HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • • • • Man · ' I . 1Dies . . . .~ ,:. • . ·Saved · ironl • • • • •• ·~ • -<I -., h .... " . . " l ----~ ---· --. t • ,· SATURQAY, ·~UJ;Y 1'1, .)969 YOL. ,ft.'""°'4!~'4 se:crlo..s. .. P~, " ' .. ' r .1/:lf_ -. . .. .. ' . .. j • • • , • ' ' • ·-.HDnti~t•1-'· s.Q~. • " I ~ ' • ~ • • •\ f • • --• \ • Arrest-: ~· ' -';. . "".; . " •• In • . ' . . . .. ' . .. .. --- ,,,, • \ Passage Pellitlty Give s . . Bl. 1~ . .r·· . . m . . w ·· aek11a ·,·~ ran·sp~c --~m .· .. -. . ·'' -'~ ''• .' ,.... -~\-· .._-· ._ . 'le! l I'. \-~,.' W{~, .,. ;...,..,, ' • , 1tl'tl[l3 .. i' {ff.~. , . •' ----'E _; ., • • ~ .... :---:i. ' ._ "!'. I •·. I~•• ~ .__ .. _ --Body seen Gravi.ty • ·I -·~-~ -'r~-~I -~Buil1piPg -· . I ~s Riptides T:tig·u_i~_ g .. Anol_lo s c _ " _ _ _r~·-___ weep _ · 01!8~ -' SPACE CENTER, Houston· (UPJ1,. -~l)etber-lt would try to land or simply Apollo. 11, now· in the grasp ol m0dn1s beact back to earth. gravity and gaining speed, hurried thi'ee Durii:ig an hour and 36-minute telecast astronauts toward Jun.ar orbit today and . -the. longest and one of the be.st from the first human· f~ outside the space -Armstrong and Aldrin checked world Sunday. · out the imlde' oi the lunar module Eagle Astronauts Neil A. Annstrong and Ed-they ·plan to fly to the moon's surface. · E "B " Aldrin J led to while tbeir fellow astronaut, Michael CoJ.. win · uzz r., expec · · I th A II ~ .. Jeam early tpday whether they will share lins, circ es in e po o comman""'u'P; the lunar "Surface widl a Russian· robot Dr. Charles A. Berry, the a~onauts rocket when they land SUnday-Or weth. doctor, watched the 'f:V bf?AdcUt ~d er it might be beading back lo earth with said as a_pybsl~an this !'as unpo~t in a sCQOPlul fl." lunar· soil.by tpen. d~ thett ~µons. He sa1~ the ,w~,S!Ot' co1i1a'a'.c[de ~Jal<-·'.; l:r~~~~\"1!\/1':,,~~~ that fiisi'_slltp-<>tthe mooo:l!Un<JaY,jffW~• s1""' ·betterrt!Wi•Upected.. "00!1:" ¢t.er #ie. S::l!~led-~;19 P.~,J>qr ·;u·ithinkl they., loot like they -are · In By TERRY COVILLE Of tH DellY PIW st.no Huge riptides Dept alons the.Orange Coast Friday appareiltly claiming the life of one swimmer· in.Huntington Beach and forcing llfeguar& to pull hundreds of oth- ers from the swirling surf. Mystery still surrounds the apparent drowning in Huntington Beach because lifeguanb who spotted a body floating in choppy waters late Fridly att.emopn were nnatile to find it mmnemS later. We saw the.body,"· said one.lifeguard, "but with these he1vy rip tides there's no telling where It is now." . CHARGED IN •KILLING -Arthur D. L1•1ua . - ALSO HE Li> IN CASE· Odis N.· Grimes -, - At Start Costs Race By ALMON ~ABEY Dllltr "*" ............ .JIONOLULU--Sweet victory llJllltd nat as yesterday's' champagne .Fridl1, when Trans~ yacht race offlclala stripped first.to-arrive W 1 n d W ~ ~ d PEissage of her reeord win1 giving. li to Btackfin. The stunning action based on bumping anothet boat at the:· beetle start ~ Clan Stadlap P11e S leaves ·Btackfln with a record crosshlt in 1~ndmg or tf"a1t1until·la:te.~ven~ is I.ii.I· _greaf·shape.• It-'slcertainly reassuring to t1ally ~l~n~. _ ·'. · -... them' Jookiog'lhat·~ay.'; Berry told ~uss1a s assurance, relayed personally · an WIY morning news ccmference today. through as~ut Frank Bonnan, th~t Berry was asked about the posSibility 1the mysl";r1ous ~-15.would ~ ge( tn of starting the· moon walk: 'Sunday after- Apollo 11 s way mdicated that it would noon rather than: the evening by elilni· leave moon or~lt tocjay. . . nati.ng a 4-hour rest period·scheduled -for But the SoVJets gave no hint what it · might do .and U.S. experts disagreed on .•· (Ste ~LL0,..~11e t) • .. .. , . ~-. -. -~·r . . . . • I·".. · ~·"':" 'I .' 1 • i {. •·' The body was sighted near the city beach. In addition authorities are still mysti- fied over the disappearance Tu.~ay of a young Pico Rivera boy vls1ttng the beach with a· church group. Lifeguards indicated the body sighted Friday afternoon mlghf have been one of two reported misslng1persons. Either the Pico Rivera yquth, 14-year-old Dean Panther Slaying S us pect Nabbed in Beverly Hills the 25th annual Transpac cl1ssic, plus the wlnntrs trophy....._ Race· cortunlttte members penalized the 73-foot,Wlndwarjl Passage two J,ours on her elapsed time, giving the Blackfln a 39-minute victory m&rgin. l\UNOR BUMP Sltlpper Ralph Pbllll~, Jr., had charg- ed the ~·Yaclll~ vessel made contact wJth bfs Owil·~ Esprit, Countian Falsely Accused (See SURF, Page I) By JACK BROBACK· . . Of tM D1i11Y Plitt SI.ti ,,. •. Arthur Dewitte League, 20, a prime Of Death. Sues Huntm" .gton Lifeguards Take ~~~~~.~.dl'. s~~~t:.;~;:: night of June 4-, was. attested Friday tn T Air · Ch k Beverly Hills by FBl,J1gents and Beverly ----~ 0 --to ec .Jilli• polic« ·-·--~ A Los-Alamitos ~kel researcher hustled the astonished couple lo jail for Nabbied .at life same time .and charged_ falsely accused six months ago of the boaking. · Ri t'd D withsuspiclonofharbortnga!Ugitlve·was slashing murder of a kindly widow .who m and the shapely, strawberry blonde p I e anger Nathaniel Otis Grimes, 21, another of bled to death in a gutter Friday sued the waitress remained in custody for SS three IUSpects originally indicted for the city of Huntington Beach for $126,500 in hours, Coatney charges, until a cab By JOHN VALTERZA murder of the officer. ·..., damages. driver's Up led to the questioning and ar-0t "" o.1tr l"li.t s1atr League, of 1133 w. Highland St., Santa Nonnan E. Coatney, 41, claims in his rest of Sianez and Hargrave. When the waterfront regulars in Ana, ts sai(l by Santa Ana'pollce·to be a Sqperior Court. action that the arrest of Coatney notes in his lawsUit.that more Newport Beach declare "surf's up," the member of tbe~Blact,Panther Party. himself. and his friend, Margareta lb.an "5 days have elapsed since he filed waves aren't the only thing that reach League,_ Grimes and ~ano~ Black Dinger, was totally unjustified. an id<nllcal claim with the, city .of l{un-ll!gher mto the air. Panther, Diniel Id! Lynem, 21; ,.ere In-1 Both were accused of the Jan~ tingtoo Beach~ which con·ftftutes A crew of Newport Beach lifeguards dieted .June 6 tiy 1 the -Orange COUbty ilaying of Mrs. Beste s. Ml!'kee, ;!5, W· automatic denial ·. · will be up, toe>-In an airplane. Gruic!'Jury'far ttie m~ of'tl)e offiW •. ilunUngton BeaC!t, aft.I' Mlas Dinger'• Mm Dinger, who i1 not asillhJated 'l!lth Tbelr Olght, In a rented plane from Lyn"'!,,'Was.pidied up tmmedlalely. , . blood-smeara:l ~ was found .a~ Coa~ in the .su~ior ~~.suit,• 'was Orange· Coiinty Airport, .usually lasts an . t..Ynenf. ~ pirG'.1 Jnlnilter Of cOm-1 in an oilfield near the murder scflOe. fofmally arraigned on ~lc1on of hour each day when tbe surf is large and rpunltatl.On;....\vi.81..ltleaaecLJuly s. on the Oillleld roustabollt Henry L. Sianez, 25, murder with the claimant ""oie both the' riptides which the waves and currents lbOUOn ol Diatrict Attorney Cecil A. o[ 311 Clay st., J{untington Beach, is now were freed. spawn give swlmmets some terrilylng Hieb · ana -mluder ,ctµuges ;against serving five years to life in state prison Testimony during prosecution of Sianez moments. · Grimes dropped, leaving League as Uie an.tr b¢og convicted of second degree and Hargrave indicated they r were joy· · The surf was up tllil week, spawned by sole ausptet ln'the br\ltal sla)'jng of Santa murder in the· case. tiding In Miss Dlnger1s stolen car when it a hurricane ofl the Mexican coast. Ana's top rookie polic;eman of 1968. • HJs l&-year-old companion on the .night collided with Mrs .. Markee's auto and The.waves caused rlpildes by the ~re. Sasscer wu tilled Tiear midnight June ". borrw, u~ard llargraft;" of .. Hun· both stopped -the acene. ~,Llf.egu11..i Robert Reed, '1. Olihl!_ -'-ml*•--,,,._ ..,. ~··~~, ~t·--..o-n ••• , "1•··~~"'tylaalweekto .SJan.. ..o.;bis".fuoctiorii i'm!>afrtd·by a 0 _....~-).>..ehlm-.CHance • .,,,-,.,,_~_,.,..,_,,...'"I~ ,. "- •..;.-. ~, P --•-. heavy dost ol barbiturate drugl -whip-to watch'"\;' men at ;'.;k all o1-•' !be ' ~. " he was JOOYingJhlir Pl,, car '° possession of a stolen car for bis role m ped out a. knife durlng•the-.:onfrontlUon ....tline. ··• qutatloll ...,. ~· • Tbe ....., theCoa~-lnd~::."l:°hi. suit bow ann-anc!_ ,fl~)'_ sluhiil · .llfo. • aray-haired . Reed, a vet<ran ol Pacific swimming' =~...;:; ~!1...~ In !be ed olficen burst Intl Mi,. Dinger'• gr-u Hargrave ·Watched In l'BI all -,-.,-~ apmliiell1 -a1 .m 'Delaware St.,lllCI~-. . _._ -• (See lllPl'IDES, Pl(e I) ' Tbe ~-~.~ -. ' . • I ,, . t . ' ' • • Grimes. were arrested at 1144 Tower one of sev~ ,n&iar colHilaias . on the Road, Beverly Hilll •. Le&gue'._ was Ir· windy starting ~Yt. ' raigned'Frldsy afternoon on charges of lngThe,claip!wl!''l!PlleldltFrlda~·llW- murder an~, corisptr&ey.1 lO 'corDmlt : · • '' • muider belor'e'\he u .s.-dmilnlsst.Per In Another prot.-iby: !be· aklpper ·of the Los Angel~, and tufned.6ver 't0 Santa · ~~~~~J:1a~~~~ A1• 119~, · -'---~ ule stormy_voflge""JQ.ffonolalu. · He Is now lodged .~in 1 COunty Jail . .._ ' awaiting-arraJgnment Tuesday morning PASSAGE FIRST :.. on the Grand Jufy murder in<tJctment. Skipper . Bgb J~'s it\Viqdward The pair were arrested on Warran~ Passage had been· .declar~ the winner with an elapoecl' tlmi •of nine da,ys and issued by· the U.S • .COinJ1l1ssioner. last nine hours, rnmpare<t lQ Blackfln'sinlne June 6. Aid had been requeated by' Hicks d 0 ,_.i:::-n' -" · · I "·· th 1ys, 1 IllAITTI, • _ • m oca>Ul6 em. , In requ' estlng releue of Lvn•m ,July. 3, Ken DeMeuse, akl~ of ~. cut ,._ ofSlFrandaYaclllC!ub,Sln1'ranclaco, Hlcka said "evidence aiid wllnes&el· that !1'! ''" ""8fnal ~ Thuridl1 ,'that hllve turned 1JP In the paa1 4f liourr)1ave· Windward p-falllllecl poiltloos lite sa\iSfll'1 111'1lla!-we cannot p,oceed with In the me. the· ............. •tJan.,., { .. . . ' ~ •. .-rvi--~. , ,. ,: :. J tCrewmen a~· the Blaciaur ,were But the · d!strld•attamey, liQderscoi'ed already t~ n, victory !bey,~ the, facl tljat. lllao;lt Pl\D~. a-.µ.lfy iB tJiey "had --·at.I were flnaUj defi""•'" lnvotted ID the · of ·lho. -"··~~ -...__ ..._ h ,.,_._ ... -"U~Toiilcer.· '. 1 '' • ' • .' "'~·~·~....., w ~~ • \"..,·•-~ , , P.a._ .~ •• ,.., t11e .Ullllll"lloo n :U11 should' be ma<1e cle'ar that ~billlc , utei 'oiirl!« ,O!f ~ .~ facts of the murder nmain 'lbe aante,'' JUbtlailoi/ •)llf:hJ!rofie out on~ al Hicks stated. 1 ; '" 1 Win<!"ard ~ crewmen ....: who I.ynem, a!tbouah perma!!ellllY •it¥ed' t(louafit ~ -l'lllllllnc aediad-_.., ol.murdet cborgM, lo IWlltlllc coun ap-le.t Blackfln··~ oat d a aqilall pear-.oo.two~~ -., , everaJ·miles 'n~a--, . <Ht will.be la CIC!Urt:Jllly,• •'-•ion-jji_ie lrOOJc~'........-111 .1!1 cealed -cbarlt· "°"' lul April oven more~ awt~ --,........ and'wlll ....... In Aupa!Gll a lltllh IO and ~-clhD-- dlapene dllrp -fOllOwed the -~»C!i-~ .... ., ...... -........ ... . . •• (li'ullltq·cmlelti .. .'l'ulfoo-lllMJ·' -......... ~ ..-• • • • I ' .. -' '.liAiY 1'1LOT -. ' . ~. JulJ 19. 1%9 s.el!f Poteer -'41s ·tightS Out -or -. · --.t(I~ng East Coast ~ , __ t. ., ,,,. ~ .... Pr... . Fnm the White House to the Empjre !!late Bulldin(, from Massacl\Ulelll to ~la. individuals and huge comp&· -lllmed of( llgbla, air coniliUOWI end olhet elec!rical equipment Friday· In 1111 af!anit to boll · the East Cou1 0111 ,,, • --sllortall.. • ,. .... dlji of bUmld, IG<iegr<e ---power facilities and b""'gbt plell ...., ulilltles to avoid ..........,Y .... " electricity. . to the While H.U.. -up ·uid "''""' Ille halls !urning off -·llahll, wotkert In federal buildings were given their choke ol turning out lights or air condiUoolnJ. • Some elevators aDd escalilOl'a ·at the Capitol were at.oppe:d. Tbe -in the Senate, whiCb wu 1n ~ were lef' on. IJghts in.Ibo Houae ...,., Oil down, leaving "just enough for the tourists: \0: see what the cha.JOOer look.I like.•• sald Ille head eleotrlcian. . • · \ , • '111 ARTffllli'.11. VINSEL _... .. ............ PifS and clltes doo\'1'.sell lor big money, bUt every U~e bit· be~ps wben you're bo.Yin& a life that lilerally carries a #1,!*J price lag. Wives of ~ and Sillta Ana n..men .,. delnc llltlr part 1n Ille ba!Ue ror Mn. eoneen !landall today • .i.ging· • benefit bake sale for the khiney tumor -Mrs. Randall;of ;12.06 Pamtn Place, Co5la Mesa, may be on band at-~ sale at 2656 N.w.rt Blvd., In bel_p CMll her henefa<14tS, !>al It all deti<lid•; • ••1t ~pends orrl)o:w J feeJ," says Mrs. Randall. who will be l>orn< for the weekend after a current series of ;medlca1 ltlla,~prior to IUf1llOal rdtoval of her Me tel)'laining kidney Tusday. • • doof.lo-<loor campatcns by n<iahborhood llolll her lither oi>d uncle died o! dilldftD illd cMlltr ldur<ea -from lleoitli 'lldcWy ma~ly Amerlea'I Dlltota lo 1,.ionc1 -hl!ve ~ !Iii lln-ral<il-kll!OI', before medici>I science fund inohing towerd lhatlUp cool'ol co..-developed .... ,. Linued Uvini:. ' · "At the Ume of' their Qeaths," 11id one Mn.. Randall s8'd lhat depending on organizer of Ute Colletn Ralidau Fund. ' how It all _goes, she shoold be out of · "htmodialy'1s and lransplanta~ or. Ille Orange Cotinl.l Medical Center withln a kidoey,was a sclet1µttc fantuy,". 'G monlh, but ~ ~ !JU telt •· · -· Virta$Uy every penriy' ,.ocUmulattct, ~Y 'I "I've talked to PeoPI" Jlho Were in tour well·wishers -except for one .special 1 weeks and_ one patient. who speilt 14 coin -1iU be nefded to dtfray cos~ of .t '1."eeks, 1• said Mn. Randan, whose hus-the complicated med I cal care. · f band Robert is partially paralysed ff'OlQ a ~ The one that Will be saved ii a-good .f 196$ Balboa Bay dl_Ving accldent. luck co1n malled by a woman in Itttand I Sir-persons have so far offered to with her hopes and prayers for a~~. i donate a kidney to the attractive 33-year· uncomplicated recovery. . • old mother of thret ehildml, but olher ·'1She will cherish It," said oM:i caln- priorilies must ~bandied .. firsL . fr. ~ '•~ ' I ' An omclal of the Federal Powet Com· tniPloo Said there appeared to l!t TI9 tbrelt~of .a.lar.ge.scal+blackout. althou~ a P"W' system in the Middle Atlantic atafM w .. fo l:iOrrow electricity from aniDtblr ~~--ti: a ~!ant f'1Jure. Slewart Brown, clUef of the FPC's bu· reau or power. said high air conditioning u.!lage and a plant failur~ In P~nnsylVa~ nia overloaded the l?enmylvama ...New ~~:Ji,.;;.~=. Jersey-Maryland System which then had The. diseased organ -attacked by htrediµuy tumors which earlier forced removil or Ule other-must be takeb out one year before she may undergo a kidney trapsplan~ operation. .... • . . High~~y Bpar~-·~kays ·-~, .. l ~ I'~ l:leetnc Piiwer Co. in WU11!1114D:.clarod an i!a)er(""'f Fri- dal' ........ ·ud .. kod <veryone. \n-<hlilb!I Ille rederll ,,..emmenl, to cut -.. the ... d. electricity. to hpporf. _!~ megawa~ Crom-·Chicago. : and Othir l(e&ll. .. :. ; _ Brown ·aaid, however, that llie' PJM · system passed through ils pealc cltmand about 4 p.m. and the crisis abould have Qlemical dialysis machinery will be re- quired to cleanse her blood during the 12- mQDt.b period, but it wil cost ~.PJ).for the entire"" series of surgery and .t.reabnent. CdM~t)nk~ t~ Fre~~ay. , .·~.l Alt~~ .... cut .. much ... fO!l!i!lo In, le Houoe! ,....-. to . U1it ,J:DcuUvt 't)fliee BuildJDCllUI • ' be~ to· tlack oll. . In' .,r \'Ork City, lelhper.-, .. malned In Ille 90a, allhougln1 mld.aller- ._ Ulunderstorm offered some prom. lit of temporary-rtliel. • ~o,lunwers 'Se ek to Form ' -. " lliiman R~latiom Group t • " I' •"• ' ,.._.coot-; .. I ' " ... : ,' ' • • lo 4 CrMtlaD-Of an oraanlzaUon a1mtd al such minority group factors a! educatkm, lntf1lnl -k ol aeveral county groupo health and employment. . " liill>-Glfe-CGOD!ywld< · IM\lan _reJaljcms "We-woukr'also become_ .a ~clearing DAIL. Y PIL.O'r St•ff .. .._.. . -GUARD BDA-T ltl RESCUE On\Y 13.000 · hall been accwnulafed "' far in Uie Colleen Randall Trus.t Fund, to whiCb dOriatiOns· may be. malled at u.s: Nalional Bank, 1845 Newport Bl'vd., Cos- ta Mesa. . J .1 . ~ I ~:, ~ By JEROME P. COLLINS appeared In be toe cl0.. lo Ille p!Uned -1 or 111 GUif' '"'"' s11ff major freeway·Urfreeway interchaqe tn SANDIEGO-TheCalifurnia·ff\ihway the Vicinity of East Coast Highway and 1 MacArthur Boulevard. , Anonymous donations, garage Commission Friday unanimously ap-Newport Mayor Doreen fl.1arshal1, ~ sales, proved three major local street con· councilman Paul J, Gruber and Traffic , Fron• Page 1 nectors to the Corona del Mar-Pacific Engjn~ Robert Jaffe lnsisted that the Coast Freeway complex in Corona del Newport Center Drlv~ connector-which ~ar. would pour tra~ric ill and out of Fashion -i Newport Beaeb; city officials sa id the Island-is.vi~~ the c.ommunity. : SURF action may lead to earlier constiuction of HEA"Y LQAfir.: . • . • • • • l!1e two f~eeW-ay~, now appr~chiEtg the Jafj~~inted ~ lhal Newport Center , Heart, or a male N;gr;~ed missing f~I-deS)~stages:-T~e Dl"!SJon--ot-DriVil.inlqllfelY ... li'" eipe(ted-fo ~ ~arry -i earUer Friday from . Hunfinston Stale HlgJ_iways.hQ ~n working to~anl COf!l· some S>,roo· vthii;:leS daily. Its traffic Beach. Lifeguards said they can only pie~ of1heie18Jit-Jane superhighways m count tnoW averages about 12,500 cars , .i.._ 5vw1., b hor the .mtd·1970s;-1 • •• , • / . • each d•Y· Local streets. he ·indicated, wait for Wt: ~1 to was as e. Highway com!Jl-l8s1oner,, aft~r brief would not be sufficient to carry the an· No ~ were· reported in. New. discUS5ion._ iipproved plans for e-0n-ticlpjited fpcrea.ae.d load. - J>Ort:"Beacb, -but lifeguard · spoke~n structitm:of tbest off and on-ramps: ---. -C -,.,,.,_, -~ J · -·d· -said they had. "a bunch of Ured hfe-_ Blsol Aveaue · at Corona del Mar Ommlllliloner ennings &al · guards" .. after pulling 300 bather$ from Frttw-4Y·: .: 1; or1 .,. • • • • -~ _ ~ ,OQf-of; &boa& _locali~s l'~e ..... ~e .ripb~ and ~~surf~ ,.._... __ _..;_ J!Ni~.lwilli ... at Corci&:iSi1 Mar com .. ~'""~~e aboulrl..J?! railed zn eoeuhWon wu. acbeduled for ~ houJe for information 1.iift' \rOIDi'itftt ef. r---todlJ .on the Univeralty of'· Clliforma fot1 00 all these and related topics:O• Help From th~ ~~ . ·--~ = romiii~Wliite·sald."'We-feeFlliiFO-muoh-great••:----· ·-,. .--Biggest pr i1em. areas were ~ona · Freeway. ' Pffo'rlfi. ~IS vteW"iiiis supported ·bj' de! Mar and Balboa Penimula. _ N~wpOrt ·Center Drivii at Pacific ~lfiec COrotJ1.1SSionen1 .. •. "'Most were novice ~rfe~ spoiling Coast Freeway. ,Designs were then approved 's sub- tailed the Orange County Council ,for effort can be r;nad~ to m~t aituatlora ex· f'roM Page 1 Communlcationl .and ~uman Rel~tions isling 1n Orange County by lumping the will be insura.oce e1ecutivti Josh White, a work of splinter groups into one RJP'fJDES · p~Ua .Negro wlUi a long record of coordlnaled ellort" . . • • • . the' heavy surf, but failing once they -mitted by Divilion of Hi g b way 1 were lh it.." one lifeguard commented. FEED COAST enginteft· , ~Cipation in UCI25 -annual community-\Vhite stressed Uiat the meeting is not tlOIJlll11l1· he 9 . be r . 'I JolninC White at the helm of t . a.m. lirruted to mem rs o m1nor1 Y groups or ilatberin& will be Mayor Louia Rein_bardt those particiPating in the work of existing .t FuDertoo and Santa .~a Councilman organizations. 11f:ITY· Pattencm. Both civic. official! will "Jt ii primarily an organizational join White in ur&in& &be formaUonbandlof a meeting but we will welconie anyone who ceutranr.ed vohmteer &fOUP to e cares to attend ·am wbo may have com- taeues arl&lnC fr!JID radal tensions. and menla: tO mate on thia work "and how beat APOLLO ... ~·trooa Uc! Adrln bel..-. they lea>• Eqle. . "We were qult.e concerned . . . they itidn'( ~et adequate 1leep on the first tbree rughtJ and then faced> that lunar •uria<e aetlvlly period already fatigued ••. tf lbere wu· a request on their part to alter the flight plan, we would-make . e .real Ume medical decision based on \Yhedler we thougb,t they were rested l£ft0Udt \a. ~ the Eva (moon walk). at that ume, .. 1!erry said. · .AnnsUu>g,.&.JClllllg·looklng 38-year,oid t:ivilien. aod Aldrtn, 39, an Alr Force col-Onel aomet.lmes kn<nyn as Dr. Rendez. vous ~ that neither the blastoff frorri. Cape Kennedy nor the docking maneuver tha( atuct Eagle on the com· maod ~ip Columbia's nose had caused any dlma~e. "We doi1 t see anything I005e up there,., ~ldrin told ground controller Charles Duke. "1be vehicle la eurprisingly free al .any debris fioatlng around. It's very clean." . Wter, as diillions of viewers watched. the astrOoaut:a did see a washer that had been left loose in the lunar module floating: in space. One of them reached out and grabbed ll ' · Mmatrona and Aldrin spent ··2 hours end Iii mUNtes working in Eagle before tbf;y rtloined Collins, 38, an outgoing air tore. lieutenant colonel, in the Apollo commandshlp. 1bat finished thelr work for their last ''easy" day In 1pace. 'Ibey receiYed a "goodnight" from ground controllers at r; p.m. PDT for an 3-'h·hour sleep period. DA I L\ PI LOT ...,.. ............... ..... --_,...., --CA'llO'"IA CllMOI COU1 ""'-llNtNO COMMHY l.._,N,WMf .,...,.... -... """ JM• l. C.l•y Viet,,...... ... O..• ._.., n....11: .... u ·-n.-. A. M"'91ii~• ............ "" to perfonn it," he said. "We elpecl that it will be a hall-0.ay meeting." Mayor Reinhardt "" · a key tiaure tn the formaUon of the Fulleiton ~Humlh Relations Commission. Councilman Pat· terao~lf icUy, in santa Ana's eff9rlJ t9 l11111Cb • related PNll'"1l. · Code Violators Beware! Here Come the Judge HOU1ing ind zoning code-vi01iliii'Sin Laguna Beach from now on will be teWng it to the judge. A p~~ to tum offencte.rs over to the court after an .inlUal warning and time given to comply has been ad()pted by the city. . CitaUons will be Issued f)y city in· spector the same as a policeman gives traffic tlcket.s, and more than one will be given ii the infractlofl isn't corrected. Failure to appear in court will carry the same penalty as in a traffic case. Among the more frequent zoniil& and housing vlolatlo1111 in Laguna are boats, trailers or campers parked in the front or side yard and di!lplay or unautbQrized banners OJ flags. "It ls unlikely _we are goin& to paper the cOmmuntty -with citations but we now have the capability," said city Building and Planning Director Clyde Z. Springe . Building inspector William Meyer was hired 10 months ago and given the en· forcement assignment lull time, Springe .said. He also not~ that the time is arriving when a more restricUve sign ordinance goes lnto effect. The ordinance stipulated a three-year grace ·period for existing signs and two years, three months of that time· has now expired. Springe Jigur~ when. the ordinance was adapted. ~ percent of Laguna Beach's &igns were non~niorming. -THiratnr1101dltru-e~for"15 or ·m percent of signs in the dty. he-estimated. Other violations Meyer will be working on include signa that are too Jarge in win- dOws, carports built beyond setbacks, and iarages illegally. converted fo living space, Sprlna:e satd. Ellis, Rawls Top County Fair Bill "MnJihliheater &hoWs featuring Don Ellll and Lou ·Rawls will be lop 11· tracUons during the last two days of the · Orange Coast Fair arid Expoaition in Costa Mtsa. . Ellis and bis orchestra will perform tOnltht at a .p.m. on the w<OWllj' t -Nllti>llll4Uod1l&llll.wlll be•• &Lql lb ~ Cloal1ht fair Sunday tvening at I p.m. The lnlernatlonal llOdeo AsioelaUon GliaJ!IPlonahlp &deo will be pr.,..Una • < IWr fll'O;•'--ridln& . .exhlblliono · th I 1 •eetend. ' { ' .. • • Pi:tro~anc:i.5£att.Jl•tod for.1 p.m.,Bird;i . qalD at 1 p.m. bOth Salurda1. and 5\ln- day. • Huntlngt'on Bea.ch lifeguards mad e 41 _4 . The Fifth Avenue lipk~ Is desiined to -''The approvals.'' said Jaf(e later, and surfing since the 1930s. Jong has rescues including t~o !Tiass rescues ~r1· -feed into Pacific Coast Freeway ."mean.that st.ate engineers now h~vethe emphasized that veteran and novice day. . . downcoast south of Corona del Mar at ;.opportunity to proceed with their wark ocean swimmers alike should know ba!lic A two-bloc~ lpng rip tide_ at 4:07 p_.m. Buck Gulley. more quJckly, so we roaY see constrUction rules of escaping riptides. Some are : sent 15 Huntington ~each lifeguards into · Earlier this year, the commiallon • before the mJd·lt1G!." • · . --Firs~. if_you bave any not10.n riptides thfle nderlnwater ~t,!~-t~~e ~arit~~ o;;.t f:, authorized •LJamborKll,o ad· C-o a s --=--• ;..----t ~ _ _ .· _ Meeting-·Poslponed--· might be ruMing check · wit.it .the ou r. w11~1 • . • _ Freeway interchange and a San JoaqUin life ard d l and• • .,,., ·n1 ---attemoon-15 Hfeguards~plunged inio-1.he: n--I do d 1 M ect g~. on u.1 get ·~ op1 , on on octal\ 'together to ·bring -in 30 beaten· ouu evat "Orona-e ~ ar-conn or: cond1t1on.s. _ bathers. Councilmen one year ago accepted the -Be expecting.riptide conditions it surf A total of 1,500 swimmers were res· slate's plans for two free-Ways east of the is running high aod particularly i{ y9u cued Friday in the heavy surf along Upper Bay. The city st ill maiiltains its swim jw~U:tsjd~ th' 9wjlin~.) .. :..i. ~ 1 ._Orang~ wlCl Los1:~~ counties, ~out opposition to alignment of the Coast -II caliiJ:i Wa tlptii:r.}neve" nr.tb .. dsa.Witere Itii ~.~~nke lif~ 1''reeway west of the Back B<1y. fight your way dfrectty back 'to shore guilrds to top the mark in Los Angeles QUESTION PLAN against lhe.atrength of the riptide. Swfm CouDty. .t..-. laterally-or parallel with t~e beacb~o Rip tide:i Qd heavy surr were s~wn· Co1nmissioners Alexantlc~.gv~ antl An Ocean View School District Board of Tru.5\ees meeting scheduled for Mon- day has been postponed until Wednesday to conform with President Nixon's "N3"' tional Day of ParticipatlOn" in the Apollo '. 11 mission. · ' esc8pe th.i J'iVero.i.Uke 'OutfloW of'~he trlp-ed by a;troplcal st~ off Mexico, s~ld Robert Herdman 1·hy1:sdaY' questioned tidt>,, · i ' the U.S. Weafher~~urea11:. T'oe occlition lhe necessity of a ~e~rf.'tenter Drive -For. optimum iafety, swim with one was expected to ilecrease today. l.!!lk to the Coast l:,,reewiyl_,.Th~ said it The iew meeting will be held at 7:30 ·1 p.m. m yie district board room, 1972 \Varner.};ve., Hun~on-Beacb. or more companiorµi . From the air the ripUdes are plainly visible .as roand patches of roily water studded with _wbitecaps. The'· foamy we·a, sometimes tards wide, has a throat of surging water near the.,..shor~line w~ete 1\1_ ~t surges_ seaward. · .-.!.'.We--work--Oft-a tbeory.of..Jlfesaving-thit- we term 'attention emphasis' and it is a fairly loose technique that centers on the lifeguard1s own judgment," Reed e1.· plained. To sharpen the techniques of the at· teption emphasis, observation from the air seems to work better than anything else. he said. The entire-procedure behind "allention emphasis" boils down to being at the right pface at the right time, Reed ex· pl;Uned. The riptide is a pheoomenon that taxes tlle lifeguard's attention emphasis more than any other dangerous sea condition. As each riptide passed 'by beneath the aircraft, the half-dozen different ty~s o( riptides in the f\ewport area betame aµ-. parent. All have one common source -a strong current running parallel to the shoreline. It Is created by heavy wave action. That current, R~d cxplainerl, sometimes runs into an area where a lull in wave action exists and that lull force s the current outward . "\Vhen the current starts ru shing out In se!l through the constricted ·throat," then it'fi a rlptide,0 he said. Each beach swimming zone In the Newport area hitS ib 01vn version of the rip. · On Little Corona and Main Corona del 11-Iaibeaehes the· rip usually forms in the center of the l\\'O rounded coves, then shoots seaward ~~ndiculilr {o shore. Near theNCwport Pier a sntimerged - bar usually causes a rip on th'e upcoast side of lhe pilings. In West Newport. sinCf. groin construction l\as started , Jips de\·elop with regularity on the south side of the steel and stone fingers. Jtips take many shapes, Reed ex- pl<!ined. Some ihobt straight out to ~ea . Some shoot out then curve back against the-direction of the onshore current. and :;till others course out. then take off in the dlrecUon of the current. Rescues in the rips involve both single swimmers or groups. ln many Instances the lifeguards never even take to UH! water. "lf It looks feasible," Reed sa id, "our man uses sound «iulpment to talk a capable swimmer out of trouble. It is a fantsstic tool." Rescues in ripUdes pose a brace of prob· Jems lhe minute a guard Jeavt§.Jtb_ sta·" . tion <for· the· water. · . ... .. ' ummer"Ppps" oncerts . Monday &nintJS VnJertheStars Hear a summer series of nine "Pops" concerts under the direction of J\1r. Henry Brandon, jtf!e to the public, on the lilall at FASHION ISLAND each A1onday evening at 9:00 p.m., June 301/rrough August 25. Thirty-five talented musicians from Orange County, will present a delightf11l selection of "Pops" nµmbers'during the nine-week ,1Jonday night sclzedul.es, each one a different progra1n. ' l'bu are invited to bring folding stools or cushions in ctlSe of overflow seating ippacities. . ~ · Sponsored by The Irvine.Company aruL Fashion Island Merchants Association i n-.,cooperation with {he Recordinc Industries Trust Fund: : • · 58 FINE ST!>RES and SllMCES ' !. The most prtlling probl•m ~ Jlooe.~.: -· -·•-- ••·Every mtnUtir.the·m•l'I b ln lbe .~er. FA~~~ I P:N.:1::;.j.l.~.LAN D - he leaves his poit un~rdtd~ there101'4 •. we striss speed ,fn re~ulng,!' llid1le~ .... d·:~.~d::~~~f,;'':!t~I~~ ~. t~ ~ . or ~ swrmriren :""hive~~. - lifeguard, k>o." : r . ' . . : .. l'.1''1~~~~ ~ 1C?.J.ll'..'1'••:, i :· i "':-.-:Ptdftl.CMtt ...... 1-.....,...-..•.•ll•aW.~ ........ _..-· • ·" ... ~ : • ' .. • . ' " . ' -. .....!..- -· . -·-' • Weekend . . - ~t::i2, NO. ·172, 'I S.ECTIONS, 6f PA~ES SATURDAY, JULY 19, .1969 • -llN CENTS • Apollo Trio Hurrying Into-History SPACE CENTER,' Hou.ston"'lliPI) - Apollo 11, DO-" in the grasp of moon's gravlty and taining speed, hurri<d thlft uttooauti iowll'd'hmar orbtt today and the first bumaii (ootstep outsjde the world SuAKlaY· · • ' Aitroniiuts Neil" A. AnrullrODI and. Ed· win E. 1Bmz''-Aldrin Jr_., expect~ to learn ..,ly today wbelber t11ey will ohare the lunar swUce wiCh a Russian robot rocket when' they land 'Sunday -or we~ er it·might-~.beading ~ck to earth with a scooeftll ot lunar soil by Oien. 'ArmStron_g still ~Id dtcide to take Ltvtt first step on the moon Sunday arter- nocMr after-the Schedu&ed 1:11 P.M. PDT llndJng or, wait unJ.ll late evening as ini· lially planned. • • Russia's usuraoce, relayed pers_pna11y thrjlogh" astrooaul Frank Bomwi..that, the inysterlous tuna 15 would not get ln Apollo lt's way indicated that it wOuld leave moon orbit today. But th& Soviets gave no hint what it ,• might do and U.S. ·experts dlsa~ -on whether it would try to land or •simply head back to ear\b. During an hour and 36-minute teleca.st -the longest and one of the best' from space; -Annstrong aitd Aldrin cheCled · . out the inside ol the lunar module Eagle · lhey plan to fly to the moon'11 11urface , While dieir fellow a&tronaut-;-Michae1 Col- lins, circles in 1he Apollo commandsh1p. Or. Charles A._ BerrY, tl}e_ astronauts' doctor, watched the TV broadcast and . . PAiR OF CLASS1C llPTIDE. PATTERNS. TAKE SHAPE OFF.WEST NEWPORT'S062ND STREET-BEACH· Aided by Aeriel St~ie1, Lif.,..rd1 Lu.rn .to R·ead Ri:s ~ln Order to Save Swimmers • _ • ' ' - said as a pyhslclan this wu important ln determining their conditions. He aald the crew bad reported no illness on the O.lght, bad taken 11> medlcaUon at a11 and bad sl~ better than e'1'<Cled. ' I thllit _ ther look llke they .,.. In great .shape. It ' eertalnly russurlna td see 1hem looking that way," ~ lold in ,a?ly mornbti: news coOferenCetodiy. B~· WU ~led about t!_ie poss~ili!Y of &tarting the lJIOOll wait &mday_ ifter.. noon rather than the eV<l!ing. by el1ml- Body Seen , As · Riptides nating a 4-hour mt period acheduled for /i.rmStrong and Adrin before they leave Eagle. "We were quite concerned • , •. they didn't get adequate \leep on the ttnt thlft nights and then. faced that lunar surf"" activity p_ertod alleady fatigued .•• lf there was a· J'.t!Quest on• their part to alter the flight plan, ... 1J!>Uld mat. a rut time_ medical dec.isloO~ bued on whether we thought they w_ere rested enough to undertake the Eva (moon watt) at that time," ~aald. Anrultr<in , a owig· ll-)'Oll'<li4 · civilian, :X AJJ:.:, 39, an r Force col-- one! .sometimes biowri u Dr. Rendez. voos, reported that neither the blaStolf from Cal(e Kennedy not the doctinl n\aneuver tha( stuCk Eagle on the ~ mand ship Columbia's oooe had caused an.fw~,;;.. onytblog ~up then,,;. Aldrin told growwf controller CborleJ (See· APOU.O, hp I) .. ~ ~ Greatest Show on,Moon::· Here's 2-day Timetab~ SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (UPI) -The Apollo 11 ilmetahle for Suildoy and Mond&¥ based on the filtht plan and subject to Chant°' SUNDAY 4:32 A.M. PDT~w awakem for f.irslof two ~ da t. -6:32 A:M. Aliliiil en er! rilooilJander iliout hli spaceswr.""'~-- By TERRV <:OVILLE 7:20 A.M.-Armstrong enters moon lander, \/earing spacesuit, and starta finoJ Of * °''" "• M.tt check of systems. H~.r!POdes swept along the Orange 7:47 A.M.-Aldrin exits lander, puts on spacesuit ID command sb)p and No Coast Friday a.pparently claiming the life turns to Jltfdlng craft. --. - • of one swimmer in fluntlngion Be&ch and l.0:47 A,M.-Lunar lander and command ship aep_arale tllgbtly, . · f · !" -~-t 11 h _,_,_ f ... 11 :11 A.M.-Collins in eoftlmand ship viSually irispecta: o.rt:siqe of lunar a. orc1ng u.eguiu,.;i .o pu Unw~. o ou~ dule for any 4!lmale. . . ers from the swirling surf. 12:11. A.M.-Altrol)aub: fire descent engfQ_e irr lunar lander,.drop tt Into Jowc Mystery sUJI surround,, the ~ppartnt--moO!t'otbit and ~~omfltO-c:--··~ -...--.--..... drowning in Huntington Beach because 1:07 P.M.-Lander'e big engine begins final desCent ·approacb flrinf.· lifeguards who spotte? a body floating In braking shJp out of brbit· at 50,000 foot altitude on sloping path toward the selected che>wy waters late Fnday afternoon w_ere lilndlng site. unable te> find it mome~tS later_. 1: 19 P .M.-Lander touches down on lunar Sea of Tranquility'. . "We ~w the body," said on~ Ufeguar~, 3:23 P.M.-Arrnstrong and Aldrin begin ·first meal on moon's surface. but with these heavy rip tides there s 4:03 P.M.-Two men begin four hour rest period prior to leaving moon laod- no te!Ung where it is now." er's cabin. . . . The body was sighted near the city 8:03 P .M,-Rest period ends and crew eats snack. beach. 11,oz P.M.-Artmtrooc and Aldrin depressurt.. the eabin and open the haldi In addition authorities are still myst1-in preparailon for t000nwalt. lied over-the disappearance Tuesday-of · -1-:ll P.M._~leaves lander and begins"descent-ot-ladder. He"paltf a youhg Pico Rivera boy visiting the on D-ring, opening equipment •waa:e area door and allowJhg televialon camera beaclt--wlth-a chuTCh group. a view of surface and foot of ladder. _ Lifeguards indicated the b<>dy sighted 11 :21 P.M.-AnnStron1. places leJt foo\ on surface, becoming flnt man' to Kt Friday afternoon might have been one of fool on the moon. 1 , • - two repoq~d. misiing persons~ Either the· · 11:39 P .M.-Aldrln Jeavea iµoon lander, begins: descent or laddtt • Pico I\lv~1<,outh, l~ear"!l.t· ~~. . 11 :111 P.1,1.~~· -Jirilve """'""'of -D111aio1 -flMrt,:W . '"•11t<.''8•ioit/ I -.. "''-"~ '511 '"-',·-·-al ' , _ .. _ 7). ,-....,-,-• tarlle'r FtidaY. ~ ltunUriitml · $tate \....,... ~.wt ~ llllNlliX-_ \. ·~ .... -Beacll. IJ(..uarc1o •llld 111t; •. ,can. ooiy • 1z,31 A.M.-M-esploieu*. adenlflle eJP!flmtnta on loller - wojt for1he~ to Wai!! ....... !l:a A.M.~ becln <jlll;Cllil Gf dolollad oample Gf -1Dllerial. Flights Enabl,e Rescuers to Check Riptide Dangers By JOHN VALTERZA Of ... Deltr '"" "''" When the-· waW!rfront regulars in Ntwpod Bltcfl ~. "surf'~up,'' !be1 waves aren't tbe ·op1y ·thing that reach hi~ into !'!< ...... - A ~ ol Newport Beach lifeguards will be up, too-in an ·airplane. Their f1tgbt, In I: rented plane from Orange County AUport, usilally tuts an hour each day when the surf ls large and . the ripUdes wh~h the waves aod currents spawn give swimmers some --1milying moments. The surf was up this week, spawned by a hurricane bff the Mexican coast. . The waves caused riptides by the score. Chiel Llfeguard Robert Reed's Olgbts over Newport beaches give him a chance to watch hi!: men at work all alont.. the coaSuine. • .. Reed, a veteran of Pacific swimming and surfing Since the 1930s, long ~ emphasized that veteran and nov1~e ocean swimmers..alike should know basic rules of escaping riptides. Some are: -First if you have any notion riptides might be running, check with the lifeguard on duty and 'get his opinion on conditions. -Be upeding riptide conditions ihur! ts running high and part1c;ularty tf you awlm just outside the surflin.e. -If caught' ln a riptide, never try to fight your way directly b~k to .s~re against the strength of the r1pUde. Swim laterally-or parall.el with the beach--:tO escape the river-like outfiow of the np- Ude. . -For optimum safety, swirr. w1lh one or more companions. From the air the riptides are plainly visible u round pa.tches of roily water studded with Whitecaps. 'l'he foamy are.a. sometimes yards widt?, has a throat ol surging water near Ellis, Rawls Top. County Fair Bill Amphitheater ahows featuring Don Ellis and Lou· Rawls will be tQp at. tracLioDJ during the last two days of the Orarce coast Fair and E1polition in Costa Meu. Elli> aiicl his orchestra will perform tonight al I p.m. on the coonty farigr<!Wlda and IUW[l will be on 1tsge to dooe the fair Sunday ev.en!nll ot I p.m. nie Jl!.._tematiooal Rodeo "'-iation CliamplonshiPROOeii Wiii be "''"'"ting four raore riding elblhiticm" th I s wetkeod. Puformancea are staled ror 2 p.rn. and •1afn al 7 p.m. bOth Saturd•,Y •nd Sun- d*>'· • the shoreline where its current surges s~ward. "We work on a theory of.lifesaving that we term •attention empha.Sis• and it ii a fairly loose technique .that -.... on the lifeguard's own jtJdimeni, "-.Reed e1- plaioed. ' CHARGED IN .KILLING Arthur D. L••1u• To sharpen the techniques of the at- tention empba.ais, observation from the air seems to work ·better than anyUling '"'· he.aald. The entire procedure-behind ''attenUon emphasll" boils down le> being at the See.llll'1U>~.!'•IO !L ALSO HELD IN CASE Odis N. Grimes Panther SJaying Suspee-t Nabbed in Beverly Hills By JACK BROBACK ,.Of "'9 Dllltr Pllift Slaff - Arthur DeWJU. League, io, a prime suspect in lht murder ol. Santa Ana pollce olftetr Nellon A. SaUcer on the night of June 4, wu amSted Friday in ~ly HJ!ls by FBI agents and Be.orly lllTis """"'· .. • N.p.bbed at the same time and charged with suspicion of harboring a fuglUve was Nathanfel1 OU. Orlmea, 11, another of thlft SU!J)OCts orillnaDY indict<d for the murder Of the officer. League, of 1133 w. Hilhiand Sl, Santa Anl, II Tald-by Santa Ana police to be a membor of the Btack Panther Party. ~ Grtmea ,and \notl\er Black Panlli<r; DI01d. M. Lypem, 21. were in- dlcled June I by tU Orange Coun\Y Grand Jury for the murder of the officer. Lynem wu picked up lmmedlately. Lynem, the party's minister of com- munlcatiOn, was released July 3 on lhe motion ol District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks and murder chai'ges against Grimes dropped, leaving League as the sole SIJ!P'ci In the brutal slaying of Santa Ana's top rookie policeman of 1968. Suscer wu killed near midnight June 4, minutes after he radioed headquarters lhat he was leaving his patrol car to "qUe!LiC!f' some pedestrians." f!ie scene was Third and• ~Raitt streets tn the downtown oectJoa of SOnta Ano. Tbe FBLAld..l'i1Clay that L<ap ond Grimel Were arrested at 11'4 Tower Road, Beverly HiDL Leagui Wu v-- ralgned Frtday afternoon on charges of murder and complr!'CY to commit ' tSee SLAYING, P11e I)' :,:i ::;:ingt"t~ ~.!,':; ~:::\:.i<~t.ahout j>oundoJ tah1 from cfocummted or•u and data~ said they had "a bunch or tir!d life-1:2t A.M.-AJdrln climbs back up ladder and enters cabln o/ lander. (See SURF, Pagel) 1:39 A.M.-Armstrong re-enters cabin of moon lander. Altrooauts pump alt back In and take off outer moonwalk prments. · Passage Penalty Gives _ TraJ!Spac _ Win to Blackfin By ALMON LOCKABEY O•llf l"li.t .. ltllll lflttr 2:51 A.M.-Astronaub open cabin hatch and toss out equipment and supplia they no ,lonser need. Jfatch closed. 3:13 A.M.-Armstrong a1'd Aldrin eat, then rest for foor houri and 40 minutes. 10:15 A.M.-Alltronauts fire ucent engine of lunar lander, a critical step if they are to return to command ahlp clrclinc o~er~IJd.__ . ll:OZ A.M.-Ascent hall ol landlng craft'°""' liito lntermedi.ite m0on orbii. 11 :5.1 A.M.-Lander begins aeries of maneuvers. aiming toward renda'VOUI ana doclWla WiUfCOifiltiiiil shi~wbere~Co111iii WiiOC---; ---z,31 P .M.-Command ship ond lunar lander dock. Artmtrooc and AI- vacuum clean their equipment and apacesuitl in preparaUon for entering motheraaip. 6,2$ P.M.-Ascent stage ol moon lander· jeWsoned from command ship and abandoned Jn moon orbit. HONOLULU -Sweet victory turned flat as yesterd~'s champagne Friday when Transpacific Yacht race officials stripped first·lo-arrive W I n d w a r d Passage of her record win, giving it to Blackfin. The stunning action based on bumping another boat at the hectic start still Class Standin11 Page J Countian Falsely Accused Of Death Sues Huntington . leaves Blackfln with a record crossing in the 25th annual Transpac classic, plus the winner's trophy. Race committee members penalized the 73-foot Windward Passage two hours on her elapsed time, givln1 the Blackfin a 39-minute victory margin. ft.UNOR BUMP Skipper ijalpb,Phlllips, Jr., had charg- ed the Lahaina Yacht Clu~based vessel made contact with his own 34-foot Esprit, one of several minor collisions on the windy starting day. The claim was upheld at Friday's bear· Ing. Another protest by the skipper of the 1'ranspac participant Quest was not allowed during. hearlng1-'tllhich climaxed the stonny voyage to Honolulu. A Los Alamitos rocket researcher falsely a~ed sll: months ago of the slashing murder of a kindly widow who bled to death in a gutter Friday sued the city of Huntington Beach for $128,500 in damages. Norman E. Coatney, fl, claims in his Superior Court action that the arrest of himseU and bis friend, Margareta Dinger, was tolally unjll!tified. Both were accused of the January slaying of Mn. Heater S. Maf~ee. 5S, of Huntington Beach, after MJss Dlnger's blood·smeared car was found abandoned In !R oillie~ n!SJ' the munl_~ scene. Oilfield roustabout Henry L. Sianez, 25, of· 312 Clay St., Huntmgfoii Beach, is now .PASSAGE FIRSt serving Hve year1 to We in Mate prison Skipper Bob Johnson's Windward after being convicted of ·second degree Passage had been declared the winner murder in the case •• with an elapsed Ume or nine days and His lS.year-old compaiilon on the· night nine hours , compared to Blackfin's nine or horror, Edward ·Hargrave, of Hun. days, 10 houri, 21 minutes. tlngton Beach, pleaded guilty tut week to Ken OeMeuse, skipper o( Blacklin, out posswlon "of ·• stolen car for hia role in of St. Francis Yacht Club, Sao Fraocisco. ' the drui-lnductd murder. lost an orlglhaJ protest Thursday that Wlndward P~e fa'lsUied positions late Coatney describes 'ln his suit bow ann- in the ra~. ed officers burst Into Mils DlnJer's Crewmen aboard the . Blackfin .were apartment at 2808 Delaware St., and already touting the vk:tory they believed =~g.the uto~ _couple to jall'for they had won -and were finally pttsenteil '"Frlj:lay -when Windward He and the shapety, 1lr1Wberry blonde Passage sliced over the finl!h line 11 waitress remained In cuatody for 85 minutes earlier olf DiamOnd Head. hours, CGatney charge.a,. unUI a cab Jubllatlon "hlch broke out on deck u drlYer'• Up led to llle-queitloolng and ar- Windward Passage ~~en -wbo rest of Sianez and Hargravt. thought ahe wu running l(COnd -spot. Coatney notes In hit Iniuit Iha~ more led ~lackfin surtlng out ol a squoll than 45 daya have elaPMC! olnc:e be filed mral !"Ile.' nay and lttem. -... ldentkal claim wllh·the c1t,y ol Bun- nie frcijlc tllmaboul fo!lowtd by an tlngton ·~1 .wblofl c •••ii tat 11 even more ironic rwltch between winner automltJc aema1. and -place f!nlahs cllmued wbal Miu !lire«, who II not ..claled '!Ith aomt.yochtamtll CQllllder on< ol the mo.t =In tho SUporior Court IUH, waa gruelllni -In T ... poc hlltary. _ f ornliMd on IUipldoo ol . " murder with the claimant .. "lelore botJi were freed. TuUmony during prosecution of Slanei and Hargrave Indicated they · weri joy~ riding in Mlsa Dinger"' stolen car when jt collided with Mrs. Markee's auto and both stopped near the scene. Sianez -hJa tunctionl lmpai,."ed by a heavy doae ol barbllarate dru(I -whip. ped out a bile dartJll. lhe conlrolllatiop and 'fatally 1luhed the 1'11¥-llaln!I graridmoµJer aS Hargrave wttcbed In horror. Orange Weatller Variable clouds through Sunday, but mostly sunny. LltUe tempera· lure change. ~ INSIDE TODAY e 11 RuuUI thi number one target of the "ntlO Chtna~ be· · ina operottd bt1 Red Chlna'• military rtoin\c7 Milit11f11 maa- lt11t George Filiding Eliot of-· ftr• hil th1orw, Fomiiu Weeklv. e Bas1baU'1 fir1t unturv oeU: "'°"'""'" Ttmv Kubtk c1ld Curt Gowxlr mto "IOdoV' ""' • .. 11uttrdo11" 1'n.ffotma It/I a COi)> er pidure for TV Wll:C. ... _ =.. --·--· ... --- " .. .... " " • " " .. ' ' ..... ........ ....... ~·· .......... ,, -" • . . '. I DA!tY '1lDf-- iS."'!fl p~ • t r ' l . ··~~:µights-Oµt . .. ' ~ ~ f?~g East Coa~t · ':-- ··-·-_ .. .,., .. ·-81 Tbe . Ai1Hl11ri fress From the White House to the Empire St.ate Building, from Massachusetts to Vl~ia. indlvlduals and huge compa· J)}e$' .turned off 11gh:ts; air conditioners ind other el¢rlcal equipment Friday in en atteinpt to bail the East Coast out cf a serious power shortage. , Four da.ys of humid, 9o-degree weather strained· power facilities and bl'<lught pleas froin aUULies to avoid unnecessary ose or electricit)". An ol:ficlat of the Federal Power Com- mission said theie appeared lo be rio threat of a large.scale blackout, although a power system_ lD ]be Middle 411antic ~tates had to borrow electricity from •l)Olb<r .ar~ l>ec•U>e ~Li lilont failure. <nie P.atoina<!. Electrlo Power Co. in yrasbln~ •declared aft emergency Fri- day moij$g1 and uUd e:veryone. in. CJudlng ihe federal government, to cut down on pie use or electricity. Air condltloning~wl! cut as much as possitilti-ln tbe ·White . House,_! workm~n in ·ti* Encuuve. Ollie< · Building _nut ~ to the Wblte House weat up and down the hlllJ turning off unnecessary lights,' workers ln federal buildings were given their tjloice of turning ~t lights or alt condlUonJng. Some elevators and escalator&" at tht Capitol were stopped. The Ughts in Ule Senate. which was in session, were left on. Lights in the House were cut down, leaving "just enough for lhe tourists to see what the chamber looks like," said the head eleetrlcian. Stewart Brown, chief oI the FPC's bu· reau of power, said high air conditioning usage and a plant falfure in Penilsylva· nia overloaded the Pennsylvania • New Jersey·Mtryland System which then had tO'hj)por\ t,1!00 me~w~tl frol)l Chleago .and olher areas. · . ~ .. Brown said, however! that the PJM sysfeln passed through ts puk demand aboul 4 p.m. and the criSis should have begun to slack ·cff. Jn New York City, temperatures re- mained in the 90s, although a mii;S.aftq. noon thunderstorm offered some prom· ise of tenfporary relief. . . . . ~ Volunteers "·Seek to Form Creation of an _organiuition aimed at called the Oranae Countf Council .for merging work of several county sroups. CQmmunicaLions and Human Relations into one countywide human relat.IODS will be inSurance executive Josh White, a _mm.mission was scheduled for discussion Plac.e~ua. Nep-o w1~~a-1ong record .or . -· tod~ 1>n the University of Calif~ part~cipation tn lJC.!! annual cornpiunlly campus at Irvipe. • __ sem~ars. · HeatliDg_.,efforls JQ~fonn_ wh~~ inay be,__J,Qi{tlng Whit&. itl_ the he~ 0!~9=.J..m_. · · ~atbering wlll be Mayor Louts Relriharat From Page 1 APOLLO ... Duke. "The. vehicle is surprisingly free of any debris noating around. It's very clean." Later. as milllons_or vle'!-e.rs watched. the astronauts did !lee a washer that bad been left loose in the Junar module noaarrg-in-spac.e:.-one-of them reached out and grabbed it . · ArmstroJ!g and Al~r1n. spent 2 hours and SO minutes working m_ Eagle befo~ Ibey "'f"oini!<l COllins, 38, an outgoing air forct 1 eutenant colonel, in the Apollo commandship. . 1'rat finished their work for the,1r la~l ••eas)IP• drv Jn space. They received a "goodnlghth from ground controller! a.t 7 p.m. PD't for an 8-~·hour sleep period. * * * TV to Follow Lunar Descent The -fourth Apoito 11 telecast from space is scheduled today at I :02 p,m. as the astronauts near the moon. All networks, as well as ChaMel 11 (K'M'V) wilt carry the colorcasl. Here are the television schedules for the remainder of the Apollo 11 broadcasts iPSTJ. Today, at 1:02 p.m. -from the com- mand ship. Color. Sunday, July 20, at 10:52-11 :07 a.m. - from Ifie command ship, showing the un- docking and beginning of descent of the lunar module. Color. Sunday, July 20, at 10:1~11 :07 p.m. 1rom comma1;1d module in lunar orbit. At ft:12 p.m.-1 :52 a.m. from the moon, sh'owlng Nell A. Armst.rong setting foot On the mOQn and the lunar activities of Armstrong and Edwin ·E. Aldrin Jr. Black and' White. Wednesday, July 23, at 4:02-4 :17 p.m. -from command module as the Apollo I~ enroute back to earth. Color. OAIL\ PI LOI ............................... i..,... ..... '-"1111 v., ·~­CAUIOINIA OlAHC.I C04S1 t'\llL1&'4lH!S (IJM,..,NY 1!ol,ert N. Wted PrMIM M Plilllilloil J••l a. c.r1,.,. Vb ..,...,.... .,.. GtMr• "'-Nittr n·-· ii;,.,.u ·-T}JOflt•t A. M•,,i.lnt ""'""'"' ffllot -C•la Mat: nl *"' ... it-• H....,, NK11: nu -.1 .. ._ ... _,, .. ....,.. -..ct1: 'n. ,_, ""-ttu11•* .. .ii: .. Sll1111'9ff of Fullerton and Santa Ana Councilman Jerry Patterson. Both civic officials will join White in urging the formation of a centralized volunteer group to handle issues aiislng from racial tensions, and such minority group factors as education, health and employment. "We would also become a clearing house for information and volunteer ef- fort on all these and related _topics," White said. "We feel that a much i!'e&ler eflort.can.l>J-made.to..meet.situations et.• isling in Orange County by lumping the work of splinter groups into one coordinated effort." White stressed that the meeUng Is not limited to membJu's of minority grou~s or thOse participating in the wor_k of exi!tlng organizations. · ttJ Jt: ls Primarily an organizational meeting but·we Wlll'we1come anyone who cares to attend and who may have com- ments to make on this work and how best to perform It," he said. "We expect that it will be a half-day meeting." 1.tayor Reinhardt was a key figu re in the formation of lhe Fullerton Human Relations Commission. Councilman Pat- terson is active in Santa Ana's efforts to launch a related program. Code Violators Beivare! Here Come the Judge Housing and zoning code violator! in Laguna Beach from now on \\'ill be telling it to the judge. A procedure to turn ortenders over tG the court after an initial warning and time given to comply has been adopted b/ th e city. Cita•,ions will be issued by city in- ::;pector lhe same as a policeman gives traffic tickets, and more lhan one will be given if the intracUon isn't corrected . Failure to appear in court will carry the same penalty as In a traffic case. Among the more frequent zoning and housing violations in Laguna are boats, trailers or campers parked in the front or side yard and display of unauthoriied banners or flags. "It is unUkeJy we are going to paper the community with citatiof!:S but we now have the capability," said city Building and Planning Director Clyde Z. Springe. Building inspector William Meyer was hired 10 months ago and .given the en. forcement as&ignment full time , Springe said. He also noted that lhe lime is arriving when a more restrictive sign ordinance goes into effect. The ordinance stl pulat~ a three-year grace period for existing signs and two years. three months of that time has now expired. Springe flgiires when the ordinance was adopted 80 percent of Laguna Beach's signs were non-conforming. That still holds true for 65 or 70 percent of signs in the city, he estimated. Oth<!r violations Meyer will be mrking on include signs that art too large in win- dows, carports built beyond setbacks, and garage~ illegally converted to living space, Springe said. Cl.lit.,. l'ILOl'.-"" "° • _..._ N ............................. l._.9IC#IW. ., ... ...,. ........ .., Oit• ,...j ::..:.":..~..-".""-~""= School Pool Gettinl!. ~Qi"~~ v ··~1....:111 r • -;71., _.0"; "'· New Filter System 0 (ift" .. i Ill I '4M611 • . · ~ "-> ._. c.-~. A pew twlmmlng pool flltr1Uon systmi , :::;:;r·i:i;...., ~ "• , ·)f\11 be built at Newport Harbor High , _, • ~rr .. ...-:----...· .. -School ;t. ~1 o1 $32,374. · • 1 ~:~~ -~e ~ct forpool improyementa :,.: · . . . <tt"A.c , 'hd . b<ilt .•-•rded to the Bromae ....., 'f" .,. _ _.;_ "'"::" ~ Co. by trustees ()f the Newport·t.fesa Unified School District. 1· • DAILY l'ILOT Shff l'llttt GllA:RD .801'rTO RESCUE Help From tftt See .. ---·-·--- From Page 1 RIPTIDES. • • right place .at the right timt, Reed ex- plained. The riptide is a phenomenon that taxes the lifeguard's attenticn emphasis more than any other dangeroUJ sea condition:- As each riptide passed by beneath the aircraft, the hall-doi.en different types_ of riptides in the r.:ewport area became ap- parent. • All hav~ Ol'le-common ~~ce -·a-slfohg current run'ning parallel to the shol-ellne. It is created by heavy wave action. That current, Reed e x p 1 a I n e d , sometimes rvns ,into an area.where a.lull in wave action eXist.s and that luJJ ·fbices the current outward . "When lhe current starts rushing out to i::e!I through the constricted 'tllroat, ., then it's a riptide," he said . Each beach swimming zone in the Nt>\\lp<>rt area has its own version of the rip. On Little Corona and Maiil Corona del ~Jou beaches lhe rip usually fOrms in the center of the two rounded coves, then shoots seaward gerpendicular to· shore:- Near the Newpart Pier a submerged ba r usually causes a rip on the upcoast side of the pilings. In West Newport. since grolri. construction has started. rips develop with regularity on the south side of the steel and stone fingers. Rips take many shapes, Reed ex- plained. Some shoot straight out to sea. Some shoot out then curve back against the direction of the onshore current. and still others course cut, then take off in the dlrecllon of the current. Rescues in the rips involve both single swimmers or groups. In many instances the lifeguards never even take to the water. "lf it looks feasible." ll~d said. "our znan uses sound equipment to talk a capable svdmmer out of trouble. It is a fantastic tool." Rescues in riptides pose a brace of prob· ems the minule a guard leaves his sla· tioTI for the water, The most pressing problem is lilnc. '·Every minute the man is in the y,•ater. he leaves his post unguarded. therefore We stress speed in rescuing," said Reed. "This is not only to Insure that the victim doesn't dro\vn, but also to assure that thP rest o[ lhe sw immers have a lifeguard. too.'' _ l"r-01n Pa11e .1 SURF. • • • guards" after pulling 300 bathers from the riptides and heavy surf. Biggest problem~ area~ were Corona del Mar and Balboa Pen1n&ula. "Most were novice surfers spotting the heavy surf. but railing once they were in it,'• one lifeguard commented. lfunlington Beach lifeguards: made 414 rescues including two mass rescues Fri· day. A two-block long rip tide at 4:01 p.m. sent 15 Huntington Beadl lifeguards into the water at one time to pull out 150 flQUndering swimmers. Earlier In the llftemoon 15 .lifeguard$ plunged int'o the ocean together to brine in 30 beaten baUltrs. , < A. total ol 1,$00 swimmers_ -were ~l'ft' t;t1ed Frldl,y , 1~ the ~"" JUti'. ~; Orange and. Los AngelOl.,~Ue~. ~ 400 ,.,., were re1~tcnd b7• V.01°' U ~~.to t()p·~ ~·~~~le:. • 111~ u<1e,-.it¢fsi· vr. t.rrr ~WI!· . ed ti ·• 1 .itopl · sto(IU 'off l\IUl.O,: ••Id the 3.s. ·Weatfl Bureau .. The f\'.."UUtion ' They ·Bak~ .. fo~ U.er Life -, . F!temen' s W~ves RdistrF~~ for ft;idneJ. l.lfient ' . ....... ~ . 1 By ARTHUR R. VINSEL rtmoval of the other-muist be t.Uen out weCks.'' sa!d 114ri;_Jlindall, Whose bus• 01 '" o.11Y r11tt .Jl•tt one year before she may un~to a baqd RoJ>ett ts~lly paralyzed trom a Pits and cakes don't sell for-bll monty, kidp.ey ~a6.fplant ape rat.kin. • ~-1966 Balboa ~Y Cllvfflg accident. but every little bit helps when you're ~~em1cal1"a1Ysls mach~rrwlll !)e.ro-Six persons have 50, far offered to buying a life that literally carries a quired to cleanse h~r bl~ during the 12· donate arkldney to the..attracUve 33-year .. - $25,000 price tag. month Pf'.rlod, bu~ it wll oost $2$,000 for old mOther of three ·Children,· but other Wlves or Costa Mesa and Santa Ana the entire senes of 5urgery and prioriUes must be handled.first. firemen are dolng their part in the battle treatment. • Jloth h.e.r fathe~ and , uncle _di~ ?f' for Mrs. Colleen Randall today, staging a O~ly '3.~ -has , bee!\ accumulated s.o kidney m~snancy, qwTe,t\Uy ~1ca s benefit bake sale for the kidney tumor far. m the Colleen ~dill Trust Fund:to fifU}_~ ~!er •. before medical ;ci,ence vtcum: \Vhich donaUons may be malled at U.S. dev~ Grit.-. Mrs. Randall, of 1206-ParneU Place, National .,ank, 1845 Newport Blvd., Cos~ .,At the ·ume of their deaths," s8ld one Costa Mesa may be on hand at today's ta Mesa. organber of ~ Colleen Randall Fund, sale at 2656 Newort Blvd., to help out her Anonymous donations , garage sales, "hemodlalysls and ~ransplanta~on of the b factors but it all de-nds~ door-{(Hjoor campaigns by neighborhood kidney was a scientific fantasy. ~~:t depends on how 1 feel." saYs Mrs. l children and other sources -from South Virtually every peruiy acctimulated ~y Randall , who will be home for the O..kola to Ireland -e have started tt.e well.wishers _ ex~pt for ~ special weekend after a current series or medical fund inching toward that high cost of~-coin -will be ~ed ii) (efra)'i,costs of 1 .. sl.S, prior to surgical removal of her one tinued living. · the complicated medicaJ care1., ~malning Jtldney Tuesday. Mrs. Randall said that depending on The one that will be Saved. LS a good The diseased organ -attacked by how it all goes, she should be out of lu~k coin malled by a wom~~ Ireland h ed·t ry tumors which earlier foreed Orange County Medical Center Within a with her hopes and,pr~Y~Jl·~r a speedy, er 1 a J month, but only tim6 will tell . tJqcompllcafed' recovery . , ''I've talked 10 people who were in foui' L•·sbe will cheri!h tttf ~aid' oiie cam: week! and one J>~tlent ·who spent· 14. paigtler. . . r From Page 1 SLAYING ... n1urder before the U.S. Commissioner in Los Angeles, and turned over to Santa Ana police. • .Jo.-..... ·.-... Highway · Board Okays 3 He is now · lodged in County Jail CdM L• k · F awa1uoc arraignment Tuesday morning Ill S to reeway on the Grand Jury murder indictment. . • The pair were arrested on warrants v-. issued by the U.S. Commissioner last -~ -& June 6. Ald had been req!Jested by Hicks By JER0!\1E F. COLLINS opposition to , alilrirnent of the st . in locating them. °' .,.. O•llY l'li.t 1111# Freeway w~ of:the Back Bay. In requesting release of Lynem July 3, SAN DJEGO -The California Highway QUESTION P.LAN :f.i !licks said "evidence and witnesses that Commission Friday unanimously ap-Comm~io'nert A)ex'1)der Pope . and have turned up in the past 48 hours have proved three major local street con· Robert Herdman . Thursday questlo~ed satisfied ·us that we caMot proceed with -.1. the necesii!Y.: of a N~ Center Drive the prosecutlo_p. ,, nectars to the Corona del Mar-Paci 1e---iink10thC Coast Ffeeway .. They-said It But the district attorney underscored Coast Freeway ·complex in Corona del appeared to be too• close to. lhe planned ·the fact that Black Panther activity is Mar. major freeway.to.freeway interchange in definiiely inVolved in the killing of the Newport Beach city officials sp\d the the vicinity of East Coast Hl.ghway .and pollce ofiicer. , action may lead to earlier construction of MacArthur Bouleyard. "It should be maae cJear that-the basic · --~ ,,.),1., .. fk ffewport;~MJ.yar Doreen ~ Marshall. h th ,, the two-{reeways, now appi:oa ... ui,. "'te Councilman,Paul J. Gruber and Traffic ~~ b!~t~.murder retnain e ~me: .final design stages .. Th~ Dlv~iOn of ~ ineer Robert Jaffe iilsisted lhat ... the_ Lyne·i:n although prrmanenU• cleared-. !JigJ.t~rs ~-~ wor~. lo!im' com· Jf~po~te_r Dri~e_.,connecto~-wl\1~h ___ . of murder charges, is awaiting court a~ pfef1onoJ tlie elgtit-fani super1i.igbW8:y'.f~l~tr~"'11'i ar1ltllut or F.ashion pearanees on two-previous charges. the mid·1910s: ~ Island ::_ is vital to, the ~01nmunily. He will be in court July 29 on a con· Highway commissioners, after brief REA Yf LOAD . cealed weapons charge from last April discussion, approv·ed plans for .con-Jaffe pointed out that Newport Center and will return in August on a failure to struction of these off and on-ramps: Drive \JltimateJy is' expected to .carry ~ -Bison Avenue at Corona del Mar ~ disperse charge which followed the con-i:;ome 60,000 vehicles dally. Its traffic led · .... 1''reewaY,. 1 cea weapon ep1:NUe. • -Fifth Avenue at Corona del Mar count now averages about l,l,5® cars Lynem1 at a recent meeting of Black each day. Local streets,. 'be' :indicated, Panther Sfmpathizers boasted lhit, "We Freeway. would not be sufficlent to carry the •n· (Panthers) are just beginning to roll in -Newport Center Drive at Pacific ticlpated {t)creased. load.. , Sant.a Ana and Orange. County .. We will -C~~way. ecfn:mtssftiter Fr~Jenntn~=srld: aid in the organization of other revotu-FEED COAST "This is one of those locatiions I've lionary groups." -The Fifth Avenue linkup t.o; designed to ·-come--·to-< believe should be-raised-in -r ft?ed into Pacili~ Coasl Free \Vay pr iority." H.is view was supported bj rlowncGast south or Corona dcl r-.lar al other commissioners. J\lleeting Postponed Buck Gulley. Designs were then approved a5 sub· Earlier th is ve;lr, lhr enn1 111issio11 n1itted by Division of ll i g h ways authorized a ,J;inibori>e ll o ad -C o <l s t engi nee rs. An Ocean View School District Board ol Trustees meeting scheduled for Mon· day has been postponed until Wednesday to confonn with President Nixon 's "Na· tional Day of Pa1rticipation" in the AJXll!o 11 mission. Freeway inlercht1ngC' and a San ,Joaqu in "The ,approvals," said Jaffe later, Boulevard-Corona de] i\1ar connector. -· "m~ltfthat state engineers now have the ' Councilmen one ~e~* accepted the op~nity to proceed with their work state's plans for tWtl ffeeWays east of the more qtitckly, so we may see construction Upper Bay. The cify sti ll maintains its before Lbe mid-_1970s." ~ ((--/) 'Yri ummer raps "9ncerts MondayEveni11[js VndertheStars Hear a summer scrjes of nine "Pops" concerts under the direction of ,vfr. Henry Brandon, free to the public, on the ,lfall at F.·ISHI01V ISLA ND each 111011day evn1ing at 9:00 p.m., June 30 through August'25. fl . Thirty-five talented 1nusicians frorn Orange County, will present a delightful S<'ll'ction of "Pops" numbers during the nine-week Monday night .schedules, each one a different progra111. J'c>u are invited to bring folding stools or cushions in case of over fl.ow sealing capacities. Sponsored by The Irvine Company and Fashion Isl.and lo1erchants Association in cooperation with the Recording Industries Trust Fund: 58 FINE STORES and SERVICES . :JRp ' FA-SHION, I IS~AND ' KIJWP,ORT QIJH'l:JJR · -' ,, ' ,tclftc Oot1t H"""91 belwttn Jtni'°'91 IM MlcAtllur. n..w.:t mfnut.• 1n1: • • ~·as expected to decrease today. -------------------------------------'----- • ' ' ' ' ' . ) • • • . ... . , , -,. Class Standing-s '"Listed in Transpac Race IMOOD: l!ON~u -,.,.. 1ocl)t<··1n Ibo iz:es:~;,~. i :01:11:n : 1. Esper~ 1:;2:31 :31: s, Ano Nu~ •• ~11:21:a:11, Trailspicilic Yldlt RiCO rthWntld.al.,. 11'1!0:11:47: 7:•:04:13' t. ;range n t 7:11 :4f:!I. • · · l"rldoy. ll:Ol:13:11, 7:10:25:13; 10. Ahsan1'. I . L'Allegro 1S::01:11, 7:13>31:17; 7. ·\ij' ,. · · · • Tbey,....ValkyrlenOlllotSanFral> JJ:OS:Oil:ll, 7:10:31:15, Aventura 13:05:05:11, 7:13:14 :11; 1. ' ·.,. 1 s cfacoanCIM1eetrofl\JonSaatallarban. 11.•Typee 11:07:11:DI, 7:1S:l1:15; 11. Scotch Mist 13:03:0!:13, 7:11:67:13: t. ',~·· '•,,, -~ ' t Both yachts are bd1evtcl to be ·atlll ln Hawaljana 12:08:57;'4, 7:13:44 :18; II. Hetara 13:15:44:16, 7:19:ll:*l; 10. '#. om:.· ep~ . the raee:, but anable·to report becaUll ol Americana 12:09:50:11, 7:15:07:13; 14. Nepenthe 1~:03 :40:50, 7:20, 49 :$1. • ~ ., radio and eleclrlcal prob1ans. Val ·O' ·Van 11:11:00:31, 7:15:U :l7, U. 11.-DeaUny II 12:21:11:$1, 7:1J:Ol :.OI; · The loJJ9'rinl ..,, Ibo clau 1!1andlD1• Dakar 11:11:51:12, 7:16:57 :!1; 11. II. Mal\la 13:11 :13 :12, J :U:51:M, by elapoed ud corncled U-: Anuenue 13<1111:11:03, 1:03 :07:13. Valkyrie not llhlshed l . • Svndoy: MOorrTeuchdm • . a.AM A · • ClASS D Flll5T ===~~ For lhe second time· lhi• ·sum-. mer nine monkeys unbooked the-. latch of lhelr·cqe at Gage Pall<~ Zoo In Topeka, K8ll. The lint Ume- lt took zoo director Gory Clark 1!l!d his men a week to round them·up. Thi• time Clark and: his mett are • trying to lure lhem dawn' lroin ~ ; tops wilh food but Ibey were.llav· ' Sunday : Finl Stop, Contl"'°"cy Somplo, TV Hookup -Wl!h C~mer• Ru~ni~, Armstrong WUI Plant flag . . ' Experimtnts Come After Atmstrons. Aldrin Collect Samples " L ' , -·::---r. .-- ·---· -. Two Men Return to Craft, Blast Off to Rejoin Collins I. Concerto n.1.-"lt: 11 :11 :11, I. ~t e.t. 11:11 :31:04, c .t, c.l-7:111:11:47~ I. Raaca1 JO:ll:all:ll. 7:111 :.U : : I. lntropld II 12:01 :11:17, 7:111 :11:11: a. Sumatra U:00:40:07, 7:04 :m~ S. Pleldes 11 :11:40:41, 7:04 :11 :11; 4. ·Blacklln t : JO : 1 l: o O, 7:07:15:1 ; I. Momle II : 11 : U : ii, 7:11:11 :42; 5. Baruna I 0 : 1 0 : '7 : 21, 7:11:11:10. 1. Argonaut: 2. Quasar; 3. vtvant; 4. CUrloao; 5. Esprit; I, Concerto: 7. Rascal; II. Salada. New B~ekers Sought .ing very litUe luclt. • . ' • ••• I. Dare 11:09:11:59, 7:15,:27:41: 7. Mlr- 10:30:47:3$, 7:18:39:05; 8. Windward Passage· 9:09:24:59, 7:11:33:33; I. Whirlwind 1111:04 :18:47, 7:U:M:Olc 10. Pursuit 1~:08:11:02, 1:04 :39 :44. p. Kamillil 10:21:1%:19, l :OS :lt:.33; 1%. ~een· Mab 10 :11:3002, 1:11:21 :39; 13. -Chtriqul · 12:05:21 :28,. 117:50:4'; 14. No- via del Mar 10:ZZ:U:23; 111:44:59. ~ ~po~ors Drop Out But.· r; ' CLASS B Suri Tourney to Go On J. Salada e.t. 11 :05:24 :44. c . t. 7:03:15:09; Z. Mystic 11 :07 :34:llt 7:07:M:10; 3. Nimble 11: 15: 14 : 14 • 7:07:59:18; 4. MOCC831n 11 :15:13:45, CllY, oilier.ls: are moving ahead wllh explained Worthy, "which will reduce our 7:09:44:24; 5. Simoon 11 : Z 1 : 4 3 : 19, plans fOt ttMi annual Huntington Beach competitors from about 500 to about 200, 7; 11 :40:,56. surfinl ~ps in Sept.eruber1 but the over all quallty should be higher."' 6. Jubilation 11 :12:00:38. 7:12:39:47; 7. d':5Plltloaaola'7,500contract"ttUhABC '11le invitational idea wu instituted to Cy"gnus 12:02:11 :44, 7:11:22 :42: 8, television foi' filming the event. Insure the coolest or being the U.S. Na· Amorita 12:01 :22:25, 7:17:M:43; t. One other major sponsor, C!ltalina-UonaJ Championships, he said. P.1arionette 12:00:34 :16, 7:17:39 :53; 10. Ya Martin swimwear, has abo definilely Another swi.tch in fonnat includes the Turko 12:01 :45 :25 7:17:30:12. dropped out. but Norm Worthy, execuUve addlUon of an alte~ate date for the final 11. ~ellterly .12 :04:28:34 ?=I~:t?:~; 12. director of the surfing event, is already surfJ~· events all insurance against poor Xanthippe 12.04 .39.15, 7.18.35 .00, 13. on the .. trall of other iporisores. · · J.Url. If gyrf is dow~ on Sept. 2.1. we will Intermezzo 12:01:54:55.,. 7: 18:S9:Jl;..-J4. -uw -till <~ I lo I ~ Ui. -.--hold-lhe flnals..on 5epC.21,-!!-aaid~~ Chlta m JZ:02:11 :2l, 7:21 :41 :S8 ; 15. ere 5 uup ng an_a ano er ecutlve director Ranger 12:08:36:11, 7:22:Sl :S6.. ~=c;:.tra4 fc:.hlthe,,U=J~es General TelePhone Is donating some IS. starling lil 12:07:00:0I!, 7:23:12:42; Thursd mp on ps, 0 Y new electronic punch card equipment ex· .,0 w ,, but tM 17.LocoVleotellJ2:10:$5 :53,l:02:27:4l; .ay. pected to speed up IMQUQCetJJent ol . The sign .SCJIS Jne .~II 18. Rowena l2:11:48:0I, 1:02 :55:24; 1t. · AddJUonal a_ponaora .to 1Upplement !-ht' results in each heat. General· Telephone ·· univ wg:y to go UU.,wctk m rvb.utfplr, Blanqulta 1J:20:00 :3t, 1:09:53:09 ; 20. Da 10&S of Catalina·Martin alllO art bemg also provides most of the com-Brookfkld., 1q.,,10qa.by'boat.;_TheaMl'0•· _Ki"'_l3:10:22:4Z.; t.:05:01 :46. !°1Jght. . municalions equipment . _ wa.s·hil by an t(l1l11 mornin£! Ut.11nderro-1 CLASS C Current efforts.-~~ than the search A~ bust.of one of the late,. creat st~Mn tha~.dvm~~~1J.tl9 · ~c~ .ofr'· .. =--• _ _ _ • for Jll;Ol'.e.F~~ra ~or the .Seel. 26-2) -fl&Q~in-~Hawaiian Dntc::;-ral~~...,J,J&. Jioun .. -: -1 , .1.. ~rg?na~t e.t. 11 :.18 :~:13, . c.~ sur~~g MOW -are now centmd around Kahanamoku, -.Will. be dedicated 41at the " · e 6.20.44 .ff/, 2. Quasar 11 .17 .53 .24 1 revts1onsapdnewkleasfortheten·year· Juau prlortothesurf cha io' shi d &:21 : 1e:;09'. 3. VJvant 11 =. l 8 : 8 4 : 5 S, old _contest. . placed hear the sign at :h: e~tr:c:~ 6.Z3.35. 14 , 4. Curioso 11 . 2 I : I 7 : S 9, Biggest change in lhji championships, the H ti gt 8 b Pl • 7:01 :511:59; 5. Mumlly II 12 :02:29:09, saidWorthy,wUlbelheswitchfromopen . 0 kunKnhon '0~.':. d·-~r .. J f 7:06 :36 :02. competition to .invitational. . u e a a~am .... Jw 1n anuary o 6. Hilt 0 'The Kilt 12:01 :47 :44, "We plan to Invite surfers who have 1 ~: He 115 sa,\.:d ~~ thCoae fath1 "d of board · 7:08:21 :28; . 7. Montgomery Street reaived ratinn in other IW'f co test ,. su mg on •n: ...,L s an was an o~ . n s, honored guest at the Huntington Beach Orange Freeway Strip Unnece~-Mesa CofC Wamlng tha t newer developmtl'lts already may have made the coar;tal tenninus or the future Orange Freeway obsolete. the Collta Meaa Chamber of Commerce is urging it be abandoned. Voting unaniinomly, the group's board uf ~ra. TliursdJy OQ:!ertd a, Jetter serif to the Stile DiVlslon of Highway Distrlct SeVeh beai:lquarters stating Jts posiUoii. The motion was r;ubm.itted by director Mesa Inviting You to Swim During Moonday Price of Apollo astronaut N e 11 Annstrong's first footfall on the moon ill $2-4 billion. but It won't cost Costa Mesan:t a peMy Moon Monday to swim in honor of the ·biggest step Jn history. No fee will be charged for recreational 5Wim sess ions at Costa Mesa and Estan· cla High Schools on the national holiday proclaimed by President Nixon and other leaders. Hours will be 10:30 a.m. to noon at Costa Mesa High School for adults aud 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m., for all participants. '11le same hours will be obllerved at the Estancia High School pool, but without an evening r;plash-in to celebrate the moon landing and Thursday splar;hdown. Registration for regular Recreation T>epartmenl swim classell to be held dur· Ing the following two weeks will take place Monday at the pools aa originally scheduled. Eugene Bergeron. •ho attended a June 27 Route $7 study sessJon In Los Angeles and hall organJzed a July 31 meeting in Costa Mesa. As cu.molly proposed, the Orange Freeway would follow a mile-wide cor· ridor roughly atone the Santa Ana River south from the San Diego Freeway to the future Pacific Coast Freeway. "If the route is adopted, three freeways will end within a four-mile stretch on the Pacific Coast Freeway," Bergeron declared during discussion. "The final ~rtlon of the Newport F'reeway and the future Huntington Beach Freew.ay all end on Roule 1,'' said Bergeron. "This might prove the Orange Freeway'1 final length unneeeuary :" Study of aband<inlng the freeway route expected to be up for public hearing by late 1970 could be assured by writing to the highways' divililon headquarters, Bergeron believes. A complete traffic analysis must be dcne by state engineering experts before a hearing on the matter ill set, with fln al route adopUon usually following in six months. One 1ugge1Uon haa been to cµt off the Orange Freeway at the San Diego Freeway, but 90me city officials 11ke Councilman Wllllam L. St. Clair fear it would dump too much traffic into Co:ita Mesa. Bergeron heads Mayor Al vin L. Pinkley's special Orange Freeway study committee, and holds a simllar position with the Mesa Verde Homeowne11s Association. Acting In the second capacity, he ha! organized a July 31 informational meeting featuring legl.slatoh, state and county engineers and elected officials. Leaden from 11Urrounding cities af. fected by the proposed freeway llnk are expected to participate in the r;wion at the Mesa Verde Country Club. affair in 1964. While the ABC loss reprtsents a large clwnk olmone.y._the event is still cov_ered by the city'll budget. aald Vince Moorhouse, dirtd.or of the Harbors and Beache11 Department. - "If we don't find a aubatltute r;ponsor, the city can decide to undUwrtte lhe con· · teat by upeoc11ng \h• .alr~w buct1i11ed fund1 ," he e1:plainf$1. . Last year the cont.est cost $15,663. Funda are provided by Ille city, but arttr"1 adverUse.r1 pay and entry feu lre ac· cepted the city nonriil.Ily breaks even, said Moorhouse. Th.ill year $16,851 Is budgeted for the. contest. Without ABC, the city probably would have to pay the $7,500 out of the budgeted money. "I personally hope they continue the contest," concluded Moorhouse, "lt'11 a good inveslment in the youth of the com- munity." "It doesn 't hurt the downtown merchanta either," added Worthy. Fh·emen Probing For ArSQn Clues In Shed Blaze Huntington Beach ftre lnvesUgatorS to. day are working on the possibility that an arsonist may have set fire to the Chico Farma r;torage building Thursday af4 ternoon. Division Chief James B. Watters said hi! men are invesUgaUng several angle1 but could not release detallll yielded from the investigation. "We have asked the arson ·investigation team ot the police department to help us with the case 30 that we will be able to follow lhrough on ft," he added. The storage shed, located at "17101 Nichols St., was fully insured, Watters said. Frank Chikasawa, the owner of the tin building that sUffered a $20,000 loss in the blaie, could not be reached for com· ment. Flames gutted the building and cardboard packing crates housed in It at 4:42 p.tn. Tuesday. There were no in· juries. " When two policemen answered ·, a break·in call at a s:upennarket ' in Flint, Mich ., they got right 1!