HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' il , • • • • ~ Hippie High Priest Leary • , . ' ~ In ·neath Of ~ Teen-age Laguna Girl • . .. • DAILY PILOT Fetus • • ·-~ ·~ ·- • ·~ -.. ~7· Paintings Bring * * * 10' * * * Growing Festival .SATURDAY,:JUP'. 26, 1969 VOL. U. No. 11L'4 SICTIOttS." PAJIS H~gL -' ' ' _, . ..., ,I ' • T' and ;D.ry·,. ' Dr. Cear y: Arrested in :: I • • I . . Girl's Death · Hiw'e high priest Timoothy Leary is l'tee today after having been arrested Friday afternoon and booked for conlrl- l:luUng •• to, the. deliquency ·of a ·mhior in coMection Ji,i.th the death of a 17-year-old I.aguna Beach girl on hU! Hemet com- mu)le-r~ch. As aix plainclothes detectives led the LSD advocate off the parking lot of the Los Angeles Free Press he declared "l ~ave cootributed to Lhe dellquency of ov- er 30 million young people." 'Leary, a frequent visitor to Laguna Beach, faces arralgnment Thursday on the misdemeanor charge. The arrest was !parted by tl'le disclosure· that Charlene Almeida· was under the influence. of LSD '(hen she drowned in the 30-foot-deep pool in a creek running through-Out bis moun- tain ranch July 14. The officers arrested him Friday be· fore he coold addre6s report'ers in ihc parking lot .rJ. Jhe underground newspap- eri-~ Leary w~ fr.eed later .in the,day·afij!r posting' ~'ba il on the misdemeanor charge. ''I wanted a cruince lo talk to the people of California," he shouted as he was lead awiy in handcuffs. ''I'm absolutely inno-cent." . He arrived at the press conference with hi.s1wife, Rosemary, 33. who was io have read a prepared statement dealing with 1 the. .drowning and the seizure Thursday ,)'t·hx ;jiherilf's deputies of a quantity of : · riridliuana Mj several suspects at the ,,. •. ,rand!. . !?~' , SQe declined to deliver the statement, ';~•· bOW't;ver, because of the way her husband • , :· r · was" treated by police. she said. Crew ·mt!mbei' Yvtf{te Crawford' testS"~)ooting~'~ d l\Mt~cligan~ · · Sh.e c~arg~ that the w~rran~. Issued ''e t Ila shin of'Ballroa'·lsland ·"""""11.•·~'""'~iat•'SOOioty.: Hy. a.,R1ven1de court e,arher th" week, a~~ .. mg .< ••. • ~"" 'dr f ·.;;:;:t-..,,..,! ·'-"""·"N •as•a ghoulish-thing.' F~.vesielus.1n ,dry.u!>C.~:• ; "!'• wung)pn~" o:~-ewpor.t · ''Tl1ey'r<'tryiilg to make political capl· Hatbor' Cha~ter -Boat.tParade Aug. 23. Ancient members of so-ta! out~ a YoWl& girl's death. We loved ciety hope to have their boat back in the water .in time to lead col· her very much," she said. orful flotilla. She described the victim, who had been swimming in lhe nude when she drowned, a& ''a young and a beautiful girl." Festival Caught in--Flap ' . ' ~fiss Almeida . whose Laguna address ~·as not immedaitely known, had been staying on the ranch for 10 daya. Leary, his wife, and his "ton John, 19, are u~ jury indictment in on clitrges of _.,.ing =ane.. t case stemmed from a Christmas eve arrest Jast year·ln Laguna Beech', . I Nixon · Knows the Feelin·j . . . .. -·" . -Kennedy TV Plea Recalk '52 Checkers 'Appeal '· -.. , . . - W AS$NG*1N (UPt) -Somewhere· had to con!end with In the presidential sluoh linid. p,.'bk._.faiDooir"111iecloo over ti. PICTuc Richard M., Nixon's campaign o! 1952 are marUd u much en" soeecb. The ~w11·an OUJpOUr. lhougtlLI 1'.Jlust: have raced back 17· y,ears by dilference as by parallel. Ing o( sentlrMnt ,that asaurft. hiin hts "'~he learned ol Sen. Edward !if· .Ken-Nixon's crisis dealt with money and niche u the GOP'• vic»p(tSldeilUal can- riedy s agonizing. CT!s1s ol comcience when he was challengtd be, refused lo pull dldate with Dwight D •• ~~ shared with the A'mer1can public. out of the vice presfdenUal race because Kenned~ a~dy }\as' !.'Cflved an. lndf. No other person, iD private life or pui> "I'm oot a quitter." cattoo that hi rAfJ' &e m fer-~ amt lie, ~ave Nlson could fVen guess at the . K~y:s tragedy-Oealt·wlth a Jtuman type ol emotlpoil_~! .... ~1. anguish, or torment t,hii Kennedy laced ·11fe and lns resP90Se WM unwillingness from h_ia coJ~.s:Jn:ctJM:,~t-,,... : When he told a I)llionwide 'televbion audf. to decide whether he1 should continue as Senate Democratic leader Mike Maas. enc9 !()Ole o£_ the details. or'hb tragedy. a senator or to . withdraw · from public field~ an old friend and 'mentor. has Uk;. A ZS.year.old girl drowned ooe .week ago life. ed him tO return. to the.Senate as aailt;· when the car Kennedy wu diiving plung~ Both Nixon and Kennedy went on na-tant majority leader be<:ause "he.bu lfl1. ed off a Martha's Vineyard wooden tional television, not only to plead their confidence." 1 • bridge. cases but to setk the iupport of their And Sen. George D. Alken of Vermoi)t; 'But the C1)1'l(rasts In the crisis which el~rates. the Senate's senior Republican, said Ktf faced Kennedy and the one which Nl1on Nixon, charged with wing an $18,000 (Ste CBECXER.S, Pqe J) Opinions Sharply Split Kennedy Fate Balanee • • Ill ' . : . '' HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) -Sen. Edward M· Kennedy has put his fabled political future on the line before a di· vided public after a pretty secretary's death that Je(t haunting questions still un answered today. Kennedy announced Friday night he may resign from the U.S. Senate if Mas- sachusetts voters have lost confidence in him becawie of the car accident whi,ch killed his young blonde passenger on a lonely island road a week ago. The first swelling tide of telegrams and telephone calls in his home state _ran strongly in support of the senator. But acroas the nation, the doubts llncered. '!l 1still.,trtJ.st him! But''I ·don't:ihink a· * * * Joan Kennedy Expecting Child BOSTON. (AP) -Mn. Joan Kennedy, ·the .32-year-old wJte of Sen. Ed"'ard M. Kennedy, ls expecting her fourth child in February, the Boston Herald Tr1veler rtpOCted !Oday. lot of Poopte do,'' sald a college student ·across a channel .from the island lo · the in Pittsburgh. village where be had been st.a)'in;, The senator addressed his possihillty This was the first eiplan•Uon of: how· of resignation to Massachusetts voters KeMed}! got ol'f the island Jn. the Jline only, asking their advice on whether he hours between lhe accident and the time should stay in office· But there was no he walked into the police station in Ed-- doubt that. he was being judged also by gartown to report the death. And the the people of the nation, and his future swim seemed to raise mcre new q..e. hung· in the balance. tions instead ol quieting old ones· Jn Massachusetts, the support swelled.. Kennedy appeared on natiooaltelevts.. Switchboards· ·al newsP,apers and teJe-!dn on the same day be pleaded·guilty vision stations were deluged. ·The small 1n court to 1e.aving the ane of an accl-: Western Union office at oearby Hyannis dent. A lwo-mon&:h set1tence was SUS. was swamped. In Boston, an editor said, pended and he was P~ on probatiort · ''They're calling by the millions. They're for one year. aid' . faflur ~~ .. I t1 .•;,. overw~lmingly 1 in .fayl?r .. o()µlll' ~!a>?Pa," i . '111e~~~~~)' wak'~'t!tt.f. • ffoweftP, · ·Af -.'1ialttmore, Md., the ,eo •. .,..,..,~ ... v -P switchboard at a television staUon count · ,~ n...a:.t.1'u"£.1U .. are ti cd its calls 38-4 in favor of Kennedy's resignation. Kennedy, In an unprecedented nation- al television appearance, said there is "no truth whatever" to ugly rumors of immoral conduct I.hat shadow lbe acci- dent. "Nor was I driving under the in· nuence of liquor," he added· Aut nowhere in his speech did he make any ~ntlon of why his car was on the deserted dirt 'road that led to the death of t.Jary .Jo Kapechne,, 28, on <l'lappa qulddick Island around midnight July 18. A Memphis, Tenn., man said, "To me •. ., Orange Cease Wea4)aer The weekend weathtr will be mootlI faJr,_ oll« """ijlc ...... ' ., ca.t-ind · glv!bl' way to eV<J>ing cloudine.ss, wltb temperatures re- maining in the blgh 70.. . Over Art .S.ub-je,ct Matter Leary recently won a U.S. Supreme Cqµrt re versal pl a narcotics conviction but failed to have the Orange County charges dismissed. The paper said a Keruiedy famil y spokesman confirmed the report shortly after' the Ma.ssacbusetts Democrat ap- pealed 'to state residents to help him de- cide bia political, future ln a nationally broadcast television and radJo ,apeech. It's about a!I big, a mystery as ft was before. I still d6n't~tnoW what to 'think."· INSm~ TODAY , lt wouldn1t be a Laguna art festival lt&IDl1 wilhcMlt a controversy. .. '11111,.ar. -pocket flap hu bn>ketl oUt. ~ some artist• exblblting at the F..Uval o1 Arts, grand daddy ol lhe Art Colony'• trio o( slmultaoeou! resuvals. '~ lnue ls what some arti&ta are cal- Jine cen.wship. Festival officials call lt "matnt.atning community standanii and cboper'tlon." !J& all started last week when a p.ainUng li1 Robtrl E. Ruuell ,.., """'"'eel because Jt contained 1 fuur.le~ WOl"d, albeit partially covered by other letlerine oD a gralflll-covered wall. Arli5t Kathy Newlin was Uien asked "unofficially" according to Ft:!Uval 1pbkeamen to rtmove a paintin& she bad on ahlbit. 11 depicted • prepo;n woman and Yellow Sub Masn't - fetus. , Thi• oction •tooc;hed orr rucUon by Folmd Nessie Yet some arttata, who quiddy respooded with their own ·~r.tus" 'paintlnp and bung, DRuMNADROCHIT, Scotland (UPI) - lber'n in thelr bootb.1 th1J week in protest., Dan Ta,ylor of AUanta, dived his yellow Some 10 fetus works were on u:biblt submarine deep into Loch Ness Friday Thuriday. In the aearch for ScoUand'1 fabled mon- Frlda,y, lhe:re were lwo. sttr. One by Ann Reid Gordon w111 on "I didn't see the fearsome beast.it," display befort lhe fetus flip started . .,;;;;_.--;sai d the ~year~ld Taylor after sur· other wu a doll stuffed in 1 red cabbage facing. "But I was very plea:ted with (Set FF.BnV AL, P1ge Z) lhe w1y the craf~ i3 behaving." -• ·•·c·,<.:I')•• .,-.,,. ,, ' •H I'\ ) .. ' - · 'llie senator said 'in the iipeech that "reasons of health"~prevented his attrac- tive blonde .wife from· accompanyihg him last Fftda1 to a party on.chllppaqulddick Island, where Kennedy wa1 late.r in- vol~ed in an auto aceldent that killed a ia-yeir-ola w1;1man.. . · The Kenrie;d.Y'• have three chi1dren, Kara. 9; Edward Jr., 7: and 'Patrick, t. Mrs. Kennedy bu mt two chlldren _in miJcarriag .. In luty 11163. and June, 11114· 'l1>e Kenned)'1 were mUJieclln New; YMkinli61< ' Kennedy told a •dramatlc ltdry'of 1 nigbt ·o( tragedy and horrtlr tn which he twice brushed against the. very brink ot death, of nearly becoming the third brother to die In sudden calamity wlllle, at a pinnacle oC American political pow. er. And lh lhoise . terrible moment.I. lie ~ld, he questioned "whethtr some. awrul· curse did actually bang over all the Ken-nedys." 1'he 31-year-old senator told of the..wa· !er rushing tnto his ·lungi .. he looiht to.....,. hb sunken.car,alter,11.~~ o1r itkidii,'lrild;lln•111; And'l1t'iialil fie ntlrty drowned again a be swam; ~I e Ultro:soniuJ CM 1ovnd Vo" can't \Mar, ii "'4king a lot of *7toilf'' in. mcdicita1, • :scitnce, indit.itr11 and 1at home. FanUiv • Saturday mOrning " •lill the childrn'.s 1'our on te~ rion. Kiddll. "1ow •for """"'"° sea.son prtiritwd • Ul c o v c r storv. TV WEEK. .. • • . ' ' ... I. ' c I DJJLY PllPT Siturdq. July 2fA. 1'69 • ) I • on ~ Land --.Hawaii f'lans Roaring Greeting TodaY. • ABoARD USS HORNET IUPll -The mtn wbo opened the moon to mankind, "~ and in good health alter eight •YI in space and two days at sea. steam· ... toward a royal Hawaiian welcome 'borne to U.S. soil today. ., 'nle lasl time Nell A. Armstrong, r.1i· ~t.1 Collin.! and Edwln E. •·euu" Al· drin lJllked. the toil of their-own coun· try was July 16, just before their blast· off toward the moon from Cape Kennedy. '.Ille last soil Armslrong and Aldrin trod Was that of the moon. ~dosest they wtre to come lo Alaer- l<lo 19ii tcmy WU aJx\ut three fe<~ the diatollce lo the ground l'1Jm the be<I of an atrcraft loader waiting lo carry the astron&Uts in their moblle quarantine van ftom Pearl Harbor to Hicbm A1r Two of F~ Base for the long flight to Hou1· sinct the space prosram began: ton. "We art the ones Chat madt ·it." he An elaborate, haU·hour welcoming said. "But \\'t well remember that thtre, certmony -expected to draw 50,000 per-. --t.-sons Who W()U]d hear the aalronauts and art thoae tn our corps that 4ld not u~ see their silvery isolation van, but not It, and will never make It." see the men lhemselve1, wb planned Fifteen aeconds of silent prayu1 were al Pearl Harbor after the van \VIS re· then said for the Apollo 1 crew -Virgil n1oved from this prime recovery ship. I. Grissom, Edward 11. Whi~ and Roger Aboard_..Jhe Hornet Friday the 11~· B· Chaffee -who,.died in a flash fire lion's tht'ee newest heroes made thelr that swept their spacecraft Jan. 'J:l, 198.7. sec-0nd pool-flight "public" appearance. preparlng for the first ApoUo Olght at Framed in a window Inside their van, Cape Kennedy. they t~k part in a thanksgiving servl~ Armstrong praised the Apollo 11 com· for their safe fUgbt, splashdown and re· mand ship named Columbia as the "gem covery. , of the ocean of space." He eal,led the 1 Aldrin piu~ during the service to l{ornet "1¥ gem or the oceans of earth," 'reinlnd the crew of the ei~ ArneriCan aqd said the crew's rtt:OVerf from thf: a1tronauts -including the lirsl Apollo Sooth Pac'llic was "the smoolhe!t and crew -and perhaps the two Russian mort professional operaUon we have cosmc.nauts who have died in accidents el th er witnessed or participated in." a Kind From Page 1 KENNEDY ... Not Twins, But Identical ble." He said he was confused. tortured. tired. He indicated he still dJd nol re- member all lhet happened in I.he nln· hour period. No two persons in this world are e1- ll.ctly alike. But a pair of babies brought into the l"orld under aurprlslngly s I m 11 a r circumstances Friday at Hoag Memorlal Hospital in Newport Buch came close. . 'Jbe babie1 were born into different Oranct Cowity families. The members or the SUtlling howehoid, Cosla Mesa. and the Stacey family, Santa Ana, were com· plete straflAers before Friday's un- believable eveols. ~ ·• BoUl ml&hen have ttM;. same firit nam~ Diane. Both were hoping they would give birth to a girl. Both did. Both mothers gave their new girl the 11me name -Heather Diane. Both women have the same family doc- tor and pediatrician. Both women gave birth via Cae3arun operation. Both infants are now being kept in the same room in the maternity ward. P.1others and daughters are doing well, lhini you. Swedish Yonth w Return fro Sample Beach Surfing . -- can't pracUct every day like I should." But 17·yw-old Johan Ottoson, who has spent the last year in Huntington Beach as a Swedish fore ign exchange student, says he'll bt back again for another try. He plans to finish two more years of high school in his hometown of Malmo, then he ' expects to return to the United St.ates for more surfing and to enter col· Jege . The blond youngster had been attending Marina High School since last September and adjusted V»lthout trouble to the American school system , as evidenced by a 3.8 grade average. Alf o( his time has not been devoted to studies, however. He has sampled a wide assorlment of American pastimes, rang· Ing from skin diving off San Diego to · dUnebuggy driving near Palm Springs. '.I'll BE BACI(' SWiden'• Ottoson By. RUDI MEDZIE~KI or "'9 Olflr "1191 Sl•lf "l wanted to ht the first Swede to return as a surfer, but I think it's hopeless. I lose balance too easUy and l Satellite Lofted For Communicatiom CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (AP) -A new commeo:ialcommunication.s satellite was . in orl>lt·around urth today, getting into position to be fl.red Sunday into perma· nent starion over the Atlantic Ocean. Poised atop a Delta rocket. the 622· pound Intelsat 3 was launched from Cape Kennedy at 10:06 p.m, Friday into an ea:g-tihaped omft that will carry the craft to a peak a!Utude nearly 22,300 miles high. ., DAIL\ PI LOI ....,., ..... " ........... --_,,..., c-.- c•11NIMIA Ol.NtGI (QUI 1'\111,.llt!INC) (.OMKNY ··""' tt. w ••• ~ ...... ft l'lllMLllllt J•cl L C.1l1y ~ ,,. ...... ~ #otllt"' , ••••• ic ..... 11 .... T•tfl'I•• A. M•l'9hl11t M1,....,..u1Nr 1 His "pa~nt.s" in Huntington 'Beach have been Mr. and Mrs. Wil~m Wardle, 6421 Shane Drive, who have shown him m'uch of Califomla and even a good por- tion of Utah dwing holiday trips. "I fetl lucky to have been in Amerlca this year," says J ohan. "Not only did r witness the presidential election but also the fantastic moon landing. Thanks to the \Var<.lles I have seen sights that other ex- change students have not.•• Johan will leave Huntington Beach next \\'eek, and head for New York City where he and about 700 exchange students will t.ake a week-long boat trip to Europe. 8efore~leaves, a farewell party will be given !;his honor in Sunset Beach. About 50 of his classmates are expected to attend the event, including teachers and "America's Junior Miss" Jackie Bennington. · flro11& Pnge l FESTIVAL. • • which had been sliced and hollowed out by Lyn Havlin. A resUval spokesman said that it had been deltnnined that six paintings would have to be taken down and that two artists had been contacted and asked to cooperate. They did, Festival spokesmen maintain that the Fe1tival has betn and is a family show and lhal certain standards have lo be upheld, They say the artists shou ld understand lhi!i. One painting, a water.color cartoon by Earl Klein ol Dana Point, was mea nt as a gentle nose t•w1t to Festiv~J officialdom. The painting showed two cartoon cats, a tomcat glaring at a tabby who is obvi- ously wll.h kJUen, four o! them, all pink and rolly-poly and plainly visible. Although original!y done as a spoof, The painting was sold to a Long Beach ma.i for $UIO. Artist Klein said Friday he was told the cartoon sold Just in the nick of Ume, just before ii we due to be taken down. Kathy Newlin hung a second fetus pain· Ung, deplcUng a bird. She said she had been told to Lake It down. "I'm really put out. about it. They've really opened up a real hornet's nest now. ln a couple of days, they (the pa1nUng1) 811 would have come down anyhow. "I am in disbelU lhat thl• \fhole thine could happen. It's just stupid, I don't know what else to c110 It," Mrs. New Un oald, ,. • In Berkeley Heights, N.J., the mothrr of the vlcUm. Mrs. Jostph Kopeclme, came out onto a neighbor's front porth after the broadcast to say in a halting voice "I am satisfied wilh the stMtor's statement -and do hope he decides to stay In the Senate." Kennedy's fellow Democrats hailed the speech· Republicans \\'ere generally si· lent. FUlL CONFIDENCE "He has my full confidence.," said Senate Majority Leader Alike Mansfield, (0.Mont.). Sen. f'~ llarris, CO-Okla.) the par- ty's national chairman, Said "Kennedy has mr unqualifjed support.'' Unli the accident, Kennedy, the No. ~ Democrat in the Senate as assistant majority leader, had bee n regarded as a front-runner for the 1972 nomination for the presidency-the prize that brought his two brothers to violent death. Former Gov. John Connally of Texas, riding in the same car when President John F· Kennedy was killed, said of the younges t brother : "There's no doubt he will be hurt un- less he gives more satisfactory answers. He really gave none of substance to- night." Kennedy' speech was hi$ first l!XJl1Ma· tion beyond • brief statement lo police la.st Saturday. KEY QUESTIONS It sWI left unanswered lhese key ques· tions: -Why Kennedy was on the dirt road leading to the narrow wooden bridge where his car plunged into a salt-water inlet! The senator told police he made a wrong turn driving Miss Kopechne h> the island ferry afU:r a reunion party. At a T·intersectlon, the only' paved road on the island turns left· toward the fe,,.Y and is marked with an ·arrow: tbe dirt ro«d goes Tight. In the television speech, he ma~ no mention a~ all of the tum. -What happened ihen be plunged Into the water lo swt:nt from the island to Edgartown? Kennedy stld two. friends, Joseph Gargan and Paul Markham, had helped. him dive for· Miss Kopeclme after the accident. He said h• was confused 3nd lh shock. Kennedy said they took him lo the ferry landing and he sudden· ly jumped into the water to begin swim· ming, almost drowning in the croasing. Did Gargan" ·and Markham watch his struggle without telephoning authorities for help? Or. if they had left and we.re unaware of the swim. weren't they coo- cerned about where the troubled Kenne- dy had gone'? Why did I.hey take no ap· parent action thal would have summon· ed officials? Gargan, who Is Kennedy's c011sin. and Markham coold not be reached for com· menl· flrona Page l CHECKERS • • • nedy should return "the sooner the bet· ter." The reaction o( Kennedy's rank·and- flle constituents was slower in making itself known. But there wu reason to believe his emotional speech, with its stark admission ol. his lnexplicible action In leaving the accident scene. would stir warm sympathy in M~usetts. The reaction from the country as a whol~if Kennedy take3 I.hat into account in making his decision-may not be so favorable. The ant i-Kennedy feeling, mu· ted when President John F. Kennedy WU assassina(ed and a~ain when Sen. Robe.rt F. Kennedy was killed, is certain to be reinforced by e~nts of the past several days. In any case, there can be no doubt that any ambitions for the presidency held by Kennedy were hurt by the accident. The only qUestlon is whethtr the tragedy was fatal . Politically, or merely a lemporary setback. Until Ule accident, it was generally coo. ceded that the tm Democralic nomina· tion was Kennedy's for the ask.Ing. There wu even speculation the party would have drafted him as the best possible candidate. A Kennedy candidacy now would have lo deal not onlY with the tragedy Itself but with ioevit.able questions as: -ShOuld a ma.n seek the presidency who showed such iodeci.sion about .stay· ing in me senate. .:-should a candidate have a past which in hi• own words included "fear,doubt. pr1nic, confu!lion and shock.·• Perhlp.'1, Kennedy sipaled the end or hls prcsldentlal 1mblt1ons In his final \\'ords when he talked about furthtr coo· tributlons to his "state and mankind'' but d.ld nol mention the nation. • • DAILY I'll.OT Iliff ,flell SUE ROSE DE~IVERS vpui:H·~ M!'SSAGE to SHOPPERS Students Spend Summ1r Touring and T•lklng Student,s Visiting Coast • .To Explain How to Live By RANDY SEELYE and coordinator of the trip, Dr. Clyde Of "" o.llr ,.. lhff U ' la ..... y. " ... How many years must some ~ Dr. Morrill ii a communlcaUDNI pro:. pie exilit, before ~y be~in to~ £;~ · · • feuor at MSU. He ll accompan1ed by 23 lh_e 8JlSWer, my f~end, lll. ~l~Wln In ~he studftrt& from lbe university. The bip is win~, the answer lS blo}rin in_ the wind _-l&ntd.JR._.cr:ea&e dlaJOIUI between lbt • · · colleip students and people across the The words ol a sort flowing folk song, coun'tr7. made popular by~ singing group Peter, Tbe group Is traveling by station wagon Paul and Mary, drifted through the mall Md llvin& in homes iJ1 each community at Fashion Island Shopping Center in vlllted. Newport Beach Friday. The song was being sung by a group of atudenta from Michigan State University who are touring the nation this summer to deliver a message. "We believe we can solve problems without tbrowinl rocks," said the advilot UCI Med School To Gain Funds In Senate Bill ' A propbsat far a Q18 milllon.1Jocd. i~ue for Urd.versily of California medical buildings -Jncludlng com plete new facilities al the Irvine campus -has reached the California Senate floor. The bill calling for a statewide bond issue next year was approved Thursday by the Senate Finance Conwittee. It would pay for new slructures at five UC campuses, if passed by voters. A UC Irvine spokesman said Friday the administration does not know yet if any alteraUona have been made by the Legislature In the original three-building plan for the UCI campus. Federal funds would supplement money proposed for state allocation, mounting to a total of $84 million at the Orange Coun- ty campus. Projected for a total of 1,372 medical students, the ucr structurts a r e designated Medical Science buildings one, two and three. . nie atudexita are not alike: They come from djlferenl bi<qrounda, from poor lo rich and black to white. All have different ideas. But Dr. Morris eays the group has one common bond. "We only agree that dialogue is a much better method or ex· changing ideas than violence." The students spent 11 hours at the shopping center Friday. discUS!ing dif- ferent and varied subjects with shoppers. They \\'ill be at Fashion Island today from JO to 5. The students are giving out literature to all shoppers at the center and, IO far , have been well rece.ived. . ..)Ve have had • Jol ol real &ood 1diicussio&J' orril Qid. " · 'I1le stop at NewPort ls the seventh ltg of a 17-clty tour for the student!. They . have been on the road for four weeks and will travel six more weeks to complete (he 10,000 mile circuiL Sue Rose, 18, a sophomore at MSU, said most members of the group are a bit tired and are looking forward to two days of rest next week. They Mll spend a day on the beach and then go lo Dianeyland. Expenses for the group are being earn- ed along the way through "labor stopovers" at wheat fM!Ida and canneries. Cars were donated by an automobile firm in Michigan. \Vhen queried about the beauties of h~ native Sweden, where nearly all th e girls reputedly have Miss &nington's obvious attributes, Johan grinned and said: "That's one department where we don't need foreign aid." Tl)ir.d .~:Qes T In Valleri Rec~l Vote A third caocfidale for the Sept. %! recall election in Fouptain Valley has taken out nomination papers rrom the city clerk's office. Bernie P. Svalstad, 9303 Et Tullpan Ave., indicated Friday he plans to run against Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau, 0119- of three city counclbnen at whom a heated recaU action is aimed. Svalstad baJ been active in the recall movement and is also an active member of the Fountain Valley Jaycees. Prevtwsly, 2t1orney Robert Sassone- took out ~tion papers. staling he would rUn against Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger, and Paul P .. Savarino slated his intention to run aganut Coun- cilman Joseph Courreges. The lhree councilmen are facing recall because of a controversy over minimum lot sizes in new Fountain Valley residen· tial developments. They have strOflgly supported planned developments which have allowed lots as small $& 5,000 square feet Recall backers claim the three are hot repre.tinJ the people and insisf the mWmum":lot size should be maintained. .at 1200·.aquare fee t. Closing date for ca.ridldate to file for the special election i; noon, July; 31 • Mansfield Warns Republicans Of Tax Defeat WASHINGTON (UPI) -Senate Demo- craUc leader Mike ~fansfield has hinted at a Democi'atlc defeat of the JO percent income tax surcharge if Republicans do not buy his compromise offer for a short extension of it coupled with "very sub- stantial tax relorm." Mansfield's warning of Democratic disenchantment with the tax on the grounds that it has not curbed inflalion may lead lo Republican reexamination this weekend of his offe r to continue the tax for five months. But by raising the possibility of defeat , ~fansfield also dangled the result of such aclion : a 10 percent tax cut ror every taxpayer plus a substantial tax refund next spring. The refund "-Wld result from the fact that Congress has continued withholding rrcibi paf~~ since the surcharge ex· pired-June at-in Uie expectation it ulti· ma · ~ ~~J9Hled. On Monday. Child Dies Under Car of Grandma A two-year-old Anaheim boy was fatally \lnJured Ji'.riday afternoon when a car dri. ven by his grandmother ran over him in front of. his home. Coroner's investigators said Raymond Eric Harris died from a skull fracture and broken ribs at 7:30 p.m., l\.\·o hours after the mishap at 3110 \V. t.1onroe St. Coroner's aides said the grandmother. Mrs. Ima Mae Wim s. 63, Lakewood, had backed out of the driveway and 1,1•as park. ing on the street. She did not see her grandson playini: In the street near the curb. Her car ran over the toddler, investigators said. Students Enters 1st Photo Pilot,, Fashion Island Contest Under Way A 19-year-old Orange Coast College pholographic student who says he enjoys nature photography Friday became the first entrant in the Fotorama Camera Contest. The contest Is the formnner of Fotorama at Fashion Island, a show which will be st.aged next month at the Newport Beach shopping center and which wlll feature hundreds of photos and other exhibits. The DAILY PILOT and the Fashion Island Merchants Association h a v e posted· '650 worth <>f prizes for the amateur photo contest. grand pritt win· ner of which will be chosen during Folorarna Aug. 21 through 23 at the big show. Flrst entrant In the contest is Scott Baily, 19. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baily, 2000 Beryl Lane, Newport Beach. His picture taken at µ,e San Diego Zoo captures a baby alllgalar rkling on its mother's back. Baily's caption Is: "Mam~, I don't like the way that guy is looking at us!" Entries for the first week in the thrtt- week Fotorama Camera Contest com. peUtion must be received at the DAILY PILOT by noon next Thursday. llere are rules and details of the con-• lest; 'MAMA, I DON'T LIKE THE WAY THAT GUY JS LOOKING AT US.' t 1 I I 1 1 ·-• 1 r ·-' t • ' j s ' ' ' r j t ' t ' ' ' , ' r t t ~ .· i· '· • y ,. n d e s . d .. ' , ' • -' ' . ' . • • , ' ' ' ' . ' ' , .. .. -. • • Weekend EDITION voi:. ~2. NO. '178, '4·SECTIONS, ()ti PAGES • Man Who's PreSident ' - • W ASHJNGTON (UPI) -SomNbere over the Paciflc Richard M. NiJ:on's tboulhts must have need back 17 years when he ~ or Sen. Edward M. Ken- lledy's qoniil.ng · eris ii of. conscience shared with the Amerlcin public. No other pe:non. in priv:ate. llfe or pub- lic. save NlJon cou1d ev.en guess at the llli1JJsh or torment thlt Kennetly lactd when be told a na.Uonwldt televWon audl-- enii ...., "' the details of his trag«ty. A 28-yea.r-old girl drowned one wed ago wben the ear Kennedy -driving plwig· ed on . a~ Martha's Vioeyard wooden bridge. But the cont.ruts in the crisis which laced Kennedy one! the one wblch Ni.Ion had to eoni.od with In the presidential campaign of. 1952 are marked u much by dilfereoce as by parallel. Nixon's cr1sls deaJt with moaey and -he .... dlallenged tie reluJed lo pull out ol the Vice pmidenU&l race because "I'm not a quitter." Keonedy's tragedy dealt with a human l(nows life and hit: response was unwlllingne.53 to decide whether be should continlit a.s a senator or to withdraw from public life. Both NlJon and Kennedy went on na- tional teJevision, oot only to plead their cases, but to aeek the support of tbelr electorile!. Nixon, charged with using an $18,000 How slush fund, gave his now·f&mous 1'Check- en" speech. The answer was an outpour. Ing of sentiment that PIUf'ed him bis niche u the GOP's vice-presidential can- didate with Dwi!l>t D. Eisenhower. Kennedy already bas l'f.t.'eived an iodi- catioa that he mar be ln for the qme type ol emotlooa respome, certlmly from his colleagut! in the Sena(e • . • .. I • . Dally Paper .. TEN t:El'IT,S Sena.te Democratic leader Mite Mans- field, an old friend and mentor, bu ask· ed him t'o return lo the Senate as uslst· tant majority leader because "he bas IDY. confidence, I I And Sen. George. D. Alten tX Vermmtt, the Seoate's senior Republican, said Ken- (S.. CHECKERS, Pqe Z) Opinions Split After Emotional TV Plea Ufflh and D'1J Cnw member_ Yyette Crawford tes!J fooling aboard the Michigan, ancient flagship of Balboa Island Punting a nd 5culllng Society. Famed vessel is in dry dock for face lifting prior to annual Newport Harbor Character Boat Parade Aug. 23. Ancient members of s~ ciety hope to have their boat back iD' the water in time· to lead col· orftil llotjlla. Leary Arrested in Death Of Laguna Girl at Ranch HippiH!igb priest Timonthy Leary is free today after having been arrested Friday aft'emoon and-booked for contri~ buting to the detiquency of • minor in connection with the death oC a 17-year-old Laguna Beach girl on his Hemet cOm- mune-ranch. As six plainclothes detectives led lhe LSD advocate off the parking lot of the Los Angeles Free Press he declared ''I have cortributed W the Cleliquency of ov- er 30 million young people." Leary, a frequent visitor to Laguna Beach, faces arraignment Thursday on the misdemeanor charge. The arrest was sported by the tli3closure lhAt ~bar!..,. Almeida was .,_ the inlluenet: of I.ID wbm she drowned In the 30-foot-dOep pool In a ...et running throughout bis moon' tain randl July 14. 'Jlie olileen arres1ed him Friday i... rore he could address reporters in tht parting lot of the underground newspai>- '" Leary was freed later in the day after posting $62.i bail on the misdemeanor charfe. " Santa Anan Free Of Murder C.Ount ' "1 wanted a chance to talk to the people of California," he shouted as he was lead away in handcuffs. "I'm absolutely inno- cent." He arrived at the press conference with his 1'ife, Rosemary, 33, who was ~o have read~ a prepared statement dealing with the droWning and the seizure Thursday by iileriff's deputies of a quantity of marijuana and several suspects at the rancfi. She declined to deliver the statement, however, because of the way her husband was Ueated by police, she said. ~ charged that the warrant, is.sued by a Rlvenide court earlier this week, was ~a ghoulish thing." '"ltiey're trying to make poUtical capl· tal out o( a young gl.rl.'a death. We loved her very much," a&e aa)d. She described the vlctim, who had been swimming in the nude when she drowned, as "a young and a beautifu1 g\rl.'' M'm Almehla, whose Laguna addres!I was not immedaitely known, had been staying on the ranch for 10 days. Leary, his wife, and his son John, J9, are under grand jury indictment in Orange County on charge! ol possessing J!lUijiilana. That case stJmrned from .a Christmas eve al'l"e!lt last year in Laguna Beach. Leary recenUy won a U.S. Supreme Court revenaJ fJ. a narcotics conviction but latled to have the Oranp County cha-dianlslled. • HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (API -Sen. Edward fl.f· Kennedy has put his fabled political future on the line before a di- vided public after a pretty secretary's death that left haunting questions still unanswered today. Kennedy announced Friday IDght he may-resign from the U.S. Senate lf Mas- sachusetts voters have Jost confidence in him because of the car accident which killed his young blonde passenger on a lonely island road a week ago. The first swelling tide of telegrams and telephone calls in his home state ran strongly in support of the senator. But across the nation, the doubts lingered. "I still trust him. But 1 don't Utink a lot of people do," said a c<illege student in Pittsburgh. The senator addressed his po5Sibility or resignation to Massachusetts vote.rs 2 Suits Seek $.7 Million . In Air Crash Orange County was sued for a total or $7 million Friday in two Superior Court suits. dlarging the county Airport Com- mission with responsibility for an air, crash which claimed the lives of all nine aboard. Both actions claim that the com- mission's failure to properly maintain and equip the airport with "equipment designed to protect services In au types or weather" led to the fiery crash last Nov. 23 of a Cable Commuter Airlines plane. The De Havilland aircraft, headed for Orange County from Los Angeles, failed to find the county runway in thick fog and crashed near the intersection of Dyer Road and lhe Newport Freeway. Killed in the crash was Clark R. Burns, 36, of 29932 S. ?i-forengo Drive, South Laguna. His widow, Nancy Beckwith Burns and two children, Gregory, 8, and Heather, t, are seeking $2 million from the county. Damages totalling $5 million are being sought by a HunUngton Beach man whose son and daughter-in-law died in the burn- ing wreckage of the ill-fated plane. Laurence Van Mouri ck also claims that county negligence led to the death of Laurence Van Mourick Jr. 38, and his wile, Teresa Sholes Van Mourick, 'Sl. He is now guardian of the couple's children, Mark, 12, and Lisa, 9. The suit brings to a total of $1 million the damages sought from the county by lhe decedents' next of kin. North Viets Praise Apollo Guardedly HONG KONG (AP) -Nonh Vietnam today Jraised the "excellent achieve-ment the United states by landing a man on the moon" -but said it had been made possible only by earlier Soviet • space triumphs. Radio Hanoi also attacked "the Nixon reactionary, imperialistic, and aggressive.. ly bellicose clique for abusing the Ar.:llo Jl scientilic and technologkaJ ach eve- ment by using it for propaganda and as a military Ul.teat to odler m.Uoos." A Superior Court jw-y bu ~ -,. Lester Keith si-of char(el thallle w·L_,, ,E' .. 1 , A , .. mordered hll next-door nelgbbor. .... • .. ..... " r • The panel ended I fOIR'·boor dellbera• Uon by declaring the Slota Ana man tn- nocont or cbargef'thlt he ahot and killed Gary WUlwn Rooentbal during • qumel oVtt 1 IUJI. The venliet ,...,i Into the recordl Friday as e1cusable homtcide. Testlmool' at the trial Indicated thlt Si mmom:, a gun colJectCI', md Rostnthal got lnto a.n ar1t1ment while lhe two men were drinking at Simmons' borne last Feb. II. Slmmonl, ,7, i.atlfied that the anll'Y Rolenthal tut hlm wHh 1 chair and that ho (Slmmona) !led lo the bodroom. He told the jury that he grabbed a 11111• !ired a shot at the 1dvanclng ROl'ltnthal and kept on tiring when Rosenthal "kept on comlna." Festival It WOtlldn' he • La8\IJlll art festival SU$OtJ -wltbout a conlroveny. 1'h1I year 1 vest pocket [lap has broken out lllllOll8 oome lrlllll elhlblllng at the F..Uval of ArU. grand dodtly of the Art Colony'& trio ol almWl.alleoul lesUva.la. At lnue 11 wti.t 110me artists are cal-ling c<NOnhip. F..Uval ofllcl•ls call It "malntalnina conununity itandards and cooperallon " . 1' C~ught It all started last week When a palntlng by Roberi., ~ Rusaell wu mnoved because ft ~•hkd.· 11 four-letter wont. albeit part! 1-ed by other l<lterln( on a sraffiti-covered wall. Artist Kathy Newlin w• O.en asked "unolfklally" accordin& 1 ~ Fesllval spokffn\en to remove a plintlng ahe had on e1hlblt. It depicted a pregnanl womaa and fctua. ' . only, asking their advice oo whether he should stay in office· But I.here was no doubt that he was being judged also by the people of the nation, and his future hung in the balance:. In Massachusetts, lbe support swelled. Sw:itchboarda at newspapers and tele- vision stations were deluged. The small Western Union office at ne.arby Hyannis was swamped. 1n Boston, an editor said, "They're calling by the million,,. They're overwhelmingly ia favor of him staying." However, in Baltimore, Md., the switchboard at a television staUon coont- ed its calls 3M in favor ol Kennedy's resignation. Kennedy, In an unprecedented naUorr al television appearance, said there is "oo trulh whatever" to ugly nimors of Immoral conduct that shadow the acci- dent. "Nor wll I driving under the in- nuence of liquor," he added· But nowbere in his speech did be make any mention of why bit car wu on the deserted dirt road that Jed to the death of ~1ary Jo Kopechne, 28, on Chappa- quiddick Island around midnight Ju1y 18. A Memphis, Tenn., man said, "To me, it's about u big a m11tery as It wu berore. 1 still don't know what to think." Kennedy told a dramatic story of a night of tragedy and horror In which he twice brushed against lhe very brink of death, of nearly becom.lng the third brother to die in sudden calamity whUe at a pinnacle of American poUUcal pow· er. And In those terrible moments, he said, he questioned uwbether some awfu1 curse did actually bang over all the Ken· nedys." 1be 37-year-old 1eDator told of the wa·, Nixon Starts Asia Tour WitliMaiiilii Outbrea'kS · ~fANJLA CAP) -President Nixon ar- rived today in the troobled Phllippln6', where anti·American nationallsm has been bulldinc, fer a 23-bour visit featur- ing talkB with Presldeo\·Fenlinend Mar- e-OS and his politlcal -"'· The President ind Mrs. Nixon flew lo Manila from Guam, They were greeted by Mareos with full military honors and ~e tn a motorcade to Malacanang Palace. NiJon was to confer there for 2'1.a hours with M""'°' IJld other Philippine lead- en, roUowed by a state dinner. He is to cortfer again with Marcos on Sunday. Upon arriving at bis fast stop on an * *~ * Pat Enjoying Initial Trip As First Lady MANILA (UPI) -Pat Nixon today wenl cheerfully and briskly about the business of being a Firat Lady on public display. She seemed !o enjoy every min· ute of ii. Wearing a simple, belled summer dress or shocking pink, Mrs. Nixon warmly greeted her old frl<od Imelda Man:oS, first lady of the Philippines, and while their husbands Kot down to business they went off to visft an orphanage and F~ Santiago, where the Japanese held Amer- ican prisoners during World War Jl Despite the tropic heat and tnunidity, Mrs. Nixon looked fresh and beamed at the welcornlng crowds. She had Down from Honolulu to Guam lo join President Nixon for his seven- nat1on tour -and she oohed and ah·ed like any t'ourist at the sights and the wares displayed for her. On Guam, she borrowed $1.75 from an aide to buy a natiye doll for her daugh- ters' collection. The transaction went as It would for anyone suddenly out of funds. "Can you lend me some money?" She asked Gerry Van Der Heuver, her press ..eretary. • Ill Flap . . Thll · adlon t.uCbed • oll ltactlon · by BOrne artllts, who qulcldy ~ with lhelr own ''.fetus" R81ntlnga and hunc them In the~ booths this ,.,.k In protest. Some 10 fetul works were on uhlbit Thuntlay .. Friday, there wtre two. One 'by AM Reid Gonion was on display before the let us nap 4larted. The oUter was 1 doll eturred In 1 Nd ctbbage (See FESTJv AL, Pqe Z) Alian lour, Nixon doclared Allam then> oelves should talte the ie.d In promot. Ing their defense and ecooom1C progress and in achJeVing peace in the Far Eut. "P...,. and P"'S"'SS must be shaped and-pnitected primarily by Asian hallds," Nixon said at the airport> "The coatrf· buttons which my country can make lo that progrt:Sa ahould come as a auppl~ ment to Asian energies: and in response to Asian leaderhlp." Marcos seemed to share Nb:on'1 views. He agreed there sbou.ld be no 1'heavy handed dominance" by the United States, but voiced concern about a "complete pullout ol tbt U.S. from Asia." A typhoon okirttng the northern Up ol the Philippi.-broug)lt ~ 1ktes and gusty winds lo . the airport, which was jammed by t"i>'ranldng dignitaries, troops. students, newsmen and other spectators. Thousands lined the five-milt route from the airport to the presidentiaJ pal· ace. Some waved &igns that read: ••Mr. Nixon : Fly Us to the Moon·" A .total or 19,000 aecurity troops were reported deployed along the route from the airport and in the capital to ensure that no possible demonstrations got out of hand. Before leaving Guam, Nixon told news- men he recogni~ the va!ldity of .. Asia for the Asians" &enUment and ls deter· mined to aosist, but not dictate to, the non-O>mmunist naUoos on the subconti- nent. But Marcos lndlc.ated that he has some questions to ask Nb:oo abwt U.S. policy In Asia, partl<ularly the nrte of U.S. troop withdrawals from Vletnlm.·ln com· ments to newsmen before Nixon's arrival Marcos also saJd he believes that some kind of American mJIJtary umbrella wlll be needed In Southeast Asia for the next "IO or 20 yean." "The· danger we face In the Philp. pines is not external aggression but Irr ternal subversion," Marcos said· Senate Debate On ABM Bitter WASHINGTON (UPI) -A thin! week of Senate ci<bate on . tho Stf-d anti· ballistic mlsslle •rstem bu enCled ln tlar-lng.tempen, bitter words Ind colla~ of plans for a vote next week on the ABM. Chairman J. Wtlllam Flllbrl&bt, ([). Ark.,) Hid the Senate F0ttll(ll ll<l1tlons Commlttee woold 1tart 1ddlllonil hear· lngs W~y on whal be said .was a ne~.1Y~~O.,. ln,tbe ·48M. ~.~81!1:~·, ~~r-·~dc• ........... tJ e.. "'Hll 9Mln 1fn,Jotin . ~nnis, ([). MS.,) Of'the =le Armed Servica CommHtee. • ' '· . On demand frOm Slerinli, '.Tulhrlght •t>OloCtad·lor 11Jln1·1mbmtn·RDl!orl had ielU8ed lo .becOme "•loolea of the mlll\lrY." stennil 'ICCtlJed J'iilbri!l>L of dl9cftd!Uljfmotlv• of hll coU..goea ind dlallaliged him lo prove. colhlllon i... twtell tl)e Pen\lson:and del<noe cootrte~ .... . ,. ter rushing into bis 1...., aa be 1...,,.t to escape bi.I sunken car after it phmfed oU a bridge into an estuary. And·M llld he nearly drowued again as be lnnl acros,, a channel from the island to the village where be bad been staying. This was the fint esplanatkm of how Kennedy sot ofl the bland to the -· houn between the aecideot and the -he walked into the police sta.Uon 1n Ed- gartown to report the death. And the' swim seemed to raise more new ques- tions ln!t.ead of quieting old Ones• Kennedy appeared on national telms- ion on the same day be pleaded guilty in court to leaving tbe scene of an acd~ dent. A two-month sentence was IUS• pended and he WU placed OD probation for one year. The seoalor &aid his failure lo roport the accident Immediately was "lndefeDSl· (See KENNEDY, P ... Z) * * * Joan Kennedy Expecting Child BOSTON (AP) -lllrr. J ... Keaoedy, the SS.ye&Mld 1rila or s... EdWlrG H. Kennedy, II apectJnr bet lour!ll c:llild In February, the Bosloo Herald Trt•eler repoi-\ed today. · The paper said a Kennedy llllllly apokesman eoollrmed the nport llJortll alter the MassaehuseUs Demoeral •i>-' pealed to state raldents lo help him de- cide 'hls political future tn 1 naUcaa111 broadclst television aDd radio apeoch. · The senator said lo the -" that ••reasom of health" prevented his attnu> / tive blonde wile !tom ....__him last Friday lo a party on Chappaquiddick Island, where Kennedy WU later in· volved In an auto ICcldent that kl.lltd a 21-year-old woman. 'nl.e Kennedy's have three children, Kara, 9; &:lward Jr., 7; and Patrick, J. Mrs. Kennedy has loot two chOdn!n In miscarriages l.n July llU, and Jime, 1964.· The Kennedys were ·married In New York in 1958. Man Dies Aboard Boat in Newport An eldtrly BaJrersf)eld man vlJiling Newport Beach dled or an a-heart attack aboard a 3$-.foot cabin cruislU: Friday evening. · Hattior patrolmen said Frank Digler. ?5, was decla..c! -at Hoag Memcrta1 Hospital IL '''5 p.m. lbonl,Y Iller the cruiser Jem1> pulled lnlo the departmeot suest docks to ........, aid for the heart victim. LUeguords IPPlied mootb--n- SU5Citat.ion on Dlgler at the docb until an ambulance arrlved. Orange Weatlaer The weekend weatlier will be mostly fair, after morning over- ctsl and lfvlng way ·t0 evening croudlness, with temperatures re- malning iri the hfgb 70!. INSIDE .. TODAY ' • Ultnuonk1, the J:ound 11ou ean't h1ar1 fl making a Jot of "noi.se" in medldM, .~. i~dmtrt1 and at homl. Familv • Sot•rda~ mornmg fo 1UU th1 Ch.i¥1'n'1 hollr on telttri- rion. Kiddt1 1h0t01 fur cOmfngi •ta.son prnt.wed tn co 11 er slor(I, TV WEEK. " ..... .... ii " " • " •• j DAJlY .PJlOT. -Astronauts on L·and ~ ' . Hawaii P'lans Roaring Gr,e~ting ·'fodaY, • ABOARD USS HORNET (UPI) -The :men who opened the moon to mank.iod, 1osttd and ln good btallh a[ter eight '4',ya In spi.ce and two days al aea, ateam- ~ tow1nt a royal Hawaiian welcome home to U.S .. soil today. '° The 1ast time Neil A. ArmsLrong, Mi· '&..el Collins and Edwin E. "Bun" Al· ~n walked the aoU of their owii coon- 'try wa,, July 16, just before their blast· ofl toward the moon rrom Cape KeMedy. The last soil Armstrong and Aldrin trod wa.s that o( the moon. The closest they we.re to come to Amer· lean §011 today was. al>Qut three feet, the cllslait:e 'to the gTtl!ll1d !\'om 1he beO or an fli'craft IMdtr waiting lo carry the astronaut! in their mobile quar.antlne van from Pe.art Harbor to Hickam Air • .Two of . " Force Bale far the 1ooc f!JChl le lf-aln<e tile opace pnicnm liqu: ton. "We are the ones that made It.'' be An elaborate, half-hour weleomJng said. 1'But we well rmtmlber that there ceremony -expected to draw 50,000 pet· 1~ . ...1 'did 1 mllk who would bear the astronautl and are uwe 1n our corps "'':" no e ::S their silvery isolaUon van, but not it, and will never make It." see the men themselves, was planned Flfteen seconds of silent prayus were at Pearl Harbor afler the van was re· then said for lhe Apollo t crew -Virgil moved from Utis prime recovery ship. J. Griasol:n, Edward H. White and Roger Aboard the Hornet Friday the na· B· Chaffee -who died Jn a fl.uh fire lion's three newest heroes made their that swept tlleir spacecraft Jan. 27, 1967, second post-flight "public" appearance. preparing for the first Apollo fflght at Framed in a window inside their van, Cape KeMedy. they took part in a thanksgiving service ArmStrong praised the Apollo 11 com· for their safe flight. splashdown and re-mand ship named Columbia as the "gem ~ery. · of the ocean of space." He caUed the Aid.fin paused during · the servl~ to Hornet !'the gem of the oceans of earth," remind the crew of the eight American and said the crew's recovery from the astrooauts -including the flnt Apollo South Pacific was "the smoothest and crew -and perhaps the two Russian most professional o~tion we have cosmonauts who have dled in accidents either witnessed or participated in." a Kind From Page I KENNEDY ..• Not Twins, But Identical ble." He sald he was confused', tortured, tired. He indicated he still did not re- member all that happened in the nln· hour period. N() bro persona ln thia world are ex· •ctly alike. But a pair of babies brought into the work! under surprisingly s i m i I a r circunu;tanees Friday at Hoag Memorial ·Hospital in Newperrl Beach came close. The babies were born Into different Orange County families. The membel:lr of the Slelling ll<l....00111. .Costa Mesa, and the Stacey famUy, Santa Ana. were com· plete atrange'rs before: Friday's UI}· ~lleVabJe events. · Both m«bers hive the same first name-Diane. Both were hoping they would give birth to a girl. Both <lid. Both mothers gave their new girl the 6ame name -Heather Diane. Both women have the same family doc· tor and pediatrician. &th women gave birth via Caesarean .oper:ation. Both infants are now being kept in the same room in the maternity ward. Mothers and daughters are doing well, thank you. Sweai.sh Youth to Return ~ :To SamP,le Beach Surfing ' --- 'i'LL BE BACK' Swtdtn'a Ottoson • By llut>I Nt!DZIELSKI Of ... o.lJr ~"" ltt tl "I wanted to be the first Swede to n!lum as a surfer, bUt I think it's hopeless. l lpse balance too easily and I Satellite Lofted For Comn1unications CAPE KENNEDY, Fill. (AP) -A new conunercial cammunications !atellite was in orbit atound earth today, getting into )'.11».iUon to be fired Sunday into perma· nent station over the Atlantic Ocean. Poised atop a Delta rocket, the 622· tl(JtJDd Intelsat 3 was launched from Cape kennedy at 10:06 p.m. Friday into an egg-eh.aped orbit that will carry the craft to a peak altitude nearly 22,300 miles hl&h· DAIL\ »ILOI ....,..,... . ................ --_,..., --CAUPOIHIA Ol»IOI COAn PVtlllM*t (.'l)lt.,.,,.. ••Mrt N. w .... t'ttlNlrd ... "'4WW J•"• a. Cllflt'I vu,.,..,..,. """~ .. Mlllt"' Th11e1 Kwwt ·-n ..... A. M•rplilftt ~fiflltf -a... .... Jal..,.,,...,"""' ...... tMdl: 12\1 """' ............ ..._~:In.'-',,_ """""""' ~: • Jtll .... • can't practice every day like l should." But 11.year-old Johan Ottoson, who has spent the tut year in Huntington Buch as a Swedish foreign exchange student, 1ays he'll be back again for another try. lie plans to finish two more years of high school in bis hometown of Malmo, then he expects to return to the Unit~d States for more surfing and to enter cot. lege. The blond youngster had been attending Marina Hiah School aince last September and adjU.!ted without trouble to the Amer jean .JC?hool iY!lem, as evidenced by a 3.8 grade average. All of his lime has not been devoted to studies, however. He has sampled a wide assortment of American pastime:i, raCJg· tiig from skin diving off. San Diego to dunebuggy driving near Palm Sprin&s. His ·"parents'' in Huntington Beach have been Mr. ·and Mrs. Will!a m·Wardle, 64%1 Shane Drive, who have shown him much of caJifomia and even a good por· lion of Utah during hbliday trips. "1 feel lucky to have hffn in America lhis year," says Johan:''Not only dld r witness the presideotiil election ·blrt also the fantastic moon J~lng. Thank.! to the· Wardles l have seen sights that other ex· Cban!e atudents have not." · J~ wUi lea·ve Hunun~ Beach nett week, and bead for New Yark City where he~ abqut,700 ei:change students will take a week-long boat trip to Europe. Bef.ort he leaves, a farewell party will be given in his honor In Sunset Beacb. About 50 or his classmates are expected lo alttnd the event, including teachers and "America's Junior Miss" Jackie Bennin1ton, Fron• Page l FESTIVAL. • • which had been sliced and hollowed out by Lyn Havlin. A festival spokesman &aid that it had been determined that six painlinis "Wouk! have lo be taken down and that two .. artists had been contacted and asked lo cooperate. They did. Festival apokesme.n maintain that the Fegtival has been and is a family show and that certain 1landards have lo be upheld. They say. the artists should understand this. One painting, a water-ailor cartoon by Earl Klein of Dana Point, was meant as a gentle nose twit to Fl?!tival officialdom. The painting showed two cartoon cats, a tomcat glaring at a tabby who is obvi- OUJl)' with kitten, four of them. all pink and rolly-poly and plainly visible. AJthough originally done as a spoof. The painting was sold to a Long Beach man for $100. Artist Klein said Friday he wu a:old the cartoon sold just in the nlck of Ume, just bdore it was due to be t&ken down. Kathy Newlln hung a second fetus pain· till(, depldlng e bin!. She Hld ohe hed .betn told to take ll down. "J'm rtally put out abOut It. They'vt really opened Ul> a re1I hornet's ne.st now. In a couple of days, they (the palnUnp) all would have come down anyhow. "f am hi diibelif that this wbole thing tould happen. lt'• just slupld, 1 don·t kl'l(lw whit else to call ti,'' Mn. Newlin iaid. ' \ In Berkeley Heights, N.J., the mother of the victim, lifrs. Joseph Kopechne, came out onto a neighbor's front porch after the broadcast to say in a halting voice "I am satisfied with the senalor'.s statement -and do hope he decides to stay in the Senate," Kennedy's fellow Democrats hailed the speech· Republicans were generally si· lent. FULL CONFIDENCE "He has my full confidence," said Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, (D-Mont.). Sen. Fred Harris, (D-Okla.) the pal'- ty's national chairman, said "Kermedy has my unqualified support." Unti l the accident; KeMedy. the No. 2 Democrat In the Senate as ass1stant majority leader, had been rtgarded as a front-runner for the 1972 nomination for the presidency-the prize that brought his two brothers to violent death. Former Gov. John Connally of Texas, riding in the same car when President John F· Kennedy was killed, said of the youngest brother: "There's no doubt he will be hurt un- less he gives mare satisractory answers. Jle really gave none of substance tc.- night." Kennedy' speech was his first c1plana- tion beyond a brief statement to police la!t Saturday. KEY QUESTIONS It Jtill leJ't unanswered these key ques· tion.s: -Why Kennedy was on the dirt road leading to the narrow wooden brfdge where hls car plunged Into a salt-water in.let? The senator told police he made a wrong tum driving Miss Kopechne 1() the island ferry after a reunion party. At a T-intersection, the.tonly paved road on the island turns left 10)'i"ffd the ferry and is marked with ati an:pw: the dirt road goe&. right. In lhe.televtston speech, be made 119 .mention ·at'a[l pf the tum. -Wbelhappened when be plunged into the \Yater to awim from the island to Edgartown'!'. Kennedy sai~J two trlend.s, Joseph Gargan and Paul Markham, had helped him dive for Mbs1Kopechne after the acc.ident. He said be wu coa!used and in shock. Kennedy said. they took him to the ferry landing and he sudden· ly jumped into the water to begin swim· ming, alm06t drowning tn the. cr056ing. Did Gargan and Markham watch hi~ stniggle without telephoning authorities for help? Or. iI they bad left &nd were unaware of the swim. weren't they COll- cr.rned about where the troubled Kenne- dy had gone? Why did they take no ap- parent action that would have swnmon- rd orficials? Gargan, who is Kennedy's cousin, and ~larkham could not be reached for com- ment· Frofl• Page l CHECKERS • • • nedy should return "the sooner the bet· ter. ''The reaction of Kennedy 's rank-and. file constituents was slower in mak ing ilJelf known. But there was reason to believe his emotional .speech. with its stark admission of his lnexpliclble action in leaving the accident scene, would stir warm sympathy in 1'1as.sachusetts. The reaction from the country as a whole-if Kennedy takes that into account in making hls decision-may not be so favorable. 'rhe anti-Kennedy feeling, mu· ted when President John F. Kennedy wt.s assassinated and again when Sen. Robert F'. Kennedy was killed, is certain to be reinforced by event.s of the pa.st several days. In any case, there can be no doubt that any ambitions for the presidency held by Kennedy were hurt by the accident. The onty ques1ion Is whether the tragedy wa.'l fatal. Politically, or merely a temporary setback . Until the accident, it was generally con· ceded that the 1972 Dtmocrallc nomlna· lion was Kennedy's for the asking. There was even epecular.ion the party would have drafted him as the best possible candidate. A Kennedy candidacy now would have to deal not only with the tragedy 11.Hlf but wtth Inevitable questions u : -Should a man seek the presidency who showed such indecision about stay· ·Ing In lhe senate. -Should 1 candidate hive 1 past which in his own worm included "fear,doubt, panic, confusion and shock." Perhap.'I, Kennedy slgnaled tht end or h\s presldentlal amblUon~ in hls final words '<\'hen he talked about further con· lribulions to his "sLate and mankind'' bul did not mention the nation. ' OAILY PILOT fl•ff ...... SUE ROSI! DELIVERS YOUTH'S MESSAGE TO SHOPPERS Students Spend Summer Touring ind Talking Stiµlents VU;iting Coast .To Explain How to Live By RANDY SEEL YE 01 !IM 01111 rnet s11t1 " .•. How m&ny years mll!t some peo- ple exist, before they begin to be free . , • the answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, tht answer is blowin' in the wind " The words of a soft flowing folk song, made popular by the singing group Peter, Paul and Mary, drllted through the mall at Fuhion Island Shopping Center in Newport Beach Friday. 11le song was being sung by a group of students from Michigan State University who are louring the nation this summer to deliver a message. "We believe we can solve problems without throwing rocks," said the advisor UCI Med School To Gain Funds In Senate Bill I i I A propasal for a 1248 million bond .fNUI!: for University of California mediCal buildings -including complete new faciliUes at the Irvine campus -has reached the California Senate floor. The bill calling for a statewide bond issue next year was approved Thursday by the Senate Finance Committee. lt \vould pay for new structures at five UC campuses, if passed by voters. A UC Irvine spokesman said Friday the administration does not know yet if any alterations have been made by the Legislature in the original three·building plan for the UCI campus. Federal funds would supplement moncv proposed for slate allocation, mountin;; 10 a total of $84 million al the Orange Coun· ty campus. Projected for a total of 1.372 medical students , the t:CI structures a r c designated i\fedical Science buildings one, two and three . and coordinator of the lrip, Dr. Clyde Morris. Dr. Morris is a conununlcaUons pr<>- fe.s.sor at MSU. He ls accompanied by 23 students from the unl~ty. The trip is designed to create dialogue between the college stuOents and people across the country. The group is traveling by statlou wagon and living in homes in each community visited. The students are not alike. They come from different backgrounds. from poor to rich and black to white. AU have different ideas. Bul Dr. Morris says the group has one common bond. "We only agree that dialogue is a much better method of ex· changing ideas than violence." The students spent l l hour.s at the :;hopping center Friday, discussing dif· ferent and varied subjects with shoppers. They will be at Fashion Island today from 10 to S. The !iludenl'i arc givi ng out literature to all shoppers at the center and. so far, have been well receh•td. ;·y;e ~'i ihM a.IP" '!I real iood discussions, ' lilurris sald. ' The stop a·t Newport is lhe seventh leg of a 17-cily tour for the sturlr.nts. They have been on the road for four weeks and \\•ill travel six more · weeks to complete the 10,000 mile circuit. Sue Rose; 18, a sophomore at MSU, said mO&t members of t.he group are a bit tired and are k>oking forward to two day s of rest next week. They will spend a day on the beach and then go to Disneyland. Expenses for the group are being earn· ed along the way through "labor .stopovers" at wheat field! and canneries. Cars were donated by an automobile firm in i\1ichigan. \Yhen queried about the beauties of his n:itive S\\·tden , where nearly all the girls reputedly have Miss Benington's obvious attributes, Johan grinned and said: "Thal'~ one department where we doo·1 need foreign aid." Tliiid Y,iles In .Yalleri Recall Vote A third candidate for the Sept. 23 recall el«tion in Fountain Valley has taken out nomlnaUOn papers from the city clerk'• office. Bernie P. Svalstad; 9!03 El. Tulipan Ave., indicated Friday he plans to run against Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau . one of three city cooncilmen at whom a heated recall action is aimed. Svalstad has been active in the recall movement and is also an active member of tile Fountain Valle·y Jaycees. Pre•iously, attorney Robert Sa850ne took oul nomination .papers, stating he would run against Mayor Roberl Schwerdtfeger, and Paul P. Savarino stated his intention to run against Coun- cilman Joseph Courreges. The three councilmen are fa cing rec.an because of a ccmtroversy over minimum lot sizes in new Fountain Valley reskfen· Ual developments. They bave strongly supported planned developments which have allowed Jots as small as 5,000 square feet-Recall backers claim the three are not representing the people and insist the· mJnimum lot site should be maintained at 7200 square feet. Closing dale for candidate lo file for the apecial election is noon, July 31. --~ Mansfield Warns Republicans Of Tax Def eat WASffiNGTON (UPI) -Senate Dem .. craUc leader Mike Mamfield has hinted at' a Democratic defeal of the 10 percent income tax surcharge if Republicans do not buy his compromise offer for a short extension of it coupled with "very sub· stantial tax reform." lflansfield's warning of Democratic disenchantment with the tax on the grounds that it has not curbed inflation may lead to Republican reexamination this weekend of his oUer to continue lhe tax for five months. But by raising the possibility of defeat. Mansfield also dangled the result of such action : a 10 percent tax cut for every taxpayer plus a substantial tax refund next spring. The refund ttould result from the fact thaf..~oa~ has ~1:1Jlued withholding froth pay<\htC':ks"'sinC. Ult surchar~e tX· pir~..,,uile 30 in ~e ,sQectation 1t ulti· met~ -If itt"5il!ldW. On Monday, Child Dies Under ,... Car of Gl'.andma ~ hr,·c>-y~r-old Anaheim boy was fatall y Injured Friday afternoon when a car dri· ven by his grandmother ran over him in front of his home. Coroner's investigalors said Raymond Eric Harris died from a skull fracture and broken ribs at 7:30 p.m., two hours after the mishap at 3110 W. Monroe St. Coroner's aides said the grandmother. Mrs. Jrna Mae Wims, 63, Lakewood, had backed out ol the driveway and was part. ing on the street. She did not see her grandson pla)ing in lhe street near the curb. Her car ran over the toddler, investigators said. Students Enters 1st Photo Pilot., Fashion Island Contest Under Way A 19-year-old Orange Coast College photographic student who says he enjoys na!ure photography Friday became the first ent.rant in the Fotorama Camera Contest. The contest is the forerunner of Fotorama al Fashion Island, a show \vhich will be staged next month at the Newport · Beach shopphig center and y,·hich will feature hundreds of photos and other exhibits. The DAILY Pfl.OT and the Fashion Island t.1erchants Associatibn have po!ted $650 worth of prizes for the amateur pboto contest. grand prize wln- Tier of whlc.h will be chosen during Fotorama Aug. 21 through 23 at the big show. First entrant in the contest is Scott Baily. 19. son of ~Ir. and l\1rs. Robert Bally, 2000 Beryl Lane, Newport Beach. •lis pic ture taken at the San Diego Zoo captures a baby alligator riding Ol'I Its mother's back . Baily's caption is: ''Mama, I don't like the way that guy is looking at us!" Entries for the first week in the Otfee- weekl F'otorama Camera Con~l com. petition must be received at the DAILY PILOT by noon next Thursday. Here are rules and details of I.fie con· test: 1 ·'MAMA, I DON'T LIKE TtiE WAY THAT GUY IS LOOKING AT US.' ' ' • • S...,doy, Julr ~. 1%9 OAJLY PILOT II 'Noisy Jet,.· Dof('t · Return'-A County Hope By JEROME F. COLLl~S ot llts O•lly Plltt ll1tt "Hello. Flight 602. Your dcpartW'e f(lr San Franclsco'wu too noisy. So you can·t come back." That, in errect, may be one way Orange County offlc\als can con trol jet noise al County Airport, !ederal government 50urces indicated today. But first the county will have lo do a liltle homework. So might other govern· menl agencies. Here is the way Federal Aviation Administration General Co u n s e I • • • • Nathaniel H. Goodrlch puts it In a letter thl neJd of noise regutaUon -wtth 11:1me lo Sen,~ l>!lll"flhl< (B.Callt)' exc;iptionol. "Mri"¥''·~1\'D<l1 aclltif 11 proprietors L<fally owned and. !JP<Miled •~ports can presenUy dtdy Uie Of ~eir-airports art among U!eSe excl!plj ons. Goodrich e>:· to aJrcrafl on lbe bu.it ot noise ton· plalDed: '- sideraUons so long 111-\iutb m:tusion )s .. Just aa. an.ilrpOrt owner ls responsi- nondlscrlminatory." f • ble for decldl~ how long the runways Cou/lly governmen\ · Is the proJ)tletor . \\'Ill be, 50 is .Uf owner responsible for and ow)lef of County ~port. oblalnlng no~asements necessary to Goodrich's letter, a copy of whJch was permit the. landing and takeo(f of lhe received at Newport Beach City Hall, aircraft. was in response to a requei\ by Murphy "The redetal government is in no posl- for FAA views on proposed state legisla-tion to require an airport to accept tion regulating aireraft noise. Goodrich service by larger alrctaft and. for that said the federal governmeot pre~mpts purpose, to obtain longer runways. ' ----..-- OAILY PILOT 11.tf 1"1Mt9 ARTIST HALL ' 'THEY COULD HANG THEM IN THE BATHROOM. I WOULDN'T MIND.' Beneath the Gray, Rumpled Hair of a SS-year-old, the Mind of 1 Young Man ,. -: !ifJeet tr1e Peo11fc ; I A Paiulc I ndi a n \vo1nan in Los Angeles \viii observe what her ran1· Uy says is her 120lh birthday ta-- nigh t. She is Mrs . Titzumbie Dupea \vho ma intains she \Vas born July 26. 1843 in the lfigh Sierra con1- n1unity of Lone Pine. The birthday party \\·ill be at her convalesrenl home. Attendants say her hearing is good, but that she is bothered by failing eyesight and occasional lapses in me1nory. 0 'fhe Boy Scout Council in l.an- caster, E ngland is i11vesti g;:it1ng- complaints by scout s \vho c lai med they were i•rorced to kneel hefore ~ mock altar and bo\v to l:'.:rnie. the god of scou ts'' dliring a ritual at a troop headquarters. GI A bea lion is fro licking in the J\lissouri River at Kansas City, just. about as far from the ocean as you can get in the United States. 'fhe young animal escaped fron1 the Swope Park Zoo Tuesday night, ,vent down a small creek to the Blue River, a nd on to the Big l\.1uddy. Donald R. Dietl1 in, zoo di- rector , who tried unsuccessfully to lure the animal ashore with fi sh. said the sea lion probably \viii get along all right if the ri ver pollu- tion doesn't make it sjck. • • ,, .... :.-:r.~ K-"' !11"' r A ff!'JJ "oinkS" IDt.;e herird ·~ i· nniu1111 ·iht! "ayes" w11e1~. Ohio'& J r.. staid &e1tators ooted on o: minor .: reaolulio1r. The re1olution pare ttnak 1 up p o'r ,, to a ''Pork _ ~Vee k" Jss!Jool tltis 1«tk.· 111 ~. south.western Oh io. The theme ~ " of the festival u.w "hog_& ate ( beouU/uL" Th.e reaolution pass· ed. ,1 --. , • SeatUe city councilmen, afraid pigeona, 5tarllng5 and other birds !night starve Ii they pasa an .or.di· nance prohlblUng public feeding, have ordered a cost estimate pre- pared on t.he constntction of bird feeders for publi c places. t :v ,JA NTCJ!: RF.n~l .\N . 01 "'' 01111 1'11111 Jltll Dixi Hall is a n1an. "Yes, it's my real name. I ha\"e another name, loo . , . n1y inidd lc narne ill G<"iil ," he says quiclly, 11•aiting for the reaction. Beneath the grey. rumpled h<.1ir or a 511· yca r·old, there is the mind of a yot1ng 1n11n. a man who soaks up the sRyin~}~ and ideas and in1pressions of a rapidly changing \\'Orld and brings new life to them through his imagination. It's all done 1vith bright acrylic paint on tissue paper, forn1ed into simple shape~ -a bird. a nower, a stra\\'berry -and accompanied with blts of wisdom from Nietschze. Anne Frank, !he Bible, a col· lege rc\'olutionary. ·1 he juxtapositions arc occasio nally ii:artling. So are !he rnlors. "They aren·1 lhe kind or thin g!! 111nst prople \\'ant lo hani; in their livin1; room," Hall said. "They don't really go ~·ell v>'ilh most rlecor." · "But they cou ld hang them in the bathroom. I wouldn't mind.•· Three of the paintings he has displayed :it the Fe~!ival of the Aris deal with cam· p'.1s unrest. One is the Stars and Stripes, ac - r.omponi ed by the slogan, "Since the First Rt'public of the United St.ates is 192 ~·cars old and I a ml9, I will give it one more chance." The autho r is James Simon Kunen, a student at Columbia. "I do11 't ::1pprove of campus violence." said Hall, "but I'm with th em. Things ought to be changed.'' Anothe r is a bright. abstrart flower. "f'lo11·ers are infinitely finer then fen · ces," it proclaims. flail did that after the Pe<Jp\cs' Park ep isode al Berkeley. \Vh<'n Ifall isn't painting. he's running an art supply store in Laguna Beach, his home for the past 21 years. lie hzs had little lorn1al ;:irl lrainini,!. save a half year al the Art Institute of Chicago. He used lo 11ork for a Los Angeles advertising agency. His own taste in lhc art he collects runs to experimental art. But !he walli1 of his home are also hung with Dlxi flails. Jlis "'ife doesn't mind, he said. Is she an artist:' ''No. She has enough lrouble just taking care of one," he said. GWC P1·epares fo1· Fall With Doubled Facilities Arehitecl.ol, contractors and planners ::tre at "'ork on 12 buildings and add iUons on lhe Golden Wesl College campus this summer. Three of lhe units have just boon C1>m· pleted , one is under construction, four have gone to bid, three have working dra\''ings and Ont is In prcllmlnary plan- ning. Toget.tier they will more than rl ouble the facililles at the 122·acrc Huntlngt6n Beach campus. Mo11ing inlo the new buildings, measur- ing 16,000 11quare feet, this August will be nunlng. cosmetology and law en- forcement programs which are being tr'°nsferred from Orange Cout q,Uege in Costa Mesa lo Huntington Beach. The third unit lo be completed In Augu:;l is 1 two-.~ory addillon to t~ Ubrafy and multi·media center. It will feature a graphic arts and enlarged in- structional materials center on the ground noor whtle the second floor will be occupied by a tme arts gtudlo, 1n audo Luldria lab for English and a gener· al cl8i6room. Under construct.ion and acheduled for eom.pleUon by September i• a flS.000 COi'· l)c11'alion yard and matntenanct building witb-f,OOO·IQU&re feet. • On July 29, bid~ wUI be opened on four other units -tw1>story mathematics and scieoce1 1ddllion, l t: c h n o l o g y ,. building, physical education comple1 In- cluding gymnasium, and com b In e d lclecommunications center and large- group ron1m. Tf birl.~ afe aceepted by the Orange Coast College trustees construction on these buildings will begin in August with an JS.month completion target. The trustees have already approvr.d w.orking drawings on the college's· fifth incrernent. It consists of a 300-.. at tittle lhe11te r, an addition to the law en· forcemenl racilily to house the poUce a<'11dcmy. and a two-story addition to the college center to expand food services, student goverftment and 11tudent BC· livllies offices. P.1canwhilt?, archil.etta William L. Pereira and Associates are updating the college's master plan m hand}e an ultimate limit of 18,000 to 20,000 atudmUI. Original estimates put maximum enroll- ment at 10,000 students, but this has been long slce approved. Santa Ana Girl Kill ed DUNLAP (UPl) -Michele Monahan, 20, Santa Ana, was killed Thursday on Highway 181l near Dunlap w~ 11he. loet control of her 11mall foreign car and ran off the highway. •·Ll~ewlse, the federal go\.'ernmenl ii in no poslllon to require an airport to accept scr\•ice by noisier aircraft, and for that purpose to obi.tin add itional noise: easen1enta." / Goodrich -by und.erlln.ing -em- phasized that "the issue is ·the service desired by the alrporl O\\'ner and the steps it l.s willing to take to obtain the s('rvlce." The FAA coun.~el's views were happily rel'eived by Newport city offlrie..15 . "Fron1 our standpoint," sai d Phi\ Bet· lencourt, assistant to ttte city manager, "his is encouraging, but the D!xl step ia up to the county.11 Betlent'Ourt Aid It would appear that the county Is In a position "lo at least make some effort lo contrnl the revel or service al the airport, and thua control the level of noise." The city aide conceded, however , th<l:t there Is a big legal que1Uon hanging over Goodrich's use of the term "non- discriminatory" In regard to refusing ervice lo noisy aircraft. Does it mean that acceptable noise lt"Vel.s established by the county must be in accord with noise levels established by every other airport? Or does It mean !hit occeptabl• not .. levels estaibll!bed by the county muat be enforced equally q:alnst all alrcral:t us- ing just County Airport? If It means the former. there l!n1t much Orange County by Itself can d~ The federal government would have to set up the standards on a nationwide basis. If it mean:i ttie latter, Orange County Airport officials can, indeed, make that ttieoretical call to flight 602. • "It's something the county ought t6 find out about,'' Bettencourt concluded,_· 'Barbershop Polls' Liked County Scliool Chief Seeks Okay for More Orange County School Superintendent Hobert Peterson is persi5ting tod ay in seeking County Board of Education ap- proval for more of his controversial "barbershop polls." But the board Thu rsday \'Oted to .delay until Aug, 14 any decision on future polls which Peterson said woold cos t about $95 each. The SUJ>frintendent was sh arp 1 y criticized by some board members in April ror conducting a survey last October \\'ithout board knowledge. That poll was conducted in 20 Orange County barbershops and onl y males were ques- tioned. Trustees also attacked wording used in the questionnai res. A total of 90 men - about 10 percent of them barbers - responded in lhe poll which Peterson said cost $50. The superintendent had previously re· quested board approval of new sur\·ey5 on JLITie26, bUtno action was t8ien. lie pro1niscd he would include women in future questionnaires saying th at sonic n1ight be se nt to bea uty parlors. He told the board at that time that he All-star Teams Play for Title Boys all·star baseball teams from sel'cral Southern Califomia cities \Viii travel to Huntin slon Beach today and ~unday to compete in the 7th Annual Bill Connearney Baseball Tournament. The two day event. scheduled at Greer Park, will feature teams from 29 Palms, Needles, Catalina Island, Seal Bealh, \VesLminster and Huntin~on Beach. Elimination games will be played at 10 a.m. Saturday while the championship gatne will be held at I p.m. Sunday. 'I here Is no admission charge. 11-'ould conduct the periodic poll \\'hether or not they approved them. He said he had the right under the California Educa- tion Code to conducl such surveys. He plans to conduct the nex t survey in August. He said the polls will include "quest ions in suc h problem areas as disci pline, van· dalism, drug abuse, minority rights, i;chool taxes, vocational education , respect for taw and authority, and teacher strikes." ·• "0"1ners or managers of at least four diflerent types of commercial or prcr fz&sional est.abllShmenU in c_arefulty seleeted locations will be u.sed In the surveys," he sald. Peterson promised that results tJW: lime wili be available to "department personnel, district persons. the Board ol Supervisors, Orans:e County legislators, the State Department of Educatron and the generaJ public." Last spring members of the board criticized h1m for withholding the rea:ults of the first poll for several months pen• ding completion of hearings on ~r education by the board. l(eep NelV}lo1·t Bay Green- 01·de1· Boating Crackdown If the regist ration lag nn the bow of any yachtsman's boat jn Newport Bay is rrd. he \'.'ill be in for some trouble, •larborinasler Al Oberg warned today. The lag should be green. Announcins a crackdown on expired boat registration tags and CF Numbers, Oberg !!aid his men have begun citing boaters ror the Infraction&, which can run a bail figure up lo $50. The crackdown, he said. was "our normal reaction after months or wam· ings and requests lo boaters who haven't ccmplicd \Vilh the law." He equaled the need for current registration and license numbers with st ate motor vehicle requirements. "lf a police officer sees a car without license plates and stickers he'll stop the driver every Lime," he said. Oberg has already ~tarted a plan to urge all yacht clubs and sailing organiia· lio1U1 lo requirl" valid green rcgistralion stickers and Cf number! on all com· peting craft. ''At least it's a s"tart toward having e'.'ery boat in the hi rbor bearing fresh registratlon." he said. Many offenders. ei;pcclally Oinen o{ small boats in yacht club storage yard!, have been notified by notes left on their boats by patrolmen. '111 they keep ignoring us," Oberg ex· plained, "we have to start writing cita- tions, and we've done a lot of it in the past rew months .'' Oberg stressed !ht importance •(If both ttie 11 ... 