644 er Clllfr, Lag. 213: 349-1040 ea. vie\v lrom 50' deck, 548--2l94 after 5 PM 2 BR. Cpst. drps. Ref. Stove. Eastslde CM startin1 in fent. 3410 W. Ba.lboa mvd, 1st &: 2nd '4>anl. for fck 673-2706 ALCOHOLICS Al»n,fmOUI 2 -1 BR furn. apts, S75 & $400. Mo. 497-1537 or YEARLY lease 3 Br. :Z Ba, Dishwuher. Util pd. No mld-8ept. Ltase prelernd. NB. 675-1972 . cuh Borrow qu STILL Oiferinr; reward for Phone 50-7217 Oi' writ. fl S!OO wk, Laguna Beach, 644--0&37 enal'd patio. 1 blk lrom 'bc:h. P ct s or c h i Id re n. Our famUy dog must Klay 600 to llOOSq~.~,~1-. -I pertY eq wittw!: ~= ama.11 white Poodle-\'o-eatjug _P.O. Box 1223 O>Sta Mesa. centrally located, facing 1 ·2-'--8~R=-1-l>-ba-U..-. -N-ew_l_y $215. Call 673-2.45..i ~548-5337 with us; Out' two "'·ell· 1 your low interest Ir. TDs. blue collar. lo5t Ctb July Sensitivity Group I:""'"'°~".,.·.,,',."-"""'-~~~~' 1 det.'Oraled. Near everythinr;. "";;,.=:...:c:.:..:=~~-!MODERN 2 Br. cpta. Clrpf, behaved children too. Abun-· o~: ~ ~~ 646-21ll Abo bu,yen for 2lld TOs. Vic 01. 637-Ml.8. ~lUI 646-5130 or 6CS-25l3 2 er, I Ba, &arden du pix adj Yearly $XIO/mo. 675--0642 2 BR W\fuPn apt&. Pool. no CE kltch, encl. gar, nr bus. dant local "e 1 e re n c e • lndu1trl1I Prop. 60IO SatUer Mortpae Co. lnc. GREEN \WllWl'a willet vie. I-======="'==: ( b.i,y/beach. July only. $175. NEAR ocean 3 Jovdy 3 BR ~~!d~tn N~ ~ 2405% E. $145. Adults. Mer-124 E available. 64~262:9 Servin& Hartxrr Atta 20 yn. of Don the Bchcomber CdM. Announcement& 6410 ~ v.·k. 573-1001 homes fo1' rent at.,~, •-•. I~~.:::;,::;;..:;::;,;:::;'----20th MIDDLE-AGED En 1lI1 h ENG. ""11 ftqUire8 D1DI 3.18 E. ITU, St. ftturn just· \dentilicftion. 1"===.,-""'"'.,.--,,.--~-1 ...-.-.. FURNISHED Trailer on RS I I -~ maJ -'----ft OU!ce--lab 'Wl"el Irrine AYF;RONT apt for 2, dock. S375. C&ywood Rlty ~1290 2 B tudlo apt. lt,~ ha. enc coupe ·~ • I. ~·· lndustriU area. Runnina: SC-2111 5CS-Oll.ll=".,."'34=~7~~--o~-~ $.12.J. "-ttk during July. Cail ::.191~~~.~U Days, gai, pe.Oo, c:pW<frl's, bit· unfum house witti small , SIAMESE Blue Point, pink NEED aomtUtlna: excitlna fer your next party. Hin a Hypnotist! ~ eves. 6J5-1070. ~-•ck Bay 3240 I====~~~~~ 111!. $150. Days 542--3524 yard tor tiny dop <Peke \ water required. at&-1362 Mortv .... , T .D. I 6345 ithr collar. Vic AJpha Beta -BAOIELOR Apt, xlnt k>c. Eve!. 546-00&9 Yllrkie ) Reas. Lone-term BEACH at door. Newly furn 3 BDRM 2 Bath Sep. Din. CI o 1 e to ba y & 2 BR. c:rpst, drps. blt·im, rental or leue. Rel. ava.1.1. Commisrcf1I 60l5 W~ DISCOUNT mJct. 11th St. 711&. J\eftN. Cemetery let. 6'11 ~ ~;~~ng ~~per Rm. 1..g. yrd. Fireplace. beach. 49C-SC71 . 675-78JG or clOlf'd aar + parkirw, 645-2S29 ~ NEWPORT Emergency . Sacrifiol!! cboice !;0673-""8i;;""==,-;=-,--,.-4 CEMETERY Lota 1 •·. tg · New Crpts Drps. Built·ins. 494-2250 adults only. Zll4 Rutatn WANTED To leBM 3 or 4 Br l it T.D.'1, lO'Ao lnt, quarter. BEIGE Uncut trmale toy PACJnC VIEW M.,...,,,.,.• 2 • BR Bal"°" opt "lj $250 Mo. Loe. G<&-00 5000 NEPTUNE Dr. Apl B ho'"" $350. lo $400. per mo. ..-IEACH ly,3 >" d"' dale. Blzy<n pay poodle,.:n eollar.'Vk Baker JAL PARK. 64<-0'm -~ beachea/ple:r. Sl'"J-$150 wkly. 1 00 "'"·· 2 00 I"". CdM, Emerald a ... , N.B. 30% down. $25,(Q) cub tt-Ir Pa ·no, rt" a rd . !~omiiocii"-'T..' .. ;;.,...,,,-1 ~·3911, = ••10 c d I Ma 3250 Avail...,' Br, 2 Ba, tie!~"'· -· --· --0 front H ' I ,_. en•> ·~ -day J;41>.2563 £RVIC& DIRICTORY '"'-""'=-··.,..~-.,-----I orone • r Can n4: 629-l49'l. Adultt -~.eau. -bellft Contact Mr. Pallette t714l cean 0 e qu~. .............., oti,;oc.,"""=-~-~~0 I BALBOA -Jnexpena:ive cot· nnon. St&.-290o .-v---54!4-1121 or fC~l ~ 16 ft.ooms plm 4 Commer-eve. Prtnclplei only. MALE Kitten, beige. V~ ot a.b.,sittlne · '"9 tQt1. \Veekly rates July, 3 Ill.~ 2 IATHS Coron1 del Mir •1SO 2 BR, $140. Separate ha, att. PHYSICtSI' a; family needs cial Jloret by the N~rt REPUTABLE local builde1' Avocado • Coast Hwy CdM A~t. Sept. 548--3158 Fpl., cpta., drps. AvaP. -·-------gar, erpts, d'r11ft, gardener, unturn 3:-4 BR Mt or apt., in Pier. Unlhnilf'd parking. aeekll invutor lo make ..ro 67"';,...TilO COLLEGE Student: Babysit.. loBJi.ioi.'2--=co==T7=A"G"E=.-cl~ .. -,-. -,1~.,-.. I ~~~: ~ ~n~~ child un-L~OUS apt avail for no child or pets. 646-.2118 nice area: CM or NB, by Owner will flMnce ~· i...~ I~~_.!° CAT, Yr. male.~ atriped. Htlnebor$1.00 1'r. Near WlllDll I 61 2 blk bch. S25Q.2 wits, S400 Cor.bin-Mlrtln summer or lvlntcr rental, 2 Br.. refrig. Htd pool. AUg. 15. Will pay S:ll0-$250 Low down. $126,500 e ....,,...... .........-. Tues eve, July 15. Balboa ar in C.M. We 11' ·qx>. * 673-7099 REALTORS furn 01' unforn, located on Adults. no pets. $l!i:i/ ulil per mo. &t0-2004 675-4343 ~ )'OUT t erm•· Ptn. vie E St. 675-Sj i9 ntshts, or entire ""-eektzdt,. fBR, slpw 6, $100 up, wkly. 3036 E. Csl. HW)'., OlM the Bay with spectac\jlar pd. 549-2827, ~17411' COUPLE With out of town Dover Realty Corp. 1~~9:0 TD t ·~ M th 14K gold watch, woman's Ask for Becl(y Stl-1871 '~ ba.Y & besch. lnq. Sat, • 675-1662 • ocean view. Pool, tauna . .:.,.=~-c-~C.....--~1 home wants local rental, 12% NNN . . . a ..., on Uil' North o1 Jetty Je' WILL BABYSIT. M.y home. ""· n J35% N. 45th, NB 1-~,,..:c..,:c.:,.=c..::_.~ boe.t slip ' all extras. 1 BR duplex. I..arge yard. weekdays only, will share. LEASEBACK incl. 10" int., all due 3 yrs., Rt ard' 613-6803 , . Nice play room &: fcnoed hi 4 BR. 2 ha. spllt..jevel Collect 213: 28~13~ Mt. i121 ~~ .. th-?," leUt'. 8S3--0600, Ext. 2126. Oe.ve. on ocean view lot, t...runa w • yard. Only Jundl furnttbe4. "·· 1 dup\tx. $400 monlh · Head. ;no-..xi.i Will scll 12,000 811. ft. Onnae Beach. 2>~ disoount MALE Slamele cat w/ftd Near Wtttclltt shoppltw l""'!'plexe1 Furn. 2975 D 0 n V , Frank 11 n 2 BR, l% BA, carpc, laundry, BUSINESS Lady dealrel l Cnty. brick oHk:e bid&'.. TIC: 494-ll37 Dea collar w/June dite. artL Call 5CM533 JUtr. 6'J3..m2 l1lboa 4300 pool. Adults. ..~ .......!'nfum apt to $100. c omp, ~rnized, for 16 000 lST "'Shamm:y" 01 6f6..&'i LOWER ocean lront W, N~. 2 Br. l'l 8a. 1-·rp1t l: a:ar, avail Sept. 1. m mo br. $210. 646-6132 :;;o:;:;:;:_ ____ _cc~ 548--0336 --$150,000 &. tease back on ' TD on ocean view wtU. Ba.bycit your Want. 2 BR Howle. excellent cond. PENINSULA POINT e RENTAL SERVICE k>na: tenn. $18,<D> Net per lot, 8~, due 3 yean.. 10» MAL&.White I Brown do;. my borne. UJl'd mother. VS. ~tarried couple5 &: no For immediate OC!alPRncy to N-,.rt •"-h 5200 FREE TD "~DLORDS year; S !lrortC sub-leasts. dllcounL 491-1210 am to '"l'rip", Vic NB. Wilson It ~ Dr CX. c.bildren. ~roo. * 615-3291 d lrabl 1 ---0.1 •-D9'9'lt """'~ rH"° ~---· •·t n• 1'97·1021 evflllnpl Pleue ca.11 ~ .c • ., "'"1 ·· H e en....... uxe Bliae Beacon "5-GlU ....., ~-"& ' ; .,..,,.,,,u ---•. ;:. 3 BR, din rm. carpotl I 2 BR 2 BA, Cflrpor1, S167.00 2 liR.. 2 BA. patio., carport. .m.t106. -Mo w ·-· ··so BABYsrmNG H-Unlumllhed d_.. Frpk. No "'"-1221 Ytar\Y. Jm.ll•ll. ! > 4 4 POOL. 1525 p-nr e LANDLORDS e . MY on..w --ilo '405 ' "17 "'""'· h-:.;;=:;;_====:..1 mo. * f13-.fS'l'4 ~Unmar Dr. ........_ .. .-.~11: no ...... FREE RENTAL SERVICE lnduttriel Reftt1I 6090 SIS Jor ont child, $2t W 3000 -~ •-~-Bmktt ,.._ WTD 115,000 kr 1 Y•"'· Top e COUPLIS e two ..... :t.7 vie. Hamlllllt •<::.1;;:;:=~---="° lMMACULATE 3 11» H · -i a: 2 BR. ap11. tum " un-m.i... int + polnb, ..c by 1: stmtnr CM. ...... -'. 21> BA. "'mWI ~.. • ... .,.... S.1<h 4.ao !um ms lo 121> ""' INDUST ..... In 111-i "'w. 00000 ' • SINGLU • =.,.....+·-o:;;:...:.0:...::-:.::.._, b;,100~ ~i' ~i~ $250. nJ..Wl NEW pm up. i-:w8r.-;;;i Anl~ Jonn RltJ. m-aio' Rooms fer R9nt 5"5 ~ 8;,.CM'&G-~. !"It! :N~ou:: .. ~ -=~e~~~r:-1~ ~ !:ebyal~k~Y':':; piQol, play U'9., 2.-car pr. eeh 400 T .4 l&UM. poQla, rte nn. Hell 3 BR. 2 BA. n"Y· Club ROOM w/pr\v entranot. I ~1479 · 1nd--HOTICIS FUN! THE JN CROWD-1"1rt11por1atkMt. I0-1«t1 ddQ/mo. 961-221' Hunti"f'O" le 3 j I. AIM\i.1D. Mgr 146-3137 prlva .. crpts,'dl'pf.' bullt·inl. bra. To m Id d 1 t ·a ff' d M.J INDUS'l'RlAL •pa.ct in F9UfMI (F ... _.1 '400 DIV. OF J.M.P. Meet olhul • iil?P. 3 BR. l~ Ba . 4 BR. 2 e.. furn. or unturn, 2 BRt 2 k. trpk, clec pr, 213: «9-4!20 emplo)"'d penon US mo. concrtte bJda,.;m) *'ft 746 ,.. ...,_ lt'llh YOUR tnttmt. at OUl' rkk, Mlsonry, etc. ~. w/w, •u11iff, aurnrner OK. 21212 Hrttof'l I tennk ert. pool, 1 blirJ BEACH. )'W'l.y ~ntal: $ll5 190S f'Ullerton. C ' M · W. 11th, CM (2,\3) ~ f'OUNO: Small white q, wttld,y parties or wkd 6HO d:r;vtt. Avall naw ma. Llne ctt Atla!ltt ooean. lfZ.4155 + util. 1-Br., unt. Adults on-!J48..393I ij(i) SQ. 1,.. 81.0G. 161 pUt-PoodJe. arown pUIUc tijtm JndiViduall)I • <GALS BUILD Remodel 1ttpd ~ c BR, 2 BA, dbl sara:.1 DEtt1Xtll2Brstbeach. ly;.rera..Apnt'615-U72 Mise Rent I• ""~Pl.0 coUar.V~.Hell.6'.Buah&rd, ~~El Call Ltall 1-9 Brkk..bloct.-ccicret•, , 1 BR 11 , dlthwh. feooed )'(I, yrly 218 15th SL, Apt 1. Adults, YEARLY • Br, $RI, per mo. ' a -833-2589·~ Fountain VaJ1t)'. ~:~lit ~. 6354320. crpnlry, no job tco sm&JI_ ~· rt!nced: yd, &:~. 1.., OKi/mo. 61Wl34 no pell. l Rr. 1235. Cpts. drpl. frpk:, LAND fer BOAT Jt'a Beach hou8t. tiioe. Bia· SNOW \Vhlte kitten abt. 2.J BACH 5'7" aeek:: aincere ctrt Lie. Ccntr. ~ ,ii(rli. Child 0 1-K. 8111. CiJTE. r,dte0r::.' 2 BR. ,'1th DIAL dlrecl 6C2·ri. OUIJit ga1'. $46-5800. bide or prototypt1. WANT• g(.'lt !tlectfon ewrf Stt tilt mo's. old. Vic. Cotta M~aa to 35 tor fun ~ cont-NO mattl!r what It JI, '°" ..,._ _ yard I pr. Mu!U, no peta. j your ad, then sil back and For Dail.)' Pilot Want Ads ED. ~ no uUI nte. OAThY , PILOT QusWed St. It Raymond, C . M , pe,n)on1hip. 4S2-b336 _ CM .tU It '"tb a DAILY rll' ADS! iw·~r-,. !lf ... lolba1.U.1 Dla!64U671forRESULf. -· 1,:wl· • , 642--43116 ' ~ SOCKrrTO"EMI / PILOTWANTADll-...-._.:.·:..•--1 ) - ) I ... ' ' .. . ' ,, I ,, '\ • . ' • , . '~d'1, .;,,~ 18, 1'16? DAILY PILOT\\Jl7 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & IM,LOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT> .JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & iM,LOYM•NT JOBS & EMPLOlMENT JOBS & EMPLu~ 1,lllVIC:E DIRICTORY SEltVICE DIRECTORY Holp·W1ntod, Mo~ 7200 Hot, WontM, -7200 Help Wontod, Mon .7200 He lp Wonted Help Wanted Help Wont;d Help Wi ntod 7"-·11 Womilft 7400 Wemen 7400 Women • 7400 Women ;\.MAI.I • : ·au1I•-S•rvle1 65621 _ro_nl_nt.._ ____ ,_1_ss ' QOCTORS JRONING 17 dozen. Brin< OV(n~'hang£r:L. Cmta Mea ln.~Ul;'anoo paper1 Pl'QCl!IJ.'ied, a.re•:~~ . t.fACHINISTS * * ----~-·~ _::,::::.::::.--.....J~::fl Payroll/ Accountin• C'ert • s1cRETA11Y • • • EXPEn!EN;;· ,Plck·~P & dtlivery. Prompt WI(J.,.~1 lit, Ol)i & 1-el-"'bJe. 5'8-1923 ,'home. Uc & \?IJc:.1.ftl. ~'· C. Pe-nMy Co. t • l'a1bion bland ,Newport Belch ~ ADMINISTRAT IVE I Mu•t.llav~.at least 200.employee pa91'0U ex· , • ' , t . -TELLER:Jtl perience ; some receivables backlfOWld de-~a11enc1n,. diversified dut. ~;. ! .,Ired. Must be able to fl'OW will>'• growinf .. 1 ... M"'t have rood ...... UNITED '"'·> (arp1nt~r;i"9 6590 .i. -1* ?18-Sl!H· * ' .. MIU Operators -St:. NEEDS A l&rial .. w. type on mM CALIFORNIA 8 ~. company. • -C'.lect. typewr11er, able to aao t \,CARPlNTR yJ _•.._nl_t-'of,i'"-'0_1 _~'-""'6790.....; t.UNOR RltPAIRS. No Job .. • , ... T Small .......... ,_ w~. \Vindowa, floors, Grinder Operators Sr. *COOK* QO • .... l'lntf IU C'll"-carpels. (inmtnm:!ia.I ' 8'[eS &. et h • r cabinets. teiidential. Daily, ~ (H5.811&, tf no answer leave and/or Mo. M-7350 Recent, auooeutul expe~nee ln &It ph.uea of the food m. dustry is ttquiml. O:>mpeU.. tlve wages aJ'ld outatandln& ,Pie.Me app.ly in person to Miss Larson swne ree:pol'ISibiljties with' 6 r.tonarch Buy v1aJ ~ • little SUJlf.rvb.'lon, Jcoowledae. South LftgUhl\ i'"f§ · . J msg at 646-2372. H. o. Anderson , B.1t & Beach Cleani.ni:; Serv Drill Press Operators Sr. GENERAL AUTOMATION :.i~:...oe:.':'!..w ~::.: · ""' ,,,.., .. .Id • attractive and plea&ant pcr·· jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii ... ij »MlUy. Slllary . $6l~l3. SALESwo· MA~' Carpets, wind9ws. Doon, etc ~~if~ '1'~;." .:;:"..:',.~ Res • eo.ne1. 