>3 lhe seat of things. Du•ne McL~," lin, 35, Fenton, was in good coft.>" dition at a local hosJ)ital ·~~1: with bullet wounds "maldqg i! tllf'~ ficult for. him t~ sit .comfortably." •I •. ~ "' JohnG. Roach, a St.·Loula.~,1 ney, saw a woman . standing in UM rain and gave her a ride home. Mrs. Bernadet.le ·tampbell. thank· ed him. It turned -oot however. aht was a juror. in a w.eaP9DS case iii whicll .Roacb !ao-lhe defense allot·' ney. Circuit Judge Michael J. Scott declared a mistrial. ·.J • •• I. .. A Salina, Kbn. aupennarktt l' hM posted a sign for cus'9mtn who complain about the rl&ing 11 co.ft of groceries: •tf ~ou thin1c1 •· beef is high, cigarette& art $6~59 ll pound." ,, • •• . ,(" Matthew Hobbs was refuSed a~"~ missibn-when his · mother took him. to the adults-only film °Candy'' iD1• Pilsen, England. M$tthew is three" months old. • Two men who said they were p<>--· lice officers stopped Louis Matin,• so .. of Los Angefes and told him , "we're conducting an investiga-1 liQ!l" as they handcuffed him: On1'1 of them took his wallet to look for" "identification papers," and then said, "That's aJl the tnv.estigatfon1 '°• we're going to do." They left• inl'tl \ waiting car with $950 In cash from\ the wallet. Matin later was ~· handcuffed by the real police. · . • . John F•rr of Periva1e. England · put a stop to people leaning on his' hedge while walling for a bus. H~ squirted ketchup all over lh~ leaves. "lf anyone knocks on tht1 door and says the tomato sauccS. has ru.ined ' their clothes, I'll tell them it's their own fault Thell! shouldn't lean on our hedge," ha: said. ·"·-..,_. Its whats inside that counts! ... ,< ......... This means the Mariners people and their proven professionalism in matters of finance. It means Mariners people·IO·people interest iri your security .•. and Mariners wise investment of your money in the progress of ous climmunity. ,J•ru-... . . ,, • ... • Join your neighbors and open a Manners savilJ&s account, today. Remember: Fedenilly-insured savings with the nation's highest rate of interest; from day In to day out Also free Travelers Cheques and free safe deiioslt boxes,· (with minimum $5,000 account} . ) ' • -· I I l r ' At lb! independent Pr...,..,. a.r.io ~ r-.... vane,, 1U11 'l'alb<rt. 111e 11:00 a.m. sermon will be "What ls SalvaUOn? - A l)!tn!pliln cl the SI. Louis ~ 111 lhe LICbl cl tl10 Bible. Sundly -will p~ at 9:'5 .a..m. Featured at the T::90 evening hour service· will be a tlpe- recmled delCrlplloa cl a m!aLmry'• wort In the ~m!Lcl Peru. A ftte.lor. .,.., ....... cl lb! momlni ..,.... will abo be beld. s.t<nUy, Julj 19, 116'1 lislh grade wW be beld at 9,30 Lftl. Two speakers will discuss "World Order. 'lbrougb Divin• Law" today, I p.m. .t UW Wednesday evening surniner . Hospitality Roam ol t b t programs begin at 5:SI p.m. Altadena Federal Saving! and with recreation for all age!. Loan .at 17~ and Newport Dinner is at 7 p.m. with Freeway, Sama Ana. Judge ~ation.s made through the James Nelson, Los Angeles cbuzth office. A special pro-Municipal Court, 8b<I Dean gfam i5 presented at I p.m. Dorothy Nelson. University of Southern California L a w Pint Cbriltia Clmrdl of Costa Mesa, 792 Victoria St., will celebrate its 15th an- nl..,..ry Oil Sunday during t :lO and io:40 a.m.. wonhip llel"Vicies. l>astor James E. ,,,_,, will speal< on the sub-jed 11Wbat'1 Next, Church?" Sd1ool, -and wife, ... w cooduct tbe dlseusilon sponsored by the Babal'1 of Orange County. "'How to Pr a.Y for Prosperily" la the topic for the third ee!Sion of "How to earl.or Cklallaa . CRrdo meets SUDdays for worship at- 9:45 a.m. ·at Harper School, 11th Street at Tustin' Avenue. "Man's Glorious Adventure" is the sermon 'subject of the Rev. Clayioo H. Wilson, this week's guest preacher . The youth volley ball team of the Costa Meaa Foursquare Church, 1734 Orange Ave. will play tonight at a o'clock at Marina lli&h School, HUJ>o tillgtoolleacb. Tbotumlaun-STANDING AT SITE OF IST CALIFORNIA BAPTISM (See PULPIT, P11e I) Lt. (i.g.) Peter R. Pilarsld VI-• Chrillian Landmark ~First Baptism • -IiiS-tiite NOied • .. '"" lint Cllrt$tlml l>apliJm per!~ In Calllomla lllO ...,,....._... will be ..... c1ec1 Tueadoy, I • p.m. It Camp -Father Franclaco cOmei aod Father Juan ~ two 1l'ranclscan midionaries who accoinpanied the Portolo Es· pediUdb in 1769, bapti?.ed two Indian children at a slte now located between canws San Mateo and Talega Pear the ~ern border of the reserve tloo. A historical plaq now marls the location. According to F a t b e r Q'espi'I dlm'y, the party set out _on_tbe.mornlng_oUu]j< :ii and a few boun later entered what Is known today a Crls- 1ianltos Canyon. Here the U· plorers JM()e canip and Were approached by a. group of lrlendly lndiam. • Reports of two 1lck Indian girls came to the Padres from the expedition's xouts. Father Crespi and Father Gomez then pn>e<ec1e<1 to the Indian village and performed the historical baptisms. For this reason the soldiers named the valley Los Chri&- llanos ind the -rim.llm ' !Oday. Hla ucellency, l!'rQCla J, Furey; bishop of San Diep and sii: other pri( · , wiD coo- celebrate a mus L · t•slte. to commemorate the ~ year old event. Bible Iss1-1e Honors Y NEW YORK-The American Bible Soci<ty baa ~ publication of IO thouaand copies of the New T~ent in celebraUQQ of the-YMCA's J25lh birthday. Fl'<o gilt copies will be piilced In YMCA rooms acroM the counlry. The special anniv!'fSlll')' edi- tion is Today'I £ n g' l i 1 h Venloo (TEV) or "Good News for Modern Man." an ABS translation halled by m111J as the m o s t understandable Scripture translalion t v t r publilihed. The 600-page paperback coo· taiM some 200 line drawings by Swiss Ulustrator Annie Val.IDUon. j~· -~()~_ R~A====N~GE . COAS'r CHURCH DIRECTORY : ~OOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE THE EPl!~!>!!~o=HURCH -~:· Newport Harbor ' Luth.ran Church . FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA. L C.I CHURCHES . ST • .IAMU. ........ ~ ·--· ... "' ·· Falmaw Rd. At Fair·Dr.,'Costa Mna • . _,.,,_ . ....,..,, •-·-[7 :; t 'A.M.-Chureft-..·School -....--10· A.Mo-WorShlp----..-UAMCIUS "OP THl-Montll-CHUICH-_._ ~, _1_0:00AM-tWya.._ ... • M~ . ·1 , I • OI. I • -----"ClilW~9t 11:00 AM ---·=·· ,.. .. '"' Pim CHURCH °' CHllST, SClumsr : ....... _. ... OmnA'xs '* . -~ · , .. ~R;"'DIUCRVSElli --;M~~.~--.. :F==============;;======='.I "SACRAMENT" 'Phone: 67U210 . -HARiot TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH · ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS 1211 ...., It. • ,.,._, c.... u.. Subject of Lesson -July 13 Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar ..,, ._.. -,_ Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 ~ Scbool 9:45 a.m. Morning Worahlp 11:00 a.m. I Cost1 Me11 -First Church of Christ, Scientist j Holy Days as announced All 1cn W•lcome . Lutheran Church of tho Mutw 210l Cliff Dr. U M2ll 2900 Paclilc View Dr. .,,,_lot._f'.'_,._; -OORONA~ -....-... : ~~ .... rr -DLWILLIAM.: ·ElLll-_, -·-" ___ .;...._.Jll-_Plt ___ 'ltM"·-- ............. _,11 ........ ,_.., ,... •••• :. ft•lti• .-. 1:45 A.M.-F,.~ Wonhl, ..... ..,,,... .... "'*ll,itl. ,,, NursUJ care available 9:41 A.M.-s.M., Chard at all 1ervlce1 Sch"I WElCOME 11 :OD A.M.-'F•stift W°"hip N11,..,, Piw .... Baptl.st Training Unlon 6 p.m. Eveninf service 7 p.m. 1 2uo MeM ,.,. Dr., c.... ..... I· lectw, n. aerr.,,... 1...,.. Dfth-ft.. M4·04'l Wedli•.ta7 Bible Study & Prayer··········· 7,oop.m. -""'' 9'11 A.M. ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. , CHUST LUTHUAN CHUl~u j =:,';'S: J~~o :i:! v.m Dr. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 II MWourt Synod, ~ FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST E:HURCH H Ii .... ·-~Fi I Ch h f Ch • t s I . Tl!m:_sd!}'S: 6~0 & 10 a.in.; Ho.l)'.DaY11 as anDOWICOd '':' ~v.-T~ ...... ~~ -un n .... n u.l11;1ro-rs urc o r11 , c ent11t va.., 1119 ..... ,,.... w. Diesi•: :'i _ ,....141_.a12, -·-r-~ • 1411404: IH HAMILTON, COSTA ~ISA lr•ial119 U11i•11 •••• , ••• , 6:00 h•11l11f Won;l1ip ••••• , ,, 7:00 W•d. f'f"111T"11 s.r.ic1 •••• 7:00 N....,.._,.A....._ 111 Olke • -·--_ -· _ _ ~ CPJSCOPAL'--""'* ~ tilf a 11 A.M. ,.... kllMli t i• AM. S..,., Sc...a-t:J0&.1110t---· fl" ...L... _... ..... CS..1 NI .t.:M. a.rdi-11A.M.Senlce 111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~C~H~""'~""'~~IU~M~1Nf~Al~t~SCH~O~OL~~~~~~>l~IM~l6~I~~ ~-.,. S0..1 • • . • • • • 9:41- M ... w.,.hlp •••• 11100 .... 64J.f111 ............... 10 011" Laguna 11toch-Fir11'chureh of Chri•t,· Sciantiit ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH .. • ..., st.•~..__-~.:,....,.... PRINCE 01 ....,...: . • "•-•• -OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH UNIYER!~L :~-s~~H a.G & S...., SdtMl-9:10 & 11 :Of Tiit •n. ,,_ c. Clllf, ....., M111 Vtnl• Dri'f'• & l•kw Sh-e.t, C..t• M"• c.llf _ _ ... -·~~~,.... ..... .. Sund1y Se"lces I · ~· ·~lllW c. .uo•uo"' ,..._. • • · SANTA ANA Hll...-rl ·' u-•-h "!:~' ' ' t :• A.flt. Kttr ew.n...i. ti• .ul. P ... ltf ..,._ & CllW'dl ~ t<lf, ,...,..Int Wlnlll, 1;11 & It:• ,_.,..,....rt -•c -"first Church of Christ, Scientist 11• PJIA. ...._... s-.. ,,,.._ n •• o..... • .,1_ f :• P.M. .,.._.. 11"9 A.-. Mlfwllla ._. . .. Pun'Uthw111 ScllflOJ -Mi11 Ellher Ofa(.ft, Prl11cip•f TIS -Y-O.••• .....,, C-~ Offke l'ftotl ·~1 a.rd! • s..-, w ... 9:11 • 11:tt 111==~~;=i,;;;;.;;=:~~~~~~~==1Ji~~~~·~·~-~ ... ~21~· ~~~~~·~"'~·~"~·~··~·~ .. ~·~·~· .. ~·~·~·~~ lllND&T ~ .............................. , ..... t1•A.M. MOllNIQ wottlKIP ................................... 11 A.M. SVSllllNO WOtUMIP • , ......................... 1 P.M. MIDWllEit Sllt'tl'tc• WIDNISDAT ................ Ji• PJIA. IM4!11t ..... Jl1 I 'tie UH N""'°'t lltach·S•eond Church of Chri1t, Sclenli1t . Flnt Assembly of God Church JIOO ....,. Vlow D•. c-., -, , .146 E. 22n4 ~L. Colla Ma.. 548-3761 w1ni.. L ac-. P...... Clwrdl ,.... M4fn FIRST CHRISTIAN I F115T IAPTIST CHUICH ........ ,..., ,.._ &IM!ltl CHURCH I a.re• 1: ~ Sc•soi 10 A.Ml. _,, .J ; .J ~ 'M. C. Cronle, P11tor a...s.. ...._ZUJ LC:.-·H.,. l1y Nlclt11011, Mh~lll•r' ~f Youlli • • • I All are cordlllly jnvltecl to attend· the church Hrvlcea I SCHIDUU OF SHVICU and enjoy the privileges of ~e Jleadin1.Ro0ms S"""7-C••rdl SdMI • ................•.•...• 9:la .... Victoria & PlacenUa Ave. 17411M ...... f.¥. ..... hM Hnbs. Mlabt.r Monlt"f WenlH_. 1:10 I: 11 :00 Su11d•y School , •• ,, • , , t :JO 1 Yo.,th Me1ti~9 , ••••••,, 6:00 ""'" S.l"f'ice , • , , , , ••• 'lJO Costa 14 ... ..._.L..WC, -· ,..., w...., .......... 10:50 .... ' 7:00 , ... al4 C:.. Pis•Wa• AT All·slnlca-Ck111"rJ1 Choir -Sh•ril P•ul1111, Dir•ctor E .... 111., kt.iot , •• ,,, •• 7t00 ~ ..................... 142°2421 .. ,., :t.~~~~· ....... 1r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g,~~~~~11 ... lcMtt -"1... ••• • •ia •.• ........................ M1•1.M. Ywltl .,..... ., ......... , ..... ' '""' """"" . . .. . -....... " ' , ... CHURCH OF CHRIST 287 W. WILSON ST• COSTA MESA N~ry Care Provided .... m MNJ41 • lllWIDI HA.DOI .... P.AimlW -~~;::;;:;;;;~~:;;;:~:::~~~~~:;:::;::~~~~:11 SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY , , , , , •. , • , •••••• f:45 AM ;: SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP & COMMUNtON" •• 10r41 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN I Ch'"' of tt.o Dolly Wo" iUNOAY EVENING WORIH" ............ ,., , : .. 6.00 •.M. NEWPORT UNITY I WiONESCM.Y EVENING lllLE STUDY ••••••••••••• 71JO PM II CHURCH CHURCH ' NUltSllY ..... PIOVIDD I ' ~ . OMM 0 . M.y&l4 D. •· H•Plt M1in & Adems Str•ets I i..w.MD..l.wlddl/fftf .... ...., .......... ....._. Hunting-ton l•ech IStlt 1 IMN, H•Wffft l11clt 1'1:~~~~::::P~ho::::ne~:::::S::::4~8~5::::7~1~1 ~Da~y~or~·~Nlgh~~·~~~~~ll 1&1ro1or wim. :1111111111111 I Mort1l11t Wouhip I t ill• 11:00 AM 1~5 A.M. "S11rttf1y Sck•ol • Ir sw ...... , ............. M aHTAAL 11c· o· RO.NADEL.MAR I Y.-.d •· 6 00 •M 10100 A.M. D"'•tlo111I Stl"f'lc• ...,. .,..."" . . • • • • • : BIBLE CHUR~ be.I., W.nhl, • • ••• 7:00 PM °"'1ce1 '°° w. Clclll•t Hlgllwey, N.1. 1 ·----.... ..-C."' . o<f' YWNn Weko• -H.,..,., A"911HM STA.Tl UCINSEt PRl·SCHOOL-Pul wno.-. Dllsust ,._.I 64WJ1l HARBOR REFORM lfMPlf meeting at a St. James Episcopal Church 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL llASSI a•RNAllD P, KllllO PO• INFOllMATION: CALL VS-MO GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beech ( 1/1 meek W• ef H ... HMphll """''20 9f' 141·71'1 n--.. __.... Pntw -._ Ml lll". M•IUI o~ .... ..., .... _w...,_,,..,.. I ""'"':.-.sia1 uURCH Clfr!IM W Di.I Dlwtlel 5N-fjll DIAl.oA-PIAYll 6t6 t•Jt ~ .. . "' C::,. SUNDAY SERVICES .,, ,. I' ' CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE lit .. .._,. SWKa MMIM CMrdl fl ll111ht Cirwcll • .._ ... ki.... \M ......... SUNDAY SE.VICE , •• 11 AM Mlnlli.r , •• , Altllrf Burfl•, ll.S.c.•. OIU,,ITM CKA,BL Orlfl09 Collf YMCA. llOCI ~lty Or. WHAT A SHAME •••• "" ,..,. ...., ... . .. ., ,..,.. .., ....... -..me.. CALVARY CHAPEL .. ... ... 1.,11 ...... ..., ..... """ ............... ... ......,.. .......... 19 ........................ .., • • • ..... ... c:a.1111w ........................ .... .. 9f ... ,,, .... ,. ,... .., ...... Mt ,.. ........... .. ,_ YH ...... II.VICI. 10::11--.., M1ftftlt, ...... ...... 9f ·-·· .. s-.:. .... ..... : "'"21J1 fiarf,or Cfr.ri6Lian Ckurck °' ,_.....,_ .. _I ~ ••• ,, ...;,.. lh •• , ...... CJI I. 1M St. c.;. ..... Worship-9:'5 A.M. ..., ... _ Phono: '754915 Jllnlater: Dr. D. W. llcl!lroy ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMl.-1-1 ,· --"""" ...... UNIYlltslTY PARK SCHOOL S."6tN •t tl1tili.w. 1:1 U..i_..lty P•tl WOUNilt 11tJt A.M. • ..... H. Nht'111a11bl, ••• m IJ).ltlt f •) Emplmlzing t -.,, 10:50 A.M. -""· D. Y. Aldi,_. Z ; i 7:00 11.M. -MlllleM1ry fre• N't«M -.... C•rt1011 r"I' ~ .... ,.,......",..,.., The Plan of God The Pmon of Christ The Power of the Hofy Spirit Sundry Sdlaol., AM Momlns W~hlp ' and 10;J) Mt E\'fnl11g 5eMai 1 PM Tllurldey elbM Sl\dy ~ ..._ + ' M...,., 7:10 ,,M. -Ceft9te Pteyllf Meotf"' ~ 1 ; J'/J I !f'H""9y, 7:10 P.M. -llW. St.if ~ .... '--"' '/,... Choir Si1191 ,, lotli SwM .. ., s ... 'f'iCM Md l"Nyer 1 J>M N11nery dur!q temms A luD Yoatio - Cm. of Onnp and 23rd. St. ~fl' MA'f ~ 1rF;;;;~'~"~yw~"~"'~t;i111~·~·~·'"~"~'~'~'~,1~o~A~-"~;;;:= ,I, . -CmUMaa - P45trir ll E. Jcmes; IFCA Mbr. u ..... a.ell .. RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 l 0th St., Hu11!i119lo11 l••ch I Phon• 536-2120 Ad11lt I Youth S1rvic1- ll :00 A.M, IRNm PATI. MINISTI• COMMUNITY COHGRE6ATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE W.,..,_11:H A.M. cnrc• klMHil-11:00 · A.M. Of' ... Ill ... a. • .,.,..,, ~191' Mill .. ..., IHMt. D.C ••• 67:MOOO S.venth·D.ay Adventist Churches --._ ..... 271 A.,_.. JfNst ......... 1:1 . • J•lt11 She-•k•, P11tor IMlti .._ '-ltlW Qaclll PhOM1 141.•s•• uni ersw. ,...., Pwh9y ....... kM.ti •• , • f :)I AM Ji.. (. RIWUMI, ,lllM ...... • ...., • , 111tt All rti-r 492..JtJI .............. t!MAll _..._. __ ,,,.,..--......... rlRSJ CHRlmAN CHURCH .......... ..._ CTtAi1rt I II; I J.~fOVlfTAfll fALLIT llNJ"1D h.Vtel • ._,.., w...t t ·1JO-WO•SMIP • 10110 ~ Wontilp I Y•atll er..,,, . l rJO p.t11. N11r••rv pr • .,.1d1d •• .n ••l"f'lc•• A CllMHlllllY Oilll'Ctl -VI...., NI ...... .,. W*-9 . - I HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilson, C-ost1 MHI Y. L HEITWICK. Pat• CARL •tNnT 544704 M ...... .tM'* SUNDAY SERVICES 9141 A.M. _,...., Scl:oel ' a-. ......... MIDSUMMll CRUSADI . _ ..... _ J.t,JJ ...... l COST A MESA CHllSnAN SCHOOL 1'111---==~~~~~=!I r ~-Kltl9lil---B k1-c•c.. I ORAH6£ COUNTY COMMtlllTY ClllRCll IH!lrlMM~••IMhll c... .... w.,......a.. -W..1MSt.•Allllal• c......-. SUND~ Y SIRVICE .. .. .. . .. 11 A.M. ,._ ,..,,....,_ ... Aa ............ ·-___ , 1• .......... --- \ .......... , ··---• .... &.-.. -. ...... .. ...................... I .. , I .· 1.111 .. l1l111d COMMUNITY METHOD15T CHUICH 115 A91t. 671.o,so 1:15 lnform•I Worship 9 :30 Tr1ditioft1I Wortllip I Svnd1y School Co1f1 M•t• FIRST UNIRD METHODIST CHURCH l'th St I H1rbor ITwd. Wo"hip I Church S,hoel 9:30111 AM 141.1121 . C•rl• M111 Nor+ti MESA YUDI METHODIST CHUICH Miu Verde I l1Dr St. 549.211• Worship I Ch"reh Sch••' t :OO I IO:JO AM 'tlu11ti11~ ... ell FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2121 17ffi; $t,., •• 5J .. JIJ7 S•rvlc.1 -91JO a 11 ··"'· HUP19ff *'-.i11d ... ti •• 11 Ol•rclt Sdtool .... t :JO •·""• Attend the church of your choice on Sunday Hu11tl11tte11 l•1ch-N...tlll COMMUNITY .MnHODIST CHURCH '''2 Hei1 AYe ••• 141.4461 Wer1hip I Churclt Sch•ol t l !OilO AM lrvin~E•st llvff UNIVEISITY METHODIST CHURCH l ll-121) 11422 Cul.,.•r lo•d •t UniY1rtity Ort.,.. Worship I Church Scho•f f :lO A.M. Lt1u111 l•ach LAGUNA llACH METHODIST CHUICH 21,12 W•sl.,-Dr '" So. l11u11• Worship JO AM Church School 10 AM 4tt-l011 Ntwp...t le1cli CHRIST CHURCH IY THE SEA 1400 w .•• , .... 11.,.d. 671-llOS Wonhlp I Churclt SdrMI t 1· 10~10 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas atrlst -chlrdl PresbyteriClll 21112 Mncn I• ( .... .._, Hlali.•1• .._ • ........... 0 ................ .... S...., W.....,1 t:JI AW a.rd ...... : 1,:41 IJll, Offlss •112 ............. ffM,... Ci..ch of the Coven9t Hll ___ _ lrllc. A. K11rrle, P•thf s..., • ...., • Cl:Mll ....... till ........ ....... St. ,..._., ~~ CMrdi ..... ~_..... ...... ... CMMLB NI • , PAITOI ........ a... .... i a,tllll11 AM . . """"47 Coaau11Jty ,....,..._ Cjladl . .. _._ , ..... ,. '--.. tALUS'.' TUINll. PAITOi " "'"" Werelllp • l :JI A 1110t A.M......a....• kltMI • 9tN A.M • 49t-7111 I Me11 Vtrde lJ 11 It t d Metltodi1t Cblll'<:ll, 1701 Baker St., CO.ta Me58, will 'hold worship 1ervices Sunday at 9 and 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Paul c. ,BJesfmef1:r .s~~ng on :·sullWng·a Mature -F'aith." This ls camp' month at RuO-: tlngton.Val1ey Baptiit ChlU'Cb, 9779 Slat.er Ave., Fountain Valley. Fourth through sixth graders will !tave for 'camp Monday. Senior high you~ will CJm.1t-Ju1y 21 tp Aug. 2~ sim- day wonbip is held at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. SO.nday school classes meet at 9:45 ll.m. Brother Jim M.isseldlne will preach at both n10mini and evening services this week. Cburth ol the Cro11road11 - meeting . at Pa cific View Chapel, Corona del Mar, w.ill hold services 11 a.m. Sund•l:· Dr. Vinctl)t Gott us o wlll preaeh "I Waited Too Long at the ·Fair." Child care is prcr "1ded. • Church ol Religious Science of L a g u n a Beach, 20062 Laguna Canyon Road, Will continue holding two services 1 First Sermon Joins. Temple -9 and Jl a.m. -throughout the summer. Junior church The Rev. Alfred L. First full time spiritual and High-s c-h o o I' group· Miller is -the -new min· leader of Harbor Re-. meetings will resume i n i s t er at Huntington· form Temple, Rabbi September. B ea ch Evangelical Bernard P. King will This week Qie Rev. Henty Free Church. He will also serve as adminis- Gerbard will preach "About give his first sermon trator of the temple's ReUgion and Science." Baby Sunday, 11 a.m. Pastor religious school. He is care is provided at the 9 a.m. Miller is a Biola· Col-a graduate o! Heb'rew aervice. lege gradu ate who also U · C II Th h h I n1on o ege, Jewish . e c urc a so sponsors holds a degree from I t't t f R ti · Thursday lectures at Leisure ns I u e O · e g1on, World, Clubhouse Two, 10 a.m. Cal State, Los Angeles. Cincinnati, Ohio. He He formerly served as also received a philoso- KONA'S 4th ANNVAL (But Late) JULY 4th CENT SALE Sennon at all area Christian dean of men at Biola phy d e g re e fro m .Science churches this week, ==C=ol=le='g'=e=. =======~U~C~L~A~·=======.11 will be "Life." 1r Jane Manire, of 3125 Jef- fer,on Ave., Costa Mesa, now on a tour of northern ltaly.j will serve as a local represen- taUve to a World Youth Con· gress of the Seventh-day Ad· ventlst Church to be held July 22 through 26 in Zurich, Swit· zer1and. Christ Lutheran Cburch, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa, will hold Sunday services at 8:15 and 11 ' -Peace in Life? I am tbe Way, the Truth, and the Llfe: no man com- eth unto tbe father but by me •. : . I am that they might have Life, and that they might have it more abundantly. J·esus Christ. Sund•Y Schoel: 9:45 a.rn. Church Service: 11 :00 a.m. l'•1tor: AL MILLIR 'Evangelical FrH Church , Huntington Beach (1 •lock of Adami Myond Inch llwd.) 1912 PLORIDA TILll'HONI JU.7tlS attention all ladies·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVFR BEFORE SHOWN HEl/E I PATTERN.CU I I ING MElHOD THAT LET'S l'OU e DllAFT PA TTUHS -olllr 2 .4M1ric• M•..,.••h e MAICI ANY SIZE. ANY STYl.I """"1 -e ADJUST ANY PA TI1lN hi 1tc•-'• e FIT AKY GAIMINT "' --• MASTIR. WITH NO FIGUR.ING ... lz,.rf•1• At Last.AMER.ICAN KNOW HOW HAS ASSEMIU:D ALL -nnt SECl.m FOR. YOU Lit .. show """ 8t CU' 90 MINUTE DEMONSTRATION s DPIONITJIATlON AT 11 All, 2 I'll 1tM1 7 I'll •••• Cl.IPI NJ AND !AVE FOii TIME ium:Mns SAT.-JULY 19 SUN.-JUL Y 20 9 a.m. to Mldtlhjht 1 e BOWLING e Regular Price for l 1t {3rd, 5th, ate.) G1me (2nd, 4th, 6th etc.) JUST A PENNY! NO LIMITlll V1lld 9e.m.· 12Mid. Mthd1yt. Youth lowllttt Cl11b Me"'"-" IY.l.C.I p1y Hieir ,.,, pri ce for lit, lrd, 1te, 91m1•, J11tf 1 P'""'f for 2iiil, 4th, ere. No other Kofi• l 111t1t premoti1111I· f11fur11 ¥1lid 911ri119 0111 c11tf •• 1 •• e ·FOOD. Stl1ct1d i111111 011 ''""" ittcl11d· "' i11 lftl-&1111 ttl1. st,.,., 111 coff11 tliop 011ly, P1y ,..911ler prict for fir1t m1·1l-1ch 2nd M11I of •qu1I price or lower •• JUST A PENNYll ROSCOE HOLLAND ENTIRTAJNS Set., July 19 9P.M.·2A.M. KONA LANES 26tt HAUOl Ill.VD. S-.,Y, July 19, 1969 ' Autlwr BetS .on]ews' Humor BBLE SAY abalt Shopping new home developments? MaryMedalllon can show you ashortmt. Free. ,.---·-----------------· , . t --C--lnpul-, ---1. ......... '91 ...... ~--..... ~O&li"Qlt.VCOOO I I ..._ ............ °""'"N . . ,.o.-... u......,,.~-, I I 'I I F .. -i.i--........ Gl!J•i(;lliilltc-ii.rc..o. . I I .._..,....._,o ~..,... ........ -a I I °" $Ult ZlpOoe"• ...... .,-,.. .. ~-I I -·-· I I WC-t.,,,..._... "'•""llNr-Alli"""'"'-" '! I --------------------------· Whoil M111 MecWlionlSht'sthe All·EloctricGlrl,thafa..i.o.And &hf: Cl.Daft you. from tnflie jan'l8. ... 11 ... drivlng ind i......m.i.. ]""fill In the HoUoobuntm Ccmpiter lnputfotm. ltwill lad ya<>to....tr............,Med11Hon Electrit Homa in new houlina: de\'clopmenU In Centttl and Southern C.lllom~. All the -•• ' . .. . " • " ' ·: • •• ~ ' I, 1 ' . . .. • . 1: r • --- J ,-- • ' l • '· • ' ' "· • . 1 Comment . Page_. ' !J ------- :Retired Citizells: Neglected Talents 11 l>R. LOUIS KIJPLAN Au1"r1ty .. r..ble1111 ill Retirement • 90 percent of them have no need Ior intensive medical services o r hospllalizallon. TNt. ~ do rtqui.re m:n care and attention ~ yo~er IJJ this era of minority IJ'OUP agitation, people. Cbrooie' ailments wbleh begin to wt aeem. to hl,vt overlooked the appee lu.tb&third' and fourth decades of •-ae-•r ·tl!e elderly u a minority '"• ""' taaj• crippling tO the ••lent or group " b>nsiderable size. Whl!l 'bas ;t.'-•o .... ,..,.L!.__ -A-Al actlvitl·es. brougbt\his about!' _ . .,. • ~>UIS uo·uuii uu~iiUJ.I Bu~. this development can·"f>e 1 We slow 'ciOwn but moat of us do not traced to the rapid iodustrlalizfi!ioli of . Jose all ·capacity for physical activity - our nation. It is moving us ~ an unless we setUe back permaoently iuto economy~ production to an ~-of : the r~k}na .chair. ' 1 consumption., and from a work~riefrted . culture to a lelsure-orien~ culture. All o I d e r P e •,Pl e are senile, -.. . . -.· · So-caJ1fid:..Uity1 is' not~ a natural ,,-art . T~too-U ~11Slb1e for a -~adox ot the ailnS process. lt comes mainly to uruq~ II! .tbe history of ~anki_Dd' •. ~ .. tbose.Wbo 'glveup-who laekmotivation working4ife ·.Jpan .or the .indtvJdual ls for .remalnirig active and who·nave no - belng ~.at a. ~n;ie wheni~ ef!Qi;t• __;..gOab in Iateri We. Only somj! 1.0 pel'(ent ~ acleflC* ~_medicine have ·~ . of all people over 65 y~ars. or ag~ are tru- his lil_e 'Pl:" with·. an accompanying .iln-Jy seniJe because of brain deterioration. provemeat m pbySJcal and menlal bealth. . . 1bese ~~~nu;nts bave broughl AD older people Jou their memories about arbl~ retirement ·based upon -There is po scienti:Oc evidence to the number of birthdays .on! bas support such a beliet Nor is there any ~~ Jn UUs Pi:ocess· the inm'!'dual true eorrel.ation·between age ·and loss of u depriVed of a basic IOCP.1 role ~ut memory. U 1,we become ·forgetful it is ~r,~p1;';,'""'m: • ~~i· . !>«~'\"' or. <ho lock or use of the.memory •. roleless persoci. All old people are.•.na~le. to learn - Some ~ which bedevil us and cast There is no .direct. relationship between a pall of £:toom and dread over the later age ana ability to learn. One can continue yean: to learn eff~tively well into adva~ age -provided one wants lo leam . Motivalioll .and -desire are the key fac-AD o 1 d .e r peop)e ue ill peop1e Costs Soaring "Yar-tl-~and Ho-me--. . I . . v-;nishiiliitems By HOYT GIMLIN MOIJSIJl>IG SUfflV \IS. NIED 196S-1 972 -·-r11•-•••-== " tors. Too many people stop learnJng far money with which to meet recreational 1v1iiabte to every employed Individual, and servlCes we should consider are: too~arly in life. For them, the ability to and socialization activities. Why should at least five years before retirement day, All of our educational facilities sbould learn has become atrophied. he not have the capability o(·bl.Jying and programs designed to help him pr.epa're be rn3de available to oldir adults. Some AU older people are dependeat...-All wf.arlng good quality clothing? The for retirj;ment ~ that he cab piake the ff.<ibem could complete their CormaJ people, regardless of age, do not want to ..... ,.e~ ,.J!tt80n should bit a~e '.Jo enjoy~ most ·ot those,Wlf years. ~ ~: ~~a lion. Others could benefit from a tie del';\!:ode~. Thia .ii especially true o{ • '~nt, aln~ntt _..eo~.' FinitiCial Qc11?10tai suJIPort'~chvitJt~ 1variety of courses which wouJd promote older people who strive desperateJy to re-and tri~ -the&e do ·mt come. cbe;&ply.' ... l :r . ,-H~N<!d I and th main indepenilent Individuals. ·'But It -Hll needs fo.r these 'oPeortmilties are~; .. ' be Ci~ t~,tcfitCatiOM! instltuWds ~t1 ~ eveopmei_1t grow,· almost seems to be a ),P')lng battle. ,resstnt~.tbey are for youn}e~p)f.:. Woul'~ like to ,dev·e10p p~tns. 1·f6r ·~~e need to .give thought~ bow we can Ch11dren insist #tdt their parents sit In the matter of income, 1tbe reUred· tr~g peoP.le_lO "'.P,rk tQote:_ef{ectiveJy'~ the skills and expenences o{ tht .~and take it easy -that.they have ~son ii af, an extreme dlsadvlll~~· I ~11:11. ~~Ults in a.-v~1e~" IC• uroo in the labor market. Many o( e8m.ed..~ right to rela:s:.~to a;ccep~ no TOdar, ~-ioCQ~~of_ the ~Vi!tage retiree tiv1Ues.~~lu~ 'J«l~~:. . ~ ~hfri are ped;onning needed services o~ respqn!ibility for themselves or others.. ~ &1111t~ec;'d one-!Ourt.IJ1JµJd on~·hau We.need to p~"lf'eater a~ebti~n lo lb ~:'.::at. ..... ~ time Or i;easonal basis TMs k'tanatmount to killing older people of Ulit for thef.·emplofed;-· tow economic StatUs of the te.tired! The ~ .,......, ·-. . • With kindness. All pe,rsOns •. re(arjll_ess of age, have· the-.tow µ.coqies are h.am;Uul jo Uie~·~·in· We should enco1Pge o~ religious .lll- All old people are useless _ Jf they samt basic rleedi; Btit for UJ.e. ol~er. .'dJViduaJs and lend tO_.!!ave·an"·adversel sti~tions to do a better JOb of meeting arf!useless, who has made them so? Is it person, because ot the accelerating fec;t on ,our f(\ODOmy. : _ the spiritual needs of older people. Far 11-0t our society that makes ok\er people pa.ssage of till'!e, they ar~ .all ~ m~ . : . • ~ -:· ' :.._ , • too many or the clergy are concerned useless by taking from them all normal Unportant. These are: the need to · be "WE MUST DEVELOP new and\fll«! mi u ·th serving youth and younger roles through the retirement procesS? ls usefu'l ana productive, tO be wan'te1l, to be. jngful ~le! for older, mature adiil~ ..... pri ar Y wi • it not our society lhal has been reluctant Joved, to be. active. . roles which will ·mifutlin them ~ .. :fir&i." . adtllts and take the presence of the older .to develop new roles of )lsefulness for If we use the age of 65 as a measurhlf class citiiens· who C,.O mak~ vipuable. a.dult for granted. ret4red people? dev~, there are about. 20,000,000 con~i~~qno. to~t.l:lei ~"'1'll ~ r! ~ These" suggestions, and others su~h. ~ Amencans in the .group. o:mununities.~ They t.an. .. prov1de us ,Ji(h housing, living arrangements, nutrition. Retlrtd people need 'lits· income than The most pressing .need ls to be able many necessaey ~ser;Yices · wlilch are not health care, and \he use of retired people employed people -True, a retired · ailable per~ D}&Y no IoQger have such job con-successfully to bring the needed in-av now. as teachers, can lead to what I term nected expenses as lunches, fares, or formation and knowledge to ·every We need to examine the exishng 'responsible militancy' for older, mature some types of clothing. But as a person mature adult. The majority of people do resources of our communities t 0 adults. By this, I meru;i that the elde~11 ~wa okler he may req"'·-more hi nh not know how to plan for retirement, nor d t · ho th be _....a 1 can be helped to become vocal ana active r.•v ,., b e t:rmine w ey can u~, e,,. in k. 1 th be•t t (th quality protein foods and drugs _ these do they know where to-tum for guidance 1 f Id u1 ho the . wot 1ng or e ermen o e en-_,A . · fective y or o er ad ts -w Y t-an " ·1 ••er than to be are far from being inexpensive. and i1u.urmahon. r-· wre commuru Y rau• provide meaningf1.1;l services and ae·. motivated only by sell·interest and self· HE HAS AS much need as ever for OUR INITIAL STEP should be to make tivities for them. Amon~ the activ\ties prot'flion. TUE WONDERFllL WORLD OF BEN WICKS -..:· ·- ''-'"'M'.-l/ •• "'<,/:=. ....;.~ 11• "" •ms ... nt ... hi• It!' 'Tlle oew J1•~• jeu cao ••rrt. 500 ...... 1r lt111tertl' ,,.,., .oi,1r1. 1.n •lllPP •• Every-Ainerican not sunk in povert)' has .uumed far a qiwter-centu:ry or mo..· that home l>lying ..... hirrig)rt to es:erciae u otten·as he moved. And that was Otten. The CensuF Bureau reports· that one American family in flVi! dllnges .. ill place of.'...retid:ence every year. But thole who cling 'to·the notion of easy ~ cea to home ownerstµp are in for a rude ewakeoing in J!le8. "'!be single-family home is moving into ~ the category cir a·ltmory· itlem;11 a New- Jmey builder said recently. "Jn the market where our COQJpany is buikling k>day--and it's typical in this regard-a family mUBl have dose to a $14,000 in- come to be able to bu1 a borne." .:.f-1-+-· +H~+-~1-4--l -HIE -. ·hEGAb· PROFESS~ ,. . HOUSES S E L L I N G for less than $15,000 made up less than 10 percent of the deW 1ingle-family housing markel io 1918. Five years ago they accounted for 29 percent. Seventy percent of new houses 10ld last year were pri~ above S20,001t;·and -the-median-price--fO&!--Older - houaes l'06e -for the firsl Wne -above $211,000. The cost of bousirig conUnued upward during the first ·half of 1969, with no 1ilackeni.ng in sight. Higher prices for land, lumber, labor and capital all show- ed up in new mortgages. Penoos who could afkr'd jo do so were willing to pay the prices. But Oli!i summer, money for home tiuilding has diminished under the impact of monetary restraints imposed lo alow down the wont infiation since 1951. Tbe scarcity of lending funds was remin· ding builders and bankers of the now· famous .. credlt<?Unch" of 1966. · Mcrilaia i¢erest rates have reached record he.ielU. standing at a national averace of 7.1 percent on "conventional" Joana -tbo6e that wttt not insured by the Federal HOll8ing Administration or the Veterans Administration. The ef· fect.ive rate was often higher than reflected in the mortgage contract. The. borrower. to obtain financing, often had to pay "poinls" -the trade name for a legally permissible practice of dis· counting tbe face value of the loan. P.10RTGAGE INTEREST rates in May, the latest month reported by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, bad not yet reflected the latest "prime rate·• in· crtue by big city banks. They raised the rate of lending· to their best business custcmers on June 9 by a tun }>erce:ntage point. to a J'eCQrd 81i2 percent. "A Qne· point '"increiue-m the ·tutatsl rate.'~ George Romney. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. said two days later, causes. 7 perl'tnt to 10 percent in· crease in the cost of housjng." The government has moved, with some 1ucce.ss, to offset the credJt pinch. One o{ Romney's first acts upon assuming office in January was to raise the Interest ceil- ing of government-backed mortgagu to 7~ percent, up . from 6~~-Some states elevated permissible rates 'tinder-their usury laws to 8 percent-and-beyond. Tbe government-chartered Federal National Mortage Association ("Fannie Mae"~ has been issuing short-and mediu1n·lerm secu rities to pump a recent average of $100 million a week into llie .mortgage market. THE C0~1MERCE DEPAR1"1E~T reported, nevertheless, that new con· slruction of private housing declined ill May for the fourth straight month. Cur- rent forecasts project a continued decline through the summer and fall, lowering the number of starts this year 200,000 or so below those in 1968. · · The true ~tent of the decline in single· fainily housing is parlly concealed because new housing starts includ<> apartments. which currentlf are <1c- counting for two-thi"rds of the total. Apartment builders are able to borrow where the individual hon1e buyer isu't, because they t:an arrange (or the Jcndtr to share in the builder's profits. IT HAS BEEN suggested t h a t American& are becoming a nation nf apartment dwellers out' of sheer necessl· ty. Some urban critics contend that this is a welcome trend. In their view, the vast expanse of singJe.ramlly homes in suburbia is a misuse of land and breeds urban sprawl, commuter problems and other metropolitan ills. _ Whether good or bad, the proliferation of single-family homes on the fringes or big-cities has been ·accepted -... and cherished -by American families for several decades. If the time hu come for them to change their living habits, it ii; evident that lhe deba te over 11ational housing goals will no longer be conrined to the issue of inner-city slums. . Editorial Re11earcb Report& '• Two-.s~.-e~n By BER8 CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -One <t our most 11.1cceadW doWntOWn thieves ts a darinB young man wbo W4:;1lf1 a TV repairmans white ...,. 0. bll disgui ... A f1w inkl- nl.ghtl ago. be WIS tiptoeing dOMI ttlie tn- tldt Nlrway ol • Van Neu Ave.. a.pt. howie, .a i&OJa{ 'I'\' aet under his arm. wben our Utile Old . Lldy peeked ou< of lier doorway to uk 111\erply, "What art )IOU uP to, young man?'" - "'Mine Ibis ael to be repaired." he llld. ~1·m on the ·mahl crew." "'Ob, bow wonderful!'' she beamed, • ' • ' t. lhrowiira Wkte her door. "Mine needs fix- ing. too·-would you lake it?" "Oh. but gladly;' griMl'd the thiel. presenUy walking out with two sets under his arms. ' LINDA FREV. wldow ol the Oakland policeman lcll!OO In the Uucy Newton ahootoul, was in Hollywood recently, playing a suburban hou.wwife for Jack Webb .in 1n "Adam-12" TV aequeoce. Jack. who ·hired her after she wrote him a letter, says, "Wt have a soft spot in our hearts for police widOws -and anyway, More Influence at the Bank than 'in the Minds Air. Kasanof,. a1~ attormy, wrote thi~ commentoTtl Jilr the-Ctnttr Magarint., publifhed by the Center for the Stud:11 of D.emocratic Institutions. Santa Bar- bara. · By ROBERT KASANOF Lawyers have a far better standing at the deposit v.'1.ndow or the bank then in the hearts of their countrymen. ThCy rank third In in1.."0n1e among professionals (behind doctors and dentists) bl,!t eleventfi in prestige wlth the public. Such ·"'·ere the findings in a report publish~·by the American Journal or Sociology in 1964, and the legal profession '!! standing and importance have continued lo decline. If lawyers have ceased to be the folk heroes they once were. perhaps a clue can be found in a con1parison of the autobiographies written by two famous lawyers: Clarence Darrow 's "The Story of My Life" and Louis Nizer's "My Life in Court." Darro\v's book v.•as written long afier his retirement from practice. Along with reminiSl--ences and philosophical ex- · cursions, il recounts some of his great cases -the defense of E~ene Debs. the Scopes j•monkey rtial." the Scottsboro case, the Leopold·Coeb trial. MANY OF HIS causes wert> lost. at least in the Jegal sense, but they were worthwhile failures .. Of the Leopold-Loeb case. he wrote: ", •. I wanted to lend a hand , and 1 'vanted to stay out of the case. The act was a shocking and bizarre performance; the public and press .,.,·ere • a·lmost solidly against them ••. I knew of no good reason for refusing (assistance). ·but I was liixty-eight years old; and very weary. t had groWn tired or standing in the lean and lonely front line facing the greate~t enemy that ever confronted man -public Of.inion." , Nizer"s • My Life in Court" recounts a slunning succession or victorious cases. and in each case tl'le llir.tory i~ due to of a ah'e's perfect for the part.'' ' BERKELEY BARB'S piquant picture of the ·\\itek: Eldridge C 1 ea,, tr. pre.sumab)J pJlotorrapbed ln Cub& while eating watermelon. PAT PAULSEN. r11.tnbling on KNEW, says he may ~ome Uie: fifth (at(' on t.1t. RUShmore "by natural erosion.·• As for the man who defeated him for President, he wbetzu "Nixon! He'd throw a 20-foot f1>9t to 1 man drowning 30 feet off~e and !ISi~ he had mel him more lhan half way." Nizer's consummate skill. Two dlapters are devoted to libel cases, another to divorces: there is an account of the plagiarizalion of the song "Rum and Coca-Cola.'' and a discussion of personal injury caeses. The book closes with an account -0f the bitter proxy battle-for control of Loew·~ and M.G.~1. In the course of this final chaple!' Nizer pauses to explain \vhy he v.·ou1d not have taken the sort of cases 1hal.made up Dai-row's life : ··, , . For. despite Bar Association resolutions which make it proper for a lav.•yer to defend the n1ost heinou~ nn1rderer or sneaky Com1nuoitr. I \\'ill not repre sent a mao who1n t dete st. He i!; entitled to able counsel. and there art> many such, • but I cannot !Plit 1ny personality or fragment my convictions:' ALi\10ST TWO MlWON copies or Nizcr's book had been sold by the time I bought my copy. Though still in print. Darrow's book could not be found in :any midtown New York bookstore. U a young boy today wants to get an idea of \\·ha1 it is a famous lawyer does and on v;hat issues his skills are focused. he ·will get it from ''My Life in Court," not "The Story of My Life." a situation where lawyers hB:ve not only ·acted from ignorance bbt affinnatively foster it by blocking scie ntific knowleclge,J Yet, the legal profession has been so succei>sful in convincing it.self an~ the world at large that it is a reposi\ml' 1of general wisdom that twenty percent of the studenls planning to enter law school have no intention of making a career in the law. or this group about half euter \Vith the specific idea of going into the business world. In a way, of course, they are not misgujded. fo·r the legal profession 'in the United States grew up in lock-step w~th., the large corporations and lawyers Ve"t;Y often furnished advice to their bus\ness clients far beyond the scope of what -was required in terms of legal controversies. They also began to colonize the executive ranks of the corporations. ' THESE CLOSE TIES to _.the growth of the corporatiop as an institution have not ; ·only created , intellectual problems but1 have also brought about. profound chang· in both the economics and the style of th11 practice of the profession. As corpo"rate t·nterprises multiplied and grew largefr and government regulation became more intense and complex, the size of the law firms which served them grew larger, too. The fees charged by these fWms. were geared to the economics of corporate ac· tiv.ity; -J They drew the best graduates from the good Jaw scboolS; they furnished tlle leader$.ip in .large measure for ·the orgruiiled bar. Because of the 1.arg~ and ongoing character· of the Cirrns, lt was possible for their members to engage io- »{Or:lts of public service or even enter the j!overtunent for a period of time, knowing that ihey could return .lo the old finn. The >tandards of ethics and the quality of Jeg81 \vork done. were, and are, very high. YET, DESPITE THE large firm's con- tribution to the power and quality of the profession. it had a baneful influence on the structure and future of the profession. 'l'he economics of these firms made them available to the large corporations and the wealthy individuals who managed f11em. The economist Joseph A. Schumpeter once said that if there is no revolution in America it will be because the best brains are busy figuring out how the rich can avoid their taxes. The opposite may prove to be true. If we have the kind of upheaval which seems to be impending. it n1ay be precisely because so many of the best brains ha ve been concerned with servicing giant corporations. Perhaps my view is too pessimistic. Mr. Nizer, after all, closes the most widely read book about the law of our generation this way: "So I symbolically closed the book on the Loe.w's contest and signaled my secretary to usher in two visitors rrom Chicago who had flown into ~e.'!'·York by appointment. The cause of theil'. anxiety was an ant i.trust suit which thr&lt.tned their enterprise. I leaned back and '.!fondered what new ltga1 adventure awaited me." ' The lntell eclual decline of the pro· fession Is a more subt!e problem. The rugor with wt.ich lawyers use the skills and material of the profession ilself is as great. and probably greater, than in the past; the problem of dealing with the in-- creasing quantity of legal material on which the profession · depends (thirty thousand decisions a year rendered by the Appellate Courts alone) Is not the stumbling bloek. • The trouble is tha( lawye rs have simply refused to let go or the notion that they possess universal wisdom and that abs~tact notions of justice are sufficient to make prudent choices in connection w.ilh any m<11ter. The regulation 1d mari· juana. for instance, is a clear example or IN'F-ERP()L's .,Objectives · TJ1ief f rom tile Deportment Of State Poli cy Briefs The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is not, as some people erroneously believe,, an in-• temational espionage network whose agents defy death and torture in their· political inteWgence-gathering activities. iNTERPOL never inWilveg ~tsel! In political, military, religious, or racial matters ; such activities are forbidden by its constitution. .. SO~tETUlNG .81.SE you may not be INTERPOL is cbncemed. with "tht ap- dying to know: That'• Hugh Hefner's prebensior. of ct'irdinals, exchange of ln· to lay the foundations for international police cooperation. INTERPOL'S budget for 1969 hi roughly $530,000, of which the U.S. share is $28,500, or approximately S.4 percent This ·is virtually the lowest percentage figure .for. .a U.S. contribution lo any in- ternatiooaJ organization. • t ~· ...... .JJiiifiltlr. . ---- · Saturday, July 19, 1969 steady friend . lSarbara Kltfu cf formation, lderi(ifltation , atrest1 and ex- Sacrament.o, dfr.creelly aucovered on the .. tradfUon: It deals with law enrorc'em~nt cover of July Playboy. · v.'hich involves the cro¥~1 of -~ The Comment Page of the ternational borders by a law-Drcilker. Daily Pilot seeks to inform DON BUDGE, from the Academy In addition. INTERPOL works in Um and st1mulate 'readers by Award!I of Sport (he won tbe tennis field of crime prevention. n publi&hes ~·presenting a varif!!ty of com-- tropl}y), is in \Valnui Creek, vtsiling his lit.er•ture -~n counterrelu. auto ~tta1 fentary on topics of inter· ' 87,year-okl mother "who ha! arthritis bu\ and other subJect>-des~«! to !ac1litate est and significance from can still beat me at most games. 11 'As for • the1aw·enforce~nt officer 1n 'tns task or it lnformed obsetvers'" a 0 d b!:s most .readable new book. "A Tennis;.;..=ro,adlnt potential crfminall:1 · k · -· Idea ol INTE.RPOb· ·.,.,11·1'' : 1 · tpo ••men. Memoir." he II.OWi i·tfll eell S0,000 copies ~ •11e ur If T ha ve to buy 40.000 myself. J have a when' • number or pollce olficer1, loltert N. Weed. hMflhr very large garage." magistrales, and Jpwyers rr.et at Monaco ' .. For Tl1e · Record ' ..... ·- Divorces t'INAL DEC•EES Ft111uson. ROl<&n,.. .,. K&nM!ll E-v. LOI• YI Orvil!• Sn'IO'!hers, Jovu L. v1 01vld wn111m Du Cllarme, NllKY l , vs D1vl1 t. k1llv, M9rvartl Grice n Jamu Harr/ Venture, Catl'lel"IM YI D1n~I A. GRMr, JDhMle Lee YI E:m!IY Jewel Moseley, Pltrkl• '-· MmMv n Jl:Cl9erl '· McL11J11lllln, Sleven A. ~ Malllvn J. ConnellY, Cll1r~ Mlcn1er Vl Con•l11nCe '"' J0<1e•, L1ielle Oorwold vs Ch9rlene LI "' LI TrKt. J1nl1 Nin vs lltlc.hard DEATH NOTICES I BEEN Jn$e w. Been. Aoe 50. Datt of detll! JUIY 16. ReskWnl of 21« Pomona, Ccr.;la Mts.. SUTV1¥ed bv wife, Ltnl$; two dawtl'len. M~. si.1ron Sml!n, CMla Mn11 Mft,. L!..-Price, Co•!• Mts1: Ml'\ Cr&l'ICUl!I, Pcw1f!"Vlll~; l!'lree brot~­ er1, Kenoeth, K-M; J. T .. Vlsalla; Mvron, Al'lllflt<ll, Service• will ~ held MondlY 11 11 1.m. 11 Sell 8roodw1v Cl\9~"'· Of!ktant, ReY. Tlloma' s en· vetNH. ln!fT~I, Pa<:lt!c Vie"' /N!- mor!al Par~. &ell &roadway Monu1rv. OlrKtors. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Weslcllff Mortuary 4%1 E. 17th St. Costa 1\1esa 646-"883 • BALT'l MORTU A RTES Corona del Alar OR 3·9>i50 Costa Mesa A-11 6-z.IU • BELL BROAD\VA:Y MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa ~lesa LI 8-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley Mortuary 17911 Beacb Blvd. Huntington Beacb ·m.m1 -.-· -McCOR•UCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Laguna Cailyon Road Laguna Beach 4M-9.f1S • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel 35l'IO Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, Califoraia l«-!iM •• PEEll FAMILY , COLONIAL RJNERAL HOME 710l Boh:1 Ave. Weatmlnller lt3-35Z5 • I SHEFFER MORTUARY 1 Lt«una Beach 4M-1US I SQ Clemente • 412-0lOO I .. SMITHS' MORTUARY m Atala St. H~Buc~ - Fountain Syringe "'1181111~" 'J FAULntSS ••• "-2·q1. sQe with embossed urfaCe iR rel fittifl~s~ 1 39 tWhlg tritti shut.off lft· ' eluded. #lSS ' • • .. ~ ... '. VW HAIR SPRAY 10 oi sir.e of miracle hoMlnl 'P"Y wi. fRf[ 1 29 ~Sill of~S.Sl!am~ _ pao.· lttllf•r • "FWSHAHU"' Disposable Diapers Made to be usedrvetYday ••• ideal I« -acation 11se. Cboose 1 39 ~ .. llmont,-& Toddler sites. In 1fl4 • ···----------' FoLD1H& "Hi-Chair" fOLIA llU •.. r.n..<ls to JOlll 3" utility chair! C'Jl1ome tra, witb safety lock, adjustable foatres4 foam~ seat and back. "ide sprud lees with lllO~-marrina: &lides. Wllit111• Amm• C1!1n 13.88 . ~ BARDWAREVILIEI •rUJY SIULCIWT DecOfator· designed in·small sizes for the feminine hand. Metal parts witll extra high polish, "Sungold" yellow handles. , ' . • ~-- "MAALOX" l1t1ci•ID•••le1tt. Ca11 be taken as is or mixed w/milk or water. t.411? ll. SIJt 1.13 COOL-RAV POLAROID. Sunglasses Onl~ COOL·RAY POU.RQ10· SiJ11. 1lasses have rema<kabl! POLA· ROID lenses that Slop !el!Kted glill"e, as Oemo11st11ted on TV. "Airfoil" w A new fasbial ll'end for.m •d """"' • ; ........ ,,,. '"" loiJ color_~1,Lrims1 ~ Imm.. . 8 FT. x 20" POOL ·a..1111rl11" -Lr"it e110111h .tor the whole family to '"'''· Built l« 1 0 88 long life. feature$ protec· tJve coping & safety li11er. lee. IZ.H • -l1x&a" Sleepjrig Bag "MOUNTAINEER" Sold ~-~ [xdusivtly : I aJSAV·ON .. te1t~ C••~•ri ••• 2 lbs. Oacron 88 (p:i!yes· Jer) f1llel, 1001'. """ 1 0 88 co~et with "Jl11nt t11tto11 flallrlef ~nin&, 36" beavy , ckrtf zip . • --. '· 3U"' !!t.~re-""'est: .:""~. -----.--+-.y;jf(',..ilHn•l1 Trf,s-.-~. ligiit~liigt si~ • -----· · chest'witt·-~ioods; C""'·llY ~ liquids tool for 1 Ion( • ..... r.0~Ai~:to ... 0"_il'_'_3_:98 __ .ED! ~""','.~",: 77c . F0Lo1Nc Chaise Lounge "Ac1,•lc1 .. -Sooth·af-the-bofder colors that . ti"lelld lotether. Contwed lrame •itll 7 vertical 6 99 •~bs andJ6 horiiontal webs. Strong Wbolar lrtme; • earmresl!. aar.1.n • , I "Bromo-Seltzer"' An aid lo~ ffte ~leisa11t " relief ol minor upset age llomach, lleadaclle. · 1.lt 4\4 IL Silt -"Kaop,ectate" 59c ·1'.:' . fir Rtlief 1f Dl1rr~11 .. ,,. •.. Prompt acting. sooth· ing and pJeilSll!t tasting:. 19, I IL Sill SAY.ON , "Aspirin" U.S.P. ~ $rai11 lor relief 19c of miner lleadaclle. Ii(. 23c tOG's "Moro line" ••nt Petr1le111 Jilly ••• fi~ aid dressing fM minor blJrns, sc1apes, etc. ltt 1 Ill. Jar ------- "B " ayer ASPJ!IN for CMl!O!IN ••• I~ 31 C ,gra(n or...,ge flavored tablets. 31 T1•l1ts "Asthma Nefrin" cAPSULEs Lets yoa llfealtl freely .-•. worb in min- 11tes to 1ive~cfreliel.tromtlieC011·l69 _1esti_oa, wbeezina: aod coagf! · ot ~o~ . . ~ <1hi;1I ast~m1. 11l1pnfeS • __ "Plate-weld" . "Acryline" loose. For upper er lcwer eur, Super Biodorant (Easy to use Oab-o-matic) fl)f illl day proledroft. Ontlr1 '''*"Ill ... leis you r'-· fl . • pair teeth tbat art De111r1 R1ll1er - Slip-Joint Plier 88 · ):98 2·:99 · 11';:.~l~ 912P.'sa'1 ' _,_ .. _ ... _..,_._ .... _ ... _·_ ... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. __,.,....cl~~~~~::;:;;~~~~~~~~~~ oim Hea•en Sent Eau de Parlum , M<dloy ol flow. 2 . 5' 0 ers & s?iet that !:.~!~ ...... 98c BRONZTAN CltM' lotlH ... 6 oi 1 3·3 · Cr1111 L1tll1 ••• 4* oz. llllstarW• 1.tU1• ••• 4\(t Ill. fAl!I I lasts and lwsts. "'" ·~.1S YllH ~I IUY• Beauty Wasbi•I Grains .. -·--~ Wit~ Ercl•sl•• lfl7 Lens ••. The b1gges~ hottest eel· ledion of shades for men & women in Ille WQrld. · Ref. %.It . . ' 1.19 ' l .. l l l l : ~--4· ~· '•· \ • • • • ·. ·I I . . ., J ? 1 fl~llT UncklJ. Pores ind impurities. 9"'' "Water Lily" Pore Litton Mttlicated IS· tnngenl lotion ll IOI!!. & refmlt 5k111J.31""" 0PlfltAMte,10PM-7DAYSAWIU · ._ . • HUNTIM•tOJrt IU.CH -. s;riltffle -' ....... j • R.' I • '•' ·· 1 I " l ' • ' • HUJ(TIN•TON SUCH -AhiM -4 ..... .,. NIW?O•T HACH -tin ll'Tlu I• w ..... .,, ..... ' I , CI ' ! -: '1 1.75 Screwdriver Willl sW.-fip Mfldle •••••• ,: •• " .. II /I , . I• I• I + l . . • I ~y '1LOT .. 0 • i Bix b y Greens Beal ~L ---· Estate ;-Apar~~nts--~rww Questions and Comment By Realtor RendeR McCerdle QUESTION< Tho wlfa oncl I oro klckl119 orouncl tho Ide• of purche1lnt somti re1ldentl•I •Pllrtmenf units In S.nt• Ana. How do I 90 •bout •ppr•l1f"t en •p.lrtment hount Wh•t .,.. torn• of the f•ctors to look fo r In •r· r ivlnt et • lust •nd f•ir price to p•y? . 0 . T., Newport BeBch ANSWER : ~ost investors in apartments are pri· marily coocerned In 'the' INCOME the units provide: that is tjie amount of income and the DURABILITY of the income. · Some factors to take~ into Consideration when con- sidering income are: Spac~us Variety - Spacious floor plw In abun· dance-and in nrltty-are proving to be a key reasOn ror a sudden Increase in rentals at Bl.i:by Green Apartment Village, aCCilrding to a spokesman for the popular Orange C o u n t y ·apa{tment community. Neil Crawford. v1ce presi- dent ol Bi.J:by Ranch Company (owners and developers of Bixby green), stated that apartment-eeeken visiting the project are surprised at the numbu of plans Bixby Green offers. '"Ibey spend more time roaming around our models simply because there's so much more to see here than there is at conventional apart· ment locations", Crawford said. "'" Features are In keeping with the town bouae aspect. of each Blxby Green suite. A .standout examp~ is &oundproofing: each ,.Wte is totally soundproofed In a manner that has gained Bilby Green na.. Uonwidc attentioQ withla the a p a rtmen~on ti:t- dllstry. Bixby Green sul""' .,. allo centrall7 aiN:Ondi~ Color-coordinated carpOtliig~ and drapes, a kitchen with aU- electrie built-ins and an in- dividual wasbe.r-deyer unit ift- eacb suite are some of the a-d- ditiona1 features tenants can enjoy. Tenants also have the privilege of two parking spaces, both of which will pro- bably be in Bixby Green's underlrtlilnd parking area. Abundant landscaping. adds • J. The present gro:;s income .and the future gross income that can be qpected from the apartments. 2. The rate of return you upect on your investment, and the amount of risk involved ·with this return. fi SUITES to the effect of total privacy, Even though there are less making Bilby Green a seclud-SPACIOUS LIVING FEATURED AT BIXBY GREEN than 85 suites in all within the ed "community-wilhln-a<0m-Ac:C.1! to Private G•rden P11tlo, Color °'°"'lnatH Ap.rtment1 3. The TOTAL operating expenses Including any capital e"Jl"nditures the property may require to p ro- duce maxunum income. s l t I u ~uriously-landscaped munity". The apartment ---------------------------"-"----------~-----­ acres c o m pr 1 s J n g Bixby village's recreational faciliUes Gr e ~·n1 apartment-seekers (which .Include pool and have no iess than five di!tinct· sundeck area, shuffleboard ly different plan,, to ~e courts ind private putting from. ''MDSt a~ proj· green) and reserved for ects do not offer anywhere residents' exclu.slve use. •And near th.at kind og variety, aJ-even though it s t res 1 es lhoogh they may have twice privacy as a feature, Bixby the number Or apartments we Green is a Short drive (in all have," Crawford went on to directions) from the recrea· say. ..... tional activity or Orange Coun- 4. Loss in income due to vacancies and uncollected rents. 5. The rate of recapture based on the age of the improvements and probable economic life of the im· provements. The income approach u~ed for arriving at the val· · ue of an apartment house 1s only ONE method of ar· ·riving at an equitable price; but it is the. most impor- tant ~derat!fin. .1-Suites al-BiJ:by -Gr e c n ty. 'lbree golf courses-are: - • average 1400 sq. fl. or living literally minutes away. A little QUESTION : I want to •void sMYlnt income texes space, another factor which further "down the road'' are when I sell my prpperty. I unclent•nd I cen_•vo1d tax· takes them out of the the beaches, marinas and " by-uch•nglng for 1om"ffhing •IH "is IOrij ..--it Ir t•average.-a p a.rt men t'' famed fun attractions or the of ''like kind." What are your thoughts on ·exch•nging? category. Each floor plan ·is • CQJ.lnty. Are exc~s t•x frH? Is there • cetch somewhere? twcrslory de s ign, modeled •· · -F C Cost'• Mesa after the European town RENTAI.S BEGIN .. ..-- . : , · ., -hWIB.-whlcb giVe BTx'b""j-· RenfiilS .. 'beifn-at $240 ·a -ANSW:ER: ExcbangingjWhen--dooe ptoper.ly,-solves Greqi""its-apartJnent-viHage monttrfor·snttes which·are;-tn many -problems •. I ta-advantages hav helped--many -connotation. Upstairs areas:·· effect; larger than· many-new build an estate in a relativelf short period of time. are devoted to ~ ~Y as homes, but which eliminate All exchanges, however, are NOT tax 'free. Jn fact. three 'bedrooms,_ 1ncl~ding a the problems of home the tenn tax free bothers m e. l n most cases they wou'ld large !M-ster swte with bath mainlenanCe and u. p t e e p • more properly be termed ••tax.deferred.'' and private dres~ing area. The Tenancy la restricte~.to adu~ls JI · nlik rty th 1 th t downstairs portion of each only, ex: to families with you !eceive any u e P~ • _ en o. a ex-plan is a dramatic contrast to chlldren ti years or older. Tbe tent you will b~ Wed ~n the unlik~ portion. This would conveotionalD apa r tment fact that Bilby Green Is an provide you with partial tax savtngs, and you w~uJd designs : Jong entry-hallways adult commUl)ity ts another never pay more taxes ~an you woul_d on a straight -lead to high-ceiling sunken !iv-contributing faclor to the &al~ An e~ample of unhke property IS cash. boat or in g r 0 0 ms some with privacy afforded its residents. netlloa_n reli~-. • . fireplaett) which , in turn, lead To visit Btxby Green, take It ls section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code that io private garden patios. the Garden Grove Freeway to states that· there . will be ·no recognition of gain or Joss Formal dining rooms (which the Knott Ave. turnoff. Dri ve on an exchange 1f property held for productive use in can convert to a den, library north under the freeway to a trade or business or if INVESTMENT is ei:cbanged or family room) and centrally·. Lampson Ave_ The large wind- s_olely for. property of like kind held for either produc-located kitchens. are other mill at ~e entr.ance tens you tive use m a trade or business or for investment. facets o1. downstairs plam. that your.eat Bixby Green. EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall R. McCardle ban inoestmen} nrwl111t, Prerldtnt of TM Real E1ta1tr1, a coUege Jectu,.el"; .... a director of the California Association of Real Estate Teachers, author of "Real E1tate in California." Smd ti°"" qtU!tiom and comment& 1o Randall R. MeCardU, clo The Daily Pilot, Boz 1560, COit.a Mesa 92626. Viejo Opening July 26 Eldorado Homes Puts 14th Unit on Market Eldorado Homes; lfth unit goes on the market In Mission Viejo Saturday, July 26, it was announctc1 this week by Stuart R. McFarland, sales manager for Mluton V'"iejo Company, developer of the ll,000-acre new town in southeastern Orange County.• "Thus far, we have placed 1,rrn Eldorado Homes on the martet,'' noted McFarland. "The 14th unit., which has 65 homes, will bring the total of Eldorado Homes to 1,092." McFarland added that the homes in Unit 14 will be especially desirable because they are close to a 5-acre park that is scheduled lo be com- pleted before the houses are finished. Many of the homes also hive views or the park. he added. A school site Is ad- jacent to the park. Eldorado Homes offer six models with from two lo five bedrooms, and up lo 2,061 sq. ft. of living space. Prices range from $21,140 to $29,640. Purchasers of E I d o r 2 d o Homes may enjoy the Mission Viejo Recreation Center, th e Mission Viejo Goll Club, and all the other recreational, educational, commercial, and cultural facilitie s in f\.1ission Viejo, McFarland con- cluded . The Eldorado models may be reached by takhlg the San- ta Ana-San Diego freeway soulh to La Pai Road, cross- ing over the bridge into Mission Viejo, and foUowing lhe directional signs to the sales office. Lake Fore st-Readies- 350 More New Homes Lake Forest now has f20 homes under construction, making It one of the most ac· tive home-building areas in Southern California, It was an- nounced this week by Warren Tom.an, director of marketing for Deane Brothers I n c • development in southeastern Orange Counly. At the same time, Toman announced thal second un its have opened in lhe com- munity's three new neighbo rhoods, Garden Hornes, Lakeshore Home~. and The Woods. "While our original models. the Saddleback series in the village, and the newer Garden Homes are sell ing well, the homes along the lake and in the woods have been selling at the most spectacular pace," observed Toman. "Our lux- urious Lakeshore m o de I s , which are In the $30,000 to $60,000 bracket, are selling as quickly as low-pri~ homes. The first unit of 75 Is more than 90 percent sold out, so we are opening a second unit of ii hom es, many agai n offering choice lakefront Joe.at.ions. Equally e1citing has been lhe a~ptancc or our homes 1n The WOods: 11te first unit of 70 homes Js now all but sold oot, so we are opening our 8-1· home second unit.,.. "In both cases," Toman noted, "Thi.s success may be directly attributed to the fact that these homes o f f e r something home-shoppers can find nowhere else in Orange County : the choice of buying a convenienlly-located, modern- as-tomorrow home at a reasonable price, eithet along a lake shore or in real woods." Homes In the community begin at $29,950 with three, four, and five bedroom models available in all f o u r neighborhoods. There: is a wide variety of twcrstory homes to choose from. All of- fer Deane Brothers' famed Garden Kitchen, plus many other exciting f e a t u 'r e s developed by the pace-setting firm. Lake Forest may be reached by taking either the San Diego or Santa Ana Freeways south to El Toro Road, then follow- ing directional signs. Dousing Poor Spain, U.S. Face Problem Retirement Hotel Work Under Way By J AMES L. SRODES MADRID (UPI) -There are many sad co ntra sts between the way Spain is trying to house its poor and lhe struggles the United States Js going through now to do the ume thing. At first glance the lwo na- tions bavt nothing at all in common. One is a superpower able to wage 1 COIOy war and still keep a steady stream of con- sumer gooda fiowjng -a now that includes LS m 1111 o n privaldy constructed housin1 unlll each yur. 'l'be other Ls 1Ull trying to set back Oil "' feet after a civil war that ended 30 years ago. For the past 10 year• it hi1 beea aollll lhrouRh a pain- ful thtft to lndustrlalb;ation but with llUle ...Uef for ii> -It probkml. and both governments are committed to giving housing construction top priority al· tention in the }'f;ars ahead. In 1968, lhe Johnson ad- ministration called rot 6 million housing units to be built wilh government aid over the nett 10 years as a boost lo tl)e 20 million that would be bulll privately at the same time. Lut month, the Spanish Hou&lng minister, Don Jose Afartlnez.sanchez Arjona, an- nounced the government had approved plans to lluild 1,%36,000 housing unit.a b1 1971. Of lhiJI total only 400,000 will actually have lo be funded and built. by private housing con- tractors. The government will subsldlJ:e another 800,000 units and govermnent construction uniU wlll buikl the remainin& m.ooo unlt.s, he II.id. and It has A gross nat.ional product of about AS billion. The U.S. population ls 200 million with a GNP or nearly $900 billion . But Martinez.Sanchez Ar- jona noted the government had e1ceeded ita first bo..u1ing goal or 1.3 million units set in 1961 by another 400,000 units, so the task a.bead shoold be well within Spain's economic capabilities. But a drlve along one of Madrid'• wide tree-6hadcd streets points up one of the problems facing Spain -a problem U.S. hou&ing plaMers should take note of. Ground wor k on SoutherD California's hotel" has 'been started at Brookhursl and P J o n e e r Streets in Fountain Vatley. Plans call for completion of the $1 millioc facility by Jan. I, 1970, according to Larry Gates, owner and developer of what he calls a "pilot project for Orana:e County." An 81 unit, tw1>-story com- plex will be buill on three acres, ~pable ol housing ta "retired senior citittns," ex- plained Oates, a Newport Beach resident and owner of the Huntington Valley Con· valescent l-lospita1 in Hun- tington Beach. City officials call "retirement hotel" to 1yoid any similarity with a con- valescent hospilal or a Leisure World retirement community George J. Heltzer & Associates Invites You! ' ItSouttntltcOPBH A . . -·-RRE17.IJ~ OP NOW IS TIIE JOing into our new homes in MFSA WOODS. THIS IS THE PLACE to ni>e your family aod enjoy • full life--in the fabuloo! South c.o.ut Plua &tea of Cool& Mesa, with "tf1 CX>llvenienc< you could dsite. THIS IS THE VALUE of a li~nd J'Oll b11Ve the first choice NOW of ftoor plllllS and Joa. And what • deliSbtful surprise is the pri~ ! .llNTDU!LY NEW CONCBPf of Imng is yoan in ci-imagioatin Tri-Dimemicxr :Bmitomnmtal homos that give you "Pall U.. of y_, Yard," wim -• lingle _..,foot w.-1! Just tnocher crample of ctati.e l...Jenbip in home deoign ! A t sp.n..J /..,, op,.ing prim /.-$2 7' 9 5 0 For• limiltd tmu .:.U,1 "Tlitre is NO 1uh.1ila1e for ~ALITYI: But bolb an e1perienclm:. _the _JDlcraUon of r u r a 1 ....idf'llll lo the clUes, both are worried about their tlwns The Spanish plan looks all the more ambitioua when )IOU consider two set• of statistics. Spain'• populaUon lll 3J million Spain, like the United Slates. is going through serious in - nalion. In fact, its trouble!! are so serious, the Franeo government devalued t h e peseta by 14 percent last year. The devaluaUon has brought on 1 35 percent decline: in In- vestments, wfth housing suf- ferin& most ol all. •lmospherc. 1----------------------------------'------. . ' ' I I ' • . }, ' ~ ,J.eulng ~tar.ts ... . . I S1Jrfth-Bay Club · , In Anaheim Set ~·1 f,!U •m-tl 11 on wlli lllrt-ft 1285• · · s.Otli a.Y Cllf> ...., 1 resldtn. Eacb apartmenl will be tta1·~ a!>ilf(ment custo,m ·interior-decorated, <ammunilY for ,single yoong fe¥irlng , . " a II· to · w a 11 •.. tt I • .,.1,. ... 1 carpetllig,,«lraperieo. all.elec· adtl_ s -auncu ... '4. "'! ~as ng trie: Westingh~ app~, .program lhlo weekend. 1t will , ,and,<; ,mate , l!lti"!' t .or be the"lhlnl Sootll Bay Club In · balcooiles. 0..1,!ned lo penitlt 1 Orange-County. a in"1roum of privacy.,.and , A Iola! "' .,... residential •paciollsness, !he Club Will be . • ·.. .. ..... -~ of 13 leJl"Tlle urull wil ~ available, In-buildiftCI: fpread over SOJ pro- cludlni f\lrnilhed and w> ,.....,.Uy land&<aped acre. fumllbed ooe and t w o at \be corner of Brookhurst bedroom apariments a n d _ Jud Broadway streets in • f\llly·l'!lrlii!bed one and lwo Anahdm. bedroom apartments a D d More than $1 million In fully-tumlshed singles. First recreational facilities will be .._._. ___ ~-'""'....J"'" occupancy is slated f o r highlighted by a three-story Drecerilber. clubhouse in the center of the Rentals will include 111il grounds. The clubhouSe ·will utilities, and will Yary ac-. contain men's and women's cording lo proximity to the .'\'l'health clubs complete with ex- poolside area. Singles will erclse equipment and sauna start at $155 per month, one-baths, a multi-tabled billiard bedrooms will start at $205, parlor, party room with and two-bedroom apartments service bar, indoor golf driv- Sales Pace Picking Up At Seawind Sixty percent of the firSt unit of 70 homes at Seawind in Huntington Beach has been sold out, according to Wlltiam P. Edward!; general manager ~-Kaafma!t-and B;o.d's c ing range and sbuflleboard area, flreptaCe lounge. arts and crafts and conference rooms, and a color TV theatre. Outdoor amenities will in- --SoulhetlfcaJjlonlraDIVlsloll. · - . -"_Allbougb sales llive been excellent since our opening the first of June, there ilJ a good selection of hom es and lots 1till available," E d w a r d s fePorts. The first unit o( homes are now in the fram iµg stages and will be ready for occupancy .in Septem~, GOOD VALUE - ALMOST READY -Leasing program be~ns Ibis· . weekend for Anaheim's $14.1 milllori 763-unit South Bay Club , a · re~identiallrecreational apartment community for sing~e young adults sfated to open in December. The 20.2 acre Anaheim compJex. de- picted .here in architect's rendering, is the 15th in . elude several night-lighted tennis court11, whirlpool t:alhs, an Olympic-sized swimriling pool, and volleyball·basketball courts. A resident tennis pro will • • _.,_~-··- give . tennis lessons a n d operate the SBC Pro'Bhop, and a full-time activities director will coordinate the 80Cial • and sporting events. 1be Anaheim complex will -----. • • a chain of . South Bay Clubs being conMcted · throughout' California and in Phoeniz, Arizona by R & B Development Company of Los Angeles . It is located at the corner of Brookhurst and Broadway streets. be the fifteenth South Bay Club In a chain built by R & D Development Compaey, Lo.5 Angel•!· "nle other two Orange Coun- ty SBC's are loCated in Garden Grove and Newport Beach. R & D, the third largest build- er of multi-unit hOUJlng In lhe naUon, will have weta bl ezceu of tteo m1lllon by the md « Ulla year. . • • I DAIL V PILOT 0 Buyer Interest. Shows . ' ·In Sales · at -seac1iff ; Buyer Interest and ·rapid ul<1 of firll mitt raldences at L' u 1 t Hom e •Huntington seaclUf hu resulled In ac- celeraUon of activity on the lt!COlld unit, WIW1m D. Lusk. prealdent of Lusk Hom.,, bas announced. Located at 19722 Golden W~ Street, Huntington ·Beach, just o~haU mile from the ocean, these new homes are adjacent to the Huntington &eacliff Counlry Club, com- bining the advantages of beach and 1<1lf ~- Price ran,e for the homes is belween $3S,550 and 148.SSO. 1Mre wen 50 homes in the fll'St unit of Lusk Homes-Ihm- Ungton stacUff•and t]>e two unib are already IO ,..uni aold. Several new dallDI for the homes ate 1vtJ1able wtth I variely of Door plut, cl•lnc the home-bliytr ' b e op. porlunlty lo find I llome suiting individual neWs·, and preferences. . ~ Four model homel.lin. ftft display, decorated by · Loia Harding & Aasoclttu. Schoob, cburche.I and shop. ping· centers are wilbln ~7. reach of Hwttinaton SeacW , and ·the San Diego, Gilden .Grove and Santa An 1 Freeway1 an all just a ,few minutes away. Luxury I-bedroom and den .. CJJeach CL .. IV111g ·%rCJ:~e 2-bedroom 2·bath, year-round, on-the-beach ~rtmenls, Quiet, security, spacious sun decks, patio, views, pool1 saUn11 20 min. to l.B., 40 mrn. to downtown. from 225.00 por moitli The HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 711 Pwfic Cout Hwy. (on lh< ocean). Huotingtxm lleub Teiephooes: (714) '36-1487 • (714) '36--4616 .. . ' • . Seawlod homes, priced as low .. $15 a """"' loot • .,. among the best vatues . in Orange County. In addition, Chey have great style wilh dramatic interior treatmentJ Ud elepnl ....,. pla ...... Su.wind pri°'8 which start at ·- ' 127,990 Include 1 package of "extras" comparable only lo homes selling for one-third . I . " more. 1 'n»ese luxury "eltral., -all Ar U d t Ji · h standard items -Include e yo rea y 0 ve m a c arm· burnished bronze hardware tn ing village neighborhood which an exclusive Seawtnd design; stylish light fixtures also In looks inward along quiet, safe exclusive Seawind designs; t · h J k d fireplace with log lighters; streets o its own sc oo , par, ao self-cleaning ovens : heavy du· private recreation club? Where just _ty_ disposals; gold . anodized •lldln& doors and windows tn outside, minutes away, are some of the patio and kitchens ; furniture fU!Wled w a In u t the world's most lively aod Vibrant cabinets; separate utJJlty 1 F hi I] d N t rooms; ceramic tile paces ... as _on s ao ' ewpor balhrooms and kitchens: and Harbor, the University at Irvine ... all bave a connecting door to lhe garage. Nat u r.a 11 y , and your home perhaps is the ~...=.,\"'""~';:'a.';'~ dramatic Portofino •.. with its fire· pletebr equipped kitchens. OPTIONAL ITEMS Optional items available at cost are wet bars, mirrored wardrobe doors, automatic garage door openers and landscaping. Homes at Seawind Include the Sandy Hook, a dramatical- ly 11tyled, one story honw: with three bedrooms and two baths priced at 127.990. The Key Largo Is designed around a sunken conversation pit and a free standing floor- to-ceiling massive b r l c k Dreplace. It ia priced at $30,· 990 which includes (our bed· room5 and two baths. side lounge, soaring ceiling and upstairs master apartment -plus the "idea space." $38,995: Can you resist the Somerset? A conversation pt In the family room is an a feature of the Bay Bbcayne model, priced at 133.990. This home hQ four bedrooms and three baths. four ~utes~ Irvine Campus, U. C. three .minutes: Fashion Island Shoppjng The Port Royal with 2,236 square feet la a handsome two story borne with f J v e bedrooms and three baths )lriced at only 134,500. !;ASU. Y REAqlED Seawlnd models may be reached via the San Diego or Sant.a Ana freeways to lhe Brookhunt exit. Then south on Broothunt to Seawif1d. From the Pacific Coilit Highway, bead norih on Brookhunt. Liated on the New York Stock EJ:change, Kaufman and Bioad Is tlie naUon'1 la'll'SI publicly held c o m pa: a 'I l31marily enp/led In bouilng. n cumnUy fiU 3$ major dt~entl underwa7 Ill the lllOtrnpolllln ""'" of Clllcago, Detro!~ Los Angeles, San F.rancisc:o-San Joae, and Parta. Ftanct. It ts a major operator o(, cable lelevLslon systems throughout C1llfornla, IJ~l. !11'd . Ore.1 ,•~ tli1'>agll I s wholl7.....,.. eubsldlary, Nat lo nW l He Cablevision, Inc. / / j l It OR s ORT . 27~ , • five minutes: the sea at Newport Beach • Are you ready to enjoy the IM:st of these two worlds in a ~'';'"': home of exceptional style aod convenience ••• a wise invest· ment in the master planned lands of Irvine Ranch? Well you cao (at a price most rea· sooable)! Just come down the Newport Freeway toward the ocean, get off on MacArthur . Blvd., go south to Ford Road. Tum left and ask to speak to Dllf!"Y· , ... J ' f ;. • \ . I : • l • . I ' ~ • j I i • i t • '\. I \, ~ I T I I JI) DAll.Y PILOT "' " J:, " .. ' " ' • ' s.tuntay July 19 1969 NEW, YORK i ST~CK ) EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S I ' ---~ IDGH, ' I LOW CLOSE NY-Exchange 20 Most Active • " ' ' ' ' • ' • .. • '" ' . ~ "' L " " . ' . ' ~ ' ' ' .. • • .. • ' . ll •• ~. " ••• • " J, lt lb ,., JI: ll'' .. 11 • AMEllICAN STOCK'. EXCHANGE • WEEK'S AND I , , I ' YEAR'S HIGH, LOW, CLOSE I Mutual Funds Bid I I ' • and Ask • • -• • n I ; .• • • ' • -~-~·-·--·~---------- -. • ,. • . \ , .. .. ...... ; ... : • . . •• • l • ' ' • .. ,, ... • "' . ' • . • :· : ". ~ .. .. -~-- j I ... -..... ' . ., . , . . } . -· ~.~ . , ( ' . , • . . .I : . \ ~ ·e h: .. ... ~ • • • r.c .... ' I . • --1---" 1 •• ... . • .,.. ·1 ... ... ! .... • ·~ -... •. ' ) • t ' r:· • • ' . ' • I • • -·---· ·at Mission Viejo, ---- •• s u mm-eF-~s--. . , l~~fu n wee:Rs W·ith 12 fun no~mes -~- .. • • • . - - • • .. .~ • .. ~ ... ~ M "".F • . · .. M T F ---·-- M T F • • September M T \IV T • ,, • • W'rfen 7 um!!"er !un starts ot Mis;lon Viefo -.. ~ t~ere7e'. lhree kinds of cliildren-here. Busy. Busier •• .And-busiest. Every week is-o surpr}se·?ackoge full ·T/· ' I or excitement. Th·ere's Bolloon-T o-The-Moon Week· • ...:.with ac:>rand Prize fot the bolfo·on thot's found .farthest away. Hol~.oad Week, where kids a¢1uolly gel up in 'front of a mike and perfo rm . Excur1lon..Week. Show-Qff Week, Fee_d Week- whenJood an.cl nothing but food ii the big eve nt . . ...