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1969-08-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• IXOll eere 1Daneer Top.less B _eeomes a By 'Judge.~s Or . . ' ' ' • ' ----.-- Ill .oman1a I• ' !DA Still Pushing For New Probe :01 Kenne.dy Crasll ' I • Flying Frisbees! ~ Victim Still DAILY PILOT l(ennedy Crasl1 Prone ~ ---~ NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (AJ>) -}lis plea for an inqUest rejected in one court, Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis has turned to anolher' lo seek a full-scale inquiry intp Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 's accident tn which a. Washington, D.C., secretary was killed .. Dinis first asked Chief Justice G: .Jo- jleph Tauro ol Superior court to assign a judge for an inquest, but the justice turned down the application, saying the power to conduct inquests rest's witli dii- trict ....... Dinis then sent leten Friday to Chief Judge Kenneth L. Nash of the Massachu~ , sets I>Wrict Court system, and to Ju~e James A. Boyle ol the Dukes County Dis. trict Court in Edgartown. Kennedy appeared in 1 the Edgartown court July 26 and pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of the accl· dent which occurred when a car he wa! driving plunged off a narro"! bridge into a tidal pool on Chappaqu1ck:hck Island. Judge Boy\e·presided, and impc>!_ied_~e minimum sente~. two months 1n JQJl, and then suspended it for a year on pro- bation. In :8oBtort +1rid11 night, en route to Hyannis Port, Kennedy was asked by a reporter if he thought the attempts by Dinis to get an inquest "smacked of an attempt to get publicity." Kennedy answered: "~~-I ~uldn't categorize that of Mr. Dinis. I think he has a responsibility. l respect him for fullfilling his responsibilities. I'm just hopeful we can get back to work and get back to the Senate." Earlier, in Washington, Kennedy said he 1vould ''cooperate in an way" possible, bu~ said he did not understand the pur- pose of holding an inquest. In Lucerne Count~" Pa., Disl Atty. Blyth Evam said Dinis called him Fri- day about the ~sible exhumation of the_ body of the Ylctim, Mary Jo Kopechne, 28. who is buried In Plymouth, Pa, Evans said Dinis told him he was ex· ploring the possibility of belated autopsy because o{ "a public clamor" over lhe case. Countian By TOl\f BARLEY Of t11t 0.llY l'lllt Stiff None or the many controversial topics facing California'~ newly formed . Com- mi5sion .on Educational ~eform wlil get closer scrutiny than the issue posed by violence on the state's campuses, the commission 's chairman promised Fri- day. "ll's very much in the miQPs of all of us " rommenled Santa Ana accounting ex~tive Robert E. Hanson. "The fac- t.Or Is conspicuous by its absence from the areas of discussion outlined. by Gov· cmor (Ronald) Reagan at our organi· zational meeting, but you can bet that we're going to have a lot to say and wrlte on that point." Hanson, "deeply honored" by his nam· Ing to tho group selected P.1onday to probe what Gov. Reagan has called lht ' " • OAl\.T P'ILOT 1'tiol9 ., ll:IC-.nl kMllltf' Flying Frisbee fails to break concentration o! ·Keith Platte, .14, dur- ing all-city FJ"4;bee championships "in Costa Mesa Friday, Jt was concentratio"!-.i like this that helped Keith win championship and a berth in Soutnern California regional competition later this month. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. P1atte1 867 Cortez Drive. In Critical ~onditipn A 10-year1Jld ·Anaheim aiJ'l was Jn crit· teal condition at Seattle, Wa!h;-; t b-1 s morning alter being attacked by an un- known assailant. The girl, Cynthia h1cCoy, was round unconscious Thursday in a field in Au- burn, 15 miles southeast or here. Auburn police said she had been visit- ing her father, .James McCoy, and was found near his hOme in a residectial area along the Green River .. . Police said she had been struck on the forehead with a blunt instrument. She was nude, but hospital officials said she. had not been molested Sexually. An in- vestigation was continuing. ' Topless Dancer Ruled a W oman • MONTEREY (AP) -A topless dan- ce r in a Salinas nightclub is a woman today by order of Superior Court. Robert Lowell Malm, 25, received the name Roberta Lowell Malm and female status from Judge Gordon Campbell without discussion Friday, A petition to the court said Robert un- derwent surgical procedures from last December through March at Slanrorrl University Medical Center and now was classifled as a female. The petition added that Robert was en· gaged to marry a serviceman in Ger- many,_ It did not give the fiance's name or weddiryg date. Since the surgery, the 5-foot-10 brunet~ le, who· lives in nearby Seaside, h a s worked as a topless dancer at the Bear Cave night spot. Roberta, three other women and a male manager are scheduled for trial Sept. 17 in Salinas Minicipal Court on charges of presenting an indecent per· formance. * * * 10' * * * • SAtU,Rt!iiY· ,_u~usr i . if96t VO\.•',... *'·' saa.a.r_a .....,. • Romanian Crowds Welcome BUCHAREST (UPJ) -President Nixon arrived loday on an historic visit to Ro- mania and appealed to the peoples of E a s t and \Y e s t to forget. ideological differences long enough to seeure a world free "from the. fear of war or threats of y.•ar.'' Nixon flew lo Rama$,' tHe first COm· munist capit&i eVtr vl•lttd by a: U.S. pres1d"eltt, frOrrr Pakl!ltin wtter'e he. pledg- ed the United Stat~s would.strlve to .avoid any more Vietnami!'tih( would act in the event ol. outrlghr'agg~ion. ~ Thousands of Romanians led by :Presi- dent Nicolae Ceausescu ga.ve Nixon a tumultous welcome. · .. Nixon said on his ari{Val Jn BUaharest ' he fOund this a "slgnl1lcant monient in · the hl~torr, of relationivbetween cxjr two, countries. . ,.· Nixon ·said meetings 'with Roman ian officials "represent, l am ·sure, the de- sire of the Romania people and the American people that we do not lilow our differences to prevent a deeper un· derslanding of our national points of view.'' The President followed his wife, P a t , who wore a white linen suit. down the steps from his plane. Ceausescu and hia wife met the N1xons at the .bottom step. The leaders ahook hands, smiled and were engulfed in a crowd of dozens of persons ranging from the premier of Ro- mania to photographefs and security men. A Romanian army unit boome<:.i a 2l· Nixon·s gun salute and a military band &lrtiCk up. More than 5,000 persons jammed in- to Bucharest's not-yet-completed Oto- peni Airport cheered. Romanian men, women and children at the outer fringes of•the CJ"Qwd leaped in- to the air in an effort to see . the ~-S. P~dent and -his 'Wife:. ~tewaid~ from . Romania. and'" other· Communlft bloc 'country ~if-lines pushed their 'ta~ onto 'haH-completed,balconles~at.. the1 air"· porttfor i.·glltnpse o! the Nlxom. . Ceau5e$cu, almost a· head shorter than Ni;on, .stepped: to the U.S. President'• side for tbe'1playing Of both ·country'• ni~ 'lional anthems, • In his airport·speech, Nixon said: '"''ll'he United States ·belleve.s that t h:e rights· of all ·nations 'must be equal~ but we do not believe. that the character of all nations must be the same.'' Nixon said the United States was ready "to respond firmly and positively to sin- cere and concrete initiatives that others may take" in mov es toward reducing East-West tenslons. · - The ·capital wu decked out in red· white-and-blue bunting and despite th a fact the official word was to keep it coo1 enough to avoid offending the. Sovlet11 the people resROflde.d to Nixon wllb cheers and enthusiUm. ' ' Orange ~oast Mapping Stat e Education-Inquiry Weather ., !l!ate's ''Ne. 1 priority", is busily selling up the format for the commission's first meeting as an entity -tentatively scheduled for Aug. 20 at the Airport Marina In Los Angeles. "I think that by that time we~ have grown from the 18 named "members to a 22-member group," he. said. "And J'm delighted wilh its broad structure -we haye a union executive and two Ne· groes on the ctimmisslon and 1 hope soon to have a Mexican-American to serve with us.'1 "I don't knoW of any one. mtmber or thls commission who Isn't exciled by this opparturUty 10 innueoce our future. decisions on education and who isn't eage r to get under wa,y with this challenging jnvesUgaUon. the dappti' ct· ccutivc ol the Arthur Youns co. tom• mented. • Hanson makes no hrel or the facl lhal he's heartened ;oy Gove. r nor 'Reagan~s .. deep interjst in our work and eagerness to hear fro:fi us at :;i.11 stages of .oor prQgress. · "Ht! wants a pi:eijminary repart from us In Dl>cember." Hanson said. "And 1 don 't doubt that much of what we have to tell him then wiU be included in the governor's 'State of the State' message next January " . ' Facing Han.son'! rommission is a probd into key areas outlined by Reagan at the. organizational rn e e t i n g : educational finance1 orga~ and management of school admlnlsb-alion&, teacher training and lbe certification process, sa1arl~s and the l)OSSlbllity of a merit systern, classroo1n practices and curriculum development . "\Ve.'.I~ break: ourselves dO"'ll into four ,, ·- or live sub-committees," ll"a n s on "Thal's what our commission is all reflected. "After that we. will gG. into ·a about/' he said. "We'll fie looking into the program that -will-, and I'm very keen. ' causes ?f tiji1 decline ht public confidence on Uils aspect~ calhfer lilatewide pu.blic aild we II be suggesting, bopefully1 what hearings as part of our.jnvestigalion. . shou~,be. do~e to arrest It and B,ive i.t ~ ''We'll wanl to hear from all those in _ ne~ 1m~ge in the ey~s or C~o"?1a s ed4c11Hon, business a1ld industry who clli~ns. can possibly offer us opinions and facts ~t ! much too early •. the bu~ Ha~n that will help us to form the conclusiolli satd, to .prophesy what "his commission v.·e must give to the governor,''" Haruion. ' ~l~ht -eatabllsh ln the !ifayrof _a schedu~e said. "He's made our mission' very clear of prk>rrt1e~ on ill heavy a~enda, but -his with his own Comment: •,,. .we must _a~ntants he~rt ls obv1ou~y re.spon-- take roncrete steps to improve. the quall· ding k> Rea.an I bitter crJtlc1sm of the ty of our education and restore the educ.a:Uonal system's nnenclal attucture. public's confidence in our most tmportant He addl a fervent "Amen'' to Reagan's institution'.'' . c.ommenl: "California spends more o{ its Hah!!On thoroughly agrees " I t h tax dollars on tcbools than any other a~· Rea1an'1 belief that "edu,...aUon in Uvlly. ·•ind 10me ol the problems con· Califomh1. "bat Jost much of the bile fronlfna: education rtflect directly on the conadcnce and esteem that it held fo11 so lnequllles I~ the distribution of finances." m~n)' decades." (Ste JJANSON, Pa1e %) (' Pa.tchy..:..fog.-or-low--clouds-nlght- and early f(!Omlngs, ·otberwlre mostly fair tonight through S4n- da y. Little temper:atui-e chanje. INSWE TODAY ' ' • Legal autltorU11 Sam1lel Kling luu some. practical-advice on hO\O to 0 .thop'' Jor a" tmnll11 latbyer, todag's /~aturtd.•,articlc in·Fdmi11r Wet.Qru: · · e \Ve.athtr or not, ht'& atill ail tnttrtalnina pt r /or 'PH er. That'1 wl111 KNXT'1 Bill Ktcnt ii todau)• cover bo11 on TY WE:EK. AW Allf'f' " Alllll Llflftn " "''" .. -" Cl•1tlllftl , .. ,, -" C'"'lc• • " ... _ " . (,..__,. " ""' ..... ,. , .. ,, lfltfflll ..... • "'"' . ' 1!"11,l11t1•!11"1t11I " SMU M•F111t1 , .. ~. ..,. .... " U11tle l.M r .. "."'":-""'~""~ --· ----------,-------~--=--.,-----"""----------------------------------..,-----------..,. ___ _ . I ' --- • +---·--~. . -· ... . ...._ ---- _'JI. OAILV PILOT • Pope's T1-y Fan~y Footwork Pays Off White ilouse 01\.'s .. > To End War:_ Sandalmaker Puts Stamp on Lagu1ia Sawdust F-estival Most Tax Reforms Rejected KAMPALA, IJcanda (UPI) -Pope Paul VJ neared the end of his hlatoric African vblt tOday, his niche In the heart! of Uganda's Roman Catholics secure but h'8 efforts to bring peace to Nigeria an apparent fallure. The 71-year-old pontiff had but a few hours btJore deparUng for Rome In which to plead again with the warring Nigerians and Biafrans to start talks to end their civil war. now in its third yea r. But no further meetings between t h e :Pope and representatives of Bii.fra and Nigeria ~re scheduled. Talks Friliay col· Japsed because each side kept "uppin.g the price" for a peace conference, Vati- can sources said. Bish-Op Paul Marclnkus, a Vatican offi· cial from Cicero. Ill., said the pontiff would end his three-day \lisit to Uganda tonight as scheduled. The Pope had offer· ed to remain in Africa up to a month if • his presence muld help promote a Niger· ian cease-fire. The Pope, first reigning pontiff to visit Africa, put aside diplomacy today to drive se~n kilometers to the vUlaae of Namu· 1:oni;o to bless a shrine bullt in hopor of 22 qgandana executed for their faith 84 years ago. By JANICE BERMAN Of 111t o.llr ''"' Slit! "lndlviduallty these days is a very rare t~h11,'' said 1ealher craf~mljn Bob Foster. t..,. A& grounda committee chajnnan of the :;Sawdust Festival, Fost.tr. t,plnka that craftarqen at the festival are a 'high drawing card, because people will come to watch men do things tbat have been almost co pletely ceded to machines. "They c n watch people doing stuff like serigrtl! batik Man, U's beautiful," enthue:ed . But Foster admitted that he, like his audience, ·needs technology. "t.1aeh.ines are groovy,'' he said. "l couldn 't get along without them." He uses a leather finisher to put the final touches on his handcrafted sand?ils. But the rest is-alliby Bob Fo:ster. •·1 wort with a strap right on the person's fool until it looks good," he said. H.e lets the customer decide what he wants, hit will make suggestions on what looks best. And he can de:sign :sandals to disguise any root problem . "f have design:s that will hide bunions, distract attention from wide feet or long feel, take pressure off corns," he said. Foster knows a lot about feet. DAILY ,!LOT Slaff '"''°' \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Although it has endorsed the lax reform bill exptcled to win House approval next week, t h e Nixon administration plans to seek some changes -notably affecting the oil lndus- tn' -when the meas\,lre reaches the ,senate. . Two top Treasury Department officials made that clear at separate oews con• ferencea Friday after applaudin1 the gen· eral thnllt of legialatloa cleared for floor action this \\'eek by the House Ways and Means Committee. Mice Injected Witli Moon Dust Remain Healtliy SPACE CENTER, llouston (UPI) - The good health of two dozen mice in· jected with lunar du st cleared the way for the eJ:posure of 120 more today as scientists searched for life in the first chunks of the moon brought to earth. While the biological testing was under way, technicians in another part of the $11.S million moon laboratory sterilized -a roe~ :sample chamber contaminated At the same time House leaders agreed to hold a final congressional vote h1onday on Senate-pused legislation extending t~e 10 percent income tax surcharge for snc months, until Dec. 31. Passage is con· 1idettd certain. Treasury official Charles E. Walker and ASSt. Secretary Edwin S. Cohen said the administration found the bill "high- ly accepta ble" in most respects but that certain modifications would be recom- mended when the measure comes before the Senate Finance Committee. \Yalker said the administration, for ex· 11mple, still had not decided whether lG support the \Vays and Means plan to re· duce the oil depletion allowance from ?7 1,i to 20 percent and indicated ther• v.·ere serious objections to the proposal. He said "this matter is much broader than oil depletion ... that has become too much of a :symbol." Cohen said the administration also \VIS disturbed by the committee's c.xl:lusion of depletion allov .. ances and intangible drilling costs from the income base used to compute a minimum tax. He said re•' ducing the depletion allowa nce to 20 per· cent would not prevent a producer who increased drilling from "generating en, ough intangible drilling. costs to still es· cape all tax liability." The Pope told a huge crowd. some or whom llad walkl!d 200 miles to attend, that he came to venerate not only the niemory o( the Uganda martyrs but that of ··an those other Christians who have given their lives for the Catholic faith in Africa, here and everywhere." "People walk on a tripod affair," he said. '"I11ere are three points where Your weight is concentrated. The heel, and two parts of the front of your foot. When you put a strap under any of those points," he said, "it's goina to hurt. Arid some people's feet llurt all the ume." The pain or aching feet can be relieved just by looking al Foster's work. SAW DUST ARTISAN FOSTER LABORS OVER SANDAL Craftsmen are Great, but Machinet are Groovy, Too ' by air Friday when the thumb blew out in a pressure glove. The accident, which caused a violent air leak that tossed rocks and tools about like a miniature whirlwind, resulted in the addition of two vaC1Jum chamber technicians to quarantine with Apollo t 1 astronauts Neil A. Arm:slrong. Michael Collins and Ed\\'in E. Aldrin and sup- port personnel. DAILY ~I LOI ' Fro110 Page l HANSON ... "We must immediately control these spiraling coat.. and produce some atmblance of order ln our affairs." Hanson firmly stres:ied. "I can :say now that we all (on the CQmmiss ion) feel that \\'&Y and are detennined to look carefully at our financing methods and ways of ap- plying gopd accounting procedures to our educaUonal function15." Technical training, or the lack of it, and what Reagan has described as "a tr~1ic undervaluing" in that field will also rate high with his commission, Hanson predicted. · "We'll find quite a difference of opin- ion, .. he warned. "But I think we're going to be able lo offer :some construc- tive criticism of w h a l we have and 80f'lle equaQy construct.Ive auga:esUons on what we should have." And no less important, the chairman added, is Regan':s request that his group "determine creative ways of meeting the differing needs or urban and suburban schools." "Jt ever T had any doubt:s about the prom.h1ence of this topic in the minds of Californians, they've been dispelled by lht: calls and comments I've received since my appointment as · chairman,'' Hanson said. "What 1 want now,"' he added , "is for our citizen~ to oHer those comments and ideas to our co1nmi:ssion. If Governor Reagin can make this topic his No. I pi:iorily, I'm au re we can do the same." --. Hi:s sandals look like they'll last for ever. Maybe they wil l. "I've never hid a sandal pull apart.'' he. assured a· cUstomers contempla ting spending $2{1 on a pair of sandals. . He worries a bit about his prices. which start at $20 for women. $30 for men. '"If I only charged $20 for a men's san· dal," said Foster, ·1J'd be in trouble." "But when I charge $30, I wonder if I'm increasing innation," he frett ed. "That's or:1e thing about being in bu:siness for yo urself. You haven't got anybody to tell you how much you 're supposed to make." The 26·year-old South Lagunan arrived at sandall'flakjng ~ya circujtous route. After graduating from high school, he ran a printing press. "I decided it wa s a nice piece tlf machinery and somebody else should run it. I just didn't want to do it anymore ," he aaid. There ensued two years when •·1 don't know What·I did,'' said Foster. Then he joined a monastery. A Vedanta Blacks Urge Oakland School Board Quit OAKLAND (U)'I) -The Black Cau· cus, a group af 50 black organlzations in Oakland, Friday demanded the resig· nation of the entire Oakland Board of Education after a state report charged the board with misallocaling funds. The report, by the State Departn1ent or Education, said the school board scat· tered $10 million in federal runds through· out the Oakland public school district, though the money \\'as aimed solely at 15 ghetto schools. ! Indiana) monastery in La Crescent.a, called An anda A:shramanci. "I felt the freedom I had !here, lo be able to do anything you wa nt to do. I started making sanda\:s. I had made them before, but overnight it became ea:sy. 1 developed a technique." Along with the technique, Foster developed a philosophy that he has personalized the :same way he per®nalizes his footwear. Foster calls it "God realization." "ln 'lnd ia," he explained, "you become .a renunciate. You practice austerities find live the life of a recluse, and it':s ac. cepted !here. Here, they'd probably lock you up if you did that."' ~o instead, he said. he's developed "a redefined philosophy of western living .·• "You 're doing your thing. diggi~g your lhing, finding peace, which is finding God.'' Jt usually \Yorks, but. "he said, "Or C"ourse, I do get upset over the damndest things. like going into L.A. lo buy 1naterial and hassling over the prices.'• But the craft of sandal-making has.ap- parently posed few problems. Around the rim of each sole, tiny nails ::ire spaced exactly the same width from each other. How did he get them so even? "Experience," said Foster. '"I guess l\'e made 1.000 pairs." Thi:s is Foster 's second year al the Festival. "Last year," he said, "Ou r show didn't seem 1o have the drawing ability il docs this yea r." One of the reasons, he thinks, was the desij_n of the boo1 hs. ·"A"t one of our first n1eetings this year, 11'e decided th.e thing had to be open, Last One Picture is Still Worth More than $500 ORAMA Camera Contest RULES I. A"VO"e who ii l'IOt I profeu io"el p~•l•tr•ph er. en Oft'IDloy1 of lor 111•111i•r of !he f1111ilv of an •lllp1oy• ofl th• DA1l Y PILOT, F11hio1t h l1n4 M•rch •nh Auoti1tio1t or 1 F11hiol'I h!1n4 1111rth1nt i1 11i9li l1 lo 1nl1r ih1 co nl11l. 2. 01tly blt tk i nd whit1 pholo1 l•ken 1inc1 J t n. thit 'l••r will b'o icc1pl1d for jwil9 in9. I of ). Piclur11 1houltl b1 unmounlail ')lony ptinh ti It.ti! 5 :oi; 7 in(h11 Jn 1i1t, pr1l111b!y I• 10 in cht1. 4. N•iJ•il""t• of conl11I pholo1 m.;1! be rt1d,lv •"••ltblt 10 fh1t bf-up1 ctft bt mtdt for public tiion '"d lot i:l11plty at Fotort m•. S. P'rll'lh b1 cemt the propady of the OA1lY ,.llOT t nil c1 n11ol bt r1lu•n14. t No91tlwt1 will bt r1!111n1tl 1fttt Foto· 1tm1.l 6. Em.1ho1lt 111 1ubj1tt 1111H1r 1houJJ i 1 en "Iii•" pit• turtlo 1uc1it 11 1,ori1 •ctl .. 11111, flro1, f!•o~h. frtffic occi.l•nh, bo1ti11t 1nJ boochot or tcen11 with dr11111tic l1111'1Cf. 11nv1u1I "111004" itt1111ity •r Ioct l hu1111n i1tl1r11!. 7, Etch print 111u1! h1 1c,e111p1nied b" 1111 111m1, td• You Could I . ' ~rt n '"ii tl t yf111e l1l tp~on1 "v.,.,b1r ol 1~, enlr1nl plu1 1 c•plien er 1horl de1c;ipt1 .. 1 P•••911'l'i 11pl1inin9 th e 1te rv teld bv the ph oto. 8. If • con •••! rhoto 1how• ,.i e,1;fi•b11 closoup1 of ~toplt, lht d11 cri p!1"! "'•lrr11I •~ould •nclvdt lh1 fi11! anti l~d n1mt1 of lhe 1ub11t! O• 1•1b1,ct1 •"ii 011i• t911 i nd hom t ~iltl r 11111. 11, It i1 111um1il 11.o pholo9r1ph1r •nd 1ubi1cl o• 1ub· l•r!• .,,,,.1 p~•.,.,;u,or. lo• pull lic•lien t1td pub!;, 4'i1pl1y of '"'f p~olc • !Yb"'•!!cd i cr ''"'Pt lition. I 0. Wj~~tr1 cl lilt loo lh <tt pl1ct1 11th ""''~ will II~ ..,,bl.1h.d '"the OA!LY PILOT. Thty will 11c1iv• S2S, St5 1nil $10, 111p1,liv1!y, in F11hion h l1ncl gilt ct rlificele1, Grtn4' pri11 winn11 Ito b1 1el1cl1il Au9. 21 ·2) du1in9 ~runt t i F1 1iiit1t h lt nd l 'J •h t n 1ddition1I S ~OO in (oh ,,,,;f;c1t11. 11. D1111llil'lt for t nl•y' 11d1 wet~ i1 noon on Tliur141y .,.4 ilnlfi11 mu1t be cltli .. 1r1d ;,. p111on or by 1111!1 ft 1ny DAI LY ,.ILOT oHito b" th1i limo. Do1dline thi1 wee\ i1 Au<J. 7. 11. C1,.l11t phole1 1h•ulil lie i:li11cl1il to: Fe\0•11111 C1mot1 Con l11t. Public Stt .. i<• Oep1rt1111nt, 0 •1119• Co11i DA ILY 'ILOT loffic1 n11r11t you I. ' •• Still Win EN,JER. NOW! l year. \Ye had eight-by-eight fool panels, and lo get from one end of the show to the other we had to feel our way." "i\fy concern," Foster said, "was that people had to be able to see through from one end of the Sa\\'dust Festival to the other." "The real beauty ol thi s show,·• said 1-"oster, '·is lhe lack of pegboard and walnut paneling." "It's difficult without any kind of a back frarnc. bul anything can be overcome if the concept is right," he said. Foster said there v.·e rc no real pro· blems with any of the exhibitors. "They understand what we're trying to do ," Foster said. "The biggest thin::t wc "ve got here is commu nication between !he arti!'ts." t~oster said that's what comes rt(TOSg>lo \'isitors lo the Sa1l'dust festival. "They're overwhelmed by t he friendliness,"' he said. AF Chief Sworn In WASmNGTON (UPI) -Gen. John D. nyan, who flew 58 combat missions in 817 bombers over Europe in \Vorld War II . was sworn in Friday as Air Force chief of staff, Ryan, who will serve four year!, suc- ceeds Gen. John P. McDonnell, retir· ing after a four-year te~m. The astronauts' agenda today called for work on thei r personal "pilot's re- ports" of the mission that opened a new era of explorat ion for mankind . Marii1er 7 Sends Back Test Photos PASADENA (AP) -ltiariner 7 tele· vised two good test pictures as it ap- proached ~1ars early today, relieving re:ars ,that its cameras might have been dan1aged by a 1ncteorile. flight controllers al Jet Propulstion Laboratory ordered the tesl prior to start of an ini tial series of 34 approach shots more than one n1illion mile:s Jron1 the planet. Photographs Thursday by sister crart ~fariner 6 showed l\1ars lo be deS(llate and much like ea rth's moon. l\lariner ?'s can1 ~ra pa th hes acr05.~ l\fars' white soulh pJ!Jr Clp, an intru ig· ing area glimpsed fr:in1 ;i distance in -l\1ariner S's S\\·ec p aloni; the equat.:ir T'rlursday. Scientist hop~ lhat l\larineC" 7 wi ll be able to examine -al ·CIOie range a ne\11 finding by J\1ariner 6 that the polar cap·s edge is ragged and apparently crater· pocked. • (' '' Ha""°" hM f4_.., .. lo-' L.,. ... leMJI hll•t.i• Y.Rey CMI• ...... CAUIOIMIA O~AHG& COASl ,_\ltllh<tN~ C0M'"N' leieri H. Wte4 '•nlWN .... ,11111,111t1 . Jo~l I . c~1l•y v~ 'r""""I IM ~·II ...... 111 .. f Thtl'lll t ktMll f~;- Tlitlt'll l A. Mwrp~i~• Mtn1'!"1 E•I'"' °'"'" CO$!• 11i1 .. t: llO wn• l •y :;1 ro~! He"'1I0'1 k•Clt: Ull W11I lt!lle1 1 ... •1vttt LtlU!tl lttclt: 111 F•t111t • ...,.,., .-un!J,.1•aft l11c1t:' lOI J•n ~""HI ,@,_ D41LY ''L01, ..-111t .. n..;lt •I <""'I '""' !fie Ntws:,,fll, " •il&l•I-flH~ '""'" W.. toy 11t -r1r. M l•lwll "" Ct1t1 -· ~N"""°" ...... , l ot-•1Kfl. HVflllrlfitn INC:~ t tlCI ro....,1ti~ v"""· ,.....,. ..-lflt ·-'"''°"" Mlt-1. 0•1..,t (qll 'ullfll'llN c°"'""' '"~'"°'9 •'""" •tt 11 UI> 1¥ttl ••lltoo 11...a,, """"'"°'' '""'"· '"° lJt WUt I•_. St•ttt, Ctl•• -""fM. T ..... ~ t714J MJ·4lZt C....,,._ M\"lrtteMt MJ·l671 c_,...,.., . ..,, o.-• c.o.ot .,.,....,.,,,. ,_n,. ... ""'"' ""'"· ..... .,.u ..... ••·l1t11• ,,..,,., ., "'"'"l11mmh ,,.,.,,. ,,,., " "-"" •Hl>Olll '"'"' ..., "l'llU•lt •· urtrltht -· S..conf V.1• _,_ ••It 11 Nlwt«'I ~ M'4 CN!I '°'tit. Ctll10m1-. l.ultl.cri,tltll h urrltr U.M -fttly1 IJ ..... 11 $1 .. "*lllllYI , rnlHl•!'f ... llMtlllnt, u ... IMll!llly. Monday &nin3s Under the Stars Hear a summer series of nine "Pops" concerts under the direction of .\Jr. Henry Brandon, free to the public, on the i1 lall at FAS HION ISLAND each ll,/onday evening at 9:00 p .1n., June 30 through August 25. \ Thirty-ficc talented musirians fron1 Orange County, will prrsent a dr/ightful selection of "Pops" numbers during th!! ni11c-ll'cc/; .1/ondar night scltrr/11/es, each 011r a different fJl'(Jg rn111 . Jou arc invited to bring foldin g stoo/.s or cushions in case of overflow sealing capacities. Sponsored b.v The Irvine Companr and Fashion Island '/11 er chants A ssociation in cooperation with the Recording Industries Trus t Fund: 58 FINE STOAES end SERVICES j?~ ), fl llEWl'ORT OllHTlllt .FASHION ISLAND • n If I I \ l -----·---.. ----·----'-- ' W .e.ekend :Your Bomete• Dally Paper ·+ • VOL o2, NO. 184, 2 SECTION S, 3? PAGES SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 01969 ' TEN am-s Countian· Mapping State Education .lnquir'! '\\ J'J DAILY P'ILOT Sll H l'holl SCRUTINIZING EDUCATION Commi1sion Chairman Hanson DA Still Seel{s Full Kenned y • Crash l11quiry NE\V BEDFORD, :'!!ass. fAP) -llis plea for an inquest rejected in one court, Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis has turned to ano~her to seek a full.scale ir~quiry into Sen. Edward l\f. Kennedy's accident in which a Washington, D.C., secretary was killed. • . Dinis first asked Chief Justice G. Jo-~eph Tauro of Supcr~or ,court to assi_gn a judge for an inquest, but the J"uStlce turned down the application. saying the power to conduct inquests rests with di s· trict oourts. Dinis then sent leters Friday to Chief .Judge Kenneth L. Nal!lh of the Massachu- sets DistQct Court system,-and to Judge James A. Boyle otme Dukes County Dis- trict Court in Edgartown. Kennedy appeared in the Edgartown cou rt July ~ and pleaded guilty to !1- charge of leaving the s<:i!ne of the acci- dent which occurred when a car he was driving plunged off a nar~o~ bridge into a tidal pool on Chappaq1udd1ck Island. Judge Boyle presided, and im~. t~e minimum sentence, two months 1n Jail. and 1hen suspended it for a year on pro· bat ion. In Boston Friday nighl. en route to Hyannis Port, Kennedy v.·as asked by a reporter if he thought the attempts by Dinis-1.o get an inquest ''smacked of an attempt to get publicitt." Kennedy answered: "No. T w~uldn 't categorize that of ~1r. Dinis. I th.ink he has a responsibility. I respect him for fullfilling his responsibilities. rm just hopeful we can get back to work and get back to the Senate." Earlier in Washington. Kennedy said he would '"cooperate in an way'' possible, bu( said he did not understand the pur· pose of holding an inquest. In Luei!rne County, Pa .. Dist. Atty. Blyth Evans said Dinis called hinl Fri· day about the possible exhumation of the body o{ the vicfun, Mary Jo Kopechn e. 28. who is buried in Plymouth, Pa. Evans said Dinis told him he was ex· plOling lhe possibility of belated autopsy because of "a ~blic clamor" over the case. ') . . "I said I woufd cooperate with him to !he fullest extent of the law," Evans :i;;aid. Dukes County is part of Dinis' Southern District juridiction. but has its own ~pe cial prosecutor. \Va lier 0. Steele, v.·ho presented the Kennedy case in court last \vee k. A stale police investigator attached lo Dinis' office coosulted with Dr. Donald R. ?-.1ills, associate medical examiner, at the time or the accident. f\1ills said he 8sked whether the ofrlce wanted an au. topsy, but was told that as long as he ~·as satisfied that the case involved acciden- t.al drowning one would not be required !\fills said he was and none was perform· ed. Dinis did not enter the case personally uolil ThurWay when he wrote Justlc-e Tauro. Dana Poin t i\fan Dies in Vielna1 u WASHINGTON (UP I) -The Ocfenst Department today reported the death in Vietnam of Marine Corps Lt. Roland C. llamllton of Dana Point. The department said Lt. lfamilton did , not die as a result of hostile action by the tnemy. He ls survived by his wife, ?-.Jar· snret, of 34023 Del Obispo St. By T0;\1 BARLEY Of tti. 0.11' l'llDI Sl•lf None of the many Controversial topics facing Calif6tnia's newly formed Com· m.i.Ssion on Educational Reform will get closer scrutiny than the' issue posed by violence on the state's ca1npuses, the commission's chairman promised Fri- day. "It 's very much in the minds of all of us," comm~ Santa Ana accoWlting executive Robe.rt E. Hanson. "'I'he fa c· tor is conspicuous by its absence fron1 the areas of discussion outlined by Go~· emor (Ronald) Reagan at our organi· zational meeting, but you can bet that we're going to have a lot to say and write on that point." Hanson, "deeply honoi·ed" by hi s nain· ing to the group .selecled Monday to probe what Gov. Reagan has called the state's "No. 1 priority", Is buslly setting up the format for the commission's first meeting aS an entity -tentatiYely scheduled for Awg. 20 at the Airport t!1Rrlna in Los Angeles. ';I think that by that time we'll have grown from the 18 named members to a 22·member group,"-he said. "And J'm delighted with Its broad structure -v.·e have a union executive and two Ne- groes-on the--cmnmission-and I hope. soon to have a Mexican-American to serve with us." "l don't know of any one member' of this commission who isn't excited by this oppOrtunity to influence our future deeisions on education and who Isn't eager to get under way with this ctr.nlenging investigation, the dapper ex· eculive of the Arthur Young Co. com· 111ented. Hanson makes no secret or the fact that he's heartened by G o v e r n o r Reagan's "deep interest in our work and eagerness to hear from us at all stages of our progress. "He want~ preliminary report from us in December," Hanson said. "And I don't doubt that much of what we have to tell him then will be included in the governor's 'State of the State' message next January." Facing Hanson's commission is a probe into key areas outlined by Reagan at the organizational m e e t i n g : educational finance, prganlzation and management cf school administrations, teacher training and the certification process, salaries and the possibility of a merit system. classroom practices and curriculum clevelcpment. "\Ve 'll break ourselves dov.·n into f~ur Reds Cheer Nixon Gets Tumultuous Romapia Welcome BUCHAREST (UPI) -Presidenl Nixon arri\rcd today on an historic visit to Ro- mania and appealed to the peoples of E as t and West to forget ideological differences Jong enough lo secure a world lree "from the fear of "'ar or threats of v.•ar." Ni:<on flew to Romania, the first Coin· munist capital ever visited by a U.S. president, from Pakistan where he pledg. ed the United States would strive to avoid any more Vietnams but would act in the event of outright aggression . Thousands of Romanians led by Presi· dent Nicolae Ceausescu gave Nixon · a tumultuous welcome. - Nixon said on hi s arrival in B\lcharest he found this a "significant moment in the history of relations betv.·een our l wo coun tries.'' Nixon said mectiggs with Romanian officials "represent, I am su". the de· sire of the Romania people ~nd the Lobbies American people that v.·e do not allow. our differences to prevent a deeper un· derstanding of 0\¥' national points of viey,·." The President followed his wife, Pat , \vho v.·ore a white linen suit, down the steps from his plane. Ceausescu and his "·ife met the N1xoq{ at the bottom step. The leaders sh_816k hands, smiled and \vere ·engulfed in a crowd of dozens of persons ranging from the premier of Ro. n1ania to photographers and security men. A Romanian army unit boomecl a 21-, gun salute and a military band struck up. ~lore than 5,000 persons jammed in· to Bucharest's not-yet-completed Oto- peni Airport cheered. Romanian men. v.•omen and children at the outer fringes of the crowd leaped in· to the air in an effort to see the U.S. President and his wife. Stewardesses from Romania and other Communist for Poo1· Ex-kingpin Samish Breaks Silence SACRAMENTO (AP) -Arthur ll. Samish, the legendary lobbyist whose v.·ord once was law in the legislature. returned to the capital Friday for the first time in 20 years carrying this mes· sa~~~h&r taxes ~houl~imposed on the powerful oil, liquor, orse racina: and cigarette interests h once worked for. Du.ring the decade er the 1940s Samish-knoWJl to friends and enemies alike as "Artie" -was regarded as the most powerful figure in California's capitol. Former U.S. Chief Justice E"arl War· ren, who served t)tee term s as governor. once remarked that "On matters that af· feet his clients, Artie Samish has more power than the governor." Samish, who said he left the capital in 1949, Jost his power and eventually served 26 rrrunths in federal prison for income ta.x evasion. He now lives quietly in San Francisco. but the rotund, jovial 72·year-old returned to Sacramento Friday at the invitation of the Sacramento Press Club. lie didn't visit the Capitol. but spoke in a-tmW across the street where he directed operations in the days v.•hen he welded enough innuenei! on legislators that taxes on his clients were among lhe lowest in the nation. Samish presented the newsmen a !our· point tax reform program he said is bet· ter than the income and property taxes which now pay for most or government. He remarked : "After all, people. i( ~·e don't di) something to help 1hese people ·who work for a living and suffer. , . l don't know \.\'hat's going to happen to !he United States ." If things don·t change. he predicted. "You're goin8: to need a poor man 's lobb y up here someday.'' His program : -Impose a 15·cenl·a·barrcl severance Ul'I TlitJlh919 BREAKS LONG SILENCE Former Lobbyi1 t Sami5h i..i>; on oil. Samish noted that he used to be employed by the oil interests to make su~ the legislature didn't pass such a law·and it never has. -Raise taxes on horse racing. and im · oose them on such things as programs and parking at the tracks. -Raise the tax on liquor by several dollars, and rlouble the current four-cent tax on each gallon of beer. -Boosl the per·pack tax on cigareHcs by five to 10 cents apd eliminate a tax break cigarette distributors nolv g'et and put a $25 tax on each of the 100,000 cigafette machines in. California. B52 s Strike Near Saigon SAIGON (UP! -U.S. ll52s bombed Communist positions so close to Saigon that v.