646-14•1 Lathe ope· rators ~nefits lncluditii • profit 106 W. Ket.tip, Or••· Cellf. apt or boulle tor yrty !St.. DUTCH Couple \Vanb: ollice Occp by Aug. 20 in CdM. cleaninz evenings. sbarina. J ~.,. ... ~An~eq~u~1~loppoo~~~1~un~lt~ye~mp~~~Y~•~r~===== APPLY IN PERSON Help Wentecl . Nwpt Be~ are" 213 ' "==Call="::::'·""'::;:;"=;o I CADILLAC CONTROLS 10 .\M to 9 PM Women . 7400 li-ionday thru J<"riday -. • -=---...:..::; 438-2218 Eves co~lect. I "' 1'~RPL. 8 urrounded by very P1p1rh1n9ing Di'fl1lon of Ex.C1~lo1 Corp. special unfvrn. apt. for a Pilnting 6150 1866 Whittier Ave., Costa Mesa J. C. PBINEY CO. ~~;;. ~~enant. NewpQrt EXTERIOR liOUSE PAIN-646-2491 24 F11hlon l1l1nd TING., t;ollege st u cl en t . All. ~uaJ opportunit)' QUALITY Repain -Altera-Gu 8. r anleed satisfaction An equal opportunity empk>yer tomployer Hons_ -Ne1v _(.'9.nsl. by boor 545-9655 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!J! ,·!!!!!!!!":''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -• --.,.. _ * or Contract. 64&-3442 ===~~~~~---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J •~===~~-~-~ 1 PAJN'!J.NG Int &,Ext Lowest L • , PARTITIONS, Small . ~mod. cOnb'a~tt'Cf priue•. FuJJy ins. Help W11'lfed, Men -7200 t-leJ,rt Wanttid: Men 720l' · 'Move :wi.lJts, t!te. Nlte/Day Satisfaction guaa . nee est. Dci'Ycu Taitt-WE ARE LOOKING REFUSE CREW~N Reill>! Call Ken ~79 Jtn1 Wee.ks im.ll66 $523 "'" Per "-t• !iASfER i=i>enter .14 ·P'" 1 --~.cALL~-R-0-0-y--( S,\LESMEN · FOR. MEN WHO. ARE • .... "':"' " ~· a.,nocie&.,,..paln. PaUltlng.Cemeot-Odd Jobs WANTED I LOOKING AHEAD CITY, OF 642-8409 or 5.l&J900 • e 64&.2726 e ~t us train you tor •·catter NEWPORT BEACH ""==~~~~=-·I with A· rrain or lllt! Can't in insurance An opportunity Cement, Cenc,..te -6600 e:AINTING. ~t·lnt. l& yrs say that I blame you, I fol· to learn the 'buainess & e.am Requitts 6 months ~neral 'exp: Ins. Uc. Free est. lowed a /el.Ii myself only to exlra money on a part time 1 and/ . * CONCRETE Work, bond-Acou~t. ceiling. MS.-5325 be disappointed. The Job bards, befort! lt!aviJW your ~i: CU' ~inc .main- t!d le lie. Concrett! saw~. ~P"A"'INT°"'l~N~G~--01,"-v"ox-t~.~,c,0.,.ru~ .• • I $1!ldOPl livt!d,, up to the pre.sent job, Become a Ml t7nance expenence, comple- PhiWpa Cement 543-6380 claims in the &d, time a&ent when qualifit!<I tio.n cl Jth gradt!, Apply lm- e CUSTOM PATIOS• ::~. !~ iv~s~sp. DO YOURSELF with a gUArantetd• incomt! ~edialely lo P~rsonnel Off. concrete sawing ' removal A FAVOR 1 pcFr month. ' :~!~:~ ~ State Lie. I* 842-101[) PA I N'T ING, int I ext. i • -1rmer1 .ln1, Group Ex r1 need G U ~ ITT JABSCO COMPUTER CONTROL COORDINATOR Must have ICnior lccy• pUr1Ch I verUyinc experlo enee. IBM. Good worklnC eooditions and bendUa:. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY l;:MPLOYE!t 148S DALE WAY COSTA MESA, CAUF. 92626 <n4) ~1 • CONCRETE wo'k .n =· re8"'nabl" Call EXPANL.00 RE Ed L•nl ~1134 ~QUIPMENT types. Pool decks&: custom. An:oo.T ~ --= -DIVISION-MECHANIC Call -1324 "~ • ~P· r~ter. no THIS ON£ I CONTROLLER • Call•••-• LEGAL SECRETARY '"°'°""===,_,,,.,..-,=· c I ~. C.Ollege student. • ~ To Senior Partner Newport • CONCRP;TE firs, patios Low prices! Steve ~9 If you Would ~.to make. Rapidly expandllli micro-SERV. STA. ATI'NDN 'T, ·Beach Jeadin,r legal group. ~tc;..concrete.& blk _top saw=. e---nTCK P~G $2?@.·pe?' ~eek unntt:dlately,_,...._eJectroruel'iiihuli'Ctuntrre: oye~l8.-Exp.--~.-Qlnt~ JJ'op-skilh;-5-yt"ll'S ea.tit; ex· itlg. Reas. Don, &rn:8514 All types, Free estimate: With. an opportunity for quires Division· Controller. MIKE,. AIRPORT TEX-perienee. ~autilul oftit'!t'!s. 662s Call 540-6825 much more In the tut~. Position rei>orts d.ittctly to ACO, 4678 Campus Dr. S600. Company pa.ya fee. Al· Hol, W1n1M w.,...n 7400 J, W. Robinson 'HH-i"lf .. : * PERSONNEL * WRK- APPLY PERSONN:EU DEPT. 16-4 p.m. Mon.Fri. ' F1shi0n l1l1nd Newport Beach Equal opportunity t!mployt'r e RfUBBl'S e NOW OFFERS A Xlnt working conditions and ":'' frlnae benefitl, ~nd ~llmc Local eXPerlenct'! In bett or 1pply 10 -ready to wear: for ~ ' -slve Specla.tty Shop, 1 SAN JOAQUIN wt::ek. 9-5:30, no nltes. Sal , SCHOOL DISTRICT. .., .+ <c>mmisakm. Ro .. 14600 SW Sand Ci.nyon ·Ave. Confidential. W1·1tc Oa Ea!t Irvine, Calif. 92650 Jot Box M-333. j N0'1i (California Llcell.'led) Full time, 4 to 12 Apply In person Hun~on Bea.ch Con~escent Hospilal 18192 De1awan! St., 1-f.B, Experienced WAITRfSSES HOUSEKEEPER l daj.1 '1 wk. Hectic~ happy l'lbmf- wlth cheerful teenagers, tired mother. nr 230~ "I.: Tustin, N .B. 64> 1324 I • COMBINATION, Sharp_pa Maids & Go Gt. Da~f$. fop v.:_ageJ _ iJ.00.$3..00::. 'I start. Ph. tor int. 5'\5-~ SASSY LASSY. 2901 Har!Jo'!'. c.~t ... C1.t?-t Cl~~•-i_ng"---I ·wouJd like .t? ~ to )OO:U, reneraJ. n18llager. Cost l!X· N~wpt. Bch. !IO ftt jobs, BOOKKEEPING PAINTING ,Paperine 16 yrs It ~ur ~uali!1cations. match perience desittd. Newport MISS E·XEC AGENCY Day & Night ~It S~WOMAN. Exporiflncc CARPET & Furn. cleaning; for 1 day service & quality worlc, call Sterling for brightness! ~ :,nd~':ts ~~ J:S" out reqwremcnts. ~ cou1d Beach location. Hilp Wented 410 W. Coast Hi&hway -POSITION--tor bu!Y t:o!fut. shop in ladles ready to J ~ • .be-lbe career y9uve been • . Women 7400 Nt~rt Bea~h-646-3939 (part time) Over2S.ApplyMon.thnf.-fi1- looking for. ean-:ror penonal Colltact...A. J E r • --MA -....-MANNING#$ ·lM. APROPOS-No .. -i:?, ~lu.m~!"t-~ -6190 intervieWlietlDAY'lt3 PM · 1 1 p_YN'AMIC ~unr com~ 1 __ . NI CU Rf ST , . COFFEE SHOP · ToWn & CounttY. Orange . ' I • ,,._~~;i'i;iG"JiiPAiir'.+-~~· _J<nru;•>~SM-~171£0:!,l __ c~·--:-:·;---~s''"leiie't ';W .:accoUnts rruhtonable--.Newport -Beach--~pply in person --Carpet L--.ying I -· PLUMB"'.,G REPAIR . _ __ "-"R.RAP·~~ .• l~·ION·--~ ,.1,.,-21---::-iii~ ..... ,.0~ .. ;: •-_ ....... 1--uJ.~ ~s atr_~. -rten~--lw:i \Vest Adams, t .... 24031-El-'Poro Rd:---NCR .395 O'};IERA'l'QR'.--..,.-1--·I---'---Ri ..... p•ir.6626. ..,,_. " ,~ "'" ""'"',..' --• ......, ~ ._..... .... _.,.., -~'H'.:.'..'·-1 -"'" -·La:una~HiD:r ---331:i01· EXcellent-wor. •.iRf-·ceM. iU!jht-No jOb too small ( NE years experience preferred, 1wi ume m~ CUl'lst,. Quant. -GIRL FRIDAY '" InO Co"" CARPET LAY.ING • 642-3128 • SCREW MA HJ . 134 E. Liberty Avenue \vith )Jght bookkeeping apti· ~ ~mrritssion, paid vaca-LVN CHARGE NURS.E fJ?· ::;,,t ~~.trie(;~~ " ,...,. Anaheim lliM360 tude, Pleasant small office Uona, etc. Please ca JI tor rorporale controller. Lile Full. or part ·time. 11-. G........ ' ~1•1 ;: C.A. Page o;pu·2.01D ocf ' -644--1510. • to ? 31) • .,.~ I========;; ~"-m 11, Repair.. 940 _ OPWJQR-. SALES EXEC atmo1 SPhere with large beau-· ·NURSES Secretarial, accounting, bk· !:';1'· --~ fr~~~· ~ -~ Electrical 6640 ti u1 -surroundings. Contact ·,. . • • kpg. experience Is n~SSU)'. .....,,,ary ...... ...,.e ucne-Jobs--M•.n. Wom. 7.!.,,Y * IF you need remodeling, ; The 1ky ii the limit . ~tr. Lapp, DOWNEY SAV-RN·Relief -shitt · 2 ELECTRICIAN, no job too palnting or repairs. Call International Otemical O>rp INGS & LOAN Association, LVN, tun fti&:ht shift Contact J. F. \Vhilncy •. Perk Lido • small. For prompt iiervitt jo::D=k="·="=~=';;";;;'===== lndivldu1I to setup •nd needs sales executive wJth Mission Viejo. 837-4911 Apply in person Convalescent Hospital call 545-4614 op1r1h B&S 00 screw leadership & trainin& ~bil· LYN & Nunes Aids JAiuna Beach NursiniHome RADIX 1445 Superior Sewi~ 6960 machine, c•p1ble of ~ty. If you are aaJes Grient-. 494-8075 CORPORATION NeWpOrt Beach 642-24.1[) ,. Floon 6665 • Dressmakina:~-Aif'erations 1pproving fir1t 1rticl~ ed with mrktg • administra-Luge ~rogf7ss1ve ~ ~ FRY COOK 184 E. Liberty Avenue MAID AND STOCK WORK es end m•ln produc. tive or management experi· U-Ch;ienta~ p~d by a Mature, eXperil'nced liay An11.hcim 819-4380 ~t. tor flhe-WOmcfi'& Must~:*>t 9Jtperien'c~1 • Carpet Vinyl Tile Custom ~~11!-tlon runt on •m•ll, ence call us. You may be fuJI _tun~. _m service. ed~ca-day or evenltlg, full 'time, 'clothing st<ft. Retail ex· All styles P.'ld colon * 641).6446 precision p1rts. Smell the man we need, Compen-tor. Ope~il'l&li on all shifts. Call for. intelView, Marie ~ newport . perienre btiti>fut, Or Will r~ree est. Llc. contr. Alterations· ~2·5145 sation commensurate ,vith Dlff~rential pd for rwinr;ers CallendCI' Pies, 842-4486. _l train. Apply: 540-7262 546-4478 Neat, accurate, 20 years ex p. ihop. Excellent work-ability, car &: fringe bene· ~ nit& owls. Only tbo.se who personn81 ···-int condition. fil!l. Call Mr. Gardner, nf.. .care need apply at 1030 w. Executive Secretary Gardening 6680 TILE, Ceremk: 6974 638·2260, Ol" U4-962-9700. \Vamer, S.A. 546-6450 Frinze benefits. bonUI, Fash-, agency B:~ion~w!( 1 c.=;o...co;..::o:.;;.:_....;;,;.:_ SJACQ JNC ion lslancl offiee, Salary • ... ANtltON. Y'S * Verne. Tho Tile M"' * • * .DRIVERS * SECRETARY ~'.;,,,Phone aft" ' p.m. , N•wport Ceott" 0 ,....., .. , Note to .)ob seekers. lnquitt EXPERIENCED OJst. work. Install ~ repairs. -N E I .(.onSUUcti9n ~rience _pre-~bout our ~e ~lectd,c lypt'-WA' ITl' No job too slhall. Plaster • 113' Beker St. 0 .. ence"' ferttd. Pleasant workinf EXPEIUENCED waitrellS, writer brushup. CJ'uly & ESS . -646·1948 patch. Leaking. ib o'w er Nee I conclltions.Somereccptionlst full or part time, breaktast Aug. onlyl. -·Be • t ' repair. 847-1957/846--0206 Coste Meta tssary. dutie•. Send -sum• .. PO hours. Benton'• C.Ottee Shop. 133 D D N B Apply In Person ••ie s.,oossnomore. 17141 ,.9 ••• 1 Mu.~t ..... cl ,.._,,. . '" .. "' 1 ~1 s ,..___ over r., •• ·Experienced Maintenance , .rt .,,_ .,. ean .....u.iorrua Box 855, Cost~ ~esa, 00627. -· '-"Cll:lt, l..aiuna Beach. 642·3170 549·2743 SURF & SIRLOIN Tr•• Service 6980 drivina' record, A9P!Y 49f-C898 APPtY Pertonnea Offic• , Third FIOor THE BROADWAY. ' 1 .. -.., 'Nt:WPORT BEACJt '. ' •G 47 '°"''' of FHh i~~. F/\SHJON ISLAND ' Newport Beach , Budget LaOO...pi"< YELLOW CAB CO "'~=-----• 5930 P1e. Cll. Hwy. G-" H 'culturi 1 Equal opportunity employer · OOIJ..EGE -'"" • ''"'uate orti s E.STATE Maint Tree Serv 186 '-JANIJRESS age .... • * STENO * Newport Baich An Equal Opportwiity . e GARDENER e ~rooval &: trimmings. tree E. 18th St. Housework~ cltild eatt tot 'E'U.:s;iet.;ic~i24'-ll---"'E~m£!Pl~oy~e:_, __ _: estimate, Call 541-0088, EXPERIENCED c.osta Mesa P/l!m _,. .... 1 !~or 4 boys f7-15) until Experienced: i1)plhg .c. XlnExec Secty to $624 EXPERT JAPANESE STOCKROOM CLERK e· au 5 pm. •n~Frt to ~t 2, $60 wk. Refs req. ihorthaod llf!CCS!iQl'y, Full t oppty! Dynamic So. c • ' Commercial Landscaping Upholstery 6990 FRY·COOK exp. desired, l'n e 0 ~ 'f:; :rka. :ppCM.ly atNB1 ...... ~r..,.IrvineSky 64f>..6561 40 hr. wk. -Sanla Ana co. Ideal working FRY OOKS.· .. ~faintenance and Oeanup Full time, nights. Mature:· rough material, 'tool crib" I: ... --...._ · GIRL to do dictaphone t,yp-cond. top benefits. Ca.II , · ~-! MIKE INC. CZYKOSKI'S CUst. Uphol. lead cook. Apply 1n person ~pping dept. can· Jim park Circle, lMne. 5'(}.l910 ing Mon-Fri mornings in B k I A ' Edee, 54&-54lO. -' r .. CALL 642·5196 J:.'uropean crattsmanshJp between 2"& 5 PM, Hyam!. Days: 6 4 2-2 4-00 C'OMPANION .OC 11 t e Medical office. No exper an 0 meflCI Jason Best Top wages, pcrmancnr.Jill'i·. - I ALLEN BROS. · 100%-fin! &a-1454 C0e0'5 Ews: SofS.-0319 ' housework to live-in lDr nee. Reply in wrlfine PO E~ployment AJent.'Y ·est, and working co~~ ; GARDENERS STUDENTS 1831 Newport Bl .. C.M. 2131 WESI'CLIFF DRIVE Servonic Division ot )'OWli lady mwl have lood Booe 2022, Newport Beach 3444 Vii Lido 2120 So. Main, S.A. in area'a leading res1aurant. ' "11. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT CULTON INDUSTRIES driving record. OtlJer help NewPort Beach 673-2500 SECRETARY Apply 9 a·m to 5 pm J0.,.1.._ ~ working way Uut1 college. NEWPORT BEACH TEACHER needs competent Equal opportunity employer • tcrvic\v at ..,. Exp. Lie. Reas. 646-4203 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'" l644WhittierAve.C..M.. ~ .. ~:·Reference please. sitter: 2 school-age, 1 pre-RECEPTIONIST •,. Job Wint., L1dy 70201 I Equal opportunity empl-•r ~~ hool Ot'clatio. .. ..,,... ood t ) [ APANESE Ga.rd en in g .u, e DESMOND'S e 7.'=i,-"===..:::::<::-::o::' ac ·start Sept. my home. "• ...,.ring, g c e· MANNING'S"IY·I..