0-year green registration tag and the CF numbers. "We hal'e scores of Jost or $tolen boats recovered by our nien each year, and 'if they don't ha ve the numbers on °" hull il's difficult returning the wesseb to1hrir owners. Ifs an absolutely essential means of idenUficaHon," he said. Information on obtaining c u r r e n t registration ill available through the harborma~1er's office at 1901 Bayside Drive. (,~ JJ ummer .t:ops oncerts Monday &m118s Undertlie Stars Hear a summer series of nine "Pops" concerts under the direction of M r, Henry Brandon, free to the public, on the Mall at FASHION ISLAND each i\1onday evening at 9:00 p.m., June 30 through August 25. Thirty-five talented musicians frorn Orange County, will present a delightful. selection of "Pops"· numbers during the nine-week Monday night schedules, each one a different program. · Jou are invited to bring folding !ilools or cushions in ca:se of overflow seating capacities. Sponsored by The Irvine Company and Fashion Island 111 erchants Association in cooperation with the Recordinc I nd111ilries Trust Fund; - • 58 FINE STORES •nd SERVIC lP - FASHIPN j 18~[1.ND NEWPORT CENTER P'tdllc: CNtt HlshwlJ MlwMn J1m'-'t eM M~. n.n.,""'"""...,.. '·-1 t· l I I -• • • .. First Mass l1i State Recalled · 'Odd New Strains'· 1 l • . • Pulpit ·and , ..!'You can Pray Ef!ectlvel}'" -~t'i the uue of the ta"TDOn the Rev. Loren D. J'Uclt''tV wW dtllvet at Sun- dly'1 10 1.m. eervtee of the S..clo, wUl give an -UUed "About Appearan<cs and 'Seemlnl' ,. at tht I and 11 a.m. ten1cea SW1CflJ al Ole churdl, 2t)'JC IACUJM! CMyan Road. Boby .. r. wll be cf. fered durlnl: the I a.m . ....,... ship. Pew · ..,,.,.. PlNched by Dr. Ray· mond ! l!rabama at Ill 111ree ltrVlcea S\lnday for S I , Aldrew11 P'tc 1a.1t1rl11 '0..rd., IOO I st. Andrew11 Road, Newport Beach. the Mlnlater of counallng and calllng wUI preach at I, 9,30 and 11 a.m, Minireligions' Make Scene ,.,...,,_ "tliiltr O.tt* at the "'8trwir clttzeos center, 15th apd Jrvlner Newport B<ach. 'lbe m1nlstet wlll lead com· -mu.nJtJ ·1tn:gtng ·at the 7:30 p.m. galherhlg at the center on Wednesday. Pastor P. G. Neumann of the Flrat Bepttd C'tl1trcll of Costa Mue, 301 Magnolla. will apeU ~ "The Christian Ans:wering the Agnostic" at the 11 1.m. service Sunday. Tbe YoUth mlni!ttr, the Rev. Harold Anc»raoa, Till &tve a lali: . at the lf p.m. youth service. Nursery care will be provided for both sttVlces. Members of the lhrbor Ckrl1Ua1 Oarctl, who meet at Harper School, lllh street and Tus\111 Avenue,. Cos.ta Meaa, will hear a strmOl'l tltled "Man's Ne«! of God" at SW\+ day's .f:e: a.m. ·service. The xpeaker· will be the Rev. cJaytoo H. Wll.50n, former putar of the church. The Rev. Henry Gerhard, minister of the Oatth er Re.ll(joas Sdenre( al Llipna The church also sponsors a Thursday lecture al Leilure World, Clubhouse 2, at 10 a.m. 'Jbe Rev. Warren G. Studer, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church, Kallau, Hawail wlll deliver the fenDOO. "Ways our of &eio( Fed Up" at Tht Preobyleriu Cburcll of the ~t, 2850 Fairview Road, COsta Mesi:, this Sunday. Studer la the former pastor of The Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. Corporate worship wU be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday evenine summer programs begjfl al 5,30 with recreation for all agt.S. Dinner is at 7 o'clo« wJtb a special program presented at I. Garage S a 1 t for a scbotarshlti to a Congo ~ent will )Je held by the ~ant Brown Circle of nnt Bqtllt Cllarcl 8th and Orange, Huntington Btach today at the borne or Lobise Christi an , 1005 ~gland, Huntington Beach. ORANGE ' LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? '" FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH , .. L c.1 Fairview Rd, At Fair Dr.; Costa Mew - Sunday services are held 1:311 Lm. at Peek'& Chapel, 7801 Bolla Ave., Westminster and al lhe downtown chapel al 11 a.m. The Rev. Willis J. Loar will preach "The Spirit or God Talk! to the churches." Open hou5e and ( I r g l seryk:tJ wll be held at the new sanctuary cf St. Georce'• Epl1eopal Cbqrch, El Toro, this weekend. Open house will begin at 10 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m. Sunday services wll be held at 8, 9:30 and II a.m. . "Theel. Gaps!" will be the --~ The Impressions, four girl students of So uth ern Call!omia College, C o s ta Mtll, will present a concert of gospel music at F I r s t Assembly of God Cbqn::IJ, 146 E. 22hd St., Costa Mesa, at 1:30 a.m. and lO::IO a.m. Sun- cflly, Speaking at Falla! Lutheran Cllartk, 8200 Ellis Ave., Hun· tington Beach, guest miniiter Qr. Carl W. Berner will pl'tach "When Worship Brings Joy." He will speak at all th!ee mornir\g services. Vacation Bible school begins Monday at We1tml11ster Bretbrtn Clnu'tll l t I 1 4 l\lagnolia. Child:fen lrom four years to those entertng seventh grade may attend the one week s:e'sslon. Preregistration wlll be held at the church Sunda . "Believing God 's Book" will be the theme (S.. PULPIT, Page 5) A St. Anne's day miss w11 lo be celebrated this rnornlng at Lambert Reservoir to com. memorate the flnt mm or record In Callrornta 100 ·years ago. The site ls just eut of the u.c. South 'Coast Agriculture Field Station and north of El Toro U.S. Marine Base. On Saturd•y, .luly 26, 1769, the mass or St. Anne w_as of· fered for a 200-man ex:. pedillonary force under Capt Gaspar de Portela, wblcb had set out from San Diego for Monterey Bay. At l o d a y ' s ceremonies, jolntly sponscred ~Y the State of CaUfornia Orange County Bicentennial Ccmmlttee, the Irvine Co. and St. Cedlia Parish of Tustin, Judge Ray· mood Thompson, chaim>an of the Orange County Blcen- ltnnlal Committee, was to speak brk!fly, dressed ID drly Spanl.!ih costume. Preceding the Mau, brief ceremonies scheduled for 10 a.m., were held at the site of the historical marker. The marker points cut that the site was christened "San Pan. taleon" and that Padre Gomez discovered a spring nearby. By GEORGE W. CORNELL NEW YORK (AP) -In a world of minicarir, rnlnl&klrts and -mlnlrebelllon1, the en· vlronment tOOay also le prt>- ducing an assottment of mJnirtllglona. ~That'• the tenn whkll ·a New York publl&her applles tB various devoUontl divqen· cies now showing up Jn American cufturt. C h u r c h scholars and &Oc!ologi<ll also have tiled an upsurge of odd new strains or religiosity. It's a reaction against scien- tific rationalism and a "search for nonrational ways of cop- ing," say1 Dr. Hol~ Welch, research •uoclate of lbe ·Center tor the Study of World Religions at Harvard Unlverslty. Referring to the varletr of curious religious,.! ke manlfestalloni now current, which depart tr o m c on· ventional faiths, Melvin L. Arnold, president of Barper and Row, told a recent meeting of relfglous pub Ii sher s: '"Minlrellgion may be exerting more in· fluence iOOay than trttdtUonal religions. Perhaps w, may have been focusing too nar· rawly up to now ln asswnhlg rtllglon munl only the atan- dartzed, lndillonal kinda ... Ht nOted the rising popular!· ty of .. ttology. splrltu•l mediums, the widespread cult er escapism in drugs, the cult of violence. and the heavily accented Cult of sex. "We are Inundated · and drownig in what the Gmka: called"Uie rellglon cf Eros," he uJd of tht contemporary sei obsession. ' IJ'be Rev. Andrew M. Gree-- ley. a Catholic sociologist of the Unlveni!J of Chicago, says the • modern generation, lo revolt against l!lcienilsm, is IO lnlrifued by the sacred lhal il "on the way to becoming IUpenU\Jous." "1be populari\y of w i t c h- cralt and as tr o Io g y, con- templation am . IDysUclsm, vegetarian diets and the tarot cards shows : .how obsf:Med wllh the aacred aome \..cf the younger generation rt!auy is," he writu. A chufth hlatorian, the Rev. Dr. Martin E. Marty, or the University of ChlcagO Divinity, also ticks off a list of some Qf tbe proliferating in ''.U;ie '40rld of private religious exp r ession(•' eaylng : "America, 1969, bu millions of advocates, devOt~ or half· bellevua. In utroloO. • eaball, clnqi1, ESP, lol'lurle- lelting, horoacope1, I Chlnt, Kanne, UO, my 1t le ism, nirvana,. occultllm•, peyote, quidism, reality th e r a p y , ,...,..., T.groupllm, Upanl· shads, the void, witchcraft, :xylootancy, yoga and Zen." ln addition, tbtrt are "126 nationalisma. the rellaions cf communism •nd free worldism, F Black Powiu, er left and right," Dr. Marty told the meeting of the Religio~ Publishers Group cf th " American Book Publishing CoUDCil. There also are the aprudlng "charismatic" groups, l'lre!s· ing glossolalia, or apeaking 'l'ith t<>ngues, the Spiritual F i o n t i e r s Fellowship, in· vestJgaling parapsye:hologlcal phenomena. lhe crowded Soka Gakki mediation centers en the West Coast. · " Back a few years aao, Dr. Marty noted, some theoloetans were talking about lhe world moving into • a secular era of "postreli1loua man a n d post religious culture," but in· stead, be eald there are al&ns oI a "new religloumess. •• "On the short ranie.. the See DIVERGENCE, Poge IS COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I ~HE EP~;.?!.~~o:HURCH Newport Harbor . L· :theron-Church ~-~:..~.-~--- "-•" ............. ,....., Lutheran Church of the Moster 2900 Pacl!ic Vlew Dr. l:OR1JNA DEL MAR 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Wo"hip Dr-• SI 'r'tlr1 D1ptti liW. S..., .,...,. -CffURCffE·S--·-;z~~L~~· -••_wur:O:Z:~ ~~;~a.~:,~r~'"c.• __ --l)L :.... 1 l:t AM -HolJ l ucharl1t Of Mor11h19 ,r.,er llANCHIS OP THI MOTHfl CHUIC 19 Clrlll:4 Co,. et 10:00 AM . THI Pl•ST CHUICH OP CHllST, SCI • I 1'\ellT ........ .1.1 ........ DR. WILLIAM It ELLIR Phone 644-2664 ....... -.,.... c-.H.. ' 141¥4611 IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSms lee• , ttle le•. J1ll11 I'. Atllly II: Auo., The ltn. Dftl:4 c,_,., I ,.., ....... . HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 101 .... It ........... c ......... ..... C.-..., ... ,...., I SUl'ldaJ ScbOOl 9:-tS a.m. Morn.ins worabip JJ:OO a.m. 1 8aptlJ! ~ Unlon & p.m. Evenl!>r same• 7 p.m. I Weclll~J Blbl.• Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH tlO HAMILTON. conA MW S11"'•Y Sch•ol • , . • • . . 9:45 Memlnt W•nhl, . . . . 11 ;00 ..... '41-flll Tr•inint Union , .....• , , 6:00 h •l'lnt Wor•hl11 , .•• , ••• 7:00 Wtd. Eve"int St ,.,lct , •• , 1:00 N1,...., ,.,_,. AnflaMe UNIVERSITY iAPTIST CHURCH UIJ L L PAUSAOU 10.' > • IAHTA ANA Ha•HTS lllfff>Af ICMOO\ ', .............................. ., fictA.M. MOlllON• WOJllSIU,. ................... ,. ...... ,. •• ,.. 11 AJA. IVlNUle WtlRSNlll .. . ................... 1 f'.M. MIOWllll: 51rtVICI WIDN151MT ................ J:Jf f'.M, Wllllt11t L A(tM. f'ntw CJ111rcll f'lleM f4S-l471 I "TRUTH" Subject of Lesson -July 27 Costa Mesa -First Church of Chrlst, Scl•ntl1t 2110 Men YtrM Dr., Celtll ..... SeHey Sc:N1l-t 1l I A.M. Clttrc.h Sm-lu--11 A.M. l•lrtt l•o11t, JIM M ... Y1rcle Or. HuntlngtDn 811ch-Fir1t Church of Christ, Sci1ntl1t 110 on.. SuM..-Scheel-t :lO & 11 :00 Ch•rlll-11 A.Ill. hrrice 1'"1111 ... -..1 O Olh'e Lagun• Beach -First Church of Chr ist, S'itntist 611 High o,. CIMwtlll & SINey Scket-9:31 & 11 :00 a.M1 .. 1.-.2u,....... ... 7 Newport Beach -First Church of C:hrist, Scl•~tlst llOJ YJo LJdt C•1re• & hft4-y Sc•Nt-t111 & 11:00 Reffl11t1 ..... lll I Ylo Lkl• Phone: 675~10 ______ _c_cc:._c:.:._ ---------- ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific VJew Dr. at ~targuerite, Corona det Mar Sunday" 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9,30 I floly Days as announced All •-Welc•rM i!i •"™• De an. Jehl lowen Dnl1 -PltoM 644·0461 1~1 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. I Sundays 7,30 & 9,30 Church School -9,30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Ylcar, The lln. Johll W. Do11cddscu1 -raio11e 541-1126 EPISCOPAL ' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ells SI. If Cll.,.i LIM -~utl tnl ef f'm. hlllh Hurrtlllt1M ... di, Ctllfonlll ne rttv. s-C. C11n, f'•Mr . Sunday Services !. I •:M A.M. N•IY C-1'11 ... "" •:M A.M. 1'1tr111, IW'tlel • Cllwc~ ,, .. f'.M. Rvlorl-l<!IMI 1•M f'.M. 1,IK.,11 111• A,M. i\litr'lint WWW• Ytlllll "'""'"""' "''""" Ctre """"" I ~i. a.me. .............. ··"" I s..1.., ldtMI ••••.. t14J.lt14S eo111. W9111lll• lenla .... 11t•U•• 1 Nw-sery care available I at &lJ 1ervtce1 WELCOME 1:45 A.M.-f•mlly Wonlilrt ':45 A.M.-Sund•y Ch1Nh s,h.ol 11 :00 A.M.-F•1tlv1 Wenhlp Hu....., rr..w..i CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ~lksourl Synod 760 Victoria St .. c.,ta Me .. Lothar V. Tornow, Pa1tor ........ WerJMto kr'Ylottl l :U I 11 .11.M. ,.,..., ld!tttfi t:• .t..M, A ... 11 l lM• Ci."1 •:M A,M. CHllSTIAN IUM!HTA•Y SCHOOL 1....au PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M•1• V1rd1 Oriv• I l1k•r Stre.t, Codi M•1•. C•lif. ANO•IW C. AllOllUON. ~-- Jllltlll1y sc1 ... r f1U • t Menill\f """"" l :N a u i• , ,.n • , .. .-,_! ' ~rinc• of P1•c• luth1r•11 cheor ·-Ml•• 'tllh•r Oliu, Prlnclp.J Offic1 Pho1111 1549-0521 Sch11I Phtn11 149-0561 N t • h s d Ch h 1 ch 1 t s · ti t '1 First Assembly of God Church twpor ~••c • econ urc o r 1 , c11n 1 w. ••li•v• 1" Yo• ... FIRST CHRISTIAN JIOO '"'"' -••· CoNH .., ""' , 146 E. 22nd St., Coste MHa 548-3761 UNITARIAN I Attend the church FlllT Ctmclrl & l•llffy Schee~IO A.M. M. C. Cronic, Pastor UNIVERSALIST .... ~H,':;H CHURCH a.Mlitt IH--2161 I-C.. HWI. 1 R•'f Nic.~11on, Mini1ter of Youth I CHURCH ,, of your choice on Sunday '1 1.w.n-._11111 Victoria &: PlacenUa Ave. AU are cordially invited to attend the church &ervlces I SCMIDULI OF S!IYICIS I 12s9 Victori• st .. Cost• M••• . 17411.Jii'irP••'-. '· Y. Costa Mesa and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms I 1111111..,_churcli Scttool • •• •• •• • • •• •• •· • · •• •• •• • 9:3t1 •·•· , 646-4652 SYnlll•r1 ...,., o........._ ...-.. '•'""' w°"air, •••••.••.. 1o:so •·'"· a. 7:oo ,.11t. 1e::11 .t..M. Mornlfll w'or•hill l :lO I I llOD J~tw"-'cy 1 Ci.114 C... Pl:wl.!ol AT AL.I. SUYICU I Church Choir -Sh•ril '•ul11", Dir1cfor IJ~=i;;;;~~~~~· ;;;;;~;;;iii:i , I ''"' "'""'D•JI..., ..... "." ...... ~ .. '-.' .. '',,••·~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yl1lt1111 Wclco,,.. -t.11,,.,., Attett4vr I • A C d' I WI f Swn••v Sihoel ••• •••• • •:JO • .......... II STATE LICINS!D r•1.sCHOOL-Po11 W!llloMI. Dlmror or 11 e come rom Yowtli Mi•tlnt • ••• ••' •• 6100 JHE UNITED METHO' DISJ CHURCH ,,.~ ··~; ........... ''" I :::..."':."-:: .::::::: CHURCH OF CHRIST 1~11 -_ .... ,., .. ,.,,,, I Ev•li!n., s..,.,11 ••••••••• 7100 """'ca...-............... , ',.... 'i,-""--=~===~~====~=====---0.:11 ".,.., ... .u. ....... .__ j "~sery care··pt.oVtd;d 217 w. WILSON ST~ COSTA MESA I I l•lbot ltl•11d COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH H!intlngton l11c.1i-H1rlti ";:;;;::;;;;:;::M~2·:;::24;;2:;::1~;;::;;~~14~M~m~;:;;::;;;:;;;~.....,~;;:'~'~i SUNDAY Mo•~~·:~,~~~~~~ ~ ... 1••1~ ... ''"AM I D HARBOR!i~g~t lfMPU I ;. SUNDAY MORNING WO~SHll' I COMMUNION ., 10:41 AM I , ' " \ Ch rd f tti 1 w ,.i SUNDAY EVENING wo•SHIP ••••••••...•••••••• 6:00 l'.M. 1 St. Jtmes Episcopal Church I FIRST CHRISTIAN 1 1 ' ' • o,;' • I WEDNESDAY EVENING "'" SlUDY ............. "" rM 3209 VI• Lido, Newport Buch CHURCH NEWPORT UNITY NUHllY CUI PI0'1DIO : SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL i CHURCH u .... o . M..,n.14 •••• Ht,. .,, ••• ISIUtArt D ~. KINO l"tlrt INFOll:M.llTION J CALL •1S->M2 I M•in & Adam• Stro1t1 1: LMw :111:::....., I Mlrtlltw ,._.Iott Mh1htet Phone: 541·5711 Day or Night 115 ... ,.,. 675-0910 111 5 lnforPll•I Wot1hlp 9:10 Tr1dltio"1I Wotthi' I Sufldl'f School Coif• M•11 FIRST UNITED COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hill Av1,. .142-4461 Wetthlp I Ch!irch S1h••I 9 I 10:10 AM Huntlnqto11 leach I 15th I lr•I"•· N•w,.rt •••<h lli·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ll (5t1111N' Cit!&-l!illdlfttll I Mo1"11i111 Wer1hl11 GLAD TIDINGS I . METHODIST CHURCH lrvin-£1d lluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH SJJ-12Jl 11421 C11IY•r •••• 1:11 a 11 :01 AM I 1:45 A.M. Sun4., School l ibl• Sclt.ot •••..••• ':45 AM. I Yout~ Greu111 .' .••••• 6:00 PM i Ev•n,1"t Wonh111 • , ••• 7:00 PM 11111• Sflofy °""'" -Well. -1 11.rn. I HurwT C."' f'roWIM,•I •• ,.,.,. on1ct1 J».2Slt. Dl91 ~.s»tsm I 10:00 A.M. D1votio"•I S•tvi~• : OFFICE: ;IOO W. CMll Hl;hw1y, H.9. I Phont: U-5111 DIAW.PIAYll-646-06Jt i==============::~=====~1 ', CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Emph.,bjog "' """"'" •-" I ~ · The Pl.an of Cod MtinMt Clwrcl "' U111JW Cflvrdl •"II'-Sclel!C• LH AllflWs The PttJOn of ChriJI suNOA• 1E•v1cl! ... 11 Wit I The Power Df the Holy Spkft Mlnlstw .... Albert lllfll• •.l .c.I'. Sunday School ' Ml OrtlPl'ntt CMAPIL I Mornln1 Worlhlp ' •rw:I 10:lJ AM CORONA DEL MAR i ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach 11/i llKlll w .. t •f Ho119 Hospital! 646°6620 er 546·7166 Su" Mnllt, Minlcll l)lrt:clw , '+_\JR.CH /o? \;~· o.,.. -., 'j. SUNDAY SERVICES t '° I 10 :51 A.Ill. -•e•. D. '· Allltnfl ... :: II '" 7:00 P.M. -Mlule11arJ f1011t Nl9e1lo -lob Corl1011 ~ 1', ...,. lotti 5tn1101'11 llJ P9Stor -f. 11 Me11ffy, 7:10 P.M. -Cottott Prayer li'Mtlrit I ltth St I H•rllor llv4, Wor1hip l Church Scflool 9:JO I II AM 541~7727 Co1t1 M11 t Herth MESA YIRDE METHODIST CHURCH M11t V•rd• l l•k•r St. 1549-2719 Worihip l Church S<.h•-' ' :OD I lO:lO AM 11 U"iw1rtlly Drlw• Wonhip I Church Scl!tel t :JO A.M. L•fUft• l•lch LAGUNA HACH METHODIST CHURCH !14l2 W•1l•v Dr 111 So. l19un1 W•rihip 10 AM Church S1hoel IO AM 49,.JOll H•ntiftgte11 lt•ch N•wptrt l••cli °"'""' Col•I YMU.. 2l0l Ufllvrnlly o.. [ftllln1 ~rvlcc 7 l'M ThundlY OIC>ll 1,,,,.1 WHAT A SHAME •••• md l'ntyer 1 '"' Nurxiy clurlns Rnok:a A full Youth l'nlgram Cm. Df ORnp .vtd 1JnL Sf. """' ..... FIRST UNITED CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST. CHURCH IY THE SIA 2721 17ttl St ..••• 5l .. JIJ7 1400 W. l1lbet llff. ~~ ;L ~ _ .. ! ~; Wed....-.,, 7:JO P.M. -llb .. ShlllJ ,. ......._ _./ .. I Choir Sin91 •I llolh Sun-'•'f Strvic11 ~,,, MA'f "'"" II~~~~~~·~·~·,.~· ~M~ .. ~·~;·~··~·~·~·,~··~·~·~·~,J~O~A~.M~~~~~~~ I In yoa'll """ k..-w. M-, ,.., .. .., tW ,.. Hrric• ., CALVARY CHAPEL .. ftle _.. IMplmlMlll ....., -.. -..,_1:411 ••• thet ti.. ~ i.1w. 1"'4lft .,. l•t wMt ...,.,. ..._ lffrcllJ"' ,.. ••• tti.t tt. Cllrllfl• .............. ........,.,, h • tN9 .... e4 lllM;lpleslllp. '* ..,. .. ,,.. w ¥9•'11 ""' ........ '"9 yo1 11""4 .JllYICI, 10111 11""-T MMflllt, .t the tefNf ••• ,....., ... & °lllllfl•"'. ,. ... : 141-1111 II 1,1; ==.-=-== .. ==! RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Pat« H. f. )orla; lfC\ Mbr. 410 I Oth St., H11ntl11thl" l••c.h Pflon• 116-2110 A.!vlt I Yo11th S1Nl<.•- l l100 A.M. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE WenM,._ll:H A.M. a.rdt Schei-I 0:01 A.W. DI', f'lll., 0. MWT1y, Mlftllllf M ... lllltftY Im.-, D,C,L 673-4000 I' I HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 w. wn .... c .. 1. Mesa Y. L HllTWICI, !'enter 141-4704 CAIL •INTIY Mlfllmr If Mnk SUNDAY SERVICES f :41 A.M. -S.Hey Sdleol Cl ... ,., .11 ..... S1Ni<.t1 -9:10 I 11 •·"'· 6JJ.JIOS N!itttry thr1 2R4 t••dt • 11 Wonhi11 I Church Sch..t Chut<h Sclll"l -.9:10 •·"'· 9 & IO:JD A.M. ~~~~~~~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ C•urch Pr9sbyterlan llNllT PATI. MINllR• 10:50 A.M. -M•"''"' Wo"hlrt MIOSUMMll C"USADI l•......U• ..... n...-~ Now iR rr09t•H -Nightly •' 7;JD bc•11+ Moftd•Y •11d S•tur4•v -'1--• 20111 Ma11~1h-( ,._, HIMltlrtttM lwl .... ·-· ..... ·-h~ • ......,, t: AM a.rtll S.llMI: 11:41 ..... M NIWPOIT llACH-ID ......... J. 1111~ •••!1•flll ...,. ••••••• , ...... 421 .. ,.,. ... c.... .... Worship -9:45 A.M. NinrrC..,...,... • Phone: &75-3915 S.v•nth·Doy Adv•ntist Churchn Cd.--·-271 ........ .,,... ..,...,. .. Joh11 Shew"'•••, 11•1!0• *" ........... C:..C• Pho"•' 141-65t6 32711 C.... ,_., ,......., ....... k11M1 , •• , t :ll AM A. E. l •w1e11, P•llor Mentlllf w .... , , . tl:tl AM Ph-: 4f2·39J6 COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~ -1(......,.,.. -lllmMtrr -CNN Cll'I ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH ( R•n-d1nm•i111tion1ll CMt• 111 ... w._•, Chili -Wat 11tti St • ., AHttelrt1 OfflM 21111 !~•R• It • ..._ l&MNI Chll'Ch of the Cov•nant · 1111~ ..... c:... .... ltwh1 A. Kunlt, l'ed.,. I...., W....., I ~ s.t.oft t rl._,..• 14MIM St •. Andrew's .Prnbyterlan Church --. . ..-..... __ CHAILl;I HIJlllT DIDDlflU, PASJOI W ..... & a... WIMI: I. t ill & 11 AM '4"-7147 w..tltldlMI •••• 9:JIAM ,.,.,., ......... Wll4l•l1l•P'til ...... W......, •• 10:11 AM Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy St. Mc.ti Prnbyterian Church "==================d.fl;=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:;=:==:;=:=:=:==:;~~ SUNDAY SERVICE ......... 11 A.M. _..,.._,_...,.,_.,11., CMN 111 .. ' . ...... ........ _ ST. ~ATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH t.•"•N"'•""4"-"'A•1"'LI11'tef1"'W"""' •-•-1,..,1 11•11 ' IMlt.-1 5'(1104!11 1;1 Mi1hteni 144-1141 I W I f th tNI , .... A•. IT.,._. I M.....n-), POUNTAI" YALLIT Clrl1rc• Office: D a,... he4, DI c' (IV ..... L rf c UNIVIRS1T1v"P'liiK SCHOOL 1'1 UNIFIED St•VICE:. s.,.,., Schoel 9:10-WORSHIP. ID:JO 141l•t11 .. St. .~. ~ •• ....=-:....,... ommun ., rwauyte an hurcll S 'c.. ' I U I I p I Cette 111 .. e 1 .. , "-"'k hllet, .......... 411, ....... A._. 1.t W It.I, "-tl111t .._. •ft•-'t.,•' M•tt ewt 1 n v'" ty •1i: Wersl!IJI I Y•wth G;rowp1 • 6:JO '""" , , DALJ.AJ TUINU. PAllOI ~.,. H. :!'"'~':~. ~:!!! ~i1•12 11 Nu"•'Y ,ro•itl1d •t •It 1tnlc1a Telephone: 645·!441, Dey" Ml•ht WMMp 0 l tll & 10:tl A.M~h.,q kllHI. •:to A.M. I '-~~~~-~---~----~--~-__,.__ ___ ._,_ .. _._-_._._,_ ... _._-_~_ ..... __ .... _·~~-"-"-'-''""'~·----'----·-----------------~1~-~---~~~-·-··_·'-'-''---~~-~~~ /' ' ' _..._ _______ _ -----"'--- • (ConUnued from P.,. t} »Milo ICbool Wlllcb wlll -1..,. ........ -~.,A;fl doaalloo II ded.1 1 Cllun:lo o/ 1M er...-, Paclllc View f'ltpd, CofonO dol IW, wlD nie<l SUlldoy al t a.m. lbr. c\IUl'Ch oav,lca and at lO :li a.m. f0r church • tchool. Dr. Vincent Gotluao will speak on ... Rococnl>lng the Hand ol God." .. Bl~~l.tt1ff~<\: > morning and efenlflg worship messeges .this. weekC.at .. Jin. .... Ungton-V a,lltf llopllol Cllar<l, 9779 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley. Servlce ·time1·are .ll a.in. and I p.m. Sunday· school cl.uses med at t :45 a.m. and youth groups meel at 5 p.m. " The ReY. Paul Blesemeyer will preach "Overcomin& Our Fean" at 9 and 10:30 a.m. services ror Men Verde Vnlled Melbodlll Cllurcll Stu> day. The church Is located at 1701 Baker Sl., Costa Mesa. "God in the Space Age" will be Uleir topic de.Hvered bf Dr. Philip G. Muqay at C.Orona del1 Mar C o·mman lty Con1re1attonal Chorcb Sun- day. The congregation mee._, for worship and Sunday school at 10 a.m. at 611 Heliotrope Ave. Child care is provided. Sabbalh services will be held 8: IS p.m. by layman Jack Broscow and Cantor Harry- Newman fo,r Temp;le . Bell Da\llcl ti Oranse Couty. The temple conducts it.s services at C o mmunity Congregational Church, Katella and Bloom· field Avenues, Los Alam1toa: Recently appointed pastor of family minlstry at Cost. l~~ - Flnt United ~fethodl'1t Cln1rch, Dr. Roger Htle'llner, preaches during the next four Sunday mornings while Senior Pastor Dick Dunlap Is vaca· tioning. Dr. Huebner's sermon for the 9:30 and JI a.m.. servi ces this Sunday morning is "Jack Poet Loves You?" Church school is held at 9:30 aJn .. The church Ls located at 420 W. 19th St. "Looking in the Rear·View ~firror" is the sennon topic of the JJ,ev . Norman L. BroWn, Sunday 10 a.m. services at the P I y m e u t h Congreg,Ueul Church of Newport Barbor, 3262 Broad SL, Newport Beac~ &unday School ii held at the same Ume with babysit· ting aervlce provided. ' . ' A ~al .commentary through music, entll1ed "The Rock Garden~· will be preseqt- ed by Sasch Rubinstein, as part of Costa Mesa Unitarian Unlversallst Cbarcb'• summer parl1clpatlon program. The congrega~ion meets 10:30 a .m. at ' 12S9 Victoria SI. The Liberallst Religious Y o u t h group meets at the church on Sunday evenings during the aummer. "Truth'' is the subject of the lesson-sermon for this Sun- day's services In all area Christian Science churches. Worsh}ppers at the In· deper}deot fountain Valley Presbyterian Church 9 4 2 O Talbert Ave. will hear the first of a series on the Apostles' Creed at the 11 a.m. service Sunday. Title o( th.Ls Sunday's sermon will be "Is God?" The 7:30 p.m. serVice wll feature brief personal stories from individuals and 1 chalk· talk by Pastor Stanley Allen. A "movle·plcnlc" will be held next Friday evening at the home of the pastor for the youth group. Details will be t announced Sunday morning. f .-/ 1 Junior campers of Lagana ) ~ . I Beach Fltlt Chr11t11n Chun:ll1 ~ • 1 Legion ·Strttt, art at Indian . Village Forrt Fall! thb week. , The rest o the Congregation will meet at 10 :45 a.m. to hear 1 the Rev. Sn.ice Cushing speak l on '<The Abundant Life.'' i At the evening vesper hour, 7 o'clock, Albert Keeler, • educator. wtll address the 1 worshippers on ' • S c b n o 1 • Discipline:" Flnt Baptist Church. 17415 Magnolia St.. Fountain Valley, will show Billy Graham's film, "The Restless Qnes;" tonlght 1 . 7:30 o'clock. The screening Ls ' open to theipubUc and frtt. Worship services wil be held at 9 and 10:30 a.m. arCentral Bible Cllarcb GI Coalll Meu, 190 Z3rd Sl. this Sunday with the Rev. Henry Jones bringing the message. "The rughtful Place for Toniues." A ml.ss.iooary of . the lSllviC Gospel ~lion. the Rev. Andrew Semenchuk, w I I I speak at ltl6 7 p.m~ aenlot:• .. The Re•. Da>'id ~ wlll .pfetch 1•Handllna, µle'~ Heavy Momtnb" Sunday, at CllNI Clludl ., IM S.., 1400 ; W. Balboa Blvd., N~ , Beach,,. ""1e M•rlnfi'I Siin&i)' 1 achool class wil attend a pte- 1 nlc.,J,Jl11!'1-· at trvlne Ten-act' 1 Clty-·P&ri: -- Eva.nJdttal Fftl Churcla o( . ,_. . . • "GLAMORENE" Dry Cleaner for Rugs Clta(!S inslaJTtly witboot wa!Ef •.. Imes rugs 2 ga dry •• , retdy lo Wiik 611. 3.N C1I. Size 1 MIWS Work Socks "'Mar lilt" -White cotton wil!I fl't- loll reiJrfotced llttl IM toe, 5fretcll tool«-fiL 3100 Sties IO lo lJ. ! f'at1f3 I 1 I • . > VACATION SPECIAL! " h-" S Y FEMllllMI SYRINGr 11!! easier, modeJfl way. No lme Ot bang.11p,' Pe lite, compact ... yet llQlds 1 luU two 4tUlftS llf water. Choose Imm assorted ct1!· ortul C¥T'f casts. 111.U! 4a45 '/)t#IJlfll LIQUID • Sft,rdn, Ju~ 26, 1969 DAil Y PlUIT ' . . ' .. ' ' • -·.;:--____...,.. --- ~Foot Carr 'Aids F DQt · 8-ealltY Stone MOOTHWASH .& GARGLE 1.91 Qt. Sill ! 1.55111. L1tlt1 Cln ,. .. IN! 1 locl1I ........ age ly erases tOVgll; dry 5kill on Teet, elbqws, 1111Cb. 1.11 Sir• Foot Beautf Cream Smaotks, -moiJ!ijrizes Jnd 1 7g Clllldi00115 skiR, Gll't }'Our feet ~1.,9 89c .:" · "Crew" Shirt Maclline washlblt 2-ply "dor· ene" cottOA. Col- or-f_ast Regttta 1 gs stripes, short sl~.Sues2-7. 1 Shorts ·8o1tr type ill ISSOfl. . H "Ill)!" s~s to gee match knit shirt~ in sizes 2·7. · INFANTS' Sunsuits GllLS' Short SETS NG-iro~ cute .nd col· ocfwl fwo.pi!ce short set!. In infaJrt sizes afld 2 to 6X. "Asthma Nefrin" cAPsuus • llls yo11 bl"eatb fr!tly ..• wo14 in mi11- utes to give hOW"s ol relief lrom the CQn· 1 69 gestion, whee.zing and cooghing ol ~rlllt- chiil asthma. 11 ca,11111 • "Plate-weld" "A 1. ,, Dutm •• ,.,, ,,, ... l!~ , .. "" II cry me pair teeth that are D111t1r1 1111111 - lime. FO< upper Gr lower Replar Ec111~ plates. a beallty treatment. 2.IO Sit• • Foot Refreshel"Spray Perlect for "ietllnt op" "'1.1 35 tired feet. Dries Qutckly • , • ~"Arrid" - Ultra-Brite no mtss. 1.5151r. Sir• 1 rXTRA DIY SPRAY DEODORANT tao 4.3 •1. Sizt TOOTHPASR Foot Powder 11'.fpat'fect1temfordailylootcare! 43c Helps to prt:vetll devtl®menl of AthrRe's Foot SOc 3 11. Sli1 "Air-Pillo" INSOLES Clisbim ieet 1re11 toe b. heel. 4gc Sott. nshablt lfttt in Metts & Ladies' sizes. lie Pa• PlAYTEX "Tampons1 ' · "Zino-Pads" . UJ ti 4$~ Mrl-l~Slr'Hlt. ·~· 1 tir C1t11.1 b11u11 l 1111.Ms 43c ... soft, 11ttty Kurole• cushions . sensitive arus. 58c Pak l:::~s·;;ei-e·Mili",I • Cellillo$t sponge !or washing and waxing. !: Hands fteed never tOllCh water. W'n1te ~andle, s~onas i• as..sorttd colors. 2.2g 1MPi11 Broom "S•11t• Sw••'" • , • Wistles wiUI. "Ml· ff1~· action. QltllSts •P.' to 5 ordinary' ~ ... · 1.39 lMPlll Dust Mop Renwmbl!. mitt-type cotton map pi'ks up more dust. aet1 at . bard m f!actl ms. 1.3g COOL-RAY POLAROID' Sunglasses On~ COOL·RAY l'Ol.IROID Sungl1sse5 hB"Ve remarb~Je POt.ARO!O lenses tllat slop , rellected glare, as demori-- strated o• JV. 10". Oscillating. FAN "Su,erl•ctrlc• wiU .. ,, .. tr 11ltc-! Modem design witb tip llfOOI bast. Use"'"""" a cool-8 g5 l.ig treua is nee!IU. No tv i~terferenct. Rq. 9.11 1 NEW "Simoniz" Non-Scuff Floor Wax Dries so llfighl, YOIK !loots will a.tiU look w~t liquidl 3g f&rm 1s easy lo ap~. ' 41 11. Sir• • 1.982.90 'f'.191'.'i llDIM••IDlnlM "TANYA" PLAYTEX HAWAIIAN Swim Caps Tanni1g Blllar ~· 'Social-Eyes' for 01 LADIES .. "Desert Flower" -·-HAND & lODY LOTION Skin-soottrin1 lotioll with the vert "beart" of lanolin and ~ a 6elightlu1 fragraoce. 1 ,...,';j;I I •111 ,,., lllHI ••• ffir11eS in BllC~. T errlpift or Oemi-Amber·Ot'l·Crystal. ~ "'""'' ... stilt>""' colors for '69 ••• clloasa Promotes a !'ttetr, fast· er, natural tan. from "Ponrt1H" 1n6 "Juanita". 1 00 Ul1hL 2 00 l.OD Size wt~ I n . Stze • ti1p11aer c., • COOL·RAY POLAROID 'Soclal·Eyes' 5,g9. •11. 1.ia 1. 5g., l.2g 1.51 J 11. J1r Clothes Hamper iy FESTiill - .U ~ rectanplar ... ~ .,,.,,.,,. pick M' cover hill<lle. waste Basket '! fESTiill. -6 qt rDtllld shapt w1\h ribbed de· sign. ld!al for anr fl)Om. Waste Bin Waste Basket POND's'Dreamflower' Perfumelf TALC & lair Dttl1~1t loside tllis llasll js 1 wild little pGwdet. made With _ ,., •• bl< 66 •• ..,...,~ ... / c Olfll(I of frlgt111111 11< Ill IL Sin CUTEX "Olly" Polish Remover REVLON 'Top Brass' CLEAR HAIRDRESSING for MEN .. HELENA RUBINSJEI"' "Beauty Pairs'·'· . ' Ona to hy ••• A Gfft 'lt Try Go Bare -Go-Beautiful ••• Go NUDE BUY: Made Leg 11111 Body Make-up • • • it does for leis and body wllat fOWlda-- fioft does for )'Oii' lace. Evens out tans alld impeffections . Gin: Skin Dew . Moislllrizlaf Cleanser • ; . remavtS e'lel'Y b'IU of make-wp arc! soil ••• lllllritattS is it demes. 4.13 Val11 3a50 ' , ., • ' -, • ' ' ! J ·~ . - ' . ' ' I • l • - • I I J ' - I • • .. ' . • • f;omnteni Pag". • ' ' .\ ., I .• ' ' ~, ..,. ' . ~· • 1 , I I . t I - • • • National Survey of Rising .. :E;ood . Prices·· . ' Vil. litWS AND WOllLD REPORT • ~ and risil)g,pricea for fresh meat are straining_ toOd budgtls of American f1111!1its evtryw!J<;ro: A~ of fOOd prices tn eight major c:itleii ,ia mi4.Ju)1 fowid culJ.ol beef and por~ lefbo :tl\o major Items tl!At are coo· sllUinti)' and iubstanlially higher In prk:e llmi • ,_ eotller. rrrWuhln;&on O.C., round :steak was Stet la pound. u'p JO cents from ~ ytar ago, Ql mar~ Ctf a arocery chain that pni~ded'prtct ...,perlr-0., for the "U.S. Nm ,~nd Wotfd Report" survey. · An Atlanta chain was selling chuck roast at 75 cents a pouod. an inc~f 6 ~over July, 1968. Sirkiin steak w~s $1.ft in Chicago, up 20 cents, and .1n Jiou1too porlc cllOPS were $1.19, an tn· creast ol. 10 cents. OFFICIAL FIGURES confirm thAI the price of· meat ia the major factor in hJgfter food costs to U.S. families. The Govemment's latest C06t.of·Uvtng report shows that the amount spent on food eaten at heme has increutd by 3.1 per- cent In the past year. Prlct increases for meat, which makes up 2S percent of the average family food bulget, wtre much greater than the increase for all tOocts. As examples, round steak }lad in- creased in price by 10.2 percent, ham· burger by 10. 7 percent, ~!_chops bf. $ percent. There appears to be Uttlt grumbling aboot the higher meat prloes. ln Sin Francisco, a supermarket SPokesm.an reported : "We're selling more meat at-higher prices. l haven't seen any ch11nce in buying habits, such as swl\ching to cheaper cuts." IN PORTLAND, por:terbouse steak was reported to be br111ging $1.7$ a pound, boneless top sirloin, $1.98, and the -cheapest grade of hamburger, e6 cents. Said a buyer who handles meat purchues for a major 'chain: "It's wild. We're tctually having trou· ble keeping enough choice cW in ltock to satisfy Cl15tomer demand. "People have more income and they SLEEPING • blive developed 1in appetite for steaks and roasts." A Delroit housewife took this view ; "I stWJ buy pretty much whp;t I did a year aao. 1f you buy the cheaper cuts, there's just inore fat and bone to throw away." ~ --t._ • Some ~ oo the part of buyers wu. repoNil by an official of • Cllkago chain, who ald: "Beef is coming down a bit for the s.ummer months, but I expect it to go right bact llP agaln for Labor Day a~ thereaffer. I doµbt that · prieu will go much higher than .at present· because 6t conSl,Jlller reslstance. The gals have a lof ot clout. you know." LIVESTOCK MARKET experts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture not' that prices of choice catUe had' eaied off to as low &s '31 a hundredweight in mid.July. Despite the k1wer cattle prices, the retail price of beef is expected to hold around current levels. Tbls reason is given': The full impact of higher catt!e prices m 1ecent months baa not been \ ' What It ls, How to Do It Best -J, ' --11!' IRWIN llCSS. Pb.D. atimqU which keeps us awake Is a two- directionaJ barrage. It comes from withln as well as without. The insomniac is able to still the bombardment <>f ootside stimu.U, but be fail.I to silence the salvos within himself.. He cannot sleep because the guns o! wi)rey are sounding within his own mlnd. who Sleeps 10 to 12 hours a night, who finds it impossible to drag himself out of bed in the morning, Psychiatrists have pretty definitely nailed this type of i!leep habit as a "rught from reality." The over-5leeper is using sleep as a refuge or an escape. Htaltll Mquhoe le have dooe weird things to ance ·aleep. In the Middle Alea men ved t he i r heads to aV'Old havlng tmares. Charles Dickens carried a pass wheft traveling and always eure hlJ bod lay north and IOUth. H&!~ a now of polar magnetism made for better. sleeping. Benjamin Franklin med four bed!, switching from ooe to another when 'he became too wlrm. Today our stores tell bundreds of at;.J>"induclng 1adgets. of the best aides to proper sleeping understanding of sleep Itself. Wha.t ? What happens to us when we sleep? is the exit of consciousness. The r brain centers go into temporary THERE ARE two types of insomnia: inability to fJll asleep in the first plaei!, and a tendency lo wake up in the middle of tht night or early morning. The first type (whkh usually is more severe) Is a "state of alertnesa." It is as if one were unable to call it a day, unable to close shop. His fears that he may have done the wrong thin&. or that fortune rement to recuperate and repair. It is ~l .t.dv•ee I.er hulom· r the oerve coonections to the cortical o'.'..o •• , .,... "!'? :.--\:. ~.: .y--~ , -' . +.n. of the brain had been pulled out -aes· Tepid Bath aJid · plugs Crom a telephone awitchboard. • the unconscious self continues Jts ac-Try to Forget the Wor• 'es. InvolunLary mU9CUlar activities ~~ri;.;ud.;dlgestion and respiration remain rles ••• zi ts, and the 11nconscious &OO&lity continues to manliest. itself in , • .,_.,_.,_,,.,_.,_,,-.. .,_ .. -.. .,_., _____ .,_.,.,_., ___ .,,,_.,_.., Sleep requirements are as individual as food requirements. While eight hours is a good average, do not ,think that there is anythJng wrong if you require nine hours or do well on six. Some of the more dynamic characters of history, such as Napoleon. Frederick the Great, Schiller, Humootdt, and Edison, did well on four to five hours. We reach our deepest sleep at the end of lhe first hour. This continues until lbe end of the tbird•hour, and then our sleep becomes prgre-Uively Uchter until we awaken. At Colgate University, Donald A. Lai£9 i:l.iscovered that ~ple who awitened ii the. elld of .'folif hoin of 'sleep were in just • good condition as Ume who slept el&ht hours. They had gained the full benefit of the deeJ>"sleep period. IJ!.EEI' 11 A normal, one might say a may lurn •8Ji0$t him -all the feara we commonly call "worries"-ketp him in a state of alertnt!s. THE NAP, or siesta, has proved it s worth oot only in the hot countries but among many businessmen in cooler cli mates who are able to sneak in an hour <>f shut-eye after lunch. The axiom, regarded as medically sound, Is that an hour's nap during lbe day cuts two hours off your ,:1letp requirements at night Among history's more famous nappers have been Benjamin Franklin, Theodore Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill. j erred, cond!Uon of lhe human being. only a conUnued bombardment of uli which keeps us awake -stimuli b as light, sound, muscle activity, ger, worry, and anxiety. le we sleep, some interesUng sicJI changes take place. For ex· pie. we get taller. The vertebrae in splnts, which have settled down on ions or cartilage during the day. h out u we lie supine on our beds. may gain a quarter of an inch or e. erspiraUon increases during sleep. r absorption or oxygen increases. Our perature goes down about a degree a half, reaching its lowest point ween 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. Many of our tions decrease, sueh as the mucus of nose and pharynx, the urine, and s. Tb.is explains why we rub our eyes n we are sleepy. The secreUon of s is already slowing down. leep is not ~nly a need, but a demand, the min~ arid body. The most thun. 1 barrage caooot keep soldiers ake when they have gone without sleep 41 hours. Deprivation -0{ sleep was us- during the Middle Ages as one <>f the elest of all tortures. Dogs deprived of ep die in nine to 17 days. _ f sleep is in eo great demand, how do account for the insomniac? Even n the physical conditions for sleep are rfect, the insomniac tosses and turns in cruet torment of wakefulness. What's ong! answer is that the bombardment of .. The By HERB CAEN The secood type of insomnia -lo· terrupted sleep --Often has disturbed rhfthm as a major cause. Sleep, especially for the very young and those from middle age onward, has a habit quality closely linked to rhythmic repeti- tion. Napping after dinner, or keeping ir· regular hours, oft.en will disturb this rhyUun and cause irritating brtaks in sleep. 1n nearly all cases of insomnia, the ftar of 1leeplusne1a: is far worse than altepiessnes1 iLseU. 1 have seen repeated cases in which men and women bitterly complain, "I can't go on like this. I know something dreadful is going to happen to me -1 just can't sleep at all ! " Doctors as well as laymen have dozens of do's and don'ts for better sleeping. Of the manr suggestions encountered in the preparation of this article, the following are the golden nine: t. Sleep in a nat. firm bed. lf it sags in the middle, a piece of plywood inserted between the spring and the mattress may improve it 2. Sleep alone. Husbands and wives who sleep in the same bed (87 per cent of married couples do) may not rtaltze how much they disturb each other 's sleep, Photographic tests 11how that the average sleeper shifts position 40 times in eight hours. BUT SUCH PERSONS actually sleep a good deal more than they think they do. Often they could get along very well on the amount of sleep they are getting if only lhey did oot worry about It. There is. 3. Stretch out when you sleep, nexing of course, something eerie, 1onely, and the kntts slighUy. But do not •·curl up in depressing about the still darkness of a ball." Also, do not worry about the old night. Thirty minutes of wakefulness in wh~ze that sleeping on the left side the middle or the night can seem like 30 strains the heart. It does not. hours: But numerous observations o~ in-4. tf you tend to wake up hungry during somn1acs have shown that they are U\ a the ntalll,-~ackers and milk before State: of sleep or hall-sleep .eJoat ~_J~ ... -reU'fUif. night.c"lcdldfl;tAlerp'\('wfu1i 1'st night" · . . usually indicates a f!Uul or unu.tlsfactory S .. Nev~r take. sleePtng pills without sleep, but it is rarely to be taken llpecific 1n1tructlons from a physician. literally. You may not need them, and they can be Opposite the i n 1 o m n I a c s are dangerous. oversleepers. Perha1>3 you know a friend •· Do not try to doie back for "another Our Man fn Saa Franel•eo Spe~kled SAN FRANCISCO-Don't look now, but J think the long-delayed tourist MUOn la oo at la.st -and hi&h Ume, too. For a whUe lhert, It k>oked as t f\o u g b the camera ·Breasted Seeraucker had gone the way of the MMtttey aa.rdine and the Bay shrimp, and don't think there weren 't a lot of worried people around town. Touri.,n Is our No. J industry, No. 2 befng testimonial dinners for people you never beltd of, and without tourists, we 're in wont shape than a pregnant bdi)'-dla«r. their hearts In San Francisco 1one elsewhere for a transplant? Were the wayward busts or Bawdway no longer a two-pronatct 11ttractlon? Dunt eat. Nobody knew. JUNE WAS a bust but things began picltlna up in July. The first official aightlna: occurred at 1:03 p.m. on July 3 al Powell and Geary. "There's one now I" cried Sam the Flower Man, focuslng hi! blnocUlara on 11 Yellow- Sweatered Lqa:fer canyJng t w o JostamaUcs, a rnap and an out~f-date guidebook -a true to.pointer. doubtfully. "l thought this was a wlde- oeen town ... Three slrettwa1kers aro&e from a manhole and ltd him away for a massage from Garcia, one of the best. The season bec1me official at 4:33 p.m. on Mlssion near Third. where a statfon wagon bearing Micbi8an plates was towed away. l Their lllMDce In June caused 1 new wrinkle to appear on Mayor Alioto's noble dome: bot why was the lour1st rttusing to take the bait! Waa he leap- ing upstream to sp1wn in cleutr wllU1? ff.I~ 11! thooe people who left sam thrust a rose Into his hand . a kid stuffed a Berkeley Barb Into his pocket, and Mr. Alioto appe1rtd ln a putt cf smoke to hind" blm lhe keya to the city. "Who needs keya?" sakf the tourist . .\ LOT OF ridlculoua theories bave been advanced abOut the 1Jow-starUng season. Some experU clalm it was aU publlclty about CaUfomla sllding into the 1e1, to <rhich I 11y plslMosh. The only thing this state Js atlding into la b&nkru~, and anyway. sup e it DlD ·sllde-tnto the sea? WOo' ml!t! a 'lght like· that? Jt ly comes ol'ICe in a lifetime. Other saaes believe It was the earth· ( ' ' · .. .. pimed on to COJlSWnm. Tb111; Tetalltn will tend to keep pri~ wfwrj they ire to make up lor the •m"}ler margin on which they have been operating. Over all, Government economlats look for some eaa!ng .of.~I Jnd'l'1't prices during IJ>e_~eat ol 1.969. Bul!bty V<pecl no 6harp drop in thHe prloca u lonJ •• consumer buyinl powtr llJUlntaiaed •I . present ltveh. Heu"wlvr-o trying. lo hold dOwn food budgets say they arf. llndlng bargatna harder than UIUlJ to come by. IN SOME CITIES, egga wer• reported to be cheaper In mid.July than a year. ago, but in other-a they Were higher in price, Eags were down 10 cenLs a doitn in New ·York, up 12 cents in l.ba Angeles. While food costs are risbig, so are family incomes. The average family is expected lo spend 17.~ pt:r cent of its iJt. come after taxes: on food in 1969. Tbt i; the same as in 1961, and the lowest IQ U.S. blitory. . (Ol"f•'91!t lW!t, U.J, H""5 t. WWhl lttcom, I"• tli~td Wttlc,.,. by U.S. N•ws •nd WOrl4 Jt•r1 It'll;,. •I W•1~!11f1Gfl Q,(, I ,.., Ben Wick• in Vacation Land M" A&c&!'V'+M* &.SAi 40 winks" alter you awaken in the mom· ing. Your mind and body have had all the sleep they need. Get -0ut of bed and make use of your time. 7. If you have trouble falling a.sleep, try a tepid bath at bedtime. Water should be 92 to 97 degrees. Take a leisurely, pro- longed bath -aoak for 30 minute!. When you emerge from the bath, dry yourself gently to preserve your feeling of relax. a ti on. a. Read a nonexciting, resUul book In bed if you have difficulty dropping off to sleep, Do not lie awake and mull Over your worries of the day. t . Keep regular hours. Adults who go to bed retularly between 11 and mldntaht and arise between 7 and a a.m. have the best chance for pleasant, re&eshing sleep. Arrives quake scare, which ls likewise silly. All our big buildings are earthqu.ake- proof, and if they aren't, it's Ume we found out. Then there was lhe bad publicity about ·s.F. Statt, described In ntwa stories as a. ''streetcar campus": this li!d some Eutemers to think the cam· pus Is downtown and that they might have thelr wires yanked by sonre guy wearing a tam o' shanter. S.F. State isn't downtown, stranaers. Ira WAY out. Black Panthers, murders in the Hashbur)', muggings in the Ptrk -all these things have sullied the S.F-. image., l.oo1 bul I sllll ti}' you're more · I Injured by a tourist driving through a red Ught while trying to find the strttt tign that isn't ther_e. _ . '. Grocer11 Price Cru1aparuoh '·!:. '• ' 'LOS JliNGELES, CALIF .• ' YUJt AaG NOW $1r1oln stfft: lb. , •••••. :. Sl.M Sl.M Round tltlk, lb.,,, ....•.•.. $1.06 $1.29 'Clwci n'.11$l, ft." ........... 47; I 5St Cround bttf, lb: ••. , ••••••. 48, 61,; Bacon, lb-; . , .... , , ....... 654: 7'; .... '"°"·lb. ........... $1.12 $1.19 H1m, lb .................. 6.5; 79; lttluct, head •••• , • , ....... 29; 2'• Carrott,,l:Nnch .......... ,.l•; l•; Crtt8 bnn.J, fb. ;, ••... , . , •. 39; 2't ,ot&lOtS, .$ lb ••••••••••••• 841¢ 8'• ~P.t·~· -· .......... 34; ZS. T~, lb •••••..•.•.•••. zst 2~; MVilrtllf,.lb ••• ' •.•••••.• ,38¢ 3911 Butitr, 1b. " •••••.•..• , •... 79; 85J Mii~ ~ ~· ............. so, 50• tas. i..;, 4n ............. 39• 5Ic lnllf. 1.10. loaf ......... -~ :io, • • NEW YORK, N.Y. ' l~" Sirloin 1ttak, lb.~· .....••. $Ll9 Round 1t1ak, lb. , ..•••.••• $L~9 C!11Jdl rout,,~ ...•.•...... 69; Grottnd bfff, lb, •.••• , • , ••. 59; Bacon, lb. . ..•..• , • • . . . 7511 Pork chops, lb. . ......... $1.25 Ham, lb. . ............. 75e Ltttllet, htad ••.• , .. . • • . • zq; • Carrots, bunch ... , . , .. , , ... llt Gtttn btans, lb ............ 39c Petatoes, 5 lb ...... , : . , .. ,4qt Cantaloupes, tacl'I .•.•.•••.. l4t toJiat,.,, ~ •...•......... 29c Maroarlnr, lb •.•••• , ••••••. 33t Sut\tl', lb .........•...••. 86¢ MUk, 1/t 911. ••••••••• , .4---. 56; Ens, Wte, dor .••....•.... 69; Brtad, 1-lb. losf ••••••..•.• 31, .... Sl.39 Sl.59 79• .,, 791 $1.29 75• 33¢ 20• 291 55• 30• 29• 33, 87• "' 59• :!Of \liew From Above Und~r-30 Group Not That Potent By CHARLES F. ADAMS As: I w a t c h television and read maiaz.ints and alt.end movie. these days, J sometimu w<>nder 1f anybOdy besides myseU i£ over thirty. There aeems to be a conscious denl&I of middle '8ge -and certainly ol old qe. t rectnUy went through 1 Jarge DI• tional COTIIUtntr ma1azlne -and ol -48 models uffd in the ads, only two could conceivably have been ovu thirty-five. one of these looked aboUt thirt)'·six. 1 watc'hflll a weekend of football on televiaion a month er so ago, and I saw very little ex~pt k.ida, singing and vibraUng and dancing at me. Fine loolmg kidl, to be sure, but kids. When a Pontiac commercial finally came on and an old- timer named Frank Slnatra tottered into view, be looked more ~e .a.a uciept llOOthaayE-than•the aharpMt, swln8Jn«est . member cl my geoeraOOb. If you· lhint I'm kidding, take 1 look for youn:elf. Perhapt a.dvertitine people have come lo the conclusion th.at middle age is obsene. Youth stelDI Uterally to overpower the American landscape and to domin•te the news. We !te the young intellectuals tak· ing over, jf not the universities, at least the university fldlltles. We set them bat- Ulng the establilhment in loud and angry voices. We hear them crying for the new and untried. We fear them as a bewilder· ing and bewilde'red political force as wtll as a growing and volaWe power in the marketplace. AND WHILE youth is flexing its m111Cles and making itaeU so noticeable, what do we hear of middJe.agtd America? Not all that much. Older America just quietly goes on runnitlg the machines, driving the truck.s, operating the businesses, electing the presidents, making the money, apending the money, and running the country. In light of the excitement that youth create. Md the vitality that the statistics and facts about youth generate, it is liltlt wonder that the lurt ol youth haa been 11eat for the marketer. Youth-oriented market planning and youth~riented pro- ducts, and youth«lented advmillll'lg have glamour and plu:au and a "ri1ht oow" feelin g lo it. It's an eaay sale and 1 safe bet. And it is little wonder, e.ither, that it is so tasy to overlook the fact that older America -far lt!s interesting, far more sedate, far less exclUn1, far more com- placent -is still in charge, not only of the levers of power, but Of the overwhelming majority of America's purchasing power. "Under-thirty" has been the catch phase to describe the youth mark1t. But I would Uke to auqest that if it ls vaUd to isolate the market that has been on this earth thirty yean or less, then it might be equally valld to loot at the market that has thirty years or less to go -the ovv forty.five market. 1 believe that an eumination will reveal lhat it is, indeed, "I.he generation at the top" -at the top not only of the demographic chart, but at the top in its power ln the marketplace. HERE ARE SOME brood·11u1e facts to think about. ' 1. The "under-thirty" seament accounts for only •bout l$ -nt of 1!11pend1n& in the U.S. The "thirty-to-go•• serment spends some 51· pettent of all U .s. dollars. I. Only 14 per<tnt ol all U.S. !lousehoids are headed by 1 nMtnber of the "undtr· thirty" market -5' petctllt IN! headed by the "tbirty..to-go" market. S. lncomu ovtr •10,000 art rtlaUvely rare under thirty • but nearly one In lhtte In the over forty.n\l'e group ecrna mctt than •tD,000. 4. llouJcllofds buded II)' )>Ol'IOllJ Undtr thirty, .-t fer only 7.1 ptrctnl of the •pending In the United Stolea -and the under tblrty bracket is responalble for only • thlNI ol au furn!Wrt and appliance buying. Of the IO mlllJoo can. on tht Mr. Adamt i& president CJf a Michi· gan adverti!ing agrncy. This ii a.n tXCtTf'Jt from a iµf!ech ht dtlivtrtd to tht Dalla.! Advertising Ltagut, road, teenagers own a mere 1.5 million - most of them IJSed. S. A far higher percentage of the far greater ~come. in the over forty.five market JS available for di!cretionary spending -when the chlldren are no longer at borne and the mortgage has been either e.llminated <>r reduced. The older market travels more, lives heller and purchases higher quality products. ' fi. While the under-thirty market, measured by heads of households, will enjoy great growth between now and 1975, tt will then top out. It will repre~t a pe,_k tota1 of only is percent of an tf.s. houlehoic:ts and will' do only 12 percent of the nition's total spending. 7. The "thirty-to-go" market will befoN! too much time, be the "thirty.five: to-go" or tven the "forty-te>-go .. market. ll:fedlcal 1eience Js lengthening: the lifespan constantly. Even at sixty.five, the average American has a life ex- pectancy of 15 years. A fuU 15 percent of all couples <>ver sity·five have assets in exceaa of $15,000 -as well as incomes that are largely tax extmpt and almost entirely dlscrelionary. And thir; t<>p of the mature market is increasing at a rate of 30!?.rw» a year, now totaling almost 20 m1Jllon. with a total purchasing power ol more than 40 billion ®liars. PERHAPS l'M prejudiced, because In four yeara I'll be a member of the "thlrty-to.«o" market. But I feel that this Js, Jndeed, the "generation at the t(lp!' - at the to.P ~f its form in power and tn-~luence, in 1nCQJ?le and spending ability. in health and vigor, and in judgment and Ollllnok. Emotion Isn't Sole Ingredient The escalating cycle of disruption and reprisal oo campus muat be stopped, It must be stopped because, as Jt grows, It will eventually destroy all reason. It must ~ stopped because unless it is stopped it will destr!'Y us all -students, taculty Ind adm1nlatration alike -with im· personal inhumanity. The creative llfe of theJ11-lnd Is built in part. on 5!>aring emotion ind in part on r1gld <!1sc1pllne. This mlxture is volatile, explosive, and must be handled with great care. Use re~son to root out injustice, Ind uae emotion to sustain your commllment. Not ~e other way around ; for when emo- Uon is used to root out injustice and reason Is employed to justily a com. ml'"!ent to vlolence, the disaster d holy war JS only a step away. -Wllllem J. McGiil, Chancellor, Unlvtnlty of CaUm.Ja, Su Dle1• ---iW- Saturday, Joly 25, 11169 Tll• Comment Page of tbt Dally PUot 1eeb lo lotona and 1Umulate read~ra by preaanUng a varlolY ol com- mentary on topics of lnttr-••t and alpllieance 11'.0lll inlonnod observers a • d spokesmen. Kohrt N. Wffd, Pu~Pshtr ' Beal .._ ' ,_ E~tate < Qv-.!lons .. d " Comment By Rte It or R1ndtl McGtrd!t • • QUISTION: Wll'y ohovhl I lltt my hovto ... clutlyiily with ..,. el you ~rolcJrt. I ·h1vo novor undortltOd thlt, It would tffm ' to mt th11 If I lltlOtl my priporty "oponly" with mony dlfteront brek1r1, th1t they woukf w1rk •n It harder; ln1•• much 11 I 1m 19l'Mlnt oft whit, you call 1n open ll1tlnt t1 p1y 1 c1mml1slon t1 . the !•lllnt ·1t,.k1r, ho It protlctod. Alto, with 1n open typo ll!llnt to H•trll dll• f1 ... nt brok1r1 I can still ull tht property my11lf, which It 1 dtflft.ltt 14v1nt1g1 to mt. And th• flr•t itr•"• that c•m•• to mt with 1 buyer 11 tht en1 fh4't 91 the comml11lon. A11J • It 1Mm1 to mt that this would be 1 r11I lnc1ntlv1 or thtm to rtally push my prOfMrty; and yet, mo of yeur r11lttr1 are net lnttr11ttd Jn thl1 optn t pe listing. You went 1xcl111lv11. Why should I 9lv1 '" 1xclu1lv1 ll1tlng to 1 'broker? Whit 1r1 the 1d 11nt1911 to mt? ' . I. B. Ntwport ~tch HA~IOR &LliOANCE -Interior eleg~ce and outdoor proximity are the elements of desi&n which ao into the making of Harbor View Homes. The Gala Sunday Event popular Newport Beach community has just aa. nounced the sale of its 300th home in as many days. -Satu..iar, Jult 26, 1969 OAll Y Pll.91' f . ' ' . Fastest Selling Leadership Held By,, ff.a 'rbor View. • • • ""' -llar"9r View Homes .,... continue to ma1ntaln fll ludershlp poslilon u -ol . Ille fuloet.1tlll111! --devalopmeota In Oran&• l;oUD' tr wltlf llM! .-ment cl Ille Silo of-the !OOth -wlthlil u lnllll)' dtya. •• ' . - The announctment w •-• made by. Dullle FryUna; Isla mtnager for Harbor vi... ' Hootet. "OUr ulel people .,. pntty proud ol our nlM-dty nte," Fryllng went Gil to ..,~ "We flcuro we've Col tbe belt (i , pfoduct, for tbe mooey tn ~ ' tlewport Beach. And Ille way ~ h"""8 have been eelllnc bm, '>!! lt'• obvJous that people agree ~; with us. We'Ve alrtady bepn now open. -.,.. work on a new unll" The bomea are emblemlt»." tZ Frylfnc cited locttion tnd of Individuality ID cteilp ...il"4• the homes themselvea as kt)' interior st;yllq.· They lal"!"l' reasons for Harbor Vlew gained natJon.wide recopltloa Homes' enviable sales ftCOl'd. for arehhec:tural nceJJeact, "1 The !tom" ere titmlly "In 3, ' and MledroOm bomM Ill the middle· of tverythlna'' in one , and twMtory. ~ ~\. ... Newport .Beach: Balboa Bay ii avlllabk. &.ch plan. l'*lvidllJo{' less -ttWi a ten minute drive a number of es: e 1u1 l Y •'t't• from Harbor View Homu. So featuru whkh qualify """°'~ are some of Cahforni1'1 moat View Homes for a c:ul&ant beautiful beaches. Clo&er still homes category. Yet ll'ic9 ls the renowned Fashion (byNewpcriBelCb~ib t1land shopping center. To the remain e s c e pl-lo D at 1,; east lies the campus of UC reuooable: '27,111,CO ~ Irvine: again, just a matter of Harbor \l1tW ffomut ...A minutes away. toe •·• • Ford n~ ~ Yel the Donald L. Bren Co.. •~ 1'· ~ - I , ANSWER: From the owner's point of vie~. , there are positive advantages. When he glvts one bro~er exclusive agenc!', he has a right to expect vigorous sales eilort. He anticipates results, for no broker should accept an exclusive llatin& unle1s he believes that he can succe11sfully p~mote the salt. If lh• broker fails , he runs the risk of incurring ill w1Il which will be delrtmental to his busineu. The broker accepts not only the opportunity of earning 1 commission but al•o the duty of ilving the owner the )>est results potslble. - \Vben a broker .bas an •exclusive contract, he is jusUfied in spencllnf Ume and money to focate logi· cal buyers and negotiate a sale, lie_ cair -1!ord to advertise the property, and if desired he can offer it through other realtors, thereby giving the owner a special service which includes both individual preferred attention and wide market distribution. builders of Harbor View MacArthur Blvd. In N.,.,.t Homes, have managed to Btach. Take the San DMa'o or create a seclude'd Ne~ Frelwly to tM Thunderbird Homes Plans Cookout ~~~·:-&:~~~~:i!~ ~~~St 1 • own Identity u a commUJJity, MacArthur Blvd. and turn 1 -----Homts hODtlnrqulol, -ult -ftOl'lh. ~--· ---1 A tree 100 pound roast Point Marina. whlcb will pro-lenrth b a 1 cony stretching Thunderbird Hom.ts may be streeta are clustered around a dlspllf' daD1 from lt:OO lo cookout will be he Id at vide residellts with facilities across the front of the house reached by driving 8<1Uth on wide central park ,.. whlcb1'i010i:DO;;;;p0i.m.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;-. Thunderbird Homes Sunday, for yacht!, power boata, small with access from two Lhe San Diego Freeway to the blsectl the nelgbborbOod. The 11 from noon UI 5 p.m. for poten· craft, s h o p s ... restaurants, bedroonu, rt~sed covered Pacific Coast Highway and park widens to include & laret tial homebuyers visiting the fishing and areas for pie· entry leading to wide double North on Pacific C o a s t playfield adjacent to the Dana Poln~ community. nicking and swimming. doots and all tri·level homes Highway to Del Obbpo. East n el ghborbood'• elementary Roast b e e f sandwiches. Many of the new homes a.re offer three car garages. Four on Del Obispo to Stone H 111 school site. Another focal point IEGIN TO UVI 24 HOUR RICORDINll Joo " 547·6661 " It is vasUy better for the broker to . concentrate on propert.tu lhe sale of which he controls, for then he JS assured of fair compeµsation for his servic'es . No sane salesman would to on the road and take orders for goods without definite knowledge that he could make delivery. Exclusive listing· gives the broker assurance· that the property he is selling can be delivered. at a °definite price and upon pre- est.ablished terms. cookies and soda pop will bt on vtew lots wlth outatandlng "')nodela feature a pass·through Road to the ules office at is the residents' private served at 33458 Sea .Brighl features such as cathedral serving 'bar from the kitchen 334&6 Sea Bright Drive, Dana recreaUon club (complete-with Drive. _c~t~il~ln~g•~an~dt_:f~ir:ep~l~"':":·~•'._f!!Ju~ll·::__!<)lo'_!l~he~o~u~ld~oo~r~co~ve;:re~d~pa~tl~o.:_~Po~l~nt::.. --------~O~lymp~~ie~~~lzed~!pool~)~w~hi~ch~la~~~~~~~!!!!ll!l!!i!!! fl Door prizes wl11 be present· .w ed to an vttlto l&nd a grand ..._,., C:~ drawing will also be '.:i The advantages of exclusive listing are sum· marized in a leaflet prepared by the Brokers Insti· tute for distribution by ·its members. 'Ibe mailing piece contains this d.efinition: _Floor plans f9r Thunderbird :,. homes are ava1lab/e in single and multi -level designs wilh from three to five bedrooms and two or lbree bath_s. They are priced from $28,450, which lncludu wtll to wtll carpeting and custom draperies. EXCLUSIVE LISTING is the modern sales plp.n recommended by the· National Association of R!al Estate Boards. You giv~ the realtor of your choice excl1!$ive .authority; and 7espoi!slbillty for _ prompt, sst!ifactoly itle <>I your property. lie be· comes your personal repregentallve and you get preferred attention ahd expert service from start to finish . Subsequent paragraphs tell 'vhy exclusive list· in.I! is the "futtct V.'ay to sell your reaJ est.!te at fair market value." PREFERll.ED ATTENTION. When you auth· o'.ite a realto~ to selI y.our property as your esclu· s1ve representative, yop are "first in line" when he shows real estate to the qualified buyers he Jocates through advertising and personal s·ales contacts~ ACTIVE SALES EFFORT. The realtor shares your de1ire to sell tbe P.roperty quickly, at the best p_nce obtainable. He uses his experience, informa· tion and facilities to advertise your property effec- tively and to close the a1JIJ. REAL SELLING POWER. With assurance !hat the property can be delivered at a definite price, your e1clusi~e. agent can of/tr it tllr¢ugh other brokers -giVIng you a special service with real selling power. EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall R. ~fcCardlt ia en inve1t- ment analyst~ .President of The RicL Ea:to!1r1, d college lecturtr, ~ director of th• CoUfornia Assocta.tiun of Rte! Eitate Teachets, author of "lttat E1£att in Cali- fornia." Send 11our questions and comment. to Randell R. McCOrdlt clo the Daily Pilot, Bo.t 1560, Co.sta Mt1Ja. 92~2~.' 7•acre Site Rancho California Signs New Company and North San Ditto County ....... The fint tr tile ff\'tn in- du.trial firms In .,...Uon WU Afdtt &!ICbine a n d Deal(ll co_ !fl!ldi ~ploy• ~. 'lbun~rbird Homes, located In the .. acre dtvelopment or Dana Point, are just five minutes from the new Dana Sales Over $1 Million AtRossmoor Sates again have to pped $1 mfflion during a s i n g I e v.·eekend at Rossmoor Leisure World. C. W. Dark nation al marketing: dlreetor said , "This is tilt 1econd time in the pbt three months that sales have ea:cetdtd 1 million dollars over a sin&le weekend . on hfitch 17 our staff of countelors sold 54 manors in ont day, which represents a current market val ue in ex· ctn of $11h million ." ''Thill put Memorial Day weekend, they again ap- proached that re<;0rd-breaking mark by :ielllng 43 manors in O\lr newest unit. We find de· mand for property in the Laauna Hills ar,ea steadily in· crtaling." Dark continued. "Although it began with Ross W. Cortese·s master planned re1idmtlaJ community ror 1dult1, appea1 for homes 1n this arta now appears to be univtniaJ." . "Surrouodlns Ro 11 moor Leisure World, oQltr com· mun!Un are rapidly powlng lJltf eenten !Or •hoPPlnJ and aervica have ~eveJoped rtcht ~ wjth Ult influx ol population. We have two such etnltr1, one local and another rQionel, at Leirure World1 11 Dirk ~ed. Produets Engineering CorpOtati~ · Of Los Angeles will construct· 1 15,000 squatt foot manufaeturlng faoillty on a seven acre-site in the MW industrial park at RanchO callfomla in southwest Riverside Countt, the ranch company hu announctd. 1)e .new plant wlll tllrn out a variety of mtU\lflri1 pn>- d_,CU and tyjewtltei ac- cessories, augmentinf th t cm'npany's present produetlen What Does The Bible Say About Salvation? facllltlts at Its main p)lfll tn Qe4 ~NNi ¢hri1tie11 ••'••lie11 •*K>•E he c'••••ll the Ee,th! Los ~gele.s. 1,h. l :l·4, I Pe!.1:1+.10, Titt.11 1:2 . Go' c'••IM •II l~i1191 fer E. :.,ames .f.tutar, Rancho Hit '''''lil're, R9•, 4:11 lkint J••· l ibl1l. Thl1 h ~OGJCAL: thet C.Ulerpia preiliWlnt. iatd that , ••• Wewl4 •l~•f• t••' thlnt1 for hl1 OWN pl1e1vre, Qe,., l:Jr, t.hia bf'tnp to· seve"n the total &tll lltftf' llltf'14fl A,...Y c,ttlurt lo li1co111e fVIL, b~t ht ft•t number o.r manufacturing hi1 cretfum thk. CHOIC5. He•'''' cevW ••' heve PLIASUlE plants completed or in proce:ss i,11 the OIEOllNCI .t 111, '''''"''' !if DJSOIED1ENCE were IM- f .... 1,.... • the R nch POS$11lEI 1 Stt•1t efNI etrfei11 1t191l1 kitc.4111• EVIL •114 cli1· O \.l'liVl...,,n)l!nt 8 • 1 0 0D1y64 h1 H,,.,.,,., ,,.,111·-•t•IHt •ff.•••· 12:1-t, J1i14• t. Callfornta Jooutrlal Part. ... When all are in full or,rallon Gttl KNEW r•belll•n ••.ultl t•t• ,,.,, 1«101tt 111en, Hl1 ere11h1r•• •11 E•t+h l1it11e fi.ty were ·~IEE te r1D11l. H.11111, He ,1111t1e4 I~ the t&tal i>aftolt for e area 1c1~.,"'' , Chrl1tl•11 w1v ef ••'••tlot11 H1w1 v•u l11r111cl •f should e:reeed 500. 6ocl'1 ,1,G'i~w1y tf 11l•1t;o111 Are yeu • p•tf of H? Wr ite or L. A. Sp\evat, pre1lden t o( ph'"' f•• f E l,10U1t . t1lli111 of Go.i·, w1y ef ,,1 .... 11111. ProdUQtJ Ena'lneerlnc Corp., Ch11,th of ·hr t, 211 W. Wll1e11 St .. Co1t1 lrl1t1, C.111. f2617, estlma~ iba1 the oew plant; PhofltJ, 54•· I, 541·1441, '"'·S7l l. VISIT "'111 '"'' 1h1cly th1 will employ 50 people, moat of l iDl1, 6od'1 worf ... 1111 "''· S1111d1.,. f :4f A.M .. 10:41 A.M., l :Oo hi"" f the PJ4. t111tl•1• 10:00 A.M .. wu·,..-c1 • .,.. 71JO ,,M. ALL AR.E = ~ventde ••-w.1.tco_M_L _____________ _ ·' S ininutes to adventu-re , ll' YOU MISSED Otrr AT'N'EW· PORT BEACH, LoNG BBACH OR MMUNADEL REY ••• Doiii-out 11 Sall J9m! Cop!."-. Cali ill Oil the .... i.ot-homo bupln atJllHtillation m.-pd-. The""' 2kllllkm dollar, 2000 -.11 mafl N7iM Ill 0-PoiAl II naw m"'8r c&ilb•J'k& "1'111' sdc- ol tli.e -111lllldll lltt """"Iii ~ ,_ T~llllmala-.....itlc,ldllMnllliiJta ~Olla :roar on Im! -•· 1JtOW!ucD1Waie1 h•.~.tl'1•EeciA m1 Iii,_ flln!IY' "'- from $26,950 V A/F!WCo!rvenilanal ~ .. •• : ' ! ' '1 • I l 11 I ! • I I ;, I I I . ...., ... .,., Bind Told In , :'£urchase :.PbWp N. Brownstein. ).>riner federal housing ..... lfll1l:Dft" and as s i stant .......,, of housing and dtbm de v e'l op me pt f« ~ credl~ told a Semte -.ntttee Iha~ .... with I jidtrally...-• lntemt -·ts. 1he Ky-rodetln( -ol lind, lablr, m1terialj .... finudnl have m11d< II "vlrluallr lmDOllible" for low· -.. i.miu .. to purciwe homes in lDlD1 of. the naUoa's dlles. ~ wilo " -W a 1 hllgton l'fpre&entall¥e and ....... , for the Cooncll ot B~ Producers. u r g e d maetrrient of an amendment IO the Houstng and Urban ~elopment Act . of • 1161 "'1\dl wuald give ii U !l ·l!ecreWY • George Jlonu><y .-ithorily to raise · th' jiiortgage llml!J oo homes fOI' ,.rtODll or low 1ncom·es by as li>tl<h u 45 percent in hlgh- ~ area.!l. The Council cf lfouslng • Producers is aft C'!aaniiation of America't.111 ~ste:::::~out:: ntly the mortgage celling htgh..COSt areas under the FAMILY ROOM -Executed by Biggar•s, jenior stap decorator, J oseph Rodolph.e, this feittures comrortable furirishings highlighted by contrasting- panel draperies and parquet floor. Roekweij's New Plant • Dedicated - Multl-mllllon .ProJeet . Apd~tment ·F1rm Set for Co~n~y County llood control and road ptQje<te IJ] the Im· 1 mediate Yjcinlty. of the mam· Recent fonn~ioo or Har· m.olh North 'Ame t 1 can cliff, a developmen' company Roc.twell Corp. plant bebll with headquarters in Santa built hue were dedicated · 1.1 Ana, has been apoounced by simple cei:e.monles a~· the two principals of the new by civic aid buaineu kaders fil'l!I, Harold Hlrsh and Cllf. Gl the South Cout 'area. ford Everman, both of wham The dedlcaUon was held at have lq been associated with tbe interseetlon of AUso and La Paz roads, two of the roads the home building industry in included in the p I a n o e d the Southland. network of thoroughfares that Prior to tile formation of will provide access to the HarclU~. Hirsh wu nsspooai- plant from the f re e w a y , ble, a. a principal of the L .a gun a Ni g u e I an d ll,irsh-~unds Building Co., 'n e lghborhlng communilles. for the construction ol a~ cost of construction so far proximately 15,000 housing completed Ls esUmated at $J units, comprising single-family million, residential developmenb, con- Master of ceremonies tor dominlums and other multiple the occa:iton was D. c.. unit projects: Freeburg, director or facilities Everman bas buill several and 1oduatrial engiDeering for thousand single family homes Autonetlcs in Laguna Niguel. in the past years in Orange. Princlpal • p e a k e r a were Co-.mty, and hai a 11 o Superviaor Alton E'. Allen of developed a number of lt.mUry the fifth district, Al Koch, apartment projects including Orange ~ty Flood Control the 526-unit Loma Palisades in district, Woody· L I 11 t o n , · San Diego and the San Piper gener~I manager of t h e in Palm Desert. He was also Marland Corp. and C a r I involved in the construction of Kymla, general manager of some 900 single family and the Moulton Niguel Water multiple unit residences in Las ' Section ~ can be in·----------District. Vegas. ContractOrs involved in the Hlrsh and Everman an- as the %50 uniti y;hich will eventually comprlse t.b e development are planned as .a series ol individual, , fou~ aparbnent buildings, Jd~al for the owner·investor. Apartmenls will range In siie from one to thrtt bedroms, and both one and twMtory buildings will be available. Private balconies and patlOd are included, and air.con· ditioning systems bead the long list of luxury features ln all.;.@ts. First buildings are "*lUnder construction, with occupancy sc heduled in September . ~ to a ma1imum of ~7-500. This. he said .. is in- ~te under today's jl\irket condiUnns. ;L ''The council fully supports Ille housing goals of the act, ~ ii wllllng and anxious in iiUer all of ill energy and ~n:u: to make those goals a rU.lity, 1• Browmteio said. _ __'.'.lll!~,,1!ill.l>u.chlev4!1!e only II all of llio9e in ~ b1e rotea are wllllog to commit fdilflo aCl\leVi! tile objoctt .. s. 'rhls;'tfi~ moan ·at lhe Federal level f\Jll iunding or the lau~ programs and the ellililila.Oon of those con· atralnts iibich are" ltetping the \>rograms from realizing their 1:9Jtpotentfal.,. ~· In the field of muillamily housing, he urged l h a t Romney's aulhorily ..fM in- ~asl.ng mortgage limits in '1tgb-cost areas be raised to 60 percent. Among o t h e r recom- mendations, Browmtein also called for: -Removal ol. a restriction under Section ·235 pf the Hoos- ing Act whkb preVent.s one ellglble femlly from. s<Uing Its home witb a 1ub1ldl1ed Realty Firm ·Names Trio .2 Organizations nood control and road projeet3 nounced that Harcliff wil be were Allfilliscb-Fulton Co. primarily concerned with the Ecco Constn1cUon. K e 11 Y development of apartment Corkbill, Bob Skammes, Sully-complexes throughout Orange B . R 'fl T l Miller, J .E. Robinson Co., and County and has already em· t ts t Griffith Co. barked on a mu1u:milHon ayer es ·. e l ec a en Rights or way for Ille pro-dollar program, witb 790 units ; Farrow Realty Corp., head-jeds were donated by the under construction in three quartered in Garden Grove, Laguna Niguel Corp. North large luxury projects; two in has named three new orf.ice The Baycresl Homes Jn captured the "Forever View" the outstanding firms in its American Rockwell Corp. and Santa Ana and one in the city "1ftanagerS,.~~my-NewJ>?llt are-e 8':~~liful "'°ee--hy-the ~-ou~-use4~9.S9-··liel~ . Southern-Cafffomia-ether-deTeloping-umpanies. ~o--~nta-AJ.la pro- ·Fatrow, president; , . ,lion Ol the ~i.ned ~l~ts on the view !!iide 'of each home . since 19'26. together with . several in-.Jecls ~re tht Co1ony Bnstol, a Newport Beach resident Ron of °!e ~· H. Biggar deco~ator-'!wo model homes have ~n The builders, Gene and Von dividual owners of pioperty 274-unit development .expected In addiUon to the three apartment projects now under way, having a value. of ovt1r $9.000,000, Harclif! has plans for the Ctlnslruction of an ad· ditional 450 units th.ill year, and is already planning for 700 more uni ts to be built in 1970. All these units. Hirsh said, are to belfillll In-Orange County, l'llii PICKUI' & DELIYlllT -DIPINDA.LI-. TYPING Roman has assumed manage-Iurn1sh1nga Ulm and builders built on typical view sites. Wells, represent an organiza-Representing Laguna Niguel to be completed in early ment of Farrow's Tustin of-lvan . \Ve.Us and. Sons. Both Each of the homes is tion with more than forty-five Corp. and the ceremonies August, and the .% 6 6 :.unit lice. ·He was f 0 rm eir 1 y _organ.1za t1ons ,enjoy ~ Ion,-handsomely decorated and years or hol'fle construction ex-were Knowlton Fernald Jr Colony East which will be manager of another Orange sµtnd1ng r epu*8tion Jn the furn.i~ by. 'J. H .. Bi611il'.· pe~ierice .. Their· cu s tO m -vi.;e president In charge ~f ready Some tlme in ~ober. COUllty real estate finn, 1and ~hland .for th~lr quality Santa:Ana. B1ggars,.!\th·loca-building ~how-hQW .has been architecture and engineering, Orange Square, in the city of wssrw.1.Y s1c"1tA1t1Ar. from 1958 to 1964 oWned his ,workmanship. • tioos in Santa Ana, Pll8adena demonstrated ln both BevWfy and Larry.Lizotte of'the firm's Orange represents a urUque si11:vic11: own swirOming pool company. The BaycrCst hoTnesjtes are, _:a::;nd:...:P.:•m::::••:•::.· ,::h:aa:._bee::::::_• _:o:••:..:of_..::. H:::l:::ll:_s .:•:•d:·t::·Be~' l:_:A::l:r.~-----'=•n~gmeer!'.'· ~'..::in~g!..d'.:e~p~artm'.."."~en"'.t:_. __ ..'.c:on<:~ep~t:..:o:f_:a~part'.'.'.'.:'.'.'.m~e:nt:..:des'.'.'.:'..l~gn'.:,~==="='·~•~11~'===!! Charles Helsley of-Garden Jocated In the natural. beauty.1· Grove has been appointed of Newport llarbor 's famed .manager of Farrow's West West Bluff, in exclusive. Dover Anaheim office . Bob Shores:-The "Forever·View" Brockman of Anaheim1 has of this choice property affords been. Q&med manager oI the a panoramic picture of the Garden Grove office. Pacfic Ocean, Saddleback Farrow Realty Coi:p., is Mountain and the surrounding Orange c.otmty's largeat 'fellty foothills, with the bay directly organi!.ati~ below. Ingenious designing has .Seawind. -· mortgage rate to another1 l~!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!'l'l""";:it!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~igible family. 11 The .homes that are changing the minds "The effect or this restric· lion ls lo deprive the Jow-in- ~me. family of one of the basic attributes of home ownership -salabllity," Brown.stein told the senators. &IJl saddles each family with a home not marketable to the great mass of prospective blzyen: of that type of property -other low-income famille.s." .~n!11.ng ol AD already liJtbori1.ed program offering oouaeellng services to families ~ have little or no ex- fttrieoce in the budgeUng of ~ to meet monthly nao~age payment! was also l!rl • ' tComplex ipPened in " 11Costa Mesa ).. fecent Edison Company Cilampagne. opening celebrated ~·~pleUon of the first hair Jiif4';M Villa Pomona, a 130·unit Jlplltulent complex in \..osta ---The all-electric medalhor1 bachll!lor, one and two. bedroom apartments, JocJled et:tt.e corner of Pomona and 'Part Avenues. were cun- 1'nlc;ted by Newport Beach 'baUders and developers Dick Jonlu and Donald Ward. 1be Pomona lnve:iillnent G r o u p, comprised of 10 Orqge County professional ~ owners of lhe ~partments, ~'ere also present tO tout the. 100 percent oc- cupancy of the r1.1rnisbed fpariments. Developer Ward said I.hat he IJnd Jordan w:ill complete the ' ~ ~nit.I of the Villa l>'!"!""!', beginning .in Jut.v. kbeduled is a second pool and cobinas. YOU KNOW 1011 CHILD WILL LEARN l;O ·SWIM AT llUE BUOY =~~"-------.... I =: --- Woll--1•~----------c..,,.ttnc a Y11ws DFllYINQ DUIEtnoNI: a eu.tom dni,.._ S.nlll Ana-Sa" Dleto Ftwy. a o'Ketft 6 Merrftt 10 !'Kirk: CDe1t Hlgtnwt1J """":a.°""i.· ~ ltmlOfl '° Dft Point. Nontt °" P.clrfo COllM HWf. to -~ --... _..__ .. llOMh"' FIMCI lftd tofloW 128,4SD .__'"""_t·-_ __, IDIBS 'lllo----Aftlloblo " -----..... • . of a generation! Model Hours: 10:00 am tD.8:00 pm I . . Seawind is the best of borh generat ions;young idea s like conversation pits, liigh vaulted ceilings and wet bars. And for tlie b1<tton down coUar crowd, elegance, quality construction and a builder reputation that is unsurpassed. For both; location. Ari centers and cultural areas like Newport Beach are minutes away. Shopping, legitimate theaters, surfing, boating and sun batl1ing are one minute from Seawind. 3, 4 & 5 Bedrooms • 2 & 3 Baths from $27,990 VA/FHA Convenient Financing .. , LEGAL NOTICE AllBUcllE lo WEl.'!R WeslcftllMortuary 07 E. l;tl!i ·"-, Cott.a Mesa ..... •• BALTZ MORTIJARIES Corona del Mar OR J.9458 COiia Mtu Ml 1-ZC4 • BED!. BROADWAY MOllTUARY 111 Jkoedw:.i;y, Cost.I l\ft11 U-1-3133 ' . DIWAY BIUYl'llERS -u.p. Valley ~ 17111 ~k Blvd. Huau.P,it Beac~ i0-m1 • McCORl\llat LAGUNA BEACH MOil11JARY 1m Lo"'"° ea,.. Road Lo ... • lioP, tM-MIS . I • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARI[ CollMloryeM-rt ~ ISM Pa<lllc VI"' Drtva Newport Boad, Calllonda -• PEETt F.UULY OOLONIAL FUNERAL ROME '1111 Bolll A•e. w..-; ..wm • SllEllTEll MOR'nJARY LolUllO -4114-1'31 Su~ UUlll -· . • ~ORTUARV -11'1 Miln• Ruthlatoaleoclo - •11• •• ~' _,. ----.. CAil Y ,lltT •· ·HE1RE'S YOUR CHANCE! WE HAVE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED 16 NEW FLOOR MODELS! START YOUR CHILD IN OUR. BEGINNER'S Pit.NO CLASSES .-WE'RE ENROWNG NOW * WURLITZER * LEG.It NOTICE • KNABE' * Fl$CHER .. -~----------................ ~ .. ~ ...... --~~.:.. .. ..;.--~--.......... ! DECORS INCLUDE-ITALIAN PROVINCIAL, EBONY, SCAN DINA VIAN OIL _WAtNUTS • MAPLE, CHERRY, SABLE BROWN, MAHOGANY & STANDARD WALNl)T. --10 YR. WARRANTY-BENCH-ONE IN-HOME FREE TUNING-,-C~RTAGE-- Tell Your Kids fOR YOU ADULTS, HOW ABOUT A · GOOD REBUILT ORGAN? To Read Uncle TERMS UP TO 5 YEARS Len's Column SOUTll COAST l'\AZA, COSTA MESA ~ lllSTOL AT SAN DIEGO FRllWAV • 540-.lll! " ' ' . I. • . . f.,, The Beach is sandpails -and sunshine,.sW'fing-~d family fun. Build your dreclm. castle at theBecich.. ··W dll- to-wall earpetihg throughout, rear lot line fencing • DiShwasher ·Sell-c:lenning·oven·• tizePlace ~·-.... ·"A. ! ~ . . • • ' ; •• . .t ... _ <ftl•o/ the naliCM't /llflOll lndopendot houtln& · producers fi11"'1 <>n lhe H-Yoric Stocilf!