•lndows railed in tlte ~pita! in :stepped-up pressure against a possible communist buildup, mllitary spokesmen said today, Nearly 3,000 more American troops left Vietnam. Waves of 852s dropped nearly 100 tons of bombs on bunkers and weapons sites between Saigoli and lhe Cambodian bar· der in 11 ra irls Friday. The eight-engine bombers 11t one point hit 17 miles rrom Saigon, closes' strike to the capital since Aprtl 12. Another 2,700 Americans were with· ' drawn from Vietnam Friday and more than 800 were leaving today. T'he new departures brought to nearly half com· plete President Nixon's project of with- drawing 25,000 U.S. troops by tbe end ol Augoa(. ' Ground iction was lfght as It ha1'bttn for seven weeks but war communiques re- po:rted American and South Vietnamese infantrymen killed 14 CommunisLs 'in a da¥·1ong battle Friday near the ce ntral coast, 130 miles northeast of Saigon. Two Americans were killed and slx wounded in the? fighting. military spokes· men tald. South Vietnamese casualties were described as light ' 'I bloc country airlines pushed their wa y onto half+ecmpleted balconies at the air- port for a glimpse of the Nixons. Ceausescu , almost a head shorter than Nixon, stepped to the U.S. President's side for the playing of both counlry's na· tiona l anthems. In his airport speech, Nixon said: "The United States believes that th e rights of all nalion11 must be equal, but we do not believe that the character of all nations must be the same." Nixon said the United States was ready "lo respond firmly and positively ta sin· cere and concrete initiatives that olbers may take" in moves toward reducing East·We~t tensions. The capital wa s decked out in red· while·and·blue bunting and despite the fact the official word was to keep it cool enough to avokt offending the SoYiets, the people responded to Nixcn with chee~ and enthusiasm. Edison to Build Two More Plants iAt Highway Site By RICHARD P. NALL Of t~t 01111 l'lltt Sti ff Plans to build two new 750,IJOO kilowatt electric generating plants in Huntington Beach y,·ere announced Fri· day by the Southern California Edison Company. The two new ste;im plants, to be built at the company's existing JQ3.acre site along Pacific Coast Highway will more than double the ltuntington Beach sta- tion's power capability. Approximate cost is $179 million. The project represents new city and county tax base and payrolls for the f.tUntlngton Beach area. The util ity is 1he largest taxpayer in the county and in lluntington Beach. William R. Gould, Edison senior vie(' presirlent, told a lluntington Beach gathering of civic officials and press that , at present lax rates and valuations the project would hike Edison taxes in Orange County from e x c e s s of S8 million in 1968·69 to more than $13 1nillion. It was estimated the two new generating units v;ould itlCrease tax payments to the city by about $700,000 for a total of more than $1.3 milli on. Edi son also calculated the total ultimate contribution to all taxing districts \vithin the city -about $7.7 million annually. Other benefits cited by Edison l\'ere a peak wOrk force of 700 men durin g con· struction and a regular additional payroll for plc.nt operation of about ~,000 an· nunlly . Gould said the company expects lo burn gas at all tin1es it is available. \Vhen nnt available "low-sulphu r oil" front Indonesia wil be burned to control the output cf air pollutants. 1'hc power output from the site along Pacific Coast Highway would b c distributed along the existing Edison rights of way. Gould said. He said it might be necessary to add more transmission \o\\·ers along these rights of way. Application for the project was tiled Friday with the Pul:S'lic Utilities Com· mission (PUC). Start or work' is !Cbedul- ed tentatively for March I, 1!?0. the first unit b , scheduled · to start operatlnt Oectmber·of 1973. 'l'he second unit would be on the lines a b o u t 18 mon!M letttr. Presently, Orange County lmporta iibout 25 •percent er iLs energy, Gould ssJd. The aew s;cnC?ratlng units: would, for a lime at lea.st, change that until gfowth ngain su rpussed local power produclng CnP,ablJlty, . ' or five sub-comm ittees," II ans on reflected. "After that we will go into a program that will -and I'm very keen on this' aspect -call for statewide public hearings as part of our investigation. "\Ve'll want to hear from all those in education, business and industry who can possibly offer us opinions and facts that will help us to fonn the conclusions 1v~ must give to the governor," Hanson said. "He's maOe cur mission very clear with his own comment: •, •. we m'D!r take concrete sleJ>ll to improve the quali- ty of our education and resto~ the public's confidence in our most important institution'." Hanson thoroughly agrees w i t h Reagan·s belief that "edu-:alion in California has lost 1nuch of the public confidence and esteem that it held for so many decades." He's the Champ "'Fhat's what our commlsl)on .1J aJJ about," he said. "We'll be looking Into tbo c.aus~ of this decline in public confidence and we'll be suggesting, hopefull7, what should be done to arrest it and give it • new image in the eyes of Callfornla'I citizens." ~l's much too early, the busy Hamon said, to prophtsy what his commislJon might establish in the way of a schedule o! prior_!!ie? on its heavy agcp:la. ttut bis accountan£ s heart la obviously r~n- dil'lg l<I Reagan's bitter criUclsm oi 'tbe educational system's financlal llructure. He adds a fervent "Amen" ta Reapn'f tcmment: "California spends mare ol ita tax dollars on schools than any o~ -ac> tivity .•• and some of the probleirui con- fronting education reflect dir'ectly an 1bc inequities in the distribution of fin~." (See HANSON, Pa1e I) Flying Frisbee fails to break concentration of Keith Plat~ 14 dur· ing all-city Frisbee Championships in Costa Mesa Fridaf~: Ii was concentration like this that helped Keith win championship and a berth in Southern California regional competition later this month. J-Ie is son or Mr. and Mrs-. Richard J. Platte, 867 Cortez Drive. • Anaheim Girl, 10, Found . Brutally Beaten in Field A lO·year-old Anaheim girl was in crit·. ical condition at Seattle, Wash., th ts morning after 'being altacked by an un~ known assailant. The girl, Cynthia McCoy, wu found unconscious Thursday in a field in AU· burn, 15 miles southeast of here. · Auburn police u id she had been visit·· ing her lather, J1mes ~1cCoy, and was Toples s Dance r Ruled a W oman f\.fONTEREY (AP) -A topless .dan· cer in a Salinas nightclub is a woman today by order of Superior Court. Robert Lowell 11alm, 2S, received tho name Roberta Lowell Malm and female status from Judge Gordon Campbell without discussion Friday. f\ petitlci1 •to the cour1 nld Robert On'· dcrwen~ 1uJ1glcal p~octdures from last Dottmber · tiu<Ugh Marth at S11nfoo:d Unlvenlty ?.fedlcal Center iand now was classified as a female. The petition added lhll Robert was en- gaged to marry a serviceman in Oer· many. It did not give the fiance's name or weddl.ttg date, Since the surgery, the 5-foot-tO bninct· le, who Jives In nearby Sefstdc, h a s ... worked af 1 topless dancer at the Beat •Cave nl&hl spot. - found near his·home In .a residential area along the Grttll River. Police said she had been struck on the forehead with a bh,mt instrument~ She was nude, but hospilal officlals said the h=Old not been molested sexually. An bt· vestigation was continuing. Orange Coast \feat.her .Patchy fog 01• low cloud!! night and early mornings, ctherwise mostly fair tonight through sun. day. Little tempera~re change. · ~smE . TODAY 0 Legial authority Sanu,el K.ling hClS some practical advice on hoio to '.'1hop1' for 4 famHu lawuer, todau's featured orliclr ·in Fam ily Weeki~. e· \Vrcither1 or ftot, 1te'1 11tlll till en~rt.tlining perform er. That's why KNXT's BUI Keene ii today's cover bou on TV WEEK. ,,,. ""' .. AMI L-.,. " ...... .. M.-t• " Cltulflftl '"' -" ,_., .. ......... " ......... .. .... '" ... ~,, ••tt.ri.1 ..... • ...... l!l'lllrtlil'llMlll " &tMli: M.,..._ 1•1t .... __ " Utttlt LM • ,, t r:~---; ---------------------------..., .... ~--~.............,, ...... ------~ -" .I. OMlY PltOT ·Pope's Try ToEnd ·:War Fant!y Footwork Pays Off White House 01\.'s; .Sandalmaker Puts Stamp Qn Laguna Stiwdust Testival Most Tax Reforms Rejected KAMPALA , Uganda (UPI) -Pope Paul VI neared the -tnd ot his historic African visit today, his niche in the heallts of Upnda.'s Rqman Catholics.secure but his efforts to bring peace to Niaeria an apparent failure. The 71-year-old pontiff had but a f e w hours before departing for Rome in which to plead again with the warring Nigerians and Biarrans to start talks to end their civil war. now in its third year. , But 'no further meetings between t h e Pope and representatives of Biafra and Ni&erla were scheduled. Talks fri_day ~1· lapsed because each side kept "upping tht price" for a peace conference, Vati· can sources said. Bishop Paul Marcinkus. a Vatican offi· cial from Cicero, JU ., said the pontiff would entt his three-day vi&it to Ugarida tonight as sclleduled. The Pope had offer· ed to remaliil nl\rrrca up to a month If his presence would help promote a Niger· ian cease-fire. The Pope, first reigning pontiff to visit Africa, put a.aide diplomacy today to drive seven kilometers to the village of Namu· gongO to bless a shrine built in honor of 22 Ugandans executed for their faith 84 years ago. 11 J4NICJ; Bf;!WAN • Ot .... Oilfl\O• ,.llof lltft ''.IJldlvlduallt.y lhese days is a v<ey·tare thing," iiid leather craftsman Bob Fo.5h?r. As grounds committee chairman of the Sawdust Feili"al,_ Fos_ter thing th1.t craftsmen at the festi val are a high drawing card, because people will com·e lG watch men dG things that have been almost completely ceded to machines. "They can watch people doing stuff like serigraphs batik. Man, it's beautiful," enthused Foster. Rut Jo'oster admitted that he, like his audience, needs teehool.ogy. "Machines are groovy," he said. ''f couldn't get along without them ." He uses a leather finisher tG put the final touches on his handcrafted sandals. B4t the rest is all by Bob Foster. "I work wi_th a strap right on the person's foot until i( looks good," he said. He lets the customer d~ide what he wants, but wUI make suggeslions on what looks best. And he can design sandals to disguise any foot problem, - "I have designs that will bide bunions, distract attention from wide feet or long feet, take pressure off corns," he 5aid. Foster knows a lot about feet WASHINGTON (UPI) -Altnoogh It has endorsed the tax reform bill e1pected to win House approval next week, t h e Nixon administration plans to seek some changes -notably affecting ~e oil indus- try -when the measure reaches the Senate. Two top Treasury Department offic~als made that clear at separate news con~· ferences Friday alter applauding the gen- eral thrust of legislation cleared for floor action this week by the House \Vays and ·Means Committee . -Mice Injected With Moon Dust Remain Healthy SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The good health of two dG;en mice in~ jected with lunar dust cleared the way fo r the exposure of 120 more.. tClday as scientists searched for life in the first · chunks of the moon broughi to earth . At the sarqe Lime House leaders agreed to hold a final congressiOnal vote Monday on Senate-passed legi&lation extending the 10 percent income tax surcharge for six months, until Dec. 31. Passage is con- sidered certain. Treasury official Charles E. Walker and Asst. Secretary Edwin S. Cohen said the administration found the bill "hlgh· IY ac«ptable" in most respec ts but that certain modifications would be recom· 1nended when the measure comes before the Senate Finance Committee. \Valker said the administration, for ex· ample, still had not decided '!hether le> support the \Vays and ~!Jeans plan le> re· duce the oil depletion allowance froin 271;!l to 20 percent and ind!cated thers ""·ere serious ob1ections to the proposa)_ He said "this matter is much broader thiln oil depletion . . . that has become too much of a symbol.'' Cohen said the administration also wa~ disturbed by the ci>mJnittee·s exclusion of depletion allowances and intangible drilling costs from the income base used to compute a minimum tax. He said re4' ducing the depletion allowance to 20 per~ cent would not prevent a producer who increased drilling frGm •"generating en- ough intangible drilling costs to still es- cape ail tax liability." The. Pope told a huge crowd, some of whom had walked 200 miles to attend, that be came to venerate not only the n1emory of the Uganda martyrs but that of "all those other Christians who have given their Jives for the Catholic-fa~ in Africa, here and everywhere.'' "People walk on a tripod affair," he said. "There are three points where your weight is concentrated. The heel . and two parts of the front of yGur fool When you put a strap under any of those points," he said, "it's going tG hurt. And some people's feet hurt all the time ." The pain of aching feet can be relieved jul!t by looking at Foster·s work. SAWDUST ARTISAN FOSTER LABORS OVER 'SANDAL Craftsman are Great, but Machines are Groovy, Too While the biological testing was under way, technicians in another part of the 'll.S million moon laboratory sterilized a rock sample chamber contaminated by air Friday when the thumb blew out in a pressure glove. The accident, which .caused a \•iolent air leak that tossed rocks and tools about like a miniature whirlwind, resulted in the addition of . twG vacuum chamber technicians to quarantine with Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armst rong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin and sup- port personnel. DAILY PILOT From Page 1 HANSON ... "We must immediately control these spiraling costs-and produce gome .i;emblance of order in our affairs," Hansoo firmly stressed. "I can say now that we all (on the commission) feel that way and are determined to look cartfully at our financing methods and ways of ap- plyinf good accounting procedure.s lo our educaUonal functions." Technical training, or the lack of it, and what Reagan has described as ''a tragic undervaluing" 'in that field will also rate high with his commission, Hanson predicted. , "We'll find quite a difference of opin- ion," be warned. "But I think we're going to be able to offer some construc- tive criticism of w h a t we have and some equally constructive· suggestions on what we should have." And no less important. the: chainnan added, ls Regan's•request that his group "dttennlne ere.alive ways of meeting lhe dlffering needs of urban and suburban schools." •!If ever t ·had any doubts about lhe prominence of this topic in the mtnds of Ca.lilomians, they've been dispelled by the caUs and comments I've received since my appointment as chairman," Hanson iaid. "What J want now." he added, "is for our citi~ns to offer those comments and ideu to our commission. tf Governor .Reagan ca~ make this topic his No. 1 priority. J'm sure· we can do the same." His sandals look like they'll last forever. Maybe they will. "I've never had a sandal pull apart," he assured a customers contemplating spending ~O on a pair of sandals. He woh'ies a bit about his prices, which start at $20 for women, $30 for men. '"ff I only charged f20 for a men's san- dal," said Foster, "l'd be in trouble." "But when I charge $30, J wonder if J'm~ncreasing inflatiGn," he fretted. "That's one thing about being in business for yourself. You haven't got anybody to te!l yGu how much you're supposed to make." The 26-year-old South Lagunan arrived at sandalmaking by a circuitous route. After graduating from high school, he ran a printing press. "I decided it was a nice piece of machinery and somebody else should i:un it. I just didn't want to do it anymore," he said. There ensued two years when ''I don't know what I did." said Foster. Then he joined a mGnastery. A Vedanta Blacks Urge Oakland School Board Quit OAKLAND (UPI) -The Black Cau· cus, a group . of 50 black organizations in Oak.land, Friday demanded the mig- nation of the entire Oak.land Board of Education after a state report charged the board wilh misallocating funds. The report, by the State Department of Education. said the school board scat- tered $10 ntillion in federal funds through· out the , Oakland public school district • though the money was aimed solely at IS ghetto schools. t Indiana) rnonastery in La Crescenla, called Ananda Ashramanci. "I felt the freedom I had there, to be able to do anything yGu want to do. I started making sandals. I had made them before, but overnight it became easy. I developed a technique." Along with the technique, Foster developed a philosoph y that he has personalized the !Same \vay he personalizes his footwear. Foster calls it "God realization ." ''In India," he. explained. "you become a renunciate. You pra,ctice austerities and live the life of a recluse, and it's ac- cepted there. Here, they'd probably Jock you up if_you did that."' So instead: he said, he·s developed "a redefined philosophy of \vestern Jiving.·• "You're doing your thing, digging yeur 1hing. finding peace, v1hich is finding God.'' It usually works, but, he said, "Of cGurse, J do get upset over the damndest things. Jlke going into L.A. to b\1y riiaterial and hassling over the prices." But the craft of sandal-making has ap· parently posed few problems. Around the rim of each sole, tiny. nail11 are !)laced exactly the same wi<llh fron1 each other. How did he gel them so even? "E~pericnce,'' 'said Foster. '•J guess I've made 1.000 pairs."' This is Foster's secGnd year at the Festival. "Last year," he said, "Our show didn't see m lo have the drav.•ing ability ii does this year." One of the reasons, he thinks, \\'as the design of the booths. ''Al one of our fir st meetings this year, we deciried the lhing had to be open. Last One Picture is Still Worth More than $500 ORAMA Camera Contest • RU L'E 5 I. Anyo•.t lo'ho i1 net • p ~of111ion1I p>io111911pli1•, 111 em,loye <0f for mtmbtr ef !lie f1/l'lily of •11 •mplcye oil th1 DAILY PILOT, f11hio11 lll1nd Me1ch1nh A11oci1lion or 1 F11hie11 hl1nd rn1r,h111I i1 1li9ible to 111ltt th1 cont11l. 2. 011ly bl1,. 111d white pho!o1 11~1" 1inc1 Jan, I I'll thi1 v11r will bt 1ccept1d for iYtl9in9. ]. Pictur11 1houtd b1 11~rr.(lunt1d 9!011v pr1nh ti 11111 5It1 inch11 in 1i1e, pt•fer1bly 8 ir 11) intht1. 4. N191 1iv11 of conl11I photo\ in ~1t bt 1~1dilv 1v1il1bl1 10 th1t b1awvp1 <111 be m1cl1 fo• publi,tlion t~d hir di1plt y tf Fofqr1m1. 5. Prinh bttorn• t~e pro pe1ly of fht DAILY PILOT .t"d t1nnet be •1h:.111cf. IN191liv11 will bt 1tl u•~•tl 1fler Folo· i . E'"ph11i1 i11 1ubj1cf '"1ft1r ,houil'l 1'1 en ''life'' p;,. lures, such 11 1porlt 1cl1¥Hie1, fh11, li1oit, h8Uic ,,,!cf111h. b•t t1n9 1111'1 b11c~1• or 1te1111 with dr•rr.atit i'"pact, unu1 u1J "ll'loo4" ciu•li•v or lo,tl hu11"1111 int1,..1t, . 7. l•ch P'int '"uil b1 1c.comp1"i1d e.., th1 111"'11, id· You Could .. • ~r111 '"d dtyli..,, itltpi<o"• 11oi,..,bt• c.f •h• •nlrt "I pl<1• t t~ptio" or t~ed tl81troptiv1 ptr 19;~0~ •~plti"in9 lh1 1!orv told bv th1 pholo. 8. If ~ <Onfr1t photo 1~ow1 :d1ntd1 t~lt elo1 1yp1 ol ptoplf, !ht de1tripli v1 m••~'tAI •hould <nd~clt tl.1 fir1 t ~11tl 111! 111m11 of th1 1ub"tl o• 1•obi1el1 1nd the:• 1ge1 end ho1111 1ddrene1, q, It ;, AllU"'td 1~, pholo11'•Ph1r And 1ubi1el '" 1ub- !•tl1 'l••nl per'Tlin >on for pubHeelio11 incl publie di1pl1v of t nv pho!o1 1Ybm illed for tomptlition. I 0, Wi11ner1 of ih1 too thrtt plet•I 111 ~h wt•~ will b1 11 ~bli1h1d '" the.DAILY PILOT. They will r1c1iv11 $2S. $IS i nd $10, rt<pttlivt!y. i11 F11hi&" lil1"d gift t t<lific1le1. Gr111d pr11 t winntr Ito bt 11lec+1d Au9, .ll-ll duri"9 Folor1mt •I F11 hie n lll1nd ) \l•h '" •ddi1ion1I $500 in 9ift ctrlifi,1!11. I!, Ottdli"• for t nhy ttth w11k i1 110011 on 'Thu11d1v A"d 11111111 mu1t bt C'ltlivered in p•rio" 01 bv mtil to tnv DAILY PlLOT oHiee bv th1t lirr.1. D11d Hn1 th t1 w11• 11 Au9. 7. 12. Conle1t photo1 1hould b1 dirt tltd to: Fotor•m• :::1m1t• Co11t1 1t, Pvblie Servict D1p11tm1nt, 01t n91 Co11I DAILY PILOT I off.ct n11r11I yoy ). I Still Win EN.YER NOW! year . .,...e had cight·by-cight foot panels, and to get from one end of the show to the other we had to feel our way." "il1y concern," Foster said, "was that people had to be able to see through from one end of the Sawdust Festival to lhe other." "The real beauty of. this show," said Foster, "is the lack of pegboard a'nd walnut paneling." "It's difficult without any kind of a back frame. but anything can be overcome if the concept is right,'' he said. FciSter said there were no real pro- blems with any of the exhibitors. "They understand what w~·re trying to dG." Foster said. ''The biggest thing we 've gGt here is communication bet1veen the artists." Foster said that's what comes across to \'isilors to the Sa1vdust Festival. ,;They're overwhelmed by t h e friendliness,"' he said. AF Chief Sworn In The astronauts' agenda today called for work on their personal "pilot's re-. ports" of the mission that opened a nevt era of exploratiGn for mankind. Mariner 7 Sends Back Test Photos PASADENA {AP) -Mariner 7 tele- vised two good test pictures as it ap- prGached Mars early tOOay, relieving fears that its cameras might have been damaged by a meteorite. Flight cGntroilers at Jet Propulstion Laboratory ordered the test prior lo slart of an initial series of 34 approach shots more than one nlillion miles fron1 1h~ planet. Photographs Thursday by sister er.aft :0.1arincr 6 showed l\Iars to be de solate and much like earth's inoon . •~ Marfnt r 7's can1~ra pa lh !its acros.~ l\111rs' white s::iu~h p:Jl~r C3p, an in!ruig· WASHINGTON (UPI) -Gen. John D. ing area glin1psed f!'~n1 ;i distance i11 Ryan, who flew 58 combat missions in l\1arincr 6's sweep along the equator 817 bombers over Europe in \Vorld Ti1ursday. War II. was sworn in Friday as Air Scientist hop ~ tl1rt ~tarincr 7 \l'ii\ be Force chief of staff. " able to exan1i11e al close range a nc1v Ryafl. who will s&ve four years, sue-finding by l\1arlncr 6 that the p:>lar cap·s Ht.,_. 1M111 Htlltftltf•11 hM .. ....... ..... '91111t•l11. ,..,., c ......... CALIPGJNIA 011.olJIYI COAll l"U.LISHING 'OMPA,.., R,\,1rt N. Wtti •rullltnt .,.. l"lltill..,., J t ,lt R. Curley ""' l'rpld<int tnG Gent.rt• Mtnf"' Them11 K11Yil EOll11r Tholl'l•I A. MY•,~i11e Mtnt•lnt EOl!cr "'"'" Coal• AA&11; l:l\l "'•" lh• :;trt" Ne·"POrl &etcn· n11 "''" a111>o1 '""''"'11 L1vun1 lloKll: 171 Ftt11! ..... ,,., H~n!ln•l<ln &1Hh: )1)9 11~ lll'"trl CIAon.v "ll01, •illl .. n..:n " (o"'l •"tll tM N~,.,.,.,l'I .. tt o~llhYlfd Gii" l >tftl Mo~ Gty In 1111&r•t1 ecll'io<l1 •~• Co11t Ml lGo ,. ... ,..,, Inch, Lii""' lltKh, Hunllflf1M &n<n 1..-Fount1ln Y1l1t•. •Wine wlln •- •f'lllntl ectlhono. O•lnot (H•I P~OllU>llltl '""'"'"~ •ronll<>v 011n•1 •rf tl 1111 WHI l•ltot •1vo., ,....,!IC,. &ffch, •llQI J.» WU! ·~., Sl•ffl. (OllA ~H. ,.,_.._ 1714) MZ·4J2t c1 .. tff!M .t~"1tlll"' 642·'''' c .... 11h•, 1ttt. Or-• <.0.11 ttur.JIM'".,. c ..... ,,,. ..,. "'"'" 1 .. llS. •ll.,.lr111-. t0•1or<I' mo1te• or ..inrllll-"'• flftt"' fl\IJ Ill r.-r-•Ul'IOlll 'l>KlloO •r 'l!IU>OU • COl'Jtltllt n•ne•. Stconlf (llU -ll lH .... 11 Mr.o-ort .... °"" (Pit MIU, Ctllkltnl•. 5uhttli>hon !hi Utrltr S2.0I ,,_ltlly; ,, ,,...11 P..fO 1-llllfl mm11., •1ir..tM1N, u.• monn111. cceds Gen. John P. McDonnell, retir· edge is ragged and apparently crater-i _n~g_a_f_l•~~r.'==fo="='~-y_e_a_r~t=''=m==· --::=;;;;;-~poc-;;;k~ed.;--_:::;;;;;::;;;:--__:_-:;;;::;;;;-:---;;;;;;;;-~~~~;;:~iiii~;:;;iiiiiiii:=i:i~~ • ,,--h . '' ummer rops oncerts Monday E\Jenin3s Under the Stars !-fear a summer series of nine "Pops" concerts under the direction of .1/r. Henry Brandon, free to the public, on the .1/all at F.·1SH!01V ISLAND each 1Wonday el'cning at 9:00 p.m., June JO through August 25. \' Thirty-five talented 1nusicians from Orange County, will prcsc11t a delightful selection. of •'Pops" numbers duri11g t!ze 11i11e-wrek 1lfo11dar niglit scl1cdules, each one a different progra111. Jou are invited lo bring foldin g ,tools or cushions in case of overflow seating capacities. Sponsored by The Irvine Conipan)' and Fashion. Island .1 /erclwnts Associatio11 in cooperation with t/ie Recording lnd11strii's Trust Fund: FASHION ISLAND NEWl'OB.T CllNTEB. P•dfl¢ C•••l H°l&hWtf-Mtwliln Jam~ •IMI MttMttut. ,.....,.., mln!lttt •••1· ' ' • . • • • . . ,. DAILY PILOT Stiff PM• PRIVATE PLANE, COMMER CIAL CRAFT SHARE TAXI APRON AT ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT, ONE OF THE NATION'S BUSIEST Sights Like This OM Common for Do1en FAA Tr•fflc Controll1r1 Who Guide Average of 1,400 Plights Per D•y In and out of Facili ty • CC_,lltll llJ 1M D&llJ Pihl ltatn K~eping . Tabs on Air~raft Coun ty 's Three Controllers Must Be on Their Toes By RANDY SEEL YE Of Ille D1llY ~lllt Sltft " .•. hold your flight pattern .•. all clear for takeoff .•. are you approaching from the northeast?, •. " Three entirely different convenations seemed hopelessly jumbled-together in · the Orange County Airport Traffic Con· trol Tower. Yet, the three air traffic controUUs manning the tower were definitely in command of the situation. Each man was giving verbal directions t.o a plane ready for takeoff or landing. The controllers at Orange County Airport, even though the passenger traf- fic they handle is light compared to lhat at, say, L.A. International, must be on l11eir toes. SIXTH BUSIEST COUNTY FLIGHT CONTROLLERS CALL THIS 'THE OFFICE' Fl .. Story Towtr on Wost Slclt of Fltld HH No llovator Meet the People Fisherman Blames His Catching Woes on Rain By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of HM DlllJ' ,llet Stiff There's a lot of bait going over the rail ~t the Huntington Beach pier -muuels, anchovies. jigs and chunks of nther f\11h. Bul some says, the fish just aren't biting. rinest facilities In the whole world lf there's no filih to catch1" "Around this Ume lut yur wt had Olli to give away and now I'm about to live it up." "Yet every morning between I and 8:30 Hudson plod.a .down to the pier from bi• 7th Street apartment, hoping the day will be a better one. The surf may not be up in Scar- borough, Maine, but the surfers are getting uppity. Town Man a g ~. r Robtrt Stnle said surlers at H1g· gins B e a c h "tear down all our signs and are very defiant. If an officer goes down to the w~ter front, they go out on their ~rd~ and thumb their noses at bun, Steele said. "Unless they shape up and police their own g r o u p, we shall ban surfing completely." For Orange County Airport is the 8.lilh busiest airport in the U.S. The controllers must keep tabs on the more than ·1,49(1 aircraft which use the facility daily. Most of the traffic is generated by small, privately owned aircraft. "l don't know what's going on/' said 61-year-old Fred Hudson, a dally angler at the pier. "I've been fishing off this ~r for the past three years and this is - the worst summer that we've had. When he . arrives, he uaually bu two friends waiting for him, Mike C01llns, 14, of Baldwin Park and Rod Tbomu, 13, of HunUngton Beach. • A Newark, N.J . handyman who thinks the moon landing \vas a "great show" said· he is contribut- ing 200 pounds of pennjes saved over the Jest 12 years, to the !\"a- tional Aeronautics and Space Agen- cy (NASA). Louis F. Ti1tariello, 54, said the pennies. in a large copper kettle, are worth about $22.5. He said that with his contribution he hopes to enC(lurage other Ameri· cans to donate funds to NASA to guarantee the continqed explora- tion of space even if the federal government cuts back funds. 9 HaiTcul.! in the San Francis· ca Bay area are going up lo $.l o.nd th11 rtason1 nccord.ing to vete1an barbers, is eve1'!Jbody is weartno their hair more and seeing less 'of their barbers. 1 "Wt wouldn't haiie to 11ave this boost if we could get everybody { ' coming back into barbershops ~ every two wetks like they 11sed to," one barber union official said. ~p;:.;:~,-14....--·-.. • When Ve ra Taylor returned to the automoQile she had parked across a fa c tor y driveway en~ trance, in Oldbury, England. she found factory director Frederick Turner bashing its trunk , 1bumpers and lights with a shovel. She spoke to Turner about this in "very un- ladylike language," Turne r's Ja\v- yer told a judge. Turner. in turn. gave the lady's car a parting swat with the shovel as it drove away. Turner was fined $12 and ordered to pay $55 damages. The tower. located on the western sidt of the airport, is a bl1$)' place. The air traffic controllers, employes of the Federal Aviation Administration 1FAA) muat perform seemingly in· numerable tasks. Each pilot checks wi!h the tower to ob- latn a clearance before takeoff. The -controllers supply trafric \n. formation, provide tailing directions, run the pilot through a flight check and l:ill the flyer which rJ,tnway to use. )#llJNWAY CLEAR When a plane comes tn for a landing the controllers muat. make sure lhe runway is clear and they then provide taxiing information to direct the pilot to a hanaar or the air tenninal. The Orana;e County Airport Tower h&s 16 employes and twelve of these are air traffic controller!. These controllers rotate shifts, so that two men are working during the early morning hours and five are on during the ' afternoons on busy days. · The tower at the airport Is cldsed from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. because of the small amount of traffic during these houri. According to Quentin Stockdale of Fountain Valley, the FAA air lra[fic con- trol speclali.!Jl in charee of the control tower, "Pilot.'! take off during the hours we are closed on their own best judg- ment.." KEPT RECORDS The Orange County controll,rs kept records during the 1968 fiscal year on Ml ,665 planes that used the airport. "Airport, bu sine&·s Increased 36 percent between 1969 and 1968," Stockdale said, "and il is still rising." "We are not overcrowded yel. bul there are times when we are (arced to delay planes ready for takeoff. We can land most planes coming In without delay - except, of course, durtne bad weather." In order to accommodate the increase In airport traffic, four new employes 'COVER .I-MILE RADIUS' Ch it! Controller Stockdtlt have been added to the lower 1taff dur- ing the past year. ContJ"ollers at the air facility are re1pon1lble for planes within a five-mile radius. If a problem abould occur, they can respond quickly. A special e?Mrgelicy telephone in the tower lias a direct hook-up with the airport fire station and it only takes a few seconds to dispatch a unit to a craah or fi re, · · TWO TYPES The control tower handles two types er landing approaches. One ls termed "see and avoid" and the other iJ the '.!.Instrument Flight Rule (IFR)." The see and avoid technique ii used by nearly all pilots and accounts for 90 per. cent of the landings. It is a visual landing with limited contact with the controllers. The IFR is an in1trument landing with voice commands from the flight tower. Il is u1ed in bad weather and at night. More than 511,000 planes landed by IFR last year. The Orange County control tower houses fl7~.ooo rn equipment for fllaht . control, Jll08t of it for radio com- munications and weather checks. The tower alJo has a complex tape recording system. Tape recordings are kept on all convenations between the controllers and pilots. SA\rES TIME An Automatic Terminal Jnformttion Service is being used by the tower to save time in providing information to the pilots. . .. "A pilot calls thia automatic service first and ii itven weather reports and other general infonnaUon. ROY ROBINSON AT WORK Eyt 1 and Ears In the Air • ''When he speaks to a controUer, we already assume the pilot has received the preliminary information," Stockdale ex· plained. "There ii a demand for air tralfic con- trollers," S to ck d a I e said, "but job qualifications are atrid." There are three waya to become a con- troller and all are difficult. I) Throuth mWary tri.inin,. 21 By b<comln1 a top0pllot or co-pilot. 3) By being a radio operator. Stockdale, who has been with FAA for 23 years, said very few air traffic con- trollers have bten trained out.side of the military. "All 15 employes at our facility recei\·· ed trainln1 for three or four years in the military before joining FAA." FAA req1,1irements that must be met before a person can become a controller are strict. Some of them; -A controller must have perfect eyesight when flrlt employed. -He must be 1bl1 to arrive at well reasOned soluUona to complex problemt. -He must adjuat quickly to different ualgnments, chan1Jng cond!Uons and workload fluctuatiom. ..:He must remain calm and controlled during and after !Ong period• cf tension. -He must be able to speak rapidly and distinctly. -·fie must have at leut sii months of experience In alr traffic control work. -He muat pus a stiff phyajcal and must have "adequate achoolin1," wNcb means a coUete dearee or its equivalent. -The controller must allo be certified as a weather obeerver. '. ' "'ntere's jU.!Jl no uae. I'm packing up and going home. All I've caught today b two Tom eod -and 'that's trash fish." Hudson, nearly sightless, stared al the murky water, then offered his own ex· planation. .. Ever slnct we had the hfavy rains lhi11 fall the Santa Ana and San Gabriel Rivers have been dumping muddy water into the ocean and I'm rure lt'1 affected the fish. "Thi1 is 11 pier that 1 really like. Jt has fine facilities, but what good are the They fish side by side almoot eYf/Y day, sharing the &ood fishing Umes .., well aa the bad. "There are a tot of wonderful people down here. l've rully enjoyed 1aWng to them . Tl's a very healthful thlq," ••Y• Hudson. He ls a former warthouse worker w1Ui a Los Angeles firm . He moved to Hun- Un&ton Beach thl'ff years qo when be was forced to retlre because of ctetllnlng eyesight. · DAILY'""°'""',_ EVIN IF FISH AREN'T BITING,.l:!E'S HDOKED Huntington Beach P ier Fisherman HudlOl'I This means the Ma riners people andth1ir proven profession~llsm in matters of finance. It means < Mar iners people -to-pepp!e interest in your sec urity ••• and Mariners wise invest mant ofycur money in the progress of our ccimmu nity. Joi n your neighbors and open a Mariners savings account, today. Rem ember: Faderally·insurad savings with the nation's highest rate of interest, from day in to day out. Also free Travelers "' Ch eques and free safe deposit boxes, (with minimum $5,000 account). · . . . I .. 4 DAILY I'll.OT "Pulpit ' . ( -.Jaiilor ff I th Conlerace fYwlb Fellowship « w.,_ ·-Bapllst °"""' Wll'l\ll' Avenue at Gothard S1roe1, llwitlngton Bead\ -and Pew" .Monday to Aug. 14 at c .. tral -llt111o-Clnrrcb, %3rd a n d Orange, COsla MeM., for children enterinl first tbrou&h Si.Ith grada. mlnl1ter at the Fht Pn1byltrioa Clturtb, 1 7 0 I W._,lmlnsli!r, Sun&y 119 aild 10:30 servke:s. Life-on Planets ~ \VQn't Shake F~th By LOUIS CASSELS Vait<d Pren lal<M111tfoul • wlll ~ 1 special program '1' dW1nc the m Id.wt et ~~ oervlcls, Wed_, 7 ' m. "F~lveoess in AcUon" the tiUe \Of the program. A rqlirtratlon f .. of 12 per child{ with a limit ol $$ per faml1y iJ charsed for this nlnHay llcllool. Further ;.,.. formation or pre-registraUo" may be obtained by calling the church office, .MB-S303. ''Living ift. Three Dimen- sions" wUJ be the mtSBage d&- llvered. by the R e·v. Willis J. Loar1 i>utor of Iba Fini Bap. lbl ~r9 ti S.otlepo Be1d, at both tha 9,30 a.m. aervice al Peek'• Chapel, 71"! Bolsa •·Avt .• Westminster atid the 11 a.m. aervict at the HllR' tlngton S.ach Chapel. 6th llld. Jn Houston, .Tex., three Amertcan astronauts are sit- ting out a quarantine as a ·"1eguard , g a I a 1 t the possibility , they may have picked ~.atr~ae mlcrobes on the moon. , .... minor pt1net bf '" ullffitlukabM atar, the sun, is unique In all cre•\ion as the •bod• ol life. .. 1 An original cartoon mural on forgiveness will b e pr.,..lcd; clay models l)'m· boUiing forgiveness with the theme .. forgiveness ls ... :• will be dlsplayfd and a skll., "The Prodigal Soli" will b e delivered by four of the, youth. Rtgiona l Secretary for the Board of American Missions of the Lutheran Church in America, the Rev. Howell S. Foster, will be the guest preacher a t Renrrecdoa Latlleru C lll •re•. 1112 Hllmlltm, Huntington llel!ch at this Sunday ll:Xl a.m. worship service. P a s t o r Foster, whose special ministry Is directed to' the planning and directing of µrban churches, will pnach the llnt three Sun· da,ya in Augugl ~bined 1R111Uner ~ons or clnaclt school for age1 three through third grade are con- • • dueled at 10:30 a.m. In the Educational Building. Older children worship with their paren!S. Tile Flrol Vnlled Metllodltl ca.rt•. 2121 Seventeenth St., Huntington Beach wlll c:ooduet wonbJp--&ervicel Sunday at 9,30 and II a.m. wjth Kenneth W. Johnstone preaching the sermon. A get-acquainted cof. fee hour will be he.Id between the servicts. The youUt groups will meet at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. "Let'a Go With Christ'' i1 the theme of the vaeation Bi- ble school to be eonduelcd Past.or Henry E. Jone!: will conclude his three-part mes.sage on "The Rightful Place for Tongues" Sunday at t and 10:3:0 a.m. communion services. Mtt. Mary Belle Steele, wife ot Ed Steele, director of bread-<asting at a radio 1ta· tioli in Quito, Ecuador, will speak and show slldes of their wort with World R ad J o Mi,ssionary Fellowship at S p.m. Following her talk, the '1 p.m. worship service will be held. "Love" is the 1ubjed or the Lesson-Sermon to be heard this Sunday in all area Cbtis- Uaa Science churches. The Rev. Harry B. Williams, directoc or the 1969 Billy Graham Southern California Cruaade, will be the guest Orange. Church School for all ages i5 held e.t 1:301'_.m. at tbe A'~downtown cbapel. • • ,_ 'l'llllc Dae , While most scieritlsts con-aider tt highly unlikely that living organisms exist in the airleu environment of the ·moon. It ls widely believed, wilhln and without the Kien- t.ific community, that apace- voyaging man sooner or later will encounter evidence or ex· tra terrestrial life. The Rev. Ernest Pate, minister of the United Cbarcll of Re:li .. ou• Science of Hu- mston kadl will speak on "The Buie ldtaJ ,in Religious Science" e a c h Wednesday evening 'in Augua~ at the Wolnen'a . Club House, 420 Tenth St: at 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Melville . Singer, Featured al 10 :30 a.m. first vice president of and 7;30 p.m. services Western Temple Sister-' of Coast Bible Church w i 11 be Dr. John F . hoods, Is part of a \Valvoord, pre..sident group working on a pro-and professor of Dallas gram. of activities for. (Tex.) Theo 1 o g ical the Jewish blind. Mrs. Seminary. The church Singer-is affiliated with meets Sundays at Mar- Temple Beth-Sholom -co Forester-SchooJ,San in Santa Ana. Ju~n Capistrano. 