• .«:>-· ""'1 . That's the scheduled · port -but there's more . Mission Viejo hos ifs own Lillie league. Boys' and • girls' Scout troops. A ·$400,000 Re creat io n Center. Nowhere hove child re n be·en provided for with such thoughtfulness. That's how Mi ss ion Viejo is. --It's a commu_nity for fa milie s that value the good things . Our schoo l system, righ t on Mission Viejo land, is unsu rpassed -from day nursery. through college. la Paz Shopping Center, wil h its quaint stores and supermarket,_ is so complete -mom . seldom needs io go lifriheTfrom-fio me. "Alllliis.:. a ncrOne 'of the na'tfoii's.ITnesf gaff co~-::-,.,.her~ . . a boy can show his dad how to slice into the ro ug h." R eally when ii comes right dowri to ii, there's no better spot for people of any age-anywhere- than Missio n Viei o. H omes come in oil s<zes, all price ranges at Mission Vieio. You can settle down in on e of the Eldorado Hor~s for as lilll e as $21,140 on FHA or No .Down VA term•.-The three-b.edroom , 1h·ree·bath plan 60-D pictured here, wi th an en or ' mous rumpus room, is on outstand ing value ct $28,295. la Paz Homes, a very successfu l group of ho mes, are priced fro m $27,990. Or you may prefer Grenada Ho mes, with go lf course views. They start cl $27,990, a nd· include two designs that can grow as your fa mily grow s. Then, ther e ore the homes on M issi on Ridge, al so over-· looking the golf co urce, far c s law as $45,000 or as high cs $65,000. But no metie r whet · you cho ose, you'll be part of America·s most successfu l new town. Take ·the Santa ·Ana or San Diego Freeway south to La Pot R.ood -or for Granada Homes, to Crown Volley Parkway. At either exit, turn left over the bridge -and begin the first of many wonderful summers at ~ Missi® -Viejo. W·atch "for ope-nil1g soon of-+he l'le-W -· Coron~do Homes. ' , ' ---~=·====~--------,-.-;r: ~--- ~·bree·~W~Fl~ Record H.~lders Upset . - .Ill . -· --~-----------/ . ' Th omey on Way ~o Decat~l~wWin:. ' • ·BY GLENN WBl'l'E Of .. o.ir, "'"' ..... • · LOI ANGELES -Three world record rhold8r, ~wre upset and ahother barel_y av-~eot in Frlqay night's U,$, • ' R~lh11iati O>m-lth tuck Cl.,.tc Wllld>, "" wltnttsed"by 15,11159 'at \l!e.c.iaeum. ' ' HO.ever O~plC decatblon chamPlon , i Bttl ~ ,al::IA(wia lleaclt IUlViwid Flidor'll wave ll-aurpri... &>II hot,,... • 'thor ti> Oii but wrap up ~ gold medal . In llil 'lllldallJ -a llf'point lead ov• Rulllan . Janis ~ .today's five e~inlng Oil Ille program. · ToGrney .winds' It up t!>ls a!temoon ... W!WI tbe t'fio.dl.y'meet resumes_ it l !J5. ile pllOd up f,251 polnlS--lar behind. the • 4t700 P,:lus..he. needed Ute first (lay t9 kee:IL on w-Orld record pace but ~-ly . good' enougtl to fend of£ th~ vlet. • • ~~ place choice Rick Sloan. of Anaheim pulled a hamstring muscle on 'bis nnt )oog jump trial Friday and·had 14 scratch from the decathlon. vict:im& of Friday's upsets were John P"""l (US) In the pole vault, Remould Klim (Rusaia) In the bammor and Ralpll DoUbell (AuMralla) in die 800 meters. And world 411).mele< rec:ord bolder Lee Evans narrowly escaped tkl .. t In his event as be nippK Tommlo T\lrner by a tenth of a ~with ' 45.a. Pennel (l&-ao/t) was thumoed bl Olym· pie winner Bob Seagr<t1 Ci7-t!IJ In tb• vault. Seogmi bad throe trlel -none close -at ltrl. ~ Doobell was boxed tn ' and bad no chance to overhaul Jmlozine ol Amor- lca, who clocked at l:fU IA> Dooibell's 1:47.4. i Kllm, who has whlriei:l the hammer 2:44-$, los! out when he tied Soviet mate Anatollty Bond~uk at 237.5,-tben was placed aecond because his iriexl best) throw (236-Z) ""' shorter than lloodM· ciiuk's (237-3). · · ...,...._. There was a near miss, -> a WQl'ld re- cord . in 'the 3,000.meter steeplee!iase as the USSR's Alexander, Morozov lipped to an 8:216.0. The global best is t :24.2. Morozov held off Australia's Kerry O' ·Brien (1,26.1), who losl'. hb foottng clear-· -· -1ng the 1a1t 1>oirler ol the iruellioa nil.• Bl,getr aurorlse WU pem..-iii dif men s 400 relay aa the Umted StatM1 bowed 14 the ~ ~. mainly tci. a -ible pasl from IUb now: ner Tom ~andolph to Mel Grey on· tltei 'third leg. '" .. JOhn car1oe haif no Chance w ~ the hui deficit on bla anchor run , Olym l~meter silver medalbl i-.j -nox iUer. Olympic triple jump victor Viki«.-. ·~, eo!il)' -tlle remaindor JI the field •lib hll ~-' • Unolllclal ~-. hacl the V.S. -leading the Ian men a--55 and tbl' U.S.,.,, ahea --In the USSR-O>m-' monweo!lb dual, the Ruulan ...,. !!': 84\i-5!% and the women IOl>-21li;;Jle:o tween the ConunooWeallh and U.~ Yankee men led M-53 and the· . tf.19. • In triangular scoring, ·the U.S. Jiielr lead with St paints IA> 41 % for Rllllla ad 19% for the Com/Jtoowealth. Am0aa't. ga~. the U.S. eempiled 3f pdolta lo 3i lor Russia and 13 i.. die Cooimonwoolfll. . Lose Ground ro Braves '. Dodgers Edge Giants, 3-2:<=~ ' SAN F~CISCO (AP) -Wes Par· Singer st.ruck out seven while ·revers· wll.h a 16-1 record against the [IQ::I,.., ptt>s ,,.two-nm... triple and a run·scoring ing a l-L1QSS lo th~ Giant! and McCor-in Candi~ Park. , ~ single by Maury Wills carried the Los mick last Sunday. LOI ANoe: ... •• SAN "••..c11eo 11Jr~ltt _., .. ., Angeles Dodgers to a 3-2 victory. over The loss dropped third·plact San wu" 11 4 1 2 1 Mir111act 1t 1 • • • the San Francisco Giants Friday night. Francisco two games behind the Braves :~!.-~, ! ~ : : ~'.!: : ; : : : Bill Sinaer, 13-7, spaced seven hits and and Dodgers. P1rlle• 1ti • t t 2 19ond• et, ' • 1 • ~-e .,....,.,... .... ....i ---1.1--bl ICO'ICO rf I 0 0 0 Md:Oft'I' lb • f 1 f got l.asklUt help from Jim Brewer iris McCormick s ...... !6 ..... n..u ~"""'• Y G•til'I•'-..., i o o o °""'""rt • • t ' 1 .11 ~ ~-·~ •·!cl_th Nat1·onal 1 .... -·e 111>11111 " o o o o Ht!lftr-11 ' • o • e ~--~U" · e --~" • O T V T d · Suc11101 )I) 4 o o o L1111ar •• ' l t • -~-Jli:mlonj~ad ~y_Ulre~-NseJ!{!l&~-r:; _ n o •v --~, ....... _•"' •, ,' ,' ', .-, ..!" •, •, •, •' ::~ :v~e Au~i:mfi'ra_ves, ~ll!) ~ ,1 •-!-cric! Rm-t{i;f ft~-'--4-H-:-:~ L ~'i-:.:, _, tp ___ ~~ • !f;l; _ __:c!«., -•!!:IJ-.. ·: ...... ---wcorl'lil¢..11+-'1" =,..... WiUs and . Manny Mota opened the M•-Ith o. •~•·• game with bunt singlCJ off Mike McCor-following his shaky start. But the Giants ~~~ .~ ~ ~ ; 2 mick1 6-5, and Parker ripped a one-<iut offered only mild threat! lo Singer's Linn• -• o • • triple. stingy pitching in the early Innings. Tot•I 14 J 1 , '%'?.1"" ~:: : f Ted Sizemorc's single, Singer's sacri-With the bases loaded and only one' Lo• An1•l• 210 OOD ~ flee end-WiJls! single made it 3-0 in the out in the second; McCormick didn't al-hn F••ncl1C11 000 000 200--f ond · OP-S..n FrlflCIKO 1. LOil-Lot AP!Hlff l. .... sec . low any further scoring, disposing of Fr1ncl1CO t. Jt.......Meeovev. J~1r111r. H~rt RUSSIA'S GREAT SPEAR THROWER -Soviet Army officer Janis Lusis will face America's up and coming young javelin thrower Mark Murro in ~e of this afternoon's top events at LA Coliseum. The U.S. has topped the Soviets only· once (1959) in javelin action since the international spike series began 11 years ago. After that , McCormick and reliever Willie Davis on a foul pop and Parker (21, .l-$l119er. / • IPM•lit ri"ao . Bob Bolin reUred 17 straight baUers in on a force. S11191r 1w, 1>-n 1 i-1 1 t 2 1 1 one stretch, while Hal Lanier'• 1ingle The seriea continues this afternoon =;;. (L, "n , 14 : ; ; : ; • and a pi_nch hOfl!..tl' !'Ji J~ Hart cloeed, _ with JUJ.n Mark:haJ, IM, o.-d ___ Don 1t11" . t • o • • . 1 h th -l't""'!'.. Lllll'r . ..,.. i -r t o 0-1 • t e gap 1n e &even • Sutton, Jl.9. Marichal enters the game H•P-toY ., ........ IDltn). T..i:u . .t-a1.m. ~-------·--------,...- -~- He'll Go Flsbln·g O~d Rally .. ,,.. ,WnM:aing~AltStit'F Ti lt In·~~'.fops_ ·· - ls No Vacation-Martin MINNEAPOLIS -ST. PAUL (AP) - Billy MarUn, ouUipoken manager ot: the Minnesota Twins. says President Nixon can go to a baseball game for rela_dtion U he wants. But Martin says he'd rather go fishing. So next Tuesday nJght while the Presi- dent is at the AIJ.Star game, Martin will be trout·fishing 'in Colorado. "To me," the 41-year-old manager says. "il's no vacatiqn watching a baseball game. I know the President will be at the All-Star gatne but, to me, I go , Cishing for relaxation." The h1innesota Twins feel Martin deserves his fishing break with his wife, Gretchen. and son, Billy and friends near Grand Jwiction·, Colo. The Twins have a three-day break for the All-S~r classic. Going into a four-game series at Seattle Friday night, the Twins had won nine straight games. 18 out-of their last 20 and led lhe American League's west divi!ion British Ta~e 2-1 Cup Lead • Over Africans BRISTOL, EOgJand (AP) -Mark Cox and Peter Curtis upset Bob Hewitt and Frew McMillan M, 3-6, .f.6, 6-4, 9-7 in a doubles thr~ Friday and gave Britain· a 2:-t lead over South Africa in the Davis CujJ EutOpeall 1Ane:-A-oavis Cup-Tennir final. Hewitt aod McMillan had previously played in nine Davis cup doubles matches together and had never been beaten. All the excitement was in the tennis il~clf. The anti-apartheid dcinonstrator~ by five games. Baseball truly Is no vacation for Martin , a fiery seCond baseman in the major leagues for 12 seasons. Martin, in his first season as Twins' manager, has .striven for perfection. - When it isn't reached and the Twins lose. the tensions of a game show. After a vic- tory. he still appears drained. After losses earlier this year. Martin criticited the Twins' farm system and later apologized. He aiso became in- volved in a controversy with' Manager Ted William s or Washingkin. Martin said Williams didO't slide enough during his big league career. Williams called Martin a banjo hitter. Martin and the Twins' officials would like to forget those incider:its. On the field, Martin goes for a wide open game-hit-and-run, suicide bunts and gt.eals. Rod Carew has stolen home a record seven times. Even home run hit· ter Harmon Killebrew has stolen six bases this year. Martin also wants honesty from his playei-s -especially his pitchers. He says he wants to know If they can't perform because or injuries. "I want complete honesty out or the players," Martin say s. "And they tell me the truth. It's helping us win ball games." Pitcher Dave Boswell, for example, has a chronJc bli!ter on his ·pitching hand. When it acts up, he lets Martin· know about It. . Pitching is Martin's big problem. Sore. armed.Dean Chance, the big fast-balling · ace of the Staff, ·has been Out sjnce early June. alJd:bls retum js u.nPl'.edictable. __ .. Jim Perry. M, has .taken up the sJack and the Twin,s ha~e gotten, excellent r.elief from Al Worthington, 4-0, and Ron Peranoski, 5-4 and 18 saves. '¥artin, on his _pitc"hlog problems, also shows his tirighter side. "I tried to solve the problem,'' he says, "bul-1 can't pitch." Angels, 6-3 Jose Tartabull singled in the tying runs and Ted Kublak 'g single pilt Qakland ahead in a four--run eight hming·that "f1!'0" pelled the A's past California 6-3 Friday night. The~'s entered the .eighth trailing Jim McGlothJin 3-1, but Danny Cater opened Angel Si•te Julv It A"'S!tll V1 Oliitlanci 12:5$ p,m, ICMPC-1710) July <'Cl Angel$ vs 0.-l•nd Ul lt:Sll p.m, KM~ l"R J uly'' Anoels \IS,._ Yri J:JJ 11.m. ICMI' 7l0 J11lv 25 "nQell VS New Yorlc J:ll 11.m. ICMP 11g July 26 "ngels n New Yark 1: J 11.m. ICM 71 Jul¥ ?1 A"!lt~ YI N-Yprk U:'5 D.m, ICMPC 710 Ju1v 29 ..,na~1• .,. Boll'Orl 1:ss 11.m. KMPC c11n Juty JO A"'"".,. IDllOfl :'5 p.m. KMPC 1"8 Julv 31 ""'""vs B«l'OI! J:JJ 11.m. KMPC 71 with a single ·and Rick Monday Wa.s Safe on a fielder's choice: With two out, pinch- h\tter Bob Johnson singled lo load fhe bases Md Tartabull's hit drove out Mc- Glothlih, 5-9. Kubiak followed with his hit off reliev- er Rudy May and another run scored on the play on Rick: Reichardt's throwing error. Monday added hi s 10th homer In the ninth. Jay Johnstone and Aurelio· Rodriguez singled in California runs in the first inn- ings, but Oakland starter Chuck Dobson, 11·7, squeezed home a run in the second. Reichardt's eighth homer in the third gave the Angels a 3"1 lead. OAKUNO ANGELS T,tr1'IMlll If kubllli •• Jecl<ton rf l'leridO lb C•ter I~ -·" Grffft 21> .... ' Web:slff 11fl .... ...., ( """""' . JoflnSOI' 11~ Odom ,,., Flnoer1 11 T1tel ft r II ~l •• , ~ Ill J ' 1 I Alomtr 21> l o 2 1 Johnstone cl ~ O I O Jl.itherdt If ,j t 0 0 Ftevotl H Jl20VoHrf 4 J 1 1 lte)ddt11.1er 3b ' t o o StettUr lb IOIOArcuec l I o O McGlollllift P O·OttM..,P 2 o· •Ill:~ Pll I 0 1 ~ G 1 t I 0 ' 0 0 ' I 0 . . ' . , ' . ' . • • • . . ' . ' . . ' ' ' ' ' • 1 •• t 37 ,t JTotel 3'1 1 1 ,,, IJiil 0"11 --4 XII 000 OOCh1 e ~~. 8•t'ldo· McG1ot1111". Aio.t.••· 1e0Jb;•~. "·'"0~1, ll:1kMrdl' bP-01~l1nd I. L08-0al<,n• ll IG, Cli11'9r"lt '· t&-liloof, McGlotlllln, It. J•ci<· '61'1. Mll:-lt•li;tit..it (I !. Mo<ld1v 110). S-DobW". II' ti II Elt II $0 Dobson JW, 11-7) 1 1 l 1 ~ 4 Ffl'lllMI 1 1 00~0 MtGlol~lln (L, Ml I).) 1 J 1 5 • It. Ml~ ! l·l I 1 O O t ... ~F!-t9. T-1:25. A-11 ,1!M. THAT FOSBURY TOUCH -America's Dick Fos- bury -1968 Olympic high jump champion -will face leapers from the Soviet·Union and the British Commonwealth this afternoon at Memorial Coli· UPIT ....... s.eum in the fin~ day of competition between U'at$ stars from those three groups. Today's actiod starts at 1: 15. Fires 70 in Philly ]acobsSlflyson Top PH!LADELPRIA (AP) -Tommy ~a_co~sl ~ lnfn':9u~n! ~OJ!'lpeyt_o~ in r!: cent years, rited an early 70 for 139, sat back in the cool or the clubhouse and watched lhe five.uoder·par total stand up for the second r&lnd lead Friday in the Philadelphia golf classic. Several player& took runs ;it the slitn. soft.spoken Califomiin but one by one they fell back in the sweltering heat that Arnold Palmer called "the worst I've -setn since rve been PlaY~I gGlf." The last was Lee Tt:evino, the flam- boyant character rrom El PaiO, who came to the 18th sharing the lead at five under par but drenched and dripping trom a brier late afterQoon 1hower. But he 'took a dohble ~gey six on the hole, falling back to three under at 141. . ' Track Meet Summaries - '. • • "'ho staged a sit-down ·on the court in Thursday's singles did not put in an ap-. pearance. Students paraded wiU1 banaers at- tacking South Africa's racial policies, but they stayed outside the ·gl'ounds of the Bristol Lawn Tennis Club. • Inside, police mounted a heavy guard ltOUnd the center court, where a CJ'OWd or 2,500 watched the dramatic, see-sawing match. Namath to ~Sell · Club, Rejoin· Jets Britain no\t rl!?eds lo win only one of the two singles scheduled today to move on to the lntenone semifinals against either Brazil or Mexico. Graham StilV(ell of Britain ls due to play Bob Maud, and Cox laces Hewitt in lhe final match. The SOuth Africans appeared heading for another success Friday. They led two sets to one and In the· fourth set I.hey twtce brote COX 1mlct IA> IO 1nto the lead. "\ '• •.. . ' ' . NEW YORK fAP). -Joe Namath and 'Our CM~trsations were low key, nof,. Pele Rozelle met for over eight hours em9tiona1 ." 11ic;I Roiene. ''We talked this -:week iil low key, unemotional talk! about a lot of things. (think he has a bct· before the New York JeLs' quarterback tcr undersLanding now of gui~ by assoclaUon and what It can do to • finally agreed to sell his interes'-it\" a ~rson . When you have the advantage of swinging East Side club arid return to lleing in the lim4!Ughk you have the pro football . , ." • . . · rCl'lponsibility that goes With It.·• "The best.part of lt ·was I.hat Oiere Rozelle 111id he haij ·called Namath's were no per&imal anlagon.isms," sai4 lawyer, Jim Wallh, Monday arid Jattr {lol.ell-, the COllllDiNloner4 pro foolboU. ·talked 14 Namath on the phont to set -up ls be att ln Ns Park Avemae.o(lice after a private: meeting for Tueaday. . Namath:s dectl1on bid*' amowJOl!d at -·'Mley met at Rozelle's apartment for a ntwa tonterence. 4\J houn Tuesday afternoon, just tbe two -,• of tt>Mt and then held a second meeting Tuelday·nlght'wltb Namath's ia"1'!"that lasted another two hour1-unUl midnight, RO~ne llild he met repe1tedly with Walllh and talked with Namath on the phofle Wednesdly, the day that the quarterback visited the training camp at Hemp."ltead, N.Y. Roulle and Wallh conferred agall) fO!'- . four hours Thurlday, keep1ng Jo contact with Bl'Oldway Joe ItY phone. 'l'lle fiMI aesaion Frldiy luted at )tut two hours with Mike Bite, Niililtll'ioltci'i\iY ·rm,, Blrmlnpam, Ala., pr-.\ alOn( with ------~ others from Rozelle's office. "The decision WU not· made. until the last mlliti~ ~!d llo7;el~'"~• rev!twed the situation lor 'the lart1!lhii 1boul'l:30 p.m., and Joe put his hand out and shook hands wllh me. l never mew that we woula do ft unUI It happened. There were times 1 thought it never would bt resolv· ed. •'111f:re never was a Oare-up or a croM word; Obviously, Ihm was a dilfmitt o1.-. ··1rm --o1a 1ong Chinni wafer treatment en bOth ol us." • ' , ._1~.~•1 •······ ;-. ·- . • • "S.llurday, .hJ~ 19, 196'1 Favored to Win Title Qarden. Grove drag racer JohO. Mulligan: a-fwo tlple runnerup: Is favored to \vin hi s class in· the tJµrd annual U.S. Pro Dragster championships to- night a£ Or"flge Coilnly • !nteriialionar. Rac.cway. Earlier this year Mulligan won the Nafional Hot Rod Association Winternationa(s. .~e!!o~~;, :f ord Win-- Summer Leagues • Bucs 'Tie Mosier -Leads ~age Tilts ;iilson-Ford and AlcOonalas Cag~ Scorers 1101~ t I :>ii 11vlQf 1 I 10 Falcon __ _ Nine, 0-0 Bv DAVE CEARLEY OJ ""' D9ll'r .. Utf Slllfl .-Cagers Holmn Kr111 Wtll Citro ~·'-'"°" Sl'l•H•r Tot1l1 Cl'llndot W1lttl'" M<Mtr"ml11 .. ft Kiie, HtrtlM I Ut< "'"' TD11ll • ~~ktt ~ : 11 Zer06 ruled supreme . at La =~!c1 ltth posted victories Thursday Rick ri.fosier, with a 2.12 av- night in the Cosla Mesa open e r age· i~ the Huntington auriirnei baskelball league at Beaeh-Manna league leads Orfinge Coast Coll ege to stay Orange ~ area basketball 1-----irri-a two-way-t~for-SttOnd--J:CO~mer league ac:, J pllice t1on. 'L• ou·~•· 11m• •"'' ..,...ltf.t: '· Pal, Pirk l'i1dav Tt11bi as Ste-wM WllTMtHITl lt ft-2) th • b r· ·,.... d V1nLliew , "' " .., e m ee a"" ..... ~ an gm., MttmdGtl 1 .. ..,.....,. "'-ward"r"Ptrattr1n1ttled-:to-r-rerN-.1tr1 lltOO..tl<-10 5' 71 13' l--· • , j" Kvle I I' Both clubs a.rt &-2, two av~~~r 1~M:~1'tjn ~ ~~: Wg~. Whabehln1c\ unde!ea~ ange League where the Vii.es .,...y s r · are 10-0 fi!IOO Ford did In Bin Bar· ~g~ Coast area stats: rr: Pontiac:, &a, with-fi ve . · --·· pl!ft!n scoring' ln double -RB-MARINA LEA.GUE fiaures: CottO'lllA DIEL MA• (W I Cary Larson and Tom Wilt con•cw ~ "! ~ ~~ led the scoring parade with J9 Kilt;.., ' 27 15 tt apiece and Jim Conklin added g::• i: ~! :~ :: 11 :1o the cause. 11o1r1no•• 10 " u •• Fm I 11 ' 00 ~ic Christensen was high ttvl« 10 ' " lJ roe the losers wi th 29 points on :,~y~nt ! : : 1: l ~;field goals and three free ""•m• J 1 , 1 th Wlt!w J l ,4 POWJ. Lt9etlol l o l 1 llcDonatds, meanwhile, kept IDISOH ff .. J 1*:e, with I 1~9(1 w i n over Funk• ~ ": "~ T,~ ~~e «?>ast College. ~;'" 1~ : ~ 11 .un:; wmners put it out or ,....,, , 11 n ~! retch at tht foul line where Fi.,,er • u n 51 Wl!IOI> 1 16 1' SI tbo' connected for 33 points to wrlvM 1 1• i, ,, OOC's 14. 11.1tt11t1 , 11 , 11 bon Hollister and Jim ~:~ : i! '! ~~ BUtler led McDonalds with 36 ~!;::,,~11 ~ ! ~ ~ aoa 3( White Troy RoJpb and "OUHTAIH VAll'l!Y 114 1' Jhh Kindelon were h.ig h for V•ltlvt"• ~ F; ';i ~1~ 0<X:: "4th J( and 2:1). l~!Kll I lS JO 100 : MIDONALDI 1'TH flHl ... "J>f .. J ' , 1J 11 17 (3' l 1 5 ' l J ' • 7 J • ' IJIOlt 3' ll 1' lOS OCC lNI ...... Lo-JorQrt •olfll T~'W Stkkllmtl ... MllW Tlff•I• l111ftlrnt! ,co .. : '" WILSO"I (Ot'irJlfl G. t"""'lon Amllrol:lch J 1"°'"'°" W'H P1tor .... L•~ Totll• a tLL aAltltY . occ '' II !'I llO 10 0 • 10 ' ' 3 " • s IJ 10 • • 71 1 1 I 6 l 0 5 1 I 1 S 17 3'1111•0 0 . MdJO<tllO\ ~o•o CM) l•tlPll• 4 • 1 1~ ! l l 11 1 0 1 1' I 0 0 0 I l l lt l l l 1 9 l I 1' ll 10 11 16 PONTIAC Ht l I• 11 Pl t• I 7 7 11 1 ' ' • lllll't ! ' } ll l I 7 I )II '"" Willllrl 19, Ponlll <: SOFT ~ELL SAM P0-'1 t JI 11 Ill s...... s ll u n Krhtln• I JI 11 ll lleld« t I lJ 1' Geadtke• s l Jl 11 ~ l • 1 u Cllelftplofl 1 S 0 ID Pl1I S ,4 1 Sl'llMll ' J I I T~ult 1116 •L1 Oulnl• 11me tt1!1 omlttod. HUNTINGTON alACH l •l l W1H•r- C1tlMm Wi<o lflom•• Oe!lritlll!l Cflt P"Odv McCord G l'O ,.-, Tl' 10 0 3' 111 ,1111 11 10 JS I! I I 10 19 ?I 7' 10 'S !I 61 1~16H 6~ 10 11 11 Sl l t1'!? I I J 21 MAIUNA (t-U GFGl'T T" MCIS°"' 1~ U 6l 111 Slt1ttord t JI JG 101 B1"<1 I 34 U 17 Mullwi!l"f lO JO H 71 l.K, 10 ll I ~· McGul<o 1 n H •• ll!ll • ll l ]t Crriile 6 10 10 JO E•rlfo s • I 71 Povno• Slll NEWl'ORT HAll Olt 11-n• ,,_ EttlH Tt~li Mtllf'O!f G ,.G f"T T" I ll 7t lOS • J6 7' 101 •Jilli• 13011 11 17.tllll ' 711 I 4 7 lJ • lt ~ ~~~~~ ''MffT MY U!!ff "' ~/I[ IJAT(/f[S KIP.S IOI? £XT,f.A NO!lf:YJ' "'""'''"'"• 11 55 2• 1).1 .score~ tie 1n Melropo 1tan _ 011, M•""' 10 ,. ,., 74 baseball action °•"'~ ""'"'°" I 20 ll SJ " T•t•'-slll H•wlty • • 14 » Embee pitcher Rk k Chva\ T.tM• :=: ~ : 1 : ~ and Pitale burler Sttve Pin--~!:~'t ~ ~ ~ '! ter it-SJM!P. viarte~9l &:!llJ~-Nt111n~11m1r 1 2 • • ,,. val allqwlng only ·three Costa l\1tsa LeaKtJe safe and · stiiklng oUt· 11, (OITA MllA IJ.U and -Pinter giving up six hits ,: ~ ,'! i~ while fanning 10. Au1lln Dle1 o~""'"' ~•tvllll o~"" 10 74 15 1l 1be game. scheduled ro.r l: ~; i~ r, seven Innings, was called al 11 10 t .., the end of eight when the al-1: ~ : ;: lotted time had expired. 1 ,, s ;1 The Pirates never · had a 1 : ': ,! ~ man -past first base. Embee : : ~ ~~ had two fine scoring opportu· • , 0 ' n.ities. (,.111., W1tkln1 Woll DIYI! W•llln S•Miloncl MtK!11lrl .... F""1lno .... : ; ~ ~ In tl)e fourth, center fi elder •ITANCIA '"" . Bob Murray singled to right ,: ~ ~ ,~ but was ·out stealing secon d. :: ~ H U Mike Pemerton followed with 10 '' 11, '' a single to left and Steve Rob-~= ~: 1: !: ertson continued to string by Wllll•tni H1v• Or11t1 Burier Sch•UnMUY 1{0<1ttn T!ll!mr1 v.11 ... HttlP• l•tldorl Tllom•- loml<•mfl llaberlJ MATEJI ""' M<:MtntMl" H1r11e111u1 Gol-IT'ln P•tt1111r111t Kll ... 1m111 Frltr K'""''r 10 H 1s .fl blooping a sin•le over second ~ 1~ 1; ~ base. catcher Vince Moll fan-- ' • ' 10 ned to end the drive, however. 01, 1,.11 1 ' 1 Sunday the Pirat es-play the : ~ ~= : gro:~e Panthers al Orange t77:N10 1151565 tU11 41 •Ula3' l t ' u 4 • 1 lr ' 7 1 u • 1 J u McNNIY, 2b Kl111, ti .. 111.ATl.S Cl ) .. ' • • • • • • . " • • • • • • • • • • ' . Orange League (llrlt, " Lt l YV, ;lb Wldert11em, lb curnr, U W1..._o. rl II.Ide!', t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • ' . ' . ' . Meil•• MUlluli!Y lltY l1l•d !le•I M(G~l•t Slr1~•<1 t"~rm F•<lr ll:!Wlld PoY~' MA•t"l,t, llM I '''"'• 10 11 !1 101 10••'" 1037771 Jl' 670 I ii I '4 ' 7(1 • 111 lll l JO !lll1~ 7 1 I 21 l ' ' "' l , ' 14 Sa nta Ana Leagu~ NEWl'OllT MAll:•D• ff41 H1v •<1 T11\l1 You,,. K•11! EcclPJ 5•~1'1111 M•"""' , ... , . "' " ,, I 41 11 100 •3'111} •7t71tll ' Jll 11 :rl l lllll! ,,.,,. 1 ll t 51 P l11!1r, ' Rt11l...w. rf to•111 ' ,, l'A~tON ltl •• , Pl~IMWI. 1b Plft91. rt Mur•tv, cl 11.lc~tO!On, 311 l'fll'lertofl, II RoberlJbn, 111 MDII. c 0-~-u (ll•t l, • EIOef, Pll ..... . Tolll1 • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • " Snor• ~. llWllHI • • • ' • • • • • ' • • • • • • • ' ' ' • ' ' • • ' • • • toa OOC1 (11)-1 ) I 000 000 DD-t • 0 " • 0 • • • • • • • • • ' ,,,,.,.Miii -"~ """"' . Cvsflm•ll !lowd ,.,,,., Tet•ll _, Chargei·s, Rams Duel r.,.,. e.nor V<11tl Hiii • :io t •S I n 11 ll I U 1 ~J 3 I I lt l 1 1 5 MAt•• o•r 11-11 '""'' 15'3?14.I How They Stand "'" ( .. lncllll ., .. w111irr ~l•Y.tntml11 Frltl ·-· H1r••l•1u~ llob••h P•~der1ut 1 5)1JIJI 1 31Hlf 1:>tll'1 , '° u s' ' ,, 10 ... '''''° ' ' 1 l• ' ' J 11 ' 2 0 • Tustin Lt RJ!:Ut Mlll!O"I VIEJO 0 -0 1101 .... , l(rtl! (llf• Wr•1 ""'''"''0" Scl\1!l•• "'"<••tt H•>•• P"°ncl""-1 o ·sriPn D•• •I.on ·-· • • • • . ~ . " •• . " . " • • , " , , , , ' ' ' ' SI JOI CLIMI NTI 1'-U s ~ ... ,. MltcM!I --··-M<C1ttl" °""""'~!nl D LIH'l'llHlrdl ... -..... l:Mlltom 111:.tlol• -.. 'lt llort • • • ff ' . • • • n ' ' ... . " . " . ' ' . . , ' , ' ' MATlll Dll C'·11 (fllndln "''' \>i•l\H" M(M1n.ml11 l(lkY FMl1 H1r<1•ti.111 ......... , l!Ollft"ll . " ' " ' .. . .. ' . . " ' " ' . , ' . " " 3! 1 IS 11 11 . " . " . ~ •• ' " . " • ' ' . , ' ' " " )f \J, 11 tJ . " " ~ " " ' " . " ' " ' " ' " ' . • • . ' " " a'" lt l•J UICI " ~ " » ' " . " " ,, AMERICAN LEAGUE Eut Dlvl1lon Balti more Detroit Booton Washington New York Cleveland W L Pct. GD 65 29 .691 so 40 .556 13 52 42 .~ IJ 50 48 .010 17 44 51 .463 211 ~ 37 57 .394 28 West DI.vision Minnesota 57 37 .606 Oakland SI 33 .573 Seattle 40 53 .430 Kan . City 39 ~ .419 Chieago 39 54 .411 California 3$ S6 .385 f'l'W•l"• Sant 8.oslfln .. !1•111,,,.,... ' Detroit •. (leWi911111 I 'In Yorll. S, Wt11'111'11*" I (I'll(-._ K•11N1 Cit• 1 OllltlliW t. Gttlferrltt l $tl tlle 2·l. M1-1.ot1 1·1 T•r'• 01"'" 3'J. 161fl 111, J7 1.-l 20'.' l)t+-.11 $Mr'ml $-1 Ill Oolltoll (., I! c1e.,.,,1•1'1d.Md>c•••" 11., W11l'll,,.lo<I Coltm111 •1 •11111 Moo,.. t-5 " New Ver"lc ll•rtl""''r• 1a.7 '"° 1111111 ...... 10. 1 tool ... 1•11• l •tll_,t l"i-!M f,I .,. CuMl1¥ lfrl tt &otlO<I 5!tti.rl ,., ., Cui. ll-1 . nlflll. Klntll (Ill' NIIMI\ M 11 C~k:•OO Wvn111 J.I • MIMr.wel1 WOOO!IOn -'"' 1t Sr.11!!9 ·-1'111\1•"" l·l. lllflll. Ollr.IO"'ll NII~ 1·7 11 (tll!or11l1 l!llu.-. ~, .. Los Angeles 53 Atlanta M S Francisco S2 Cincinnati 47 Housion 43 San Diego 32 N"" Y&•-'''''' II·• 11 Meon!t•t l W .. l .... !kl l·l ., ti--S.11 (II~ c-H11'1d1 11·1 11 l"hll•cllt•fti. I'll• ,,.., 1·• ' . ' . I • • ------------------------""!""-----:-------"'"".'...,--.-:;--:---~-;c------r·--. .-.. ---~.- • .. ,_...n.e_,. .......... , - COllRECf PllTT!ftG rtlOltDIS IT CHANGING IALl.'S POSITION TAU&T --UNI )-.. , CLUllHV..~ Pio.TH The position of lht ball in relation to_your stance can 1ffect tht dlrtction your putts Will take. (This assumes th1t th• path of your putter during your •lroko follows 1 pith similar to· that shown in tha Mhntmion.) Natl .. In tho nlustr1tlon that when the ball is played loo for back In tho stance (ball et right) it is struck with the clubfae1 k>oking to the right of target. The clubfae1 strikes .. the ball before it can return to looking down the target line as it did 1t· 1ddress. If you play !ht ball loo far forw~rd (ball on left), you won't itrikl It until the putterfiead has •tarted movinc hick to Inside .the target line ansLJs facing to the ·1ett. ' Therefore, if you .nor111aUy _push Y~H' putts to the right, try playing tho ball farther forward. II you normally pull them to the left. play it farther ba~k in your stance. Lons Iron From TM Rqh, Pitd\in1 From Woods. UphlU llnd Downhill Utf-ttleM •nd oth•r lhots at• det.U9d.for )'OU ht Ar1'0ld P1lrner"s boollllt. ''Troubt. Stiots.'" for )'OUr "°"'' Hnd 2·04: 1nd 1 ltlmped, MH«klrNHd Ml'ffiope ID AiMld Palmw, Wt c:art1 of this n1W1P1ptr, Los Alamitos Entl'ies "' "' "' '" "' "' "' "' '" '" '" "' "' "' SIXTH llAC!'. 350 V•"'9. S vtlr t1kh .,.ci VP 111 Gr..S. MA Mlriut. PllfW QOOO, s-tte I.Ir Ml11 latMt) Ex,,edltioo.11 flloh•ml MKl<u a. Sltrr /Pa91!l Wa!cll Ell IH Cl'tllb'f) TklY Go (Gl/"dOlll Wtr G.11-.•l.t (W-l Ch...,1.,. MM.k fMc!'rlsJ OW""l.~-ftl~wn-­ Hd!llerfflo flC1nl1> . R°"' M-u. f milt!\ AIM 1!1111'11. 11~ '" '" "' "' "' "' "' "' ,. Todd'1 O..~ fWJMur9l HS SEVENTH llACI!. VH.ttls Sr. Cw~ _,,. nrdt. l n1r old• '"" 1111. Al-iow.nc..,. P'un. r;ooo. Teus Tracer !LI-ml 1/llf>tN/ Rod<et !Sm!"'l Mr. P'.-.oftall!y {MoNfO} '" '" .. 113 Ar1"! L.av 7 (H Crosby) 1U ""&Ilea Lu f l!. 8anb.l '" "' "' '" ,. 11' Hur..,. John llrJMlevl HS l!otft ICJnidr CHVll Admirwl llled flCanlsl THlllD llACI!. l51D yards. :I YNr eld'I .,.,, UP In Gr.W A PIUI bre<i Jn C•lff. Pun~ l lto!I. llollldll!IO !lock !C.rdo.rt) "Tn111 l/•ndv {LlpM"."~ N-'1 Honey ID~V~rl Go MtrtMlrt Go fWll.on1 G•ll•l!t V•lor CH CronbvJ Lott-0 Smllt!) l<lre ll:oclcet WllloW Gold (Mcl!evnol6s) c-r l•rt !Klnlsl Fltty A Go Go {Adllo\ AIH llltllli. Mld:'s Moon (1 Smll~I c1,. l•v l1r II! atnk•I Cil1for11I• Sft'lotl !l!lcJ11rdsl ~r Mcwwll IStrtllH) '" '" "' '" "' '" '" "' "' "' '" "' "' "' l'OUl!TN llACI. Mt v1roh. S ve.-r t111l1 ....t \IP. Alkl'lo911C~ Ind ia-1,,... 1.,.. P11n41 lnOO. M! P'lfo (M' Cn11tivl M,. :!olrv !Ur {C..rd&ul 11•1'1 11@11\IQf !l~m) Mr. 11~ (P' ... 1 Glt d Uc! (Mlllr) '" "' "' "' "' ,,, .. , l!tl1i•lt U~rtlud¥ (ll ~rd:O Bull llas'11S CW1'1on) Ner<ll!CI (Adloir) '" "' "' !'10-ffTM ll;AC•. 150 ,..nls. t YMt GIM. All-1ncn. Tiit B.1,,,_111. PllrM ., .. _ lll lta's Gold (RlcMrds} 1>..i (:h199er 8•r {W1t$011) ll;~bel C,,_r11f> ff.fart) Wll•''""'" To Go (L ....... I KaWMll T oP 8•r I Adlllt) Av"''-l\1111 IMorrlsl Good Siie (Altod.K.tl "' "' "' "' "' '" "' lrOMTH llo\C8. Ves.wk Sr. Ct•.n·•- 170 y1rds. l ""r old1 11111 ""· Cl•I~ 11111. Purw snoo. Cl1im"" 11rlu llOOI\. 8 111'• ·-' fl! """°' 111 Pllor. MuCflo {Lietltlml II' Parit~1 lm_,t (Slfllffl) 111 Cudv$ I""""' !Wth<ln) 111 Crt$11 l1rt (P19e) lit Tl11tt N'S.nd (Wlllof>l 113 krNCl's 1i.wn 10 81..0I 111 . wa:w:,,.;ets&& &·11 c1. w• +¥9%?'"*"*;: s1m . 1 *" • J• 'S::'ill Race Results e14•1 .41 • '•* i!P i:+Kpt* TS; Ntf ••4 ':"*' • ••se: ..... Sailol', GG Poloists Win Newport Harbor and Garden Grove high school water polo team notched their fourth ~ Will! tn the Costa Mesa Recreation water polo -l"RU• Wedoe!day night al Estancia High School. •IOHT ••c•. 359 yards. 3 "''' olds •nd 111>. ,t.t10W1ncea. Th• S1!111 F11. Pur .. $IOOC. DITldeft'I ear (Sft'llltll 11.ff f GO '·'° T1111 lledetll IBllllUI J.41 2-'ll ftt.bo fC•l'OOM) 4.00 Tin---11 1111 AIM Ila,, -Tl!'l'I lftl. Ge A Miii', ~ Miii. Wltcil Clllc. Olli~ It~· It~, l!oblft """ °'"""• C!ndtr Leo. ,_ Wtld•U. ,.IMTM ltACI. Jfl Y ...... t ,,_ ... Ofld .,.. AllDw•-· .,_ tllOC. C-..141 lfl ll;ed fli,titml.•M •A J .CI Trv!Y HI (~RI 7.3D SM C-Oii Olck (SlrlllB) 4.• Gl!Cllt, ~ lloYll, Ton Min. TllM-fl' •flt ,1.1.0 'lllll -M...it Me DoWll. Silf; Su1tc~8'1Nf ... Newport Harbor, with a balanced scorini attack, nudg- ed Fountain Valley, ~. while Garden Grove won the easy way with a forfeit over Botsa ;;:::==========:! Grande. BOAT BUFFS Costa ~iesa knocked off La .t.l111o11 Locl.:1\l•v Is th• 011ly Quinta in tht other contest, 10-full·fl1111 Nafil'lt 1dltor wotlrl1t9 3 with Mike Btal's five goals "" """ "•••P•pot 1,. °'•itt• le,,,dlng the way. • Cou11ty. Hl1 oxclu•h·• co•or•t• · Mesana Ron Mls1ole.k and of bo•flllq •nd · l•thtl"I 11•w• JiCk HiD added two tatliea It •dell., f•eturo of tho DAILY PILOT. oplece to the &COrtng attack. -- S.lm41, J,1, I~. 1969 ~ DAil Y PILOT !JI Jt:s-Basehal and More· Baseball -. r . • The big boppers -Rt£glt fi:oztl San Franctsco;• w1nd bl'OA(.lc:ast at 4:30 p.m. TUes-~ =-fncT -:= ::.:' .tt..'1:; Jacbon, Frank How or d ,,-,1.u n11tl, Candl<llJi:lt Port. d•1'-lht Nattonol·te-::::r., ~ •-· "'"" Harmon Ktllebrew and C&rl where the Dod.g!:ra1and Glanll and its cops of t1lented Dit; __. .. "~ v:: .,e:= .. ~j Yutnemsld-who have ac· will be b1tWna: tt out for tbe chen lavored ov.er t ·h·•· ..., •. .i "" hltm ., "" wnti'"'""' counted for 125 ho1ne runs lead in the National League't ' American sluggm. · ·; "'"::='c:': :, i)~~ioi:!. ..... " amon& them -Me the big at. West 0Jv1'ion. -!-.' , TOOA'r "' ' w' ~-~" -~-. -!lUYrit traction on U>e 5 p 0 rt s Vince Satlty and lerTJ Dog·· '<;..'·'.:~~-"''"· llHCT -~II; ;It~ Cl')F -IOX(O -(Aerw t I -,, •• ··hed I thl k Ill all ··-ctlo ' !O'VINV. -•1• ""'"" """ ~ .. ~ .. IM•b.J e ev1 ...... u e s wee gett w c uK:l a n on tMd! 11;ov Hlrhl1t.ld ...,. ·""\ l ~NOAY when ttte. American Lea1111e Channel Jl al JI-" ,.,_ •""' "·~· lMI 0111r1e1a1. ' • o-·# ~ •-i 11:• 1111.1'1'1. OllCI. -DOObflt 12;15 •·l'&o Ol>tl -OOOOtlt takes on the National in lhe Sund11y . aftemOODB. WA'lMUI" -Yin 1cu111 ..... ,.,., °""" DUGOUT -9111 W1bll ln.'-'•ltW• annual AJl.Star baseball game NBC's game of ~ week, ~~:-:'"~?,~ ";'.:;:.~·-~<;~~:~0~~ Dode"•'""' from Washington·, D.C. Tues· zeroes in on lhe Natlonal's. °"""' 11 5ari F~1ric1tc0 Glttlll. V1it-• It:•. "·"" 1111c1. -oooae-1t· d E t Di · · • her th , kullY, Jttl"I' 0Qft9!1 mlknlde 11 WAllMUP -.V111 StullY, Jlrr'I' 0-..tt ay. as VtStan race w e e1 Gtllll•tkk "''k. · . "'""'1ew1 Nwn """" kldev-. ,...,_., Naturally, the All.Star game New York Mets take on ~~i'1 .~;:~1."~~i::1.;~ ~·;-J:.'~i.:,"~t!",!:lvi';; ls the blg attraction, but the successors in futility, them.on-.'-"' ic...,. .. "\Ill._.. ,, J..,., .. _... scu11Y • .Jfff'I' • .... -..,. •t tube will be filled with trea1 Expos. Game Ume la: 1 :'::~11~ ! = c-;-.,~~,~~· _ iK.1.T1wo _ ...,· baseball tbMI weekend. 1:20Thp.mA11. ~~Y· nt·~ ill ......., ~if'i11,. _.JAi ALAI -fl'Ol'!I. Tio ~::. "liQ~i;9~~~~ ... Two of the games originate e .,.-,1.&1 co ..,,~ w U'CI" kil"'" """'""' iJ111e1c. ~ • ~,, • w IAClllG MlllOI 3•• '~· .. ;i..:,.~ ~. 1·lD51f ;r.JIW: ................ ~- --· ~ .", 1081 CllOICE OF Y1llTL AUTO ROOUASTEI ROOI MATS 3!6· an---...,..-.. _.....,...,._.._ _.,. ............. __ ..,..._. PlllC srm PLns -33C-~,_..,.,..,., . ... ..,.-.c-.. ..... ... ....... ,.,..... ... ~-..,. ....... ~- nHTOll OIL MISll 47e.::... ~ lflSTA WAi I'?_,, ------·-~-· UTllllASIEI' . , .. - !r!.....-••--,_. Jiiii •• _ .. __ _ ... PISK 011. FILTll f 86 ~·..r .... -. .......... ..__ . ................ "" ... ,.. "" - llASS CUT llYS 38t-..,_., .............. ,. ........... -..... ..... ·-,_,c ••·**- Ill;\ -.. ... ... .. ... .. ~ ... :!i:ii; ••• ~ ' --·--·- • 0 148~! .. l • ' ' • .. ... .. .... .. ' ... . ·' " " " • .. THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT TH·E.SE LO·.CA·Tt,·oNS ONLY! . . WESTMINSTER At Mecfslldtl 192·20U BUENA PARK UM UNCOl.N AVI. Al Vollay ~ 12' llOO ' BUE~A PARK DOI ·WCI! II.YD. Afl.ollwlolor SJJ.3040 cO,st A:" MESA 2100 HAatoa ILYD. '. Al Wllioio . ' . ·-, SANTA ANA • 1400 .IDtNMI Al lrltlol 546-7132 • ' .,,,.. ' • i I ' ' ' I -~ ---------------~ J f . ~AJLV PILOT Hello again. boys and girls. The mailbag was nice and run this week and I want to thanlt you for all of the nice poems. Carol felt 'a Uttle left out though -not one joke for her. I 6et you kids know a Jot of jokes, so send them in. After writing to you each Saturday, it was especially nlti? to get a special poem 1l11s w~ just for me. Suzi Smith. lstl Sabrina Terrace, Corona def Mar sent along this poen1 -_even though she just turned 13 jibe ~ys "l'm not too old , for Uncle Len.'' Here's her -.... T• Uncle Len: fhe first thing 1 do when I ge• borne Ja find Uncle Len's Corner and read the poem. S.turd1J, July l 9, 19" r examine the names and ,-----------------------------------11 lopk at the picture ~ far as ages go there is q te a mixture. * PRIZE WINNER * e cities vary as well, But they all have Uncle U n'a Corner whlch I think is ·~ell. This week's contest winner is C-heri Spittler, 11, 10351 Ch~~tmas Drive, 1-luntingt_!>n Beach. ft gives kids a chance to ex· pt1!ss" their feelings · in their OWD way. It's the most worth\\'hile col· umn in the paper today! i'\11 children love Uncle Len Any child under 12 can enter Uncle· Len's Art Co'ntest. Here's. all You do: (1) OraW.:....picl;ure on piece of plain, white paper s• inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on· back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DA1LY PILOT, Costa Mesa. WiMer will receive Kennedy half dolla r. "" He encourages art and h~lps your imagination grow! in tlUS week's art-contest are: Next week let's draw and Nicholas Verd.ma, 7, Hun--wflt'e aboatthe Apollo fttghttlr -tingtoh Beach and JaniirFiser- -th~ moon;-';fust thinl;.-&0meday ~e, 12; LagumtBeach.-~ - --ytlrlI~ probablS,... ... 11avt1 h-e---Honotabre--m.enttmis "'IH -1he-- chance to make the trip too. poetry ·contest are: · · . \Vfilit do you thihk it will be _Letitia Quinn_. 11; Newport like? Beach and Patricia. Halloran, Honorable mention winners 9 ~. Costa Mesa. CrQfis.wor.d Puzzle :.._ -•- 50,SpHt into separate · 1 l N.11911ing facttonJ woman 52. Warnings of 6 ••·• 111aster violence 10 Seduc llv t_ 56-Furthtr woman advanced 14 B1.11nin9 in years 15 Weapon 57 Grievous CAMP t went to camp. 1£. Inter···· distress 17 Fastener 58 Emotion of l~ Try!ng out sympatheti c I used no lamp. .1111.11111 pily I had-1<> use .a Hashligh1. The bugs would bite. 20 Followers: Ml Incisio n Sulli.x bl "Singing 21 Basis of a ••••• ·--0 · 7/1CJ/b9 I bad to hike. Tl/ prog1am 3 words I met friends that I would like. 22 IRsect lt5 Wireless 9 ReservaHon 3£. lroqu[)ia11 23 Boxe r's telephony structure 37 Part of a The Meals were good as they should I would sleep under the stars, . .\nd try to spot Mars. statistic 1111 Bird 10 Container bu!ldin; 25 Sea nymphs 117 Monster 11 Excuse Jlf Halt ·27 N. American 118 Tele·····: 1 12 Full of 4l"larra tes ··we hild our· jt>Ds to ·ao, For the little ones too. But camp was fun .• , For everyone. city 2 word~ t.. Ufldt.r•a.1tr ...., ~4 lltm,of 30 Chew 11nd f lt9 Run .eas ily ;\" explosives :;.,. bouseho!d swallow \ 10 Nourish ll Senate hrm lshing Jl Black 71 "-·how!" employees 4£. Clear cuckoo 19 Stalk of grain 49 ·-·· ~· 32 Reduce lo DOW~ 21 View Da vid: A ktnM411l' !111" Ml .. r -i. JuMt 1l111r1, 11. 20Tn Mr. illtol l-. M1,111t111""71 ttl~~. Ito' IM Wlllnll!ll '"Irv Ml ltlt •'-rv •llCI -COll!fft. ~•II r•vr "'"' •r •lofl' i. Utci. Lt11, Ill• lUO, C.OJ11 Mff,I, C1Ulor1111, nothing 24 Macaw 2 words 34 Klnd of 1 Mata·-· 211 And othtr s: 51 Nullify biscuit 2 Thro•····! Latin: 52 Oic~ens 38 Betray Get etclted: 2 words character 40 Elaborate 2 words 27 Ship 5J Glory display 3 Historic structure 54 Back: ._ 42 De coy watercourse : 28 Unusual Pr efi- 43 Pittern· 2 words person: 55 Thea ter cut Into 4 Ad/usted Slang feature a tile \ be orehand 29 Inac tive 59 Put on the 45 Man's name 5 Stil l . p!!1 iods pay roll 47 Estu.Ny 6 Possibly Jl Made fun of 61 Location · 48 Title of 7 Mimic 35 Backwoods b2 implements respect: 8 Begin to pre-business· 64 Ope1a ··- Abbr. uall: 2 VCJrds man: 2. words 65 Clteer S.114 yon qltfftlorit f'1J Ask A"d.,, c/o °'090 C.a• Dollr Pilot, lo• 1160, Coste MOM, Collt, A111fr ••lllf• 1 tt.uolumt Ml ol !tit 4111.,. •1<1d1 1 World eoo1r A1111 t. ,...,. O'Lt1rv, IH lf1 ol W!lllll .. t, ~flit-., C.~Ha. lor nb 1111111111: Are there really wild bones in tbe United States? Oh, >'es, there are horses li~ing wild ·and free in many oi.(t-ol·lhe-way places of North America. Their ancestors were dqmeslicated horses -bul none of them are willing to return to that tame old :;ocurity. Horses soon feel at home here, espe<:ially on the ~l(lpes and prairies of our 'vestem mountainS. There is an ancient reason why they tlo, but naturally they do not remember il. Our wild horses prefer to keep out of sight and nobody knows how many of them lhere are. Most or them wander the high prairie coun4 1ry and the grassy canyons of the westem mountains, These :swUt, unshod creatures are de.~hOed f f o in iscapieS. rrom ancestors that strayed rrom ranches or ran away rrom their riders. Many ' deserted du ring the bitter War between the States. some were scared away by roaring can· nons, others had no place else to 10 when their owners and £ormer homes v.·ere wiped out. And every year, a few domesticated l1orscs I e a v e hnme to join their kinfolk. in the wilds. This J>f:rhaps is why our lost horses suCceed so well in the wilds. Like their ancestors, they are built fc>r fas t travel· ing across our wide prairies and suited to the vegetable food that groWJ there. In the wild. they revert to their ancestral type of family life. The mightiest stallion is lord and master of the herd. The mares are his wives and the colts are his children. He leads and they follow him tc> better pasture. He protects them from danger with both cunning and courageous combat. HE IS QYJTE a character, that wild stallion, and always willing tc> prove his right to rule. A son may grow up and rebel or another stallion may approach his precious herd . As for our pet cats and dogs. In a 1n a certain direc1inn on a cer· a rule, rival wild animals fight few yea rs, the answer to 1ain plane. or Jcvrl f;Urfacc . only until one of them admits today's question may be a sor· The rule of rotation makes it defeal and retreats. A lost or rov.·ful, No. want to krep going in the runaw~ ranch horse often ~ __ same direction and at tbc wanders intOthe w113llerd . 1-r Andv ",,... • to.~01""" "' tf "'' same <1naJc lo the n!ane on th ne b r · re •ntiY wlllf' • Wo•ld •lit~ •"•' " " " e w mcm e JS a ma · · '"•u• O'L••"'· •" 11, ,, w1•"tl'H. which it started. she is welcome to join the M•nllob1, c1n1C11, for 1111 •-•1tn1 harem. But if he is a stallion, What makes a gyroscope ''OU CAN FORCE.; your bike he is challenged to instant work'.' to chani:c rtirC'ctions. But 11 combat As a rule. the wilrt gyrosl'Opc is dcs1gnrd 10 l:'lkr stallion winds. His Jl£c of A gyroscope scrnis to hRvf' full arlvantaAe of thr law (lf hazards and hardships has a 1nind or its own. In whal.evt:'r rotation -;Jnd lu 11i~1-rgarrl toughened his muscles and position you start it spinning. gravily. lts hea rt is a \':hrt•! sharpened his wits. Thi s is It s\Rys that way until it run s \vnh a central axlr . Thrrr nrr n§ture's way of solving a cruel down. The secret of its smoo th hall hearings nlt~ch1n~ problem, for the wild horse magical balancing ii spinning. each end of Uic axle to an can do a better job or tending The !iOlmc sort of spinning outer circle. You can st<1rt thr hs "'ild he rd . If the more pain· enables a top to balance on \1'licel spinnin~ straight up or pered ranch horse won U'le tiptoe :ind also keeps you in any other direction. So long baUle. he would know little balanced on your bike .. When as it spin.~. the gyro tends lo about protecting lhe herd and you stop pedalling. the wheel s remain tilled at lhP sainc waler and green pasll,n~: stnp turning and the IJikc tips <ingfe. Even H you use forl'C' In YES, THERE are still he rds over. Th ese things w or k tip 1l, the spinning motion or horses living in the wilds. because of a Jaw thal governs tries to adjuf;t i1self back to its: \Vith modem heli copters and rotation. 'Vhf'-n a circle spin~ original plane, This rule ,1·orki; low flying planes it is easier &round, il rotalcs around a :is long as the i;yro kcc11s ~pu1· now to spot t~m then it was a central axis ft slatls to rotate ning. i!!eneration or so agO'. And sad'----------------------! EVERYONE'S FAVOR ITE lly l'(Cl111I 111d1r1hip po!h, o"• of th1 moil p1pvl11 l'~w1 rier•t l~tlu••• I" >.'"1rlc1 iJ th1 J."11 l1"d''' colu"'"· ff, • d1ify "r19vl1r" I" tht 0 >.I LY PILOT. PEANUTS STEVE ROPER • - 'YEAH! -rL t.. SLEEP, ROPER.' AWD WU W(1tl'f PULt.. AW TR:ICl(S . ~M.E HOW TAKE IT EASY, PAYNE / WMY MAKE 'HINGS A>('{ WORSE (M DOIN\1 IT/ ' H PERKINS . JUDGE PARKER YOa LIED TO ME, PIDN'r YOU, 5WEETHE,t..Rf! YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T CM.I. THE JUP6E ~ P!D YOU Al.SO C.\U. SAM DRIVE&'? MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS FOR YOUR5EU: ! . ' CAl'•FU" -OF1'HAT - STl'AW-- IT1S THE! ONLY ONE W!<Gor ... 0 Ho HA1'DLY ·"fOUCHoD IT· By John -Miles 'ay Harold Le Doux SllRE. LUClE .. TI-IA.T'S WH.\l' 1 IWTENOED TO PO! OPEM Tl-IE POO~~ By Ferd Johnson ··WISH Wo HAD MO!>• CUSTOM•Rs· L\Ko HIM. I u It II ' I ~I ~i By Tom K. Ryan fUT.,.81JT.IVA &OTTO! 'l1:XJ NEiP A GUIPE, YOU GOl'rA '™<E. M£ ! l'LL 60 FER FREI:!! =---l'LL ~e PARNEP lF l'LL SE& HIM! ....... ._ ~-- -MUn AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH PLEASE! Pl.EASE! VOU 60TrA! V00.60TfA! By Al Smith WEL.L, ~.rr ENDS MY MUSICAL. CAREER! By Gus Arriola AJ.L 71/1' ACTIO'I IS 0001/J 1Hf:~f By Mell .. THERE Wl."RE, or course. no horses tn the New World when Columbus arrived. But 1t th.at time nobody knew that the horse Jamil)' got its start In North America. Tbis was thdr er&dle. their native, origiool home. Nobody knov .. 11 whit disaster de,,lroycd all thue native hor!!es. B u t fortunately, *Sell al{o, som~ o·r thtm 1-d wandered ICl'M"I a .loog....,. land ~rldai lb AJia. Thelr ~ndtnll wtnt Into ptrin!fnhlp wlth lhe human ramllf Ind tome ret~rned to their IJOll .. land "hen the Old World dieeowred the N~w1 10 ·say, ~ome of these wilrt horse spotters are up to no good, They use lhelr modem tqutpment to n>und up th~ splendid animals, run 1hPm1 down and shoot them . TI1clr llftle.~ bodiE:t are Bhipped to c:~1nnerit11 that prtp.aro foodf====:::i:================:: \ • , • I Bo~scope lt Taurus: You Get News About Job . By SYDNEY OMARR SUNDAY JULY 20 from youngsters. Day features change, travel, variety. ·You are active. You get chance to show off w}iq~e abilities. Be adventur~ Dally 10·10 Sunilay 10.7 -· - Sal"diY, July 19, 19611 DAILY PILOT Jf!.. ~=...c..'-'-"-'-=--.:..,c~o~l...-ta-.-M-i-•-'--•a--'-onlyJ , .. ., . SPECIAL INDICATION Forelp policies u n d e r c o change. NatJons re•ene gear. Alllances are made a n d broken. StablUty factor 11 evi· denl by its lack. CANCEll (Jun• 21.July 22)l Conditions at home may be upset. Might be wise lo get away for a time. Some around you act in eccentric manner. Heed your ow~ coonsel. SPECIAL PRICES FOR . SUNDAY, JULY 20. 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. WHILE QUANTITIESLAST \, ' .. . ARIES (March 2l·Aprll 19): What occurs does so suddenly. Nothing halfway. Emphasis o.n ties, marriage, partnerships. Older individual _ mat.e s unusual proposal. It is worthy of serious consideration. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You get news concerning employment, special Work. Key is to fini!h what you start. Avoid actions based on impulse. You may be im- patient. But It you wait, you succeed. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Keep mind open to nquests LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You are tempted to throw caution to 'finds. This would not be ~ise.-Key is' to be analytical. ·If forces are scattered, con· fusion results. Take aim on your goal.' Acctpt social in- vitation. Vm GO (Aug. 23&pt. 22)' Guard posseasions. You could los.e valuabt~~iri transit. Key is to be thorough. Know where you ~re going -wh;at you need for trip. Overcome tendency to be careless. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)' You are expansive -and your actions could prOve exptnslvt. VINYL FOLDING SLIPPERS Ar gentina Trip Set Cycle continue.a: high. But your , j u d gm en t could leave S 11t1dafJ Onlu something to be desired. Count JO before making assertion. Chooae from assort~ stylMI and summer hues. Really SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): space savers \Vhl'n you t.ra- Areas previously quiet come veH 5 to 9! J44 to life. Means you are in for Reg. 1.96 Five Orange Coast high dcllghUul surpri~. Jlne who t"l*-:~-;::--.4¢':•.;. i;; t1:t:e~1'7'-· school students will be travel-becomes ally 15 powerful. , C." ~ Ing to Argentina on a student SAGrn'ARIUS (Nov. 22-[)e('. exchange program startin& 21 ): Obtain· hint from Scorpio July 21. message. Realize that many The students will live with today are inclined to make farrrities-in-IJl';K;;o.a.for. -four promises. Of a we11e1:...._of • --Mik& and-Will visit.classes..at-..lirm.ations, one....or~two will he some of the South American valid -·ate valuable. schools. ·Family Size .. -:RIGHl.:" G1JARO.-. ' • Anti-Perspirant 1 Local students going on· tl"le !rip are: Tyra Hansen and Cheryl Peterson, N e w p o rt ff arbor High School; Cheryl Smallwood . and Sue Wolff, Estancia High School ; Rip Prall. Corona del Mar high School. and Doug M o o n , J•'oolhUI High &hool , Tuslin. CAPRICORN (De<:. 22-Jan. 19 ): 1'-1oney and pres~ge are emphasized. Take initiative. See important persora. Cut through red tape. Show your capability in handling posi· ·~ tions of authority. ~ AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. A 18): Emp~asis on travel. You are on t.ht move. You en- counler new. unusual ex· perlences. tearn from them. Some contict you with unique proposals. Be sure you are free before c ommitting yourself. S11ttday 01aly 76~· The exchange p r o g r a m. known as '"Consejo Argentlno de Tntercaniliio Estudiantil'', is designed fo r better cultural and social understanding. Reg. I.28 ' • Heavy Loss Hits Hugh es ·PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): 'r Interest in far-OUt subjects is activated. Don't be held back by persons of little faith. Follow through on ptrsonal desi res. Money question is favo rably resolved. 4ii#Ai§i s+W5M!! P&SWS LAS VE GAS, Nev. (APl - 1-lowerd Hughes. Landmark Hotel lost more than a half million dollars to gamblers during its first week, casino soul'ces said Tuesday. · The 31-story hotel had been jinxed by f i nan a c i a I dif· ficullies since construction began in 1961. If wa s bOURht· by Hughes, who owns five other hotels. and opened Jul y. IF TO DAY IS YOU R BffiTBDAY you have innate sense of showmansh ip. Many who think they know you \vould be surprised at your knowledge. aspirations. Some relationsh ips will end. But by October you -will be on solid ground -emotionally and otherwise. Most of the money was won To 11nc1 .;.,,, who'• 111ctv 1or vou 1n by local gamblers who own or montv '"" love, order Srd,...., On11rr•s boolillf, "!ffr1t Hlnt1 tor M'11 •nd oprrate other· st rip hotel s. the ::ci;r~~;~ ~:'!c,i::..,f1tld4?•':e1:,"'niasoo~W't/ so ll r c es said. Odds i n ;ill PILOT. &ox 32~. r•nd cen1r11 St•· casino games are with the.-'~""'-·-'-~_v ____ ·~·~··70·~·~~~"~· ---1 hous~.-and t.he casino e1_pects YOU KNOW to Y.'ln back its losses. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Su11du11 011111! 18", across lop! Folds for LEGAL NOTICE easy storage in car or gar~ __ _:=:::;::_:::.:..:.:= ___ l"'""-"",.,...__...,. ... ,._...,,i age. Sturdy made, adjust· GUIDE HAPPY H1v 1 f " I it'., ,,,.~ind, Sl•rt ii b-v r11d'ln9 lht WF~~· ENDEll: in th1 DAILY PILOT. MAnRESSIS THE END OF POT LUCK DATING Ph. 54 7 ·6668 )4 H'11r leut41-. CAUp;, TUTIN• INSTITVTI • able grill. Save. Focal 2-power, folding opera 1:la111 for general sport1 U!t"- Fokh compactjy for eas.Y carrying and atorage. Charge IL FOLDING T ABlf FOLDS 3-WAYS VERY STURDY S1111dn11 011111! 544 24x60'' me(al table folds fn 3-handy sizes. Has carrytni: handle. Wonderful pi c n I c compan ion .. . ' fl ~~ .. ~· . ·' ..--I' !. I 'l . LADIES SHORTS SURFERS and S111aday a~i11 f50 Keg. 1.78 i o J.Q7 Sizes 8 Through 18 • I. •• KEEP YOUR FAMILY HAPPY AND ACTIVE Su11dn11 011111 Our Reg. 3 .,17 Fun filled ! 4 player badmln· lon set set includes 2 birds, nylon strung rackets. Net, poles and carrying case. ALUMINUM FURNITURE WITH STURDY WEBBING CHA I SE CHAIR .500 2~·5 Unheard or price on weathcr·resistant, fully web- bed outdoor-indoor furniture ! Chairs: 5 x 4 x t•• webbing. Chaise : 6 x 15" poly webbing. Made lo withstand weight and alt type weather! . :MEN 'S SHPRT SLEEVE SWEAT SHIRTS ., '' ' , J56 .- ~ HumorouS saying, color fast on fine cotton knit ~ shirt.s. Sizes S~M·L-XL. • ' Reg. Price $2.97 "Drip Glaze" Dinnerware S11iidn11 Only! '· 16·pc. set lnclud~s : 4 plat~ • 4 fruits, 4·7-in. plates, 4 ~ mui;:s. Unique drip glaze de· ~i~n in color choiCC'. Chargt' It. ..... 547 j PLANTERS PfANUTS ARE DRY ROASTED S 1111dn11 0111111 ' t -t . 13-oz. • site In vacuum )art NO oil or sua:ar· WJed In prot cesslni . Ideal snack for Jlfl,rt ties. Jiave seven.J at avtnp,. Char£:e.,lt • ' ' ' '. 9x12 NYLON 2· TONE. RUGS Sut1da11 011111/ Alpine nylon.face rugs in_ 2-tone reda, eold11, greens, belge I brown, blue I gree n. Made to withstand Jots of traf· fie. 1888 Reg~ 24.66 Hot Charcoal BRIQUETS 99~ S und n11 0111111 Reg. 1.47-20.lb. 819 ' '" " ,, _, -' ' I ' I I . -• )8 ll.lll.Y PILOT S.turd.lJ, July 19, 1961 . • Ana Landers • QUEENIE By Phil lnt1rlandl ··-·~---­' . Plastic Monkey~ In tlie Wrench ~==-~1 . . ' 1 I ' llE,Y! ANN LANDERS: LQt Slturdfy my. wift Ind 1 • went out wtth two olber COU• ste'aUn'g since they cen be used only ~ and would have been thrown out. t.a!E"ln lheevenlni 1 pull· ed a mlier out ol my PoCket to IQOk at it. To my amazement a woman's hair· net was booked to the DlOQ- key 'a ~ii. I had never ,seen Jhe hairnet be!ore and t aon't know how lt got ·tberi. Every· one laughed. My wUe dldn~ think it was Vtf1 tunny. It's been a week · now and the couch is very (uril.py, Ari)' suggcstions?-NOT GUILTY ~" g~~ :tr~e~ f~~ mh~d o: • • some drinka. One or the p1acea r 1' served cocktail mixers with Dl!':AB ·NOT: Y•• don'I litlJ~· plastic monkeys on · top. "1 I put-a couple of the mixers tn my pocket, which ls . ,,ot write like a guy wM Is in- ·volved In monkey b•slnen. My' launch ii lut ..e of your frleodl framed you. Sltow tlll1 &O your wife and teU her I said Ille'• being too' hard PD ~­. (P.S. And ftow, all yoa ys out there wbe say I Dever Ive the men a breat. art"!l'I You ashamed or yourselves?) • • • IAUIO~ 613-4041 I .,,.. 6:45 7ttl ... ,... lot ... - NOW and TUESDAY Shows Nightly At 7:00 & 9:40 · llAZZUN&! ()nee )IMI Sf! i~ you'll never again-picture Homeo & Juli'1t' quite tlle way you did befort!", -LIFE • • •• , •• • ;. •• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• •• ;.. :• •• •• • ,. •• • •• •• • •• :-•• • • EL PESCADOR R-ESTAURANT Featuring the Finest In SEAFOOD-STEAK e SPECIAL ATTRACTION e Mexican Music Suncby 8:30 to 1 p.m. DIRECT FROM GUADALAJARA MARIACHI GUADALAJAltA AN.D CARLOS GAMA His SOftfl off Gtlltor 401 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa R.eservation1 ·548-3241 PATTI PAGE c.t!Hnlltn 1: f',!ft, 1 oi..r Mlb o ..... ..., ''The Love Bug" ,,_ "Winnie The Pooh" THE DOODLETOWN PIPERS mus1ca1 director ... John Scott Trotter . July21·25.Showsat•8an d 10 PM J r0P 1'01RRi I THE CHECKMATES, LTD • July21·25. Showsat 9 and 11 PM -I COUNTRY MUSIC JlJll1Ltt I ERNEST TUBB. AND THE TEXAS TROUBADOURS Dan OUdlBY • LJnn Hlraer • &UISI MC ... Brid MBllOO. lftll Sunday,July20.Showsat5, 7and 9 PM " FINTISY II THE SKY Starring Tinker Bell and a brilliant fi reworks display every nite at 9 PM. ,, and the clarinets tootling and !he dnunJ ban&lni weJiaven't bad a .flcent olghl's .sl<ep since we bought this house. My ltusband's nerves are shot and lo are mine. We can't af- ford I to move again. Please suggest soJTiething. -FORT LAUDERDALE HEADACHE DEAR HEADACHE: 11 Your nelgbbor-di1tarbln1 the peace! U 10, •be Is brtaklng tbt Jaw and you can do aomt tblng about It. U Wa 1uuestion doesn't produce peace and quiet, sell the house. Vou ·1ai you can't afford lo move ag:aJn. J say you caa'I afford NOT to. Wl\fn rom111llc llllllU'I turn to w•rm ell'lllrtua Is It lov. ar 'hemlttry? Strid lot IN bOol!;lel "love '" Sex •nd liO'/ll lo Tell l'h4I Dlffllren<e," bf Ann Linder•. Enclos. • lor\e, 119<'1'1ped, Kif· addrnll!d env11opt: 11'111 U (enb In c.orn with your r~w.1. A.nil Ll~fl Wiii be 911d Ill l!•lp '1''!11 Wlfh yovr "'oblem$. Stnd ft.Ml 111 Mr In c.re of Ille DA.ILV PILOT, trKlo$!nt • ulf.-ddrtsffd, tl•ml>tld ,,...,.111pt, 4'He aays· he doesn't have time to be bored stiff by IOllHl fathead from the 'Etbic8 in Indus•-' committee.,.. -~ Summers of '70, '71 College Trains Biologists Spectacular Flower Show Gl111l New Recre11tfon Vehicl• & Bost Show Junior ralr &: Small Animal Farm 1,00C)'t; of Exhibits Spaco & Scie~ Ft1tures Special Childrtn.'s Show• HelicoP™ Rides Carnival Midway .. .... Sat., July 19 DON ELLIS and his NEW BAND ..... Sun • .Julr 20 LOU RAWLS in Concert ...... * HEY KIDS* saluting Califomia's Bfcl!ntl!nnial ' lil\TES OPEN I P.M. WEEKDl\YS/IZ NDDN ·Sl\T. & SUN. co8~:~~IR [ LAST DAY, SUNDAY I. &EXPOSmON IRll Championship Rodl!D' -LoUdoti Cabbies L~sh -; Prying Eyes, ~irrors . ' LONDON .. (AP) - Mirrors mirrors -but only If they are and prying tyes tiave invaded &lTanged so only the head and Lorldan's ltadifJonal )overs' shoulders of passengers are st.nctum-Jhe hick .st.al ·of •--..revealed . ...--- taxi cab, -~nd bl~ey mate, '"We're only inleresled In-art~;qa\)bfeS gettmg an eye safety," said one taxi firm full. .. r • • • • spokesman. ~·1~s anoutrag~. of c~e," "We're not interested In ' ' f(Ut\td one .~lttsh swinger. spying on tile fellow who may ·But ~ Bobt}Jes r,ejWI m~t be nudging up to his best Londoner1 we keeptng a stiff 1 · nd' :i • th ba k . ~· ~ati(t. .xving -,vp with· r1e . ~ wue m e c •· •• seat." ' ••t .. i._: . ··Until ·a. few months i9go So far abouL..400 of London's couples could cudd1e ween in 8,00o cabs· hive been con· Ute back se,\tof a London taxi. vert~. . The rtar window• ·Were o~a· Scotland Yard sars it hasn't que smoked .glass and 10 received any form al com· protect the custoint r's R:'riv· J>laints. but a spokesman ad· acy, cab drivers we're forbid-• ded.; "We are keeping the den to use interior ~·view situation 1,1.nd er review and if mirrors. ' many people start objecting Then early this Ye?r the we will look -at the new taxi distributors of Btitaints~·main arrang~me11ts again." taxi manufacturer;-the ·AUstin It remains to · be seen company. ordered ·clear gl8.8S ~hether the mirrors really are for rear windo~. Th~y argued --sater. . 1 ' it made rot· safer drivJng. --.'We don't wanf ca'qbles 1og. ScoUand Yard, which lays gUng ml,n.J,sk.irted girl l down rµlea: for taxis, went one passengers ~nd then .·drlviili step further and aut119t'~ mto a wall/' said the taxi l cab drivers to use· .interior • company spo~a!l." / : • • • • • • , ................ ,,.. .... --------- " . 1 • l J ~ ·-FiixsouTH coa!n' j:r· _ GINERlt .. LAZA THEAI Hil CORPORlfll# Sin Diep freew1y 1t 911st~ • 546-2711 . NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 P.M • BOX OFFIC.E OPENS AT 12:30 I See By Toda y's Want Ads: e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA e LINE e DAYI ' ' ; i " I: -, ' , I .. • I· '= •• • ' I .. . D4fLY PILOT Jf) Finish Building EXCLUSIVE Mid·South1rn C11ifornl1 Indoor Pres1ht1tton Playholise ·Needs 1Loan of .$50,-000 " tuw'°rf lfl.C" -.i 1W •"'"'-t.)M•IH, Ll4• hlo -01. l•IJ'i . e 'PREMIERE MOTION PICTURE THEATRE e ,P~ys Man ·io Wo~an Sexy Racquel Welch, not lookin&_much like the boy next door, tells newsmen of her ·Selection a-s the star in the dual title role of the 20th .Century movie version of Gore Vidal's controversial novel "Myra Breckenridge." She will portray a man who undere goes an operation to emerge as a beautiful woman. Willie~ lhe meinb@r,hlp lfl:d fW.nCla1 fiiures of the Laguna Community Players h a v e never k>olted so good, the board of directors must take out a $50,CMXI loan to finish \Ile new Laguna·Moulton Playhouse. "People see the building and figure it's C901Pleted, without knowing that wor~ still has to be done tn· the Interior,'' said Geoff Riker,. president of the board. He said the Oow of donaUons has slowed down to a trickle. Despite the need for the loan to finish the $ 5 Q 0 • 0 0 0 el uded the 11163-89 fiscal year Playhouse, Treasurer Wjll~i;n . in t~e black $4,961. Harcum spoke favorably of DonaUons for the fiscal year the -Playhouse's flnancial con· totalled $135,0~- dition. The Playhouse con· "We've never been in that . : l Extra Performance ~ Slated of 'Barroom' S h Co R An extra, end-of-the-month· melodrama will also be stage out · ast eper.to1·y· D)lllille~ per/ir,niani:e of "Ten Sl!llday, )uly 27 at 2;30 p.m., · , · Nighta 111 a 1'8rroom," featur· a c co r d l n g to theater J ack Lemmon and Catherine DeneuVe are "The April Fools" s-~ · spokesmen. Ann -in& three Oringe Coast actors, The _ play, which features Ounce Sum. mer Play· has been announced by the Harbor Area thespians Shirley . . " • !~'.'.'.~ 11 Theater in Long Dvorak. Dennis Griffith and ~· Doug McEwan, is perfo?llled Before the official opening haven't y~t ~nnounced ou? · -Originally scheduled f'rlCl;y in Morgan Hall, on Locust !1._f ils 1969-70 Sub_scription closing date, and, as a result, and Saturday al 8~30 p.m. Avenue near Eighth Street Jn ~J>tarting Peter Lawford.- Jack Weston,Myrna Loy and Charles Boyer · Season in October, South we can't ·definitely set our -::lhr=o\Jghou=· ==t=J=u=Jy=; =t=he=com=ed=y=Lo=n=g=Be=a=ch=·=~===. Coast Repertory. 1827 Newnnrt . next opening. I would think \Vert ,Tltlt..,.,,,.~l)iow-W-;i:k. Tttlf,M...,. br" floin BaWrKll ..-1 LT.!t,. Jlal ~ Muricf.-tll'I .-cltnd.on(~R,_._A/.,....Proch1c10...T°" • ~.11>)' ,..1 Or.wr. ~ b11MdMC.rni1 Oit«led ~!"!" R....... ' A~~P!w.ral!ei.-.:.en-CtM.-f"._ -._ . PLUS SECOND 'FfNE FEATUR~ "-ifi.e. lli~ ~ li~aii" • edAr115!1 STEVE McQUEEN e FAYE DUNAWAY FEATURING ACADEMY AWARO SONG "WINDMILL OF YOUR MIND" FIRST SHOWING WEEKOAYS 7 P.M. SAT. & SUN. CONTINUOUS. AT 2 P.M. BJvd. in Costa Mesa, an-open around Aug. 22• though," • f I"' Bombed in New Haven might ~ duction of We Bombed in New tor, James dePriest. • ""11111 noun~ its summer pro-says SCR's Managmg D1rec-. 'illtl"' Haven by Joseph HeUer, Th. · , Tl TEI Exclualve Premiere .., Eng191m1nt A Motion Picture #os Big As History author oI Catch 22. e summer produc~ion wih . ~ . • . .... _ Th_i!._ will-~the f!rs~pro-_ be offered as a-special fr . ~; 2tff -._ cHit ~ Evervane Welcom!:__ Cl!J_cUon of thi~ n~ J!laY. m t1ie Mrius-:to--those-patr~s -who -~ Del M -_ · ::-~ SOU1fiern "t'alilorn1a area, ac-subscnbe'"earJy to the 196,.70 • -. ;--~ ~-- cording 1o a theatre spokesman, and it will open just following the currently : running play, The Three Pen· ny Opera. The opening dale for We Bombed in New Haven has not "been definilely set. "Because The Threepenny Opera has been doing quite well, season. J Still running, The, Threepen- ny ·Opera plays Thursday through Sunday evenings at 8:30 p.m. Tickets may be reserved at the SCR office by telephoning ~1363, or at any Mutual Ticket Agency. Playhouse Rental Fees, Costs Set ............... ·····-~-·· ...:_ ............ SAVE UP TO 70% With the Sept. 30 <1pening Of the n e w }4:guna-Moulton PlayhOWl_e drawing n e a r , Laguna Community Players' board of direclors has decided on rental fees and the costs for theater parties. ON 'l'HESE FABRICS 221 E • 17th St. MESA CENTER --cosr A MESA GOING OUT OF ·BUSINESS ~~L.E STARTS ,WE.D., JULY 16 EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! BY JULY 31 Any commercial organiza· lion wishing to rent the Playhouse for both a day and a night will e charged $300. r~or daytime use only the cost is $150. Non-profit organizations can rent the building for a day and rilght at a cost of $ZOO. Daytime use is $100. If an organization wishes to rent the who'.le house for a special viewing of a play. it will cost $700. An organization buying a block of tickets for a regular show will receive a discount. ro·llau<~o HARRY MORGAN JACK ELAM Wor!!'1~ o~d P•odu<ed by WILLIAM tOWER!. Dittct•d by IURT l(fNNfOY (Gl ~r.RM&Atw.tt? ~~~e.~ ~~T •• SUMMER COTTONS HOMESPUNS SH EERS CORDUROY SATEENS . K~ITS 1r the group wishes tolr~~~~~~~~~~===~=====li purchase from 25 to 100 seats, it will receive a 25-cent dis- count per seat. For every seat FIRS' T RUN VOILES CREPES DAN RIVER SHORTS GEORGETTES 17.100 POLYESTER DOUBLE KN ITS ACRYLICS WRINKLE FREE SUITINGS DAN RIVER GINGHAMS MANY, MANY MORE!!! ALSO!! TRIMS AND LACES 50°/o OFF EXAMPLE I 3 YDS. $100 Cottons and Blends . FOR Reg, to 1,9,1 ' EXAMPLE II· -2 FOR $100 SUITINGS YDS. Reg. to 2.49 . 54" Cepes for that Special Dress Req. S. 95 now 249 yd. IMPORftD '" Brocades .... wi .. 119. 6,tS NOW ' ''- ~~!!l,~"~Jo+h 49' llf. l,tt HOW y4. DAN lml t•mia Pres!w 66 ~ PIRMA Hns PRINTS NOW75~. . .,. '·"' TMESE A~E JUST A l'EW OF THE GREAT BARGAINS WAmNG FOR YOU BECAUSE WE LOST ·ou1 LEASE ' BRING ·MONEY! over 100, a 7kent discount will he gi,.n. * * * * * Padua Hills Ends Show On July 26 "Serenade In Veracruz", playing to gear capacity au· diences at · Padua Hi 11 s Theatre, will close ~ run on July 26. The two act romanllc musical play includes several familiar melodies from the Ca_rib,bean.. _ _ The culture of Veracruz, a slate on the Goll aide of Me'x· ico, was greatly infuenced by the Caribbean and Afro music of seve ral hundred years ago. These rhythms, familiar in many of our American pop tunes of recent years, are e:i· citlngly expressed by the Mex· ican Players. Everyone who enjoys the . mystic Caribbean mUJie will like "Serenade in Veracruz". P•lro111 of the summer seuon at Padua HUis are treated to "Jamaica" an afttr·thealre fiesta . T he playera invite each audJence to join them under the olive trees on the patio f<1r a fiest1 of music, gamea l\n a refreshmenta. 'Jamaica' ls the name of the cool drink that is served t:n Mexlco in the sum· mert.lme. "Sertnade In Vecacruz0 win rt1n through· J•1Y 16, followed by "Harvest· FnUval l n EXCLUSIVE PAUL nEWmRn . JDllllRE WDDDWARD -.ROBERT WAIRER .. _ "Angel in· My ·Pocket" tgual1 '' • production that ; · features the customs andl!..====~,;,.,==-==-==..,=--""I music or the people of Guer· Read The Daily Pilot rero. Regular visitor• to goo<I ol al)ape at the end of • fiscal yaar,'' Harcum aald. "I think we ll•nd a p>d chance of reachlnt: our go1I of 2,000'' she told ~direct.or$. "And there's always a big push In the fall ."' General Manager r r m a Nofziger reported there are already over 1·,080 mem· bershlp$ in the new {Ucal year - a record pace. Membership Jut year total!· ed l,370. ' -I~--: t '' ·, ... j ; -~!: ... •••••• . OFF •. GRAND HOTEL e 1 n1niu.• wn • UN11•• • lCIOll ,. ...... ••ll WIST e e ,, 11uim.ll9 • •••• ,-:.: ... ~ t~ ..... . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXTRA ADDED .ATTRACTION ::s-a: THE NEW KICK •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FRANKIE ORTEGA Ill~ his .n.11ntrt ,__ __ ;,.;.;,,;;,.;.;,,;...., .............. . DAllCIH N, 1•11, 12·1 IOON OPDI$ AT "7:JO/SHDWTIMES I AMO 11, 1Ut·SAT./SUN. AT I IESllVATIOllS.(7f41 772-7777 • llOUP SALES (7141 771·41ZO OPENING COMEOIAHS IHC.-ST!RRIHG AUG. 12th ll:1il"s\.na. 1tt11111L UIMlta TWO ·ws.-c;• ONL y Ull •••• -'"•Y IUllll TlllUTI AL.:1 llVAJV&E ll SO. CAL.•llCltlC CO 137 IO, '41U. tl., lOS All'GEllll WALUCH'$ MUSIC CIT'l'i IU,l'\IMS'1 HIHi\.\W'Si AHO ALL MUTUAL MO UIUlY ·TICKET ACVtCIE&.. ------- -~01~1i:tq;~_ -PAClFIC. A Gtfft Mldlc.ol Frid A1t1ir1 -p.,1ul1 Cl1rk ''Flniin's Rainbow" St1v1 M,Q1111n :-f•y• Du"1w1y "The Thomas Crown Affair•" Jap•n•M Movies Every Tuesd1y Night . TM Topi 11 FcrMlly f111 C1111d Actvat.Te w,11 Oiin1y'1 Gr11t "Peter Pan" • . . • p1u1 ''Swiss F1mlly Robinson'' lffllHHe,-P~lllllll ~ ... ~----- •' • To' Ac.ti•• aH Dr•111• Ptul N1w1111n -Jtt11111 Woodwtrd ''Wihnlng" • pl11• · Anthony Pt1ki11• t'The Champigne Murders'' A .,.., W• Smy Gtort• S~t•I -Rob•rt Vt119l111 ''The Brldge At R1ma91n" J•11111 Gtr11ar -W1lt1r l 11"n111 ''$upport Your Loc1l Sheriff'' • ltcOMIMI ...... A41lt1 ····~········~······ . " .,... ,_"' "" • D•all Jonis -l11ddy Ha'k'tt In w,lt Dhn•v'• : ''Th• Lov• Bug'' Andy litlffltfl -Jirrv v, .. 0y .. , ''An Angel In My Pocket'' -············~··········· .. ~{.f<N[I' -... -itr:f John W•vn• The Btaw'' ''Non. lvt ''Th• Gtfffl ~,.fa" ...,.,., .... ~ ........ . D1vid J1n111J1o ~. ·'~ • 11 I• ,. 11 • ,. .L ........... . . -+-. . . ' , .. ' It ' ~ r • ,. DAll.V PILOT 1 l "'" I . .. ' • t --- I" •· . I l ~-I i i Ii 1 ·. ~ I ' -- ~--i ---' } ~ • • ' • ! • a s ~ ·II § ' ~ . I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I \ I , . , " .. • I I ):', ' " . , - 1 . ' Sil.!ff'd,.Y, .,UIJ 19, 1969 • • • ' .. - IMM IEW ·• 111JSLE1 IOPORT . · -. 1.AJIAll1"$ • ' ,-....r ' .$: • INCLUDES: ' . . YB ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, . ' ,_ ....... ;,,-;" ' .. Ml. '· ·~· .... ·~, ~ ~ ) i ":..,,. -\. "' .J • ""t1tT· '69 -:',,. ~ · ' . . , . rrtlt\oimf,fillY • '(U.. • lncJUded.-.iP tHii 1su~ir:Yr1. 46 to choose. 'from wiih varied equipment~options:.lhd, as al-· waYs • .at1n.. years lowest prices. First •_ corpe, first choice, so hurry! · . -~ .•-... SAVE BRAND NEW .. · ~.69 VALIANT 2 DOQJ(-: V-8 engine, automatic transmission, ra· dio, power steering, power brakes, vinyl · top, deep dish wheel covers, tinted glass arid ... la1:t'1'J air conditioning · 'Serial No. CE23fl9CL41143. ', vt21 A9El4,9922 ., • ' '69 PLYMOUTH · · . RO.i Ru-v.,, ...,,_.... .. ... , • .. -•wrj(, -.,. /~, ·-. '"'°"' 2111. ..... "•d'9 .. $21)5 ' = '6B CHJVROLET-. c-. " ...... •ul(io,,111, ':':oll'O Coup. llfZW 'fOL ' • .'° & i.e.rer wtn~I ICl9, $2395 '· '• 6HR¥SLER . ; ~. PiLYMOIJTH:' ' . 1MPERIAL ·· . ' All wtcts •1"1 117 Mid IK-~ l!flao vtllf tefll .._.., '+~ J111'1' a 'r.-'· • ( . ---.... ' • • • • . , . . • ;• ' \. ' - , • . - 429 v.~· eru;:1!ne,· ·ctujsomatic, power steering, . power ~iSc btakes; consOl.e, wsw, pwr. seat, pwr. windows,•titf steering wheel, fact. air, stereo. Mtr. · '.· ·1'.# ·9U84Nl 0551>7 • 21 ~~ ~ ~~~~-. ·, " radio, dual RS speakers, tinted glass,. front head rests. remote · ~ ,.. ,. Bl•c~ vinyl roof, wsw, crui!", P.S., P.D.B., air, AM /FM stereo 53309'' . '-'4Jtpt'J "lr'-,-, ·mirror, wh~el. covers. No:~J55-Y-1088l9 · : I" ............. ~··-·~·-~········ ............................... , r . . . CAM-PERS · i . · Today.'' Tiie safest(comper on .tfte.'road. · -· • ~. 1• e CHM .Top Cc.npen .-AH stffl jhlls'.CClb to 6'-6". . : • . , . 'i 1 ~ •. . . -. .. -. . .. . . I · COMPARE .OUR PACKAGE PJUCEJ . f C'"isom•tk. wia• ov•ls, pow" steorin9, FACTO~Y i . ·'Ii~ ~~re t;ti• BEST. at the LOWEST PRICE! ; ~;!t~~~~~~o~~~~Ft~;)ii~ .• 1 .... whitew•ll .1;,.,, ' ; ; .. . ..• 1969 DEMO . TO·RINO 1GT 2 DR. HARDTOP . •. ·' ., •.'r.-{,<' 4 ............. J ............. ,................................... - i A. ~.1JJJntf!n~D,_eali .:·~-·yll!I, GuOTant~e-lJI the Besr$$~~uy-=]Jny-w/Jere • •. • AMf~S Y VICI s Los lruritos-a qlle ~~gan ' a ouNToN FORD,;para q1,1e hi.gen Jft me'j~·, compra d'i!. ~u vida. Ten~n\os ~reciosos Mjos y execelentt senricio )~pues de las vent&. Esta·. . cH ·oosE FRO·r.t OVER 400' C·ARS _& yqu·cK.S!~ PICK OUT THE . ONE YOU .WANT .... GET A DUNTON DEAL . AND DRIVE-iT :H.9M•!-mos· aqui para iervirlos. -··· ,,, · ~ -SU SERVIOO.R J·ACK JI.ORN '67· FORD-· '6.7 FALCON :': 6ALAXIE 500 2 'Door Hardtop,. ,Power:. ~ steering, •uto. tra-n1~.radio, heeter, fac·"· • tory •ir conditioning.' IVJE 5751 MAVERICK TRADE INS . '66 CHIVILLE -'66:i T .. ,,..!l~'IRD. FUTURA. 4~boor, 6 cylinder, 1utom1tic ' · , • MAL'IBU. :Z·Door H1rdtop. Auto, trans., HAR'tJ~O~·v.a, :au.lo .. _t~~~.;t.~ectory ~ir 1 power steering, r1d;o, h•et1r, vinyl roof. condlt10~1n9, fuJl 1power, r•d.10, heater, :: " ,, .. 1! ·'l I~ . . -·~ '67 CORTINA G.T • t; 4 spited tr1nsmis1ion, wb itewall tires. I !TSP 2•11 . ,I • :· ,, • ~ t '66. OLDS 'p;;,85 ' ' •~ .4 door. Auto. t.;•ns.,.pOwar s~eering and. wind~_ws. Vary low 1mila$. ISBS 79•1 .... ' ' '1 ·59·5 · • )r . -----~-- transMissiOn.""11'1P 4•6 I 51·495 '65 DODGE DART 4' Door. R1dio, heater, auto. tr•ns,. pow- er steering, economical .O cylinder car. INBV 3301 $1 .. 195 .. '65 .l'HUNDERBIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP.-V.8, auto. trans., factory air cond., radio, heater, full power. f-ERY 00'4) 51595 ·------ "300" 2 Door, V-8, eutomatic transmission, radio and heater. ISLU 022 1 ~l.295 '67 OLbSMOBILE "442" 2-000R HARDTOP. V.8, automatic transmission, factory 1ir conditioning, power staerin_g, radio, haat•r, wh itew.alls fires, bucket seats, contole, • , vinyl roof. CTUP '4421 • IVEL6521 ISAA'SOJI • ,, , " . '. .:i..·· "j • ' { •• -. . ' ~ ., . • 515·9· 5 ·15 <~.-·1·:99···5· .·· ·-.. --... --------!! ... -·-··· .. ··--·· ... _. __ ._ '67 FORD '69 MUSTANG :Sj,>\ ~ .._.;: . •. • _+ RANCH WAG. 390 V.8, auto. tr1.ij.~~~ y1·~2 FASTBACK. V~8, i tick s~ift, htt1t .. factory air cond., power steering, r•dio, · Iii', tlnted .gl•si. Polyglas·wideoavil tires. , heater, tinted 9l•1s1~lu9ga9e ·r1ck. lYCS 6131 -· . :·522·9· s· . · ...•• ,. :5· ·, .• _"r5:. '. . 1:1.~~ I.lo ~ ' JN '\; . -.. ' ~ ~ . ' ""·,iJ . ,'." '·-"1 J ' ~·--'~5-~~STA~~ _ _: __ -~~~~,,U~TA~- HAR010P. V-8, fa ctory •ir condl(ion~; •i CON-V,ERTIBLE. ~;g, 1Uto. frans ., powtlr ing , power st.eering,_raclio, he1tei,~_.co~· · steerlng1 r-a~iO, 'h.ea.ter, whitewall tires1 sole-bucket seats. IOLW 208 1 bucke/ sii•ts, •(VO~ 2~11 -.; :ats. "'H· .-· ,,': ,.._-, " ,, : . ' .! ' ! • I • I . . __ , ... ·-·· •• -· '--'---~-. -.. l HOUSIS l'Olt SALi HOUSIS•f'Oll SALE HOUSES FOR SAL·E HOUSES"l'Oll SALE HOUSES FOil SA.LE HOUSIU FOR SALE · HOUSIS 'Oil SALE HOUSES FOR SALE MOUSES FOR SALi ~ .._... ..... 1000hner•I F 1000 O.neral -1000 -oeMial -.~ 1000 General· 1000 Uenere.I 10hGMtral 1000 General ~ '.1000 Gtntrtl lf)OO ... Tr LA BORDE, Realtor FINER HOMES r~r~~~d!:.. NEW ROME DISTINCTIV~ HOMES 2, 150 S9UARE FEET ONLY $26,950. If you n"4 a rambling spa- ' cl.US home and cannot alfo'!d'<lbe blgb ask- ing prices, then let us show you~ LAROE FOUR BEDROOM, two bath with 22'x30' !'AMIL Y ROOM W I TH FIREPLACE and separate .attached GUEST 'llOOM. Gu es t room makes ideal mother-in-law quarters. Enclosed garage. two patios. This hOme could be lbe answer to your problems. Various meap.s of (inancing available--CALL TO. DAYll WESTCLIFF-VILLA . SE PARAT~ BUNGALOW: Double gales lead to ntc~ly planted front coutt yata: Marble entry, large LIVING ROOM WITH FIRE· PL,\C&·, built-ii) electric kitchen, DINING ROOM, two s p a c i o u s bedrooms and two · baths. 16'xl6' Master bedroom has its owii private patio ;µld garden. Beautifully carpet- ed and draped, service porch and double gar~ age. ENJOY THE COMMUNITY OLYMPIC· • POOL, DECORATIVE PATIO AND POOL SIDE BAR B QUE. See this delightful adult care-free retreat before you buy. Price to sell at ............................. $48,500 ! EASTSIDE DUPLEX LINDA ISLE · Close to completion. A bayfront hon1e orient- ed for finer, lami)y living. 2·&tory, 5 bed· rooms, 4~ baths: on the bay, ready for your private pier {!; slip. Asking $135,000. Shown dally, call for app't. ily room Ir. master bdrm 0 L' 1-N !.':.:"'6.::u :..='; -D TER EST DOYER SHORES VIEW 5 Bedroom, 2-story home with 1oom for pool or buge plal: ... area, family room with massive fireplacet-wruk~i.p wet baf & room for billiard ta6fe.""El•vated out.