~ i>ervice and maintenance. #3 Fashion Island AUTO Cable & Harness FV. 839-1457 CREDIT CHECKER phori. voi~. knowledge of COFFEE SHO;..t ·~:-• Also clean up. PART-time pref. Exp, Book· Perts Countermen Assemblers. or 1~neral otfice, Prefer con-, r; , r e 548-2572 e keeping ac I pay, ac I rec, NcwNpoErtEDBeach Chrysler eXperience prefer. No expei-. nee. LITE ASSEMBLY GENERAL CLERK •tnx:tk>n. background. SaJ. . 24031 El To~ Rd..:.,_ -~..,::...:.c:..=.;;;.0-~-payroll & gen. of Ii ct , , S S\VISS INDUSTRIES Exp'd, for aduat.or line. 30 to ·ary open. &U-3432 Leisure World I..a:gurlt!Ttllllf AL'S G-~ · & La •-.. "l Permanent, foll o·mc ttd, ex.eellent company hen-~" ........ H-8 ~ 4 30 M " 837101 ' "• ... uemng wn ,..........., r . 2930 College Avenue ""'•·~· ~... '" : ' o,,. OPERATORS · 4 ( .. "j I Maintenance. Commercial,c ~~A"RE~,~~,.~,-=~1 7 -JANITOR -e its. F'ri. Box M-635 Daily Pilot UNITED ore ery person · Contact ?.1artin J-lulse Costa Mesa 546-4950 CALIFORNIA BANK FULL Time reslit't'it't I industri!1 J~de;tlal· PM S45 wk. 8l5-rm9 PM, A!tco;;~Yg =~~t.s.8~~ca~ Atlai Chyiler•Plymouth F/C BOOKKEEPER X-RAY Tech-For Radiology Experienced on d re 1 s es, manager coupfe to ni~e 543-7814 AM 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meaa CPA (l(fic~. oUlce. Must have American 2712 W. Coast Hwy, sports wear, zippers, Top soon-t~bc co mp I e. f'c 12 •,CLEAN-UP Specialist! Mow. SECRETARY, Part time, in 5 p.m. Apply in person. Coste Meil Interesting • awlenginc re&:istcy cert. Rels. Phone Pay. Also PRESSER. deluxe 123 unlt aparl!:mei:tf I ing, cdginc. odd i ob a. e.xchange for pleasant living LA.\flNATORS. Must be ex· ;;;;:;;;;°""""'""""'°:::.,~~ Commensurate Salary. for interview 545-9441 Newport Beach 640-Ull ~ Production Place complex In Costa IMt!iiS. Reaaona'.ble. 548-6955 quarters. 494-8460 _ per. & fast Top pay, plenty PROFESSIONAL S a I~ s Please call LI 8-8874 SHARP Gal wanted for SECRETARY Newport Beach. 64&m08 Submit resume with desift4t ,!EXP>'i1P'1'E'iiR'iiJENF'NiCE'F.io)cJl,;a;;paneo;;;,.; I ~========= of overtime. Perm. position. Career -Searching tor man HARDWARE SALES Boutique Dress shop Beach ORDER Desk to $383,00 re-salary, JI as t cicperie~, gardener. Reliable. 541).1313 Dom"tic Help 7035 No lay-offs. to learn our business and Some experienct! pttfer:red area. 19 yrs. or alder, ex. cent work exp, good t)'pist references. complete jftllllts I-free estimate MERIDIAN LTD. 1 o 9 2 o handle saJes executive posl. per. Box M .631 Daily Pilot Technic1I Typing R&D young, beach firm. __ ,, and capabilities previous!)' •• ~'-· 1· > ~---·t tio" Trai · · Kerm Rime .Herdw1re 1 i7"-=cc..;;,;::.;..:='-'='-~ ... uuicse 1ve-ns . ._.,.._~,-•u · Hawthorne BI v d., "' rung inmme pro-GAL wanted for sewing in LorR!nt!, Merchants Pttl!On-applied In renting. ·~ Johnscih's Gardening Pennanent Experienced Inglewood, Cali!. 90304 (2131 vided. College, sale11 or $46.7080 Boutique Dre ho Ex IBM Executive; 3-5 yrs exp. ncl A&ency w WestcllU upkeep of similar ptojec'8 !:~~~:~~96~ Far Ea.st Agency 642-8703 614-5200 business exp. Marr ied . 2666 Harbor Blvd., C.M. per. with pa:~s. PBeach Advanced Kinetics Inc. Dr.. Newport Be a eh, to P. O. Box 181[) Newpofl George Allen Byland .Agency -7MAl~~NT=EN~AN~CE~~.~IAN--542-5623, Ext. 321. MOTEL -Front Desk, Put area. Box M 637 Daily Pilot 1231 Victoria St., CM 645-2TIO Beach. Calif. 92663 t:!,'.' • •.i:i1Jr~en~"" ~~~.~ Employer Pays Fee Mu.st be good Painter & have •CARPET UYER• time, PBX, NCR, typin(. CURTAIN ' draper Y Equal ~po~: :iployer ORTHOOONTIC Assistant -JOIN ~JR.& CO.,· thDce.1~ Exp'd 646-6222.. los.B E. 16th, SA 54.1--039.5 i<lme knowledge of light Experienced pttfelTCd. aaleslady exp'd. No phone Office Mngr. Diversified out hair .stylists. Opening I 64,2...f766 plumbing&carpentrywork. EXPERIENCED LAGUNA.4~~ Inc-, calls. Udoff's. So. Coa11t duties, lJCCtetarial akiUs. ·Aug. 1st in Balboa 1st~. !Reliable Lawn Maintenance Help W1nted, Min 7200 Pennanent position for ISLANDER MOTOR Plaza ObflfffeS Maturity, good personality call Sun, Mon, 1'ues,.~~4. I Gardening and Clean.up right man, Fringe benefits; HOMES, INC. o~iat:ur~:: ..... ~~t t;: EXP#D SALESLADY 01Jll'm1"fe>i.. &:-judament r eq u I r ed. 714: 675-U30 or on ,.o~ MACHINISTS age 40-M. "135 ,..._ n.. C .....,,,..,, Mt!n 6 Womens Oot.hing U Sal.art open. Write Daily days. n 3: +fS.6967 --- f Reliable lawn service. N/C Call: ~1331 For app't. --~~58'·• .l\f. dental assistant. X-ray ex· * 548.5383 * agerlC(V' Pilot Box M·334. HAIRDRESSER, NJ G ~'.~ ' mo:·="°4 ~m. MILLING OPERATOR EXP'D. MECHANIC, part STORE MGR. perienee. Call stS-T1'l9 MATURE woman for retail Quality Positions fur Gen. Insurance Agency HAIR FASHIONS. N~f'ia.· DRfLL PRESS ''A'' :.e ~ & :-i~· startAJuly P Pt~~~. ~nt ~ sales, no exper. ne 111. Qualilied Applicants SECRETARY ~;';1h Bay PI;73 ; cut l Edge Lawn Top A1ary & overtime, Group · na e Mar. pply & :; time Oerk Jo"IVE POINTS SHELL. 547-0618 tor appt. .as E, 17th St., SUite 224 Mature woman experienced I~===--,--.....,-I Maintenance, Licensed inaur, Apply in person or in pcraon. :UDO E. Coast PLY 10-6 WAITRESS_ OVER 21 Co!ta Mesa $42.1470 in all flneg of lnsui'ance. DRAPERY ~kroorl). .l;Xl 54M808/662310"' aft ~ eall: 642"9020; Newport Pre-Hwy. The Toluicconl1t Inc. 842-3444 Day&:-evening ah.if!. Salary o'pen. New office. exp. nee. Full time \\1fik, 'JIM'S Gardenine &: lawn cision, 989W.16th. NB. EXP'D. BUSBOY. Apply in Fashion Island MOTEL Maid. Experience is Call: 5-CS-.986.1 e FRY COOK e Great opport. 644-4738 113.)2 Armstrong A 've ~ I maintenance. Res. Ii ~ AFRAID OF WORK! Then person if over 18. Surf & Newport necessary. In q u Ire at De •"' n6~ ._ n1.i... G -~ h"' 2 LE.G~' .SE.Cl!Et• n•y Irvine. 5«H503 '~ :me(cial.,;*' 548-MU Sirloin, 5930 Pacllic Coast LUBRICATION inan ., 0 r VAGABOND MOTEL,~ 3151 ~ ... ·~Pt-... ~yr. rayeY..&!~ ! ~.. rn exp. ~ -. -~"-~ Don1't apply. We need a H-· •• • dt'e•"l ~ ..... Som., li&.ht Harbor, CM Exp. or.,!!'~· 25-t.J, Heavy breakfast. Cd aa.lary Fast, accura(e JYPist, good Schools-lnstrvcl'i'on •6-.,. APANESE .... ...t.o.ner Cnmpl nea..appearing youn&' man ~3·'1~. 0 • ........ """ onv...::.uw torad'empto-ee.lBOrover. on ,,_ So--•ht"nd • uw •--t I.,-"""=~~~~-~-m-han•"" w 0 , k, ~ ... MANICURIST Ii, SKAMPOO. · .~ • """ ·' · • 1 .. , serv ,Elq)er dependable a permanent truck driver. JANITOR, full time night .... \;CU """" Apply in ""rson Small bu s" ~"'-HB • · ' ' Or Cnty WOOlt!tale perienced only n@ed anply. GIRL. Al~• HAll' Etc. MOTEL MAID wanted. Ai> .,.. · J , ou ... "C, • F1..IGHT Inst or alrc~aC~17t.IJ,-tree est. 641-4389 · area, work, good pay. Ben Boa Tra .,,.. 326A Marine Av Bal Isl ply: 1021 Bayside or, OO'ITAGE OOFFEE SHOP 5364018 or 838-6460, tal. Good 1966 Cessna.!~ Jop1neH Gardener distJ:ibuton. Must be draft Brown's Reate.urant. Sowth t nsit Inc., Bn w. 615-eirrD . • • Newport Beach. 562 W. 19th Ct., CM CUTE Girls to work full or Dual time, $14.50/ht 'SOlo Exper. compl .>;aid service! exempL f'tart $ 2 /hr· Laguna. Mr. Gates 499-2271 16th St .. N.B. PRACTICAL Nurse, 3 pm·9 SECI:YIRECPT. Xlntadvcml ~.time at LOVE BIKINI time, $9.50/hr. FuUJ . tn. Fret est. 548-195( 546-0724 w/90me overtime. 5.d!IY SERVICE Station needs L&H MELON CO (leeds BARMAID. Niehts. Small, pm S di.YI 'I-eek. SID per oppb'I Heavy fYping, Ute SHOP Apply in penon sured ce:Miried instru~tfu: ~kk.t~ &:~to: Daily night man, 5-1[) pm. Must strong coUef(!· students to ~ndl~ Mbee~,o:~pt. day 536-8455 bkkpr. To ' $51Xl, Call Mr. 3CM'1' Marine-Ave" Bal~ avail. 54~126 . tr:· · have experience. UNION work hard. short hours. w/ " · · • • Richards, 540-60.iS. Isl. Educ&W Vacation' 5th BOYS 10-14 OIL l93 E. 17th, CM up to $6.50/hr. C&ll 12--2 DENTAL .A8!f .. exper. at SECRETARYi middle age. CQASTAL AGENCY I On)•. ,,.., "~'" close cball'Bide. t::xcell. op. Professional office. C.11 bef. \VAITRESSF,.5, bu11 boys graders · · • Sr Cltgpf!!i Carr er Routes Open YARD Salesman, over 2'l 5---='~~=,,,==~-----<=A<> ...,.,.... A member of -""' ..... ' ...... :1-1 10 le·-" Mt~ _ portunity! &f6.54JJ noon ~ • o;41>1uer 111,R!h?ss, Apply In '"'u.....,., . """'" TIA!"" for day week. Some mechanical An 0 c;i:r.,_ECTUJW., GENERAL Office ...,, .. need. • Part Time Cerk Teller 5nellln&' A Snc.Wns Inc. perion Hotel\ L 1 a u n, , Sehl . Trial Lesson. 1 ~-"' l.aiuna Beach. So. Lacuna ~ x pc r . RED-E-RENTALS wTSMAN. ed A 1·..._... tor Savings It:. Loan 219Q. •la.tbor BJ, Coeta M<Ula Lquna Bch.; Mar, C.M. 54&-28.'l9 : 4111 , DAILY PILOT 2167 Harbor Blvd, CM . Intermediate E.xp Tom & • ccurate typ QI reqwr. 6n.001D . STOP LIV&IN. Exper. -J ... ,1.. to MERCHANDISE FQRY 642-4321 FUU. • rutE n i ght dish· Tniskier ArchHect AiA ed. 50' WPM. can 64&-0293 W tiriJ tlm .,...,.,,. I Gr•n Thumb 6700 SHERRY THE GARDENER WILL S AVE YOUR PLANTS. \I/ATER YOUR ,. ~ ro-. ANYTIME S2 HR. im.us; _::..==== 0730 EXPERIENCED S·e rv ice washer. 6 nitea. See Te.....,, Hunt. Harbour ~ 8:30-5 ask fDr Mn. Berry. SPECIAL liiachint! Operators uSTART e care tor .-1Dvalid lady SALE ANO TRAD& I i ··• ' . EXPERIENCED Concourse tor Garment Mfar, Exp. Newport Stach. $280/rno ----"'?TT':"" _ 1 ::~n~~urt~waieim+,· ~~T~~. Dell 495 ~· 1t1b M &<;:=~E.Yperienoed le Cattee shop girl Apply nee.~ S200 ~Money, , 54).47J3 ,,.5'3-4608· Furniture IOOD I YARD/a:ar cleanup Remove trees, tyy, dirt.. tntctor backhoe, irade 96l--8145 ciommission. ~rtime pay 1 P,,:Ao;;R!,,T;:·:;tlm::...e_d~ .. ~.--....,.,-,-.-Fri~.. ~vea C:~i.! M Mof)-F\1. 1958i Bea.eh wAl'i'RW. Full j: part. ~~oeotire~ tuU br~ = SALESLADY Wanle<i for tu> Af:n.l'Quf; Whi te. twillo\t; . after 40 hrll. 990 E. Coaat Sat-Sun. See Terry at Hl-Marine ~. 644-4545 Blvd. HB see Lorl time. Apply In penon. SWiu time. 230 w. Warnar, suite ce..-y tales." Exp prel'4· canopy bed w/sprit\if:'l =Hw"'y'°'."'' ,,NB_·~--~-I Time Deli, 495 E. 17th St., btwn ~. -.• COCKTAIL waltre8!1, full Chalet, 04 N. Newport, NB 217, S.~ . ~ lrVJ~NB.~· r:ial1ftts, corner ~1~;~ SERVICE stauon salesmen C.MEXP' >==o,..-2nt1""'-=~~-1 time , Ben jJro~n ·• DENT.,.i. Assistant -Chair Put or l'UQ t1me 10 ~ • drawer comnkldoe, !~!\• ~H;;;•.;;";;.";;'"IN""n,;.in.;.q,_ __ 6_13_5 Part Umo, •••hit\&• ,;., AvrO metal man. mm do · • •hilt (Qj«tion RelltWrant ~ Louna•· ScNth old< Orthodontic olli<'<. * ,_ tmmcd to cbJl4 BEAtmClAN, cJ I e·n I• I e heW, 1U l!5$. White J°i' RPE'TS Wlndo n Wttkerm. Most be· nett in I.int clus ·wortt. No drifters. :;!~1ipp1y-n;emf Pt,., c d . l..el\lna.,__ Ask tor ..1l o Y • 642-20t0 care aidt • r '°"'-pref. but not requJred_ New slid I rig tlaor .cabinet~ n·.r . ('e~c. Reti' or ~~i. xint ippearancc. See Jim, 2590 Xiii! pay. No lay<Offa. Small ~LL P,;TS JNC. $2m BABYSlTTER wanted : My ' 1 or COQ)plJ'I JtriidYielcomi."--c&li mn,r. H·lO'' O.'S20. 5f5.. •• ~ •-"·' Refs. &16-1401 Newpo11. C.i\t shop. Mr. Be-r G4&-546'f 1346 1...,. .... A·-.• C.M. ~~.D!_~.111to!;tJM-•tel, home 21Jt Sl, CM. 5 day. $25 St'ltlng A.-p_!."! •-,;.cy' 5CMllJ9 ' · • Furnltv,.. • Mil ;:;;:111comc'l, _,vtnCloM EXPERIENCED Rt!al es'tate EXPEJ\(ENcEQ shoe satts-cooi{.c;.6~~ Yl'll· man --c.u ._._ mMio wk. &1&-U2'13 Member ~J w~· Sit8:tter, L~ ~ECRETARY, mln. Appllenees • ~Olof: 'X,f our apccialty. Xlnt v.ork, ~le!n,ien. Oflicc .established man. lnquire 24S 'foreit whO deal.res position w/ ' DR. ndl pei;m. Mkpr cook, l.ne. Subakti.u7GI Gwber' C.:::Q:?' ..... ~"" AOK AUCTION .• 1,~ reul Refs. &e-944&. 23 Yf!an. Ave .. Lagvna----Deatb. -future. for inter. 1ee )tr. WANTED: Wic Stylliat. ex"P.'d can for 3 chlldttn. Jive-in. Prod" Ce, ~. --... -';"'!· = 1722 Cardta Grove Bl~t "C" n10MA$, REALTOR TV Ttdmiclan Wanted Schrertlold Mr. Steak, 2261 p/tlme, iood JltY. Call aft I Bch frnt pvt nn. BA Ii TV. COCJ...EGE Teaehtr 'ftJ'ltl $Dlfcilor ~ Sll•ry + aomm, Wtttmlnster nr G.O. MAKE A 11-tEMO to rather 2'14 W. Coast Hwy 543-ffi71 Itoad man, $4.00 hour, Fairview, C~f. "'2.o732 p,m .. 50-ZTn Rtfs. 494.