1-{ew boun for Sunday wonhlp ~ices stressing youth Jnvolvemenl have been ,,---------------------- TIU8 BELIEJi' -Which President Nixon has made a Oat· prediction -is based at present entirely on conjecture. There ls not. SQ far, an iota or hard gclentific evidence that any form of life exists anywhere ·in the universe besides the earth. announced by Rev. Dallas R. Turner, pastor of the Com- munity Ptelbylerlan Cbarcb of Laguna Beach, beginning neJCt. Sunday. Times will be 9 '30 and 11 a.m., with a special address to -and featuring -youngsters al the early worship. after which they will go on to 9:39 a.m. church school classes. Adult sermons will folk>w the session oriented to the yoong. The Rev. Turner will Scientists who po.!lulate the speak this week on the topic · existence of life elsewhere in ••we Belong to Each other." the universe do so because. as ---the New York Timea put it in The luncheon meeting of the a recent editorial, they are (See PULPIT, Pa&e II "reluctant to believe that thiJ SuPPOSE SOME form of life eventhally is found, on ¥ars or In some other solar system. What eUeCt would this discovery · have on th e religious beliefs of mankind? The effect ~Id be shat- tering for anyone who has entered the space 11..e ,with a stone 111e conception ol God. If, for example, a man believes In God solely because he feels this hypotbesis is necessary to exphUn the emergence ol life on earth, he would surely be disconcerted by evidence that the same ••miracle" has o c c u r r e d elsewhere. BUT THERE' really is no need far any Christian or Jew to pin his religious falth to the precarious proposition that earth is the only place where the creative will of ~ has Qeen expressed in the btihging forth of life. More than a century ago, a Catholic priest-astronomer, (See LIFE, Pqe ii ORAN-GE COAST· CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & Rl:LEVANCE? '" ' FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH IA. I . C.I F•lrwlew Rd. At Fair Dr., Costa Mete f A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-WOJ'1hlp lh••• S1•ltl1lt-Dip" llble smtr .,..,. ............ ,.. ~·.. 141-4611 I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IU.NCHll «>' THI MOTHEI CHUICH THI PIRIT CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCllNTISl IN IOITON. MASSACHUSms THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcom" You. ST. JAMES, l 20t Y11 U4e, N._.,.,, ... ell 1:00 AM -H.ty IMllwhf 10:01 AM -H1Jy EKMritt er MwM .. PNy.r Cllll4 c .. et 11:00 AM Roctor, tllo Rn. J~o P. Ashy II; A.Ma.. 'Do Roi. a..,14 Cr1n11t Phone: 675.0210 Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 CIJH Dr. LI 8-4293 I t1te le't. ,,._ 5 . llola, httor T1to An. R~4 Wlltt., Aubt.ot P .. m "•111lly W•nlllf t :M Je 11:>1 •.111. Luthera n Church - of tho Master 2900 PacWc View Or. CORONA DEL MAR Dlt WILLIAM It ELLER Phone 644-2664 _ Sl<l!Ml•r SeftMI ,,. " lt:ll •.rn. 1:'45 A.M.-F1111il.. Wor·Li• WOrUlp kn'kt 11:• Je U :to '1 1111 ;l=:========================:iil ~ HA.RBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH "LOVE"' ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sunday" 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9,30 NlU'sery care available 9:45 A.M-S1111d1y Clnuc.h Sehool . 12JI laker St • ., folrrilw, c .... ..._ ..... c ..... s.11-. Pastw I Sunday &:hoot 9:45 a.m. Morning Wor~blp 11,00 a.m. Baptist Training UntOn e p.m. Eveninc 1ervice 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible StudJ & .Prayer ...•....... 7:00 p.m. Subject of Lesson -August 3 Co1t1 Men -First Church of Chrfst, Sclenliat 28111 M ... YIND Dr., Ceste MeN S_,.y SdlM._,:11 A.M. at all services I WELCOME 1 11 :00 ;.M.-F;1tiYi:,:1r1hi, ~=::==::==::==::==::==::==::=~=::==::='....,::::::=~=·::::::::::::=:=: Holy Days as announcOO All •oc• Welco'" lecter, no a.v. Joh 1...,. O..h-"'°" 644·04'J RRST. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 651 HAMILTON, COSTA MW Cllncll ~11 A.M. IOIHll1tt loo11t, 2110 MOM Y.,. Dr. Huntington Beach-First Church of Chriat, Scientist - 1111 0 11 .. ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7,30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:80 & ·10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced Yker, no 1 ... Jollo w. DH.NM" -,.. ... 5'41-1126 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH _.I iussouri Synod 760 Victoria St., Cut• M ... Lothl!r V. Tornow, P••tor 541.5404 Su"'.-, Seheol • •• •••• f ;41 MM11int. w.,.hiit ••• ; 11 :00 .... '4J.t111 Tr1l11l11t Unio" • , • , , • ••• 6:00 fYenint Wonhip • , •••••• 7:00 W1d. EYe11i119 s1 ..... ieo •••• 7:00 H•,_,., A'"'9 AnhWo S1.0cry Sc.heol -f :ll I 11 :H Ch11rcti -11 A.M. Sonlco lffdl11t lloom-110 OllM w .... 111, Slrvleflc l !U I II A.M. llll!Ur Scl1Mf1 t :lll A.Iii,. I Ajjutt 01111• Clt M• t:J• A.M. 1,::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~~C~H~l~tS~n~A~N~l~Ll~M~l~HT~A~l~Y~SC~H~O~O~L~~~~~~·~·~ ... ~ll~I~ EPIS~OPAL L1siun1 Beach -First Church of Chriot, Scientist ''' Hltll Dr. I ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1!lt1 •t" =: .;~~':!..~ •1<1• hi.,. :!r PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH , I I M110 Ytrd1 Dri¥1 I l•k1r St•1et, Co1t1 Mo••, Ctlif, UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 22S2 S. I. PALISADH lD, SANTA AMA Hll•HTS ,JUMDAT KtKIOL .•• , ........................... -•• f ie A.M. Mo.N!Ht WOltSHIP ................... ~············ 11 A.M. Chrcll & Sitlffy SchooJ-t:JI &. 11 :ti IH4f111 l•e11to 214 ,.,... A"· Ntwport Beach-First Church of Christ, Scltntlat JJOJ Yto Liff · Ta.. llt• • .1-C. (1 .. y, P•IW Sund1y Servic" I t .. A.M. fttlr CM1111111i.. t1» A.M. l'l•llY S-ICll a tll...U , ..... M. .__, sc-... ,,. P.M. a,1u.,11 ll:Of A.M. IMntlfto W'""• Y-1 ~ H.,..,. t;-,,..,.... ""'ClftlW C. ""'Cll!ftSO"', PNM<' Sunfty Sclltll •:is Mimi,,. ~II' l :Of & 11:111 Princ.o of P•e•e luth1rt11 S~flool -Mi•1 Eath1r Ol1c;11, Ptlneip1f Offic• Pliono1 1'49·052 I Scheol Ph1no: 149-11561 •YIJOHe WOltlffll" .................................... 1 ......... . M!OWl•k llllVICI! 'ftl!DfolllDAT , ............... 1:11 PM. WHK1111 s.. Act.. "''"' Cllurdl l"ltont MS-Mn ~1 • Cit.rd a. S.Moy Schet-t:11 Ii 11:00 ' 10041111 looM,"JJ15 Ylll Udo · Newport Btach.'Stcond Church of Christ, Scientist First Assembly of God Church )~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~: 146 E. 22nd St., Coata Men 541-3761 • I Wi loli•Y• In Yo11 · • • I FIRST IAl'TIST 'CHURCH .t hnt.1• Yolley IAnMf'IU• l•JllHI FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1100 Poclflc Ylow Dr., c ..... 4ol M• Ctt.rcll • Sn4.y Sci..M-1 D A.M. llloCHfl"t l1t111-216J I. Cfflt Hwy. M. C. Cronic, Pastor UNITARIAN R•Y Nieko1en, ~inhter of Ye11th :1 UNIVERSALIST , .Attend the church of your choice on Sunday 1: Victoria & Placentia Ave. I Cosl.t Mesa All are cordially invited to attend the churCh services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms :1 CHURCH ICHIDUU OF lllVICU 1 1219 Victor!t St,. Co1to Mo10 1 17411 M .... 11 .. f . Y. S11 .. ...,_Ch11rU ScltHI •••••••• , , , , •••••••• , ••• t:l~ •·"'· , 646-4652 $unaen I foMlty w....., •••••••••• 11:50 0.111. I 7:00 ,... 10:JI A.Ni..-· Jo_.. I. """' Mblhtw . CWJ4 C.. Pro•l•ll~AT ALL lllYICIS Ch11reh aiol' -S"1rll '•ul11it, Dir1clor I ~. 0... Hnhl._Ml11brw Morning Worthip 1:)0 I 11 :00 S1111d.t1y School ·• •• ;. ••. •:30 Youth M1eti119 , •••••• , • 6:00 DHtl• Hffl.. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ Yovlll MllllllW .. ,., "'"""' . ·······. .. .,. '·"' 111111 kMel ·••••••• ••• 'IJf l .M. Mlnllllf W""'9 ••.••••• ''"" 1.m. YhJt"'9 W.tcoMO -N""°" Atto"4o"' STA.Tl LICINSID Pll·ICHOOL.-!Peol Wlllfafft!, Director r1to ... : '4S.2l2J P•1y1r S•noiee ••, ••• , •• 6:10 E•enlng Se,...ie1 •••••••• 7:00 H""'"' AY•lllllll II 11 ttn'ieoa 842-2421- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Y..,,. Grev" ......... ,...... ' '·"'-I "'N'::~ery··car·e .. Prov1d:d· I 141-4771 141.Q41 I Chureh of th1 D1ily Word NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH ' ii ti M1 ift & Adams Stroots I, CHURCH OF CHRIST ,1t:~~~~~~~~~1 llTWllN HARIOI ... fAllYllW l','I a HARBORmRHEftiORMng •• TEMPLE ti: SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY •••. , ••....••••• 9:45 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP' COMMUNION ,. 10:45 AM I SUNOAY EVENING WORSHIP ••.• •••••••• ••••••• ,,oo l'.M. ' St. Jame• Epi1cop1l Church ~i WEDNESDAY EVENING lllLE STUDY ••••••••••••• 7:l0 PM l~I 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach 11 NUISllY ·CAii PIOYIDID ,It SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ! Doo" 0 . Moyftol4 D. G. Hon• I •1ot11 11!•,..AllD •. Kl!<IG ,.011 '"''ORMATI0"'1 u.u '7$.MG ":_;: Mlohtor ASMCktte Mlnhtof ::: 287 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA Phona: 548·5711 Doy or Night 1.t IStli.ll l"'i"'' N1wporl l11cti IF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I G cs.n1or cu1,_ au11c11ng1 I Morni"I Wonhi, 1:10 l 11 :0IAM 1 1:4SA.M. Sundoy S~hool Huntington 8oach LAD TIDINGS li~lo Sckol ••••• ••• 9:45 AM 10:00 A.M, DeYotionol 50t'f'ic1 I CENTRAL ).I CORONA DEL MAR Youth Gro11p1 •• • • • •. 6:00 PM BIBLE OiUROI /..J. I =~~:~~ :~.~.:::~ OFFl(&l '°:~~s:~w.y, "'· .. ~illtf ~'.~Wt. : 1:-i~; I . c.-+, IJtll~H·· o... :1 ( 1/1 llec~ s;:, !. ~;,"~:l~~I) Ne:!:~o ~~=:7166 ASSEMBLY OF GOD I Dt •• . " .. • -,:/ ~· T1te<n11 ••nvtr..ii, P01tw -""' Mii"'· MWlcll OlrtdW Olflm1 ... ,mt .. DWI ~ _. ..... ,.._fll-646•Klt -If.-1 () f' " -' . I ,., s 111 SUNDAY SERVICES CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .. fmphutzing !: ?, I 1o:SOA.M.-lle•. D. Y. Alditlftn " lllNPl!'I ._,. i...,:7-_ The Pl.an of God I V\ Iii 7:00 P.M. -Ml11IMOtr fr-Nl41.,lo -Iott c.rf101 M..., Chrdl" u..n.. a... 11....-Sc._ .. u. MtolOI !/--~ ~he hnOn of Chrisl: :I "!'f hit! letw!OM by p_..,. sUHOAY Sl!•YICE .•• u AM I Tht Power of the Holy Spilit + --+ 1:1 Mini$ ....... • AO.I lurM, W;.S.e.... ~11 '!und•V School 9 AM II ""1 "" \ ~ ,. Mo111h:iy, 7:11 P.M. -Cottwto PNY91' Mooltit 0111•,.ITH CH ... PIL Momin• W0<'1iip ' ~nd i o::io Mt I ·~l · I o;t I WHllOSffy, 7:10 P.M. -llble St114y I Or ..... COlll YMCA. nCll Ul!MeltJ Dr. f j ~ •' -"" . i<e 1 P\.\ J, ... \.... _J ... -. Choir SilUJI ....... S11..d1y s., .. ;," '--Th...,..., a ble s1wr I .,. - N ..... •,•~7 PM . , ~,,. .... " ... \.'-l•~;:::;:::;:::;:::~'~"~Y~M~M~o~o~li~o·~·~S~ot~'~''~"~''~l~O~A~.M:;;;;;:::;:::~~~1 WHAT A SHAME •••• ht '"'" ..-...... M•' ,..plo Hf,._ .. Mnk• et CALVARY CHAPEL Of NIWPOIT llACM-CDllc......,, ............... H~ ll1ueat•' k'"'8 411 L .1 ... It .. C... .... Worship -9:~ A.M. Ntnwy C.. Pr••I••• Phone: 675.3915 Minister. Dr. D. W. McEJroy ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH CMl111u,1 S'fl'IMI worthlp1"9 4t tho UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL S•MN'f of Mottfilw• hi Ul'tl"'"1fr l0tlr: WOISHfP1 10111 A.M. ,a..,.tt. H19"1'1o-, Pemt IJl~11tl· ( un.ry u1lna serv1us .. , F HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD A foll Youth ''""'m I COMMUNITY ·,i Ctn. of Onin~ and 2Jrd. St. !1 Cost.i Mai I , 740 W. Wllaon, Co•t• Mesi PH"' H. L '""" IFCA """ CONGREGATIONAL :t Y. L HllTWIC .. -CAIL •lllTIY Unllff Cl!vrch ef RELIGIOUS SCIENCE '4211 10th SI., Hunti119ton loech Phont 116·2120 ' Ad111! I Youth S1,..,iet1- l I :OO A.M. llNIST PATE, MlNISTll • 611 HELIOTROPE WIM'IMp--10:00 A.M. Qofcll kMol-tO:H A.M. Dt. P M .. 0. .,.,,,,,.,, Mlllll .... Miii 111..,._, lflllll. D.C.I . 673-4000 Seventh·Doy Adventist Churches CelN MoM LotVM Nltnl 271 A•ocffo Streot --a,. lo J1h11 Showm•••• P11!1r S.11tti S...,.. ~ C••rtll Phone : 541·•59' J2712 CNw• Y.ti., Pottrwoy lo~ Sc-.i , ,, , t :ll AM A. E. 11.twton, Peator .......... WonMp •• I l :Oii AM Phone: 4tl-JtJ' So•Mtti klteol , ••• t :JI AM ...,_ Meot1111 .. wHI•7:JO PM MONl"f Wonldp •• 111111 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH t041 ,..._.. ...... ITolMrt I Mot1tOll•I, •OUNTAIN VAWY UNIF/lD SlRVICI • Su"doy $eho4I 91Jo-WORSHIP -lll:l O WenhTp I Y•11th Gro1p1 • •:JO p.M. N11r11ry pro•ldt41 ot oll t•rYi•ot A CifM!lllltr Clior• -Vitlltn Aro """'" W*- ' [1 141"4714 Ml.&w .t Mnk I SUNDAY SERVICES I ti ,I I I '" t :45 A.M. -S1114e, Sc~I CIOllOI hf •II .... 11:10 A.M. A 7 P.M. -Wont.I, Sorllco OHi MOlll Wiii Dll MIDSUMMIA CRUSADI l•••flt ''°' TIHHH& Ni9htly el 7:10 Elttpf Moittl•y enlll S1lo•lll•v COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY ClllRCli r no"-do11111el111fl e11ell Costo Mno WoMe't Cl .. -W8t 1M St.•~ C-M- SUNDAY SERVICE ...... : .• 11 A.IA. i.m,.. tlllt he6ly -"I Am tfle Ufltt .t 11io WerN" Ml""'-t.: C••'*' Offlco: Dr. lt°'"' •fftl. IHN&tM --141 Im lltll St. In . .....,..,. 11.,.... A-.d ... c.... .... ... .............. AllMMto T1l1ph1M1. MS·~hf et Nltfit • I • A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1fbo1 l1l111d COMMUNnY METHODIST CHURCH 111 Agot1 675-0950 1;15 lnforrn1I Wo,alilp t :JO Tr1clition1! Worahip I .Sund1y Sekool Cosio h4•1• FIRST UNITED METHODIST' CHURCH 1 tth St & Horbor l lwlll. Worship I Chureh School t :lO I 11 AM 541-7727 Coit• M111 North MISA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Mo•• Y•rdo &··11••r St. 14t-271t Wor1hip I 0.11rck Seholf t :O<l l IO:lll AM Hu"tin9to11 leech FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th $1 .•••• li],.Jil7 S1rY!ee1 -':JO I 11 t .m. Nursery tkr1 2114 9r1de • 11 Ch11rell Sdlool -9:JO e.m. Huntingfo" l1•dt-l'Ud.~ COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6t.t.2 Hoil Avi ••• 142-4461 Wor1hip ' Oureh Sc.ho1I t l IO:JO AM lrvl11~Ee1t ll!ff UNIVEISfff METHODIST CHURCH lll·l 2ll et UniYeriity Oriw e Wonhip I Ch11rek Sehoel 9:30 A.M. l1g1111e le1ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21 '12 W1doy Dr 1" So. lo9u~• Worship 10 AM Church School I 0 AM 499-JOll N1wport l1och CHRIST CHURCH 11' THE SEA 1400 w. 1.11, •• 11 .. 111. 611-llOS Woflhip I Chureh 5ch1ol 9 I IO :JO A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 21111 M..,..n. ( ..... A4o1M) H111tl11ttH hffll In. All• O. S'""'-l..mt111 Pe1tor s...., WonMp: t :JI AM CIMlrdl SdtHI: 10:45 A.M. Offke Jtl 12 M.,..110 St. ~ t61-49'41 Church of the Covenant 2110 .............. c ......... lr11e1 A. K11rrlo, Petter I•"*' Wen:Wp & CMrdl Sd.ol: t :JI ''••• S41"4JIM St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church '"It. A ..... a..I, N..,... IMdl CHAILU HllRIT DllllNPll\.D, PAITOI W......, I a.ti Sckel1 t. t:JO I 11 AM ..... 7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church COfMf Jo ..... a l...W.rt DrfM, C.... .. M• ... _. ............. w.....,' Qwcll k~1• AM '4f.1J41 Community Presbyterion Church 411 ,._ A,.... I., JM St.I,~ hecll DA.LU.I TUINll. PASToa WenMp •till & 11 1N A.M. -Cbrdl....., -9:JI A.M. 4'4-7111 _,.. ' \ - ·-((:ond'niled irom P•t• 4\ Latter Day Sain ts Business and Prafessional M e n s , A~ation of Ck'ange County Wednesday, noon at the Sad· dlcback Inn in Santa Ana will feature Merlin Olsen of the L?s Angeles Rams. He is a member of the LOS church. . The Business' lw1ens' Associa~ l10,n .welCOIJ'les guests at its meetings. and suggests that tbe men bring along a boy who woul? enjoy having lunch arid shaking hands wi~ Olsen. The price of .the luncheon is $3 and reservations must be made in advance by calling Jean Gill at 833-2750. "A Bargain with Lire" is the . sermon subject wh~h Dr. D. W. McEJroy will present at lllllbor Christian Church at the 9:45 a.m. worship service Sunday. Services are held at Harl?tr School. 18tli Stteet at Tustin Avenue, New p 0 rt Beach . · Lutbem Church of the l'i1aster, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona de! t.iar. Will of· fer communion at 8':45 and il a.m. service&. A guest pastor the Rev. Wilbur E. Allen, wili , deliver a message entitled "Sons, Yes! But sUll in Danger". The V i s u a l Edutational program '!Ill continue in \he Sunday.Church School at 9·45 a.m. Following the · aervi~e. the congregation will honor Dr. William R. Eller in celebrating the 2 5 th an- niversary of his ordination as well as his birthday. Or1q1.le County C a m p 1 Fartht1t· Out meeting tonight a,t st. Jji.mes Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach wilt' feature ~ Rev . Harold Hayward. He .w10 .speak on ."Preparation for the Trip. 11 The meeting wilt f~rmally ?pen at 4:30 p.m. A· dt.nner will begin at & p.m. with the Galilean H o u r starting at 7: 15 p.m. The Rev. ... }fayward will speak at this time. St Join of Lorraine Guild SinlJ:es' and Doubles' Club~ wilt sponsor a barbecue today from 1 to 5 p.m. in honor of the opening of St. George Episcopal · Clurcb'1 -new sanctuary in El Toro. • " . an.d t·.1 Pew .. = Youth Fenowahfp ~oup wii)":""d.),-7.30 P;;. €&ti1-..:., - hold a car rally, starting ii. and' R~ger Wai.ct Of ~": lhe church at 5 p.m. . .J>eace and Viokl Hi -e The public h. invited U,.-. -Mesa -Verda 'Meth~~ a~ parUclpate and" It.~ will tit ~mbers of the group · TM' charged for entry. . brlnj a rridSa,e·· Jbrou h Vacation Bible schdol it tb& original Chrbtian ·font mJc church wilr be held 'Aug. it ~v~bal wltney. The blic lh.rougn-Aug. 19: Reglstralloos-'111~!1lly ilivlJill ti'ifiend, wdl be taken at the cl'lui'ch foi 7' ~nts· \fiWbi8 served. the folloWing. thrte ~undays. i ' · • ' . Aa Id luhloft~!<t m - The congregation of tilt~..Cl.i,wm behel~\odaY., 61~ RW1Ungt.oo.Val£ey B a'p t 11~ -p.m.,,1by Plym•ih CtiFeti-' Cbwd Will view tne mm ' ·11ooa1 Cb.r.it :o1 NMrptn ."God's Long Vineyird" during Harbor, 3262 Broad st., t~e SundaY. evening serVice, i Newport Beach. Homemade o clock. · ice cream and cakes will be Pastor Jlmes Herington will served at the public invited return ~o Ult pulpit an Sunday ev,:nt. . . for Ii a.m. '!'Ol'lhlp servlct.1 at .Jesus Christ Lives Here" is the church, 9779 Slater Ave the SUnday sermon topic ot Fountain .Valley. ., the Rev. Norman L. Brown to Sunday school classes for a11 be' given at 10 a.m. Sunday ·ages meets at 9:45 ~.m . and ~hoot is held at the same youth hour is held at s p.m. time: Baby-sitting service is Nursery care is provided for provided: aij ~cheduled services;-f!ectphor'! of members and communion will also be held. Those interested in mem- bership should Contact the Rev. Brown at 64Z..27t0. Pastor Thomas Ray will preach at.,..11 a.m. worship service sUnday at Central Baptist Cburcll. of H•ntingtOn Beacll., 7561 .Warner Ave. His Sermon at Corona del Mar's subject will be "Where Do Co mmunlty _ Conireiatlonal Babies Go When They Die?" Cbureb, .611 Heliotrope Avf::-- Nursery care Is provided at this Sunday will be ''Man in both the morning· and the 7 the Space Age." Dr. Philip G. p.m. w~rsflW hour. Primary Murray will. speak .at the .10 church 11 held for children in a.m. · worship service. Child kindergarten through thlrd ~ care Is provided. Summer grade ~t 11 a.m,. only .. RegµJar church school also meets at 10 Sunday school is held at 9:45 · a.m.· am. Vacatio.n Biblt SChQol is scheduled for Aug. 18 through -Communion will be observed 22. at 9 a.m. services for Cb0tt:b of ~ 1 Crossroads, Pacific "God .Po1ade Me Laugh" will View Chapel, Corona del Mar. be the sermon topic of the Dr. Vincent Gottuso will Rev. Bruce A. _Kurrie-at the preach ''The Image of God." Presbyter.fan Cburclt of .Ute Church school meets at 10::5 Covenant, 2850 Fairview Roe.d a.m. ~ Mesa. ·Family. warship · will be at 9:30 a.m. Child care through kindergarten age is provided . - Wedoes.lay evening summer p~ogram begin! at 5:30 p.m. ~1th ~~aUon for all ages; d.1nner 1s at 7 p.m. Reserva- tions should be made through thil church office. A special program is presented at 8 o·clock. ~e Rev. Roger T. Walke, m1n1Ster of the Colta Mesa Unitarian Univer1aU1t Cba~b 1259 Victoria Sl, Will 'revie~ Beginning a new worship schedUle, Newport R a r b o r Lutberu Cbv.rtb, 2501 Cliff brive, NeWport Beach will meet at 9 a.m. with children adjourning to Sunday school classes at 9:3() a.m. and the adults continuing in worship. AdulL Bible study will be held from 10:05 to 10:30 a.m. An 11 a.m, worship service will be held with a continuous format. Ronald White, recent grad- u~te of Wart~urg Seminary. will preach this week. COMING TO MESA R•bbl G•r1on Goodm•n Mesans .·Get New Rabbi 1.-tembers of Costa 1.-1esa's Temple Sharon, 817 w, Hamilton. are getting a new rabbi . ! Jews~ -lmpa~t . Blacks Settle MONROVIA, Liberia CAP) ~ Black American Jews have · 11\ade. Uielr uiipact' on ine Liberian scene since setUiti in this West African republiC ~-seelfln,g a homeland . But they ~y tne goln~ l'ougfi thei try to charge fordan newsmen f500 an interview. "We are trying to make it -man.. but It's rough with ali · ,this austerity here," safd James Greer, 45, of Chicago who calla himself Ben Yaakov' lie is a leader of the band 0[ American blacks·who adopted Judaism, dubbed themselves Hebrew Israelites and moved . to ·Liberia at the end of 1967. Wearlrig a grten paisley ~kullqi.p, Green explained the 1nterv1ew price list in one of his group's t n-'t er prise s Mesada Tova. a snack bar. It; n ame melns ••good restaurant." • A sign outside advertises "soul chicken." Fried chic~n is .sold ~lso io another lstaelite shop in Gbargna, a· bi.ash crossroads about 100 miles north of Monrovia. Liberia · black Je..., haie opened here Jn the same bulldlng cono tainlng the Bureau of Iw mlgratlon and Naturallzallon . The nearness to the bureaU is colnclckotal but symbolic. The Heb~ 1,ratlites: have made a ma1or impact on im. mlgraticn po)icy in ·this COIJtto try fou~nded · 153 years .tgo b1 freed slaves from Ame.rlca. Liberia has a law atlowina entry lo all Negroe!. But the Isrilelit.ts probably · would not - make it en masse as ~y d.ld in 1987 Ir they tried it today. ••Scme day it wlll be all right for more to come," uiil lawyer J. Newton Garnet,.. secretary of the board of im· migration President William V. S. Tubman named to handJe the black Jews, "But we have to have a budget to take care of these people. The president hasn't given us a budget yet." ~~w~rd Sumo Jories, the im• migration commsisioner said the first batch Of 159, inciuding 78 adults, were in Liberia three weeks before t h e government disco"tLered thein . ' ~ ' JI . . . S1t11rdq1 A1111ltSt !; 1969 OfltoAfnca Pope Paul. VI flew to Ugancja this week for dedica• tio~ of ~hrme ~o 22 recently sainted martyrs. On hi& arrival m A!ric~. the pontiff also made a dramatic plea for peace 1n the Nigerian civil war· and iaid he would "do anything and risk anything" to ad!ieve a truce. • tte is Rabbi G8rson Good· man, a former chaplain in the Navy and. Marine Corps who ~Ill be iruitalletl Friday, Aug. 8 JO a ceremony beginning at 8: 15 p.m. The instaHation will be ~rformed by Rabbi Paul Dubin, eieculive director of the Southern California Board of Rabbis. You can buy lemon.navored "slush" !n \he American-style custard tee cream parlor the By then they had hacked out a camp in a forest near a crossroads called G,batala. The camp still exists run by--------------------- the few. who knew anything The rabbi, a native of Ohio, served as a military chaplin for 20 years, aad w a s presented Navy Ch8.p\ain of the Year Award and Armed Forces Chaplain of the Year award . Rabb i Goodman is ~arried . and has a daughter. HIS Wife, Ruth, is a schoolteacher. Nun Swings With Youth For Cultm·e about farming. MoSt of the ~~;:~i::::·•klll•dlabor· Mesa Girl Captures Gamet said about two-thirds of the immigrants have drifted N ~ z· S back to Monrovia ; in addition UtlOUa C-L-~-J ;.;-r~.h-;p' . to operating food stores, they I WW 01 11 LIFE • • • have formed a band called the Soul . Messengers to muke A Co$la Mesa girl has won a money. About 20 have return-scholarship in a national con· ed to the Upited States. said tes~ for gradUating high sChoo1 Garnet, but some of them plan seniors attending Assemblies EAST ST. LOUIS, JU. (AP) to come back to Liberia once of God churches. - -Put 2~ kids from the they have learned a skill. Mary Gutt.I , 18, daughter of predominantly Negro slums of :r'he Liberians put the Im· -the Rev. and Mrs. Joseph East . St. Louis in an in-m1irants up rent-free for Gutel Of Costa Mesa was nam· t · three m. onths in a Jnrcre h•"se ed·· "Miss CA" co-winner for erpret1ve dance prorrram led ~ e ....... th s th b e· u~e.d for paramount chiefs . e . ou ern C a I i f o r o I a Y Sistc!" Paulette Huber and v~stting the capital. 'nley pro-~1str1ct, and received 8 Fr. Angelo Secchl. said it was what have you got? v1ded each adult with ,. $60 sc~olarship from· Southern preposterously vain for man to Twenty-five laughing em-monthly allowance. Garnet California College, C o s t a assume that God had barrasted kids having a' lot of estimated all this cost the Mesa. populated only one tiny !;peck fun for the summer trying to government $12,000. The conl.e6t is spon.1-0red (Continued from Page 4) of . the cosmos with intelligent keep •t• · · ti beings: up WI u a gf.year-<1ld Under Liberian law the 101n Y each year by the nun. Tsraelite·s eVentually c 3 n Education and Ch r ls t • s AWED BY the vastness of Sister Paulette, a teacher or become citizens. Few have the Am bass ado r s (youth) ~ universe he saw through performing arts at St. Teresa ~kills listed as most desirable departments or tAe Assemblies his telescope. Fr. Secchi vnic· Academy, said she could offer 1n the Liberian immigration of God. Scholarshipa are ed the conviction that there somet}Jing in the creat.i,ve act. ·These run from physlciaD. awarded on the basis of must be many other planets arts when the Roman Catho'lic and druggist Jo "petsons skill-character, academic achieve. inhabited by ' ' c r e a t u r e s school volunteered it! services ed in prison man@gement." ment, and participation in ~-P•~le .of reccgnizing,,honor· to the city's reaction .But ma~lag do are such church and community AC· WI NS $CHOLA!lSl!IP Mi11 Ml!Y Gutel . ' '• the events and report on the 1.Ionday marks the start or decisions made at the July an-vacation Bible School at Flnt nual Assembly of the national Baptist. Church of Fountain Unitarian Univ er s a Ii st Valley. 17415 ·Magnolia Ave. \ • yacati~o . Bible school it orgttnlzation: The'"servlce will "The Churc;p and World" Will r.i RtdttJ?er Lutheran Cburcb begii1: at 10:~ a.m. Ch'1fd care be the ·theme of the 9 to 1~51 Springdale St.. Hun·~· · for·yuung cJl,ildmt and .infan~-I!_~=~.~ a· ... ~."· c I asses. tlngton Beach, begins Aug. 11 . W!Jl be P.J'OX.1.ded:-. l'rertgislrat1an may be made i.ng and loving their creator." program. J>ersons as a 2 2. y ~ 8 r. 0 I d tivities. F0!11.fline young peo- A Protestant scholar, Qie "This is partly a sociai pto· Chicagoan Wbo now calls pie won prizes. late C. S. Lewis, thou'<!ht it gram, bl.4 we don't really look himself Ovedy Israel and runs ~ gr'°duate of Costa Mesa day scJiooJ te•cJler, president probable that the unrverse at it as that. We look at it as the Mesada Tova. His wife High School, Miu Gutel at· of .the ~for Mi&Sionettes, 8 coritainslivingbelngswhoare an introducUon to a cultural and 8-mOnth-old baby stay in tends .First Assembly of God member of the · school Bible both morally and inWiectually program. Most of these kids Gb~tala while, be dishes out Church where she is treasurer club, church choir and Superlf-\r to man. He Suggested don'.t have the opportunity to .soft fee cream in Monrovla. of the Christ's Ambassadors,• orchestr~ ~n.d P.ian!s' Jot rest tha~ the vast d I s t a n c e s cultivate an appetite for Ute His grandmother, who came ."Y~ouiiiiith~gri;;;ou~p;. ;;S;;••;JS;· ;als:;o:::•;Su;::n;;· ;;h~om;:•;:se~rv:;•:c~es::.· --:·-· ---' t • I ! I I I I t I r ! • I , , . • t • ' ) I ~ f , • ) I \ l . \ I l • I and will continue through Aug _ , at the church today and Sun· 22. Classes will be held g a.m~ This Sunday at Mesa Verde day. to noon daily. Bible study United Metbodlst Church 1701 recreation, arts and crafts a~ Baker S\.., 'COsta Mesa, it the between solar systems are cultural," she said. Wi1b the group at the age or'• well as refreshments are plan· , 9 and 10:30 a.Th. services, the ned. · Rev. Paul Blese.meyef will Pre-regislralion may be p~each,, "A Clue To Hap- made through the church of. pmess. lice or by calling Mrs. Shirley "On Church Membership" is the sermon topic to be deliver.ed by Dr. H e n r y ,Gerhard Sund{ly. 9 and 11 a.m. at .Church of ·R ~ 11J:Io11.s Seit.nee, 20082 Laguna Canyon God's· way of quarantining thC The ·kids. range in age from 72, died in the camp. "I don't ..... ~ { violent and self-ctntertd Jess than,JO lo around 16• . have . that much . value io.' \. huihah· creatures of earth, to Sisler· Paulette, a natlve ·o·r matenal things," said Israel rli' tht ol -ffnt them from sp e d" who will talk even " •• m· a ri pGrft ""' ¥ r 8 irig nearby Festus, Mo., starts off " ttMt O their spiritual sickness to hap· ith newsman customer only-buys ""'' _ _ _ _ _ pier worlds. .w warmup ·exercises that a milk shake from him. He · Clark at 847·5060. Missionary appointees of the Road, Laguna Beach. New Sudan Interior M"l!sion will be menlbfrs will be received Into 1n charge' of both the 11 a.m. the church at both -.urvlces. worship servi.ce and the 7 p.m;-Baby care is offered during service Sunday at First Bilp-the 9 a.m. service. A 1eading Jewish authority tryleavetosomke groaning .a~ Utehy worked in a llyde Park The S()tlfhUznd's Most B~lf--" " . eep up w1t11 t e Chicago, faM-ry before mov·'· ~-· _. on .. n:o-th.eology," Ra"' bi sprigntly Ilttle arf •w Mem--.: .i. : N La " nun we ng an ing from the United States. """" Meet.ins: at Seniii'r Citizens Building, l~th at I r v i n e · Newport Beach, the con: gregation of Newport Unity Cburcll will hear the Rev. Loren Dale Flickinger speak· ing on "YOW' Finest Hour ." The Sunday service convenes at 10 a.'m. · orman mm, says no b"asic odd mixture o( habit and "Th MNJSOta• • COUIMIA•UM • --tenet of Judaism .wbuld be leotards. . · ere'sbeentoomuchem· ..1...1~, --, ~ en s e 1rst sWU them said. "l'ni here becau&e I 1have by the 0 e WORLD The Orange County Cou'',·1 threatened by a sci«ltirlc lind -Wh h f' phaals on this black thing" he -u;:u;q TREES f th ' tlst Cburcll:, ' 301 Magnolia Costa Mesa. · ' Nurseor care is provided at of the Association for !ng 1 th 11 at man is "bot the only to dancing , the kids often took an easier time serving God the ...,. o. ,_ -. __ Re1eattb and Enli•b:ttnment 1nte gent and biO.spiritual like f•u•"'1 "• -···I Th · ,.i~~~ji_~~~;::-=~~~~~~~~=:._~::~::;~~~~~~--• id · · ,. 8' ... 16 ,... ¥1.£'1; s. eir way I want to ae-•e him." wfl.l hold its first Orange Coun-res ent m God's world.'' embarrassment soon wears off '• ..,_ s... .._ .. a...~- Community singing will be led. by the Rev. Flickinger Wednesday. 7:30 p.m .. also at the Senior Citizens Building. Dealing with the question of personal identlt:Y, P a s t o r Davld DiPro!io ·will preach a sermon entitled "Sound of Music". ~t Qlrist Chutcb by the Sea, 140Q l\'. Balboa, Newport B ea c l;l • Duplicate \torshlp hours are held at I and 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is provided . Continuing a three sermon series . on the . Great com- mandments of Jesus, Dr . Roger Huebner will preach "LOr~ of the Dance,'' at 9:30 and l l a.m. services at Costa ~te1a First· United Methodist Cbattb, Church school for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. followed by an utended session at 11 both services. · "And in Jesus Chri.sl," sermon number two ·on f.be Apostles~ Creed. will be giver} .at the 11 a.m. service of the UJlBffUiated · Fo1111ta11 Valley Preabyteriaa . Cburtll, 9 4 2 o Talbert. ' *Y conference today and Sun-Although the Bible teaches and they become less in· day at Unity Cbarcb, '°1 E. that man is unique, 1 Rabbi terested 1n not looking silly 6th St., Santa Ana. The con· Lamm says, this doctrine is and more intent on learning -ference will consist of af-not an a1;sertion that the rest what it's alt about to be crea· t~rnoon sessions from 2 to 4 of the universe is devqid of In· live with lheir bodies. - p,m!i and evening programs telligent life. It is simply an "The boys always respond from 8 to 10 p.m. each days. afffnnatlon of 1'the ~spiritual better than.the girls, for what Among speakers at the dignity of creatures endowed reason I don 't know," Sister Conference wlll J:>e Hugh Lynn with reason and free will." P~ulette said. "The big ones Ca>:ce, son of Edgar Cayce "ON EARTH, only man are usually the most em· arid· Director of the Associa· ru•~ ,_ barrassed at first, and yet t , Dr G 11l1lli these condiUons " says t•-· «-mn; . · ina ·eermpra, the Jewish theo'-glan. "·rr we "''''3 're u..,. ones most anxioua noted author and semalfiltctat; "" io participate." w should discover other free and The · Dr. Ullam McGarey, ht.ad of rational species, we shal l of nun «Inducts the dance the Medical Research Div!Sion course Include them in the classes once a week in the Van of the Edgar •Cayce Foun-community of uniquely bio-Lucas Marlin School 1n the dalion at Phoenix, Arizon8; spiritual creatures 'i • • run-down South Side. She and Mfs. Elsie Sechrist, well-says: known lecturer and Jong·time· ._Man can accept a far "I enjey this kind of worK Temple Beth David er associate of· Edgar Cayce. h~bler place than previously when I _see. the thrill of these Orauge County will conduct Subjects \\'ill include "New assigned to hlm without sur· boys aOO girls realizing there Sa)>bath services on Friday .Discoveries in • E • S . p . rendering his intrinsic worth is something they can do B:lS p.m. aL the Community Re..1earcb," "Reincarnation G~~· meaningfulness b~fore that's constructive and in· Co ngr egational Church and a Phiklsophy o{ 8alance,".1jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;s~p~ir~at~io~n~a~l.'ii' ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijij During· the next month .the Sunday eveninf acUvities WUI be: special events known as , ... ~eni~g!rin "August:'' Begin· tung with refruhments pro- vided by the mtb group and fallowed by · gaines b' o t h outside and inside, tli_e 6:30 to 8 . p.m. peri!Xf will continue with a devotional time • In Fellowship Room. Kate11a and Bloomfield Ave: "A.R.E. Around The WMld,-"11 nile, to.. Almnitoe. and "Dreams -Your Magic 'Ille Bar Mittvah ·of .. Craig Mirror." BIBLE THOUGHTS ~eyers, who will participate The public is invited lo at· a.m. in tht services along wtth tend the lecture series. "Borderline Sciences" will Rabbi Bernard B. ·aoldsmlth,Ji~========== be featured in a aeries of pro-. and Cantor Harry Newman, grams presented under the ti· will be conducted. THI lllLI IS . TIULT •OD'S WOIDI lh 66 l.~oks w•r• writt•ft o••• • t•OO fQUR LIFE ~••r P•.r1od. (1500 l .C, to 100 A.D.I. Fo1tv doffer•ftt -a,,. 111thor.d it. Y•t, tie of "Lift I n t e n s j v e s • • . The Tem~le Beth David sponsored jofntly bY t h e Si5ter_hood wlll h9ld its first Cl111rch . of Anitoci. and the ~eet1ngf ofMthe yur Aug. 11 at Hermetic Fellow1blp Aug. 9 om o 1'5. Mel . Keleman, I NTENSiVES It ··~· ..... ,, ........ .., •• God .. , d••li1191 witlt fl'llft 111d Hit pleftt for m1n1 ESP,. Psychic R•1•1rc:h, It HAD to "••• o tlm•I•••· 1l1·whe eo• Healing, Astrology f 1 , orilt11fo•. H11nir1i1 of lh pioplt••I•• A~. 9th & ,10th ;;;~ ~1~· '°' h1." :~.tll.PI••· 53 J,,,,;D,, J•11n intim1t•lv. •oo 1735 E C I 1 • or• '1 '' • im.22 pitt11r•t h11 d•.-th oft tho ert'tl • ol in1, Orange l~OO V••r• b•foro ii oce11rr•i. l1ci111• .f proplteei 1 • ~ SATURDAY, AUOUIT t , ·W•t• m.n trpectofttlv looked for tho ,.,11i1lt 1t th• ti~~ ::c::,, and 10 at 1735 }· COUtns Ave., ~lamit!ft 1:~~itonL C:t~ Or~ng~e entire p~esen· Bobbie P'tatello at 596-1874 or tat.ion 1s und~r the dlre<:tK>n of Jean Keleman at 59&-0326 the Rev. Wilma Drews and · Or. and t.irs. ll A. Spruil The program begins at 9:30 a.m. V@fiOUI spt.Jktts wlll presen\ talks on psychic research and 111# AM. lftt.1111¥1 M ,,.tHMI ..... born. T_h• •pedlos l(N(W, fir~! h11ul, Or hit llf1, .l1ilh •ftd 111• ~. 11rr•ttfoft, th1y w1ro EYE.WITNESSES Acl 1·21 22 T' . A J r• P.M. .,...,..,.,. " l'!"•ctletl -'Ill t ff • I • ' . "'" wt•• Jr0Up of Sl'.1 talented .1111'1 .. ,........,,,., ,.._ r1 .~t 1'.,'1' ",p•rt•ClltlOJt •nd dt•th h•clll•• df thiir wr itl1191 young people cilled t.he ,:lt;,~1e.. ....... " "' ' • • o11t J11111, I Cor.4:•·1J, Mery 1.r, frloth•• "sonlight'' willtpreaent a pro-1:'9 ~ =~.. ~ rtfllk r• ~f!EJi0 wf~•,tfl;r F~U'fH'~~lj:~o~11o or not •. W•Yl4' '1ho flivo lot rtl•ted topics. gram at Pr1Dee of Peace 1 • ,. I )~ T' 11,·1 ' • "•' lioo11o co11col••d ftol'Tftol· LaUteran Cbmh, 2981 •.i-~6 1 .M. =::-,,::~ .• ,';"':= J1,1 "' 0 • ' 111 .. 1 thot '"' tlood 1f th• cro11 end 1ew Hr,,. V d Of .rt"Q;:IWll •llltr• .,...,. Hl/yllt flt bl The R~V. fl 0 g e r G. tr e ., COit.a .M~ Tuts-SUNDAY, Aufauif 10 ~ Ii • conteift• KNOWLEDGE, Uft~ftowt1 to 1'1•ft -wh•11 It w Bet,.rorth will preach •llh• 9 ,, • ...._ '" .,. -""" .,. ;"'tt"1 . 