~,e. • the -leach ' 2.,o 5 Bedrooms 2&3Baths Best VA/FHA.Financing I I Model Hours: 10:00.am to8:1XJptn , " • ) I ' • .. ., • , I • f : , ' ' ·•. Jf. DAll.Y l'ILOT NEW YOlll\ STOCK EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YE!l\'S IDGH ·-' WW. CWSE \ .. 1 • . ' ...... .. ~ Ln • . ·~· . ~RI(AN STOCK EXCHANGE 1 . -...... WEEK'S • • AND , . - OAJLV PILOT ,JJ YEAR'S IDGH, LOW, CLOSE lti. "" T...., lllrtt.I Mii' ~ U11 C. ttlllll 1- • ) ' • I f I • . ' - .. PAllV Pl(OT l QUEENIE • Beroseope · , Sh~gHands Proves Painful Ar~s:. It's .Fine for Farn .ily Outing . r . DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hu•band bas arth· r!t!J in his right hand . When he ,meets people they invariably grab his hand and pump way, l have seen him nearly faint from th' pain. How can be let them know he can't shake hands 'Wlthout seeming unfriendly or ungracious? -J's WIFE DEAR WIFE: Your IKublnd Uould qll.lckly crab the o&ber fdlow'1 rtpt baDd •IUI laJ1 ttrt and tay, "Sorey, I've goc utlriti1 ta the other ont ••• " Ne ~ wlU bt offended. would be appreCiated. CAUGHT IN T H E SWITCHES DEAR CAUGlfF: AU yoor Awd V. et remove from Ole pest llst !be lamtt ot &be nmei:i )'Oil d.011't knM. Site can "get evea" isetoe otJMr way. U altt: refuel, lnsltt that She QDttl dte shower. ne whole lhtng smtlll Jlke an unclaimed slllpme1t of m.aclterel. ,t,.. • ~·;..'. . .~ 7-z..b . • • ~.cj2 • .-'2~ K-. r .. , ... :s.......-. i..., ttt•. w..w...., -·..t S\JNDAV, JULY 11 " By SYDNEY OMA!Ut DEAR ANN LANDERS' I am engaged to be married In the ran. My fi~'s aunt wants to give a huge kUchen and linen shower for me. Her plans are making me sick and I don't know what 10 do about I~ "Look a.t it this way-if you punch him in the noee over government spending he'll go to the hoepital DEAR ANN l..ANDERS : at taxpayers' expense." SetUe an argument, please. ---------'--'----'--------- My husband won't believe Yesterday Aunt V. harKled me the guest list -about 70 women. At least~ half the Dlllrles are of people 1 have never heard of. She asked if l'd like to add anyone. I told her no, but I'd Hke to take about 40 names off the list! She yelled, "Every woman on that list owes me something. I've been going to showers for 20 yean and this ls the only chance I will have to get even," When I tried to tell her gifts don 't mean that much to me, she screamed, "Shut up aod don 't be a Fool. This shower will save you at least $400." My mother refuses to get in- voJved. She says it's between me and Aunt V. Your advice ENDS TUESDAY 20thc.ni...y-Fox- lilBiOllV PBI M& llEYllllll M Arttv P. Jecabe pr,odlietton 1 "THE Dlllllllm" THI! W5TMINSTl!R CENTf.I -......,ii•"•-...,.-~·••·-I •lmU 1-11 tlOft • S.\11 DllGO "*" ~+ M1tlnH'1 Daily * IT Will llVE IN !OUR HEART FOREVER! ' • • • • • : ~· • •••••••••••••••• -·--2nd All Disney Show r .n.-'FNm ..:--=. ,,.. ":."::" STARTS WEDNESDAY Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve . are "The April Fools" T-.' li!O A GlfhV GtMcl' Yllnll ,.._..."'_ A~"-*'"*"".._ I me. but if he sees it in your column it might mak-e a dif- ference. I Jove plants and keep two beauUful flcus pandoras in our liVlng room. My husband in· sists that plants absorb the ox· ygen and rob us of healthy air. He is forever nagging me to get rid of the plants for the sake ol our health. I say the reverse is true ~ that 'the plants absorb the carbon dioxide thereby con· tributing to our good health. Who is right? And while you're at U, please tell me if cut flowers do the same thing. -GREEN THUMB DEAR G.: My authorities on botany say you are closer to being rlgbt than your bus- baud. Actually plants use up carbon d1oxide but the ln- finllHLmal amonnts of oxy1en they gjve off wouldn 't con- tribute much to anyone'• good bealtb. Cut Oowen do nothing, one way or the other. CON FIDENTIAL TO CITY LIFE PRO !JR CON: The question Is. how ya' go Ma keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen the farm? Some farms are beautiful but the one you describe sound! like work, work, work. Ak9Nii II M sJolttwf It wee.en. II ..... ,..... ..... 1111_.,, " *"* " ... •t· «ti~ IJ1. y-IAtfMll. .. , "" l1(tl. 'ftH 9loN.e ION YM -l'W £U7'l;;r::O =~'it Sophia Likes Russia But Misses Her Son . KHLEBNiKOVO, ·So ·v I e. t Union (AP) -Sophia Loren likes movie making In Russia. but she misses her 7-month-old son. · "Now is the time they do so many Utings -Uny things - and I won't be able to see all tlUlt," the Italian adress said in an interview in this town just oul!ide Moscow. Asked how many teeth he had, her smile grew broader and she held up four slender fingers. woman's postwar trip to Russia to find her soldier hus- band. Although 1 movie of hers has not been shown here since "Marriage Italian Style" four years ago, she sald. Ruasians on the street reoognlze her. "They call me Sophl1 Filomena because Filomena was the character I played in that film," she added. After a week of filming in the Ukraine starting' Friday, she rues home to her baby. She left little Carlo Ponti·--------------------- Jr., in Rome two weeks ego and came here to shoot scenes for the movie "Sunflower," in which she is starring with MarceJo Mastroianni. 1 "Sunflower," to be released next year, tells af an I tali~ OIUI. 2IOll lill'W l'Ntw.. • 011111•Y'I "GNOMlMOllLr• wllll WALTI• 1a&NNAN CMllll-O.lly 1:.a P.M. ._,....._,,_...., __ _ ., ... _.. .... -.... ,.,.. "l:.'''-ri .;ii ....... -': w11t1""ywr Milllt'-~~It ...,I~==========! lfl urt o1 ftM' DAILY l"ILOT, erw::IGllrlll- 1 ..... -..-. itanlM<I ......... ' I ; ~J Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Tr<;llnlcoiar• ilC- A C•l>t!N CC'ft!~ f'11Ww Pr~OOll. A.1'11tioN.l Caiet1I P>ctu"'" R~ Al SO s1,~~ MtOu••" "Th• Thoma1 Crown Affair" EYE Sf10W 5TARn AT 7 CONT. SAT & SUH flOM J ct1it1~f -,_: 2tOi la• c-t H~tiflY c-n• o.. M...-pti. 67J-6260 COMING TO THE PORT THEATRE JULY 30th. EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT "CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG" I 1 l:effi~Sa . . :. : . . ~!WPOPT ' "~~oor (0\IA 111~1 HELD OVER 1nn1na· ••• IS CONTINUOUS .DAILT •tOM 2 P.M. EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING BIG ALL FAMILY PROGRAM ••QOOOIYE. COLUMBUS' IS BOUND TO IE A GAEAT IUCCESSr . Rec.e T• tile T., .r tk W•rW flock Hud10,, -Er"t1! l oro"i"' "ICE STATION ZEBRA" plu1 Gre9ory Peck -E .. 1 M,,;, s,;"' "THE STALKING MOON" MoYln Every Tunday Night --~j Loff Hit .r tt.. Y .. 01" Row1" -Dick M1rti" "'THE MALTESE BIPPY" p1ut D••id.Ni"'" -01ii1 N•l10" ''THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" ••••••••••••• • Twe .r w• Dl....,.1 G'"'9Stl "PETER PAN" , plu1 "$WISS FAMILY ROBINSON" ...................................... • . IMJ!., H'""" F,"d1-Cl1udi1 c,n1;"1l1 "ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST" Jonh W1y,,_Rob1rl M<tchurn "EL DORADO" ............. ~ ............ . ,..,.u, f..' .., ...... ,. • 011• Jo"'' -l u .. dy H1c~11! • l" Wilt Di11••v'1 , ''THE LOVE BUG" :::;&.-j 111lus -......... --! A"cly Griffith -Jtrrv v," Dy~• "AN ANGEL IN MY POCKET" .............. ~············· t'!llllll$175 ~ ... CAILOAD T-Terrific T""" Vi11ce"t Pr;c• Cliri1toph•r l•• ''THE OBLONG BOX" plv1 "DESTROY ALL MONSTERS" Read· The Daily Pilot Fpr Top Sports Coverage ( l __ ..,,.... 'Vii" ..... _. m-1-·· ~--' GF~Et1m1 teml.ed In drama , mW1lc ind medicine. Obviously, your con- cerns are far.ranging. Self~X· pression, including wriUn~. Is necessary for yoor emotional welfare. 11ll111!0lll:wt>o'•kldi.YIW-i,, _.,. 'lid io\it, orcttr S'ffMY OtNrr't ~l.t, MS«r.t ttlflll for Ms" I/Id w-" lk"' bl~ .... tHl!I 11:1 Orlllorr Mlt11W $1Cref1, "" DAILY ,ILOT, loll 3:1o10. Cr111d C..,IT1! ST•· lllf. Mil• YOl'll ,N.Y. 10017. -LMl9 ·-~ llMll-'ttll ''THE THREE PENNY OPERA" l't llltTOLT lllECMT "'' ll•Mr"llilnl ...i.111J F ~·-...... SOUTH COAST ..... ~ ox .. LAZA THIEATRE CORftlflA1KlN San Diep freeway at Bristol • )46--2711 e HOW-IHDS lUESDA Y e e Fred A5t•ire HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! • retul• Clart -•-T•111W1y-S...le- •Jtd KMtlM Wy1111 •'~4~&18)9 CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 P.M .. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 12:30 £2" Direct rrom '{Ji I ~:i.en•ed l!ellt engagement! • ' ~--:?•" ~*"-' l'tCHNICOlOft" MH.WtSION" OJ . r-.~ MOS..-llVDI .una • ' r i i " ·-ALSO PLAYING ..... ' .. & "ALrlH! SUMMER" C•lor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I (JN SJAK ut.A. j PATTI PAGE THE DOODLETOWN PIPERS • musical dlreclur ... John scon Truner July ·2s -August 1. Shows at 8 and lo Prv1 I •·01' 1'01!1Uti I JR. WALKER and the All. STARS July 28 ·August 1. Shows at 9 and 11 PM I COUNTRY MUSIC JUBIU:I: i JUDY LYHN Jerrr NB~lll' • Guest Mc. •• Joa 11100, KIEV Sunday, July 27. Shows at 5, 7 and 9 PM FANTASY IN THE SKY Starring Tinker Bell and a brilliant firework s . display every nite .at 9 PM. DISN•YU.HO 1$ ~ ~y ~y ••• &ull0•1 • "'-"· .... ,,. • -" ,......,.. ""° s.t.ir.11r • ...... , ...,_. .......... Disncylµnd · • ••••••••• I -1 • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' •• ; • • ' • • ,, • • SID GILLMAN SAYS O.J. SHOULD TRY TOROS • Agent to Blame Gillman Talks of O.J.'s Woes l ~ By EARL -OUSTKtv £ ~" 01 ll!t Dt+lr l'llol St1Ff ~ :f The belly laughs gur.gled from---<:oa.sL Lo-coa&l the oUler day when lhe i i San Antonio Toros or the Texas Football League made a $250,000 offer to 0 .J. . f Simpson. ~ But Sid Gillman. the coach and general manager of the San Diego ( Chargers, say~ he'd like to see Simpson accept the offer. · "'I'd llke to see O.J . barnstorm with that club," he says. ''It would do O.J. good to discover what an expensive operation pro football Is. From an owner's standpoint. pro football is a very poor invest· , menl and a pJayer -es peci11.1Jy a rook.le -has no right to try and milk pro- , Gillman. ~amped wfth his .:lub al UCJ, pins most o{ lhe trouble O.J. t fits U~ O.J. and his ag_enl are." is having1with Buffal o on the player's agenl, Chuck Barnes. ~ j' "I love it when an agent comes into my office to talk cont ract. I hate IG t' throw a rOQtball player out of niy office but I'll throw an agent out. These • :-;: guys are €omir1g into the picture for what they can get them5elves, not so " ' much for what their clients will get" I ( "These char~cters are_.inconsilferate and . unk'_>Wtedge.able ~bout r~~ ~ f~ and a rookie wile> attaches him self to an agent 1s doing a d1ascrv1ce to himself l ~ and football." ft 'Ille Texas team offered O.J . 81>-percent or~ net gate froro.iits eight P.-home games. The USC Reisman Trophy winner of last season hasn 't come ~ to terms with Buffalo, three w~ks alter pro fooU>all's rookies .re9r1ed to campGillman says hii)i.priccd rookies· like 0 , J . were mainly res~nsible ~ for tm Chargers' declillt arter winning the AFL championship in 1963. Charger I owner Barron lflllon rcfus~ to sheU out, the k~ o! bonus !11oney rook1es " like Donny Anderson And Mike Garrett were get.ling 1n the m1d-l960s .. But since Gene Klein bought the club two years ago, the San D1egan11 ~ are once again signing rookies, "We went through a couple or years \vithout signing a damn sou1 out or t.b.e draft," Gillman says. "As a (l(Jrlsequence, we ran out er bench strength. Last yur, tar ln- "M.ance, we Tan out of linebacker!. But now we're back on the beam and we'll 1),e a coiitender this year - I'm litire of it." . ln fact, Gillman s~pr'lsingly rates this c!ub with ·.hi.s '63 :fu.uern1ut - ·one that maru' pro football observers say ls tbt best ever ·Out .of the AFL. kf. "Our club thJJ year will be on a par with that 1"3 teatn -we ha~ ~· more depth now bul the league as a whole is stronger, too. Jn 196.'I we had t' a young Lance Alworth, a young Keith Lincoln and Paul Lowe and Ron Mix. t' ~ Earl Faison and Ernie Ladd were interested in football in lhMe days "1d f~ were great that year." . . , -" It is a measure of the AFL s growth to hear Gillman rate the 69 ChArg-'r· ers the equal of the '63 bunch . But when you recall what transpired in the lasl Super Bowl game, you shouldn't be shocked. r.~-1--~~ ... -~ill&it:w-¥"~ ;;~-.,.:-·-~ .McLain Wins l'5t1t Aaro11 Slams 536tl1; Jackson Rips No. 38 " By THE ASSOCIATED PRES., The game's more reknowned 'hitters 'and pitchers shared the '°P bllUng Friday )n Major League baseball a~. Hank Aaron of The , Athfntii: Braves ,belted his S36lh career homer In ~he Bra ves' 8·7 loss to Montreal. lying ]'.lickey Mantle for third plaee on the all- Sime hom e run roster. And anot.her 5lugger, Oakland's amaz- .Jng Regg ie Jackson, clouted his 38th of ·)he season during the A's 4-3 victory over \the Washington Senators. . , all•time·record·of 61. Jn the pitching department, Baltimore's Dave l\1cNaUy won his 16th straight game, Bob Gibson 1trucr9Ul 11 In 13 in- nings and scored the winnipg run as St. LouB heal San FraociBco, Z.l, and Denny McLain won his 15th game for Detroit. McNally needs only two more victories to equal the American League single sea!on mark of JS in a row held jointly by Smokl!y Joe Wood, Walter Johnson, Lefty Grove and Schoolboy Rowe. • S.1t11rd,y, July 26, 1961 DAIL V PILOT J :J • LA Wins,, Jenkins Hurt . Cl!ICAGO (AP) :.... Andy Koeco'• pln<:h -0ay1t dotlhled •nd Sud11ds chi>ve 'him two-run double after starter Ferauson tfome1 wllh 1 single. · ~----·. -. hit Into an lnntnc-<odh1t-d..,bW p1-y.- ~ .... -4.l ~ LOI AlfdlLll CH1U..o UthM lllor'M. Jt11klns had been knocked out o( the 'The lnju,ry t.o Jenkln.s wiu not believed game with a line dlrve off hlJ pltc:hlrls 1 • Chlcqo added onoth<r In lhe etghlh on a run-ocorillg 'double by Don v....,. Wllb u Cr1wfotll II WOt vl•,¢4 GHtlelM rf JI I I Kettl-• 'l t l Jl21BKk'1'1 :111 )1 2 1 J 1 2 01Wllll1"''" J i l l lOOls.nt•)I •011 ' lhwnb launch<d lhe Los Angeles i>odgf,.. 'l ' Dod9er Slate ~:. ~3 victory over lhe Chicago Cub.< rr1. J~JlfJ :1 ~ mtt :::::: 1i1 Iii S~ of lhe Dodaers· 11 hits were of tile Wield variety but only the two which prectC:lid Kosco'• double Ugured Jn the tc0rln1. -rl llt111Uh .. H•lk• ( M 1-1i Jb Mul!Ol'I lb SlrtnlO•• tb (Oft"" ,, a,....,., • ,4 G l}••nU 111o •I Si •OO H1(111N.,_. ••It .S IOOHundlfllc; J t o• J IJ t Yt1,1n•d •t l 1 Wl\h II \I. '! Ill •f '·"'· ff ., one ouL In the third, Maw::y Wllls ~: ~ ·~: ~ rth 1 ::~ = beat out an infield &Ingle ror the first hit otf Jenkins. Willie Crawford then mash· ed the ball off Jenkins' lhumb and the big right-hander was fo rced to leave the a:ame. The CUbs, meanwhUe, kept threateninj: throughout the game and the only clean inning pitched by Oaten was the aecond. •elOJri1,..,. 0010 ..,, ... "''""'' 1000 1 etO GOllV11r ~ 1011 Hank Aguirre rtlle°ved Jei1kins and alter getting Willie Davis to force <;rawford, Kosco batted for L e n Glbriebon and doubled off the left fie ld wall. Bill Sl.ldakis provided 1he rest of the Dodger offense. Sudakis slugged hi s fiJth homer W open the fourth . Io the fHtb, . .; Wo1nan Win s Fight to Land . . Umpire's Job NEW YORK (AP) -A Long Island holl!ewl£e won a three-year fi&ht with orgilnlzed baseball Friday and got a job as an umpire. Bernice Gera, 37, of Jackson Height will report for work Friday in the Class A New York·Pennsy lvanla League . "I am thi rlled to death," Bernice &aid. 11Now I must go out and prove myself. [ see no reason why women shouJdn't be able to umpire baseball as well as men." l\1rs. Gera, whose husband is a phOtographer, said the leUer of her efn ployment came from V i n c e n t McNamara, presidenl ol the league with headquarters in Orchard Beach, N. Y Teams in the circuit are Corning, Batavia, Auburn, Geneva, ,Oneynt.a. Newark: and Jamestown, all In New Yotk and Williamsport, Pa. Thwarted at every tum In efforts to break into a prof~ion which has been restricted to men, Mrs. Gera filed a suit against the NY-Penn League, charging discrimination. 'l. The suit neyer came to the courts. The league capitulated before the· matter i;ould be determined legally. "I am sure some day we will have women umpires in the big leagues -and l hope lo be Lhe first," Bernice ~d. Snead Still ..... Tops Canadian, Log s 68 Card MONTREAi:. (AP) -UnbeUevabi; Sam Snead 1ave par another Sound trouncing FrlClay in t~ Canadian Open Golf Championship and at the halfway mar,k of the 12-hole tournament still held a one-stroke lead. The ea.c,y-going 57-year-old West Vlrgl- niao fired a four-under-par 68, 011e stroke hiiit\er than he pro(iuced Thursday for a 135, nine under the Pinegrove course par for the two ·rounds. . , . Back of Snead at 136 came Roberto deVlcenio. 41-year-old ~nor from Argen- tina. DeVicenzo came up with a spec· tacular 67 lo go with his first round 59. Les Peterson of Riverside , Calif., 23- year-old newcomer · to the lour since January, came in with a 68 for 138 and sole occiwancy of third place. All alone in fowth pJaCe at 139 Was a · surprisingly' yOung ·tao'a'dlan , Vatighan Trapp of Victoria, B.C., who shot 1 two- underpar 70 in his second round. Tony Jacklin of England, British Open rhampion, slipped a bit and took 71 for a 140. With'hlm were Al Balding of Toronto and Takaski Kono of Japan. Balding had a pair of 70s , and Kono came throu1b wlt.h a second round 68. serious but it came at a bad timt ror the Cubs. Ken Holtunan leaves ,or tw.o week• of milltary duty Satuniay all<i P~I Hands ~ been &ldellned with a strep throat. Osteen, 13-1, sta'liiered until ~e Banks singled with one out in the eighth for the CUbl' 11th hit and was relieved by Jim Brew.ri . ·, . The Cubs picked up 'a run in the ftrsl on . singles by Don Kesinger, Billy Williams an<I Ron Sanl<> bul Osteen gol Banks I<> Chicago had tw9 hill in the third and cooldn 't score and another double play tilled oCt tbelr chances In the fourth. They finaJly scored again tn the eighth· after Osteen went out. Jim Hickman greeted Brtwer with a Qngle and Young doubled ir, the run . Brewer retired pinch batter Paul Popovich to end the inning and set down the CUbs ln order In the ninth. I I f • 1 Holl.0.1'1 p 0 0 0 • NOllY« -" 1 f 0 0 Abfrl'ltlt¥ I t I I 0 fl->tldl I~ I 0 f I llthlfl p •••• Tottl lt • 1J 4 TOlll :Ml 2 13 l ~:kAo·ln n: ~ m = ; E-W. O.vlt, S.ft to, Dl'-L• AllO'k\ t. LO&--los A""~ I,, C~l~ 10. ja-k•J!i..°'!· DlvlJ. G. Oll v1r, DIM'ID· Hit vor~IJ. •\Iii I•'·t:· C. Oslellfl W,IM 1 l.J ll 2 ! I l er1w1r t )-J 2 t t t o Jfl'lklro l. IM ! 1-) ! I I 2 I A11Vlrrt !»Sl i t! KolflWrl 1 J 0 0 f t Abt<'l'lltl'I~ I 2 0 I I I "'"" 1 1 1011 Sl.,.._11,....r. M81>-by lt$ft $11dtki1. W,.-C, O.i.tn. f .t:l..t. 4-21 ..... Nicl<la11s Fit·es Stauhach Making· 2nd Straight . 66 at Akron As Dallas Rookie Pro Adjustment AKRON. Ohio (AP) -Big Jack Nicklaus. his awesome game once again in harness, blasted oot his second ain· secutive 66 Friday and stormed into the 36-hole lead in the $125,000 American Golf Classic. THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. (AP) -It doesn't bother Roger Staubach that it took him this long to become a rooki e quarterback. ll's ~n four )'ears since Staubach has played big-lime football and now, as a 27· year-old Dallas Cowboys' rookie. he 's making a belated try at the National Football League. tt was all planned this way. "I felt early in my career that 1 could play professional rootball,'1 said the 'qrmer 'Navy ,,lieutenant with a crew cut and an AJl-Amerl.oan smile. · "But if J had it to do over again,'' he sa id, "l1d do it the same way. I have a good education, a good f o o t b a 11 background and I've· seen the world." Staubach dazzled the college football world in 1963 with flaShing feet and a strong arm in leading Navy tO a 9-1 record. He won the Helsman Trophy and was named t.o The Associated Press All- American first team. .. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1964 and faced a four-year military obligation. He spent a year In Vietnam and th en came back as a supply officer for a tour at Annapolis. Dul football nev· er left his thoughts. He gave up his Navy career for the game. "I made up my mind lo ~y in shape; so I joined a pickup team the Navy.had , t played quarterback and I also was a backfield coach. Al 6-3 and ZOO pounds, Staubach has an advantage over some passers. But in- telligence is his greatest asset, said pass offense coach Ray Renfro. coaches with his accuracy on 11.hort pa85e5 and his strength on long bombs. "He can throw it 40 or 50 yards on a line," Renfro said. How long will it take for Staubach to be a 1t1rter.t "R'll't.ake ,• year or two before he has the experience lo be a top quarterback but he bu all the physical tools," Renfro said. Ambitious Bobby Mitchell, who shared the first-round lead, broke the course ttcord ror 36 holes, shooting a two-under· par 68 in the morning round for a 133. seven under par on the gigantic 7,180 yard par 70 south course at the Firestone Country Club. But that m_ark stood for only a few hours before falling again i~ the face of Nick.Jaus' swi(l•ab'lklng usaulr. BIB Jack finished at 132.. • The Golt!en Bear, ·Wtio slatted the bright sunny day four under par, rapped in a birdie on the first hole, caught MitcheU with an eagle on the 500-yard par 5 second and went in front with another blrd•O!l the fil\h., _ / Frank Beard, one o£'tbe tn:Mt feared conrpeUtors on. lhe'tour ,· alQ· Ray Floyd ~~~ ~~~~I ~~s 1~~~~d -~6f~n~ Floyd a 68. Gene Uttler. )YU, ~lone alJ 37 ,after 1t secood-round 69 while host pro 'Bobby Nichc>ls and Masters champion George Archer were at 138 each after both shots iOs. Terry \'r'itcox. "''ho shared the firsl- round lead with Mitchell, went.from a 65 to 74 for a lJt. ":I-"'·-, U.S. Open clilinpfon Or.Ville Moody carded a seCaqd ~tive 71, JUllus Boros had a 70 foJ ·a ·141, and Arnold Palmer rallied with a 6:B for a 143. Dave }ill!, wiqner of ~~ of his ~ust four starts. ren back witlf a 75 for a 14~. Amerlun Goll , (jl,U/t, , )let Nldl .. \lt r •• IOl>IW Mlklltll t 1118' F1'Yd ~· / ;Frlftlo;S.1'11 • • ~Littler ,.'' hrt G,...111 : 11-'M.U-1n •S*-UI •7·'6-UJ llW7-11S """-117 •7-10-tlt ...,.__,,. 'l • ll!iWW Nlthofi • c;;.o,,e "~' . It. "'· $"" . ; r ... n w11.:o• · .llOJI $1•nlor> . Johll Sdll.e • .. • ,l:elil<Gr•fl•m ' j ~.a..._r : r.. ~. a. Geoill ~, • l'eterTowme!W .. ,..,., .. " '·-~~ Jt.Wl·V.-iru ri • < °"" 11•1• .• ti.vi Ekl'lllbo:ir•tt f>l'UI Hll'M'f J~ McGo'll111 °"" MeUftl9tll COii )-·..., ,.· -:· 61-10-UI 71-61-13' . ·u., ... ,,. .,...,...,lf 'Jl'-tl-13' 'I .... 1'0-J)t ..... ~,. ";10.~UO • .,. 1>-1 «I .,~, .. ,. /1 ...... 1«1 .,...~,. 61-7'-UO /1o70-UO 711-70-1.0 M-n-1• Messe1~smith . Tosses 2:.hitter ' :r ., . At Yanks; 6-0 ANAHEIM -Andy Messersmith cnf. lared New York on two hits for hla rUnth victory in his last J 1 declstona as the California Angels whipped the 'Yankees g. O Friday night. Messersmith, 9-7, gave up 8 one out double to Jerry Kenny in the first innloi .t•lflel srau : Another for Big Frank • ' ' \ ' I J:~ !l =;:: === 1~ ·i:1::::::·u·E111~1 j~I; l! :1111• 1 !: ·!== ,j ::~ M~ ~,, .,_ .J~y ty A/llM: w 0$11111 ~; D.m, i-1 A painter at Kennedy Sta4iiunJn Waahln,ton1 .0.0. paints ijp anO\her seal, markln~ the Spot Wbere big· 'Frlink' Ro\vard hit hls AU-Star ~ame home run. All of HqWard's tape-measure bl1:5ts .at the .stadium are recorded tbusJ;r. , .. ·:-.~ · ' ' , ··· ··' I' .. " KeMy was later out trying to steal llfird -and a one out double to Jake 'Gibbs In the eigll!h. Messersmith cut " ·_gn9rt the la!t Ya,1kce ·thre4l bf. itrUdog out pinch-bitter Jimmy Hall an<t getting Horace Clarke 011 a fly . Should Jackson hit two more-rOund · 'trippers this month he '11 enter August ,,needing only 21 homers over the last t"."'~ months of the season to Ue Roger Maris lt1esseramith struck out live and walk· Old Men Wrecking Track---Fl,owers .. r~r~~;!~~~~::~~~~:~ ·JO.It. Messers:mil.h singled him 'tO tbirtl · .. and_Spenctr scorect' on• groµpdoul. ASHE MAKES SEMI S AT INDY TOV RNEY lNDIANAPOLJS (AP) -A comeback \'ictory by Arthur A.she Friday put him Into today's stmWnals against Charlie FuarrJI of Puerto Rico. an upset ·winner ID'Ytr Slln·Smlth in quarter-final play at ~ NaUonal Clay Court Tennie:,,. Cham~ plonshlp. Clark Gratbner of Ne.w •lc)rk Ind top-_.ed for1lgner ,Zeljko· ,franuk>Vic of Yugoslavia wtrt the qu~lnaJ· Win- ners In the other bracket or men 's llinglur and Neocy Richey of San Angelo. :r-., led the field wh ich ed vl'lnced to the ~·on1en's aingles semis. THOUSAND OAKS. Calil. (AP) - Richmond Flowers Jr., once one of America's finest high hurdlers, says be quit track for football because "a bunch of old men are killing track." Plowers. a rookle pass rtceivtr with the Dallas Cowboys. said Wednesday he wants to run the hurdles again but can't ~-he ~ qow • professional. •"rbtte'i no ttimint back now because I've 1tgned a protessiopal contract." he sighed. t'aut 1'\l loVe to run track agaJn ip u,. 6lf' ....on,. Tb< only lhlng that's stopping me. are the. ru iea." "Football and track are very different. There 's no correlation between the two sports. And a bunch or old men i re kill· ing it with their rules." The Intemalionat Amateur AthleUa. Fedent.ibl'I has 'long ruled that amii~ cannot ttctlve money for competing in 1ny sport. The American Amateur Athletic Union rollows tbe JAAF rules. Flowers signed a pro contract with the National Football League team after his senior season at Tennessee "because .you can't make money running track." .. I'm not advocillng lbey pay track athletes." Flowers said. "You can be 1 pro1.,11onol footblll 'player lnd at.ill compete ln amateur golt tournamenu. And an amateur tennis player can compete aaainst 1 pro and sUU be considered an amateur; "But track has never changed and lho~e men are kllllng It. As long as they're in it. 1rack will continue lo die." , "I guess you might say I'm bttt~r ~ause J love traek and now, bet .. ause I'm a football player, I can't run in the off season," he aald. "A coop le of dayt a10 we had I ICl'irtl· mage with ·the OakJ&nd Raider1. It W'11 qoly belweon ril0~1 bul 31.00!I people were there. How many people dkl the' have at that track meet in Los Angelo last week ?" he asked . There were 30,340 for both d171 o( the OSA-USSR-Brll~h' C<Jillmonwql<ll tract meet at the Los Ana:eltl OoUMUm. 11lt ' re.ally kills U'll to tee track suffer that way," he s1td. ! . Ue "Id alhletea In other prc/mional sporta should, !be alloweti to compete In track on en open basla. He said U would revive 11'ggina interest,ln track and alv1 ' . • · ' · • . The Angela ad.~ nve. n.in.s irl the sllff ~pe~oo ~o thou training fw the-· ~igbth off Lindy }4;¢Dan_let Is Jty Olympfe1. '"'='"' ~ -i JoMatOne si ngled In two '1m: Tugosl Al Schoenfield, prea.idtnt or· the~ £rlpled for one !ind two sc;o~ Qri en.on. Southern Pactflc A11oclal1on of the AAU, • " , , "'': · tatd Flowtrs "'has II valkt point " WIW '(ORK • ' (.AUfol:illA • •II •11111, .. tllW "I'd Uke to AH profeaslonab compete c .. r11,"' J o '" 11 ~·-1, • 1 1 1 •t-n Wne amattur sport on an open blsls. ~ l : : ~ 2 ==. ~·: J, f : : We could issue them 1 limited mtm· ""'"-111 J ·• • "' '°"""' •' ·• • 1 1 benhlp JD Ule A.AU and 1Uow them to :"iZJ N / : l l ~'°",. N ~ : ~ : competl!l In 1ll~er1 rqeetl. ll mtcht :1: c" : : ~ : :~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ get a few more people "hick Into I.be ,,,tl•tn , , • • • .._.r •b •.' ' o 4aAL...,;,,. .. he --L.1 J!'l•ll ,,,. ' ••• ,,,,..,.rr. • t t I • ~-·uwu, -. McO.rtitl 1 I I t f • But he said the AAU rollowed lhe lAAF TDttl tt • t • Tottl ~ • II ' •nd •'nothln1 can be cton.on-a national 1 ~:r~ _:;r :: ::. : : b a 1 I 1 unUI I.ht IAAF ch1nge1 its t ·$olfilc'1'. K"'""Y• ~w. c111r11t. Oll'.C.lffff"t• pollcl .. 2. L09·Htw y~ iL c.-:1rw .. 11 J, l11·1Ctllllfly, "'*"''~ ti. • . Glbbl .•• ,, ..... •~k~'~· ' He said the SOuthern Pacific AAU will ,,.ttvailirt L. io.u "' ~ 1t, ·~ f' ,•"J took Into Flowers' argumente "and set i( Mt o.urtt 1 • I • 1 J we can 't do aomethlnn here." Mtt•~"~ w, '' • J • ' • e T.J.n. "111.m . I I \ I • Mater Dei, Saritiago Advance ",,;: • TURN OllT lDT TO£ ON SllOTS f'llOll SAllD . Miter Del i nd SanUago hlgb achoola moved into the win- ner's bracket of the Foothill swnmer I e 1 g u c basketbalJ playoff• with flrst round wins Thursday night. • I Bac1us. of the loose footing '1"'! can upeot °" .. nc1 shots. ft becpmes • bit of • problem to properly tum tho lower body to the left on )'OUf' downs'flting. N YG11 1<>o out ,_ left loot OI thflM shots, yott will fin d K. The racin1 bug doe91"l't care who1n be bites. 1n the Detroit Athletic Clu b, whmi OflCfl it WaJ almost 1fn· American \o talk about con1petllion aulomobiles, the white-halted &quash players s<'ssip about lap times at Daytona trick engine parts for Indianapolis. Suddenly. almost as if by signal, rverybody in Michigan 'has gone nut..s for 11uto racing , high performance, speed. call It what you will. • Ford and Chrysler have been in the game for awhile. They both compete in stock car and drag racing, Md Ford i! in just about every other form or competition there Is. Am~can Motors leaped into America's motorized sandbox 1asl year, and some August financial observers credit racing wilh changing AMC's image just in the nick of lime. Out the back door by way or a Canadian subsidiary Pooliac helped a private Trans· American racin1 operation get started this season. Although GM maintains almost a saintly •·no racing" posture. more and more specia1 Chevy engines are showing up everywhere. Chevy dominates road racing. There seems to be no end of factory involvemenl, now tha t Delroit brass has discovered how popular racing is and how enthusiastic It makes not only automobile customers but also their own employes. Early this year Chrysler made a deal with Andy Gra natelli's STP Racing Team to campaign Jndy cars with Plymouth eng ines providing the power. That deal has led lo another less ballyhooed but equally Interesting project ro r a different kl nd or racing. using much of the information learned in developing an engine for Granatelli. P1ymouth will soon take to the SCCA Continental Grand PriJ circuit with a formula A Eagle driven by a rather talented journeyman. A 305 cu . in. Plymouth V8 will go in the Eagle single·seater owned by Wayne Jones, a Burbank, Cal., auto dealer. The driver is from F1orida, Bill Eve, a three-year regular in the Canadian- American Challenge Cu p series. This i! not t.o infer th at the Jones·Eve operation is a "factory team," but it is helped significantly by Chrysler engineering data being gathered by the STP organization on the llSAC champ trail. J ones formed a private company and took in as partners two rormer McDonnell Douglas engineer. Bob \Villiams and Bill Kaiser, lo complete development of the car. If they haven't erred In their calculations. Eve will have a 15-horsepower advantage when he first takes to the track in Au gust. Flrsl race for the Plymouth formula A will be either al Bridgehampton, N. Y .• Aug. 3 or Thompson, Conn., Aug. 10. Another semi-factory fonnula racing operation is being watched closely in Southern California, J ames Gamer's American lntemational Racing team -which uses Javelin engines providrd by American Motors. There's no word when the Garner group 111•ill be ready, but It-could be one of those same tY;o events. Cal State Studet1t OJI Tour 8le\'e Smith. 1 student al Cal State Fullerton and an auto racing addict. Is on tour with the NASCAR Grand National boys In the East. He made connections with some of the gentlemen who ratt on tbe clrtull when they were In California for the rain· plagued Ri venidt: ~. and lhty ha,·e taken him under their wing: lhls summer. Accastomed to lbe somewhat pri mitive conditions at lrack."i bad!: bome, Ste.Ye was quite lmprused with a new plant at Dover. Del. Tiiis is what he wrote abou t it: "Dover Downs l.!1 a beautiful Rew facility that opens Ute door for a new kind or major racing: plant of the future. "Tbe lrack was completely CGmputer designed, with 1llghtly banktd slralgbtaway1 that lead Into wide gentle banks, building up to t1 deg. where the can start to accelerate. Although It 11 a one-mite oval, the wide turns shorten the .!llraightaway1 to put the whole t how right in front or the speclaton:. "The grandstand ls completely glus eaclottd and· air con· dltioned. Tbe flnt tevel 11 basebaU stadium type of aeaUng, going for $15 each, the 1tC011d level !las loge type thuter seats costing: SU per penon, and the third level is called the Diamond Loungt. "h the Diamond Lounge you pay $50 a seat., you are seated at tablet and are treated to a cfumer of 1teak or lobster. You also are atked. te mab younell at bome at the bar, when you are en· t ided to all the drinks yoa want. &ing: that the pit area of the race tract b not villbte to the g:nadltaltd, another beadlt of the Diamoad Lounge Is clo.!led circu.H TV broadcastiq the pit action." Sln'e reportl the driven are pleased with the track, David Pu.non and Richard Petty agretlng there Is no sucb thing as a fast grooveJ,hroug.h the turns. Outcome of the Dover race bore th iR nut, be said. al Petty and Yarbrough passed each other in the tu.ms only, goi•C high one time and low the nexL Petty won. SoC11I Ch11> flit fiord When SCCA recently look draslic action to upgrade safety of its race courses across the nation, it struck particularly hard al lite Californi a Sports Car Club, which stages events throughout Southern Ca lifornia. Mater Del -w:lll m~l San Cle:mento Tuesday night .at 9,15 at Foothill High SChool after wreckJng Misalon Viejo, 64-37. San Clemente drew a bye. And Santiago facf.S Tuirtin after nipping ho.!t FoothiH, 49-- %. ~fater De1 had 1.iUle trouble with Mlulon Viejo, 1 team the Monarchs klst to by six in the regular season. Scoring whiz Rudy HolmeJ and center Dan Kratz fouled out and with that went !he Diablos hopes of another upset of the tall Monarch.!!. c~.~. W11ktr ·-Ktlrl MATllt Otl Frlt1 ~&•llnt~1,, ~ .... !~ Tai•!~ MIJltO/ol VIEJO 011 .. " ... ~ ·,',0 ,1~ ' •' ' ' ' '• . ' z 1 ,: j ~ ,•,' i II I 11 icw1 tY Ou1r1u1 .YolPt Del I~ 11 11 ?'--4.l MlHlon VII-lo I 11 l 1~l1 l'OOrHILl '"' ·~· " " ' • 2r~~"' ' , • ' • H11.19fl' ' • Pllt<Cll!<tr • ' Petrn0t1 " C VS~"'•" • • Tgo11~ " " IANTIAG(J !•U " • L~ ...... 1 •• , • • ... ' • T~~ ..... ~n! • • ICrlt~ ' ' D1,,lel\ ' • Det lttr ' " fo111, Jtt•• ~~ ou1rt~~1\13 """"'Ill ' " " ~ln!ltPO " .. • l\1D , Foothill In Matcbup • " ' " ' ' I • • ' ' ' ' ' • " " • " • • ' " ' • ' " • .. • • " .. ._ .. ·~ ~1ater Oei High will be going for its third straight v.•in in Santa Ana summe r league baseball action Tuesday night v.·hen the Monarchs meet Foothill at 1.1emoriat Park in Santa Ana. Game time is 8: 15. Mater Dei's batters racked up lhree triples enroute to a 5- % win over Santa Ana Valley Thursday. Muniz., who allowed thr.ee hits and struck out five, pick· ed up the victory. MATEll. OEI 01 S•m<>o.on, CF .. ' • •• ' ' • • Hlu~rlibll • • ' ' ~r::. • ' • • ' ' ' ' . k"'"'"· lb ' ' ' ' WI , fl ' • • • erown, ti • • • • K~m"ll, ~b 1 • • • J. Llnntrl, 1 • • • ~::.~t ~' ' ' l • ,1 • • Tott ls ' • ' s .... " 1111111\fl So~lt A"' Vtlllv lllO 100 :.....?l4 3 l l Mtltr Dt! lit> HIO ll-.! 4 0 Can1 era Day At Big A Sunday will be camera day for Angel pat rons al Anaheim Stadium. Fans will be allowed on the field to photograph players from 11 a.m. to noon. Gates open at 10:30. The Angel-Yankee game starts at I p.m. Players wlll pose for shots on lhe oulfield warning track Los Alamitos Entries l'"or Smtnl1y, J11ly t,, lli~t"" Oty Clltr & t<11t. 1'"1,.1 htl 7,41 l".M Oollblt .-l•f & 1"' lllttU OvlMI .. IHI ttlt •au 1'"111.Jf It.ICE. uo YI'°"· 3 v~t< ala• ...,., UP In G•lde " Plu1. ,. .. rH 11900. H•ll CIO*ll !Morrhl Mr . .lrto !McR~y,..,lds\ VenTUl'tlOIS FIY (It BtnkJJ 1 • .,. v~...i1 lLlP111m1 1,.,.. M!tllll"I' /~1sudal Witch ~ Tr1w1 ro l tnkol L1d1 McCoy !~nl1l Do Wtkll !Smllh\ 0011 P11~lo {I .1.dtir) C~t~ L~ . AIMo Sll•!bt. Go Hombre I? A!St lt) "' '" I I' "' '" '" "' "' "' "' "' SICOHD ll:ACE. "olO Ytrilt. J Yetr "Id~ lrod t,,i Ill Grille A Piii,. PUrH suoo. '1"'1'11 Jrhter (Stnc'°"'1l CllPld In R:M {L!P>111m) C111do Bn Btr flCtn!•I Shvtl< 'Em flt l•n~.,l S•~utro B~ !' H1r11 Her11tt'J O!Pln (W11.cr11) Fo•v Ne•tt !H Crosby) J•v Rtl<>h !Ric11t...,5) Fr•lcitv fSmilfl) Sal• Sam I!•• 1w·1..,~1 .lltt l!ll<li•lt Sot~<I "-l~• ! I Htrtl THllO uc•. lJO "''"'· ) clch. Allowitll(". P'urw ttoocr. 0111<tV t11r 11.-Ill: l tllk1) Goed 1.1.chl•l Jr! ~ Je-1 f$Mlfll) Jtl1v1tor !Wtllof!I s~wood R~ uc.11111 lOl•JO" fMorrltJ Jvl'lt Pl!l!I Fllle (M C~hy) Cbfrte Forl!\ret flh>ll1m1 '" '" "' •• '" "' '" "' •• '" '" Ylf• "' •• •• '" •• '" '" '" JDUlfH 11.A.cl!. oSlf Ytnb. J Y••• Ckh tlld UP • .tli-.l'!Ce. l'llr19 tllO!I. S111t Gll"'t !It &Inks) n~ f!'\llV M! fAd.tlrJ 111 c..,... On Deck fStr11111l 110 Rod!~ \'tll Su1111 !lmi"'I I 11 Slll<'l"I R~<JKI !H (rCllby) lll Nnbel' De""" (,\I.orris! l\J s-r R~t! fWt!~\ 111 lltr Cht,.lhlnl f5tnc11~•l llJ Forwtnf Bt!lerv (Llpl'ltm} IU TGft'l''I 5"911bell llt ..... fl!t1~1oa M1tk Me O,Wn (WrloM ) JIFfl4 IACf. 2JO ytr<ll. ' nto1. Allow1tnte1. PurH 11100. fr!lle H-IAdt!r) Cut~ N RMdv fP19e) Sartorlut /Sm!ll'll Fltmln l!ltf>t (Morrl1) Ga Lil<I Jll f8rlllllltY} l.'I~!" fMtf'fl •un11e Lu l\I flt &onltsl lllt<llum lttl'S Ool! !ltldl•nhl Slll<ln Pohe fWtlton) Rue Fuee (L19fitm) '" "' ". '" '" '" "' "' '" '" '" tJll(fH ll:AC~. Veuelt Sr. C.ouf1- 170 Y•r<IL J vet r old• ind Up. Cltl..,. 1,.,, l'll!'M! ttooo. Cl1lmi11.i .,kt tli.oG. 8 1111ny'1 W1fT\or flt l1nk11 11' Ne"' la'* IMtllUdt} I \t Crt,,, 1!11~ (l'•o~l 1?'1 ll!nt Of ftll (Brlnli l""l 111 Rod<ef J10111r (51T111h\ 116 Nickl Del Mir {Llpl'l"'l t" llr~'l Jot 8tr IH C191bv\ Ill SEVl!NTl4 ll:ACI!. 1511 vtf'd1. J 'l't'' Ol•b 111<1 11P 111 Gttck M 1'11/t P11l'$OI and will be identified by signs LEGAL NO'TlCE on the fence. 1------------HDT•ct: TO Cit IDITO•s LEGAL NOTICE 5UP'E111101t COVll.T 01'" "1'HI Santa Barbara. where traditional Labor Day races have been $T11.T1 o' c11..11'o•NtA t<D lt. held since 1954, may be losl to road racing. It isn't designed to ac-NOTICE OI' INTENTION fO THI: co'!.~:!.~ Oii.i.Not L'Ommodate changes demanded by SCCA. Cal Club must spend a ENO.tot IN THE SALi Of E1111e of H. e. Mcv.1.v. 111'11 k""wn ·~ .ILCOMOLIC I EYlltAOIS ~!UGH B. McVAY, OtalJ@<I. great deal of money improving Willow Springs if it is to continue 1.1i-6t NOTICE rs HEll:IBY c1v!N "' 111e To Wl\on'I II ,,...v COM~••: c~ltors d ""' •bov"e n•med dect'd~n• using thal famous old club course. Stib!1t1 •o 111u1nc1 "' ·~ 1rcen-.e ,,.. ,,,,., '" ""-,,,v1~, c111..,. ,,111151 111, Rive.rside is apparently okay, but is currently unu!'lable due to :;:,.'1~,:11~~~·,i:: 0~~ !".:!i.o~ ~~ :;=~:11~~ ==·~" fU:, ~:~ construction. Les Richter, the boss lhere, chuckles and adds· °'"'''~ •1 ""' oremlln. dncrlbed •• o1""' (t.rt 01111e •tloo"o"t. tftlllled COi.i••· or · lollows, " it<tMftf lhlftl, w111'1 tM 111<11wno "But they haven 't inspected Wi yet.'' moo.A p1,,,., l•tbuco •o covo -.c11ers. to tM ..,..."lttllcl 11 'he L1w Tr1but:o C1n1cfoo. Ofllc't of t<rtn-llio t rod l't11\11:Hn, 101 E'. That leaves Pomona. which hasn't been used for several years P11rtue111 to 1..c:11 l"'f"'*· ""' u,... 111h s1 .. co.11 ......... c:111f\1,..,,., '1411. --'d aJ · saf nd dP'11t111<1 II •11111'1'1119 1'o 1111 D-rtm.n1 wllldo !1 ""-•1.-tt fff but1MU fff tM but Wvw 90 require ertenS'lve ety Improvements. a o1 Ak#>l!Ut: an~·-c11111ro1 "" 111 ... nct llfldtn1trtee1 1" ,11 1Mltfr• ..,,.1nrn, "' lloltville, which i! safe for ~"tors. because nobody want. .to go °" ori.11111 -nc•l'lcl!I o1 •• 11c;otiotk tM ••11i. o1 wld ~'· w11111oo ....,, .. t"-... ..., """"""' 11-COi' lk'entn! for lhNI ... ~~·~• ett.!r ft>e flrat ovbUt:tllon fff l~ls there. p,.m11n 11 tollowl: nolklf. 0...S.lt 9totr & Wll!f lllollt flOf; Dtltcl JuiY 11. 1Nt Among the major tracks turned down by SCCA are Daytona Pwbllc E•t1nt Plttel 11"' °' A-rk• Speed and Co . I o· 'd ti lndi 1· Mot Speed ""-<lal•IM lo PrOltlil tht !Mu•~ Ntllorltl TrllSI '"" • way . ntmenta 1v1 e. anapo IS or way "'111ch Ht•n11c,1 ""'Y riie, ....,."1111 .,,. ·~ .. 1nv1 .... 51«1111o11 y,·ere. sanctioned by SCCA. it "°'OUld also fall below Uie minimum tesr wn~ '"" ofl!t• (If 1111 Dfl>•..-.,1 111 BY T. G. T11t,.,.n11. Jr Alt<ll'lollc I""'''" C1111trol, wlll!!n JO "-tslfot.rlf Tr111! Ex..:utor safely stanclardt -because spectators sit too close lo the cars. 111v1 o1 '"' ct:•"' tllt .,,_.., •rl<flllK c«11cn or11c1r were 11.,,1 -•tel. 11tllrt1 tt'Wnd• fnr o1 ..,. Wiii 1M of""' One Grid Assistant Remains With Akins -Laguna High School foolball coach Hal Akins will retain one varaity asslslant from last season, 0.l'Tell McKlbban, while two other posiUons on tht ftan are yet to be UOed. A series of toachlng rtslgnationl wu the result of a dispute between the coat"hes and school principal Bob Reeves tw montbs ago cand Akins _... ltft with only McKibban from Jut "'wea10n's sllfl. V•l"lllY .. 1111,11ni. Ed Bowen •ncl """" -mi&l1'd in ll!f; baale, 1long "II h .I~ 11>achel J err 1 N f!UllUlllll llld W 1 r r e • • \ LF.GAL NOTICE ""'1•1 11 ol'li'vldlO tw llW. T""-o,......hn •-,........., ~@'!It • trt no! ftOW II~ .fot ffte ••le of Flt&l'llCLllf AND l'•AMCLIN 11co11a11c btWr191't. TN form 111 ~riflct· Atlt.....n 11 i...w tlOll mtv be obl tl""' lrorn •nl' ofllct ol 111 1. 11'111 Sl!'ftl !!\f; o-lment. C'"1t M111, Ctlllwllll H•t1 CLU9 OE C.12.A Tl" OH) J41.JJ.ll Pullll•"M Qr1n91 CO.ii 01oly l"Uat, A"9.-v1 .. , ••"«,.... July f5. 1Kf 1m•• PubllllM'd Or•"M Ccll!I O•llY l'llo!. J1111 H tl>d/A1.19Mtt 2, ,, \ ... !"6t l:)?Mf • n:ioo. flw! fO!l'I 1i:e11v. Pe•:t" 81r 1Htr11 M1111umtftlll (H (tCllbYI D-v 81r 0111 l.lood1c.) P..........:.•llve (l!PMml Pr1~v Lult 1M ... r10 .l111ai. P•num flt Btr>lu) Ott!> Go (llr'nlil.,v) Orol\l11 Lid {' ICtn l'I Trip~ Wl!lz !D~l't'q Devi.lie Oc" f"-d•lrl Ab.9 111ti'1t ,t,,.n1, Do (1 1C1nh\ V•rodY l!:ilte'\ !Wl"°"l EIGHTH •ACIE. «IO Ylnb 1 nlds -UP. Alli7w&nces . .,.,.._ Prl~u. Pun" MIXICI. Dcvbl1 Dlti,, /Ortvt•l Rotl'I" Ann Dotllt~ I P1!1~\ Go °""'"' Ga !Br111klev1 K-~ 8tr IA.Hit! ltr\H lllocl<tl (R 81nk1J •• ,,. "' "' "' '" • • ". "' '" "' '" "' '" ,,. '" '" NINTH ll:ACE. 400 v•.m. 3 'l'fft al~' ""' UP 11t Grtd!!-AA Ml""'· Punt l?l!llf. Mlu• l!I• $u•e Pi Cro,bYI 5""•r1owro lH••n P••I (~•"'*" IMtl'\ud1l S--C~I ll)tt!o CP1""1 11ec1d ,..,,,..,.. n · •d•I" (·•~ 110(.ktl !Srl .... ltY I Oilller {Rli;!ttrd•\ Mr. Olo "1'oro IL""'•"'l O•ndY Mooleti Llltlt Mlts w."" (W•••or>l .11,.. l:lltltlt P1111 Br~ 9,1 1s1r111"1 P1lleo ••r Time (R .11 ... ,1 .11.,..1tto1 Do Good flml1111 ltabll• DoOI" n .l.d11r1 "' "' ... "' 11.1 "' '" '" '" '" '" "' '" '" Los Alamito s Results ,rlf1y, JYIP )J, lt6t Cr.tr'""'"'" flltll.IT 11..ICI. 350 vtrdt, J y••• ftld• tnd UP !11 Grade ... l'I"". Po/f-.e II~ o~s!,,-Bir llov 1sm11111 1.60 3 'II 1 ~~ Olo Vtn rM111uc111 u.~a I ?Q Ol•k•Y 81• Joo (Morrh) ''0 flmto-11 7110, AltO Rt" -Poel!r 81)1>, Midw1Y N.i\· II•, AP<OllG Pot~e!. J•l"'I" Sm>dev, D""'•cv 1C1v, Su~ta's R.,,.""'· 1Cl11ty•, Cebonlr. Sc•1tche<I -Soc!• 5!m B••· c~1·, o" Dt"Ck, Mr. Prte ear, Rnc•.i's K•••r. JIECONO ltACl . J~ r••d• 1 """"' l'lth tnd 1>1> I" Grtde .I Pll/1, Purse lltOO. Miii J11nv1• It• fl'...,) 11,60 4.IO 4.*0 J~1 ,1.1111:~ f.ld11rl u.ocr l,)n Mlt<:ll•Y Ot1h (1"1rl) I.Oil Time -11 1'10. .Ilsa """ -G~ Flou • Go. P•11ld Mttlt, l!llb L!1 Ptrkt•. Mt!•!I. Et Gt• ... 11a11. H""llr frue. Grl!ch. Scrtlcht'd -Ptos<>t•<llA GT<I. F07• DOf\. Foti D••l'I• !HI""" 0.lc, NIO HrL Y OOUllLI!. 1·0.•"•r l'o•r a.., & f.MIH J U"11le l•r, P'tlf IH.•I fH lll.D II.ACE. 'Oii vtrdJ 'YPet old' C!tl..,!nv. Pur" 11100, CltuY 11.oc~•• rsmlr~I llttt?l1t' tt.dalrl 01<1 Mt( fllp,.aml Tim• -10 4110. .1110 lt•11 -SUM~I Leot'lflr<I, Tw!l!•tl S"•clow. C•K" Fer M!. l'auum Det~. ~o 5crtlt"e'. 1'0Ult fl4 11:11.CI!. 3511 v••ds, ' ... ~~< olds. c111..,r.,.., Pwtf 0 000. f!nv Tl'lundtrbl•d (Mll•ud•l lrl"1 Sf• (Lloh1m) F'lrt Jloc':tt (.IOtlr) Tl--ll 1110. !1.00 I {Ill I •~ •.•O l "'1 ·~ .llso ltt" -Pom"°" B•r. F•8•IY "'~' B~. Chu Chu loll, Ollrolut" 80t'Olle(~. l'tlvl Bid, kralcl'lf'<I -Lotltton 1'1,114 It.ICE. 100 Y•r<ls. J Yetr old• lllO \IP In Gr1<1e AA MlllU\. Fur:w 17100, Miiii. Cl'llct. fOP !t.llOd1u1 Mr, B1r,,1t! (P19•l C-.11 Agtf• IMorr ll) Tl"" -11 4/10. 16.fO I 00 I 40 s 00 ~ 60 ·~ .ll'IO Rtl\-ll<l'I' •Ill'!" 1. Good Grtd_,, Hy 11.t'<hl"I, Mr, SP'f Btr, C~•rq' R~•· ti, 11,.,.·1 111<>11"11, M1u M001t """'· krtfc"M -J1b9fl 1111!'1 E•t. IUCTN JI.ICE . .(Ott VI~. l Vt•• ""h •nd VP I" Grlde ,1.,1. PM Pu• .. snooi. Roc;~tl lfllun (Wt tlO!\l I 60 J 10 l ~ OltmoflCI A" WIM lll.tnl1) 11.111 5&'l Cocky ICld (5.mllt>) J 10 fl,..p -1(1 ~1 10 Alon 11.•n -0.... ol t~.,~. Lfl'< C.o S•"'· M•• Mtrlt, Power 8e• .S1Yr11 5'>ef'<l1. Mtnd•ll, Ma9nc>ll• Eeql' Scr•lc.hed -Min Ja•l• Go. Dt1ll, P'rl11v Lull. llVINT .. •ACE. J.\G Y•rd• J Y••• nl!h tlld up ffl G11ot AAA Ml,,ul P11,.~ ..... Wlfcn Cl'llt !WthO"l 1] 00 i ?fl j bO Swt11l Pl,..•11•t llC•nl•) • 6(1 J.)0 MIH l'trr l'o1• CPttel ! 10 flrnt -11 t/10, ,l.lwo lll•n -lmt J-• Gltl, \"11l•t Ro.t n Ml'tltCf, Hobl,.11~. Qulf'H:• Rot\•!. fldY Go. No ktUt,,..._ llOHTN It.IC.I. JJO Yt~ l .,....,. olih. Allvwlfl<tL f.,.. M0'1!1• Pu•" ·-· J n11111 ll:Ddlet !C•a"'"' '·411 3 )It 1 -a Rtllel C""r"t !Htrl l l W '111 Go L•mb (W•l..,.,I l ;o Tl--11 t!ID AIWI 11.lfl -Pt•l C••ll'', l"O -·· Dlt!. Go ,_,, S.•erv °""""'· ,.,,.. MIM;, Jltf't .I Ooo• krtld>etf -CPUlll ( .. ran. Ft•m•I'' Eftl'll NINTH RACE, U0 Ylrcl,, l """' nl-1> tllcl .,. lio Grl<ll! "" Ml-l tl<I I" Ct 11'. PUil* 1111111. liomm•"" JtPPllcl !lt"''j I.ill , .. 1~' OH-L"""l~tFy lll1n!tl f... l (1(1 014-0t<.-ltll (Lll\Mm) OIC J,40 •AlO T""°'-11t110 .llto ll.•11 -VII'"° llJft-, Oll•ct M , \'1~. f!dv WO!do, Ml J'r~i.10, l'\•~11•'' J•""· DI-!, C•trv ill'I'. ~•lcl'ild -$Prlntr'~ Pt..,.IM, -"'l'foO "'1116, ltaclc~I Mldt. $1111otr ll:wtl. ' \Voody's Makes It A.ll·Amerlcan Mesa Track Boss IO in Row Prefers Football tl1l'lt!e1tcd WOO<ly's Wh•" made fi JO in a row Thur3d °"'oy' By ft.OGER CARUON lghl • h Ot .. Dtll)' 1""9t St.tff n UI I e Colla Meu open su.mm~r basketball 1 e 1 g.u 8 Douc Brown, new lrack and with a UH-84 win over field bou at Costa Mesa High McDonald's 19th. school, Ii a rare breed. Wit.son Ftrd, meanwhile First, ~·s a huge physical notched its eighth win of th~ specimen at 6-5 and 260. campaign lo put a soUd hold But the big stuaner ls that on second place. ·Brown, a thre&-tinle, first· Wilson trimmed Wig•e team AIJ.AmerJcan al Fresno Insurance, 97-76. , State as an offens)\'e guard Woody's potent crew ulillied and a veteran ol the Oakland the fouble-figure scoring of Raiders, never played a five players in disposing of minute or football in high McDonald's. • iehool. ~ Leading lhe p;11rad"e were Brown, 31. was no midget at Bob Bedell and Dick Kolberg Long Beach \Vllson High each with 25 counters whll~ School, hilting the scales at D~ve Waxman wa.!I chipping in 220 to go with a 6-3 frame. with 11. But apparently the Bruins Jim Buller and n 1 ch had Plenty to work with .• · llardgrove were the t 0 p The coaching start didn't scorers ror McDonalds with 23 even approach Brown about points apiece. _ playing afler his sophomore Wilson racked up a •JO-point year. lead at the hall and breezed "I could kick myself now for home against Wigrnore. not playing high school ball. I Brian Ambrozich 'as the think if I had, I'd be playing big scoring threat for lhe win-righl now i n s t ead of ners, tall ying 33 on · 13 field coachillg,'' says Brown. goa ls seven tosses from the Brown 's past honors in free throw line. junior college and college are Frank Zebol and Sieve lmpo~ing to say the least. J~cobson, ~ach with 20, were At Long Beaclt City College high for W1gmore. he lettered two years in track arld roolball and was named All·American in his sophomore year. WOODY'I 1,,1~ Hut~l'llnJ Red~ll ""' c.r1~t D":nm~1m11t• W1~m1n l(a~~~r. #>1(D0NALD'J As a t.liscus thrower, his best-ever toss w<1s L74·6. At Fresno State, he was ;ill CCAA . all-Coast and All- American for thrC<' yea rs. After a brief stint in the Na· tional Guard, Brown picked up l'o'ilh the OaR'land Raiders. One full season in 196~ as a DOUG BROWN defeni:;ive tackle and oUenslvr guard and part of 1965 was his total of professional ball. He carne lo Costa Mesa In the fall of '66 as a line coach and adds the track duties lo his schedule next year. Brown relates that he ex· peels the Mustang.!! to do well in the rield events next season but the talk quickly turns to football . He's high on the Must;;ings' (;hances of an excellent season under new coach ~1ax ~liller. As for wha t Brov.-n is look• ing for in the \\'3Y or ac· complishments or personal future, he says, "I just wanl a champion in football. And l'd like to have a fair track team. loo." A ll-Stctr l1~ootua,ll Tiff Z"bol Lund . j~IP..,ln ICO!lffn Sche'rmt<hn•" TU<lo'Y (rnw••v " Tol1b ~.~!·mf Corvel Les, Mo<l el-'f At OCIR Tl'-'o Cor\ettcs end a ~fodel· T will br the cars to watch tonight al Orange County International Raceway where lhc track hosts another 16·car gas supercharged open. OCIR general manager Mike Jones L'Onducted a slmilar event June 28 and !:lays tonight's repeat is in response to many requests lo do so. The Corvette favorites tonight are John Lombart.lo of Van Nuys nnd Mike Mitchell or San Jo'rancisco. Driving the Chrysler·powered l\todel-T will be Gary Burgin of Garden Grove. The second half or th e even· ing·s racing program \\.'ill bf supplemented by an injeclOO funny car field Competition :starts at 8 p.m ;;ind Jones exP<'el :s a crov.·d or about 3,000 for the event. Tickel prices are set al S.1 for general admission scats an<l 50 cents extra for reserved scats. The lcadi11g Funny ca r drivers tonight will he Bob \Veldlein uf Long Beach in ;;i Corvette and La vell llunter ol Los Angeles. Al Su\liv:1n of La Habra will be (Jn h ~1nd v.·ilh hrs highly regarded Camaro, OCIR's 11ext major rvrnt will be the Anni\'ersary Race of Winners Aug. !I, E1ghl·tar fields v.·ill race in top fuel . fun· ny car, fuel altered and gas supercharged classificalions. On TV TLtpe Today Orange Coast area football . fans who weren't in the Colesium Wednesday night for the lllth North-South Shrine i;:ame will get lo see ho\v coun- t\" stars Darryl B e r g 1 \\'estminster) and Is a a c Cu rlis (Santa Ana ) performed on TV today . The g;;ime will be replayed hy Channel 4 at 3:30 p.m. Both Berg and Curtis v.•ere in· strumenlal in the South's 42-43 win. l.agu11:1 Beach·s High' s SlPve Klosterman was a stand- oul llneman for the South. too. NBC's baseball game of the 1vl.'ek pits San F'rancisco and St. Louis today, starting at II a.m. The weekend 's golf feature ls the American Classic fro1n Akron. Ohio, at 2 p.m. today and 1:30 p.111. Sunday. AREA ACES AT CAL POLY l"ive Orange Coast area football products will be suited up for the opening of fall practice. Aug. 25. at Cal Poly (Pomona ). Guard Tony Chicas fron1 San Clemente l:ligh and Sad· dleback College, linebackPr T)on Ferryman· of Cost<i Mesa High and Orange Coast Co\IPgc, guard Bill Brown of Maler Oci and guards Brian Tomlinson and Ed Kunze of \VeslminstC'r will be on hand. Hc<1d bronco coach Roy Anderson will ha\'C two flt>\V <1ssistant coaches f r o m Anaheim's l\1agnolla High School -Don Lent and Svri Shue. Lent was Magnolia·i; head coach and Shue. was hls line coach. Ran1 Star In Camp FULLERTON -(lffens!vP tackle Charlie Cowan, whn had bcrn f'Xcuscd fro1n earlier drills for personal rr.Asons, reported lo the Los Angeltll Rams training ca mp Friday as the club v.·ork ed out twic('. For S::iturday. Coach Grorge Allen announced a cloSf"d :-crimmap:e. ses:-ion woulrl he held with the San OiegG Ch Th t 'II 'II be argers. c ( r1 W> How Tl1ey Stan{l closed to the public. BUSINESS AND,. Atncrican TA!aguc 1 East Balthnort Detroit Boston \Vashington New York CIC\'Ch111d \\I l. P1·t. r.n r.7 31 .684 5'1 41 .5611 1 p ! 5~ 4:1 .561 12 51 !i2 .495 18 ! 47 5.1 .470 21 31:1 GO .JM 281: We~I ~1inncs11ta Oakland Sratllr Kan~ar; C'it\' Chica~n Cal iforni a Iii\ :'18 .f\12 - !1.i :ti! .ft!IS :'I 41 !'Iii 42.1 111• j 4n 57 4111 J!I 411 !WI .w 21'1 37 ;.~ 38$ 22 Frltt•Y'• lttU•!!I llo•IO<> 1. ""~Ill<' 4 c~•r•o•..:• '· N•w v~·• ~ (\••I.on<! I . W~3hlnnl~n l "'~llll!'cr•' c~•<•"" 1 n-1ror1 ), it~n••• cir. o M.111.,.sata ' c1o ... r1o'l<I 1 "' '""'""•1 1 ....... o ..... W•\l>l"'lvol ISb•l""'t.•11 l ~I ti DI~• l~rod I°"""' )6 .. l 1 Ntw Yori< !S!ottr._,.,.., II '1 fl C•ll· !&n1!• !M<61fl•hlift ~-tl •In"! "'''~" (Sf-~ .. J), •I Sfftllfr !T•I· bf-1 : ·l\ .l.•ln""•~lt fl(o_, 10...!} 111 (l~l•nd tEll•"(O•!h •11 Clllf~le !fl~tl•ft I 11) •I 1~!\l,mort I"~' • ..,,), '"~M I( ... ~ Ci!Y !llU!ltl ioi) •I ~1'1111 IWHt'lft l ·JI• Nalion11t l.t.Agnc Ea5l lV L Pel. GB Chicago 61 38 .616 New Yor)< fl4 4fl .S74 41 ' St. Loni!! 51 48 .515 10 •Pittsburgh 43 49 .. 495 12 rhiladelphia 40 56 .417 19\i ~lont.real 32 66 .327 281 • Wt'sl Atlanta 57 43 .r170 I .o.c; Angclrs 54 42 .!;6.1 I PROFESSIONAL GUIDE ~ • MATTRESSES • MATTRESSES bOATS , HOi\W.S -TR.AILEB8 lrTqul•r !b•pa Ooeta Meo M•llr..11 Co. 1lli0 Nnrpori .Blv •• Liberty 8-1303 S Francisco S4 44 .5S1 2 ('1ncinnali 4g 42 ,!i.'8 3 •• UPHOLSTERY • llt111~1 nn 49 4fl .500 7 &in Dirgo ~ 66, .340 23 F~lt'l'·t ltl\•llt ¥ocrnlr•ol I, All~nll I 1'11•1-lplll• J, HOl/S'°" 1 • Ntw YOtli. .(, ClllClflft~![ l L"" -..,.,. .. , '· th'<toc ' S.n Dlfto J, Plll'Uur•~ l •• Lovl1 7, 1"" ftt""'"-' I tll IMl"'11 TMIY'l0""°" Clll(lnn•U l(lo!>ln9f1 1•111 11 New 'l'e•I< ISe•Vff 11·11 kn 1)1"° (l(•lltY 6 )I •! P!lllobl/o.,, .I '""~~·· 1·11 loo 11.-le1 !S\f>oPr 1).JJ •I (lllo;"t C~ltnt IM! Merolrotl flt'lb"tlt.INI 7 ll ~• "'ti•" CJ••YI\ •11, "1~111 "h"•"•'°"'~ r It<~,..~ .. 10) •I Hai.o ll'!f' fO•!ffl<1 ,_,.I • .,1,trt :1 ·"" r••nr."tn fMtC.~•ml(~ •·J) el$ L"u'' tC••llfol! 11 JI . • '' Mesa Upholstery Llb•rty 8-4781 JJJO NIWN>IT ltWD. e COMPUTER TESTING e LIVE! MlEr Tl4Al SP'IEClt.\. IOMIONI .INO llOll't to LIVS =; 647.6667 r 1f Hr, ll""Ct"'I"' • r Pulpit andP~~ DAILY 10·10 SUN . 10·7 (pan«llw«l !tom Page 5) All Aqtl't E,llcopal (lhurd>, this SUDday. ' Tbe summer church school program wlU be&ln at 9:30 a.m. Tile cburcb It IOfllle<I at 3233 faclfic vi... Ori.,, Corona del Mar. LuUterall Church or the ~latter, 2900 Pacific 'View Drive, Corona del Mar, wUI of· fer hours or wonhlp at 8:45 and ll a.m. Sunday. Dr. \VJlliam R. Eller will deliver a n1essage enUtled "Wheat Or Strawt" Baptism will be ad- n1lnlstered at.11 a,..m. The Sunday church school \Viii conUnue with the visual tducaUonal program at 9:45 a.rn. the morning service. Fam!Ues wlll meet al Lake Park and should bring a picnic lunch. lee cream , coffee. cake and punch will be provided. Gra ham Says ·1 Other Da ys .~---,.,,. Top Apollo ' George Brown, of Long Beach, will be the fourlh speaker of the "How to Pray" seminar being conducted by the Rev. Ernest Pate of the United Church of Religious Scie.n« of Huntington Beach. lie will speak on "How to Pray for Happiness," Wed- nes day, 8 p.m. at the Women's Club House, 420 Tenth St. The public is invited. WASHINGTON (UPI ) - Evangelist Billy Graham to-' day took issue \\•ith his good , friend, President Nixon, about the moon landing being the most important event in his-MEN'S CANV~S OXFORDS The congregation of Com- munity U n I t e d ~1etbodlst Church, 6662 Heil Ave., Hun - tington Beach, will hear their new Associate· Minister, Fred (;. Overby preach on "Jn the Year 2525." Hcgular services are held at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Church school classes for all ages and nursery care are also available at both services. The senior high you l h fellowship group meets at 7 p.m. The junior group n1eets at 6:30 p.m. tory. In a telephone interview, Graham said he felt sure Nix- on had not thought throu~ all the implications of the statement he made Thursday in welcoming three U.S. astro-. nauts back to earth. ?tlachlne washable ca:nvu ~­ fords have r"1.ly ctlshloned ribbed rubber sole. Navy, green, light blllill. 1·12. fli~~~~n said of the moon ~ J ~~ '"This is the greatest week since the beginning of the \vorld , the creation. Nothing has changed the world more than this mission." ' the famous Baptist preach- .er listed "greater days·• as : "l. The first Christmas. when the" creator of the uni· verse came to d"·ell among I men on this planet in the per-- son 'Of Jesus Christ. 244 Reg. 3.96 ~loming wo rship with a commun ion offering is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. at Re 1u r rec tlon-Lutheran Cburcb, 9812 Hamilton Ave. Huntington Beach, Sunday. Nursery care is provi ded. Pa stor Arthur R. Ti ngley will deliver the co mmunion meditation. "2. The day on which Christ died for the sins or tfie world, reconciling God and man and making ~sible reconciliation amoojt' men. "3. The first Easter, when Christ rose again and con-• 20" CONVERTIBLE BIKE 1988 qucred dt>alh on behalf of all S 1111clccfJ 011ly! 11U1nk.ind." Junior bik1• has coaster Sunday church school for three year olds through th ird grade meet for their combined summer session at 10:30 a.m. in the educatio nal build ing. The all congregational picnic sponsored by Lutheran Church \Vomen wlll be held following These three. events, which brake~. ;.<'mi · pneumatic took place 2.000 yean; ago. tirl's. Flame 1·00 w/whitc Our Reg. Z7 JIB ;;j "changed the world far more ·,,,_ _ _,, __ ""'"''~ ~ than a landing on the moon ,'' - Graham said. DI VERGE NCE • • • (Co ntinued from Page 4 ) secular trend certainly con- tinues," he sai d, but "on the Jong-range vi~w. ominous and promising new quasireligious, mythical and sym bolic forces are to be expected." He said this includes_ the "nut groups and faddists," but he added: "TI1e human story seems to be too complex, too passional to be sustained without some sort ·religious' .meaning quest." As for the traditional Judeo- Christinn heritage, he said : "Whatever is co ming wi ll imply a fusion of elements in the Jewish and Christian tradilklns with a new style of consdousheis, sensibility and social organization. Something institutional will survive, but it \viii be trahsfonned." Thrill to Thoroughbred action!~ . ' ~. .' •• ' ' . '• BIG 20 CAUON GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS! f64 S u11.J.11 Onl11! Re,,. 1.96 Sturdily constructed for the nece ssary durability. It has a tight fitting lid with a handle for conve~ nience. TRA~H CAN CART SALE! Nolhing can match the all-out, all-the-way ex- citement of Thoroughbred racing! Come alive to it all •.. the special thrill when time stands still for that thunderous run for the money. There's no thrill like the Thoroughbreds! Come, see for yourself. It's happening now at Del Mar. 9 races daily, Mon.-Sat., through Sept. 11. Res. aeats from $1.20. (Sat. and holidays, $1 .50.>Po$t Time 2 p.m. Today $15,000 Oceanside 'Cap ' S11nda11 Onl11 / • Re9. 5.97 This loter holds t~·o 20-1u11 r. Ion c A n s. Enaml'I finish aluminum t u bi ng. Plas lic grips. 466 SAYE ON PROPANE . FUEL CYLINDER! S unday 0..1111 88e Rf!IJ. 1.14 S&fety constructed 1WGI fit.- tings; Inlet. F1la all at.anc:lard totdlet. Meets~ requl.aittw. 26.7 n. oi. \ 1~ . COSTA MESA ONLY MEN'S WESTERN JEANS 288 R e g. 3.97 DAILY PILOT Jt; All Cotton, Full Cut Washable, As st. Colors ft r,,, .... _,.. ______ ,_,_.,,.S"i:.·.,:.,~ .. ~ .. 29 to 36 rrJ CORDANA® ROBESIN -• SEAMLESS MESH HOSE 3 SMART, STYLES tt S1111duy Only! f 66 ~ Reg. 2 fur .76 Ny lons Jn n1lstone sun- lonl', cinnamon In sizes 9 to 11. Get a bii,: 1upply now! 200 PAPER PLATES 94c Reg. 1.46 S un. Ony! SALE! 50 POLY CUPS Reg. 58c S nnda11 Only/ 37c 7-oz. s.ize disposable, Save! S1111. Onl11/ Our lleg. 2.00 ·~ ! ·i 2 F 48 \Vashable \vonders! Brushed cotton robes in gay o prints with an embossed finish . Choose from R J. rj zipper.front, gripper-lront and button-front styl-; . ~ es. All with patch pockets. S-M·L. '-' 250 PAPER NAPKINS 28c Reg. 33c S un. Ot1ly! Save on \11hile luncheon slzl'! PLANTER'S PEANUTS. ARE DRY ROASTED . :J8c 13-oz. Size in Vacuum J111r SALE! KODAK 124R INSTAMATIC KIT S1Cnd11 011ly/ 1397 Reff. 15.97 I<odlk U&R Jru;tamallc ca - mtta with Kodak'• CS 126/ 1:J color film. be.ttme1, and fiuhcu~. "Charce It" at 1( in.rt. S·PC. HAIR CLIPPER SET Sunday Only/ Set \Vith precision el~lrie cllppcr, snap-on attachments, instruction book; s t or a g f' tray, rorged stcl'I shears and comb. 487 Our Heg. 7.S7 ALUMINUM FOLDING BED R eg. 12.97 S11ndn11 Onl11 ! Compacl, sturdy. 27" wide. 1033 INDOOR, OUTDOOR FLASHCUBE SAU! R e9. J .%8 m qualJty rlathcubel to ua<' with your camera dt,y or night! Stock up dul'\q lhis one~ .aie1 - I I I • t t 7 • • • I D.\ILY PILOT s.t<WdoJ. Ju11 >L, 1'169 -~·~-~ .~ . l .' .~ . SE HAttk ESPANOL BRAND NEW '89 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2·DR. HARDTOP $ • ..... .,. ., . • s· INCLUDES: VB EllGllE, AUTOIATIC•TRllSllSSIOI, RADIO, HEATER, POWER St'EERllG, .TiilED; GLASS, EXTERIOR DECOR PAOIAGE '· Serial No.' PE 2'1 FiD 288781 , - lll . MOD',fls: OF' Tltf . : -'qltEA T '69 ... ,, · . · . P~YMOUtH Flill" . lncludett j·n tlli~ sup,r' sale . .t6 • · to choose from wtfh \laried · equipment options and, as af.. • ways, ot t~ ye1irs lowest prM:es.· first comer first choice •. :so ~urryl · BRAND NEW • SAVE V-8 engi..-, 1utonfltic tr1nsmi11lon, r• dio, power steering, power brokes, vinyl top; deep dish wheel covers, tinted gloss ond . . . f1ctory 1ir conditioning· Seri1I No. U23G9Cl43143 . i ' . '· ----------- • I 69 VALIANT 2 DOOlt' Vl21 A9E149922 • '69 PLYMOUTH Ro,d Ru -...... -.1an """ ~ ,., itk, ........... 1 · IYOM ll4l, Wt.rifi.t, tllf:t & CHRYSLER . , • . " t • PLYMOVtH'• .. . -· ' ·-, • • • " \ ' , . C :ElRAICE : CLEARANCE ALE I ' \ \ . \ ; \ \· ' I . ' • • • 1969 THUNDERBIRD DEMONSTRATOR 2 DOOR LANDAU ' ~ V-8 engine, cruisomatic, power steering, po~er disc brakes, consOle, wsw, pwr'. seat, pwr. windows, tilt steering wheel, fact. air; stereo. Mtr. ;; 9J84N I 05567 I I .. ~: :' . $' ' • /\ J t,# l I I \ • \ ._ . ' I 21 1969 DEMONSTR·ATOR GALAX!E 500 2· oe·. HT. Satuntal, Ju~ 26, 1969 _ .. .!.~! -~ •• ' ' I I • • Executive Car and Demon.strator ·Sat• 1 ' 1 ' l I t " Tremendous Savi11gs on 'T' Birds, ·Mus• ·tangs, Torinos, <G~la1ies, Falcons, eot> · tinas •.. Look 'it These Examples :·:,i·./ . ' . ... . . ·/.~ '1'· ' .. : ll •·. ~ . . . ' : . ' l .: lo .I 1 , 'I ., r -' • '. . .. . • '# • • BRAND NEW 1969 · ; .' .~, ; .• '. '.: •• { RANGER (AMPER ·s~ECIALt · ! ' • '~ • I • • ; , •. : 1 , ',{ ' t IN STOCK . . • READY FOR .1.~M EDIA TE :DELIYl;R..Y. !, All The "Hard:To-Get" Models. Including: Crew Cab • 4 Wheel Drive Ranger· Custom Cab • Standard Cab • Brol!Cos Chateau Wagons, And Pl11nty Of.Comper .Sf!ecica!s. 1969 DEMO . .. : .• TORINO GT 2 DR. HAlltTOP '-• . ' : I . . . \' . rtf the Best $$ Buy-Anrwllef4 . ' ' : ' . ~ \. AMIGOS Y VE'CIN.05 i.os lnvito!i a que ven!Wl a DUN~ .FORD. ;para. qu!' :ti.ien la mcjor com~fde l>U vidli, Tcncmos prec~ :biljos y _execelente .s~ck> dcspues de .. la!> "'C!l~· i:;s~a- .. . CH·OOSE FRO .. OVER 400 CARS &· .TRUCK.SJ.;·:. PICK OUT THE ONE YOU _ WANT ••• GET A DUNTON DEAL AND DRIVE IT HOME•t · aqu1 para servirlos. · • . :: . f • · . -SU SERV~ JACK .i;JORN . , , l • I I • ' • I ' • •, • ' • -•• f • '67 FORD 0ALAXIE 500 2 Door Hardtop. Power 1tearin9 , auto. trans., radi o, heater, fa c- t,ory air conditioning. IVJ E 575 1 . 51995 · ·'67 CORTINA G.1'. 4· speed tren1m i11ion , wh itewell tires. ITSP 2471 ' . ~ .. 51395 '66 OLDS F-85 '4 door. Aui o. trens.,.power steering end ¥rindow1. Very lo'flt' miles . ISBS 799 1 .51595 '67 FALC ON MA VERJC~ K 'TRADE' ·INS '66 CHEVILLE FUTURA. 4 Door, b cylinder, autom•tic:. MAL IBU. 2-Door Ha rdtop. Auto. t ra n1., power steering, rtdio, heater, vinyl roof. IVEL 6521 tran smission. ! TI P 4961 51495 '65 r>ODG E DART . 4 Door. Radio, haater, auto. trans., pow- er steering. ·econom'ieel 6 cylinder c.tr. I NBV llOl . 51195 '65 THUN DERBIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP. V.8, auto. trans ., feetory a ir i:ond., radio, heater, full power. IER'f 004) I 515·95 ' . '66 FALCON 2 DR. CLUB CPE. Sile-shin, ne.o wr, lllw low mil11. 1.ic. No, XAW '1'9 .. '66 CHEYELLE "300" ! Door, \l·I, ~utoma!ic lrlMml• 11on, rldio •M ~eatlf. llLU onl '67 SAAB STATION WAGON 1MIO ec1u1t mllH. R1cllo, he1ter, Mlcnelln tlru, ll~e "'w. Llc. Nn. VIH I!' $1695 '67 OLDSMOBILE "442" J-OOOR H'°'ROTOP, \l.f, IUIO- ,.,llk: transm11ilao). 11e1ory 11•· .-111or1il!g, po-•i.ttlnv. r•- dlo. llelter, wllll-llh llr111, bvt:· kel lfflt. <;Of!IOll , Ylnyl ri>OI. fTUP "21. $2195 : . - 51595 '67 FO~D RANCH WAG. 390 V-8, auto. trans., fa ctory •.ir cond., powtr staering , radio, . h1et er, trnted glass, luggage raek. 52295 · '6$ MUSTANG HARDTOP. Y-8 . fa ctory air condition- in4 , power steering, radio, heater, con- sole.....:..bucket seet1. !OLW 208 1 ' -51495 c;;:: -J -'6' MUSTAN ',_ I I I f • . . ' . .. ' ' . .. . ~.... . .. .. • DAJlY PILOT S.lutd_,, Jul~ 26, 1969 THEMooltl • Good morning, boys and girls. Just think, summer has reached the halfway point and Jooger, warmer days are ahead. I bel many of you have Liken or wlU take swimming lessons this summer. Water safety ls a very important tbing. We sbollld all be careful to swim with a buddy and only in guarded areas. If you follow Ill the niles of sale swim- nUng, you will have a lots of waler fun for the rest of the mmmer. Next week let's use water safety u the theme for tbe art contest. llonorable mention winner!': in the poetry contest are Mjchelle Mendenhall, tlun . .---------------------------------,1 1 tiD,Wn Beach, and Laura Bridges, Huntington Beach. The art this week was so good and so lively, that pick- ing a top winner was extra 1 hard. Hooorable mentions lb.ls y,·eek are Brooksie Shumway, Newport Beach; Ni ch o 1 as Verdina, Huntington Beach; Connie Ann Verdina, Hur>- tlngton Beach; John Szalay, Corona deJ Mar ; Cindy * PRIZE WINNER This week 's contest winner ls Gary Shumway, 8 1.~. 1300 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. * Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you do : (I) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 5* inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own \vork. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAJLY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. Russum. Balboa; Diane Pratt, L--------------------------------', Costa ~1eaa; Bobb)' Maestas, Founla.in Valley ; S u 1 ii n Galbraith, Htmt1ngt.on ' Beach ; Stacy Ward, Costa Mesa ; Jim Ridge, Hunt.meroo B e a c h : Robb)' Gilbralth, Huntington Beach. UP IN SPACE The astronauts went up In space, Yes, tbey went way up there. They took with them no ertra clothes. But •took a lot of air. . Their rood, of course, was all in packs, Orange juice, meat and bread. They wore great big heavy suit.II And a helmet on t.beir head!. They then landed on the moon To get some rocks and dirt. There is quite an amount of risk And I'm glad no one got hurt. "'-----Caro/; Corn~,,-----, RIDDLES AND JOKES * Dear Carol: What gets welter and wetter the more it dries? PRIZE WINNER . Dear Carol: Why do some babies' hair turn snow- white at the age of three months? ·pu• ISUOJM •l.f• 6u1.1tpMod dN >f Ol.fM •1.1•qiow peJ1.fl511·.1••u •A•"I A•l.f.L :JeMSU\f' • -Il'IM MlttMll. Cftl• MeM, iI>ear Carol: What has one horn and gives milk? '>t>n.14 >tlJW y :JeMsuy Srwt<.-Slrlv.,,,..,., H-n Sff(ll. S.IMI .,. .. lf'IMtl•1111 t• Ad A114'y, c/• ON_,. C"" D•Hy Plllf, I•• 1160, c..t. M .... Cellf. A,ndy """' • 70·..olu""' .et ol ..,. W1rlll .... l!fttVtlffHI• !o $1t~t OtSreill'IO. '"' ll, or Pllllao:Jelllflfl, f'-Vlv111l1, tor Ill• Olutttlon· Cross word Puzzle • ACF! ass 4!J F1ilu1r 48 Rt1alrd 1 Form or 50 Pa!ron of Anna tht ···-~Fail lo 52 Put out on includl' tile s!rtrl llJ Europea n 53 funny 14 ·-··-one's lrllow rigl1t mind . 5& Electncal l wo1ds .un its 15 Unit on a 57 General lrrasurr m~p Managr1s. l& Kind of l\bbr. bread ~O lake of 17 Alttr Europe 18 Organ liatoon &2 U11dtr o\ll tr 1 olfittr c 1rcun1- 21J Prl) ... ; ~lanc es: 9 Disturb by Tr'!l poraro ly 2 words petty 21 SJcrrd bi:ll &4 rormrr Can. annoyancts 23 Loco Postmasltr 10 Gusht s 24 Jaoan1sr Gentroil suddenly rtctpcaclt 1.5 Proprllrd 11 Erud1t1on 25 Mans bb Subside 12 Onct mDre nitknamr b7 Walktd on 13 E•trrmely 2" Ftatu1t ol \ b! Dots 1 9ar-19 Brawl most novt ls: denlng chort 22 Right qukkf 2 wOf'ds "' Giritpo..-der 24 Mtd ic al 30-·-· Hous e: ln9reditnl sufli~ Former Ntw 25 Ptrson's York hoslrl DOWN htad: Slanr,i 34 Remavrs tmds 2b Part of )5 lnslrurntnt l UtG icaJ tht ryr )7 " •• • 111115 cOCllSP 27 P1nt~ppl t saylnr,i ..• ": su bjrcl: .4.bbr. 28 Strip 'tll 2 words 2 Alastaritaiit llrx1blt )8 Norms Jn J Pirtt of ntws mattrial 1 sport 4 Urlal 2~ Wall Stirtt )9 VIP in Scot· S Modr r•ltly 11n1t lish l!is\ory • 1 slow and 31 S11lly 41 G1aduattd tvrn: Mus ic )2 R•vtr lo lhe plate !. Choict Nissou1i 42 ..• jam: 7 Man lrorn J) Irritated 2 worlls Jb Get back 4) Afr ican 1 Oltmonds: 41J Possess'~' 44 f<1wn Slang word I. l • 7 • ' I< ' " 7/211/&9 41 Force 41 HeJd CO~tfiHf,1 ~5Early A lask~n settlrr 47 Ans wrrl'd ChHkily , 49 Cete,tial . bodies 51 Junk 53 Accounl: Abbr. 54 African 55 Prepo· sillon 5& Oiseasr or srbactocs glands 57 lnstcl 58 P;11ticle of dust 59 Ending 11srd with road and 9an9 &l Rrctnt: Comb· fo1m bl Nolrd polic e group: Abbr. " I WHAT IS TllE ABYSSAL PLAIN? pressure is between four and six tons per square inch, is the floor of the actual OCf;an basins. Though It covers about _.=•:::'=='==~~=====~=====~==­half the globe, it is only one of The abyss was named by oqr remote ancestors, who believed that the deep ocean was a botlomle.ss pit. Until the 1920s, the only way to measure deep water was with a weighted line -and the 1 tedious job took h o u r s • Nowadays we let electronics and echoes do the job. A modern marine ship can chart the solid floor of the deep ocean -beep-beep -as she sails along. THE OCEAN covers about three submarine zones. A shaUow zone of continental shelves surrounds the major land masses. Miles out lo sea. these gentle shelves plunge suddenly down a :zone of con- tinental s I o p e s • TIN!se precipitous clif(s. sometimes two or three miles high, arc the walls of the abyssal zone -the true basins of the oceans. EARLY IN the century, after a few spol soundings, most experts assumed that the Door of the abyss wa s uniformly Oat and it was call· cd the al>yS>al p1Ain. This ... lion was corrected with more data. The new cbatt& revealed !bat the g-aphy of the abyssal zone 11 e:ven more varied than the geographical ups and downs on the land. The floor of the ocean basin humps up in stupeodoul moon· lain r•Qlet, in gentle rises and foothills and towtrlng, aollt.!:ry seamouot.a. n ll cracked with f\SSUrea and plunalna dli<hes. And surt eDough, here and there between the-ups end downs art vut 1by.uaI pl1lns. abyssal plains correspond to the land's flat, I c v e I geographical features. Bul Ibey too are on a grander scale. They are much flatter, smoothed level with layers of mud and silly sand . This abyssal ooze, hundreds of feet lNck, fills the hollows and buries the bumps. ll carpets the dense layers or basaltic rock that form the solid fl oor of the ocean basins. All the oceans have their regions of between underseas ranges and rises. Each has a name on the new submarine maps. The Alaska Abyual Plain reaches from North America toward Aaia. The Cape Verde.Abys,,al Plain ts In the North Atlantic. It begins al the foothills of the m ass i v e Mld·Aflantic Rkige and stretches smoothly toward East Africa. Afdy •1"111 I Wer~ ·-A"I! .. 111...i,.. S•I--. lff 11, of Sotntrwlllf, ~1tdwl•ttt. ""' "" OUittllllfl: HOW DO THEY MEASURE THE DISTANCE OF A STAR? dilferenl positions In relation to perhaps another tree in the background. 'J'be d i s t a n c e between your eyes is the baseline of a triangle. Its sides focus on the first tree and CO!l- tlnue on through to the. two different po6itions occupied by the second tree. The parallax angle at the top of the triangle is the key to distance. 7Q percent of our globe and the !°" ol clw1Jng Ill aolld sub- nwDe noor has barely be1un. OC:Nnogr•phers had to wati r~ Lbt Jnvtntlon of aopb11Ucated 1 o n a r in- l1nlmmtl. Sound wa,•e1 are c.toctecf u they pieice down lg· the IOUd seabed and eicho back. How long ii takes del.er· m.lnea the depth or the water. C4lmtloll d<ptll ooundlop ore pieoed ~ to .....,bl• mapo ol . the .-. floor. several ceaturle s ago, tnanklnd cave up tM Idea that the: ocu.n 11 a boUomless ab)W. But nobody w a 11 pr<oared ror the surprising vll!iotl0111 ta the ab)'IS&I zone. l·.~-!--::;.;iJ>nililiirglif .. aim. wliUe ON A GRANDER scale. 111< abyasal ups and downs cor· re$p0nd lo the continental moullt.ainl and valleys. The One method Is lo use the parallax, the same trla:onomet.ry trick our two tyes use to estimate dlst.a~s. \Vhen you look al a dfstnnt tree, you see it in two slightly THE BASE LINE or this celestial triang le is the width or the earth's orbit. The star 11 photographed and its position measured in relation to some star in the background. Six months later the earth Is on the opposite side of its orbit. The star is photographed again. Its position in relation to the background star i.o; slightly different. These lwo positions In! used to extend the sides of a triangle from the baseline. The star is at the top or the triangle. Angles are measured in degrees and t~re are 3,800 st<:onds in each degree. U a star has a parallax anale of one second, Its distance In earth mlles ls 19,150 plus nine zeros. This distance equals the ~stroriom!cal unit called the parsec-the parallax-second. \ .. . . - PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER UllCE CQILPt/T FACE TllE F>.CT, LIZ >..NP I. THAT HE WA.So LACJClt.x; JN ~'t'. WEfE NOTlllM(; 'Nt>.Y! WHEN LIZ LEFT HIM, MOeE TMA.N HE !U.MEP ME F0£ GOOP FR'IENPS? lHE A.UEW>..nON ~ MOON MUWNS TUMBLEWEEDS 5")(.~RC/'SE-S > f.\•._ MUl.LINS··~ ~l~l. l{AS TO ~INI' OF !-le~ Fl<iLIRe;, /.C....__,.\ you l<NOW•·· ••• ; •• 1,1 .. ' By Charin M. ~ I ' . ' " ,. ~ ~ "" Miles By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson 60 .AHJ;AD, BUT I FOUi-JD OUT LONG .AGO oHE BEST WAY TO A SNA22Y flGUl>E WAS I ,A GOOD DIET. -- By Tom K. Ryan 'BYE, CHIEF! HAVE A GOOP TIME AT THE SHERIFFS''N' GOOP GUYS' CONVENTION! OON'T WORRY 'BOUT NOTHIN'WHILE YER GONE! l'LLKEEPA EYE ON THE CRINIMUL ELYMENTS 'ROUND HERE! MUTI AND JEFF MILLIE, YOU J.-!AVE BROKEN MY HEART/ LIFE MEANS NO-n-llNG! LIVE OR DIE I SHALL DRIFT AIMLESSLY TO 'THE END OF TI-IE WORLD/ GORDO MISS PEACH -rn1s IS GOODBYE, MILL IE,6oODBYE FOREVER! \( - By Al Smith ly Gus Arriola • By Men , I I • Satu~'1. Jy~ 26, l!M OAJl V PILOT I A HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE~. DAILY PILOT w ANT ADS·1;;;;;;;0 '""="' ·==1 •-:;;;;;;;;;"' ~IOOOGo="'"1 ~10001 THE BIGGEST SINGLE MARKETPLACE ON THE ORANGE COAST-PHONE !>IRECT 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE THE REAL ES J:A:I"ERS We specialize in Geography Aids (FREE MAPS) sc h o o I ln!ormation, churches and happy homes 1-2·3-4-5 or more bedrooms. - Calf us anytime \Ve're ready. Just West of Irvine Blvd. Wblk to Westcttlf sJ\oppirig Center -4 nice ' bedrooms/2 baths in this redecorated home. Sparkling built/ins new kitchen. Large lot- paved alley. Only ........... ·: ...... '26,400. 80°/o Loan At 71/4°/o Int. Sensfl;tional fioancing is only part of this at- traction to this exciting large contemporary home. Entirely surrounded by 71h ft. walls for maximum privacy -large yard and a ~igantic separate master bedroom suite - Jf you are 1n the market for a home call us about this one ....................... $37,500. Owner Will Finance I lmagine.,.a 20 x 30 Jiving room, 3 'biths + electric kitchen. Large pool, Jot 125'x300', zon- ed !or horses. 5 car garage, with large paved work area. -Co1npletely fenced $79,500. No loan cost, low interest rate -a perfect buy. The Love Bug HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT Beautilully decorated home with large pier & slip. 4 Bedrooms, large Jiving room, for- mal dining roo1n, family room, 3 fireplaces. A real buy, ........................ $135,000. Call for app'l DOVER SHORES Large, new home; 3 bedrooms & maid's quar- ters; large sunken living & family room, with fantastic view of bay. Formal dining room. E x c e I l e n t financing available. Asking ............... , . , . , , ' ............ $139,500. . Call for app 'l SPACE & SPACIOUSNESS Large lot -large home -large pool, sur- rounded ~Y large trees. This custom family home, with 4 bedrooms, family room, with fireplace &: ~earned ceiling, paneled study & formal d1n1ng room. One o( a kind. Asking , .............. , . ' .................. $90,000. Open Sunday 1·5; 2138 Bonaire \Va y, Newport Beach. BAYCREST BEAUTY HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE IOOOGeneral BUILDER'S REPO In C06ta lt1esa, excellent area. 4 BR formal dining room, family rOom, service Porch. Builder has just taken back this home and he is ~oing to completely renovate it with ne\v \Vall to y,•ali carpeting, paint. etc. Ca n buy VA. FHA or Conventional. Name your terms. Full pric:e $30,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 'I• ACRE 4 BR. 2 baths, wall to wall carpets. frplc, pantry. etc. Ir you're lookin g for LAND then this is the home for YOU. FHA, VA or Conventional. Name yo u r t c r m s. Full price $30,950. 1000 COATS & WALLACE REALTORS ~:, 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. 1000 Our 24th Year • ·Results · thru , Service LIST with Paul-White-Carnahan and put your property in good hands. Relax - P.W.C. and the Multiple Listing Service will do the work far you. This means com• plete information an your property is given to 850 sales people who meet buy• ers in all areas. This assures y~u of great• er exposure and more buyers. I LIST NOW ............................ ~ I $25,000 to $29,999 I Is sure to bite you after seeing this big 3 Br -Mesa Verde -Just placed !or sale very clean -Large corner type fireplace with a s prinklers F /R under big shade trees. $26,950 sprinklers F /R under blg shade trees. $26,950 10% down. ~ Bedrooms, 4 baths. 