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1969-07-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
M-• ,ill" ' I • ~.-~·~~~· '.f.';!·•:.• :_• •a;: I • ..,._ ,_._....? -~ .. .. ... • •• . '2•~-i ~. • • IXOll :A: • . :...: ,H ... _,){i .,. DAILY PILOaf * * * 10' * * * ' i • Ji.tURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 24, .1969 "'\tot.. a: Mb.-174 t SICTM>NS. 4f ,MIS • " es .as :...: -.x, own -'\ ...-----------------------...---~-------, Bo_Ls Nu~~ Body Washes ~On Shore at Surfside . I l(ennedy Phone Calls Subpoena Asked ~ ··•·" Re~over; .- McCarthy Zone. I Moon Trip Eru& Police ·Hope ~pacemen Saf~}y :T~ u~~v~~, lfl><fflr,d ·earrier Ctucial'D.l!ta Fbr·Senate MINNE>.POLIS. Minn. (UPI) -Sen. Eugene McCarthy said today be would not run for nelecUon as 1enator In Min- n~ta or 'iny other at.ate. The·Minrle$>la Democrat made lhe an- nounc:m'ltllt at 1 new• conference after CjllilerrlDi with oUiclals .or th • Denocra.Uc Farmer Labor party for the put two daya. ''I'm reaffirming what I said in the post ao that polentiai candidates may declae what they want to do in the next few months,"· the senator said. • ' .. - " .... "• I,• . - .· .. . . . ' .. ~---~~-.. ----' . . .:. .. • • ' ) ,~';::, ~ lJlfo • tralfic ' lrage<!y · -( ldO~ 'pn1t,y, A BOAlto USS HOJ;INET (AP)-Tbe men who opened the Moon Age blonde aide lo tjie late Rolleft F, X- returned lo their home/Janet today, received a chemical bath before nedy, and J><>Wbly also .n, cbarD !Or the eyes of the world an were hoi.sted aboard this carrier for a welcome lhe_,·1one surviving Kerinedy toll to from P resident Nixon • ...--1 · becxnne presldeol . Nell A. Anmtrong, Edwjn E, Aldrin Jr. and Micha,! £-Olllns sleered Lawmen announced ,loday Ibey will their Apollo 11 spaceship to a near-pinpoint' landing in the Pacific Ocean subpoena a list of all ~ephooe calll nine miles from this recovery ship. . , made from Sen. Ted Kenne d y ' 1 They hit the wann Polynesian waters at 9:50 a.m. PDT climaxing • Edaartown, Mass., llWI ill the hope <Ii an eight-day voyage of discovery in ' 1 ~~.lishifll some par:ticularly aucial which two men wallted the aurface * * * c~ of the moon !or the first time. AulhortUes lald the probe or SeD-Km. The. astronaut. Immediately Jubilant N:xon nedy's delree of fault " lllbilllJ la lhe were placed behind a bi ological • ' drowniog death of -MW MIU')' Jo banitr on the remote chance they Kopechne, 28, last s,.turday will lut at ![e added that ...,,. party Jl'O!lle ill MinneAOla apparenUy would like lo see fonner vice president Hubert H. Hum- phrey run for the Senate seat. l!\AP SPOTS AREA WHERE APOLLO II SLASHED DOWN brought home lunar bacteria that could S Uo Gl • least anoUler week/ hann life on .eorth. a rs' impse "The invesltga\i"n Isn't completed -. not by a IODgs¥l," aald M~ BIOLOGICAL SUITS B' __ • R Registry of ~r Vehicles Superyteor . Before eaiting the ohip lnlo a wav.. UUilng eturn George -W. ,.ltenne<IY, who . II ·JIOI ·a tossed raft !hey donned 1pecial pea-green relative. 1 1 biological suits with 1 mask that pre-ABO · vented them from elhallng their brealb ARD THE USS HORNET (UPI) -A h~arillg 15 ICl!eduled : 'Mooday lo , In the ran, a frogman wearing a bio-.....i ..... ""' ~1014U ....,._, ~" ..._... McCarthy. announced late last year ,he would not Seek Democratic nomination for· re-election to the Senate bul did not rule out ~e possibijilY ~e ~gh~ run as an Independent. . He stuck lo that position through the eniuing months, never quile making a flat announcement that he would retire. Beach M'lin Advi.sed Recovery Change into the alr. , A jubilant Pre.s.ldent Nixon and hundred• determine whetller 1 cmnp1alnt c:bargloc of sailors got onlb a brlet: filim~ of the U • Sena•· ·-~~--1 _,......._ •·-~· loglca~ suit sprayed them with a Ayv.lo 11 as .. ~L lazed to ts acific with leavhlg, the BCene of •n 'IOOklent dialnlectmit and then rubbed each man Ocean ~ashoowu· today, ~~er having done bodily harm will be vlgorOUJ!y with a solution similar ta a The esldent, $ndlng on the flag usued. ' washday bleach. Thebhedsea:led the !lt\llCe-bridge of this recovecy carrier, seaMed A report by Malsachuset•··~,o•-_., . ¥cearthy's decision -or at least the tlmini of it -came as a IW'pri.se to key memberl of bis Washington staff. One said he tnew )d:cCartlly planned a news conf~ 'in Minneipoli• but was not ·aware what the aenator inttoded to say. lly RUDI ~DZIEUIKI Of tM l)tllJ ,1191 Sl•ll Lt. Cmdr. William G. Trasker. of ll042 Mermaid prcle, Huntington Beach, has just codlpleted one of lbe m011t important miMtons of his lile. Trasker, 35, a meteorologist on board the aircraft canier U.S.S. Hornet. this morning helped the trio of .utrooauta to a Boy's Nnde B~y ..re splashdown by advialna the Nalloilal "f' Aeronautics and Spice Adminlstratli>n ri wea\!ler eon<!itl<!M ill the landilll aru. Washes Ashore '~~~111~~:..:ii:= -;,.~lro!A<;il 1lllonn lllrealaled llie Along Surfside · ~=:~.;, "-the moon capellle-WU watched by Tr'mtr'• wlli Tiie nude body of • 15-year.old <Jrp,...;. ceraune, r and lhilr -ebUdri:n, boj>. ·1entaUvely identified' as (lregory -~ 10, Vlll<rk, 9, and Gary, 8. smilh, wal found in the surf off ~urfslcle • "We've had two television aet.s golng all morning," said Mn. Truker earlier to- day, "and the children are very excited. The weather is in good 1bape too." The Trasker family bu been livln& in Jtuntinglon Beach since June 1 when he WU assl.gned to the Hcinet, stationed in Long Beach. 'lbe Navy wealbemran was born in Bm>klyn, New Ycrk. ~ii a iraduate of Bowling Green State University, Ohio. • He jolned the Navy when he waa 22 and c:Ompletec11officer's candidate school at Newport, Rllode Island. • Hll aalgiimenta as a commiwioned of. Doer bave tu.en him lo Newfoundland, Japan. otlnawa and Wublngton D.C. Befft joining the Hornet, Trasker IS"Ved with the anti"8Ubmarl.ne patrol squadron stationed in Jacksonville, Fla. wr-the horizon as Apollo 11 splashed down in w ~ Wl' Yll;lUO ship hatch and ru it down with Ule Pacific Ocean at dawn . Ni1.on, like cle depaftment aUthoriUa. Wednudaiy . the chemical. listed K,nnedy .aa being (I' ,.rt.., ftiull . The ship WI! not close enough for the cheering sailors aboard the Hornet. jn Mi~ l<.Opechne's death and bis Haeme television to record the landing. But it was unable to get 1 clw view of the Ian-was t•mporarily ··-~ ding . .. -~ ... iteamied near enough for TV · ~ewers All the President could see was a brief COOvic:tion would result in a slx-"IDOllth around the world to view the rubdown. streak of linht as he pee' red lhr"""h s~ll!ion. while 1t ml)' 'aim .... Armstrong, A1drln and Colllos were .,, ""6'' reinstated. ' . I binoculars for the speeding Apollo 11 lilied one,by-ooe lnlo a he icoP!er which apseecrill. . . ~ Edp-.Police ,€hie! DamJmo, J depooited them on the declt iii the car-"W all h d hoped ,_ • A-· and ~·•--r-.~• ~--1 i I lo 57 PDT hou d e re y a w see more,·-,..,,_ ~ ~,, .,-..av•••·••·nu..-r er 1 : a.m. • one r an aaid 1 White House alde. J Walter E. ~Id haYe both expttAi!d aevtn mJnutes alter splashdown. Al •-t •-Fr •-·~·that~~-•--•...,·-will be Nix •-•-• f the •M• th an,, po~u , ~tronaut ank Borman, """"U\;I "'·"'u.umi -~ on wa11;.1~ rom u.i iuge as e 1 d•·• issued under -•--~---heUcopter approached. 1be ,iihJp's band ! an .. '6 near NlJ:on Gn the flyirlg bridge, '""'umaaMU~ played "Columbia, the Gem of the exclaimed, "There she is, air." Evidtnct JO far· is onJy dralmlluUIJ. Ocean." Columbia was the name the Ntmn, turned hls head and· said, Newsmen who d~ on the 11118Ddi aslronaub gave the~ command ihlp. ''Where, where" thinking Borniad' was (See KENNEDY, Pact I) Nixon clapped and •aved as the referring to the descil!nding spaceship. helicopter touched the deck, and hun-.. Sorry alr •" Borman said. "On the dreds of sailors cheered the returning radio," re.terring to one or the radio moon heroes. reportJ rrom the splashdown scene. A'small truck hooked on to the chopper ·Within m'Jnutes, however,~ President Orange •• Cea&· at t : 1i a.rn. today by ~al BetJch polic:e. Pollet Sgt. Patrick Sullivan said he located the body, bare except for a wristwatch, at the foot or 'Anderson SU..t .tlet' -ivllll ' IA &DOll)'lllO<LS tel ....... call. "the ·body was rigbt 0'1 the IW'lfine,. IOrt or •Wllh. race up, Tbe dlleoclat ~ hi5 ~·tell ,,., ll<l91><'11t July, 23," 5'id Bay ,Swap Approvers To Make New Decision and pulled lt, with the a!:tronaut.8 Inside. was able to view with binoculars the to an elevator, which lowered them to the space capsule bobbing In the sir foot hangar deck. waves. He grimed broadly as television cameras panned acroas lhflflag bridge. as.Foor TAILER A bellcoj>ta ••l'1Jllng tJ1' Presldeot and There, the astronauts transferred into a his party set down a~ the Hornet sailed M-foot trailer where they will stay during slowly through 111. fool .Wave"s awaiting a 2'k<lay-seffft trip lo the Manned the11.stronaull' aplalihdofin in the Pacl!ic Spacecraft Cent.er, Houston, Tex. 11lere Ocean southwest of H~ali. they face II day1 addJlional lJOarantine. Confident lhat Nll\1 A. Armstrong. Deapite·tbe morntn1 O'fertast. It's still a lovely day· to eoJof summer pur1u1ta. The we.ather will remain that wiy. at least for the next five day&. Sulllyu, . The officer said that Pftlip11oary in-Vt.stlption tndicaltd no foul pfay but said Qranae ComQ corooer's depJUes have tC:lte*ded 10 autospy lhis aft.emoon at Smllll'a Hunlinaton Beach mortuary. The 7ounpter bad neatly, trimmed rtd ba1r and •as appan:ntly last seen at 3: IS a.m: Tuaday at Hunt1ngtan CUy Beach when he asserledly tried lo Hold arm\ by nmnJng Into the 111rf. Sgt, lleit !:hiod>rick or the Huntington Beach Police Department oald ofllcera al tblit time were tmnB to armt severaJ juven~ for btin& drunk Oil the beach. "H(liWorODll7 lru not a member ol the .,.... -·paflce-1111 ll!CI wanted to aVINli:ll!luteR.ed," °'adwlck &aid. " - Orange Coonly auporvllOI'• b .... ruc1e1t 10 a Grll!CI Jury request that the Upper Newport. Bay land trade -- the counl)' .and the Irvine Compa!IJ be "renegotiated" by referrinl lha •pn>blom to the aame trio who recommtnded •Po 1 provilot Ibo [llCI lul No .. rnj>er, . Wednead•y Oom>ty ~UVl Of. fleer Robert E. Thomal, Oom>ty Colmel Adriu Kuyper and -~== Director Jfenoelh in. renewed studiea of Ibo controv al land awl() with no Ume limit tel I thelt delibara- U~ c:.nd Jury's act! 'pu1 theVpPe• ' Weleomlng them to the l'raller were Dr. Edwin E. Afd:dn Jr.,.iaM Michael Collins B*1 tran.ctioa under fire . on thtte WllUam Carpentier. NASA physician, and "are 1otni-to ·IPlasbdawn all right," Ni:x- fruda. Pr••loal!J County A 11e11 or John Rlrasald, NASA enat-; both of on spent the night jbolrd the USS Ari- Andrew J. Hinshaw bu refused lo cancel wbQm volupl<tred .lo~ ISillltd wllb lbe lhgtoo before Oylna lo the carrier lo $1.0.000 In tares on tbe 4S7: acl'U the utronauta. watch tbt recovery operaUOn froilt the company deeded to ~ county, and Armltt<lnt; Aldrfn •nd Collhls loOl:ed bridge, ' Audiior.<:ontro11er VICIOr lleim Ml rer.. Uke strlllien fnllll another ""'Id u l!"1 ed to act ll IUpervbors' onler oo lbe ftei>l\ld'al! the bellcopt<r and fllkad lhe. 1 pog. 12 111'1» to the quaranU.. !railer, 1 Dead 18 Missm· 'l\e Grllld Jury augpsted a ...WY of Tbe)' w1vad ill -ltdl• the chffr1 ' g the,lrade of lttf-.. or COllllly-lnd 1pplfuae ri lbe NASA and NlV)I TOULON; Franco (AP) -Th.e tldOl•ndl,-mootly wa!etftont lJld flied perlOlll\d on bolnl. 11...,.acian ° lant Si!/a colildad with a property, !or lbe ta7 .,.. al --· In mbolon control -In IJOmlon, l';rench lrelh Ibo Mediterranean off """°" Im! whldl II Jarael)' two ... ICOCis I ti -bMe OOl omaII 'l'oulon tarfy · ay, upioded ll!d &ant derw•ttt llanda In ~ -al the A111'*an !la&•· On the dlflllaY 'board wlthiQ . ,a le. Two bodlU """, 8l<k 8q ~JI(:.~· al jlrOo ,. '!'tta ·~ ~' Jol!n I", Ken-~aid II wert It.lad M.mlaaiJIC •kiln& more piw>ll1 " "'· ·<SOI APOU.O,...., ,) and Jll'lbl ' dead. • • I INSm E TODAY Hundredr ol doltori toorll> o{ mttchan.dilt df.sappeo.r1 daU1 · fram thi sllelvc.t of retail i!Orea. Who lakes It tollhotlt pa.win,o for it and toAw1 Page 21. .; \ --- l -~. • • - • • • 'I • I l I • • j DAll.Y I'll.OT $ .• .. Deadlock Fees Studied : ·Over Sllrtax I ' $940,QOO Revenile Expected From Change Airport '· Nears Break WASHJNGTON °<Ul'li -Tile 1House Ways aod Meana ,gcimm;u.o appro-..d 1.,isl>\IO!!. toifay 10 keep tile Income aurtax all,. U1roocll al leut Aug. 15, There ,,.,. lncllcollonl a Senate deadlock on extending' the tu might be· ready to brt.ak. The Ways and Means Committee acted to continue withboldiog of the 10 percent surtax ror IS more days. The tax law ex- -Rtred June 30 but Congress previous1¥ ap- pro,•ed an extensiDn of the higher withholding through July. The committee neared the eod or deliberations on a separate tax reform but whole sweeplhg provW<Jns IJlllelred to be meIUng some of the opposjUon by Senate 1iberi.ls· to cooUnuatlon of the surtax without accompaoying lax reforms. After the committee approval of the 15- day extension, Mansfield was asked whether he thought this provided enou'h letway to allow a reform-surtax lfr~pupl be{ore start Aug. 13 of a Congress1ona recess. ••Nope," Mansfield replied. Man.Weld alao told reporters be. met earlier today with treasu_ry secretary David M. ·Kennedy and saJd questic_m! were raised about the surtax extension ''in the light of the extraordinarily fast productivity by lhe House Ways . a~d Means Committee on a lal reform bill. --~ . ' New l.lnogt Colllly All"port user ftM, ch.,.ge. , f7 JS for he1Vy twin or four enjlne era«. desigllei! to make the hi<Jlily sell llUj>-Other 'lacreNto ~ ladude Monthly tie-down fees In the llGl1heaal JIOrlll!I, wUI be._ 1he lloard ol rue[ flolfllio,for 1...i (jiff~) Jvfa-·~·improved-area bU..f ou-wh1g spaa ~u~ ...,. 1-IGr,...,,....aL 1ion-i-·1 to s -per pJlon aod olf · • ' , •-County Avla!Wq Director Robert J. and:. Ju-fee. fr""1 5 Ceola to 10 or th~planel, wl!J bt up &om fll to - Bresna)laa. who pl approval 'ol the fn-cen~ I* p11on or• !!lllJnd. • ; for Ugbl planes.to ·P7-~ to fll,71, and creased r ... thfa wett &om the a!J1lOrl Fuel: l\i!wqe 'fiis for commercial from l20 to tis for lilbl twlna to 118.50 to commisllon, !ilol . the ladlily abou!d alriinft wtD tie ellnilnlled and the in· $61.50. No nile ii required for liea"Y generate revenut1 ,this year ..-of JbQut ~ llDdlq£ fees sub8Ututed. twin or four ~ planes in Ulla aru u f940,000" up from last year'a-..00. .1 ~ •. did not recommend a Jl wW not accommodate them. Principal increase la in laodlng rees for propooed boost iii the minlmwn landing In the notlheast fuUy-llnproved (paved) commercial airllners, from the current 15 fee from $2.50 to h .50 l>ecause they said area, ll&ht planes will ~ upped from $30 cents per thOU&IDd pounds per landing to two commuter airliries-us.tpa: the airport monthly ·to *"0.501o $39.60; Ught twi.n.J 20 cents, with the mlnimum fee on 17,000 would be unable to pay the increase and from a flat $45 to $42.50 to $79, and heavy pounds remaining at $2.50. atiU realfu a profit. twins and four engines from $150 to $180. -On UUs basi'? Air California and Air Pther iee changes ·Include : transient T-hangar closed storage apace for Wesl wOuld pay about flto per landing ti&d<Jlm, '1•50 a nilbt to $2.25 for light single engine plaoes1 .the •n1Y type that IOI' their 95,000-)IOlmd Bo.Ing '/fl 1win aingle engine crafl;"fl.50 a night to $1.75 can be acoommodalild wu raised from J<!a, 'Compor«I with the ...-$145.IO fw Jli)il twin encl!1e planes am n· IO' 165 IO !70, . Man Suspected In Shoot~ Officer Nabbed · T hf;ev~ A ~ant . G1wrde A pro!esst.q& ,prir.e llglller sought by f 160 police officers in the shooting of a Los This Is th·e painting l..aguna BePach Artist David Rosen reports is' Angeles County sheriff's sergeant was ar4 now in the hands ol someone who didn't purchase it. The '600 ab-rested in Fullerton Wednesday as a r'8ua stract was on displ8.y out$_ide his studio and wonders if the under-()fan anonymOUI phone tip, police said. world bas gone avant garde. """"' Fullerton Police ctde( Wayne Bornhoft ~ ' j• ~~j~,· ue~s No Tourist , Bu1· Ni.fon <;an't ~!sist CabJe Cars SAN FRANCISdo (UPI) -J'ust about Flral Lady's.car was forced lo stgji,fre· . every touriit who comes io Sao Fran. quli!Uy as crowds closed JD. c'taco wants to ride a 'cable. car and Presl~ The President, beaming and relqed', ilenl aod Mn. Richard Nixon turned out , told hi& fellow passengers tllel Ile II'•• to be.I'" ·ucepUon. · . · ''lhrilled by Ill this -being RI San ll'ran-OUi'f!ll a lhorl'"ltay here Wedneada7 -·"*">,the cable aar rl!!e, Apollo 11.". m'"11ing'prior to!llY!nl out to the Pacific, l""'ftlii\!laons !<!de bad< to their boleJ lo a the.nation'• chr<I execuUve took a sur-•Uli1!)1lifne1 but they stlD fell in a friendly prise ~~i!~c8r Ii.de 11an, hi• !loii!9'~·'1i)oiido,.-!1'4, i>lw!i!<i 1nto !lie dellP.led -,..... .10 .,Fisbermaii • WbirC J,·· -cr.\iil'ilial ~ tb6·area: Bookie Rin• g .. 1aid William E.-Gray, 22, offered no resislence · wbtn he was arrested by .llls declalon d~ .thoulaods of Sali 11Jiliii'ii1er stoocl ma car and lalted to Franciscans, who' cheered hiin along ~1 th~~·crowd briefly through · a portable way.Butsome~et.Strv~agenlsand loudspeaker. He said he was impressed From Page J detecUves at a private residence.. S ts Found • • Gray bad beell the object of a bouse-to-USpec -· KENNEDY PROBE house manhunt in Pico Rivera earty"Wed· ' ' ' nesday after 'officers said they spoiled newsmen rrilght not have been .so happy. by the international atmosphere of San The cable car was so crowded that they Ffanclsco. - had to run along the entire thretrmlle "There is a spirit of brotherhood here route. and, God willing, we're going to spread Glll'Jtv Lv Tn,dg"' _Jlinu1ear_th~J1omt.ofJIU<!!uainlal!C'----7~7~-~ -~ resort-area of--Marthats Vineyard,..,.turn and C'f'O\-t Miss Kopecbne--to ber Ofricers had earlier fired four shots at Two meb wbO..e trial on )?ookmaking however, ~led that Steele-on his state death. , him a!ter he was challenged. The car• genera,Jly jerk aloilg at nine tha,! spirit a,U over the. world_oa. t!liJ miles--per IHIJr.'but the Presjdent and trip." Ch·-• was ·-~•tionally dtila....,.._ia.. t job only Six weeks -contradicted "It could have been, l really don't Shortly alterwards, a local resld~ -•-~ ,_ k • dd d said Gray accosted him,. demanding tuo:i mootb when• co-defendant was sla1n·1n himseU several times in this regard. now,' she a e · keys to his car, but w.ai frighten~ off a lovers quarrel. were {ound guilty of the "I don't have and probably will not An off-duly Dukes County Deputy when a oeighbor turned on a porchllght. charges W.ednesday In Superior Court. have any charge as to a criminal sense,'' sheriff is considered one of the key The (!Sident, at that time, lold police Judge Robert Rickles delivered lhe Steele said ence. f.igures in the accident probe, since heap-he thoulftl Gray bad been wounded in one verdict on Sylvester Blake, ~ North •'fltave eyldence In the files which we parently saw Kennedy's black sedan arm, but officers said later he had not Hollyw_ood 'and ValenUno James, $1, Lot will prosectfte in the next few days," he been hit. Angeles and cfdered the two . men to said later.' referring to the senator's make the fa~al wrong turn. A warrant bad been issued Tuesday return to Ult court October I3 for sen-mysterious whereabouts for 10 hours SA w 3 PERSONS charging the boier with assault wiUt ln- ten'"1" ... Both men opted for a nan-jury Saturday. -te t to comm1·t murder 1·n t•· Sunday ....... 16 One definitely interesting angle to n '"" trial. "Notoi:ie_ty this case ~as caused all shooting of Sgt. Edwin Tbatcher, 28, wbo Their earH.tt jury trial was 1n ill·final . over the world rilakes it difficult to issue statl'ments by Deputy George Lake Jr., is now lilted in satisfactory condition. House Votes Educational Funds Over Nixon Request ..!lementary and secondary school pro- grams and vocational education. stages last Jtine JO When .their co-4efen-anY statements,'' Steele said. is !hat -whlle be did not~ Sen. Thatcher had stopped Gray at an in· -1 dant Emmett Alan canard, C. NOrth " Kemedy as the driver -he thought tersecUan for rootlne lnvestJ.gaUon wben Hot1Ywooc1:; was allegedly shot by hls NO COMMENT ' three persons were in the car. he was shot, deputies said. WASHJNGTON (AP) -The House Ap- propriations Committee voted today to increase federal spending fQr education and hospital construction above President Nixon 1s requests. There is a strong likelihood the House wUl vote an even bigger increase when the bill gets to the fioor next week because one admini.s,tration cut left intact by the committee would greatly reduce a program wiOl wide congressional IUPo I girlfriend in what police have written oll "1 prefer not to comment on it, it would A purse belonging to another party-Gray is also wanted on a burglary .as a Jovers quarrel. be unfair to this defendant -or any goer, Mi"ss Rosemary Keough, was found charge and "1:a-te violation in SeatUe, POiice char~· . Canard. WU £111Ultd def•••--•" the "··--chuselts pr ~-tt~J OOCJ, .... wan., ~ in ttie upside-down sedan with Miss Wa&b. down by Nelda, "'l't' l\&1fPlot bu secuwt Jdded When 'pressed f9r;mort in· Kopechne'a body, but could have merely -He wu booked for 111138ult with Intent the pair quamlect.in,,ple JI kinl lot f 1 formation. been left earlier. to commit niurde.r at Industry Sherill downtown LC& Mieles restaurant. Miss Chief Artna was more specific about Miss Keough has disap""""-" and a Sub-station. Duncan was involved in the same the Senator'• r"nv.nsibllity to explain .,....... "'u tnv ..... 1 .... Uon and a ....,"v girl who answered her phone Wednesday bookmakinS ~....-w s where he was and what he -and anyone said she didn't know where she is or awaiUOg sentencing. else involved -did between Miss when she will return. James and Blake were indicted fol!OW· Kopechne's death and the time it was jng investigation of what w~s d~cnbed -ported. Sen. Kennedy has said he will make a wi"'--"'d bookmaking nng ex ~'" statement on the tragedy at the ap. as ~ ....... .,....... ch o( 1m An el d "He's going to have to prove where he propriate time, but remains in seclusion teoding =mu g es ao was between 1 and 9 a.m.," Arena told at family bead~uarters in Hyannis Port Oran&e •, reporters, ''bUt we are satisfied the crash today. 4 Teen Boaters Found HuddJ.,ed In Catalina Cove AV ALON (APJ-Foor young boater> mlNiq! trinoe Monday were found hud· died together tn a cove on Ute west side ol Catalina Island Wednesday. Their boat bod sunk too yards offshore. was accidenlal." So far, with charges pending and sens1- "Wbat happened afterward l! the tional elements tinging the clan image, reason for the Jeavlni·the-scene com· the time has evidenUy been in· plaint," he added. . . Authorities who announced they will appropriate. acquire a list or all telephone calls fr~m * * "(:( Kennedy's hotel said it may detenn1ne whether he was indeed in shock after the HUD' R tragic, post-party accident. . s omney: All other persons at the six-man, s1x- woman dinner in a rented cottage on Chappaquiddick Island foll~wiog a yacht race in which they participated aboard Kennedy's boat have vani.Shed. LEFT ISLAND 'Kennedy Hasn't Explained Yet' Prominent Family's Daughter Stabbed PORT ARANSAS, Tex. (UPI) Caroline-Louise Harte, lt. the daughter of publisher Houston H. Harte Jr., and· granddaughter of the pruldent of the Harte-Hanks Publishing Co., wu stabbed to death early today in tbe ~um.mer cot- tage of a prominent San Antonio family. A spokesman for lhe Harte family said the girl was killed by an Jntruder who broke into the Port Aransas cottage of Cameron Duncan. al The committee added $1Z3.t million to Nllon's budget for the Office of E4uca- tion and llM'miWon to the hospital con~ struction program. 'Ibe uicreases, al~ng with cuts in many other programs, produced a $16.6 billion appropriations bill for the Department of Health, FAtucaUon and Welfare and the Department of Labor that is $1~.8 million more than Ni.ton asked for. It is the second Ume this week the committee ,has increased the ad· ministration's budget. It added $~ million Monday to the appropriaUons re- quested for three other departments. Nixon ordered a new round of spending cuts Tuesday and blamed Congress for adding $1 billion so far th.is year to his budget proposals. The increases in education funds ap- proved by the: committee were mostly for porl. ,_. Men Beaten h.y Band Of Negroes at Base CAMP LEJEUNE, N .C (AP) -Four• teen white Marines were beaten in a series of fighti With a roving band of about 30 other Mafines, mostly Negroes, al Camp Lejeune, the Marine <Arps report.,. A Marine spokmnan said Wednesday two of the 14. were seriously injured and were transferred to the Portsmouth, Va., Naval Hospital, one suffering a fracbred skull and ·the other concussion. fi. J. (Jarrell~ 'Ibey bad num to the' sheltered cove after die rented 14-foot wtboerd motor boat ran JM.o a ke.lp bed Monday. They tried to find an overland route to Avalon on Tuesday but were unsuccesslul, deputla said. . "They all left the island," !aid Chief Arena Wednesday, but one, 2&-year-o!d Esther Newberg, said in a copyrighted newspaper interview that Miss Kopechne wou1d be alive lf ~he hadn't lefl CHtCAGO (UPI) -HQusing and Urban Development Secretary Georie Romney said today he did not think Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has "adequately" explained the automobile accident in which a former Kennedy campaign w o r I!: e r drowned. HIRITAOE UPHOLSllRID FURNITURE SALE Auguillne Loo. 19 ; William Quan, 19; Julie Wong. 18, and Anl.ta Tsun, 1&, were b"'""1l b1et ·10 Avalon by jeep. A hell· copt« reported their position to the · sbentf's search and rescue party ... Depa()" William Corrlngan said"" the foursome . ••were. rtllly: ln pretty 1<fX1 i;hape but they were awfully hu.ngry .' \ DAI Li i-'llO T ~I ~ l"\llll5.ilNO COM~Y lt•Mti M. w • .4 .,....... .. "'*-" n-•• I.ml ..... Sen. Kennedy was driving the vlyaclo.us aide in his late brother's 1968 pres1denhal campaign t.o catch a mldni~t ferry across Kalama Bay to return home when the actiderit oceurred. Sr.indivers recovered Miss Kopechne's body from the Kennedy sedan which 1tlunged oU a rickety bridge into a 10-fool di!ep tidal lagoon nearly 12 hours later. She was fully clothed and blood sa~oles showed only a tiny trace of a1coT,o1. The Jone surviving scion of the Ken· nedy fp.mily escaped with s.trained ne~k muscles and a mild concussion, but 1'11.SS Kopechne, whose fWlCral be attended T\lesday was trapped inside. The ai-ooe-time leading contender for the Democralic pr'esidential nominati~n in 1972 said he dove down in several rescue attempts, despite his bad back, broken in a near-fatal 1962 plane crash. The Senate whip bas retained R?bert G. Clark Jr., former distrid court Judge in Brockton, Mass., to represent him along with Edgartown attorney lUcbard J . McCarron at Monday's hearing. The charge described in Massachusetts Jaw parallels CaWomia's hit.and-run law. Romney's remark about the accident was one of the first made publicly by a t::ip official of the Nixon alinlnistration. "It's quite clear Sen. Kennedy has not adequately explained.. the acCtdent," Romney said at a news conference. Romney was a.<iked about the possible political effect of the accident on Ken- ned y. "Well," he said, ''I found that one word has a lot to do with It. I don't know what one act will do." The .. one word" of Romney's reference was "brainwashed". During the 1968 presidential campaign, the then governor of Michigan said he had been "brainwashed1' by army generals In Vietnam. The remark prov- ed a major stumbling block to Romney's quest of the Republlcan presidential nomlnaUon. Frona Page I APOLLO ••. P . .\RTY GUESl'S · nedy's words of May i:;, 1961. when he One of the party guesti wi.ll former pledged this counlry to land men on the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Paul moon in this decade and relurn them }.1arkham, who has disappeared ~ke. t~ safely to earth. others for the present time, wllb his MANUAL AG110N where.abouts unknown. For the first Ume in the Apollo pro- Miss Newberg, who told the Worcester, gram, the u:tronauts took manual iCtion Mass. Gazette she and the oth" girls at to change the.ir landing site. This ~ame the party -all past KeMMy campalgn necessary when a threat ol thun· aides -aa1d lbey stayed ovemlght at the dcrstonns forced otficlals to lhitt the lan- cottage. ding iso miles to the east, The men ~nt were ln and out of the Armstrong changed the guidance com· resort home during the party, she said, puter so that Apollo 11 dug a Utile deeper adding lbat Kennedy's cousln, Paul Into the atmosphere, enabling Jt to shoot Gargan. who rented the party pad, told · for the new touchdown zone, V50 mllea the girls of the ttagtdy Saturday. ' southwest of HawaiL M.111 Newberg sa.Jd &he believed It was Thn!e.f.o-cil-foot wavea turned lbe about 8:30 1.m., as they were being spaceship 'upslde down ;fter it landed. driven to catch Ui e ferry on the same The astronaul3 righted it in l l riiinutea by SAYE 15% l'lOFBSIONAL INTEIU<la OESl$N.W OllDlll JN YOUI CHOICI OP fAlltlC. • ALSO ••• SUISTANTIAL SAVINI$ ON MANY HlllTAIH DININI IOOM, •DIOOM AND TAM.I 510Ul'S ••• Your ~ dlfigncr will be ham to OltU't "ou. •• • °"" ...... ,__ ..... _ 2215 HARIOR nm' COSTA t.4UA, CALIF. 644-0275 644-027' I ,, rout e w~ra Sen. KeM~dy took a wrong inrloling flotation. bags. IL--------------------------.... ------------' 1" -------------~ l I) ,, .. y ~ ti n ,. I, • • a y d 0 e d n • l ' , ! I ' t I • -----•l •• I ii I I I I I I I I • '. .. ....... , ---. . Dunti~on Beiaeh . £,DITrOij Teda~•~f'fiu\t· ~ L-- N.Y. r., I ' ' . " .VOL 62, NO. 176, 3 SECTIONS, ~ PA6tS ' ORANGE cou~. cALIFORNIA •, JHURSOA Y. JULY 2~, l9'9 / JEN CENTS EDWIN E. 'BUll' ALDRIN J°R. Boy's Nude Body; Washes Ashore Along Surfside ' The}¢de body of a 15-year-old. Cypress ~J 'ilntaUv~y ldeattfied as dregory St!'Hh wQ fooncl In the surf elf Surf~de a~I:~ •• "!" toci,.Y b)''seal ~c!t police. ~-Sall l'•ll1dl $o1Hvan ... 14 ht located the body. bart except for a Wrlotntd>. 1t tllo fool of Ami ..... 8ttee\ lf!u 1""°1Vi!!C an anoojmOWI tolfpllone call. . '~e body was right on the aurlrint, m o( awa'.sh, face up. The calendar on hil watch was stopped at JuJy ts," said Stillivan. 'lbe officer said that preliminary in- vostigallon lndlcated-oo foul play but said Orange COunty coroner's deputies have ICbeduled an autospy tbls afternoon at Smith's Hunllnglon Beech mortuary. '!be YOlljlg.rter had neaUy trimmed red btir and was apparent.1,y b.st seen at 3: 15 e:tft.. Tuead•Y at HunUngton City Beach W1*o he assertedly tried to avoid arrest by~nning into the surf. Sst. Bert Chadwick of the Hunli\liU>n Beach ·Police Department said officers at that time were trying to arrest several juveniles for being drunk on the beach. "He appareatly was not a member of tbe group, saw police coming and wanted to .•void being arrested," Chadwick said. •Coroner's investigator Jim Beisner said tt will be impossible to determine if the death was caused by drowning until the autopsy has been perfonned. "We will tiave to wait until then to clear up what is tinrolved." he said. Peaee Officers Group Moving To Hunting~o~ Orange Coast Peace Officers' Academy wnt move to Huntington Beach thil fall. • ()(ficert from · 15 police~ departments •rt1 eipected to register for the 40th class Of the acad emy, Sept.. 15 through Nov. 14. Jl will be conductt'd at Golden West Ccllege. Also moving from Orange Coast College to Go){Jen West is the two-year poUce acience program which is being redesignat.ed law enrorcement. Cadets in both the academy and lwo- year program will use a new building bousm1 two large classrooms for 56 and '8 1tude¥lt, and a complete crime laboratorj' with 11 students staUons. /.. jolnt'opel'llio/i ol die Orange County Chiefs' and Sbttlffs' AMOClation and the Orange'eoa.t.Jll!'ior Cofles• lll9bicl, the a1Cidefty traiM/ first-time ·polfcemen jn an 1n~n1lve ni6e-week 11esslon, rnMlog from I a.m. to I p.m., five days a week. ordcers are mlgned and the cost underwritten by their r e s p e c t I v e deptrtments. Application deadline for the 1C:atlemy is Aug. 15, U was announced b~ Derald D. Hunt, director of the law en· fQrtt.ment program . • Ten units of credit toward the ~ilte tn irts degree are gran ted to ofllctrt who complete the academy. Hun~ 11!o annouoced tllll the list acad<ri!Y will be held 1t Golden wen. J ... ..,~ "· ll70. The Oran&• ~ty-· • U' Aclldomr will hold its ,......,, r.. P«om""' M t. ThlJ will .,...,. bGlln Of inllnlcUoo. " . -~ ,. N.ixon W elco111:~s • ' : Trio . r ~. Carri el- • • Pacific Ocean I• SPLASHDOWN •. ~ •• HAWAII • ABOARD USS HORNET (AP)-Tbe men who opened lhe Moon AJ• - -returned lo their home planet today, received a cbemlcal balh l>efore the eyes of the world and were hoisted aboard this carrier 1or a we1come I 7·24·•• • ; from President Nixon. Neil A. Armslrong, Edwin.E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael C9llins ateered ~eir Apollo 11 spa~eship to a n~r-pinpoint lani1ing in the P3cific Ocean rune miles from this recovery ship. They hit the warm Pol)'l!esian waters at 9:50 a.m. PDT, cllmullig _,__ _,__ -"--an eight-day voyage of dilcoverf In H H · w wbicli two m~l) walked ·the aurface B h N · l of the moon for lhe llrst tllne. eac ava The astronauu immediately . . · . .w~re placed .behind a biofogical -r OD iiJ JUMiio cbaro. they Man Mov·. es b>oug!ft home loDar bader!&.11111 could barril file OD p .. ---~ -BIOWGIC&L fllJITS " ":' . . , .• . - . . . . ' .. ·-.,. ~ ... • ... u,, .... .., MAP · SPOTS AREA WHERE APOLLO 11 SLASHED·DOWN Landing Site =...ft1~~.i.~i:i:.:= p· !..J_ · S "lo Ge By RUDI NIED7JELSKI :!~;r..:1'!.~'j.~~ .. resurent, ai rs t Of ,.. Dlllr '"" SRt1 In the rart, a lrOIIJllD ~,a blo-.. ~~z~~"ir~5 =1:~:~*~~ G. · limpseof Apollo Plunge missions of his life. · washday blutjl. They N10d 1J1i ._. Trasker, 35, • meteorologilt on boml lhfp batch ...i rubbed -II <ion )i\tli . th• aircraft eurier u.s.s. Homel, uu. the rbemlCIL ' AllOIJUl THE.USS lioRNET CUJ'I) - morning ~f>l!d tho lrio of Ulroll&ula to a The lhip -WU nol c~_.."'r.:'l\:}l>" A Jubflant Preald"1t Nim> and hundrtda , t•splashdoimb)'adv!a!nstheNallooal tilevlalon to-Ille ~-'11 -ol .~ ant oo1y a brief llimpoe of o1-::::r..:1=~"=~ ~o:::..id~\,Me:'' ApW II o I\ bloud" i. ·lfl PldfJO '• WU !11o/laied ...... '!!f ~ • • 11!1111, liltD ~;=' ,,.;~'. slal)dinl .. ,ibo flaf Through bis -Ille~" ~· •. ' ., .{'/iillii9;• . ~~o(oday. . '~~ ..... "I'! , • .~~·-IM,dedc•ol tbi COi' ~of·llJll NIOVerf cartlef, ~ Zoo Happening . ' . For Valley Kids Baby apes, Happy Hollow and the mouse house are just a few of the al· tract.ioos Fountain Valley youngsters will see when lhey vL'lll the Los Angetes 7.oo Aug. 1. Two busloads ol playgrounil fOOth ·will take off that Friday from Fountain , Valley -High -School for the tour _. .wred by the city parks and recreatlon department. Registration deadline is July 30 and can be made at tbe Fountain Valley city hall ca!hier's office or the parks department in the community 001:ter. Price is 'l.35 and lncludea lraos:portati on, admisalon and supervision. w~ yOllJlgltm wtll be tr.aled to the .lll!rnal& o( aix eon!Jnenll, plUJ ,.veraJ sP..liO. oectlons. •· llli. ' · '. Jl!f .t :p"o.m. PDT. -flcioir _. •'-'=·-•-n<·11..,--c1on 1a .ncovery"tf Ille --• ..... --·-~ -=-..,_""'.....,........... . eaJ>lllle flottW "1 Tr.a.(, .,... -•........-• • tho hcl!lc Oc<an II do"'!-NIJl!n. ~. ~ ... -~~ .. ~----!he=~' tlii~~"'-i·llil~ ~1t,·va1ei19;·t; .. 0 ,1!. ~· ~-~~ :f·. 'w~~~111ic1~.-o(tii.1u1-we"'.!"'4twoi.1<Yjllon gOlqliD 0cun.• ~ -\"lk •j i dJoC.-· · " mornbl(. Hid Mn. ~er -Iler to-........... --~ ~-AlJ.lbe ~ coulil -WU a lirlel day, "and the chJldreri are"ery Helled. Nix •~.and . "' The weather is tn good abape too " . on ,;c-~ nv~ u . the 1\ftak of U,ht 11 f\e peered ~ The Trasker family baa been Uvln( In :;:ilcopt l<luCMil !be deck, and · hllll-blnoculara for the fP<edinl A~ 1l HWlUngton Beach &Ince June I w .... he edl. of ullors cheered lbe ....,,,,.,,, apacec;rafL wu ml&ned to the Home~ staUoned In "":""_~ •~ _ "We relfly had hoped to see men,• Long Beach n •WIW tnlct ~.-. on to tJii chopper aakl 1 White Rouse afde. The Navf wealhennan wu born in and pulled .tt, 1ritb the astronmdl lnifde, A$ one polot, A!tr0111u! Frank Borman, Brooklyn, New York, and la a graduate ot ~ ... ~~' wlllch f!>wer!lltlh'!l'l.te_ll>e staildlni:oeu Nixon on Ille flyln& brldp, Bowlin& Grte.o Slate Unlvenlty Ohio pr •xcl•fmed, '1Tbere she 11, air," . He Joined the Navy when lie w'u 22 Ui! ~FOOT T~ , Nllop. ~ bla bud and Aid, completed ofQcer's candidate school at There, tht aatronaula lr1naf.,.-ed Into 1 'Wherj!. "~ ~ Borman "11 Newport, Rhode uland. . . 35-fool lraller wbere_ 11\oy wW nay durlni ~.erring to ":~ dmen<llng ~P· H1a assignments as • commlaaioned of. a 211-<liy in-elr trip to thi Manrfed Sorry air, llormao &aid. Oo the ficer hive iaken him to Newfound1and, Spacecraft ·~Lei' Hadston Ter.·'f!Mn radio," referrlnt to one of ·.the radio Japan, Okinawa and Wubington J>,C. they r...11 de1' iiidJ11oo11 /iuaiantme. reportslthlnlrmlnom Ille ll>laahdownth""l.":.,., .. Before ioioing the Homet Trubr W lcom':.. lbem • W · ulea, how.vu, I • n~•t • aerved with the anU ... bmarine patrol wuif.m C -a U toN~l'°"=er:re Dr. WH able ~ view wilb blnoculan the aquadroo stationed In Jacksonville Fl>. J hn HJr:::t1 ~A c ~•llldof space caplflte bobbing In the sa,, fool M tal Stud Se ' o , en .r, """' waves. He gr1Dned broadly u lelemlon ell y t whom vohmteered to ht llolltea wllb lbe cameraa panned.ocrou the nag l>rl<lge. Ping Pong Game To Paddle It Out Local pln1 poof e1perts wlll paddle It out In three divi&lans next week durin'g a table tennis tournament in Huntington Beach. Men's single matches begJn at 7 p.m. Monday at Huntington Beach High School while ladJes 1ingles and open double com- petiUon begins at I p.m. Saturday at the Recreation Cent.er. Trophies will be awarded to the flr1t place teams. Anyone may enter the tournament, ·~ by the Hunlfngfnn Beocb Table Tennis Chtb. Entry fees ar~ $1 for men's .and ladles slnglea, ,f.10 •ach for open doublea. astronauts. . . , , /.. belicopler carntng Ille Pm!denl 1n<I · · · • • Armabolll, Aldrin •nd ~ ,look-4 hil party sel doWit u Ille Horne! lltled • For Riot Suspect like atrangen from 1nother wor)d u Ibey 1iowly through 11ii foot ,..,., awaiting at.ppecf off the beUcopter ...i wall<od lbe IZ steps to the quaran~ !railer. /.. youlh convlcled ol Injuring • H,... They w1Yed lo aclmowledM the chem W D d IJngton Beacbpollce officer and• bys..,_ an<I applauao or· the NASA" and Navy Oinall ea der during the riot lest Aprll 20 hi tbaj'd- penonoel on board. . ty '!VU ordered Wednesday to unc1erao a In ml!slon control center lo """"°" ~ ruagnostlc sluey. . """.. ., persons broke oo1 . Wii From lnJ· uries Superior Court Judge WUl!am 11.,,., American flags. On the dilplaf'boird delerr<d oentencln& of John 'Robert were Dalbec! Preoldent John F. Kep. P""!'°• 19, of Garden Grove, p;;jd1itg.doc- nedy'1 word• of May 2', 19111, wh111· ht After 3 y ea"S . ton reports on bis menial ~-pledged UU. country to land men 00 I.he ~ Panos wa11 convJcted by a Superior Court moon in this decade and rttyrn them Prlvate ,funeral aervtcH were held to-Jury on two felony usault counts. safely to earth. · day far 1 Costa Mesa .womah who lay TesUmony at &he tz'W ;1ievealed that For the flral Ume in the Apqllo pro. '"I•• for 1\0 yeon, Iller behig crltloally Panos threw • botlle •t police ofllctr grazn, the astronauts tool< ~ acltoD "' ·~ and struck a byalan<ler 11\>lbe bed: of Ille to chan&• !belr landinl sit.. 1'la -. burned fn on oparlmeDt fire. head . The latter wound oOeded 21 &IHcha necm&ary when • thrut of thun-. MrL Sally J, Green, C , rescued from to close it l deratonna forced offlclall tO lbift tbe Jan. her b1uinct\Qlo.e at J020.Fullerton Ave., Panos was one o(I more than SO ding zso mllea: to the ellt. on Nov. 28, lMS, died TlltSday at a COD· juvenlle.s an<I' young adults aneated in val-t holpllal ID Or...,. the riot whiih brought law enforcem"11 The v1CUm tuffered teVere, laat.lng bmc <Jfflcen from all areas r1 the oxmty to Police to Check Kennedy . Plwne Calls From Howl dama&e from lnballng bot vapors, ac-,the beach city. -· to Oran&• Counly -·· ..------"-------. depuUes, u w·e.11 u second and third de,ree 'burna. • She had been hoopitaliRd ever &ioce the fire -blarqed ori 'her falling uleep while smoking a cigarette -most of the time at Orange COUnty Medical Center. Rita wwe held at BacD and Kaulbars ~fortuary,. 'AhlbeJm, where rpotumen u ld llri.'Greon llft 1'toe llld dou«J>ter, boCh ol. 1 Ontario; 1 h • r parentll, ct La Orange,: DI• and .,brolber. Uviq· Jn New Orange .:...... ..,,,., ........... AT KENNID'I' rAllTY? Former U.S. Atty. Morlchom Fmn Wirt Sarvlcu JnvestlpUoo CODlinues today lnin • trlfllc-trqedy Wblch ldll-4 1 . Preti¥, bkioide aide to Ille late Robert F. Ken- nedy, and p;..tblJ allo 8111' -le< Ula lone &UtV!vi!!C ltennedy IOll to become 'president. Lawmen 'anoouncedf today they wil1 "'bpoeno I " l!al ol aJI t<iei>t-COila macle from Sen. Ted Ke nn,41'1 Edgartown, Mass .. hotel in the1 ~ of °""bllahing some parUcularly fiuelal fad.I. Authortlles gald the probe of S<n. Ken· nedy'1 del""' ol fault or llablllly In Ille dnnmln& death ol Mill Noey Jo ~. 1ll, lut Satunley will Jut ol least aDOtber week. "The lm~ltlon lto't, coinplotod - not by • loo ' .. ~d "''"'""'-Reg!Jtry of . r Viblcieo 8aJIOl"JfOI' Georie W. Kenned!" • -· lo Do(1 a relalfve. \ . . Y«t. ' Wienie .Romi Set ·for . D,unes . . . ,~ ' ' ' Despite the morning overcast. ; lt'o llUI 1 lovely cloy to ujoy. · aummtt' punulta. The weatJier ' wfll mnaln thJI way, at least , for tlie next five d131. t \ .. I • ~· ( I I I I ' Wlth no voice In oppoeitiolf~ntinglon ~ councUmen have allowtd a · bollnoss 11come for a healtb food \tore Jn bligllted doWntown district. • \. Co111Jcllm<n had sol Ille maher\~ or ~nstq Stephen • A. "'Pm.an' a· •mAll atoie Iii l surf beard shop, 111 Main SL, for pubUc bear!., Mondl.J' after tho city clt!:rk denied the lleenae. • City Cleric Pa.ul Jones customarily denies business licenses downtown so that councilmen may decide the matter. Pezman described his operation as primarily • julce bar alsO soling packag· ed heolth ood. He described ii as a ''clun, attractlve, unpretentious little p1-" thal ""!lld .,.U fQOd more healthy 101" y~ than much they now con-·-· After IOll\e chuckles over which of the councilmeD. mllbt benefit from health 7 Cities Asked To For~.Free~ax AdvisQry Groups . · .. • foods, tho council passed tho Ucenso un~nl!"OUSl/', ' , 'In other Mooday'b\Jllness, #Jncllmen: ?Agreed to undenrrite thti· 10.yell'Old Septol!IW lllrfll!I classic from ·which ABC"wfde World or Sport! (lelevltlon) ls withd111wtng and to hope for good sure and new spomors. -Learned from City Adlnlnistrator Doyle MUler that he ii considering lease- purcJl.aie financlng (no election for bond.I needed) to finance two needed fire 11ta· tiOlll: Approval was &ivea to aeek . an architect. • . • -Agreed to expenditure of not naoro th11n $7,500 to train Police Offtcera Paul Wbite and Jib Lall as addlUonal· helicopter pilot! Mr Uie two veblcle1 that. have become public ~a!etr eyea: ol. the ci-ty. . -set an Aug. 4 public bearing to con· sider City 1Clerk deni~ of a busineu JioenM :..to • Tcm : .Lun&\ to operate a · health drink •land O) iil4 tlfth St. -Set~ Aug .• 4 public ~ng to con- sider Clly Cler-. den1al ol. !~iness liceoli to. Tom · LU:nde to atae .c101htnl1 booka and' ffi:ords 1t at !14 1 Main St. ' -Heard • complaint from ~ Ted Bartlett that downtown lNil' ' operators feel parking meter cbarpi-.ar Seven Orange County cities 'have been· driving aytay bw;inep. • ; .. asked to form dt.Jwnl' adviay com· -Directed the planninl commisalon__ 8'-: mtUees to' relay local feellng1 to the Aate the urging ol 'Counellman Jerry Ma~,. on proposed routing or the orange to 1tudy . property with muJUpte.f,. Uy Freeway. zoning in the city with an eye to 00- Tbe request. from county RDl4 Com· verU., oome to olbtr 111ea. • . • • rni.ssloner .Al KtlC!r; involves a pilot prG--Directed the.planning commission, a\ ject wtleftbJ1 U'6 .citizen's groups from the urging of Mayor Jack Green, to look !he-dtlelc-"Melay.--"and• · lnt«~ to the pl'Ol!leul -o!- roaUng' Cfiafi-ei \0-a special itate.hlred · ritunicipll candidates leaVing Up ~ consultant. 1 posten after elecilon --pogaibly witfi,~.' The consultant, ln'turn, wilttond<n5' cub bond-loducemail. -•- and evalua~ ~ information and turn it ·~led 1or tlie Public" works deJlit!· on tn slate ..-. . ment .to •larl lnVOll!ptfon or and deltru Koch said the teven cities eo·ntaeted of 11tgna1j:.attbn 'for the:· Matn St.aid - have given ''willing consent in both unof· railroad crossing at Garfield Avema ficiaJ and official form thus far." where Councilman Matney nearly wii111t Koch 'issued 1bi· request · .to tho bi a tr'ai!>. ' • :.::>; go"'""'""" of Newport' Beach, Kun-· "-Heard from 01\'y Aitomey 00n ~ tintton Bf&Ch. Co«ta Mesa, P'ounlatn an -explanation of new state obaeeiffij Valley, Santa Anti and Garden Grove. laws dealing ·with prurient matter He said \hat the ~~vid1:14l committee.s available to mlnon which he speculaied could 'c:oritribul<0·111botantiilly to aolve an might apP!y to the Free Prea. old problem ·-com1Dunlc1tion -SullalMdthoplaJU\lhgccmmlulon~ -..., local ·gnyemmezlta and private allow commerCfaf ~of pr~ Olf groupa and Ill~ ag1n5I01 and com· tho -licf.e of Sprtq<lale Street. •h<ul mllaloiia thal deUim!De;fl<ewq l'llllllnl: 6'0 ~ • t · l1l'Q ~ltlw f!t!I! to 1119!! a 1n:-~~1'f!.'..~ ,.liiQt'. ·. 1 . . . l .... a1 an artery that woUld stretc6i':lle 0 McCarthy - " , OAIL'Y PILOT llllf Pllttl · PEPPB~· 'AME -' Batter Tom Freeman, 12, all· star 1lb ·basenian· for-·the nger11, Ocean View LitUe Le . amps, warms up teammates Craig Ben.ner. I , Jun Buchan, 12, Pand Rick Johnson, 12 (from left), for .Little League City Champlon•hips which opened today in Huntington Beach. ~hamp.. ionships, which continue through Saturday, are ~ adding new dimension to litUe league play In city i . . More and More Up to Bat . .. City Playoffs Added as Little. League Grows The young batter's muscles tenJed.1 waiting for the pitch· -cracft be 1ent the hall aklddlnf between flntc and ,.. coM bale. A hundred fans were 1CTeaminl behind him. "Run Tommy! Ruh!" Loudest of the fan& were hia parents u Tammy rounded fint, eyeing a double .. He ,dlld undet the aecotld bueman•1 glow. One. run croued ~ _plate and Tunimy'i team :J1to•ot1 ahad rn ·tho pen- nant raci'~ at Jeait\for th!i moment. :More tJWr1,200tHuntlngton Beach boys ran around the buea in Tommy's style th!I aummer. And hundreds of f&n1 ch~ t• qn u team• In the city's four UtUe Jeq\Jel batted u hard for a rha~~ll lll.V major league team ii/er did';! , •1 ,~ ' =-----4--' • Boys from 8 to 12 competed M little The four leagues cover eYUY p8rt -<if league cl~bs clashed In their eighth year Huntington Beach except the downtown of action around J.luntjngton Beach. area. and Supernaw hopes to start a And each y~ Hun'tln&ton Buch Wttle league there in the near future. League play has expanded to meet the As a baseball executive Supernaw is ln demands of a gr.owtni city and hundreds an odd position. He'a the top man in the of youna: playen anxJous to put 1 glove biggest league, but doesn't have any youngsters playin& ball yet. on their hand and a cap on, the.Ir head. •·1 just think It's a tremendous protram Now lJttle League authorities have ad· for the boys," he eay" explaining his ac· ded a new dimension to the area'• tive participation. participation -a full fledged city cham· .. We're just Initiating the city cham· pton.lhip featur.lna the top team from piomhips this year," says Ocean View's each of the four leaguo. prtsldtnt, "to bring better cooperation Initiator of the tourney la Jerry and partlcipailon to all the leagues in Supernaw, president of the Ocean View Huntington Beach." Llttle Iµiue, oldut and bigeat of t.be Right now the championship involves four arta dlvialons. Hil illlue Ml.aJJOf.llOtinl U.. cit1 toumey only the winners of the major divisions of w1Uch 'start1T'thh: evmillig at the ocean the .lt1gue1 with games today, Friday Won't R1in • . ' • r ~ ~ - For Senate MINNE.I.POLIS, Minn. (UPI) -Sen. ;Eugene McCarthy said today lie would • oet run for redection as senator in Min· nesota ~ any other atate. The Mliin~ Bemoctat made the an· :nounceineot at a newa conference 1fter , confenini, with q.fficials of t h e. Democratic Fanner Labor parly for the past two daJS. "I'm reaffirming what I a.aid in the past so that pqtential candidates may deelare what they want to do in the nexl · few ~,tbs," the senator aaid. _),_ He ailded that 10mo party '""'le Jn MlllllelOla OJ>paronUy would lib to '" Jormer vice p,.icloni Bullen H. H,.,,. phrey run· fot tho Senate aeal. McCarthy annowiced late Jut year ho would not seek DemocraUc nomlnatJon for rwlocUon to tho Senate bul did DOI rule ~ul .lb< po11lbllity he might l!llll u an l.ticlepen.dent. ~ H' stuck to that poalUon through tlio ensuing months, never quite makin& a flat annoqncement tbl_t be would retire. McCarthy'• decision -or at lust the timing of It -came as a BUl'pl'ite to key member• of bla Washington-staff. One said he knew M~ planned a oew1 conference in Minneapolis but waa not aware what the 1111na~ intended to 11y. " Summer Plans .Told at_Be.acb..~~ The Hunlinf!On Beach RecroaUon and Parks-Department.. .baa announced ill summer schedule for 21 of the city's pla,ygrounds. 10 a.m. to 3 ·p.m. -qtcte View, Crett View, Gill~ llarbour View, Marine View, Meadow View, Rancho View, Robinwood. Sdtroeder. SP£1ng VJew, Springdale, Suo View, Village View and Westmont. 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. -Eader. Lamb, Le bard, Perry, Petenon, and Wardlow. wide along the Santa Ana River between r.... P.,e J the San Diego Freeway and the proposed P~cific Cout Freeway. VJew field, Heil Avenue between Bolla (5:15 p.m.}, and Saturday (10 a.m. and 2 Chica and Springdale atreeti.~ . , p.m.), but In lbe future Supernaw hopes to expand it to a double elimination ~ Four leagues ~1~1jenled.in._Hun. tournef and Include the minor dJvisiona: The city gym will be open for recrea- tion purposei from 9 a.m; .. to 4:30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to t p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday houri are from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The co.ta Mesa Chamber: of C.orn· merce bu ur1ed that tbe total plan be abandoned. Other tentfment from the ci- ty includes ~ that the treew1y not run on Costa Meu'1 lkllllf the river. Meanwblle. acroa tbe river. Hun- tington Beach olftcllla hive uried that it not r1111 along their aide, either. Koch said thal a "8tem ·o1 cltlsen com· mittees linked wi~ tho atatHJred con- sultant baa never yet been triad In Calli· omia. He said that If It succeedt, ft will prove that "Oran1e County leads the way in in· lergovemmental cooperation." Wives Invited To Jaycee Meet Wivts wOI ha.v~ • ..chaQce at a fancy meal when the J'OO.ntl.in-Val~y Jaycees meet Monday night at 'nle Fisherman on the pier in Huntington Beach. Jt'1 that once-a.quarter time when Jayc:eee let th!lr women folk join the men •t their regular dinner meeting. Cockt,afl• Will be, 1omd at 7:30 p.m. and dinqer at I p.m. Three 'Jiycee ·I.wards wtn be'. presented Monday ntpl lnchiding Jaycee officer of the lllOl!lhl Jayoee of the month and certificates of approclatlon. DAILY PILOT OtANl)I" COUT PU1ll5Kll'f0 C0Mr4HY R•Mrt N. Wff4 ,,....., ... hbl!Nf Jee~ l. C1rln Vic-,,....,. •nd GeMfJ M41119Mf Thom•• Kte•il Editor Th•111t1 "· Murpkine Me-Int Editor Albtrt W. l•ttJ AlwtMft llllll< H ............. Offt ... 309 '"' $tr.ri Mtili119 Addre1u P.O. l.1 790, •2641 --......... IM(I\\ 1211 ........ lllM killvlr41 Clllt Mali .. Wdl .. \I' Strt.t LHUM ~ m ..,.., •- resort arta 0£ Martha's Vineytrd, how.Yer, noted that Steele -on hla state job aal7 1lr weeks -contradicted hlm.Mtt several timH in this regard. "I doil't have and probably will not have any charge u to a crlminll aenae," Steele aald once. . t•I have evidence In the files whtcb we . wUI F,oteeute In the pext few dayt," he said ,later, referring' to the. senator's mysttrloUI whereabouts for 10 hours Saturdoy. "Notoriety thil case bu caused all , over tho world maltes It dffftcult 1o·- any statements,•• Steeltt ~~.. • NO COMMENT "f prefer not 'to comment on II, It would > • be unfair to thll do!end(llt -or any defondao~" !11• M~U><jtl plo- secutor added when prelied for" more in· formation. · ~ : · · · · Chier Arena was more specific about the Senator's responsibiUty to erplain where he wu and what be -and ~oft, else invcilved -did between M!S! Kopechne's death al)d the time it we.s reported. "He's going to have to prove where he was between l and 9 a.m.," Arena told reporters,. "but we are aaUlfied. the Craah was accidental." "What happeoed afterward is the reason for &he leaving·thHCene ccm- plalnt," he added. Authorttiea who 1Mounced they will acquire a list of all telephone calla from Kennedy'• hole! aald It mey determine whether he wu indeed In shock Jfter the tragic, post.party accldonl All other persons at t.ne slx·maa, 11I· woman dinner in a rented cot(qe on Chappaqulddick Island following a yacht race In which they parllclpated 1boud Kennedy's boat have vanished. LEFT ISLAND 1'They all left the laland,'1 said Chief Arena Wednesday, but one, •year-old Est.her Newberg, iald in a copyrlah\ed newspaper interview that MiBa Kapecbne would bt alive U ahe hadn't left. Sen. Kennedy was dr1vln1 the Vivacious aide In hi1 late brother's 1"8 prealdenUal campaign to catch a midnight ferry across Kalama Bay to return home when the acc ident occurred. Skindiver1 r~vered Miss: Kopechne's body from the Kennedy IOdan wblch plunged off a rickety bridge loto 1 10-lolit Nuts to You-Friday Peanut Day in .Beach You mlj)lt think 11'1 null, but bcy1 and g~~ from all over HunUngton Botch wlll try to find out how many thingl can be done with a peanut. Fr1doy 11 poanul d1y at a 11 pl&y,......i~ All younpton are invited and the Ro<:roallon and Parlu Depl ha• assured that there will be enough peanut.a for everyone. • linllollll8'~1 H~ ,&IP,irna¥!1 jlcean of Little Leap. J • H' h View wit!> 'iltj) \ii>y1 ahd ,If teams, Ocean View will ipoi1'or the tourney UfilOr Ig deep tldal tqoon nearly 11 bour1 later. Robinwood wlµi 312 boys and 24 teams, this year and for a couple more years. Seavlew with 189 boys and 14 terma and hl lh D S F 'd She Wll !lilly clothed and blood Hwitihgton Valley with 174 beys and U said Supernaw, lo p e younger 8llCe et n av, sampJei abowtd m1Jr a tiny trace of teams. leagues which still aren't fully developed J 1 financially. alcohol. • Oceln View la the oldest with eieht Trophjes In the first annual city cham-Hank and the Runners will bounce v\. The lone surviving scion of the Ken-years 9f. playln,g, ume, followed by pionshlp wUJ be presented to each win· brali""• ofC the walls of the Foun(aia Roblnwood with eeven yeara and the """' nedy famUy eoc•ped with 1lralned neck other two le'8'1"· both in their tecond ning learn member, to the winning league Valley Community Center for junior high mUlcle1 and a m.ild ·conCUJllon, but Mi81 year of action. and 1 pealrpetual tri1°1Pchhy -dh~:edlr by students from 7 p.m. to 9 p:m., Friday. Kopecbne, whole fttnffal bt attended Brady Re ty -w · ang:e .. nu om Ad.mission to the dance ii 2t cents and , year-to-year. Includes refreahmenUi. Tuesday, was trapped -inside: 1--"We ex-..1 a lot of parents and fan s to Ko Yg • Sees Le d ~... Friday's a1fair ts part of the coutinuinC The at.one-time loadirtf c'cfi\Oniltr for 8 m a er at lend the thr .. days of action," sa;d series of dancea co-sponsored by tho the Democratic prutdentlal~ftomtnatlon Supernaw, noting that opening day games South cost Jr. Women's ctub and the in 1972 aald he dove down' fn several MOSCOW (AP) -Premier Alexei N. often draw as many as a thousand fan!. Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation rescue attemPta. daplte b1I 'bad back, Kosygin, for the tint time since taking League play is over this year, the city Department. · broken iii a biir·fataJ 1062 plane cruh. oflJct, recetved today a West German championship is the last Little League Only students who will attend the 7th. TQe -(e "hip hu .'rt~ Robert J>Olitlcal leader, Walter Scheel ol the op-action for the local area, but next year 8th or 9th grades this fall in FountaiD G: ·ctar* ~t:, ~ dlal:lct court. judge 110po=ll=llon=Frte==Dem=ocr=a=t=ic::ipa=rly'=.===='=he::y:::p=lan=b=ig:;:g;;er=a=n=d=b=el=te=r=l=hi::ings'=:. ===V=a=ll=•y=wt=ll=be=a=dm=i=tted=.=====, in .Brockton, lfa¥., to repruent. him along with Edpr!Own allorney Richard J. McCamin at'MondaY'• heartn1. The ch~&• ~bed in Musacbusetll law par~e1a Calllornil's hlt·and·ND law. PARTY GlJBsTs One of the party guesUi was former U.S. Attorney for Massachusetta Paul Markham, Who has disappeared like. the others for the present time, with hls whenabouta' unknown. Miss Newberg,1"'ho told the Worcester, Man. ·Gazette sht and the other (lrls at the party -ell put Kennedy campaign aldu -said thsy stayed overnight at the cottage. ., The' men pnsent were 1n and out ol the resort borne during the party. she 1eJd, ai:ldJni that Kennedy's couatn, Paul Gargall, who rented tho party pad, told the gkls ofthe lrag<dy S11\1rd1y. Mils New~a: aaid °' believed lt wu about t:3G a.m., 11 they were bein& dri ven le catch the' ferry on the same route where Sen. Kennedy took a wrong turn and cro'~ Miss Kopechne to her death. ''It couJd,· have been, l really don't know," she added . An off-duty Dukts County Deputy sheriff is considered one of the key • figura in tbe accident probe, since he ap-- parelllly oaw Kennedy's black Bedan make the fatal wrong tum. SAW i PERSO~S One dellnllely lnleresllhl angle to state1"enta by Deputy Georse Lall:e Jr .• Is that :.. whilo he did net r«ognhe Sen. Kennody u Ille driver -he thoupt thrt• persont were in the car. A pune belonging to ancther party. goer, Mils Roaemuy Kocugq, was found in tho upclde<lown ledlD with Miu Kope¢lne'1 bcdy, but could have merely t>ttn. ten uruer. Miss Keough baa dilappwed and a air! ll'ho ans1'ered her phone WeclneJday said she dldft't know Where abe 11 or wbe.11 &he wtll re"tum . Sen. KtnnedY has aakl ht will mate 1 stalomenl on Ille triiedy at tho IP. prcprl&to Ume. but romalnl In NC!ualon at famll7 headqµtrlero In if¥annlt Port todoy. So far, wllll char1t1.!""."lnc and,. ... tional. tlemenl! UnaJna the clan lmqo, the time has evldentiI been Jn. appropriate. al _j.J. !). Qarrell~ HIRITAGE UPHOLSTERID FURNITURE SALE SAVI 15% ORDllt IN YOUI tHDICI 0, ,AlltlC ' ALSO ••• SUISTANTIAL SAVIN•S· ,_. ON MANY HUITA•l DININ• 10011, llDIOOM AND TAii.i •.1ours ••• Your /awritt detigner will bt happy to O$Si.tt I/OK ••• , . I H.J.GARl\EJT fURNllURE PllOJIUSIONAL INTERIO<I DESKONW 2111 HARIOll IU!I.' COSTA MESA, c;;.LJF. 646-017~ M6.0J76 .( ' l I I ' I I I ,1 I I " I I Los Alaxnitos .Entnes 'T"--AJ • um · am1tos Results lll!COMD ltACL ... Wii' .. I ,_,. ettts 1f1!1 "". rn Or .. I """· ,_ lol ••• a.-M TM l lf ClllcNf«I 1•.60 7A •Je 11111'• llff!UI oc..i.1 •·• '·" S«ret Oltwff Clrtflll'WI l.olll Ttm.-22 1(11 AIM 11... -The Ill """"• Q.ott1 MIHICll, Timmy 1111'1'91, J'rfll'lfollfll, S._ Vee. htl1 T-. lwy'1 W!Mer. ~ t'm A T1tlil. J"'' sori. Nklll Oitl ~~le L.._ 11111'9tfTlY DOUILa-lt-llMllT flM- -& 4-tM-At Tllil l lf. l"tl41 --TMlltD ltACI, a Yllr.h. M.e\11111. 7 re~~::=.·. is.•'"°"";. ,..,. w. (Marrit) • f.IJll •:• "' Ta. •~ ~ (Mair) J.to 11-.20 t'llt 'Alto ~ ...... ttoll... .. l,.,., MIN Gold hrti.t. , ~ ~ .._., ,_,.._. T"'-F• An. • ...... ,. <(:If ... Ho tulf'CMI. ~UltTM ltAClt .... 'l'lll'ds· t ,.,,,..r Nin .... WO '" GrMe A NllNJt. J'~l'lt ..... ...,,.. II~ (H (Nilly} 11.• 7• :S..60 ._., 11:-.uMt llCt111I} ..... ., ... v.i1ent I"~ IC.rdeal 2.«I Tl"*-20 ant AIM • .,, - C-l'lr.-, Mle ~ ltodtft, ,._ R•lftS, Tfl1'ft Ct lll, Vf\. leY l!Jflloorl, Oh My Dlorl!M. Suwktlc• 1"1rr 1.,, Cl'llQ,.. Grind, Jldl" A Mvff1o'I, Julfl'1 Nlllfft, DYi l"11t. l!l"M" •.tCW. • Wl'lb. I w.r elft. c..,...., ~ -o..r ..,, 1H11-t1 na '-'• 1.a M.,_., o.MY IL.,..1111 s.• Ml ,....,.,.;::: ~) uo ...,.. ··~ E~. tw .,.,_ ..,, ~ hr!" • .!Mfwl, ·-........ •• Eye, "• .crwtd.-. .a.oo "·"' •·• It.OD 5.JO •• •teMTM •ACL -Yfl'lk. 1 ~ ............... .,.._Ml"t&~ ~-,,_ (Mralt¥) , .... , ...... s.• ,..., ... CM! .... (IC&nl1) It__, Olll:ll fCll'doU) . T~ll fYt AIM R1......,.tltll'ltt Jet, o.i. lw ......... Cl'lldlldooziil, S.lklr'1 Nltllt, D$dr frtohe, Ytondlt" Ge. Fl'l'IM Cll!lf. ICiw~d o. or Till"M, o.-.n l... OWOl'lrrlf ••r. DMl!llil r>oii. eun1n.u t•llli.w...,. a• ..., ... ,.., ....... .Trout Plant LOS ANGELES-Bil Rock Creek. Bouguet Cll1)'0G Creek, Cri<>ta! LW. Jlcboo Lake, Leu Lake, San Glhrlel Ri•· er."Lst and West Forb. SAN BERTW\DINO -Ar. rvwbted Wike, Bia Bur Lake, Deep Cre<k -n Ranch. Green Valley Lake, Gr<&Ol'J Wk<. Jijuito Ana Rlwr, Soalb l'Ork:'lliriti'Ani' Rim, 1 ' • SAN D~ne Lake, Sweetnlet' Rmr. VEN'l'URA-Royos Cntk. l ... .. Lions, MD -In Routine ' Victories -........ -1UBELESS BLACKW 6.50sl3 23.9S 16.95. 6.95tl4 24.95 18.TI 7.35sl4 26.95 20.21 7. 75114 ·!8.95 21. 71 8.25xl4 31.95 23.96 7.75xl5 28.95 21.71 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS 6.50xlJ 26.95 20.21 7.00xlJ 28.95 21.71 6.95xl4 27.95 20.96 7.35xl4 29.95 22.46 7.7Sxl4 31.95 23.96 34.9S . 26.21 ILSSxl4 37.95 28.46. 7.7Ssl5 31.96 8.15s15• 26.21 8.45xlS' 37.9S L8.Wers :Bow _M. ' I ' • • • • . ;lS$.lQn, _V le}_O : - ,-, ~ . . -• • • In ,48-44 Upset. .22 Richachet 1·~. . : •Sale Ends • presents the FREE. Basketball: Saturday, at 9:30 a.m. In Sears South Coa1t Pl11u arklng Lot J!ro Pointero pecia.1 SkOI s ! 5 Ml Everyone 'Invited • W~tdl Y-l!-te LalenlaAetlGa • Qaootlou-1 Aawa1 •• -• .. 'J • Oao Slw,. .. °"'7. -: South · Coait Pl•: ' ' 3333 ~ltpr $f~ ' ' .. . ' -.--" I . f : , _, 6.50xl3 Ta~· BlacJi:,pll Pine 1. 79 F.E. T. And Old Tire ; ~. j • Al.LSTATE Pawnge.r Tue Gairantea.. ~..... ,.__,,_,0..0u ~ ,_ ·=-.... ,.......... ..,... ..... _ ==-~ I I•'' ........ ·~~1t.-:a-,4i:;.:.~ y __ ._................. ~.,... .. _ ... ........... U. ...... ..-. ......... 'IEToS ..... 'I lu tt I '"' .. _ ................................... ~ n .._ ... ~ ............ ..,_,..._ .,.,. "" .............................. _._ Zl•lt ,.. Limited Quantity! Saturd~y, July 26th ' -------------------, , _____________________________ _ MJtNA PAM: TA a..4,00, 521:4530 fl MOHTl Gf 3-3911 . ., lONG W.CH HE)):.0121 "CO WE IJ..4262 1 ... ' I CANOGA ,AK 340«>661 GlfMCMl.f °" s.100,, a '·'611 ot.'flN'tC, soro AN a,s211 ,oMONA Eo 2.11.cs, NA 9.s161 , I CQWl'TON ~f. 6-251,1, Nf 2-.5761 HOi't.~ HO 9-5941 " I oW+vE: 631-~100 , 1 ~NTA AMA ,Kl :j'-3371 COY'INA "6-0611 HGl.fWooo OI 1·2521 P~A MU 1-3211, El 5'""211 YU 6-6751 SANTA Ffsn!NGS. 944·8011 UPU.NO 915:1'27 SANTA MONtcA Elf 4·6111 VA\l!Y 1'0 3°8461 , 984·2210 SOUTH COAST l'lAZA 540·3333-· VfAAtONT l'L 9-191 1 TOR•>-NC! 5'2·151 1 I I ' ... ~ .... -..... ;. -... --.... ----.. .-... ..;. _ --0 •' I ,-\~"~ ,r.\ • ,,,., "I) ;v ---~~-.·----.~~-----~-' ' "SatidadionGuarantffdorYourMoneyBock" I \ I I r I I • • I I • • . ' \ "" t • * ... ---·--------·~~~~--=-""'""'.'"~---~~--------~---- II. T~~Ju1J 24, '"'· ' ' --' . -• ~-.... ·-.. (.._I """ LM c .... 0... i I I I I I I \ • I • • • • • •• U OA!l Y i'Tl.OT Thursday, Julr ,., 1111>9 Welcome Aboard .~oW Passage Lost Race By A.I.MON LOCKA.BEY time . I'm positive th 1 t ._._ .,,...,. penalties have to be put on 1be pt'Ot.e:st and decision after all calculations are that deprive<! Bob Johnson's made. Nobody can artlfici.ally Windward Passace of tint to taie-away from the first bOat finllh honors and a new elaps-to fipi,sh or breaking a record1 ed time record In the 25th ~se 'that la one thine )'OU Ttanspacific yacht race has ge oot for1 split the West Coast yachting ·~ CORRECTED time fraternity wide, open -and thing is artifJcial from start to rn.-y have repercussions on tbe finl1h1 They can play iarneJ East Coast. with that, but they can'i play In sports circles it'S likely to games witb the guy 'W'bo got be cussed and discu~ as there at a certain Ume. l thlnt lorfg an<i voclferously as when a man sets a record he Roberto De Vieenco's l<W of a is ~titled to the record. To gall tournament by an error in me a first lo finiah and a carding his score. or Dancer's record~ is an act o t lmq:e's alleged doping in the performance that cannot be Kentucky Derby =...1lf' maybe altered by a man.'' as long a.s the Jone count in There were unconfirmed the Dempsey-Tunney fight. rumors in Waikiki that _CERTAINLY in yachting Phillips asked that he be circles Jt wlU be bandied about allowed lo drop the protest as Jong or longer than the flap and that the committee refu&- about Legend's handicap vie-ed because it bad already been tory in the 1959 Tranapac, filed. Phillips rtpcrtedly based his request on the fact that he ~· • Yacht!men from HonoluJU W was new to yachting and that the mainland are calling the hi.s crew talked him Jnlo the protest itsell "frivolous" and the decision by the protest protest co mnUtttt "preposterous", ACCORDING tore 1 i ab I e SQUALL STARTS MIR ON FATEFUL KNOCKDOWN CREW HANGS ON LIFELINES AS DOWN SHE c;oes "Impossible" "unbelievable '• reports, Phillips again asked 1':''11C"Jll'\> and "unfair." lhat the entire matter be drop- petf after the committee had The protest in queSlion was made its ruling. When told by the 34-foot sloop Esprit, thlt this would be "illeaa11•, owned and skippered b y Phillips reportedly said: George Phillips Jr. or the "I am a Superior Court ,.\eoli8:Jl Yacht Club in the. ~n judge and it seems to me that FranclSCO Bay Ar~a . Ph1ll1ps.. it is very legal for a plaintiff char1.ed that W 1 n d w a r d to drop his complaint in the in-Passa~e faH~ W r~YG!Jd to !---.ttusL-9.E~.&t.ttl.int-iJIJ.u.c 1 luff by Espr_i t at the sl!J1~d-··amiea1iix.'' _ _ _ that contact was made. "' ··~··AS i 'niember of the crew on 1bt contact amounted. to the Windward Passage, t h J s _. _fact th!_! a crewmJl.n 10 the reporter-musl-of-necessity-be- OOw puij)it on Windward judged as prejudiced or bias. Passaae reached .~t and ed. But here are my observ .. pushed one of E1pr1t s man· tions ol the start and the ov~rboard rescue ~!es -things that went on • ~ wh1cb wert extenchng out · mediately following the start: from the stern of the ~t Because of the light aDd some .eight ~o 10 feet -wh!ch shifty airs. the starti'ng line was in danger of punching was virtually impos!ible to throu~ Wi™;tward Passage's cross in a proper manner. As heads l or being broken itself. complaints began being voiced There was no contact between by radio throughout the fleet the two bulls. On~ of the _ some couldn 't even ficure cre~en on Espnt a I s o oul in which direction to crosa teslifted t~at someone had !o _ the race committee wisely shove Windward Passages postponed the first start and bow away. an attempt was made to resei BASED ON the testimony or the line. the ~rit crew and Jo~nson's BUT AS the time of the se- admls.s1on that one or his own rond start came up \be wind crew did touch the pole. the had shifted aaa1.n· -forclnc committee upheld . the protest most of the yacht! hi the fleet and penalized W 1 n d ward into ·a "barging" situation. Passa.ge , two hours on her tBarging is sailing oU the ela~ time . . wind down the line to gain Th.is, aceord1ng to Gordon time berore the s ta r t i n g Curtis Jr .•. commodore of the signal. It is pe~fectly legal Transpaclflc Yacht Club -unless the bargint yacht Jn-•· who .al.5o sat In on the protest terferes with a yacht close-- he.ar1ng -meant t hat hauled or hard on the wind.) Wind.ward Passati~. was not .Johnson was at the helm of the_ first yacht to finish - she Windward Passage a n d arrived nearly an hour ahe~d remarked iOme 30 sea>nds of the second place, Blackf1n, before the gun: •·1 think we -~nd could not be given are going to be early." c_redi t for the new elapsed John Rumsey, v.·ho was time ~rd. , . , counting down the seconds and Previous rule 1nrract1ons 1n watching the starting line, ad- the r:aospac race have ~n \'ised J ohn.son to spin the bott pena~ by two hours agai~t hard to the left and then to the handicap Ume. 'l'wo yachts 1.n rigfit to slow the boat down. OH: .1961 race turned on their AFTER THE s I 0 w in g c~f.mes . to get out of severe maneuver Rumsey advised dlf 1culties and . both . were Johnson: "Sail for the flag, penalized on handicap time. there's room" TH~ DECISION by the But as th~ leeward boats committee apparently was nol Sia t d · th · d unanimous. Tom Short, a re co~1ng up on e win TPYC staff c 0 mm 0 d 0 re, it was obvious the door was opined : "I don't see hov.· v.·e a~ut to.~ cl?sed. Th~re.,were can ignore the fact that ,':r~es of you re ~ar.~1ng ~nd \\'indward Passage was first I m on the wind coming to finish -short of complete fr om belov.· -at l~ast a cou- disqualification ·· pl~ of them directed at Curlis repl ied that to rule W1~dwa.rd Passage. . otherwise would be in· L:p in the bow pulp it consistent. c'.ewm~n Bob Hoehn was l .r ' . TPYC st a ff commodore signalling for Johnson to Steve Newmark made no com-"bring her up." 0th er ment on the penally but said crewmen were grinding in tbe of the protest: ''It's loo bad it sh~ts as Windward Passage was e\'er filed . Eiprit had responded lo the luff of other nothing to gain or lose. but boats. . . succeeded in breaking a man ·s I was s1tUng crouched in the Seventy Boats With a C 011a1no11 Goal 1 heart." "slot" between the main and Ken \\'alts, a \'eleran blue genoa with 1 ,\ear \'iew water yachtsman aboard the ahead. I could S<!i! daylight Blackfin t which had also between the flag and the boat unsucccssfull\' p rote s led ahead o-and to leeward. l\.1y Windward Passage over n1ain conrern. w.as hilling the another alleged violation} was flag -a foul 1n itself. told of the decision fi ve IT WAS THEN I heard a minutes after It was rendered. string of obscenities as the 1'They can't do that." said boat ahead -later identified watts. as Esprit -moved up just as WHEN ASSURED that they the gun sounded. I could see had indeed done that. \\'alls three ff!Ct of daylight between said : ··1rs not right . it"s im-the two hull~,l heard Rumsey possible," and turned and call to Esprit: "Our helm is walked awa y. hard over. We cannot respond Many yachtsmen in the race to your luff.'' felt the entire matter was un-I did not see ~11oehn reach just in view of the fact that out and shove Esprit's man- there were several "conLacts'' overboard pole away. But I and actual· bull-banging rol· heard the cries from Esprit: lisions du.rin( the hectic start "He touched our pole. Thars in whk:h most ot the y&ehts contti't." were, of neceaity barging. Jn a matter of ~ds the But no other protests were red protest flag was botsted to voiced. Esprit's starboard spreader Back on the m.1 inland. and someone aboard was call- Robert M. Allan Jr. veteran of ing the race committee by manr offshore ocun races -radio announcing that Elprit and whose aona won the 1967 v.·as protesting W I n d w 1 r d TrlDIPX -e1:preaed com-Pas.sage for contact after the plete amuemtnt at lhe pro-start under the windward- t.MI and decision. Said he : leeward rule, .. J belleVe the oommitttt AS SOON 11s Windward wu wrong llf 1neuln1 the Passage cleared tl'le 1tart1n1 pjilallf on the buls ol elapoed line Johnsoo ord<red a port time ralher than corrected tack to aet eut the crush. \ Fateful start of the 25ih Transpac shows \Vindward Passa~e 1No . 7099} approaching flag astern of 34-- foot Esprit tNo. 8605). Contact was made seconds Some 30 minut!!s later afte r \\'indward Passage had gonr back to starboard tack , Esprit came sailing blithely along on port lack -knowing full well !hat Windward Passage no11 had the right of w11y and the two yac hts were on a colUsion course. When II be<:ame obvious E5pril was not going lo yield I.he right of way . Johnson threw the helm hard over and took Esprit's s t e r n , The helmsman waived • eay ''!hank you" and sailed on. "I suppose that makes us even," a crewn1an called fron1 't\'P. .. Oh no, it's too \al!! for that:' said the Esprit ere\\·. ASKED if he wanted to pri>- test Es pri t. Johnson said : "No. we 're not racing against ihem. We'll sail our own race." But 11s it turn·ed out V.'f' were. Esprit v.·cnt on to v.·in Class D. Windward Passagt got nothin& for her 2,225 mile after the st.Br!. resulting in Windward Passage be- ing penalized l\YO hours on elapsed time, record breaking sail across the Pacific -not even the C"ourleS)' of an acknowlOOgemenl al I he trophy presentation dinner. .Johnson s\\·a\Jowed his biller pill philosophi ca ll y -even after the crowing insult from a TV reporter who announced over the 6 o'clock news : ''AFTER THE decision the berth where \Vlndward Passage had been tied up became a dark h o I e . \Yindward Passage was last ~een sailing past Diamond !lead £or the main land . Johnson had picked up his ma rbles and gone home in a huff." The facts: Parl of the crew had sailed WP to Lahaina, her home port -several hours bc!ote !he decision was an- nounced. Johnson was still in his room at tht 11\kai. Bleeding heart? Wbo, me? }ense1i's New Cal 29 Now i1i Production This latest Jen~n i\farl ne production riberalass racing· cruising sailboat incorporates· some rompletely new design ideas by f a m e d naval architect, Bill Lapworth, An unusually high aspect ratio masthead 1ailplan Ls com· plimented by a new ~hortened l.erl design with rreater inside ballast and a ventral Un forward of the spade rudder. Tecllntcally, 1 h Is com· bi.nation redu ces the wetted surface and improves downwind handling charac· terlsUcs, w h 11 e increulng performancf.I and 1talllllty. EarJy racing reautts laclude overall victories in the Dana Point Race and the Little \Vhitney Series in Soulhe.rn California compeUtion. The Ca1 29 also has a unique interior accommodation plan featurlnr an ingenious dinet/e arrangement with b e n c h scatin1 for eight adiilri ••• a full 14 feel of sealing room and another ev,, !eel of ralley $ '? 3' I • ,-4' --~--------·-- counter top .•• more dining accommodations than a n y bo#t in her size range, Lapworth's deaign objective was to lncorpor•tt ex- ceptionally s p a c i o u s ac- commodations into a modem , hlgh-perfonnance ?lull that ca.n win races ar take the whole: famOy cruisiftg in com- fort and safety. ., The Winner by Default Ken DeMeuse's 73-foot ketch Blacldin was declar-- ed the first to finish yacht after Windward Passage was penalized. Blackfin will stand as the owner of the new record. Crippled Purs11it in Port Ron McAnnon'a ~·foot sloop Pursuit sailed hall way across PacUlc with jury rudder and !lnilbetl with a broken boom. I -.;_ --·--~ . ' I ;;_ _._ I 1 • ' . . • Foontai:q. ' VaDey . ~. JI{) ' ~L 42, NO. '176, 3 SECTIONS, +4 P'AGES EDWIN E. 'BUZZ' ALDRIN JR, NEIL 'A. ARMSTRONG jt . . ORANGE ci:>U~,,C.ALIFOltNli\ " -. Nixon Welcomes Trio on Carrier .. ABOARD USS HORNET (AP)-The men who opened the Moon Age returned tQ their home/lanet today, received a chemical bath before the eyes of the world an were hoisted aboard this carrier for a welcome from President Nixon. Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins &leered their AflOllO 11 spaceshlp to a near-pinpoint landlng·in the Pacific Ocean nine rrules from this recovery ship. They hit the w{irm Polynesian waters at 9:50 a .m. PDT, climaxing .A. .A. ..A.. an eigbt.aay voyage of dlscovery in· x H w which two men walked the surface B h N l of the moon for the first time. The astronauts immediately eac a va were placed behind a biologioal .Man-M!J1.le~ hmitt on · tbe remote chanc.. -I.bey brought home lunar bacteria that coU!d harm life on earth. BIOLOGICAL SUl'.l'S P1cffte Oe.••n -1' 5'1ASHDOWN • '"" HAWA.11 • 7·14·H • I .. .. ....... " :~. NOINtt@-.-.1 , ~QUATO~ ~~·~~~~::.... ·. ~~:;::::::::::.. "~ ... ;:: AUSTRALIA ·~ :::·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· .. . ; . ·' . .. . . ' . -. .. ' ·~ .. . , . • • TEN CENTS • \H"IMftll.._ MAP SPOTS AREA WHERE APOLLO II SLASHED DOWN • -_,. -"---=--~ ~-..-:.. ·-~-·---•~<~~ ~oy's Nude Body 1 1 Washes Ashore L d • s • Belote ulti.ag the ship into a wave-an -.Uf:Y -.te tossed raft they donned special pea-green -;;;:;;;;;;g;--=c:-.: "' l!'!I ~ _ biological wlis wit!> 1 maak tllal pre-• veflfeil'l.liem rrom eiJiilliigtheifDre'itli, By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI into lhe air. · -e:r-esident,-Sailor.s..(;.et- Glimpse of Apollo Plunge 11 1 . '.,(long Surfside 'Ibe·nµde body of a l~year-old Cypress boy, ttntaUvely identified as Gregory Snlith, wa.s found in the surf off Surfside at'i::tS am. today by Seal Beach pqlice. Police Sgt. Patrick Sullivan said be loc!tted tile body, bare ucept IM a w&lwalch, at tile foot of ....,.._. Street after .. receivlni an anOnym<m ! teiepbone call. 1 1 ''The body was right on lhe surlfine, earl ol awaih. face up. 'n1e, ca1eodar on' his watch was stopped at July :3, u said Sullivan. The officer said lhat preliminary in- 11 vesUg'aUon lndlcat.ed no foul play but said 11 I orange County coroner's deputies have scheduled an \utospy this afternoon at Smith's Huntington Beach mortuary. 'Ibe yowigster had neatly trimmed red htir and was apparenUy last seen at 3: IS a.IP. Tuesday at Huntington City Beach wben be assertedly tried to avoid arrest by' running into the surf. Sgt. Bert Chadwk:lr: ol the Huntington I': Beach Police Department said officers at , that time were trying to arrest sc\'eral ju~eniles for being drunk on the beach. / "He apparently was not a member of the group, saw police coming and wanted Lo avoid being arrested," Chadwick said. 'Coroner's investigator Jim Beisner said H' will be impossible to determine if the (I death was caused by drowning until the autopsy has been perfonned. "We will J have to wait until then to clear up what is ·1 involved," he sa1d. 1 ' \, Peace Officers Group Moving . To Huntington Orange Coast Peace Officers' Academy will move to Huntington Beach this fall. ~ Officers from 15 police department.1 ire expected to !egister for the 4Qth class of'the academy, Sept. 15'tbrough Nov. 14. ' Jt will be conducted at GOiden West College. Also moving from Orange Coast College to Golden West is the two-year t>OJ:lce science program which 1J being ~esignated law enforcement. Cadet! In both the academy and two- fear program will use a new building housing two lar~e classrooms for 56 and 41 atudenl8, an'd a complete crime laboratory with It students staUoos. A jolnl operaUoo of the Orllll!• C.U.ty Chiefs' aod Shericts' Association and the Orange Cl>ast Junior Collep Distrlc~ tile 1eademy tr&iQB first·llme policemen in an bltemlve qine--week sesiton, ruilnlng lrom I a.m. to5 p.m., five days a week. OOlcers are assigned and lht cost underwritten by \heir r e 1 p e c t I • e ~rtments. AppficatJon deadline for the \icideJ117 ls Aug. IS. ii wn ~ by Derakl D. Runt, director of the llw en- fOl""C'tmt!Ol program. r -Ten unita of credit toward lbc ·~te hf arts degree are granted to oUicentWho complete the academy. Hunt 1!10 announced ulat lhe 41.it academy wlil be held al Golden West, JanUlll'J J.t.March io, 1970. The Orange County Seraeanls' AcademY wtn hokl iL'I 'leventh elm December 1·11. This will cover IO houri oC ln1trucUon. • ---~- MICHAEL COLLINS Zoo Happening For Valley Kids Baby apes, Happy Hollow and the mouse house we just a few of the al· traclkm Fountain Valley youngsters-will see when they.visit the Los Ang!les Zoo Aug. I. Two busloads of playground youth will lake oft that Friday from Fountain Valley High School for the tour spon· sored by the city parks and recreafwn dQ:>artmOfl. Registration deadline is July 30 and can be made at the Fountain Valley city hall cashier's office or the parks department in tbe community center. Price Is $1.35 and · incl!Klu transportation, admission and supervision. · WJde.eyed youngslera will be ln!ated lo the animals .of alx conUnenta, plus several special aections. Uf'I Tt ....... AT KENNEDY PARTY? Formtr U.S. Atty. M1rkh1m • or r11e 011" ,.,.., stiff Jn the raft, a frogman wearing a bier Lt. Cmdt. William G. Tnaker, of 8042 logical suit sprayed them with a Mermaid Circle, HunUngtnn Beach, has db1lnfectant and then rubbed each man just completed one of the. most impatl&nt vigoroUsly with a solution almllar. to a missions of his life. -washday bleach. They sealed the space- Traslr:er, S5, a, meteorologi.'lt on board ship hatch 'and rubbed It down with the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Hornet, this the chemical. ABOARD THE USS HORNET (UPI)_ morning helped the trio-of astron.auta: to a The ship was not close enough for A jubilant President Nixon and hundreds the aotronauls' l!plasbdown in tile Pacl!lc Ocean aouthwest of Hawaii. safe splashdown by advt.sing tbe National televi!ion to record the landing. But it · Aeronautics an<! Space Admlniltration steamed near enough for TV viewers of sailors &ol only A Driet' glimpse of of weather conditions In the landing areL around the world to view the rubdown. Apollo 11 u it blazed to i~ Pacific Through his ad vi~, U't splashdown Anmtrong, Aldrin and Collill3 were Ocean splashdown today. was relocated. 250 miles cloeer to Hawail Jilted one-by-one into a hellcoptel"<-which The President, standing on the flag . ~ a tro~cal . stqnn t.brutened the deposited them on ~ deck of the car~ bridge of thl.1 rtt11very carrlu, scanDed oniu:iai ~~ stte. r.JlltJ rier at IO:S7 1.m. PDT, one ·~ and. fbe:l~-~·~u Apollo ttsplaabtd down ii! ,.:_..~..::..'1'!?1i !1'""~~ ~-~~::!;~~~~~ 11!>t~Ocdn at-°llboa:Ailai Caroline, ~ their lliree children, hallcopt.r approached. The ship's band · ti'! cheerll)I' ullora aboard, tile HonJe\i ~· 10, Vl)erle;f, imlfCilry, '8. played "Columbia, the Gtm of ·tile wn ueablt la gel a clear view of lbe laJ>i We'",!"" tiro lelovlsloo 1<1f .Coinl all Ocean.. Columbia WU Ibo · 1111111 ll!e' dlne· ' morning, Hid Mn. Tra8'ijrWIJer !