>lde terrace !or delightful entertai~ng. $88,500. : ;:: liA YFRONT Bat:k ~ to a ¥eutiful view of East BluU I: the mourt. tains. Thil 3 bcj_ph 21i9 bath home b tnrly .apac~ with approximately •2300. ~ ft ol living area, J)JW~ .!Orces the sa.Je or le$.se option of , this homf. Asking $52,950. Sell, Lease/Option or Lease This lovely custom home has lmpressive 2-stQry Bay!ront home, 4 . bed· 2'100 !l<f tr, 4 large bedrooms, rooms, large living.room, formal dining room, 21>i baths, 2 covered patios paneled den with wet bar, master suite with & large pool sized yard. Cor- 4 Big bedrooms, 2 baths, wa!Vwill Corp.ting, completel1 built·ln kitchen. completely FENCED, under.ground utilities and much more. Immedia.te possession. VttY Low Down Payment-Low lntemt FULL PRICE $29, 950 For further information call 546-4141 &. Wallace 1 View of a.iy Glamorous 3 ldrm 2% bath luxurlOUJ Custom built 5 Bdrm. Bay: : cre1t home with 3000 aq. ft Condominium in Bluffs. can of llvlnc area. Gourmet kit:. bf! toltt with or . without cMn and beautUul decor to furniture. Vacant. delIJ:ht the llttle wom&n; 1807 Buttqnshell Lane; OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-0. Immaculate 3 Bdrm Baycr"t horn•. Reduc:ed $3,500 Good yard space. Excellent Lovi!ly 5 BR. 3'N ·bath Bay- locatlon. Doctor'a family crest home. 1733 Candle.:; haa outil'OWR this lovely stick Lane. OPEN HOUS.r. home. . SAT.LSUN .. 1--5. JERRY· f1lEUD. CHARLES ARNOLD 388 E. 17th Street, C.M, . RHltors " 646-7755' sittlng ropm, fireplace &: extra large dressing ona del Mar High School. . room. !lectrlc contrOUed gates and garage _Immport ~.~.500 f. New. General 1000 Gefter•I ...... door. Pier & Ooat for large powtr Or sailbOat. . ----..,.--------~----1000 .Goft•rol 1000: $175,000. Callfor App't. ' JEAN SMITH · ·$139 PER MONTH DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT R.aftor N•~ ~=··ci!::h:.,. Spectacular 4 bedroom home, with an unus-400 E. ::~ta Mesa Sc&ol. Walk to evel'Y,1hing. CORONA ·DEL MAR 2211 Wate~ilt Dr • OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY l • 5 ual blendinp; of e1e2ance & warmth. Large, 'Assume this 5~ GI loan or formal dininJ? room with split brick floorihg. -------2 ·--The shaggiest shag car-bu.y NO DOWN GI or FHA!! ·3 Bdrms. 2 baths, incl: Jge. r)\'Str. 'suite + a . . I bl h $lQ,200. FuU Price --, ""t '" to"-'' I· t"'"3 Kitchen built-ins! Dishwash-eh1•st apt'. '•-bath,• wt'th a vt'ew. Carpeted, A spiral stair"'ay leads to a rna1ni icent, g FHA Loan at 5* %-'lvith to-.,.. " .... " ·~ er! carpets a n d drl.~s! •-" ceilinged living room. Priced at $129,500. Call tal payments of S123 PJ.T.I. BR . t.lesa Verde"home. Need 1 ,,,1 new drapies. On a charming; exclusive street for app 't. Real sharp doll hQuse With Olarmlng ~r. filii\Y· Trade ·;e""'~~~°:~~ .{b!K. l~g ...... ~ ..... .' ............... $54,500. TWO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT. Built-in "3 queeq s.iu bedrooms. features & close 10 the ~¥-. • electric oven and range. Recently painted in DOVER SHORES eo""""' pullman bath. AriY· golf course at 3210Iowa. • WE. SEt;_~ A HOME STEPHENSON REALTY -. ~and-out-barge-rear-yard;--close-to shopping--"llea\itfffiT'OOme w1 lfVie?i Of Back Bay. 30ed· one-qurtlittes. Huge 25 :x lOO $26,950.-EVERY 31 MINtJYES -.-w 1-'6a LUCY •AYHOllJ and schools. ADULT OCCUPIED -Full irooms & maid's room. Lar"e livin" room. for· lot with double garare. Horne 306 MARIN.E AVE 675-4000 P . nl •25000 " " hm .. ;t !.urbuildtownin va,,cuum. Su~ Walker&" Leei'!!!!!!!!!! .............................................. I nee o Y · · .. ,. · · · · .................. ·• , mal dining room. Asking $110,000. Call for ,. I' ASSUME 51/. Ol VA app't. <-WE SELL A HOME • D' A L' · L. I ? . . 4 70 EVERY 3f MINUTES ~ .. ft~E-~ur want ad ..... 2190 '"'"',:J~i •l ....... Tr.ied 1me-• 1ne ate y. 1600 sq. ft. FOUR BEDROOM, rwq.BATH DOVER SHORES ~ ,. HOME • .Extra...large. Jiv.ing_room, . .paneled. · L~rgeJ.ami!y_home, ricl!lyA~or_at~d .. ~Be~[. Walker .'& Le FU1c1 11 with• want•" _ op.~ 'ti! 9 PM _ _ . -family-dlning-area,-Spaciomr corner lot -t-'T<Xms;-tamily-room.--<lining..,.oom:-b reaklut -_:-:-___ 1~ :Edit\..r;_ .,:.-G-.nor.•I" . ____ loOOG•nonr -::._ 1000G•nlral"=--.::C-:::-:Tlltl0 !i!i!Jt'~'.i-~. -=--boaLand.~ra.Wer-s!Ot~eim;.:Carpev.plus-room-oU-llil<hen;--beautiful ..pool.:.in--brick-842_.455 or 5<0-51 <ii two work.shops. SEE TODAYll -waUed courtyard. View ot Back Ba~. Only NEAR ·CATHOLIC CHURCH $104,000. Call !or Appointment. Opeo ""· LARGE LIVING ROOM wlth walnut panel-iohn macnab $21,500 . ing. Three large bedrognis, two baths, car.. Sharp 3 BR 2 bath Condo- pets and drapes. Stainless steel double kit-REA.I. TY COMPANY niinium in choice location chen sink, dishwasher, BREAKFAST BAR 90l Dover Dr., Suite 120 ol Monticello Cotnplex. and DINING AREA. Extra large patio, fruit 642·823S . 140 LEl((NGTON trees and tropical plantings Jends a pleasant 'Open Set/Sun 1-S ~urrounding to thi_s clean sharp. home. P.Rl-;;;-="-o===='7~ CEO TO SELL AT.ONL'Y ..... :. , .... $24,75QI Oononl 1000 GOn•ral ~ •• - tALESMEN. SALESWOMEN NEEDED. "~iij.tJ~:P RARE FIND!. ,.... ,.11111 Palm Desert , Sandp1Jll!r 2 , · -Bdrm. 2 811. .. complettly --*·'42--171 .. ~ytime * M. M. LA B R 646-0555 u • ..t Brick) :~::' .. ~'.", 125·000· Chock ·==~11 PERRON . " . . ... ·uo·r:s .... t ... tli st. -·' Stop .ay. · ... :\t1ew oi<LiDo, BAY Thi• w"k•nd IL 17tli St. $hppl .. C:tr.I l.[a.si;iv.e used brick·f.i.re.. place, opens tO family roorii In this deli1htful 3 lxlnn home. Large bdmu;, bright kitchen, beautiluJ yard & cul· de-sac location are rea- ture1. N e w listing. $27,950. .t..ovely 3 Br. O\lo'rl-yo.UJ"-0\Vn 1880 MAUI CIRCLE ";pt. \\·ith available boat Fabulous large custom home 'mooring. $65,000. Ju.rt ~ block to a golf courst :lOL 17~ ll~llll CO.STA MU.ti you'll like our fri~ndly service LIDO BAYFRONT DUPLEX. 2-3 Bdrm. Best income by on Island. S105,000 fairway! 1 story modern - Royal Pool • 5~~'c Insur- ance Joan to take over • & just reduced SSOOO! Evenings Call 646--4579 or 541-2265 ' 546·5810 General 1000 General 1000 ''l' ·1i\'<r'··1,'·1·t·• l ·' :01 \ I . I ' , MOBILE HOME POTENTIAL (nearcMN tlleabtl lLEGE REALTY J5a'.I Adlrlll 11 HffW,CM. l=O;;;;CEAN;;;;;_;;;;;FR;;;;ON;;;T ;;;;;; These magnificent .( & 5 Bedroom. home1 feature aorgcoug v~ from the U:ing Beach C.OUtllnt to Pa.lOl! Verdes. Together with incomparable vi~" ol lht 11urf from nearly f'very room. Each has 3 baths plus out- • door showcn le dining rooms overlooking the beach. The ; , master JUite cont&ins mir- rored drc!l!ling areas with privatl' muter bath. Pan- elled dens \v/ full 1valk·be- hind wet bal'!I and fireplac- ~. for rhe best of beach liv· ing. The easy care kitchens are complete with full built. lns + 8 speaker Intercom A food ceqfert. OUw custom fea!Ul'C!& Include w/w car- pets, private 11uncleda. laun- dry rooms. clothes shutes. private wrought iron f'11tri ts + muc~r more ! All on ls.I' deep loL1 '"/ elegant Span- ish, Normandy & Contem- porary designs to tit the most discriminatin& taste5. 1 Theu outstanding homes are \ next to the Long Beach Ma- ' rina & art tru1¥ 'Once-ln-A.· Lile time valuei From: · I $14,tffwH!t .;;.;;.11.:i.1 I termo l flnanclnt. 1 OPEN SAT l .SUN l·S 1 • 100 Octan Ave. • Stal Beach • , tBay Blvd. to Ocean Aw., N. to thr corner of lsLJ • (7131 4~7-M17 ... ' -NEW AS-TOMORROW. : Solid as the Rock of Cibr<Ll· • lor. <.-ust. blt. 4 Bt., 4 Ba. I• & den: top.,srade materials Crom lloor to cei&c: exJ>l.I>' I lli\-e hallwn,y, imprtsslve family rm. or dl'n, w/ wal· nut 111neliac: Custom .. -e1 IN, l,rplc., formal Iiv. It dln. f0001I. Cl')'lt&l cbande- Utn. Spaclou& t b r u out. $98.000 ·A ~-bl\Y! llBCIUI REALTY 7025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.D. Coll Arlytlm1 fl'~ llAYFllONT llUYI I Lowly homo pl111 tPt.. 'I>· J ~ l!albOa "1and. I Yea.rs new! . -St3$,tro , Lido ll1•lty Inc. I -Via Lido 61J.8830 I soat rr ro ·EM, , I 546·5990 OP!N-HOUSES SAT. & 5UN. 1·5 20181 Kline Dr • • • • • $36,950 22 &auliful acres Capis- OPnrDOUS""E = i-c,,.,.,, .. ., '""" ...... way, tn n Creally reduced for quick sale. Call for details. · -$._ 11.DRM:-+PQOL_ NEWPORT -$49,SOO 18131 Leatherwood •• $37,500 SUNDAY, JULY 20 1131 TndewiOO. .... $41,500 ON THE llAY AT: 1319 ·llq!ii)1o,IDo•m• .. 112.500 ·BEAUTIFUL SAT. ONLY 1·5 NEWPORT 1520 Ruth Lane · ·•• SS7.500 A choice duplex on R-1 lone. 441 Fernleaf <Res. In~m<'l Bayfront beach. \Vondl!rful • • • •• •• ····--·•·· · • • • ~.SCXJ summl!'r and wintl!'r ~ntal. !'OR y~~ ~~f.;'ECTION 107. Edgewater Si, NB HAL ·PINCHIN Open 1•5 ' Green Menslon Realty Fullerton 879-2200 And Associates 3900 E. Coall H\\'Y, 675-4392 Anytim• .... ...,,......,,,__~stopBy -$141.oo-PU Moftth l -Thi• Weekend lncllldes FHA loan at 67'-, 1812 IOWA ST. taxes and inslll'8nce. Anyone (comer c.lifornia SI.) Lee Sc:honek REALTOR 673-3515 * * * * * GOVERNMENT · FORECLOSURE Costa Mesa location. S950 do1vn to anyone. Near new fully reconditioned. 3 + bon- us room, 2 story. Full price $28,450. Vacant -s1>e today. Htrltage Real E s t a I e 54()...1151 * * * * * Area of over $60,000 homes. 2% baths, an electric kitch- en. Fi.replace, Lovely heat- t!d &. filtered pool. Only 5 yrs. new. Best buy in pres· Uge area. 54()..1120 TARBELL 2955 Harbor -OPEN!To'IJSE- Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 PM 3008 FERNHEATH, CM (of Baker, \V of llarbor) 3 BR & den, only $13.950 01-Npt. Rlty 646-9666 TIIE QUICKER YOU, CALL, THE QUICKER YOU SELL con qualify to buy thia sharp Exceptionally clean 3 BR Gener•I 1000Gtn•r•I 1000 3 kingsize bedrooms, 2 bath family room at entrance to I ~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;,::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ hon1c. 14 X 24 ~red patio nt>1v Mesa Verde No11h de· II leads to huge enclotoed yard velopment. Only $26.!lOO. 1vlth· lush greenery. Doub!<' ~ 546 ·5880 G11.rage 1vith laund1y arc'b, (neattinl!IN !~ut"l Gas built ins. submit your OLLEGE REALTY· down pnyn1ent on $22,500 ~Adams 1t ..,rtMll,CM. pl'iC<". WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Horse Ranch Wa.lke_r .& .Lee i;: .. ~~~ ~.~'. ~ , ~2 Edinger 'tlnanclng available. 842-'4455 or 540-SlfO 1800 Newport Blvd., CM Open Eves. Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 642.{1185 0~,!''f~~~.,T~~r~,!. lachtnmytr den· 2\.3 baths· elec. kitch-en. Dbl . garaa:e A covered IM-MACULAfE--- boat port. DUPLEX $39,500 11312 Grcenvu!ley, Tuslin CURT DOSH Realtor 2 &Inn". 2 bath,. tkaot. r landscaprd,1 prlnkl tr 1. 1730 \V. Coasl Hi&;hway 642-6412 Eve5. 673-3468 MESA VERDE-I $26,SGO I $.1S.75tl COltBTll-MARTIN . REALTORS 3036 E C.OUt Hwy., CdM • 67$1662 • Loadtd with dtann! l<i"l ilABI l SMITH 11%,ed bedroom.t. 2, lMthl. BUILDERS OF MEDALLION FamDy, room. FomW din-HOMES Ing room. Bullt.in kitchtn. 5-11).1720 HandlOt'l'le 11rvtne bar. @ TARBELL 2"5 Horb,r 128.500. HUGE !Am nn, b"' SU.2076, SIS-1241 liv nn. 3 Bdrm, l'l &. J Pe>i. '°""· -O>IU .. Pad>, EXECUTIV~S CM. Ne. H•tbllr Stw. ctr IJ· movinr· to Newport Beach. 1111 IChll. 546.o9ll93 Nt.w_~van \\tells:' qualltJ O\VNER offen Jovel>' 1 story view home in Dowr Shott&. s en. 3 iA. bomt. "'·w con-i...u.e 4 bdrm J bath WJl ll)I 1kltr late model CU' u part room. ~~s open dally dn. P)mta lool taxes • tnL. at 1430 ~ D r t v e. m mo. 5tM?tJ 646-1550 I ' No Down To Vets Hard to find Eastside location with 4 large bedrooms and 1 % baths. Large corner lot with fenced yard. Vacant this week end for fast possession. $23,600 and anxious. Full Blown Fixer-Upper 3 bread and butter units that are crying for a little attention. 2 two bedroom and 1 one bedroom unit. Bring gardening tools, paint and save big. Out of town owner wants quick sale. $28,500 and submit you r terms. Builden Close Out No Down V.A. Brand new and ready for a Veteran buyer. 3 queen sized b·edrooms, famil y room, plus forrflal dining room, All electric built-ins plus dish washer are included in this bright country kitchen. \Vood burning fireplace and heavy shake roof. 3 car garage. lm· mediate possession ................ $33,950 FO• A WISE llUY COlESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 P,.. llc9Me tNl•lttt .t lll111W... Sdleef ,... s•••••lfi c ...... , 1111., ...... 11 A .......... Cerw7 dal fW ........ . .Open Houses THIS WEEKEND •MP this •all4f "'"'"" wttti yH tflh ......_. • ~ ye1 •• hene tn.Rtt ... All tM lecatleu lhtffl Mlew .,. '""'"' '" ............ 11, .............. .-tier. 111 .....,.. DAILT PILOT WANT ADS. P.m111 .....,l11t .,.. ...._. fer tol• er t• rt<nt ........ hi Hit 1110 l•t.rMGtS ... hi tttl1 c•l•11111 ew11 fr...,. (2 Bedroom) 900 Chestnut Place (Eastbluff) NB 645.2000 , (Sat & Sun 1·5) 246 FIO\ver St .. Costa Mesa 646-0555 : 583-3265 (Sat 1·6) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1218 Cambridge Lane, Newport Beach 541H768· 646-9280 (Sat & Sun) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr.) CdM &lz.6472 (Sun 1·3) (3 B~droom) -2211 Waterfront Drive, Corona !!_el Mar 675-4000 (Sun 1·5) 1730 Jrvine1 Newport Beach 646-5920 · (Sat & Sun 1·6), *1701 Galatea (Irvine Terrace) CdM 676-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *242 Joann Street (College Park ) CM 548-9578 (Please call for appt.) 464 Serra Drive (Corona Highlands ) CdM. 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3811 Topside (Harbor View Hills\ CdM 642·2430 (Sun 1-5) 324 Snug Harbor (Cllflhaven) NB 646-2000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 435 Jasmine, Laguna Beach 494-4764 (Sun 1.S) 1430 Serenade (Irvine Terrace) CdM 676-3331 · (Sun 1-5) 430 Esther Street (OfI Tustin) CM 64Z.3863: 837·64!7 (Sun) 1993 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa 548-3097 I Sun) 5001 Terrier, 1-Iuntington Beach 847·5788 (Sat & Sun 10.6) (3 Bed room & Family or Den) 2612 Redlands (Back Bay) CM ' 546-54M Eves: 642-4931 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ***2208 Fortuna (The Bluff•) NB 644-2787 (10-6) 2114 Aralia (Easthluff) NB 676-5003 ISar & Sun lZ.5) 2132 Vista Dorado (The Bluffs) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun l.Sl 1536 Sylvia Lane (Harbor Highlands) NB 642·5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 287 Nassau Road (College Park) CM 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1147 Gleneagle. Costa r-.tesa 541).1~ · (Sun 1·5) **301 Evening Star1 Newport Beach 644-2430 ·(Sun 1·5) IOlTl Suntan Cir (Shorecrest) HB 962-0737 (Sat & ·sun l.S ) *281 E. Wilson St., Costa Mesa 646-2895 (Sun l.S) 2607 Ocean Blvd., Corona de! Mar 675-3000 (Sun 1.S) 418 St. Andrews Road (N'pt. Hts.) NII 646-2414 (Sun J.41) 1836 Santiaao Drive (Dover Shore•) NB 646-1550 (Sun 1·5) 1859 Vista Caudal (Th• Blulfsl CdM 675-5930 . (Sat & Sun l.S) 32"'.8 Iowa Street (Mesa Verde ) CM 64Z.1771 (Sun 1·5) 100 Via Florence (Lido Isle) NB 673-9060 (Sun 1·5) 3008 Fernheath (oil Baker, w. or Harbor) CM, 646-9666 (Sat, ~n & Mon 1-5) 2033 Paloma, Costa Mesa 646-7171 (~un loll) 3149 Yellowstone, Costa ~1esa 641;.7171 (Sun 1·51 2828 Drake, Costa Mesa 546-2313 - 2915 Ellesmere, Costa Mesa (Sun 1-~l 546-2313 (SUI! 1-5) 232 Tustin, Newport Beach - 646-7171 (Sal & Sun 1·6) 2359 ·conege Drive (College Park) CM 646-8811 (Sun :>dusk) (4 Bedroom) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 9741 Verde Mar (Villa Pacific) Hntg Bch 96Z.1540 (Sat & Mon LU) * 1233 Highland Drive, Newport Beach 64Z.8235 (Sun 1·5) 4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdM 644-2430 . !Sat & St!n l.S) 108 Via Florence (Lido Isle) NB 673-9060 (Sun 1·5) ' (4 Bedrom & Femily or Den) 1338 Santiago Drive (Westclifl) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1380 Gruaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *1607 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 -~ (Sun l.S) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB . 646-1550 (Daily) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB 540-1720 (Daily )·5) 1245 Surfline Way, Corona del Mar 676-2503 (Sun 1·5) 1358 E: Oceanfront, Newport Beach 646-2000 (Dailv 1·5) 1920 Ke,vamee (Irvine Terrace) CdM 676-3000 (Sun 1·5) 17641 San Roque Lane, Huntington Beach 842-4803 (Sat & Sun 11).5) *706 K Thanga (Irvine Terrace) CdM 646-2000 ; Eves. 673-1355 (Sat & Sun l.S) 1311 Antigua, Newport Beach 676-6000 (Sun 1·5) 2&65 Greenbrier, Costa Mesa 646--0303 ; 547-7404 (Sal & Sun 1·6) 2084 Goldeneye, Costa Mesa . 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1920 Whittier. Co~ta Mesa 646--0555; 583-3265 (Sun 1·5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1671 Pegasus (Back Bay) NB 540-1151 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 10122 Cynthia Drive, Huntington Beach 96Z.3861 (Sat & Sun IZ.5)" *304 Robinhood Lane (Eastslde) CM · 646-8811 (Sun 1-5) 1733 CandlestiCk Ln (Baycrest) NB 646-'7755 (Sat & Sun 1.S) 1807 Buttonshell Ln (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sun 1.S) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 617 J\.1ar~uerite, Corona del Mar 676-3000 (Sun 1-5) 715 Jasmine St., Corona del ~far 673-2222 (Sat & sun 1.S) CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE {2 B•droomj 2400 Elden Unit # 15, Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Sal & Sun 1-6) { 3 aeclroomj 140 Lexington (MonUcello) CM 642·1771 (Sat & Sun loll) INCOMf PROPIRTY 719 Maritold, Corona de! Mar 1148-4166 or 675-2101 (Sat & Sun loll :30) 4 BR & RENTAL 161 Mesa Dr., Costa Mesa 642·7000 !Sat & Sun 1•5:30) ..... • .. ·---~----------------..---.... -----""II·-----:-----------------·-----------------~ • .. !Jlltuntay, Juty 19. 1969 DAILY l'ILOT ,JfS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALii HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSiS l'OR SALi. HOUSES FOR SALi HOUS~S FOR SAL'E HOUSES FOifSALI! HOUSES FOR UL~ 0...0.•I lllOl~al ·1000 Ooiiiral llllOGenaral 1100 Genar•I llOtO.ntral ·1000 1 C01to Mou 1110 -·I • 1000 Cool• Melo 11111 . . Tim ~ EEfl'A'I 4"R•11 . · 17 .. NIWPOIT e Int .116llOI. . . Pete Ba,:,.elf l'<eafty 646-1111 ~ ... ..,.,,, , HARBOR HIGHLANDS SPEC fAL---<- 'lrery few homes available In !his wp area, , so t~ls Ls special -4 Bedrooms; huge gour- mets kitchen plus a 1~x26 family room. - Features all over the place. -...... $52,500. NEWPORT !!EIGHTS CUSTOM GIGANTIC TREES SHADE ITI ' 3 Bedro0iils"& famtly ..1... Blg·raised patio - ; ~~ ~i.11, basenie~~."lit.b '°llfll Co~ PJ>OLt•!\le , ~ .. speclau)'lpt1~ al ......... $42,500/ NEAR BACK BAY -10'/. DOWN Sha11>est 1iome in back bay area. OWners have mQved • immediate possession • 3 bed· r~~ & Family room. Beautiful covered pa- tio• lntercom thruout. Pool size yard. NO DOWN TO GI -$16,000 F.P. Cozy 2 Bedroom + garage on a large. 57'xl90' R-2 lot -Room for 2 more units -Copper plumbing. A home for ju§t lot value. A SPOT FDR YOUR BOAT llere's the r.erfect corner lot \vith room for boat or tra~ er 3 Bedrooms and family robrn. Vaulte~ ceili~gs, large enclosed lanai. Own· er movmg will accept offer -asking $30,500. -. MESA VERDE -REPUBLIC HOME , On' a large Cdrner lot with rbQm for a pool + boat or trailer -4 Bedrooms with formhl d,inlng room and large family room with fireplace -2 years new ........... · .. $45, 750. 1700 Nitwport • 2790 .Har~r . 646-7171 • 546-2313 675·3331 General 1000 General 1000 SHORECLIFFS F'irst time oU~red! 3 Bedroom ShorediUs home on huge.. comer lot '"•ith lots of room to add 00. Paneled Jiving room with Used brick fireplace A very good value At $56.500 c..n: Jack Scroggy Res. 644-2250 REALTORS 673-4400 B/B OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1-5 P.M, 706 K THANGA JRVINE TERRACE, CdM four bedroon1s, 21.-i baths. family room & Pool •• $46,COO Bay & reach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Su!!c 126 645-200! Eves. 673.1355 A UNITS IncomP Sfl05 mo. on tl1ls 4 pll'x, Buill·ins, l111~c roomi:;, 2 lpat ios. Low r101vn -A~k· irlg $41.2:.0. Also 16 unl!s, 27 unit:o1, 60 units. o~·nt'r will exchllngt-up or down. \l/alker & V e !\Ir. l.evtnc Income Investment Dept. 545-9451 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 Back Bay Executive Home A beauWul 3 bedroom home wi1h his and hers bathll, a pool surrounded by lush trop. ical landscaping large add- ed sun room: 18.nai or ca· bana for your entertaining convenience, call today for a ppt. owner anxious. Asking $39,500. Beach Living At It's Best This tv.·o bed.room 2 b a I h home ·ha.~ a den, 2 patios, an atrium oH the master bedroom, courtyard entry, forced air heat, brick fire- place and much more. Sleep lo the sound of the r;url it's right at the beach. $26,500 Dirty- Five Bedroom The o\\•~r has left it vacant. it needs some paint, somr. Ma.P and some yard work, l)C'rfect for your eKPanding f11mily. Locat('d in !he de- 11irablc Eastsidc or Costa ~fcsa. OWner says s e 11, lcrm~ availabl~. lry $'28,500 or niake oH('r. 4 Bedroom 2 Story $2B,500 ' ' · pl'U11nf.6 . , -- THREE OPEN HPU$~ COMPL!T! VllW 0' GARDEN & pool from I.be lam!Jy room, ltltchen It formal dining room1 of this lovely 4 bdrm home ln .Baypre1l-a separate den roo! We wJU be lookin g !or you at 1601•i 11tl01tO • . .• ($ ... 1·51 ~ j", •'rt·•'') EXCITING BtUFF LOCATION beAUti· fulJx cared !or large 3 bdrm, fa!"UY room ~hortje. Lighj. t airy end 11/.'it. Oyerlooklng pine~stUdaea green belt. Trufy Outst.and- tng location. 2132 Viol• Dorado (Sal/Sun 1-5) · A HOME TO'WJN YOUR HEART il,you seek a fa shionable & functional 3 bdrm home. plu s a 14x27' family room & 2 fire- .places. J-larbor Highlands i.nside corner address with a large assumable sir.a% l9en -hurry! 15~ Sylvie Lene (Sat/Sun 1..S) BAYCRESTI This unusual 4 bdrm 3 bath borne is outstaiiding for the family netd· ing a maid's room or in-law-suite. Invit- ing, lus'bly planted garden. Immac\llate! Well priced at .................... $65,900. NEWPORT HErGHTS, Quiet & welcom· ing, this 2 bdrm home is situated on a large lot with separate guest house - s~riounded by well set gardeus. We in• v1te you to see th is at :.: ........ _ .$27;500. ' ' Office Open S4turday1 & Sunday, PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 WHlcllll Or., N.B. 642-5200 IDOO Gener~I 1000 COLUGE PARK . Localed at 2359 College Drive Vaca nt & rea<ly to move ijJ, · 3 BR + large ramlly room &. huge family kilchl>n wi!h built-in11. Used brick fire· p I a c e & flARDWOOD FLOORS. $27,500 (Vets no down pymnt.) Newport ., Victori• ~II (enytlme) ' l:ASTSIDE CONDOMINIUM .OPEN DAILY 241 SJERKS, CM Jmmedla1,. po11~1'i.!lion. 3 large bch'11111 2 ba!hs, huilt- ins. FA heat, dining a.Na + brick fireplace in living roonl. Dbl is.rage. Large fenced yard. 7 years new. Good fin. Price slashed~ 1800 Newport Blvd., Of Rltr. 64&-3928 Eve. 644-1655 MESA VERDE T'ti~ ·immaculate 3 BR lam· il y home can ·be youn1 by ilSl!IUming 5%, c;;, FHA LOAN. . A must see to appreciate. AskJng $26,950 Open Sun 1 • S 3228 IOWA STREET . TWO ON LOT EASI'SIDE. Newer 3 bdrms & older 2 bdnn, detached 2 car garage & workshop. 'Ex· terior recenUy painted, Only $29,950 OPEN OPEN 1201 Devon Lane. Westcliff Owner will Una.nee @ 1%. % 3 lxinns 2 baths, Muat .ee! Sat/Sun 14, Temu. Vacant ~, .. ,., ,... 'I'. ~.·1•'·,~ lo; ' ' I • , . 333 E. ~· C.r-.1. * 3 BR 1% bath, hdwood nooN;, cpts I drp1'i, lrplc, double garage, beautiful fenced yard. SU.500 * ZONED for BUSINESS 1 BR cottage w/gar St-4.,500. NEAR SHOPPING Wells.-McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 anytime ' ". ~ Wn._ER~~ !'.!..~ iv ~~-'Eutaide CM. 3 BY QWNER • Low ;;;;;J;i ' •• : ..... ~ ....... :vad:iil , _ ""'•·.natural 114.fli.. ... ... • ' .. ,. VA Jpprl ~.9fi0. Drive by Ath.,,. ~· lot k>ana. All I BQRM'a. ~E M!SA'·.VERDE ESTA:JE . Large 4 bdrm beauty wlt.b pool , locat"'1 In l"*l·Mn• Vord•area. Beam.a eeU- lng kltcbeh & lifrillly rootrl, bullt-hl ll'ee- z.er & refrJgerator, intercom & water-1 .soitener. Lath & plaster coos'tructlon. Al $42,liOO I.bis Is Mesa Verde's besl buy. MOTHER.IN-LAW SOLVER o:i Etthf't St. (oft 'l\iltin) wJ alk-y ~ JW boet,or Ude, 2 Waide. Ma..11& .Jtiieri c8Ir : &.0-Slit( or tr.Utt. eu-...-,Dn-can'""'be' l\SsUME 51.4 ,_ 1o1n Jtst Jfl--6417 UIUmed, $24,915(1, &U-fl'1'8 _ 3 Br, l \t Ba, MJ dln IXX>L HO!\tE, Ira LR, flm. EASTSWF. 2 BR. Carpet~ S43-3001. l!& ?-teyu m1, 3 Br, 2 ·BM, carpet•. drapes. l..arie fenced bade Open Sun. d~ 8uc.roh1. built, tow )'a.rd. No achools &: C1vfc 1--------+ ·n1alnf yard. $30,•s o·, <.'thter, $23.000. 646-6667 BUSIF.ST ~ke~.,t:. 646-..2895. 21~ E. \VillOn, BY OWNER • S'.1!'7' Loan. ~~1u:• ~! .. ~ ' Thi.s Spanlsh style 2 story 4 bdrm borne .. 1_c_.M...,,,,,~-;· ===--Eutslde J Qr, 2 Ba. Jamil)' monty, time 1c eHort. ~ .also has a separate guest house. 2'h . SOCK rr TO 'EM! ~ ~e.·+ 64!-:6.93.J now!!! ~ ,l f. baths, ·dinink room & lamilf 'f 0·9 ~ IA l;"].:"'i'F.'i:""==""'.'::-:-::'='"":====?='--:;;,,.;;===:::l::d!# the house. Owner wiJJ trade f()r' ap8rt~ t t Generlt 1000Gener•I 1000 Gen•r•I 1 ments, Jot s, land or what have you to of~ \r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t\ fer at ........................... $38,950 •. COATS & WAUACE REALTORS <e& Gtner1I 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 . COSTA MESA, CALIF. .1000 Co1t1 Me11 SPANISH HACIENDA Plus rentaJ, plus room ku' IIlOJ't' unitit. 161 Mes• Drive Overlookini beautilul ·ROI! coorse and lakes. Asking $49,500. D1vi1 Realty 642·7000 FINEST CUSTOM Must see to believe. This has everything for the growing family. 5 Bdrms -maid's rm., 41h baths, 3 fireplaces, formal din rm, lrg ram.Uy rm , 31h car garage, gameroom with lols of tile .................... $189,600 Mary Lou Marion Sat & Sun 1·5 . CAMEO SHOR~S-Open House 4615 Ptrh1m Custom design . Quality construction. Beam- ed ceilings,. 4 Bdrms, billard room. Wet bar. Jetty and Ocean View. Immediate oc- cupancy ................ , .... S130,000 Cathryn Tennille Ocean & Bay View Lots Corona del A18r -Quiet one-way street. 2 Lots improved with older home. Build your ''Dream Home" and sell the o t h e r lot. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . $90,000 Mrs. Harvey 9UALITY, PRICE, LOCATION If. you're ·Jookin~ for the best buy. this 3 Bdrm 2 bath home is foo-:vou. Lovelv large south pati o, near play beach. Excellent con- dition ......................... $67,000 Mrs. Raulston .PAVI. WIUTE CARNAHAN , ·~...,e •. Paul ·White • Carnahan I Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR ··························~· WE'RE SORRY •.••. IF .YOU AR.E MOVING to any other . . area in the ·County -but if you are, call us · and we'll refer you I et NO COST I lo the leading real estate firm in thet city! . , . end of course we'll be happy to list your home end get it SOLD fast! P.S.: Sellers! This "EXTRA" •ervice brings many out• of.stete buyers referred ·to us by Real Estate firms all ; over the notion •.• CALL 546"5440. I I "The Home of Complete .Real Estate · Service". 'TAX SHELTER ~mall 2 BR. Fram f' hon1e on a valuable R.,1 lot. Easy walking distance lo 171h SI . shopping area - Home clell,l1 and ettm· rortable. Ear;y 10 rent. .t'ull price only $15,000. Cal I for showing !'>46-5440 2 CHOICE LOTS Jn beautllul Lag unit Nlguf'I • Fully improv<'d ready to build 70 x 124 with view -out.standing location ill«:'!: p·a n d Ing Rrca. Sll,000 each -$2200 do\vn _ ~O ONLY $21 ,000 Better hurry this 3 nn home, llear schools & .shop.- ping "'vn•t last. 1% bath..~. ~;"~ IS ~,L!llDI : ~ ~:~~ ·~1:~ OOm• r d. Shad ai> praised 1111 $21,000. Buy on n1in. down. 546-5440 BUY OR LEASE ·rws line 4 BR + ·lamUY I room "1me tn Mna,Det Mar, ,is a mual sce. 2 Mlhs, stall .•·l!o we r . ~ Bright 1dtcben.With bit-in • nveo 0 {1. .• rangl', rlishy.•as:hrr. · Spacious liv· , lng room. w/w cpts &: , drapr.1;:, i;:encec1 n'!IU' yard f \\·Ith covered patio. Pri~ : $31,950. VA or F H A terms. l:ea.o;e with opllon $250 per month. 546-M40 _ WHY !!ENT? i!. Trlc11l for condominium lofl" single p?NIOn. 1"4 ballui, F.xtra plush. Lg. formal living ruon .• and dining room. Beautiful k i t . .f. blt·in o vt-n-ra nge + diahwashcr. W/w cplil j + cus!om brocad e 1 dl'tlpes. ~r $2500 or ex. tras. Pool & recreatiOn ' club house. 0Xtice Joe '.' only $22.700. EZ tenns. ' S46-544Q ···························~ 6'14'/. LOAN VA APPROVED Assum<" this loan at no change in tn-$29,700 • terest. 2 yr. young. Immaculate 3 BR Nothlqg down for this 2 story, f BR 1 + fami'ly rm. 'home.·FUnctional floor + fam. nn. home. Vacant and wait• 1 plan. 1% baths. 0ulJltandlng k!tt:hen ing. Over 1790 11g. fL of living area. witll built-in oven range. Speclou11 3 ynr;. old. Dwntt transferred. Garden" living room, fireplace. Quallty "'all to sty](' kitchen, built-Ins, dlllhwasher, i: wall cftrpcts & dr&P'!'Jll. Only $28.950. 1 % baths. Traffic free living room, 1 CAU. NOW~ 546-5440 v.·all to \VU.II carpets 4: drafM!!I. Fl1J11I Price $29, 700. 546-:W.40 • POOL PLEASURE •J CUSTOM RUSTIC ' Stop By This WHktnd \Vhcre can you rt a 4 bed- room 2 Mory home in one of Costa Mesa'a best areas that'a clean fur S28,SOO !?? Nough ga id ! ean' right a way it won't last. lachen111yer 1 •2~ •• ~.~~,~~~n~2~~~~ •. H~1'"'1-~~n VIEW-Open Hou-VIEW Sunday 1·5 al 3811 Topside. Harbor View Hills. (Follow Sa ndcas tle off Marguerite). Practically new 3 BR. 3 car garage. land· scaped ........................ $64,950 Walter Haase Sun1mrr fun In your O\l'n yard. Idre 1 llOOI. heated, dcck,lng, double yerd. Spot!rss 3 BR tram. rm. homf'. l\1esa de! f\1ar. Near scl'lbblS. 2 baths, stall shower. step Mvrr kitchen bit.in ovl'n and range, dishwasher, 17x21 living room. wfw carpets 4 drapea. T-Plan. Possiblr. priv. inve11tor wUI ca~ lit TD-A&klng $32.950. A must sen - Call Now. 546-5440 ' '• . 1 'ii s \01-y, 4 BH ·+ famlly room homfl ! lfa!ii truly an oul'!tanding front and rear yard, 12x46 foot covered patio_,, waterfall, fire pit. cobble stone walks, 1 Hg hled, heavy shake roof, 3 b8ths, spacious living room. wall to wau 1 carpels & drapes, walnut cabinets lrt Utis bit-in kitchen. Owner tnmstcn-ed. Vacant-Price $43,500 -E-Z Terms. 1 546-6441) f ' . ' l 1S47 TAllITl DRfVE Big family hOme. 5 BR 2900 l!Q. rt. Anthony pool. fte&hly ~. Sharp loc in p,~ Verde. Listed $.'14,900 -but 8.11 oUcni Invited! ft, l block to beach. 400 aq ft fiberglass !Uncleck, del $21 500 plzz.o tile entry, C.ornpl. in- f ""'""d + many """°"' •>- Waterfront ORANGE COUNTY'S L1'RGEST 293 E. 171h St., 646-4494 "THE OLDE HOMESTEAD" Eairbide Costa .Mesa. choice. comer location. 66 x 140 Jot. Duplex with p~r. all this will hold 2 more units. 2 • NEW CARPET NO QUALlfl'ING Everyof11' can asi;ume this hi~h FHA loon. 546-9521 or 540-6631 ~ J K "!ilCllOLS (qt' $63,500. Good llnanclng. story "Charmer" complete 1860 Newport Blvd., CM with ctllar. $18.$0, aubmit * * * * * RJtr, 646-3928 Eve. 646-7290 YOUR terms. Al Black at South O>ut Real L h WE SELL A HOME Estate 11 looklna: tor enthur;. ac enmyer EVERY'31 MINUTES lu11c ......,~,.,to be a!!Ul· ated with a professional · 5 BEoRooM-Walker & lee ::-..::m~~~~rn~,;,,,~ 1 LIKE RENT 2().ll Wrstclilf Dr. 5'1~424 South O:last Rea.I ~'lnenll;~ Bu.llt·in range '6-1711 · Open Eves. Estate. E• dl<hw"""'· Forni! -OiEN-SAJ/SUN -*-*-$-*x*= . Ois~om cru-pellng I "'"· eo""'" "'"'" Pr• OCEANFRONT ~ bclow ~placen1c111. 612 RRlends, CC 3 Bh. home on exeellent ~1~ 365 El Rio Cr<i, CM ~ •w SO I beach: $54,950. TARBELL 2955 Harbo DAVID N Rto ty Goorgo Wllllomson M.\KE A MEP.10 to gathl ·s-sw.o Evea;. ~ REALTOR vQ toys you no )onae.r ~ s YOUR AD lN -aJo.S.9. mUiO Evts. m.1564 MU them for cuh witl. rrED7 Somec:>nl' w1D be l>AILY PILOT WA!iT ...,., , '°°""".for" Dial~ _...,...;cm.-...RG ..... E_rr_• __ fra!I. CpWdrp•. tmmac. Jm- med OCC\1Pf'll'IC)' $34.500. Own- f'r. :\38 Walnut .. NB ,&IZ.l744 CASCADING WATERFALL BBQ -$23,SOO Large covered polio. Texas sired bl?drooms, flreplace, full dining room. Sprinklers. ·Loaded with cha.nu! 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor POOL TIME 11Uge 3 Br, din nn, tam nn, 3 c:"r gar + 20x32 POOL. Garden kitchen enhances thia hl:>m«:!, $41.SCXI. Vacant. Owner anXloU&. · HARBOUR REAL TY • S4t~ • SUNSHINE HOME NEW: blt-ins. p.rbqe dis- posal, dishwqhtr, waler heater. WAl('r 90ftcner, 3 BR, :.1 00. $21,950, R•ncl Rtolly 645-2340 EXCmNG OCEAN VIEW An exceptionally lovely 3 Bdrm 2 bath Ca· meo Highlands home. 180" ocean view. All . clec kit, new carpeting, pro! land scaping, shuffle-Joard court . .-....... -Only-$46,950· Chuck Place 3 Bdrm-Pool-Westcliff Reduced 14000 -now lust $44.750. This immaculate Provincial 3 Bdrm, fam rm on corner w /Cenced play yard. Owner n1oving & anxious. Joe Clarkson Best Buy-Harbor Highlands Imm aculate $ Bedroom , 2 bath, large 20 · x 20 family room. Walk to schools and Westrlilf shop~lng. Own.er transferred. Va· canl .......................... $32.950 Mary Lou Marlon CO~DWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER OR., NEWPORT BEACH 13J.0700 P•" Hollf•••, Sun. 12t30 to 5t39 •l ______________________ _, 5 Brt I forrn11l dining room. %J!'lO ~q. fe"t. Va- 611 .' KINGS PLACE 2003 ' ~BAL TRA PLACE 01v11f'r \Viii carry finan-[l.1ey Verde. 1~ atory. 4 ring on sales contract at BR FIR. Vacant Owner1 ... 611 •,; interest. Outstan· c:an! -kleal for growing ding J BR + f .R, Cliff. Ir ans f er r c d, H 8 11 fa mily. Qu iet 11tre('f, 3 flj.ven choice loc. Near everything, 3 b11.th1 , · Bnth11. Custom designed Hi.i'bor High. 1 8 x 2 0 bll-ln.11., d Is h w al'! h e r. kitchen. Bit-Im. Park like 11unken fam. roon1, Rock Profet>Sion&lly l11.nd!IC8ped ; yard, Heated fil tered pool. lrplc. Unique paneled din, _. room, Beam e e 11 in g . fa ... , 1prlnkler. Hur e A mu ,;f soe -Price 132;900. Seen-tor' patio. Ideal fami ly' $73,400. ~t4£-5410 IUJ"e, 546-5440 borne 546-644() •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MEN ·WOMEN·· LEARN MORE. EARN MOR.E Fine opportunity for experienced or Inexperienced 1,1eople -:-for a rewarding professional R. E. CAREER -Insurance knefits -Bonus -Opening' now! PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN Re.U11 Ce. 1093 BAKER SllEET, COSTA MESA 546--5440~ • ,, -- I. J· ' .. "'·• . . . ................ ,.,_..,._ ..................................... , ____ ,.. .. _______ ""'"""'"""""~ ' ' ' ' ~INTALS -· -UHTALI , . lllNTALI - HIVIK U~ •A,... fluf'flltW . AptL Unfurn ..... c..t1 -1100 c..ta ,,.._ 4100 -·• 5000 t.o..iy IN•d-r Home $58,750 . . I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~· ·~~! ONLY 2 HGMES : , uHTAl,S':,_ YWt~ • !~~~~~~ ~~'rf~~~~r VENDOM~ -. BR.,,; .Ba~ ..... ', .............. '1,® Bi> .ll:U-Call 54$-<l;!l ...,,.,., '41111•.0• .. \> New homes, ready to mou In, ¥.t mUe -11~ BR..J Balli, fli'lplace ; unfum ............ " . . mo Mo. plua ullllu.t IMMACULATE Al'l'S1 from beach. first payment'up IOAO days ~ -BRri l !lalb, uni'!"' ... " .............. "" .... $21)() ·~!!!!'! ...... ,3200 1941 l'Ol\IONA, C.M. ADULT • PAMILY ~ ! Less l!ttin a.year old! Beaulilul 4 bdrm., lam· ll:r room, dining room, with 2~ bath> & 2 -·~•" .Adtill occupied. Prolt,.lonally lalitlsai'ped. alter 1nove )JI. .:_ 4 Bl\., l.'6.Bath, uiilurn, Costa Mesa ......... '200. · NEWLY Furn 3 Br apt. 5Ec:r10Ns AVAILABL!l T•nil.1_ v.,FHA. From •••990., BR., 2 t({;'• unfurn ............ , ...... , .. •275 I/I W/W "" • tae '""' -c10 .. toihoppl"9, l'ork .., .,,... "·"'~·-c troiil •--· rdtlg$1<S.Mo.1ehlldok. 10ua1Br··20a · L: SHORES BR.,-1.,. ""'"" hannel n .......... '300 TOWNHOUSE • 51'1 ~St-;..._271! "Spa<: '· CORA ' SBR.,lBaih,Den,furn .................... $350 ADULT$0NLYI ' I •2Bede~.111 • BR • BathJ Den furn .... . DELUXE .... 1 BR..... . .. SWlm ~. '" ..... ) IJ 'f M ,' •' •• •• • •' •' •• ••'' •• ,....,_, 1'hftre ~ • 2 baths, Jde&J fOr bicheJar. $125.1993 * fr'pl. Jndiv/l.'*1 fac'la ; CHESHIRE REAL ESTATE '154St3 ~It (on Garfield between Buch & Mapolla SUMME\l _ WEIKL y Facet pool, 'lli{ee ..., ..,. Cl\urdi. -• • 1145 An•hOlm Ave,' , "'!!!!!!, 9 6-2 • 1 3 5 3 All ,1iu1 & loc1tlon1, from ................. , $100 ~~Uable AUS\111 lat. 1 NEW veey •Ji. BR •pt. COSTA MESA "2·2'24 t,Mo.,_ .. _dol..._Mo_r __ 1_1_os_ 1N"!P!!'.! Be•dt ~ . .,on e ---L J)rps, erpta, pl'i. Ulll pd. Huntington a.ach 1400 BU.RR WHITE, Realtor • 1....,. hid poo1=54&-6376. EASTILUFF , _________ 12901 Newport Bt~d., NB 67$.4630 .. tty, lnc. . 200 Brand nl!W a bdr, 3 ha apt. .8&tt ~Low I t1tere1 t . BI»n'S • 3 hr, S. ba. W/ All&llmft S~% FHA loa,n. 4 BtJt-View, wtde greenbelt I.BR + fam.. rm. Sheltered Steps to pool. Cus. addln!. ~tia.tio le waterfall ti.sh pond Save!""$44,500. Ownr &44--0i6 !'$39,5QO, By Owner. Prin-UDO SANOS beautilul 3 Br, 2 J.cipals only. £lpen House 10-5 ba by ocean with maey ex- --"---· ----'· , EVENINGS: 642""" or 6~t 001 llovu Dt., NB SUlte m Nitwport jlo1c,ll -4 View of baek •bay h= bdr OPEN SAT/SUN 1 5 Owner Tran1hirr~ ... I!......... T:<..-•H _,, .. _ • !!'" --~~. -NEW SPANISH .,.., • Iv ""· hUi• ~,-. 715 JASMINE ST. l !luge Bedrooms. 2 '1uxur-place, all bll·ina. Evel)'· Grackiui-living for your tam-ious. baths. Entire home ii HOUSES FOR SALE RENTAL$ BLUFFS LIASES VILLAGE~APTS. thm&:J $325 on._a year11 leaae. Dy. Spac. 4 BR., 2'h ba. beautitully deooratl!d. Drap. L •· ch 70S Houus Furqtsflecl 2 '• 3 BR.· Condoa. ~e 1 k 2 BDRM. Fuln or un-No ehUdren or pets See at PLUS 1-Br. 1 ba. duplex in es throoghout. Near new tar· 1gun1 D9I f JeVeb, %-ct.Y • .t spllt-leYel. furn. A1r-corld. dfbwhni, eelf 745 Domingo Dr., NB then fda.U,y. 6.U.1119 traa. $32,500. 6t2-34C8 heart of ()!M. pets. Electric built in kitcb-Summer Rental; 2910 Greenbelt .t mutts 1ite. clean'& oveu, patio, break· call owne-r at 645-UtiO or Don v. Franklin, RI!• en ;, ......... mock wall THE OLD Cpta., ...... Dbl. .... poo!J, fut ...... privalo ,..,,,..... -- rd 1110 WESTCLIFF OPEN HOUSE Mesa Ve e 2 &-den. $43,SOO. l2lB Cam· ""' E. C.Ut Hwy, CdM """c1 NpleteM!y. Sell~"'' ~n GRAY MARE PRIVATE botth, dodtlnl "" 13'15 to $425. by atorage elosets. ""'"' .:. "'BR:.::.::c=,.-,-,--,-R~.~.~s~·---1 o OMY vvwu or "fw facilities, on the hlQ>, cloae EutbluU Real""' ., •• 1133 pool, saunas, bar-b-ques. "' · ' ""'' · .. """"'· 613-22l2-FHA • -~--F--'" -"' Q't'tO Dilhwuher. Util pd. No * BY· OWNER • $24.500 3 bridge. Realtor. 548-1768 BDRJ.f, 2 baths, crpt5, drps.' Block wall, a pri nkle r s , patio, trets. SM-9896 dOWtl • "f"YO p.......... .... .. "SHE AIN'T WHAT SHE to e~rything! Tr at 1.e t OCEAN v·--.. n.. .. ba Sound proof walh, walk in 11 d Lrg' Hom•Chofce View ion Shore home at $25,500. USED TO BE I.lid neither w/c;abana. Ideal for family, ~" • oa· • ' closets. covered· carport Pet s o r ch re n . Dover Sho~s 1227 Abovo main beach &. bay. . Near Huntington Center. iii this bnpos:ing 2 • t or Y by week or month. To see deo, range, refrg., ~@d Adults., no pets. 548-9005/~ Btwn Big & LitUe C.d.Mar WE SELL A HOME home; det:&iled exterior or call 548-1225 patio, Yl"ll' lse $340 mo. 1~· 'J"l-{E CALIFORNlAN MODERN I Br. cptJ, cf,rp!I. * UNIQUELY beac!ie!. Comer lot, 4~· x EVERY 3J MINUTES wood, Palos Verdes stone, CU , erdnt. Mr. Jtoblmlon, Davis. ·-Phone 546--2727 GE kltch, .encl. gar,.nr bus. DlUerent "Old World" Ccn-177'. 2 stoM, approx, 4400 w lk & l tu bled ft' 'th STOM Exec. 4 brd, 3 be., Riiy &tZ-7000 -S145. Adults, Mgr. 124 E Coll e P..:rk 1115 11'31 Fncd Hid POOL ~ .. 5¥4% 1st By oWner :r &Inn 2 Bath • Crptd. •llS,900/$4,(Q) dn. Please call •Jet; Eves or wknds, 548-9578 temporary, Executive luxury sq. ft. -4 + BR-,, 5* BA., 8 er : ee ~~1~':°° ~ w_i ~t~~r!~Vie!:!~:!t~ 'DELUXE,COndo. 2 st, 2 Ba, LIOO-A~EA-APT; """=•"· =======[ honi!'. Unobstructed Bay &-3 car gar. Call owner lot Sprawllic 5 BDRM. FLOOR Sl50D/mo. 675--m? frplc pool, lge patio $250 Spac. bay view, lge. l·Br., - P.1tn view from most nD!. appt. Prin. only. 7682 Edinger PLAN, features rear-liv. nn. mo, 'Aho 3 Br, 2 ea', $265 llv. rm. 4 dinillg, Custom Cott• MMai 5100 5.000 sq. ft -4 BR, 4'JS BA + (714) 673-S274 842-4455 or 540-5140 with WOOD PANEu.ED CLEAN Balboa Beach Unit& Mo. Avail lmmed, Bkr. furn. Pool, boat slips. Yea!'-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;:;;1 nialds qtn. JdeaJ for enter.1--~0~P'°'E~N"""H°'D""U~S~E~-Open Eves. WALL, MASSIVE us ED Sleeps :ii to 10; for aunµner 646-0732 ly or 1wnmer renta!. Will ' Howport BffCh ' lioG , taining. Easy maint. Immed. SAT. & SUN. 1.S You Must Be Kidding? BRICK FIRE.PLACE FROM miervationa cell 673-8lM5 sell. occupancy. Furnished. The Best o1 The Bluffs ln !969 I can get a 4 BR 2 FJ..(X)R TO CEILING, JiV; 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Bi~~:. ·mo:~=:: Walker Rlty 675-2676 $178,000. Good loan. Bax 1632 3 Plus Den bath home, gu built • jn nn. leads to mpadous open NEWPORT Beach. Nice 1-Must be shown for aale. $300 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· COHSTRUOIOll JUST COMPLmHG N.B. 548-72-49 1859 Vtst• Caudal range & OYen. carpets & dining nn. W/W CARPET· BR dt¢ilex. ~eeps 4. Block mo. W'Y garden apta with coun- WIDE OCEAN VIEW BOYD REAL TY drapes, fireplace 'ha ke ING &:-CUSTOM DRAPES to ocean I: bay. Reas. rate1, Eutbluff Realty 644-1133 try club atmosphere-and Harbor Hel11ht1 Four Split )t'vd 3 Br. 2i,s Ba., din. ,W_Ht_c_ll_ff _____ l_2_30 3629 E. COast Hiwl)', CdM roof, 2~ yearw old, aprink-THRU-OUT. Ornate open wec::kly or monthly, July I: oomplete privacy, SOUTH • bl • 67•5930 lett. landscaping, c'--to staircue', LEADS P AS. T Aug. 642-1272 · OCEANFRONT BAY O..UB APTS. Irvine at 2 .t 3 BR UNITS rm. Kitchen blt·ins. D · SPARK!._ ES &: SHINES in-~ ,._ ••• OF GLASS 15 -• Bdnn 2 •· all with n--1·ce• Se I--"""""~-.----the beach & I own the land W 1U.OLO r • • · CdM Bluffs ~ .$350/wk for 3 .. i;r.ath Lease 16th Newport Beach. J.U-.:.-"" tireplact. Sharp as new. e skle & out. Uv rm, & din· 520 De Anu wttb S&nJ down. no 2nd A tuGH, Tb 2ND STORY W/ bdr 114 ba finest-view of SJ75 or buy on lease (U4)~ dilhwaahera-" 2 be:thi, this view. $42·500 nn: _ser:vlce porch, elfc (You Own Tbe+Landl interest less t h·a n FHA'! 3 BDRMS. & CENTRAr -ba,y & oce~n. Avail. J .. 1 •• , option. 8J3.2Cl!7 Eves. BEACON .... -·•, l BR ,._ Rental Manager • SPACIOUS ' · bltns. clean crnts. drps thru· B ~ BATII ""J tDo.J uu.N .. Mn.---Ctuistiensrn 3 Bdrms & famil" rm. Frplc. O"I thi5 3 BR 2 BA home. 3 BR -Oen -2 ams Please; let me see it. • Aug. &-Sept. 675-611J.4 . BAYSIDE glamorous 2 Br, 2 or xtra I&, playrm. Pvt. -. , • Doctoc ••• -ntl• mov~ & • .,,.,,..,,.. Completel" modem kitcllen n-, ~-· -m ~ declt. ~... , dock ••~ 0,. 3117·A ClnMmon Ave. HW Doors, cpts & drapes .. Prol. lnd"pd & maint. w/ ,...,, "''-"' " -~ L--BIL:r'm RANGE • ov OCEANFRONT Houae· 50U °"' .-... ..., "" """ '"" • -• home is now vacant Take a " • ~~l'J~P •=-· "" -~ ' $400. Mo. 497-15.17 or ,..,.,,./wk. Al.so 2 BR apt Costa M.1i1 "'ell Kepf. -Pro IAndscaper. childrn'S play yrd " pet look&thencallforferms&i EN, DISHWSHR., GARB. Seashore Dr. NB.~Deluxe 6#-0837 -$Zi51wk. 673-5094 or Phone~1034 Alake ofter. Asking $28,000. are:.. Heavy shake roof com· details. " _ DISP. ETC. Ceramic ti I e Duplex 211 Cypress, Balboa 64t-8839 '"!!!!!!~!\'!!'!'!~~~!!!!~j iSOZY & CHEERFUL pletes this charming home. LEIGHTON LINDEN RLTY coUnteni &: extensive use of (213) 698-6012 2 BR 114 baths. Newly,,l-'""'"'-=~~-~~11·· NEW.SPANISH ! Bdrms.-Dining·,rm. Frplc. By Owner. $42,500. 642-15911. S42-TI4l . or · 6il-0372 WALK TO BEACH hardwood cabinet.I. This bet· 2 BR Balboa apt adj deo:n"llted. Neu everythlfll. OCEAN Fl'oot Apt, Sipa 6. VILLAGE APTS HW floors, rpts. &. drapes. A BEAUTY Assume GI Joan, Only $201 ter built home IS IN.NEED beachel/pler .fl?-$1.SO wkly. Yearly $200/mo. ~2 $100 • $140 wkly. ZlOt w. • Dbl ll -m OPEN DAI LY 1 to 5 NEAR -·· 3 to-• .. 3 BR n-an ~1. "•0 ~-· •• • 1 &: 2 BDRM. Furn oi ~ . e garage on a ey, ""' With treshness iof a brand mo inc taxes. Goreeous OF LANDSCAPING, AND A 5,36-3911. 675-5810 • """" .. ' ... v '-'= "'"" ~ turii. a;~ dshwbrs, &ell for boa! 9r trailer. $24,500 new home • inslead· of siX . 3401 Ocean, Blvd. h rustic gola and whi_te__.zar-IJTTLE PAINT HERE le TERRIFIC view, aCl'IOM at. Mmes for rent at $240, $285, •WINTER-·REl'ri~• clean'.._• .---,,.,,.,-.patio, break-_:..9:~0~-:;.m~-l..e,~ .. o_,ld.f'-4 Bd. '; paneled/ 3 .. ~Q~V."E'R v~~~w":f"&LBe~,.=1-~"'~•iki·~-~·;;·:::'~xquls!f~~···~-~r'nl&ll~~· E ~:!.little ima&· ·mm ... ·ocean, furn cottage $375. Caywood Rl~ MS-1200 ·WINIFRED~.-Aet-tut ban-, Private fundeckl, W ...... u "· u•~ REAL TOR ' ' ~ ~-4:-$'{(11);-!59-Lew-Ba~ Sh 3225 ~ ~..-.ffeakd _ ... -·· __:,.:: 101? •~-_ ~ _ _ $75.500.;_:_._ _ . W90d floors ~ sl\8]te 1'Q9f. _yrill .§iiy-e &real ahowplice:" er Oia,..Lq:. m~M9.J.O'O~ ~-Y:._. ores _ R.EN:l'.AL Aug. .k7..._elqant ~pool, aaunu. .bat:)).ques.. . 1 1 Jt. c. GREER, Really 6n.2222 Quick transfer. Offered at 2 1 BR furn ta $15 &: view apt :Adults $21Xl. Sound rool walls '1vfJk in Near Npt, Pott Ole. 646-2414 3&D Via !Jdo 673-9300 6 '110/. LOAN LOW, LOW DOWN $31,950 FULL PRICE -• ap ' WA_'J'ERFRC?NT nr. BBC 548-2394 atier G PM' P ' to live 00 a small • (Contract), low dc~n + ex· HURRY ON THIS ONE! $2000 DN. PYMT. :~tralli' 1= 1::~~ =I~~~~ 8:t YEARLY Jeaae 3 Br. 2 Ba, ~~::no~~ carport. -isli.nd!' For sale by owner University Park 1237 change or 2 yr int. only on MUTUAL REALTY SEE TODAY! ocean. 49H639 S750/mo with opt .to reW. encl'd patio. 1 blk trom bch. THE CAUFORNIAN due to divorce. Channing TRADE DOWN • 2nd. 2 Muses, l lot. S14 Fern-842-1418 1nyt~"'! GONE T01'!10RROW! 2 Br 1 Ba garden duplx adj Reip. adults, no ·pets. 213: $275. Cu.ll 6'Jl..2.455 Phone 546-2727 t. d house ori New Port leaJ, $55,000. Income $420. PRESTIGE HOME MISSION REAL TY i..-• .'/bea •' Jiii nl UIS 642-5674 or TI4: 799-48.56 2 BR unfurn apts. Pool, no Su bmit vour 4 or 5 bdnn. 0 ,·den M·' -• -·-• -So. ~.,. H-., La~•na _,. c · Y o Y· · land. 7 roo1ru, 2 baths. " ev ce-~ 0 '""°"'"· 4 br 2 ba ·Iminac. cord. "°" .....,.. -., &" pe• k ,-•~1 children or pets. 2405~ E. on this 3 bdrm. former mo-Ph (714) 4~ •731 ~ w · 1~......, l:las been comp I et e I y del home. Perl. cond As.-ORIGINAL Owner's beach beaut. landscaped, I g. one _.. Bick· Bly 3240 16th St. NB. 646-4664 -·•·1~ oo kit he • home, 3 BR. den, i'ust'step• d ti 6d PANORAMIC VIEWI BAYFRONT apt for 2• dock. Jiii .tt11KAK:""' • m ern c n sume existing loan at low covere pa o, assume ·1c SUS. week during July. Call . . ELEGANT, vMl'w apt.· y )"/bit-ins. Loltl of storage. interest rate. can for details. to the water. 35 yr F1lA loan. Principles Furnished 2 BR, 1~ Ba 67>l070. 3 BDRM 2 Bath ~· J>in. 24-Aug. 1 $350. Adults. Call ll5ed twick frpl iL: dining e Reel Hiii Realty Stan Smith,.ltitr. 613-__JJlQ --Only. lWZ--4245 home. mtns. Owntt '"! help Rm. Lg. yrd, Fu-eR.lace, 548--2394 after-6 PM. room wall. Bathrooms new 18068 Culver Dr lJvine CHARMING 2 houses. S. of 2 BR Condom. $ 16 6 tine. ·Principals onIY. 842-4606 BEACl-1 at door. Newly fum N1!".: MoCrp. '!...°"' . .,}';; .~t-ins. FURNISHED Trailer on 'w/fiunken tub. Large " • .,., -H dbl I t 0wne "-... ' Id 1 · ._ __ .. bach apt ltart1na: at $50 per ..,., .........,, V'f<P"U'U; b-·· N l OPEN 9 AM-8 PM ~ wy., on o . r. ~ ue . • m1. to ·""''""' 3 BDR 2 ba, 3 lots 3-ca.r pr k. 536-25?9 Ht&: Bch JI;Mq. $1'5. 6U-87U Days, llJlnderk w/vie1v. ew Y $58,500. 673--4169 ·$18.500, Owner. Eves Panoramic ocean' view, ~ 91 _ • Corona d.t Mir 3250 646-1914 eve1;- painted outside. Across E1stbluff 1242 LGE. billtop lot. Penn. view 536-8689 crpts le paint thruout. BALBOA -ln!xpeilSlve oot--BACHELOR Apt,, xlnt IN:. ~1 ~8fu:2~1 ;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; ofocean&hllls. VILLAPACIFIC-lowdown. 49'-99S7 taps. Weeldy rates July, 4 BIL 2 ba. split-kveJ Close-to bi.y &. $42,500 buys this <I bdnn 2114 ARALIA Realtm-673-"10 4 br 3 ba 6%.% FHA condo •. LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR Auiusl. Sept. 54&-3158 duplex. $400 month beach 49f.94n 675-7876 or home. 4008 Marcus, NB. OPEN 12-5 SAT&: SUN 9741VerdeMar962-1540. home $14,500., Fenced yd. CdM CO'ITAGE. clean, lllpt Don V. Franklin 494-ZJ5o ' HARBOR GREEN$ BACHELOR untum Jrom n10. Also avail 1 • 2 • 3 _B:drm. Heated pools, child care center, adj to shoppln&. No pea. 2700 Petet'llOn Way Costa ¥eaa 546-tU70 1 BR Duplex. Stove & mrie· Oose to sbopg. $100/mo. ADULTS ONLY. 6'2-lT'h Agt. 67">-0363 or 494-5420 $42 500 Lido Isl• 1351 TRANSFERED, "'"""' 6% "°""" ..,..bial. •••·&170 •· 2 blk bob. sz;o.2 .,._ S4tlO mtr. . 673-2222 5000 NEPTUNE # GI, nr new 4 Br, tam nn mo. * 673--'1099 2 BR House excellent cond. 2 BR Studio apt. 1% ba, encl EXCLUSIVE I~:! ~m.ni ~ ~2 c:i~ OPEN. HOUSES wJtrplc. Many extras, xint Condominium 19SO 2 BR, alps s. S100 up, wkly. Married ~upte, A no Avail now 3 Br, 2 Ba, deluxe. gat, patio, cpta/drps, blt· ADULT LIVING de-sac. Pool sized fenced SUN. 1.5 area •. $37.cm. 842-4803 Nr bay a, beach. Jnq. Sat. children. S250 mo.* 675-3291 Call n4: 629-149'2. inl. $150. Days 542-3.5%4 Beautiful 2 Bdim 2 bath lot w/2 patios. Priced righ1 100 VIA fi.ORENCE. Beaut. FOR Sale : A houle YoU could 3 BR. 3 BA. w/w cpta, drp.!, Sun 1351,S N. 45th, NB 3 BR. din an, carpeta: & Coron• d•I M•r 4250 Eves. 546-0689 \festclilf Villa. Cu 1:1 Io m for quick sale. cust. bit. home; 3 Br. 3 ba. love. 3 Bdrm'll, S% FHA. blt-ins. U~ Back Bay, drapes. Frplc. No pets. S22SI ---------2 BR, crpst, drpg, blt-inl, thruout. Includes many ex-p..oar Dobbs Lee, party rm.; 3,000 sq. ft.: 1 .;"'~·800;;-;:";';"';:"';;====l·.RW'ElllfN'U.rA/o[pStio_o._642-0645 ___ Duplexn Fum. 2975 mo. * 673-69'l4 LuXURIOUS apt avail for closed gar + . ~ such as "'asher, dryer, ••• bit-ins, de I u x e featutt11. RENTALS adults only. 2214 Rutaen; tu-eplacr. 3 patios, double 2843 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Owner must sell, immediate · LOWER ocean tnmt W. IMMACULATE 3 BR, swnmer or winier rental, Dr. Apt B .ijLtagt". Walk to everything. 6!:>-5003 possession. Fountain V•llty 1410 HouHI Furnished Newpm:l. 2 Br, 134 Ba, ~BA. no tmaJI children. turn.or unf~m, located on ~=-=-~=-=• ~~ontkly fee-includes all ex-1 ~~~~~~~~~~1 4 BEDROOMS Gener1I 2000 Frplc &: a:ar, avail Sept. 1. $250. 673-2-402 :anBa~:.th~c1:_c:;::, IA!i~ s:~. 2c::iR·= ,)!rior maintenance, ta.'l:l'S. d I M 1250 108 VIA FLORENCE. Charm-ROYAL HOME. 7%. % inter· 10 mo lse, s:110. 64&-5832 H 1, ,.. 8 h .,~""' boat slip &: all extras. noon. 5-48-:1900 1nsui11.ncc. gas, water, and Coron• • It ing fam. home; 4 Br. 3 Ba. est, $5741 down • no 2nd. Sl.75. 2 B~, uti1 pd. fenced .•• ~ un 1n •• on ffC '""" Collect ru: 282-5132 Mr. 2 BR w/carport, SllO, Water sccurily serviCt'. $41,800 OCEAN VIEW 3 car gar. All blt·ins. New 1750 sq ft, shake root, large yd: Bllinll.--w/w, drps, Housu Unfurnilhed 4 BR. 2. Ba. furn. or unfurn. Head. pd, nr school. 2192 Placen- llD lllllll' caJ1)eting. S69,s.;o, Jot; brick fireplace, built·in children O.K .mer. 534-6980 OK 21282 .,_ton tia, Apt D. 636-4120 • Walk ...... n....ner1t -3000 summer ' &K.., ·~ 3 bedrooms convertible den, See both houses in 1 stop range oven. . to s • ...,... Rentals to Shire 2005 -Lane ()H Atlanta - . B•lbo8 . -4300 LOVELY small apt. Ideal for " R E A L T y family rooin and formal din-SHORE PROPERTIES p~ng. ~~ndscapile, 3 Bedrooru. 2 Baths. SUn-4 BR, 2 BA, dbl prg, PENINSULA POINT single adults. $100. 540-571>4, i!2S W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. ing room wttb a 130 Degree 3116 Newport mvd. ruce neig • FEMALE Roommate age shine Home. Cbmpletely re-dl&hwshr, fenced yd. yrly F immediate occupancy to 1004 El Camino •C1ll Anytime 675-6000 view of ocean and jetty. All NEWPORT BEACH 673-9000 If~ 22-28 4 br, house, $75/mo pa.inted inside. ~Sbwi: lse $2m/mo. 673-5134 :!m..blfrtenantr.-Deluxe ~2"'B°"D°"R","A1llll='"to-on!y....,--.-00-,.., .. ,..._1 -BEACH BARGAINS this PLUS a rorieous large TlR·ED OF "™f!Jlilfr CM. prefer teacher 54&-6264 ~-de':: ~n . :ii BR. 2 Ba. trplc, dee pr, 2 BR 2 BA. carport, $167.50 Encl. gar, 21163 Hickory Pl • . %-~ty. A-Frame 3 Br. 2 ba. pool in a protected court· OLDER HOMES? -WE SELL A HOME :en::. ~I, 1 blk i:~'ar ~1358. 1544 1 ~-~~'~-----~od. Fast Ale, S26.500 (or yard • for ~family that See this 6 yr. old family home· BY Owner: 4 BR. it"i family Newport Bt1ch 2200 EVERY 31 MINUTES 2 BR, $140. Sepan.te hse, att. lease). deserves lhe177 ~t wt• bdrm. .. conv. den & din-room, carpets &:; drapes DOVER s~s bay front w lk & l Ct..l'J'E, t'l'deoor. 2 BR. ·with I -8 h ••oo· gar, cn>ls, drpg, gardener, Funi. 3 BR, 2 ba. Sttps to * 67J-iSSO * Ing room. Call for app't. thruout. 3 car garage. Many hotne. 6 BR, c ba, large a er ee fu.~."sf::· ~no pets. Hunt ngton e1c -no child or pets. 646-2118 Walker Rlty. 675-5200 extras. Must be seen to be patio, 70' private dock. June NEW S200 up. 1-2-3 Br, hid 2 Br., refrlg. Hid pool. ocean. S~O REAL TY ATrn.ACTIVE 2 BR cottage. appreciated! A~sume 6"" & July, $2500 mo. Beg. 7682 Edinger L S.. h. 3705 &. sauna pools, rec rm. Heil Adults, no pets. Sl55/ util fi,AYW ·Open beam ceiling. frpl, VA. $35,000. !162--0688 Sept., )Tly lse, U000 rno. 8(2..445.5 or 54Q.5140 iguni c & Algoquin. Mgr 846-3137 pd. 549--2627, 968-1740 _63{Wj W. Coast Jlwy., N.B. Xlnt cond, nn for expan. On 4 BDRJ.I GARDEN HOME, 2 713: 7SG-5013 or 213 : Open Eves, LARGE 3 bdr 2tL ba home I--~~-~-~-l BR duplex. r ...... e "-..... e 548-1290 e .,.....,,_ Wt'll l•••e. 1-•3 78>-<l13 CONDO. Fo• lo•-.· 3 bdr, 2 ' na . DELUXE 1 &.: 2 Br at beach. ..__.. ""'" beautiful 2 way ·st. $39, 750. .---...... ,, .. ...., "'" ....... w/w cpta, drps, bit-ins. 219 15th SI., Apt 7. Adults, $120 month on lease, ,., 3 AND 2 213-799--8771 LaRo.~a Ln, Green Valley. WATERFRONT • 4 Br, new-ba. Really clean! twlm Children I: pets welcome. no pets. 548-3619 Duplex units, excellent loca· Broadmoor Bay View ========='I 962.-7504 ly cptd, furn. !'rplc, 4 car pool, play area, 2-<&r 1ar. ~$300~~/mo~-,,494-41~~'"!..,,...,...,..-I:::="::"'.".;::=:==~~ 1-========I tion close to park &:: octan. Front seat box seat, loges Biibo• l1l1nd 1355 park'g. USO wk. July, $300. S200/mo. 968-Zll! $225. YRS JM:. Fabulowi Or1nge County 4600 NewpOrt Bt1ch 5200 ree simple. -)'OU ha.Ve ,them all here :._;....; _______ L1gun1 Bt1ch 1705 wk Aug-Sept. Avail yrly $125. l BR, prden <1-plex, View, w/w crpfS. · drpa. 21.;;,;==-"'"-..:..--- Reduced to $45.000 (117..Cl in this lovely '4 BR and lam· $550 mo. 673-7449 · Br, 1~ Ba. 5'9-246.1 SINGLE young adults, lux· S WEST Uy room home 1vith an all ESTATE SALE OPEN HOUSE pr, •tow, w/w, drpa. ury &ard'n apts. w/full PROPERTIE 130 time bay & ocean view. July 20, 1 to 5 pm 3 BR bung. Encl patio, util Children, •mall pet O.K. recreation tacilitle1 & com· 1828 Bayside, NB 675-4 Former modf'l home, prof. 115 Apoleni -435 Jasmine pd. $175 lse. m 29th, NB. Bkr. SU-6980 L1gun1 Niguel 3707 plete privacy. South Bay WESTCLIFF decorated&: land!!Cpd. A I.rut' charmer with much 2t3: CR~ $135.2BR,l 'h8a,Townh5e, BEAt.rr. View EXCL 3br 2 Club Apts. m so. BY OWNER. $65,000. Open Sun t.S. 1245 July 251 l969, 9:30 am, Mu-badIB1thinc~~n,,. 3_,+~i~~~r~ Bilbo• 2300 patio, bltins, w/w, d~. 2 bl:. blbla dlhwr. crp/drp9. ~~~rst, Anaheim (TI4) 3 bdr horn~ on quif't street. SUrfline Way, CdM. nicipal Court-A, 200 N. Gar-'""'' \AU~ children accepted. Bk r. fp. $300 1136/5750 50-1215 , ,,....""" S45,000. Owner will finance . Cheshire Real E1t1te field, Pasaiena. 2 unit.s: 3 side locatiOn, ~amed ceil-$195 (Penn, point) 2 bdr 534-6980 .;.========I=;;_;;;=====~ ~1698, &t&-2510 675-2503 639-5'il2 Bdnn hse, Bachelor apt. lngba '•' ~raml~~rel l?~a:~ house. 2 patio.!!, w/w crpts, $170, 3 BR Townhs,, pool, C_on_d_om_l_n_lu_m ___ 3_9_so_ 1G ,_•_rd_•_n_G_ro_ve ___ 46_10 1t BY OWNER 1t Min. bid $49,325 cash, (213) c ._..,m Su=-1 . on Bel.Vue Lane. Avail. / d A U Bkr 1 BR $118, util pd, N'w crpt. built-in range &: rl!frig. for single adult woman. Ad· joining apt. for 1 or 2 peraon~ Sl22. Co n t a c t 548-5931 for appointment. 1 & 2 BR. apls. furn a: un- furn. SlSS to S200 yrly. Anita, Jones Rlty. fi~210 COM DU.PL EX fen_ced garden for maximum "'-pt. fi"" A,,71 ':.,Aw~no11 rps, va now. · 3 BR. 2 BA studio. Crpts, SINGLE Young Adults Lux· Delightful Oceanfront Home Cleverly decorat@d, one~f-a· 799-6506. pnv.acy. Room for pool. Let .""' ,........, ....,.'"""°"' drpa, bit-ins, pool, clb hse. ury garden apts with coun-,E;:;•:c•;.;l..;B;,,l.;;u,;,ff _____ S_2_42.1 "drt R-4 lot. 3 Bdrm. Utility kl"" duplex: quality-•••, ho th' f 1 """"r ., bdr t $'~ HB • •2151 ... ·-I b tm he nd '· rm. &e'A'ing rm, cabana & '"" '"'r '"" Huntington Bt1ch 1400 ~ 1 iv you is one~ ·a· B1lboai l1l1nd 2355 ~-.u-.: • a ,__ .,. " mo; """1""W•u try cu a osp rt a epatlo. aha& carp, t 1 n g secluded patio, gu built-ins ~--<------I kind. $38,500. 4 bdr at szro. CM uk for .~cNl I A.LS complete privacy. SOUTH _.1 bltns. Ideal loc near In front unit, second unit HEATED POOL CHAR.MlNG Cape Cod 4 Br, BobbeSUikld5'5--0303 ., Apts. Fumllhecf BAY CLUB API'S. 13100 ~~~~~~5 BR. = :ectu:c :~·i;~~~: URGE' BDRM mARIOH ffilLH' =· -:~~ ~'.~ ~~ D~~ ~ Gtntr1I 4000 gu~, ~Garden ~o~~~·~d~~A~~ ;:.;i~: ba Top income rf'C'Ord, $44,500. Only $3.1.500 for t.bie Jovely Bay, Avail Aug., a1IO winter Sept L $350 'tNJ/ 548-00 4705 drapes, carpets, wet bar, Harbor View Hornei S 's. , SEMPLE home w\th many extras. REAl ESTA TE r-enW. 673-12l0 or T95-9631' 2 BD~ w & I her / d t ye _. $150. 2 BR turn 4-plex, lpll'• L•IVftl a..cfi prtv. balconlea: dbl. PJ'al't ~~-~ ~? ~1:. ::f1;, REAL -ESTATE 0HAFFDAMaL ~E1AL TY,, 618 South~ .. , mvd. •· h 2400 Ado!tS only One-etory con-er pt s , drpa, l•m 1 ly lOO CLIFF DRIVE ott ldtctt.-Dia!'._wuhnler, dbl . ..,... --. .. .., 2!H5 E. Cout Hwy 'Homes to tc,, ncomes 1 ...... , .... :"""'Be••h Huntington v.IC do. g.1J9i $161:1/mo ~·~· Avail now. Bkr. ....__0 '"..A--.. __ ,+ .. _.a oven, pool . .....,nW! ent to erptg drps. yard & many CdM ~2101 8740 Warner, FV 842-4405 "'""6"'-... ...........,....... •.. UC\UVUlll ,u.rni.u~ sbop'i·· t1ehools It re:cre&· fktru; 6.9 f In an c I t1 I · 4 BEDROOM Home Sal('s Dept, 494-4764 MAN & wife or one adult, no All Deluxe Features lion. ~ Open House 1 • S \\'ilh Atrium & Pond . All Rental Dept. 494-487-4 pell. SllO per month Inquire Co1t1 MINI 3100 Cost• M... 4100 Walking Distance to Beach ONLY $315 MONTH ,:, 51f2•/• FHA built-ins including TV. 2 * VIEW HOME * 'n:fj Alabama. HB 2 BACll. aptz. crpbl, drps. S22.5 ~i4,.~ )ease 135 AMIGOS WAY ~:a> :~ly !i::. 3 ~r~!t~ 242 ~·.: :~i;~ =~9. ~29.~~c~~~ m':i~ PERF:J 0:~!!'! Must Summer Rent1it 2910 ~~~ ~~is.Sll~ol:: e e~!~. =t~.up 1 BR. L"entrally located, fee-N~~:.-:h '\J'amferablt, 58.llll' i n 1 ' SeH•E~~ ... ,_ ~-nnin:-'2 pgr. can be aiisumed. .,,.,. in!erior to appreciatl'! BEN BROWN MG-596'9 •Studio a Bach. Apts. ~ ocean. Sl25 mo. inc. all • e NEW DELUXE e •""'evidence - M c Le 0 d . Ult: .... ....... u... OWNER ·~ 7621 -" • _ _. u-· • ~--.. -ulil 494-6639 " , ~~~~-~--,-~..,..---I 3 BR. 2 BA. lgr corner lot. APT.·MOTEL EAST Side 2 Br, fenced prl wi.;.a \All•.---,_.., .... ' 3 Br. 2 b& apt, tor lease _675--fi044 BR, plt,u hobby room. Not 1 • e Maid Sarvlot TV ail. SHADY lo from 1 "°'::,,;;:.;,:-~.,-71""ca"haoa= leascbold. E.'tctllcnt financ-Rt1I Estate Saltsmen OCEAN VIEW. All electric 64, l & 2 Br. apts. Comp. pat1o • yard, r a race · • N Cd ·Bar av Stud acn>as Incl. apac. mastr, 11ulte, din BACK Bay • LoveAl!y I~ 2 jna Needed incl kitchen. Thermo con· furn. Prlv. patioB, htd. pool, Adults, no pets $138. lllf!. _ N... e Am_. •ff-. bch, $90 incl utll. Work'& rm. I dbl. IJ.nlle, auto. "'mobile home. e ""'"' . ..,.. bo -•· .... -. ·-uCED TV, -stauran• 9 ..... ,_ -ii 673--76'l9 .,.,. mvport ..... _.;oo,...., lady pref. 137--0328 aft 5 door opener. av-" "'--' "- .Br. 2 ba, ............... --',ns. Don V. Fr•nklln, Rltr. 8e1t commiaslon &: nus. l-NUI ""' .......... ~ ... .. ......., """' ...., r-lNl • _.,... ... """" Confidential interview, Pri-TO $38,700with15.000 down. coune. Walle to. beach. No 3 BR. 2 Bath, tam rm, Ira BEACH Front 2 BR. deck. rt'C; area. Nr, catholic ;•p7,00CI ttt'IT'll. Boat dock 6'73-2'l2'l vate delk, phone + Secty. ~ % interest. Pay balanct tratf1c nolte. WteJdy A fned yard. Short walk to 1 BEDROOM furn t • h • d , ~ce, eke kit,, llftP8 6. Church A Bcbool a COrona avail. 673-7896 TRULY A MANSION BRASHEAR REALTY monthly. Wrlto °"""'•P.O. montb!y rate• ~ C..11 u-Sq. $225. ,...,.. p4. o4W1>, no-"'"· ~ OJ>tn PIO wlr..<92-8861 de! Mar High, ll:LUFFS •. BY OWNER: 1 O>lonlal 2-1t1 .. ltePll to beach. 8'7.SS:U Evet. 968J178 Box il.4 1A1tma Beach or Hwy., So. Laguna, our en-645--2274 aft 5 pm. lot lnspec6on SUnday 10-4. fill NT AL' • ONLY S2S5. e t'$rlll 2 Br, 2 Ba, Ip 4000 Sq, Ft., 4 BR. + mtt"-• •---h • call 494-Cm ~e. trance by All90 Bea.ch. 2515 Santa Ana Avmue, Apt 865 Ami&Oll Wa.y •• N.B. lll>olltto + m&oY .xtru-seey.<11 Ba.-< lrplea, Ba., Near -SPUT '""' 2 BR ebarmer In NEWPORT BEACH 5 ""' ' .. ?:.i., 2 N';';.l:i, ':" .,OC: D. -Ap!L Unlvtnl.W TOWNHOUSES ~ s A I BR. $3SJIOO. Aftu 5 pm pleue. minion et. Xtra ta:. lot In Shorecm:t • East Delli;rf\ttul wooded Wl)'On w/ beautitul from ocean. 3 BR's-newly ms ~ Avd -Aur 10th Gener•I 5000 $300 up. See at 'TS2 Am.J&ioa ~l.280 best loc. $119,000. 2 1ty, 3 BR. 3 BA ~ on ocean Wiw, Iatp paneled painted. AvaC July, Aug. & 54>?805 · \Vay, N.B. m..so:J3 ·,. BLUFFS D•loncy Rul E 1t1I• eul-d....,c. C,,,ts/d,,,., Near "'°"'' w/opon beam•, S.pt. ,..... pt'kin In alley. SUS CASITAS • RENT • 3 bdr, &n, 2 ba, custom drps. 2828 E. Coll~ ftwy, CdM tthOOI~ Assm. $":; loan. fittplatt, modern kitchen. Drive by s.nytimc. see " BR 3BA. w/w cpta, drps. FU'RNISHED -,.m•·--~··, -uo111ble, fi73.3Tm 962..(J737 -bs of clo~t1. $32,500. owner 127-34th s1. or call bH-im. Pool&: rec: aJ"(!a. U~ 1 BR 3 Rooms Furnltvre ..,.,..... 1:1 .... •u n._ .. n-.. -" • . I-Bachelor Apb. $20 $25 & UP AVAIL u-. •·-2 ~ TAKE Over 5"'-% mortgage owner, 49C-8673 collect 1213) 798-1532 ~! ,,,,~ """' -mo, ruo NEWPORT BLVD. • '~w ...... ., uiit" •pf. C • .. l!O HIGHLANDS ........,.,..., new crpt11, pejnkd. blt.-lns. ' i BDRM Walt'rfront, No. 62, "'"' 5 bdr hOme, 'frplc. Iv. rm. 6~ lnten!al, 4 BR, 3 BA, FURN. Luxury waterfront 3 RENT 1 ?-.tedallion by J{otpolnt. ?ttonlli-To-Month Rent.all sale °" rent at $200. Co\Q>lt Jlitlboa Covell. s go 1 o o o . Executive H.011\8 ram. rm. formAI din, rm. large n1mbll111 house, 26' sr. 2 a... hltnR. t.Awely or ease, 3 Bdnn 3 MDE SELECI'IO'.'l O\'fr 45. 673-0130 .Would trade f:or acreap or 3 BR. 2 8.a, J'am rm, POOL land8captd. 2-e.cr gar. 11.lum famlll' room, eat In ldtchtn, troplc:tl ps.Oo. AV 4 J L. Ba~h J:>ool Avsll Sept. l VERY sharp 3 BR.· 2 bath&. Appllanoel a TV'• avaU. 1Hu. sca.-rm Shown by appointment !iee to appreci&~. $39.950. trui't trffl. Je.000. .f.CH..J515, NOW. $300 WJt. ror btl. 0( m.;. Bkr. 64Wl15 wiW carpeting, dra.pet ete. No Secui-ity Depoa.11 2 BR. 2 BA. Swtdi.lh frplc. I§ YOUlt AD IN Q.ASSI· Owner • • 6~ C.U 96)..3861 l!i9i Replt.-Rd. -p •mm• r . Bo at 1 J Ip SM 1 BR cottaae, nu apt.a. Pool I m:reatlon hall avail. SRC FurnltuN Reotll• Imms.c Ir c:utit; 2 1TJ old. 'l'llD1' ...,_ will be WNte•lephantal D1me+Un1 THE QUI ava11f.bte. Shon~ dJ"p1. lJi11 pd No pets. $130. NOW S20G/mo. Alt. 511' W.19th. CM ~1 .,.;m>:::,:..;mo;;:,;'..;m.mo,=:;;;:..... __ 1 lookinl h' It Dial &U-0018 Wl\ite Eleyhanb!'!' 0111 &G-5671 for RESUt.TS 11CE QUICKER YOU SEIL 67l-SQOO M5-62!M, 5Cl)..2546 5'6-4141 1561 W, Lncln. .AMm 774-2800 Wh.lle d;tphantll Dtme+lim Prestige Location S250 ••I • , , .-i:; ' ~Mr !,, 1~ --OAll.Y I'll.~ RINTAU . 11-:~STATI UAL ISTATI -. IUSINISS ...t l*•!lml-•·Jllll-l!C•-11*--*..---* .~llVICI DllllC ~!! .. 1'111Kr1:"'!!!!!!!~ Alolw. Uofv"'"""' rol 0-rol ' FINANCIAL * _, :.:; I= :::L: . , , , o.r•.i,. ~ nLI, c.-. "74 Holp w~Mla C-1 del -5~ II:~ Pr.p1rty ilGCIO IAls 61.o! Bu~, ~IN QIO ' , ' • ~ y.,. Talle "'1HOllY'S .. v ...... n. Tll• .... • - . ·~:,, (-11(.;'(0llftR' ~~FJ;':l;;,.._ ~:U~ ~~ , ~:-.,.-~.'PC':; f==~N '. -~ ~d ..... laO...Olt> .-Ii. *!.1'0wf'> l5!IO dn. 1'<1111 A oolliclmontY"""' , --..,.. "'""1941 --~u -.r'iaJ -c.,; ---1-....-.-....... So. D:IUl_f!m. ~ kl@1'0flri;no. ~ eolO .... DS.,..rw 11· -U .l'ht.Jeat..OOltlDomaN! ftpetr. 147·1'67 .~~rr1ilame~~'"' . 1 r•boi.1 t11o i.$5 Aono rttd1 191·~ • e'l·1021 Q>lla M.,. •vie. No S.U. • !:Qerl,_ _.._, TrM Senb ,... lcmd • !ew m)'ldl ..,q,t -ON~ ACltES h 11e,.i.;....n1• superb 1oc In(. ll6liO Total i:uh .... . liudatt ~ v•r be dlsQpolntad, The l • 2 Ba. hm • Udln tOr ~· auiomouW lencbet 6150 Se~ name, aclclftu A Cradua.tci;ffordC\11.turtat •-~ATE Naln.t Tree~ .ldom liwd ,-up to Frplca I ,m.. ,.-., oent., etc. Only 12<0,000· -..:;:. !10011 ·~L P.O. "' -• • GAltDINER • Removal A -..ingt,',.... ci.lms In the ad. ,....... 'amtnt1 -'"" .... ~ ~ • • ·*ltSEMAN'S .... .._ini,..,, --c = -EXP11111' JAPANISE Htlnlatt • .C.U.:i<l-. DQ_ YOUllSELF ~&!"~ OdM -:'P:;.. eaii~ °'~ . ' HOME 1JSm W LOT ""' • . ... • =·~ Upholtfery' 6990 A FAYOlt I tM•Wllmrnr.OoutH l e REALTORTll:~• 11,-·•lia<:raapp"".' LOW R.ENT Whatldy• Wint! Whocf4y1 °Gotf MIKE INC:--'° -AND 7 TIMES GRO$S ... "'1 350 ,..,., """' !ho SPICIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR CALL '41-.!IH ~~·~~!:_-~~.':"',· EXPLQltE lllllloo lal•nd 5155 I Uni" with a aood ,..w Newpor1 .;Rr-:enlde ,.,_ Good location on ll&rlxr NATURAL IORN SWAPPE~ ~--~--~-~ ==...;;;.;. ........i. Ooeaa -of Balboa """· Vi•w hOme. eomplot.. MONEY MAKER Spoclil Rate · ALLEN BROJ!. 1001' ftn! 842-1454 THIS ONE I ·~ ON' Grand <:anal, yrl.y $265. Blvd. Nr. churcbff. ocean • \y' ft:modeled ~th • bf!d· TU!\N KEY PRIQ;! S Untt -5 ti ...... -5 bucks I GAR.OEN~ src.tl)Dht' 1831 Newport 81:, C:M. lf you' woula like to m mo 2 bdr, aar., bol.t dock. bay bucbe•. Good lovest• room•, t bedtoom PH1 S4l-S2M • lllVlll -AD MUST 1NCLUD• workirw way U'1U ~· JOIS I IMPLOYMENT $2!>. per 'f'tfk lrnmed1a.ttla.! j New deluxe, fl3.3328 mtnt. Mki.rw $UO.OOO. bouat, all @lf!Ctrlc ldtcben, MANACER.115,_ ~ for J-WMt Y111 ....,. tit ...... ........., .,.. ....-11t .,... Exp. Lk. Reas. ICM203 With an opparlwdb' t0r. IURR WHITE JWimmin&" pool, hone ~ we I l·loc::ated Stcret&rtaJ I-YOU•~~; ~LI -,i:;:.'rJ..t'v~-JAP.ANEU G•r~enl111 Job W1nted, Men 7000 mi.ch more 1n the rututttl Huntl'!l'on Buch 5400 JlEALTOD italla, paddocks, ~ Service. ?i.tust be excell~t PHONE 6412-5671 " terviee f inO m&itltenanoe. 1 •'OUld like to talk to )"Oil.\ I i• rirfg, hl.Y' barn A tool room. cyplrt + dictation. lnwst-To Piece Y9ur Trader's Paradise Ad Also clean up. l\EST. Mir· Food ' Uquor U )'Our qualitlcatlora matah: F1.1mllhtd or =~ J!!~N~-. Full price 1150,0QJ w l·t b tntnt seemed + ~ , . • 5'8-Z'tl • Pres. e1npl. in •uccesdUl out requlttmegta thll c:OUI' _ Unfumlshtcl v•-... -. tenna. Fot l'l10f'& lntonna· aalary. 2 o~t. Reply l;1ox Ht>UJe, 5 8(1rma: 2 Bath, TO\VNllOUSE 3 Br, 21,i ba. AL'S Gardenina: i Lawn ~ ~~ht:sto d"!2~te kln be-~ career ~·ve betn 2 ~room, 2 bath, cpta. 4rap. 15 UNITS ~~ call C 1 en n P669, Daily Pilot Oln. Rm. Lr{. Yard, B&ck Beaut. •PPl'd. Priv. pat'°, Maintenance. Commetci&I. Ma4ssf · ..... ,. w ' loolrina lo?. Call !or ptnqml I es'. built • ~· 1 blk to 5 AD t rtory bide. No vacan-E khoff • A 1 CXXlITAIL Bar, Totra.nce. Bay att• ror1 Income Pf'OJ>' pool: nr bay, Vat. $32,500. indua~ It resJdential. Interview bet . ..10 AM • S '!! pomta ~WUIC from $150. cln, &X>Od: nturn~• minutes c • iaoc., nc. woWd make a~ bv. ertY NewPOrt}a.t& Mesa Eqty for T.D .. car, camper * ~629 * Jolt Wented. • ....._ 7020 en•) 5M-l10J -11101 !Jl11 Apt. D, &tZ-2835 to OCttftl \811 W. ~ Aw. Ownrr 4U-6.l15 area. "6-1.U2 or ! ? Owner M&-0654, _, or 842-8303. Only *l.A,ooo' '. O;rarwe, caIU'. JIN:'S Gudenifw " lawn ,, »'I' R 11-" ... r••-~-............ .,~ .. -BEAUTY Salon. Owner. ~.Aetta:, beautlt'Ulcountry, I.DI, life membership Cub maint-·-... _. • ~m-P,_"<"•tlmt pref. Elql. Book· SC (W Ul,(ffl • NEW U50 up. 1-i.3 BR. Fmsr PIONFa ........ ~ .Lvc.,-w.......,. ~, .. , Reasonable. Newport Blvd, coonty roads, near river tn San Moritz, Lake Grerory, ~7~ o..41 keeplrc ac I pay, ac /'rr.c, l'UI 1 l-leated & sawia pools, rec &Q...4421 Eves. T47-n76 THOROBRED CM. ~or 549-Q515 ~~ trade for-equity in $2500. \Vant late mode• car, JAPANESE iardue:r Compl payrcl1 I& pn. o t 11 c e. i°' ~~:7il &: ~~·Mar. FANTASTlC f.Plex. Xint. ·. HORSE RANCH .rm a:: Small house or Eldorado. camper, or lot In N. Calli. .r ~613-6401°"".""''=~===~ -OPEUJOR-r. cood., like MW carpetln; Ii 48 acttl Murrieta Valley. Money to Loin 6320 i'JS.7513earlyamorlatepm _ ='.c"c.:·2681='------::·es~~ependahle, will: DO HOUSEWORK ..;.. 2_ iii: 3 BDJUdl, 2 Ba, pvt patio, drapes, cloee to OCC a: Ei:eetlent lnJ,provements and 1sl 6 · 2nd loans tOr qu1cli: 5 acre, 7-yelN>ld produc~ ·Trade 45M eq ln 4 Br 4 Ba. ..:.J;::..:::c.::::;0;o'..-d~-.eBalbol. bland A hnimNla ' .,) b e·a t e d Po o 1. DeWf1 Sooth O>ut P1ua. ~/qio am~ che1,p water from cub. BarTow on .-...-orarce IJVve, Central Calif. Pool, !1b view E~ •PilM" er •ner • 54>~ • lndlvldutil to Mtvp tni dttxrated. ~ . income. ~e new well. Pastlftl perty ~ withlut ~·by O'WDl!!r. EquJty $28,00>, Bay, Lag. Bch hme lor ~r, ~~ant .erviceJ SEOtETARY, Part· time, In operete 8&$ IO tcM NEW l Br, blk to ocean. $135 Four 8t&r Reelt,y ~ ftneed and croa fBKlf!d. YoU1' low lfltete!l lit TDt. 1 value $11,000. ~ant 3-4 bdr commcl ac, TO or yacht. el!lt. • 5f6.0724 excbanle for pkUant livlna" mechlne, C11Nlt~4 unfUm. l150 furn. 202-A -~ new pole • type bama Alto buyers for 2nd ma. home. Waldron: 646-7070 Owner-CampbeJJ. 494-1385 G,...n Thumb 6700 quarters. tM-"*460 approvlnt first a 14th .. &'B-1784 &: 53&-1319 BUIJnna Property '9..._SO ·~..,ith atalb, 1hop and Iott· Sattler Mortpee Co. Inc. 20 aerea ranch, 3 mod. horn-Custom frplcs &: cement es and main .produc.- N'EW Modern 1 BR. cpta, . · 's otticti. Tbtte • bed-Servin& Harbor Atta 20 )Ts. es, 2 wella, f:Jed .; training' work. Remodel & room add, SHERRY THE GARDENER Job W1ntecf tlon runs on ~ drps. avall NOW! FOR rent or tease, bld&'· 23tK , it,room, 2 • bath house with 338 E. tTtL SL track, hUp b&m, 14 atalls: SWAP FOR WILL S A v E Yo UR Men & Womtn 7030 precision parts.· . SJS.2.519 Newport Blvd., C.M. ~ ~garage_ Solid sprinkler sys-64~.Tl 56-00.J fur land, units or "!' $4.S,tlXI Autos. trucks, Iota, or ! ! PLANTS, WATER YOUR .. i..-Excellent --* 3 BR. l% Ba. Crpts, drpa. sq. ft 5f8..Q17. . tena, Tift • lined exterior Eq. 6T5-Q59 * 542-1223 * YARD ANYTIME $2 HR. COUPLE to c1o · odd jobs. _...,... Nr beach. $165 mo. ~ Buslnn Re 1 1 .t.A.a" : C:::s "J: !~!:: Mortvafel, T.D.'1 6345 llave lar&;e bay1ront home, Jlave 1st TD. $$3,000, 10% l='=1>-=ll55======= H_ou.e. ~ S:2454 wtr;t:'; Int condition. · :·,· ;'=,:'=;'=====::;:'.: J ~~~~·~~·!!·~~-~~ · . . pjer &: Doat, Balboa eenln. int. due 5 yrs & leased com· ' • Ca1st•f 5700 BALBOA ISLAND for. horse btt.edll'lg. Priced W I. DISCOUNT .Pt. Need iinaller h ~me, mercial S65.000. $34.500 H•ullng 0730 STACO lllC. •• Beach Apts. New • Deluxe (714) 53M616 (714) 516-1417 711 Ocean A venue (3 blks W. of 1l B. Pier) at ~750/'~ includes SlSOM Emergency· Sacrifice choice Ne\\'POrt or Co&ta r.teaa. rqty. Want: Free & clear. Oom"tlc Help 7035 Top location 300 + l'I ft, of unprove~ents. For !tlrtD-l!t T.O.'s, 10% int, quarter. Broker 673-"7420 673-9127 house or units. Myers GARB. cleaoout, IOmetbnts 4 yrs remaininr on leue. er in!onnation call Harold Jy 3 yr due date Buyen,~ S7l.6'156. lor contents. Truh haullna:. ChinelM! llve-lns. Chettful $175. mo. Write P.O. Box Busick, Broker (TI4) 677-2nt JO% down. $25,(n, cash re-3 BR, 2 BA, Newport Sho~s 5t6-4'743 or 54&--11912 Permanent. F.xperienced 113' B411ktr St. ~_; 15.315 t.s Veiu. Nev. days, or (TI4) 671-3761 even-quired tn41 346-Qffi day or home $9,000 eqty, trade for 1000 .ar. -$250,000, 80 mi HAULING, General, trtts, far Eaat Apncy · 642-8703 Costa M,se !' OFFICE with attached ings, eve. Pnnciptes only ocean front or be&:h home. from dntwn LA, 5 min. hed&es,. top--', trimmed, Geo~ Alleo Byland_A(eney (714) Sff.'°41 ," REPIJT~ ... .,. · D@ after U. 962-5931, eves from fwy on paved rd. btwn ,,..,.. "£'...... •--p garage, ToW 500 aq ft ~ ADl.ol:o local builder &42-59l7. removed. Bl&: John. 60-4030 .,...,.p"''"'"' aya Fee b!k No. of Coast Hwy nr Acre•ae 6200 seeks investor tn make hard Beaumont &: Oak Glen, Trd 645-2256 a.-..ume. BOB 100-P E. 16th. SA .54T-o395 Equal opportunity emplo)lir Archea, N.B. 548-3 224 mo,_, Sttond TD's to VACANTLOTIN !orinc.prop!547~Bkr. .-..v _ be 8 •-5 A:c. Rancho CI t y 01 ·-J• , NEWPORT BEAOI R ntod ho 50x1•.r .... Oeanup, lie lruck, praaes H I W ~• u-noa · ,-tween °" 4:30. o anskk Cabl tl'f!t'I home buytrs. Ull0-$500;!. WILL ACCEPT TD'S e use, w ......, !Or salvage, roto~ rr.nov,· o P .•n.--, m.n . BUILDING .'1 • PRIME "-tail, ---lion• ce · n, • Pro 1 1ot. Nr .. G!L"!en Grove Civic ~ MAINTEu•uc1I L•guna Beach 5705 n.c . ..__,.. Y.'Ater, elect. F/P $32,500. pose ')'OW' er ma . OR BOAT Cente.c $20500 Trade$9500 YARD/aarcle-.nUp,Remove MECHANICS MAN~lll .. " -=....-...;..--.;c.._..o.~ 17X40, Xlnt foot & auto traf. Tenna 645-2)00 5.J&.tl131 '6U-4905. ,-., • ., ........, · .1 1 1' .. .: .... ' • .......... • ---i dirt ' ., ,~ ... ~ C ,.. · • .,, .,......,°"" "' eq y or ... u ... or .. vwncr .. ~. vy, • tractor , , __ M •--•-. Ai ~~r · BR lower duplex, 2 hlks to ... c. ...,,.. ~....,,, ·111-TAKF: OVER PAYMENTS' $1,950 2ND TD at f.ll Month Brolcer 547J:.U:Q • b&ckbol', srade 962-1145. ~"". ttJWUUC, r '-""". $5'2 to $615 pli: mo. ·beacb-a-~~ .. ~ ' -DO--N~ ~tnt.,.-alhtue"S-"yn., A.denr.w..lw~t.·· · -~·' · · I ilJ----boniJ'l·•Electrlcal-Mechan------. -P - Pftll!'•. $115 mo m * BEAtJ'I'lP'.UL crPt'd Office -~City . .:.n~-· __ .Grb4C.l@an view~ nrep1!_~ )ilec blt~n11. d111h-_ NORTH Tu~ ~· $18,MIO _ C ean Up·~ tf~u '!_I_. !cs. 50~ Exceptiom.J.~rk.. z-~~ Of . .__ resporwble people. 11uite alr-rond Bat deal ln ~ Beach. 23% ~nt washer, 2 patioa, (Ible car ~ & dear, inost exci tUrpertoad._"fl48:.2523 lna""?!!fhd1t1ons:-new facWty.--NEWPORT iEi.CH·,,.. ---* 49C-3727 alter 6 pm :.. town'. 645-~· Mount & Desert 6210 . 714.: f!J-1137 garage: 1'!'8dt: for duplex, area, fab~us view. Tr. for larre volume dealer. Sa 11 ·- REAL ESTATI · . iri: OJ> lSI' TD 1 or equity m smaller house. fnc. property w/spendable. HaUHcle•nlrni 6735 Plefo Freeway &: Cherry R-·I-• -plation of 1,~ •. ~· on ocean ... cw 549-1279 Bkr 546-6469 Ave.. north. APPLY IN .. .,u ... '-V•U mll Generel Office Rent•l 6070 • NO lot, 8t;C , due 3 yeani. 101/0 . . CARPF:l'S, Wtndow.o;, nrs, PERSON &rade and three ye&r1''f'it. -~ discount 497-1210 'll * * * * * etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt cente experience In flldi. Rentals Wanted 5990 LAGUNA BEACH (49'1-1021 evenings) l~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'l!!'!!!!!!!!~~!\!l!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!j work Reu! Refs. 646-1401 PACIFIC AUTO SALES maintenance work lnvol\lflllt ' NOTICE o:~=~;UE SMOG! • ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCt:MENTS S~RVICE DIRECTORY MAINT-res/comc'I, wlndowt ~e~ac~vc. routine painting, carpe~ REALTORS 1r RENTORS Deak spaces available in and NOTICES end NOTICES ~! '~ .. t~t work,l-'0u""aill7:ty"At'o'-1"'u.:;r:..1n_c_•_ :~~ m_:m~ re. The houaing office of Uniwr. ne\\'est olfiee buildin&: at Found (Fr" Ada) 6400 Peraonils ButlnHI Service 6562 $1100 pair. Apply before 5:QJ PM alcy of .Calilornia, !nine ts prime Jocatfun in .downtawri High Desert 1 ________ 640_5 1 1 6755 Fl'e pa.Id, Xlnl oppty, lmmed July 25th to Peraonnel on. expanding Us listing service Laguna Beach. Air eondi-Dry Air YOU N.D Ju I y 1 T, DOCTORS ron ng avail with local oo. Send re-Ice, Clt7 of Newport 8etich;. .