-7942 art 6 e&PAbJe babytlt1er ror 2 pre-Call tor appt. 64).:6861 btwn ~"Thurs T PM-Sat, • up toys you no tonpr need, UP to S20ll mo, Yaun: ma:r-•Call 962-6633• PROFESSIONAL MECH.AN· BEAtJTTCIAN, pt.Hmt for fatATUJtE -Eart time scbln. Daily U :30-5::J>. ?.I)> 9am--2:30 pmtM~•·l £!Jllte con!IQ:nml. Repo, .n lbt!m for . cult wilb Jied mi.Q with car t!Uly JC. SalaJ7 &. percentqe. busy children's shop. Good kitchen belD tor Dell. Apply homt, Vf)f)er Bay 1rt1. Start: DAILY PILOT WANT A6S For Dally PUot Wut Wk , DAILY Pll.OT WANT ADS! • -"""""r• .... =·..:"'c:'c.':.:'52=----' DW W.s611 tor RESULTS Tom Sharp Unk>n 011 m.J3;2[) commWion, &4~ al 319 E. lTib St:, O f. mld-.Citpt. C.ll MWJ• DI.al so.am tar RESULTS Dial 5U-567t I ~ \. ; ~ 4 ) T ! I • I I I i:-- 1.' ' • I • • /. • • ' •• ( • •· . . (ALSO IN THE NORTH, SOUTH AND EAST!) Noto the ootion knows what any DAILY PILOT reader could have told it a long limt ago. Richard Koehler is a. winner in photography. His photO (right) of an armtd ro-bbery stl.!pect being flushed from his car by tear gw aLreadJI this year has wu11 a first place i n bolh the Orange County Press Club and Callfon1ia N~wspoper Publi3ht'T! Aasociation contest i11 addition to honorable n1entions in California·Nevada contest sponsored by the Associattd Press and another runner-up prize in the California Press Photographers Associatio11 competition. Now it has wo11 une of the big ones: fi 1'st place in the National New.~· paper A.ssociatiot1's Better Newspapers Contest. The 110- tio11al judges also liked Koehler's sports ·s/tot (betow). l_n_jlJ category, it earned an lionOrab le mention for tht DAILY PILOT sl/Jff photographer, • •. ' ' - Ftrst Track Medal 70,000 Fans ·Witness Mexico's Big Moment MEXICO CITY -It was Me1ico's big m a m e n t of the embryonic Olympic Games . Some 70.000 fans-mastJy P..1exicans- jammed into OJ)'mpic Stadium, hopeful one or their few entries in tra'ck and field would somehow succeed agai nst the great legions of wOrld talent g~the,red here for lhese Games. It was late Manday afternoon . The lights were already on and the dark ·WHITE JJIA SH clouds that threatened ta .drench the huge crowd h~ passed ov~he~ •. There was one event left lo be com· pleted oo the day 's prograrri -the 20 kilometer walk. Russia was supposed to dominate il, but partial reports periodically flashed on ·the huge electronic scor~board show· ed that a Mexican named Jose ZUniga Pedrar.a was a contender. After five kllometrs he was amorig the 'top eight while the Russians held down three or the first four places. · When the. 10 kilometer standing went up on the board he was still a serious challenger, sotne 2Q seconds off the pace set by Vladimir Golubnichiy of the So- viet Union. By now it was dark and all the olher events were over. Yet the majority of th.ose 70,CW hopeful Ptfexicans itood faithfully by, haping Jor a miracle of sorts. After 411, nme: of lhe e1perts had given Pedraza a prayer ol finishing •mong the top IS, let alone get· un, 1n the medal class (lint three). But when lbe 1$ kllomeler 5t&ndin1s ~ . • blinked out on the giant board, a great roar emerged from the crowd. Two Russians, America's Rudy Hal uza-then Pedraza. Could he hang on? All eyes focused on the south end of the stadium. waiting f.>r the participants in this 12 mile race to come down the ent ry ramp and onto the track. They seemed to sense that the walkers were coming near .•. finish line judges were in place. A great chant began : Mayheco, clap, clap, clap! Mayheco, clap, clap, clap? It was repeated sev~ral times . Then the first glimpse of a competitor! It was Golubnichiy, followed by anoth- er Russian. And hot on their heels was Pedraza. The applause and cheering was de&fening. Il got more so when-Pedraza began to chop the deficit. He passed the second Ru~ian wilh 320 meters to go. And he was swifUy gaining ground on the lead er. A gold medal was defini tely a prospect for Mexico. The spunky fl.fexica'n aintinued to hack dawn the disadvantage until the last ·so meters. Then ~ realized he wis )lot gaing to overtake the Russian. . Golubnichiy won by 1.2 seconds - hardly a decisi~ margin (or that great a distance -but nevertheless enough for the gold award. · But the 70,000 who saw it happen were apparently just as jubilant over a silver medal for their newly ·crowned hero. And to show their appreciaUon, they stood by for over an hour', waiting to pay tribute to him when he took the second step on the victory stand. When the forma l mull wa s annauncCd and the medal was draped around his neck it was a most memor'ahle scere. The cheers and' applause were like thunder. And Pedrmi tesponded by turn- ing tow1rd all sides ol the stadium and throwing botlnrll1• llll as 'if IO take thol< people Into Illa heart. • -,- Glenn White , one of two Orange County newspapermen to "make the Olympic learn" fl he DAILY PILOT's Boating Editor Almon Lockabey was the only other county newsman to cover the Games in l\1exico), also impressed judges in the 2,800-entry National Newspaper Association contest. Iiis Oct. 15, 1968. "\Vhite \Vash" colwnn reproduced at left won an honorable mention in the sports feature division of the national contest. DAJLY Pl~T Sports Editor \Vhitc also ' had proved earlie,r this year he was a winner, takibg first place in the page layout competition in the Orange County Press Club Coolest with a page which, coincidentally, also was part of his exclui;lxe coverage of the Olympic Games tn Mexico Cily for DAILY PlLoT readers. I • l, ,, I I DI •• DI Tl H •• co •• .. co .. .. .. •• .. .. .. wt HA ,. '" ... .. '" c~ .. .. ... "' •• •• "' '" ... '"' •• .... .... •• .,. ov "' •• "" "' '" ... "" •• .... ... HA .... '-" ..., Ml ... ... "' ..., "" ... ... '" .. , "' "" '" RI .. , •• c .. •• •• "' •• ,. ,. ... .. .. ... '"' ... '" ... Cot ... ... UC = ... .., ... ... ... •• •• "' '"' U< U< •• .... ... CM •• '" ,. CQ OU ~1 " co •• •• c• .. .. .. .. .. •• " ... .. •• ... .. • " .. .. • " ·' .. .. " .. u .. .. " .. u " • • c, • • 0 • ' • ' .l ... "'!""" ............ -. . .. .. ............. .....,,.... ...... ~ ....... ... l'hones Are Open 8:00 ci.m. • 5:30 p.m. 9 to Noon S.turd1y -Oosed Sund1y Mlltett»IDISE FOlt MERCHAHDISI FOR MlltCHAN~ISI POlt SALi 'jl/IO TltADI· SALi AND TltADE SALi ANO TltADI l'uml-IClllCll'uml..,... -Fumltw. ICjOD WAREHOUSE SALE! MAltGll Wiii l'ACTOltY CLIAllANCI SALi llltl 11. Cout ~ • Llpnilloocb DIAL DIRECT •• : 1>.i2.5~79 WESTMINSTER"& NORTH 'couNTY PIAL FREE' 540· I 220 • • Ow 6,AIOO ff. W ...... 1010 l)pOll lo Pulllle Finl Tl .... ao.. ..i qt_ .. , -_ .. __ _ SPAN ISH --MEDITERRANEAN ' Good Mlecdon ol ..,, ....... drt-.,. bolee. PJ1 6, aiat d ....... -prlcod ..... Ill> .. 135. Open -· l:b<l-5:!!0, &In 11:""5:111. * PATIO SAU: * SAT/SIJN M . m GOldenni4. ODii Sofa. Srldlt tabhi • I dn. Toi--1Jonc:h • modi ...... WEsrMORLAND Stc1 .. suwr Cr;yMai, e b t •a. Dtalm Eat. Jnv. SaJit. a ............. 'nem. - "'"' 615-7121 TM DAIJ.Y 'ILOT .....,. .. the rltf't t• cluelfy, e41t. c.,.... w 1'9flllt •ny .. ...,._ tla.m.nt, eMI hi Che"tt lh. f•fel 8114 t91Uflflent wt_!!Mvt ,, .... Mtlc .. M•ll M4rtM: hi: 1111. New..!'ft IMch, c.Jlf9rni. Terms \ I \ CLAlllPllD COUNTlll are '-•tN u f .. fewt: KIRBY vacuum c I• an• r l'umllure '-l'urnlhlro • -o ..... S.lo • I022 w/altacb. pol!Wr. XUlT , . , . / °"" and auar. tt.,, oa ..... • •••••••••••••••• ~~~",!,':i~,°~~r0~•si1,: holOtlco ot $1Uf or~ Daily Pilot Clauifled ovier pe.ymeotl. a.ut ........... CLASSIFIED INDEX * 3 ROOM GROUI' * •"'kl"' mln'or, llb•arY, 5.15-1289 \ · COMl'Lm =..m;~~~"!i.:';.::'. AeeH•ie ,1100 Pl•-a°"""" 11i01--=BARG"'rtmN""A"'IN""s--1 · , L1·vln• Room -•-•room -pl-rte tlque car coin "t in •t.ri-LARGE tllec&n of ricondi-HAMMOND. s ... 1-... Ya. uu;o t'n1RE -uses FO• SALi M11-. v••i.• "" "<AAO ·now •• •• • -.... ..... .. 9<1 ...___ W'alberJ, 11•--:;w.~ .... L ., ... NIW~n II.lat .... am.,.. llltVICI •' .. ., $297 '""1 ' ~~-eolamtdred ... _~ tioned appUances. t'tl)Ol1 ap. mah• .. new A UMd pianol ~'Dtnett... ~ eri.:. (!)STA MISA \ '"' NIWl'Olt1' ..... MT. 4l1e IUCTllCM. • ... II Ull .. -.. Pio ~""'-'pliances bm model homn ot all makta. Best bu;ys lzl ...... ~ .... rn.-. ·~ •. ~. MHA DIL M.. 11M ....... ,_.. -I0•1'M•NT ·.1 -bottl.. ~ mioc -· all -----• So.. Calif. r1ibt beJ'e ,....,,_ IE .. .....,. ~ -Plr ~••A,:••o• . 1 1111 ::t~~:~ •.u.• = ;::• :: Weekl y Payments •• We Cany Om Own Contracta ttems. ':m" E. i&lh st., CM \Ve s:;~'.;;":="We· ·1'1nl.nce sa00ot wm:C ro.. ,perior, C.M1 6*9'181 COL.L I PAllX I 1lll MClt U.'t ... ~lllNACI JtlllAfl ltc. WI "'°" ooA"' OZ.ARK'S Vl....._. -1or NIWPOJIT llAICN n• ........ , •• -••••1T11••. ,,. VAN'S Dls~ount furnl,ure ............... . DUNLAP 191'.17 N.• Main, ·-~ NIWPOll HllPn \ 1111 ur:: ':t.&. ... -.••• ,.,.... ..n ... SAT " sun. MO'Yincl M:uat APPLIANCE Santa .ua amoklna. &)!,.Que. 3 Jrs-3 Jrl1WP01tT IMOIU n• ,,..... ~ 10 ND Sell! 1\lnliture, ref r i. r , 1815 Ne'A'POrt Blvd., C.M. HAMMOND " ,. .__ ... .,.. -.1 • IAL•OA coves 1111 4111 .,,.01,0, .. rj.' ... 417 W. 4th $t., S1nt1 Ana Frie P1rlclnl !bl... .. S2 Includeide!fvtr1 HYCHIT 1m IAY 111.MfOt ._ ...... " ,., "---Dilly 1• •-Sil J•' 547 241 '-a .. &.. ~~..;;.w ~ .._ .... ,,.. ..lo .. -., _ _...~er ~o &AYIMOll•I ltB LIDO llU GI HADtMI. DI r '"t ... "t"'9'' --\l'U -• lilver, cbina. ~ ~ • J4a.n80 • walnut. Sfl*l'te 1pfaktt t;;H:A: ':!:...;, .·w: OOVH ...... ••• ...... ..... -...... uala :::: ••••••••••••••••• k It' h. n wa". antique MOVING M t ll Ke oabnlL Fino tor --. --~~-o~ ••. -~·. -- ~~=.::~,'f."it:°' \ ~ :: ='::Ji:.~'-:::-·:UJ~ ~ \ 32lD DelaWire Pl--; C.~ men -au ........ ...,... w~. i~tai:"'~-iuaM 1ii VINYL TII:.E;-t;I n-o 1-e u-m . WISTCLI~, Int NUNTl ... TO• ••AClf .. e11•U&!Tll typt:writera, mi&c:. ltEma, • ·A-~ .. -le __ ..... ~ clubor ............... 4:95Cll'o!ftr.1_~~=·~~·=~-~--~~-~-m-1 !llYIN• 1111 &.Ofill llACM .... MAULnf•· ..... Furniture aooo. Furniture aooo EVERYTHING must be IOld Very good condition t30. trade ........ -Alpbalt Tile -a-uHtu1 cd-SAClt IUT IMt ottAH• COii'""' _. NOUM(I,. .,. ~ .,,,_ •ASTaur•• 1'Mll IAIUllM lltOVI "" lln'llllOe THI• •m -----by Jul,y 25. Unimat $100. (ft a nd , pattenw. l'tw utv•M• ra11iu.c• n• nnMiNrn1t •11 tMCOMS T .,. LIQUIDATORS OVE·R·STOCKED Sta.mp .collection u:io. Phis GENERAL ELECT RI c u-....,t piano -estlmalls. Lie. Co a tr. COllONA Dll MAit '"' MIDW•Y cm ..,, lllOfllt .... •1• ........ , ... IAL80A ''"UllULA l• SANTA AHA ... ntOHIM .1 _1 am FOR BANKS-FINANCE CO's 10 ytan ,qf aood jw:ik. Dally automatic washer, la te 197....,. 546-4f'll. &IA.CON...... '* 5.ANTA AMA lf•l9HTI .. ft(IUU.l.,.. ,,.. ESI:A't~MOPEL HOMf;&_ ,t.4U$T s~_LLJ1 2-8. 1151 Eut Ocean Blvd., model. xlnt cood. i50, POOL TAILI UY Ill.ANDI UM· tUU• _... HllU • · &1'I n _, ...,._ .-., 847-41JS L1DO 11L1 n•• COASTM., "111 INY'lll IN~ ....,..,. ~· Qualicy .Eumiture.. Banks Beaut. walnut lkl"'1I' dtt!u-oiubOll. "'.r""lh"of · PIANO• WallNt Sp4.Dtl. Bl'IDwwlck 5 X JD llQoW :~~~:.~Nl~M ~= ~::.:.~c:L _ -=-!=. = Can 't Deposit Furn. They er, two ~NT ~mod111s, NOTICE;: NOTICE! Due to FREEZER 16 cu ft, frOl\lea $460. Crown" ~ ne:w, Geallllll' ~ ltUlfTINllOlf MMaoU• ..... MllllOflf VllJ!) .,. UH ..,. Demand . Cuh! Reprdlw ..;.hd~-fn:med--m.Jl'orrall th 1"--iamilr.-we m'9t ..J.IPl'lgbt.-SSO. Re!ria1 14 cu ft * 5'8-G4. * slate. top of tbt lint ...... l"OUlfrAIN YAL.L•Y Hit SAN CLIMINT• Cfl& lOC ... ot 1Au1· Sc»glsb" ....!4&dilt~ ,,.IQ[_Sl'lll. ·New !l pci..comu. eeU-b)l-lhi&--weekend-com-Frialdail'e $35.--Both top BALDWIN Acnii!ontc ~ •55-J'Oltljfiili qee4a: .. :~~.~'::C,. :: ~::.t.':.'~ = = ranean • Maple • MahOgany arnng .. ~lee ot ~n. re&· plete 3 bedroom houseful ot working cond. 6'1M257 Plano. 'Xlnt cond. !J90i make. oU.r. kolt ~ OAWDIN 9"0YI 1 .. , CONDOMINIUM ... .. • Modern. Brand name bed-$230, now $14&.SO. Headbrd•: 'furniture Eve-·0 •1-Goel' NEARL --··-Dr ll B •• , -·· . M ....._.,_ .:....._ -n flit • R"NTALS .., Kl ~· II~ . ~J'"+"'6 • y new wuhlllr .l ....,....,.. " ... " ""Ull'W o .... _ ---.,..... -LON• ••ACM 1• ,;.: . . ,... rooms A kll\E or any 1izc ngs, "''"'• U!e 1 $12.50, 970 Oak St., C.M. ~ dryer~ price; , --e N-Plrr.O WANTED 1197"'468 ;;~:::O:oulfTT i: ADfL Unfurni1hed ..., •N box ·sprlnaz A niattress, cus-• Full SlD.50, rt.I SJ.95. 111 -• •••• ""' 1----,,,==:---·I OUl OP COUNTY Ull lllft'IAL -.......... "'"" .... tom made IOlas " love &eata, Trundle sets (d riser) w/ 20 cu. Ft. chest freezer Sl!X), o. GE clr'Yer $80. 