&-1otrnn1ut1 , ... --lllllp . All lbe Pnlfdart could ... WIJ a brief day, .. and the cbildrtn are very esclted. M 1 pped od · • The weather ls in good shape r.oo " Jon c 1 I .,and as the streak of Jilht as he ~ed tbrwgh Tb k . · helicopter touched tile d<clt, and hun. b'--•lar f th edl A U 11 ~ Tras er family bu been Uving Jn dreda of sailor cheered th tumin """"'"" • or e spe DI po o Huntington·Beach sl:oce June 1 when be moon heroes 1 e re g spacecraft. was assigned to the Hornet, statitmed in ' "We really had hoped to i;ee more," Long Beach A amall truck hooked on to the chopper utd 1 Wlltte House aide. The Navf weatherman was born in and pulled It, with the ulronaoU: inside, At one point, Astronaut Frank Borman, Brooklyn, New York, and ls a graduate of to an elevator, wblch lowered them to tbe !tandlng near Nixon on the flying bridge. Bowling Green State University, Ohio. hangar deck. ei:claimed, "There she is, air." He joined the Navy when he was 22 and 35-FOOT TAILER Nixon, turned his head and said, completed officer's candidate school at Tbece, the astronaut! transferred into 8 "'Where, -when:" thinJtilJI: Donnan was Newport, Rhode Island. 35-foot trailer where they will stay during referring to the descending apaceah.ip. His assignmeniB as a comml.ss.loned of· a 2'kday ua-alr trip to the Manned "Sorry air," Borman aal.d, "On the ficer hav~ taken him to Newfoundland, S,pacecraft Center, Houston, Tex. There. radio,'' r~erring to one of the radio Japan, Okinawa and Washington D.C. they face II days additional quarantine -A_ reports from the splashdown acene. Before joining the Hornet, Truker Welcoming them lo the trailer Dr Wlthln minutes, however, _the President served with lhe anti-submarine patrol William CarpenU NASA b ic~:e and was able to view with bmoculara the squadron stationed in Jacksonville, Fla. John Hlrasakl, :AsA enJn~~. boll. of space capsul~ bobbing in the aiI foot Ping Pong Game To Paddle It Out Loca1 ping Pong eiperls will paddle it out in three divisions next week during a table tennis tournament in Huntington Beach. Men's single matches begin at 7 p.m. Monday at Huntington Beach High School while ladies singlet and open double com- petilion begins at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Recreation Center. Tropbies will be awarded to the first place teams. Anyone may enter lhe tournament, sponsc:red by the Huntington Beach Table Temi.s Club. Entry tees are $1 for men'• and ladies alngles, $.50 each for open double.<. whom volunteered to be •-J '""" Ith•'--waves. He 1rinned broadly aa television 10111 1..-.u w wn:: cameraa panned across the Dag brtdgt. utronauta. A helicopter carrying tbe Pruident and Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins looked his party aet down as the Hornet lalled llke strangera from another world aa they slowly through aix foot waves · awaiting stepped off the helicopter and walked the 12 steps to lhe quarantine trailer. They waved to acknowledge the cheers and applause of the NASA and Navy personnel on board. _ In mi!slon control center In Houaton, scores of per.sons broke out small American flags. On the dtsplay board were Dashed President John F. Ken- nedy '• words of May z:,, 1961, when he pledged this country to land men on the moon in this decade aod return them safely to earth. For the llr'll time in the Apollo ~ gram, the astronauta took manual action to change their landing site. Thi.9 became necessary when a threat of · thun- derstorms forced officials to ahift the tan. ding 250 miles to the· east. Woman Dead From Injuries After 3 Years Private funeral services were held to- day for a Costa Mesa woman who Jay dying for !i,) years, after being critically burned In an apartment fire . Mrs. Sally J. Green, 42, rescued from her bluing home at 2020 .Fullerton Ave., on Nov. 28, 1965, died Tuesday at a COD· valescent hospital In Orange. Polite to Check Kennedy Phone Calls From Hotel The vlcUm suffered severe, lasting lung damage from Inhaling hot va;>ors, ac- cordJni to Orange Coonty coroner'• deputies, as well as second and third degree bums. She had been hospitalized ever since the fire -blamed on her falling asleep while amoklng a cigarette -molt of the time at Orange County Medical Center. Rites were held at Backs and Kaulbars Mortuary, Anaheim, where spokesmen aald Mri. Green left a aon and daughter, both of Ontario, h e r parents, of La Grange, lll .. and a brother living in New York. From Wlre Stnk'H Investigation continues today into a traffic liagedy which ldlled 1 preUy, • blonde. alde to the late Robert F. Ken- nedy, and possibly also any chance for the Joae surviving Kennedy son to -presldept. ...~,,,.,, announced today they will aubpoenl 1 list of all t<lephone calls · madf! from Sen. Ted Kennedy 's Edgartown. Mus., hotel in lhe hope of establishing some particularly crucial factJ. AuthorlUes said the probe of Seq. K.., nedy'• d<gm of fa!lll or lia!i U.O dd~I"""·,_ . ~. t.ji!s . Jo; Kotiec !!lilla'ii1' wlU al .t1 ·1 .. -... w • "The lnveallgaUon isn't -)eted - not by a IOOl"liol." oald ~Is. Registry of Motor Vellid~r George w. Kennedy, wb®':ii-~ ltbt •1 relaUve. · A hearing ls achtdult:d Monday to detennine whether a comp1alnt chafging the U.S. Senate assbtant minority leader with leaving the scene of an accident after having dooe bodily harm will be isaued. A ttp0rt_ 1lf Ma.wc:husells motor )'Ohl· cle depa~ authorities Wednesday listed Kennedy u beq al aerioos fault In Miu Kop<dme'a cleat!> and bis license .. is leriiporortly llUlplllded. Convk:tkm ·Mltl1d mult ln ,._ siJ:'iDODth aupenalcx>f .w~ H 1may ·abo be . .. . . . ··'l'l>Hce· ......... ~~·-j '. .... .. ··-~ ... -. ' •ftmla ..... .,.. • .., "-"IY, P-.r Walter E. Ste<le have both. OXPfeqod cloublo tllat •Ill' ......... ~ WI\! be issued Under tile clrai-DOOI. f;vld<n(o llf ler II onb'~llf]. ,!lewomen '!h• dffcorided' on the llland ' (!lt<l"liENNtDY, Pqa I) •• . . Wienie Roast Set for Dunes .The ·H'll!U•l\9n B<ach' Recreation llld ' Porks · !ii~t l!M 'IM'&anbed •· wte.Je rpll/lfl!i~ lluDe.'Aua. L , · ~·wfll lelv~ J.be Rea:eellon.Cu\er, J7ih;arid Orirlge SL, and tile MarinlHJ&h .&:lloof cU)P\11 ~ lG un, aad retum'll '4 p.m. . ·.t I n-lnkruled in coeodtiii,JllUSl ·p&Y ·a ft,7$ fee' to the dePfirtmen~1to cov.er transportation aild food·by 6 p1m. Tliuts- diy, . ~ . Confident tllal Nell A. Armstrong. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., aod Mltbael Oollllll "are going to splashdown all ri&ht " Nb:· ?fl •pent the nilhl aboard the uU J.rl.. ington before fiylng lo tile cmi" to watch the recovery epentkll frcm the bdd&e. Mental Study Set For Riot Suspect A youth convicted of-lll)urln& a J!un. Ungton Beach police oUicer and a byataQ.. de during the riot last April 20 tn that cJ. ty wa.s ordered Wednesday to Wlderao a three-month dlagnMUc study. Superior Court Judge William Murr1y deferred aentenclng of John Robert Panos, 19, of Garden Grove, pending dOI> tors' reports on his mental conditlon. Panos waa convicted by a Superior Court jury on two felony aMault couatll. TestinUJny at the trial revealed that Panos threw .a bottle at a police officer aod struck a bystander Jn lbe back ol tile head. Tbe faller -"' netided ll llltcllea to close it. Panos was one of more than 50 juveniles and young adulta llTested iT\ the riot whlch brought law ~orcenent olficen from all areaa ol lbe ~ lo the beach city. Oraage Ceui Weatloer Despite the mOrnlng overcut, It's still a' lovely day to enjoy summer pursuits, The weather will remain that way, at least ror the ne.1t five days. INSIDE TODAY Hundrrda of dltllar1 IDOl1h of mf!Tchaft<liit di.sapp«art dailp from tM 1htlD£J o/ rctml :itorci. Who ta.U1 ft toithou& 'J>Cllli!lg for ii and 10hy1 PaQ< JI. ; , • .~ ' .. ·No !itf 9!1tlOK . i Bl·ig ted: Area . ' • Gets ·New Store: With no voice In opposiuon, HunUnston loodt, the <OW>cil pahed the license lleldl, councllmen have allowed a ~. bul1nta lktnle for a bea1tb food 1tor1 in tn other Monday buaineas, coMcUmen : bli&bled dnntown dlstrlcl -Agreed to underwrite the JO<year.qld Councllllen had set Ille matter of S.plember 1urfi111 claH~ fl'Olp which lle<nsin& Sl<ph<n A. P-an·a small ABC Wide World of Sport& (lelevllloo) ii •ion in J surf hou.I shop, Ill Main S~1 wttMrawinl &Jid to hope for Cood surf for J>Ublic huilng Mond1y lfl<r the cil1, aod new -· clerk den'9d the license. -Learned from City Admln:ialrator City Clerk Paul Jones customarily Doyle Miller that he Ls coru;Jdering lease-- denies business Uceiues downtown so that purchase rlnanclng (no election for bonds councilmen may decide tbe matter. needed) to finance two needed fire sta· Pamlll dtlcribed bil operation •• , tiom. Approval "u glvtn to .eek an primarily a julct bar also selling packag. archltect. · ed bea1tb food. He described it u a -Agrt:«! to expenditure of not more •·cta.n. attractive, unpretentious little th11.11 fl,500 to train Police Officert P•ul place" that wobld tell food more healthy White and~ Jlh Lail as addlUonal for'>?J'1Ple:n thl'1 much they now coo-htlicopter pUot.J for the two vehicles ·that IW'ftl. • ' --have beceme-pu!Mte-aaftt)'""t1es ot.uie.~ After some chuctlts ov~r which of the t7. counc1lmen ~t benefit fr~m health -Set an Aug. 4 public bearing to con· sider City Cler.); denial or a business 7 Cities Asked To Form Freeway, Advisory Groups license to Tom Lunde to operate a health drink .stand al·J04 Fifth St. -Set an Aug. t public hearing to con· sider CJty . Cltrt 'deplaJ of a bu.siness Jicenae to ,Tom Lunde to oper. allle clothing, books and ·J't<COf"ds store at 214 Main St. -Heard a complaint from Councilman Ted Bartlett that downtown buaine.u · operators feel parkinC meter cberes are Seven Orange County cltlu have been driving aw1y buslneu. PEPPER GAME -Batter Torn Freeman, 12, all- stilr third baseman for ' the 1lgers; Ocean View LitUe League champe, warms up teammates Craig Benner, 10, Jim Buchan, 12, Pand Rick Johnsoo, 12 , M~Carlhy Won't Run For Senate MINNEAPOLIS, MlM. (UPI) -Sell. • E-McCarthy nld today he would not rua for re,JecUon u 1enator 1.D Min- 1...ca clr·"'1' alher Illa!<. DAILY PlLOT lllff """' (from-Jtllt;-for-Little-U.gue-Clty-Championsblp•- wblch opened today tn11untlngton Beach. Champ- ionships, which contmue through Sifturday, are· addlng new dimension lo lltUe league play in city. The ~ Dtmoo-1t made the an· nOUDCel"DelJt at a new• confertact after conferring with ol!Jclals of I h • Democratic Farmer Llhor porty for the past two d•Y'· "I1m :reaffirming what I said in tht past so that potential candidates may declare ,what U\ty want to do ip the DeJt few lnontba,'' thl Hllllor aaid. He ldded thll some party people In M-1ppare11U7 wwld 1!M to ... fonner · vloe praidetlt Hubert B. Hum- phrey ·run for the s.oai. 1eal · McCarthy anoOunced late last yt1r hi. would not aeet Democratic nomlnatlOn for re-elect.ion to the Senate but. did not rule out the J)Olllblllt7 he ml&ht nui u an independent. He 'ltUc!c to that Pollllon through the •nsuinlJ11001hs,_ .. ver qulle mokjna a flat announcement that be would-retire. McCarthy's dedlfoo -0< Ill lusl the timing of it -came u a sw-prtae to key members of hla Wuhington 1talf. Ona said be knew McCarthy planned a new1 conference in Mlnneapolll but was not aware What the senator inteoded to NY· r I asked to form citliens' advisory C9m·· -O~ed tbc planning commi.sllon, at M d -M u 1 B 1 mltle<s to relay local f,.lings to the state the urgtn1 of Councilman Jerry M1tney, -ore. an ore p 0 a on proposed routing of the Orange to study property with multiple-family Freeway. zoning In lhe city with in eye to coo-S Pla I The request, from county Road Com· vertlng some t6 other..... . ummer ns mlllloner Al Koch, involves a pilot pro--Direcl<d the planning commbsion, al C 't Pla ff Added L 'ttle L G I .... I:' "~"-;\~~;:'~ ':; !~ ~~~\:11.:,' ~~.Green.;: io;~~~ . ~ y _ _ _ ~~ s as ':-eagu~ rows Told at Beach . ~rdftires-a:i 1 ~~mnir' mUiiiCJP31 ' canaraJfe"s i!a~tiletr ~TI~ "16~M"a -in~l~ ~1f6tti I tO Ii t:Ollipi!it'li'1i!"1fttib~""" -~ m..~~~~~ =-~....._..._.._...------• ..,_ ---~ - coosultant . posters after election -possibly with a waiting for th~ pitch -.... ~-he sent league clubs clashed In lheir eighth year Huntington Beath except the downtov;n The Huntington Beach Recreation and I The consull4nt. in: turn •. will condena;e cuh bond inducement. the ball skidding betwei!n fii'at and .. ol acUoo 8J'Q1UK! HU{lllngton Beach. area and Supernaw h<lpes to start a Parks Department hu IMOUnced ttl · and evaluate-the-Wormatioo-and him 11 ...£a.iled fgr, Ult public W9fb de cond base. _ • . _ ' . . , on to state a~es. _meat to start Jn.ve.stlgaUoa of and design..-u red au were scrtamlnJ-behind :nd eaclryur Huntingtojr~~le tgague there-m.-th~future. . summer 1ebtd11le fQUJ._oJ__t,bt city I Koch said thiS"tVeTICIUe.s contacted of signlliiation for the Main Street him, "Run Tommy! :Run!" League play has expanded to meet the As a baseball e1ecuUve Superna~ Is ln playgrounds. have given "willing: co~ot ln both unof· railroad crosSing at Garfield Avenue Loudest of the fans were bis parenll 11 demands of a growin& city and hundreds an odd position. He'a the top man in the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -Circle View, Crest ficlal and official fonn ·tbwl fllr.'' -where Councilman Matney nearlywaa hit Tommy rounded first, eyeJni a double. of young playu1 apzious to put a glove biggest league. but doesn't have any Vjew Gill, Harbour View·, Marine View, Koch ~of Nth!,.!!lu!!.t .... ._to H: by aH~ .. ~·fr Cit At•-Don 9 _, ~le •lldOntmder the seconed l~ .. ~ .. man•d• on lhetr hand and 1 cap on their htad. Y~f'i:~1~a ~~~·doos prnmoam Meadow View, Rancho View, Robinwood. governroen.., .... ...,.. ~"' . -~ .. om y -··~,. DUllla K ove. e run crosa Ul'll ,p.. an Now Little lMgue autbOrlUes have ad· " . .... s....i .... 4 .. 1. Sul'! tington Beach, Costa Mesa. Fountain an e.xplanaUon of new state obscenity Tommy's team mQved ~d In the 1pm-ded 1 new dimension to the , for the boys, he says, expl&1nlng bla ac· Sdlroeder, Sprinl Vitw, ..,..,. ~ Valley, Santa Ana and Garden Grove. laws dealing with prurient matter nant race -at. ltu\for this moment. participation _ a full fiedpd city:;,: ti~~ p~rtklpation: . , View, Village View and Westmont. He aald that the individual committees available to minors which be -ulated More than 1,200 Huntington Beach boy• · __ ., 1 1 · th ,. 1 ,_.. We re just lniUahng the city cham -12 ·30 pm , .. 4·30 p.m -Eader ... ,....... ptonawp ea urmg e wP earn uvm · nshl th.ii ,, Oce VJ • · · • "' ' • ' could contribul.e 11.1bltanUaUy to tolve an mij:ht apply to the Free Press. ran around the bales in Tommy's style each of the four leagues pio Pl year, says an ew 1 Lamb Lebard Perry Petenon and old problem -comm u n l cation -SUJtalned the plannin&: commission to this summer. And hundreds of fans Initl to of th ~ 1 J president, "to bring better COOperaUon ' ' ' ' between local govemmenta and private allQ.wcommerclalrti0olngofpropertyon cheered them on a1 teams In the city'• Su :a.: ide~t of theeyOc~ ~r:.:, and parUclpaUon ,1;> all the lea.gun ln Wardlo~. . groupt and state aaencln and com-the west side of Sprln&dale Strett about four Jl~Ue _\e1gue1 batted a1 ·hard for a · Lifu! Le~ ~oldest and bi est of ~he Huntlnaton Beach. . Ttie city gym will be open for recre1- mtulons that det.ennJne freeway routlni· 660 feet !OUth o! Edln&er Street to allow a rhamp1ons~p as any major Ieaiue team f ~ iston II Right now the championship Involves tion purposes from I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The propoted Orange Freew1y, alre1dy reataw-anl. ever did. ' 0~~ ra ~ s. o!1 .~ ·t '-·-only the winners of the major dlvlalom ot and from 6 p.m. to t p.m. Monday imolved In routinl di.sputa:, 11 propoeed eague 1 rpona ng """CJ Y """""ey the league.s with games today, Friday . 11 an artery that would stretch a mile w~lch ~tartl ~la evening at the OCean (5 : l~ p.m.), and Saturday (10 a.m. and 2 through Fnday. Saturday hours ltt frcm wide along the Santa Ana River between Froa Pqe J View field, Heil Avenue between Bolsa p.m.), but in the future Supernaw bopea 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. the sa.n Diego Freeway and the proposed ~ Chica and Springdale streets. to expand tt to a double ellmin1tlon Pacific Coast Freeway. KENNEDY PROBE . Four Jeaguu are repraented tn Hun-tourney and include the minor divisions The Costa Mesa Chamber of Com· • • • hngton Beach, iays Supernaw. Ocean • of Uttle Le1gue. merce baa urged that tbe tot.al plan be Vlew with MXI boy• and 31 teams, Ocean View will spcmor the tourney Junior High Dance Set Friday: abandoned. Other ..umtnt from the ci· ruort area of Martha's Vineyard, deep tida111pn nearly tJ l)oura l1ttr. Roblnwood with 312 boy• and 14 temu, this year and for 1 couple more Y,e&n. ty includes wi.lbel that the freeway not · f th lood Seavielr with 119 boys and 14 teams and said Su---"-, to hJ.P the younger run 00 Costa Meta'l lide ol the river. however, noted that Steele -on bil atate She wa1 ully clo ed and b Huntlngton Valley wllh 174 boys and 14 leitgues ~;~till aren't fully developed Meanwhile, acrou tbt river, Hun-job only 111 weeks -contradicted 1ample1 lbowed only a tiny trace ol teams. financially. tington Beach officlala ha•e ur&ed that IL himself several Umes in this re1arcl. alcohol. Ocean View la tht oldeat with eight Trophies ln the first annu,al city cham· Hank and the Runnen will bounce vi- not nm along tbe1r aide, etther. ''I don't have and probably will not The lone surviving scion of the Ken· years ()f pl~ylng Ume, followed by pionshlp will be presented to each win-brations off the w1ll1 of the Fount:aia Koch aalcl that aayltem of cUben com-have any char1e 11to1 crtmlnal aense," nedy family neaped with 11tr1tned neck Roblmrood with seven rears ·and the nin1 team member, to the winning leaauc Valley Communlty Center for junkir btiJa mltteea linked with the state-hired con-s•··'e ·-'d once. other two !!agues, both in their second and I perpetual trophy -donated by suit.ant bu nevu _. been tried Jn Calif· ~ Jl&I muscles and a mild concussion, but Miss year of action. Brady· Realty_ will change bands from students from 7 p.m. to I p.m .. Friday. ~... ••t have ev1dence In the files which we Kopechne, whose funeral he attended Admission to the dance la 14 cents and om!a. year-to-year. includes refreshments. He saic:I that u It lllcceedl, u will prove will prosecut1 in the next few daya," he Tuesday, was trapped inside. "We ex_. a lot of l'lll,.,.nts and fans to of"• "-·· • ••-K g· S Le d ~~· •--Fridey's affair Is part .,... =~•lllf that "Onnae County le1da the way in in· said later, refeJTing to "'"' 1enator'1 The at-one-time leading contender for osy m ees a er attend the three. days of action," said series ol dances ~ by the tergavernmeatal cooper1UOn." myaterioul whereabouta for 10 houri the Democratic presidenUal nomination Su~rnaw, noting that opening day games South Cost Jr. Women'• Club and the Wives Invited To Jaycee Meet Wlv• will bavt a chance at a fancy meal when the Fountain Valley Jayett111 rMet }ilonday nJgtlt i.L The Fiabennan on the plft' In Hunt!np>O lleach. • . It's thal oncN.quliler time when Jaycees ·tet "their women folk jOln the men at their" regular dlnner meeUng. Cocldalls will be 1emd at 7,ao p.m. lftd d!Mer at I p.m. 'I1lrte Jaycee awards will b6 pmented MmdlY nl;ht.lncluding Jaycee ollicer of UM month, J17cte ol 1he mon!h and cntlflc1t11 cl appreciation. DAILY PllOT Ou.NOi (OA$1' PVILllHINll COM,.,t,N'I' J••• Jt. c~rt'J Vklf ,,_kt9nf and ch,,.,-MMll- Th•inlt-KM'll ·-11iofl'lt• A. M•r11hlR. NMl'*°I.. fdllor Atbtr+ W. l1t11 AaMtltft 1411111' H1 ............ 0MM l'Of ltl! $tn1t M•lllitt Mf,.111 P.O. 111 790, t2'41 ..... -.......,. 9'Mtl: 12'11 W•I ..... lol,ltwm Cellt ~l DI""°'' .. ., lfrM' .....,.....,..,.,... ...... Saturday. in 1972 said he dova down in H'veral ?iiOSCOW (AP) -Premier Alexei N. orten draw as many as a thousand fans . Fountain Valley Farb and Recrtatioa "Notorlety thit cue bu caused all rucue attempts, "•-ite hi• bad bacll:, Kosygtn, for the flrsl Ume since taking hi..agui e phliay !is othveritbits yLetatri, t;3~ clty Department. "'""t" office, rec. eJved today a Wat G-•n c amp ons p ' e as 1 e i.cam•e Only student& who will -••-• •-7th, over the world makes it dlfficult to ilsue broken in• near.fatal 1162 plane craah. politic1l l"ader, Walter Schffl of u;;·~p-action for the local area, but next y:~ 8th or 9tf1 grades this fa~ r':n..in lllY 1tatementa," Steele II.Id. TM Senate whip bas retained Robert poa:IUon Free Democratic party. thf:y plan bigger and better things. Valley w)ll be 1dmltted. G. Clark Jr., form.tr district court judge 1i========="""=============='================, NO COMMENT in Brockton, Mui., to repruent him "I prefer not to comment on it, it would , along wttb. Edgartown attorney Richard be unfair to thll defendant -or any J. McCarron 1t Monday's hearing. defeodaot,'' the MuaadtURtts pro-The charge deacrtbed in 1'1usachusetta aecutor added when preaed for more m. law paralleh California'a hit.and-nm law. fonnatlon. PARTY GUESTS Chief Arena was more specific 1bout lhe Senator's reiponslblllty to e1pl1in where he w11 and what be -and anyone else involved -did between Miss Kopechne'a death and the time it was reported. "He's going to have to prove where he was between l aod t a.m.," Arena ~d reporten, ''but we are nUsfied the craab was accidental." "What happened 1fterward is the riuon for the le1vlng-tbwcene com· pla.lnt," he added. AuthorlUes wbo aMOUnced they will acquire a llat of an telephone calls from Kennedy'• hotel uld It may detennlnc whether he was lodeed In ahock after the tragic. post·party accident. All other perSOlll at the Ill-man, 1ix- woman ~er in a rented ,i:ottage on Chappaqulddlclt l1land lollowlng a yacht race ln which thty participated aboard Kennedy'• boat have vanished. LEFT 181.AND "They all left the llland," said Chief Arena Wednesday, but one, 3-year-old Eslhe:r N1wberg, 11ld _Jn a copyrlahted newspaper Interview that MJJa Kopechne would be 1llve 1f she hadn't left. Sen. Kennedy "'' drlvlni lbe vlvaclou1 aide ln hU lite brother '• tta presidential campaign to catch a midnight fecry across Kalama Bay to return home when the accident occurred. SkindJvers recovered Miu Kopt<'lme'1 body from the Kennedy tedfin whk:h plunged off 1 rickety bridge Joto a IO-foot Nuts to You-Friday Peanut Day in Beach You mllllt thlnlc lt'1 nots, blrt hoy1 1nd prls from 111 ovrr Huntington Bt1ch w\)1 try to find out h ... m1ny !hinl• ean be d0!19 with I peanut. Friday 11 peanut day at a 11 pl1711Q11nd1. AU younptm 1re Invited tnd lhe ~eatlon 4nd P1rk! Dept. has assured that there will be enough peanutl for everyopt. One of the party iiuests was Conner U.S. Attorney for MaasachUSf!tts Paul Markham, who has dlaappeared like lhe others for the present time, with his whereabouts unknown. Mill Newberg, who told the Worcester, Ma11. Guette she and the other glrll at the party -all past KeMedy campaign aide1 -1aid they stayed overnight at the cottage. The men present were in and out of lbe resort bome during the party. 1_he said, addin& lhat Kennedy's cousin, Paul Gargan, who rented the party pad, told the girls of the tragedy Saturday. Miu Newberg said she believed It w11 about 8:30 a.m., 11 they were being driven to catch the ferry on the same r<tile where Sen. KennOOy took a wrong turn and C"rO\-e Miss Kopechne to her death. "It could have been, 1 really don 't koow/' she added. An off-duty Dukes County Deputy sherlff IS conaldertd one of the key figures ln the acddent probe:, since he ap- parently 1aw Kennedy01 black sedan make the fatal wrong turn . SAW J PERSONS One tferlnltely interesting 1ngle to 1tat,ment1 by Deputy George Lake Jr., Is that -while he did not recognlie Sen. Kennedy as the driver -he thought three peraona Wert tn the car. A purse belonging to another party· goer, Miss Rotemary Keough, w11 found In the upslde-11own 1ied1n with Miu Kopeehnt'1 body, but could have. merely l>Pen left earlier. Miss Keouch haa di!appured and 1 &lrl who 1nswered her phone Wedneaday uld lht dldn'l lmOlf where ah• 1s or when she will return. sen. Kenned)' h11 aakf he will mate a statement on the traaed>' at the ap. proprtete tune, bot !'!mains ln aecluslot1 at l1mil1 headqu1rten in Hyannis Port loday. So tar, with charau pendln1ind1tn1a· tlon1I elements tlngln( tht clan !mile, the Um1 has evidently been in· appropriate. al _jJ. J. (}arrell~ HIRITAGE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE SALi SAVE 15% PKOF£SSIONAL lNTYlott Di$1$NERS I ·. OltDllt IN YOUR CHOICI 0, fAlltlC AL$0 , , , $UUTANTIAL SAYIN•S ON MAMT HllnA•I DININ• IOOM, -OOM AND TAii.i •IOUPS •• • °"" -n.n. • M. - llfl HA~IOI! II.VD. COSTA MUA, CALlf. '4 ... 0J71 M6-0l7' I d I • ( r II \ I I I I I Saddleh·aek· :vpi.:. ~2. NO. )76, 3 SECT19NS, ~PAGES Down t h e .. Mi . SSIOD-·· · T ·rail lndJ.etDient Hits Viejo Resident MISSIO~: ·,·;zJo -· Mission Viejo ac- <:Ountant has been indict~ by a Los Angeles Feder.al Grand Jury on .charges ct misappliation of $150,000 1n bank lund,1,. NBIOed by the panel is Ted E. Artmenko 35, of -25712 Cervantes Line, ideQtifled 'm the indictment as .a Jllnner r official of Ftrst Federal Sav5s and _. • "" .... -_ _ • _ Loan->J;Oai\\iOn ·OI FUlleffQd. ~ -~ E"BWlN. E. 'BUZ%' ALDRIN 'JR, Artmenko iJ accused ol' casblng last - • • Nixon· Welcomes Trio on C : -----·· -·----~-------.--arr1er • ABOARD USS HORNET (AP)-'llle men who opened tbe Moon Age returned to their borne planet today; Rceived a chemical bath before the eyes of the worl<\ and were hoisted a board this carrier for ,a weJCOlfie from President ·Nixon. · Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins atee red their Apollo 11 spaceablp to a near-pinpoint landing I• tb e Paclflc Ocean nine miles from this recovery ship. They hit the warrn Polynesian waters at 9:50 a.m. ~DT .. climaxing an eight-day voyage of discovery in which two men walk~d the sutface of the moon for the first time. The astronauts immediately were placed behind a biological 00rri4'-r on the remote chaflC>. they brought home lunar bacteria that could harm life on ear1h. 'BIOLOGICAL SUITS Nov. l3 a $111.000 cbOcf driiW]l .on the _assu;:J.ation's ~..,,.~1 a Fullerton bank · and.obtaining a ·cashler1s check paya le --to a stock brokerage firm. Before ·exitlng the ebip into a wave-- t~ raft Wy donned ~i~ pe.a:green-- ~---::---o---~ --~---bloloilical-!uitrWllli a mask thal pre- .= vented them from exhaling· Lhelr breath police to Clieck l(ennedy Income Surtax ~i~~ ~i. ~;=an,::1"!1~ bi~ D dl k N d.lainfectant and then rubbed each man Artmeqko allegedly repeated his of· lense last Feb. 25 and u""1 the 1100,000 tie obtained to purchase more slock. Artmenko was employed as secret.al")'.· tl'U!llret and comptroller. Phone Calls From Hotel ea oc . ear vlgoroosly wilh • 1<>lution shnllar ... • washday bleach. They sealed the rpaee-B reakiilg Open ~ J::l::.i"."'1 rubbed ii c1own with .e Win Da11c e T rophlJ MIS.5ION' Vl&JO -The' Ramblin' Jtogqea square dancers captured the m•r0r'a trophy for lh~ir ~lo~l ~n ~n Oemente's Fiesta de! la Chr1sbarulli~ The Ooat depicted a Ca?ilornli poppy with the dancers perforirline routines in the center of UM. Jlower. ~-. • Pri.:e Won for Lamf) MISSION VlEJO -Mike Dicks can mw • healthy lamb. Mikt. '1l"tKI lives at 259a Portafino Or., captured top · prize per pound for his Grand Champion market lamb at the Jllllior Livestock Auction conducted at the Orange County Fair. e Open Do111e Slaled EL TORO -The 120-year old : -ano Adobe on Trabuco Road will be center stage when the El Toro Woman's Club holds an open house Friday on com- memoration of California's bicentennial celebration. "t'he Woman's Club win host visitors from 10 a.m. to fi p.m. Signs directing motorists to the adobe wtll be placed on ~ Toro Road and Trabuco Road, ac· cbrdilli to a club spokesman. . e Churc h R ites Sloted LAG UNA HlLLS -F'ormal opening of the $425,000 First Church 0£ Christ Scien- tist is planned in special ceremonies Ju- li 27. Services Sunday in the JOO.seat main auditorium are scbeduled for 9:30 $d 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The church is loca~ at 244£11 Moulton Parkway. From Wire Services Investigation continues today into a traffic .tragedy which killed a pretty, blonde alde to the la.le ~·F. Keo- ·nedy," ~ poesibly ·alJO •any· clia.nee for · the lone-· surviving Mt~rmedf m to W~:~~ " .. , • i.a·wltl<n ami'olmced -!Odiy tfiey wm sutipQettl a Ds~ ill tc!lephll!e' calls m~f from Sen. Te(J Kennedy's Edgartown. Ml" .. hotel Jn U>e hope ol ....,bllajW\g .Ome parliai!arly crucial lads, Authoritles said the probe of Sen. Ken- nedy's dtgree bf fanlt or JiabUity in the drowning dealb ol Miss MJry Jo Kopechne, 28, last Saturday will lasl at least another week. "The invesligation isn't completed - not by a longshot," said MassachusetU Registry of Motor Ve~cle..s ~upervlsor George W. Kennedy, who is not a relative. A bearing ls scheduled hfonday to det.ennine whether a complaint charging the U.S. Senate assistant minority leader with leaving the scene of an accident after having done bodily hann will be issued. A report by Massachusetts motor vehi· cle department authorities Wednesday listed Kennedy as being at serious fau lt in Miss Kopecllne's death and h1s license was temporarily suspended. Conviction would result in a six-month suspension, while it may also be rein.stated. Edgartown Police Chief Dominic J. Arena and Dukes County Prosecutor Walter E. Steele have both expressed ' woeJLD YOU 'TRUST THI S PAINTING OUTDOORS ALON E? !Ap1rtment Hou••' Moved, .No Forw1rdlng Add ress • • l I .. doubt! that any crimlnal charges will be issued under the circurilstances. Evidence.so far is only circumstantial. Newsmen wbo descended Qn the i&IB!ld resort area o( Martha's Vineyaf!t however, Doled that' S~~ on hp; •• ~ Only 1lx . week! ,,."':t.' ' contrldk:ted. himself several times In this regard. "f don't have and probably will not have any charge as to a criminal sense,'' Steele salit ·once . "I have.evldence tn the files which we will prosecute in.the next few days," he said later, referring to the senator's mysterioua whereabouts for 10 bours Saturday. "Notoriety this case has caused 1111 over the world makes it difficult to issue any statemenls," Steele said. "I prefer not to aimment on it. It would be unfair lo this defendant -or any defendant," the ~lassaehusetts pro- secutor added when pressed for more in· fonnation . Chief Arena was more s):ieeific about the Senator's responsibility to explain where he was and wh{lt he -and anyone else involved -did between Miss (See KENNEDY, Page 1) 'lbe ship was not clole enough for WASHING TON (UPI) -J'he House television to record the laDding. But it \\Tays ari4' Means Committee , ipproved Jteamed near enough for TV viewers ~ a.round the world lo view the rubdown. Jegisla,1i-;· today 'to· keep· : 'the ,income , • ., • -ng, Aldrin. and ColUnl were surtaz. allve through.. al leut Aug. l~. lifted one-by-one into a helicopter which The't ~'i" i!"1)~1i'°' a S'l!l•lj .tkjidlo.;k depaslted 1beuJ on liJe deck of Ille Cl!'. ... -~,~'111!aJ>t"'iUIJ1.o -rlU al 10'17 Ut-RDT, -boor''l'!d bred. .. -... ,~~alter·~ . The WaYf.and 'Me.ins eoomilttee-aciecj NllDn wa from li!o bril!,. IS'111e beilcoplu approached. Tbe •blp'a bond to continue witbholciinc of lbe 10 perceni pll,)'ed "Co!Wlibia, the Gtm of jbe aunaz /or Jf.JllllfO ~· Tbe tu !Aw ez, Ocean.• COllilnbla wu the name the piffil Jllll\ 30 blr! ~ prev!ously ap. aslrollauts gave their comm Ind lblp. proved an e~slon ol the hig.ber Nlxon clapped and wave:t.. aa. the wlthholdlnjf lllrougb July. helicopter touched the deck, and bl'"· The committee nwed the end of dreds of aa.Uor1 cheered the returning moon heroes. deliberatiops on a separate tax r~onn A small truck hooked on to the chopper bill wl:iose,.sweeping provlslou appeared and pulled Jt, with the 11tronaula inside, to be melting some of the opposition by to an elevator, which lowered them to the Senate 'Uberals to continuation or the hangar deck. surtax: wllbout accompanying la :1 35-FOOT TAILER refonns. • There, the astronaula tran1ferred into a A.Her the committee approval of the IS. ~foot trailer where lbey will stay during day eJ:tinsion, ' Mansfield wa1 .asked a 2'h-day sea-air trip to the Manned whether )le thought thiJI provided enough Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tu. There leeway ti allow a refonn-surtu: wrapup they face 11 days additional quaranUne. before rn: Aug. 13 of 1 Congressional Weloominl them to the trailer were Dr. ~No5r:.. ,'; h1ansfield replied. William Carpentier, NASA physician, and ,.. John Hlraaald, NASA engineer, both of whom volunteer«! to be isolated with the Trustii1g Artist Wonders If Thieves Avant Garde astronaut8 . Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins looked like strangers from another world as lhey 11tepped off'the helicopter and walked the 12 steps to the quarantine trailer. They waved to acknowledge the cheen and applause of the NASA' and Navy personnel on board. In mission control center in Houston, scores of persons broke out small American nags. On the display board were flashed President John F. Ken- nedy 's words of May 2:1, 1961, when he pledged this coontry t.o land men on the moon in this decade and return them safely to earth. ' Has popular taste caught Laguna Beach artist David Rosen with his avant· garde down? The painter reports theft of a $600 abstracl painting frnm outside his Studio Gallery, 812 S. Coast Highway, but now fears his artistic reputation may also have been bagged. He knows the times are changing. but Rosen IUddehly wonders if he -as an artist -ls .not. "For 12 years. my pa1nllngs have been loo far out for Laguna Beach," says Rv!en, lo whom a.sunset i.eascape Is like a cool draught of salt'water to a drown· In'-man. 'For lZ years, I have fel t secure about displaying the paintings out.side my studio," he adds. a remark ca rrying no small amount of artistic ambiguity. If one cannot afford to buy a painting. overwhelming desire to possess It can at least be taken as a complimen t. Rolen hasn'\ quite decided how he feels. ~'I'm not aure whether popular taste. .has OOm.e up to-haa·reached -my (ar- outness, or whelher iUbeonseiously I've been• reaching out myself for popular lute," &o 11;1, pondering. • "I.tprefer to believe the former," he d<clara. 1J'm. sorry for the person who took-tt," R09ell added in reference to "Apal'\fnent liouse," a 36-by-41 inch abstract work. "lte ha& to live with his guilt for the rest of his life," be continued. t The pltce wti.lcri turned aomeon4:green -with"envy is done predomlnanily. hfbrlght oia.[il~ahd>~~k.and white conlraat, and iiu 4>een on '.dlspla1 .. out.llde W.:.studlo Gallery for many months. Police said today 1t.11ey ·ha~ASt new leads Oil the palnllQc, U..lt litlJ,.aguna Beach'• Sleepy Holl6'(..ctlon,._llilt •noted .wome elements now caWChe ri ''HJpptl HD.Dow." •• ,_ , • , . • • I ' For the first Ume in the Apollo pro- gram, the astronauts took manual action to change their landing site. This became necessary when a threat of thun- derstorms forced o(liciaJs to shill the Ian· ding 250 mlle11 to the east. Armstrong 'Changed the guidance com· puter so thaL Apollo 11 dug a little deeper into the atmo..phere, enabling it to shoot for the new touchdown zone, 950 miles 50Uthwest of Hawaii. Three-lo-811..foot. waves turned the spaceship upside down after it landed. The astronauts righted it in 11 mlnutes by lnflalin( flolalion bags. Sawdust Arti.sts Lose 2 Paintings Two palntinp valued at a total of $250 have been reported stolen lrom artista In the Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival, perhaps during a total black-out Tuesday night 'al the grounds. A swcape valued al $1511 by artist Lee Ward SclWf, U, of Jl40 Alta Laguna, Laguna Beach, ;,., Jaken 1rorn hll Sa'!djl!\ te.tlvll dlipl~" -· , Ma¥'0rttton,'ll, of 459 'nllid S4™1. La"""' Beach, ri!Prid lhll • • mo' -l!Ceri< pillrltln, hid °'1\" lieth 'l'Uen lrdm 11'!' booth. . • f'Q1lco bell.,,. lhll th• lheftl may'bl\'1'' occurre<l>d,inillf a brief bld...t'iliou~ 11 p.m. 'l'OOl\ly nllhl wheti 1 .. n ,;,.. vldlng ~~ 'lo'lbe f!sll•ll ~· OUL '1 Jubil.ant Nixon, Sailors Glimpse_ B~ing R~tur.n ABOARD THE USS HORNET (UPIJ - A JUbllanl Prelident Nilion and liaadnm o1 aailars got oo!y I i>rief 811mPM of Apollo 11 L< tt blu.d to II< Padlic Ocean splashdown today. The Pruldent, standing Ofl the fJq bridge of this recovery carrier, scanned the horizon aa Apollo 11 splashed down In the Paciflc Ocean at dawn. Nixon, lite the cheering sailors aboard the Hornet, was unable to get a clr.ar view of the Jn.. ding. All the President could see wu a brief streak of light as be peered thfou&b binoculars for the speedina Apollo U .spaceo-alt. "We really. bad hoped to see mare." said a While House aide1 ' At one point, Astronaut Frank Borman, standing near Nixon on the flyin& brlqe, exclaimed, "There she ii, ·air ... Ntion, turned his head and Aid, "Where, where" thinking Bannan wu referring to llle de1eonding opacethlp. "Sorry sir," Bonnan said. "On tJ)e radio," referring to one ol the rad1o report!: from the 1plashdown scene. Within minutes, however, the PreakSent was able lo view with binoculata the space capsule bobbing In the alx foot waves. He grinned broadly u telmlkil cameras paMed across the flag bridge. A h<licopler carrying the President ud his party 1et down as the Hornet sailed slowly through six foot waves awaiting the astron.uil' splaaJM!own In the Pacific: Ocean 8-0Uthwest or Hawaii Confident Iha~ Neil · A. AnnsJroni, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr .. and Michael Collini "are going to splashdown all right," NIJ· on spent the nigbt. aboard the UM Afl. lngton before flylnl: to the carrier to watch the recovery operaUon from tbt bridge. Oraage Weadler ..,... ---- Despite Ole morninc overcast, It's irtilJ. a lovely day to enjoy summer pur1ultl. The weather will remain that way, at leut for the next five days. INSIDE TODAY Hundred.I of doll4rt worth of mt1'chandiae dilappears daUJt from tht 1htlvc' of rctoil 1tore1. WJlo taku ft 1Dfth.ovt paufno for lt and wAul Page 21. \ ' .. .. . . ' ----~-:-~-~~----:::;·~ .. :..::..::;.::;:...::::~~:;~ ..... -:::~:.: ..... ::::.:~:::,.:.: .. ::::'!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::~~~~ Starting ·out Y outafj Instructor· Johll CunnlnCham points · out Item of interest to Laguna Beach Sea Cubs, a. . group of boys from 9 to 11 who meet twice weekly ujl\ler supervision of city lifeguards to· lelll'tl about Water safely. and marine biolbay. It Is one of aeveral pro- grams for youngsters conducted under lj>e aus- pices of llfeguatd &ervlce. Teens Get Into Art Act Boy's Nude Body re -,,.~_,,,_ ~.:·-.:~~·~..e -Y Lanteruury i:Jr~~ Along Surfside -··· Laguna ~ will IOOh be the Mme of splay a11d sell his ~ her arts and er,fts;i •. :--The nude .body 0! 8 15-year-old 'Cypress a fourth art f..Uval -th1t time with • Carter said thtre were still some ~ boy· teritat1vely 1denUfled 11 Gre1ory local tee111 ·1ewnr irito the act. available. ~· Smith, was found in the-surf off Surfside The Soolli Otll!te County MYCA Youth Last year's fair neUed over; for 1111 at s, 15 a.m. today by Seel Beach police. Council wtll spoMO\T !ht aecond annual youtllfu! ezhlbllon, disp!a .tttlllC:. Pohce S1t. Patrick &illtvan.:.aald he. Canterbury Fair, to be ltaa:"1 Aug. 9 and ran~ from ltather goods and c otbe1~ localed the body, bare except for a 10. "Y" Director Roger Carter said today palntlrigl, aculpturn, jewttry afl4 · t t.ch t h f the fair will be held on the parking lot of Photi>graphy. · , wris wa • a t e oot of MdtrlOCI Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 260 Teem·int.eruted in particlpatiq i.a the Street after rteeivJns an anonymous Ocean Ave. fair ahould call P1'<>1r•m direct.Qr Ted telephone call. Ealllcr the Youth Council had' rt-, Willil ·at the "Y", tl4.ff31 . -• "The body was rilht on the 1urlfine, questtd Park Avenue between Coast sort of awa15h, face up. The calendar on Highway and Gienneyre St.reel. for the art .. • ...... hl1 watch was stopped at July 23," sald fair. City couilcllman turned this 1<6uut Third Playoff ·sullivon. down, $1Y.iJIC the street was needed for the heav)t summer traffic clrculaUao The officer said that prellminary in· do lo1m G C d vutlgallon Indicated no foul play but said .· • . ·~1rp~rt : .IFee.s · Studied ~:.la.;J ,_ f94J),000 RetJeft.M E~t«l. From Change· 11.r 1!11* ~ ~--Jffft ch~tp. • • • fl.25 f0< heavy twin,. four engine craft. ......,. Ji! .. ~ tit fac:lllty at11 ·• Other lnereutl noornmended tnclud.. Moothl)> Ue-down feu In tile northeast )i0itll)1. will lie before ~ II.oar.I of fuel flow age l<>r l<ll!!al. (prlv~!t), ~v~· Im Suf)tnlaori ,. ••. fl" approvi!. tion ltom I lo I eontt per gallon, and •JI. Hmi-proved area, b11ed on wlni opan County Avlallon Dlroclo[ Robtl), J. and 1umc.nt r.C. from ~ centa.IQ 14 DI tlle plaow. wlll be up lroln III lo l30 Bresnab111; who 1ot approval' of tile fn. cents per aallorc,or a POll~d •. ~ · !or l!ihl pi.n.s lo $27.71 to 133.75. and creaaed fees UliJ week from the &lrport. Fuel Oowage f,es for Commercial · ft'Olt\ •to US for light twins to $36.50 to commission. Nld tht facility lhould ~ wUj be alllldllaltd and .ill< Ilic ie"r.lt,'1fo rallt ts required for hea.y genera'9 revenuea thll y'ear "of about crelled laPd1n:I '• ~tuted.· ,, twin Of,~.,me planes In thJa area as !940,000° up !tom Jul yaar•s $396,000. Cqmmll!.IOni" dlil ndl r<!COl!ll1lllld a It wUI not -niodatt them. Pr!JlclP&l lnc:reaH II In landing fees for "'®Oled ~ In !lit minimum l.alM1lllil In 11\t ...-lbiul IUl!y~mprovod (pave<!) commercial alrlloera, from the cumot 11· let.lronl 11.18 lo IUI btcauae.thiy iJld -~ upfpltllea wW be upped !(om l30 cents !Ml' thOUll!ld poUll<il per landlna to two COflU!IU!tr atrU.. utina the airport ·monthly to 136.IO lo 139.IO; PSht twina IO centa; wltll the minimum fee on 17,000 would be Wllblt lo P'1 the lncrtaaa and ftom a flat 145lo141.IO lo l"lt. and beavy pounda remaining at $2.50. stilt realize a profJt. twins and foUr engines ffom •150 to $180. On this bui1, Air California and !Jr Other fee changes include : lransient T·hangar closed storage space for West would pay about $190 per landing tie.down, $1.50 a nicht to $2.25 for light single engine planes, the oD.Iy type that for their 95,000-pound Boeing m twin aipgle engine craft; $2.SO a night to $t.75 can be accommodated wai raised from ;ett, compared wllll the prlllnl 1111.18 for lJpt l•ln analn• planu and f7 lo 115 to 110. · • l'rotll P.,e 1 KENNEDY CRASH PROBED .. . - Kopechne'• ·death and the tlmt tt WU reportad. ''Ht'I 101n1 lo havt lo pnrre where be waa bttWten· 1 IQd t 1.m.,!' Arana told report.en, "but we IN utilfltd tht crash WU-~." - "What happened afltrwanl Is the rtuOn for the leavlDJ-tbe·tcene com· pJllJrt.. II bt\ adcSed, Authoritlta who lllllOUnctd they will acquiro a 1111 of in telephone calla from Kennedy'• bolt! llld It may delonnlne wbtthor l>t wu lndetd In -• afltr tilt traatc, Poll-ParlY accident. Alt olbtr Pu-at the Ill-man, Ill· woman di.Mer la a rented cottqe on Chappaqulddlek laland lollowln1 a yacht ,.,,.. In which they pall!clpattd aboard Keanedy'a boll hava vantahed. ~PT ULANp ~ • ''They 111 left the i•la!id," said Chief Arena Wednud1y, but ooe, Sf.year-old Esther Newberg,...sald In 1 cop)lrighted newspaper interview that Miss ~hne would be alivi'lf She hadn'J left, -~ Sen. Kennedy w~ drivin& tba vivacloua aide.to bla late i>r9thtr'• 1118 pru!denUal campaign to catch a mJdnlght ferry across Kalama Bay to return borne when the accident oc::urred. "" Sklndiven ncovertd Mila Kopechne'a body from the Kamedt ltdon which plunged off a rickety bridge into a JO.foot deep tidal lagoon nearly 12 boun later. She wu fully clllthed and blood samples ~wed only a Uny trace ol alcohol. The Joni aurvlvlnJ aclon of. Utt Ken · nedy family eacaped "1th strained neck: muacltt and a 1'lfid COJ'ICUJlkvi, but Mils l\opedme, Whool fUnwfl l!t. ll\llldtd TUesday, wu trapped lnalde. The at .. ...Uina leadlna eontander for the DtmoeraUc · J>re1tdenUal nomination in tm eatd he-doye dowri In Mverlt """' altempll, d .. plta hJa bad bacl<, broken in a near-fatal 190 pl1ne cruh. The Senate whip has retained Robert G. Clark Jr., former dlJtrlct court Judge in Brockton, Mass., to represent him alona with Edgartown attorney Richard turn and ato\>e Miss Kopechne to her death. "Jt could bavJ beeii, 1 rully don't know ," she added. " An off.duty Dukes County Deputy sheriff ii considered ooe of the key· figure• in the accident probe, &Ince he ap. parently saw Kennedy's black sedan make the fatal wrong turn. SAW 3 PERSONS J. McCarron at Monday's hearing. 'The charge_ described in Ma11achu1ett1 <>tie definiteiy interestin& ·a.na:Je to law ~allell Callforn.11'1 hlt·and·run law. . statements by Deputy George Lake Jr .. is that -while he did not reeointze Sen. PARTY GUE8Tll Kennedy as lhe driver -he thouihl Ooe of the party guests was former three persons were in the car. U.S. Attorney for Ma115achwetts Paul A pu~&e belonaiog to •nQther party· Mukham, who hu dilappeared like the goer, Mills Rosemary Keough, waa found othera for tbe present time, with his in the upside-down aedan with Ml1.s wherubouta unknown.. _ ... , -••• ··-Kpnec~1.,~i • ..bllt,,cQuld..bo.ve:meril, Miss Newbtrg, who told lhe Wor<:eater, t>ttllift earlier. Mui. Gazette the and the other glrla at Mils Keough hu d1-appeared aM a tile-party.-all..past~Kennedy_._campaign.._gi::Lwbo_1.D11wtted ber pbone_Wtdneida aides-said lhey stayed overnight at the 5ald 1be dJt!n'l .!mow wbere lht 11 or co!tqe. when sbe lfUI rerurn. The men prt:Mnt were in and out of the Sen. Kennedy hu aald he will make a retort home during tbe p8riy, she said, statement on the trapd)' at the •t. adding that KeMedy's cousin, Paul proprl1te time. but remalnt in 1eelu1loit Gargan, who rented the party pad, told at family headquartera In HyanniJ Port the alrll of tbe tragedy Saturday. today. Mila Newberg 1ald the believed It w11 So far, with charge• pend.in& and ltllll• about 8:30 a.m., u they were bein1 tional elements tinging the clan image, driven to catch th~ ferry on the same the time has evidently been ~ route where Sen. Kennedy took a wrong appropriate. . ~or Glenn Vedder took a personal ame .apture Orange Co\!Qty c:oroner'• depuUea have lntertat bl tbt teeni1-.· quut for a aite. schedµled an autoapy this afternoon at 0 • Cr The planned tw~ f~ ii open \B!!Y B. y Del Ob~"po Smith's HunUnaton U,ach IODrtuary. utrigger ew S.Uth Cowlty youtb'..\illo ..,.Id like · ·111-..., Tho younpier had nt1Uy trimmed ...i Bay Swap Approvers To Make New Decision Woman Dead From !~juries After 3 Years Private funeral w vlce1 were held to- day for a Colta Mesa woman who lay dyinl for l~ years, after being critically burned in at\ apartment fire. Mrs. Sally J. Green, 42, rescued from her bluln1 home at 2020 Fullerton Ave .• on Nov. 28, 1965, died TUnday at a con· valeocenl h06Pitil In orange. 11Je victim 1uffered severt, lasting Jung d1m111e from inhallng ·hot ••?OI'•, ac-cording lo Oran1e County (l(lf0Mr'1 depuUet, ., well 11 :second aqd third detret bums. ' · She had been holpitaliied ever aince: the rlrt ..... blamed on her fallln& asleep whilt amokloa a cigarette -most of the time at Orimae county Medical Center. JUta were ·held at Bae kl and Kaul bar• Mortuary. Anlbelm; where apok~men 11id Mn:Gretrt left a aon ·and daua:hter, both ol Ontario. h • r parenta, ol La Granae, Ill., and a brother livin1 in New York. l11'il Y 111!01 ~~ COMl l'Vll llt$1 ... CIOM1>\N'I l• .. rt N. We.I . ,.. ......... ..,.,.... .l••lt l . C.rl., Vkt ,,,...... Incl o..r• Muttt• • TH••• ltMYil .... 1\•-• A. M11t,IM1• ,,,,....,,. ld! .... l i1li1r4 P. N•ll __ ,,,_ ---211 ...... An. Mtlll•t Mii•••: P.C. a.. 466, 91611 --c .... MN ............ .... ....,. 9-111 '1tl .......... ...... ... II Cll i ... I • Mc"""' The Del Obi1pu Uttle League All-Stars won their third playoff ·aame and the county championship Wednesday evenina wilh l lS..pounder Mitch Mce0mb pltchin& the team to a 3·2 extra inning victory, McComb allowed six hlls and struck out IS batters on tht way to victory over the Botsa All.Stars who made it to the Little Leagu e World Series a t Williamsport, Pa., last year. The winnin& run came in the t ilhth, the second extra inn.ins of the scheduled aix·inn.il)g aame. The win meant the District 51 cham· pion1hip for the Dana Point-Caplatrano. Beach nine and 10 year olds. Dllt:lct 65 rou1h1Y taku In Oran1e County. The next 11me for the Del Obiapo Alf·. Star1 will be Tue.sday, but tbtir opponent has not yet been delermined. : Elrlier this week the Del Obispo Alt. Sttro defeoted the Mtulon Viejo All· Stara, 2·1. ·Lut week the 1tir1 defeated the Laruna NaUon1l1 with McComb tlrikina out 18 of 19 batters, Woman Pulled Out of Surf An unidentified young woman. un. consc ious and fully-clothed, wa1 l)ulled from the surf today by a Laguna Beach doctor out for a morning jog. The woman believed to be about 18 to 21 yeara of age, was still breathing, but w11 Incoherent 11 lifelllJrdl and police arrived at the actne •t \he Oak Street beach, Laauna Police Sgt. David Brown said. LifeJUards _ aatd Dr. K.o n 1 t a n t i n Sparkuhl w11 runntna on the beach at a~ut 9 a.m. when he aaw the 1irl, pulled her from the \lflter and then telephoned foi help. She was t.aken to the Orana:e County MedicJI Center. hair and w111pp1nintly last .... al 1:11 Saved From Surf Otange County supervisors h. v e Bay transacUon under fire OJI thr~ a.m. Tuesday at HunUngton City Beach ructed t,I\ a. Grand Jury requlit that the front.I. Prevlowly County A 11e11 of U N ..,..... B Ja d tr d bet Andrew J . Hinshaw has refused to canetl when he assertedly triad to avoid ·•rreat H ~ t I ~·-• I h pper e .. .,_ • ay n a e wetn $110.000 tn' taxes on the 157 a-s tha a,.,..r pa ro mtn • ._....ay n I t nd the Irv c be '" by running into the surf. re scued a dozen members of the Newport the county 8 me ompany company deeded to the county, and Sgt. Bert Chadwick of th~ Huntincton Beaeh Outrtcaer Canoe Club along with ""negotiated" by referring the problem Auditor.Controller Victor Kelm baa refu .. B h P II two of their cratt in the turf" of the to the same trio who recommended ap-ed to act at 1upervisor1' order on the eac o ce Department said officers at treacherous Balbol Penl111Ula Wtdge. proval of the pact last November. pact. tl\at time we~ trying to arr~ several The p&trolmeQ'• launch waa qled to Wednesday County Admlni•tratlve Of. The Grand Jury suggested a restudy of juveniles for beln1 drunk OD tbi'beacb. ed&e up to th• IW'f Une and tow the two fleer Robert E. Thomas, Count)' Counsel the trade of 157 aeres of county-owned "He apparently was not a member ot capal:ied craft and their paddltn· kJ ufe· Adrian Kuyper and Harbor Department tidelands, moatl y w1terfront and ·pied the 1roup, liy.' police comina anit winte~ ty at 7 p.m. Director· Kenneth Sampson renewed property, for the 4~7 acres of comparcy• I l.i ... _. .T No one was injured ln lht ~i1hap11 studi11 of the conlroveral•I land swap owned land which it largely two un-o avo )I ll"llllng arrested," ChadwlC:k iaid. patrolmen said. The outrta1en, manned with no Umt llmlt 1et for their deUbera~ derwater isands in the center of the Coroner'• inve1ttgator Jim Btuiier latd by 11J paddlef'I each, were balled out and tion1. Back Bay channel with the aim of pro- it will be lmpoallble to dettrmlne U the ntloated. The Grand Jury'• action put the Upper vldin& more public w1terlront. deatll wu caused by· drowning tm!U·the ·-'================='==='===£:====="'======== autopsy has ~n performed. "We 'wlll II have to wait until then to elear"Up wbat ls involved," be said. U.S., Saigon Urge Revision PARIS CUP!)-The Unittd States and South Vietnam today urged North Viet- n1m and the Vitt Cong to reconsider their holUllty to a peace aettlement b1s- ed on jointly controlled and tn· ternatlonally 1upervlaed 1lectlon1. The Communl81 aide re1ponded by hardening !ta oPPo<ltlon lo the propoul even more. Chief American ne1otlatqr Hwy Cab- ot Lodge and Sal1on nesOl!alor Pham Dona Lam appealed to tl1e dele1a1tt of Hanoi and the Vitt Cona lo reeonaldtr the propooall fin! made by Pmld«lt Nauyen Van Thltu on July Jt . Chief Viet Cont ne1ottator M1d1me NIU)'en Thi Blnh reminded the alUed delegatu that the deleg1tlon of tbe ''provltlOhal revoluUonary aovernment" had already ;'cat.eaorically rejected" the offer, and Hanoi ne&ollator Xuan Ttiuy said tht Viet C0n& would "never be deceived by thl1 perfldloua maneuver of tbe United Staltl and Ila tac:Uyo." v al .JJ. J. Qarreff ~ HIRITAOI UPHOLSTEllD fUINITUll SALi IAVI 153 OltDllt. IN YOUlt CHOICI OP PAIRIC Laguna Promotion Aide Urges City Be Hospitable AUO , •• SUUTANTIAL SAYIN•S ON MANY HlllTl,•I DININ• 10011, MHOOM AND TAii.i •IOUl'S •• • Promotion budge! oupporttr Harry Willet.a 1ay1 Laguna Beach bua!neumen should be hoapltable to 1trana:ei-1. At a luncheon at Laa:una Beach ·Chl'mbtr of Commaree dlreeior Willtis ran throua:h the pretenlation ht had a:lvtu the city council to 'how that Laguna is gett ing enormou1 returril on it.I promoUon dollar. But while ht amphasl&e<I the bar&aln of $200,000 in btd IDll 11lts tax income for 141.000 promotion ezpendlturt to city counc ilmen, Willets pointed out to • • chamber dlrtetora Lquna'a 110 mllllon tourl1t economy. "If every merchant wouJd reoopiae thee flaurt1 he'd fttl · a llUlt more 1r1eloUJ to lhe 1tranaera: ht mttt.11 11 nkl. Wlllell. "HotptlalltY la one vtrlUa •a WI d,.vlop and t1lblnce In Lail'Jna." Wl!ltll aJIO WIJ readf lo be dlultable to tilt council that cut tho '41,000 pro- motlon·buditt request lo ta,1111. "Wt wtrt happy tbtrt-wtrt no majqr cu\1 In th• V"'J ll)Odut bud1et we aake<I ror' .. he 11ld . Yoor fGvorit• d1fiGMr ..rn be ham to .,,111 ~·· •• • 0,. ..... -• "'" ·- Jiii H.OIOtl ll'111. , COSTA ME~A. CAUf. M6-0171 MMJ16 • .. . .. . ' I t I • I I I • • 'I l I . ; . ~OL:. 62, NO. 176, 1·SECTIONS,.'44 'PA(;l;S • ORANGE COUNT¥, CAUFO/tNIA . ' . • ,. :rHURSDA Y JUl Y 2~. l~ • JEN·CENTS Dow~the Mission .. / Trail Indictment Hits Viejo Resident ttflss10N ·;rEJO -• Mbsion Viejo ac- countant« has been ,Jn41cted by a Los Ang~ Federal Grancj 3ury on chargts of mtsappllcation of $150,000 in bank funds. Named by the panel Js Ted E. .. . ' •• ·' .. . - • ' . -~ • .Nixon Welcomes Trio on Carrier ABOARIY USS HORNET (APl-Tbe men who-0pene1Hhe l\f06ll-Ale relumed to their borne p1anet today, received a chemical bath before the eyes ol the world and were hoisted aboard this carrier for a welcome from Pre3ldent Nixon. Nell A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael CollinJ ateeHd their Apollo ·11 apaceahlp to a near-pinpoint landing in the Pacific Oc:un nine miles from this recovery ablp. . They hit the warm Polynesian waters at 9:50 a.m. PDT, rlimutns an eight-day voyage of ~covery in which two men walked the aurface · of the moon for the first time.· The astronauts immediately were placed behind a biological """"'r on !be remote dwt\>-Ibey brought hoine lunar bacteria that could Artm<nko 35, of 25712 Cer1I antes Lane. Identified 'in the-indictment as a..t~r- ofUdal ol First ·Federal Savings and Loin Association of Fullerton. r' "'"'"""---1:'·-~. =o; • c• ...... :;~-,.:--":':O""~c-=-•-=-•.,_..,~ EDWIN E. 'BUZZ' ALDRIN JR;· NEIL A. ARMSTRONG · ().;J _a~_ .. o cas a Nov. 13 a $50,000 check drawn. on the • association's account at a Fullerton bank d J andQblainingacashier:s~p•Y!bl~ __ n_ilC·· e to Chee'-lZen·n·e y -ncome Surtax to a,stock brokerage nttn. . -ruJ;i n;-J~ . Artme.nto allegedly repeated his or-D 'Phone Calls From Hotel Tense lasl..Feb. is and used the 1100,000 eadlock Near ht obtained to purchase more stock. Artm~. was employed as secretary· treasurer and comptroller. ···Win Dance Troplafl MISSION VIEJO -The Ramblin' Rogues square ·dancers captured the mayor's trophy for their float in San Clem~te's Fie.!\a del la ·Christianita. , The float deplded ·a cautomia poppy -~the -pslor\nlng -in the center~ the flower. e Prize Wo•Cfor LGllsb 'MISSION VIEJO -Mike Dicks can lfow a beallhy lamb. ?dill:t, Who Dves at 1N.l8l PcriafinO Dr., captdred top prize per pound tor his Grand Champion market Jamb at the Junior Livestock Auction conducted at the Orange County Fair. e Open Bouse Slated El:. TORO -The US-year old t ... ano Adobe on Trabueo Road will be ~t~ stage when the El Toro Woman's Club hoki! an open house Friday on com· rnemoralion of Calilornia'.s bicentennial celebration. .. Ttie Woman's Club will hoot visitors from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. Signs directing motorists to the adobe will be placed on El Toro Road and Trabuco Road, ac- cording to a club spokesman. .tt CJ111rch Rites Slated LAGUNA HILLS -Formal opening or the $US,CKKI First Chun:h of Christ Scien- tist is planned in special ceremonies Ju. ly 27. ·Services Sunday iq the 300«.at m1in auditorium arc scheduled for 9:30 and 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The church is located at 24481 Moulton Parkway. From Wire Servlcts Investigation continues today into a traffic tragedy which killed a pretty, blonde aide to the late Robel1 F. Ketl- rje<ty, an4 pit!aibly alao apy chance for the lone immvin; KtnnedY· ton to bealme prui<WlL Lawmen announced today they will aubpotna a li..t of all tele~ calls nilkle from Sm. Teti K fl n n• d y "-• ~ .... Mus., bot<! in lbe bop< of "*bllshing IOm• particularly crucial Ilda. AuthoriUet said ·the probe of Sen. Ken. nedy's degree of fault or liability in the drowning death of Mias Mary Jo Kope~hne, is, last Saturday will last at least another week. "the in•estlgation Isn't C!]mpleted - not by a longshot," said Massachusetts Reg1stry of Motor Vehicles Supervisor George W. Kennedy, who i.s not a relatJve. 1A bearing ls scheduled Monday to determine whether a complaint charging the 'u.s. Senate aseistant minority leader with leaving the scene of an accidt?nt after ·having done bodily harm will be issued. A ~port by Massachusetts motor ft!hi- cle dtpartmint authorities Wednesday listed Kennedy as being at serious fault in ~ Kopedme'a death and his license was umporarlly suspended. Convk.-Uon would result in a six-month susptmsion,. while jt may also be ttini\&IA!d. Edgartown Police Chief Dominic · J. Arena and Duke!! County Prosecutor Walter E. Steele have both e1pressed doubts that any crimlnal charges will be issued under the ci~taoces. , ·. Evidence sq far is onl)' clrc:wnstanllal. ·Newsmen descead..t on lhe '•land mort ma Of M~'• ~~ ho.OVer. noi.:l lbat steile~ oo tu.:11aie job only m ....weeb ~ •'COntf'ldidect himself several limes in ibis regard. "I don't ha~ and probably will not have 111p"<:l1"'1! ., to a crtminaJ ......, .. Steele sald ooee. "I have eviderice in the flies which we will prosecute in tbt next few day11" he Said later, referring to the senator's mysterious whereabouts. for 10 hours Saturday. "Notoriety this case has caused all over the world makes it dllficult to issue any statements," Steele said. "I prefer not to comment on it, it would be unfair to tb1s defendant -or any defendant," lbe Massachu.seUs pro- serutor added when pressed for more m. ronnaUon. Chief Arena was more !lpeciflc about the Senator's responsibility to e1plain where he was and what he -and anyone else involved -did between Miss (See KENNEDY, Page Z) Breaking Open WASHINGTON (UPI) -The HcruH Ways and Means Comrnltiee approved legislation today to keep ~the · income •urlu' alive thr'ouJll at ~.n· A.S. l~. 'l'bin<Wert»tiid...,._., Sdtt .uldtoek on <ibndlng'the lu;nligbt Ile ieMtJo break. Thew~ and Me..., Commltte1•1~ lo COOlb!Ue wltliliold!Jll of !lie ID' P"ioenl surtu !Or IS 111111'1 Clap. 'Il!e'lula• U· plred June 30 IMrt c:o.,r,., pmiouJly ap- proved ·an exteDston of · ~ ~gber withholding lllrougb July. ' The ·COJtjmlttee neared the end o! dcliber.atiOM on a separate tax reform bill whose aweeplng provisions appeared to be melting some of the oppo:slUon by Senale liberals to continuation of Ule surtix without accompanying t i. x reform.11 • Alter lhe committee approval of the 15-- day exteuioq, Ma111!ield w~ .uked whethµ he Uiought U,ls prov1ded.enou1h lee'f'&y to allow a rerbrm-surtax wrapup before start Aug. 13 of a CohgressiQDJI recess .• "Nope," Mansfield replied. Trusting Artist Wonders H Thieves Avant Garde · Has popular taste caught Laguna Beach artist David Hosea wilh his avant· garde down? The painter reporU theft of a $600 abstract painting from Olltslde his Studii> Gallery, 812 S. Coast Hia:hway, but now fears his artistic reputation may also have been bagged. He knows the times are changlrtg, but Rosen suddenly wonders if be -as an utlst -la not. "For l2 years, my paintings have beers too far out for LaiUna Beach," 11ays Roten, to •hom a sunset seascape ts llk.e a cool draugtit of saltwater to a drown-"'!! man. • For 12 years, I have felt secure about displaying the paintings outside my studio," he adds. a remark carrying no sma ll amount of artistic ambiguity. U one Cannot af(ord to buy a painting, overwhelmJng desire to possess It can at l~11st be ~ken as a compliment. Rosen -~ qulto decided how he leeb. "I'm not: sure whether-_popu'tir~ taste hat come up to -has reaChed -my fu: outness, 'Gr wbetber 1ubconsciousl7 I've been r~ 00!\ myse~ lor popular toste," Ii( .. ,., P<lJl!l!ring. '!l' preflr to bell eve the former/• he declare!, '1'm ~ for per1<>n who took lt.'1 •• BIOLOGICAL svrrs J.-Qi, Belon: -=' Ille abi . Sawdust Artists Lose 2 Paintings Two pain~ valued at a total of l2IO ha~• been rl!P<\J1od stolen f"'"' artteta In the Laguna Beach SawdU1t Festival, perhaps during a total black-out Tuetday Jubilant Nixon, . Sailor, Gliinp# · Blazing Return :--~ Tl!E IJM lllil!ll>"r (lll'IJ - A Ji1b11aD1 l'Mliaml ms. and - ol Allon gol ialy ·• llrfe! ..... , .. of Apollo II u It blarod to ila Padflc Ocean tpWhdown -,,. The Prealden~ l!andJni on llli llag bridge of th.la recovery carrier, IWmed the horizon u Apollo 11 oplashed """'!Jla the PacUJc Ocean at da1'Jl. Nilan, Uh the cbeering aallora aboard tbe llomel, wu wi1ble to 1ft a clear view ot tbe )m. ding. All tbe President cooJd aee WIS a IJrlel alreal< of light u he peered tlJroaah binooulars Jar the speeding Apollo II spacecraft. "We really had hoped to aee men;• 1aid a White H()Ufe a)de. At one point, Altromut Frank Borman, standing near Nlzm on the li1lnl brlrlle, exclaimed, "There she 11, llr!' .N-, turned hl1 ·bud and . NJ<I, "Where, •here" tbfnking Bomian ftl rderrillg to the deacendlng 1pacnhlp. "Sorry air," ~ said ... On the radio," referring to one of ·the "radio r.porta from the oplaabdown llCOlle. WlthJn mlitutes, howev~, ~ ~t wu able to vlew with biuocUlarl the space capaule bobbing In the ID !Ool waves. He grimed brOldl7 u ~ cameru panned acroa the liq brk!P.- A bdlcopter carrying the PrOlldent and his party set down· aa the H«ne! aaUod alowly through six foot waves awaWng the utronauta' aplaabdo,...ln the Padllc Ocean IOlll!nre::t " HawaJl. Conlldent that Nell" .A. AnnJtroni, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., •nd Michael ~ "are going to aplUbdOWn all .rlgbt." Nix· on spelll the ni.<!11 abatrd' the USS All- ington helm fiyJni to the carrier lo watch the recovery operattoo from il>e bridge. Weatller Deoplte the moJ'\llnf owrcalt. ll'I still a IOftl}' da,y lo OW• auminer punu!t&. '?bl -tl!or will remaln that way, al IWI tor lhe next five daya. ROSCA JKf t.tence lQ "Apartment House," a lnch'abSl>•>wotki' ' , , n!Jlbl••l the~ INSWE TODAY Htmdrttll of dolfon tDOrlh at """'"""di" dliappoMS dailp fr""' • the ,t..10., of ·f'tfoU , - rest ol ii; .'' Ile contlhu ( • "He has i•e with hb~~ \Ile • The ti . \tlliclJ lu/ned "' _ ..... A.· iea¢aP. v'alue.J' pt •\$0 by aJ1\SI 14 Wilrrl'llcharf, 41, of 1140 Al)I Laa- Loguni' a.icli • "1a1 taken from hb ~ ·Festlrir ~llp~; . · . aloru. Who tol<u It "'""°"' paulng for II end IDJn/7 P1111• 11. • I. . _., • I . ' t~ I a=---· ·~ ....--~ ,t:n ' ' WOUt._D YOU TRUST T!ilS PAINTING OUTDOORS ALONE? 'AJNrfmtnt House' Moved,._~ Fonr~rdlftl Addr•~• •• • • . • With en 'done' predom' lj,lirlgbt orange abd ack and .whi1''contrast, Ind bas Men 'on display ~ tbti;Studio Gallery for any momtil ~ "I Police nld today \laeytl.ve 1ia new leads Oii lhe painl~1tlilli tn 'taguna Beach'a Sl'"IJ)' H~tlon. btit notod aome elements now calf the area "B!ppi• HoUow." •• \ M1t><Hireltiln,:pj ot Iii 'Mllrd Sitto!, Laenna Beacll, reported lbet . a 1leo: dwrt --paJaltog had also""" ~ 11'11111 Iler booth. Pollce believe thet the lhefta'llll)'· lllTe: occumd durina,4 brief blad<-out - 11 p.m. 'f\lead07 nllht -• •Jr.t~ •kiln& .!)ectriclif to lbt llillYal· --wt. . !' c..i:'.ie,. .,.._ ff•lta fl h ~ CtlMlfllll W-M .,_ ~ 1J C-lcs • .,.,....,..._ • ~ ,, ........ .... Dtilltl ..... 11 ...... '"" ~ ............. ... .......,,.... . ......... . ••'tltPI I " ~ • e::r.:.. 1 =--J ' • •I I - . 1 • • ' ' I ' ~ir.port Fees . Strrdie d " ' Oo111J Airport user f .... _..,_ Ille faeWty sell sup. be before Ille · lloard of Uf· I for approval. Cowlly Aviltlon .Dlroclo< 11obert J. char1e. Otbtt lncreaau ntammend'ed fnclude fuel flowage ror general (prlv1te)--11via-- lion from % to J cenlt per aallon and ·011 and lubricant f~ frwn l ceeil 14 II cents per gallon or a pound. Fuel nowaae fees for commercial llrcralt wW ht ellinlna{ed and' tbe U.. creased ludlna fees aubsUtuted. ' ng~ fT.25 for heavy twin• four engine cran. Monthly Ue-ctowri fees 1n tbe northeast 1pnl'llilpro_Ylif;ot~. b~ on wing IP'• of !l!u!fl111.J<ljl be uP from 115 14 l30 for li41't plnnea 14 127. 75 14 $33. 75, and frQ(n DI to IUJ0< 1Jihl twins to !36.iiO lo ''61.IO. !lo ,,._ la required lot heavy twin or ""1r ._i.ne p1anea in th1I area as It will not ~--le them. BrwW>1n, who 1ot a~val of the in· creased feel U1ia week from the airport .......-. lllil JJie·facillty should cenerate rev .. this year "of ·•bout 19411,000• ., rro.. 1u1 ,_., 1891.lil. r ' ''· Principal lncre&le ti Jn laoding'fees for commerdal alrUner~, the current 15 · Centi per thouaand JIOlllldl landlnl lo 10 cai&I, with the fee oo 17,000 pounds remaining al p ,50, Commlulonen did not recommend a proposed boost in tht minimum landing fee from j2.fl0 14 $UO because they saJd two commuter alrllnel min& the &Jrport would be unable to pay the lncro,ae and slill realize a profit. In the DOl'll!Wl lufly-lmproved (paved) area, Upt plaiies wW be upped from $30 mnntbly.14 l30.r.o 14 119.511; ·u1ht hrina from a Oat l4S 14 141.10 lo 171, and heeVJ twina and four engines Crom $150 to $180. Starti nfl · Out ·.roung_ • IDJtructor John, Cunningham pointa out item ol interest to Laguna Beach Sea Cubs; a group of boys from 9 to 11 who meet twice weekly under supervision of city 1ifeguards to learn about water DAI\ Y ,UT lttff ,.... ~. . . safety and marine biolop. It is one ol several pr<> grams for youngster• 'eboducted· under tht aus- pices of lifeguard se.f!i~. · . : Boy's Nude Body ·;_. f! ---'---_ -~-·· '. W_asheS Ashore Witn-·:Y. _tiante.rhur-y~~.,:u, Teens Get Into Art Act Laguna Bead1 wtJJ Soon be thll·ho'me or spl~nd sell his or h~r arts a~.cnfts2 The nude body of a tS..year.old Cypress · 111 fourth art f.U,al -this time with CarteF aaid ·there were aWI ,IOJ?le bootJi: boy.' tentatively ldenUiled Al Gregory loc al teens getting !nto tl'!t act. available. 1 • "' • ;:;: Smith, was found in the surf off Surf&ide The South Qtanae County MYCA Vouth Lastyear'a1alr netted over M® for~· at 6: 15 a.m. today by Seal Beach police. Council will sponsor the second annual YGIJfJ:tful e.xhlblton, • display]pa .. .ft~ Police Sgt. Patrick SU!ltnn .said he Canterbury-Fair, t1' be·!teged Au~-9 and ~g from leather goodl ..nd-CJ.btMl~E located the body bare except for a 10. "Y" Director Roger Carter ~1d today pamhngs, sculptures. jewelry and~ wristwatch, at th foot of -,_,_ the rair will be held on the parking lot of photography. • .e 1\.11\fC"rson Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 260 Teens fntemltd tn participating in Ult Street after receiving an anonymws Ocean Ave. · fair should call proeram director Ted ' telephone call. Ear1ler the Youth Cd.mcil bad re--Willis at \he "Y"J tH-9431. -.:;. ''The bQdy wu right on the surlline, quested Park ~venue betweei:a Coast • ' ·::; !1 SQrt of awaah, face up . The c.alendar on Highw9 and Glenot)'ll,StnetJSior art h!J watch was stop,ptd at July Z3" aaid fa~. City comc11m .. .,n.a th · . • f L_t •,;,· d· Dla,J.;..itl.f' h s.i11vu. · , l ' down, uymg the 1lrttt. •As need for lllr P.1 JUII . . . the heavy awnmer traffic circulaUon The officer md that prehmlnary In- On this buia, Air California and Air West woold pay about $1110 per landing for their 95,000.pound Boein& 727 twin ;eta, C<lllpaHd wt111-lbt ~ lt<Ub Other fee changes Include: transient lie-down, $1.50 a nJght to $2.25 for light sil}&le engine craft; ,$%.50 a night to $1.75 fot IJiht hrill .,,.me planel and fl 14 T-bangar clc.e<i storage space for single engine planes, the only type that can be awmmodatf.d was r&iHd from .465 to flO. ~ . FreM P .. e I KENNEDY CRASH PROBED ••.. • l\~'i dlath ~ tbe time ll w11 .. ported. ''Ht'• ili!lil lb havi IA> pmie where ~he warbltwiin] and I Lm.," IJiOi told reporters. .. but we are aatlsfied the cruh Wal leddental." "What "happened altarward la the reaaon for the leaYine.thMceoe com· plaint, .. he added. AutbortU.. wbo lllllOUoced they wUI acqulrt a IJat al all lelepbone calla from Kennpcly'a ~ aid ll mar detmnlne whtther Ill -lnde<d_ln lhock oiler the tralic..pool.parly--"""1dent. All Other perlCllll at lbt llis,man, Ila· woman dbmer in a rented cottap· oo Chappaqulddld< Ialand followlllg a yacht race In whJeb they partidplled aboard KeJll!!!l'• !!i!!L~• WJi!!!ed, LEf't IBLANll Tull<iay, wu trapped lnalde. 1Jie at-one-Ume leading contender for the DemocraUc pruldenU.J nomination in .1172 aald ht dove down In aeveral rescue attempt•. despite hi• bad back, broken In a near-fat1I 1"2 plane cruh. The Senale whip has ret1lned Robert G. Clark Jr., former district court judge in Brockton, Mau., to represent him along wllb F.dgartown attorney Richard turn and oroW: Misa Kopechne to her · death. "It could have been, I really don't know," she added. An off-duly Dukes County Deputy sheril{ is const~red one or the key flgu~ in lht accident probe, since ·he a~ parenUy saw Kennedy's blac k sedan make the fatal wrong turn. SAW 3 PERSONS J . McC-.i;oo al Monday'• bearing. Tbe ch&tp: described In Muaachusetts One definitely, ... interesting anele to law paralle~ California's hit-and-run Jaw. staternenta by De~ty George Lake Jr,. is that -while be dld not recognlu Sen. PARTY !llJESTJ' Ktnneily aa lhe driver -he thou&ht One of the pirty pull was former three persons )Vere in the car. , U.S. Attorney for MauachUJetU Paul A purse be.lon&inl to another party~ Markbam, 'who hu dllappeared like the goer, Miss Ro:J:}ary K~ wu found . Ollim !or tJie preaent 'Tuiie. wltlllili''liilM upsure:i wn se<ran ~ whereabouts anknown. ~ Kopeclme'1 body, but·could hive merel7 "They ill left the island," laid Chief Mias Newberg, who told lhe Worceater, been left earlier. - Arena-Wednelda,, but ....-1f-Y•.U"Old-Mur.Gautte-11>e·alld the" olhtrgtril a .Mms-Keouglrba.-d!nppeared-.nd-.i-- Esther N~berg, iald jn a. copynghted the party· -all past KeMedy campaign glrl who answered her phone Wednesday, newspaper interview that Miss Kopechne ·aides -said they stayed overnight al the said &he didn't know where abe i1 or would bl alive Jf ahe hadn't left cottage. when she will ' return. Sen. Kenned)' waa drlvin & the vivacious The men prtsant were In and out of the Sen Kennedy hu said he will make a alde In his late brother's 198;1 TJ.l'esldentlal resort home during the party, she said, state~ent on the tragedy at the a1p. campalgn to catch a nudntght ferry adding that Kennedy'i. cousin, Paul propriate tlnle, but remains in seclusion across Katama·Bay lo return home when Garaan, who rented the party pad, told at family headquarters Jn Hyannis Por:t the accident oc:o:::urred. the ,Jrls of I.he tragedy Saturday. today. Sklndlvera retovErtd Miu Kopechne's Mila Newberg 1ald she believed 11 wa.a So far, with charge! pending and sensa- body from tht 5en~ sedan which about 1:'3 a.m., as they were• being tional elements tingtng the clan image. plunged off a rickety bndge into a l~foot driven to catch the ferry on the same the time bas evidently been lD· deep tidal lagoon !'!&rly 12 hours later. route where Sen. Kennedy took a wrong appropriate. · She wu fully clothed and blood , samples sbow'1 only a tlnJ tract or alcohDI. downtown. G Ca d vestigation indicated no foul play blll aaid · Mi.yor Glenn Vedder took a personal ame pture Or~e .CountJ ccrooer'• depuUe1 hive I 1' 'I ~ lllt.rwl in the ...... .,.. queal for ~cajtAt. •c!>O<jul!<I ~~ '"'°'l'Y 11111 afternoon •ti Outn'g'g· er Cr'ew The lone surviving scion of the Ken- nedj> f1111!1y eacopod with slralntd ~ muicl\I' aDd a..ia04.c.oncuul>n, WV Miu K.opechne, whose runaol . be 1tteod0d Bay Swap Approvers· To Make New Decision Tbe plomied two-day falr II open lb any By Del OhIS' po Smith's HllJltinlton lle1ch monuary. 5«1111 Cowlly youth wbo would like 14 di· The younaster bad neatly trimmed red hair and waa apparently lut seen at 3:15 Saved From Surf Orange County supervisors ha v • Bay trt.n1actton under fire on three Woman Dead From Injuries After 3 Years Private funeral 11ervkts were htld to- day for a Costa Mesa woman who lay dyifll for 3Yi yean, after being crl\ically burned in an apartment fire. Mn. Sally J. Green. 42, rescued from her bllling home at 2020 Fullerton Ave., on Nov. 28, 196$, dled'Tuesd1y at a con· valelcenl holplt1J In Oran••· 1be vlcUm a\lffered severe, l.uUng lung dam1ge from lnhalin& hot Na;>0rs, ac· cording to Orange County coroner's deputiell, as well u second ~nd third degree bums. . ' She had been hoapltalized' ever since the fire -·blamed an her falling uleep while smoklnil: a ctgareite -mOst of the lime at Orange County Medical Center. Rltd were held at Bacb and Kaulbars Mortuary, Anlh'eJm. where spok!imen· said Mrt .. Gteetl left a !dn 'and dauih~r. both ol Ontlrlo, h e r parent!, Of La Gtlnie, ID., lllld 1 btolher llvin& 111 New York. iJA ll V VHOI OltAltl)~ COoU1 PVRGHUIO ~ l.._,N.W ... ,,. ........... ~ Jttk l. C.rl., Via 1"1"9 ......... ~ti INNflt n. ••• , w:.,.11 ••• 'Tho••• A. u.,,,..1~• ~ldlltr l lli11r4 P. Nin ·--'"' ........ ---2Jt hr•1t An. · M~ ,_..._, P.O .... •W.. 92651: -- · The. Del Obl•Po Little League All.Stars won Jhelr third playoff game and the countp championship Wednesday evening with I IS.pounder Mitch McComb pitching the team to a S..2 extra Inning victory. McComb allowed six hits and struck out 15 batter• on the w1y to victory over th e Bolsa All·Stars who made It lo the Little League World Series a t Willi310sport, Pa., last year. The winning run came in the eighth. the .secqnd extra inning of the scheduled six·lllnlng game. The win meant the DlstrtCt ~ cham- pionship for the Dana Pot,lt.C1plstrancr Beach nine and 10 year olds. District-56. roughly takes Jn Orange County. The next game far the Del Obl5J>O All- Stan will be Tuesday. but their opponent" has no~ yet been determined , Earlier this week the Del' OblsPo Al~ Stars defeated the Mission Viejo All·· Stars. 2-J. Last week the stars (lefeated' the Laguna Nationals with McComb Striking out 18 of 19 batters. Woman Pulled Out ·of Su1·f An unldentUled young wwnan, un· cODSC.tow; ~d fully-clothed, was -pulled Crom the surf today by a Laguna Beach doctor out for a morning jog. The woman believed to be about 18 to 21 years of age, was sUll breethJng, bul was Incoherent as lifeguards and police arrived at the scene at the Oak Street beach, Laguna police Set. David Brown sald. Lifeguards said Dr. Kon st an ~In Sparkuhl was runnin1 on the beach at about 9 a.!fl. when he saw the girl, pulled her from the water and then telephoned for help. She \\'as taken to the Orange County Medical Center. a.m. Tuesday at Huntington City Beach reacted W a Grand Jury request that the fronts. Prt:vtou.sly County A 1 1 e 1 1 or U N-B •·-• tr d •·t Andrew J. Hinshaw has refused to cancel lVhen he aasertedly· tried to avoid arrest pptr "'",.....•• •Y lG.I~ a e uc ween ltl0,000 ,.. ta•ea on the "7 ·-• ••-Harbor patrolmen Tuesday n J 1 ht nd •• Irv A ..., ......... uJIC by nmnini into the surf. rescued a dozen members ol the Newport the county a tue lne Company be company deeded to the county, aod Sgt. Bert Chadwick of the Jlunun,ton Beach 0utrtuer· Canoe Ch.lb along with "renegotiated" by referring the problem Auditor.controller Victor Helm has refus- B h p li De··~-t Id olli two of their craft in the 1urf of the to the wne trio who recommended •P-ed to . act at superviaon' order on the eac o ce t-4 .... en sa ctn at t.reacherot11 Balbo6 Penins:Ola Wedge. proval of the pact lut November. pact. that tbpe were tryln& ,to arrest several The patrolmen's launch wa.s used to Wednud1y C.ounty Administrative Of. The Grand Jury suggested a reatudy of. juveniles f~r bein& dnuik PD tbe beach. edge up to the 1urf Une ~ tow the. two ficer Robert E. Thomas, County Counael the trade of 157 acrtJ of county-owned "He apparently was not a member of c1pslzed cran and their paddlen to safe-Adrian Kuyper and Harbor Department tidelands, mostly waterfront and filed the group, saw poUet coming arid Winted ty at 7 p,m. · Director Kenneth Sampeon renewed property. for the 457 1crea of company .. t Id be'•"• ed ,, Ch ..c:i 1 • No one was injured Jn Jhe mishap!. studies of the controvert:lal land swap owned land which ls largely two Ul)o 0 avo ...,. arrt!t ' '41!JCll: said. pattolmen said. The outrtaen, mlMed with no timr. limit Rt for their dellbe.ra· derwater isa.nd.s in the center of the CoroJl(lr's investigator Jbri. Beisner u1d by alx padcllen each, wtrt -~ out and uoni Back Bay channel with the aim of pro- J( w1ll be tmJ)OSSibie \o detmnlnt It the refloated. The Grand Jury's action put the Upper viding more wblic waterfront. ~a~wucausedbydrbwnlnguntilthe ;":::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;;::;;:::::;:::;:::;;;::;;::;;::;;::='=;;::;;::='=:::;:::;=::::::;;;::==~===========;;::;;::;;::;;::::::, autopsy has been performed. 1•we will 11 have to wait until then to clear up what Ls involved," he said. U.S., Saigon Urge Revision PARI S (UPl)-The United St.ates and South Vietnam today urged North Viel· nam and the Viet Cong to reconsider thelr hostility to a peact settlement baa. ed on jointly controlled and in· ternaUonaUy superviled elections. The Com.mwiist side responded by hanfening Ila apposition 14 the propoul even mort. Chief American nefOllal4r Henry C&b- ol l<ldge lllld Sllgon negotl1lor Phom Dong Lam 1ppeoled 14 the deleg1lea of Honol lllld the Viet C«ig 14 ""°"'icier the ~s first m1de by Pmldent Nguyen Van nueu on July 11. ChJef Vlet Cong nego1ator Mad1me Nguyen Th! Blnh reminded the allied delegates that the delegation of the "provisional revoluUonary government" hed already "categorically rejected" tbe orrer1 and Hanoi negotiator Xuan 1'luy sa id the Viet Cong would "never be deceived by this perfldiou11 m1neuver of tbe Unit.eel Sta tea and Ill lackeya." al _jJ. J. 9arrell ~ HIRITAOI UPHOUTIUD FURNITURE SALE SAYE 15% • Olt Dll IN YOUll CHO ICI Of' PAIAIC Laguna Promotion Aille Urges Cit y Be Hospitable ALSO •• ." SUISTANTIAL SAYlffS Oii MANY -nAM DllllM• IOOM, ~ AND TAILI •tours •. • Promotion budeet supporter H•rry Willets says Laguna Beach busloeumen ahould be hospit.ablt to str&"iera. At a luncheon at Laguna Beach Chamber o( Commerce dlr«tor Willets ran through the presentation he htd given the city council to •how that Laguna is getting enormow: returns on ill promotion dollar. But wbUe he emphasised the bargaln of p:l0,000 In bed and sales t1x 1ncome for $4t,OOO promotion e1pendlture lo city councilmen, Wlllcla pointed out to , I clmnbtr dlrtcton Lqllllt'• llO m!lllon touriltecoaom:i. "lf every merchant would recotnl&e theae flgurea bt'd feel 1 11111• more uadoua to the strana:en ~e meets." nkt Willet.a. "Hoapttillty ii one virtue we can deevloP Ind enhance In Luuna." Wllltll aloo WU reodr to .. chlfltlblo 14 the coum:U lhat cut lbt ttt,ODO pro- motlon budaet requert lo '41,IOO. "We were happy there wtre no m1Jor cull In Ute very inodest bl.tdcet w• uktd for,'' he aakl. H.JIGARRFfT fU ·RNrJ11RE ...... PIOFISSIOHAI. IHTMIOI DISMINbS °"'" --• fllf. .... !211 HARIOR l l '11. COSTA MESA, CAI.IF. M6-0J71 M-.0211 . . --2 . n.un<111, Ju~ 24, 1'69 • L DAILY l'ILDT 3 Nixon Fights New Glin Curbs RON RUNGE TESTS COMPUTER PROGRAMMED BY VOICE A Que1tlon of Und1r1t•ndint Tonn •nd lnfl1ction1 · Ele~tri~ Ear Not Rock Group-Co 1nputer Plan WASlllNGTON (Ul'I) -1be Nixon llll- mlnlllratlol\ uld todo1 It """'""' -..... coiltrol. l"-1a .......... they. NiXons Take • Cable Car ~ ,. ... Ride ·'in SF SAN'PRANCISCO (UPI) -Just about every 'tour1it who comet to San Fran- c~ wanta to rtde a cable Car AQd Prat- dent and Mn . Rldwd Nixon turned Oll1 to be no eictptton. Durinl-a short otay here Wednnday ~·lc>fl)'illg oat lo1be -.- the naUon'a ~ oecutive taot a _.., prise cable car ride from hll Untc:m 5quare Hotel lo Fisherman'• Wharf. Illa dtclslon delillbted lbouaands of Sin Franciscans, who cheered him along the way. But some Secret Service agent8 Jnd newsmen mlibt nol have been eo happy. The cable car was so crowded that they had to run aJong the entire three-mile route. B:v RANDY SEELYE the ear," said Runge. The cars generally jerk alona: at nine o1 lh• D•ll1 Pl1011 s1111 "Th e human inner car receives sound miles per hour, but tbe President and \Viii it ever be possible to program a \\'ave impulses which. activale nerve First Lady's car was foreed to stop fre. computer without aldvanced technical cells. The electronic ear uses 1lhe same quenlly as crowds cloud in. knowledge? ., idea, Electrical circ uits pick~up sound The President. beamJng and relaJed, .. ...i.. __ ,... waves in digital fonn and record them E.46 ... eers at AstropoWt'r, a division of for analysis by computer told hi.I fellow pauenger1 t.bat be wu McDonnell Douglas Ast~na~Uc.s near 1, • , "tbrWed by all thia-1>e1Jl&,in San Fru- Orange County Airport, think so. We have 1he ear hooked up to a unit cilco the cable car rlde Apollo 11 •• would con too much and .Intrude «i states' rights . Eugene T. Rouides, assistant treasury ...,rotary, and Dooald E.-San~IU, an a11oclat' d.eputy tttomey ,1tntr~. an- nounctd· the admlnlstratlon'~ J¥>Sltloa in tu~ before the S..ale Juv.blle 0.. llnquenc\I Subcommittee. Th< ~r!nclpal gun control blU ptndlng before, Conarea would require rertstra· Uon ol all llUarms and llcenllng ol lbelr owners. Persoos aucb as o.-eonvkts, al- I cdlollcs and drul addicts woalds be.in-UOl\llly --Ille ~ of lllle blblted rrom own log suns. · ·. · aod locar 1ove:rnmenta. '' Roaidel HkL Congress rejected a almllar prOtJOlal "I woul4 a!IO point out," be added, last year althoollb Ille JohlllOll admlnla· "that the nallonal rqlalralll>o of flro- tration str..,gly supported 11. llosllde< · anns Ind Ille federal U....lnJ of ~ : uraed Cong= loday:to ooct aglln tum '~~be an e11rem<ly co1 11 1 down Ibo proposal. Santarelli · joll>ell lldaid<O In ~ "The rtgiolraUon and lioensi., bllle Ing a giln <:011trol jaw p«md liJ c:oi,.._ ,.pmont a diJllnct departun ftom pro-· last year. SanW.IU lald. lbe. llU.law vlously held '°""'pis of the I-al role • gives enough federal 'll'!l"lifon ud in flreanns control• and WCN!dj,1Wlth.the ]eaves each state h'tefto'~ 1D¥ lddl- federal ,govemment into an area ttadl-Uonal gun controls u needs. . ~'~, ' . ... •••• _.,,."7""" _ ...... "-=-'l ... --.... ..... • · llKE ' IT ••• CHARGE ITf ' ;r . • \ ' I I • -The "electronic ear" u~der d~yelop-~?.