-- !or off campua rentala. Real· Ucncd, carpeted, beautiful Beige/black poodle type * Al " Wll.L do Ironing In my aume or call Bert, 546-5410 3300 Newport mvd., New- ton .I: private owners are enkancea: Fronl:age on Cameo Landscape puppy Glen Mar Tract, one.~ fruiuranoe papers processed. home, 15c .I: :ric. Fut. Ja1on Best port Beach, I C&llf. -encouraaed to include suit-Fon.st Ave., rear leada to Brookhurst & Ad am 1. Pick-up&: ddtvuy, Prompt • 548-M04 • Employment A&ency '(TI4) 673-6633. ''I able married & ·-'"" Mundpol -Iota. $50 NEWBERRY SPRINGS 96:l-3IJll YES IT'S YOUR • ..u&ble. 518-m:I mo So. Main, S.A. d<nts & faculty """'"".,.. per month !Dr ,...,.. Desk LONG hUed · trl~ 65_ Jonltorl1I 6790 , 7 ='0;,PEN;::,,;M::O:,:ND::;:::A:_Y__ EXPERIENCED .~, dations tn our tiles. Write and chain ava.D.abie for $5. ti!M' 1 ~ FAULT Carpentering n11 i-;; or phone for a listi .... fonn auaineaa hours ... -.....:c .... *OWN YOUR male kitten. Found In back For ftCOrded meMage that _.,:.... __ .;:... ___ WAUS Windows, Doon MACHINISTS FRY-COOK ... -~ -·-"~ --~•ns lot ol Alpha Beta CARPENTRY __ .: Comme~-• ,· . N/C hmnt-Housins ottioe; U=. aervt:e. ~~for $10. .,.....u will change ")'Otlr life caD ~-........ "'~ turi: braey Administration mdg, All utilities pa.1c1 ucept OWN LAKE! Mkt. 17th Street. &U-5308 · ORANGE CO. 547-6667 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job residential. DaUy. wttlky MILLING OPERATOR NI time, nllbts. Ma ~ UC Irvine, frvine, C.allf. telephone. SNOW White kitten abt. 2.J 24 hour recon:lioa Too Small. Cabinet in au-and/or Mo. m-7350 DRILL PRESS ''A" ~t!e~·1rAs'':.t.ln penon 92664 Phone: (TI4) 8J3...6811. DAILY PILCYr ''THE IO ACRES mo'•· oJd. Vic. C.O.t& Mesa LICENSED agea A other cabinets. Bo.y & Beach Cleaning Serv Topl&lal')'lrovertime.Group COCO'S DAILY Pilot Statt Writer 222 !!~REST AVENUE JUST SOLDI '' • St. &: Raymond, C · M · Spiritual Readloga, advice !t4!>11~, 1f no~ leave Carpeta,.windows. Ooon, etc intur. Apply ln person or and small family need 2-3 LAGUNA BEAOI Now Available : 6'2-4386 on all matttn. 312 N. El m.si at 646-2372. 1L 0. Rn .I: Comc'I. ~1«71 c~: 6C2-9CQl; Newport Pre-2131 \VEST'CiJJT D~- bednn., unfurn. house in 494-9466 % CROWN CalicO kitten. Camino Rea!, San Clemente Andenon · C111on. 909 W. 16th, NB. NEWPoRT BEACH I Newport Bch, Ueighbl or u;>cATION: 188 E . 17th St., 93 acres, with well and pump, Fie.a coll.at Vic. 118 • No. 3 492-9136, 496-9507 QUALITY' Repain -Altera-D=t!e C:U!J:ta ollice AFRAID OF WORK! Then I '!!'SALES~~!:!Tm~ .. '"","money!!!!!!!!f~ltl!!l!oar!fl Easbide CM atarting in adjacent to Security Pacific level land for lake, alfalfa lr;Broad~~-;;;~· ~C~.M~.;:6U-~~2461ii';;;;. l'rn:sc;~l~OfrA~Mi;';. ~IO~PM:;jo;;Jj;j I ,~IW~n~·~-~N~ewijco~M~t.~by=-="""':::: Call M2-T365 Don't apply. We need a iame. Mgt can be ""7' mid-Sept. Lease preferred. Nat'I Bank, CM. 642-4110 or arowillf, apricot or nut or-MAN'S watch, vlc. ol Harbor DISCERNING damsel on Jrd or Contract. 646-3442 I •==;;;;.,;;:;; •. ===~I nea~ppcatl.n&" · )!OUrl& roan .,~ Our family dog m111t stay 11ee owner at 188 E. 17th St., than:ls, tl1h railing, ranch, & Victoria, Wed. Owner ahift would welcome mature PARTJTJONS, Smail Remod. p h f U pennanent truck driver. name, call on dJn. Car, .. ,.,, I ll CM i'· •A ho--•. 'I ··-"-iptr •ng ng 6150 .~. Cnty ·-, Whole-'• tulle:: benefits. $5t60 Oil! .,' ua; our -"O Wt! • IU u: v . •;>o;a pleue Identify. MB-6379 male to while away ., ove w""""• etc. Nite/Day P1lntl-,v~. ..... ..., F k .. __ .., .,~,. """'" 11 bebaved chlldn! t Abu. •-u1 •-•r Ken l<.ttl ..,_ "• distr!buton. Must be .. _,t ran '-''<l ._..._ ' n oo. n-NEW Dtluxe ottice space! "!AN'S Sch .. "-bike ,,·.. ~·eekend ~ hours while '"" .._.. _,...,,.,,,, ....... COASTAL' AGEN. cy·· dant local references 320to1200 aq ft at Santa OverlOOman-madelakesln "tennl!! ~~uiCordcrva a the world sleeps. Box 722 MASTER carpenter ,$4 per EXTERIOR HOUSE PAIN· dl:empt. ,:;tart $2/hr A bl! Of \ available. ~2629 Ana Fwy .I: Crown Valley area. Barcelona, Lldo. S73-81B5 Balboa 9'.1661 bou.r. Remodellna:·Repaln. TING. CoUetf! student . w/mme overtime. 5-day Snell1ng n;m~ 1 MmnLE-AGED En•' is h turnotr.831-1400, 499-1198 -~~~~~~~~"...,,_j"=iiiN;iT'fElITLT"'llGi!iEnNJ'Tl'?r-64U409 or .,._ 5"'9655d u a! anteed satilfaction wk. S.nd resume to: Dally -... a-~ .... .---. ~....,;: -~--~ Or. 10 acre, 20 au., 40 act'!' 3-4 MOS old tan female .; '· Pilot PO Box P908. "''"" · .. .._. DL um~ -001Jple need small, clean, 2 SMALL otfl."'a avail for UNMARRIED? • parceb available -Why not Retriever found on the C C ,,_ p• ~"G Int • ~t l.owHt MGMT Tmte, rerta.urant. G E NE R AL MACHINift, , unturn house with small rent. 34.10 W. Balboa Blvd, -" lor Wormalion'. ~·-r Peninsula. 847.....,.. Tbia ii yuur invitation to hap. tmtnt, oncrtte vvuv """,, • ..,, • ~ exp'd -"lb' a•-•·•··-~-. yard for tiny dogs (Peke 4: NB. 61>1972 ---~ vw•... """"" contracted -ices. Fully 111!!. Great oppty for advcmt ' "' ...,.._ •-y~ 1 •· Lo 347-6640 eventnes aftu 6 rvv-............ -. -"th ,.,.. ptneas, Phot>e 547-5646 for * CONCRETE Work. bond-~' HIS d •-•p1u1 pu1I to clOle tolerallcll;" .,. ... e n.cu. ng-term 600 to 1200 sq, Ft. -. kend uvu-.-""-......... "' "' 24 hr recorded meua,e. -SatllfacUon l\W-Free est . era , IOtne exp""' , bl [ dolnc ti4"f ~~~..!'r lease. Ref. avail. OFFICE. C.M. "'"nJO p.m. or anytime wee s. license El Camino Dr .. C.M. -"""~~~~...c.=-,_ ed .I: lie. Concrele a.win&. JinrWeeka fi73-llr.G 1nii, vac. To $6200. call Bud cap.al ... e_ 0 own• . .....,.....,... '""' 546-4501 Attractive Expert Phillips Cement 548-638J I c=..::;;;:::..:.::,.:::=, ___ Snell, ~ on au11:a. Call Jim H)'&Dii. R. E. Wonted 6240 YOUNG WOMAN •cu CALL RUDY COASTA'L AGENCY ~;'" 6'l-240D, E ""·' Ol":-DLESS working couple Industrial Prop. 6080 ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SIAMESE w/collar 642.-9541, dancer y,•Ul teach ""'U Ill Sl'OM PATJOSe Painting.Cement-Odd Jobe A member of -desires I• ..... 2 BR unfu.-n • ~1846 call to idenl. C"d, "v concrete sawin& & removal e "'" -e Se i D"" lo l -•· late!!t ste"'". Call Ardell """""''~ ~-"i"I l g' ne"'-In•. tWn C lv•S n o apt or hou3'e for yrly l.se. UNUSUAL OFFER vie N'""'t Blvd ..., State Lie. * 842-1010 ""'"°" _.06 " GULTON INDUSTRI .. ' · .. ,.. · 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM EXT/Int. pnte. Aver nn. $2\'I 2'190 Harbor Bl, Costa ?ties.a ~ Occp by Aug. 20 in CdM, • 2500 aq. It. mfg. bldg. $$ MORE CASH $$ BLACK It. white male cat. Zlppo Club Adults Only • CONCRETE worl< all + good paint, neat work, 1644 Whittler Ave. C.M,1'"' Nwpt lkh area. 213 : • 1500 aq. tt. under roof VI to 1 Bch , --·-~ Bch typea. Pool deck5 & cu11tom. • "BOYS 10:. 14 EqtJal opportunity em.pJ°"" 438--2118 Eves collect. e 3 Beclmom home 4~ ~; ' .--W'-· Color pictures It. ph no. of Call 548-132.f .,::'°".:,c:"~~:;:·,.cRoy=.:.· .::".:;7c:·Ll58=.'--Cartier Route. Open' f.lGMT Tmee ... .,-·~ REFINED gent pensioner e Lot 120'x140' -dales you pre-select. No ---------PAINTING by the hr or job. fqr """"' ,_ W."'' __ 1,._ -m or Property present use -boat For-.\"-OUr Home Equity GIRL'S bicycle vie. Adams&: names uaed untU you &'O on • CONCRETE fin, patkJI No mark·up on materials. La Be b So , .......... action ls! N•t'I cM.ln nttdl " '""'"' uu: ....... AbsOlultly no COit . , • e-•·• .. -t He -"1!6 dsl .,..,... ...... etc. Concrete &: blk top .. w. r.-iUl1ll ac • · .._..,._ f.t?.U.J, ~--·d ---. Mare. Have car. Mr. E . manufacturing .• Completely to you the Seller! , ........... w.' .. ~ es. ""''""""" ~"..-Mark. 61J...T.Hl DAILY PILOT Train day--;,-~te'Snoo."cia P.O. Box ru, Santa An a paved and block wall tenctd. 12 yean or paying mo~ cub L I ""I BACH 5'7" tttk: •inctte girl ing. R.eu. Don, 642-8514 PAINTING • InUext. 2 Univ 6'2-4321 Fra.nk "'•" """'""" ··1 $87500 OI VotU to 3S I.or fun Ir cmn. ~ ~ 92702. 546-4~. · -THE REAL EsrATER.S for Orange C.Ounty propert)'. Carpet Cleaning 6625 serUon.. 3 yra exp. Reap. EXPERIENCED Ser v Ice COASTAL AGENCY"! FlREPLACI!: surrounded by 646-nn 546-2313 Call the Relt. . . BICYCLE: WOMAN 'S, panlonshlp. 4!l2-<>386 833-2232, 492""'12 eva. Station man, tuU time, A member of r• very apecial unf. apt For a Then call the Best SEARS, W/BASKET. VlC. NEED something exciting CARP:E:I' &: Furn. cleanin1; VETS Bonded Painting. 10 permanent. Hourly wa1e + SneDln&: Ac Snelllnc Tho.Cf very special tenant in N.B. Commerdel 60l5 JE'ITY, BALBOA PENN. for yaur next party. Hire a for 1 day 8el'Vice & quality Y1'I Jn area, llc'd & irul\ll'ed. comnUsalon. O~rtime pay 21'90 Harbor m , Coat& ?.fea ,.,.,369 BEVERLY JA(KfNI No Questions Asked I Hypnotist! 846-0835 eves. v..-ork, call Sterling for 642--0427 alter 40 hrs. 990 E. Cout • DESMOND'S • .1Vn 673-2106 ALCOHOUCS brightne11.1J! &n-85XI g..,., NB Wl..NTED To leue 3 or 4 Br NEWPORT Anonymoua ,;;.~::;;:;:;;o.,;;;.;;:;;_..= PAINTING. Ext-Int. 18 yrs ..... , · #3 Fashion laland house. $350. to $450. per mo. BEACH RfALJY STILL Ofierin& J'e\\"Al"d for Phone 542-7217 o..· write to Car.wt Layln" a exp. In1. Uc. Ftte est SERVICE Station u.Jesmen Newport Beach CdM E aid .. N B amall white Poodle weart.,,,. P.O. Box l2'J3 O>lta Mesa. · r--• A 1 111 .... ua """" Part time eve"1-__ .. , mer y, . . ... Repair 6626 cou11 . ce ... .,. ~ · .... ,.,, •uu NEEDS , I Contact Mr. Pallette (TI4) Oc-nfront Hotel blue collar. Lost 4th July S.nslt!Jlty-Group ____ _.;;.;.:;:;;:;...:.= PAINTING . I I t weekends. Must be.neat Jn Pcnnanent. tun time , 549--1121 o <415) 3.12-S682 -147-60.33 or 54S-124S Vic:: CM. 637-5518, 673-ttJ.I 646-51.lo or &tS-2513 CARPET LAYING · · ' in ex . appearance. See Jim, 2590 JANITOR r 16 Rooms plus .fi Commer-~~~!>,!;· reuonable. Call NeWpOrt, C.M. --- FRPL. !!UITOUnded by very cial atorea by the Newport. GREEN v."Oman's wallet vie. C.A. Page W -2070 ~ l;i;""';;;;;;,;;;;,...,,,_~~ All company beMlltl, pie~ I r;pecla1 unfurn. apt. for • Pier. Unllmit~ parklna:. or Don the Bchcomber CdM. Cemetery Lots 6411 ======:;:; 664 ""== 0 'NEA~. ,;T;.:, :..,,,,.-,-.-P-al_n_ter_, -.... ~e,".:'!""n. ~ "',,:'.'.',.'."',,.." an5 t woA~· lncond'a. 1:30 ,tp very special tenant Newport Owner will flnence BUSINESS anti ~~'I "1st ldentilleation. 4 CEMETERY Lots I n E ·-'•-ct_rl_co_r______ drink.ID&· CoUeae student. ;' ~~';.. u~ ... "' p.m. Pl'Y penon. .1 refs. MM.169 Low down. ru&;500 'FINANCIAL PAClflC VIEW MEMOR-ELECTRICIAN, no job too Low prioel! Steve ~ "C" m0MAS, REALTOR SALES M&mt Trnee, Hl6 BUSINESS Lady delire9 1 675-043 SIAMESE Blue Point. pink JAL PARK MUTTJ ama.11. For prompt ttrvlce e PATOI PLASTERING. 224 W. Cout Hwy 548-li62T 1r.ad or oolleie. Exc::ptl be~ bdrm unfum apt to $100. Dover Realty Corp. Bu .l I 6300 Jthr c::oll.r. Vtc Alpha Beta SERVIC& .DIRECTORY can 56-4fi14 AB ...._ .___ ·•--•· ent.1. To $7500. Call 8Ud 64l-00!!6 1• upportunlt •s mkt, 17th st 1n6. Reward. ..,~•· &...,. eiwuau:. EXP'D. MF..cHANic,· ....... Soell, --0 12w• NNN Call --· e RENTAL SERVICE LEASEBACK AFffi!AT~ '""°"' Bal>yslttl119 6550 Floors 6665 PAINT!NG ,Pape ..... 16 ::: ~ • ~"i,,8'.,., July COASTAL AGENCY,• FREE l'O LANDLORDS Will aell !2.-oq !• n-.... CANDY SUPflL "( LOSf': 2 Parrots. Blk heads, Ir H-~ ·-L ,._ yrsl 1 pe. na 3,M Ear. ~~1_1 A membtr ot..., tl Bl Be ~ vw .. ,,,._,,., ROUTE' )'t!llowlb&e li0dl8s. Vic 47th COLLEGE Student: Babyajt. Carpet Vlnyl Tiit llnlUT ou.:: ~· n rtan, ......, · ""'4UI Shellln&: A .~1UJ¥ Inc.it Ile aeon Cnty. brick oifice bid&.. ·• NB. Rew,.--Urnr._$1.00 hr. Near Wilaon & All "" .... borded. R.et. rum. &U-2358 Hwy. 2191)-Harbor Bl, Coat& -• LANDLORDS e com p. modernized, <~aa: Involved, ..,.,._ Harbor tn C.J.f w k a..,~ea ,., . ..., c::ulors EXP • FREE RENTAL SERVICE $150,000 &: leue back on Uent Income for f~ CAT, Ye. male, ti&er striped. night.I, or entin! ·wee:~ J."'ree est. Lie, contr. Plumblnt 6190 'D. BUSBOY. Apply tn LAMlNATORS. Must be e;:. Broker 534-6982 Ion& term. Sll,(Q) Net per houn Wttkly v.'Ork (Da~ or Tues eve Jul 15 Ballxot S4G-7262 546-4478 pel'!On II over 18. SUrt ii per. '-!&It. Top pay, plt:ri~ evenings). RefUJln& Ir. col-' Y · • A.Ilk for Becky 5'f.1B11 PLUMBING REPAIR Sirloin, a930 Pacific Coast of overtime. Perm. poa:ltion. l=========;I )'f!tr: 8 atrona: aub.leuei. 1.-1-money from coin op. Pen. vie E St. 675-351.9~ d WILL BABYsrr. My home. G•rdenlng 66IO No "'b too snWJ Uwy. N. B. No lay-oUa. '1 Roams for Rent 5995 $33,460 Income. Ai"t. TI4: ....... , I4K crnld wat h woman 11. ,., • 493-17~. ·erated dllpenl!Cr-1' In Costa e-c • ' Nice play room & fenced in e &n-31211 e • JANITOR, full time night MERIDIAN LTD. I 0 llO EEK k. MEI Mesa & aum>wwUns &JU. 150' Nor1h or Jetty, N.B. yard. Only lunch lurnhhed. EXPERIENCED Japane.e .. -•• ~ •••. Be"' U•wthorne Blv21ld •• 1$3015 W..~ u',."Psu':.'-''A·~ EDICAL Criiti'R Reword! m.<l803 N w ~-urr -· •ardener. R<ltable. '40-7373 ... •-~ .. ~ .... ~ Calif ~ _......,,. ""V ...... a tn'' \Ve est. routt". tlla.ndleg car e."' • ma for free estimate Remodel, Rtpalr, •NO Brown's Reataurant, South ~~ .,!,."'."'• · """""" C . J Motd. ~ name br a~d candy & &-!ALE Kitten, bei&f!. V1c of area. Call Sc8-4s38 --· l.aguna.Mr.GatesCDi--ml r -·,·~~.,.--.-~-•==""' Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 Immediately available IJ\&Ckl) $1575.! Cuh requiJ'. Avocado ii Cout Uwy CdM BABYSITl'ING, rey bome. Johmon'1 Gmlenlrq: * .... ~·lin1"Ug ., .... ,. ......... ,.n. l~~rl' YARD Salesman, ovtr n !i-lnskM Salet $SJS.ii, :: on aeneroui ttim1. ed. F'or puwnal intuvkw 675-1110 S1$ for one child, $20 for l'lneit equip., <!'.XJlttl can.. ..--" .... d&)' week. Some OMChan1cal Recent coUrae ,rad. Like Rex L. Hodges, Rtty in Coata Mfa area, atnd tliALE-Whltt 6 Brown de);, lY.1>. Ai" 2-7 vjc. Hamilton Pl&ntinc. clean-ups. 962--3'45 Dtck, &12-l79T exoei,.. JtED.E-RENTALS phone work, call ~. 1 SPAO: avail in stt.d;y 847.z.25. l'U'le, addm1 Ir phone num. ans to "Tr41'". Vic NB. ii Sterlin&, CM. 646-1946 BUSINESS ' RESlOEN· Roofln . 6f50 Jl.67 Harbor Blvd, CM Mucbants Penon:nel ~ court on ~';'" Rentl!..,,===';;=;;:== ~r.: Mri!i~te ~ Ple&M call 6'7fi..6M9 W1U. babytlt ln )'OW" horoe TIAL GardenlnC" Cleanup. 9 , • . • AUTO metal me. must do ey, 20rl3 Weatcllff Dr. sso per mo. lrNIVlfrt.I ....... 60fO ciJ pe: """"' .,., ... ..,,., by the Wttk. y 0 u r E:ocp'd 646-6222 Roof Co&tin& .. Repair • ftnt clue WOik. No drlfll!n. D ti Ar Ts MA N w l]J Gun! -5991 INOUST ~ In M-~ 7'1 W. 17th ~st.. CM. 3SU> 1111 .n. * PRIVATE room. lot elder-iJ25 mo SCS-1133. !!YU I)' lady In llc'd CUn1 bomt. S0-1479 . -Misc. R11111r. M-2 INDUSTRIAL U*Ot In 5999 concnte bid(. 3000 tq ft, Tll w. 17th, CM <2Ul ll4-«IU U. 90!42 Pol'Mftl'9 6405 .trantportalion. 6U-140T, W-4766 Rock Rao! Our SllO<laltr Xlnt P<I'· No 111.ofls. Small ..... torla! work detu.d "" PIZZA Reliable Lawn Ma1ntenanoe Free e1ttmaw1 5'Mm shop. Mr. Bttter 6t&o6M'1 OctanocrapbJc nnn. C!¥ e COUPLIS e lrlck, MAeomy, etc. Oardeninr mt Cle&rMlp ....,_..,ENCED ,~ _,... Cail collect 5'l-3Cl6 ,, e SINGLES e . 6 .. " ·~" ~-·-->VV CLEAN·UP speclalilt! """' Sowl'!f ._, man. '""'"" • 24!1 F,...t ESTABLISHED 1nounii<Jd. Tired of Ban. MaD Ir HI Ocllt BUILD Rmlodfl • Repe.ft lng, edJ:inl, odd j o bl. e Oreamaldnz • .Altastiom Aw., 1AcuM BM.ch. Leads avtll, N.B. om:ii" :1.,. clubt: JOIN TIU: Brick,' bklclc, co ~ c re t e , Reuonable. ~ Cuitom Dul.Jnl TV TtCiliitdin Wantf'(I Career oppt. m.Q83 .. i. 1 11tE IN atOWD -crpntry no job too small JteJlab'• lawn aervke. * MU«& * 'Hot.d man. $4.00 t\OUr. H,S. Grad. «lltt to lNi'n ~~ ~JRM~:!:' ::":.:: Lie. eonir. • !llJl.«Kl ~w ...... trim. Aitet'ltlOfi • Ml.SMS •Coll -· .. de u <XJOK undtf _!'!!i! wttkty parties or ltled DAU.Y PIL6i' DJMC..A· * 531..l«M * N,at ~t~ 20 )'Mn rq, EXPERJbiifij CINPM ftrr chef &Ir G«qt:'• ~ ~ thern lndtvldualb' A (GALS UNES. You can w them Cut 6 Ed.I'! Lawn ' mottl maftlC'tmtM. Sun!QI PltOFESSlONAL iiiCifiW. Joln !'REE) Cll1 lM.b 1" for· just pemrlu a d~. t>!aJ Maintenance. Ucea.d Pl.ACE 10U1 ~ ad wMt1 AcN:I Motel ~ JC. S&lary A ~. p.m.~ sa..wrs ~o aft . tfM)o"1Ntookfrw-DAILY OAJLYPJLOTWANTADI! Tom _stwpUnkmOO White ekph&nll! DimH-UDI OIARGE J'O'B' want ad now. Whlt.e Dephanta'!' PlLOT cQl/ltd! fG..w7t BRING ltESULTS! White i'ffrh&litlf J " /' • • ~· .. l • l I I " I I .... t __ ..,, l~ •• ,, • -• j__ . . . . . .. . . . ' . .. ~. JKll 1'. 196'1 l~=~~~~~~~~~~~y~~ 'a..IMP~OYMINTIOIS. ll!ll'LOY1!11NT. Holp WOllhll Ho1!t WlftlM -~w~-~-~~--.!'~*!!.2·W~1 !i-~.:.·"!'."::-~7!!!1·~,,IM!a 'If,.._ 1-Hollo.:...~-. ' . .. Jlk1..,,,. --w. P1yroll/lcco111i11 ere . j; < ' • ~ ' .:_ i.UAl.·_: • Mud'haft ~t 1 ... ~ ;mp1oyee' ...,..0 .~--*'nAtm m lABSCO"' -'SECll~qy pe"-11; ljome ..-tv1blel blcklJ"l!llld. do,.. , • $536-$654. ,., mOhflo sired. MOit bo •!'It' II C.-wltlt a ~wtni ,_ ...,.. ...,..;uw ' · • llKCJIATOll &ITS C»kJ!I ATIOll q>ellY -'*""""' .. . •c . CJ TY f1ti' Mii Operators Sr .... I ·- co P1e~1PP1J ln1pets;..,\o'MlssLa?J9n ··:.... ;;~·t.f:,,,;.. '· ·cOMPWR Nl!WPORT.a l ACH ·OF II WXlllY .APllYMDqS ':.:1.!°'!.::0=::; ·. GONtROL• . Tull vai!ety QI m"'uii~po1 .-. cSp•illl & ....... i .. "-""••· GEimL AUTOMATION •• .-COOR1>1tiATOR ' lepl outlet .............. Ip " • . . Alt ·~ ~ . ' .~ Grinder, Qpera.tors Sr. D-:ftl Pre~s Operato_rs Sr. . .,.. w. K.talla, o ;a1190, C.flf. Ni·-1 -"'"lty omj,leyor " •x MliAToRs M :-;,."-·-:-~ ~~i:.n · ~·v~.9.-· · .. ' pu:~ I v:~ior-petI >~'!.~~ ..... Pe~~ .. • . 1:3:"8.t"lQ:J ..J --·~·;i-.-·:·:::::::::::::·· ' -nd .. ,,JUii lncludlq ==·!f= ~;1;;;;,:;;..,;':Jt~ .1fA. d:,•tor~ .. :~:;~;r~p1"':ou -31 I ; ·' ·· I.a~ Operators -· w-Help Wanted Ht,::...!, 74e0. Wom0n · r4IO I CADILLAC CONTR~LS --""..;,;;;.;.;;.. ___ _,,_. ffi<SiTILE il:U: tor 1 i1i! " ottlce. hpm-t 10· OIY. Mgr. Min. 5 )Tl. exp. Type '15 wpm, SIL 100, Exp. in all phues of otc. work, purchasi?w, I I l e • , pn>- du~· C.U .Jlm Hyams. Days: '&f2...2.400, Eves: ~1! Weekfll\dr Mt.lldPie·b9lrd ~.last ten:')'N.n, = , ~ .. , _.-P"'~ E'QuAL.OPPO~ !Q.i.~:"'..:r ~-· . rooms of gorgeous Spanish fu mi!Ure (wasi . , C.OLLlNS 1:::,~y S:~J:~ uCiincE .... ; i I' I DIVlslon of Ex.Cello Corp. 1866 Whittler Ave., Cotta.Mesa e RfUBBfS • RA'D.10 CO, CXlSTA MESA, CALIF. 92626 N-~~ ~'" ....;.: . · • • • • • o ~U' I --~2491 . Costa Mesa . (n4) S68'J51 .... ..--., --.~ .......... -C~DfT T«llMI A'MIU&LLCl:IJUT C&AMI• WllllOlATI L.T .An equal opportunity em,ployer NOW OFFERS A .-cn.u 6'B.e&33 .. 197:0!~~;:.! .. d iE~ =E~!!!. ADS~~;;;;ry/ mm .. RJRNITURE Holp Wonled. Man 7200 I Holp Wonted, Man 72_00 BOOKKiEPIN~ -rosmoNJ: Sef'\IOnic Division of 16f4 Wbil:tler Ave. CM. F.quol_i!y ... ploye• ='1!~~ Bookk.eeper 1844~11e*port Blvd.~-., I WE AllE LOOKING FOR' MEN WHO ARE ~OOKJN'G AHEAD . Le:t us train you for a carttr in insura~ An 'opportunlty io:ie.rn the 'businea i&:-earn dtra money: on a part tiJne ~ ,before leaving your Plf&ent job, Become • full ti.-ie" ~nt wben qualltJed wlth a· gaara.ntttd i!'.IOOme ~month. ~•rmers Ins. Group E•· tahi 540-IUI · -DtVlSl<m- . CON1'110L LE R rtal>Kil.f expandif1' mlcro- elktrOnlc m&11ufactW't'r re- q4ire1 Division Controllf':r. PqisitiOn reports dfre:ctly lo rep!ral manager. Cost ('X· ..,..oi. ..,;..... ~.....,. Beach location. ' . Cmtact A. J, Egli MAJNTBWICE BHTRICIAN "A" High School aducalkln plu1 three ye•rt ex·· perlence 'in industrl•I electrical con'st,,.Ct- ion •rid/or m1inten- ance• work. Must be able to obt•!n ' li-cense ·from the City of Ca1t• Meaa. C•ll for •ppointment to Pete Helfrich 546-8030, Ext. 154 3333 Herbor Blvd. C~st• Meu IP.rt tlmo t Apply In person Q55 ,West Mana, CM. Note to job seeker1. Jnqul~ about our h'tt ·ttectrlc type- writer brushup, !July Ir: Aug. only). · W Dover Dr., N.B. 642-3170 549-2743 ' RECPT, PBX exp. Plus new oHl.ces need Wrp gal to handle busy phone& $475. Call Sally Hart, 5-11)..f;(W COASTAL AGENCY A member of · ?tfissile Systems Division snefling &: Snellin& Jnc. Equal ,opportunity employer RN : .or LYN ' (California Lloeneed) Full time, 4 to J2 Apply!n peroon Huntin;ton Beach O>nvalescent Hospital 18792 Delaware St., H.B. """· eo,;,....,..,. i ... Al. R11ponslbr., '°" !owl Costa. Mesa ·only 1' -G-IRL~Fri-,-.-,....,--,.,.-. -,-.... --,1 ID fer jobs. pos1tfcin for 'sharp, fak• u '° help °""' ~ay « his MISS EXEC AG ENC'( char .. ilrl. JtWit .hon lwory 111111t 'Tl 9 =-w-. $Ot. & S.. 'Tl 6 . busy week, IOQCI: tvP • a/h, 410 w. ·Coast Highwar exc.11ent , i l«lls • Ir.el, !l!!!!!I!!!!!! wow! T~ $GOO, call Billie, Newport Beach 646'3939 shorthand; hondl• Ute JOBS & EMPLOYMENT ME!lCHANDISE POil I ..,._ BKJWR.. •boO<Phere p1uJ bkkpsr; bllllnt. Ullder . SALE· AND TRADI COASTA1' AGENCY lltel>Jt..,,!oi.olpubliccon. 30. Coll Barbora. (714) .Holp·Wanttd 1---. -----A member oi tact. Dmuny job. ·Start $450. 642..,,10 Women . 7400 Furniture IOCIO Srellipe &: ~°' Jnc. Call Ann Williams, 54IJ.6005 • ... I 2790 Barbo• B~ a..ta Mesa COASTAL AGENCY =E \'&•"'' """" OVER.STOCKED LYN & N . Aid · A member of Experienced capable ·ba~sitter for 2 pre-~ unes s Snelling. snem., Inc. • • WAITRESS ..,hi .... Da;ty u,m,30. My • MUST SELL! Large progreuive ECF need• 2790 Harbor: Bl, Qisla Mesa e e HOSTESS-ES home, Upper ~area....start &aut. waJnut !klrwr d~ Expertenced WAITRfSSES Day 4 Night Shift 1or l!usy cofief' shop -. MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24031. El Toro Rd. U. Orientation provided by a A Cl ~ $--. mkf..Sept. ·Call 5f8..3106 er. two 2.drwr commodH.J Juli Ume,•in 1ervt~. e<Nca-cctg ~.-" .,," TELEPtlONE Solicitor-. Sar bdbrd &. framed minor, aU , lor. Openings on all shltta. Xlnt oppty With ~table So. • Apply ln person + comm. Ph. for .apPt. for $172. New 9 pc. corner. OiUerential pd for swinren Santa Ana co. Friendly ai,. 642.Ql61 bet 9 am-2; 30 pm arrang. choice of clrs.. rq. &.. ~u ow IL Only those w.hO =re. can E d e e, tM·F) S230 oow Slf9.50. Headbrds: care need ap~!.,!1~G30 W. Jaison a.st· REUBEN l lff WAn'RES.ID;, q boys, ~ja·n~~·~u! i~·::, Warner, S.A. '"°"'""" . · cub1er hol!teu. A.....Jy in :r .._.. --r-:"" -•·) Employnfent Agency 151 E. Ccwist Hwy. r..,. TiUndle.ae"ll Cd~ riser) w/1 SECI'Y, excptt ;lo.b, ma:y ad-2120 So Ma.in 1i Ir u-wport •---h penon Hotel La run a 1 •~--..i..... $11'i vance to top. Poised I: sharp OPEN. MONDAY' .,. ~ Laguna Bch. """"r sp • .,. matt. reg. •' wl good akilb, legal exp. To LIVE-IN Ex: lady to now f7'9.50.: RoU ... -qy 1:j $600 Call Billie 54()..6055 'S!:CTY, la.ugh-~ beaut dntn care for ~ I ad y ~/ inn. spi;: SOnia~ m;. ' ATlAlfJK Zl9q ,_ 81. Com M•sa RADIX . e Typl,llo t CORPORATION ntttlRCff e s1e,,...aphors Lacuna Hilll 837-1014 LVN CHARGE NURSE Full or 'part time. ·u p.rn. to 7:30 a,m. Good salary and fringe be:~ fit!!. c0ASAT!_L ... ~EotNCY ~:::x: c.e111t;ri~~ CREDIJ: CHECKER_ Newport Beach. $280/ma sl~:r-:: reg.'$239.50, ~~ ~-....... .-t<:M .,.._,, nilli· or !SU-4713.1: su.«.08 $169.50, New beds: K Jn &' Snellina: I: $ndlin& I.oe. ~.a_~-....... .......<;> _e, GENERAL CLERK FUiL or Pt.time Beautician, $98.liO. Queent,. -~ run -48'-'l;;:1'""1y A'"""'· KULA ·-.. Prlv 5ocy •·R-pt A~lm 879-4360. CORPORATION Central O>ntractor will be lo- Park Lido Conva1e1eetit: "'Hospital 1445-' 2790 Harbor m. C:O.:ta Mesa COASTAL AGENCY ~e Rl'd. buLmt $4~ S!., I'wb111 l39.S0. .1'!8>° Exec S.Kty to $llCI . A member oL ·-·-'i:JNITEO -quired. N; grli welcome, ~· King-sif,e rsprudl, Xlnt Qj>pt"Y. d)'natnic. r a -s·t Snelling & Snelling Ine. . C~L 1 FORNfA B'A~K '. ·can mir. 548-9S'l.1. -cliOlce 01 cir&, f.eg. ·$20.9.S, . growing Newport Be8Ch co. 2790 Hubor'BI C-ollta-Mesa· now $12.99 SlESl'A SLEEP 'Jft DRIVERS * catod In Sani. Ana • now N E I A Div. or Susquehanna Corp, taking appl_leatleina for per- Newport &ach . 6U-241D r -0 , xpel' Oll'CO maneot p..;tjo,,,, Ge"'nl ' Nocossary! E4jual opportunity employi:!r ·construction experience de- MAID AND STOCK WORK Pe:nna~t •. foJ' tine womeil'• clothing store. Retail ex· perie~ )lelp~ul, or will tra.in. Apply: ~Kay. 546-5410-. MANlru' RIST 2?12 W. <;:oast Hwy. Jobs-Men# Wom. ·.7500. SHOP, l9Z't Harbor Blvd;cM J•son· Best . ,.. . Newpprt Beach 646-2431 645-Z760 daily· J.0..9, Sat-Stin • Employment Agency · Fashionable Newport ~ach cl~o.6~·~=====--~ 2120 So M""' SA ""°" ...., an "P'rienced •BEAUTY• LIQUIDATORS I OPEN. MONDAY. full um. manlcuri•t. Qu=. a· b1'1' 1·t1;es OPERATOR' FOR BANKS-FINANCE CO'• I ~==~--,..,......,-,-1 & C01llmlss10n, ~1d vaca-RECPT, brlte gal to 1low In lions, elc. 'Piea9e call [Jl][l"ml"fe::iti.. ESTATES.MODEL HOMES sired. Send ·apPlkanls £: MUft baVe clean Califmnia I ::z=======~ 1 resume11 to Donovan Om-drtv!ng record. Apply I• stniction Co., 5670 Wilshire 'i'ELLOW CAB CO. * * Blvd., suite f!GO, LA 90036. 1B6 E. 16th St. J. C. Penney C.O. Attention: Leo Nieme. BACK STREET Fashion Island Newport Center this tront ottk:'e & 1parlde •44_1570. • U Quality Furniture. 8anka C V Must be •~porienced. ...... •• , ne-,·t Fu•n. --, Co.sta Mesa Fashion Wand TELLER. some exp a musL MGMT Tmee, national. chain Nt"wport Bee.ch Lik.e.. pe:op)e, _ m-oblemt A: on PBX, lite-typ, hm job. RECPT/Seety new e.'<citing agen '7 i>:mmt ~! ~anU;. To $375. Call Billie S4o.6055 a-........ ..., ..... 'beach a.re L Q.uaJ.\bo Polition&.for APPLY of • -S .. !\I " re.ttaur .. aood bkgmd, R.S. peMI". Pick yourself UP. &~· am coll. $6500. Call NEEDS A \ To $400. Call Sally. 540-G065 RECPT/Secty W Newport Bead! Jegal tegle. Soar to 1hie top w/ good skills: $500. Call Gloria Kay, 540-m COASTAL AGENCY COASTA~ AGENCY ~~f;ht switch! $450. Qualilied Applicant!! Personnel Offt'co ~ panim Niter- .A member of ~ Call Ann Wiltiams. 54~ 488 E. 17ib ·St., Salte 224 Third Floor ~~ ~ :::S:l "lnk """· S4IMllii5 COASTAL AGENCY Q)ASTAL AGENCY A membor or Snellinc,&. Snellirc Inc. COASTAl. AG-ENCY' Cast& ·Mesa g;.c.LflO rooms &. king or any size 2'79o HarbOr Bl, Col.ta MeM A member of box Qlrings I: mattn!u, Ctlf- A membor of * COOK * Snolling • SnelliDg Inc. ~ 4 .Soellina Inc: Recent, 11ucceuful eXl)erltnce 2'190 Harbor Bl, Coll ta Me• A m<mbor of Cable• Harne"' Snolling • Snollin8 lnc. SECl'YIRECPT,X!nt....,.t THE .BROADWAY tom made,.f¥&tov .. e&I$, 2190 HartJor Bl, Ollta Mesa in all phases o1 the food llt-Snelling &. Snelling Inc. Aaemblus. · 2790 Harbor Bl, C4!ta Mesa oppty! Heavy. typb:W, lite exqubll:e dinin& r,ooma: 1: 279Q Harbor Bl. Qista Mem SWISSNo Tou~ P/T Gen. Offic• bkkpg. To SSOO. Call Mt. NEWPORT BEAOJ hutches. Guar&Jlteed frost-S'I'qCKROOM a.ERK, JIOill_e dustry·is required._CofnPel'S- UJ-dnired. I n c om i n a: tive waa:es apd outstaDdinc rough miterial, tool crib &: benefits bw::ludin&: profit ,,,,..... dept. Call Jiln .-. *STENO* Experienced.. Typing &: · •hortband"neeesl&l)'. Full -40 hr. wk. $• 00 h Richards. 541)..6(65, , free refrigerators, ~ o Io r Cl•rk Typist to $414 2930 Collect ' Avenue "t P· • COASTAL AGIENCY 47·eoum of Fi thian TV's, late model washers 1 Xlnt oppf;y, Ht& Beach • co. Cost. Mesa 546-4950 Good ~ 'lkfils, 4 boun a A member of FASl-UON ISL.ANO dryers are NJ Oil u.le al :sac- Top benefits. cau KQ, SECTY a real taU charge day, ~I Lo!'tline Merchants snelling & Snellinc Inc. Newport Be.ch ri1ice prices. Buy dy piece I $46-5410 . • ._, ..,_ Pel:\tOnne:l Agency, 2043 .,........ Barbo Bl r--M ..... J. HyJmS.Da.Yll: 642-2 400, Eves: 546-0319 . Servomc··oivislon of GULTd_N INDUSTRIES 1644 Whittier Ave. C.M. F,qtjal opportunity employer Production Clerk Clerk to $500 Xlnt oppty with vital, atable co. :Call Bert, M6-5410 . J•son Bat ~nt-Al;ency 2120 So. Main, S.A.. OP·EN MONDAY ACc-ant to $1000 Fee pt.Ml. Local non-Oefen11e eo. st&Me, Send re1ume or call t...ny, 54&-5fl0 Juon Best Employmet)t Agency 2120 So. Main, S.A. OPEN MONDAY SALES .for Orange co. Good opportunity for hard work-Inc man. To $7800. can Bud Snell. 54().6055 COASTAL AGENCY A member ol SfeOing 1-Snelling Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa AU'l'O P•rts Counterm•n Oiryller t'xP'.erience prefer· red1 uceneni oompany ben- efit&. . Contact Martin HUl!W Atlls Chysler.Plymouth 2929 Harbor Blvd. ' Coste Mesa * APPLY IN PERSOK 10 .\M to 9 PM Monday thru Fricfay J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 F•shion lsl•nd An equal" opportunity • emJ)Jo~r MEXl-1.ANIC • Foreign Car. BM:C 6. Ferrari dealer needs 2 uper. men. 5 day week. Proven high ea~. paid vacation. uniforms furnished free, Gruup Im., & o ther =~~: . ~ Joe Moore •CARPET lAYER• permn. Sbtd ementi ..... _:rx: Wf'Stcliff Dr., N.B. 64.5-Z'nO ... ...., r , ....... ta esa ·or •PJW>t:"llU. • JASON BEST the ~ start at $500. , Part or iulJ uma 10 women M Eq'tW Opportuni~ WAREHOUSE SALE Employment Agency Ca11 Ann Willlam11. ~ TELLE_R, t:l\ifl, a golden op. needed 1.mmed. ·ror child Employer AOK 212o ·So. Main, S.A. COASTAL AGENCY portunity for teller w I~ h care, aides or companions. 7722 GARDEN GROVE BL. 3«4 Via Lido OPEN MONDAY A member of some exper. Move up. $450. Age 21-65 fRY COOKS Westminster (11'. block West Newport Beach 673-2500 EXPERIENCED Snelling & SneDlna Inc. Call Ann Williams. S40-6ilii5 Sitting Pretty Atw'cy of &ach Blvd. oH G.G. Equal opportunity employer WAITRESS 2790 Harbor Bl, .Costa Mn.a COASTAL AGENCY Member of We Sit Better, Frwy. Open 10.9, SUn 10-6. A member of H MGMT Trainee, finance co., F/C BOOKKEEPER Snelling&: Snelling Jnc. Inc. Stlbsidiary oi Gerber Top wages. permanent, hon-SPANIS national. Legal . qc., nn.t ~ply in P1r10n Costa Mesa. CPA oJllce. 2790 Harbor Bl, ~It~ ~e&& Prod. Co. 642-327f e1t, and ~na:. cor)dijjons ·MEDITERRANEAN clean, IQ test .. $5460. Call S RF & SIRLOIN Interesting -Challengina S KEYPUNOi ()per, co" I, In atta's Jea.:u ..... restaurant, M Shown in model homes. "'-~" Rand 540-6005 O>mmensurate Salary. • • • NURSE • • • alm & t C t d ....... .., .,., ... ..,, • ·" 5930 PK. Cst. Hwy. Pleue call LI s:.81174 M·Relief shift c n_ia ure. ree. a • Apply 9 am tq 5 pm tot .iD-3 Rms of furn,_ (din rm , llv COASTAL AGENCY Newport •-och . ~~===~~=-ILVN •. ,, ·-i h't vcmt poMlble for sharp gal. ·-terYiew al · -rm, & bedrrnl priced ehe-A member of De HARDWAR·E SALES ' u11-1 ni .... 11 11 Starts M50. Call Gloria Kay, ~Inc ASSISTANT MANAGER for Some experience pteJerred Apply in person 540-6ffi5 where at $895 is')'Olll"S today 2-:e::: :e Costa Me'.sa •pecialti>' ahop, Must be Kerm Rima Harclw•re !.quba Be~unirlg Ho~ COASTAL AGENCY c~:~~c:;~p ;~~~~ $439. Easy Credit G•I Friday $430 willing &. able to assume' ~70IO A member of 24001 El Toro Rd. Santa An• Furniture Xl ... _ .. 1. ~u~-n. pleas-responsibility. Retail ex-2666 HariX>r ,Blvd. C.M. secretary $47$. fff-pd. Snellln&: & .Snellin& Inc, Leisure World I~-·-.......... _ 426 w 41h St s.n .. .__ "• g•v-•u .,._...., perience -required. Apply al ==-c==-;;;-' :-=· 1Penortnel dept. good sec. 2790 Harbor Bl., Ch!!ta Mesa ._.,...__ ruua · " ...,_ ant \\'Orlrlnl conditkms · in OIRJS FASHIONS ORAL surgery oHl.ce. Jm-skills, beach area, call J..o. . 837·1Dl4 547-0719 Newport finn. Call Kay, South Coast plaza. A&k for mediate employment for re.ine, ~terchants 'Personnel GENTLEMAN wanll a mid-FULL Time l' es id en t A..VI'lQUE Whlte • twin u ~0. Miss T. dental as.!listant. X-ray ex-Agency, 20-13 Westclill Or., die.aged lady ~keeper 5 manare_r muple to manage Canopy bed w/spr\ng &: J•son Best perience. Call 54&-7719 N.B. 645-?nll (also lee jobs) days/week, live. in . or ou~. soon-to-be comp I et e d mattress. comer desk. :1-3 Em.loymmt .... e...... SECIY, ro to market for top own transportation if poss1-d 1 123 't "'"-· 1 ,.. ·-J Engrg firm. Good typing 4 MOTEL Maki. Experience is NEW Ace: ts Teller, bank exp ble. Call 494--25.39 far in-e uxe uni at--' ._. .... n drawer commodes, 11 k e Bank of America 2120 So. Main, S.A, &/h. w/phone peraonallty, neceaary. In q u Ire at not necessary, but some type terview complex in Col!ta Mesa. new, all $155, White tormica EXPERIENCED OPEN MONDAY $495. Ca I 1 Gknia Kay, VAGABOND ~IO'I'EL, 3151 & s/h u9eful. $400. can Ann Submit resume wilh desired sliding door cabinet, 72'' w. ISLANDER MOTOR RECPT, Medical. Be the star S4()..6().)5 Harbor, CM Williams 540-6<55 Order Desk to $383.00 u.lary, Past experience, 31" H-10" D. $20. 545-7474 HOMES, INC. attraction for lovely Med. COASTAL AGENCY SECTY, a lint cWs eirt !or COASTAL AGENCY Recent work exp. good typist, references. complete skilis e Furniture e 2135 Canyon ·nr., C.M. Center. Know med fonns &: A member of a first class Irvine co. A A member of young, ~ch finn, cdl Lo-andl'odcapa?illties pre,. viouoandly Appli•nces •Color TV 64Uf758 tennB, $42.S. Call Gloria Kay; Snetll"a: &: SneHiog Inc. bi'&Jld new qppty! SSOO. Call S~ling & Snelling Inc. raine, Merchanll Pctsonnel app 1 n ren mg L"'u"B"R"tC'°A"'TJ6N~m,,..,,cc--,1"o""r 540-6005 ' 279o Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Ann Willia.ms, 54()..6().)5 2790 Harbor Bl Costa Mesa Agency, 2043 Westclill Dr., upkeep ol slJnilar projects AOK AUCTION COASTAL AGENCY CO>t.STAL.AGENCY FR c'oo· N.B. 645-2770 to P. o . Box 1810 Newport 7772 Garden Grove Blvd. diesel trucks. Some light A member ol . Teller TrnM $325 Y K Beacb Calif 92663 Westminster nr G.G. Frwy mechanical work. Ex· Xlnt oppty f01' advancement, A member of l\fature experienced lady OR'l_'HODONTIC~ Assislant • ' . Tues .t. Thu~ 7 PM-Sat 6:30 perienced only need apply. Snc\linr Ir. Snelling Inc. h Snelling &. Snelling Inc. d · . full f Ollu:e Mngr. Diversified PRINTED Estatt' con,.nrnt. Repo. New ~ . I 871 W T1'9o Harbor m. Co$-1'1esa beaut new Newport Beac 2790 Harbor Bl Costa 1'tesa ay or ev~n1~.. im~. duties, irecretaria.I ak.Hls. '- Boat ,,-.. nsit nc., • offices. Call Edtt, 546-5410 """""'="~=-°''"""=== Call for 1ntezview, Mane e1RCU11:. 3 R001'f GROUP 16th St. .. N.B. HELP WANTED OPEN MONDAY MANICURIST & SHAMPOO Callender Pies 842-4486 Maturity, good penonallty e COMP L&H MELON co. needs e BoatCarpentel'! GIRL. Alfredo's Uair Etc. . ' . & judgment r e quired. e SILKSCREEN!R LETE e e Boat Mechanica JASON BEST l2tiA ~tarine Av Bal w. E x.cvt1ve Secretary Salary open. write Daily e INSPECTOR Living nn. t>ertroom. dinette strong ooll* students to •Cabinet Makers Employment Agency &r~ · · Fringe benefits. bonus, Full-Pilot Bo:ic M-334. fmmed . opening far peraon $297 work hard, sho;.'f. hours. w/ • Journeymen 2120 So, Main, Santa Ana S all ion Island office. Salary Gen. Insurance Agency elQl'd in manufacturing ol Weekly Payments .•.•• up to $6.~/hl'. Call ll-2 e Boat Finl11hen SECRETARY-BA.RMAID. Nlghls. n1 •• open, Phone after 5 p.m. SECRET~RY printed circuit boards. \\le carry oUr ov.n contractS only. ~12 S h E te , RECEPTIONIST lr1endly beer bar, N pl 673-0218 C E Van's Discount Furn ~. natlooal nrm needs CCX>K-try. eiqier. yng. man •v•nna n rpr11es Blvd., c.M. 646-&.l'lll Daya. Mature \\"Oman experienced H MFLEX 417 w. 41h St., S.A. Ml-l4l:J ~ man. some lJ"OCUY. who desires -'tlon •I 776 W. IGth St., C.M. Dictation., typifl&, cood tel~ DEN;fAL ASST., 'ex-ptt. at KEYPUNCH, 1 yr exp. G~at in all Jines cl insurance. 3767 Bitch St., N.B. Open Dally lo.8 * Sat lo.6 "'.'--"--co ...... $6500 CaU .,...... LITE ASSEMBLY Phone voice, k:bowledp of _, __ -1..-=-·,de. r--". op-oppty 1or a real. ao getter. Salary open. N~ omce. F.quaJ oppomiriity B~ .... n· c._;'~c • future. for inter. 1ee Mr. -• oW n-..• o;......,. ~a .....,l.Zll Top bo fits o( To G ~ s PC-~---• Ion ,.. """"' ~ Exp'd, for actuator line. 30 to rent!•-.. ce, .-~~er con-portunityt &16-SiOl ne , ruce cs. reat opport.. &W-41.M ernploytr M/F ~ ............. n;y tweed, C~T!!"m!~~Ncy ~= ~· ~ 2267 ~ ~:J, ~4i:~~rt-~=: ~· Salo G~~ ~.tielp ~ ~ciA~T~ ~~ BEER MAID ~P~ u':um::t: ! = ~00=,:h:P ~:r: Siellinl: ~ Sne.llllfc Inc. Holp Wonted ~ .. n G-' ·-·led ~ OPERATORS · .. · 50~# .,..._'!,"' ... ~ A member of ~pply evenlncs: Mesa. Must be hard ·table, 1 lllJ'ie kidney coffee 27'lldi Hiarbor o.ta ~ ... -.... ~"' • .-..-ill, ....... ~ Snell~ A Snelling Inc. SCOTTIES table, black. Duncan Phyfe . Bl, . Mm Women 7400 Boutique Dress shop Beach Expe~ On-d re s s es, 8:30-5 a11k for Mn. Be:IT)". 27'!lo Harbor Bl., Cw!ta Mesa 436 E. 17th St. ~rs, 11"? .~ 1_ nec..bdr din.Ing room set, bolt chair, ~~Ing r!r1.!: .--"-------=-~ :S&11~~~1:" ~~~-::~~~~ -~P· ~':t'AJ~ e ~WJ.i~\,,, n~~ EXPERIENCED \\'l.itress, Cost• Mesa fpt. ~ ' ~'II ~~~:. =ilbuffet. antique to l ell'd our busineu and e e EXPERIENCED GAL wanted for sewing In 863 Production Place Res:tiurant &: Lounge South full or part time, breakfaat HOUSEKEEPER 1 WQI a W AL N UT dining haJ¥lle lilies executive posi· Boutique Dreu shop. Ex· •· 'Newpcirt ~ach. &l6-030S Lagun" Ask for 'R 0 y hours. Benlon's Coffee Shop. wk. Hecli, happy home Jabt M..,, Wom. 7500 Oa.ssicaJ Modern by p:: tiori. Training income pro--TELLER-....... wilh ""lterns. Bcich FEA'h" 18 ..., cm-221i · 133 S. Coast, Laguna Beach. with cheerful teenagers, M~-~ Coll sa.I ,.... '"' mt.L lo ~. no exp. 494-4898 tired mother, nr 23d. & JOIN HAIR & CO. -three far 1...-....ubb. Expandable table bu.II~ mip~M • r :~ti;~ UNIT&O area. Box t.f 637 Dally Pilot ~. to ope rate bicycle "'"' e MAIDS • Hotet/t<.totel COLLEGE ·r1 Tu tin NB 645-132-4 oot haiT stylbtll! Opening with pads, 6 ct\a..il"!I. Black CURTAIN & drap e ry talon Balboa Isl. Sl.50 hr + Experience. $1.85 hour. age. gi • s 1 • • Aug. 1st in Balboa Island. naugabydf'. fJ6 in. sideboard. ~ CALIPORNIA IANK saleslady exp'd. No phone comm. 372-8ZS2 Call 673-9410 H~work & child care for COMBINATION, Sharp Bar Call Sul\ Mon, Tues. 'wed, Had excellent care. 833-1493 ~RAL call&. Udoff's. So. Coast!--=~=~=~-===~~~~.-~. fam11yorl!boysi7·1S-lunHJ Maid.a Ir. Co c;... De.neen. 714 67>l230 tberl~,,..=-c.,.,.-....,~,::;= Jn ~~Tom A: 6 M~b i::,.. Plaza PIAzaEXP'D SALESLA-Y 2 ni:11~~ at fil,~r hr. ~~~~~!~ii e;~ ~ ~1 $00 wk. Rell! ft(f. ~°:rt_ 'i>~rors.l;~s'!~ d.;s, ·213: 44~ on o ~~u!:ry :~le,;.~~ J4ru~h Tnakier Archltecti AlA (n4) 499-1361 '"' Inqultt: Personnel Dept. p.m., 54G-27T1 RECPT lite typin& A: buQi SASSY LASSY, :J901 Harbor, HAIRDRESSER.NIGUEL pecan. 2 years old, COl!l Huiit, Harbour. M6-aBn Men ' Womens Oothinc Hoa& Memorlal Hospital, BEAtmClAN, pt-time fur switch~ SWing out this C.M. HAIR FASHIONS, No. 19 .J2179. \Valoot lamp table K EC H ·ANl~perienced I-~~~~~---~~· l _,=~•~"3"8!~!!!'j~*~.,-=NB."'=~=~-~~--I bUfY cblldreD's lhop, Good IUmme'r A: 0 enjoy work. To SALE.5WOMA.N. Experience MOAAN"h Bay ,. p 1 a z ~ i I ,;$40.,m;i644i";i·li'6'~!=c-.,,.....,.-,-..,_ ... -• SAWWOMAN WAttRESS • OVER 21 BIKINI BarmUI/........ conunluhtn. """"' $31'>. Colt Sally, -In lld;es ...... to ...... "9-2221 . COMPLETE ... 1v liini: ttdbdrfta Call Andlor I.«ft1 e~ ln bf!tmo ~~~~ lbUt. FUll or part.tlm~. Costa PRACTJCAL Nurw, 3 pm..S COASTAL AGENCY Oftr 25. Apply Mon thru Fri DRAPF.RY woc:luootu, no dinette set. btdruom .et. ~ .. ReQLtr, '44-fW:li readJ' to 'ftV': tlr Exdu-1 -~T.C.,,.=-.-'iT.==-I Mesa pm 5 d~ nek. $1! per A member of lo-4. APROPOS No. 27, exp. me:. F\l.U time .work. Must lll':ll, belt ottPJ". st. at ~,_ •Ive Sptdlllt7 Shop, 5 d.,-Deabl Reoepl, I: Bkkpr. 646-ijn day. ~ Snellint: I-&k'flina Inc. Town I: Country, OraJve 11352 ArmltroQI A ye., lll).8. 3Gth, NB 67:\.mfi l-ISERY=._:. ".sr~A-.-A~Tt'NON'T===.1 ~ 1-5:30, no nUts. Sal· Exp. ar ~· z-u. BEA\n'Y 0 PER AT 0 RS Part Time Cleric Teller 7790 Harbor Bl. Costa Mesa NCR 395 OPERATOR Irvine. 540-8503 Quality ldng be~. qutlted, lL Exp, nee. Contct ary + comm.lallM-Replies wa.ntl!d: No fol1ow 1nr for Savings'• Loan GIRL to do dlda~ typ. bcellent \\'Orlcing conditions SchOOi•frmtvctlon 7600 Complete, unused $98; worth AIRPORT TEX· conndential, Write Dally p;. MC1I'EL MAID nntflcl. A~ necesury. 675-4231, m.3701 m.:;mo Ing h19n-Fri momin£1 in A. pe.y. Air lnd11s!Jie11 Corp, FLlGllf inst 01' all"Ctafl ren-$'.ISO. After 5 or wknd1 467& Campu11 Dr. lot Box M.-333. ply: 1021 Bayside Dr· SALESLADY wanted for ae-SPFX:IAL Machine Opera ton ~ledW!&I of.lice, No aper l251tl Knoll St., Gardel'I !al. Good 1966 Cesma 150 .,"'="""',,..,,,...~,..,---~- Net:fpt Bch. Newport Beach. Cre5'lf>' sales. Exp prd'd. tor Garment Mfgr. Exp. nee. Reply in wrlU. PO Gl"O\'t' _____ ·-Dual Ume, n4.SO/hr So~ DARK aqua 8' LaWllll'ltl eofa, EXJll'D. 2nd. lhill Jnjeetjoo GUU...Frida,y type , ~ WANTED: BARMAID lot Belll1 Honie Fumlshtnp, ntt. 642--2666 Box 20ZI:, Nev.'l)Ort Beach LEGAL SECRETARY time, ig,SOfhr. Fully In-perfll'!('t condition. $55 la.kn. ~ Foreman. Gd. = A: knoV::-~ "'°Zf n~ ~· llOO lrvlne, NB. 6U-0262 DR. nds perm. h!!kpr cook. TEACHER needs c0mpetcnt Fast. accurate t)'pist, pod 'sured <!Utified instructor 1194-1331 • 1/: Applt !·to 5 PM. l'htbnd. good 1Yp 1n1 , LEGAL SECRtf'ARY, min, cart for 3 chlldttn, live-In. 1itte:r; 2 8Chool..gge, l pre. on phone. Some 1ht!lnd. avail. 54g..o1a OILED Walnut Oaniih table PARTS INC. purdiulnc expe:r, deatrable. HOUSEKEEPER for'2 alter-ol yrs. exp. Salary open. Bch lmt pvt rm, BA A: TV. lcliool. star1 Sept ~home., Sm.all bu• Y oilice, HB. EdUcatiooal Vacation Stb & 4 chain, >20" txL an Aw., C.AL Wllllrw 10 leam 1 lf'OW "w/ noons per Wttk. Tues I-General practice. 8G-.5S55 RA!fa. 49f.-1142 aft g rv. 839-1457 ·536-807S or 838-6460. graden ••• Sr Cltb:enl leaws. Uke new! £46.-«lS.1 ltY M llourc1N&Wedtf .oompany.Plea1antaur-Wtd.APtJ"flMnt.541-mo BABYSITTER wanted: My bEN'f'XL AalstaJlt ,. Cb&ifMA.'IVRE -Part t1rneSERVJCESt1tion'needt·1lrl1Chilcoat10 lePon l;yplng LEAV1NGtawn-must.11e_D ~ .. be looklJW tat roundincL App J 7 2l3 'Mm QUICXER YOU CAu.. home 21st St, CM. S daf, #5 tSdt Orthodi)ntic otnce. kitchen help for Dtll. Aflpl,y fw owri'rp .e". ·Xlnt Ml, 6 Sehl. ™al t..emn. l]I Del Louis 15th llY ~ f\lmlfure-.. ta, JtW eo&m~ RJvtnide A..,_, 'NB 'l1IE QUICK!:R YOU SELL wit. &4&-6273 it 60.~ * at 379 E. 17th St .• CM. POINTS SHELL. 842-3444 Mer. C.M. $¢2859 Tabin & lJinps. 1U.a41 -• I l. , !i"'!! •• ~.9JSlllZZllW•£El!!'lt~X~l~&!"'!l~CP44!'.4'""11~t•tt""'•£"'4 ... 4 .. 2 ..... £ ..................... a1£11&•&•&~~ .. .., .. 1!14 .. •j59121!!1""',.. .. ~~~~0,_,~0~,,.,..,..~~~~:""::"'!'::::::::;::::::::::--~---...... ~~·~~~~~~ ~ ~ .. ~ ... .. r "T"". -1' -""' . FOUR CONY!NllNT. OFFICES. TO SIRYi YOU ' • ..awPOaT llACll nn·s n • .-- • COSTA MISA, pO Wflll Soy • ~tatf SU'CH ~. fWlli Shit e "\A""-'i llACH ' · 2U -··-, • ' • • DAILY ,,lOT ' . tter.'11.How Y• e. UM _. Oir Fan-'• Dia.• A• U.., .... -.. --"""' ----... .. W::!ef ... 4 ~-.... , .. .... ••••tdil! ..... ..., -. ___ ._,._ .......... _ ~ c-iril~ ... -..... U.WNMOWn $7. oq..J6it ' $l'l/J;ll.Q -l:Jl. 54H1lle PI,l!llBING ftltlhp. a If 2 Tl\iES, 15" ><MSiJo eoch. STACK S0>0u SID. Eloctrio iJllEI) eek tallie. 4 ftlro Alft'iciui: • re e •~i SMAIL , Cboll ,d!f""" 13. M1JNn :IC" """' ... ..,.... HAI~t; oet 12. j!RUl!9"1CK, bo .. riliiC lion_ -le• QI. -:JlOill Bueheld; till. IG.2s12 b!Wet $3. DlahM acd pol> S2$.' -table P5. 5 pf....: ~ TV S2$. TV .bed-· oalJ 15, chelr $2. TV .,ilh -!JI.~ 24• Va~18'1-Eleelric ,..~ EJl.<11> .. '-caliilf~ ROlUWAJ(, bed IJO. ~· ~ 1 $2. flCt"!" ~~ ~~ .... dlaln.! .. ,h. cabinet '2'1.;..Au:'.t,.tom•,~~ -• .~ :!1' ~• .. ~-"'! ~'°"' . Toya Sc>!So., ••~ !148-1111 ., "*"'585 '" LAOo~ ~-. tu h , -l~,2for,$\._'I046,, --.... ~·Hight w ...... -~ ~,.,...;.. -•-, __ ----JlalUo, "-Ch(kl't wagori fl, :$4 DeS0T.0 ' . • s t G ion coat&, lhe 10 10 12 $-1 • $15. $lld $2.SO. Na U 18. h '1 d i ttoordiT $15. A . lea J2 st!\lN., ~· •v"' ShWl. Decca radio ud 9'frbec\le ti'. b:iild'a rocl::lnc' .._ , ')NM, riffd1 ~.....,NrJ'E lroner •and chair Panll, ~ l:llocaea. •be 2AUTO Van bench"'!-~ ehlJr '8. r1t. Gowi'Q;C.M. cart $~. • lf:latal 1~ suftar, ttudftlt inodtl, new ptlCinO t5 rpm; 13 Twhl ... Ohair 17, Fllb taruc $8. 00m•"'"l"k $25. ~ lllrd>.• l:Jl, -• 10 to 12 $2 . $4. Shoe~ hf&b m,~,_ ~ ' 110Y&'$8. 518-«132 · W. suit# ~I •trq bNe boot -and •-5'~'!)17 • • San\& Al!o llelal>.. -11\JNK b!df '$2S. ""3585 .... lt$l • j<. me 5\1 ID 68. TWIN .......... ..... ... .. . 1Ullat SU..~ ~ $15. I .... ohtollocl 1'1111" · -, CL011ilf'IG, '$e U. !IJo. COSCO hilh dlalr $4. Jump Hacdbep 11 • $1. Girl'• m.. ""' $1d ·ttch ,.UC., CUT -and -stw WESmO!IEl.AND Sl<fllnl suJtar, -· modfl. "'* a.d -wllJ .. -ROLLAWA Y !>"' $4. Childs $1.50. Pal-$S. •""'1m -t 12. "'"1 d>all' II Car dothea, -. iad<eta. F~l"I diMlle .. po. 15 to $25. Canoo 15, IH2$ ~. <»ot&! • ~Ult 11U ,nee4 ouh, '""1k bodl All -ii. Siami metal loldlrc chair&. 4. Jl.50 paper becb lOe. 1:: $a 12 Mlt Ji Sftihrt .hone 'u. 2 pant.a, blousn. IW9.ters. llOOW:t' YaCUUm $ia. ~h ~ tn.me couch, each. Chin& .tvict, ~ ' • ' '· Underwotd ~tn' $l 2 f!d-a.nd Firome _kitchen Killy~ J...Qe._C)t. p\t,Uotm. rodrM' $5 each. 3 ~ S-..U. 50c • i«J.o, Toy., umtnlla. new $4.. m,.9103 mUet t beds $25. CUahions, each. 61!>-Trn ~ · • Typ!wrlter stud $5.. Walnut chain S1 ea.Si. O~d tron tl"a 6 DRAWERS.· ·'dMler • p~ walnut.-· v enee r pme&< doUa, books 50c-.. $S. TWIN Bookcue bead:boudr toa..rubber $10. Toastera FORMICi.4'¥'\Jinij; 5'8" to'* ':~~~~ ~ !~ -1a.t ~tad I pllJowa a&. kl"~e $10. Small whlle bedroom .et 125, 2 lMn Mf.-0317 Pl 'both.'Naup..eyde ~ $l OR~ 310 tetnlt~ kip $25. Cablnet $15. China tet-J -lm"~' Sl5 lJi:ht IJiht biiet Wool anti~ retrigentor SU.50. ~127!1 bench Ql. « draW ~ rnattreu and ~ 51>rinp . $2S. ChHt frt.ezer SlO. CdM. Park 10 driwway m bowl S15. Moen faucet $lS. tfxturll ~ fD.'4«' bJend carpet. approxbna~lJ EXCELLENT ·-···-·~ m. ~. ~ 1u ... Hu ·1·· •• ~ .,.. blk .. ~.h FLOOR to eellinc Olbelf acd --·-K alley. Pa'~ •••• ~ ~-~ " ..... !:: ~ "\4 • U\I', ~· m .. ~ -- UU!olW.. ucu btt.n r •1t'rit1 lae d, new ..., ._ "'' k>Wel aaver $4.. 0-TV .. 19'' ~ ,....&fS-2398 .,,~30,psL' NB..,,_ • .., TJN1' Crib tJr t1 ............. .,. i;tbroom _.:::. I' x''!;:: H $25. DrtSetr1 $13 each. ~-r-.r .00• tratnJ.oa ~ S8. Tricycle 11 0 -=.:i' Sl'OOL SlO Olnette -n-•~•'TO • ......,, ,_.,~ ~ _.,.... ~. Reo:irda Sl.50. V a cu u m •..-... S1 M'7-M84 O. "'e 5 "' a• stirwn.Y ; . "'' _.. ni:.r ~"'™ R $15. Gu KlNGSIZ:E PlMfd bMd-968-J.&22 $1$. Floor lamp SZ. 3 lpMd - 1 Ill" _ bl TV new $1.6Ai& !'fCh: 3 dra~ . bike, ,IOOd caaditioo $l11. Metal bed frame $12. Lamp nrwe $10. Lute dtak: $21. • I I . IK\J;'t bib (9 1 p e •d c eaner .¥.y. ~urta e ~ ·· $10. or.,p· 'bf TY!EWRJTER ~· ~ bar One lawn rmwer $10. 2 $5. aofa btd S2i). IDrch oof• 1052 Pallaadea, Santa :Ana board!.!.~-" "b >1 t • 6' Sofa custom oft whim, _'.._s...t) s,io. "4' x tiJ.• ~ $20. D>S2 Birth', Santa Ar.a kitchen table =. 4 Maple atcioU $1J. Marble end table trailtt ~1lches for ~bler tee W>le ~-2 end tablet. Hel&hts ~ _.-~-~~ • pod conditioa S2$. 5' wallllt ~ lncludlllc framat ., Heights. 5f6.«J60 chain -'5 e:ach~ Maple pie-$5. 4 p)'l'Vf' bowls $3. staUOn wqon $5 ncb. .Size 1>1.t<:h sz. Lounge. cbalr $25. " .... !.,,. s.-~ _. onoe llat bench SS. S.t/Suo . ELECTRIC can opener $3. tunpi and. tnmes SS eai:h. Cuiln'oie1 wttb lids S2 each. lt OU.tcrown perma-prm: a.it $J>-~ AUTOMATIC wuher-tn very $15 .• ~\c9 PI eat e d 961-3349, 17950 Loi Pnoa and ~~.,.,,. '\J Toaster · $l. A n t I q u. e Twin l'Olla.wq bed S15. 2 j..aey Susan '$1.SO. Bath 15C&.le pants. thirta. aweater $1. AIR Cooler 1afie tan $5. aocd cond~tlon '25. Fender ::e•·.!, ~S10~~~ O'. FV -~ = ~chain $3. = ~; can d 1e 1 ti e'k, $1. 1921 camprr ttalnles& ateel,.alnb Sl:SO Ironlnt board $2. V~ 30171 ~booke Lant, c.M. Guttu ff .SO. Latlt oak pie-sth1I" for 61 Font, ..,, no Foldari:lla tWhi a,troletr Sts. ~QUE Etchlnp in eolllti bandleban Sl.5CJ.• !tinrP'Q .. DebOrah Cane, N.8. SS each. 2 old ·tibln $$ ~~-@~°!'Ike Ave. C.M. M0-12T1 ture trames wtth gl&41 SJ pair. MT-8ll5 Folding hCh •thalr, i.talnleM ~· S25 each. st6--0t4· seat $2. W ' 6'6" alumtnwn d WAi'.NUT' OOH~ -table $25. each. IQtchen pull tlow1r F.UU.. 111,e Stmmarm bed $25. each. Electric heater $2. DOUBLE Sink wiring· $7.05, itttl tray $10.~C'u aJr C09ler ~GERATOR NU....& ~ ctch. 4.' x S: Antique tai)estry $25. one~ lamp $2.50. Table, lafnp $1. OAK barrels. 150 gallon $15 Double cement tubl is. Bath Horse blanket $10. RkUna: maple 1dtchf.n ael $15. Vinyl Sl5. Utt.le "'1ltl11 16 l.nch Ideal for recreation room aluminwn Kl'ttn doer '5-it till 4 panel screen $25. 2 an. T.V. lamp $2. Dttp 1r)'t}.' '3-each. Commercial live bait sink $3. Grease gun like new pi.d $2. Tan TV antenna, u• ....ilpaper $1 per ro J 1. bicycle. Hea~ duty training or cabill. Clean a!)cf .Nlll H00vtr eaniltu vacwm v• lique mirror 301• c la", $5 Toaat·r-over .$3. Eleci'ric iank. 3' i<4' J15. Doughboy Sl 23) wall heater, never ed 2 month.1 ·$10. ctlppen Kitchen fan..,. 'Garbage wheela,basket:tiiue.f.I0.9x rood. $25. 847-7402 cleaner $10. Coat& Mn&. 'l each. vacuwn cleaner .$5. roaster $5. BrOWnit 8mm pJ;)l ·tilter S15. M&ndolin, l'X• u&ed $5. Man's luggage. Sl. · Sl. Fork $1. Saw h. P1ck $1. disposal $3.50. T.V .. trays 12 turquoise rug $75. Rubber CAL Style metal bunk' beds, 549-200f ' Inrant crib and mattress . movie camen. $20. Ceiling eellenl condition S 2 5. FuU bednpread. $3. Nice 8' Rake $1. Electric beater $2. $2.00. Red kitchen clOck SJ. SS. Four foldlns cha.in and white and blue $49 new, ask· 3 $2S. Car seat $4. Bollie han&Jng lamp $1. OroPll?at Plywood \(." -;xt, JJ sheets couch $20. Women's clothes Poat hole dlat:r $2. 131-21.at 2 Red formtca counter klP!' 38 inch round Card or patio ing $25. 962-4186 PA'.MO furniture ll n, $5. sterilizer p. Dust ru.tne $2. metal $6. Trunk $3.50. 6 gal $2.50 each. 1060 Victoria. lOc. $1 Dinette table $20. 4 St., c.M. 8 and )0. feet length, . .SS table $10. 1 fool room 9 f'oa t aurfboud _ Blue ireen buTtl chair sto, 64z.7360 outboard gas tank ns. Play C.M. 54S-6034 matchin& chain: SlO. 573 eacl'I. MISCellaneous pie-divider 42 lnchet wide sis. -. New router 0 S5 n.y l BED, coniplele, $10. Divan $10. Table_, 6 chairs SlO. Desk $4. Lamp $2. ~ SltB ~ISHI Read The DAllY . ' . PILOT • ., ... ~~.·· c L A· 5 s I F 1· I D UBS'I' ~If$! tape 1200 $5. Brown f.all J5. BOWLING ball and bag $5. Victoria. Apt E. &CS-00, SURFBOARD t 'l", excellent tufts .15 to $1 each. Brock Boy'• 'twin apttad s 1 . 962-9759 bed $10. Twlrtven txdrc.a :l Electric alarm dock: $1. sweaten 40c • Sl.-Puules Cos~ Mesa ~lUon. Vehy, pod fur dl.nnrrnre, lots of ~tra Quilted double spread $3. BIKES 10 ,IPM'd $25. lirl&.-3 beadb:iard $2. Twin metal ~ Doy Scout cunera Jl, 2 ice and games 25c • fl. Road 1960 CHEV 2 door 19;.)! Chev berinner1 $25. 5'5-1797 pl~• $15. L.P. '1bwnS 15c Frigidaire C\ll'°.f'l imperial lpetd US. Boy• 3 apefd $15. head~ St PlanD brllCh chests S2 each. 1V stand st. ra.s:t:. $1 Wool •trips ror nig 2 door, 1960 Fal~n station SOFA 1 ft · Omte~po&"al')', each. i..:'dietl bowl.~' ft\Oel ...;asher, needs repair $25. Mens 26" ff.SO. 536-6J2j • $15. Walnut bo6kcue st5. ! 4 spinner hub caps $L 4 c.ad br:UHnl: $2. Old school desk wagon $25 each. Titta and gold $Z. 6'15-64U. T O 3 me 11,9 $1.50., ii!'l t clothes, Dozens of old° booka S fnr S1. BABY Bed m. 5&-3B85 ~trabJe ca bind 1V .$15. 1 hub caps $2.--CamPine fluh $10: c;arpet •~ttper $3. wheels, all sizes and kinds Jurnlne, Corona del Mar . •i2le1 10 Zic to $150. Lily Feather f Io we r U.. OUCK n...-18 Repa.il'l,ble wuher $10. f'ot. ~ light n. w Ii · trailer Chest-of rtra S5 Curtal · . Diamond dttll' •l~t stze nnaements .wt. 'Art;lsts. "'',)'~ • ~ tey diabes 1:r a ·~ e vein "'HI · "$5 each. 60 FalconTR~75cand$1.25.Small uus.eladc:drur.mtl2 11350 Girl' be-h: vacuumcll!antt$1!.Atiifxm 81 11.:_ F-.a and ftnt garace, so lt no rOda 25c eacl'I. 12 wit Econoline tadia~ $5. 0 btkff SS and ff, Odld'a SUI. :no Criat ttn ,.1._,} eclo"'t•;-·11lc· to Ila ! taPe recott!er $10. 12" RCA• n~ Datware far a '6-answer on phone-60-6124 ll'#nsfoimer $3. Clothing 25c J2 manifoid w\UJ 3-c::art. l'OCUr $2. Dolli 40!:. End ..... r ...... .vu, new portable TV $10. 16" Ad Gluset Sc· each.. VaCU11M . we al'!! at ganae 166 W. • s.t Im&1u1c talbe S7. Sal $25. ~ bench vise $25. table ~ Wall clock $2.50. HliJ..METS -F-a ct o r Y copper drJ'ftt' pulla. 3 tor portable TV S15. Goo d SJ. Blrdcap S2. Golf bq 11. 18th St .. N.B. ~ I: swi. 2451 None Ave. CJtl. MDtnrcycle Tl' racing seat, Brown print dn.pn M" x aecondl bait price $16. r... 9 a.m. Drito 6 .Pif8 ~ dilhmuter m :J Ftre Hangttv planter U. Peta CUWI'OM' bar. with 2 stools aJuminum. ne.w $3). New 12" S3. ~ $1.50, $2. 962-0061 Friesland w. ., ~ns $&$10. 3 OE clock and par. 5c to U. l.ampt $1 12,~?:.~(;~~~~-~ .-ll $25. ~pictutt, .original high speed drill bit Rt. 28 and $3.50. Win~· .PARTMENT" Size blocks south ot: Wamer,.olf 'radios $648. 2 Record tlo -M.-2 outa:ide mualnom • '""''6..,. _.. l'Ullln Sf.~. Glua &,helves %" $1.. bltaS25. 515 Hanµlton, Costa ·tkirta, dreaec, e oat 1, refrigtntot $25. lnbaard Newt~. players Sl-$'10. ·t ·~ 111h~~-'".,.a_ch. 2 -Z' x 2'" ,,, -'iMo .ne• o;pinnl._ IOdl. ·women'rdathr!a: 50c--M~ · aweataw:-~ ... asc--. IKMt&-propelltt-.left bapi-12 1:. ~-O:lll.Vt'l'tl tn.. ~J'l.J§:SB. Radiq SS, it~.I warqer fence P acb. - reels, niono $20 ea:ah. SUrf $8 .. New ~I m!_•L wm..r 11; DINEtTE. _ ~le~t.nd 4 Standard iypewrl~r $22.5ll ·15_ "5. A.s&orted bOy. scout bed, like new $15. 9G-3S45 EJ~c alarm -·cloekl --Va.er. . . · =~~ ~S25~ r:~~J:; Gift~ 5c ·• 25C. l<iti::hen chairJ $15. Sewing machine wfC!rtalQ. Sfft belt. $3 1tUtt n to ns;r Witer ski TOASTER GE $2. ~S Sf.S4. ~Ch&nnelPl., -~~~~ .. ~ Items 5c. $1.50. New beige $20.. Refria:erator S 25 , pair. Cen.mlca, dlahes 5ct jacket women's new Volt NB~ ,1 ...........,,.. ...... 9ectioned pack rods $8':50 king blanket SB. Candle Overstuffed chain $ 1 5 . $1. A11 good clea.n.JtemL 615 slu !2 $15. Boy's rollet"rink K Ro E H L E R Convertible 3 LARGE' Oscan in 55 gallon_ ~i:ed 46 $$ ~ I X 9 .each. San Spike $2. ~Ive holders 50c • Sl.50. New Antique type $20 Slffpinc Governor St., north off lkalel $7. Screen ro;om sofa $15. 644-4826 tank $25. 962-9911. to '1 R nll '3. l..licPP.,Sl 11f. foot car top boat, new .$25. ladle11 tiikinl briet., '51111 in bagz ~Ice c:besl $2 Boob Annona and Victoria to bt divider $5. T.V. 21" Admiral SfOVE $20. Double oven, TOASTER $3. $3 ~ ;oms lOc. Baaa1ilet W Sell load carrier $25. Dart. boxes,1 -?Id at SJ. now. 50c Sl each. Record al~ $1 St. SaL all· dq, Sunda3 MXl.nd no picture SS._W~.en electric, iood condltkin. call m.e9'11 Strolleni: '$3. lnl~~· $2. preAttYen, line .. $25.. One etch. AU colon and desia:ns. each Cassefoles $l. ~liver after Jl on!y cot frames 50c • .Girl 1 ice moming tOr appointment, LADIES Clothea, mo,a t I y ·Car t and baby fUml SS.. inch braD it& suction 646--0045. m E. 16th St. veieiable dish $5. s&lt~ bot SCHWINN Midpt Stinln.Y akate1 1i_ze 1 $2. Boy'1 ~ not Saturda,y ar Sunday Catalina. Sizea 10, 12 and 14. Sl 1:~. Child's table tun valve. fittinp 1 $5. Nl"W AQUARIUMS. 26.pllon ihow tra •$3. Set dilbn it..: $25. 54&-1T15 skates stze 4% $1. ChUd11 96S-4940 Jl'rom $1 to $8. 540-18t2 "'-'--I K 'r S1 )ti. JohMOn, Evirirude 30, 40 hp nd y .... printing pres.a $5. D\al MENS Shirta !!di • '"'J''" e ~ oys 5e ta a~ . propeller no. Ney! galkln with top, pump, ftl'llWI a Clothes SOc-$5. Fr a med 3 HP B&S with clutch ~· 5" typewriter SL Vac-U..Fomi ZENITil Automatic record m urn SOc-$1. Wooden aoooter Jl. Women's l• picnic jug $2.!iO. Foam ·lee filters $25. 20 gallon show pf!nts $1. Baby ~b $8. mini-bike Wheel, complete SS. Old bike parta 50c to $5. player alnlOSt new, aood Ladln cof.ts SS each. 3 clothes lize 1 ·lt lOc to as. ,, che1t $2.50. New extensiOn $10. s-plion" show S4. 5 Twin bea.s $10 each. C.OHee S6. 541).]TJS • 842-3(25 -looking $25. TWo . fb I' = :.7ec:!~ ~~ Men's me-to twtallfn-and """° inirron: for towirW SS each. ::1~ ~~I~ to:um~· m~ table SID. Vaeuum-$5. Imn 6" BALOON airplane wheelli DOUBLE Btd SS 'M ttrNI" 1peake:r11 In C&ael $_ g • elippera S.l Juicer St. 1ulta and elothea 50e to _..:13. I Stainless !tffl sinks for Pumps and accnsoriel 50c. ::~ r:;:w~, C.M. $20. 54&-lris set Sl.5. Ch"9t $15·. 1'~e~. 548-79!14 Pttcoialot St. !Ul W. 17th :~ize~i:1~'~ ta.~ M!IAll trailer or camper $5 ss. ·548-6034. AM (or Gene. MOVIE projtttor, eXcellent Baby tcalet $5. Crib mat· ANTIQUE Tn!adle RWl.ng Sl. Space 49 CM. Afternoon I, PM Saturday and ~ "1'1:. each. 6.50 x 16 tire $2. High 1060 Viciorta, C.111. G~ :rable tops 47:'' round condition $25. pro j e c: t 0 r b1!11 $2. CUb ~t uniform machine and cablnt't Sl.3. and '""'"Ula: 642-0600 706 Aleppo, Ea 1 tblu11: :re shoe roller skates, 9's, wilh CABINET doors, diffett:nt % thkk $25 retail value acrff;n, new $9. C>.,yllte 1lze 12 $5. T:yprng table $5. Antique swiwl de!k hair FOR Sall:: 12" sidewalk Newport Beach Cflllf! ns. 1.ien'1 1 po rt sizea. 25c each. Wood doon:, ~ ..... $100, • 0 t he r smaller viewers S6 • $22. Mahopny Woodin ~t table $10. $12. Anniversary c~ bicycle tor bay or Pi. like ~ • jac}W. ,ney. ~ ~.-Oost ~ ~-\ttt;-st eacli. IVWlU and ftCtaD&le1 ff-$111. and vimt'l cues. ne,... ideal N•ar Builhard ,awl Adam.a Tennill racquet $3. G new $9. ~ _ WING chl!t $10. De* drl:ip. "' $65. New book dub boob Antenna plpes lOc " foot. 4 LI 8-8733 for &ample or trave:\lnz S9. 962-4.119 jaran Im Port ... Mokd I ' PLASTIC boat 110. S ..... -front $25. 'iii mower edpr ,., 75c each. ~ .lOc ·chain SOC each. Table SI. 2 16 INCH girl's bike S20. Baby crib mattreu, ex-SOFA Bed and chair $15. ra.whlde and split wlllo'W' $15. 143 w. Utb St .• NB $10. $16-3745 each. Dishes 10e-50c. Pots, aofu, one SS al'Mi one SlO. 64:2-0M>t "' ctllent condltJo:>n $6. DisplaY P\nk flowered bed!pftad, game set. 40" round tab~ 548-2462 6 VOLT lcku · ..,,. ... • Cl\.." en. -·••'"'"' movie . n""~ .,,, I th d"•t -·••e --• ••--. twi• $25. 4 Ba,n'el chain $15 P P track r.uo ..---..-.-...-"""'" ..,...., dellvet"ed. 543-5143, 9-6 PM MINOLTA "-fl'! en ,...,.,.,,..,...... ... ruu< .,,,... ,_,, " • h _,_ r. C"a'n (&io•-1-) $10 ...:....._ __. l Wedding mhl rings $25 · -mera ..... .....,. automatic, 1h~totf $ 2 5 . site $5. Car bed ioi. 2'l x 62 each. PhOf'IOIP'l.p ft<.'Oru11 ~ING bag. Sc o u t iw..,.. • ...,...., •-· each. ca!ense$25. ~ _to ·~ SEARS portable typewrill'r, Brownie movie camera, Aluminum extnislons] 5/l"x plctutt in frame $9. 841_1123 25c-15t':. Olli and prlntl Dacron. p ~t tet $2~ Speaker boxn ~th 1Jt' , iate Snug Harbor 1626 &ood condition $17 •. 22 pislol Smm $8. Magnavox TV con-3122" x 6 lona witb itillener NEW C"'I ,.,.ft .... .,..,.. , $5 • $25. Wooden plaque• Stllll, 2 pr.~· &l'ld $3. apeabn and twtettrw S'f.$0 _!2 prec · • With holster almost new, 10le, works good $15. CoUee riba $1 each. Card table . ~ ....... ~.-pumps, and collages $2-$5. Women's 673-IZ7 -each. Shortwave radb J10. ~ewpon Blvd., C.M. Space slna:le action frontier model pot, 4 cup 95c. Expreuo, 2 wooct· and meW $ii. Bik~ atack heel.a..&~ A, never and men'• clpthlnz tOc-$10. TABL£ and aix chain. lT' portable TV ns. 21" TV :-n't~~~ ~-taide, SJ.5. Ultra violet sun lamp cup 95c. Shoes, site 9, new, paper nck $4. Tra~ worn S1."1. Hand alkle 664-2243 Mahogany drop ll"at Dun-Cmat'1~ US. Portable ..,. •Qt with Umer $8. 833--0915 CO!!! $25. llcll loi' $3. Ottke drapery rodl with moun-viewtt P: Brkke lhuttl,er $2 30"x42" Tabl~ $5. KliCMn CAn Phyfe. S25. '7M257 ' ~%~11:tba_cua ~ta· "' 2-14" FORD mags, perfect FLOTATION tires. 1250 x 16 swivel c:halr, leather $8. tlii&s. hmhvve 14' x 16' Hand ca,,,et ~. $2 tsble $8. 41" round table $4. I"°'";;:_;,:;,.::::::.,;;:,.:=::...,... -.tll"t!I~ cti;ome lug nuts $.25 AJrcraft 12 ply. 2 ror $25. Hair dryer, stand up $2. ~· may be ~ $1 ~:1° ~~~:: 4 kitcJ:>en ,(JWn $1 each. POKER table, folds, extra Meu. 54&-e29 .udl 548-1868 Gil. ·. . · Sb-3968 CoUee table, qe~ar. ~ each .. 60-6835 . . Ml-6198 ·• -;-· · Couch a 1ra·. cl\A.fr n e e d · top, llke °"" no. 6'r3-5S21' MAPLE end table $15. M•ple ·NEW Twin bed headboard, JIM Beam bottles, one each. new $7.00. &M-()511 BRONZE Presidential coin VENDING m:::U:Z ·'·Ill re.uphplste:rinc $15. A~ 'SOW ~ !!!!!on kl~g tata~~-_!!5;. _!_~ _ Maple vanrlsh $10. 198" Arizona $15. Kentucky CARPE:I" 26 yds beige Jon tell' $150 eh. 60-8479 ~ .,. ml"nt size 1tove'$1S. Bltnder agon ..... !rontr SlS. """'"' U11C .,.. • a_. C.Onlinl"ntal, CM. ' ' ny ' u pmes for fun Of•l'rofit. S10 i,s. Double bed (mattttsa, f!otaJY lTIOW'l"r $15. Bench $4. Portable 1V $12.!ID, ,, $17.50. ~nna S 1 2 , 5 O. with pad $25. W~ coffee ld'E"JIRO Sand buftY $25. or Pl each. 60-1758 b:lx sprh~ aJld,frame) SlO, . &;Mndu S1S; Tooi. 10c41:SO. needs work. N . 11:1-. " ., KITE aaJlboat ppta: Boom, Nebraska $13. Ohio $16.50. table S2l. 56-1695. Body tor Sam &gy SJ] 59 &irl' Boy's play clotbel: l~. G(4u Jan: 2»$1. 1fm9 .San light flxtuft ~ a.Ill !J"I racing type $25 . Cen-New H9mpshlre $13 .50. SOfABl!d;goodiz_CoUee Plymoutb1tlcll:transm~ion24"BICYCLE. aHUl:ff, Ya•d toot• SOo-$1. Pablo Cou.rt. Ellil at . iJ terboard $10. Excellent~ IDlnola $12.!iO. New Mexico '15. 59 Ford automatic clffn·SZ>. 642-002'1 Broo louna:e frame U. Metal eaD- ditlon. 613-5935 $12.50. Rem S14.50. Lu table, marbh!, nice $2S. transmlu:lon $15 and $15. 57 REDWOOD bJn&t! with pad, Paperback boob 20c each. l<h111'1t. 962--t9.$i' vu c:hair frames Sl. eat'b. Vegb $11. Elk $22.50. Pony EaDanrl'~" ~~~chair c-!~ ,..._~, --t'e"' -57 r~ ~wood c"-'-and ... A all Small ~ St. Ladles w.RGE oval mcktall table New electrie-tee kettle $1. COFFEE table $25. Oc· Exprea $1150. Ant 1 q u e ..,, ~ ~· .,.. ... ..,. ... .,...~ uvn _.. u ... ~~ ,,... V-O• tee skates size I $5. Bottom S9. Dli1cb door "'1lb Schla.ge Marble top wall aheU U2.5G. cuK>nal chair $15. B1ack Trader $15. Ro:yal Opal SlO. m a ch I n e • aaod. $20. front end $20. 58 JIOWr' allele for $51. 2 atanding corner half day couch S2.5(1. '-tlrror lock $4. ~thes 35c Sturdy bab)' bugy U: JO" ·- and white TV, 24" picture Rollaway bed, u new $11. 6 S3>. 58 n.d~!or SlO. Camper lhell with 4 black metal SS. Toy~ 50c-$5. Teleseope Stttling IJlOOtll $1 . 5 o :, ~: square floor pillowl need 1:.• 125. _..... ·cond. r.i.ptione Turquoise jug SS.SO. Cable ft. artifidal ~ of roses $8. al~lmvl:I tr per roll. 283 shelves on brue: frame $2 60 a...... """ b'" " Ptc•-1 ~. Di•~-.~ 11 acli w~-., """"' l'!ll:r $10. Tai Scollman SlO. CheVJ motor 4 barre I each. Maple comb back $4. • .,.,:r 11 -""'" ••· '"'" """ •in ,.. new coven e · -11 ~" bench $20. 615-1814 Sell Portrait Sl-50. Aristide 644 Shalimar Dr., C.f\I. .._,_ 18 64Ul66l Typt'wrtt•r S3. Small table g I as 1 ware $10c • SS. clock $4, coat $12 ftC19· ... ·~ SNARE drum and 1tnd, ex· Brnant $3.50. Man on Honse 6(2...M2 carburetor In basket $25. 6 c........ · to refinish $3. Serving cart Candlestick $1.15. CUt glay Man'a raincoat' WQm ~ ~ ceUent condition $18. 546-3585 p .50. Night Watch $3.50. ANTIQVE Maple bed trnme Hole t'tievy wbeesl and tires SIX 25 ft sprinkler ho9et $2 $6. Chair S3. Radio works 75e. Crafts material 25c-$1. SS. ('08t nT. Sap of ·fabric ~, ·Sunday only. 3105 Yukorl $25. Zig-zag, I e win I $8 each. Cadillac tittl and each. New charcoal lla:hter $1. Lawnmower $3. Crtuchea 2512 Crestview Dr., Newport The. Pattmlll tome new 20c. R E F R I G ER A T 0 R $25. machine $25. New hot plate wheela .$5 each. 13" tires S3 $3, uaed one $1.50 New elec-$2. Vacuwn $2. Gas heater Beach. Antique 'Mldd dock $3. New ·; MG-3585 Ave:. 546-3498 each. S~ard l' a Icon trtc broiler $7. 540-1459 $1.50. l,.arops st each. Bott.le bra, panty ctrdle, and 1ll'pe _ri~ MAPLE 2 .~, _, table WASHING maohl0>e ··~-$2. Ba~· car seat $1.50. "-ao·-•··lo• m Good ..._ 10 GALLON aquarium wlU• -"" ...,..... • _,,.... UJ' u ..,,..._ ,. .,.... 20" BOY'S Stingray $11.50 sterillier $1. uuut' screen 2Sc each. 431 Cabrillo St., Jr, $l'.l. Solid birch cotlee table. S25 .. 545-6258 675-419'l. 646-0623 ~·~n tni;;:i end sto. [•lco~ 24" Scliwlnn bo:y'A $15 frame 50c. Tachometer $3. 2 !:~~~· t~:rn::· ~ 548-9462. M6-3M3 $25. 546-~ TWlN size bed and springs, LEVELS. 6 at $1.50-$10. :a~h~r 1~ ~=:sor Rd., Bridge table $2.50 646--3680 TV cabintes frf!e, ulled tropicial tish S2Q. 545-41'99 SURFBOARD 1'4., _ • ,_ .. ,r1.l ELECTRlCAL filtmp, all no mattrn:1 $7. h 3 Sink top Stanley dovetail jig with bit, I __ _. carpeting tree. 2 Dnulap tlre1 _. ....,., '1 . *" . ..._._h no cushkins 13. 2 new UJ.50. Pony -·-. Santa Ana Hel&hbl DlNETTE IM!!tl, arxe ...,... l',.,.16 •• each ....... C&tallna "SLENOERIDE" •w--ie and floafJ:. 499-2957 " kinds and flex 5c " '25· •· ............ ,.. small SJ), $10 Painted patto UU\I" .., 11'1 its .. .,799 .......... J'... ·!1• 546-3585 book 1hel~1 $5 each. Clair clamps, 42. at 50c each. AREA nip SJ e11ch. Black ta bl ff nd nd tab! Dr., Newport He t & h I 1 · .....,..... USED General Electrlo oV· ·•.JJ HEAVY duty wheel b9n'ow St. 2205 No. C. Canyon Dr. Loclcwell butt ·binge routl!l" =~~.~~i:hellAl~o': s~.'~e; .. ~ ~n a:· ~1375 PAPER.BA.CK bookl 25c.;L ens .turquoh1e,w~tearcop.. ltA $15. 546-35&i B~~~LL dry nig cleaner ~~::~ ~ !:i!~ for alJ. Burn~ •Uwr ~:~:~ ~a~=P DWINOME'ITEENS ~:thlng$15. =:nd o:!: couch $%). RUg $4. =~~=:. :: FOUR bridge chain. ateel aOO appUcator $5. Bissell new $9. Shop fan $5. WllllamSburr chandelier er c · · Platfonn chain i.;. Table a:una Hills. foklinc S4 each. Unde~ rua: shantpooer $2.50. Elec-548-3859 $2S.. 3Sll Slrtul Dr. Hun-DOUBLE math'e!IS, box lhoe1 6Bl7B allO Girls $4.50. Electrk rnoton S3. "NEW'"'"~u-t-..,-,-.... ~.-,.-,~,.-.' Js.a typewriter, clean. wry iood trlc floor polllheT $5. Danish SABOT Ji&" with truction tiJ1tlon Harbwr Jpri.na $25. Double bed frame teenage 3 to 5 ~~~ Ham...,. $1 Waste basketl spoked rlma • ~ $35, ijl; condition $22 548-1155 .,i:. N ""'°' ~··-•G I nt 10' $10. ga..7220 LarkJlpur CdM. 1:u~ r-• -·'a• ...i.. 11-a•-._ lt.'I . · type eeltee ..... e w pl&119. Wooden ra.cfnl type .....-u-••'• equ pme : :r 67S..()IJ38 SaVSW'L 25c-'15c. Eight colored stern ................ ., , ... ~-d &. lT' PORTABLE TV, Woriul cuJlhJons $3). l>anlsh type $25 60-5308 10' tent $25. Coleman stove SMALL cedar cheat S1B lD-4 onl glaMl!I SUL Blarileta $2. sta.mPt '2,20 aacb. CMh :l "°"' . 125. ~ 15. clWr With """"""' 115. · . 1:t. c.i.,,,... """' 15. ea..-....->-•-•-n to H• R 1" • ""11· c.n 491-1191 .. _ 3 SPEED man •-f'"bike $6 2 BARBF.QUE 24" Blr ca.. ...,, UI'· 1'lt x 0 • 646-1525 &th acalH Sl-Dn.ftam1n Ladies 26., b\)n! thin ~ ping caokware and dlahet MAN'S· 10 1peed bUCe $15. a-··o. --"-"> B!W $5 ff.50. <lllbl. $1-s3. Ccfmvall 8 and 9 p.m. ~ ., 2 NEW Ford riml $3.50 each. eommm:ial Skilla.w $25. • $2. Aluminwn foldinc table 5*-4109 uvr .,. ... ...._. bowt $4. Oak cbaJn $5 ~ BAND-SAW1 $10. (Jd 'J'nnk, ,,..,. · .., Be.ck: .eat for Do I e $10. Boy'i ~ type ff. 1Arp ·~ \ce ·chett and $5, motor" and spit. l China for I, Pl Old .,._._ $10 M taJ Youth ..._. u '"- G.E. electric coftee: pot -Sportsman $25. 1560 Place:n-bike, excelleftt condltb:I $24. S10. Steeplfic bq S2. Bl,b)o TAPP>N, Pl n.n&e SZ§, piece plate gJau, 21 x 44. · .,.... ' ' _., -fi«j 56-fil.34 • Roll 150 lloeal feet plasti bed t.nd lJ389 Luce Dr Santa $3. 2 ·aiumtmim Oirlstmu tum $4 to $15. DIVan and ChDd'• Dnk, $1; lWm9I , ,., 12"' X 18 BEIGE eat'pet tla~C6Newport.Beach , c mattreta SlS.Jump H 1-ta. Off M~ Dr ._., 6'7 JI.._,_ wheel chair ·sio. Manale SJJ, Walnut End·Table llO;'AJt. • S-!ic SL Books 5c: to mesh wire and PllP"f' S'i. 8 atat $3. Automatic swtna: e.,, \ · "" """'' Powet' ~ S15 and $2$. tique .. Whit. T., I a Ju.ct >jl $25. Pad tor_wne p). 9"X ll TOY to cord pieces "nk». wroagtit iron ~t..$5. Polarold c.m.r. S4-between Sant.a Ana Aw:. It S3 el.ch. VeoetWl bllnd1, E1eetrlc IU9W"' StO. Edpr Boerd1, ._ p/pr.; W'aJJNt 1"" brown and Whtie tweed and $1. Dls:bes 5c to $1. Re 9 SIO. 12 volt battery, iood Duncan Phyfe dint,.: room 1'lttl.n Aw. aood condition, 63 x 5.1. no. Lawn chain n,50 to $2. Slat Bench,·$5.; l~' al.di: I•••\ pad $15. 545-3194 . 5c to $1. Games ~ to~~· 281 condition $4. 20" x U" table and g chit.In $25'. BUll.T·Ibl oven and took top, Sl.00. i-41 x 51, 1-33 X 60 Sl Lamp1 2!5c-$3. 1171 Orana:e, Uglit, $5.; Wl'O\llh"11on I 1" WASHER. electric, runs ·~ ':iar, Unit K, Sa rday stainless steel double 111nk, t.avender cooch $1jl. "'Ir brulhed chrome Frlaldalre each. Shell coin tell Pftl:I-C.M. ' f T/V Cart a 'J'rQI. .... ;.·,".' &ood $25. 2121 Ralelib 4w. .,,u>' never used $12. Mechanlca1 walm1t end tablea Sfu. -electric. Works $25. 613-6257 dent $5. 96).'1flt3 Cha1ICI ~· S 2. $f.; ~ _ .C.M. · -• . WEDDING drelS, s~ze to, roll around tool tray with Charcoa1 mirror Ule 15" x 4 DUN LA p Tube• U Speed racmc b\ke S2t. MEN'S Wlhon eolf cluba S'J, Spindel Mm OllJr, a; SHORT ~dine dreu, woi'n loi\c. church ftln. paid $140, cutf!l"I, 30 x 36 i 16, $10. 24 15", SOc each. PaPtt Dowen 5.50-6.00.:15 $2 . each. 4 Good condJtioft, ~ 429 &lml()fll~ folding chain $1. ReP.li'lble Chord ()rpt, once $20. ~ 1 telt $25. VtY ST.SO. Dl81 x 24 a1uminu.m •luminum 25e •nd 50c. I:.eq:e brta Dunlap Radial tiru s.~15 Carnation, CdM'. ~ Scott's, deluxe 111 e n t $$.; lA.mDt cl all --. fM 111 SURFBOARD flO.. toOd ~ ~ 904572 . &lkli'll' glut window $6. cryatal chandeller ~ Out. $S 'each. 60" May 1 l n I AQUARIUM $4. tlSter M. 2 lawnrnowu $20. Ladlet aoU to SS.; WIJnut Arm Chal;r J •"' nditio S25. 25 lb b:Jw Sf EXERCISE' bOO'i(·w1th record Good ndiat« and starter door pole lla:ht Slit. Ont ot ·Puall.el $l5. ~neo Pump1 fl.SO Detol•llolts p, cart $4. Lawn cultivator $2. ss.:io: Bqfwo Dnlmlt Ult ,~!! ~liar ; before' S. ~,..; 110. T .;·pit w r l 1 er SIB. for 1961 Ve.liant S12 tor both. drawa-1 ff. 14292 Hammon ENGuSH 3-.peed fair con-3 FilJl!n $2.:AI rl5-6!iH . · Lawn editt $.\. 4 cubic ft Elettrtc Fan, iz.: ...,...._ 1 lA iner S. m-251.t Reader'• D;lpst books 25c. Buutlful pink marble atnk Lane, Hun~ Beach. on diUon '15. 1132 sl6t car OOUBDE Bed flO, llUl'fb6ud ~~ ':'a~.~ bell; Baetlliol~ a ._. <;1 Mahoe *dlil1fi $S ~ top and atnk and cablnet, 47 Weltrnlnattr Blvd. wot Of tr"&dl: SO' Ddon $5. Unicycle $25. ~r mower -$25~ I :r U lnaf:on typewriter SS. Long Sl.50: Nori.. CUDeN, fl,; l!l s~cl\. Puslan~ '5 to.$18. LOVELY antique· 11o'blte twin xall~ x ~ ~ hu ~~ GOO"""o~ I-~ • 4' ~ l9 p. 212 3.3 SL~ rug SS. T,,V, $2>. .nine aid poac. p. ~ bed and HV~tbeiear, !!.'.. ~.,. ·~ )ndia $S to $15. Y.rn bed QI. Matt:f'ell and box tit -· on r ....,.,. um""'. x • Gl'IU.S-28" Bike ttJ Boy's machine $10, dlthi term mattnel ·.no. La 11a1e e..,, ~ -&; 1"" nd ~ 25c ll~t IPf'irc. .wry dean $18. Full 81...cl to 8l1 St, tum right, and 3 x 5'1 SW each.. Eleo-~ SU. DoU:bi box S10. FM radio p). toolt, $3-$8. Ladln clothes. abe C\pfttle M.chlne, $1.lbt t ~haln 15c. ~ moive tf'nrth >"!I.low lonna.I, lizil!1 go .one bfock.1 turn right trlcOYeri$15.Nalh25ccan. sprtrw and toa~ $10. dothel!I dtahtl Sc lo SJ . 10-14, 25c-:44· Elect ric umc,cie. $3.; B lc=yc:I 71:. and S1 Tripod 12., tall "11h matchlrc head-qam. kl 3.)19 ~ St., Dinette table SS. 1908 N. 8"2-6665 1513 <>ranee-CM 2ai9'l • Famrworth. H.B. aktllet $4. Yublca C&mP"& Parti. $.50 IO $2.: ~ ~ ~:.00. ·Varioua plecp, "M)rn once $17. 2 wool . C.M. Enc!bh SL, Santa Ana. • ~ SI. TtNuiter S 4 . Cbf.. Record PI•>' er• a : 0~ ~wins rte patm'nl k eadl. hooked. nip, 3 x 15, ff.JC K E N M 0 R E W a 1 h I n I 83&-4149 BOY'S :Ii" bike $12. ~ ~ .,... ~ be d fem1aMt1 P-43-All a-~p&Jn.ble T•pe: ~. "'~ SnU1ll eut '1lM la:mp and ;:,ch~lrl'a $1.~ •tie~' m1chlllt, rood condition S25, FOR beach b&b6ra.: I.owly ;::"ble~ nlA~ $5. ~ $25. b1Ue occuklnaJ ceUent condition. St&-rul. $.'.5.; Indian Teepee, '1; - 11\ade $1 . Name ln.nd • · arnn ~ a~car bed with canopy, O\&ln-$345 Whttl blm>W ehatr m both like ntw. 202JBalearlclk .. c .M. ~lo~s.i~stre~~ o.-= dot~ 80me. new. fOrm 15c each. 546-334t 4 SPEED rttOl'd d\Rngtt, net and rocken $6. Baby $l Hand la~ edger SJ .SO. 116248S7 • 3 fte()e walnut Uv\nl room Jl .; Andq\111 Oiii'n -dlt .. • $25. Badminton t'tdct'-$2. 2 UPHOLSTERED 1011 d near new, perfect condition. awing. car seat. lnlantleat, Girl'• 16'' bllte SS Older $2 50 bb $2$. 2 tam $J.$ i ' TQOI S Zli Hucl ....._ f TI!: n o I 1 rt e 1' • t.1 $ .t. Maple c..-halrt S10 each. Diamond needle and stereo all $l. ~p '2-. CatalJU ~b!r 1lffda ribbon ff, ~~~ :e.. 0$2 · :;'!> " -'1,~PI oon111i1on WA.. ~ ___ ... f Detoralor gold rod SL·J.Ac-~ Maple '1>Hte table SIS. ca""""""'-S25 firm 64&-5.155 D'im wt, WOITI enc::e Ctrl'• 11"-.. $12. 15lS __ .J. __ d ---••" ,,· ·--· I dub-.. --1.w .... Ra.II .. '-·.~-, .• p $5 "tnamsc and Grttn hanc\n& bulb l.lxturt •u"'6"' ' . 1llt 11 Cocktail dnaet $5. , ui,_,..., -· UKIOfl ttlaetl .... .a.on _. w onun. • ..,... -'-"" pp • 5c;,. .. MMU Sl.50~Man!a -Pd woman's GREEN AND Cold couch Whitt eN.tr wU~ ottoman on~ Ave. CM '42-8ii66 ' uch. G.Z. ncuum $5. all SS. Some cluhl $25. ONcb tee Tl.bi!, $2. • at vA tr"'~ Aw' Ap1 C. 261 ' bike $15 eed> °' 2 I« $25. Matchl,,. blab bedJ 19, UllAnrl ttQI~ .... JO $15. ~ Glrl'o, "°"" -ltiol\ -· Coll '"'-• eve .,,,,.,, Scotda ....... $15. Sa-P1-, -Vill'lli, ]t Cmt& v,. '( . . =· ~ chair-$3), 549-1317 tc-m1 us. ~ 847-51Zf MMI• ' I C.M: -_, . . I I ~ I I r I ' . ·. f . . ·-... r~ :. -• I . t ~osy. D~):-~T.~d!ly _ .. . .. . ·-. .... ' _a 1· 1 .• tf 1- ' ' ... ' t '--0. • ·-w e··crea,ted a.rid. delivered arwthe~ fresh edition ·.of . The ·QA.lL,Y. PJ::i o·T. • ll 10 : TEAMWORK produces each day11 all.new DAILY PILOT. Often special- ' .lits like 11lomu Fortune (left), whose beat ls education, wort with a -' · staff photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in wonb : and -cbires. The staff shot 70,000 picttires 18.!t year to Illustrate the : · varied story of Orange Coast life. Nobody knows bow many local stories we wrote. Not even us . , · CR.EA 'l1V?I'Y helps advertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in ::, the affl~ market served by qi~ Q~Y PlL01\ GoJ1ton ~wfonl. 