644--0096 (2].3) 877-1035 Pvt Pa.rty C4RPET OllY .op nAn 1• COSTA M•IA 11" ,,.. • "" exqulaite dlnlng rooms 4 Inner.spring mat rei. $106, pool vac house & head.' .e.,. BRONZE eolored stove dbl Sba&I. tweedl. tlWo ,U.. AD STAll'tOfll Kn MISA \'IUI 1111 1\Wte~e =:: butches. Guaranteed fJ'Oat: now $19.50. Rall4-way bed• ina: machine, m&ni'le, bead· oven & broiler. 3 yn° old, rt..lfo 8200 colon. 1'ree aL lJc Coatr. W•ITMl"lfttt 1111 .HIWl'O•l 11..CM '* IWIU••• ffll .__-a other mloc tum 1!85 ~ 1 11 ,u., ..,_ r~~ -~-MIOWAY cnv ltll .... ,..ltT MllOKTI BM lllYIC• .,. frre relr.igen.tora, color w I iM. spline matt. ftl, ...,.. .... l2Ql22 riat . . or ..... s 0 er . .., .... , .. ,, R.EAUSTIC DX 150 -··· =:;~:::: "..,..,, :: C,.~;,1M01t•• :: " .. "" TV'•, late model wuhen & $59.50, QOW $.U'.50. Full a. 962·7352· lmpe C'trVe 9 CUBIC feet Refriaerator Eico 314 ....... :1 1 ~··1'ao=y'-'•"s"""-==,...,blllc=-:su::-.I OU.NOi 1ui UlfnflltlllT 'Altir n:u E 1:S. ~'=',••• :;:: dryen are 1\1.1 on sale al sao-11leept'NOfa. ~ $239.:iO, now La, H.B. $35. · .,..... ' Power mower" m Glri'1 ~T.J: TUSlllf ~= = :tJ~, = --•UH. •m:MIMI .,.. rlttoe prkts. Buy a.ny piece $169.50, New beds: KI n I HOUSEHOLD Sale to settle * 5J9.8734 + Wilcox-Gay tape ftOCll'der, I&:• bike $8. 1513 Oranp, AHANltM , .. COllOHA Dll ,,,...., •• w . "'9 or houseful .$99.50, Queena. $89~, "'11 Estate. All must Go! One $lOO. Call M8-tln1. CM ,...,._ '"'vl"ADO c~YOlll u• IALaOA 1111 •IWtlfl 1* WAREHOUSE SALE $49.SO, Twins $39.50_ fully di,)' only~ Sunda)', July 20 2 DR. Fr1gidaire rtfril. Like GARAGE .l UTA.TE SALE ' .. v .. " , ••• IO" u• It' ••ot ........... MACMIN• a1PAIJll fNI ........ I .~ ,1~ "''* n.1.lito.. ""-bed.-~~ LAGUNA Hil."'u ,,;; uOo 11L1 An IUTtc TNUCS. s-w. It&. ..., AOK guaran. Klng-ciae· lpn!ad•, ml-Gary Pl, New p 0 rt 675:.?e ~ • ., ...... . ~ Art Objects, etc:-anuu---~ ~ -~ LAGUNA ••ACM 1715 ltUWTIHlotf ••Ac• ' .... ::::~ ... COHTIOl .::: 7722 GARDEN GROVE BL. choice o! cits. rer S20.95, Helchts . FRIG. dbl oven .... cntr 71'8 C.mel!ia I..ane, C.M. -. .:-.. 5 or ·-1..f.OUNA NIOUl'l 1111 "°"NTAIN YALUT "'' TILS. c-ic ''" Weitminster .(% block West now $12.99 A SLEEP SATURDAY SUNDAY '""' --~- MISllOH YlaJo '* ""'°" m.AlfD .. l"-L ~a MlnN mi ol o---• BJ·~. oU G.G. SHOP, U27 Blvd, Of • tanre $25, kltch Clbl Xlnt T-'evl-'on __ 11!;205~~1~84'1~--0GOiiSAU?'iiViii'jR;;;iiil Sil CL.SMIHT• Ill& IAL ••ACM ........ OIJl\'ICI ... Ul;GUI WU Port•ble Olivetti s-"l~h I " """ 'W\00: ... .. '&nl-.. _ SM JllAW CAPllTIANt '"' 1 au.CM • -· •Y•IOfl ......, 11._ 1,. Frwy, n....n I0-9, Sun 11).6. 64$.2760 da' · 10.S, Sat-Sun . tT-or rare. or . .,,.,..,...,.. * FOR SALE: .... ._ .-CAl'ISTltANO llA(Jt t1'1 AM•• COUNTY .. ....... • v .,-c 1"" keyboard typewnta. -0 Id ... E FR l"G ER AT 0 R 14 ··-~--~ -DAMA ron1l • 1111 aDllf .. ov• ,.. UrltOUTlttT '"' 3 PC 5ttUonal, nylon tweed, """"· porcdain, 14 piece canister n. . . . RENT OR. BUY lUfll!•"""'• ~ru.·-~~:-~:~~. :;: iow"~~"fr:: ilflt j0i$9a EMPLOYMENT lncludln& 2 step end tables LEAVING i Must set and much man!, Fngidaire with rood Pde COLOR TV tape wdu.. 61 vw. 0.1>1 OllM 1m A ANA . -W/ _,,,...._,_ ..__ .... Mk' sell aU Dan~ sofa 2519 W11'-l.ane Cj;M botlom ffttzer, 54:9-«JDT $9 -U •-543-619>~~-~~-,~~ lllV.ltllO• COUNTT ,... lfTA ANA HlteMTI IM W.....,IO. Mm ,,_.._...... ~....,, . 0 ~ { • ""f!I -• p ,. G-. SUtfbeiard saJ lfOUl•I lO •• MO'llD ' U• 1111 '" WNITSO. --1nl table. I lllfle kidney coffee gl'Ollp: au, one FURNITURE, p ; ct u re II ELECTRIC Stow, Xlnt cond. AJ.,SO ~ 2-7'10 1 n • coNDOMINIUM · u• AL .,. '°' W.tlfTID, ,.. table, black. Duncan Phyfe i..aeater, chair. All in washer, ... --r, ironer, misc $40. 673-2728. 205 Onyx, STEREQ.R.l:J'RJGw-D 'TORS 6• • • 0.-,,,,, ••• •••• "'' •••• 11··• .. Mlfll • WOM•N •. bl--• lea r • -.... ~ _,, Balboa I 1 ~-51UT14 ..;;JtlMIWlt •O• IALI trll UNA NtiUIL S7W DOMlllK lflLP :: dlnuig room set, host chair, """' a '" wuuu. (Universit,y Park) 17942 An-. 11 e WASHERS 01\ DRYERS RENTALS 1u~_:::~ :;: =CJ,~~':: Mis 1111 41ide chain, bullet, ~ti~ ~~S:a ust ~~~c: trdJ, Irvine. 9 am. Sat Ju]y LADY KENMORE automatic OPTION TO Btll' Pofcelatn PM. 21" 32. UIMC'IU. WtlMll r• white. 673-6187 ~ 19 tit 5 pm. Sun July 20. waaher, late model, xlnt 54S-45Jt wtth cbrome ~ 8,!::~~ furnished -.,.1u::.Jt'mu" :: =;L:."':-W::-= WA L N U T dilling &et ·:1!~ · ale b::ck ro:: GARAGf sate July 19-al oJd cond. $ll5. 847-8U5 615-0896 lllNlAU TO MAit• .. R AL ESTATE, AMMC•U. #1119 a....,.. 1IM Cluskaf Modem by Paul chair, $600 Muat .ell china. household t t e ma, A-11 II lO MAGNAVOX • 21" Color HOSPITAL .Bed and com- COITA MIU tt• ntrlf ICMOOLI .. ltllTltUCTION "" McCobb. Expandable table tttft ,,__ ~.~~ din'"'-coins, elecirlc tans, misc. n qu• T.V. w-•nut -·tem-.... mode On whftlt. Beth llllt MIU O•l MAii lllt Tll ~L•X. ti .... JOS P1llflAUTIOM 11• Ith -·..1 I ebain. n1 • .:t. ,,........._ uuc •.: ,........... uq,; · ~ o,v., ....--~ sed 3.-4 615-1119 "lllA Y•llDI 1111 cotlOOMlflllU~ "" TMUTIUCAL ,,.. w ........ • ~ 'tibte 4 4 chairs. $125. One 9S.1 Senate, C.M. 4 MATCHING Early Vic· cabinet. Good condition. new, u mos. ~~~::Re,'::!c,. = •iiiALfWAHTIO · ,,,. MERCHANDISE FOR na~.8'in.aldebo&td. eompttte · paniah bedroom SAT Only 10-5. Piduns, torian c h•li·i $240, $115 cuh. S\f 7th ·St. HB.8· CUSTOM 1urfb.oard NtWPORl NITS. m1 • l"OI llfllT ,,,. SALi AND TRADE Had exoellent care. 833-l49J set. twin beds coal $500 some furn, mi&e household Grantt!alher c I 0 c k $325. S38-3M5 perfect condition; 1 )'ear old :~~".'1f'°an =-1 a w .. ~~n ~ =-:J::i:u,"u'aM1TV1t• :: SEX:TlONAL aofa, pair living Mtm te~ $225. 2 5 2 ~ goodies. 7i09 Redlands Dr. Small side dnl~'er desk Z EN T ff TV, 2 6 • • $51). 847~ OOYU IJIH•s m; .Ullf MOMSI "" Oll'rlCI IOUIPMnll 11111 room chain, coffee table, Andowr, 546-1188 CM $200. Mantle clock $5(1, Lap Black/wblte, 1\1 ~ old.IG:"°JRLS==-"'s"'":---.-=~"'•.-::M'°am-:I -' .... MtlC, aetnAlS .... ... .... --· Jta AJl in .........r .,. ..._..., .... -.... ll~ ·~· 11a.0Plllt1"1' ... ITOltl • ... -· ru r. .......... con--. I -----· -TV, ... , ••• 1-·· ••• -··. wrt. ter $25. Tea ~ $1 • Pttfect -t:oncllUOtf ., so: ~rate..,.,... G1!'1&1"'. Bll1e 1MHV1a.1rn PAltk Dll' IUlill•n ..... llTT ... CAN. ••STAUllNIT ..,. dltion 673-1525 .u.. w -~ ·-,_..,. ..... 11V1fll• ... TUAll , •• ., ._ ID 1ovtPMPl •11 · Office Furniture 8010 misc hou9ehold items. July Silver top Ink wtll1 $15. 673-9262 $8.'1513 ~ve. IC-Sfl&8 ....... u•,, ...,1141 11.ttlfllU ••WTAL ,.. ttout•NOLO, ~ = Qulllty ldna bed, quilted, ~ J9. 10-6. Gan.re No. 21·22, Copper 1a1ttlc $80. Rocker. BLK l whilt TV wl.tll UPRIGHT P"~~ StlO ' .. ..!.!L~--OMO ..... 11-AL MJlf eA1Uel u... ...__1 ... 1 -··_... -_.,... ra....i~.... lam I'" ~~ ....,.,,.. ,............ .. "' ru1tNITV9t1 AUCf.... -...,.u.,... e, Unu.cu -; .. ,.. ... , COMPtn'ER Dlviskln dllposo J7ofl '!Usttn Aw., CM. ........ _.. Pl .,, ea. beautllul Henttdon c•blnet. REFRIGERATOR $30. COllOMA Oil MA• .,.. ~=~•AL '11WllTY .,.. ...,,UAlllCll •1• $250. After 5 or wknds ta of modem Mcl>c:r;ttlJ I: Wash bowt 11et $25. Jron Frultwood "M'·" I 1 o o. • ·-_, • MUOA 1* llCIAL I ... .uffl!IUll 1111 8f7 ,......., DINE:l'TE, 4 chairs, color btds """ Splnnl £11.,... ~ .. 't flUNDI -INDut'911M. •• "'"" ............ MACMtfl•• .,. -,,,~~;.::.,,.,.~~-=--I Craig lkel desks, chair&, Tv. 3 bar ,._,_ chair, set • act ~· Ill' 642-3089 uoo 11• • bit lOll 1 · I 11• ..,. .... , 11111nUM•N' 11a ;..,.,E Old l '·"·n Emp;-.,_, •·••·-et,. ......,.,., wheel $150. Ta,_L::. -·· NEWPORT TEkNlS CLUB ... aAlfct1il •1• ,_., r ""~ ......... ..~ """"' • 1&11ua, ... d ishes. Mbc. etc. 3133 Bray .-~u-7 .. .., =..,-:.~~:.,.,.. = crnti.1'~°"'• •n• ::::' 1 .. ...., :: 10fa. Excel cond. ~table McMAHAN'S "2""450 La C M S4.8-4S35 $511. Red tufted settee $1500. HI.fl & Ste,.. 1210 Family Mem~: flOUfllTAlfll VAL.UY an• ~1 ~IMOfll 1 = TILPlllCMI ... for livini room or entry 1830 S. Ahahlllim Blvd., ln · · ' Black tutted day bed $500. plua trandtr lie, ~ ~~~ = ••MtlT flltOPlltT'Y ... :::~ ~==•• :: hall. Appt. ·c:an 673-5934 Anaheim (alonplde SA GARAGE SALE -Not the 540--0687 anytime: or 54l)..340t MARTEL FAX &'JO, AM·J'M; 2 ·BEAUTIFUL Wedd l DI CltAM•• COUlfn ,.. o......-.co. ,.._.."' .. CAM••.U .. 1ou1rM1flll .. Airy hie 6 chn $450.. Frtftq at Katdla) Garage! Whats in it! Sat &: Sat/Sun only. MPX ltmlo hmtr • Gowns siln ll. 14. Each .,.TA AMA 1n1 OUT N ·IJTAl• , • .,. '* llOllY SUPPL111 ... ~~· .. ,, .~= 'T--"' ,;.: •• -;J; Sun 9-5. 2421 College Dr., Lirry Mer"•" Antique• amplifier 100 W, Garnnl Mm once ftll each.~ '1'nTMllflllll "'' MO•NTA"' • ••n•T '"' lll'Oll:TIMI eoootl .,. DlU..1 _,,, .,.,. ........ c M • tuntahl SL95. Em--m ..... 1111owAY CITY '"' •U•DlVIUOM "'-"D mt 111110CULAU. tcDPll IPI p@Caft. 2 years old, cost G1r1911 , le 8022 · · Would )"OU believe? Doien e • .,..... MUST Sell 4 carpets. ex-:::,A,.~A Ml••HTs : :~:l .-:(1r:.-:••tt.• ::: ::.•=::' :C $2119. w11nut lamp table A I 8025 roll top de1ks, rd oak tables, ~ '~~~Spqar; cellent condition. All !or' $50. ueUNA 11.&cM 119 11. & "_.D '1fl MACNtN••Y· ,,.. ,,.. $40. 644-1627 GARAGE Sale: 361 Jumlne Furniture uct on · china cabinebl, 8!:Cl'Wtar)'I. w~.inut cue. • t'JIM 214 E. 18th, C.M., N. , UMNA flllOUIL 1tll' IUSINESS and WMlll '"' I St, l.Aguna Beach July 191: Eur. Armoire.&, braas beda, ....... .,.,. ,,,.,..._ ..... Smtih °"""" '-'"'°" v1•'0 2111 FIN•!tc,!.'AL STo•Alt '"' SMART Bar stools, arge 20 e Furniture e 300 cJ-'-& mucb --. new. Aft 6 p.m., 4M-99C2 3 ..,..,..,_.no.._ s• cLIMINl• nit "" •utU11H una1.&u .,.. back ' anru;. $15. Nearly • 9 · 5 • 4 9 4 -71 9 0 • .,,,.,.. ..... ,... "-writer& 1 Ro 1 al sNt JVAN u.'11TJtANO ms •1111Nllt TUMITIU • 1w"" '"' Rem 0 de 1 e d: Qwi.1111 Appll1nct1 e Color TV Wholesale'-rttaU. 2421 New. 1989 SOLID State •teno 4 Y...-. • C#llTllAHO slAClf me •UltNllli WIMftD All 'ITS and t.IVISTOCK· new bed couch SJ:>. CoHee fumilht!lia must go! T\\in AOK AUCTION port Blvd., Collt& Me... a~, 4 speakler sudlo l)'St~ portable. 2515 Elden, CM DMA POINT ". lfllYllTMrJHT °""""""" "11 n. HN•UL -table, Inlay, $1.50 Call r •o .,..0,. in ·-•-·t -·-•--~ 3 PC · Lu--111.11 Tail& 111 ..... ~DI COUN''t ... INv•nM "" WAflll•D "11 ,. bedaet compl., antique bed 7122 Garden Grove Blvd, .... !>"....... .. .... u "'"""-· ...... --~ -. .... ' ••• , ...... ,. -_.. ...... ml CAn -548-2394 aft 6 PM ov r ---·· --· II --·· wtlh lamp -Slll 14 '" .._... -fleads, tlookclle -delk, Welbnlntter nr. G.G. J"rwy. CHASE upright piano. New I! .,,.,... -...-... n "' J>a)' _..... _.. ez:ilflUM "11 r::.tt:~L ..=' = ::::11 llM NEW Bdrm set, Queen size, lamp&, ooifee tble, mlrron, Tues l lblltl 1 PM'·Sat fl:30 keya oi felt. 80 yrs old. MOY-cub ba1anCt or $13.61. clolhel SOc-$2. 60-'JOtl 1t:•I 'Ullfll. wn COLU.TllAL WllS am ll\'llTotfC .. triple dreuer & frame mlfl. ....... -•---N 00 r•o -Credit DlpL 53$-1289 G • ff ... --Prtn"'-llt!NTAL$ ltlAl UTAT8\LOMI a4I CALIPOlNIA LIVING ll$298 Aho rup:, ~davenport ~t Eltateconqnmt.Repo. ~ ing,$1 .V'tO"OU!ll « v.r•-• ... ,. .Hou ... Unfutnilhed ~-,...•• .• Ttllll a.. ,,,..,. • .. • .. ,....••, .. i••....... .,_. d':J = :1 w/ ~t :a! new $50. Wall heattt, mile ;;;;;;""'="°'""="='I=========== 1969 RCA home el). (dTllacounRlt on~NB2llll-A _, .,.... ~ howlel>old _.. Applli-1100 Sowing Michlnff 1120 Jertat-nt oeni.r. 23" col-1 H "'··-:"J.iu.~'"' = ANNOUNCIMINT$ ~•''°' "" $1. ~"'~· --~100~-:---,.-;=· IMPL J"-, ldr ~-• -•-bul--'-'--------°" TV, attrio AM/FM I: PLAYPEN .l _.. $12. 2 '"nA DIL .... .,. ind NOTICIS •,!':!'!."".... ....-M~ISC. Furniture LI . Ula ua.UI. ........ --lfl a llM -: VlJ!&, fet, -·'"" owntuUed chr, FRIGIDAIRE Ur u • e_ d 1969 SINGER with a:!i--Z41 I: phom. Wtlnut cabin e t . Vh'tue help chain $S llCb. ~t-:: ::." n11 :;0Qln1Afdi :: TRANSPORTATION dlnln1, bedroom, de1k, occas~~ oak bedrm .et, re.friaeratol', autom. defrollt. walnut ODNOle. ~but-fUtaill $1500. Our price Newcotnit:lon.IM-29CT llRMM:T 1111!,6(11 ~ PIJtlOlllAll .. '°"" .. TAClfTI .... Qua!. cond. Lido I 11 I e qn. 111.e ' ....-le matn, 14 cu. ft, $75. Many other ton holes. dellgftl etc., $5.25 $1075. 