~t J.~~~~ ~~O:::.!::.,: d~:!J:-· _ Th~ ~Wm~ r_ode back 1o thep-_ boidJD°'~ •·1'tenrty-U!!"ntm1lde pol.~nffiil ld pro-_ y,·orct and SOWld simiJai~teS" R'Wi,ge ei· l!mouali'ie, tiilt they ifID relfln a ftlendly -~----·r gram a computer. by merely a~ptlng plained • mood and plunged ·lnto the del!Pted voice instruction:; through a mic~phone, · . . . crowd tha_t SWTOUDded the area. _ -e11t11n·e--maJor problem must rronea --!file-engineers-'W'Or'king-on thetiroJ on atu itOOd on a car and tilted to out Wore it becomes completely opcr;i· are S1:1fe the ea r will be able to ac -the -crowd briefly through a port.able tional. comphsh a large range of tasks if pro-loudspeaker. He aald he wu Impressed . Ron Runge and Or, Sam S, Vlglione, pe.~ly hand.led. . by the intunational atmosphere of San l!nglneering specialists. say their oom-It wlll be possible to punch IBM Francisco. - puter can understand 90 percent of .the cards, f~d the computer large amount.s .. There is .• 1pirit of brotherhood here words, but it will be a while before it of•data without too much preparation and and, God wtWn1, we're cotnr to spread Understands voice tones and lnflectlonat make tape recordings for later use by the that r;plri\ all over the world on thls differences. computer," Runge said. lrlp." "\Ve are able to determine similarities To determine the effectiveness of their iii voice patterns between different in· studies, the engineers make extensive use dividuals and once we can get the com-of tape recordings. pu!£r kl do t~e same, it will become a "We are able to make one recording uruque and sunple way to program the and use it over and over to see if the computer," Runge said. computer is improving on inflections and "The electronic ear hasn't been real tones, accurate yet; b\lt we're 'working· on it.," • "But jt will ·S\i.JI take a lot of lbne ~n o~der to m~ke the electronic ea~~ lht ' before a complerely accurale model of scientists studied the human ear and the ear can be put into daily use," Runge nyade a compl_ex sel of. ch:::~~d plot-saicJ. t1.ngs .. From this Ui~li-bu1lt amph ~s a(!~ The AslroM!"ef 1 ~ialisi, h -v e ~1rcwb-that ooqesptp:I k>, lisds •nMher pfO!ect'111UJe"°clrks. \ m man. . They are working on a method of pro. They started , the project in 1963 and gramming computers by visual image. ~~an the wo~~g model ~a months a110. -But Runge said it is much more com· . Our amphhers are built 01.'-.he· same plicated than the ear and is farther prlllCple as the membranes and cells o{ from perfection. Sen. McCarthy Won't Run Again For Senate seat .. MINNEAPQLIS, Minn. CUPI) -.Sfn. Eug"1t IM~! llfd tpda)I. l.1 ,,.,.d not i:un for· reelttUon u aenator in Min- nesota er any other state. Vehicle Accidents Claim The M1onJsola Democrat made the an- nouncement at a news conference after conferring , with oUlclals of t h e Democratic Farmer LabOr party for the pa.st two da.ys. "I'm reaffirming what J said in the past .. that Potential candldalts rnay declare what they want to do in the nezt few months," the senator said. Tot, Infant in County He added tha t some party people in Minnesota apparenUy woul d like to aee: form er vlcf presiden( Hubert IL Hum- phrey run !or the Senate seat:. A six-year-old Santa Ana boy and a 21· month-old Anaheim infant were killed in : .separate vehicle accidents Wednesday. The Santa Ana boy, Hov,,ard A. Muse, : 1969 ·. rn Counly Traffic Death ToU 1968 122 ' was struck by an auto Wednesday morn- \ . ing at Cypress and Cubbon streets. : The boy, only child or ~tr. and ~1.rs. 1 Roger J. Ledbetter of 323 E. Normandy : Place, was wallcing at a marked I · crosswalk when the car struck him, : knocking hlm out of his shoes and hurling I : his body more than 100 feet. ~ Pollce arrested the teenage driver of the car, Terry Lee Miller, 18, of 601 S. t.~ai~ St., Santa Ana , on charges of SUJpi- c1on of felony manslaughter. He will be arraigned today, The Orange County Coroner's Office said lhe boy suffered a broken back, brokeQ neck and head lnjuri~. In Anaheim, 21-monlh.-old Cullen Wayne Jungers, of 833 N. La Reina St., died at 6 p.m. in West Anaheim Community Ho!pilal of injuries suffered when a neighbor's car backed over him. Officers said the accident look place at 4:55 p.m. when Alma Pauline Hopper, f5, of 837 N. La Reina St., backed her car out of the driveway of her home. McCarthy announced lete wt year be would not seek Democratic nomlnaUon for re-election to the SefJate but did not rule Out the posslblllty he ml&ht run 11 an independent. He stuck to lhat poaiUon through the ensuing months, never quite makln1 a flat announcement that he would retire. McCarthy's dedaion -or al least the timing of It -came as a 1urprlse to key members of hls Washioatoo llalf. One said he knew McCarthy planned a news conference in Minneapolis but wu not aware what the senator lnttnded to say. \ : Pictures Worth $$ 'Fotorama'r Contest Opens . One picture Is supposed to be worth a ; thousand ,WDJ'ds. _ lt's a fa ct that one picture taken by · some lucky DAILY PILOT reader will be ' worth more than half a thousand dollars . before the end of August.· · Weekly prizes worth a total of $158 and a grand priie worth $500 vt'ere posted to- . day by the DAILY PILOT and th o : Fashion Island Merchants Association for ; winners in a contest for non-professional : photographers. · The contest, to be conducted during the · next three weeks, will precede a giant : Ji'otorama 1t Fashion Island presentalion to be staged Aug, 21 through 23 al the '. Newport Center shopping center. · All kinds of photographs and technical exhibit& to demonstrate to the public ho\Y news• pictures are processed f o r reproducUon In the DAILY Pum wlll be featured at Fotorama. PHOTOS ON DISPLA V Blowups of lhe top three winners -the photo selected as the best of the week for ~. each of the three weeks of the Fotorama Camera Contest -also will be di.splayed at fotorama . FGtorama visitors will be invited to vote for their favorite picture from 1mong the three and the grand prize win· ner will be selected by popular ballot. Winners in the weekly contest each wtll ; rece1ve gift certificates -$25 worth for . . first pl.ace~ $15 !or second pJace and •to • Su~uent deadlines will be at noon on for thlrd place. The certll1Catts CJ1I ~ _ Thurlday11 Aug. 7 and 14. sgent jUlt like cash at any of the 5S EntiJDll ahould submit unmounted st~es and reilauraata at Fashion Ialand. gl09SY pr111ls not less than 517 tocbes in The gr~~d 11rize ~ wlll be\warded size preferably, b:JO l:ncbes. Ntgatlva an add1t1onal $500 worth of 1ift must be rt:adlly availlble ao that blowups certificates. can be made of *imlinc photol. Any reader or. the DAILY PILOT who PAPER PROPERTY fs nol a professional photographer or an AU con\elt irtnta become lhe property employe tor n1cmber of the family of an of th · nl. n y PILOT nd will ot bt employe ) of the DAILY PILOT,-Fahion e ~ r a D 1sland or a Fashion I.stand merchant can returned..., enter lhe Fotorama Camera Contest. Each lt'int mut be 1ccompanied by Pi:IADE THIS YEAR the name, address and daytime tel~pbone . number fl. the entrant plus caption or Photogra phs to be entered an the con-short d~~ve 1 a n tainln te~t must have been made since Jan. 1 of the storyJold'by ~:to~ up 1 this year. Emphas is In subject matter should be U • cfttelj photo showa idenUOabJe on human inter est BJld acUon. The pie· clo.wips f·of . people, the deacripllve tures should depict sports, children at material ~ lnc~ude the fint ll'ld· lut play, beach activities, boati, action or naf!lel ol Ule •ubJec.1 or ~bjedl and, drama. "Face" pictures wlll not Lie dis· . lheir ages and homt addreuel. qualified, but photos with dramaUc lm· Jt 11 auumed the photographlr and Ole pact or of unusua l "mood" quality will subJ~t !>" subjects grant pwmlalon for stand a beller chance of winning. publicalion o( any photos IUbmlUed for Only black and while photos can be ac· compeUUon. • cepted for compe1ition, The winnus each Photograpti.. ahould be dirtcted to: week will be publ..i.shed In the DAILY Fotorama Camera Contflt., Pub 11 Cl PlLOT. Service O.partm"'~ Orange Coul DAI· Deadline for the first week of com· LY PILOT (ol!ict nearest you). petition is noon next Thursday, July 31, Inquiries regardln1 the cont.est aboul4 Photos must be delivered In person or by be directed to the PUbUc Service Depart.. ma!J lo any DAlL Y PlLOT ofU.. by lhal mClll of the DAILY PILOT (telepbool Ume. G42~1). • I • Attia~ ond gable design · Ii DMP·rtlibM IHol panels ' . •• 8' x. 10' • Stool -bracis ··White with woodgrain tri m • 8' x 7' • • • • • . • • ' 7' x 6' • • . • • • • . 119.95 79.95 Your choice ... 7'.4" hang ing baskelt with lovely planlt. Yau get a choice af Plec- tranthus, Cissus or Phombilolla. 1.77 Haiidsomo Redwood planter in 12" size for pot shelves, patios ar porches. Replace and plant now. 2. 98 Pennc:raft• oscillating sprinkler with 4 watering positions. Covers up to 2200 sq. ft. 3.99 Make your garden o riot of color with our Potvnia bedding planll , •• In tray> 44c Italian Cypr.. and Mrfer Loman trees In l gallon contalnon --•• 69c .C. way turret sprinkler or 3 a rm revolving sprtnkJer, your choic.: _ 2,69 Stvrdy %" 50 foot nylon viny l garden hose .•• a gardening mull! _ · 4M Rugged %" 50 foot Super Floxlble garden hOM for gardening omo 6.99 169.95 Mclane's front throw · mower 2 HP size ... a great value! __ 159.95 Features. 4 cyclo. engine, 20" cvlling width, dutch, blade and throttle iontrals on handle, metal grOIS catcher included. Mclane'• easy to control Trlm'n Edger __ 49,95 21 Inch rolar'y power mower $69 • 50 fool tvbe sprinkler ···-·----~.99 17'' hand puslo reel mower ·-29.95 16" hand pu1h rHI mower 19.95 I 14" or 18" gn111 catcher 1.91 I a• or 21" gra11 catcher 2.49 30 Inch Redwood patio box 4.9' 6 foot Redwood Ian trellil 1.ft MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH J • • I • • l I .. f . D41LV l'ILOT Dr. Paille'• Guess. -Spvi~ts, on ·M ~on :_i ' ~ -·.:... -_-;--'"'=a- ; In 18 Months? i\fa~f«1l-/3tekeiai-.of ,llfardott Green, Englond "has a strong mind-of her ow11," says-her hus· band, Bob, and she didn't like the green color thier garage doors were painted. "She hdt:l gcme on at me for months," said Beckett. on engineerin~ executive. "But I did nothing.' litaureen did somethtng. She drove the family car through the closed doors, doing $500 worth of damage to the doors and t.he new car, and c11tting the 30.year-old womdn's legs ,1 enough to re q u ire llospit.al '·treatment. "I Ctni..see the fu1111y ~ side," lier hu.sband said . " ------=ym-----J ........... 0 ..... ..........,,. GI War Deaths Rise But Still ·· Below Average ' SAIGON <AP) -American battlefield deaths in Vietnam increased 23 percent last week to a tot.al of 182 but were 23 percent below the weekly average for tilt! year, the U.S. Comn'land reported today. South· Vietnamese headquarters said 295 government troops were killed, a decrea.\e Of 16 percent over lbe previoull ll·eek. Eoemy casualties also dropped slightly, from 2,369 to 2,%03 last wee.i, acci>rding to the weekly casualry report. 'Fhe South ·Vietnamese attributed the decrease in their battle dead lo a 20 percent decrease in enemy activity. A spokesman for the U.S. Command said action picked up somewhat las~ ,week, and that the South Vietnamese report of a decrease was "their evaluation." The tot.al of American dead was the highest since June 22·28. soon after the start of the battlefield lull which today went into its sixth week. That week 2t1 U.S. troops w ... kille<I. The weekly average of Americans killed In combat now stand.! at 235 for the year. The total in tile week before last Wall 148, the lowest since the first week of the year. • Mrs. Anna Sherline of Detri>it found that lhe 'vay to the White 11ouse's heart is through raisin 5lrudel. Recently, she sent Pres. ident Nixon 70 pieces of her spe· cial raisin strudel aiong with a request that he help locate hef sister who lives in the Soviet Union. Mrs. Sherline has not heard from her sister in two years. "She got two replies. The While: trouse \vrote to compliment her on her "excellent strudel." The U .. S. State Department \vrote (hat lhe Red Cross is trying to locate her sister. In the absence of large-scale fighting, almost all of the casualties since mid- June have been Inflicted in SCQres of "small unit" contacts that occur daily and by booby traps. ISOLATION GARMENT Ertinee r Models Suit Rains, Hail Hit Midwest • Apollo 11 Astronauts Return to Mixed Weather ' C'o .. tlll E1r1Y -ftl"' ctowdt, """ d•ll' i,,. to M rtly -~ Wt 11'1!4-l'l'arnl ..... winos wt11¥1Y t !1 " kMll. M!fl'll lo4fV ~tr 11. YH~tY'I ....,.,.k.Lre r1Qtid ,...,.., t 11!111 O! •S lo N. l111tw:I """"""'"'" rtntt WIS U lo N. W11tr ~t11Vrt -'-$ -.reu. Temperat.ure• CMc- Cl..:111.,.!1 ....... Des Moll!K """'' F•l!'Nnb Fort WOl'lll ,_ Ht_,,. V.S. S111ttt1Hir11 ~ '"' H19'1 w!Ms. '•I• 111d Mii 11..-f UI """ tctOM "" tmfl'1I Pi.1111 tod1v wrlll Loa "'°""'' men ltlltn -l!ldl ot r11!1 ~ Ml1m! In c-d\li. 1(111., d11ri ... I •I• rwiur Ml~ll M rlod, , Ntw Ol'W1• A ft'lvtldtnlttrnl ti E"'POl'll , 1(111., N"" Ytrl """"""' IS m1i. 111 !'tour wl"'Cls _,,.. """1fl Pl1M '° mile 1~ hOl.or tvlla rot•td lf'lr-11 o.tltnd Wlnmultt, "''" Pff.1tad ~111 "'" 111 Oil~• City """"'""'· "'"· OrMllfl Sc"""'" ""1rlftrl"-n di~ P•"" Wini• ll'IO'f (Jf llol •e-1 wllll •I"" IM 1111-l'llot!'ll• mid ~ 11u·we!lt!w In lflt ~l'l\IMll'GIJI ~. Perttt!ld Sttft """ Cllotf" lft "" H0111wrml • lt•ld Cit't to h llOP<!r MIHhtJHI V1 l11Y tM ": lttd lliiln M1M !ht Ufttrtl Plflir. to lht 1R1l'I--· 11:- wt\I,. S.tcr•"""'~ ""9re 11111•*""' or: I -t"Q>e(I• s.n lAl• Cl~ td 1t•et !Olllv 9'1'111' ""'' of 1111 -,_,.. 0.... In' IJ!CIPI front W1lfllntl'lll t. WIKofl. Sin li'l'll'ltlt<:9 1tfl, Sti:UJt "°""*" Callltr"I• wn mottl,. S...-.ne 1111111, 11111 "Cll will\ 1111 1"-fPllOOI fl ,.llff'll'ltl ~ mom'"9 CM1lll CJWCll""'-WtlfllntlOl'I " " .. .. .. '' ., •• • U n " .. " " U " " .. .. •• ,. ,. '" " " " • " .. ,. •• • " .. • .. " " • n • " " .. " .. " " " .. "' .. " ,, u .. " .. " ~ "' ,. .. .. .. • .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. " .. " "' •• .. .. ,, •• ·" .~ . .. .~ "' '" the senator bad repea'U!dly offered to pay the expenses ()f MiSll Kopeehne's funeral Apart from the cbvious anxiely of Ken· nedy lo do anything he could to help make amends for the accident, they ·feared J!his ~4.Jc1_only_!9....rW~~ --C---yriiC'il Cr1ficis l'fiat· ·Uw~s always felt their money could buy anything. • Further developm ents in the· case seem likely to ha ve a: bearing on the influence Kennedy bas with Democratic colleagues in the Senate in his position as the party whip, or assistant leader. Because of general belief that he h3d the inside track for the presidentia l nomination, Kennedy 's views on the issues have been given a \\'eight seldom accorded those of a No. 2 man. He was largely lnslrumen tal, for ex- ample, in getting the Democratic POlicy Committee to take the unanimous posi· lion that tax reforms must be in band and ready for action before the Senate would be allowed to vote on the Jioust-ap· proved extension of the 10 percent jn. come surtax. · In his absence. that resolution appear:; to be deteriorating. Collins Roots for Mi~e QU11.ranti ne ·OK As Long as Test Animals 'FeelFine' _.. the persons around thtln and they ride in SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI)_ He lt until they get to the maln isolation \won't mind the quarantine after building at Houston, where the mke and splashdown, says Michael Collins, as long thf'r medical detection processes await. 8.ll the mice feel okay. Collins said before launch t~ crew The mice he spoke of are. the 350 would be involved in lengthy briefings albinoe.! raised germ-free to help doctors and technical activity even If they did not detennlne whether the Apcllo 1 1 ,go to the moon, and would be "locked up astronauts picked up s 0 me unearthly after the flight, literally or figuratively, germ from the moon. anyway." Dr. William Kemmerer, Space Agency "The additional imposition is negligible, quarantine manager, said,,.'We feel sure provided no mi ce die," he said. "The (lhe mice) will serve as very excellent mice start feeling poorly -well, that's a. life detectors." whole new hall game:' The plice are In the isolation building Thf building at Houston -the Lunar at the Space Center in Houstc,i., awaiting Receiving Laboratory-is an $11 million the Mrlval of Collins, Neil' A .. .-Armstrong facility built just to reduce the chanet of and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and the first any moon-raised disease germs get ling samples of moon matei'ial brPught back free on earth. Jr. addition to ~ lo earth. ~ a'stronauts. It will hold the prlctles:J rock The three-week quarantine began the samples they brougtit back and Colum· day Armstrong and Al<frln jSlcynmect shut bia, their spacecraft, tht moon lander's hatch on tilt surface ()f ''The 21-day period (for the samples, he said. ''You're not looking for disease in· cubation here." he said. "You~re trying to pr~ these samples through a ,·ery complicated process within t h e laboratory in order to then decide whether they bave anythin g that is a hazard." The crew vdll not be too lonely in the Isolation building. They·u have 14 ether persons in there wilh them. Twelve perons, inclu ding a ·cook, entered the building in Houston Sunday night so doctors could check them and 1dentify any earth bugs they normally might be carrying, said chief astronaut physician Dr. Charles Berry. Clay l{esentenced For Dra ft · Eva·sion the moon and lasts until 18,days after crewmembers) .•. is a period that covers sp1ashdoWn In the Pacific 9-te.an today. most of the variant disease incubation HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) -A fed eral The spacemen are harided biological periods,'' R. S. Johnston, director of the judge rescntenced Cassius Clay today to Isolation garments -bag,y suits y,·hich overall operation, said. "We think that the same five years in prison and $10,000 totally encklse each man and filter his this is a reasonable lime period and has fine he assessed in June 1967 after Clay'.! breath -while they are still in the Apollo been agreed to after a great deal of convietion ()n a ch3rge or ~sifig in· ship and wear these to a trailer-like vehi· discussion by m o s l ol the scientific duction into the armed services. cle on the deck of the USS Hohlf:t. group.!.'; U.S. Disl Judge Joe Ingra!tam i~poscd The trailer totally Lsolafes them from But It lakes longer to proceu lhe rock the same sentence without comment,. ~~~~~-------·-·----·--......;.·~ for A[L YOUR GARBAGE DISPOSALS .<" •• ~ .· ... ; ---1 --. , .. f!IJ :. · 1 • _,...,.. ;;---: < I'!. I _') ~ ---~ \ I I IN·SINK·ERA TOR MOOEL NO. 333 $3195 REG. $59.95 OUR Pp.ICE . . . • .. . . . . · ' · · Model ll>-1 Yr. 6111r1t1t11 MODEL NO. 555 $4688 ~~~ ~ri: ........ . Mo41l 55S-.J Yr. Gu1rtftl11 ~'==" EiE:i~.~ ....... $5495 ,. . Mtd1I 77~1 Yr .Gu1r1"t11 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE •. • f ,LUMBING N:EEDS •• WATER HEATERS REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal •• 30 Gal •• 40 Gal •• 50 Geil •• • $42.88 • $44.88 • $49.88 • $64.88 l\i• q111Hty 9111t t ftl11d 9!1n li111d w1l1r h1.1t1r 11 equi,ptd wit'-1•f1ty limp. •1 requi,.d bv l1w, We ht~• ''"'' d1y in1t1tl 1tio11 '"1il1bl1, if V''"' wi1h. All norrn1I l11tl1ll1tieft perlt h1clud1d. C1ll by Noe" -i~tltll tl11t d1y. Alie'"''"''" . •v lft1i1ll1tlo" , .. ,n1blo. AO work tie"" by M11- l1r plurn\.ort . INSTALLATION AVAILABLE t. . - I ., I, I ~ ' . ' ThillldOY, Ju~ l4, 1969 DAIL v PILOT 17 I . . I Santa Ana r-. • e.Appr6ves .... ' ,,_ • "Hike'' . ' . --. v • SANTA ANA -·City coun· ti cibnen ha•e approved a 26- , ·eenl proJierty tax lncrHse, the · ~ • Ont tu jump in tbe city in 11 • _years. ~. Councilmen a~ved a Sll million budget which w i,l• ! raise the 1•.11 tn rate l9 II.~ per llOO·cil •••eS.<haiu-. at1on, or about' flit year on 1 '20,000 liOme. Prior ~ voting 5 to 1 for the Jl_eyt bud&et 'nJt;sday, coun- ..__tlltnen heard con f Ii ct in a recommendati011J from two local chamber of c=erce JOINS CAMPUS ST ... FF organizations. . , ·... UCI Dissente f Krism.1 n \ William W~~t, ·~m~-;·--------1 ,~el!ll· .OWhL< )oar~ sup-, ... Disse nter Joins • By'MIOMAS FORTUNE Q. ~ldrb::h Jr.1 who has main-Krisman, 21, received a regls:lratloft. ', travel io CUba, abook hands °' .. wr, """ •t!"I tained close contact wltb bachelor'• degree io history Tbe Job pays about '8.oo) with J'ldel cutre wblle there, :!!'VIN& ::" .~e _ Krllm_:n. _ XriPMD 1lngr lit Pit .~Wt.rd _foe .lrY.ltit..-1&..ltw_., ¥' lt11-.....,W ) wFib iww~~"tl~ljl!ll'li~"i!llf"' ~imiielliiOeilfb'irdy iliiilOiit body presldenl In 1961. rormer Army paratrooper who . to hol:jtll; JlOlitlon lull tbne. "the ·ew..,, perlinen!' oce pmldeot who 'the list two . The ctumcellor his often •'!"'•lo UC! when·lbe'Campua Alalatanl Prof.-of Hiatory hfl'retarn. ' ,. year1 bu beeni a leader in relied 00 talU with Krilman firatcpenedfour·fi!anato. Spencer Olin 'Jr. did it part-' KrirminiaJdhlltieUef!l.1nd campus di.uef)l, hu been to learn what radical :studenll His job as coordinator ol time two yean ago. valllN· hlYen't chanted· He'll hired , bl the V 9 I ad· on campus are (()nctrn00 academic advlsinl wlll be to · Kriaman sald be was not In-do Ms job ei&ht houri a day, mlniltrahoe as coordinator of about.. ad vise students and ll:~p terviewed on his palitical he aald and on h11 own time academic advlsin&. , •·tt's not lhat Aldrich and l faculty pasted o.n atademic helief1. he suu' might play •n· active KrlSfnan lor sevt;:r~ .~ears agree, but we-are able lo nile c~ges, ,-;Je.w courses, He' aald it's hard to say P.arl 1n woi:klnc (Of .what he bas been a member o~-~lU· tall!:," sahi Krisman. l•J've felt fellowstups and scholal'lhlps. whether he shll is a member ·call1 "progreafve changes on dQta for a OemoCraUc oocie-be is a l~lr adminis.trator, •Pr lie wW advise student.J who of SOS because of the schism campua." ty (SOS) and last Cbrisbqas proachable and easy to tali: ,haven't declared a major or that haa developed in natlonaJ Krisman Slid .he, ·is con- vacaU.on made· aft'. unauthoriz. lo." . want lnfarmalioa a b o u t leadership this auMer and he 1 i d e r i n g 'w o r·k I " g l n ed trip to Communist Cuba. He often has stuck up for graduate schools elsewhere is not sure what SOS stands universities as a career. His lppoinlment was •t. the chancellor at 1alherings or and organize studjml' advising tor. He and his wlfii, Ann, nVe in proved by Clilncellor Danie.I radical ~~ls. during or I en tat i 0 n and He paid his own way· to Laguna .:8each. / ln'S U 'lmlY u )IOlit:,. .. .,.... .~ or knoW et' •l'tfOM ~ te> our uet. pleue/·ieD uii .. that ... ma, .aten4 • l\1ondly ....icooW""" Jielp ti@ 'ifJZiiidil 2 t t 1 th thflnntW ~ So: Cusf. Vlsllll 494-4579 Harbor Visitor Let TV WEEK' Turn . You On • ~ ~ tbe btJ(iget as proposed• •• 1 I •bf City ·.Manager Carl V te T' k~ · · , , . '.1'fhornton. 0 as ' ' ' ·1 But Jljl10$ G 11 m 0 re. . . ~ . . I ' . ' . •1 t Chalrmanlor the inde~nt v -_ t '·_·I .. '•{I;,,,· . ' :-t· -~~>41•-:.t-~ •·1~~ ..... ~ _ _.. ~ruree"""1 ·ef?i.ll" ·-~•c: . i..4-t "';". · J:)ivlsion oHhe eh amber eke& : that Ille ·budget be-cat by 'la,,153,000 to avoid lb~ in- .Xease. . • 1Gilmore suggested cutting i aiut propos~d pa ·rk *elopmtnts to ..cost '815,000 a branch library at ,000. Lone touncilman op- .... ~g lt\e.lp i.Dcr~a!te-was J. 't,a'en M•rkel. 1.n ··Eve11Jng s ~ ~ • ,. I ' SANTA ·ANA -·Jn . .l<ier 1o stimula~ public aite_~\t meetings of the county's Voting System1' Task Fortt. sessiQris ~e noW-~ing beJd in the eVeniilgs at the Planning Department Hearing Room, La d Sold 400 w. 8tb 'st., here. - ll • Coun\J, GJ<rf William E. St ' ' '\_ John said the 19th meetlng ol For P ar.It ; . the group will be heMtonight . , at 7;30 in .the~ locahon. . SANT A ANA i_ .-: t.. i ·n d"' The task force was ap- formerly owned· b1 -Douglu pOinted by' the county BoariS Qf _ ""'"!'r~ng. Way" CorrJ&!;ll ~_!__Supervisaa J.asl.~JQ -• -t>eeif earm~ke;d by. ffi1s c1lY .. study electrOnlc V6tJ.ng ;.. for conversion 1nto a five-acre s stems with an eye toward park. -Y · • . 1be city coot'@ lbis ~k ""f_uture purcl)ases of eqwp- approved purcfi~· of the ment. fonner Corrigan pfopetty for Toipght LaB' .force niembm $196.390. Acreage adja·eent.~to will h4;ar-• prisentation h,Y the the land ~8,S been pure~ ~bk Corp. ot San Diego, - for an additional $48Jm-" 1 i. _. _ r~-·· I ••-V •--• • 1 manu._...,,..er o ~ 01o1vwCS _D_E_A_T_B_N_OT_1c""E-S,+ vOt. Coulljer: " JONES 'AnBUCKLE • WELSU" Well<UH ""'8UY 111 E. 170. Sl4 Colla Mesa -• BALTZ MORTUAlllFS Conn dtl Mar OR S.145' -Costa Mt.1 Ml W4U • I \ e .. BELl,(BROADWAY ' JliOtltuARY . Ill ~y. Colla !llesa • u·wm . • •• ·•• -· OllJ)AY B!\()TllER8 llimdngtoo Valley ,. t. " Mor1nrf. !Till -Blvd. Hanlill&tOo Belcll ac.mt l e McCO~DCK LAGUNA BE!.Cll MORTUARY 1115 LagUo C..Ytll Road La;lll•-. 49UW • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK ... ' Ceqler)' • !11-.ry •.. Cll1pd -ISll ,_ \'kw Drl•• ~ Newport ~I Clllfonia ~. ' . PEE!t F AMIL V 'COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME , _. . 7191 Boll& Ave. · WttlmJMier 8N.a%S • , SREFF£R MORTUARY Lopu Belcll 4N-1115 llu Clemate 41WIM • SMITHS' MORTUARY al Mila SL HU1tlopollelcl ·- ----~ -· -t • . - Robber ' Sentenced . . . SANTA ANA-A youth wbo toot $63 at iunpomt frOm' ,a gas. llatioo WltWire that •tie -·~w'•!dlJ>d bytwot.os A11mltos poike olllcen baS beensente""'110n .. yeat1'lo · .life .tn •tate prison. Jell ~kes, 19, of Los Angeles. drew that te.nn rrom Superior Court Judge Howard Cameron followinc hls plea of gull~y lo inned robbery. He admitted that he waJ one Of two men who carried oat the holdup last April 30 of a service , station at L • s Alamitoo Boulevard aod ~a· tella Avenue. Two pofiCt officers watched the holdup ·trom their parked car. l'bey arrested Stokes aod his companion a abort distance away. TH INK Jta,n tnha W•tcllff Plaq It"* Oftfy 642-2 444 • . <, ' • . ' - ' . . • • • " . • •• • • '• I ' oil: ,"C" ·.- ' ' • n . .. '· ' ,, - .. " ... .. '· ·i • •. , .. ·.<;·~. t '.. ..,_..," . ~('~ .. \-.·'""·;\; .... ·i.: ~ "~ .>•>" I I •~6•~f.: J" ,,,, . ' . , '" "" ., n.& . 'W ·\<Ji ·>:-.p. ft·; ;i•14 ,,~·Jo 'and ~ '.:~~~ ·' .« • . more )·~ . ·~ ~ r-~ ' ~ . " •-., i;:. .-~EYER ,AGAJN. SAV-INGS ON-MEN'S SUITS, SP08f -COATS,; SLACKS, 1~:~ 'SWEATERS, JACKETS, SPORT SHIRTS, KNIT SHIRTS AND'FQRNISHJMS .:f~;_f' I ' · I • • ••• PLU~ WOMEN'S DRESSES, SHIFTS, SU,TS AND SPORTSWEAR. PWS s1000 0.00 'WORTH Of . N·EW · '.GRODINS 'SUirs AMl SPORT CU • < • ' • 1~ AT DRASTIC CtEiR-AWAY-PRICES!. • • I ,., • ' ' • •' • ... . . ~ Bou ~ for a pl~nned Spring "change-Over," this very desirable new· Grodins ... • ... " merCJtandise is now surplus! Even if it arrived yesterday, i~ must be° cleared · ··· · now,~alor1g ytlth the entire Mul~en & Bluett .stock. We sjmply:m\l~t ·m•ke roon;a 1 .. , for new .f~ll merchandise arriving dai~y. That means unhtfarct •ot savin'1s · ·: .. and wide selections in the newest styles, fabrics and.~colo.rs. Shop now ••• during the Grand Finale of the greatest sale .in Cal!fotnla history! • < ~ • . . . Open a Grodlns Charge or use BenkAmericard or Master Chatge No mall, no phone, no c;o,D.'s ... alterlltlons at cost ••• all subject to prior sale!' . . ~ . ,. MIAACLE MILi 5570 Willhire • DOWNfOWN 600 So. Broadway• QLEHOALE Wila'bn &. &rind• PASADENA ~69 £.Col Of' ado • TOPANGA PLAZA C1nog1 Park .. LAKEWOOD l.:aketiood ~ aA!ITA llOHICA Sinta MonlCI( Miii • I OUTH COAST Pl.\ZA ·Cotta -• AllAH!lll Bdwy•Anahelm Ce-• MOHTCl.AJR.PUv.Mont<l.'1<. • 1.,4 CU\I~~ Pl.AZ,',Sonla 8""'9 I • • • • ' f ' I I I r ~ I I I ' I • 1 · I ' . ' L Tl'lllrsdlJ, JUI)' 241 19't Most Sf,'rlons ~at .. . . · ' StarfiSh Ea.ting-Up IslandS . , . . ' • • .,._ .... :1 . .. MR.MUM ' . p • AGANA. Guam <UPI) - t.ar1e. spiny, starflab with 16 a~ and an appe\ite for coral are eating uP large chunU of Guam and the U.S. Pacific trust territory lalanda. be oblo:to.bw1d loack the ..... •dmage· .,,.... stOnm Ind al."~hirt said, w,v,., One< 1ho Uve '°"I la -· ~ "' · Dr. Richard Cheshire of the Jnatltut{ of Marine Science in Miami, 'Fla., delCl'lbed the Starfbh scourge as the "most s¢rious thrut ever faced bf the blologJcal community th the PaciflC." The starfish can eat up to one hall mile of coral reef in one month's time, tie said in an interview. 1 "They are killl.ng off the •'.·reef in Guam and Rota (an Island 45 miles lo the north) at that rate. Already a 24-mlle stretch oJ the reef along Guam's northern coast bas nothing bat dead c or a I Chellliltl! • 11. ,h~ a: ~~·away •. wavs ~· tno<;ll ll00,000 research' an'd erll<llu· ~wn. the rem. . lion progro.m.coodudod by the "It la .entirely po&slble tllat Westlnghou•ellcean:Researd! alf ialinda ·"111' ev•mtually, Laboratory and ttie UnlverJtty • dlUppe1r u 'the • rt&illt of of, Guam and financed by the eioslon,'' he:sald. U.S. Depar~~ of-~teiior. !W~ a st.affi'stt 1 "Injector The atarfiJh also have •J· ·gQn" and 'hard 'Work' 1zy some tacked · the coral at Palau 1$ndeJ'li there Is' b o p ~, lslaitd•. . Cbeshfre' ~id. 1 • I · He SJid, "an estimated In ~ "ijTu.., · . tarn.J> 200,000 of the ugle monsttQ .mpiten. are 'UJini~e.8 gun io are chewing away at the cir-anoot 1 cqemicat 1nto the · al," weakening reefs and cnaLUre.s and they disin- openlng the way for wave I 1 · d egra ~-amage. "I feel con'ftdeol. the prob-l' These starfish have 16 arms t e m is licked in 1fllau and I ! and are covered with spines fffl optim lsUc)tli3t we. will win ~1 • potsonous enough to cause a the fight here In t he • ,1 maq severe pain. Marianas/' Cheshire said. 1:1 I ~ ... They grow up to tWo fett in He said ti teafns are oow jn siu, according to Cheshire. the{area making surveys. • U i r • skeletons. • ·~twill '?" 100. y.ear.s...before the living CiltaJ organlsma will The gtan~ ltarflsh were f:int Oleshlre I.I being assl.lted by ~-• notice in Guam waten about Dr. Jerry stein and Dr. it.y two years ago. Part of the . Galli, both Westiqbouse men 1 .,;.. n-.eat;eh Pl'OINm is aimed '2t lrOID san Dieco.----.. .. ::....i;.._..:.. ____ .._._...,..,==----';..:i-.i. UPI Ttltil'llo1'9 · It Doesn't Matter Where < Indonesians ftildlng out what cauaed the in-.--=.:=::::::::=:;:;;;;;::::::;::;:;;:::::::::;::;::;:;;;=::::::::=i;--vaalon. Tbei' bioJO(lat said it W115 vital to save ~ coral n!ela Of · the Pacific is.lands to pre•ent "Artistry in 'Moving': Need Food ~-Te for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: JAKARTA (UPI) -Some 1,722 Indonesians in Jog· jakarta in Central Java are suffering from malnutrition, reports reaching Jakarta said today. Orange Coast's Mo st Complete :Robert A. Marfuta, 22, is married to Diana Studakei', 21, in a Detroit gas The reports said those who Phone 642-4321 .station by at!_endant Bruce Greene, an ordained minister (right). The coupfe, suffer from lack ol food are in PRINTING SERVICE 494-.1025 1faced with a marriage license Clue to expjre at midnight, was making phone an area or Jogjakarta, which calls at the station in an attempt to find a minister to marry them and at-is one or the pooreot In Central )1w11 '''l"!K!f!!!:P tendant Greene prompUy volunteered .bis .services, w:'.ith.::_20_.:mm:._·::_ut:._•_s_to~sp:•:._r:._•_· ~~J~"~'~';_"d~m'.'.us~t~de~pe~od!!:_o_n_Jo_lodk= .. ="='"='='="='=-=="=''=d!=c=======~;;;:;~~:::;:=:=:=:=:=::=:=::::::::::::;:::::=:;::= I· suppttes from outal<!t. --"' Truth-in-Packaging . Still Long Way Off · WASHINGTON (AP) - ·Nearly three years after pass- •age, o n I y one part ol the Truth-in.Packaging Act· ?las developed i n t o full-fledged 'law. Some congressional con· sumer advocates, unhappy over the implementation of lhe J!N;O act. will try with fresh law to give the housewife a 'better idea of what she is get- ting for the family's money . "The Fair Packaging Act is ·an excellent example of how a good consumer idea goes wrong," says Rep. Benjamin S. Roeserithal, D-NY .. chair man (I( lhe House special con· sumer subcommittee. Roseental and Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-N.Y., are chairman of the House special con.sum· er Ct>mmltt.ee. Rosenthal and Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., have in- troduced bills that would re- quire product packages to list price per unit of measure, something not done under food regulations which became law July I. Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration, Federal Trade Administration and Commerce Department still are deliberating a bushel of regulations to implement lhe original 1966 law. The regulations wil finally apply to detergents, drugs, cosmetics. and get al a prime consumer guessing g a m e : "giant gallon," ''jumbo quart," and "cents off" label· ing. . Agency spokesmen say im- plementation of the law has been delayed by the vast num- ber of involved and prolific protests-some of them in the courts-by manufacturers. The FDA offered ils first proposed r eg ulation s in september 1967, and later set a July 1, 1968, enforcement date. The deadline was pushed b a c k a year for food. It was pushed back to Dec. 31 this year for nonprescription drugs and cosmetics. And last June the FDA exempted small cos- metic packages indefinitely .. The FTC, which is mponsi- ble for 23 products such u detergents, paper towels and bug sprays, voted last month to delay indefinitely the ~ posed July l date for en- forcement of its propOsed rules. The commission said It wants to wait unlil court challenges over paints and motor oils can be cleared up. The Commerce Department has used warnings o( further c<lngressional action 1 n d reminders or industry pro- mises of self-regulation to whittle down the ,number of different sizes of packages on supermarket and drug store shelves. But Virginia Knauer, Pmi- denl Nixon's special assistant for consumer affairs, aaid in recent hearings b e f o r e Rosenthal's subcommittee the agreements already in effect. are appa.rentJy being vk>laled. The number of dry cereal packages was supposed to drop from 33 to 15. Mrs. Knauer said a weekend survey by her and her staff turned up six different package sizes violating the agreement. Detergent packages slles were to drop from 24 lo 6 in number. Mrs. Knauer said she found a total of 18. "It is irritating that the con- sumer is forced to wait so Jong for his government to insure that he isn't being misled by confusing labeling," s a y s Nelson. He said the unit-price bills "should help aerve notice to the regulatory agencies that Congress has not forgotten nor Will it forget the coD6Umer." NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid Users we are now equipped to offer PERSONALIZED Service to th1t following brands ...., .............. of hearing aids-. . • QUAUTONE • AUDIOTONE •TELEX • SEIMANS • BELTONE e RADIO EAR • OTARION •DAHLBERG • ACOUSTICON • VICON f • MAICO • AUDIVOX • SONQTONE • UNITH L'AGUNA HILLS HEARING AID SERVICE IDfttffe .t o,_,. c...ty ........ AN c..t.rl . ~~ 830-0530' ff No AMWor Cell 541-2JJS 2lfJI ,_ • Y--lei-wr. JIJ LAGUNA HILLS ----- r ~v .. He'll put you in the picture. Frank Cormier, While House correspondent for The Associated Press • ., saves a place" for you al every presidential press conference . He is there to ask questions and get the. answers Y.ou want, i· ht. .from where ifs happening. And he is only one of hundreds of skilled newsmen.'.....and worn -who put you into this picture and into the pfcture, too. at ciiy ' ' I , council meetings, school bo~rd sessions and wherever else news is happen ing of i n I er est to • Orange Coast residents. You '.~an rely on the DAILY PILOT lo represent you . You're "everywhere'' every day through the eyes fnd ears of dedicated journalists who. cover the world for DAILY. PILOT reade rs. • • ---------- • I I I I I I • ' I r I • • NewpO:rt Bart.or ~Ol. 62, NO. ·116, 3 SECTIONS, 144' l'AGES ORANGE CO\!INJY, ~tlFORNll< -. • ' - 5th Avenue j Edg.ed SoutH .. ~ I By Freeway - By JEROME F. COLI.INS Of 11111 OallJ .... lltff New designs of the l-acific Coatit f'reeway route in Corona del Mar shove the alignment farther south, gobbling up more private properties than originally planned, it was learned today. The revisions, mapped by state Oiviaion of Highways engineers, will compel removal of all homes on the oort.h 1.ide of Fourth Avenue between Femleaf 1ncf.Jasmfiie-....,enu,., l<COnilng 11> City .Qr;jr"="9-~ ~.-·-· .... --- Fifth Av e n u e, which had been tarmarked for redesign in earlier plans, ts realigned in the new plans so that It begins generally at the intersection or Fourth and Goldenrod avenues. Orlginally~ Fifth Ayenue wu to be edg. ed "just slightly south of iU present align- ment, coming not. within a half-block of Fourth A venue. ln the n~ plan, Fifth Avenue angles upward from Goldenrod and Fourth ~venue. over.laying the north aide of Fourtl) A venue a.s it heads east. At Jumine Avenue, the newly redesigned Flfth Avenue rwting bends northerly un· til it connects to its CWTenl. location at Narcissus Avenue. The new state map affect.! -,about 100 prQJ>Ortl~, 'nli old . .,e--less lf>Otjflc'- t<iok out some 'IS lilimes. City cWncltmen last Oct. 28 accepted the state'• cenerail design for the freeway comJ!tfx. which Jncludes • massive interchan&i with the Corona del Mar Freeway, ... Nolan said new design criteria camed the revision in lhe state's orlgina.I plans. He said the new atanda.rdl require a wider radius for t<1nnecton ltnklng the t~o freeways. This pushed the Coast Freeway aligmnent farther south, ta.k· ing with it the redesigned Fifth Avenue rtiute, which remains south of lhe Coast Freeway and parallel lo it. Councilmen Monday will be briefed on the date's new plans. No city action is required. Construction of the enlirt freeway ~plex, including the Corona del Mar Freeway, is expected to co!l about $60 tnHlion. Work is not scheduled.to begin uhtil the mi<f..l970's, according to state of- ficlals. That timetable, however, may be advanced. The Coast Freeway ilself, as it cuts through Corona del Mar east of JdicArthur Boulevard, wW be depreMed. TIP FROM !1100N ROCKINGHAM, N.H. (AP) -Hunch bets? At approximately the same moment that the three moon· explorers were deposited on the Hornet today, Spact: Jog won the first race at Rocklngbam Part, paying $11.40, $5.60· and $5.00. StOf!k Jlfarlcets NEW YORK (AP)-Thes(ock morktt , turned in its third Jtraigbt losing aeasion ot the week today when a small early advance that gave it some buoyance r&n out of steam. (Quotatlom, Pares :J.t..35). The Dow Jones industrla average inoved narrowly higher in early trading, and at noon it was up t.29. It began to retreat slowly after that IDd at the dose was off J.42 at 826.SJ, a new 1969 kiwi Orange Weather Despite the morning overcast, It's still a lovely day to enjoy summer pursuit.a. The weather will re.main that way, at least for the next five days. INSWE TODAY llund.rtds of dollar• worth of merchandise di!apptars daily from the shelves of retail atoTes. Wh-0 takes ft without paying for it a.net why? Pa.ge 21. """' H ........ .., l olfll!I M -,, ,,_ ' --• ,......., "~ _._ " C-ln .. ,,,.,.. .... M Cl'MI_., " --•·M --" ,_,. -·-· M Sttcl MMttth JffH l~H--1 P'ftt • ,_ .. ................. " -" ~-.... Cl:"-• -.. .. ..... .._ " .. EDWIN E-. 'BUZI' ALDRIN JR. NEIL A. ARMSTRONG MICHAEL COLLINS Police to Check Kennedy Phone Calh From Hotel Surfers Facing Wipeout on Bid For Own Beach From Wh Se""°' JnvestigaUon continues "today into a traf!ic tragedy which killed a pretty, J , blaode aide to. the late Robert ,. K.., nl!ft, l,ild ~!Ill' alli> W -iOI the iooe survlvln( , Keone<ly ""' to · A request frorq ti surfers to open up a section of beach IOUtb of the Newport Pier -the Balboa side ..-.. to all-day surf~ ing the year around ts expected, to be re-o ·~~ ,IJJr1 <111:~en -· 'l:bO clly <WI win -r........n.i' ~ the propouL II wu made lo a pellUoo oubm!OM to· Iha ,,ity 1.ut moalll. Coon- UP'IT ...... AT KENNEDY·PAR·TY; , F:ormer U.S •. Atty. MarkNni County Facing Quandary Over Airport at Sea By JACK CHAPPELL Of ""' D1WY , .... Sr-ft Awesome air tran.!lportaUon needs of \be Ora:n&e. County of the Mure have pla«d thO COWJty between the devtl and the deep ~lue aea, .Of tlie two cboice&, !be ~·blue sea appeal'I . lo bo. the better under the ~ araua a aludied pro- ponent f ..... ollllllOr< r<giooal &lrjlort. _The mono deYtlltb aftemalM!,._to.lhe mind ol ae-safely enct- carlton Rhoades, woo.Id be location ol a regk1nl1 airport (Los Angeles lntema· tional type) at the El Toro Marine ~rps Air StaUon or at Orange County Airport. Rhoades lives in Irvine aad the few commercial jets that have taken off'from El Toro have banked right over his house. But he bases his conclusion that an off- ·shOre altt>olt ia best on studies he bas -c>n cfuol and use along witl! the Sad-dlebl<k CoonllnaUng CouodL ~-=rc engineer with Philc:o-Fonl · c In Newport Beocb, ti the dll<I an:hite<I o1 a r<pait Utlod "Qraoge C<>uoty loterim Re 1 lo b a I Airyort." • Besldel coming to the conclualon1 that an ·olfohonn•&l\mal airport is best, the ,.p.rt siateo tlia\ Oran(• County Allport is the more practical of the two inland sites to \l"fflop "' .. ,lnteriln buls, · El Tom muf( be elimlna~ 'from -sidei-atsm b8Rd on ' techD'ical llndq:s, the·Rhoades ...,..i lilotu. Joint uie DI El Toro by mlll"'1 and c1v111an alrehlft 1s impo!sihle becauoe capacity ol El Toro ii exceeded by mWW}' operalloas alone. ~· c:leanlootJor.Beiric•m and Mcllolmell·Dooglu OC.t lets now ttrvlng (Seo AIJIPORT, PIP I) ·- beootqe prtsidttlt ··: . Lawmen """"°""" ioctay they 'Will subpoena -1 ~·;>! oil ~ callJ made· Iron!' s,a; Toll K e n n t 4 y ' 1 Edgartown, Mali.,..hottl In the lto!>e of establishing aome particularly crudal facts. Authorities ,.Jdki,. p-of Seo. Ken- nedy'• degree of fault or ll1blllty In the drowning .death of Mls.s Mary J o Kopecbne, 28, Jast Saturday will last at least another week. ''The investigaUon l!n't completed - not by a Ioogsbot," said Massachusetts Regl.!ltry oC Matar Vehicles Supervisor Gi!orge w. Kennedy, woo n not a relatiVe. A hearing is schedu1ed Monday to detmnlne wbelher a complaint charging the-U.S. Senate assistant minority leader wlth leaving the scene of an accident after having done bodily harm will be issued. A report by Massachusetts motor vehi· cle department authorities Wednesday listed Kennedy as being at serious fault in Miss KopecllJle 's death and his license was temporarily suspended. Conviction would result iD a six-month suspension, while it may also be reinstated. Edgartown Police Chief Dominic J. Arena and Dykes Coupty Prosecutor Walter E. Steele have both expressed doubta that any criminal charges will be issued under lhe circumstances. Evidence so far ls only clrcum.!ltanliaJ. Newsmen who descended on the island resort area of ~·s Vineyard, however, noJ.ed that Steele -on his at.ate job only six weeks · -contradicted himself several limes in UW regard. · "I don't have and probably will not. have any charge as to a criminal sense," Steele said once. "I have evidence in lhe files which we will prosecute in the next few days," he :said later, referring to the senator's mysterious: whereabouts for 10 boors Saturday. "Notoriety this case has caused all over the world makes it difficult to issue (See. KENNEDY, Pace 1) ~ al that time llhed'tt -"' II>• Blall foe study, - Assistant ' City Manager J a m e 1 DeCha.lne explained today why municipal aJdes are opposed to the plan. "Right now that part of the beach is one of the best swimmJng areaa available," be sald, •iwe feel that based on put ezperience with the blackball system, the present mixture of swim- mers and surfers ·ii the best that can be accomplished." Under the blackball system, lifeguards raise a special flag for signalling surfers to get out of' the waW-. The blackball flag is hoisted whenever swimmers. appear endangered by surfboards, "The Newport Pier area," said DeChalne, ''has one of the highest con· ceritrations of .swtmmers on o u r beach!ront. It has parking, restroom and restaurant faclliUes. So we don't feel it would be lair to turn a big part of it com· pletely over to the surfers." Deehaine pointed out that the area now Is available to surfers -under the blackball system -1n the early part of the day and at dusk. "There ts plenty or surfing Ume in the off-season, too," he added. Pat Hanilln, 600 Balboa Ave., Balboa Island, was the first to sign the gs. signature petition Jn June. He said if the city were to open the one area to all-day surfing, "we would be able to surf when we please while still leaving swimmers with a huge area. Surfers have as much right to use the ocean during the day as swimmers do." 11\e petition also sought an end to the city's suMboard licensing prograin . Decals cost $10 each. OeChaine said &bat request is still under 1111.ldy. lndicaUons at City Hall are UW the program will be dropped before lhe·1tart of the next fh1cal year. Balboa eoun. cilman Howard Rogera Is among 'ltivng supporten of the surfen' re.quest. to diacoaUnue Jt.. Bay Swap Approvers To Make New Deci,sion Orana:e C«mty auperviJors h a ' • Bay transacUon undtr Or11 on three reacted 1" a Grand Jury request that the Iron~ ~vlollsly County 1 A.A.• e s 1 or Upper Newport Bay land trade between ~ndrew J. Hlnahaw h~s .refused to cao<:el Jllt,l!IO ·1n• Illes ·on •'Ule ·..,;_-.,.,..,'.the tli• CD11nty and the lrvlnecCompiny be COllPazrli doelll<t' to \ the',..~'IY-c 'and 11reneg0Ualed" by referring the~problem AUdllot-~ v\Ctor.~'ri.fus.. to. the same ~ wild recovqWJended ap. ed to · act Ir ~' Ohfezi • tbe provaf ofthe pact last Nov..,ber, plCl . ' ) . Oil Wednelday C<>uoty AdmlnlllraUvt Of. ,The Grand Jury llUUeoted a leilud; ol fleer 'Robert E. Thomas, "Oxlnty Counlel the trade of , 117 ~ of couolY .. w.i!<d Adrian Kuyper and Harbor. Department tldelan~. inoctl7 1'.Jtor!rVnl ai1d 'flied Director Keonetli San.i-renewed ' pfoperV, fir the GT~ ot ~· 8\udle1 of the --.land · swap , owned ·1anc1 11bk:h h " 1,aflelf \WO ,U,,. with oo Ume lltolt .. l ll[O"-\• daflber• derw-llarW 14 tlu( c:eotei-of tbe tlo!ls. ~ !lad(~ cboiioel "1AI,_,_,.,.,:.,, The Grand Jury'1 actfan·pul Iha utiPer !, \oldlofni<ir' !Rsblie:wa~. ,.,,.. . "'I" . . " ~· I ~ M • •~ .......,-41. ,.J.. • 1 ' ~' ""' ,. • I I ~ -' N.Y. Stoeka JEN CENTS - Nixon Welcomes Trio on Carrier ABOARO.USS110RNET (AP)-The men who·opened1he-MOOll :Ago returned lo th* home planet today, received a chemlcal bath Wore the eyes of. th~ world and were hoisted aboard thi! carriU for a welCOJM from PreS1dent N11on, · N~il A. Am!ftrong," Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael ·Collins lltelro4 their AJlOll• 11 spaceal>ip lo a n~r-plnpolnt landing In the Pacific Ocun rune miles from thiB recovery ship. ~ey hit the ~warm rotynesi~ waters at 9:50 a.m. PDT, ctlma1lng an eight-day voyage of discovery tn which two men walked the surface of the moon for the first time. The astronauts immediately were placed behind a blotoglcal buritt on the remote chanc~ they brought home )\ll}llr bacteria that could hanri life Ofij earth. • . BIOLOGICAL SUITS Berore exiting the ship into a wave. tossed raft they donned specl.al pea-green biological auits with a mask that pre-- vented them jlOm exhaling' their breath into the air. In the raft, a frogman wearing a blo- lotk:al auit 1J>rayed • them with a disinfectant and then rubbed eacJi man v11:orou1lyi with a solution similar to a wuhday bleacl\, 'Ibey &eafed the apace- slUp hatch and rubbed it down with the chemlc,oL The ship YiU not close enouitt for televi.lloo t1> record the landing. But. it steamed ~r enough for TV viewers ~ l!'Pr'llw;Jd to view .. thp,~ .. -~. 4Jdrio 'and ~'u!t!>: 1"re ; Jillfll <l!l:!>J~ lnlo·a !le!~_r.wlilcb dOpooJi<d lbql .. the lk<k ii Iha ...... rfer at 10:07 a.m. PDT, one bout and ..... mlllulel after spWhdDn. -moo wataieif"ffijjjj !hebrldl• u the helicopter approached. The ship'• band played "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean.~ Col umbia was the name the astrONtub gave their conunand ship. Nixon clapped and waved as the helicopter touched the deck, and hun- dreds of Sailors cheered the returning moon heroes. A $1?1a11 truck booked on to the chopper and pulled Jt, wtlh the astronauts Wide, to an elevator, which lowered them to the hangar deck. 3U'OOT TAILER There, the a.!llronaut! transfen-ed Into a 35-foot trailer where they will .stay during a 21h-day sea-air trip to the MaMed Spacecraft Centu, Houston, Tex. There they face IS days addJUonal quaranUne. Welcoming them to the trailer were Dr. Wiiiiam Carpentier, NASA phyalclao, and Jobn HJrasatJ, NASA engineer, both of whom volunteered to be Lsolated with the astronauts. Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins looked like !\ranger's from another wor'ld .~ lhey stepped oU the helicopter and walke4 the 12 steps to the quarantine trailer. They waved to acknowledge the cheers and applause Of tbe NASA and Navy persoMel on. boari:I. In mission control center in Houston, scores of per.sons broke out am.all American nags. On the display board were Dashed President John F. Ken- nedy's word! of May 23, J9tll, when he pledged th.ls country to land men on the moon in this decade and return them safely to earth. For the !irst time Jn the Apollo pro- gram, the astronauts took manuaJ action lo change their landing site. This became necessary when a threat of lbun- derstorms focced oliiclals to shift the la& ' ding 250 mDei to the east. 18~ I Pae:lflc Ocean Jubilant Ni:ton, Sa~rs '!limpse Blazing 8etum ABOARD THE US.S HORNET (UPI) - A jUblJaol ~ lllmJ ""'~ of aallor1 g!Jl'-oiilfalirlel iJllDi,ol of Apollo II as tt blued to its Paclll<: Ocean splashdown today. The Pr~ldenl, standing on the n., bridge of thia recovery catrier, ~ the horizon .., ApaUo 11 splubed d.,.. In the Paciric Ocean at dawn. N.l:zon, lite the cheering aallors aboard the Hornet, was unable to get a clear view of the ia. ding. All Lhe President could see was a brief streak of light as be peered tbrouab biooculars fiir the speeding ApoDo 11 spacecraft. ''We really had hoped to see more." said a White House aide. At one point, Astronaut Frarik Bonn.n, standing near Ni.J:oo 'on the OJinl brldce, exclaimed, "There she la, air.'' Ntxon, turned his head and Aid, .,Where, wbert" thinking Borman waa referring to the descendlog apa'"'1il)>, "Sorry sir'.. Borman pld., uan the radio," referring to one of the radio reports from the splashdown tcene.. Within minute!!, however, tbe.Praldent was able to view with binoculm the space capsule bobbing Jn the tlz, foot waves. He grinned broadly u teJevWoa cameras panned acrou. the nae bridge. A helicopter canylng the Pmldeol and his party oet clowo " the Homd afled slowly through Iii f()9t wavei awa.Wng the aslrooauta' 1p~ Jn Iha Padllc Ocean .southwest ol. Hawal4 Conlldent that NeU A. Armslnlng, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and· Michul COiiins "are going to splashdown all, right.'' Ni.J:- oo spent the nlllht aboar<I the USS Ari· in&ton before llying to the canier to watch the recovery opu&Uon from the bridge. • I• SPLASHDOWN . .... HAWAII • t ·~ ".~ ... . . .. , .. . .. .,. APOllO 11 . -. . , ..... " . . ' ' ' . .,. __ MAP SPOTS AR'E'A · Wll!llE APDLLO 1,1 SLASHED DOWN ' 1 •• •• , 2 ~All Y P!LO! ~-.•-.el At~ORT ' •.•.. oranae COUll'1 II aid to be a prdhlblU~ facior. Cool " ........... " Ille hni al'l'ON • ~~~l!. ol Et Toro ust elbtlnl runways. To make El Toro uu.blt for clvWan airtr•fl, Rlloades said the ..isttna double crilM:rOU military runway• woold have to be compleltly lorn up and new o~ conlllrllcted. This is because cleara11ea needed for hoavy clvlilan -..,, . ..-lhallllloM rqulr<d f<i' military alralfl .. Allo. Ille ...... 1 niaway points In lllt W11ll1fl dkec- tions for ~military ~ and J.&Dd. ingpalml8. Beca.1111 ntnw_~, would have· to be tom up it woukl take two years to oonvert El· Toro and iftna.tion -.would be a factor making It more costly than convening Orange County Airport, the study ad· vises. The report shows El Toro would reach capacity betWten 1974 and 1971 if use was .~ excl1111•'11 civilian. With joint mllilary-civtUU use, Capaclt; would be reachecl between"1971 and 1'15. • Orange County Airport would reach capacity In ltao, according to the eQii· neer's stg_©'._. _ • The study provides ao answer when· or why Orange County needs a rqfooal airport in lbe firlt place. "Each passenger ta or from Orange Cc:wttl must either use the existing com-. , • • Atpport ~ees Studted ' ·$94')1.fJP. ~11£ ExpectiAl lfrom Ghange I .' -~ '-Y Airport user 1-. • ..Stt'ci411 If ..... ilie-racllity stU 'Ill" portlqg, wll! be before the .Qoar~ or Supervllon Aug. 5 for oppmal: • Counly AvlaUOJ! Direc\Or Ro\><rt J . Bresnahan, who got approval of the in~ creased fees this week from the air~ commlulon, aaJd the· facility should generate revenues thll year •iof about $940,000'' up from last year's $898,000. Principal lncrtate ia tn landing fees for commercli.I airliners, from the current 15 cents per thouaand pound.I ~r landing to 20 cents, with the minimum fee 'on 17,000 pounds remaining at $2.SO. On this basis, Alt Cl,Jlfornia and Air West would pay about $190 per landing for their 95,000.pound Boeing '1?.7 twin jell, compared with the pmeot 1116.50 charge. 1 ... $7 ~for heavy twln" or four engine era«. OU\er tocreaM Jecommended inc:lude Monthly tiHown fees in the north~ fuel , flowage; for general {prl~a.~eJ. flvfa-semi·improved area, based on wing span Uon from 2 to 3 cents per gallon and oil and J 4hr1c,.t. f~ lll>J!l. s cems to .!!) bf the plane1; Will be up from $15 lo $30 centa per gallon or a pound. for !lilil plania lo $27.75 to $33.75. and Fuel flowage feea !or commercial ft:om '20 to ff$ [or Ught twins to f36.50 .to aimaft, will be eHmioated and· tbe in· lfr.ilt; No •aloJ b required fOf heavy ·creased lao<ilng fees lllN!ituted. k twin or~ ....,.. p1an.,, in lhil area ao Commlllioners did not recommtnd a it wlll not aCCQllunod1te them • propdaed ~in tbe minimum lindinl In the-beaallUlly.Jrnproved (paved) lee !1'(1111 lt.59 to $UO because they -aald · area, illl>! p~es wW be upped from l30 two· comm-a1ru ... ,whig the mpon · monthly lo $30.50 lo 138.SO: ligl11 twins "l'uid be una,ble-to poy lbe in<:reaae and -ftqm a Oat $45 lo HUO lo ..,,, and heavy sun rtalize·a profit. lWlns and four engines from'f150 to $180. _Other fee chaqges Include~ transient T·hangar closed storl)~ apace for tie-down, $1.50 a night to. ;2.25 for light single engine pl anes, Qle only type that single engine craft: $2..50 a night to,.$2.75 can be accommodated was raised from for llg!lt twin eilgine p1anei ·and fl lo 1:15 lo flt!. /From P .. e I KENNEDY CRASH PROBED . ._. ·- any atatementa," Steele said. ,.. "I prefer not to comment on it, it would be unfair to tbis cltf~I -or any defendant,'' the Massachusetts Pn>- seartqr added when pressed for more in- fo~iuon~ J. Mccarron at MoDd.ay's bearing. The charge described in Mwachusetta law j>vall!_ls California's hlt-tnd·ruh law. PARTY GUESTS Ml&s Newberg 1ald she believed It was about !:SO a.m., as they w~ beins driven to catch thE ferry on die same route where Sen. KenneGy took a wrong tum and. ato...,, Miss Kopechne to her death. · ''It tould have bttn, l really don't know," she added. muter airctali~lt ~over -$7 one-wiy Qr ·--:_-. drive to Los Anaeles ln~~,al a • coot of more than 13 plua. ~~ at 1 _ '. minimum of $1 per da;y. ln any eveot, the . average cost per ~ger exceeds~'5 ln· eJctSS of what winil.d be tncurred: by a flight from OrB11ge· COunty, the report. notes. · I °DAIL. Y 1111.0f llMtt "' Mt SlfMMr Chief AN!na was more specific about Ille' Senatar'a mpo~ibllil)' _lo explain where be wu and whtt he.-and anyone else bJvolved -did between MW Kopecbne'1 death and the tlme it was reported. One of the party guests was former U .s. Attorney for Mas.sacbusetta P@ul !'ofarkham, who has di&appeared Uke the others for the present time, wttb hia whereabou~ unknown. An off-duty Dukes County ·Deputy sheriff is considered one of the key figures in the accl~t probe, aince he ·~ parenliy aaw Kennedy's black sedan· make the fatal wrong tuin. "Using tht pa.saenger figures ·from the Phase I rel)Ort (Pereira A i r Transportation 8'porl) the total cost lo - · Orange County residents and business .ex· ceeded $14 milllon1Qr..llll. and will be 134 milliop bY· 1'1S~and J84 Dilllioo by 1973.'' the report llllill· - ne Rhoadtm'rinnnends that the-cou!i!Y , onarines-1h- the San Joaq\llJ!~'m• 111"11;,>»n off· shore aite j~~ of the Santa. Ana IY.ill• . -... ~.~~ '' ~. Rhoiid,.;-tWf'!· ~.dl>Dt ~<!tbie profeJSional wgrl<. rcatdlng fi9ating airporta for-the m!lila>y, said that an off. shore facility in.,. til1lbe eod be tbe 'best answer to tbe'prQb)lm. Boy's·Ntrde Body Washes Asho1·e Along Surf side The nude body of a 15-year~ld Cypress boy. ltotaUvely ic!Ontilied u Gregory Smith, was found ln the surf off Surfside at '' 15 a.rn. today by Seal Beach police. FOREMAN J.C. WIS8Y OIRECTS WELL 50UND PROOFING Will Block Gold Be Dlocovorod Undor Cotto Moaa'• Cloy? "Ht'a.golng to have to prove where be was between 1 and t e.m .. " Arena told report.en, "but we are aatisfied the era.sh was accldental." Mi&& Newberg, who told the Worcester. Mass. Gazette she ai'ld the other girls at the party -all past KeMedy campal&n aides -said they atayed overnlght at the cottaa:e. -Special PerQllsslon "What happened afterward is the feaaon for the leaVing·the-.scene com· plaint," M added. SAW I PERSONS The men pn:sent were in and out of the One definitely lntmating angle to _:_ff uge Oil Derrick Tests Mesa for'B.lack Gold' Authorities who annwnced they will "Require a list of all.ttlaphone call& frem K;ennedy's hotel said it may detennlne whether he was indeed in shock after the tragic, J>OU·party accident. All other persons at the six-man, 1ix· woman dinner in a rented coC.taJe on Chappaquiddick lslaod following a yacht race in which they participated aboard Kennedy's boat have vanished. resort bom.e during the party, she said, statements by Deputy George Late Jr,., adding that .Kennedy's cousin, Paul is that -·while he did 1!91 __recognhe ~~ ·Gargan, who rented the"party-pJld, 'told ""'t'~J"''ili''WC"'timer~ ... ..,~ the girls of the tragedy'Saturday. three persoru; were in the car. A purse belonging to another partf•. goer, Miss Rosemary Keough, waa found in the upglde-down sedan wUh Mila Kopechne's body, but could have merely: been left earlier, ft ft * HVD's Romney: • A 136-foot derrick bu beel1, erected In - the northeastern comer of post& Meo to · drill for samples of underlytngl sir a ta to · detemrlne if oil lies' below. Friday afttrnoon the Camay Drilling Co., under contract with Occidental Petroleum lnc. will beg\n sinking a dr ill Crom the derrick into the soil to obtain strat4 samples. Although It is against city ordlnance·to drill within city limits, the Occidental firm was given pennJ1sion to tut drill' last May by the Cit)' Council and ba• 911 days to complete the project. the Ora111t•County Building and Sale!)' Department. LEFT ISLAND Carnay Drilling -Co. h., 1'k•n about """-• ... '·ft .. , "land," •••d Chier two weeks to erect the ·dertlck and move ~w.1. au K: w i.o ...... the heavy drtlllng gear to the site. Arena Wednesday, but one, 2&-year--0ld 'Kennedy Hasn't Explained Yet' Fifteen men will be aperallng the Esther Newberg, said in a copyrlgh.ted , equipment when the drilling olfidally newspaper interview that Mias Kopechne CHICAGO (UPI) -Housing and Urban gets under way. They_ will opetate on wou\d be alive if.She"badn't left. Deve1opmtnt Secretary George Romney Lhree flve--man shltU: for the remainder ' Sen. Ker.nedy was driving the vivacious said today he did not think Sen. Edward oI the 90-day period. aide in hi.a-late brother's 1968 pruldeotlal M. Kennedy haa "adequately" explained It a sizeable oll iupply should be campaign to catch a midnight fem th.t automobile &ccident in which a discovered, the petroleum firm is likely acriia,':Katama Bay to reb'.lm home when former Kennedy campaign w o r k t r to encounter opposition if it trie.s to ob-the accident oceuned. drowned. lain a arilltiigJ:ierffill -•· Skindlvers ,recoyµed Mla8 Kcpechne 's Romney's mnark about the accident The Costa M.esa drilling ban wu pass-body from the ~nnedy~ sedan which was one of the first made publicly by a ed by a referendUll\ 15 yea.n ago. It was p1Un'gecS off a rick~ty brtdfi·tnto a 10-1oot top ofltcial of. tJie Nixon &inilni!tritlon. Miss Keough has disappeared and • girl who answered her phone W~ said she didn't know where lhe ·ia or when she will return. Sen. Kennedy has said he will make I slateme'nt on the trqedy at the ap. propriate time, but remains in 1eclusioh al family headquarters In Hyannia Pott today. . So far, with charges pending and senu· tiooal elemenl! Ungtng the clan image.._ the Ume bas evidently been ln·. appropr!ate. Police Sgt. Patrick Sullivan said he ~1----·-roc'ite<r-tlietxii!Y."'lim-ucej)r-fqr · a wristwatch, at tbe foot ol · Anderson Street after receiving an anonymous telepbooe call. T_thcnically the site, near the comer of Paulalifio Av~ue and "Bear Street, ts on a tiny Unger of county land that eitends into the city, bul It ls still considered under city juri.sdictlon. Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin Pinkley said : one of Ill! cl!Qliril otdinanct.o Cll!< af· de<p tidal ta..,.. oear!y U houn later. ~~"~II'~• gu!je.ci<aJ' S... Kennedy bu nnt "fiC!iIS s&Ythf firm ·woul(f~fiav~-to ·;e1.--·-st>e"--~ar·"1ttt1y--=-"tt0Qiiil "iM~tiIOOO adequately exptillie<f the accident," local approval even to slant drill from samples showed only a tiny trace .of Romney said at a news conference. outside city limits. alcohol. . . . Romney wu asked about the possible Arthur R. McKenzie, Costa Mesa city The lone aurv1v1ng SCJon of the Ken· political effect of the accident on Ken. manager. said it would probably take a nedy family escaoed \flth , strained neck nedy. Outrigger Cr~ Saved From Surf Harbor patrolmen Tuesday n l 1 ht rescued a dozen members of the Newport Beach· Outrigger Canoe Club alone with two of their craft ln the surf of tht treacherous Balboa Peninsula Wedfe. I I • I I "The. body was right on the surlfine, sort. of awash, face up. The caleDdar on his watch was stopped at July 23," said Sullivan. The officer said that preliminary in· vesUgaUon indicated no foul play but said Orange County coroner's deputies have schedule!i an autospy this afternoon at Smith's Huntington Beach mortuary. The youngster had neatly trimmed red hair and Wal appereaUy I~ _JeeJl at 3: IS a.m. Tuesday at Huntington City Beach when be assertedJy tried to avoid arrest by nmnlog Into the aurf. · sgt. Btrt Chadwick of ill• JJuoUngtOI) Beach P.olice Department said off!cers at that time were tryina: to arrest several juveniles for being drunk on the beach. _ "He apparenUy was not a member of the group, ,Saw Police coming and wanted to avoid being arre11led," Chadwick said. Coroner's investigator Jim Betsn~ said It will be impc&ible to determine if the death was caused by drowning until the autopsy has been performed. "We will have to wait until then to clear up what is involved," he said. DAllV PllOT QtMCOI COAll fl\llM. DM.,._ (.OMPANY l.Mrt "· w ... •mw..it ... "'111111Mr J•ci l . C•rley VIU ,.....,_ -Oftotf.i .,,.,,. .... 111-•t Kttril ··~ Th-•• A.. M•rll'\t1t ............. dlllr • "-"'· '· c.11; .. -·-City lolflw ---2Jll w .. t ••II••• a..1,,,.,, M.llklt >.14,..., P.O. I• 1111, '?''!. --- "We fe1t the city cou ncil had to give air proval to the test project." The drilling h8' also been approved by Woman Dead From Injuries After 3 Years Private flU'leral services were held to- day for a Costa Mesa woman wh? l•r dying: for 3\i years, after belng criUcally. buined in an apartment flre . Mrs. Sally J. Green. 42, rescued from her' blazing home at 2020 Fullerton Ave., on Nov •. 28, 1965, died Tuesday at a con· valescent h06pitaJ in Orange. The vlctlm suffered severe,Ja!!lting lung damage from Inhaling hot va,ors, ac- cording to oranae County coroner's depuUes. as well as second and thlrd degree burns. She had been hospitalized ever since the fire -blamed on her fa lling asleep while smoking a cigarette -mos( of the time at Orange County MedicaJ Center. Rites were held at Backs and Kaulbars Mortuary, Anaheim. )'here spokesmen said Mrs. Green left a son· and daughter, both of Ontario, h e r parents, of La Grange, Ill, and a brother living in New York. Bicyclist lnjm·ed In Crash Near court battle to decide the issue. muscle. and a mild conCU!lion, but Miss '1Well,1' he said, u1 found that one word The Oceidental Petroleum Company Kopechne, wbolSe funeral he attended has a Jot to do with it. I don't know what has covered the derrick with green can· 1\Jesday, was trapped inslde. one act will do." vas to keep noise disturbances to a The at-one.time leading contender for '111e "one word'' of Romney's reference minimum. the DemocraUc presidential nomination was •ibrainwashed". The firm also has promised to have all in tm aajd he dove do'W!' il'I aeveral During the 1968 presidential campaign, equipment removed within 30 d~! after rescue ~ttempts, clespite his bad back, the then governor of Michigan said he the core bole is drilled. broke n tn a near-fatal 1962 pl~ne crash. had been "brajnwashed" by army The Senate whip has retained Robert genera11 in Vietnam. The remark prov- G. Clark Jr., former district coUrt judge ed a major stumbling block to Romney's in Brockton, Mau., to rt~nt .him quest of the Republican pre.aldential r1~-.. with Edgartown attorney Richard nom.inaUon. The patrolmen's launch was used to edge up to the sU:rf line and tow the two capsized craft and their paddlers to llft· ty at 7 p.m. No one was injured in the mishapa, patrolmen said. The outrigger!, manned by six paddlers each, were bailed out and refioated. Woman Pulled Out of Surf An unidentified young woman. un- conscious and fully-clothed , was pulled from the surf. today by a Laguna Beach doctor out for a morning jog. al .JJ. !). (Jarrell ~ · The woman believed to be about 18 to 21 years of age, was still breathing, but was incoherent as lifeguards and police arrived at the scene at the Oak Street beach, Laguna police Sgt. David Brown said. Lifeguards said Or. K on slant In Sparkuhl was running on the beach at about 9 a.m. when he aaw the 1trl, pulled her from the water and then telephoned for help. Swim Lessons At Boys Club Continuing summer swlm 1es90rt! are being offered for boys and glrls at the Boy1 Club of the Harbor Area, beginning at two years old and up. · HIRITAOE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE SALE SAYE 15% / ORDllt IN YOUR Q101CI OP PAlllt Joy Star~ aquaUcs director for the program 'at· the Central. Branch, $94 Center Sl., suggests enrolling youngsters Safety. Film Site now to prevent future water tragedy in the family. . . Additional information rpay be obtained" A 16-year-old Newport Beach b1cycl1st by calling 548-938110 a.m. thrOugb 5 p.m. suffered face cuts and bruis~ .. In a col· ,..Monday through Salurday. lillion with a car on Dover Dri ve Wed· nesday, three blocks from a park where police were filming a bicycle sa1ely film, David S. Davis, 3IO'h Alvarado Place, was in good condiUon today in Hoag Me. morial HoapUal. PoUc-e satd his IO·speed bicycle, travel- ing up Dover tn the left tum pocket, swerved in front o( an auto coming down the hill and the two collided. Mr1. Mildred Mechling, SS, 74& Tustin Ave .. Newport Beach, was tht driver. Officers quoted Davis as saying 111 was pedaling hard up the hill to meke a turn onto Cliff Drive, and, like a clod, I didn't look for oncoming cars." lnve&tigaton, who t e r m e d Davis a ''very lucky young man," said the youth'• head left a large hole In the heavy car's windshield. The car was going at least 40 mph when the crash occurred, officers said. City Adds Three Summer Classes 1'hret new class serles for city-spon-sored instru~on In swtmmlng, sailing, aurfing and tennis have been added to the summer recreatlon prograrh, New· port Beach ell)' aldes said today. Registration for the classes ls open 11 Jon' u space lasts. S1gnup wlll be acctpted any weft day between tS:30 and I p.m. or 5:30 and 6 p.m. at Mariner's Park, Eastbluff Park, ihe C.mmunt!y .Youth C<ntor or parka and recreation hea~uartera. Detailed tntonn1UOT1 ts av1l11ble hr. <!lling the department through ell)' hal , 67:1-2110. • ' AL50 ' •• sunTANTW. SAYINIH ON MANY HIRITA•I DININ• ROOM, llDROOM AND TAILI •ROUl'S •• • Your /cvoritc ~tigntr wilt be ham to assist ~ou •• • H.J.GAl\l\ETf fURNITURE l'ROFUSIONAL IHTUIOl DESl6NOS °"" ...... """' • "'· ·- ------- 2211 HARIO-llYD. COSTA MiSA , CALIF. MMJ75 ~276 -I I I • • YO!;. 62, 'NO. '116, 3 SECTIONS, +4 'PAGES ' " ~ ~1 ., ~--- Special Permis sion Huge Oil Derrick Tests Mesa for 'Black Gold' A 13&..foot derrick lias been erected lrt the northe.afitem comer of Costa Mesa to drill. I~ sampl~s ~ ~rlying llralJ to determine if.oil Ii.es belbW. Friday afternoon the' Camay Drilling CO.. under contract with Occidental Petrola,im Inc. will begin sin~ing a dr!ll from the derrick i.tlt.o thJ>'1io1l to obtain strata samples. ( J Although it is agaiMl city ordinance lo 1$fill within city limlt.s, the Occiden~l rirm was given pennission to test drill ilst ~lay by the City Council and bas 90 days to complete the project.. Tehcnically, Uie site, near the comer or Paularino Avenue and Bear Street, is on a tiny finger of county land that extend~ into the city. but it is still considered under city jurisdiction. Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin Pinkley sairl : ~·we felt the city rouncil had to give ap- proval to the test l>roject.'' The drilling has also been approved by the Orange County Building and Safety Department. Camay Drilling C-0. has laktn about two weeks to erect the derrick and move Ute heavy drilling gear to the site. Fifteen men will be. ~aUng the equipment when the ~ing C!fllclally gets under way. ,They will operat:e on three five-man shifts for the remainder Orange Coast \\leather Despile the morning overcast,. It's still a lovely day to enjoy summer pur1ult5. The weather will remain that way. al least ror the nert five days, INSIDE TODAY ll1utdrtd! of doltars worih of merchandise dWJ.pptors doil y from t.ht &htlves of retail ~rorts. Whll takts It withot~C paying for it and why1 Pagt 21. '''"" l!Mllnt c,u..,.,,.. (lfUHI .. """" c..,, .... DMnl fllatlctt '"-" 1111i.r1 .. ""' ==----......... .. " • "'" • .. .. .. • ,,. .... H " <::. MMll.... ,U _, .. , ,., N1fltflfil N.,... I 0r ..... (ffllt'r 11 ltf'fll ,..,_ Jt SecJal """ n ,14 S-'t »n SfMk """"" ,..,, T ... ~ H -.. w-. .......... .., • I .. . or the 90·day ·period. If w sizeable oil supply shoU1d be discovered, the ;>etroleum•·firm is likely to encpunter opposition -if It tries .to ob- tain a drnling pennit. The Co:sta Mesa dr\UirU! ban was pass- ed by a refereOOum 15 yeirs ago. It was <1ne of the city's first ordinances. City-of. flcials say the firm wqul<! hav~ to 1et local ap_proval even to slant. drill from outside city limits. Arthur. R. McKenzie, Coala ifesa: city manager, said 'it would 11r0bably·take a court. battle to decide the issue. The Occidental Petroleum Company has covered the derrick with ereen can· vas to keep l)oise disturbance! to a minimum . The firm also has promised to have all equipment removed within 30 d~s after the core bole is drilled. Ba y Exchange ' Approvers Study Proposal Again _ Orange County supervilOra 1ra Y • reacted tn a Grand Jury request that the Upper Newport Bay land trade between the county and tht Irvine Company be "renegotiated'' by tt:ferring the problem to the same trio who recommended. ap- proval of the pact last November. Wednesday County Administrative Of- 11= R<bert E. Thomu, County' Counoel Adrian Kuyper and Harbor Department 'Dlrtetor Kenneth Sampson renewed studies -d the contTov~slal 1IDd swap with no Ume limit aet for tbr.lr de:libu• lions. The Grand Jury's action put the Upper Ray transaction under f1re on ttne fronts. Previously County A a 1 e 1 1-e r Andrew J. Hinshaw his re.fused to CAl'ICfl f140.000 in lall'.es on the 451 acres the company deeded to 1he county, and Auditor-Controller Viet.or Heim has re.lut- ed to act at supervtaor1' order on the pact. The Grand Jury augesled a rullJdy or the !rad< ol IS7 a'"" ol coonly.-..d tidelands, mostly waterfront •and filed property, for the 467 acrtJ of company-•wnesl land whiclr II 1-11 two un- derwal.or -In Ille -ol the Back BaJ c:lwmel' wltll lht aim ol pro- viding more public watmrool . .... --., . ORANGE COUNTY, CAl:JFORNlA ' . . . . , . TH URSDAY ~l:JlY 2~. 19'9 ;r: • • Nixon Welcomes ABOARD USS HORNET (APl-Th• men who opened the Moon Age ret~ed to their home planet today, received a chemical bath before the eyes of the world and were hoisted aboard this carrier for a welcome from Preside11t Nixon. Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Colli~ steered their Af.0110 ll sp~~ship <to a ne~r-pinpoint landing in the Pacific Ocean nine miles from this recovery ship. • They hit the warm Polynesian waters at 9:50 a .m. PDT, climu:ing C.Ounty :fac~g ' QµandaJ."y,(h~.- ~rt· at Sea 'By JACK allPPl'!LL Of .. o.itr "'"" .,.,. an eight-day voyage of discovery in which two men walked the surface of the moon for the tint time. The astronauts immediately were placed behind a biological b6rM on the remote chano.:. they brought home lunar bacteria that could tiann:life oo earth; ~ -_.: BIOLOGICAL Surrs .Before exiling the &hip Into a ~ve-· to.wd rift \bey dooned special pea·greea biological suits with a mask that pre- vented them from exhaling their breath into the. air. In the rart, a frogman wearing a blo- loaical · suit 1prayed them with a disinfectant and then rubbed each man vigorously with a &0lution: 1Pn.i1ar· to a w.ashday .bleach. They sealed the 'Pfl~· ship ba(ch and rubbed it down with the cla<mlcal Tbt .lbip was not close enough tor televillqa to record the landing. But it .-noar -" tor 'llV vlewqs around ll>o-ld 1o view lht n>bdown. - drtn llld Colllnl ,..,. lilte!I, ·-~ hol~ ,wl>lch ~ -~.d:e<llitCilllli liar- rle:r-at'lO:U a.m. POT, one 1plr and Mvm -minMU. afte,. aplasbdoim. - NIJ~watched from the brldp If the hellooptOr appr.,ci.i. The llllj>'1· .Hod plt,Jtd "ClliIIMja; .the Gem . of tJie Qcun.~w~ astronauts 11v,-their, command shtp. Nixon clapped and waved as ·the h"elicopter touched tbe 1 deck, and hun- dred• of aailon ~heered the returnihg: moon heroes. A mall ,truck booked on lo llH! ·chopper and pql.Jed 11i_ with l;he_.utraoauts hlsi4e, to an elevator, which lowered them to the haagar d~k. IS-FOOT 'imn.£R 'There, the utronaula tranafert'ed into a :!Hool lraller Where they will stay during a 2~-dilt !ei~ trip to the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tei. There they face 16 days additional quarantine. · Welc.'Omlng them to the trailer were Dr. William Qlrpentlet, NASA phyalclan. and John •HirUakl, NASA engineer, both of whom volUDleered lo· be Isolated with the astronauts. Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins looked like 1trangen: from another world a1 they stepped off the helicopter and walked Ute 12 step!1o the quarantine trailer. Tbty waved to acknowledge the cheers and applall!e of the NASA and Navy, personnel on board. In miss.Ion control center In Houaton. scores of persons broke out 1mall American Oags. On the display board v.·ere flashed President John F. Ken- nedy's words of May 2:S, 19'1, when he pledged this cOOntry to land men on the moon in this decade and return them safely to earth. Police to Check Kennedy Phone Calls From Hotel From Wire Sf:rvlttl A report by Mwachusett5 motor vehl- Jnvestigation continues today into a cle department aulhoritl'es Wednelday listed Kennedy 1s being at aerioua fau lt traffic tragedy which killed a pretty, In Miss Kopechne's death and his license blonde aide to the late Robert F. Ken-was temporarily su~peodecl. nedy, and possibly also any chance far Conviction would tt:sult ln a six-month the Jone survlvin& Kennedy aon to suspension, •hile it may allO be become prWdenL reinstated. Lawmen announced today lhey will Edgartown Police Chie:[ Dominic J, subpoena a Usl' of all telephooe calls Arena and Dukes County Prosecutor made from Sen. ·Ted Kennedy's Walter' E. Steele t\a,ve both uprustd ~wn. Mus., hotel In the hope of doubts that any crlmlnal chargt1 will be establlsbinc lllne partlcularly crucial Wued under tbe circumstances. facts. Evidence ao far ii only circumstantial. -""-of Sen K Newsmen who descended on lhe bland AuthortUes said lht prllll'! · en-resort area or. Mart.ha'• Vineyard. nedy'1 degree of fault or liability in the however, noted that Steele -Oil hla state drowning death of Mies Mary Jo .a•~-.1 Kopechne, 2lt last Saturday will last at Job only ell wee kl -. contraW\<u:u least another wetk. himself several tlmel tn UUs regarll. "The 1n ... tlgatlon lan't completed -"I &ni ha" and pn>bably will nol not by a longahot." said Ma5S8chusett.s have 1n;y charge 1s to a crlmlnaJ sense," Registry of Mot.or Vehicles Supe~lsor Steele &aid once. Gtori1e W. Kennedy, who is not a • "[have eVidence in the files which we relative. wlll proeecute tn the nert. few da)'I," he A hearing II tcheduled Moadly lo 11ld Illa', nlerrlnl lo the aenalor'• detennlne whether a ""'""alal-cftarglng • mymrlout wbenabouta for JO houn the U.S. Senate w111ao1 mlm1ly luder li&lunlay, wllh leaving the IClllO ol Ill JIOCldenl ~-e!J Utls Cllt llu c:111!ed all alter hHlnc doot bodllJ banD wfil II; ' O'ltl'•Uto -Jd maU..~ dffl\<\lll lo blue bsued. (a.. KENNEDY,.Pqe I) , Pacific Ocean I • srlASHDDWN . . ••-..HAWAII 7 .. 24.,, • ·, • ' .• . . " .. -. ...... -.... ~ .. ' . ,, . ' .. ' ~~:i:~~~RALIA '.~:' . • •• . .. :: :· :·::;. :·:. ;.:. :-:· ' ' I ' EDWIN E. 'BUU''.ALDR!f11JR. MICHAEL, COLLINS Woman Dead From Injuries After 3 Years . Private funera1 services were held' lo- day for a Costa M'81: woman who lay dying for 31,i· years, after being ·Criil{::allY, burned.In an apartment fire. Mrs. Sally J. tiretn, 4%, rescued b'om her bluing home at lOlOcFl\I~ Ayo.; on NQv. 28, 1965, died ~Sd&J at a cob· valescent. hospital in orange.. . ' The ylcllm suffeted ,...,.._,lastlng Iuna ~ma19 fl)Jm lnbaling hot va;ion, ac- cording to Orat\ie 1Couaty coroner'• deputfes,. IS Well U second and tkird d~gree bum~ She had been hospitalized ever since the lire -blamed on her f1Ulng a~••P while llllOlclni a ciganl1' -most ol the time at Orange County Medical Center. RJ~ were held ll BocU and Kaulbatl Mortuary, ..-AnaiJetm, Wl1tze 1p0b:Anea aal<f )In. Gr ... lt\I I ..... and ""'*""'• both ol. ontarlo, h.t •r waU;: ol i. Grana;e,~ru.,.ancl aJ:rotberUTibirlDJNew v ... t. I t • ' .. · •. •NEI L"A..'~RMS:l'RONGt • r • ' J'ubllant ·Nixon, ' . ' ; Sailors GlimJ>3e . Blazing 8eturn . ABOARD THE:USS'HORNET (UPl)- A jubilant Prufdiiil Nlion and hundred• of sailors got only •· brief ~rol Apollo II u H ·blued ;lo'dta-•PiCfllc Ocean spluhdown tOday. • ' . The Preslden4 slandlng· on !be llag bridge of thi.s reeovery .carrlet,."'•nnrd the horizon u Apollo 11 ~Plath~..,.;, la the 'Pacific ·Ocean at dawn. Nl:lon, like the cheerlns aaOors aboard the Hornft. w111 unable to get a clear view of the llD- ding. + All the President ~ ,.. was a•hl1el streak of · light aa l\e •pe<red thr"lJl!l blnoculars !or the speeding Apollo 11 epacecraft. "We ttally· had }toped, lo see more," 1ald • White -al~ Al one point, .\Wmaut P'nnt Borman, 1tandtng near Ni.Ion m1 the· flying bridge, oclabned, ''The.re Bbe la, sir." Nixon, lumed hlJ held and nld, ''Where, where'' UJbikinl Borman wu referring to the descendinl apactShip. "Sorry sb",11-Borman said. ••0n the radio," refening to Oll4l of the radio reports from the ~own scene. Wlthln minutes, hOwever, the President was able to vitw wilh binocular• the space caps~ bobbing In the siJ: foot waves. He grinned broadly as television qmeras paon~ ~ ille flq: t>rJdg~. A helle<>pter carrying the President and hls party .. t down u !be'-sailed slowly through ab:~ foot ftves aw1illn« the astronauts' 1pilshdown·ln the Pacific Ocean southwest ol Hawaii. · •Conlidenl that Nell A. AnMtn>nr. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr, IDC! Michael Co1Unt ·~re going lo ~-an rlgbl;" NIJ· on 1pent then .ib4iot<f the .USS Ar~ itlgtoo bef...., ylng lo! the carrier lo watch the recovery oparaUon frem the bridge. Stoelc Jurkeu NEW YORK (~Pl-The olock martel lul'l)ed In Ill th~d llrtlabl> loslilc .... 101 ol the week today when • llllill •11 .ldvance &hat 1ave ll aome buoym::e ru out o1 ateam. lQllotat!!!!lt, '-JWll • Tlif ~ooet fiiifuiidi[-- movld Dll'l'OWif hlper In eir11 ll'ldlli&. and •t noon It WU up Ut. I{ ..... li rttreat 1low.IY. aner that and 11 ,lllt,doao wa1 on 1.a at 118.53, ,.,._._. • • . i • • c ' ,• !"·~J KENNEllY PROBE •.• I Airport Fee.s . Studied l"1 ........,,,. 'Steele aald. "I ~Ml to Cammenl 1111 "' tt wwld .. -.. lbla-~~~ • riili1$i'• ,.. 'fltHld. fllr more tllo! lonnattoo. OUef ArtDa wu more apeclfic about the s.oator's respoostblllty to explain WW. be Wu and what be -Ind ilOYllllO <lit lmolved -did belwe<rJ Mia Kopodioe's iltatb and tbe time It wu ~. •'Be:11 Pini: to have to prOve •re he was betweeu t and I a.m.," Are6a toid rtporten, ''but we are · aatbfied the crub WU &«lidental.,. . -"What happened •ltuwml ls tbe rea!IOll f« the leavina~ com- , plaint," he added. Authorities who announced they will acquire a. list of all telephone calla from Kenc1'dy'a hotel said It may determine whether be wu indeed tn shock alter the tragic, -rty oc:ddent, AU other Perscm. 1t the sU-man, six- woman dinner in a rented (9ttage on Cbapt:"',!tddlclt Island following a yacht ~~t ~!. ~ni.:ted ,•board IDT ISLAND -GU!lit a and tlM otb1r slrll 111 1111 porty -all post Keiinodr .. mpo1p ...,. -Nie 11111 ""1.l'od ovenilllil 111111. ~ . -~ ,,,. .;... ,..... Wft la\ ... .. ... -..... """" 1111 porlf, ... ..w. ....... 1111!1 ~·· -.. Paul Gar1•n. who reoted lho porty pod, told lb< girls or the t111edJ Saturday. Mill Ntwberg laid ahe believed it WIS about l :IO a.m., ~ they were belnl driven to catch I.he ferry Oft the ume route where Sen. Kennedy took 1 Wl'Ofll tum and arow: Miss Kopeclme to her dt!