1 (center) of display advertising department discuases with layout artist VOLUME ii the word at the Copy Desk.. !lAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Normao Anderaon (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other copyreaden every day silts, checks and edits more wire report.a from worldwide news services than the average weekly news magazine pub- lishes. F.dJtors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24 hours. Speed, born of experience, helps them keep it alJ fresh,. too. I ..... """~"' RAPID communication is the name of the game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-visors". handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting in publlcaUon of 5,000 classified ads -words whlch he1p people buy, sell, rent or l e as e ... even find l~t dogs. Many of the DAILY Pq.c>T'S 150 phone lines -are plugged in here, t~ cla5sllled advertl!lng d~ part.meat, borne of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines. ·~ If---~. -·SUzl&-Gunderson and DAil.Y PILOT ·Staff-Artist Bob Noyes-an-ad which- ;--wtll be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours after Noyes pub THE WORDS are ready~ .Marjorie Jackson feeds them into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic-system-to hyphenate wonts-as-tt-reads characters-at-the-rate of- 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate anolher machine for aulomaUcally setting type at high speed. The machines can set type at the rate oC 15,000 liues per hour. PICTURES, too, get the. benefit ol skilled, efficient-handlin' by~master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the unages to a sensitized metal-plates-wbich--are-used-.to-reproduce-the phot~ as read- ers will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really close look at a negative which will be used to etch the image on the metal plate . I ·, I • Jlnal touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re-i ' tan mercban.t. .. -.. ' ., QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cutll (the meta1 plates used to reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day's product begins tG take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of '~ printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work- : jng against the clock to bring readers the lat.est available information in e.ach edition during the day. DIUVERY ot the newaaper la a speed tvenl, too. Convey<r belts carry the papers through the mallroom where they are automatically tied In -of $0 and toased to walUng clrOUlatlon d!Jtrid managen (like BlalM Roberta, ahown here, right) wbo 1peed them •la a 40-vt.bkle fleet to carrien far delivery. Mailraoln fcreman Georce Arauz (left) 1, .,.. bll crew can move 20,000 newspaper• an hour. ! t .. .. MACHINES hasten the processes of preparing plates for printinS: the pages of the newspaper. l:lere, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed- ward Quinn operate a casting machine which molds curved plat~ to fit onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used , melted down and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day. l\IODERN equipment helps the accounting department keep up with lbe "today" pace at the DAILY PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper is bmg sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figures into a computronic bookkeeping machine Ulat helps keep tract of bil1inp for ads and aubscrlptions. The machine, 'forerunner of a brace of computers recentJy added, hand1ea 5,000 at"Counb a month. - FINISHED PRODUCT is checked by Elwood Anderson. press crew chief, even as high-speed presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per hour completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of $3.5 million. Eleven·man press crew will feed in to these machines the equivalent of a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles long in printing the DAil.Y PILOT th.ls year. ALMOST be/ore the ink ii dry, the product ol our busy day is ...,,ed defUy on your lawn or porch by one of our 700 newspaperboys who art important links in the chain of people It takes to bring you today'• news and features today in the DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent mercbantll, like John Melton here, make their deliveries, we're gearing • up for another busy day -all J,000 of ua. '.· ·r;rhe 'Now~ Newspaper for All The Communities Of The Growing Orange Coast . ' I . . j... ... • • • • I • I -. • • .. • • ' • DAILY l'ILOT MlllCMANDISI l'OI MERCHAHDISI FOR MlltCHAH1'1SI FOil ' lolftCH ... DISI FOi! MlllCHANDISI POil FREE TO YOi-\ I'm and LIYI 1 "" . SALi AND TllADI I SAL• AND TllADI -,u,L.1 AND TRAD! SALE AND TllADE SALi AND TllADI •u Cott : am ._ a '(AChft -... ,_ fllO Famlture i' •. ·IC!llilfurniw/. .... Pil:nRure 1000 Hl·I'! & ...._ ' 1210 Ml ... H•-. l600 WINNERS o! o.c. Fa\r. 2 ··-·i ~-•-•vr -· r••-P01tr•r10N --..... 2 buda. b1Wr • blue j;;"~ --, ~ -D-'\lfD L. FRASER ~1', l 11.~ with all<. ' 31 ~TEL~61l!l't1=-nr~ * AUCnoN * Dutch'"""'"· Can., . ,.. .. , __ • IS'OrllTrl-<f.b,.,...,....., ...., .. ,11,.11er,11J1. ~ -•• 'I ·= = ,_ W r--~ U,.. ..uJ IC!l ar.... P_. "I' anl lfme durinl fly -· A duab , SIT,OQO * 615-!IW * "• , .• 0 J : •.-•] I L: ... I -• ~ 11,. WlndY ll Ir.• lak In ral>bU bid&. AJllr DOXIE pupo, rad ........... 31' S A S CU.I Sloop i:M.llOO .1 '1 '.1 ·SIAEm .... 811 A-l\id.lf 1:10p.m. '"P"•l 10T tor Mr. AKc. ~ Unu. 31'sttt1Ya,t.Oce&n~~ e WAJf'RDKITI i . • -TE euUtdlo. • i;pewn , • , ·P'llzl!"trJ«~ r&\>bll> 1119 -• -' • . trC • pl\q( .......... $19,0IO Good -6*.1l!lii Ou< ..,_ ft, Weroho-Opeoi to l'uWlc Finl ,Tltnel . Cal. Rod • .... _ 3 Windy I Aud!Oft S.m iilffEN:Toed ld""'8 n""'1 MINIATURE Seim&-. U :II' Fr'-,,,.,.. Gbtr/le&ll, -e ·WANTID-KITll e - . I hl -m :;:~' c '::: ~ Behind Tony'1 Bldr. Ml!'l tor adoption, 7 wb, ha,. -ucptnol quality, male. Sloop, ~Pl !. lnimac! moo Good -6f&.ll!ll l ..... '!l,'lr.-1: ' lll•=-:_I :f!l.'I •1, · · • · 20?5\IN-.oi-...... Elrtn ..... wJth111e1r T .. -. .-~ .,. ... ..,..·-.. .-m,9'0 1~~~5~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~!~!!~ I!!, ~~~ 48" OONTINENrAL Pod bla foe~ Woll delivor; Call WEIMA!Wl§i l\I• m old. Call: Cluck A~._.: ........ Cl'!Jl!!ll ~ , -wilfttat -0 · ..,.~ tU(e w/f t1i.t A vbtyl attl!!r ~ ~ 491-3838 1/21 female ·beaudfa! ~ Mlt Via Oporto. N., • .,...-,.. .... ..., ltlaa•Slio-Fnlittn0..,$1000 .-.1•/P. ~ff, ,951 :......i:...;:.,.., chain '135. GE W-·· Fll£E 1o qua1 ....;.,, pure No ......... lr<J. S4M234 : ~ * •N-3911 -L ''::: =~1:... 1 , , , 'I ~•---11. &' HJdM.bed "5. S •I of bftd male w)l'e b&lr terrier -... ~ AXC ""' • I -cub -ot· •••· ~115.All"\"i lllldttlyr:l>ld,...,.Uv.ly: ,~.,~,SI~. • ~lllOIQ>lY.ctntor FIB.,S/S,J'ol!'l .IWI.-. '"lxall!Jllfl af 100f 'otlier •oilcelilo l!fetliiiit speclalsl O'edltbopcm.'1289 cccdltJon.IU.JJ:ll "'"" be,...,,1.1.11 ., .. 3mo.••4·,~· ,_ 1n CM,Na._area. ~tU-® · , •'~PcGamoSetJwrodghUr<!nfl'OnU59.95•8FtDecDlva,.&1Lovo s-Goads 9500GE Conoote ,..,.. w/...., !3M091: SU-11l!li , ,,,. ~--:£:rir>'lbl0a tor'-""'· l>oo~ S_p,•'-. Ski ..... 90iil -.. 149\115 e to!: Heazy Spaalsh Coffee table .'29.95 e Lge lil'alchlng =... decl<, ...inu1 cab. Im GPJ 8LK, Or,y 'i '6m 'Up &lk Id• BEAUTI!'l). bladl ~ , l'JrlbOarll, ;cu .or• hom•. d >&mp tallies •lt.111'• l)e(()raUve Spanish Lamps from '14.95 • Guar 4 SURFBOARDS. 0..Jom ..........., TV w/ cluck Wll.. Eat ,..ll' ud like the 111•1• ~-M<C!G-...,. ht .. .io. ~ --~33 ""', -.TROl--AN-· 'fP-.T-11!,-~-H-p 1 ·--Box Sptlngs & M~ttrtsses ite.115; 15yr. Guar. Quality Klnca & Queens mlni..-io Co•rky C... Pl!. Womana' aolld'I'!' $40. ~ 6 •1ar, .o Id. 1611 7ll!i2 IUI 1al ftlall. Wind C.aa ...,. .......,, 'l.J KlV °'"'· Al TerrHlc s .. 1 ... 1 ~--· Stldio "St-of Mlltt(91&10 rol/lloble ' .... , Ex. =<!. _..,. b&IJ 110. --' 11n SPRINGE& sp&nlOl po1PPJH> ::;:,.:,m . ~' "· '"*:' d&vtb, oloc -· Credff · ••..i. Of 18:1 • $35. -113-5398 oft 5. . PRElTt' ltitt.na, 8 wkl. old, .-hlli ~ _hunt_ at ' • ·-· fl3 W RCA rodlo, -INlt• ELECTRIC &oil cart. hea.y lore : halntd, vutety o! "'°"· l'G ea. l;jg:)l>I TllOJAN . -dOpth finder, cono<a..a~ Terms . Store Mlocella-uo MOO duly , cl•••· S250 ........ yellow. -mDt· GERMAN ·SHEPHERD '!° ..... ~ • -......... --Rtfricemor I' excellent tum: 5'6-Q11'l 1n..9 male, AKC. 3 mo&, lbota., ' OZA.RAN.CE IALE · p&de new bDVILI. reffnt@ed o • • I I I o . Oar-MAltGIE WEBB cccdltlon, ltoO. ..;_, G~ SiiiPliiiil:, male ~~· • :: ::: = ........ ~ .... Ide" .... new ..... ttnr - ,.,-;.,., FACTOllY 9x 6 ....., .. rus. hll<:k • tan; 211 ycara ol<L SCHNAUUR PUP :ic.• Sea y.,..p;·:::: 131.131> A up-. '15,000. ,(IUl 541·9'60 I • • • · · -IMlerM CLEARANCE SALE Man°""" -Very aced with cbllm.n. <nll 33!><Sl!5 2SIO 'Shelier llland l>r. GM3l2.,... Behind Herbcw Car W•sh .. -'Enter°" H•mllton .. BonNlnl St. lOIK S. c...t Hwy 271 E. l&lh St C.N. ~. ENGLISH Sp<;.,..r -l 714· :12's-7W a : SKI ar Fiiiihi buet l!!!i!!!!!!!!"l!!!!!!~~i!!!!!!!!!!~-~~~!!~!!!'j'!!!!!!!! ,!.!!\!!;~!!!!!~I t.,una Beach GIRLS Sttn&nY $12. M.af11 FANTASTIC! 4 k 1 t ten a pu)a. A.K.C. 175. Males left • " 1 ~ l'ibli-slul 35hp Mnc. Seais r---Cose •out of su.mmer lash-26" Bike $l.2. (ilrla 16!' Bib hotlsebrkn. Used to ~ only. 96J..Gl3 SHARP. &. Trir. eowr, etc. Lib ,F_u_r_n_ltu_.;.;re;....._~_;l.;cOOO.;.; 0.rare Sar. 8022 Sewl"I MIC:ftlnH 1120 ioo.J at beJ!:rw factm:Y prictos. $8. m3 Oraip.Ave. 6f.2..:i66& love chlldn!n. So. l.agunf. AKC Collle fupa. 6 wka, 1968 17' M&rlin. lttbtl Com. new. $400. 64J-6fi2I or ,. Cood lt)ectioniot pants sets. • , 499-1486 · 7/19 males $!!O. can ~ 1 pm Jlktll pq. uo hp.Mere mJ.11. ~·613-690,,.;..,='====,_~ LEAVING Country! Must ruRNm.mE, p !c t u re. 1969 SINGER. with sl.&:-z.na: • dreuett.tJ?itt11 PJ1 A ~t 70 YDS ,.beige --~t1_o .. ~ am..n·s ... Metal· gym set ~m ·. . er w/fKr!m trfm, compui. 13' YELLOWJACK!.T with stll all '1ew Danish 110fa washer, di;ri!r, ironer, misc walnut consOle. Makes· but-drea&e1, npw .Priced 1rom ~~.:._~$7~M·~ Free for hauling it a~ayl top,acceu,&etc:l'ullCoUt 35 hp Mercury 1: tr&Uer. group: One :Heater, one fUnlv~ty Parle) 17942 An-tun boln, du1gna etc., $5.25 $10 to $35. Open MM-Sat ·•· ..-..5• · Cannot be taken apairt Guard ldt w/bi& wbttl bit, Xlnt com. $335 or beat of. 2-Rat~. one cha.Ir. All in &:ell, Irvine, 9 am. Sat July mo. or $38.00 cash. 52f3..fr616 9:00 • 5:00. Sub 12:3G5:00. UPRIGHT PIANO $1!!0 easily, 6'B"3025 7/l9 Hones 1830 Lesa than 50 houri. $28QO. IU. 643-1641 black leatheP & l'Olll!wood. 19 tll 5 pm· Sun July 2{1. NEW DISCOVERY Kivea REFJUGERATOR $S>. BEAUT;;::;;c u c:,, _ _. __.. ..__,. ~after 5:30 p.m. t-!S-, -FBG-LS,--6,-bc-am_llec_p_V, Cost $700 Must aell USO. One GARAGE & ESTATE SALE Mualcal Inst. 8125 bald men hair ....... 1 .. 1 Not e 5t8-9611 e • u u._. n ,_.,,..._,..,.,., 1ii 3 Yft old resistor:~ na.u. trlr truJ be u . --· • · Huaky, male, aced with Arab oddlnl. cheolDu~ pro. EGG HAllBQR 48!1P enr, Amer. lilt . Y aut u1 new Danish Art Objects, e"tc. after 10 ., palntul tramplant or ex· NEWPORT TENNIS a.uB children and rood watch fessionally . trained, centle, * San Dlqll * vlr1yl Rats, Xll'u, elf, cond. Miring desk in rosewood 278 Camellia Lane, C.M. Oarinet, Almost new. pensive bait nave, our new hm1br Membenhlp $l550 tJoc. 548-S865 · 1119 loves chlldren. $600. See at· 2 Dal r.,. Hbrs J>lgpla.yed 53S-8868 w/matching black leathf'r SAT Only fil..5. Pic::turea Make offer. 67J.8l>5 ~~ -~ .. ~t plus tn.nda be,~ FOUR AU,,_., kitter111·, ........ Lei.sure World Stables or Nnr Tn>jan G1aa Raiden 1-"JS"""' "'FIBE""'=RG=LASS=~eo=AT~ cha.Ir, Cost $600 Mmt aell "'·-. '--··-'--'..: .... ~ ~ ~ UC~ -~... _.. Troj o•-...... ~-·-.......... -..n ....... 1-$350. One teakwood dining llOlne ....... nusc ·~ tiob. I: antiquates all other 3 PC Lugap $10. Table Siamese, housebroken. All call 494-1039 an u-uRU ~~ Al~'-' .r.~ """ ta.bJe .l 4 chain, $12i One goodies. 2609 Redland.s Dr, rne:tboqs. Fin. avail. Orange P'O'lP wttb ~ Sim 14 ma1eft. Call after 6 P .M. SACRIFICE Sale • ~ Arab 25&0 Shelter Illand Dr. • &IJ.7017 • ·• complete Spanish bedroom CM Pianos & Orpns 1130 Co.. Hatr ~en.tr. clothes 50oo$2. 70t6 6f6..0U.f , 7/2l mare, "Arab f'Uy," bone 714-~7065 IMt frallera 90ii "'· twin --l500 TV. 12xlS. 10xl2 rug..... MUSIC CENTER 433 N. 'l'ul1in, °'"""' G. H OFFSET Prlll!inr 3 FEMALE II .Genn; Shep. ""'"'· """""mad• lack. 3'' anus Crall trkabln, ----"";:;; Mu.Rt .ell $225. 2528 misc bousehoJd items. July 6J3.0Ul (diacountononkr200Aowr) & " Toy CoWe ~pies. 9 2 horse traner. All or part. stateroom. bedroom A JDGHWA.Y 1ni!er fm' U ' Andover, CM 546-1188 19, 10-6. Garage No, n.n, Or•ng• County REFRIG $80. Desk $25. 171 H Rivenlde, NB 6C-a wka., and 2 c h 1 eke n a . Sil-1148 plley fl)'inc ·bridle, auto boat. $1CO. 673--8563 • FJNE Old ItaJ,lan Empire 1741 Tustin Ave., CM. KNABE e WURLITZER Ladies bathing suits, 1arst ORCHIDS $2 .. $5 549-2382 7/22 GENTLE but •pirlted 1 bone ~t, 1:,./w ~ru:· ~ . . sofa.', "Eictl • cond. suitable DINETTE, .c chain. cokr C'ONN • FISCHER selection n. nch. Swim-2lll5 Thwin, CM 548-4448 3 LQV ABLE t1&u striped. w/tack • stall. Cal Donna w: 300 .,_ ........ . _ .....,., Marine Equ ln. • fOU• tor Uvinc room or entry 'IV, 3 bar stools, chair, set Rentala.Teacbl~-sal@I ming poota roe up. Hand & kittens. 1 brown. two pey, afttr 4 p.m. 644-0439 ..,, · u .. , .. ..,,. • .,,,.,,_., t;. - baQ..Appt...CalJ'13-593f, dialle8.Mi9c.etc.313381'1.)' TakeSama.AnaFre~to prdtn tools 2c5 up. New Ml W tac1 ' l6lO Weaned 1: trained. 7 wks PALOMINO pLi:ltnc by l~~M~bi~ ~~nwi~32-cJ: SMART Bar stool&,.~ La..C.M.548-4835 • Main.St.turn-ottthen 1h0es 25e "up. Ladles pa. SC. In old.968-6336 private ownr. Tack V .• P._, ___ 11~ pot.TV.·orotberi .. -...J. .back & ,;ms. ,$15. Nearly «1uth to: jamu, new $2. Blouses Zic 2 SWEET Ki"-_ ....... to avail&bJe H Meded.' $-6ST1 enc. ery ~ · ._.. · -•"' -r btw bed Cooch PJ, Coffee GA.RAGE SALE. -Not the Gould Music Company up:-Boy's I: girl's bikes. $3-..... ns. ~~ ~!~537-3717, ~ ~r 5: pUancu: from. an effidelt ~ ~. f(.50 Call ~~ts~ Sarir~ 200 N. Main, SA 547.oo81 ~A Superior, C.M. WCE. APA.Y..SMOHRE . .~~~th.Jr'wht. ~ l PLER, ... UVl,ocANk IMO ............... • . = =GI'~,,,,,.~ .aft 6 PM C.M. 6 WEEKS * $12 .. Guinea pip. S.llboats -· 90l0 -· -~ Watt mil!> n . ~~ ~~:. dL~•k' '~ cl•a: • ..1!~ .... ~...i"'::. REFBJG.-Norwe. white,. im· -""B-m'.AL'IHYiattens. 6 wq B&:utttq2toncha1red. 2mo1 • . ~-s;-N-· w ..... .., -=vu~•·· .. • --........ n . .,..,...... ............., mac:ulate $65 Sideboard old $2. Breedtrs n 9). BRAND NEW, 'Bt.utltul '69 ""~ •OJ. ..... _~ _Qt&M., _Q)Jld. ~J..li t. tournlt.ure. AuctJon__ 8025.,_Juty 29 at-1-PM.. Prarlice Dudlb med.-~-fuilln ~ ____ -. ..__ old, to imt .b-~m ~_,._ ~lSM -•. ,,.,.-=.:-Ctieyiter-U. 13': 'boucht "'DW;scs..m:P""· _.. ~ ~ .. m..~~ , •Furniture• erg.nir available. Join the china cab, ·neva:mar t.opl For fumlture, sppliances, 496-585l -7/21. MWlulyl0.'69.uaed;Jbn. MARINE 1 me ._ BEAUTIFUL MedHerranean fun! REGISTER. NOW! $45. Coffee A 2 end tables, colored 'IV; pianos, Ol'i'f.l'lll 2 Kl'ITENS, 1 jet black. 1 ALFALFA HAY Dacron Aili. wood noor. ,2 tr&nl:ul*ion,"~'!.n'troill ~h aten:io cabior:t, 6'. Appllanctt • Color TV HAMMOND nevamar tops $17• 'Recliner and anttquee. • white lonc·ha.ir. GenUe with $2.15 11,e--$47. Ton center boards le anodimd Lt props, 1eata, wtMtbl~ $1llL 56-6709' ~ AOK AUCTION In CORONA DEL MAR $lO. Kitchen trypan. elec o.y or night chUdren. 839-6632 7/19 637-6143 tiller, 1 tor. _compart: Good lnlltrurftenta, blowers. ~ ANTIQUE · O\erry ·Harvest 'Tm Garden Grove Blvd. 2854 E. Olast Hwy 673-8930 clock S2. Kenmore fireplace ~20 l LONELY kitten waiting.for RABBITS S2 Hutches $3 fbr learnlric or racln;. bo&rd ru tankl. 5f9..m30 • (able, iteuonablel ~~in,;:i~ ~· iM~~ FrA,ftChlM CloMOUt _ pa heater $17. Volley ball I home. Sparkl..lna penionall-Chocolh.te Dutch. G 0 0 d Com.pl with trtr. Val $J..5'!l, •57 35 ffp· "":;]' -·:-~ ''83.1-1026 -Estate consgnmt, ~po. Nt:':" The t.ador7,hu.orde~ clOit post $3. 543-7543 $ w ·£ BUY $ ty. 968-4397 hn!eden MS-9611 aell $11~ or . otter. A1io pump in Xlnt c 0 n . WH~.:.:.. ....... ~ 1175, out of 4 Conao&e & 2 Spinet * PATIO SALE * FTY rn•NSPORT'TION A.van without trlr. ru. N. RA!cently overhauled . • _.. · · 1100 Pia.n6s on a ooa:t-plus b&ai.s. ONE kitten, rrey kl white 3 """' " ~frotlt. Bl. 6'1'5-4«5 96i-3&3l wh dWr w/ otto $50. Appliancn· Never again piano barplits sAT/SUN. M $ FURNITURE $ m0«. We're leaving the Boih & Yacht• 9000 FIBERGLASS 21' Sloop..at119 I ..:;;:..;;;:::==~~~-1 539-8734 FRIGIDAIRE 2-dr u 1 e d like tbese! Fil1lt come· fiht 612 Golden:rad. CdM APPLIANCES country. 5f6..l188 7/21 -4. plley, enclOMd bead. '6& EVINRUDE Out·Boud re1r;geralol', autom. def:rolt, served. Sofa. Brkfst table & 6 chra. ln'l"T'"IMl<IS; .n -•-Box BOGARDUS YACHTS Dacron sail.a. roller ;......i. ... , mOttir, 6 HP new, 55 BaDi:ia WARD'S •••-WJN -~10 Tel~-•--h & much CalorTV-PitRo-Ste•••1 ....... ""', ...._ ~ •'OCNI. •"~ .. Coves NB. Ofter Offlc.._f __ u~~lture IQ19 14 cu It, $75. Many other ~ ..,,uu "'......,. ... """'11,; 1 1"9cewfit ... NI ~te-tood-borne;---Z!-Owens '62...R.Tel .•• .........,_ outbotld.-NICEl TR..Y 2:.-' • -new '69 Models at cbe-Out 1Bl9 Newport, C.M. &tUM4 J1llX'C'. CASH IN It MINUTU 836-4493 7121 25' 01l"il O'Nlter V-1 •• $1.& $2300. Jerry 615-6081 GiiiYSLER. ZI HP l9U New. SfANDA.RD otfice desk w/ prices. Tremetldous Sa"'" HAMMOND • Stelmvay • Ya. W E STMORLAND Sterlin&" e 541-4531 • 3 a>AL BLAOC KITI'ENS. 1!11T G~~!<-l '01 'M62_',1111~ a>LUMBIA Deftnde:r 29' Controls and acceuxies:. left hand fttuf'll. Bmwn irws! SO! atHENDERON'S, ma.ha · new & used pWm Silver Crywtal, China . -r-"' ,. " """ Exoe ....... n.. 11 main. _...._ ________ , wood fin. tap noo. 548-6258 1877 ifl.tbor Blvd. C.oata ot an makes. Bert buys tn Dealen Eat. Inv. Sale. s O:we!' an Orab&:• • LA Co'• * SfJ...131l * 7121 '3' Soop, bnatiful.l •• '5500 wrJA~ ~ rat> -------- Meu, 548--0155 So. C&lll. ...... ..... Beaut. Pima. Trem. S&v-• WANTED 2715 w. Cout Hwy,...,,,., .... --3 "" old. ~sue Moorlnt 90M Store Equipment I012 .Kpj.140JU:. ~ .,.........,.. SCIW1DT MUSIC 00, 1np ll!S-mt • 4 LONGaURE!l Jiittom, 7 '61 GUSSPARC lt&Jlo n , '°" bclow-0>0! tar--:;,;_"'-';.;;r; __ ..;_;.;;.;=.:...""-''-'1 mAiCs;:..~tii.":: .. mp1e..11 ..m.aiiled $40'.' 1!81.N.Maln, TABLE ···•·Delta $" FURNrTURE wklold,tnlned.~<Olloo,l lnboanklulboud.120Men:. u1.-... -REWARD Off ....... 15' gilt boxes. cufion'l dlspla.)' Hotpolot wasber, ~·new . Santa Ana Brink's compl'ftn." I: run. TOP CASH IN 3Q Mlnutn black, 2 srey, 548-1932 7119 Cruiser with po'Wel' jeJ A GLEN L ~·, ~ coD-aallbot.t sllp. Mut haft fudufta. %" &:lala for SfJ), 540-127T "HAMMOND C-2 beautiful U " lkill •"'-~h Qt.Wity "furnlture. ~ TV'a, * KITrENS * power trtm. Full CIOYI!!'. didon ulM barzalrt water A po1"er • .la. lhtlvea, 6' island, display G.E. America?Jli "Dlb, oven wlllnut. i-.....Sepan.le speaker grinder, lb .. drill lbOtor slereo9. appllancn, toob:, 3,,~:mlte, 1 era.>'• 6 wks. ~~.' ..... ~ e~.!:...~.4111 at -la~ rlreed,_ ·~~-=.:,.u~-~ ... -12~.-,~ .. ~~~-ll~'.I wrl.t, eustom wrap counter. Range, copper. RotiU. Used cabnts. .r lne for chW'Ch, Ma1\Y miac woodworkin& office equip. U'1irl688 7/n uuw• Ki"'M.t..f~'-~ Alla, fiberzlua@d, ,, ..... ":'"""' _..,.. ,,1 646--004.5.. 771 £,. 16th St. 1 yr. Coat $500 _ .ell $200. club or home. S1495 or offer. t.ool1. SQ..3859 . 531-1212 SERVEL Gaa retriger'ator, owner. ' atalnleu steel. fiainr with Up b? '" mut. : C.M. Ph. 546-:6127 :~ ~amal.I IJ'1lhd 1n KIRBY vacuum c I e a n er ATLAS Marine Skipper Pl perfect condition. 673-2158, LIVE aboard 45' Tri&btn trafhr. 642-6565 ·. .gn.7449 EASY Washer/dryer com· e. ":'laltach: ·' pjJbet. XLNT qtne handbook. 1111 W. Bay, NB 7/21 Chris F .B. 100·wss, fathome. 'ccuwNADD .. 21t..No: 60Ci'liii ~ Space needed im- Garage Sale ·. ·.fP22 bination. Pmect Cond. No con<rand CtW'· Pay oU CalJ 675-3341 ' FREE fema.!e tabby calico ter, 2.5 KW Onan, davits race equl~ Deluxe in• m,td~l_ely· for, 28' ~· INDUSTRIAL, G~ reasonable offer . refused. Uprlg;,~~ $7S balapce o1 $39.61 or take WANTED: OLD TOY kittent, hse trnd. 2 mot. old. and dinghy anchor winch. teplor Aux. pd'Mr.· Im.mac. Pmn.:.or temp. 873-1397· • eo.1. c.o-l J"'" 19, ~1361 overPQment.. Credit Dept., TRAINS. ~73f9 aJ't 5 pm. 7/22 Chr>'.1• Imperial en&fnes • Leavin&' ana. tac. "'500, l'.OR Rent: 14'&'' x 38' U...sJ,tp ~~ ""~x.-.,,w. 53$--~ • Phone &C-<XlS2 * PERSIAN mother -"'!ndc1M•-7430 ·, Altft 8 PM. -1m . • -,.....,._tie)'. Ye.,.,., f@ 0..e:c, i:3fnc.~iill.A . S; ~G~ut:!!ic se~~ PIANO • ~nut Spinet. ' BARGA.INS W'ANTED steamtt tnznk for home ' b-bet tabby 1. 23' TROJAN Expreaa. Ji5 hp HOBIE-Cat 14' Catamaran "montb. '6'J3....6llO· ~ Santa A . _ .. ,tlo •"M uo • ..;,. USED FURNITURE _,,_ ...i..i R.ULU~2 V-8. Bait _tank. 51? '!. nd.kt. Leu .. than 1-11' old.·. $975 i Eastwood, n • • Vuy good l,XlllW n ..,.,. * ,,_...,..,. * ~ ~ltiives. ~~-".... Call .Ten J ~_,. -Depth finder. mommatlc Alao: 18• Catamaran, llOlt, loo .y ·-~ 54fl...«m. Lncatilll _b t w n ~ • KlMBALL piano. Xlnt cond. Beds Dinette., Deaka, Cribe: .,..._,,_, FREE kittens, JS Wka, Ing head. Bayalde Vlllqe slip fast, $750 351.65 Beach Rd. . t , ........ ~ WGrandamt"•s~ ... ~:::T;.~ GENERAL ELECTRIC Veryorantewoodwork. cbesb,• &Milc.!S50A..SU..u......a..I balttd, 3 blac·Jc , 1 D;, N.B. P2SI). (TlC) 'Ca~Beaeh.·49&-l513 Charhrl fOlt ~. Verlfax1 copy vuiauc ... __ • ......... perlor, C.M. 6f6.SlM *' KITI'ENS 2 Id ' P~ aw.; Da cro n CAL )I for•arAJt'TD • .. ....,...,.... _..... •••·--"-.. --~. · 1 ate $3Xl Call for •rmt 56-0371 · ~· nerv 1tc. 1700 blk/whtte. &G-776C ' Tru 879-4478 1 macblne. Carving ca.sea, ap-model. xlnt cond. $50. BALDWIN Acro!Jonlc Spinet VINYL TILE.Lin ol e 8 m, HEAVY-d.Ub' roto-tiller. 3 mos 0 19' GLASTBOll. 221 cu tn. ..q.,•-Brua a s.1 natnl ·pS dQ "SUIO"""'* prox 71x17 1n. Mlcrophone1. 847--BllS Pia.no. Xlnt cond. 5901 Asphalt Tile _ Beentifld col-apereda ~ 1 revene. ho u 1 e bro lee n.. Ca I I complttely owrbl.uled, 'MW '1bers;lu buiJ. immac: CDnd.'. e· 8*2957 ·• . , Speakrn. · FREEZER 16 cu ft, frostless Bonlyn Dr., H.B. 847~ on a nd patterm. Free Exttilent COQditlon. For £162..&846 7119 top & full mw:t, 2 Uye..bd trailer $825. 5464141 GARAGE Sale: 361 Jurnlne u~t. $80. Refrig. 14 cu tt WANTED estlma.tR. Uc. cont r . sale or trade fDr front throw CALIOO Ki~~. female loves aac~, A-1 oand. ir D~Y Sailer. Complete St., Laguna Beach Jub.19 ~ Frigidaire $35. Both top SPIN£I'S &: GRANDS 546-U78. lawnmower, power ed&er small dogs. &U-6937 1rn $2825 615'6595 i ~pment, i1'clude1 Onahore 2.0, S-5 • .C94-t19D . MlrkingcoM.673-6257 6.16-36'lO POOL TABLE Md/orT6U-5Clll FREE kittens to go o d 19~LYMAN Inboard, UOhp. &lboablandmootlne. R 1 mod , I e d: Quality BRONZE colored 1tove, dbl PIANO WANTED BruMWi<::k 5 X 10 "Gold CRANE. drill preu a; motor, homes. 544-SC4 7/23 ll eyl, Gray Marint. Exo!I. Phone 548-3331 _ fttrnl.shings must go! Twin oven A: broiler. 3 Y1'I old, (213) 877·1035 Pvt Party Crown" Like new. Genuine wood lathe I: 10011, band l -BEAUTIFUL blk loving cxind. 835-7895 John or lT O'Day OayAiler •Flnetl~Powor.,. Sall. -.. ~ brochure call 5fl.4l:91 • 50' Cbrls Cl'aft,. 31 • ~ UniOJtr Cruiler, DaUJ or weekly. 67S-2BOI btdset com.pl., antique bed $185 or best otter· 642-7377 • • alAtt, top of tht line. 897-0466 a.w A lbl. $150. 962-8727 kitten. 642-7764 7122 546--0370 uk far D l c II: Olmo $1750 ... Vied $1350 steads. bookae -de5k, 9 cuerc feet Refri&erator Radio 1200 .55 FORD, eng needs work, 2 F'LEALESS biaky box Beauchamp. 14' O'Day URd ........ S500 _....;. _______ , lampo, cctt .. lb~, mt~,· $35. R-· .. -c ox-·~ --., make offer. 6-Yolt radk>, FREI: TO YOU h'a;""'1 k!Ue.; • ......OS. 8' FLAT • buttomcd, """' Fun ....,. -•Co. Balboa ::;A::;lrc="::cft'----':...1;.;00 rugs.beddavenportau11Vt> *539-8'734* ~·1 ...,.., ....... ~ ll 1S boat Vamlahed maho1 11 11 new $50. Wall heater, misc Elco 324 IJgn&l I~ n.' :~la. worklll wt S . HUGE IJ"ffn eyem and iweet 4 KITI'ENS, 1 wkl. old, 2 aea~ A trim in 1d. cond: 'ii' SLOOP, inbd, Pl S. PIPER Soper CruiJe!' 19CT. household goods. 2 DR. Frigidaire refria'., Like Wiloox-Oa,y tape re<.'Ol'der, playful dlaporitlon make thls while. 2 ll'AY· S'8-ot09 7122 complete w I oars. $145. ~~ ~~t = Low time. Excellent m~ SAT 1 Sun. Movina:! Mu.at ~:,465 Lalye size. $125. $100. Call 6'6-4921 CARPET . . 8 mo/old araJI' tl white FREE kltttns 548-W33 7119 ~1754 548-643f Ed Zehner dltion. Price neeoUable b' Sell! Furniture, rel r I g, GARAGE 6 &WATE SA.LE Sha;s, tweeds, hl·IO pile. ).ll Persian spayed cat a vtf'Y ~· OWENS Sea .. kllf XLNT lf' NAi16NAL new deck, me. CorWder molOl'cycle, .{· ailvm-. china, banjo, Smuld. F~ ::. ~~ :5hi: = Art ObJecU. etc. after 10 colon. Free eat. Lie Contr, special pet 847-7769 7122 PETS end LIVESTOCK cond.. 15 bra on new 327 ena. trailer aood cond. S275/ot. 3 or ! U part. 61')..0U Gr k1 t ch e n ware, antique fol' garg. stor. 675-7085 278 Camellla Lane, CM. ~78. 7 YR. old eoc:k-a-poo, •p&yN Catt ll20 SIS rad, belt tank, dln&by. fer sis-m4 6'13-QkX> Chet 11. typewriten:, mlsc. Items. BOY'S Stinar&¥ bike ~· female, blk. Lovt• children. Must 1ell $4900 78!)-1087 A ' $1900 aive1 )'Otl 113 Int tn 3210 Delaware Pl .. C.M. LADY KENMORE a:i_onla~~ Televlalon . 1205 Pcwer mower $25.. Glrl I 1"1ust find good home. mov-SIAMESE kittens 9 wka, box 397-3782 area oode 213 lJDO 14 w/trailer. New clean, low-time Cet3na 172 54.'' ROUND tablt, 2 leaves, :!t~si.l::.1.= --~ 16'" bilcilf' $8. 1513 On.Dae, Ina. Doe house included. trained, Bl~ Seal Pmnt. S20 $67 WE'RE movlnil U' aall• I: l'lalnl· Immac! at O.C. Alrpt. call m...- 6 ehaln, Elec dryer, old RENT OR BUV CM. 642-5665 545-4340 7/'J2 each. 835-057.C, 543-3839 heavy for hard uae, mm-$895. 675--l781. or MS-7154 Wkdai 838-3728 eves. school desk, elec train, crpt. RE FR I G ER ATOR $40 COLOR TV Quality ldng bed, quilted, COCK·A-POO eute 1 l t t J e SIAM.ESE Sealpoint 1Gttel1ll blned motor & sail. fbla. on 26' ENDAVOR, Ira: acttw · swttper, bowl~ ball &: Frigidaire with good side St Month Up Complete, un.~ $98; worth male puppy,'2.!Ai mm. old. to Trained males, perm. 1hor.. bottom. 14' mut I rudder. Nwpt clul. Top equ\p. Flylnt LlllOM 9150 bag, other good lNyL 2451 bottom lrefter, 549--0507 ALSO $250. Arttt 5 or wkndl. iocd home 'fflth fencd yd. us;. ~7843 Lort1·unuatd Aili. ST3-6&W Price J4850. (213) 2'lM936 -""' Norse Aw., C05ta Mtsa FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, STEJlID.REFR.IGERATORS 847-0406 64J.M80 '1118 1968 SKIP Jack 2) Law 22' I" PEARSON Enalp. SKYDIVING 10 CU. Ft chest mettr $100. good condition $95. 646-8578, WASHERS OR t>RYERS * FOR SALE: Living: Room 2 GROOVY Kittens t~ it ......._ ll2S Hours SS, 1' .B. Blminl Mere $2,500. Complete with watti, ' pool vac bouae • bead. leW• 5f6....M2lli OPnON TO BUY fumJture, Frost-Free retrle, b I • ck 'I r J I • L 0 ye • ~ Cruiser 160. F.c:rtru $6,CO). ....u. • outbrd. 5'8-3331. . .Newport BU.cll.1 $cw cil tng machine, IJWl&le, head-KENMORE wuhtt $2S. ~ 54M51t tape recorder. '61 VW. &G-2248 7121 Ai..uicAN Malamtrtff-faled 548-4843 SAlLl'ISH; new ..n. Wood Sb·Olvinc now t:U.tsw IP' board. other mllc. !um. mont Dr>or l'G. Good .,,.. S43-""'2 u...-!iMANJ( lrllleno •II &I( pupil, Ai<C, be&ut11111 FOR, QUICK SALE bull' wt1h "" ,_,,, pljcatlom, -i'!!IM •& 962-7352. 20ll2 Imporlal COve di-$4$-3337 · MAGNAVOX • JI." Color G ..... Sutibuet.t Sale Slemeoe, II Mame, ..,._ -· -I 1amJ11 &so. ll' C>aracler boo~ clean. $!lXI. 5'3-79CI .,. 518-1234 aok !or 'Ulll>e;7 1 LI. H.B. I ll lO T.V. Welnut -.,......,. !.<'' 2-l'JO, 1.r-& , t1!ort or"' tan. -Tiii -· -· eaq <o 11CO. Call Aqu.aUc Ce-. 1f' SAILllOAT -· lrl!n J, -..--------ii EVERYnllNG muat bt IOld Anti~ cabinet. Good condition. StU114 Kr'ITEN, 2in mo. She'• ~ lit-train. Perfect show dog1, 5l1..Q25. canvu hap • Good cond; 1 • . ,ft by July 25. Unimat $100. 4 MA~· ·"Early Vie-$185 cash, 514 7tb st. HB. Poroelalnllnt. 21.xlZ. tie lover • silver snr. lood for br~dtnr. SNOWBIRD No. G) fl: hQU. $225. 538-2741• . ~leHomet ____ ._;' ::;:~I -~~O:~ =~~ tor I a ri' cha i r•~S,-4 O. 536-3885 with ctirome lauoet. &t6-'1285 '1/lJ ~pure ' S120 new !'<'ard· $350. G~hop-a• SA.BOT 1tq11,. $250. Jm.l LAGtJMA Beh Mobile ~· ).g 1;_751.,....t Occb Blvd., Grandlaf.!1t'r e lo e k $2'.ZS. ; EN TH TV 1 2 6'' 675-0l95 WHrrE Furry female felfue • Ptt 7 dina:h)' w/Ml,t. ~ Fil..,.,.ter. Buntirwf,oo ffar.. 1 Mr, 1 ba. Be11.u.t \!JI ~ .oa:i"-.l 1M11.J'l'JC1 Small Aide dn.wet Mtk Black/white, 1% yr old. 8' CUSI'OM surfboard 2 yn old. de-clawed . PURE·BRED Gennan U&ed l 1euon.tj'13..l11Q1 bor. (2l3) 51790 ol Mntna. :r:ll02 €1t ,..,,. t -v1.rv-.. 1. P'.)D. ManUe dock $!j0; Le(> ?etfect ~itlon s 5 0 . perfect condition; l year old 645-1688 1/21 lhort.halr pointer puppies, s L t R"' N I "17 -F-23. NC7I'Iq!I NO'tJCEI Due to writer S2S. Tea caddy no. 67)..9'Jj2 S50 7-6591 wkl, dew claws & talll earn O , OW ' 12' Al.CORT Sa I I f·I • h 1 • :fhbfJnllirznu~.::l ~:~ ~~ :.~nk ~ ~ BJ?< (6 white TV with TRI~~AY Eexrciaer • G:~ ~~i ~StMsi"r animal at ~1~ Sc~~~~5 :rps. ~new~ ·~inlabed.,, ~~~°i~'Jd:~ pi.~te 3 bedroom houleful "Of carriqe lamps $10 ~a. ~~He= ~·:1::: ~~n~;~~· Ok tarae yan:l ....... 122' 7/71 GREAT DANE. Female. * NEW ,.,.. dlngl\Y im LIDO 14. Dae. aallt. ad-SE()OO. ll73-23lJ tµrnittae. Everything Cots! Wash bo9.•I set $25. lron 60-3089 ' BIG black fuU¥ J>Ullll7, Black. One year old Factory: 2117 S. ~ St, cond. $150. Days: aJ5..63lSi -ra+R S~. 8x«t « ~ rm Oak St., C.M. 642--6882 bed•. let $50. Spinnina PLAYPEN I: peda $12. 2 male. in poodle. 6 Jl10L W/pt.pen. Obedience trail> Santa Ana (nr. WU'Dlr • ewa: l7J..«IM ' er. $55. alJ"09I tr hcli; Jn NO JUNK.""""-· 11ne... -· mo. T .... hy """ HI-Fl a st-1210 Virtue bc;ge chain"' each. --1/U ... 838-3ZiO NWDt lrwy) -lll' aJl'PER, c t Ass be. N.11. ~7111. D"lisc. h • e b Id. Jirl'• .SS0. Red fqfted .ettee $].SOO. New coodltm "'"'29fT I MONTH old .BMcle, m&le. rEMALE Dmde. 3 mos. '16 BOSTON WhAJlr lf...t 1 l&Dboat. Oleli? DELUXll: ..... •• ,,.._ play1h!Dp.Satl.&m9:304 BlacktutteddlJ'brdSSOO. U68 &cA. bom 11 ,.n.BA'ITERIES•VSU1Sa.~ AKO hi· Good with Llwb'· Studud abe. 4 w/Jobmoa ID. Sitts. '*60-Gltl* adult Jllft. CK. Immed Ull2 a.ttan:r. Turtle Rock. M)..(J68T ~or~ tettalnmcnt ellrttt_uJ31'M ~ V $5.95 a. 1'111'· U mo..~ children. •60-3233 T/23 whli. """' m llhota $15. l7Mll1 dQI. a.1919 eve CAL• fliill 8llfldppld. race~ JC& ~ .. • Irvine. m..<m4 Sat/SUn only. ~·w5= eablnet Sl.flklld batt. 61)8) CUTE ldtlt1ll, IOY9 peopie. tJb..M07 16' dLASSPAR AY'afon, CftdA Its ndlo. WW.~ iOxk~~ . HOtJ8EllOLll Sale ID octile Larry MOrfOn AiiilqUOI Retalll l1llOO. Our .,...; REATILA~ ---loolt tor bome. amit1AllUA, male: ' moo. -• tr&8cr. llllll "11. oldor """ -ble ollerl ~ ~ ":!c. '=' !'.ata~ All mu1t Go! Ont WoWd )'aCI bellew? Donn $10'15. &«rZ'UJ mw. 11.t ofter or tr'tdit ftr J'fte. Call l'l5-Ul2 1122 old; white w/fawn spOta; * '°"11• * Call MWT11 '"'" ......... ,....._ ·~ dly """'' SUCday. July al n>ll!Dpdeskl,nloak<a ... , NEW8ean-blest<rco2 tent War-.136-42711 GERMAN -l'uPPJ AKc. -· •ll I» Moo. iii GLAS.1PAR; 15 bp 'JO'T1hltlKllch$2JOOo-*•T.,~w,.....,...., an GatJ Pl. Ne" p 0 rt china cabinets. aecretarya. spkl'I; • Jpd. Wll: " brown '68 HONDA ISO, xlnt cond. P'fmale, • imnthl old. 'S4M200 f Johrmn. $MIO. A T.O.P. ar MC. AS LS. gm So St. Malo. ~ti w:dumi. ........ lteiltlta " =· =~ mb= = color. 45 attch. $50. m-ara ~75. S-pc drum •t, bi-bat A 951-11171 T/22 OOLIAE. reclltered. sable. S S1900, 536-1171 w. Corina (21S) M.. eve adult part.•• Jim SATURDAY·SUNOAY Wboletoie•....U."'8New: ln<o. "'"""""°·-DARLING loveble...,-. BeAutlllll.'lneUU..,nt. lS'CABIN6iiliirw11! .. ISLANDERl!ehama:lf'lulty IT'S-,i-u,....-1 """'"'' Off~ """'a\': porl Blvd., Costa M.ia. llO'OOROLA Corool< Hl·FI, BEAU'l'lFUL blonde .... !or otrlpcd kittens. 10 w!<a oltl. -!nlned, papon. 1100. , ~ OB, trlr, lul1t eqpd tor .......... •lcb!lct .... •leob ·-.aii tliil · )IJ'-rd b'pt"""iJtt. 548-1'3.!3 -exrl cond Record• Ind .. ..._ Worn one month. paSd 5'9-4398 aft I PM 11'2 m..sn 9Jl.l.IP· $1050. '87...cl52 NeWl!ld alll, ua..a31 l>AJLY 'JlllLDT ~;-"· l~ = canfater CHASE upright plam. New SlOO. Ole. 5t()..Jl17, m $85. ~ $40. ~7462 5 TO CHoC:isE from: Pup. 2 YR Grtat Dint, male, •ANTED to Liit. ik1 Lt. CX1'llili:AN1 cr;pr 14'1 RCtioll NOWI ,_ ~ 1 Ane: <:M kt)'l .. felt. 8J )'1'¥ old. )loy-llT>M SNAKE ... reptile tlJtJt" fl5. pin, 7 wb. Cockn'/Tmiet" tawn, AKC. mallt..Uer. ~ JB', lood «Jftdttioe, Jub' all a1aD. a> Ill ft o1 -U. -'i''-'-'--'---. --1 1;1,:..,,';;.;,;,,;.,,;_,;...=c,'==,..,.,., 'il>t,!100• !MH06l WALNUT Colle !able,...._ -mix. -7/'ZI ·.Ul:&!lil. . A A-t 6IJ.80B7 lleD w/lrlr. 6fMl62 nu: 11J11NtvJ:l\11111'1 • iJAiiAGES&l•Ja~-~d ·NO-llr-tttio,Jl!ll AM/f¥. £llJA -OLD llbnt7 !able U!,OESPERATELYn«daccdOOClt·~P\!P~1,2moo1''_BOAT •/l<lll<r ilJ!O • UdOUwl!lllr&ller a,,._, --· = l.~boW r:_1 • :i!'· ~~ ..n It wilh a DAIL'r I-tract ""1n deck ta,pe port.Ible 1ewlnc machine homes tor 2 klheM 3 rno11. old, all blade. no o-pen. SS.. &o04 ftshbla" bol.t tor baJt, • $800 * l'or u ad to Ml 11-.1 9&.1 aen:'t~ c.~. ' · PILOT oawttw ad. pJaytr. S5D um &n-tue: m. kt aft 1 pm, &U.Q34 old. HJbttm. &e&-1403 7/lJ ~ 5..~ 1.. ~ tbe dock. dial MMlf1t. II I • .. ••• .I I ! I I 0 : : a bl 0 I 0 -• . flWiSPOllTAf108 TRAf!SPORTATION TllANSPOJITATION TAANSPORTATION 1 --~-.-..~~--1 TRANSPOllTA 'l:ION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOR.TATION TRANSPORTATION. ~,, •• tlec;fll Joopo 9$10 Imported Autoo 9600 Imported A-9600 l,111ported A- 94CIO ·=,-966-TO_YD_TA-'-'-' IMW JAGUAR A . A' 0 MOO Al)tlq-Cl<nalct 9615 9600 l!!'f'""'ed Aulot VOLKSWAGEN r.=:.a:~E LAND c1m. ·r ... ~·~ .. ~i=.~t·~!r~!-ust1n mer1ca llEENtEAF PARK cs .,.. S25. w.m1 -a1t s pm. • '°"""""" d"P bl.. kid BRAND NEW 1 ~691 dear,-.. -eo.ta RECDm.Yttb1t4cy1.1 .. , """'wonch.'!IJ'clal-. DATSUN 1'°"'"•1h<ftnteriat.·Ev•" ·4 SPEED AUTOMAnC TiliNS •ea. Ntw • ..._ Adlllt =· ~ 8:' =·o: ~ i:';..Rer!i:' =:a :.'~~::~~: !.: •CHOICE OF COLOtS e DISC IMKlS • 'N VW LOVE BUG Radio,'l.Jc. GPZ. 17t. $197 • Bott O..ls Are Al DEAN LEWIS l'lrtl Now OPENf Moltdo 64S-lll2 alt s ""' . $2495 967 DA"'"llN -wtr. .....,, tu 11 •FRON• WHEa o•••• . • LEAT""'""NTHIOR Hotnt plldl.y Madel• a . 1"1 PCl"'U· _AM.FM radiO. ~h • 1~~~~ • IMMEDIATE_DEUVil'{ Sales ottbi loc:aJod at Padt. c 0 R v A IR • -b b I ·nor -' fine cOndltWI, fll JJ&QI to DklVE YOU.RS HOME TODAY! l96S Harbor, C.¥. 646-ml OPEN matDfold/oorb 'l65. Toch 6 STATION WAGON belleve.S.O ond<ll'!Ye!Oday. iCl-IECKolOUR WEEKEND SPECIAL ... RED .1.0. .. "But; Jm.. ~• . M cyl $WI. llentilo "" $10. . • ---"··-oond 19311 FORD Orlc!n&I FOid Coupe, Vory ..... condltioa, mwmv 0'4Sol441 1960 CLASSIC Nereedes 23>- S convut1ble. wry el'*1t, $13)0~qn J!tW eflline. ~ech. pedtd..1'iew cloth top. AU· ,,.,. moo. 494-8319 f A111 T0 6 p '=-==·~="====! · 1· 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA FULLY EQUIPPED "~-w : c1bn cpl artan MOBI'• '. DATSUN A,utomatlc transmtssSon, 19.• with eutom•t,ic; trtrt1mi11ion. extremel,y qulet, one adult ""'\.Ull LC Tr1ller,1Tr..-f N25 dlo&ndhef,ter.Lloensenum. Rd' h t t O I 9000 ·1 ;;· special P:.!.,~ Ra«1 Cars,«.CNlt ~!-:;:~=.;' =-"r,,, .. ~--"'=~ .. ..;-c;:;.; .. c;'<J,;::.. ~ bet ~UJ$i5S5 3100 w. °"'' fflY)'., N.11. • 10, .$ ... , .. 6 ... 9" y s' ~·.. '66 vw L= :.v:ly ·- 9620 ALEXIS.For. Font, traUer A: spare engll'lft. AD brand new. "'"'14.13 HOME SAW 9700 1750 Whlttiet' Av• . Costa Mesa . 714: 642-1350 ·~ " DOT "2·9400 M0.17~ for. SUnrool. MH. l'OO(f fir. ~CM is:~ Bemardino '!i..;E=:~~v:~ ;:;:: AU.lhorir.ed MG Dealer ALSO e•; JOO). m-3074 Autos W•nhd :BECl~A:;U;,SE;;_;we;;o.;:;doo;,;,,,'t-lli<~e-ra~I 962-<1193 DATSUN '67 '?CE hardtop roadster, S•• Our &old Seal U1ed1 Cers '57 VW O:mvertlble, 1aw1---------1 I · --------17,000 mJ. I'mm acu late ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION"1JF mlleqe, &'l)O<l coodition.-'WE PAY··· rough t when camping. we R--t'n vo•lc'·· 9515 ~-... _ ... p . L ' l~~.. AH I ' Fo ., .. _1r1 .... tt:'7tl; n··. ~ -c s lift looking fDlr a l5'·U" -n ._ ......... me .... ..,, ..... a/FM. One oncne s, mv s, • •• ty s, , rr..-1 a tu ...... ..,.... • "'J""!NfN A H ims Beach mw. owner . .f94--2925 ewe. LIDO Poe_nlrwula. id e a I trailer in ne!d of repair that NEW GMC ...,_nt -'-Uon. Tn.iltl!!' aomeone wants to unload for · Huntirvton Beach '61 JAG MK 2 dn. Gd mech '68 VW Camp mob 11 e ~-· -CHEAP pr! 11 ,..._ L-" % Ton H•ndl .. Bus _ _:,,M2::.·.;.7181cc.ar:c.;54tl-044.;.;.;_2 __ 1 ·cond. Needs body wk. -Wes.....,,"'ia A/C. R/H. 4 w/ large cabana. New w/w a Cl!. u"" li•11:11 _ ._,., ''1':~-crpt. Stow &: refri.gmllor. ta In good condition. ''''e'll do 8 puga.nger, V-8, aulomatic oz: trade. 548-6868 new Wft. 25,00ll mL $3COl. Asking SDlll M6-251G the rut. Please: can days transmission, power brakes, '65 DATSUN 337"'°83 "'GEL ~"-on ~ulifuJ 6(2.Qllt, Ext 294, eves radio and more. Serial No. Pickup • The hard to find KARMANN GHIA Authorlz•d Austin Am•ric•-MG D•aler ''8 VW ~ allO '67 .VW ft.l~ .1aa11e1 yc9 64&-0836 with details PBl5380. workhorse, clean, clean. • l 100 W•st Co•st H Sedan/or trade-for VW Bus. =· N!~ le= w:1C: AIRSTREAM TRAILER • $341.,3.68 cle&n. Lie.$ N;Y 452. '65 KARMANN Ghia, tuned l I 00 West Co•st Hiw•y -Newport Beach ~2329 .... ,...,;, $1500. ~ • 1961 26' Land Yacht si.... Al Roberti GMC But Do~1.7 Aro .At _ .. _ .. ~ .. _~_!<O~V~•rt:!:.'!.$10$ __ · .:..__j===;:~;;;6;42;:.;;'4;=D=5=-1· =5=4"'0.;1:,:76;;44~, :::;;;===1'66 vw -!500 a;. 615--0912 6. ........, * M2-095'l , 67f>.7157 Runs great. New paint Job. ftr u8ld can a truca 1Ult call • for tree mtmate. GROTH CHEYROlfJ AlktorSaleo- l.8211 8e&cb Blvd. : Huntington Beach Kl """' * W-L & W * IS' TERRY, """8 5; '"""· 111® = g::;::: Blvd, DEAN ·LEWIS ME.RCEDES PORSCHE SUBARU· $1"'5. 644-0356 -ax ..,, .... ....,-.-. %b1ockw .. torBrool<h-BEN:i1--------------1'66 vw Bus. ru1y m•in-CONRDENnAUY Summer ~ MZ..5864 2234 Padfic, C.M. JE 7-7800 1966 Harbor. C.M. 646-9303 Por!~ ..• !!!:.~··· Subaru of Cahf. talned; nu tires, radio, etc. We Pay More Fer C 9250 1 -========i==~:;;,,;;~~==I '69 DATSUN • ~ Call 833-2Mll Fore;gn Or 8"""' !'on Eloctrlc ... Tnllert, Ulility 94.50 Comport 9520 !"« ....... dlr, ... ,,,... lJl67 and 1968 modela lnc:.--Retall Div. vw ... SEDAN. Rayo! m... PAID FOR OR NOT . ......._ 1-;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:=;;:=;;;;;;;; ~-1 --& 911 and 9U ,.r1eg $1297 POE Xlnt rond. 24,000 mil•L Priv B J SPORTSCAR Athoz.-r1r.;. covei'd, }:iattery FACJ'ORY built Nation Wide 1• ·-..<Lt,,, au o u ........ riv, WSW, Opt eqwp l30, Fre1--ht llf.SO prty. $1650. 542-?882 • • -Incl. Good oond. m<M"" trailer. Tand•m . CAMPER loadodl Low, low milost tit> ~ CENTE!L Wri n..;1 .. Pilot Box M-335 ... , der factciry warrJJ!ly. Fu'D Handling $49. net. $1390.50 '61 VW . gccian. Must sell. te ,,,_......, wheels & spare. All µahtt. S.IH '... R.ntals price $1875. Take old~ + Tax and License $4T5. Chnn whls, Mis. 2&33 Harbor' S ·" · Licensed •. Fu1Jy enclosed 5' , 1IKXl w C t Hlw NB Mlftl Bikes 9275 x 12 •. 2822 Frand5 Ln. Mesi. Authorlied Dealer trade. LB YNW14G. Call · :oas ay, • 548-3821 Costa Mesa -MIM491 Eldorado. Four Wind! Vic 494-9773. 645--0050 * s.ID.2733 •-~.,~v~o~L~KSW=~A=c=EN~-i..~ ... ~ . ...!, 3-tNo.pttdB .!: ~ar. ~~. Cb e v )' Scotsman • Barracuda ORANGE COUNTY'S '65 M.ERCEDES Benz 2m, ' 3100 W. Coesl Hwy .• N.B. SUN BEA... Excellent condition ~·LD u"'"' ...,.,.,,,, ,,~ _ 8' cabover Low ·As NO. 1 excellent condition. local 642..s.J05 540-1764 m • 5464799 • ~:-afte~~ pick-up~ S799 DATSUN DEALER mileage. UX>O. 644-2716 Authorized MG Dealer 1---------1'61 vw. Good:-eond. R/H. re- WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR sa~ all day Sunday. Modol # 600 DOT DATSUN '51 MERCEDES 190SL '60 CONVERT. lOlJN a.. '65 SUNBEAM TIGER cont volvo job. cOnt! ""''· '===.,-.,==,-.,=~ T ks 9500 Theodore lB8l5 r.-·-h Blvd. ~ter Convertible, new ljuiJt engine. 1.tust sell. Convertible, V8, rad1o, fun $5.'"IO. MS-7397 CONNELL ANZA BC-ID>, i..-. rue ROBINS FORD H ting~ton Bea h pa;nt, R<.i beauty. "'-1!166 · 11400• 548-4'84 in ""•un.sL1'ac·'·1uoH 206 63 vw. "'· "'nd. RtH. 1825 CHEVROLET illdtl, fade bnce I. more. H un c '56 190 SL, -...a ronct. xm or Best OUer! Must Sell! A:atea1 tt $146. ~2929 .I.Story·· 2060 Harbor mvtt. sq.mi or 5tG-044Z . ".;..... t '66 Porsche 912 Coupe Best Deals Are At 644-1456 2828 ~ Blvd. Ollrla Me511. 642-0010 '69 DATSUN 1'U111Ul'lg, $995. 5 speed, AM/FM, chrome DEAN EW S ~,~. ·-·-e!!~""'~'!"''""'""""''"I * 546-9247 * Wheels, tazigerine with black L I '65 VW Micn>bul, · l,,.Ulil,.ll Ml!SI. ....,....._,, Motorcycles 9300 Shop & Compare 4oo°~-Sed__, 4. ml. d1r, front MERCEDES '61220 Sed. Air. tntmior. Reflects meticulous -owner, m.lg 40.to:I. ~ ~~ WE PAY TOP Repeats NEW GMC c""'. aea.Ja; 2,900 Miles on Xlnt mnd. Bucket S. Pr/pr-care. See and drive today. 19£16 Harbor. C.M. 646-8303 Mu.st see to apprec. ~ DOLLAR ~~;., ~ ·~· ty, noso. ~isn '68 vw 15,00) mi, Zenith for iood. clean .Uled c:ara. ~ Ton Handl •Van Full price $1~ YHW4Bf M B '59 .. Roaarter, white. fOYOTA blue, blk int. Xlnt cond. all makes. See George Jla.y ~--'+, ...... If-~W::,~~~!~~:i: Call Bill.~. orig. red' ie~ ,-xua , _ll~· cal1 ~~ . nz;oHaZ~1i:i;:n1 ' t ~ ·mto.>, i ... , • .,, ""'""' 68 DATSU ss. vw SUNROOF, '''"" C.M. MUIQIO - -~---. &~~·~rial.No. PBl.9922. Big station-wagon, aut.o, OV--MG .:.ll=:L:.~:l l·rttd~9'.t~l'IJ!W· ~14 . . -wm · B - •nd ev,rytlme.lt does $2844.70 erhead cam., dlr, xlnt conc1.1-----MG------1 3100 w. Q:iast Hwy., N.8. B··· Deals Ar• At 1967 vw. ~ wfblack in-. I uy Prices go up. That's AIRoL~rts GMC Take older trade. Total · 642-94~ 54Q.l764. DEAN LEWIS terlor. ·rv* 54 H.,_1 3 1 283 ""°•' Your Volkswa'"'n or Porsche hi h l1V price Sl599 .. LB WBJ 5.S9. Sales, Service, Pan. Authorized MG Dealer 6~ somet "9 t at Cer· 10080 Carden Grove Blvd. Call Vic 545-0034. Immediate Delfvery, &. pay top dollars, Paid for talnly can't be ••id Gartien Grove All Mode.i. e '65 e 365C XI.NT mech. 1966 fl11.rbor. C.M. 646--9303 '64 VW Sedan. 30,!0l miles, or not. Call Ralph about our pr l c e s • '~ block West ot Brookhunt 'G5 DATSUN wagon. Looks &: cond. Sharf. appearance. '66 CROWN WAGON $985. 673-0900 W h l clow I JE 7.7800 runs like new car. From radial tires, Butterfly rack. Sti k * 548-6540 * IMPO .. ~av;;: .,.,..:1n: 1'195=1-CAD=~H-O~U~S~E-c~.~R-. orig owner. $915. ~Jl-2430 '3.15Q 642--07'22 ~ o!::. ~!~Rrae;:ve. '68 VOLKSWAGEN ~ ~~ '66' HONDA 160 Good con-that you can't afford 8x13'6, oombo elec A butane • PORSCHE •ro Roadster, $997 C.Onvertible $1650 TOP S BUYER dltioo $.DI. 6' SUrfboard. to miss out on. SH UI retr.• exc ClCIOO. i 1750, DATSUN ne1v tOp, new seats. ex· Best Deals Are At * 546-4045 * BllL MAXEY TOYOU E~ ~ -V~ ·Dr, lsoon. We'll! M weft. -~2449RENT·A:SHELL 3100 W. QUt Hwy., NB. 1-·-ool_l_on_t_oo_nd._.......,. ____ · I DEAN LEWIS VW .'57 convert. new pai~ Ji. &1:! Beach .,:1~~ ~ ......... ..,. ... ,..,. ng. '67 Datsun Sta Wag, ;dnt 642-9405 540-17&1 '64 356C. 1600cc coupe. New rarl10. Xlnt cond. i 4 ;;i O ~-~~ H..U Al R L-PAM·TOP 830-1800 oond. low zn1L Luvin<.,..... .... ~~ ·--·· d nd x ~ """"" WANTED' Woody .l>'tation --~ '!!r.tition er 011C'rfS 1010 So. Harbor, santa Ana try. $1195. 494-a;92 Auwuc~ mu ~er eng. g . co . tras • .., .. ..., 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-930J . . Gorxl condlUon * * 646-Jl(l Lob of Extras GMC TRUCKS HIGHWAYMAN ~136 PORSCHE s BILL MAXEY ·~-~ml"'M~~.usm ::: WANTED junk can. No tow- • 545-0006 • 1~ =~ g:: Blvd.· Stove, closet, lrebox, abl bed, ENGLISH FORD MGB · $1695. upe_r Must ~ l:, apprtt. 646-5662 away c:harge. 54&-51.06. T4 HARLEY D•ovKI"'" 1!166, ',OhlockWmo!Brookhunt _oc1~,on~54""'12~~====-l ·~~::;;;;::~=:;~;.I '68 MGB·GTCoupo ·* 5@.'('}43 * , jT loiYIQIT !A_f1--------. a'.IDO actual Q1iles. x.lnt coOO. JE 7_7800 = ORANGE COUNTY'S A iem!! Fully equipped in-'64 PORSCHE (C Coupel _ ~ -~ ,,. · VOLVO Auto Leasing 9110 . $1SOO. call between 4 & 6i--.c~o.--=~--1 Campe:r Rentel1 9522 eluding radio, wires. etc., Chrome whJs, Blaupunkt 11811 BEACH BLVD. "'° 494-7934. '62 Chevy Vz Ton VOLUME ENGLISH · etc. Gorgeous yellow e~r-radio 40 ooo actual mis 1 Hunt. Beach 147--8555 . '66CZIJ5 Pickup ·*EXPLORER* FORD DEALER forw;thfW!bl"kl"th<.to-......;., .W....., ' lmlN.ofc.a.t Hwy.ooBch VOLVO BUYS ; DmT EQUIPPED •• Bod ............. $199 a, -k "' month. Lwrurl. SALES -SERVICE. terl<n', •howroom <0nt1;uon.. 1968 Porsche 912 Coupo TOYOTA . '67 122 ?!' 494-69«1 PaciflC Coast Motars ous.. Sieepg &. Sell contain. ~6!:~0!1:wt'f Deep Irish green finish wilh Lk. T1T'l41 TltL '6" Bonne. Sell or trade e4· Llmited' number. Call LARGE S2LECTION full leather contrasting in· Extra Sharp. for amal1 campl!'I'. 96l..m 14061 Beach. Wmtnlmter i'oday. Theedore terior, lo local miles. 5 lfEADQUARTERS '67 144 o1Y<r 7 * Bn-5038 * LEISURE RENTALS RO INS F .... o.i. AM/FM, '"" oto. ELMORE 4 dOO>'. Lk. No. 1NA333 '69: HONDA 175 Scrambler !ll() 6'U611, fn4J 837-3809 B . ORD Mint condition. Automatic traruimiss:ion, air -~. "15. Call J·•-* SHELLS * -· Harbor Blvd. 3100 w ~. t H NB m~ "· Blvd oondtLioolog. ~ ... u.ouu ,,... "'"' c.t1..i...i ...... _,.....,.,,..._... _, • ....,..s wy., • ~ e<:ach . Wstrnnstr ,65 ''r""" 64U774 ~ .. ..,,..uaw,...q,v~-· Dune Buggl" 9525 <;lMta Mesa 6G-0010 642-941li M0.176t Phone 894-3322 ~ 8.l1;1!J -~-=----Authorized MG Dealer ==°'=='==='=""°""==I r .. c:t Back, scarce model, 1968 BSA 650 ThWJderbolt. '62 Corvajr, Pickup 1969 DUNE BUGGY TRI-UM. P.H radio, heater, 4 speed. No. Will "'" or -.., vw eooo ~'" Pro1 ... looa!Jy built, hant1 FERRAR. r OPEL 1!46. bql ar cam...-. 6""'6!lf ·.' =•!"'uOD --------1 .,.. TRJUMPH. 65tl Bo-•::::-=*=*:=-!l68-<lll-:::-~·~*"='"*--laminated, 1"ed metal flake, fERD•RI 3100 W,.___Cou't Hw.y_,. N.Q. i=• TR 3 n ••• ,...... -..-1 '63 P1800 '" , .. 1. everythiD&: cfirome, f u I 1 ryoo '64 OPEL Kadell. Xlnt 642-MOS M0.1764 ~ ,..,,.. u:., 6""" Sport Coupe. Lie. No IZW483 ~Sharp! $599. PY. Pty. '66 SUPER Fan:i Extended custom interior. ANSEN N-'---~ Ltd. ()r.. . '1 shape. 1.1usl i;ell. Looks Like new. call ~ Van, Lo mi., xlnt cond. .... _ •• u • ..,.,.... mechanical cond, pajnt &: Authonzed MG De er 536-4!29 SPRD"n' WHEELS. 40HP. anp County's cob'-.. utbar--body. Nu . tra'nit .. &: tires. PORSCHE 1967 911 s. Slate '57 S44 2 Door 'QI " KAWASAKI Busbwadcer Auto, etc. Sl.595. 892-3594 All syncro mesh 4 gpeed. A tud dl!aler. s:Jl.(16(3 r ~""A7 ---------ILlc. No. t"XJJ.51. Lots of """~ ...._....,.."'" u "' PU .~ . F 1 . SALES·SERVICE·P'"TS 0 'i""' grey. Extras! Xlnt cone!. 115. '""""'"'·•'dirt ... -~··~·,. .on . -w"''"""· nancing ~ . VOLKSWAGEN .... ;,,, tru! s:;oo.· 21..{840 $850. After 5 PM 1622 available. . 3100 \\'. Coast Hwy. 1969 Opel Kadett. 2 dr, 1!QJ S5.89S. Pri pty. 833-0931 or Best Deals Are At ~ St. CM KI 5-919' Bob L Newport Beach -inl, cost SUKI. Sell for eve!< 838-6547 ~ KAWASAKI • l'lS CC erosa. · . ongpre 642.9405 S4Q..l7S4 $180cl. 549-'1094 PORSCHE SlUS 'fii. Sunroof '62 BUG. Reblt '65 ere. Nu 2 door. Radio, heater, 4 speed ~o !2? mi. $450, 1::..~-'·5~~Q ~ Pontl•c Authorha1. MG Dealer -1968 OPEL Rallye, 102 HP. tinted glass, 6" Alldy rims, brkii,· paint. tires, clean, Local ~6i ~}f~~-1842 _........._ .,......,_ 892-6651, 636-25(1(1 Stereo tepe. $1650. Call eves Konis. New Pirellis many runs gd. $895/besl. 675-5545 ~:: ~i: ~~~ .;:~~::~1i. D~~s = $l~a!!~ FIAT 5lS-S8J1 extras. 644-l433 ·~~g ~~·~17~a= DEAN LEWIS a: wtmd&.. Wrecked front end $50. fmm $2¥.1. La Pu Dune '63 FIAT 'fii OPEL Wagon, 2'1.IXXI mi. 'fii PORSCHE Sl2; 4 spd., best offer. aft 5: 644-4319 646-2253 Buggy Supermarket. 3623 Ex:ceptlonal mnd. Must sell many eXtras; showroom -,v\(i=,;;;;;;;:";;;;;;';;;j;;j'.~1~1~'"6~H";';:;"'°;,;'~·~CC:.M:'; . ...,.;64<>~9':::303~ Auto Services & P1rt1 9400 SA. 546-4045 f..<loor, sharp and clean. Llc. by wknd. 968-1797 cond. '64 VW, slereo. new uphols. VOLVO 1!£i6 C..M.C. Pick up V I W. ~;r· kdys. S-6 Sat & YWE 155. Asking ;:mo. 830-3418 chnn whlli, reblt eng. xtras. LEASE· RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM Get Our Competitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD • • 2Cli0 Harbor mw. Co!rta Mesa 642.()010 ,,, LEASE ,,, '68 Cadillac C.Ou~ de Ville, fuJly equipped. $139. mo. '67 Ford, 10 f'as& station wa&· on, r /h, air, ps. $75 mo. '67 Cougar, rh, ps. $67.50 mo. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING 300 W. Cst Hwy, NB 64~2182 Used Cars 9900 TRANSPORTATION CARS llWPORTER MOTORS engine, $475. Phone F.V. ~p · w $597 Pm. cond. i995. 968-1635 962-.12'18 un Bost Deals Aro At · PORSCHE RENAULT *· * ·oo vw. good <0od;fon. Bost Deols Aro At 2036 HARBOR BLVD. lEEP f cyl engine. Good ='=='""'°=~~~-.,-VW w/'65 Corvair e-., aolo s DEA EW s COSTA MESA · nd ,_ 1 1100 '64 FORD PU, V-8, A-1 mnd. .... DEAN LEWI S.195 4805 River Newport N l I .,.5294 or .,.8511 nmnir.: co · ...,mp ete / bed. Re tran11. Beaut on/oU .rd. Orig Bca~h 645-0523 •' '* -"'""'" Must !IE!ll 54U565 aft 6 w camper Mell. 8' &· design. $l500. 496-2500 '62 Porsche Super 1961 CARAVEll E FINANCJNG AVAILABLE sonable. 548-nc· ,:.;;~""'°"'='""'=::I Baham .. yellow 1virh black Convertible '66 VW $1150 '58 CHEV. motor & trans. 6 BURRO BUGGY, '65 Sutler 1966 Harbor, C.!\f. 646-936.l I • 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64S.93o.1 THE SUN NEVER SETS o. 95 lntertQr. c h r om ~ wbee s, Special Body· by RenauJt. Re-Call 548-8743 CJI., 3 !lpttd. $1 JHps 9510 Varian engine. $950. Call "67 FIAT 850 Spytler. Lo mi. AM/F'M. luned exhaust, ab-built eng. Good titl!s, Clean 1!1&1 VOLVO. Gd cond. 1 Oasslfled's action power. 54!J.1319 84l-15.55 ' New Dunlap SP radials. solutcly perfect in every de-body. $37S. G42-576S 1968 VW BUG 1500 ·owner. L<iw book or best of-For an ad to 8tll around CO~VAlR. bucket seat 11. 1968 TO.TOTA 1968 VW-Pot11Che wheels, Below mrkt for quick sale. tail. l!F~ot~DoJJy~JPil~o~t ~W~M~t~A~d~•~ 1--~1:169~5::--:•=Mj-~1=244~--I~''~';,· ~*~64~1H~l~o;~===~tho~cloc~k.~o~all~~~~78~=--' Cherry oondltion. $40 pair. L•ND CRUISER ~ial tires. Profeuionauu Pr! prty. 673-4224 I 545--0906 " wr---Y Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS White Elephants'!' f-======== J 4-whed drive, like new! Low bulll Mint cond. 6@..'1898 '68 Fiat U4 Spt Coupe J1rtuport 31111µort s MOTOR HOMES 9215 FOR lllOTORHOMES • • iJINT ,,j AU 0 ... 'UPl.D'Rlll" .... ?' , .... .... ..._.,. ............ . ---AU. -11.U. II rlOT, n •DOT, 1111 ,.,..., ' 'l'IA• l llAllC- lff Ml M'f'liOYd' •DIY. ' . -·--~-• • mile&gl!. Lie. No. XOA03S lmpomd •vtos 9600 a.ti: ~C:u * ~ $2295 Al Robe.... GMC '66 SIMCA 4 dr ...... ""' DON'T JUST WlSH tor ...... 11• motor $750. '68 HONDA P50 thin to •·-•·• horn< 3100 W "'·--t H N B 1-G·~·n G--n._... ,,_ ~~-i ~...-.......... Yolll' • ........,. "">'·• , , ........., .... ".... '""'<' """""" I: helmet $100. o,.,..._..,., .. _.., .,_,.t '-·--ln to-... ., ..-540-1764 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Garden Grove I =;:;..;=:=;.;;;.,:==o= I · · ' l.llJU ··-.....,,"' ~ % blocli W•.i ·at Brookhont AUSTIN 1-=...,.=' =o::'='"""'==...,=·==.::.,,,,·A=utho="""==M=G=o..ie=='· =I I JE 7·"800 Imported Autos 9600'mPOrted Autos 9600 FREE '60 LAND "Rovtt, f.wheel SACRIFICE · '59 A U ST 1 N ~~~~~~;;;;;;~~------, drive, 4 hml apeeds. L & H, Healey 10CMi. Overdrv, wire I Wuner bub&, 2 tanks. brit whls. hardtop. Xlnt cond. TnlpytD BT lh1elds, heater, seats 7. Be5t oft over $500. 642..J675 • un DAILY PILOI' WANT ADS Roadster. R/H, wire whls, • • A $1WI 54()-3763 '.~ Austin Heafey 3 00 0 am~~ BRING R&5ULTSI overdrv $800. 494-21 56 I ,nported Autos . 9600 loripomd Auto• 9600 •••••••••••••••••••• • IUY oa 'LUii • IUY Olt LIAll • : • !MT-: ~ '"YOCYO": .• -· ·~ -. • i:RIBlAlllBr • "fRIEDWIDBI'" • • --l&ldf ...... -• ,.,. MloClll ... ........ .. • r · • • :-·.~., o1 ~Jar • :" • • • • • • • • : 8 • TMINI • TMIMI • • "flAr 8 HONDA • a • SU • . .. . . • '"flllBIWllBI'" • "FRIEDUNDBI" • • . . . • ... .uat._. .... ............ SEE DEAN LEWIS TODA Yl '69 TOYOTA ,_ $1190 • IMO SA V1llGS • OOCUTM CAI SALE NOWI 'ff TOYOTA HAIDTOP ••.. ··-----~· $2089 '69 VOl.VO smM, Aeta1 alk ••• -· - -•• $2975 NIW TOYOTA MARK n NOW ON'iHIPLAY WE !ED TOUI TUDE~N FOR OUlt LUGl USEll CAR DEPT • • DEAN LEWIS Onnt• co. r.,.i.voi.o lldqtn. -7. 644-9303 1,.. MARIO« IOULl\IAllD, COSTA Mill Auto Air Conditioner Witti The Purchase Of FIAT 124 FAMILY WAGON OR FIAT 124 FAMILY SEDAN FIAT/24 ~~Mll.;.1c·'8·pllJ WlgDD IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~ALIFORNIA c I SPORTS CARS I 90I ~ W 9T~ 9'ltMrA ~ .-.99CH , 901 E. 1st St., Santa Ana 542-8801 • • • 8 8 8 8 8 ! p a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! 8 I ----------------'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.."'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l ~ ' . -· Imported Autos 9600 lm">Orted Autot 9600 DEMONSTRATOR SAlE AND USED CAR CLEAAANCEI '61 SPRITE '67 MGB 1..-,.. f91Z J4JI looikter. IYXl JtJ1 '63 SPRITE '66 ALPINE Mflflfhll'. 1111 ti tJ l ... ter. ISLD 7J41 '66 FIAT 850 '67 ALPINE ''""''· COOO ltO) loedstH. IYHI 6171 "67 SPRITE '65 SPITFIRE 1"41Nr. CTIZ611J IWID 1111 '67 FIAT '66 SPITFIRE ' 1100 w ..... IYTM 211) IPAT 1151 '67 RAT '6 7 SPITFIRE 150 c..,.. l"U JUI fYDfOllJ '68 FIAT '66 DATSUN 110 c..,._ CID 71JJ leoft..,. IS9Yl711 '63 MGB '66 TR4A •..mt.. IULO IJtl ISIV t44J LllEU.L TllMS A'f'AJU.ILI B.J. SPORTSCAR CENTER 2.B3l HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 540.449.1 " 5 . f '· !· •· 0 ~ d ; ' D r • • • • • 2 ,. • I ; ' " 0 ' ! " :· '· ; D 5 ) • • • • -" ·-. -' , Saturlty, July 19, !WI IRANSPOJITATION TRANSPQRTATION TRANSPO RTATION TRANSPOliTATION TRANSl'Oll.TATION TRANSPOll.T-'TION TRANSPOll.TATIO!:::j!T~RA~NIB~!!!~::ji!2 Uleol ·co rs t900 Ulld C1t1 9900 Ulld Co rs 9900 U .... Cors • ;9900 <JIJ Co rs 9'00 Ulld Cort , 9900 Ulld Cors f9GO UoM, Cort 9900 IUICK IUICK CAMARO CHEVROLET ·MUSTANG • OLDSMOIU PLYMOUfH PONTIAC _ '6' BUICK .l9«i BUICK ·i;. Sa ... ..,. 'IT CAMA!IO, v.a, 4 lpd, ._ e!IEVROU!!'· n.pala 'fT MUSTANG. VI, 2 ,i., J • Le !laln l>l,id.... _., ....Ubl• Xlnt oond. Full R/H, PIS. .. !1rH. -....... F-air, P.S., fut""'k. ......... air ......U, •teertnc. Wknaatb t.ru»-power. SU50. 673-3921 blUll with bl.le lnL $1150. auto., radJO. )le&ter. (WAJC. Uonirw. radio, llcl.W. rr'VY· mlallon. .Ill the ""'" Lie. '615 RlVIERA. all eoulp.. 968-3561 ,. ~ 127) U.. Nnl •. $2295 lull ffll 111195 tull pr\<e. . • . 1M7 PLY, WAQON * Good eondJdon • 0,an -. ·-·~. - No. VEH491. ..... ....... Nd> bod> -. -· • CONNELL TORONADO ... 1 ~~At.• At ·$llillllbut. ..._ CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET . DEAN ~LE, WIS CADIL~C ... Chevoll Molibu ~~~!' CM.'821llubor 81~U03 1966 ""'1o<. C.!11. • .... 93113 '66 BUICK . ' c-Cbnvertible Eic.t'elll!nt ••••••• , $1799 Hardtop Coupe, J..ocal OM C.M 5f6. , , '68 SEDAN DV, 13.000 mL owner car 4 ipoed ndlo ' 68 MUSTANG. 18,000 ri;i,I, SpoUeu, WI.IT, term.a. pvf heater, D~we.r· s'teerl"1: '66 OIEVY Malll:N,' new Xtru. ltlae-new. P/$1 ply. $5295. 838--1056 &n.nd new redial Utes. t'~. tim It brakes. Xlnt cond. Rad.lo, llmc &Old, W: TO CHOOSE 'ROM . '65 SEDAN deVille Beau. All WEW029. Won't llJt hert long $lli00i 936-183'1 Cf.$89. ~ ' Bl(} SAVINGSI NIW·& ll(ICUTIVE ONLY s·:. .,.. Air On:l.ltioned. ~ ·-·-·-· Sl:l!O. WllJ· '"""' ""''" b' wort CV and take 0¥-: -ff .......... 1116illll . Oil !,P.M, '5T PLYMOt.ml A 11 io, Inna. Oeul Exctllent<eon- dltlonl ~ • PONTIAC . power. ~ir cond, Priv. Pt,y. at · 283 cu hi.. 4 IP· Must lell! ¥US!'. •n :ratbk, ~ i t1,. u 0 0 •· ll9!l).~~7465 $2400 See to _Jppreclate 548-6565 ,Map. tape. St'l25. Dy1 n1vers1ty Pacific, Coast Motors .C&d l964 ep. D,'VW.. _ a111 · 642->>ID. Evu. 838-1"" '16 PONT. Execut1ve. , ,; One owner, Air, leather l9lll CHEVY sta Wen. RAH, Mike ~~p. RIH. PIS. P/B, ,._.l Ext. ts or 81 ll061 &ach.,W .. tmnliter 116'0 61).®13 ft now. tins, v.s, wry cl-.10·ss~MU=sr=AN"O,,_m-•"t._,.blue,.-, 'Oldsmob·11e ~~ clean Ila wo~~J!l:VD. * 19).503& * l962'CADD.J..AC Conv. Beaut ~ $6. 833-2599 decor. srp. Radio • WBW, .......,..,~~ ~ 'iT RIVIERA, A pwr, fact bl~. &ood OC1bt. All p:rwer. 'fiS CHEVY Super Sport. .tow movirc must 1ell thll week.' '64 GRAND PriX Ex. cond 1-,,~s~~-.,..-=--HJ- RAMllll -~ BIG~ 111 THRU W'• .ALL MODELS l!IOM-• • • • lllWll> NEW '9 119 ~i ·.~ 1959 RAMBLER CLASSlC 4 dr. A.T. good ...... ""°"' ........... -Ill. 114 l '1tb St."HB. m!a8l5 •a RAMBLER 4 dOCi ·-· -altor4pm air, atereo, ~all ~. $650. Pvt party. ~12'16 ..._,. ~·1955 2850 Jlarbor Coita Meu •II below marktt. ~IO chrm wbla, Immac. cond. 1 · ....... ..,,;,-J40.M40 old studebak M&-'r284 I owner $3400 pv. ply. . 'I& EL caniiDO; Jn 4 •pd. OLDSMOlllLE " "· Pllll pwr, dlr. flcl air.... 'l'-llRD . .' 837-<231 CAMARO . Xlnt oond. Silwr ...,. • • 'a FlREBlRD. 10,000 mt. dltlonlnc, pwr -·low, 1: B~~~ a~~nd~~ ~s;ro~R~V~ •. 'w/blk 1.nt. r · 962-0'194 OLDS Totonado =!~lpped. LIKE ~::~~~ ~':. ·~·= ~ ~ um. I oond. 121:.0. 545-121< '67 CAMARO . COSTA MESA $21SO. Fine avail '57 PONTIAC Sta Wqn • lB VBA :W. Call Bill. 642-4111 • ...,.., .., BtnO< w ...... ~. 1'1•. • Spd. dlr, xlnt ,,. •• mion! 1968 CHEVROLET C,~YSLER .,,.,,. 1964 OLDS ... Air. toOd xln•,~.131X1. rPLY.MO . '615 T-8111D i)ili ....... lii ~ I P/tail gate windw, new Sacri!k:e! WW tradt for 1962 'ctm..ASS F-85. Five lhape All ll'Otlnd. Cash. 48Cll * ~u * ...., lTI'H Fury m. eond. Wholesale blue ! . w/llw tires $ll75. 549-3885 foreign car or total prlct '64 CHR1SLEft 300 H.T. transportation car. New JUver Ave., NB. IT'S Bee.ch houae· time BW. alt.~ XJnt $900. alao: '64 price, $15:50. 6Q..(]11$ ). !~LB UJH in. Orll Bill EL · CAMINO CUSTOM :;:~, =;11ti <~~: =c~'." eatT~~ ~.~LDS1_::-·118,,l,"wno1" ~"'~"' &. .,. :Um ... ~ t~ a1r ~ Raro, cluslc· ·sa T-. . I DAil..Y· Pnm DIME-A· 9ll) ;J.29S full . .._. ..... IMIJ. ' ___... __ NOW! C •ut&d '$900. *Uss (lvrc·cntry) RUNS GOOD .•• LINES. You cao Ule them Yellow eXlerior with llJack CON pnce. White elepbanb! Dlme+lim ZTl 30th St, NB. -.-...... 2528 Andover, CM. Sacriftce $295. -CM-106I :3 foa ;flut pen{lies a day. Dial '67 CA.MARO 350 V-8, P/i, interior. 4 speed transmis-ftfELL , l:;'. IOM8 Plb, aio<ord. landau to~ '"°"· bucl<•t soat.. mar CHEVROLET -Cort 9IOON1w Cort 9to0 Now Cort 9800New Cors 9800Now Cors 9to0 ~ '-===============~1;41;d..i;;!~l"';;;00~.;51>-;;:Jl19ii;:;:::: '1 Ml·•-· Tho =ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii .. iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii~~ijiii!iijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 1• wne~ s, . ..-3 • mp~ .2121 ·~ Blvd. r" ' T liu•'""•~··rt·R•o•T•H 9900•ciiiiiiii;;~Ev~;~0 .. L•~iiii·~•,"°°ii!,il ~~'iia~;~ .... ·~;:~~~~ ? ; -IT~S· TH_E. GOING-. THf NQ • ~ ~-·, ~.1 of:srUN 11ro!~:~ ... ~ AT THE IGOINEST PLACE ' IN TOWN! r1-' STOCK REDUCTION Sh., frOM 0vr Ill Invent.,., of Mon Than 200 Lllto Mo.iii! "'OK .. O"Hd Can. All Maku & MM tls. -t~ 515-im alt~~"" TEST DRIVE A 1969 CLEARANCE OFi LOADED ~I '6J DAlT'4-Door 6 CyJ., auto., R.iH. Real nice and OK. Drive it A-buy It. Lie. PDC 629 $799 18&35 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-7'181 or 540-0&42 '64 CllEVROLE'T El Camino CON11NENTAL 'H PONTIAC G""'4 l'tl< $-.1-·••99 -v-s auto., R&:H, P.S., P.B., wjw • tires, tinted glaM. Beip and an· . • . • , other OK car. w,u worth yaur mOMf at·OnJY ~ · Lie. VOJ 374 O&ltom. Factory air, P.S., '6.1 CONT, (Dr. L.eather Lo. auto., radio, heat,r, like mi Best oner ttt trade late new. {U(LIOOl> $1$5 full model vw. cn4J ~1492 ' . pntt. . · '63 ALL power acces&, Ab' CONNELL llU5 .r .,..,_,..,.,_..,.; '6!--~~:.D,0,R . .!!'.·1~1:,1::,.,, $150! CHEVROLET . "'"!'•ticm•'!':"IM . -.x>rd>wtw-tlre;-'fln l'1 "'•· tln.,.---~.1. H-:-.,;i!iJ:i?i;:&;.Blv~; ,.;;;, ':...-e. : ORYAIR'--' · glass Low mlleap ~xury car. Beautiful conditon. C.M. ......,.uw Here's your chance to go first class for only. Lie. '69 SUfiER Sport 7000 ml, like '64 MONZA 2 cir. COUJ?C· Ex- PPS 163. new .. Trans(ernd. Take ceUent cond. ins.Ide aOO out. '61 .OPt L Sratlow WCHJon -$1699 over payments. Fae air, Cared for by orig. owntr . 4 cyl., 4:spd. Rl:H. Beautiful beige . bucla!t &eat.a. S!erf!O PJS. 49f..-0085 color. 1'b1s one runs & looks like lS6\~ Rochester, CM 1'·oo""'Rt°'H"'.'-,.-w~ti-...,.-.-... -~A.~L ·new. \(:ery low .mileage. Lie. WSS 283 '57 NOMAD 350 h.p., 3 apd, gd. transportation or dune USIJ> 101/-J:' , ........ eam-$AVE. Corv. alum, rim.s. Straight buggy! $180 540-S9lS r-· body, new paint, orig int.\-:=:=;========= Previous owrwr med thls camper Pwr '--'-···· three Umes. Hu bit-in Cust-stove· Wuiuuws, &fri, & brb. COUGAR .ice ~-Save hundteds from the oririhal price. Sacrifice S6'l5. 642-1044 Stock No. P·l70 '62 2/Dr. ·68,302 OJ. ln. M:z2 '67.COUGAR GT '61-COU .... R 2·D0or H.T. i2-099 Tran.. Ul !'Ool °" HP C<rddeq-Kold,full-,pwr. !act 'f Must seU make o J J e r air dJr landau top Owned V-8, stick ablft, RAH, P.S., w/w 67l-8601 by 0 Ji~ 'ale. hair' drtaser Uift, tinted &las:a. Bright red finish. A ftt.l,perforrn~r. OK in every way. U c. URV 814 '61 CORVAm 4 cir Hu 64 from LaiUna Beach. Will ene. Needs v.ork Ul(I, 2592 take foreign car in trade, '6t CHIYlOLlt 1-Ton Stake SAVE Vista Dr. (Bayshores) N.B. Full Price S2195. LB UVV 686 ~~ti_ •ifn1, ~~ ~ilg~t 0~1~~i~ ~~ _ ••• <i! ..... aft S call Vie 545-00.14. Save a bundle and get the balance o( lhr New '63 WAGON P/S, P/B, air, DODGE Truck W&JT&nty. U c. 129870. • , •• , , heavy dty n.dlator. trlr hitch, ~ tires. $ 8 5 O . -,61-D-od--~--- 'H PONTIAC li...,d p,i, $2099 642-tlZlO go Slotion Willi· V-8, auto., RAH, P.S., P .B., P.-\vind. 1969 Impala Cu!'itom :ou.... OORNET 500 full power, factory air cond .. w/w . · " .~. 9 pa.uenger beauty. It ha.Ji tirn:, vinyl top, tinted glass. White w/black vinyl power, ~II', 5 wks old every thing including fac. roof. Loaded wtth equipment and carries 6 month 675-1781, 548-7854 tory air, potr.oer ii:teerl.ng, Money Ba.ck Guarant,y. Lie. .JWM 983. 1964 OIEVY Impala. 327, luggage ' rack, automatic ' ' . GROTH CHEVROLET 1n11 Booth Blvd.-Hunt. Blach (Hwy. 391 5451111 Opon .7 Days 'Tll 9 P.M.-7-6139 auto. a~nd. nms good, t.ranaml!sk>n, radio, heater, ak!an! 645-IM!"3 ~;.etc. lie VGS.900, !nib '66 CllEVEll.E Malibu lo Tctota tmd~ltl.~ . ' =~ ,,.-,."i:i, PIS. Xlnt ~ ~'ANA/> ... IMPALA Sta w .... PIS. DEAlf LEWIS P/'8. air, xlnt cond. $1Cfi0. 496-3102.. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 64&!13CB Now Cort 9800 New C1r1 _9IOONew Can 9800 FORD ' ,, HolidaJ I American Motors Year-end low clearance prices on all models. Top dollar for trade-ins. Widest selection! (8) BICJ Air-conditioned Ambassadors as IOw as $3286 IMh1dil .--r 1t••ri119, 1ol1ir t l11t, ""hit1 w1ll1, whtt l dl1c.1, li9ht 9ro11p, rMlo, "•ck·1p lithh, t ll 11ftty 111u:p. $1r. 110219. (12) SpOrty Javelins as low as $2586 li4il, Lic~·UP li9hll, he1ter I J e• fredt "' ri cl"tl drip., floet lftOu1tt14 1hlft. St~. He. 11•1 l~J. ... CAR.PET SER.VICE '°' YOUR. CAR. (5) Roomy Rebels 4 Dr. Sedan as low as $2436 BIG, BIG SA 4 ONLY, NEAR 'NEW 1969 JAVELINS All LOADED, i11cludh19 t vto· lftt fic tr1111rnittio11, power tltt r• i119, p1rfor1nenc• pei ••••· on• witli eir cofldilionin9. AMERICAN MOTORS . . SALES AND .SERVICE • .• 1969 HARIOR ILYD., COSTA MESA ~2-6023 Open 7 Doys one! E-lnts For Your Convonltn<t 1 ) .. '64 FORD Station Wqon. VI, factory air, auto., P.S., Rol JI. (0MU309) $995 full price. CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 ,,.,...., Blid. C.M. 546-1203 '63 FORD XL. HT, bckt seall, dlr, fact air, xlnt shape, new pa.Int. LB ATB 798. Total price $699. Call Vic 545--0634 '66 Ford Fairlane 2 door loaded. VS, etc. Lie IR.M949, P h o n e 642-6023 DLR. '57 FORD, tires & body in good oond., needs engine work. ee,t offer. 5..10 Wilaon St., Apt 49, Costa Mesa. '63 FALCON sta wagon, dlx, dlr. auto. very clean. LB GJM 777. Fllll price Call 8111, 494-9773 '67 GALAXY 500, 390 v -s. cond. $16511. Prv prty. 673-211116 '63 FORD Van. P...aneling, Indy tires. New etfg. Tape declc: $!0). 642--0368 '119 FOM XL, PIB. PIS. auto'tniN, air, 390 VS etc. $3250 &TI~9 '65 C~"!"RY Squire Wqon 9-pa.ss . 1 owner. Air. RIH, PIS, rack, $1400. 675-J210 '66 F'ORD V-8 RANCHERO New paint, vet)' cnod cond. Sl 100 * 648-9t.14 'f4 F61w V-8. R.Wo, auto. Xlnt concL $S'15 <r belt. * ..... 281 ;g-, "'...i"'v~ .. ~°""""'~~~-~-1 Wagr 1, Aulo.: Mf, P/a. 53,lOl ml. ·-. 5M--3S01' '61 FORIJ Stotlml W~ G<rnd 'tran.p; small V8, auto trans. $250 • 642-6lli( MU!>TANG * '65 MUSfANG, V-8,. llllo, l owner. Xlnt oond. Come •1; tee! &K-11'19 '811 MU!JI'ANO. HT, 289 auto 14,00'.> ml. like new. Ori& cnmrr. *MT~ bAILY PitlJi' WANT ADS! T-BIRD FOR 24 .HOURS 1969 STAFF CARS -- U y111'r• thllllllli 1f Myl_, • n......,,.._ '" lnlte Y•• .. llHn 1111 ef 111r '6f'• for 24 ltHn. S.. t.r ,_,..., ... ..,.,,erity ef hft'I "'"' c• tMtl cltec.ll ..._ ~ lll11M&t1 w wlll ti• .,. • ..-y.llf cheke ef ny __... 11 .., Wt TlndlHrblrtl ........,,., Pnltl• ltff•f •f tile .... IMrr ....... 1 '69 Torino GT 2 Dr Hd; Tfp ~ ~~ ~ . ~~ _' L ~·~~- .. \1!, R&H.auto:-trans., steer whr;:-wo ovals, hvy. dty. susp., pwr. steer., tnt. glass, GT !dent., and much niore. 9K44PI 17987 . ' ~· 1 ' • • - ENGLISH FORDS r ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST -ARRIVED! Engl1nd'1 N<r, 1 S.llor •• , Amorlco'1 No. 1 Import Buyl Cvstom1 -GT'a-Station Wagons '69 LTD 2 Dr Hd. Top wltti Air Cond •} sa&es ~~~I~ 429 CID VB., R&H, auto. trans., pwr. steer. &· ··1 discs, vinyl top, brougham inter., W /W, tint, Urge S.lectlon of Autom1tlcs ind Four Speedsl glass., and much more. Hl :1 --~-MAVERicK-. ~--. READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUY!-. GOOD Sl!LECTION TO CHOOSE FROM RENT! ECONOMICAL RATES B'( DAY·WEl!K-MOHTH ' ~1-•.i. ),,, .. .. (' ) ... I I _ ORAll6£ CotlfJY'S OlllY AllTl{ORIZED llfAl.fR I .,._rge 111Yelit0ry of New '69'1 For lmmecll~ DeRvery. Th~ .only-New . ·196811 Now Slashed For lmlllff!clt.· Clecmlilcel NEVi '69 va FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP and CAMPER Model 600 --RENT YOUR ·vACATION HOME ON WHEELS! NiW'6t Forl Vt tiiipTcii"pWith Vl"'iq:, I' bed, f llif"• erire cult. rM., 1rtd he1vy du+, •Prl••• pion ••t 11u1clel 1"1rrect.WI• c1b over c•lft per with butene 1114 elec. ll9hh, 1'l11i119 11001: t•bl•, &1111: '"" clr•l1t, fullr 4r•p•d, 1tc. FIOYR.Et0055 $3195 'l'o• -,. -;i;,.. you w1 11t, t f•Y wh~ro rou ••11t without 1cl!Hul11 'r t•••r-... tio11i wh111 yo11 ro11t 1 R1bi11 D1ln1, Pic..up C•mp•r ~' · C.M1r Mot1r H1lft•. REASONABLE RA TES RESERVE EARLY OYER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS REUAILE . USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAYINGS! '67 CHEV. $1795 H.T. lmpala 4·dr. V-8, auto .. P.S .. air, R&:H. CUKU·l57) * POLICI CARS * 4 to choose from. AD ate fully rttOl!dlUoned and h&ve fresh ne\v paih l JobS. E:a•m,.e: ~..:~~ 39(). s1795 auto., RltH, P.S. (4.919} St.k. P810L ~~~Fl:.!,!H $1295 . Full facL OQui!>' · pod.Low mlle&J•. (WXI' 298) '65 PLTMOUTH s795 Sport FUry 2-Dr. H.T. Green w/tilack Inter. V8, auto., PS, _ (\'XS462) '64 CHIYROUT s995 Bel·Alr 4-Dr .. Auto., R&H, F AC· TORY AIR. CVTL881) , '64 DODGE Dart 170 2-Dr. Equlp!)('(f. 6 cyl, {PBY6o5) $695 '63 FALCON s795 Futur& 4·Dr. Sed.. Auto, radio. (IltG400) . '67 PONTIAC 51595 H.T. Tempest Cua.t Auto., P.S:. Rlclt CTRJOM) 12' TRAILH $1295 Northwest Coach, sleeps 6, fully equipped. Like new. (8482) '67 FORD ,195 Cu1t V-8 FAC- TORY AIR, Rut', PS, PB. (YCU550) '64 FORD ·s995 Custom 4·Dr. Sed. V -8, AIR COND .. auto., RAH (\'WS· 426 ). Low mlleage '61 PONTIAC s995 Grand Prix. Auto.. UH. P.S., P.B., AIR CONO. (JJV9'JO) . ~u~~~..,• $129' 5 heater. ,SQA · I 698). STATION WAlM)HS TI.nest SelecUon of l'orda and Chevroletl!, Country Sedana • Country. Squlrn Z.'68'1, l:11•m!ll1: Som• with Air Ctttelltlonl~J '64 FO~D t PASSENlilll ~a~~'tr.o:'" '1095 misslo,!11 .~tL ' CORN>'K) • 2060 Har I •·"" te t '·'"· M111·M • S•t I ''"" .. 6 ,_,., Su11 10 '·""· t. tit-"" PAii.TS & SDVICI Houls 1 •·""· f1 t '·""· Mo11 e 1 ··~ fll 6 ''""' To ... Frf l • '65 CADILLAC Coup• D1Vllli . I 1w11tr, •PPf'G• Jl,000 lftit11, Full power •11cl f•C• toty air co ndltio11i119, N•w firtt. IREX 291) '68 SHELIY GTSOOKR '67 CAMARO Auto111•tic ft1-4IM•; rMi11o •"'' he•t•r, ••c•R.t ce!ldltl1!'. JWIH- 411) " '67 FORD WAGON Ccu111try S..la11, Q.v•I f•cl111 ,.., •••h, JtO VI , 1ut1., RIH, PJ,... rl., f•cfory elr conditlo11i119, App•. 11,000 mllu , f1,t. wanaMy ..... n. IVCIC1441 )' -,qri OHL¥ ••. -.~ ...... l.t ~i 1 ! . " l,J.~ J "'' -· ~i t ~1 ,., L • • ~ . - . • . ' y • -:"'". • , - ' . ,, ' ,,: . . ,-----~.---~-~~--:-;-;;:;:-;-;----:---=:::-----=-==-;-,-.,.,..,--..,.,...,.......,,.....,..... ...... -------.------,.....-,,..-,.--,..-. • . ' ·>) •• "' ; ., ...... ..r..,. .... ~ ·.~.,.... • ...... U ... IT\'l•LKTIOJll Of' CHA«G!"«S TO • . • ~.HOOS~,!~ 'llf'IOtmli«N pul'O«NIA ' ~ 196f>CHA.liG!RS . · . ·. ..... • •j ' " ~" ' ' :":'~:.....,.:,· ... '·~uJ....1-!! ·~ .. ~ucket se11ts--e ~Htd'~away~flgnts· ~iJ .... .. .. vinyl interioi' ii-'NylOn.cf~tihg :r ·Reak deck' .• :: spoiler • ·fJJU racing inslrumentatio,n ·• Bump- . er guards • Ash fray light • H.D. sPrings • · !,. H.D. torsion sway bar ... JtPltBJ61fl1l3, XP2'9f81t~. XP1'Bt911'6153, X.P2'B9&- 1t'7M. '· 100% UNCONDITl.OttAl GUARANTU' ". , LOOK FOR THI . GOLD STAR IN THE WINDSHIELD -o· · ~or1your protecti~n 100~~ Uncondition1I Gu1rMt1e-Thls Star statn In writing that~~ ~g• 11!'''"" '"' tftt..,. 1op% 191i11st mM,hanic1I dtfKts .for 100 dip tr f,000 mllu whleh ·r.:1r. comn tint after ·• 'purch1":. lht&11~lucl1s all mtchentcal parts, el_ec~ric,11 aqulpment, blttefy; speedomtt~. ra(tiq, l'IMter on ',i-1lt"C1n: Tfiiis qU!r111t11 cover' aH Parts 1nd·f1bor from bum.Per~ bumpar absolutely fr-tt·IO you . . • . .. • ! .... ---.. ~ 1 , 2 Dr. C-. v .... ,y~tte, l'dwtr lfffr. Int, r&Glo a. f!Mtw,,~,, ..r. _...,,,I _ lor. . •• , fOV llll. '6S P&:YMOUTH .. . 2 DOOR ·HARDTOP· -· . :=:--~.J l'lltlo"' liOi'.ah;.. ~., -,'-• lluC1-f _,. mnNJi,"-·ri""'I 1"!1rlor, • " rt top,· wflli. w•h 111'1t. · t!Utx m1. '64 CHEVROLET . -~-l'i -~t . 1'1\PALA..2. DR~'ti.T. · · ~ 111 I .Y·_•. '"'~~ ... ~19.-.1..Mf11r~ ~ ..-. • .,.,:... r-·• :JI '""· ""•:t,w..wtr'!'·"""';"f"~'"'l""·; \li';'llf\.~\8 .' .::! , 1tMrl110. wln¥1 lnltl' or, lltn•oe rack{ w~11e TOT HI ~, • w.u tlrtL (M E 5t1l. + i'L , , '65 CHEVROL~T • . $1.1.1· · · . 11 :.. STATION WAGON 00 : \ 111 Air. v..t 111iomar11;, ~mertri., ·'" rtJ. • .'..' ~io .. flult!', Wlllfl ..,_1( ttrl1.' jNNA lfli. TtDT' _1•~1 .• ;.,t. "" .,,,, ••• !: • \.IC;; ' -- \ I --- " ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA J ULY 19 , 1 969 • . . ·:-~-:=:::t:;.a---.:~-.. ~. ~ . .. AN EXPERT'S VIEW . . . Does Red China's New Mi~ile Program Threaten Us7 -___ By GEORGE FIEtDING ELIOT MOODY MOTHERS What.to Do AIX>ut Those· •After-Baby Blues" r -- - STOP FORGETTING! . ----"::....;.._..~ What Science Reveals About Your Memory SUM'MER DINING Something Hot, Something Cold , __ I I I r Ask Them Y ourseH ma rltBSIDBNT IUCB.UW NIXON ,,.., ..... ,..._,.,... "-1 ..,,,,,""' • ,..,. .... la.IUcyP-r.a ., Fcee, r .... ... 1957 the 8Sth C.OOsre-did make luupration Da1 a lep) holiday ill the metn>polita1i area of the DiKrict of Co- lumbia (Wuhiqtoa ). ma unrN llAllSRAU, CO""~fk Uperl B .. ul bep•1--.._ .,, fro. ,...,,., ~ .. ~JNC&Mr~ A"'-"e City, NJ •• •Wear a .Ue-up fowadation wtam ~-­ ~to~ bot or cold weather. The •kin texture OD oar body nmer ea· poaed to da,ligbt remaim 6ne aod un· lieed. e¥eD thoap in moet cues the only care it recei•ee ia • clai},_bath.. A proper foundation and mak~p can pa.rtially protect akin .. roar c1otbee do. POa Jl.AltUN rBUJNS, iu«.1«. St. Lo.I.. Z.O 0. ,...,. ........... .. ,,.. -. .............. ..,, ...... ,. •• ,,.,.4 ••• ,. . ...,-..,, a,ooo "°•'"'• ...,,._ la ...., rNUy CIW"Ndl-Mr .. , ... ,,....., ,,.,..,,., v •. • Ei.sht-thoutand ii npL Scae lar1e males are 18 feet lone. Despite their •De. they beoome Yery gentle in captmty. One at the St. Louie 1100 was 16~ feet long ud allowed the keeper to ttud OD the Iowa-put or his back wtule beiq fed. ~ ~ 8rlu..ANB,-"'- 0. ,.. .... .., •I Y"" ., ••• n.. ....... ......., ., .,.. ..., ,,.,..,,. ~· •IP_,lereaee i1 .... , R•u•Nro..116-. e I ciepend on my own imqinatioo. When I write a book, I plu the lut aoeae &nL Then l 1tart at the beginnin,g ud work beck to the end. Thia it the format I uted in writing comjc boob, and it baa alwaya worked well for me. 'Oa PESS r ARIElt •/ NBC'1 .. DaUI BooM,. rua Nlll'C:le o/ ... ,.,..., .. ... lo erecte .,.. ,,.,... ,., BeolMt ... ,..,-Kiiiy Laa, Clt.r&ea., ,,._ • It C09e& from history booh and ttoriea written about the froatieraman. The writ· en M8e aome of their ttoria oa actual e\lall U. Boone'• life or M'eDll that coald bal'e happened to Boone. •' ro• BIL IWUIU' L r ArB'F, s.t~ .t c.... ~ •/ /o#.a ,_ c-.w--A,,.U. -;;,{.,,, F1tt' ~ ........ , ••• ............ __ ... ........ '7Pe.,,... a.a ~ • .. ..ifA1-J. P'. P..i.., ~· ... .• nae, ~ ..w. daidlm. beef. to ...., --.. 'ftat'a dBlaent is tbe f.S proce.in&. Foodie oe AeoDo 11 mast be lichtweilk (ii ..._ 100 poaacl. of thraat to pot ..., ,...ct ia orbit) and .ot Deed rebiaeratioa or cookies. 11ait ia ac· . complialled 1'f oook ... foeda ·ia dMl'..W way, &eesiq at eatiw ~ rua placma 11iiiii' •• iiCiialaTor-.- boan.. 'l1le ~ ....... .....,... appear-' aacee aad JRl'.lrilimaJ ....._ S-ue ealeD ia dry --; odiers ...... llO oriciul ln.tuN b, .-ecklitioe of hot OI' cold water aboard ~ a,pecalUp. PO. lfO .. CASR, f>d,.u ,.,.. 0.,.. c:la... •••oce er ... ..... ,_ .. ,.,.,. .,., .. U1-lllli• Clda, ............ ... • That ia a hie dauk of bubble cum JOU see me chewiq. It w .. me relax. POil IJEICT B. BMU.t', E~ Direc•. A•erK:ia .. ... _.ri= • •l•.A .. , ..... ...,,,_,, ... .48.4 ~ ...... ,.. r, ... ._, • ...... , ....... ..., ••• 4 ..... ..... ..... , ...... s.pr ••• ce.rcl-IJ. on-. c.. ... r.n., c.M/. • No. PnwiclieJia Na-JP 1 i"" Sa- pnme Co.rt •n . , , a epecia1 re- apowihflilr •f 6e Pa 3# t .... Be be- lie.ea n. .-a'-s ...... -.., •••mt of aD Co•em• Ettl ud pri9Ue •nciee , and that the Preaideat ...W DOl .S ad•ice pft;Clf!CliJI& a ...-atioa. euiept from the U.S. ~ of Juatice.. Tllerefore. he ~pta ~ Comt DCMni-ee. In. die i.s-a&1b&hrd ,..... cedure ilwolrilag ABA cleanmce of DOlfti. neee for Federn.1 cliJtrict courta aad the coarta of appeala. PDa JBA!fB L DIXON, .er ll•eead7 •• ••e'-••• ............... ,,.... ....,,.,_ ........... s ..... r. c.ll/•r"'-... .... ...,. /tllaN. 0. ,.. ~···· .... -....,._,, ........... ,,.._,, r.,.,...., c.IAJ. • I ....... IN> c I ---dlit.. .. IDJ opia. ioa too auch ~.care" literal1lni M. a'2 rudy been pub!" t d • llait mbject, Ww .. _..,......,.._. q I fY __ .......... ..._,_._._ .__,,_ .. F • ,...,_,_o ...... d r·· ~ ~ ..... ...._ Y.....,, • ..., ,,.....,_Ml I I ) ....:t 'i... Y.lii. ":Y~ .._ •• _. .. w' ... r ,, , ... IS ........ ._ _.. -_.. -------------:----:------------------... WHAT~ WORLD! -,_. ~· A'• 0.... ...._ Aldtllatt Max~ U.W...lif1 of ..... '29, de19.t N.w Yortt Qy's UMoln <Antw for the PertorMii+Arts. hwnl ty,t. *¥ ........ wed~~· for h1s --...__._ ~a••:rt C-.. ._ for ti. Pwformi I Mli, ..._. ... redDf " Jolil. .............. oa. of ~ Integrated ..._,, In ~ JUrrOUnd one COlft. .._. lobbf. lad:*1ge faclMes ON _ ... to ....... ~,and~ ~ ptten.. What • ordlllllct Abnwncwttll's fuvoelle feature? "'The ~J191ad ftoon whkft produce , .... ty CICOUlfics-o featura I had hoped to iftcotpoiote at Uncoln c..ne.r, but W8 couldn't do it .... H 0..61 Sit M Any Middle apd bent- ~ can prolong his health and effidetq ,_according '° the Emoty UN- """' Clinic "' AtlafttQ, ~ GI ,. potted In Notion'• ........ s-. 1ogg1111Dns: Don't 9" 11111 for .... than haff an hour at a llNldl. A¥0ic:I ---. Tola. •"*al~_.....,.._ one long ¥0Catiot1 ..di ,_.. Don't g9ttoo~sleep(6~7.._. ... If yo41re In your 50s ar 6). WClldt that dii11king at lund\, but go aheod and haft 0 ~ .. the., ..... ff ~ .._ Awed .._ ......... lodt of physical eurdle Giid ....... " hawclow.. "a.Id ...... All A.