646-2243 BA~~· • v 14." ..... "~' Mt'n.. ,,,. ANllOUfllC.aMll"" ..,. u1uo.n "" 673-7226 .,...... $38' oo h 536-ill6 • •~ ir;;i .w "'Wli11lT '""" 'all e11m11 ·\ ..,1 row•a. Cfl:UllllU ..,. refril, mp! cab. 21" 1V, new '69 Models •t cloae..out i.in. or · cu · NEW Sean portable Strto 2 v $5.95 a. suar.11-. PQ ,..,~s • '""'-' tf'l1 IH•D-tk• •un ,. LEAVING town -mU!Jt sell Kirb)' vacuum &: •ttacb. pricet. Tremendous Sav-ll2S •Pkn. 4 spd, blk A brow!'l 4't ... ..i.a batt.. 54G"'90 Oftl' MtOllD llD ~AIO OllTVU:.... ..,, NAT TUIL... ... I '"lb I' •. -;... t ·--HENOERON 'S M • I Intl --#1'1'< , -....... L Dtlll ..,. ..._, MAllfftllAMCI ... Loo 5 w IV nn ......... . di&nei. pull, t 0. I t e r •. np! """"" at '1 _".:':":'==='==== color. 45 attch. $50. S1S-0'1G HEATJLATO•---·--'"fVll: m PAIK e. •&.O•flT• tnl llOAl LAUff(NI... flM Table• .t: limps, 842-3946 docM, radio. iron. Jampa. tm Harbor Blvd, 0.ta I• hdo. new. Seit oU;;:;;.;;; =:• iii f::a=.~"° ::; :::,*:u~~.:0.1N1 :: BEAUTIF1JL Mediterranean plctUm, de. Fri A Sat lo.& Mesa, 548-01$ Oarinet, Alrno«t new. WALNUT Catte iihie 1t:ereo, Wit .l:lot •p. l3M2'l9 • .,. .. CIMITSltT LOTS ' 6otll .. , •••wn ... Spanish 1l•reo cabintt, 6'. 1'261 ~ew. S.A. HttL KENMORE 2 Ip wuhtt, Make offer. 673-lerS AM/FM. Ellin P'l1ablt1..::;;;;-=:;;...;:.:;;;..~~"-~1 -· •llAC• .. "_,." ca•m "'' -• HOlYALt -$100 54>-S709 .,,,,_ ----~M•• 0.~-•-• .. ,, • -·k twin •-• tape '61 HONDA 350. dnt ant. <tillOfllA IL MAI ... Ca.IMAlOIUll ... fUl CNAltTtl ... •;::.,· ;,::;~""'=-;;==:; \ ·· .__.,_-.Y vu·••~ -ru-. ~ -3-dnzrn Rt Id-hat A .-UJl.A • MSMOllAL PAalCI I ten •ttllllM •OAn tM ANTIQUE Cherry Harvest fl .. (L lLOSE OUT Hotpoint wa1hlllr, like new ~r. $S) each ~1446 ..,,.., ,c ' ..,. .... ,. AUCTIOlll .. ~l· "'°"1111• ... bl I KA. MG--1217 Pl•--,-....=.,.. 11-------eymblla--a3693 !;. ... "... i .... ,., ...... IMCll \ :: MAT noiu.•• '"' table, R!:UON e. Hall seals, $50485. occ. .... -""'11 ft' IM:Mt4 .. D TMY'IL \ . toAn WAllTSD ... 833-1026 ble• ..,., ~-brae $1-4, '""REF Rt GE J\ AT 0 R Ml ... llineew l600 DARK ·trowA lwJ:Un balr, ......,. ,,, Alilt TltAltlJOITfon.tl ..... AlltCU" hM .,..... -MUSIC CEN ... R ...... ltd ..... ·-··· eMt "'"'TINOTO llfo(N a ..,,. TIAll.,.,..iinlll \_, ... JLTlfll• Unottl ,,. WHITE nau1h sectional t115, CENTURY HOUSE AN-croattop freezer, 2 door. .... •v ..... ·--..-N ... Tlfll•l'O ....... . utrM. NeflC'll ' \ .... Ill MOMll "" . I tto $00 TJQUBS 2134 Newport mvd,. Fine condition. 548--1729, NEW DJ'COVDY lfvn ukiJll $25., MW.tl.1 =~'Jf:t'.1' ~ $\'RviC1 i>fREcroa'Y =~~~ 5 ~~;;;::;;:;;;"'""';.· =="==·===·.L=c=·=M=. =642-5=="°====::""-1:= .. """'80'°""1====:=.::"I KN~~":·~~ =:n~~otu~ 8=.~ ~,= ~ON• 1ucM Accoulf'f•• • Ml .. 1111:11 . m1-; --l'urn· llure -Fumlturo IOOO CONN •FISCHER penslwihairweave1 ou:rhlll• ps..1ell,$40.~7C •flNllll cou.,,. AN1'1t'll•• H•YKI 5 MOl01tCYCL81 .... l9¥VV -Rental•Ttachlng-s,Jea hairpiece Imm tram;umt ...,.,,. AMA N ''"L••Hr• ••'A•llt. ,... '' MITOllllCOOTWltl '* Tak• Sanla Ana--· Jo _......,.,_,_, .... M .._,._ .. _..__ SNAKE, ., reptile tank J15. ftllMllfllll • "'""'..... AUTO Jnv1ca1. PA!nl "" c .,.. .. ___ .............. illMll -~ U'IOUllU" ""''OW'AT CfTY I NM AIPMAL,, Olll • AllTO TOOL.I • 1eu1P. ff11 s PAN 1 s H Main St.. turn.oft (hen tlon, I: anUquate1 all otbet1,,:.6ff.'131&;;,,:::::;~....,~....,,_--I \ANTA AMA Ml•flln ... AYTO lPAlltl -'*AIL.la, fllA'fl" Miii 80Uth lo: ....,lbodL Fin. a·-". --0 ... ,.. ~o.L.-~ • -11 ..... pa tOMTAL -\ Pit •Vf'OI, ... SMlt, ,.. .... fltAl\.IU, llllliltJ' ..... .,,.. YIUI ...-~..._.., -"""~ " ....... ,. u.ou1tA ••AC" .,., .... nm.... '-KKS "" Gould MVtlc Compeny Co. Hair l\iplacement Cntr. motaintr SU.50 M&-9118 U.OUlllA flltfflt "" ...... MAHITlfll... '"" m• M-n·· u ~· N M I SA .. ,_ -N ~·-----MIUletl v11JO ' ,,. •fl:Klito MAIOlflT,""' UMP••• -ORRAN N -· an, "" -~ -•. ......... "'6-· ORCHIDS $2 •SI ,., .. ..,,.,. "" '"""'"...,... -.......,. .,.,.,.. -6 WEEKS * $12 llM431 -Tb·~-~· -ct>t1nMt1 • 1u1LMU • DUlll• 1u..11t • a -"'ho I ............ _, H ~~ffi:"Ncjj'i<;;-;;;;tt..-ifti:l--=~~~::::~:.;-~,:,i~;:I :::0...~~ : ~.T'~:= = ~:U.ia :; Wh•t ~ •irciti119 ac•n•( Your home c•n com• 11ive with aur 9!1morou1 31tnnen29. St17rttpni ~Id.~ m.aculate ~ Skleboud.,.Ml;;;;oc..;;_W;;;;°"...-IM...-___ .. _1_ 1 CAP-n; ... CATtll.. "" -ITH .. ,.. -.u ~ Wft II ..,....., Olllft Organ clue leUON tor '°' REFRIG. Norse, wblt., tm- IXl'LIXll Uff.V. -c1M1Wf, ~ Nit ACI CAaS. IODt _... clecor1tor-correl•ted p1cka9el Llvln9 room inclvdts: Lul uriov• Sofa utr· at M. '"'r.ct"'.. DaNlh .od. mat c bl n 11~ RINT•LS 'c"o!!!.~.,___ "'..,1 vnt •.""" • .,., -, S h 0 k T , 2 d' I' organs available. Join the ~tr. c&b.. nnamar. -" .. ,_...,...,. •ncf LOYo Seit in quilted fk>rtl f1Dric1. ) p•ni1 I Iv es, 11 1n· lw> REGISTER NOW '" -~ ... _..._ fUM ua...-r cL&M• ... i:CM• ... h : ..... I $45. OJftH I: J e:m tabJet, .. ;;"~ -CAltP9T UYIM .... All.... LP•• .... 911i1hed Conqul1f1dor r.1>1. Ump•. "Hacl•nd•'' l1droom: Spanis HAmmOND nnamll' '°"' $17. RIC1l1* tonA ...,,. -"""""' • u.at ,_ Triple Dte11er wlth fr-1"'.cf Mirror, Kin9.1Tte H•acfbo•rd, 2 Commodes. in CORONA DEL MAR $10. Kltchan fryp&n. dtc 5-Pc. Wr4Ml9ht Iron Dln.tt• Set, Spanl1h Oek hoxa9on tod. Mutt b• 2SM E. Cout Hwy 61M930 dock $2. Kennlor9 Ortplace •••"to b. truly 1pptticletN •• , 10 com• in tod1yl Price •'••where IULY It bot . but we bavt pabH.IBSl7.VoUlyballl WI PAY MOltl CASH ot ,195.00. ,. the HOTrl!l6T buya 111 ....._ poll II. "'-'1511 ' .L $439" Spinet °""""" A Grand For ...,,._ ~ WNI ••'!'SPICIA\$All '"Pliiliii: -,_-~ uoid "* AUCTION * colored TV. pie-, - • C.11 " putth••" ~p1nit1ly Beldwln Orpns -all °" u )'Im wm llll Cll' ba1 and tntiquft. ltiy Cr-"it Tm111 sale at rtiD,y HOT~ p. Wlndy a tr.:· Dl.Y Ill' IJ!l:llt .. w. """'""· WARD'S BlLOWIN S'M>to AU.U0., 1'!14li T:!O' pJL ...U HAY YOU LOOKED FOR . ' THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN Y UR HOME LATELY?. ) \ j • . SANT~ AllA FURNITURE, -&MTA MA-• 1il9 New;ort. CM'. 6f.2.4"4 Wlncl :, __ ,_.,_ 8 , WANTED • y I """'"'" lrtl ATLAs i\iiriJiO llilliPor • · · -547.0719 SPIN!:IS & GRANDS Behind 'l'oof'1 Didi. Mat1. ·-~ lU W-1M'-••M--20!Sl6N_Cli_ ~- • - • .. • I l l • l i I l - - - ----.--;.,;_,;,,.: . .; • ........ t .. ~ .......... • • • • • , .. I. -j!-f-.. " "....., -~-,.......,-, ....... -, ... -... •• • '·I 't I * Finest Selection, Power & Sail: Skipper optional. For brochure call 54~Ull 50' Chrl::s cratt, Sl' UniJlite Cruiser, Daily or weekJy, 67:>.~ 1750 Whittler Ave Colfi!Mtsa 714: 642-1350 ~ Peninsula. de a I ,bayfront location. Trailer ,"11/ ~ 'tabal\1.-New w/w upl. saw~ " ttft~tor. Allki.ng $9000 841-2316 10 x &6i. 1 BDR. Untu:m. awr). l.nz. tkirtina. a:ioltt, lhtd. Adult parlc. 2196 Brilfol, CM. I I ~ ---,----....... TIV\NSP~!!_TATIO~ Moilllo Homo• ~00 • 92~ Al!I'OE'l'TE, covud, battery cMrael" tncl. ·Good cO~. Write Daily Pilot Sox M-3.'.fi MotorcyclH 9300 ·sa vELoclETIE Mao :i;o restored to "a.s new" eontl. Absolt1tel,y stock -manual.S, etc: Nev&-raced Cl' damai· ed WJJ. 642-8071 '66 HONDA lfi9 C.ood eon. dition ·$300. 6' Surfboard. -135-"'92 Vb .. ' 0,, Ba,yshores, NB ~ ' Tniler, Travel 9 lS:' STARFIRE travel Slps 4,eKtra cupbrdS, ~ ready 10 roll. Yours __ $695. 1588 San Bernantilij Pl, CM or 642-3973 ~ Trailer, Travel 94J BECAUSE we don't tik.: !Q rough it when camping, ~ att looking fol' a 15';1' trailer in need ol repair th;i. someone ,.,,.ants to unload• a OlEAP price. If the Q11 is in good condition, we'lt the rest. Please call d &t2-ou4, 'Ext 294, e 646-.()836 with. details AIRSl'REAM TRAILER•ri. 1961 26' Land Yacht. SlffSi 6. I * &U41) 15' TERJtY, slee~ 5, st4 icebox, good cond. ~ 2ZW Pacific, C.M. JI ~, Tr1ller1, Utility SOCK rr TO ·ey FOR MOTONIOMES IM' ... ... ·'• D • n - •· .. f. • I l 0 " •• •• •• -.. d. '· T ' "-.. $ • -... '!' • [ .., • ~ ... ~- j T ... ,. . • • it ' ;' ~ ~ •• ... " " u .. ! "' u I "" " I ~ i I i I i "" .. Ill " ., .. .. ;, " •• .. '62 DOOGf ... ' ,, ... PICK•UP (ti C'B2J $7tS' ATLAS Cl!RYSLEI\ -P~YMOUTH · 2929 HARBOR BLVD. ·COSTA MESA 546-1934 w Open Daily 'tit 10 p.m . -· * SHELLS .* Sli&htJ.Y damaged/Cheap. ,.,.._ - . '62 Corvair Pickup Good condition ... * * -968..t590 .. * '66 SUPER Ford Extetlded Van, Lo ml.. x1nl cond. '" Auto, ·rlc. Stm ... 892-3594 J 196f CHt'VY~. ,% Ton Mf. . 1850. -Afltt. 5 PM 162' ·--Po"liaerqsa St, CM. KrS:.!Qlf HIGHWAYMAN- ' cloeet, cieboll:, chi bed; ' "~an. 549-0412 1 Lew. Lew Prices 1 911THN ' SPICIALLY · PAICID iUGS! •• . '68 YW SEDlN Autom1tic Stick.Shi~. raJio, ho1tor. Ebony with 0011lratl· , int i11tarior. l o"'f, mil1191. lie. Na. XEW61J. $1899 • lt'1 the t•r Iha• • we11't 9ive '11011 e111 "t1iin9 le *•rry •lieut, W···•eke 111•0 . •f "th•t. Wo flvo-1t ttle ·VW ·1•-p•it1t tefety • 111AI perform· . ence te1f. A ti•• f9 . p111. So wo ti"~ ft ,our- 100 % 91o1 are11~0 ffr1t we'll fl· pl1ce ell Mlior -che11!cel p1ri1• fw JO clrtt' or 1000 "'ilot, whlcJiover cqmu first .· .i111't thet what a new car.ew11ar 11oadt 1 A btit t~at wo11't clriva yo11 ,Ruh. ' " '68 vw '" S~UAl! IAc;l , "•cl with blatk · intoriar. Sha~1 oireollant ct ra. So nioe 011 <tho foacl. l!:aclia A hoatar, tie. No. VTU 54<4. A ttr of 41rthn:tion-&or• 1aou1 .,.Uow with Con• tr11tlll1j iritoriOr. V • r y c.loa11t l ie. No. SVX 15,. ,$1999 . o,'r. ~f. • • • 549,3031 liXt. 67 i ·61 • Harbor., eosJ•1'f•s.-. YSlDI. DllVI; :NIW_!'oAT 'Ill.Cl! v • . ~-. .. • • ..... rl!d>,, 'JWy 18, 1969 • a~ILY ~. 41 TRANSPORTATION . TRANSPORTATION TRAN$POlifillO!i ·---lmflOj'tod Autoo • 9600 lmporlff ·Autoi 9600 I ml".'!tocl ""'"I ;. J2rtupnr1 _il111por1 •:, J1l'lupo1 t jl Il l p Ll l'I •i I 9-.-- ifORScHE l'ORSCHE • . J2rtupot t Jl111ports ..,.--------1 l m-l'ortche t12 Coupe Deep lrllh amn tinlab w11.b fu.U leather contrutlna "'° tcrlor, lo local mUe1. ! 11iir,ed. AM/DI, ate., ate. fatlnt coodltlon . J1tlJ1µu1t 31111port ~· '3100 W.1 C.OU~.HW)'., N.B. 612·94ai ~1764 · Aul.floriz:r.d Mfr Dealer S.U.9405 wy ,540-lT&C '60. CONVERT. 1600N .Re-Authcirit.ed tdC Dealu ~L .. (Qllne. t.filst -sell. PORSdiE 1981 911 'S. Slab! .$1400. ~ erey. Extras! Xlnt a:m. '66 Porlche 912 Coupe $.\895. Pr1 pt,y. 833t-09l1 or 5 1peed. .AM/rM, Cbroll)e eV!:I': 1131-fMT wbefh. tangerine with black ~ro"'R$CHE=°"""'•w""'s~·&&.~-=~1 Interior, Reflecta meticulous tinted 1lua. 6" Alloy Tima, ca.te. Siee:&nd drive todQ. Kon1a. New Pimllis ma.n:J J~ I'll: p tl rl JI 111 p li l I •, extru. 644--lW '68 PORSCHE !IU; 4 iqxl. .. many .utru; abo"town ...... ' """"" $3800. &10-34ll SUBARU F--RE E Auto Air Conditioner Wirh The Purchase Of FJA.T/24 Wll:k~'D·PllJ Wlp1 -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -~· ( 7 ~ALIFORNIA c ·J~!>~?...R! I SJ . . 901 E; ht St.,,Santa Ana 542-8801 . . . . . . . ... . ... .. ~-- JUST 5°/o OVER. ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE DURING OUR BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE ALL THROUGH' JULY! MERCURY MONTERE.YS, MONTEGOS AND COUGARS! . . · -~ ~ ' ' DON'T WAIT TOO; LONG!· BRAND NEW COUGAR BRAND NEW MONTEREY . . 2·0..ot Harcltop. Ir-rel: """" with •ir c.ol!Jitla11ar, papul1r lit~f A.qua wi!h lfO 2Yt-•'UI c .... arr. Whlta wall1, •1t1clal frlt'llt, 11la1t '.th•~, ,...,,,. ~r•~•• <lfll ,Jtt•ri119, rdie, tint.cl t lau, Serial No. ·S7•41f . ' . .. ~ Wlis $4523.80 '' '!% OVIR INVOKI ""' •RICE , .....•. ~ .......... , ...•... -.. $372tP.60 ·--~ -·-SaV. $794.20 ' ' . ·. · . K'S WIMMER: . LAST WEE ''CHI tt\Cll ~~ . · . , 1'0 LIK£ TO WIN A -~~BRA MINI;Bl~ J "' •••••• Ct11pt. lrancl now with air co11clitlanor,. rucl!u11t llma, ~l•c~ roof, whita w1tlt,' tilt wlleal, powor clltc brak11 anJ llaarJn9, cite.or 9ro11p, tl11tacl ,1111, 1warcl1, tfc.. Soriol No. SJ I t I 0 · Was $4383.50 ~~IC~V~.· .•. ~~-~°.''" .......... : ..... $3795.75 . Save $587.75 .. • BRAND NEW: MONTEGo MX . , , .• ,_.,. ••1••""u MODlL "ltl'" Jf'Jl'C lM •• , • • • • • ·''''' •, ........... ~ ....... ' ..... . . . ••• • • • ··''.'' PHOMI· • • '' ,. '' • """""'·,········ . ············:· .... , ... 