\th. "It couJd have btien1 l really doo't know," abe added. An off~uty Dukes County Deputy sheriff is considl!'red one of• the key Ugures io the!' accident probe. since heap- parently saw Kennedy's black sedan mab the fata:I wrong tum. SAW I PERSONS ~rlT .... AT KENNIDY PAllTY . . n. , . " ' ' :40;DOO "R~iie Expec -or._ Cloomty Airport ustr f.., • char&•· · • lo -the fsclltty sell sup-other lncrea.., r\commended include will bt before I.be 80ard ot futl flowage for g~ral Cprivat~ avia4 . pervllari Aul. 5' for approval. lion from 1 to 3 cents ptt gallon and oil Couoty .\)'ia!Jon Dlnctor Robert J. and Juliricant f.., lrom $ centi .to 10 Brt:sn1harlt ·•ho Cot approval' of the In-cenll pei caUon or a pound. crtlJed feel_ thii-wetk from the airport Fuel flowq:e fees for comml!'l'Cial .......,Ion, IOI the facility should alr&aft.wm be eltmlnated and tbe'Jn . generate reveDQp Ul1I year "of about aeued liodlnc (l!'el aubslituted. '940,tlOO" i., from laat year's 1396,000. ComiJllJal9nei's did not recommend I PrlodJt&l Jnc:ruae is io landing ftes for proposed boost in tbe minimum J.ahdini commetdal ah1i::ll!'n, from the current is fee from #.50 to '4.60 because they aaJd cents per thocaaod pounds pe:r landing to two commuter airllnea iuaing the aUi¥>rt to ctnta, r11tb the mlnlmum fee on 17 ,000 would be unabie to Plr ~ increase aod pounda remaining at $2.50. still realize a profit. On this bas:ls, Air California and Air Other fet changes include: transient Welt w~ld pay about $190 per landing tie-down. $1.50 a night· to $2.25 for light ~or thttr 95,000.Pl?'Jnd Boeing Tl1 twin single engine craft: $2.50 a night to $2.75 Jett, mnpued with the: preeeet flfUO tor· Ugbt twln eneine plan·ea and ff to rom f7 .25 for heavy twln or four engine er alt. ' Monlhly tie-down fees in the northust semi-improved .area, ba&ed on wm, span of the planl!'1, will be up from $15 to $30 for light planes to $27.7$ lo $33.75, and frun QI to $U for U1ht twins to $36,SG to . $6'1.~. 'No ,a1il b: required ftl' heavy twin or-tour enaine planes In tbb: area as it will not accommodate them. ln the norlheast fullY·lmproved (ptved) area, Uibt planes wUf be upped from $30 monthly to 13Q.SO to 139.so; Ught twins from.a fiat "5 to fa.SO to $19, and heavy twins and four engioes from '150 to •180. T -hangar clOM!d storage space for single. tngine planes, the only type that can .be accommodated was raised trom ISS to 170. Forrnor U.S. Atty, Morkh1"' ' • 0ne derinite1y 1nter .. ung •neJ• to --------A-P.i:1ttrn-:ng H-np,oe·..._nres....____P-. eaee Offi . sU.ltmenta by ~Y Gtorge--Lake---Jr., ----It II -Ci I ~ :J U :!§ -.a. is tbat -wbUe ~· did not l'<COgnll< Sen. • From · Pqe I K•nnedy .. the diiver -be thought AIRPORT.• __ --. _ ---Group Movmg three persons were iii the car. L "k B · k w k ·A:!'1w:!.1::.:-b:~1·~;:· ::.~.:;~: A purse belonging to anotber party• • • l e ee-eepers at or . To Huntington E!tbt.r Newberg, sa.ld in a eopyrlgbted goer, Mi.II JlcMlnary Keough, wu found sideration based Oil technical findings, newspaper interview that Miss Kopechhe in the upskfe.<iown Jedan with Miss tlie Rhoades repOri states: Join( Use of !I • " otangi Coast Puce Offlctri' Academy would be alive if she hadn't left. • ·. , Kopecbne.'a body, but c..Wld have merely Toro by military and ctvillip aircraft is SPACE CENTER, Houlton (AP} -strange-looking suits that protect the :win move to Huntington Be&ch thia fall. • _Se~-K!r.nedybw"shd~vln,!.. tbe vividacloustl 1 bttft left earlier. impoaalble beeause capacity of El Toro b They were in closeup view only for 11 ~-orld fro~ any contagion they might .aide 1n his late roL er a 1-pm ~n a M' JC-·• h dlnppeartd and a ex<:teded by mill•·--rations alone. seconds. these returnlng htroes dressed bring beck :end they were sprayed and • Officers from JS police departmenb campaign to catch a midnight ferry iss """'6" as • ...., ... ,... scrubbed a.s an _added margin of safety. are expected to register for the 40t.h class .''"' Kalama Bay to -!um home when. -llirl who answered her phone Wechle.!da.y ObstacvJe cleata.nct for Being 711 and like bee-keepers at work. But It was the •• • Mc~-·u Douglu ~o jeta -w se-•-g And one by (Int they were hoisted up to of the academy, Sept. 15 through Nov. 14. the accident oc:urred. . said she didn't know where lhe is ot 0 .. i:::~ty is said to be ~':.......;blti e signal to break out tbe flafs and cigars Navy helicopter No. 66, which had It will be C1>hducted at Golden West Skindiven recovered Miss Kopechne'1 when s"'· will return. 1,'.::::-,, ~ .,. ..... v and champall'ft# at mission control and ·~ "'"' ...... performed the samt service for Apollo S College. Also mtving from Orange ~t body from the kKenb~1 ~to 1w0bic1" h Sen. KeMedy hu said he will mike 1 Cost of convenlon of the two airport.! set off the firecraeken on the lawn of the and Apollo 10, the traU bluing rugbts for College to Golden West is the two-year plunged oU a ric ety ridge 10 I • oot statement on the tr1gedy at. the ap-is figured at $44,708,000 for Orange astronaut.a:' homes. this moon ventlllt!. deep tidal lagoon nearly 1% houn later. . pfopriale time, but remains in seclustoo County Alrport and $43,179,00Q for El Only 1 few thousand men on the USS Four ·minutes later, the btg copter land-police scitnce program which is being Sbe was fully clothed. and blood at family headquarten in Hyannis Port Toro, however. this presumes joint we ed on the .Homel And back in mi"ion redesignated law enforcement. u.mplea sbowed only a tmy tr_1ce of today. ol El Toro and use of eJi.sting Nnwaya. Hornet, including President Nixon. had control the flags came out. Cadeta in both .the academy and_~ alcohol. ·• So far, with charies pending and sensa-To make El Toro uaable for. civilian the privilege of dl:eertng them in perso11. On the big board in· front, where in-year. program will use a new buiJdinr The kme, suridving scion oI the Ken-tional elements tinli_ng the clan image, aircraft. Rboadea Wet \he tilsthic double But the same telev\S_~~reens thaj Jer.sedinf tines and_flasb.in& li&bla_had_fl_9USU1g !!!9 la!i~-~11-for__JJ__gL J nedy fa!Jllly ~aped with .s_tralned nec.t tbe· time ·~~ !n~-...::.:11i:f-cross mttitary nmway.-would have showed them walking on tbe moon, for eight ~ays charted the achl~"P.J1Jnls ~ students, .and 1 ''COJnPlete ~ ,.......:_ muscles ancl a mUd concusston, bot Miu apj)roprlafe. ..,.. r .. , to be completely tom up and, new OCltS brought their return to homes. of Apollo, tl, theff. appearett. in bllCk and Ja~a~ry, with .16 students staUons. Kopechne, whose funeral 'he.-sttenMd -COfl!lructed. while script John F. KeMedy's words A 101nt operation of the Orange Cotmty Tuesday, wu trapped in.side. --t:r · i:f '1:l Thia is because clearanC:ea needed for Clouds and distance hid U!efr blazing that started tt aJI: Chief.s' and Sheriffs' Association and the The akloe-time: kadinl coottDder for heavy clvlllan use are greater than tho6e entry throqtflhe atmOlphere. "I believe that um nalkm should com-Orange Coast Junlor Collece ~the the Dem~tic pnstderitlal nomination H VD'., Romney• rquired ~« military aircraft. · AliO, the Tbe.n the camera ieroed Jn on a email mit llsell to achieving the goal before the aca~emy trains first-time policemen in ia tm 11Ud be dove down in several a • resent nmway polnta in the wrong dtrec.-shiny-gold object, bobbing 'on bounding 1 decade Ja aut of landing 1 man on the an-mtenslve nine-week session, runnina: rescue attempts, despite his bad back, tlons for non-military take-off and land-seas, festooned with 'the three balloons moon and returning him safely to earth." from a a.m. to 5 p.m., live days a week. broken in a near-fatal 116Z plane crub. 'K d Hn•n't inf!: patems. 1be Apc:lt.lo crest, with its olive-branch Office~s are wil!led and tht coet The Seaate. whip has rel.ained Robert enne y uo BeclUlf! nlllWl)'IS would havt to be torn that set It upright. And small, liferafts carrying Eagle hovering over the moon. underwntten by ~elt r e s p e c t I • e G. Oark Jr., 1ormer district. court jud1e ~ ft wodld tak~ two y~ra te ~vtrt El colored oranae -normaTiy the in· wu 00 one skle. A sUct of moon with the departments. Application deadline for the in Brocttoa, MUI., to represent him Expla:ned . Yet' oro. and inflation would be .a fa~ ternatlonal algnal for distress but today a American flag implanted on lta surface, academy is Aug. 15, it was announced by along wttb Edgartown attorney Rk:hard " 1 m.akfhg tt more costly than convening was .on the other. Derald D. Hunt, director of the law a 4 J. MCCarroa 1t Monday's bearing. -°f:'e County Airport, the study ad-symbol for safely. On the deck of the ship, the President foreemen.t progr~. The charge desert. bed.in ~Ull~tl CHICAGO (UPI) -Hou&in& and Ur~ v ne .._........ showa El Toro :Woold reach They changed inside that capsule to the of the United State.a was smiling and ap-Ten urutl of crtdit toward the uaociate -n.i. "-"'ornl bl~and-Ja Development Secmary George Jlomn<y •• ,..... -ptaudinf!, gmulndy moved ~ the sighL In arta delJ'et m aranted to olficm who law.--~ a IS nm w. sai·d ·~·y be did -t think •-·~ard capacity between 1'14 tnd 1W1 if me waa """mplete "-a-·•-· ......... '"' ~ .-,., I .. ~ lv I·""· Witb · · t mllita The band was playi... .. ''This is my coun-...... un:: .....,_. PARTY GUESTS M. K<nn<Wly has "odequaldy" :": ""-"~ c ·~•. iom ry. M R • "'" -I • civilian use, eapactty would be reactied an· ecovenn.g try.'' but the c~s of the men on the Oni -o1 the party auests wu fonnl!'r the automobile ace dent m -a between 1171 aild 1975. Hornet drownl!'d it out. U.S. At•-for MuaacbuRlla P•ul former KennedJ cmpa)an ... t k er Or1111e r-~ .......... would retch R f F n -""J • r -.. drowned ........... .1 .... ...... • F a The No. II helicopter was put on an Mlrtbam. ..iiO baa ~ lite the • t bout _._ --~'"-t copocUy in 11111• .-.tine to the en&!-rom ()() . •levator' and tak-down to tbe hangar ·"-f .n .... ___. time with bis Romney's rem1r a uc ~ neer'1 study. '"' Je~ W. Been """"'• or WP .,._,. • wu one of the fird made JIUbUcl1 bJ' a The study provider an anrwer when or deck. whereaboutl unknown. top olficiaJ of the Nizon aLmlniltratlon. w"• Ora.,•e Coun~D<eda 1 regional A carpeltr critically injured when be Finally, the copter came to a rest A Funeral Held ' .... 1 •-K--~ lw not iv ... tonnled lrom lbe roof of a Oulld~ undtr bl • ...,. 1 tr lied "-· Miu Ntwberf, who told the Worcesld', "ll'I q'"~ c ear ~·· -c~Y ~In the fint , ~-·"'· ,.__ c.--D' F ue-ura"""·p a onn was pu up: ·l'ne d t 1. 111---11 •'--·-1.a-t'" \;UIWUlA•IOO near un:: oaii iego ree· h t h ,. ed A funer11l service was held Mond-for a equa e"' up ~ -= --• 'Each paUenget to or from oranie way in Cai!lta-Meu today is recovering_. a c on """ was open • -~ AmencailFamily Escapes La~ Raid VIENTIANE, Laoo (AP)-Patbet Lao forces overran an American aid camp and ble" up t.be house of one Amerkan family while they hid Jn the!' basement, in- fonned sources said today. A spokesnian for the . American Embusy be.re said U>ring Waggoner, his wife and chiklren were safely tvacuated wtlC!'n an all-night raid by enemy forces U5inl mortar• and rockets ended. Ro1'!lll9' u1d at I~· conl~ County mu.It either-me the-uilting com•· John B. Chaney. (5, or 11S82 Reva And three men, dressed like bee-J~se W. !leen, 50, a JO.year Costa Mesa ROrrinq wu -.Ued about Uie possible muter aircraft at over f7 one-way or Drive, Garden Grove., was listed In ser-keepers made 10 brisk slcps into a silvtr resident onct: honored as 1 major poliUcal -effect of tbe accident oa. Ktn-drive lo Los Angeles International at a ioua, but much improved condition to-trailer lhat has sealed them from the furniture store chain'• \op Los Angeles nedy. cost·of·more than $3 plua parking at a day at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital's world. A marine guard , stiffiy at at-district salesman. "Well," he u:id, "I found that one word minimum of '1 P'r' day. In any event, the mtenslve care unit. tention, held high the American flag. Mr. Been, who lived al 2200 Pomona has a lot to do wttb it. 1 don't know what average cost pe:r passenger exceeds $5 ln Nurdng aupervisors said the victim And finally, to lbe sound of ruffles and Ave., died after a short illnus: July 15 one act will dO." ucess of what would be incurred by a suffeml bead tnjor1es and a badly broken flourishes the President of the United and rites were held at Bell · Broadway Tbe "one word" Of Romney's reference flight from Orange County, the report shoulder blade IS"a result of the one· Stales came to the back of the trailtr. f\ofortuary , with interment at Pacific View waa "bralnwubed". story plunge Tuesday. The curtains parted and there, freshly Memorial Perk. During the 1168 pruldential campaign, ~~ing the passenger figul'!s from the Patrolman Randy Nutt said Chaney shaved, showered and dressed in blue He leaves his wife, a son, Crandall; the then governor of Miclu&an said he Phast I report {Pereira , Air was working on a roof 8' a Republic suils Wl!'re Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin daughters, Sharon Smith and Lana Price, had been "b1'1inwnhed0 -by army Transportation ReJ>?rl) the rot:al cost to Homes development In what wl\I be the and Michael Collins. and two grandchildren. generals: in Vietnam-The remark prov· Orange County residents and .busloeu u· ll!OO block of Oriole: Drive whl!'n he fell . The Pre!iident of the United States fac-Mr'. Been was a former produce mana- ed a major lbunblinC block to Romney's cetded s14 million for lMa. and will be lnveatigaton said he was putting ed them and said: ''I want ~;ou to know ger at the Balboa Market, was hooored quest of the Republleu presidential $34 million by 1973 and $84 .million by lrussea on the rooftop when he ap-that 1 became the luckiest man in the as a McMahan 's Furniture Store Loi nominltion. im," the report reads: partntly cut hie hand on• piece of m·etal world ... because l have the privilege of Angeles district salesman, and was a The Rboade.s' study recommend.I that strap; poaalbly atepping back and off the speaking for so many in welcoming you heavy tqulpment operator at Fairvirw House Votes Educational the county invesUgat.e regional att.u in .-'tru=ct=u="'=·===========b=ac=k=to=e=art=h=.="=========S=ta=te=H=osp=i=t•=i ="t=tb='="=·m=e=ol=his=· =d=ea=tb=.:;; the San Joaquin Hill• area and al an of.f. 11 Wire site ju.st ncrth of the Santa Anl Rlver~ . al JJ. J. (Jarrell~ Funds Over Nixon Request WASHINGTON (Alry -Tbe Hoo,. Ap- propri1Uon1 Cornmftt.ee voted today . to increaae federal spending tot 'education and hospital -above President Ni:ton'a reque:sta. · ' Tbe committ.ee •dded $123.4 million to Nlson'a budaet for the ·omce of Educa- tion and Stilt million to the boopi!al con- n.-.. 1c:.,.e ·-n..~-== ... ---JJI Wilt hr SftMI ..,..,...._, r.o . .,. ,..._ tnu --.............. 1u ............... .,. ••• • .. -.... ,at,_ -..... , ....... • • structloo prop-am. '!'be lncr<iiu, 1lon1 witb cuts In many other program1, prodUced a $16.I billion appropriationa bill ror the Del>artment of Health, Education and Welf&rt and the Department of i..abor that ta $1~.I million more thin NIIoo uked for. It ia the second time UliJ weet the comnUttee bu increased t b·e ad· minlatraUon'a budget. It added $51 million Mooday to the a1>ProPrtaUona re. quested for tbr .. otber departmentl. Nixon ordered a new round 0: speDdlng cuts Tuelday and blamed -CongrtU for adding $1 billion ao far lhll year to his budget proposals. The Increases in education funds ap- proved by the commlt.tee were mostly for elementary sod secondary achoo! pro- grams and vocational educaUon. There Is a strong llke.llbood the House will vote an evtn btgger increase when the bill gets lo \he Ooor ntll Wffk because !lne administration cul left intact by the committet would ireatly reduce a program with wide congressional 1u-p- port. Bologh Trying To Down Helicops Ted C. Bologh 11 c1mDalmln& 11alnst 1 J)Ol\ct: be!icoptl!"I' syai~ and record city budget approVed by the Costa Mesa City Council Tuesday. UnderllfOW'd uUUty Ii""' art mort Im· portant, a.man& olhtr thtnp, nld Bolop, 211 ~I Mar Aw. A telepllone poll told lilm '°· "We had a Uttto m<tllnl lut nigh< and called IO perlOOI In thl Costa Me.a a· change." uplalned llololh. lie Aid 15 people ~ a system of cU, lwinllnlng pool•, sldew.Jka In .,..., tbat lack tb<m, and other lmprov<m<nta are ot more eoocern th:an beUcopttt 11Jtnlllance . Rhoades, who has done COOilderable professional work regarding OoaUng airports for the rnlli\p.ry, said that an off. shore facility may In the end be the beJt anawer to the problem. Boy's Nude Body Washes Ashore Along Surf side The nude.body of a !~year-old Cypress boy, tentatively Identified as: Grepj' Smith, waa found in the surf off Surfside at 1:15 a.m. today by Seal Beach police. Police Sgt. Patrick Sullivan said he located the body, bare ~cept for a wristwatch. at the foot of Anderson Street after receiving an anonymous telephone call. "The body was right on the 1urUine, sort ol awash, face. up. The calendar on his watch was stopped at July 23," sald Sulfivan . The officer said that preliminary In· \'l!'Sti11Uon indicated no foul pllJ' but Aid Orange County coroner's deputiu have ~cheduled an autospy this afternoon at Smith'• Huntington Beach mortuary. The youngster had neaUy trimmed red hair and was appal"flllly last seen at 3 :1~ a.m. TUesday at HunUngton City Beach when he usertedly tried to avo~ amst ~ running Into tbe 1urf. s,t. Bert Chadwick of the Huntlnitoo Beach Police Dl!'partment A.kl officers at \Mt Ume were tryinc to amst teVeraJ juveollta for being drun-oo the be.ch. "He apparently waa not a mtmber of the gl"Ollp, saw pollct comlnC and wanted to 1vcMd being arm:tl!'d.'' Oladwtck &aid. Corooer'• mvutla•tor Jim ll<lan<r aatd It will be impossible to delel'.mint tt the death was caused by drowning until the autopsy hu bttn pttlonned. "We will h1v1 to wa" unt.11 lhm to clear up what la lnvol \•ed,0 he 11ld. HIRlTAOE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE SALE SAYE 15% - OJlDll IN YOUI CHOICI OP #AlllC ALSO • , • SUISTANTIAL SAYINIH D~MANY HIRITA•t DINING IDOM, •DIOOM AND TAIU •IDUP$ ••• Your /o.vorltc dctlgMr will be ho.ppv to o.ssitt ~oM .,. H.J.GAl\l\Fff fURNITtJRE . 0,. -1'Wo. I l'rl ._ I l1 II HARJO~ 11. 'Ill. COSTA MESA, CALIF. MM271 """427' I I • • '""""•1.'Mf ,24, 1'169 S li4n.Y 1'11.0T jJ Sailor __ _A¢tio~_ Counci-1 ij_ead Quits- Mi-sses Tugf>oa,t In a move long anttciP.to!I R<lll J>mce. . Clashes readied a ellmu Jul April lion apinM Mexican Amertcons. ford, executive director of the. Orange when a group of CAC neighborhood After several len(thy leSllona In. Mly. <'!oonly Community Actlon Cooncil (CAC) coOrdinaton, all Mexican Americans, Ille board cleen!d filDi Of dllcrimlria1o17 Wednesday Qigtlt resigned his $12,600 ... ~ charged Lunceford, a.Negro, with admin· pracUces but found hhn (•4lfk:lent10 In year polit at the or2a.11liatlon'.1 annual · isttaUve "inadequacies" and dlscrimlna.-adminbtration. rt placed hlin ·ori three meeting. • '. ' • mon~-.........,~ ~1-• Id •-· Lunceford, who ha/headed 'lhe CAC's Red Cr • • • enctedg~.f.'J&'~":'e11.::U:: povetry progranu !or more than a 088 SeeKJDg· Aug. 23. , year, told the !&-member board of W . Lunce/O"I '4id W-y nf&h~ "all LOS ANGELES <AP1 -Whlle lllJlni <Ure<:tors he has accepted a \)6r\ time estnunster Donors I bod lo do WU ... ilbo lbe ..... el!lcers Into the hll1lry boob with a &,000 mtie facull~ In sociology It Cal State ~e Orange County Rod Croll II look-w.,.. and I knew tt was time lo qull." IOlo .vofago acn;m ~ PacJllc, bloDde ~ will ~j80 serve 00 the stall ol the ing !or donors lo the W-er Com-v~~ i:.,~~~ ~~ Shma'SJt .. Ailailis almoll wound ui> col-Center '°' the Study ol lhe Person In m\lllty Bloodmobile, which will stop at A!sociaUoo, president : Mille Alvarado, Udlng with a lug and harp. La Jolla and camplete bis doctorate •I the Weslminster Fire Slatloo Frjday, dJrector ol a CAC oei~ C<nler Mrs. Adams United Stales Ioternatlooal Unlvenlty, August 1. In AnBheim, v!Ce ·preSldoot: lliargant • 38, the first woman to sa..11 also m·1..a Jolla. 'nle bloodmobile will be at lbe fire ata-Grier, county probation directer, aecre- the Paclllc alone, wu &elting her first Relall<ns between Lunceford and tioo, 11125 Golden West SL, from 3 p.m. tarr, and Mas Useyugl, ol the Ja ...... aleep in 31 d111 when the incldeat oc-ed. In recent months. to 7:30 p.m. American Citizens Lague, UQsurer. ClllTe<l"Wii!Maday oil the COU1 west o1 r..=:.::.:.::==='--------...:...----------=:;;.;,~==....::.:.::::..::.:.=::.:::::_ Los Angeles. ~ husband, Al Adams, who taught her fo sail, was in' aoo"ther vttael ac-• • . . • • I I • ·" <Oliipal,,.ll' lii>-wif.._ ·~!oel-ll<ld>; <M· s.a Sharp, on the wr tea llinto the Southern Calilonita coast lo San Diego. Adams sakl for a time bis' wtfe'a aallboat was in a coUWoo course with a tug hauling rock In a barge from Santa Catalina Island. .l.nd, l!nce she'd long lscl:ed sleep, be djdn1 want lo wm her up to take the controls manually. ~~-------. -~·---"'--'· enno•••-~ AIJNAY8 FIRST~.,.. - ---~·-"·---·-·-·--------.......;1 ••••• • • DAILY .. !LOT tt1ff l'1lltM -RON RUNGE TESTS COMPUTER PROGRAMMEO BY VOICE A Question of Und1i1tanding Ton"' and Inflections Ele~tri~ Ear "It was touch and go," Adams 1ald. "We didn't want to wake her up. The Sea Sharp just pasaed acr.,. the bow of the tug." Not Rock Group-Computer Plan Adams' accompanying vessel ~ been running protective circles around the Sea Sharp, to keep other water traffic away, when Mrs. Adams is asleep or r.btlow 8:-' RANDY SEEL. YE Of tN Diii~ Plitt SllH , '\'ill it ever be possible to program :;! compulf!.r __ withoul a<h'i,D~® knowledge? . Engineers at Ast!'Qpo~·er, a division of ~cDonnefl Douglas Astror;autics 'near Orange County Airport, think so. . ' The ''electronic ear" under develop- ment by the firm has the potential to pro- gram a computer, by merely accepting voice instructions thratwh a microphone . But one major problem must be ironed out before it becomes completely oJSera· ti on al. Ron Runge and. Dr.' Sam S. Vig Hooe, . engineering specialists~ say their _com .. puter can understand 90 percent of the words, but it will be a while before it underst.ands voice tones and inflectiooa! differences ... · ,;\\'e are i;ble lo determine similarities in voiCe patterns between different in- dividuals and once we can get the com- puter to do the aame, il will become a , w:Uqug and simple way, to program the ~ com pUler," µunge said, "The electroniC ear hasn't been real a"cctira,!;c yct..,.~.!Jl ~·e're ~or!ting on it.'' In order to make the electronic ear. the scientists studied the human ear and made a complex set of charts and plot- tings. From lhis they built amplifiers and · circuits that correspond to similar lissues in man. They started the project in 1963 and began the working model 18 months ago. "Our amplifiers are built on he same princpl e as the membranes and cells of the ear," said Runge . ·'The human inner ear receives sound wave impulses which activate nerve cells. 'I;M ~ronic ear uses the same 1dea. 'Electrltal-ctrcuib" pick ·ttp-90!..lod waves in digital fonn and record I.hem for analysis by computer. ·"We have the ear hooked up to a unit that prints the impulses on a chart for our studies. From this: we can detennine word and sound similarit.es,'' Runge ex- plained. The engineers working on the project are su re the ear will be able to ac- complish a large range of tasb U pro- perly handJed. "Jt wiU be possible to punch IBM cards, feed th·e compute r large amounU of data without loo much preparation and make tape recordings for later use by the computer,'~Runge said. To detennine the effectiveness of their studies, the engineers make e.xtensive use of tape recordings. ··we are able to make one recording and use 1t over and over to see lf the computer is improving on inflections and tones. "But it will still lake a J.oc. of lime before a completely accurate model of the ear can be put into daily use," Runge said. The Astropower specialists h a v e another project in the works. They are working on a method of pro- gramming computers by visual fnu!,ge, But Runge said it is much more com- plicated than the ear and is farther- frorn perfection. deck. -1 Adams said when his wife awoke after se~n boors of sleep. "Sbe was w e J I r~~ 111.lq(~sw.Jta." -·.,---I Like any other housewife, Mn. Adams then set about lo make things tidy -or at least ship shape. Sbe mended a tear ln the mainsail and rigged new lines, gelling ready for tbe welcoming crowds expected on bu arrival in San Diego early Friday at voyage end. She "eVen bad time to do her toenails although she hasn't got around lo her fingernails yet," Adams aa.id. Adams said her boat was battered by 1Seven gales since leaving Japan last May 12_ The most violent wind "laid the boat flat in the water," be said, and knocked out her batteries, running llghta and radio communication for-20 days. The storm would have "rolled her ovtr or broke the mast had It been any wcrae," Adams said. U turned the boat "into a shambles" but she came out all right b<cause her experience enabled her to do "the right things," Adami a.aid. Mrs. Adam.o l1'o gained the experl<nc:e the.bani.way -1be ~ to.Hawaii u .a novlce &oon oll<r leamlnfliraail. •" SA Architects Get Award for , U.S. Building Vehicle Accidents Claim The Santa Ana architectural firri, or Hamberg and Lowrey bas been selected to do preliminary design work on a pro- posed 300,00!).square-foot federal office building in the OraDi' County.santa Ana Civic Center. Tot, Infant in .County Appointment .of the firm was reported Wednesday in Washington D.C. by Robe.rt L. Kunzig, chief of the Federal General Services Admihlstratlon. A slx.te3r..old Santa Ana boy and a 21- month..old Anaheim infant were killed in separate vehicle accidents Wednesday. The Santa Ana boy, Howard A. Muse, • 1969 County Traffic 1968 lZ5 Death Toll W was struck by an auto Wednesday morn- ing at Cypress and Cubbon streets. The boy, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Ledbetter of 323 E. Nonnandy Place, was walking at a marked crosswalk when the car struck him, knocking him out of his shoes and hurling his body more than 100 feet. Police arrested the teenage driver of the car, Terry Lee Miller, 18, ol 801 S. Main St., Santa Ana, on charges of a-uspi- cion of felony 1nanslaughter. He will be arraigned today. The Orange County Coroner's OUice said the boy suffered a broken back, broken neck and head Injuries. In Anaheim, 21-month..old Cullen Wayne Jungers, of 833 N. La Reina St., died at 6 p.m. in West Anaheim CommunJty Hospital of injuries suffered when a neighbor's car backed over him. Officers said the accident took place at 4:55 p.m. when Alma Pauline Hopper, 45, of 837 N. La Reina St., backed her car out of the drivew;:iy of her home. The structure will be located on a four· acre. parcel north of 4th Street and south of the new courthouse building. The federal government obtained the property in a $111,500 land swap with the city of Santa Ana for fl8 acres of surplua Federal Communications CommWlon land on Edinger A venue at Che Santa Ana River. Mayor Lorin Grisel said he had been lnfonned by GSA olfldah that they would be able to allot 30 percent of the total design budget for the structure UUs year. Total arcllitectural cost i a eslimaled al $500,000. Pictaires WortA $$ . . 'Fotorama~ C.ontest Opens One picture is supposed lo be worth a thousand words. It's a fact that one picture taken by some lucky DAILY PILOT reader wlll be worth more than half a thousand dQllars before the end of August. Week ly prlies worth a total of $150 and a grand prize worth $500 were posted to- day by the DAILY PILOT and the Fashion lsland Merchan ts Association.for winners in a contest ror non-professional photographers. The contest, lo be conducted during the ncxl three weeks. will precede a gianl Fot.orama at Fashion Island presentation to be staged Aug. 21 throogh 23 al lhe Newport Center shopping center. All kinds of photographs and t~nical exhibits to demonstrate to lhe public how new1 pictures are processed f or reprbductlon in the DAJLY PIWl' will bo featured al Fotorama. PHOTOS ON DlSPLA V Blowups of lhe top three winners -the photo selected as the best of the week for each of the three weeks of the Fotorama Camera Contest -also will be di.splayed at Fotorama. Fotorama vl1ltors wUI be Jnvited to vote for their favorite picture from among the three and the grand prize win- ner will be "'-lected by popular ballot.~ first place, $15 for second )Uce and f10 Sublequent deadlines w1D be at noon on for third place. The certlf~\tl can be 'I'hur.slys, Aug. 7 and 14. 'Spent jwt like cash at any ol the~ 18 Entrants should aubmlt unmounted stores and restaurant& at Fa:sblon 1sJ&od. glolly prints not less than 517 inches In The grand prize winner will be awarded alze pnl(eratlly, Sz:IO inches. .Nepdves an additional '600 worth of gift must"'be readll,r available so that blowup,1 certificates. 'can be made GI w'8nln& pbotol. . . . . Any reader ol \l)e DAILV Pll.01' '[flto• pAPQ PROP!BTY 1s not a professional photographer er m . AD contest prima become the property employe (oc member ol the family ol on • ol (lie DAILY J>ll.01' and w1ll not Ito employe) of the DAILY Pll.01', Fubloo lsland or a Fashion hland mercbant can r~ • enLet tba Fotorama Camera Contest. • : llrlnt must be ICCODtpinled by !\JADE THIS YEAR the name, addrt.ss and daytime tel~pbone nwnba m the entrant plus caption tr Pbolograpbs to be entered la the coo-abort descriptive peragraph eIP.lainlnl t~ must have been made llnce Jan. 1 or the story told by the photo. " this year. Emphasis in subject maUer ahould be Ir a contelt photo lhowa ldtntl.flable on human Interest and action. The pie-closeups of ~e, the dfllClipllve lures .should depict sporll, cblldren at material llhould include the llnl and lul play, beach activities, boata, act.Ian ~ nlf!ltl of tbe aabject or subj«:tl and drama. ''Face" pldures will not be ~ their I.Its aod home~ qualified, but photos wlLh dram1Uc Jm.. It II assumed the pboqrapblr and the pact or of unusual "mood '' qoaUty wW 1Ubject or wb}eda crant pefmlllbl for stand a beUer chance of winning. publication ol any pbotOll •ibmlttld f(I' Only black and while photos can be •c--compttitJon. .. , coplcd for compeUUon. The wltlnera eacb Photogl'aphl llhould be cllrel!ted to: week wm be publWied In the DAIL y FoO>rarna Camera Contest, Pub 11 c PILOT. . Service Ileplr1menl, Orange Coo•t DAI· IleadllM !or the first w .. t ol com· LY Pam (aflice nearest you); Photos must be delivered In or by be dfrecled to the P1lhllc Ilepui.- Winners In the weekly contest each will .___,.r~ei_y_e gilt ccrUne1tes -.m_ worth for peUUoo is n0on neit Thurad~ay -JUiy 11. Inquiries "larding ~t lhould mall lo an1 OAIL Y PILOI' . by that ment al the DAILY I' (lelt~ time. I -J) . I • • .-· LIKE IT ••• CHARGE ITI 1 . • I I . .• ' ' • Altradh8 end gable design • Dtep rlbbod 11tel panels • Steel -braces • White with woodgtaln trim ,a'x 7' •••..• • • 119.95 7' x 6' • • • . • • • • 79.95 Your choice ... 7\li" b_anging baske1$ with lovely plants. You get a choice of Plec- tranthus, Cissus or Phombifolia. 1.77 Handsome Redwood planter in 12" size for pot shelves, patios or porches. I Replace and plant now. 2.98 Penncraft•· oscillating sprinkler with -4 watering positions. Covers up to 2200 sq.ft. 3.99 Make your garden a riot of color w~h our Petunia .bedding plants ••• in troys ~ Italian Cypres and /l;ryer Lemon trea In j ' gallon containers · 6h 4 way turrot sprinkler or 3 arm rovolvl~g lflrinkler, your choice _ .69 S1urdy !t" SO foot nylon vinyl gonion haM ••• a gardening must! . 4M Rugged ·!t" SO foot Super Flllllblo gonion "- for gardening ...,. · 99 • 8' x 10' 169.95 Mclane's front throw mower 2 HP size ... a 9re1t'v1luel 159.95 Fearures• 4 cycle. •ngine, 20" cutting -'dlh, cluh:h, blade and throttle controls on handlo1 metal grass catcher included. McLane's easy io con!rol Trlm'n Edgor -69.95 21 inch rotary power mowor $69 SO foot lube sp;inkler _. _____ _,_99 17" hand pvsh-reel mawor , 2'.95 16" hand push reel mower 19.95 14" or 18" grass CICl!dter 1.91 111• or 21• g-catcher 2At 30 Inch Redwood patio bax .. .. A.ti 6 foot Redwood fan trellls ' 1.'91 MONTCLAIR ! , NEWPORT E}EACH .. '. I 3 ' • J I - I I • ·- 1l."I ~. ~J: S.-...-·------.. ---···-· f DAllV ,,..~. • > .. "''4· • ~· " .... ~ ' " - oon . • • . .' 1 In· 18 ···Months? . ' . .. s• , ll!iitef ABOARD USS HORNET (UPI) beating Q1 .. Rwslans lo the moon wu the ~.!'!\I America's lop spoco oUlclal said today he U.S. policy of openness and lull '"\·" · ~._ 4 ~ expected the Sovlel Union to matCb tl:ie disclosure. 1c-w ., .. o.nr 1r.i ii.HI ~.lo. feat ol ~ltlng men OR the mq;lll "I think the .Soviets lost by teeplng "" · · · ;.· bo t within the next 11 months. ! . . ...cl ~: Wompii in H~ R.J.. a u . ~pesa-1.s...il'll..be...mucb sooner than-~~-Mt:::~~ ala. He '4 10. miles away, ··enjo)led the pro-most· people think." •Dr. Tmmas PaiJ!e, so1d the open-publicity pollcy of the duct.ioh of ·"You i<Dow I Can't administrator of the National AeornauUcs United stat.es encouraged sci~isb from ~ earvOd \Vbeit-:The \vater's Run: and space Administration lNASA), told throughout the free world to offer -su,- ning' • at the Theatre . By The Sea a ne~ conference. gesUons Jlnd help. while details of the -but she· had one small request. -"I lhii;t~ it'll be som~e iD the ne.it 11 Russian program were lmo\\11 only to a ..i: monlbs. · "small elite." Paine said he th<iugbt, the "'l attended the ma~ee • • • an'f Paint said a key fact.or in ,America's · taughed· so hard my teeth.,. "fell Apollo II success would eventually lead out "-iaid . her letler to producer • · to oloser cooperation with the U~~ in fl'orf.rmy Brent. "I _!!:O.~ght ~~ h~d '~1 · -~ ·l~-.,-..,..!P8re eXR.Lqration. ,• -iur them .. ln my purs~. bll[ lh~)"" ' srae ' vu·w1fS "! dOp'h~ for BDY early ·change In fD u 6 t OS.Ve fallen J>e~ween tb_e the attitude of it>e-, SOvlet Union but a ·~eats. -Could you possibly mail steady, interest on \heir part.'~ be saKL "1 !bem :'"ck to ·m~·~:; ~ :· 9· . Egyptian t~ J: ~~;..u but coopmu.o -· -----& War~lane~ L~:.-s~~ TEL AVIV <-9'l -Israell air >and ., . , · ll1oil!¥I .rm .... bniught down ·nine Fc>1>-Will J -' .. · t;all ·warpliinc!s today 1n ........ ed llglo11n, · oumey ' CRASl:I' SCENE -·John. 'N. Far>ar, Eifgartown, Mati&., Fire Depaoment. Scuba diver, is near spot wbere be removed body nf .Mary Jo Kopechne, 28, ' Future in· Own Hands killed when the car drtvf!!l 'by Sen. Edw::d J(.,,.'1 nedy went off bridge, (left). 'I . l I aloof lhe Suez Canal, mllitBry sources . . ...~-1--a:-~~.::;:-Fii=st-.{llass,dfoo-- -:-. President Gama.I Abdel Nasser of Egypt ,. --Senators Mum onKennedyj ) J;::1 · that Anb Cortes are ready now to win SPACE CENTER (UPI) -lf ')'OU think ~-' • b~~ territorjes losl··in the six-day war of the Apollo 11 astronauts are going to get • • . I .J . . . ) J~ 1967.. a royal welcome, you should see what ., : -. The downing of ntn"e Soviet·built Egyp-they're planning for the rocks. ;,-';+...,...;.~,;. tian ~l!-!j)ianes wouJd be the biggest some of the brightest people in the ..,,,...;·•:,"'.;f ---:-s:mgle'iliY's bigOT··naoarr=craft b"y the world have gathered at the space center • . • -· ·Isrnells sf nee the 1967 .bo11Ulilie11. to welcome two boxes filled with dirt and Newl11·electe4 .. 4'"erfcq11 Le9i-0 n Mllitar.1 sources hf Tel Aviv said rocks, a ro~ of foil and a used vacuum Bo ys N.a.@~ ?r~n.t CreQOTJI _ S ... ,., l:'raeli ~ shot down three of. the ~gy~ cleaner bag. · Grou. frff]htl.,.tg,.Qll'lJ, {n;d., und V1ce t1an .planes, Hawk groond-1.D-a1r ~1sslle!I The lunar samples, includit1g the two Pres1de11t W~Uiam b. Lun11, 17, Al.us· , bfought down three more atid anUa11craft containers of rocks and core sameles col· ., Kogee, Okla:, roite "their. hand! .il~ . -ffre .got.~. Qlhe.(S. • . · tected on the lunar surface were~l:lo_isted . lctdf-y at Ute· Woshingfotr D.C. meet· But Cairo radio broadcast a deWal "'Of aboard the carriei:·USS1H0~L IU11 inslde · g. . , •.,.:! ............ _ ..!.'..--·----~··claim. !t said Egyptian Plane• the "COlumbia" commarid ~sfup~ - ---.·----.-· flew deep into lsraell~ied SlnaJ ·m Ttte rocks will be loaded aboard two An S..pound, 2-ounce girl born retali~Uon for ls~aell air attacks ~ twi,n-engine prop planes for a flight to unday to Mr. •nd Mrs. Eddie lte Egyptian.emplace~. The. planes li!"~ Johnsion Isllfld.1ben e~ing.wtll be cGhee of Memphis, Tenn. bas Israeti" ~et ~ ~' arti~1 poll· loaded aboatd a ~141 ~ forte cargo en named Module in honor of lions, •ilH JNe ~reel .. plane·for the ffight:to E1lingtoo AFB near I "It The troadcasl aaid four Israeli :plaOOI • the space· center, · e. Apollo 1 astronauts. was were shOt do.in~ and uU-ee othen hit It ~-idea,U...&akl Ml'5:-McGbeer aaaeautaC orie Egyptian Pfane ""i"SOviet. --- l was my husband's." She said . built ~i not a MIG -was downed. :?"~~,.... e had balked at the name "Lun-· , r Module McGbee" becaus~ "it idn'J sound too good ." .i i ' , .•. -... '\)A -.. ., ·~ . ~ 1.w • -~· .. ,,,- i\1aureen Beckett of MaTston I Green, England "has a strong · mind of her own," says her hus· band, Bob, and slie didn't like the ore'en color thier garage ~ doors were painted. "She had GI War DeatJis . ~-1 Ilise But Still ~ Below Average gone on at n1e for months," SAIGON (AP) -American battlefield said Beckett , an engineering deaths in Vietnam increased 23 percent executive. "But I did nothing." last week to a total of 182 but were 23 ftfauTeen ' did somtthing. Sh:e ~t beloW 1he weekly average for drove the family tar through the year, the U.S. Ccmmand reported · the closed door.t,\ .doing $500' ~ih Vielnamese headquarters said worth of damage to the doors ~ ;gs gqv~rru;neot troops were killed, a and tlie new.o:v~ and. cutting ~ deeria!e of ffi perctnt over the previous the 30-year·o1.cf WofflQn 's legs -· w~kr ~my casualties also dropped_ enough lo ; e:q u~r, i hdspi tol s1!gfitJy. from 2,369 lAl 2,203 last week, treatment "l eani ~-the funnv aCcording to the weekly casualty report. side." lier hvsb'1nd-.soid. 1be ·~Ur Vietnamese attributed t1'le ~ .,.. -..1 ' deCreast jn their battle dead to a 20 e percent decrease in enemy. activity. A . spokesman for the U.S. Command said ~ Mrs. Anna Sherline of Detroit action picked up somewhat last week, f ound thal the ~vay to the W~!e and that the South Vietnamese. report of ouse's heart is through ra1s1n -a ~rease was "their evaluation." trudel. Recently, she sent Pres. .... -.The -total of American"dead was the dent Nixon 70 pieces of her spe-highest "1ince. Juqe _22-2', soon aft.er the ial raisin strudel along with'~~a~ '5tari ol ·tJl.e ~UTef1eld lull. whlcb today t th t h h I I t h went into its sixth week. 'Ibat week 2tl ~ues a . e e P oca e _er U.S. troops were killed. , 1ster who lrtfl'_. .. ~ :J.be: ~Jet -~ ~week1y average of Americans nion. Mrs. s~.UWe has not. Ma~d • .JU!.led· In combat "°"! atMds at 235 for m her sistet'tD ·tWo· year~. 1 ~Slie ~ year. The total tn ,the week bef~e ot two replies. The Whi.te-1'0use-• JaSt was 148, tht: lowest since the first I t r ent her on her week of the year. ~ro e O comp im ,. In th,. abseoce of large-scale fighting, cellent strudel. The U. ~~ alm~t all of the casualtie3 since mid- e Department wrote that the June have been Inflicted In scores of Cross is lryinf 4Jocate her 'r*?.11 unit" contacts that occur dally er. ... r .. \.aniS by' bcd.ly traps. • 160LATION GARMENT Engineer Modtl1 Suit I ~ ,. --. 1 Rai'li§· :Hail Hit Midwest . _., '-· t t I t • Apollo 11 Astronauts_R.etur..n_to Mixed .Weatlier f I . Callf•rlMtl . l'IOllllOflSSAWUTllllMIMIGllWSTTO·l:DIP.llUT ,.,. .... ! Mo-I of $0U1'-"'¢ltl'lrW!l11 ... t1lr • · ~ ""' '""' -~l"'UO c:loudlnei1 . HUTl';" ... TIUL COOL -l.l!IY •I ~ """°"'' 1r111.inl1f"' m· pt., , , ,) ... ....,_."'"' l'ld bf.c:ftn. T..,...lf'-·-••!fl 1 • ' • -• • r' tttt•rt l\!'f'" , ...n.1111 '; 1,...,. "" ........ , flOmt. ~y.~ ~ • , Lea "'""IH wat ,.._ l•lr 1'llllrl' :.,: , , _, .J. ' -"l.•••in. '"9U IO e11un11tld :fll'Hh Mrl"t' moml119 lrW 'l!'loudl u111 • ,..IL · • WAIM . -Bl•mt~k ~ ac.tllertd l!>ulldt•-"' 111 ..,. ~-: • I :-:·:::::. . . .:" •l•tO•• BolM ,....Ill,. Tiie l'llltl loQy w-s 16 1nd ; ' : · -'• '•:•.'," ,• ..... prWICtelf 1aw tor thll tvtl'llftl u . HOT 111n• • , ~· ~<.:.~ 1 • ao.ioot Lholll to ll'Mlde•••· '""" W•-· p'"' ~nuclltt ~ l&IWIC.lt1 ... 'J"l 'N"' .,._,vni. ....,I I" ff'le Lo. Anqe..._ letlll ·-,,, \I 4 -.. :·:• ··· ~.. Chit"O J"" '° ,,. A~ Pollutbi c~ ·ou.· , 1 • •• ""'"·. Cll"C'-ll trlc"t. ; • .. .. , ~ ..... '° ee!ldo COIOl'mUl'lllln 11.M ·~· _.. • , .tl Ill Denwr " " 105 7' M ,• " .. '' •1 " " N " u " tJ ., -W AS!IlNGTON (AP) -Seo ate col· leagues are being un'Usually light-lipped about tf'l1! Political consequetice.r 'Of ~ Edward M. KenneQy's Weekend accident whfch toot lbe We of a woman riding ip fils car~ · · With the exception of Democratic Leai:ltr Mike Mansfield, who has said the whole affair could have · heppe11ed to anyone, usually loquacious senators genera.Uy ha.VI! .refused to discuss the matter, even on a relatiVely secure off. the-record basis. Even Republicaru;, who see K~y as a pot~tial oppon~ for-tl)e ipresidency, have been re.Juctant to . talk about the matter Privalely, much l~·p11blicly. 'T1me few senators. wiUir!g to :discuu the incident anonymously generally seem to agree that Kennedy 's piiliUcal.future is in his own hands and indicate. they are withholding judgment wi\P ·he explains the alfalr more fully . · What, ~want to ~ inyolye11 Ken· •. nedy's finUfe to rtport ;the accideDl to -pollee .. until nine· hours "after his car plunged· off a bridge on I Massachusetll island, carrying Mary JO Kopecllne to her death. Miss Kopechne, a former assistant to Kennedy'• late Qrother the senator bad repeatedly oUered to P8Y. Robert,· had aUended a party with the expenses of Miss Kopechne'1 fUneral \ EdWard Kennedy and several other Apart rrom·fhi obvious anxiety oC Ken-. persons just before the accident. • nedy' to do anything, be could to help The ~ators who would 'talk say ·if make amends for the accident, the~ there is any semblance of a' cover·up, feared this could act only to rtvS•d either by Massachusetts officials or Ken-cynical criticisms thiit the J<ennedyl nedy himself, of his -.. IOOVernents-fit:w.ing·····-&lways· ·felt their thoney could -bu-'! t.he nine hours, public reaction c~-be anything. 1 I politlcalJy disastrous. Further developments In the ca!le ~!eez:d A logical and detailed ,NplanaU.on of likely to have a bearing on the lnfluena'l what Kennedy did and where he went Kennedy has with Democratic colleaguu after the girl drowned in his submerged in the Senate in his position as Ult part)'} car could he.Ip off.set in their minds whip, or assistant leader. . . • \ criticaJ comment already surfacing in ~~ ~a~ of general belief that ~· tiail 1 mail that "the KeMedys can get by with the U\Slde track for the presid_e:ntlal , anything in Massachusetts" because of nomination, Kennedy's views on th• I their wealth and,polilical power. issues have been given a weight 1eldcm Democratic rolleagues searching for accorded those of a No. 2 man. ~ mitigation of the awkward circumstances He was largely WtrumenW. («' ft• cite Kennedy'.t quoted statement to the ample, in getting the pemocratic follq, father of the dead girl, thal "I wish it Committee to take the urianlmowl pas;. had been me" as the kind of human rea1;;-. tion that tas reforms-mum: be tn band! tion likf.ly~to arouse public sympathy for. and ready for atrtion before the Seoate. the last active male adult of a family would be allowed lo vote oo the JlouH.P,.. ... already seared with tragedy. proved extension of th1 10 ,parcea1 ~ But there is a general feeling among come surtax. "4. them that it was a mistake for a member 1n his absence, that resoluU~~ of the Kennedy entourage to report that to be deteriorating. , -.. ~ Collins Roots for Mi~e '~.1 Quarantine OK As Long as Tesi Animals 'FeelFine~lj ·" ,, ... SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPO -He won't mind the quarantine 'a,.f t er splasbdown, says Michael Collins, as long as the mice feel okay. The mice he ·spoke of are the. 350 albinGell raised germ-Cree to help doctors determine whether the Apollo 1 1 astronauts picked up s o m e unearthly genn from the moon. Dr. William Kemmerer, Space Agency quarantine manager, said, "We feel sure (the mice) will serve as ·very excellent life detectors." The mice are In the iiolation buildirig at the Space Center in Houston, awniting the arrival of Collins, Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., and the first samples of moon material brought back to earth. The three-week quarsntine began the day Arm strong and Aldrin slammed Shut the moon lander's hatch on the surface of the moeo and lasts until 18 da)'3 after splashdown in the Pacific Ocean todq. The· spacemen are handed biological Isolation garments -baggy suits which totally enclose each man and filter his brealh -wh ile they are still in the Apollo shi p and wear these to a trailer-like vehi- cle on the deck of the USS Hornet. , The trailer totally 1'olates tbtm frOm - the persoos around them and they ride in it until they get to the main isolation building at Houston, where the mice and ther medical detection processes await. Collins said before launch the crew would be involved in lengthy briefing! and technical activity even if they did not go to the moon , and would be "locked up after the flight, literally or figuratively, anyway.•· "The additional imposition is negligible,_ provided no mice die," he said. "'lbe mice start f.eeling poorly -well, that's a v:hole new ball game." The bllilding at Houston -the Lunar .ReCeiving Laboratory -is an $11 million facility built Just to reduce the chance of any moon·raised disease germs getting · free on earth. fn ·addition to the astronauts. it will hold the priceless ri>ck samples they brought back and Colum· bia, their spacecralt. . "The 21-0ay period (for I he crewmembers) ... is a period that covers most of the variant dise4se incubatidn P"'-liods," R. S. JohnslOn, director Of the overall operallon, said. "We think that this is a rea300able time puk>d and bas been .,gr-eed to after a great deaJ.,, of dlscus:sJon by m o s l of the scimlific groups." Bul it tales lon1er to process the rock sample!, he said. ~ ! "You're not lookiog tar ~ b .j cubation here," he sald. uyou•re tr'Ybllt4· process these samples through I YC!J complicated process withln t b • laboratory in order to then if whether they bave anything l)ial la p hazard." 'rti The crew will not be too Jonely Iii lit. Isolation building, They'll havo U odlec persons in lheTe with them. •(· ' Twelve perons, including I eoof, 'l?ntere~ the building in. Houston 5unday1 night so doctors. could check theni and' idebtlfy any earth 'bug.o they Mn!tlll:~ might be carrying, ;gaid chief .,troo&1ll physician Dr. Charier Berry. _:.. • i ' Clay }{esentericed _>~ For Draft Evasil>n "ji~ HOVSTON, T•<. lAPJ ,. 'Ii ~ judge re..nJence<t Casilm Cl., 1M1oJ lbt same five )ears in prisoQ 11odttGi1 fine he assessed in June: 15157 alter•CJ.i,}ii cepidllo ..o .. a charge ol re111siiJ1 di.tetion into Ute armed servlcea. ·-· U.S. lliJt. Judge Jde Ingraham llll!-it the same sentence without comm • for ALL YOUR P.LUMB.INill' ,N E E 1.'S. t ·:t tlr1Y ""'"'ll'tll ...... CIOuOS WfWl cite~ • ' fO \': ,.;:.'£! 0.1 Moines 1119 1w '"111m1rn1 .... W•ltf' lfmMf'.. ..-..a • JMOwas N '' .SI GARIAGE . DISPOSALS IN°SINK·ERA TOR MODEL NO: 3·33 $·3115 REG. $59.9S WATER HEATERS ' REPUIUC .. GMNI'' · •vn ,,..,.._.. a 11'111 •Ir ~t~ v: , . . Dr1"*' 1'· ~· '. lflil· ft[Wt•ttltl fOTOUSllf) v ~{\ .. , F1trtletlltt · 111kM>t11M _.. "*'"' • '! • -. •"II Fort Wwt11 • ... ~lot. •!"""""'-'Ill! • ---~ • -• , _ 1 111 ""' """"" 11ii¥ .. i..: --.~ .. -.,. .... _ _ -· litlt ... ~I COl'lll.... to KC..,,,I tor . . Htroolllllol _ 111 .... """"'' 111t111t1 ~.. f'..utel ~ 11 .S. Sun111M1r11 ~· C1tY I ,_ """' • IN 11:•tllrftlll l!!l.ll!dfr· Hiii! _,,..,.. ,.1" •nd "911 ;;..,.,,.. (•1 v..n ""°"""" Hi.tit "' HM _.. vallrl" ' ....,.. 1nont1....cloud1, ~ clff,.. , .__.._ -1 .. ~ llt lft fllOI loMr •J\M.•~ ......:..-.... .. """ .• ,-.. fw ~lllf, ~ fM taftlrlt "lllM lod•Y wl!h ,.(II ~~ -~~ .. " t ~ .. "' ~··• llWI It!•~ 11111 lnd'I <t._r1111 l'KOl*4 M!1ml $llJlt llltM .,....,_, 111f fWtU• W\flft """'"""" t I'll 1• lu>011. Hlt111 111 CDf!Cordll, Kin .. ..,,. 1 .r ... llo\lr M1"""""1• I -~ ffdl?; L-ktdl .,...., i.i.v ""'' 11. fl'lrllid. New Orllll,. I'"" MOnlt9 *""" 8"""9ftl ,..., Ml. Ve11trd1Y'1 ...,_,.,,_ ''""" ,....,.. A lflunOl:n*"' 11 E"'_le, ~ Ntw .Vert; I Wl9-ft;'Jt, ,..,,,... .. !ttoltl, 11'1:: • I hltfl • f.I W 73. lll!Mf llmlMl'~llr'I brw91\I Ii lftfli Ill hGvr Wll'Mk-1tnif NOrth "llltt tiff """'•~-~' ""'1' "' ,,,_ w .. •to 16. W..., ~NA .. "'Ill M ~ twlk(tltrtd ~ O.itlttld • • ':r-.e:.,;11!'7!;E-O~,Jt ~ ~ tfi ,-.r. J ..-111t11ts1er,' Mt. '°"'alrli "'II NII ~ ~ Olll'*"'• '""° l.,~~.;;e.C~r~. ~1~,s-. .~"· ·7Jle.• ~ ~'~" d•~. t.:'s." .... r~..."': :;.a...,._ tha.. 'wT"VltlDAT l'llMf lltlhe C..i wllt-"'" """'""'""~II ' •~ .. _,._ •t llllf '""""~ llAV•llll'tll Ill fM PlmtMI"" ,/lenltf/#frt re,. f lrJI fllflil ··· •·· ··•· f:a I"-""... '°"""'''· Portl.tl'll , !11111 =:..i't"''~'lllN':;..io:t. f'lllDAY $kitt wwt ·~r 111 !ht Horfl!wttl R .. ld Cl" L c>fLll, Y,l~NITV-• J'Jnl IDW ..... 1 ...... ·• llM 111'1'1, 0.J lo 'flt Wlftr ~lftl•thtlll Vtllrf ""4 lled lllrfl ._ rlluial JI ~_.lid itr!V • n-11 hltll .... , .•. ,1 ... 1'81,11'1,J.• ,,..,.. N 4'M!' .. P'llllnl It fllt l wltlo R- '-fl .ttiW. W""1 wllfl ~ i. ...... , ..... 11:16 """" '·l -•· .. Sttr•t'rot~i. ' """ '""' """ ...... ~"" ,, .. ~ tlltll .......... •10•~ .... Mott '"""""~ .. ,. ~ S..11 L-. CJ'r • ,,, LIHlt -.r1lvr. dliftlt. OWflo Id lfNt toOlt -,mllll II ,,... ,_ ltn D1'# . kMI -ft. "'*"' """"'" ... ~ ~'f:· 1.11'1. ""'~· ll.M. ,~,~ holfl,.W-~ 19-.w.J-. ,,..,,,~ ~ CA~li'DltNIAYb ~ 'jtflli ~·11 1..,11. koll 1·01 e,fl'l. 1111 S..llS. ·-~-=-~ ;... ...... ,.... .. ,.... ~-fllf~ .... -:--= ~~ -·., .W ""'*" ............. Jiii!' • ,,._ I Ave. :II A111. IJ -fnlnlillt u.111t c~!-W1Mirlftfl' \ u ~ N ~' .IS 1(11 " .. , .. " " ll ... • OUR PRICE ........ .. M.d•I JJJ-1 y,, 6v•••11I•• . 'EL 'NO. s~s ... $4688 ~EG. ~9.95 OUR PRICE_. ..... . Mo4•l 555-l Yr. Gu'''"''' 1 ·lt\!)DEL NO. 77 $5495 "-=i,'="-~t :~!:. . .. .. ... • . . 20 Gal. ; • ·$42.D 30 Gal~ • • $44.a 40 Gal ••• $49.fa 50 Gal. .. • $64.la Thit ~u11ity 911111,.tffi 9J111 lii.td w1f1r 1i.1t>M i1 •qvlpp1d with •,11f1ty 111r1p. 11 f,.qvir ... lly l1w, w. h1•t ••fl'I• 4•v Tln'f•ll1tl•11 •"11!.t.I•, If yow wi1h. All 11or1"1l l111ltll1lit11 '"'" i..dv.IM. c.11 Oy No•" -'"'''n •h•• d•v· "''' '"'""'"' IY h11t.!l1fio-"1il1bl1. Ml ""' '9111 t.r,a.1 .. ,., 1tlv111b•l"t • • • ' Advertising Loss Br~asltf~s i C~gf!;~e_tt.e,.,_ Ian w AlllING'l'lllf .(UPU ..,: : 1 I "1i,. i.-1ic lnGJltq • .,. cuild the -toda)i·of mUlll llr,.~-WiiPPinc boi" by --with tbe cipnlte lmmT• to e:top adtettllilrc~Cll ; and ndlo. • oul The plan, l!hlch w d. elimmt. cigai'·•'t_'te eqm.. · , men:tala ·by l!eplember Im, I wu anaaunolll Tu11dey. iSenate an11pno1ring leaden I called k & rimd; coatrtt:Mn1oll to publjc bWth. • Blll •~-. • 1said'.·t(llliJ,tbe ~' 'lndull.l)".teJtl WU ldl GUt'lD . wilal they' calJod . a <Jell it l --and cigar@-',, te mUen. ~~ "'4> WaSQewslti even qgestect . the ~Would bllterlJ .+'I' ihaf )f mlaht be beol even· poie .ibo J!lm!t wbkh would tually lo takO clgu.tlea off cost b~ ,!2tO m1Uloa the llllU'ket eolireJi. , a year J.n cigarett,e ad-''The j'.overmnent mould .. -·~--. loot. larcMJ!l!lne sollltlom..to ~-aipalled the -jiiiibleiDol smoliliii' and 'their -to fight In a Na· health' rather than making tional A<lodaUOD of Broad-broadcasting a whlpplt!g boy.'' oasten (NAB) memo to mem-'l1le hroadcaslen Indicated bers. lDdustry sour c ~ s they would accept the NAB'• elaborated in conversations proposal to phase out cigarette with newsmen but asked not to commercials gradually over be idenilfied. the next four years. The NAB • r Franco To.Name \ Premier? ~~r;~·~ .. ~,-· .• •.·; "., · .. : ... ·. ', . ·" . . ' R·~s F~ee Eif~PIY Captps Trad~ B~ts B!f-ton ,in In Bitter D'ebate ·on ABM Sp·y Swap · · : ' . ' WASllNGTON (UPI) -The to -'""" -af the' -"'111111 .,... Wiiy doel 1"11 " ~) LONDON (UPI) ,,.-Brlillb two -camps aat fedng -•--ll>e ·~-~!" ··-0 o MAD~m (UPI) S J·•··-•· ~--" .ft-•e -· NCh ·±c""" a de.erted ABH .....,,,, ~two -a ,.,,...,.. .,...,. IOd ntdra :;-.i)-r-" . -, • =~= =~ ~~ ·-,_ . . clii -..-to ,.jalhl," Harl llld. . ,,l!ml;l!IJi;;:~~··~y.N.°", freed today lrfm a .Soviet le ber, -1arill& d-'IP· 1 ·' ' """"' .. a -·"'''"In < ~·., ,,...,... f'nDI labor camp and flew hQme to ly, t 1e r words bitter and ·He demlndld to -why cho(W. 11111 -.• ~ .,,\~ dm. a poom1er who EbJ!laod In whll wu thootlht-acid, l1ndlng nothing In com· Mlll'Jll11 lllpporied the old-AK~· 11:111e,dlncilaii 0"'·~ ,,_. _,. ~ ... , to ...: ... •-• f • ,,.. moo. tlnel ABM 1111em Jul ,l'Uf, aC11io · ww -.,..·.'-'.power~.... -·~ •~• 0 1 .,y In the· back row <I. the wblcb·bu been al>lr#r. A •1 ''1..... ~will lab Ute th.-~ler Franco bi Jl'ffil" tha1 would free ao DemocraGc side of the. alsle the Nlxao ~-cJiarte IW yur;• !fut ,.u. gone. ~ couple who ,...,.. S-Pbllip A. Hart ([). "Were )'OU «."'1!1111" · ~· . The pmnllir was e~~· 1toie Britain's alopiic 1ub-Mich.), ind John Sherman he Ai\l'to !ti. • The iclillllel Q11em wa marine aecrell for "D ...... 11. 'Cooper ( R • K Y . ) , long-tlme 'IJ WU " CJ.me the dlliped to ~ the ..... lo be Adm. liDll camro B L ·-• allies In Ille fight againlt Ute shouted . ritort throuch Ille tlon'• citlel lrom Jllllclo bt. co, 86, lhli _,...,.....,t vice· The !act that Brooke bad ptlbailisUc milsilo ays1em mloropbooe. -m I a i 11 e 1 • · pm1ldenl. ue.ts Fruco'• moot been. C(lll\'lded -the Britl!h (ABM). lr-;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii trusted "'"6llpte and wu fn. lald unjustly -oo a .com. Seo. John G. Tower (R-•-·-'A_._, ._ ....... -1~ _,. paratlvely minor crime touch-Tex.), wu on bis feet · luw~ ... ~ --.w: "We dido'! start the amu Princ»,Jqan CM1ol ol·Boiboo. ed oil I major polltlcal slonn raie," be l""pped. "They as Spatn'a futuna .'1al. in-Brita.lo. There were charges have bee" the provocateun." With FniloO loobic on. the· · ' ""-•-In the Houle of Commolll lhe To hlJ lelt.. Seo. Geilrge L. Jl-y~ld ....._ --"¥ SPANISH P/U!'l'l\IER? government wu submllled to Murphy (IWalif.), llood up ,._ Adm. LiM .,.,.,,, Russian blackmaJI. aod took a microphooe oot of night nore before t>ir~---------Brooke, freed by ...,,..t Ills desk .,ira_. and 1po!te he woold remain 1oJll1o the ' -: Angk>&vlet oegotiatt<lll, .... tM<Jgh • JOUd electroOlc autboritertaD pdndplel wtlb sentenced In RU!sia to five -llllor he uses beca11Je of a which the *riaNll!..-Human :·En-or years for handing out &IJ!i..,. throat condiUoo. Soviet propaganda. The coople "I r<eall vlvldlY M r . baa ruJ..ed Spain lor,111N'lo -F' d · • P~ h were Peter aod Helen Kroger QiamberlJln go!ni'lo· Munich; Saying aClai' "Sl"-(jii), · lXC ID "'·as who were sentenced to 20 He had to take what Mr. Juan Carloe becami~Frlbco's ye.an to 1911 for spying at the HiUu chOle to give him ••• ln legal JUCcesaor aoc! toot the MEXICO CITY (AP) -Britlsil Porlsmouth N av a I tblJ body we cannot tab Iha UUe Prince o1 Speln. He Human error caused the crub B"'-"' Amerian lnlelllgence. chance ... God bel(t 111 II we becomes King Juap m of of a Me.xican airliner June 4 says tbey·rully are Mr. and-make a mistake." Spain when Franco dle1 or that killed ~. 79 -Mrs. Morris Cohen o [ Cooper fdlded and refolded a relires, •••• ..:. ,....... , __ _. ~-Brooklyn. N.Y. Pll!'" In his hands, hlJ lace , Sit Ung at' Franco's right &i1U<U.u, llAOll.Nmg ..,;:wuS ""*m-There still was no offlclil fluihed with anger. Hart sat at hand. Juan Carlos told parlia-pion Rafael Osuna, the .Mex-announcement of a "spy attention, his lips Jn a tight ment in 1 his first poliUcal ican Communications and swap,'"but d.iplomaUc llOW'CtS grtmac:e. speech that he d"""1 for Tramporiation Mlni!try an· aald negotlatiolls for ooe ...,. t'lnally Cooptt ,... and, hil SUMMER CWRAllCE SALE! . . w, ..................................... _T• ........ ~ .. ~ ................... _ ... . ..... .. ...,.-,...... .' ~ CLD11tboyJ ... ~ f:le~ 9!',...i ........ stH.ltf ujlhol•t•r-' -••1~ $44t.:i9-NOW IUf.IO t .... C...... a11 IL 1'r l ~--............ .-;;;;;:; .... $2JO.OO -New-....... . . I t ,, ........... ~·-· l\of. ~ .... ~... . i H-e1U1otrd1 -IC!119 Siw-S1Lll ~ Qv_. 51 .. ~s't,JSll Fun ·s;,, $11.H -Twi1.SJ.t1. Y•11r ~,..,el~ lliilt Sbe S,.••• -~ic• of'c•IMt-lo9-$20.tl ..... t'IJ." ,,..._ Seta f~t llMr) w/illllet .,n.. .i.•th•ttMo R-v. f I 06.00 -NOW $71.11 Spain .. progress, development, under way. Moscow dispatches faint volee u loud aa ~could unity, justice, liberty and nounoed today. Aid the Krogera w9.Uld be ex-make It, told Murphyni would M Ille In••••• C11tto"' .... ....,...,... .......... ,.,,...,._ U they are to be cut off plan, rejected earlier by from cigarette advertising, the cigarette makers aDd leaders broadc.astera !UI, the saipe cl. ttJre Senate commerce com- yardsllclc should be applied to mittee, · wa. designed t o maguine.!I and newspapers. cushion broadcasters' ~· NAB Prelidenl :Vincen1 T. claJ losses. grandeur. This will only be -The ministry 181 d In-pecte4 to return to Bustla !ID--"not lower the purpo1e of b••"'· IM-11Sh, ,,, •• , ·IC•i111Mr.u1ll' He.•> ...,_ tm.11 possible to achieve with in-vesUgaUon Showed lhat the medJa'te},y ---to ~led 88 what we ho~pe;,to~ach?<le::;•"'e~andT.~....,,.N-O_w_s1_"_·_11 ____ .,.._ ________ o....ll-_.. temal peace." --:-Plane was comlng-fil~[asr heroes and ,rurarded 8CC1lr · WlmrUils-ctc>UJ1trj· £Peil £0 -.~ ..... (uttli+y) w/I~ •,rl"f "''"'_, ... Jff.IO He said the monarcbr. would and at ~ ~ an angle of in&ly. ~ achieve by. references • tt1 NOW Ut.lt · be polillCiDy efficient ' sOTong descent, Mid \hat it . was O p P. o siUon Conservative Munich. I ~ not tblnt that .,..... ""-'lr SJ.II ... f11ll a· J.lwffy. as It knows how to keep a just outside the atllltoriJed in-party in.mben of perilama>t , vatel the debate." He po ana true ba1aoce of powers." etrument landing pollem ud were'° angry at Iha roporled ed to lei the angry m0m<nt SIESTA SLIEP SHOP Juan Carlos pointed oot that prolecllon zone -II crlSll-swap they loooed heavy p 11 s , tlien left Ute floor tt27 HARllOll BLVD •• COSTA MW he was young ·enough to ed Into a ·mountain near criUci.sm ~inst Pr Im e saying, 0Mr. President, l 'IJ lloclt H. 'of.:.t ttlt-lN.at,. M •r--"-hl_.,...1760 ___ .Se.ll.Qlpr, Ac.tre$..s Appeal + ---uncferstand-the-resttessness·ot-·Monterrey da rl n & .. ba4 MinlsfelHUOIOW lli 'Oii' s--thlnk tha~'.s a1l 1 ~say." 11,1~ 1..,,.... ._. lN s.. lW WASHINGTON .(AP) -A treatment is needed to (lift r:u1":!: .::r !or1~~ri-~ii'iljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjigoviiemmi. ieniiljiiiiiil.iiiiiiiiiiiliH~art~~i!la~y~e~d~o~n~edn~eada~;y:::::::::::::::::=~ U.S.. 1e111tor, an Academy "alcoholics, stie aald. Once they II: n oiw t bat Io the 1 Award winning actress, a recognize their problem they rebell.iousneM, which is of. to' t 1 • judge and two clergymen can be cured pbyalcally·with much c;oocei:o to many people, turned a Senate hearing into a rest aad a nutritioos diet and there is· •live the spirit of Session of Alcoholics can then be tr eated cr:~~.~wbowa11t1 Anonymous as Collgres! ddv· psychologically with ' 1 the Franco made clear Tuesday e<! Into Ute problems o[ drink· lrleodship and compasalon of he did not plan to mp down ing. their peers." soon. He Al~ Juan C~ The tenator, Harold Hughes "Nobody need die of this would join M:n at cabinet f d disease," the actl'es! said. sessk:Jm and m ceremonlal (0-lowa}, • re orme "We are all eminently tasks to continue the aloobalic, chaired . the ses.Von aalvageable.", statecraft training Fr a n .c o i ·w~ as the witneues• . Putting alcohollcs in jail 'is began for the tall, unassummg I related their life-ahattering not the answer, said Judge printe 20. years ago. ~ 1 ~ with alcohol. !lay Harrison of tilt Des 1 . "Tb• akkl row bum. OD the Moines,· Iowa, M u D i cs p a I I ' . .:..:., bench and I im lht..,.. Court. He outlinl!d hil p.,,. ,..... gram of aendlng dnmb to i , J)ersM," said •et res • classes in hi! courtroom one Mercedes McCambridge. "The night a week to discuss among ! only difierence is tbat ·t am themselves their drinking pro- sitting here witb: m;v1 seilse of bletn& : • ,. " "-'ty and self-e1stttm '"It's · somewhat llke UJ6UI Alcoholics Anonymous, except becauae L know r have my at a lower level," uld Har- 'lj&hl to my life. '11le hum n.son, Who -he' had been needs only to be shown that be in jail 18 times for public has the right to his." druntenness bel<n cur in I -Ml.!I .McCambridge, who himself 26 years ago. won aD. Oscar in 1950, gave a The Rev. Michael Sheen of moving account of her suc-Boston told of nights he v.·as cessful fight over alcobollsm. "so saturated with liquor that • She de!cribed alcd>olilm as I could barelY stand up.'' UnW a disease but said very few he found himseU last April, he doctors undel'lland tt. said, bis drinking shattered his No o:tensive or o:pensive life, bis family and bis faith. Geppet+o Prohcje CCIJtezlo Bcmclolinos Ambassador To MexicoOK'd c Jl:IEIUCO CITY.(AP)-U.ll. Am-..ior Henry Mcllride lw presented his credeotlsls to MeJ:ican President Gustavo Dias 'Ordal aod •Ill'* 'be . believes oo poliUcaJ problems of great importa~ elist between the two countries. The Mexican president "°°" s id er s Mexican-American relations to be "in an excellent state," McBride aa.id .in a news conference after the present a tion ceremony W~ay. ' . '" PAIR ' Get Pacified . . . . ~ at : -·. Pac1fi.c'~· Saving~ ~up~r ·Market · Offering: •. ' l . ' 1 •. 30%. GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS . , PACIFIC SAVINGS gumnl11111W fOr llft ,_.CCI 2 ;iNldld dllJ .. .,. ... ....,-, Wblcll prod-a aap11a1 grvwlll of al llAll IO% I ....... II left an d9P,Cl'll.~J'OU 1!11iJ elecl to hln JOIB' lnllnlt Pllld ll!!!!'Wfr. Ae to INl n..., mlnlilutt II $1,000.00 Md prlnclplll .., !;le wlllldl•WG al.., cplllW wllMd i.e of·111..,_. ff n11dad to prwent gTNt lll2fdllllp. • r t ' 2. LIQUl.DITY. FUND DEPOSITS 1111181'11111 ..W•·""f dollar for_,, c1ar·1 II '!II dlpD911 In 'llt111 p111PJaalr •_..., l!t JOU'Ml'll fnll3I date of clepo9lt lo dale of wftfidniwal--for-ci.r~·CUrn!nt ......... 1%, ~ dlllJ, No •1111 1 • 1111111. • • l :,. • ·' ' '· "'81APEDDOllTIOX-·laf•rl !alilllll•rln11 iii 1•d"8D.llllar--. .DOWll lllMCE. llo [' ,., .. .... .... , ASIC HOWYOUCAll.IUY (8lllVICI QWICll PIB) TJCICti& ID ... r. , Ditdgrr 11 I I • - "" 1·1 -a11JJF ill 2 hi 6"· ..... t11E• lA&1killllll1111nlIMls' llOOll•tMY. '.fia MQTAllY IEAL. lllQS AND LOAll'llAI IT. ~ ANil MANYllOU FRiii s11Mcu 1 • I SOUTH COAST pl.AZA "-· I ..... . -~ . ' .. llRIS'fOL llWI • COITA MDA, CA• •o•o , ltOUll8: NO A:IL TO l:IO P .... • SAT.: 10 A.IL TO IP~ •· Pll°"' Ito 1111 . . ' '. a~gs ... -· . -· . AND LOAN AS'SOCIATIOI . .. .; ... • I , .. • • • f ·- ., ,y I • " • • I •AR:~ PILOT EDITOIUAL ~~GE I ' Ch urches Thia nation was founded on 1 baals of freedom of relijloo 'and since th• days of the Pilgrims' arrival dwrche& have enjoyed an important and unique status. One of those unique characteristics is in the. field of taus.' Traditionally. and with almost no .cli0&idence. cbLU'dtea have enjoyed a tax-exempt statu1 for all of the properties ,Ibey OWll and operate, They are not lax· eel on Income. nor do churches, pey property lases on the lands and buildinis Ibey own. Th.15 situation bas stood for many reasons. The guarantee of separation of cbureb and state, for one, . demands that the church not be beholden to govern· meat. F'Urtber, most Americans feel that cburches abnply are entiUed to this privilege. It would be bard to find a substantial group argu- ing against exempting religious bodies from taxes on th_eir churches and schools. But a cogent arg~ent has developed against other proporties owned by these rellgiou> groups -profit-mating operations lhal ex· tend into many fields, hotels, radio station&, even, in one case, a gird.le factory. Jn California the issue has resulted in a pn>pe>sed Jaw that would .Place a seven percent tax on t~ pri>p. erfiM of businesses churches operate, the same rate levied an net incomes of general corporationa. The measure ba&_passeq_\M ~le bt a 2:7-2 vole and is on thi way iO tile Assemfil'Y,-Wliere ·u has iliifter-ilWi °""' chance of carrying. Governor Reagan has indicated he •upports the principle ol the bill aJ!d is ~·peded lo sian it ii it clears the A.ssell)bly,,,, . · . , '!be bill should become law. No religious group baa spoj<en up ogainst It. Th~ Protestan( California • Ill Business ent!Ued to the trad!Uonal prMlefoa. Wh., ~ Coif Into b111in~11. it ahould pay IAlea like any otbet ~ i.ol lll'O"I'· Gonorrhea: No. 1 Menace ; California's major public health menace Ii 1onorrbea. Ju incidence in Ibo l!ale i• ltaQirln& and the growth rate is almost epidemic. Abmrt 3 in 1000 Calilomlans will report a cate of gooorrbea lhia year. But since only about ten percent of Ibo,. infected do report to authorities, II can be assumed that about 30 of 1000 will be infecled. Half of those cases will be young =under ZS years of age· -in fact, one in ten califo between the ages .of 15 and 25 will have &ooorrhea tllll year. What can be done about II! Fundamentally, what is needed i,I a draotic change . or attitude, says the California Medical AiJOCiation. '!be patient must first.;'IUlderstand that gonorrhea is not • pnvate matter b\it a matter of public concern Then he aboold be reusured tbal the record of his tn'. fection will be kept entlrely confidential by public bealllt..Qftidals. _ _ Finally, tboae infected must aooperale In helping track down his contacts, undentanding that the sole re.uon is to atop the infection and not to puniab any• one who bu spread the cliseate. - • • . -~a · ot Cllurches suppo~ it. . . Som_~. this m ... age II not getting through to California s young people. OUr echools are accuaed by some of entering _fields where Ibey do not belong, but a mas11ve education Pn>Cram at the high school level 11 very mucb In onler. • ' , · W!-a _dlurcb llla.Y• in the. ,field ol religion, il is .. Pois on Ga~ Poor Weapon States is negligible, due to reprisal capability. BACTERIOLOGICAL (&erm l warfare is even aillie:r. It is more theory than re1Uty1 and no nation bu waged Jt bi UU! century. Like chemjcal warfare, bac- Wiolo&ical conlaioa an ob Y to u 1 boomeranc factor. Moreover an "•t- tact," U one were posaiJ>le, would not pn>ctuce rtlUlll for dol'• 0< w-. bit- .Dealing in Vagueness • .. ,,~~· ·~. things they had in mind wften they kit some of the terms open. But coolracta fail when they leave too much to be decided later. Thus one mn- lract called for the sale of three acres of land, the seller lo hokl cut two acres wilhout any ruide u to their locaUon or shape. Neither party coold qr,. oo how to carve up the 1aod. 1'1e court \hen ....... up lta)laodl. too. Tbe cootrlcl .... too"""" to eof~ · Vaguenest is Nd in coolracll as well as In deeds, wiO,.. roortpcea. and the like. Gt< yoar ~I .,,...,..i. Jn ~ dledc them carlfuiq belcn 1"" ilcn-"114 In drofllnc lllem nall don In <IN!t euc:lly wllo "" whit In ntum, for what. A 11"7!1' UIOed In lqol precl&ion can •••many head1.che1. l{ou: C.Ufortdo foaovor• offtr thll column 10 uou mGf1 kftOIO about our - • . fting evtn op!imlstie 1enerat11. Bul the diseblliUea .of the two weapoo11, blown u CB (f'"' chemlcal-bloJoclW)' have not dampened the nuberence Gf 1....-ol• and their adentlflc -... who have for some yean maintained a small enclave in the army, witb barbed- wire protected laboratories and testing ranges roundabout. U you wO;Uld know the u:ttnl of the personnel of CB you will hit a atonewaJI, and IO wUI a congreaman. Thele people make C1A Jook 1abby. Tbey can drtlp nerve gas by accident, tilling IOOO rqe llbeep In Utah, and tte lbout II 1111111 cor- nered. Some oblerven: belieYe •ffl'll thouwid are employed In llratepc and lclentlfii: •tudi .. alld te.Ung. . TRIS OUTFIT Is costing you about S3SD million annually, mos Uy for defense, but $16 million is for offense. The total is sunk in the Pentagon's general request for $21 billion for new weapons, research and devet-Further, the Peo!qon has bffn concealing offensive CB COila under a defensive Jabel. A subcommittee ol Ute Senate Anned Services Committee inve:itigated, had trouble discovering the conce11ed eosta. It is headed by Sen. Thomas Mcintyre, New Hampabire, It reported against of· fmsive CB. Senator Mcintyre said: "We must do all we can to protect our people and «Jr troops against biological and chemical warfare, but measured agaiD.St this na- Uori'a trldtUoihll oppolltiOn to offensive uite of auch 1gent1. we could not justify rcsell'Ch and development u:pendilure.s tor ht purpb,,e. .. EAllL Y T8l!I MON'nl tho fuTI oon1- mittee lopped '2 billion from the $U billion· request. cutting SI& rnillion 'for ol- ftnsive CB. fte cat leaves defensf\'t CB im«t. SbouW the Seolte -the commltl<O'• ........._.,,,,. wlll ,bo the On! bo4\litwt Udo caboliltlc ~I has ever had '\o .. like: , The Senate Jbou)d conli1111 it, and relegate €B's nli!lllry -and ' l<lentlltc peraonnel to athtt dutJes more critlcal Ip the dol.,.,. J>"'ll'lln ind more In Uepinl wtlil --tMlllil-• t "' ~ ., -H. j , 8. T1lll f1Mt11n rtn.ch ,....,... ....., .. _rl,,. .................... .... ,_. "' -" .... , .... o.itr ..... . Luna 4 Was Jfifth Flop By Russians Russia Jolt four moon·ml1111'on 11>1ctcran In succession before titlaDy IUCCffdinc in puUing Luna t~ into arbit. Of the four co,,tiy flops. two never tot off their Jaunc.h.ing pad!. One exploded and burned on the pad, the other burat in- (" ',",.\J,; "• I • ~1' f Allen::Goll ' l ¥ ' . • . ..:..";.";, ·~-. -~.l .r; ~ to names and crashed witruO secmdJ m. ter lifl-<1ff. The other two Soviel mooncraft had t.o be destl'O)'ed because of majct' mallunc- tions .ift.er they were airborne. nus s\l:Celllon of dilaaten explains in 1 large measure why the Reda are so psychotically secretive and myst.uious- about their apace operations. 'Ibey hive an obsessive fear of failure and in· adequacy. LUNA IS also throm significantly reveali"IJ.~ why the U.S. won lht race to 9e first to put a man on tbe moon. Ruasia lacked the scientific, technical and lndustrtal rtsources and skills. At the start, the Soviet had a decisive lead with a far more powerful boolter rocket. The U.S. was distincUy inferior in that ree:anl. But once It caught up, lhe U.S. steadily forged to the froat witb its greatly superior technology and meana. U.S. authorities also have pod reuon to believe Moscow's primary interest in space is mBltary, and that it.I .ez. periments and developments in that Beld are intrinsically for millllry purposes. In 1he opri,loa of informed operta, certain structural and other characteristict of Lurw 15 lend themselves stroncJy to the nature oi a military "device." IT IS JDGm. Y significant that no foreigner -and relatively few Russians. for that matter -ha& Sffl1 a SOviet space vehicle. Unlike lbe U.S .. which lclevbos Its ..,._.,t and ffigbll, RUllla - neither. Even afttt a !UC«SSful orbit, the ticl>tat oecr.cy persists. What pktins are nlused are innocuous and Wftfealo Ing. Another baaic ctlfferenct betW'em the space operaUona of the two CCUltriet iii; th1t the Soviet's Is under mWtary rule and ~ U.S., civilian control. Comklerable is known by 1 V.S. ln- telllpnoe -the Beds' opooe ac- llYlliel. Modi d 1b11 --ledce fl • 1•1ned tlnqp .lcimttllc a n d ~at~• land, in the air ll1d -.i.. ~ natu .. Ind l!'pe cannot be Indicated. It can be r-w Ula! th• lollurt or ~ach of the !cu-Soviet mOCMHfl..laalon crart w-11 tnon &o-~.s. authorltles almoot .. IOOll .. to U1f' Rnatoo.. -rt s. An. ... t •· Goltr •M• • Tbeodatt White, lhe noted expert on mWna Pnaidem, rep:i.rts in Life that Bob Ffncb turned down the vice presid~ ti.al nominaticn 1ut year U a favor to Mr. Nt.on -because he "foll be could be a better friend and adviser han a run· nine mate.'' Mr. White aoes on to leU how the party'• conservaUve1 vetoed all the llberala and vice veru. Finally, be 1ay1, Mr. Nixon wu Jeff. with a couple of .. political eunuch&." • M Ibo end <i lhot Iona nillh~ UJ'll Mr. White; Mr. Nii:on picked Mr. Spiro T. Agnew beeauae be w11 impressed with his "square.cu( jaw (and) atb1etlc frame." The White: Houae confirms that thl! is "an accurate account" u far u it goes. The only place it i:oes further is in a tape ftlCOrdinc which bai f1Uen into my hands. .. WELL BOB, I've won the Pruideotlal llOIDlnatioo, , lhlnb to my hard-llltting campajp. my firm stand on the issues, my rdulal to mate any de.ala and strom 'Ibunnond. Al m1 best friend Ind ad- viser I whom do )'OU think J ahou.ld DOW pick u my running mate?" "Gosh, Dick, how about a ....Jurless, dedica1ed Northern liberal like Lloduy, Percy, Rcmney « Hatfield?" "I promised Strom I wouldn't.'' "Then, I gueu you'll .have to pick a fearleu, dedicated Southern conservative like Strom or Tower or •.. " "! proml!ed Lindsay1 Pen:7, ftomnoy and Hatfield I woWdnJt No_, Bob, what I need to help.JM llld: our era\ Nation in these tryini Umel ii a man who's never offended ll'l)'body......,. ml eunuch. say, Bob, I -H'1'a lot to u!<.· but ... " · "I'm not the man tcr ~Job, Dick.., ' 11vou couw u lf'OOrDed tor the role, ftOb." "It pains me to think of It, Dick. I'd rather remain your best friend and ad- viser."' · "Well, if you want to put your weltarc lheod of the Natlao'o, Bob. Let'1 st<, -· ---- I've been through the li!t <i --· Let's start en the alternates. Hmmm. Amokl Aardvargen. I bear be voted for .-leash iaw cnoe. We duo't wa.nt i'o offend the dog-lover vote. The next is ••• " (The tape is a lltUe scratchy for the next seven hours, but matches can bt heard, s~b as, "Well, so much for tb1 Milwaukee precinct lists, band me the Miami phone book." At this point, there is the sound of a door opening and new Voice says:) "OH, GOSH. u cuse me. Wrong room. I'm Spiro T. Agnew, gentlemen." "What's a Spiro T. Agnew, Bob?'' "It's what we've been looking for , Dick!" "But whoever beard of a Spiro T. Agnew, Bob~" "Exactly, Dick. Who can be offend«! by something he never beard of? And look at that square<ut jaw and athletic frame." "I'm impressed, Bob. There' 1 llOOlellUng about him that tella me we woo 't even have. to groom him for the role." "You'rt right, Dick. Take my friendly advice : He'll be the most inoffensive run- nlhg mate in history! " ~·I CAN'T VOUCH for the aut.heqticily <>( this tlpe ?eCCl"dJn&. But all Ufi Pollacks and Jape and Limeys tnow what an in- offensive running male Mr. Agnew became. As for Mr. Finch. be got hia wish and hu given Mt. Nixon lots mort friendly advice -cucb as appoint Dr. Jahn H. Knowles, get tough on school desegrega· tion and be more liberal. Sometimes he must wish he'd made the su preme sacrifice and retired to the humble oblcurity ot the Vice Prelldmcy. ' War Builds Weakness Tltougbt.s 1t Lar1e: ' One of the m08t prevakot ud dangerous myths ii that recurrent wars are a unaturat" necessity becaU...1 they appnciably r<duce the,-1ation :nor1 few decades; but ew:a thll!ftndiqa·lm't '"'"d by Wlr, ""'aJI otudtes ahQW tilat its "depopul1Uon"1J quiCk)J made UR in a few ye.an.• (Moreevtr, lhft tht healtlllest and mo1t rollqft are liken into • military SUTlce, the nbrtedi111 ii done b7 tl>e weakest and &Jc:kllest, who provide us with a loferlor ..,-~-> 'Ille -8'I <i -will ....,. -tan! the trod!Uoo of ~urlal 1111- tlt 1 law II ....... moidJil ff mandatory to teJJ oaly the truth aa tombatoncs. I) n e o f the hardest. aad yet most 1 1ab1e, lessons !hat aa, )'otiiig person should learn was enundlted bJ-William Jamos, "'""' be said : ''BnrJbody ought lo do at 1eut two thl"'s ea 411 that he hatet to do, just for Pr1ct1oe." (When first hearing thi1, by the 'Way, Oscar Leval'lt retorted, "Well. I do - every morning l get up, and t\'11'1 Dl1ht I go to bed.") The wwst written books I have ever road ...... --by linlui* ... peril eopiahihtc 1-. . -· ·. The trouble with Marxian economics la that while JI can succeed in ooe half of ill goal. it make the rich impo•erished, It cannot succeed in the <>ther half o( Jts goal, to make the poor affluent. 7 dfilifildi ' , __ Thursday, July 24, 1969 ed1tonaJ page of the Daily t seek.I to inform Oftd ltlm- 'tlate reatkrs by prestt1tfnO thii newspaper's opi11itm1 ctnd com- mentarv on topb of '"ttrui and rig11ificcm.ce, bv prol1idino a forum for the Cptsadon o/ our readers' opfftfofu. and bv presenting the diver.!t view- point& of tn/ont\.fd obffrwr1 and 1pokcsmen on topk.& of tht day. Robert N. Weed, Pulillaber ' , • 1 Ug~~!ifatment By I.. M .. BOYD W.. oll a itrai«hl shol In toe LOVE AND WAR-Sir. did gulpT Or llgbl hi& girl frieod's your wife get scared belore clgaret in his own mouth the wedding? Did 11he go thru before, handing it to her? Or a brief spaam when &he •Jt fancy a snap brim hat and panmlf • ...,,,.._~= tl•>*-tt 0( oiJo; ljle iiert l!l l!er wenttl -' of a 1~'1 Pail ciie:Ja ~ In tlMi hair, I"' m;-)lci. '.~ Or '-'ljl flnl "-<oat, sloppy s!fppen, ear on hl&.iiguratlve hip like "halnot. Our Love and War 4 tAe cowbOYa· uied ·;tai wear man says alinost every girl . &Wis1 Jtonorable affectations. about to become a bride does every one, In the maklng of a 1hat. l1ndertakes what be calls 1 111an. ~ .. the ugly treatment." At. 1, 'TWINS -How do yoo feel though to -aay--ti>-11 e.r-.jol>qul bavln&---lwllll,-100lli 1entleman friend, • 'Loo k , t;.' Go lor the notion? You honey, this ls what I'm rtally be Qtcaisbed to learn - like, so if you can't •tan:d it. t le&Jt 1 we -that a ma- .call jt off be.fore tt' tOo late." , . .,, of · • •1..-Bu.t Jove being blind, the • ~-.,, . young.wives say uft:y bu1band·to-be rarely notices would like to have one set of btr peculiar condltJoo. :so does twtna. By a majority, 1 mean not call it off. ":Dd whe.n she 53 percent. Or so say the aees he haa surnved the ugly sunrey-takers ... trtabnent, she relaxes, y · _ reassured, and regards herself our questions and com. thenceforward as married. ~nti are welcomed and The wedding ceremony later is wiU be W~ whe~ever po~ .merely curious ritua1. lib~ ·in C~cking Up. AM ASKED IF-there's a Addreat ma I I to L. M. breed of de.et: only one foot Boyd, in care of Uw. DAILY tall. That there is. The rabbit PIWT, Bo~ 19'15, lfeiopori detr of Chile. , • , WHEN Beach, Cal1J., 92663, DOWNHEARTED, Elizabeth 'Smogless' Car Bill Taylor reportedly eats large bowls of chill. , , , HEAVIE~'T TWINS an record together weighed 1811 opunds at birth. , , , WHY IS vlnepr in EuroJl'I IO much milder 'than vinegar in the United Statel? ••• THE BUSINESS BOYS say the -wms· Okay of a dictated letter today runs ~ $2.74. . MONOCLES -Why does SACRAMENTO (AP) -A the stereotype of the stuffy bill has moved to the Senate English gentJeman usually floor which would outlaw in lhow him with .a m"IJl4 ., lfl5 the -aale of ai•omobiles Thal loquirr ._ f!l.lbe--With~ 1'1ao1 he vmatlon yeslerday, Checked -engines In Callfornla, which 11 ouL B"""""' lbe British ·already has the n a I I o n ' 1 army used to forbid spec-toughest auto smog law. tlcles, bUr aDOWtd slngles The Senate Public Health lenses, thus popwari%1ng the and Safety Committ.e •!>' monocle among the military proved the bW an a Q!llDimous men. voice vote Wednesday after m.. CUS'roMER SERVICE: Q. dUlllrialist Wllllam Le a r "Did you ever win a Pulitur tstilled: •'you're rwm1Dg out ' prize, mister?" A. Never did, of time to do sametbJng about · N Ge - never dhi Won some other auU.mob!le smog," egro ts writing awards, long ago and The bfil by Sen. Nlcbolas C. far away, but am too shy to Petris (D-Oaklaod), wouJd • p Ji J b rrientlon same.' Only signifj. make it illegal after Jan. 1, 0 ce 0 cant claim I'd like to make in 1975 to sell a car in Cllifomla tbiS vein is I've never written which is powered by an in· LOS ANGELES (AP) -A a story, article, paragraph or tern a I comb u 1t 1 on candidate for a muter'• .... • IJne ~ the full. todpri>catlag ........ degree b81 --aimed Ille person point of view of • dbg A companion ~. sent fin:t Negro police captain in or cat. Refer to one of. those to the senate Finance Com· the 14 Angeles P o 11 c e pieces that st.arts out, "My mittee, calls for $1 million Department. name is Spot," or gome such. sfudy of alternate power Homer F. Broome, a native Am exceedingly proud ol lhl!. sources for can. of Los Angeles, was named BOYS -:-Was there ever a f:.ear, who hopes to delver Wednesday to head University Jad who didn't make it a mJt.-an experhnental st ea m .. Divi1Jion of the department, ter of person.al pride for a powered car to the California putting him in charge of police f Ume to exercise a hard Highway Patrol later this services for 185,(m people in handshake? Or grow a year, was Petris' priDcipal the area of the Univeraity of mustache? Or undertake to witness at the belrlng. Southern catl!ornla. lneide ~ry can, you'll find three honest- tl>QC)Odness fresh cocktaJla. l iquor and all. They don't taste homemade. They're mlxed proteulOMtfy. Wlth tht llneel lngredlenta we can la,Y our hinds op. l ike Smfmott Vodka for .the Vodka MarUnta. Glmlets and Screw- drlver1. And because the cans are aluminum, they chill fut.r. All you do It nip open and serve. 15th Anniversary • WhtntVer yOu're rildy, we are. Wherever • you are. More Important, Clubtllls come I" "lne favorite flavors, from Extrl•Dry Martini to fresh, frothy Dalqulrt. We call them Clubtlll1. BecauM they're ao much easier, qul~ktr and bt1ter than cock11111. "I'll drink to that." i I HERE IS A LISTING OF ONLY A FEW OF OUR OUTSTANDING.IUY$.l"'!mll'!~""S91!L1_1_PllllllllllllS~H-OllllPllllllS•P-•_c_1A_u ___ _ YOU'LL FIND HUNDREDS MORI, •9UALLY WELL PRIC!D • • • 5ealy Anniv. Quilted Top , , ... ,.., $39,95 COMPLETE LIVING ROOM GROUP RtcJlster ·Sealy Arlniv. Quilted "'" -s.o $119,95 for Sealy Anniv. Quilted "' ., .. s.o $159.95 96" Custom -quiltad sof•, 56"~ I.?,"• s9:1t, v.1.,.+ c' u b ch•ir, coff•e t•ble, corner teble •nd tabl• l•mp 1Choic9 of Fabricsf '595 LIVING ROOM 8 ft. Custom quilted Sofa .... ,..,...., $239.50 ,._ .. l I • 5 ft. Mat:chi!IC) l.ove Seat ............ $159.50 6 ft. Cus~m Quilted Sofa....;,...,,... $159 50 102" Nylon Velvet Sofa ":::t.= $595.00 CW..ef 1fC-.. ROCKIU anel RICUNIU Maple Swivel Roeker.,..... $54.50 .. 2i$100.00 ' Velvet Club Chairs ,....., ...... ; ....... : ... $99.50 R-.-11---~ '""' ',· -~-... .......... ~ . .,..10 ..,., ·~"·.t FREE Se'!ll Rest Guard· 11'."'" T::,:r;r,;.... $49.95 Gin Se'cdy Rest Guard 11oi~ !" , .. " ... . $149.95 Sealy Rest Guard 11on~:··• ,,, • ..,.:. $199.95 •FREE SI.ALT POSTUlPIDIC MAnUIS ,... SfN ..... M.