3 fireplaces: unique din- ing room overlooking heated & filtered pool; parque t floors in paneled family room; built- 1ns galore. Telephone jacks in every room. _G_•_•_•_ro_l ____ -'-'1000 Gener•I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;II $20,200 FULL PRICE f"HA Loan 111 5~• ~~ with to- tal payments or Sl23 P.1.T.I. Real !harp doll house 11•Uh 3 queen size bedroumi;. Gor. geous pullman bath Anyone qualif1f's. Hugr 2:. X 100 lo! ~·ith double i;:aragc. llon1c has a buill in vacuum. Sub- mit your down lo * 3 BR 1 ~ bath, IJ;fwood floors, cpts I d~ frplc. doublr g a r a g e, beauWul fer~ yard. $24,500 PRESTIGE G.I. APPRAISEO EASTSIDE LOCATION 3.000 Sq . !t. of elegance ............. $82,500. Open Sunday 1-5 ; 1801 Sandalwood. Newport Beach. 4 Big Bedrooms On one of the sharpest "pride of ownership'' streets in Mesa del Mar -This well design- ed single story has 4 BIG bedrooms, a BIG family room and a HUGE living room - NesUed between lwo $37,000 homes. ON LY VACANT LOTS DOVER SH~RES -Lar~e . view, corner Jot, 105 x 138. will build to suit. Architect's plans available. 1600 Galaxy Dr. DOVER SHORES -Choice corner, view lot, 90 x 146, lo:w leasehold. .... , , " .. "" ... , .... , ... " ...... , .$31,995. Civil War Interest Rate As1;ume this old, 4 ~% GI Joan . Pay1nents $117. total, neat, sweet, three bedroom. two b~th home. Featuring custom Tappan Range with heat sensor. Large covered patio - BAYCREST -Large, vacant fee lot on finest residential cul de· sac surrounded by expensive, custom-built homes. Plans for 5 bedroom, 2·story home available. A s k i n g ....... " .... " .... " .. " .... " .. ' . '$37,500. hardwood Doors & family room ....... $24 ,950 1700 Newport • iohn macnab 2790 Harbor 646-7171 • 546-2313 WE NEED SALESMEN REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dov•r Or., Suite 120 642·8235 1000 Your Own Private Beach!! The 1000 ~q. fc-et deck pro. vides a breathlakins: vie1\.' of exclusive pool and sandy beaqi, High security build· Ing guarantees ultimate pri- vacy wi!h subterranean parking, ele\ftllfor to pool and beach. Jl ' living room and luxurious appointments. $<6.500. WE SELL A HOM~ EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 \VestcliU Dr. 646-771 l Open Eves. Spacious ~ BR or 3 BR TownhollllC Condo'1 bolh in excellenl condilion & East- 1000 side area.~. Call now for dr· ---------I tails. J\.c;king: Open Houses $18, 950 Gener.el Sat. & Sun. 1·5 S21,SOO CORONA DEL MAR l~I:i BAYSIDE DR. 3 BR. 3 ha. nn the beach. Dramatil' channt'I view. Subslantial price reduclion. 411 f"ERNLEAF'. Re~idcntial incon1e. 3 BR, 2 ba.; 2 hous-* '4l-JnJ Anytime* es on 2 lots; trees. Priced ,.,..,,.,,...,...,,...,,....,...,. to land value. 1=----~ ---NEWPORT BEACH $16,500 PRICE AND 1831 TRADE\VINDS. Just 1"1)-1800 BRIC~S . duct'dr 3 BR. 2 ba. Lge. cor· l\fake ul! the massive patio! l'll'r lot, best Baycrest an-a. ~re in the ~·orld can you Priced below comparable find a 3 bedroon1. 2 bath horn~. home, NEAR Tl IE BEA CU wilh electric built-in.~. t>xccl- Jent carpel, boat door to back yard. and VACANT~! LF:SS TllAN S2.000 00\VN! ! 1000 OPEN Aodst SUNDAY, JULY 27 ON THE BAY AT: BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT A choice duplc.x on R-1 zo~. Bayfront beach. \Vonderf\IJ ~ummer and winter rental. I 07 Edgewater St. NB Open 1-5 Green Mansion Realty Fullerton 879-2200 OPEN DAILY 241 SIERKS, CM Immediate possession, 3 large bd'rms 2 baths, built· ins, FA heat, dining an-a + brick fireplace in living roo1n. Dbl gal'age. Large fenced yard. 7 years new. Good fin. Price slashed! 1860 Newport Blvd., 0 1 Rltr. 646-39'18 Eve. 644-1655 2748 Albatross Mesa Verde, CM New listing! Beautiful 4 bdnn, single story Republic llomc with garden at.rlun1 en- trance. All elect. Kitch-- en. bir lam. rm., !op ldscape, Jo1v price $35,500. 2910 PAPER LANE. 3 BR. 211z ba. Assume 51)% Joan. Quiet cul de gac. Best Nc1v. port Bearh buy! UNIVERSITY PARK 18131 LEATHER\VOOD. 4 BR., 2''11 ba. Backing grel'n· bell. 2 mos. new. Move-in cond. Best Univrrsily Park buy! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Lachenmyer Walker & Lee ''1'·"'' \·'!' .. ,., I ,,,:.~ \,r~,. ''"·'' 546·5990 . SPECIAL! All Open For Your Inspection and Approval HAL PINCHIN and Associates :l!lOO F:. Coasl lh1·y. 675-4392 anytime FINEST CUSTOM 2700 ll'arbor Blvrf. al Adams 545-9491 Open 'lit 9 P;\1 OPEN HOUSE 379 Santa Isabel SUNDAY-1 TO 5 A real back bay lovely. 4 bP.rlrooms, dining room, 21~ be.lhs 2 lil'f'places. rilnlng nook In kik·hen opens to a lx'autiful palio. \-O'THEREAL ~ES'fATERS Completely rumishl'd brach l\fust see lo bE!Jieve. This has home, $30.000. Jusl lil!ted ex-everything tot the groWing 64fi.nn _ 546-2313 elusively with . . . family. 5 Bedroom • maid'i;J .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llD -rm .• 41fr billtts, l frpl o;., Open This Sunday fonn. din. rm., lge. fam. 1812 JO\VA ST. m1, 31; Car garage. Game (corner California Sl.l R E A L TY rm.: loll! or tile. $139,500 Excrptionally clean S BR 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. !llary Lou Marion family room at entrance 10 Day/Night 67S-6000 ........ new Mesa Verde North de· velopmcnt. Only $26,900. Open This Sunday ~ sc6.5880 927 CORON /\DO DRIVE c Id II D--k & c eorne, S<rra w.,, Noot 4 & O We '""" er O. (,_.....,.lhul•l lamily room. Room for bost 550 Newport Center Dr. LLEGE REALTY or trallcr. COUl~D USE Newport Beach. Cali[. l!il)AdlmsitHlrbor,CM. ~~,PAINT & GARD>:N 1,.1,.33-'"0"7"00""""'""'6#."""2"4"30": --OPEN SUN, I • S PALM SPRING_S_ 1806l MANN, lrvlnr. Immac. 546·5180 3 • 3 BR Homeg, 2J unit apt oond. Lovely carp. k drnpe11, ll 1""EGoEneiRmtEIAllllL .. TYI bldg. yr1y lsed, 2 Salton Sea Beaut. Incll1cping, 2 pr. pa· watrlmt lo~. 0¥:ner "'ill lloll. lSOJAdlnaltH.-rbor,CM. McriliCe or trade 714-Wm. W inton,.Re•ltor &J8..3999 ~ends., or 714-2'1'J Marlnf', Bal, ls. ~33.11 32><848. HOSS RANCH BY OY.'NER -51h',0 Loan. Eastslde 3 Br, 2 Ba, family room home. * 642--5931 Gener.el CORONA DEL MAR 1000 We're on the grov.1! Th'! Real Estaten; now in Corona dcl Mar for your convenience •• , TO BUY, SELL OR RENT , , • CALL US! 673-8550 Owner Will Flnanu At 7°/. Interest Corona del f.tar. Charm l''ilh a mini-view. SpacJ. ous 2 BR and den \vilh a delil{h tful cov. brick patio. No J>Ointa, no re-es, no lrnpound aceount, no pay off penalty, Call us quick. Vie w+ Pool Location + Condition J Bedrooms, dining rm., convertible den. What- more could a family "'llnt. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 4633 FAlRFlELO, CAi\lEO SJ-IORES. TRABUCO CANYON MESA DEL MAR J bdrm, rllning. workiihop. The Most For ) · S•ablt'A. Many nir.r feafures. 5tt uded 1urmunding!, min. Come 1'tt. OPEN SAT/SUN The Lease WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 768'2 Edinger &-12-4455 or 540-5140 Open Eves. Gener1I * ZONED for BUSINESS 1 BR cottage w/gar $14,500. * S21,0DO • no loan charges . S·tOOO dn • owner will can-y. 3 BR, l~ balh, interior re. deroralcd, Vac. l.:. imn1ed. oc:cupancy, NEAR SHOPPING Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. 181D Newport Blvd., C.!'t1. 5'18-7729 anytime C!-IARGE IT! 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: IRVINE TERRACE Bayadcre Drive. Owner will consider 3 month rental for beautifully furnished 4 bdrm. 4 bath home. Classic architect~re. s w i m m i n g pool. Unsurpassed view. ... , ' .......... ,. '. ........... $189,500. Mrs. Raulston CAMEO SHORES OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2-6--4516 PERHAM Custom design. Q u a I i t y constructi?~· Beamed ceilings. 4 BR's, lrge. den or b1U1· ard room. Ocean & jetty vie\V ... , .. $130,000 Cathryn Tennille WATERFRONT DUPLEX $79,500 Sli p & pier; lovely custom 2:StQry 3 bed· !'Qom, 2 bath (n1aster BR. 555 Sq. ft., fire- place & view). Lg. patio; also _ 1 BR. char· ming apt. w /sundeck. Immediate possess- ion. Mary Lou Marion NEWLY LISTED BEAUTY Seeing is believiug! Luxury Bluffs resi· dence. Bay view. Custom decor thruout. Private patio. Submit terms. $55,500. Mrs. Harvey CHINA COVE-BAY VIEW Located just yards from finest bay beach. this 3 BR. 2 Ba. modern home offers an ex- cellent view of the bay & ocean. Good fi· nancing. . ........................ $62,500 Walter l·Ja ase THE BLUFFS Trina Model, with great view of back bay. Home· in excellent condition. 3 Bdrm. with large kitchen & dining area. Available now. ... " ...... " .. ' ......... " .. ".$53.900 Mrs. Raulston EXCITING OCEAN VIEW An exceptionally lovely 3 BR. 2 Ba. Cameo Highland~ home. 180' ocean view. All e.lec. kitch.; new carpeting; prof. landscaping. ShufOeboard court. Only ........... $46,950 Chuck Place BA YSHORES-l'RIVA TE BEACH COMMUNITY Live like a millionaire -p r i v a t e bay beaches -boat fa cilities -winding, tree -!ltudded s treets. Try ths type living & you'll never leave -lovely 3 & 4 BR. homes, from .................. $42.000 up. Mrs. Ha rvey AREA'S BEST BUY S32,950 Walk to Westclirf shopping. Neat 3 bedroom large 20x20 family room. 2 Baths. Fire- place, patio. Just redecorated, vacant. Owner transferred. Mary Lou Marion UDO-ELEGANT ESTATE 5 BR. -6 Ba., library or pool rm ., rec. rm., 2 bars; 5,000 sq. fl. o! complete pri· vacy on 3 lots. Must see to appreciate. Joe Clarkson upke4!p lot. Be1tul. 3 Br. 2 4 BR 2 baths, famlly room 1.5 20161 Cypreu. Santa \Vatertront luxury apt11.. =~ie.:!~ p:~. ~:~':: blt·im. C"Pla/drps, Vacant. Ana 1~~. C \LL GLEN ~~o~~:r'~t11.~';~~~nr! COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. AREA Thl~ Lovely 3 BR honlP has harU11·ood floor.I:. 2 Baths. Spacious lil'ing room with fin!place. Nice size bedrooms. Lots of clo.<wl space. ConV1!nlenl lo "'eslcliff S h n p p I n g Plaza & school. Choice Newpon location. 0 n I y $23.500. EZ terms. 546-54·10 s~•/o FHA LOAN No inlel't'ol c har£r , Popuh1r J + fam toom home in College Park. 15 s 27' living roon1 wilh firr.place + wall lo wall crts + d!'ll.fWS. Strp sawr ki1chrn ~·ith all f'lcc hit-ins. Good si1.f! hcdroom~. Lots of cloSf'! ~pace. Beaulirully londi;caped s pr Ink I cr'S fron! & ~ar. Covert'd patio. Garage rl o or op.oner. Asking S26.!ffiel. r.take olfl"r 54&.5440 $29,700 Buy lhL'i 2 s!Ql), ·1 berlroom home only 2 ~·eahl old with no do1vn payment • vacant • im· medlatr flCC\Jp&ncy. lT.Jl'.I liq. fl. 2 baths. Lo\'ely tc1·· raCl!'d kitchen with bit-in f')'e lcv<'I double oven range + fiiiUiwasher - i;rparalc living r o o m , firrplae1!. private bath in 111a.~ter bedroom. Real rounrry lil'ing cl<>se lo h'l"CWRY!'i in S<'clufird area · Anaheim. f"l\,\ ierms al~. 5<16-5440 ABOVE THE AVERAGE Thi!I at1racllve J BR + fa.inily roo1n home Is seal· s5 1sri:::; firep n & ranG' io. Shadr lr1"('S. Only S26.2"J(). EZ tcnns. 5'16-5440 Cu1r 38R + dining mom on a nice street or homM. Bu)'('r may assume 0hla:h 1 S\8.6.JJ FllA loan, fi\~% , interest. no costs. Mod~ 1 styled. Rock roof. 2 baths, , 2 car garagt'. Bright , kitchen. Fenced yard. On- ly $23,950. Call !or Mow· Ing. 546-5440 INS PECT AND BE Convinced !hat lhis 3 Br ranch ~lyle "'ilh cri11p new color l!Cheme ill today'" best value at $27,5 00, Prid e o f owner~hip. Wilh all new ~arpeHng l hr u out. 2 h11lh11, 11lall showe r. Bright kitchen w I t h hlt-in11. Spnciou:o: living room. r·irf"place Io t li~hter. VA, 10'.~ do"'" or min. ~'HA lt>rms. HUR- Ry, "'6'.-5440 I OVER $30,000 I CAESAR'S PALACE \Va11 no finer rhan lhi!ll outslanding '4 bedroorn fam ily room home In f.feAA Verrlr. J\f 11 11 s Iv r. pillared 46 foot roof. l'Overl'd patio, tropical landscaping, /Jrr pit -I waterfall. J Baths, 2 showers, traltlc free liv- ing room. fom1al rllning room. THed entry, lovely kltrhen, natul'al cabin<•ls, blt·ins, serviCf' r o o"m , w a I c r sof1encr. Vacanl Owner transferred. r.·1u.~i Sell. Askin.i; Sil'l,5.'.iO. Call today. :>46-5440 EYE CATCHING An<i 50 livable, .. is !his rruaint oldrr. :: Bqrn1. home !ltftt ls qultc dil· reren1. rine New po r 1 BP.11ch. L ocaled near Harbor High. Separate 20xt8 sunk~n family rm. has stone fireplace. A 1'1!('p up <lining room pane.lied with beam ceil- ing, 5tep..savcr kitchen. Wt>ll developed yard. Just rN!uced $1100. Ne"' $32,900 a ~rr11t buy. 5-16-:'>4·10 TEXAS SIZE !'i Bcd1uo1n home. Al~ has 3 baths. Ideal for that ' large family. Nea r llChools &. 11hopplng. Imo rnsculatr. condition. lluae living roon1, lirepl•~ and lop quality w/w cpts & <lraJ)C'11. Outstandin1'-All clcclric blt·in oven &: ninge. Park like yard""' "'ilh sprinklers. Room fo r boat. A must Re at S37,950. EZ tem1s. 516-5440 I POOL HOMES I ULTIMATE IN OUTDOOR Living. is this 2990 sq. fool. S bedroom ho111c in ~yr.rest. Beautiful f'US!orn hC'a!ed pool, loads or cement decking. Tropical l andsca p ed Jp'Ou nrls L-Ornpletc 1vith 11pr\nkleri1, front & 1't'1tr. 3 baths. n1arble sinks, all carpeted. Ellin~ I a r g e m1!standing kitchen, nisei lighting , bit-In dishwasher. rcfrlgerator. llouhlr oycn. J\10llllic tiled doub!C' C'lll ry. ~xpen11i vf' 1v/w cpt.o; & drapes. Price , STI,'100. Vacant. !\lake of- \ fer 546-5440 SWIM YOU SWIMMERS Thl11 fenced pri va1 1'! heated pool with decking bcmrd ~rvcs the entire J1;11nily for .a . s11n11nl"1' pla,ygroond. Tmm11cul~L<' 3 BR homr in J\.1cll<t Del fo.1ar. Spacious 21 foot 11v. room. f·irplc .. w/w cpl~. Ir drapes. Srparate maiitcr BR 11·ith privalf' ha1h. Bit-in kit all ('lce- rr1c. Dish\.•1asher. Owner wanlJI r quick $32,950 I sale only - HEARST CASfil! ourstanding Romnn styled riool In Roman &eltinr. Prufcs.sional landscaped. t G:ood site bedJ'l?Om•• !Ced• o( closct5. Step ~ kitchen bit-in oven A range. Di11h~·Rshcr, Lgf l1v room, firrplace. Higl\ quaJity v•/w cpls & d 1· a p" 1. Ser lhis truly charn1i~ home locallon asking tZ lcrn1s. in lop..- $33,500 •. 546-5'140 I CONDOMINIUMS SPANISH HACIENDA 3 13R bcau!y 1vlth 1?.d li!- cd roof. 2 i;lory f"ran- cli;ca. Funcllorml noor plan. 2 ~1 hath~. lro<:I ~q fooh1 g<'. Lovely b It :i_I n ki!chen. Quality wall 10 ~·1111 cpts k rlra pr11. , Spacious living room, flrt.place. seltlng al below cost only $33,!lOO. EZ term~. ~ $3000 OOWN rirst chance to buy thi.~ large 3 BR + family ~~IS,l ili~ llvh11 laC"e, ~·/w 1c s. PrlVate pallO. titl'd roof. Below m11.rkr.l al 111',!150 ~M40 UPGRADED 2 BR HOME Only Si-1,9l0. tmmal.-ulale 1,'0nclition thruout clever wallpapers. r.1any extras.1 2 bathll. 1..-u"&:e kitchen , with bit-in!. Nice ltv room. Cp!J! & drapc11 11.n<t 1il"('pln1.'t'. Lo1v rnonthly pymts. Choice art'a call !or ~howlngi;. fpen Hou•e, Sunday 1 12s30 to Ss3ol 1111 WIN,DWARO LANE -BAYCREST Va~nl !'i BDl!i\I. Exqullite m&Nlon. 3 f\Ill b8ths, huge kih·hen, built-ins. large rorml!.1 dinini; room, home compl,tety ('.ll.rpcted, heated 'l'llhitlan Pool, petk·llk' ip-ound&. $73.400 1 blk. cut of !Nine, a blks. south ol Santiago Drive. 546-5440 Horse Jae\!. avail. sr;.ooo -DAVIDSON Realty QUEEN, 546-ll!il Heritage ties available for Augt1st Tttm~ Owner 5! 6· 7941 :::"'6->460'.'.;-~=~E'..:""'.:'.;':;'."""'"~:;::1:/-""-;;;'';:;E;:;';;";;""'· ;--;c=~ ""la) from $250 weokly. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., PAUL• W'H[TE •CARNAHAN """" BEAT THE HEATI SUNSHINE HOME NEWPORT BEACH 5 BEDRM $23,5001 1334700 -2~ Only .t yrB, new. Built-In Large covt1~ -patki, ca!JCDd· NE\V: bll·lf\11, g11rbage di5-""==""'~=====".!....:: .,.......,.... lll&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!., .. ll!!!!!!Jt!!e!!al!!!!t!!:!!!!!C!!o!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!l!l!..,.,.,..i*ll nnp, oven Ar dlshwuhM". Ing waterfall &. a BBQ! Qv. posal, dishwasher, water LandllCftpcd to ,:~rf~Uon. e~llt'd bedroom!, Sprink-heater. Water wftener. 3 Near Coast Hgwy 46 r.11111." La,.."""'""',,.,~."~'"' '"" ..,_,m eR. '""· m""'· 331 Marguoril• 1093 BAKER. STREET, COSTA MESA 5 ·-' TARBELL 2955 Horbor TARBELL 29$5 Horbor Rand Rulty 64S.2340 ( I ~ r I • • • OAILV PllQT POil ~L~ HOUSE HOUSI$ FOR SALE MOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOil SALi 10lltl ~!_!!;~ ___ _!l!!•!!!O..~~.,.~r~1!.!_I ~...__.Ji!OOO!! Gtne=r•;;;l_~ __ l;.;000.._Gt;..;;.M,;,r..,•,.I _,_.,..,~1_000_ Gtn1r1l ! VI .- 1000 'ienar~I TT 'LA BORDE, Realtor1------- vA -FHA .NO DOWN VA. 'l'bree bedroom, two bathi, llifatnily room, dining area and buUMn klt- IOllhen. Spacious rear living room with fire- lace. Carpeted and draped. Larae covered • patio, fenced yard and weU land&eaped front and rear PRICEO TO SELL AT $23,950. ACT 1l10Wll . COMMERCIAL BLDG. OIONED PROFESSIONAL. 900 sq. feet on big 50x150 paved lot. Building now being used as beauty•salon. Startyour own business·now-· 1 'th all equipment Included. Close to Bethel owe rs and shopping center. $5000 down will handle full price-only ................ $22,500. Call Right Now!! • "· NO LOAN SHOPPING New View Homes $80,000 to $190,000 . . . Fordiseriminating familie/ wh~ c;n attord the finest, and desire the pres,. tig1r and atmospher'e of a Newport Beach view home. Ivan W!'llsand,Sorl$ proudly present the NEW:_.'400''i5£R. JE S BAYCREST "FOREVER·VI EW" HOMES. Here is the ultimate in quiet elegance and comfort •.• total privacy in the very exclusive residential com- munity, DOVER SHORES. choose one of the "400" series view homes or Ivan Wells & Sons will design and build a special home ••. ju st for you! iaytrtst Rw ltM• Wilt& d: s,,.., 1-.c.. Qulit,. b.utdert {~ .f.f V*lr&. ATTENTION! SOLD BY CORBIN -MARTIN LAST WEEK 704 Iris, Corona del Mar 706 jris. Corona del Mar li26 Goldenrod. Harber View Hills #5 Westclill Villas Penthouse -Laguna Royale *THIS IS THE KINO OF ACTION PEOPLE EXPECT FROM CORBIN • MARTIN *THIS IN\/OLVES OVER ONE QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS FOR OUR SELLERS * To BUY or SELL REAL ESTATE (Opening for one experienced salesperson·) CALL MR. JOHNSON CORBIN -MARTIN 675. 1662 SERVICE BEYOND CONTRACT HOUSES l'OR SAL& HOUSH FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALii General 10000. ..... 1 HOW DOES THIS GRAI YOU? 4 Bedroom. College.Park home with an ••citing FHA assumable loan with annual intere•t rate of 5~ %. Low m on I h l y payments include taxes. OUPLEXES \Ve have 3 of them -No down to Veterans or LOW FHA down - Let your tenant help you make the payments. INCOME -OR LARGE FAMILY REST HOME 5 Bdrm home located in East.side · area. New construction and gen- eral upgrading of surrounding pro- perties -Owner says SE~!! I 1000 Gf.n1r1l AJIM DANDY Clean 2 Bedroo m house plus bach· elor or mother-in-Jaw apartment. Oh I Yes, an fttra lot goes with this package. VIEW-VIEW VIEW Are you looking for an ocean vl ew? Tlhls lovely + Bedroom home sit· uated in a quiet neighborhood, will give It to you. Owner ready to sell. You owe it to yourself to check this one out. OCEANVIEW -SMOG FREE QUIET LIVING J! you want to be on top of every- thing, this beautiful immaculate 4 Bedroom home will put you there. No yard work, p r i c e d right at $86,500 293 l 17th ST. COSTA MESA 646-4494 General 1000General 1000 General 1000 ! ::•owNER WILL CARRY IST TRUST DEED I · for qualified buyer. 1600 sq. It. completely ."I.Carpeted and draped home. L a r g e living 11 ~ room. three bedrooms, den, d1ning room, 1 % bath. Built-in kitchen with breakfast area, Models illt 1430 Galax1 Ori\le. Newport Be1teh Phone (714) 646-1550 Open Daily 10 t,o 5 ~~~~~~1 ----------------OPEN HOUSE D~-d /srtm1wr1. &o,J. H.Bi1,,_,, Sa.U.Au...~ Gener1I 1000 General 1000 * CHECK TBESE *· 287 Nassau Road : W arge covered patio with outside sink and J <l,.lbuilt-in bar-lrque, double garage, fenced rear -- . y ard , beautifull y landscaped, sprinklers. I, ;;'iBEAT THE HIGH INTEREST RATES AND 'LOAN COSTS. PRICEO TO SELL AT ONLY : _ f_27,9SO. Va~ant -Immediate possession . 2300 SQUARE FEET Kentucky Bound Sell ing 5 bdrm Baycrest home b e I o w replace- n1 e n l cost. Try lease \vith option. \Vho \V.ill be the lucky Camily to get this lovely home? Attractive SAT & suN 1·5 Elementary school around the earner. 3 BR. 1%. balh11, famuY roon1. Ready to move { I ,... CHEAPIE -CLOSE IN I NL Y $11,950. Don»t let the price fool you. "->fbis two bedroom -elegantly carpeted over ) 1!tiwood floor s bas been remodeled recently and I offers a BEAUTIFUL BUILT-IN KITCHEN t ITH ASH CABINETS, breakfast bar, din- 1 lte area and s e p a r <i t e .service-p.>rc_h. ' 1£,,Live in comfort and shop qnly, two blocks 11,11.way at E. 17th Street Sflopping Center. R42 . ~J.OT -ADD ANOTHER UNIT LATER i ie>UR BEDROOMS-POOL Gener ii 1000Gener1I 1000 Assume GI Loan 5 BR, dining room, Camily rootn. 2'h baths, 2 fireplacM. All the ex - tras you can imagine. Prim'e area. J.tigh balance GI loan can be assum· ed by ANYONE. Full JWice $3 9,200. GOOD TERMS. Be quick! COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET l -S4Ml41 COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~C> Want To Build? Choice Dover Shores lot 'vith vie\v o[ upper bay . 4 bdrms West.cliff home with family room & for- mal dining room. De- signed by architect for his own use. Delightful pool & patio for sum- mer fun. Ouhtanding Custom built by I van Wells. Spacious 5 bdrm home with beamed ceil- ings & many other fine features. Have Opening for Real Estate Salesman JERRY FREUD· CHARLES ARNOLD '"· I OPEN 1941 Windward Lene SAT & SUN 1-5 1'hL'> charming 2400 1q. ft. Bayeresl home has beamed ceiling in living room, For- mal dining • .JOm, family room, breakfast area, 4 bdnns. Patio and beautiful landscaping. JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3255 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mea I :r~ortb Side , INDOOR-OUTDOOR_ FAMILY , 1• OME, $6 000 improvements in aluminum ; alio and SWIMMING POOL added. Large Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor- Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $31,605, 905 for the first b months of 1969. This represents 896 unit sales. List your property with a RealtoT today. 1000 Gentr1I 1000 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;1THE QUICKER YOU CALL: Realtors 388 E. 17th Street, C.M. h Your Ad in ou.r classifieds 1' Someone will be lookinr far it. Dial 642-5678 1 • 'ving room, den, dining area and two baths. ! b Clo se to schools, transportation and shopping. : "REAL BUY AT .................... $27,7501 646-7755 "' BIB TIIE QUICKER YOU SELL ' 1 LESMEN -SALESWOMEN NEEDED OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN.1-5 PM General 1000 Gener.al 1000 General IOOOGener1I 1,,, I ~ 106 K THANGA Irvine Terr•ce, CdM I ··~1111!11!11!!1~ I';; i , . II. IL LA 646·0555 1000 General 1000 4 Bedroo1ns, :!',~ baths, fam· lly room & pool ..... 148.IXX! Eveli; 67J..1355 I "" 220 E. s .. wfffttli St. FIRST STEP ~· IE. 17th St. Sllopplll<J Ctr.I l 3lioLW Mfm COSTA MESA u'// like . our friendly service ON THE MOON Evenings Call 646-4579 or 541-3265 You'll 15c just as e1'cllP.d whr.n you slep in to this wire charn1er, 4 BEDROOM, 2 II-'========~========! BATH. J.T A RD WO 0 D '" Seneral 1000 General 1000 FLOOJ;lS, located in one of Orange County's in o s t charming neighborhoods. A big col'hcr lot withouf that cr~mped in feeling, ~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;.I Particular Buyers I l r $1650 DOWN Drop in and see this lovely ~;' adult oare, < bedroom, 2 bath home, located in one of Costa Mesa's top districts. Proresslona'I landscaping, water !JOftener, auto. gara1e door opener. One covered and one enclosed a1uminum patio. Many many e1'1J'SS. Owners moving out of area and priced for quick sale at S3D,900. VISIT u.11 at1~7 Ma· gellan, Costa Mesa. {Mesa House Wife For Sale Dad will want to work in this kitchen because or all the modem conveniences. Th('re's nothing to it. $25,950 Owner wants fas! sale. AFr sume loan with low interes1 & many lo1v pa,ymen!s. to ll qualified FHAJV A vel- ~ buy11 thl-; immaculate 3 BR & den Mesa Verde home. ~tures ne11,• car peting, Rib landscaping & even bas &hobby shop in garage. Jf>l{A APPRAISED at ,:,' $26, 900 Open Sun. 1-6 ;1~·.:. 3228 Iowa, CM. Del Marl WE SELL A HOME 894-5313 EVERY 31 MINUTES :to OUices Serving Orange WALKER & LEE eou"'' N\V Corner a! E. 17th and 15366 Golden \Yest Newport A y 547-64n 1 Blk. So. San Diego 1.-'wy. 8 UNITS All :t bft.lroo1n. l.argr unfu r· nished apts. Built-ins, ce· re.ntic tile, 4 patios, elc. These units will show eX· cellent return and tax shel- ter. INCTJME $1000 PER MO. Priet'd a1 only $88,500 or 4 units at S44.,2:i0. \Vll...L ·EXCHANGE UP OR DOWN. Other uniis for sale or C'1'· change, 16, 26, or 60 545-9451 • \VALKER & LEE INVESTMENT DlVJSfON Mr. LeVinC' :--145-9451 $21,500 NEW CARPET NO QUALIFYING Everyone can assume this high FHA Joan. 546-9521 or ~I OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1-5 PM 900 CHESTNUT PLACE EAST BLUFFS! Looking ror a BIG rnaslt'r bedroom? This has it -2 rooms were rcmodele<I lo make one - and it's delight. ful ! Price . $12,;,oo. Eves: 6<15--2123 Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 64:,..:tOCKJ UDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE l·S SAT. & SUN. 129 VIA ZURICH Chce!'ful 3 bcdroon1 home 1vith a greal location; has sn1all patio & sundeck, brick llreplace in !x-anllful living room. Owner wants action! $57.500 See Joe fC'rgusort Rrs. 6T:>Ol88 -:;::;::;::;::;::::~I Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ASSUME 5'/•0/o iii 161 &_ROADWAY, CM $148 Per Mo. pays all · F 11 p· $21 950 Open This Weekend ... p. By ?.tust sei a surnrise home. u 1rce , "''Y " 2 1847 TAHITI DRIVE vrn Open This Weekend Also additional plans for 3 bedroom, 2 ful l balhs, Big family hOme. 5 BR 1880 MAUI CIRCLE u nit. car garage, CRrpets & """" 1860 N ~ Bl d CM drapPs, near school. ~ sq. ft. Anthony pool, fabulous large custom home e~....,.. v " ' freshly ret:lec, Sliari> loc jn ·-,~block to a goll co~ RHr. 646-3928 Evr. 642--0185 Harry A. Boggs Mesa Verde. c;,1ed $°'.~ =~.:b:>·===··"'•c=lll h Realty 962-6637 "' ;/IN 4 BR 2 a, 1mmac co .. u, Ire· ay! 1 story modern • L -but all oCfers invited! · poot "Id 1 1··"1· ac enmyer S BE°"R-OOM--c1an " , ou s ..,,.., ng W loan lo take over • & 6V2°/o LOAN {Mafcintmltht:atrl) quiet charm. Bit-in kit, yal PooJ ~ 5~4':t· insur· ;u ~ 54,,51811 dcwr home & grounds. Has ~t reduced $5(X)O: ~ Rent like paynients '! l OLLEGE REALTY qunl ity 1v/w cpts. Only ,.~,· 546.S&SO BEAUTIJ-'UL Town House baths. All electric built-In J!illlAd!llM•tHarbol,CM. $3.1,500-EZ tern1s. fnur"1ematheltl!l 3 Br, l ~ BA. Shop center. kitchen. :r amily room. Patio p:.·c.w.,..c:c·~~==="'--i;.;i.=1~011 OUEGE REALTY pool. club, carefree. All e1'-• private orchard. F'irepit for ~0"•1"L"Y"P"ILOT""""w"wr"""AD""s"! DAILY PILOT \VAITT ADS! · · MlllSllHaltlor,CliL 1erior main!. $18.~ from thoM' luaus. 540-lt!O -"'==="='===~=========II l'!!!~~~~~~~~~o~w~"~''=·~"""::;;;0587~=====~~T~A~R~B~E~L~L::,;2~95~5~H;•~r~bo:;,r :G;e;•e;•;•;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IOOO:;;:G;•;ne;r;•;l;;;;;;:;;;;;;;IOOO;;;:~lll :"Oenerel IOOOGeneral IOOOGenerat 1000 .. - , .... .. " , It.• ,, ' ••• ,,I!, :>'. .,, --' S©~~lA-.!££~s· Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Putt le for a Chuckle ·~n;m:~ ~ -::!'-: ,fmpla words. Print lett.rs of • ·eoch In its lint of aquam. I I I' I ILJGTEN I I I I I I !LAX.HEE I I I' r I ITURVIE . I I' I I I An Amerioon ~i;prtswriter _ _ _ _ _ asked o RussJan trock cooc'1 , ::::'.::::::'.::::'.:::::'.::::'.::::: why •he Soviets produced •uch IR y L' G Ii c fast runners. . "'Ira 'really quite aimple/' I' I' I I I ~he modi replied. -we ... _ '--'--L-''-"--'--' -In our starting 91'"'·· I . 1-ll I LU I I.IE C) eon.,,. the <hudlo ..-.t . ' 1• I I I I" by fllllno ...... ml-_. .. • .,... ....... ,.... ... No. 3 bolow • .. ,... ....... __ ..... . •r=-r r r . r r r r r r r r 1 •ail I I I I I I I I I I I SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN DIME-A-LINE Green Thumb? Put il to work on this lf.J acre, 4 bedroo in , 2 bath charmer plus dark room for the shutter-bugs. BeautifUl sunken living room with massive vaulted open ·beam ceiling. Excellent cul-d e-sac location. $57,000 Hard To Find Easy Yo Buy Choice eastside location. Sharp 3 bedroom 2 bath family home. Large fenced yard with covered patio. Come one. come all FJ.lA and no down G.L terms available. $23,500 Money Maker l~ere is your c hance to invest in your fu. lure. 6 choice units close to the S. A. Coun4 try Club. Pride of ownership throllghout with lath and plaster construction and concrete driveways. Plenty of green area . $69,500 and worth it ! FOR A WISE BUY COLESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 f,.. 11 ...... ttel11f111 .. LftMW...kkei ,,.. s ........ ,, a_. 1•:1Nfe4 I• A IMI ...... c:.r.wf c.n ,_ ..... i.w Open Houses THIS WEEKEND IHP thlt IHIJld't d1recrory .... , •• tllls ............ ro11 9• 1101119 h111ftl1NJ. All tl:e locetlo11t lhtff Itel•• •r9 ffscrlbH 111 9f'Hter fftoll by Olfyerthl11t elM• wher• 111 tod..,'s DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. Patrons 1hawl119 apn ti••-far •I• er t9 Nnt -•'!ff la lilt wc:ll lllformatfo11 111 this c;oh:1t111 eoU Frlll•t· (I Bedroom & Boch Apt ) 614 J asmine, Founta in Valley 499-1626 (Sat & Stm Z·1) (2 Bedroom) 900 Chestnut Place (East Bluffs) NB 64>-2000 : 64>-2123 Eve. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 347 E. 22nd St. (Coun ty Corridor) CM 64!J.7171 (Sun 1·5 ) (2 Bedroom & Fomily or Den) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (lrvine Terrace) CdM, 642·6472 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom) *242 J oann Street (College Park) CM 548-9578 (Please call first) 522 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 307 Carnation, Corona del Mar 67>-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 435 J asmine, Lagun a Beach 494-4764 4262 Seton, Irvine (Sun 1·5 ) 833-0820 <Sunday) 3006 Donnybrook. Costa f\l e.sa 540-1720 (Sun 1-5 ) (3 Bedroom & F•mily or De~) 3"233 Ne\V York Ave .. (Mesa Verdel CM 54>-4265 <Sat & Sun 1·5l 1536 Sylvia Lane (Ha rbor Highlands) NB 642·5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2926 Clubhouse Dr .. (Mesa Verde) CM 540·1720 (Sun 1·51 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun J.5 1 287 Nassau Rd .. !College P ark) CJ\1 64&.3255 (Sat & Sun l·5) 2980 Jacar anda. ('.osta Mesa 64>-0303 (Sta & Sun 1·5) 318 Vista Baya, Ne,vport Beach 646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2372 Rutgers (College Park) CM 54&.9993 (Sat &-Sun 1-5) 316 Ruby Streel, Bal boa Island 675-3331 rsun 1·5) 20161 Cvpress. Santa Ana Heil'!:hts 5~0-ll51 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1959 Vista Caudel. Corona cl el Ma r 67>-~930 <Sat & Sun 1·51 17164 Courtney Lane (Huntington Harbor) HB <Sun 1·5) 418 St. Andrews Road, NeVi1port Heights 646-2414 (Sun 1-5) 1307 Ma rian Lane (Wc stcliff area) NB 54{).2858: 642·5551 (Sat & Sun I 11:12 Go'ldenrod, Corona del Ma r 675-4130 (Sun 2-5 ) *1701 Gala tea (Irvine Terrace) CdM 67>-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·51 2607 Ocean Blvd .. (C hina Cove) CdM 67>-3000 : 548-8868 Eves. (Sun 1-5) 2033 Paloma. Ne\\'port Be ach 64&.7171 546 El Modena. Ne\vport Beach (Sun 1-Sl 64&.7171 <Sat & Sun f·Sl 3228 IO\\'a St ., I t-.1e!:ia Verdel CM 642·1 771 (Sun 1·6) (4 Bedroom) 107 Via Ebel! (Lido Isle) NB (213) 244-3103 or 0700 (Sun 1·5) *f801 Sandalwood. N•wport Beach 642-8235 (Sun 1·5) *2015 Galatea (Irvine Terrace) CdM 675-6000 (Sun 1-5) 1303 T=le Hills Dr ive, Laguna Beach 67>-or 494-6089 (Sat & Sun) (4 Bedroom) 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 641.8235 (Sat & Sun) 4501 Hampden ·rerr .• CdM 673-2222 (Sat, Sun 1·5 ) 2565 Greenbriar, Costa ~lesa 645-0303 I Open 1 to Dusk) *1930 Commodore, Newport Beach 64>-0303 (Sunday only 1-5) 1101 Whitesails Way, Corona del aMr 644-2716 0 ·5 PM) 2622 Vista Drive (Bayshores) NB 548-8892 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ttt414 \V. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 673-6990 (Sun 10-6) (4 Bedroom & Fomily or Den) *2138 Bonaire Way, Newport Beach 641.8235 (Sun 1·5) 415 Iris, Corona de! Ma r 673-6210 : 67f>0998 (Sat & Sun 11·5) **318 Buena Vis ta rnr NHYC) NB 642·5200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Drive lDover Shores) NB 64&.1550 '(Open daily) 1901 Commodore Lane (Baycrest} NB 641.5200 (Sun 1-5) *706 K Thanga (Irvine Terrace) CdM 645-2000 : 673-1355 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 115 Milford (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-6996 fSat & 5un 12·5) 1338 Santiago Drive f\Vestclif() NB 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 4516 Perham, Cameo Shores 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sun 2·6) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) Ne,vport Beach 540-1720 I Dail y 1·5) 1941 \Vindward Lane (Baycrest) NB 64&.3255 (Sat & Sun 1·51 3245 Oregon Av e., (J\1esa Verde) CM 545-2539 or 54&.3821 (Sat & Sun) 1764 1 San Roque Lane, lluntington Beach 8424803 !Sat & Sun 10-5)' *1920 Kewamee (Irvine Terrace) CdM 67>-3000 (Sat 1·5 Sun 2..5) 2748 Albatross (Mesa Verde) CM 54&.5990 (Sat & Sun l·5) 200 2 Le1nnos (~1esa Verde) CJ\1 . 54&.5990 (Sun 1·5) 2084 Goldeneye. Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sat. & Sun 1·51 957 Magellan (Mesa del Marl CM 547-6471 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 1854 Pitcairn (Mesa Verde) CM 54&.5990 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom) 2004 Balearic Drive f~•lesa Verde) CM 546-5126 (Sat & Sun 10-6) (5 Bedroom & Fomily or Den) 3032 Capri Lane (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1151 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 1733 Candlestick Lane (Baycrest) NB 64&.7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5 ) 1807 Buttonshell Lane (Baycrest) NB 64&.7755 (Sat & Sun 1·51 2060 Pbalarope, Costa .Mesa 54&.2313 (Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS (2 Bedroomj 436 E merson , Costa Mesa 645-0303 13 Bedroom) (Sunday 1-6) 2402 Vi sta Hogar, Newport Beach 675-4130 . (Sun 1·5) 140 Lexington (Monticello) CM 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2001~ Kings Road, Newport Beach 67r;.6000 (Sat & Sun 1·11 • • w.,,,,. .. t •++ PHfe114 WetwrftMt ;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - ... -~-----' -- ·satuntay, July 26, 1'69 DAILY PILOT HOUSES FOR SA~ kiiNT LS HouMI Fuco'.:.:".;;;h"hed""------:-·--,:-'.'or'.'.ll 1715 ~Wf'!rt '!:"0<h 2200Now~rt BH<h logun• 8Mch P ele B arrell J<e~/t'I pre~en/6 MESA Vf)Roe, ·P· Wll:it OCEAN VIEW ~I~ Sor 4 arid~ 211 ll<tht, fpnnol cllnfnr 51>llt l<!vcl, Cllltonl ~L S ' -'--·"'·~ --• BR., -Uy rm. 211, et. ·-·.., ,....,_._ ·-· .. ...-ldtoal ldtdlrn. Dbl Jlrt~. il ~ Mml.,. to ap. Stam cell\'*, en..-as ONLY 2 HOMES tEFT New homes, ready to move In, ~ mile lro1n beach. First payment up to 60 days after move In. , ------ THIS ' RENTALS .J. YEARLY OLDE BR.. I Bath. lurnilhed .. !.--······000 "0000'1 HOUSE IV. Bil ., I Bath. flrepi..e; unfurn .......... . precta1f!:. $44.9'!0, 0 p e" •-'·~"Lio OPEN HOUSES ~ s.\ and Sun. phone tK"W see the nai-""" '"ea. ~ om; l<l,lOO. SPACIOUS BELONGS 10 A BYGOl<E 2 BR., I Bath. unfurn . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . ERA t.oc.ttd Jn tho"''"' 4 BR., l 'n Bath, unfurn, Costa Mesa .· .. ·· .. . 1 ... 1 · or ~·· a1vi.,. 4 BR., 2 ·Bath$, unlurn ......... -..... · · · · · · · Ttrrm VA/FHA. From $22,990. , HARBOR HIGHLANDS --A home to win your heart. Jr you seek a tasllionable and functional 3 bdrm horrie PWS 8 14 x 27' tam· ily room, with' 2 fireplaces. In.side corner ad· dress , with a large assumable 51h % Joan. IS36 Sylvl• Lano (Sat/Sun 1-51 DRIVE BY 3 Bit l ramlly rln. "'"" 554 Hamilton living mi. Stone frplc, HW Sharp Le 1 BR R·2 lot. 2 w floors, cpts. le ?11'8. WeU aar. $16.~ On. $L"7 kept , Pro ~peel. Ask· inc. all. m.i: l28.000. lockhih RHlty CHOICE LOCATION CORAL SHORES (on Gar!ielq between Beach & Magnotta 962·1353 • O>Mtllne. Sliuatecl on ""' 2 BR., 1 Bath, turn., Channel front .... • ... ·· aha.ded aroondl &. 1htltered S BR., 1 Bath, Den, turn ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · by hiah brick wall.$, In patio 3 SR., 2 Baths, Den turn .••... , .. ··········· g~ 111t1Jng that afto1'Cl11 SUMMER _ V/EEKLY ~ a SCENIC VIEW OF THE I • I I f fl OCEAN A: CATAI.mA JS. Al 1l1e1 • oc•t ons, rom · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · r'H'ri'0 1irriQU•TEo 3 Bo. . BURR WHITE, Rtatfor , n,r.1. •"LOOR PLAN, 111 rem· 2tp1 Newport Blvd., NB 67~ inilcent of another thne A EVENINGS: 642.-2253 or 67s.e&59 1 • pl.ace. Afus.lve llv. m1. 1nl'l'~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!';'~~~~!:'!l!!!!!!!!!!'~I PENINSULA WATERFRONT. OLD-FASH- IONED QUAINTNESS -Sun and swim on your own beach and from your home enjoy the spectacular view ot t~e main turning ba· sin , the sailing and. water activities. 318 Buen1 Vl1 ta (nr NH Yacht Club) 646-2.lOJ Ev~s. t.t8-29Sl 2 BR. Dining nn. 1'Tplc. HW flool"G, cpta. & drps. Large Corona del Mar 12SO FIXER-UPPER°" fenced yan:I. Dbl. garage on1 .;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;,I Huntington .S..ch 1400 , BR. Vacant. R-2 Lot. alley, room lor boat or trail.. t• 1969 FULLERTON AVE . er. $24.000. C • .. EO HIGHLANDS aw,.., TrAnt,.rred Sl5, 150 • 10% Down '-"-l'\ITI 3 !:I.tee Bedroom•. 2 luxurl· Call: MR, ROBINSON ~~; Executive Hom1 ous baths, EhlJI'\? home Is "GREAT HALL DESJGN,111' , HAS COVED CElLlNGS ' Rent1l1 to Shire 200.S Summer Rent•l1 ~1 . ------- (S•t/Sun l·SI Davis ReaJty &U-7000 ~ ....... 3 BR, 2 Ba, 1-~am rm, POOL beauUfull,y decorated. ' LIDO -UNDER $60,00011 -3 car garage 1rt 3 Bdrm * corner Jot * sunny patio. Come and see thi& lovely home. J BR.. 2 BA, CHU May 1 I A. L J y ~ by apJk)lntment Drapn lhro1.1gh0ul Near d · •~ ~ Owne ·u Owner • • 675.fSOO new carpets. Elcetrlc built· ~n. _,,......,. r Wl Near Npt. Posl Ofc. 646-2414 · C6JT)' 2nd w/$2500 down. l ;.'."=.=;";:';:=:=:'=;':~,1=~=::'::'::~';;;;;':';;~~ I in kitchen is apoUess. Block H.E.AVY WOOD BEA~fS, ------:-:- WHERE SO!-.,. SUNLIGHT WO!\tAN W/~ income IS FILTERED TJIRbUGH wants tro abare her lovely TRANSPARENT, SKY· new 2 bdr apt w/;;(l111r. LIGllT. GRANDIOS, L 0 G Refa. Cotta Mesa IW7-M.18 BEN BROWN •I APT.-MOTEL I &I. 1 & 2 Br. 11pb;, Com fur11. Prlv. patio., btd, poo TV, resh1uranl, · 9 hol~1 COUJ'!ll!, Walk 10 beac tt"affic noise. \Vtt 1nonlhly rate•. 31106 ~ llwy., So. Lquna, ouc. e tranc.-e by Ali'<> Beach.11 S4&..3414 waU completely. Seller says S22 Via lido Soud (Sat/Sun I-SI Newport Shoret . 1220 OPEN HOUSE sell GI No A1oney Down or A·Fram~ walk lo beach, & B1chelor Unit low down FHA, Low pl·ice BURNING FIREPLACE, or 545-8729 framed by rou&h hewn tlm-l-;w=mc-:;,ha:::::,..:-:m::y:-;;2-;Bo.R>,-,,-1110 BAYCREST -Looking for that separate master bedroom wing? Plan to see this flex· !bl.e family home with 4 Bdrms. fonnaI din· Ing room . (Could have 5lh bdrm). Ample yard for boats and pool. Owner must leave spac Jiv ~ 3 Br 2 Ba Dbl Sal & Sun, 2-7. Qul1..'k po58t'~ Fuhion Shore home at gar. $30.900.' 64.2-3547 ' ~n. Bac:be.lor. unit renled. $25,500 Near ffuntington OPEN HOUSE ""=======:=I $29.150. Submot '"n" 614 Centor. B h 1225 Jaamln. Bkr. WE SELL A HOMli SAT & SUN -•y• orH OWNER Will "''"' '" '""' EVERY 31 MINUTES 3245 Oregon Ave. OPEN House Sat & Sun 1-..'i, deed, Beautiful c II l'i t 0 m Walker & Lee beN & manUe. FORMAL BA apt with 11udent or DINING RM. HAS 8 JG v.'Orklng girl Nwpt Sch B A y \VlNDO\\'S OVER· 642-89Tl . LOOKING THE BALCONY1"""""'"'°'""..,_,-,..,._,,..,'°"'" W/OCEAN VIEW. SHA.RE.Beaut home in Cd~t Remodeled kitchen, opens. to Rrl'.trences, no smoken. olde fashioned drud~ry & SlfiO mo. 6134169 2 BR Balboa apt • a beache11/pler .,S1>$15() •Id 336-3911. 57;,..ss10 area soon. Well priced. 1901 Commodore L•n• (Sund1y l ·l l Beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA. 2622 Vista Dr. built, 1paclou110 2 Bclnn & _ By OWl'lt'r. 548-8892 hun mr. Heated & Hllcred 15ewlf18 room 11\at overlooks BACHELOR apta. m MESA VERDE 1-="=:======I pool. View or Nr.wpol't 4 Bdn11, family room, 2 bath, Dover Shorts: 1227 }larbor. Deal with owner. al! electric kitchen. A 67f>..1326 Office Open Saturdays & Sundays 7682 FAil~r S ~55 or 540-Sl40 Open Ev.es. the patio 1erra~e. T ll .f S Newport &.ach 2~00 rentals or yrly I.lie. Stofe UNIQUE, OLDE llOUSEI ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ref11g. 675-7292, 644--lq. HAS BEEN COMPLETELY 3 BR Lido for Augusl. k, °'B'"R"'. ';,_,o"•'.-=·"•J;-_,..,::::,;<.,.:;!;:,:;:hll PETE BARRETT REAL TY LIVING . Dillere "Old World" Con· 3 MlN. TO BEACH J-IOUSEFUL or~ \Vl\R~·I *Q IQUEL y 1--.-c;c;:;-=-,,,=· FHA Apprallal RESTORED. Hu new noor * * * * * cove1·Uia:11. carpeting, cfecw... Peninsula Baytront, 5 BR Ava.II Alig. UlO wk. 1605 Westcliff Or># N.B: Drive BY & BUY ill tempo l'Y 'iExecutive luxury Open House Sat/Sun. $3i,?50 ating, etc, lt you have been pier/slip, maid's qrtr.1. I ;;:mrn;r-'~"-1~90:;1;;;;;~~~1 642-5200 $27,500. Owner. hom8. unObstructed Bay & 4la ~RIS, Cdl\-t ; 31 B<llm .. S~S.2539 or M&.3821 Mtn view from most rms. f~.nuly ml., dt'n,, palio; I~, 4 B;R. fo~. d,ln mi1 elect. kit Jg 1ep, f.arn(Jy rm. Pro- fess decor, unu.suaL drapes &: Wall paptt1. 83xmr· cor. lot. O\li•n<'r IT"'nc:fr""l!CI. looklnr for an older home * * fl. * * I , A • Inexpens1vei--co w/cti..racte:r, consider thb Prime Ba,yfront 4 BR. beach laj;es. Weekly rates J 5,000 sq. n. 4 BR, 4\.S: BA + hv. rm. &: mon:. pluli apt, •I &: pier. AUgU11t. Sept. 548--3158· , $31,tSO FULL P.RICE Pete Barrett Realty Terms open to offer 642·5200 Condominium HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 . General ---------1Agsume 5%% FllA. By maids qtrs. Ideal for enter. over gar&.gf!. Al. on 2 lots. taining. Euy maint. lmmed. Owner "'lll <'n':Y. ror occupancy Furnished. terms. phone Al King MISSION REAL TY $118 000 ~loan Box 16.12 JONES REALTY N.B: ~7249 : 67"....ollO 675-0098 1000 General IOOO Ch·mcr beaut 3 Br. 2 Ba, -:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~~I ;;;;;~~~~~:=;;;;;;;.\ ram nn honte nr golf crse. Paooramic vie"' o( Harbor BRASHEAR REALTY 847..ssll 1Evt'B, 968-U78 9S.} So. Coa~t llwv., Lt.PJIM Phon• (7141 494-0731 ENCHANTING LARGE 2 Br. 1% Ba, stbdl type, bit-Ins, patio, ,pool $200 mo. Adults. rn.qoo , • $26,950. 3233 New York Ave. CAhlEO SJ.IORES O RANCHI OPEN IJOUSE from living, dining&. master c~!!~~ i!~~!ESl OCEANFRONT 1-=" ..... ="'~-======01 Westcliff INESl2310 ~an~~~ :R6:J:· 9 ~~~Bdrm, & den. Julfu20j~~i~pm ~Ba~· New pool, 4Bednn,1 D::..::u,_p:.:l•::•c:•;.•..;F..:u:.:m,;,;;,._..z: ... 11 from I.his luxurious hom~ College P l:rk 1115 SPARKLES I.: SH n.I===========: frplc., oak floors, wet bar&: A true charmer with much June \Vard, ·Realtor \VINTER Rental, avail!/ in eloquenl tropical sellini;:; REDUCED ---8---side & oU1: Liv nn. & din B1lboa Ptnintula 1300 :.~141;°;;:1.~,:1u~~I~~ distincUon. 3 bedroom, 2 6<12-4816 3 bdr, 2 baths, 1st fl.r. entrance on bridge The~ magnificent 4 & 5 Big Pool+ ig rm; service por<:h, elec1c:o::.::.;c;...;..::.;_____ ~th home, cl01c-ln Norlh OOVER Shores.ayfront furn duplex . All Xtra.s. over swimming pool Bedroom homes !eature Yard 51,4'/• blllli. clean crpts, rirps WALK TO per month income &: olll.y ~ide location, ~amed cell· home, 6 BR, 4 BA. large STh-2239\.- r. .__., • '--oh gorgeous VieW!. !rom lhe 3 BR 2 BA c.,.ts. S28,900. thruhut lhis 3 BR 2 BA BAY/OCEAN S37.soo full Prict, l""K, ceramic f1rep.lact. Se! pat~ .. · 70 . prt··ate . •--•·. · 1 ""''room~. " "" ~. Lo Bea h Coa ti' to · · f 1 pd • · Pacific Shores Realty ... "' ~ """"" S!cp-O~·n llvlng rooin ng c s Ille $4000 dn Owner 518-9578 ho~e. Pro; ,nd.-.c "" Huge master bedroo1n plus 3 847..s586 Eves 962.9711 back from strttt in f?nnal Avail Sept 1st, yrly lfit', SlOOO with high beamed i:ei11ngs Palos Verdes. Together with . . main!. "'/childrn s play yrd others. Family room. hard· 1 ~~~~"':'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!":"!!!!!!! fenced gsrden for maximum mo. 2 1 3 : 18 0. 5 0 l 3 or l--'-"'-----::".'.:11 A&klng-S!b,000 incomparable views ol the Neweort Beach 1200 & pet area. Heavy shake wood floors. 2100 Sq. F't. Dbl. 3 BDR. 2 ba. fam rm, Less prtvaey. Room for pool. Let 213:785-6333 General Call \V ally Hallberg surf from nearly every room. -'"-'--------roof completes this charm· fpJc Patio _ 103,500 us show you U1ia one-of·a·l;;;=='"=-:::7""°''"-;- Rcs. 64_1-4 787 Each has 3 baths plus out. LIKE To llve on a small ing home. By owner . ·R. C. Greer rttaity rhan l YT old. Assume 6%% kind. $38,500. BEACON Bay mod. 3 BR & 3 Bedroorns. 2 Bath!. Su door shcr.vers & dining rooms island? For sale by owner $42,500, 642-1598 3355 Via Lido 673.9300 loan. Near Yorktown & or xtra lg. playrm . .,PY!. shine Jlonic. C.omplete overlooking the beach, The due lo divorce. Charming Bushard, S2'T.900. Principles beach & dock $325 Cf painted inside. Freaf. COMPANY REALTORS 673-4400 SPANISH HACIENDA OPEN DAILY 1-S 40S FRANCISCO LIKE NEW 4 bdrm, 1 ~.6 balhs, l'iUnken llv. rm. din. area, Lge>. fani .·nn. All elec· Irie kitchen, c<"nttal vaC'· uurn sys1em, electric door opener, attractive landscap- ed cor. lot. sprinkling sys- tem vacant -li\-1MED. POS5£SSJON. "C" THOMAS Rt:ALTOR 224 \V. Coast Jlwy 518-~27 Newport Beach, EVl'. 545.5&13 Satellite's View n1aster suite contains mlr. old house on Newport University Park 1237 Lido Isle 1351 only. ffiAl\IOH ffilLHf S215/wk. Also 2 BR apt clean, Lease .at $115 rared dressing areas with Island, 1 room!!, 2 balhli. Owner 96:.1.2507 I I: $225/wk, 6 7 3 • 5 0 9 4. or small dcpo11ll. ca.u Walkt private master bath. Pan· Has been complelely STEAL ITI LIDO SLEEPER! REDUCED 4 Br 3 Ba Condo REAL ESTATE 64l-8839 & Lee, 842-4455 elled dens w/ full walk·be-remodeled -modern kitchen ForeclOliure w:catenet Des~ Lovely 4 lxlmi. family home. 6% FHA. Nr. bch/nu schls LOVELY Twnhse. 2 Br, 2 WE SELL A HOME hilld wet ban and fireplac-w/bll-ifUI. Lots of slorll!Ce. owrwr w/OOns1dcr your ~· Many exlras Parquel wood Pools , tenni.s. ~1540 ti18 South Coul Blvd. Ba, pool, patk>, frplc . $300. EVERY 11 MINUT~S e1, for the best of beach liv· Usesf brick frpl &: dining dicuious oUer on this nrty. ars., nr. ~;,.. carpets, new HUGE HOME LagUna Beach mo. unrurn $258. AJso J Br Wa ILer & L lng. The easy cart kitchens room "'aU. Bathrooms new new, vacant 4 B1·. t fam . copper p!umb.ing. Sales Dept. 494-4764 unfurn ms. Agt 646--0732 If\ are complete with lull built. w/i;unken lub. L a r g I! rm. lwnhse. Ololce i;ree.n-Only S!l9,50o Four levels of luxury living. Rental Dept. 494-4874 ON 11IE BEAl-'H ins + 8 speaker intel'l."'Om l.:. sund«k w/vicw. N~ly belt Joe. nr. pool & tell!Wi. Lido Realty Inc. 4 bc:lnns, 3 baths, formal iiii""~~iiii~~'::=. 7682 Edinger food cente~. Other cu11om painled outside. Ac ro ss See ir today! 3400 Via Lido li73-&~0 dining L separate family Open House SAT/SUN 2 Bdr. 7308 W. Oceanfront 812--4155 or 541)..5140 features include w/w car· street from Bay on 2 &ides e Red Hill Rt•lty ,'°',...'.'.', ~~~ienlgh't·ula.<fte;!!c,. ANXIOUS 1=962-=98l=O=====:::= I "-o=-.,--=0~"-n=E•'c-"-·,___,._,I pets, private suodecks, laun. & :\ blocks trom ocean. 18068 Culwr Dr., h~\ll(' 4,000 Sq. ft. """ ,-,.~ ~ $170. 2 Br, l'li ba townMe dry rooms, clothes shutes, $42 ~ buys !hi!! 4 bdrm OPEN 9 AM.S PM 8.13-.0820 107 VIA E80Ll 9,)(1, Auun\e FHA loan. B1yshores 2225 \Va.sher. dryer w/w, private wrought iron ~ntr1~.~ ho~e. 41D Marcus, NB. MODEL l-lome. 3 BR + MUTUAL REAL TY FURNISHED 2 Bdrm. house. now Bkr a:M-fi9ao + much more! AU on "" 6T:>-036.1 or 4!M-042'.) .. • .. 2 1•11 yt' deep lots w/ elegant Span· I-""'--------Family rm. 6h"-' loan. 4 Bdr, 31~ bath, kar 1aragC', .., -" an 1me Sept. thru J~. ~ mo or EXECtITrVE Home: Lrf' _ ish, Normandy & Contem. Reduced $4.000. Comider lae crpts, drps, Un11M1al Fea· 1 MILE TO-BEA=C"'H"" Returning to Europe Yearly Jene 1295 mo. Bdr 3 Ba. DR, FR, Av poracy .,,1g.,, to fit "" SPLASH-DOWN opL &33--0.11'1 "'"" Built In 1967• Ow""r • BR 2 halh S.abury 1'raot. SELL OR LEASE 64'"11"5 S.pt I. $320. nv>/ S<&-1544 1213! 2f4.3101 Eves: 12131 d ful · 1~======== most discriminating lastes. LOOK NO FURTHER Try$3500 own· I pnce Furnished or Unlumlihed I 2BDR, washer/dr.)l:e 1 . These outstanding homes arc Open Sat. & Sundey Coron• del Mar 1250 1-="=""~700======':". $28,500. Nice' large yard, Ocean & Mountain View University ~-•-•_k __ 2_23_7 Adulti only. One-slory next to lhe l.:ong Beach Ma· 1307 Marian Lane '8alboe l1land 1355 Good location. Beaut. cuslom arch. design Au.fOST New 3 Br. comp, do. 968-1394. $160/mo ;?i! rina & are truly Once.In-A· WESTCLTFf' AREA NEWLY LISTED ' 4 Bdnn'1, 2 Bath. furn. ava,il. on lease to June L$;7i,9 t900ime v~11"hes. Fro1m1 ' 1 3 Bdrm&. Lanai, 21 ,, Bath 2hd~drma!." 100 0 ..;::,".,',01:__ wat'. 316 RUBY ST. If G§a_\ lfBUI IO, '70; '375 per mo. Refs.; ~~~ .. '----::::;:] • wi exee en 7?i· Loan. Early occupancy ... '" ·~" '"' '\dltFT:!"Tm!li 1303 Temple Hiiis Dr. no pets. A.gt 833-0820 ·-term• & financing. Roy Georg ... Realtor lge. ~unu)..style kitchen; 3 BR, family room. Open OPEN DAILY 54Q.28.58 • 642·5551 nr. shops & beach. S38,500. house Sund!y T-.'>. Ne!r (Prestige) Home Laguna Beach Lido Isle 2351 100 Ot-ean Ave. OPEN Sat. & sun. 1·5; 414 North Bay. S56,000. House in 675-322& or~ . ·----- Heliotrope. Al condlllon. Assume Desirable Mortgage ~~~~~\'?'~~!"';-l4 BR, 3 BA, contemp. Newly , .,n;,-,;-;;,;---.::-:::-:0:::::1 Seal Beach THE PERFECT HOME CHARMER Willo'•m Winton Very populQ.r model. = r · (Bay Bl ··d to ~an A•• * VIEW HO"E * '"· A•ail S.pt J.I. wntr Of Back Bay and Hills. Cus-• · ""'"" ., FOR 11-IE R I E t I J BR 2 ba M N, to_lhe wrner of lst.) "BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE" New England style-:ktory, 3 •• 1 a' HAFFDAL REAL TY rental or yrly. 675--3604 tom built by h'11.n Wells. On• , (213) 447..(;617 bdrm., 2 baths; vacant &-67S.3331 BY OWNER ly 1 year young. 5 bdrm!!. l ":::::==~~~~===~·1 Pool. view · bay· mts.; l + ready ror occupancy. $39.500.I==========: ''J-lome1 lo Match locomn" PERFECT condition! Must Bilbo• ltland 2355 '°'"""'"""'"""'=-== baths, family room & seclud-• Bdnn~. By aopolntment. OPEN Sat. & sun. 1-5; 608 Huntington Beech 1400 8740 Warner, FV, 8424405 11~ Interior to appreciate! ·----- ed pool, Completely land· 'OCEANFRONT BOYD REAL TY Hellotrope. · TRANSFERED, auume 6% 3 BR, 2 BA, Jge comer lot. YEARLY'S rm. !leaped. CarpC'ted and drap-3629 E. Coast H11i·y., C<L\I MUST SELL fR[[ GI, nr new 4 Bt , lam rm OCEAN VIEW. All electric 5 BR. 3 ba. cust. home, incl. eel Call today for appoint. 3 Bk home on excellent 675-5930 Owner has moved; no rea-11i•/lrplc. Mariy extra.II, xlnt Incl kitchen. Thermo con· ga.nlener; partially !urn. \VHY Rent? S1250 On. l&-5l'-m'. nt to .. _,. this outstanding beRch; SS<l,950. d ~ SJ7 -.. .,~ 1-•, ·•ch -m REDUCED ••-ly new 3 BR 2 ba. ~---...,.._ W I' * BY OWNER * sonable oiler refuse ; ...... au· I area. ,......, . .,.,...._ 1w ~~ ,..,., • ........,, _ buy at $87,500. George ii 1am1on Oceanfront Home, 3 BR, u1il tiful 4 bdnn .. family rm. ndB•che$l0 oTr A_pt. TO $38,700 with SS,000 down, 3 BR. 2 ba. t'Wlt. ~. uni .. 128,750 tr Roy J . Ward Co. RE . .\LTOR do"n'·g -.. w•t bar·, 111hi1e • . •. O 6~% interest. Pay balance incl. gardener. · .$425 AtESA Ven:le. 3 BR. 2 'lt{ ~ 6'>uo Eve 673-1564 rm. se~·ing rm, liv nn "' • '" .. '--H I' gt 2 I 11-( Boycrcst Ofllcr) o•~ s. . <a-to"ng & dra-·. "'king You need 11 nght w...,n yt>u un tn on monlhly. Write owner, P.O. BR, apL full)' um. . . •a lamlly -2 ,_,, -mo "!~~~~~i!!!!!:'!l~~I w/1rplc & ocean view. .,..., ..-.~ bed 1 ba ! H bo 1••5 Sal "'·-· 673-6900 '"'• .. ,.. '_.., · 1430 Ga1a.,;y 646-1550 .,_ k"t /bit' & $6.i 500 bey the 2 room, t 1 ar ur '"" Box 914 Laguna Beach or is"'""' Realtor 673-8213. No pell. 1,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""' ,......,my 1 w ins ' · home in front of this big lot call 4944T.l6 anytime, IT-;;;;;-;;=:-;=:-.=~•,J 1-Costa Mesa 1100 avocado shag crptg thruout. you get the bachelor apt. * THREE ARCH BA'£.* Lquna IM•ch 2105 4 BR Costa Meu HOffif'f,, LINDA ISLE ••••••••• I Front yd w/patio & cabana. free and ll rent.oi for S50 per -_,.,. ····-o Ba. frplc, crpll, = One of the finer bayfront SWIM THRIFTY• l _..S64_.000"';;.;;6c;-73~;;;990..,,---n1onth. 111•'11''-11 ... llT 11..-Prlvalte oomm. w~beach, 2 BR. den, fam nn , dshwhr ; Car gar. MO-~ homes; distln('live architec. BEACH Wh I Ch • -.. _.. -lenn 1• playground. UBlOm tlreplact Emerald Bay d ture, well planned 5 bdrms., Check this bargain 3 BR • • • ee Glr •• .... '"'"' -....._ ,,.., -home, 3000 sq ft, fully cptd Terrace.' Adults 0 ll I y. Mesa del Mer 3i.\15 4 \~ bal.hs; priv. pier. Qose pool t.ome In College Park Just one short block from Thlll property is Jn such good HUNTINGTON HARBOUR + Jge e.nc. paJk>. 3 BR. 2 494--0388 ---------"-·! to completion. $135,000. Call area. :Fult price $27.500. this lovely 3 BR, 2 ba. home. condition you won't have to BAY FRONT BA. 37' llv rm, fam 1·m, I===~=~,.-== NE\VLY Painted 3 BR 2 bat foe app"t. "'"'" ow"'r most ,.,11-PROPERTIES WEST 1, now oart><I in li•l"g o·oom lo!< bedroom. 3 bath, car· '°''w ol ,.. &. oborell"'· So."Lagun•. A•ail S.pt. 15 Agt. S<IM!<J _ Name ye., .. tenns. "Back Asking $29,TaO. lilt a finger for nx·n. Thrre 16971 Harbour Lane. Beaut\. huge 1am1." rm Fantruitlc SPACIOUS 21h BR, l 'h BA. home $225/mo. Vac•:x· DS:EO 11.rllllPI' now vacant -See today. 1028 Bayside, N.B. 67!)....4130 &: formal dlnlng roon1 . Jl's peted, built-Ins, dock faclll· $73.500. 49S-3429 for 10 mo. $175 mo. 4~137 .. ~E~. CAU. 540-1151 Herllage Real OWNER'S SACRIFICE 2828 E . COAST HWY. located In downtown 1-tunl· ties. Owner has moved Ea.et CHARP.1ING Split level with V•c•to'on Rent•I• 2900 College Park 3"-5 Estate. Id H bo Corona Del Mar lngton &ach, quiet aNa on necessitating sale. $79.500. woodtd a -an low 2 BR '"-"'-----'------' RE • LT y • • • • • •• • • 1 <o.r5BR,2mo.o arr _ ..... .., v , __ "' 673-3770 a tl'l't> linl'd street. Only --WA-TERFRONT + ·11· t I OT Lak · Ibo Bl • NB Sl,-7 MONTH PAYS 'LL. Hills home. LR, DR, Fam. s1 1ng room, arge pane · MAMM H e.1 Vacation 2025 \V. Ba a vu., . . " Ba 119,9!!5. FHA & VA lel'ms ' 8'd , •. d-k d-k d w / b,, m M b"I H I I 675-6000 Nice 3 BR 2 bath home _ R with frpl &: bar, 3 . . room, ..v ..... • " ... • e rooma 1, o 1 e ome. urn., a eepe Day/Night 1 "'--... _ 'd Crprs, drps. many Xtru. BY THE SEA avall11ble. "Ye "'ho w1t1it5• Posh .,ea In Huntington fireplace, modem kitchen, 7, $65 per "'E!d<. 531-3374 e.xcel ent ~u1...., res1 en. Xlnl financing. 5'18-8281 Channing 2 Br. + conv. den kicks seU In back or head, llarbour, Only f74,000. Will ofllce, wall· !<>-wall bed. . CALL POLLY 645-1070 Spacious & Gracious Right At The Beach 4 Br. 211i Be. Home Attractively Prl,ed JAY W. YEATS CO. · Dolphin T errau Clean k ready - 2 Bdrm .. den • 2't bllths -plec. kllclJ. en. Dbl. garage & covt?ted boat port. $3'1,SOO CURT DOSH, Realtor 1730 \V. Coast llighwey 612-6472 Evea. 67J.3468 4 BR HOME 4 BR, 2 ba, YA heat. newly dccorattd In & t'lUI. 21,i, car garage, l bl.k lo lhopplrw:. $23.900. 'f1al area. Assume $18.600----+ formal din, rm.: attic while in closet." -nsider le""A or tease 0... $32 500 Owner 4M-8673 S R nt·' 291 0 Newport Beach 51,~% loo~ no in!erest in. WALK TO BEACH! space. 2 frpl.; walled gar-... v ....., ..-' · ' umrner • .,, :;;;:;;;;;;;;;·-~~;;;;;;;;,,j cr~Me-no loan fee~. Not Fumished J BR. 2 Ba. Steps den. VIEW of ocean & jet-~ARBOUR REAL TY 7:A~A~le~Y v~~ 1:. N;;m;QRT BEACH , S Mes • BJ B mlllly like this at S23.950. to ocean. $25,000. ty. Steps to beach. Asswne • ,347~ e lot, beaut )andscaped, nr ~ ocean .. , 3 ~R s-oewly C.ALL 545--&124 South Coast CAYWOOD REAL TY loan at 6~%. SlCll,500. E 1 schools. $34,500. 494-2'l7 6 painted. Ava1. Ju.y .. Aug. & TOWNHOUSES Real Est.are 6306 \\/.Coast H1vy., N.B. Walker Rlty. 675.5200 -894-5313 OPEN HOOS .5 3108 T 1 ~ Laguna Sepl F'ree prldn. in alley. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, split· 1 • u•1290 • -· --yn:i .,,, On by level. 3 car carpon. Facet lT'S ASSUMABLE ~ OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 20 Offices Servlna: Ora.n;e ' ve aeytune. see At 6';, -$176/AfO. PAYS HARBOR VIEW HllL.S C.ounly 17164 Courtney La'l.• Beach. "Top of the World owner 177-34lh St or caJI pool. S265 month. Y1'J G b . 4SOI HAMPDEN TERR. area"". ~.,,.,, <'") -1;,. ALSO EVER UN · 3 1.1 For Sale by Owner, just v · I I 1 4 bd , 15366 Golden West Sha .... 3 bdm1. family room. ..,.... ~ •JO-' ~ 1 . 1ew. ge. o : rm · ·•· I l80' VIEW · 11 m 2 Bedroom 2 bath sp lt.Jt"Y-bdnns. fanuly r 0 0 m • reduced pric.'e $3500. 4 BR, 307 Carn•tion 1 Blk. So, San Diego Fwy. study, 21,~ baths, carpeted .l • Ju co ·NICE Clean 1 Br. duplex · · w/perfecl paUo for family 2\S Ba, Iv. rm1 dn. rm. 'Sep 3 BR 51••.oo PER MONTH I-dra""", ~"'t bar. Vacant. pleted 3 Br. 21,; BA, 300 ICl 51 .... ,' 4; blk. ocean. "'"". el. l a:araa:e, l carport, $225 M11.gnifiren1 view • . -"'°"" 1t nd k A h Be h ,.... ~ month. fun. This 6nc \\'On't last laundry room. 2300 sq n DON V. FRANKLIN Inc:ludes FHA Loan at 691 , Four StRr RJty SJS.4422 · su ec: · re ac Very reas! Avail. NO\v to B & B h long. Come see & enjoy. $49,950. W.2716 REAL TOR taJCes and lna:uraoce. Any· Hc\8. Pt.7~. Owner, Mr. Sept. 6. ay eoc CALL 540-lJ.51 Huita,ge , * BLUFFS 673.22'22 one can qualify ro buy this Fount1ln Vllley 1410 Lewis, 528-.;cJl3 __ 371l w. Balboa 642-lm Realty, Inc. Real Estate 3 Bdrm, den, 2 bath!!. Cus---.,,....,..,..,.--1 •harp 3 klngsiu bedrooms, ---.,--..-:-::--PANORAMIC VJEWI BALBOA, 2 bdr modenH"eal 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 12$ HALECf\En-J Bclnn, l\i tom drps:, crpts. 011(' level. VACATION 2 bath hon1e. 14 it 24 oovered STOP HERE Furnished 2 BR, 1 ~ Ba clean, few 1Hepa from ocean 645.2(0) Evea. 54U966 balh. hrdwd Ors, fam nn. Reason11.blc. Owner 644-2187 YEAR 'ROUND patio lead• to huge rnclo:i.ed 9325 Tulipan Cil'Clr home. Bl1n1. Owner w/help -avail. By month only. Aug I !!!!B~l~U:'lF:':F~·s:"'!L~E::"A:o'-S~·E!:· '::s""'I patio, lndscpd, crpt'd ~ STCLIFF 3 Br. + den + party patio. )'lU'd wl!h tush greenery. Open Houu Sat 12-4 l ine. Prindpals on I Y. 10 Labor Day, $500. 613-.m.55 d11fd. 5% % usum11blr 1011.n, WE ()pen Sat & Sun. 1-5 Double Garag" with laundry Bc?aullful Meadow home near 842-4606 Ct.EAN' ri.,......., n-·ch Unils. 2 & 3 BR. Condos. Slna:le $12.'i n1onthly pvmts in· BY OWNER . l!t59 Vista Caudal •-a. Ga• bullt·inll. Submll 2 BR a&.1""!"' .cc:• levels, 2-sty. It ,:i.pllt.levtl. · 3 bd •-m " quiet stn:iet E l '" Founlaln VaUey HI school. LAGUNA CANYON Slee ..... 2 to 10: tor summer Gre•n'-tt • BluUo .... eluding taxes. S 2 5, 9 0 0. r '"' e 0 . . • BOYD R A TY your down PR.Yment on ho SJ<~ F -~ yd ,... .._ "" .. ~ '""' """"' $45,000. Qwl)Cr will finance. ~.-. ·I' Cdt.I 2 rt 4 BR 3 batht. U8C ,......,. e ..... ..,.. · re1ervaUona nil 673-9945 Cp d ObJ ...... , ~~~· 548-1698 MS-2Sl0 -" f;. Coa.1t f 1way, $2 .500 P Cl'. Zoned lndust.ria.1. 494-8170 315 E. Bal1ioa Blvd., Balboa ti., rps.. • gar, _..,a, av OWNER' Ea.<-CM. 3 · . 67S0S930 WE SELL A HOME ~ ~l!~P •to. 1375 to 1423. BLUFFS 3 b r 3 •• wt•-,,. ~1 s <•_"· :; *BOAT DOCK* ~--"'u" •·atty ~lll3 Bdrm, bltn kllcben, natural • • """ 1 LOVE.LY EVERY 31 MINUTE -rr -·-Condominium 1950 ,,~=;-;b::~7~,..;o::-;;-I birch CBt.binel!. G&xl26' lot Bay.View, wkl• greenbe:lt. B-·.>---r ''""". 158.150 Walker & Lee 2 BR encl aleepl-__.. SPAC. 4 BT. 2 ba. duplex, 14 w/ &lley access for boat or Steps to pool. CUL addtM. ~~~ 1 yr. old. Beaut. NEW Meadow Home. 3 BR I: 3 BR. 2\i BA, tl'ill 1q ft 0. JPO(I~, ffi, ~,_...,-si) blk lo beach. Avail. I yr. tra.Uer. 6%% loan can bl! SaYe! $42,500.0wnr644-4265 'Br lam d' dom. apt. Crpts, drpc, trpl. -·k. "--·•oorlBRpl""' lellsc, $300 per mo. ~-fusl assumed. $24,950. M2-417t 3 BDRM Watttfront, No. ~ 2% i;ths i.-~fii>I~~· A7ui~ i6S2 Edinger den. Sll,200, $3100 dn. 71'~ paUo. Stll, optkin to buy i hid::.;'.d." $125 wk,. J; have. refer., no pell;, ~i COU.EG& PARK. lmt:ll'O'V· BD.Jboa Covet. 160 .000 . ~ied. Ptol. Ind~. 842-44,.';5,or 540-5140 =~wlmmu'!ne ~~le~ sm under pment quiet. cltldel Qlj..dock. 414 ~b ~ Ai~<::O cd & clean. 23i2 Rut5l'en. WouJd trade for acre8,ie « Ch"hlre Rt•I Est•te SKI p to thti ·eEACHI 91J2...2760; Ml4 61>4900 Al 'i'!. wl'~ ~~ SL, Ne~~-87W061 NEW HOU&e, J BR. 2 BA, rm Condominium Open Sat ti Sun t...S. Otht'r apts. ~7T71 61";)>2503 639-5412 · llh depog tNS ,_,.,, CUSl'OM·Ene.'4 tint. 3 ba, rm, din nn. 1-lt,rbor V'9w 4 BR 3 bll., blt·1n~. 01s1S2311~8:.: t!mes by appt. ~ UDO SANDS beautlful 3 Br, 2Cd i;:;;M.,,-, 7. .. ;;1NVESl':;;;;;;;;;;N.cEAR-.;;-;TH<u,;EI ~:I~~ oo;;'~. l~~~ter Wtltminsfer 1612 FRENCH Quarter, 3 bdr, 2\li pata'l,mic W!w ol harbor A Homes area.Po o 1-CI u b er. l'IOOI &-rtubhnus.. ,..w C\JS!'O" H·-· • 8.,, ,.,___ ba by ocean with ~ ex-OCEAN 3 B J•L ... de 2 1 ---------,-• b&. pool. clubhouse, be.au!. jetty, new iwlm p 0 0 1. me:n1bershlp. Annual lie.. G R It Co ,.. ""''"' ~ vw""'" ...,., uin ., .... """" • r. 711 -· n, bdrm., luxurious CA'llf!I ,.., ORSES I ~-CITY? --" -~-~ !lo. 21 -7'" enco e.a Y • .,.,, .. _ u.•"'-loa·, BR I"' lras. --· ...._,...,., ,._, .. ,_ 3 G "--doo 4 H n T"9 ,..,...., &w:-..x:n. ~ • ..,..pa W'!Cl'lt\1mo. 61$-.2'T1T ( .!I 1;:,1· ...,, ,,,,.. ~ .,,..,,., ,....., .,.. •• .,., llU{" mr. ar. l.&f1 milTored clo11et rs. IJ>lt· 750 1933 CM •-1.-~,-,--;::-;;:;;;:--==1 642M22 BA Open ~loose SIJfl 1-5 158 N rt H I ht 1210 bulld aoothcr home On lot. cioua bdrm•, All 11t ICP than We have 3 lirni eltlces avail· $21, • 54.>-OCEANrRONT Kw.· tiO:ll 2 BR., I bl... tr-pie, ~-5 BEDROOM -De:I Mar~ twpo e 9 1 Some :view, nr. beach .l investmt'nt, only 142.~. al;tle. Large Iota of ooU.nie. RENTALS Seubore. Dr. NB. Dt.1uxe crpf&/drpl. 2 CJ1' LIKE RENT EAS'J'SIDE 2 BR. Carpets, COZY & CHEERFUL~ .._ Skr. 67i'.-201D". ntA Tt.rms. • b"O have ranch style bomts HouHt FurnltMd Di.iplex 2ll ~ BaJboi OArdner A walef phf. ~~·n•·t Built In l'llnSf! • A , __ __, .. _ k I I -· F•O'"'nu-s View•. o·-1.... PacWc Shore• Realty tvldl heated pool&. ()pportu-f21J) --12 lllOve • nifrlt. Ltue. • .., ... " "' • · draPi!I· &At'if' ... ,"'-,_.,.. -c 2 Bclrma .• D n "'8: rm. .... t"'c. 0 ..,...., ... nllle1 are bti htre. We'll Gt".!!!"°~'~•!!_l ____ .,;2C~O~+~O·lw'A'i'.~-~iiOiN1'7"i"'VITo: °"'" & dt1hws5het. 1'amJJ.y yan:1,' Near schooll I. Civic JfW OooM!I, cpt1. A ~ Little C.orona Beh. •fear the S36-8894 or 3'l7.swi help with Ul6 llnanclnc on ... WATEIU'RONT . pr 1 v • 1 e. ,646-<l<ll:_,,.-,.,.-.::.-:=;: room. custom c-.a.rptllnc & <!enter. $23,000. ~ Obie. garage on &llt!y, room 3Ut'f! lmmac t~BR, den, 2l'l'l~~'!/"~~'l"'!Z'~ an.v or all , $l2$., 1 Br. duple~ 'W/'f(. yd, arut View. ae,,.iy bt•dl. 4 4 BR. 2 BA, h'pj, crplt, dr31'Jt'S. Covrred pa1lo, f'"r'Jc· WHY Rent! S1250 On. Li fir· for brnlt or •r.111\er. S24.500. BA. he .imp. Xlnt fin. 4 . BDR. 3 bbth. J yri: old, Rex L. Hod9e1, Rltr avail flow, chtld 0 . K . BR. Ava.ft r. wk to A\l&'. 4th. dl1)8. Neer bw:het.. •ehoob. f'd below TTphu .. 'Cmrnt . , ,~· .. ~-~~3~:~~~·=--2!~~[G!jr~•h~•Jm~Ro~·~llJy~6!!46-Lll2!!4J!:l!-4.+-!?li;,!!,~soo!!~l>w!!!!!""~·=n="'="'°""l~76~1!!0!,%~otn~w!!'.n..!.!::5!!;~~n~tA.i::l"""~r· !----...::·:·':;:-":::-~=.===I "-ker 5.14-6980 PIS.""· t7WTIT $215. h38-6J!M, 141-ctl ft40.172'l IJ .... Ullo ti UI ' l».ii<l b)' Ownt'f 962-.7'73 ' O'I ...,_ DtU f AR2ELL 2955 H•rbor 128.J ~ l!"lf newoort Post 0 ce , ' ~ ~ I I I l ' I • I . ' . . ,, .. .. • ........... '"~·-.· ...... , . ' s.1un1.,, Juli 26, 1"69 Apta. Furn._ <•NTAL$ RINT ALS •• UAL ESTATI * I * * * * * REAL ESTATk Ganorel BUSINESS and FINAllCl"L Unfurnllhed R!NTALS • Aflla. Unfurnfalled A"'-Uftfvrnlst.I ~al 3200 CO$t& -4100 Gen1r•I 5800 I nt il tllff 5241 ltontals Wanted 59'0 Lob Bus. opportvnfilH 61iio 6100 -CANDi'"°SUPPLY- ROUTE !::'.:-:-:-----.,.--• AnENTION • 11EA11 °""*-• , lowly t PR J BR. $14S. lncl. •Ill• ""'"' e ltliNT • e NEW D!LUltE • Own•n '" thb ""• wltO tor rtnl at P80. S325 pool, adults, no p e t I ' l Br. 2 b& .,t. lor ~ may Ill.wt irlCQmfl ptoi)e~ 1n ~'OOd RI t y : 54~28:27. 968-1740. 3 Roomt Fumltur-. fncl. Jlpat:. mutr. auite. din VIC. o( L.A. AQUIORT: tt- 173 X 465' R-4 Clear AF;~i;-~'"" '""1ved1 12!1() $20. $25 & UP ""· • •hi. '""'· '"'°· ....... ,, '°"''' • • ,,. ot<1 Newport Beach 4200 MOllth-To-Mcrift.. RentW door opener aqil. Pool ~ dauah1er (l'IO pet&), aeelc 2-3 I ltr Shorn 3225 -·------"1ATER.FRONT Nr. BBC. Cxtc JUXUl'louA 3 Br. 3 Ba. Avail Yl'b'".,Sept. 1s at $Tso/mo w/opt lo tt~. ftecp. adull.l. no pet~. n4: 80-S6'74 or 213: 199-t856 C;.rona dal Mer 3250 SEL~lO!w rec. atta. Nr. CAthohc Br unfurn home (court, u 0w-• ""·"ch WIDE ,.....,._ ·~ ~· • '·-·· . . 1~ ....,, ' "'"" 6 TV' -" Cbtlrth i ..,.,....,. ...,..,,... ~ .... 1. dwellln• or aome apta:, COUNTRY CLUB Appli-• I ··~ -·~ No SecurU;y Depl)llt del Afar HIJ'h. consldered), nr. 1ehool. In LIVING J-JFRC Fumlturw Rentals • ONLY s:M. • nice area ~Mng: f11m· Lu)(ury gardtn apa.rtmenla 517 W. 1.91h. CM 5CS-S481 86;) Amlgot Way, N.8. ily wm a:iVe best of cart, as ctterlnc complete JlrlVllcy, 1568 w. Lncln, Anhm Tl'-2800 TOWNHOUSES 2, 3 t: 4 BR. own ho~~ your l't'ntal. Wh~a W~nt? Whlddyl Got? bteutitul 18..ndmlpiflg' k un-1 ==.;;.:.,;;;"":;;F.:i0-'7"-· I m up. Set at 152 Amigos Can Pl.Y Slli or a bit more, SPECIA CL SSIFICATION FOR paralleled rttrt"alional facll-* RENTALS * Way, N.8 . 6T:>-Sll.1 hi.II please 1HJbmll what you . !ties in a country club at· uouSEs &: APTS $100 UP ha~ Ara of liawthome, NAT·UIAL 89RN SWAPPERS mosphere. Now lell!ing in Bit.II' Bearon 546-0111 Corent Mil MM-5250 Lawndale, etc.: huabtlnd em. Specl1I bte Newport Beach. $12'1. l Br 4-plex, R/0, ployed by Westem Airlbea. 5 Linft -5 times -· 5 bucks Try Sl per tool~ % cub owe bt. Drive by 2099 Pif.eentia, CM ' l oc khart RNltr 569 \V. 19th St., CM 846-2301 MAGNIFICENT - Oct!an View lot in Lf,guna Beach. $5,951) wl'b $5ili) ... b'1 @ ISO per ""'· 497-1210 .f9'7·l!W 1700 16th Sh~! W/W, encl rar. avail 8/1 Call locally: &42-3589, eve•/ ftU~Q -t./) MUi l INCLUOI --"~ ·····-· I d k nd t-Wllet ~ ,.. ... '° in-. ~t YGU -"' In ,,..,., I I Furn• ... ~ ot "'"'"'" I IE' Bkr 53~ ., ~ e 11. ._..,.OUlt "*"" •IMllfrt lddrti~ ~ 11,.,.1 et f<IV•rtlsi'*' S. Laguna view leve ot, J l!R bome, 2 BA. comp. Modl!lll o""n noon to 'pm · RIO ~-.,, NOTICE ._..OtHINO F011t SAL!' -TRADlil ONLYI .. H .. AM..... utll, 8300 11, f . 71~4.· "" ~10 $170. 3 BR. 2 Ba, PT. • , • 5 w~- BARGAIN, 2 a pt lols C.OSta Mesa. A 19 unit & a 5S Wllt. Excel loc. 64i>--:ni0 o r 5J6.;0131. Anytime. l!edee, in and out, trpl, garg. <>U-o~ .., REA1'TORS. • RENTORS + PHONE 642· 671 $1B, 750. Owner ~1653 '-: ~-· 433 Heliotro~ OAKWOOD w/w. Broki:r S34""6980 .,.. · To Piece Your Tr1de' r's Par1di11 Ad ~.,,,. 'f'be boU.ina oUlce of Univer-'&5 RIVIERA, an equip., • GARDEN Cotle "·11 5100 ON TEN AatD sity of CaIUornia, Irvine is TRADE 45M _., tn 4 BR. < TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 21n ha. very clean. Nd• 'bod)' writ. 3 Bil din nn. carpets m. l Untum expanding itii li1ting service .. ..., $2100/btrl 6G-8S84 4f'a,pes. Frplc. No pets, $22;1 APARTMENTS 1 I 2 ~~ Fum Hos/Poola. for\,ff campus renlals. Real· Ba, pool, lab. view ol Erner-Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, I==:=:;;,,:;;;:;::;==' . * £1'3...6974 -~===..,...=;:-;--Frplcl v. !14 . t.. tors-& private owners are ald Bay, Laa:una Beach pool; nr bay, Val. $32,500. A.creia. 6200 Houae, excellent cond. NEW SPANISH (ftllnnUCTIOH i:eMlJ -Contnt 1 Bldlt, pu. encouraaed 10 include suit-home for cornmer., acre-Eqty for T.D., oar, camper e;; ! couples " n o VILLAGE APTS. VIUlll tincerttn. able marril!'tt &: single stu-age,TD oryac.bt.Campbell. or ??0wnl!'rst&6654, TAKF. OVER PAYMENTS! 1 n. $250 mo. * 6~3291 1 &: 2 BDR!J.f. Furn or un. 900 Sn Lf.r.>e• o:IM 6"-26ll dents & faculty accomm<>' 494-1385 WANTED 10 acrea. no down, Near I turn. Air-coocl, d&hwhrs. sell JUST (OMPLRING IP.facArtbut nr. Coatt Hwy) dations in our tiles. Write NORTll Tustin Lot, $18.500. MOTOR HOME Lake&; City. 8$4-4143 J1untington Beech 3400 clearl'g oven.,, patio, break· or phone for a listing fonn Free & clear, most excl. WIU trade vw Fa&tback, fast bars, private fundtcks. H•rbor Heights Four AVAIL Now, large 2 bdr apt from: Houalng Qffict, Li· area, fabulous view. Tr. for trailer or ? for same. Out of St1t• Prop. 6208 I 3 ~ 2 bath b:lme, lenced yd, lrg storage closets, Heated · 2 &. 3 BR UNITS new crpts, painted. blt-11\!J brary Administration Biijg. ffl(', propert)' w/spendable. 548-0!3l I '. pa 1f 0 Teen age OK. pool, saunas, bar-l>ques. a.II with fireplaces, Sale nr rent at $200, c.ouple UC Irvine, Irvine, C!alif. Bier. 547-6469 er~..,-,-. -.,.,.-'-,-'-0~,~,~lo,.,..,-w...,,;tch I 3 4 ~.1:i~ a::u~~I =: $225/mO lease. 5 3 6-3 7 7 7 Sound proof wa!U, walk in d'•h··-·'"n & 2 bat"·. over 45. m.m.30 92664 Phone: CTI4J 833-6811 t----------,.. ..... ~'"" 1Q house thrown in, for value cd land. Garden spol. Live ?:1300 closets. covered carport; P.ental Manager • MOD. 2 BR, blt·ins, R&o;·r. R lo •-t 5995 Trade S6000 e<rty in small of land alone; room to build. creek, Grant'JJ Pass, Ore. ~ redecor. 2 BR. with Adults, no pets. Mn, Qiristiensen dltp, frpt, terrace, view OOfftl r -n furnished duplex, near For N. E. San DiegO, for· SlS,500. S42-l2B3 X«ni' ,\gar. Adults. no pets. THE CALIFORNIAN 3117-A Cinnamon Av_e, util. $190 mo. 540-2266 LARGE beautifully furn, beach for cn.11sing sailboat -tin, Realtor 642-5000 Jkfit. $b5. 540-3862 Phone 546--1727 Co1t1 Me1a IDEAL for working cpl 2 ~R newly tt-deoorated, prlv. 1 _to_35...c.'._6_42"41B ____ -,-=F"A"'M"IL'°'Y""'","'~'"c-;d;c:o;::hw=~=h•",·. t ~unt. & Desert mo. New .3 BR 2 bath, SINGLE Young Adults Lux· Phon. 546-1034 + sundeck. Stove I rehiJ'. entrance, priv bath, for one 20 Acres ranch. 3 t.fodern works perfeclly. Trade for ~ 'drps. Gardener, trash ury garden apts wilh coun-1 .,,,..~~~'!!P.~~":"'""'i No pets. 67~9234 quiet adult 548-6983CM homes, 2 wells; feneOO. good qualJty Mono..Stel'l'O • NO 4 .~ter paid. 536-1024 lry club almo!J>here and NEW SPANISH-NICE Cl f Training tmck, huge bam, record player. &12-4452 cimplele privacy, SOUTH VILLAGE APTS. Huntington IMch S400 ' ean room ~ r 14 stalls; FOR land, units eves, 6210 Excellent incomt' lor lew hOul'S wt}('k}y \vork (Oa,ys or evening11. Refill.Ing It col· lecting n1oney trorn coin op· etated dispe!llers in Costa Mt!A & IWTOundlA&: area.. We est. roule. (•fandl~s name b r a n d candy k snack•) $1.S75. cash requlr· ed. For pet'lklnal interview In Costa Meu area, tend name, addre&s &: phone num. ber to Multi-State lnc., 90T.i E, Imperial Hwy., Downey, Calif. 90242 (213) 86.l-0871 PIZZA All ptua equlp for plna bowe, incl : ovt>n, elect cheese grinder, pina pails, hot cboe. machine, Sanl· Serve ice-cream maker (wa- ter. operated), Toastmaster cale french-fryer, etc. 95% profit margin. Total Value $5000, will sell all for $2500. Call 92a-1ll6 or fi.58.1628 Col· lect CANDY Supply route, part or full time. days/eves. Re1ill & collect money from coin oper. Dispcn!lers in C.Osta Mesa & vie. No Sell· ing. $1650 Total cash req. Send narne, address & phone lo: Route Dept. P. O. Box 3846, Anaheim 92803 . S\VIMMING p o o I main- tenance route for sale. Will train. \Vrite Dally Pilot Box It,, 3705 BAY CLUll APTS. Irvine al , employed man on day ahil't. SMOG' • ~n• Illich 1 1:-2 BDRM. Furn or un-F ··• d Costa Mesa 642-7920 or ? $4;),00J Eq. 675-6259 \VILL TRADE 85(1 CC class • ~ 16th NeWpOrt Beach, u urni...-.f or • SELF-service Laundry & furn. Air-cood, dshwhni, se Uni . h·, BEDROOM I . ho 4 H·ouSES in W"-ina1on. racing hydroplane in a bas. LARGE 3 bdr, :n~ ba, home. (7141 645--055(! clean'g ovens, patio, break· urn11 -n pr1v me lUu • ..,. ket & 80 CC Yamaha w/ Hi11h Desert Dry cleaning plants, O.C. t.1-336. •' , I L'9un1 Niguel 3707 'flfw crpl!, drps, bit-Ins. -~L~l~o•o'-"A-'"REA APT. fast bars, priva~ tundecks, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, cpts, d~ w/private bath. Medallion $33,950 full price. $14,000 get-kit FOR 1-londa 250 or D., A• areas. For further info: abildren & pets welcome. . 1 bd t~ ,•·-·• closets. Heated es, built • ins, 1 blk to 5 home. $20/wlc 646-2042 equity, Income $340/.mo. 1 000 ,~ ry Ir '174-23SO L:lrge, bay VII!\\'; . rm., . ., .,,,..,. in ho ' fro U50 Submit local or Janel, equ Valent. inu-.J<M;:o S300 mo. 4SM188 custom furn. HI-rise bid. pool, saWlu, bar-b-que&. po ts 5. PP1ne m · '15 WEEK & up w/ kit. Apt "'"~..,..-...,..~;;:--='.':'I Cameo Landscape "'========'"II Pool, boat fllips. Yrly. S350 Sound proo! walls, walk In 7701 Elha Apt. D, 642·2835 $30 week up. Sunny Acres Smiley, Realtor fi.46..9666 Horse Lovers! 3 BR home. PLANNJHG I A l800 •'-·to, •avored c•-rt. 0' 34U3-03. MoiOI. 548-9755 LEVE' '·t /'•'I · · 8''"· co.....i ddt•g "'"" NEWBERRY SPRINGS BEAtn'. View DCCL. 3br 2 ~. bltns dahwr. cn>/drpo. Ip. !JOO Im/SI'° 542-1215 Condominium 3950 sz5. BeauL 2 Br. 1% Ba, un- furn. Country Oub Vill.11. erpia. drps, bit-ins. For In- to call 213-826--3481 or ~I o!t!ltx• Unfum. 3975 4 BR. 2 BA. % blk to beach. ~an view. call ~ves. 6"1>-1971 \c:rf I AL) A,n. Furnished mo. or mo. 0 ug. · .. """" "' -..-"'w w ._.... pines in tack room, ~tc, ·1~~ acre. Walker Rlty. '75-267' Adults, no pels. THEPontalba, gT a c i o u a . COLLEGE Park area prefer area or exclusive homes, $37,000 eq. Trade fo'r land, ON TIJE BEACH THE CAI..IFORNIAN secluded living, extra lae I m)ddle age lady. $10 wk. for home or units, Costa comm. Submit. 642-6487 Phone 546-2727 br, trplc, clo&e<I pr, adults. IU"-l'Wn Mesa or Tustin. Fortin, !I BR 2 BA, washer/dryer. Sl.35. 8177 Garfield Ave c·:~~=·=====o:=: Realtor 642-JOOO. Bkr. Yearly lease $325 per mo. HARBOR GRENr 962-7446 -1---''----''----3 Apls., Palm Springs and/ Or Summer $DI wk. UU Guest Homes 5991 7~' LIVE. aboard cruiser: or 160 acres N. Dakota FO 67a-2039 NE\V 2 BDR, crpt.s, d~. cruising range 1200 miles., or 160 acres N. Dallota BACHELOR untum Ir om R/O, bll-ins, garage, 3 blkll * PRIVATE room for elder-Will accept tn.1st deed or 1 . 0 ., .... JllO. Also avail l • 2 Ct 3 to beach. 405 8th SI. HB ly lady in Jic'd iuest ho~. clear Property. Owner:' o\' 1000me prop., • . .., .. 5000 ~EPTUNE Avail now 3 Br, 2 Ba , deJwi:e. Call 714 : 629-1492. 3 BbR. 2 ba, 2 blocks ocean, 1 block from bay. $235 642-8400 days. 54&--0797 eves. e WINTER RENTALS e WINIFRED L. FOSS, Agt. • l<2-3850 . Bdrm. Heatrd poo~. child $175. Mo. 962-4152 alt 10 ~ 64~3.'91 TI~729-l4o0 Co. care center, adj to shoppina'. Fortin, Realtor 642·5COO N .. _ .. ,. NE\V $150 up. 1-2-3 BR. Ml R I 5999 T y d al .. n l70l·A WestcliJJ Dr.. NB " .~.. Heated " sauna pool5, rec IC. ent1 I 20' C'EN Uft I e .,..y 2700 Peterson Way cruiser, bay iishing, boat 6 Apts. well maintained, en. Costa Mesa 54&-0370 nn, Hell &. Alionquin. Mrr· GAftAGES.10x30, S1D mo. hopping, etc, Re!in, in & closed garages. J635 mo. * TOWNHOUSE * 846-3!37 or 846-4144· .lnlt15, SlO mo. Near airport. out. Beaut. cond. Sl,000 for small home. 2 Bl', 11,'ii BA. crpts., drpg, 2 BDR apt, choice HB loc. 548...\044 val. Trade: tnJck, v.·s.gon. Fortin, ReaHor 1701-A patio. Married adults. No nr. San Diego frwy &; Beach STORAGE Garage available, reel est or ? 548·9661 Westclilf Dr., N.B. 642-500> pets. $160. Blvd. Pbc?oe 830-1548 ~ x 20. MHl del Mar, CM. 1-M~OTO-"'-~R---Still-.-Bo-,-t-, -,,-,.-,-,...,-2, ·57 BIARITZ Cad Conv. tops 642-6872 d.rpl!, avail Now! STORAGE Garages 8/1. Ful-r igng. Free & cir. T de paint For near new wash· *OWN YOUR OWN LAKE! "80 ACRES JUST SOLDI" NOW AVAILABLE : 93 acres, with well and pump, level land !or lalle, aUaUa gro\villl', apricot or nut or· chards, fish raising, ranch, horses! Over 100 man-made Jakes tn ""'· General Single Young .i; Adults Bachelor Apt, ocean view, adult only. n1s mo. incl gar .. uril\ties 548-Cl5&1 4000 I,-, ~.~. ~2•s~R0.-=,,~,~ •. •1,~rn°'&"u"~ !um. $165 to $200 yrly. Anita, Jonf's Riiy. 6i.'r6110 LOWER ocean front W. Newport 2 Br, 1~ Ba, Frplc & gar, avail Sept. ]. winter Jse. $210. 646-5832 13~ E. Melody Lant NEW hfodern l BR, cpl!,l ~"'"-...a>l"""""°'o::::-:-,,.,;;;-;;::;-I head le galley, new saii& mech., needs help top & 536-2579 ly encl'd, $21), per mo. 2135 Jo• •Ulo or house ly er &: dryrr value SJOO. or Or . 10 acre. 20 acre, 40 acre NE\V 2 Br, l Ba., 11ha.e crpts, ' ~ 646-8713 drps, dshwhr, patio Beam 2 & 3 BDR.11.1, 2 Ba, pvt patio, Elden, C.t.t. Apt 6 ~~ $3900. $44-'1015 · Pl'<'l' mower & · parcels available • Why no! ceiling, lrplc, gar. Adults, h eated p o o I, newly Stor•si• 91r ... $15. .. * * * * * call for in!nnnatlon? Owner no pels. ~55. 26;;,Q "'Elden. decoralcd. 982..m4 19th & Poinona, CM ~~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!~~!~~~!!!!!!!!~ 1 847-6640 evenings after 6 ....., •OGC ' p.m. or anytime weekends. Call 537..0002 alt 7 pm & 2 BR, 1 or2 children ok. PetHl-:;===~0°=·-""===': Sun. ok. Crpts. drps, range Id' REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE MAKE your home in scenic 763T I Pra-rty 6000 1'!!-neral Gen1r•I high desert See our lux· VERY sharp 3 BR, 2 baths, garage J135. 962-ncome ...-"" urious Gold t.ledallion Ha· w/w carpeting. drapes etc. INVESTOR \ ~ury single. I & 2 .,edroom apartments, turnished and unfur· ni!bed, with complete privacy and landscap- ed country club at- mosphere including $19(),000 wort.h .. or t~reational facil1t1e s ~igned and .operat- just for s1 ogle pie. ANAHEIM 1 -177 So. BrookhW'l!t • c4-l blk. So. of Lincoln) ~ 11-lT14J 772-4500 ,_ 'GARDEN GROVE 13100 Oiapman Avr. (I t' IV. San" A"• hy.J 1 ° lTI-I) 630-30.10 I . !"' PORT BEACH 1 [lrvint and 16th St. I (TI4 ~~ uth Bay Club \ Apartme nts Coron• del Mir 4250 LG. Single apt. $120 mo., yrly. Util pd. 673-tOa.'l CHEERFUL Mod. bach. all util incl. SlOO mo. 54(),.5266 Balboe 4300 PENINSUl.A POINT For immediate occupancy lo desirable lenanls. Delu.'Ce 2 BR 2 BA. carport, U67 .50 Yearly. Adu 11 s only 67:>-1358. L">« Miramar Dr. B1lboe lslend 4355 Pool & recreation hall avail. Tustin 5640 MR. . 6000 Industrial Prop. 6080 ciendas in Sky Harbor "OW 12001 •• , --------Income Property Ranchos $21,900. 2 BR. 2 ,, m 0 • .,. · T BA. panelled den. 1''or local 546-4!41 ' c~~!~~~~r.,;. 112 UNITS 20 UNITS INDUSTRIAL ;oJo call . Mn;. p,,,..,,rn 2 BACH. apt11. crptl. drps. & All. Prime Costa Mesa location. 67J..1328 refrlg. & stovt", $110 & $100, 11nce O ~,,.,., Sc~nl'"''· Inc. • 1 .. ~ WU!' Now being built in select s l"""e 4-plexes showi!Jg INC ME -·~ uh! pd. Mulls, No pets, Sl85 mo, >""1<I iams ~ • d eo·-cto,, Subdivider -• •-ndlllo · Anaheim atta. ck>se 10 $30,000 gross and price al 1 """ 646-5969 Ce nt.