-... ., Ewry- day .. drcua day iFll ....... In .. wartcl. Aftd llO OM Dows ft ...... than ......... of Orc:w ,_ ... 1a cic6>e of Amuica. Cf4 It a group of ..... :wd ..................... ff!>" f111liwtal -who ....,. ..., owoy &a. ..... dMiood .... of .. big top. Tilrough an 1nfoe anal fl'CFP ,._, they folow fl'IWY cirCUI ... I .... the lalelt MWS ond ...... Mi .... ........ but ..... ...__, fNe.~ CfA's arid .... II P.O. 10K ~. Aurora, Ill 6050I. . ' ·-.... • " L - f1.1u •r. • Sip Adi# Z.O ,__. Ciiimu.K "thi ~ .. "" barn Sar11111• Jo.I 5' years ogo. "'wt.. ' Wal 0 .... ycaungtW, It ... ray ~ talent that ....., got - Wo .....W./' z.o ..-..d to,__, Weelcly. -m ...... to a. to .,_ .._ - -.ct. OIQ hor., IO I gotwio .... portlnent, and ... -....... lut ... w.ntonto ....... wwltlft ... cwta ........... Dep1 111\,~ .... yangeat ........ on .. WPA ....... project... SinC9 ....__ ... .... had 0 loft ..... in N.w Ycwtt City's taww: _... dillrid ... can't -... -to ,.... ,,..,, lltlOft," mys z..o. Why ftOf ........ ? "'Not -yow ..,_, .... ................ 0 ........ trW'No ....... LewNee. Euo~~of .. Fort Worth and Aualin (Tems) Ord41bu ,.. C9ntty married pianist lvwt lJff in London. T1-ir "5-pound wedding cab featurwd 52 tiny Wodt and red figures plofing ICIUlkol ~ on exact replica of the groon(1 orcheltra. lft front WOI a eat.died conductor, baton rail9d for the wedding mardt. A lftUlkian friend ,._. UI Jt ii fhe fint syMphony conductor who co.id becalledaweet. Family JteekV n. •• o o r •a ' •naru• L MWllOW ,_, u .. ..,_..,._941P' W. f'Am 1111.1• I• .. t f' I a ......... 9GFIAU &. ~... P ' AA U I a" a _, .. ..,_...._ •• P 'aM a ~.:. .................. . •. '$·•~'!.._~~--.. -. .... ~......,~-•1Nll ... :::'~ :::r. ..... ~ ,_ ...... , :it-'=:.... 3 5 ....... Ottlmr. ...... ._ . -sm• ••• 111e&1 MCKftMI" its .... -a•n a ........... -.. ._.,... ... • 1 --= ...... ........ ...... ...., ............ ...... hmr a. Gu 1 I • ... Clliim& 41' .............. ... --~WOl'IW:•' I ~ .......... ., . ._ (0 .... MllaY _,.,DE. ........ _.... ,_ ............. ,.. U I • 1 tt._ ..... ,.,. 1'11111 _...II,..., .... 1W:...., ....... ' ,,_ -· ... tt .... f.tlltr. ...., .... Ml'<• ......... ,.lat. - ... .. . ROBERT WOOD~S · The •• , .......... &.. • Al~ At lite S':!..!fallll!Oll ..... -1 ........ ~Of Hla F.,.;'!iatWY I......, ~ ....... Fabulous "Four Seasons" The Same Scene Painted In The Exquisite Colors Of The Four Different Seasons All 4 large Prints Only $1 N evn be/on i1' tM hiatory uf art has a famous artist had the patience and dedication to capture tbe exqwsite beauty and true feeling of the changing seasons by painting the aaJM tuM at dif- ferent times of tbe year. October Ilona la one of the moet fam0ua and ~ aeenee ever painted bT Robert Wood. America 1 fa- vorite landacape paint.er. }If ow, um ..... beautiful Autumn ecene can be tnuUnrd in the •lorioua colon of Sprln•, Summer and Winter too I But 700 =r-lbiJ' appreciate tbe fuD color and trr.iKlble of U.. ualque p&intinp by lock-inl' at the muatratlona 1bown above. The fabu- loua colon and aubtJe 1U1onal ftriatlona can on)T be appndatecl when J'OU ... the aqulaite. larp fuJl.c:olor ~~Wood'• peat.t triumph ••• the bril- liant cUmu of. lifetime dedicated to pailltlns tbe natural aplendora of Amerf ca. We are proud and honored to have the opportunity o~ ofterins theM mapl6cent nproductiOD1 to )'OU. Offer Will Not le Re.,..._ This Se•on We lllp 700 to order )'OUr full color nproduetiona now while the aupplJ luta. We wilJ l8Dd all 4 to )'OU for juat fl plua 1~ po9tap. Each of tbele iine art printa la 11 x 14• and 1ou wDl be dellsbtecl b:r the color and beaut7 tb81 wm add to 7our heme. Tr.la la J'OW' onb' chance to order. Be aun to ftD out coapcm and mail ft toda1 ~ Thia oiler will not be npeatecl in J'amll7 Weekb' tllla .... -. . r The -JiOKiiTZAD7'~-;.;:M------., P.O. Bu 4H. B....._. llWJ. N ... riDe. T•L 3'1292 P ..... 'Hnd me the ' Robert Wood J'oar Beuona prlata for oal7 •1 pl .. 1~ poe&ap oa fall aoD•J Mell: puu-tee lf I •• Ht MUPW. ICadoeelt 18 •· ... ...... ..................•....... (PleaM Priat) N .............................................................................................. . A ............................................................................................. . Cit)'>. ...................................... State ........................ 11 •............ a Mftt 1PSaAL .,.., ON.• a ..ta ., an ' prt•ta for •17 $9 (T• .. .,.. fl.II). btra Mt mak• Ideal ~-~--------------J~L~l~ I I I j I I J Family~ J lulu zo, 1969· . ' . . . . ··-· ... Does Red China's R8vived. Missile With the Cultural Revol~tion over, Chlnes_e scientists are back developing missiles to de.liver their H-bomb-but on what target? And who. will stop ·them from nuclear chaos? -r -. COKXUNIST CHINA already I has an H-bomb. Now· in- dications are that she soon ~ ·1f bm medium~n~1rii.8-­ siles ·to deliver it on any Sttp- poeed enemy. China watcher• are wondering- will the Chinese use it on Ruuia or on U.S.~ in the Far Eut? Who or what can atop thia irrational nation fq>m plunaing into a nuclear bolocauat? Why baa this become such a crucial q'leetion in recent months? • The answer to the lut q&lestion t• that in Communist Chiu today, all the power that really matters la now in military hands. The tough 1urvivor1 of the "Cul- tural Revolution" who dominate the new Central Committee of the Chi- nete Communist Party are chiefly military commanden or loeal politi- cal boaea. Their authority ia hued on the 1upport of ngional military chieta. llao TM-tu~ aclmow\edpa thia. b)'--iQina'. ....,. .,.., i8 the • By GEQR.GE FOO.DING EIJOT ..__,. .. ,_ _. .. ~ .......... .., "'Vk:fllwy w-... w~ i ~====:~ ! ~,...,~ ..... ~· ~:..~-----............. ~ w 18lrY mo ,,.. 1IMt. "wot -.. • ollelally dl8ellmlll tat -.y llaft • daeiaift beariq OD tbe llfe apec- taney of China'• infant miuile. The Xnmlin will have to 1tart wofl'Ybls about thi• revivi~ Chi- neee miuile p.,,.-ram loq before it can become a real tbnat t.o the U.S. Technical and ieosnphic reuona make up thi9 fact. The technical rea- IOft : the Chineee miai1e deftlopers will launch mediWIM'aq'e ..-n. . .. •I rather than face a bfner threat later. T8at ritnir prwalled, and there 8eelD9 a~ likelillood that a aimi~ -::-.... !u~~~ med .._,ble and. jngnMf1te tln'Mt to Soviet eecurity repraented by the Cbine11e miuIJe development& may prenil u well. Tbe mutual anlmo9ity clevelopiq between the U.8.8.ll. and ttea China i9 salnina'" momentum. La.at llareh. a • border club, on~ of innumerable euch incident& over the put 16 ,_..., wu blown up by the Kremlin into a tremeacloaa 1torm of denunciation. PNNa, the oftieial orpn .,, the Communiat Party of the U.S.sJL. proclaimed that thU tn.y ........... railca1 reorieDtatioD of u. pijq ol Chim ad Chiu ... _. tnwfw=-- tioJl into a fOJCe hoatlle to tM .aocial- Bt coaatria" To the • ' •, t.lda __ ,,...,. boltiJe ...... . 11191• ... ....,. a rrllM S,_. I IS lw41J ..... , ... , n. to U.µ iil. ..... ~i-••Rbt .. 1'. • --~· •• -... t of .............. 1 _, o..r- .n. 'II GI. Di. 170 f1lll 1 • of u. o.tnl 0-iu. mie .ulltmJ ~ or Uill7 poBtieal1 __.. ~; another 12 ..._ lllill'-'7 ~ ..... Espm · red Chiala vrtr-. .... --bl n.. &.,. ..... a.t of 'tile ~ ... of. Lia ftmft eJne"v ;.:;::=:=::======:====------------=..=======-=:..._~~~~~~~·~-=- • L speech, 46 percent wu uaed for bit- ter denunciation of the Soviet Un.ion, 38 percent for paaaages in which t he U.S, ("American imperialism") and the U.S.S.R. ("Soviet revisionism") were jointly denou~. and onJy 7.6 percent for attacks on the U.S. alone. In attacking the U.S.S.R., Lin's in- vective was far more hostile than to: ward the U.S. He repeatedly warned the audience about the danger of a war that might be launched apinat China either by the U.S.S.R. or the U.S.-a war that might be either a lar&'e-scale conventional war or a large-acale nuclear war. ''W• lllUSt on no account relax our revolutionary vigilance." Lin insist- ed. "We must make full prepara- tions against war, war at an early date, conventional w3r. or nuclear war." ?ion-Communist foreign otn- cials now seem COftTinced that the Soviet Union ha.a replaced the U.S. as No. 1 enemy in the minds of Chi- neae leaders. On the surface, this appears to be so. But after Soviet novelist Kon- stantin Simonov recently visited the scene of the March border elaah• aa a Pra.vda correspondent, he said, ''When a hostile power appean be- fore your eyes ready to present bu- . manity with not only tens and bun- dreda of graves, but with tens and bundreda of millions of graves. then a bitter but iron lo~c comes into force. This power must feel that none of its actiona will stay unpun- ished-from f ta very beginning, from its first atep:• Undoubtedly, this is a clear warn- ing that the Soviet Union will not stand idly by and watch the Chinese revive their nuclear miaaile program., The buic controlling factor here is that Kremlin le.adeGS have the power for prompt and decisive action to support their vital interests. while the Chinese leaders do not. The new Chinese leadenhip's char- acter can be summed up by a f oreip diplomat's remark aa be watched the asaembly of the ninth Party Con- gress in Peking. "What you see here:• he said, "are not the winners , of the Cultural Revolution but ita sur- vivors.'' The Cona-reu members were elected by the new army-backed Rev- olutionary Committees that now con- trol the pl'Ovincea and cities. These committees represent local rftther t~n national interests. Their WUI 1hese Men Trigger World War HIT Tiu Cltiuae Murile progra• toa r enrruted b, t1'• "pgra.di11g of 1oldUJ'-«ittt- tut u -ManluU Nielt Chu,.11-in (left) d...a fa:mU. 1cintiat Dr. T•in H1vth- 1hn (rigltt), U.S.-dtU4t•d ~Jut expert 10/to vuided ChtMH 'lt'llclear pro{/ra.1"". leaden have 1urvived only because of their local power. The Chineae army is t he only nationwjle orpnlsatlon, but it cannot function nationally be- cause of regional allegianc.ea and lo- cal interrqtonal rivalry. lftdeed, perils and uncertainties have been added to the dilemmas of Soviet leaders by the revival of Chi- nese nuclear force. Within perhaps a year or two, Chinese missiles can threaten wide segments of Soviet in- dustry and vital communicationa routes. Nor can the fact be over- looked that the Peking central iov- ernment has no real base of author- ity. Then there is the pouibillty that these nuclear planta may become a bone of contention among rival pro- vincial warlords who would be totally irre1ponaible. It ii difBcult to believe that Soviet leadenhip will quietly endure all these pooaibllitiea for any length of time. Their vi1ible reaction la not suggestive of patient resignation. The bitter but iron logic that cor- respondent Simonov observed ap- pean to be a far more probable but 1 for Soviet policy. The chances that China'• infant mfuile wiD grow up to be a nuclear giant are weak-as IODI' u it threatens Ruaaia. _. ' I t ! Everything you need to make this charming ''Rus-Tic IUS-TIC TOOC PtANTa lm.tgine mKing be.utiful things lilie these worth up to$4.95 e.ic:h - for only $1 Tock" Planter when you join the famous , Naliorul H.wktaft Society. I MAGI NE this artistic ltus-Tic Tod Planter contn'buting Its old wor1d ch•rm to yot.tr home ... perhaps d}eering a kitchen wall, or hangin9 gracefully above a · c~ or end table. It's fuhioned after the famous old cuckoo docks of --ee-rminy. And it'sso -t>tiutiful -~'if Hice you- to have it as a FREE gift to Introduce you to the benefits of membership in the National Hinder.aft Society. A Su.prise for you ~month iety member, you receive a delightful me pachge e-very month. And every pack- age contains a new Handcraft Kit with every- thing you nttd to make a charming lceep~ke for you~f. yot.tr home ... or to give as a gift. One month you may fashion a beautiful "Panridge In a Pear Tree" to ~ a luxurious touch to a wall. Another month you may easily assemble a rich looking jewel box. O r perhaps if will be a Ritzy Pig bank or a breathtaking centerpiece to grace your table. Whateover your surprise Handcraft Kit con- tains, you know it will make up into something beautiful, something usable ... 50mething you can be proud to show your friends. Kil' .-vailable Oftly lo membtts These Handcraft Kits are never sold in stores. They are exdusive creatiOns available to Soci- ety members only. You'd ecpect to pay be- tWttn $2.98 and s.4.98 in a sto~ut the cost to you h just $1. Yes, S1 a month (plus 25• to cover shipping and insurance) is all 'you pay. Assembling Handcraft Kits is 9sy -c1nd such fun. Each Kit contai"s everything you need, from a generous supply of materials to easy-to- follow instructions. Join the fun of membeBhip -share the thrill of opening each month's exciting "surprise -package". Experience the pride of making l ~autiful, useful things with your own hand$. Why lose another minute! Mail the member- ship certificate tod~y! -·---~. • > NATIONAL HANOCRAn SOCIETY "-... -~ ~51' "-'a.rt IW&.. Des Moitwa. Iowa SDIC -~·-· ----------------ml NAnoNM. HANOOAfT tOaln G.ntM•llrt ....... O.Meiw • .._. ... ............. .Motl -... cWI ....... lof 6 _... Mii ... "'Y ,,_ IUl-Tk T.t ...... at..,.. Aho.._,,,,, fine ~tat b ~ I __.... J't .._ Bf b ...._... _. IN!lf..-I. I _.,.. ....... ,,... ..... -_--"-"-di. .~ ... .,,,,,d.~tado MAIM·--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- fUAS( Plll'fT) ser.c __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- HEALTH What to do About "After-Baby Blues" . " I T w AS AN unhappy time · in a Fort Worth, Texas, suburb. Doris, just home from the hospit.al with her six-day-old daughter, was depressed and weepy. '1 couldn't put my flnaer on an)'thioa deftnltel.y wroq," she recalls. "Otte day I would be 1ure ... U!!t everz.!L~_UttM.~ cri~. -~m~in• ·bad ~-~ning!,.. __ And I would look at my husband, and he eeemed strange and distant. 'with friends and family. l wu sure I'd loat all my looks." One day, atandin&' at tbe bath- inette, Doria' hands becan to trem- ble uneontrollably. She broke into wild eoba. A neighbor, who'd stopped by tor cotree, had to take over. Doria wu havi~ "atter- baby blueta." >.. many u two-thirda of all new motbel'Jt autrer from thi• stranp cfulorder, conaidered nor- mal by moat docton. The Ameri- can Kedical ~!ation notea that the "bluee"-marked by tears and exbaultlon-uaually occur for a day or eo durln&' the third to sixth day after childbirth. Usually there are no perm.anent acara, but more severe postbirtb depression, often ,.eciulring spe- cial medical treatment, doea occur in about one out of every 1,000 sucb cues. -.., p.,dillltfa.ta feel that women'• emotional problema after childbirth-medically known aa "poetpartum -p1ycboai1 .. -are not peculiar to thil period and are not neceaaarily the result of havina a baby. Says one: "They are eaen- tially the same u probtem. that women may have at any time of life. U they happen to foUow child- birth, it i1 because the ditncultiea of the period serve u 'the last straw.' But any atTesaful situation might have the aame etreCt." Dr. Sprq'Ue B. Gardiner, pro- feaaor of obatetrica and nnecol-oa at Indiana University School of Medicine, aye diecomf ort is a bis factor-in walking and 1it- ting, in the pain of stitches. aore breuta u the milk comes in, dis- treu in bowell and bladder. Then. too, the mother bu been pampered in the bo9pital while having the baby-no houaehold tub, no cooklq or wuhinr dilbee. Lota o1 attention and ftow- en and Iota of time to really visit • -To eue mot)lera Into their new routines and responaibilitlea, many physician.a endorae the rooming- in arrangement practiced in a growina number of hoepital ma- ternity wards. Under this plan, the mother ia allowed to have her .in- fant with her during moat ot'tbe- day, not juat at f~ time.a. The new father is also allowed to spend boUJ"8 each day in the boe- pital to get acquainted with hla jua~rn child. Wltta ol IM~ by the time the baby is ready to ao home, he is leea a atrancer, and there ia less atreaa leading to "after-baby blues" for the mother. For the management of eevere cuea of the ''blue." (disorienta- tion, deep depression, hallucina .. tion, etc.), hospitalization i• man- datory. But probably the beat way to deal with ordinary incidents ia continued reaaaurance to the moth- er that she ian't unique. Nearly all mothen bf.ve them, and they are usually temporary. Here are some tips for women faciq thia nor- mal problem: Get plenty of rest and sleep. Have help if pouible, and don't be afraid to use competent and quali- fied baby aitten eo you can eet out with your huaband for a din- ner by youreelves. Detl't ...-. an obsession of kff'Pilll' your home u tidy u · you· did before the baby anived. Let thank-you notes and birth an- nouncements wait until you have strensth for them. Beat of all, be reuaured that the "blues" are nothinr new. Hip- pocrates deacribed them in the 4th-century, B.C., when be told bow a woman who pve birth to twins experienced severe insomnia and rettluanea on the 1ixth day after their birth. -JAMES IL WINOIESTEll • ..c.· --"- • HoWitworks How um&. te1n•dx transmitted? the way chinp work. How does the -. Fiim .... um ... ti 1111'* ~~:~~11~!~ !!~--==~~=~":;!~ __ J,DlUwo~,-~_ P"'" yi"I ckioei-{.S. pap J02)-. -through--solid Dial:btt&>--(Sff""-page t!s:y-111- ffow does a helic91AEa fty? · (See PIF How does a k.ey open a simple eylind.. 560.) How does •dry dr • (' daa1 lockP (Stt page 254.) - (See page 467.) Why does a NLW4 What bappem i.mide a j.rre ha.P (Stt player play? (See page 514.) How daa ~ 528.} How does a ~work? die ...... swia:h opcratcl (See 1JmF (Stt page 108.) How does ncl.r give in· 96.) Why do Y M 5ag mA4 1 • I Rject Im HAriiant (Stt f>8F 116.) Haw do eye. countnfrir: coim? (See P'F !%4.) WllM afev 11 conut vision] (See page HO.) happc:m at the ....... _,, • P Row an l'Juthetie fibns ~ (Sec (Stt ~ 112..) How docs a Pol.nill pap-3--74.) Row does....-sp•••ometer c-. produce pictura1 (S« IJmP work? ~ ~ 522.) Aa electawc&.. 17%..) Wbatmahsi 4 awclu:«"'«[>b'e? &'L9h? (Stt page 442.) Row dl>esCiae- (Stt pmgc 448.} What does a• ' r ms'uwe work?~ P8F ltt.) awlla doi (Stt pllF Sf.) WW.~ Wfiatner yoa wan.t to look up - pd. in -. 4 ·: ...-1"?-(Stt: tJllF: bia. ap-m met1tr to. tape W01der. SK) m.. ~· m Ear& cdl to. altaww:in& Tbi&. n ... •aNe boat.:. 1lill a c:arms anlCf elunoe••pni.c ••""-~ rnwt1;4 al JllmE' +." f-... am( d£.: ~ ll !-> dis Die iell 8 a ilmCr oars.cii2nD ~-..tt.e.di¥111id'• . ~ w ,..,._ ,_ fliaR'aafJ IDaimk IL -aE I ~--" ---.r--a. ..&..-.I!+.~ -I ~ ---.._ V tMlll uw CTR •#ipa-..~ _. -....---. I • W, -. JOm" w ....:' aiquatbml~pmn.oE.~diilJll&. r -w•zW¥•U,•eWrwocma TwociallS ••• -• c:aw&Dy ···r -e tffrwilc:-.LOll car r. -I> .... aaa both ai....pr...rcw~ra••w..-. cilr. faa...filW np'•w-· ol haw it caw:epu .. _fms a ~ ~-.--a& )wn. &mil aD alll*W#IC bMWEE --..... fer,....._ ro mdi•• • iviiy. fmm.. the. jet ...p.. ., ultl'MCJllria. ._ "-.-.\-1 • cydzl -_ ............ ,., .... THE WAY 'IHINGS WOJtK: ii a lucid eocydopedi& of ta:hnology. Ill mcflcwly '-iu•ing mddogy oC ~ ICriptiam mddiafow tbat.umaftl dar. mJllal « CXH'MM._ 'WI ha11 .. -~ today's kdmologjcal IDa1"Yela. r~s a boot to drtight eta JGk iDlrigmd with 11 DI In Y.t Tlllls Siil ...... JDS Alill• ~ .,.baak isd .... n.. is little ,. Clll ......... find.. , d We _,,.. JIDll ID mm the awapon bdl9 .. A allflr'alTHE WAY TBINCS WO~ will be 1mt m you-at1J11Ce:Ha Wend al Wll days you do DOt fm that mil-boot • ~ you will ~ }'CJll _, i'dtllil it aDd ~ nn«bing. Ocher-- ---we will bill yca$&.95. plm p•agc -wlbmdtigg At.ailt.o•••a. • wrm eo-S... and Schmeer, Dept. W-M. 63"0 r.fdlA"R... New York. N. Y. 10020. r~--~-~----------~~~-~----~---~--------, ~""l"l'~ I ___ .. & ............. -............ Y ....... Y.1-' .• I fte:lm __. .......... ClllPYO) al TIU WAY TIRNCS WOllL If afeer n••lni .. it foT 10 days. I am I l w ~ cldlp...S.· t ·-r ft!lllD lk ..a ..a ........ Otkaw ... ,... wt.ll biU me b I 1 · ............ CllllL I I I I~-·············-·············································,···············---·········· I I I I ................................ · ...... ······ ······ ·· · ··· ·· · · ·· · · ·· ·· ·· ·· · ··· ·· ·· ··· · · ·· ·· · · ··· ·· I I I I aty •...............•....•..... : ....•.•.••.••••• se.. .......................... Zip............. I I OMftla.m-.... _ _._,.,,,.....t...1....,................. I ----!..---------------------------------------' --I r I l t 4 1 f , l I Name your own Independence Day That'• the day you firat ute Tampax tampons. That'• the day, you're free from pads ud beka. Free to nm, swim. play •.• Free to wear your favorite f aahion1. Try internally worn Tampu tampom. Happy indo- peP<lenee day. _ ... -------.~.._... ___ ,,_ ----·-·----..---. ~ . FAMILY WIBLY COOK900K at and Cold Food fbr SUMMER. DINI.NG -~ -MELA.NJE DE PROFr Food Editor Tlli• l41nb-d<H«lder rout, u.t11 toitli lent.Oft atld • 'Wlwa roua •ad <'Orll ... cWI .. •re in the oven ... ulad la read1 to go 1 ..... refripntor t• table, hrias .. , the piklter of dlUled ... p for lei- .. rel1 el ..... a..t vlaillag wkb fa•· il1 a..t t.Wa4a. Honey-Lemon Lamb • Shoulder Roast 4-to '-Ht. llftU"M .. ••tt- tat allilotlWer .t laalt (line -..Uaa•a .. tiereaat) t.e...-llt'lllttt ••riude % ca• dte•llM ...,..le1 I leaoa. 1liced .... aUtt& llal-.ed % <•II llGMJ 1 MT. Wow• 1ra.y •ia J. Cut 5 crosswise slits in fat aide of roast (see photo I. Rub roast and inner aides of alits with lemon-pep- per marinade. Place roast. fat aide up. on rack in a shallow roaatinl' pan. Insert meat thermometer so the tip is in the largest muscle, not resting in iat or touchinr bone. Sprinkle parsley over top. 2. Roast in a S25°F . oven 2~ to 31h hrs., allowing about 35 min. per lb. About 30 min. before roast is done. remove from oven and discard cord. Sprinkle roast with lemon-pepper marinade. Dip lemon half-slices in brown augar and insert· in slits. Spoon honey over entire ..aurface of roa~t. Return to oven and cook until thea'1Jlometer registers 175°F. fo1· medium or 180°F. for well done. !. Remove meat thermometer and bone. Transfer roast to a hot serv· ing platter and prnlsb with par- sley. Set aside while preparinr your favorite cravy or from a mix. (. Drain fat from roastin• pan and use pan to prepare brown gravy mix as directed on envelope. Scrape bot- tom and aides of pan to blend ill broWll residue. Serve gravy with the roast. 6 to 8 1eniflS1• • .. .oeet 10itl Ao~. '"" a dutiftt'tit1e oPJHGl. leecl Flavor-Ridl Tomato Soup 2 <W (It% -. eatli) ce••rw• tomate ... 11 2 .... a .. waur ~ ~<···-CllCll9~ % Ctlll IMIJ da•f'•• creem pe~r 'A a• heir ~IM4 aree11 -• l taWftl ..... helJ t......,.. ....... , % cap_........ talftt 4 leu1100U li•e lake t .,.,_ TaM9eo ~ ~sarlkult Blend all in~dienta toretber in a saucepan. Beat slowly and thor- oughly to allow ftavors to blend, stirrin• occasionally. Cool in a pitcher: chill tboroulJlly and add ice bef o:re serving. Accompany with an a~sortment of crisp crackers. 6 to 8 •ervit1g• Corn Pudding ..1% < ... •Ilk t er 7 r ....... ean el CW11 ' esp.. elistiU1 lteatftl I taWe.,_ ktttt • •arsariM I teaa...-••CU • ....... It ~ ta.al I la Aftftlt % .... , ...... Jtt 2 tai.lea..-. IMlJ c:llt 1tl•ieate z tablesr•u a.elr ~..,. ........ ltePI*' 2 ta1tae.,..... crate.t ..- 1. Scald milk in the top of a double boiler over boilinl' water. !. Keanwbile, cut com kernela from cobs. Usinl' a blender if desired, finely chop enough kernels to yield 2 cups. Put into a large saucepan with 1 cup of the scalded milk. Cov- er and simmer over low beat for 10 min., 1tirTinr occasionally. 3. Add a small amount of the acalded milk from double boiler to e•ra, stirrlnc viSorously. Add to remain- in• scalded milk and blend. Mix in butter and a blend of the aupr, salt, Accent. and pepper. f. Stir pimiento. wreen pepper, and onion into the corn. Addintr rrad- ually, 1tir in the bot milk mixture and pour into a rreaaed 1¥.a-qt. shal- low baking dish. $. Place ftUed baklar dish in a pan set on oven rack. Pour In boilin• water to a depth of 1 in. 6. Bake at s2s•F. 65 to 60 min. or untn a knife comes out clean when inserted halfway between center and edge of baking dish. 6 to 8 1ertJitto• Cucumber Freeze in Avocado z •edau• ... flH cK11•1M-rs <••pared) I tall 4air1 ... ,. crea• ~ ca• li•e J•koe % ca11 near ............ t 2 ecc wltltff Ri.-e uec:aM l. Cut cucumbers lena-thwiae into halves; remove and discard seeds. Grate cucumbers into a bowl. 2. Stir in aour cream, lime juice, sugar. and salt. 3. Beat egg whit.ea until stUJ, not dry, peab are formed. Fold into cucumber mixture. Tum into 2 re- fricerator trays. f. Place in freezer until mixture be- gina to freeze around edges. Turn into a chilled bowl and beat well. Return to trays and freeze. S. Spoon the frozen crystals ·into peeled avocado halves on aalad irreeu. Garnish each with a twisted cucu•ber 1Uce and wedp of lime. Abo-ut 1 qt. f re~u Note: If servinr the freeze aa a main dish accompaniment rather than a salad, apoon into sherbets or punch cups and omit avocados and aalad 1rHens. Garnish with •lat Qrip. ·. FROM 5' GRANO..S : l'rf~r•e.1~ flJij'if~l~j!!;!~ H I ~11111 fh, (((,71; 1'11 ----. rtff t , ~fr f ! r11.d11 I irit11;1iiiB!t1!~ bi 111~f r0 ·'1 lffrt•' iJ r=-1~1! w!fa.t 11,~ ~~ 111 ~ r 1•tf -1 .. ~iial 1 i 11 .. ,s iiip I i : !: ~ : tr, .. 11 tf 1 , ' ~~ .. , 1:': : il .. r1 itr ~ ~ 1g ~ !!!~~l!l~attia!qr,a 11 f~r1d;ifi!l ~ ~ &liR~'i 'l'ili' r '• ~1, , 11 111flt ·r 1ro;i·1 ~1:• .~~U !f ''1f l1 rl~la ·f i~11 i U~~1!~fl!U i ~ 'I i 111111:1 1~1•11. ·· Ut1 l 'l,g1• ~ , .. t I d,I r.1li fua' I t rpl~--v ~ il¥r It dlatUar ;uj~ Mtd d!Ud ~! i~'ti•t~!!·i!~04 il'f 1t'1~fj' I 'lllfJJ .. ifJ~lr ~2 :s; I a 1 ;1 !Ii i ri I r I r 1 3 ... t J"fdi ,!1p; 11 J11l 1!~i t ; Jr i>I l ~ f !i!f I .! i:I ttr ~,IH , r---~------.-.---, I : 1~f.I~ "I i f I IUli:,, 1!1 : ~ I & i1 I '111lt!i~l I I • 81•1 := ~l 1111~ I f f II'"' sn J:i "' ' . 11111 , .. ,if,~ : ira 1 l 11!;1~ ,1 I llJf t a' •!u ~r I b1 t I 11,,ee, 1· ~ ,., I ,,,.. 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It *1 ..... ..-.--....... _. ... _ _.._..._, .. cnY __________________ _..11.Ta ____ __.iup~------ 9'R3AL Ol'f'D: ...-.. -.. __., ... -........... ---a...-G.T.&MllGY~--le.9'1a...-. .. 51 _____ ......_M-.of~CW .. Y---··-. , ) C.O.D. ..... --.. , ............ -.. _, ... ..-.. L---------·----~ LittJe.LemaJ had been noiay and · milChinoua aU daJ. SucldeDly then wu ailenee. IO hia mother went to in:twtipte.. cigarette ia almoet burned down to hia ftqen," -Al Robrrt. A kd boil ;.. mae WM tau •f- tw th• "otl.,. aid•'' of tla. fa•il'lll --A. H. Hall«k prayer one Sunday. After cbu.rch, his mother ecolded him and aaid: "Barry, whatever made you do aoe.h a th.ins! .. .. rm proud of YOU. d-.r," ahe aid, "juat 8lttiq 80 qaietl;r while Dadd7ia~." .. O.b. I~m havina fun. llOllU07." aid the liWit boy. ·-see. DlwldT• Five-year-old Barry pve a very loud whiatle durin• the minister's The little boy replied. .. For a Ion« time. llomJll1, l'n pl'Q1ICI real hard that God would ta.ch me to wbiatle and today He did." -V. D. Ptllct .... .... •• 1 ... ,,. ... _ ......... .................... Ne9W ..ada . ,_ Q~ ·AND ~ QUOTES . ~C"---- . . Moat' tH tHagm Hria lo tiiU of I• tlten u tu ki• tAq 1oH to tow'- --Hfll C~• The huaband inataDed a n..ot.c.e walk from tlle bouM to the lltreet.. W1Ma be wu tlniabed. be ClllJed Ilia wife t. have a look. ..It'• terrible." abe uid. -rbe c:iab'.a don't match. it'a too naJ'TO'w. _. U.- stooea are crooked.. .. WeuJand~tM· ........ heaved a U.b of ~ ""How ia it tor n.uir-•..a.L -Jolla~ TA....., a. •I •wlw-. Jlill allil. ou ... u...,... ... -. ..... iL --a..a-I-' 8 I CLD • 111...W ... ~f • . .... ·-') , .. _ .. ..... .... r fa Te,.._ _ _. L S Hl-W. .... 115 Ne ...... ,_._. • ..... -J-J .. d Aa .... _ .... j,._. . _,__., ti .. Atld "'-'"• goU&g oa ca ~ at Ditnwrlatttl.." ... . was Olways a pretty girl ... nOA: shes beautiful! "' (and it only cost her a doJlar l) · . ~ ~-:... ~0f~@~invites you to see it happen to you with A LAVISH . •10* BEAUTY KIT OF FINE co~P!E~'! $1 Yes, World or Beouty Club invites you, too, to rnognify th• beauty that is yours olone- to underscore your unique femininity-and make these your loveliest yean. Now ... join more thon o Million beauty oonsdous women of all ages who hove accepted this remorltoble Get Acquainted Offer from tti. World of Beouty Club-and received $10 wdrth of fine cos· melics for only $1. YOU JUST CAN'T MAU A IETTB IUY fOtl A DOUAlt Just $I bflngs you a whole wardrobe of beauty products-a guoront..d $10 val-from the ountondlng cosmetic companies in the world .•. for 1110lting o whole new kind of beauty for yourself. This trial membenhip offer Includes the World of Beauty Oub's current lnu• of Beauty Gulde Mogozlne, o manual of moke·Ui', hairstyling, fashion tips, plots and plans. What's more, you'll also hove the oppor- tunity to go on getting similar kits of prestige cosmetics and beauty products, outomolicolly, about once every ten weeb, for os long as you wont-for about half what you'd expect to pay. Each kit will be guaranteed worth ot t.ost $10.00, ond o~en values wlll run much higher. Yet you pay only $4.98 per kit plus shipping and handling for those you choose to keep. And you're always welcoMe to send bock for full credit ony kit tttot doesn't please you. So you won't be spending o fortune. And you're never rilling a penny. You'll get on endless variety of oll the now-est cotmflia in every World of 8eouty Kit. Here are some octuol beauty produch sent to 1t1en.- bers In post W orld of Beauty Kits: Mate-up Base • • • MolsturlzerJ • • • Blushen . • . Eye Shadow .•• fadol Soop ••• Roll-on Mosooro ..• Beouty Mosque ••. lipstick ... Brush-on Brows ..• Cologne fee ... AJl-over fragrance ..• 8ody lotion .•• Bott. Powder •.• Noll Hardener • • . frosted Noll Polish . . . foclol Cream • • . Powder ColllpOct • • • Molte-up Bnlshes • . . Cutlde lubriOOf'lt ••• Eyeliner Seal ••• Cleonting lotion • . . Hair Conditioner . • . Perfume . . • IWbble Both ... Cologne. Think of getting all these cosmetics ond beauty aids, t+.e k.lnd you olwoys need ond use, from companies whose names you know ond trust ... all generous size and all of o fraction of what you'd poy elsewhere. IAStC fASHION-A lfAU'rlRA ~Aa Mate-up ls an essential part of todoy's tumed- on world. where o woman's clolm to fome Is her individuality. And World of 8eauty Club help& you molt• the most of the beauty that Is yours alone. Yes, hke the Pf•lty girl above, you con work your own private l'lllrode ..• occentuote, drama- tize yo41 ittdividwl beauty. World of Beauty Club brings you everything you need .•• the latest equlp11141nt, the latest professlonol advice ond tips. Piek. a look, any look ••• Roaring 2'>'1, Hollywood Thirties, Sluling Sixties or the -r mode-up natural look. . . . then oopture It on your own foce. NOftSSIOMAl ADVICE ANO HOW.TO Tirs IH "IEAUTY GUtt>I MAGAZl'e"' ••• Pt& w"" EA04 WOILD Of lf.AUTY m How can you miu with detailed beauty ond moke-up advice from the world's greatest cos- metic ortistsJ Eddie Senz. for Instance. He's created s0tne of the entertoinfftent world's most fabulous ond unforgettable faces ... ond he con help you do It for yourself. Pouftne Trlgere, world renowned deslgn•r giving the low-down on the latest fashions. Or how about Michael Kozan to lend o hand with your hair styling, the whiches and wbats of wigs ond switchest These ond 1ftCJftY other world-famous experts come to you In eadt World of Beauty Oub "Beauty Guide Mogo~lne." Step by step you'll odvonce Into the worid of beauty you wont for younelf. niE If.Aun' Qr AHO KAIOOCM.E GETS YOU LAUMCH!D P'<>a JUST $ I I AND WOIU> Of lf.AUTY QUI GUAINmlS YOUI SATllfACTION Your introdudory $1 Beauty Kit frOfll World of Beauty Oub will be only ft.. flnt of 1ftOftY H · citing surprises. And every kit is guotontHd to. please. When each lit comes, examine It. If you wont to ltHp It, just send us $4.98-ond enjoy, enjoy! Otherwise, just send It bock and owe nothing. If at any time you wont to cancel your membenhlp, you ore. free to do so. There's absolutely no risk on your port. Except maybe the risk of never knowing just how beautiful you con be for so little! You owe it to the beauty ~ C04Jld be to accept this introductory World of Beauty Club offer! Moil in the coupon ond lust one dollar today. You'll hove your Beauty Kit and Beouty Guide Magazine In no time ot oil. SEND YOUR $1 NOW ............................. r.-~-----------------, I Yb-kd<:>J~~~ I I ._ •· '" s.a .... ,,..., Ollulle, ... "".s I I rteo.. enroll -ot o trial 1119Mber ond send 111e the I I cvrrent leauty Kit for which I might expect to poy $10 I I or even 1110re-plvs your 8eouty Gvlde Mog1tzlne-oll I I fot Oflly $ t. I undenrond thot I wlll be entitled to receive I Io -8-vty IClt ond Seouty Gulde Mogozine on apflNINOI I I apptOll1-otely every ten -•b-ond to kHp It for the I I speclol •eMber'• price of onty $-4.98 plus ahlpp!"Q ond I I hondllng loncholes lo•, wt.ere appllcablel, but thcit I I 1-av COflCe4 ot arry time with no oblllJClllOn. ._. ID S1.00..dued.1eo•H1Mp'"'9 oftd ~@) I O • -..._ '°' s 1.00 ,... I , ........ _,11o....._ I To..., )'OW..,.. .. y _. ,.,._1y, I a• ~· ,., ...... ., ..... .., .,. ,_ .., .... ,,,. Io 11-11 o ..._ o fllr <1•t> o 0ry Io 21-a o lf1IMllll o Medi• o on, lo._. o........, o O.,(difk) o NonM1 lB ::-0 -0 ·-::.- , Mn. !pl.-,,,.. .. I I f Addr-I I 1 I aty Stole zip I ~-------------~-----~ I t - t -~ ! I I I I --~--- Dog Nea~ Itches to.Deattl . .,P,Jh1.,\ t; ~ t· r-Tt. f.,.,\'"': 1\~;r ~~ · t 1 1 ---..--------UNIVERSAL MOTEL SCHOOLS, Dept. r« t 1872 N. W. 7 St., MIMW. Fk>ric19 33125 I Heme . ·---~ I t City Smte Zip : ·-~--------- - -~~~·,!E~ ~!_·_!!t~~IC-- _ _J . Pl r A FAlllLY AFFAIR aa• .... ~~~ri:~nn~i: '::!i PID-Worma ••• usl)' paruit. that medical experta •>' IDl•t 1 out of • ....,.a penomeumlned. EDtirefam-W. may be viedma aad DOt know It. To ret rid of Pin-W onm, they blUlt be killed in tbe larre lna.tioe wbera they llvund muldply. Tbat'aeuctly wbat Jayne'a P-W tablet.a do .•. and ._.. •• how they do It: Pbwt-a tdentiAc coatlna earries tbt tahleta lato the boW1tl9 before they dimolve. Tbm-Ja,ym'1 fDOd.. em. medieall)o .. pptoTed fnsreclieat roea ricbt to work-ldlla Pla-Wonna ..., .... lhlelmli&t-4 DleUl allftr dollar aiDW ID 1 .. '41 ,,,__ rat. lltll anDlftnarir of &1141 ._..... 1.1.o of Cb.IDa <1'WaooM I ... ~ -'° • C1&1'-...• llMU1tlal .. and 01'1.T JH. IWPPLT LDll"lm>I 8JQ> TODAY. 8al\ wt&ll WUV. ... 90111 ca&Moc. pl• ,., .... ._. of ...__ IO uaalla•. Bu aa7 O&' llClll•, 9'Wna ~. C-eel ...so.., aQ &me. ..... --. addreee, ....... ad 1w tw 70llr China Dollar &o: uau.- MID OolD Co .• o.p,, CIMI ~ 1'nr .. ....,.,,. tlla. ,, _quick~, eul)T ..... ...,, ~. Doe t tab chaaeea with dancer-................. .. om, hlch\F eontutom Pin-Wonm •VIII --whJeh infect entire lamiliea.. Get sen-'"--t cd C fi ,. __ ulna .Jayne'• P-W Vermlfuce . . . • •K> pa ent om ort ......... er was u. u ble desigmd by a dentist to let you ama .-q-to--ta ta ta •.. special aa:umtely ldJ'lllt Y<Mll own ..aat.-.n. f~ ehfldren and aduka. .---------------""' You get a com_Plet:e dentun adjust· WH1Y•Oner Ir lllil Fru1 FallilJ WeeklJ ••• Plt.w ....... ~ ........ ,., dtlhtry. Tiit 11111 -,,__ .., ,..,..... COllll*llft. • '~ llflU Md ~ -dlldlM ,., rell· allllltJ llJ F'MIHJ Wttldy, tee. If ,Ww llf1 .-st 1111 lllolll NII .,_, J1111 Wl'ite: s..'flc:e ~. F'llllll1 w.Jy, 641 ~ ..._, ""' Ytrt, N.Y. 10022. ment 'kit and ample instructions to use the same method that dentists uae. You quickly find and eliminate high spots on your dcntun bue that cause diacomfort and mouth sons. Helps make plates fit properly. Only S7.9S. Send check or money order to: The Dencom Co., Box 606, Guemevitle, Calif. 954-46. Californians add s~ sales bx. Not for dentures with 50ft OJ metal bases. EXQVISITE cltiM roae chu-'pJN-ON-' Al..£ it c111tom S1'11'Cll 11'1 SBJI' u a big bi- ter. 8 t'O$eB, lea11u. 1t"e.B and "'4tcled to r0ter °'°" laair; mmatldy magaUn.e clock !'fill ""' at-e 100% Englia1' BOM adda fulffauB to tlam a"4 of 64 '/)OgtB of pattems /f!1' Claina. From ~'reds to pi11b. lngth to al«>rt laaif': Of /ifleBt men, 10omtl1l and childrert, 10" circ.m .. 13.96. Witl 5 Sarnd fibers, it loob, feell eaar-to-f<>Uow directiuns for rOBeB, 17.95: with 9, 11!. "1'"1." Se"4 laair Hmple. k•itting, weaving, etc. 6· wd. World Art Group, Dept. Strlel!17.i4.91.Guild,Dept. fM'lliA(S i8aueB), 11. Stitch 'ta -1-8F.W.,.-~ FiT1t Strut.-E~t~.-~'S!-B~,-103_:::Eoat_Br~gc>.,_D~~· J:W-!, B~ 41Z .. ...,__. N~:-OSS80. -.. ~¥-m. -N-:--¥~_.,., ~ -f)nvttf'l';...rJn:u -: 019f3: ~ .... Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE ANY PHOTO reproduced on double weight por- trait paper. Two 8 x 10" black and white enlarge- ments, or 25 wallet size plus free 5 x 7• enlarge- ment, or 12 wallet size and three 5 x 7" enlarge- ment.a. $1.25 ppd. Robin Art Studio, Dept. FW7, New RocbeUe, N. Y . 10804. ,_. . '"" . '• ,. 'U-"'1, .. ". ~ . ~~ . '1"~· ·~ ~~~---~--:-.. --.---... ..1· "" ~ ,,. • # • 1'WIRl.rA-WRE has mirrors sealed in plastic to catch any fish that hit.a an artificial Jure . Silver, red. gold. $1.98 ea. 3 for '4.95. 35f poet. Norkin Labs, Dept. FWK-79T. 908 Wyandotte, Kan.sas City, Mo. 64105. PLAY the guitar in one week I No tedious practice or exercises. You get 320 songs, guitar tuner, com- plete instructions with chord selector. $3.98 ppd. Terry EJliott, Dept. FWi7X, Box 1918, Grand Central Sta .. New York, N. Y. 10017. COOL your heels with these camel calf sandals with comfortable con- tou r -m ol ded insole. comes in EEEE width. Send shoe size. S12.86 ppd. Free catalog available. Hitch- cock Shoes, Hingham 41-SE, M&88. 02043 . ELECTRIC paint re- mover. Handy, house- hold helper takes off up to 12 layers of old paint or wallpaper easily! Use on ftat, cu"ed or irregular surfaces. Safe, part3 replaced free of charge. $12.98 ppd. Larch, Dept. FW-3, P .0. Box 770, Times Sq. Sta., New York, N. Y. 10086. WABo•s FORMULA is a scalp treatment that may bel1> you find relief from dandruff. a dry, itchy scalp, and may help a falling hair proble!Jl from common scalp infection. Regu- lar size, $2; triple, $6. H. H. Ward, Dept. FW-3, 19 West 44th St., New York. N. Y. 10086. BE A LOSER and like it ! Take· off those unwanted pounds with the help of improved Obesity Bell Tablets. Simple, it encour- ages Jess eating at mealtime! 2-week supply, $2; 6-week sup- ply, $4; I2~week supply, $6ppd. Hollings-Smith Co., Dept. FW-7, Orange- burg, N. Y. 10962. THE DAZZLER-only 50¢ a carat -famous. fake diamond soljtaire. This "gem" is truly a girl's best friend! Elegant Tif- fany-like setting. Only you will know; it looks so real. Only $1.69 plus 25¢ for postage. Send order to Terry EHiott, Dept. lOX, Grand Central Sta., New York, N. Y. 10017. FACE CARE -Fayd Skin Cream i8 a beauty aid that penetrates outer skin and works from inaide out to speed up natural skin clear- ing processes. For blemishes, pimples, etc. 3 oz .. $3 ppd. Fleetwood, Dept. D-73. 427 W. Randolph. Chicago, JU. 60606 . BIG heavy duty balloons for fun, beach or sports! 5' size, 2 for $1 plus 25¢ postage; 10' for $1 plus 25¢; 26' for '4 plus 50f. 2 for $7 plus $1, 3 for $10 plus $1.50. Novel Products, Dept. B-49, 81 2nd Ave .. New York. N . Y. 10003. F ... flllNI S,..,,,,_ llMU -. IVOT el~. If ,,...,_.. ................... ......,.,.,. , .... ...,C* w - .· . ~ . . QUIZ SCIENCE ANSWERS How ·Good Is Your .Memory? A BE YOU one of those peo--ond beat. Memory wu "wont when .ft pie who wrap a 8....,;..,.,. the aubject bad DO Idea whether -U-16 a thine wu true or not. · · around their fin~r to re-! 3. F4lle. P•YGholosical studies _!.t .me~bg . ..A9wthing-.and--.:.!~o.w ..mu. can NimmU-poetry---then J t · . memory much qaicker if you read ~rge .to tie ~ knot m ·-tt-a1oacr. AU otber fypeso f mat.e-- · the stnngT rial are memorised more quickly Well, whatever 1our memory, when ~ allently. thia quiz will cive you the oppor-4. FalM. All it's likely to do is tunity to check your Jmowledp to make you remember their eyes. with ecience'a lat.Mt ftndiql on lmtead. pay clOle attention to the the subject. Jut consider each of name when eomeone ia introduced the followins 1tatementa and an-to you ; then repeat the name while 1wer tnae or falle. Auwen below. conversiq, adclreuinc the person 1. The bMt way to recall ..,...,.. by it. ltepetitioD increuea the thiQ6 you•ve forgotten ia t.o put depth of your memory_ impreNion. ~ elM out of JOUT m.tad S. True. Univenlty of Connec- and c:ioncmtratle on it. ~t PIJ'Cbolacista found women'e 2. How wen we remember abllitJ to cornctly U80eiate namea ....01,... we mr depend.a oa and fac. witb the npt penou ,...._. we beline it tio be tne. WU fOUBd t.o be muicb ..-ter a. The tJ.t way t.o manoria tlul.n the men'a. ecaltlaiq qai«*17 w to i..s it .i 6. Tne. In a Banard study, bid tiD 7Qlll9llL mea ud ,...... aabjecta were ._ It wil~ you t.o 1 ,.._ Wlftll a llO-word pullliSe to re..t; a i-:-·• w If 70ll ma11e a t.lml aftlr 10 miaut. wb wu .... et. ...... 1aim ~ in t...e.d Oil what ... 1--bend. Mlilt .,_ "'-.._ m•a I 1 I Thia ,._. cnataiaM commenta -.... 21 *1 .... l) .ia ....... tio----"""---.-.•> 1 M .. ._,., ..,_ .... -' ... ... iii ........ =--..... 0 I ill 1Jllil-r 0 wm-.dt~ • · • .._ ..-; w IW)CIWlecial -.... ud ~ u.t ........ plnlOD .......... . • 1%1 .. be..,.. ....... ms.- ~ -...... he beli8"6 lt to be 1) tne., %) fUle,. or S) qU611tlon- aWe. Paaple ...... bend bmt .... Nita tJie,. hit WRe true. n._. Ule7 recarded u Ii• or ,_ .. ill 111-..e a tll'ld me. ...., ....... ,.... .... ._. aa cuatnuc st '7 a ....., ad .tm Mt laaft a hiPer tt.m awwwcp I.Q. 9. Pai.. Pqehoqic&I t.ta ... that tile bmt time to _,. rt. an.Jtbills la j09t before Nti~ iq'. R•'Oft: tlUa sh9 the .-n- ory lmpnl6iom mon tm. to eetUe witlloat betas diatnetiad b7 otller KttvitML 108. PIECE PR9FESSIONAI: .. DO ANY JOB• FASTER BET.I.ER -E AS /ER SEISATIOIAL OFFEll -Gii------·-.~ TOP-GRA_DE TOOLS FOR LESS .. ,.. £-. --- or jmt ,...-tiftl IU -1&8a J111S chance to -....... .....,., al prof-'onal q..uty.t\Md tocll9 ••• In their own Mndy tote bGl -atl Ill 8n .......... low pftcel Equip~ with this tremendously versatile, amRingfy complMa outfit . . . Md you're r89dy for jwlt ~ any...,.., job that com.. lllongt ,.., ••• ~ ...... to.au lt ......... Pu ......... Y. ... 1 I I I I I l ........... Crc1r111 ,:.,-:. ...,. l'ROFDllOIW. WORUffOP lt ....... I J P 2 CO». 1 1 • • 1s11a...-n_,...,_ Amtt••.-.. 11w.-..... I ............ -... 1 a... a '*--Cllllb a M. e...-1 ~ • I I I -••111 I I I I I I ~..-.-------· ·' I I~ I n L- I I 11tt I --~--------~-· ... l • 1--~ -r- WllAT IOD DOES '810U • c..-...... ""' • c.. ......... • Cllldt .... ICll!* of ....... • ,.... n. F..-t Outast, OUt -..... "" Out CMda Your,.......,... Wbat The Press · Reports OD AUTOCAST Mla8Y WZ• recooWMnded AUTO- CMT Md~ for ,OU ...... f'NW MMAZ• ~: ''twn an ......... ad ~ In ,our femffy CAlft toea • IM wMrt he •"'-tt after • ... ml"'*t prdce.'' .,,_ NRT WDaff PMll "-Ported: ''AU· 10CAST ................ -ectuelty It ..... hn -..... show ....,., -.......... uwt.crowdelweys.....,.,'' .,,. "'' ...... ' P09T UDnl .... ~ ''AUlOCAIT • Bonanza for the -........ -.,. eutomMk CMlll"I rod ........ "'°a.el .. --Mm It. ,..... • ...... Md ................ .,_ °" ...., to the tpOt -point the rod '° • fDUt'terll't ..... Jutt ,.....u...,.., beck.'' '* #"'D"I.,..,. ....... : ·~ .,. • "' a. ....... ·-• bucMt .... ...._ out of four 9t 30 )Wdl." • Praised by Fishina Pro's .~""--cc=-~-----•"Wllk.Wll.!!~~l!H... - __ ! Grut..for_J111inoers,-Wives, Children • Good for Lakes, Ponds, Stream~ Salt Water • Cuts SafelJ in Crowde~ Boat or under CanoPJ • Casts under Overhanain1 Tree Limbs, Brush • Expert, Ac~urate Casts with Only Five Minutes Practice AMAZING TRIAL Offl1t AUTOCAST CASTS MY LURE OR LIVE BAIT FROM 1Aa OZ. TO ~ OZ. wmt PINPOINT ACCURACY AND SAFETY EVEN FllOM CROWDED 80ATS OR DOCKS. Try Amujaa AUl'OCAST -tbe ftlbiaa rod ahoots lib a IUD -witbout rilt1q a peaay. FROM WHITESBURG, TENNES- SEE COMES NEWS of the world's most accurate Jure casser -the astoo- ilhing fishing rod that ahoou lures like a fUD with pinpoint accuracy up to eilbty feet -· A beautihaDy-made hn<utioa imtnunut that 11ws you years of caatiat tralaiDJ. :-saws you tbe endlela a,peme of buyina bilb- COlt roda, ree~z and JDOft and more hara de- liped to cascn you inatead of tbe a.la - lets you COftJ' the water faster, ftnd ftsb quicker, mate your ftlhina &rips more fun, more cxdtills and .leta you co,ioy ewry mia- ote you're ~ from dawn to dmt with more and b{per c:aacba awkward caatina, fcqet that emburuuneat and ltlep into the apace.qe r alamour of Atrl'OCAST. All that is necasary to cut AUTOCAST is to cock it. aim the rod and pull the triaer. You ca.a cast from boat « abore with equal anaess. Yoa can ~)y cut in the thkbtt weeds, or deep brulll, beaviat abore Jiee lhrubbcry. Yoo can So after and come ti.ct with larp mouth bus, pib, pictcnl, perch, bream, trout, walleye, aalmoo, red tuna, striped bue. blue fish, weak fllh and do it time and time apin without aay previoua expe1 ience. MAIW£L Of DOIGN AUl'OCAST ii aot a P41Ft or toy. It ia a ruaed. precmon castiQa aostrumeat ~ llnacied of ftberslasa aad aluminum. It's the NOW FOlt THt F1RST TIME. K MU TO CiSf WHQI( THI alQ ONO AJI£ WITH .... ~ eu't naba AMAZING ptNPOtffT ACCURACY A 1170CAST wile• It We panmtee tbe AUTOCAST fkbiJta rod ( ..................... . wUI can wltlt piyo#lll 11CC•«1 ~ ;,p ... ,.._ .. fMwlla le ri6hty f•t « there is .., cost eo you. FOC' ..... ..... the h time, be able to c:aet where no oae elle caa, where the bia oaea lurk. --------am new idea ia ftsbiaa rods in twenty yan. AH a.tMDrS INVDfnON h combi11e1 ufOllisbiQa simplicity with dead- lbe ICCret is-a 8delllliAe Sflrilll Ktbt-cast.-)y accura..-y ud is the world's mod accurale ills mechanism developed by a Tnn e caller. There's no back lub. ao ti.ct swing Sportaman-EQa:lwr.CabedAtrrocAsr thla problem. DO ~twist. It worts with lam woeder-wortina ftsb1na rod is tbe result of OC' live bait, with aay standard apinaiaa red. yean of tell.ins tbe most effective way of in aay tind of wateT. All you have to do is mail hi tbe 9C>-riat trial coopoo below. When yog receiw your Atn'OCAST rod, '* it anywhere you Jib - test its faatutic castina powen )'OUl'9lf. See for younelf bow AtrroCAST wcwb with any staDdatd epio-castiq reel with any lure or live bait \4 to ~ oz. in any water fOf whatcwr kiad of fish. See bow easily it cam -bow it wods in weeds, brush, tree-liaed shores, from crowded boata, pieu, and canopies. Ute AUTOCAST to c:atcb bus, trout. perch, pict.erd, pike, walleyes-any ipOCt or pan flab you like to catch. Let your child'rm, your wife, &Del your friends ftsh with AUfOCAST. Put ~UJ'O­ CAST to every lat. Jf you doa't acr-that it's the easiest, most accurate c:astina rod in the world, it won't cost you a peaay. AUTOCAST PRODUCTION IS UMrTED '· To act your AtrrOCAST TOd DOW hWJ AmUiq Trial Coupon below. Suppliet are llill ftl'Y limited. Order now to be sure you1J bave your AUl'OCAST in time for your .at ftsbina trip. Only if yoa act aow can we ?f&Dtce to fill your order immediately. Am If You do we'll i.ocJudc AUTOCAST filbiq tips that can jams.> your catcbea. Don't Delay. Mail No-llist trial coupoa today. &cit AUY'OCAST ::./. an You wlltl F'UIMoMy .......... Tbousa.nds of AUl'OCAST rods Now Catchina Fish Throoahout The World. automatically caatina lures to attract ftab - and watcbina the fts"b react to each casa ua- dernea.th the water. From tbac stadia came A UTOCAST -the fisbiq rod tbat shoots like a sun. AUl'OCASTS.,. now used by f\thermn in 23 countria from tbe U.S. to AMAZING AUTOCAST .. n.Mlls ... TW .................. , ... -WITII DUDLY NICISIOll. Australia. FORGET BACK CASTING FOMV£R Now, it ia no JoQacr oecanry to So tbrooah the awtwanl moCiom of ftsb castiq. The new AUTOCAST eliminates aa~~ tram t.ctcaat, even oa aowded « doc.ts. Tbe reason is simple: AUJ'OCAST casts autOlftatically at the simple paablq of • button. The lure aoa where you aim the rod, not iato IOfDe cbild's eye OC' ear. If you ewr fdt anbarra.-d about your _llA, H.._. ~ "'-----..... I - - - - -MAIL AMAZING TRIAL COUPON -... - - -, I GREENLAND STUDIOS, 1W a..1•••• ....._ •-.a.,....... 111A1 I 11 1 P'-etMP~_,aee.IAtrfO. -· AUJOCAST Rock e SI0.9' .... 9'- 1 1 CAST tocl Oii T1UAL OFFER: --and .---.... If AU'l'OCMJ' .,_ _. caedi more ,... -......._. - I ...., ... -and ......... .,,.""' -ii ___,_., C.O.D. I ..... Sl ....... ... I 1 ~~-= ~".JU.l 9: = Polk wt .. PQ ..,.._ .,, ...... ---------J' ......... .,. .._ ... ,.........._ I M1•111 w ... Mewl Cl9-"' PIAMI I . .... ". A1JTOCAIT .. l'I I . ...... ......... .., .... , ,..... • .,........ ... cm nAn a. I ---------•L..-------------------------J .~~ , . '• n ter ... a at ur it. rt w ). lt ie ii 'e u II' ., d • '· , I I I I I I I . I .J ' SPORTS FRANK HOWARD Stardom Comes to . . the Gentle Giant Heralded as a home-run king, he heard many boos before he won the cheers-yet he never lost his easy nature By BILL O'NEILL S!_IORTLY BEFO~ t~ VO~ for the American League All-Star . team, W ashingt.on Senators' slugger Frank How- ard confided that he'd like tn make the team again, but he wouldn't speculate on his chances. "lt..wu a thriU for me to make the All-Stan last YUi', and, of coune, . rd like to be on the team apin,'' be admits. "Bot I don't WWT'f about it. I just try to do DU' job and take it u it comes." The remark wu tJpical of bu&- baJl'• .-tie st.ant. He explained away an aJl-time record of 10 home " runs iD m samee durins a liQlie week a..t MMOB with: "I try to be a profa.ionaJ and do Jll1 job." The m-foot-ee.en. MO-pound out- fielder is u famoaa for bis eelf-e«ac- iq manner u for his tape-meuure bomen. He calla tbe person be ia ad- clN9U.. "sir." Ilea a .. eeldom ean hd an unkiDd word for ~one connected r'9itb bliMbaD =en......, play--. fAM, or eporta wrtte~d i• u quick to edmit hia own ahortcamiJlp u be ia to defend thoee of hia teemmata. He ia one qf the few l't!Dl&iniq pla;ren who ubowledl'M applame from the atanda. But buebalr• "nice py" ia more complex than appearances •llaat. At 82., Howard is cledic&ted to bi• pro- feaion and to hi.a famil:r. He tjftl nerythiq he ta.a to both-llot al- ..,. without .&am. In 1964 be con- sidered real.pint from the Loa An- geles Dodgen. He wanted to quit bHebaJl for a lower-payiq mill job, 80 be could spend more time with bis wife and children in Green 81.J, Wi&. Duri~ the aeMClll, he dep1ecaaa hi.a achievement. on the lead by pointiq out 11CCurate!J that °'I'm ~ out too much, and I 'm not oonaiatent," or 'Tm an undiecipUDed bitter." But Howard foDowa the rec- ord boob. When coat.net time rola around. he la no~ mode.at about bold- in•. out for-· what he conaiden bia- due u the l~e'a leading bitter. Aft.er a 19" eeaeon in which be clouted .U boJDe runs to lead both leagues and wu eecond in the Al'Mri- can Leque with 106 RBla, Howard concluded he wu worth conaiderably more than the $55,000 he bad been paid. He held out Jut lla~b for a $330,000 thnie-year contract. He did- n't report to Pompano Beach, Fla., tor spring trainiq until Nata' owner Robert Short offered him a one-year contnct at '9(),000. Thia made him the hi•heat-paid player in the Sena.- ton' bi9toey. Al he said aft.er he uked Short to either pay him or trade him, .. It wu ju1t principle." How•d wwlts hard at ma.intain- iq a placid exterior. Yet he can be moody, and oecuionally a flub of temper shows through. Atta atrik- ins out for the third time in· a Puerto Rico Winter Leape pme many years l.l'O, Howard abowed hia fnud:ration by breakiq the bat over bi.a knee, accordinl' to a teammatL Kore recently and, more atartliq, to players and fans alike, Boward wai thrown out of a rame at Oakland, Calif .. for arguJq with the umpite. Battin,s apinat Oakland last Kay in the ninth inning, with the Senatore trailinl' by one run, Howard started to inriq at a low ball, checked b.imaelf, and heard umpire Ron Luciano call a •trike. After flying out. Howard leveled a verbal blut at Luciano, who ordered him off the ftekl. Oakland won by a 8eOre of 6-4. '"Y-...._.,._.back to play tbia rame. and he taba the bread out of your mouth," Boward said. · Boward played baseball at Ohio State, and eemipro ball with tbe Ba- sin Leque in South Dakota. In 1958 the Dodsers siped bim for a, re- puted $108,000. While wf tb their farm team in Green &1. be met and ma~ ried Carol lobanakl. Howard bousht bomea for hlm1elf, hi• widowed moth- er. and bis in-lawa ud took a job with the Green Bay Pacbsin.r C.O., -----·---- _ _!!ber,_he works after efeh ~I). •i1t'1 a t:rainiq prosnm." be u - plained. '"We make corrupted boxea. I've worked at the mill level and u a .salesman. I lib the work, and the people. have been pod to me." Howard WU baW..b'a ID09t pub- licized rookie. with iporta wrlten predictiq that he would equal Babe Ruth'a home-run record. lmt.e.d. be halved it. After 1964, be wu traded to tbe Senaton. ''11Mrt w.s • bleniq in clitpl1e." Howard told FAlllLT WSKLT. 6'Tbe Senators rave me a chance to play e.very day, eomethllll' I Deftl' clld with the Dodsera. They're a ..-t club to be with. but playln• every day brinp out any player'1 bMt.'' Howard aid be al80 beut4ltw from the coachins of Ted WilH•m ~ foremost authority on that Uttle · rame that'• played out there between the pltcher, the catcher, and the bat- er. Williama helps me pick out a cer- tain pitch or tells me what to wait for. Be helps all of ua." But, althoush Howard appean to have found a bome with the Seaton. he baa no intention of movlq frmn Green Bay to Wuhiqton, a;plaf• ins that "I ftt better in a ..... ner town." When IChool leta out each June, Jin. Boward brlnp their ew children to Wubi.qton. Howard uid that when hJ1 aori Timothy wu '1, he attended a pme. "I wasn't doinl' too wen, and the f ana were booins me for milrlq out." Boward recaHed. "After I made an erTOT, I WU really 1>ooed. I WM told that Timothy atoocl up, turned around to one penon who waa booins me. and said, 'Anyw_,, be'• a realty rood father.'" • lcinlr•I Tipe tr.. GU Nl&ttl11 We..t fuia • °" kHkll1 R.w t. oocc:A or ........._ Meret• of 1'iUi.,, ~. &tllOU •tnlfen-f',_ A.A- """-of aU,lC/u c..ocloU. tr ou •I tlo '°'"'°'' MHt h~lo ,,_..., Sftd 14.•S /.,. Gil El.,,_' H.k, '"f'u aa .. of B.....u'' Co F. W. B..U. Dqt-. A !OS. B.c 1<J7, Gnlfid C~ StolWtt, Nft!D Yon, N.Y. 1'101'. Fa..U, w.-... Jar H, I.., • NowPouibleTo Shrioli Hemorrboim And PromptlJ B&op ltcbt,,.. BelieTe Paln ID llOlt C.-. Science bu found a med.ication with the abilit7, in most cue1 -to atop bumia1 itch, pain and actually shrink hemorrboida. In cue after cue dod:on proved, while l*'UT nlie¥iQa pain and itdtiq, actual NCluc- tion (ahrinkap) txM>k place. Tbe answer la Preparatto. H•-there ia no other fol'lllal lib it for bemorrholda. Prepa- ration H a1ao IOOtbea inft.amed, irritated tiaaea and he1pa p~ vent furlber infection. 111 oln - inent or i' form. wmnr--- ,. ·-• ---------------~ I MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! I llAIL 10:,,. ltCA ITIMO l'TMS a.ue I '·'· ...... u.n ... ,.._ 41Z11 I ~f:t.':' ~ '\:~_: f':!..-:91tct":',: 1!'.,~.:':.' ~ I ......... dllrllt· I .... ,.... I llltd IMIY. ftw • ..,, --~ It ,. .... C.. 1Wlct WttMlt 1 ,_, to Mftll -trial ........... lftlr wMc1I I I wftl att ...................... flU ftf ntrJ twe,..., It ,.....,c.. ,nces. I MAIL .. THOE THRO CARTAIDGll : _____ I .... I __ _..I :=1 =:=:=:=:=:= I I I I ................................... (cMck_...,, 0 ....... ,, .. ..__./'Ila,....,., 0~& ....... 0T...,._._..~ •• I ~·························'c~;;.;,,t,··················· .......... . I I ................................................................... .. .... cttr& •. I llltl ..................................................... n, ........ . : =J#o .. ..=.:'.!:'tf lllCllf off•. I W I @ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------~ En)OJ Fabulo• Savings From the World'• FIRST Stereo 8 Tape Cartridge Clubl llOWI Eajlf • stereo I llits .., ............ tap ......,, Choou fr• ., ... llllell: llCA, ..,._ lrot.·7 Aris. ..,, .... AIM, lolla, ,..,~ Atllntlc. Alco-la ""' -* cattcwY. LOil .. U.U tlClusiw bentfita: • Sftt IOWI CllooM lHI& ... fer..., -4.15 twertll .. ti $29.15 II Ml' aaltd ...,_._., lilt ,,Ct ... .,..... _... dMltn). Atter trill ... Wsllip, an ... ta,e of ....., ..._ Fm tar ..,.,, two JOU buy at rtlullf Club price (__,ly $1.95):TW1 I 33Jh'Jr. ,_... &Mlcl • All ta'" plfMttff! ci.'s ... ........, .....utieMlly ..,.._. Ill ..,. ~ '9tectl fw l hill .,_ lfter PIRUM. rtpfdless of libel. • Cbrtt tlial! ..., tllly lfttr ,_ leceM ... llld .. •Joftll tti.t • ""' "1td! MeMMJ SOURO TUQ( brlqs ... tf "" 150 Stereo I r• ...... feltwitll I Seteetie9 tf tlle ...... ",.. nM tllis tlfe, • llelllill -It win 11e......, ..._.titllly. ",. n11t...., tapes,., .. .....,..,.. • ctte ,.. dloice .. u. en ,,...... ..s min tt .., ttit -. lftdfW. • StM M .-.y! CllooM 3 ff IS llita ..... llleft; we'll bill JOU $4.9$ pl• 9111.allWf• dllrp ... ,. call c.cel --rsl'll, lfttr ~ 4 llWI, OI ~ fe llJIJ ~ of .... tlllrd fer Jfffl te COIM, wftll Ill oMlptit9 te llllJI fllell tlle ~ rllld llOW tt: ICA RC' ft ..... T.,.ctllb,P.0. ... 21111. ........ ..._4&221. •• ~ ............. ,,.. . ..,,.~.,._ ............... , ................ ·--~ ... ·~ f:'Oe.....,.-... . , 'l1le l1nt Natloml Automobile Show WU held in U. at the old MadJloa Squan Gardea. Al- though It ftl a bu1e ~ lt didn't outdraw the local bone show ..• Here at 11156 Be.ch Blvd. we are-havln1 quite-an auto show too. 1be latest and greatest ever fropi the naUoil'a leading pioneer automobile man- ufacturer, FORD. With the i'e- cent addition of our aenaatiooal ~U"an atrer new car buyer--tbe most 1t1'1Yn_ .... ified ael~lon ever, Here ls a timely ·reminder from the Auto. mobile Dealers Tnvel Safety C°'1Dcll. Many pedestrians are not cautlOUJ and do not obey the law. Always give them the right of way, wiletber it's theirs or not. A human body ls no match for a two-ton car • . . so, regardless of who'• got the legal right ol way U)e ~ trfan ls ~ your mercy. Show lt to him. Ahd remember, school'a out, so be extra ~ • ful. School vacation meana it'• family vacation time. N~ can spoil a Jong pJanoed motor trip like a malfunctlonlnc au~ mobile. Smart vacatlooeri pt a complete check-up before bead- ing out. Be a smart vacationer and lee our factory trained ex· perts get you •tarted in the right direction here at Wllaon's Ford Sales In Huntlnlton Beach. Don't let something simple a.ad Inexpensive spoil the tiipoJ: and your family have w and plaMed for all year. And remember, every trip ln your car, whether down to the corner or across the countr)', cba11:fti ~ your driving knowledge, and judgment When you come home from two or three weeks of vacation driving you'll be glad you drove as if your life depended on It. · . WILSON FORD . SALES . ~------ ' FORfJ 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNnNGTON BEACH . .......................................... i••••i••··········· I l __ --. ·----- MEET:- ~· BR.AND .NEW l969 MUSTANG -'2288 BRAND NEW 1,69 CORTIN·A BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA 52788 $1888 BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 52488 · fut tax lo lie. Ol!LUXE SEDAN, ,, .. C.l.D. •7 H.P.· engine, fully aynchronhr;· eel 4 •PHd lr•ftllftlulon, disc llf•k-. vinyl budlel .-ts. fully ce,,,.,..,, •Ir· f loW ...,,tilt tlon hff ter a. defroster, lfl. "'1ar ._. uterler .._, .,..,.. - tlr•. padded duh e. vlton, •!ectrlc Wlndanle:d lo walhen BRAND NEW 1969 " RANCHERO ·. PICIUP 52288 ·EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL . 53988 Brand New '69 F250 Styteside & El Dorado 10112 • Mohawk Camper JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD • .. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON . BEACH . SALIS DIPr. ' ...... 10. , ••• 7 D.,t lllYICI OPIN TMs. ""' M .. I •·•· te S P'·"'· Me;,., I•·•· te t p.-. 592-5511 ' 1:oom co call 1:2: dov. 4:300 its Stai Stai rep1 GOV\ and 8:30 0 I •• . C:irt 11~00 AM nou 1:oom 1 corr Bill 2:00 Ill of t hOIE stor title at J 5:000 ( 6:00 0. rrv !PORT! H/(JH//(Jl!Tt s-~ SUNDAY, JULY 20 1:00 m Dod&ers Bueball (C) Los Angeles Dodger~ vs. San Francis· co Giants at Candlestick Park. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett call the plays. The game may be temporarily interrupted at 1 :22 PM for a special progress report on the Apollo XI'& touch· down on the moon. TUESDAY, JULY 22 4:30 O 9 Cl) M•jor League All·St•r G•me (C) Baseball celebrates its r00th anniversary as the 40tti annual Major League All· Star Baseball Game is telecast live from the Robert F. Kennedy Stadium In Washington, D.C. Curt Gowdy and Tony Kubeck report. A pre-game show is held from 4:30 to 5:00, with Curt Gowdy, Tony Kubeck and Mickey Mantle conducting Interviews and offering opinions of what to expect in the upcoming game. THURSDAY, JULY 24 8:30 O BoxJna (C) Dave Niehaus and Mickey Davies are ringside. C3rd to be annou~. _ . _ _ SATURDAY,.. JULY 26 1:00 AM B Q)@ Major League Baseball (C) Teams to be an· nounced. 1:00 m Nat~onal Drag Boat Championship (C) Many record holders compete in the major event from Long Beach Marine Stadium. Bill Welsh and Tam Kelly announce. 2:00 IJ ~ (f) American Golf Classic (C) The third and final rounds of the 10ur·day. 72·hole tournament, focusing on the finishing holes, including the 625-yard 16th, are telecast live from Fire· stone Country Club, Akron, Ohio. Jack Nicklaus defends his title in the $125,000 tourney. Finals will be telecast tomorrow at 1:30 PM. 5:00 O @ Ci) ABC's Wide Wortd of Sports (C} 6:00 O Grand Prix 5 (C) Films of the 1969 Sebring race. . - .. BOATING IS EVEN MORE FUN AND SAFE ... WHEN YOU BUILD AND USE HEATHKIT MARINE ELECTRONICS Choose Heathkit" Marine Electronics . Ml·1,1A kit Ml-11 A Heat .. it Al Sofid-Stat. Depth S-nct.r A•oitl •he •"''-•"•ttm•fllt--4e1t9er-c...1t ef '"'"'1•t •ttov"4 ... the Ml·l IA .... ,. .. , .. oh .. t 4oplht •itt. S '4 ••••••Y oo oll , .. ,;.,,, It p<oliooo 4o•a lo 200' •• u r4 llalto"'1. I 00' •• taft ''"'''' ........ , . , . o•oo •pah •<~••'• af fioh. kit MR-21 A Heathkit "Mariner" l-land Radio Direction Finder Alw•Y" tttewt Y•• "-• ••'t ~· ... th••• yew •••ctfo, wtr.ere yow ere thro""' •ccwr••• tr•••twletie• ... •IM•tf •• •>•Y u re•4Ur.t • •••· A"'4 Y•• C•• MH U f•r' efl!tettei•· "'•"'· tf1t•"'"t to AM re41e er for ffteAiforhtt ft.e 1111artne 1.ha••th . .... u Solid-State Fuel Vapor Detector Yovr t.Ht •Uwre11tce •t ei1111t ••,le1re• •-' f;ro et •••· Motor r9e4'1 ''Hfo--4e11teroH• 01pfo1i•t '', aM elerM t•w'"ll1 who" fwM01 ••• ,, ....... l wH4 eii.4 1,.,,,11 :• i" jv1t J lr.e•'•• . f REE NIW Alt Solld·ltata Teehomater ... fOf' Any •oat Can ~ connectad 10 any apar\-type •"91ne with any kind ot 19n1llon 1y11em Comu wtth 1ploh·proot CIH or w11tlou1 C•M tor p1nt l mounting. lf'a P:r" k You fer the A.kl,.. Send for Our Huee_c_._••_1ev ____ -t•-'I . '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HE .THKIT 41> ELECTRONIC CENTI" HI E@dilifi"ii* Ta rooch Hoot~•lt lloctraolc Cooler to•• H•rllar 11•4. to l oll A•a. ootl a. loll o ,._ tha1t lioloc•• ta JJO fotl l•ll ar t••• SH lo Au F.aawoy ta Hori.er 11"4~ Harll.f 11"4. h left, • few 1lilert Woe•• ,,.,,, t••'•• ,., •. SAW & PARTS HEATHKn 776-9420 310 EAST IAU:. .ANAHEIM -· SEIVICE 776-9423 OPPORTUNR'Y OF A LIFETIME be • STORE -DETECTIVE Men and women desperately needed NOW ' to help control shoplifting: *TOP PAY * LEARN AT f.tOME .. Write now for lnform•tion •t no obllg•tlon: SATURDAY JULY 19 FVENING THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, JULY 19, .1969 1:00 II 3 Ci) Hop•'• Htroa (C) (30) Hoa•n Is 1s.sl1ned the Job of local· Ina thf teeret air base ccmmanded by the flylna ace General von Rldl· ter, better known as the Blue Bir· on.@ IJ @ @ m NIC 1 SaturdlJ Mow- It: "Sarat.ca Trunk" (drama) '45 -lnarld Beraman, Gary Coot>er. 6:00 I Tiie lie News (C) (60) m 11111 Ancltnen (C) (30) @ (I) m Huntltf·lrinki., (C) fil) Crltica• (C) (60) Stanley Kauff· (!0) man n hosts. II Portet W110Mf (C) (30) Lone-9:30 1J 9 Cl) Petticoat Junction (C) 10me Rhodes auests. (30) To go to New York or not to fJ Boss CitJ (C) (60) 10 to New York, that ls tfle ques-m The hwldtn (C) (60) tion faced by Steve and Betty Jo 6:30 D llNIC News tonfmnta (C) (30) after Steve gets an offer to join a 1J Mllocty Randi (C) (60) The new firm In tfle east (R) Calendar Girls auest. IJ Mowlt: "Do11blt lndt1HltJ" 1J Ro$1f Clift (C) (30) Robert (mystery) '44 -Barbara Stanwyck, Culp guests. Fred MacMurray. 11 low Lucy (30) IJ@(I)Q) Jollnny Casll (C) (60) H«t eo .. tile Stars (C) (60) Ed Ames and The Monkees auest. Cirl Fro111 UNCLE (C) (60) 2 :; ~~Is(~~ (30) . --------------------.-7:00 R ~Cl) CIS Newt (C) (30) lO:OO &111 -(j) M'-,._, • Walter C1onklte. • ~ ~ Jl"CW 1 ,_ ,,_ _ SECURITY TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. ___ ""'~-P.:.~ ?::~tt1''(30) "t>lvot vw :.u1J~r:~ ~.A =----.i;i. -o. · &a-4321'------·.. ·· -on;·An~''ersary Gi•t (C) (30) feature une Loc~hart .,--Ho61st!!!lles....._1_.,...~- An•h.lm, C•lff, 92803 ~ AtH•mel hosts. 1nd--Bob Barller ~s Emcee. M•rtht I• e 0..ttt Y1ltey Days (C) (30) Va~IO$ of ~razil, the relanln1 A .. : '7rhe Other Side of the Mountain." Ml Universe, will present the Ira· ..... : A waaon train guide faces posslble dlt nal crown and sceptre to her AtWNa: ... execution by the waaon party When successor. Hal Frazier provides the he losu the way while attempllna enttrt1lnment Cfty: St ... :· ZJp: ,....: Dept. U5·TY CHANNEL LISTINGS lnformatJon for th .. • lop Is fumlahed by the televlalon stations. TV WEE'I< le not rH9001lble for last·mlnute chanires In procram 11111np, fJ KNXT (CBS) Los A~geles D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles IJ KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles 0 KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTIV (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles m KWHY (In~ Los Angeles m KCET Los 'Angeles fl) KMEX ~~d.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs &> KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs rn KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield ct) KERO (NBC) Ca bf e Bakersfield Cl) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield ~ KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Bakersfield 9 KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing Indicates It is a paid adver· ttsement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF In Bakersfield. SIGN ONS (TEST PATTERNS) C"8nnel 2-6:48 AM Sunday, 6:08 AM Mondey throuah Friday, 7:11 AM Seturdey. CIMtnnel 4--7:00 AM Sundey, 6:00 AM Mondey throuati Friday. 7:00 AM S.turday. a..inel 7--#rcicr-mml"f ... rta et 1:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Mondey throuah Frldey end :30 AM on Seturdey. Thia me1ulne la publlahed weekl~or tlll• newspa~r by TV WUX. • division of Cktf'ftn P'rtmbw end Co., Inc., edltorial and produc- tton oftlcnl P.O. BOii 11901 Olendele, llf. Addreas edwrtlslna lnqulrf• to the 4 1ap •Y edvertlslna aepertment of this newap11>9'. :llllrft H~ UIMftlllM llHTCDltC.-C~ Ill to auide the party over a ruged 0 Mowlt: "You ~an't H~t [YefJ· Sierra Nevada pass. tirnl" (musical) 37--Ahce Faye. m httin' ft All Tol"ft* (C) (60) m APOLLO REPORT and ~Wonders of tht Wor:d (C) (30) * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS ~venture in Tunisl1." The Link· m Ntwt (C) (30) Ken Jones. ers explore th .. interlor of the little· fl' Emut Tubb (C) (30) known North African country, (R) Et) NET P11yhouse (90) ''The Sffk· 0> Do-Rt-Ml {30) er5--The Heretics.'' (R) 7:30 fJ ~ (i) JKilt Glmon (C) Sid 0> Bo1· dt Mulco (90) Caenr, JlYron Cohen, Georat Jessel 10:30 and Timmie Rogers gutst. (R) '8 9 Ci) m Ad1111-12 (C) (30) 0 NOW-Saturday Edition! Movie: (C) "PllefKe" (comedy) * "Eyewitness News" with 8-8ob H~. J1ne Russell. Bill Bonds & Stu Nahan ~ IP?r~u~ h::• ea.. I Nnrs <.C) {30) Biii Bonda. 0 MIUlon $ Mowit: (C) ''TlM ll11tn· .lot ~~ (C) (2 hr) lft1 Hiiis" (western) '56-Tib Hunt· SW1n11n ~I (C) (60) er, Natalie Wood. • Holtywvod and tM Stan (30) mllHc!ALJ Wtthnd Part1 U:OOIJ(EAllC NIWI (C) ~lie (C) (6o) Biii Burrud take.s 11:151J Saturday NIPt Mowit: (C) "Tiie 1 frolickinf look at the thrH days lat W•&'Ofl" (adventure) '56 - of fun and sun on a giaantic pint: ' Richard Widmark, Felicia Fa". ure ocean liner. The Princess Carll 11:30 f) Ntwt (C) is 1 haven for younr slnrtes who IJ Mowlt: "Union Padfic" (W&lt· art looklnr for relaxation •nd en· em) '39-Bar1>ar1 Stanwyck. Joel ltrtalnmenl McCrea. I!) Los C111dlllos (30) 0 Mowlt: (C) "Circus of f_.. .... D @ (6) m Cet Saart (C) (30) {llorrof) '66--leo GeM. Christo-.. , Shot86 Today." The Smuts pher lee. plly a hazardous (Olf (ame II they t!) The Enlpr111 (C) trr to learn how aerospace centers 11:45 f) flbuloa 52 MOYie: "TM ffood. nur aolf courses are btlnr 11~ luta Priest" {drama) '61 -Don t11ed. (~ Mun:!l, Keir Dullea. I cm al The Ntwlywtd Gamt D m News (C} (30) " Eubanks hosts. m Movie: "M1plficent Dell" (dra · Movie: II•& Kon&" (clesslc) ma) '46 -Glnaer Roprs, David 3-8ruce Cabot. Fly Wr1y. Niven. . ~1::." F~al (60) "The Chlcaao 12:15 D m Tonlpt Show (C) fE Noa. de Estrtn0 (2 hr) 1Z:30 m Men In Crlds · 1:30 fJ a Ci)~ Tltrtt Sons (C) (30) 1:00 m All-NIPt Shor. "Wilk In tht D tD (I) m"" Ghost Ind Mrs. Sun," "Valley of the Zomblts." end Mllfr (C) (30) "Captain Greu's "Sword of Damucus." Whlz·B1n1.'' Captain Greca makes a few aplcy chanps In Mrs. Muir's manuacrlpt wftflout her knowtldp, brlnatna htt surprtsJna success. (R) fJ Ci1J Cl) &) Tiie l.nnnc:e Wtfk .. (C) (60) m luct Owns (C) (30) 1:15 fJ MIYM: "Pit alNI MIU" (COM· edy) '52..l...Spencer Tracy, ~arin. Hepburn. 0 Advtntum of tile SealprlJ (C) 1:45 D Mowit: "Th• M11111111J'• Cwlt" (horror) '4!>--lon Chaney. Eyewitness News now comes to you on Saturday. Continuing ca1erage of important happen-· • ings by reporters who are there. The same news team that brings you Eyewitness News weekdays at 4:30 and 11:00. Anchorman Bill Bonds, now also in charge of the Saturday scene. With Stu Nahan touching all bases on the weeks biggest day in sports. Saturday Eyewitness New;. A vital extension of the fastest news in the v-1est. NaN in prime time. KABC-TV -. l .. -------.. --·-·--·----·-·-- -------------~ ........ ....,.. ................ N~ -.-!-FO Tll AR A pro place I Hmonl other d· '°"of • The onl lnterett to pay I eA e F e Ir w e L •• tu eA 8921 ~ CURTIS 1 c m MATHES . BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER NOW. e e e =EOR -TitE-·FIRST-. ......-----..f'll TIME IN THE AREA! A pt'oduct so wperlor tfMt we wfll place It In your home lot' a ,,.. het'M demonstration, We also Invite 1ny other dealer to a aide by aide comparl. :ton of color, end aovnd reproduction. The only obligation on your part la an Interest in color T.V. ind the ability to pay if you should decide to buy. GENUINE OAK • Automatic 0.,.uulng • Full size console • Instant automatic, no annoying warm-vp delay e Lighted Dial • I yrs. adlustment warranty on pie· ture tube $12 addltional e Also avaHaltle In Danf1h Modern. WORLD'S LARGEST . COLOR PICTURE Compare at $550 HART TV 1921 ADAt.15 HUNTINGTON BE!ACH 962-3384 (Next to Albertson's) ,... 7 ... SUNDAY I flllutt Coraion B On C.•!MI• (C) Whip tt Adwature (C) Movie: "Wild Youtll" (dr11m1) 10:30 Su"9Nr Lurnlna (C) '60-Robert Hutton, Carol Ohmart. THE DAILY Pll.OT, TV WEtx. JULY 19, 1969 0 Sttwe Allen Show (C) (90) Scoey Pimchlll, Gerri Granaer. Profesaor lrwln Corey, Alllta Louise auut. m Frontitn of fllUt (C) "Is fJ Mltlloa $ Movie: (C) "Ap:tt JULY 20 tht BOok Still Goodr' Third pro-lovt" (musical) '57 -Pat Boone, aram in • four-part aeries th1t IX· Shirley Jones. r,, O H N I N I; amlnu the relevance of the Blblt m HolldlY (C) in today's world. &) Alwletn Pnbtt1111 (C) All stations reserve the right to change procram· mine without advance no- tice. I (i1) m 'ED Kini Koar (C) 3:00 1J Rtptrtolre WorbMp (C) faltllror TodaJ (C) 0 Movie: (C) "The MtnJ Widow" 11:00 Protect Heed Start (C) (rom1nce) '52-lana Turner, Fer- Tilll Is tM Ult (C) nando Lamas. Ho...,.,,.,., GM!dt (C) O Movie: ''Sotltfl of Paao P'qt" (i1) (]) &) Buttwlnklt (C) (adventure) '•O-Victor Mcll&Jtn. Al'OUO XI Dllt tlD Ille ~ planned COW• tr1P of tile fllafit all Pf'Oll'llll• •IAt Is ltnbtM. All ~ and i.tal ltltioll ICTTV pl111 a hi II 31·11oltf eowtntt of tM tvtnts awroulldltla aa11'• first at.Pt on t9't lllOOll. (Sdltdultd Apollo cow- ..,. bePts it 1:00 AM and ms imtil 3!00 PM to•91TOWJ m FOLLOW APOLLO with JI t:::!.I:~<~t•rmer. * JACK LATHAM on KTTV . MdWtwtr l tht Colonel Cllurdl hi tht Ho•t (C) 3:301J lns:dtf/Outakltr (C) I Apollo ll Report (C) • !ape (C) Compass (C) D MOW'lt: "lladl c.tft" (hormr) 11:30 Ttfl It Ullt It Wu (Cl '53-Boris Karloff, Richard Greene. Millstones of Man (C) I Darln1 V111t11m (C) @ (]) &) Dbcowt17 (C) "Back· • Tiit Rat Patrol (C). yard Odyuey." Conclusfon of study , Lldin o., (C) on insectJ.. 5 m -___ , -~;,;;,.w. ·-'1111 Sofirlirs of 3:4 Dodam Wtllp-up (C) -, .. , -4.ild.Jlll:ll~.rt----"' "'"===---======-===='4-~~~ V-•'"~rama)~t ~ .. "'"""""' , .. , q-n. Clltil1DpMra ---Del Rio, Marla Fellx. 5:lO n.. .,... .....,..._ m Acctftt "' Ac9Dft <CJ 5 Clft Us TMs Day (C) 7 T • ud MrYy (C) Stlnday Funnies (C) AflfRNOO~ 7:301 Aquam1n (C) 12 00 a ··· flow C ............. "· Moraon Tabtt'n1dt Cllolf (C) : · _., If' •-•uvn -•PlllJ • Reed lipt (C) · DntJ and ColltUI (C) Mom: (C) "Th• Kid From 7:45 d) T1la C•uistophtrs (C) txas" (western) 'SO-Audie Mur· 1.-00 B 9 Cf) Ll•p UntD My Fttt <CJ lh , Gale storm. • m flM CtutstDp""1 (C) EIMfttftllY Stx It CATHEDRAL of TOMOR-~'!~~!:,~If• (C> * ROW-IN COLORI with . ::::s F::!°Aj~1J2 (C) Rex Humbard, Maude ........ Aimee & musical staff! g~~ ~S)' r~C:':. <~~ <C> IC.tMdral of Tomon'ow (C) • Ciilracte.Q In tM Alts (C) °" ... Dllc:onry (C) ,.... Alttry Wondtr1•1 (C) lb W.-J111 libft (C) Al* a.ival Hour (C) ffi stories of Suec:eu (C) {}) DIVtf and 8ollltt. (C) • 0-IM:lt for AdYteturt (C) 00 Ctd Is tM Alm!.-(C) • lnsliflt (~ 1:301 l.ool Up tnd UYt (C) 12:40 m Doditrt Wtrnt-up (C) • U.S.. Nny Film (C) 1:00 I Pittutt for a Sunder Attemoo11 Rtbtts Wltll 1 C1U1t (C) • m MMt thf ,,_. (C) • Movie: '"Fury at Furn~ Creet" iilOvit· ''towtr Girt" (musical· (western) ·•s.