4 Door Saclan ·taautlfwl, ift tcllum ~111, COfllforf-••~ lir+trlor, whlt1 vi!IYI roof, ttla1t ,hift, ;.),i .. •lclowa\i,, pt111tr ••••rillf, pow., cll1c lir•kot, whhpar air · coitcl itio11l119, AM r*lli11 tltttN' ti•••· ha14 r11t a 4oh1'll• whMI covan, Sari"al N .. JHIOF-S40t02 ~ ' ... . . . . . . . . . . ....... . c1Tt·1 ·"············ : •••••• ···~·············. THI 14th :.....,_ .. ,, .. .=;.: ... LD OM MON!>~YS NO HiEO '1)~~~~~1. •. AND.~::.· , , · • .... -•MT At o.... · ""'°"'' Save··· $533.. 15" ""()'1£ """' OP I" 1Hl IOl ~T JO . , . . , j,I t--.&Ulf'll "· • . ~i!. ~"":'!JAttotl '.. · USID CAR Dll'T. 540.1635 ., . ' . .. ·WAS · $4017.80 . . • ' ' . . . . ~i1~ .... ~ .. '.~~~~:... ... _,'. ___ $3•1•.61 • ·1Qh:llS-'ID+.S0b ... lllu'iidnfil1r&L• IAUJl•llllllY•Mul " " --. ,,.;..: • • : . . .---IOllllY¥9,-A w · ., . ~:55 . ' ~--- ... • • J • ! ' I ,_ 11 I f; t, I . ~--. 7 · .... -. --:;: ... ---·7·-----.---, .. p -.... ------~-------..... -----,..---.--....-·~--• I • f2 DAILY PIL01 FrldJY, Jul118, 1969 TRANSPORTATION TRANS.PORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSl!ORTATION \ TRANSPOR TATION TRANSPORTATION f hflportod Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 """"'•d Autos 9600 Jmportod Autos 96001mportod Autos 960!)_ l!!'l!!rfr! .!'utos ·• 9~ lmR-.'dt<l Al!!oa 600 Autos. W•ntod 9700 Used Cara 9900 . .-;:-..--1--~-'·~ '65S~::::~GER TOYOTA T,OJ'.OTA • ADstrn-America !o~s'.N:AGEN . __ !_o_i;_v_o_,,__ ~l ;~;;:',";!'.·L~8·uo~;~ tun (T!91YIQITIAJ 81;: C,.'l,~w~hw!G,2,~. '· BRAND NEW 1,969~ · ~ t~~~~B!Jp :_ VOLVO BUYS BU12 K, ~AY-;-:'1 CASH . '66 BUICK ' • • . . - ;!' . $1847 Best 0 .. 1. Ar• At ... own" Li~ RGB 760 . 4. ~PEED AUTQMA TIC TRANS. . $197 ~i '6] 122 : ·:· Best Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS $997· · · •CHOICE OF.COLORS e DISC: BRAKES Bt•t Deals Are Af. i;~~ !~:. . i· DEAN LEWIS D. aE •• At 0N··1·L"E'•wAtlS : i~~.';',:O~~~L DRIVE e \EAi'HERETrE l~T!RIOR D£AN La:v .. ,.. '67 144 ·: · 1966 llarbor, CM. 64&8303 SUSPENSION • 1M1t4~DIATE DEL!.VER..Y • Ii 4 door. Llc • .N9. UVA333 .1966 Harbor. C.M. 646-9303 BUSIEST marketplace In . r , DRIVE YOURS HOME TODAY! 196p. Harbor, C.M', .646-9303 Automatic tranarnisidon, ait poN'T JUST W!srl ror some. town. The OA.ll.Y PILOT iS68 llarbor. C.M.' 646.9303 I CHECK I OUR WEEK END SPE_CIAl • 'fiG i J{ED Love Bug, Ifl'i'. CQfldilioir;, 544 ,, I thins to furnish your home Classified section. Save B. ILL MAXEY I 9b9' AU STI N AM ERICA FULLY EQUIPPED rd(cu.late cond. cstm cpt. • • • fihd kf'eaf buys in to. money, time & effort. Look ' · · wlth e utom1tic tren1rfti1sion. extremely quiet, one adult f~ ~ck, scarce model, 1daY•Oassified Ads. now!!' Rd.ht t 01 9000 ll owner,.,11pecial pric e : ~fadlG,heater~-4isfieed,No. Aik for Sales Manapr Wll.Beacb Blvd. H~Beach KI 9-3331 CONFIDENTIA~ Y Le Sabre hard top, PQ)V9t steerill(, automatic iris mlWOn, all the-extras. Uc. No. VEH-396. . . $1447 Beat Dt als Art At DEAN 'LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6f&.9io3 '66 BUICK Gransport Convertible · . Elccellont ... ,. .... $~799 Pacific Coa$t Motars . , ~":"~,°~~vi'.~ DAli~~iu:~,ADs !T]QIYIQl'[IAJ' • •o, •$• ."1' •6<., 9" y.·~· • m •• 11!1;o LOVE BUG644-1326 i:"•~: '''63 PIAO . 1888lllEACH BLVD. .66 vw s.d·c lo · ly •""' ~£<iu~. Lk:. No IZW483 ' ' h .a 55 -· ""'• VJng c:-r:\f· ~like new · ~. ;Imported Autos 9600 lmpart.t Au tos 9600 Hunt. Beac 847 5 for. Suni;ooi:, R&:H,,good ti~ ~~;#57 544 2· Ooo 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch ~ ->:LSO e11, Sl~. · . 613-3074. '~ No, rlc.J3Sl. ili 9.t We ~ More Fot- Fore ... 0, Spoi1s Con PAID FOR OR NOT B. J.: SPORTSCAR ' .CENTER ! ... • .... ldl Beach, Weslmniatv *"~* To.YOJA S•• O ur. Gold Seel Used Cers '57 VW Convertible, low &oodles, . . · · .' ORANGE coU~TrS FINEST SELECTION OE mil~, good' conditil;ln. Beat Deala Are At Costa 2:!~..,Bl~l TEMPTED BY ... k D~~ara . .E EADQLMUAORTER.RSE Pprsche.'s) MG's, ~·tf.ealey's, Ferreri'• Asklng $575. 714: 675-0Jffi 2 door. Radi6 heater 4 speed eves. l.ocal car. Uc ~ .. ~R~ W¥"ED '68 VW C.ampmobile '62 '';1 22"·.· · • Qra.np .... C':oui'ltiea WeSlpliaH•' A7C. Wit: • D'EAN LEw1s· . sni°~~ou .J1L'luµort Jllnport s , •, t · 1'>.'WI Beach BJvd. Wstrnn!tr new tires._. 25.CJXI mJ,; $300'.l. • . ft I . 188h Ma.Ch !l!vd. '6'1 RIVIERA, fl pwt, fact air, stereo, landau top, chnn Yihls, Immac. rond. l owner $3400 pv. p t ,_. !)?~ . 1!165 BUICK Sport Wagon, full pwr, air-oond, xlnt concl. $2150. 5-i5-521-4 !z: SEE DEAN ~EWIS TODA YI ..,...,,, ~ iajm . . • .g: '69 TOYOTA "OM Sll90 Authoriz•d Austin America-MG Oa1lar ·3100 West Coast H 837-6083 . . ' • ' ' '68 v\\1 Sedan also ·Gi yW 1966 Ha.rllor, C.M;· ~646-93(13 R. Beach. Ph. 847..a555 )• '" • .1; '· "•' ~-· ~!·. :<:- : i:'· ":·' ... , . . :: ~ .. . . -· .. . e llG SAYINGS. e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP ................... $,089 '69 VOlVO nDAN, Automatic ............ $2975 NEW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY WI NEED YOUR TRAD£~N FOR OUR lARGf USED CAR DIPT. DEAN LEWIS Or1ng1 Co. Toyor~Volvo Hdqtrl. 540-9467 . 646-9303 1966 HARBOR BOUUVARD, COSTA MISA ' · • TRl\l.MPR 3100 West €oast Hiwey-Newport Beech ::_~r trade ior vw Bua. Antiqvft, Cla;tics 9615 A~to ..Lt11ing 9810 1960 TR 3 Roads!••-. good' -=====6=4=2·=9=40=5=-,,-,=5=4=0=-1=7--64====· INEVER Raoed .... fastbacl< 19~0RD , -LEASE • RENT '""pe. Mu:~,~!!;. VOLKSWAGEN al~lalc';: "':'"he wR/Hh~I o,;g;na} . • Coupe. Very A~L POPULAR ~ VOLKSWAGEN "' " ....... ' good "'lid 0" MAKES · CS garaged, $l95!l. 644-ll22 W'alU' t . ~ FORD . VOLKS\iYACit:N '67 BUG. Reblt '65 eng. N" . 'fi6 VW Sunroof, 1500 CC • • . ~ btjc!. paint, tires, clean; ,'63 V\V Sunlop $785. 4 new Runs irep.t. New paint. job. AUTttORIZED Y\V ·'68 ~EDN"f. Royal.~e. ·runs gd. $895/besL 675-5545• tires.t ow ner. +5Ql 16lh st. '1075. 644-0356 . . -• LEASING '~Int cond. 24,00J nill"s. Priv ·~ VW Top cond Navy Ne~pt. Bcll. 646-8174 eves. ,65 vw Microbu.s, 0 rig 64$.1441 . SYSTEM '68 ~ SP.ts Cpe. 10,600 mi: "'1'flty: air. Like new. $2.595. Pr PtY. 673-552'l 1965 BUICK Le Sabre con- vertible. Xlnt cond. Full power. $1150 .. 673-3921 '65 RIVIERA, all equip., very clean. Nd6 ~ wrk, $2100/best. 6@-8584 CADILLAC PtlY. $1.650. 54.2-7882 •bound! Pv. Pty .• S 9 8 S '66 VW Bua:· Bermuda Blue1 owner, mlg 40,00J. _1500 eng .. 1960 CLASSIC Mercedes 220-Get Our Compelltive Rates ' ;&f,VW Bus, gd. oond. W/'66 830-t489. lllue_ <:QlQr. -~~ oond. Will_~· ~ Must see to apprec, 646--5662 S oonvertible, yery" clean. The:odore •68 SEDAN DV, l3,000 mi. -engine: 123 4aro St.. NB: ,68 , VW Bug wood grain j{8rry sti-0784 or 5'Ss:;8756 '68 VW 15,00) ml, Zenith nD> on new efiine,-:Mech. ROBINS -FORD' SpoUess, warr, ternls. pVt 61S-l7S4 paneling 18,oOo mi. Sl700 or * * '60 yw, gOod conditiob. blue, blk int. Xlnt cond. =~. ~~. "!:,'e tap;. Ask·, ~ Harbor Rlvd.' !Jty. $.5295. 838-10CJ6 '61 vw sedan .• Must sell. "'''offer. alt s·. OH ••19 $395. 4805 River, Newport $1750. call 642-ml --e. .,...,.,.. ••:J't'"O.l"':!I Costa Mesa ·-· 642-0010 $475. Chrm whls, hdrs. IWt""'W ;;:".:'';".:"'';;::;:==.:=.: 1~;;.M~~~..;;;,;;; I '6.5 SEDAN deVille Beau. All 543-3821. • '64 VW, glereo, new uphol!;, Beach 645--0523 1i * 'P5 VW SUNROOF, stereo Race Cara,. Rods 9620 . Y' .LEASE 11"" pow~r. Air cond:'""Priv. Pt)', Classified'• action power. Pert. cond. $995. 968-1635 ~ 548-8743 494-7865 or 494-931• ALEXIS For. Font: 'trailer&: c.8d 1964 Cpe D'Ville nm SUN NEVER SETS ~I Cfihn whl8, rebll eng, .xtras. '66-VW $1=150. --dio, like new, $1050: '68 Cadillac C.0UPe de Villi!, Slm" 675-1465 --- Fo.r· an ad to .sell around THE QUICKER '.YOU.CALL. 1968 vw BUG~1500 '66 vw BUG, Xlot cond.? & spare engine. All ·brand .~;0:.ui~~s:tio~o~aa;-One owner. Air, leather' '" the clock, dlal 64U678. THE QUICKER ~OU sE1J., St.695 *· ~1244 h. sunroof, good tires.~. new. 644-1433 n /h air $75 $11,iOO 642-2013 "''::=7=====:==:::======:::;==:=~,;;~2.==oo=~::"'"::;7'~:=;;;;:.:;::;;:;· ~:;"~;:;·;.::ii-'~~~· :""'I ~=~~4,_64&<245~~~· ---========= '67° 'eor "":,. .. .:h•',·,· $67mo50.mo ·-CAD" •-•c Conv · Beaut :r 9700 .._.... · • · · · · · .l.;JIM .......... • "..98QO~ew.C.ra ~ ;(967.: Vw. Red.-..wihlack in-Autot_W~_-•n_l_•d~,---SOUTH COAST ~~ .. ~ Cond: All power. '. .. .. . • .. ' " , ,.• : . . ' ' • . . i • · terior. Jt/H. $1500. · WE PliY flfU CAR LEASING . ~:Pvt party. 833-1271 · *~* · UUll .300 W. C.t Hwy, NB 645.2182 ·-: · RO -. • .. FORD Galaxt.s ..... ---·CA-MA - CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! FACTORY AIR CONDITIONED BRAND NEW '69 BUICK Fully equipped including V8, powe r steering. 433279ZI 12544 BR·AND NEW-1969 SKYLARK CUSTOM COUPE Auto. trans., VI, power steering, sono· matic ·radio, heayy duty, suspension. FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING, t~te ed 91ess, white side walls. ~ IH44699Z I027951 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '66 CAPRICE '65 ELECTRA '66 T-BIRP Coupt. Auto lr1n1., fie· Auto tran1. FACTORY Hardtop coup•. Full full power. FACTORY Coronet 400 4 door. tory t ir cond, power AIR COND. Auto tr1111 , power. FACTORY Alll. AIR CONO. l111d1u lop. F•clory eir cond., Iulo. 1l1er., 1edio, h11!1r. pow1r 1t11r. SBM 371 COND. NC8 420 StV .t9 1 lr1n1 .. pow1r 1f1er, ••· Coupe. Auto tr1n1, 11° dio, htafer. R.AD 316 IWIJ 1$z195 $1995 $1895 $2595 di•. ''$26958'7'1 ~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~- '62 BUICK '67 MUSTANG '66 OPE L '68 BUICK '66 BUICK ln•icla coupe. Full pow. Convert. VS , 4 1p11d, Mod el J2. "' ipittd, ,1. E1e'.clr t • door 11d111. ''· FACT 0 rt Y A 1 R radio, hieter. TXS 161 dio, ht •ltr. SVC 897 Full pew1r. FACTORY COND. LUZ 240 AIR COND. WIO 345 $895 $1895 $1195 $3595 Sp1ci11. •ulo tr11u, ,,. dio &: ~11t11. TRK 15S. On1 owner. $1495 $495 '66 OLDS 98 lu11:ury t1d1n. FAC· TORY /.IR CONO. Full power, SUP 61 2 ' · $2395 -.6-7-R~l~V-I E_RA ___ l _'_68_D_O_D_G_E ___ '67. B-U-IC~K,---,.,,,.,..6 "v·o~,..LKccS-:---,..,6~6 ~IM=-PA"LA-,----:c,6::-7 "CA7MA=::R::O- Faclory 1ir, full power, Coronet Coupe. Auto. L1S1br. custom 2 Or. 4 1p11d , radio. h11l1r. '4 Door H.T. f•clory ,;, Feelory air eondition· redio, h11l1r. !TQV· lr1n1, power ll11ri119. H.T. Full pwr., 1ir eond .. TRH 370. low, Low cond., 1ulo. tr1n1., pow· in9, 111!0 fr11n1, powtt 1991 XEV 739 I own1r. ITVZ904l Mi1 1191. er 1!11r., radio, h11!1r. 1!11rin9, low milt191. $3395 $2495 $2695 $1495 $1695 $2295 '65 MONZA Hercltop. Auto, tr1n1., Jm'"1c.1.1l1 l1 c.ondilion. l·TXJ 3761 $1095 '67 RIVIERA GS Coup1. f ull pow1r, FACTORY AIR COND. p I ,(I ·$3595 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m '66 IMPALA I '61 CADILLAC '6] BUICK 4 door h1rdlop. F1clory Sid. DeVillt. full power le S1br1. Feet tir con. air, 1ulo ltll'll., PS, ti• fie!. t it. IHXS 742) power 1l11r & br11k11. ~ .. -h'sf595'~5I , -. $795 ... IHYM '$'g95 '67 OPEL R1 lly1 Sport. <4 tp11cl, r1d io, h11hor. VCJ 176 NO lmER FRICES ANYWHERE MAKE· US PROVE IT! $1595 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW · USED Complete Sales •nd Service Department Open ~on. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a .m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK · OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE --..-:~~----:-·-------··-. . .. ' .. . ~------ ·* 54S-6540 * FOR-YOIJR•4'(i'"'t·-Ciilfbe.:_se<n·-· 7 acl!F--· t 6 p.m., 115 w. Katella, CONNELL Anaheim. 5 lo Choose from. '67 CAMARO f Spd, dlr, xlnt condltiOD! '68 VOLKSWAGEN Convertible $1@ * 546-4M5 * CHEVROLET -Used Cars 9900 Sacrifice! Will trade fOr . ·foreign car or total price VW '57· conVert. new paint; radio. Xlnt cond. $ 4 s o 840-391! ' , 2828 Jiarbar .Blvd. Costa Mesa· 546-1200 SO YOU WANT TO ~J,59!1. LB UJH 173, ·can BID BUY THEM · '49<·9'173 . ·we PAY TOP ·ooLLAR WHOLESALE? f . HERE'S YOUR ' 167 CAMARO, V-8, 4 '1>11. '65 VW Microbus, orig. owner, mlg 40,000. 1500 eng. Must see to appte<:. 646-5662 for good. clean used cars, CHANCE I 'RIH, P~S. nu ~s, Marina all lll!lkeS.. See GEQrge Ray ;6.5 Pontiac Le Mans HT ,.._ bl~ . w1Qi blk int. U'lSg, _ Theodore Robin1 Ford '"'""' 968-3564 or 962-3721 -a-~-Bl d J26 \l-8. auto,. pg,...i;harp! SllOO VOLVO "'""" ·ruuuur·· v · 'Bi: Ford Gal, sta wag, auto, NOW-!. THE C.hf. 642..0010 • b a , "°~ ---~~----1 Pl, P . ean .......... .,.,.,... VOLVO Will Buy • '64' Fon! Faid'"' 500, 4 d,, '""· 4 cyl, ., .......... 