-.u a1e co nU'lg Ne\v 16.000 SQ' ft industria 56189 29 Palms Highway Upper 2 BDRM, 2 BATH hw'yA, 8hopplng, recreation $237,000 with $30,000 down. building with air condition-Valle SHARP Large 2 bdr apt Adult.I owr 11. Private & trans. Pro;iecte.:I ihoome Broker 642-0177 eel offices. Leased to strong ===;Y;u;";'==;'=== drps, crpll, blt·ins. Quiet deck, fireplaC1! l Poot 7X gross. You can rcceiveF =~ANT=~.sr=~1c"""~<-"P~io=x~.-;X;;.,:;-nt. tenants Priced at $140.000 bldg, t nfa.nt OK. $150/mo. Call Owner 646-5501 1he fit!'! buyer's tax advan-cond., like new carpeting & w\lh a ·151 IMJst deed which 5~7-26S2 aft 5:30 or wknds ="'========I taa:es plus depreciation. WIU drapes. close to occ & can be assumed at 7%'l-. $130. 2 JllDR. garden apL Co•stal 5700 accl'pt pre-paid interest w/ South Coast Plaza. $5851mo interest only, or 5 yrs. For patio-yard, immaculate. 2 IO\Y down pavment. income. further information please adults, (o~ infant OK.J no Be••" Apls. MAY TRADE Four Stru' Realty 83$-442'2 c11.ll WalJer Fi;ick. ,.,...., • .,.,.. CRJI e PleMe call: Tom DeMaio E kh If & A I pets. '"""""""' 12 M-1 Shorw on Placentia. c o ssoc., nc. e REALTOR 714: 6i~ ,.Q NEW-Large l BR apts. Cpts, New e Deluxe CM $150,000. Trade 113 for 1818 w. Chapman Ave, drps, bltlns, gar. Adult& on-Top Quality Duplex clelll' Calif. prop. Balance Orange, Oilif. R. E. Wanted 6240 $$ MORE CASH $$ For Your Home Equity Absolutely no cost ••• to )'OU the Seller! ly, oo pets. Manager at 2ll0 (714) SJ6...4616 New on market. 2 BRs, hdwd. cash & TD. Owner 548-1542 ~>41-26Zl. Eves-wknd' S.~·51'47 BEAUTin.JL upper duplex Elden, CM. 646-1762 (714) 536-1417 nrs, frplcs, FA heat, bit.in A t V.ry cl,.., .. 10 st B-'"' 4 l ,M=o=ocERN=""''""s-=·--~,-= 1ll Ocean Avenue kltchs, garages, bet\\·een Busin ... Rental 6060 lndustr"t•I Rental 12 years of paying more cash for Orangt County property\ Call the Rest . , . Br. 2 ba. $400 per mo .. yrly, GE kltch, encl. gar, nr buK. (3 blka W. of H, B. er p . u""' · · uv· r. cp.,., .... ., .. , Pi ) W>lt!, lg locd yd" quiet ;:;;;;;:;:;:;;:;;;:;:;:;;:;;:;::;; 67J...6900 street. $28,500. Thi! \~-on't ~~ Salisbury Rily. $138. Adults, Mar. 124 E. LIAUnl leech 5705 lallt! Call now! BACHELOR Apt, w/cpts & ~20\~h'-:-=-=~:-:::;:;=-~='-'-""-'-----I Choice E 'tide 4-Plex drps. Single adult only, yrly. $95. 1 BR, iitove & refr\g, BY OWNER • lower new Near ]7th St. 3 + 2 BR 1 ba $150. Utfl pd. 675-3nO. Util pd. adult no pets. Ava.ii duplex, 3 BR, 2 BA. dining & 1 • 3 BR 2 bath w/fJ1>lC. 811. 642·3375. room, patio, garage, all All units have bit.ins. cpts/ Huntington B11ch 4400 'u:::_.;&~F~.:.:~,~Bd;c;.,-,.1'~;-;&,;:--. ~,=r cptd & drpd, N. end. S250 df'PS, pvt patios, garaies. ho Bil. 1· '!""" mo. Daya 494-1949, Eve1 ~~"'.500. FREE Utilities, furn 1·2 BR s ps. ins, pa K>, ~ ""· 494-3458 _, "I TRADE'' ap111., nr beach $130 up 293-C Ogle SL 548-2798 ~ 536-Jm 536-7281 536-1366 LARGE 1 bdr, near South SPAC!OUS Clift Dr apt, Sob Olson Ritt-. 516· C l Pl el••t bit '•• acroSA Crom beache11 & Locetien I NE\V l>XI "P· 1-2-3 Br, htd oas •za.. ~.. -.... ' Computer Soft.W are Comp.any WANTED to occu. PY building. center or Ana· haim • Will sell or rt>nt for stock Send reply to Daily Pilot. 'Box M 901. S1 <t~ "'~9680 park. Lovely ocean view. 2 L-itionf ",. .. .., poo1,, tee rm. Heil ....,. JO 1 1 · -BEAR LAKE ., ... _ Br. 2 Ba. Al e ec kit. Loc1tionl BIG !· Algoquin. Mgr 846-3137 3 BR 2 BA Townhouse. nA I'd $275 ke -d \ Crp1s.' drps, bit-ins, pool_ clb D<&lcony, enc gar. · 2 Oupil''.'ll'l can be remodel· Lodge 40' from la . 1 ea 4600 hae. J21.5/mo, 545--5270 mo on yn lse. 837-4808 eel for real l'state. insuran~. for fnmily groups. From 4 0:..:.r•~n~g~•;....C_o_u_n_tv-.... __ :-1-~;0""====== 2 BR. ocean view, ocean aide architect, a t!omt'!y, medical 10 ZO. Reasonable rates. SINGLE ""Ung adults, lux· N B h 5200 of hwy. $185 mo. Wm. \Vin-or 1eneral ollices . or leave 519·231 2 or ITI4l 866-2576. Industrial Space For Lease Sn. r.fain SI, S.I\ Facing free\\'ay, 5 to 8000 sq. It, Air cond., heavy power, abun· dant offic<" space. 10 sq. It. prestige location. Then call the Best BEYERL Y JACKSON REALTY 841-6033 or 545-1245 Tt1(' Real Estate!"!! 646-7171 1 !!!"!!!!!!!!'"!''""'""'""'""'"!''""'II Ask for Van I: PARTY lntf'rested in land, t.'i·2 INDUSTRIAL space in 20 acres +. S.Ultable for L'Qncrete bldg. 3000 sq ft. 746 mobile home park. Southem W. lllh. CM (213) 434-5082 vie. of Ga.men GroVf.!, Hun- FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. ft. lington Bch Ot' City of industrial bldg. 9c fl _ 1639 \Vestminsler. Reply 2903A r.tonrovia. 0.1. 673-9017 Ne:wport Blvd., NB, Calif. ,. eweort eac '1 c •• I ~--1 ood •• ,, D ury garden apls. w/luU :.;:::::i~::.:.;....=..:.;:;;;c..___ ton Re ly. on ... c ... , .... e1 a8 i~ G tax Sot: er. BALBOA ISLAN Slp-1,.2 Br 4-Plex, \\·/v•. pool, recreation facilities & com· NEW p 0 RT Be a c h Hoyler 675-3331 XLN°f ~cundary location. Top location 300 + sq fl, avab 8/L Broker 534-69l!O pl<"te privaey, South Bay Waterfront 2 bdr. 2 ba. Nrw Rf AL ESl A'(I Zoned for profe11slonal use. 4 yn: remaining on lease. sJ;l5t1 Br 4-plex, R/O, rncl c I u b Apt :o;. 277 SO. luxury bldg. bu i l 1-l n s. Generit Plans for remodeling avail· Sl75. mo, \Vrile P.O. Box MAKE A ME.'10 to gather DAILY Pnm Dil\lE·A· up toys you no longer need, LINES. You can u.se them sell them for cash with for just pennies a day, DlaJ DAILY PIWf WANT ADS! 642-5678 ~r; w/w. Broker 534~ Brookhursl, Anaheim (714) subterranean parking, boat abk, 1531!; Las Vegas, Nev. l7 772-4500 slip:\ avail. Rtnt•ls Wanted 5990 Pete l•rrett R11lt y -~M~A°"R°'ll'IE=RS"'°~CEN'°""T"ER"'- Coste Mep 4 100 Caritle' Balboa 4 350 E. 17th St. Ct.t 642-4353 Ofllce & store bldg, rent or Ganlen Grove 4610 310 Fernando St. WANTED to rent, ltuntinaton 7 TIMES GROSS lease. $75 to $120 per mo. $30.00 wk. vp _,=-,..-;:6'='1-';>-i:3003:::.:w;-:= Beach proper, 2 or 3 bedrm. 6 Units with a 1Jood rent.nl 149 Riverside Ave. 64&-2414 TO REMODEL! ' , "-;'' -8,,j Reed Cl1ssification1 6500-6900 in the DAILY PILOT For Expert Assistance • Da,y, V.'ffk, month. SINGLE Young Adults Lux· j BR 3 ba Eastbluff area. house furn. or unfurn. und.er record Ocean side of Balboa e !:Jtudio & Bach. Apt.I. Uf1' garden ap!s with coun-(745 Domi"""' Drive) BTand ·S200. excel. tam. 01 3· Write Bl d N churches ocean &: lalboa Island lry club almosphcre and .... y tag •-8" Hunt Bch or v · r, • • lbc1 Utib A: Phone i;en. ....w balcony view from °""' "" · bay beaches. Good Invest· completr privacy. sOtrrH '"' • II S29 llJ3 • 1'&kt Serva, TV avail. BAY CLUB APTS l3l00 both muter BR Ii liv rm ca · ment. Asking $120,000. • 'ew Cate&. Bar CHAPi'olAN Avr .. 'Garden area l.ll>lc. dshWllhf', $310 URGENTLY NEED unfur. IURR WHITE 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-91":.15 mo. Call Turner 64~1260 or house. small or larg~. Grove 1714) £.%\'lD30. a.t3-MS2 Responsible em p 1 o ye d ; VIL LA POMONA couple, 00 children. S2lll 2901 Newport Blvd .. N .B. REALTOR Store or ofJicr, ,.,/w carpets. $150. Bkr. 642-9555 e PRIME Retail Location e 17X40, Xlnt toot &: auto frnf. fie. 1871 Harbor, C.t..t. Furi'I Rach J, I RR apt. L•gUnl· 8.e•ch 4705 OCEAN Vi<"w -2 Br. 2 blil. mo. Ll\guna. 'Dana Pt. Cap 675--4~ 613-0859 Eves. Ad••.til]!·,·.no iwts. 1i60 Porno-den, range, re.frig., pro-Bcb.. 213: S!l3-2969 coll . 1l UNITS * BEAtrrfFUL crpt'd office ....,. 100 CLIFF DRIVE 1ec1ed patio, yrly li1e S340 sui1e, Ail"-COnd. Best deal in Gl&-6654 START MAKING MONEY NOW! Two bedroom furnished nio. incl. gardener. Vacant. DOCTOR And family nerd 64, -QLf . l B<lt., b I ! -i 11 i, ... th t town. .i--~ All Deluxe Featul"!ll t.lr. Robinson, Davi1 n..ity turn. 3 bdr. mon o Aug. Older brelld & butter mon.:y I========== di • shr. gar. cent. ht-t1I. \" lkl -·t " l n.... -l•r pool 1oc r e fs ..,,,. Ad"' l lti ,~a ng u Q a ce o ..,......., &12-7000 Pu• • mWr1 on C·2 lot J1 .... ., Olflca Rtnt1I 6070 ~ crpts, ts. SlZ -Y@arly lease BALBOA BA y CLUB ex· 673--5.123. 644-4410 montli income. Cail for de. I •...;."-------- ---4N-1449 quisile 1 Br apt Furn or RELIABLE Couple n e r. d tails. NE\V Deluxe oUlce spaces ALU.Util pd, 1 BR. tum. in-SINGLE. Clean, mod. In unf. Lie. $400. 6U.i6;33 furnished 1 Br apt or h8f" ff'-Per ron lltlty 320 to 1200 sq tt at Santa Iv. unila. 1 mature adult town, !or a resp. ~nlor clti· 3 mos. Start Aua 1.5. \'. 6·1.2-lm Ana Fwy Ii Crown Valley CALL ......., Elden CM LUX 2 Br. 2 Ba. trplc, vie\V, tu-II. 831-1400. ·~ '190 · -· ''"· Pc~. A94~775 1990 give i....: .... Cll'f' to 1ardP1o, TS ··-'~ .... , yrty, $265. mo. 67~ or ......... 15 UNI PARTLY Furn 2 Br, Adults: Kc N'rALi 32t: m...f220 etc. Please phOne 525-4444 LARGE Executive <>Hice Jlit 1613 Santa Arm Ave. .;:;:.;;;=";;.====:::=; ~'-=~-:.....__,,,...,,...__,. All l slory bldg. No vacan-N.8. Also 11mell otricr from KJ 2--77l9, eve5 543-..~72 Apt1. Unfurnl1hecl -. 5242 2·3 BOR hie. yard for mid-r.les iood return "7 n1inu1cs Ow 67• 464~ --l !&:•!•t:.;B~lu~f~f~---'--~ cp\e, m pets or rhll· to oCean $-lS mo, ner, a-ft BR FURNlSJ{ED Gener1I 5000 dren. dblt> 1ar. Prefer C.Af. Otll u $l20 OOO Of'f'"ICE Or slore, 700 sq fl. !'fear Civic Center. lnlant or I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;~;;. Prestige Location' To Jl60. MS-4217 aft 6. FIR* PIONEER 2~7 Del Drado,, Dana 642-5678 ,cal OK~ VE DOME LOW RENT 842-4421 E\'e11. 817·71'16 Point. 496.l?i\3 £&e 1 Br. w/w rrpti. N For lf'asr., delwi:l' 1888 sq. ft. 1 or ~ Bt untt, Vic ml,JOt' 7 · e TRIPLEX e -600 tOfiOo·~s-q-, F"t'".-~ panrl, 1 adult. no ptU. IMMACULATE APTSt 4 BR .. 21.;, ba. Apt, Frplc., slW>pp1ng center .. 64(H~ PLUS vacant R.J lot! Ofl'ICE. C.M. &'6-21.ll lf1J5: lM rB-1629 ADULT It FAMD...'( drtpt1. ct,l'p('ts. wet bat, COOL Room m private Ownf!'t' will calT)' lst TD al NOW'~ THE AVAIL AU&. lat. L Br Apia, prlv. bakoniH; dbl. tat'81~ homt', KJlcbf:.n prlva, phone 3"~ Int. 15'1-Down b""•· TIME FOR ••. ,lo SUO 21l5 SECTIONS AVAILABLE off kitch. Dl11hwaaher, dbl. """' •~n~ 111.,., ~~ 'V ' • .,.,~ II ' Clo .. to •hoppl-, Pa•k in l'OOrll· .~l<><W ' $55,000 Full Prier A t 6 Cotta M<'M • ._ own, p00J, Omvenient to -. ' UPS ;., 1 , 2 Br *Spacious 3 Br'•, 2 Ba shop'&·. schools ' rccret· I FiiRN br, quiet, xlnt Ewine lnve1t. R••lty QUICK CASH .,ew ., ' • 2 Bedrooms lion. referenct• at t er s:30. 6'14-4323 OR 644-llfll THwou~H A l;y rm, pool. liLUna. • Swim Pool PuVsrttn ONL y sns MONTH SU-6428 • C.t. ] BR hornt I COfn· "' """""'· c.M. G<U610 1 •'Frt>t. rn<11vn,...,. r .. ·w 815 AMI Gos WA v -.~t~A~N~D~LO~R~D~5~.-t mtrclat .,,.,. s a .s •• DAILY PILOT fa> 1111&0 bach. for quit-ti 114$ Anaheim Aw. Newport Beach· rREE RENTAL SERVICE SS.COO dn. Bal 71i "it J% • WAtJT AD prrm. matt. Yard, lft'~ cosrA MESA fC2·2824 M A I ' Broker S.'.4-6932 dL~/cash 646-1492 ('Vt'S. hltt .,._ !WJ-0(169 ..1._... gr. P • \ -' . ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT AD-VISOR AND YOU MAY CHARGE JT! .~ ... --... ·------------... ~-~----------·.;.·.;·~-.;•;,...;-... ---... -.... -;;;-,;;-;.;;--;;·-;;~;:;:,;,;·-;;, • .;:;:..;;,~-;;·:-.,;-:.:~_,....:..=:.:...-... ,"_-'\oo-~ o __, .... ,,... .. ;:_;;::,;;,-:_;::_;;::4"::::M::;:4:::::;:;;;;::~;:::;;::;;:~;::;:;;:;:;;:::;:;:;::.:;;.~.:.:;.::;;:;::::::;;~ ,,_ S.tunfq; Jul126,1969 DAILV PILOT JOll a IMPLOYMI NT. JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a I MPLOYMINf JOii I IMPLOVMlt'1 J61S a iMPLO BUSINESS 1no l'INANCIA;.;;L __ _ --' !•L OpptrlunllJu ~300 S!llJIP Sn!oll , beauty ""'°' In beach att11. 4 1taUorui I could be 8) bQudlul mod motif with, ~ room. Priced to te.U ~ ltrma. The REAL ESTATJl:RS uk for Van Wh•I! You Wont it done right ••• Htlp W1oltd, ~2!!' !!!!e W1nltd, Mtn 7200H•le ,W•ntld, Mon 7200 Htlp W•ntld, Mon 1200 Hilp W••ted Moo • lnn•tmant OP!'!'· U IO PAAnq:a WANTt:D For So. Callf. rt&l ttatate projoct, Profit return, $1\l,JJOil,JJOII, IO.JJOil,JJOII, cuh required. Prlnclplea only. \Vrlte: Box. p 638, D&lly Pilot Money to Loin 6320 t & 2nd loans· for qufek cub. Bomr.v on )'Out pro. petty eQ wltl}()Ul dllturbtna Yout low lntereat lit TO.s. Afsl) buyers for 2nd TO.. $(!.Iller Mcrlgqe O>. Inc. Serving Harbor Area 20 ·¥fl· 336 E. l'IU. St. 612-2171 50-0611 ,WILL loan U'\i,IXlO on good ht 'lhl8t Deed. Dtlall1 to 3o)[ No. !11-868, Dally Pilot Mo rtgages, T.O.'s 6345 15% NET Rl:TUKNI Emergency-Sacrifice GltQµNDIMAN , --O~DINllt- $511 t. !al Jltl' month C:::ofl one of the experts listed be/owl/ • t;IT'( QI' , NI Wl'OltT 116CH Rtq!lirt• 1k ruonths ex· petitnot in nW'l~ey. ao.r- SERVICE DIRECTORY SI RVICI DIR ECTORY Drycleanlng Wo ufJ IJ OU teAeve??? Absolutely In By 9 Out By 4 Monday thru Friday Shirts boxed or on hanear1, and finished laundry: Next day service. Trying is believ\ng, so bring us your soiled clothing. We've switched rather than fight unhappy customers. \Ve now are proud' to announce our new services, so give us a try! You'll be happy with the service, and we'll be happy to serve you! Gol_denwest Laundry & 129 Agato, Balboa Island Cleaners 673-9710 dtnlna: or rrounds main. SERVIC& DlltlCTOltY tentnce \\'Ork. Applicants acetpted until Thursday, Auguat 'f, 1968. Apply ID H1ulh!9 0730 ~ Ptraonnel Ott!ce,'Oty , Hall, 3300 Ntwport BJvd .. YARD/au cleanup. }\emow Newport Btach, Calli. tref!a, tvy, dirt, tractor 92660 (U4) f73.t£S3 backhoe, a:rade 963-3745 1--'-.;..;;====--- JANITOR HAULING, Cleanup, lots ttt. H&l'ldyman anytiJne yo u call. 64).3:3g8 ..,,.========!Must be a bit to work third HouMcl11n1n9 6735 shltt, 10:30 PM tO 1 AM . "'-===""''--..::..::1 ?i.iust be able to do ceneral MAINT.,.1/comc'I, \vtndowt plant and otrloe cleinltJi. our 1pecl&lty, Xlnt WOric, rea11 RefJ. 642-9446 CARPETS, \Vlndows, fln, ttc. Res or Comc'l, Xlnt v.·ork Reas ! Refs. 548-4W \VlNOOWS DIRTY? Johnny Dunn your local service. J'tte Ht. ~ J1nltorl1I 6790 Cedlllac Controls Oiv'l!lon of Ex~Uo Corp. 1166 Whl!tlar Avt. Cotta Mas• 6*-2491 An tqua.I opportunity emplo)'er e REUBEN'S e choice ht T.0.'1, 10% Int, WALLS, Wlndows, floors, quarterly, 3 yr due date. 81by1lttln9 6550 ll•ctrlc1I 6640 co.rpeta. Commuclal ' Costa Mtsa Buyers pay 30~& down, --'----'_..____ rtsldtntla.I. Dally, Wflt!llcy $25,000 cash requ.lred. Prln-COLLEGE Student: Babysit-EL E CTR.lCIAN Licensed, and/or r.to. 897-7350 NEEDS \ J, C. PENNEY COMPANY F'ashton· hland -NtWport Bach HAS OPENINGS l'Olt COOK • IUSIO YS With som• exparlence and wllllnf to lHm. Top worklng conditions & environ· men~ Competitive w1g11 p!UJ mel!le & tips, and out.tandlng benefits lncludllif hospitalization and prom s~arlng. Apply in g:rson 10 AM to 8 PM, " Mon ay lhru Saturday PINN EY'S l'ASHION I-LAND Equll OpporttUllt,y Employtr All 11tudent l>Oltiona are tilled. I ____ !lZ!£ __ -·------ Htlp Wtn,.,,, Man 7100 Help Wontld, Man 7 20C .MANAGERS: CAN YOU QUAL IFY TO EARN $11,500 per )IHr A1 M1n1tors With McDonald's The Nation'• L•rt••t C1rry.out Rt1teurant Chain LOOK AT 'l'WE FACTS: STOCK CLERK \\le have an immediate nffd for a brliht ambitious atock clerk: with • minimum ol 1 year re1pon1lble stockroom experience. Kn\Vledat of electrolllc component part• 11 eSHntial and a H I g h School dea:ree Is prefen'l':d. M\alt have the abilil)' to pt alq with people, MACHINISTS Hone Grinder Operator Operators Drlll Operator Lathe Operators CADILLAC CONTROLS Press Division of Ex·Ctllo Corp. 1866 Whltller Ave., Cosla Mesa 646-2491 An equal opportunity employer --" '"' ~:• . -ti ,. "' ' 11:J • ' ""'· ! "' ~.,) - • •O I -.:~ 1· .... ' [/'I,' I ~ ·: "' -------------·-· -··- Help W1nted, M•n 7200 H•lp W1ntH, Men 7. EOUCATIONAL SALESMEN "'' ~' . . ' 11' : MAINTENANCE 8.fCTRICIAN "A" Unusu1I 1" , 1 Opportunity , -.·~' ! ' \\1 1111 leading nationally '«; f f•t'etllted hon1e sludy schQcl. •; EJ!perle:ftef In 1elllng hontt Hl9h School educitlon study coums lo industft',. 1 plus thr .. yeera I X• \Ve have hlgh·l<'Vel ed~· 1 pt'rlence In lndustrl•I tional couf'8Cs for ln-p~' 1 ' 1 tfalning, l\futl haVf! ' I -l clplcs only. Box P 638 Dally ting $1.00 hr. Near Wilson & bonded. Small jobs Malnt. &. &y & Biach Cleaning Serv Pilot. llo.rbor In c.r.f. Week repair. 548-5203 Carpets, windows, floors, etc DISHWASHER $1,950 2nd TD at S20 !lfonlh nlghla, or entire weekends. I-=='======== Res A Come'!. 646--1401 • 5. Incl. 10% Int.. all due 3 yrs., Ask for Btcky 5'8-18tt Floon 6665 =========I A"'"'' .... ..r..,, .. $9000 AWrqe bonua ...... S2.500 Ave~e total •••••••• S11,SOQ Some lfl&ll&&!l'S fftrn u inuch u $15,000 l\(CDONALD'S OFFEP.S: The main re1pon1ibUity will be to stort, malnta.ln and is.1ue our electronic stock room &uppllct. 1lectrlc1I. construct· years experi•noe 1¥Jth ab!fk l Jon and/or m1lnten-ty to setup sales p~, I I 1 •nee work. Must b• devl!lop leads and f ' on ocean view Jot. Laguna BABYSITTING My bonie, P1perh1n9in1 Apply Personnel Dept. Beach. 20% discount 5-<fay "-'eek. Fenced back Carpet Vinyl Tile Painting 6850 1535 \Vest Adams, C.A1, TI4: 4!:14-1137 ya1'd. Hot I u n ch es. All styles ~"<! colors PAINTING? Senior Malntenanc• P t 548-"~"" Free est. Lie, contr. '-"-ch $6,000 tST TD on ocean vie.w ermanen · *.lUO S<lG.'7262 S46-447B • · ,... anlc I t 8~ d 3 !Dff I 's"u"'IL~o=-""°"R-od~~.-o~~ EX-PAINTER now h!acher. P•Jonn all ~ of I ' o , ·10, ut years. ,,, , em e., Repair 1. . . ••' .,,.,.., ntenor d. 497 ·~o B t ••. 1 k qua ity painting wkends, va-a•• tx'•rio lnU ~unt. -uJ rt' ... ; b oc . concr ete. Gerde nlnn 6610 Uo F t" "" "' r Pl. nc ca.ro-(497-tOZl evenings) crpntry, no 'job too small • ca n, tee ea unate. pentry, cabinet buildin;, i '•7"N=N~o"u""N=c-=&~M~!"N"T"s;--Ltc, Contr. ., ~945 5fO..OOS2 electrical ITf>IJ.r, and other • GARDENER • SUBURBAN Painting/Dec related dutlea. Excellent 1nd NOTICES \VIJ.J... Babysit weekdays Sl. EXPERT JAPANESE Expe11 Gun.ranteed work frln,e-bendl.ll. s.Jary S633- per hr. Vic Cameo Shore• or Cominercfal Landscapl11g Free est. No job to0 la.rte S783 monthly. Apply immed\.. Found (Free Ads) 6400 Cd~t. Loe refs. 492...Q490 call M 1 d 0 or too small, 494-3190 ately: Jlunti........... 8,.,h collect. a ntenanCf" an eanup U -~-· LIGHT brown puppy, may be par! collie mlxlure, vie. Brookhursl & A d a m s . Ov.•ner pis claim at 9602 MIKE INC . PAINTING Int&: Ext LoW'Cst nion High School District. EXP. Child care in my CALL 642·5lt6 contracted prices. Fully Ina. Telephone: 5.36-9331. home, Vic Beach Blvd & Sa.tistaction iuai. Free eat E.'Cperienctd liiain, HB 536--3190 CLEAN-UP Speclallst! Afo....,.. Jim Wtekl 673-ll66 ing, edllng, odd j o b s • -Starting aa1ary as Man. aaer-TnUoee: $6500 to $™<! -Prolit shart~. paid vaca- tion, Ille in1urance. and hill medical plart. -Tnt.lnlna tlrnt to manai:er 1 tQ. l \i yel.t'll. ln .. rvl1w1 Mondey July 21th From t a.m. to 7:30 p,m, At HOWARD JOHNSON$ 14624 E. Oalewood Ave. Bakhvtn Park, Calll. (San Bernardino f'rwy. Puente exit) ~C='=""'='"-'=· ~"-.8_968-_565117-.....,.,,,.-IWlLL watch 3 or 4 yr boy. LIITLE Black male kitten Yard. play equip" lunch. w/blue eyes. vie. So. \I/. h1ra. Johnson 548-5723 CM. Santa Ana. Ur&f!ntly needs BABYSI1TING, J\.iy home, owner or new home 546--3566 by day or Wttk; ~f's. Reasonable. 548-«155 INTER. & Ext. Painting, BROILER MAN 6-12-4756 Lie. & Insur. 30 yn. Exper. Six night& a wk. Startina: rate HOLIDAY INN •·tlablo La··-'!•'•to"•,._ FTH Estimatt. Call Chuck S26.00 a day. C.ontact tht """ "" "...,, ·-'"'"' 645-0809 chet. lnlervil':ws bet. 12...f 2640 IAkewood Blvd. Gardenlna: and Oearrup =='7""_,-,.---=I p.m.. Mon.-FrL Apply 1n Lone Beach. CalU. Cut & Edie Lawn EXT/Int. pnt&. Aver rm. SXI pets~ only. {San Otego Frwy, Lakewood able to obt1ln a Ii· tbroua:h. 1 ctn•• from the City CAil ht'.nr. Hood ~16-""1 of Coate Mtsa. NORTH AMERtCAL >f , 1 Good 1tarUng ta!< plUI ""· CORRESPONDENCE .~ ' -SCllOOL.-Y· I celltnt company benefits in· C.111 for 1ppalntm1nt to I-,,=.,-,===~---+ eluding 12 days vacation l'et• Helfrlch AUTO f.1£CHANfC -'G j durlng first ye:al· oJ employ-S4640JO, E llt. 154 IMPORt mont. 3331 Harbor Blvd. EXP!RllNCE? ,,. P varian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIOtARY 2722 Mlaholson Drive lrvlnt, Cal~. 92664 <San Dle:ao Fl'wy, to Jambol"te' on ramp 1 block s. ol Michelson Drive). An Equal Opportunity Employer M Ii F Coita Me11 To the right man v.'e of!•i • Paid Vacauons ' l\liasill'.' Sy1tcn1a Division ARANTIC RfSEAR{H CORPORATION A Div. ol Susquehanna Corp. Equal opportUnlty employer • Pald Holldl)'s ~- • Paid Health Jflll. "" :t • Paid LUe Ins. • Paid Training •s Dl)' Week ·~: If you Uke the l!nest Jn wori.• ! ini;:: COlld!Uons, ntwtat equip! ' ment, a busy shop, a moati: ly tnln.. auan.ntee and w • : • ing' at the beach call f at 841-8555. 3 MONTH old. mix. ?.tay be Corona de! Mar. 675-7993 ·Ge:nnan shorthalr pointtr. ~ Vic. of Peninsula Point. Bu1lnt11 Service 6562 6iJ-4827 Maintenance, Lioeflltd + rood paint Mat work. Blvd. ex!t) 5\8-l80Jli61>-2310 alt 4 Joe"''· Roy, 847-"'8. FIVE CROWNS MOTOR HOME Japanese 01rdenar PAINTING . InUtxt. 2 Univ RESTAURANTS SECRETARY BILL MAXEY TOYOTA HUNTINGTON BEA ----'--'==;,;..1, Exiitt}cnct!d 1.6 Ex 1 1 seniors. 3 yrs exp. Re1p. 3801 E. Pacific Cout Hwy. ,.,,. Hcllvy slaUstlcal typlna, ad. PUPP'i 6 month old, vecy C1rp1nttrlng 6590 r:r~s~~~~ ~~! 833-2232, 492--4432 e:ve•. Corona dtl Mar ~ • BUILDERS dltlon on calculatina ma· 11ooly, dark. Vic. lt-fn!n CARPENTRY VETS Bonded Painting. JO * DRIVERS chine, gentral oUlee dutle,, e Strttl, Balboa J s Jan d. JAPANESE Ga r den t n a: yrs in area. llc'd l insured. * • ASSEMBLERS Mature person wtQe altenct-61"' ""'~" lt-IINOR REPAffiS. No Job service and ma1ntenance. N Expe •-d • BUSBOYS ;;, ;;i DISHWASHl!R .,..,, ..... ~ 642--0427 0 rlenpe anCC! can ...... counte on. TO!' Sma.ll. Cablntt ln pr-Alto clean up. ... _.__ID Start.int Bl""' S400.S450. FOUND Siamese kit t e n, qts & 0 th er cablnl!L"l. • 54~2512 • NEAT, Exp. Painter, no Nec:es••ry! -1 ·"\ Call S<" "4l -,, 10 ftmale. Vic Wilson & Na· drinlrlna:. Colleae student. -mm~ ate ope.nlna1 for men ~ ivm am lO uonal, I-fas collar. 642.Sl93 545-8l'15, U no answer leave ALLEN BROS. Low prices! Steve 548-4M9 riiust have clean Oalllornia 1vlth e:xperle:nce ln plumb-2 pm. · /\pply in J)('rson REUBEN t LEE msg at &a&.2312• H. O. GARDENERS STUDENTS dr:lvlnr record., Apply MACHINIST ''I'' inl, electrical, wallt, cabin· BOAT ASS t !11 B L ER s YOUNC Blue-gray male cat. Anderson ""vrklna: way thru collea:e. PAINTING ,Paperilla: 16 yn YELLOW CAB CO. els and finl&h • or we wW Interior flniah woodworklng: 151 E. Pacific Cst Hwy Very friendly. Vic Harbor & CARPENTRY, Cabinet and Exp, Lie. Reas. 646-4203 Ir Harbor area. Uo. &. 186 E. l&tb St. train you. MWlt have some Ml.lit bl! exp'd in either Newport fhach Ad anus. 54&-8734 Furniture ~'Ork. '40 years 8USINE$ & RESIDEN· bonded. Refs turn. 642-2356 Cotta . Mesa Re:ci:Wres two years ol me-hand tools •. See: Rick, 2135 Co\btnet making or related ALL Grey male k!Hen vlc. I ;;;'.c'•,,·,,-=..,,.",,,..Ev,.•_•_· -,,.,..--TlA7' Gardenln&" O!anup. Plastering, R1p1ir 6880 MAINTENANCE ?tftn for chanical machine shop txPC-Canyon Drtve, Colta Me1.1 fields in wood. Good pe.y., :.;::f~1 "-P.C. f(wy, Cd.M. QUAUTY Repalt"I -Altera-Exp d 646-'222 work around ap art m e n c rience, read and interpret "2-9'i:>8 plenty of overtlmt, ste:ady tions -New const. by hour AL'S Oarde:nina & Lawn 8 PATCH PLASTERING. b u Udlnrs. condomlnlumJ, parts and drawtna:s. r v work. MERIDIAN LTD. Inspection MACHINE l'ARTS -INSl'l!CTION MAN 'S \\'rist watch found ,'~'~c.="""='~"~646-34~~"~-~, Aiaintenance. Commtrclal, A11 types. Free eltlmate. etc. FWI time for property uperilRCed 10920 Hawthorne B 1 v d, Must be experienced in near Ne iv P ort pier, PARTITIONS, Small Remod. industrial A re1ldenlltl. Call 540-6825 management c 0 mp any, Call Par1onnel Dtpt. lngltWOod, Calif. 90304 (2131 phiues, Including Jay-aull Thw-sda.y, July 24. 545--6797 Move \valks, etc. Nlte/011.)' * 646--3629 * Needs carpentry, electriCAJ, (714) 4ff.MOI MECHANIC 1 _•_1_<-0200--;;;,..====~-surface pla,te and tst. SICK male orange cat Y..-ear· ~"'='=''=C=a_ll_K_•_n_54(>.46'19_~~-tGENERAL Yard service, Plumbln1 6190 painting and. p l umbina: JOLLY ltOGER Ucle work · ing red collar. Redlands al MASTER carpenter .$4 per be:at at lowest rates. Fre:e skills. Salary open. Submit TELONIC T W Cook, experienced, &ood pay, NEWPORT PRECISION1~ 23rd Urgent 642-4424 hour. Remodellng·Repalrs. eltlmatea. (213) 438--1027 PLUJi,IBING REPAIR reaume to P. 0. Box 1810, O ork a1 Englneir good benl!Uta, ptrrnanent. 90'J W. 16th St., N.8. BEIGE/Blonde curly do"', 6'12-6409 or 536-3000 I ~=~~-,----=-= No•~~ .. ~-'mall• NeWpOrt Beach, C.. 92863 on Y •cht lull tlrne. Apply Jn person to , ;;;w;m;v"'o.·OOJ,.o<;:;::-::l,o!?.-I b LAWN, Garden care. By ab!e ..._"""' Cell 673-7177 1 Sunset beach artn on Coast Yi· Gardeners assist. $1 hr. l;xp'd Shoe Saltsman , · manqer 400 S Coaat High-JEWELRY SALES. No Hilvay; injured. 847-8870 Cemtnt, Concr•t•· 6600 In CdM area. Jett 67S..2359 Remodel Repelr '"° tor ladlta fine footwear. Sat fflGIEfRNIG (0, -Mt N WANTED t or way, Laiuna &ach. nee. Fringe benefits, ra LADY \Vho Jost t.fom's • CONCRETE work all JIM'S Gardening Is lawn · · ' ' year round. Guarantee $2.50 P~time delivery work. PLATERS, 3 exp. Hard chance for adva.nce · \Vatch on volleyball courts types. pooJ dedai ilr cuatom: nWntenance. Rea. &: Com· * lF you ne.ed remode:llng, per hour + eommiuion I dayi and ni&hll. MuJt hav1 chrome, hard ano. cad, Over 25. Apply; 7122 plcai;e call 536-6386 Call 54S..1324 rnerclal. * MS-8411 p&intln&' or repairs. Clll P.M. Lagun• leach dependable tnnaportation. platers, a1vlfli' !!hilt. Apply J E \V ELERS, Hunu,;aciifi! I 1 Dick 642-1797 FIESTA FOOTWEAR Excellent hourly rate: plWI In pcraon n44 S. Hathaway, Center. Ask tor t.I r . ~ KITI'ENS. 1 S amesv"i * CONCRETE Work, bond· EXPERIENCED Japanese ' 31 Faahlon Island Equal opportunity employer bonus. Call 642-8396 between SA Lambert. 892-SSOl Tabby. Vic. Hitrbor cw ed & lie. Patlos/drvwys gardener. Reliable. 540-7373 R ~ 6950 Newport Beach 9 am and 12 noon Sat orl;-;;;::::-:.c==o-:"'"--c-----;;=====~-u"'•, C"M . "t4-1317 OOring S"""••. ' Whitt d e""·-ta! Otme-a-line SOCK IT TO n.·•11 , ...... " .,. etc. Phillips C e m e n t . for fi'tt estimate ..-.. -. ------I '!'--------:~ I ·~.,~-·~t-r..-....-==.--~~· ~· BLACK ScoHle. Dalllt.!I, Tex. 548--0380 Johnson's Gardening ~t i::ttl~&s.,Re:;rty liti1tikilS * * HELP WANTED Help Wenttd, Men 7200 Help W•nttd, Man 7200 rabie tag. C.Ontact NB pol.ice •CUSI'OM PAT IOS• Finest eqWp., upert care. Free estimates SU-4.779 J. C. Penney Co. •Boat Carpenttn 1:~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;=~~1 dept. concrete sawin( &: removal Planting, clean--ups. 962--2035 =========If 0 C'ONTOUFtS. estab. l95..1 Fuhion laland •Boat Mecha.nlcs VBRY tame parak!et found State Lie. * 842-lOlD S • 6'60 Now in Oranae county Newport Beach • C&blnet Maken vie of Darrell & Meyer. * CONCRETE flt'll, patios General ServlCfl 6612 . •w•!'f Top Men Required 546-3()30 Hu ~o~nlng • Jourtieym•n 646-422j et-:. Concrete&: blk top aaw. We Sit Better Jnc: Prof. e Dresamakini: • AlteratlOJUi ~~ •Boat Ftnithera LONG-Haired grey kitten lni. Rtas. Don, 642-8514 care for children, elderly, Custom DftllM MECHANICS And atte:ndanta P•rt or Full Time Sev1nneh Entarprl1e1 vie. Lindbergh Schoo I. convalescent. In borne-hos-'* 646-6446 * wanted: Apply in Pers 0 n _ SALESMIN _ 778 W. l:th St., C.M. ~ '"8--2700 C1rp1t Cle_a_n_l_.n,..__66_2_5 pitar, 24 hr .erv. Hr-<f11v.wk· 2· YRS ~ •··-1-,. only. ASSEhffiLY MECHANIC .,.. ---...,, J · --.. -· -..... u..-' TRIANGLE SERVICE in our Garden Sbop ~---'-FOUND Miniature Poodle, CARPET &: Furn. cleanln1: vac, AWARDED PARENTS alterations &: repair. men1 CPhilll 661 ...,...,..,'""need ln rt ad In l silver-brown me.It. 962--6516 for 1 day service & quality ¥rb~A~~. C'OMMENDA· clothing •peclalty. IM5-0731 4625 Pacific c~t Hwy, NB Recent, 1ucceutul tX• ::~'!. !::u .i;::i;:; LARGE orange-cat. very work, ca.II Sterlin& for Sitt Int Pretty Agency Alter1tlont • 642-5145 IOYS"lO •· 14 ~~~~~l'::::r::· ~: lhreadtrw. Salary 0 Pen . frlei:idly. Vic. cdr..l. 673--9098 brlghfrn!'~.t! 64~~ Suhlidlary of Gerber Neat. accurate, 20 yean exp. camer R.outq Open lent benefit proaram. Haywltd Fllttr Co., 1673 \\'HITE kitten on Ora.nae Cir-t Laying l Prod. Co, 642-3274 TILE, Ctramle 697_. for Plaoentla, C.M. five. CM 64&-5244 ... -~~=--~--·.:.;=_;;.;;;..;=;.........;;.;.;.." 1..aguM. Beaeh, So. Laruna APPLY IN PERSON SALESMAN •-;;.======== Repiir.6626 HAUIJNG. General , trffa, -AILY pn~ I' ------'"------hedie:s. topp@d, trimmed, • Verne, The Ttle Man* D a..vJ 10 AM to 9 PM Sue1, Young A Brown Inc, CARPET LAY ING removed. Bia: John. 642-4030 Cu1t. work. Install l repairs. 642-4321 1'fonday lhl'U S.turday whole•alt dllfl'ibutor 1Anlth Lost 6401 BICYCLE: \I/ 0 r.t AN , s, C.A. Page 642-2070 GARG. clt1.nout, aometlmei No job loo small. Pluter e SALESMEN e TV. etc. Rtqu\rn 11.leaman SEARS. W/BllSKET. VIC. fer contents. Truh haulirle. petch. Leakini 1 how e t EJtabllshed territory to be J C PENNEY CO with whole:aale exp, retail JETTY. BALBOA PENN. !lectt'lc1I 6640 ~743 or 5464912 repair. 841-1957/84&-0Ui eXP&ndt'd. SaJ.uy pllll corn-• • • mtrchandJaina exp or N Qu I A k_, I mlulon plua car allowance. formal on job sale1 tn.lning. o est on1 • -ELECTRICIAN, no job too 0.EAN UP & Ute movln& Tr•• Service 6980 Afr. &aler 642-'1352 24 f•1hhtn l•l•nd Send complete nsumt to 673-2706 smllll. For prompt service Tree &. shnlb removal. ESTATE M·'-t . -• ,.._, COLLEGE tire m•• • ,1..-An equal ~~rtunl~ Sut ... l)'ounc .l Brown, P. o. $10. Reward for information call 545-4614 Reasonablt. 549-1359 ..,, •• ., .,,.,.... -· ,,..., tmp ... ,,sr -. Box.!Ol543 Ttrmlnal Anrfex, rega.rdln2" a:oldfi~ taken ~;iii;;;;;;;;~;;;;:s;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j Removal i: trtrnmil)i• rrte -clea.ncut ... to work lull or tr * L.A. 900S4. N W t T ct 1y Ad h Id estimate Call Stl-o688' P!U't time with adult youth t ••!l!!!!'l!f!!'!!!'!'!'!"•-:::J,.o':/:' 5. .. ... · our S ou le Here, · · '"d"' ,, YMCA. "'" •' -o1v11JON--YOUNG M&N h f kl I Upholttary 6990 have car -work 110mll CONTROLLlft for 000 dtUveey, lite ca.t UlST Mal• Da ... hund, ... , T ey ,. Leo ng •or It -'----------oi;ht.. Call 494-9431 ""'· Mak, IY.>$35 day. AP-·.~: Mesa Del 54~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ClYKOSKI'S C\at. Upbol. * CLERK _ Nee:dl ex. ltapldly expand!~ micro-ply only U YoU' are neat A 1ANNOUNCl:MEN ANNOUNCIMINTS il:uropean Crattaman.bip pertence In CJ'OCfl'>' ordering electronic mahufleturtr,.. dependable. 230 w. \\'&mer, REWARD: For i 11 v er and NOTICll and NOTJCIS 100% fin! au..1o1M and Priclnf. see Harold, quires Divlsion OOtltroller. ,;iS;;;Jt;.;:llo;T;;.·r,S.:iiA~-,,-,,=--::--! . poodle, lost near loth and l8ll Newp:nt m., C.M. Hl-TlME, 495 E. 1T1h SI. Potiltion ttpart1 diteedy to M: !: C HANICS.Exp' w/ln- li-p'ii"';i'c:·i,C.::;;11 :i;SJ6-394;-'nm;;O «M':: I :P_:•~r.::•::"':!'!.' ___ _:t;::40:::!$ I _P•_r-'M-'-n-•_ll;.... __ _;640..;.;.;.9 JOIS I ' EMPLOYMENT C.M. 54Ml14 itMral mtn&l'er. Cost ex• boardt, o utboards It S" MO. Feznalc IRISH SET· Jtb Want·, , -dy 7020 SERVICE STA. Saleimen. perltl'lce desired. Newport aterndrlve1. Call Anchor TER, vie niucblrd Cnyn, • COUPLIS • Attrective l xprtrt -----~'-... -~-Full lll"lc, •winf ihttt. Mlllt Stach lol:&Hon. · Marine Repslr. ~ Laguna Beach . 497-1065 e SINGLES e YOUNG WOMAN · be 1 Cl!'d ... t I btwn M dancer wW teach you all CHILD Care A boulekeeplna;, ('''Cl' en • nta n Contact A. J . E;U • REWARD. Black male Tired ot Bars. Mall & lll Cost llff-in. expcr. A\lllllt only ap;>~.:.l'ance. See Jlm, 2590 SALESMAN: Fl. tlmt. Sell Labrador puppy. 499-4083 or computer clubl: JOIN 'rHE ia.;a:t ~~~ffl0~ll Newport/Bal area. 67J..8344 : Port Blvd. c .M. RADIX IN-0£.MAWD p?'Qduct. HI m.-0369 1'UNI THE IN CROWD -DA~'ORK w·~ t:XPtFUiNCED Scrv tco % P1¥ from itart. $10. DIV. OF t.M.P. Meet others WANT youfli lady to ac-....... N'lwu nd • fUlJ. 1 CORl'HATION urnple1 depotlt rttw'ldable. t.OST Sliver male poodle, wit~ YOUR tnttrtsta at our romp.aey 8&.me driving to Own. transportation •taUon atte 111• 1 mt. 1&4 E. Ubett)t Avtl'IUI! CaU ~CLAN IND creen collar H.B. area Call weekly parties or •tlcet Kanse11 City. Ex c ba n a e • 543-7122 • ~iv' ~Pl~ 2Cll9 Harbor Anlhelm , t?M.160 w EEK END 01.ahwa•htn& lo-84:=6-35=:~====== I them ln<!lvldoally A (GALS ""'" ~562 * KI YS * help. Stoldy. Frl-Sat-&on 6405 join FUEJ Call Leah 1·9 C>elft9l!lc Hair 703J TRAINEE 19-2&, radio car-Sent retlrtd man to opertte eventnp. See Ttny, 495 E. ~p_.m"" __ e_9320.-:,.-----c=--I Announetmtnt1 6410 Ch1nele uve.tns. Oittrtul :!~ Rad~kt·,..~ba:.. key shop, Olltl. Mesa trta. 17th St. CM MM314 LICENSED Spiritual Rend i.1£1, ruhlice on all matters. 312 N. El Camino Real, San Cltm11nte 492·9136, 496-9507 10 AM 0 10 Plt-1 ,z1ppo c1ub Aciii1t.-0n1-Y Color plc:ture, A ph no. ol datt!I you pn!:·1elt1CI. No namea UJf'd until )'OU ao on dllt'S. $37.9644 ' * Al I ne? U d b'-.. , ' Ptrma.nrnt Elcprrtencad --" Al PT -•to Wllltntlnmanwltbmtchln. STEREO Component n 1t1et1 te men I ' grou,..,.. IO ' ' ,_, re-lea! ability and aalU U:ptrl-Fu EalJt Areney 8'U'703 ,.1-an MiJ490 l&letmln. Kno\vl. ot eurnnt CU&tom·ma.dc hal11>J-.. froni · .. ,.. • ' ence. Fret -up lnsura""' .. ..., r.-A11tn su1•-' •-TJON AU.~··t d •·-•teno oomp'nb. M/be 2l. lraMJ)&rtnt artificial lkth. -·· I~ ..... _,, srA ,_... -ay &: pald vtcaUon, Must be Pb: Lff Van fi46..8897 YES IT'S YOUR Comfortable, natural-looltlrw. Employer Paya l'.M work mecf'lanteal • x.pe r bondable. 6 d&YI ptr week. FAULT o,.,,,, C.. Hair Rtpl.,._ llJ6.B E. 16111, SA 547.()395 pnoltmd. M1l1llew'1 Union Mail """"• wllh pbonf IOOY a F!NDIR For recordtd meuaae that ment Clnttr, 433 N. 'l'Ultln, H I W fed ...... · 7200 StNlce 392:1 E. Cout Hwy, nll.nlbt(' t0: h M.Q.I Tbt MAN will chanae your Ille caU Oni,nge, fl} e:s3-001 1 P en ' nwn .-COM Dally Pilot. (« comblnat$0n) ~ ORANGE CO. 547-866! BE!iAPPY-ESTABIJSli!:D !"'"""" . A!StSJ'ANT CHEF A at~ BA!llii!:ii EXP ER . Llndf</mallll 14 hour recordtna: Be lndependeut, LEARN 'rO Letdl ava.ll, N'.8. omce., around cook. COUntJ')' club. H~ Bea.clktowntown. man rot~. complex.... PO ALCOHOLfa AMeytnOUI DR1VE. Call for TR.EE 10' Carter qppt. f7$.4lt3 top W&&'tl, 49$.5oMS * 538-3122 * Bo~ 19$, Of, Calli. 92'21' CALCOMP IS COMPUTER GRAPHICS l·D by Ce1Comp Plotter CtlC•mp h11 •l'lfovtd • 9rowfh h1 1•I•• v•lume of 400 ~ 1in'' 1965 ud h11 lt1ot;l m1 th1 world l11i 1r 111 11mp11t1r 9r111hi' '"''"•u. llll1 111'111 pr19r111 4 h•1 bt 1n r1fl1et14 In c 1111r 1dv1n•1· 1111nt· 1pportu1!1ti1t. W1 h•f t h11fl'IHit ft n11d fen Sy1t•ms De1i9 n En9in1ers To ptrf11m 1y1tt"'t d11i9n of int1rf1c1 1 .. ulp· "''"t It 1lli11tf C1IComp plotting 1~u!111ri•11t to !ht lltw f t ntttlftfl 1 f ctfllp11ltt1, M111t h1v1 111• p1f11n11 In dltiftl l19ic 1nlil 1irc.ulf 4111911 el ctMptter 1y1t.m1 ind 1/0 tqulpmtftl. R1~ulrt1 1$ o,. MS !n fl. Pro9rammer Analyst• Mt11il1'11111'1 2 yt ttt 011 Jtd 91fl1rttl111 ct111pytt '9 ' ,ro9r•m111i11t h1 FO•T~AN •11d 1111•hi111 ,, 11· lt ll'lllly l111t 11•t•· Systems An1lyst1 M111tt h 11p1ri111c1!1 with optr1tl119 1-;1'11'1'11. Proft,.1'111 to lh••• f•111ill1t wit~ WE 400 11ri11 lll Pll,11!111, ' ' ©®©$@@® c.11 or ''"' 111um1 ,, M.l.lmlth. 17 14} 611·6101 JOI N. Mwl11r, A111h1lf!ll, Cellf. tltOJ ' I .. •. .. ' . ,, • ·, ' " ' " A\ j \, '' . I • I I t ' '' . \ SENSITIVITY GROUP P.ieetlnf ThUrs Jnly 24th. 1:30 pm, 296 Walnut, CM. Phone M1-'72l'f Ct.' writ• lo troductory )'\•110n. EXPEIUENCED· Ooojc, Ap. Pu.CIC your wwil ad wblrt EXPERIENCED lhclt _. bJiiiUiNCF.D couple for P.O. Box 122.1 co.ta MtN.. A~tro f">rtvhicr School ply. days at t«XI \V. O>e.tt thlJ are &ook1rw -DAD.Y man. J~ 2.S Toiwt mot.l manapment. SUnn;yl-~~~~~~!!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!!!!~~·~·1 D~A.,.r_LY_P_twT __ w_AI<r __ AIJ_s_, " _ _._._._3'-_57_l_I ___ HWy, NB. MM811 PILOT clullJled M:W97I Av1., Lqw &ea,ch. Acrh Metil 5M.m5 "'i I -,, • • I I • ' It \ I ~ I I I I • • J. C J>t!,nll('y Co. ... _,_ NeWJiort &Heh I NEEDS PART TWE SALESLADIES • ~OUMwlves & Mothers n YoU 1pa1't' a reli houri ach day and add lo lhe glly lncon1e at th& llll.me. me! SchedUle• conYenlent )'OU. n1on1in11:1. alter· ns, evenin,gs or romblna· ons of all. Work In ati>rn tinder the flncst or <.'Ondi· jtou and top supervii.ion. • APPLY lN PERSON PEl\INEY'S ASHION ISLAND 10 At.I to 5 Pr.I Monday thru Friday l~~I student posllloflll flllrd. Fual opporlunity eru ploycr ITT -JABSCO 1 COMPUTER l CONTROL COORDINATOR t.Tust havr wnior kry· 11unch I verifying exprri· rncr . IBi\I. Good \\'Orkin:; conchtions and benefits. EQUAL OPPORTUN ITY E.:.\tPLOYER l~S,; DALE \rA Y * SfA i\IESA, CALlr. 926::!G ITI~J ;,.J~l LEGAL SECRETARY 16 per monlh 1o sta11 . Per- manent position av11.llablc in Harbor distticl Municipal Court. i\1lLqt be High School graduatl! \\'llh at least two years steno expericnc{! in· eluding one y1~ar legal strno exp. Type 45 \\'pm, short· h&nd 85. Call ror test ap- poiotmt>nt. &.~1·284~ OUNTY OF ORANGE 801-C, N. Broadway Santa Ana, Cahf. ua\ opportunlly rn1ployer Expcriencf'd • • WAITRESS • • HOSTESSES Apply in pcr!i10n REUBEN E. lH * INDUSTRIAL NURSE Rl'\i&ll'red nunr., , Prl'\•l- oua lndu.itrilll nunu1ia t«• 1ierleN.'C req\tlretl, SECRETARIES 1.tu1in1um tlu'l'r years. 11ecretarlal e.xperle.oce. Prefer aelive secret clt>arance and e~rinecr­ ing dept bat..'kground. Shorthanii' 80, type SO an electric. COLI.INS RADIO CO. 19700 J ambo ree Road Newpo rt Be•ch Equal opportunity employ!'?' e ATTENTION e ATTRACTIVE \\'Or.tEN Could yo.u use .$51).,$100 ex.t1·a each werk? Can you llpare 10-20 hrs a v•eck& \Vorking your O\Vn area ? Over 11 ! Do you have u rar? No rul- /C>ciio11s, parlirs, dl.'Jiverics or l'.al1\'assing. For i11- troductory intt>r\'iew, Call t.tr. Lat·ey 5--14-8550 CREDIT CHECKER " GENERAL CLERK UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK BEER MAID Apply eveni~s: SCOTTIES 436 E. 17th St. Cost a Mesa COi\tBlNATfON, Sharp &r Maids & Go Go Dancers. Top \\:ages $3.00-$3.50 lo starl. Ph. for int. 5'1~998.1 SASSY LAS.SY, 2901 Harbor, C.l\f. LEGAL SECRETARY Fast, acl-Uratr typist, good on phone, Son1e shtW. .Small bu sy off.ice, llB. 53&-8078 or 8.18..6460. =~~ Gene ra l Office $400.00 Type 50 kno1v n1achines. like l'hildren, call Loraine, fttcr- chants Pl'rsonnel Agency, 2Q.l3 \Vestchff Dr, N.B. 6-15-2770 FULL or JJl·llme. Beautician, clienlelr pref. but not re.- qun-ed. New grad weil'(lme. 2112 \V. Coasr Hwy. Call mgr. 548-9919. Nci\'!>011 Bea.ch &IS..Z-t'll -E XP 'D SALESLADY AMBITIOUS W OMAN ll<lcn & \l.'omellll Clothin1r National company in hi:idal * 5-lS.5383 * markf.t, needs a v1ell groon1. I •M~O'f°"H~ER='~S7ll~eTlpe:::-,710:71iv~o~·C-m. ed \\·onian with somcs sales Pref. C'xper w/~w baby, f')(P as manager trainee. No 4'.llher cl1idll"l'n. p1•1v. .Flexible hrs. some eves pre-room & balh. Start Aug. 18. I'd, car nee. No parties, can. ti44-2:m \'assing or dcliverlrs. Opp. lo I ;;-;-;;;-,-,u;-'""°"c:::::;T.Cc::-= doublr rarnings. For in~ BI K JN I Barmafd/danror. duc:tory interview, Call Mr. Full or part·tlme. Costa HflITis 544-8550. ~lcsa Genl Ofc: $4 75 Beau!iful New Ne\\'porl Beach oUict>:ii, plra!lanl di- versilird dutie~. Call K!iy, 516-5'110 J ason Best En1ploy1nrnr Agcnt;y 2120 So. ~lain, S.A. 6·11i-730l Day shift, DESK CLERK. Experienced on1y apply. JMtAICA INN HOTEL 1173-<!20 SECRETARY Afternoons only. Trainee ok. Gd. lyping & ,11horlhand or WOMEN "'"""'"" """""'· .,,..,,, before l pm. Between Ages lS & 40 BARMAID. No cxpcr ncf'- o<.'edl'd for lestln&. of elec-Must be marp, niles. Apply Ironic components Exp. In person: Vikki'11 Lounge, prefC'rrtd, gOO(I Working l791ts Nrwport, CM 1.1lnditions. Pay commensu· ""'"""'~==-;-;:;---,0-,-77 ntc wiU1 experience. DR Al<' T S ~f AN with ' . . See Betty Bruce at * Accounts P•yable Clerk ' Experienced on 1 y typ.e 60 w.p.m. * Personnel Assist•nt A:ency for Career Girls E.~perlenced in inte.r.iewing 410 \V. Coast Hwy .. N, 8 , and a1J phue1 ot persor1nel By appoint. ~ work. Good typing skills. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Good. OJ)portunlty In fut growlnc company. Oill tor appointment POL.YOPTICS INC. '4&-2200 Apply in Person equal opportunity employer SURF & SIRLOIN c H 1 E F TELLER/BOOK- 5930 Pie:. Cst. Hwy.' KEEPER needed in Newport Beach Newport Beach. One lo two BEAlITIFUL Girl, n Ice yrs. exp. preferred, 21-4j, shape, for figure model. sharp and willing lo mttl StricUy amateur, generous public. Join a Young, JI~ pay. I afternoon per "·eel(. ~ve company and have May ~ married or single, small oUi~ aln10$phcre but prefer over 21.. Write with beautiful surroundings. BoxM869,'0ailyPilot. Contac t r.1r. Lapp, -GlRL FRIDAY-DOWNEY SAVINGS .i For Newport Beach Jl.iarine LOAN ASS 0 CI AT I 0 N slorr. Must be sharp, at!rac-642-6533 or 837-4911 livr. ttliahle. Ught 1.yp1.ng, *ACCOUNTING filing. bookkeeping, public CLERK contact.. Salary open ti.tr . Cooke: 642-9'101 · ~n1ng exista Io~ a ~":On with ~nt experience in 111- \\/0MAM To work in donut ventory cast, aceounui. re. shop, ~lull time mornings. ce.lvab~ I. payible, in our NO phone calls please. accounting: dept. Y.'inchetr1 Dollut House 2946 CULTON JNDUSI'RIES Harbor Blvd., C.M. 16«\Whittitr Ave. FULL Time sales person for Cos.ta 1t1esa, calif. new Hallmark card & iil\ Equal opportunity employer shop in Fountain Valley. MATURE Woman for 3-ll ~e 2G-35 .. ~1096' after ·6 PM shift SAWYER. HOME, pm, f.fon thru Fri. 2619 OraJ'l&t Ave.., Costa. ASSEMBLERS SPANISH --MEDITERRANEAN Examples of 1001 other 'Once In a lifetime 1pec:ial1! • 10 Pc Quilted Corner Ensemble $159.95 • 96" Quilted Sola and 56" Love Seat $149.95 e, 60" He.avy Spanish Coffee ta~le $29.95 • Lge Matching Lamp tables $19.95 • Decorative Spe~ish J.4mps from $14.95 • Guat. Box Springs & Mattresses $19.9~; 15 yr. Guar. Quality Kings & Queens At Terrlftc S.vf"9sl Stacb &: Stacks & St•ch of MlttretMt Credit Approved Furniture Bank or Store Charge Terms fl•·1·111n t·,,.1,, \!e-.1 ••\·•:·I'! v·:~r·.l Huge 6,000 t.q . ft. Warehou~ al . 541-9660 2065 Charle St., Costo Mesa o,_. t •t D.ny h1 10·1ktt-4i Enter on Hemllton or Bernard St. Fuiniture "8022 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 1 ---------MISC. camping equipment, SPANISH table & buffet, full &: twin r.l.llltre&s Ir. box sprinfL Experienced BookkHper and Gener•I Office Work MI F, mature. Day sh[ft, 5 day week, Apply in penon. Intel"VWiw1 between 10 AM· 4 Pr.t. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS l801 E . Pacific Coast J-Jwy. Corona del Mar COUPLE to manage. l ma.in. lain 111 unit mold In Costa Mesa. ftlust be h a rd WO[kU!I, no uper. nee. $200/mo plus furn, l~~ bdr apt. 54.6-9279 MEDITERRANEAN Pool test kits 1: pool As Shown in model hOmes. g o o d i es ! Things too 3 Rms ol furn, (din rm, liv numerou8 to list. A II rm, & bedrml priced else· reasonable. It292 Hammon \Vhere at S895 is yours today Pl off Westminster at only $.399. Easy Credit SAT&. SUN: l<'urnllure &. ac- Tcrm5. cessorics., Fir lumber, wall Santa An• Furniture board!!, Jr. petite & womena 426 W. 4th St .. Santa Ana fashion.'!, K.ing bed, bike,, 547-0789 bookcases &: m~ll.· All 3 ROOM GROUP reasonable. 22042 Catalina e COMPLETE e Circ., Huntington Beach. Llvi0£' rm bedroom, dinelle RADIAL Saw $125, air a>m· ' $297 pressor 175, heavy duty drill \\'eekly Payments . , , , . . press $75, mile small tools, We carryour owncontracts s andera, clamps , Van's Discount Furn \\"Orkbenchl;s, etc. itl w .. 417 W. 4th St., S.A. 547-2412 \Vil.son No. %3, CM 548--0766 Good background in Mil-Spec BEAlITY Operator. full or wiring and soldering. Previ-pan-Ume. Busy 1h()p, Xlnt OUs experieOCf', assembling location. Contessa Hair prec.ision l!lectrical devices, Fashioll!i 675-3385 whel't' special skill is neces-""'========= ABl'Y to preselect specific School•ln1truction 7600 compone.nb w.ing microm.e· Open Daily 10-8 * Sat 10.0 NEW & recapped tires. 2 Twn beds comp! wf nl8t· Cases or 76 motor oil, break tress, springs. kames & fluid, oil filten.. '57 Ran- beaut. ?.led. wht headbrds: chero (body it. f!. n g I n e sold new !or $450, \Viii sac partsl. 304 Orchid, CdM, for $100. 39" brass tbl lamp 673-8804 "'· Experience with precjsion mcclua.nical assembly of semi-complex devices where filling, adjustinr, alignment and hardware· selection ls important, Should have abiJ. ity to solder small mecbanl- cal parts. C1ll Personnel Dept. (7141 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGlllEERIMG CO. Educational Vacation 5th graders • • • Sr Citizens Chilcoat 10 lesson typing Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 De! 1'1ar, C.i'lf. 548--2859 GUITAR LeSllOrul In Your home. $2.50 a les90n, Call Bob at •j48...0041 * MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE Furniture IOOO $8. Sm brass desk lamp St SATURDAY-SUNDAY Sta wag pads $3. Camp cot Portable Olivetli Spanish $6. Dbl bed matlres.'1 $10. keyboard typewriter. Old f..1pl desk $10. Dresser $12. porcelain, 14 p!ece canister 962-3178 se• and much more. e Furniture e 2579 WWo Lane, CM Appliances e Color TV MISC Living rm furniture. AOK AUCTION Twin beds. r.1ini-blke. Many 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. other itenu. 2678 Club Mesa \\lestrninster nr G.G. Fnvy Or. Tues &: Thurs 7 PM-Sal 6: 30 rnfD~A~Y,-,-~-Sa;;-:-:1,~nl:::;:cay~.<El~•'°'<I. Estate consgnmt. Repo. New Edger SlO. Baby furn. $1-5. JOB Relocation. 10' sofa, 2 Dishes & hotarwares 25c--$4. love seats (gold_ velvet). 8' 1318 Watlon, CM 546-5547 stereo, end tables, lamps, 3-FAft1lLY sale: infant OVER-STOCKED pool tb!. h i de-a-bed. items, furniture, cookware, 673-9393 and lots of misc. Sat-Sun. MUST SELLI REFRIG. $60. Round table. 54S.2629 Beaut. walnut !kirwr dress-42 x 29 hi, '$40. 4 chairs S2Q. I 0T~H"U~RS-'°'F~n,-·,•20"l8;;--;P"hal:::>.aro:=,.:::, er, hvo Ubwt commodes, 3 heavy walnut bar stools (Republic Homes} c M. hdbrd l framed mirror, all SlO ea. 642-3409 Bargains for n_! 546-0Sffi for $172. New 9 pc. corner ,;,.,.,..-;;c;;;::::-.::;-.-:;::;;;::; l::lcctronic Miera Systems secnJlarial \\'Ork desired for 549-2'19a Oceanographic firm. CM. -----,----Call 1.-ollect MS.3486 151 E . Co1st Hwy. Newport Beach 21 YRS or older. like11people,1,_'='"'========= I 6 mo pd vacation. Ski Park I' City, Utah.. Work in a fun Jo..,Men, Wom. 7500 Equal opportunity f!mp1oyer hotel, Nov. to April. Call arrang. choice of cln:. res:. QUALITY king OC>d, quilled. GARAGE Sale, Sal/Sun 10-5 S230, now n49.50. Jlcadbrds: Comp!C'!e, unused S 9 8; 1701 Antigua \Vay, Newport Kings, $15, Queens $12.50, worth $250. After 5 or wluxls Beach 642-08!» Full Sl0.50, Twins $3.95. 847--0-KIG GARAGE SALE: July 26 it. Sofa bed mattresse1 $29.50 HONDURAS r.Jahog desk $75, 27. Furn, dryer, records, Roll-a.way beds w Ii n n · desk $50, trunk $10. 2014 etc. 1607 Santiago Dr., NB spring matt. reg. $59.50, now J."ederal. CM. 548-69:J5 egal Seely to $750 mployer pay5 Ire. !l...:1guna area.) r.1ust have <ibilily !o !prepare probate pelitions &. accounls with minimum su· pervisk>n. \Vork for an e)(· ceptionally fine gentleman. Also ltt jobs.. New port P ersonnel Agency 8l3 Do\'t'r Dr., N.B. '1 3870 ~19-2i·L.": Typist ORAc su.g,,.,, om.,,. 1m- ?.ton, Tues. 536-2579 HOUSEKEEPER I BAB y .. SIITER, Mesa Verde home, C.M, Live in; 3 girls (10, 8, 41 Perm. 546-6525 \Vilt irain flexo11•ri t.,-:r, x!nt oppty \\'i!h IrviMi' area Co. $2. hr, call Kay, [1·16·S•UO J ason Best En1 ploymcnt Agency 2120 So. ~lain, S.A. n1edlatt· cntployment for dental assil!lanl. X-r11y f'X· perience. call 54S.ffi9 MALI.IE'S Wlg & Beauty ATI'RACTIVE Woman 35 to Salon dcBires Hair styU:o;t 55 fl:ir genera,lo_!_c.& rtcept,1 w/hair piece. exp. salary & VJOrk. Plsnt IUl'fOUDdings, or commission 54s-3446 small office. 4.96-1243 WA."ITED: Young girl lo EXPERIENCED Billing cibilities help in Jnter lor Design clerk, involves Invoicing & a rl Lim it" e ~ work. Apply 2957 Randolph bookkeeping. Call for appt: u 0.1. 547-5.381 ogerJCCY HOUSEKEEPER To clean Receptionist le typist. Experi- Quality Positions fvr small 1 bdr hou.'IC.. o~half enced. Must speak Spanith. Experlt!ncerl Qualified Applicants do.y per week. West Newpt For appt. 547-4581. < WAIT""tStC 488 E. lith St., Suite 224 Bch. 547--6229 Barmaid, nights. ~ llU U Costa l'Iesa &1 2-1470 EXPERIENCED Maverick Single-needle operators. Ap-J728 Newport Blvd, C~1. ITT IABSCO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER Prefer someo~ w 11 h me.ckanical assembly ex-1 perience. Good benefil5 and workina: conditions. EQUAL OPPORTIJNlTY EMPLOYER 1485 DALE WAY COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92626 (714) 5-15-82;';1 l Day & Nighl Shilt t.lalure, slun. a 11 r act i'V e ply 825 W. lillh St .. CM WAITRE.SS Wanted. Night [or busy coUer shop "'omen lrom 26 to 40 wanted P.IANICURIST Alfttodo's Hair shift. Experienced. 1400 \V.1---------- lor figure salon, Huntmgtoo Etc. 326A. Marine Av. Bal. Coast llwy, NB, 642-8881 i MANNING'S &ach or Corona de! MaT. Isl. 6Th-6070 LfVE-ln babysitter & hskpr. l COFFEE SHOP Intercslin~. varied duties.1 -.-w-A~IT~R=E~SS~.-~o',-.,-=-21. Must have refs. $150 mo. i 24031 El Toro rw. No cxpcr. ncss, \\'e train, Experienced 1raveyard Call wkends only 968-2393 µi;una llllls S3llm4 Call ~tiss Gisi for appl. -'-"-·",·,6,7>-09=~'~',-=_,:--:-IPBX Operator. Answering l F/C Bkkpr $600 9(l?_.;,,1Q9 * LAUNDRY HELP * M!rviee exp pre re. r r ':? d . STOP Full time. 17711 Crabb La. I~",'~"~"~"~•,"''--;;' 7H=B=536-ll88l:c:;;:;:-::::::: Hint oppty "'ith ~ conl· Hunt. Bch. 842-.'la65 BIKINI Barmaid/dancer. r;atl)'. top benefits. Call Etlec \Va~lin)? 1in1c ~~10 START SECIRECPT for Dental of. Full or pa.rt.time. Costa J a son Best f\lakini: Moo<'y. ficc in Costa Me~u .. Ex.per. ?t1el'la. 646-7301 E mployment ;\gt'nl1' $2 00 lo SJ.00 per hr. with preferred. 548-5580 BEAUTY 0 PER AT 0 R S :?t..'>\J So. r.tain, S.i\. be.mu~. Go.getter. full or part CHI.LO Catt and I it r wanted: No ! o l ! ow Ing RTHOOONTIC . i1ne. 230 \V. \\'arner, suile housework 5 days wk, 2 necessary. 675-4232, 67SJi01 IOf.fi<:e Y..1ngr. ersilicd 1 ,2,.1_1._s_._A_. -.-;---,,.,..--..=-childtth 968-1620 WANTED: Part lime l!x· ITT IABSCO MILL & DRILL OPERATOR/ SETUP Good benefits and \\'Orking condition1 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER duties, secretarial sk\1\i;. P ersonnel Asst to $550 'rr=·s~Be~oo-h~ho-""-~tTim-,-_,B~lg-=-. perif!nced Rtlady. to. \Vear 't.ta.turity, good personality Beaut. new of('~ JJ'\/irw at'C'a. l~·~';''~::;;:"'"';:;tlo~"="=''':' :"":=ith::•'--'=""="="":="""'==·=Cal:=I=C94-6403=== I J4M DALE WAY :J& judgmC"nt r <'quir e d. Top benefits. mature &al. COSfA MESA, CALIF. 92626 'I Salary open, 847-6070 Call Edl't>, S.i&-5410 H e lp Want.cl Help Wanted (714J 56-825.1 ' DRESS J uon Best Women 7400 Women 7400 I Empl"'-•mPnt A ~t'""" ITT IABSCO CLEANER, DEBURR $39.SO. Full sz. sleeper-sofa ORIENTAL Rug, 9 x 12 Furniture Auction 8025 reg. $'239.50, now $169.50. Samuk, good cond. Best of· New beds: Klng $99.50, fer takes. 837_7494 e Furniture e Queens, $89.50. Full $49.50, * RENTALS~*--Appliances e Color TV Twiru $39.50, fully guaran. AOK AUCTION Prefer sorne factory ex- perience handling met. als. Good benefits and "'Orking conditions, King-size spreads, choice. of HOUSES & APl'S SlOO UP 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. clrs reg. $20.95, now $12.99 -=="='=""="'=•"'="=6"'-0==lll=:: I 'Vestminster nr. G.G. f'rwy. fulJ sz. S9.95, SJESI'A SLEEP ' Tues & Thun 7 PM·Saf 6:30 SHOP, 19'21 Harbor Blvd, Cl\f Office Furniture 8010 Estate consgnmt. Repo. New EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 148,j DALE WAY CX>SfA ?.IESA, CAUF. 92626 l TI4J 545-8251 • 66-2760 daily 11).9. Sat.sun , .. _ REPOSSES.SlON SPANISH :Pi!EDITERRANEAN House full of furniture in ex- cellent condition. King size bedrooms, full or twin, CW1tom quilted sofas & love seats, lamps, t a b I e 1. De~s81es Beauti.Iul dining sets, china TIME, LIFE & 6 chairs, color TV's. WISHES auto mat i e ttfrlgera!or T O EMPLOY washers &. dryers. \Vlll SALES PEOPLE separate. Terms, save lOO's \Vho were fonnerly wnridng ol dollars. or are currently working AOK WAREHOUSE part time with companies 7i22 Garden Grovt! Blvd., such as AVON, AMWAY, or GG . 1~ black West from the FULLER BRUSH. Demon. comer of Beach Blvd. near strafe our beautiful books to G.G. Frv.'Y. your established customen. __ o~"'~"='°=''='='='="=",· _l_M_ No charge for training or MAITRESSES. sales kit. Pre.fer education MATTRESSES oriented Pf'Ople What have Full i:ize or twin box spring )'OU gc.t to J ·o s e ? Call &: mattreu, $9. ,Headboards, 6J8..~40. full or twin; plastlc S2. FRY COOKS "'OOds $8, stacked to the celttng! AOK Y.'arehouse Sale 7722 Garden Grove Blvd., \ii Larry Morgan Antiques EA'PANSION SALB Unloading 40' Van in new warehouse-. 20 Roll top desks. 16 C'hina cabinets, 20 Round oak tables. oak chairs, rockers, hall trees, annoires, 300 clocks. You name it~ We have ii! See at: 2380 New- port Blvd, or 2428 Ne"'1>0rt Blvd., C.Y..f. 54g..7383 STANDARD metal oUice desk w/walnut fonnica lop, left hand return S 1 O O • 548-6258 WOOD OUice Ucs.k, 7 dra,ver w/glas.s top + \\'ood S\\i vel Chall', SlOO both. 515-4S49 AppliancH 1100 FRIGIDAIRE 2-dr u 11 e d relrigerator. aulom. defrost, 14 cu It, $7). l'\tany other new '6!1 models al close-out prices. Tremend0\15 sa.v· ings! See a I HEN· DERSON'S lsn II arbor Blvd., Cmla f.lcsa. 548--0155 LADY l\cnrnore \Vashrr & dryer, 3 yr.i. olrl . $175 01· Sl.00 washer, S7a dryer. 5'15-0687 16 cu 11 frosl.less Cold~pot Refrlit. bollom f r I! e re r , Sho\\1·o<nn cond. S 1 5 O, B1dboa Point 67~929 Office Equipment 8011 KENr.lORE Was.her, good rondilion SID. 18?.1 Executive typewriter & * 847.SII5 * Autotypi.!1, 12" carriage. HOTPOINT range, very carbon ribbon. Prai;tically large, while, f'IPctric. $45 brand new $1500. ~or good condition 540-2738 5'ID-7162 ==========-I GAS Stove, roppertone, Xlnt cond. F'rigldaire dshwshr. portable. 842"6395 '; OPERA TORS mo &. . .,,;,"."sX' fop salary to lhm;e 1\il h lots LITE HOUSEKEEPING blk. \Vest of Beach. nr .. G.G. ----------1 Top wages, permanent, hon. FN<y. e.1t, and "·orking conditions Open ]().9 Sun. ID-6 C1fe, Restaurant 8014 RESrt'\URANT Double tryer in good condition, table model $40. 962-52Q; G.E. Wa.~hu. Very 100c1 con- dition $35. * 847-8115 * I~ ~~l'icn<."('_ 1629 i\1onro-Older ~man needs help fl'I· ~· Costa ~l<•sa. ling starled ntCtmings. Ve.ry OUSEWARE-SALES light houSPkeeping in nite. Some C'XOCrir nc.•r prrferred mobile honw. Some meal arm R im a Ha rdware fl r e P 11 1'11 11 0 "· Phone S46-T080 daughter at 673--2734 •2666 Jfarbor Blvd .. C.J'\f. JOIN HAIR & CO.· three far -out hair st,yll.!its! Opening /C Bookkeeper $600.00 Aug. lst In &!boa lattnd. yrs, 2 exp. 10 !rail balance, Call Sun, r.1on. Tues, We4. call Loraine, ~1erchant.11 Per· 71~: 67;j.t230 or on other .annel AJen<:Y. 2t}l:J Wt51· da)11, 213: 44~ clilf Drive, N.B. 6.f!i..2770 COLLEGE Stutlenl or Mary crntER'S llet1R·r. no Poppins type yng lady<0ver housc\\'Ol'k. r.1on•\\'ef\·t'ri 1· JS far lltr hour · ';eeping & 15, dn)'S &: hnt flexible. babysilling -efter IScltl.. P\•t ~1420. rm " bath in t ·.1,'ly ho~ ' Rec. It billing girl ~bead!. Cdt.1. Gra-1"°7 lJd. Exper. Dill.)', AC· TRAINEES To &Memble tt lypi5t Apply W. R.. rubbu "-ct suits. l'Oo f'X• C.O. l!IQ2 S. CJr:!'e.ndW per.le~ flf!t:e.uary. Apply: Santa Ana 125 W, 18tti $1, CM R«. le. billln; girl \\' AITR..ESS -OVER U Expcr, only. Ac--Day & Ewoing Shift te t)'Jlill. Apply W. D. CaU ).t;;..9863 k Co, 3503 S. Greet). --~=o-:- . stt. S.nta AM E X P 'D SALESLADY Men It \\'orneni1 CluUiln.g • ~~18~'\88 • DAJLY PILQT Qu&Uu .. -d 9ecifl)n M>W? ASSEMILERS ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS V1ri111 0•11 M•chi1111, l•c.1!1d i11 1 111w 1ir co11ditio11ed pl111t ;,. th• lrvin1 l11d111tri1I Co..,pl1• of Or1!'l91 Co1111ty 1111r th1 1irporl, his 11v1r1I i"'m..di1l1 op111i1191 for 1l1clronic 1u1mb!1n, !11 thift !7:)0 A.M. to 4:00 P.M,) •nd lnd 1hifl 14 ~15 l'.M, lo 111-t6 A.M.l l"1il1bl1. W1 would pr1f1r you to know IM color cod1 111d com· pon1nh. Bood ll1rli119 r1+1 1nd ••c11\111! b•111fih i11ch1din9 12 d111 v1c1tio11 d11rl119 th1 l 1! v11r of •"'ploym•nt, 1loc~ 1101ch111 p109r1m 111d 1 holid1y "•c1ti111 f11+11ri119 tl1111 p1id f•r time off fro"' Chrl1t11'111 D1y lo lh1 Moll• d1y f1llowili9 New Y11t'\, If vou 1r1 9oi119 to work 01 ••• 11ow worki119, why nol i11•11ti91!1 lh1 opporl,1111ili11 •I V,O,M .• I t•O<li pl1c1 to w•r~. Int erview' Dilly from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Ask for Lfnd• Cl•rk Varian Data Machines A VARIAN SUIS101.ARY Michelson Drive , Irvine, C•lif. 1.51~ 01190 Ftwy .. to J1mbo1•1 off·t•mp I hlocli: S. of Mic>.111011 Oriv•I 92664 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY tM,LOYfR, M·F ------------------ e cHE?tllSTRY LAB TECHNICIANS : B.S. Chemistry, bio-chemislry or microbio l ogy, A .A mlFtimum acceptaWe. •OIEMISTS: B.S. or r.t.s .• c h e n1islt)'. biochemistry, s )'nth es is experience dl!slred. Salary open. •cHEl\tJST : l\llcro al)A}ytfcal, for quality con. tro1 section, tracer com- pound lab. B.S. mlnimum. Call Karmen Curt.ti for ap. poinlmrnt. 833-r.oo CHEMICAL ANO NUCLEAR CORP. 7121 Campus Dr .. 11'\/i~. Profession.I Employment At1ist•nce COASfAL AGENCY A n1e.mber of Snelllnc It: Snelling, Inc. 2790 Harbor 81, Ot ~ Real Eat& te Salesmen NflW is the time, here 111 The pla.cc. \Ve offer de.1k. phone, adv·t .. noor time. f<>r' con. rldcnlial lntervle\11 Broker ,.....,., in area's leading restaurant. f=="",,--,-=-,,,,-;-;-,, ApPly 9 am to S pm tor in-GE/D CAvol 10' sofa & Love terview at sear, big, all 1 yr old, 11' MANNING 'S COFFEE SHOP ~l FJ Toro Rd. Leisure 'Vorld Laguna !{ills SJT.1014 ttf/fzr. 21282 Breton l..n, HB Seabury Homes/ A tin ta. DAVENPORT &: sett'!. d\n .. ing 11el, dbl dresser & 2 nlte stands, Trundle bed, 4'.lu!door furn. Xlnt quality. 673-'TZ!6 I022 NORGE \Vasher $50. l year old GE. Dryer S55. Both in perf \\Urking COncl, 64f..0096 Antiques 1110 1890 Knabe upright piano $200, set of 1900 Brltannlea1 $75, oil paintings $35 to $50 each, and more. 548-TIOt Sewing M1chlne1 1120 1969 SINGER touch-0--matic, zig 111.g, button hole.;, M!WS on bottom, blind hems. $34.88 or $4.16 mo. 526-MIS Music1I Inst. 1125 ORU?.t ~t. great far bqin- ner. SllO. Call 673-0174. GUITAR, GIBOON C-1 Clu&k: Call Eric &46w-02l9 art 1, Pianos & O!"f1n1 1130 STLVEftTONE Orp11 with rhord11 & pedatii. Vety little u~. Orig $39.l. Sacrllicel $115. C•ll 548.-4903 DAil Y l'ILOT " ' I ' • FOUR CONVENIENT OFPICES TO SERVE YOU tt.r.'1 How You Cu lhit ' Our Fa-Dime ·A • Ltii..-• (• NIWPptT llAC:H un: ........... . ..., .._ ..... .._ ___ ,._. N ... ef .. 4 ctiilrralMt afftMI "' • e -C:OSTA MW -· PO Weot•.., • Ne Cl lll...... ...... ; e HUNTlll•TON HACH -Ht 'fllllll s..., e U.G\HIA llAC:H Z2I -A- • ___ .. prlcM __ ""_. $ll. t _u _ _. !!:-~===~ 1JEW lf tncb t)Tts on Jq., REF R 1 0 ER ATOR $2 R E.r RIG E Jt AT 0 R $5 'IV TrlYt :&'each. Va.tel CX>MPIZTE Aquaitum Rt. TWO antique l· d fa Wt r cmn.s Good Start ,., 'btkl MATl'RtSS. Kine _.b:e $25. ·~ rl.mH:brome S2S. Wutllill:bouw oven • a, d Cru .. '5 t dt rouod mtr-25c tacil. Electric '10Uter lttdG&ts .atand S1 pl tank, wa 1 h b o w I c he 1 t 1 with bulCtt $5, unic)'cl6o $3. Blice $5. Frendl doon $10. repl&r $21. 23 boola of Blue cabinet s,tQ. ~ w~ ror $6 AdJustaNe bed tall $3. Welt Bend percolator n. .filter, hta.ter, punu>,' In wl1h ortatnal biead-trlm and Elden, ra.ce track a.nd drq: Vacwro cl!ea8et 15. I:Jreaea •tamPfl S2 tach. Electric' $.5. '25B Santa lsikl, CoSta flO Fan 6elts Mic each Pro-Card table'and ~ .cb&ln $1. super condltibl) .00 au-. metal pulla. $25 eacb. Cop. atrtp with 2 tra.naformcn 8!1D p. 6'1$.5611) drlU $5. 57 Borg word Meu. Jl!Ctlontdbte$3TV,need1llt· Car'ri.dlo ~O. 2 Webster'& clean, Mil' $25. Water Plk, per revere bowt, lone and car pu-'3, all lot 54, wqoo-o:implete $20, you Ue repairs S5 Water a.Idea $T unabridied Dtcttona.ries hardly uaetJ; wtth toothbrush pie.nter, napkin holder, toot. ftGSU coax cable 5a foot FEEDING play table, atunty tow (parts car), Caab only. 5 dl"P.c,~ES.~, e~ncb.~lze co~ Snow skies and poles $7 Mat. $1.50 each. Small electric attachment fof' Ol\ly SU. ed ahtll, a.sh trays. huniclllle conneeton 4/n, awltchel SU. Lara;e, acallopt'd, curbed 4!M--1891 646-!'168 treu and box tpri'liS $3> heat.er with Wt $3. Touter Oe1.n. decwator co Io r lamp, tea pota. n to $6. 4/Sl, extra he&vy duty & tree rinp $1.fiO ea c h 5 BELL YBOARDS a n d twin bed $20 V a c u u m SL 2 aluminum lawn chain: aheeU, double twin alle with Miniature bottles, SOc to $L volt batt6Y ch a r 1 e r ~~ ~ ~ ::.d!· kneeboards, 4.5.. _ 3'9", 1960 COMET patta $3415. cleaner $15 Verlfax copltr S1 each. Set or China, plllowcuel $3.SO a aet. Gtrl1 roller lkatn. 3% fl, 'I eliminator $15. ~\" em· .. ea8'1..~u. •• ·-·-t' 642-2511 (Kodak) S25Hangin&lampe: platlnum band ST .50. S unbe1m. catc;u1el piece BrownMI autfit. Drua bossing tape, 3 roU1 15c, =~~b..ely ... ~ ·= 499-tW so uth COMET~~~·~·,~~~·~=~ ~~J1i~~it;: ~ :i:f!.,';,t ~= =:i~IWtl~.1~.siv~ ~the price on theee, maternltydmses.We 1._16 DESK, Single sided, 28.t .40, pie~. runs $25. &0-25!'1 machine SlO Wood table $21 $3. 5 pl fish tank $1.50. Electrlc sklllet $6. Ic-e ceUent Jor l)IU'ls, s 1.1----------1 44 each F.our P~ cani.ster $15. Onaier with mirror MOVIE projeeloi, exCe.Uent • 4 Chain $.JS. ~. 886 8arbeque &rill with motor cru&her ia, (;averlet $2. Chriabnas Q1'11&meots, 2 dol. GERMAN Shepbmi puppies aet 50c Sb: foot •h!P ladder $15. Headboard, doubki bed mndition $25. p f ~ j i C·t or . Towne 8t.-Ollta Me111 and spit $5.50. 2 chtotne, Sleepln&; 1be.g ~ , 18 4 5 50c. 2 1uitca.wa. S0c each. $15, 536-1.829 =~uxt deep fat ftyer $f. sizie, $15. Headboard, brass, ~n, nt-w $9., Daylite 2-1.6" Bl~CLES S3 each ldtclle.n chp}rs •. yellow Sl AnaheJ.m ·l;'l'o. ~168, C.M. S&lt and pepper ahaken. ALTO Sax S25, Clarinet U'.1.1--=-------I twin aiz:e, SlO. 'I'w.iot ·bed. viewers •$22. M8hogany 'I'Urkey ~ 75: ROclc each. 2 Alwn1~wn · laW!l 5e39ll9 :.. $1.Sc to $2. Sterling silver Trombone $25. Trumpet 125, CRAITSMAN power mower, frame $5. 3 dinifll cbeJn $3 and vinyl cues. lleW~ ideal • Maple 'bunk 'bed• S8 Tackle chal.n SL Starlite Trailer RUGS Wall to wall $25. candle holden, salt and MJb-ophone and 1tand U>. reel SlO 60-9712 .• ea. Old Victrola cabinet $20. tor sample or trav~ $9. bo $2 Rock 'Ma.pl dou~ Village, 2000 Newport Blvd., Sltreo headpbonei ~.'1!. 19.. pepper, sugar and creamer. Wt')' good Sllnpriand Snan REFRIGERATOR 11 Partial 1et golf cluba with Baby crib mattress. ex-~cue head~ S 1 0 Space 46,...Stb trailer East ol plastic bowl a.nd ftowen SS. $3 to S6. Very old atra1ght drum and stand S25. another $25 Qs..5905 • OJ JI bar and cart m. 31202 ccllent coMi~ $6. Display Huge· glaall bubble bowl pool, center Projector screen $6.25, serv-RZDr and double strap SS. drum ru, ~1 __ .--------I Holly Dr., S. Laguoa. ~~ IJcP'"sh"''iO:.. w 1 !t5h S1.50 1tla.ytag wringer BALALAIKA $10. Metal doll Ilg cart $4.50, iood books FluoreK"ent fixtures With SEAL POINT SIAMESE kit-SCHWINN 15 speed racing 49S-2605 auw~a u .,,.... "., • washer $12.::.0 Antique chest house and lurniture $2. art objects records and pie-tubea. S2 to $5. &lla.sts 50c tens S25. call 897-4814 he!ore bike $15. 546-1.N ROUND Chinese hooked rug A31122u~mu6m1;~ithio~~/.,8ne~ o( drawen $4 Re:twood pie-Aluminum chaise and pad ture trames 2Sc to $1. Nr:N !:_!·~~~ .. "."~ •. deyt••""•I• 4 p.m. FORD 292 to •40 Ford with pad SlO. S@-2654 x ""16 w . ou.u nlc table and benchei S2.50 $2.50. Wagon. bikes. need window wu.hlJlg brnlh Sl 4 " •....: ribs tl each. Bike paper Rock Maple cotfee table, repair $1 each. Ton 25c-$l. eatln" -.,..,.. Jor auto $1.50, &hoes and slippers 25c to SL KINGSlZE p add e d head· tramm~ adapter S15 KENMORE Dryer, works good. clean 110 outlet only. $25. M0-411B anytime rack $4 Traverse drape'"" ·• _...,g Two Dowered quil" 11 each. hoard, white quu•·• -ad. Bellhousmg for same no . • -'J round dropleal $12.5() Small 646-5194 utensil ha n 1 l n I rack i.cu •r·~ 54~1504 rod w11h mount l n gs, hardwood desk SS Early MAN'S ,. .. bl••, ---•· ti-(stainless) $1.25, drapea ,$3.• Very old records and room diy)der, 1 feet tall, 42l:--,,,,.,-------·I hardware lt' x 16' long, American lamp with gtau r. 1..::.:wo • .,. Laundry cart $1.25. WI~ album, 'llaaalcal and light Jnche1 wide, folding twil 2 CHOW tables $a1 each. ma.y be 6hortened_ $1 each. shade $5 Fitted beige single repair $6. Stingray type 31" and shower curtain $1..50, opr..ra $2 to $20. Over 400 ~ 1U'OUer. girls 16 lncb bicyclt 548--6623 NEW Twin bed bookcase headboard, f.1aple, SlO. 1984 Continental, C.M. 1 642-6935 •Pread $2 ..... _,,1aette cur-bike, excellent condition, new. 6 tiemi vlnyl cklset records.. 2 for 5c. · 'n'aya, S15 each, 847..Ql9 p 0 RT A 8 L E ,. ad 1 • , 1 • .._."".. firm price ol $24. Ladies slaaa and china. Some • HEAVY Duty ri.win& set $lll. 646-J551 2 END Tables $3. CoUee table $5. Aquarium, 10 gallon $20. 646-9541 GOLD c.4 rpet ing, ap.. proximately 50 yards 75c a yaro, 231 Cablillo, C..M. MAGS - 2 Ansen T x 14 for 1''ord. Paid $40, seU for $20. ,....,.,., MAYTAG Washer, 2 speed automatic $25. 644--0198 GIRL'S 24" bicycle 3 speed hand brakes $1{1, Boy'r 24" TWIN Bed, complete, mat-new tires Si7. 50 Boy'a 26" tress. box: springs, frame, all chrome $20. All exc-ellent clean $25. 548-4253 condition. 226 Cabrillo St, IRONRITE Ironer S25. 2 ~c~·~M~. ~"-= .. ~""'~~· ~-~~ blond end tables tlO. Golf DISHES lOc • 25c. cUt and bag SlO. 546-4062 Girl's blouses 1Oc.25 c LARGE · oUice desk 646-.s645 BLOND Wig, cascade and fall SlO each. 646-5645 SIO Women's dresses 5 O c • S 1 Girls dressing tabl4> $4 Pk- till'CS 50c, n. $5. Lamp u Mat rug Sl Shag rug Sl Books 10c·25c Curtains $1.50 Badminton set $.3.50 Laun. dry cart $1 Vacuum $4 MiJ'.. ror S2. 612 Iris Ave., CdM. In alley between Iris and Jasmine, north of Coast Highway. Sal 10..2 PM. BASSI.NETTE, White net skirt with yellow bows, beautil~ SlO. 646-5615 J HP Briggs and Stratton S20 J HP Tecumseh $20. 540-1.258 1,.,~·"· ""s~u..,...,· -.,-"•;°'ke-;1;;;9-. -;1;:64-0;;; 12009 FEDERAL, Costa Mesa. c M Must see over weekend, all Newport Blvd. No. 55• · · sizes men's suits S 1 0 01.D Steamer trunk SlJ. Jackets S5 Ladies large size Walnut playpen pad and ter· dresses $3 C.oats SS SOOes S1 rycloth covtt $8. New baby Dining tables SlS each, jumper and recliner, cost (Maple)· Lamps $.3 pair. S12, selling S7. Barbecue $8. Dishes 2Sc Cooking utensils \Vhite lamp shade S3. Twin 25c Sheets $1 Towels 25c headboard $6. F u 11 e r Pillows S1 Blankets S2 salesman's case $1. Colt Bedspreads $3. 2009 Federal bag S2. Tao and brown Ave., Costa Mesa. braided rug, 9 x 12 $8. DESKS $8 and S5 Drop-leaf Twin bedspreads, white $4. kitchen table S8 Old vanity Velvet coat, site 14, cost S75, $25. New black figured with triple mirror $6 Gas silk knee length Chinese heating stove with mantles dreas, size 14, $16. Green $4 L.aundry cart $2.50 Twin ahoes & bag, new, si?.e 10 $6 bed frames and headboards, and S.4. White lqafcrs, IM?w, antique white no While size 10, $6. LI S-8034 cradle, almost new ?J Old library table SA P a i r ALMOST ne1v, fine tennis ciramic lamp bases S4 racket $9. Good purses n. Blond oak kitchen table $3. Good shoes ~ · La r g e 2 W ALNtrr headboards and talns, Jour panels 2Sc each, thin tire 26 .. bike, needs 1 $4.75 auto aide view mlnor Bavarian and English bone DRESSER $3. Single 1 bed Imperial Screenmaster $15 crjas-crou $l Filled double tire repain: $5. Large com-$1.75. 7135 binocular'• $5. china. 2ic 10 $2. Small tools frame w/htadboard and Light bar $10 Large size in- epread Sl.. 548--5360 merclal vise. Wring $24,50. 6 _ .... _. -""'--------II &. Car Jacka and tools. $1. tootboard SlO. Re cord neniprlu""u crlm mattreu, WJUTE stat jackets, p ieces nice wrous:ht iron, all 2 Pole I amp 1 $6 esch. ca 1 em en t win dO w cabinet SS. 312)2 Holl)', S. very • t e $6. 2-Calem.&n Bennuda'a, cute sun bat, for $8.~. 3 feet x 150 lineal Couch, sreen $20. C.otfee hardware, new sets. 50c. Lag 499-2605 ~~e mantle lantema SIO auorted si!ell and In ex-feet stucco netting, never table $10. 2 Large lamps S15 Ladles caprls, b I o u s e s, SACRIFICE. Oil paintlnp by eaui. Skid chaina, new with cellent corx!ition $1-$4. New used, complete with paper each. 546--4145 dre8'ea, sweaten (1.2-14) well-known Harbor artist tension gpringa. fits sizes And used 5hoe5 a.nd sandals $9. ~ stretcher type and ahoea (7), 25c to $1.50. $25. 546-3634. ll69 Dorset 6'10xl5H-· """1Map~: 600,.:'.._1 16, ~·. f all 4 t 5\i lzc • h VOICE Of Music monunl. -·--1 .., .,...11 ,...., or )'OW' am o 11 a. bunks for camper S5 eac . recorde ill'! Men's ~. na m e Lane, CM ~70 646-1394 Two louvered t,ype 18" x 24" tape r, cost ne Y branch, lerge. 11 to $.3. RRGOYYAALLis;t;taodmdamoni";1ypewr1(;1;;;;iiterorJ.;';;=;,~='=""-~~- SEA green 12' x 7' wool camper· windOws $5 , each. $200, sell tor S3J. needs 3 Men's wash-wear alack.a, $2.5. UndeN'OOd portable S U R FBOARD, unfutished carpet, very nice SlO 2 Stainless steel sandwich. belts. 36 Joot te.lescoplng TV 34w. 25c and SOc. Large typewriter $25. Both In eic-$12.50 Man's golr dubs, 10, bolster for Holl)"''OOd bed, heat and eat. electric timer, mast $6. 5 solid oak ex· acerrlc pictures. S1 ea. 4-cellent condition 613-«i98 Sl5. Redwood table and ben. naugahyde with zipper. Like very good condition SlO. tension leaJ !or table $4. dra"'<er metaJ chest ol -chH S3 Electric a o up new S5 Palio chair, metal Good 12 volt batteries $4. 2-lieni 670xl5, 110me tread drawtrs. S6. Desk I chest STEREO lP Album sell, warmer SS Radio $2.50 frames 25c TV lamp SL Two car radios $2 each. left Sl .50 Jor both. 2 Buick combination with 2 la.rge new condition: 10 record aet Barbeque S 2. 5 0, 1540 548-6007 Large air hGrn and tank $12. rims 50c. New lO gal glass drawers 8. Numerical ele<> ''Down Memory Lane" $12. Miramar, Balboa. 67J...1355 FULL bedspread S3 Double ceme11t laundry tuba SS Bath sink $3 Clothes lOc-$2 Dinette table $3) 4 matching chain SlO 575 Victoria,, Apt 2 small bikes $6 each. lined round electric water hie c1oCK with seconds. SS. 6 Record set Bing Crosbyl•SA===,,.-~~,,.:;=::.1 .Tlicycle $2. 2 gasoline lawn heater, new faucets chrome Push-button switches and $9. 4 Record &et "Many 'J'URDAY, July 26th only. ~"' $6 each. 30 gallon with anti-syphon valve, cost electrical items. 1Dc to SOc. Moods or Enoch Light" $6. 10-SPM. Magna_vox portable d -~ 115 $30, sell for $'15. FlbetglaAS All J sets for $25. M•"v itereo, needs llOl'lle work S3'.I oil rum ........ pump · Metal two-tier shop table $3. o••--album• !rom ~ tt-~ Hitachi Beslona ta p • Yard soil roller S8. North on 'matting 'I tt x 20 ft $10. New Two train layout boards. u..-. ...... ..... ~.,,., record S15 N' coll Harbor Blvd. to Bay St. power brake unit $15. New $1.50 and $3. Fiction and each. Saturday a a.m, tO 6 . er. ice ege- East one block, tum right inter-matic time clock, cost text bookll. l5c each. 3093 p.m. 2677 Orange, rear, teen atrl s clothes, 1ize a...1•, KENMORE washer, need• 00 P·-M St. to 2019. $19. sell $9. One 10 lb. y .. ~. A·--·· '··ta Meu. Co&ta Mesa. 25c-$10 Dresses, 1 kl i' t t • _:..c,,.:,::-~-"'-~~~--,, I ed hamme'!' Ilk ""u ¥"'"""'• .......i sweaters, sportswear, men's pump $10 52 gallon electric ZENITH Automatic record sl ge • e new Saturday and Sunday. 5 HANGING b'pe llghta at $4 clothe.a, X·l, -~ Many E. ~1941 National water heater, $4. One new complete h 548-6161 ..,. ainall 1or us, works line SlO. player, 2 speakers s24. 2 chrome l!ihaver head unit GIRLS Stingray bike $15. eac · dPCOtator and household 101 Via Dijon, N.B. 673-0U4 stereo speakers $6. ~7994 $3.50. 2 sell or stencils. 5" Boys stingray bike $12. FURNITURE S1425,. 53&-8518 Items 25c-$5. 143'7 Serenade 2 "LANE" walnut coHee NEW Sunbeam e I e ct r i c and 8 .. lettrn and numbers Girls 24" bike $lTBoys 24" WIG, real hair, bk>nde, worn Terrace, Corona del Mar, tables $l8 each Melmac fl')'lng pan $9.50. G.E. rolls· $2. Satuntay and Sunda.)'. bike S12. Boy's 26". Bike ohly few times. orig1.nally RIVIERA sofa·bed, cuslOm serie $25. gyrocoo plaques 642-T495 $12. Full size braided rug $15(). now $25. 548-2951 built, need• oovering-= Big di&hea Joi" 848 Elecrtlc can tt., __ _. pad "'" - OP'ner $10 Toys 2Sc42 $8. New ba.thinette ,......, SCRAM LETS $15. 7x9 rug ..,.., .,,.,. BOYS HuUy Blice S 15. Boy barbeque with hood, Giant Titan pump aquarium • Po"-er mower $25. Lawn 548.-85?9 electric itarter and spit, Clothing, men·s size 42 med, $17.50. Blue Chip Stamps • ITIO\\U $5. Lawn sweeper needl minor rep.air and ladies sb:e lB-14 and babies S2.TS. New LP Oaaiical ANSWERS SS. Car top carrier canvaa CHILDS Schwinn bike 16" clean-up $20 10 apeed bike to 2 years 5Qo..SXI New ttrords $1. 1T41 TUstln. cover SS. Electric stove tl5. $15, 2 1COOten $3 each. frame and wbttls 15. ~ men'a football shoes, size fboard ---'-.... .._L'nd ~ Ave., ApL 13, C.M. 6'16--0i75 AMJF1d 3 3peed maple Sill' .__., ... r ... r uci11 Cedar St. Newport Beach 8%-9 Aqua naugahyde aoia SEWING .... _ .... ;_ -=. Table Spllc-e; Ttna:le; Exhale; Vlr· cabinet $15. 1513 0ranp bib!' $5, 962-7035 6C-3ll5 · $17 Booka 25c~. 6f2...l614 ,........,.,,.., ....., tue: Oergy; Bubble; REAL A 6B-5666 COSCO 'baby• bed $10 Maple $10. Silver and crystlQ S1~ BUlLE'TS. An American w. · '57 BUICK $25, 10662 Rhonda DELUXE ~an stove n4 6, 9. Books 5c-:.l)c. CI 0 t be 111 1portswrlter asRd a Rua· PORTABLE Singer sewing St. Garden Grove Lanterns, never used $'1.50. end table S7 Brown x assorted sizes. mostly girl'• ma·••--with attachments 9 FT. SURF .._ _ _. $11, ..._..., oval I'll&" SS Floor lamp S4 ·, 2 5 .110 a1an track coach why the ciw"" ....... ..,. /;;;;i"'-ii;-'.:"::-=O"'l==~ and l11omen • c ~ · .sov~ta --uced such fast and<Ondihooks'Uon Sf8.-0110. ~· ln excellent 962-9759 POOL 15' x 3• -=::, ·~3769 Table lamp. Maple SI Mu·•-t fur _1 ·~. So r•---""'" ..,,._ :wu... ....... ....... runnen ... lt'a really qullol' EL"-RIC G I camera S3 Records .......... -•-"' much~ won't believe it. 11----------1 """"' utar Decca TRAILER Jacka SI 25 6' traverse drapery rod $1 Sunday 'tll it's all gone. 1806 ~.i;:'~ ~~c~Jr'fl~ MAPLE Dinette set S15. new $10, 12 string Spanish Emergency rcfiectora ' S3 Men's and women's cloth~ Be""'I Lane, ~Wport Beach Double .11lnk wiring S7.50, •lyle $25. ·cue for 12 alrlng Coleman SPQrtsman 1 25c·S2 Tays and games 5c-$1 5'1i.7812 tn our startine IUJ15." 125 sq, ft. red Jonnica $10. $5, cues for slanda'rd burner heat dru.;, S5 Noreclo tape re co rd er , ADLER Portable zigzag sew· 53&-85.11 c!asslcal SU each, pl.utlc Coleman 2 burner deltJXe repairable $12 Mirror $1 TYPEWRITER Underwood. Ing machine $25. Babyll~"'-=-------1 t1ppered cases $4.50 each, stow $1D Coleman lanterns Portable dishwasher, needs clean, wry good condition awing frame 75c. Bab)' pad 'IWJN Kittene, two sable and atrap1 and etring sets Jl.50 extra man Jes $6.50 Hand upholstered chall' $25. BBQ Big Boy $7.50, 515 Santa. Ana, Newport Be a ch. Pump ss. 646-1390 $22 4 bridge chairs. steel SOc. Electric bread baalset, white, plump ard hcallb)'. each, Capos SI, each, air pump 11 ~ •·-frames ns each 2 matching• ~:;:::c;,;=:;c::,=C..,::-;:;:;: f Id' 14 -• •••7165 -2470 -. ...,."-.. -6" mattresses and blx springs t itEA VY Maple coffee table o ing ea"" ......,.. can opener $2 each. CoVeredll~-"'-----~---'•o-26.16 deluxe alr mats _$3 Ta.rps. 54~198 HA V AHART-Ossining I r a p $9. Race car track, needs car $5. 54S-8!iS6 KENMORE washer in good omdltion $25. 548-2002. 756 Center SI .. C.M. DOUBLE bed $10. Box springs I. mattress $25. 646-1'l20 AUTOMATIC washer in very good condition $25. A pair of fender skirts for '61 Ford, new S10. 847-8115 GREY queen size headboard SlO. Two twin beds $10 each. Chest of drawen $10. Bed side table S5. 5~8-'1538 MEN 'S 26 Inch 3 &peed bike S15. 644-<t.89-i , LARGE aviary $5. Bird s15 each 5 piece tangerine round drop leaf $20 End BRIGGS And Stratton'J.5 HP casserole SL Bu.rtet .. ervlng TV. Wringer Washer $15 BOYS 26" BIKE 3-epred, cavans and vinyl n.50 sectional, each section $12 , ;la::bl;•;:::S2tl::·cc548-"7-.:9462i"::==-;.; 22 inch rotary lawn mower items lOc~l. Light fixture• each, Automatic wuher hand brakes $25. Girl.1 roller Portable tollet SU.5 Cooking Overstulled J"OCking chair 1 : 12 with impulse • t art e r. $2. Rad~phono $15. Danish (Med• minor re p a I r l , skates ahoe ~ size 5 $5. ware set and try pan coffee HAND carpet shampooer perlect condit\on, new l111t chair frame $1.50. Child's f · tor boy' 3 speed 962-a>U pot $5 Coleman ice box S4.50 SlO P~e lamp $1 LP records Rocking chair $3 Patio table year $25 5.60 x 15 \'olk.s Ure ?tfR.ple rocker $4. Cannister ~ ng~ ' h ~ E t Skotch cooler $2. 540-1375 25':· 7V S15 pa 1 i 0 with benches 1$12 Garden and 65 rim ss. 5.90 x 5 Volks vacuum, excellent $.15. 40 ke, eac · gre ZENITH radio S6. 12" RCA lounge SI Bissell carpel table, other tables $2-$6. tire $2. Good tread. &41)-l793 piece aet plaltic dlshe•ll...:Ln=··...:HB.::.....:.,.._"'-'-----Portable TV SIO. 16'' Mar•• x 8' x 1' DEEP plyv.'OOd sweeper $2. Stud gun $15 Electric moton S 1 · S 6 , $3.SO. 16 piece new atainleu LADIES 3 1peea bike $22. Portable TV $15. Record car top ean'ier with fitted Nigl'ltsland $2 K n i t t i n g Mahogany & teak to r GAS Range, apt size $25. L. flatware $.3. Noritake china Man'• Schwinn with rack turn table $8. Schick hair tarp $25 double bed $20. machine, new 1$25 All good moldin" and short blocks,, ~P...:·-11"'..,•~l'~'..,"''-646--,,185_·..,1_..,.,_ 1,, ,.1 13 Coll" poi. 50c m. Ba"-• bike aeat $1.50. dryer S1. 2 GE Clock radiol wrought Iron desk and condition. 657 Beach, C.M. also pylwood scraps lOc-$1.. 'i.. A R G E . C a p a c I t y Glasses 50c, Crib SS. Blk~ 11 ~-"'-"'-'-"-'_____ $6-$8. 2 Sunbeam h a i r Phone 1tand SS. 8 ft couch 543-3596. Call anytime. 646-2.177 refrigeratOl' with crosatop frame a.nd wheel• $1.. Good dryen $6.$8. 2 Dilhmuten $8, leather brief cue Sl. ANTIQUE picture frames S4 CHAISES and ch airs, freezer $25. Walnut Danish tire 8. 