1 "· '°'" "'"' " "• •,1.;i; •I '" •••••". J"•: •nd 10:30 a.m. ""Ices at the "q ..... ~'-;:'';.. • "' .,.,.. ,;•• "'" '"' '" '"'"'' ''""' 11 ''•'"' 1 ' "'"' "• ti••' T II Y • K•d tl~UA.M.i,.c• .,._ ~"".,. i !7:J"41·lt· H,l,, ll;l ••y1,•"thi1191 wltlclt or• •••It W•r• ft 'f Community Unfted ~fetitodl1t e our I s ..,.,..,. . lftH• 0 t>1in9 1 whlclt do 1ppt•r"r'tti1s+r1f1rt to tr•nl"rl'lufel!:,.. Cburch of Huntington Beach, .~-11:,,1.~1 J::r, ~~Old°'=. i~ "''f'r '"' •11•rgy. k1tow1t 0111y In th• ATOMIC •te '""' 6662 Heil Ave. The tiUe of hls · -""' _.~ ' ''.,.to "pethi •f th,••••", end b•c•••• ;t 4!d th~ ( ' sermon will bt "A New T 0 Read (J nC/e H ERM ET I c , lltli oc.••llotr•ph•T, M.ury , ••••• d '"···· P•lh1 •"" wt' k ~·· Attend The Christian Life &. Witness Classes in preparation far lh~ Soathem Califom!a Billy Graham Ctrllltld11 .... ' • ATTEND om CLASS PEil WEEK. CHOOSI! LOCATION MOST CONVENJP.NT • ATIENDANCE IN NO WAY OBUGATES YOU. CLASSES OPEN TO AU.: YOpni ESPECIALLY INVITED • AlTl!ND l\EGARDLl!SS OP PREVIOUS TIWNING · .n ....... boSlo.; i<il p.m.- NEWPORT BEACH St Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh 600 St Andrews Road WESTMIN$TER Trinity Baptist Cllurch 10101 Cunningham Earth" this Sundov. "'0'''11 '•hlpplft9 lift••· J•b 2•:1 ,,f.,, t• fli• ••rth flo=~~o~; ~ •• FELL 0 WS HI p •p•c• lft t6 the EMPTY •p•c•·ffl-thti rtetth whl1h "'°' Church $Chool classes and . hoft•m•" h•Y• Yttifl•d. Th• 1;, "d•v•" 1,pochil •I M'fl••- nur •• ry • ond d Len / ( I pL--01 "' "01 " . t'f' . ... . er•• on c re arc c ucte s 0 umn nun ~ • ''"ft ' IC lft t .... , ord•t. we ... , lif1 •• I • I . reH .. •r.1 =·~ .. ·-··· ... . I R I I 9 . I H did ' w 1' •••• •· "'1ft ..... "'~ ~~.....,_,......, "" .. AHEM ~AO"~ _ ""'" 1>neo1~ly for b o l n _ , .. 1 ration FM ,;'-. · .. :;, Y •h• ••""' "'"· ""'' ~, '"''""'' ,1 .; >. • •• ,_,..,!l(X)I) S. STAT! COIUCll 11.'Vtl. servk::eJ. TbtseniotMethodlat -----------~L ___ o=""::et~Ion:_ ___ J11.;·;:.~·~·w:"~~'::.:.~·s~·~·c':'~·~·~·~·="~"~"~·:··~":"~·~""::"~":'~·:':"":·:":··~·:·:·J ··-·N·A·H!·l·¥···CAU1·-·0·llN-11Ali9•1~8·0·6-·.7-l·LE~F.".O .. N·t~l~7~1•~1.63~·~9~·S~6~00~=~·~~--~~·~··;..a • '1111' ~ 011-. ·M•t•, 01ftfefl'1t• ·t?6?7. -.....,,. J, - . • r • BEN WICKS ••• ·~ ----' " All the Tricks ( Coniureni ', t I Page ' • I " . . •' . ONTBEMOON @ .., , . •• - BIG .. UNCLE SAM -' \ ,,,,... J r \<iJ" '111 wu T1~ ln1MJ .. .' ' ! j A Bo:okie Knows, Not Always Our .Pal, Says Attorney General ' FBI Knows, Too • FBI Law Enforcement Balletia least to reduce it to a minimum while they are gaining access to the site of the iecords. . • In a reeent case a mass of charrt!d documents was identified by the Laboratory a~ being numbers-pool and horserace plays. ' By CHARLES A. O'BRIEN _, The pervasive influence of government upon our lives in the last halr of the twen- tieth century has created a false sense of security -niong with an aggravated $Cfl.$e or individual futility. When you get irllo a car, when you eat some food or drink some water, when you buy an appliance, when you spray your flowers with insecticide -there is an assumption that the automobile, the food, the water, tbe purchase, and the in· secUcide all are safe. That is the job of government. That's why you pay taxes - so you can live in safety. It ain't necessarily so! The experience of our office in recent years indicates that often no one is watching the store -and, in the wor s~ Mr. O'Brit'1L is chief deputy attor- ney ge'n.eral of the state of California. These remarks crrt abridged from an address he delivered to Town Hall of Los An"eles. ci rcumstances, the thieves are eyeing ~he cash register. \Ve do not believe that the Potomac oracle has all the answers. Neither lrulh nor wisdom nor justfce is centered in Washington, D.C. Recently, we have been actively £:'.t· pressing our unhappiness w i t h Washington . We went to court agaiMt the U.S. Department of Just.ice to gain ac· ccss to federal witnesses who. may be able to tell us why our automobile amog program isn't working very well. The federal government actu ally opposed ".lilr efforts in lhis autl).smog area. We are in federal court representing the district attorney of Santa Barbara io his efforts lo fine the oil companit.s fer damage done to Santa Barbara by thf' cil slick. (Tbe 'fderal court won't even allr>\v him to bring ti is case into a state court.~ And, we :1re seekil)g a half-billion dollars from lhe Secretwj of the Interior for the n1onumental mistake which resulted io. the Santa Barbara oil slick. These cases ·an involve the 38me ba~iC' question: Wbo's watching the store:' Presumably, when it was decide'd to allow drilling in the Santa Barbara Chan. ncl, someone with knowledge said tba\ PtoQa,bly no other single phase of a gambling raid js so e:ssential to success as is the approach and.the: g~ entry before the subject of the raid can destroy his workpapers and aJJ] other in~ crimlnaUog evidence which he may have in his poS1esshln at the lime. As most in· vesUgating officers know, gambling evidence is primarily paper in nature and may be bumtd, bleached.' dissolved, or flushed down a toilet in a matter or aecQndS. For this ffii.son, the more plan· Bing that goes into a raid the more sue· ceSsrut it is likely to be. SEVER.\L AGENCIES advise Ulat their men routinely wear asbestos gloves on gambling raids in case they have to snatch betting slips or similar wagering data from a fire. Others carry a fire ex· . tinguisher With them. If neither works, careful preserYation of the ash residue can_ still be useful, particularly when forwarded lo the FBI Laboratory for restoration and examination. One of the most unusual dilemmas to confront police in some time, however, occurred on the East Coast recently when a v.·oman policy writer slipped out of her housecoat, gathered up her records writ· ten on water-soluble paper, and leaped tn.. to a bathlub before the raiding party could break down her outer door. Federal Jobs Pa~ing Off .Rqnners, writers, or other represeii- tatives of big gambling rings can often be traced ~ro!ll sites where they nonnally pick up their wagen. One ring in a 50uthefn St8:te waS broken up when an alert police . officer nOticed that an tin.usually large · number of customers Were leaving a shoeshine parlor with ~ir· b" footwear. U.S. Salaries Now 011. Par With Private Industry Jn another state a bookmaker taking advanlage or a !'lict spell of weather was .,-rested When police became suspicious of the steady stream of motorists stop· ping to visit a certain clump of bushes in a local park. And in many areas vice squad officer!'! Jike to see rain since rurmers often become less security consciws and head stral:ght -ror their de stination without checking to make sure·t.hey are not being followed. OUR SOIJRCE "'ho manages a store that specializes in selling and repairing adding machines advises that he can Usually spot a member or the gambHng element when the lalter brings in " machine to be repaired. \Vht'Teas mo.st legitimate customers carry their equip- ment around without any prolecti·1e covering. br·okma.kers and p o I i c y operators often.. trariiport theirs \\'ra pped iu blankets, paper. or so me other type or weening mat erial. • Jn the Midv1est an unguarded windo\v aflowed ten persons t~ Ilee .a ganlbling raid by dropping two stories to the ground More lhan U)O others also tried to flee but were trapped inside when a 300-pound man became stuck In the window and prevented anyone else from getting out. By the time the officers reached the bathroom. the woman was sitUng in the tub, stirring the paper in the ·water. and shouting at the police not to enter. FOR THE GAJ\1BLERS who specialize in flushing their records down a toilet, at Jeast two countermeasures' have been ·developed . Jn one tOwn police arranged to have the subject's water cut off ahead. of ' time in order to preclude the loss of more !_}Ian one_loa4 Qf @cumenl s. In another - town the sewerline leadi!1g from the policy "bank" was disconnected just' prior to lhe cr>mmencement of the raid, the end of the pipe was covered with a burlap sat.:k. an<t the evidence flushed down the toilet \Vas recOvered and led to the conviction ot the operator. Sin1ilarly , to clrcumvent ;a bookln nker vo'\10 grinds up hls documents 1n Cl t;arbage-di~pcsal uni t or records his i11- con1ing nic~.sngcs 011 quickl y erasable taf>cs, ol ficr rs may ha ve his electricHy cut off be(ore they an nounce the raid. On the othr r h:::nd. la\v enforcement o:. ficers \l ill lCC:i~iona!ly encoun ter ne1f and biz:ir:·e 1!rs1 n1c~ion techniques r~ quiring fa~I thinking a11d fa st action. A \\'est coast hcJl.111cker, for example. sup- plied him>elf wi1h a nu1nber of balloons and a heliu1n cortilincr. \\'hen local pol ice tried to ga in eutrance to the gambler':> office, he jah1n~ed hls pape rs into ti1~ balloons, filled them with giS. and tos!'ed them out a window to disappear into the sky. Unfortunately for hinl , ho\ve ve r a hi gh-jumping detective outside lhc 'vin- dow managed• to snare the evidence before it coUld be wafted away. By LOUIS CASSELS UPI Senior Editor' The underpaid government worker is a tl)ing of the past. ·On Julf l, federal pay scales for 2.3 million white collar and postal employeS were increased for the sixth time in five years. The incease is automatic under a law passed by Congress in 1967. It is supposed to make federal pciy full_y comparable to private indulltry. I' · The new pay scale -constructed by federal employes ·who are affected by it -calls for an average increase of 9.1 per cent for v.·J'oite collar civil service workers, and 4.1 per cent for post31 workers. Postal workers get less thi s round because they got more than other federal employes in last year's raise. It brings the pay of the average civil service employe to $9.727 a year. Top· scale civil ser11arits got a raise of S3.~ a year, bringing their salary to $33,495. J.t..TTER CAT\RIERS and mail clerks -v.·ho con5litute about three·fourths rf the 600,000 emp!oyes in the postal service -111ovc.d up to average salary of $6.794 a year, \\ilh ~eniority increases bringing fi1e top :-c=ilc fo r that type of job to $8,442. The upper echelon of federal officials -who are not e<;\·ered by ci vil service - received substant\al pay boosts last Jan. 1, The Pre:;ident's salary went up iroin $100,000 to S200.000 a year. Supreme Court justic~s went from $:19,500 Lo $60,000; cabinet officers from $35,000 to $60.000: and members or Congress from $30,000t to $42,500. Poli cy-1naklng officials in sub-cabinet jobs went from $30,000 to $42,000 a year. The 3,SOO,ooo servicemen in the armed forces got <1n across-the-board pay in· crease of 12¥: per cent on July 1. And the government's 600,000 blue-collar workers,· who are paid in each locality what -a wage board detennines to be the prevail- ing scale for that area, will get increases as their pay comes up for annual review. The July 1 increases for civil service employes and postal workers represents the culmination of a drive launched by the late President John F. Kennedy to bring federal pay up to the -level of private industry. KENNEDY TOLD Congress in 1962 that "too m.Jny federal employes are underpaid in proportion to t h e i r responsibilities" and in relation to the salaries received by "their counterparts in private life."' Congress responded by raising feder:il pay scales by :>.5 per cent in 1962; 8.3 percent (tv.·ll raises) in 1964 ; 3.6 percent in 1965; 2.9 pt>rcent in 1966 ; and 4.5 per· cent in 1007. The 1967 law authorized further automatic increases in 1968 and 1969 to close any rt1naining gap between federal and private industry pay standatlls. Under thls la\\', Congress delegated to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Clvil Service Con1missiori the power to delennine through surveys how high fed eral salaries must be in order to qualify as "co1nparable" to the salaries paid by private industry for similar jobs. Rep. H. R. <.~ross. R-IO't;a , second-rank- ing Republi<"an on the House Post Office and Ci,·il Service Committee, views this delegation of power ;is "an inexcusable abdication of a responsibility that clearly belongs to Congress." "WHAT IT amoun~ J.o,'• Gross lold UP I in an interview, "l?'that government employes are setting their own· pay." Civil Service Commission officials said the July 1 incre ases are based on a careful and conscientious compatison of fede ral and private pay scales. They acknowledged th.ft most of the 1,:>00 job ca tegories in the federal civil service have nO exact counterparts in private industry. But this _difficulty could be overcoi;ne, they said, because all Civil Service jobs are classified into 18 pay gr,ades according to lhe level of difficulty and responsibility they involve, and \he qualifications required. \VITHIN E ACJI pay grade. the Civil Service Co1n1nission found a few federal jobs that do havl' counterparts in private industry. The ~'comparison jobs" are n1ostly in <:leric al Y.'ork, accounting, cni;inccring, scientific or legal fiel ds. The Bureau of Labor statistics then niade a nationw ide survey to determine the overage salaries paid by private industry for-ihese jobs. These averages became the ya rdstick f'or setting federal pay in each grade. Evidence that Uncle Sam now qualifits as a generous employer can be seen in two i;tatlstics. One shows· that the turnover rate among g o-v e f n m e n t v.·orkers is about half that of private in· dustry. The other shov.'s that the average household income in the city or \Vashington, D.C., where the main in· dustry Is govemmeOt, is about $10.500 a year -one of the hlghest in !he nation. In another area, during surveillances c.f the hoodlu1n and gambllng elements, Wfice ascertained that some of therQ Were driving into parking lots and car- Ules firms run by associJµes and then driving out in difterent cars whicb ·they h3.d borrowed in hopes of throwing off possible "tails." And in many parts of the country, gamblers reportedly monitor po- Jice radio calls in order to get advance warning on pending raids. .------------------011r lllan ha Sa11 Fra11clsco··------------------· IN AN EAST COAST city al least one numbers runner provides his customers a convenient service that also affords him a personal measure ol security from detection. Instead of meeting the bettors In a public pl<•cc and risking being seen ftcording their wages, he has keys to their houses or apartments, where he drops in daily to pick up the money and the numbers on which they desire to place a wager. • 1n the same locality qfitcers raiding a !lwnbers "'bank" could not understand •t flrst why there \\'ere no records to seize when the sambltrs obviously had not had time to •destroy them. Finally one of the qlfl~r& took di:rwn a roll of paper towels (~ a rack on the wall and found the aecords , bidden inside I.be cardboard ll!ll•r. In a major city police saw a 'foman clerk pop some bookmaking papers int.o her mouth during a raid and .u&Umed lhat ~he had s.w4llo\l"ed them. Subsequently, during a sc;akh at the jail, the ortictrs di!ICOvered that the woman - inst.tad of downing the records -had stulfed them Under hi1-false teelh. Three of the "JTiost popular meth<>Wi employed by 1ambler1 lo destroy their records in the. evtnt of 1 police ra id arc by fire. by the Q.~ or water • soluble ~ paJMfr (which completely, disintegrates whC!n t~ to waler}, and by Oushin3 1he records dov.'n a convenienl tciilet. Recoiflilin& thl.I, law enforcement f'f· f\cett-have ,elm.led • nur:nbu °' tecll· rliqucs to prevent aucb dtst.n.iClloft or at -Germani~ Hu111or Has Its Pla~e By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO _: So t h e Russians are coming back to San Francisco with a Consulate. I remrmber when they occupied the white mansion of a cspitalistic family at Broadv.•ay and Divisadero. Their occasional parties seemed gloomy. perhaps because the hltllse was so dark, probably lo save on the light bill. nut there was no faulting the vodka and caviar; overhead, the blg red Oag flapped dcflanlly in the Pacific Heights winds. Not too far away, Jn !he reddi sh-pink sandstone mansion now occupied by the California l~lstorical Society, skulked the ConsuJ-GeneraJ o f c;ermany, Capl. Frilz Wiedemann: In hi s big black-and-yellow ~tercedes Benz convertiblo, he became a leather-coated Jegci:nd. For a lime. ~ lived hl' 1Wt1b0roogb, nn Florlbunda , and the punning . posslblliUcs of "bund" were..nol lost on the wits: he v.·as even put up, unsuc- cessfully, for membershlp In tht Burl• ingame Country Club. Frltt. was not \'l'itbout humor. When ht had to leave hastily for his homeland, he mailed autographed photos of himself -"To my fondest admirer!" -to his severest S,F, critics. J still have mine. THE McCANN·ERICKSON ad- -vertlsing agency conceived those new ~:~~~ge~,:u;;p;~w~:l~r:sPu~~~ / _population of an:y city In the country.'' Yez don't say. . FIRST TO SIGN UP for the Smok· Ing Wilhdrawal Seminar at Pacific Heights Health Center: Mr. A. Weed of 1680 Mission. Hey. and I just notic- ed that the chief of the Vice Squad tn Las Vegas is a Ueutenant Fatigue! service -but that message was not the first choice of 90me members of ANOTHER CAMPUS crisis! UC the agency. Art Director Marvin Rich police, Berkeley patrolman and a and Copy9.·rller Len Alaria were squad car of cops converged on Ulwer pushing for "Are You Man Enough to Sproul Plaia in answtt to a complaint Be a Pig~" They ran that one up tl)e about "long-hatred hippie$ en~aged in nagpole, and the men at the tbp ran it weird demonstration." The "hippies": right down again, without salut.ing. British Actor Nicol Williamson and the , cast of "H11mlet." The "weird "A NOTE fro~ tlf. 0 . Blanchard: _ demon~tration": They were playing N~w that lh.e B~rchers have come .out~ cricket between the maUpee and even~ against nuor1dallon and sea tducat.1on, Ing perfcirmanc:es. ·\ ~t least we know what lbey'rt FOR.- illegjUmate children with decayed SENTIMENTAL NOTE: Due to ,a teeth." caincidence in published nama:, Louis MARTHA RAYE'S dghtr, Melodye ~ndOE, is ajngillJ thtse_night& .at El Cid. With her clothes oo. ' SUPERVISOR Roger SO.s al 18St wks.'s meetlng of the Bo.'lrd: "San Francisco has tl1.t hlgti~sl Per capita 7..ucconi ol Golden G'ate Olsposal wu Lhought by ~me: of bis friends to have died • COUl'le of wttt1 ago. He wu ••allting through North Beath list Ftl- day when he bumped into .8'1 old buddy who pi led sllghtly and U)fn blurted : "Lou.le! llcy, I'm 90rt)' l didn't maka ' l your funeralr but J did send flowers!" l\fELVIN BEW uses White f\.1inx hair coloring! Thanks to a lady spy "'ho peered in hiellicose's bathroom cabinet, The Shadow Knows. LOSERS NEVER qu~· dept.: Mr. Edsel Henry Ford of Oakland bas en· tered his 'S7 Edsel sedan in the Golden Gate Coocours d'Elegance at the Pre- sidio. ~JERRY MIXUP: J im Sutro woke up the other morning and looked at his ~.-atch, which said 6:1S. His Will clock read 6:30 IO he crawled to the phone, dialed "O" anct yawned : "Just look af the wall and tell me what time It is." Operator: "About 7:30." J im : "Yiiiikes!" Operator : "You •wake • now? Well. It's 1:30 Ind have a nice day." You too. QUOTES le: POINTS: Paul Beatty suggests a reasonable compromise for Btrkttty's prot:llt:m : "The People's -P.arlrlnc Lot" 7 .. Brent DeMonte on Fruno's Cb. 24. explaining why htontgomery Mtrd may leave"' that city : "In receni years, Ward's profits have been nlnning Into the red.'' -. -"drilling ''a& not only feasible -It was &aff'. THEN CAME Ti& oil slick, and it no~: appears that the Santa Barbara ChannP.I drilling stretched oil techa·ology lo il-. limits. Apparently, the safety fact~r n~ver was really explored. The Ieder iil government needed the mone}'. so the Santa Barbara Channel was tuf\ied into an industrial slough. When tax reventics are exhausted, government agencies ma~ ~ prompted to look around f'>r something to se!L And, Uiey pawn our natural resources. Too often ,' they tre&t these resou~ not as the property of the people but as th e property of govern- nlent, as if the government were some separate entity. As closely guarded a~ the plans for 0t1r l.C.B.M. sites are the quantitie! and types of insecticides used agricultu r2lly in California. Almost every day, another sl";entific report is issued concerning the e(fects of certain pesticides on our Pn·, vi ronment -on the species of animals that are being wiped out by pesticides, on the build·UP of pesticides in the human body. The best estimates suggest that a quarter·billion pouods of these poisor.s <1re used ann11ally in the United States. But, it is impossible to discover which poisons are used .where and in ·Nhat quan· t!ties. The Department of Agriculture - through the county agricultural agents - has access to these facts. However, they are unavailable to our office. The State Department of Agriculture conside rs them trade secrets! LAST YEAR, at least a thousand pea. ple were severely and seriously affected by exposure to these pesticides. The re are soundlmedicnl reasons f.or access to the details on the use of these poisons. Such access would allow the establish· ment of on:.site preve;ntive clinics "T not 11nJy to aid the injured people. but to gain considerable m~ical knowledge con- cerning the still uncharted effects or these insecticides. The Department of Public Health has access ol these records -when someone is injured. The Fish and Game Depa11- men~. likewise, can inspect the poison ledgers. whenever a fish-kill occurs or some other damage is done to the wildliie of our State. Again. after th~ fact. Bi.:t. independent researchers a:id doctors ir.· terested in pre venting injury ate barred from these files. We now arf' asking the Superior Court in Riverside to allow us to enter a case involving a farm v.·orker who is £.Jn · cemed about being injured by pesticid~i. The purJ>06C of Ule suit is to open these Critical files for inspection. If Fish and Game discovers a few dozen dead striped bass and traces the cause of death to pesticides, they can look at these records. We want to give humahs the same 1td- vantage as striped bass -be(ore persons are injured. AS YOU ~OW, the federal govr.m- ment has cievised a food slamµ prograi n to feed the hungry people of our nation . A number of counties in California balked at adopting the program. Private citizens sued both the federal government and the state to institute the program throughout California. The federal court issued an order ciirecting the Secretary o f Agriculture to institute the program throughout the state. The Secretar)' refused to obey the court order. We have sued the Secretary l)f Agriculture, him5e\f, in an effort to fort(: him to distribute the food stamps in Ca!Uomia. Happily, the finil hold·out county, Butte County, has agreed to enter the program and the suil can be dism1s:s- ed . Unless we are able to insist that law and order prevail In govemment. we can hardly expect law and order to prevail in U1e strecls. How can "·e eKpect the youth of this nation to respect a government that does oot respect its own laws aIKJ lt..'i own Constitution? --~-- Saturday. August 2, 1969 The Comment Page or the Daily Pilot seek s to inform and stimulate readers by presenting a variety or conl· mentary on U>plcs or Jnter. est and significance from Informed observers a n d $poke~men. ' Robert N. Wetd, Publithtr • ~.-----------.... ---------------------:-------------------~-·------------- CHECKING • UP ·•-·· - - DAILY 10 • 10, SUN . 10 • 7 Good Pm1:ies Need A Numb er of Git·l s By L.)). BOYD --, -. Peterson, a!ked u"11 all »~:,J>y · ~. one wby we. want~ to write · 1 for a "livina .• What remarkable m eltl I e y . a.r answers! ~hoof ~he tinricn. 1 ment of the soLil and lhe enlightennutt ofl"" ..[!)S,n~ifi:d, etc. Except-the 'honest· Mr. Fine. A most ialented man. I~~~~~ .... \Vhen the qUery gOt:t<! h.l:ffi, nell replied. "'Money:• · ~ PREDICTIONS -Not this ' . year bu~ next~ The Seattle · . Pilots \viii win th~ American ~ ·· League pennant Cassius Clay ~ -· -~ ~- PA_RTY -How to throw a successful party -,that's what a Sacramento. cUent wants to know. Have heal'd much ad· vice in this regard in recent years: It wU'Elss ~faxwell, I think, who said. "Never let the cocktail time run longer than one hoor until dinner." Or was it Perle Mesta? Anyhow, another Washingkln socialite said. "J have found the surest \vay ~to break lhe ice at our parties is to go sit on the floor in front of the fireplace." These recom- mend<1tions arc all right. But Superficial. What should be remembered is that women at a pany are interested both · in men and women ·while men at a party ·are interested only in women. To throw a successful party, in\lile an abundance ·of girls, preferably pretty. Will lose a comeback fight lo Joe J''razier. And the Oak1and Raiders wlll get into the Super Bowl. So_ says our Chief Prognosticator. Go ahead, clip l this. and ctiec~ \JP Oil. hjril. He couldn't care less. • - HER -CASUAL SHOE-IN FAMOUS T w I NS --Sunday Only! "Remember Robert Ripley ,"' Buttery, soft, pract1c1t slr?" inquires a customer. vin)'t in nice OalUes for "He once claimed there had leisure. ~fan.Y. styles in never been a famous twin . ts bone or \\'h!(e for that that right?" Maybe it was yoUng-up look .. 5·9. right in Ripley's day. But how ~-about Ann Landers 8 n d ,.,,,....,......,.~-... f ' J88 Re9. 3 .67 -·--.,,.,,..., ~··. 11 WHEN POLLSTERS asked a batch of high schoof co-eds whether they liked their first names, one in seven said .no. Among names disliked 1nost \vere Mollie, Polly a.n d Bertha. . ANOTllER SONG that ought to be revived now is that inspirational ditty called, ''When Veronica Plays the Harmonica Down on the Pier at Santa Monica." IT WAS TRAT widely renewed Love and War expert Mae West who advised the lad ies, "Remember. girls, it isn't the men in your life, but the life In your men that's important" Abigail Van Buren? They're ·1:io ....... ,.....,,....,...,_1Co:•"'"''"""'"".,.-.-: ..,......., •• ""~ twins and not altogethel' 1" r WRITERS -Note a felJO\V named Morton fine i s credited among the creators of that television talc called "l • Spy." Believe that's the same Morton Fine I studied fiction writing with at the University of Pittsburg. Must have been half a hundred aspring authors in that bunch. One day our preferred professor, a genial gentleman named Edwin .L. ,,o. I· . . . • 11.'~~ ·~ :f> "~~~;..;ii!-• unknown. Mr. fUpley also, claimed Benjamin Franklin . ii1vcnted the harmonica. Do you believe that? Or not? RAPlD REPLIES: 1. No, Mr. H .. one Jack Winberg · is · the cilizerr 'who is credited with coining the j:)Opulaf ad- monition, "Don't trust aaybody over 30. •.> Md he is now age 29 .. , .2. YES, MISS G., our Language man· says the genUeman wti,o dr!arfled up that elderly '('Ot:d "jit- terbug " was none other than Cab Calloway. ' You r questions .and com· 1nents oi-e welcomed and t wilt be used wherever pos- sible in "Checking Up." Address mail to t. /.f. Boyd, it! care of tM DAILY PILOT, Bo:e 1875, NewporJ Beach, Calif., 92663. ' ;, Ctits Da111ages :\ revolutionary ne\v bumper shock syste1n is dem· onstratcd by the J\1enasco Corp. as they crash one car ·into the rear of another at 2S.miles-per-hour. Jn the top photo \vhere the cars are fitted · with th e special bumpers there is no damage, while th~ photo at bottom shows the major damage \)'iUt cars equipped with standard bumpers. /_\ compress!ble silicone compound is used for the shock absorption. Bumper Shock Ends R ea r·e1ider Darnages Burbank !UPI ! A Burbank firm has introduced a car bitmper shock' ~bsorber v:hich ll claims w o u 1 d ·virtually eliminate damage in 72 percenl al hghway ac- cidenls. .. ( · ·. · The Menasco Mlrudit'tUring speeds rang ing fro1n 15 to :Z6 1nph . . : r I< •. BOYS' and GIRLS' _Hl·RISER BIKES I S1111do11 fl11ly '~ 2888 r 011r R eg. 34.88 Boys', girls' "all pro'' 20" hi-riser bikes \vith , malibu handlebars, polo type seats and chrome.. f~nders, rims. Boys' \vith cheater s 1 i ck rear -~ tire. Flam-Ash green, magenta. __ .,_,,, ~1~-"«r~.:w ""''~, ... ~ ..;to~•..,.,, ~ • !t. "-.lfW'tf ... 1\,;Jft ·~~· LAUNDRY HAMPER 0111· ft.e9· 2 .88 1.86 Sturdy 20 Gallon Sil:c PLASTIC - TRASH CANS ~ , S1111doy 011ly! 222 :; " ~ R eg. 2.97 l • Buy S('veral at 1his lo'"• Joy,· price! 1 x 35 BINOCULARS Re y. 15.88 • Co.. which demonstrated the device, said the 11yslern could be easily adapted lo presen~ sutomritive design standar~. A fourth collis!on. at 28 mph. between two cars withou~ the systeJ'(I. resulted in the tn.1nk or the stationary vehi cle bein g smashed i n accordian-like fashion, blocking the rear window. The moving vehicle i;ustalned exl.ensive .front end damage. Menasco President Gerald .'i11t1da9 Otalu 10.88 Sunday Ollly! ln three staged collisions between a moving car. and a ,J. Lynch said t~e <Xnnpany llinged cover, hidden han· a!med at the 72 pertcnt of ~\:i~i..i 11,..."111, highway ticcidents ~!ch, ac· , .. ..,,. cording lo \he natlonal ·sat el}· Coa led opUca. Caae Jncludtd. s Dtft, 9n1r -~ •J ' ~ • • ' ' t • - • I' " }, I, 3 PLACE GUN RACK 'Oil PICK-U,. TflUCKS .Reg. 2.47 1.88 S111adui1 011ly .... '"'' 2 PIHt flack ...... ·-··-1.44 . S1lurd111, August 2, 196-q DAILY "l.DT 7 COST A MESA STORE ONLY! J_unior Boys . . FLANNEL SHIRTS ·"' ' , • ., ' ' ~ - • r • S11nduy Ottlfl! [. r Reg. 1.17. SI z es 3.7 In assorted patterns. lOO~h cotton. • ·~ A STYLISH TOP FOR YOUR LITTLE TOT TO LOOK HER BEST .~1111do11 011111 • • Give her a happy child· hood! In nylon stretch tops, turtle or mock tur- tle neck styles. Innocent solids, stripes. 2-6. SAYE! 30" VINYL COVERED BAR STOOL WITH STEEL LEGS Sunday Only 844 011r Reg. 10.88 Bar stools \Vilh vinyl cov· ered s ea ts , backs. Sturdy tubular steel legs and foot rests. Screws \Vith seat. ! ' i I LITILE . GIRL LOOK GOWNS FOR HER! 1~3 S11nda11 Only! Reg. I.78 Fe1nininely demur~ gowns of 65% Polye~ter and 35% cotton! Easy care! Smocked yoke and em· broidery yokes. Pink, blue, maise. Small, Medi· um,' Large. GALA TOWELS WIPE UP ' S1111dn11 011ly-011r R eg. :J for 78c rnll• Whit< with col-F (! ored border design. 150 0 P11pc r IO\\'f'lll In jumbo 4 9 3 • ) '"""· ' ply '"" rnlL R • ~,,. .. c::ta'-'.9 ·\' ' ' """''i t.. v -•r.td·•*llf•;J: •· " . "'-:...-··a,....,.:..z ..,r .. ·~ .. ·--• .,. ' SAVEi. DENTAL CREAM Ou r fl•t 67t-l un. Only ;~~=~· n.: ~:~~~ 48C COLIOA TE TOOTHIRUSH (htr, •••· 37c-lun. Only fer •1-1.. 27' Tnth, 6V•·n. .... 'Hiit Wel,iit. I ~ ' ,. IMPERIAL STAINLESS . STEEL COOKWARE S1t11duy Only 1144 KODAK 124 INST AMA TIC CAMERA Including film and Oa1h cube. Sunday 01tllf/ ·1394 1 ... ~ ., . -· .... . -· ~ -' ,,.. ... 1 stationary one, both equlppt<J with L h t silicone-loaded system , the only damnse was a minor dent in the trunk lid of one nf 1he cars. The Z'onitralions were '"gcd at council. occur 11l le.1Js the n 30 mph speeds. He predicted lhc device C-Ot.lld be produced in volume for less than I~ and coold resu1t lo e S600 reductlon in damage or n1ost car.~ 2200 HARBOR BLVD . ~i~::~·0~~COSTA MESA Harbor ( I I ' I t ~~y PILOT _Nafilath Booed, ·B·ut Jets Post 2-6-24 Victory · CIU~~OO (AP) -A barossed _ •nd •"13 pau wllh 16 seconds lc!l In lhe &tm• ~ J9e1 Namath lttpl the New Vdrk .. tcrthro~a lilg scare In the Je~, favortd Jet& lhtacl, bul quarterback Greg Coolr.0£ • OJ· 13-polnll. ClnclnnaU and neet hllf\>Jck AIUe Te.ylor The All·Star1 spurted to life in lht lhlrd rllllfld the coUegtans to a 17-point third ptrlod, aftt• lagging 18-0, ignited by a 7a. quartet btfart tbt Super Bowl cbamPI yard kickoff return by Taylor to the Jeta' IC(lfed'-' 2'-li victory 1n the 36th College 19.. . All.Stitr" foctball game Friday night. Alt.et Roy Cerela, a booming ~cef- A J>aeked crowd ot 74,208 in Soldier type place kicker frl)m New Mexico Fie.Id uw the Jets, making the American S1:3k, trimmed New York 's ~ead to J.6-10 , Footba1l .League1s first All-Star game ap-w1lb a 28-yard neld goal, lt\e collegians pearanct, buff and puff to a pair of lagged · 23-10 on Snell's 3$-yard scor!n.g touchdown runs by Matt Snell ol 35 and 3 11weep 8round end. But the AJl..Star1 ktpt yards and four field goats by Jim Turner. up the preaaure wllh a lightning scoring <Cook Dipped a pair of touchdowns in &trike rrom their 25. the 17-point quarter and bil Jerry Levla.s Cook hit the streaking Taylor oo a 44· of Southern Piit'lhodist on a 19-yard 500f· )'ard bc>n}b to the Jet ,12 and on the next . play, Cook archld a touebdown ~ In the end zone corner k> Southern 'C&llloml&'s 1U:.pou11d end and Perella's~. conversion left the All.Stars trailing only 23-17. Afltt Gere Ila '1 37-yard lie.Id coal at· tempt wa. wide , the Jets drove 68 yards behind Namath's passing blll finally set- hed for Turner 's lS-yard fle1d a,oaJ and then hung on for a 26-24 victory. In the final 18 s~nd's, Cook tilt Jerry Le.Yi.as of SMU with a 5'-yard paU and, after a penalty hH him again with 1 19- yard scoring trus. Gerela again bQoted the point. Turner's fourth fieki goal, an 18-yard boot midway in the: fourth period seemed · to wrapup a 2&-17 decl.slon for the Jets, League cbam'i)lon Balllmore Colla 16-7 ln who had stunned the NaUonaJ' Football the Sfu>tr Bowl game. But Cook wasn1t finished. He connected on a ~y,ard pass. to Levlas again with the Jg..)'lrd pass tbat made it 2.6-2t finally !Qr .~ hllrd.-P!wed Jela. AJlru!u4b tile: All:Slar attack bogged down Completely in the first bait, the col- legiate defel)se. was sUperb, especially agahu;t the Jets ruruilng game. · Led by Qob Babich of MJami of Ohio, Bil! Bergey of Arkansas State, Fred Dt'yer of San Diego State and Tetry Brown of Oklahoma State, the AJI..Stars: stopped big Snell twice and Bill Mathl5 ooce {1_11 vain amasbel rmn the cin~yard line. , The goal line stand came at lbe start of the second quarter wbtn the Jets had marched 7S yards and .;ppamUy were headed for tbe1r "first toucbdOwn after Turner's 43 and 11 y'ard field _goals had given the JeLs a S-0 first q~ score.. The AU-Stars e1pl0ded into actloo in the third period after Tayt;;;fa 78-yard kickoff return. Two pla;ia latebC<lok fllj>- ped the fir.st ol his thrte 'tOuchdown ~a. a 17-yard shot to Gene Woshlngton of Stan!ri Thal put lhe AIJ- SWs on the board trailing 16-7. The first of two AlJ.Star intm:tplions against BroadWa¥ Joe in the third perJOd, W estcl1ester_ Field Cl1ases Chargers, Colts Duel Tonight Cool Greene HARRISON, N. V. I AP) -Berl Greene. cool and quiet, Is not on.e to count his birdies berore they hatch. "I'm not going to thJnk about winning until I ha~ a two-stroke lead going into the final hole in the final round," sakl this placid blond youngster who had a one-stroke ma1'gin going into today's third round or the $250,000 WestchesLer Golf Classic. Greene, looking for his first tour vie· tory, said hls four birdie putts from four to 25 feet pepped hJm up enroute to a 69 Friday for a 36-hole total of 136, eight under par for the rolling 6,6n-yard par 72. Westches1.e Country Club CoQrse. One stl'Gke back, and. very much in con· tention for the $50,000 first prize, were first · round leader Tommy Bolt, who carded a 71: Can.adian Open "'.irliK!r Tom· my Aaron with a 67; Don Bies and OC· casional tourist £aul Harney bolh of whom Posted 69s. >.not.her shot back were golfing at· torney Dan Skies with 67 and 1967 "1 aster's champion _Gay Brewer who came In with 6$, the low round of the day. Bert Yancey, v;ith 68 ; Austr~lian Bruce Devlin, with 72 : and Tom We1Skopf, \\'ho 5hot 69', were nexl at 139. Seventy-one players in the field of 156, the classiest or the year. sCQred 14~· or better and qualified for the final t\Yo rounds, Jack Nicklaus carded 73 for 144, even par, and Arnold Palmer just made it with 74 for 143. Costa ~1esa's Ron Reil was a non- qualifier at 76-72-148. "'g tOllfld M:O<tl F•l•hY lfl l~t We51dl41SIP Goll $;1•H ! , •7 .. ,-ll, ~:~ r::::1 :::t;.:gf ~:.i .. ,..,,..,., 11)-61-ll1 • " .._,61-IJl 8:~m•1 I 11_.1-1• n$k• ~Ill JI l,..wer 11.-ut 9trt'I' Ytn(e'J ,I. 61-11-11' llrvo;e ~lfl "1 19 70-IJf ,._~•~OP! • 71'.6t -UO ~ 017r' 11-12-lfO ~llwrt 19-11-1'0 rold "'"""'illll ""fi-/1f ~I M-rl 10--tnk fl .. nl A ]i).11-IU om llltw 10-71-UL l" Tr ... 1ne 11-70--UI arlOCt C•1ml'!O(I 4'·11--UI Homer I t~fll 111-11-1•1 llobtiz Nld!Oll H-12-1•1 ~' e_ tt:d:.l~ rr l>Ttm.n 11-11-1~ k I.Mt )1-11-•! tndoif woirr ,......_14 ltobtr!e de Vmc:et110 J).lt--d tt1vmow Ftova 11)-13-UJ ~~JI ----· 11).)J-1'3 Mlllff ·~rkr 11·71-Ul Chtr"lff C-V 11·17-Ul 0-•0• Afcil~• IJ-70-l•l ttH Slk" 12-11-10 S IUv Ctsper Jt-1l-1G 00w 'IN111rwtl4 n·71-l•• MK M(ltnoon 1'-7J.--1"' HOWlt JOlilUOll 1~f-10 ''~"''" 73-11-1•• Go~ ltyer 10-1._IM ,., roe< 70-7._, ... F rl loYnlond ,...,._ h• JI"' Wlec:hel'i 1•·10-IU Ill"" Mc... 72-7'/-lU ft lctwrt Cr•wf9111 71-12-lu .It(~ Hk~ltut. 11-13-1 ... Dari Jtnllfry 10-1 ..... 1u RAMS TRIM 8, ROSTER AT 61 • FULLERTON -'fhe Los Angeles Rams dropped eight men from the roster Friday. including veteran Philadelphia tackle Dave Llnce, picked up this week . The cuts from the National Football League club br ing lhe lineup to 61 players. While 60 is normally the max- imum number a club can carry for the season, the Rams got an exemption for having Bob Klein in the AU-Star game. Those cut Friday include Celhus Jackson, rookie safety man from Jackson State; George Juaum. linebacker from the University of Washington : Don Martin, a kicker, alJO from Washington : and Unce, who played for .the. University of North Dahota before joining the Eagles. The names of three others were not releued Friday, pending sepa"ration details. The Rams will scrimmage thf: New Orleans Satnfl today. ·SAN ' DIEGO-Two pro romball teams \Vho hope 1969 will be a renaissance for them-Baltimore and San Diego-butt heads tonight at 8 in the season's first exhibhion game at San Diego Stadium. For the National Football League champion Colts, it's an opportunity for some revenge. Jt'll be thei r first ap- peeranee since bei ng blitzed by Joe Namath last Jan1.1ary. For the Chargers of the AFL, coach Sid Gjllman believes his club has finally acquired enough talent to achieve the suceesses the cub recorded in the early 1960s. Gillman's team has-prepared for the joust at Us UCI training base, where the Chargers have tapered off from their ' • ' . . f a • • -__. ...