--. •·wt._._.. ...-.pt t.IMt•••• tfw. -I l'C. OYAL DIHIN• SIT. -m . TAtLI , $179.50 4 WW Qt* CNln. (tlltd:, N .... 1 5'1CIAL I l'C. •AMI V.W HT AZ" PlDmAL JAIU •I!' ........ T., $199.50 4 SPAN.SH O,&IC CHAIRS ' s PC. •A;M• TAIU sn ~"' ............ .., tWr. ffie:9.50 • CIUIRID n1m CHAii$. .... Sitt.II ....... .. ~ ' PC. MDfTlllANIAN DININ• sn-..... ..._... T.W. • .,..so 4 CHAIU. ClllM w/G'-SW..., l1tedef lftht-CLOll OUT ~77 · •· FREE . --,,.... -,-.-_D_R_o-·o-M-.-•• -.,-. ""!l"'"!!'l!llllm ... ldll.INI alCLINll CHAii • FREE C.la ""°'' Oldolt Heftlo.Ownod furniture' s.,...1 u• lfli1tBOlt ILVD. ~-Ceoto"""' .... . ., ' . ' Phone u .. ,,., ' • ' ' DAl~Y 1'11.0!' f • ., Just pick the fabric on the &·Position Selector! '•.Makes washday goof.proof! An easy.to-set dial programs proper agitation, spin speeds and , water temperatures. • Cold Water Con' troll Cold wash and rinse option for any fabrle · setting. • Thorough, gentle Jet Action ~· lion! • Dependable! No belts, gears, pulleys. • Jet.Away lint removal. No lint trap needed! $229 95 • ' I 1 i • I , ~ i I ' TllLBVl910!\l•Al"l"LIANC•S ' 411 E. 17th. St. • • Dally ' • '· Sat. ' •• • ' ' • .. .. • • -·~~~~~~~~~ ---~ --- .... -\ ' ' DA!.Lr .~~ . ' ..!QJ~11·~~~·y~Ph11~1"'.~°"~~Apollo Adds Luste r to Nixon \VQ.r ld Tour • \ ... ,. ·~ f ,,, • " ~ Jl:JUNCISCO .(UPI ) -thla wl~ *"""' applrtllt at ..., 111 lia lallla. wllh vatloul thal lhoary Is 'bound to be lholr trade .,._to -jeclloU, public ct plnlo, Pr.ttclo;.i"r )ib;lnapparenUy hebeglmlhedi=-pbue M-r--. -·to wldelylltlalhtheUptofthe llaue·lbe """"aollll lltalul -1 this dlplomallc n. bopes 111" prtsllg• ,gained by ol bis n>UJld. world . trip -DllJci' ~·-'!' ~ arr-all. tlloy -.. ,.,. Jor 23 peditlon bthlod lbe Iron car- .... ,,.,,,, lml . will '·· allerw)-11&1he1'blli!lday ...Uu-,luualllanbf .l)'l'!lelhe:V-SIA<a•P-YWI. lalo.,' • •~ • .,....... I &S100 ~ splashdown ..i the aatrooaull lbe -.. _.i .of tenns. parmly 11 riilfU•the .-of An1fli!llla'""'1 Paklllln will llo'litver, IOIDt of Illa Slale crea8' the dlplom•tic el· in the Pacific. 1'i! ftW details, whlob Pe a ·wave of ildoJation for lbe coatinUe to be unluipPy over Department'• own aperta on l'l'Uve..,. 'of bis llllh5eq~ent Mere obj<cllve dlplomaUc rtie to 01 feeling, or at the .\polio . ~ diplomatic the 'U.S. lmll e1ni,,rao wb1cb RuasiA thlnk this gov le I viii! 'to 'SOutlieast Asia and . oblerven -thll . the w'oOnle i-. will be !ell observm' ire, doubltul con-hu (lmtlilod' tltbit ofltbeol .u .... ·niay tie_ .. rather -tlim>pe; President's visits to lbe lilt ......i -ofllda!s to cemlo&thel..,.wnDellactlll from ll<Uinl Anh·r't<'aa Wn lleattenllla. 'lllef ·point The Pmident'a advbers PhUUpm.., l n d o n, 1 ta , ·-wlUI !alter. th e ' the Oejd of lnterilal1anal rela-mlliW'y equlpinent slllce their "'!I that' the Knmllll would be well that the ootstanding Thailand, lndla, and Paklltan Pieclilent'a trip, lions. 1115 war. ~i, to pal ltaell 111 a poll· success of the lunar limding, -as well.as bis oo&<lay .stay No olllclat wlD ac)\nowJed&< They note thal w)lOD the Tbe U\tlmille .resul!s of the tloo •'of cr<npli!nlq about a l1J ..,_..,plwlzlng" ~erlcan in Communist Romania -that the Sou~ Aa!o and ~ <Upborla was worn decWori 'ol ~ ·to vlill <Ylsll to '•; -, wblch \eclmlCll · aoil m at er I o I may well take on the upects Romanian v)llts wtre -.1-Oil, TballlDd will lllill "°"t to R4lpaol8 • Clllliot bO~n· ¥--auerll II I u II y ~macy, 111· bound to of, a trlwnphal tour .itef. the ed Immediately alttt the know what, l)appe~ 19-. ber· ed ·!or aome )Jmr. Ni!Oll'• Cmi,.. '""t will be tm- i'lialore some -of the Juster to ApoUo succw. Apollo,m~wlththetdeaof When U.S. trbqps·pill ;oul.of atdea proleaa to be cn<lllled · ~·lfl>\'J feel, ii bow the Amerlc:an'tm"" In world The prohabUlty bu been In-convertlq space-U,e Into Vietnam.'"!< PhUJip~i'l!UI by 'tl>e 'flicl'Uill •:tJie• 80Ylet -alter the Nixon affatn. Ahd thiy contend that creased by the fact that N1z. dlplomaUccm1e11ey. Howe!er, atlll be-demlndlng reVislon of Ualob bu not uprtsSeCt • tvWL .•j •·1 . L awmakers Turn l n (O Lawbreakers Aug~~t.1 WASHINGTON (UPI)-On cdmmitlees • that within a Friday, "Aug. t, Ccngress will few years the~ were more break the Im of the llniled legl!latlng uni1s 0.0 ever. Sims. It wlD cootlnue to• On the .W.jed of ...,_ break them f!'lrtr1 day it grHSioMI .esnm, the 11131 lll ....ion the ..,..._ reorganlzatlGn Id aald that of tbe year-and the vtotatloa "exoepl in ttme.Gf war or dufo. 11. wemedltol..i. Ing a natlcinal ..-gency pro- 'fbett will be .. -.. clatmed by the Pnsldenl, the lndictmenls, .. ~ of two bouaes iball ·adjoum ..... . lawmllen. They will not even die not laler than the lul day be rept!maoded. Even ll a (SUndaJ'• eacepled) in the member shou)d raise th• qu... month of July each _year tJon 'of illegal meettnga, either unless otherwise prGYlded by the Speaker of the Hoote or Congress." Note thdae last the -ldina olltcer of the live ......S.. Senate will follow custom and Only twice since the law was role the objectlool out of. order. J>ll'ed bas eooi-made it In J~ Congress was ....,y ouLof_ the Copitql by the July alltt spending the· World War 31 deadline -1111952 and.1'56. II yean in ~ consttnt And » hu never provided ...Won. It allo ,...med many •otbai\rise" by any ·lonnal of Ill proeedurts ... re too reaolutlon or cleclaratlan. creaky for mod er o re-~ apologlstl for qutremtnll. thla """"1 ol ignoring 111,own After an exbauative series of s~ contend !thlt-i.~. the burlnp and toveatlgations, It m0re-act of ~ 'allfr·the becat th • Coograsiooal d...W.. adjow\lmeDt "-· Reorgan1zatlDn Act of 1916 re-Contm& is · pro..-hlohg qu1rlDg amona other lhinp "otherwise." that ei:ctpt for n • t l o n a I Others say that the tXllftlry emer,mey, Concreu should b 1o .war._ even if it ls un- acijoum each year by the end d<clared. · of July. SiUJ others point to ohacure Tht law ls lti11 on the books national e m e r I e n c t _pro- altboul)I Qqress prompUy elamations by ,.a ~ forgot It alltt •nactina It. thot either !hrooCb deslp or The law also required • · oversight hive never been reducti<a Jn the myriad com· mcinded. mlttees that· apmJted .,,. There used to be one controlled over the years and Congrasman who observed bodl the House and Senate dld the law. Former Rep. Noah M. do aome cutting, But both Muon (JI.UL), would pack up houses then proceeded to and leave every July Sl no divide the reduced number of matter how loo& hi> eoll<aaues full eommltlee! Into sub-stayed around. 'Real Education-' Assembly Colleagues Impress Newcomer SACRAMENTO (UPl3 -Six ....u .... Clare Berryhill -lannln( grapea down Jn the San Joaquin Valley near Cem. Now he's an assemblyman -a ''pro1 re1 1ive coa- &ervatlve." RepubHcan. "It's been a rul educaUon," he said Jn an interview. "rYe felt I've almost had to gO back to school. "I've deen Impressed with the cllliber of people up here," he added, "with a few ei~ ceptions." Berryhill WOii I special elec- tion In Stanislaus County May 20, defeating Democrat Erntst Llcolte by only IO votes. He Navy Gets Blame f or Pollution riplaeed l\epubtk:an Jobn G. Veneman, wba now ir un-- dersecretary or u-. a It bi Educalon and Welfare. , Berrybll~ 43, ..,.... on the Transportation cormlltteet. He'g also ahootiog for a spot on the Water Oommittte. ·"l feel very strongly on waler pollutioo and air pollu- tion. 1 feel we re.ally have our heoda in the land Jn tbeae areas." "We're just cbJpping away," h• said ol C\jl'relll le&islaUoo. "We hate to g<t Jn there and really do !IOnlelhlll(. ''Comi!lg in late hu bftn a problem far me," he admitted. "l had lo try to pick It up in the middle." The n e w auemblyman, deacrlblng blmself .. • • 'progressive conservatitt," .alto Is COOCtJDtd .bout cam- pus unr<lll. "I don't have any answer e:r· cept I think we have to 'do more communlcatJnc w, l t h lhae kids," he said. :·1 don't SAN DIEGO (AP) -A tblqt we do enouaJ1 ti that." l • de r a I <>lllc:lal, coneemod On Assembly votes when abcl.lt pollution tn San Dtego RepubllCl:DS don't vote u 1 Bay, laY' the NaV}' b chiefly bloc, Berr1hill Unda to tine up responstble. He ~mf'J'lds wttb a dozen .of the most ('OOo that untreated santtary wuttl aervaUve merµl)eri rrun the water<ralt Jn the bay ·:r .don't tblnli i;~ voted 11>ou14 be onded. oplnat anYlhinl thal buni 'Ille ._t, -Tues-been good lor l!IT·..nei." he day by 1'1111 de Falco Jr., aald. "f'baw._ Wllnl u · ,..-i cHnctor of th e .ctly the pllttorm I no' on. l Federal Wal« 'p-Cm-111\'.eni ~ oil-liqte tnll Amnlnlltratklll. also aog. laaUt from 1he platfann. ....... Iba! oil Nm .,.. be "I· hawn't IOI "" fell,ln .-concrete," be ..sdea. "1 dp 8fYm l(IOClll tnJnln( to pre-befleve wt bl.YI I nwcil """' •':,":, = ~ QOted the .....,...tfva atlftude Jn thil 1'L drn .-. ..._ doubtJ It'd thin we 1lld three JUrl otdr.::= ~•Viet.bout qo. I thlnk wt'Ve IOI to atop ----_ Ute, l'X"iallstJc trend." ~ -to -..... pert Be<Tyblll <nJoyl belq • ..., Iha .,-pm-Jeglsfator'bbt alya tt IRl't .Uy lllilll Jt • '"'* cl lldal -work. wMdt --the nten. "To be a good lelfalal« t _ .. I' i. lalil Sin 1ltlill _... IOI ' to bift at .,....., IJ tine. • -u -• latr undentanding of ,. Fi-8q. all !ht probkms. If you It Plld'a bfo.Jeor atud1 J •ul to do a job, I see U u I d .!If.... IO-to-12 hour day." , •• j 4 • ·;' ' .. .. . ' 2•66. HARBOR-BLVD. 5ut•7080 COSTA MESA WEEDAYS 9 t0 9 SATUDAY 9-lo 5:30 --10 to 5:00 0 Spril1kl1 lhi1 ·h1 tltl. • bet+Dnl ef tti. l er·l-9. D It'll •01k ., +Mo· ,,..,,.- end IF.Hp het ce11I• froM ,11i11i11t th• b.tt11111 ef tlle \,owl. PVC SPRINKLER PIPE D ,01.,...invl chlorld1, rod111h h1t1 it. 0 E••Y to worlc witli, 110 thr11di111, 11• h1•vv toolt 1111d1d. .., "' . .,. -- SWAG HOoKS 0 P1 ck11e ef two bt••1 hoolr;1 for doillf yeur e-thi111. 0 Git •II••' ev.r ch1IM, 111 old l•rnp1h1cle, 1114 er••••· O Heok1 1r1 br111 tltcl look h1ftcicr1fi'ecl. IN •SINK·IRATOft , - . ..-.. ""1 DISPQSAL -T.All • O Ufetl11111 l11hri11tlo11, ciui1t 1t•w1r, 1111\r; rlrtt .... 0 " ••Pl' ,,;.-.,. •lth 11li4 t •er111te1. 2677 J . ' . . . ' . " IEAJ .. fHE PRICE INCREASE ' FLORAL CHAISI LOUNGE PAD 0 ~ !.>it ••111ft r•Pl•••l'l'l•llf p1I with ••rt. cl1•11 . flor1I •••lt n. ' D T11~ecl for th. •t•tu1 11pt11w11 101) 1114 fo•M fillH for hours of c6111Urt1lil• 111ooii111. MacLANE FlONr. THROW MOWER D U10 fh•ll'I i11 the'lt•tio11 we9111 for ttie k141 wh•ll .,,,.,,11,.,. I My, 'yciu el 1'•opl1 ''e c/1.,•r.I 0 Th• fi...,t fro11t throw rnew•r 111 the world. . 0 The e11e '""' t•nl111eu u••· lllTTMEY 11.:lli MISING Pit.ICES so THIS IS YOUll or'°ll.TUNITY T9 ll!Y AND $.AVE. 2 ·'' 159'5 GOING UP TO 169.95 AUG.UST· 1st .1'.o t•s~ CiHARC:OAL_ liRIQUEfS 0 .lvv e 1;;, ~., of; ' th•t•, It 1llf• .l>••h cltoppl111 -"· 0 Qt.,., i.ou+to weferi119 fl1-r •!!Cl 1tom• to '"'" the t1u1h11t cut of meet. 0 (So, wh•t 10M if lt •rne\11 9ood In.rt y1111 c1o't cli1w H11 59' PATIO T'ABl:E O A littl1 rou11d tlrii11f te hold bf"11k'lett, lurteh or. cli11111r i11 th• p1fi o. O Whil1 1111m1! leg1 wltlt llOll•ll'llf Ilg fipl. 0 Pr11e11t11ll1 e11011th to Ute i111id1 if loho 119 GLIDDEN ANTIQUE KIT 1 0 T 1k1 111y eld (!Hee• •' j1111k, •"tiq11e it, encl you'•• t:•t 10111.ffihtf . 0 I Hopi it i111't c1tchi111, 1'1'11 ffty •111,.ic.I 0 E1•y n.e •fep kit h•• wid1 (.olor re11111 full to de. 2'9 0 Use .... ., ynt lete•I '"'''•rpiece or fer • l>ecUl1ht, werk1ho1t lit •• 0 Estr• l•"'I 6 ft: c.or4, erie111i011 ..... edju1t1We Wecket I'' -SPANISH WALL UNIT D Coll'l,,Jet. u11if •iffl ) k11otty pl111 .h.1 .. e •• 0 DMorefi•e ""ou9ht Ire• s,111i•h ,,,;,. ltr1ckeh • 0 Nice fer e11y l'fflft h1 ff11 ho111e. 1699 .. ' . .. . SILINt SCRElN 'DOOR 0 El Nlfty,Ne~·ltrntn•rwit~ ffiud i .. che1111el for ,.ttect frt, Q ·P11111111etlc 1lr d o•er; hillfM,, t11lip l1tch wltll lecli:iitt ilutto11. 0 ·In lO, 12 ··~· 16 i11ch wicith.-. 711 ., ; GILDDEN SPRlD -.ouSI PAI"' .. 0 F1mou1 Glidd111 e1trylic l1tex Spre4 ho1111 p1)11f dries ~uickly te .I fl•t ... 1.,ety fl11bh. D 011i1k cl1111 11p 111 •erM so1py w•t1r.,. 6 79 .AL •1G BOY 24 INCH MOTORIDD BAR•a-Q 0 Try thl1 111e fer ti••· It'll f'rt 11icelv e,. ... ,..,.,, l>11rten, det1 or wlll ro11t 1tlildr111, cluck1 ., 1hi1hh1Mli f 111fOt111Hc1lly. , ' 0 Mlfor 11 ~uippecl with l -cen4octer 9re11ftcli11t ..,,. •uppl., ••"'· [) U,L ll1ted elllll tu•111t"4 fet 1111 fell Y"f• -----~ --·· ... ·- " • ' _ PllOT·ADYE~ · , I_ • • . . ,ears . '· .. " $cientifically·D~igned Sears-0-P.edic Foam Latex 1 . o~ Innerspring Mattress Beg. •79,95 Your Choice I l $ e Now· at.. t,hjt•JO!f'• l~w price •• ~ our famous Snr.().Ped.ic ma:llrelle& ... ' .. ' e SeientiGCl1b' detigned r.o provide you with' the u1Llni1te Jn firm posture .uppore,~aadleyoa on a unooth quilted lop •Sean finned ianenpring matlrell ••• 857 coilt in full slj.e, 615 coil.I in twin 1ize. Slhtr bla.e d.amuk cover with quilted lop e 6.)n. foam latex mattreP ~ •• 5~-in. core pla1 '"·in. l1yer of pulyu rc· thine loam qu.ilted to gold color dama§k eovtt • I • $79.95 Afatch1n1 posture-mate foandation'---------159 • • ' •• -. . I , ., l 1 9 1~ _, ... SA VE •30! ~9-Drawer -9 1'~.· Triple Dre'sser B,ase Regular 1219 : .. , ~ llJ!iniet ilO best! High quality ••"'lnletionf...,,ri>e;Solld · Oak Dd pecait 't'fncen in• lorurictu• epice pee.an liniah • . • • • I • ,,,. ' . .... . ' . ' , • Die triple~~ ha 9 'J)lc1ou1 dnwen (3 a"' tray-slyle ~ beldBd doon) ••• dO.e-tailed, tenter-guided :and fallydoslpf(M)fecl , • • .;: j ' • • •Jlicb ntiCp_fd ..._ lilddl hndnre. :A nJy magnificent bed.room mite .. » •• iMiUf1 bJ Dllltari• old Sponilk ;*.Ill •· Regullt'$SO Fnmed Plate C!.t111 Mirror ·40 •· ' . Matching piece. at Sears Low Low Prices. SJ~ Al.,;;,i Cb .. 1 ll 79 :Z.Draw" Cp mmod10.•....,. _ _.169 : I . $690penworkHuciboud.fallorhrinaiu · SS9 S99li!cSiseU..cn-d(nota~J 179 , '. -. . -..... ' J ... > ' ' J I '· ' • ' ' , $229.95 ~::;"Size Set. Mattn:P and Feundatio 119 1299.95· · SiJICSet, MatlnJu and 2 Foundationa tU9 ' . .... . . ' ... ' . . -·.~ ~ . l •' . ' · · Ai!k About Sean Co~~ent €redit Plans · , · ~---------------~~-~~--~-~-------·-~~-~~-·-~~--~~~-,.--PAllC TA M.400, 52~5» ll MONll GI 34911 ' · lCtG llACli 115 5-4121 1tCO WE 8-4262 1o ~ -A~_-'"'8011• >." VAlm' PO $.M61, 91442111 ... 1,,_.-~1 '.• \ GllNIAllOf5.1004,a4..1611 OCYWIC&IQtl)r~-u211 '~ro2.11i5,NA9·5161<.'YllW5{ ~-'c:4~4"471t ' 'VBMONTl'l9·1~11 • I CCOIPJCIMNf '""•·NE.,.576 HOllYWOCOH09..5'41 ~ .• ·-637:211JO' ..f; SN<TA~ICl7-33ll '' • l!IJCl!HCOASt!WAS4o.3i31 , • -., -"64611 , J.·· -Ol "21fl l 1-w·1.:c),f. a st2 n -$ . . . ilmNG542.1~11 . · _ ·. • , ' , _ --- - - 1 -- - --~-·1111!1-__ ... ""!'~ -·-' ears - -----~~ -·--~.-·· -----~"-•. ' >, I~ • •' \ I #' "~~cllonGuaranlHdO!YoWMoneyladt" ,. ~ ; .....,_...,.,. Shop6Nlghll~th'"flhSatunlayt:io~:'.°''30PM. -.!, .JC .1 ... .,, • • ' -. I, I I ~ I I t ; I JQ DAILY ,!LDT Asi,a Trip Aimed at Policy?· By S1'EWART BENBLEY UPI lllplom11ie -r W ASBINGTON (UPI) Piesid-N1--bopes during is Southeast Asia visit to lay the groundwork for a new aod le~ costly long-term American policy io that area to be Inaugurated u the United States disengages from Vietnam, White House 50UrCtJ said. The President is convinced the United States is a~ proaching a "~ point" in its rtlations with Asia, these sources said. He wants to solicit \!!e_a!M&o_of llOl>C<m, munist Asian leaders on how they can take a more dynamic initiative in their collective defeme and ecooomic· develop- ment, with the United Stites supplying only material ald. In Romani•, the ooly Com- munist country Niloo wll.I visit in the course of bis twO-W'M:k round-the-world tour, t..b e President wanb, to prove the sincerity o( hll prolesoed will· lngness to open an ••era of negotiations" with t b 0-1 e behind lhe Iron Cortaio. White House officials said they were aware -of. sPecuia· lion that the Bucharest stop was an anU-Soviet maneuver de.signed to WOO Romania, somewhat o{ a maverick ~in the Corn.munist camp. away from Moscow. They sternly denied this, declaring that it wu designed !Olely to emphuis lhe . iln- portance the United States at· taches to improving East-West relations, including those with Russia. Ntxoo leaves late Tuesday for the Pacific where he will witness the splashdown of Apollo 11 before going on to the Phllipplnell, lndonesja, Thailand, India, Pakistan and Romania. He will confer brief- ly with British Prime M.lnister Harold Wilson during a one- hour rtlueling stop ir;i England en route home to WUtington Aug. 3. The White House is Talher vague about just how .. Nllon will deal wilh a host of secon- dary bilateral problems he will meet in the Asian coun- tries seeking more aid, better trade relations a.od additional guns. However, officials are quite specific on what Nixon wtll not do: -He will not seek to drum up support for bi!I Vietnam policy, which he beUeves Ls on the right track, but is willing to listen if someone wants to offer opinions. -He will not make any new military or aid commitments during the trip. -He will not announce any further U.S. troop withdrawals from Vietnam, sticking by his original intention to make Ute next statement after the cur· rent 2$,000 have come out by Sept. I. -He wlll not announce. any alteration in U.S. military tac· ties because of the continued lull in Vi£tnam fighting, although some adjustment! might take place ln the field without public diiclosure. . In Thailand, Whlto house sources acknowle<lged, Ninh L11 going to have to answer some tough questions from Prime 1'1inister Thanon and other officials. Having placed el.ahl air bases at the d.lsposaf of the United States, whid> ha! 5.1,000 airmen and o l b e r servicemen there, 'MWland already Is upresslnf mncem over what 11 1o1n1 to happen If and When the Anuic:ans pull out al ·Vietnam. 1baJl.md Jw I commitment from the Johnson ad- mlnlstnaloo to defend II agalmt aey Communist .,. .,-and the Nlmn acl- mialllnlloa hu aaJd 'tbb ii ~-=t. While If~ ol· llciab point out that thj! -lleo .. to Iha ...... tUll llhape ol I Vlelnlm ... ti.m mal<e It tmpoall>le to p 1o1> lar 1t lhil time In !>Oii· :0-raaJ.~ ~ nut llllteld, Nb:oo IJ>POl"llllY ts. .UIA, ,,,. II) ~ , Thutsday, J111y 24, 1969 ! ' . . Do It. ;yourself o~ Sears Will Arr~nge Expt!,rt In:~ • ' • ' 1 -· :-~~ ··:1 - Gu.acntei !or Power Toq)i•"-(• fl.E:Eservice and putS~r>n ·rctUrn. if any pan f~s·defective ~ichin 1 vtar 'b( ule. Thls guu· 1ntte does not apply co cledii~<tOob med in n:n· tal~ce. , $29.99 Compact Shop Vacnums 2408 Save·:-_9797 -· 1 . ' . O~r Biggest, Our . . . Most_Powe'rfel 1 ~-· ..... Radial ·-·Saw. . . . ' "" ' .·n~ S~para:te , Prices Tol.N '396.97 ~ $ • Crtd';aman 12-in. Radial Arm Saw-Pteeillion Balli Throughout for Superb ~ Act=iley. Compare Theae OrdalmiJingFe~: . ' ~ .. • Dinct Drive Motor d ... I01JO•J.BP, •. eu11 wood 4Ja: thick • Extr•large 28~x'4-inth ublc}''o·-i~.·_doublu~ 'wOtk bench , • Electro-mechanieal m le •lOpt ~l~e ·au&olliiiri~llJ ,•Tfhlo '.l ... !*t~Od-•10·~-"'+'-••a;lni;.....,..:. •ColoKoclOcl-CODll'Ou~.~J!.lii>otlorOllJlll>jlpf ·; • • Vlrlu.ily.10 loob In one widi~le .-#7NIJ · . ' . ·SAVE •32! ' Craftsman 77-pc. Mechanics' Tool Sets :~·· 3999 ' If Sold Sepontely Alt ~·Snn eo ... m...t Cndit Plom • T7-pieoe mechanic•• tool 1e~ htcladeA "9 %. and "'°jncb drive soek:et.1, •c· -.. •Also indudes many more most needed tools • Oul!tanding-.alue ll this low, lowpriee! ll'330l8 ·SA VE '23 to '31? Reguiar $142.95 to $151.44 ' Regular $151,44 Oxy-Acetylene Welding Sets, 2·stage outfit with cutting tarch, rod usomnent, saf c. ty goggles. 1\1.ao includes 25-ff. hose. #~227 1 YOUR CHOICE 11988 $142.95 Color-matic 230-ampArc Welders N..11 color codod hen selec~· on muches :t~ codi on welding Comp ete with helmet. #20124 \ SAVE26%! 10-inch Bench Saws With Motor and Grid Extension S.par1toly $202.93 14988 • • Tilting>U'bor aaw eatt thrngh-wood up to 3%-inc'hes lhlck.. With 1-BP niotor • Pretemioniud contrGI .. Gaud mi. Modd13W • Same.Day In.tallation ! losrallatioa 1bc N.me dt1 jf JOU call before 2 p.m, ~DOW! $19.50 Heating and Cooling Thermostat SAVEi<! 1488 ~t conuols ,'lJeat• ing lbd cooling in your home. Tetrilic Se ... i .bµy! SA VE $3.62 on Cooling Thermostat a.,.i.11t.SO 808 Attncti•e coolina tbcrmo- sw with fan nri~ ,Oy,t• 1amding Scan .,.Jue!. : . ·Regular '89.95 Aok About s..i9- Convenient Credit pluo • 53,oOo llTI1 u reco•m 44.5 C atlOO°ri&e ·,Sean l\J)pliances BACKED BY ••• SERVICE THE DAY YOU WANTIT ••• A~sured by the most ·~spectcd Jervice or· pnizatioa anywhere' ~ •• r Sears nationwide . expert service! · t " ·o • $34.95 Ventilator •v and Light · •. , SAYE S5l 29" ': Ven ti lat~ bathroom am~ 1 .$49.9) v~nc lisht·h~ucr .$24.9) Ventilator onlt-19..11 SS.75 Dryer Vent '' :t Kii, 4x5-ft. .oT SAVE 11.17 3'f.,' Ouawiding ..iue ll 5-1 · low, low price .... -..~~ while ~J las1! .> • ' • ., ~ u. hi EC Po '"' SC, ,,. I•• fot I.I l S2 Tt ... Hi '""' .. • I i ... -,..: • •lllursdit. -Mt .M, 1969 ·You Can t ·Do Better Than Se:ars.! ' a:stallation:! •• • • • . .. ~ ' ' I • ' t • l I ' • 1 • ' ·' •I ., i ! .. • ' ' r , •. 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Sean ~w Pric~! ... :_,.... 999 . . ' . •• Save '4 Now on AJuinjuum ' Screen Doors ' RegularS:Z.99 1899 .. Anodized .-r.Aim ... uuded alumioqm ·frame. Push buttoa laldiwim Iock- ;118 buttOa. 30lll0. 32x80, 36.SO.inclaes. • . • " . ( Lawn ~U,ilding~. Rqular $139.95, Sz).fo pl...ruud and p.uited ' 1fttL Doy.hie ribbed ptnela. White with ~o aim. Offset pble roof. , Ragular '149.95, Sx7.fL plnaized and ..... 11eel wenical rib paocU.. Whitt with .. wood Po trim. . La:wn Building Buy Now! 7988 170 cu..Jt. ttorqe space. Galvaniied and painted steel Plyirood floor, ' '~. . ~ 1.oc1t :s~e8 . . ·-• l . ' . .. :r ~ . Tough .100% osp COil• is·IJf. "OFF ~ ing..no fUlen u~litcb .701. '.-' helps· prevent dry~' ouL M•teH.i.·n · · t- lrutill<tion :1 • , I~~ bob 11 , Regul•r '5.79 . Siandard Railing ' 466 ._. . . U1e for pl..Corm ralli.,. · or 14.nt to c~.piteh for fU.il n.iliap.. 4'-'fc. hisbl'. I . .. fl. 6-11. . A uleblo l!Wling 666 ' '. ' .I,-': -· I t " . I • •• . ' ; '\ . . .. !. ·-~ _.:. { .... ' . : ! ' . .... . '' . ''. .. ' I ' .. . ' . ~·. . . . ,I '" . '1: Mat11rial1 on lmtalled Baaia ·II ·1 "": Phone Sean S2.99 E......;,led Save $1 on Wall Save U Single Toilet S..to Moant Sink Faacet Lever Sink Faacet " ' • for FREE Jft".. .. eatimate OD SAft•t"" 213 .._._ .. ,, · 7'4 LpJ.$19.9S 15~ H ....... Weed OD eMm-Elly to amU'OI wucr or Swiq; fiucet fearuret POO- c,._&ni9h, ia whi• OlllJ.~Piu temperanue. Sne aow &t 1plash even.flow, eeramr. -.!ri,il"" ""''"""' . Snn! 12100. 12148. -• ~ -• '. • 121.9) Siftllt le¥\>r Sink Flllt'ft ·' l , • , , , • . . ~ . . '.. . •19... ~ "~ l. • l -----~--~~-------~---~----~~-~~ .,._;.., .. ...,,oo, 521-4530 ,.......,.1;1 :l-3911 ·--HE's.o121 · ""'WI! '-'2112 • ' I ~-~· ...,... c;i.;s.1004; a "'6n· ""-a'°"' AN u211 ""'°"'"-"'· a.11-15; ""°""'1•t.-I ~'""'~~(.tlf.2"711 .... ...oc;ooo,.,,., · ..._6,1-2100 .-. c·--Kr •37•; .. ~'"4'11 , .... ,p,;~21. • .. -MU•l>l211,lr'S-q,ll s: -.1..,.,." 1 ---------·-··------·\1119----·-~4!)f't"Ct .. -; • < })'I ,,,,_ ... ' ' ' ....-~ t• _ .. • ' ' 'f . l.i' t 1 1 I -. ~ ~~ ' .....,,-.., f" ~' .. , . ~G_.......or-lbUrMonerlack." -,. . • I --.... I ' • ... • \• l . ' . DAILY PILOT Iii,~ ' Asia~ • • (Conliau<d l<Olll P•J!t lj) will talk 1JJ genera1 terms · abool t b e non-collUU&lftlst Asi&M taking Qver ·more · leadership in the-area and depending less on Uncle Sam. 1be detalls'will ·~ left to be worked out when the shape of 1: final Vietnam seitl~ment emerges and the rate of neighboring Laos, under new Communisf as.saults, becomes ~earer. · Nixon's visit to Roman\a. the flr&t trip by an American preside'nt behind the fron cu,r- taln a.IJlce President Franklin D. ROosevelt went to Yalla, Jw Ut!llated public interest here because of two things : -Romanla. is the most ln- de~naent-minded ol . t b e Eastirn ~ropean Communist countrt,s since Yugoslavia . broke away in J!M8. She has gone 'her o\fn way ecQOOmlcally w h e n 11he ·wanted, despite Moscow 1 s dllpleuw.._1 Although a member or the Warsaw Military Pact, Romania was the only member of th'at alliance refus!ng to send oc- cup a 't f on troops into CieChoe:lovakia last August. -Romania is the on1y mem- ber bf the East European Communist bloc still o n anything like· friendly terms with CommJ,mist China. She has refused to follow 'Moscow m completely condemlq..&h~ Peking regime as a rerie'gade: group. 1'hele fact.ors have led to speeul&Uon that N i son ' s Romanian vf¥t baa some deep, dark motivation design. td to resfon contacts be\wee11 Cliina and the United States. It1 abo bu led Jo speculation cooceminl U.S. plot.a to t'ooaen ·Moscow's grip on her East Eu~ neighbors. 1 White House sources said they would be 1lad to listen tt> abi'tJ>idg &mania had Jo say abouf lhe Ch.lnese situation but Jt was sheer hogwash let· ascribe any anti·Sovlet motives to the President's Bucharat visit. Israel Says Solar Cell Now Ready JERUSALEM (AP) IAraell !dentists displayed ~ day a device which they said can convert the sun's rays intO electricity cheaply enough for everyday use. 'Mte gadget looks like a pa~ of black alass connected to a few wires. It contains cad· mlum llllpblde. SUn •to· dedrlcity systems art u1f4 by "!'hl!ini satelllles. but met· 10 1Jmes more than Ibo !lraeU !nventton, Dr. Zvi 1 Tabar, heicl .of the National P,hyjlca ~atory of Israel, , told a neW. Conference. It already ts in use on the Tel aviv.Jerusalem highway. powering a flashing amber tralflc llilht, be said, adding it also will feed electricity to a npuwuse in the Tiran Strait on the Red ~a . . "The bll!en' absorbs solar entflY b1 daJ, and powers the f Ugbfby nipt;" Tabor said. The ~cell couid also be ~. for lnstance, to power televilloa ...U ln p I a c e s wlthol\l tlectrlcily. be added . • '!be J.abtratory ls 1 ·aecntJatlq 1wllh two broeli --.. erporl the !Olar ~-. lle"'reptlrled. . . Mcike a Sharp Deal; Use DAIL~ PILQTr . Dime-A-Lines Every S-aturday .. • •• • I l • . --·--·-----• • "-· Ju~ 24, 1969 ;Drin;king is . Eas~r Liqour Laws Loosening Around Nation , WllUAI( J, CONWAY WI d1 ... P.-Wrl&er Tiie rlllnc llde of pn>bibillon =Uoo aod roleten-... to make IDO!'e bet...... legally in I mDl'e places theilllljon. . An~ .. "'""" -of recent liq.-Jaw, ·adloo abon: B,.-t sa1ee ··--In-: -lllJC! -big city. ,.,.. dhe:r states ¥ve scbeduled 'r<(fftllda CIO the q-an. ~ Moves to permit Sunday )j.. • qUOZ' ..i... ... to utend $un- ; clJy hours, have been a~ • ,....ed in lour si,.teS, ni<cted :Jn two. Women, pres!ing !or equal atandlng with men, won places at the ban In three !ilates. . Eflorta to Sower t b e mJaJmum drinking •se ...... rejected In two elites. Tbese bigl>llgjlts from AP bwuu reports reOect a na~ tlanal continuation " the tr.nd that has beeo under way aince the repeal of pn>bibltlon In 193l The last rem•infng 1tatewlde ban on J.iquci' sales .... eaded In Mlsslalppt -:Y'AJ'S ago. But maey dry ma remain, l"""ilY a1 a result of local op- . ,!Ion eledlom In am,s ranging from coandes to V 0 t j D f preclncta. A lJl!I stu(y by the . Distilled Splrttl lmtllute listed 15 elites with IOID8 legally dry counties. For inStance bourboo<liltlll· Ing Keducky, .... ol the lar(fell ~ !ilates, bu 121 countles, of .• 13 ... leplly dry. In -County, Ales ... permlUed • ooly In the CllUnly eat, Pw. lnltltuto !ilallstic> add up to '111 coontlea which ban liquor aod 1,470 wbicb do not, a ct........ of IU dry COWIUea In al:r )Uri. M the IUIDDlel' Vacation ....,. bepa, travelen will !Ind tbal liquor Ales paerally are 1lm!tocl to PoCbga goods_ In llorib Carolina, South -carouaa, West Vlrgiqla, Okla· • boma, Kamu aod T.W. Viol>, Vtrglala, Arbnsu and Tftlle1ae1 recently withdr<w ,_ lhot by~· !'fe'i111 .. ....,,~'tho~ tIHO!y clulU1catlon, a n d bi Ull, 'wUh M ,..,....,. aoc1 Texas aod Ka-. Jll.IY Jlllll 10 ~ out nm year. A __ I. ln'•""uwnt will The 11181 le&illlture In • permit _... la. I-to Kansas.. wber• er.me II-Ill at bin .tor die 11n1 llmo, once ~ ·aalooai will! ~ 11111111-. ~ atiiole4 a ·....iutloo Gov. John 11. nempoe, to place tlle lf..e.IU111 of· liquor-receall3' 11111<'1 • blD lllet by.the-jlall "' the ballot In permlU ...... lo -... tile 1970 gonirol electloo, Ill lland-at ban In Ccanectleul. thts !arm: Slloo1d Ille "'1lmle Tiie WwmJl!jl: legtoloJun "the open eolooo Is b<r<by ga•e legal !ootlq to ,,_., forever p r o bi bile d ' • be bartenden. stricken from tbe state con· North D a Lo ta • • 1969 iiltuUon? legial•ture gave pennlaion Tbe 't••••;~ forbonto~atla.m.Qm. """"Uy appniveo· a~ day, Instead of mldol&bt c on a tituilonal ~enf S at u rd a y. Jn neighboring whkb wm.i.t the ...... decld., Sooth Dakota, the same U · in November 1'10 wftether the tension wu graDted. to taverna lawmakers sbwld bave the with ~ant ll<eme. authority to legollse the Nie llnall'i la~ ob,yed of liquor by-tbe ;fk GD a a bill lo permit ~7 ula local option -. , I · of paokqed "-· Sole of liquor Ill~ '!be 111i1 l.b!ne Lqlolatan went Into elfd Ill\ ~.Ill apprond leg-to allow Utah. A "'1' law ~·the the Ale of drlnb 111 Sunday tn purchase ol m~'r about hotels, Cius A nstaurants two Ol!DCei>-lt a ailedaI lllale aod clubs bet•-DllOll aod liquor stores ln1lde mldn1&hl Local option votln& restaurants • , on It lucbedalecl Nov. 4. The A r i z 0 D a lelislature A meu.tte lor Ille of liquor legalized the sale ol mlud to c:oovenlloo "'-ti oo Sun- drinks In botels. -aod day In ldaboEEvoto ,_ restauranb alter 'I ls ap-Gov. Don W. • proved by voten In a ~Y BUii to let llay open on or muncipality. The flrlt\YO!es SundaJ la l4oho aod M1-r1 to permll·l!JCb public die or loundered ln11he legiolalma liquor were Little 11ocll:\ and Legtalatlon lbat would allow surroondl!IJ PuaJskl Couaty; aod mlalJI~ throughout • Garland Co.urty, site of the Penny1lvani1 bu made no Hot Sprinp resort; and the progre•lr Hotels .. in Eur.b Spl'lnp raort In the Pbiladelpllla' aod Pitllburlh northw<slem come< ol Ille already enJor1be privilege. !ilaU.. Bllta to lowtt the legol Nashville voten endoned l~ drinldng .. frml II to If quor-by-the-drink aales la.st were defeated in Delnart fall-the only T ea n e 1 1 e e and ahelvedl Aluta. municipality to do to thus far Unlll ~ each tM!D tn under a 19'1 law pennitUna Vermont a,Jocal refnn- such referenda. 'lbe vote tn dum on T Meettnc Dq oo Memphis went agabm drink the aaJe of a I cob o 1 I c sales. The law reatrictl eucb beverqu. 'Ibll yur the sales to restaurarU witll 1 rtsul&I of W' e f e r e n d 1 seating capacity of ol lealt ,75. bac-fllr tlle tuture Liquor by the drink, outlaw-' fi ~ ol the ed In Vlrglnta lo• 51 )'Un, voten petitloe !or a came back last year in Wlte. restauranta which derive at multi ol the laat least 54 ~ ol their gross tn the slate'• m revenne from food. Each ~ for beer-IS& wet. 10 county aod city bas a local op-dry for liquor -ZIO wet 38 tion privilege. Forty • lour dry. " I .. , I rROMn DEf:NERY GUAR.4NTEEO IY Y()U~ ,ROFESSIONA.L TElEnORIST • . l 2648 Harhr Blvd. COSTA MESA Call 546-55f5 • HOURS: M .... thrv .t. 9 •.m. to 6 P""" s.,d.,. e.m. to I p.m. I ___ ....... _ . . ,.Alkto ... our aeleetion of i' . BUiky Sil<lo Bo,9' Schooltc1p! J Classic Shirts or Western-Style Jeans Your Choice $ for U,99 Pa =p,,,,t. Sport Shim with 1.., uyle flcs.l\oll oollar, lhcn 11....._ T111t<nd and tail• for trim fiL. California colon. Sim 6 to 18. Ta.tsNtd N7lon Knit Sblrb in pew and tunlr- neck llfblip. SbDn .i...... Ideal for a.roal .i-ap. Popolu mlon. s;.., 8 ro 18. $1.69 Bo-,.' w .. um Jean11 io 'iou,g,h Stuff' fabric ol <Cftl>ll and Vyaon• polyeJc.r. Double knees. Rqular and slim. Sizes 6 m 12. IS.99 Stsdenta' jean• 2tor16 -.Valot .a.. 25 to 30 " SAVE '3 on Bo}'I' Nylon ., ·,"Charger" Jackets . 1, ,, Regnlar '13.99 .97 .. --. --· ··-.. I Se~s ' ' , '· Back-to-School LAY-A~WAY SJ holb you~ Selection •tu Sept. • ' . • • -. ' ' . 'I j ., " f: t -- • , I • •• MUM. ~· ~o,p 1#B•s 'Learned ' ,. l . • •1 "i. • S~cess;.ful Apollo 11 D~lays Next .. Flight . BY. PAUL K. HARAL may be pootponed from m Sp1oe Writer September until November. "'~ Apollo 12'1 363-foot rockel ls SPAClEi CENTER, Houston to be .rolled out to the launch (UPI) >-.Apollo U's returning • pad Saturday, but Cape K<n- moon nplorers, looking for a• nedy launch operations dlrec· Pinpoinl in space to make a tor' Rocco A. Petrone, an-. nounced before Apollo ll's safe re.entry to earth, dtd launch he might delay the their ~n · miss.ion so well rollout if .Armstrong and that the 1'.t U.S. Lunar Ian· Aldrin llnded auccesslully oo ding fll&h1 may be delayed. the moon. · At ttie manned spacecraft PR.EMURE. OFF cent.er, engineers and teclmi• The pressUre ts now ofl- cians already are studying in-Apollo 11 successfully met tbe form<1Uon piped back by the goal of • rnoon landing in tbe moon pioneers to see how tbey decade "1th_ five mooths to can make future miuions go ~· the splashdown ts even more smoothly. always critical. the Apollo 11 Particularly important WU which will speed straight into the dato that Michael Collini, a landing withoot going into Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin earth orbit, lllll8t find a 30- E. "Buzz" Aldrin got on the miJe .wtde .Ryboleln'.P...·• final 50,000 !eel of the trip to 400;000 ~:;r:t 1hrouil> ,the the moon's surface. earth's· e atmosphere Their Bight plan home WaJI without buhiin( Up. dellbeiatoly ldt free of major Should llOlll<th1o& happen, to eve.nts to let them rest after teep ApoDo 11 frOm safely their epie Bight ond prior to gettlnl bad<, Apollo U COl!ld their return today. be lauricbed a eaflY as , Sepember. Apel. ii both -IN ORBIT · !alled, the apaoe 'ogeney bad They went Into orbit around Apollo ts in reserve for IIUDCh the moon Saturday, and land· in November to make the 1970 ed Eagle, the lunar mndule, Ol1 deadline. the surface ol the Sea of Tran-The Oight directors m quality Sunday. making it clear that while "I tblnk probably the areu there are things that aUil -.I thal we feamed the most to'be studied from the Apollo aboot wtrt the descent and 11 machlnel, they an pretty the lunar acUvity," said night pleased with the way thin&:s director Glynn Lunney. are going. "I can't think of any changes off band that one would make In the desi:<nt <x· Giant f jg}i cept thlt we will have im· proved our navigaUon techni· que• ..... Will know • Ifill• bit See·n· m· Gulf-more lbout that the nut um.e. FUTURE PLANS "I think the arta that, if any, would lead to perhaps modlficaUon.s in future plans would be the lunar surface work ond I lhink ll it does, that really remains ta. be aeen," he utdt' _.:~-· "This was the: Int time we had a chabce ·.~ 'ftaIIy ex· ercise the mdi.~ in ,'that en. vlronmont and die """ in the machines tbal -riiqulftd to do that and It 'tam • ll\Ue wbile to find ou\ al!CDY wbat you l••.....O lrom thlt,111111·- best ~-.;i lo1im um< out," Lumiq Wd. , .• ' -the ~.apoey ia lookinl !) ~11>.tllake iii succeec!fiic fllCl!..,_'the llWICh of Apoilo U Cl!rilDc Charles Conrad Jr.,-:. mictiard F. Gordon, and Alm "" • lltan, SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - Marine creatures 10 times their normal 1ize have been spotted twice by the crew of the research submarine Ben Franklin 00 her »day un- derwater mission to upkft 1,200 miles of the Gulf stream. 1be six:. men a board reported to their surlace sup- port ship via sonar telephooe , 'l']le5day that. they had seen .. eight blacWib 30 feet 1oog." Walter Mueoch, director of the Ben, Franklin mission for the Gruinman i\.eroapace Corp., Nld·ll Ills Welt Palm Bead!, . Fii;, ,beadquarten, "We ltill 1UDQ it hard to belleye. bul tliey NY those lbh were 30-reet IOI!(. We hope t1ie wuleiw•ter photos -this sighlinl wbea I b e y surf act.'' LGE STOCK' OF. ... , ,. TOYS PAINT BY NUMBER KITS 1' " MOSll1IE KITS ~II · Below Cost . UNDER ' I ART Cl.:ASSES "' NlW NOW MANAGEMENT • FORMING HARBOR HOBBY CRAFTS 1 1926 HARIOR ILVD., 'OSTA Ml;SA . ~--. . . . . . ' DAILV PILOT JS. No Real Ba.rgai:µ Red • Ill China -Trade BJ PBII. NSWIOM and COmmunlll Chl..-." tourists, _have always been 1 11pre:aeot ch'c\µ1\Stancea . '' . Against thtte precedeols, l.IP~.P ...... • NilWJ AMl;il Tbe ·~ 'l"ings willing to swear the goods did Oppo,,.nte to the Pri!sldent's then, the U.S,.ldloo ....i be Soviet Uniori and second lo assure !be Red Cblnese that in jllelf quarttl with th • IWatans \he United States ls neutral. Tiit United States baa Ill,.. from 11\t flllt 1ba1 for aome oot eome lrom the Chinese J)08111on argue that the United lsken lint u a llep to a Dl6e Utt.le bom&I 1o the years state-.D:e--p a r't me D t mainland , regard t es s of States cannot muc'h' longer ig· enhance Jtt bar(l:jhdna post. ~ ot RN~. perm.lssioa-1or1et1eabovellated whetber.theydidornot. nore the ract of Red Olina'1 Uon in future .. talka wlth ~ but after \hiat, one>wandrts.. cate,ories to travel in Red '!'he Red Chinese reply can existence and ,that ll is· 1hut-t;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;; A J'uly J~ Stat& Department China has been not much be expected to be a nose-ling U$. industry •out. of a s DE WA L K SA LE ........,.,...t declarod that more than a> f.o r ma I I t Y thumbing gestU... of derision martet eonlaliilng 700 million . ..l. beneelortb Amerlcan 1ouriJt3 anyway. at_lmperillllst duuble-talic, ba5-people. miy bring back . with them • The catcb bu Wn _that in ed on earlier Nixon ad· Britain recognized the Red IUIO worth of pdl .matle In fllOlt caaeo the !llod Chineae do ministration stotements. Ch)neoe regime partly to pro-ONI DAY oNL Y Red China and that • ban on oot want tbeln. , Early in his adminirlratlon · tectiHong Kong. "France did It travel "to Red Cblna ·will be Nor wlll pelmlaslon !or U.S. the President eapressed his because Pre'!!~ent Charl~s de SAT.URPAY 1 JULY '26th Ufted for acholarJ, students, traveltrl to~ •t.09 ~of ~tioo to Red Chinese -Gaulle sought" to _re.establish . , _ sdeollsla, ~ 'a11.d ChU!eae, '°"'1Munist·mlmQfac-lri<n\!Je1'1>ip in the United Na •. ~och influence m .. Asia. Sil s•~IONI 1!1 ,AIDAY, JULY 25th IDtTION ·ne)fSIDt:ll. '" ~'". , tUril'.gOoaS'dO mucb'lar Red ·tibfl&· _• ""Ja"1l sougtJi' ~Uiess ad-o; ORAHGa CO.Ut DAILY PILOT 1'he anMmc:rmtfit-declared cofftrs. ~ -.Qn Mf)' 28, his opposilion to 'vantage. Nooe has ' b'e en the actlon--'to be 1ln tJfe in-'Ttie ·enterprislng lberchants an 'easing of trade rorbs particularly mccessfu1. tere.sls of ''the development of of Hong Kong, chief1ouU$ for ag.alnsl \be Communists also Official Japan-Red Chinese J)e4Ceful contactJ bet'fffll ~ relics, silks, jewelrfa.. etc.! lhe was disclosed. trade· ties come to less Utan ~ ol. ,tbe Unii!tStotes ·items dwest ~-\b<,'~ ol ~JJi 111ere pegged o IL ' tif! ll)llllon' "111Ually . • 20.inch Convel'la. Bicycle ·, · Replar 129.99. 11{._ctalli~, red with 2 438· -white aim. Chtomc.:Piated'budlebars. # ( hubs. Adjusu 2l·co~24 .. s~_-tq.pcdal. . · Trainin3 wbeelt-incfQJ!iid.. Coaster ,. 11', bnke. #47'00 , " • , : ... ' ... Boys' 24" Sp,.ler Mark V Bike Beplar'l59.99. Gleomlog llll80nta 44\ 38 e'namel frame. New Hu.ret·Al't'it derailleur S-tpecd Kit.It shift. Chrome· pw.d feodtts. FfOllt.and rear caliper lw>d brakes. #4)973 ' .. '11~~·201.~.~pyder Bicycle Rfsiiln 13!!;99. Fhunboyant Ma· gentt Po~r~ip high-rise handlebars. . Pluple liuckat scat. Cbrom .. platcd 3 7ss . ( rims. ;fend~ Cheater slicL:: rear tire. . ··~ #4 ~7.~ 1 I• *HARBOR CENTER * Girls' 20" Spyder Bicycle Replar 139.99. Flamboyaflt green 3-738 color Power-grip high-rise handlebars. White banana seat. Chrome.plated rims. fenders. Seat to pedal adjusrs 23. 28".#4770f .• SAVE S3! Girls' 20" Spyder B' .;;../basket 1 Replor 147.99, Flamboyant tur-4483 q,uoise. Po-wet grip high-rise handle- ban. 2-rone banana sear. Wicker t'J1)e • . bask.et. Seat to pcdaJ adjuscs 23·28'' Whitewalls. #47709 801"' 24" Sp7der Bleyele Bo)'ll' Racer-Type, 10-Spee.d Bi~7cle . . Sin1le..S...,ed 20x.16" Spyder Bike JiePtsr "164.99. ~blue or 4 688 Flwnboyant,1J0_idcolor.Gre1tperfor~ ' ' •' ' ResuJ,ar 164.99. Flamboyant mag. 5438 ~.color. Stick sbilt..Dual rar caJ. ance. F..:tra:f.iaht 22" .st~l .a.I loy frame, 4~ enta.M1&tnt1 glitter seat. Sprin.g-action , 1pu bn.ka. l.7)'" qobby mJ..l.ioe rear -2_7111\4" ti~ow~. gu!I\ rubber ti1es. ' ' . • (tQn! forlt. B~ndix coucer b.~ Cheat· ~ puckct baaeDI, ICC, ... ,9)1•2•} r Gt,el~ for hill climbu;ig. #47406 Cl' "I ~ 1 1 Cf,.Sl1Ck1 ted J~QC rear tire. #~,.7727 .~-• ' i . ~ " r '', e ~· • ' -'I ' " .... :-.. --.-----·-----------------·-~----419 ·~----~ ... -----------. .. • • • ' • • ' .. • ' -MTA.:..-m.J&llO• •--Ol~IT MlMO_IMOSt«SOl21 IJCOyti~l161 .t' ' 4t Wl'f4ttlPdCSJ'4e11 VNJ.nPO,....l,fMft-· ··"""'°"--' ~·at'"'9!N.0.4'4011 .. ...,. .•. dl\,...~I ' _., .. ,, .... NAMWl,,,!M7!1 ..,,,,......IXWll ·-""'"' I ' I _ ..... , ... u,,; __ "" ..... ' --t.IO. '" --1117,.Wl • • _ _,, ........ ~. I _.,.. ..... , .....,..c;:a.1,J111 \1' ·~ati1,,.nlf11lMJlf~··{'"'', :. 'I ~ :·•: ~~~·111. ~ '·-----·---·----~.----:--·---ea.rS .,.:'!'-*'-f-~!*9--·~--------·---' , "SlllWaellrnO-anlMdork!,llloMyllfl:k". ---..,,i;...;M11l1p111..,..SoMdo19'.30A.M.toNIPJll. ., -- ( I I I \ I I I • • I l 1 • Togo Honors Apollo Special stamp issue by the Republic o! Togo which depicts man's first landing oo moon was issued to commemorate the Apollo ll moon flight. Design- ed by M. Shamir CY{ Israel, the stamps were issued the day after moon landing. -.---- City Threatens to Stop Base W~ter Supply JACKSONVILLE. Arlr:. (AP) "SUe us," Harden replied. -The Air Force's stalion at "They've either got to pay Little Rock is getUng its me or I'll pull a Castro on water, bul Mayor John H. them and turn lhelr water Harden of Jacksonville says it--e{f -'!...the maylt ~lid. _ won't for Jong iI it d~'t ante s'.everaa hundred ;;:;;; up co its city water bill.a. including crews for 11Uclear~ This c<ntral Arkansas com-tipped Titan n mlsSiles all<I mwuty ol l~,000 supplies B58 bombers, are statiooed at water for the base. the base. A few days ago, Harden said TUesday, he received a letter Jacksonville's original COO· from lbe Air-Force eenerat tracr to supply tbe water was COUDlt1 in Denver, Colo., who later thanplaced bi a new con- claQned that the blSe had tract t raised the rates. ~d lbe city for wattr !or "Eyttybody ,... real hap. th!..~ lJ years. VJ," Harden said. ''Tben, in 'l1je lotter dtmmlrd, Ilia! Hf'· 1 !!"' • letl<r." the dtf prab!1:' 199,13? .14, ' Sorl\ione ID ileaY~ JfU pl111 laliwal and saJd the hue ~ 11ie old-act and would .bold up u. moothly pay~ wd, li it was ~cula~·tbis md """"" 000 t.o-$10 000 _ un-way, we 'YOUld have sayed W tbi eiV'0\paid ' $400 a monlb.1 " Harden U· .QP. plained: "Tljey added it up lar ii yean: arid came up ·WUh $99,137.&l .. , Prof Says 'Rite Like, UWantTo LONIJON (UP!) A perfesser fl. ing&it s e z chlldrun shood be free to spel punkuate rite and use any grammer they want. In a book published today, Prof. Lewis of Nottingham University says children pro-- bab!y sbould be kept to stan- dard grammar in school work but not In their diartea. letters to grandmother and other "'private writing." "In all their writing they tend to be slowed down. even inhibit.eel if they had to give thouJht to grammar, spelling. punctuation, legibility a n d nea~" Lewis said. In b1o t>ooIJ. ','l-aniuage and the Chifll, " -tewiS s a I d , "private language must be im· mediate, rapid. uninlll'blted - not too laborious . to bother about; something a child readily uses, that he finds a help." He sakl mtl.C!s tttay ..,n this "permissive· altilll:de'' tilrmful to good wrlting. But Lewis said to allow children freedom from rules in private writing will improve their ability to use thclr language. The mayor said he respond- ed, ezplaini.ng the change in rate~, heard nqthing and assumed the matter was set- tled. The latest letter, however, told Harden that Jacbomille had 30 days in which to pay the $99,137.64, plus 6 percent interest, and that the Air Force was holding up payment of the monthly bill until the·ci- ty paid up. "Naturally," Harden said, "J can't atrord th.al " If the Air Force believes It has a case be said, it shoold take the city to court and try to collecl But, if the Air Force doesn't pay its bill by Aug. 10, "just like any other customer," it will find that the city has cut off the wate?', Harden said. Cutting off the water isn't a happy choice, he added, since the Air Force payments amount to about a third of the city waler department's $35,000 monthly income. Get .Names SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Two chartered press planes following President .Nixon on his round·th&-world journey have been named by the White llouse "Columbia" and "Eagle," tn a salute to the Apollo 11 astronauts. .. , I Spaf'e flight "lip Tlght'~1 REU tonlte! Tile Bookna.11 JJJ L '"'St., c.. ..... 141 ... 111 { ...... .,,..._.. ..... , I See by Today's Wanl Ads '< ~ • EconomicaJ " comk:al ~ gethemeas; f'amily vaca· lion In a c:rol..er conwrted !IC'hoolbus, fully ~. Jilt the open road! e MoYe U'le Zoo inside. Tho! yoonr 'una "'ill be eager to ha1llt up f~ir pnnetits on Oli1 Gira!f~ aotbH SI""' Iii. e l\.fr, Deeds wants h1i: mon-- ft)I' to work for him, will loan S25M on iood tint b'U8l dttd. - Sears Latex Flat Interior and Exterior Wall Paint L ~ \ --,. ~· . ') .• . . Regular $2.97 Glillons interiOT'~ • Glidee on euily, driee in jDAt I-hour e Dripleu (or neater painting • Colonut finiah. Aak About - ----- One Coat Interior Latex Flat Paint \a\el --$7.99 Dq;able Exterior later House Pain----·"-97 '''' ~:. Repibr 169.99 5488 , • Giva up to 6-in. apny pattern • Strong fiber &IHI hou:in1 . • C.n aho be uaed for air clea.n.illl !! ~: ..... ,,~ ..... \...I::;;. &TA.JM ........... ~_ ...... - \ Economical Utillty Interior Latex Paint Regular $1.97 ~Driot in 1 hour, use room ume day • ld..:I for odd touch-up job., eagy cle1n up • Refini.ehes wall economically, white only 911 • Ideal for hou\ebt)ld chores • Hand1 ahelf-witb tool bolm • Two llteps, JUde or aluminum. • • • • .. ' r .. • •• • . ,. '• 1 . • • • ' • ! • ' • I ' - J ' ! ! ---~----------------------------...... ~ .. ---; -·~.---~~:;;--;-;·;-; _,,, _____ ... , .• ..:.:-•• l'.'.;.-Z"":. ...... .._-.-. ..... ·- -!"r-i ""'1 r-SweeplftfJ IJp ¥,alley Del lsraet foremin: fpr F~ Valley Public Works Department, proudly diSplays new $17 000 street sweeper delivered to city recently. SweePer 1.s scbedUled for immediate service. It will take . . Student Unrest o~~r street cleaning chores formerly ~done -_by pnvate firm under municipal contract. City 0Uic- 1als expect new arrangement to save money . Invades Eton -' ThursdJY, Jufy 24, 1%9 OAfl Y PILO~ JIS Tell Story of Hardships . . • ' • • r -• Dull Hanoi Newspapers Reve<:tling :· · ,, SAIGON (AP) -Tb• Giap, II· r<portod to have 5'<thlng competllloo.' The · ri.llanolqen-ref°' newspapers publl!hed by the ....mly admitted the lou oI a i al9o noled that 'eO<b' lran:d' lo _.,......_,pm. Communist recim• In North half mil!lnn North Vlelname50 r.t operstor has bl!en• '!'Id" ting ~ ' ~ ol VJetnammllltbetbedullestin In the Sooth. ,...ponslble Ior &i •Jlgb l -quality ltG il!'i '• th• world. Behind thoolaandl of Complaining of low P'°' bulb-ther" has '*II• llllOther matches' ood ,_, mam, iho tW'gid wotdi, however, they ductlvJty, the dally , Hanol Campalp'in the pre•1 Nlout ~ filb aaee ·wbk!lt •ll 'U Clearly disclost a regime btV• "'tol -JCew Hanoi-ttportcd: Workerl letlina such lteJnl Ctl esientill ilmt fl diet. ~ • ing wy hard llme8. "Maw healthy, experienced onto the bi.ck matbt. · 'ttoere ·1~: UW. lndlcatian, 1be diplomats, intelligence work.en have gone'° meet~ Nolin& that j .o du s.t r i 11 h01M~. ~ 1 ~ltkanl_ wW agents aDd s:maU band of new needs of the revolution. workers n\ake up 1 \fer)' small socm,.tmprove. Tbe "nphri& it_ Hanol-watchers in SaJgoo ?lho "'lbe members of work days part of North , Vletnl.ni's 17 on further belt~ lild' daily ICan tbil mus of words and work hours ba~ declined million ~e; HanOl ft1Cben 1'~ ~pUge.'' make only cautious in .. many places, labor do not · read too tnU.c b ~.._,.,,.. • ...._,.. ~-=:~~ ~:t"~~·-==1~ ~~i:·: into lhh'e PICKWICK ·~· ~:::,w11po.1u~?°"'.· .11 change 1 .. d 10 .•·•lluatloa o1 llobor 1;:;e~y,..~~~~"i:~; a_oq_. 1_-sH_OP_s. . . ........ productivity increasing slowly ua::v un.u ...., aurllll These sources do Wlst, or not Increasing at all and in agricultural areas.,' ft 1.c e , ....mt : t however, tbat ll~ condlUoos places there ta a tendency for sugar, salt and meat are r• ,10 -..... .... in the North-as palilted In proojuctivlly to clocllne." li<lned. -111• •- RIDol's own clostl1 CODtrolled To combat this. Hanoi'sli';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ press-must have .:me effect rulers are using the old . ~ .. at~·~:\:~ llldba~~ ~~'.ta~y'°~l"i: ~:;;~:. i YOUR PROBLEM: - decisions. cordiDi to productian." l You want to Mii some 1.-m It has been U months since At t!le Tran Pbu macblne t that you no lonpr .....i lwt the American bombing o( shop, where this system wis i somffM els• can UM for North VJetnam's bearlland en-lnln>dllced, said Hanoi Moi, 'ded and al-t nine months "thers is an atmoopbere . of N 0 T 0 V E R $ 5 0 since the lolll bomeing halt. i ? ? ? ? ? _ ?, Yet the Nor1h Vietnam.., • =.still~=::~ Britain Gets YOUR ANSWER: morale probloms, low pro-M Ch • · <1uc1M1y llld asr1eu11ura1 an<1 art auce f industrial diaruplion. .; Tbe roads and railroads BRUSSELS (UPI) -France : have been repaired 1 n d has ·aolteoed its opposition to: Haiphong's dockJ are handJing BriUah members?µp in tbe • as niuch or more cargo than European Commop Market I ever, but the e.veeyday life of but oegotlatio.ns for British en- lhe North Vietnamese appears try still face ·delays and lo have changed tittle. obstacles, diplomats said to-:. 1be most ae:ious problem day. • You c•ll THE DAILY PILOT, atk for Clonlflecl Advortlolng, •nd pllCO a ,N!,_~PILOT PENNY • Playing Fiel.ds for Leaders Joining Revolt appears to be well-trained and Diplomats ·a t't e. n d 1 n g a: motivated manpower. Such me.eUng ol. Common Markel• sh~ea are re p e. 1 t e (kl.,. foreign ~ .said talks : noted, althougll no mention h between Jlrltlln and the slx • ever made of the soldiers sent member naUona may not 1·3 ~~~~~:~D .I AT . OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE j ·:: • L.IN.ES 2 TIME .$ 2DOLLAltS LONDON (AP) -Student the smaller Etonlans look like unrest is quietly invading Little ~rd Fauntleroy have Elon, t!';e-, 500-year.old boys been done away with in the school f(om whose playing put f«:W years. Pre-breakfast fields came generaUons of classes have been abandoned. British leaders. Latin is no longer a com· him to move into the st.ate _achoo! system. 1~0ne friend said Cbenevlr:- Trench was "keen to make changes but Eton was chang- ing faster than he, or possibly anyone else, could cope with." the cases were kepi. out of to South Vietnain. begin until nUt year. court. Last Mattb, a teenage The United.._ States claim! boy wu found with a loaded that about stl,000 ene1111 • gu~~~::h l r I u e d :die:~i:e~t: tic!!:!~ No •~ff ~~;.~,L t•l1t v•• £ that marijuana "is no m1jor those who died in 852 bmnbing M•r•, •¥9f'f ~ • .,, •bout wh1t't t problem in the school-10 boys raids. from diaeue or from 9oi119 .. I• tll• Grt•••r Or1n11• • AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 An underground organiia· pulsory subject. The boys lion calle6 the Schools Actioh don't have to 80 to chapel Sun- Union claims it has. infiltrated day morninp. Errant E~ the most ·famOU! ol. Britain's niana are still caned by upper prep scbo9fa. Its airii is to er:· classmen. but the ~tings get tend the .. atudent revolution rarer every year. In his five years at the school, the liberal Chenevix- Treoch had to battle against the school's governors to make even minor changes in routines that began in 1440, when King Henry VI founded the school near W i n d s o r CasUe, 20. miles outside Lon- out of l.220 is not very many." <>&her causes. North VJetnam's c..,, th•11 tht DAILY PILOT. : IT.ti fr .. Nwfll c .. .., 141-tntl The pistol turned out to be• ,:"mill~·~1ary~~le~ade~r._V::'.:o~N~&11Y~"'!:========:l'.i~''!'!'!:••!'•~•'!'!'!:''!''~''!'!''!''!''':!''!'.!":''!!'!!~'!!:~'!!'!!:~~ parl of a gun collection. I- from tM unt~r&ities to Eton The man responsible !or and the other private in-Eton's reforms, Headmaster slitutions which the British Anthony OleneviJ:-Trench, an- ca ll public. schools. nounced this week that he bl A spOkesman for th e retiring neli year be.cause, movemeqt, who declined to be although he. is only 51, "the identified 'bY. name, said a stress and strains of a he~d· promi.sing rilfinber of Etonians master have c I e a r 1 y 1n- had signe4 D;'ID !Wh:~ ;~" , ' !he school's traditions. 1 He told friends be thinks he Some <>f the tl'ldition! should make way for a a \ready are gone. younger man wbilt he himself The binding black jackets is still young enough to move and celluloid collars that made into aoother job. Some er:pect Sears VI•"' $6.'1) lO $\4 w.,...,14.99 to S'J,99 don. He has also had to defend " I don't know what these Schools Action UniQn 'Chapa think they're going to ac- complish," said one old Eto- nian. "I ,think they'll find that many of the changes they want have already taken place at Eton." his pupils against muted com· ---------1 plaints by the. governors about conduct in the school. Ten boys in the put five years have been discoftted smoking marijuana. Each was reported to the police then handed back to tbe head- master for punishment, and It~~ loff> 99 .!I!) 97 Pair Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column Pair Sati$fa.cti.on Guimmf.eed . or Your MDneY Bock Sears Shop Monday thra Saturday 9:30 A.IL te 9:30 P.11. DAW. ••ft« OD GO. ' • .. 5-Gallon Complete AquarioJJll! Sold Sepanlely $20.20 1399 •Complete ..r'lt ~ftfledor, aquarium., eolond. l"lftl. npbr arnel. bulb, book. tber........u.er, (ood, castle. p11nt. filler, wool, charco1l, background, neuLralizer, lonic, pump, net, tubing .. , ' Cute a 'd.'Clean Turtle•, •• j,CreaR Chameleon• Gift for Children R"Y ....,f 39c Low Prioel 66d ~ colon t<a>tdi111 Mak~ -i.tf<>1 pets! ' ' toic:s~! Turtle Food J91i Tenwia 99e Tanle Bow 75e .. I - Sears Economy 5-Gallon · Aquarium Sets · Sean Low Low Price! 591 · • lnehtdea pamp. filt.r nd tahintl ••• main needl to keep yo11r pee goldfMh or tropiool liak oli>e oad h .. lthy • B..i,.t priced to ...,..,.....i. the borlm• J().pllon aquarium"" 9.9'7 Cute and Cuddl1 Pet Hanuten Gre1t \1a1ue! 66c Fun to wllb.:b as. well ., «1-<ooal. Sup« nlu.l Hamster <Acc----3.49 ' $13.99 s.bwww•W. PU01p 9~ ·-. e S ' :?' -~ -·~·-?•?.. ... ,_ ........... ..., ~ .,...._UL ..... ' ... _ .. • Lo•altle Pet CuiaeaPip 1-Pri .. t 269 n... ideo1 ,.. .... ..:i. • ibiliba ~:t"C....i ' ' . Satisfa.cti.on. Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears Shop M·e11day im Sllmfay -. ' ' 9:30 A.1..e·••·r.1. a••s. &OD11CS AJ(D co. I I ) - • , I I I l I jl I I ' ' ! - . . ' ' JC ~y PILOT ;cuban's ,'Escape • I ll Jet _ \Vh·eel-hay Still M_r-sterious • I ' • • MADRID (UPI) -In a may prove beneficlal for wanted to gel away from the Socarras would have lo have plane.s, and on the night we grabbed hold of some tubes coutsa tn Havana for two { .aiill hospital room i Jl' medical lclence. t;ystem there. Jt was a terrible waited until his 27th birthday, had ch~n to leave we went and prayed, .. Socarraa q.ld., imonµ&s, &bowed some of the Miiidttr,' Cuba a.to" I w a,y The experta believe Socar· life for a young man. There when he would have complttea to the airport early and hid ln "Shortly af~ we took olf, the -~ he hat dofte,1n. the -Socuru ~ ru, who was wearlllg on1y • wu nothing to do but go lo the bis mllltary obligations, the Jong gniss al the end of door of the wheelbl.J ~ -l1osJ>•lal, .pa!nllnp 1i!l>ldl were , W'litll .te 'fM:nter the ou~ light tropical clotblng, was movies." Socarraa said be wwked in the runway. There were only a and I esca~ falling OUl by~ rather naJve ~lst· : _... after one of the ~ frozen so quickly that hilibody Did he reallze the dangers Havana llS an apprentice couple of guards in the are{l rfllraCle." , style w2'ts, but lJOt,~ of d.,_MCIJ>el in history. ,. weot into hibernaUon. enabUng he would faCe • in making his welder. Hts father ls a govern-and we were able to elude About his future plans;. talea~·;.,.1.!";:1!Ls~~~ Solitfn, wbo will be 11 ru, system to resist tbe Stun· escape? "Oh yet. But there is ment functionary . them. Soearra.s said: "I don't know anL'_:::_.. ___. ~l.IU!· next mamb. (lfld to Ma~ · ning cold and lack ol. uygen. no way of getting out of Cuba "I got the idea of escaping When the plane stopped at what 1 Wll do when I leave ~-~ a5' ':""' i.uo.t since ' from HavlDI June 4 in the Socanu was wearing the illegally without dooger . r aboard a plane when I went to the end ol the runway to begin hospital. 1 h_ope to leave here he,11 a nunor, hi.a father ~d ' ~.1 an J be r I 1 JI. same striped shirt in wh1cb he boa th the airport al Havana," he · •·• ff 1 • asll; flor' his --4-adJ"-n. But ~ 1 could have got on a t to e Us w.aeo , we ran onward soon. I wouJd 'Uke to go to the _ -~ .. ,,. uu ' AirUnel · jet. · escaped during: a recenL n· Vnited States and that would said. "I went often, and' saw and jumped lnto the wheelbay. United States, if 1 can. 'Ille iheihasn~. ~as be. be as~ed. During: the nearly eight-hour terview w.ith UPI: Wilh 500'le have been dangerous alto. If I how there was room in. the Socarras friend fell out as American consul has already , He satd that he had written mu. ~-;I'•, 1e1 .~·In life, yw.have tO mm a:\>Jrltep at some ala.ge, and 1 think-l'H made iL i11•m .. la:am ~ bra &WIJ from Cuba. Evirythlng WU IO grey thtre. No matter where you went, tlwre w11 alway1 oomd>c>o!y boos!ng you abouL • .... PICIC.Uf' & HWYl•T -Dl,.INDMl.6- TYPl NG -41-..,.bosuppm1ed·U almost money given tum by ·the had stowed away on a ship, I wbeelbay for a pas,,enger. the plane began takeoff, .and~=--'bee"" 11 to see me, and I have · to, hls famlly but had·recdved cwilPlete lack of pressure and CUban center tn ~drkS. he would lulve got hungry and I For two months I planned to reportedJ)"'WU"f111Ufe"1l'itl ar· as iealiimfor an immlgriUon no-reply. • WPTWAT •CUTA•tAL a 'temperature which dropped had bought • transistor radio would have been discovered." escape with a friend; We rested. permit." ... Sooatras aald be ·9,u-i op-siavic• to as Jaw as 40 decrtff below ~ ~ tape recorder. He ~as . _.,'.T~o'~ha~v~e..'.l~el~I ~Cu'.'.'.ba'.:'....'.leg~al~ty.:_• _st~u~dl~ed~lh".'.:e..'.tim~· ".'.:ela:'.'.'.bl~es..'.o~l..'.th".'.•'__'_'.'On~ce~I..'.w'.:.,~ln_'.the~p~lane~,..'.l_~Soa~C1~1T~as~, ~w~ho~loo~k~an~aJ'l,~-~' ~~about~-~~the~lu~liire~. ~:1~·u~~~~·!!•!!l!!IM~~!!!!!!! zero. As the plane taxied to a listening: to ~e American 1~ , halt at the Barajas Air'port pop music, which be said was here, Soc11Tts slumped to the not allowed in Cuba. -ground unconscious and in Asked why he dec~ecl. to what medical experts termed leave, Socarras said: I JUSl a state of hibernation. Doctors were ~ tb;lt Socarras could bav~ survived the trip: "He is a superman," one of them said. But Socarras don not look like a supennan. Ht is short, dart, swarthy and rather in- articulate young man. The docton ral Madrid's So Gran HolpiJal do~ Beoelicen-, cia can find tJOthlng wron with him. Neverthdes.s, he has bOeii kept In ·thit;jiospilal since hlJ • .....-..-ror an u ~~fJfchecut11a1 Atyoar " ' anew IL q ·Sell unwanted item!! with • DAILY rn..ar CW.Wed Ad. PHONE '642-5678 H'FC ""aftice inN • &LR& u•t& . 21187 SAi JOAOtJlN RIUS ROAD ·· ... .., -.. ' \ .......,..~iol"'J bills. bllJ a beCIBl'ar-<>rmeel -Important - 1>e 1 "'I. JI!* ....,ariange fart ID JOlm' <MD bpu•..-Glceaf~~ll \lid EW•n•, 1btl9C*• .. • ,, I Jt&,cl*ii ,. medto._allua;tii ......,.,....... -be"l dlOD '111111tJOOf'IOea ... cost, ID c1t:Ds and cents, before )QI bol towl And at Hoase'>Old. -.i·s a eomenlent ltlll&,_11 plan for "!"'1 ~ EMtl year, -·tban 2'h mllon people ~ llllllr ......., a e e"'" m HouseOold Ao aic6. Why ~-ti, call« aPPW llJ mail ~s ~ oftice loday. !:lo4 w. f ' • ITALIAN PROVINCIAL GROUP BY BASSET_T Pupular Italian slyle, wilh an individuality all its own, noted in the rich carved delai~ twin mirrors, excellent hardware. Group includes the huge 72" door slyle dresser, twin mirrois, carved head- board, the handsome veneers in celadon finish. CHEST AND NIGHT STAND AVAILABLE TO MA'i'CH, AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS AMERICAN PROVINCIAL BEDROOM BY ALBERT Early American group of solid birch end birch Vill· eers in glowing provincial finish, perfect accent for lhe line turned detail, the cla1sic simplicily of the cabinets. Group includes the dresser, framed mirror, full size bed with headboard, foot and rails. CHEST AND NIGHT STAND AVAILABLE TO MATCH, AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS T TABLES 1 FINE SPANISH SAVE 1/2 & MORE \ NIG~M M ODES \ BED ROOM SET FINE WOOD BEDS I & C . 1 1 lo I lriole dresser. mirror, bead·. Spani~h. modein, E.a~l~ Amer-I l~~~~o~c~!·):u~ P:J! I ooard. Save $85. ican, man~ wood\ t1n1shcs. t c I WERE$49 $38 : WER!Sl9 $19 u. : ~:~ $199 uc. T0 $b9 EA. l0 $59 ----}--"'l"----------------i-SAVE$20. VINYL 1 3-PIECE DIXIE VIBRATOR-I • KER 1 BEDROOM SET RECLINER-HEATER \ SWIVEL RO ( . I r.oniempo<all drasser.mi~or, o·rr comlorlab\e, in wipe· l "u ml utbedttmsh A" the ielaxin~ features • , • I n1 "'' vi \· color t1>oite. I ti~oaru.111 r . incl,iting lie~! I '"'° 'l • 3-PC • $ 7 I $3 8 lcoMPARl $278 . ~~M;9~Rl 7 \ ~:as t~~:_ _____ _ ---------1--------YD -, SAVE 51 5! VIRTUE SAVE 510 ON 1 SAV} 11 SQ. • \Dir ector's Clioir 5-PC . DINETTE \ 501 .Nylon Corp!, I s.iuaro ""' t11>111. nlatk Uiminaltll banded lo~ 4 pi,,tic I Ouponl 5Qll~Y~,:~'· d I ,;nil seat & back. opllolslernd chairs. 1 jule Imel. \ 2488 I WAS 388 I COMPARE WAS $49 HC. I S4.U "· I AT 39.95 $59 1 SQ. YO· "· 1 ClfUGI IT . ._._ .. . ...,,.,...., ....... CllMU Ctt9tfCAa M ' " ... • ........ . f Wlitft~' FRONT YOUR CHOICE OF ITAUAN STYLE BY BASSITT OR MAPLE BY AlBERr COMPARE .AT $399 EA. CREDIT-TERMS " • • , • • • • ! . . -Santa Ana t - Approves Tax Hike . , SANTA' ANA :..Cily coun·. cilmen have approved a 26- ·-cent property tax increase, the first tu: jump in the city m:1a ye~s. ~-· · ' Cou/ICUmen ;approved a 116 million btldgh wl:llcb w i 11 ra1se the 1969-10 tax rate to $1 .40 i:>e.i $100 of assessed valu- ,__ apon, or .about '13 a year on a $20';000 -hOme. Pi'ior-to voting 5 to 1 for the new budget Tuesday, coun· cilmen heard con f LJ ct in e. recommendatiOJ\oi ·-Wotn two : · . !~pt~ of oommer.<· JOINS CAMPUS STAFF 1 orDilliilions .. ,..~ .. I UCI Dlts~l•r Krli m1n William Weoke, Chamber , president, said !Us board sup-----------1 porled)be buuet as -proposed - by CitJ& Maiiager Ca d v . i ~ r· k · 'fhornto'o..e -Ou:: as i:r But , .J~e~ Gilmore., cllairnian 'of the independent Force Meets : 1 n d u s t r i a I J>e:vel9pment Division or the Chifube:r-asked ~hat the' budget.:, be cut by 1 11.153,ooo to ~void the in-•In .Evenings crease. Gilmore suggested cutting • c ut proposed park developments to cost $815,000 ' and a branch library at $238.000. Lone councili'nan op- posing the tax increase was J. Ogden Markel. SANTA ANA -In order to stimulaie public attendance at meetings 0£ the county's Voting Systems Task Force. sessions are now being held in the evenings at the Planning Department Heating Room, 400 W. 8th St., here. County Clerk William E. St -. ~--------'----~ -John-sai~ 19th ... meeting·-ol -----F-or P-ar'k -_:.-lhe-8r<>Lii>"'lll be..hela tonight Land Sold ' at 7:30 1n the new location. SANT A ANA -L a n d The task [orce was ap- formerly owned by Douglas pointed by the et1unty Board or •·\Vrong \Vay" Corrigan has Supervisors last September to been earmarked by this city study eiectTonic voting for conversion into a five-acre park. systems with an eye toward The city council this week future purchases Ot equip- approved purchase of the ment. former ~r:rigan pro~rty for Tonight task force members Sl~,399. Acreage ad1acent to will bear a presentation by the the land bas been purchased . . · . .1for an additional $48 202. Cubic Corp. of San Diego, · ' man,ufacturer of the Votronics DEATH NO'J'ICES JONE'S. A.Iii» M. JOl'les. ll'O'l Da~ot1 Al"'!.• •, G•rden Grw•. 0•1e of deiltl. July)(), ee10W<I wife d ltou Jon1:s; ICl'llllll! moll>ef ot Karen L. AQfll, ot ~· del Meri •Qd Llnct. ;M•rl, Jonn, G1t'del1 G""1fl dAuthli!I' of Mr. 1"'1 Mt1. ~ti.rift aoet ..... of 5'11 Oleta; ,rstitr Of Gt9Q' Vennllllon, 1:.11 Hebr11 •r\CI J.mu aoelenl, DH Mer. Funer•I strv!c. Wilt be held ~turtl•Y• 10 AM, at fheo Urrited 'Nthodlst Cllurcto, comer of M9l11 1nd Stanford In G1r- C1en Grove. F1mHr s1111""ls 1tl<»e wlt/111111 lo !'Nik• .....,.,..,1a1 corurlbu· tlont, o!eaae Olll'ltr~ to the Unlver- silv Melllodlst Chun:ll Jn lrvlne, fOI' tlle new lllo'nctua'IY ll!'Pl'I. !lose Hlll1 Mo&.1rv, Wlllt!ler. Olrfl:tor1. ,. WARING Maif,, £. War!n;. A9e 67. of lfM SietJ1'8 Mlta, Pl1~ll1. Diie o1 Meth, Juff' tt. SurvlvM bV -.on, J•"1K W1rift9, ol Morvlar\CI: 1tlr~ daoth"'rl, P1trlcl.I C.hlll. of ~lne1 Join Mjor· 1·11, Coola Me.a; IC•lllllM!n Faley, Pla~ntt.i Twti 1Liter~ KaThryn Klos! and Anne Nwm1nr 1nd bn>ther, Arlhur ACMn, 1 11 ltf Iowa. R"""rv' 7:30 PM l~nl9/11, Thu~IVJ R~uifln M;n1, Friday. ' AM.. bolt\ 11 St. Joseoll'I C•lt\GI~ Ctlloll'Cll, Plactnlll. lnt.mleftl, Ht tv St!!>\lloftt.r Cemeterv. Dlrwctecl br 81tb·tc.l;Jlbtll't Mor1u1rv. AniMlm. . PAUL lieltn Oorls p1Ut 16JJ E~n Ave., <;Q<.11 """'· Ale 601 d••• of Off!h, Juiy -21. $u·rv1• bv llutb9nil, -Mr. Hart•nd P1ul; ,on, W11tl!i' M!lo;.11f P11l't; dallVllll!'I', Hell!ll p.,.ry of Mlcto- lllal)/ ~lier. JQl'on S!. ~""9e; 111· hf'r M•rle Morris 1nd Settv. Sl:,... ire,. SafuflllY, 10 AM. Bell Sra1dw1v Ch-1. 110 s~v. 0.11 Mew. MEANS Curlis Newton MeeM. 162~ 'E, 111t> SJ.. (Ol!I Mesi. Aie 4'!; d•lt of de11tt. J~lv n. Survived llY 01111111- ler. M,,. v1,,.1n11 L. Kkkler, Hun!· lnt!<>n Beach; brolMrl, , Reelnald, Harold N., Wll!l.m ll'ld Merrill Munl. MemoFlll nrvlQIS, Fr\4ay, JO:JCI AM, SHI '9rori9'11!&Y O..pel. lnier-nt. Goad Shl!l>httd Ceft1elerv. Olrl!'cil!d by Belt' Bro.dwav Morlu•rv, 110 lro-<J. wov, Co•ll Mesi. ARBUCKLE & WEL'lB Westcllff Jl,lortuary 427 E. 17th St, Costa ?'lfesa '46-41181 • Vote Counter. Ne'v School Dedicated For Ai·nold CYPRESS -A. E. "Pat" Arnold, reputed to have held more public and civic offices than any other Citizen in the history of Orange County was honored Wednesday by the county Board of Supervisors. The occasion was t h e dedicallon of the A. E. Arnold School in Arnold's home. town of Cypress. Arnold's record "of public service includes mcpibership on the school board in Cypress, and mem~rslUp in the Cypress Volunteer Fire Department siLce 1926. He has been its chief for the past 2Q years. 'Arnold also is a member, of the county Board of Education and the· county Juvenile Justice Commission. In addition, he is nianager of the Cypress Parks and 'Recreatioi:I District, a director of the Cypress county \Valer District, a member of the board of trustees of Chapman College, and a fQnner director of the Orange County FaJr. · BALTZ MORTUAIUES ': · Coroiia del !far OR J..9450 ' Robber Sentenced Ces&a Mtsa Ml i-MU I e BEfi.-BROADWAY J' MOl\T\JARY 110 nloadway, 'Costa rt1esa LI UW '· ••• •• DILDAY BROO'HEllS Hu.nUngtoa Valley Mortuary 11911 Beoch Blvd. Hanth1gtoa Beacb W-m1 • McCORMICI\ LAGUNA BEACH MOllTIJARY 179$ Laguna CanyOll Road Laguna Beach .... Nii • . PACIFIC .YJEW &IEMORIAL.PAllK C~eler)'e~ . Qqel 3S,OI Padllc View Drive N~por1 Buell, caurorm. -• PEEK FAMILY COLON!Ab ~BAL 1181 Ca Ave. Werrtmlnltcr l9S-3U$ • SHEFFER MORTUARY Laguna Bt1U 4M-153S Saa ~meale •Mtot • SMITHS' ~Ql\TUARY 817 Miila SL Huallllgtoo Beac• - SANTA ANA-A youth :who took $63 at gunpoint from a gas station unaware that he was being watched by two Los Alamitos police officers has Meri sentenced to five years to life in state priso.n1 Jeff Stokes, 19, o'f Los Angeles, drew that term from Superior Court Judge Howard cameron following bis plea of guilty to armed robbei'j. He -admitted that -he was one· of two men who ~arried out the holdup last A~l 30 of a servtce station at I:. o s Alami~os Boulevar.d and J\a· tella A ve.nue. Two police officers \nltched the holdup l\"oni lbe~ parliid car. They arrested Stokes and his companion a short distance away. THINK . JEDJn tnht ~tcllff PW.~lt.,. Only 642 ·2444 ~· _ .. DA!t.V PILGT J7 Dissenter ·Joins Staff of By THOMAS 'fORTUNE Of lflt Dlllt '"lltlt Stitt IRVINE -Mike Krisman , former UC Irvine student body president who the last two years has been a leadu in campus dissent, hail been hired 'by the U C I ad· ministration as coordinator of academic advising. Krisman for several years has been a ~her of Stu- dents for a DemOC{atlc Socie-' ty (SDS) and last Christmas vacaUon made in unauthoriz- ed trJp to CommwJist Cuba. His appointment was ap- proved by Chanoell!lr Daniel • G. Aldrich Jr. who has main· talned close contact with Krisman sloce he was elected student body president in 1967. The chancetfor has often relied on talks with Kris.man to learq wtiat radical stu~nls on cimpus are concern'M about. . "ll's not that Aldrich and I agree, but w~ are able to ti lk," said Kri1man. "I've felt he is a fair administrator, ap- prQachable and easy to Lalk to." He often has stuck up for the ch ancellor at gatherings or radical students. Krisman, 27, received a bachelor's degree in history for Irvine in Ju1\e. He is a former Anny paratrooper who came to UCl when the campus first ope~ four years ago. His job as coordinator of academic adv ising will be to advise S tudents and keep· faculty posted on academic rule changes, :iew courses, fellowships and scholarships. He will advise studenls whn haven ·1 declared a major or want Information a b o u t gra·duate schools elsewhere and organize student advising during . orientation and, " registration. Thtl job Piil'• ~oour 18.ooo per year. Krisman is the first to hold .Lbt position tun time.' Assistant PrQfessor of History s~noer 01rur Jr. did it part- time1wo yeara ago. • Krisman sald he was not in- tervi&'!cl:l -0!1'7 his poUUcal beliefs, He said it's hard to say whether he slill is a membe'r ot SOS because of the sch.ism lha~ has develoRfd In national lea_d'ership tfUs summer and he is not sure w·hat SOS stands for. He pai~ bis own way to ' '• lr.:Vine •lfl'S· BE FRIENDLY lt JOU bav• MW nel;bbon or. ·kn9w of anyone movi!'la to CW are&. plftse teil·UI travel to G\aba,. ahoolt hands '° that -:• ma)' n:tend a with. Fidel .,c'-s&io while Oiiere, f'titnd.1Jr wek:orn. an4_ help and has spoken ailjniri.tlgty of them to becotM acquainted the CUban experiment since I.ti their new~•tll'l'CIUfldlnr hls return. " 'S ( f YisH Kr ism.,. sllld his better• anct O. NS Of values haven't changed. J.le'IJ 4940519 do his job eight hours a d_,1 ne ••td, and on hi• own'tim• ltil'bor VISilor he 1till might -play an active part in working for what hej~!!"!!!!~494.9S6' cans "progressive chan&es oo campus." Krisman said be is 1con- s id er in g wo rk Jng in . universiUes as a career. He and his wife, Ann, live in Laguna Beacb~ Let TV WEEK Turn You On IOI • . '. • ' I . ~ • j: .. , '. . -j l . .. . . I • Y. ,;.•,,;•' . .. . ~ ... , ,-;' •l'!ff'• ' . and · more .. : . , ...... '~· ·'' , .. ~· ;i:· -~:. :i ~;""· "'\ . ' ': '•' .. .,,. ·i .t.,.1i .. .,.i·t., NEVER AGAIN SAVINGS ON MEN'S SUITS, SPORT C0.4TS,· SLA~~<N SWEATERS, JACKETS, SPORT SHIRTS, KNIT SHIRTS AND FURNISHINGS • •. PLUS WOMEN'S DRESSES, SHIFTS, SUITS ANO SPORTSWE/l)t:. PWS s1,000,000 WORTH OF "~W: " GRODINS SUITS AMD ·SPORT COATS AT DRASTIC CLEAR·-AYiAY PRlCIS;f.=-· .. • f>j'\1,-· i ., ... , •• . .. -·L.A . ... ' . Bought for a pfanned' Spring "change-over;" this'veiy desirable new a'rodins merchandise is now surplus! Even if -it arrived y'esterday,)J m~~t9',:;~e~ ... , now, along·with the entire Mullen & Bluett stoc~We simply' musl ma~ room·· for new fall merchandise arriving daily. Tha(means U&'lnfl;,r.d ~~ •savi~.8 ; and wide selections in the ' newest style~ fabrics and · eoio f.s. .Shop now ••• during tile Grand Finale of the great~st sale~jn \ga~~il\,~lsto,ry! · 1 •• .... + !! Open a Grodins Charge or use BankAmerica .d or Master Charge . . No mall, no phone, no C.O.D.'s ... alterations at cost ... aff s~t>Ject to prior selel • '. .. .;,I ·~· ,. r-,••' .,,., • .1• 1 .. ·: • ~- ,. ' --MIRACLE MILE 5570 WJWl~e •DOWNTOWN 000 So. l!toadw1y •GLENDALE Wlloon & BrJflll • PMAD.IliA~Ciaf.Coloradt>.!JOJ'AN~WA C.!lO!l~ park• LAKJ!WOOD LaJ<t..OOd ~ ~ANTA MONICA Santa Monie-Miit '\tO.)ITH :OAST P1.AZA Coll« M°" ,,,NAHEIM Bdwy•Anaheim Center • MqJITCLAIR PWA MontcTalr •LA CUM'!' Pl.AZA Sanll - ., ...,. I fd v . l I _...!._:_._ _L I \ 11 I I I ' I \ I I \ 1 I I , . I • • . . It Doesn't Matter Where Robert A. Marfuta. 22, ·is married to Diana Studaker, 21, in a Detroit gas station by attendant Bruce "Greene, an ordained minister (right). The couple, faced ""With a -marriage license""ttue"1<t-expire=at1nidnigh , was--making-phone _ca.lls-at....the ..statioh...in.. ~..attempt-to filld.. a-minister-to -many thernk ando-at· ~ tendant Greene prompU.y volunteered his services, ~ith. 20 minutes to spare. U.S. Tells New Plan Truth-in-Packaging Still Long Way Off For Station WASllJNGTON (AP) - Nwly three ye.an alter pass.- age, Q n 1 y one part o( the Truth-ln-Packa.gin& Act has developed i n l o full.fledged law. SPACE CENTER, Hooston (AP) -An elaborate bundle 4)f telescopes wil be launched 1n 1972 aboard America's first Some congressiooal con· manned, earth-orbiting space sumer advocates, unhappy over the itnpleoientation of the station to uncover secrets of 1960 act. will try with fresh the sun and universe. law to give the housewile • The new plan, announced better idea of what she it gel· Tuesday by the National ting for the !amUy'1 money. Aeronautics and S p a c e "The Fair Packaging Act is Administration , changes a an excellent example of how • good consumer Id.ea goes schedule that called for the wrong," says Rep. Benj~ first space workshop to be s. Roesenthal, ~NY .• l:heic orbited in 1971 with less com· man of the House special con- -plex scientific and medical ex· sumer subcommittee. · Roseental and Sen. Gaylord perimenls. Nelson, J).N.Y., are chairman .Under the revised plan, the of the House special consum. first two stages of a Saturn 5 er committee. rocket-the type booster used Rosenthal and Sen. Gaylord to launch Apollo ll to the Nelson. 0-\Vis., have in· moon-will! orbit an unfueled troduced bills that wou1d re- third stage outfitted on the quire product package1 to list ground with an experiment price per unit of me&!Utt, called an Apollo Telescope 30mething not done under food Mount ATPtf. regulations which became law Packing nine telescopes to July 1. peer at the sun and stars from Meanwhile, the Food and above the veil of earth·s at· Drug Administration, Federal fftOSpbere, the ATM is ex-Trade Administration and peeled to provide clues to the Commerce Department still origin of the universe and are deliberating a bushel of <!nable astronomers tG better regulations to implement the predict radiation storms on original 1966 law. the The regulations wil finally Thseun. workshop will b c apply to detergents, drugs, cosmetics, and get at a prime launched unmanned, NASA consumer guessing g am c : ~aid. Three astronauts will: "giant gallon," ·•ju m b 0 orbited by a smaller Saturn 1~ quart " and "cents off" label· r~ket the enxt d~y to docia , ing. ' with ~ space !talion and oc-· · Agency spokesmen say im- cupy it for four weeks. plementation of the law has Later crewn ~il_I visit the been delayed by the vast num- laboratory for ITllS'litOns lasting ber of involved and prolific up to 56 days. protests-some of them in the , Earlier plans called for the courts-by manufacturers. astronauts to be launched in 'I1le FDA offered its first 1971 to outfit in orbit the spent proposed reg u I at ion ll in second stage of 1 Salum IB. September 1967, and later set Several months later, the a July I, 1968, enforcement ATM would have been launch-date. The deadllne was pushed b a c k a year far food. It was pushed back to Dec. 31 this year far nonprescription drugs and cosmetics. And last June lhe FDA exempted small eos- melic packages indefinitely. The PTC, which ls responsi- ble for 23 products such as detergents, paper towels and bug sprays, voted last month to delay indefinitely the pro- posed July 1 .date for en- forcement of its proposed rules. The commission said It wants to wait until court challenges over painls and motor oils can be cleared up. The Commerce Department has used warnings of further congressional action a n d reminders or industry pro- mises or self.regula tion to whittle down the number of different sizes of packages on supermarket and drug store shelves. But Virginia Knauer, Presi· dent Nii:on'1 special usi!lan.t for C{)nsumer affairs, said in recent hearings b e f o r e Rosenthal's subcommittee the agreements already in effect are apparenUy being violated. The number of dry cereal packages was supposed lo drop from 33 to 16. Mrs. Knauer said a weekend survey by her and her staff turned up six dilferent package sizes violating the agreement. Detergent packages sizes were to drop from 24 to 6 in number. Mrs. Knauer said she found a total of 18. "It is irritating that the con- sumer is forced to wait so long for his government lo insure that he isn't being misled by confusing labeling," s a y s Nelson . He said the unit-price bills "should help serve notice lo the regulalory agencies that Congress has not forgotten nor will it forget the con.sumer." ed unmanned by another 1;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;-::-~~~:O:~- Saturn lB to automatically IJ~Wij1L Pi~A ~El' ~ock with the space station. ''The change in: plans will permit simplification of the previously announ.ccd l 9 7 1 mission as well as augment lhe capability of that mission to perform space-and earth· oriented research," N A S A 1ald. The orbiting workshop will he • modillod ·-ata&e of • Ole Saturn 5. inMad of .... lahling hydrog" luel, ill Jl(boo.<u~oot ~IY wt wW be oatlltted ti a two-stcry hllillat ln whlclj Mtrooaull will live and wort. RE,AIR.S I A.EUNES WHILE.U-WAIT WY COMPLETE AlWAYS CREDIT DENTAL SERVICE LOW TERMS IN OUR OFFICE PRKES PENTOTHAL (fer Sleep} for~ Exlracllons '11111 Rllings WELCOME UNl10N DEN AL PATllNTS e DIFFtCUL.T CASES w•l.COM•o e PE~SIONERS WELCOME · ~ ATM II ploanod 1' I , f~ ol .more.y •dvinced ,..,,., and Nlllr ~ !hit wtII be -b y ..u.nautl In opace « p<rilapl oo the moon. ~ It cooaJJtl d lM ell pertments to m e a 1 u r e ullravloiet Upl and X-Rays that c1nnot penetrate earth's atmospben. Thia type or llpt la gJven ofr by young. "hot" ttan-thc Ir.ind aatronornen "ant let atudy Lo learn bow e ~.APPOINTM"f NECWAltY i;:~::::i;:::;jj~.;-:,,:--;; .. ~os;-.'.TO ••Y .--~.,~H~O~N~E~-- • O'lN EVES. I SAT. 1tan are born. Ml I ...... • n HAILA U2-6625 ES,ANOL DR JEPSON """"" • [)~ 11111 ~ ~ 16123 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH NlAl EDIN~El -GltOUNO F~OOl -MODEllN -Allt CONDITIONED FflCE -~....,... attached to tht tcleacopa will photocrapb im-MEMIEl AMERICAN ACAOEMY OF DiNTtST- :t:t.~~~U~I.:~ J.·w:,..,..~·-.. -~~~A"M"ER"l"CA .. N ... C .. O•'O•IT-:-0'."'-".~-~ .. • .. ·~··_ .... _•_•_ .... _-• • .. Most Serious Threat Starfish Eating l)p ~~lands. AGANA, Guam (U.PJ) - Large, spiny lllarflsh wllh 16 aflll5 and an appetite for coral are eating up large cllunks of Guam and the U.S. Pacific trust territory islands. Dr. Richard Cheshire of the Institute of Marine Science in Miami, Fla., described the Starfish scourge as lhe "most serious threat ever faced by the biological community in thf! Pacific." The starfish can eat up to one hall mile of coral reef in one month's time, he said in an interview. · "They are killing off lhe reef in Guam and Rota (an island 45 miles to the north) at ,that rate. Already a 24-mile stretch of the reef along Guam's northern coast has nothing but dead c or a l skeletons. .. It· will •be tQ& years before lhe Uvlog coral organisms will be jble to build back the cor· al,'\-Chesh1re said. Ch~re is 'heading a $500tJOO reae:arch and eradica. lion 'Pro'cram conducted by the Westinghouse Oceln Research Labc>ratory and the' University of Guam and financed by the U.S. Department of Interior. The starfish also have at- tacked the coral at Palau Island. He \ said, "an estimated 200,00D of the ugle monsters are chewing away at the cor- al," weakening reefs and opening the way for wave. damage. The giant starfish were first notice in Guam waters about f.AWNMOWER SHARPENING AND ENGINE REPAIR .. - GRAN'D OP ·ENING TOVATT'S NEW STORE IN' FOUNTAIN ·VJlLE _Y AS NEW AS THE MAN ON THE MOON SEE IT FROM ANYANGLE! '1Q . 50 HUGE 295 ~~SCREEN • , , for the moot life-like plcturM ever CH RO MATONE .1dds tll1ill1n9 cleptl1 to color \ 0 • .irr11t\i 1(1 bl;ick nnd vvl11te QUICK-ON ••• allminateo warm-up-gives "lnrtant" plctu .. 1 end sound ONLY SEE THE EXCITING NEW MAGNAVOX IN ONE OF OUR 8 PROFESSIONALLY DEC 0 RATED VIEWING ROOMSr • You'll be "frant·row-canter" wherever you sit In your room • , • end model 6800 will bring you grea1er viewing enjoyment and all the colorful excitement and thrllls of your favorite •hows and summer sports events with all these superb quality features above; plus built-in Magnavox fine per· formanca end lasting reliability. With MagnavOJ(, it costs·ao little to put some color Into your life I TOVATT'S MAGNAVOX HOME r"tTERTAINMENT ~_ENTER Dire~t Fa~tory Dealer BROOKHURST & WARNER 401 MAIN ST. Fountain Valley 962·24$6 Downtown Huntington Beaci1 536-1561 ~ ~ • ' ' •• ) . • • • DAll.'.I' "LOT 11 International Airport to Transform Palmda~.~1 Spain's f'uture Ruler • Prince Juan Carlos reads a speech accepting his nomination as future ruler .of Spain at his home. La Zarazuela Palace, near Madrid Wednesday. At right his wife, Princess Sophie,. holding their son, Ul"IT ........ · ' Felipe, and daughters, Helena (left), and Chrlatlna, listen. The prince will succeed Chief of State Gen· eralissimo Francisco Franco. Where Is Tranquili.ty Base? NASA Doesn'i Know Preci~e Site _!Jf Lunar_ Landi'!g · SP/>CE CENTER, Hnuston (AP) -l( someday you would like to g{I see Apollo It's Ian· ding site, don 't ask NASA for directions. They're not sure .where the Eagle landed. But scienUsta hope that film comlng back with the Apollo JI crew will solve the mystery of Lbe precise landing site. The scientists need to kiioW · exactly where Eagle's Tran- quillity Base is to gain max- imum knowledge from Apollo 11 and to insure the scienWic success of future missions. "I'm quite confident that once we have the returned film, we will be able to pin- point a definite Jocall«1," Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, a U.S. Gloomy Gus is Your Kinda Guy " . ' .!