25 x 14, S2. Spreada CLOTHING Size 12 50c-$1.50. good $22 each. 2 Fire childa ahoe ska~a n pair, to $12.50 Carnival bowl $5. aJumlnum $2 each. 646--6759 coUee table and end tables, 50c-$l. Tools 1 o c _ 5 o c . Painting $5. Pocket paper acreens bra.sa $6-$10. Singer a1ze 9 mens indoor ahoe China for 8, $20 Vases S4.SO all excellent condition ST Flowen and jewelcy 10c. backs Hie. 3922 Killybrooke tank vacuum $16. 2 Electric 11kate1 $5, car oU filter n. to S7 Wringtt type washer. PlNBALl.. machine S 2 5 each. Newly covered i Jt Misses and ladies clothes, Lane, CM Rem nzorg S4. 2 Electric double bed frame and good $25. Barbeque $5 ?>1adolln $25 Llve bait tank couch with let.down back &hoes, sl~ 7-12, 1Dc-50c. LAWNMOWER and catcher alann clocks $2-$4. 3910\.i !!prlng $5, S40-J7&l Screen door 50c. Divans no $l0 Marine toilet $20 l060 $25. Matching easy chair ?>-fen·s large J0c-50c. Toya, SlO. Bassinet complete ST. 2 Channel Pl NB 6'13-160.1 O'KEEFE and Merrit 2 oven, Victoria. C.M. ~s.-fJOJ4 54S-1109 10 $20 Mangle $15 Waa.'i 1,.:::;~:;....:='-"C::'=::::--;;;o S15. game11, boolal 1 O c -5 O c . walnut end table11 $15. Table CRIB SlO. Mattreu S7 good broUer, grill, still in uie S25. basin Sl Bedspread T:.x:, Pie· LA~ Mowen:, 2 rotary S20 AQUARIUMS, 22 gal with Saturday only. 3089 Molokai lamp $8. Ash cabinet good t'Ondltlon 545--3481 G.E. Refrigerator 10 years ture mirror 75c. Pre-war each. EdgeNI, 2 McLaln S20 pump, top, fiourescent light, Pl., Mesa Verde, off for records $15. Moen 15 x 15 BOUND brown tweed old $25. 3214 Clay al lacquer tea set S 1. 5 0 and S25. RotoUller Jl.t&E underground filte['S a nd Gibraltar. 546-3090 bathroom faucet $5. 54~2526 rug $15 Gold colored metal Weatmin1ter SL Newpor1 M ....... avox 7V cabinet S2.Cl Clinton engine S25. Sprayer, nd ~ ~ -• how $10 5 H~ _.. sta -... ""&"' 11 • 12 Window bra111 ~rui WALNUT CoUee table $8. open picture fl'llmc wa111,,.,=-=· =====--,I Hand crocheted dress, Alze 25 gallon Brigp and Strat· gal with top $4. 8 gal show with wood frames 31" x 35", La.rge mirrors SL Books hanging, contalnlrw gold REFRIGERATOR, good 12 SS Electric clock. good SJ ton motor. both ln fine con-S4. 2 gal $3. Stand for 10 gal 4-31" x 39\ii ... one 31" x 34" l"-""'·. Pole lamp 15, Dre-bowl ol orange fruits and working oondltion $25 Jn. Clothes 10c-75c. Reader'a dition S25. BarbeQUes S3 11 = Pum ~ ~-~ h show ·""'· pa auu ac-50c each, new. 44 plece11 i;ses, ahlrts, s we a t er 1 flowers, with matching aide qulre 642--0840 0 1-st Sc each Antique each. Luggage Sl.50 eac · rl M ~ .,. =>• ~an books S9 eat.h. Trunk $5. Lamps S to $7 .50. ces.so es ...........,. .....,....,,,.,, plywood 3/8'' x 12" x 12", 50 25e-$2. Pictures, pr I n t " , candles $5. Hooded barbe-'JWO twin mattresses $20 POOL table SlO. Chev JO inch Wool Mohawk rug $25 Wal-Radios S7 and SlO. Propane Aiik lllr Gene. 1060 Victoria. pieces, different sizes 15c frames 2.5c-$2'. J..arre pink que $1.50. Electric spit $4. Sewing machine $20 Croquet wide wheela $25. !'¥1otorcycle ne pad $15 8 water goblets lantern SJ., Coollng Wt and C.M. each. Floor and table lampll b e d 6 p re ad $2.50 721 ~ COOlidae No. 81, Costa $6. 543-3774 · nesting boxes 5()c. Kin~side headboard Slil. G o • K a r t frame $5. 548-718'1 solo !le8.t and pall, new $25. Sl.25 each Duncan Phyfe heater SlO. Roofing paper, 1 OLD Walnut table. carved ~~ ~ ':g.!'I::~ ~~ ~ Narcissus CdM 673-fl957 .,fesa. Sat only. 546-1585. 1..,:-:-..25'""x-,1'°'4-Al=w-,l'°l,..-=11'~.~,.,1 646"8108 dinette S25 6 Duncan Pbyle roll 65 lb. $2.50. Old lega, opens for dining I~ 79 ... one awlng'lng door 29 .. FOLDING High-chair, TWO new aplnnlng nxls, each .. 7.75 x 14 tire's ST.50 NEW station wagUn mattress chain no each. Blanket• phonograph records 25c. $25. Portable • e. w n i _, doubl a I al n 1 e 811 steel tray: reels, monotllament S 2 O each. Excellent condition. $3. Jee cream freezer ST.50. Sl.25 to $2.50 1m Orange Metal card tiling cabinets S2 machine $15. Saturday after " 77"• one met... e each Surf rod Penn reel Portabl TV $25 Barbell ri A C M •ach. Fl .. place screen $5. l PM 642-5334 11lldirw; door 36" each door x roiie-bew•~. ,."' I~~~· 1o!..,"',t monofilament 'S25 Sa n d 110 ....... ~--_,, -~ ..-v': 5 gallon fish aqua um, 1 ~=ve~·~·~· ---~~~ 1"" 1 . 80", new with all the at· """ , ... .....,. .... lk •-t Two G t Lak ... uaUUK: ...... ~"""' ,._ filter & dump $3. 2 Thermos GmL'S Sting-ray $10 9 n Lad lea pun;es, ne\Y LT. Avocado n Y on 1"' tachmenls $10. Well built folding chairs and 38 inch 1P e ,.. rea es Exercise board $10 Exercise jugs 50c-75c. Swim pool surfboard S15 SWr step Sl.50 to $3. Alley, no% door • outdoot" carpeting I b'-k f hort flt round table; plate glus aecUoned pack rods tor machine $10 2"' x 6" x u· lounge, new ST. Bicycle built bookcase S5 C h 1 1 d re n . 1 Goldenrod, Cd.M. Sat. 'til neve?!' uaed Sl95 sq. yard. P wn u,. rac or s • mirror,, 2 feet sqUan; 001. ".$Plnnlna $8.00 each, One. Inch boarda S1 each. 546--J92'J tor 2, $25. lc-e chest. Knapp record p!aver S3 Pair Maple, ,,:W;;ed;;,. <J>.J689:;,~;=;;:=->c;::o=::: .54;;>-;;1006=;;,7.""-::..,.-:".:':7'7.: ~~· 18., .. '• 5'd'' .~ 01"'11~ onia.l bridge table -lamp hnM sea auction valve with 232 AM.HERSl' off Fairview ,.,_hes 6 to ~ I: ":' .,.,.vy I ra:·....,, ' •w each, 841 .... ,.. fittings $5 New Evlnrude. W·"· F I Col bla ,· Monarch $5. -...1 , x wall lamps $8 King size cor-FURNm.JRE tor 2 bedroom MUST Sell eve: ry l hi n 8 pipes. 1%" x 20'. good for • -u.u.J __ 11C'r 25 40 horwepower ....,... ores, um . 10 SOc-$.2.. 890 Capitol, west du.my 6pread, b o I a I er 11, hour.e: Breakfast 11el1 SIS S5. Occasional chair $5. antennas S2 each. 8 Venetian ANTIQUE Chtek protector !"~ ' couches $3:1 and US Chain Of Wil"'n school. L-d~~ -T I nd •~ 1 .._v works good 'I I ffff labl• •"'= .. -.... ..._., SlO $peclal galls S3 each. 110 Bike · M ' ~ ,,.,a uuwu ........ w n a ........ ce."""'• ~·ap e CQ ~· blinds. different alzcs . .._..., machine In aooJ1 Iba.Pe .. ~ Fl\oe boxes 34).30, 32 special . , _ s. en a ~"· 2 TIRES 6'10 xis, $448. Jack bedspf.eads S6 each Lionel S20. End tablea $15. Com· Maple end table $25. Maple all fDl' Sl. one basketball 1now skis SS pair, por1able culn,-a for reloading SI Child a $10 Lam.pa $10 each S10. 2 baby car bed11, like train I.: acees!Orles $1-$10 nlOde 11et $20. O~ round drop leaf table sis. 4 ladder rack, Wied SL 25 cabinet electric mangle good con. box:. New battery operated pool cue1, one piece, wood, new $2-$4. 904 \V. 191.h St., Alu minum cot S5 Gold chair hall table, vtt'Y old $25. back chain Sl5. Shulter doon new 1" x 12"' x 2.l", dlUon $7, clay pots 2~·· to 6 campllig fishing lafttern $5 atratght Sl each 4 speed C.M. $5 2 sleeping bag& $3-$5 Cha.Ira Sl to $25. Vacuum, door cabinet J25. 21" TV 15 d!ite~nt ilzea 15c each. tnch 5c to 15c. 536-0fOJ Large 2' new grill hibachi, tranamll1lon '48 Ford S5 LRC;;;.A;::_"'rv"'"°""l"t"O.-;Frlg;;:;:;cldar.:;:ire: I Barbie doll, c I o th es • Hoover, good S12. Twin bedbcds SlO. Queen size-bookcaae 548-5143, 9 AM. 6 PM lfunt. Bch. charcoal fluid, aUll In case car radio. 6 v, with speaker drea.mhouse S10 Never used 3, 110 and $15. Kitli: 1\te headboard 115. Match~ 6 ===--=-=--::-:o:-::-:: 15 Power s'-Arl-unit refrigerator $20, both work. Farber Bar·.._ -ue SIO. 1530 ....... CoUee table• S8 and drawer dl'tSJM!.r $25. Maple DINING Table, ant I q u e BABY Bed 1prlngs and mat· $12.50. New extension mil'-Cadlll $3 tta';i ~ t • 3 '._,_ 15 eaCh. Table& S4 ~ ...., $3 50 -• 125 .. ··Uet -6 -,. ••cln't con d I U o n, ror for fl'lwing 15. Portab1" ac , wa" ....... n Vivian Lane. New. 0" $10. Chest.a of drawel'!I • buffet -. Clock radio $.l. 0·~~ . uu ....... ..... .... so" N•mp for 48 Ford H ad 15 h Mal•-· and ,,,1.....,. .... o; ..,.. ........ ·~ Llquoc cabl"'t dl•P'< paU and •·th, ·'I ~--mmodc with •·-$3. ,_,, • • l!ac · ..,,._ .. ,.. Beach. 543-4414. Sat..._ .. ,... and ..,o;. T.V. hutch ....... Touter .. o; Electric mffee ~~"' --·tabl fl< lT23 .... .., -..... ._. ..___... Id OaMictl 'ltl ~ Golf cart $2. Electric ""Y Sl..,, .. Q'Keefe and Merritt, pot •J. n;.-.. ltt SlO. Potl, ...,. e ....... $25. 2 twin walm.it bead and Volt fl1111 $5. stalnletlll 1tffl ~""'25c 0 h Two .:_1 h-~ m"'' -$3. BBQ and 9 x 12 GOLD and brown tone --._ " 8 ..... ..,, __ _._I Su· •-•~-foot ~~ w/olall fl•, con. lrlnka .,. each. KanoaroO rpm eac · IHalT1:' ..... ~· ytPV clean $:2S:" Ulllhe&, pots: ...... ._ dJ.ahes, games, pJ~ ..--........ WI< '• DllH.I•-"""'" •W ..., Solex: b •J w-•A.. -aplt s:s. Metal yuuth bed and oval braKI rug Sl.3· OJllce a,;fpana coffee potl, iron& ;:.;,;; with tramea 2Sc to $2. 30,. Gu •love m. ~ tole ll!'Wlnsr machine ex-leather roller ahoe akatea, car .... ~ "prlrijta $3. Lawn mowr.r $2. tabJe $2.00 Boat pldlft wtth lD'i\i u cellent condition $25, lronin& CU! $15. RCA rad1o cloCk n.50 Paper and hard books TV lnlY $et $l. Metal nice frame S:lD Ladies atac>e 1Qco-S3.50. Broiler ST. 3 20261 Bayview Ave., Sant& ~fripr&tor $XI. Ca alttt board $2, good full she box cnmblnation larp $10 Nn> Sc ~ kitehtn table $2. Car pillow roller akatet. lite 'I, SS. Goldenrod CdM. 3.:i~L in Ma Hll., 549-3S28 4:!l:I week-days all di.)' 1prin11 SS. cheat draM!tll book 1 , pot 1. pan 1 ,l;F;UREKA==,,.,--;-..,..=-,~=,-vacu--"'um-I SOc. ~ dn!saer U5. Reoord 1tand $2.50 Large alley 67$-3689 'Ill ~ TRUNK $1!, &ctric bee.r weekends 636-2!129 $5. &0-6724 pape:tbecks l(lc.$3. Box. of deantr $15. 2328 Colleie Dr. Bedroom chRir and pad $4. bookc&le SU Boy'1 20·• ~DIAN Head pennies 4/$1, 1lpl S5. Formica table SL SABOT Mut PJ. Boom $10. dWft. glasses $2.50 Heavy C.M. 54&-6987 Bed&preadl $2.50 each. $np hlgbtUe bike sai 'Tbree unclrcUlaled cent r o 11 • • $28 twin l"ftrl bedspread $5, Strombecker road radnc .et MOTORCYCLI: ~I.me~ ~n beer barrel cfrU*. KING ~ bt'd complete $2d cover $1. Unena JOc. Mirror piece turquoise secUonal Sl!i 62--D, 63, 64.M, and 68 all 5 fklokca* Sl2. Chair SS. $10. 675-!M9 tory 2ndt, A.M. ap ire mup 75c each. Drapei Kliw' al.le tied percale SJ., Electric m1aaae pillow Tall bantools, nttds a lttUe rolls $4. B.U. Lincoln Ht 59 °'9.ir cushions 25c. Bab)' 2 PRINT couches $15 eacb. 2 $18 to SUI. ~ SS Me.n'• heavy i(>ld and aheeta. 5 Oat, 5 fiUed $2.50 $3. Antique. •hlfl' twtn head-work $6 each. Nursery lamp -19, 2 1eta: SUO. 68 and 69 ur aeat $1.50, new auto Bar itooU $5 eactl. 2 awn n:MELY Fumilunl: twin llUVft' rlfll1 $5 each. Bu)ova u.ch. GOOlt c 0 nd 1t 1 0 n . 'boards ~ Fcmnlca top c:of· S2 ~tenon baby .W. $6 proof aeta, both $XI, co}nl mtnw n. 20" toW'KI mln'Or $10 each Double bed uw:t bed.&. bookcue beadboe.rda. 17 jewel wriftwa1Ch. IOkt 4M-ffil fee table. $2. cotlc!e P.>ll SI Ke:nmore washer, workl avaU.ble Sal only untlt 8 Sl.!!O, dooble flat abeeta .75. frame szO. Deak $10. Oanlah btboarQs.,bladc with 'While c.9t, blnd us SfunnlQSI;:;-,-.,,=,._,.=,...,,=-..,,,. ea.ch. Sward fish nXl and tine $25. ~9--0874 p.m. phont. $J6..3)'1l for • b a b "j cu rt a I n a S 4 • modem dlntrc round llbll.I newnnar tops $25, each. weddU. e111tmble, rinp sz It • Beach bouaa time, BW· real SlO. Phonognlphl S5. JENNY Lind bed $'15. s.\J.e 6 deal. Mlcro8t'opl.I ts. Glau waro $2S. 4 Cha.In ~ Round two Ids twin ell'! ma.I:· each Cue =. SH to "-" Pli ~ ever! see U>t Broll.quk:k rotlslme SU. to 16 tioy•1 dotbel and shoe• TWIN Size boJl 1pringa, extl'll •nd clothlns Se to $%. fonnica table SU. Other trlwl and box8flrltO S25. preciate. 'Sm.la: H&rtlor, 1621 DAn.Y PILOT 01•1w 244 M8.JTID!ln. C.M. lOc to fl, wing chair $15, ex· long, $10, aqua llOfa $25, 9332 Malahirie Dttvt, HB household ltema, 219 '2nd each 1tt, cmt SU> t.ach Newpc.ri Blvd. C.M. ~ =-==N=O=W=! ==.....,.= MATCHING Love sea ti 420 xercycle $7.50, dlahtw 25c to tAAtchlng r,Mlr ns, small GAS Stove table top brolltt, St.. Newport Shore ti. new. 34'1.-631! 31. Meue park outside. DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! e.ach. 59J..lm tJ, call 847·2423 RCA ni..11 $15.· 962--08U excel~nt bQy '25. S3G-8991 64J..3365 10 SPEED $25. '53&6126 Oon't dl1turb '\narqer. BRING RESULTS! • • • \ Slfl £111! I Read The DAILY PILOT c L A s s I F I E D. IBIT ' 1111! l ' I I ' I ' ' ' I ' l , I . ' • I . I_ . I ·• I . I ' ' I : I -- •I ' • ~ I • . ' .. -·, ~,,... . . . r•.n.v 'iLOT Satlrlq, J•~ 26, 1!69 · ON TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -l'!TS 1..t LIVISTOCIC TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTAT1 .1""DISI fOR 1 1lCr-tANOI!-•..: t-Uk fm~rted Autq1 9600 , : SALi ~D TRAOI SALe AND TRADI FREE TO YOU ;;..---: ~ -au lallloom 9010 ... , .,., _ .. 90U MHll• "-__ 92_oo T911ks 9500 DA TsUN TI ' " ....... & °"91• 1130 Mlac.!faneow 8600 ND Gd bomt" -ac:.utP. ~ Malamutet (II~ Ot.:EN L u· .. .cotllent eon-sis. mo. u..ttp. 12' , •• b1 s ·. I)' Trailn' wtth C&bal\L, -,..-F-onl-.,.-V1.~-,-.. -to_m_Cl-:-b, I -~-~:-:::::-::::::::;: ,; -";;~~~~~;::;;;; Sm Ion! mllo ..... ...._ dee -) AKC, be&ut11u1 dltloo, a -\oUPll> at Up ID 20' mu~ Con>pllllly "' up. Im· ">"'P """'"" w i 0 dow1, ORANGE COUNTY'S ,, SAT a SUN ONL y • CLIK'r nUT l'll ., mmd ~ 2 )19. ...... color!ot .;.., '"""" q, I'll! Sloop ~ -11>'40 Neulate! S..utllbl yvd. a.... -· NO. 1 " l'rwTrlpl.9V .. 11 u~•-V <>Jill. n>t ld, Hid abot1. fr!<ndbo -.; lllll,~ber&lalllcl llalolmiiL!P 8J>1co n<filld tm. f'uil)<IU-'"'dyfor1===-,,.-;:,,--,==::-OATSUNDl!ALER :; Glv'" It..,..,. MWW f/06 tnJn, Pwsc\ abow""q•, -rluin& Wit!. tnlf1r. medlo"ly for 28' Cbrtl. C»n\lonable """-SllllO •• FIJRD" ton,""" mil«. DOT DATSUN " P l•no &. Org•n Sale ~ar IF You. ue aupvstiaout. pod ttrt b re t d I ri a. '4~ Perm or temp. fl$..U9'J c.uh. Set at D'I' W. Wllaoa $2100. hliect condltlOll. '• Bu)' OOI • "::tlve • tree Top N·~e. at Wbo 1 ""' 1 ' don't ~r Ihle; ad. All ReallWtd pui'tbred.. JUl) JIJ' .roumOlr, IQ tlooo. $LlPS kr rem. so. 3 5'. St. 5'».5t CM. 5'1-M4T &t6-aB72 l883S Belch Bl~. :.J trip fir 2 to Vtp1 via Air Sat/26th t :JO • S:JO bladr mah ldttan 6 11'tY up, ea.3513 l&»ltrW bWJ, dtpend, 111 1 Newpprt Kart:lar, µ2 W. '1' MOBILE bon\f, ea1*\a. 2 '66bATSUN truck wttfl ctm· lfunti.n8tGn Beach Y West. \"/ILD FLOWC:Cl Anron male. 67$.l!IO alt llOO'lTJES AKC Mu 1 t I boal. 2 1eu d"'""' 11ll1 A C..t HI...,., Nil, 5'S-M!ll &. Boy Ylew. Lldo Park. per, $999. '63 Cutlau Oldl.. .112.T181 or "40-GI<' '.I ChukfMu1lcComf.•ny 2JSOMetaVerdeOr. 6. 1/l8 cbampatlt.Swki.M!F. ~ptnaktr, •lif•k• offer. 18Cn>.81S-1nl , Do!hXlntcond.Ml-4Ml • 6 8 ~N , ~·I »15 N, Main. SA t7.o681 C,osti Meta • PURE White. cal, l bl1JB eye, (213) HA M239 646-0713 lo1t·Ytcht 8' x.O' FlfllN. MObile BOOit.' 9510 B'-i1ttlon n, outo, ov-•,". Sal l :IOO:lO-Sim, I~ P!d. 1 '""':'""l'l'l!~~~~ 1 ~·•t ,., r. Ch 9039 J-~ . rrrtn eye. pre•·-· 22' SANT"'.,A. new .,,.,.nQI., artera awninp, new dn,pet, mov-.-..:.:i;:..;.C::...-----'""-' 'l'rheall cam. dlr, x.lnt cond . .., 1 i'WTIKS * $12 .>. AUCTION * N~ fosttr 1homed"' 1~11 Hal'MI h30 wiochel, Johnlon 6, comp!· 50, ......__,_ ,.._,. 11, tnr. MIH108 '&4 JN!p Wqonetr, atk., ovr Take older trade. ToW 1 Orau clul !tllOtll for be-~ be put 0 ea "· p&aa bottom paint. com · ....... -,. ......... DELUXE dble wlde,1lmmed dr .. 4 whf drive. Big Gate• price $1599. LB WBJ 589. ~: rtMtts. Sl&rtlna: Tuc~ U you will aell or bQy 83M493 11"1 HORSE Cotrala with shelter cove~. l m mac u J ate Unltllte en.ii.er, Daily lo E • ~-·-t'-•· E·-• ..._2610 Call vo·,. ..,~~ ,,,.,.,._ , , ..i 'Vindy a -. far ttnl $1.5/rno ~9673 ., •• ••A<> or ··-6 1.•y ~2808 posteu n. ve1 "' w""''"'"'-u11 ·~ ... .,.......,_ Juty 29 at 'I PM. Practice •• ve "J PURE-Bred, male Seqle, • · ,,_......,..., .. ~ · _ Call '46-4660 --,itDATSUN ;'. """"' avallab!e. Joi ' lb< AuoUnnJ Friday 1:30 p.m. •bout ' ,.,.. old: """ Np! h'Wy A Poltades CAL »; ,...., tn>m 2. Of. * Finest Seloctlan. Power • C1mparo 9520 Biz Sedao, "'" '""mead '. ! "'"' REGISTER NOW! Windy's Auction Bom chUd,.n; to ...., home. TRANSPORTATION fer. Loi. 29, Jmrna~ ad . Sall. Sldp,... optional. For Motor Homao 9215 "'"' auto trano. r/h, w•w. " In oo~~AMg~E P.IAR Behind Tony's Bldr. Mat1. 644-1008 1/28 Bolt• a Ytchft 9000 IN•Bar._201 ... ~ Pacific C.out, brochure call 543-4191 FAMILY Vac..Uon Cl'ulttr CAMPER loadtd! Low, low milelJI Un-,, -~ msa30 2Q75% Newpoprt, CM 6f6.8686 SMALL SilJ(y Ten1er-"Dl-· v•....._... .... ..a vo•o der factory 1i,'8JTant).' • .ruLI ~·, -E, Oout H"l' -T-RESWEET-Jio" abow ~. loves ·-~ .• _ .. w "·'In 27' SOUN"-Bo1t1 Wan,_ • trom ochool""" <»mplately S.111 • Ronl1l1 ~.. ldor • ilDIUlioNb-StiGwq ~Y• .....,. 1 te.ty ~ ~-oW'79 ........, w equlpped,$398Sori.nte~tln price $1815. J11..,,. o •1 mlba. MW I: uatd planoe: VALENCIAS ~~~k~~-· ~=e?l'IP. ~~r2. ~~~~ lmm.cllat1 0.11_,.ry W_!N.,!,,11", ~ c~b!~ airplane, boat, ~~ ~ ~~!'~~' ~'4M-~. YNW141< CJll k.•,' of all makes. &Ht blzys in -.,.,.',;':;;';," ;:,'"';;.-'11';;';;"""'-";;::-194"":= "=,,_..,.,.,....-;::=-;:::-;; ....,...., SCHOCK BOATS' ........... estate In tn.de. ___, eo-n --ud "" ., NEED aood home lor 5 ralll,deckcarpeted,palnled CnJ.iaeror!C.UGT3-Q31S1 ~tlln•n !'<P<U••C • ___ , 1 So. c..ut. rijj:ht hen!. SACRinCE! OU Paintitlp lovable kltte111 U will old, 3 this year. Just o:>mplete.~ Newport * GTS-Xl50 · I ;T:ed=.===="'=· =::; 11 1' Ol~ Low AJ EN GUSH FORD :: ~ N~~~ CO., by v.'i!U-lcnown Harbor artist ttd and 2 calico, ma.le I: rtbuUt 1964 Johnlon. T5 b.p. ONL y $11,aa Afrcr•ft -9100 Mini Blket 9275 • 1 Santa Ana 525 · 546-3634. ll6S Dorset female. 5tl-40'79 7/29 outboard. Bllllt-ln 35 aal. F /Gl Alberg 35 -----·--"Model# £'ll ,. ll.a~"'~· C~M~:-;;::;;::;=-::; II sso&:uoiii""i,ii;1'hoaiiii;;-:•oFiiFtr tuel tanb, all a a f et y LOADED • CLIAN PRIVATE Pilot wants to join ZEBRA. Xlnt cond. 3'1W hp. Theodore ORANGE COUNTY'S : : Franchi•• Clostout J:pc bookcue -bedroom aet, PI., woo ad any equipment Iarae whee I Paclflc Yacht Salea ST3.15TO tlying club. 800 Hour total tmim&eb ne1. front ahockl. ROBINS FORD VOLUME ENGLISH 'l Thefactoeyhasord.?redclose ne-w oUice desk w/swtftl ~ acraps . "-il 11'250 firm~ t tlme,TOHounretra.e!Able 19 FORD DEALER 1 out of 4 QnlOlr & 2 Spinet chair. Brownitt&' 9mm 1uto 646-2377 T/2!1 ... er. ' · a 17' Day S&ilu. Complete Send Info. to Pierce Glestkt Private OWN!r. 644-lS 2060 Harbor Blvd. ; ; Pianos on a L"OSl·plus basia. pl,tol-never fired. 54~ 2 JRI,g.f Setter/Poodle P•lp. Small-Craft, BaysJde I: equipment, Includes onshore 2195 E. Lemon Heights MINI Bike, 9 mos old, dlsc Colla D-fesa 642-00IO SALES• SERVICE • 1 Nevrr again piano bargains plea, F'ree to rood home S Coast Hwy. call 494-6532 Balboa llland mooring. Drive Santa An&, 92705 brakes, ad. cond, $100. '69 MODEl.S •• ""-'"""'· First '""'' _first UNUSUAL Handmad~, one w~. old. ••• -i ?l:l6 a!ter 6:30 p.m. and Q1l Prlce now reduCt'd. 548--3331 ' · _ ~~1255 CAMPER T 1 ~...,7 ImmtdLaie dellwery '1 une u"' ol a kind ma!aive Spaniah '"' ~ wee.ke.nd $1900 Gives you l/3 lilt. ln rop cana ...., LARGE SELECTION • 1 Rived. ... A~ -~ ' LOVABLE be I &c --tr \)'Day Da.yaaller clun low-time Ctuna 172 MJCKEY Thompson mini model s~·. Xlnt cond. Side ~~ WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO ~l'>'~ee table. 64 ......._. ... t white kiiten, au1.e ~:I e . DAVID L. FRASER Demo $1750 -Uaed i13SO at o.C. AlrpL can 837-DXI bike. Brl1-Strat 3 hp motor. dinette. camper jacks 1.:. cab Theodore :' l.!IJ N...,..,., C.M. "™'' "1l-lll& ,,.,. ,.. Frbco Flyer Sloop, fiber 14' on., wed ........ SlllO wkd•, 138-3'128 ewi. $83 548-1'52...., oond. boot. 1995. 646-5S33 oall att5 ROBINS FORD " ftANO, Iven &: T 0 n d WANT To buy I borne I bar. teak, aleeps .f, encl head, Fun Zone Boat Co. Ba11>¥ PM 2060 H!ll'bor Blvd. !i ,q/bench. studio I y p e. 1" round or L th.aped. Mutt KITI'ENS. 2'>t mos, ex. lnbnt. Top cond, STlOO FOLDING 13· e om p . Mobile Hornet 9200 Motorcycles 9300 """"'•ro""RD"'"""'"::g::,.::-. >i.C"r;:-;p;;1i'iu. Costa ?i>Iesa 64UJ010 •1 $200. ~ ~A ~nable. Pb on~ ttptlonally loveable, will 27' Klng1 ~Sloop, Ab-w/aalla 6 trlr. U.ee w/ob 181';;;;;;;;;;;~~;;:~~--VB, auto. Rieff, 11,000 ml, ~~~~~~~~~1 ~; .........,...., deliver. 49f-3993 7/26 JJOlute top cood! .snoo , ,,. .. _,. + .., be•t ofr I• d bo "' • ,, WANTED '°'EAUTIFUL SJameae male 28' T-28· Sloop, nice! $8500 •• ..,. •• '#<l'N n ' . GREENLEAF . . with '68 9' 4-wln ta ver FERRARI " SPINErS 6 GRANDS '34 FORD coupe; otter · or u '""" eoo'" Boat "~··tom" •-•,;;53;.;'..;';;imo";:-==-,;;.:::r.::: Camper. $.t,395. 548-24·13 : i 63&-3620 trade. Woodworking mach. :t~n~~; wlth11': :;. ~Be";.utiful ~en cu~'2o• '&tam.Bran flbef1.)us' 10' P.U. 4 wh dr. I sp. %T •• PIANO WANTED ~79'[8iler, bdr suite, Lots of &ear! $17,SOO mold. Estlmatel.'1! v •I u e PARK Warren ho,1b1 $1200 N.T. 2137 FERRARI ~ · (2l3) m-tD.35 Pvt Part;y 3 LONG hahoiad s":tena, l .blk, Call: Chuck Avery $1000. Sell $800 or bes\ oHer. Elden, CM Apt-3 Newport lmpor!J Ltd. Qr. CARPET 1 IJ'lY, 1 cal~ · ~. lo 34.24 Via Oporto, Newport Call Chris alt 6• 549-.31.83 Jn clear, clttn, cool Costa 1 ' .RENT·A·SHELL &nie County's only author· , ~.~~~·~il~~ 1dnd home . ..,~1932 7128 673-5252 * 494-3916 26' T·BIRD SLOOP Meaa. New 92 space Adult PAM-TOP &19-1800 1~~~t't;kVJCE·PARTS , BEA11I'IFUL, White, long --EGG HARBO~ $3995 Park NOW OPEN! Mobil!! 1010 So. Harbor, Santa Ana 3100 \V. Coast Hwy. 548-44'13. haired female eat declav.-ed. * San Diego * Pacific Yachr Sales 673-1S70 Horne Display Models l --Newport Beach T•l•wlafon 1205 RENT OR BUY COLOR TV $9 Month Up SACRIFICE -Newport Bch 645-1688 7/29 2 Dsl p;gg Hb1' Dilpla,yed SNOWBIRD, f.& hull, No. 4~. Sales ottlce located at Park. e HONDAS. MUST SELL. C•n'lS"r R•'lttll 9522 642-9405 Ml).1764 Tenn.la Oub membe:nhip. ONE Mo~ sv.·eet kitten lt'ft, "New Trojan Gla.s5 Raiders $275. 7• Gla.uhopper Dlnahy OPEN make offer. 305cc Super Authorized MG Delller s. ... $. Harry Bu ti" She need> I .... born•. Tn>Jan D"'-U"'1 -mo, GTJ.JStll 9 AM TO 6 PM Hawk 1285. 150oc .... rond. * EXPLORER * I =~~=-=====I Al.ID STEREO-REFRIGERATORS WASHERS OR DRYERS OPTION TO BUY 543-4539 805-482-3882 S6-4592 T/28 2540 Sheller llland Dr. n?S :50cc Tra.il f70. al!IO: th Lux n. Fl~T L;r-;~:O:. ~It; i ~ ?.10THER cat wtlb 2 klt1'!ns. 714-22l-706S ~.20 ~~49·~ ACCENT MOBILE ~. ~411~~J:k~~. ~ ~~~·~~:: ~· cont:ln- .. ,...... Xlnt health, ientle I: affect. 20' Dory, de,cl:<ed, c:u4dy, avall, $3900. 54&-154~ CM ~Ao ~ ed. Llmiled number. Call Boy'I 10 IP Stlngny $35. ~ 7123 ""O"'\I'"" tod 64~~ KlTTY ~lie female. 1 :~."'-e~·-i:ew~~ ~ndl~~150~·ioo ~ HOME SAlf.. HONDA '66~ 305 Scram· LEi SURE RENTALS MUST Sell membenhlp to blue e~, 1 yellow eye. covel"S. Dry flush head, l NB bier, street or dirt. Ex-fTI4) 642-6611, (TI4) 837..J8ll9 COl.DR 'TV 1r· scm, A·l rtducing aalan. Below coal 646-2388 7/28 lraller, stay aboard. Ocean Apt. 1750 Whittier Ave tru, Private pa r ty. cond. Mov'1 out of slate • 64&-UM J WIUTE Lona:·halred kit· Mfe. In water. Nwpt lease. SNIPE, Plank hull, varnish· e ' M 675-77'8 must sell. Be s l offe r. =o~EW=AL=:T-;;Tr"a"u""":-m:::'.oun:::::ted::i Under $1000. 646-1103 eves. ed deck. Xllrt oond. Salls. 05 G 8SG '68 Yamaha Enduro, $350, 675-3782 cut oU 1aw. 16'' blade, 2 :~·i!u,~s(~~very, v7~~ FIBERGLASS Supply center With trailer. $49S 66-lSSS 714: 642·1350 assume bal. See al James, DBodUN~e1 ~m 11Sho49.wChaSalsa~~ 21" p -~~ 0 -11 ~ Aft ' s-... o --CAL -N 593 Full -" Ltd. 1 •0A Ne .......... rt Blvd. .. ... a"""·'"'' ""' •£V· er HP, --.....,.....,.,, 2 MOS. female tabby calico now in CM-NB are 1 • ~ 0· · Y ..,.,..,p. _ • . 642-004o;;r 64z.-0i90 eve 1 . from $249. La Paz Dune pm. 2 51 8 New p 0 r t WANTED 0 R 1 ENT A L n 646-7349 Aft 5 .m. EyerythJog for )'Our boat, incl. head .t: aux. pwr. $2995. Open House Buu:y Supermarket, 3623 Boulevard, Costa Mes a, TifROW R VGS Pv. Pty. kl~ · P7_26 surfboard, car or home. 536-4S82, 983-8991 '66 TRIUMP!i T\(t'r Cub W. Warner, SA. ~ Trailer 21 494-M82 Boat resin apedal now only 23· Cat Choy dean. Erwenada 200-CC; perf. cond. lhruout. OPEN 9&9 wkdy1, 9-6 Sat & MOVING Sale-Furniture _ SHORT·halrtd puppies 2 $3.95 eat reran. Wind an' Vet. '3 yrs new. Race, Driftwood 5,000 Actual mi. $ 3 0 0. sun ~an bolt w/oan, MI 1 c. ~~001 one 1 em a~~ Se:•· 1737 S\lper1or, C.M. crul&e. Sa.er $4950. 893-l019 Beach Club 646-2S84 I --;;cu=sro=M""°b"'uu"t"'D°'une=-s;:;ug:::-.- 1959 SOLID State slereo, 4 ltema. * 54~1.896 -';7.;;;:;;;;uo;:::--.:;;;;:-; 642--T607 SAILBOAT, 11 fl with sallii, ,..A. H 1967 Yamaha 100 ~c ~·ln IY owr '57 vw chauls. -:;;.;.,;;::,::-:;::;;-:;;::;;--;;;:-4 UTtLE kit.T wka:. 2 ,..., GLASSPAR C 11 at Ion, --r and t-"·r, 1•-. 21462 Pacl!lc ....,..st wy. Perfect condition 1400 ml -•~ S!od, 4 speaker audio system -Antique wall clock STS MIT u• ....,... nun: ..., lllqlJlre at sp. 26 6'16-681J Lie; ne1v orange p...,-.t. ln walnut colllOle. Take Grandfather clock $175 calico, 2 ' · Inboan!-outbo61"d. 120 Mere. * 675-1176 * New 5ecllon. ne11• 24 1vide 646-1869 '.'.::,' unbalail .. ~meonf~ ',;!"',.!, W-00 ~1 7.z ~~ = ~r :e:. Cal Cat $ ... 00 oet"an front. 536-2131 '68 Yamaha 250 Enduro ..... ...,....., ,., DO ·03 FORD ~ ton bed !", '66 2 FLUFFY Kltte111 need ..,. A 11 SKYLINE ~~ 2 BR 2 VeI')' gd. cond. $fiOO Cn!dit .DepL SJ5...'i2S!J -,. Call 673-laTI T/'£ Ready to enjoy. 848-1611 • .WA.JU, • 645-2325 Ford ~~ ton bed. deluxe 8\ home. malntenance records. l BA, beautiful adult park, ~=="°'"";;;;;::;;;;;;: l==&l=>-0350==' =-=='"°='== NEAR New RCA sle:tto ron-S4S-3&29 or $46-0162 7x14' PlayhouM, you haul. 0"1'M!r. Kl 6-«f4 STAN r.flller n.clng Abo!, walklna distance to shop'g. YAMAHA 60. $120 or beat of- llOle beaut IOU.rd. beaut S45-«52 afttr 5 pm Tt261 ---==..-..----1 xlnt cond, dolly, $ 3 T 5 · IMS P..lonorvia Ave, Space fer. Must sell Immediately. Imported Autos 9600 fvrn. Owner leavini coun. Misc. W•nted 1610 a•oy bed l mattreu c.atl TROJAN 6~. 86 0.f 837~ try ~ UftU * San Diero * UDO 14 D •·"· ~ ='=;·=:--:,..,.::-.-T:"-;;:~ ~~=-_,,,,..,,....=.,.-::::.. •· . 5t8-41l!I 7-?6 CLEARANCE SALE • acron ....., •"· BOATERS!! Doub I e Ex· '67 BSA Victor-Xlnt cond. C .. -E ~8300 WE PAY MORE LONGANESE to ~ borne, ALL 1969 TROJANS cond. $T;iO. Dt.)'I: 8l>63J.5, pando acrou trom new Street A: dirt llc'd. 441 OC. amer11 . qu.••·-_ •"""' eves· 673-S964 arln •1 t 1625 "7 •- L -4 wlal old. 897-5480. T/23 25• Sea Sk1tr ........ $7989 · Dana Polnt M a. ,; u.s ..... .....-. ·50 Buaeft' Sprite YASHICA CAME RA CASH 28' Sea Sk1H ........ ru.500 LIDO 10 No. 2154 w/cover. meet man a 1 em en I ·~ HONDA 250, good n.tM!nJ New tires. battecy, needs N~st modi!, Yashinon-DX, PUPPIES: 8 wlal, med. mlx-36.' Sea Voyaier .... $31,820 Xlnt cond, $950. proval. aJ0.-4965 cond, chtap. $ITS or best of-con·rod bearing, l2SO. or 9525 Dune Buggies Hl·FI & Stereo 8210 '69 Dune Buggy for 59.lt'. AUSTIN '6l FIAT 4-door. sharp and clean. Uc. Y\\'E llS. $597 Best peals Are 'At DEAN LEWIS · 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646·93ro HILLMAN '63 Hillman H115ky 1200. Call 548-4876 JAGUAR '67 JAG COUPE Like new! 4 Speed. ~lust sac- rifice! $3"95. .. " 900 So. Cit. Highway Laguna Be11ch, 494-7503 :' . ' ., l: 1.4. F-45 mm, 1.C, Lynx ecf breed. 84~2396 7128 2540 Shelter Ialancl Dr. •67&-2318• LIDO Peninsul&. t de• I fer. 842.o469, ~U am. trade for 6 cyl Amtr. car of 14 !:. Gl impart Ju.ly 20, wW FREE Cats & k 1 tten 1 · 714: 22~7065 30' T•hltl Ketch $2,200 bayfront location. Traller '68 HONDA Scrambler, A·l i ~eq;Cu_al=v=al"'u"e._=6'1"':cc;JSJ=-;;;;;;; atll % P~. 846-3818 f or turnlture. appliance1, 56-1653 call evei. T/2! A'M'ENTION · Yacbttman -SAC. AS IS. 661 So. St. Malo, w/ large cabll.na. New w/w cond. Helmet 1: txtra parts. '62 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 ----~---- colored TV, pianos, Ol'Jarll i::uINEA pif, rem., reddlab ...in cttW powtr or sail w. Covina (213) '19S-OS69 eve crpt. Stove A: ~trlgerator. $475 6~7757 Mark JI. GREAT! and antiques. color. 962-16M 7129 J.tawall, Australia, South P~t No. 32 on trailer l~A~,k~i~•c<J!9tnl~~-~~25~J5;.,""'" li·65fiasiSAA~6'tlcOOCoo:ssppllliitiil-;:;r e 837~9524 art 6 pm. .. KARMANN GHIA ;: . ' Sporting Goods 8500 2 SURFBOARDS 9'4" & 9'6. Excellent for learning, $3(l each. * 646-3146 Ml1cell1neou1 8600 Dav or nhtht Kl1TENS. S wkll., rree lo Seas, C'.aMbbean, or f??. CLEAN, SAILS GOOD 65 Pan Amer. 12 x 57, 2 EXP Hornet. $600. Xlnt cond. I 'J968=:-:A"u'°at°'1n"H"•-:,,;:,,o:-5o:pr1:::;;!•~. 626-3620 rood home11. 968-6705 T/23 Call Andy Brown. Rei. $2f.OO 494-5014 lJ/4 BA Enc. porch, awn-54&.-6300 Original owner. Mu1t sell. 2 BLACK kltterui, 13 wka old. 646-8942 Bua. 642.0010 tngs, ah~d~tl~in SA. '67 BSA semkboptcr, good Beat offer. 494-MSS $ WE B Uy $ 494-7354 7129 19' GLASTRON, 221 cu tn, Power CrulHn 9020 Like nu · con<litlon, Bnt offer days PETS and LIVESTOCK completely owrti.auled, new ' 1968 GI D BAYSIDE Vlllage Trailer M&--2400 e~a 645-1361 DATSUN ----$ FURNITURE $ -top&: hill cover. 2 live-ball 1~ 120 a.as~ a!;,; No. 29 Blt·ln&-1.rplc. Nr., bay ,68 BSA BM CC. Red , 1-------cc:-- RQTO.cEx Tiller, 4 speed lraM. APPLIANCES C!tl 1120 sacks, A·l cond. otor '1/0 Drlvt 60 ..0 &:: club house & lots mort. ohrom• p e r t~ ct cond. '65 DATSUN cellent t'Ondltion . lleavy ""·-'--------$1825 675-6595 ~H. New style 'recesled Must Sell $16,950. 548--0227 sm. * 5315-89lO Ptckup • The hard to tlnd duty " 1 th new clutch. new Ct I or TV1-Pi•no1-S•1,101 SEALPOINT Siamese kit-31• CRUIZEON, ch r y 1 , d •ck . w, 1 k . th r """"h ANGEL Trailer on beau!UuJ --========::= workhorse, clean. dean, drive cbairl3. 25 h o r s e .. t ' H _..._._ ~ v-5 1 cl LI NHW •~• engine. f or Sale or lrade. 1 P1ec• •r H••M II ens. ave .......... ....,,.. Marine Heml, r e - b I t. wtndahleld. Stal~ 6-8. Run apace, Penn. New yr east. Auto Services ean. c. ...,.,_ (Make otfer'l &l2-548S CASH IN JO MINUTn -trained. Carpenter'• apeclal $4000. 40 houri. Perfrct. Listi at with bey vlew. $7300. 6T>6383 & P•rt• 9400 $1097 e 541 *"4531 e SlO. 54.6-6988 ~1946 $4m. WU! ttke walloping & 675-0072 --''-'-'-------:-:-· I Best Deals Ar• At KIRBY vscuum c l ran er I -_::.__::~=:.:..,_.,,.,-1;======:=:12;:5 WANTED To rent: Bay ht ~ar deprttiation. Calll.;~o=;:==::==::=.:5: I RECE;ll;TLY reblt 4 cyl. Jeep DEAN LEWIS w/attach, poliaher. XLNT Cover all Oran&e t.. LA Co's OOfl I Boat. min. 18. ln rood con· 6Th-2402 MOTOR HQMES 921 engint', Ind. Bell housing l '6T Kannann Ghia, tuned ex· !: haust. 35,000 ml, good cond . t : ~O:o~ ~~~7?.5C~~·cs. 1700 ~'. . ' MERCEDES BENZ ;: " .. ' 0 .. . : •• " cond and llW'-Pay ott 0 WANTED t ~r:;n~ni:~irJ clutoh . $100 or belt oil. '60 220-S Convert. Very • baWlee ol $39.67 or take Novice tralnln1 t.lau start-dltion, July Ir. Au I u 1 * 27' S P 0 RTF IS HER I 1966 Harbor, C.?tt 646-9300 o''"payment1. Credit Dept., FURNITURE lrli Aua 51.h. Dog trainln1 673-9087 $5BSO * :11!11 64S-·;;;,.l3:;=,J2~1:;.fl;-6;,p:,m=:-== '69 DATSUN clean, $1200 on reblt en&. :: . ' . " . ' rt • bed' Al Fly.rid " = 1 4 p he he I Mech pert. new cloth top. 1 1 535-72&9 TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes ihow na: o ence. !O 16' BRONSON with Mere 500 Twin Screw ge ~P· i • ,~•"ii FOR Sae: om: w es 4 Dr Sed, 4 spd, dlr. front .$3000. 494-8319 • VINYL TTI E . 1 Q..atlty furniture, color 'IV'1, private le1tons available, outboard S60(l. See at 12:1 eqp'd ready to 10 &flYW re. 15'' buc/llts any -300 buoket ,.,t,, 2 , 900 Mile• on ~ 'L 1 n ° t' um · stereos, appUancu, tool&, ?t1artlncreat KeMels Cecil Pl, CM. 645-22SS aft 6 Thia bolt ~· everything! 111 aeries $10 each. 675--0650 1....,...ometer. \Vil! make ex· 1960 l\lr.rrcdes 190. Clean. • Alpha.JI Tile -Beautiful col· * * M8--0!IB9 * * P'I For more into 673-5323 or -~=-new tires. S'i50 f ! r m . •, ors and patterns. Free office equip. 2 E" .. '" S ·~ 6 " ,~ 3353 Triller, Trivil 9425 cellent deal to private party. 64 2-4 452 eve~. , eslimalt's. Lie. Con I r . 531-121 G n.i.•uu, hc!p1..:•u&, 5 ·1 N ! ,... Full price $1725. I B YN\\'842 =,..-~--,.-,,_..-= wtek1. Beautiful ch amp Leern to 11 OW 28' TS CRUISON, V~ws; Call Bill 54!>-0634. PVT party 111an!s '68 or ·59 ! MG-44 7 B· WANT TO buy power ed&er lint'. Black & anwr , black & 10 hrl of inlltructiorui $55. S/S tanks. SACRIFICE! l S' STARFIRE travtl trlr. ,,,;;,""o°'•"r'"su"N"'""'s"••"t•'•=•"''""•=· 250 or 2SO SL. I BONANZA Mini Bike. xlnt and powt'r mo"'·er (rttl tan. $60. AKC realattn!lt Selco School, 642-7424 673-G9lZ or MS-28&4 HEADQUARTERS Sips 4, extra cupbnts. crpt, :;.ig. 1936 : cond. $100. S Tier battery 1ypel. Must be ln good con. 1 312 --~ady lo roll, Yours for Xlnt cond, lo m I g. 1 ""'"""7."==-;;;::--:--,;o 9.ilh one thermo controlled diUon and re a 1 on ab I Y Ca 1 83&--0 FOR QUICK SALE 31' HUNTER $695. 1588 San Bemardlno Reduced~mU&t sell. $1075. 1959 r-.Jrrcecles 190 4 Dr. 1 brooder. $50. 2217 Meyer Pl, pri<:ro. Phone 644-4687 Purebred German ahort as· Ch&r11.cter boat, clean. New fw cooled v.a·. $16,995 FOR Pl , CM or 6't2--3973 494--0592 Sedan. ln1macula1,. thru-! CM \\'ANTED Sewing Machine. 1 ha~~· dpolntcler pus:l:l1!1 $1450. Cal~t~:tlc Center, Pacll!e Yacht Sales 673-1~70 MDTORHOMES T-k 9•00 "CREAM p U FF"~ 'GS ~ .• ~ l1'.53By own el'. $650. ~ 21" A0!\1JRAL Color TV Very moden.tely priced. w,.., ew aW1 rue I ., Datsun \Vin. Orig owner, 1..,~;;:~:::-,"="'"'='°"=~-=-I' Console. like nel\' $2.50, Portable. Aak for Becky Docked, tz. 548-49 16 14' Boat w/tra.iler, 10 HP Speed-Ski Bo1t1 9030 * SCOUTS * new car watTanty. $97S. For OaUy Pilot \Yant Ads ~ \\lhlte zli zag 1e1\1ng M<1ch 548-1871 FOR Sale. lrllh Setter PllPI JOhnaon. Fully equlpl $21S. ST Sell! Le 1.,.. f ~2430. Dial 642·S678 for RESULTS • w/attchmll, 2 yrs old $50. (AK C ) Adora b I e • 646-3301 MU av .. ,. or U.rgtst selection ol new I' • \YANTEO: l or 2 year olcl lntttested? Call ( ~ 1 3) I ~.-.=,,,..==-=,.,-,,,..,,ol Europe. 19' Jet Drive 1pecd ~·. ' '• ·~ " u--.. Scoull In '"'-. County. I ~• A "'OOI rt·• A 9600 ", Call 847~. \VASHER&: DRYER in ex-18' CABIN Cruller w/ 33 hp boa t. 427 hp. seatJ; & ~ "''5 mpoT1-utos YU mpo ~ uto1 964-0987 J hNo OB. trl tuUy AU "1th 4 1vhl drive I: 4 • BOYS new blcyclr, \\tin ln cellent cond. C.all 642-4116 ° n OM~.!~ COYl!red enaiJlt'. f'ire engine • ! _ ~1. 8 cyl, & vs. ! 'spcli, 4 -nto t gold 26" Al-O TOY CH.ntUAHUA Pups. 6 wla!, 1 equip. $1050. 0<1 •-.-,,,_.. w/ t::hrome. Just '"J '"" 5 • • ...... WANT E 0; LD .. 1.. GLASSfiAR dt""'°'• with ,~ .. ___ .. !or •""""'. Bisi spds &: auto. You name It Black mln, poodle pup AKC ntAINS. malSlS. eh~ ~~.\p~~ther "" .. ,..., ,..,_,......., ..,.,.,., ,--, \\'e ha,·e It. 1 Arlstocrst male. ?.1ake offer. 962--m9 * Phone 60-0382 * oars. Good for children for olfer owr $3SOO, Include• : . ~ ·avail for lmmed' deUwry. GIRL'S And eoy·! bikes, $12 • -· -Sheltie1. 10 wkl, AKC. the Bay. SJ.SO. 673-lm full canvu oown & bii Low prices, BUlh dlr IH. and Sl:i. Po"Ner t.1owe r S:ZS. M.chlnery, etc. 8700 Olampk>n lires 11' J OHNSON Cab Qosr 50 traUu. Call 645-2564. Dover Kusrom MotoMI, 845 Baker 1513 Orange Ave., C.r.I. -544~ ett 15 pm hp, Evinrude 08, T1lt Trlr, Shores, NB. for appt. to tee ,,,. St .. CM . 540-5915. 64Z.5666 Y 0 R K T o w ab I e 3 0 ' • EN GUSH s p R 1 N G E' R equlpl $1050. 847-4678. It! OK DISPUY THE AU l" ------~- pOOL TABLES_ Be" d••" to.,..w ... s.vera1 '°"'' SpMt•' '""· A.Kc. 11'· Beautiful ,,. "'"'· bull•'" oo s.a~ """''· ,. •• DODGE "EXPLORER" 1961 Ford Ecano Yan fork lilll. Must sell 639-2691 -•· _, ....... M trlr xi t cond $000 New v.·areOOuse !IOCk -Only m1UCS lett. '1<M'-o:ro.> w/tradltion In 1.968. Diesel ere, • n · · ''""'""111., •lni ft -fl· quality 11.lal(', 100~0 !!nan--·---Q YOU MALE German Shepherd power, STOOD. 646--5669 ~7638. 224 GI .ind Canal, tl••llll. fl~ Ntll •ltll ·~-. $695. RUNS GOOD clng. MS-1775 ftft 5 or Sat. FREE T pu,ppy, AKC re1. lO wkL 17'6" Fibtrglus Amer Ma.re 81. lHfllf!I. ••"" •IPt. CALL 146-3239 QUALITY King hed, quilted. 3 WHIT!: blue t)'ed kittena. 2 Black' tan. 545-4682 cc 50 HP diesel l trailer. 17' Boa!on Whaler, 'r.i hp .. t.t. t UCI . 21 ,~,. u ,OOT. 1961 c. M. c. P1ck. up. V/6. Complete. un~ S 9 8 : months old, 2 male, ] WEIMARANER -Retriever $1400. 642-9112 Evinrud!!, CB rad~. big whl • •ooi. ' '1,.111 '1M•"IC· low miles, Hbu\lt elute:h & '4'0rth $250. Aft 5 or "'kndl female. All'IO AOme older kH-puppies I wlal old, 14' SKI/fish. 2S hp Johnson, trl~, 309 E. Edifwater, 111' ... ,.,.,110"1' ~'011· ll'OJ'ls. New paint. $14.S nr lfl--0&06 1ens of dWerent colors. * !l63-.u58 * elecl atart w/tr. $300. or T. Bft boa :\ .. ' 1 1 bett offer. 968-1797 41'' RCA Color 1V $200 54.8-662'1 7/25 COCK·A-POO pupple1. one 60-4729 or 642-.1444 1~' GLASSPAR boal w/ lilt ' '52 Dodge. 1~ T w/utll bed. Wurllber Spinet $.300. Honda 5 BLACK and white kittens, malt', one female. Black ll' NYLO.X runabout, 15 HP tralle~f JohMon en.g. : ' Value of bed $2000. lat $800 $00. $200. Beds. commodes, attectlona~ and tra1ned to a w/sllttr mar1dn.g1. 531~189 outboard. nuer. Xlnt con-S395 • takes. ~ ant1que1. 648-5141 litter PM· 2U T\aUn A\'t., 4 MINIATURE poodle p~ d!Uon $415. 644-2676 -1967 16' G~tron'ncJ ~ n~~· i:D;;AlL;;;;Y;:,.;P,;Dm~;,c,W:;,ANT;;=AD"""S°''===Wlu=="=tJ:eri=hln=:":'::'.:'. NEW CarlleUni. 16 yards, ND 842--2931 7129 pies. 2 malea. 2 lemalea. S!l' STEPHENS s eda n. Mercury. 1 00 • • • 1.. • •• heavy lrffn Kodtl •hae. $5. EXCEPTIONALLY Good rJ3..109J Beaut. cond. May trade CaJI 673-2259 Mobile Hom.1 9200 Mobile HOIMI 9200 yd. COit ST.ts. 6f6-T343 Sheltlt .. 1 Colldle ~t .~~~ POODLE Puppkti AK C ®-'11. ~turt aeU. 846-9511 ~rlne Equip. 903$ 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~=~~;;;,~~~~; FUR COAT -Seal, " JO. home w lg. Y · • ~· · SUuJruo Ch&mplon 1tocl<. 1~· Di-. oew paint · -BAY H.ARBOR MHOo'•"r' SALES Xlnt for Eorurn bound lady <Ma1el 540-(l&S T/26 545--TJf& trom kit. S25 5 HP Scott outboard, J aallon pxl cond. $170. 137 - 7494 2 Klttt111 to rood hOmea. THOROUGHBRED s c 0 t c b 962...396.S extend tank, sood oond. $155. Clearance Sale BAlTERIES 6 V ~-SIS ex. 12 haullebroktn. one tiftt, one Turltr with papen. Male ~ v 11•.., ....,. u .... "" .,., , wh!tt. 6*-1403 "" $100. 11 .. 11....,. 1111boa11 • to101I===;:==='=:'=:: II Sl.40old bltt. -FllEE -1 -old WEIMARANER. P, P,, 22' 8.. P~NE!Wp. Boat Slip Mooring 9036 1 d>MPLEi'i att Soll clubs 90-1293 T/23 fimiale. l& ~ I.KC. ISO. P .500. Complete with watta. CAL 34 125 dt.)"-$150 wk." 6 cart $40, touttt-brolltr ! ctJTp; t wk old ldnen. Call &fl--0168 1&111 l <KJtbrd. 541hml CAL JG $.9$ d~TD wk. ~ lib new $10. 146-4519 ~6--0714 I 112! TOY Poodle p u p p I ti I , u· S&llbot.t, fiberlu wf19" For Oiarter. 146-2957 lifiifuiii11'.t PatiO eovtt. 15' --;--* KITIENS-* adorable A.KC reg. '°'8.mp mut. Finl SXID. Wen. OOCK !pllct: N•ar pavil\on, 0111 A.II D ... ey MMM JI NI Ct..... P,... An ~-1 z• NI J4' WI• .------INCLUDING-----. 101.UtWAf CASA I.OMA CASllAI SHIU.TON MANOI kif PAll:YllW IAY HAllOI COINIU. PASHION MANOR . ..,..K-JY. 1lk. ncw. S."'00. lll ng..3151 T/'8 ttne1. Show quality.~ !Wl-63615. Max bum 1'3", lenrth 24'. -Hood Ln CM f .,.._ 1425 BAKER ~T. COSTA MESA FREE Auto Air Conditioner With Th• Purchase Of FIAT 114 FAMILY WAGON OR FIAT 114 ~ ~~ILYSEDAN FIAT/24 work-'n-play w1g1a IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ef'_ "' C'-'~~~~~~~~ WEDDING~ 6 vtil, I.tu GREY, v..1dte Incl bllck IJLJf. PEKE Puppy. Male 9 wetka CAL a'.l. No.!!~ $1.50 per I. y, IJMl l •t •f Hll?\9'" W!1t fy kitten. 67,._1 tVH 7°16 125. 846-1052 or ~7'72 Bltn RJI, bow, pulpit, motor. DAll..Y !'!LOT \VANT ADS CALL 140•t4JO TODAY I. SIQ. C&lla.1..rns CHARGE your MJtt atl now. White El99fWl'taf Xlnt cond. 644-ll56 BP.ING RES\JL.TS! ~!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!'!!""""!!!!!!BB-!!!!!!!!•!!!1•'1 "'"'"!!!!'""!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!0! .. !!!'!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!0!!!!0!,._Jj .._ __ 901 E. 1st St., Santa Ana 542°8801 ' • i . •• ,, •• ' " ,, • .. " " ~l •• •• " .. ;I " " " '' " ' " " " " '' '·• " :1 •• " " " " :1 , ·' " '. ' ·' " ,, ·' " " " " " . , " " " ,, .. " ,, ' " " ,, " '• " . .. ' ,, ,, ' ' I ., ' ' ' ' ·1 I 1 ...... --........ "'!'!'!""'""'"""""-··· .1t-f ., Satlll'day, July 26, 1969 DAILY PILOT f7 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TllANSPORTATION TRAN SPORfAYION lm~d Autoa 9600 ll'lljlOrlod Aut..1 96001mportod A.ii..1 9600 lmp0rlod Aui..s 9600 lmportod Autos -lm;omd AulG• 9600 lmportod Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Au"'9 • ·HOO I 1< • DOT DATSUN End-Of.Month CLEARANCE SALE! All Sale Pricts Eff~tlve thru July 31st. 1969. • ROADSTERS • '65 DATSU,l'I •o•d1t•r w/HT !PEM072l s1195 '66 DATSUN •1t•cl'1!1r. (lt0A727): s1395 '61 DATSUN R.01d1t1r. 1Ull 2451 $1695 '68 DATSUN Ro1d.t1r. !UZX6951 $1695 '68 DATSUN ~1d1tt1. IWEH773l s1995 '69 DATSUN 1600 lt ood.ter. IXVS701) s2195 • STATION WAGONS • '61 DATSUN St1lion W19on. !UEXS91l s1195 , '61 DATSUN Stttio11 W19. I UQA17 1) s1195 '61 DATSUN W190"' with r1<:lr, 111!0"'•· tic tr1nuni11ion. IUJ S•62) s1595 ~ SEDANS • '66 DATSUN S1d1n. ISVE66JI SCJ95 '61 DATSUN S1d1n. IUON5JOI s1295 '68 DATSUN S1d1n. Auto., 1ir coridi. tioni110. CV?Mt lll $1795 • PICK·Ul'S • '66 DATSUN Pic~11p. 15379 71 1 SCJ95 • DOT DATSUN. 18835 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-7781 540-0442 A . A . PORSCHE VOLKSWAGE "VOLJSWAGEN-·. ~ ·ust1n mer1ca _ ""vwv,.,,..,,.,{,{~. VOLKSWAG~.N Cro ad 00r b 111 'UVW LOVE BUG VOLKSWAGEN '66 VW CAMPER. MUST sN> to appreciate lhla FINfo; BUY? 67"......G935 VOLVO f 7 BRAND NEW 1969s ·ro MGB, bard ~ soft 1()1>, eo::ir :::, . ;.~ ~Ii Radio, Uc. GJ'Z 374. new tll'fl8, radio, win! wheels, heade 1995 491_1242 ' $795 '&c Vw, xlnt oond, $8!{i, Good lfre11 & bi.ttery, 5'M3.'19 VOLVO · Very good cond. Mu.st sell. 'GS v:.· 16,000 mbea, itJU Best Deals Art At Mak•"""· 4"1·98<>1 DEAN· LEWIS ' Best Deal1 A,.. At '811 BtM:K vw, orig""""· VOLVO D~AN LEWIS 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANS. e CHOICE QF COLQll;S ~ e DISC IR>.KES° under WlliJTMty, uciU.nt SUBARU condition. ...__ 1 ""'" ~ "'vt!s j,9G6 lla:tbor. C.M,. 648-9.1ll3 N11• tlres, $1095. Good con-1---------' •1uon. ~ VOLVO BUYS 19811 i.rbQr, c.M. "~'"" e FllONT WHEEL DRfVE• • e LEATH"RffiE INTERIOR e INDEPENDENT •· ' .,_ SUSPENSION e IMM EDIATE DELIVERY DRIVE YOU RS HO ME TODAY! I CHECK./ OUR' WEEKEND SPECIAL 1969 AUSTIN .liMERICA FULLY EQUIPPED Subaru of Calif. lnc.-Retall Div. $1297 POE with automatic tra nimission. R•d;o, h$'i•6 9 50 mBa1 Opt eqUlp S30. Freight U4.50 Hand.ling $49. Oel, $1390.~ +Tax and~ 1000 W. Cout Hiway, N.8. 645-0000 * 540-2711 ALSO See Our Gold Seal Used Cars O RANGE COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION OF Porlche's, MG's, A·H•aley:s, F•rrati'a TOYOTA LooK J1rtu pnrt 3l1np orts · 1969 Demonstrators Authori-i:ed Austin Am erica-MG D•aler 3100 Wa,t Coast H EXAMPLE *'69 CORONA 4 Dr.* \Vhltr, 4 speed, healer, white. walls, tinted glass. No. ll4W. l 100 Weit Coast Hiw•y-Newport Beach 642-9405 -540-1764 MERCEDES BENZ '67 Merc"edes Bent 2.SOS Deep ebony black .,,dth full vinyl contrasting inter. AU· to traru., fuU power, AM/FM & alr conditioning, Lo local miles. Re'fiects mebeulous care. Week-erid special at $4695 J1rtuport 31111po1 ts 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized ?.1G Dealer M B '59, Roadster, orig. red leather. cond. $3900. 835-2427 MG M'G white. XLNT Sales, Service, Parlll Immediate Delivery, All Modet. J1rlup or1 31J upo rt:; 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. · ~ 540-17&; Au~ MG Dealer '51 MG TD, ready to restore Good cond. $495. 497-1242 1961 MG Roadster 1600, rebll motor gd. top tires tonne-au covers. 8.38-3500 or 835-4422 MGB '68 MGB. GT Coup. A gen1! ! Fully equipped in- cluding radio, wires. etc., etc. Gorgeous yellow a.xter· ior witb full black leather ib- terior, showroom condition. J1rtuport 31111ports 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9W5 54().176-i Autl)l)rntd MG Pealer '61 MGB Conv. A gem!! All MGB acce~ ries incld, radio, wires. ton· neau, etc. Red exterior w/ black interior. Immaculate thruout. See & drive today. J1rtupur1 31111po11 s PORSCHE $1899 + Tax &. Lictnse '61 Porsche 912 Coup. 0, Late Model Used FACTORY AIR CONDITION . ING? 24,000 actual miles. EXAMPLE Immaculate thruou t. 1-la.s *:'69 COROLLA Wg.* AM/FM, chron1e wheels, . fuU bwnper guard!. one ol Ra~10, heater, 4 speed, . lo a kiM mtl<.'s. XDM·l.80. Beautilul · white with black intr. J1 rtuport 31111 po rt~; 3100 W. Coast H\\'J .. N.8. 642--9-!05 540-1764 Authorized MG DeaJer '66 Porsche 912: J spd. NC\V konis, con!, radials, tuned exhaust S3800. Set-al 2089 $1749 Plus tax & licensr Over 100 Nrw & Used Cars To Choose From For Itnmed. Delivery. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Harbor, CM. 642-7317 18881 BEACH Bl VD. '64 Porsche S. c :-coupe HUNT. BEACH 847~8555 Truly a nice car. f-las chrome 3 Ml. N. of Coast Hwy, on 11•heels, AM/FM, exhaust, Beach f'\C". Deep ruby red lini..!lhl,,;:==='""------~.,.. v.·1th black Inter. See & drive 1967 TOYOTA ~rona 4 door today Sedan. Exceptionally clean, · 1 owner c<ar. Automatic transmission. radio, heater, white wall tires Lie UDE 872. . 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. ft~ ~ ~ 642.9405 540-1764 \&'; 0 Autho~ed MG Dealer • s x~ ,;,'.~ ;~~~R;u -:;,, ·~ ,, . J1 rtuport 311nports top. Must J>ell. 6"&-1234 ....._ ~" '67 Porsch• 911 Targa 549-31131 Ext. 66 or 67 Sparkling Bol('ro red \\"ith 1970 HARBOR BLVD, black inter. Every possible COSTA MESA Porsche extra, Mint eondi·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO lion. Several other Targa's '67 Toyotot Corona to choose. 4 Door, automatic, owned by J1rt1.1po11 31111ports 3100 W, Coast Hwy .. N.8 . 642-9405 54(1.1764 Authorized MG Dealer "63 Porsche, 3668 . AAl/FM radio, chrome whts. rcblt C'ng. 675--7270 '62 Porsche Super Bahama yl"llow coupe V.'i t~ black inter. Fully equip. \Vithout a doubt. onr of the cleanest Porsche"s available. lifUe 'ole lady from Pasade- na.. 2tl.OOO Miles. 900 So. Cst. Highway Laguna Beach, 494-7503 (T!OJYLQITIAJ Bast l';le•ls Are At DEAN LEWIS Hurry on this one! 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 J1rtupor1 Jl111port :; BILL MAXEY ITIOJYIQITIAI 3100 \I/, Coast H1ry., N.8. 18181 BEACH BLVD. 642.9405 540-1764 Hunt. Beach 847.8555 Authorized MG Dealer 3 mi N. o1 Coast Hwy. on Sch 00 • ~. 0 d 642.9405 540-1764 P Rs c HE '60 Roa ster, '66 CROWN WAGON Authorized MG Dealer new top, new M"ats, ex-Sticlo: shift with overdrive. '67 MOB . GT Coupe cellent cond. $1875. 494-4620 one owner. Lie. RGB 760 Beautifu1 ruby red with Juli 1959 PORSCHE Super \ $997 blk. leather inter, Every Good ('()tl{htion. Best Daals Are At possible exrra on this local-·~~~·-"~~~794.1 * DEAN LEWIS ly owned & serviced G.T. Lo '61 Porsche 912 Coupe miles. Showroon1 co[ldition. f-lard to find canary yellow fin ish v.·ilh black inter. ALL 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 J 2rt1.11.1orr 31111port s Porsche accessories incld. TOYOTA AM/FM, chron1e wheels, 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer PORSCHE '56 Porsche. Xlnt cond, nu tires. paint. SaC'l' $1000. 77&-Ml.3, 637-590:> eve!!. bun1per guards, etc. Ab!O- lut ely perfect condition. J1 rtu1.1or1 JIJnport s 3100 \V. Coast Hwy., N.8 . 642-9405 54().1™ Authorittd 1.1G Dtaler White elephanls? Dime-a-line 1 IEADQUARTERS ELMORE 15.100 Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr Phone 894-3322 · '68 Toyo!a hardtop & auto. White. Come see our lo1v. low price. We lake trach?s. Like new cond. Kustom Motors 845 Bakt>r St CM. 54Q..5915 lmportitd Autos 9600 Imported Autot 9600 TOYOTA '67 C.Orona sedan, llf;;;;;;;,::~===~~=~~===~·ll auto. Sl389 like new in & I' our. Going East. 6 O 6 1mrgoopim[A]1 ·~:£;~~ R~~.~; e HUGE SELECTION e I '69 TOYOTA FROM $1790 e BIG SAVINGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP #1977 . , $1977 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, Auto: #6590 .. $2977 Nl!W TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY! DEAN LEWIS Oran91 County Toyota· Volvo Hlaclquarters 646 -9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA I I TRIUMPH '61 Triumph GT-6 Poppy red coupe with full blac.k leather inlt'r. All TR extras lnoJd. radio & wires. Lo lo mileB. F1awless con- dition in every detail. _l~rlllP Ol'I .ii 111 p n n •:, 3100 W. Coot Hwy., N.8. 642-9405 540-1764 Authoriied )1G Dealer '80 Triumph TRJ. Excellent cond. Detachable top, New tonneau cover $550 Prlv. Pcy 54CJ...4924 '63 Tit-4 E:Jlcel. C.Otid .. O:mv .• low~mi. & k>w prtet'. 536-9855 or 5'18-Zl37 63 VOLKSWAGEN ExceUent condillon • 54&-4799 . '64 "flW wllh new brakes, '62 .V\V ~. new interior. '6i Ji2 $1797 good tires. Must Sell, iolnc Xlllt l'llrUlina cood.IUon Automallc, rad~ & heater. '61 VoJYOS122. 4 dr. 4 speed • Nf'w clutch & new tires. $450. * 8'1S-371' ', into servk.oe UXI &. lake Q62..8188 Lie. TJ"M4.1 1960 VW BUS, reblt eng, new over ~nt.s S39 'mo. * * '60 VW, good condition. E:xtrA Sturm. tires. f.fust sell. S72a or ~l· 546-3438 $3$. 4805 River. Newport '67 144 $2397 Antiques, Classics 9615 ,1931 FORD Original Ford Coupe. Very good c:onditJon. fer. 494-9690 -.,-, -VW--B-U-S-, -Good--co-nd-. 0ee..,.ao,,h~645-<IS23'C'ci'"-•~•~~ 4 doo •. Lie. No. UV Al.U l9fi8 V\V sedan. R/H. Low Xtraa. Apt A. Alamaur • • 60 VW. good cot'ldiliozi. Automatic transmlsslo.n, air mil~agt". Xlnt cond. $1ffi0 or Newport A p a r t me n t 1 • $395. 4805 River, Newport l.'Onditionintr. best offer. SU.-788'l Qeeanb'ont. Bench 645-<fi23 * * '65 "544" $1297 '66 VW Fastback, xlnt cond; '57 V\V Convertible, Jow '6S VW TOP COND. Na")' F~\ Back, scarce mod('}, new tires, Blaupu.nkt radio. mileage, good condition. bound! Pv. Pty. $ 9 8 S U o, healer, 4 speed. No. coco mafs. n450. 641--092t Asking $575. 71.t: 675-0305 830-4489 blue In color. 46· I ;;;;-;;;;;;--c;;-;;-,;=--,.,., '63 P1800 $1797 '66 VW Sedan, tan/blk int. eves. '62 VW. ft..H. Coro mats. Sport Coupt". Lie. No IZW483 64>1441 R&ll, top cond. l owner. Prl 'S6 VW Bug. Xlnt cond, Very clean! f195 or oUer. Loolol like new. P:IY $USO. 673-~ ev~. $1,000 or beat otter. Call 675-0469 · '62 P1800 $1297 Autos .Vanted 9700 ** ·~~Van** fl.i.2-5002 1 ''"68:-vw=..,Sed=an=--"'a1cc.,-,,,61~VW= Sport coupe. Silver with red --IMPO-.-R-TS_·_w_ANTED---.I $800 '68 VW 1500, l dr Min, :n.000 Sedan/or trade for V\V Bus. interior, Lie. HIL 896 Ora.nae CblmUn 675-6.377 mi, X1nt cond, R/H, Priced I "°962:--"329-7.ii--~=~~' I Besf Detls Are At . TOP $ BUYER 1966 \>"W. Excellent condition lo sell S1800. 613-1735 '67 VW, xlnt cond, low DEAN LEWIS BILL MAXEY TOYOTA Must Se 11 Immediately '60 VW, sunroof, &ood coml. mileagr. S152:i. 18881 Beach Blvd. SU95. ~1068 tirst $400 takes. • 673-3?.61 * 1966 1-larbor. C.M. G-'&-9303 H. BN.cb. Ph. 847-&sm 66 VW BUS 540-9975 VW BUS -Sunroof. 23,000 '65 Volvo. Xlnl cond. 122 s, \VANTED junk cars. No tow. Sunroof R/H $1200 White elephants! Dune-a-Une miles. Excellent c on d . '4-6peed. Call after 6 , away charge. 546-5106. BEST OFFER! 673--1556 Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS Prive.le party. 837-76"3 673-7422. SI.-42S or best off. ~TI~!E~Q=u=1CKE='==R'"Y=o~u~s=n"1'°.I OFFICIAL 1969 FORD CLEARANCE- CLEARAN·CE! BEFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! CHECK OUR DISCOUNTS ON NEW 1969 FORDS -MUSTANGS FORD TRUCKS OVER 200 NEW '69's NOW AT FINAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! Engl1nd's No, 1 Selle-r •.. America's No. 1 Import Buy! Customs -GT'a-Station Wagons L1rg• Selection of Automatics and Four Speeds! READY FOR IMMEDJATE DELIVERY BUY!· GOOD SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM RENT! ECONOMICAL RATES BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH $ NEW 1969 THU'NDERBIRDS Over Actual FACTORY INVOICE! NO SALES EXPENSE, NO PREPARATION CHARGES, NO DEALER ADD-ONS OF ANY KIND! DRIVE HOME ANY NEW '69 T·BIRD IN OUR BIG STOCK A,T THIS PRICE! 2 DRS., 4 DRS. LARGE SELECTION OF COLORS AND EQUIPMENT! . ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY AUTllORIZED DWfR I Large Inventory of New '69's For Immediate Delivery. Three only-New 1968's Now Sloshed For Immediate Clearonce! NEW '69 VS FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP and CAMPER Model 600 RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! N1w '69 Fo14 'Ii lo " pidu,1J1 wifli VS 1119 .• I ' bid, 9u1911, ••It• r;ust, ri d., •!Id h11vv duly 1pri119• plu1 '69 "'od1/ l1rr1cud1 e•b ov1r c1..,p1r with bul1n1 111d 1l 1c. li 9hh, dini119 11ook f1bl1, 1ink i nd d11in, fully d11p1d, 1tc . FIOYRE90055 $3195 You 90 wli•r• you w111f, tf1y whe~ you w1nt wlt~oul 1ch•dul•• or re1er· Y11ions wh1n you •tnf • Robin 01h1xe Pie.up C•m p1r or Condor Motor · Hom1. REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPICIAL SUMMER SAVINGS! '67 CHEV. $1795 1-1.T. Impala 4-dr. V-8, aulo .. P.S., air. R&l·I. CUKU·l57J • POLICE CARS * 4 to choose from. AU arc full)' reconditioned and have fresh new paint jobs. Exemple: ~~.!~~~. 390' $1795 auto., R&H, P.S. (49191 Stk. P8101. "67 MUST'Nli $1995 390 V-8. 4-sncL Dark Moe1 grct'n, wide oval tires . (UOF400J '65 PLYMOUTH s795 Sport Fury· 2·br. H.T. Green w/black int.er. VS, auto., PS. IYXS46ll "67 IUICK $2995 Electra 225 ' FACT. AIR, full pwr., vinyl r oof. Exer t. cond, (0110) '64 DODQ.E Dirt 170 2-Dr. Equip...,. 6 cyl., tPBY605) '68 CH&VY $2695 Impala. V-8, auto., P.S. FACT. Am, R&I-f, vinyl roof. (VHA338J "61 GHIA Karmann. Approx. 30,000 miles. R&J·I, (VCK319J r------'---- 12' TRAILER $1295 North'""! Coach, aleep& 6, fully equipped. Uke new. ($482) · ~?...'~!~AC· $1195 TORY AIR, Rid-I, PS, PB. (YCU~Ol '64 FORD $995 Custom 4-Dr. Scd. V.S, AIRCO ND, auto., R&H (Y\VS- 426). lAw mi.leage '63 l'ONTIAC s995 Grand Prix. Auto .• H&ll P.S., P.B .. Am COND. (JJV9'.l0J '66 VOLVO 1225. 4-~pccd transmission. IRRE321l STATION WAGONS nncst Selcclion or Fords and Chevrolet.i;, Country Sedans & Country Squires 2-"68's. Exemple: Som• with Air Condltlon lnt '64 FORD 9 PASSEN5ER ~.:.:~·o.~:·· $1095 mission, RA:H. , ' (ORN544)' I 1.1'1'1. te t , ...... M1t11·M e S1t .J •·•· te • •·"'" S11n 10 "·"'· •• • p.111. PARTS & SE~VICE HOURS 1 o.m. •• t '·"'· Mon·• 11.111. te 6 p,111, Tve .. Fr• '65 CADILLAC Coup• DeViU•. I ow n•r, 1pprox. • 31,000 mil1s. Futl pOw1r •nd f•c~ lo1v air condifionin9. N1w fire1. !REX2•n l '68 SHELBY GTSOOKR f •1tb1e•. 428 Cobr1 f•I. Aufo1111•, tic, P-si••rin9 l br1k1i. 1ppro-. 6,500 mil11. OCVJ 1161 '67 CAMARO .\ufom•tic fr1n1111inion, r1dio, 1n4 h1•t1r, 1irc"•U1nl co nd ltio11, IWIH. -41 1) '68 CHEVROLET NOMAD Cuilom Ch1Y1!11 w•9o n. V·I , •ulo. P.S., lt lH, t pp·•o•. 2),000 1111!11, lu9g19t '''~· CWJ0-4381 '68 G ALAXIE 500 2 Dr. H.T. l'IO VI , 1uto., vi11vl roof', PS., •pji•. 11,000 mil11, F1ctory w1rr1"ty 1v1il•ble. <WX(; •7SI PARTS ONLY I '·"'· •• 6 .. "'. S.t • 'i • \ ' ' • ' I I ' l ~ l I I l) \ \ I • • I .• H DAILY ,,LOT ~"' llANSPORfATlo_N l ... c.,.. \ ' S.lwd.lf, ""'" 26.1969 • TIWISPOR.TATIQN TRANSPORTATION • TRANSl'OllTATIQI( '(.RANSPORTATION J:RANSPOR1'.A;r!ON T~NSPO~TApOrt ·TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~ l l • I l . .. . . . ' ' ' " I -' ' ' 'I i 911UUNewC.n 91100 Now. Corli. , 1 tlOO .. ow c.,. · · 9IOO-Con 9IOO 1 • d • ; :",. Cars • 9800f1ow Can 9100 ONLY NEW CAR CLEAN~ UP ''A ON & SON O:V E·R ·A C,TtJ ·A L: . ·f A C'-l 0 .RY ~ .. I N V:«O ICE · . . . DAYS • LEFT . . 0-· J' VI . . . . . JUST 5°/o OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOJCE ON. ALL OUR lltAND NEW MERCURY : COUGARS, MERCURY MQNTEREY~ *l!ID ·MERCURY MONTfGOS! THIS SENSA110N- AL, BONA FIDE DISCOU.NT SALE WILL CONTINOE DURING THE REST OF OUR GALA .• JULY ANNIVERSARY! 200· CARS · TO CHQOSE ' FROM . 9 C~LL 5~5630 . DON'T YOU BE ~FT OUT I ,:-...-,,_. ' ~11 ,,.,,f, , •" ,.l, •. \ } "WE AT JOHNSON A'ltii iON ARE OUT' TO M,AK~ ,OUR J~I.'( ANNIVER~A~Y '.SA~E THE Bl<;GEST; MONTH IN ·oµR•,'HlsTORY, Al4D TO· DO nils WE ARE PASSING ON THE llGGESt SAYINGS EYER TO YOU" .•• SINCERELY, CLYDE & DJCK JOHNSON. • ' •. . . HERE ARE 3 EXAMPLE ¢A~S ••• LO'ADED WITH FACTOR.Y QPTLONS AND PRICED SO ' \.'PW IT'S. HARD TO BELIEVE! BRAND NEW·. MONTEREY BRAND NE.W MONTEGO MX BRAND NEW COUGAR 4 Door H•rcttop. Brand new with popul•r Arctic Whit• with 390 lV, w~eel c:overs, white wall1, specie/ trims, select shift, power brakes and 1teer1n9, radio, tinted 9l1s1. Seriel'No. 9Z44Y5746t. Stock No . 2236 Was $3937.70 ~~~c~~.~~ .. '.~~~'i'~'e" s3 2 7 960 • SAVE $658.00 4 Door Se den. l•autifi>I' me'diurn blue cornfort~w•••• inferior, white vinyl roof, stlect shift, whlte 1ideWall1, power 1t•.•ring, powtr disc brakes, whisper a ir conditioning, AM radio, tint•d glass, heed rtst tnd deluxe whetl covers. Striel No. 9HI OfS.f0901" Was $4017.80 ;;~c~~~.~ .. '.~~~'.~~:. 53484 65 SAVE $533.15 Coup•. Br•nd ntw with tir condltion~ng, Arctic ·White, white wills, AM radio, power disc l>.fa1l:e1 j1nd steering, dtcor group, tinted 9l1ss, 9uard11 etc. Serial No. 580335 Was S4091.90 • ;~::~~~-.~~~~'.~~·3 5 53 75 SAVE $538.90 DON'T WA.IT TOO LONG II •• • • • And During July ••• USED C"R SAl,:E! Our Anniversary Sale has attracted some of the finest trades In Orange County! And we've priced these fine cars to sell . . SEE THEM TODAY ••• BUY YOURS TODAY! -$- ~ ~lffi©MlffiW 0 ©®UD@&lffi -•• 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, CO.STA MESA ' . • NEW CARS 540·5630 or 642·0981 USED CARS 540·5635 . . .. _ -. Autos Wonted 9700 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Coro 9900 U~ Cors 9900 Uwd C1r1 Used C1r1 9900 <Jsecl Can '-'-'---"-"'---""'-' 9900 Used Cars 9900 -----WE PAY .• CASH fCI' used can A: trucks just call WI for free Htimate. GROJH CHEVROIR Ask for Sales Manaier l.8'lll Beach Blvd. HWJtln&tori Beach Kl >J331 Will Buy LEASE -RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORO AUTHORIZED LEASING . SYSTEM Gtt Our Con1~Htive Rates ' Theod1re ROBINS FORD 2rEO Harbor Rlvd.. c.o.t:a Mcu. 6424110 • _,,,, LEAsE ,,;. • 'I 11 cadlll.tt C.,.,,. de Ville, Mly equipped. $129 mo. : ··n ront, 10 ,..... 1cation waa· l ~ r(h. atr. pt., m mo. ~ '61OntN'wpt.1>lr $61.SO mo. ; SOUTH COAST ;. . CAR LEASING j ~ W. a.t """·NB 66m2 ... M2..wil 1or RESUL-TS " ' 2036 If.ARBOR BLVD. COSIA~MESA 548-5294 or S48-8511 FINANCING AVAILABLE BUICK CAMARO IH:yl I MUSTANG '67 MUSI'ANG. V8, 2 plull' 2 fastback. Factory air condi- tkming, radio, heater. (TV'i· 4401 $1695 full price. CONNEU CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor IDvd. c.r..r. 546-1200 • • TORONADO • FDf Dally Pllol Wanl Mt Dial 642-56';8 . • ' \ ' • • ' " . • ,• Satu.day, July 26, 19611 • .DAILY PILOT' 29 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO~T~T.!£!! T.RANSPORTA'!_.L_O_N __ T_RANSPORTATIO~N~~~~A~N~~~~!!N==T~~~~~§~~ TRANSPORTATION Used Cora 9900 Usod Cors 9900 UMd Cora 9900 Uaod Cora 9900 Uaod C~rs 9900Uood Can 9900\laod Cora 9900 Uaod Cora 9900Uaod Cora 9900 ...;.;.~c..;._~...;.,;..:c:._..;.:.:;~..:...,....,.......:..;.:.~::,.;.;;;c:._~~~:.:::::;..:.::.;.:_.~.:.=.~~-=--~..;;;::;.:.=::..:.::.:._~~ r CADILLAC NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE NOW ON DISPLAY READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ,. 1 1969 • L.o\v mileage early trade-in. Fac tory air cond.1 lull power, twili ght sentinel, door lock., AM· F~J radio, etc., slriking tu xedo black with lull leather inter ior. (YCM472) $ CPE. De VILLE 1967 EL DORADO E111u11ite 1old finiJi w/black vioyl roof & ,old 1 lot h & leather interior. factory air, full powrr, ttcreo Afif.ffil, tilt telete0pie wheel, door lock1, etc. \lo~t all power option&. (1TE582) 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville. full po"'tf• factory 1ir, 1ttreo A~· F:'ll. Full lc1lhcr interlor, p1dded roof, tilt and tdc· ~opic ¥ili ecL (VTLl86l 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVillc. Ph1nt om blue with blue le1Lhcr inLerior. f ull power equipment plu1 f1ctorr 1ir con· ditioii io" (WA35i) 1967 CADILLAC C1!ti1 hudtop 9edta.. f nU pooru and fw:1011 t it condilionins. tilt a.nd telc.-:opic 1tecrin1 .,·heel, uwi)' oihcr optiont. fWQD039) 1966 CADILLAC Couvr ~Ville. Greci1n p ld witb rmtchins cloth a.nd l~a!ht'T in1erior. foll power, f1ctory 1ir, 1Jlt a.nd !deM:opie wheel, Vogu~ tirc1. (SBC964) 1965 CADILLAC I leeh•ood Brougham, Blick with ailver broctde in· lcrior. full power plut f1 ctory air cll'!ld itionin1. All optiont. fR1T056) SAU $4666 PRICE SAU $4888 PRICE SALE $3888 PRICE SALi $3444 PRICE SALi $2777 PRICE PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • . ·- A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale SALE ,.IC!S .rrrrCTIVE TH~OUOH TUESDAY, JVtY 29, 1969 All arr1 ivll/W lo prior ,.,, 1967 CADILLAC Li1wio., Fleeawood Brou&h1m. }"act(lry air oo•d .• 1tereo AM-Fl{, full pow~r. lill tedtcape wl!.eel,, power door locka. all optiont includin1 11111 lu.lhcr interior. (Ul.Y9441 · 1 HI ~HRYSt.ER 9 p&11tn&er Ton t C.Ou.ntrJ waeon. Mai1111 rllllow willi wldl1 'rinyl trim. Full paftr, air coiufltios.ill1t lug&t&e rack, tilt tteuin& wheel, low 111ilu1e. IVTP971) 1967 CORVEnE Stincr11 F1tthaek. 427 V-8 m1ine, 4 •Pttd ll11nL, politnedon, fu.tory air· und... Ar.,f.fM ndio, de. our wed:ead 1pecial. (YCU11) 1968 IMPERIAL l..uJ:uiou1 (.row1 4-dr. Hardtop. Be1utifal ... ,. "'hnakhin1 dlL t~ i Yi11yl root factory air co11d., full power incL till wheel, eu. ('WFV918) 1967 JAGUAR XKE Sparklin1 tw1 bunl ydlo1w ,0th .fnll leather inlaior. 4 •peed. radio. heater, chrtim• wire wheel., etc. ~e to appreclats.. (TRT082J 1966 CADILLAC fj~ FJ Dorado. Full power, factory air, full leallier interior, atereo AJ,f.tM, till wheel, ..,.,. ~neeiTable option, (TIH7fl) Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS " • • SAU $3999 NIQ SAU $3999 PRICI SAU $3555 PRICI SAU " -$3999 PRICE SAU • $3222 PRICE SAU $2777 PllCIE 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa LEASE DIRECT Large Selection ADAMS ILY • NAIERS ~ ~"'.,; CADILLAC ~ ; -·.... ~ STA MESA I i 540-9100 'Most All Models and Colo rs For Immediate Delivery at N ~ACff 1 . . SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:0(} PM Sat. and Sun. Ui1d C•n 9900 Used Cart 9900 U11:d C•r1 9900 Used Can 9900 U11:d C•r1 9900 Uaod Cara 9tOO .Ulld Co,. ::::::::...:::::..~-...:.:c:.:+;.;.;;.;:'-'-'-'----'--1-"'-'--"'"-~~~ -------PONllAC PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE '61 BONNEVILLE B- ·s:; OLDS f s:;, sharp! Grey, '65 OLDS Dynamle 88. 4 dr. 1962 CUTLASS F-85, Flitt! REAL Sharp '66 o t d '65 BONNEVJllE ffT apeclaUy ardered for a GM. No cash. Take o v '. r P/S. Air cond. RfH. 47,000 traMpOrtaUon car. Nc1v Cutlass. Hol. Ccupc. Gold exect!tlve w/ eVery con- 1"11.Ymen!s $.~lino. Pr 1 v mi. Excellent cond. \Vomun lran.'!mls5k)n ard orli::-lnal with blk. Landau top, lo run "*r, dlr, ta.!i J.ir con. ceivable: l!xtra. Like new rar1y. &ginning July 28 driver, exterior white. $1495 paint. $350. Call 837-6878 mlg, nu wht/wall Ures & dltiontne, pwr wliidowa, low, cond. A ttlll ~ by call 67l-5567 SN> at 263.1 Orange St. Apt '63 Sedan, alr I: all power. brk.~. M l. custom blk lthr low mllell&'e. Xlnt condition fact. warranty. Can be aeen ·~ OLDS, l owner. F-85, B. C.M. before 9:30 AA-1 or Sell for wh!R blue or olfer. int & buc.kel &eats. Conaole in and out. Total Price $1399. at Texaco 1hl.Uon. 8riatol A !/air, pis. buf'kel ~eats, 3 aft 8:30 PM. 241 W. Wilaon No. 23, CM. with lach, PIS, P/B, P/W, LB VBA 319. Call BW, Baker, CM. weekdays : 5P floor shift. $1.»l. 968-5256 DAILY PILOT DIME-A· 548-6766 fact air. Must see to 545-00.14. 9 am-5 pm (VFN 2-U) RAMILER PJlE.()WNED BIG SELECI10N '61 THRU '68'a ALL 'M6D~ FROM l:l9G. • • • • BRAND NEW 'flt $l!9S BUSIEST mat'tl'ttplace In LINES. You can use thl!mO "t.0-S~FSS,~-• .,-w-,,.-,,-V~..S. believe! ~ue books at $2100 I ·PO~NT:,:::.c;tl;.,_Ca_WJ_""_• -b1g-,-,,., l .'"69,.::,F;.lre-b!Clnl;.;,.;_400;.,-',ull.;;.-hlr_bo_ town. The DAILY Pltm for just ~1 a day. Dlal radio, PIS. fact •ir, Xh;Jt 1 _B<_•_1_0_fl_u _. ---~---42.CO> act. ml. 2-d r, r/h. pY hydromatlc full pwr, fact ·~lrled section. Save 642-5671 oond. $985 67$-00 '65 OLDS F-.85 pty, $500. 46f--0345 air, like new! Make oUer. ·mooey, time le e:Uort. Look IT'S WONDERFUL the many rr·s A REVELATION the Power, lacL alr, 4-0. Top DONJ'JU5I'WJSH lor10me-~543-:,;:..;cWO:;T--~--~ now!!! bu.YI In a.ppllancea you rind many batp.hw YoU find in =~" $1~ lrom owner. lhlng to fumlah )'OUI' home 1964 Pontiac Bonn. Ntw CUARGB your wan1 ad tlO\\I. Jn I.he Ousined Ads. Olcck OaMUled Ads. Check them ... flnd great buys in to-pl!lnt & tlrtR, A-1 cond. THE QUICKER YOU CALL, F'lncl 11 with it 1v11nl 1irl! them now! now! Whl.te e1t!phanbl! 01mN ·llne day's Cliwifled Adll. $1200. Call ~003 THE QUICKER YOU SELL ---~-~~~- • Competitive Rates 9900 U1ed C•rs RAMIUI 62 Rambler, Custom 4qO conm-t. A/C. auto trarut, Xlnl cond. Pvt pty 008-6188 'Bl Rambleii w ... ., 6 eyt, 1 O'l!Vntt. Oe:an. $350 or best ~er. 546-2076 '64 RAMBLER STATION WAGON, Stick ahttt $100. Privato ......... B:'8&1 T·BIRD T·llRD 'ST T-BIRD 327"'50 Ellr· • Spd. e:tc. Make offer •. Ex:- ce:llent cond. 673-2807 '62 Landau, full pwr, fact otr, pvt por\y. Lie. No. TZJ415. 541h1653 '67 LANDAU. low mlg, f&cl air, loaded. , Distreu sale, mU1t 11Cll. 9S-40l8 WHITE 63 1\-Blrd. AJr tond. rutty equipped. Good -· &'ll C4ngrea St. CM TRANSPORTATION. C.,..•59 '69 T·BIRD T-Btrd Corrverdble. Needs Good cond\Uon. White. radlalOf' work. -$65. &f-3632 $285. * 644-1033 ' ! I ~ I • . . I ' I I I \ I I ' I ' I , • ' -.-. ORANGE COUNTY'.S '. ' . ' .. . ' LARGEST . VOLUME DEALER RE~AR~1ES$ .. OF .~_AKE .OR . MQDEL . ;SPECIAL -PUR _HA. .\ ., ' ~=9·.-.-;s;;:;·i 1969 .DODGE •·r.u·=~;s;:c:.~ ·1il1 BRAND NIW 2-DOOR HARDTOPS I . 'D't(': I BRAND NIW 2-DR. H.T. Cj)UPI .. jl:Jpu11 faclo~ equipped. Ll23A9Ell9626, Ll23A9El43550. I CHARGERS' \· ;aRTS:~ ~::. ~; ~)~!;,i~:~~~:~~Gi~~r;;:i~gtit!~.!r1~.~~~-:a I~ .... :1ED81ATE.E11,,voRE1~c:EL II ALL WltH Low Low -.u. .. t ,M!D. u*<f~CTORY WARRMJ1 -·I Jr.,MEDIATE DELIV~RY .· -~ "' •.. . .. . . . .. •-' . ,. "'~!• •2288 ~~~~L :e·, ~ 1969 DODGE CORO~~~~'" : FLEXIB~I FIN-·~ING ; 19G9 DODGE CORONETS 1 1'1 __ .:al J.:J BRAND NIW 2·DooR COUPES • ./ FAST AND ACCO.ATE -CREDIT ·APPROVAL I BRAND NEW STATION WAGONS •. r='! full facto~ equipped. Wl2lB9EIJDSn, WUIB9EIJ44IB .• ./ COURTEOUS flfANCE MANAIERSQID,UTY·AT All .TIMES~. (~~t~'°7s:~/~66.healer, defroster, etc. Wl-llB9E· · ' ' I 11.:JI IM~EDIATE DELIVERY I./ LOW PAYMENTS ./ EXTJ'fllED TERMS I . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY i ;I iii!! •2 2M ~~11~L I All Available and EasllJ -ArrangfJI, On Yo11r Go~d . Cr~il . I t 88 j~.1t @· --i . . -'! +"'.LO<. I • IMMEDIATE DELIVIR.Y • . -.~ .... ·~"'' r=1 ---,.... __ -.. 5488 Ttl'TAL Plte• 1 + ltx lo Lie. " ' $588 .•: @ ,~~~;~.~~~!"._ vlnrt 'lnttrlllr. !SVZ 1SHJ, 00 ''65 CHEVROLET BEL AIR •• ., .' ·. ' ' \' ' U.IOIST llL.a,CTJOlf O' CHAll:OftS TO CNOOll Jlll:OM IN SOU'l'HWjtN CALll'Oll:NlA 1969 CHARGERS • .,.;._>;.:..:· TO'l'AL 1t•''"O • ' • "• ' · ' 51d11'. ..... ...1oin11lc. ll'OWV .,..~ .... lo"""""· white !NII tlrn. .4 • ~' Tt ~ • •• .. --' ' . '64 DOD.GE DART ~70. Y-t. ·1111ornl'tlc. rlldl• lo llNI•'· -• llter· IM. • I , 1TYU '25). _____ ..... ..._...-+ -.",;,;";;;;.""-"" Bucket seats • •Hidel\ya'f headl ights e Full .. 88. vinyl inlerior • Nylon carpetiftg ? Rear deck spo'iler ·e Full' racing in~trumentation • !umi>- tr guards e Ash tray light e H.O. springs • ' . '6S Pl'.YMOUtH ,~Ml~ ·;5111@r .-'"OTA\. '•tea H.O. torsieil sway bar . . . · ---------+ "•"•' Li<.---t Xl'Mtl1'37U Xl'2'9tl\9SU4 XPmfl !ff,/si, X"1t9te· 1ff}S4. • . • CHOICE ··Of COLORS '66 DODGE CORONET y ... IVkl!Nr1t. H.CTOllY Al-. Yilttl ~ ,..._., 9'1111 w•ll 1tl,..._ W!Jl' ct). rs! '66 FORD eJ FALCON WAGON f1};1 \I.-, •Ulllmellt. -t1"!!._"lt r tlllt I. _, • . ,® «, ......,I lntwlor, -,mt~D"TfAl~EZC flS). 1165 FORD 00 COUNTRY SQUIRE St1llM ~· Y-1, ~~~11...ll~ti :f..:0-*""'~1 (Tl£ 1ft). g '67'DODGE. eJ DART GOLD ST•JI. ITUU .6e). 00 Automriic, rtlllt .. ,_..~r. '65 CHEVELLE @ SUPER SPORTS · v .. , F T RV Alll:, ,t.u 1 •1111'· I '"'' r~'i;;, i. flHltr, Yl,,.,.r.p~.l~~ ~:,• lire•. b\ldl"tt' ..-11. · !fiil• :µ, CHRYSLER :eil · 2 DOOR HA.DT()P ""cio1tv Alll, .~11e '°"" ''"";,,,, Iii r-adl9 a.,.,.,,..., ~111~11~1«111'. wt.ttec1'J~ 1ffi: e.I '68 CHEVROLET 00 IMPALA I dlot' H.t~ v ... , 111tornttk. -• 11..,.;,.., wl!He w•U ll!'n. GOo..0 STAil. 1YTM 1111. @ '68 PLYMOUTH G. T .X. HARDTOP " TOTAL l'l!CI + Tn lo Lie. $988 T.OTAL Pll:ICI .,. Till lo lk. ~988 TOTAL I"ll.IC• + T1J. lo 1..Jr. ! TOTAL .P11a IMMmlATE DEUYBJ . ... .... . . . 100% UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTH . . LOOK FOlt THE GOLD STAR IN THE WINDSHIELD For )'111H' prottctlon 100% UncomlitilMI Gwanttt-This Stw 1t•IH In writing tNt Hilrbor teidte <ftHrm- '"' ttie ur 100% 191in1t mechlnkll tltfects for 100 d1y1 Dt 4,000 milts whidl 1Y1t con." Int 1ftw; pvrdl~~· Thi• Nw:ludts·-•H· t1techlnlc.I p-.ts, tltctricll 1quipm1nt, INittt ry, 1pHdom1ter, radio, h11hr on 111· can,. This gvartlitft uvtrs 111 p1rt1 and l1bor fN>rl'I bumper to bumptt absolutely fret to yuu. (OTH 1~). • TOTAL ,llCI + 'l.llltlo l s12sa '65 v.w. '°' I .. ~. SUNROOF + f!'1.1 6 L l'llllY lectory _,\pNll. 2·DOOR HARDTOP t;i1 Ille, M•t -tt. c:oruol .. •lnyl lllllrfor, TOTAL ,ll:lte • ...... t utoo!Wllc; '"'-.... h!atw,.. ·-..i.-' •. ""'YI -. WNr. wtl tlrs. tNHX ffSI. · + TU • Lie.. I ' • I 1- '64 .CHEVROLET IMP,ALA 2 ,bit. iLT, .... ""~ rtlJl!t."' ,.,.....,., ~-: ..... ""· ~d'lf '"'· . . • ·' J;JJ). ,;t~!~ ~. $68#~ ~',Wt~~·.'·' j[i]J :~~ ... !.~; .. ~~~-.. s798 ~ llit a. llMltf", White Wiii !lret. (NN A 1111. TOT•\. Pate• • • + .t .. lo Lk. '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP ' TOMORROW'S WORLD How ''Silent Sound" · Will Change Your Life DAltY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FROM EAST OF SUEZ Campaign Furniture Is Rediscovered ., ----·--------..----~---1!"----~~~ ..... Ask Them Y ourseH ,. "11'. rAVL UXALI' •f N~ &l .. .,. .. rv--. ,.. .,.,, ......... v ... .... "--.......... c..r,. .............. ....,.,,,,,., __,,,..._ a.Cly ..... ....,, •"-7, c.. e As a reaull of action by the 1969 M.ate )qialatun:. NeYada will obeene Wula- u.p.•e birtbdar u a boliday bepuaia,s in 1970. Tbe oaU.ion ... hued aimply Oil ... idea tbett -~ ..... , -holi- day-. However, the day bu beea obeened by varioue cetaDOllies ia N.,.,ada. e¥en thou_gh it wua•t a lepJ holiday. "'11 £1UE/f 'OIUJ, ~ •I Fed M-'d A~ r.., "die~,....,.,. ,_. • .:.ce-.1-....,, --11;. c.11 Ria,.._ If~ ~NJ. e F"tnt. the au.i Dot oaly be heautiful but photogenic. To eoullteraet I.be cam· era•a tendency to add width aad eubtncl height, llhe mmt be at le..-6ve·feet-four. iodle. lall and slim to the poiat of Ilia· nine.a. Miaa America mi&ht be a plea.. ing 3S.2S-3S: a f uhioo moc1er. measure- ments ue Marer 33.22-33 or m Aa- impol1Ut are ambilioe. uui&cie. and work. Luck. too. plap u important role • -being in th~ ri&hl place witll lbe right combiaatl. of looU at then.ht time. roa atJNM..D ZIEGUI(, Prni.tleru N~·, pr~u KC'ftWry ..... ;. ,..,. ~ '-elr>- .,.....,,u r ... ,,.,,.,,.. """ Y•• ••ri /•r1-D.I..., r--.,r .... • No aewapapen directly. I wu Mr. Nixon'• chief P"* aide during the 1968 Pre&ideftti&l cunpaip. Prior to that, I wu an account exccutiYe with J. Walter Tho.P9CJll in Loa AnFles.. My fiM job wu as pre. eecretary to Califomia Re- publican Jecialatore m Sacramento. I WU also • Nixon Pfte aide in t.M 1962 gu· bematorial campa~ ,-OR ll.41'FOOD H.4U BROUN, ....._, ,._ CBS .,,_a °""_..,.,.,.. P.,. ti.,_ af-y• IDNrr ,,.., ,,,_, jaelrd 1~ .. • ,,_.,. ,,...,..feP-Mrs. llary .4aa Miller, Bi.a-- e It bn•t the saine plaid jack~•. There att about t1ix ia the wardrobe. u well u a plaid o¥CnlO&I. It bepn when my wife auuated that I wear a colorf al coat of my own for a particular tv nsay about horeeracing. r...e rattly woru. plain coat since then. Nm~.L!lll.41, ... _,......,,..,_•#do.I A.-.. g u.c.;, ,., 0... Cah ...... ,.., __ Jee,_ ....... Fie'~ Jaelaetl pl•••P-M .L., n..11r~C.. e Cube doe. ... *nmd • .. relwe ... .. IUdl. Sky jeck coete .. die .... .. the put ba..: ~red auc:h t.IU.ap -.... . i•g fen. purchue of fuel ud p1u-.r g:road trwportatioa. foad. ad It .. .._ New•peper ~ Ila"° Nported .ac1a CCMl4• to vary fNa '2,.500 to 110.000. flOll !M/f. 6IJOllG« MeGOYllltlf .f SJJ. ,,.,.. .... ~ ......... r•• /•r rre•itlaal ;.- 19121-D•eLtl Beier, B.-.r, s.D. e N...... is cert.airt in politim. ao ii weald be diAcak '° project poee.cial 1969 cudidatea or ilaae:e ill die eircam- atances that may eU.C in 1972. Ltt me say that I -keepia,a my option• open. ,Oa lf.4/f#C¥ lllC«EASON, NBC N~ ""'8, IA. Are d.ecHI'• ,_.....,. .. ,..., tft•tOCD9f ,..., ... , 11 ... ,.. ,,_,, ........ 1--.n,-1--lba.. c,..,... ,, .. ,,, ' £w. e Yea. they ~. 1nieo I travel. I .,.ck ~ d.reM Oil a wire baqier a.cl ill die iuJck of l.k prme1tl widl tiaMe JMlpet'. As IOOD as I arrift at •Y delltillatiee, I unpack and hue nery ..,.eat ia the shower and stMm out wriek1es. I wear black shoe.. bq, aacl s1cm.. I U.O cal'T'J matcbe-d ~ of eitl.tt bleck or whilr linprie. A b&.ek 1ilk wool e:mmtble (full ekirt, dMn skirt. jacket. aad full coat) took mr aU en-er Eu~. ftM UIWI~ 8.4/V&s, C~_ Cd• r...,._.._ ... ,. ... ..,, ............. pltc'wr a. ,-Y 4111 JI etP _,,,... •• (;red&, «-a- ..... _, ,a. • Tbe toqhest dub thia 8Cll90ll h&a beat the Pitt bu,P Pinks. Tite pikher, San Franci9e0•1 Juan Muichal e TIMft iA • ..re.ire •&J· Lean aD you can about etory caettnlCtion.. audi· eG<ieS. pbololJ'aphJ. ud people; pt u much p.-.ctical experience u pc>Mible. ·-•-•I-..-•• ·• fY __ ..._...._,, _._ .. _.. ... -,_ .. .. h , .. .....-,_ .......... c °I •• ....,....., -• .... _,._ .. Mir. n.-Y ...... P...,. .,....,., Ml .._ ...... A.._. ,.._ \' .... N.Y. IND.We_....._..~ l n1 .............. , _ _. _ _._ WHAT~ WORLD! ... y. 7J1 H .... "-"I $ I ............................. ....... aft.~ ........... catioft. AlrS»lcl-e tD .. Wflll a.-t Jowaol. a ~ ec-.., < ; R) dtlc w.ed It cmr't COUii -~ ... ptlc:g._ .... ., ..... .. ,..,_ .. ~ u, .. ..... ..................... ................ ff the ... --..... ..., ............ 1ve .. ~ pony~. 10 ...... ,,., ----..: .w,..Jufy •a .,.ea,_.__ r11111ti ... to cw a.ck eo. ... 'arv• tip: To- -.wd ........._ •• ....t ._clown a Wt, wilh --,... ........ 01:riftdtd91 ~ ........, ....... .,_._to ... and gtt Oi@B iwd. -.. ~ c,·•1•.......,.....,. Mims and W. t-dy aww ...._ • _. .... ~._ ......... .... Ion ... a "'4 • rt tic ..... ,__ cllmed for $1 ,,_ MOM.,._ • - ift .................. a.-.·-.., .... d ,.CCJICng9'hoe ... , ..... .... ....... jNlutMwa Ml'Wigllliori1 ... -. ......... doee.... whale bll ii ii I foed. The ............... In to .... FIE I, though. "CMlation .... -.... ~ ........ Ntoir.. "Ow-.. ho... beco.w .......... . P1M11I lkz•c ....,_ a..,. _. -.......... ...,..~,....- • • ., ... M ...... p1Wdst .... .. .................... ..... .... ... ' ... ~ ...... .... ....-... 'c•MIC'4~ Ila .... ••• 1 ... _, .-,,,-... ..W ,..., Wu'dy. ~ 111 111 ...._._lntheM 1 taW ' e. ,., ................... ,.... • • Dai oz• ... r .t,. we.a. I .. ......... Ma I a,lwmwryh IPlllL .. .,,. '• ................ ... -ift _, ..._,. h fe1• I ~ imdt.r-."' tel •11 I • ... Mn, ...... &..- fl .. 11 ~ °"' .......... CDlik ..... pAy, ct e 1,, ..t rul Ma ••· S- it't ... diilUcaa ..._ ~ _. .. --. ......... .,_ ...... ; ....... ........ , o«t...t ......... ... ................................. ... ...., ... ,, ......... _ .. Gosse 1Rt tu,pll•• rol.d ....... So Mn. ..... •••••• ......... u. ul1t ...... ~~O.-..,_ ............... ~ ............ _ ...... ~ .... ~ .... dfy.ak; .. Isa ~ c.p rol.d ...... Mia .. ~ ........ Shape ""° bola aMill9d wllh dry .... n. ,... .. be icd11 •• d in ... ~ •• 1,..., .. , ......... ~---......... tao. ~ WI..._. ...... A ,......,,, falw. to .. ..,., at cMdr••..,,, ................. . not ao.e. owoscliii119 to ,.._, Paratt -.cl TMn agw.'' a MW book by Or. Halcut G. Giftoet, a NgUb ..., °" W's "'Todm(' lhow. "'T-. crvwamn~ffOM ............... '(ng agh is enough. n.. .. litNt& to ,,,,, tol- -....ca.' Cap I I) oU anger in ~ ways ~ bricio; -..., to .. parent, .,.. insight to the •• • 1111 r, o..d no hallilfwf ohudech to ...... of ....__., HDw'P ~ .... ,. ......................... . ~ the action, not .... ,.,_. H Famlly~n.• cc;•· a , .Dr .... GiflOff l"111 S1,_1 HI IADIU.LMW90Wf's "m -M ••=m •OrW _._Wrt•rtw MaftMIM .,., • .._. w ...... w 11'1••• uru......... wa.w111m ..... .._... ..•. ,_...,.. .... NllPD&m1 .. 1 " r1u· a • ,..,~ _, .. .,............ ..... ..... ................ _L ..... •-..tt ac · M ._, .. nil,.._...._ ...... ,,#I ... a.a A.I 1···~-~ ~,..__,--~ 4d' IA ....... 1 ...... .... -.-.. ~W... ... WJNlle-.......,om-:111• . a --. ................ ~.-. ......... ~ .. ._Y ..... ILY.-._,........_, . ..._ .... ._....._,._ - r craw·• e ..._ .. a-.., . ._-...._ @"9,MaY-Y,m:. ........ . ............ f'9 ....... ta ... ,_ ¢ 11 • tlllllll., lltldl • .. 1 I I rt ... ........ ,...,.....,. '9 .......... I .... -... tt .... far, ,..., .... tel I t ti --. ... ,.... I. Y: 1Cll22. An on this page, free, in Buddyk _ picnic giveaway! r-, t l t L t \ , ~ •• . --~------------~-~------ lftCelrr a. d4lcsM4 'f'Otlufi• ""'" Lioltt..a"o ~ br t1'u tu10 tdtru'*" 10C1t.ria• "bod." APSYCHIATBIST at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Dr. H.. W. Kienast, recently fired bursts of "silent sound'' int.o the brains of some 500 •patients in Chicago State Mental Hospital. He found that 59 of them were not mentally ill! Dr. Kienast made UU. "discovery" by a com- parative 1tudy of the way the inaudible eoqnd wavee bounced otr 1tructures inside the brain to form distinctive echo patterna. The pattema were converted by an electronic device called a trans- ducer for display on a televisionlike acreen, then photographed. They showed that the 59 were su«ering from a variety of o~anic brain disorders, such as tu- mora. Tbeee had been miadiagnoaed and. in a number of inata~. could be correct.ad. The apace-qe technique be appUed-QUed ul- truonica or ultrasound, meanin• beyond (ultra) the range of bearing-is the science of high-fre- quency sound whJcb ta u1ually generated by con- verting electrical pulaationa into mechanical onea. Thia is done by a tran.aducer. The familiar pickup on a record player, for example, is a transducer arranged to reverae tbia pl'OCell. It chanpa the mechanical vibratiom of a record- player needle, by following the groovea of the record. into vibrations th.at are amplified ao they can be heard. ~rtainly not new, the ultruonic principle ia the aame one ueed for the "silent" doa wbiatlee -namely, vibrationa of such high frequency · (more than 20.000 cyclee or aound-pulaes per eec- ond) that humane cannot hear them. The aonar devices by wb.icb the Navy detecta aubmarinee and fiahennen seek out achoola of ft.ah are more eophiaticated rdnementl of ultruoniCI. When properly controlled. u witb the petienta Family Heekly I Jt1.l11 ~1. 