---2......-, two-a-day ,.,. or k out schedule. They drilled only in the afternoon Thursday and again Friday. ToniP!: \Yi!I be legendary Johnny Unitas first appearance in San Diego. ~le's expected to ,share 41.uarterbacking duties with Earl Morrall. ~ohn Hadl will call the shots for San Die •. Balt1tnore coacb Don 1Shi:da· had moved all-pro light end John Mac~y to fullback but he's a doubUul perf<itmer tonight due to an injured heel. _J Gillman will go with Keith LillCQln and Gene Foster at the running spots and all·pro Lance Alworth at nanker. One man v.•ho'll be the sub~ed of Gil!- man's analytical gaze this evening is defen:1ive end Ron Billing8ly. A second- -. ' THE CHARGERS' LANCE -Lance Alv.•orth, considered by most <:)S football's finest pass-catcher, \viii be operating in the Baltimor~·colts' deep defense tonight at San Diego Stadiu1n. A former running back al the University of Arkansas. AJworth has been a flanker for all of Sports Clipped Sliort year fT!3n fr o m Wyoming, Billingsley added two inches in height and 40 pounds in U'le off-season and now measures 6-9 and 295. The two rookie stanQoutS at UCJ have been receiver M1ke Simpson from Hous- ton, who was a 13th round draft choice. and running back Jeff Queen of Morgan State. Queen was drafted t'wo years ago but b!i!came one of those rare cases who made good on a threat to sit out a year if he didn't get the kind of contract he wanted. Gil lman views the opener with honest feelings.' ' "Pre.season games are a necessary evil,'' he says. · "So ii you have to play them you might as well pfa_y the best." \9'e!I, second best, anyway. TICKET INFORMATION Orange Coast area fans plaqning on motoring south to see the Satt D1ego- Bllltlmore game this evenlng should call In advance for tickets, the : Chargers cautioned Friday. ' Tickets may be reserved at 714-297·4461 for tonight's game a! well as the rest of the club's pre-season games, Tonighfs Charger-Colt match could draw a sellout .throng to Sin Oie~o Sta- dium. The park "ts Jocat~ on Highway ao about nie miles east ol. 101. --' , his seven pro seasons. Throwing to him tonight will be quarterback John Hadl, backed up by the club's No. 1 draft choice, Marty Domres of Columbia. • 16 for McLain; Yaz Fined Two-bagger By Howard • DETROIT -Denny i\tcLain, just out of lhe hospital, sca\tcred six hits in ~om· ing the major league's first 16-game ~in ner as the Detroit Tigers whipped the Chicago White Sox Friday nigbt. 8-0. McLain, 16-6, \\'as hospitalized \Ved - nesday with bronchi tis but was released Thursd)y. He did not allow an extra base hil as/he chalked up his 15th completl! game and seventh sh utout of the seaso n. Tom Mal.chick dro ve in four runs with a double and single, pacing the Tigers' IG- hit attack. · Matchick singled home \Villie Horton in the second inning to give Detroit a l-0 lead. • OAKLAND -Carl Yastrtemsld, the American League's defending balling champion, \\'as pulled from the Boston Red Sox lineup and fined for not hustling in Friday night's game with the Oakland Athletics. Yastrumski, batting champion three times, including the last two years, was repla ced in the second irining after driv- ing In a run with a first-inning grounder . Yastrzemski took left fi eld in the bot- tom of the inning, but was removed from the line-up in the second. Yastrzemski reportedly didn't hustle on a force play against the Angels Thursday night, costing Petrocelli a hit. Manager Dick Williams warned the club about loafing following two losses In the Angels' series. Yasirzemski. who has played in 191 consecutive games. is batting .254 with 29 home runs and 78 runs batted in. • WASliJNGTON -Coach Vince Lom- bardi renews his rivalry with the C?licago Bears l o n i g h l in a pre·season ex· hibition footba ll game in Robert F. Ken- nedy Stadium. But this time he will be master·minding the Washington Redskins and not the awesome Green Bay Packers. Lombardi came out of a self·imposed one-year retiremenl fro1n coaching in . . . . February lo take over \Vashington after nine successful years in Green Bay. Gale Sayers single-handedly gained as much gr~nd for the Bears as all the Redskins' regular running backs last year even though he missed five games because of a knee injury. • ti.1JNNE·APOLIS-ST. PAUL -Leo Cardenas tripled in the 10th inning and then scored on Rod Care\v's infield single, giving the l\1:innesota Twins a 4-3 victory over Baltimore in a battle of the American i..e,.gue's division·a1 leaders Friday night. After Cardenas' one-out triple, the Orioles walked the: next two batters in· tentionally, loading the bases. Then Pete )J.ichert replaced Dave Leonhard on the mound for Baltimore. Carew lapped a swinging bunt toll·ards the mound but Rkhert Overran the ball trying to field lt, and Cardenas raced home. Beats Angels, ANAHEIM -Frank Howard's t\\·o-run double climaxed a three-run uprising in the ninth inning that carried the Washington Seantors to a >-3 viclory over the C~lifornia AnJ!:els Friday night. Trailing 3-2 tn the ninth, the Senators battered rookie reliever Ken Tatum alter .Jim French drew a leadoff walk. Mike Angel Slate Aug 1 AflVell vs Wt,.,,itiglo" 7:1S p.m. KMl'C !llG) Av9. J ""9ell lfS W111!"'9ron 12:1S p.m. KMl'C 0101 A~. S An!lll• 11 Nno Y1tk •:H p.m, KMl'C 11111 Epstein cracked a pinch si ngle. sending French to third, and Ed Brinkma n delivered the tying run 't\'i~ a sacrifice £Jy_ - Hank Allen followed with a single and Howard sent home the go-ahead runs wilh a double to right. . The Angels bad gone ahead in the seventh on Tom Egan's bases-empty homer off Dick Bosman. Hewitt Win~ 100, Seeks 200 Victory Howard walked in the sixth and even- tually scored on a pinch single by Ed Stroud. first batter to face Tatum. for a 2·2 deadlock. WASHllfOTOlf 11 r "11 £ llftmtr1 •• J 0 I l HAl""rf 4 1,0 FH0....'1110•11? A!ytt It • I 1 I Ven1llll lb J 0 0 t Mll'ft r! I 0 I 0 M(JY.u!lln .lb 1 0 0 0 illolntr 711 s-..-lb Rel111tn11 If Frt901I 11 J<111n110N ti c-11 1111 vou rt Hlc•i pt! •• , ft bl 4 I I 0 • o I O • • • 0 By GLENN WHITE OI' .... 0•11• ~-Sl9ft LOS ANGELES -American record bolder Tont HewUt of Corona del l\tar lhooU fr.r hir 5CCOOd gokl medal in two da)'I as lhe vit$ this Jfternoon In the LA Swim lnvitaUonal 200 meter butttrfly at lhe Colileum jJOOI The ·event, alo"i with the rest ol the meet, will be televised live at 3 o'clock on Channel JI. Al$0, tau>tJ of Friday's acllon will b< ..,...ned. Ml• Hwitt picked up a pld awa rd In FrWa1'1 00 ny wlt6 a snappy l.!Ol.tJ-miubl,; the meet record of l:Ol.10. n ..... the teCOod •tralih~ year the J7·yee:Mlkt Ccll\.f nash has bagged the LA meet <!tntury. And she did It tn a breeze as aht finish· ed 2.1 seconds &head of her nearest rival, Deni~ Pearson of the Los AngeleS' Ath- letic: Club. Miss H.ewilt look lhe lead at 2S meters. c:une throu,;h the 50 in 31.8 and coasted )lome. She lat~r said , she hoped to hit the SO In 31.S, which would have given her Sharon Stouder'• m«-t rect>rd. sun. she aa1d ihe was pleased wtth ber por!ormanc:<!. _ She actually had tht victory wr;:pped up lltlote ever enttrlng tht water. .t'oremost rivall ~ara \VUe1 and Lynn Vidali scratched trom the meet to rest up for the_ national championships t\\'O weeks hence in Louisville, Ky. Today P.11ss Hewitt should also ha,·e thinp ·as she pleases with Vldali and \Vilcy absent. Her main objective 111 1 :;flarp lime .• somewhere in the 2:23 nelghborhOOd. 011 TV Todn11 Toni has won !ht LA lnvllaUona\ 200 tbrce-y~r• running. And owm the meet slaQdard of Z:!S.7 Grtg Fink, ex-OL\t •figh irtar, shn\\'ed the effect. of a li&ht 1ummcr training schedule as he clocked a 4:23 in Uie 400. In consolation !wlnyning. J 1 n i c e Corona del M"ar was second In the JOO Oy with a 1:00.9. She led at 50 meters but was ouUclcked by Janelle Vogt (1 :00.0). She was also sixth in the 100 back (I ' 11.6). And ,Cos.st Clippers s•·immer _Kathy Kelly was fourth ln 100 back con50lotion action with a I: 13.65. flans Fassnacht.. a stude11t a1 Cal State (Long Stach) Is the owner of the SPAAU 400 frttstylc record wUh tis 4:06.9. And AM Simmon!'! of the L.al!:twoodAC earned ;t meet mark in the women's 400 With her 4,3,_z. U'ISlftl 40 !f Culi.tn 11> 1 O I C 9 Allllft711 2 I I I C•-•t 2 0ff s'"""' ,,. 1 • , , "rMtftc 0101 ... _, ,,,, £otl111\pfl 1111 IC.nowlft t f e o I A 1111111"9f.r :lb ·~' .... ' It "''' • IC Tt l\lfn p wr1t111 • • • e , > • e o I 0 0 0 , 0 • 0 I I I 0 ) 0 0 • 1 ••• J I I I , 1 1 • I I t t • • • 0 TOl91 J• J H J Tot1I .U 2 S J Wt•~lllGtorl IOC OCI OOJ -J Ctlllorn~ 101 000 lOC -l E-H . .t.119n OP-C1tnorl'i. J. lO•-Wuillf'lfllO>I' 10. (llllorfllt l . 21 -Ul'ISI<, F. ~rd. Hit -Ettt1 141. l&-F~I, SF-1.. l•l,.,,,.11, ~-" cw, ,.,, • ~ J t 0 4 IC-M's I 01111 lt.M#f 5JIJOJJJI IC.. Te!\11'11 fl. ).1) l J J S J J J l W,.,.... J/J I I I I t S..w -k-lft, WP -II:. Mt1. Pl -EO•llt 1-i14. A-t.t26. by JlU<IY JUymon.d !JI Plclfk, Jet AP Gerela's !&-yard fltiau .aDd New York'll Jead melted to 18·10. . Cook, almost de5Uned to win & 1tart.in4 quorterl>ock job wllh -!he Cinclnnau Bengals, who drilled blm, woundllp wtth 1z compleUons oo 23 toue.a al Mt yards. .JETS ...... ~ .............. 1 • l:..a.6 AlL·STAllll . ,. ............ ~• I , 11 ,,__,. J1!J-FG Tu,Mr I' J..._,G ,TIHMl' If Ju-sMJI I """' ,.,,,..,. ltkk Jt-FG Turr11r n A$-WISlllMl9n. 11 PIS& t,.in .Cllllll:o Ger1l1 kldc • .t.s-FG Gt•ltt 21 Jeh-$1\111 " n111. T11<nw .tldl At-klllR \l PIU ,..,.,, C-. S.r.11 tfdl. Jth-FG Tu,.,.., II A!--1.....,111 1' P41U f,,_ CMk.~o.rtie lllct A-7'.2Dl • Big Third Sends Cards OverLA,7-2 ST. LOUIS fAPJ -Joe Torre doubl'1l in two runs in a four-run thlrd lnning and Julian Javier cracked three hlts, leading the St. Louis Cardinals past the Lo.! Angeles Dodgers 7-2 Friday night for their fifth consecutive victOry. • \Vinning pitcher Steve Carlton doubled to open the third and scored on Loll Brock's single. After Curt Flood walked, Vada Pinson singled to drive in anothe:r run and extend his hitting streak to Z2 games. Ray Lamb relieved loser Don 'Drysdale: and, after a wild pitch , Torre doubled too cap the uprising. Javier·drove in Tim i'(t:l'Carver with a single in the second aOO scored a nm in the fourth . He singled in the sixth betw~n ,hits by Mike Shannon and D11l Maxvill for another run. Carlton, 13·5, sc:aterec:I ~ight hits and struck out seven. Maury Wills singled in Ted Siiemort in the Dodgers sixth. Willie Davis doubled Dodger Slate ,...,.. ~ DOdoers II St. l&ul• A111. l Ood~er1 ti SI. lovll A1111. J Ooa;er• YI Pl!llbur1Jt 4:55 •.m. kFI {'"'°) 11 :10 •. "I. KFI {6'iCIJ 1:55 ~-"'· kFI CUI to lead off the seventh and scored on singles by Andy Kosco and Bill Sudakit. The Caads and Dodgers book up agalii today with Don Sutton, 12-10 hoping lo break the Dodgers' tbree-iame losing streak. Mike Torrez, >4, buries for St. Louis . It was a tough loss for Dryadale, who pil.ched well in his last slart and was bop- Jng to return to full-time duty on the mount. rn two innings, Drysdale allowed 1lx hits and five earned runs. He struck out one and walked one. Wills, bowever, continued bil nol hit- ting that began when be came back to the Dodgers on June 11. With two hits in Friday's game, Will!' season average went up to .27t. Jn SO games with the Dodgers, Maury has hit safely in 43 games and has a .314 batting ave:rage in a Los Angeles uniform. In that period, he has three doubles, six triples, two home runs and seven stolen bases. I.OS ANOll.15 ... ~ ~ Wllls u JOll Purdlf!t> 0011 JMllle,¢1 1010 Mc8 .. np ooao MOl•lf •OOI WDlvhid •111 kDl~rl •Ill l<Boywlb •110 s...,,.t>s ,. ' o 1 e Sl1tm0r"e :!ti ' I I O Tor00r1c lo a a Or,J6elt p I O O t Lembo 0000 Grlll<wl'1 SI I 0 0 0 ST. 1.0UIS llroct If FIOOd (I Pln100'I tf Torr• ltl McCtrvrrr c Slwnl*I 3tl Jtvi.r 2tl Mllt¥UI SI C1rllon p ti , II 11>1 I 1 J 2 ' 1 •.• l 1 1 1 ' . , ' 2 I I I 4 I 1 0 l 1 ,, 1 •• 1 1 2 I I .• • To!•I J3 2 t 1 OOl•I ll 113 7 l~ A11>g1l11 DOt 001 100 -1 S!. loui. 01• IOI 00• -1 E~lurnor1. D~-lDI Antel,.; 4r SI. 1....,11 t. lDl-l.DI A"'Ci•ln S. St. Louis 7. 2~trlton, Torr., J•"'-'· W. Dlvl1. S-Ctrttofl. IP H • llt SI SO Drysdt lt (l. S.•) 1 ' ! ) 1 1 I.I,,..., l lll l l l'unlln l 1/J l 1 I J I Mt811" 1/l 1 I 0 1 f CtrlllHI !W, lJ.j) ' I ! I I -f w"-Purclln. t>l-Torboro. McC1rv1r. l-.2:2•. A-:lf,91,, OSU's Andros Faces Charge CORVALLIS, Ore. (1'P) -Dee And~. 44, head football coaCh at Oregon State University, was arrested Wednesday on 1 charge of driving while under the in: fluence of alcohol but the news did not become generally known until Friday. Counsel for Andros entered a plea of In- nocent before Dist. Judge Robert Gilliland who said the trial would be ln lite >.µgust or perhaps In September. Sheriff's Lt. James Oolalld said .. t dlda't care for any publicity nor di~ the sheriff ," in explaining why detailJ wert not released. 'Howe•er O.puty Larry Buttlghl who made the arrest on U.S. Highway ti north of Corvalls at 3:JI a.m. Wedoo ne:sday, sakt Andros was alone ln hit car. was not driving fast and wu ''very pollt. and cooperatlv~. ·• When taken to the sheriff's office bis lawyer \VAS called and Andros m released in his •custody. Later, $DI bail was set and posted. Burright said Andros decUoed to takt a brtathalyter te.st. Under ~on law that me1n1 that unleu he •ski a hearing within to dftYI, hlJ:'driver's license wll1 be: 1usperidtd. \ • • ,. ' ~Baldwin Calls South Equal of Shrine Club · By JOEL SCHWARZ out oo the field and he's a Of 1tt1 o.11y '"" •llff very positive leader. Tom Baldwin never has "Tony's just an oulltandlng been accused or being a player and is ahead of our pei;slmlst and he's certafr'ilY-other two quarterbacks, Gary doing nothing to d1spet his Im· Wi M (Orange) and Steve age as the county's most op. WlezbowskJ (Laguna Beach)." timistlc football coach . Baldwin plans to use Wann "We're weak at lhird-etring as Bonwell's backup man and waterboy. That's the on l r, has shifted Wlezbowski to the p!ace we're Jackl~g in depth, ' defensive backfield. quipped the gen11l coach of "Those two k.ids f r o m the.So,.rth team for the annual Marina -Vorono and Ven- Orange County North-South timlglla surprised me All.Star football game. They're real tough and Voro~ .\fter less than. • week of looks good allinebaeker. Ven- Ol!e·a-day m:t113 at S,Snta Ana tlmlglla is backing up Curtis High, Baldwin ,say~ bis current at running back and looks all-star crop lS v1trually the good at linebacker, a position equal of the Sou_lh learn he he's never played before _ coached last year m the Shrine but he can play anywhere.,',. game. , . . Baldwin says. ,..._..+-~c'Thal'E'> s say1~g .! lot ~Ince -"-All of ourktds-hlVe been that team was hand picked looking good. We've had ex· froi:n a!I 0;ve: S ~ u th e r n cellent practices everybody California while his current ' showed up In good ahape 400 we've had no Injuries. ••0n defense. we've got a great middle three on the line in Chuck Suter (Westminster), Karl Pederson (Hl!ntington Beach) and Steve Klosterman (Laguna). They 're three big strong kids who can really move and hit." Baldwin, lhe born optimist, only has one wony thal Is slightly nagging him -the Iiorth's passing attack. •·They can't be.a& us unless they can throw the ball ogainst us. Our defensive backfield is 1ood, but you can't slop a perfectly thrown pass and they have the quarterbacQ who att capible of getting bot." he sars. But that'S only one worry, unless you coosider lb 1 South"s depth al Wal<Tbof.. squad is strictly homegrown Jn the southern hall of lhe county. "This team ts just about the equa l of the Shrine team. That team was a lltUe stronger ~t linebacker and had more speed in the deftmlve aecon· d'ary, but there's nothin( wrong with the k.lds l have now. Two Recreation Shows Schedule in Anaheim "Offensively, this group ill lhe match of the Shrine club and we've got lo be stronger at running back with Darryl Berg· and Isaac Curtis," Bald- win says. Sportsmen's Show win be presented April J.U at the Pan , . Pacific. GUARDING THE MIDDLE -The North All-Stars will !ind ii pretty .tough running up the middle Aug. 13 in the annual Count y all-star football game against this trio. of South linemen. From left are Karl Pederson (83) from Huntington Beach, Andy Vorona (60) from ?\'larina and John McLaughlin ( ) from \Ves t- mins~er. The game wil l be played at Orange Coe Ci;>llege with the proceeds going to the Orange County Childre a: Hospital. 'Three or the most pleasant surprises for Baldwin hail from the Huntington Beach district -Tony Bonwell, Tony .Ventimiglia and Andy Vorono. Veteran producer H. Werner Buck today announced three big recreation show pro- ductions for early 1970, ill- cluding two In Orange County al Anaheim Convention center. The third will mark the silver anniversary of hi.9 Los Angeles Sportsmen'• Vacation and TraveJ Show at Pan Pacific. -Buck 's filth annual Southern California Sports, Vacation and Recreational Vehicle Show will be. the first major prO. ducUon of the year at Ana.helm, running from Jan. 3 through-13. The second annual Western National Boat and Marine Show is Scheduled for March 13-22. "Outdoor recrealio~ ts 1 prime fami).y interest today,., Buck said. "This includes family vacations, camping. fishing, hunting and boatln& or just plain loafing and looking at scenery. Our two :rports shQ_ws will be especlal lJ geared to provide families with information ror travel and vacation planning for a weekend or longer. They'll be able to look over the many lat.est goodies, offered by ma· jor manufacturers throughout the nation, to make their outings more fun." Los Alamitos Entries l'w 11tur ... .,, A111. t, ,._, ..... ur~ D•Y Ct.ar & f'111. lllrtt l'MI 1:41 l'M. O.Ub .. • 111 & 2"" lltcn OlllNh .. tlll ll•ct l'll•ST llACI'. «Ml y1rd&. 1 Y~I• olas I P'ICI 11P lfl Gra.6e I .. l\tt. Purw IUOO Tt1W L;,tlt (Pt"lo) 110 1'1~ 111 !WllMI') 1\1 Bet .. T-tA<llirl 111 ~ 1-lll'ldl 111 81nk1J l\J wi ... I'm A T•iQ !M.twd•) 117 T.M 11• M..., n.i.Mm) I?! ~· s-(5'mttb) 1!7 'COsl'lef' 2 (51111'1!) 111 H-'I LI"' !~rdOZI} 11'3 Ml1 FleM Chlcli; 111 SECOND II.I.Cl'. 400 y1rds. 3 w1r· llldl I nd Up 111 Gr .... 8 "IUI. PurMt llSOll. !tr1wdMt fA!IOd tCI) True Blot 5ut (Hirn Moontnl,. Btr CWllwn) TouVh T&1n (Wr!1~l &tr D9Ylcl fMAhud.I) 6ob'$ R1tlu' IH CrOlby) W1r On POYtr1Y (ICtnls) April ReCIUftl !Morrl1) A!tm!I~ Gtl (Riiey) Jadlt 's Olf!CIY 81r CB1lnk!i!y) "' "' '" "' ... '" '" '~ "' "' 'THIRD ltACf, ~ Yt r!b. l Yttr olds .,,., UP In Gr..it A Mlnus brecl in • Ctllr. Purw l \7llO. Hable'r lt«kl't C8rln1tl<ro'l Clltmtt Al Tr.e 8 11 IRlclllr!s) ~1....-1 P rotl'll-. IKtnil) Deck Belt (Ll~1m 1 · Quid< M V111 JCtrdCllt) Ambtr ~Ill fl'191) Moolth L.OY IH Cr~) Trvty HI (_...,.Ir) "' •• ',. '" •• "' "' "' ~ds Ind Ufl ln Grldt AA Plus. "'""· -•t'd ~o {L! .... m}" Anni-e Do (Harli l"om Lvdooi f"'""'rlsl J°"""!""' JU"" (Wt~""I TriPle Whiz CO Btnks) Power EIOY !C1r6o.11 J Tll..:tflt 81<k (Wiborl) Pell~r {Pt91!) "' ,,. '" "' '" "' "' "' SIXTH RACE. }ff y1rd1. l Y"I• 11kh t nd ..,, .l.llOWl"l:tt: PUl"1ot S2000. Golt1 JN r Too t• 8tnk.il 115 OQfl Puoblo (Ad1lr) 11' s• B Re<i~ (ICtni1) Ill Tiie Potlr-1 (Wr'"t'llh1) 117 Sffftl A Let (C1rdol1) 111 ,. ... lcl1'Y {Smith} 111 s ... 1uon'1 Si.lier (W1toon) 111 c~ • ...., Lr.e (Sl11>e ) 1;-o Double H1•1'Y (Mclrrl1l 116 ('1!>1d 111 Red /lipll•m) lll SEVENTH It.IC&.. UO YtrOs. 3 VffT 1>la1 In Grid!! Ao\ PIUI._ Purse llJOCI. TM Rorv C1l~wn. ~ P•un llar ccardo11) HO APIC'-Pauum Cft 81 ..... $) 116 Prln"f Lull (Morrl1) IW Coc~y Kid fSmlTlol Ill At1.tnt1 Jet fWa!1onl !tl Solid, Roc;~et (H Cr~) lit Double °"" (Adllr) 11 7 F"l~T1111 Co• CO S..nkt) 111 lllGHTH RACE. QI YlnH. S ,,..., old"s 1nd Up Jn Gr11l1 ""' •lnu•. Pwne QlOO. Tiie lleverlY Hiiis, OulncY A Go Go CR B1n~o B1r Little Otck {Lii>ltlm) Wiid\ Chic. IW•TW") Tldv Go CC.rdq.!.1} Ll11n1nlnt Illa~ {Harl) Adrnlrtl Red CK1ni1) T19"r 81r tAdtlr) "' "' '" '" m "' ,.OUllTH ltACll. J~ Ytrds-. 3 yt:aft . t>kh; tnd uP in Graoe A l"lu._ Purwt 11900, l!S NINTH ltACE. 3$C1 VI..,,.. l ~Ir &Id• 1!7 · -up in Grltlt A Plus. Puri.t t!toO Ft~ Dt•ll (Brinltlnl Pun• G1......-!S!rtuH) Stnd' Riv..-Wln ttt.rl) Ulllt'lt E1191r fl'-) 115 F"rri.le Frtt (Wi ts.on) 111 116 Cando S.y Bir (Kanl1I 11' Go "->brt ILIP111ml Petiet" kb {Smith) Jdtillf Jdlnnv CCtrdouJ Foq OM> !Wiiton) 1!6 Sandi' Ole CH Cr0$bYI 110 ~11~ ·=n s=~'~zt::1~~ ;:~ 114 E.st lndltn CMorrisJ 116 1111 Gr~ (llt!lrf) Jet Allt ck CAdtlrl 111 s-··• Mln !H1r11 iu •11 Rod:f'l's K1hr (Wilsen) 111 O'•f1:Y Kev lU Mick's Moon (Sml111) ll, Race Results ,.w1r. A". 1,. 1'6t C.1Mr• Ptsl . .. lllST ltACli • .aDO yarch. 3 Yetr< eld1 Incl UP In Gr-A 1111nin.. l'urll! 11100. My Bit' ""-! !Ad1lr) 11.DO l .IO S.611 R-1 Ctl'ldY CPtlllCll 11.JO •.«1 L"''' Bir Dltlth CLiP111m J J.00 Tlnw -29 lflolO Al.o AM -F11n f:# •1rs, lllHY Mtcbl" ..,, ""'""01,., TrlPle Ott~ ... BOtllllr'I ll;fQOUUf1 Ylndls LJte, King M I~ Turf,, SCr1k'*I -JloU.ln l1r Monie. Ted· d' 8tltf Too. 0..,,,.,. v1111r, t'll>bll'r ltlldltf. S•COND aAC• -.(Ill Y•N1. 3 "f~lr t 1k11 Ind UP fn Otldl A 111lriu1, PurH $1100. ' CoMlf'I V111f!Y (Ptllf:l 4,60 J.lfl 2.IO V11!1"1 ,.tll'IClll !Ctri:IOll) •,60 l.IO Ol1<1ual (Morrl1 .J,IO Tlrn1 -'° •fl O. "AliO Riii -sun Gl>oJI, MIC~l'l''I ll1r, SJb. P•rr Sltp, !1~11tr1ll I Db, Suewooll ltocti:et, Mr. Ole-ft'. s,r1!d1MI -81r Mt•t, Bnce ""''"• Chim• 11 11141 811, Atomic Ac· llOfl. Nlelll!W Ooublf, S-M~ &IV ,,.,_ &. l• Conn1t'1 V1~11~. f'llcl MO.tit. TMUIO ll;ACI" -l5CI YI""-MAldtn ! ¥tlr 11d1 O!'MI 111 C1trf, Pu .... J\70ll. Mooltll Glrl IJl•1UU) 11.00 •.oo .. " Mr. Lllllt OtC~ (lrlnli:.Mr ) '·'° ).611 Tin' Fotrw fliP!ltfTll 6,:MI Time -II 7/1t. AlsGD 111111 -S.•111 Gland BttL Al'I F'-· Gl'ftwln, FUlr llll'l'IL ""-' A.-111. St~I SC.... Ho str1kl'lla. l"OllllTM ll;AC• -UI Ytr61. 3 r11r Mras 11111 UP. Cltllftlnf. """" .... Utt Grind IL.,.,._.I tJt 4.IO J.it Giid LM U~""'ill J.411 '·'° 8 1tl .,..,,.. (CtrdOall J,,. Tfml -t2 •111 ... "° ... -(:lie Oe(k. •llllm" ''"'· b Pltll J ... Vlltfh 0111. Ho K fttd'lft, •t•'fM ltAC• -Sfll Ylrdl. J 'l'llt ~ Ind 1M. AlkfW-&. CLAIMING. P,wse luot.. CIOIJJ'I lw (lllkhtl'lhl "·· I.II l,llt 11111 Pit (Wlltbl.trtl 4,111 '60 L•h o. 11m re..,..,,) s.• T!..,.. -2, 1111. Aleo 1t111 -51• tnd Go. M""ll!ll Nole ...... 1(!111klt.. TM c1111•L Ho toerlltl'los ..... ""'· .. ,~ .... "" .id• Ind 111 In Gr.at AA mfriu1. "1i' .. tt,100, . atu1111•1 llocke1 tl.lflMllll :io.IO t.i. '·" Cycle Races al OCIR Sunday Grand prix motorcycles and sidecars will be fating for cash and AFM championship points Sunday at Orange Coun- ty International _ Raceway's 2.1-mile road race track. Dune buggies and jeeps wilt also b!_ racing on the nearby dirt, off-road race course. Starting lime Ior both i& 12:30 p.m. ... Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore Detroit Boston Washington New York Cleveland East W L 72 32 57 45 57 47 Pct. GB .692 " "' 50 56 ., 63 \\1ttt .559 141h .548 15 .505 191,) .f7l Z3 .406 301ii ~1irmesola 65 40 .6'5 Oakland 59 4l Seattle t 43 60 Kansas City . 43 61 California 40 ~s2 ~ Chicago 41 64 .590 31,z ,417 1l .413 2L .392 22\\ .390 231> NATIONAi~ LEAGUE Ea5t W L Pct. Chicago 65 41 .613 New York 56 44 .560 St. Louis 56 49 .533 Pltl.!iburgh 53 SL .510 Philadelphia 42 61 .408 Mont~al 33 71 .317 West Allan\_a 60 47 .561 Cinclnnall 54 43 .557 S Francisco 58 47 .552 Los Angeles 56 47 .544 Houston 55 49 .529 San Diego 34 72 .321 11.l!SULTS N~ Yor-s, All•ntt 4 C!'IClnn•ll I, Ph1!1dtlP11!1 6 t'IOUilOn S, Mon!retl J ~~le L~l's, 7Sa~"h1~~g~lt1 2 $an ?lr11KISCO s. Pl!!!burth TOOAY'J GAMl!li GB • '" JI ''" 31 1 I 2 Al1•n'• CR~ t-n 11 New Y'11'k IM<Andrew ~-3), nlQM Clnclnnall (Mlrrllt 10·•1 •I PF\llldtlolllt (Jae~-I0-11) nl,nt Sin Fr1ncl1co O.-Ml<hl! lJ-4) t i P ll11t1Ur-1'1 (Ve11t S-11) nl!I'~! Sin 0"9o 1S1n10rln! 4-tJ ti CM<'trO (M~IJrMn 11-J) Le• Anglltlo !Sul"'" ll-10) 11 ~!. Laul1 IT""" M l, nient Hautoton <II•~'""' or 1111lng1mt O.l) '' ""°""HI (Wl'llnt!r -i.11 ' Rare C ch , Herb Polits (le1' and George Shaw display the dolphins they la ded aboard the Channel Isle out of Art's Landin last Sunday. the unusual catch for local water~ was made on a charter tri~. Polits' dolphin ~eighed 17 pounds while Shaw s was a 10-pound,r. , "l knew Bonwell was good," Baldwin say.9, "but he's even better than I expected. "He's going to be our starting quarterback. He has everything l want In a quarterback. J want a quarterback to be In charge The 35th annual Los Angelea Bay Club Swim Forces Capture County Crown The Balboa Bay Club'.9 age group swim team wofl the B divj&ion of the Orange County ··SW Im Conference r e c e n l l y with a l391h·269~ win over the Saodpiper Swim School of San· ta Ana. ~th teams were undefeated going into the meet. C o n f e r ence preliminary qualifying meets for the coun- ty championship meet are underway throughout t h e county. Results : se 11, -1, klllriMr !SI 1. Trl!Mr fBICl l. l rown 18BCI Time -JS.I. I-- 1. Coll'llll (SI 2. Llnklell!r (BBCI l. Hewbro lBISCI Tl--1.21.4. ICIO tree -1. Sc;lllrmer fA) 2. Mtthl11 tlC) S. l rO'Wft !8BCJ TlrM -1.11.2. . ll·U Glrtt 100 frH -l, Wtlktr IS) 7. Rufi ISl 1 Por1Wi CIBCI Timi -1.0tl,!. 50 br•••I -I. CO<>k1 1$) J. E1ilm1" lllCI J. Devick ((lllCJ Tl'"'" -Jf.J. 5G ti.di; -1. W1lk1r f51 J. Por19"" lll8CI 1. AIY11 ISJ Time -ll.t. 50 llY -I. Rull IS) 2 . .llMI (5) 3. E11trM" (IBCI Tlm1 -Jt.1. 11·11 GJrls ln<ki -1. Cooke !SJ 1. Portrs111 (88() S. Ru~ ISi 'flrM -1.16.!, ll•lt IO'l'I lCIO ffH -I. Orll11 ($) t . "ulh (BBC> 3. Lor1n1 (l&cl Tim, -1.01.t 50 br1111 -I. R11k1vlt f" ' Ntwllnd ClllCI ). A~I SJ T l'r>I __; ••• H Glrb: 50 blod: -1. Rrl-OYlc: \Sl 2. P:e91., f88C)).. lr-M •ICI T ml -lt,6 24 lre.-1. Br-nt 181CI t. HGwllno lllOD -1. R1111ovlt ISi 2 .Lorer1t 11ecJ 1. sm1111 !Sl T1me-r1.1. --'"'"'o'c' c'c'-=--=.:'"·"'o·o'·--,---,, ltr•tl l-1, Smllll (SI 1. t'lowltflO (llllCI J. H1l1Gur1on lllC) Tlrnl-lol.l . LEGAL NOTICE 1S blodl.-1. lrow,,. CBBC) 2. ___ _::=::.;"":,;;:.:.;=:._.i-- Ho'llll.lrod IBIKI l , Llndlor t SI ,4'1MI T1m ..... 2S.4. Cl!aTl,,ICATI! 01" •'41tNEIS0 2J llt'-1. 8row111 !BBC) 2. Smith Cll ,ICTITIOUS MAMI T!m1--1'.S. Tiit undlr111n1C1 -certltY M h <Oft. H 1171 ducll"11 I bu1!Mtt 11 Coi.!1 Melt 75 fr-1 . ....,.m, !BICl t. Hun,.,. C1llforn!1. ul!Cler 1"-flcllllolrt ll•m "''"'" f88C I 1. ltvsst (I ) Ti.n.-1'.,. of l.IY &. BEACH CLEANING SERVICE U brffll-1. llu-(SJ J. l(C11111t ill •"" 11111 llkl firm 11 <-POied ell Ille J, Rott<1 (SJ Tlnw-Jl.1. follclwlllf Pff-1, -.e "'me !n lull tnd 11 IMck-1. Adtms Cl8CI !. llttlllvlc Plt ct of rHICltMe II 11 fol"""': ISi l . Rrn-(S) Tlme-U.J. Mt<lo!I L. L•whon, D l Wl!llCI 2J f!IP-1. Akin ISi 2 . .t.GMK (81CJ Stretl, Cosll Mel•, C.1lllornl1 S. Jiu"'° (Sl Tlmt-21.1. 011td Julr 11, Ifft ,_. 01 II M1rl1n 0. Llllrf'MI r 51111 el c 1111om11, 0••1'1!1t Cou11t" U fr--1. 8rowM !IBCl t . kotn11 On JulY 11 Ifft blforl ml 1 Ni!lty ISi S. Tle-1-toittlltr {8•C), Mltler IS) Public In ,,.d for' Mid Slit.:""°""'"" Tll'l-14.7. ·-••td Mirlon o. LI......,,., k..-.. to me U b,.....1-1. S<fle,(fMf Il l 2. Ne'lrl'br1 to ... !tit Pl•MPn ..,_ .,..,,; It tub$<rlo- IB8C) l . KlllPP (8(1() Tlmt-Jl.0. Id ta ttie wlthlll t111trum41nf tfld ,, kck-1, llrowne 118() 2. f!;Olftll t<.k .... wl.OOMI 1141 eMCUt.d Ille Hmt. lSl ). Loren1 CBBC I Tlm.-:>11.J. <OFFICIAL Sl!:All l.! llY-1. Sche-rmtr !SI 1. Kee~ll ($) JOSEPH E OAVIS 3, Hlrte11<llf11 IBBC) Tl..,....21.0. Noll l'Y Pull01\c-C1!!1Grnl1 1.f Girls PrlntlPll offlCI In 50 lrte-1. Sdllrmer (SI 2. Hin· Ori""' Caun,.,. cll<lllfe (llCI l. Lortnl IBIC) My Camllllstlon EkPT•n Tlme-31.1. June '1, 1t111 J.f 1111 Published Drlf!ff COii! O•llY Pltot, 7J lrff-1. Bt .. HOll IBB(l t . Julw n , U Incl Au1u1I J, t, 196' IJ60-,tt "'tFt!l''ltrl 451 l. Adtmt CBIC) T1me-16.1. LEGAL NOTICE )J llrte11-1. &er1H011 llBCl !. ------O"C=-----ll l1nl0t1 !SJ l, TrOYt ll lS) Tlmt-11.1. ,.,.,,. 1$ b.lcil-1, Adt•r" !(l&C) 1. Mtl11t-1.,1 (SI l, F"ulll !BBC! Tl~.1. Cl"•Tll'ICAT• 0" •U~IMISS '5 11'1-1. 81tin""" 15' 1. o..,.l<k PICTITIOUI H,l./ltl" lllCI 3. 11:_,.dlnlc fl) 2. Fulh C81CI 'fl!t 1mtltlr1l!l'nl'd -1 Ur1!1v 1141 Is (Oii• 50 lfff-1. 81tinton (SI 2. Fulls Cl&CJ dvc.11"' I butlnn1 ti 9"1 W, 11'111 St.. t. JlulM !SI T~.I. C1>11t Mfft, C1lllflrnl1, U!'ldo!r lllt lit· .,, ., .... flllovs firm MfM ol /ll;ON Clil.IFT MFG. ,. ''" CO. tnd ""' Mid f\"'1 11 _.., of Ille '° ''" -1. 8or!lt !SI !, Ber!l'MOn 1o1111w1"" IHlnM, wt1o1f 111nw 1'I 11111 Ind (llCI l . Jolwlton (S) Tlme -)1,1. PllCI f11 rtlkllnt;• 11 11 followl: SD ...... II -1. Mel\11 CSl 1. eortlt w11111m L. Sllltlch. 452 Hll~ l.,unt Four Errors Haunt MD Mater Del committed (our infield errars Wednesday night which produced rive Sant.a Ana runs and the· Monarchs sulnequently dropped a 7-4 . verdict in Santa Ana Recre.- tion Department League play, Gary Simpson singled from both sides of the plate for. Maler Dei to drive Jn two runs. The Joss, Mater Dei's second straight, gave the Monarchs a 5-9 record. MAT•R Dl"I 10 .. ' • ... Ad.,.,s, u ' ' ' T. llMtrt, 111, I' , ' • MYtr, p, )b ' ' ' MUft ll, t • ' • Slmll$Olloll • ' ' Mtrmlud, 2b. ~ ' ' 0 Wiii, ci ' ' • J. L!nntrl, d ' ' 0 H1ul1r, lfl, It • • • Brown, r1 ' ' ' ,,._I(~, ' ' ' • Toll II " • • SUot• ff lftlll- Stnlt •n1 on 111 ~1 • 1 Ml~r Dtl JOI -1-4 4 4 WALK TO TOWN From this Spic & Span TWO BEDROOM HOME w ith ...... or Victor Hu90 Point I Surf, letuliful Sm1U 6•14•11• l1r91 Doubl• G1r191 with 1~tr1 room b1hift4. $35,000 GINIJOUI tllMS MARSHALL & ROPP 211 o. ........... LAGUNA llACH 494-1021 (SI J. Sennet CS) Time -0 .1. a1.ui Ctllfornlt P tt C ll ·~ T d TV-a:c~~,,.!;y.~':'s~~m'.5'-'·.~.~ 01te<1~1i:,r..!'· .. u:-"ld! !:~~~~~~~~~~~~ acese ers 0 l e 0 ay On . , ~ '" -.. w .... "'" '· ,.._ '"" ~ '"""'"· o .. _ ,_,, -($)). ll11h1rd ISi Tllllt -Jt.I. On Jul'o Jl, befofli -· • NllltrY "ullnc: t-11 Olrll In 1nd .... 111d Sti tt . 111..-117 •-•· indo -1. Weddle <BllCI 2. H Wlllltm L. 51\lt!ch ~IO l'l'W It> bt ..BUSINESS AND Today's NBC baseball game o( the week looks like d. preview of October's Ameri can League pla yofr m;:it. ch -Baltimore and ~1in· ncsota. Wt1tc~ttr CllMk.,ICl\tlt kheni,I, tr•ck,lot ti Slutl!l'lrl, Gtrm1...,. ~\cCormltk (5) 1 l1th1rd 151 Timi -11111 ~ wfloM MIN Is tllt.l'fbtd lo 1111 Jim McK11, 8111 ·""'"'Ing, ... nrw l.1l.1 , wJ11'1111 l111trll!Mlll tnd l<kno¥11!<!1td llt • l-h\lrtl. 8111 P1ht.tr. 8y"'" Ntl..on l:>O ....... U\ Cit -AFl ACT ION -lDO '"' -1, W1Mt1r !Sl 1. 11:\111 (II •~KUltd 1111 ........ PROFESSIONAL IJnltslde i t W\"lkJlct!':f CC. ll;yt, NY. F"ll""' ol Pl"ll loolio.lt Kllon. l, P~I (18CI Tlmt -1.oi.l (QFF"ICIAL S!Al) to• 1oi11.na Im fhrWtn llt~ l'lo111. , '·"'-11) CL -PG-A GOLF" -,_1•...,. ,..,.,.... K. "'"'"' GUJDE t p,m. (ll) Ct._ $WIM MEET _ LA IH0,000 Wnl<lltfter C11»lc. Cllrit '° lrtt -1. Lll!ll;ltlltr IB&CI 1. Noltrv Pubtlc • C1!1forftlt 1,,.11111,,..11• 1,_, L'A Swim Slldlllm In Sc"-nkt !, .Jim MCK1y. Biii Fllmmlno, Ccr111!1 ISi J . Mololt ISi Tlmt -n.1 PrlnciPtl Office 111 E-lliotl l'lrk, '·• Henry l-llunl, B!ld P•lmlr· Byron 50 brtHI _ 1. Cerlllll ISi 2. Mo/Ill 0..1..,,. Counl'I Ntlion llnk1lnt II WKldlllter cc. ($J l. l~erton 1nc1 Ttm-....-"'·'· Mv c-IHICl!'I Ex1tlrtl ESSE 4 •.m, lS) T -IJ~I ALAI-From Tl-II••· NY, fQ!' 11"11111int holtl. ~ biodl _ 1. Moll"lt Ill t. Nov. 2., 1trt · • • MATTR S • The game arrives at II a.in. '"'"''• F•onton Pllli:Jo. J p.m. r:Ml F .... TOROS -(P11e.es kMw~.,. 1aBc1 a.. H1xbur1 t8Bc1 l'ublllhld o'"'" coeit 0.11, l'l1e1.1.-------------, r.ver Channel 4. ae5 !(~,'~ ~lc:.~T&Ol -<Luc~.'.-'-'-•c~..c.c""-;"':':"~':·'::;::;::;::::::::';'-;;;;;-::•;·'::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;"';";;;";';;·;'~·~';;;•;"";;;;'M;;;• ;;l-''c"c'""~11 MA TIRESSES goiuiziou~:!e~~ th:n rlc~~s! a.1~"' .. :.;,~1 ~ 'M,~,~f.iEo -tAe•t'lll SMOKE Rs I 80.lft ~ ;.:naa American circuit? Answer: Sund•J Cloet. M ... Ma""'9 Cit. The Westchester c I B s sic _12rt··z~'1 .~'.;;: T:i:.;:..M~:ct . • u'l;~ .. 1-303." f'25(1,000). which screcn3 to-W111t1k1r, 0 1 '''*' 1111koll klton day on ABC starting at 2 p.m. , WOU.LD YOU u•KE A /\BC will "" 1' color YOU KNOW ""' • UPHOLSTlllY cam"a.' 1o record the action. L_.. RAffiE SNAKE A PERSONAL PET • NOW ,_ ------T1>o lllttaNl Ailtl-$Moklot c-II $ ..._ -. GUARANTEES I-._..., <-M .. LP YOU nOP SMOICIMG 'm Or•"•• .., ... , .. aitFtto D n. NA~ ~llfi,~OONC)Jr.~ COSTA MHA ~ =: ... 'rc-. ~rHG111'7~Nw• ,. c::-..i:.-::-• =-....,.,,:..• .. -''"" --i ;-Dtll ............ a.¥ .....• Tllt!I ...... . o,.uo•• ..,..to10•'.. pa\ll•"I """" ...................................... . folO 9'10 l'( folO .,.i\.\. ........ •·•••••••""0 '00•••••••·•""0 •••• .. - r .. OHJ 'f~ll 11; Pllllll ........................ i. ........... . Nlttm\tl ::11..sri\ok'"' 81 ,e....... I Cltr .•..•. • ............... : .................. . F•EE' .. PHONt Vil . 675-5127 I ""' ....., ............ ~~~ =:::::: ~treMtlv ... Cltt ... Obl\9otiorl-()r "'""' ~lt' ~J:!'~~i1::;."'" is the defending YOUR CHILD KNOWIN~lri:~U~ COULD Corona del Mar's TonJ l Hcwill and .many other 1168 WIL I,, LEARN Olympians will be featured ~ ~ ~:U~:v1~~"':i1s~im~: TOUSWIM AT frool the Coliseum p o"o l. • Slartlng lime is 8 p.m. BL '(, BUOY The weekend 1V menu: . .... ~ .... Today • ..._. ...._,.._,, 11 1.m. '" Cl _. llASEtALI. -..... y--t. •1rt1'nonl 1t Mlllntllllt. Curl Gowollw, "'1 Ton1 k\llllt(IC, M!ckft' M11tllf llllMnlClt 546 ~ 800" 11 Mrtto Sllllium, a teom l n1toft . ll;1!N:l>tdr.: Clll'HO 11 Ottrelt. r 1 11.rll. (11 -,GA UOLP -1150.000 ' Mesa Upholstery Liberty M781 UN NIWPOll 11.'9. e CDMPUTI~ TISTINO • LIVE! Ml"•T T"AT S'ICIAL MIMI ... AHO l•llM TO LIVI - ~= ~7-4667 ff "f· • ..,. ... l ' ' ' > ' ,. • • • I ( • t I • t I 1 ' ···1 V PllOT NEW YORK • STOCK EXCHANGE ' II J WEEK~s AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW CLOSE NY Exchange 20 Most Active • '""" " " -,...,, Aotoott,..:.1";..:.;..'_-______ o.11tv ~ILllT AMERICAN ~TOCK EXCHANGE 7 WEEK'S w'.AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW, CLOSE • Over-the-Counter Listings For Friday, Auaust " 2, 1969 York Stocks Continued lftff "'" ,....,,.. UMh) Nltll l.. L•d Clll NI• ~ -UV- from Page 10 •• '""' ........ , • , 1 ' • ., 'I ' DAIL"f l'flOT Horoscope ' I I~ ~Ganeer: Friendships Are Renewed l . . - ! . SUNDA'Y ~ AUGU~T 3 , By 9VQNE~OMARR .llECREAT·ION HINT: Homewarnibq:, ttdal~ affairs wbkb brlq . fooilly IO«olher are faforel .. Extilknt' 1odal pUlod , &onlpt ,,.,_ all lfgn1, ..it' 'i"'r.ltalll o'l ·TAURUS. G • 9 d, ood •Dd bfl:ver11t1 could. alons wlt.b ttnewln1 of fr:lendsailpt, m a k e t ti I 1 • me1DOr1ble day. ARIES (March 2l ·Aprll 19): GEMINI (May !I.June 20)' UBl\A (Sepl. U-Oct. %2): 1'CQUAllW8 '(JID. JG.Feb. Appreciate thou who confide You ma/become lnvolvtd ln 11)': Be receptive lo Ideas con.- in you. Learn today that some dllcuulon of Jepcy, money In cernlng home comforts, im- trust you with much. Be general. 0on·t perm\~ fan-provemenls. A st ub born sociable. But try to avoid tule1 to run away with you. 11 I o c I a le may make cro\l/ds. Key is expression of ReallllUc approach is best bet dl~agina remarlu:. WI.le to indlvklualJty. today. take long·tanfie view. Be CANCER (June 2l·July 22): SCORPIO (Oct. 13·Nov. 21): aware or secur ty.r Friendships are renew· You may be concerned about PISCES (Feb. 19 • MAareh ed. TAURUS lftdlvidual could marriqe, partnership, legal ~) '. ,You are on the move.• provide inspiration. Evaluate agreement. Key is to be V15its and vlalton I r e your needs. Get rid ot foolish forthright. Don't attempt to . fe~tured. Be rract,ous to nollons. C o n c e n t r a L e on duct basic lssues -especJaUy .neighbors, relatfvea. . Leave realistic approach. ~n yOl.I · tho 1 e involving paymtntl,. det.aJls to ~s. l:n~rtain make solid advancement money and be entert&Joed. That 1 the . . . ~ key to<lay. LEO (July 23-Aug. Zll: SAGITTARIUS (Nov. Z2-IF TODAY IS YOUR ,. "'QUEINll! .. l l 11yl l'tin 1n19r1anc11 I 'bl/L I Ir {l Ann Landen Church Laughter Good for Soul DEAR ANN LANDERS' The .man I am going to marry enjoys our minister· more than his own. For the past several mcinths he has been attending Sun· day wQtshlp with my parents and me. Sc?methlng Jias been bothering me and 1 need to know 1f I am right or wrong . Our minister has a warm , wondertul personality whic h comes lhrough in his sermons. He frequently relates amusing anecdotes and adds a touch of humor to the services, to the deJlght of his parishoners. tilled to one-third of h r husband 's estate. HiJ children would get the rest. Money matters, p c r s o n a I possessions are a c c e n t e d . Orlgtnal Jdeas can add to pro- fit. Study rtereaUon hint. Be with those who encourage you to express yourself. ~ _ TAUl\\!S (;\pril 2!1-M@.Y 2ilJ , 1 Cyc"lililgh. You shine at get· lQPlhei". Be willing to share. You gain by giving. Sounds paradoxical -but message is clear by tonight. Be moderate in .eating, drinking. , Some responsibilities cannot Dec. 21}: Give attention to BlRmDA Y you profit throuch be delayed. Many look: at you basic needs, including health. doing what comts natnrally. as example. Live up to obliga -Get needed relaxation. Eploy You have sense of comedy. lions -and potentfal. One you warmlh o f one who really Often you try to accomplbh rl!!pect pays meaningful com· cares for you . Give and )'Ol.I too much at once. When you pllment. also rectlve. Adhere lo golden do concentrate, you get J~~~~~-~~~~~:.