1525 BeJt Duis Ara At Yo"' Volk.wagon or Po.""h' NEWPORJER MOTORS E E S .& pay top dollars. Paid for -, D AN L WI or not. CaI6t_~ 1' -"¥HARBOR BLVD. ·~ .... rosrA MESA · 1966 Harbor, C.M. ~930.1 WANTED: Woody Station 548-5294 or 54M51 I 1964 VOLVO. Gd cond. 1 Good condition** 646-1242 FINANCING AVAILABLE TIME FOR QUICK CASH · THROUGH A . 0 ' DAILY PILOT WANT AD owner. Low b6ok or best of-WANTED junk cars. No tow-TIIE QUICKER YOU CALL, fer. * 646-4186 away charge. 54.6-5106. TIIE QUICKER YOU SELL ======================:=..! New Cars ~800 New C1rs BRAND NEW '69 ·1MPALA CUSTOM COUPE Equipped with tinted glass, tu tone pai nt V8 engin e, A b e autiful glacie r blue· exterior wit h white lop and light blue ~loth jnterior. '66 CHEVRQLET Cepric• wagon. Fec:tory e ir, euto., P.S., R&H. l ike brend new, I 18 1501 • $2295 FULL PRICE '68 CHEVROLET Impale custom cou~•· Vinyl roof, air CO,!ld., P .. , R&H . Beautiful cond. IWAK82 71 $2395 FULL PRICE '67 DODGE GT Dart coupe. Au to., R&H. l ike brend new: f UVR995 I s1795FULL Pl ICE '67 MUSTANG . 2+2 VI, Fe ,tbeck Coupe. Factory .;,., P.S .. R&H. tiBY440 I $1695 FULL ' PllCE FULL PRICE · '66 CHRYSLER 300 - Hardtop Cou~e. Air cond., full pwr., buc et seats,. like brand new. ISRN44 21 $2195 FULL · PRICE '63 THUNDERBIRD Coupe. Excellent. IHST 12ll $895 FULL PRICE 2828 H4RaOR BLVD • COSTA .MESA 9 . 546-1200 . .. -IOO --... -Jc, J 303 ~ rs ... ... ll 1'· on, "'' Ip., . . • ,., ... '. -:i ..., . " • . .. .to : 1... '• ,, . ' . ·-"'' •'. •" •'1 • • .. •.j • rll:, "'! = =-D' ~ • ,.. • . . . . , . I Fridoy, July 18.,19:£,1.. DAILY .,LOT 43 I•=====::;;-=: ::::====~-"'=.;.;..;===-~"'fteffi ·TUlfll'OllTATION-. TllANSl"OllTATION T~ANSl'OllTATION-. rllAlill'd'RlATION TIWilSPORfAti6N v· · f'90New C11t 9IOONnt Ciro .JIOONnr Cir! 9IOONow Ctrt 9100Now Cirt 9IOONow Core HOO \._ BONNEVILLE· lr•11d N.w 1'6t l~11119iJI• •trclt•, soup.:. Cor~e .... top, t""9 h.,Vr'"'tlc.. r.111~ ~11.tto11 r1dio, t•~olo !Bftror, •r: 11n INlhr s1l1toiP-W~-tlMc~11&J o•h111J.h, pow4r 1t11ri11., power 411c br• .. tl,•fi11t14 9l11l, All CQNDl1'10N- 1N$, 'froflt• floor "''"' WSW. U"'•· \i9ht trto11' wilh tr•li11 inlirior. t262l79Cl21:05,2J ' ·' GRA8D PRIX lrolld N1w lt•t 6rol'l4 •mi. Tu~l>o hy4r.,. 111otic tr1111rnit1io11, p111h b11Ho11 rodlo, , .. "'''' Tllirror, dol1111 bolh, p•••r 1IHri1'H1, power winclow1, AIR CONDITIONIN6, f,..iit floor liiit."';'""""tiilte4-11•11, rH llit 1it.l,Cu1° lom 1porh wltt1I. Vt rcloro trten .,..illt frMit fnl 1rior, 12,•179P]461601- $ 4549 . ·-S-PECl---ALI" ---tE-MANs HARDTOP·:.c-GUPE .. . , 1966 --. ~~.till .' •' • • Br•nd N•w 1969 LeMtnl H•rcltop Coup•. 150 in9int1 turbo hydremetic tre_nlmi11ion1 pus h button redio,_deh.t••;c•l••.r belts, deluxe wh•el.discs, console, ..powe~ sf11ri_n9, tinted win1'1hi1ld1, white 1id1 walls. C1 meo white with ,.d~~in• tedo., l2l7l7~Zl202161. --- . ' ' I I • lmp1l1 4 Do.oi ~-P•9'4nt11rf ,i11n. y,i!· <. t ulomoli<, r1ilo, l! • .,,,, poi.11r 1!1-.7. int , white w1ll1, f•c::tory t it condition• iitt! II:• w$2277 l.SSM 2121 ., ' 1966 VOLKSWAGEN l.itftt ''''"· Ec~my plu1_. Rtclle •n4 heatlJ'. (SST 1041 ~ ~, $1377 ,1t66.CHEVY 1h TON 1Pic\yp tr11clc. • c::y1indtr 1ntin1, r1dio, 'ht1 .. r, J 1p11d, IVitry in color, !T22· 11111 $13l7 , 1u1 rot'ft.t.c 'cno ·· - H1rdtop. lt14io, ~.f.,, elrlomellc, p•w•r 1t11rin1,_n..,1_top._.ilU llll $1677 1'66 IONNEVILLE 4 Door h1rcltop-.. Vl,~t.t.e .llyclr1~tic, power 1~11ri 119, po.W•'-~•lc1i.1 eetory olr. lron11 i11 color, ISIW 2t•I $1171-.. ' I HI OLDS I 0 PASSlllGh Viii• Cr\ll..H ~.9011. ¥1, h.,Cr1Ma11c:, power t!9erlfli,, pow•~ M1)111.~ r~llli.;. ~••lot, foc::.tory oir ca.iwl., ••• .w'hiM wtll1. 21,467 1111111. ITllOAI, $-3577_ 1967 FORD FU'IURA 1 tlo••· 5111111 VI e11,l11i, 1ut•Motic. 11dlo. h11!1r, whit• 1i4e wi ll tirM. 11,741 mllu. IUDM 1011 $1677. [IJ ~ :ROY -CARVER PONTIAC ''.2925 HA~· .. BLVD I COSTA MESA ./ 9fOO CHEVlOLtr --' . '61 Chev.I\ Mollbu ~lardtop Coupe. Local o~ owner cat, 4 speed, radto, heatl!r, pow l! r 1triring, brand ~ radial tire1. Lie. \VEW029. Won't be here 1ona; • 519-3031 Ext. 16 or 87 1910 HAR.BO~ BLVD.' COSTA Mi.IA ·- '66 CHEYiOttf .' j/. r I ' +- • J• • • K ·i-6'4444 . . . ' . ' . _ _.._...,..,_,,....· 9'00_._. 1_....,._.,. __ '_9900_. ;lJ?!d.~ra . t<.cHiVROait . ·, doMef ... DODGE 1------~-~l"-'"""'.;.;;;.;.... _ __:9900c;.;.;. ~HdCors 1J88. CHMoLrr n1VAMINO CUSTOM 1 FORD . OLPSMOBILE PONTl~C ~ , '· ';l'ONTl~C j,_ · l-:------.-1 '68 MUTH( • .• •6f Ponll•c-GTO '61COMET4dtStaWaton, _!83 l)'ORD XL. In'. bckt ., •• run11A HWtopCJe.SC:OOortc.mlles IWI. ' autom, rac:k, ~lee =~. =~ =t. ti :.;: Catalina 3 Se•t Wgn. ~~· !:.ttr, ~wer :!dU: '67 DODGE ~t!;:.r-__ r. ~ tYeS v .... ·.~:!·.~O~~. -•1o 718, Total price $699. cau V-8, auto. trans., R&H, fae-. '1 '~• • sLpol eialy~ .,.!· --w•uau.; u ..... £-... Vic stS-0634 TORON 0 tory air, P.S., P.B., \V..S.W. viny ,....,., c. ~-Yellow extedor with black '61 c.t>MET 2 dr Auto. trans. !: heater, power •tttrinC. •=~=~~~~~~ AD (VfR 1611. Special price at only interior. 4 ~ transm.W-Sl.95. 545-1'32 aft 5, all day power brake1. (ULD ~70), '57 FORD, tiret &: body in $3295 $3499 slon, bucket seats, miJ, "'Sa"'(~. =======j $1995 =:c. ·=·~u~ ~£,~ '-~-whed8, Mickey Thompson 1 NEW & EXECUTIVE r ~~~!~;··License num. CONTINENTAL ATLAS .... ~';.:.::~:seoc:n:·~ ONLY 6 ATLAS o.i $2895 '64 Corillnelll&t, low miles. Wa&0n. Auto. R/H. Pl•, , • • • Ill power; WJY good. con-· CHRYSLER -Pi.YMOVI'H 53,000 ml. $395. 54W501 TO CHOOSE FROM mg HARBOR BLVD. 1 A DOT dltlon. $1400. "6-3849 29'l9 HARBOR BLVD. BIG SAVINGS! OOSTA MESA :;46-193< , ., Ii' '63 OONT. 4 DI'. Luther Lo. OOSTA MESA li<6-J.931 MERCURY u • •ty ()p<n DaUy 'tit ID p.m •• mi. "'" olJe< or true late ()p<n Daily 'tit ID p.m. n1vers1 '64 GRAND P,.ix Ex. :r11c1 ' , . ·DATSUN nmel VW. tn4l G'lS-l49' '67 MfRCURY Sa"'l!J"' due to death, Will • 549'"'3t Ext. 66 or 67 · FALCON "" below mari<el. "'*' I 970 HARBOI\ BLVD. 11835 ••. Bl..l. CORVAIR * ... FALCON S3;. Qoiid ':COUGAR Xll7 Oldsmob1·1e old<r Stude"""''· 646-nM . l'QSTA MESA Huntt~ Beach '64 MONZA 2 dr. coupe. Ex·1 tires. radio/heater, ~· •Y.S. aufdma11c trans.,• R.ldl. '68 FDiEBIRD. 10.000 i@'. ,f 5"ao*-NNfVUil HJ 1 '4:l-7781·0\' 540-0«2 cellent cone!. inside and out. work. 545-1000 ¥• r'1 , P.S.,.P.B., factory &Ir,~~.. I -Auto. Fully equipped. LV<E 1 •· '57 fiO?tiAD 351\J h.p., 3 sP!f; .Cared for by ori&· GWM:r. dau top. Beiutilul .... oo 2850 Jflrbor Costa Mesa NEW! 673--4650 ') .. ' . J Pi!E-0~ BIG SEI.Ecr!OR '61 T1DW '61'• ' ALL MODELS FROM-• • • • BRAND NEW '()9 - 1'59 JUMB!.ER ctASSrc .4 dr. A.T • ...., l>Ody, needs JfOme motor work, SIS. $14 7th St. HB, S36-3a5 '62 RAMBLER 4 dOor 1 T•BllD CAPRICE ' -8, autoniatic, factory air, po"·er steer, poWl!r brakes, power wl"ndows, n.di9, "heat- er, villil tup.-(Sl.Uj 712). o:n-. alum ,ritns. Straiaht 4~ FO•D I (V DR an. 540-9640 'S7 PONTIAC sta Waa:n Fuh pWI', dlr. fact air con. body,.,,.. w pain\, orii lot. 1982 CORVAIR 100. 2 dr. $2495 • • Jllpt ~ -dltlo ..... , 1'W' window• low, '60 PIS, PIB, •"·new tlre• Pwr • '\I ., ? I j-~ ~,, ' \. low mileage. Xlnt condition iLNT Cont!. $.195 Sacri~~ ~I~ brb. ~~·co!t.H& 1 ewner. '64 FORD t AT''AS '&.. TEMPEST Station Wa· in and out. Total Price $1399. 642-4177 " 642-0480 , '62 21Dr. •19 302 -q,. in. Jm · _J ~ _ -1. _ _ P.L~~:coodldon. -~ ~""~A 319. can Bill, ·~~-8~~11_ (X)Wlr, Air """"w. Pose'"C> HP .· C"'IV I -COllntoy-5'iu!roW•.....--1----1164 OLDS 98.-Au. Good can 133-:ms. -· ---'-~---~-"'-bl"'l>Ook 1.lust sell make o tf ei -¥ I: ID V41, auto~.tlc tftn1.; ~ CR!\YSLER-PbntOUTH lhapeAllanxmd,CUh.tal8 ~=,...---~,._-1 '68 PONT. Executive. )ltke1Sl!tQO.MMU6 ' m-tllJ1 ' C 0 RV ET TE '64 Jttd • h!ater, powel' ·~ f 21:18 HARBOR BLVD. RIYl!T' Aw. NB PLACE )'GlD' want Ml "'8re Hardtop., R1H; P/S, P/B, Rare, clulic '51 T..atrd (RSB 616). tosrA ME.IA 5i&-1934 ' ' they &N ~ -DA.ll.Y new tirH, . clean $1695. "'IN~~D '61 CORVAIR 4 dr Hu 64 Futblok. 365 HP, 4 spd, ET $9'5 ., Open Dally 'lll 10 p.rri. OLDS ClJTLASS '62, Good PILOT cluslftedl 6C.s871 f44--40'1'9 NB · SacriftOe 4M-l.Olll9 eqa:. Netds wm1t t2«), 25!0 Mf.p, orig private party. . f a body, orle:. paint: new IRYSCER -PLYMOIJTfl Vlala "'· IBaY'hol' .. ) N.B. i!'~.!"'" 5 • a pm.. . . . l MUSTANG lnlna. 1400. 837~ 29'l9 llARBOR BLVD..-• . aft 5 ' ,.._ ATLAS 1 1960 OLDS SUper 88, l owner. STA ....... -. 541-193< ... WAGON PIS. Pl~· .... . '· '" Ulln 1116 H T ~· $200. °"'" Dall,y 'tit 1ll p.m. '-vy dty ndlak>r. b'~ COUGAR OIRY$LER _ PCYMOunl l'NHM • • 207 30th SL, NB. Mallbu, new ~~ll new tires. $I ~ 0 • a29 HARBOR BLVD, t ' OLDS T0r0n& -'67 .COUOAR GT 008T MESA IB3t V-3, automaUc ........ ndio 1800. ~~·· Xlnt coad. -Imp&!.! Cu;ton'wim ~ ~~~~. ~.~~o~o.!: o:\p; 'ttl 10 ~~~ !ir ':.:~·= f1ll~~· sruo.~ avsll '" .... ~ ...... eo11, -· • ..-by 111u, ·o1e ...,. d,..,..,. '63~ ........... dlx. $16,5 to ippl'Odat. >4MSli5 67;-lM, 543;1154 from ta.,.,,. Booeb. w 111 dil', eulo, .. ,.,. ....,,, LB PLYMOUTH t 6 1164 CHE}{?: JmP*]&. m, take foreign car 1n tndt!. OJM m . Fun price 1599, 1.. __ Cli SUper Sport. Low auto. alM:Ond, ru.-9)0d. FuIL price S21!5. LB uvv 686 Call Blll, 4114-8773 : ATLAS •g Plymoufh--C,fU>lld-Runner, ~. Good tires. S18JO • clean! ~"I call Vie 545-0634. '69 FORD XL, PIB, PIS. , · pl, auto. OWner movior, Call 675-1965 ·~ -~ nto ,tta:,\:ir: -390 VI etc;.. am.TSLER -PLYMOtmt mwit i;cll, Just take owr "".,..D""-E •"*11' --Pt,YmCnlt'i, 846-m63 after 5 tmpOla ""' Ues. R/H, PIS. . 111V w .,..... u• 29'l9 HARBOR Jll,VD. . I'll to, full power, ilr, .,. cond. &C-1007 . '&5 Clttl\ Squire W"'°" OOSTA MEIA 548ol!i:U I •·"157C--p"'c"Yil""o"'lfm=". -,A"'u"t"'"o. llcnt $1-1$, 847-0515 '61 Qodee St.iion Wq. ~ 1 mitt. Air. l\IH; Offb~ 'til 10 p.m. tiana. Dean! Excellent coo- EL Canuno SJS; CtmYSLEl oorua:r 500 PIS. rack. $1400. 6'1W21G . 'i 'awii'ANG m•t. blue, dJ w, 1.4.000 Ml. m J...18 '61 · 9 puecnge.r. beauty, It ha• . ·• FOftD v• RANCHEl\O .~-ll'P· Radio , wsW, I ~.,11on ... ',,5'0:30!4"°'~""'=== . Orig. ownu. ~ 'amYSLER WJO 1963. 49,000 evtry Uiinl lncludi~-fac-New -loot , ..,...... -......t C!Clnd~ moving muat sell UU.. week. PO.._•.,._ EI. ""ml~ 327 ... ,,,.._ v.,.,.· Clear>! mo. "II>' ell', "°""' •-""'• 'ijl&i .--~ -· 546-1310 • n11A .. nt ~-7Sllvtr snJ 'p..os2lt _lug~ rack, aut&n&Ut •64 FOJtO VOi. ~ au.to.. !il9 NVSTOiNG Vl. ale, PIS. '65 PLYMotrl'H Fury 1t1 1n1 -. -'fl NlltiORT 4'<lr •PIS • -~ ndfo. heater. ia;,(~~ "I bat. *' ·P/'!,.lo"''•· $3000. •Ir. Xlnt 11111. ollo: ·&i . -W Pl bfaluir.Gold .,. vll\YI .ate., etc. y.:vcuoo. Fn!:1h 541:! _! ._' "** 111-l33B ** M'ft'C Colony Park waaon. :;"if: ~"llltlJ. ..,.,nsi all'~ •ii'!<.,, .. , T"'°11 -~ ' ~ ,. XL 'ii iiiUS)IANG .219. pl~ Pib; ~n ,....,.~ ~ ..,. X101 ' · \ r!raliiY. 300. ,•"'°'' ;;,~ . ._.Doti At-" •1110n.,1·•1HO aulO ,,.....,Ml!, Soll !aitt $900. 5'\&-\183 OV"I cn.,,J !Iii!"" .. P1s. 1!11) ...., w q.r. IQN !J! ~!!Miu · , r i..w · ... .-. cv Tllo Olll.J 'l_'IW? linoo • : : ft"I Ir~ 111o •liiii'i'Alld. HT.,W :& rra lhellWl)', ~ -•• f. ;_' -...... .... 'M.lltO' Oil, ... ..... Cl<W """ ,.,, !Ind ... -. .... ,.. .-. c.K. ""-Ada, a.I< -· --In Ibo -.u.:----iii' ~ ~ Wlitlo , ! _, DAILY PiLOf \VlM lbS1 lhom ,$169S . ATLAS J I .. • l • l 1 'I Ii ' r j -' I l ·I • • 1 • • • • -.. • . ,1-... ~ •. ,, ....... ... ~ .... -'" .,. ........ "'4N/lo . .~ " • • ../ "1 '. . . . "" • • '• !964 FORD CUSTOM 4-lloor-Sed..,.V-t AIR-COND. euto., R&H, Low mUHllf. l·YWS· 4261; ~: ~· ·f,_ :{~"' ~ft ' ... 1963 PONT ·. ,.....,.ND'tlilt AUto. t.o~s., R&H1•P1S., f.B,.;V.IR CONDITION, qJJV9zo'J ' :." ---_. 1964 MUSTAMG 6-cylinder, · sti'ck, 1Ndio, ISQ/\6981 , ,; • ' 11' STAT.f'ONS WAGON'S<· .... Finest , Selection· of fo·rd1 end .'ChevroJ.tio Country Sei:len ·end Country Squir~•: 2 • .69°1• Example: i ~ · " ~r ' t Some wllh Alr·Cond1~""'"9 i 1964 FORD t PASSENGER $10 5 , V-8 en9ine, Ciui1omatic trensmis-. lion, radio, heater: IORN5441 • 1964 'FALCON DELUXE WAG. Vt, AIR CONDfrlON, lug919• rack. ISY.Y671 I · , . ' I ;: . ''• ~ 'C· ... ... -------= . . '· . -. ---· • • ... ... .. .. .. ~ .. -_ __,_ -~ -· ' " . ' .. ·. , . ... .. 1 ....