~ ,,! • ! . ' ' . '~ . ... ,, ' ~· "•'' ' ' . Geologic.al_,._Surv.ey -scientist, said Wednesday. NASA knows, within a mile or so, where Eagle· landed . They l)av.e radar data o( Eagle's landing and takeoff, astronauts' descriptions of the approach to the landing and television pictures during the moon walk. Tracking instruments on earth are riot precise enough to establish Eagle's location eJ:a<:tly. Tracking data, of- ficials said, pJacm the location within a raiJe.w:lde circle. Astronaut Michael Collins tried repeatedly without suc- cesa to pick: out Eagle on the Junal terram below~while he orblled .Ille moon.la tliO com- mand iblp ,Columbia. -Ha!I· bt spntted Eaile ml med the spacecraft n av I & at ion tn- strumenls to find (lreClae lunar coordlnates for Tran- quillity Base, there w.auld be se.lecl.ed _spots_ to.......s t u_d y no problem about the landing particular geologic features. site. Kno~ing where Apollo 11 Jand- But knowing the e1act spot ed will help engineers r~ will make information radioed spacecraft guidance systema to earth by instruments left to allow precise landlnp. behind more useful to scien· .Engineei:s also want to tnow tists · What they must chanp lf an Scientists can learn much wunanned lunar lander filled about moonquakes if they wlth inatrumenta· ls to be aet know where the seismometer down by radio imtructlom left behind is located. Other from earth. researchers pointing a laser What the aatronau'•' recall on earth at a reDector left .., behind will find ita location of their ta}eoff from, the moon helpful. Experts s t u d y i n g miy also help find Tri.Do rocks from the area when the qullllty Bue. t• moon's flrst human vial.tor1;f;::"'=======;:=;;::;;::;;::J cavnrted will learn more abnut BOAT .BUFFS ~ &ectloO ol the moon if Afrn•I\ 1.c&.M; ;, th• .,.1y where tbe rocks came. f11ll-ti1t1• Mitt.It -'lt.r wwlhtt ~ where Eegle ~ .. ,..., .... ,.r.:, •• 0r • ..,. ed. il··alm> import1Dt to •future iCovtity~_,__HK '" .,.1.,. c.,......,. JD.l.9'iom: ,f M..fiflf ..... ytchtiltf M'W1 m;.ce scientbt. hope In the ~.Lo~:il.Y ..... '! •• th•, DAILY lutUre lo land opaoecralt al {'Josinrr -' . ·Prices - PALllDALE (AP) -Thia Anltlope Valley deHrt com- munity in 20 YW'I will beeGme the leCOOd lara:est city in Camnrnla and a "1•tcw'3' between the U.S. and tbe reat ot , the world," an arcbltect and city planner predlctl. The spur for this growth, saya William Pereira, wUI be the planned $1 billion P a I m da I t Intercontinental Airport. The enlarltd ~. to be completed fa ltiO. alltT 111 yean of ~. ls ez. peci.cl to bandle 100 mUllon passeoger1 a ftlf· ~ Pereira'• firm •'bU destaned bulldlnp and cMc centus all over the world and ll plannlllJ , the airport "Pllllton. )le nld that the. airport Ill miles lrnm Los ~elea would cause Palmdale'• curnnt 2 z , o o t populaUon to swell to 11,i State's Traffic Czar miWoo by tie. • He said Ibo alrvcrl ancl 1 related tndmtr7 woUld create "~ bJ&hljo '°91111ticat.c1 "1"bon center in 1be tradiUon of otbtr world' copllal< -nm· dui boldl, tWWa w·obopo ... ••we, ha'*'~ .,.._.to belleve tbal lllll db; 'llll eventually become l)>e,aecond llfle$ cfty ln111e ~te ·<lfttr Loi Anael.,), ooc GI Ibo four or five larieat clUta in tbe country, 11'kf veryutei, one of the IO lar1 .. 1 dUca Ip the ~ world," be aid. ~1 Ile 11\c! the cliT woold bo about !Willa • the "'" ol J ChlCaao, four Umes the alie or MlnneapoU.St. Pllli, •• d I ··-u Ille.iii .DtUu and · 1 F~1Wortb combiald. 1 j • Tbe • oJrpnrt. .. pndlded, WCIUld bec;om!> 0 Qlljcr flCill!f • In Ill• 21st '.;Onturt, f!" ~ - "I 000 lnUe an hour h~. p!Jine's ahll the rocke~poW. .. , space ferries -all ol ·w~ are in de~opmcnt for flllbt ; tests opw." • Seeks Automated Roads To the ·moC)n and back LOS ANGELES (AP) -The ' Jest coocerns will be state's newly annninted traffic reev.aluatiul the' bull for Topttohmoon,.OU~blw -~•--rr-he treatlnc trallk: v!olaUons. lo u--ol tl1o ,_, ii.VUIWuator 11)'1 bope& ~ "Pfobabq. I lf'elt man, of lfUtllQ telb•fctt r.UtbllJty, revise tome ol California• t b e vlolaUODI trpted 11 l'latdl• fliill!I ~ lre(llc court procedura -m-today are realljo not 24;:.:;t=;!!,"· f.8'1lculariy what he calls ""-· he Did, but rether fn. iu,. · ~ ..m-In oui·&l'<>w~. of the bone lrid fr-~1. .~ond -bi bualY day11. Many GI Ille 1tJw viola· mtie .,..,. '10ne In joljr EugeneJ. Dldak, u .... ~ tlona 'he eald lbould DOI re-l>ody •• ;you ............. ,..t tarney with the Callfornia qmre tbt e1abGrate proe.ecturea ment mutt wlitvt them llL ' - Judicial Council, wu named of jwrtrlal 1!l!l'. could be .. And ll'a.~ tt..i...O .. the state's first tr a ff I c tranclled' mfc'e q~ atld v1ry ••m• Spetdf'!•tter " coordlnator Tuesday under the filrlf. under reviled ruUnp w.ictt WI any wa ·~ 1 ~tld , 1111 Federal Hiibw'3' Safety be ldded -· • ' ,.ithnul •~-Hleau9,. Act -a inlf&m deel&ned to . Dldak ;..111 make ......,,. b NASA .... all lli~••ell deve1op a uniform traffic mendatiool_t4 the. ~Jud1c1al ••• mlaioM. 'TNI 'ftCOI•' court syatem t h r o u g h o u t Counc11 which' bu the power rittlon, truly • ....mt for •x- CaWornia. to make rulll wblcb are bin-cellenta. maMI UI proud to . DI•-• of hi "• di the --, be yout au~J\orl.r:ecf Om111 uaa uys one s -e· ng on ... vw-... ..,.,,...,, Coma ln ••• .ee hlndsomi.· 2 'b.mon, 4 dltl, ' ---·----- ll1!llOllllOOl-tlre-aJ!Pllnlment'O'f Mt. Larry Mellinger International Bmiking Division Representative at the Orange CatmtJ Regiaaal Head Office Main at IA Veta • Oranre ~ Jnlemltional BMkitlGI Mn'ioM.~ Fort l11n ExchMfe•L.W. of Credit• Collectfofll • RWl'lltlllnt•• E11,o.1Jhr!lpottfiMni:ie•G~~'f~ifll Mft«R....-elt Om .. • lpeedmi.atet chMo-· lflph. The onb' watch worn b'J the men on the moon. PTkt $195.. II HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON IEACH m-.1so1 HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER COSTA MESA 54S-MIS Olh« 0,,..ClmlllW'~ fflllllor·•Qc_..,,. •fwll1rton r-*lo C.-_,_,ltG'f' od.C.W dtf Mir o,_ .._..,, Tll..., • llriHy 'HI t p.-. o.atf.,...A ...... S. New Stock ' _-\I lH:t'1CHf! 'Exehai*~e '-'. List r..,, • ' j 1_.)fl1•il :-..i l:'.~.U (,; • l I I l ., - • JO DAILY PILOT ~:Badly Assaulted , Girl Recovering I llKllJ! (AP)· -ll was 1 beaming nearby, said that t.yplcal ·Mendocino County smile was bright a.a ever. ~ •e'ltlllnc, the"weather With her ~c::balr, Susan \ ~· ~ 8ky clear, but gets out as much rs possible. I 'Y""'111 Tlli>olf Luce w a s She bU gone sliopplng with trvubled. His C"•r wasn 't her mother a oumber of ~ behaving. and has been to t.he local I With his gtrt friend, Suse.n theater twice. Diane Bartolomei. he Wal ln June, lk.iah had ils annual clrivinc back to Ukiah from a Fiesta, and Susan attended Hopland junkyard, where he some of the pro,rlpllS. bad purchased some parts. She's the town's officially '!'be old heap ~Idle dawn. proclalmtd darling. E v • n Shortly a Car with two ap-while she was so lragicalJy parent good samaritans slop-bed-ridden. Jetters to SUsan ped •and the driver offered a arrived for her in a steady ride. stream. ·nm and Susan hopped ln -Now that she's up and and the quiet. summer evening around, her fellow townspeo- became a n!gbt of horror. pie are showering her with af- Tbe driver and his com-fectionate atteotion. )>llikm were two youths on a Meanwhile, she conUnues violent crime spree that had her daily effort to regain use atattid in the P a c i f i c of her legs. Northw~. Her · mora1e is high. Tim, 17, son of the Lake One of her current County Wstrict attorney, was bitions ls lo go bowling. qulcldy shot dead. Susan also 17, was to be forcibly raped, savagely beaten, sbot and left to die on a roadside near Sonora, 200 miles away. Despite five bullet.. in her head, Susan survived, and wu rushed to a hospita1 when she WB.3 found the nezt day, Then she began what doctors now describe as an a I m o s t miraculous partial recovery. One Throne Lost, But 2nd Gained ROME (AP) She lay in a coma month after month, unable to respond member cif lhe Gr~ek royal with anything more than . a family has in effect lost a flickering of eye~ tO her throne, but his sister is in line parents' amious efiort:S to"talk to get another one. to l;ler. When the Spanisb-head of Several times, Mr. and Mrs. l l Ge li . F AnP. Bartolomei 4were told s. a e, ..,. nera ss1mo ran- -, ii& their....daughWr'1 brown --1~ ranct7?'"1ame6-Pr· e1es mi&!!_t never open again. Juan _,parlos de Bor~ this But lht;Y dfd. . week as future king and heir That first tragic night Wa.!1 to Franco's title, it meant that Aug. 21, 1967. J " U Six months later, Susan uan s w e, the fo rmer recovered comp I e t e con-Princess Sophie of Greece, sciousnes5, bu.t she w a ! would betilme queen of Spain. paralyzed .and speechless. But proSpects are ncit bright Recovenng sufficlenUy to f So h. • b th K. enter a courtroom in a wheel or P 1e s ro er, 1ng chair, she lesd6ed, u.!lng hand Constantine, to regain the t.''ij~::: signals for the most part. throne of Greece. Thomas Braun and Leonard Constantine, 29, has lived in P..1aine, boyi 20, of Ritzville, Rome since his unsuccessful Wash., Were convicted of attempt to civerthrow the murder. Maine was sentenced mllitary d l ct at ors h l p of to life imprisonment; Braun to Greece in ~mbe.r 1967. death in the gas chamber. G!'eeei! is still a monarchy, · Susan coailnued her st.rug. ~ut a regent named by the gle. After seven months in the ,JUnla, U. Gen. Gt o r g e University of C a I i f o r n i a Zoitakis, is holding the throne J.fedical Center in San Fran-which Const.anUne occupied cisco, she was transferred to a for three years and nine Ukiah hospital, lliql even-months. ~mier G e o r g e tually taken home. Papadopoula& sho"'·s no deslre Doctors desQibe her recent to bring baClc the Icing who progress as fantastic. tried to overthrow him. Once believed hopelessly paralyzed from the chest down, Susan now takes a fe\v stepS every evening-but only while holding on to someone on either side of her. UFE OF RICH Constantine lives the life of a rich monarch-in-exile. Athens authorities are loosening all ties with the absent king in the apparerit hope that the Greek people will forget about him. The Greek ambassador to Rome used to go to the a!rport and meet Constantine and bow before him every Jime he returned from a trip abroad. .,, t Her vocal chords were removed during a tracheotomy to aid h e r breathing shortly after she was found. But with the aid of a voict vibrator, she is now conversing. The words "aren't very clear yet," but she is just starting this method of speech, her mother said. But recently the ambassador ., has failed lo show up. To a visiting newsman, she said 1 few v.'Ords and amiled--brighUy. Her mother, Ma1jjuana Still Drug In State SACRAMENTO (AP) Marijuana is still legally classified as a narcotic today following a fuUle attempt by a 1egildator to segregate the weed in California·s lleallh and Safety Code. Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (0-San J ose). sought to remove all regula- tions, crime and penalties in- volving marijuana from the code's chapter on narcotics and place them in a separate new chapter. But after a one-hour debate Wednesday. the Assembly kill· td hi• bill 2M6. "This bill doesn't do more than give us Lhe tools to be honest and current and rele- vant in the law and in the cl assroom," Vasconcellos said. He contended his measure f111Vm m, I ~eve, &be best hope -and we need' a lot -Of l\opl .... -In dealing \11th the prvb1em ol drug ac!Clictl<>n ·"" deal1llg with th• problem :;-dnll -In Callfomia. '' Y~ abo argued It 9"0ld a1JcD the law with •••ta.at do ctors, ~Md ld<ol1all ieD U1 the-cumnl 111.\te of 0ctenc:e Is .. . mainly thal • marijuana Is .... -··" But opponents, Joel b y 1'11e01blyman William c.tnpWU, R -Hactenda Htfahtt, countered: ''niere it _....,..... dtu1reement amOO( the ICleollllc and niiilicru C91DU11Hy u to where marl· i--belonc• In the clwillca• tloa .,.um.'' ' Various personalities used to travel between Athens and Rome to meet Constantine for months after his nig httime escape from bis kingdom. Even President Makarios of Cyprus stopped off in the llallan capita.I last September to confer with the king. But for 'many months no cine from Athens has showed up at the king's rented villa outside Rome. A TI END FUNERAL Co nstantine flew to Washington last March to al- t e n d the funeral of former Pr esi dent Dwight D. Eisenhower. Greek Deputy Premier Stylianou Patokos also attended but refused to say whether he met the king there. The government~on trolled pre!iS in A t h e n s criticized Constantine for 1.,,,,.~, going to the funeral. Greek newspapers have call- ed on the government to ad- vise the king to move out or Rome, a center of European night life. They suggested * Switzerland or s o u t h e r n France as more suiLable. The king and his family t''i'!"•a· have no financial problems so far . Tbe Greek government is still paying Constantine an an- nual allowance ol ISI0.000, 2- year-old Crown Prirw:e Paul get.a 183,«lO a year and queen mother Frederika g e t s $100,000. LIVE IN VILLA The queen mother and her daughter Princess lrtne live In a rtnled villa just opposite Comtantine't, in a large pmt on the bills where the ex- clusive Olgiata go!I club is located . Both villas are one-story modem buildlnss surrounded by thick buBhes. Queen Anne-Marie, Conslan· tine 's attractive Danish·born wife, Is txpecting her third baby In October. Beside! Paul, they have 1 llaughter, Alei:ia. f. r ._, ANAHEIM 444 North E,d;d ••• 535 -8 121 Mond1y thru Seturd•y I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. I ""--·-------------·"•-. lO • -' - • NEWPORT 47 F11hion I.lend ... M4·1 212 Mond1y thru Fridty 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. S•turd1y IO •.m. to 4 P.·m· .. • ~y MID-SEASON HOME SA.LE SELECT THE SERTA SIZE TO SUIT YOU 79.95 to 199.95Rtg.19.95to 229.95, Ml 12 custom sizes now et one loW--pfice, in the regular 75" length or oxtro long 80", •• eU tufte<l to mottreu _for greeter durobility, 79.9S, Sii. Reg. 109.95 Ortho Zone , twin or full, 99.95 . Reg. 9'1.95 Posture Line, twin or fuU, 19.95 King and queen size sets available et savings. Slee p Shop, 69 • CUSTOM ORDER 7', 8', 9' SOFA .• YOUR CHOICE OF -S4 VARIATIONS Only 299.95 Sel..;t pillqw bpck, sec.ti on bock or .clionnel b.>ck styles with i trek,jht or crescenf front ••.• have it upholstered frcim # covers in prints, · velvets: texture s, metelassos or damasks, menr. et no odditionol cost ••• for tho look you've elwoys wonted. Furn iture, 38 ., COMFORT ABLE, A TIRACTIVE ••• PARTY SETS SET THE MOOD 299.95 329.95 Contompor•ry Mecfiterr•n••n Center of attract ion for lively evenings, select 48" round contemporery with open work bose end smooth lined block vinyl choirs, on costor.s for ease in movement; or cerved MeCI~ iterronoon style with 48" odogonel toble on pedestal bose. Block vinyl choirs, diom~nd tufted ••• both toblos hove Nevo-mor tops, oosy d oan-up, oureblo. Furniture, 92 HUNTIN6TON IEACH 7777 Edln9er Av• ..•• 192°] !11 Mondey thru Saturcley 10 1.m. to f :lO p.m • f ' ---"""'-'-~~~-~~------~~-- 1 Tee~n s We I I .'"'!:"4~· I eel ' I ~ J . ,/ ~ 'f ' By JEAN COX ..... that. kind of Shoe. A shoe Is an accessory. ' "'-t'OAt1.Yr"J1,.0r ''-" tt has to go alOng with the dress," pointed When a ..man ..sees a beautiful woman out Jim Brown, ,27-year--old assistant malb> •. coming his way, be may admire her hair. ager at Leed"s, South Coast Plaza. t m~ 'lfb\. llpo fWire,,Iegsf (ld perhaps th.• Parl Shoemaker, 33-year-o!d manager ol \. ~ss Iii>• is W,!'atjng;_ " • , Hemphlll's, Costa Mesa, stated he agreed 2: '. , :few1 ever ~'](e.!"ft 40W& to her fe et. with 75 percent of ·~ese COl_\lplaints. ''I 00.. ,, ~·However, i.D ~al>Otl ~tlik~n·~of a.rea shoe jecl to the ne.w styles mainly beca. e they salesmen, all five resporu1ents1 admitted that are mascu1ine-Jo0klng and" ugly','' sum .. lbelr eyes always-fall to-a-female's sboe_s, -.-med-up-th&-.Siluation . ..!.'I..don!Ulke _;w:i!e - even during non--workini hours. Three Of to 'fear these extreme styles. I they them insisted shoes.are the very first thing are made strictly for teenagers. ' ,. I· they look at when a member of the fair sex · Bill Bishongh, 27, manager of . Bak· f crosses their vision. . er,. South Coast Plaza, s.aid,<:-l}e 01 course. a man can find out a lot by wolplaip,ls ,(rom mid~ women who I keeping his .nose to the ground .. F-or instance, think th& .. ne.w styles are , "horrt;te" but 1 a woman's sh'oe preference tells .a lol about qu ickly ·added that his store is very youth J her age. Older women are interested in com· ~ted and 90 percent of its .s.alfs are -to fort and are· more conservative a.Q:out their ~unger .custoblers. . +-. - shoes. Teehage girls, on the othe.r hand .. are Gone are .the days, said ·Bi!bon·s:; th~t ·· ~ muc~ more concerned about berng fashion· a woman can Just have a few pat s Of basic able. shoes in her closet." ' j . \'¥'.hat is the biggest complaint about to--' "With the neW lc~ik, you rl wear one day's sh~.styles? All five salesmen agreed pair of .shoes with everytljlng. ·a girl bas it is the clunk.f ... heels and new ma'sculine two different brown dr'ess~ ·sh ~ght need loo~ ·in sh® fashi~~ However this com· two· difteten\ pairs1 of brown ~ Oes to ~O' plaint. sal_esmen J!laid, comes· mostly from with·'tbem,~' ~e ,observed with derstand· ,older wofi\en,' not from , teen8gers wh~ see1n rbli .eputustasm. . r . to be sO!d on the new ~tyle. , The ·~lun~y heels, they ·all agreed, are "Young1 ... mothers and teenagers are here t1> stay; ,at least for the''ti.me beinJ?. _ wearing the oew look. They have to have ISN CONSUM E.RS' WHI MS~ Po!it l'll . . '. ' . 1 CLUNKY HEELS ARE FAVORITE WI TH TEENS ·- " ' . ·• - I • • ' I . ~ < • ~ .. I .. • • • :. ( 0 I • • ' . -' . I • ,. HIGHER HEELS SUIT OLDER GENERATION ·l?a tt!3 rns Form~d ··t GJrly • . . .. Appreh.~nsions Increase ~ Sh~pliftihQ Disease Afflicts WOmen PAPER BAG ACCOMMODATES 'LOOT' . . 1 o~t~J~l~~~!:H -, · , Sally is aj pretty 18-year-otd' gi~)~.frorA an averag'e economic background, wn<> always has had enodgb Clothes to compete wtth the gang at higb school, and bas had-a stable home environment. She has never , ad an auo,anoe to .~net a~ she pleases and bas 1iad to ask for tven a1 dime to spend on .candy. Dottie, a1.foung woman in her early 30s, is the mother of five , cblldreft an~ is marrled. lo a man who does not always hold a stea(ly ,i9b. She never b1:1s worked outside the home and is not trained to ~Id aily type of job. Her husband's paycheck never ~s t.O"cdveijtlie esseOtials and on no occasion are tt:iere luxur- Jes. Frances is the wile of a very well-to-do executive, able to spend as muc!l money on clothes and househoJd items as she wishes, and has..no children. She is intelligent, pleasanf and active in community affairs, but sometimes feels that she has missed something in Ii~. These three women are not related, do not know eac~ other, and probably never will meet, but they have one thing in corn· mon : They each have been arrested for shoplifting. What caus.es women of such diverse backgrou'ods to .give 19to the ~empta :on of. t~ng something from a retail store that . does not belong o themr and why do women seem mo.re apt to shoplift than ·m ? Shoplifting statistics show. is a crime more common among women and tee gers than men. possibly because w,Omen and youths .spend ~ e :time browsing in ·stores than meri, Large '<Its nl stores perhaps are the most vulnerable to Shoplifters because of the variety of easily stolen giercband.ise available in prortortion to •lhe number o( sales cleH;s on duty. · One area st>re of a major discotJi,t chain repoit~ an aver· •lige of 10 snop!ifltrs lipp ref>eMed per month· With t~O.Jotal g'oing -as high as . 30 1n peak rnohth,1, as compared to f9 average of. ··seven in a more xpeflsi've department store. ' -Most cf the she>p1ifters caught in both -stores were women "!'d most of !Hem )n the lll40 age bracket. Not many repor.U>d by • the discount store-Were repeats and few were long·time reSideots of the store area. : • . \Vhat do ~m~ shoplifters :want? They favor Jingerie, clothing, cosmetic&. Jewelry, er ·anything that can be tucked in· side a 1arge handbag, concealed in a shopping bag or secured inside a girdle or other·uiiderwP.a·r. ' ' WHY THEY DO IT Whal reasons do women offer who have been ,stopped for - - taking something cff the s'hell? · The ~xculies are many -••r needed the things;:• "My 'hus· band wouldn 't give me any money ;" "I fotind that the things I · paid for weren't in my bag when I got home," or "I was just ex~ changing it." Mo st women "'ho offered the excwe "I don't have any money" were found to have as much as $~$50 in their pw-se1 and many also had a charge.a.plate or two. What happens when a store detective approaches a woinan and asks her to return the merchandise she has just taken and tells her she is under arrest? The first reaction often is tears and anger. A security oHi· ccr with a discount store repotts that he keeps a box of tissue for use o! women apprehended and replaces it often. After the apprehension and arrest comes the task of prob.. ing into the person's background to discover \Yhy they stole and to fin d the best means of therapy. This is where law and order leave off and medicine and behavioral science take over. Dr. Robert B. Drury, deputy director of Mental Hea1tb Services, County of Orange, offered..an explanatiOn of shoplift· ing motives from.i'the medical point o! view. THRE E TYPES There are three types of shoplifters, Dr. Drury stated, crooks who have little conscience and who are not in need, the poor who steal out of necessity and the neuroticaJly·driven klepto- maniacs who steal to make up for a feeling of deprivaJ. . !the "crooks," as Dr. Drury termed them, suffer from soc1opathl.c character disorders and have a low frustration level. They are immature, constantly in trouble and are the kind of People who fil1 jails and prisons. They want things immediately and do not like to wait to accumulate the necessary money to purchase them or open a charge account. . Poor shoplifters who steal because they never, will be able to have tht items any other way also suffer from a dimil)ished conscience. Their desire for clothing and litUe luxuries erases all tbou,ghts of wrongdoing. , S6metimes the wealthy are the kleptom~· s .who sulfer from a deprivation feeling. They steal something at will help •. them make up for the feeling and ofteri the thi s stolen· are ... I symbols of what they were deprived of. Each has his own· set of meaningful symbols. These people are referred to cqunty flcllitie1 ' for f.!eatment or are dls,missed , often to be sent to pl)'chiatrilts for treatment at the family's expense. is .. WHY WOMEN STEAL, Pee• 24) I Words in · Print Can't Awaken Love Which Dad Has Forsaken DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I'm an 11- year~kl boy whole parents have been divorced for a Jong Ume. My father llves In thiJ city bul he has not seen me since I WIS alx months old. · Dad ~ the support checks In the mall. They are never late. But la: that ANN I.ANDERS enough? I am .sure ~ ~U he is bow a boy needs a Calbert Pretlndlng I Of course you llubad 11 beln& m1tl illfl.'.!o."'~~~~~~'. . d~~ wUL~ ma~J!IO~, 1.i. lhe .lad ~ 01!4 dajl;Joe m11 Rf'\ IL 'i;i'oihr. 1J •""•JOy•if tha1 lie stays c./t of ' -.~'1hll fetr.l\ Mi~ nl, 'dllilr Bui be ,.atiitl< 1't ._Iii'> ..... r A. hef lig~L will see 1l and come lo hls senses. -lather wbo bu 1pored hJ1 '°" alnce 'How can a fathtr ~bis back on hla ELEVEN~YEAR-OLO.SON tnrancy ft -not Pina to "come tt hh ~ IOTI? How eao a-t• not.carf, l(.b.ls. DEAR MOTHER: '1'111111k you for yOl&I' aense1" beea~ he itiMf1 • letter Je &On 11 sick or well, b¥PJ or uQhappy? l leUe.r, and t do mean YOUR letter.1111 Ann Landen·' tolum. Kave never received , a birthday or obvious that it w&1 not written by •n 11· Jf you riaU, w~t &o do rl&tit llJ ~ Chrlalmu card froon b1m. ll<iesn"I he ~car .. ld. w., u.. .. bl<rfq•! • boy 1cy ,. .-. bit botllU11 illlleld ol ~ I lnten1lfylllg It. PolnUnc ou.l wbat a ral hll lolllet<b. ( .. d ioe.18 1 r•L),.. Otly mike m1Utr1 'tfor1e. TM boy ll 1ehl1Jt. .......... lrouble wllhoul u.. addecl burdeo ol ilaopl1laa • ,...L ' treatment. wh.lch of course I shall do. I Feel OK and am able to do a good day's work. Bu' I need your advice on whai to do about my &itL She ia a. virgla ¥d oho wala.d for me lo come back and mllT)' bu. The weddina date.JI tel hut I DEAR ANN LANDl!IRS ,:1 wu ...C..U)I dod"t kllO)< if I should marry her and dischar1ecl from lho Anny .n.r havlni( ke<p my mouth shut or Ilk ber 19 done • lolJr o1 dllty in Vietnam. r -poetpone !ho -I· ~ ~,11""'eal dile ... while in tho Bdm! me l 1m l.Oying a big price fOf ~ ... a1""""1r 1 hive nccivlid • Wile !Un '11111111 ifu no1 onywben near heavy ilosaS• ol penicillin J am still not u Pl!I u l lhou&ht it would be. Pleue cured.'Tb6 Army doctor IOld me I nave )oe!p me. -REGR'ETS. one or U.... unusuol mains ol lnf<CI";,,;.· -"' DEAR R~GllETS1 Lewi wllll your !hat dOOI nol ~nd to ordinary girl ond uk her 19 potlJIOM Ille weddlaa n,edlcaUon'. Re ~..Urea rite-I'll gel ovtt ulrtH you are cOmpltttly weU. SM M thiJ in Ume bul I nluSI conllmle IO ctt llOI bt spectllo II It th 1otan of 1ftl' I 1 ' _... ----.. • t lnftction w"9 abt paua ti tM Mwi ti Ole po1tP.llmlftt le lter par"llds • .Alltr yoa are cared, ask tM ~ it ien JW I• lertlllly. u the dileue w 1 llliderod 1'o_,11crfle your."-slloold Joe ION. What is French lllssi.nJ~? 11 IL wl'm(! Who should set !he ~ 6mill -. tllo boy °' lho girl? Can t ~ wecldi111 1ucceed? Read Ann Lar.:ten1 l)ookJet 0 Teenage Sex-Ten· Wayt to 'Coe! It."' Selld lG caoa In coin tnd a long, MU...i. -ar-d, stamped .... lope. - AM Landers wlll be glad Ill help )'OU wilil your l'l"!blems. Send them lo lier In care ol tho DAILY' Pu.en:, encloabljl • 1elf«ldreued1 stamped e11velope. ~ 'I.- I t l I i ! I I ,~ ~ • • ,• (. . :,k> .... . I . • • OAll'i PllOT -· - Bet Your Sweet Sippy •• .. ]he' afi\)i·st' s -a Bear The· Iii.el\ Ulj:"plst •I F•lr!!li' "Sia~ fa< '~ lilCo!la ""'MMe " • ~, \, 1 '11111' lpedal plu!h, bw w!tli ia-·h1aof '!7'I II fl.., reti• talf aioflil'iaw.,-ia11y ta 1~ who hlifli, lnof Mn· • ~i..i ·wiih aoy...e 1-ore ' 11111' lllOy "'"PO"d-. • •' Bl!>P1 lbe Bear actually b 1 llPO<IUi lllv.-of Padllo ~Co. ... ploya ""'i crui.d the voice of Uio lovable .-,., lo b>lp. bospllalbild ~ ... n-~ ... w11o h••.• nor enietea "a ~ '1 convuaat\om befqj'e aooa art talklng to their cuddly bear friend, who creet.a ~ with, "Hello, my name la Bippy. II Hia voice is that of a young woman therapist, spe.llPng from a specially deslgnell control unit wh1ch features 1 one-way mir- ror. Using the devices at her OQJ1U11and, she Is able to talk to the child vii the bear, who ha1 another cOnt.rot unit con- cealed in ·ti.is .vest in a lined and zippered pouch. Contributing at least 200 volunteer hours to t. h e technical work of the project were Tony JC!~•of SW.. Ana and Dick Brewer and Don Keith of Anabe.im. Lynn Wolke, a clerk, added the designs for ~ jaW)ty vest \ HE ~~of H 'YOU? !:.. Student therapist at FBll\Ylew S . te jI~ltal (foreground) uses special control device, as small patients, such ~ this 6- year-O!d, are helped to speak. Therapist Jill Rus- sell {background) holds the bear for the youngster. , and tle, as well as the poucll.1.,.=,.,,.,.-_.., ____________ •11 which contain! the vital con- trol.s. The Tee Tattler The teddy bear project Is the fint of its kind in Lhis counlry, accori!in g to Fa Jr view 1 s chief of m-------------------U psychology, Irving Stone. The ploneerlni effort is..sWI in the research-stage. --r < Edfl>or'• MG!e: A column of -n·• IOP .olf _ .. wm ,_, In ttle DAi- l y PILOT Heh WMk. To rtPOrl~' ,la<.Jlls _Wftk. •INM.111>1.ll ltltr'll I 'o ~ l.o• 1wo. rr.., mull Olf rlc:t ' Mondtv.I MISA VJIDI • • " l1Jxury l.IJedroom ind dan, 2-bedtoom 2-batlf, ytlHOUnd, CJJca,.I. · on·llf•·be;ich apartmenh. Q~le~ CT ~..:':l s~rlty, spacious sun decks, ......... ,.., pallo,vlews,pool,saUM,20 i::r.._ Q;J..ft,.,. mln.lt>LB,40mln.to -.cvr ~... downtown. . ' : ') l ... Z25.00 '" .,.111 · .The HUNT{NGTON PAC{FIC 7Jl PaQ.6c Coast wy.(onlh<ocean) Huntington l!elCb 'I'depli~:i· ~l4 '16-1487' • (1t~) H~-1616 . . Half Fnth«·liol-lt ond wa•hobl•, th• MW mld·aeasan darks o,.... pfffect ,.,. a trip c.rots.country or cross town. 1 Sizes 12Mi -261,i 11. 20 ' .. ; -THAT'S MY NOSEi -Bippy the bear seems to be saying these woras to the 1 ( 6-year-old from Fairview State Hospital who i• happily ezp!Odng· the plush ; toy's friendly face. Ton y Kiolbassa,, who contributed many vDf.unteer hours :· to help create Bi!'Py's real..oundlng voice, holds the Jlve.toqt bear. 'lllrougb the bear, children will learn rudlmenlary com· munication and Stone adds, "M they gain confidence they'll talk to other children and to aduJts." Bippy hu begun his t1seful life u a-proj~' of lhe Orange County Cotmep of t h e Telephone P1-n. OUIST DAY, ol.illTS -Finl F119111 -thl MtMt. Wiiii.em MolltfU 71_; c_... K1,1n~'' 1t1 Otvld Ktller. •11 lltrMY lloblli!:) 71 1 lldl II-. Jolln DNry, 1 1 Miu OM Die Wllllt, IS: SK01M1 P'I 111, thl MIMI How•r1111 "-· '" Woll~~""" K•5· Melllct, Artllur "'I il1 t e .. 11,., .... 7Ji Tll r 11111 , rh1 mn. WeDS!er H-ln•, 11 Y'IO!llle t mtr. tt: \lletor Hlllf , 1031 °'°"'" WODdlonf. 711 l\lutll Hlllhft. K'" Mg"Ji1ff'-o.t.v, MIMlllS -Fi/r: Flllllll, ltMI Mm':; Don l~llt fj1•nk../i1-=" Eiii~~;.,, · "1 Mtrlli cri.mtltrllll, 1'1 John 'Ortti. n1 SecONi1 ~~~'liHALF -SIZE-SHOfi 1~~5 .. ~ew~rt .. ~~d;:!~· m Hours: 9:30 'to S::SO • -. • ' l , • • ' . ' Peering Around .. Flklh!, ""' MIMI Joe ltnks. 9'i Jtdl: \ltrfuflll, ''1 Rkfi Sw .... "'~ Jt..,"'!l ~. 111J 0.1n Olson. • R " KtY. 13• Third Fll1"1. ltMI MIMJ. wmlarn i::ridl. 101: Ptul lludl.lel. Ill; I.es otitlltS. lourkt wu-. Marvin Albert, 1111 . ll.ANCHO IAK JOAQ~IM I FU.• J~~T ~ 1~1;: ~: · T . H t D t ~:~~ ...... ,.1 ... t ~· ,,.fr' f:"W'. exans · os e ega es i~~:,~~::.~+::"~w.t,,~:. ' . , ' . ,. . ' ;. ; ' LOW Ml'T -The Mmn. K"i.r. l I Jot1el, 76: C. F, tl'tllokwMW, •I ' p~ion.IMI . A"'TT E·Ji DI, N-0 ;c,10 N·'t _.Judy ~cf tier ~~· Dr: ~h~~·~wo small~ .IQlvl and . qiorate was. Gayle ,Brown, eL .... u1L ~ffi of_ ~lf'a Thet@. T~u tranL:Prilchard wlul have T.m1, will~ returningJp.their daughter of:··· Mr. and-Mrs. ~,1::,' :.,N~~~~~~h~ ,r, ·~ty ·--In Oa"--Tex " p ' Al """' Willri'd B r ~-M 1..-i'CIWl'Mftd. 111 Kenntlll T"1. """ ....,. .. , LU\;. • ~. ·• 0 just returned from a Y,ear on a10 to ,..... ... e. rown o ""3ta esa. ciin. J•"'" P~.!· o r I ni•~•. 1111 Mn. Betty Wilson, w h Yap lsland in the Souttt 'nle group will tour flve =.-.".%Ze1t."(;1v::~f,T;~''; represents Aiu Eta Chapter of p .,. h he -AMONG SINGERS leaving A'-· • .1-· • , .. h d fl e 11"" ·~v· .. ...!!l f'"fi"'"'to Orange County in the national ac1 1c, w ere was serving we~, v1.:11ling e &'-'t I erent ~~illfl. ·Qi"~T'MCll'r~ ..... ~· or"°"'••Uon whose a r , a with . the, U.S. P. ubUc Heal.th for Europe last week wilh the countries inclt'ldiag 1 t a I y 1 ~Tit;'~i. lt>e , Mmleo. l ldll ,,._ .---~ ch •· b South Cal" · y t b G and s~•·· I ..t.. 1 ,, 11111rn P:!fllertv, ti1 ·.klM swtr· philanthropy is the Ora nge ~Se~'~,,~,ce~.i~.,~~.l'~r~lt~ar~~~. ~w~•t~~~e~rn~.i·~·~•~rn~i~a~~o~uiiiii~r~eece~~~·~·-~r~. ·~~~. iiii~'~"'~· ~·~~~-~·~··~ "~· iji'iijiij ~ County Epilepsy Society. The .,. convention, under way at the· L l ~~;h:~ay73~-;:.iout ·;/T'S FUN TO BE SLENDEll . t JUST RETURNED from a ; r~:~~oed:~'.iP~'~'. BEAUT/Fa. I. anti .. FIT. Williamsburg and Montreal ~ • are Mr. aiid h.1rs. Berl Coffey ;::! and Duncan. The Coffey:s lunchci:d with Senator George Murphy and with Rep. Gerald Ford in the nation 's capital •• ~j· before returning t.o their Lido Isle home. it ~l MET IN HONOLULU by daughter Wendy was Mark Yoraten, "'ho crewed on the Kamalii In the Transpac. : Father and daughter will • return to Lido Isle together. WELCOME GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schreiber of Lido Isle are their daughter British Picnic ~! The British are coining to :: •1 Heisler Park, Laguna Beach. That is, women or British ~ ancestry in Westward Ho • Chapter, Daughters of the : BriUsh · Empire. ~ey are • slaglng their annual picnic In ;J the park ne11:t Monday at noon. :" Further information may be :-« obtained by calling h.trs. John I ! : Harold. t9f.9518 or Mrs. R. W, Kttt<ringham. <OU<U. orlando • C:4JVMMo HAIR STYLIST "'*-111•~···, ...... ..,....,. •t}'fi91 :...r -*'1':t ...... -• NfWPOn An CINTI• ... w. Gllft .............. '°""" °''·-~-....... W# ltr A .... CALL NOW FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTARY TREATMENT AND FIGURE ANALYSIS --·--' ~ ' WE OFFER YOU GUAUNTEED REDUCING ••• Not Just Promises TODAY with th e 1s.sist1ric1 ot fully qualified personn~ and specielly designed equipment CAMIO FIGURE C ONTIO~ SALONS will guarantee you th• s I i m perfectly proportioned figur1 ·you dream of having. Why continue with tfrtnuous exercise, starva?ion diets ind uncertain results? With CAMIO you art not required to indulge 1n exercise of any kind or to con tend with :stf!rvation di1ts. THI llSPONSIHJTY IS OUIS. CAMEO FIGUI! COHTROl SALON guarantees you In writing thlt you will achieve pre-determin1d results. • Your figur11nat'yst, et the tim1 of your complimentery trut· ment, wJll determine the exact number of treatments needed to rulize fhe measurements you went, and fl'\t exKI cost. NO HIDDIN CHAIOIS WI.AU NOY A OTM. NO DIH081NO. Come dr .. 1.cf 01 YoU or• in ony comfortobl• dothin;. WE OFFER YOU A ClOSEL Y SUPERVISED PltOGRAM AND A. WRITTEN GUARANTEE TliA T You Will AOilM PRE-DETERMINED RESULTS. . . ' ., , I f Friday to 9:00 224 Oraftftf•lr Mall, Fullerton SAVE~~ 70% • . ON THESE FAIRICS 221 E • 17th St. MESA CENTER COSTA MESA GOING OUT OF BUSINESS . SALE STARTS WED., JULY 16 EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! BY JULY 31 SUMMER COTTONS HOMESPUNS SHIERS VOILES CREPES DAN RIVER SHORTS GEORGITTES CORDUROY SATEENS KNITS 11· 100 l'Ol YISTIR DOUILE KNITS ACRYllCS WRINKLE FREI SUITINGS DAN RIVER GINGHAMS MANY, MANY MORE!!! ALSO!! TRIMS AND LACES 51°/o OFF . EXAMPLE I 3 IA YDS. $100 Cottons and Blends FOR R19. to 1.98 EXAMPLE II 2 FOR $100 SUIT-INGS YDS. R~ le 2.49 . 54" Cepts for that Special Dress Reg. S. 95 now 249 yd. TtCllflll PAnDtf . Kettle Cloth 49c • ... I.ti NOW yC. , tllMA HISS . ' ' . " .... lfftl • Perma Press 66' llf. 1.lf NOW rt PRINTS •ow75~. 'l ... 1Af THESE I.RE JUST J. FEW OF THE GREAT IARGAINS WAITING FOR YOU IECAUSI WE .:LOST .OUR LEASE II BRING MONEY! • • I I ' . ' " .. '· •. .. .. • J I I ~ ' 1 • • . • . " ·. " .. . •. '• • • . . . ·All Aboard the tBelle for Afternoon Cruisers ' ' On a calm late afternoon· in summer, what better way to con· elude the day than with a 'cruise? About to embark on the Belle of Balboa are· (left to right) Gordon Young, Mrs. Mai: U>rimore. Lorimore and Mrs. Ybung. Greeting 50 residents of the Bluffs for their annual c tail cruise was Mrs. Phyllis Saunders, social <¥rector. Many ere already discuSling dinner plaru before they returned to th mainland. From Page 21 Coris-umers' -wnims " T l<en in ·-stricle · Shoemaker said in his opin· what they want. All you (lhe ion It's an open market. "For salesman) have to do is wrap the first time anything goes. it up." They are wearing both the Yes. the aalesman's life haa corlservalive and new styles." its a"'kward m o m t n t s . Steve King, a 19-year-old Especially now thal boots salesman at the Shoe Tree, have -walked onto t h e South Coast Plaza, went st storeroom scene. tug the boots on their feel. "We are not here lo gawk," he explained. Soroptimi1t Soroptimlst Club o I Hun· tington Beadi &atbers at 12:15 p.m. the secmd and fourth TuesclaYs in· Francola far as to predict that women Bishongh o r d e r !I his ftO:Pl 32 years and older will salesmen to keep their eyes tMI wearing the conservative "down .al all tiines" while lhinoer micffieels. while teen-women. struggle clumsily lo aiers and women in their 20'&1;==============================•'1 -will wear low , fat heels. He de- The day 11lso provides • fe chuckles. Brown of Leed~ recalled, ''A couple of_mon ago a woman came 1n plaining about her shoes which she bought elsewhere1 They were terrlb1y uni : l'Omfortable and she w1nte4 them stretched. No wonder restaurant. Hawaiian . Swim Party --- Party Bids Xi Mu Mu .. Barbecµes Alumnae 11o1emben of XI Mu Mu board meellng in the home W. Chapter, Bet1 Sigma Phi and Mrs. Burgess ~e the Mmes. their, bU3bliils wlll gather Hank OSwall, L J g h t lo o t , Saturday, Aug. 2,'for a swim Hayter, Stoltenberg, Jerry Hostin& a HawaUan party . and barbecue party Jn rthe Bigfs and Norman Siegel, n~ Saturday for the Orange ~me of. the stuatt Haytef3 ol , During a summer steak rry County Alumnae CJub of Alpha Garden Gro\l'e. the John Huticrs were con- Gamma Delta wilt be Mr. and ~rs. Robert L 1 g ~ t Io o t, arabilated on their1 asth wed· Mrs. Melvin R. Schantz or social cha!rman, tiwl her com~ dirig ,annlversalj: Mrs. Milton Anibeim. , mltlee are compleUng ar-Lomas presented ~them with M em b er 1 and their rangemen1:5. an engravtd silvtr tray on bwlbaods or e9COrls will be P re s Id e n t ~n. George,-=beha=;;ll=ol=·='he=~;;::;::· :;;~:::' ==::; weli'Omed beciuniric at., p:m ~rge.ss repreaented the club1r ' · · ' al the Southern California with the 1•tberlnc planned un-(:ouncll brunch In Inalewooc[ : tU 10. Accompa111lng her ·we~ Mn. Atpba Gammas new to the Andy Nyhui.a Mrs carron area « ~Y graduated -. • ·J · trom coll~e •Ill be special Lind.sly and Mrs.-Frank ests Fdr tu r t h e r in· Sloltenbe~g. . gu '. · DiSCUUUlll comnultee plans fonnauoo and reservations, for the l'Oming year durin& a Alpha Gamma Deltas may call committee membf!r1 in- cluding Mrs. Brad Fuller of Or an g e, 532-Ul36: ·Mrs . WllUam H. Reed of Fountain Valley. 968-4'.Jb, and Mrs. Edward Replc ol Orange, W- 2690 . DAILY PILOT WANT ADS DlaJ 642-5671 for RESULTS CM Auxiliary The first Thursday of the month members of t h e American Legion Auxiliary, Costa Mesa Unit 455, gather in the Amujcan Legion Hall, at a p.m. 1401 ...... -.-........ -.. ··~ --...--.., ... "'.,__and_,_ • clined to say what women be- tween 30-32 will be wearing. Bishongh aaid the old type high hee,ls still are out, b u t we will be seeing more and more of.a new tYJ>e of h I & h heel. "lt ts not quite th re e inches and extremely thick. It's a late 19:lle and eMly IMOs look and will go w l th thoe9 type clothes. 'n>ey may be worn both wilh dresses and long pants with wide iegs." . ' denly : me. LIQUIDATION Are -there any. age groups harder to deal with than others? Larry Rhine, assistant sales manager at Mandel 's. Fashion Island. said older women are .a little harder to deal with because· they take longer to deckle on a aale and complain more about the new heel. · Brown said girls from 1~12 itre hard to suit. ·:111ey wear a woman's size, but they are too younc for the styles. They are more picky, they doo't know what they want." . Shoemaker sa id I e en age girls are harder to work with because. they are m o r e particular, and Bishongh said It's relative to the merchan: di.se and the customer 's tasteii. lfi.-n was torn . 'Middle-aged women are hard to &ell i.. .. ~_,.;.:,C sty1es <ire changing so much, but teenagers also can be difficult because they want to try on 10 to 12 pairs." "Men," he said wistfully, rec1lllng his days selling men's shoe!, "are 11 lot easier to please. They know e1actly Pants Have It I I . I I I - Warm the w home with flowers.I • I' \ I • SUITINGS. Silk & Rayon -45'1 wid• v.riout w •• y., VelYel t. P.fl f'll • Exclusive 2 DAYS" ONLY! FRIDA y · 10 to 9 SAT • .10 to 6 **** Ja111 Packed. to tbe Rafters! DISCOUNT PRICES! 60 lnclMs Wide -Value1 to $5. 98 I FROM s1.so From TEE::2 Cuttln9 . A .,.,t a1•••tl'l'l•11t of w•~"''· fibe" i11 pri11h a11tl -.4li1h. hnperf•ch, mi1priltt1, I ftaw1 , •• b11t • "crafty" ti.war ''" SA.YI SSS. Y~ .. •• ·14.ot ,.. • .,_ ' S0',4. I • Wash .'N Wear CO"ON.S .. _ 60-lnch Polyester DOUBLE KNIT v.1.,..,. s1.tt 14. $290 '4'0 yd. yd. .... RAW.SILKS PIOM .IAPAN With more than 2S perctnt of his colleCUon dedicate.cl to pants suits. Murray Nieman, designing_ for HaMah Troy Inc., showed these Joob: a cire highly polished jacquard leather jacket over mock tur· tie neck tunic and tailored trouser! or brown and white tweed; evening panls with a floor length shirtwaist opened J Jn a way to show the pants In ~ a checietboard or pewter and 'l aold lllJl\I bn><ade gauze. Prim & SOiidi 3 y:::'. ·-·· '1.50 3 y ... , '2 •s ..... .... w.... -• .,, 3 y:::· ... '3.71 4 y:::.'.. __ ,_ '3•10 AllC.iett_.,......,.. SPORtS~Iit KNIT$1 . Sl'ICW. HAWAIIAN GROVP ti.OMIT DEUVER'I GW.RANTEEO IY YOUR PR.OffSSIONAL 1ElER~IS1. Halns}us I 2641 Harbor Bl d. COSlA MES Call 546-552 . . . -• H HOURS: Mon . +hru SaJ, 9 •· • ~•' 6 p.m.1 Sun,ay. < ' I · Y• Mlllt ... tMee •alt.tel lllY NOW fpr '"llclck· Ta-School" INTERNATIONAL -271 .. HARi . COStA ,...., ... _ ... • GI~ G'lvlllCJ I USE YOUR • • I I I ' l -. ' II ' I ----·-- U DAil Y PILOT '"""'"1, Ju~ 24, }'69 . f rqm Page 21 Horoscope " • ... Why Wom en Ste al Scorpi b:.· oney Questions Dominate I . . " Whan are sbopllftlne pat-handled all the m on e y , tema formed? Again Dr. develops a more rullstlc at- lll'llrl' pmldld the 1J11Wer. lltude t<>wanf the family Jlar1Y In Ille. u wly os birth budget. there will be friction to .,. 7 or a, 1 child'~ lo the bome again and the wile -r In formed. U his me,y 1ive.1n to tanptaUon. < FRIDAY JULY 25 meuaie. ~ off tendency works. Vlalt those who! are tLringtheo c u r rent ""' Jo be lellw'llc. ' confined. y'!l are I"°'\ ef. quaintances. Be chmnloc and µJl\A (Sept; U-Oct.-22): fectlve todaf by remalniilg ln make aome concessloril. J)lnoll tndllli• bilJI and alve PREV~-oN lo lo 1U bis demalldo. be will EAllL y u• .. bate t.ratb)e ·lattr on In d~ S b op I i Lt I n I can be n.Jlnc blmseU and may relbrt prevented, it ls evident, but to 11u11q tb1np not provided prevention must begin witb SJ>Olll&i11 on ihqr! journey. back&r""""· Be . a 1 gp o d PISCES (Feb. 19-Mllrcb 21ll :· Take lnlUaUve in com-Ustenar. dtbers 1¥'allt to/con-You get necessary backing. mwUcatlng with ke1 persons. fide. , 1 Cbaoce exists to pro.,, eJ· Be venaUle. Have 1UernaUve AQUARIUS (Jan..-2Q.Feb. ecutlve abiliUes. Acotpt )MSded 11\elhods at hand. Be readr .ta):· Your ·kind of>. day, Ex· responsibility. Rewards could wllb facts, figures. cellent for enlertalni.lg at be great. R e s P o n d ac- BCORPIO (Oct. 23-~ov. %1): ';iho;imi;ie.iiYioui;ireMWi;iij;ii1rlieniidshl~~P'i;;·iiii'°iiiriidiiin~g;i;!yii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Money questions domlnate. fl !, •-·~ bud et. parents' attitudes anG the cor-or ~ -I rect training of their children: ~.Juat tMrr much cblldren are Parents must help t b e I r lllf1uencild by tbetr wly lives clilldten develop a wholesom~ ii Ulqatrated by the cue of a attitude toi;tard money and >'PMI worB1D arrested almost possessions and teach them td tWo years' aCo for her first-save their money lo r and lutJl!e .-sllopli!Ung oome!hlng they W8llt.. Your hunch could provide I' CAROLE GRINDER Enil•l"ll ' . ,., dl:~ mother of three, A healthy atUtude comes N ~ , b Who 'ls eipecling her fourjb from a mlddle-of-the-rnad •i> o.ve. m e,r cbUd -· WIS arrested for proach toward mone~ and: Convent1"on ~111 than $20 worth of pouessioii... Oilldrf:n should , not be deprived constantly w d' d . · and received • throusbout their yooth, yet ·e' · I n g · :-w ,,.r:""~ ~ neither should they be in-c.· a 11; ng anawets. Be CQllfident. Your judgment b apl to be eomd Folfow \hrouib oo moo" iee1, ma•· . ., 84GmARllJS (Nov'i U. Dec. 11)1 Shape and COQform your llllUncll-Mef1111 ·be yoonell. You can be mos.t ef. fective.by belog natural. Qon't imptisoii emotions. lnst.eid, es:prea them. C4PRICORN (Dec. i.iJan. 11): Euellent for charitable me "'' ... • that ever happened to dulged and pampered. I Id =-::tr Jn tum. communlcaUon lines p T · · b must be open between hus-ans 0 Traveling to Detroit for the r , Her theft wu triggered Y 8 band and wife so that each , 18th annual convenUon of the • -~ . • " Cl -~~.,!C~~aywl~'fy knows what the other expects t 'nle engagement of Carole National As.wclatlon of Legal ~ u""'-~ Jn terms of buying both lux-Grinder, daughter of Mrs. Secretaries will be M r 1 . ~~ JlnapCa "ere being bandied. urles and necessitiet1,· and an Marie Grinder of Irvl.~ and Barba a Ro den represen · ~7k-_ ;,. -nie husband, a successful open under3tanding must be the late Mr. Robert Grinder, tative rfor frL; Or~nge Count; J' ~ '{;f}tl/jJ" ';.~ career man with a good in-reached 50 latent hostilities ta Terry G. Wells has been an-Legal Secretaries AsSociation. l :>:~", come, pa1d all the bouSehold are not fostered to be es.· noonced by (b,e brid~lect"li . She will attend sessions in \ . eslaurant .,, ·bijls tach month and budgeted pressed through sbopUfting. 'motbei. the ·Sheraton.Cadillac Hotel -\: ~ ;~•11~t\~1c,1:hl! 1;fr~~ The shopllften who are He ill ·the · son of Mr: and from JuJY 27 through Ju1y·31.. ' ordlnaire l ba IS -•et money. caught are only · 1 amal1 Mrs. Eu1ene Wells of Corua Official functions of the con-1 y ..... -: .,....... percentage of 1thoae who steal del Mar. venUon will be the elect.ion of • , .,._ .t I .t NIKAift• Ir c..tl ~WALLET every day of the year. soap-, Both the future bride and officers and the selection or 2325 East Costa lghway-(714) 673-8267 · 'n)e )'Ol.llll wife, used to prehension alone is not the brldegroom were graduated the legal secretary of the ,-,c' Cor na del Mar :l'Q ~-an l f answer. · from Corona del Mar Higb year. Also winning local and .,£, l ~ ~· W:.n""'s1te b.'::d ~ Tbe res-ibillly Ii" in the School and he atlended the state bulletins and history ~ Why , ighl The · ::ft . wukly paycheck as a working hand5 of young parents . ~nd University of Oregon. He is books will be announced and ©. , 1 ~ wile bad never convini:ed her future parents. Early tra1n1ng currenlly completing a tour of awards presented. {J~ Wieeke d Crowdsl 1 ~11-. buabaod of the tmportance .to -of their chlldren is crucial. duty as a para-re~.e ~ The pul'JXlS:e of the_ nog ' -., 1 ..... her of bavin& a small ~t Values and attitudes must be member, operating out of . poUtical, n.o nun Io Di and Le1isure , - R elaxing ol m~y ln blr wallet. inrtilled early in their children March Air Force Base. nonsectarian group Is to unite C)!: .. 1 wu tired of alwa)'.I tell· and their children's chil~. 1 A wedding in ~ Lutheran all persons engaged in work of '!6 Inti l)ining "ll 1 the chlldren •Mommy Every respo[l5ible cltlWl Church qi the Master, Corona a le~al naturt and to en-G.<: ~.,I J'!.n•t havt any monif when hu a·~ in the problem a?d ~I Mar, ls being p~ for courage their continued educa· ~ TUESDAY -WED i EsoAY -THURSDAY. ' the ice cream man came a comm1tmenl t~ usbt in tlS _!O·cv:.... 22=:_. =~-,--=,,--'t::lon:::.. ~ AND SUND y EVENINGS around or when we were wt 110\utlon. For citizen!, as ~n-\ • • · . walkin1 and paued I atore 1111m•roi• muat pay tbe P""" ... . \' FRIDAY SATURDAY ' andtwanted to gtllOID<lhlng lo~ lhinp stolen when stor<a y; 1 BY RES 1 VATIO.NS ~·· ~ rd try 11 and,..u1 could get the ''"· and society must ' (\~ Dinners E aordinaire • Semi-Annl'al QualiCraft shoe -, sale. 8.99~10.99 DRESS STYLES 99 CASUAIS N OW 1.99 Such exceptional savings give you remarkable fashion values On your 'fovonle QuoliCroft brond. Still tors of exciting styles, from regular stock. Sizes lo fit mo~t everyone, though not every ~tyle in every size. for the kids, 90 l ju!l thought r11se prlces to ma~e up for • • ~ , away wttb tL" =;.~ ~ th~i~ ' ;,((), Tues&.y thru Sa 'day from SIX P~M. Sbe did not tl1lnk 11>41 she shopllftm. . . ~SUNDAY f F IVE P .M,. PASHION ISLAND HUNTINGTON HACH would be arrested u she were And+ if no one 111 concerned . L · ' , "NEWPOll:T 11EAcH HUNTINGTON 11EAcH caught,andlbecblldno,..,. ahoutllteobopWteraoltoday, NEED E'F'OINT DESIGN .,__.,,_.,,1tci ··-'s ouTHCOASTPLAZA with bef, and $e also IUp--they wfil be the h41'deped \\ ~~t.:.1.-~ 'ti COSTA MESA posed that sbemerefy would ttth~ie~ves~ol~tom~m!tt~ow~._:__:__J~·~·~"~!·~·~·~...,.~~,..~~~Wlli~~~·=··c~O~!!ON!!:~·~·~·~L~M~A~'~c•~u~•~·~·~··~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1~"~:~~~~~-~~~~~~·~~=""~=·~~~sz;;"!"""'~!Y.......,~~~·~·~·'!""!~~·~=~""""~~~~~~~ receive a ft1R'lmlDd u It WU .: -' • · · , her firlt alt.empl ~ luck would have it, t,owever, the store then was ••craCkl n g down" on shoPUften ana ghe got no furtber wttb her puratful o( mtrclwldise titan the side· walk outside the sloe before 8be W81 amsttd, with her children woteblng. "I bad oever coealdered stealing before °'e mooey problem ...-when I quit work two ye,rs ago," she aai4. "1 bad stolen peony bubble gum and candy as a child, which I guess l)l06I cblldren do, but l woqldn't COMider myseU prone to steal. "The teeJl•&ers who sat with my chlldren always .,,.ere talk· Ina about how easy It wu to 'bag' something, go I thought 'If Utef can get away with it, why can't 11' " SPOILED CHILD "I suppo6e I wooldn't have tell the need to have money to gpend U my parents hadn't been ao indul1ent when l was a child and teenager. I had everything I uked for and never knew what it was to be deprived. I had In&' own car, television set and telephone and all the clothes l could wear. When I had lo make the adjustment later in marriage of not having money to buy something when I fell llll it, It was h&rd. "Tttnagen today are head- ed for trQ\lble. They think 1leallng ill just one b\g party, that life is just one big lark. Just wait until · they have something to lose when they get caught - a happy home. hus b and or wlfe and chilml>-then they will \\ish they hadn 't started." This yOung woman, by her own desirt, ls cured, and her qperlti>ct bas been traumatic t:flOU•h to prevent her from aMpllfUng: again. But, it ---, unle:11 her husband, WM wu brought up In a home wMni tbe man of the house ~usiness Group Awards Trophy MA-Geor1e Hermann o1. Huatli!ltoti Beach ~ be<• ......, WomllHl-the-l'Ur bV lf,. N-rt Beach Chapter of the American BU al nl' s s Women'• Auoclatloo. PreaenllUan ol • tropl\y to Mn.-HeflnlM wu mldii l;;j Mrt. Cllarlea Porter, tropi~· -" 1117, when the !l""'P lllOt 16f ID inollnaUoo dinner lo ltlt P'llbumao. !'I"· b&iJet BeD will lelld the fOr -yw. will be the *"" . 1Ato4· Y\ce ,. rW.it: Eta Crank. ,_,_ leCf'elary; Je:tnlc I la c 'i.r., a1rteqoodin& ...,,_.,, ud Hermann ,. "••t•:.r ... .r .. ·WOMEN'S FINAl $ REDUCTIONS WHILE THEY LAST! FINAL REDUCTIONS ON HANDBAGs TOO! I . SHOP DAILY 9:30-9:00 SHOP SUIDIYS 10·& ' -~ --·-----------~------ AND VALUES TO $16.99! $ AND t . ORANGE COSTA MESA' .. . ' 464 S. Main St~ 333 E. 17th· St!' ---.... -. ---- . ' I I ,. ... - I • • ,,. - Tl .. " .. ~ .. = ---r.ICQ W#W-3')-••--1C,1%;J:!M MY :M ......... -IC) (ll) -· G ID fl I ca' llW (CJ (10)) ·-.... ""' Ill (IOJ ....... -»• Kehl• .... t.. ....... _ •• ,,,__A_ ., ........ ( .... ) ... ~ """ ... Slberl. Dtlllnlt Kan, IJll ... CCI Clll Ill i......., (&O) ·-(<) (30) 1111 CIJ-.... Ill (9Q) .-. -(30) -.... ..... .,.at .......... M---·-ICICIOI • .... Ill ..... Ill (W) .. AINI It lllJ LM." ...... .. .. « .............. ..... __ ... _ .. -Nlll llti*'f ....... wla ..... , ............. . ._.. All tt.. tM.. CW Evierta -(IO ·-Ill (IOJ --... --......... •-DlJ)••· 'I I .. 00) "Oiia r.-" lllWlt" ~ .. _ ...... --.. .......... Demi.,. .... ,.. .... r.11 11 .... (IQ • • -'"" IC) (IOJ .... ""' o~•..,.., a. Lai.I -...... -... ICl(ll) ·-•-111<"8 _.,.., .. ,_., ""•U en - - -II', tnd & IDDt It........ ~I-~ :1'' ...... ( ... r,.. .n11 lnii&• _.. .. L a... • '::'a..-C: -·-· ,..,.._ ........ ·-, ..... , • .,.. Jhlleh) .... -•--· -""'"'"":::11-·· 111-IC) (Ill) ..... __ ... ... ... --• ':19 B lllC ...,.,... cq <IUJ .,_ .... _,, ... (CJ (!OJ ,. .... --(CJ (30) Wall• Cn:nkffe: CD THE FLIGHT of APOLLO * • 1 hour color opodlll with GEORGE l'UTNAM on KT1'.\I Chonnel 11 ""' .. Ullo -(IO B 1111 C!l 11"" " , .. ~ {IJ)L• -....-. 19 .., ............... _ .... ................ _(IO a-ICJ(ll)--lif'",,. eo... ....... !-.. -Ill ii .., ii..;,; ~if. ~ io.t. .A !3GI ,. ......... tel ·-·-·"- IZ'4SIJI-"r• " .. -(mytllry) ''7 -P•tll r.IJ, 'Ml l :IXl8tll(llllal • .. .... Dona. ljlo -ol -D tcl Ciel l:llB-._ "' --Wlltlf 0...-. llll'fM: I 1'r1J' (tr..) '5'-Urlill OIJ, bcirdt olltlf........... Ill 'QA .,. .... C>DI ,.,~·=.:~ Ill (JOI ... .,. .. ... ace &S\I ...... CQ ·-IC) ....... "" ~i:l"k ....... ' .... ..!.~·. "':'..-1:11.-.......... _ .. -(-....... \"'I -fit ~ 'I~ be ""'· ..... =(IOI.... . .. -· _ .... ,.._ .. ... -· - -1:11•"'--= ~ ..... """"" -f)!llC" -• llill.. """" .. ... ....... ttll tlM If .. (,._. II 0 I; 11 ... "..lltNtP Hell." ' • i-I D .'. · ' ANDY HAS ANSWERS • STEVE ROPER l'iRKINS ly John Miles Ii MUTI AND JEPF ly Al Smith "l"A I! • • SUSPICIOUS -Elizab.th Montgomery and Dick York, stars of •1Bewitched," run into ·a UtUe snag in tonight's epis ode on Channel 7 at 8:30 p.m. She becomes suspicious of his behavior when he brings her expensive gifts, such as furs, on their anniversary. TELEVISION VIEWS Not Typical Hope Lange By JERRY BUCK NEW YORK .(AP) -Hope; nangfs r eaction was not typical of actors and actresses who have had television series cancelled. She says she Was delighted. She and her husband, movie producer-director Alan Pakula, went off and celebrated after NBC axed "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir." "I said , wonder· ful, I can Join the human race again. I 'll have time for gardening, swimming." MISS LANGE bad been in and out of retire- ment since 'Jaining stardom in 1957 in "Bus Stop'' and ''Peyton Pl~ce." It took some persuading to get her to come back for the serit;,s last year. ''I got so in the habit of not. working,'' she said. "There are so many other things to do. \Vhen you're away it'J like starting all over again." '40 ne rea'son l decided to do this show, besides liking the project. which was the real reason, was that many peGS?le were beginning lo think J bad retired," sh' ••id. · ·Miss Lange's eJatlon over the cancellation was shorl--lived. "We were on a $hip heading for the Caribbean when I heard ABC had picked .us up •. 1 weot into a funk. But now I'm delighted.'' . EVEN SO, She said she hopes the series doesn't lest more th'11 three or four years. BeSides· switching networks, the seriis is mov .. · tng tO a ·new time period. It wiJ.lie-be seen at 7:30 p.m. Th~~i'l!/i'• matched a•ainst CBS' l<>p-rated "Family " and NBC's ''Daniel Boone:• Miss Lange, whos-e performance in th~ serie.! brought her an Emmy, said, ''I like comedy. It 's more difficult I'd always been a dramatic actress ~ I lik~ .the idea of trying it." "Playing comedy, just as yo ur owns-elf, l.!1 tricky." she '&aid. "It's particularly hard to do if you're tired. ·You've got to have that spark and spontaneity. Eventuafly, you fi nd yourseU instinc- tively knowing where the laugh is, and bow to play up and down to it." ''THIS SERIES,'' sbe confessed, ''has been my su~er stock. It has allowed me to explore a sit- uation, to explore a character, sometimes making it, sometimes not." She laughed and added, "You also get paid better than summer stock." Playing opposite a ghost presenls a ticklish problem. "Yoij've got I<> be carelul with the ghost · and myself," Sile said. "We can't develop the rela- tionship because there's nowhere to go. But I love the fantasr of it! I find it appealing." ,AT TIMES•lhe ghost ls bombastic. unreason· able and frustrating. He interfers with her life when he'.'S not alone. But. asks Miss Lange, "how 1 many widows get to deal with a ghost -and a good looking one at that?" Dennis tlae Menace I ! I I I I • I 1 I .. .. • . OF OUR. B/6,,'.·NEW ' ' . .. -. '. -. ·. ! I • • ' FOUNTA"IN 1 ;VA LL .E Y STORE ••• ·• • M...,Jl ll . . Romantic Mediterr,neall' .Stereo M11tlc tr11ly ~-... k .-wh•n r•·•t•et..1· tiy tllpt~li A\h•1'~11iC Sl1r11 FM/AM R1dio-Ph111109r1ph! Off1rs: 50-W1tt1 lu11efi1twt1.I '"111ic, pewer e two li11wy·d11+., Hi9h-Effic!111c., 15" 1111 W1~f1r1 e tw11 1,000 cycle Exp111e11li1I Tr11bl1 Hor111 wit!. th1 1q¥i .. ~l111I 1c1111tic.lil 1fncitn<y ~f 10 con•·tvp• 1,i11•1r1 • Ach•111ced 1olid.111te 1oulld 1y1l1"' fno hll.11, 110 lte1t, "' tn1uhlel e ·11r91 r1cord 1!0•191 •••• e plu1 111111y "'''' 1up1rl11; .. , Met"'"'•' p1rf1r111t 11c11 fe1turt1 yo11 must 111 1ttd·ll11r 11 eppreci1le. r • ' 9sso . . . . ··Bring Th·e ·FamiJy! 1 • • I • • • Win Prizes " • NO PAYMENT 'Tl&.: SEPTEMBER Instantly Fine-tunes Itself AUTO 11 ATICALLY PERf tT" COLOR PIC RES :~ •• an ' isn't th ~t ,wh t you w nt? . . --~ -~------- WI .. MAGNAVOX j IOO·WaH STEREO _ CONSOLE· PLUS · MANY OTHER PRIZES NO PURCl:fASE NEEDED- JUST REGISTER Family Size Color Console I ll"Jetlt c ... _,.,_,. -Mt111l•I 6952 with lnd1nl Aulom1lic Color 1rw.I tod1y'1 bi9g11f color picture on ih 2fS 1q . i11. 1crH11 - pl111 other ••clu1iv1 M19111vo1 f11lur11 1t Ith. Conc1111d 1wiv1I c11i•t1 for 111y "''"" ing. Aho a¥1il1bl1 i11 1up1rli MMit1rr1n11n, E1rly Am1ric 111 111tl fr111c~ er U11i111 Pro• v;ncitl fi111 furniture. Big Picture Swive l .Console Color 11...,. y1'0 "ft111t·r.W....,.. -wh1r1v1r y1u 1it in y1ur roo111l 1H-4!1I 6100 with 195 1q., h•. 1cr11n, lrilli 1/.t ~C1lor, Chrom1lon1, Q11icti-On picl1•11, pJri 1111ny "'''' •t*••· v1l•1 f11tur11 lhtl '"''' y11r1 of celorl~I t i1•i119 111ioym1nt. $11 it hul1y! 479 50 ' . ' . . so Superb Color Portable TV ., ' lflll'--4•Trl111 , • , 11\:1 110119 tnd enjoy thi1 r119gedl.,.buill, highly d1p11H11lil1 M19.,1vot v1!111 wJ..1rt"!' yov ,o. lh I 17 1q. i11. •C•••ll ;, II •II· i11. le•••t th•11 '"01! olher celor port• ' '~'· Model 6000, with tel11topi11• 4ipole 011• t1Mto, pl111 '"'"" otf.or M•9n1•0• q111lit.,. fot• l11t•. ftlo•I f.t 1*oho" ot t1Dl11 -'"1k11 tho 29CJ9° MAGNA,VOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER -. ' . ' FREE MOllLl CART ' . . . fOUNTAI N vi,~LEY ~ 962·2456 fROOKH~RST. &_ ~RNE R, ,+-401 MA(N ST. 7 HUNTINGTON 8~4'-CH -S36-7S61-. . • K L II ii f; SI tl • b 0 d b i• g n b v d n q r u n fl n r h Ii r, u !1 c J Ii s • I r ( t T I a ( I • ) t - ... Liplfe~l!_W.lp"j . 'True ·Grit' Star -.. Has Mind of Own By BOB TJIOMAS AslOClated Preti Writer CORONA, Calif. (AP) - Kim Darby barb back lo the Lillian Gilb kind of star: the rrail·looldni &lrl wtlh will or iron. She played that role to a fa re-thee-well ln the current succeu, "True Grit." She's the determin~ mld-teens miss ~·ho wheedles. . cajoles and. browbeats John • Wayne and Ollft -·" .... .. .. MN! down her father's· killer. Klm Darby, who this month became old ellQllll! lo ..... is f CUI1tl1tt Up Ear 'er at HB'sShow , flaftdy Keene. director of the Huntington Buch cldJdren's play. by children, 11Tbe Adv.enture'1. of Tom Saywer, bas changed the Ume of the evening ptrfonnances, on Fridays from a p.m. as provlously IIll100nced lo 7:30 p.m. Keene found lhat the pla,y runs a1moat two hours and would get hls young au· dlence home at a more reuonable hour. Both ca!l.5 are coming along and the play opens next F. r Id a y, at 7::!0 p.m. •,Admission ii fl.00 for adulil aod :io cenb for the children. For Nil aa llrm1~ in i Dn-i11!11 v,11ey. !l!r hprl•lltUlf,_" .. llrll"• m1 11 hi ll1,r~1 -. er Ill ~ . it . .Qi! Yliii lf'Y -_ 'lilllll1111Y rt -~10~.:rw"ful!lf!er-:ir:!~ ,eu1n~ .~ .. ~it'rsi~ ·Baek i;11•I• t•e Aalfe ·-' -~ ~~;~ tu1!nen~t t~!~;;;Y · It ~0~~ the ~im f~om a h~g~ Peter Jason. (rigl\\) flashes his dagger at the throat of Paul Ford in this scene "I hate 'him," she com-~er~l~t~~~~ et:"th:w~~~li~h from Sou':l\ Coast ~epertory's ~usical. 1"The !hreepenny ,Opera.0 Wa,tc~ing ments. "l quote hate him un· pronunciation. ~pprehensively artt (from left) Jim Warmg, Elaine Bankston and Robert Giles. quote.\' The... had be e n "Television waS a great ttports during the filining that school for me," said the slight the actress and Hathaway did brunette with the large, deep- not get along, and she con-brown eyes. "I played a lot of flnned them. "He gave me the series, ususally as a nothing-except scorn a n d peculiar, troubled girl , which ridicule," she said. 'Oh. I've I'm not. One or the series was had directors who did th.ings ·especially lucky for me. It was like shooting a gun off in my a 'Run for YoUr Life,' which fa~ to get surprise; that I can Ben Gazzara h.imself directed. understand. But I ca n ' t .. Paul Nathan producer Hall forgive rudeness." \\1allis' assistant happened to Nor did Kim have i!owing see it, and )te decided that I comments .. about her costar, was right for 'True Grit.' If It John Wayne. hadn't been for him, I'd still "We had "no rapport, either be doing television.'' In the scenes or out of them;'' t.1uch has happened to Kim she said. "He was Rooster, in the pa!t year. Four weells and 1 was the little girl, Mat-before t h. e start of "T r u e ty, and he didn't h.ave any Grit," she gave birth to a baby regard for me." girl. She has since divorced Kim did get along with actor Jim Stacy. She starred Campbell, a good th.in g in "Generation" vi'\th David because they are again costar-Janssen and Peter Deuel, her red in "Norwood," a modem current boyfriend. story being filmed in and f\.iuch. more will be hap. around this So u t h e r n pening lo Kim Darby, and she California town. This lime out. seems able lo deal with any 1he gets to grow up a bit, but eventuality. Her own am. she still looks remarkably bition : "I'd like to pattern my )'Oung. career after Sandy DeMis's. I She's a hometown girl, bom think she has done a wonderful In Hollywood and reared in the-, job of bandllng..h~rself. '.' Crossword Puzzle '~ •-"• I,,, ._.1, ._. ACROSS ' '50H atfatrP,; ., Vts$!1fd'ayfiltlip:ltSolYtd:~ ln.•usl' ~ • ' 1 P'at( arotJtwf 52 Ptr•btil1tor 1 1 tightly • 54 lHYlsio11 of • 5 Very dis· a businrss: • pleased J Abbr. 111 Ftaturt er 55 Navoal scm t skirts strtngth: 14 Africa(I · 2 words . thitftain SCJ Vtirs 15 Kingsize •3 Former U.S f1ra . , ~ St cty, 1f 1' -•• 1v11!: : State 1. words 64 Youthful T - 17 Ontario '" Irish E ~ " water boctr:' l1n9u1,r Z words 67 Saltprter 1, Frdrratlo• '8 Ont of ltle "* 11 C1!lfornl 1 41 Compl1 fnls ofsuJtanatts .. S111llh1 community 44 Formtd 20 Facial "' Fratnt ol •liid 1? Femlnlnt sm;ill !f.1ture1 70 N1llves l' fllllle waYts u l\,~711111·~ n ftl~!~. 11 ::~M. . 0 t,~r:~; ~en fl Dit •arnlng slg11 11 Dick Butta• 4• Sign i• or 81rbar1 of big 25 ~fr{ ti~ DOIN Ann Scott Bn111h,1y I n ivllln1 ll Au11 or ""'" e !It l Frtnch 'h1lk the 20s ~l Units ustd 2' Custard Z Ftmalt 24 01 part o! in the ~pp\t strvanl the tar Olympics 30 Ots!ructivt 3 lttm of radio 21i Stlious 53 Ooclor: I to lift equipmtnt: 27 Product as Informal 34 Traffic Informal a compcsrr 55 Eldest In goods ~ Drtsstd 28 Makes less son or 35 Ruth c. Pratt fastid iou sly dtlficult Noah 37 Alont ; Old 5 Turninq 29 Whtrt \ht Sit Conlinrn!: staqt po int iri a Gare du Comb. for111 dir,ction ftvtr Nord ls 57 Too 38 Thrtt•IOtd Ii Zodiac sign -31 Lone Ra111~er's 58 Printi ng sloths 7 ···-ovtr· ' lritnd process: 39 ···-· forties lightly JZ Landed Colloq 42 Sharl drink .l I 81kery lmml9ranl !tO W11rus1 43 Canal: Anat.t i:iroducl 3J F1ll 1nto rtl1tlve 4S JCIUmey t C1tllt error til Within: 46' Fixed • barons' old . )Ii Two-foottd Prtfix charges per .. f0ts: 2 words 40 .Jiltsldents 112 Cook ln u~lt 10 £xptrlrnctd of C1nid1's crrtain way ~a Leavt off persons c1pltal £5 Perm it I . l ' ' • • 11 ll 14 • I • • 17 lit • ,. .. " l " " • • 69 • 1 • • Complete · Printing Service I Top . 9ualfty -Fast s..-vlce fiiJ.iiif !llf IA 642..4321 2211 West lelboa Blvd. Newport BH<h Laguna Playhouse Show Ends through Labor Day !Th.undays through Sundays, 8:30 p.m.). SHORT s'UIJECTS ··~oM Wlfll. The Wl11d" S,._wtt et 7:45 Ottfy o,.. 6:41 '"'·~~~~ -' . e NOW-IND$ TUUDAY e e Fred A1to4'- e •-~·~ .... . ,, ... -.....,. . ....... ·""" '·-· -. l "A~INI SUM Mil'" XID!lelof!r NEWll'Olf ltACH • Olt.J-as50 Jack LemriAon arid Catherine Deneuve are '"Th__e .Mril,Fools" T-1 l!ICD A0 .... ""'~1•"'-illlA. Nltianll (onwnl ~ ..... ALSO SI•"• M,Q11••" "Tht Thomes Crown Affair" IVI 1H9W IJt'll~ Al 1 CONT, IAT 6 l\IM NON t • • available from the Laguna Playhouse box orfice. 319 Ocean Ave.:or by telephone - (714) 49H061. COMING TO THE PORT THEATRE JULY 30th. JKG~llllV~ A~IA -ENGAGl,,,INT · ~',Him' 'Hn'l'Y BANG BANG" cDQ ~.j , ........... .. EXCLUllVE .REA IHCIWINI llQ AL~ FAMl~Y 'Ro0RAM ,.,. TtrffM T~ t'!llll,$175 ~ .•. CA LOAI ~~~'Jrlr.• e •!!11 lu 11 t i. LONG • ,,~. ''P OY ALL :u . TIRS" T""""'1, J,IJ 24, 196'1. • D~LY PILOT-Jl • • • ' ? . . . Fo--:-~OUTHCOAU ~ .. i.azanm-,...01tc•''""'•••-.-,-~ HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! CONTINUOUS FROM 1 :00 P. .M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 12:30 ...... --..... ea.• ................... 2ND Hrr Wll:J .c'I' • • -SnSfNG ..:.::.. ---~~~· Mlll-- ,--,rr--.ATIHIF5-oAIL'f. * - There were three men fn htt Ufe. Goe to take bcr- one to lovit hitr. -and one ro kW her. ""\ COLUNlll" PICTURES PRS91:111T• • llllGBT./ DMll PICI ; / lllllP ·••1••••• ~ . • l.a....... ,,. wii# Ncow -•uo -Ll!I! JAMES lllMICK coaUltN · ... HARD : · , CONTRACT Y oa Must SH 'Ille °"'"'I• c-ty "-...ioa of "Goodbye, Columbus" A l"llM l"•OM TH• NOYILLA IT PHILIP ROTH, The A .. hor of tho Now a .. + s111 .. "PORTNOY'$ C:OM,LAINT" • "Gtnuintly Intimate L1ne lc..,....--Tlme1 Magaz.ine • "Refrt1hlng To SM"-Ltte MapziM • "M.,,.....,.-Saturday Review . e "llllilSTAILl"-New York Tltnes '11tect It -1'&1s0111s 011101• '' MOT ADMITTl'O UMLISS WITH l'A•INT: * * BEACH BLVD. AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH• 847·9808 e Second Great Shows • • \ "'0 .. 1 HOWL 0, ,\ l'ICTUli• "Z, VAlllTY ll'ltOM THI alG a1tOAOWAV LIOIT COMIOY • I • • • • ' . . ofaJ'J ~,--. 5/Jo// rJ'l/on CApre! oface ... Peignoi~. PHONE 642-1197 I .. " . I r . . ' ·i· • . . ' ,. ·.r If r !,' •, .. . . ~ ' -: .. . '( .. _,. . -~ • I . . . -f ' '• •'-(1-......... •• I 1° •••• .. , • .,.,.,, .. ' : Ban-Ion JCnlts' ' by Thane . - Cla11ic. l ·buttoft pullov•r. slyl• --11.00 Cru N•clt _........ 10.00 12 nsblon-Colcn WuTCUFF PLAZA, NEWPORT IEACH ~· .. ' FLATS and CASUALS .. . .. ' . ' ., " ' .. MttJi · ~~- w tJi 'P'f,-~ . '. J~~1ur d. (/J t. /IMlf; t eMLWJ . 1i-/IUf-wJ-. ~ Jt41n 'tnhG WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17th and Irvin• NEWPORTER INN Newport IHch Cfiliforni1 • , ' " ·1 " I ' \ j,. \ \ •one-stop' shbpping . . at its finest! ' • OPEN THURSDAY & MONPAY EVE_NINSS ... . ·~-, .• ..:. ' : ........... ~ ... :.._, HAl.LIDAY'S . :\'· I • S ;.,, :··. -~.: Jtf~ER ,'I• '•' , • •· jl.~•l "l •I ' • • ' • • : • "·A' · .. --· ........ ' .. ' ~ • ,_ i • ... -::--.. • • , ' • ,• .I . • : t -; , ..• ,"• ' . ' ' : ',' ' ~· . ' .· . . . , . ... ' .. ,, ,. '"' .- ' ·, :• ... ' -.. ~ '~· . '' . .' .'' ... ' ..... · NDS "JUl:-Y 26lM t\¥ ' '1 ' • .T '• I .~ !' .{ •• -; . - . '.~ . -~ ·~ ., . ' . . . . ~ : :.. ~·) . . ~ ' ~ ... ' . ~ TR.U>mONAL CLOTHING ' ., * J7th: I fr'Yiu Av•nu• WESTCLIFF Pl.AV: ·N~WPORT 'BEACH. PHbNE: ~45-0791 • Hours: lQ.&; Monday & Thursday 10-9 ' ' ~-·· "' " . . . .. . •I " r-. • .. ' L . !.l"'" • .. .... ,. Nu1Mlieft.-Yt1~~rit ' . Visible SAlll-ON. (AP) -While the Unitid Statft· bu be . gradual · withdrawal <>I Ha !Ol'ctl ·fn Vlenam there baa ""° no &ip-:so far-thal allie<I ·naUOl!ll w!io conirlbutf 70,124 meo plan similar cut- baclcs. . lnforml'I offidals say Iha! ouch plaDl-bave been <fitcuea. ed on 8J> informal l>uis, that none of the allied nationl bas made any ofllclal -.moves toward a Jroop ~t1 "J· .• Tile biggest· contrlbulor is - South J{orea with IO~ .men. Their ~mmandet, burly £L o.n. Lee ·Sae Ho, .....,Oy·IQ!d newsmen that .there were ~no plans at · all to reduce bil forces. SAlllE &\TE M'.anwhile, the .troops of the allied!· nations are conducing operations at the same rate as in the past. U anything, their role ·has grown I ar g er , altboUgh because pf tbe recent lull In the war this has not restilted in Increased casualties. r\atiDns contributing combat troops are, in addition to South Korea: Thailand, 11 , 6 12 ; Australia, 7,617; New Zealand, 552. 'J'he Philippines has l,503 soldiers in Vietnam engaged solelf in civic action proJ~ts. The Koreans have two in- fantlj divisions, a Maine brigade and a special con· struction unit spr.e.ad-mainly over ;the 200-mile stretch of cent,ral coastlllJld of the 2nd Co~ Area. Their troops are mamly in the coastal areas, but ,they have reeently ex- panded their operationa1 areas inland as pacification pro- gressed. They are now mainly resi)rinsible for pacification in four.-i:oastal provinces. "They are good and they are methodical," a staff officer reported. "They are now get- ting a kill ratio of almost 20 to I 'with their tactic-night sab,u'ation patrols and hard work."-~ KO!ljtAN LOSSES The Koreans say they have lost:l,314 men in action since they came lo Vietnam In late 196!, Tfie 1st Aw:tralian Task F~. which includes the N~w Zealanders, operates in large.. ly ~ified Phuc Tuy Province on tffe CO<Ult east of Saigon. WUh their area or operaUons only infrequently active, the taken on the role of at- temtfting to upgrade the South Vietriamese 18th I n f a n t r y Div~on, one of the least ef. ficiett In Uie country. Orie battalion of the lath, abou& 450 men , completed a six·week training and joint oper~tion period with the Australians early this month. A secood batptlion is now undefgolng tbe.saine prpgram. The Australian task force comman4er, Brig. '.C. M. J. Pearson, eongratolated the fir!t~battalion at the end or the exei'cise and said, "You have pas:Sed every test." AUESIES DIE More than 250 Australian soldiers have been killed in ac· tion. The Thai Black Panther Division, which r e c e n t I y replaced the initial Queem Cobra Regiment, bas taken over an old American camp called Bearcat about 25 miles east of Saigon. It is in an area where there has been litUe recent fighting. But in two battles in Marcl'I and June, ti")e Panthers, aided by U.S. artillery and gunships, reported killing 380 Viet Cong agaimt the loss of eight Thais killed and 26 wounde<I. The Thais do not announce over-all casualty figures for the ;war. 'lbese allied battles ha~ often been peripheral to the w1111 because Viet Cong and Nort)l Vietnamese units have concentrated on the Amert-· cans and the South Vietnam- ese. However, U.S. authorities polnl oul that the Awlraltans, Koreans and Thais now con-tr!l1ute largely lo the. paclflca· lion of about eishl provinces "'~In Soul!> Vietnam. ABC Supports Network Limit WASHINGTON (UPI) - Tbt American Broadcasting Company (ABC), only one of the three commercial networks operating at a kiss. today supported a propopl lo llmil the aimosl Iota! conlrol the. three now maintain over prime lime television. A.Be attorney James A. MCKenna told the federaJ covun\micaUons ~ lh11, u the -missloo con- cludes auch 1 rule, ''We Will no1 OppoM. \II ""9P1lon llld wiD.' ~lie lri .. 'tift. Pfementiilon." - .,. • • I •. ' .. -·.·· .. ' . • .. • '· .. .. • t . r ' t , , , '1 ,; • ,.. . . . : ,...... R • ' . ~-.... ~ • .. :,\' . ' t ' • • ' • -.. , • --4. •• • : ... ., , . ' .. ,1 I , \ .' · •• ;~·\f ,(,• \ ... . . '• ..... • . · i .. J .... ·~ ., .. ~-' ' . . -;'' •. I SAVE 20%; NOW ... PERSONALIZED . CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM OUR 1969 ·ALBUMS I ' .Trim your Christnl.s budget now, by selecting . . your personalized t ards from our new selection Mission Enco~e •Regency Cost le • • of olbum s for l9i9. You'll find just the right c~rd for expressir1 .you r Christmas wi shes when you browse. thr~ hose colorful booh from populor . sources. Lisled or only o few. Stotionery, 15 . . Burgoyne · ,Colifomio' ,Artists Gront ' ' j ANAHEIM 444 N. E1ert_J IJl-112 M ..... tti., ·S•t.,.lt•.lrl..t9 ,ftal ,l.i. j . i ., I Hempton i.iorty Links NEWPORf'. 47 F•t~l.ii hl~tMt ' &44·1212 M••· t1*1'ffrt. 10 • .,. .. '• 91)0. µi. . S.I t011a.~~.,.. . 1 ' ' . . • .f . . , ' . • ... J "•.i •' • DAILY '1).0f , '·t • . • : .. ' '+ ' ' . . • . . ' lULY..· SALE$ , . . • • ~~I ' t. • ' '•'t·I• .(.' .; ," , ,. .. • • ~ !' ' < • '' • i r 1 .. I : • ' ' ' 1'"' , " I ; , " Century, Hollywood Showcose Masterpiece .Looert White T.V. Allen Brion Doy Loguno Art Buzzy Cordozo .., '· " . • . . ·~··\,·, HUNT.INGTON BEACH 7777 lch1191t A~. '192 ·1111 , , .~,It. ~;$1!o.J0 11lfl, t•t;J·~ 'f I "' . ' I. r -- I . I I ,. r .. • tj :1 .• • ' • 1f DAA.Y PllCIT I Rohin·son Calls -Feller Liar as Feud Boils IT'S A LIE Jackie Roblmon All-Star Autops y By Aaron WASHINGTON (AP) -Ainerlcan League manager M1yo Smith ol Detroit says tbe.Niffonal uagDe i&lld bfve won the AD-Star Came even tf b.IJ premier hurler, Denny McLain, bad arrived at the ballpark In time to start the 40ih classic. Atlanta's Hant Aaron ays, however, the National Leque's p o w~r tutting might have beeQJlil.led bad the American League pitching been betW. "Good pilchlOI can llwoys stop good hitting," Aaroo said aft.tr the f.3 Na- tional victory WedneodoJ. "I tbou&bl last )'ear Odom was the best pltcber 1 faced in the All-Star Game. But ftia ball wasn't sinking today. We Nt t Jot of high fast balls." "- John 'Blue Moon' Odom, Oakland's star pitcher, was bombed during his third-in- ning stillt, giving up Willie Mt'Covey's first of two homers, two doubles am two singles for five runs. "I wasn't a·ctually u loose as J should have been," Odom said, "I usually take three iMings to get loose but I just couldn't get there today." There was speculation over wbetbe:r the outcome o{ the coolest would have been dilferen( Uc! McLain, the Tlgen' 14- game winner who collected 31 last year.. been able to get to the ballpark to st.art as originally planned. Smith thlnk5 not .. The fact that be came late had no bearinl on lhe ballgame,." said Smith. "ll still would bave bad the same resuJL "He would have pitched on1y two in- nings and 1 would have. brought on Stot- tlemyre or Odom. I had not planoed to use any pitcher over two inninp." McLaiI\ new to Detroh aft.er the• All- Star Game wa1 porrtponed Tuesday night for a dentaJ appointment and didn't get to the ballpark until tbe top of the second inning. National League manager Red Schoen- dienst of St. Louls agreed that the American League pitchers weren't as sharp as t b e hurlers he had going for him . "Anytime you make mistakes to guys who can hit the ball out of the park, they ~·ill h1t out," he said. "They have plenty of· power. I'd like to have their club everyday. "But our pitchers were pretty sharp. They got lhe ball where they wanted. And their pitchers didn't," he said . Dodgers Look To Drysdale CHICAGO CAP) -The Los Angeles Dodger pitching staff. encouraged by BUI Singer's performance in the All-Star ' game, looks toward an addition to its ranks and the riaht arm of Don Drysdale lo carry its hopes for a pennant. Manager WaJt Alston named either Claude Osteen, 12-1, or Don Sutton. 12-9, to oppose Ken Holtzman, 11 -~. in today's Doflger S late 11'1' •.m. Kfl !UCll ll;tJ t .m. l(fl 1•• 11·10 1m.Kf1 640 11:111.M. l(FI 640 pme against Chicago in Wrigley Field. The Clubs lead the National League's East division by 4~ games. while Los 4ngeles was locked in a struggle ror first wllll nearly all the teams in the West division. Los Angeles tratled leading Allanla by one 1ame and was one percentage point ahead of San Francisco. SinF returned to the club arter pltchnll t•o scoreless and hitless innings for the wlnninC N1tiooal League in Widnetday'I A.11.Star c 1"1 I h in Walhlngton, D.C. Drytdale, with a sore shoulder , will be _.... .., to otart l(ainlt the Cubs Sun- daJ, A1 Clmpani1, Dodim' vk:e president. Js 1COUlln1 around r,, a pitcher In Mwco .... -the alaff. ''We mldt know 1bout Oeytd1le'1 inn." 11ld Camp1nil. -· "Wt fOtl lblt n muat ht•• pitching ~.w•"d. ll)e ,fl to,... lf<lm " ' Feller Says He Can Prove .Accusations NEW YORK (AP) -"ll's a damned lit," said Jackie Robinson. "Jt happened in Sao Diego in 1946 and I can prove it," retorted Bobby Feller. Thole were latest barbs in the racial feud between lhe two baseball Hall of Famers and dealt with Feller's charge that RobinJOn onct held up an exhibition game on a barn-etonning tour while demandina: more money. "It's a damn lie and 1 want you to quot. me," Roblmon said after he bad road ~ury Allen's story In tbe New York Post that the friction between Feller 1nd Robinson refused to take the rleld unless be wu paid three times mort than anyone' else. Feller, former ece rieht-hander for the Clevelaud lndl8lll, told All"' the tx· hlbiUQJ\ game wu . againlt Salcbd Paige's AU-Stars. "I told him,'' Allen quoted Feller "that. if he didn't take the field I would call the commlsaloner. He flnally took Ille field. for the same price." "'lllla is juat furtheio prDOf 11111 Ftller hasn't grown up ln 23 years/' Rob1lllon de<lared In calling .il>e locldeal a "damn li " •• Roblnsoo, the llnt black man to break OFF AND RUNNING -National League's Matty Alou is safe at third in this first-inning play Wednesday in the All-Star baseball game at W•hington. Alou took oft,from second on a passed ball and Ameri· Into the major leagues and who became a star infie1der with the Brooklyn Dodgen, said he recalled playing against Feller in an exhibition lo 1946 In Los Angele& 1'It was the ooly time we faced each other and it wasn't with the Satchel Paige All.Stan," Robinson said. "We had our own team. And there was no dispute over money. T remember I got one hit oil hi " m. Jn West Palm Beach, Fla., where he w~ al a baseball clinJc, Feller told the Pompano Beach Sun-SenUneJ that the in- cident when he said Roblnsoo demanded more money "happened in San Diego ln l!M6 and I can prove ll." "l bad guys like Jlm He11an, Ralph Kiner, MJckey Vernon, Bob Lemon and Stan Musial on my club and 13,CMXI people were watching the game,'' the Sun-Se.n- tinel quoted Feller. "Whatever dlsagreement Jackie had with his club reflected on his club and me. I didn't want my barnatormlng tour or Jackie or baseball to have any adverse reflection cast on them. "I advised him ••• be re-evaluated lhe situation. He wu reasooable, thought it over and played the game • "EvklenUy he'• forgotten the incident." Uf'I Te..,.. can League third baseman Sal Sando was tho late with the tag.-Tbe umpire is Tom Gorman. ' They Ha ve Mor e Stars'-Jack,on AL's Humiliation Reaches 7 Years WASHINGTON (AP) -Tile American _ League Went bac'k to the drawlni bOard today in search of another plan to win tbe AH-St.ar Game -with its two bl.aest star1 dilagreelng over the re.aeon why the NaUonal League has DOW utended !ta superiority through seven years. . "They got mor' stars over there," said Reggie Jackson of the Oakland Athletics after Wednesdv'• 9-' Joas to the ,NaUooil League. "We don't have player& like they have -like Mays, Aaroo and Clemente. And we have no McCovey. And no Baab. And no Marichal, But we have • younger league than they have. MOit _of our Sporbl In Brief , P,layer1 on the field were younaer than -tbelrs-"So give us time -we'll be there." "I have to admit we needed thJs game bad for league prestige," said Frank Howard of the Washington Senators. "You know you hear all thb: stuff about them being beUer. But I've played in both Ieaaues and I think the American is "'big a league as the National. · .•1TtJeR things seem to run in cycles. Our league will be back." Jackson. at,23 representing the AL's youna;er generaUon, and Howard, 1t 33 . represenUnr tbe AL's older generallon, ""' the key play"' lo Ille Amerlcu Clay Sentence Vphel,d; Ladd Lost for Season HOUSTON -A federal judge rtsen- tenced Cassius Clay today to the same five years in prison and $10,000 fine he assessed in June, 1967. arter Clay's con- victiOO on a charge or draft evasion. There had been speculation U.S. Dist. Judge Joe Ingraham might reduce his ortglnal sentence. but he Imposed the same sentence without comment. Clay's chief lawyer, Charles Morgan Jr. of Atlanta , flled notice or appeal at once to the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans. Clay will remain free on $5,000 bond posted at the Ume of his flrst appeal two years ago. Before sentencing. Ingraham asked Clay ir he had any com ment. "No, sir," Clay said. "E:ii.cept I am sticking to IT!Y religious beliefs. I know this la a counU'y that preaches religious freedom." Clay had ~gbl exemption from the draft as a Black Muslim minister and as a conscienticw objector. fi..1, 6-0. Nancy Richey of San Angelo, Tex ., toir seeded, top-ranked deffnding Clay Courts champion, eliminated Marie Cardenas of Peru in first-round play, H , &-1. In the tournament's first major upset , Luis Ayala of San Juan, Puerto Rico, fought off two early ~et points and knock - ed out fifth-seeded Bob Lutz of Los Angeles 8-6, 6-2. in lbe second round. Two.seeded foreianers also met defeat -No. I Pancho Guunan ol Ecuador and No. 7 Diet Crealy of AU1b'1lia . • COLUMBUS. Ohio -M 1rsb111 University was 6uspended indefinitely from the Mid-American Conference to- day. The action came late Wednesday after Marshall admltted irregularities in the recruitment of athJetes. Leaiue~s plan for ending NL superiority thls lime around. , That plan c<illed for loadlng the team with. tile .1 league'1 top homer hitters. Jacbon, Wilh 37, and Howard, wllh st, were the leading elemenli in a: .starting unit that statistically bad the edge on the NaUonal League starters -179 homers to 105. 'JM 2 hours and 38 minutes later when the scoreboard showed the 9-3 final Score, the Nllioall Leaa:ue had hit more homers than the American, 3-2, and had outhit them 11-tl ~~··and' .Bill Freehan o( Detroit co"""'r ·fme.TUns for the Americans, Murphy Faces Yanks Tonig~t I The California Angels move Into the se- contl half of the American League West Division peMant chase knowing -since they're in last place -nothing can gel worse. But at 22 games behind division-lee.ding Minnesota, lhe Angels by a quiri. Of the percentages still are only 41/z games out of third place in the division race. Thal nearness is based on the ract that the thlrd place 'team, Kansas City l is sag- ging: ilong with ·1 41-55 record, far below ' 500 • ~ · In' u\e.ir hopes to start a better second half following the All-Slar gam~ the Angell will send Tom Murphy, M, to race Stan Bahnsen, 5-11, of the New York Yank~s tonight at Anaheim. The Yanks are staggering themselves. with a1put.! 46-5.2 mark that puts them 20 games 'nd Blldmors in the American League ~ division. while JecUoll filled to I~ the ball out of the infield in . two officiaJ trjps to the plate. But Willie McCovey of San Fran- cisco hit two for the NaUonab and John· ny Bench of CtncinnaU one. If, having lost tQellome run battle, the Americans ' decide now that pitching might have to be the answer -then It probably will help next year if Detroit's Denny McLain doesn 't have a dentist's appointment. McLain, Detroit's 14-game winner and the scheduled AL starter, took off in hi s private plane Tuesday night, after the game was postponed by rain, to have nine teeth capped in Detroit Wednesday morning. His flight plan was expected to get him back to Washington in time for Wed - nesday's resched 11led start, but he did not appear on the American League bench until the National League was batting in the second inning. NATIONAi.. 