__:__~~---=8:-:::>.:.J VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221 : rule. results. You are better at JQUtMY----.lrl»ch...reunil~ you CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. seeing project as a whole than "I •"L.:-t.. i''& the...Yertie:aLhol4,-and--1 t.hinkJt'a My fiance has a rather peculiar laugh to begin with, and when the minister says something funny. he prac~ tically cackles his head off. This embarrasses mt and I suspect my parents also are uncomfortable , although they have never-said so. DEAR ANN LANDERS , ~ly young brother (only 28) died l"'O weeks ago. The autopsy, showed he had a heart aUack. Thjs was a tremendous blow because no one knew he had a coronary problem. Both his young widow and [ went into shock. There were so many things that neetied to be done <Ind neither one"Of 11\ thought to put t h e an- nouncement in the newspaper. The funeral was small becauM! not many poepte knew about it. with relative or friend is 19): Good lunar aspect today in-bits and pieces;-You can be ~ '" favored. You are on the move. cooincidea with romance, careless about det.am. very serious."_ ,. ' But be sure of direction . Avoid creative punuits. You could ~:~~,:C:G ~?"~~ST~'t,~ ~ou 1,. wild-goose chase. Remembe r meet person who excites your =T:i.1"1fs~.t on11~ YJ!,.-~1"~ commJtment to younger in· imagination. Welcome con-'ff~! ·~,;~io:rli!.dr.•hn~M,,: &~~~ d1Yidual. tacts, challenges, invitations. PtLoil k• 3Uo. '!11c1 c1111rtt st•· fief'!, tw Yerll, N. • OOU. i?Iorida Summer Business Hnr:ts PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP) -Some 60 miles or west . -Florida's white sand beaches Coast," JOJI!: Fernandez d~ Castro, industrial waste in· vestigator for the Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Commisston. said· Thursday. chips and lhredded bark from Port St. Joe to Fort Walton Beach. sent lo the Oreit" Products Laborator)I M-Wis., in an effort ~ determine the typeS or trees -@iey came from, how Jong they have been in water and otht; data esse11t.i11.I in tracking the sourct. ' ' 1 ' ' ' L f I l l l j I • I ! • ' i • • l l • i • c • ' ' ( ! • • ! i t ! are cluttered with wood chips and shredded bark, causing coocem for the Gulf Coast's booming summer toori.!t in- dwtry. .. The chips are coming from paper mills in Florida or somewhere along the Gui£ "They leave no stain on the beaches, but the ctJps stby tl\ere until somebody moves them." ~The nonnally snowy white coastline is littered with the De Castro made an aerial survey and reported pockets of OoaUng wood waste 200 to -300 feet offsho~. Ro u r. h weather and tidal action sent chips and bark onto the once· spotless sand. Samples of the J:hi~ were ,.. YOU A .RE The area attrlcts most of its tourists from Alabama and Georgia. ONLY MINUTES AWAYI •• PACIFIC'S .HARBOR BLVD. DRIVHN THE ONLY ORANGE COUNff SHOWING! , lHE PICTURE THEY HAD TO RATE "R" <1ntr1Gt1I1> ._ Harbor Blvd. at McFadden • Phone 531-1271 GARDEN GROVE ----..;,G~DIN ·GllOVE FREEW'~AY!_..__.--, IOLSA AVENU( FOUNTAIN VAUEY SANTA ANA ,.. ____ Ei E~ ($ = ._ ___ .... ___ _ AVENUE l__::~~=::~~~::::::::::::~:::::~~~~=-- 1 For Top Sports Coverage Read The Daily Pilot • • I I Fingers Can Indicate Who Were Ancestors WASHINGTON (UPI) thumbs-useful for tree living. Take a good look at your According to Russell H. Tut· outstretched fingers. tie, Univenity of Chicago anthropologist. the fact that If y~ find (as you will ) that man has none of these their bones are not naturally anatomical features ·proves curved, you are in a strong that none of his familiar position to deny that members I 0 re be a r e r s were tree of your family ever lived and dwellers .. swung in trees. After a five-year study or No living gorilla. chim· primate hands, Tuttle has con· panzee, or orangutan, our eluded that man's progenitors closest rcletives among the emerged as a separate family beasts, can make the same from the apes as long ago as claim. 20 to 25 million years. Their hands finger them as "The basic adlfptalions of descendants of tree swingers. man's early ancestors," ac- The. nearly extinct O!"Jngutan, cording to Tuttle, "PrObably as a matter of fact, sUll never closely resembled those maneuvers in the treetops the of any present-day a p e . way his remote forebears did. Furthermore, man and ape Chimps and gorillas are have followed their own evolu· fairly hand$' at getting around tionary pathways for a long in trees when occas i on time and have adapted in dif· demaf14s. But they are even ferent ways." better adapted to locomotion There is no doubt. howe ver, on the ground, where they as Tuttle says, that apes are have developed '' k nu ck I e man's closest living relatives walking" into a speedy and even if their family tree steady gait. branches did diverge millions The orangutan, if forced to of years ago. the ground, has to walk on his Consider the evidence of fists or with fingers stretched hemoglobin-, the red pigment flat. in blood.· Scientl.!ts of the Whal the three big primate California I n s t l tu le of flave in common is that. unl ike · Technotogy ha ve shown that man, they possess certain man's hemoglobin is almo:;t characterillt.Jcs -such as indistinguishable from lhat of hands with Jong curved fingers the gorilla and the chim- and re I at iv t-I y weak , .panz.ee. Please tell me if it is proper to laulj:h out loud -very loud. that is -in ch~rch? - BLUSHING BERNADETTE DEAR BLUSH: I consuited witb a pritst, a minister a»d a rabbi. Tltey all said virtually the same tblng. Laughter is good for the soul. A btarlY response to an amusing remark It a joy to the penon Wbo makts It a n d clergymen art na e1.cepUon. · DEAR ANN LANDERS' When 1 married my husband five years ago \\'e did not talk much about finances. I was married previously to a man \\'hose illness left me in debt. I was determined to pay off all his obligations and did so, even though I had to sell my car and wedding ring to do it. l\1y second husband is a widower with two married children. He spoke vaguely about changing hls will when we married. (When his wife died she wrote a will leaving everything to thim.) Ye,,lerday I asked him the direct question, ''Have you changed your will and prc>- vided for me?" He became sullen and replied, "Not yet, but I'll get around to it one of these days." I don't want to bring up the subject again, but I'd like to know if I'll be left without a penny i! he should die be.fore he gets around to it? -WORRIED IN \VJL1.-1EITE DEAR W.I.W.: You doo't have to WOM')' about a cam· plete shutout because you live in Illinois. Whether thtre is a will or riot, tbe .. Widow la eD- STARTS WEDNESDAY~ AUG. 6th Exclusive Ora0ge County Prentlere Showing THE ODDBALL\, HEROES '" , TOQKTHE · ~· c~". ·-:- THEIR ONE-EYED MAJOR ml ITS ~"" AND ·. TOOETllER THEY TOOK ON mwqRLDi .e. ~Patrick O'Neal Jean·Piene Aumonl 1111111D. 11J11ai-ai E19·IUl&\.1t·ll!ISPllT!m· lllllltim"" Pelar IWJr: =~ .ONlT SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF & r ·',/ , lf10 "Ca.tie Koop" r.~o Showing 7:00 & 9:20 p.m. Contift110I. Showing s.1.,doy & Sunday from 2:00 p .m. The relatives on both sides are mad al me. Th e y say a. widow has a right to fall apart, but a sister should re· main strong and "take care of things." I feel as if 1 have lel everyone down. Have I? - DELORES DEAR DELORES' You did the be:st you could under dll· ficult circumsiances. G od ga\'e you two good can for just such occasions all Ut11. Let the criticism go in ont and aut the-other. Unsure of yourseU on dates'! What's right ? What's wrong~ Should you? Shouldn't , you! Send for Ann Landers' booklet "Dating Do~ and Don'l!," enclosing with your request 3$ cents in coin and a long, self· addressed, &lamped enyelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT. enclosing. a self-addressed, st a1n p e d envelope. Lincoln's Wife Started Pension WASHINGTON (UPI) -In 1869 Abraham l..i.ncoln's widow wrote the speaker of th~ House of Representatives and pleadi:q for an armua1 pc!nSion. Her p!ei was cootained in a letter recent!J obtained by the national archives. General Services Administrator Robert L • Kunzig, whose a gen c y operates the national archives, noted that Congress did grant her an annual income -a year and a half later in the atnount of $3,000 a year. M1lln-Diiiy "1:• MOii. •llrv T1111n. llv• .. I p ..... -P-rL Sii. l :lt 51111. 1 '·"'· llST PICTUll Of THI YU.I I Sp•,i1I Chil1lr•11·1 p,;,., I~ & Und••-S I.SO Fo~~ ... .,....,~ .......... .......,,, ACRES OF flll PAlllN6 onH AT •:41 SHOW STA.In 1 P.M. NOW SHOWING . "STILETIO" WI .. Altx Cord Britt Ekl1nd Al•• Jason RobArd ;; Britt Eklond ,, "THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED ~INSKY'S" r lo or n· " ht er .. ly . !d •i ·k. IW a I re to ~ n· !r. .. ut " a •ll ·-of el Jd If· 1d or 11. ad s? g? ,. et " -35 If· '· to s. of 1g. d n In >W he nd '"· • he y nt a he • • I • • • • -----------------------------~------- S.turdoy, A"""t 2, 1969 DAILY PILOT JS I of Originals Newton Set For Role In Movies Ki~gston Trio Starts Out Again By VERNON SCOTr By PAVL ROBBJFS PEABODY, Maa. (UPl) - The-Kingston Trio isn't a trio. but then who ever heard of the Kingston quintet? The Kingston Trio which rocketed to fame on the strength or "Tom Dooley" aod oiher light folk songs a decade ago broke up in 1967. One of the original members, tall Bob snane, is attempting to resur· rect the group -oii a dare. If the group's reception at Lennie's on the turnpike - a local nightspot with many of the same charal;terlsttcs of the hungri I in San Francisco where Shane, Nick Reynolds and Dave Guard exploded on the show business scene -is any lndicalion, the future ia indeed bright. Crowds have packed the small club on Rte. 1 and howled at the group's rouUnes. WORKED 4 ~tONTRS "We've been together about four months," Shane said, relaxing between shows in their crowded dress.ink room. "And -I probably wouldn't be here now e1cept for a dare. "A girl came up to me and asked how it felt to be an ex- hoosehold word. I told her to wait and see. Ttlen we started to put the group together.'' Th.e other £our members of the "new math" trio are Pat Horine, an alleged sex symbol . from Lexington , Ky., Jim Con· nor, a Harvard dropout from Gadsden, Ala ., wtio plays a ptrpetual-mot.ion banjo i n between wisecracks and Ute ·group's two silent p~s - drummer Frank Sanchez of Phoenix, Ariz., and Frank Passantino, a moustachioed, . potbellied bass guitarist from San Francisco. LOOK GREAT "Il's only bee.n four months," Shane said. ''We still don't even know if we dig each other ..• but lhin&s really look 1reat. "I was on my own for a while and I didn't enjoy it as a single. Now that we've go& th.is group, Jt's much more fun . There's more variety and more security. You probably don 't make as much money, but it's a lot better deal." he said. "We're going to set our own trend." Noneth.eless, they've g o t essentially the same formula which proved so highly plea.s-- ing with the old group -a col- lection of catchy folk songs and easy ballads with plenty of ad liM and wisecracks. "Scotch and Soda" is perhaps still t.he top heart throb tune. MANY PEARLS Included ih their repertoire are such leg-slapping pearls as "Howard Dickinson's Truck." "Turkey in Your Bush" and "Hog Liver Llkers." "It 's a nice feeling now to know that you can entertain a crowd. We've all got ex· ~rience and now it's just a._ case of getting used to one another as a group,,,. he said while the rest of Ute group changed shirts, tuned their in- struments or sipped soft drinks. The trio has an album com- ing out in the fall and after leaving Lennie's when they finish. their stand Sunday, their schedule includes a tour through the Paci.tic Northwest -Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wash., and Vancouver, B.C. - followed by brief stops in San Francisco and Honolulu before starting a swing through th.e Far East. They start the col- lege.campus circuit early next year. Shane's eyes lit up as he thought of San Francisco, "that's home territory for the trio. It oughta be quite a scene Otis time. I'm really looking forward to it." HOLLYWOOD (VPI) - No matter how big an entertainer is on IA!le'1sloo, reconis, clubs or Broadwa,y, there ii aa overwhe lming compulsioD to star in motion pictures. Movies ire shown Or\ big screens. pay big money, 1t- 1ract big crowds. Film stan take the money and run to the nett script. · Publlci%1ng and exploiting the epic ls left to other persons. Rowan and Marlin recently completed ''11le Malte!e Bip- py," and DOW' Wayne Newton hu invaded the sound stages to star in "ICI St.rps to Jonah." It is a heavy dramatic story about an orphaned migratory worker in trouble wlth the fuu. Newton Is 26, manied and WHATSA FOR LUNCH ? -Greg High5erg .of Newport Beach, Tony \Vallac-e rich . Why is he gambling his of Garden Grove and Ace Ede\vards or Fountain Va1ley get ready for the reputation as a top-flight, turned-on singer -with 2.1 party in the Orange Coast College prcxluction of "The ?i.lost Happy Fella" record alburps and all the which closes tonight. nigh.tclub offers he can handle ---------------------------------11 -to become a straight actor? "Most people say It's a challenge," Wayne sai d , repeating the cliche. "But it's more than that. I want to diversify. "Now that I'm married 1 don't Want to travel so 11ijlCh. I've been playing clubs, con- cern, rairs, rodeos and cutting records for years. If I can establish myself as an actor it will help prevent wearing myse lf thin in other fields." The script fo:-"llO Steps to Jonah" was written a couple of years ago. All the studios wanted it, but none WOU.ld buy Wayne in the deal. "Finally Steve Brody gave me a chance," the 1incer said. "Three weeks after"'-~:IFi~~~~~~~~~~ll1Fr~·~~~~~~~~=1il began pn>ductiop Stev~w • ~rp-:-il. DI ·~ the rushes and said he regret· '1 il WU 0 ' fed he didn't have an option -for my services on another I JllEWLl'OIT I EACM • Dfl.l-13Sb' . picture. My manager assured him he did." Ne\\'ton, who makts his home in Las Vegas, is con· fident his picture will lead to others, but not to the exclusion of other work. "I'd like to play a variety of roles in movies, and continue my act in concerts and clubs," Newton concluded. "The ideal s.itu_atiQ.ll is to strike a balance.'' 3 BIG HITS HELD OVER! ENDS TUESDAY Jack Lemmon Catherine Deneuve m Elv~Opens · in Las Vegas TEClllllCOl.DI!' ..,.. ··-----ALSO- DEAN JONES BUDDY HACKETT "The April Fools" LAS vEGAs (UPI) -Elvis and toll wore a dark Edwar- Pres\ey, the swivel·hipped dian style suit for his show country bay from Tennessee and when on stage had his who tops all rock and roll hair combed forward. At a singers in the money charts, post-.sbow news conference the opened a four-week show on balr~o was back. to the con- the Las Vegas st'rip Thursday ventional Presley slick-back night. 1tyle wlUt the forelock. It was Presley's first stage Presley told the conference 0 u r i ngP res 1 ey' sap. pearance he weni through , "'.'i]::;:"· about ' 15 selections Including • n• some of his top rea>rds, "Blue ,.,,.,,,.U Suede Shoes," "Love Me JOUnEY· ~ Tender." "Jailhouse Rock," and "Heartbreak Hotel." He -.AUO- also strummed his auitar and ·-WALT DISNEY'S slithered U...ough a re<:ent • "WINNIE recordinl. "In the Ghetto." THE POOH ' He !ms a wife. She has a husband. With so much in common they just have to fall in love © TECHNICOLOR •-:: ~ At the end or his performance Presley received ' ... AND THE -ALSO.- a standing ovation which ap-I BLUSTERY DA y•• Steve Mc.QuMn in peared to be a $0ntaneous r "THE THOMAS , _ .... t u /1/111 -.,. '·'· HILi own OllAM JOMlf 'iHI LOVI IU•"' •l\lt IM ,. ...... ,.... I OllH•Y'I "GNOMIMOllLl''f lfltll WALTal l lllHNAJil C:.tln-. CMllJ 11a P.M. "llANMIBAL BROOKS " M Jack Lemmon aoo Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" T~! @ .. A Cinen. Cftit~ r-. Pl , • ..._ A N...-Gcneral ,_,...._, Plu.1 -L .... etldl IM IJIRllRt "THE THREE PENNY OPERA" er •lllTOl T l llECHT 1121 H"""' 11 ... ., C."9• M-, ... llMfl"ll'•lleM .,.._1llU COlDI ri,o.i;e"' -- The new Kingston Trlo in- evitably includes aome .of the old threesome's h.its. "But we're out to set our ow• style," said Shane, who hails from Honolulu but now owns a ranch in Ro~ell, Ga ., where his wife is expecting their fifth youngster. appearance in eight years and that he had been rehearsing his first show in Las Vegas in diligently for his Las Vegas 13 years, Jong before his opening. He arrived about a service in the Army. He hasn't ,, .. eek ago and has been work· made a personal appearance ing QI.It his act daily. }le stlll in almost a decade. . was going through practice of The 34-year-<1ld star who has his routine until shortly before reeollded more Utan SO gold showtime in the 2,000-seat records, gyrated through an International Room. hour and a half of his top Presley's longtime agent, selections backed by a JG.piece Col. Tom Parker, WI! at the o~a at the International singa-'s side during the news Hotel. conference and deftly fielded reaction from the audience-"CONTINUOUS DAILY CROWN AFFAIR" opposed to many Las Vegasl~~~~·~·~o~M~J ~P~-·~·~~~L~~~~~~~~~J:I set-ups on opening night _which Ir• Show st.ti ot 1 have been appar.ent numerous C•t. Sat & s. •. fN1111 J '·"'· times including the opening or Barbra Streisa.JJ4 1t the same hotel. PLUS • OL:• .. laD MIClllDJ.NL&Mt A GIANT OF A MOVIE '· "We're. not the old group and we don't pretend to be," The e n t er t a i n e r who any questions that dealt with Presley was the second performel'. to appear at the International Hotel since Jt opened July 2. Streisand wis the first to appear in Ute main ENDS · COt.UflfB,IA PICTURCt PAl:81N1'8 llllDll /-QMll . " • • • • • • • • •• • "' • • • ~: .... ,. . ' ... -· • • '• • • • • •• • • • • • i ... • • • • • • • • • • • preceded the Beatles in rock finances. I ClN STAff: I ~u. I BOBBIE &ENTRY RODER WILLIAMS musical dlrec1or ... John scon Traner August 4· • 8. Shows at 8 and 10 PM I P0P 1'011Ud I SHINDO August 4 · 8. Shows at 9 and 11 PM I COllNTRY MUSIC JUB!LU: I BOBBY BARE MartllYIOr aunl Dinah's pununa Pal'IY auasr MC ... Ed rarrr. KIEV Sunday, August 3. Shows at 5, 7 and 9 PM FANTASY IN THE SIY Starring Tinker Bell and a brilliant firewo rks display every nite at 9 PM. • • •••••••• • ••••••••• shwroom. Preeley reportedly is eam· lng the equivalent of the Streisand income for 1p- pearing at the International. TUES. Pia--/ aaa1r-- CARL FOREMAN"S , MICllRl'l IDLli Her promoters said she was to •- receive a million dollars for 1 ..,M. J. L. A\ • three appearances over 1 -PLUS- tbree-ye.ar span. James Garner in · • The Wt time lhe entertain· • er made news in this gambling ·s.,,.rt Yow• • resort was in 1967 when be Ltclll•1rifr H•ATR • was married here to Priscilla COLM.}'~ .. ·. -~ m--·-caa~---JIQ • Beaulieu, daughter of an Airl':::=:=:=:=:=:=:=~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~I • Force colonel fie met whJle on !: • duty in Gennany. His wife and • daughter 'were not at the • Thursday night opening. !IF~~~~~~ll • • • • IT'S Hl911 MOST FANTASMA•O•IC.AL MUSICAL INTlltAINllllNT IH THI HllT091Y OP: MITIHINll -SHOW TIME!.- 1...i.,. 7:11 a 9:JI Met. Set. & s. .. 1:11 & 4:31 If "* ci..i,... ..... , . lilff •h• . • • U.S.-trlthh-l 1t.ln lmtll..-• wllll 20th Century-Fox presents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 . GREliDRV PEIH . ADDE HEVWDDD • • • • • • • An Arthur P. Jacobs Procl.tction "lllE IHAIRDIAD" ~Hll.·MNIDOllE ·~ TU·Olll.M ZENA MERTON ·COiitmY-.....,,_ • "'-0-MORT.._.llfE~ .lm"'.J'noow ' ............... "' I .w flCHNI) KBIEDY ...... .EflWOC)! IJIMl'M -· • C' t pfWP I m ••111 bf 2 1 GOlllif--... GD-M~-=1 ~,®iffiij. «--~" ....... -.. · ~· urmw 2•• •u 1uu nt.>l\m • I AT IOTff • WEST COAST PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT ~ .. · ·.· .,.,.,, . '. "\-WAY 3q QAIVE 1N 'HAMMIB•L llROOICS' H1nry Fond1 -Clrvcli1 C1rdin1te "ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST" Plut Jo~n W1yne -Rolt•rl Mitc;h1111'1 "EL DORADO" Jap11~•• Movies Eve ry Tuesday Night ........................ , ............... .., I SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS T"-~rft 111 fhil DOI! ""V bl COtltlderld by -11J " ........,It..,_ tor <lllldren •rod young _._ -Ind r91Wlr1 .,_f..,111 dllleretlon • "LAIT SUMMEll" 1111 "APIUL f'OOLI" IMI "Ill lllllLlliS,. till "THE '-ffAlllMAN" !Ml Contr1rv lo ldvel1l1lng !le'fOnd DUr c""1ro1 im 1~1r1119 1l1twll9A;f YollllO people undlr 11 (oo! 10 will no! bl 1dmlr!ed tel PKlll Thullfll lo let lh1 "A" pltturn Ustlld In !Ml bo1 IHllHI '""'°",.. led Dy Nr..,r or lld11ll ouan1i.n. t . .................................. ,, l"ANTASTI C. MUSICAL • Oick V1" Dvk• -Sill\• A""' How•• "CHITTY CHITTY BANG IANG" ,1111 . "SUBMARINE X • 1" ····~····" .. ~······ AN AOULT MOVI• AIOUT TODA't"'I T••N,,.•lll "LAST SUMMEll" -'lu1 • "100 RIFLES " . ..:..•!!fill'.L;..J• Ht -UMff It Will .. HmlrtMI 1111.,. ..... ._. Ctll'tHfl~ by INrMt ., ... l'fi1-. I ... .................................. . J~ck L1mmo11 -P1l•r1 l •wf•" • "THE A~IL FOOLS" 1 "' Audr•y H•pb1i1rt1 -JUch 1rd Cr111111• "-""""'--' "WAIT UNTIL DARK" lltum ...... '""' Mlllh ""'" .... "~···· ...... , G r•9ory '•c• -Aflll H1ywto4 "THE CHAIRMAN" ,1111 Ch1rl•to11 H•1ton -lteddT Mc01W1ll "PLANET OF THE API$" • ll9"111"**'1 ,., ,,__ ··············~············· J1c• L1m!'lfl11 $175 w.1o~ "'"'" ' ' ' ! "THI ODD COUPLE" ,_,;!,...,.. ;, ,,. ,111. -~J-1 ,,..ILOAD J.,.. F1rtdt -"BARBARELLA" I I · 1 I ! I • -,----y Beal E~tate Questions •nd Comment By Rultor RandaD McC.rCllo What •bout the future of Oreng• County? I've •Mn some •re11 boom for quite a whllt , gre•t things heppen, thtn they level off. I rt•ll1• this leveling off is n1ture l ind m1y mak• for 1 1ta1Jle economy; but it can hurt • small busine.ss m•n llke myself. I just c•n't •fford to make ~ny mlJ. '•'••s. Whit ire your thoughts on Or•nte County's futu~e? Are we going to continue to have more people •nd high incomes? I.l.M,_Cmt• Mesa A recent study made by Bank of America indicates that Orange County can expect a healthy dynamic economy. Quoting Focus on Orange County by B of A: ' -A rapid rate of economic growth is expected for Orange County in the years ahead. The momentum created by nearly 15 years of unpreced~nted growth, coupled with ne\v expansions exp~ed. m the. future, will trigger significant increases m output, mcome, and employment. Orange County will continue to be one of the brlghtnt economic spots in the nation for profitable investment in a wide range of industries. Its economy will continue to advance at a faster' rate than that of ·ca1Uornia as a whole. \Yhich in turn will grow more rapidly than that of the nation. The rapid expansion expected in employment and output \ViH be reaected in a substantiaJ increase in total personal income and a rise in the standard of Jiving of Orange Co unty residents. In 1960, the county was sixth in the state in terms of total personal in- come; in 1968 it reaC)ed second place among the 58 counties in California and it should maintain this posi- tion during the coming years. peveral factors will lie beh ind this increase in in- come, but the most significant will be the projected growth in outp..ut and produs.tivity. Expanding \YOrk opportunities m ean expanding population. Based on an annual job growth of about 5 percent in the next 12 years and natural population increase (the number of persons born in the county)? the total population should reach nearly 2 mill ion by 1980. EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall R. lrfcCardle i.s an invtstment anal~st, Pre.!ident of The Real Es!ater.!, a col~ge lecturer. a director of""'l.he California A..!sociation of Real E.sta:t~ Teachers, author of "Real Estate in California!' Sptd your auestion.s and comment.I to Randall R.. JfcCordle, clo the Doily Pilot. Box 1560, Costa Afesa 92626 .. South Bay Open Ho use On Sunday Open housO partiu w 111 be heJd Sunday from S to 7 p.m. lo ceJebrate the completion of South Bay Clubs in' Newport Beach and Carden Grove. Cham p ag ne and refreshments will be served, and guided tours w i I I be ar- ran1ed .so that visitors may see the model apartments and extensive recreation al facilities of the apartment communities -d e s i c n e d specifically for single young adults. Both clubs are now ready for total oceupancy, having completed all phase.s of con· slroctiOll. The Newport Beach South Bay Club is located at 880 Irvine Ave., and the Garden Grove Club is at 13UIO Chapman Ave. VAST PACKAGE Highlighting each South Bay Club is a vast recreational packa1e, centered around a 3- story Clubhowe. Facilities in- clude men's and womtn's health club& complete with ex· ercise equipment and sauna baths, a multi-tabled billiard parlor, fireplace lounge, color TV theatre, indoor golf driving range, party room with service bar and k i t c h e n facilities, arts and crafts and conferen~ rooms. Outdoors amenities include an Olympic-sized swimming pool, whirlpool baths main· taining year-round 105 degrtt t e mPeratures, night-lighted tennis courts, and volleyball baskelball court.a. A full-tim e resident activities , director cooridln1tes a varied social recreational calendar, and a resident tennia pro offers ten- nis lesaons. ftfiriila Sbtla State Owner's-Title Insurance Spreads < Florida recently b@came the )ll'lnled langu1gt ol real estate sixth atate to nqulre that real sales contracts. estate purchasers under ce,... CAWS JIELPFIJL lain conditions be Informed of "Laws or reguJationt~ this the availability of owner's title kind can b e particularly insurance, the president cf the helpful to home buyers,•• BUr~ American Land Title Associa-unaame remarked. ·~it. Isn'tt Uon reported. unusuaJ for a home .buyer to Cordon M • Burlingame, mUe a re.al estate purchase chairman of the board, The where mort1a1e lender's tltle Title Insurance C-OrporatJon or · Insurance is included and Pennslyvania, Bryn Mawr, mlstU:enJy assume' ·that the Pa., said five of the state:s re-lender'• insurance protecta his qulre that purchasers be so hl· investment. Without owner'.s formed in writing when real tlUe coveraa:t:. the buyer l5 estate transactions involving ~ulnerable to flnane1al Jw mortgage Iender'.s tiUe in-from land Utle de!ecla -even surance are concerned. In a<h if his home bas mortgage dltion to Florida, thes estata lender's . inlurance." are New Jersey, Tennessee, T!Ue companies normally in.- Maryland, and Pennslvania. sure real estate investments The sixth slate~ Tei:as, by after a search of public law requites informing of -records for visible Utle defects purchasers through t h e such u liens against the proP- Appraisers To Hear Deane Man erty or unpaid ta xes. After encouraging the cure of such .defects, title companies Insure agiinst Unanclal Joss from hidden defects , that happened 'prior to purcllase -mch as a forged deed or a clalm by an . undisclosed spouse. In all of the six states ex- cept Texa$, the responsibility of informing real e.s t a t e purchasers about mortgage )ender's and owner's title in- surance generally is placed on t i l I e insurance companies, Burlingame saJd. Purchasers who are so informed and who do not wish owner's title coverage aie required to sign a waiver. The general effect or the notice aqd_waiv~ apReJ_rs to be lhat more purchasers are acquiring owner's tiUe in· aurance at the time mortgage lender's insurance i& obtained. OTHER STATES The inlormin& of real e.state purchasers is required in New Jersey under a 1964 state law, In Tennessee under a 1966 state Insurance regulation, and in 'Pennsylvania under a 1961 state insurance regula· lion. In Maryland, after a series of embeu:lements left more than 70 familie.s facing two -rather than one - mortgages on their homes, a notice and waiver law was passed in 11168. A Florida in- suran~ regulation similar lo those of Tennessee a n d .Pennsylvania becam e ef· feclive lttay IS, 1969. Inform· _ ing of purchasers in Te!as is required under the state Real Estate License Act of 1967. "Title eompanlts spend a great deal of time and m~ey cmphasi?.ing the cure or .title defecits before insuring titles against nnacial loss," Bur· llngame declared. "State: laws tnd insurance replations that fnake real estate r,urchasers aware of this serv ce contri· bute to gerater financial sec· urity for the successive owners of a piece of real property." Mak e a Sharp Deal; Use DA ILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines DaYid Young, Vloo l'r<sl- dent o( Deane Brothen, Inc., will be guest speaker at the Society or Real Estate Ap- praisers. Los Angeles Chapter No. I, dinner meeting Aug. JZ. Hi.s talk, entiUed Market Trends in Home Building, will define land and increasing construction costs, the affect of current financing o n absorpliou rate. changes in buyer appeal items and an estimate cf a typical home five years hence from a de.sign and accessory viewpoint. 16 Spanish Styled T own--Hous~s Under Foreclosure-Must Be Sacrificed! Young is president of the Building Industry Association of California, vice president of Over $1,000,000 Worth $old-Once In A Lifetime Buy! VARIED AtODEJ..S the Build l n g Contractors 6 Short · Miles from the Beach NEAR NEW COUNTY GOLF COURSE I NOW 520,950 to '25,875 SAVE '3,100 Additional SBC featurrs in· Festival of Arts, was f · For Top Sports. Coverage Read -Th e -Daily Pilot One and tw bed room Association of California and a fumi shed a n d unfurnished member of the Board of apartment! wil be availablt, Directors ol the National as wt.II as fully-furnished Association of Home Builders. singles. All apartments will He is past president of the have custom interiors wilh Pacific Coast Builders Con- wall-tt>wall carpeting an d fereoce and winner of Ole 1966 floor-tD-CeUing draperies, all· Builder of the Year award. electric Wtstinghouse: sp-. A resident of Lagwia Beach, pliances, and sliding glass Young is an active participant doors to private patios or in community affairs. He is balconies. past prt1Udent of lhe.!a· of elude laundry rooms, a dry· oC the &boo! of Art • cleaninc pick up service. and a Design and is a form tennis pro' shop on tbe ,--mem ber ef the Board of Pools • PrivQte Park -e Club House • Puttin9 Green WHERE EVERY . ,_, hotnts ••• fWll//I ;obi ••• ,_ mcn1tjon m&lres Dvl1 Poi/'lf dH!' plKT ~ ...,trffhin1 is hlppeii11f. U rJ• pl111U rmp/Of'i"f lhoczsn:ls ~te now brinf lwf/r, 1 MW ',.,,i,,_eaNtion complc is undet constTuaion, "9W khools, shopptnr lhd 'cultur.J cen1m an /liJI 'm/llU(es awl)'. rM MN' rtOOlftAHS UIXUIK>US ..... ,.,_ W1111 -°"'°"' ... ~ ~ •""'9•0illlllm~•TJW ..... Cll:p ···~ Perdlotl • T~~ • V ...... .._Olllla: • <nMa ...... .,..... °"""' ...._., a D .. s ' w a.a.. ft 4 ° M • thidu•o•:lutll ... 1t1Y~ groonds. Education al Laguna Beach. ...... .....,._ l.l»---bb .......... .., -.... ._ __ -- .. THUnDBRBIRD HDMBS Th• ••tt 0"•11illlt•d Trade ll'ro1r•m A•1ll•lllo , I NOTICE! Bonatide liquidation ....... 21 .... 2...-.y~~ .. t. ----..... _ ............... .. A...-_...._ .............. ,_ ct-.. .. ...,, ... ---...._.. ,..._ -~ -.. _., .. P.sool ni.., --.. *" ....... h ~ ... ._ ...... . ... ,...... ...... ~ ..,..__ - -I w n Mew • ''" .wl orit""" U.S. O::a -......... fN .,.., -.,_. -..._ -....... .... ,,,__.;.,,, ..... lo - ~"' ................ ~, .... d:. n.i. ......_ ...__ i.,, ~ "-riir• r1ttio c .... .,_, ~---~ Ideal lnveshuent Location n-SAM Van., tow. houses are si'tvated Ni 1tte arrter tA .. ~ Orange Cocmty's most ettnictive plitnned ~ """""" -xh design fftd taf'ICI ttse approved by U.S. Gv¥oe;t IWh@iil 1tief$ . Im~ TtiE low prices -tti1s luxury all wilhin w1Tl<.ing dist1rn to r'le~hborhood shoppmg. 21 acre prio1vte park., 1lon9 with 2 tornmvnity pools, f'wtl club houses, children's p~ ,,.. Md brand,.,.. tlemetita ry !ithool. ALL THESE FEATURES ........... -.. "'91 --ifl ....., .... ,.... ....... ,...._.. ..... -...... ,,_ ...... II ..... t-lty ................... .., -...... ·~ -····-· i-.......... -.......... """" -~ ..... .......... _, rtri. 2.M ...._ .__ i.n ..... ~ ...... ~ .,_,, fto- Wo • .,..., ....C -C lile ,..,._ Miit 111 ~fldl. with -.o, •-_., """' illlhw•how, ~ •• It;.,.. ,.l•:t ...... ,..... "-..,_, ,....,,.. ........ ..,_, ., ..... ~ _,. lo _,. __., ,., .... , lovrwtl I Don'! miss th ts final opportunity to tnve5t 1n 0t1c of thes.e sm1rtly ~tyled Mediterrant1n towne house5 in one of Orange County's be5f locations. You know that price!. are soaring everyday! Yoo have read abovt n~ and higher interest rates -build ing costs have increased 20% in just a few short months. Don't delay. CNer thirty sold in just • few short weeks! To live in ... or to buy as ao in- vestment , , • you'll 11t1Vet get an oppor!unily like lh•~-All built and completed before the new high cost~ ... all reltdy to occupy. lltilities in a(ld pa id for. NO DOWN PAYM ENTS TO VETERA NS LOW FH A TER MS MONTHLY PAYM ENTS LESS TH AN RENT 2..J-4 BEDROOMS DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 We Vrt• ,... lo be thert: early. Doors open el •iOO. fok• h11 DI ... F1"W!Y lo Wo rMf' Ave, WT -""'"''' Stoy td 011 Womer just pall Brook· h.,. te tt. C),..n ValJ.y 1.rttry. mrn Santo Ant1 taii• W•.....i-Wett ltnt piiltt hclid te entry. _, ,. -,-------------------- ~.\ll.Y "LDT J 5 Builders Note Best Sales : '1Jmiriess Go od Despite Tig ht Mone y, Otlier. Probkpts LOS ANGELES (BW) - Tht nation's largest pro- faoional home-building con- cerns al'fl enjoying the best saJu in their blsto<y thll year despite mounting problems of lilltt money, labor end colle rrstraintll, a survey o f membe:n of· the Cotmcil of """"'"' Producers reveals. Making 111e of tophlltlcated -approaches to flnancinJ, pro- duction, marketing and other ftcton of. their bwlnua, coun- cil members repol1ed greater volume In the first hall of 11169 than in the comparable period of a year ago. "Outspoken and uninformed critics or the industry are probably doing more harm than the constrairiU: and im- pediments we now have," a council spokesman !Aid. year u 1n an ot lMI." said H. M. L11ky, prealdent of Macco't rajdentlal construc- t I o n cllvblon, Leadenhlp Homes. "Thus ·far, our 1969 resullls are right ln line with our pro- jections." Laity concedes that some proepecUve bd)'ers m volclng concern over risin( interest rates arMt the rtsUJting m. creue in monthly mcrlj:age payment.. southern CalUornia early this -·tre eased, 0ttr tnc:ruae ~ year, which •lowed production •• 'Ably would have Mta even and also because ol IOl'lle cur· greater," Wet Crauen. rent strikea. ~ &WCH PUBUCITY "All tn all, though, buJtneas Jn the' opinion of Ben C. 111 good and we're geared up Deane, president ot Dt1M for1 w~t cou111 ld1ourlhprove ~~~ ~.n Broa., tnc., N"1JCrl Buch. upurnm e qucuK&. Many prospecU,ve h~m• Labor ls also 1 problem for buyers ' bave been un- Dallas-based Centu Corp. -necesstrUy friahtened .. of the company can't hirt enough tbe mar~.•t by all tbe pu:bPdty workers to keep up with de-that'• bttn Sl•en the tight mand for ib new homes in the money altuatfon. Chicago, Lu Vega! and San "We have · plentf o f Juan, Puerto Rico, mortgagefundsavat. ab It ._ .. 1 .~ , bl metropolitan areas. right now," said Deane. "A n m.,.,. cases, we re a t Frank M. Crossen, Centex's lo convince people that prices president, re......t• an e............ quallfled buyer will hive no NaT GOING DOWN A. -means ol -··ter ~· --·-·-trouble making "· N-lw•." "'"' ............ -i""rease of 1'7 -•cent •--~ , .. '" • ~• g t I g h t -y Lar '"-" r -~ Deane Brol •• a aubl!lidiary of a ..... n """'" • -on a sales rise ol 11 pe-ent in • is· • •·-"·g '---..i... •.. Occidental Petroleum Corp .. win ""'"'" '""'1IC>J\lyers the three months ended JUlle rtear futuu, either," he enjoyed improved sales in tbe rt 30. repo s. "If the tight money situaUon (See SALES, Pace 11) "As a rule. once he's faced,-:r;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;+;;;;;'i reality on these points, tbell """ "••"""" SPECIALIZED HOUSING CONC EPT IN NEWPORT 8EACH FEATURES FULL RECREATION PACKAGE "Thia doeii not mean that we do--not-have-to eontintJe. to press for· solutions, and not jwt short tenn solutJons to long tenn problems. However, things are just not as bad as crltlct would rqake them ap- pear to be." ·customer ls-convinced -that there'., no point in wait.in&-" Larwin Co.. Beverly Hills, like many other profeulooa·1 home producers, arranged Jta lines of financing months ago for the remainder of lMt and well In 1970. Thttefore Lanrin won't be affected by the-latest OUR PROBCEM: You want t• 1111 IOtM Item tho! you no 1..,.., need but someone elM can UM for $14.I Million Oakwood Building Shows Hike ·Jn Count y Newp.ort Complex ·skirts · RECORD SALES In 1966-67, w~en the houaing industry suffered a severe receuion, members of the council po!ted record sales and eanµng! and were able tG cope wiih the problerrui, tfi"e council pointed out. rate Increases. Michael •L.. Tenzer, group vice pre11ident and diredor of NOT OVER $50 7 7 7 7 7 YOUR ANSWER: ? ' . A $14.J million Oakwood Garden Apartments country Building , pennit,, for the club community. representing t'he second project in R & B unincorporated areas o f Devtlopment C o m p a n y • 1 Orange County continued their newest specialized housing steady upward climb in May, concept, has launched its ren- more than doubling the figures lal program with completion ants. a full-time Clubhouse di- rector to plan special actlvi· ties, and an extensive recrea- tional package. . I ... A ... , _ _. of the model apartments. or ~ aame mon .. ._ -~year, Located at 1700 11th St. in .