-Vlctor M1ture. Co-comedy) ;«-Rite Hayworth, Gene lffn Gray. Kelly. I llatlwy11 Kulll•an (C) 0 ()7) m Directions (C) lttvlwal Fir• (C) 0 fb1r1li Q111 Apollo ll Coven.. (C) tla uux <C> m SEE THE DODGER-GIANT Tiie W..r (C) *GAME & MOON LANDING t:OO C..m Tint (C) LIVE on KTTV 11 My Fevorltt Strmon (C) m Dodim Buetlall (C) LA. Day .el DltcMry (C) Dodaers vs. S.F. Giants. Qalltll-.:• d) Revival Fir• (C) '""t A. ~ (C) a> ''"'"' for Llvlna (C) ~ lla""1ft KJ,lll•an (C) 1 :20 m Apollo ll Report (C) ~. Clta 1:301 Youtll and dN P'ollct JC) • Ced and Man In tht 20HI Ctn· Ci7J (}) m llSUll ID AlllWtf'I twJ ~ of Calvary (C) &) A(riadtural Report (C) • U.S. NnJ fll11 t:lOI Male, Mlllk. Musk (C) 2:00 8 St.tloa to Station (C) • Ecioeo•la fw All Aatl (C) • ,... .. Conf1re11t.t (C) A rellrious ~ "MapHlant rrud" roundtable is presented, with Bishop Ima) '39--lloyd Nolen. Gerald Kennedy of the United ~Cl) 5) Dlldlty 0..Rl&llt (C) Methodist Church, Father John Ur· On.I Teberb (C) ban of the L.A. Archdiocese, and .... I Mint Rllldltt't Rtbbl Alfred Gotbchalk of the H• 1'11 la ti. Life (C) brew COiiete. lO:OO~tdlJ'a htl'*' (C) I Roll• Der1tJ (C) E,.. USA <C> m sad., Matin• (I) G) LillH (C) • Dutto dt Puiones • : (C) "Wortd Wlt'-t • felblra (C) (acl-11) '56-Hufh Mar1owe. I.Mita Day (C) m Onl Robtt'b (C) Z:lO 1J Collvtnatiell Wltll 1 ~ ~ Cl) Aptllo XJ Cowtfqe (C) tml (C) ...... ' m UV£ F'ROM THE MOON * AFTER DODGER GAME SEE IT ON KTTV 11 I Apollo XI Rtport (C) Tilutrt I V•t.an1 Sobrt los Hljos En.sifn O'Toolt A .. rican Pttblfflt (C) 4:30 I NIWM!Htl'I (C) • News (C) 111 Att.ad : Mist.110111t' Ntidlbet'*d (R) Muica J P'at1bru • Future • Scope (C) 4:55 D WoAdtt'ful Wtfld of -Sport (C) 5:00 I "..., (C) Clete Roberts. iD Conotstlonal Report (C) Dr. lut.-t Advtfttur• (C) Morie: (C) ''Holldlnr (drama) '52-Tony Curtis, Janet Lel&h. • ~lppy (C) Merv Criffln (C) Tiit New Sound (C) m s.w.11 Alts Thtatre co.,,.1 of Cllrllt : Wllat's Nswt (R) · Tom Ru11 for Your Uft (C) 5:)0 Qj (j) Auteur Hour (C) Speak Up (C) Bill Leyden. Polu hradt (C) • Cld1tt (C) Third Min : $f>tctnl• (C) (R) • Tht D1•otaa EVfNING &:oo e a Cl) 111. 21st Century <C> (30) I If• AQdemlc (C) (30) Stent :t-ent (60) I IJlc!A I Lt1 Yeps, Diet 111d Dollt (C) (60) A penetr1tinr study of the fun oasla that is built on the tum of a wheel, a toss of the diet ind the flip of a carcl. (R) fi) Wllll•• Ttll (30) et) Youni Muakal Arttstl (30) Pm· ar1m is devoted to a perf onnence of Sonata In f MaJor, Op. 6 by Richard Str1uss. &) M111 Fro• UltCl£ (C) (60) 1:30 I R1lpll StllfJ (C) (30) t1J (I) ml Fr.U McStt (C) ( ) I lntlpt (C) (30) Mtrqutt 22 (60) Tiie ftt11dll Qtf (30) Julie Child prepares "bourride" end "aloll." t8 (j) ~lppy (C) (30) 7:00 tJ 9 (j) LlssAt (C) (30) Whtn teenaaer runs aW1y from home to live outdoors. the and lassie are trapped in a cave. (R) 0 9 ~ m Huck Fl11n (C) (30) ''All Whirlpools Lead to Atlantia." Huck. Tom and Becky are cauaht In a whirlpool and drawn downward to Atlantia.~) 0 (}j) (1) G) Lind of ttie Gian ~ {6o) "Manhunt." An esuped convict runs off with lhe Earthlin(a, i e craft and its occupants. (R) • What's M{ Unt7 (C) (30) I IJlcllL Salld (C) (60) A mu• siul fl)ecial starring Sajld Khan of lndi1.-r~~~~&.-mt- 1nd .-rpers Bizarre. • t»f...,.,..ti.-lmet (C) (30) ''The Andes Countries-Their Land and People." (R) • et) Speailatlon (60) "Synanon." A look into the present status of the controversial Synanon in Senta Monica. @I) P'ri.,.. (C) (30) 7:30 1J 9 (j) Ct11Ut Btn (C) (30) Tom.Mark, and Ben meet a family of hostile Indians. (R) e @oomwatt DbMy <C> {60) "Boomeranr. Doa of Many Talents." Conclus!on. An easy-IQlnr vaaabond (Darren McGavln) Inter· rupts his favorite economic pastime -se:lina and re·sellina his d111er doe that runs away from each new owner-to help 1 turkey rancher (Patricia CroWley) and her son (Darby Hinton). (R) fJ Millloll $ Movie: (C) "Kini of kllybtr Rtfltr" (adventure) '54 - Tyrone Power, Michael Rennie . d) Cllalltn&fn1 Ste (C) (30) "Man's Great Frontier-The Sea." (R) m 111 Pid»r• (30) @!) Loi C.Udlllos (30) 1:00 IJ Cit m Ed Sullivan (C) (60) Arthur Godfrey, Caterina Valente, The Youne Americans. Rodney Dan- eer11eld, rlOfe & EJdfidfe, The Rios Brothers, and the rock aroup Blood, Sweat & Tears auest (R) IJ ROLLER GAMES-LIVE! * (C) T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT IJ Roll11 Camtt (C) (2 hr) T-Blrds vs. Devils. fJ @ (]) Ei) Tiit FBI (C) (60) "The Hero." Erskine searches for a murderer posinr as a war hem. (fil m Mftit: .. IGna lton(' (clusic} '33-Bruce Cabot. Fay Wrey. d) Wandtrlldt (C) (30) "Sparklin1 Scandinavia." (R) I Tiit flstter Family (30) Sounds of SUIHltf (C) (2 hr) CarrouHI MulcallO (6o) 1:30 B 9 00 m Tht Mottim-in·Ln (~ {30) ''The Matador Makes a Movie." Matador del Gedo (Otsl Amu) lives the Hubbards and the Buells rolu In his movie. (R) aJ Tiit Spotts Stt (C) (30) fl) Tiit World TOllMlrl'eW (30) 9:00 f) Qt Cl) H•Haw (C) (60) Merit H1uard, Bonnie Owens. Eddy Fu· kano ruest "~ plans lndlll her Ir ,,~ ma) ' M1h11 er. F1 etetf· no or i~ 9:301: m)c. All nen unprecede1 tinuous S( gramming critical me the extem the Apollo Based OD on Wednet tinuous T\ from Sund mately 8 J 21 (appro. Newsme are Walter Schirra (C and Jules i Chet Hun and FraJj They will special rep out stories ABC Ne world-wide the journ• splashdow1 CBS. as coverage, by Chuck "Space M l sponsible fttms shoY that recap1 tory in fou Man" is a space prog The fligJ calls for t\ nauts to S( moon. Th gramming just prior t neuver tha of the m II ~.Ci) If-' l•11ta (C) (60) l~ 8 9 Cl) Mlllie11: l11t1 rNiWt (C) Done." Five youn1 Will Street D CltW'al tf THMnW (C) .-'Uin.' lross 1nnounc11 murltae {60) The IMF muat tt>1fn1 1 rob· money·mtn dlxuu the cumnt D WlllUtl f. lldlef ·(C) Or. Alltft plln1 with 1 white 1lr1 raised by btry auapect from prison ind dupe m1rtlet. ~ of Catttdl ind Dr. ODlln lndllna, ind 1 nel1hbor thrutens him Into ltadlnr polict to the hid · ti> lf'lll T..tre (60) Cllftl of Cambridp Unlwtllt.J di• her life. Miry_ Fickett ruats. (R) Ins place of the 10-milllon·dolllr cuss ''TM PopulattDft Exploe6on." 0 cm CD QJ. AIC ~ Mewll: robbery before the statute of llm· arouo ll IWIW Mu..., (C) (~ 11flil H ...... l•t' (comtd,J·drl· ltallona expires. (R) (J)Cit Ci) ""'9 (C) ma> '67 -Anthony Quinn. Georre D m llJ Fr1ud r.., (C) (60) .._., llm -.. .. 111t .... n 11:15 11iwi« <t> "Jiit ttr Ttlt" (ro- Maharia. Mlchatl ParU. Mutha tty. "let GIO(ft Do It." Woodruff and .._,~~ ~1:17 ..... ~:..!, Mt-maRC11) '52 -Bina Croaby, .lint er. F1ye Dunaw1y. A weelttly 1'1Ck· Novello find their own lives Im· ..,. ._ -•-"' n, wll I]"· etetr·hotel owner is kldnaptd, and periled wtlllt lllVtltlptin1 1 r• cew Ille wt . Ci) "T.J: no one wants to pay his r1nt0m. puled accident report (R) 11:30 llilr DR i ! m .... <C> <30> • 10-.10 a w..w r...,,..., .<c> <30> lAlllutl ' a.u., <C> Ht..a.M/ ..... (C) • Lit Me Td t. ... (C) (60) Tiii ~ (C) f'ltlr C•• (30) 1yor Joseph Alioto (Sin Frends· m MAN WALKS THE MOON 11:45 ....,.: ....., ..._,.(mystery) 0-1111"1 H•Hi (30) ~· * GEORGE PUTNAM with -' d1 Lupino, Comet Wilek. 9:301 " .. (C) (30) m ua. lttpert. (C) (30) LIVE COVERAGE of this u (j) llll(drt (C) MJ lhtlllr, ~ Car <C> {30) EB Mallie• r..... historic event on KTTV 12:00 l'I Mlle s.w. Mr. l Mn. Nol'UI (30) @ (j) ftltln I A,elt II ~ (C) (2 hr) 12:30 ID Mu la Clilla &I Co••ntarlos , ~r1dadta m Dmd SllalJM (C) (2 hr) lltlt~ ...... (C) (30) 1:00 II Tiit utll Lite Slllw PQ) • ''Wall. Street Wlurds Tell How It's 11:00 I) U aJ ..... (C) Ntwa (C) . All networks will present an 1precedented 30 hours of con- auous special television, pro- amming the dangerous and itical moon landing as part of e extensive color coverage of e Apollo XI eight-day mission. ised on a successful launch 1 Wednesday, July 16, the con- mous TV coverage will extend 'm Sunday, July 20 (approxi- 1tely 8 AM) to Monday, July (approximately 3 PM). Newsmen covering the event e Walter Cronkite and Walter hirra (CBS); Frank Reynolds d Jules Bergman (ABC); and iet Huntley, David Brinkley d Frank McGee (NBC). aey will be assisted by many ecial reporters who will ferret t stories of public interest. ABC News will administer the >rid-wide television pool for ~ journey, from lift-off to lashdown and recovery. CBS, as part of the 30-hour verage, will present a film Chuck Braverman entitled pace Man." Braverman is re- onsible for those marvelous ns shown on 1V last year at recapitulate America's hi~ -:y in four minutes. His "S~ace an" is a history of Amenca's ace program. The flight plan for Apollo XI Us for two of the three astro~ uts to spend 22 hours on the >00. The 30 hours of pro- unming begins early Sunday, it prior to the undocking ma- uver that precedes the descent the moonship from lunar orbit to the moon's sudace, The lunar module that will land the astronauts on the moon is scheduled to carry a black- a nd-white TV camera in its low- er stage, and earth-bound view- ers will see the first astronaut take his historic moon walk. ·Italy. He is married and bas three chlldrcp, aged. 2z__ 7, and 5. He holds a Bachelor of Sciell~ · aeg~ from the U.S. MilltilfY cademy, and .has flown more than 4,000 hours, with thrce-quark(S of that· time Jogged · in jets. On Sunday, July 20, . after the mission has reached and established a lunar orbit 69 nautical miles above the surface of the moon, the lunar module carrying astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin wiU descend to one of the landing sites selected by NASA, and climax the Apollo series by land- ing the LM on the surface four daya after lift-off. In April of this year, NASA designated Neil Arpistrong to be the first human being to set foot on the moon. Approximately tO ·boun' after the landing, he will climb down the ladf;ler aod step out onto the surface. The fint thin& Arm· strong will do is fill a bag with iDOOIHOil in--cue the outside activity must ~ curtailed, and band In addition to the black-and- white camera on board the LM, a color TV camera may be car- ried on board the command module during the eight-day flight, and the astronauts may beam back live color TV pic- tures from the spacecraft. Reg- ular programming will be inter- rupted with special transmis- sions that merit coverage. The Apollo XI crew consists NM: News S,.. Cater, New Yortt, wt.en al 1~ .. .,_ att.\. llt4. of civilian Neil A. Armstrong, command pilot; Air Force Colonel Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot; and Air Force Lt Colonel Michael Collins. Armstrong is a 38-year-old native of Wapako- neta, Ohio. He is married and has two children, aged 11 and 6. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue-and attended the graduate school at USC. He has flown more than 4,000 hours, with half of that time logged in jets. Aldrin is 39 years old and was born in Mont- clair, New Jersey. He is married and bas three children, aged 13, 12 and 11. He received his Doctorate in Astronautics hom MIT and a Bache- lor of Science horn the U .S. Mil,Uary Academy, where he graduated third in a dUs -of 475. He has logged 3,500 boun, with better than two- tbirds of that time in jets. His nickname is "Buzz." Collins is 38 years old and was born in Rome. the bag back to Aldrin in the LM. Once thia is accomplished Aldrin will join Armstrone out- side the moon ship, and together they will spend two hours and 40 minutes carrying out scientific experiments on the surface. At the conclusion of their 22-hour stay on the moon, the astronauts will fire up the engine of the upper stage of the two.stage lunar module and blast off for rendezvous and docking with the command module flying in lunar orbit. After the docking is completed, the two astronauts will transfer to the command ship for the return trip to earth and splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, where the carrier Hornet will be waiting. Following the splashdown, teJeviaiO(l coverage will continue with special programming'1md prog- ress reports during the debriefing and quarar;tine period of nearly three wceb following the suc- cessful ftigbt of Apollo XI. -· ,· WANTED BOYS and GIRLS AGES 3 to '9 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMMatCIALS •nd Movie Presentation NM94 Hellyw"4 r-.... ~ .. ...., ... ,...,.,, .... ,.. ... ........ ~··-lty ... Cell .... A.ctt-. .... -----. -"""""'~ .. - FOR FREE ON CAMERA AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JIMMY LLOYD Ferno111 Actor, ,rocl11ur, 01r•c· tor off•rlftt opportvftity to klJa eftcl yo11ft9 edults to be repre- Hntecl I" the TV I FILM IN· DUSTllY. LLOYD HAS DIS- COVERED ALMOST 500 KIDS WHO HAVE A,,EAREO IN MOVIES I T.V. MANY OF OUR LUCKY KIDS EARN OVElt $100.00 ,ER DAY. ,.R. CO. MAKES ,ROFESSIONAL CON- T ACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY· WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTIONS I !6 I North Vlne Street HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. II ..... 10 10:30 §I Cl) Diet Y•• .,,.. 2:20 . Cil m ... ,,,..... Sq•• m LINK-UP 1N SPACE ( ) ost Peter Marshall welcomes * LIVE on KTTV 11 panelists Wally Cox, Nanette Fabray, (M d ) Jan Murray, Gall Asher, Paul Lynde, on ay Jack Albertson, Charley Weaver, 2:30 ti 9 Cl) The Ede• of fll&M (C) · Michael Landon and Rose Marie. D 9 @ m Tiie Mltdt s ... (C) M 0 r~ N I N C. APOllO ll . For m listing TIME for ye the di tions change ·out 'Be! -o. -ht to Apollo XI flfpt, PfOCR•· ........ Is 1111Y ttltatM. All day Monday (to 3:00 PM) wll bl ~ te 1P1C1 cewtr1C9 a tlJ IPK• men aat ·and rtst llllidt tlat LM, ttNn rttura to tlM c:.••llld niodule. RecovtrJ Is ICMdllltd fer Tllurtday, Jiiiy 24, .t. 9:52 AM. OJ ROJ Ro11rs • Host Gent Rayburn welcomes 10!45 guests Brenda Vacarro and Burt t:OO D c m MOON Bl.AST-OFF ~~ It te i.IVtf ~,.,. * LIVE on KTTV 11 §@ (I) ED DaUnc I••• (C) ~: (Monday) 3:00 f) TM Unkltttar SMw ~ · ,-,..., 1~:00 Cl) 1..wt of Lift (C) _a '-.,.D.Q.. .(Q.Jlenn~ bolt&. -~ -@1D'·•·..., ~~ -~ ---e ~ .._....':-_., l••utcr. ~---• Sallopiac sourmll (C) IJ (jj)(l)(!)l .. •aJ ~-~-~ · Alen ~JO R S.mMt' Sdlool (C) ' De6bit Dr.U O.nwc:ln (C) r.ti riiwir. -see Daytime Movl•. 9:30 m • • _f.daaUea Eidt•.. (C>--,..,.. -"'• (C) .., ' -Va Tiit A1Hriet11 Stace • Ro•per Roo• (C) OJ Zoora•a (C) Mon., Fri.; Ftlbl 12:00 U • Eduatioul fllm ' 11 :25 ti Qt Ci) CIS ,. ... (C) • U.. Cat (C) Tues.-Thurs. (rom. Fred 7:00 I CIS NIWI (C) Joseph BentL • m EJt a... (C) a Cl) Afternoon Show 12:30 ID .. · @ Cl) m Tiie TodlJ Dow (C) . nnr Crant at Univenal (C) m MatlMI: Don Wilson. '51- uah Downs hosts. Tiii Aa11'"'1ary Ca11e (C) 3·30 IJ Lacty Pair (C) edy) I Eurclse Wlttl lloria (C) • r .. ,. (C) • _ M'" ........... (C) ":00 ,m_· Mr. W~11t (C) Wor1d AdwtM11re (C) ftllon., Fri.; ,... ,., .,. ..,.s ' •fl. C.•MditJ/Stld Repert Travel (C) Tues., Thurs.; leau U One Step Beyond 7:30 fJ TM Ed ..... S* (C) Ja•• (C) Wed. fJ (jj) @ (!)ht Ute To Llwe (C) 3:00 ~_: ID TM F1illtltoMs (C) 11:45 IJ Cerrls Cuy (C) We'd. m MJ ft¥Orite Martian leano 1:00 ~flt Cl) Captain Ka1prt0 • (C) 11:50 B ,....... In Stwin1 (C) m Hobo """ (C) 4:00 -( With BobKeesh1n. 4:00 tJ s. H111t: Movie: See Daytime C:m, g Abbott & Costello C.rtoolls .(C) Movies on Monday Mayo IS= = ~ (C) D Apollt ll StNdal (C) Wed. 1:15@ CJ) Y-ldeo otiest (C) 12:00 8 ;;~·~~ou're httlft& Mt U Clrl Talk (C) • 1:25 II Co••uaitJ Bulletin Board (C) On (C) Bill Leyden he>sts. Vivian 0 @ (}) ED Dart Shadewl (C) Thurs. Vance, Nipsey Russell and Shari ID Tiii Flintstones (C) l:JOI Public Strwla Fll• (C) Thu11. Lewis auest. 4:30 IJ lllovlt! See Daytime Movies. • Aatronaut Cartoo111 (C) 8 Movie: See _Daytime Movies. D 9 Cl) m .. .,., t..,.. u. lvp tunny (C) <ill (}) ltwitcMd $Ur -C-ama (C) Tuesday only. Curt &t1111by (C) ID FOLLOW APOLLO with Gowdy, Tony Kubek. Mickey Man- (l) RocllY and His friends (C) * JACK LATHAM on KTTV tie, Jim Simpson, Sandy Koufax and 1:55 U Co111111unitJ Bulletin Bo1rd (C) (luesdiy) Charlie Jones are announcers for 9:00 I TIM Lucy SMw (C) m m """ (C) the 40th a•m• from Robert F. . . 9 Ci) m It Ta .. s Two (C) 9 (j) The Llnklttt.r Show (C) Kennedy Stldium In Wash., D.C. V n ScullY hoab. Cart Betz. Rich· 12:15 ID Stretdl and Sew (C) Wed. U Df¥orce Court (C) ard Lona. Dick Gautier and thtlr 12:30 fl~~ As u.. World Timu (C) O """ (C) Bill Bonds. wtBves ..:::!~· See Daytime Movies. 1· =c'fo:.!Tf ~y ~:r llnl ID FOLLOW APOLLO with 6 Movie: Set Daytime Movie&. @ (I) TMt Ck1 (C) * George Putnam on KTTV m FOLLOW APOLLO LIVE Mov!t: see Daytime Movies. (Mond•Y) * FROM USS HORNET Diahnt fer Ooflan (t) m Ntwa (C) Georre Putnam. Office of the Pmlcltnt OJ Ion's Bl& Top Sbow (C) Splash-down & Recovery 1:00 tJ a (i) lM It a M•111 ,,..... Ci1) (I) Mike Dollalas (C) with LATHAM on KTTV clor.d nTncJC) ~Ci) SllM-• Pim Partr (C) (Thursday) I @ (!) m Tiit Doctors (C) 'O ., @CJ) Jaa La LM!nt (C) Ci1) ~ Dr1 .. 1 House (C) ED Btwltdlecl Uiid«doi (C) . Ttdlntcal Cem• 5:00 D DIC Ntwsenkt (C) Cl) Andy Criffltll; Alln Cutdltr 1:30 II fa (I) TIMI luldill& ll&llt (C) U Newt (C) Tom Reddin. (C) Fri. Q @Ci) m Anotlw World (C) 0 The Croowy Show (C) 9:30 I ! Cl) ltvtrfJ Hillblllla (C) D fatlttr ·Knows lest m The Adda .. Fa111ily • @m Con~n (C) fJ @ Cl) ED Let's M1k1 • Deal ~(])Jimmy Tho•uon Sltow (C) C~~ ~) Daytime Movies. OJ Joan Rivers Show (C) 9 Ci) Tiit Locy Sltow (C) (I) HIJdtn's Happenln1 (C) fl> C.mlltOCflty/Stocl R.,ort m Gltllpn's llland (C) 10:00 R Andr Grlffltll 2:00 ti ~ Ci) Secrat Storm (C) (!E Tbt Clrt (C) , 9 Cl) @r3 Penon1l1ty (C) Host 0 ~ @ m You Don't Say (C) 5·30 fJ Ci1) @ GD ABC News (C) Lar,y Blyden welcomes p1ntlist1 H~ Tom Kennedy welcomes &llW • r.t1 Twlll""t lo Morey Amsterdam, Pat Carroll and Don Grady and Tin1 Cole. .., 5" ne Georre Jessel who discuss the In-II Love Th•t Bob· Coolin' Anlund ID ,., Cards (C) Art J•mes. ner penonalities of Georae Bums, tit Wor:d (C) Wednesday only. OJ Cilllcan's Island (C) • Peter Lawford, Rose . Marie. Bob fJ @ Cil al Ntwfywtd 8ame (C) @ Ci) Tllis o., 1969 (C) Gibson, end Peart Barley. m M I S D yti M · ..,... (j) N-e (C) &) Public Se.--ice films (C) ov t: et a me OVltS. llill •w-1 @ Ci) Sunny TodlJ (C) fl) The Pltrrt Sltow m Town Talk (C) &:GOUT Dunp CJ@ us Ja"" Cllff strom e~ More. Bl 1D1 OJI @ G mw visit I a vlsi noke O)Jc (!EK f:30QKI .,-OJYt ii 7:00 ua Waite• ow Brune cu est Co!NY ~~ ~~ Purdo MONDAY • JULY 21 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies .. All sta- tions reserve the right to change pcogramming with- ·out advance notice. DAYTl~E MOVIES fil) f.lstlm Wlldo• Ind Modem IJfe (30) "Me"-Yana Buddhism." Alan Watts covers the strain of Buddhism that mlarated from In· dia to China to become the matrix of Zen. He Illustrates with objects of art. 9 ()) f1•llr Affair (C) (30) g;, Ceur's World (C) (30) m Dm• House (C) (30) 7:30 ft QI Ci),...... (C) (60) 'Time Of the Jackals." Marshal Dillon's pursuit of an Helped pris- oner {Leslie Nielsen) lttds to en· counters with a wounded woman (Beverly Garland), the woman.'s Jilted husband (Edmund Ha.shim) -and a bounty hunter (Jonathan • t::OO U (C) "!........., liNde" (dr• Lippe), all of whom want to see ITQ) '45-aetty Hutton, Arturo de the fuaitlvt e1pturtd. {R) ... 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS Moy be used on envelopes os retum. oddreS! labels. Also very hondy es identification lobels for merking personal. items such os bo'Oks, records, photOs, etc. Labels stick o~ gloss ond "~ Cordova. 0 m I DrM• of Jnnnle (C) {30) 0 "Tltt Model and ttlt Mam1p "Invisible House for Slit." Jeannie may be usecJ for~. IT\Orking home conned food lroktr" (comedy) '52 -Jeanne misunderstands Tony's order not to ::=-~ScottSi~~.:. (drama) '62-...:Jahtd:JbJill mnkslt:l!lt;ip:lnvk..i.IJsible:lbl .. W(Rba) ~.L.Jn....--_ _,., ____ *lt-fablth~e!in~ffi stytlsfr - --~ander Gavric;, M11il Ta.si.nkL -II llct le(!; (30)" --"' 9:30 m "Train of Events" (drama) '52 <">~~ ~-~ :v:-y ~ Kif f.~ Vogue type on fine qu~fity white .gummed -Valerie Hobson, John Clements. --'""" 12:00 e ''TM Prlncm Com• Acma" ~!:'ts ari~ M:;,S:e:!~~br:•: paper and pecked in reusable mogic (romance) '3~ -Carole Lombard, the deaths of spies. (R) Fred MacMurray. fJ Million $ Morit: "TM lad seal top contoiner. L2:30 m "Hi&WJ D1nPf9a" (mystery) Seed" (drama) '56-Hancy Kelty, '51-0ane Clark. "!putltl~ {com· Patty McCormack. edy) 60-Misch1 Auer. I Trvtll or Consequences (C) {30) 2:00 ID "Htldln' for Huvtn" {comedy) Perry MllOn {60) '4'1-stuart Erwin, Glenda Farrell. lnnontlons {30) "for Faster 3:00 fJ "Tile of five Wo1Mn" {drima) Sallln1:"' An examination of com: 'S2~1na lollobrl1lda, Bonar Col-puter-deslrned hulls for the sail· leano. t inr industry end their perl«m1nce 4:00 IJ (C) "The Kid frotn Brooklyn" :=~ess over traditional deslrn (comedy) '46-Danny Kaye, Viralnla fl) Dutlo dt Pasion• (30) Mayo. fVENING 8:00 II m SNEAK NEYIEW Pioneer Spirit (C) {30) Three younr cou· pies abdlclte the security of sub· urbia for the wide open spaces of Alasll.. Stars 1re Rich Little, Mar r--- 1 ............. ,.., en, ..... 11 wlffi tt.00 .. , .. ... ~ .... °"'·· ,.. 1171'. . CJ I .... ,.,. ... .._ c.hf. n .. ,. _J\. --------------, I I 6:00 1J nt l ie Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. II m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) e Stlwe Allen Sllow (C) (90) Al Jarreau. Jackie Vernon. Jerry Shane, Cliff Horton and Ann-Marie Benn· strom l\lesl O Six O'Cledl Movie: ''Man In die Moon" (aci-11) '61 -Kenneth More, Shirley Anne Field. fJ I Sn (C) (60) m I loft Lucy (60) m lat.an (C) (30) @ CI> Merv Qrtftln (C) (90) fD W111r1 NWl (30) Films of 1 visit to the Florida Everglades, and • visit to the first colony at Ro•· noke Island. ii) Jwtntud Dtvlno Tesoro (30) Q} Ntws (C) (60) Jack Hickey. &:30 0 KNIC N.....vlct (C) (60) m v.,.,. .. t11t ••• .. -. Sn~ (60) HianU.,-lrtnkJey (C) (30) I win Clrdt HMdllnes (C) (30) Cll m """ <C> c3o> ~ 34 (C) (60) 1:00 1J CBS Evtnlnc News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. B WMfs MJ lint? (30) Wally Bruner and Arlene Francis weloome 1Uest panelists Soupy Sales. Bert Conv, and Phyllis Newman, m Pmword (C) {30) Arlene Fran· Cli end Larry Blyden 1Uut. 19 CI) Mondey Movie (C) (2 hr) "'file Cossacks," sterrin1 Edmund Purdom and John Drew Barrymore. I cla Rodd, Roy Clart, Donna Jean I Youna. Cral1 Hueblnr and Francine --············································-········· York. e Zant Qrey (30) m Haul (C) {30) I ···--················---------------------····--·····-- fil) Wol1d Prm (C) (60) fl) Hit P1redt (C) {60) 1' I I ··············-·······························-···~····· .......... , .. ,ZJ, c... I I I I I I 8:30 IJ Qt (j) Htrt'I luq <C) (30) Lucy dresses like 1 little old lady when she Is selected to bt the dat.e of the bank's 90-year-old president {Dennis Day). (R) B fD 00 m NBC MondaJ Mevit: (e) Uf aras llllbl" {adventure) '63 -Yul Brynner, Tony Curtis. Chris- tine Kaufmann. The classic story of the 16th century Cossack lead and his two sons, one of whom falls in love with a Polish cirl. (R) (The movie will be interrupted for , __ _ PILOT PRINTIN G ----' L ____________ .... _ -~ -7/IHBONUS Apollo coveraae. but It will air in1----W11'H EACtt-OltDU Ofl-tAIW-Wl--lts entirety.) U '-kltn VOJ11• <C> (30) "Land WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF of Bolivar." U MJ CI> Ql nt ,.... of wm 'ACICA6E MAILIN6 LAIEl..S. Sonnett (C) (30) "The Min Who Killed J1mes Sonnett." Wiii and ·Jeff come across a poster advertls- lnr • playlet about the death of James Sonnttt In a 1unflsht. {R) m Dmd Frost <Cl <90> a> R•n fw Yow Uft (C) (60) 9:001J MIJberry RFD (C) (30) Howard, who collecta coins, Is Nltf to 'Share hobbles with a new 1irlfriend, but Is horrified to learn that die is 1 $kydlvtr. {R) (Continued) ,. .................. ' MONDAY (Continued) .9 1lle llfN (C) (60) "The Milt." The Baron loses 24 hours from hla life when a airl asks him for 1 lift. o @ llJ m n.. .,..... <C> {BO) "The Candidates." Ear1 Corey and .letnal David dlJCOVtr that both candidates In 1 mayorallty race r•mble the bank embezzler they are pursulnr. (R) fJ!) NET JHru1 (60) "A Plarue on Your. Cfilldren." An explOfation of devtlopments Jn chemical and bloloeical warfare. Shown are chemical tffeds on animals and tht potentJal of klllln1 vast num· bera and contamin1t1n1 lar1e art1s. QI Cl) 1" FRMtatu• (C) (30) G> C..lca J Cancio.. (30) t:•I' .. ..,. ..._ (C) (30) Ted Meyers. _J ltde'1 LR (60) Cl) Mcffale'a Na¥J (lp) -·--._.,JI-., cao> " ....,.._ .... ----. -~ 1:451:1 Ai*le XJ Report JC) (30) A.pol· ----lo XI helds~. ·--,... - 10:00 • tD APOLLO REPORT and *GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS am..... <C> <60> D @CD a> Didi Cavett (C) (60) B Dena! (C) (6()) B. B. Kina and Char11e Callas 1uest. f1l) flriq U.. (C) (60) "Modem· Ism and tht Catholic Church." Wll· llem Buckley's auests are authors Mnsle Ward and Frank Shud, who discuss topical ecumenics f<M' non· Clthollcs.. a Cl) Jl••le Redpra (C) . (60) II) Mat Alll de la Mlltl1e (C) (30) 10:1511 Jl••le Rodin (C) Oolned In pro1rm) Eddie Fisher and Dorothy MorrllOn ruest. (Rttcheduled) 10'.JO 0) ..._ (C) (30) Bill Johns. ., falllltie c..z.. (30) 11:0011aommm11ews <C> 1J Alfrod HltdM:ocl G .._.: "Dnid alMI Liu" (dra· ma) '62 -Keir Dullea, Janet Mar· aotln. m TJ!Mt p..,. fll• fllthll: ''flood and Slnd," co-starrln1 Rita Hayworth (1941). m .... : ""CallCllf' (mystery) '49 =Tames Ma11>n, Barbara Bel Geddes. @ CD 9 CJ) 9 CIJ ,.... <C> 11:JO D tD (I) f!3THl&M sa.. CC> 8 MW: "1'• Old-fullloaed Wer" (comedy) '34-W. C. Flefds, Judith Allen. D (iJ) Cl> .m _, ,...., <C> 11:35 8 Mewle: "IYJ" (mystery) '47- ..lotn Fontaine, Herbert Marlhall. 12:30 II) Actietl TMltre: "Fame and the Dntl." U:50 a Mewle; <C> ~ of a. s,.c." (scl·fl) '53-Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eric Flemlna. 1•a ..... <C> IJ CoM11111fty Bulletin INnl (C) D..._<C> 1:2D. Mewle: 61:unlcu, .... ., ... Allmn" (horror) '57-John Brom· field. ,... 12 THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, JULY 19, 1969 "I like to~ out and dig for things." Tom Brokaw is a journalist in the classic sense of the word. He's a crusader. He g_ets out and digs for a story. "I'd like to spend two weeks with a ghetto kid, just follow- ing him around, to find out what it's really like. Then I think people would have a far better understanding of the situation." That's the way Tom Brokaw is. And we wouldn't have it any other way here at KNBC Newservice. KN3C newseMce: We care what you think. WEEKNIG-fTS 5, 6:30 & 11 PM ~.4 I HUNTLEY. BRN<LEY AT 6 -~ • TUESDA Y JULY 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAM~. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES . t:OO a "It'• a Giff' (comedy) '34- -W. C. Fields, Baby LeRoy. IJ "lllotlMr Wen Tletrts" (comedy) '47~tty Grable, Dan Dalley. D "11lt ~ ,i a1er .. 1rr --....... wr\crrlm•> ·60--l)qn · e~t.mtttrYourrr.- t:JO.a (C> ---~ -(musieef)-161 -Judy ~nova, Eddie Foy Jr. 12."00 0 .. ...,,,.. (comedy) '36-W. C. Fields, Rochtlle Hudson. Richard Cromwell. ., 12:30 m (C) "ffefcules, Prisoner of Evtr (spectacular) '64-Reg. Park. "No Tl•• To Kill" (drama) '63-John Ireland. 2:00 m "&c.,. "' Ult San" (mystery) '5°1-John Bentley, Vera Fusek. l:OO G <C> "lott.m of ttit lottle" (drama) '56-Van JohnSOR, Joseph Cotten. 4:30 IJ (C) "Guns of the Tlmberllnd" (adventure) '59--Alan Ladd, Jeaiyie Crain. r v r N 1 ri c. 6:00 IJ Tiie lie ..... (C) (60) .lefry DunP..!!l. , a la3 oo m 11a1or Leapt • Star Ga .. (C) (cont'd.) From the Robert F. Kennedy Stadium In Washington, D.C. a Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Robela, Gypsy Rose lee, Biii Evens Trio, Betty Walker ind Prof. Julius Sumner Mll ler ruest. fJ Sh O'Clod Mov .. : (C) "Co· ultdte Stltlen" (adventure) '60- RandoJph Scott, Nancy Gales. 11 $PJ (Cl (60) I Lowe LMCJ (60) a.tmn (C) (30) Merv Grfffin (C) (90) ~a Ntw? (30) Seeing swamp anlmals from a &lade buUY and a visit to the first settlement at Jamestown are scheduled. I Jwtntud DMno T•ro (30) N ... (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 Vop11 to U.. httD• of Hit s.. (C} .(60) m focus on s..den (C) (30) "Arctic Count Down." A study of 12·nation space research project with Its base in the far north of Sweden. The town of Kiruna Is the site of the ESRANGE rocket b••· I Cl) Newa (C) (30) NetideR 34 (C) (60) 7:00 CIS &tnla1 Newa (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I ftlt'a MJ Une? (C) (30) r..on1 (C) (30) MllSffll Open HoUM (30) ''The Artist and the City." Russell Con· llOf shows the role of the artist (Continued) I 1 the "TI Pac mid let 1' vive up- ---\ ball bill tba1 its to con bro F the bau ooc niC4 } con siot yea the Mo sior gan J nin cou 1oc 1 net' $1 2 to I tun $1E ( Cer ica' sen on { nic: sco WO. Anniversary It's probably apocryphal but the story goes that it wasn't "The British are coming" that Paul Revere shouted on his midnight ride but rather "Don't let baseball die." in New York to mark the first brought his just-organized Cin- telecast of a sporting event. cinnati Red Stockings to New Veteran broadcaster Bill Stern York's Union Grounds field to did the play-by-play comm~n-meet the Mutuals of New York. tary of the hve television Cincinnati woo 4-2 to launch coverage ·of the Princeton-Co-what turned out to be an uode- lumbia college baseball game .. feated season of 65 games. for NBC's experimental station As a matter of fact, the W2XBS. Estimated figures put Stockings continued their win the audience of the telecast at streak into the second season a couple of hundred viewers. to record an incredible 130 Today's avera~e viewing aud-straight victories before being Not only has the patient sur~ · ped b th B "' All · ed · · a1· d li . . ieoces of NBC-TV's weekly nip y e rQO ..... yn an--v1v , it. ts. ive an vmg it "Game of the Week" is over tics in 1870 by an 8-7 score -up~:.'~ J~:lllnf}day. ~ uWfum;-with1he World Se--after U inrungs. --~.11.'i.....4~"'-':l.a.~rie&-etill-eleimiftg-:the hig~l -lnterest--etl)()ftg 4hf_._-m.-- ·-ball CJlJOYS ~L..bale. and_lteatn total a 1u1ieDCC .o.t ~.:.on __'._thaL.fiJ:&L&<Wle with the bill of health because of all · • -· that fresh air, some credit for itS robust condition has to go to those periodic transfusions commonly known as lucrative broadcasting contracts. Radio and television came to the birthday party bearing a bauble worth a cool $37,190,- 000-more than enough for a nice party dress. A lusty 1 S.5 million of that comes from the NBC Televi- sion Network for rights this year to 25 Saturday "Game of the Week" colorcasts, three Monday night games, the divi- sional playoffs, the All.Star game and the World Series. And that's only the begin- ning, which is kind of an en- couraging thing to say on the 1 OOth anniversary of anything. This year's take from the network is up from last year's· $12.7 million and N9C figures to add to baseball coffers to the tune of S 16 million in t 970 and S 18 million in 197 1. Coincidentally, along with the Centennial observance of Amer- ica's pastime, 1969 also repre- seots the 30th birthday of sports on television. On May 17, 1939, NBC tech- nicians manned a single ic6no- scope cameri on a 12-f oot wooden platform at Baker Field television._ In 1968, the fourth game of the Series was the highest rated sports show on ~levisioo, reaching 28.6 million homes. It outdrew the titanic Super BOwl of 1969 between the Baltimore Colts and the New York Jets. Of Nielsen's top-t 0 sporting events, six are World Series games. Actually, what is being com- memorated this year is not the origin of the game bUt rather the establishment of the first professional baseball team. On June 15,_ 1869, Harry Wright, a native of England, tuais back in New York ran at a fever pitch. In Cincinnati "an enormous crowd"--0f at least 2,000 peo.Ple-gathered in frl>nt of the city's leading hotel to fotlO\V the scoring which w.as telegraphed by half-innings. It was indeed a high point of the season. It was 30 years earlier, in 1839, that Abner Doubleday was officially credited with in- troducing baseball. Doubleday, later to become a Civil War General, devised ~·a scheme for playing the game of baseball" while still a student at Green's Select School in Cooperstown, New York, now the site of the. "Hall of Fame." Profes&.ional baseball was 52 years old before it teamed up with broadcasting. On August 5, 1921, Harold Arlin, a young foreman for Westinghouse who moonlighted as an announcer, became the first paid sportscaster in broad- .casting history by describing the Pittsburgh Pirate 8-S week- end victory over the Philadel- phia Phillies at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh over station KOK.A. Radio was little more than wire- less telegraphy in those days and microphones were actually converted telephones. The first World Series broad- cast was made in the fall of 1921 on a three-station hookup from the Polo Grounds in New York. The Giants downed the Yank~. eight games to five. The legendary Grantland Rice was mikeside. The first Jive telecast of a World Series was by NBC Tele- vision in 1947 and the Peacoc.k network has bad an exclu$ive on every one since. The year 1969 marks the debut of four expansion teams; the American League's Kansas City Royales and the Seattle Pilots aod the Montreal -Expos and San Die.go Padres of the National League. This means there will l>e more players and more fans in what will be the longest season ever in the history of baseball. Interest is definitely enhanced with new rivalries. springing- from the realignment resulting from two 12-team leagues and two new six-team divisions, all of which introduce added play- offs. The winners of each league's divisions will meet in a brand new three-out-of-five series be- ginning' Oct 4. The victors of these league playoffs then tangle· in the granddaddy World Se- ries which kicks off Oct 11. Not bad for a 100-year-old. .. lch of u... places would you~ WORK? LIVE? PLAY? let Lewi• Mth 53 years ..,.,..nee In the hospitality fteld--treln you at home or attend ctaues In Los Ans .... aa a .. HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGER ·~·:· -;<>r your choice of 55 other exciting jobs (exec· ut1ve housekeepers. social directors, apartment managers, hostesses, etc.) for men, women and couples In motels, hotels, apartments, resorts opening up all over the continental U.S. and Hawaii. ~Plry" ts llood:· some jobs Include an •e.!_rtm nt ~MMl.,....periencrniqotre-<r. nur aa• .wul - ~er CQU'1Liaains1 ~r:e·.a-no-com-­ mUllng (this alone can add ten years to your Ufe)I . FREE BOOK tells where the jobs are, what they pay how lAwis' Ufetirae Placement S.rvice helps y~ find the position you want In the area and climatAI you like best. Phone (213) 749-1438 or send a postcllrd giY· Ing your name, age, phone and address to: LEWIS HOTEL/MOTEL SCHOOLS 7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite l ·l936 Los Angeles, ~llfomia 90028 14' x 21' -3' to I' Deep 14 x 21-IN GltOUND LAZY' L SHAPE I AU. Only $150.00 more IUU WIDOI SHAN •to.oo -HAIUll SAVE NOW 5159500 SllehHy ,,,,,,_ ht•-- 323 S. MAIN IT. SECARD POOL OtlANOI • 132-1992 MCMma IM, 7-.,. ..... 14 THE DA~Y PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 19, 1969 TUESDAY (Continued) fm NET f..UVal (90) "The Mozart1 In the city from the Paris of Pllno Conc.rto." Pianist UU Krla Bonnard, Toulou•lautrec and Utril-performs Motart works from his lo to the New York of Sloen, Marin early, middle and later concertos. and Sheeler. He al11> pment:s the ..S.lectlons include tht last moYt- work of sculptOI' Richard SUnkle· mtnt of It 271 (Concerto No. 9 In wicz and painter Robert Indiana E Flat MeJor). a"d It 453 (Con-who draw Inspiration from contem-certo No. 17 In G Major), and por~landtcape and culture. K. 466 (Concerto No. 20 In D 9 (.I) Tiit 5ood Sup (C) (30) ~no~i.,.., (C) (30) 6) Dru• Home (C) (jO) Uil 7:30 fJ QI Ci) L.anc.r (C) (60) Teresa 9:30 fJ ~Ci) Doris hJ (C) (30) At· Wrllflt gueis as the wife of a sher-tempting to prevent the possible iff (Lin McCarthy) whose lawless arrest of two elderly lady moon. put has provoked a 25-year·long shiners. played by Jesslyn Fax and feud with Murdoch Lancer. (R) Florence lake, Doris finds herself I @D H111U., 1rWStJ (C) (30) the object of a Treasury Dtpairt· Ject ltnny (30) "Jack's Life men inveatintion. (R) Story." Mary livin&ston is fea· 0 @ CJ) &l NYPD (C) (30) tured. Guests are van John30n and ''Tile . Attacker." Detectives Haines, Bud@Adler. Ward and Corso are confronted by fJ Cl) m Mod 511uall (C) (60) numerous "cranks" who confess to "Love. ' 1feturning to his old Bev· being the man so11&ht as the 11- erly Hills Deighborhood on 1 case, u ilant of several women who lilt .r:w!'.."\."~~:..;:sln In .. jff tcl::Qg) T~ -' phal tu~ to housebraklnr in ltria's-1.ft (60) _ hopes-vf-fordn,-11Jt wi~Uiy par-CMho Awethmtt (e) "(30) ents to pay attention to her. When 10:00 II 9 (I) 60 Minutes (C) (60) their preoccupation with their new 'TheBeStof 60 Minutes." President baby squelches even this pathetic -Nixon watching, himself being nqm· bid fOf affection, Karen decides to in1ted the Republican candidate for steal the child. Diena Ewinf plays President; a personal rulded tour Karen and Nine Foch guests es of the summer home of the Duke her mother, Vlrainla. (R) of Windsor; a profile of blllionalre O Mllllo1 $ Movie: "Not a 1 H. L. Hunt; and a husnorous essay Stranl'f" (drama) '55 -Robert on whiskey meke up tonight's show. MitCf'lum, frank Sinatra, Olivia de ·m Havillena. APOLLO REPORT and ITrvtll or Conseq. 1tnea <C> (30) * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS Peny Muon (60) II m Nns (C) (60) TIM frtfldl CIMf (30) (R) 8@ (]) m Did Clvttt (C) (60) Dtltlo de Pulona (lq} • Dtlla! (C) (60) Jer 8 ti 1:00 D I IPICIXL I Mike •nd ~·•rt (C) auests. ry u er (60) Miu Douates and Pearl Bai· CiJ (i) Future (60) ley star. &!) Mu Alla de la Mutrtt (C) (30) I Zant "" (30) 1 ..... I . Haml (C) (30) O • ..., News (C) (30) Bill Johns. Ci) H1111U.,-lrinkley (C) (30) : R•ran Nnn Conference (30) Ftaturt (C) (60) "The Music of ' fallute Corazon (30) Herry Putch." The inventor of 11:0010 fJ 61) m E!)Mews (C) musical instruments end composer Alfrtd HltOcocl of unusual music based on a sys-• Movie: "The D.I." (drama) '57 tem of 43 tones 111 an octave Is -Jack Webb. seen In concert. m TJTOM Power Fil11 Festini: @E .Dbcotbeque .a 60-60 (C) (60) "Crash Dive," co-starring Anne 1:30 tJ 9 Ci) n.. Ubmct Show (C) Baxter (1943). (60) Eva Gabor, Frankie Vaughan, ID M~: "Try and '1e1 Mt" (mys. The Sandpipers and Scottish 30np.-tery) 51 -Frank LO¥ejoy, Lloyd tress Moira Anderson guest Bndres. II Clseft MKatnrie's letter Haff @ Cil Q) @Qt) (]) News (C) Hour (C) (30) Margeret O'Brien and 11:30 D @@ m Tonlfllt Slaow (C) Allan Sherman guest. II Movie: "1\t Ni.-f Ja D tm m m It Ta .. s I Thief (C) ,, • • &"• 0 nUlfJ (60) "Tlie Neked Billionaire." Alex· 16tll (mystery) ~I-Ellen Drew, am!er Mundy Is assianed to find Robert Preston, Nils Asther, Mir· out if Daniel It Ryder, a billionaire aaret Hayes. industriellst with a passion for fJ @ Cil m Joey Bisllop (C) privacy, 1$ still alive. Sally Keller-11:35 fJ Mowit: "Mitt Danny w-.-" man, Richard Cartson, Mark Rich· (mystery) '52-Frenk Sinatra, Shel· man 1uest. (R) ley Winters. !Dmd Fmt (C) (90) 12:30 Q) Action Tliene: "Badlands of Run for Your Lift (C) (60) Montana." @ Nnn (C) (30) , 9:00 0 Mcwlr. (C) "TMt Toudl of 12:50fJ ~owit: 'Tiit Dart Ml~. (dra· Mmk" (comedy) '62 _ Cary Grant, ma) 46 -Lew Ayres, Olrv11 de Dori D • Havllland. ows.' ~~·k G1L~:~f· A:~y ~~: 1:00 0 fJ Nnn (C) Wealthy, handsome, and sinale 11 Co11111unlty l11llttin loatd (C) business tycoon offers a beautiful m Naked City girl a trip to Bermuda and Europe on a non· platonic basis. II S1lowcast 5 (C) (60) Paul Anka end Hanna Aronl offer a concert of International music. 0 00 IKbtap wttll The Kina fH1ilJ (C) (60) 1:20 fJ Movie: "City of Fur" (sus- pense) '59-Vfnce Edwards, Patricia Blair. 1:30 m All-NiPt ~ "Black Narcis- sus,'' "Front Paae Story'' and "flre M1ldens of Outer Space.' !969 toiart1 Kraut I fib trtol. inove- 9 In (Con· and n D ) At· lllble llOOll· and lf1elf 111rt· (30) ines, ~ by ~ to a• llve :60) lent Dm· 'tor :our uke tire ay ow. iS ;()) ·ler IO) 1) 57 11: IM ry •• r· .. I· YOUR HOME 51.RVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM '.:. e APAITMINTS & UNITS e CUSTOM HOMU e KITCHIN llPlm e TWO STOlT SPICIALISTS CIMINT WORK -ALL KINDl- Frec Estimate 25 Years Experience • 636-0374 • CEMENT WORK Anything You Need! Free Est., Uc'd & Bonded DEE JAY CONSTRUCTION C.11 142-1157 anytime Patios -Wal.ks • Driveways Licensee! -Reasonable Rates -Free Estimates - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION 642-4210 or 673-6675 ev"' ~ LAlyHt & .,..... JO .Y ... hperieece Calf ntw ~-0,_.w .. kday1 --a•.-& s.ti-A,,.._ A.-t;-;-_:.. .. ..,~ ... , ....... l4H L c ... Hltfiiw.y C.....4ilelM• * VERNE, The Tile Me11 * Cu1t. work. l111tell I repein . No job too 1rr1ell. PI • • t • r pet,h. Leeking shower repair. 1<47-195 7 /1'46·0206 Haulin~. Clean-Ups, Lots Garages, etc. LargP Truck Handyman .•• Call Bolt 645-~ anytime 'Hal' Gue$ts on TV Motors whir, lights flash and words begin to appear on a screen: "Good evening, Mr. Cronkite. I am happy to report thlll Apollo XI is 164,000 miles into its journey to the moon, and astronauts Arm- strong .. CoUins And Aldrfo _report that the spacecraft is periorming beautifully." For its live color coverage of the historic Apollo XI moon land- ing mission, CBS News has invited a most unusual "guest ex~rt" to join Correspondent Walter Cronkite: a machine named "Hal." "Hal f0,000," as he is officially named, after the famed mutinous computer "Hal" in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey," is the pet project of Joel Banow, Direqor of the CBS News live color cover- age. The creator of the "Hal" in "200 I" Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote the book from which the movie was made, will also appear with Cronkite as a CBS News Special Analyst, as will former astro- naut Walter Schirra. ·•'Hal' will play a key role in CBS News' 31 hours of continuous coverage of the lunar landing, providing information and answering Cronkite's questions," says executive producer Robert Wussier. MLRROllD. . "WUDaOll DOCNlS * Ornate Front Entry Doors * Room Dividers * Shutters * MWworlt Installation CUH'IS LARSON 673-1126 Plumbing Repe.ir Dl'.1ftll OeanaWg ·--nee Eitirru es ---· _IPllDY .PLUMllMG 24 Hrs.• Weekend Work 546-2:}87 or S40-7217 LAWN SERVICE Mow -Edge· Vacuume Clean-Up and Hauling Reasonable Rates RUSS JONES LAWN SEltV • S4S-2MJ Tai II Pruned -Topped & Removed 26 Years Experience Serving Beach Clues PAULSON TitEI SllVICE 631-7234 anytime CZVKOIKl'I Cuatom Uphel1tery & ae,.lr European Craftsmanship 100% Financln$l~onUnuoua Do-It-Yourself Uphol. CJ.uses Largest Selection of Fabrics 1ai1 Newport a1., c .. t• M ... M2-1 U4 I cM;n,,.a FuaN1Tu1t1 CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Wurk ... CALL STERUNG FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-1521 ,\JJJ/1 . IPAAKLI _ _. __ JANITORIAL Wl_ndo~Ql!.T Specialty """ ...... ... ce-erclal. .......... ,...,.,1 CMctuw11M C ....... e PlllT MONTM ND I • lXPHIENClO LICENSED -HLIAIU TONY TAYLOI POCK. llmCI 96'-4111 CAllNft MAHI R•1i4e11ffel I C•1""1ercl:t Kltd1•111, leth1. St•r• Fhrt11r•t ff •• E1ti111•t•• -State Uc. sa.., ,.... 14a..J1 ,, ., ..,... ........ 1 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU· CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 "And," he adds with a smile, "we don't expect this 'Hal' to try aoy takeovers." The computerized system, designed by Banow and Doug Trum- bull, who was responsible for most of the special effects of the motion eicture. consists of a four-by-six-foot re&r projection screen onto which _ l 2 projection units can fl"'h imaget..Qf everything from words and diagrams to simulations of docking maneuvers and star sightings being made by the astronauts. "We have stored thousands of words of space vocabulary and hundreds of diagrams and simulations into the eight 16mm projec- t°" that are the heart of the system," says Banow. "Each word or image is stored on a single frame of film, and each' of the eight projectors can hold up to 10,000 words or images. "The entire computer operation," Banow explains, "is run by a remote master control that can call upon one or more of the pro- jectors to project an image oo the screen at any of 1,000 locations selected by the operator. The images can also move on the screen. The remarkable thing about the system is that each projector can search out as many as 30 images per second, evefl as it is projecting an image on the screen." Pase 15 ., IMAGllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE llCROPHOIEI ,~,~~,· . I I ~I• . . ,._} WEDNESDAY JULY 23 For mornln& and afternoon listinp, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming witfl. out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 19. l969 fJ!) a&.ct hnpedlft (30) "A II Wrtltllna (C) (60) Gr11k bad: Look 1t the Urt>1n Collitlon.'' Mer-men Mike P1ldoulit 11 f81tU~ In tin Stone, prnident of Monoanm 1 "B81t the Champ" match tor lndustrlu end ch1lrm1n of the $1,900.. Dick line ind Mike l• Urban Collltlon, Is questioned by bell ere m1tside. • p1nef of bleck newsmen. 0 tHHil&>AIC Widnead•J 1(1) IMrfJ HUlbllUa (C) (30) ~ '1\t Dl"Y C1•t" (mystery) ' W1*"'1at (C) (30) '60-Henry fond•, Vittoc1o Ga11Nn, Dflil• HMM (C) (30) Annie Glr1dot. Robert Ry1n, ht• 7;)0 Terna (C) (60) Former Nazis Vin £1ck. In ' thriller lbout the 111rchln1 '°' 1 fortune In nttOfl•· d1n1erous 11me of intemationel bit securitlea hidden by 1n .es-espion111. General Bruoe, chief of caped German war criminal force • American lntelllaence, remlniaces T1rzan to 1ccomp1ny them. Arthur about the "dirty business ot,spyin1" Steuer (Ben Wrlaht) hid the MCur· and tells of three memorable •• ltles when his son Helmut (Mlch11l ~nments. (R} Burns) wu ycxin1 and raised the W Feablr• (C} (60) "AuduboQ.;. boy in the "super race" tradition. A survey of the ornitholocical find· (II) in1s ot America's 1re1t natur11ist- w H ICH OF THESE ~ . II ~@m Tiie Vlr&f11!.11 (C) John J. Audubon. 9:00, "'Ylriltf Clrt" (musical-comedy) (90) "The Land Dre1mer." The I Sl'Wl• J Enriqtlt (60) -Bina Crosby, Bob Hope, Mary Shiloh uew warda ot1 a lynchln 9:30 Qt()) Qreen Aan (C) (30) • FASCll ATI IG ~'~!~11 MJ hat'' (comedy) ,47 mob after a land 1r1bbtf' ls Of ver aiid Lisa Dou1las help rush "•RIC mca~ -Fred MatMurray, Marcuente JllUrdered .. Don Francb, ~n I dual In utieet1nt mother (Anne Barton) --·----·ttA 9'1t ~ ---.._le.;··--Cll'fpman --------to,._ ~ Jam-....wsoc ~U&IL to.!tll..b4V1!111 aoA. ~u...a.~·"~ lllTERESTS YOU1 0 "fer .Heftett' SM.I" ( med} e Jldl lennJ. (30) '"Jack Takes ttous commitment to Clrt '°' the • .. -' ·~ Clift W ~b ·10 :'1ond rl Btavet '° tha Dentist." woman's M¥eft Othtf' eftildrM UMil -on e • in e · D (ij) (})al Here C••t th she can return home. (~) d DISC JOCKEY t:30¥J "M11nler M .MoedlJ'" (mystery) ifldU (C} (60) "The Deadly Trade.'' I NIWI (C} (30) Ted Meytf'$. O NEWSCASUI . -Ralph Rteharcbon, Marpret The accldantal death. of loger Wiii lllftt's t... (60) O SPOllTSCASTll lel1~ton. Hannon durlnc Jeremy and JoshUI 10:00 9 Cl) H1nll Ftv.-0 (C) (60) 0 COMur1c1•t •NNOUNCra 12:00 II Hen'? Aldrtdt ,..,. c.pld"' Bolrs honeplay bdftp his kins· Steve MCC"arrett and his Flve-0 In· ''"' " " u. (Comedy) 44-Jlmmy Lydon, Charles men. fpur rou1h 1rappera, to Seit· vestla1tlon unit discover that • . Smit~. Diena Lynn, Ytta Vaaue. tie for revenae. LIJ•h demands that fishln1 bolt owner (Kil Garu) FHE VOICE ANALYSIS TELLS YOU IF YOU HAVE "HIDDEN IT AUNT"I ru1 .. AT HOM( Oii IN OU" ICAUTlfUl NCW STUDIO SCHOOl! You cen tludJ bro.OCH! technlquu 11 home, In your SPiit time, or In our new '10ldWl· lnJ kllool-lOCATlD IUCHT H£"£ IN LOS ANClllS-under th• supervision of our Dlrtctln1 flcully of 11 fal!\013 bro1dc11ters. AICllo-TV 1tatlon1 ev1rywh1rt hive 1n IMMEDIATE DEMAND for both men 1nd women to take over Important 1ood· paylnt jobs rl&ht now. NATION·WIDE PLAC MENT ASSISTAIQC( •I no Hiii cost! Tuition 1nlsllnct 1v1i11bl•. Send to CARlEll ACADEMY'S division of hrnous Broadcasters for fUE book· let, record, end voice 1nalrsls d1u1il1. NOTICE: ltNROLL NOW fOR CARHR ACADDIY'S NEXT C~ THIS COULD H YOUR atANClt TO PVT YOURIUI HHIND THC MICROPHONE! •An Kcredlted member of th• N•· tlon•I Home Study Council and th• • N•tlon•I Aaaoc:l•tlon of Tr•d• •nd Technlcal Sc1¥><>1• •Approved for Veteran Tr1lnlna • tt.4ember of Callfornl1 Auodetlon for "rfYllt• Educ1tlon • M ellalble ln1tJtutlon under the fed•l"llly ln1ured Student Loan Prucram. ,--------------------· CAREER ACADEMY Q : 1om Hoftywood 1ota1tv1rd J~L IM Anpln. C.llfomla 90021 9 .....: (213) 464-0228 I n11t le Ill.-if I l•n• .,_..,11,,. Hlltlff Wtth ""i.,I"' """ !VIII .. --w-u ... Addrffl Aol. City, State/Zip Phone ~· I am Interested In O Clauroom O Home Stud)' e'!'UOIO 003 --------------------- 12.30 ~ IMb DIWll I Di_.. (drema) Juon alve him his annd10n to Is smuutina aold bars Into the '3§ -Jame~ Ca"cney . ..,,tlrff~ rai-.if he wants Jeremy and Islands. (R) aftd die Moluc• (adventure) 64 Joshua spared. (R) B @@m ne Ollbider (C) , -Jo~n Hart. . O Mlllllo11 $ Mn: (C} "tiood (60) "The Flip Side." Ross trtcka ~00 m ~ A"1lll ,., Parenti" (dra· Momlnc. Mia Dew" (d,.m1) 'SS down a missJna photoar1pher'a ma) «-Mary Btth Huahes, John -Jennifer Jones, Robert Stack. model and discovers she's lnwlved MU)an. I Trvtll "·-·-J:OO g "Crhne of hlslon" (mystery) ot ......_uenca (C) (30} In an. underworld ring dealing In •57 Peny ,. ... ,. (60) narcotics. (R) Ha den. !larbu• Stanwyck. Sterling : Joyce c~ .. Cooka (30) "~hi· OJ APOLLO REPORT and 4:30 a "It SMtlld H11191n to YM" neae Deliclctes. Mrs. ~en llVeS * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS (C0"."9dy) '54-J1clt Lemmon, Judy :all~h~ ~ ~r~p!~eop::~, •n~ U QI Ntw1 (C) (60) Hohdiy. soup, bird's nest soup and hun· 0 hll•I (C) (60) Wilson Pickett fV f~I ~<. 6:00 11 Th 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Ounpi, ! . HunU.,-l rinkley (C) (30) S • Allen Sllow (C) (90) Jayne eadows, Robert Culp, Sill Dally, Bobby Burch, Ken Fishier and Cial ' st. Six O'Cloct Movie: C) .. Bird o P1r1diW' (romance) '~1-louls Jourdan. Jeff Chandler, Debra Paaet. 11 Sn (C) (60) I lovt luq (60) lat•aa (C) (30} Merv .Srlffin (C) (90) ~It's New? (30) Presented are clost·UJJ views of florid• Ever- &11des' wildllf1 and 1 look at some of the weapons and tools of plonem. · fl) Juv111tud Dlvlno Tesoro (30) a) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. ,:30 II ICNIC NIWMMCI (C) (60) m v.,... to Ute lotte11 of Ult See~) (60) 9 (!) HulltttJ-ll111•1tJ (C) (30) EI!) Abollt Cen11ica (30) "Fonns: Need They Be Roundr Host Earl Mccutchen discusses pottery mak· Ina techniques: the wheel method, the coll method, the pinchlna method and the free method. amm " ... <c> (3o> m fiitldtro ,.. <C> <60> 7:00 II CIS Evenlna NIWI (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I WMrs My Untl (C) (30) Pmword (C) (30) (j) You AIUd for It (30) dred~ear-old e11 soup. t!:!_ests. 9 lat of Hoflywood (2 hr) W Speculation (60) "A Conversa- "Bac From Eternity." lion With Ruby Dee and Ossie I Duefo de Pulonu (30) Davis.'' Or. Keith Berwick talks l.110 Zane Qrey (30) with the outspoken film ind 1t1ae Hazel (C) (30) couple. Spedrv• (C) (30) "Noise: The I Ma Alla de II Muert.e (C) (30) New Pollutant" Spectrum reports 10!30 NfWI (C) (30) Bill Johns.. on the risin1 level of noise In ou fanaate Cora.ton (30) society and the adverse effects on 11:00 B 0 &> m a> News <Cl heuin1 ability that are the results. AThld Hitdlcock Q':) l111padoa Mulicalel (30) Mowie: (C) "PllantHI of ._ 1:30 8 The Qood Qup (C) (30) When ue Merpe" (mystery) '54 -Kll1 diudia's father arran1es to have Malden, Patricia Medina. one of her former beaux invite her m fJfOftl Powtr Fil"' fntlval: "A to an eleiant party, Bert end Yank in the RAF." co-aterrlna Rufus pose as servants so they can Betty G!abl~ (1941) ., kffp In eye on her. Jim Backus m Mow11: Parole, loc. (my1t.ry) ~ars u Cleudll's father. (R) 'ff-Michael O'Shea, Lyle Talbot U Win With U.. stars (C) (30) I~ 9 ~ ~ 00 Newa (C) Jaye P. Moraan and John Gary 11:30 · 00 · Tonlcflt Show (C) 1uest. ovlt: • rouble Wittl Women" O t17J(])m.Tlle Kine fH11fy (romance) '47-Ray Milland, Ttf'esa (-e} (JO) A blend of modem and Wrlcht. Brian Donlevy_ memory tunes are featured (R) 0 Ci1l (])a> .lotJ lisMp (C) I David frost (C) (90) 11 :35 IJ Mewlt: (C) .,Money, WOtNft llld ftun for Yow Uf9 (C) (60) CUftl" (~estem) '59 -Jock Ma. loo• ltet (C} (30) New YO<tl honey, Kim Hunter. Tlme1 correspondent c. L. Sulz· 12:30 m Action Tlleah: Amazon Qunl" b«cer dlacusses his new booll "A 12:40 0 Movie: "The .Srten·EJtd Blonde" Lona Row of Candles." ' (mystery) '57-Susan Olivet. IE Sonrlus (30) 1:001 Spe1kln1 fffflJ (C) 9:00 I) Btv•fJ Hlllbllllu (C} (30) Comlftunlty Bulletln Board (C} Binker Dryld1le mmes down with Ntws <C} the flu and "doctor'' Granny tries N•Ud Cl1Y to trnt him with htt moonshine 1:20 IJ Movie: "Surprlu P1ck11•" "serum." (R) (comedy) '60 -Yul Brynn•, Mitzi B QJ @ Q':) Kraft Musk Hell (C) G1ynor. (SO) Sandler & Youna are hosts to 1:30 m All·NIPt Sllow: "The Nylon Judy Carne, Terry·Thomas and Klye '400se.'' "Lona Rifle and the Toma· Ballard. hawk" end "Atraaon." ~11 • i9 :I· In )( .. ,, f) "· If .. 11 >f II (' ~ f. » It •) ~ It rif I) •· • I) • :) :s 's d n s It I· 19 IS :• I) • r1 A f •) .. • d " rt ) .. " THURSDAY JULY U For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance nptU:e. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 t1R11p the Wiid Wind' (adven· lure) '42-John W~ne, Susan Hay· word. 0 (C) ·~n the Town" (musical ·~ -F1'1nk Sin1tr1, Gene Kelly, Veni-Ellen. --~..-...1~~ ~AO.,_~...n;lt" -John HOdiak, Gene Tierney. · • t=»O) "'1111 fr-Mrs. lradfvnr-(mys- tery-comedy) '3~Wllllam Powell, Jean Arthur. lZ:OO 0 ''Ust Outpoat'' (adventure) '35 -Cary Grant Claude Rains. 12:30 m ".loltnny Btllnd•" (drima) '48 -Jane Wyman, Charles Bickford. Z:OO IE "llflon of tM Dootntd" (dra- ma) '58-8111 Willlams, Dawn Rieh· ards. 3:00 B (C) "$ltt of Lem'' (drama) •sg._.:.(1uren Bacal~ Robert Stack. Evelyn Rudie. 4:30 f) "Tiit lr'tlt Men" (drama) '57 -Jose Feller, Keenan Wynn. fVfNING 6:00 IJ The 111 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. D m Huntley-lrlnkley (C) (30)) 0 st... Allen .._ (C) (90) Jack Carter, Barbera Mlnkus. Jackie Kahane and the Los Anreles Cab1ret auesl fJ Six O'Clod Mowte:· (C) "lon- ~ur Tristeae'' (drama) '53-0avid Niven, Jean Seberr. Deborah Kerr. 11 !c11 (C) (60) I l.o¥t Lucy (60) latlllln (C) (30) MtrY Crif'fln (C) (90) ~1r1 N .. 7 (30) Alma of the inh1bitants of Aorida's m1narove sw1mps, end a look at the British· French and Indian confllct in Americ1n history. @E JW1t1tud DMno T11«0 (30) a) News (C) (60) Jack Hicke,. 5:30 0 MIC Ntwltl'Vlet (C) (60) m v.,.,. .. ._ .. "'.. ot ... Set (C) (60) @ (i) Kuatlty·lrhe~ (C) (30) m nM 11M1ttpton <C> <30> "Art . and Dtee11tion." Al an Scott shows how a palntin1 Is restored when sevtrely damaced. He al11> ln- vestiaates techniques a ft1udulent artist uses to deceive the public. 9 (f) m News (C) (30) @I) Jlitkltro 34 (C) (60) 7:00 IJ CIS Ewnm1 ""' (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. _, I Wltlfa MJ Unt? (C) (30) , .... n1 (C) (30) @ "'" ancl Wild (C) (30) P11fl111 tltt l•ltllr (30) "Course Review." A random umpllna of 7:30 students is 1sse1nbled for an im· i~u workshop. . _.dtalt's Nny (30) rue Adwtntwe (C) (30) °'91 • HOUM (C) ( 30) I Dmd F ..... (C) (90) hn t.r Your Lift (C) (60) Male.a J Elhllll (C) (30) u:oo 11 u u cm mm...,.. tc> IJ Alfrld Hltdad • fJ .... : (C) ................ t:OO R QI (j) CIS 111.-., Mowtt: {iC!-fl) '61-Mldlatl Crall. Michael ("?) "Q--. Before It Mthl!" (com· Callan. Gary Merrill. edy) '65 -Robert Morae, Georae m TJl'IM hwtr fll• Fatlflf: fJ Kai Kan Presents *ANIMAL WORLD Maharls. Based on the book by "American Gutrllla 111 the Phlllp- Phillp Benjamin, this film Is tht pines," co·starri111 Tom Ewell story of • shy macazine writtr, 1n (1950). amorous photoarapher Ind th• vari-m Movie: "Mand l•n" (mptery) oua alr1s they meet wtllle dolne a '5&-Wlllerd Parker, Mara Cordey. :ioryrmf&~~~ ~.>..... @~@(i)Qi(I) ..... (C) (e) (&"Oflynn Redrrave. Tim t.oft. 11:30 0 ~ CI) m T0ttlpt ... (C) way, Sef&lo Mendes •nd Br•sil '66, g Movie· "Tiit forty -Nleen .. Lulu and The Bee Gees eueit. (R) (western) • '54-Willlam (II Iott. "Killer tats" tJ 9 (j) Anl .. 1 World (C) (30) D @@mApeaa.ll ~<C> (60) Special wrap·up proaram of th• entire elaht·day tnisslon of Apollo XI, inctudina taped hi&h· liahts of the launch, TV transmls· sions from space, hi&hli&hts of moon activity by. the astronauts. and a review o{ the recovery of the crew by the Hornet. 61) El Mundo Em loco (60) fJ @ (}) G> Joey lllMp (C) 9:30 0 @ @ m Draanet (C) (30) ,. ''Robbery--Dlf.15.'' Fr1d1y and Gan· 11:35 B ,.Movlt: (C) F~ia Hell 11rt lor· 0 Jack ltn_!!1 (30) fJ @ (]) W The F1Jin1 Nun iC> (30) "~ppy Birthday, Dear Gas· par.'' Captain FOfTlento has a rjlanre non deal with robbery suspects neo (adventure) 64 -Georae "kooks," and misfits. (R) ' Montaomery, Torin Thatther. fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. 1Z:30 Q) Action Theatre: ''Mutl11y on the aJ lurtt's l.lw (60) Elsinore." of heart about the nuns when he h~-lllviftt. e ,.n,w=r him. (R) fE Wtshlft?n in _!!evltw (C) (30) 12:45 fJ Mqylt: "ftlr hi tM Nlpt" :OIJ'U m~Jl?:f.OJ. GelRlifii'i (C) -(mJifei'Y}'47 ~UT •Kdtly; ~rr (60) Gafi Martln, Paul lyn~e. Lou Doran. fJ MllHM $--MMie: ~ ... '9tatt, Two Potato" (drama) '64-81rbara ~ Barrie, Bernie Hamilton. Rawlnnd Tlle Golddlue~ arefn· ---. -tured. 1:00 O Movie: "TlllW for J111l1 Dawn" -m News (C) (60) "1drama) 'SS-llralne Day, Ricardo ~ Mont1U>an. m THE FLIGHT of APOLLO 0 cm (l)Q)'Apoflo XI Report (C) -Co I 8 11 ti lolnl (C) {ro) "Aecpresents • special review ~ IHlllll ly u 1 n * a 1 "hour color special of the entire Apollo mission to the 0 Ntws (C) with GEORGE PUTNAM moon ind back. ID Nihei CltJ on KTTV Channel 11 fJ Dtlll! (C) (60) ID Apo llo XI Special (C) (60) m Sounds of Semmer (C) (2 hr) Georre Putnem reports. (R) 1:20 fJ Movie: ''nt Qk1 tn U.. ., ... lin" (drama) '57-Zsa la Gebor, tu Bartter. IE PtrTJ Mason (60) @E Mas Alla de la Muertl (C) (30) 1:30 m All·NIOt Sllow: "O.Day on Mus," "tol11th at the Conquest of DamatcUS," and "Junal• Hell." fE Auto IMllrloce (C) (30) '1:tt• 10:30 Q) News (C) (30) Bill Johna. Search Goes On.'' An Informative prorram on the practices and poli· (!) fallntt t.nzon (30) cies of U.S. auto Insurance ~mpa· -;:=======================t nies. Three insurance executivH present the auto Insurance indus- try's point of view about the rrow· inf criticism of the industry's In· surance rate system. g) Duelo de Pulonn (30) 1:00 IJ ~ (j) Man on the· Moon: Tiit Epic Journtf of Apollo XI (C) (60) Welter Cronkite narrates a wr1p-up or the eight-day Apollo mission. 0 Z1n1 Irey (30) fJ @ Cl) Q) Ti.at tilrl (C) (30) "Many Happy Returns.'' Haphazard at llaepinr files, Ann Merle learns Come 9n in! STERLING CROFT '(The New Owner) WELCOMES YOU TO HIS CHEVRON STATION ... th1t she owes $2600 In back tues MAIN AND llACH ILVD. for 1965-unless she ctn dispute HUNTINGTON IEACH • ii with her records. ( R) m NET "'"'° .... <90> "Th• Setk· Mechanic on Duty - 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. .. ers-The ldulists.'' The second of Ken Taylor's triloo concerns 1n ~ .. Pick Up -4 Dehert -847--4500 idealistic youna French ~plain at 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::iiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiii~;ia;; the time of the French Revolution I who Is In conflict about his orders. Mictiael Bry1nt stars. 0) Ftllclano! (C) (30) 1:30 D ~ m Iron.aide <C> (60) "And Be My love." Durina her Jnvestlaation of a series of society robberies, Officer Eve Whitfield bt· comes rqmantlcelly Involved with a neWSl)lper columnist who la a suspect in tht case. Ch1d Everett ruests. (R) 0 lol1111 (C) (90) Dave Niehaus and Mickey Davies are rinpldt. U (i1J CJ) a) lnttcaM (C) (30) "One Touch of Mldas.''-Endora .,. ranaes a sptll of suddeD-wealth to prove her point that Darrin will run amuck, elven 1 little blt of money. (R) ,... 17 -- FRIDAY JULY 25 For morning and afternoon listing$, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programmin& with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D "Wells farp" (western) '37~ Joel McCrea, Frances Dee. U "T11trt'a Alw1ya To,errow" (dram1) '56 -Barbara SUnwycl\, Fred MacMurray. 0 "MPde In the R1ln" (d1am1) '56::-J•o• Wyman, Ven Johnson. 9:30 m '"tncort" (dr1m1) '52-Glynis ---~t, ?"e<eect ~'h [' • ---· 12:00 e "laldy 1on11n· <~> "'42 --Alan Ladd, Helen W1rker .. 12:30 m (C) "Annapolis Story" (drama) '55-:.John Derek. "The F111at and the SWOfd" (adventure) '64-Ter- 2:00 tE) ''The Mysterious Dodo(' (mys- tery) '43 -John L~r. Eleanor Parker. 3:00 0 "You're in the Ntvy Now" (c.omedy) '51-Gary Cooper, Jane Greer. 4:30 8 (C) "Decision at Sundown" • (western) '57-Randolph Scott. John Carroll. fVfNING 6:00 II Tht 111 Ntn (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. D m Huntlty•lrlnklty (C) (30) 1J steve Ailtn Show lC) (90)I Scoey Mitchlll. The .. unusual Wt,1 and Georae Lindsey guest. D Sia O'doa Movie: (C) 1M hdlltld fr•• W,01111ft(' (western) 'SJ-Maureen O'Hara, Alu Nicol. fJ I Spy (C) (60) m I Lon Lucy (60) m 81tmln (C) (30) @ (1) Metv Qrlffln (C) (90) f1ll Whet'a Mewl (30) Films of buds of the Florida salt waiter swamps and of the reasons behind the Amllflc1n protest of British rule in the colonies. @E Jwtntud Dlvino Ttaoro (30) ED Ntwa (C) (60) Jatk Hickey. 1:30 II KNBC NIWMfVlce (C) (60) _ .. ~..,.i.r1r1llt'~dl ;, 'it fee (C) (60) @ @ HUflUty08rinkley (C) (30) I Em look Beal {C) (30) c. L. Sulz· beraer guests. (R) Q.tJ (I) @E News (C) C30) ill Noticitro 34 (C) (60) 7:00 f) CBS Evenlna News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 Wltafs My lint? (C) (30) m P1aword (C) (30) @ (i) ClntlDI sa.owca.. (C) (90) "Smoke Slanal," oo-st.arrina Dent Andrews and Piper Laurie. W Movies ol tlle Week I SUNDAY, JULY 20 9:00 ~ @ Ci) "The Happenln1.'' Anthony Quinn. Geof'ie Maharls, Michael Parks, Martha Hyer and Faye Dunaway star In the 1967 flick about a racketeer-hotel owner who is kldnaped. When no one wants to pay the ransom, he takes the gang of y~uthful kidnappers and turns them into a flrst·class gang of cnmlnals. MONDAY, JULY 21 8:30 ~ Q) 00 ''T•rH Bulba.'' Yul Brynner, Tony Curtis and Chris· tine Kauffman star In the classic story of the 16th-century Cossack who. fought the enemy Polish, o nly to have his son fall In love wrth a noble Polish girl. WEDNESDAY. JULY 23 9:00 U U1l (}) ''The Dirty Game." Henry Fonda, Vittorio Gassman Annie ~iradot. Robert Ryan, Peter Van Eyck star in the 1966 spy-thriller about three m~morable spying assignments in the ftles of General Bruce, chref of American Intelligence. THURSDAY, JULY 24 9:00 8 ~.CV "Qu,k:k, Before It Melts!" Robert Morse and George Mahans star m the comedy about a shy magazine writer, an amorous photographer and the beautiful girts they meet while doing an article on Little America. ' FRIDAY, JULY 25 9:00 8 QI([) ''W•tw•rd the Women.'' Robert Taylor and DeniH Darcel star In the 1952 flick about a rugged trail scout who agre~s to guide 140 prospective brides from Chicago to Call· forn1a In the days of the Old West. SATURDAY, JULY 26 9:00 0 @ @ "The Youns Warriors." James Drury, Steve Carlson Jonathan Daly and Robert Pine star in a film about how on~ sergeant took a company of raw recruits and turned them Into responsible aoldlera durlns World War II. ...,. 18 THE O~ILY PILOT, l\I WEEI<, JULY 19, 1969 f.l!) S.111 1114 D1uptars (30) ''The Of<:lsion la Yours. ' Tht final pro. 1ram In the ;e,1u la 1 teen1(e town meetln1 on ae11uallty with 100 teens qutstlonln1 nationally reco1· ,nlzed tea Information authorities. 9 Ci) Ma,benJ RFD (C) (30) m AIMrica• Wtlt -(C) (30) CE Orea• tte111t CC) (30) D ~""°' A1t1t Dart (C> (60) The Pair Extraordln1lrt, fony Giof'llO. Otto Premin1«. The Cuh'O Brott!· ers runt. (R) 0 U1J (}) 4f) JIMW fof lie D.- ftae (C) (60) ''The Dt1lh Ferm." Judd. In defendin1 1 prltorl farm escapee; uncovers th• frlfhtful con· 1 ditlons that exist on the farm. Wri1ht Kine. Bonnie 8-stlll, James 7:JO IJ ta Ci) Tiie WIW,. WM West (C) Greaory and Atch Johnaon 1uest (IO) Tamu W.t becomes lll\IOlvtd (R) In Ille pawer struQle for the con· ti) Nueva Cite Muska! (30) trol of an East European country 9:30 ,... 11_ (C) (30) Ted M.,e-when ht Is asslped to protect Ku· _,, n...-... rovnlan Prince Greror (Guy Stoc~· tE) l1trk1'1 Law (60) . well) and his aunt. Duchess Sophia fll) Adwtnturt (30) "Balloon to Ser· • CNI~ Foch). whlle th~ are tourln1 ' 1npetti." Cameras film the l1r1~ the United Statu on 1 hunting concentration of big PM In the trip. (R) , world from the vantare paint of 1 0 fD Hlit-Qep1ml (C) (60) low-flylnr b1lloon. ''Futher of en Ea(le." Billy Blue Cl) ~ (30) Is captured by Apaches when he ''"'a white alrl from the lndl1ns 10:00 D fll'(i) m Tht Saint (C) (60) (R) · ''TheHefpfol Pirates." A contldence a Jadr ....__ 11n\ ..._ ~me places 1 scientist •!IL hb. _ _,.__ __ :+--""""~-• --,~i In 1n1er"Ofliiln1 lb· u (il) .(]) m lAt'a ..... I Dul ducted to Russia. (R) (C) (30) Monly Hall host&. 010-WIWl\Cj{soy- O MllllH $ Mowi.: (C) "H•fl encl U @ CD a> Dick Cavett (C) (60) llfltl WIW' (adventure) '54 -O Delle! (C) (60) Carmen MacRae Rlch1rd Widmark, Cameron Mitchell, and Rich little 1uest. Btll if) RU Rtwitw (60) "Saft Insect m Tn.ba or C:.Mtqlltned (C) (30) Control -Ho Silent Sprln&." Dr. Q) Perry Meaoa (60) Albert Hibbs and autsts discuss the ~Tllt City Wltdon <C) (60) Art protect.ion of. crops aaainst Insects. and the (row1n1 C1>nCern over wortd enbaum and Ch1rles Ch1mplin. famine. iE !Mio de Pulon .. (30) ill M11 Alie do 11 Mun (C) (30) l..'GO Dz.. ,,., (30) 10:30 m ..... (C) (30) Bill Johns. D @ (I) G) Jolin Divld9on (C) OJ f1ll111t Coruono (30) {60) Lana Cantrell guem. m Hazel cc> <3o> 11:0011 a um mm ""' <C> m Ltctdta cc> (3o> e Alfre4 "~ 1:30 f) 9 (f) CoMr P'JI• (C) (lO) fJ Movie: "Unloa . .station~ (mts- SergeantCartllf saves Comer's lift ti!}) '50-Willlam Holden, Nancy on tlle arenldt ranae end Gomer Olsen, Barry Fitzgerald. t>eoomes--to Carter's chaarin4is m TJr9nt ..... Fll• ftltiwal: dedicated slave. (R) "Prince of Foxes.'' co-starrinf Or· D @@m ,.. .. of ,.. 51.. son Welles (1949). (C) (90) ''Tht Suntan Mob." Dan ID Movie: (C) "Ho.. 111 lnd&IN'" Farrell uses 1 mobster's girlfriend (musical) '44--lon McAllister, W•I· to help him prove that 1 small ter Brennan, Je1nne Crain. isl1nd Is under the control of a @ CI> @ @QI Ci) Ntw1 (C) ~:... ~~lca~t. Sw.anne Pltlhette l1:30 D @ Ci) m Tonlstit Sllow (C) a kf9ll Ult Seven S.11 (C) (30) D Movie: (C) ....... Skill" (musi· •'Jfhe Second Time Around." cal) '4~in1 Cfosby, fred Astaire, m Dlwld frost (C) (90) Joan Caulfield. m Rull for Your lift (C) (60) u U1J CD CE Joey Bishop (C) fl!) wers of u.e R .... (60) "The 11:35 8 Mn: (C) "Eds• of OllnriV ProphetaS1.'' The Royal Shakespeare (~em) ·~net Wildt, YIC· Company bqlns the play of "Rich· tona Shaw. ard Ill." Gloucester murder$ King Henry, while enmity 1rows between 12:30 ID Adion Tiltm: "Sofie." Queen EJlubeth's people and the 12:35 0 MOWW. "Tiit C.unttrftft l'tlll" Kln(s brothers. Gloucester woos (mystery) '57-Zachary Scott Pe1· Anne, widow of Kina Henry's ton. gie Castle ' Tht •ted Queen Merpret returns · to court from aile and delivers a 1:00 D Movtt: "Paranoiac" (suspense) pr09hecy. '63-Janette Scott. II> Nodlts T1patiu (30) 0 Country Musk (C) 9:00 f) 9 Cl) CIS f rldlJ Mevle: "Westw11if tM WolHll" (western) '52-Robert Taylor, Denise D11ul. A rough, loufh, experienced 1uide taku on the job of 1uidina 140 prospedivt brides over hazardous trail from Chlce10 to Califoml1. He tuchts the women to shoot. drive mules and fl&llt. all of which comes ln handy durln1 th• danrerou& trek. (R) UNtn <C> mNakM City 1 :20 f) Movie: .. Fllfllt to Hon1 ...,.. (intr11ue) '56-Rory Calhoun, Bar-• bera Rush. • 1:30 m AJl.Nldrt Slltw: "Iron Curtain," ''Revenge of the Gladiatora." and "Th• Claw Monsteri." 2:00. Co••nftr llllttia ...... (C) ;g " 0, h· .. .. m l· ,, IS t ·. it • I ) ' • SATURDAY m ....... s.,1111 cc> I bblitle de Pldre v.,... 1:30 16 .. lee. (C) itiD Ftntlstlc v.,.,_ (C) JULY ~ "Captain Mephl• 2S to and the Transfonnatlon M1elll~" and "Guns of the BllCk Witch." I SatsdlJ llleltrf: "Police Dof ... La &tr.Ila 1 UIW 7:00 a tD (Jj m U11Wled Wftll (C) 10;00 '1 ()) Tiit Ardtle .. (C) Phil ~ray hosts. (]) G> Journey to tlae Cen- • I !-Ti~~(C) '1be Naked Street" 1:0019 ()) Meby Dick (C) Mowir. .. Aattl alNI tile a.cl••" (western) '47-Gall Rusall, Jofln Wayne. !r .. lllNh (C) 3:30 Mwlt: "1)e n.. et T11e1r (comedf) '46 -Abbott & Costello. D feature (C) A tape delay of the il'th annual Shrine North-South Football Game. m Color 1'utn (C) 'The War. ilOrs.'' fE Tmel tile Wend (C) a) Q...t hK Adwntln (C) 7:25 llwt Us 1'ia Dar (C) fJ Movie: (C) "'Cattle Emph'" 1 Mr. W!Mbone (C) t.r o tile &r111 (C) 7:30 Sit•-St1M1ter (C) (western) '53-Joel McCrea, Gloria 0 Movie: "1'e CrMt Que" (COmedy) '63-film clips of Bus· ter Keaton, Pearl White, William S. Hart, Lllll1n Gish, Douatas Fair· banks Sr., end Richard Barthtlmess.. m Net1ot1a1 0ra1 ..... cu.,.: tD (j) fE ~ $1t111t11 T 1lbott. Petet Marshall hosts. I 'ltllm for Llvltt1 ea.,. Diaest La Ylctl•a Ca•p• lrofile . 10:30 a (j) a.tiutl/Slpenaan (C) • Malina ttae Most 'tf-Mataitr 0 @.m Unc1trc1o1 <C> 7:45 Slc1'd Heert (C) • lllowie: Nfhe llla1 Kit'" (mys. 1:00 !~ c..eo ...,..,.. {C) t1ry) '55 -Ray Miiiand, Georae m Super Six (C) _ Raft. Edw1rd Arnold. Maic (C) • • I@ m &> Fantatlc Fo• (C) (HJ $ea., (C) 1fM Tlble -..n Abbott l Costillo Clftlloa (C) 11:00~· {i) fE M1for llape Batt-Tiln_tLW*..EM.. __ Tot-ms to .k ao.aou ~ lllilah!'"" "lb• Canff-(j) m Qeorp if tile .... nal." ( ) 1:»8Cllt fffiiiTmy,._,1t1ii-·-~...t--'ln.-1n~ 'Jimrtfer.- ner Ho.-(~ 11:30 I Cl) Tiit Htrc•lolds (C) · 11@ . Cool McCool (C) (}) m blerlcan Bailclstlnd (]), . . Culllvw (C) (_C) 0 ck Cieri hosts. • ovle: "Ho-.ISllJeet HoMfdde" U Mewie: (C) "Montan1" (west· (comedy) '46-l'eay Ann G1mer. em) 'SO-Errol Aynn, Alexis Smith. ~n Bari. Randolph Scott -m Cisco 11c1 .1rr1 RNoo·. 9:00 D tB 00 m T1lt rtlnbtDna <C> Apln" (western) '4G-John How· Ttatro Fe•lllar ...., (C) ti) Mu Alie M la M..ta (C) a) AnMd fcwas Hlpllitrta (C) ~.30 IJ tB ()) Tiit Lone .. .,., (C) Z:OO 1J ta Cl) 1111 Allertca1 Coif ti.. * <C> Tiie $125,000 clessic. one 4:001 JaJ Alai of the most popul1r and prutilious w Tri! (C) to11m1menta pl-ed annualht In the • .,.. n · " •1 •1 • Siver Wlnp (C) United States, Is broadcast five from • SM tlw"USA (C) g:.,~mtooe .Counby Club In Aluon, 4,301:::::, U.ltl -0-Mlwff:" (t) '"btiW .,. Dllt" --~) -,51-Red Skelton. . · Rainbow 1'utn (_C) a...-:.. "'Clwtliee .. ~ml-~....c.llete-Aow (C) em) '40 -Richainl Dix, Florence Scene 70 <C> . ~ Rice, Victor Jory. @ Cl) GD jlt') lfille World ID Coronet Theatre: "Never Look If Spotts (C)(."':~ 1 Back." I Ho111estud (C) I Spotts In Action (C) : lnaovatitns (R) Quest for Adftfttln (C) flftbol.Socaf . ED SM tile USA (C) • DIC NtWMfYlce (C) 3:00 ~ 'M' hK Miik (C) Father • Twill(llt Zone Norman J. O'Connof' hosts. Man from UNCt.E (C) · 1J M~: "Texas R•n(IFS Ride 1Z:OOl8 (i) Slwu11! (C) ard, Ellen Drew. 12:15 Mowie: "TM Case Apinst Mrs. I @ (!)(if) Spidtnaa11 (C) AllMS'' (mystery) '36 -Geor1e 2:30 1attSe Cly 5:301 Ralpll Story (C) (R) fJ Movie: "Mil Me a Ptnon" The Ntw Sound (C) (mystery) '61-Annt Baxter. : A Naw LOGl at ESP: "ESP and I Clllllet' A tered States of Consciousness." Jack La Lenne (C) Brent. Madeleine Clnoll. S.pbrlllll Theltrt lZ:lO II ~ (j) Joftny Quest <C) .. Sajid," a new din)eniion oJ musical tute for the entm family, Won its way to Mo&romedia Televlaioo KTl'V, Sunday at 7 PM . Starrina 17-year-old Sajid Khan of India. the special opens with Sajid ai:DJiog "Oe~ To Know You," which is what it'• about. Joiniq Sajid, the • number one" teeoqe attraction in the UnJ~ States today, it the always vivacious Susa.a Barrett and The Harperi Bizarre-. ooo of the country's most popular "today" tJOups. Jwttrbld DMno TllOfO Part II of a two·part series. Ile Pictln (C) m A&Jlcllltllfe USA (C) Produced by F1oyd Ackerman, with Dick Ross as director, the special off en viewers a diversity of IS musical numbers, with ·several · of t.he so.op performed oo outdoor locations. In .. Octtins To Know You," Sajid, who rose to stardom in his native land as the three-year-<>ld star of the "Mother India" motion picture, sinp with f amcd Los Angeles and Hollywood I landmarks as background. A oow, wow musical special, "Sajid" has something for every- body--such u !dtapcly Miss Barrett portrayina love and romaocc u only a young beauty can, and 'The Harpers Bizarre otJering . ~r own excitins mUSJcal numbers with a unique contemporary JAZZ rock IOwad. • In addition to his opening number, "Oetting To Know You," Sajid moves onto "Love Me With All Your Heart." "Smi~ ... "Where Is Love.,'' .. A Closed Heart Gathers No· Love," "A Soot Inside," "I Lib Everybody," aod bis hit. "Orum." Suaan the bJoode.haiml beauty everyone wisbca llwd next door, is' apotliahted with "Promises, Promises" and "Before the Parade Puaes Br" and joins her host and the danccra. in "With a lltlle Help trOm My Fneildi,'4 u well as in the BiWe, "A Song Inside.' . The Harpen Bizarre provide cuy listening when they do their OWD thin& with the likes of .. No Time Like Today" and "When the Band .Rcpns_To _.Play." ~-alto ~l _iop~ _witti. Saji~ and the dancers for a r.atful "Indian Rock." Sajid. who bas 14 yean of show business e~ behind him ftnt came to the attentibo of .American au with the • motion picture, "Maya, .. which was made in India. Succea of the feature 1ed to tJ:W network televidoo series, .. Maya.,.. Since the dcmile of "Maya," Sajid bu guest starred on nu.meT· oua musical variety, game and interview shows, as well as a 1111- mcot of The Bi,-Valley .ma. Averaaina about 100,000 pieces of fan mail per week, Sajid Al a re,ular In teenaae fan maprinea. He has also been feacured iD "'IV Minor" and "Pbotoplay" maaazinea. Sajid's two ainaJe roc:ordinp, ·~0cttina to Know You" and ''Dream," and bis ftnt album. appropriately entitled just "SajJd." have been receady rdeued. .... .. PRICES . ST ART . AS LOW A·S - ~ . a ii s ~ ti fJ • f. b 0