1969 How '~Silent Sound" Ultrasonics, the magic of high-frequency sound waves. can diagnosing ills to improving computers-and we've just By JAMES C. G. CONNIFF at Cbicaso State Mental Hospital, ult.ruonic vi- brationa can barmleuly penetrate and rebound from variation.a in any lmown aubetance'a texture. including flesh and bone. In medicine eapecially, ultrasonics ii already ao well alons with a anent l"'eVolution that it will gruUy chanp your lite for the better. It ia a~ eotutefy pain-and eenaatfon-tree. makins ane&- tbuia unnecanr.r. It i• ao fut that it lives a permanent echo-pattern picture in 10 seconds tlat, u again.It 10 mi.Dute. to take and develop a con- ventional X ray. It i1 &lao superior to X ray. providi~ sharper three-dimemiona1 detail, with no radiation ex- posure because there la none. Nor ia any barium or injection of a contrast medium required. Above -f ultruonica i• limitleuly repeatable without riak to a pel'llOD. n.. olKMtrkl•, for example, can use ultn- sonica to detect f etai' heartbeat early. Because there ia no radiation-buard to mother and child. he can keep uainl' it to monitor that pulae if he feela be ma:r have ~ take action to reline fetal diatreu. The doctor can alao ufely and accurate- ly determine the baby's bead size prenatally with ultruonica--informatlon useful for several rea.- sona, such as mode of delivery. Other medical applications are equally signifi- cant. Doctors use ultrasonics to diagnOse retinal detachment and eye tumors; to locate precisely and to heJp ex.tract foreign bodies from the eye and from soft tiuues; to remove cataracts; and to di11'erentiate cysts from malipant growths. tntraaonic acanniq of peripheral blood flow belpe identify impendiDI' blood-veuet blockagee by deftniq a telltale thickening of artery walls a,id the extent of clot formation. It also checb on heart-valve function and helpa to evaluate the succeaa of reconatructive be.art and blood-veaeel surgery. It clean.a ayrlnaa, tubing, and surgical inatrumenta in second.a. 0... of the MOSt delicate roles oltruonica has played to date is in picking up signs of rejection in heart-transplant patients earlier than poulble with any other method. Doctors then can besin agarreaaive countere«orta in time to prnent ir- reveraible heart dama,e. Thia outpouring of wooden from ultrasonic t«:hno1on" is mushroomlDI' at a fantastic rate, in a bewilderinr number of directions. In the health field, it extends to a .. dry sauna bath" that will leave you cleaner than eoap and water ever doee or can. It alao includes ultruonic muscle-toner, deep..100thing devicel for the relief of arthritis pain; and a quick-dip wateriees .. bowl .. that will instaatly 8COur embedded dirt. both from greue- fte~ band• of a mechanic and t]aoee of chil- drea Jn from p1-J. Jn buai.neu, aboat 60 eompanlea in the ultra- 900ica field do approximately $60 million buai- neas annu.ally in the U.S. alone. Thia ia double the output of ftve yean ago. A jump to $160- million annual sroea i.e f oreeeen by 1973. Ultra. sonic homM1quipment aalea are expected to reach $10 million annually in the near future, compared with the preeent fl00,000. ..... wtll tt.at equipment be lik~? we•re al- ready aeeinl' aome of it. One manufacturer re- cently brourht out an ultraaonic artificial den- ture cleaner that enda the overnigbt-in-&-aiaas-of- water routine. The dentures are sound vibrated to gleamiDI' cleanness in less than 60 second.I. A maiJ.order house markets at under $60 an ultra- sonic scrubber that will inatantly 8COUr anything from jewelry to rolf .cluba, tools and paint bruebea. Work on an ultrUODic tootbbru.eh la well-advanced. While the electrical manufacturer that exhibited an ultrasonic diabwuher in 1969 has yet to brinl' the $3,000 price down enoush for mau production, there i.e little doubt that it ia inevitable. An oltraeonic kitchen •ink fa acbed- uled to ro on the market by the end of 1969 at under flOO. Such clean.iD.I' devices are similar to the ultra- sonic process that dairies uee to homogenise milk. The machine electronically transmits through the cleaning solution sound waves that are beyond the range of beari~. Stirred up are milliona of Tit~ qtlic/e..diJ> "lilnt 10fllftl' tf'Nt#lftt ii giHK tu golf c.lvb•, i••actUGt~w nMO•U.g nerwtad dirt. , d b ' 1 Will Change Your Life do anything from cleaning false teeth to welding submarines, begun to tap their potential ".-::' --.. aubmicroecopicoubblei Which -form and c<>n.p.e 20,000 to 49,000 timea a eeeond and J'eUrate forces of 70,000 pounds per bubbJe at an incredi- ble 10,000 degreee Fahrenheit. Without harming the material being cleaned, these "bubble acrub bruab_., h1ut away almOBt anything-dirt, grease, lipstick. burned food. metal ecoreh. Consumers, however, will probably come to ap- prec1ate ultnaonica more through such familiar avenues u the dreaded dentist'• drill. which thil new technique will in time replace permanently -and painleuly. Sonar itaelf today reprellellta a $200-m.iDiolMl- year commercial market. Induatrial applicatiou are even peater. Other wraiona of ultruon:ica· are in food, cosmetic.a. paint, and chemical in- dulbiea, where they enwlaify aueh products u peanut butter, mayonnafae. band creams, ate.at sauce, "&Dd car wu. speeding chemical necff<ma that once took month.a or years. Ultruonic know-bow ia helping to eliminate smokeatack..cauaed air polh:atiotJ u well aa ~ placiq the "eyebell" system of oadfq eattlL Ullt M IMC .......... an OD the bot b:on to speed comtruction~ba.rslar aJarma that uti- Jize ultra.sound ha~ marketed for .everal years. Ultrasonics Hal p1Utic faater, without the riak of heat-damaae. Had we been able to apply Rltruonie8 be yean •IO for cbedd ... jointa and welU lD nadear aubmarinea. the Tlra14tr ..a ~ WOGld not have been loet at eea. Today, in Mditioe to prelauch ultnaonic checll:oata, fJft1r7 Polaris sub caniea small oltruonic unita to clean imta1 part.. flltera, tooll, even pota--.nd to conduct on- site monitorinc of critical ftttinp and metal-to- metal bondlns-. Ultruound ·Ia 10 Yitai to the M~ and electronic induatriel that a by. aeevtive recent- ly declared, "Without ultra.lonk:a. we'd be out of businea.'• NASA uea ultruonie deYieea to dean apaeebound equipment eYa OD the launch pmd. And an offshoot of the NASA launch-pd appli- cation is rollins "laundermata .. now on tbe draw- iDI' board to elean IOOt and pime from atnet lampeand aism. W..L... ,, I 11 I 11 I ult:rUDllic talmoioQ' .... a current lead lD 80ll&r and c11uriq tedmiq-. the Ruaaiana ar. IOins all ~ on ultl1UIOll.ie re- search. The RW111ian Acoutic Inmtote bu an estirmted at.aft of 700, compared with our 1150 tiop. level U]>erta l>atked by perbap1 2,000 tecbn.icia-. So they IDIQ' be o.d of .... ~ other vital .... . The ftye pi.._ of Soviet/il~ic equi]Jl!Mlrt displayed at Expo '11 illdica1ed tbat IOIM of tbeM anu are ultruonic llC'tivatiOll of moltea metala (vital te ~ teehnoioO'). the driB- 8'nfM' .-re.\ ••~ ea .....,. eA• ~ fl°'" at u,,tu ..,,_to I0,000 f #t ,,. .... ;..,., witl .oncf." Th tail dabilizn tu ""1t u it u tolO«l Gbo11• oe._ ffoor. l•fonrtatW. ia tln otlbl•·t~ed to •IW/I. ing of rocka. and the 8PMdin• of certain complex chemical re.eticma. But on the other hand, we have an ultruonic capmeity to produce aound wavea ahno9t a million times higher in frequeDCJ' than batr.queak •nar (10,000 vibrationa per aecond). Thi• playa an important part ill obtainiq accunt.e ~ temperatures, Yitai to aploriq and i-cefully coloniaina' the world'• -beda. Other American &aim in the Wtruonica 6eld include uaiq it to doable tbe eftectivenesa of ma- chine tooa. and to improve their q\l&lity and per:"- formanee of the producta. Rivetiq touab metala like titanium in the air-fnme industry is euy for uJtneonlca. Aa ultruonic a.th dip, auch u auto en~nee reewh• aftlr ndlls. 9"11 now, could double the lit• ot 11117 elll"'• pnl8f' plant. Some manufu.- i... -air dJ wt "• ti.. life ol -.me e;yH t i_.-Pu arr All a1ruatt company le s ' -n• ,.. • alt:ruanic method of ...., .. ...._ an .., ..._ to reduce t1ae static clMa .. oa qlillllill' waDa that caaw eroeion. If 1UC 11 fwl. it will cloabl. alrcraft.-.ine Jif e. Pombl.J' ODe of the mo.t mt..tilll' efforts in ultrMODica ia the .u.npt to produce an ultra .. aoelc cal'boretor for total fuel cambuation. It wouJd inc,.... pa mileap 1uMtaatiallJ and cut ahauat pollution to....,. Sll'O. Cloeel1 allied to lt ii ftMeftb for ....,,lns an ultruoaJc home on- burner atamisins ~ to reduce fael biO. and domestic air pollution at the tame time. Ultrucmk:a alee> bu helped eclentieta aliee un- imqinabty thin waf e:n oil bard. brittle materiala lib pimanium and silicon to mab the tnn8ls- ton, diodee. and reetiften lndi8pa•ble to atel- lit.e and other f orma of apace comman.icationa. Ultruound ftawleuly cleam the delicate parta of microecopee. It enablee computer manafaeturen to draw 1eratch-and impuritJ'-free win needed for mapetic memory eompon.enta, makins po11- 1lble today'1 thircl-pnetation comput.en. W...... ...._ n ,,.,...-..,.in turn. new mar- ve1a from ultruonic potential mia'bt take decadn to achieve, instead of beiq almolt within re.ch. The ultruonic nebulisen already in ma117 ho9- pita1a point the way, for example. to home ultr. eonic inbalera for uthma su«eren. And tele- phone reeearch indicata increued aenice throup a newly developed method of 1toriq meuap data ultraacmicaOy. Ultnacm!ea will one day extract oil from rieb bat nei.ltant Canadian tar unda, take Mam.I out of textUea, dispel airport foe, and dean omc.- buildin• windows. It doeen't appear Ubly, t~ that ultra- 80Dica will come up with a dnice tbat would an- swer the requeet a compan,1 nceiwed from a m1 ... aionary in the tropb an ultruoaie W&T '"to kin coekrOKh-." But then the wa1 tbi.I ..,_.. are technique ii boomiq, an.Jthlq nen a '"bu• eliminator'-i• pomible. • ;' Here is the "Inside Know-How" that has helped Thousands Make Fortunes FOLLOW THE EXAMPLES OF llEN WHO KNOW in Construction • in Mail Order • in Stocks • in Real Estate • in Retailing •in Franchises • in Commodities •in Sellin1-ancl in Many More Wide Open Fields! . SMART MONEY SHORTCUTS TO BECOMING RICH ..... T ..... .._ttli* .. 1WJ .... v .. F.--~ ~G. llktm BUY NOTHING Unless You Want To-Man Coupon for FREE Book. NO 08LIGA110N T08VY Books Tel You ••• ............ '1.GOO,GOD "' .... Ol'llllr ................. _ ..... ........ ___ _ •_,,_ .. .._ODD..._ ... ,.. .... .......... $1.00D ..... ............ lllllle ......... ,.. ......... ..... ........... tl~ln ... c , ..... tab ..................... ...., ..... _.... ...... Claim Your GIFT While Supply La~! p+Mi1 11Ddilli4®11 ~ llllE I W•• l8Ull .,... ,. .. . llBWtlllll .... ,..,_,._, ...... N.J.fll"lll rAMLY :wWLY a>oK900K.' Wonderful Recipes from Denmark 'l"ltil•..,_ l'rlbttl-1Wf> (tlo.• /•11UJU litt6' DstliM ....ux.l'-J 'lflitla pot.to ..z..tl, •*' ~~~~~~ •n>U c.U /or u..n~ , .. eltotec of • f0tlf1/td 0... /M Tail birlW•• parlv. • Fer ~ •1 ftU'llt TWt .. Dea.urk • a ._.. el dM 0-W. Mhmlry el J'enlp ~ wu a ...,.t ~ My al.la ol epeeial latel'NI were al ...a _. dMae f~ ... ,.-care ftlaln, ...... -espHiwe ... I farm YWdmc ~ a O.•W.f..Uy. Whedler la eha ....... Mme. or ... lat u.-. Ille •• ,... laeephalily ., ... n...,., lopther wi.. lite detw... feed ....-., alwaya erealM dM .&eupdal ...... pM.e of • party. I •• ..... a...., ao el.are. llleee redpee wid1 ,_a. Danish Btae Cheeee Maa e A• mooat aol4'I '1'f •wdinr part• "'°"'· J HT. _.aT ... plam Yi nJ ~eta .......... .. % ~. g..,... diiefte, srat.4 % ... o.m.11 BhM c ... 2 •SS w~ iliatett te lltW. Mtb)' • .-ab 1 a• eWW Ma•7 enam, wldppN te Nit fftb Yi ........... It ~ &e...-wWte ,_HM % teUpeea.,., ......... I . Sprinkle platin over~ cup cold water in a saucepan over low beat; atir until selatin '" diaolved. 2. Uain1 a fork, rently mix almond& and Samsoe cheese in a larire bowl. Uaing fork, break off small pleeea of the Daniab Blue. ~ntly and quickly, using fin1e~ tipe, crumble pieces into the bowl with the Samaoe and almonds. Toss lishtly with fork just until mixed. 3. Yold beaten ~• whitea and whipped c"'am topther and then told into cheese. Mix in 1elatin and a blend of aeasoninp. 4. Turn into a loaf pan. Chill 4 bra. S. Unmold. Garnish top with a row of lettaee-Mut teana; put a ~ c1iiilny in each. Sunound mold with alicee of DulM Ma 1• Hrtli'ltf1• Lceb, a f)OJnl.14r .,.11ctablc iJt D""""1'k, .,.e f-.tw1tl t. tltu duieiou linM'lt.ota dial /or • JH&rtr. ' ... S ......., .... t..tter 2ta ........... , y, ........... .. I% alJlll •ilk ' ... Sa•MC ea.e.e, snW lalkaDaaia.lib• 1. Cut off and discard the upper peen tops of tbe leek.a. Rinse several timea in cold water to remove all sand. Place in a saucepan; sprinkle with ult and add boOinr water to cover. Simmer, covered, for 10 min. Drain thoroughly. 2. Meanwhile, melt butter; stir in ftour and aalt. Add milk gndually, stirring constantly. Brinr to boiling; cook and stir 1 to 2 min. Add one half of the gnted Saln8oe cheese all at one time, atirrins until blended. 3. Spread ham alices with •U8&ard. Wrap a s lice around drained leek. Place in a sbal1ow baking dish (open edge down). Pour on sauce. 4. Spoon over a toppinr mixture of re- maining grated Samsoe cheese. 1 table- spoon of lwad cru•bl. and 3A teaspoon paprika. Dot with butter (about 2 table- spoom). Broil 4 to 5 min. with top of diab about 4 in. from beat source. 8 •"11ttaSl• Danish Apple Cake Mix 2Y.a cups coarae dry ltrad cnambe and % cup aa1ar. Brown in 113 cup bot better. Alternate layers of crumba and a,.a-ece (abouts cups) in a rtass aerv- inl" diah. To]) with wlll ..... cnaa Aboect B .enri"g' Science Promises You New Beauty La1tin1 complexion beauty, throuab the achincmcnt d a finer akin..tulUR and throu&f\ "'proot-int" apinlt wrinklu. It now with- in tbc racb of women of all aps. Recent laboratory tall have en- abled ICienlim to promite thi.a to every woman. for the ecicnaista have found that the akin'• cellular structure can be preserved and kept youthfully beautiful almoal indefinitely. Conditions of wrinkle· dryness. keralinizat.ion (coanen- ina d the akin). and a dull loot can now be "by •. pimed .. -u a rault of the evolution of a ·~ cially textured tropical oil. Thia aves an invisible film on the top layer of the skin. while at the same lime, pmctratina throush to the ~cell laycn.. It wu found that as normal olla eolllained la.fins clements. the atin cells could not abeorb Ibero (just as a plant would not be able to abeofb life sjvina moiteure if the roocs were ICaled in oil). Thia tropical (or "peoeled") oil how- ever, without thae eealinJ eJe.. mcnta, enables the akin ccUa to absorb ib vitalizina on and nm. lure propertia to lhe full. Another characteristic of thia remarkable beauty fluid is that It is hyaro.copic ( moilture-&ttnct· ina> and it aur.a. moisture from the atmo.phne lo the akin-thus rnitalizina the pluma coUoida. which are the wn·1 watcr.arrien. Hence "wrinkle·proofin4'' the compluion-becaUIC ii IS the ~lion d ....... pjuma col-loidt that c:n:ate the ~river-beds" of batf~ricd celb I.bat we caJ1 wrink.Jea. A ftlm of this moisc ml per- fonna a double tuk. It aiva an instant loot of dewy beauf)' and completdy protects apinst ~ ful uterftaJ C<>ftdilions. It pene- trates below the skin IUrfacc to .. fiJl-out" the 1Ub·turface cclla became of its ilOtonic opectia (mcanina of IUtk.Xnt fid pfta- sure to penetrate. rather than lie ineffectua.Uy on the aurf.a). In tbe tropical uut tlu. duaJ. pu~ moist oil ii known aa oil d Ulu, in EnaJand and odMf parts of the worad. .. oil °'.~J.: ln America it ia now av from drut atora • oil of Olay. Scientilb tuaat that it it never too late-or too early-to start usinJ oil of Olay. aa our CGm· ple:i1ions are C<lftltantly ~llpoeed to windl cw sun. city pime and ocher dryins dcmenta which rob the KID of moisture. It takes only a moment to llDOOth a few drolls ova the face and neck-in the eveninp u a nutrient and in the morninp u a pro4ective bue un- der your mate-up. 'T'k contribu- tioo to yol!T f(>Od loob iJ truly remarkable. The adaptation of thi• recent 1eientific dilcoftty to beauty treat- ment. enM&ra )IOI.I a troubled-free way ol mainla.inina YQUr k>vcli· nea-litcrally "by-pulina .. ate and the weather. Sc:imce today is certainly doina wooden for beauty. .....,.-c....c h 0 ...... Bet1uty-ct1re ron1ultt1nl1 ore "°"' rttomJrw11di"1 tlttlt, lo "1h full ol/v411foge of tire beufit1 of thi1 moill 014y oU, It m"'4/d H 1moothed over tho ftlU atUI Md: I/oily kfou ,,,.u,,,...,,p, /11 thlJ •·ay It J,,/p1 the pkuma collold1 to rhttk lines t1nd give the 1lln a youthf 11/ bloom. • • • It is ltO Hl1 to rnolnto/11 o 1mootlt 10lllltf11I n«l If 7ou trHI it witlt the •me c11re '"'""' com-plu.IOf!I. M~ tlte 1tttl ttiflttly willt tlw mold oil of 014y a • wridle "''"'"""'· aNI 10 ettCOllll'-•6' .kin '"°"111re orOIUUI tltl• im- fKl'ltutt part. When 7011 •""1 Ille Olay oil to 70fll face Hfott mel- in,..Hp, eottlinw tlte "l'l'lk•tiOll to '""' 11ttl. • • • Aft,, rnrtoY1111 10fU' fftllb_,,p Hf<>N retiri"I· """°'" on o ~'" of oil of °'"'· ,,.,;,,, ptvticllltu t111enti011 to tlte delk'llt• #Jn tu. Ule aroutMI tlte "''•wit"' t1grin1 llne1 ~d •PJHtV· A• 10f4 61Hp tlte rlclt ol/1 wlll Cfl"1 Oft 1/w "'6k of #Hatlhln.i the COlffpl#ziolt. r I e I , • ' ~ • . i I T••I••• ltra•a· at~ armchair. ~, ..... " .... ... ......... ~ wfth 11t•a· c•c• •••'•"· e1t••c• •r•c•· ••"• ••I f•r ...... _... o.. ............. ~ ......._ ............. -,,211 JUST OFF THE PRESS DEALERS 1969 PRICES OF~~()()() ANTIQUES W ITH THIS big new 436-page antique guide, you'll have no more worries about what to pay for antiques. 'The newest, most authoritative antique dealer's price handbook in the country! It lists the value of more than 28,000 (think of it!) American antiques in a tremenodus range of items. More than 267 different cate- gories in all! Not only is it fascinating, but it will save you money. Puts you, the public, on even footing with museums. professionals, dealers and expert collectors! INCLUDES DETAILED PRICE LISTING OF: INCLUDES 267 DIFFERENT GROUPS Of ANTIQUE and COLLECTORS' ftEMS This book contains more than 267 differ- ent poupe of Antique$ and Collectors' ltems. Here are some: A.B.C. Plates, Apta glass. Amberina alass. Aun:ne alass. Baccarat afass. Ba.salt ware. Benninaton pottery, Bi1que, Bottles. Bristol aJasa, Burmese ..... Calendar plates, Cameo class. Challtware: Clocks, Commem- Of'1ltiYe plates, Copper LIJstre ware. Cran- beny pass. Cu1tard aJaas. Dedham pottery. FumituR. Gaudy Dutch and Gaudy Welsh china, Haviland china. lronstoac ware, Jasperwan. Lamps. Lim- o,es chiaa. Lithophanes. Majolica. Mechan- ical banks, Music boxes. Occupational Shav- ina mup, Papcrweiaht. Pewterware, Post Cards. Powder ftasb. Rockwood pottery. Royal Doulton china. Satin aJlss. Sau« bottles. Spauerw•re. Staffordshire china and ftrurincs. Steins. Tilfany alass. Toby jup. Tolewatt. Toys, Trivets. Vene- tian 1tus, Waterford al ass. Woodenware and "'°" than 200 othef' aroups or items. All items appear in a sinale alphabetical am!'~rnent ~ that they may be found in a m1n1mum tune. AR• YOU .. llllC•·Wl811? Antique ckalen •rt. •nd one bt1 reason 11 thl• f•ntntlc handbook wtlk'h lt publllhcd for dta'ltn. Anllabtc now to lhe public, II ahcs YoU a -•llh of I.CU Md lmowkdef about Ml~ •nd their rul murs. ~bH. know'ltd9' ol prices mum morw:y to you! ,... AlllllUES Pm\ u.,t.1"340 - -..., 3710 E. 18111 Ct. .. Fla. 33013 ...._. rush me copen of llW ne. "OOMPl.ETE ANTIQUES PRICE LIST.'' 436 ~ 1969 Dealer's Prlcn on 'OYer 28,000 Antiques, .t ~.95 Hdl. If not delipted, I may mum n 10 days and r.ceiv• full ln1madlate refund. C Endoeed Is ctiedt or m.o. for ---- 0 Enc:toled $1 aoodWlll depOeit. Send c.o. 0. and I'll pay po«man $4.95 balance and j'Olbl chef'lel, Heme ...._ ____________ _... A FIERCE storm hit a Ger- fi man circus some years ago, and lightning struck a cage while.an animal train- er and his tigers were per- forming their most daring trick. Gunther Gebel-Williams, ac- knowledged as one of the world's greatest animal trainers, recalls the tension of the moment. "The steel cage ftashed blue. My tigers and elephant&-natural enemies -bellowed and roared. I could hear the audience, too: there was fear there, almost panic, and my animals were picking it up. "I said to my tigers, 'Come here. Next to me. Now!' They huddled around me in the storm, terri- fied. I petted them, whispered to them, nuzzled them. The elephants watched and drew comfort from us. Even the audience calmed down. For my animals, I am not jWJt a master but security, too." Gebel·Wlfllam1, a famed Ger- man performer since a teen-ager, has been brought to the U.S. by Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus. His act, featuring nine tigers, 18 elephants, 80 horses, 20 aides, and a beautiful blonde wife, adds old-fashioned zest to the modern American cir- cus. which bad become a series of vaudeville acts. In addition, Gebel-Williams has emerged in a few months as a sex symbol. Short but with the build of a tumbler, he has the features, leopardlike grace., and blond hair usually associated with a boyish movie newcomer. He joined the circus at 12 with his mother, a 8eamstress. When she left, the Williams family, an old circus ensemble, adopted Gun- \ • FatHitv W••kl11, J1Ll11 #1,1161 ther, and be began his career aa acrobat, bareback rider, and ele- phant trainer. He haa a aix-year- old daughter Tina; bis wife Sigrid is a former model. "I was doing an act, looking over the audie~ for pretty girls," he recalls in stumbling English, "and I see Sigrid. She is watching me, fascinated, not unusual. I never see a girl ao beau- tiful-and I always look. I My, 'Hey, you got time for me?' I make sure she does." Gunther's penchant for watch- ing the audience instead of his tigers hu earned him a mass of scars. "The animals are not to blame," he says. "I get hurt when I'm careless." The most unusual part of Gun- ther's performance is riding aback a tiger, which, in turn, is riding on the back of an elephant. Not incidentally, 20 pereent of all wild baby elephants are killed by ti- gers. The tiger is called Bengal. As a cub, he slept with Gunther; Bengal never aasoeiates with the other tigere ("he catch bad ha- bit.a"), only elephants, and Gun- ther, who often kisses him, ia re- warded with a swollen lip when Bengal tosses his massive head. Gebel-Williama uses no chair or pistol. He relies on his voice com- mands. "I talk to them. The tigers are lazy. I shout at them-'I am tired, too. But I must work to eat, so must you.' " Tbe mastery ia in the voice. 11 thef'9 anything harder to train than a tiger? Gebel-Williams looks around the luxurious mobile home in which he tours the world. Hia wife is out of earshot. "Wben you train an animal, be does not talk back or tell you bow to do the trick better. Ack. now a woman ... " -JACK RYAN .. l .. Thia beautiful FREE 80-Page catalogue illustrate. over 400 attractive items in the new 1969 Cheerful Christmas Line; e1:clu- 1i:ve greeting carda, gift wraps, station- ery, toys, gifts and houaehold itenw - all things your friend• will love to buy ... e9pecially when Cheerful offers euch great values. The CHEERFUL PLAN show• you how you ca n make substantial profits on every aale. And it'• 90 easy ... 90 simple! Send for it now. CHEERFUL, CARD COMPANY, Dept. Y·l2 White Plains, New York 10606 YIS, IUSH MY FUI ICM'AOI CHIHJUl CATAlOOUI I wont to moll• extra """'9y. PleaM rush Me Free IO P•I• .... ,.,. -4 F,.. M1mples of PenonaHud Chrlttwtcn Corda. Aleo Mftd leadl119 ltons of grMtl119 card& On ApproYOI for SO clay f,.. trial •.. an4 evetythl119 I nee4 to 1tort makl119 MOftey the clay my ..._ kit antw.. As a a.-,.. fvt Dealer I will allO be prMleged to....,,,. ocldltlonal ,,_ ........,. making u .. ratu ... , catalogues, speclal otr.n and ....... al _,... Oft approYOI en they becoMe available. Fill in your nanu!! Giid addnu ~low-No •tamp n~ceuary City ____________ __,.,tate ____ ZipCode __ _ If writl nt for an oraan i-ution, 11ve its name here ________________ _ Tilll INTlll ~I COUPON POUll A NCMIOl1'Ml .. IQUlaO IUltMSI llPl.Y INY&C»I 00 NOT CUT HE'ltE + JUST FOU> 0¥Bt, SEAL ANO MAIL THIS ENVEUl'E_., STAW NECEJWY BUSINESS REPLY MAIL flm Clou '•rMit Mo. 519, Wlll .. ..ia1n1, New Yorli CHEERFUL CARD COMPANY 20 Bank Street White Plains, New York 10606 -~ Dept~ V-82 t ~---------···············-·····--·-·········-·········-· Should Your Child Study Music or Danc81 The performing arts, says this expert, off er a rich future for youngsters-professionally and personally An interview with ROBERT WARD :::: ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ROBERT w ARD, a no~ com- poser and educator, is president of the North Caro- li n a School of the Arts, Winston-Salem, a unique state-sponsored school which includes many well-known performing artists on its staff. -It provides training for students in dance, drama. and music from junior high-school level through col- lege. Ward is often asked questions by parents about education in the performing art.a. Here are frequently wed ones with hls answers. At what ... should • child be- gill to tab lllOsk leualu? Unlesa a child shows extraordinary musical talent. seven is early enough to begin. . Can the serious ~. S)mphony ....,.~ or tha ... r_... MOROMkolty rew.rdl•1? Yes. In the put 30 years, thr;e baa been a great incruae in the number of professional dance companies, sym- phony Ol"(hestra.s, and regional the- aters in all parta of the country. In theater alone, the number of ]>rofea- sional regional companies has gone from silt to 60. Today there is not a major symphony orchestra in the JUNI~R IR~SURE CHEST v ....... tt <Su Au..,. B~) country that ii not lookillJ' for good prof eaional violinists. Poaitiona pay upwards of '10,000 a year and in- clude the kind of frinp beneftta available in other areaa of employ- ment today. Mu1iciana are protected by a strong union. and year-round employment is no longer a rarity. In the world of dance. there are moft than 10 companies mak1ng inte~ tional tours today, as compared to two 30 years ago. What .............. ......... ........ to ..... to ....,, Flute. clarinet, trumpet, and piano would seem to be easier to start than other inatruments. After the ftnt few mont.ba, however, the diffel'eDCe in difficulty becomes )e.fts and less important. How should ,....,... choo• done. or musk •adl IFS fw te.lr ~? The ability of muaic teachers is be.st demonstrated in the perform- ance quality of their students. An- other way of judging is to look into their l>Kkground and trainin~. If the muaic teacher is a ftne performer and understands children, parents have found the right person. How can you t.11 whethar • child Is NOiiy to .. Rtecl? 1 He should demonstrate a good sense of rhythm and pitch-sing a tune aecurate)y or piek it out OD the planc>-and have sood sellel'al coor- dinatioa. uter on. the c:hild win need atron•, poaitift motivation and self-4iaclpline to make anythiq de- velop from the raw talent. Doy.. ............... ,. ......_ ,_ • ••rfw '• -urr Does ............... , Certainly not. .h a mattel' of tad.. more and more tninins of perform- iDI' artiata ia takin• plue either in c:onaenatory type achoola which have strong academic prosrama as well, or in college and univvajty aituationa where there i• • •trona smcram few perlormiq arta. The North Carolina School of the Art.a. for esample, wu established to give talented younl' people a rigorous .cademic education and at the same time concentrated profeuional training as an arti8t. .... ...... ··•·""--for • ..... la ..,..,., • .., .. 111 ... 1 Virtually every leading orchestra in this counb'y includea women, many of them in first chain. A. ex- am])le:s. I can cite the Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago. Boeton, and the_ New York City Open orcbeatru. •• It .......... lhMly. , ..... lnstrunlellt .......... -...... ow ,...,,.... .... Ylollat If you wiab to achieve the maxi- mum enjoyment from the boon ol ......... t Br Aftft DatridoHJ Here's a bua l With little f\lM) To a four-letter word for one of a pair of sometbin1r you wear on your feet in cold weather, add a laat letter and get what pin.~ look for when they board a caPtured •hip.. (Ste Aute1er Bnx ) And here's a Hippopotamus! ..... a.. From a five-letter word for what you don't like to have happen to a new pair of lhoes, take away the ftrst Jetter and pt what mother bean do to their cube when they puaiah them for miabehavior. (S.. A...,.,. 80$) study, I wookl a)wu11 M1a-t aa iB- lltrul1181lt whidl can be pla)"ecl in aa orehl9b'a or bud or a byboud ill- strumeat in preference to the 1.-.. iouble onea that are uecl in w ._.. popular mueic. The uJtimate enjoy- ment in playinl' comea from the mu- aic rather than the imtrument it.elf . It is, therefore, clear that the ~ tential rewards will ~ in ell.. Nd p.roportioa to the amiable np.. ertmy of any s:i't'en instrument. lf, however, tbe intere9t ia simply for rela.ution. then the pitar (ud, notice. I do not •Y "electric guitar") is a remarkable instrument. It baa an excellent repertory of aeriou.e mu- sic and is aJao the best Tehicle for folk aonp and other light moaic. ,,,,. ........... ,,...._ ..• ~ .......... rtu. ltlu ..... --... .... .,.. ............ lla't ...... ly ....... ., The bu.aineaa world of the arts of- ten many splendid career opportu- nities. Reeordina and film-making require mmical knowledge plus tech- nical training. Concert management requira admin.ietrative ability. com- bined with knowledge of an a.rt. Pub- liahina or booking qencies involve aaleamanabJp plus an arts ~ ground. Very often. these back-of-the- acenea poeitfona are the moat stable and lucrative in the art world. .- ,... .... Br Ctlf"Ol~ Jo Prror A atranp.looking bird la the clock-breasted Snirk. Too idle for fun, And too 1asy for work. On rockerl.ike feet, Be'• contented to rock Till he's forced to awake ~-~::!!!!!!!!!! By the R-1-N-O from hia cloek. A•w•r.._ '.IJO:>-JI n:»g : Ml() •Wfll ·-<looq-1009 :-o •Id '(U.ml aM.3) u.r~£i !JI MRN -A --------,.-------------=~---------~---------~----------~----I NoW you can save almost 50% o~ the.hit records you want ... and here are your savings IJ! .. ~QY.fil!~ ANY 12 of these $398 hit records ~~tv ='·-Ti: <llA'llC SINArllAS CR(ATU1 .. TS . .._ .. _ ·--··--. ~ .... -6891 6n3 II 7511 7465 90UYVINTON .............. ,.._ .... ,_ 7272 • 70H • 3442 7319 7508 0 l .... CM Dine\ M&l'bllna ...... -. .. ,,. 7374 7249 • 702t 7560 1210 1057 7541 THE DELLS ~i: WV.,.,_ BmD ·- .,........ ................ 'RW FREE RADIO UM ~ .. 7S4a DE91 7372 7181 7225 6l66 II " .. -2276 5302 ~~ ~ 2696 THlftK cw m How you can 8lt ANY 12 o1 ~hit reconta -•II J2 for only $3.981 Wh.t'• more, we'll even include the etttactiw .tl·translltor radio shown llbove. And .ti you h.w to do Is ...... to buy ten l'9COrdS (llt the resular Club pric:9) durlnc the comlnii two~- n..t•1 rlcMl-you'll haw two full Y*lrl In wtllch to buy your ten nicordll After dolna so, you'll heve ecqulred a al.zable library of 22 NCOntl of your own choke-but you'll haw paid for Just half of Ulen\ ... that's P<acticalty a 50% aavtna off ,..ular CIUb ~I ~A MOlllER )'OU will rec:.iw, every tour weeks, a copy of the Club's entec'tlllnlna and lnfonnatlve ~ mqclne. Each Issue deecribetl the retUlar aetectionl for Md1 rmnical ll'ltllrelt end almost 300 other nitord1 .•. hit albums from ft'tfY fletcl of music. from 1COtW of dlffwent record labels. If )'OU do not w.nt My record In llf'Y monUt -just tell UI IO by rtlM'nlnc the Ntectlon c:wd by the ctan specified ... °' you may UM the card to ofdlf •"1 of the fWCOrdl off«ed. If )'OU want only the recua. Nlectlon for your musk:al Interest, )'OU need do nott11nc -It win be shipped to you eutomaticatly. And from time to time, ttie Club will offer some special elbums, wtildt you ~ retect by returnlrc the speci8f dated form pro- vided .•• CK ~ by cto1nc nothlnc. lllECORDS SOfT OM am>fl'. Upon enrotlment, the Ctub \All open a c:Nrp account In your name ••• )'OU PllY for your rec-ords only .,.., you ..... t9Celwd .,... _,..,.. tt.em-Md ..,. ..,,."I tt.n. They wlU be maUed end bHted to you llt the ....... Club price of $4.98 (Cl.-c.I and occ:a£onal spectel albums IOfMWhllt hicher). plus a ma1111111 end handllnt cftarWI. FANTASTIC llONUS Pl.Mt. As soon" 10" com.,._ your enrol· "*'It~ )'OU .... autonwtically become eltible for the Club'• ..-ous bonus plan -a plan wtlldl entttt. )'OU to one record of your choice ,,.. (only 25' for rNIHn1 and hand'llll) fw flWIY OM you buyl llNO NO MOfEY-MAll COUPON ~Y1 Just~ In the i numbers Of the.......,. records )'OU ..-it. fOf wMdl you wtll be billed only $3.98. plus malllna end handllnc. Be sure to lndl· I Cllbt the type Of muM: In whkll you aN mainly lotatlltld. I • ,, .. -.-~~ ' ' -=----i -3. -- 6421 an MAIM MUSIC&l llfT(.llUJ ti (died! ... ,, 1 l •.t•"•"I and Oancina f T .. n Hit. Country and WHter11 O Jau. I • Broadway a"d Hofly¥'00d ........................................................ ll'i-""'"ti lltft .._ laitlal LM ._ ~ .................................................. . 0., ....................................................... . COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB I ......................................... ti, .............. . Ten-• Heute, ...._. 4110t I .. ,_ .._ • ,....._,Ca.di ._, o ns .......... o • Where smart buyers !hop for hit~/ • Al'O, l'l'-0 .u--.: .nu,., ..-1 oln •14111 l j ·------· 0 ~ C.0.0. I~,.,,, fHpoeJt. '""' ,_, ,,.._,. MfJ C.0.D. ~ CNI ~. a.ve '°my 0 .t.-ic-~ w D OIMr9 Club Acot. ~-------- TOTA&. t ---- I I I I I I I I I I ~~~ ~ I I' b ¥rds' ""oar. ..,_ lip . I ---~-----------------~~--------------- 1're __ .... h±'tt .. ...,,... _,•di ___ _ ---OUTPEAFOAMS COS1l. Y ---.,_-...-• .,_.., i111 .-....t ROOF ANTENNAS 20 TIMES fTS SIZEI YG9 ... aw. ... • -... lliow mrp die~ .-----.............. ---.d ..... ct..' cJ. . ....S J111111 CM nceh'e .. ,_ -.----OWll ...... aMil,.....,. ...... dlis ~ -.:='~ ........... 1 21 , ' Slt\'J'll09£ aui dileaioMI u:::...i-r RY- • rt -. ..-.-... .. ---... 2111111* nc:ms -die ..... o1... cad wrdl -..-..... -----..... ........, dlici.-~ *oe .... .,.,. •a....I__........, kl e Med nyzumt .,,.._ -_._oat ID'*' i. •I .................... twTY, t "' .. • ti ..... OfW a~· c:irdl ... otW a ndM ol •to 1, .,_ 21 P.-IW ...... l I --llilal Color ...... CW ia-"-wt ttallll ill lY--tw ,. • xi c:ridcal color liltd CIOMllllll Yo. TV• llltd PM ,...._ • 0.., tr..... I .............. w l'Wll! ...ti: II dieir fWlllt ----......., y covJdlt'l .. ...._ •Pl r -l ' 1n -oa ......... 3 _,........ ;:t=.~·.::.·.::-.,.. .... oQm ... ,_ a $ ., ....... ----------------ONUll1.# NOW! Run Your Car Without Spark Plugs llWJ6'-,., ,,.,.,,,,. .,. ,,.,,.., • fo ao ... ,...._. .... ,. 5 ....... , ... ,,., ,,.,,.,, .... °"" ,.,,,,,., ... , THEY NEVER WEAR our ~--------~----................. ,. ....... ... . .., .............. , ..... ,... ...... . ... ., .... ,..,,.,,.., ,.., """',.., ..... ,.. .... ClllllJllf ...... olJJllllll HOME IMPROVEMENT The romantic legacy of 18th-century British officers- BJ ROSALYN ABUVAYA SHADES of Mandalay, pith helmets, and Kipling! Campaign f~ has returned. This is the style used by British colonial officers in building a "sun- never-eet.s-empire." It will go with modern, mix with traditional, or fill in as an accent piece ... Modnw ~o for tll• COlllne- porat"f life. l.AnW• .. E~t Dieor'' piecu /Mtwr• lmiN ow 1Nlavt ,,.,._.,,.., t"OHWOOti tn.. Ele,.,.tltl Nal«I tri,U dre.Ner, frowe KrHlaler'• "Jlo~" eoUutiMI, ii ftlJNr-l&ti~ to ruin qill~. NiM. H~•n~tl• trli1111 doir wit1' ~ l>GM. rnt- i1U.tent of tit• kitttl of/it:en u«I at co.•11 poal•. ii 1~ Rmt.agc. Jliznag tritlt tf'tldi- liottal an bmeeltu e&MJ>Gioa dut• Hlitll. ta•b011&r--twe doors, ~ttn t-o sforc tlti,.,. ia.. Fnra Heat'HOA. ' ---·--··--· --~-------..... --. ----______ _.__,,, ... SEND NO MONEY NOW! READ IT 10 DAYS FREE! A breakthrough in FRANK SElF-HELP ADVICE that the public has long deserved from the legal profession-so that you can stop "running scared" in legal matters-so that you protect your rights, avoid traps, stop being cheated, handle legal papers with surety and safety-take the INSIDE TR~CK in handling the LEGAL BACKBONE OF YOUR LIFE-often at a TREMENDOUS SAVING In time, worry and lawyers' feest Ya, at lat! A SOCC1191ful altonry, m ~b -lCChnkal 11111-~fer sboW1 you bow you oftm cu AVOID LAWYERS •.. ncftr be ··bad· by other peop1n• lawyen. .. lccp ~rw1f ill a 101ftritta POSITION OF STRl!NGTif 1n· alnlost aay ••1et11" utuadoa. Titb ~ lawyer-tomiert,y 1 SoecllJ ~nt S.at" Auomcy Ot'11etll and a LepJ Oft\cer io lk Air Force-bas done • lorle-neodtd )ob; tw has cliearljf COflllett#d tlv •ASIC ,...,1to41 -" r#luf#qw1 rlwl llttf>M• /f#' G -~ ,,.,_,,,.., 0/ MO# Wfal #"'°'· So you .,et tJUI TESTED adncle, medr EASY tn uaderstand and 6ASY to ute almost IS swUlJ)' ... Htely u lhoulb ~ bad --to your OWtl lawy« ud had wrlttca a t1lec* {or his fa . ... For Y....., Al NO RISkl Whllt To Do--Sq-Si9n Or Nol twgn- Whm you are ottered 1 bull-~lM:n J'OU climb out ot 1 wreciled c:ar--wbA you 1-.1 a mort~ )'OU o..-e moM)' .•• and dozem -·HOW TO PROCEE[jt.WHAT TO OFFER. WHAT TO TAKE. HOW TO COME OOT 01" TOI' In 9t'OfeS of tlmhwu, domestlc and..,_. shuatlo~ with SPEC1AL CHEC"K.USTS TO OUIOE YOU STEP BY STEP and A GREAT MONEY.SAVING COLLECTION OF llEADY·TO-USE FORMS OF MANY U NDS! But k t me ah e )'OU aa Idea of the vaa ~addl and depth ol tlrU 1t11iahtforwarcf "backbone" kaaJ acMce-alld CSPtdallY Jlow It M keyed to 'fffE TEN UFE.SITUAl'JONS THAT CAUSE THE Gll£AT ~OIUTY OF .. LEOAL WORK." Chllptef 0..: SO YOU WERE HURT IN AN ACCIDENT How t.o lulncMe tho claims adjuster--bow to 11\Ue IUl'1' )'OUr OW1'I doc- tor daft the risbt ddns--set double pay fo. lotc dmt, lepll)'-11tbew and haw to M:ttk a c:taf-hat to do If there Is no lnsui-~ ... and • .,-nt deal more &hat you NEED 10 kN>W. a......, Two: SO YOU'RE GOING TO BUY A HOUSE When c:at1 you .,rt by on an Informal C'Oflltact. and wtletl ii II dan· l)rrout1 h the aellcr endtlod to 159'>-IK-S~ ~nt.a.,: u • Ckposlt1 What 10 look fOf In the monpp. ls "Pal it In your wife's na.me" SQOd advice? TIUc luutaJIC!._~, flow co baadk t1ot' cloalq ... •"'. arat deal -that yov Nl::LD to &:nOW. CMptel' Three: SO YOU'RE GOING TO SEU. YOUR HOUSE Should )'OU P«Y an !llleftt a ''ttatonatltc" fee? Wbat foe1 The dilc:owlc lf'al>. Seconct-tnort.-.e do's Pd doe'u. How to a-.oid PIU'ins "point•" oo money the btl1w borroWI. Tu u vinp you can mate when )'CIQ tab 1 deposit. Great aid IC llttte or no C05t fr0et 10ur bank ••• Uld 1 sru& deal -.: that }'Oil NEED to know. a..pter Four: SO YOU TH1NK YOU WANT A DIVORCE Quidt dtecktlt( ol lepl P'C)U8ds. LlllDJMlll" 111.-r, IOOd M bed? Wllar IX> do If your ~ _, "'sip." Can both p;;tlir:i ~ ''suilo""? Holdt.me doWn your anta. Ins and oau ol dlllcl aatoc11. W1lc9 *>uld you tettJc for 1 tepl wparatloft ... aftd a put ckal more t!tat you NEBO to know. CMpterFM: 80 YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT A WIU 5hoo1d )'OU OI' Jhou14o't yoa a¥0id P"*ale. Kow to avokt ''double 1u" oa your etUte. Wbeft cat\ 1 spolac bn:ak 1 will? OukkUllO In ...,.U.a ft. n«da ol yow cblldroll . ....,_, "'°"'"">' .. olllsick tlw will.'' Do ~yoa n«cl a wlll IC all? Tn11U that &att l&Jles .•. lllld a fJ'eal deal more tu YoU NEED t0 know. a..,tet'Sbl! 80 YOU'RE GOING INTO BUSINESS wm )'00 bit' ba4 o« w'ltb a ClllqlMalloe? Panaen.hlp? ll1dlridual pro- prieionlllp? Wlaat is fOC>d "' bid about owninf •II I~ Modi? a-Ina a buMncu Mme. D~ of a 49-S1 atoa •P.1"· !be an ot coflcc:tin& your bilk. 841y-«Dd·sell ~mans. Plrtncnbap lliJHIP!l ..• and • SRa& deal ftlOJe that YoU NEED co know. Cllilll*f 8"erl: SO YOU OWE MONEY AND CAN'T PAY WJaat ate your rlidall if ~ mate panial paymmt? How YoU ()(1m can ltttP-your car .Crom beAllt au.ached. Debu not dbcharaed by benk· nQllC'Y. si-w you c"Cf atve a <Tedltoc a post4ated dleclc? Can you lqally bide )'OUf propertyf'Tlw tKl\ft.lqDO lh l t leCS )'OU lime lllld Pllllfoftce ... and 1putdeaJ 1Mf'e tNt you NEED to ~l\OW. a...,Bght: SO YOU'RE GOING TO BE A WITNESS How to handle )'OW'1ldf w1w'll )OU f.ce a uunut .. t1wy6. Tl*tp DOC IX> say or do. How 10 -kc a f1vo.abic lmpreuioft. How to b~lldk "kadiaa" qurjtloftS. Makinv 1 depo&ltlon. Gec1in1 u1ra f l'ft fM beilt& • w"-. How to "tave" a COtllradicdofl In YOOI: twlmony ... aftd a areal ~al m«~ that you NEED to know. Ctaaplel' Nine: !: SO THE STATE WANTS YOUR PROPERTY Do you Med an 1""'°aiulf What dam..-can you claim? Should you 10 to coun? Shou.kl you ever. take •bat you're olffrcd7 If you m111t have an attorney. can ,_ repin his fees aad COits? Can you ever atop than fronJ talc:in& your propcrty .• .Md a If"* deal~ that you NEED to know. a..,....Ten: SO YOU'RE HAYING WORK DONE ON YOUR HOUSE How to llnd a reUabk ~or. Jok.rn to w.atdl for la yow coo-- tnlCt How 10 proteet youndl aplnlt lleal. Arswnencs wltb the coo. tracW; you. can will. Whal II • Jim h 6kd1 Do'• and docl'U Wbtn you ALL THE FORMS YOU NEED ARE HERE ond many ''inside tradt" checklists to hefp you undentand the traps, pftfolta ond MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNm ES thot wait f« you ewK'f time you "lign on the dotted line." INFORMATION INCORPORATED • !00 Madison Avenae, New Yort, N.Y.10016 IMPORTANT NOTE: ............... ........ ......, YOO DON'T HAVE TO llBAD MOJtE THAN ONll PA.OB. le many caMs. to ~-~ )'OU'Te ill tro uble-why you Illa.)' tel h•o cTCUb&c ~ to a.et out ol trouble-how to WIN "' •cOrH of bulaeu, peno•al 111d family •h••· 1lom. NO NEED TO SETTLB DOWN ANO STIJDY THIS BOOK. h ta set up from ftnt to lalt for INSTANT ACTION. "lwlve wott cto.e." Watdl -few t.he "~ ,pedal•• trick. Fa\'Oriu wars 10 Id dtated ..• &lid a pell deal ~ tit.a& >'<Ml NEED to know. ~More Cnldal a...., A complek 'dlaptcr °" bow to "-When you tUllY need • llW>'ff llftd how to ft..s 1 .,ood la..,.er &llld lct tho ~ OUl of hil ~"lea. So on that 1pec:lal oc:cuion wbeft you tlo llC!ff a &aW)'W, you doa'c have to deal with him .. 1 beWildenld amateW' ••• you11 lie 1 -who KNOWS lllE ROP6.S. Foe' eumple. Whal row lawyer c.-do (Of Jllt.U. HOW 10 ~ him do It. .. HOW to tdl a fair fee from aa nalr Ice •.. StMPLE PllOCEDUllEJ thal maJr.e fee uvtllp o. top ot fee u vlflss ... whUo you Uft )'OW lawy« Hit .-ta of Umc Md ll'OUbk. •lid help blm will Y ICl'Oll CES. lt tooll ialide itllormadoe to wf'ltl ROW TO AVOID LAWYEU-thc Inside tee• llllonnaalOll ot an •ICOIW)' Wbo knows bow oftm • taymM can ~ Ilia own ca1e,. with '""'-,."' ulMll•: k cook the tepl kftOw-bow ot a mu who Is wllllnt to &ell )'OU bow to let npm t.lp (of1et1 FllBE> from ~n. Wuranc:c qcftta mil odlcin-bow to lmow IMCantJy whea IDOfhcr pc..-Is takJfts ao Uftlair adva...._ ..• bow to "tbop.. for a betm loan or rnonaatt or lloftle.4mpr~n1 cootrac:t-.nd, JU l"()RTANT-how to lfll.Y ~ the law Md )'tit clw youndf many ~-UOAL ADVANTAGES that can mak" u eeonnous dllf~nnce In yow llf~. Woul4 you pay 1 chouaancl dol1an to l&ave this troublMhootlq Ou.Ide °" your ~. at your 6~rtlps1 Wou1cl JOU Pl'Y two dMMnaDd clollan far lu e»y-advice. Jpecial))' arraneed ror lmlant accloo? r You Are lmtt.cl To RMd And U.. HOW TO AvotD LAWYERS For Ten Full Daya Without RWcJng A c.111 T'-If 10U Want lO boy le.. pc)' Olll)' the low ftbiJ prb o( $6.ft. ()r, If you decide for any reuot1 to rel.Uni Ille boolt. •Wtt II you have abudr read It from CO'fet to COftf, YOU DON'T OWE US A SlNGl.2 PENNY! ; "ol '1 ~r. ·.-;_.·.~" .. : ,·.. • ' .. ' • "'tr fNFORMATION, IHCORPOMTED Dept.FW-U 200 .......... Ave., NMr Yort&. N.Y.10018 Gait~: PteMe '1nh me a copy ot atlOf"MY Edw11rd lktier• '1ilablY oew I'd*. HOW TO AVOID LAWYERS. f 1tnckntand that I may eumlne \Jlls book for 1 full JO d_,.. CllCiret)' aa your mt. If Ill 1be encl of t.llat tJme I am COll'l'inced 11t1t tills boolt la JOlnc to "" me tbne, worry Ind moMY for Y"lll't 10 come. I will n rnlt oclly S6.91 phll IJIJpptna u d ban. dllft& cfwiln. U not, I will limply r«ut11 lJle book l.O yoe MCI o-nothln•· f /'IHN ""'"'I Cit ~------~-----~---~-~~- J j ; J Acid Indigestion Is through, by gum! --S00thed away byChooz chewing gum antacid. Gas, heartburn. stom- ach upset due to acid ind~stion atl vanish. And fast. Added at- traction: Chooz gum is just plain deliaous. Pass the Chooz, please. Chooz. The only chewln1 gum antacid. \ f,; "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved '"' ,., "Hs11•s .. , 111rs11ir1 ••atilf An antiperspirant that ...Dy workal Solvee underarm problelm for many who bad ~ deapalred of effective help. llltobum Antl·PH•Jllrant bepa underarma at.c>lutely dry for thou.ncl. of grateful uaen. with co:f!ete genUen ... to nonnal and clot.bing. It will keep you drier than GA)' anti-wetn.m apnt ever put in an aeroeol epray canl By any- body. Thia unuaual formula from a truatworthy 66-year-old laboratory ia guaranteed to •tiafy or d .. ler will refund ... pwdaue price. So get the poli- tive prot.ection of Ml&ebwn Antl-Perapbant, liquid or cream. '3.00, 90-day mi>Pb, at your favorite drug or "t.Oiletry counter. 1.':J.. tlH>u61t1 ._,, lwlv~ to '"' D•u1 to 1/,•p, 1lr• Zlll•ff/d IO /l'Offl lo,.,r ltc1iln1 .,,..,. l ltltd •"°"' •'"'" up tryl1t1 1J.bt11 WMlt I /Ofutd Sulfod•*'· TM Uclt"'61t011,,_d,10n1 '°"" ltH{,,J, "°'' '""' b«I<. Ilka you /or S"1Jodnw," •11 Mn. Joltlf BH""'""· New llfHY. IUtlOIJSMS liquid mecUcadoo rdioves frmzied itchina atmo.t Instantly. Quiet· ly promotes healint of funl\ll Jtch-M>res (often called manae. eczema. hot apots). Uaed by tenndl Ind vecerimriam.. For dop llDd caD. Oct SUU'OOl1<a today. At dru1 11or« ind pet dtp1nment~. Ml ~-F• F•ilJ IHkly ...... ., ...... ._ ... ,., ... ""7. Tiit ... -..... " ,...... ..... . .,.. --.,,, .., ... dlletllef ,., ... .. Painful Joints You long to ease those p1ln1, even tlmporarlly, until the cause la cle1red up. Why not join mllllOl\I of other users 1nd try O.Wltt'a Pilla? Famou1 fOI over 110 ye1r1, DeWitt'• Pill• contein an 1nalgealc to reduce pain, and 1 mild diuretic to help eliminate r111lned "ulds, thus flushing out bl1dder WHIH which can eaUM such paln1. O.Wltt'a Pilla often suc· ceed where others fail. II pain persists. alway1 conault your doctor, but llrst, try DeWitt' s Pills ................. The patented Comfort Calver wu dalgned by 1 dentist to let you accurately adjmt your own plates. You -get a eomJtiete denture adjust~ ment kit and Stmple instructions to use the same method that dentists use. You quickly find Ind eliminate b)gh apotJ on you.r. denture bue that came dilcomfort and mouth sores. Hdps make platet flt properly. Only $7.95. Send check or money ordet to: The Dencom Co., Box 606, GuetneYiDe. Calif. 95-446. Californians 1dd 5% sales tax. Not for dentures with sort or metal bates. Worry of FALSE TEETH Sllppl•CJ or lrrltatlag7 Don't be embarra-.d by looee CalM W.\h allpplftl, dropplna or wobbll.Qf wben you ee\, talll: or t.ucb. Jun llJ)l'l.nkle a uui. PASl&&'ln on your plat.ea. Tbta plaan' poWdtr ll'fes a nmarbble -ot added comfon and MCurtty bJ bold.Inc pl.awa more ftrmly. No l'\lllUft7. rooeJ. J;IU'7 tut.. Otn\uree tba\ 6t are NlenU&l to beslth. ~i~;n denttat recu1.ar11. Get PAS 1\ all drUC counteni. Avoid Burglary, Assault, Crime ••• , , .•.•• "HOW Tb AVOID BURGLA"Y AHO OTtfER CRIMES." shows you hun· dntda of proYen w1~ to 1vold belnc vtc· tlmlzedl Crammed wlltl urcently llffded help fM teen·• .. altfa. older peoc>le, n19ht -"•rs. houMWIVM, home 0""1'1•rs. busl· n••• men. 1partment dwellera, travelera, othet'll Miii only M.98 lo "BllRGL.ARY," Ball I06, '· 0. ROOM¥elt StMk>n, Haw YOftt, N..Y.10022. full '9fund med. PHOTO CUDITS Co..-1 SoM $ieeel. "oe-2• CU, MIC; loltimo,. S-. pope .... 'oe• Ai f,,.pfloti•, Smith, Kline, oiwt , .. nc:tt. Page 5, w .. tlnghowe. ...... , .., , .. 14, w.llJ, lea. If ,.... - ...... ..._ •U """· -wrtw: ~ ~ F-4'1 -...,, 641 Ltlltlllla -.. .... Y.t, IU. 100Z2 . -------------. -------- B,,4J¥Df CM£UU'IOa adda "'btraeta, m1'ltijJUu BM dou it accumtel11. Gre.4t /or check- t.g batik 1tate.nta, bi.Ila, etc. 6¥.t:i.6". Sttml11. Gr«at for at~. too. 16.96 ppd. A mtecA CreatioM, Dept. FW, j511 Law10ta Bltld., Ocea• Mde, N . Y. 1157~. l'OC.KEr TBN'f' ~108• /alb to pocket .Ue. 1' os. Y dloto, /14•e rut.tam, VJGtWJtToof, toitlt. ~. rei'aforu4 atalu Mlu, aealal fl,oor, Mfet, air ire.t. l3.96f 3 for $9 'PJ)(I. Pocktt Tnt, Dept. FWr, 310 W. 9tll $., K(IM(U City, Mo. rooo 'ASB101'i!J-lt:a ta1r to decomu beat£tif11l CGku /or partiea 10itl book, "Cake ad Food Decoratt.g ltlaa," to tell lo1D •t• b7t atep. Eur. 111() f"lllet ftMl of eolor. $1 'l'J)d. Wiltott Etaterpmu, Dept. FW-1, 8!8 W.116tlt. St., Clt.it:cgo;· ru. IOIU. 6.'105. .· Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE "LET'S PACE IT" is an herb mask home facial to unwrinkle wrinkles, tight- en up sagginr skin. A fine conditioDer. Takes 16 min- utes. 30-day supply, $S; 60-day, $6 ppd. FJeetwood, Dept. XXlO, 427 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. 60606. MAGIC ART REPRODUCER let8 you draw instantly ! No talent needed, juat f ocua this invention on any sub- ject, follow lines of .. image" reflected on paper. $1.98 ppd. Norton Products, Dept. FW-109, 12 Warren St., New York, N. Y. 10007. LEAM TO Pl.A Y tbe guitar in one week. No tedious practice or ex- ercises. You get 320 sonp, guitar tuner, complete inatructiona with chord selector. Pictures and wordl guide fingers. Fun for the whole family! $3.98 ppd. Terry Elliott, Dept. llX, P.O. Box 1918, Grand Central Station, New York, N. Y. 10017. COMFORT SUPPORT PADS - Callous pillow cushions ball of foot; soft pad lifts metatanal bones : a section gives arch .support. Washable. State aboe • size for man or woman. $2.23; 2 pairs, $3.75. Comes with foot- care catalog. Foot Prods., Dept. FW-7A, P.O. Box 34, Malverne, N. Y. 11566. WINDOW WASHER is a won- der! Now you can clear up both sides of washing prob- lem simply and quickly with amazing Safety Window Wuher. Leta you clean both sides of win- dows from the imidel $4.95. Hestle, Dept. FW, Box 61, Roselle Park, N. J . 07068. 'I'll£ FIBST LINCOLN PENNY! Designed to commemorate the lOOth anniversary of Lincoln's birtb-1909- VD B (designer's ini- itiale)-the only year, coin ofita tind. Con- dition: good, $2.98; fine. $4.98; uncircu- lated, $9.98. Post.. 2lK. Matt Numi88, Dept . FWB, Box 321, Great Neck. N. Y. 11022. POCDT POSTAL SCALE tells you exactly and accu- rately bow much )>08tage to ,. __ _. put on a Jetter! It's a1ao a letter opener and 7• ruier ! $1 ; 8 for f2.80; 6 for $6.40; 12 for $10 ppd. Gear f o:r Good Living, Dept. 84-E, 90 Heil'hta Rd., Darien, Conn. 06820. BOllE Safety DeJ)08it Box keeps document.a, cuh, etc., safe from fire, burgluy. At- taches securely under or atop ahelf, ete. Bid- den lock! 5%slb:3¥s". $9.96; 2, $17.50; 6, "5. Add $1 poet.age. Jfl'! Norria, Dept.. FW, 31 Banse Ave., Freeport, N. Y. 11620. PIA Y THE llABMONICA in 6 minutes! Bu aotid bl'U8 plates and tuned bronse reeds, etc. In- structions. 200 sonp, 60 for 2, 3 part harmonizing. $3.98. Ed Sale. Studio F'W-7, Avon-by-the Sea, N.J. 07717. l'REE SAMPLE, Montgomery Wants new 126 color print film for lnstamat.ic and other cartridge snapshot camel'U. Send 25. for post. with self-addreued slip ot pAper to Wardway Film Offer, P.O. Box 821, Rosemount, Minn. 66068. Weekend Sl"'f'Pn itemt a,.. NOT tul'fff'tiett.g. If produotl shown att Jtot availnble at at01'ee, O'Tder /r<nn 1t<mf'C:U lined. I • --• • .. ' .., t ,,., .. -~ .: ..-;<"\'*F!Jtii r !• :ot ~ .. ~ ~-~ .; !Ii-."1 - - i J • ~ "l\l ! ·Ill a\ ~ :scnr'Ht>' 1~1drl1~ 1 ... i'a:i .. i:~ P&!,~'I .~ l1.!1flr r r~·,1' .. ,f : tr ·'H~ nl lf,..:.s~·t r . . .. r1•rl'rl 11 '·i ~ r~f tl ~?~ii~ ·1[ ;r~u'i· -.. I ~ l ~~ R ii. le . <i-rd~ fl! ~ .. ~: ... 'I ttr g f!!.f m .-,t-.1 : t t l 'i i; i .. ( 1 ~ i ; I h j 1 i !-~ j n i. f e r ~ a ~ pl.. f J J I' g: 1 ~ c ~ ;: I 1 &: ~ rr 11 r f • 1-it: •11 1 I t "I ~q:r ~ • 11£ '\.._ a: 1 1 ! ~. r ~ I r ~ t ii ~ ~· • 1 r ~ R 1 . ~ 1-1 !5: ••• .. !!!. a. • 0 ~ · l tfa rh 11 J fll •t :.i ~ H~ f ~U![ J~H t;f 1 ~ ·P § r Jr ;~J I Hj !i rUH ~n~ fit i (i i f i ~ U: i1 h.~f [ ·1l ,I f 1l ! ..._____. i;1,11 if.J~ll~!fl~lJiflrfllii~. itiiiff.r!!~?IJJ 11·~ljJt•1 ~J![fjll'lf •h ht!hi! iP'•U u~· H UH'tth!!!Ht ·• ,[!_;,lllithf ·~ If 11!' I , ... 1 r! JI iflt 1i 11;~;1 • ----·---0 ' 11411 , 11 r ltc•tt , •• •t, r 1; I:. tt .... ·11.-1• .. Jua , ... ttft -J1J 't llllJ1il ill~ ltf Ill ill i1 .. i !ltl~r ·~J!t . f~ lif f !!!l!ii~l 1:J!!li·1~ili!'Jliti~!~ti.;~l 1i!ii 11Jli , ii! ::111m ,1,,ft; = t l&! r 11IJ -;If l 1Ur~J 1 .. 1l ) ! -Pf f!-... s ·~JJif r Hf Hiii.•i1&ii!a: f i!HI~iH11 ii Hl!r & g l!1ff;J lt1rlflltll Ir.Ii 1 JJfr1lflf f ~ 11,tl! ___ __ 1 ~------------... ------········ -< en _, -<• .! :' c:::> --4 -.. . .. : . -c::: c:::> -< .. . .. ~ --.. ~ C::> .. ~ --· -; . -•. .. 1Jtl1f 11111' •lir! :e ~ I F r ! I t ~ •hit I -I ti IH ,IP, it! ----l 't' It ·I I -· :.. ~ I ... ~ l r I ' 1 i lhil 1·. I ,. r r l l'~ t I ~ r ~I~ it J l . J 1 t l ~ i I , ! !. lr'Mi•~ 1"~~ .. J :e . . en c::: .: ' -. . --' r-s: -! . -: r--c:::> ---. --. ::::=::: . , - i 1, ~ii i'Jft,i -~{ '·!HH 'Ht!i:!UhHi~! 111 11 1 r ~ I .,,. • 1• .f~ Jii ·1· lf •. i• if• ,~ •• _____________ ,_ , I :: rl Ii ·;1 } ri it if tJli .,}l ~ '' _____________________ .., __________ .. ____________________________ --------·--------- ....... ~-. I I I I I I I I. I I I . t i' I l • • ~~&-.:.-•_....._.__.,_ DIDtUT~' U\GAZINE'S FAMllY WEEKLY 010£10.10 <t I I Moet mothers and fat.bey .t...-i.1..-_..._......___.,_ .i-_ &.L -~ •• either the time or the Pl • A • ., _boob for children not Yf " w V\ 'i ' IO read. That is why Pt overtotbehishJyqualit DETACH AND MAIL POST-CARD BELOW ... NO STAMP NEEDED OUD rolliDf their YOl.IJllBfen Propam for Little Liatt Membenhip briD8B u ouelully aelected book' little one. Each book wiJ ita bricht. colarful cover a story appealinr and um Save• 8gd:W the -.ranee~ nM·totether ...tons • dWd. JOU will be pleuec J!lio! • cJDl;y $1.69 each ~priced up to t Mail Poetpald f u your child ill ol ''begin your younpter now-• abown above FREE, pl• .. Propam llelection. and bmelte this hishJy you may return the bool Mapzine'• Reed A1oud I 161. Beraenfteld. N. J. Cl PIWll FllOM IUNDl.RGAR'TlN ANO l'.Ml\.Y GMDI Tt:ACHEM £wry,..,. .... ,. of ..... prl9n end first end wand ..... tMChere meM • spedeil .,,_.to Introduce their pupils' perwrta to Pwentl' Mlpzlne'• R9ed Aloud ... bly _............,,... ni.y llke the q&Mllty of boob ott.red ~ ..... ,.. tMy _..the tMtt..i•m which.,..... wh MW book'• errfwll, end ..... ~---,.... ....... end ........ tlChoof WOl'tt. 16C r--------------------------- Parents' Magazine's READ ALOUD AND EASY READING PROGRAM,• Dept. AC·B P.O. Box 161, Bergenfield, New Jersey 07621 Please enroll the child named below H a member. In accordance with your offer, please send FREE as an enrollment 111t. the fou1 boo~1 "You're In Lowe, Charlie Brown," "How f lttchtr was Hatched," "Tha Cat and the Fiddler," and "Donklr·Donker." worth $13 45. Also send the book "The Kina with Six Friends" u the first Proaram aelectlon, bllllna me the membership price of only $1.59 (Instead of the regular $3 50 price) plus a small mail· Ina charae. If not thoroughly plused, I may return all the books within 10 days and owe nothlna. Otherwise. you wlll send a new book uch month at the same price. I may cancel membership any time after the child has received four monthly selections. Child'• lhme •......•....•••••..•••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••.. A,e ....... ~!, 8 (1'1..1!.Ul! PUNT) Address ••••.•.•••••••..•.•.......•••••••••.•...••••••....•....•..•••.••.•••••• City & Zip Stile ••......••••..•••••.•••....••.•••••.•.••••••••••••..•• Code •••••.••••••••• Slrnature of Parent or Donor ••••....•..•..••••••..••••••••••••••.•••••••..•.••••••••..••• , •• Canadian orders wlll bt 1hlpptd from Canad• for • •ll&htlJ hl1her price lU.C DING M ~ leginning Reader: ---------ro, MAIL THIS COUPO ........ ._.AC.a ...,cnai . , ......... ·-· • wt ... ,...... ........ . .................. , ti' .... '1UI. Alie ... t ... , ............... . ·~" ....... ... ... ""& ........ '• -----·"""·=· .,-. I _, cWlll • .............. ;,;;··················' moroua a torr ... llvely ••ltlcolored lllHtre· UIM." lMlnry ...... hbflsMf'• fJflce $3.!IO ••• price to 111111111n Ollly SUt ~ .. ~ ., . ~ ' i AMnltl... .. . . . . . . . • .. . .• •• . • • .••..•..••..••.•.•••••. I :J.' ii. I ......... ~ ................................ Clllll ....... . ........... I ,.,...0.. ............................................. . it. f ·, .. ' .--. . ' --~-----I c.Mlat...,. w111 .. ..., .... ~..,. 1111111e...,.. l"klL •• ~----------------~---- .. , leaders ------I COUPON ...... :t8 • ............ .............. -----~ COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY SAOOLEBACK , till HOlDER THE DAILY ,.ILOT. TV WOK. JULY II, IMI DICK WILSON'S ' WILSON FORD SALES r-----------·-• FORD ' L___ - -_____ J 18255 BEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON BEACH . ass •.• z•••••••••••• 1111a1a1aa11a1aaaa11aala1u11 •••••••••••• MEET IT'S A LITTLE GAS -IN...,lct. prlc9d to rlval tM lmpor19, t'-~ a .,..,.,, ITllDI'• practlc.91 car. MMIY ...,._ -'1 llVI M 9fttw -c....-;nto Ma....ndc ..._ IL'1 •II tMre. A Ntlc Ma-id! b more theft • t111lc CA1r. THUNDERBIRDS BRAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG '2288 ..... ... • lie. ................ ctwen ~ ..... ...... ........ •Ir ...... .. ........... M<*1111 .._. ... CMtlly ......_ Mldlet _... •ti ,,..YI """-DYIM ~ ,..._. .._ _, ....,.., w11••1eM ....................... BRAND NEW 1969 CORTINA BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA 52788 """" .... ., ... lltt ....... -lfff ~ 1:1 ........ .. ltrf. BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 52488 lus tax & lie. DELUXE SEDAN, ,,.. C.1.0 . 67 H.P. enoin.. fully •yndvonlr· ·ed ~ 1PRC1 :r-mlsslon, d isc bra&•. vlnyl buckll 11111, fvUy cerpettd, alr- flOw ventlletlon ltNter & defnitler, ln-terl9r llf!d exien.r .._, ,......, .._ tires. pedded d•lll lo visors. 1:.Ctrlc wtndshle!d wl lo washen . . BRAND NEW 1969 RANCH ERO PICIUP 52288 EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL 53988 Br•nd New '69 F2SO Styleaide & El Dorlld1> 10'12 Mohawk C1mpM' JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-6611 Saa.a"''· , ............. , .... santcl ONN hn."'9M..1 ...... 1, .•. Ma..I .. -. .. t p..a. 592-5511 I . ..... lST ~ .. -I...,,... - -,H, f1A Cflt'Wlll· bfall•. Id. •Ir· ... ·~ . ·-..:ectrk - -:IAL > 101/J TV !PORT! HltJHlltJ/IT! SUNDAY, JULY 27 12:00 IJ Qt C11 AAU Track and Field (C) The International Meet at Malmo,-Sweden. Jack Whitaker hosts. Dick Bank and Ralph Boston describe the action. 1:00 1J Qj (j) NFL Action (C) "The Man Behind the Men." Hidden microphones and sideline cameras capture the emotional, men· tal and physical gamut run by coaches of the NFL and AFL durt!!B the )leat of gridiron contests. 1 :30 B Qit@ "merican Golf Classic (C) Jack Nicklaus defends his title in the final rounds of the. four-day. 72·hole tournament, telecast from Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio. Arnold Palmer. Jay Hebert, Johnny Pott, Ken Venturi and Al Geiberger also compete for the $125,000 purse. 3:00 m Southern California Golf Championship (C) The 70th an· nual championship is telecast from the Orange County Ha· cienda Country Club, with Tom Kelly and Don Lamond re· porting. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 6:00 8 @ (I) Q) New York Jets Preview Show (C) 6:30 @ (]) Q) College All-Star Football Game The New York Jets, world champions of professional football, play the best senior college players of the 1968 season at Soldier Field, Chicago. Chris Schenkel, Bud Wilkinson and Kyle Rote com- mentate. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 11:00 B ~ 00 Major le.gue Baseball (C) Teams to ~e announced. 2:00 (f1) @ Westchester Open Golf Tournament (C) The $250,· 000 tournament 1s played by defending champ Julius Boros, Billy Casper, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer and Gary Player among other top international golf greats, at the 6,648-yard, par-72 Westchester Country Club course In Rye. N.Y. All proceeds will benefit seven hospitals in Westchester County. 3:00 m LA. Invitational Swim Meet (C) World record holders and gold medalists from 1968 Olympics compete in the 11th annual watery event. Live coverage. 6:00 m AFL Football (C) Kansas City Chiefs vs. Oakland Raiders in a pre-season game in Birmingham, Alabama. ii!J Movies ol tile Week I SUNDAY, JULY 27 9:00 U (il' CJ) "The Nutty Professor." Jerry Lewis, Stella Stevens star in the wacky variation of the Or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde legend that has Jerry as a shy, bumbling professor who be- comes suave and sexy Buddy Love when he drinks a secret formula. MONDAY, JULY 28 8:30 O tD (i) "Somethln1 Wild.'' An ''adults only'' flick about a disturt>ed young man who rescues a teenage assault victim from suicide only to imprison her in his dreary basement apartment. Carroll Baker and Ralph Meeker star. TUESDAY, JULY 29 9:00 O 9 (6) "lnvlt•tlon to a Gunfighter." Yul Brynner. Janice Rule arld George Segal star in the 1964 western about a sol· dier who returns to his hometown to find his property and his sweetheart appropriated by a bully. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 9:00 O (j}) CJ) "Bang! Ban&! You're Dead!" Tony Randall, Senta Berger and Herbert lorn star in the 1966 comedy about an unassuming American who finds himself enmeshed In the machination of a spy ring that seeks to undermine the UN. THURSDAY, JULY 31 9:00 B 9 Cl) "Selie of the Saxons." Ronald Lewis. Janette Scott andRonald Howard star in a colorful motion picture about the dramas and Intrigues of King Arthur's Court. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 9:00 R 9 Ci) "Man In the Middle'' is a World War II drama about tne Tr1c1fon between the British and Americans stationed In India. Robert Mitchum, France ~uyen and Barry Sullivan star. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9.:00 0 9 @ "Then Came Bronson." Michael Parks, aonnie Bederia, Akim Tamiroff, Gary Merrill and Sheree North star In this pilot for NBC's new fall series about a young man who rides a motorcycle all over the United States, searching for a meaning In his life. kit Ml-1 1 A Heathkit AR SoHd-State D•h Sot11tder Awei4' th• tM~•''•""'•"'~•1119•r--c.,ott of ,.,""i"t •tte111"4 tt-• Mt. t I A ''u,.••• .. ,._ •• , ... , .......... s "). •C.CIH•'t 0111 .u , .......... It ~ob ...... ,. •• JOO' •" heuf t> ........ . 100' OA tof+ "''"''" kttoM• •••ft tpoh 1d1ooh of fitlli. kit MR-21 A Heatftkft "Mariner" l-land Radio Direction Finder Al•••• 1how& yo .. "-• ••• h.o"'• , • 1,_,ow' yo_. •••ell, •her• yow eu ttr.1otit91tt •t CVfl ft trlu14wlet~e1111 elMott H •••Y u re•tli119 • "'•'· Aft4 Y'OU <•Ill VH \t for' t"ftttel" "'•"'· lltfefti"t to AM r•4•o or fo, f"\oftitoriftt the Merlftt ~~•flll,,th Solid-State Fuel Vapor D.tector Y•wr be1t •""'"'<• •t•i"" ••plo1ro,. •"4 fir• e t aee. Met•t '••"• ''u fe·J •"t•rout· o•plo1ive'', ,,.4 ti.,,.. tovftft whtft fwMH •'• prtteflllf, l wil.I ,,.4 iftthll ;• itt ;u1t J how,.. FREE NlW All Solld-St•t• T•c:hom•ter • , . For Any aoat C1" be co,,,,ecled 10 1ny •P••~ ·l\llle 1n91n1 ""''" any ~ind o f 191rn1on av11em Comu with apluh p•ool CIH Of w•lhoul CIH 101 Pine I mount1n9 S.nd for Our Hue-C•t•lov It's Fr" to You f., the Aslclne. HEIJHKIT • lLECTRONIC CENTf9' rs.~'"'"''"''' .1 To retch Hottlri~it f fecho1111:c. c,".'' •••• H1rbot 11.,J to ltlf Awo. 1e1t •" lell • fow 1ho1I llloc•• lo UO E.,1 l•ll 01 to•• S .. 1. A•• F ... wey le H.,bo• 11•,j., Ho•lle1 11•4. lo ••II, • 1,,. •~011 blo<h •"" tu'•• •or•. SAW & PARTS HEATHKIT 776-9420 130 EAST IALL, ANAHEIM SERVICE 776-9423 ,... 3 , A LOOK AT THE 'RED PLANET' KCET, Channel 28 will be the only TV station providing full coverage of man's closest look at the "red planet" when satellites Marincn VI and VD begin to transmit pictures of Mars back to Earth this month. · Over a five-day period, beginning JuJy 29. 14-0 pictures of the planet will be transtrutted to the Goldstone Trac.king Station, relayed to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech, and telecast to Southern California viewers via Channel 28. Mariner VI aod Mariner VTI will fty past Mars on the nights of July 30 and August 4, respectively. Ti.me of closest approach-about 2000 miles altitude Cot each spacecraft-is estimated at 10: 18 PM (PDT) for Mariner VI and 10:05 PM for Mariner VII. The first pictures from the two satel- lites will be transmitted from a distance of 700.000 miles from Mars. The planet should appear about the sii.e Dr. A lbe.rt Hibb1 of a silver dollar on a 21-i ncb TV Mariner VI screen, and subsequent transmissions will show it at closer ranges until the final Mariner Vil picture on August 4 will fill the screen completely. Mariner VI. which launched from Cape Kennedy on February 24, will fty a total of 241 million miles in 156 dar.s. and Mariner VII, launched March 27, will travel 197 million miles in 130 days. Mariner VI will examine the equatorial regions of Mars, and Mari- ner VII will cover some of the same area, but will concentrate on the southern hemisphere and a portion of the south polar cap. An infrared radiometer will measure surface and atmospheric temperatures, and an infrared spectrometer will analyze the chem- ical constituents of the surface and lower atmosphere. An ultra- violet spectrometer will measure the chemical constituents of the upper atmosphere. The Mariner encounler is divided into three phases-far en- counter, or approach to Mars; near encounter, or close passage by Mars; and playback of near<ncounter science data after the ftyby. The command and data center for the activities wiU be the Space Flight Operations Facility at JPL, and Caltech's Von Karman Auditorium will be the information center from which KCET will telecast the even! on July 29 at 6 PM. July 30 at S: 30 PM, August 2 at S PM, August 3 at 7 PM and August 4 at 6 PM. Three JPL scientists-Ors. Albert H ibbs. Robert Leighton and Bruce Murray-will analyi.e and comment on the pictures as they are transmitted from the satellites. KCET's anchor man wilt be Carl George, who will discuss various aspects of the event with other scientists. Oo August 4, George's guest will be Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper, director of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Dr. Kuiper is considered to be one of the world's foremost experts on Mars. He will summarize some of the findings of the MLiiner mission. and will compare them with previously established theories. Pace 4 SATURDAY THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, JULY 26, 1969 Mrs. Muir cuts down a trH he brou&tit from Santla10. (R) 0 (i2' CJ) m n.e Lawrence ... SioW (C) (60) Hit tunes of the re- cent past and of Iona 110 .attract JULY 28 the attention of the Champ.a1no rvrN1Nc Music Makers. (R) m 1a o..os <C> <lo> 9:00 fJ 9 Cl) Hopn'I Htfoa (C) (30) 6:001 The l ie News (C) (60) The Heroes' pl1n to eliminate d• · QJ @ m HWltiey·l rinkleJ (C} fector Lellie Smytfle-Beddoes (IMa O) Lff) runs Into complications when 5rand ~ll 5 (C) (30) Fiims of their taraet turns out tct be 1 the S.brlnJ race for 1969. beautiful blonde. (R) I a.a CltJ (C) (60) 0 Ci1l 00 @rll NIC Sahtrd8J. Mw- TM lnvldm (C) (60) le: (?) "The Youn& W~ (dra· 6:30 kNIC Nm Conference (C) (30) ma) '67-James Drury. Steve Cert· MMoclJ Randi (C) (60) Jay Sil· son, Jonathan Daly, Robert Pine. verhee:s guests. 0 Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Davtd end O RONJ Grftf (C) (30) Richard Bathshtba" (drama) '52-GrefQry Dawson, of Ho11n's Heroes. aunts. Peck. Susan Hayward, Raymond 11 Lo.e LltCJ (30) Massey. Hert Come the Stan (C) (60) 11111 Andenon (C) (30) Qlrl From UNCU (C) (60) 9:30 9 CI> Ptttlcoat Junction (C) 7:00 a ({) CBS News (C) (30) ( ) When Selma Plout doesn't like Roger Mudd. tfle idea of Roradora atrts for the D M IC SurYey (C) (30) "Then" portion of Hootervllle's O TIM Annivtr11ry Ga"'t (C) (30) Founder's Day ceremonies, Dr. Jin· Al Haimel hosts. et Crai1 Is sure she won't like the fJ Death Y1lley Days (C) (30) "Out mlni·skirt version for the ''Now'' of the Valley of Death." A stranded portion of the show. (R) wa1on train. facln1 starvation end 0 Movie: '°Slllllv111'a Trntls" i:lness In Outh Valley, sends for (comedy) '41-Joel McCrea, Veron· he'p es time runs out. Catherine ~ica ~~ l,'E\ JobnnJ Cull (C) Mcleod, Jim Davis and Bing Rus. \liJ ~ 10.t1 sell star. 60) Dale Robertson. Marty Rob· m Salid (C) (60) Repeat of musi· bins. Lynn Kellogg and Chal11e cal special featuring Sajid Khan. Manna pest. i Wonden of ttM Wortd (C) (30) &l kitty Wells (C) (30) Do-Re-Mi (30) Et) F•ture (C) "The Beginnings 7:30 ~ (!) bdde Giiison (C) (60) of Life." An artistic study of the The Kramdens and the Hortons ar· d~veloplng fetus and .the act of rive In Ireland on their journey end birth. foll~ed by a d1scu~lon of are persuaded to help rid a town sex education for. school children. of its luendary curs,. (R) 10:001 Qi Ci> Mann11 (C) (60) ft t;j)@ m Adam·l2 (C) 130) News (C) (30) Ken Jones O Movie: "Ro1d to Zanzibar" Ernest Tubb. (C) (30) ( ed ) •45 B b H Bl I 8o1 de Milito (90) eom Y -0 ope, ng 10:30 Nnn (C) (30) Bill Bonds Crosby, Dorothy Lamour. t...a ..._ (C) (2 h ) 0 Ci7) CI) al The Dltln1 '"" ,.,. • , .. ,e r (C) (30) Jim Lange hosts. Swln&in Go191I (C) ,(60) 0 Movie: (C) "Pepe's Dellc.tt tii> NET Playllouse,,(90) 'The Seek· Condition" (comedy) '65-Jackie ers-The Idealists. (R) Gleason. Glynis Johns. a> HollJWOOd Ind tltt Stan (C) m World of Women (C) (30) 11:00 IJ D 0 m m News (C) "America's First Woman." Beautiful 0 News (C) Larry Burrell. Barbera SanfQrd rKaptures the 11:15 8 fabulous 52: (C) "Inherit tM herltaae of the American Indian Wind" (drama) '60-Spencer Tracy, durinr her remlni5"nt tour of the Fredric March. Southwest. Barbara is part Chero· O SatllrdlJ NliM Movie: "Al the kea and recounts famous leaends Sb R11tl" (drama) '60-Cliff Rob· of the Cherokee and the Sioux. ertson. Maria Schell. @!)Los Caudillos (30) 11:30~ m Tonii1rt S1tow (C) 8:00 D ta) (6) m '9t Smart (C) (30) Movie· "Th• Uni.en" (mystery) "Absorb the . Greek." The Chief • S.-Joel ·McCrea, Gall Russell. dates a beautiful youn~ woman over 0 Movie: (C) "April In Peril" the strenuous objections of the 'comedy) '53-Doris Day Ray Bot· Smarts. Unfortunately the Smarts ger. Claude Dauphin. ' nearly succeed In upsetting a hl&h· &l The Empr111 (C) ly secret operatioo-The Chief and • • .. .. Gina are usinr the "romance" as 11.45 &l M~ie. Derk Waters (SUS• a cover while The Chief memo· pense) 44-Merle Oberon. Franchot rizes a secret formula. (R) Tone. 0 Ci1J CV m The Newlywed Q1m1 12:30 m Men in Crisis (Cl 130) Bob Eubanks hosts. 1 :00 II Movie: "Web ol &ldenc." m Movie; "I Was a Male W1r (mystery) '59-Van Johnson. Vera Bridf'' (comedy) '49-Cary Grant. Miles. Ann Sheridan. O Movie: (C) ''The Brides of Dr» &l American Wut (C) (30) ''The ula'' (horror) '60-Peter Cushinf. Wonders of Yellowstone." (R) O Movie: "Clrl in Room 313" tii) NET Festini (90) "The Moiart (mystery) '40-florence Rice. Piano Concerto.'' (R) m All·Ni&ht Show: "Stairway ID 6!) Nodle de Estrtno (2 hr) Heaven," "The Big Stuff" tnd a:so3 9 (l)f n.r.. Son1 (C) (30) "Valley of th• Doomed.'' • fa@ · 1llt Cbost and Mrs.. 1:15 0 MOYie: "Monst.r and Ult tllr1" Muir (C) (3 ~ ''The Monkey Punle (horror) "41-Ellen Drew. Paul Luk· Tree" Captain Gregg's ghost dis· as. Rod Cameron. appears from Gull CoMage when 0 Adventuras of tM seaspr1y (C) CURTIS 1cm MATHES l "21ADAMS Ut .:e.~• Coil ... "l' .::.; " -~ : ;; ':' ... • •• :.: g_ .:2 &. 19 ~ ' f • ; Ii:' ., s i: ii • • ~ '° HART TV HU'NTINGTON BEACH CN•xt to Albettson'sl This ma9nll1c:ent 86" Cur- tis Mathes is av•il•ble u • Stereo or Full Color Home Entert•inment Cen- ter. The price is $300 to $500 less than you think. Also avail•ble in ner'T'ower widths. 962-3384 If actor John Copage ever WT1tes • boc*. he'll problbly title It. "My Son, the Star.'' John's famous son Is Marc. who portrays Corey Baker, son of Julla Baker, on NBC-TVs Julla, which stars Diahann Carroll. Marc. who is only seven, Is Just beginning to learn to read and has had to spend many hours at night learning his lines for the following day with the eld of his father. John and his two sons, M.arc and Eric, 13, are very close and enjoy moments -together when possible. On several occasions this past ... son, the actor father appeered In · episodes of NBC's The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, which, alonl with Julia, Is filmed et 20th Century-Fox studios. e:.ch time, father and son, Marc. were able to pt qether for • quick lunch. But Marc says he doesn't p.rtlcu!Jlriy enjoy his food at lunch because his favorite foods ere cold cerMI and orange juice. ''Well," comments father, '"we just can't heve everythlna." • ' w ec A tE T n• c d " Ct b rE A it h 0 a· a IT YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e ArAITMINTS & UNITS e CUSTOM HOMIS e KITCHIN DPHTS e ·1Wo STOIT SPIC~LISTS CIMINT WORK -ALL KINOl- Frec Estimate 25 Years Experience • 636-0374 • CEMENT WORK Anything You Need ! Free Est., Llc'd & Bondect DEE JAY CONSTRUCTION C•ll 142-1157 •nytlm• Patios -Walles -Driveways License<4 -Reasonable Rates -Free Estimates - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION 642-4210 or 673--6675 eves. Two NBC Television Net· work programs were present- ed with Humane Television Awards by the Animal Pro- tection Institute of America. The programs are Walt Dis· ney's Wonderful World of Color, which is seen Sun- days from 7:30-8:30 PM and "Big Cats, little Cats," a color special, which was broadcast May 14, 1968 and repeated May 9, 1969. The Humane Television Award Certificate reads: "Be it known that (name of show) has fulfilled the true intent of the Television Code by advancing public awareness and understanding of hu· mane t reatment for anima ls. Fr.. l.AryHt & Desi~· 21 ., ... lh,.n-• C•tl now -Open w .. kd•y• Set. I Sa. A"ts. AweH. I• H r ...... Y"' 11. .. 14H I. c .. t H ... w.y C....4MtM• * VERNE. Th• Tile M•n * Cust. work. Install I r•p•irs. No job loo sm .. 11. P I • s t e r p•tch. luking shower rep•ir. 1•7·1957;146-0206 Ha uling, Clean-Ups. Lots Garages. etc. Largp Truc k H•ndymen ... C•ll lob 645-22.56 •nytlme In recogn ition of such achievement this certificate is awarded." The award to Walt Dis· ney's Wonderful World of Color was accepted by Harry Tytle, a producer of that se- ries. while the "Big Cats. lit· tie Cats" certificate was ac- c1pted by Barbara Sheehan , Director of Public Relations for Metromedia Producers Corporation, which packaged the special. • • • Christopher George has MIRRORED 'WAADaOll DOORS * Ornate Front Entry Doorr. * Room Dividers * Shutters * MUlworlt In:itallatior CURTIS-LARSON 673-1126 Plumbing Repair Drain Cleaning -Free Es tiJna tes - S'llDY 'LUMllNO 24 Hrs. It Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 LAWN SERVICE M ow -Edgc. Vacuumc Clean-Up and Hauling Reasonable Rate!' RUSS JONES LAWN SERV • 545-2M3 TRiii Pruned -Topped & Removed 26 Years Experience Serving Beach Cities PAULSON TREE SERVICE '31-7U4 anytime CZYKOSKl'S I Custom Upholstery & Repair Eurooean Crartsmanshio 100% flnancln1t-Contlnuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection of Fabrics 1131 Newport II., Ca.t• M9'a 642-14$4 been signed by Paramount Television to star in its 90· minute feature, "The lmmor· tal." to be produced as an ABC·TV "Movie of the Week" and pilot for a possible se· ries. George will play the title role as an automobile test driver who has a unique con- dition which permits him to live in a state of perpetual youth. George starred in t he Rat Patrol for-two seasons on ABC-TV, in a television film titled "The Red Kitchen Murder" for future release, CAJt'ET & fURNITURI CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Wvrk . . . CALL STERUNG FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-l520 S'ARKLI JANITORIAL Windows Ou1 Specialty e AllT MONTH NU I EXPUIENCEO LICENSED -RELIAILE TONY TAYLOI POOL llntc:I 961-4111 CAllNIT MAKO llHi4'•11tl•I & C olft111•rc.i•I JCitcht111, ••ttt1, Store fillfvrH f ree E1ti111•tH -St••• Lio. .. ,._. S41-JU1 ........ '46°1117 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU · CALL 642-5671, ext. 325 and in the current release, "The Devil's 8." Veteran actor Louis Hay- ward comes out of retirement to play the recurring role of Jonathan Carlyle, Ralph Bel- lamy's brother, in Harold Robbins' The Survivors, which will air Monday nights on ABC-TV beginning in Sep- tember. Hayward, who appeared in the '30's in such films as 11 Anthony Adverse," "Man in the Iron Mask " and "Count of Monte Cristo," also starred in "Duffy at San Quentin," the first mot ion picture di- rected by Walter Doniger, ex· ecutive producer of The Sur· vivors. ,.,. 1 SUNDAY I Kathryn Kuhlm1n (C) Saunders, Adam West. (j) full tiosc>ef Revival (C) ~ Faith for Tod1y (C) rn Revival Fires (C) I Oral Roberts (C) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY 26. 