\mong t h e recreational facilities at Oakwood will be an Olympic-sized swimming pool, Jacuzzi ~·hirlpool baths, tennis courts. volleyball basketball courts, fully~uip ped men's and women's gym· nasiums with sauna baths, in- door golf driving range, arts and crafts room, card room, billiard parlor, color TV view· ing thutre, lounges with flreplaces,:and 1 party room •ith service bar. according to Floyd McLellan, Newport Beach, the 715-unit county director of building and complex is rising adja~t to safety. the South Bay Club, an apart- May 's total was $17 .8 million ment community for single Which brought the five-month -young .adults, also owned and fl"1'e to 111.1 nilllloo coJll'. managed b!' R & B.•OonOOd pared with $57.t mUlloo for is designed for mar r 1 e d the sanle period lut year couplea without children as when the county's all-time welt a1 single adults. Oneandtwo -bedroom furnished a n d unfurnished apartments an d furnished tingle units will be available at Oakwood. All units feature pri· vale patios enclosed balcooies, construction record was set. Special feetures ol the com- Of the tlt ·May· permits munity -which opens in issued, 344 were for tingle September -includ~ tree·lin- family homes valued at $8.6 ~ walkway~, a resident Len- million: 24 for apartments· at nu: pro offenng lessons to ten- $2: million: four for rental business finns at $1 mllUon. · and 15 for industrial B 'ld T k B'-t warehouses•• 1u muuon. Ul er a es «.iS Largest pennlb during the month were issued to Deane Bros. Construction Co. for a 106-home development in· the El Toro area valued at $2.S million, and to Marriott Motor }:loWs for a $1.18 million ljdraullc·manufacturing plant in the Irvine In d ustrial Cl!mPl<l. American Branch Established Establishment of a new branch office of F i r s t American Title I n !I u ra o ce Company to serve the state of New Mexico has been an· IKIW1Ced by President O. P. Kennedy. The full-!'rvice. tiil~.l faciijty in AlbuqU"trque, wtJI open in August. The new firm will serve the-erltire state in the ti- tle insurance, abstract and escrow fields. • P. C. Templtton. · widely known in AlbuqUf:l'que real estate and financial circles, has betn appointed vice presi· dent and manager. He was engaged in Utle . insurance work in -Albuquerque from 1947 ' until 1963, when he At Housing Condition David Young. Presidtnt of the Building Industry Associa- tion of California, the largest general contractors associa- tion in Calilornia, t o d a y b 1 a st e d "the continually deteriOrating conditions in the housing industry" and peti· tioned_ -President · NU:on to out these three· new fire s with greatest prudence and haste." Youn~ in his petition to Nix· on asked for the establishment of a special Pruidential com- miss ion to "iron out, once and for all , the direction this in- dustry is to take to save it "recognize the urgencf or the from self-destruction". Ac- C&lifornia crisis triggered by cording to Young "this process the labor movement I n has already set in -with the authorizing and enforcing cur-pricing of home! at price rent strike coodiLions in both points so high that alm06t plumbing and heavy equip-everyone ln the average ln- ment areas of constructjon"-come bracket find s it im· ·Young continued, ''these union possible to purchase a home." moves to paralyze this in-Figures published by the dustry are compounded by the National Association of Home move made by the financial Builders of the United Slates world just one month ago to and other responsible research encumber progress in our finns, seem to i n d i c a t e business by unilateraJly an-Young's predictioil might be nouncing prime Interest rate gros.!!ly understated. Available increases. We have just sue-research seems to indicate cessfully extinguished one fitt-·1"969 just might end up a "ma· and have three others flaming jor disaster year" for the thfmselves into a con-thousands or families i n rtagration -one affecting the ... Southern Ci'llifornia who ha ve livelihood or 180,000 per.sons been dreaming_ about owning earning their living in the con-their "dream house'' sorne- struction industry in Southern day. Various sources quote California. 1be 'fire' we ·ex· currMt construction rates as tinguished' just two months running from 3 ,percent to 5 ago concerned lumber pricing percent behind last year na- and we are detennined to put tionally. became an independent ap--------------------- praiser, and is experienced in all phases of the title business. First American,· with prin- cipal offices in Santa Ana, California, has b r a n c h e s , subsidiaries i n d affiliates throughout Aluka, Arizona, California, Nevada. Oregon, Texas, Uta b , Washington, Wyoming and Guam . Macco Gives Firm Pact Los Angeles -Tht archJteo- tural and plaming firm , Goodkin Ruderman Valdivia, has been contracted to do the master planning and architec- tural design of . a 291-unit apartment complex for the National Apartment Division of the MAOCO Corporation,· in HunUngtOh Buch, G R V ~ s President Leon Ruderman an- nounced today. Goodkin Ruderman Valdilva I s a re s i dential-oriented architectural and planning finn which Is now planning and designing major projects ln 1 dozen states on the Eut ua w..i coasu. Macco Corporation's Apart· Ment Division, gea,red up int operation only elg'ht month!! ~i>,. is plannina: lo have 2.500 units under oon~truction by the end of it.' first year of oper.ilions .. ' New View Homes $80,000 to $190,000 for diseriminating familiei who can afford the finest. and desire the pres- tige and atmosphere· of a NewPort Beach view home. fvan Wells and Sons proudly P"'sent the NEW "400" SER- IES BAYCREST "FOREVER-VIEW" HOMES. H ... ls the ultimate In quiet elegance and comfort .•• total privacy in the very exclusive residential com- munity, DOVER SHORES. Choose one of the .. 400" series view homes or Ivan Wells & Sons will desirn itnd bu ikf a special hOme . , . just tor you ! layer.est ,,,,... ".a.• s-.1~ o-ntr •..U""' t•r .u ,_... ' Models at 1430 GllPJ Dl'h'e. Newport Beech Phone (714) 646-15.50 Open o.ity 10 to 5 DN:Wtlf_.,/. _, /'••""'W \ ' inlerlOn, wall-tc>.wall car· pet.ing, draperies and color·keyed interiors, wall-to- wall carpeting, draperies and all~lectric Westinghouse ap- pliance!. Additional features include laundry n>Om and dry. cleaning pick-up facilities. \nR & B's first Oakwood com· unity win· open next month in the Mission Bay area of San Diego, and three similar proj· ecU will begin coo.struction soon µ, \Voodland H 11 1 s , . Coronado and Sacramento. Los Angeles-based R & B is the lh1rd largf:lt builder ol multi-unit houalng in the Unlted States, and has 5,000 unita in operaUon and 4,000 units under construction. By the end of 1969, corflpany agets will reach $150 million. The same thing_ Jppean to be happening in 198$. For the mo.st part council members' sales improvements look place in such metropolitan areas as Chicago, Detroit, New York, San Francisco, 'Vashington. D.C. and Los Angeles -ciUes that are tar&etlJ of. Housing and UrbanD eve I opm ent Secretary Giorge Roniney 's OperaUon Brealdhrough. Maceo Corp. of Newport Qeach, CaJU., a subsidiary of Penn-central Co., wu among the molt successful of tbe 15 council of housing producers members during this yur's first half. "We did as much buiines.s in the first six months of this marketing, believes Larwin You call THE: DAILY PILOT,"" fer and otber ·large companies in Cltoifled Advertltlftl, tM place a i, the field now figure jo capture PILOT ti an even greater share of the market at the expense of f smaller firms which haven't ; PENNY-.._ li made such arrangements in • advarice. i Ai one means of co-; PINCHER · jnleracUng tight m o n e y , , ? Larwtn iJ iasutng homebuyers CLASSIFIED AD an "interat protec t ion • ~=.,..;.~~~·~,;;'";~ AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATI $ :fe":.1:~.::.°!'.'t go up before 3 L I N E S 2 T I ME S 2 D 0 L l A R S i "Our •alea are ahead of last AND YOUR CRIDIT IS GOOD I t yearbyac on•i d era bl e IAL NOW DIRECT! "'i· n;argtn," reports Tenur. : · D • : BEIUND ESTIMATES I 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 "They're •ll&hlly behind our 1 pn:ijecUons because we hacl a IT•...,.._".,.. C...., 141o1Ull , heavy re.iny season in ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, •• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,, Se'-wind. The -homes that are changingtne minds · · of a generation·!· St4f0/nd iJ tht N $t of both geiinllfions; young itkiu like "''"'""s•lion pits, high 11aultt d ceili~gs 1111d wt bani. And-for the lmtton down collar crot0d, eltgance, q114lity corulnldion ll!Jd a bµi!d.,reputation that ii unsurpassed. For both; location. Art centns and cultural areas like N ewporl Btath are minute. IMtl]I. Shopping, legitimate tht4t m,:surfilii. ho.ting and sun bathing are one minide front S1t1to irul. 3,4&5~·26:3Bath~ Model Houn:I O:OO am to 8:00pm &omS27,990 ' .. • V.AIFHA Convenient Financ:inS \.- ... ., ... --~ , .. __ .... _,.... -- • - I ' 1 ) I . . ·~ .. ; Jf DAILY PILllT I I ·1 . ' BUILDERS ENJOYING BE ST_SALES IN HISTORY •. ----=---~-,"."."1 --I'"*" Think· Positive State _Wants Nice Weathe r 10 K al-P ... 111 point Olll lb•l h-l1Wl!fEihlp b still the~ belt hodge againal inn1uon." ' mortpge letnu r .. lly• lrii't • uubildieey of lllolM c.ac.do out ol llne in comparison to In-Corp., also reported a htghly creased rents, many of them sue(.'essful first half -as did • ML MUM , ~ ":,tt0 ~~J'ar com- ~ Ben Deane 1dd1, ''ft'tt a Uttle •held or our )tll. Jl")}tcliON 10 fer thi.! )'W." 8oomln1 demand for eon· don:dntum.s and '. townho.u.ses htlped Detroit's Bf:rt L. Smokier and Co. increase Its sales volume 25 ptrtent in the fltst half ol 1961. wUJ jump Into the homeboyiua: the htads of m<llt other l _________ J market," Lyon predlcts. member firms of·the council As for his own company. or bousini producers. HELENA, M°"t. (UPI) - The Montana Chamber of Commer<:e has giv~n radio and televllllOh broadcfsters some helpful hinta on ways to describe the st.ale's often frigid temperatures. "positive in. , .Innuendos and asides," tbe cbember said. lf, for instance, it is only 47- degrees above zero toward the end of July Q..r in early August, then say, "one:t 1galn Mon· tana proves to' our visitors from the hot and humid landl that Montana is the air~· dlllonod .tale." ' S.mu.1 Primack, parln<f In Ole Ptrl·M•clr Comp1nl~ ·o1 Otnvtr, reporta lhlit hiJ finn's &aleo doubled In tho fin\ half ol um year -"and we expect our production to jump again ln 1970.'' Ar to tight mooey, Primack atatQ, "we'v~ never lost .a qualilled customer due lo lack ol ~age f-,nds.", , . Primack be:Heva tciday's home bQytr is wllerly , con- fUHCi1 hy, such terms al prime rat~ TltA points. etc·. · ENCOURAGRD But he•a tncoUraged by the new trutft.m4entiln,g I a w , · whidt he feels will help make •home purchasers aware that morttage ratea: are s t i I I reaionable in compa'ri10n with Joans, on autos and olhB' con- sumer purchase$. lA.viU. and Sons, Joe.. a !Ubsidiary oC lntema\ional Telephone and Telegraph, is another council m em b e r whose sales thus far this year are preUy mud\ on target. Richard Bernhard. executive vice president for operat~.s. reporil "very good" volume 1n the Olicago and Detroit areas, with some slowdown i n metropolitan \Yashington, D.C. "We're opUmistic about the year as a whok!," said Bembard. "Some consumers a r e hHitlting because of inltrest rates, bul tnOlt.-Gf them come around when our salesmen TAKING ORDERS "We'rt QOW.-taking orders six monthl in ~vana," said f.1andell L. Berman, Smokh!r's senior vice prtsident. He also reports .strong activity in multifamily r e n t a I con· st ruction. Herman Sarkowsky, presi· dent of Uniled Homes, subsidjary of Levit.t and SoJts based In the SeatUe·Tacoma area, says, "the ·rirst six months or this year were the best we've ever had." Customers are tending to ravor the lower halr or Unlted's selli ng range of $15,000 to $40,000, and a number of them ea:press di.'iap.. pointment when they learn that higher interest rat.es wil hike their rqonipl71 payments. bot. Sarkowsky stated,-his business has never be.en bet- ter. &trong as the demand for hotl&es is aj. present, it will get even more interuse around the end of the year, in the opinion of William Lyon,' President of William Lyon Development Co.. Inc., Newport Jleacb. a subfidiary of Americap Stand· ard, Inc. He rea~ns that m a n y families who are now ren.ting will find their l'f!nts increased as the widespread apartment shortage worsens. NOT WRONG "When people realize th at Complete Printing Service Top Quality. -Fast Service ''11·111Mli!IM 642-4321 2211 W"I l1lltoa Blvd. Newport B1•ch ' Lyon reported that volume ff.AWAD mGH ~·as "pr . ., IChedu!t In Hawaii: where the cost of in the ~ hitr, and t s 1 home in a housink" develop· flna og IS covered by co ment c:an range as high as ~~ nt.s through the end or S70t000, Lewers. and Cooke, · lnc., a subsidiary of U.S. Interest rates In canada p J ywood.cllam.pion papen, traditionally tend It be higher Inc .. reports that ules of both than those in the United si ngle and multifamily units States. Kenneth Cross. vice are ahead of last year's pace. president of Montreal-based One of the country's largest Alcan Design Homes, .says developers and build.en of many Canadian lending in· Garden Apartment.. a n d 1tituUons are Jl!lW charging 10 , Townhouses, the Klingbeil Co. percent interest on mortgages, ol ColumbUI, Ohio, is 100_ l>f:r· with some Joans still available cent a~d o( 1968 and ,~Jtiibt .at g:y, percent and "very few" on projeclion.'' reporied J at 9.5 percent. ATT"E!i o. Klingbeil, presldtnt. "Every time there's a new Sales of townhomes are hike it has a psychological er. especially strong in the feel and causes ,; om e wa s hi n gto n , D .C •• postponement of buying metropolitan area , said James plans ," he add~. "But, all in Klingbeil . all. demand is s I r on g. lie added that insurance especiaJ\y for the lower-priced companies are proving to be a homes." major source oC financing-ror ,.-KP.ulman and Broad, Ioc., his firm. headquartered Jn Los Angeles. "They're coming ti> us and · recently announced the best offeriog to finance part of our ~alf-year and ~ond quarter operations," he said .. 1n its IJ.year h11tory. One insurance company ha! SALES INCREASE gi ven !<Jeingbeil advance loan Sales in tbe first six months comm1tmenls for . the next of thiJ, year were up 66 per· several years. c:ent over last year, reported MAJOR F ACl'OR Eli Broad, the finn"s chair· Another major factQr in man. Net income rose 75 per· multifamily hOusing, National cent. Homes Construction Corp., a "Although tight money and subsidiary of National 1-{omes high interest rates wil Have an Corp., reports that its bwiness effect on the total number of also is up from a year ago. dwelling units produced in the "\Ve'fe esp e c i a I I y en· United States this year, Kauf· couraged abollt prospects in man and Broad will not be af· the field of housing for lower fec:led by this national trend ," and riliddle income families Broad said. now that Congres!'i has funded "Historically. we ha \'e been these programs under Section able to increase our share of 23fi of Ille Housing Act," said the market in de:pl'e$ed years David R. Price, president of as in 1966 when. the credit National Homes Construction. crunch was muc:h more severe As a group, c o u n c i I than now." members last year turned out Kaufman and Broad's sales 10 percent of the nation ·, low in May and June were and moderate income housing. especially strong 1n t h e This comprised a full 20 per· Northern California a n d cent of their total prt>ducUon. Chiago markets, Broad added. This year, the 1$ member Alan S. Borstein, chief e1· firms expect to double their ~live ofric:er of Boi s e total production in the low and Cascade Building Co., a ~oderate income field. S ·1nlnutes to ~adv.enture " • • I ' ' lo a letter to state broacJ. casters, 'the ·chamber sag· gested " announcers w e r e "guilty of dllpa.raging com· ments on Montana weather" when lhey made sud! remarks as "lt looks like a good day to stay in btd," "~me of JOU dnntra will think you've died," and "prepare your igloo for a long, cold winter ," Announcel'l s h o a I d be If temperaturea plunge to 40 below and there's snow "up to your hip socket," the chambtt suggests weather aMouncen "pleasantly comment on the excellent snow conditions wt provide 1ki and snowmobile buffs." I See by To~ay's Want Ads Russians Modernize Czarist-e1·a Uniforni e THAT e IT'S e DIME eA MOSCOW (UPI) -The Rod Army bas done away with it.s d i .st I n c:tlve Cosnc:k·style uniform~ in a general modernizing of Its th r e e mi.Ilion member arme;d forces . The Army newspaper Red World War TL The changes retained the knet-length boots long wom by Red Army troops, but I.here ~·ill be a larger variety of uniforms which are worn with street shoes. e LINE e DAY! Star published photographs or·----------y a new ,.ries of unifonns and Lef TV WEEK said the loose field shirt with i'-' high co11arond bet1e0 waist Turn You On was being abolished. I~ will bel-~~'.'_~~~~'_J!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ replaeed by one with trimmer tailoring and a turned-down collar. The old-style shirt with its billowing lines was similar to the blouses worn by nimble. footed Cossack folk dancers. It has been a part of the Russian uniform since Czarist times. 1'be Soviets also adopted a . waist-leneth jacket almost Cl· aetly like the old Ei~nhower jacket worn by U.S. ,troops in FREE OFFER: Our computer will save you time shopping new home developments. ~---------------------· ( ; HOUSE-HUNTERS COMPUTER INPUT FORM_ II 1"111 0:11 and "'Ill 11:1: Souttiem C•\ol""'\1 [d11on Co wol!MI Stl«tlon se....r"' 0&111 "D·~ OFFICE USE ONLY 0 0 0 0 I P. 0 . Bos :lJl , Loi An1111 .. , C1lllornl• 90053 I C11'J e>t S1>9&lhe CoMmUnltt OMt•ld I Nu"'b<w d bftdr<:torn-.: O I MldGlt lnllitl I Sir.et Add, .... Numbef DI' b.illrocwns; D I I c,... Pf~Dl'.._'°"'_~1ort_ I " Zlo Cooe I ==~-=~~~----Sll!'ofla!"lllf•-------I I Ar11 Code TtJ1pl!one Nu,,,bet A11 ol1'oe111 of h<!lnoll'lolll I ~-----------------------· Justjiij in. the form. All the co"mputer needs to know is what kind of home you want, and it will match you up. Thousands of newly-constructed Medallion Electric Homes in new housing development.. in Central and Southern California are listed by size, price and area. . A few days after sending in the form, you'll r&eive a computer printout of available new Medallion Homes suited to your requirement... Also, ask your local Realtor to show you his selection of Medallion H omes. This computer service won't cost you a cent-Complirnenta of Edison. Bear. driving all over, doesn't it? w E 'lbe trend is to Medallion E'«tric ffmN& ]}'YOU MISSED OUT AT NEW-~now m1dor oonatruction. The ednntme PORT BEACH, LONG BEACH OR ~ of the aea ls within five minute• of JOU' MARJNA DEL REY., .Don't miss out Troy home in romantic., historic San Juan at Sm Juan Capisl'ran.o. Cash in on the Capistrano. .Qwn. your OW1l land near • greatest new home bargain al pre-inflation growing new marina ... fit'1 an investment Tb illl d ll in your famil1'1 fatnl1l. mvtnaprioe&. e:new.20.m' ·on o ar, 2000 maD craft marina in Dana. Point is from $26,950 VA/FHA/Conventional T~ ' -~ 18.2.% 35.2% 50.3% .... 1' ,lfl.,., ..... """"'"'·''*f.11o; ' \ ....... -~ .......... '" •.. ' 1958 1961 1964 -1968 Back in 1958 only 5.9 % of all new homes and apartment.. built in the area we se rve were Medallion Electric Homes. · But last year over half-50.3%-were Medallion Electric Homes with all-electric kitchens . E\1ery \Veek the trend to electric li vi ng gro,vs stronger. If you 're plann ing to mo"e. wouldn't a Medallion Electric Home be your best in ves tment? It isn't out-of-Oate today. It won't be obsolete tomorrow in the all-el ectric future. And with flamel ess living, you'll bc§Ctting'9<lean start. -Southern Ca!ifomiB Edisons'E Gas was. Electricity is. I • ----------------------------~------;----.---·------------------• ' DAILY PJLaT f J 1 Meeti~gs Alo~(J ".the .Orange Coast Area . -' "rUISDAY • Wrslmln11tr Ch1mber ol CommHC•, l(jn1'1 :t•\J• llt~t1u11nt, weo1m11> 5111, 12 nocn. (O!ll MtM E~th1n111 Club, Cor11 11.litf llttt1ur1n1. 7MS H1rbclt l lvo., C~11 ~·.1s1, ll nocn. 11.0ll l")' Club cf Co•!• Mew-Nori/\, c.,.11 Me11 G.11 ,,.. Covntrv Club. 17CI Goll Cour11 OrJ~e, (0!!1 Mn1, 12 :11 p,m. Coron1 d<ll M1r l((w1nls Club, V1111 Swe<jtn, ~ E. (01~1 H19hw1y, Coron1 Ciel ·Mer, 11 :10 p,m, Co,11 Me11 1Clw1nl1 (lub. COIT• l/,•11 Gc>I 1"-d Coun!ty Club, Co!!t M~"'· 12:\J 11.tn.. - N~wporf H1rbr>r Q.p1lmit1 Club, Villi M1rh11, IQ.IS 8tYllOe Orlve, ,.tWPOrf lfKll. U:U 11.m. Huntlnl!on It.ell l(...,1nl1 Club. Hunt-1no!en Set<llff CouMl)I Club, JOO() l'llm. Ave., H1tnll!'1Dfon 111ch, IJ:lS n.m. Hunllnflon lt1ch lttllrY Club-,.orrh. Four WIO>ds Rt•lt\ll'lnl, 1M2l &o1>1 Chlc1 Roed, Hunllnt1011 k •'"' 12:15 cc':-=~ llel ,,.,., · e•cllli!M. Club, J0Mi'1 R"'flur1nt, 2121 E. C<11S1 Hlfhw1y, Cortn1 Otl ~·· 12 f:X"· Hunllnvlen !l'tach Herth Llcf\I Club, M .. dow11rk CO!,Jnlry CJW, 1'111 Gr1~1m, Hv11tt~o 8•1dl. n nc••m. Hyntl11tlon Bea<h <ttf~I No. 2l60. Vtle"lnS ol W...-IG W1r I, V.F,W. Mall, llt v.,,1:ow11, Hyntlngton BtKh, 3 .o.m. lhota11 Club Of NtwPO"!·Balto1. lr•1nt COISI rt ,untrv (lu'• 16()0 E Cc:..11 !-1itllwav, Corona d~I N.~r, 6 JC D,,., (c•I• Mesi · Newport Hl tbQr l •o~--1 Clu~. Mt>a VtfCI• Coun!rv Cl•b, Co!lf l.'\.t11, 6·•!i .o.ni. Sr11 B•1cll Toa"m11ter5 Club, 101 1{1nch Hou••· 16~·~ P1cifit Co1&• Hlt hw1v, S.•I Btitn, I ~.m l!itlboti 111¥ Lltn• Club. ViUt M1tlft1, l(MS lllYliGt Ori•t, NtwfHl'I l<!KI\, I .o.m. Hunllntto<I BtlCh El•\ Lod .. , E!ll;s Club, 9°' O<:ttn lwt., Hunllnglen Buel!, l :ll .o,m, V~i.or1ns ot Wo<ld Wt' J aN:l Ntw MtJt B1rratkl 12~9. Amtrl(t ll l t t lon ~111, 565 w. 11th Sl., Costt Mtu, l ,ol 1>.m. ~ltrrt Club. S•nt1 Ant Pubrlt LI.,-, S1n11 Ant, I .o.m. = Htrbol' Arc1 Youno Flt~ tnt, Ntw.oortrr Inn, Ne'llr>erl 9'ldl, t 11.m. lt!bo1 5~1 Club, NfoWIOrltt 'ln11, NtWPCtl 8ttc/\, 4 .o.m. OGO Flllow5 lOOl.e No, 113, Odt Ft !low1 Tem.OI~ 216 Main ~!reel. Hvnllf\Dlqn Brtch. l:G~ .o.m. L0.0,M. ~t No, 1151, ~JS E:. 11th Sfrfft, CC!!I MfU, "15 a.m. SoclelV ror '"-Prc•erv~•ron •nd EncOY••e•m•nt of 81r1>or SllOo Qultltl Sl"gln g In Am~r:c1, (O,!& Mtu Ch•~l•r. Col11ge P•r~ 5.<Mol. 1ll0 Notrt 01m•, Co•t~ M•••· 1.,~ o.m. (~lltorn:e S.Ocie!Y ol Ps~chl1uic l •chnlcit n1, F1lrvl1w ( ~ 1" t • r. F11rvlew $1111 Hcs1n11 1u<filori11m, 1::)0 P.m. , South Coast Activt 11).JO Cl\'..b. Villa•' Inn, 129 Mtrlne, 81!bo1 l11tnd, 1:l0 J.m. WIOHliOAY !IUI ·Flt "'• l11111mt1!er> Club, Mtt• Verft Country Clv~ (~It MtM, J 1.m. C~tt Mt i.t O•tlml1t Club. CC•I• Mui FOR 'fffE RECORD CIVOltCES FtNl.L OECll.Ell -~I!!!. M1rv CtlhfYI> YS lltl)lllld Alt•ll l..on•r-. John 0 . "' J1y"' e . Dourson, M9rl~n1 vs J1>iwl ~M!llp >tM!und, Fr1ncn l'i. Y1 JoM D. Wrlth!. ltot>tr! D•lt VS Gwt!llkllvn An~ g1d~1m, Ann H. VI lll:&berl E. Mur1no, S1r1 A. "" Frink WIH!t m lint , 0 11Yt I . VI H1rold J, DEATH NOTICES JEHLE H&l'OI-" Jehle. Age !iT • .,, .jOf Geld· ''"~ l tnt. FOYntt ln Vt iltY. Svrvlv-6 1>~ wllt, M1rlor1f1 sen, Htrold; 1 ... 0 b•ot~er1, L1wrenc;1 tlld Joseph JtM•; t.i11tt. !{OMii• f loo'J<; 011e vr1!'Klchllf and lOYr nlKtl. Ro11rv, Su!llV evtn· ing, 7:30 PM, Bell l rot0w1v Chti>tl. ~t<IUlffTI Mus will ~ ctlel!rtltd Mor. dtY, 'A.M. SI. John 11'.e 8~1111 C1tllo-lic C/llll'~h. ln!ermenl, Good S~nl Cemetl!rv. OirK!fll l!Y ltll 8"oeOWIY Mor1u1rv, llB l_rt.Mllll'llr, CO!'' Mat. ARBUCKLE & WELJ;H Westcliff Mortuary 427 E. J7th St., Costa l\fesa 646-4!!3 • BALTZ JllORTUAJtlPl • Corona del !\fat OR 3·9450 Costa Tltcsa 1\0 ~%4!4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY JJO Broadway, Cosl;i: l\1esa LI &.m1 • DILDA V BROTHERS Huntington Valley 1\fortuary 17911 Beacb Blvd. llunlingtOll Beach &4.!-7tll • tttcCOR!\tlCK l.AGUNA BEACll 1\IORTUARY 1 ;9$ Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beach 4N-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW 1\IEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel :;500 PacUic View Driv~ Newport Beacb, Callloraia Kf·t7ot • PEEK •'AM!LV COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 71<11 Boise Ave. \\'ulJ!llnattr ltWW • SHEFFER MORTUARY l.aguna Be:1cb ~94·1535 Su Clemente 4tul" • S~UTllS' JllORTUAft·Y U7 Mala SI. Huadniton Beac" 516-6!3' insta nt conditioner . created by Mox Fodor l 2.50EACK t .. _. .............. --·~-------' • ' ' . · ~ti "Klippies" '' LU ':"AN I' 11 ~,~'1 ~UllY£LLEM -Pa~or6.J9c r irds . Magic Turban ·.. .s1011e •nd ooub1e pron1 l 2 1 , , . ' . • · ·' ·1ypes'" morlehm. wr1r.,rw -,,utt! c1111s tt It-;. 1.t1 • 1t1!. Ho p1~s. no.Usten«s. Keeps p T . , '"" ~mto belu~-s1o,Josb nl&hl ~ ony~ a1 I l\OLDlll alter day 1fttr 111gfrt 1 19 · . . ·--~~ longu, · TIP·TOP ... Cardol ~ . .'.braid!d elas· . 1111. 1,31 • 1ic with 2 colorful beads on 33c each llC!der. Ass't ctilors-. Coiffure Bonnet •k car• llP -lOP .•• Bouffart s11e B" Ha1'r Care Tape '"assorted colorfor lem'"'"' age style~ lor ~igh!·t•rre rover-l[ PAGES' -So Rentie lo ~p. 1.00 Si111 \C"ur ha 1-re~ei s11c•y , .. 2gc Hair Bands gee & . -comos :j:~;!l;Sll" "" 'Assorttd col•'•' ••· ~ B bb p·n signs .i"widt.1ndndr·1 29 0 Y IS ~w w1d!Jls w/tie or ela~-, . I TIP-TOP ,., smoolh finish with ~Y!· ticba~. -• thetic "nibl.ltr -tip'', 2'25 us·e·bu1·ex" I I lk urlof II 11 I c StlAM,00 •11ct.•n111,1!1'tr I :::=~ ~. 1 ·m 'Clairol' CDNDtTIDNER t6111pu1ry rtlJef of g5 ;.:;... . 1 5.0 . itl:~i sc.ar11. . 4 1z. 1 \ 9 . The beaUty .treatmtflt for . . _ _ ~ troubled h11r. 2 ll, I Rollers by TIP,fOP Brush Profts1i1•1I TJ,e Wt1't la~ ar Scritc• t~t Scalp ! Put P'O ~t alum inum toil 1nat 1! 11••101e 1nd com- 1or!~blt. Cllou~e trom IS· sorted si1es with p1eks cl assorted count. Color codtd for ~i~~ si1e sel~ion. :,:: 66c P1t1 . ti. ~Palli" -targe 2/( \ ;> /" $•lt o! 100~ IC• rl1le 1n colorilll pr•n ts, dots arid a~t1ects. Bathroom Brushes 111• ,,,,, 59 c ::~~49c Iris• COOL-RAY POLAROID $UNGLASSES for Year Round Weir Proltct ~oor tye~ ·fro m ie !l~r\fd jla1~ •.. l.~l1 •e ·ord na 1 ~ sun- i l.1 ~~~~. th~/ t.o.t 1 special l~ns w1tll an op- lital barrier ttl.1t loc~s out gli1e I ,,11·e! you a much better loo~ at t~1s ~eautiful v.orld. At dtmor~\raled aa IV. "Pantomine" Smart. t l1.\S1c Stvl· i~R lot Mt~ an ~ Women ... 1n sia~~ or Te,or;io1n w·t~ Gre~ lenses. COOL·IAYPOlAIOID 4 ga "Pantomine" .• !lltlllllQlnn1tHIUDlhltlllllllQllMl1lfflQlll1tHtitila111M1ttnl ,~Amx "Baby Nurser" Kit .--""""""-Evaporative COOLER Coolht1 Conifort with Modtr11 Styling Porliblt cooltr ~uic~l1 transforms l'.o'. sr111 dusty 11r into !lowing z~phyrs cf lr!tered. Y1ashe6 , ,._~ Dust Pan •• DIXIE Cup Di$penser v;iltl · 30 !-11. Sin Cups ••. 5gc modern "Surfer'' d!s1gn ••• h11'1dy for •itche~ Gr playrOblll. ·---~-~·-L -ii\i • I "-' freshly caoled air tor ·41 ge ~realest pe rso"al "Tll• 1e1r11l IJJr11~\ 11 •r11st ftt•ha." No boltlts to cletn ~D! Pl1abla "iMrer bottleN contracts as ba6y lteds 1s i~ n1111ral br~ast leedina. 5 95 l .95 Si11lit • •~-----·-~---------s ,111n11"110t11t1t11ltt10t1nt1""'10t1111m111101111t11"111Dtmt1tt11t10li ,, _______ ... ·-... ----------·• MEDICATED Dermassage SKIM LOTION •.• Chawed barlds! Dry '· ·? G~' t.o~D,lal pro~d rtliel with :n ; Jot,~n 1n plistic 1 2g SQi..er ·~ tonre. 1.7! 12 f l. Sill I ~11111011111t1lllllOlllHUtllllOnlllltlllflOllllll"lllU111111011'11HlllllOllll~ ~ ' 60 Ft. Garden Hose ~ I •·1r1Rd RX" rit-Xl Sizt lort ... ~·rgin i_ green vinyl w1!/I lull 110.~ a heary bi~ c~upling~. R';t-2 5g ~ s ged and strong. : ~ 1 O Year Guar1•te1 1 ~ comtort. I SA-3300 1 Cooler Stand Stt!l lubint wrth baled-on ~r.. amel f1~i~h ••• roll -a!Jo~t 2" $w1vel c1~ttrs. ,5 !~ 3.ge rrp 20" Breeze Box Hea·rt dutv inductlOfl lyp• motDr n-.1i~~s lar11 v&lume~ 16 ,gs-o~ J•r. 2-speed swilth. If ?065 s 12" Oscillating Fan •·superiectr•c'" -he<1 1y d~t1 molor. 1ari'-! o 10 ~r..~:.;;~1~1\~~~~i~~~ '" i -do11n penetr~tio~, .. p·~ -2 4g -~ o:;·t ca"lroled by laJ,·et. 0§_ s 5Q f t. I ~IUllOllllllllltllOlll!lllltlllD!lllll;/UijPlll!lltlllllltlllllDl!tlllllltHDllllf. pc of ba·~. N~ rad.o or 11, 4g I• l'l •ril~ri~·~ll(;e. ii # :.u8 ~1nm1111111111t11111m11111u1tt1111111111111111111111111111111111Hlllj!l11111t11m~1111nm11M1m1111111ff ' Current Tap ~1Puu cH11N •r c.r. -2 11c~ ~otlets v.ith ~,.,.,t;h 4gc tontrolled lampholder , , , ~ ce ou~itt are at_\Qyt l11t. Triple Connector •r ~.£. -Ffat base with J top outic:., 33c tor U~lt top extension co1ds. 8ro .. vn color. Vinyl Cube Tap . ., C.t.-w11J1 3 outlets. Rtv1rsed pran1s, 33c double wire contacts. B1ow• color. • Friction Tape •r C.t. -··"x30 It. '" blact for rSe C •••re yoo t<D~iei•1 wires loi•ll>tr. 33 "1 ' 'Quick Clamp' PLUG •r I.E. -f!1t 6esi1n 1n brow~. No wire 33c 1trip~in1 reqiilred, no bind1~2 strtw~. Makes positive ~t:t/otl. Oval Plug .. IL ~ llll!·o·~iot .. ; ..,,;u IM 1 gc of multi'ptl pluis Ind murti1fu1 olltltt!.. "Plate-weld" -~ D 2 E 0 N 9 TU 8 RE REPAIR KIT _ Etl~. S111 Reg. SiJt 1.98 "Acryline" fl DENTU•E llllNll t1r u,,,r ., ltwtf ,,~t•s. ~11111.19 ~l1t~1 ,9B "Pampers" D•SPOSAl,LE , DIAPERS for Drier, Hippier Babies . 1s o.,i1 ... 1r 12 g,,,., •• , 89~. 11mtr1 M's la1tt11l )l's 1.49 1.69 MAX. FACTOR ~i!Drrnnll& ~'1rnnn~ "Desert Flower" HAND & BODY LOTION Annual 'I. Price SAU! S• n SllO!h1~g l{ition w!lh 1~t ~ "tltar!" o! I~~~· In ~nd 1 ~li &htlul frjararicc • , • 1 DroauLt of Shulton Quahly. l.Dt !·" 11 •r. I 11. ire wit• Slat 011,1ntr .ca, 1.00 2.00 Friction Lotion ~. s•uno• · ftr 'lit tr lit• ... S~l•sh it o"-smootll it 1~ Ov!r 1very '"en ·ot yoll'. , • it stts your body 111ow wrt~ f1arrute. HDllllGANT tt1 Fr11r11ce tlt1 t ·111 sltt11111 wtrlj ! , Rich, c1e1mr liq•id caress es t~t Wimltb of 10Uf' ~y. envelopes you In 1 lr11ruce tut· cliftlS how 1fter ~~Ill'. A few drops on yo1t body, httt. ther1-everywllsr1. Sootlles, ~mooth~ ll'ld sll);tftl 1s it scent1. ltt.1.ff ·Sitt 3.00 2.51111. Sl11 1.25 l{INIS NINO Wetting Solution tor , Contac l Lenses ••• ~terrlt, 1soton1c. ~nt1stpl<t: 1 19 ... apply evenl~. In plas11c botlit. 1.31 2 1z. Sit1 1 IAID , Ant & Roach llllU s,1y it whtrtver crtwlina i"' iscts are lo!Hld ••• kills t~!n 77" alter .week of applicstion. " lie 15\.i-ez. Sizt ·•··------.. ........... .,. __ ,. ___ __ SAMSONITE Step Stool All PU!p0~t 1old1n1 ~tnd;. chair with tbntour ~1n1I 4 98 seat. Tllbular·l!&S w11h biked en~rnel f1~is~. 1 :•HllOllHl•llOllllllltllllDl41ltllllUIDmnflMlllDtllllltlllll011HlltUlllDI 0 "h H " yper-p aze FDAMtNG r--..,_ SKIN CLIANIU h Giv~ skin a lllofOulll cleansin1-better t~an soap. Re1tol!s lltlii'll pH tf th t ~kin. leaves na m fl odor on ~wr ski~. Hyper·pHar!-ll'rt tit an, tlw solution for s•m problems. 1.1• 1 09 2.ll 1 89 I 11. ·11 tL $111 • Slit a ltDIJIHllMll!DtttllltttfllCltlllHttlmOllMlllMlllOlll!mHnlOIFIMIMtllaflH OPlltAMto UPM -7DAYIA Wiil HUNTINGTON llACH .. ............ _ HUNTINGTON B!ACH A4 _ _..,..._,. NIWl'O•T llACH 11211m.._ 11 W•ttll" " .. -. ': • ' • I i' • t ' •• • . • ~ . . I • DAllY, PILOT* -_____ .. ...:cs.:=t...r.;::::Y;:.;.· A.::.::""";:.;.' 2:::.c:t=96' • . ..... . . • .......... t ' ' I Brand New '69 FURY 2 Dr. Sedan •••• ~- . ' INCLUDES V,8 ENGINE, AUTO. TRANS., RADIO, HEATER, P/STEERING TINTED GLASS EX· TERIOR DECOR PACKAG E. SERIAL NO. PE21f9028878; SERIAL-MO. VL 21A9E149922 All PRKES . PlUS .. TAX-AtlD UCEtlSES . j "All CARS ARE GoOD UNllSS SOLD UNTIL· SUNDAY, AUG. 3 '62 DODGE '67 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill '68 CHEVROLEJ PICKVI"' 4 DOOlt HAltDTOI' ..MALl•U t DOOi. MAltDTO~: 1'-'remtht IOld .,.11'11, rubbtor. tfe. wi"' ,,,. lf-t, ..,tt. lr.,,1 .. tac-. •Ir tondi•imilt>o. 11.1, Mrt.. ,,•~'-· -•'-"""'· •rfdio. • hffler, wllll t w l l l lin1, ""'" niol. ..,_ ill l'ff1'. Hllnt. -•-..... redio, hft1W. wloil-t M tint, VlllYt !WI'. S. .... ~ M o:lllllt fl, U™ J16, 1:..37'All'5tt, $688 $1988 $2288 .. , '66 DODGE '67 DODGE RT '68 PONTIAC COllOMIT S•DAM t OOOfl HAltOTOI' Cil.TALIN,A t S!AT WAGON . ' V·L •~io. 1r1ns., f1t1orv •Ir con111•;on,,.. • V-1, 1u!1. !rans.. -llftflnt. r..:I"" V I. 1u10, "'"'" _, 1-1~0. --...-1~r;..._ rMi.. hu,_., ..... l!tw1t1 ti-... .,._,er, .... 1i-11 thl, w.r.i to but -br ....... ••lllo, ""*'· "'11i-.rl ""~'-.lolOO"i modej In I Ol'llllOlll "°"'" l>ronn. UlO fl!'· ,._ brlllrft,. bel\llif'Ul,._...!119. ·~Kl'l!On lljNllM Ill CWMlrtlOfl 6 Vl lU.. JU~ M.!, IPKI~. \'Flt 1'!. $13'88 $1988 $3188 · '66 CHEVROLET l CAl'llC• -,,;.a., •lllD. '""'"'·· IK....., •Ir Condol[oniM, ~ 11-inQ, -llrt~ft. -........ -. radio. -1.-, W!ll-•11 11•"-vi~vl roof, tlnlff •111. ~N-wttto ntr11, SBN m $1588 '67 DODGE . MOH.llCO COUPI V I, t ui.. 1t 1n1 .• _.., 11-l~o . w,.-r b•t<~. rid;,,, 1"!11t<. wlll,.w1ll 1or9\, ~111.v !10111rlt .-Ilion, TUH 111, $1.688 '66 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill '67 MERCURY . -· . COUGAR Xlt7 HAADTOI" V-1. 11119. Ir...... -11Mrin9, -V-1. 11110. trim., Plll!m" 1!..,.int. oowrr brt~. r.-di9. hMtf!', wNl9¥Mll 11rts. vim! btt~H. radio, ~HI•, Whi-1!1 Tl...,, NI rOOI', tirtlld 1lft1. fadorv lllr, ~ ol "'' <llmOl rllOtl !O thll -· TAT '512. ......,..., we'w 111<1. volt m. $1088 $248 8 '64 CHEVROLET '68 AUSTIN America IM,Al.A 5Ul'Elt Sl'OltTI \' t. IV10 lt l M .. IKION l lf c-i!,&e nt, ,l.ulo trtn•. ,,~;o, ~t11tr. ll'lmltullll - <>0wer 1-1,,.. rMia. ll<t-"r. w~l-•1! tori•. IUll etvtr I~ ,,.,;111, Xttt. ;m .. 6\IC,t l IN l1, t.,_.., l!ld ,ll1r1 OML •1l. $1088 $1288 ' CHRYSLER · PLYMOl.JTH IMPERIAL • l ' • t I t I . ~ Saturday, August 2, 1%1f DAil Y PILOT J fj: · . . Al ' ' \ ' ' ' • ,. -..;.... •· -.#.., I -• "'J • , 1•. ! I: ,•· ·{ 1-· I , ' • • \ \. ' .. • • , • ' • • • • • -· .\ a• , . .. . DURING OUR BIG CLEARANCE,. CLEARANCE, CLEARANCE . . ' . ' 1969 THUNDERBIRD DEMONSTRATOR 2~DOOR -LAffltAU 429 V-8 engine, cruisomatic', power steering, ·_ -power disc bra~e s, console, wsw, pwr. seat, pwr. ~~~T~N So windows, tilt steering wheel , I.ct. •ir, stereo. Mir. ~ . ~ C'4 ;= 9J84NI05567 ~ ,· '~ -.;A ' _!> ..c. '"isv . J •-'- " $ '.96 ' '~ -................................................ ,1t11•••••• ... •••, -•ne---C9~~!!!!.!!~ cam~. h-~ $ .-.............. ' . • Kaoip. ICl19 Campen -witll "• Rhtime wamuo~. "Tomonow's Camper % T~." ne sofa t camper on tilt rood. :• e Gem Top Campers -AR steel.sllells cab to 6'-6". . 21 ' ll • ,. Executive Car afld-Demonstra.tor-Sale - Tremendous Savings on 'T' Birds, Mus- tangs, Torinos, Galaxies,· Falcons, Cor- ,tinas ... Look at These Examples •.. BRAND NEW 1969 RA NGER CAMPER SPECIAL! IN STOCK . • • ltE:ADY FOR-IMMEDl•TE DEUVERY ! AIL.The "Hard·To-Get" Models. Including: Crew Cab • 4· Wheel Drive Ranger· Custom Cab -Standard Cab -lioncos · Chateau Wagons, And ·Ple~ty Of Camper Specials. · Bl•ck vinyl roof, wsw, cruise, P.S., P.O.B., ~ir, AM /FM stereo radio, dual RS spea~ers, tinted glass, front head rests, remote mirror, wheel covers. No. 9J5SYI 08839 ..... : ~ ., ' COMl'ARE OUR PACKAGE PRICE! • · c.,;,•m•fa, w;d• •••I" i>&w~'l'",;"•· FACTORY We feature rhe BEST at rhe ·LOWEST PRI CE! : AIR CONDITIONING, 1 ;~~ ,,,., .. , wh;t•w•ll foes, ' head rests . No._9k42FI0321.9. <: ... ho-~~et llelM .... eelt .... M•ttttt•tttt••••tttffllttt l: ~· :: .• . . A 'Dunton Deal' •• ·Your Guarantee of the Best$$ Bay Anywhere AMIGOS Y VECINOS Los invttos a qll@ vengan a DU1'ol0N FIORD, para que hagen la mejor compra de r;u vida. Tenemos preciosos be.jos y execelelite servicio despues de las ventas. Esta- mos aqui para senlrlos. CHO OSE FRO M OVE R 400 CAR S & TRUCKS! --. -SU SE'RVIOOR JACK JIORN PICK OUT THE ONE YOU WANT ••• GET A DUNTON DEAL AND DRIVE IT HOME! ' . '67 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 Door Hardtop. Power st eering , auto. trans, ... redio, heater, fac- tory air conditioning. !VJE 575 ) '1995 '67 CORTINA G.T. . 4 sp•ecl tr•nsmission, whitew•ll +ire1. ITSP 247 1 .,.7 COUNTY SQ'IRE STATION WAGON. 10 pou, 390 "'9·· V-1, a uto. trans., f•ctory 11ir cond., P.S., ,.I., R&H, whitew•ll tires, tinted 9l•ss, stereo. ITUR 1501 •2495 '67 FALCON FUTURA. 4 Door, 6 cylinder, autom•fic transmission. !TI P 496 I 51495 764 FORD CUSTOM 500 4 Door Sed•n. V-8. stick shift , radio •nd heater. !MPP 5)5) • '65 THllNDERBIRD 2 DOOR HARDTOP. V.8, auto. tren1., f•c+ory 11 ir cond., rad io, haeter, full power. I ERY 004 t ' •1595 MAVERICK TRADE-INS • ~. . ·,' '62 CHEVROLET . 4 DOOR HARDTOP. Rad io •nd heat•r. ,IPAR ~12 1 • 5 ; -'f)S FQJ\I) ·' . A. ' ' _) ' CONVERTI BLE. Automtif,ic. tr•nsii'i._.o~ · power 1feerin9. IOYR ,,,., ·'\ ' 44 , .· 9995 /' '66 CHEVELLE MALIBU. 2-Door Hardtop. Auto. trani., power steering, radio, he•fer. vinyl roof. IVEL 652 1 515 '67 FORD ..R.ANCH WAG. 390 V.S, auto. tran1., fa ctory •ir cond., power 1teerin9 , radio, he•fer, tinted glass, lugg•ge r•ck. s2 195 '65 MUSTANG ' HARDTOP. V-1, f•cfory 11ir condition- in9 , power steerin9, radio, h••••r, ·con- sol.-bucket seats. IOLW 2011 '66 · THUNDER•IRD HARDTOP V-8 , auto. tr•ns., factory a}r conditioning, full power, radio, heater.· ISAA 603 I 51995 '69 MUS.TANG . 2+2 FASTBACK. V-1. stick shift, h••+- er, tinted gl•ss. Polygl•s wide ov•I tires. IYCS SJJ I '2495 '67 MUSTANG CONVERTI BLE. V-1, •uto. trans., power , st••ring, radio, heat•r, whit.-a/I fir111, bucket seets. fVON 241) '1805 . . . . • . I ,..."" .. ,~~~~""''"'"~._..,. __ .~--~·n~ . ..,,---.~~,_,...,,..,.,..,...,.,...-...,.,..'.'"",.."."."'"""'.'"'!"""' .... lll .. l!ll,.llllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllll .... ., ......... ,. .......... ,. ........ ll!'ll!l""""·""!,llllll~.!"!, .. lllll!lll ...... 