8' r h rM M.Alou, d • 1 z 1 l<tsilng.... ii J 0 D 0 M•y1.~ 1000 Mrie,u 1000 H,Ao!ron, rl • I 1 D S~r. p I O O O 8tt11..-1, :lb I 0 0 0 McCower. ID • t 2 l M11,I~ 1000 S&n!o, JD J O O O P ... tr,.JD 1000 C.J-..lf •2 20 Rot.t,11 1000 9~11,c l12f HIJ"d!Pf, e I I 0 0 Mlllln. 2b • I I 2 KOO•rnlln, P 0 0 0 0 (orlton, p t 0 I I Gllnon. p O o O O lllnll•, 1)1'1 I I O I C~mt<1t,, cf I O O O 01-er,o 0000 Nl14',.., o I 0 I I AMl!ltlCAN lb , "1'111 (.1r~w. 211 J O O -'ndrf'l'll, 7b 1 o o JackKfll. Cf l o o Y11rr1emH!, If I o o F.llobl""°", rl l o O lll•!r, Cl 2 O O Pa-11. lb • 1 0 How.ird,11 I 11 Smll'll. I! ? O o 911\do. ltr l 1 0 M11. llfl I 0 0 ~111.stl 1 0 Pr9QQ!I, H I 0 0 F,...,..n, c ? 1 1 Rot.ftoro, c 1 0 0 Slo!Oemrr•, p o o o OOOrn, p o o D Knowi.o. p o o o 11:1i-..... p111000 McL1ln, p D 0 I O McN•llr. o o o o o Mlncl>er, ph I o o o McDowell, p o o o o C.utp,p 0000 Wf\l't,ph 1000 lo!•I• Cl f H I Tlfttll ll J 6 J l'h!krNI U! 100 000 -t 1 t O Arnerlc., 011 100 000 -J 6 } E -Pllr.ot111!. Mow8rd, 71 -.._ltt>Celll. Mll- ltl\, C.•I,.,. Hll: -"· How1rd, F"""'"· M<.Clf~ev UL 1""'11.. IP M It l!lt II SO C•rtl'Oll rwon1 l 1 t J 1 o G.,_ 11 1111 s•r 1 00000 )(--11 1.111 1 0 0 • 0 Dill't<lll" Ill 1 0 0 D O Niekro l 0 0 0 O t 5Tottlemy,.. !Lot.I) 1 • J l D ' OdOm l!J $ S • 0 D li:"'IWl1$ J/J 0 0 0 D 0 Mel.II~ lStltJ McNlllY 210011 McDowell JOIOOJ Cylfl 10~001 Tl"" -11& A""'°"nc1 -4 .Ut. I CAN PROVE IT Bob Feller Bad l\nees, Hip Hardly Stop Willie WASHINGTON (AP) ..! When Willle McCovey 's knees aren't bothering him, his hip is. But there's nothing wrong with 1li.s shoulders. You can lake it from the Vice. President of the United States. '"He told me J've got the biggest shoulder swing he's ever seen," McCovey said Wednesday after accepting con - gratulations from Vice President Agnew for his twG-home run, four-RBI binge in the National League's 9-3 AU-Star Game romp over the American League. He was named outstanding player for tbe game. "I'm not re.ally sure what the Vice President meant," said the 6-(oot-5 San Francisco slugger, the NL homer leadel' with 30 who socked., a pair in Robert F. Kennedy Memoria l .Stadium -his first two hits in All-Star competition. "All I know is I have a bad hip end two bum knees,'' he said. "They've been bothering me off and on all year." McCovey's right hip was troubllng him Wednesday in the muggy Washington weather and, although be had a crack at setting an All.Star record of three homers, he was n't unhappy when NL manager Red Schoendiensl lifted him from the lineup in the sixth inning. "As a matter off act, J was ready to come out," he said. "The hip was bother· ing me a Jot. I thin k the humid weather has a Jot to do with it.·: But, while he might have had difficulty shooting from the hip, his king-ball swing was in top form. After delivering a first-inning run with a ground out, he bla~ted a John ''Blue 1.toon" Odom pitch 420 feet against the facade of the upper right center Held stands. Then he lagged Denny McLain for a 350-foot belt that cleared the fence in right. "I got enough of the second one so { tho11ghl it had e. chance of going out," ~ said . "There was no doubt about the fir one." McCovey , who had never before been Hi Washington, fo11nd the Senators syms metrical park much to his liking. ''I thiolr all the parks should be like this one ~ w~th the same dirnen;sions down the lines; Jt·s nol exacUy a hitter's park, but the home run hitters will hit it oot, and that~~ the way It should be. 4 "If all lhe parks were the same size. II a guy hits 30 homers and another guy hit9 4ll, you know they hit them under Uid' same conditions. Now. the way the park' differ in size, somebody can always hit 11 cheapies." McCovey's home runs are tape measure shots more often than not. An~ he is far ahead of his 1968 pace, when hi led L'le league with 36, But he isn't coon; ting on himself, or anyone else, breakint Rose r Maris' 1981 record of 61 homers. f "When you get to a certain point, lht pitchers just stop pitching to you." ht said. ~ "When I was hot early this seaMln, tllef were still challenging me, But they're not pi~g to me es much an.Ymore, an.I when 1t gels down lo the last month, you know they Won't be giving anybodJ anything.'' "You just don 't pitch to him so often" said ~inclnnati catcher Johnny Bench, who hit one homer for the Nationals and was robbed or another by C a fl vtsfi"'!emskJ'a leaping catch in the sixtH. "If they pitched to him a11 the tiroB, he'd have 50 homers now ." • KANSAS Cl'l'Y -Emle Ladd, hug• defensive tackle for the Kansas City Chiefs ()( the American Football League, will mlu the. 1869 season because of knee surgery, O>e club announced Wednesday. McLain Blasted for Crummy Trick Ladd, 1 a-pounder, had not reported for the Amer.lean Football League club's training camp at nearby Uberty, Mo .• and the.rt had been speculation on what bad happened to him. • INDIANAPOLIS -The lop players In I.he men 'r. and women 's &inglCI lost only one game apiece Wedllf!lday Jn [ilon II the U1S. Clay Court cba mplonslll here. Artllur Albe of Rlchmord, V . . lop- lt<ded and lop-ranked._ d.r .. 1e/! Terry Addlaon ol Australia in 'the &etond round DETROIT (AP) -The DetroH News said today that Detroit pitcher Mickey L<Mlch wau al odds with learpmate DeM)' McLain because of his failure to get a rkSe back to Detroit in McLaln's plane after the All-star game in W~h- logton Wednesday. . McLain was in Florkla and Lolich was unN':achable for comment. , "Denny pulled a crumJn1 tricl on me today,''... nkl Lolich In an interyjew wjLb •ports wrller Pelt W aldmetr ol lbe De- troit News after the 1•me. Waldm•lr qu~ Lollch ., saying: "lie (McLain) b\ouod out of here right alter · he was through pitching and left me and my wife. Joyce, stranded wllho6t a ride back to Detroit. And all he saya is 'that's tough. That is your pro1>1w.' "MCL.ain doe s not think about hi! frlendo IX' hlJ twrunelea. AD he thlnb about is himse.lf," .said Lolich, "And look," said Lolich, "I w1nl to see that in the paper. I ha Ye had enough of thl11 stuft" Lt.>llch (13-11 and Mol.ain (JM) are the malrudays of lhe Tiger pildilll,I '11ff and the letln'• b(ggest asaet. in their 1eeood half~rlve tor 1nother American • League pennant. McLain. who was scheduled to be. the American League starting pitcher Wed- nesday in the ~3 loss to the National League, had some dental work done in Detroit, new to Washington in his own jet and arrived a few minutes after the aame started. He worked only one Inn- ing in rener .• Said Lolich, "It really wasn't so bad that we had I to eet b.ack to Detroit by ourselves. But Dcnny't! altitude was Ju~ beaaUful. Wbtn .he left the-g 1 m e 11 the e[ld of the IOOl'lh inning to get drusill, I otopped him and asked him where Ile was going. ' ''He told me that he was in a hUl'1'7, that he had to fly to Florida or IOtne- place. I tJT'lderstand he has reil estile or a house near Lakeland, Fla." Lolich said he and his wUeW)ew to Wuhlngton Monday night In lllcLaln'I plane and that the latter even pi~ him up at Ben Airport in Birminabiiin where Lollch left hla car. · Lollch said lhal alter McLain !tit Washington, he got a rlde to Wa&h~f'l:· ton's Natiooal Airport With Tiger ca~ er em Freehan •nd booked _.gel lo ' commerrial airliner, >,1 ' _ _,,,!__..._.. ______________ .._ ______ - ' I • ) J I • l --. """"'·~-·'· ....... "·-·-· ._..,,._1"'TW'l"' • I n,rld•Y. July 24, 1969 DAILV PILOT 31 • Berg'.s Key Dashes Meettures Buena Park Monarchs Humiliate Cage Rival, 96-32 Pave ·South Victory T~p· Divers By .. ~!~.~~.EY St.eve Fritz poured tn 25 .seven Olympk gold medal points and Ralph Chandos gathered In 18 rebounds seven-man playing s q u a d finishing In double figures. ln addition to Fritz (25), Chandos (15), Steve Kemper (13}, Werner Raes (12), Dave Kiley (12), and Tom Walker (10) all finished In dOuble By ROGER CARL.'ION 0t !fM D.lllJ Plltt lttH LOS ANGELES -Universl· ty of Southern California foot~ ball coach John McKay was on his way down lhe press elevator with the Coliseum lOC'ker rooms hls destination when a writer uked the highly successful Trojan boss what he thought of Westminster High's Darryl Berg and his just completed performanct: iR the 18th anoual 'North-South Sllrlne football came. McKay, showtnf a slight grin, replied, 11Not bad." Another source a s t e d McKay 'about Santa Ana High's Isaac Curtis, a lad destined to meet the Trojans in years to come in a California uniform. "He's not so bad quipped McKay. • And It was Btr1 who seem-diving winners -Ylll be on Wednesday nlghl as Mater De.t elther,11 ed lo turn the Ude in lbe ha1xl'for bonon Saturday and humiliated Los Amigos, 96-32, fourth period. • SuOOay at the Southern Cali-in the Santa Ana basketball Berg; who is headed for USC in the rau, combined his ef. Cc.<14 with tbose ol CurtJa and a quarterback I r o m El Rancho by the name of Randy Drake lo dude M,4S3 spec. talon as the South rallied in the final quartu lo score a U- 34 thriller over the North Wed- nesday night. It was the most. explosive game of the -IS.year aeries u the South, fin! loOtln& like a runaway victor, "a 1 forced to come back with two fourth period touchdoWM to put Jt away after the franUc third period ended ill a n.:a tie. ~ Reith bels thirdwere andbo~ fumia lnternatlonal lnvita-league. " 8 au. tiooal Di Ing Ch 1 h' First place Newport drew a situation on their own 39 when v amp ons ips bye and Santa Ana l"f;mained the former W e s t m l n s t e r " at ~ Coyotes Country Cllib. in third by handing El Modena wingback stunned the Yankees Among those slated (o com-a 72.54 setback. In the only with a ..,.ard scamper to the pete ii Micki King, 1 IMS other game, Santa Ana Valley North 25. Olympian wtio won the I~ clobbered SaddJeback, 83-52. Momeni.I lat.er he muaded meter tWe ai the recent San-Mater Del, now S-2 in the bis way 20 yards to the three ta Clara Invitational. league, was never threatened, figures. "'''"''' Mater Delstlll has slim hopes of tlein(( Newport for the championship, trailing the Tars by two games with two games to play. However Monday n I g h t Newport appears certain to win the title, as It tackles fifth place Santa Ana Valley {U) . .,.., and a play later Sam OJn.. Princeton University and collecting 28 points in the ninthani scored for the third University of· Arizona diven opening period. MAT•• 011 lK1 S1me from a yard out. are also expected to be on Mater Oei unloaded in the c:11....-'0 'T "" T" Ber&. in all:C()~plled a 14.6 hand. ~ half, outscoring Los AM• ; ; ~ ~: yardl per carry..average 1n 1i.J: Among !hose to .be honored A\nigos, 51·16. :~'rr ! ; ; ~ triel and caug!Jt three ~. · are Gary Tabian, Dr. Sammy The Monarchs completely 11:-r ' 1 ' uH'"'"""' aood foi--.17 y.,-d& Let, Vicki Dravies and Bobby controlled the boards, col· H1mett1~• ' s 1 t Curtis also ~red three WebSter-11.1 double Olympic lcctt w;:!'• ~ ,! ,~ : tlmet flr!t on a to-yard paas (f d medahsts -and ~ 27 . fo~ J! r:m~I't:s~~~~ L°' AM'.O:o mJr "" Tl" play 'from Dfake and later al =c:~ 1 four-time · · do! collected his 18 rebounds :~e;i.;~ · : ! ; 1! wilh 20-yard ahd 5-yard runs. MexicO City gold meda.Jists while playing little more lban He~lhl o ., 1 o The South was breezing in Bernie Wrightson and sue half the game. ~ ! ! : ~ lhe seoond quarter, ~. Gossick will aho be on band. The 96 points represents the w-™"""' o • 1 o before Jesse Fttitas began Saturday's program itarts second highest team scoring ~ ~ : j ~ - -- hlttlng with ~g con-at 10:30 a.m. with women 's output of the season. Earlier Y1mem1 1 o ' 2 sistencyfromhil_quarterbact three-meter prelims ilnd Newport blasted Los Amigos, ~=i! ~ : ~ ; LOS ALAMITOS spol for the .North. semis. 97".39. ~ ' ' l l How They Stand ' NATIONAL LEAGUE ~ ... AMERICAN LEAGUE Eut Division Won Lost PcL GB Baltimore 65 31 .677 - Boston 54 u .563 11 Eu~:~ Pct. GB Odcago so 37 .619 - New York S3 S9 .57t 41n SL Louis 49 4& .505 II '·-· B h' ~--•-·t Tof•I• 12 • ,5 JZ I '-6 .. na UC s ;>UUIUUU Platfonn finals for men Balanced scoring sparked sew..,.,...,. WEST OF DISN~YLAND ON KAT~LLA defensive tackle S le v e Start~=•=t~2:,:Jl:p:.m:·:S:•:tu:r:d:•Y:·::the::•:p:ree::w:i:lh=s=ix=o=f=tbe===~:"':.,,,=':::,==:~:~·:~·:~·;-:_,,~•~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~::! Klosterman waa: a key to the ------=-----=---.:... ___ .:_c_:c-"~-::::...::::::._..::....:..:...=:'.... Sooth defense -b e I n g credited with eight tackles. Detroit SZ 41 .~9 11 \2 Washington 51 50 .505 16'4 New York 46 52 .469 20 Cleveland 38 59 .392 271/.i West Division Minnesota 59 37 .615 - Oakland 53 3t .576 4 Kansa! City 41 55 .427 18 Seattle 40· ~ .421 l8'h. Chicago 40 58 .417 19 California 36 51 .383 22 TIH'I"• 0•"* W1llll111J1on ccoiem.n 1·11 11 O.k· land (Doblon 11·1l· night • New Yort (81h11•n 5·11) 11 Ca\Jfor· rol• (Mu""'r ""' nl~I · ~don fJ1rvl1 S.JJ 11 klttl~ lllr1-....,.,,r 74 ), !l!Ghl IC1n111 Cltr CNtllOll 6-1) ti Dl'trall (LoHm 1).2), ni..t .w.,,-q te ... u 01·tl •' c_... .. '911d !Tl1n1 •1n n1911t di~ (JllM ' .. u at e11t1mor• IPllDIOll1 t-l), "lgM l"rlMY"tOI"* W11l!l"9!on 11 O.kllnd, 111t'hl t New Yor\: ti Calltoml1, nl9M llotf\:111 ti SH!lle. "11111 IC-.1 City ti P.,troU, ni-9~1 MIMISOll et tle ... lftlll, 1119ttt I OlkQo ,, e.ttlmcln'. n1t111 Pittsburgh 47 48 .506 11 Philadelphia 39 55 .415 1914 Mon!real 31 65 .323 281> Hi! two stops on the South !our-yard-line ln the first period killed 1 Northern threat alter Curtis fumbled a purit on the South 26. West Division Atlanta 56 42 .571 - Los Angeles 5.1 41 .564 I S. Francisco .54 sz .563 1 TIAM n1.T1..,T1c1 ... Cincinnati -·.a 41 .539 3Jh -F1rt1 i6wnl """1"' 1,,. ,- Hous10!1 48 41 .SOO 7 :i.':,1 ::= :,•:lfi:. 1' l San Diego 33 65 .337 23 Tat•• 11n1 "°"""' » 15 T.UY'I .. _ V1rcli Nlfll... 3111 11) l05 A°'"lel (Ollwft IM) ti Cflkee1 Yard1 Pt$all!ll IU 2'7 IJ.,.,~lnJ lJ.1) Y~'ltl !1t1! 11 J,1 Mo!Wrttl {llot..l'llOl'I ?·IJ ti AH1 ntt flje! ¥1rOI 11lfled 669 3'1 (Ried .. I) "19M r •1nl• -Allf'•lllt' dl1!11nct J.1' •-Jt.• c1n.c1-11 (Merrttt .._., 11 Nt• l"en11111-Yd1 P-ll1td 10.'2 2·• Yori< !S..llff 1 .. 5J, nkllll Fumblll1-F~mbl4l1 Lolt J.1 , .. PtlllldflPll!I !Fnom•n Ml ,, Ho!!.. sar. " -.-•••• ton !Wiison Hl-1), l'lltht Nerti\ ,, 1 -J.ln oi.o (Kelly 4-i) 11 l"l!lebur111 ~oulh I lt I 1+-Q (EHi& 6-10), 11111'11 S4111h •corf"': TD-Cill'llt 1 f60oYtl S,.11 f'r..-.C:IS(I) (Mcc.rmldt "J or PIH llOl'fl Dr1!1a, ....... "'"· 5'Y'll -1. M.rldlll 1l-4J 11 $1 Laula (lrlla Cunnl"'"-"' I fl '°" r 11•1J . t·fl tlllthf . l"AT-CUl'llti C-.,.,, M1,1rnr, VIiii ' l"rlllY'I .. _ ( .. M f..,., Dr911•) Dnlr.1 (NII). Clnc:ln ... ll •• Nw York, 1119111 INDIVIDUAL STATtmc1 Sen Oi..& ti Pm-1'911, nltht RUINU .. LOI A""ltt ti Clliu9o -"' S111 l"r.,..:tsc.o et $1. L""'1'. nlthl TCa Y• Yl A\11 Mol't!f'MI •t All•n'•· nlelll Curll• u I~ • .ll Pltllt6t'flltlil 11 ttoul!Oll. nill!I ..... mt . 11 7' 7 \,f ~-:, ,; : I~ 1tl ClllWllM"-lJ JI I j ,J Baseball's Top Ten M~•!n 1 6 I ILi Tott la '6 J(I 11 4.,t ..... er-,, 1n 11 •.t Ff'IM•• 7 11 V ·12.t ' "'"°ntr 1 2$ ; J.I AM•llCAN LllAOU• NATIDU.L L•A0\11 Ltu.O"r J 6 I 2.1 r11YW, Cit* 0 Aa I H ftcf. 1"11.,.,, Cllll • Aa I M Pit. Sch-r l J S ·l.I C1rrw Min 10 191 611 IOI .JI!' M , Alotil l"lft '5 •11 M U6 .lM SOtlt 1 14 I 7.1 It Sl'Jllth 11111 16 :no 5, lU .331 1111...-n ,...,. .. m " .., -"' -'-• 1 I I I ,, trn.,, Min 11 l51 Jt 121 .Df A. J ........ Cfl'I " "' ft lot .J.f2 ' #d:tlY ' J 7 ·I.I ,f . 1to111-••I to ,.. '' 1 n .m F. Howerd W11 101 Mii n tll .ll, Clenwtt9 "•11 11 2M J1 fJ ..lft Tt1111 • 1U S3 l .2 C. -'-NY tt '2t 6$ lit .l'I lffDfVfDVAL PWIH 1 111r hi ,.. Jtl n 12• .J11 P•troc:t!!I ll1n tl 311 5' " .:!Of Peru c~ '' "' 10 111 .:JM H. All'Oll Alt U :12• 5t 1M .327 -••tc:tlllYttcl Pl11ell1 ICC U lJl l4 11111 .302 Powt11 ll•t '' JJ5 !J Hiit .7" Ji.,.. Cln 13 3U '' \Ot' .l'H McCO'YtV SF N 2D 51 f1 .t2J Ortkl lJ I I 14J ,.,,1 ..... C•l•r Otk n JU .. 111 .:11• L. "'-' cm • 3'S si 111 .m -·ff "'' tc: ,... " tc:t Htfft• lt111K ,,..1111 2' ,, • 2J1 .uo R. JKkMlll, 01!1l1fld, 37J P. W-.nl, W11hl"t1on. 3'1 Y11tnem•lll, Bol!Orl.. 1t1 l(llltbr-, MIMnGll, 2 I I 1'1troc:e111. 8011on. 15. ~0¥/tr, ltn Fr1rteloc.o. 301 L. M•v. ~119r I 0 I I .000 Clncmn.tl, !91 H ....... on. Allllltt. 141 WVrw\, How~, 111 l"eru. (lncl11n11t, n. Tottlt 27 11 I 1>7 .U. UIOIYIOUAL •ICllYIHI """' lltltM In ' K lll~brP.w, MlnMM!llo tlJ P-11. l\1U1more, N J A. Jadt•or" 01kllnd, 7'1 F. How1rd, W111'lln •IOll , 731 ,V11tr11m1kl, 80$lon. 10. l"ltclllnt I OKltkilll Mc.Nt ll\', 811tlmora. 11·0, l.0001 Lollch, Dtll'l>ll. 1).2, .M11 Odom, .Oeti.nd, Jt.J •. 1241 "'''""'· l•ltlmore, r!;'· .1111 Pl'IOIWt, a1111mo..., t-3, .7501 ........ 8oi"1n ... , •• uo. ·-•• 11 .. ·~ S111to. Cl\lc.t11JO, M• llf\111. C~l<ffO, 7'1 Md:ow'f, J.111 FrtMI... 7t1 L. Mty, Clncll'tnall, 7'1 ~1rtz, Cll'IC.lftnlll, "· Pllclllllll • Dtcl11M1 MaricNI, $11'1 FrtncJICO, l~, .1"51 Ctrro!I, C!nclnn11!1, 11-4, .1•1 J. ••r. Houlhlft, .. 1. .UO; Bald dlun, Sa~ Olt1to. "'• .150; M«R, Plt!Mv,..,,, 6-J, ·""· •SCUBA SCHOOL •FLY TIE CLASSES •BACK PACK SEMINARS f/SlllH. Cvrllti . ... M 1thlw• V1111 Tott If ...... II, Sc.It T. Salt '~· T11t11t - ""'' TENNIS SALE lllADOODrllS FOi " nm • Spalding Famous Metal Racket REG. 36.00 2600 SAVE $10 • TENNIS BALLS Wihon•• t111t hto..., d11ly ball1. """ et l •••••••••••••••• 119 • NEW IANCIOn ''PIS'' AAME A to111b lnollci11 of ••1l!i1nl wooclt l11dudint -... boo-All l•ppetl off by 11MI •nd f1berolou. • SWISS K UATHER nNNIS si..11 .. 11h "'' bGnd 1trl1>411 l!lot 1• orovn• 1111•., yow ••c.h. Nflf • FLOATING.-'+~ STEIL HllDll FISlllllt YEST .. '°'' lfll• .,... .tin. • ..,. fhhillf -""" • -' hi f\ ... ,.... _, .... tt "'"""" 1995 FISH LO;K-TOR flSHfRMEN orr THI FISH W?t.n lhllr lteof ,.,_ .-• ft• • _...... lfllt fod It ... ._,_.i "1 .. -• --. 1tle lloh-11 '" ... "" ..... ., .. fitfl, .,, ll'lo~y I~ -...... •'-... ~It lit)' - ALIA CORE ARE NE/lEJ • SPECIAL CUSTOM TIED JIGS THAT GET THE FISH •RODS AND REELS ALL AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES • AMIA5SADOI ti .JDI Sall Water Mod•I ••1· 24.fS fre1h Wat1r Mod1I lleg 19.95 CAMP • COllMAN STOVU 2 iUIJttll: •••.••....• •SINllU _,.. COllMAN LANTllN ..•• • IUll'l ... IAO, TIMPCO' lb. =:-,~.~............ .... ,., .... • COllMAN OASIS TINT 1 ... U&.111.GO ••••••••••••• ·---3 SUPER SPORT SHOPS>-----. * flUllTOll .. * SUTA AU * lllWPol'f IUcil '°' .. IUCU9 /{ tit I. ..... ft7 ,,~ ..... ~ 171..ftll ,. IQ 1"'721 ........ ~-. . Kn ' .. ' " ' . ' " "~ FREE WHEEL ALIG·NMENl With Purchase of Any Two Tire• CYalu. $9.951 While they last, just lizl 7:00.13 bltd<wtH, 2111y lubolm. Plus n1 .. 1n and tl.88 Fttl. Ex. Tu WHITEWALLS $2.60 EXTRA BFG Long Miler * New tires at retread prices! * 4-ply nylon cord construction in sizes listed * Popular sizes .,,. fEDTAX s14s5 HURRYI 7.75-14 $2.20 s1 &ss SUPPLY LIMITED! 7.75·16 2.21 8.25-14 2.36 8.2,5-15 2.46 . . BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MIU GUARANTEE FOR IOST CARS • EXPERT WORKMANSHIP • QUALITY REPlACEMENT PARH • SPKIAl LOW PRl~CE::,S....,. ·• I 8UAltAHTt[. °'"" -U~ -•"' • -._. .. .,._, ............ .... __ ,, ..................... -.. .... .......... -............ .... ·--.. ---i-.. ............. ....... --··--_...,..,_.. ........ _ -----·-· .. ---· ..,., .... ------·--1 ·-liot!till ____ ........... ...,... ....... ... _ .. _.,._ .. ,...... __ ... ......... _ .. ,, _ _,_,, .. __ _ ~ .... ··----- .. COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER \ . . JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 TI re · 2049 HARBOR BLVD. IAt lay) 7352 WESTMINSTER AYE. -· PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 893·5572 DAILY8am·6pm • • Sat.1115 pm DAILY lam· 7pm • Sat.1115pm AU. MAJOR CREDIT0 CARDS l!_ffi L B.F.Goodricl1 1 · . - • l ' + .... . -. ... ;, Awalt -s-day Foe ·· Cardinals Win 2 i ··.:Jn NBC Tourne y ai..v~.211 .• ,,,, c ... lllkM.i. " • , t • ,_,, J ••• Tt111t U J J 1 • "•+'¥"'"• ,., •• Qo~l~g Wltb . Arn Id Palmer (t.vo10 OVDA!UNOANCE OF BREAK ON SHOKT NITS Fountain Valley's Cardinals retum IA arj.ion Sunday al- temooo at 3: l~ a Foulltain Valley High against an op- pooent u yet unknown In a Southern califcnia Bueball league. test after winr}ing two - or three tilts over the weekend in the National Baseball Cong- ress tourney. Wl$Tf1UMS,llt IQ ' .. ,,."" Unlt$S there is 0 g~t deof or sidehi ll alope to the green, .oim your p.1tt1 for o spot "'inside• the diameter of the cup, then stroke the boll firmly so that it curves very little. Try to crvoid oi1ning outside the eup YAienever possibl«. If you oim inside the eup and stroke the p.itt firmly, you will' minimize ch a nces of the ball's rolling off line (No. I}. AllO, The Cardinals rgicle it to the sem'i.firiak lit Perris Hill Park In San Bernardino with a 2.0 win ~ver We sm lnstcr Saturday, then upset the Santa Ana AnJles, 7 .... o n I y lO J05e out lo cbampkln San Bem· ardlon, JO:l, i.o an abb're'liated test &md8y. The Cards trailed by two to the San Bernardino outfit after 51/i iMings but 106t out in the bottom half of the frame ~·hen a Fountain Valley baserunner was thrown out of I.he game by the umpire alter he had thrown bis helmet at the um· pi re. ltofft. •lf-l • I I ,,.....,"", :lb • • • • 11.-l"'\. M • I I I Whlfl.r. 1 1 21 ,,,.,..111, "' l • • • ,,.,.,z, • J 0 • • 0...rl 7 001 Dltlnl>M, 311 .._ l I 0 0 I r-own. II 3 I I I ,o .. i.• 'JftJI Si;we " llRl-R H I FDIJlll•ln Vtili!"I u:aa l1IO '°°""4 J I WestrnlnilH 000 000 ~ 3 1 f'OUN,.f.1111 VAP.P.IY UI M r o rw J I I I J I 1 I • 7 ' • • I I I s ' 1 J l I l l i I 1 I •• 1 • • • • • 31711 1 k:9re Or llllllMI . " ' f'ount•\n V•lley DM Ito 11B-' 11 II S.nt1 AM .f\"9111 000 000 OIJ-, 7 I l'OUlllTAll• YAU.l'Y Ill M1r~ll. rl·2tt r.ov1n. n Cttmkll~ cl ~ ......... ~ , ....... ,. o.m.a-. lb . it is eosier toachiev•a true- roll ing p.itt if you give it a firm stroke . The gplfet who plays for mox- imum break bifaimingoutside the cup (No. 2) l!)Osf carefully judge the force of his stroke or else the ball will fall belowor stay above th e~He, in effect, odds shoke foree to his shof1: putting • The golfer who aims in.ii d e the · cup need not be so conceinedwith this element. l'OUNTA llll VAP.lt:Y Ul CNvffri., ~ .. r II Al 4 I I I • 1 , • ' ' , . l 1 ' , l I I 1 J I I 4 1 G I o 1 t • a •HON TO IMPIOVE-YaJI MltNG"I Ht:r. h otrin.ld Pat..nfuUy illush'lltld ~id. to ,utti~ nnc., lil'lr<Up. •d 1I Stnd 2Ge ~ with a ltalnptd, 11lf.dd....i emieaop. to hnold rat .. r. lft '*-ol this M• F 'Pl'• _ • .. , " "" tl•OW'll. rf J I 1 o £111<, < 4 I I 0 Wolf, II" , o ' 1 e ... son. 11 7010 Toi.II 1 I 0 I J I I I I 0 0 I 7 1 • • 11 I It I "' ... -1 ......... , . " . Mlnholl!, rl Loe..,, u Jriinlo, lb T11ct'WMll• II> DeMIM'. (.I Woll, cf ···-· 1!·111 Elllt. c •l I I o J 0 0 ' J o 1 I San e~ ... 1'll'lllO G~ OOJ--10 I , • Fo~nlllft V1lln 40ll JI_. N l • " Espert lmtallation Avaihble , .. ------ . ··- Satisfaction Guaranteed or Yo~~ Mtn~y Back '.Guaranteed 42Months • lleplar Tradi>la Price $%2.99 Tith Tnd .. ln • Fl9let'eooktown ti me (or Regular $169.95 'ri&bt.now~ comfort e e;gb C.M.F. r .. lftOler 14~ 988 1ir eirco.11tioa • S14'ek desian Ma tafetJ Madel . .,..J.dod be,.J • "" • Moanb •nder dllhboad AN: Abwt s....,. Coll~ Credil ,,_ More New p_,, la E...., R-ofaera...t Complete ~Oline •AU New 'W•terTu~ e All Np B11thlnp ~ e All New Rocker Shaft• • All New Seal C•kel• • All NewTimin1 CbaiM • NI New Eab1•1t v.i-.e. e • .\II New Ti ming Ge.,..,. • • .\II Nt:W lli&ake V•f,.,. • ~New Main Oe.inp e All New Val..-a Sprinp . •AU New Rad Bnrinp e A.II New P'llloat e A1111<wH1dnaJkLillen •AllNowa.. ... Typenn. AUS[ATE Car tnd Track £ggibel5-:-Es'th~ ••ailtble forcner950 makes tnd models remanuf~.to ~ eua- itl.A'stllkiards than uHd. in new ...inn. C.*ltM Al.l.STAn: RtM•o•flClan"d };ftliM (Ju1l1t,. "" Blwb -4 Ut1d•-lltS\lrf1C· rd M.-flit.s i~ aod Pft"" Alft IC:Sled .,. Cr1,.kr .. t , C1 ... h1r1 , c ,.,. ~11.._ R"" -r.tpoud <Olao pl~('-' pnl1™"' ., 011 Pu•p.Oil Paa. f,..111 C... er 1..d RM.Ii:...-C.wen ~ oo 1.U OHV t n1i nc1 Shop nlonday tlira Saturday -. --c· 9:30 A.M. l o 9:30 P.H. IEUJ, aouvci AND ~ • • • • • ' • '". " ' ,.,. '1~ \. ....... , ... ,, Wil~n 2~d Dernbach Takes .Medal ist ·Hqnors .-. . ) .. . 1· I . . .. : + ' • I Af Ea Georae Dtmbach "w•s for team honors. , Mooday'• Cr1.t1i even wu ter sy l!len'• club medalist in the Nadlnt -.Mui' taok ~ lio won by Mary, . G ...... Oii the , ' ' tnOl)lhly goU day at Costa whist.le ~vent Fliiiay ivtr the Lake course wilb • 109#7$ T • h ·Mesa Goa 'and Country Olilb ~ coune•lpl pv~ stn>kes In (61). ' · la!l<lr,.~ luhlonlng a 71 lo w0men'1 club fctlvlly. ' ...:.··> S.11y·,,,.,.p1e\>'.ww'-fJUtnp edge Joe Flc<wlc (71) and Her '}Ml ·o<;r.blOO.,ed ·wUb a lOZ.zt.11 (.Ill) and Nor' Frai>k Bartooh (IO). ' two with 7111. Mor.oles loll°"'ed al .lll-*17 Loo Loveletle took the net They w,ere Camene Kennedy (67). Shltley Hawkes rounded . •Wilson Ford took over sole Pl;'Usslon ot leC01ld ptace in the ~ Mesa open lwkel· baU league at Orange. 'Coast COilege Tuesday night with a 10+-7& vwiict over McDooa.lds divpion tiUe with an ll·lut (11)6.36.70) and Elise Stipes out the top finishers with a with Carl Trtgo !OCOnd (116-1~ (lOWS.?O). JOS.27·71 (el). 70) and Durward Cartwriglit 'I'btrd place went to Jean Men's club action_ over the following wilb 17-14--73. Creighton (l(B.30-71) and weekend was domll\J.ted' by John Sacker and Dtmbach Markin Vosa wu •· stroke Bartosb's 7' in law gross play teamed ror a best ball of -Ii j:>act at IOl-21-71. on the Lake OOUJ:Je. ' 19th. The win upped WJlson's recwd to 7·2 with McDonalda suffering Us third defeat. Wigmore Insurance m.Oved into a tie for thlrd wJtb a 9l>.a2 decision over winless Bill Barry Pontiac. Steve Sumac (Zl), Gary I.anon (22) and Tom Witt (20) I~ lbe Wilson scoring column while Rich Hardgroyt'I 17 paced McDonalds. · ~ Wigmore's eight • point vic- tory · was paced by . Mike McCarlio's 30. Frank Zebol added 2fl to the cause, Erle Christensen WU h I g h for the losers with 2& oo 13 field goals. WIGMOl:a AOIM(Y t•I .. " .. ,. J~ 5521$ z.bc>t I I l 28 (rowlrtl J 2 • • twrle~ J 11 l I (htlltNlll. 2 • • 1 • McQof'tl11 n 1 1 ::m Sd)e..-rn.,,. J 1 • ' , T,tfllll 3' lt 12 M • •ILL UltaY POHTIAC 1121 _.....__ "'"" .. ~ 'l.•• 'lfFCW J I l I ~II --I I I I QitltleMlll ll ·~ • " Wapdbl,!ry ~ t • l• Llltrl 1 t l 14 Tat1ls n .. • 11 12 Kllft'-KOrt; Wll'lnoN-f M. 'hrn' tt. • WILSON JICll:O Ot O , rr ft•,, "' Witt 111 I J 2t COl!kll1t J 0 • ' J, Th...-Rlon l ti I If 0, "Tlielll'nh:llt J I 1:3 7 o\l'lllJltwlc¥i IJ t t 1• -,• ----.... , l " -• ' 22 '1"111111 0 II !I \ .. McDOM.f.LOS ltTM (MJ =~· Frla lk ... Hllffli.t' ,_., '"•IJ . 1...=e": +I. WON: .. ft ..... ' • r l, • t ' ll 1 3 I 11 , ' l • 2 I J I 1 s J t7 l ,. • 11 21 •221' Wllllf s·t , • • CURTIS SET t FOR BEA RS • ]!jaae "Bobby" Curtis, Sants Ana Jliih SchoQl's all-t everything taJlback for the , past two-football seuons, is headed for the Univfnity of Ca!Uomia at Berkeley. 1'.b<. s,1n1 foo tball nash 'Sigiled· ,a .eiUonal leUer of intent to enroll at Berkeley in'JUDt.and according to J~ Mitvlii; -offensive aulstant coach al Cal, has ~ ad- mitted and is qualified for- the sdlolarsblp. Curlis had signed CO!l- ference lett.en Of lptent with Calllornla ln lbe Paclfl~ .and '· Kam<15 In the Big.a .earlier in tlie year. After ~signing 1 national letter of inte nt, an aUtlet.e may not enroll at another in- stitution if he qualifi(I for · 'I"< ocllolarsblp. FULL .4-PLY ·NYLON coRD 11;...ti ,,, dftf1 _for""' • > , ____ . ,,. __ _ "' .... __ ., ......... ... ' ---, .... _ ....... :c::r~ _...,......,., -·-":::::::r""-~ ..== :;c:.:.: __ -----' ~..="!."'"-"·~-.. ~""=:...""=·~..C:....-... --:.r----~ -::-.=:==-===--==... ;-.-~ 'fjft$f0ftt SAFETVe CHAMPION Our p)pUlat replacement tire WJ1h full 4-ply nylon cord body, for alety, SUP-R-TIJF rubber for Jong mile- •re;-and deep Precilio"n tread-for ' a:oelle:nt tract.ion. Buy Now and Save! CHARGE IT Conveqient Terms ALL SIZES ON SALE ·--·---... ..... _,. ... .... , .. •20.00 tl.Z.00 123.00 tll..10 ~ .. 1 • .0.11 ~ 1.111-\J 21.00 ~ 1,00.11 21.50 ~ 1.Jl·'I 23.211 •m ,·! .... 23.71 ·~ 11'-11 27.211 It .SI SO.l~O ·~ ..... 11 30.00 II.OD 33.00 ..... ,, .:00.11 39.!iO 2'JO 1:.S - .... ori<• l'l.IA .. _..., ! -.. -... Chfdr °"' r(el'Ydq low prlcu on f•mou• ,.,.._.Champion~ ••.. 95 Fun 4-Ply Nrla.n Cord Tir•s LOW ••11t.-.. A hilb~.--dnwftb~ AS ~,.. . ·8UP<R-ivrnMll-Jor.......... :::.~===, · tq-Polnt .. BRAKE OVERHAUl' (not jtnt. ,...,.. *39!.~:-,...,.~ ,=._ ~ Wl 00 ALL 1"IS WOM: J. ,..... ........ "-'_...... -·-...... ._. __ l.Aoclioo .... --_ ...... -----,_._..~-... ~ .. 4-... .__ ......... qo..... -. .. ~-~ ......... ..::-~ L _..,*:. Dotf--!:C,.~ ~ ....... __ • ~ inl1M or 2,_.. "'·~-T...._ ..... _.. '""'."=:·--- --""~ ..... ---~ ................ -J .. J - FIRESTONE STORE 475 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa . 646-2444 -I to 9 Da ily -Sat. I. 5 • • DUCK FED FINS Junior Tennis Rackets Blemish 6.95 Regulars 8.95 Rondine Fins 5.95 . 6.95 · 7.95 95c -1.19 · 2.95 • 3.49 4.95 -5.95 . 6.95 . 10.95 Silorkles • _ • 8'ach Floats Skill ams • 95c · 1.95 · 2.95 3.95 to 21.95 4.95 & 10.95 ... RALEIGH • -ARMSTROHG BlllES PARTS -lllfS -.TUBES ACCESSORIES BASEBALL 'SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES JOGGiNG sAoms . . . ~- '•ASKETIALL· SHOES Adult Tennis Rackets . 6:95 to 45.00 WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS -BANCROFT ladies Tennis Shoes • Converse Tennis Dresses . 13.95 to Mens Tennis Shoes • Converse • Jack Purcells • 7.25 19.95 7.75 8.95' Mens Tennis Shorts 4.95 to 12.95. Mens Tennis Shirts 4.95 · 6.00 . 7.00 Pemsylvania Xtra Duty Tennis BaMs , ·Doz:. 7.50 can of 3 1.89 ........ 40. _ ......... ..,. TABLE TENNIS BAUS -. PADDLES NETS -BRACKETS -SETS K.28-lro-Flite Gott BaDs • 1.00 eacll· . 'DART: BOARDS & DARTS · WJISI . ROCKET ~G SHOTS PADDLE TENNIS · PUllES . · HANllBAl.1$ &' 61.0YES ,. .. ' -----------~- ----~--~-------,------.,,---.... -------..... --,... .... -------....... --,....-.......... ---fM:t"'l"l....-i_f....,*14 4; •t-iW&'i_.;;WWP/jfWIUlC h!±JCQfWt,__.-~""~~~~--~--:-~..-., Los Alamitos Entries ... -·-.. --a.w • ...,, ........... 11• .. ,M. llillllltt -,.. • . .., ... ........ ,... .... 111 . "' "' ~r, "' "' "' ,. •• ~l\]amitos ~ Results ~ Wf ,,,...., .. ,,_ a.ra .... 16JI TAUi ..... .... n. ... ••cs. -,........ ~ ., --· l'wwtlM. A a.·Mftl (It..,._) 1JM7MIM Tllll w.. c.....m.1 •• '""' Tf'le 11~ OM (Mtlrl t.• T~2t 9/11 AIM ~ S.W. """1ft ...,. \.lldV, """' ........... Moel! """" II• ~ 'ttnit ""' Al(. TW .... aw . ., __ NUllTM llAte. -,_,_, I -.,. ... ~ ....... A Mlou. ,.,_ ..... -~-(tt C!'IMbY'l ..... 1.• ue ....,.. 11....,.., c.:•1 ._. ue ... ......, ~ (Cet*la) , .. ,.,.,..... ~· AIM~-C-.fl,..~'llMbf, ,._, llcll'lll,. Tiww c.111. Vlll- Jw ......_.. °" ,,,,,,, Der!"". ktuldad P1rr ...,, OlbN 9f'Mill, .J.:t A ~ ,,._... ~. IKel '"'· "1,TM IUC'I. • '1'1!'111, I _. •Ida.~""""-. C~ 1"'1 {Ke:rl l 7UI Ma IM M......, DM!f¥' ft.i.ri-il Ut JM 1"e V..wt 1~1 J.lt ~ ...... NM a-.Lltfft> I'.,...,...., frMt ..,..._ ~l.99 ................ tw ........ ... l!w • .. -. • .• _.l.lttM . utt• •• J.tll .... 1 ..... ... ....... •• , .... , .. , .. , ....... •• Trout Plant • Lion8'MD In Routine Victories .. - Leaden Bow . ' MiSsion .Viejo ,. ~1 f• ~' I I " ' ' ·• T""'1dl1. Ju~ 24, 1969 - _, SearS '" '" The Seal Beach Lions and ·Ii.i ft(J-44 Upset South· Coast .. W.aza ' fl,t"11 um • '°"'*· 1 w.r Mater De.i chalked ·up routine ...._ a.lll'lii-. ,.,,,,.. oioo. c111ni1111 victories TueSday night" Jn Mission Viejo ffjgh upset ltomi 1 1 , ' ::.-=<JtMIYl ,,, Orange Coast ai'e1 basej>all haft' flnt place Foothill Tues-e.;:::~u. 2: ,1: ~ S: !.'!' ... Sme~..!."""*',• <-' ,, •,•,, action with Sul Beach 0 • day ~ ~. t? highll1ht • ktn ., -.n.,.. "'"' --taouU,.,. U-.-...Ion >• ~" 1\Jst•• lllH' Of! It J:I If 1S--1$ a ._.. 1wi.tiur.) 121 ""'nnua ,wi Long ~ch Police ...,, ~· uc ... summer '"'*un 10 tt 14 l4-S i.Mlttll Lm: ClmllltJ 11' Leaiue record to 14tf with .as., basketball 'league. . " MISllOM 'fllJO 1•1 ~ t::i~l ~J: 1 wln over St. Coroellus at the 'nle Diablos1toot advantage Ho1..,.. *: ~ 't '; =.., n.r.~, (Dmwl ::: winner'a diamond. r~~ c:u:)illto Bor..r.~ ~r:.l ; ~ ~ "i: ~.<(t 'Jt ..,.., .11• Mater Del,meamrhilt, ..u lll·oolnt '-d c 11.... , , , 1 ' FREE! 14KDf· uca. ~ ~· .). _ racking up Saddle back. >Z. iri . up an uari&s. """ ter ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-:-:,;;. c:...~ '"'-' ...._ a ·~ Ana ~ league . ~.: Det !rvived a scare Tohill ll'OOtHILL 14t'r • ' • • Laker Photos ~·.;::· ~ . ~;: tea~ 'Mo.:~.· nW, . .1·7·.,_· from .,Tustin, palling away in ioe,.,""' ~ ~ ': '; e ~ 11.1111 IWO.I 12' --. ' ~~ iT • .... the ~ period for a 75-58 H•-2 • I ' Utt ·...,_. ~1 111 Sal'ita 'Arla.pla,J,·retum.to•ac-win and San Clemente gave ,.,. 2 ' , s ::t; .. ~,:::)) 1i~ t~ apinsl Santa AM .Valfet. Santiago's fll'St team fits be-~~ : : i : °"" ,..,. -(MRI · 111 lon;igbt .at .MtJnor.lal P~ fore finaJl• ""'-111 .... by 1 70-Q "'.......,. 1 5 o ' ~ Ir.Mr (~I 117 18 15) 3 ~cuuug Or!m"' , 4 1 11 • ,, .,.,......_ \! : • , • COUfK. Jottll If H 7 U IDWWT• uca.·v..11s...01Wt1 Pitche(• ·Dav.e 1~ Mission Viejo's bot shooting kM'f ..., °".,..."' c:'~~':.. ~....:'.,,.: Jed Seal ·Beacli'rwta with ·~· from outllde oPelJed the dlf-' ~:.i "1e1c1 '~·~: 1! 1::! ·...-.·ti. Hwlt 'HllllNwwlf!. lh'lkeouts WM1e11allpwlnf'•tio ference in the Dtablos' four-"'" CLIMltitT• tQI a.:!!~ (=:.,I , ll~ ~ta. 'J1'e,Uons ~1thetlealue point wi:n .·o\lel' Foothill with Owld... ~ ~ ": '; .:;,..~~="''' ::: b,: ~ tfu:ee:eme maigln(w.~ St~ West leading the way =:1~11>1 : ~ •-·Mc:Cw C'Nlllfll> 11, m 1ames left on.tbe.a~end.11. ' with 15. ico111• • , =.:;: ~1~&.v, ll{ ""4' •••cM·i..""' ,,, 1, The imposing full-court ~·~7-~1 ~ ~ Midi;'• ~r« ''" .. '*'" 11, , a. ""• rt11 press ot San Cfemente.fouled o. Lom1>1n1~ s , "' "' "' '" 111· "' 11$ . "' "' "' ct~n,. "' , > 1 ·•· ·'· up the Santiago offense time • Mcc11n" o i FlernlnS, lb 3 I I , •~· al< "M b t I I l To1111 '5 U CraM, " 'l 2 1 1 er ~e,. u . persona OU s SANTl•OO (1t) ClllTMi ct. 3 'I 1 1 , ruined \he Tritoos' U~ .Jn.,., ft n "" I• CNt<I, 3b ' 0 I. I ••. "--....... ..,. leMaslon. • ., • 20 Nelle. ~ ·, 2 2 ~• as .,-,;:urwagq chalked , p a 22-ttv• • J 1 10 ~ " ' • •. • 13-matgin at the free throw T•Ut1•1111 , ' ' l IC~,,, l I 1 l· ~In o o l 1 C.rlfti.'rf • t I l • 1 line, ! s,.,,.,,, 1 1 1 1 fofol5 . '6 S t--I MATE• Dll tnl 01111.i. I ' 1 20 kW• ff t...i... ,. M ,. "' o.duir ' 1 l 14 -R· "' 4! Chi~ 1 4 l 11 Tottll 24 22 14 111 s..1. ldl Lio-1\1·om 2-5 ' • • W•lktr l ' I • Sc-. 111'1' Mrhf'I st. 4::ortltflu• CIOI 010. 1-1 • J 1 "'-1 2 o ' '-" c~. 11 " u 17-43 . MAnllt\Dll U I • Jl:tei 5 '3 o 13 1,e.,11100 lt U u 20-111 .. , Iii ·"" 1(15'¥ 1 $ 2 ' •l lO Frft1 112 4 3 11t tHarnlT~UI( I S I S Drawinc for Laken· PrilM Refnih- meata Everyone Invited H111Pert, It ~lmpMfi. cf Mrtor, a _ .. 11' T. l lnMrt," 113 Ktmmn1I, 3 111 Witt,.,, J 2 ) -I Mc:Meft, .... ~mln J ' • n l l ll llt5 1l75 l 1 I l TUSTIN CSIJ ' .22 Richochet Satisfaction Guaranteed Sears • 111 .. ~" 116 ·-·" "' Ttflll. "' ... "' ... l fl. ..""''' 2 0 I "l 2:1dlowsld 1 I I 4 1 • 1 • Cr"""'1 1 • l • l lt•SW.lm 5 11 10 24.Stf H1nfe, l 17' S.. Ill, llllllNa •' Scfu,111t,_ 5 l 4 ll I' N ••. , ~811kr 2 I 4 S !02 llhl 9 ·l Holnl 1 :t I 6 001 11-l I t Combs ' 1 t " s Sears :: -roBELESS BLACKW 6.50xl3 23 95 . 16.95 6.95xl4 M.95 18.71 7.35:tl4 26.95 20.21 7.75J>l4 8.25xl4 7,7S:tl5 28.95 2L7l TUBELESS W1IITEW ALLS 6.50xl3 26.95 20.21 7.08!<13-28.95 21.71 6.95:tl4 •. 27.95 20.96 22.46 3i.95 23.96 34.95 26 l 37,95 28,46 31.95 23.96 34.95 26.21 37 •. 95 28.46 .,Shooter fired a .ZZ rtne at a bifd on a pond. The. bullet r~ted ,fum·the "1>1er.0Jld s'~O:l; · vtctlin l n the· arin.' Forbmatefy lhe wooind Wai not: seri0"8. ' . «: YOlll" Jbwy Boe# . . . -.j;'i.[!i_ ···-;;,:·" ) _,: ' . I i • Sale Ends .. pl'f:llC!llta the' ' .FREE' , I BasketbaD Clbile Satmila,y, at 9:30 a.m. , In S.a,ra Jouth c,,.1t Plu• P•rkine Lot 1 • Pro Nl>t.ril .• Special .. s . ,. ·, • Watdl T-.fi:u Mic Loltenla.Acda •<1mo--...i Answerl • °"" Slwwbta" <llllr South Coast l'lma llll llri• St,' . '' ! ~ . • ~ 6.SOsl3 Taltdw. Bin '~pj r PlmUtl:&t. .......... ·~ l\,. " . .. • ; Saturday, July 26th.__..._ _____ .._ _ _,_._ .. - • , , ~ ' • fl -'1 • .. . ' . ... . •' '. •' ' " ..y TlllY oaAMT. I.Ph. • • • ::"_ Antibiotics now clear up ~ ;., '" ., , ' ' '" ... , f " "~f "< rnutoiditls, whith once re- quired SW'Sf!l"Y and oft.to n--~ted Jn hetrlnr Ion. • • • 'ht modern llttVtce witb old· ·--·-J'Olll' pruttlpUons tp! P.UIC LIDO PMAIMACY , 211 H..,ttal .... N••,.,t llMch '4>-1JM --------------------.------··---·~-----..... ·-·-·~-~-· .... ·-·-----------~----.... ------,-------------------~------- s , -- -J ' ' ,. ,.,., r ' . . i'0VER THE .. Wednesday's Closing .. -........ .. --. Prices-Co~plet~ New Y••r.·k O,r ,_ . . ···-· ... ~ .. ···1 , . ., . . ... ·-..----~ -·--r- Complete Closing Prices -American .Stock Exchange List .. I • • . . . ..... -··----.... • _ • ..,.~-.~""''°'"'~·'--:,:;. ~.~"'.".:1'7r.:"''';"'r~"'",:"fl'.,,"!':",'':':.~·,::-· "l'.1'.'.''.", ':~:"""..~~-·'.'.',.:""::;."'I'!"-·"""'"''".",-,•·.-,..~...,•,-fT'.,"'"""'~""!'",""."'r,.·.-•-.,-i.-,".-.,.._-·•-_••,---.':-;>'"","."~'.""~".-."-'-•-.•."":-------~ ---.--~."'.'.::': H -DAWY ~LO'r -Tl"'"'''" Ju~ ?C, 1'169 Weleome Aboard How Passage Lost Race By ALMON LOCKABEY ... llfot UIW The protest and decision that deprived Bob Jobnson's Windward Passage of ftrsl to finish honors and a new elaps- ed time record in the 25th Transpacific yacht raoe has split the West Coast yachting fraternity wide open -and may have repercussioru; oo the East Coast. ln sports circles ifs likely to be cussed and discussed as Jong and voclferously as J\ober1o De Vicenco·s loss of a golf tournament by an error in carding bis score, or Dancer's Image's alleged doping in the Kentucky Derby -or maybe as long as I.he long count in the Dempsey·Tunney fight . CERTAINLY . in yachting circles it will be bandied about as king or longer than U1e·flap about Legend's handicap vic- tory in the 1959 Trampac. Yachtsmen from Honolulu lo the mainland are calling the protest itself "frivolous" and the decision by I.he protest committee "preposteroos·•, "impossible" ''unbelievable"' and "unfair." time. 1'm positive penalties have lo be put on alter all calculations are made. Nobody can artificially take. aw4y from the first boat ,t.o finish <K breaking a rtCWd, becattSe t~ is one thing you eo out ftlf. 0 'TWS CORRECTED time thing is artificial from start to finish. 1)ey can play games wh.h that, but they1 can't play games with the guy who got thett al a certain time. l think when a Inln sets a record he is entitled to the reootd. To me a first to flntsh and a record is an act o l performance that cannot be all.ered by a man." Thett were unconfirmed rumors in Waikiki that Phillips asked that he be allowed lo drop the protest and that the committee refus- ed because it bad already been Hied. Pbillips reportedly hued h~ request 00 the fact thal he was new to yachting and that hi! crew talked him into the protest. ACCORDING lore 11 able reports. Phillips again asked that the entire matter be ~ ped after the committee bad 1be protest in question was made its ruling. When told by the 34-foot sloop Esprit, that this would be "illegal"; owned and skippered b Y Phillips ttportedly said: George Phillips Jr. of the "I am a Supe:rior Court Aeolian Yacht Ctub in the San judge and it seems to me that Frani;isco Bay. Ar~. Phillips it ii. vety-legal for .a plaintiff charged that W i n d w a r d to drop his complaint in tile in- Passage failed to respond to a terest of settling t h i n g s lulf by Esprit at the start and amicably," _ lhat COllLact was made. As a member of lhe crew on 1be coot.act amouni.ed to the Wind d p fact that • crewman in the war assage, t b i s reporter must of necessity be bow palpit on Windward judged as prejudiced or bias- Pasaage reached out and ed. But here are my. obstrva· pushed one of Esprit's man· tions of the start and the overboard rescue poles -things that went on tm- wbich were extending oot mediatety following the Ila.rt; from the stern of the boat Because of the light and some eight to IO feet -which shifty airs, the starting line was in danger o( punching was virtually impossible to through Windward Passqe's cross in a proper manner. & beads'l or being broken itself. complaints began being voiced There was no contact between. by radio lhroughoot the fleet the bro bulls. One of the -some couldn 't even figurt crewmen oo Esprit a I s o out in which direction lO cross testified that someone had to _ the race committee wisely shove Windward Passage's postponed the first start and bow away. an attempt was made to reset BASED ON the testimooy or the linr-. the Esprit crew and Johnson's BUT AS the timf: of tbe se- admission that one of his own cond start came up I.be wiod. crew did touch lhe pole, the had shifted again, forcing committee upheld the protest most ol the yachts in the fleet and penalized W i n d w a r d into a "barging" situation. Pusage two hours on her (Barging is sailing off the elapsed time. wind down the line to gain This, according to Gordon time be.fore the st a r t i n g Curtis Jr .. commodore of the signal. It is perfecUy legal Transpacific Yacht Club -unless the barging yacht in-., who also s.al in oo the protest terferes with a yacht close-- hearing -meant l hat hauled or bard on the-wind,) Windward Passage was not Johnson ·was at the helm of the first yacht to finish -she Windward Passage and arrived .nearly an hour ahead remarked ·aome 30 seconds of tbe second place, Blackfin. before the gun: "l lhin.k, we -and coukl not be given are going to be eirly.'' credit for lhe new elapsed John Rumsey, who was time record. Previous nile iniraclions in counting down Ole seconds and the Transpac race have been watching the starting line, ad- penalir.ed by two hours against vised Johnson to spin the boat hard lo Lhe left and lhea to the handicap time. Two yacht.<; in right to slow the boat down. the 1961 race turned on their engines to get out of severe Af'iER THE s Io w i D g difficulties and both were maneuver Rumsey advised ..,.,,,,.liud on handicap time . Johnson: ''Sail for the flag, r-·-there's room." THE DECISION by the cmnmitlee apparently was not But as the leeward boats unanimous. Tom Short, 8 started coming up on the wind TPYC staff c 0 mm 0 d 0 re, it was obvious the door was opined: "I don 't see how we about to be closed. There were can ignore the fact that cries ol "you're barging" and Windward Passage was fir st ··r•m on the wind" coming to finish -short of complete from below -at least a cou· disquali!icat.ion... plf' of them directed at CUrtis replied that to rule Windward Passage. otherwise would be in· Up in the bow pulpit consistent. crewmen Bob Hoehn was TPYC st a r f commodore si11nalling for Johnson lo SleVe Newmark made no com· ··bring her up." 0th er ment on the penalty, but said crewmen were grinding in the of the protest: "it's too bad it sheets .as Windward Passa1e was ever filed. Esprit had responded lo the luff of Ol.her nothing to gain or lose, but boats. succeeded in breaking a man 's I was sitting crouched in the heart." "slol" between Ille main and Ken Watts, a veteran blue genoa with a clear view water yachtsman aboard the ahead. I could see daylight Blackfin (which had also between the Oag and the boat unsuccessfully p r o t e !!: 1 e d ahead and to leeward. My Windward Passage o vet main concern ..-.·as hittin& the another alleged violation) was flag -a foul in itseU. told of tM decision five IT W A.S THEN 1 heard a minutes after it was rendered. string of obscenities as the "They can'l do that,·• said boat ahead -later identified Watts. as Esprit -moved up just as WHEN ASSURED thal they the gun sounded. 1 coukl see bad indeed done that. Walls three feet of daylight between said: "lt'1 not right, it's im· the two hulls. I heard Rumsey possible," and turned and call lo E,,prit: "Our helm i~ waited nay. hard over. We cannot respond Many yachtsmen in lh~ race to your lufL" felt tbe entire matt.tr was vn-I did not see Hoehn reach just in vieW of the faet !hat out and shove Esprit's man. there were several "contacts" overboard pole away. But I and actual hull-banging col-heard the cries from Esprit : tlMonl during the Jtectic swt "He touched our pole. Ttat's In which most of. the yachts contact." were. of MCr.1.Si\J batliac· In a mauer of seconds the But m other proteltl wtre red protest fiag ••• hohted l.O voiced. .Esprit's st.art>oard spruder Bick 01i the .malnland. and someont aboard was c1\l- Robert M. Allan Jr'-\tit:LetQ el Ing the race cmnmittee by many of&bore ocean ·races -· radio announcing tbal Espril and -----~ l!!LJ·lf'!!J'l'01"1ing WI n d w I rd Tr--~ iiiiiii=. I'-• la< rontact ifter the pjete .......... 1 al lbe !\"'!' nan under th< windwml- teti 11111 dodaion. ~ i fff!rll'll rule, "I -.e Ibo }.a IOON as Windward -"""'I la -.i Ille Panage cleared thc starting _....,_.._Ibo bllilJlf_~_line Johnson ordmd • port tilmc rolhtr thin ...-nicttd tack to pt ool lbe cru~1. • . . "1 H~t~li Mif ·:.Co1ne~ A f;ropper .. SQUALL STARTS MIR ON FATEFUL KNOCKOOWN CREW HANGS ON LIFELINES AS OOWN SHE GOES ON BEAM ENDS TOI YARDS FROM FINISH LINE BACKING ACROSS FINISH. LOOK, MA, NO MAST Seventy Boats With a Cona11ion Goal Fateful start of the 25th Transpac shows Windward Passage (No. 7099) approaching flag astern of 34- fool Esprit tNo. 8605). Contact was made seconds I Some 30 minutes lo.ler after Windward Passage had gone back to starboard tack, Espril came uiling blithely along on port tack -knowing full well that Windward Passage now had the right of way and the two yachts were on a collision course.· When it becaffif-obvious Esprit was not going to yield the right of way, Johnson threw the helm hard over and took Esprit's s I er n . The helmsman waived a gay "thank you" and sailed on. "I suppose lhal makes u~ even,'' a crewman call~ from wp _ "Oh no. It's too \ale for lhat. '' said the Esprit crev.•. ASKED i£ he wanted lo pro- test Esprit, Johnson said : "No. we're not racing against them. Wt'll sail our own race." Bu1 as it turned out we were . Esprit went on to win Class D. Windwanl Passage 1ot nothing for her 2,%25 mOe after the start. resulting in Windward Passage be- ing penalized two hours on elapsed time. record breaking sail across lilt Pacilit' -not even the c ourtesy o f an acknowledgen1ent at the trophy present.ation dinner. Johnson swallowed his bitter pill philosophically -even after the crowing insult frcwn a TV rtporler who announced over the 6 o'clock news; "AfiER THE decision the her th where Windward Passage had been tied up became a dark h o I e . Windward Passage was last seen sailing past Diamond I-lead for the mainland, Johnson had picked up his marbles and gone home in a huff." 1be facts : Part of lhe crew had sailed WP lo Laha.ina, her home port -several boutl before the decision was an· nounced. Johnson was still in his room at the llikai. Bleeding bearl? 'Vho, me? Jensen 's New Cal 29 Now in Production This latest .Jen.sen Marine production fiberglass racing- cruising sailboat incorporates SOme completely new design ideas by f a m e d naval arcbitect, Bill Lapworth. An unusually high aspect ratio masthead sailptan is com· plimented by a new shortened kt_d design ~Ith sreater Inside ballast end a ventral fin forward ol the spade rudder. Te<:hnically. t h i s corn· binalion reduces the wetted surface and i mproves downwind handling charac:· terlstics. w h i 1 e increasing performance and atabilif-y, Early racing results include oyertll •victories in lhe Dana Point Ra~ and the Litt~ Whitney Series in Southern California competiUon, The Cal 2t also has a unique interklr aecummodatlon pl1n fealurfhg an ingeniO!JS dinette arrangement \\'ith be n c h seating for eight adults ••• a full J' feet of seating room Md another If feet ol ·pUey counter top , .. more dining aecommodaUons than a n y boat in her size range. Lapworth'a design objec:Uve wu lO Incorpo rate U • ceptionally spa cl o u 1 ac- commodations into 1 modern, high-performance hull -that can win raoe.s or takt lhe whole family c:ruisiq: ln com· ful1 ml aaftly. .. The Winner by Default Ken DeMeuse's 13--foot ketch Blackfin was declar- ed the first to finish yacht after Windward Passage was penalized. Blactfin will stand as the owner of the new record. Crippled Pursuit i• Port Ron McAnnon's 82-foot sloop Pursuit sailed half w~y across PacWc with jury rudder and finished with a broken boom. f . .. '> , I I ~ r I I ~_.;;;:~::~:'::':..'::"_'~'.~~-"'-..-c-.: ' if Jttf.£; t<Jt i ""' T • ,•••· t:ii WT 1 • 'ft'7'11. i +, "t'•'"ft "?:t .,.tJ?"""'".._,._ '! '""i-:-'-;-:r:;·7-.~-:;+t .• , .... • --;~-;--·-·~:~ .. :CT:"n; --; -•• ·' •• ..... " ' •-•· • • ·• ' '· ' ' • •' • • ' • • » .. • • •· "· • • •• · • • r' • , • • • •' • • < , ·• , ' • ·• • ., t • C' r , ' I • I . . ' Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540-1220, toll frHl • IT'S EASY TO PINCH . . PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY .ITEM ' $ OR LESS e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL flllMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBR EVIATIONS e Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' ----- . r • I I·-I I - 1, • • 1 • I I ! ! ! l ....... LEGAL NOTICE ~ ..... ,.) l;EGAL NOTICE / r,£c,\L NOTICE I Tax Rebate Opinions ,...,_,_Differ Detroit Recalls Riot After 2-year Changes flared on 12th Street. It waS triggered by a police raid on an alter-hours d r i n king establishment near lhe north end of the "strip." Forty-three persons were killed in the rioting and lhe damage was fstimated al MS million. · OLD DYING Today, the 12th Street or old is dying. But in its place may come a community with a wide boulevard, s h o p p i n g centers, churches and recrea- tion areas, the result of lengtby plaMing by citizens groups and government 1'The signs for lzth Street are hopeful," says Philip Meek, director or the EC(lnomic Development Corp., a private nonprofit group seeking to help black businessmen, .. The fact that lhis is 1969, twenty-four months after the riots. and the area looks dead, js not a reneetion of Jnaction or lack or interest," be says. "These things just take a beU of a lot or time." REBUILD AREA "These things" Include a professional s t u d y com· missioned by an all-black cititens group that wants to rebuild the area. "The big thing that i.s being built ls a new spirit on the part of the people who want to participate in the planning of their part or town." said William T. Patrick, pres.ident of new Detroit Inc.. an organization formed after the 1967 riots to heal the scars and promote raicaJ harmony, "We have this participatory democracy of people not wan- ting their street to be a source of saloons, and honky- tonk establishments," he said. A spokesman f o r Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh said land acquisition for the l I rs t rebuilding project along 12th Street is scheduled to begin in September. Although all the riot rubble was removed, some scars re- main. Some stores are still boarded up and some of the few that rebuilt have win· dowless cinderblock facades. REMAINS SAME I Police said the number or muggings and armed ro~ beries in the area rema ins about the same as before the 1 riot. Ann Blair owns a tiny beau· ly shop on the street. She keeps open nights sometimes but always tries to park right in front of the shop. Mrs. Blair is afraid to walk on the street after dark. ''They've cleaned me out, so no\v I don"t keep anything "'Orth stealing." she said. Gus Jones. a barber who says his chairs stand empty most of lhe time, said: "It's down to the place where I'm just seeking survival." Not all those on the street arc so pessimistic. Dave Greenblatt, assistant manager of a hardware shop, one of the few white-owned establishments left on 12th Street, said business Is about as sood as before the riot. Barber Yem Holl says police protection has im- proved. Mrs. Blair said: "There's no£hlng to attract ~le be:re anymore. I'm just hanging on, hoPing the 'cily wlll buy me out when they wklen ·the strttt." SCHOOLS 0111 t1t•1p1p1f 111!1 yo11 moro, "'''' elfe11, ebo11t whet t••• 011 i11 lc.c.•I 1ch1at1. Yo~·u fl11d th1t 1'•w1p•p•r 11 tl11 DAILY PllC'f, SACRAMENTO (AP) Gov. Reagan wants to give Californians 1_10 percent In- come tax rebate ne1t year. Sen. George Mo.scooe wants it to be I 20 percent rtfund. The Senate want! the Assembly to make the decision. So the lower house received both plans today -the $82 million tax cut backed by the Republican governor and the rival $lot million reduct.ion proposed by the Democratic senator from San Francisco. Both bllla squeaked through the Senate Wednesday. First came the Reagan plan, authored by GOP Sen. George Deukmejian .of Long Beach, which passed 23-13 with three Democrats supporting It and all opposition coming from Democrats. Then, with the aid of four Republican votes, 11oscone's plan was approved 21J5 with the GOP, in this cue, the only opposltion. If the Assembly also a~ proves the two measures, both would land on the governor's desk where Reagan presumably' would sign only his own . ·The bills base the amount or the redlction on the tax paid on i11CGme earned in 1968 and both would provide the tax cut in 1970 -when Reagan Is ex- pected to seek a second tenn and 100 or the 120 lawmakers will be up for re-election. Money for a rebate ls Available because of Reagan's $1 billion tax boost of 1967, which brought in m or e revenue than expected. The governor's plan calls for the taxpayer to determine JO percent of what he Paid in state income taxes on his 1968 earnings, then deduct that amount from his 1970 income tax bill on 1969 earnings. Moscone's bill substitutes a 20 percent deduction and Im- poses a maximum credit of $75 for single persons and $150 for married persons. Moscone's bill would also allow the governor to divert all or part o{ the 1az: cut fundS to maintain construction on the financially troubled Stat.e Water Project if he decides by Oct. 15 that such a move is needed. But at an impromptu news conference after the bills were approved, Deukmejian i>aid Moscone had assured one senator who supported his bill that the provision on water funds would be amended out in the Assembly. Moscone appeared stunned for a moment, then said he would remove that section in the lower house after he con- firmed an earlier statement by Deukmejian that it wasn't needed because the governor now has the authority to help the water project with General Fund m01Jey. Reagan Has Last Vote On B1idge SACRAMENTO (UPI! Gov. Ronald Reagan a s chairman of the California Toll Bridge Authority today was in a position to determine the design of the southern crossing of San Francisco Bay, The authority deadlockt'd 2·2 Wednesday on a vote to reverse its earlier decision and adopt the diamond tower design for the proposed bridge from India Basin to Alameda and Bay Farm Island. Reagan -with the critical majority vote -was absent. Effect of the vote was to leave intact the May 28 decision in which the authority picked a lied-arch design for the t,300-foot main span of the bridge. Lt. Gov. Ed Reineck! and Gordon Luce, secretary or business and transportation, voted for the spidery diamond lower design. Caspar W. Wein- berger, director of finance , and Hayward publisher Floyd Sparks, the authority's public member, stuck with the humpbacked tied arch bridge. The authority again turned down recommendations o( its experts. James Moe, director of public works, W. S. A.lien, consultina architect for the division of bay toll crossings. and E. R. Foley, the division's engineer, all fa vored the dia- mond tower. The vote rame arttr a two- bour public hearing ln which San Francisco Peninsula reoldenu oolldly back<d tho diamond towe:r design. "San Francisco is the Qufen City ol the West ,'' said Potre.ro merchant Raymond Bright. "She dHerva anolhfr dl1mond In htrJ!tOwn, not an arch support." DAILY PILOT .DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gonor•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 OCEANFRONT REDUCED • Thest macnUiC!flTI t 4 « 5 Bedroom horMs !eature KOfieo\ll Vit\\'I from the Long Beach Coastline to Paloa Verdes. Toge:ther with tncomperable views of the swf from nearly every room. Each hu 3 baths plus oul- door sbowen I dining rooms overlooking the beach. The:. master lllile contains mir- rored d~ing areas wilh private muler bath. Pan· elltd dens w/ fu.tl walk-be- ·rund \\'et ban and llrcplac- "· for the best of beach Jiv. ir!g. 'Ibe eaay can! kitchens are complete with full buiJ1. ln11 + 8 speaker intercom & -food centers. Other custom features Include w/w car- pets, private sundccks, laun- dry rooms, clothes sh ute:.s, private wroui:ht iron l'nlril's + much more! Alt on l!M' deep lots w/ elt-gant Span. Jsh, Norrn&ndy & Contem- porary designs to fit the mD!t discriminating tastes. These outstandin& homes arc next to the Lonr; Beach Ma· rina & al'!' truly Once-In·A- Li!e time values. From: $79,900 with excellent terms & financing. OPEN DAILY 100 Ocean Ave:.. Seal Beach !Bay Blvd. to Ocean Ave., N. to t~ corner ol 11i.1 (213) 4f'f.Qi17 MESA VERDE Assume GI Loan -I bdrms, covered patio, beautiful landscaping, excelle:nt anoa. Vrry low interest GI loan can be assumed by ANYONE with monthly payments way BELO\Y S200 per month lnclud· Ing P.I.T.I. Full price $28,800. Bt quick! ~COATS .~ WAL&LAC! REALTORS 546-4141- (()peft EYonlft9') Pools Galore! ,/ Exciting large CU81om buill! home clo~ to r..tesa Verde Country Oub. Just re:· duced a full S500J for quick sale, .I story -low & ramb- ling wirh gparkllni:. pool - just great .for executive ea. tertaining. I I luge 5 BP.. 2 story with oversized heated &· filtered pool. Vacant • last posse~ ~ion -rreshly redecorated. Llgted al s.>1.900 bu1 \\'id• open tor olfcrs( 546-58!0 fneai c.inerN IMlbt) OLL£GE REAhi;:'! 1500 Adln ltH1rtllr,..-~~=== 1 == COLLEGE PARK TAKE YOUR PICK Located at 2359 College:. Drive:. Vacant & ready to move: in. 3 BR + large family room & buge family kitchen with built-ins. Used brick titt· p I a c e:. & liARDWOOD FLOORS. $27,500 I Vets no down pymnt.) Newport at Victoria john macnab BAYRlONT Jmprcssivr 2-story Bayfront home, 4 bdrms., large living room, format dining room, paneled den with wet bar, ma.ster suite with sitting t'OOm, fireplace & e.~tra large dressing room. Elec- tric controlled gates & ga· rage door. Pier & float for large power or s11ilboal. $175.Cnl. Call for app't. ( 7141 642-8235 901 Dover Drive, Suite:. 120 Newport Be11ch FINEST CUSTOM r.tust stt lo believe. Thts has rverything for the growing family. S Bedroom • maid's rm., 41h ba!hs, :\ frplcs., form. din. rm., lge, fam. rm. 314 Car garagl'. Game rm.; loto; of tilr. $139,51)} !i1ary Lou f.1arion ......,,. Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. NeY1port Beach, Calif. 133-0700 644-2430 LINDA .ISLE Spacious 2 BR or :l BR Tol\·nhousc C.Ondo's both In excellent condition & .Easl· side areas. Call now for de. tails. Asking $18,950 $21,500 5 Bdrm Split Popular 5 bdrm split lewl floor plan wl1h family roon1 an<l firr- place, plug beam cc ilina: living room and fire- place. Neat yard View. Priced a! $48,950: ~1"19 "INNER SPACE" 4 huge:. bedroomi;, J ba!h1 PLUS 25 x 29 den and ALL. !~ latest ex1ras. Lob or "OUTER SPACE" on the bih loL Near <'Xl'el!ent schools and shopping EXCt'l- lent value in fan1ilY Jivina for $36,950. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 "''cstcliU Dr. 64&.mi Open F:vr,, Waterfront Duplex wilh pier, all thl1 tor $63.500. Good financing. 1860 Nel\l'Orl Blvd., Ci"1 Ritt, 646-3928 Eve. 646-2290 Lachenmyer One of th(> liner bayftont horn~; distinetivl' arehitrc-Offic• Open Sat/Sun lure, well ph1nned S bdrms., I iiiiiiii-'-'iiiiii.iiii ... iO:;.. 41,J baths: prh·. pier. Oosl' Newport Heights lo con1ple1ion. :5135,000. Call for app'I , 3 bclnn. 2 balhs, family roon1, lovely fenced yard. Priced rtghl. RmCJGJPI REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. Day I Night 675'..6ooo CALL POLLY 645-1070 ' Spacious &. Gracious Right At The Be.ach 4 Br. 21/i 81. Home Attractively Priced JAY \V. YEATS CO. We're Expandktg SALESMEN We need you!! I Out ""?' ofl- lct in Corona del Mar l5 lll'IOther wlttner. Elm mort •.. Scrv~ l»tter. More clo!!.- ed CM:row1, Jru fn11tration, Call Mr. &1t'Catdlll 546-2313 O THE Rl.AL \'.'\. [ST.I\ TERS BY OWNER • S%90 l...oe.n. &e.19lslde 3 Br, 2 Ba, fAmil)' room honl('. • 642-$001 IT'S Ueach houM ti9e. Bi;· ~~I ae:.ll"dlon tvt"r~ the JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3255 400 E. 1ith. Costa Mesit -ON THEBEACH :.O' 01 sandy oce11.n frontagf', duplex l\'llh 3 BR's, 2 bal!i~. ea. un il. Land valut $70,000 asking only S90.COO. Le! u11 5J)()w ynu how to li\'C like fl pri~·r for $100 per month. Hal Pinchln & Assoc. :l900 t:. Coast ll"'Y. 675-439? -RUN DOWN ! Thl.!I 4 BR & ram rm need~ some pa1nr & !i~r@' up hut rrrat \·aluc at Sll,950. Mrs• Verde. Has nt'W cp!JI, blt·ins, 2 ha, 6 )'I'll old. Rtduccd $2000 -EZ term.~. PWC 516-5-441' DO HURRY! l..ow dn pymnl handle!. Le. cor. lot • 3 BR J-% !>Atn t.om.. Ntw drapes, quslity •lw cpl.!!, Block walled n!!nr Yllrd, Ai!king $22.250. r.tak11 !,. nUrr~ PWC Se&.5440 b1 Your Ad tn our cta111lfieds? ~ l\'ill be lookini (Of' It OW &t2·5673 • .. -=:-------... ::;; .. -O:•I .... ~ ..... 1 '• • ..,. ''"!"""!""lr--.-w-:eJJJ.: J±l't .... .--0:-Tln.> ... Mi:U">'P'-"'• .... ""'""'""'_,__,......,,..._ • ..,~~ ·~ -·-----.---~ -------..--_.,.,.. ...... -:".._..,,..tWM •• ..... f P¥f W ... -¥»f '"" ~••r-1 ~-,, T ,.,,.,._, " -·... • ,-I •• ' ( . JI "" HOUI P ••L -'lllnfaf, Jll~ 24, !'69 -. *.Y.1'11.-; • l NGPllUP'.Sf.1.1 >;;HQU"!;l!<!!~S1 HOUSl:Sl'ORIALI HOUSIS 91'·-•I II OltlALS HOUSl,ll'Olt-S HOUSISl'Olt . . , '· Ge.,.;.1.-· · 1000 c;....,.t lllClllG•Nht I · · tOIO General ' · •1oo0 C•t• M\Ooo ' 1100 Hunll!e....., 1400 lfllnl•!""• ._.. t•. "'""'Ju~ Heu1u. '"'"..._. • $1650-00WN ... - P E RRON Offt y •TI",~. . * 642-lnl Anytime* * 3 BR lli, bath, hdwood tJoon. cpts I drpt1:. trplc. double g at age, beauUtul fenced yard. $24,500 * ZONED for BUSINESS 1 BR cottaae w/,ar Slt.500. NEW HOME OIJt INTEREST 4 Bia bedroom.s, 2 baths, woll/w.U ca:pelll!s. completely built · in kiltben. completely FENCED, under.ground utilities and· mutb more. lmm~late poss ... \on. Vt!Y. Lor O.wn Pivment--l.ow Int.mt FULL PRICE $29, 950 For further l~ormation call ------- 1~T -~l' .. , t . ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT .!'!!!!!"!....,, 2200,..:er?·':"""" ~ tn *'·~ 1 ltlNTALS-YU.RLY' . ~""!'>ave-=....~~ ~,-00,2~ta._1ot. N~ew bom•, "'dy to lllO'le In,¥. Diile I BR., 1 S.U!, lumlsbed .............. 1 ....... SO ---.,.... _,. -·•~·-~·-~• .. f cb.--•p•-•n:lupto••41ys· "" ... -•-Ja --•·-.-ltnmedlole ......-Jon . -I •--.. ..,~ .. "'" •.n• ~-~ t~· ....,; t -lh. ~•P ce; =wu ..••••••••• • .;;_,,_ -·-• --after 1110fe In. " • bedroolii • '~ ...... GLEN QUEEN ..,,11!1 2 BR., 1111:-unfllrn ........................ '310 ~"""'!..n...~ '=•,Ir; Hfri .... Roal' ""'11•· ' TenM VA/l'HA. Erwn $12,990. 4 BR., Iii lll:lb, Ul!Wn, Costa M-....... .. yanl .• llAUlCRl:8N :lldrm, 1" • CORAL .. SHORES 4 BR., 2 Balho. unfllrn ..................... . · · .i.th, -,fin; .... rin: • 2 BR., i •lll:th, !uni:, Clwu>el !nmt. , •••••••. aoo CL •... , CLl.NI ... !lo, ..... J .... r. • ( G ..... . 3 BR., 1 Bath: Den,,fUrn ................ ; ••• uso ..,. " '"'-." •M~ .":.:,,.;.:;. ._;:: 1 on. artleld .. twetn Beach I< M1no1Ja •BR. ..._ Rtad>' ....... .., ~· ii!5 ~ ,;tl&i;-;;-.;: . _ . , , 2. 1 1s1 . ... • • 2 Batt;~~~ wiiiiiCi.:v" •· · ·· · ·-~.."'!:" .=. ':9 a:'. ~ ~. H 5 ,, 6o. . . All ~1 ... " i.c.ti..., ,...., ......... ~.' . I •• :: .$100 .-. ·+ r&!llil1 ......,~ · IURR WHm, Realhir ~~ ~~· =·~ ~owii:·.,-., ,;"~ ~."" Mor _ IUO HU!ll'p llNch 1400 2'11 No~ Blvd., NI •7M631 Terms.·· , ·~ .u:=.i:: ·=:;t ';: .~.llO Anzo SKll' le the IU.CHI IWNINGS: '4J.22SJ or 6n;tll' . WESTCLIFI" trailer, .,.'I'· lolll '"" "° ·1Yo11°""Tbe1ADdl -•comer ""'llM. with lllNTALS UNTAU VACANT -.. 121.!50. IG-4111 . 2 Bit• .0.... 2 lolh1 ..-1>p1e, 1n ...-:,j;;Apls.;;;'"~"";"';•~lod~;u -Uiifuro ...... The ,,_., .r -....,. 3 BR.., l'A, .crttll. ....._' 2 DOe>,., m.-au, moved a bdrm., -- """'"'"'"" ~-lool! -.r Rit $13,llOO. 6lf. Gt hoOte,. _ vacanL Take• -doeot """-'-Ne;,pert ...... 2200 -11 . 30QO ma>ess-•J'amllj loall.·-~ lool!A""'<alllorletllUA cloulbdnmo,Allatlets.... ' " '""'""'==~===:I cll!taf1a. -·~ oN7 IC.l!OO. . . an ~ home -BY OWNER .,. L9W lntwest LEJG FHA Terms DOVER Sblnl ll•'lfro n t $210. S Bl', fam nn. . .t" Ba. * Pl,000 • no loe.n charges • $4000 dn • OV>'f1ef will cury. 0.ner•I 3 BR, 1'4 bath, Interior TI!'· Ready ' l<tr Unmodla!o -514-6%* 1rs' -... 1'rOl(.t.lNDEN RLTY Pact!lc" shott• lleallY homo, I 1111. 4 BA, Wre. w/w, !eacOd ~ CliDdmi 1000 seaion S39.u'-1°" down. bnl. AD s 0BDR.M'a. w; i.ntt or m.o.m 53&.a&!H or lf745!16 Pttio, 10' Jll'f¥ate dock. welcome. BF'~ -----~--1 .,..,2Wolde.~ .LOVELY · A..aStpt1st.7t111ot,UOOO EXECtmVE·"-' Us 5 1000 Generol decorated. Vac, & , immed. FORE!n' E. oocupan<y. • • 0 L S 0 N NE:AR SHOPPING'. WeH•McCordle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Bl\ld., C.M. .. 54&-1129 &llytjme . NEW CARPET NO QUAUFYING Eftl')'Obe can assume this high nJA pn. ~9521 · or 540-6631 1• J K i,1\flOlS Inc., Realton FANTASTIC BUY $19,7~$0 DOWN You'll rardy find a barlain like this! CuslDm built! 3 bedrooms! Centrall)' locat- ed near downtown shopP!ns, walk to 1ehoo1s. No down for G.I. 's ($900 to: non vets) and no 2nd Joans . • Better be fast! Call ~ 6 QUALITY UNITS REMEMBER WH~N EASTSIDE 2 BR. Cazpets Broedmoor Home· IM.750 HUGE HOME "'°: SU: Tl0-501 3 or Bdr 3 BL l>R. FR. A..U In Colla Mesa, juat a block HoW1e1 bad buemtntl t Re-dn.pa. 1 -fenced back Lesa than • yr. oJd. Bntil . 213 185,G,U ~t l. 1325. mo/ 5e-1Sft a fresh )IOUr memory-~ .ee )'U'd. ...;;.~A Cvic 4 Br., tam. nn., dib. nn.; Four kw:b ot lumr7 U-Ms. . ' ..... l' -~~~~ta ! this CUltl::lm home in top center. $23.tm. M&-6661 2~ t.tha: A 2 1rPcL Adult "4i Wnm 3 bathl · fannal BEACON SQ' mod. s BR. 6 LEASE: I bdr at $lS 111 A the live-in klnd JIJri:the own-Newport Hejabta: , location ~. :Pnll. lndecp. ~ ;, 9epuai; flmib' or ~ le· ~. Pvt f bdr •l.#1\1. Or ut tr "· 5 two -and 1 bed-.nth 1005 ,., It. ........._ -. Del Mor 1105 Cho.,,lre Rul Ellote room on qulet eul<IMac ·~.• ,.(:"'2 = .~ ~ ... Solldd 660ll room. 1966 ttnta1 echedu!e Needs a Httle fre&henbw but l'l5-25llJ flD.SCl.2 strtd, Priced rtaht at M2,· 1225/wk 6 7 s. 5 0 9 4 er 21 BDR. w a• b • r Id r 1 • ~· and 1166 price, •• t60.!00. •bey al th1' price al $41.l!OO. 4 BIO ONES-l50. Aaume nlA loon. ~· Mullt only. OnHb7 con- o Tl fl: '<!:.·\I. ~ ES1'_.\ l'i :1\:-. On -.r tho -"prldo MUTUAL REAL TY c1o. 90-l!lt. $1.IO/.., o! ............. ....... In CAMEO HIGHLANDS 142·1411 onytlme ~A~;!.,. s.., ..... =======.,=oo=I ~.Mela· del Mar • Tb1s w.n . Executive Home TRANSl'ERED, UIUIDI '" Y • ...... c. car Costa Miu • d-"'1IJe ...,. baa f S BR. 2 Ba, Fam nn, POOL pull' .. $Z!ll wt. JUiy. $m. ---""----- BIG '-'i-• a BIG f"'--Shown bJ appointment Gl, nr beW' C Br. tam rm wk Allc&pt. Avail yrb' CLEAN Attnctfw 2 BR 1 ,..,....,_ .. ,... ....... 1 ~ ---. .. ,.. Ow wlfrplc. MaQ1' utru, xlnt l550 mo. m.,140 Fenced yard D ' I' L~~="!: ~r • • 6~ area.$31,<m.&G-tm iiiva.Yfi.nt..:aer.2 prap.iu>.·aar.=:.: . . · '! 131,000-0NLYlll.a Huntl""°" ea. poo1. ...... ""''" 1300. CM Birrelt hilly HOME " INCOME Horllour 140S mo. lhtlum -..... ' Br 'EAST·=----· ~Br-. -.-... -5-,.i~1 45' Cor .• 1~ location. I unf'llnt $275. Act 6'5-0732 patio 6 . yard. 1 a ~a I • • pr•Hfth ..... Bd. bomt, patio +_. Bdrm. fft!NTINGTON HARBOUR ON TD llZl.Cll, Adults., no petl $131. i-. ~ 2 S.t:h w/1p: •• •p. patio. BAY FRmn' 1 Bdr, nos w. Oceanfront fiT.J..1629 _ HORSE RANCH "For A Wile Buy" C....i.. d ...... 189.!00. 16'11 Harl>oar Line. !lea!ltl-'6M110 3 1111. 2 BA. L<••; CIMD. MANY EXTRAS! ... °""'' 31; Acre-Newport ColeswowMov & Co. Builders Attention: l========-1338> R.v'f;_ ~ ~ 1u1 • ... ......_ • i.th, .,.,.. ...,,,.,. rm 1113 -. _, " '"'J Build ., a &OOd -1n-MM• Verde Oto peted, bW!•lna. dock i.cw. .. yohoret 22U ,....,.,. -. ---sa.soo. %J72 Rutgers. CM Picturetque country home com~ by lfvinl: in a comfar-OWNER WW carry ..ht tr'ult tlea, OWner bu moved Eut 2 BR houtt Dble ~ Open House S.USun 1-5 nestled in the pnUe, rolling 642-'Tm ta.hll' bmlle JD ftU' I: buM-$700 Below Appr•lul dttd, BeauttM cu 1 tom necewttat111I aalt. f'·:i<XI· I tledsoc:au. 5tpt. thru ~. ''.Multi ·_,_ SlG. lj.54&-0ii99!13.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji l countryside ol UJ!per New-IMMACULATE.. ins 2 or 3 unlta in front 3 ~R. l" BA. BltiAI. cpta. built. apacloul 2 Bdrm a: $2Z5moorYeulY._ SZ95 --v _ port Bay. °'4mrin& 3 bed-DUPLEX W.e tot 52x218'. Call 1<1r droa. Encload. bock yud tam mr .. Heated " t11-Fountoln V•lloy 1410 mo. 14$.10t!5 m.-eves I · room home on% acre·of va. l4.122 G tivalle 'Tustin particulan (block wall) wttb ..,._ ,.. pool. View of Newport LEASE $115 mo. t BR. BA. ·_ Gl.f" "yoution-!vllwhaveall~ 1ooa: ..... • 2 Bd:.2 baths.y •. Beaut. . tio. Min yard Clft, $22,900. Harbor. Dul with OWDU. 4 llDltOOMS VKl'tien lentals 2900 v.,..mc.. Xlnt loc. Plait B D ....... ............ ..._. k 1 l&lli Weltcliff Or NB 6Go5200 $169 mo Pm. ms Barba-m.-ms ROYAL l:IOME. TI'-~ i.attt-SM-41.1'9 far..a&lpL_ £AS H ! So euy to own. Ownet will ~750a~. • P r-111 er•· 1 !!!!!!!~!"!!!'!!!!,!!!'!!!~!!!'I~ "°"ms.PL OwnulAaent. Ml-CdM: "INVEST NEAR THE •It, $37'1 dmm • no 2nd. M.\M:MO'JB 1.-Vacation ...... ~11' 3 = ~ Provide financing. 0 DI Y ..,.., I· 1750 0( It, lhake roof 1*"-Mobile Home film. ....... """""''~ _.,. ' . : . $34950 l>on'l be t•le! cau .CORBIN-MARTIN EXECU'llVES OCEAN.lllr."4ba.den.2 ·-·· • • ~ ehUd .... ll.85. ' · REALTORS _,._ .,_ ..... -t .. __ .. OPEN SAT Is SUN 1.S trp!, din. mr. 3 Gar. Can kit. bdck ftrepW:e, buflt.ln 1,;'·=l&\l=per=:::wee;:k:=. ,;;5.11.m=::=:'~ aft. 4:30 PM • Read The DAILY! ., P.ILOT c L A ·s 5 I F I E D IBST ·IBIS? ... 64S-03W ..... v..,....., •. ,.... ~ nnceAown.Walk'-' ... I' 1,;;:,,_,~=-=-=-,_,...,.1 • 3036' E, Coast Hwy .• CdM New Ivu Wdls' quallt)I Aelume 5K1' FHA. By build another home on lot. pbw, Delaze Jandteaphw. Svmmel'.. letrtal1 2910 SlJ0-4 BR. l'ii BA.· frpk:, SPANISH SPLENDOR e 675-1662 e ffw home tn Dowr Sborft. OWn!r beaut 3 Br, 2 Ba, Some Ww, nr. beach 1; nlce neflbta'hood. pat». ~ ..,. db. l--,*,--*.,----,*-*,--*.,---I W.e 4 bdrm 3 i.th tamil> tam "" -nr llil """· ---m.2JIO". • ll:N IROWN U...A!ll 1. ,.__ 4 BEDROOMS Al Blaek al South enut Reel room. See.....,. open dall> p;,950. !1233 New Y"" Avo. FABULOUS Vlewl o ·-~M1-AP.T.-MOTIL MESA v-. 3 BR. 2 BA.I Remarkable Sp&nlsh e t If' • Estate is looJdnc tor enthus-at 1430 Galaxy Dr I• e. 5t5-G36 tJttJe Con:ina Bch, Hear the 64. 1 A .2 Br. llPtl. Comp. tamll1 rm. 2 trpll, $1rl mo. ga.nce. 4 large bedrooms. 2 iaatic un::iatet to ~ a.ttill· MS-1550 wrfl lmmac 2 mt, den, 2 fum. Pri•. paHom. btd. pool, 6'B-82ll. No pets. , tiled baths. Spanish tile en-ated with a profask>nal PALM SPRINGS Nt!!f!'!. IHCh 1200 BA. Fee aimp. Xlnt tin. TV, l"lltaurut, I lxlle pt try. Massive double nre-Real Eltatt-office. Ow!r-Eat. Liq. BEACH BARGAINS ::.'!i::· nf..61S..51'?6 Leewa IMch 1705 =· :.m= N: 'i:' = M~ H'clme~! l?~a .1~ ~he':!~ 1:inis::ua~ ~ 3. 3 BR Homes, 23 unit apt f.St1. A-'l'rame 3 lb'. 2 bL * VIEW HOME mmtbty n.tet. :ru.oa· Cout dlhwllr i Cu lat . ..,_14181 blda -YrlJ' laed", 2 Salton Sea Mad. Fut ule. '36.500 <or lido Isle 1351 ff So. rounded by. convenient .buflt Estate. watrfmt Iota. Owner will leue). BY OWNIR ~ -~a~ eDo CoU ... P•rk 'i115 .ins. And ••• the bi& + }\uge * * * * * sacrifice or trad~. (714) . OOO .a. PERFECT coad!tloll! Muat "~ · ploy room with walls~..... 1138--., mo-· rum. 3 BR ..... Sups to 4, sq. TT• ... -.. ,.....,.,., * IOAT DOCK* EXTRA Nl,CE! '811 1 BA ::" .;,lll~e ".e~·~: SACRIRCE BEA'( THE HIATI CAYw~ REAL TY 106 VIA !BOLi ~ ~ ~~ 2 Ba. encl. --FuallJ rm. 1-e!>c. Jd. Best yoo hUJTY, oiily .-Baycre1t 5 bdnn 3\9 bath $23,5001 . · • ~ on ~ $200 Ooie' to . ~ lhDlll· 66410.'l home. Owner movi.nc Eut. IArle COWf'@d patio, c:uead· 63<1 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. 4 Bdr, llii bath. l-car Ian.it. !nd kJtchep. Thermo con-wk. A.180 2ncl noor-1 BR plua $Zl5. m-o:ni . $29.950···can1la!/t; Don't miss this one! q waterfall A a BBQ! Qv. • 548-1290 • crpts. drpa. Untlll&ll Fn.-~~~ r,::-~~ 2 ~-btda S125 w-Jc. ID- 645-0303 . Arnold & Freud .,....., bedroom!, sp,.;n1<-HUGE """'·Built 1n :"'1. °""'' 114,r,.-... :::-.::-...-;:;;.;1,cl~-~; ... ~• ~doc~lt.~"~'~-~'~l'.'~!!~"'°~"~'~"~di~;;i·~n~~DOI 2299 Harbor Blvd., CM. lera. 541).1720 ...__.. (213) 244-!101 Evea: (2U) _A .. u.i.., Wrl•-"~. P." St,. Newport faland. rrl-2081 388 E. l1tb st., CM TARBELL 2t55 Harbor ~';;.~~~~ yudl •-.· '<e-0100 ;::::.-"01• • ·-7-~~ .. ~NEWPORT BEAOI 5 .... . I/ I HAMPSHIRE Reallo" 646-?755 -='="=-,.,-=~I ~ ~ _, -~ JUST LISTEDI -• ----"""' s BR'-flllffUlllE HOME A fam. $49,l!OO. Cl»Cl ~--· ~•'-• u.~ nd coll --· _,._ . TOWNHOIJIH ' CIRCLE -'VIUIJllK PROPERTIES WIST ~nut1 ~-_,, a HANDY"•N'S pain'*1'Aval1 JU17, ..... 6 ' ·::T 5 BEDROOM 3 BdnM., 2 bat!ll, beam -S.,.L "-"" ..,,., In allay S -· 2 batb, ,...._ . 61/2% LOAN NEW' blMno, aarbaa• dil-11"' B.,..lde, N.B. 67'4130 eeCJ., Iota ol q1lalT7 tile. SPECIAL' om. by a..-. ,.; i..... S ear -"- BEACH LIVING AT IT•S BEST This t'A'O bedroom 2 bath home bu a den, 2 pa.tlOll. an atrium ott the tr1Mter bed· room, courtyard entry, fon::ed air heat, brick fire· place and much more. Sleep ' to the sound' Of {hi! aurf. 11'1 right at the beach. $26,500 ORANGE C91!~TY'S . lARGES'l' ! Rent like payments ! 3 poaa.1, dit.bwuber, water * BY OWNER ~ Larre patio. 45' lot: 4 lncorne unttt, 120 )'di. to crwna' l2'1-3Ct!I St « call pool. $265 AmontllLSO. ba.ths., All electric buUt-ln heattt. Water l(Jftem:r. S Dtll&trtful Oceanfroct Home $57,150 beach, Patioe. decb w/ ODllect (213) 'f!l8..1532 kitchen. Family room, Patio BR., 2 b&. $21.950. on IW lot. 3 Bdrm. Utilft7 L1clo RNtty In_~~____ ~~ ~nr. Nds. paint, etc. NJcz, Clean l Br. duplex 2 Bedroom, 2 b&1li. IJlllltlw • private orchard. Fireplt for Rand RMlty 645-2340 rm. .ewUw' rm. cabam a 3400 Via Lklo 673-R.IJ ;3(N\UU ll'Ola $9,0DO armuL s1P1-4• blk ocean, bay el.. l prap:,.1 W'fOl't. $325 T, ..... ARB, .. EL"'L· "'°"29·'·T'l0Horbor 20 UNITS ............. rp." •• TIRED OF ~ "9.!00. Tndot !"""id-Veey ~I. AvaJL Now .; month.'1. ., •. eacli' -Prim Coota Me locatlo 5 w/ bltns. lde"1 1oc "'"' OLDER HOMES? M":!'!;ON •••• -•·-Uth "' --~-~ "pl@Xea ':bow I~ I llCbls. $64,DOO, m.eB90 Se. Uiia 6 yr. old family home i.-.. nc.au..~ 4M47S1 31it W. Balboa I0-12T2 utty, fftc. OCEANFRONT Sll.000 • .,... and Jlric<d at * BLUFFS w/< bdmu """' don• din-FOR SALE•By Owner 2 BR. · · 901""""' o.. NB -US 3 BR horn~ on ucel1ent $237,000 with S.1),0CQ down. .J Bdrm, dien, 2 bll.thl. eu.. tnc room. Can tot app'l 2 BA; Valley Vtew, Lp car MAGNIF1i!r1' Vlit1f bay 6 ~ ~ ._ beach; $54,950. Broker&U-WTl ~-~~-~~~~~ W•lker Rlty. 67W200 ~~tSlt~~ nr =te2 '1:--,,rt= BLUl"l"S Ll••a:s Goorge Wllli•m-BEAUTIFUL Town Hou,. --· v••~< ....-... , 3108 ,.,,.. 'o., lAallna JUiy ')I .. AllC 10, Call ,.. l!EALTOR 3 Br, 11> BA. Silao eent.,, WISTCLIFF .. lboo l&lond 1355 lleaeb. ''Tnp ol tba World "'3-2391 llt c PM 2 • ~BR. Omlol. ·Slnlle 673-4350 Eves. 873-1S64 pXll, dub. carefree. All ex· BY OWNER. ESTATE SALE area" CUBIGK Exec. t brd. 3 t.. levela, ~ty. 6 ~ I •~i'!!B~E~D~R!"!OOM!'l!"l!!!!""~ I :::.. :, 111'"" ~ 3~~ ~: 115 Apoleno ~G Spilt e1w1 with -"' -« ..-6 ~~ ~81:': ·~: LIKE RENT :::7.:'':;::'===;;;:11~543-~1&11~,:._!6f&l510~~-=-~-. July 25, 1969, 9:3D am. Mo. wooded a ocean view, 2 BR =/ new m.~ Po 01 • et.c. $l'l5 to icz. Payments! Built-in range, Cost• Meu 1100 BLUFFS • 3 br 3 ba. w/ niclpal O:Mzrt..l. 200 N. Gar-+ littina: room, larae penef. mo. Eutblutl Rttlt)I loH-1113 oven &: dillrwuber. Family -;~;;;it;;;,!j~t_;;;;l Bay-Vft,. ~ aree~belt. fttld. Paa1ena. a units: 3 ed rooms w /beam 1, BALBOA, 2 bdr ~al J BR l\i balhl. Nftb' room. Custom carpeting • tee•~•9.!.tl••llll SfePI tD pool. CUL addtns. Bdrm hie, 8&cbelor apt. fireplace, modem kttc:ben, clean.. few •lt'PI from ocean decorated. Nev ewryfblsw. Pt1c KAKE flND s.w• ,.2 !00 ow......__ Min. bid ·lf9.325 cub. uU> ottioe, woJ1..lo-9all bed. • ""'"· 11y month eoJ:t..... r-IDllmo. ~ =-~ eo:~ce::t: . Bil 4 BR A faml;y room on l BD~ ~.~ N '2 799-6506. $32.500. OwneT, ~ to Labor DQ, SSOJ. f73.$lii5 4 SR, J JU. ~. crpta, ~1720 quiet tree Uned street, w/ ._K..... o. ' ./ UO" VIEW juat com-CLEAN Baibot. Beach Unit&. drvl. N' "beachel, ldiOola TARBELL 1955 Horbor friendly _..,._ M ... = ~,;1(6 o .ooo . Huntl"l'"" INch 1400 pleted 3 Br. 2~ BA, 300 oq Sltepo 2 to 10; lor-.... 12JS, ~ M1-· . Verde lot $27.500. SUbmtt acreqe or tt, atmdeck. Ai'ch Beach raerva.Hons C8ll '73-fl!M51,;,=~-.;,.,~"'°"~"I OWNER FHA or no down VA terms at)(&. S48--'n71. HORSE RANCHI H(tB. SM.700. Owner, Mr. 315 E. Baibot. Blvd., Baibo9 Ni::. c;;-;J ~ s,:: or uaume ~% Ina. lou. UDO SANDS beautiful 3 Br, 2 9 Corn.la 2 Bdrm. 6 dea. Lrwll, m.sou OCEANFRONT Houle· !SOU $3?5. ,..___. IU M14210 P.10VING I; ANXIOUS Jt'1 a must lee home. CALL ba. by ocean with many ex;. trJli oak Jloon t bu. Seasbeire Dr NB. beJ. e .....,,........... t:J" AdUlt -~~ ! BR home. 54().1151 Herltqe Real Es-au. $32.500. MW40B c., • we la LAGUNA CANYON 2 ...._1_ 2l1 ,.;._ ... _,~ ~-.. -. talP tadc room -all on rse bouM $lf,500. Fenced yd. ...... ,_... '-".Tl"--Carona ., Mar nso SEEDAV&IDMSAKEON ORITeaEl!Ry. ie191e11111111111t11 Newport Heights 1210 UOXl.40 k>t, prod1,1eina $180 Zoned indldtlial. 4M-111D C213> as.«112 , , $1S7 MONnl PAYS AU.. per month income A on)3 CAAMEL. Col)' 2 bdr house LEASE l.owlY a •• 2 Ba, ~ Eve" 642~951 Nice 3 BR 2 i.t1t home • COZY & CHEERFUL $3l,!OO flll11"'l«. Condominium 1950 andor oab • plneL -.. !<pl. 1 Uock m beacli. Wilk L1KE A NEW PENNYI excellent Eutlide reAiden-3 Bdrma. DinUw: rm. Frp&c. Pad1tc Shcrea Jttalty · &. $120/wk. M-DM to town. SJoo. Xlnt Joca1ian. $23,tSO .. MESA VE ROE tia1 area. AJ.SUJne 111.eoo-HW ftooi.., cpta. A drapH:. MT-8581 Evia. 96UTll :SB& 21-4 BA, 1350 l'I ft Qin. BACHELOR apts, summer Avail Aue. l. 644-2314 or Completely repainted.I 3 bi& 6%% kl&r>--no ln~at In-Dble. prqe on &Dey room dom. apt. Crpta. drpa, frpl, rtntala or )'fly lie hM! A .,;613-3-"""-15"1----- _3 E. 17th St. 64M4M bedrooms. 2 ~te bath.I. cr@BR-no Jou lees. Not for boat or trailer. il,500. FHA Appraisal =· ~~ ~nt ~t tefri&, ~7292. 6".1405. 2 BR Hocm:e. excelleDt cmd. 1.7 Built-In kitchen. Choice area many !Ike thia at $23.900. Gr•h•m R11lty '46-2414 t BR, formal din rm. elect. At &%% with $2100 paid 2 BR. 1 BA, adj a.,/beUh. Married couplq A no ~THE~~Q~ut~CKER~~Y~OU~CAIL.~;_J_~540-~~1T20!~~~~-~·~~~·~·;,,· Ll:CAU.~~SfS.-MU~~=!ou=l!t=Cou=·'I ~N~ear~-'s;~~-=~o~m"ce lrit. tr .ep. tamny nn. Pre>-deposit tor $1.SOO. SQ..ftl.'1 Avail Auc. ID> ·,.k. chlldrn. '250 mo.*~ THE QUICKER -YOU SEIL ~~ Real F.ltate fess Moor, unlJWl-1 drapes m.-1901. 2 BR ~· ~ CIDQd Dover Shorn 1227 a: Waq pepen, 83xl<B cor. RENTALS Married ~ea 1: n~ Gentr•I 1000 Gener1I 1000 Gener•I 1000 lot. Owner ttarafemd. Hou111 ~umished NEWPORT 8-:h, Film. 1 children $250 mo * m.mi -----------------------1 *UNIQUELY IRASHll!AR REAL TY 8ednn. SleePI 1· Avail A... · · Ditterent ''Old World" ~ U'l ·~"I Eve1 961-11'73 General 2000 U only, $UP. m.7236 * CX>RONA DEL MAR * ' "--I -· . . 2BR-$11S.--. temporary,Execuun: uxuey GI RESALE . 2 BR B&lboe. apt MU eane..ese.a:s#•v hmle. Uaobotructed Bay a ....... low ,.,_ loan on For LMM .. _,,.. .$1S-$l!il ""'1· ,,_,,,,.._,,. ___ _....,..~I Mtn Yiew from moat rm1. thla 4 Br 2 Ba, IXlmlT kJt Completely flltnbbed -real 5,38..'9l1,, ~ 3 BR. din rm, carpets 6 $,!XIO IQ'. tt. 4 BR. ~ BA + home. I Yr okl. Qpts/drpe:, ntat 2 BK TownbcMie dOle BAUIO.A .. -ns:lw cot-drapes. Frplc. No pet9. S225 mlida qtn. JdNl &Qr enter-Only $21,~. s··"rnit on to all atotta Jn HJI,, near tqea. Wetld7 ntel JQ},yi mo. * f13..4i874 ~~~;!!~::: term•. B1'00khunt a Munl. '115/ ANuat. kpt. MWlSI IMMACULATE 3 .. mt. 1111.000. Good loan. Box 1632 HARBOUR REALTY mo. Cdlll rorrAO~ clean ,1,. 21> BA. nli amallidilldnL N.B. "'8-1249 I U1-8505 I . ~II Im I. 2 ltl1l bm. ~ wb. UOO $250. - w..rclilf 1230 (l'restlge) H--~ mo. * · fB-11199 Hunll""on lluch l400 SPARKLES " SlllNl!S 1,.. ""~ = ='' 115ti)'ll ~loin furn. 2t7S CUTE,·-· 2 BR. wlllt side a out. IJv mt. a: din 4 BR. 2 ba.' . mm J\mnaJ. aft& 9115. )'Std a pr. Adult-. .• pita. mt; MiV\CO -elee HAl'JIDAL RIAL TY ROillolo te 11i01e _, 2 bdr, s ._ ... 111 ar. N.,. Rtl'a. SUS. - blbW. clean crpti.. dl'Jll "Homes to M1kt1 IllQllDN" (In dQpla. All Xttu. $S50 lltnloOI tll1' 3 81\ 2 BA 8140 Warner, 'l'V, lf2.4fCI WQIWf Wlw .. -.I ,:UMl!l=:;,..,----- hon\I. Pntt. lndacpd • 5 BR/ff ,,..... a...1 ""'" " thUo ""' ......,.r > • ...... wlchildn>'• """"" ~UN rllUI ..... 2 1ldr .... ''!''-· .... )AL . ... bl .. -· ..,,.,.. • pot --11eeay -lld.I. Coota. l\I,. 81'1~ Heu• Unfwftltllod fl>. $1111) l!l/$'.llll . 50; rool"""'plelet th1' chum-PRISTIOI: HOME er 5l5oml ~ . oOMrol . 3000 ===;: ' •na hon\I, ey ow•"· A IU.UTYI SHARE ..... f/Omo.molccr · Sen C~ • 171 IC..,_ IG-l9 Ru L • ......._ Riiy. -· --ell• I --2 -...., ._ 2 Bl>Ni: dllJD:';...: .i.w unWenlty Pork 1137 M7·!': Ba eor.to t'"oc~ _.-A,."°' :.,."-.-..._ ~l'mh ': ~ ~1111r(\O\ll°""'"; OWNER WILL HILP :r'~ ~ •. --liiOiumiG 'Giii· -.. 1=:·.w':.: ;!oSl.15 wllll :::...~:..:-- "'""""' thlo -, • ~ -• -. --'!!II! Ojlt ID NI. i!OI Ille, I l ... .-. ... ~.JI ---. With-, .. , ... -. 111 .. er ee c .......... . ....,, Enlo1 -••Wdt:r J>AD,.Y PILOI' D!l\IE.lo. l-,-=..,.,.==-:-=71 " ...... -clL • padl LlllE( YCll1 -.. ,_ Wiii ....... nt:r 2 BR. 2 ._ llllbip:l S1lll. Bou~ 2 llr, l~ Ila,~ .,..,, 130,000. !or jimt ,_-e 417. l>lol BA opt wltll .tudeat "' -it -ID ~ Coanlly ai1b V11lo. . e , Reid HMI RMlly &IUf1I -fllrl.' """ 11<b ()pan. ""'-~ <!r\>e.. bit-. ro. lo> )~,Oilwr 0.., I-NO """"' -ll II, llOO -lf2-#ll . S BDll. I'°-..... pool lo coll _-• 7500 \. OPElltAM-41PM m.t.l30 ..... :t.wltll e IMJLY'DiJt !;·;y~?!p~l\lil!'['.t..:0.:-=:i • .::.llJ~~;·~~Di~l=•"~'!..1:·'':1-K>~l~!!!~~~·j SCltAM~LETS ANSWER IN 'CWSIFfCATION -awwmm PU.OrWAlfrAI>tt10a11 !""*'NO!lt.f Pllono1CU11< • "'"'"""" •t • • --------~~-----·--~ -------··--· Thursday, July 24,. 1969 1 NTALS <cNTALS RIAL ISTATI IUSINISS and IUSINOs.e'iia ANNOl.!NCI MINTS I Uttfurnlihod ApiL Unfvmlshod • ~ Uofunlloheil· '• ~al · l'INANGIA~ 'flNANC IAt ·a..t NOTICIS . f ~ Unfum. 