1969 es of the NFL and Afl during the 1ames. JULY 27 r.1 0 F? N I N G Escuela KMEX (C) Fllm features (C) Tht Answer (C) • 1llast1 Corazon 9:00 IJ Camera 1llree (C) • Wines to Adv~nture (C) O My Favorite Sermon (C) The 10:30 Fact the N1tton (C) Secretary Very Rev. Paul Romley, St. Nlcho-of Defense Melvin R. Laltd, who All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- las Orthodox Cathedral Los Ange· was revealed to have been strencth· les guests. ' ening the role ot the Joint Chiefs I. Day of Discovery (C) of Statt while lessenlna civilian in· Ch1lltt11u fluence of the military, guests. Gospel Music (C) 0 ~ Ci) m Frontitrs of Faith tice. 6:15 6:30 6:55 7;00 ~A A Allen (f) "'Are Dreams Part of God's The Cllrlstopflers ~h.ryn kuhlman (C) Language?" Final program In the .... e Bible Answtra Tom and Jerry (C) series. "Is the Book Stlll Good?" '" I Nueva Cita examining the relevance of the Bl· tilve Us This Day (C) God and Man ble in today's world The Rev. Dr. Tom and Jeny (C) Aviculbntl Report (C) Edward W. Bauman of Foundry S1111day Funnits (C) 9•30 tJ Music, Music Musi< (C) South· Methodist Church, Wash .• D.C., and 7:30 Aqua•an (C) · 111• 1 U .' ·1y• Ed d the Re\f. John A. Sanford, Rector of Momon T1M1n1dt Choir (C) ern mos niversi s wa~ S· St. Paul's Episcopal Church. San Davey ind Gollath (C) ville Concert Chorale and Madrigal Diego. Calif .• discuss the topic. 7:AS m Tbt Christopllers (C) Singers -gtre~l. I @ Cl) m Kina Kon1 (C) 1:00 8 fB (J) Lamp Unto My fttt (C) .~ Eco~mics for All .. Ales (C) Faith for Today (C) ""COnversiflons on the American ''Production Is the Key. Students 11:00 Projed Head Start (C) "Chil· Jew." Part I from Compton Union High School dren of the City." Begfnning of a €t) The Christophtrs (C) discuss the effects of automation, six -part seoes in which Miss Cathtdral of Tomono• (C) space exploration, the common Mooney tells about children In • Day of DIJCOVtry (C) ma~et and free trade on the eco-other countries. Irish children are Wond••ma (C) nom1cs of t~e avera&e person. ,, today's topic. Allen Rr1tval Hour (C) 0 Movie:, 'Gentl~rllln After Da~ O This Is the Lift (C) t (1) Davey ind tiolllth (C) (mystery) . A2-Bnan Oonlevy, Mrr· A Hornebuyer'~ Guide (C) (!) tiod Is the Answer (C) lam Hopkins. 0 (i7J ffi fP) Bullwinkle (C) 8:30 Look Up ind l ive (C) "A §~@ al Dudley Do·Rl1ht (C) m Movie: ''The Dark Corntr" (mys· Chance To Stay." Part Ill. A study 6 Oral Roberti (C) tery) .'46-tlifton Webb, Lucille Ball. of the evolution and accomplish· rE I Aquaman (C) R Church in tile Home (C) ment.s of Spanish-American poor in M~no 1 Mino. Ranehtro ~ first Ba11tist Church New Mexico. This II the life (C) Wrestlinf (C) I Feature 10:00 I Today's Religion (C) m mpass (C) Rebels With 1 C1use (C) · ~iculture USA (C) 11~30 IJ Tell It like It Wu (C) "Recon· Movie: '-'Sw1mp Fire" (adven· (11)@ m Linus (C) struction" conveys 1ypical reactions ture) '46 -Buster Crabbe, Johnny • Movie: (C) "M1ra of the Wild· of both slaves and slaveowners Weissmuller. tfntsS" (adventure) '65 -Linda twhose lives were literally changed overnight by Lincoln's "Emancipa· tlon Proclamation." Part I or two SECARD SALE parts. O Milestones of Man (C) "Cus· te(s Last Fight." 0 @ CV m Discovety (C) "A Corner of France." Program exam· ines the way of life on the lonely island of St. Pierre. the last French Possession in North America. (R) 0 Movie: (C) "MJ ftlend nf(U" (drama) '43 -Roddy McOowall, Preston foster. GIANT SWIMMING POOL y, HP FllTH.SURFACI Ski M.AINTINANCI KIT IOTTOM DUIN AND CHEMICAL 18 n.• POOL Q DISPENSH 20 FT. POOL ONLY 189.00 LINEI IEPLAaMEllT CENTll All SIZES lfAFfl--SUDfJ-CllfMICAl.S-J ACUUM sns EASY TERMS 5 locations To Serve You. 9 Years' Experience 323 S. Main, Orange 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi OPEN 10:30 TO 7 :30-7 DAYS ,.,.. g;, Accent on Action (C) l\FTfRNOON 12:00 8 @ Ci) AAU Tmll Ind Field 8 Berlin International Meet. Rtad Rllflt (C) Movie: (C) "Reprisal" (west· ern) '56 -Guy Madison. Kathryn Grant. ~ Essentially Sex 3 This Is the Ufe (C) ~Triple F11ture "The Female Anim~" "Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy" and "Free for All." I Cine en Su Casa Profiles of Proereu (C) Armed Forces Hlplipts (C) 12:30 Charadets in the Arts (C) "The Gypsy." The 13th Hunaarian Rhap· sody of Franz Liszt is contrasted lwt~sy,the essence of the Spanish Gene Autry Faces ind fllaces (C) (1) Stories of Succas (C) • Quest for Adventure (C) • fnslpt (C) l :00 Ci?) @ Nfl Action (C) "The Man Behind the Men." Hidden ml· crophones and sideline cameras provide a special look at the coach· I m Meet die Prus (C) "10vlt: "Hunery Hiii" (dram•) '47-Jean Simmons. Dennis Price. I ~~~,t~~n~han Revival fires (C) (1) U.S. N.vy Film (C) Pattem for Uvin& (C) 1:30 ®Ci) Ameriun tioH Classie ( ) Defending champion Jack Nick· laus pits his skill 4galnst such &reals as Arnold Palmer, Jay He· bert, Johnny Pott, Ken Venturi and Al Geiberger In the finals of the $1 25,000 tournament. live from Firestone Country Club in Allton, Ohio O Youth and Utt Polk.e (C), "Drinking, Driving and Des'truction. ' Authonties reveal shocking fac1s on the influence of alcohol upon driv· mg llbilltles. 0 @ al Issues 1nd Answm (Cj Howard K. Smith. Dean Rusk auests. I Voice of Cllvaty (C) U.S. N1v, Film (C) 2:00 Sution to station (C) Press Conference (C) Roller Derby (C) Sund1y Malfnee: "White Feather." I Duefo de Pniones Future (C) Ladies DaJ (C) 2:30 On Campus (C) "What It Is, Is Ruaby." Films of a tough rugby match between Occidental College and Cal State LA. plus an ex· planation of the sport by two rugby coaches. O Movie: (C) ''Stand at Apacl1e Rivtr" (western) '53-Stephen Mc· Nally, Julie Adams. O Million $ Movie: "Franken· stein's Dauettter'' (horror) '59 - John Ashley, Sandra Kni11ht. .1 Holiday (C) · American Problems (C) 3:00 R~rtoire Workshop (C) "'From Bach to Rock and Back." Featuring Jeffry and Ronald Marlowe, a Phila· delphia duo.piano team, joining the New York Rock and Roll Ensemble and the Pennsylvania Ballet Com· pany. Selections include Bach's Concerto in C Minor, "Ritual Fire Dance," "Thinking of Mary." and "Faithful friends and nattering Foes" O Movie: (C) "Back Street" (dra· ma) '61 -Susan Hayward. Vera Miles, John Gavin. 0 Movie: ''T·Men" (adventure) '47 -Dennis O'Keefe. June Lockhart. m Southem Clllforni• tiolf c. .... pions:hip (C) Tom Kelly and Don Lamond call the action from the Orange County Hacienda Country Club for the 70th annual champion· ship. Homestead (C) ftature • Fiim ftature • Scope (C) 3:30 In.side/Outsider (C) Public Servict (C) • McKeever & The Colontl • Ladies D1y (C) 4:00 Vi~int (C) Ci1J lV m Summer Focus 1969 (C) "The Wiifare Game." The pros and cons of public assistance pro· grams in the U.S. are studied. Par· ticipants in a panel discussion are moderator William Lawrence, Sena· tors George McGovern (O·S.D.) and I) I . ic k· :h B• 1d 18 rn ~. :)' .. 'n I· II 1k e y e Peter Domlnidc (R·Colo.); Gtori Wiley, national dirtdor of tfle Na· tional Welfal'$ Rlihb Orpnlzatlon (NWRO), and Mrs. Johnnie Tiiiman, a welfare recipient from tht Watts section of Los Aneetes and chair· man of the NWRO. 1 ~91.:.'u.. Nation (C) ~a Sabre los Hijos E.nsicn O'T oott 4:30 II N....akers (C) Rev. Jesse JackS10n, who heads OperatiOn Breadbasket. a national progrzm to increase the economic power of blacks. is interviewed. • News (C) · (i) FUm Ftalun (C) "U.S.S.R." : M&ttroeen' Nelcflbofboocl Cl) Polka Panclt (C) • Muslu y r11a1>ra • Tiit Rlfleun 4:55 Wonderful World of Sport (C) 5:00 News (C) Clete Roberts. · m Conares1ional Report (C) Dr. Barttr's Advtnbns (C) Movlt: "My Favorite Spy"' (comedy) '51 -Bob Hope, Hedy Lamarr. Q Skippy (C) "Caae of Koalas." When Or. Anna Steiner comes to stay In the par~ to study the wild· fife there. she antagonizes the fam · ily by her methods of capturing and caaina the animals. (R) I Merv Griffin (C) The New Sound (C) (])Seven Arts Tht1tre: "My G~rl nsa." I Gospel of Christ (i) I Dream of Jeannie (C) #fiat's Ntw1 (R) i!)Tom G') Run fOf Your Uft (C) 5:30 tJ KlfXT Rtporb (C) "Speed • . . The Deadly Drug." Clete Roberts narrates news special on the abuse of amphetamines.. {R) Speall Up (C) Bill Leyden. Pollla Parade (C) • Cldaet (C) Third Man @ Meet the Press (C) ; ~111 (C) (R) Cl) Mdfale's Navy • Her. Come the StlB (C) EVENING 6:00 tJ 9 (j) The 21st Cellbuy (C) (30) "The Sleepw1tchers." Progl'3m reveals some of the surprising facts researchers are uncovering about sleep since the discovery that dif· ferent types of sleep can be moni· to red. I It's Ac:ad•ic (C) (30) rn:c,irt (60) UftltrtHI . • • boo llltion of rt SUflt'Y (C) (60} The life and death drama of open· heart surgery Is recorded, showing earliest open-he~rt suraery and hypothermis to techniques of trans- plantation today. (R) §William TelJ (30) World To1Mrrow (C) (30) ~1tC Ml&Sieal Artilb (30) Vie>- list Marcus Thompson and pianist Linda Hall play the first, second and fourth movements of the Con· certo in G Major by Telemann and Marchenbilder, Op. 113 (Fairy Tait Pictures) by Robert Schumann. I Man Fro• UNCl.£ (C) (60) 6:30 bft>" Stoey (C) (30) 9 00 @l'l) fr1nl Mdtff (C) (30) p SlM Alltl ._ (C) (90) Gus Brwna, Kim Wiiiiama. Bob Carroll, Norm Crosby, and Ken Greenwald auest NEWS SPECIALS OF THE WEEK I lllSicM (C) (30) Mani• zz (60) Th Frwci Clltf (30) Julia C lld poaches 1n eu. 9 (j) ~y (C) (30) 1:00 II Qj Cl) 1M1it (C) (30) Coun· Clfman Ted Worth openly opposes the maintenance of a job corps camp that Forest Ranger Turner ls tryinr to Improve and • accuses corpsman Luke Roberts of stealin& hia son's wristwatch. {R) 0 @ (j) m Hudl Finn (C) (30) "Prophecy of Peril." The young· sters save a young prince but are captured_!y Mongolian_sava1es. (R} fJ @ (!) $ Lind of Ult Qi1nta (C) (60) "Underrround." Steve, Mark and Dan attempt to enter a police security vault to destroy a record of patriots In a freedom or· ganization of the giant society. (R) fJ What's My Une? (C) {30) Wally Bruner hosts. m I se•s!AL I Jack , .. , -And I Funny Thin& H1ppt11ed on die Way to Hollywood (60) Humorist Jaclc Parr ho~ this ~lose-up of the foible$ and fancies of the world's film capital. Guests Include Judy Garland and comic Bob Newhart. (R) (E) PaSSf)Ort to Trawl (C) (30) "Taiwan Island of Enchantment." An Otiental Journey on the former island of Formosa. (R) Eli) Speculation (60) "A Conversa- tion With Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis." (R) @!) PriMna (C) (30) APOLLO XI COVERAGE: Sunday Monday The astronauts arrive at Houston, are transported to the Lunar Receiving Labo· ratory and first reports of the lunar rock sample test results will be broadcast. Reports on the condition of the crew and on further tests of the rock samples will be telecast. Tuesd.ay, More reports on the cr~A Wednesday Reports on the condition of the crew and first showing of newly released films taken on board Apollo XI. Thursday Further on-board films will be telecast, plus reports on the state of health of the astronauts. PRESIDENT NIXON'S TRIP: Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Manila and Djakarta (7:30 PM) Bangkok (10:00 or 10:30 PM) New Delhi and Lahore (Telecast time: 11 :30 PM) Bucharest (telecast time 7:30 PM) 7:30 6 Qt (j) CBS Nen SC-ial (C) B .d .. ( ed } ·~g Ca G t t th h f n (30) "The President Abroad... Cov· rt e com y "' -ry ran • aren roua e maze o comp • Ann Sheridan. cated clues In order to reach a era11e of President Richard M. Nix· OJ W1nderlust (C) (30) "Today's false conclusion. (R) on's visit to Asia end Rumania is Germany." (R) B@ 00 m Mr Friend Tony (C) ~heduled intermit1entty from July I Tbe f'asller Family (30) (10) "Lost Hours." The reputation 26 through August 3, anchored in Sounds of S4!11m• (C) (2 hr) and life's work of an eminent scltn- New York by Correspondent Charles Carrousel MelJuno (60) list are dependent upon the suc· Collingwood. Tonight's report oomes &30 @@ m The Motllera·ln·Law eess-of an invest11atlon by Wood· from Manila and Djakarta, with (C) (30) "It's a Oo(s life." Eve ruff and Novello to clear him of Mike Wallace reporting. and Kaye create confusion when charges of Incompetence. Eduard 0 fU 00 m Walt Disney (C) each, unknown to the other, buys Franz guesb. ~) {60) "Boomerang, Doi of Many do f th • hild (R) 8 f! N ( (30) Talents," (Rescheduled) (R). a g or eir c ren. ..,. I The Sports Set (C) (30) et Mt Talk to •.. (C) (60) fJ Million $ Mcwie; (C) "Kin& Tiit World Tomomiw (30) Keith Walker hosts. Ridllnf and tflt Crusadm" (adven· 9:00 9 Cf) He•H•w (C) (60) Char-Llbof Report (C} (30) ture) '54 -Rex Harrison. Virclnla ley Pride, Geor&e Jones and 'Tammy Minion f1>ru11 Mayo. !Piette ~est. 1 DIYld Suutlnd (C) (2 hr) &J Challlftgjng Ste (C) (30) "Mis· U QJ 00 m Bonanu (C) (60) • Iran Ttatro (60) sion Oceanography." The advances "Mark of Gullt." Hoss and Hop 10:30 World Toinonow (C) (30) of the U.S. Navy In ita knowled&e Sing rely on the Chinese art of Outer U1111ts (60) of the seas and oceanography are fln&erprin1ing In an attempt to free Katll~ Kuhl1111n (C) (30) s1h~~.· <~re (30~ Little Joe of a murder ch1r1e. (R} 11:00 O US Ntwa (C) 0 @ (I) a> ABC Sunday Movtt! Cathedral of Tomomw (C) Los Caadiltos ( ) (C) urtie Nuttr Prof_.' {com-• Wllliltl F. BuckltJ (C) 8:00 6 9 (j) Ed SUiiivan (C) (60) edy) '63-Jerry Lewis, Stella stdvens. Wild Advtntur. (C) "Forest Are Vikki Cafl', Henny Youneman. Gil· A wacky variation of the Dr. Jekyll Disaster," (R}_ bert Price, The Clara Ward Gospel and Mr. Hyde l91end. (R) l~Cit Cl) News (C) Singers, The Bob Fournier and Hal Q) Ntwa (C) (30) Larry Mc:Cor· Ntw1 (C) Grego Dancers, Dominique, Prin· mlck. 11:15 It: (C) uni. t-Doll't-Clrl cess Tajana, The Martys and The I Pet. Sunn (30) Q • (musical) '52-MltzJ Gaynor, Chuna Trio guest. Domin~ Htrdtz (30) David Wayne. II Roller Games--Uvel (C) 9:30 l':;iclfli~30) 11:30 II Movlt: (C) "Thi l'lt•c:esa aid * T 8 R S Rtin! Fire DanPJI th rtrlt_.. (comedy) '44 -Bob • I D vs. NEW YORK ( ) (30) Fran Carroll hosb en in· Hope, Vir&inla Mayo. D Roll• '1111111 (C) (2 hr) LA. formrttve program on the fire de· I Loti .. n & Bltltlly (C) f.Bird1 vs. New Yoril Bombers. partment and the upcoming dry QDltr fJ @ (}) G) Tltt Fii (C} (60) season. (R) Tht Entpress (C) ''The Maze." Erskine end Colby find I Mr. & Mrs.. NortJa (30) (i) lnslpt (C) a hand·drawn map of a California C.m111t.11tarios y Ctltt>rtdldts U~S Cfritt111 S11ndar: "Tomb of Tor· Navy yard on the body of Frank ( 0) ture." Welles. a Ten Most Wanted Crimi· 10:00 6 CJ Ci) Million: lmpoaible (C) 1:00 6 Movie: ''Thunder rlffli' (1dven· nal, and unknowin&ly hold the key (SO) ThtTMF Is pitted aaalnst the ture) '54 -Dane Clark, Raymond to a planntd murder. (R) inrenlous torte of an enemy apnt Burr. m Mowle: "I Wu a Malt Wlf as the aroup attempts to lead tfle D Ntwa (C) Pap I MORE 80YS & GIRLS NEEDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIALS Thit is the letnt word from the "'ejor e9•nh end produc:en in Hollywood. Television commerciela ue bi9 bu~:n•u. It 1, • butlneu the+ employ• e lerqe number of chiltlren end pays them lu9e ael· eriea. ht where did Hine kids com• fro,., end how did they 9•+ there 7 Well, would .you beline they're found in such fer 011+ piece& u Fullerton, Sente Ane, or the outer reqiona of Lon9 Buch or Pomona 7 Some of theae youn9· 1te" m•Y rve ri9ht next door! lut who finds +hen telented boys end • 9 irls to fill ffie production needs 7 Th• studioa end e9er1h don't heve time, so H • rnult , there is • lerge demand, end to fill thia demud, • Public Rele· tiona Compeny celled TAKE I ,RODUCTIONS, INC. hea turned ih ener9ies •r1d reaourcea to fill. in9 this nHd. TAKE I PODUC· flONS melres profeuior1el contech '" Hollywood for ll•wcomers. SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's eiamings reach $10,000 in TV ctm· merci.als .a few months after b e i n g signed by Ta~ I ft'oductions. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF J AND 141, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER· CIALS AND T.V. C.CI 547-6251 Ntw Tau 1 Pr'Oduction1, Inc. ORANGE CO. OFFICE ~10 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 26, 1969 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY ' MORNING Meredith MacRae, Arte Johnson and June Lockhart, who join regulars Wally Cox, Charley Weaver, Rose 6:00 II sum .. " Semester (C) Marie and Paul Lynde. IE Roy Roaers 6:30 II Summtr School (C) 10:50 fJ FasJtiotts In Sewlna (C) Lucille 0 Eduution Exchlnte (C) Rivers. 0 The American ~ H :00 iJ (ij.@ love of Lift (C) m Eduaitional fllms D tO 00 m Jeopardy (C) Art fE Ttdlnical Comer Aemint~sts: fJ The G1llopln& Gourmet (C) 7:00 II CBS News (C} Joseph Senti. Graham Kerr. 0 @@ m The TodlJ Show (C) fJ Debbie Drake Dancerclu (C) Hugh Downs hosts. m Sheriff John (C) 0 Exercise With Gloria (C) I!) Romper Room (C) m Mr. Wishbone (C) 11:25 fJ eij (j) CBS Ntws (C) Doualas Ei} Commodity/SWct Report Edwards. 7:30 0 TM Ed NtllOft Show (C) 11:30 fJ ~ (j) SNrcb for To1110now (C) m The FlintJtonts (C) 0 Q) @ m EJt Guess (C) Bill Cullen hosts. 8:00 fJ ~ (j) Capt.Jn Kaoproo (C) O Johnny Grant at Uninrul (C) With Bob Keeshan. fJ Abbott & Costello Cartoons (C) fJ The Anniversary Ci1mt (C) Al Hamel hosts. m Mi&hlY Moute (C) fJ Tempo (C) Bob Dornan and I!) Rocilet Robin Hood (C) Roy Elwell OO·host. 8:15 @ (J) Video Dittst (C) I!) World Adventure (C) Mon., Fri.; 8:25 g Community Bulletin Boerd (C) Tmtl (C) Tues., Thurs.; Bttu Thurs. J1m11 (C) Wed. 1:30 0 Public Service Filina (C) Thurs. ll:45 0 Corris &UJ (C) Wed. fJ Asbon1ut ~rtooft1 (C) m BUD Bunny (C) l!)Gumby (C) @ CI) Rodly and His Friends (C) 1:55 O Community Bulletin Bo1nl (C) 9:00 fJ The Lucy Shw 0 til@ m It T1kts Two (C) Host Vin Scully welcomes Alejandro Rey, Louis Nye, Allen Ludden and their wives. 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Johnny Grant hosts. 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jackie Joseph hosts. fJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. m @ (I) Jact u unnt (C) IE Undtrdo& (C) ® (8) Andy Griffith; Ann &irtcllef (C) Fri. 9:30 fJ Qi Ci) Beverly Hiiibiiiies (C) 0 ® @ m Concentr1tlon ( c) Ed McMahon hosts. m MovM: See Daytime Movies. IE Ciumby (C) ()1) (J) Hayden's Happenin& (C) 10:00 fJ Andy Griffith 0 ~ (j) m Plf10n11itJ (C) Host Larry Blyden welcomes Jadl Cas· sidy, Joan Rivers and Rip Wilson who discuu the Inner personalities or Don Rickles, Shirley Jones, John Forsythe, Barbara McNair and Shel· ley Berman. I!) Public StrviCll Films (C) Q) 00 Sunny Today (C) 10:30 1J Qj (j) Dici Vin o,kt 0 @00 m HollJW'Hd SqNrH (C) Host Peter Marshall welcomes auats Georae Klrt>y, J1dlie Vernon, AFTFRNOON 12:00 fJ Boutique (C) Steve Dunne hosts. 0 123 (6) m You'rt Pvttln& Mt ON (f) Host Bill Leyden welcomes gues:s Rita Moreno, ·Milt Kamen and Anne Meara, who joln regular panelists Bill Cullen, Peggy Cass and Larry Blyden. O Movie: See Daytime Movies. fJ (i1) (]) Bewitched m I!) News (C) Ei} OffiCll of the President ~ (I) The Unklrtter Show (C) 12:15 IE Stretch end Sew, Wed. 12:30 8 ~())As the Wor1d Turns (C) D @ (6) m Dip of Our lives (Cj Macdonald Carey stars. fJ @ (])That Glr1 (C) m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben Hunter hosts. IE Diiiin& for Doll1rs (C) 1:00 iJ Qj (j) love 11 I Many Spltn· dored Thin& (C) 0 ~ @ m Tllt Doctora (C} James Pritchrtt sters. fJ (fi') CI) Drum House (C) Mike Darow hosts. EE Ttdlnlail Cerner l :30 fJ ~ (j) The Cuidlna Licht (C) 0 @ @ m Anothlf Wor1d (C) 0 Father Knows Best 0 @ (I) fl) Ltfs Make a DNI (Cj Monty Hall hosts. IE Join Rivers Sltow (C) fE CommOdity/Stoc.11 R..,ort 2:00 II ~ (j) Stem Stof'lft (C) D tl3 @ m You Don1 Say (C) HostTom Kennedy welcomes au Betty White and Charla Nelson Reilly. O love That Bob: Cookina (C) Wed. fJ @ (}) (D Ttle Ntwtywed C1•1 (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. IE Movie: See Daytime Movies. -m Tbt Pitnt Sbow 2:30 U tBt@ The Ed~-of Nilftt (C) 0 @ 00 m The M1tdt Ca .. (C) Host Gene Rayburn welcomes guests Joe Garaglola and Rosey Grier. 0 lme It to Bener D @ m m The D1tfn& Ci11ne (C) Jim Lanae hosts. 3:00 fJ Tbt Link.letter Show (C) O P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James ho3ts. 0 Hi&ttw•J Patrol fJ @ CI) fD lien•al Hospital (C) fJ Mowie: See Daytime Movies. Tom Frandsen hosts. IE Zooram1 (C) ~ @ M1tin11: Don Rodewald. Qi) 00 Afternoon Movt. m Mltinee: Don Wilson. 3:30 iJ lucty P1ir (C) Geoff E~ards hosts. O Mike Doups (C) Phyllis Diller co-hosts. 0 Ont Step Beyond fJ @ (I) fl) Ont life To Ow (C) m My Favorite M1rtlan IE Hobo Ktlly (C) 4:00 fJ Su Hunt; Movie: See Daytime Movies on Thursday. O Cilrl Talk (C) fJ @ CIJ (D Dirt S"-dows (C) Jonathan Frid stars. m The FlintJtonts (C) 4:30 fJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Divorct Court (C) fJ News (C) Bill Bonds. m News (C) George Putnam. IE Sou's Bl& Top Show (C) @ 00 Perry Muon ~ 00 Shetey'1 Pim P1rty (C) (D Bewitched 5:00 0 llNBC Newaertlce (C) 0 Newa (C) Tom Reddin. fJ The GrOOVJ Sbtw (C) m The Adda1111 Fl•llJ @@Jlatnty Tboftluon SM (C) ~ ()) The Lucy Sbow (C) m Ciilll11n•s Island (C) al That Ciir1 (C) 5:30 fJ @ (I) (D ABC Ntw1 (C) Fnink Reynolds. fJ Twllipt Zone m Pay Carda (C) Art James. I!) Ciilll&an's Island f» CI) Tbb Day 1969 (C) fD Mariner to Mars: See Wednes· day listina at 6:00 PM ~ Cl) NtwMJt (C) m Town Tai. (C) I . Allen Rich One must shed a rear for that noble breed, the producers, who upon seeking to get their Uttlle gems on the air ml.t9t deaJ with tbe following tab«Js, odlerwise known as n<>-DO's: Keep well away from vioience, be wary of sex and do not dea1 very much with satire that might oonceivably otfend the politicians or reHglonlsts. The sum total ol these edicts from the top ls that If those RICH friends and families. Pa rticularly now. who are deemed the creadve people ol TV don't come up with SGmetblag better than se:s, violence and satire the Industry ls ~ to be ID plmly ol troahle. - Come to think of it, it's time 1hey did come up with something better. There mU6( sdll be or{giDa.I ideas tor televtsion series. Let's nm a feJW up the flagpole and see which way ttie wind iis biowing, as they say on Madison Ave. First, and most obviws, dring tnat comes to mind is a drama concerning astronauts, ttietr wlvas and/or g;irl Should be plenty of materiai there. How about a series based on a big international ainine? Prac-- tically every v·iewer could identify with such a series. What is more glamorous than a bigtime jet pilot, or more lovely tilan some of the "stews," another word tor air hostesses? How about a series which bas as Its locale a great televtsfon networl<? Mm, some of the characten you could Inhabit tmt one wldi ! Too bot to handle? Not at all. 1bla is u qe of permissiveness, remember? How about a series dealing with ttie newspaper world? I don't mean the cliche4ype newspaper world. but the real one, with reaJ- type executives and reporters. Wh at a source of drama that could become. Years ago there were a number of good newspaper series on the air. One that comes to mind was most auth~ntic. It was tit.led The Big Story. The point is that television, whloh i.s more than willing to spend untold millions on coverage of momentous world events - and does it so well -seems unwilling to gamble on truly new ideas -BEITER, fresher ideas -if you will, for regular series. And lronically, regular ser:es are their bread and butter. They pay the freight for the news departments. The edict against violence has brought about an unusual thing In fadl scheduling. There woo'tt be one new Western. ' No new detective series, as such, either, except the law en- forcement segments of The Bold Ones. This despite the fact that tbe viewing public continues its un- dying allegiance to such Westerns as Bonanza, Gunsmoke and 1he Virginian. And suob detective shows as Ironside, Dragnet, Mod Squad and FBI. These can't go on forever and wldi nothing eomlq up ln this line to replace them, Westerns and detecdve series may ane day become exttnct as the dodo, althoualb vtewen favor diem. Television is playing it safe by substituting a bunch of doctors, some ·lawyers and some teachers as the new boys in the fall - and of course everybody knows tilat doct.or6 always do good; so do teachers and maybe even lawyers, except when they overcharge you, or are crooks. Hence, no vtewera are llable to be oftended over much that transpires at abe bands of Cbeae gentlemen. In lieu of what is hawening to lt)e telly it would be marry if the networks would display sufficient intestinal tortitude to ex- perimeot: more with fresh, new themes and untapped sources of series material and to hell with the NJelsen ratings. The results might bring back what the industry is loathe to admit is now a partially lost audience. 1000 BEAUnFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .. t t ... Moy be used on envelopes es retum address 1abels. Also very handy es identification lobels for marking personal items such es books, records, photos, etc. Labels stic\ on-9loss end moy be used for marking home canned food items. An labels ore printed with stylish V09ue type on fine quality white gummed poper and pocked in reusable magic_ seol top container. I I r------------- 1 AU a. tW. c .. ,... en, aMI Mall wltli t1 .oo h r -, I ..... ~._. ... ,Dl ...... '7 .. I ...._,.... .... C•lff. ftMJ. I I 1: I I I -······················································ ....................................................... ··········-···························---~--············ h ••• h ... Y"' z, Ce4e I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L--------..----· __ ..J FREE BONUS WITH EACH OllDEl OF LAIRS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACICA8E MAIUN& LAIB.S. Te .... ........ [ ....... ,... 11 , MONDAY JULY 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVl_ES _ t:OO O "Duu .t Welt Polaf" (drama) '3S-louls Hayw.ard, Joan Fontaine. U (C) .,., Cai Sar' (muakal) '42 -Rita Hayworth, Victor Mature. e "Belle Stan" (western) '41- Gtne Tierney, Randolph Scott. t-.30 m .. ,.,. lllcue" (comedy) ·s2 -Glynis .lotlns, David Niven. 1?:00 0 ''11ftn-." (comedy) '40 Jackie Cooper, Betty Fleld. ll:lO m "fWy Martin" (drama) '49- Wfainla Mayo. "Hiii In llMM" (dra- ma) '35-Ronald Lewis. 2:00 II) '4Gld Man Ind tlle CitJ" (dra- ma) -Story of a powerful tycoon who attempts to close down the pl1nt In a one-lndu.try town. J:OO 1J "Martt' (dr1m1) ·s~i:.rnelSll Bor1nlne, Betsy Blair. 4:30 II CC) "f..tdllps In U.. Fee" (mystery) 'SS -Jean Simmons. Stlwart Granier. ,... 12 IVfNINC 6:001J TM Ill .._. (C) (60) Jeny Ounl!!!l. D VD H1nt1eJ-lrlnkl" (C) (30) II WATCH STEVE LEARN * THE SECRETS OF "THE POWERS' GIRLS" Tonite! a St.wt Nita .. (C) (90) lrwln C. Wabon, Evie Slnds, Char1es Ntlaon Reilly, Terry Miiier and Sc:oey Mitchlll, guest 0 Six O'Clocl Movie: (C) "Mr. HObbs TU. 1 V1ation" Part I (comedy) '62 -J1mes Stewart. .ttaureen O'Har1. 11 Spy (C} (fiO) I Low Lucy (60l latll111 (C) (30) (I) Mike Douctas (C) (90) Whirs New? (30) Fllms of the orthW0041 country of Wlsa>nsin and of thr history of militia froups. @II Jntfttud Dfvlno Taoro (30) &) Ntwa (C) (fiO) Jtck Hickey. 6:30 I DIC Ntw•wlcie (C) (60) v.,.,. tD a.. a.e.. of a.. See~ (60) I Hantltf·lrinklty (C) (30) n Cb'de HNdllnea (C) (30) mm Ntwa CC> <Jo> ROtlCJl.-o 34 CC> (60) 7!00 R CIS &enl111 News (C) (30) Weller Cronkite. G wura MJ UM? ~C} (30) Wally Bruner and Arlene Francis welcome ruest panelists Soupy Sales. Gawn Grainier and Phyllis Newman. m ......... d (C) (30) Jack Cessidy i nd Donni Douglas 1uest THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JULY 26, 1969 crn CJ) ~ .... (C) (90) "Bui· lit Tor 1 B1dman." fl!) E.lltlr1I .... ud ....,... Life (30) "The Tao In Chln1." Alan Watts pre11nts objects of ChlnHe art to Illustrate the Taoist's feeling for nature.. I Ci) F••llJ Aff11J (C) (30) etSat's Wefld (C) (30) Dr9lt9 ..... (C) (30) 7:30 fJ 9 (i) , ...... (C) (60) "Re· prisal." Marshal Diiion wounds an outlaw In self-defense, and Doc must decide between staylnc to treat the Injured man or lnvln1 to deliver a baby. (R) 0 m I Drta• of Jt1n111t (C) (30) •'feannie, the Govemof's Wife." Be- cause of Jeannie's m1aic, Tony be- comes 1 candidate for Governor, despite his protests that he will be thrown out of the Air Force. (R) 0 JKll hnllf (30) Danny Thomas auests. 0 (i1) (I) al T1't Awt111W1 (C) (60) "Never, Hevef Say Die." Steed U @(I)&)Th Outc11h (C) (60) "The Glory Wa1on.'' Whllt es- corting 1 priaoner. Earl Corey and Jemal David contract to deliver 1 load of nitroctycerin to aid tl'lpped miners. (R) fl!) Blact Joumel (C) (60) The pro. gram Is devoted to culture and In· eludes Interviews with sin1er Slrah V1ufhn, actor William M1rshall, pl1ywri&ht Ed Bulllns. artist John Bluers. coml)OSer ROftf Dickerson and others. 9 (j) Tiie Flln11tDnes (C) (30) e> eo.ic.. J Qindonet (30) 9:30 fJ f11111J Alf1lr (C) (30) Laid up by 1 broilen lea. Uncle Biii Is over- whelmed by the tender lovlna care the children insist on fivinr him, (R) 0 NN'S (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ID Buru•a Ln (60) Qt Ci) McHalt's Navy (30) @!) Rewista Muslcal (30) and Mrs. Peel Investigate the case 10:00 1J 9 Cl> 118¢~ Harl.. CGl- of 1 man who apparently cannot bnJ Ftstiwal (C) 1 ) The Cham· die. (R) bers Brothers, the Fifth Dimension, O Mlllloft $ llovit; UJu.arlz" (dra· Edwin H1wkins Singers, Abbey Un· ma) '39-Paul Munl, Bette Davis. coin and Max Roach, Georce Kirby I Trutlt or Consequences (C) (30) and The Olatunji African d1ncers hrl'J MllOl'I (60) and drummers star In a special lnnontiens (30) "Hew Pipe-that depicts the role of the black e Technology." Dr. Richard Bren-artist in the entertainment world. neman looks 1t the uses of Techite, The First Harlem Cultural Fastlval 1 filament reinforced plastic mortar was taped in Mount Morris Park developed from use In manufactur-in Hew Yor11's Harlem. Ing rocket casings. 0 m Ntwa (C) (60) @!) hM cit Palenes (30) 0 (i1) Cl)&) Did Cantt (C) (60) 1:00 0 a;, SNW PREVIEW Doc (C) 0 Dtll1! (C) (60) (30) Forrest Tucker stars as an In· tE flrlna line (C) (60) "The Cam- dispensable ~an.town doctor whose pus Destroyers." Al Capp and Mr. patients wont let him retire. Mir. William F. Buckley discuss the 1aret Ann Petenon and Rtek Lenz tactics of the New Left ind the I~,,. ,,.., (30) failures of the intellectual com- Haut (C} (30) munlty. World "• (C) (66) el Mu Alla de 11 Muerta (C) (30) Hit l'aradt (C) (60) 10:30 II) NN'S (C) (30) Bill Johns. 1:30 tJ 9 Cl) lftft's LUCJ (C) (30) @I) f1llaste Cofann (30) Mr. "i""ooney refuses to finance an U ·OO tJ 0 0 el g;, a) News (C) old flfhter (Don Rickles) who wan • _ Alhd Hitdtod to open 1 flower shop, so Lucy de-~ · cides to manage him in 1 priz•rinf O Movie: "Adorlble Jlllla" (com- comeback. (R) edy) '63--lilli Palmer, Charin Boy- 0 Q)@ @?:) NIC Monday Movie: er. (C) "SotMthh11 Wiier (drama) '61 m l11 ddtn'1 hlltrJ (C) Hup -Carroll Baker, Ralph Meeker, Mii· O'Brien, Chlta Rivera, Scoey Mltchlll dred Dunnock. Charles Watts. Hav· (Utst. Word portrait Is of Kitt Ing stopped a teena1t assault vie-Oou111s. tim from committln1 suldde, a m Mwit: "AdDfs Ind Sin" (dra- young min attempts to overcome ma) '53-Edward G. Robinson. Ed- his loneliness by Imprisoning her die Albert. In his dreary apartment (R) (i1) CI) 9@ ~ (j) News (C} II Ctldtn Yopp (C) (30) U (i1) CD® TM Cuna tf Wlll 11:30 fJ Movt.: "Tiit lost MoMtlr' Sonnttt (C) (30) "One AnffY Jurof." (drama) '47 -Robert Cummings, Wiii causes a deadlock when he Susan Hayward. suspects a defendant la beln1 rall· D ~ (I) m Tonialtt ... (C) roaded durini 1 Jury trial. (R) g Mowtt: "TM Iii Wne" (dra-m David frost (C) (90) ma) '61-Sessue Hayakawa, Mldley m 1t1111 '" , .. LHt cC> <60> eurtl$. 9:001J MtJbtny RFD (C) (30) Mike 0 @ (}) t!E MJ Blstlop (C) ind his friend Harold have a boy- hood argument, so the menfolk 12:30 ID Cisco Kid take them on a camping trip to ID Action Theatre: "Stranfe Ad- show them how adults get alon1. venture." (R) 12:45 IJ Mwle: "Ordered To l"9" (dra-11 WHERE'S THE ACTION? ma)-Mari• Perschy, M1risa Mell. * THE BARON KNOWS! 1:00 DU News CC> 0 TM a.,.. (C) (fiO) "So Out 1J C..•nftJ 8.U.tin 1Nr4 (C) the Nlfhl" The Baron finds In- trigue, murder end an attempt at 1:15 tJ Mevlt: "Taranblla" (horror) '56 menge In an old country house. -John Acar, Leo G. Carroll. TUESDAY JULY 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME _MOVIES -9:001J ''Bliek M11ic" (mystery) '44- Akim Tamiroff, Orson Welles. fJ "W..Und With Father'' (com· edy) '52-Van Heflin, Patricia Neal. fJ "Chicbn Every SUndlf' (com· edy) '47-0an Dailey, Celeste Holm. 9:30 m "Action In Ar1bl1" (adventure) '44-George Sanders, Gene Lock· hart. 12:00 Ct ''Wlddinc Presenr• (comedy) '36-Cary Grant, Joan Bennett 12:30 m "I Know Where 1'11 Goin(' (ro· mance) '47-Wendy Hiller. "New Orleans After Derk" (mystMY) '58- Stacy Harris. 2:00 G) "Green Buddha" (adventure) '5!>-Wayne Morris, May Germaine. 3:00 fJ (C) "Royal Sundal" (comedy) '45 -Tallulah Bankhead, Charles Cob um. 4:30 IJ "Love Happy" (comedy) '50- The Marx Brothers, Vera· Ellen. [VfNING 6:00 1J Tbe Bie Ntw1 (C) (60) Dunphy. 0 m HunUtJ·BrlnkltJ (C) (30) IJ Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Joan· nie Sommers, Milton Berle, Stan Fisher and Jonathan Moore guest 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Mr. Hobbs Takes 1 Vacation" Part II (comedy) '62 -James Stewart. Maureen O'Hara. 11 Spy (C) (60) I love Luq (60) Batman (C) (30) (]) Miu Douetu fD LIVE PICS FROM MARS * Only FULL coverage here Of Mariner relay to JPL fl) I "iclAL! Ma ri ner to Min (3 'h hr) Live coverage of activity at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as the first of the Mariner VI Satel· lite pictures of Mars are beamed back to Earth. Thirty-three pictures will be transmitted from a distance of 700,000 miles from Mars. @!) Juventud DMno Tesoro (30) a> News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 0 KNBC Newurvict (C) (60) Q) Yor11e to th Bottom of ttle Seaw· _l60) Q) ~ (j) m News (C) (30) m tidefo 34 (C) (60) 7:00 IJ CBS Evenlne News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 00 Feature (C) (30) I WMf1 My line? (C) (30) Pmwnf (C) (30) Cl) TM 8oocl Ciuys (C) (30) ls&lncll In the sun (C) (30) Dream House (C) (30) 7:30 IJ Qi Ci) Llnctf (C) (60) G•est Stefanie Powers pleys a wlnJOme Irish las.s who cons Scott lencer into believln1 her connivin1 father (Jonathan Harris) Is really an In· nocent, down·on·his·luck farmer, and thet'eby Inflicts a wave of thlev· ery on the local countryside. (R) 0 Q) @ @m star Trett (C) (60) "That Which Survives." Stranded on a hostile an<( barren planet, Cap. tain Kirk and Dr. McCoy face star· vat.ion and a mysterious female enemy as the Enterprise Is hurled 1,000 lltht years away. Lee Meri· wether guests. (R) MYSTERIOUS STRANGER-Yul 8ryDDel' stars u Jula Gupard d'~Jq, ftputed to poSHll oue of the most feared aJtd fastest suns In Che West, hi "lnYltadoa to a Gunfilbter," tbe NBC Tuesday Nlabt Mom at 9 PM. IJ Jack Bennr (30) Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stewart and Barbara Nichols guest 0 @ (]) G) Mod Squid (C) (60) "A Reign of Guns.'' The Squad tangles with a wealthy arch-con· servative who is forming a private militia armed with stolen guns. (R) fJ Million $ Movie: "The Ylflfn Queen" (drama) 'SS-Bette Davis. Richard Todd. m Tr.utti or Consequences (C) (30) G) Peny Maton (60) fD MORE MARS PHOTOS * LIVE: Mariner to JPL I Duelo de P1sioMS (30) 8:00 line GrtJ (30) Hilt! (C) (30) Discotheque 1 Co-Co (C) (60) 8:30 ~ (j) The Liberace Show (C) (60) Minnie Pearl, Mike Newman and the Chelsea Pensioners, alone with special guest Nancy Wilson are featured. o tDoo m1u111 cc> cao> "Wanda Means Well." Julia's apart- ment is burglarized with the unwit· ting help of Earl J. Wauedom's aunt Wanda. (R) 1J Gisele MacKenzie's Betllr Half Hour (C) (30) Eartha Kitt and Fa- ther Tom Vau&hn 1uest. (R) 0 ~CI)~ It Takes I Thief (C) (60) "nie Naked Billionaire." Alex· (Continued) POWERFUL KNXT DRAMA POSES UNIQUE PROBLEMS A powerful, contemporary drama about an aging white million- aire who seeks a young black man for a brain transplant airs on KNXT. Channel 2, at I 0 PM. Entitled "The Opportunity," the play was produced by KNXT in Channel 2's Hollywood studios and is part of the CBS-Owned television stations' "Repertoire Workshop" exchange series, a show- case for developing talent new to the performing arts. This particular KNXT production is unusual in that it examines what may be forthcoming on the medical horizon-brain trans- plants. At the same time, the drama pits material values against human values in a life-and-death situation. Beyond that, it is a microscopic examination of the present opportunities available to the black man. "The Opportunity," very briefly. is about a young couple wbo meet at a carwasb where. be loses his job. A couple of days later at her apartment she goads him into answering an ad in an under- ground newspaper which offers $100,000 for what is described as "An Opportunity," but which is not spelled out in the advertise- ment. He answers the ad and what follows is a heated and some- time humorous confrontation as an aging white millionaire seeks to buy the young man's body for the surgical accommodation of his brain. When he meets resistance, the millionaire ups the ~rice but .shortens the time for the contract, leading to a very surprising ending. "The Opportunity" heralds the television debut of four highly talented local oewcomers to the world of entertainment-actress Lavelle Roby, actor Winston Thrash, and its two playwrights Bruce Buckingham and Irwin Barnette. "The Opportunity" is a three-character play and is enhanced by the performance of veteran Broadway and motion picture actor John Harding, who portrays the aging white milliooafre Lyle A. York. Mr. Thrash portrays Gilbert Madden, the prospective brain recipient; and Miss Roby portrays his ambitious girlfriend, Fran- cie Turner. Lavelle Roby and Winston Thrash BED WETTING* CORRECTED! Rtcommended a1e.s 4 thru 50 The ENURTONE method hes proven In over 450,000 cases that It can stop bed-wetting (Enuresis),• wtt.n not cauMd by Mg•nlc defects or di Me Ma, In just ~f'.*nuu11.eaks. Not~ drug or dial; just a simple exer· ctse technique. Approved by many doctors. Mal C..-lw FUt IOOKLET "tlO·lffTTIM: 111 U••· tftect _.,.__.._ ........ ...... , ....... ___ ...... ~ ... .. __ ,_,_Ill~. __ ,.._ __ .,._ ..... ---·wellMf. ,_ ... ~I ..... N Mallof ,._,., .....,._ .. ...,.._. Conl'!Pt '"'· '* IJIUITOllt ~""" -~---M:i-.;·cNURTOftEOOMPNfY-:';;.Sii7800-;;;-m,-----· TARZAHA MEDICAL CVCTER, SUITE 208 117'° YEJmJRA 8lVD •• TARI.ANA, CAI.If. 91356 NAM,.._------------- AOORES.._------------~ C ITY STATE----- PHON...._ ______ ___,_1p _____ _ Minnie Pearl: Hillbilly in London Somehow. you don't eapect to .ftncl a real. liw, exuberant hill- billy pl In J..ondoo. but in thele days of swift air transport any-tbiaa can happen. A breath ol Nashville, Tenn., country air baa ftoaled into die Bridah capital in the shape ot Minnie Pearl.. The comedienne made tho trip to EnJlaod to l4d her humorous pres-I eoce to The La'berttce Show (Tuaday at 8:30 PM) oa C~. Minnie Pearl'• wardrobe ia in atrikiq coatraat to l.oodon'a famous Carnaby SUwt loot. With her PntJwn aod lace and beftowered straw bata ahe looks more like a oouotry cousin sttaiabt 1 from • boe-dowa. She bail visited Europe before, but tbia ia her ftnt appearance in a ~uced show. Tbouab famed from one end of the United SWa to the otbet became of the tm.boaored Grand Ole ()pry a'bow and .bet aueat ap_pearancea dais summer in tho Hee Kaw comedy --OD c~. Minnie Pearl is but • name to viewcn 1D many ocher countries, indudiq Britain. Jucfaina, .bowewr, from ber implCt OD the Britiah studio audi- eoces wm-biq 1'be Ubence SbOw iD production, Minnie Pearl can haw BriWn at her feet aay lime a'be likes. WELCOMB-LJ'*'-" wlcotM$ C'OffWfll~w N l"1tl• P~l. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JULY 26, 1969 SHOWCASE 5 STAN KENTON: "BOUND TO BE HEARD" "It's the price we pay to P.lay our music without compromise, ' states jazz crusader Stan Kenton In this penetrating 60-minute special. The ''price" is revealed as a sensitive and poetic color camera follows Ken· ton and his big band on a nine.week concert tour where he plays to rapt audiences in school gyms, a church, union halls, smoky night spots, and at the Ohio State Penitentiary. TONlGHT-UO • COLOR • KnA fS TUESDAY {Continued) Lavelle Roby as the latter's ambl· ander Mundy is assigned to find tlous &irlfriend, Francie TurnM. out if Daniel K. Ryder, a billion· IJ m Nftl (C) (60) a ire Industrialist with a passton for fJ li9' f"ii'\ .ft\ Did Cavett (C) (60) privacy, is still •live. Siiiy KellM· \UJ \JU~ man, Richard Culson, Maril Rich· 0 O.llil (C) (60) man auest (Reschedul~) (R) fE USC Music FestW1I (60) John m OIVld frost (C) (90) CfOwn ho.sts a proaram f11turtn1 cellist Gabor Rejto and pianist Alice m i lfRW I liltclla1 .,_ ..... Rejto. Selections are Son1t.a In A nu• and laltty Circus (C) (60) major, Op. 69, by Beethoven; SoM· Bill Burrud and Dave Reeves pro· ta, Op. 4, by Kodaly; and Sonata In vlde a behind·th•scenes look at A major, by Boccherini. circus Ille and a v1riety of acts ind ,,;;a Ci) Fublre (30) 1ttractlons, lncludina clowns, tra· IOI peze artists, Juulers and b,1utiful @!) Mn Alta de la Muerw (C) (30) &iris. 10:30 1J 9 Ci) CIS News Sptdel (C) 9:00 O 9 @ d.\ NBC TuadaJ Mov-(30) ''The President Abroad." Ber· le: (?) "lnvttation bl a G.afl,.._.. nard Kalb. Peter Kalischer and (western) '64-Yul Brynner Janice Georae Syvertsen report on Preli· Ru~e. Georae Se11I, Brad ' Outer. dent Nixon's visit to BanPolc-Ac· 1J FANTASTIC HOUR compan1i.-1 the President are White _ * WITH STAN KENTONI House Correspondents Dan Rather • and Robert Pierpoint D Showcue 5 (C) (60) "Bound m Nm (C) (30) Bill Johns. To Be Heard." Jan musician Stan t!) F1llnta Corazon (30) Kenton is featured. The camera and n ·oo -0 0 n:l ~ ~ Ntw1 (C) toond crew follow Kenton's Band • .,, l:lil 1:1.:1 \;.ti on an extended nine weell bus tour 1J Alfred Hitdlcocl of one-night stands throughout the 0 Movie: "Castle of Terrot" (hor· country, capturina the flavor of ror) '63 -Georae Revere, Barbara playinr In smoky niaht spots, school Steele. gyms. union. halls, chu~hes ind m l.&ldclen'a Gallery (C) Celebrity even the Ohio State Penitentiary. ruests are sinrer Faron Youna. @!) Pandorama (30) actor Jack Palance. comic penon· 9:30 IJ 9 (j) Doris 011 (C) (30) ality Pat Buttram, actms E. J. Joseph Campanella plays I con Peaker a_nd Randy Sparks eona;c- man who has convinced the Cotina lion sin11n1 aroup. Word Portrait: Civic Improvement Committee, of Dr. Suess by Donald Freeman. which Doris is the chairman, that m Movie: "HolldQ Wlff" (~ he will need them to help raise manee) '47-teslle DwyM. money to build a community ten· @ Ci) Qj (j) 9 (j) lltwa (C) ~~m m Ny p D (C) (30) 11:301J ~It: ''Wolf ~" (adven- ''Boys' Nlfht Out" Police detec-ture) 58 -Sany Sulhvan, Peter tlves hunt extortionist tryina to Graves. shake down several neirhborhood 0 @ @ m Tonlalrt .,_ (C) bar owners. (R) II Movie: "Dade Gau WHt" I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. (comedy) '41'--Eddie Albert. Gale lllfb'a Law (60) Storm. The French Chaf (30) CR) O @(i)G) Jotr Bishop (C) Cbcho Anllanlt (C) (30) 12:30 m Cllill« 10:00 R Repertoire Worbhop (C} (30) m Action Theatre: "Four Illls In I 'The Opportunity" Drama about 1 Jeep." con~ract. between an aaina white 12:40 fJ Movie: "War of the Sat.lllW' mllhonaire and a young black man (scl·fi) '58 _ Susan Cabot, Dick for a brain transplant The produc-Miiier tion heralds the television debut of l:OOB 0· Nt (C) two new playwrlahts. Bruce Buck· • "' in1ham and lrwh1 Barnette. Star· CoM111rn~ lullttin lolrd (C} rin1 in the unusual three-ch1racter 1:15 IJ Movie: "The Lon( H1ul" (mys. play are John Hardina u the prar· tery) '57-Vlctor Mature. matic millionaire, Lysle A. York; 1:30 m All·Nl&ht Show: "Glory at Se1," Winston Thrash •s the lonely youna '1'ice at the Wlndow" 1nd "U-238 black man. Gilbert Madden; and ind the Witch Doctor." I· I) n ' 8 ~ I• ~ t • r WEDNESDAY JULY 30 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY - TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O ,_e l..ut of Ille Mohicans" (drama) '30-Randol~ Soott, Bruce Cabot tJ "Mr. Belvedere ltinp the Befr' (drama-comedy) '51-Clifton Webb, Joanne Dru. O "Kiss of De1tb" (drama) '4 Brian Oonlevy, Coleen Gray. 9:30 Q) "The Caee of Gold" (drama) '52-Jean Simmons. David Farrar. LZ;OO D "Safari'' (adventure) '4-0-Ma· deleine Carroll, Ooui1as fairt>anks Jr. 12:30 m (C) "Mute, of Ult World'' (sci·fi) '61 -Vincent Price. "Un· tamed Women" (adventure) '52- 0oris Merrick. 2:00 ID ''Curse of the Factleu Man" (horror) '58 -Richard AnderlOfl, Elaine Edwards. 3:00 O "Too Much Too Soon" (dra· ma) '58--0orothy Malone. 4:30 fJ (C) '1'he Treasure of Pandlo V1ll1'' (adventure) '55-Rory Cal· tioun, Shelley Winters. EVENING 6:00 IJ The Ble News (C) {60) Jerry Oun~. 0 W HunlltJ·Brin•ltJ (C) (30) 0 steve Allen $llow (C) (90) Buddy Luter, The Grassroots, Mickey Rooney, Sid Gould, Patty Simms Wyle guest fJ Six O'Cloct Movie: (C) ·~Anu­ tasia" (drama) '56-Ingrid Berg- man. Yul Brynner. 11 Spy (C) {60) I LO¥t Luc, (60) B1tm1n (C) (30) (3) Mih Dou&fas I #Jl(1l1. I Marin• to Mari (cont'd.) Live coverage of activity at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as the second set of Mars pictures are transmitted by the Mariner VI satellite. Ell Juventud Divlno Teson> (30) :m News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 0 KNBC NtwNrvi« (C) (60) m Voyap \o the Bottom of the Sta~) (60) 16 Huntl.,·Brlnkley (C) (30) I er;, Ntwa (C) (30) Noticiero 34 {60) 7:00 1J CBS &tnine News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Wlllt'• My line? (C) {30) P1U1!f0f'd (C) (30) 6 You Aslled for It (30) ®Beverly Hiiibiiiies (C) (30) W.ndtt1ust (C) (30) DrtHI House (C) (30) 7:30 II Tann (C) (60) Tamn leads a safari Into a dangerous are1 where rumors Indicate a famous woman artls1 may be held, only to find he faces more daneer from his safari members than from the natives. .IB> fl!) Yew Doll11'1 WOlth (C) (60) "Auto Repair." CritlC$ and rep· mentatlves of the auto Industry, lncludine Ralph Nader and Sen. Philip Hart discuss the high cost of auto repairs, new car warranties and mechanics' lees.. fl) W• J Enrique (60) 9:30 ~ 9 (() 4irten Acres (C) (30) Oltver sunests the rutabaga as a new crop for Hooterville farmers, alone with a publicity campalill to create a market. (R) D tU (!) m The Virilnlln (C) (90) "Fox, Hound, and the Widow MeCloud." Victor Jory. his wife Jean Inness. and Troy Donahue euest In story of an escaped convict in flight from a bounty hunter. {R) O Jack Benny (30) "How Jack Found Mary." 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. •@@E!)Htrt Contt th IDlurte's Llw {60) I~ .~C> (60) "A Orea!" Th~t 10:00 I) f8 (i) Hawaii rnte-0 (C) (60) Glitters. Candy has a surprise. vl~rt A nightcliib singer {Tommy Sands) from her grandfath_er, Ben1amin who is also .,. ~ ~ leads Pruitt, w~o is conv1~ Ill Wl1 Steve McGarrett in 8 desperate !ind aold. in .SeattJe. While .Prost>tCt· chase up and down the sheer walls mg, Ben1am1n is trapped 1n a cave· of a Waikiki hotel. {R) In. Wiii Geer guHts. {R) 0 Miiiion $ Movla: (C) "Apldto" 0 ~ @ er;, ~ Ou~tr (C) (western) '54-Burt Lancaster. Jean (60) Handle W~th Care. On as· Peters. slenment tor an insurance company I Trvtll or Consequ.noes (C) (30) facing heavy. losses . in a rash of Perry Mason (60) trucll robbenes, David Ross PGHS Black Penpedive (30) as a hood and Infiltrates a hijeck· (j) Best of Hollywood (2 hrs) ln11 ring. (R) "Clash by Night." 0 m News {C) (60) Ell Duelo de Puiones (30) fJ o.lla! (C) (60) @) Speculation (60) "The Jazz, a:oo I line Gny <30> Pop, Rock Scene." Dr. Keith Ber. Hazel (C) (30) wick discusses the types of music : Joyce Chen Coob (30) and groups with janman Stan Ken· • lm1M1ctos Musicalei (30) ton, conductor-arranger Gene Page 8:30 fJ Tht Sood 4iup (C) (30) Bert and Leonard Feather, LA. Times has to break the news to Rufus that critic. their poker club doesn't want him El) Met Alla de 11 Muel'U (C) (30) to play with them anymore be-. cause he will not follow the rules. 10:30 ID News (C) (30) Bill Johns. (R) G) flllast. Corazon (30) 0 Win With the star. (C) (30) 11 :00 1J 0 O El) er;, al Ntwt (C) Soupy SaiM and Jack Carter guest. g Alfred Hlkhcocll D @ m Gl The Klnr F 1mit, (C) 0 Movie· (C) "No TllM for Ser'· (30) The spotlight Is on the ladies runts" (comedy) '58-Andy Grif. as "ll's a Girl" o,pens tonight's fill), Nick A.dams. show. Zary. Donna s 18-year·~!d m Llldden's ttalltfJ (C) Celebrity daughter: Joins . the group ~ A guests are singer Tommy Roe, comic Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody. (R) personality Simmy Bow, conversa· m David Frost (C) (90) tionalist Pamela Mason and The ID Run for Yotrt Ufa (C) (60) Randy Sparks Collection sin1ing Eii) Sptdr11111 (C) (30) "The Alco-voup. Word Portraits: Vanessa holic American." Host David Prowitt Redgrave by C. Robert Jennings; discusses the plleht of America's and J. Paul Getty by Edana Romney. six million "problem drinkers" and ID Movie· "Riot in Juvenile Prison" how their condition affects t~e lives (drama) -,59-Jerome Thor, Mar· of. those close to t~em with Dr. cia Henderson. N1chola.s Khoury, . chairman of the fi'il r1i"\ ID 00 Qi (j) Newa (C) alcoholism committee of the Los \.U) ~ Angeles Medical Association. 11:30 IJ Movie: (C) "Ride 1 Crooked Ell Sonrisls (30) Trail" (western) '58-Audie Mur- 9:00 IJ Benrly Hillbilllts (C) (30) phy, Walter Matthau. Guest Pat Boone plays himself and D @ 00 m Tonietrt Sllow (C) sings a countJY song. Boone goes II Movie:, "Roclllnc ~ Wlnntr:'' to Banker Orysdale's mansion with (drama) 50-John Mills. Valene an eye to buying it but Is dis-Hobson. tracted when he sniffs Granny's 0 @ (})al Joey Bishop (C) collard ireens and fatback cooking 1Z:30 m Chiller next door. (R) ID Action Theatre: "Copacabana," 0 ID@ er;, Kraft Music Hill (C) starring Groueho Marx and Carmen (60) Barbara Feldon and Norman Miranda Wisdom are guests in London· · taped show starrlni Sandler & 12:50 B Movie: "Tornedo" (adventure) Young with Judy Came. •ij -Marie McDonald. Chester O Wrutlinf (C) (60) The Myste-Morris. rious Or. X is featured. 0 (j1) (3)G) ABC Wtdnud11 Movie: (C) "Banal Banet Yol'rt Dead!" (comedy) '66 -Tony Ran· 1:00 O Spqkin& Frttfy (C) II Cofll111unlty Bulletin Board (C) ONWI (C) dall, Senta Berger, Herbert Lorn. 1:15 fJ Morit; "Man Atralcl" (mystery) Unassuming American arrives In '57--George Nader. MOl'OC:CO and finds himself en- meshed in the machination of a apy ring that seeks to undermine the United Nations. (R) 1:30 0» All-Nleflt Sllow: ''Notorious Gen· tleman," "Fire Over Rome" and ''Genii of Oarilness, '' IMAGINE 'YOURSELF BEHllD THE MICROPHOllEI WHICH OF THESE 4 FASClllATlllG CAREERS lllTERESTS .YOU1 0 DISC JOCKEY O NEWSCASTH 0 SPORTSCASTH O COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCO FREE VOICE ANALYSIS TILLS YOU If YOU HAVE "HIDDEN T ALENf"I fRAIN AT tiOME 011 IN OUll BEAUTIFUL NCW STUOIO SCHOOL! You can study broadcast techniques •I llomt , In ,our spare time. or In our new l roedcHl· 1na School-LOCATED RICHT HUIE IN lOS AICC£L£S.-under the supervision of our Otret llnr hculty of 11 f1mou1 bro1dcu tera. Rtd•o· TV st1t1ons everywhere htve tn IMMEDIATE OEMAHO for bo(h men Ind wonitn to take over Important &ood· payrna jobs ri&hl llOW. NATION-WIDE PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE •t no Hirt coil! Tuition auistance av1llabl1. Send to CARlER ACAOEMY'S dlvl&IOll of famous Broadcasters for FREE book· let. record, and voice an111111 det1ll1. NOTIC£: ENROU HOW FOlt CARl'.Elt ACAD£MY'S NEXT CUSS! THIS COULD BE YOUR CHANCE TO ~ 'fOUltSEU' 8EHIND THE M1Clt0"40NED •An accr.dlted member of lh• Ne· tion1I Home Study Council and th• •National Assocl•tlon of Trade and Technical Schoola • AP9!'0Ved for Vet~•n Tralnln1 • M1mb1r of C-allfoml• Assoc:leUon for Private Education •An ell1lble Institution under the federally Insured Student Loin Proanm. ,------·-------------~ : CAREER ACADEMY Q : ,., Hollywiood Boltlevanl J"l' Los Ancetes, ~llfomil 90011 9 f'ttMt: (213) 4'4.ozzl I WMI I• ~-lf l Iliff llrt.tdc.utlnt •J!ltlldt -1h '"'ft•jflt f'lllM Ill.it 11t .,. iftf.,..lion AddrffS City. St4te/Zlp Phone I am interested In O Clusroom O Home Study I eTUDIO H•, .--------------------- hae 15 , r NEW CAREERS I FOR PEOPLE I I WHO LIKE PEOPLE! I I Let Lewis train you as a I HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGER 1. or your choice of ss I -.1 ottler-excittng tobs (hostess, social di· 1 rector, executive I housekeeper, apart· ment manager, etc.) I in the booming hos· I pitality business! • jobs waiting all over I continental U.S., Ha· I waii I • good pay; some jobs I include apartment •age no barrier; men, I women and couples I needed I •ho previous experi· I ence required •learn at home or at-I I tend classes in Los I I I Angeles I • free book tells how easy it is to learn, 1 how Lewis Schools' 53 years of experi· ence , placement I assistance at no ad· ditional cost can help you get started I in a job that's like a vacation with pay! I Phone (213) 749-14381 I !lr send a postcard giv· mg your name, age, phone and address to: I I Uwis Holll/llotel Schools I 7080 Hollywood Blvd. I Suite L-1937 I Los Angeles, California 90028 L .. hp 11 THURSDAY JULY 31 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. AJI sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 a ''Tht Cruel Su" (drama) '53 -Jack Hawkins, Donald Sinden. 0 "Too Ma.., Huabandl" (COm· edy) '40-Jeen Arthur, Fred Mac· Murray. 0 ''Youns Man Witll a Hom" (drama) '50-Klrt Douglas, Lauren Bacall. 9:30 m "Rinp on ..... fln&eB" (com· edy) '42-Henry Fonda, Gene Tier· ney. lZ:OO 0 .. , Am Ute law" (drama) '38- Edward C. Robinson, Otto Ktuaer 1Z:30 m "Claudia and Dntd" (romance} '46-0orothy McGuire, Robert Young, "The Hideout" (mystery) '51 Howard Keel. 2:00 ID "The Rossiter Case" (mystery) '51-Helen Shineler, Stanley Balcer. 3:00 0 (C) "The EnJ Wa'/" (comedy) '52-Cary Grant, Betsy Drake. 4:00 u (C) urwo Tlcuts to 8roldwlf' (musical) '51-Tony Martin, Janet Leigh. fVfNING 6:00 I) Tiie II& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. D m Huntlq·Brlnkley (C) (30) e Stew Allen 5'IOW (C) (90) Bob Klein. Jr. Walker and The All· Stars. Mort Sahl. Lynne Lipton and Whitey Roberts auesl 0 Sil O'Clod Mme: (C) "Battle rt ApacM Pass" (western) '52- Jelf Chandler. John Lund. I LCM Locy (60} labftan (C} (30) 11 Sn (C) (60) Cl) Mike Douetu (C) (90) Wi•t's New? (30) Rims or hunt· e wildlife In the Northwoods and the story of the American flag. @I) Jwentod Divlno Tet0n> (30) (!) """ (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 B KNIC NIWllfYQ (C) (60) m v.,•s• to tt1t lotto• or u.. Su (C) (60) ~ Ci) H11111ley·Brft1llfJ (C) (30) mfr. lnveetiptors (C) (30) "Sci· enc:e Abused." Alan Scott looks into the llleaal end dangerous use of drup. eapecially hallucinogenics. Acents from the Food i nd Dru Administration discuu lllepl drus traffic. ~ (j) m News (C) (30) g) '10tic1n 34 (C) (60) 7:00 8 CIS Evtnlnf Ntwa (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ W11al'1 My UM? (C) (30) Willy Bruner hosts. m Pasnord (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. Tl1E DAILY PILOT, lV WE£K, JULY 26, 1969 @ @ Hfctl and Wiid (C) (30) fl) Mala J E'Jhla. (C) (30) fii) Pl.,t111 tfM Sultar (30) "Cor· t:OO 11 t,it ()) CIS Tllulldey Mwle: rectlon of Common Faults." The (C) ~P of tfM Saxons" (•dvetl· second series bealns with Frederick ture) '63-Ronald lewis, Janettt Hoed correctlna faults found after Scott. Ronald Howard. A colorful a survey of his students. motion picture that hl&hliaflts the di ()) McHale't Nev, (30) tourneys, Joust3 and lntritues of m Tnie ~' (C) (30) the court of Kine Arthur. (R) a> Drea11 Houle (C) (30) O @ ClJ.ED This Is r.. Jona 7·-~ (30) Shani Willis, Stevie Won· ·-der, Pat Paulsen and The Hollies. B Kai Kan Presents auast. * ANIMAL WORLD B) £J Mundo &ta Loco (60) "Land of the Kiwi" 9:30 D @00 m Dra&Mt <C> (30) I)~()) Anhui Wortd (C) (30) "F0<1ery-DR·33"-Set. Friday and Holl~s animal "stars" are Officer Gannon track down a fa<· shown at woril and at play. featured eery suspect wh~ ti.as been brain· are mens. raCCQOnS. aeasa.. chimps washed. by her h1pp1e friends. Cary a nd ho($es. Crosby ruests. (R) 0 Q) (6) m Da111tt Boone (C) fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyer1. (60) "Minnow for a Sharil." When ID Burte's Llw (60) lsml refuses to Involve an old EJi) Wuhlneton In Revt.w (C) (30) seaf•rilli friend In a robbery, hia life is threafened. Henry Jones 10:00 0 ~ 00 m Tiii Soldd!U'f'I (C) ruests. (R) (60) The Golddlaers lmperaonate 1J Jedi Benny (30) som.e Of tho screen's most fll"'!>UI . feminine stars In their muSICal 0 @ CDG> The Flyinf N110 (C) salute that Includes numbers such (30) "Cousins by the Dozens." Car· as "Moon of Manakoora'' and los Ramirez's poor relations move "Animal Crackers In My Soup" in on him at Sister Bertrille's invi· -m Ntws (C) (60) . tation. (R) ~ fJ Million $ MOYie: "Toya In die 0 Saspense ThNtre (C) (60) Attic" (drama) '6.3--0ean Martin, 0 Dtlla! (C) (60) Yvette Mlmleux. @ (]) Spotllpt (C) (60) Trinl L~ tD TruUI or Coftltquenca (C) (30) P«Z stars. Bob Barker hosts. EJi) Sounds of SUmllff (C) (2 hr) ID Pmy Muon (60) (R) EJi) en.ts Muter Class (30) First @I) Mas Nia de la Muerte (C) (30) In a series of performances by UC (!) Pauport to Travel (C) (30) ~erkeley studen~ u~der the d.ir~-10:30 ID News (C) (30 Biii Johns. hon of the distinru1shed muS1C11n • Pablo Casals. The Initial proaram g) Fa.lam Corazon (30) features cello students playing (!) Twllia1rt 1.one (30) "Sonata Ho. l " by Brahms. 11:00 I) 0 1J @I) m m Nen (C) @I) Duelo de Pulones (30) 1J Alfred Hitcllcocll . &:00 I)~ Cl) nt hison« (C) (60) fJ Movie; "lord of Utt Flies" (dta· The Prisoner Is tricked Into dis· ma) '63 -James Aubrey, Tom covetlne a fiendish plot. When he Chapin. learns the truth, he is able to save m Ludden'1 Sillery (C) Ja~e Cur· the intended victim. (R) tis. Jodi Miller, Barry Sullivan auest. 1J Zane Grey (30) Word portraits are of Ray Charles 0 @CV G> Tbat Gift (C) (30) and Bina Crosby. ''The Subject Was Rabies." Because ID Movie: "Kins of tfM Under· Ann Marie takes time to five a world" (drama) '39--«ay Frands. stray pup a saucer of milk while Humphrey Bogart. rushing off for a Broadway job in· @ CV 9 (j) 9 Cl) News (C) tervlew. he< father is convinced he 11:30 f) Mow\« "While t11e CitJ $heps-" hu a dread disease. (R) (mystery) '5&-Dana Andrews, Ida m Hazel (C) (30) Lupino. fii) NET Playllo• (90) ''The Seek· 0 fD@ m Tonlpt Sllow (C) ers -The Materialis~." °"!e final 1J Movie: "Freida" (drama) '47- play in Ken T~~lor's f!llo&Y IS about David Farrar, Glynis Johns. a German polit~I pnsoner In 1942 r.'"11 who finds an alternative to nihilism ~ U.L1 CI> EB JotJ lbllop Show even In the Inhumanity of Ausch· witz. Michael Bryant stars. 1Z:30 m CHltr g) Feliciano! (C) (30) ID Action Theatre: "Twtnty Brave 1:30 D @ (6) m lronsidt (C) (60) Men." ''PuuleloCl" Chief Ironside must 12:45 0 Mowle: "Ambm In Llopanl discover a weak link In the perfect stmt". (mystery) '59-James Ken- alibl of a police-trained slayer. ney, M1ehael Brennan. Simon Oakland ruests. (R) 1:00 D Movie: .. Mad Extcdenm" 0 lo:alns (C) (90) Dave Niehaus (m~ry) '65 -Hansi0<& felmy, and Mickey Davies are rtnplde. Mana Perschy. fl (jj) Cl)al Bewitclled (C) (30) 0 Cu1munlty lutletln Board (C) "Samantha TM1ches for UNICEF." O News (C) Members of the UNICEF committee 1:15 tJ Movie: '11tt Resttea y~ trick Sam~ntha Into tryine to per· (drama) '59-Teresa Wriaflt, John suade businessman Haskell not to Suon reneae on his pledfe. (R) l :30 m Al~Nlpt Show: ''Hlahly Dan· m Dmcl Frost (C) (90) aerous," "Conflict," ind "World ID Rvn for Yow Utt (C) (60) of the Vampire." ) .. fwen. nette orful the s of OMS Non- lliu. (30) and for. rain- Gary (30) (C) ute IOUS llcal ;uch and lo- hr) 30) Ira· om ur-m. 1es •r· :is. ~· da Vt nt fl- i' fl/, '(' In ,. Id ·'FUN DAY' ... NEW EMPHASIS IN CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING "Fuo Day!" That's the official tag sum- ming up the new approach to children's programming Satur- day mornings on NBC, starting Sept. 6. The emphasis of the new shows will be oo humor, friend- liness and imagination. "Fun Day" is meant to communicate a mood of h appiness and joy. The new shows include: "H . R. Pufnstuf'--a fantasy- adventure series, starring a boy, Jack Wild (Oscar-nominee for "Oliver!") on a fantasy island. Everything is alive, including trees, flowers and houses that speak. Mayor of the island is a peculiar-looking but friendly dragon, "H . R. Pufnstuf." The inhabitants are curiously amus- ing characters portrayed by ac- tors inside fully flexible head and body costumes. Creators and producers of the series are Sid and Marty KroffL "Jambo" (meaning "Greet- ings" in Swahili)-a live-action Ivan Tors animal series hosted and narrated by Daktari star Marshall Thompson. Each epi- sode wiJI highlight different ani- mals in personalized, real-life adventure stories. Filmed on three continents and under two oceans. "The Pink Panther" (and "The Inspector") -television premiere of the animated Pink Panther cartoon character orig- FANT ASY ADVENTURE-l~k Wild, Oscar-nominee /or hU per-formance as tlu Artful Dodpr in "Ollverf' will ~ the human uar Involved with fantasy characters Inhabiting an imt11lnary Lt/and, In a nl'W adventure urle1, "H. R. Pufnstu/." Pu/1111uf, uen here wiJh l ack, Is the mayor of the island. inaUy developed by DePatie- Frelcng to itlustrate the titles for the Peter Sellers-David Niven film, "The Pink Panther." Each episode will consist of three seg- ments-two starring 'The Pink Panther" and one starring the hero of a related DePatie-Fre- leng cartoon series, 'The Inspec- tor." ''The Pink Panther" char- acter played the lead in "The Pink Phink" which won an Os- car as the best animated short subject of 1964. "Here Comes the G rump"- an all-new animated DePatie- Preleng series featuring a young boy, Terry Dexter, and his dog, Dip, who are transported to a fantasy land inhabited by a gnome -like character named '"The Grump'' and his steed, a An animatrd character, who has an 01car lo hi.I credit and ii interna· tlona/ly renown~d. now ~mer,u as the title rol~ 1tar of a new TV srl'Us, "The Pink PantMr.'' bumbling dragon. As Terry and Dip plot to return to their home, the well-meaning dragon does more to help them than his own master. The K.roflts, Tors and De- Patic-Freleng welcome the new direction that NBC bu taken. ''Through television," said Tors, "we are entering the brain of young children, so we better keep our hands very, very clean. My whole life has been involved in areas of importance to par- ents. The whole point I wish to make with these stories is that if we can make friends with animals, we can do this with people. If at'limaJs respond to gentleness and love, people will, too." " "The Sour Grapn" moppet dancinf, group, who appear each Saturday morning on NBC'1 The Banana Sp/ t3 Advent11re Hour arr pictured htre with their dance Instructor, Byron Gilliam. u/t lo right: Dtbra Thibo-deaux, Colette Chtnault, lulit Groh.am, Kathy O'Dare and Shirlry Hlllltrom. Sid and Marty Krofft consid- er the new faU season a real breakthrough in children's pro- gramming. "Up till now," said the broth- ers, "Saturday morning TV was vintage 1807! Kids have been seeing cartoons for IS years. They want to see something else. 'The Banana Splits' last season opened the way. What we would like to accomplish with our series is to take away the passiveness of children be- fore the TV set. We are aim- ing at imaginative participation on the part of the child." David DePatie aod Friz Fre- leng arc all smiles about the new Saturday morning look. "Comedy is king againl" they cxclaimed. "We are ~ettina back to what animation was original- ly~y. laughter. The em- phasis will be on comedic action. We are glad to return to tradi- tional animation. This type of work-and viewing-is fun!" Sid and Marty Krofft pay tribute to Hanoa-Barbera and NBC for initiating the break- through resulting in this season's new direction in children's pro- gramming. "It all started with The Ban- ana Splits Adventure Hour on NBC last season," said the Kroffts. "This was to children's programming what Laugh-In was to adult pro~amming and the nighttime variety show." The new shows represent sev- eral tints, iocludina: -The first Saturday morning program ("H. R. Pufnstuf') to present actors in full fantasy costumes in a major showcase, by utiliz.ing the expanse of a large scale studio. This innova- tion in children's programmjng will permit the creators to go beyond the limitations of pup- petry. -The first major animal pro- duction (Ivan Tors' "Jambo"), filmed on three continents and under two oceans, to be pre- sented on Saturday mornings. -The first theatricaJ Acade- my Award-winning cartoon s~ ries ("The Pink Panther") orig- inally produced for adult audi- ences to be presented on Satur- day mornings. -The first all-new animated fantasy series for children ("Here Comes the Grump"). 'The Banana Splits Adventure Hour" returns with songs, jokes, skits, a live-action series, "Dan- ger Island," and cartoons includ- ing "The Arabian Knights," "Mi- cro-Adventures," and an addi- tional animated series, with the title still to be announced. The Banana Splits (Fleegle. Bingo, Snorky and Drooper), four zany rock musicians and comedians, host this fast-moving potpourri from the Banana Pad. The Splits are able to do most everything and anything -sing, dance, perform acrobatics, play musical instruments and match wits with a rival gang, "The Sour Grapes." The Grapes arc the unseen rascals who live just around the block and never appear on the show. In their place arc five rep- resentatives -The Sour Grape Girls, consisting of 11 -and I 2- ycar-olds who also dance with the Splits. FRIDAY AUGUST 1 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES -Y:OO 0 "DHd of Ni&frt" (mystery) '46 -Mervyn Johns, Michael Redgrave, O (C) "Francis Joins tbe WACS" (oo!Mdy) '54 -Donald O'Connor, Julie Adams. 8 ''Top Sectet Affair" (comedy) '57-Susan Hayward, Kirk Dou&las. 9:30 m ''TlleJ Won't lklievt Ml'' (dra· ma) '47-Robert Youn&. Susan Hay· ward. 12:00 O "Buell Benny Rides Al•ln" (comedy) '40 -Jack Benny, Ellen Drew. 12:30 m "Seuet People" (mystery) '52 -Valentina Cortesa. "Alon( tbt Mohawt Trail" (adventure) '64 - John Hart. 2:00 m "Yukoft Yen1eance" (advtn· ture) ·~irby Grant, Monte Hale, Mary Ellen Kay. 3:00 O "Rally 'Round tht Aai, Bop" (comedy) '59 -Paul Newman, Jo. anne Woodward. 4:30 6 "Tiit Tattered Dress" (drama) '"S7-Jeff Chandler, Jeanne Crain. !VfN I NC 6:00 II The I I( ..... (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. 0 m H11nU.,.lrhlkleJ (C) (30) 0 Steve Allen Sbow (C) (90) Paul Winchell, Merrilea Rush, Rip Taytor 1uest. fJ @ (]) tl) NIW Yorti Jtta Pl-.. view Show (l) (30) Biii Flemmlna hosts. 11 Spy (C) (SO) I Love Lucy (60) Batman (C) (30) W..afs NIW? (30) Alms of stalkinf deer and moose end of l_yends of the American Revolution. @m Juventud DIYlno Tesoro (30) 6:30 0 KNBC Ntw11Rice (C) (60) fJ (ill (}) al Coli.ti All • Star football ll .. (3 hr) Live coverage of the 36th annual Colleae 'All.sta Game from Soldier Field, Chkaio. The New York Jets. wortd cham. pions of pro football, play last year's best senior colleee player$. ID Yoyaie to ttlt Iott.• of tile Sea ~) (60) @ CI) Huntley·Brtnklty (C) (30) fD BoM Beat (C) (30) "Still Hun. 11ry In America" Is discussed by author Robert Coles and hoJt Rob· ert Cromie. (R) a m m """ <C> c3o> m Notldtro 14 (C) (60} 7:00 II CBS Evenln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 What's MJ Lint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m Password (C) (30) Allen Ludden hoJts. IN SEARCH OF AN ANSWER-Michael Parks stars as Jim Bronson, a sincere young man traveling around tile country looking for the meaning of life, in "Then Came Bronson," on the NBC Saturday Night Movie at 9 PM. Pac• 18 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JULY 26, 1969 @ 00 Clntm• Showuse (C) (90) m Contemporary Compesen (30) first of a two-part study of the life and musical contributions of American composer Aaron Copland. a Ci) lilaybtny RfO (C) (30) m AMrlc.an Wut (C) (30) 7:30 I) Qt Ci) The Wild, Wild West (C) (60) All assignment to take possession of a priceless diamond for the National Museum In Wash· inrton, D.C.. brings James West Sun" (documentary) '6S-A Jacques Cousteau film on life beneath the sea. fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. m Burke's Law (60) @ CI) Let's Make a Dul (C) (30) fID Adventure (30) "Balloon From Zanzibar." Explorers trace the b•I· loon fllfht Immortalized by Jules Verne-from Zanzibar to the African mainland. The flight ends with a crash-landing in the African bush. to In eerie island estate and Into m Constelacion (30) an alliance with a famed Scotland a> Run for Your Lift (C) (60) Yard detective. John WUJiams and lO:OO O ~ OO ~ Tiie Saint (C) (60) Beverly Garland guest. (R) ''Th P h .. Th Sa. t f I _ iC9' • . e aper ase. e 1n o · w. ~Hip Chaparra!. (C) (~) -lows a civil servant-nrrylng secret "Tiie Glory Soldiers. Menollto papers Into East Germany. (R) seeks excitement and become$ ~ benefactor to three uniformed re· 0 m News (C) (60) lirlous musicians. Elizabeth Allen, 0 Della! (C) (60) Frank Siivera and Anthony Caruso ()1) CI) feature (C) (60) guest. (R) fID R&.D Review (60) "Farnbor· U Jadl l1nny (30) ough, 1968." European correspond· O Miiiion $ Movie: "Notorious ent Geny Weibren Interviews aero· landl•ctr'" (comedy) '62-Klm No· space leaders at the alant biennial vak, Jack Lemmon. trade snow at Farnborough, Eng· m Truth Of Consequenus (C) (30) lend. (R) m Perry Mason (60) m Mu Alla de 11 Mu1rte (C) (30) fID Tiit City Watchers (C) (60) 10:30 m News (C) {30) Bill Johns. Art Seidenbaum and Charles Cham· m flllaste Corazon (30) plin. aJ Hollywood and the Stars (C) m Dutlo dt Puionts (30) (30) 1:00 0 Zant Grey (30) 11:001J 0 0 m m a> News (C) m Hanl (C) (30) 0 Alfred Hltchcoci m L11ctdta (C) (30) 0 Movit: "Untamed" (adventure) 'SS-Tyrone Power, Susan Hayward. 1:30 11 9 Ci) Goaier Pyle (C) (30) m ludden's Gallery (C) Gary Con· Gomer and Lou An.n (Elizabeth way, Bambi McCormick, Patchett Mac.Rae) try to obtain service in and Tarses guest. Word portraits a diner whose oper1tors are more ere of Robert Mitchum and Mickey interuted In burglarizing the bank Mouse. next door. (R) m Movie: (C) "Carnival In Costa 0 Ill 00 g;, Name of the Game Rica" (musical) '47-Dick Haymes, (f) {§(>) "Keep the Doctor Away." Vera-Ellen, Celeste Holm. Jeff Dillon tries to prove that a @ (]) @ 00 ~ Ci) News (C) famed society d.octor Is l~compe-ll:lO IJ ~ (j) CBS News Special (C) tent, after a fnend dies in sup· (30) ''The President Abroad... cov. posedly sJmple surr ery. Robert f p . 'd t RI h rd M Goulet and Carol Lawrence guest er.age 0 .. resi en c a . · · N1~on's v1S1t to New Delhi and (R) Lahore. Winston Burdett and Frank 0 Acrou the Sewn Sas (C) (30) Kearns r!e_ort from New Delhi. m David frost (C) (90) 8 @ ~ m Tonl&flt Show (C) m Run for Your Lift (C) (60) Movie: (C) ''Hannall L•" fD Wars of die Roses (60) "Rich· (west.em) 'S3 -Macdonald Carey, ard of Gloucester." The Royal Joanne Dru... . , Shakespeare Company continues 0 Movl~: Desire In the Dust' with the play of "Richard Ill." (drama) 60-Raymond Burr, Joan Gloucester arranres Clarence's Bennett. death, imprisons Edward IV's sons 11:35 ~ (j) WHkend Movie: "Dr. Ehr· and orders the execution of the llck'sMagic Bullet." Queen's brother. Rivers. Rumors . , . spread about the bastardy of Ed· 12:00 6 Movie: , (C) 'The 111 la!'4" ward IV and his sons. {western) S6-Alan Ladd, Vir11nl1 m Nochts Tapatias (30) Mayo. 9:00 II Qt (j) CBS frldaJ Movie: 12:JO HI=~ Theatre: 'The Bladt wMan In tbe Middle" (drama) '64 Sleep " -Robert Mitchum. France Nuyen, · Barry Sullivan, Trevor Howard, Kee· 12:50 0 Movie: • "follow .That Woman" nan Wynn. Friction between British (mystery) 4S -William Garaan, and American commands stationed Nancy Kelly. in India during ~orld War 11 i 1:00 Q Movie: (C) "Vengeance of Kall" brought to a climax when an (horror) '65 -Senta Berger Lex American lieutenant is char11ed Barker ' with shooting a Britfsh ser1eant. U Co~ntry Music (C) (R) 0 Ptlyboy After Dart (C) (60) 1:30 0 Ntw1 (C) . , " The Second City Company, Pat ~ All·~lght ~; 'Vi~e-Versa, Morita, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, 'The F1~ln& 69th and 'The Man Shelley Berman and Lou Rawl In Black. guest. (R) 1:45 IJ Movlt: "Bamboo Prison" (dra· @m Nueva Cita Musial (30) ma) 'SS-Brian Keith. 9:30 O Movie: (C) "World Wltbout 2~00 U Community Bulletin Boatd (C) s ~I I SATURDAY I a?t ~ '1.~· (C) Z:JO I:::..~ (C) ~~u • •..-_, 12:0019 (I) Amanl (C) 3:00 H0r INll 'M' fir Miiie (C) Fetlltf Eltudlo dt hclro V1rp1 1iltro F1•1Uar ~"'t!~ J. O'Connor welcomta lutlt AUGUST 2 M 0 f< N I N (, 1:•11~•1CtJ 11e11 <C> 12:30.L())*"' Qwt <C> ~: ct> ""' ~ ,... · I ~=1c,::k ~Irle E: a;:.~Ji"s':~i!rs~52 Callan. ~~dvt.::.'59 -lcNtl tltrt (C) "Sword of U Ci'1 GJ Hlpplllittl (C) I LA. lnwltatltul 9'riM Melt (C) 7:00 Cl 9 (j) 8' Untl•ed Woc1d (C) Damascus" and ''Copper Sky." m &an-lk Report (C) Sa.,... (C) Phil Cirey hpsts. m A111llfn1 11ne 1:0019 Cl) Moby Diet (C) JwllrtlMI OIWt• y_,. I Mr. Willlbooe (C) @rd Las Estrella J UsUcl Movie: "Temw It Mlclni&tlf' II( Plctltr. (C) ftllx U.. Cit 10:00 B 9 Ci) T111 A.IQle Sllow (C) (mystery) '55 -Scott Bredy, Joan 3:30 1J Mewit: (C) ..._. ....__., 7:25 Qlve Ua TbJs Day (C) 0 (i1J Ci) (f) JoWnlJ to tltt C.· Vohs. (westem) '52 -Mar11ne Dlttrtctl. 7:30 fl Summw Stmest.r (C) ter of Ute EarUI (C) 0 Movie: "91Vid ind 8ollltlt" m httJ Dllkt D @ Ci) m 511Hybooll Squuea 0 Movie: (C) "Alone Ult C (spectacular) '61 -Or10n Welles, T""' th Woc1d (C) (C) Peter-Marshall hosts. Divide" (~em) '51-Klrlt Dou&· lvo Payer. Qlllt fw Adftlbt11 (C) 1 C.inpua Direst las, Vlr~lnta Mayo. m Movit: ''ThlJ Uvt ~ Ntpr• 4:00r:I Alll Campus Ptofllt - -fD.Mew11: -"JM-.Cllost Tll1t-W11b ~.ama) '4g....,.,.farley Grugel.-.C.thy • IPfl Trela Matin& Ult Most of M1turftJ Aiilne" (mystery) '#-Arthur Like, O'Do~"t:''.A.s McH•W.• NIVJ Bozo UM Clown (C) ;is Carter. m Mu Alli dt 11 Muerll (C) • • !I!!"...._ WlnUp (C) 1:00 gf ~ Qo-'o G~ (C) @rd ~~~!o: Uvlnr I) Armed fOfCIS Hlctllllhts (C) -.,.. SA ~-*. f.!'(C)Six (C) 10:301!(j)llt.,n/Supe. rman (C) 1:308QICl)Th• Lone Ranpr (C) 4:30 1~·...,. Cffi CI) 0) Caper (C) • · @ m Ullclerdo& (C) 2:00 fl Movie: (C) "Pim. of Tripofl" Ralabow 1leth (C) AJibOtt l Costillo ClrtDoaa (C) ovlt: """ Htlr' (adven· (~d~nture) 'SS-Paul Henreld, Pa· S:OO I~-Ctlltp a.. (C) Tei. of Wells farp ture) '40-Douglas Fairbanks Jr., tnc11 Medina. a...Up (C) Pltra Andtr1Dn &•llbJ (C) Joan Bennett. 1J Saturday Double future: "Mer· hosts. 1:30 fl 9 Cl) Bup Bunny/ROid I• 0 ~. (3)t'bl0>1• .!~rs four (C) rill's Marauders" and "Karate." SceM ,70 ntr Hour (i fB '° ITii ""--O Mevit: -:son of Monti Cristo" 8 Movie: "f£ tM SW' (dre· I Q)@ Cool Mc:Cool (C) 11:00 1J 9 (i) 8' Major Le1aut Bu. (adventure) 40 -Louis Hayward. ma) '5l~ltnn Ford Anne 8uttr Movie: ''The Merli of Zorro" 0 ~ @ &) Qeorp of U-. Jun· Bltaln @ (]) , · Gulllww (C) b.U {C) Teams to be announced. ~lf~o~!?:tsidltsttr(C) The r1!': I Min froa UNCLE • (adventure) '40 -Tyrone Power, &Je ~ tournament In the world-the prize : h11tOV1titftl (R) Linda Darnell. ll:lO fl Qj· (j) The tt.culoicls (C) money amounts to $250,000 -Fldbol-s.car I Cisco Kid ~ /Viii ~ l.'E\ •--•-· B·-~nc1 comes from the Westchester Coun· f....,. UL1 ~ ---try Club In Rye, Ntw York. BlllJ Rocket Robin Hood (C) ( ) Dick lark hosts. Casper, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Pal· 5:301 MBC ... _.., __ ,.,...1c:e... (C) &cull• IUIEX (C) O Movit: (C) '1'h• Silver Wlllp" mer, Julius Boros (defendln& champ) • Twll&M lOM 9:00 0 @ (j) m Tbt Aintstonea (C) (western) '53 -Date Robertson, and Gary Player are but a few of I Lowe lllCJ U Movie: (C)• ''Cour1p of BllCll Rory Calhoun. the big name golfers who will com· QHllpn'a tlllnd Bllutf' (drama) '57-John Craw· m Movie: "Min of Coftfllct" (dra· pete. ~.,ml tM th1ftar (R) ford, Mimi Gibson. ma) '53-Edward Arnold, John Alar. 8' Sports ln Action (C) • Aptcutture USA (C) STAN KENTON ON SHCJ)WCASE 5 To jazz musician Stan Kenton, life hu been a atrugle. A atrugpe to ftnd someone to U.ten, a strugle to have hia music accepted and a atrugle to set to where those who will listen and accept aM found. "It's the price we pay in order to play our kind of music without compromile," Kenton the crusader says of hil toun .of CfOll-COUDtry one--niaht enaaaementa. The .. price," revealed in a penetratiaa 60-mhiute color ftlm entitled "Bound To Be Heard" (Tuesday at 9 PM, IC.lLA, Chanoet S), is a typical, hectic, un- comfortable nine week bus trip, which ftnda Stan Kenton and bia band of musi- ciam playing their kind of music in smoky niaht apots, achool l)'IDI, union baDI, churches, and even at the O~ State Penitentiary. Shot with a sensitive and poetic color camera. the ftlm tabs the viewer out on the road with the band, a.ad capturea a peat deal of the ftawr (or, u eome musicians say, the odor) of an extended tour. "Bound To Be Heard" ia an apt title for a ftlm revolvina around a man wbo bu for the past 25 years been tryina to act people to listen and appredate Ida ''tound" u the terioua muaic of today. Acoonfina to Kenton, wbo views dlil ftlm u part of bJa crusade tor a IOUnd, "Bouod To Be Heard" will amwer the question, .. What happened to the bJa bands?" Or, at leut it will show what't blJ'PCDC'd with ODO band and ODO maa who will take bis music to anyone who will liscen-uy place, any lime, and under any circumstances. Keitton believa stronaty iD the ftlm u a wbfde for bis mesaqe that "muai~ eveo more than relllion, des all of bl1.911Dily toptber," and be is bant-rollina dona to pt the 8lm on lhe ayndicated 'IV cin:uit. "Bound To Be Heard" wu J,,itteo, produoed, directed and pla..--srapbld by Emmy-winnil)I Baldwin Bater, former KTLA cameraDWl. Pilm ...._ .. bJ Olean Jobmon, with narration ddiftl'ed by BW Marlowe wt _. ~ wen by Kenton himlc1f. The musk heard oa the ... tcKmd tndt la oriaim1 compolitiona by Dee Butoa ot die Keeton bead. flom $49.50 to $750", they're al llere, ready sa':'...r:" to Iden to, ancl select the tape . recorder lhat best s your pa• llcular •••• • • • . .