3975 Gan•r•I sooo c....., .... _ auo 1 ;-~~H;.;•~·~-=-~· ;;:;s;;";;'J.; :.;"';;;";0;;1;•·;·"';;"";;1tiff;;;';-;;""';';;;°";""';;:;""";1t1esi;;;;6300;;;:;l;....,...-=;;;'i:ji;!ftrw~;'•::;;•:•-:6400;:] ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;. AVA!L Now, Wio ,e;;;;;:~I *: PlllV6Tfl"""' .... <Ide<-1 WlllT&' -pu PP1 . l~s~~ ~;, ·VEN DOME =!"!1~';1:;. ~1~~=-lod>=. ;::11ii::;1'"::;:_':::::~ sunti:::=:::::bame=.I UNITED DSTATE0SPOSTAGE lc~=llep,,,™~'-""'-~--· _oi_., : ~1911 ' IMMACULATE ,~! over 0. 67s.o1SO I · . • -'.. VERY ,tame parakett Sound j <~N rAtS.. ADULT & F;EY MOO. 2 BR, bl•"'4. R4<>.1 .. ~. llenl•le 5999 •STAMP MACHINES vie of o.n.u • Meyer. I ; #.pis. f ""1\lshod =,iO/IS. AT, . LE dl•p, frJol,\ """"'· vlN' SroRlct: · ........ avaD RELiABLE person will i.i' selected in 646-l2Z 0.-1 .000 t 1 ... to shoPP ng, Pirk utll. Sl90 ""'·--Aue. lot. Nii' encl'd. ~. this area to own and service postage LONG-Halred """ lllltM · · * Spatio"' 3 Br'•, 2 s. Huntln.,...,_ ~ 5400 ll"_ P!' .... _ _ P ~ C.M. stamp machines in local stores, More vi<. Lind-s' h 0 •I. I YEAR LW<, $1'l51mO 2 bdr 1i 2 Bedroom• !!:.::.: ~ n • ,'poalage stAmp,s .are sol4 ~ any otber 54S-Z100 i mrn apt 'h block ti> ba.y &: * Swhn Ppo1. put/green FurnfllMMI Or · GARAGEs.t<>x30. U) mo. product in. ~e country. Safes of tlili: nee· ~ beadt. ·tei.S w. 811)' Ave, NB * Frpl, IOOivl1ndry fac'ls Vnfur:nl ... ed 10l15, $10 mo. Nev atrport. essity are m the·upr.r billions yearly •nd I ',:::613-0587;::::;:;:,.....,--....,,.-,=-;: I 1845 Anaheim Avo. bed bo ,. •-· ..,_ • ,, COSTA :r.IBSA 642--2824 2 mom. 2 tb. cp~ .... ..,... ~OU can get!Jjour s are of it now. Profits -2 Br 4 • plex, "°" In I "'!!~' ~'""~~"'!'::~ "· built • .... 1 lllli: tD $ • · '•'·' d te tb -pi .... >encl. ...... Avail 1: .,,.1 ..... .,......__, .... -m .. _M .' Income a--rty ·6000 g>,n mun ~\.tl.ly an are grea r an .. _ •-n"". l Br, "'" ,ar, \Y/W, ,,,... """ .,..,..t' .... uu ......., .--• ..,... ever &-1. Bkr. S3U980 •~ '1'101 EDll A"' D, &ft-:835· T '"··Illy Ovpl•• . 1,;;;;.:.:;::;""''-"'""""""" I RJO, avail 8/L Bk r. r-OP.:"""' _ Lost 6401 BICYCLE: WOMAN•S, SEARS. W/SASKET. VIC. JETI'Y. BALBOA PENN • No Ouertlon1 A1kodl * * * * * """ Whaddy1 Went? Whlddya Gett SPECIAl CLASSIFICATION fOl NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoelel - ! $125. 1 Br duple.x. W/\V, ~ or S42-8303. NtwOOm&rtceL 2BRa,hdwd. ALL· accounts are secured by company yard. child O.Jt. Avail now. $150.::::..c._ =,=er-.-2~ .. -,tu~d~""'RJ=o·.1 THEPOritaJba. a ·r a c lo u 1. fin. trpics, FIL heal, blt-ln experts, therefore no selling is required. SM. Red lo n a-ha l r~ d JtULEs -.o Mun tNCL.uoa l Bia 534-3980 re.frig avaU. W/W, patio. lll'cluded.livirw, extra Jae l kitdba. ~ 'be?'een Th.ls i's a servicing business. It is NOT Dachllhund vie. pa cit t c ~. ':o...-V:111t,0r"::r... ~ il:. ~ .:.=: s Linet -5 ""'"" -5 budt1 •ll-"'116 I 4100 children 0.K. Bkr S3f..4i930 tit, trplc. closed gar. adults. Onita. )£"~ . )'di. qUll!t a "Get Rich Quick'' scheme and not a job (215'1) • Vlctoria, CM. Ans I-NOTHING~· 14L~ -TRACES OHLYI Cotta Mna $135. 8177 Garfield Ave. •treet. SfS,500, Ttl'3 won't but an opportunity to~-started in a de--to Pebbl.ea, nda 1bots. PHONE 642-5678 Cost• Mesa ' 5100 !J62..?44.G ta.st! Call novfl ptession-resistant busthess~ thai c an be 642-3848 To Piece Your Tr1der'1 PandiM Alf ! '$30.00 wk; up -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;o;:o;;;;jNEW 2 ""' + """"''· 3 Choice E'side 4-Plex started in spare time and be developed MALE, 8 mos old e Day, week. month. • blockt to beach. 4({i 8th St. Near 17th SL. 3 .. 2 BR l ba into a: big p rOfitable full·time business Gennan/Samoyed m 1 x TRADE 45M eq ln 4 BR, 4 J 'e St1l:tio &-Bacb. Apts. CONSTRl)CTJOH HB $17'5/mO. 962-4152 atter &: 1 • 3 ~ 2 bath w/frplc. (With company financlng) U you are truly Flea collr. Weighs abt 70 Ba, pool, lab. view o1 Erner- ! • IDCl Utlls & P~~· , , , 10 .,m . All Wilt.a baft.blt·ina. cpts/ ambitious BQd sincere. lbs. Vic Avocado & Nwpt aid Bay, LagUl14 Beach : =~-Bar JllSJ (OMfllETING NEW $ISO up. l·U BR, ~pvt patio<. -·-Bl'<!, CM • ....,.1£5 homo for carom"·· aero- •I 2.rt6 Newport mw. 548-9755 Hea~ ·a: sauna )JDOll, rte' , "I TR.ADE" y OU can-make up to LOST: Cat..~ wht cheat. ::~or yacht. campbell. l VILLA POMONA . Har~3Hi:,tsi~our :Ji;,0 ,. Algonqozm. ""'· .... -..ru1r. .......,, $200 Monthly Spare Time ~": "& v;. ;"i{ w&''N°'o"'1tT1c,::..1 Tuottn~-Lot.-SI~,~,soo-. j ~:.S: ~ts.11.;,RPo:~ all with fireplace!!. 2 BDlt apl. choice J;iB Joe. -(0MMtR(, CORNER $ and over "54>-=2:::4590:--·...,..-.,.·,,...--~·I ::. ~'vt'::\.r~1~; I na, CM. di~:'~!i!e~~h.5. ;~:ro~~::~& Beach Hottest spot ill Orange Cnty.. 3,000 Monthly Full Time BS= ~al;hi~. pa~~ ~:. = w/~ndable. LARGE l Bdrm (upper). Mrs. Christien&cn Slfi.Z Bdrm. Chotce· local. nr So. Q)ast.Plua a,.., new T alif. I h f Reward. Please calll-~-------BuUt-int, tndry rm. Nr hofel site, 2.55 Acree ready o qu Y you mus ave a car, a ew 675-6869 shpg. No cJitldm $139 mo. 3J1-7·A Cinnamon l!-ve. Nr. S.D. Frwy & Beaeh for development; auperb loc. spare hours weekly and a cash inv~st.. Trade $6000 cqty in small 54S-5Z10 Coste Mesa IDvd. ~l.St8 for rHta.WUt. automotive ment of $1170. (secured) For personal STILL Offering reward far furnished duplex. near BAO!ELOR apt., flS. per, .,,...,,.P,.h•,.•.,•,.546-!!!!!"10!!!3'!!!".,.. NEW Modem 1 BR. cpts, center. etc. Only $240,000: interview write to United States Postage &mall white Poodle wearing bea.cb for cruising sailboat mo, include& u t l l it I e s. I' drpl, avail Now! this 1ndudea 'a• ttatton Stamp Co, 129 Cabrlllo st. Costa Mesa, blue oollar. Lost 4th July to JS'. 642-3400 548-9577 HARBOR GREENS 5.10-2579 """"· California 926211 Vic CM. 6l7-S618, 673-!43< 2<1 A~ ..,..... 3 M""'"' AU. Util ¢. l BR, furn._ in- div. units. 1 mature adult $110. nl5 Elden, CM STUDIO, utll pd. nr 17th & Irvine. Quiet person only. $100. 6U--0538 l?ARTI.Y Furn 2 Br. Adultt $140. 1613 Santa.Ana Avr. KI ).'7719, eves 543-8572 NEW.l Br, blk to oceati.·Sl.35 e Please Call: Tom DeMaSo l~~~~!'!'!!!'!!!l!!!!!'""~\!!!!'!"l'l~!!!!!!!!!'""'""!! FOUND Tue!klay July 15 horn«. 2 wells; fenoed. BACHELOR unturn tr om unfuion. $150 turn. 2CQ.A 'e REALTOR 714: 6'J5.G5i e REAL ESl"-1'1 BUSINESS eNI puppy. female, part Cocker, Training track, huge barn, ;llD. AlfiO avail 1 • 2 & 3 14th. 673-1784 &; 53fr1319 7 TIMES .GROSS Gener~I FINANCIAL reddish blOnde. Beach & 14 stalls; FOR land, units Bdrm, Heated pools, chi?d 2 le l BDRM. 2 Ba, PY\ pa.ti:>. I· Uni.ta-with a good rental Lets Warner, H.B. 839-2810 or ? $45,IXXJ Eq, 675-6259 care center, e.dj to 1.boppin&. h-e ate. d po 0 1, lleWty record. Oceall side of Balboa • 6100 But. Opportunitie s 6300 FOUNO-Bicycle. Vic Clay & 4 HOUSES in Wilmington. No pets. decorated 962.-89'34 Blvd. Nr churcbea, ocean&: Riverside Aw, NB. Call to $33,950 full price. Sl4,000 2700 Pl?tt!rson Way • bay ~bes. Good inYfft· MAG!rill~IC~NT-identify. 646-2785 equity, Income $340/n10. Costa Mesa 54&-0370 Tu1tin 5640 ment. Askina $170,<XXI. Ocea.ll yiew Jot . in Laiuna HELP! I REWARD: For s i J v er SU!>lJ'lit local or land. * TOWNHOUSE * BURR WHITI ~c@h. ~·~ :O~ SSOO dn. NatfoDal Co. needt • distrl· poodle, bt near 10th and Smiley, Realtor 646-9665 2 Br, I~; BA, crpls, drpg, DOWNING APTS REALTOR 49't-l210 ,.... 41f·l02l butqr for )'OOr area. Penion Pecan. can 536-3940 LEVEL lot w/tall pine.a in AVAIL Aug, ht. l Br Apt1, patio. Married adults. No Corner of Wiiiiams 2901 Newport Blvd;. N..B. aelected must be able lo de--:="========! atet. o1 exclusive homes, siz,. studioll mo. 2135 pits $lEI); & Al!lance: 67S-46M • 6ts:cei9 'EW:I 'O'Ote .t ID l Q-Jirs. per week P•rson•I• 6405 for home Or units, CM!a ~=;.;~~~:~:e~. iME:Melcxiy~ ~o.aJ;-~::: 17 UNITS '1;R;•;;n;;cheo;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6;;TS0;;1 .::S~::)y~":!;~~ -*--A--,----"-l ~~torOl'~. Fortin. Activity rm, pool, sauna. VERY sha~i::R. 2 ha:ths, Upper 2 BDRM, , BA'Ml -. HORSEMAN'S your present poeition, No one ~-15' LI,VE . aboard crui~; I,' DXJ Parsom. C.M. 6f2..8670 wfw carpeting, drapes etc. Adults OYft' 18. Private Old~ breal! & 'butter DlOno!Y HOME =·i!'; m~':ita~~: • cruising range 1200 miles. Pool & recreation hall avail. deck, ~ & Pool. makers ott C2 Jot. $1420 ' -Company will teach. We Will accept trust deed or I Newport Beach 4200 NOW S 2 o o Imo . Agt. c..ll Owner 646-5601 month income. Call for de· A secluded 413 acres approx· meet with Bankers Approv· YES FIAT'USLYTOUR clear J)l'Operty. Owner:, 546-414.l ta.us . imately 350 yvd11 from the 714-729-3400 SINGLE Young Adult. Lux· Coastal 57~ • p Rlt Newport • Rivendde Free-al. U650 cash required f!e-For recorded message that 1~-~--,---- 1, ury garden aptg with coun-VALU&-Adull coup.le only. 2 erronm Y ways. View home"' complete. cured), For immediate in-will change Your life call Horse Loven;. ~ ~R home. try dub at.mosphcre and BR. No pets; drps. crpts, Be II Apls. 642-1 )y ttmOdeled with 4 bed· ten.riew in your &l"!8 aend ORANGE CO. 547..fti67 Barn. c:ol'TB], ridmg arena, • dm?kte privacy. SOUTH dshwbr, heated pool. quiet, IC 15 UNITS rooms. 2 bedroom pest name, .address and phone 24 hour recording tack room, etc. 1%. acrr. ! BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at $135. 2295 Pacific Ave. C.M. ·' • I hou9e, all elecirie kitchen, .~;iSTRhermtoUTO: R DIVISION " e COUPLES e = ~u!:~~ f°:J~7 1,fti N..-.unnrt Beach. 548-6878 or 642-4429 New ' De ue All 1 •ll:ll)' -· No wan--'--1-pool, hone ham, ~··..-cles, good return It minutes •"'"""""15 PO Box 58 e SINGLES e BJcr. (714) ~ 3 BR apt unfurn, :l Ba. Ne}\' (714) 536-4616 to oeee.n, stalls. paddocks, trairdna: Pomona.: Caiuomta 91769 1-"---'--------LIDO AREA APT. crpts & drps. 2 Car W (714) 536--1417 Only $120,000 ring, hay ham & b>Ci .room. Tired of Bars. Mail & J.li Cost What do YoU have to trade? ncl'd M•·· v-~-·---· 711 ~-• Full pn"c• ... en"""' w 1 t b PIZZA computer clubs: JOIN THE • '~1 II he In ~--1..a.rge, bay · view: l·lxlrm.. e • -c.aw::, uw•~ ......_. •• ~venue FIRST PIONEER -·""" FUN! THE IN CROWD -.....,. tt -.., ...... '6 ... custom furn, Hi·rise bid. occupy. 5f6..7768 aft 4· <3:'t»kl W. 'ot ·Jl a · Pier~ MZ-4421 Eves. 847-TITii ::n'pi!'.: n:r ~t~·~ DIV. OF J.M.P. Meet otbers County's largest read lrad· PoOl, ~t alips, Yrly. $350 Jl.30, 2 BDR.. i:arden ap"t. e TRIPLEX e Thompson. All piu.a equip for pizza with YOUR interests at our lngpoat -ulmakaadeal. Lot, life membership Oub San Moritz., Lake Grep1'7, $2500. Want late model ear, camper, or Jot in N. c.Hf. 847·2b81 Have 1st TD. $63,txXJ. 10% int. due S yrs & leued mm- mercfal $65.000, $34.500 eqty. Want:, Ftte .\ dee, house or unils. M)'U'I 673.filSEi. 1000 ac. $250,00J. 80 ml from dntwn LA. 5 min. lrom fwy on paved rd. btwn Beaum.ont & Oak G~ Tl'd for inc. prop T Si:l7-6469 Bia. Rented ho~, 50Kl«> M lot, Nr. Garden Gt'!We Civic Center. $20.500. Trade $9,!500 eqty for units or.!! Owner Broker 5'17-646!1. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, z~ ba. Beaut. appt'd. Priv. ~. pool; nr bay, Val. $32.500. Eqty for 'Il.D .. car, camper nr ? ? OWner 646'665l, WANTED MOTORHOMI Will trade VW FutlJadt. trailer or T for Nme:. -Trees, trees on 2 Jou wttb house thrown !la. for walQe of land alone: room to buDd. For N. E. San Diego., ,_. tin, Realtor 642-5000 FAMILY irtze dlshwubw', worlu perfectly. Trade tw good quality Mol".ll>oSterto record player, 60-H52 eves. WILL TRADE 850 CC dais racing hydmplane in a ms. ket & 80 CX:: Yamaha w/ get.kit FOR Honda 250 or equivaWrt. 646-3829 mo. or mn. of Au,g. SSOO. patio-yard. iO'ltnaculate. 2 L1gune a.Kh. 5705 PLUS --··t R• Jot•. E kh ff A•-I house, incl: oven, elect weekly parties or select W lk RI' 67' 2676 ·-· ~ < o ~-.. nc. .. *. * * * :.... a er. y. .,. adults. (Qnc ,fnfant OK.) no BY OWNER _ lower new C>wn!!r will CUT1 lit TD at 181& W. Chapman Ave. cheese grinder, pim. pans. them individually & (GALS JI( 5000 NEPTUNE· pets. 5'16-3866 duplex, 3 BR, 2 BA, aining ~% int li% Dawll buys. Qrana:e, Ca.lit. hot choc, machine, San.I· join FREE) Call Leah 1·9l '!!'!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!J!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!l'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!l!l!!J!!J!!~JI 3 BR Studio, 1600 sq ft. 'room, patio, garage, all S55,00'J Full Price 541·2621 EYes-wlmds ~m Serw Ice-cream maker (wa. p.m. 63.S-932Q. SERVICE DIRECTORY 'SERVICE DIRECTORY Avail now 3 Br, 2 Ba, deluxe. Re-d to ts drpg N d $250 E 1 I t R elt ler • opented), Toast:inas:ter FEMALE Rork bluet singer ·•• call 714: 629-1492. no ~f,~ ~ ~M;~: ~~ t~~494-iS:9~ ·Eves ~"I "~~ • :....Jm . 6200 cafe frencn.fryer. etc. 95% wants good guitarist & BuslnMI Service 6562 Gardenlna 6680 LOWER ocean front W. Acr•1a. profit margin. Total Value drummer "fur rocli: Newport. J Br. I"-Ba, 54~5421 494-l458 FANTASTIC f..Ple:t. Xlnt. c $5500, wiU sell all for $2500. Further infonnation ~t TOP DOLJ.ARS PAID Frplt & pr, avail Sept. 1. NE\V-Large 1 BR apts. Cptll, SPACIOUS CJill Dr apt. Cord., Llke new carpel.ifli & 5 Ac. Rancho Cl t Y of Call 9Z-W6 or SSS-1628 OJI.. J.K.V. 2543 Apt. I. Santa Ana Items :your garage, John • GARDENER • winter lie. $2lO. 6"6-5.S32 drps. bltin;, gar. Adulta~.f.: acros& from be11cbes &. dra))e!, close to OCC & Oceans~. Cabin, trees. lect. St.. Ct.1. Calif. 'Viii contact S.16-6126 EXPERT JAPANJ!:SP! • WIN*"R RENT" 0 • Jy, M·pet&. Manager at :&uu park. Lo"'ly IX'!an view. 2 South Cout Plua. $58Slmo water, elect. F/P Ul,500 ......... AGER/25~ -"-r for 1 .,. ........, • ,.....,. .,., ..,......... you inuned-lnclude phone. 6590 ~ltial Landscapirw Elden, CM. 646-1762 Br; 2 .Ba. All elec kit. income. Terms. 645-ml. 536-0131 wel l -located Secretarial LICENSED Carpentering Maintenance &l'ld Cleanup WINIFRED. ,,,.,,,L:.ou,,FOSS.' Agt. t.IODERN 2 Br. cpts. d--., Balcony, encl'd gar. $275 .•• Four Star Realty 8.JS..4422 r·~ OVER PAYMENTS! Service. Must be excellent MIKE INC . ~ '"'" l &n-4808 ""'r' Spiritual Readings, advice CARPENTRY • GE kitch, encl. 'pr, nr bu4. mo OD yrs se. 12M~l ShoPll on Placentia, 10 acres. m down. Near typist + dictation, Invezt. ~" 312 N El b CALL 642 51.a.1: 1 &::: 2 BR. spts, furn & un- furn. $165 to UlO yrly, Anita, Jones Rlty. 673-621.0 $145. Adults, Mgr. 124 E. REAL ESTATE CM $150,000. Trade 1(3 for Lake&. City, 894-4743 ment secured + weekly on 41.1 matten1. • MINOR REPAIRS. No Jo · • 79 '20th Gener1I clear C&li:t prop. Balance:! 0:=::=:==:===::::=:: I salary, 2 offices. Reply Box Camino Real, San Oer:nente: Too Small. Cabinet in pr-JAPANESE Gard • n I er 1 Bn hardwood tlrs. stove, qi.sh & TD. Owner"S48-1542 Out of St1te Prop. 6201 P669, Daily Pilot "1'0~9AM13G, 4196-95070 PM ages le o t h e r cabinets. service and maintenance. "·• Rentelt Wi nted 5990 -• 545-8175, U no answer leave. Also clean Up. Newport Hgts. 4210 Orange Ir: 15th· noo. Busln ... Rental 6060 3 BR house on 1% acres. BEAUTY SHOP Zippo Club Adults Only msg at 646-2.lTZ. H. O. • 548-2572 e I'-"=:;.;..,;_..:;."'----642-0538 •ATTENTION • Beautiful wooded I and. Mlldern l~al \vith -1 stations. Color pictures & ph no. of Anderson ALLEN BROS. * Oean 1 or 2 BR * 3 BR, 2 BA Townhouse. Owners in this area who ~ Garden spot. Uw creek. 4 Excellent equip., good Jealie, dates you pre-select: No QUALITY Repairs -Altera· GARDENERS STUDENTS "s~~~its, 2421 E. lGth Crph "'$2· a15.,,111. b1t;~~~~o • db may have income property in yn <>Jd. $16,500. 642-2263 ~al re~;:i;~S:~~-'l: names used until you go oo lions -New const. by hour working way thm collete· '-========= se. mo • .,.........., VIC. or L.A: AIRPORT: re· dat~. 637-9644 or Contract. 646-3442 Exp. Lie. Reas. 646-4203 •aalboe 4300 2 BR w/carport., $110. Water sponsible couple & 6 yr. old -Computer ... Soft.Ware Mount. & D~rt 6210 for Van. INTELLIGENT? PARTmONS, Small Remod. AL'S Gardening i:. Lawn •---------pd. nr school. 2192 Placen-daughter (no pet1l, seek 2-3 Campany WANTED m oceu-NO COCKTAIL Bar, Torrance.. UNMARRIED? Move walks, etc. Nile/Day ~ainte?8nce. Commtrdal, PENINSULA POINT tia. Apt D. 636--412) Br. unfttrn. home (court, PY buildtng • ~ter o1 Ana-• ~~ m4!!t~~15swing'ing bar. This it your invitation to ha~ Reas! Call Ken 540-4679 industrial & residential. For immediate occupancy In ~ d &gl. d"'-elling or IOl'l'le apts. heim • Will selJ or rent for vw'""' ...........,,, •A * ..,,,, """"" LO\'ELY 1 S_r, ..... .,ts, rps, ron.sideredl, nr. school, in $tock Send re11b to Daily piness. Phone 547.s646 for MASTER carpenter ,,,... per vn>-Vll~ * desirable tenants. Deluxe 2 patio pool $uO mo 1762 H . "" _.. fa . SMOG! • I O 6310 24 hr recorded me~c. hoUr. Remodellng-Repajrs. e PATCH PLASTER1NG. BR 2 BA. carnnrt, $167.50 K,-.:....• p'L ... ; .,....;. nice area ...,.,,se,-... ng m· Pilbt. Box M 901. nvestment ppor. ~:..: :.:.L. .,...., .,........ ·.--uwuuu UW""flr.>O ily will giVe best ol. care, as Attractive Expert b'U-ti4lf.t or~ All types. :Free estimate. Yearly. Ad u_l ts only 1 BDIJ.N. Retrlg. crptt, own home, to )'OUI' reat.al. HI h D rt P.utTNER WANTED YOUNG WOMAN Call 540-6825 675--1358. l~ Miramar Dr. stove, '..<touiite ·Or single. CM pay $125 or a bit more, ~ CJ llSe For So. Calif. real estate dancer will teach you all Cement, Conc ... t• 6600 JIM'S Garde:nin& le lawn Bilbo.I lslind 4355 Slt'fi. &fz.s5'i9 aft 5 Pnl. but please &ubmit What you BALBOA ISLAND Dry Air project. Profit r ir I urn . latest 1teps. Call Ardell * CONCRETE Work, bond· mainlenanee. Res. 4 O:Jm... BEAUTIFUL upper duplex Apt. Very close to St. Bay. 4 Br. 2 ba. $400 per mo. yrly. Salisbury Rlty. fi7l.mxl Huntington Be1ch 4400 NEW S200 up. 1-2--3 Br, htd &: sauna pools, rec nn. Heil &: .Algoquin. Mgr 846-313'1 SINGLE young a.dult!!, IUX· ury garden apt..... w/ftill recreation facilities & com. ~ privacy. South Bay Club Apts . 277 So. "'°"""""" """'""" cm I m-<50) have, Area of Hawthorne, Top location 300 + sq fl C La d ... $70,000,000. $5,000,000. CMh :lll: 591-4538 1·10 PM ed ~. lie. Patios/"'-"'"'S merclal. * 548-Mll Newport Beach 5200 Lawndale, etc.: husband em-le ' ameo ft sea,.~ reqUired. Principles only. ... "'¥ .. 3 ployed by \Vestcrn Airlines. 4$1!;'_ . .:.m~~~ ~~O. ~ ·ffl'lllll£RRY SPRING~ Write Box p 638. Daily S'f.'t.,ISITIVITY GROUP etc. Phillips C e m e n t • EXPERIENCED Japaneae 3 Bit • bo . ..,.·-'bluff area. Call 1 all ·~~~ / '"D ;) PiJ Meeting Thurs July 24th. 7:30 548-6380 gardener. Reliabl• ... , .. _ -> ~· oc y; ~. eves 15315 Las Veps, Nev. ot. .,.,.. Wal t CM --•••• (745 Domingo Drive) Brand weekends. pm, .6'1U nu • · · ecusroM PATIOS• for f:ree estimate new, baloony view lrom 'R ·-,=1~1-AB=LE~-eo-,-,~1.-,-.-e d APPROX 1250 sq ft. choice * OWN YOUR Money to Loin 6320 ALCOHOLICS AnonymoUl concrete sawing & removal both master BR & liv nn furnisbed 1 Br apt or hse !or bu~ prop. ln Town & OWN LAKE! Phone 542-7117 0t· write to State Lir. * 842-1010 ~r1I S.rvice1 6612 area frplc, ds:hwshr. S315 mo. Country shopping cent.er at 1st A: 2nd loam for quick P .O. Box 1223 O:.sta Mesa. ...-====~--= Call Turner 64~1260 Oi 3 mos. Start Aug 15. \Vill Beach & Ellis, For further cub. Borrow on Your pro. * CONCRETE firs. patios We Sit Better Inc: Prof. cAo 0~~ give loving care to garden, info. call 963-5551 ''IO ACRES BOO: Love You # l etc. Concrete & blk top saw. care Ior children, elde-'··. ~ percy eq without disturblni 5 H 642-8514 'IJ elc. Please phone SZ>-4#1 MARINERS CENTER JUST SOLD I" Your low interest ltt TOI. . • ing. Reas. Don, convalescent. In home-.hoe-BALBOA BAY CLUB rx· quisite 1 Br apt. Furn or unl. Lse. $400. 642-7633 GARAGE For sklrage or OffiC'f! & store bldg, rent or Also buyers for 2nd TDs. =========I e CONCRETE work all pital. 24 hr serv. Hr-day·wk· 11\ngle unfu:rnilhed apt by lease. $15 to $120 per mo. Sattler Mortgage Co. ll'JC. Announceme nts 6410 types. Pool decks &-cuslom. var. AWARDED PARENTS J -~ lady y nd Call 548-1324 t.1AGAZINE COMMENDA· emp oy~ . . ear rou · 149 Riverside Avt. ~2414 NOW AVAILABLE: Serving Harbor Area 20 yn;. Undetectable Me n's TION SEAL. E1st Bluff 5242 Urgen!. Wnte Box 2261; • PRIME Retail Location • 93 acres, with well and plll'l'lt', 336 E. 17U. St. !--========= S. , p ;:::;.;._:.;.;c..;.._____ Newport Beach. 64z.gm l7XAn Xlnt toot • auto tn.t-level land for lake, alfalia &U--21n 545-0611 Custom-made hairpiece Irom C1rpet Cle1ning 6625 1tt1ng retty Agency Prestige location URGENTLY NEED untur. tic-:"' 1871 Harbor. c.M. growtng, apricot Ol' nut~ n $25,000 on ioo:I ~=b~;. :::~~~~: CARPF:I' & Fu~. cleanln.g; 5~'.~.0~~~ house, small or large:. 646-6654 ch&l'ds. tillb ra.lslng, ranch. ~·t.Ji.~r.'l~~ tails to Orange Co. Hair Replace-for 1 cLay service ~ quality I :=;=::=========I For lcaac, delu.xe 1888 sq. ft. Responsible e _m plo Ye d * BEAUTIFUL crpt'd office hclr'letl! lot n1ent Cenler 433 N Tu5tin, work. call Sterhni lor H1uling 07SO " BR., 2% ba. Apt, Frplc., couple. no children. $215 It llfr.cond Best deal In 45 Orange, (1) 633.om' brightness! &lz..&520 bar mo. Lagul'l8, Dana pt, Cap toau _!• ... .,, -.· Over 100 man-made lakes tn YARD/pr clff;nup -..;,. drapK. carpets, wet ' l\Ch-213· . ..,_-coll. .. ... -~ lll't'a. A I M · k' · 610 priv. balconies: dbl pr.age _.,;, m a eur ov1em1 1ng Cirpet Liyi ng & tre(s, ivy, dirt, traclor Ge __ rdo_n_Gr_..,. ____ 4_ ori ldtch. Dishwasher dbl. 2-3 BDR hse. ;Yard tor mid· Office Rent11 6070 Or. 10 acre, 20 aett. 40 • 11% NETwftETURN'! Join the Fun~ 642-0497 Rtpair 6626 backho., grade 962-8745 SlNGLE Yoonc Adultll Lw:-oven, pool. Convenie~t to age epic, TIO pels or chi!· LOC ON . !3 E i~• S -~_..a available • Why Eme.rgt!ncy ~ Sac r if 1 c e SERVIC& DIRECTORY CARPET LAYING HAULING. General, trffa, ury ptden 11pt1 with coun. 11bop·11:: .. school& & rccrea-dren, dble gar. Prefer C.M. ATI : 1. : "" . t., :D"i:.r inlonn.ation! r choice Isl T.0.'s,. l0% int, hedges. lopped, trim~, try club atmogphett and tion. .:•. To $160. 548-4717 afl 6. kdjacent to securif:)' Pacific 847-6640 eveninp after 6 quarterly. 3 yr due date. 8 abyaittil19 6550 Q.A. Page 642-2070 l't'moved. Big John. 64:l-4mO oo--'-e· .....i..~.. SOtn'li ONL1l32S MONTH 3 o• 4 BR ho ..... Family of 4. Nat'1 Bank. CM. 64J..42lO er ' .. anyt'•m• ·-.,nds Buyers pay 30% down, ....,. .. CH !-=='==="'====='I ;G;,:A;;R;;G;.:::c:,1-:,c :;_;,_~..::::..:~~--~I .,._,, t"'••-.,. ' ....,.,. Bee: owner at 188 E.17th·St .. p;m. 0• "'""' • $25,000 cash requirM. Prin-• .,...., ERS: Ex primary & Electrical 6640 · a,...,.,,, aom"'"'""'..-s BAY CLUB AM'S, 13100 835 IGOS WAY By Sept. 1st. Up to $140 mo. ciples only. Box p 638 Daily nursery school 1 e •ch er ---------! lor c..-onteuts. Truh haulina. CHAPMAN Ave., Garden Newport BNch 645-2907 aJI S ~CM~~"~":....~"~l·=~-"~o~··~-:~~~cc~•:l,R~. ~Ei;. ;W;•;•;tod~;;;;;;;;6;;2~40 Pilot. wants child 2-4 to care for ELECTRICIAN. no job too 5't!H743 !Jr 546-3912 Grove fnf) Q.3030, .u ... r. Apt. 9 -Bu_s_IN_E_ss--·--dy--d--···-~, ~ -·~· nd he 1 1 all F t serv· ce I ;CL;;;-.EAN7.0c;UPcin-,;7,:C--,... I ,.._ ,.... .............. 320 to 1200 sq tt at Santa ANNOUNCt MENT5 a p aymate Oi my boy sm . or promp i & Ute movin&: Leguna a..eh 4705 e NEW DELUXE e bdnn unrurn ipt to $100. Alla Fwy & Crown Valley and NOTICES 3. 644---0146 call 545-4614 Tree & shrub fmlo\lal. 3 St. 2 i;. apt. tor lease 00..oo&i turnofl &n.-1400, 4!J9..4198 $$ MORE USH $$ OOLLEGE Student: Babysit· ~ ........ S Reasonable'. 549-1359 100 CLJFF DRIVE Jnct. spat. mutt. suite, din .~R~E=N=T~A~L-s=e=R=V~IC=E= DELUXE ·AIC. crpt'd oles. Found {Fr" Adi) 6400 ting $1.00 hr. Near \Vih1on & Floon uuu 645-2256 Anytime. BOB Two bedroom turnishcd rm. & dbl. prage, auto. FREE TO LANDWl\OS also 1'1x23 ~-Hub ol For Your 110tt'le Equity H_arbor 1n C.M •. Week Carpet Vinyl T iie Cleanup, Ip truclr, Pnl&U _,tll_°"o~ Featotu~ h ~r ~':r ~v;n-~~ . :Sltae ~ 645-0111 Harbor area. 488 E. 17th at Ahllolutely no c:O£t • • • FOl•maJUNo, -.pGpermaro• ," smo"'.""'01"'d. rugbts. OJ' entire Wttkends. AU it,yles ,.."Id colors for salvage, rototil., renov, "$2i-11y':'y ie:;ar; (:h'"~h°"&, ~t'booi ,l CaronJ e LANDLORDS e Il'\'inf!, CM. Owner 613-6574 to )'OU tbt. Selluf mack & whit;, Vlc. Santa Alk for Beclcy S.S-1871 Fl°e'e est. Lie. contr. 4~2'4t del Mar ffjgh. FREE RENTAL SDtVICE: OITICE Or store. 700! sq ft; 12 year1 of payine more cash Ana AVE>. & Del ~far. 2622 CHILD Care, my lovely 540-7262 M&-4478 JllNTALS e ONLY ~ e Brolf!f 5M-6'982 246i7 Del t>tado, Daria tor ~e ~~ property. Santa An.a Ave. Ap•. E., home. Big fencd. yd, nr. 23d G rd 66IO MAINT·re1/comc'I, wtndowz l . 865 Amigo1 WAy, N.B. Point. 496-lSll T t :.. ..... ~ ik: • c .t.f. & Santa Al'l& St <Asta Me-I enlng our specialty. Xlnt waft. Unfurnished TOWNHOUSES z 3 & ' BR. Rooms for Rent 5995 _,.to 1_ c.., Ft. hen c ... .,., sl sa. M6-55.17 1---------1 reac:! Refs. G42-9446 $300 See: t l52 Amiio8 ~I: ,_ -. PUPPY 6 month old, very BABYSITTING, my home, John!IOtl'.I Gardening ' I ....... 5000 up. a COMP.Pnvateroom&bath. OPFI F.. C.M. &t&-2130 BEYERlY JArvr1111 .... w1y. riark. Vic. Main SlS fM one: child. S20 for Flne~I equip., expert rare. CARPETS, Windows. Jln. WI\)', N.B. m.scw Cctwla del Mar, qu~t area.1 ·1~..,=.,.-'trl-""•"'l'-RO.l~~= .. =;~"-''1 '-IUUTI Street Ba.100. J' I and . two, Ages 2-? vie. Hamilton Planting, clean-ups. 962-2035 ttc. Res or Coolc'L Xbrt f • RENT • Corona del Mar 5150 Empl'd. peraon. 6'JS..2880 M·2 INoUSTIU.U. ~; 675-0535 a: Sterllllg, CM. 64&-1946 BUSTNF.SS & RESIDEN-work R('a!I! Rtfs. 5M.4ll1 . I st.. FurnftuN =·,,w"·=-=--==....,.,....-'COneretl"blda. m sq fl 746 REALTY LARGE Black male dog, out BABYSITTING My home, ~ Gardenin; It Oeanup. Ironing 675~ l SZO • $21 Ir: UP, _ ,ROOMS For rent •ic. Adami W. l7th. QI ()U) .(34-$082 of state vl11itot, hound type, 5-day week. Fenced back Exp d 64Mi22'J I ""'"" & M~lll 1t8 Col1ep 147-6033 ... su.&245 1-2 yn, old. Magnolia It yard. Hot I u n ch es , CLEAN·UP Sptciali.st! Mow· WlLL Do ltonifltl: In tn1 M==:"'.rci:.lalt t\-~~· boys v.'l!.\Qlnie_. 962.-.1980 ~ 6100 Santa Ana Sta. ~ Pe.nnanenl 543-230! tre, edgtn&, odd Jo b s • bome. 20c piect. FuL 1 Aptl.,.._ A TV'• avd. COU.EGE Park 8ft&. u.ta l!!!~'!"l'l~!!!!!!"!!I!""!! ALL White Sll.moyed-bugky BUn.D Remodel R.e})Qir Reuonable. S48--695S • MU!OC * ! llo-1<1 Dlt>otdt M,... Im' older......, oc 173 X 465' R..f 'Clear BUFSl~N.~IA•..tL puppy. Vi< Mesa dol Mar Btlck.'block. eo~•••I•, OrtAEdpLawn , BJ'IC r.tittmi ftcat.11i ON TEN A:CtD .""'~pl'-,•-·----~· ---· 1 ,._..."' 546--0132 ~nlry, no job too amall 'Me1ntcnanc:t. Llcf!nsed ' 511 --QI .,._ • .-1 • j BlL F\a'b 4 Unfum LC. O>mforte:ble room. cort-' •1 OWC LADY Who bt Mom'1 Lie. Ollltr. 9G-6M5 54M808/~ 1lt 4 I -~ •. ~ ·~ .,,-::::::::: Frp1tt / prlv: paUoa/Paols. -..it., .. ~• wt. • 1'17 SIP<' tqot. ~ ,..,. llw. °"""""1!10t 6300 WAILS, Wlndoww. f1o<n, "\ -• -....._ ~ Ttanll. Cootnt1' Bldlt. put. .,.. lat. Drjve by 2099 PLaoenUa.1--~------watch on voUeyball courta EXP. Child care in my JAYANESE gardentT Compl cariitt4. Commerdal • • ii .. J Br ...... 9ftw1 mcl. tt!W crtm'· 64)..1758 CM SWIMMING pool main-'1'122 Jlleur call ~ home. Vie Beach Blvd I N!l'Y. &q:ler, dependahlf!. residential. Dally, \\"tfDo : Ill'• JUO. Awl 111. Bkr. IOO SM We. om fM.2611 $13 \VEEJ\ .t Up wf kll Apt l ec:khart RNlty tena.nce routti for aa\e. WUI f.IALE De.ch.Ahund vie ol Bay Main, HB. 5.16.3100 free est. 642--4389 and/or Mo. m-nsn ; ~ _ -... -....... -f,M"acArltlar nr.-oiut Rwy) ~ •• ,. cup. SUlm7 Acra 569 W. l91h St., Of f46-2301 lrain. Write Daily Pilot Box It &!aplt SL. CM. 646--5148 I :CH=IL'°'o"'-= J::.,.-"'daya--,Ao-:.,,-,,~"··· I -;J"•"P•°'n°'e.,.q"G"a,{de=-n"•"r-I ;l!o1;;:;:c;,_;-;;Bc;::•::,;:'h';Cl;;-: ... ==;..,-,,-~-1 1 .,,._.., .. ......,,~ """' ~ ,...,~ CHARGE )'Old' ftli1 ad now. M+336. •BOYS Bike.. Owaer idrntlfy Vk:. .fd:l'mfl Ir Mapolla.. &-<per. comp! Yllfd_ 11r:rvict! Clrptts. windows, f1oon. l lllWllJ aauL1'51 Dial '°'6111· lor RESULTS WANT AOSI J'1M n Wfth a want ad! CHARGE )'llMlf wa.nt IMI now. 11_nd_cl_ol_m_. _M>-<>4 __ ,. ___ ..__H_B_. ---------F"rf>t est . 548-7958, 546-0124 Rea k C«nc'I. &t6.-1401 HouNCluning 6735 _. ...... .. -------------------. -~-~-------~----~ ---____ 4 __ _ . . ... ... , .. -----·-~ . . J . • ' • ! • SERVICI DIRECTORY Joas & EMPLOYMENT JO BS & EMPLOYM I NT JOBS & EMPLOYMl~T aperlle119ln9 lfflp W•nled, Men noo P•111ff,!'I 6150 '.""'.".::-::-:-:---'-- I----------I* ·MA~INlS't:.· A few vacan.. suBuR:iAN .hloU.!Dec , c1es ~Kitt for .m.apblnc shop ~ CU&Nnteed Work .TRA~NEES, ."'9 Pl'!V. exp. .~ tst. No )Ob too lal'le required howevtr, ~~pllcants ""'° ttnall. ~ must .have an-1!'.Ihib1t~ me-~ c~ical ability. ' p;;::u;v.c rnf A Ext LoWest ean :Jim Hyanu, Days: 1 eontncUd pf.$1. .. a. Fully tns. 642·2400. Eves. 546-0319 ~tJoo ..... FmHl Jlrb ..,._ 6n-ll8S GULTON INDUSTRIES INTER. A: E:<t. Painting, 164-t Whittier Ave. Lie. &: Insur. JO ya. Exper. Costa Me~. CalU. Free Estimate. Call Chuck Equal opportunity emplOYl'r .,....,, MECHANICS EXT+ /loodnt. pn~. Aver rm. SJ) Une Mechanic. Air Cofldi- g paint. neat work, Uoning & Eltttrical Mee~ loc refs. Roy. 841-1358. ics, 50/50. Exceptional worll- PAl.NTING b)' the hr or job. ing eoaditions; new facility· No mark·up on materials. lasge vo.lume dealer. San George Mark. 673-7241 Diego Freewicy & Cherry PAJITTING • Int/en. 2 Univ Ave., north. APPLY IN ' 3 n-A PERSON. 827-8130 se-ruors. yrs exp. nc::op. ·J33-.2232, 492-«32 ews. PACif"lC AUTO SALES 3600 Olerry Ave. VETS Bonded Palnfui,i;, 10 Long Beach yrs In area, lic'd &: insured. J-...,.--,~:=::=o=-~ .. ,_,,.,, * DRIVERS * NEAT, E:l::p. PainteT, no No Exper1'ence drlnlQ.ng. College 1tudent. Help Wonted, Men 7100Help Wpni.d, "Ion 72,00 J. C PENN'!Y COMPANY Yuhlon l&Wld. -N cwport &ii.ch HAS OPENINGS FOR · COOK • BUSBOYS With some e1tperlence and wlllin~ to learn. Top working condJlions & eDVll'QD· ment. Competitive waps plus meals & tips, and outst1P1ding benefits including ho spilaliiation and profit sharing. Apply In person 10 AM to 9 PM, Monday thru Saturday P ENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Equal Opportunity Employer AJI student posUons are filled. Help W•nled, Men 7200 Help W•nted, Men 7200 Do You Tal<e I SALESMEN WANTED> * lnstructreu A Sales * Jfo.liday Heeltb Spa C.M. 2300 Harbor Blvd. Aggressive 1:)'pe for sales I physical fitne.u work, Sales expc~-nce preferred but no! necessary, ~lust have trim figure and be able to mttt and deal with the publk. Ap. ply lq person. LYN & 'Nunes Aids · GULroN INl>USTIUES 16" Wh'ttiler Ave. Q)lta ?.fed. Calli. Equal opportunity empJOftr legal Seely ·ta $750 Emplo)ltt p..ys fee. (Lquna area.) Ability to prtpare i>e· llliona A: account. with mini. mwn rupervJ.&!on. Worit for an excepUonali, tine aentle- ma.n. Abo tee jobs, Newport Per-l~y 833 Dover Dr., N.B. &4Z-.3870 56;274.l •Typists I J. c. ""'"""O>. ,_,_ Newport Beach 1 . NElCD9 PART TIME SAl~SLADIES ' H°"..WI~ & 'Mothers Can )'OU 1pare a few houri each day and add to the family income •t the wne time! Scbedulea canvenleat tor >'OU. mominp. after- noons, e~ or comblna- Uont of &IJ. Work in store undtt the tlnnt ot coodi- tiona and top suptf'Yision. APPLY IN PERSoN PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND lOAMtoSPM Mqnday thru Friday \ DlcoUTOI Gm -CANCEUATION Of' 11 WXURY APARTMEHTS Sf=lllt,t Miclltmnfn f.unllurt _ All IRAND NEW ~.~."!"::.t=....,,.··-a· =.r.f~~"l'* ... s.:1t.ff1 ......... . . ., . ....,. . .,~·:::'.::::::::::=·: .. :· I ' ,,_-,. .. 11, .... ·~............ " . ~ ... _,............ .. A 'dec'orator dream house on display -31 l'OOITIS "of gorgeous Spanish furnitu re (wa; reg. $1Q95.00 UCllf.ICJ • •. • • • • $3981 ~,.._,~YAU.UL.I Clll Off CU.UIO IMMIDIATlt..Y ·llfll RJRNITURE Low pricei! Steve 54&-4549 Necessary! PAINTING .Papering 16 yrs Mo;it, have clean California ir Harbor area. Lie. &: driving record. A~ply \\-Ith a grain of salt! Can't aay that I blame you, l fol- lowed a few n1yselt only to be dlsappoinled. The job Large'Pl'Ol'f'eulve ECF needs U. Orientalion provided by a • Stonogrephen • Prlv Stcy e RK•pt All student politions filltd. General Con~tot will be Jo,. Equal Opportunl~ empk>yer run tlmef ln eervlce, educa-cated ln Santa Ana • now to.r. qpenlngs on all ahiJt:a. , taking appllcattons for per-* 1.,.. lewport Blvd.11a:.-., Costa Mesa only hond«I. Rei. tum. 642-2l5< YELLOW CAB CO. 11eldom Jived tip to the • l86 E. 16th SL P_l_u_m_b_ln~g'----~6_B__;90J---°"-"--M_o~M'---''B'' MACHINIST clahns in the ad. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR! Dillerential pd for awlniet'I manent polltions. Gener&l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I It nite owls. Ortly those who construction ex:per1ence de- care need appl,y al 1030 \V. sim:I. Send applJcantJ A \Varner, S:A. 546-S450 ttlllmt'!S to Donovan ~ """1 Nltflt 'TD .f -: WK. Sat. & S.n. 'Tl 6 PLUMBING REPAIR No job 100 small • 642-3128 • -* IF you need remodeling, painting or repairs, Call Oiek, 642-1797 ExP<"rienced • BUSBOYS DISHWASHERS Apply in person REUBEN E. LEE Requires two years ol mc- chanic:al n\aohine shop l!'Xpt:· r ience, read and interpret partll and drawings, Call P e rsonnel Dept. 171 41 494-9401 AND EXPLORE THIS ONE.! rr you \l.'ould like to make S250. per week lmmediately. \Vith an opportuniry for muc;h more in the future, TELONIC I would like to talk to )'OU. 1 .R_oofi_'_n~v _____ 6_9_so 151 E. Pacific (st Hwy II your qualifications match Roof c.oa.ting &. Repair Newport S.•ch our requirements, this could be the eareer you've been Rock" Roof Our Speeialty SALESMAN ENGINEERING CO looking for. Cal1 for personal .-,... "tima"' 548-<779 Sue•. Young & Bro_. lno, • Into.view bet. IO'M! l 3 PM 1-==="========I wholesale distributor Zenith (714) 534-1101 s.Wf!'I 6960 TV, etc. Requires salesman----~------I ·1h hol ~-• Laguna Be•ch Inspection • ~---·-· At · w• w '~' ""'· "1'" MACHINE PARTS ~mt.Lin& -teratiOns merchandising eKp o r Custom De.11igns formal on job sales training. Equal opportunlly employer -INSPECTION-l-~-*~......,.-~~*==~I Send complete resume lo Alter•tions • 642-5845 Sues. Young & Brown, P. o . 1---------• I Must be ~xperienced in all Nel\t, accurate, 20 years exp. Box 54542 Terminal Annex, * * phases, including lay-out. L.A. 90054 J. C. Penney Co, surfaoe plate &nd l!t. ar· C 97 1----..,.,.=~--Fashion Island tiele work. 1.To;lc;L;,;,E:.' ..;_.;•_,ro;.,,m;,;,l.;,c __ 6_4 SALES NewpOrt Beach NEWPORT PREC'tSTON * Verne, The Tile Man* YELLOW PAGES llas An Opening 909 w. 16th St., N.B. Cti'st. ,vork. Install & repairs. Local lelephone direcfol")' Eor 642-9020 A&:ency for Career Girls '10 W. <ha.at Hwy .. N. 8. By appoint. Hi-3939 Gal Friday $43~ struction C:o., 5610 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 660, L.\ ooo.36. Attention: Leo Nleine. GENEML CLERK Strona: accounting, I o o d teleptmne \'OIOI!', e l e a r handwriting, able to work on a variety of cleric:a..I tasks with a · mhtimum ot aupervtsk>n tn a •mall oom· pany atmoaphere. Over 30. Newport Beach co. pleasant GENERAL MONITORS SurTOUndl~~l friendly co-3019 Enterprise St. workers: uu Edee. $46.5410 Costa Mesa. ~ JHon Best i -~\""'S"'E"'C"'R"'ET"'"A'"'R"'Y.,-- Employment Ae:ency Dtve"1tied & interesllng -~'~120"=So~·="=•ln=S=·•.· __ 1 work ,Zor ttspOnSible .elf· EXPERIENCED staru,r. EngineetiJit or med-WAITRESS toal bacl<gro""' · Ili1oru1. ApP.IY in P•r•on SURF & SIRLOiN S930 Poe. Cst. Hwy. Newport Beach Typing· 60 wpm, 1b::irthand 100 wpm, contact Mni. tlayes, SYSJ'EMED OORPORATION ..,..m No job loo small. Plaster Orange County area. No lt'a· patch. Leaking s h o w e r vel, above average eamlnp, repair. 847-1957/846--0206 full time "'"1lrk. Will train. ='========I See P.ir. Fremel 7:30 pr.1, TrN S.rtice 6980 Thurs, July 24th or 8:30 AM 1---------Fri, July l'>th 6a! E. Broad· Ei'I'ATE Maint Tree Serv way, Anaheim. Removal A trimminp, free BOAT A SS EMBLER S. estimate, Call 541~. Interior finish woodworking. Part or Full Time -SALESMEN - In our Garden Shop \ ReN?nt, successful ex- perience prell!'rred, ·Corn- petitive wages and excel· Jent benefit program, STORE & TOOL ROOM CLERK for rapidly gruwing BEAUTIFUL Girl, n Ice htarine Products Co. Ex-shape, for figure model pericnce desired, but not Strictly amateur, renerou.s necessary. Position will re-pay. 1 &fternoon per wttk. quire aptitude for detailed ttay be manled or single, v.-ork. Apply in person, 1916 but preler over 21. Write p13centia Aw., Costa Mesa Box M 869, Daily Pilot. CREDIT CHECKER or GENERAL CLERK UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 2712 ·W. Coast Hwy. Mw;t be exp 'd in either u_p~ho_ht_.,.,_,_ ___ 6_990-'. ?h~t making or related CZ'!KOSKI'S Diat. Uphol. fields in wood. Good pe.y, £uropean CraJt&manahip plenty of wertime, steady APPLY lN PERSON 10 AM to 9 Pl".1 1'.tonday lhru Satun:iay COLLEGE age man. &harp MANICURIST. Newport Beach 646-24.11 WOMEN -cleancut -to worit full or Fashionable Newport Beach part time wilh adult youth s&lon need• an experif:~ leaden in YMCA. Must tw1 time manicurist. Qu&rn. " have cu _ work aome A: commt..slon, Plld vaca-letwHn Al•• 25 & 40 nights. call 494-!Mal tloM , etc. Plea::e c a 11 n~ for testina: of elec- =''==~...;.c...c.:.:::.. __ , I 644-1570. trol'l.lc componeonta. Exp. PLATERS, 3 exp. Hard DES p AR ATE Ly Need pJ#erred, rood worklnr chrome, hard a.no, cad, --.. Ilion ~ .. 24 Fashion Island iubsUtule motherlS )T old ._..,...... 1· 11:-9.J comrnenau-platers, swing shi11. Apply gl.rl. aning to Klllybrooke rate With ex:perlence, 'ob. W1nted, Ledy 7020 MAINTENANCE man for An equal opportunity in person 2144 S. Hathaway, •· ••--•-I M' S I " Sehl I 3 -old boy. Start!-,.,,...,._ .. "o c, tcro ys ems work a r o u n d apartment employer SA 3• ... ~ companion, Convales<!t!nl bu ildlngs. condominiums, ~*!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!! ... !!!!!!""!!!!!!!*! IS'°A'°'LES=~M"AN~-. ~,.,~. -tim~. -,-.-Scl~I Sept. 5. day wkf8.;.!I. P leue Aid I il <aU alt '''°· S<0-5956 F/C Bkkpr to•~ e or prac . nurse ave . etc. Full time for property IN-DEt-fAND product. 1-ll I~==~--'-~=,.---.,., ,_. Live-in/out, Sh. or long management company. Experienced ~:, pay from start. SlD. ACCNTS Rec. I: bUling girl Xlntopptywlt.berowina:com· terms Homemaken 54&-6681 Needs carpentry. electrical, samples deposit refundable, wanted. Exper. only. Ac-pany, Or:a.nge County Air· painting and p I um b Ing BROILER MAN Call 642-4886 CLAN IND curante typist. Apply W. B. port area. Domestic Help 7035 skills. Salary open. Submit Six nights a wk. Starting rate Schock Co. 3502 S. GJ'eendW ABlLITIES E NG i. I S J{ BUTLER resumc • .to P.O. Box 1810, $26.00 a day. Contact the ~~~MANRAL, St. Santa Ana UNLIMITED AGENCY Newport Beacli Ca 92663 chef. lntl!'rvi~ws be!, 12-4. ,-,., ACCNTS R-. &. bUllnr ..trt ~ E. 17th St., Suite Zl4 -VALET-' . ·1· F · I In Jntcnnediate ~Tom I: ~.. 5 ' Cbrta Ml!Sa M1.-147fl a 'BUSBOY p.m., ,.. on.· n. App Y ........ __ .. ,~ Ex-r o·'y A~ DRIVER, Xlnt refs!, ~ Truskier Arcbitects AiA .. ...._, cu. r~ · ru • .. -' ) person on1y. <Ur&t• typlol. Apply W. D. ATTRACT Woman needed to Far East A<ency 642-8703 £over 18 Hu nt. Harbour, 846-0671 • --c=--.,,""'~===-IFull · I Schock Co, 3502 s. Grel!'~ le am and teach makt • up ,-Chinese live-ins. Cheerful 2'""; p'""Ms. Appy in per-FIVE CROWNS STEREO Com ponen I vfilt. St. Santa Ana ltthniques. Allo possible to Permanent Experienced &an • " · · RESTAURANTS saJegman.. Know!. of cllJTent ~11 amaU budnus of )'OUr Far East Arency 00--8703 3801 E. Pacific c:oast Uwy, !'!tereo comp'ntit. Mlbe 2L TYPIST, np. fut, accurale, own. Wrlle Je'fTY Shaver, BOB'S BIG BOY Corona del ~tar Ph: Lee van 646-8897 Shippina: dept Apply In DX1 Van Nuya B 1 v d., c;::~1A!e~ l~:..o;tal~~~L ---'-'----'---·I BODY & FENDER ~~ n44 s. Hathaway, Panorama City, C&llf. or Far Ea.st Agency 642--SiOlJ --,=""';:=:7;=,,,-.,--J • REUBEN'S • MAN call ~787-4494 collect. E.~p'd Shoe Salesman (or combination) -"·'"' "'"'"' FULL or pt.time Beautician, TYPIST TO u 75 George Allen Byland Agency for ladies fine footwear. Sat .,...,,,.,.,.,, cllentele pref, but not re-Fee reimbuned. L:ely of. Employer Pays Fee year round. Guarantee $2.50 Costa Mesa E X P E R . Landsclmaint. quired. New grad welcome .. nces Irvine Complex, Also 100-B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 per hoUr + commission Ir man Ior apt. complexu. PO Call mgr, 548-9919. tee jobs. "' P.~f. Box WI, CM, caJif. 92627 EXP'O SALESLADY ABILlTIES HelD W1nted. Men 7100 1''1ESTA FOOT\'~'" , NEEDS EXP'D -•--·•LIIV~ · ,........., man needed, Men I: Womens Cothlnc UNL.IMITED AG~CY 31 Fashioon lsalnd GUDE'S BARNET!', So * 548-5383 * 488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 Newport ll<aoh ·DISHWASHERS· C""'I Pio,., c .. ta Mo,. "--1a M · 642-1-0 MOTHER'S Helper to live in. ......,. esa .,, 100% fin! 642-1454 work. MERIDIAN LTD. 1831 Newport Bl., C.P.f. 10920 HawthoM'\<' BI v d , J-O~B~S~&~EM=P-L~D~Y~M-E~N~T=' ~~~-ood, Calif. OOJ04 l2l3J J. C. PENNEY CO. MOTOR HOME ~-----------~ ITT JABSCO JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT COMPU'IER CONTROL COORDINATOR Must ha\>e senior key· punch I verUyinr expezi.. ence. IBM', Good worklne condiHona and bene:till. EQUAL OPP01tTUNITY EMPUlYER Help Wanted Women RN or 7400 LYN (California Li~nsed) Full time, t to 12 Appfy ln pel'lQn Ruott~n Beach O>iivalescerrt Hospital lB792 Dela.ware St.. H.B. FRY COOK 1435 DALE W~Y !tature, e~rlenced 1ady COSfA MESA, CAUf. 92626 day or evl!'nlfli", full time. <n4) 5682Si can tor Jnte~w Mane. CalletldCr Pies, s4i4486. 1 Experlenctd . • •WAITRESS •• HOSTESSES Apply ln penon RBIBEll E. llE 151 I!. Cout Hwy. Newport jluch * Account• P•y1ble Clerk Experienced on I y tYPe 60 w.p.m. * Personnel AJ1l1t•nt MATURE • Part t ime kilchelf help for Dell. Apply at 379 E. 17th St., CM. Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 • ,.,~ ~ tr! ••lo ASSEMBLERS Experienced in interviewinl and all J1hue• ot pert0nnel Good bac:kifoond l_n MU-Spe.c work. Good typJng atdlls. wlz1ne a.nd IOld,nng, Previ· Good opportunity in OUS expm~. ~mbling fast e:rowtna: company, preci.1110n electrical deviee.11, C.11 fOf appointment where •oedal skill ii nece. POLYOPl'ICS INC. l8l'Y to preselect ~Ille 54&-223() component.II using nuc:rome.· equal·opportunlty employer te.r. CH l E F TELLER/BOOK· Experience with precision KEEPER n e t d e d in mechanical assembly· of . Newport Beach. One to two al!'mi-comple?C device• where )Ts. exp. preterred. 21-45, fitting, adjusting, alignment ahup and 'IVllling to meet and hlrdware -._eledion ls publie. Join • )'OUDJ", pm. important. Should have abll· greulYe ·comJ*ny and have Jty. to aolder pnall mecbani- amall ollice atmospbe?!' cal puts. witb beautiful IWTOUl'dinp. • Contac t Mr. Lapp , C•ll Personnel Dept. DOWNEY SAVINGS & 1714) 494-9401 LOAN ASSOCI A TION 642.-6533 or 837--4911 Experienced WAITRfSSES Day It Nicflt Shift tor busy cotte. shop TEL ON IC ENGINEERING CO. Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 ~.IEAUTY • OPERATOR Must be experienced. tAPPLY Persorinel Office Third Floor THE BROADWAY NE'\VPORT BEACII 47 Courts of Fuhlo~ --rASRJoN 1SLAND- Newport Beach An Equal Opportunity Employer FRY COOKS Top wages, permanent. hon- iest, and working conditions in area'a leading reata.u:rant. Apply 9 •m to Ii pm for ~ ter;vlew at MANNING'S COPFl!E SHOP 2Wl D Toro Rd. Leisure World La&una Hill! 837·1014 SCR,AM-LETS ANSWERS Pftfer -Yield -Focal - Maritn -AFFORD. Sales- man at door: ''Madam, I'd like to show yoU a little ltdri that Mrs, Jones next door said you couldn't AFFORD." Real Estate Salesmen Now i.! the lime, here it the place, We oUer desk. pho(tt, adv't., floor tlme. For con- lidentlal interview Broker 6T.hl581 COUPLE to manage Ii: main- tain 18 unlt moWI in Colla Mesa. Must be b a r d v.wken, no eXper. nee. $200/mo plus furn.. 1?'' bdr apl 546-9279 J OIN HAIR A CO •• three far out hair stylists! Openln&: Aua:. l.11t in Balboa Uland. Call Sun. Mon, Tues. Wed: '714: 67>1230 or on otbet days. au: 449-6967 JEWELRY SALES. No exp. Pre1 exper wfnew baby: MOLDING nee. Fringe benefits, rapid Apply P ersonnel Dept. Help Winted No other chidlren. prlv. OPERATORS or MANNING'S chance for advancement. 15.\.'J West Adam.11, c.rvr. Women 7400 room & bath. start Aug. 18. TRAIN.EES COFFEE SHOP e BUILDERS L1guna Be•ch *DISHWASHERtr Part time 4:30 to B p.m .. S day wk. Equal opportunity employer J -=642-=2~'1,_o=======I e ASSEMBLERS Over 25.. Apply; KlRK GENER AL MACHINIST, 644-2389 ' ... -. El T •• J E w ELERS, Huntington BEER MAID -.i.;>J. oro nu. e c HE TR L Schools-Instruction 7600 Center. Ask tor Mr. cxp'd. with stainleu steel BI Kl NI Barmald/dan~r. Must be dependable, oveT 21, Lquna Hills 837-lOlC MIS Y AB Lambert . ....., .:i:nl parts to elose tolerances, Apnly evenlogs: 1'Ul1 or part-time. Cotta Apply 8-C p .. m. 850 w. l8th. VERSATILE cAi. 1 1 slrl TECH N J CI AN~: B.S. Educational Vacation 5tb ! .,.,_..,.,., capable of doing own setups SCOnlES Mesa Costa M Ol' ChemistJy, bfo.d1em1Stry or graders , • Sr Cltbem Jmmediale openings or menr--,=-c;..-.===-436 E. 17th St. "'"T.lOl eaa. office. Report to Dtv. 1t1gr. m 1, r 0 b1010 g Y A A Chil 1 10· le typ•·-wle& experience in plumb-JOLL ~ ROG~R on lathes. cau Jim Hyams. ......... G I Olli UAA Mln 5 yn; exp Type 75 • • coa uon - b. Cook ~ ood Da-· "'0 2400 E .. • • · Costa Mose ener• ce .,.._ wpm' Sb ;...,, s-=_ In all min•-"'·m a-p'-ble. •-••. ~al • -·-·. 1-~· Jng, electrical, walls, ca in· , e:<pen~'"-"""• g pay, J·.. .,.._ ' • • Day Mlft DESK CL'ERK. T)'pe SO know tU like ......, .__.,. •u•u '""" ,.. .;x.:.iu ''' ....,.....,., •.1 ..,... ell and finish • or we will good benefits, permanent, ~ULT,.ON INDUSTRIES , • , NURSES•' • Expene,~ only apply, children, call ~~'Mer-~ ~f de. :work' ~: !S. ~.S., Mar, C.M. MS-2859 train you. Must have aome full Ume, AJ'IPIY in person to u RN·Relief ~hift JAMAICA INN HOTEL chants Personnel Aaency, purchulni:, tales, produc. c lry, IOC lry, MONTESSORI Teacher of- hand lools. See Rick, 2135 manager. 400 S, Coast iligh-1644 Whitlier Ave. C.M. LVN, full night shift 673--IIJ> 2~1 W •-"" Dr NB tion. Call Jlm Hyams Days; syn the S"l I rxperience fen music' instr, begin'g all Can)'OTt Drive, Coata Mesa way, Laguna Beach. Equal opportunity employer Apply in ptt30n e6.mo ea\IWJJ.1 " · ' "2-2400, Evea: 546-0:ill. degtred. Salary open. woodwinds, advc'd nute 6 642-9758 COLI.EGE SJ'UDENT. Full BOYS 10 • 14 Laguna Be11ch Nurs:lni: Home SECRET ARY Gt.n...TON INDUS'l'RlES •CHEMIST : MI c r 0 oboe. 642--005? l!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'~':':!""'""''""'"i time Summer, part time carrier Routes Open 494-8075 Afternoons only. Trainee ok. ORTl·lOOON'TIC Auiltant • 1644 WhitUer Ave, C.M. analytical, for qtiallly con-M=E'°'R~C~H~A""N"D"l"S"'E-f"'o=tt,-1 l' SALES during school at Chevron for ~ COMBIN no Sha Gd. typing &: shorthand or Ottlee M.Qer. DtwnWed Ei[uill opportu.nlt;y emp)oyer trol section, tracer com- '· YELLOW PAGES Station on Beach in Laguna. J...aiuna Beach. So. Laiuna Maid.II : C:·eo ~,:. Stenorette requited. !lfl2..6812 :ir:ity.~t.artalper.:>= R.H. SUltERVISOR pound lab. 8.S. minimum. SALE AND TRADE L6cal telephone dlttctory NO-long hair. Must be 18. DAILY PILOT Top wages $3.00-$3.50 to betote l wn. · It j~nt r I! q u 1 r • d. Fun or part time, u ~~~~ for •ir Fumftunt ' IOOO ~e County area. No1""-=""'· =,,,,.-...,.-,.-642-4321 start. Ph. f<Jt int. 545-9!183 WAITRESS -OVER 21 Salary open, 847-6070 .P.m. to 7:3o a.m. Good CHEMICAL OVER---5-T-:Oc_K_ErD.,-,"" tnlvel, above average e~ LUBRICA110N man f 0 r EXP'D. MECHANIC. part SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor, OU I: ewrunc .11hUt. HOUSEWARE SALES ial'.ary and" ·~ bena-AND NOCLEAJ\' CORP. itcs. full time work. Will die11el trucks. Some light time ,Sat. &: SUn. Start July CM Call· 545-986l tltl tnlin. See Mr. Frenzel 7:30 mechanical work, EJt. 1"th. ,..._.,.,. del Mar. Apply . . ' · · Some nperience pN fel'T'ed ' Perk lido rm Cam~s Or:., lrVine. MUST SELLI ul,y °'lh 830 ~ ~···• F/C BOOKKEEPER BEAtn'Y QPE R A~ORS Kerm Rlmo Herdwere ••--PM, Thurs.J ""' or : perienced only need apply. in person, 3100 E. Coast Cosla Mesa CPA office. WMll!d: Ao ':!ollo w t n c 546-70IO Convalescent Ha11pilal Demo-Sales Beaut. walnut :J"W"WT dftD. AM Fri. July 251h. Boat Transit Inc., 871 w. Hwy. Interesting . Challenging neceuwy 6?5-t2!2 6'15-310l 1§4$ 'S\lperlor TtME, LIFE er, two 2-drwr com.model. HELP WANTED 1=16=1h=St=.,~N~.B~·-----iP=A~N"'"=w"'AS"'HE=R,,..-,&-al..,,-l..,,,.,=~nc1 c t Salary , · ' '26li6 JtarbOr Blvd., C.M-Newport BU~ 642-2410 WISHES. bd~ & tra~ mirror,.all e Boat Carpenters SERVICE Stalion help'. 1 KITCHEN ?o.fAN. Langlois ;'e:;:n:r: U 8-8814 . L~EG!!: ~~ryY, ~ F /C Bookk~· .r $600 · D.-. •:150 TO EMP.LOV for Sln. New ·9 pc, col"ltft' • Boal M ban., ·-J 2 d _,,=,...,,;....o~--''-"~· I ,.. -e -.-2 2 .... .__,___ ._....,., ~ S'LES P.EOPLE arrani. choloe of ctn. rq. ec c9 grave,. .... , for ay shift. Fancy F'roi.en Foods, 211« SALES Clerk. exp, .pre.I'd.. Gencn.I pracUoe. ~ yrs, exp. w ._ ......... Coad t;ypl~ skill•, youni 1al ,. . ' ' USO, riow n49.50, tlcad'brdr: • C.blnet Makers Exp pttf. No phone call!. Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna not nee. St.tionery " oWct · call 1.0ralne, Men::hantl P-.?r-with reoent'wOHI: Mp, Beach Who we~ fonoerly work.int: Kings, SlS. QUttns $U.50, •Journeymen Rlchlkld, 19th It Newport, Beach. 494-~ PBX Operator. Answcrlna:, 90nn!I Acency 2CM3 W"'t--"-" •~•--M ot are cw:re.ntl,y woridni • &..t Finishers CM supply, 40 hr wk, call f1YJ' seNk-e eq pre J • r r 1 d. clHt Drive, NiB. ~mo arta. YW ......--.u~, ti'-Full $10.!IO, Twlrt' $3.95. h E I EXP'D BUSBOY Appl• In appoint. ~ uk for H-·-v•-. HB ....... -· · dlantl Ptnonntl "-ncy, part time with companies Sola bed mattreueo -.oo Sev.enn• nterpr SIS ' ' I .,... ..... J ~ ..... _,.... AVON AMWAY - C M STATION Attenda.nl -day penon j( over 18. Surf & Mr. We1unt:r or Mr. H~k OLDER Woman to• bab)'11t 2 2043 WHtclW: Drtve, N.B .• ....,,. u • • or Roll+way beds w Ii h n . T16 W. 1:th St., · · \!.'Ork mechanical exp er Sirloin, MJO Pacific: Coul nm.EE' Children (12, 10, 6) Biw~ t N 1 ~kl/~ children. l~ 4 'f >ft. &6-2T70 .. ~~~~mo~ aprlric matt. rq. $59.&1, now PNductlon Control preferred. Matthew'1 Union Hwy. N. e. r'll'ed babysitter for re-or _. •· me, Dependa~, lo• l 111" 1 C E." SMtt• "50 our • 1 $.19.50. F'ull a&. alee~10fll C .. rkto$500 Service3928E.CoastHwy SERV ST TTNDN-r maindt>r of summer. P.tcsa.646-'1301 d~Mc 1-4:30, My home, Xlnt"-., -·-le fall No)'OUl'~tiialird. ;_~~nor. ree:. $239.50, l'IOW' $189.50. '• ~-~ ·-"lb ·••-•, sloblo COM ' ',0 ExA. A ,..._ ' B"" .. "" ~-1 d ,.,.0 ,.__ -.. -...,.,, wk. ~ ...,...... .......... ...,. ........ ._ N-· ~-Kl"' 1911"1, r hll•1 ....,"" ..,, ~O over ..,, p. nee . ....,ntct 96S-1258 vie:. of ?,fa&nolia &: ~, lu""" r: ea•' ~ .. ., ........ .-lf'O"l .. Ntwport Stach co. l&ln kit. Pte.ler ed'ucaUon ..... .,.,...: ;a.so: t . co. C.U Bert, S 1 MECHANICS-Exp' w/Jn. MIKE. AIRPOM' TEX-Adams. RB. per\Ume. WWlnc to train. C&D Kay; 546-.S4t0. oriented Pl!Oplt What havt Queens, $89.50, Full I ~ J•Mf'I Best boards. outboards I ACO, 4678 Campus Dr. LEGAL SECRETA'RY 54S-l6S2,•nd5ft..2?59 TRAINEES To Ull!mble .. JaMnlMt )'OU Sol to 1·01e! Call Twins s.19.SO, fully guaru. -~nl Ac:cncy ilt'mdrnTS. CaJ1 Anchor Ncwpt. Bch. Fait, •«Un.le typlo(, __. * WAITRESS * OVer 21. nlbhl-r Mi llJltl. Na tX• Employment Apney QS.S«IQ._ ~~•Ile !!!.,"'!_di, cboll«tl2 tool '>'"" So Main SA ••A-'-D-... 1. ., ....... ~ .. "' 5""" ~rl•-..-.11 "'"".,..,&td --i ... .._ -.... i •-,. .. : 111 .... So. Malo, •A. ...... l'fir. NV•""'· now • ! ~ · . . . m.w-u..., ·~t--" · V'l'9""W'W TRAINEE 19-24 radio pr-on pbol'lll!:. So~ .11btW. ;{fl~ .--·~~ asw 18th-$"(i{ Ajlto'V .. __, ~ t.fANAGER For llpartnwnt lull a. $9.M, SJFSr,( e DESMOND'S e btwn S-5 qe door field.' Be1'"Vke-• Small bu• 1 oroce, HB. * LA0NonY .HELP * · • l •ecvtM S.Cretery houi&e.' uni~; 1 bdr apt tor SJtoP. mT ..._rbor mw, 01 I #3 Fashion Jsland FACTORY Tnlnee, shill lnstt.11, Radio repair back-536.ao78 or 838-6460. WANTED: Younc a1rl to ~ ~Dtfill. ~ Faab-.etv\c!U. t;w w. Balboa fH&.Zl&) d&ib' lG;S,, Se~ ! NT~ach work. FARRO CORP. around. Al1a P.T. radio ~ BARMAID. No exper nee. ~ ~ 1~~ IA. ~ ~pptytn1::' tt-~ m ~and of!1c:t.. Salary Blvd. Balbm. 4M-5J89 ,,'., ... .,,..,,.......,,.-=---,.. Flberclus Division, 18811 pairman. 642-3490. Mu.st be 1barp, nltes. APPiy unt. ._.,.. open, ~ ""1 5 p.m. COFFEE Shop Coolc-Malt or K 1 tf G Ho ad b o • r d ; 'Pcrm~nent, full lime FtberglaS5 Rd., Hunt. lkh. CCPERIENC'F.D couple for In pcnon: Vikki'• Lou•, SEC/RECPT -.&or Dental of· CM. 8Tl-021& female. 1'QU ume shlllll bedspread: room dlvldti; -JANITOR -NIGITT P.fen needed." ·rdM motel managernient, SuMY 179% Newport. CM l ice In ColJta Meta. Exptr. HOUSEKU::PER. 'to dean P•rt Tltne" Oerlt Teller open. ~1 altOr 1 pm. 503 twlo ltrolltr. lSh ,frta bl.lie l .All company benr.fll.s, pl<'a&-Shell 2801 E Codt Hiw:cy-Acres Motel !W&-9'155 o RA FT $ A{ A N w I th pre.fl!Tl'ed. 548--$580 1mall 't bdt laltrc, one-half _ f(lr Savl!\CI ,\ Loe.rt E. ~ltr, &lli>i. $15 each, MT-6319 nt working cond's. S:30 to Cd.\1: 5 or i days. G~ • FSI'ABLISl-lED rnsuranoe • Jleerttllrial work: desired for SJJ't.E;R w>Jj,TtD for 2 da.1 per wtt~ Wut •Ntw'Pt 6'fi-60tt B&\UTY Open.tor, Ml or 3 ,PC OlCn-y·wood din. nn. , I .: -5 .p~:.~pBpLtyY lnMpeECl..,.IAn.NIC . BARBER Leads avaU, N,8 , ollloe. Occanographl~ flnn, CM. am.ilf cl!Udrtn Wlap Ir Qcb. 54'1-6229 SPECIAL MilCiJit Ol)ttittJn pare..tlme. Busy tbop. Xlnt eet. China tablnet, ~ftel, ~~ In r • ad i n 11 HwitingtOn ~8~ntown. Cal'ftr oppt. 675-GJ83 Call collect ~ ref.I. CdM area. 67S-4677 EXPERIENCE.0 tor Gtnnent Mfar. Exp. location. Cof\tessa H air table A t chain. Mab aJ. ' I .)llut(ll'tn~ &hop machlnet., •·536-3122• ASSISTANf CHEF It all· MANICUJUSTAUredo'sHalr OllLO Cal'if and l ite ~toperatprl.Ap-nt0.60--IJ66 .... , ~k>n1675-3315 fef.~7 l I t lirUI lJft!M, cutoU saw, pipe EXP£RP:NCEO atlOe' sale• a.round cook. Cqunlf')I club, Elc. mA. J.1Arine Av. BtL--boutcwodr $. 4QJ wk. 2 ,ply~ W. 18th St._. C~ DENT~J.cl;anl • Chalr HAIJU>~N I GU i~ BREAKFRONT, : po, -. thtt-J<ll,.. S.luy op,.n , rn11111 "flqulre 245 Forest top wagea. ~ l&l.6~ ~ chlldrtn968-16JJ HOUiiEKEEPE R v.·/ IMe 1fltomc.. HADl r~ N'o,'fl.9 leod i!W'"l:S50 (COii Hayv.'Ud _ f'llte: ~ 11n A\le., J...aruna Beach. While elephants! thmMi·llne J'or D&Uy Pilot Want Adi DAILY' l'It.OT WI.NT AD$ tnnglOrtation. S dtYI wk. * Kl-IHO _,It Norarch 1 Sq,-P I a 1 1.. Walnul 180\l) table ~ "11-.centl•. C.M. h ft OlaJ srn;m-ror RESULTS Dlal ~ -mtING JtESUt"TSt ary, L~-----· -sx:K-ft'-1'0-W!-·= ......... I . I r I • -. • MlltCHANDISI l'Olt MOCHANDlSI l'Olt T" 'NSPO .f! OAA.V PILOT 1'btu1da1. July 24, 1969 • ' MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION SALi ANO TllAOI SALE AND TltADI FREE 'TO YOU ~ llTATION l;;F;;";;'"~l;l•;re;;;;;;IOOO;~F~um;;ltu;re~;;;ll;•~IG~;Fu~m~;ltu~re~;;;";;°";;OO Pl•-A ~ 1130 Mlaco!I•-UGO FREE To qua!. home, lov. Boob & Yaclih 9000 Sf!!!d=Skl Bool1 9030 Molorcycln pure bred Bea&"-. malt. 19S2 Cu.stom 19~' Cab1Ji ir Bolton Whaler, 75 hp ---------# s. HER! I KING.SIZI: bod tta... $20. """' '""" )'ud and o.dtu. G!... ovu '"""· .,,,,,.,.,., CB ..... , b1c wN l'.~1:J~:L•llJ..1:a.'f.£1~~ We~Uiedonthe~lt Wooden lawn c b alr ~~ren. All ~J:f =-~3~~~ :to.~ E. ~wattr, SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE ANO TRADE 9300 -...... _ .. ---- - - - - - - -.. - - -~ ~~the Oqan ot ~= $5 b!:: m ~ S KJtterui <d Mothtt to eoOd thl& )'eat'. Jullt co~plef.ebr 1981 16' Glutron. ~ h.p, Our 6,000 ft. W1NhouM Optl! to Public Flr'lt Tl,.., ~ ala: ~~$10-n!:'i; ~:; $1S. i:xu' IU'IM carpet I:. llome. 2 .~ abd mother '!built 1!64 J~n 75 b.p: Mercury. Xlnt cond. $lf95. teach too. Be the tint in pad, woodrost color $15. 2 are help and wtdte-, very outoo.nt. Built-~ 35 pl ~==,;173';,';;;2259;;;,·=====) your fam.llY to do. IArge ffnttian ~ $10 pretty, 1&. haind, 3 fem.elet fuel tanks, all . a a t e t y _ Gould Music Com en Cedar ~ cheat S 1 o, are e&Uco. 546--1450 7124 equipment, ~e w h ee I Boat Tr alters 2Mi N. Ma.IQ, SA •~7 ~!1 ~ 3 WHITE biue eyed kittens. 2 U'aller. SI.~ fi.rm. See at I '" """"' months old, 2 male, 1 Small-Craft, ~side & 1-llGHWAY Trailer for 12' 3 Rooms Showniom Furniture O>ter $1000 vallle/$389.95 I Telo•lslon KIRBY """"""' , ••• ne r fom.i.. """tome old•• kit-Cout Hwy. Call -boat. 1100. 67W>l3 • --·--'"~--..::1;::20;:;5; 1 v.·/attach, pollaher. XLNT a.fl 6 JO t,ens ot dltft"rent colors. er ; p.m. and on Examples of 1001 other onc:e in a lifetime specials! :;.'.,:ndo1 's':°'7 ';," 1~ ~54&."621=~----'"'''P~· """'""· Marin• Equip. e 5 Pc Game Sets wrought iron from $59.95 e 8 Ft D.ec: Divan & Love RENT OR BUY over ~ts. Cttdit Dept., EXCEPTIONALLY G 0 0 d l968 Skip Jack 20. Low houn Q UART ER P.1 As TE R 9035 SPANISH --MEDITERRANEAN 9032 seat $149.95 e 60" Heavy Spanish Coffee table $29.95 e Lge Matching -COLOR TV 53>'1289 ShelUe -Collie Cl yr.l to ~. F.B. Biminl Mere Automatk pilot h.d. com· ~.st~':_ 0~ Larno tables $19.95 e Decorative Spanish Lamps from $14.95 e Guar $9 ~Up 1,VlN;::;;,Y,;;L:::;TILE:,,." • ...,L"I"n_o_,1-,-.-m-, horn!!! wflg. yd. le children. = lOO. Xtn. $6000. plete, ~teed, $350 Call 540-3653 a&k tor John Box ~prings & l\latlresses $19.95; 15 yr. Guar. Quality Kings & Queens C"'l"C'"''"'RE~IGERATORS Asphalt TUe -BeauWul col-IMalel 540-4l6S 11'JfJ l;16ii.:C,8=;.,,,=-"---=,.._=1=948====== '68 Yamaha 250 Enduro At Terrific S•vingsl Stacks & Stacks & Stacks of MlttretHI .,.~~ l'n on and patleml. Free l LONELY tiger kitten RONSON with ri.ten; 500 WASHERS OR DRYERS eatimateL Lie. c 0 n tr, 1vaitlng for new home. outboard $600. Stt at lll Boat Slip Mooring 9036 very gd. oond. SW> Bank or OPTION TO BUY 546-4478 S \v e e t d J s p o g i t i 0 n c.ecu Pl, Ct.I. ~2265 ait 6 ~2325 Credit Terms 548-9660 ~Approved· Furniture /Bern 1n l'l1~1.1\1r~.i 11\·1 ·1 !:? \r.1r ,1 Huge 6,000 1q. k . War~hav•e 11t. 54J.4539 · 9611-4397 7124 P.t.f $15. mo. U-sllp, 12· 6" by 38'. YAMAllA 60. $120 or best of. Store I Ciii:iiii'"M/1R'c;;;;;-TC;;;l1'M~::i•~·::.·.!W!:•~·::'~"~-.:16~l~O BEAUTIFUL R 0 I y-p 0 I y 'L-•• -,-n....,.lo-,s".~il~N~o-w! Up to 20' ~ .. 9 ~~t sell immediately. Charge COLOR TV l&" 3CZ'n, 2 yrs pups, ~-Lab -% German 10 hn of lns'-· .. tion• m. SLIP s ..... -..,....._.. ;,...._ -=="=-======I old. A-1 ecmd. Mov'g out of s•-p•-nt • .,.. Id ....... ......, .......... ~....., ...... • WE P •y MORE '"' '"' ' 111 0 · Selco School. ~.1A"A medialely •--'8' ~;g •uto S.-1·-1 o,_ ,., Doll, slate-must seU $1 00. ~ 494-M28 71~1.;F=o:=::::..:;~::::;~::___ wi-~ ..... "" '" .... 9400 S. l'O-J Sot'"' 67>3782 CASH I ~-------_;_;~ 114' BOAT w/trailer S12S Perm or temp. 673-1397 & Pirtt Ent.I' on Hamilton or Bernard St. I-========= EXCELLENT Watchdog, 3 good fishill& boat tor ' Hl·FI & Stereo 8210 yn. old, spa,yed, shots. To 536-6325 bay. Boat-Yacht RECENTLY rebll 4 cyl. Jeep i Behind Harbor Cir Wash 2065 Charl e St., Costa Mesa rood adult home only. Charters 9039 engine, incl. Bell housing 1' 1100 tlF_u_r_n_i1_u_r_• ___ _.;8..;000c.;.;F~u;.;r..:;n..:;ll:;u;.ro:__ ___ :;.800D;c.;:. Appllincn ~················ FRIG!DAJRE ...... U IOd . * 3 ROOM GROUP * r<frlgorato,, autom. deiro.1. 14 cu ft, $75. Many other 1969 SOLID State stereo. 4 6C2.--0679 7/~ 1!' JtHNSON Cab Crsr 50 clutch. $100 or best o1L spd, 4 speaker audio system For fumHUtt. appliances., KEESCHOND 3 yn, adults p, inrude OB, Tilt Trlt * Finest Selection, Power &. 646-1312 alt & pm 1n walnut console. Take colored TV, pl.anol, orpn1 or older children. Xlnt com-equlpt, Sl050. 847467S. ' Sail. Skipper optional, For ~.6l~F~o-nl~C~on_v_,•...,rt~lb~le-,-.-.,....,.,1 : COMPLETE new ... modela •l <ios<-oul Living Room -Bedroom -Dinette prices. Tremendous Mv· ings? See a t J{EN. $297 DERSON 'S 1877 1-1 arbor \\1eekly Payments .. \Ve Carry Our OWn Contracts Blvd., Costa Mesa M8-015S . APARTP.1ENT Hotpoint : VAN'S Discount Furniture Refrlgerat" with """' ~17 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Free P1rking $50. Mz."'369 Opon Daily 10-8 Sit 10-6 547-2412 • GENERAL ELECTRIC , •••••••••••••••• oolomatio """"'· late I . _ model, xlnt c:ond. $50. ~~-"-'"_i_tu_r_• ____ sooo= Office Equipment 8011 1 o'"-77-<115""''---~~~~-l .Late mod~! dbl-door, 2i 1\'-'D beds comp( wf mat· ' IBM Exeti.ttiv"e typewriter &: Autotypist. 12" carriage, carbon ribbon. Pract1cally brand new $1500. 540-0!52 or f r oat -tree Refrlaeraton. Xlnt cond. 644-2950 Whirl pool washu &. gas dryer. S.50 for both. • 642-9712 . over small payments or pay and antiques. PAJUon -watchdog. Male. 15' looestar f l berg ls broehlll"e call 548-llill work. $50 ot best offer. cash balance ot m~. Day or night 546-6011. 7124 runabout. 40 John90n outbrd 642-5826 Credit Dept 535-7189 636-3620 plus trlr. Sac. $400. 645-2013 MobU• Homes 9200 1---------GREY, white and b1aclc: fiuf-OODGE Engine 383 + 4i apd . NEW Sean Portable Stereo 2 ty kitten. 673-6Ei61 eves 7-26 u· NYLOX runabout, llS HP GREENLEAF PARK Compl. Call aft 6 pm. :r::::::o:n a45p•e.1d $WE BUY$ PF.TS and LIVESTOCK Tt~7s.~~Xlnt con. in dear, clean, cooJ Costa 540-5551 ;:.,.--;;::'-;--:::;~;;:.:::....,~= MH&. New 9'l spa.ce adult tactunents S45. 67S-0742 $ FURNITURE $ P•ts, Gener1I 8800 14' Boat w/trailer. 10 HP park. Models & Sales oHice ~uto Tools & Equip 9410 -Johnson. FulJ.y equlpt. $2'15. located at Parle. ()pen 9 AM C1mer11~ .. ~uip. 8300 APPLIANCES FOR SALE: n .50 each 646-3301 to6PM. CHEVY327TJrbo-Fire YASHICA CAMERA Color TVi-Pl•1101-St1r•o1 Dutch Banded Bunnies l&. CABIN Cruiser w/ 3J hp ACCENT MOBil..E engine, re-built. MU!t pull. 1 "--., "•-,_11 3 months old. 545-3138 J hnso ., HOME SALES Complete $350. H u r 11 t Newest model, Yuhinon-DX, CASH IN JO MINUTES I"==='="=="====~ I o n OBt trlr, lull)' 1750 Whittier Ave. CUstom 4-speed linkaae. 1: 1.4, F-45 mm, 1-C, Lynx e 541-4531 e Dop 1825 equip. $1050. 897~ Costa Mesa TI4: 642-1350 like new $150. 545-6054 14 E. GI Import July 20, will :---.,------I -~------'-= 17'6" Fiherglasg Amer Marc !'l!ll % price. 846-3818 Cover all n--, • I.A Co'• ALASKAN Malamutes, (sled CC 50 HP die1el &. trailer. BOATERS1 ! D 0 u b 1 e Ex· Trailer, Tr1vel ~·-~ ~ •~ ) AKC, ~-tifu1 llANI "~" ...,..., pando &C1"DS.'I from new PHOTO. ~-·jp, e••--·, ..• WANTED -pupo • ~u -· ~•u D Po ~" ....... "'= coloriJW t 1amily dogs ana int Marina. 1alust 15' SI'ARFIRE travel trlr. = =~te:r.~· FURNITURE · friendbr: ff~. eUY t~ 1!~s:<!~~~·w~tr.h~~50~·. meet management ap-Slps t, extra cupbtds. crpt, TO traJn. ~rfect show dogs. proval. 830-4965 ready to roll. Youn for Mi1c1ll1noo•-p CASK m 30 Minutes good for breeding. 642-4729 or 642:--1444 L100 Peninsula, idea I $695. 1588 San Bernardino I ,;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;•:;•;;;;;16D();;;~1 Quallty fuml~, col.or rv·.. Registered purebred, $120 ba.yfront location. Trailer Pl. CM or &12-3973 stereos, appliances, tools, up. 4~ K 73 S::•::l::lbo:::•:::f•:_ ___ ..;90~1!0 1 •--15 omee equll( ..,,_,_,..~-=-----~= w ..,.'"" cabana. New w/w ' TERRY, sleeps 5, stove, 9425 • iress. springs. framl!s &: ~aul. t.1cd. wht hcacibrds: jo!d new for $450, will sac tor SlCKl. 39"' brass tbl lamp $8. Sm brass desk ·lamp $1. ta 11•ag pads $3. Camp cot . Dbl bed mattresi; SIO. !pl desk $10. Dresser $12. 531-1212 Novke training class 9tar1. 11' Thistle Sloop, All racing crpl. Stove & refrigerator. icebox, good cond. 548-6066. 1022 AntiquH 8 Ing Aug 51h. Dog training gear plus trlr. XJ..nt cond, Asking $91Xll 646-2516 2234 Pacttk:, C.M. Gcc•::r:;1!.g1:..:S:.1l::1c_ _ _;:::= 110 FRIDAY WANT 'ro buy power edgt=r show ring&: obedience. Alli> MUST SELL. $675 or best 65 Ban Amer. 12 x 57, 2 EXP 3-PIECE walnut Jlving room. Larry Morgin Antlqu.s * 7:30 PM and power mower (reel private lessons available, ofr. Set al 2608 Aurora No. 13/4 BA Enc. porch, awn-Trailers, Utlllty 540-TI62 *AUCTION* 94SO tables $lS. 2 lam,,. •1c: 6, Would you btllevef Dozen JULY 25th lype), Must 'be in good con-Martlncrm: Kennels 2, SA. lE. off Fairview. 1,~ ings, shed. Adult PK in SA. ....., Bedroom sets, Divans, dltlon and rea sonably ** 546-0089 ** mi, North of San Diego Likenu $7750.S41-0696 TENT Trailer. 1 wheel EZ MOVING THIS gtt!(!n couch, good con-roll top de.Ilks, rd oak tables, Cheats, Dinettes, Desks, priced. Phone 6#-4687 ,. ) 10,v. Full size mattress. ' •-··1· •-tch d •hlos cabtno•· --•·--GERMAN ••--~n1,, 6 reewy g,40 9,·11more 2 BR. , .. ,, bu. 2-3178 WEEK WILL ....... 10n. ;JU.I 1uar .. ...., -.... re .... ;r•, Commode11.' Cofftt tablet, WANTED: 1 or 2 year old """'..,...... G;o;L;ii""''-;,~-~---... Lockup storage. Ext r a s • cover $15 Set of golf club Eur. Armolres, bnus beds, Lamps, PicturH, Mattress-w•.-ul:"D .. DRYER . weeks. Beautilul ch amp EN L 15'. cxcr:Ilent con-Cpts. drps. Furn or unlurn. Sl.35. 540-1375 SACRIFICE covers S5 and SlD Set of 300 clocks It much more. f's Pool table Stereos 'IV's n.xu:.n."" in ex-llnr. Black&: silver, black&: dition, a genuine barraln at Lovl!ly Palm Sprgs Pk. I ~=-'--~-~~~•I 1 t.11'65 McGregor golf clubs \Vholesale & retail. 2428 New. c;ncord t a'p e .re~er: cellent cond. C.all 642-4116 _ tan. $60. AKC registered. $495! Sloop rigged, dacron Refrlg. A/C. $2i00. 96Z-694I) 8xl4' car carTier trailer, tilt •~nns. top cond. modem SSO. Set of 3 wood 1 port Blvd., C.OSt.a Mesa. Trunks, Foot lockers, Re-WANTED: OLD TOY Call 83S-0312 sails, fiberglassed. stainll'ss ANGEL Trailer on beautiful !_7;1~ve on. $U'.I. 646-46!9, ., appliances. 21282 Bre-~lcGregor full set irons, ;548-=7383===--===== frigeralon, Stoves, Washers TRAINS. MALE Gennan ~herd !~~J:igging with I.railer. space, Penn. New S yr lease, =========I Lane. !Seabury Homes). \Valter Hagen older model, 1 · &: MUCH MORE! * Phone 642-0382 * puppy, AKC re&'· 10 wn ~ with bay view. Si:Xlll. 6T:Hi383 9500 • e Furniture e bot in good wpe, Just"""' i·S.'--w-lng.:...Ma.;.;_<;:ch::.:l""=...:1.:.12::0 COME BROWSE AROUND Blaok & tan.,..._ 27' SOLING & 6T><l972 ;..T;.;ru;;c.k::.:•:_ ___ .:.;;..:.:1 'ppliann1 e Color TV "'w "'" $50 Pb i loo 'WINDY'S AU'PIION Machinorv, etc. 1700 '62 DODGE • refrigerator, cll!tln w i 1 h 1969 SINGER touc:h-o-matic, iLf .;.(.. WEIMARANER -Retriever Immediate Delivery 41' MOBILE home. cabana. 2 : AOK AUCTION 6l'parale J r e e z er com· z.ig zag, button hole1, sews HEAVY-duty roto-tiller. 3 puppies s wks old, SCllOCK BOATS Br. Bay view. Lido Parl<. 'T122 Garden Grove Blvd, tm on buttons, blind hema. 2015~ N--rt Blvd. s........,· forward, 1 ,.. .. ..,.. * ~ * N--,.. * .,.,.. _,,,, $6000. 673-2319 r;estm.lnster nr G.G. Frwy p:u en!. runs good $3S. S3U8 or $ll& mo. 52S-6616 Behi· .. r--~-~Bld M ·•-~ OOCKA ·-~· o•~·~ 3133 Sharon Lane. 546-4145 ,,... ""'.Ta g, at~. Excellent condition. For --POO puppies, one 11' Oa.y Sailer. Complc>te es It. Tht11' 7 P~t-Sal 6:30 SINGER ~-·" h'~ Costa Mesa * . .,..., ""'°" sale,_..__._•---·t t•----• I -•-Bia k ~state consgnmt. Repo. New * GARAGE SALE * ,,.., ... ng mac ""'' ~ .,. u~...,. ........ u1u.. ,._.e. one emcuc. c equipmeDI, Includes onshore f El ,_ ·1e '--·-_, Walnut cabinet. Perfect OPEN DAILY 9 'to 4 lawnmower, po.....er cd.rer w/sUver markings. 531-5189 Balboa · Island moo•ing. F.UflLY Vacation Cruiser J B Relocation. 10' sofa. 2 cc. '.T""wn r, '"""'" ... g. ndlto .$1.16 548-8034 "l::==: Pri ve ll!all (gold velvcll. 8 , Port. T.V., '61 Fon:I, desk & co n. · iii ~""";;';;';',;',;64ZSC~;;;88~==::; f MINIATURE poodle pup. oe now reduced. 548-3331 from school bus. Completely Motor Hornet. 9215 PICK-UP (H-43732) $795 ATLAS i tereo. end tabl~s. lamps, bureau, file drawers, boards Mutlcil Inst. 8125 CLOSE-OUT SALE! -pies. 2 males, 2 females. 17' U'Day Daysailer equipped. $3995 or interest in tool tbl. hide-a-bed. &bricks,briefcase.Booka&: FREE TO YOU 833-1093 Demo$1750 -Used$1.350 airplane, bOll1. or real ~393 mlscl ilem11, Thurs only, BUNDY Oboe, comervatory "'-N POODLE Puppies AK C 14' O'Day used , ....... $500 estate in lrade. 54:)..J169 CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH J-5. 351 Calalina Dr, N.B. system $l!iO ~uv amea at Wholesale ND Gd home for SCAMP. Sassafnu;s Ownpion stock. Fun Zone Boat c.o. Balboa Ted. 2979 HARBOR BLVD. ' Braided rug $15. Table 64f>-lOlS 548-Tll'r Set/26th 9:l0 • 5:30 Sm brd male Eng, &st S45-?246 FOLDING, l.3' c 0 mp. COSTA MESA 540-1934 4 chairs $35. Giraffe j ,Tl,;V;;;fci;N=;,Be-d,-,•---,-· --1 ,,.~=°"":.,,::::.:...___ WILD FLOWER mixed dog. 2 )TB. Loves ---------I w/sall• &: trlr. Use w/ob 18 ,,E:.:l.::•:.:<l:;•i.::<..;C:.:•::.•:.• __ .:,92:.:5:;0, --'°""=":..D::;•:.:ilocy~·u:.:1..:l:::O.!P.::·m:::._1 othes stand $8. l 9 o 9 ... spnngs, no 11 STRING Bruno Ventura ch 11 d , Ha d • h 0 t 1 . Cock·A·Poo puppies 1 · • · f ederal, Cflf matiniss; 2 book shelvet; Guititr. good tone. $60. 2150 Me11 Varde Dr. 846-381.8 7126 2 monthli, adorable! hp , S95D + new, best olr, AUTOETI'E, coverd, battery * SCOUTS * couch. gd. cond, no cusb; 518--0923 Coste Mesa 540-3575 ,;5.1;c1:..·™"::;::._--~-~-charger incl. Good cond. Largest selection ol new & 1*:AUTU1.JL Meditrrnncan chalr; beet fry; l rug 9x12; 120 Spa [~~ ....... ~..,..,..,..,,.[HAVE One mille~loed kit-20' Catamaran fiberglass Write Dally Pilot Box M-335 · used Scouts in Org. County. ~lnlng scl ln walnut & r.hair Xlnt cond, nylon « 13 accordion, Uke 21'' ADMIRAL C.Olor TV ten left. Extra cute with THOROUGHBREDS c 0 t ch mold. Estimated v a I u e All with 4 1vhl drtve &: 4 +eneer. 6 mo old, sacrifice covl!r. 2205 C Canyon Dr, ;::~· 18 Watson,, CM C.Onsole like new $%!0 their 6-toed fttL Haw shots Terrier with papen. Male $1000. Sell $800 or best olfer. Mini Bikes 9275 cyl, 6 cyl, & V8. 3 spd1, 4 S195. 968-1797 C~1. OU Victoria betw.1-=========oo I While ;1g zag sewing Mach & will deliver. 49f.3838 atter SlOO. 7l4-1Jt-0450 Call Chm att 6, ~9"-318.l spds & auto. You name I! DOUBLE Bed, mat-.~P"lai;re;o:n='Lia==·C:&""'Broo=::kh::un:::t_,~j Pl1nos & Organs 8130 w/attchmtl, 2 )Tl old $60. & pm 7JZ UTI'LE Girl needs a toy FLYING JR. -Ready lor '68 HONDA ~Hni Street Like ll'l' ha1·e it. 1 Aristocral ~ss/sprinp, dresser• LEAVING State must sell! Call 847-6668. PURE White cat, 1 blue eye, poodle lo replace the ooe college racing! $700. Will New $165. Call 673-7267 after avail !or immed delivery. bresslng tAble: maple finish Couch & chair $25, coffee tbl 6 WEEKS * $12 POOL TABLE.S -Best deal! 1 green eye, pregnant. she lost Call !J62...3547 trade for Kite in equal aind. 5:30. Low prices, auth dlr 1H. $40/all. 675-4428 $10, end tables &. lampe, all Organ clau leuoru: for be--New warebour.e stock _ Needs foster home or will Gf;,....6675 l<ustom Motors, 845 Baker z; PIECE /iectlonal. Early for $2J or separate. Refrig ginnen. Starting Tuesday quality slate. 100% finan-be put to death . HorMS 8130 -..=:;"",...,,..-,-,,=,.--Mc:;:•.:;l•:;'.::'.!.Y<:;l::•:.• __ _:9~3::;:00 St .. CM. 54().5915. >.metican. fair, $20 l786 $25. Sm desk $5. Stufilo bed July 29 at 7 PM. Practice cing. 545-1715 aft 5 or Sat. 836-4493 7/Ji MUST Sell Slim. Part Thoro, Cel Cot $400 HONDA 250. good running '56 Ford VS, custom cab, Pt'estminster, No. C, CM. S5-548-2454 organs avaUable, Join the UNUSUAL ifandmade, one 4 Kittens. Part-S1'm.eae. 2 hunter, jumper, Bay 846-1681 cond, cheap. $175 or best of· l\T&p around windows . t-J&-4683 t.IISC Living nn furniture. fun! REGHAMMISTER NOW! of a kind m.aMlve Spanish males, 2 feomal~s. 1 All Gelding, 16.1 H. Xlnt cond, 9 SN=o==~~~~-= fer. 8-12-6469, 9-12 am. Cll!an. t?-16-8039 if (hair; drapes; bridge Twin beds. ~Uni-bike. Many In CORONA g~~ MAR coffee table. 642-4689 aft 4 blaclt, others black" white. yrs. Exp'd rlder prcl. Bfr 9 WEIRD, fg hull, No. 420· '67 BSA semi-chopter, ~ * SHELLS * '3mp; round table, 4 fuld !ng other items. 2ii78 Qub Mesa 2854 E, Coast Hwy 673-8930 PM" 545-05!9 7124 am or a!! 6 pm. 673-2445 :~: ~~l~pper Dinghy condition. Best offer days Slightly damage'dlcheap. thairs: mirror $10 each. Dr. Fra--LIM Clos-•! WANT To buy (home) bar. l .IRISH Setterff'oodle P•Jp-GENTLE but spirited horse 546-2400 eves 645-1361 839-1800 Thefactor)'huorderedclose be rca90nable. Phon• wb. old. 646-8091 7/26 after 4p.m.644-0439 incl.head&:awc.pwr.$2995. '68 BS.A 650 CC. Red & ~7-6319 1''RIDAY & Sa!urday. Elect ,_, .,.._ ~round or L .shaped. Must pies, Free to good home S w/tack & st&ll, Call Donna CAL 20 No. 593. Fully equip. '52 Dodge, 1~) T w/util bed. IB & mat1reu, carriage, F.dger $10. Baby furn. $1-5. out of 4 Con&ole & 2 Spinet 536-4582. 962-8991 chrome p e r f e c I cond. Value of bed $2000. lat $800 4troller comb, Changing tbl. Dishes &. housewares 25c-$4. Pianos on a cost-plus basts. 644-t&gl KITI'ENS 2% mos ex-HORSE ColTl..ls with shelter $875. * 536-8910 lakes. 543-6366 "' tdM 644~ 1318 waison, CM ~5547 Never again piano bil.JJ"ains NEWPORT Beach Tennis ceptionaily loveable>,' wlll !or rent. $15/mo 540-9613 28' Cat Choy dcsn. Enscnada "-"====~==== Membership •"Ot1 . ...._ _ _.,... deliver, 494-.3993 7/26 Npt •-•n• &. Palisades Vet. 3 yn new. Race. qRANGE recliner chair & GARAGE Sale Fri & Sat like lhffe! First come -Jirsl ~ .,...,,.,...... .. .... .T cruise. Sacr $4950. 893-1019 fttom11.n Sl.'1. 2 bar stools $5 Dinette, couch, misc. 3112 served. rec included. 6 4 2-3 3 6 5 BEAUTIFUL Slamese male 8 Yr. old Pinto male, genUe ~ach.1909 Federal, CM Roosevelt Way, C.~1. WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 646-9631 cat to good home with no but 11pirllcd, 15.1,, $250. Aft 22' 6" PEARSON Ensign. 54~ 1819 Newport. C.M. 642-8484 CARPET children. 642--6206 7(16 6:30 pm MQ..5086 $2,500. Complete with watts, qANISH modem couch Light I==~~~~~~-sails & outbrd. 548-3331 treen. GOOD condition. $35. TIIURS-Fri, 201B Thalarope, HAMMOND• Steinway. Ya· Shags, tweeds, hi-lo pile. All FREE; Darlllli belie bun-TRANSPORTATION t4-;,..o519 (Republlc Homes) c M, mah& • new & used pianos colors. Free eat. Lk Contr. nle1 with lood to good home. 13' Sailboat. fiberlas w/19" rc Bargains for $1! ~ of all makea. Be1t bU)'I tn 546-4478. 60-3929 7/Z Boats & Y1chb 9000 ma.st. Finl $DI. takes. 1 ONOURAS hlahog drsk $75, So ~"t ~-ht he-SACRIFICE N "-h 54J.<366=:cc.:..· ~~----~esk ~. trunk $10. 2014 "c.~-!DT~ MUSJ"'c· CO -ewport ..,.,. l MOS. icmale tabby r.allco al' D.:iry, decked, cuddy, = tied 1 Fur niture Auction 8025 ...,.......... ·• Tennis Cub membership. kitten 646-73(9 Aft. s p.m. SAILBOAT, 11 ft. with sails, , ;,c.,c""c.,c·:..C::c>:.:1:... :.548-<955::...:=--I - -1907 N. Main. Sa S u.-. B 1 motor well, fiberilassed. 2 cover and trailer, 11.25. •'. filENTAL Rug, 9 x 12 e Fumihire e Sanl& Ana ~ -;,_;,-..s•;r ut er 7-26 motors, 1 new trolling, * 67:>-IT76 • Sarouk good t -.-... -Kl'M'ENS, aU types I< aU covers Dry flush he d ier tak~. 837-~r;:· Best of-App i1nc1s e Color TV llAMMOND (;2 beautiful RECONDITIONED Typewrit· colon to good ho m e s • trailer: stay aboard. ~ AOK AUCTION \valnul Separate gpeakiu ers, electric, standard&: por-8J6-4493 7/~ safe. In water. Nwpt lease, dfflce Furniture 8010 77'n Garden Grove Blvd. cclabnta. Fine lor churd!., l&ble. 25~ Elden Ave., ea.it.a OOFA Need ...... 1 t ri Under $1000. 64~1103 eves. LIDO 14, Dacron sailil, gd. cond. S750. Daya: 835--0llS, eves: 613-5964 -!---------'-'-' 'Westminster nr. G.G. Frwy. ub or home. $1495 or oUer. Mesa. • s Utn ..... s e ng. CENTERBOARD bo 1 • O M p U T E R Div'-\"" Tuea A: Thun 7 PM&t 6: 30 f\1ay take small srand tn f601 Operetta, Huntington FIBERGLASS SUpp!y cent~ .1 Sa t with "'""'' ""·tale .......,.,,..runt R N trade ~ ........, WANTED 0 RI ENT AL Beach 7/Zi oow in CM-NB are a. saL s &: gear, Xlnt cond. is po g es of modern r..i> ~-epo. ew · u•....-.-.. THROW $195 ~7312 S RTO crtA 1:._, R UGS Pv. pey. FREE to good home Porn· Evtrythin& for )'OUk' boat. '"".:.·..:_::,..:::::_ ___ _ ~cDov.'Cll &: Craig steel Appllan-8100 ILVE NE ()rpn with _...,,,,,_ surfbo&rd, car or home. 12' Al.CORT Sa i If is h, ll etks, chairs, files, tables, .. _ chords I pedals. Very little Peke puppies. 6 wla:. old. Boa • \". use. Orig $395. Sacrllitoe! GO-KART .$100. Mini-Bike MS-1868 7125 t resln special now only mahogany, newly 1inishcd. ... NORGE Washer $50. 1 year $150. Both good condition. $3.95 pl retail. Wind an' $%19. 642-5123 .: McMAHAN'S old GE. Dryer S55. Both in ..:1.:.175.:c·..,ca=jui,sij43~4~903~---\..,,..,.,~~~~~-Sl'IORT·baired pupptes 2 Se 1737 s · 1..:;o;;:.;c;~~~~~~I pcrf working cond. 644-0096 WANTED LI 8-4086 males, one fem• I e. a, uperior, C.M. 30' T1hiti Kitch $2,200 772-8450 SPINETS & GRANDS GA H OFFSET PrintlDa 642-7001 l-'6 642-1'07 SAC. AS IS 66> So SI. Malo, LADY KENMORE automatic .,_ ._,,. (dl1COun1onorder200 &: O"Verl l----,=,,.----'67 GW\.SITT'AR Ci t ation, W. Covina 1213) 795.0569 eve ~1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., In washer, late model, xlnt ~ 177 11 RI d NB SOFA Inboard tboard •~ M • 1 · venl e, 642-091n 546-7515 -OU • ....., ere. P-Cat No. 32 on trailer t AnalK' m {along!ldl' SA cond. $115. 8C'l'-8ll5 CHASE Upright Good CHAIRS ll-$4 bed S.1.$ Cruiser with power jet & CLEAN, SAILS GOOD ! Freeway at Kat ctla) DON"fJUST """""".Jlo•---condition. M,.........,_., • •paint-7/15 .............. trim Full :L: n......a ........... ll75 * c...:'::!:'.., lngs SS • $25, c.trftpes $7, . ..... .. ~. · o:wtr. S2XX> 494-SOlf ~UO Oak desk, <12'' wide, thine to tumlsh :your bome 1 ____ , __ ~ __ ,, __ tables $2--$!5. 4gs..23M 4 LI'ITLE kittens, 7 wks. 2 Ready to eajoy, Allf'=========; E1 7 ·• ~!;lock & 2 keys. $45. • •• find creat buys In to-PIANO WANTED ~fOVING .,_, Fu calico, 2 yellow. MfF. ma.lnt~nan~ records. l Power Cruisers -~ day'1 mss1fted Ads. (213) -1035 -p .. -. .,...e-rnlture -548-tiSOt 7·"" owner. KI 6-4444 '-f'====-====~==;:;=;::::;:,;=.,===~=·="·:;:;•:;,n~-~v-1 small boat w/oani, MJac:. ~l,-,,..-,==~--'-----1 1' items. * 54.9-:1896 AFFECTIONATE Grt'y &: 34' CHRIS Ctatt trl<abln, * 27' s p 0 RT r Is HER umlture 8000 Fumlture IOOOFumltur. -c=,--~-,..~=-1 \\'hlie kitten. RTftn eyes. stateroom, bedroom & $5850 * Antique wall clock $15 Femal~ 6'15-59S3 71z galley (lying bridge. auto Flybridgt" comp. eqp'd ~11.dy Grandfather clock $175 pilot, wfw carpeting. Prle-to go any.vherc. This boat 842-1359 PURE Slan1ese kHlens & c:-cl lor Immediate sale has everything! For more FUR CO eats. Free to rood home. ..,, ........ ,,..,. ~,,_ ~ info phone 673--582'l or AT -Sea!. ill 10. MS...'1234 7/Z[J """""'·'"·•-•.;Hu or v•.r23SS Xlnt for Eostem bound lad)'j;;';;,,;;::.:...,-,..,.,,.,-.,--= 19' GLAST'RON, 2%1 cu in. j z:=;:.;::;::;,,,==----1 good oo.'111. $170. 837-74!M 2 Kllleru;, housebroken completei;; overhauled. new 28' TS CRUJSON. V-drives: BATTERIES 6 V U.95 ell. 12 &'5-ZU top £. lull cowr. 2 live-b&it SIS taftk&. SACRlnCE! ' SPANISH MEDITIRRANEAN As Shown In Model Homes HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES ON DISl'Ul THE All MEW DODGE "EXPLORER" ltl14"t.llt'll •II~ 1fr tell!· tltlllc, fllU ... 1'11A ""•· lite .. , •• ..,. •!Pl. ALL 111(1. JI fODt, 7J JOOl, ,. ,OOf. t YIA~I ,INiloNC· 1111 All 11.PPllOYlO CJl[tll, J_eeps 9510 '47 JEEP. Very gd cond. Many l!Xlras. Private party. 962-4193 C1mper1 9520 CAMPER Sales -Rentals /\uthorized OeOller Elrlorado -Four Winds Scol!lman . Barracuda 8' Cibover Low M Si"!l!l J\Tod!.'! # C'll Theodore ROBINS FORD 2.060 ll11rhr•t Blvd. Costa 1\lr511 642-0010 '68 ~-oHDf~ij11:r, ~l T P/U. VS. auto. R&H. 11.000 ml, 1••ith '68 9' 4-\\ irld labover Carnper. S4,30Ci. ~2443 '69 V\V Can1pt'r. deluxe pop.top, St-st orr uver $3100. Eves 54.._i.7938 '69 \'\V Ca n1pcr. deluxe poir-top. Bcf1 oft• O\'el' $3100. E\·r~ 54g. T9:!.'l ----'Gj 1-'on:I ~n1per. Sips 6, a.lmosl ll('W, 11,000 mi, fully f!qp'd. $2300. ~ Whit 1n ewcltfn9 sc1nal Your hom• can come elive with cur 9lamorou1 ~1c:or1tor-c:orref1t.d pack1g•I l ivin9 room includ•1: Lvxurioul Sof1 and Love S•at in qullt.d floral fabrics. l Sp.tni1h 01lr T1bl11, 2 di1tin- 9ui1h•d Conqui1t1dor Tebl1-L1mp1. ''H1ci1nd1'1 B1droom: Sp1ni1h Tripi• Ore11er with Fr•m.d Mitror, Kin9·1ize He•dbo1rd, 2 Commod11. 5-Pc:. Wrou9ht Iron Di!Mffe Set, Sp1nish Oak heu9on fod. Must be seen to b1 truly appreci1tN • • , a.o come in iod1y! Price elsewhert V SS.95 o, IWlf· 18 mo. Pa.y ;-;==-.,,,=-=-'';:'""::I 11acka, A·l cond. 6tl-69ll or ~2854 fl.4().old batt. 540-9990 3 MALE pupptes 6Hi wks. $2825 675-65:95 • NEWPORT TENNIS CLUB Small. mixf"d breed. Good 19' LYMAN inboard, UO hp, Spftd-Ski Bo1f1 9030 Mobile Homes 9200 Mobile Homes 9200 RENT·A·SHE~L~L PAM-TOP 839-1800 1010 So. llerbor, Santa Ana THE QUlCKER YOU CALL, •• $195.00. • RAND NIW JllCl.AL S.t.ll e C.11 M ,_,.__. i.~ ...... i..., c-1" .. l_ Family Mernbenhlp •""" for kids 548-6934 1/%J 6 eyl, Gray r.1arine. Exet:I. I ir:~;~~~=:;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 _ MUsr SeW Leavlna for plui transfer fee. 64-f...:Dl5 2 CtJNNING f\:IUtns to Jov-mnd. SlS-7895 John or i;o.. ........... 19' J~t Drive s......i BAY HARBOR •01 CO . Ing 1.,m•. t ...., I 546-00'10 uk f0< D l < k -boa-,~·-h ~~ ~llE ALES MB. Rettig-hot plate $211. caramel. 54S-Sll$ •7124 · w• p. seats I Re.frig $20. Ga!! s~ $lb. ~""'~°""':....:.:;::.__....;.:.:.:1 ~""-'-,,"clwt\='.,,::,,P·=-~--·I cove.rtd engi~. Fire enctne Clearance I Che!1t1 ~SXI. 4gs..2334 4 KI'IiENS, mixed, tall Ii. 31' CRUIZEON, Ch r y s, Red w/ chrome. Just e El.EX!. Golf Carl, E-Z-CO. tailci;s. 842-MSrS 11'15 P.1artne He.ml, re 4 b11 . purcha&ed for $500). Beil 011 All Dhplcrr Modol1 21,. Ckete freM $439 • good rondiUon, cleAn. 1-8 wk old housebroken kll· Carpentn"1 special $4000. offer over $3900, Includes All Sllft 12' hi J4' WhM Rras., make oUur 673-3883 ten. 642-3374 after 6 pmT/251,,.S4th,.c.,llH6""'=~-----full canvu coVt:n &. big ~-----INCLUDING------19' AJOLDED fbr&:I.$ 75 h trailer. Clll ~. Dovtr •OLLAWAT MIT fA IJYllW PRUTIGI llOSPITA.L Bed, complete.I)' 2 f'LUFFY Kllti!ns need Electra ti Joh • lulJ.v Shores, NB. for appl. to Ille CASA lOMA IAY HA••o• HOMml oa w ..... ltni ST, adjustable $50. home. Ca.II 673--1071 7/26 'd, ~:SS~ ~n hi CASITAS CORHILL Cl\.lllrrt' IAITA MA ~1 "'"~ """ * ~ * t 1xl'' Pla_rhoti•. YoU Nul. wliTm To rent: Bay l!i~. °"SK""•~u1~1•r"'10,_,.h-.~,~ •• ~ .... --. SHERATON MAH PASHION MA.Noa SAHARA n_., iiirUi5illi_t~ r•7 A789 w,"!'o!''~,Gown. wll, lire BA-BY _:,11-,:' pm CT/261 !loo~ min. u· Ip ........ tUl ldr. ~ -· 1425 BA R ST •• COSTA MESA t .. ~r:.:-::::;•11111:::_ __ _:=:=~~:;.~.?:;~~~.!t.,-'.:""''.:~"":_'._'!:__,l ll~ · _., ..... """ • mattrta a I dltion, ~ it Au r u at --==,;-:::,;;'-"'-==--VJ llecl .. , of H111rtio.-'" ..,_ "' ... • ~o.,.'i1'\.. . • w,,..,~ . _ -~ _ "f. m .IV'llPt. •• _ _,-=·-=·-~..:..o~-="""'=c:.::="'==-'="'::.:"i• ~·c.:::......:_.:.• -'"-'·'-"~~t.\!..:~!!tfl!!'~t•~lJl.!!!_,l.!"'~·~·-~.....,~~.!1--- • ' J~rlll k , • j\ Ill p L1 I I --- IMMEDIATE DEUVERY CALIFORNIA SPORTS CARS 901 E. 1st St., Santa An 542-8801 ~··' . ~ .....__.__ __ ..__'fJ.!!D.• (ltL~OM ~--=----t,; :'"° _..:;-o .. 71.c .;_-:-t . • • . - • • I I! • " • • • • . ' , . • I • ' t~ I ·1 I I • . ..,. •= • • --.~ .---._,.. -• -. ' ' . ti .. • l ! < < • • • • • • • • • • • '· • • \· l \ •. :.r - 0 • • • • • 0 '•. • •• . " , • OUlt .HJCI 49 ~ ... YD. 0 • • • • -- " ·-' • • • I ' . '· ··-··---. f" ' a '•