111111111 .. ,. .... ,."'ll ' . . I - ' I I I. OA1LY PILOT I .. • I I . - " liello again Boys and Girls weathu's aetting to be ore and more summery. oudy days are fast becoming arce and hottet days are ead say tbe weathermen. 111enever I get Loa hot and rt to complain about the eatlle.r, I. only have to think bout all those rainy days last inter. That makes me glad sunny outdoor ~·eathcr •10\v ' no matter what the tern· rature. or _lbe_cantest nes.L week, ease draw pictures of how tn cool. Swimming, playing in ·. sprinkler or drinktng a tall 1 lemonade are some ways • keep your temperature '.wn. Thinking about snow or Satllftfay, Au;ust 2. 1%9 ' ' •• ling snowcones are o\her r-----''-----------------------------~I ays to ma~e a hot day seem \er. But how do you stay I? ·Jf you travel to the beach 's weekend, please ember to follo\v t h e cguard's and . your parents struclions. The seashore can fun, but only lf you play ely. Also remen1be.r not to · ay in sun too long. Sunburns ·n be very painful . Special mention goes to this * PRIZE 11'11\'l\'ER * 'fhis \Veek'.s contcsl \\'inner is 1'crUyn Kelly, 9, 324 Vista Bay, ·costa Mesa. Any ·child under 12 can enter Unyle Len's . .\rt Contest. Here's all you do : (l J Ora'v picture on piece of 1llain. \Vhite paper s• inches \Vide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your O\rn \vo1·k. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of dra\ving. /\'fail it to Uncle l.cn's Arl Contest. Box 1560, Ot\ILY PILOT, Costa i\'lcsa. \Vin ncr \\·ill receive Kennedy half dollar. eel<is picture runner ups.'-----------------------------------·'! ey are Cary Miller, ll, Hun· gton QtaOO: Allen Snyder, , Costa Mesa; and Stephen noll. .Costa Mesa. Next.., week-: don't rnrart Carol's Corner. She likes all the jokes you send her. 'I ULYSSES Ulysses -as \Vhen a proud ship in the ! : :n1idst of ragged . .se11 and tormeting \vaters. / ·• Looks llcyond the ragged rocks liriin~ 1 :the shores, '' . , ; . To. the fragrant fields that lend them· ~!elves lo the "'ind . • A Ktllr>edV ~.If ooll•• tee• to l1u•1 l rldtfl, 11. 111' Jullet11 Low or;ue, Hu11Hn110" llt1'11. far llll wln11m1 t nlt'I' !" Ille ttvr'I' •rod P011m <Oflltll. Mii! vour DOfm o• 110..., lo U11c1t Len, ll•l 1560. Cost1 Mt11, C1llfor11•1, ' :t : +----Larof~ Lorn e~-----, ··RIDDLES AND JOKES Carol: \Vhat did the cowboy say v.·hen his car broke do\vn? PRIZ~ WINNER ,;•1qno.ii un!u1 ,, :y ! ·P eter : Last night I d reamed I ale a 500 pouild !i ~marshmello\1'. ' 1 :f·Janct: Oh rcal!y. ''~ .;.. : j:?'eter: Yes. ~\Vhen 1vo ke up my pillow 11,as .. gone . ,, • 't . -Ccllll Molt..r. '· HYn1•,.1lof\ 111ci'I. •!· ' . S.1ul , ... , ~••.ill•n• I• A11t Andy. c/1 Ont1t9e C101t D•ll• Pilot, 111 ;~-1 S60, Coste' M9511, C•lll. no~ 1en<1$ • ?O·vclumt ''' n! '"' dependa ble parts arc '"'ires rlll ... -Enc~~io. ... 11 It C~et~I . ltr. ,,.., 10. ot u1k1. N~ Yer-. ror and coils, tubes and 11·inking 1J! ~uunon: lights. He 1ras created by ~al process happen~ "'hen human hands 111 Atlanta, !Jt,u dial for 1he right time! 1.;eorgia. and about 1.000 of his identical brolbers·work in dif· )':' htrl telephones nrst. ar-ferent parts or the country. tiYcd, people often ca.lied th(' Every ten seconds, 360 times ~ird-working oj>er'Btor to aSk each ca!endaf"dav, Autli chro11 Inc ri&hl time. She looked at a provides the corfccl llme for Clock in he:r booth and told the the dial s~·ste1n. And being a callers y,·hal il said. No"·ada ys 'l\'C are teeming \Y i 1 h ltlephones . \Ve love to use {hem for gossipy gabbing and '\e need them to make im- portant calls. But hardly lbybody calls the operator lo Uk the time. -ln lllOlt are.as 1fe dial a special numbe c. and .; slreamlined op c ra 11 on behind the scene speakJ the ~rrect in[ormalion in our tfitS. ' ;IT IS NO problen1 to tell a lfiend fhe right time -lh3! is. ~less your clock is fa~! or slow. But diilllng for the ri&ht tine by telephone dcJ>('nds uj>on a stupendoui1 operation. llu:nd™s ol peopll' 1nay dla/ e,tery ·minute . And time, o ~r"°, dcltt on second by !ie· ~d. The Ume announced ~ust be correct and in this 9Plf1Uon there 11 no room for ltitUah clockl Qlai n.u'!. fast or .row. Ttie· telephone servict ~ on a most rtlhJible ~ called Audlchron. ~tum ol complicated devlcts +kl to1ether to relay the f;~t Information -and the v.olre t.hat makes !he cement i1 human. tar or tht mecl\enlcAI ar electroole ttamwwk is c,rtalnly Aud1cbron. ' squire· ih1ped robot about ai u'JJ •·"' :'I ten·yea.r-old p e rs on. Ills mechanical robol.~ he never grO\\'S tired. BUT -EVER't' ml'ln·inadc gadget 1nust be guided and directed, checked and cor • reeled by hun1an si...perviiors. Every hour, Audichron is checked with a master clock that is synchronized \vi!il ~e su per time-keeJ>inft system of Western Union. Audichron's· precise linie Is used to prepare the dialed an- nouncements. These are tiul onto tapes. somewhat hke the soun<'I tracks u!fed for movies. A team of elcclron1c d~\'i('l'S "'Otk together to S) nchroniie this part of 1he operation. But the star of this department \$ a lady, chose rt for her po!He. pleasant v9ice. Her voice is on the taJX' and he r an· nouncements usual ly are lim· ed to change every len seemd.i. The ta~ is lriggcmi by li1hts from electronic 51dgets key:td lo Audkhron. Just to be safe. there 11:re dupHcate tapes. Jf one gets tangled up. its twin takts ove.r the job. \\·'hen you dial the 11pecial time. number in your 1111~a. all lbis mar\fclou s pr(>. C'CSS is trigMCrtd t.o operate. for you. You hear lhc polite an· nouncrruent and J)ing. you ROl 1he right thne on the button. . ' SO~IE T~Lt::rllONI~ nrras Crossword Puzzle AC".oss' ~7 E!tclrkaf P 11rch~~ahl t unit ~8 Pull 1 ~I l!>SUt b&ntr ~r1 r r 50 Game ~~io l'IOrcJs lo bowl 1nq. II lnlt1,~c11011 2 words of d1sbcli~I 52 Ci1ni1d!1n 10 Accounts: Pr im e Abbr. lot lnrs ttr 14 A la ····-56' Engaord Hit 15 Frm1nlnr strvlc t s of namr S7 Orrby, lb ActOI''!> qurst for onr l1Runs1n ~!English certain port mann ri bO Uodtr t'i' 18 Oot way to infh1r nc': buy goods: Sla11 9 2 words t.3 [arlhQUI~' 2G Came 111to irra ~It ... b5 One of la m• 21 Gr~philr ily of US dispr11s1119 ;1111sts imp l ~'Tl t1\l t.& R,lahvt 22 Uri !! of al ~ barn Greek t.l E./is ily a!phabrt i enltfitd 2} \'later bo<iy time periods 25 Made into b8 Pa ci lie Fur i sta\ut' ._ Company's 27 Bec ame founder mournful b9 S•r Anth ony JG Wlldebrrst JI Chttr i11 70 Vir~inl a ... ; Barc tlon ~ Ear y 32 Barber'\ Americ ~n ~ccrssar•/ 71 Worries 34 Go with !lo P current DOWN JS Dolin~ ~O S11ir! l Hormo~t 42 L1r ch, 2 Pac 1f•~ for ont l<IAnds 43 P.001'1 ,. load ~o.,1 :e lhP \Op 3 Shcwinp, 4S Sm~l 1 for,sig 11 dtprrssion' 4 Accompany l 7 .. 7 .. .. al.so provide a special number 10 dial [or U\e latest weather informatiDn. 'fhis is 3 more co1npllc11ted process because lhc "'ea ther tends 4.o pounce , along with surprises. Similar elect ronic equipment is used to route through your call. But lhc pl easant.voiced announcer hus tu keep in constant touch wi!h the Weather Bureau. Shf' \l'U\ches for report!! on a 1('1etypc machine. \\lhen a sud- t:en change is reported . ~hr dashes 1ntn a sound·proof room to put this new in· formation on 11 ne"· tape. A'ldf MlllCh I Wwlcl IM~ GIMe !<1 C~•r1tt Germ1n, •et 11, o< "•111llu~I>, "-~1~1"i., tor ~'' -"""': From "bat distance can we detect Ufe on • pl1nel~ TelescoP' photogrnphs of ttlars re\·ea l patches or color lhal change with the Martian ge11&0ns. Astronomtrs suspect th11t these mlil)' be vast nreas l'OVered y,•lth simple pl8nt lifl", If this pr0\1Cli to be true, then · "'C con det.cct life on anothe' "'nrlrl from a dtslanre nf n1lllfons <•f nlllc11. On rarf oc· t:<1~1ons, ;..1 .. rs t:OOlCS <1 5 ClO!'C 5 RPS t rvt: Abbr. b Nol mtasor•d 7 Unhappy sound 8 P 11r~hasin9 ... ge111's co~~ern 9 Dr;1wing Y11lh foict 11) Ttm~ of tht yea1: AbJlr. 11 t.l 1dsh•pman's ri v ... 1 IZ Larges! Grrr~ island IJ Famed n1s!rum,11l 4 Colloq . 11 Swtdis'i island 21 F1 vt : Prtfiir 24 Man'~ nickn~·~, 2~ l_iCO!l •f. 27 P~rlor ltfm 28 Sig quant ity: 2 wo1ds I 9 8.'2/t.'J 29 Vrnt1ian n11g1st1alPS JJ "R1dt a "' Z wn1ds H lllum1n1t t lt. St ns ' 37 819 namt in Sw1lzer!and 39 Wen1 ou! of r•fstenct 41 Gtrlrud t ··-; US authilr ~4 ·-···dt b1n1n's ~I> Wtlght or Ind II 4 9 Stnt dow11 51 Co111msnd 52 Pronoun 53 Swift 54 Useful 55 e:~cr s~iv f sq Kind ot 9as bl 81lghl11fss of colo1 b~ P~ssr s~· ~ v.otd 64 Studv 65 Th t --· Llan1lall ~ ~ 60 ' " . .. lo us as :lj million miles but usually il is Jnuch .farlt}er a"·ay. However, -the-telescdpe reveals only visual C\'ldence and scientists use many olher kinds of evidence. For ex· ample. telescopes .reveal only the cloudy atn1ospheres of Jupiter. But other instruments arr used to take its tem- perature and fig ure otll other conditions on the giant planet. \Ve can assume that giant .Jupiter i.s too cold to .suppo1·1 earth·lype life. ASTRONQ;\-1ERS a r c \n. terested in detecting the right 1.'0ndltlons that can support the kind of life "'e have on earth. A lot depends on the po$i\ion of a planet, how close it Is tci the light and warmth or it! sun. Venus iJ In a good poai· lion but other evidence sug- gests that living things \\'OUfd be suffoeattd by its hot, dense a1mo1phtre. From milllnns of miles away, we suspect that simple life rorm11 can exist on ftlars but not on Venus. Spacemen nrbiUiig t 11 e s e plariet5 1nay detect life . But they canno1 verify ii In detail until they land. -PEANUTS., I PERKINS ' ' JUDGE PARKER ~ DOW'T "lO.J ADMJ T IT, ROP!R ?-"JOUJ<:: FR.IE"'D >.IOIW.D 15 OlllE OF THEM .' 1-tE'S IN 7ME CONS'PJRAC AGAIW5T ME.' YOl!llE ALL ~ONG, P'A"tJE .' MIKE 15 AN HOVE5T, WA.RM· HEARTED Gl.IY \4'HO ' DOEStlT EVE'N' KNOWlliE ME.ANUJG OF CON5PIR'°'cY/ 'MOON MULLINS TUMBLEWEEDS By Charles M. Sc:hula IT'S 611fA1'10 llE A 5~ STAA ........ ~Of .... 'By Sounders and Overg!ltd« · l'lo\ TEll:R'leL'f 50l!:R'V~ WOULO YOU TELL M15S SPE).ICER T~i\T M~.DR'IVER .CAN'T 8E INTER'iUPTED i\T THE t.\OMENT! I 8El1EVE HE WILL &E i\SLE TO l>?ETUR'W ~ER U.LL IN "&our rwo HOUR'S! By John Miles ..... \\\\\1 111/1/111 \ ''/; By Harold Le DoMx 'YOU LOOK LIKE By Ftrd Jahnson f'r r. ~? ~~ ~ , fo~1~~KA1>E By Tom K; Rytrn •, DON'T PAN IC! HERE COMES THE LAW! 80Y, IT'S A GOOD THIN' HE FCl\GOT TSTEAL THE SHOVEL, P.IN'T IT! 1! '.1 , . -1 MUTT AND JEFF /'~ GORDO '" ' \• MISS PEACH 15 /'r .MOL.1tN'1 1/Me? TUE"( MLkSTl\i!' J..INIW #IS CAb WITH 1HJ! PA~I= OFJJUDI~ MOVIE ADS AG-AIN! •; h .. ii n 11 ,, " By Al Smith By Gus . ~rriola T//E'i S//OLJLJ)}JIT DO TH/5 TO A l}/JV BE.#!NO $ARSJ By ~tll • , ' • I I ! \ l 1 • • HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SA~! HOUSES FOR SA~t!' l-"Gtl.;;;•;;.'°':.o·::.•l:_ ___ ..:l.:OOO=:G::•::"'::::;"::l.:;'·-----=-1000= Gene r•I 1000General· lllOO HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 Ci•ntrtl lOU. General 1000 MATT LA BORDE, Realtor WESTCLIFf. VILLA SEPAltATE BUNGALOW. Double gates lead to nicely planted front cou rt vard. f\1arble entry. large LIVING ROOM WITH FIR E· PLACE, built-in electric kitchen, DINING ROOM, l\\'O spacious bedrooms and two baths. 16'x l6' rvtaster bedroom ha s its own private patio and garden. Reautifully carpel· ed. and draped. service porch and double ga- rage. ENJOY TH E COMMUNITY OLYMPI C POOL , DECORATIVE PA-TIO ANO POOL SIDE BAR B QUE . See th is delightful adult care-free retreat before you buy. Priced to •ell al .............................. $48,500! INDlfSTRlAL PROPERTY Located in the center of the COSTA ME SA INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Six year old, 2, 000 "liquare foot building presently used as a plumbing shop, easily adapted to many in- dustrial or co1nmercial uses. Three private offices. storage room plus large shop area with over head doors. Property· completely black-topped and chain link f e n c e d. AN IDEAL BUY AT ................... $33,2.10. Present f"inancing can be .assumed. FINER HOMES Cj)UAUTY BA YFRONT , 1 Pier & float; a very beaufi!UI, tonnal 3 bed- room, paneled den home.1 Decorated in ex- quisite taste. pwner must sell NO\V. Re- dllced $15,000. Offered at $180.500. WiU con· -sider $30,000 down. Call to see this sacri· fice. DOVER SHORES I-Jome on the bea<:h, with beautiful view. 4 Bedrooms. family room, large living room, dining room; step-down wet bar. Beautiful landS<:aping. $118,000. Call for app't. VIEW Ettrganl 3 bedroom y,•lth ma-gntrtcent11t. & ba y view. Spaci<>us living room; garden or faffiily room : oversize pool with extE!hsive surrounding tetTa ce. Done in exquisite taste. Priced to sell, $127,500. Call for app't. DIFf'ERENT Custom built home, imaginatively decorated. 3 Bedrooms, family room. built·itl wet bar; breakfast room; master sui te wit h complete privacy. Spacious pool & outdoor entertain· n1ent area·. $159,500. FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Jt'altor1 DELUXE DUPLEX AT THE BEACH CI06e to sand nt Newport Beach Is today's best buy. Two lar.:e btd· roo1ns, 2 Baths. Deluxe kitchen + built-Ins. Llv· ifW room to laeyof view sails and Milon. Or 50llk up this !tin and sunset from sunc!ec:k or verand11. • , • -L1L'\Ur;.' living mean b)t; n'!nts! ! Best you hu1 .. t'y! Call Ll.15-030.l SPANISH· SENOR! 4 BEDROOMS Spanish eleganc-e. 4 large bedrooms. 2 tiled baths. Spanish tile entry. f\1as· sive d o u b l e fireplace. Open !la.me cooking in a gourmet k I l e h I! n sur• rounded by convenient built·ins. The big plus feature. s huge play rm. \Valls of glass scan a io;etting Columbus \1•ould love. Only ~19,950-Call nov .. • Senor~: IN COSTA MESA 6 LUCKY PEOPLE can have IMMEDIATE POSSESSION in any one of thellie 6 custom homes "'hich were completed this week. i\1any features such as : 8 1 /4 Acre Let •Wood Roof e Fireplacn 9 Concrete Drive• • P1tlo Kitchens with Pe ntrys • 4 Bedrooms 8 W•ll to Wi ll C1rpeting • AND Much Mere V.A. -F.H.A. -Conventional fin - ancing av a i 1 ab I e. Prices rrom $29,175. l1urry! Hurry! COATS ~,WALLACE, REALTORS ¢·t;, 1491 BAKER STREET S4Ml41 COSTA MESA, CALIF . General VACANT-LOTS GOLD COAST Over 4,000 sq. ft. of luxury living with a pan· ora1nic view. 4 Bedrooms, huge living rOon1 ; formal circular dining room; garden kitchen & breakfast area. Paneled family room \\'ilh fireplace. Like new. Priced $145,000. FANTASTIC BUY 1000 General !-------'--1000 * R·I Exclusive ST. HUBERT WOOD $15,950 * J\f:t 63x300 Ideal for small Industrial , Units ............................ $1 8,500 *NEWPORT BEACH, Corner lot 1h block from Rivo AltoCanal.1 1h blocks fro1n RICH· ARDS MARKET and shopping ....... $2$,00o * BALBOA ISLAND ' Corner Ruby & Park -60' on Ruby. fdeal location .... $42.5QP * C-2 75' x 360' HARBOR BLVD. lronlage thru to back street. ............. $75,000 * R-1 (restricted) 24'h Ac. OCEANS IDE~ Priced to sell at.Only $5,000 lot. GOLF COURSE DUPLEX Reduce your houshig expenses and still live well! Each two bedroon1 home has modern bullt·in kitchens, forced-air .heat. nice car· pets and drapes. HARDWOOD FLOORS and FIREPLACE . Watch the golfers ~o by. Sep- arate garages and \vorkshop! "\'our future in vesln1ent at today's pric('s'. .... $29,500, OWNER \YILL HELP FINANCl!!. 2,150 SQUARE FEET ONLY $26,950. li you need a rambling spa· cious home and cannot afford the high ask· ing price~. then Jet us show you this LARGE ~OUR BEDROOM , l\VO balh \vith 22'x30' FAMILY ROOM WITH FIREPLACE and separate attached GUEST ROOM. Guest room makes ideal mother-in-law quarters. Enclosed garage. l\\'O patios. This home could be the answer lo your problems. Var· ious means of financin g available -CALL TODAY II SAWMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED 646-0555 DOVER SHORES LOT Large view corner lot 105x 138; \\•ill build .to suit. Architect's plans available. • SOPHISTICATED COTTAGE OPEN SUN. I · 5 321 Poppy, Coron• del Ma r \Valk to Little Corona fron1 this newly dee· orated 2 bedroom, J bath home. with fire· place & separate ·guest .accomodations. An exciting home on a lot & a ~al!. $47,500. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642·8235' • . N~'v I011n 71~r;.-Wo11: One of only 35 beautiful town homes in exclush·e Nel'-'port Beach area. 4 acres of ma n icure d grounds, pUlling l[T'C'en. club house. heated and filtered. pooJ: T""·o excep· tiona.lly large bedrooms, tiled baths. ~tone fire· piace and JalPSt of all cl e I u x e built-ins. Un· equaled at thi:ri;. price. ~33,:?50: Only 10% dO\\·n. Call nO\I'. 645·0303 at Ha.rbor Cl"nter 2299 Harbor Blvd., c .r.1. Here's What ' . Happens When You Move To The Beach \•onr ey" don•t bum from !fTIOG' beC'BUSf' t!iei-r isn't t.ny, }"OU lcrl better because the air is !l"l!sher, !hat cool Gener1l 1000Gener1I 1000 a.ttemoon oa11n bret"ze and I ~---------------iiiii\ that freith All.I\ air iii; lllf' !I gn'!a!est, too expensivt: ~ not Sole• t hrough the Multiple List ing Sefvice of the Newport Harbor- Co.ta Mesa Board of Realtoro totale d $31 ,605 ,905 for .the first 6 month• of 1969. This represents 896 unit soles. List your properly with a Realtor today. ~.you'd pay f.16.500 for this nou~ no mat1t'r where ii was but it ju.st hapt>Pnl5 to be et the beach .tnd it's lharp only 6 years old. Come to whf!re tne AmO!l and ~t Uin't. ~ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 220 E. Snenteeftth St. Gener•I 1000 \ Gener1l 1--------1000 2'3E. 17th St., 646-4494 IE. 17th SI. Shopping Ctr.I SPANISH HACIENDA 2aL lllk l46-'5ll COSTA MESA OPEN DAILY 1-5 you'll like our friendly service 405 FRANCISCO i\IOVE IN B~F"ORE SCHOOL -Like ne'v 4 bdrm. 2 baths, l;;e. fam. nn. sunkt:n Ii\·, room, d111. area. all electnc k1td1en. electric gat\ opener, central vacuum gytlem, 11.!· tracti\"t>ly landscaped c:or. lot, sp1inkling :system - Dli \·e bv nr CA LL TO SEE. Evenings Call 64~579 or .548--3265 1000 1000 I Gener•I 1-==== $16,500 PRICE ANO 1800 BRICKS C-1 PROPERTY 82'x233' &: hi! a good round 3 BR home 011 lront ol Jot. Owner will !inance the pn:ip- erty -no loon fees. Call now for det11H:ri;. $39,500 Newport at , Victoria (1nytime ) 64MBll SOCK rr TO 'E~t! BAYSHORES i\lak" uri the massive patio! Attractive 3 bdrm._ 3 bath. \\'her" 1n the \\'Orld can you furnished. hllgt' ma11ter bd· fiM a 3 b<>droom, 2 bath rm. w/dregsing rm. Oose hon1e, NEAR TH F. BEACH to pnvatto b<>a•·h. ,\·1th i>!rc1iic buill·1n~. !'!Xcel· ALSO l!?nt carpet, boa! door to NEAR BA y CLUB -Newly back :va1'CI. arid VACANT!! painlrd Extra lge. 4 bdrm LF.S:t: TllAN $2 000 DOWN!! 4 bath ~n lgf'. im'g. cor. Jot: WE SELL A HOME huge liv. rm. din. room. EVERY 31 MINUTES outio;ide shov.:r:r. lge. patio - Walker & Lee v~~c.; THOMAS 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams ;,.1;,..r1491 Open 'til 9 P ~T OIAfl.GE IT! REALTOR 121 \V. CM.st ll\\'Y 5~8-5527 Newport Beach, E\'I!. 545-56~3 While Elephants~ Beautiful Pacesetter Lnc111ed near i\lcsa Vrrde GoU CDum:. l J;ir~e bdnn~. covered patio & large back ~·ard. Beautiful landsc11· pifli. completely sprink. lered. S34,750 -EZ tern11;, Open This Sunday 917 CORONAOO DRlVE Corner Serra \Vay. Nt!at 4 &: family room. Roon1 for boat or trailer. COULD USE WME PAJNT I< GARDEN \VOnK! ~ ~6·SllO r11e1rcineni1 thatrtl OLLEGE REALTY 1500 Adllllt It M..-,CM. /Oka.. co:Ts -6Vz% Loan Avail.- ~ WALLAC!: 2 BR C:Ondominium SlS.950 - REALTORS 10'% dov.·n. Call tor details -.546-4141 -Ope-n Sunday l~. 2400 Eide.ii (Open Evenings) Uni! 15, C.M. 642-1771 Agt. ..,~~'!""~~~""'"I f:vc:;;. 646-6921 MESA-VERDE e FOR SALE e 'CLUB HOUSE.DRIVE ' Reil Est1te Office P~11t1gr location. Qvrr.;ized Complete with bedrooms, 2 baths., f inest namf' I: multfrile. 11ppoin!mcnt11 throou!. Film· Newport Beach Realty ily roon1. Ha.nclsomr har. :!6:t?7 NC\\1)011 Bh·d .. N.B. t,h'f'placr. Pliced riJ;hl at e 675-1641 e S-t?.:ioo! .J.IQ..1720 1--cam="eoc-os'"ho-,.-,-. "'s "e"R.-TARBEL~ 29SS Horbor S79.SOO DAILY PIUTl' WANT ADS! After 6 p.m. 6'5-~ ELABORATE EXECUTIVE HOME Di!linctive 2 story t'(lkl11ial hon1e with 3.)00 sq ft.~ lxli·m, 3 b&ths. F"o1·n1al dining room, S11·ecpini;: Vif'w of golf·t.'OUJ"S<'.'. Truly a h0n1e for !i!mily lun rE: entertaining, Price below reproduction CO!'I. CALL DAN LEE j<JO.lill , ' * C.'OLLEGE PARK * Sporless 3 BR & lam rm. ChoiCf" loc, nr sclll'lOls. A,,,-.umr j~, •,;, F'HA loan - $17•1 n10 . 2 ba. b\1 -in k1l. ~II clerl. 22' cov patio, "'t ll larw:l5Capm. Only $26.!lj(]. P.W.C. ;..16-M<\O 4 BEDROOM POOL 18,900 5'ounds un~lievablt doesn't it, but ii'! h"llf! and th!:s home':;; in1n1acula!e through. out, \Vith four large bed· room~. t\10 h:Hhs, forct'd air heat. double garage, Block "·all frnt'f', and short dil>L!l.nce to beach, Full prit'(! SJS.900. Did I say ;18.900!! llo1v can lhat be! You'd bc>ttrr sec it cause !rs true. Call SlG-t-194, ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64'-4494 NEED ~harp young lie. R.~. ~Jes \Voman par' or full lin1e. No t'XP. N'q'd. S-i:>.0111 Gener ii 1000General 1000 Green Thumb? Put it to 'vork on th.is 1h acre, 4 bedroom, 2 bath charmer plus dark r:oom for the shutter·bugs. Beautiful sunken living room · y,>ilh massive vaulted open beam ceiling. Excellent cul-de-sac loc;1tion. $57,000 Hard To Find Easy To Buy Choi ce eastside location. Sharp 3 bedroom 2 bath family . home. Large fenced yard \\·ith covered patio. Come one. come all FHA and no do,vn G.I. tern1s available. ~23,500 Money Maker Iiere is your chance to invest in. your fu· ture. 6 choice unit!'i close lo the S. A. Coun- try Club. Pride of ownership throughout with lath and plaster construction and concrete driveways. Plenty or green area. $69,500 and worth it! FOR A WISE BUY COLESWORTHY & CO. 642·7777 ''" llC ... N fNllllllf .t L1mt11 ... Sch••' ''" S.ln-Mhl, ClflUfl l11ternte4 '" ... RHI h t•t• '''"'' Cell f., 1....,.,1_ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General I . Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: CAMEO SHORES- OCEANFRONT \Vith your own access to beach. High ceil· ings formal din. rm .• den, ram. rm. Lg. n1st;. suite, guest rm. & 3 addt'l. BR's + silting rm . in children's wing. Pool. 3 car garage. $225,000. Kathryn Raulston REDUCED $9500-4 BR. Jaycrefil_'s finest 4 _!_r., 3 Ba., Fam . !t~· PLUS billiard room w(We! bar. Pool/en! tourt: 2·slory custo1n Spanish. '124,500. Joe Clarkson CAMEO SHORES-VIEW Sparkling pool; 3 Br's., 3 baths. Lge. family room. A delightful home. O\vn~r leav1ng area. \Vill carry 1st T.0 . to qualified buy· er. $79,500. Cathryn Tennille WATERFRONT DUPLEX $79,500 Slip & pier. LovCly custom 2-story 3 bed· room. 2 ba . (master bedroom 555 Sq. Ft., fireplace & view\; Jge. patio: also-1 BR. rharmin~ apt. \v/sundeck. Imm. poss~sion. l\fake offer. ?ilary Lou r.1ario n WATERFRONT WITH SLll' Lovely home \\'ith sa ndy beach, good swim· ming & your boat at your door. Huge pri· vate patio and bayside, covered terrace . $75.000 'vith excellent financing. \Valter ~Jaase LIDO ISLE -VIA GENOA Cu.5to n1 built. Bean1ed ceilings. La rge South patio; landscaped by Beeson. 3 Bdrs.1 2 Baths. Excellent condition. $67,000. 1\1 rs. Raulston OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • 5 See private beach living in action . Join us at lovely 3 bcl r1n. 3 bath home w/forma l din. & sunropm. Gate guard will admit you to 2591 Bayshore Or. $58.950. 1'-1rs. Harvey EXCmNG OCEAN VIEW An exceptionally lovely 3 BR. 2 Ba. Cameo l-1ighlands home. 100' ocean view. All elec. kitch.; new carpeting: prof. landscaping. Shufneboard court. Only ........... $46,IJSO Chuck Place A REAL CHARMER-$32,950 3 Bedroon1, 2 baths, 20x20 family room , dining area; fi replace; carpets & drapes. J<~reshly decorated. A big ho use. 1650 sq. Ct., for little rrlbney. \Vestcliff shopping. J\1ary Lou l\farion WESTCLIFF, $23,500, LOT Choice corner ::;--1255 Somerset Lane. Best available & lowest price in this desirable area of expe nsive, custom homes. Fee sim- ple, 82xl 10. Owner will carry 1st T.D. r.tary Lou Marion MAGNIFICENT WATERFRONT Pi er & 60'. dock. Lge . Ii~. rm., fam. on., gourmet kitchen, wet bar: BR. balconies; 4300 .sq. ft.: 60' ~undeck; great. down chan. nel view. f!Istr . BR. has own firepla ce Al Fink . . COLDWELL, BANKER Ii CO. S50 NEWPORT CENTER OR., NEWPORT BEACH • Read The Great Orange Coast's No. l Doily Newspaper! Gener•I 1000 General 1000 Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 General IOOOGeneral 1000 General 1000 Gonorol THE~EAL ESTATERS :THE~EAL ESTATE:RS THE~EAL ESTATERS THE~EAL 'ESTATERS THF. ~EAL E.STATERS THE~EAL ESTATER.S THE~EAL ESTATERS THE~EA L EST ATER~ HARBOR OFFICE 2790 HARBOR BLVD. -546-2313 JOIN THE HALL OF FAME Homes! llave a record ~ession 5 BR's for onJ y 529,950 al bats. Perfect home ror little league size family -big enclosed patio or small astro dome. TRY NOW -BUY LATER "That's right" live in TlJIS 3 bedroom 2 bath ~IESA DEL MAR home for $225 per month for one year-some down now and buy later. Il's sharp and clean. Don 't make a mistake -call now. EASTSIDE FHA or VA Imagine a 3 bedroom 2 bath home on the eastside. Large. enjoyable back yard with lamily size covered patio. All this with onfy $1700 total down. THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT Custom 4 & Family Room. 3 baths. Jumbo size roomlli, large covered patio -All !'-lt\J ated on one acre \Vilh horses permitted. Assume a 6.5""o loan. $92,0QO. OP~N EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P .M. NEWPORT OFFICE 1700 NEWPORT BLVD. -646-7171 -· ENJOY THE BACK BA YI Custom buflt home \\.·Ith oversize ro·orns . Nearly 2200 square feet In I.his tastefully decorated 3 bedroom 21h bath charmer. Family room plus screened lanai. Secluded rear yard is professionaUy landscaped and sprinklered .. i\dult occupied and in movc-.in condition. Priced under $50,000. I - -• - COUNTRY GENTLEMAN''.> ESTATE 1·Acre in the heart of the city zoned for horse11 . With double and another 3 car garage, 20'x40' luxury pool , scads of concrete and professional landscaping. 230 sq. ft. home plu s 2 guest houses with baths. Owner .\viii carry 1st Trust Deed -$79,500 -You make the terms. SRPS TO 17th ST. And IRVINE BLVD . \Velk to \Veslcliff Shopping Center -4 nice bedrooms/2 baths in this redecorated home. Sparkling built-ins new kitchen. Large lot, paved all~y. Only $26,400. NEWPORT HEIGHTS CUSTOM! Remember when houses bad basement!!? Rerresh yoUr memory and sec thl!i custom home in top Ne"·port Heights location "'Ith IOS5 "Q · ft. basement. Nuds a llllle freshening but a ·buy at this price of $42,600. * WE NEED SALEaPEOPLE * CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE 332 MARGUERITE -673-1150 A REAL ESTATER EXCLUSIVE \Vatch the boat!'i from your Jiving room or spacious sun deck -a :S bedroom charmer in excellent condition and surprisingly low. * $62,SOO * OWNER WILL FINANCE AT 7°/o Corona del f\.·tar. Charm \vlth a mini view. Spacious 2 bedroom and den with a delightful covered brick patio. No points, no fee.s, no impound account, no payoff penalty -call us quick. VIEW HOME-FIRST TIME OFl'DED TI1e COMPLETE house spe<:tacular. 180' view and sparkling poo!'ln o •heltered courlyard. 3 bedrooms. 2'h baths, formal dining room and family room. Quick QCcupency available. A top value at onl7 $77,500. SUMMER RENTALS A few outstanding water!ront and close-to-beach locatJons still avail .. able during the month of August -lrom $250 weekly. VISIT OUR NEW CORONA DEL MAR \OFFICE (J I l j f I \ S.lurdly, AIJ9Wl 2, 1969 :.n:;n,.....,.E-""H"'OU=sE=-P"'o;;;R"'7SA~L"'1FC::,,Hiioi;-;S,ES l'OR SALE HOUSES '-Ollt SALi -MOUSES l'Ollt SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE$ FQR SALE - 14111 Gonorol 1000 O....ral ioood.-•1 1• 0.ntrol 1000 Gonorol lOOOGenor•l • 1000 $21,9DDwlth illltif'a' I 5 !4 96 Loan Ii large homr 18 o-da ted on a tree llncd · t 2 blkt-from &hop- -The 4th bdrm. could J)l'ivale ¥Uile idee.I rdr lhc live-in rt'laUve, 11f:MJble .-r&;e an<1 bup. Y,4rc1. To t a l ,payment& si50/month lnclud~ t&X· tlli and lnlurance:. ' I • ' FOR RENT C bm. home Mha Ver- d& on quiet s~L N~w ~Uni. $22:5 per mo. 546-9521 or 540;6631 Ptte Barrett Jlealty BUYERS & BROKERS Rud this andSaYe Do you ha~ a VA 1oen but arc getUne ready to make a 14000 to $8000 dn. payment on a }'lomc1' Tor abollt $XIOO down YQU can ha ve the neat,._t home you've ttt.ien yet in the bl-st arcll of OranRe County, ?ifESA VERDE With .. tile tnolll'Y you've saved on the down pay- ment. you cii..n invtst and have a $1000 to $2000 <"ashiC'rs chc.-ck ..ent lo you every year to apend on the kids a t Christmas. When thil i1 a positl\•e fact, is it wise to think othern•i!le! r .S. New Gold C&l'l'letlng Beautiful Paneling ~ Block to Park 1800 Square Fret FormaJ Dining Coom Plus A Big Surprise Open Hones Sat. & Sun J ~S CORONA OEL MAR 1319 BONNIE DCX)NE: 'l Br., den, pool &iied yard. Newly d<!<:or, lmmaculate! $42,500 ' READ THIS • • • • Are you in the mar- ket !or a new home, a home in a prime area1 \lery close to Hunllitgton SlaU. Bea.ch; a home you can cus tomize while It is being buill, a home d .. signed by outstanding archi~ tects and constructed by Frank H. A)'res & Son : a Company that has been in business since 1905? , IF YOU ARE e e e e Corne to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and AUanta in liuntin gton Beach a ny day between 10 A.M. & 7 P. l\f . and select your home in our newly opened UN IT V. PRICED FRQM $25,990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968~1338_ 1000 Gener•I ' 1000 Lonesome House LAND HO! LAND A'PLENTY! PLUS LAKES! LAKES! LAKES! U>OK TO YOUR F1.JTUR.E, 1hroua:h clear blUe lkt~1 , , ~?.t:'':'atcl~:::a~~~r ~ SHOPPING FOR A HOME ? Call1 write or talfa growing, nut & a,prl1:9! visit our office for your free copy o( our orchards; horse r•nchlnj:, "Homes For Living" magazine -with pie· fish hatcheries ... unlimlted tures. prices a nd detaiJs or our select lis t· opportunities~ ings in Newport Beach, Corona del Mar and T II ERE ARE OVER 100 Costa Mesa. TRANSFERRING? Ask us for LAKES (man-madel NOW a "Home For Living" magazine from any JN THE AREA.· .makes this part of the country. We have associate of· not only a. hlghly productive fices throughout the U.S. RED CARPET area. but one of great beau. REALTY, 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport :A~~"iwit so~ ... 931~!B!e!a!ch!!!92660!!!!!!. !(!71!4!)!6~71':;.oo()()"'""'".""!!'!!~!'!!!!!!' ACRES, level. now AVAIL-r ABLE, with pump& well; or, General 1000 Gi n.ral 10-2040 acre parcels avall··1---------'"'-' 11ble. Don'l be a ".I ren1em. Top Quality Duplex ~r when-er" . , , investi-~ew on market. 2 BRs hdwd. gate this ~pportunity ,~New: llrs. [rplcs. r·A heat: bJt.Jn be~TY Sp~ii: NO~·· Own. ki1ch~, ~rues -....between ~rs must-hquidal e"1nttrests. unit8• Jg fncd yds, quiet Ca!l '847-6640 after 6 PM, any. street. Costa l\1esa. $28,500. tune weekends. This won 't last! can now! Choice E 'side 4-Plex Why Not Have The Near 17th St., Costa ~1c8U. 3 Best For The Least? -2 BR t ba & l -3 BR 2 Save $13,400 in Jnter•est pay. bath w/[rplc. All units have menlii with thl! 5%. GI loan!! blt-ins, cpts/drps, pvt palios, Beautiful 'TAHITIAN POOL garages. $55,500. nestled in gorgeous yard ol "I TRADE" rose garden and BBQ area Boh Olson Rib-. S.16-~ with private rumpus and WATERFALL! dre!\Sing roon1. Extra largr $23 500 1000 Your Own Priv!lte !leach!_!! The 1000 sq. lf'et deck pr.o- vides a breathtaking view ol exclusivf! pool and sandy beach, lligh J>ecurity build· ing guarantees ultimale pri· vacy with subtcn'IU\Can park. lng, elevator lo pool and beach, 31' living I"OOm and lu."<urious appointmenl.s. $46,500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee bec.l~n1s and TH1l.~E baths. Beat the he;!~ 3 big bed· Lusc10W1 gold acrilan deep rooms. Inviting fireplace. 20U \\lestcliH Dr. HOUSES FOR SAL E . HOUSES FO~ SALi * LOOK * Spacious Cu.slam built S Bdrm. Baycttst. home: ~·ith Jara,. famlly room A separate dining room. Aiany other fine realuJ'C:ll. - Westcliff Baycrest Special S lfarm. home i:rloed ~ low replacl'!ment cost. Good till'ttt. O.•ner mov· in1t .EasL..Try lease o ption. Lots Rl'al cl&is in this custom \Vant to build! Se\l'ual buUl .f bdrm. home. De· choice sites in Weati:Uft llghtfUI pool ·&: PlltlO. & Dover Shores. H•v• Opening for Real Est1te S1le•man JERRY FREUD • CHARLES ARNOLD 388 E. 17th Street, C.M. Realtors 640.7755 General 1000 General =o=----'= 1000 'Tis The Season To Go Skinny Dippn' Privacy is the \vord for this back bay f':«ecutive home featuring a beautiful heated and filtered pool surrounded by landRaptng;-remliiiscent of a.n island pal'adise, oU the pool is a professionally add. ed. fully enclosed sun room 1Yith expandable roof that opens or closes automatice\. Jy with thermoalat contrd, in.-;ide are 3 master-sized bedrooms and l\\'O baths. Built-In kitchen, separate double detached garage and courtyard entry. $39,500 is a NO\V price, owner anxious -.~ it. Call 646-41911, EASTSIDE Spectacular Buy 2 BR home & J'('rrtal unit + 2·2 BR Duplex units on large lot ._;th private ent1'8Jlce5. Chl·nl'r "'ill carry lst TO \fltti current interest rates. Appointmeut only, 1860 Newport Blvd., O f Rltr. 646-39'28 Eve. 644-1&) Lachenmyer Office Open. Sat ./Sun, EleCJant East Bluff LivinCJ Present• BAYCREST -Vacant, 'designed for relaxed family living. M05'1: po~ ular llQor plan include! <I bdtnis. den, family room k formal dinin;:: robin. Kit~·hen overlooks large pool & lovely gar· den. J607 Santiago - Open Sunday 1·5. 441 FERNLEAF: residential Anyon<' tan a~sume & PBY bx."OTTK': 2 houses on :! lots. $136/month including prin· Priced to land value. $58,5ll0 c1pl C'. interest, laxes & in. SU!~HK'f', This [i'n(' ii bdrn1, niodcrn hardwooel rJour hon1c has a lo\'ely pool & laq;:c Pll· clo~ yard. Localed 1n Col· leg1· Park. In an area whl'!re there are lots or (·hildren. (]OS(' lo schciol1; & shopping, New drapes Jn large living room. 3 Bdrtnt, l-\1. bath.~, la rge lamlly room. 287 NASSAU ROAD, COl..LEGE PARK. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5. pile C~qK'I~ and. fantastic Sprinklers. Exquisi!e land· &ffl.m l Open Eves. drapcnes. Sprai,·hng 18 foot scaping BBQ ~10.1r10 ORANGE COUNTY'S BEAMED CEILING FAM-TARBELL .2955 Harbor Colleqe Park LARGEST An outstanding Jovrly 3 BR and Den. 2 bath, one level home with two patios open- ing on professlOI1al1:y land- SC'aped 11nd maintained gar· dt'n and grttnbclt. Lu:rur1· OU!i throuithout. SA2.000. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Baycrest IL Y ROOM oU pool and pa-------OOM UNIVERSITY PARK 1800l NORTON; Chancellor hotne: 2 BR.. I.: drn; 71 ~·;.. financing, Mini.mum down. $29,900. 1941 Windward Lene \Veil dC'signed for tht' £ro1v1ng f11n1ily. 4 bclrms, 2~ baths. Patio of[ masler bedroom, fonnal dining room. beamed ceiling in living room, large entry, large family room with brick fin'place. Lots oI closelJ:, cupboards I: stOl.'J.ge. Pool. sized yard. OPEN SAT/ SUN 1 ·5. or by appointment. 110. t.oeacrd NEAR TH.E . BEACH HOME 4 BEDR 8£AO·I!!. Truly pride of Oxnard shores, $32,500. 3 bclr, Dy Owner 293 e. 17th St., 646-4494 ownership and al a low $229 2 ba, bit-ins, int.ercom, crpl!I:, NO QUALIFYING. assume BY O\\'NER -51.~% Loan. per month TCYrAL!! drps, close to school, mkts. 51~-;t FHA at $178 pr, mo. Eastsidc 3 Br, 2 Bn, famlly WE SELL A HOME SUb1nit tl'rms. CZ13J 846-2815 Inc. ta.,es &: Ins. $4800down. I"OOm home.* 642-5931 Walker & Lee BLUFFS -Better than rr,1•! Enchanting: \'iew of lush pine lrtts from livin&: room. family room k bii.Joony of this ~rful home. 3 bdrrns 4 converttble family room. 2132 Viirta Dorado -Dt>en Sunday 1·5. NEWPORT BEACH 2437 Fordha m D rive Open Sat/Sun 1·5 EVERY 31 MINUTES CHARGE your want ad now, $26,950. s.1>1849. No agents. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS 2().13 Westclilf Dr. Walker & leei='=''=""="=w='th=·=-=='='="==w=b="='='=l·=·•=an:;"=' v=im='""=.11=-"' ==a=R1N=o::c=RESU==L=T=s'==-.:="=~=771l====0="'="=""'='· SUN. ONLY 1·5 2919 PAPER LANE. 4 Br., mi;tr. bdnn. suite, secluc!Pd dC'll; :;%"A. 1-"tlA avail ; $36,900. • All Open For S29,51JO (81g down nec.1 Newport JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3255 General 1000General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 2790 !?arbor !Jlvd. at Adams li;:=========~~=========================:;il .5$.M91 Open 'til 9 PM Open Houses THIS WEEKEND . ~ 1605 \\'eslcliU Dr. J NE\VPOIJi. BEACH ~ 642-5200 le Sure And Read This Ad l'hl truth in lrnding la11· 1ro11·1 let us tell you bow n1uch the payrncnL<i llt'e on this 4 bed- roctn colle1c park horn", but we can say they're Jow and the)r include taxes, and we can say' that lbe average' a.noual inteITst rate i.s 5~i7o. An F HA loa11 \\•hich means yoo can usume Jt, and we can't siy how much thr down payment will br. but \\'f! \\'ill say it'11 well worth your '''hile lo find out. \Ve can lell you more abour it Vt!r the phonr, hut you'll ve to call us cause 11·e do1f1 ha1·c )lwr number, 640-4494 is ours, _ Your Inspection and Approval HAL PINCHIN and Associates 3900 E. Coast H\\'Y· 675-4392 anytim.e -8 / 8 OPEN ljOUSE 4645 PERHAM, SAT. &, SUN. 1·5 OlOlce property, choice loca- tion. 4 Bdrms. pill! family rm., 3 batlui. Extra Jara:e roon1s thruou1. S86.500. SIJb. mit tenns. Sales contract possible, with $5;00l dawn. Va cant; sho'wn anytime. Bay & Becich Realty, 1·nc. 675-3000 2.j07 E. O>ast I-fwy., Cd1\T CHINA COVE at Victoria 646-8811 (anytime} 400 E. 17th. Costa Mrsa $100,000 Loca!rd in a vei·y J10pul11r pre~tige al"f'a, this immaru- latr 4 bedI"OOm, 2 bath homf' oUrrs 11 Jarsi;c. uniqut! and popular Ooor plan. The slep down living roon1 and formal dining are ideal for lall::e gatherings. Th<• owner ha~ been translcri't.'d and his company has purehasC'd this home. Vacant and ready for qulck-salr. $32,950. . arr~w- -WhYNqt Hi ve Th-;- Best For The Least? Save S13AOO In inlfll'l'St pay. mf'nls y,•ith this j1.~ GI loan!! Beautiful TAHITIAN POOL Ol~tled in ~orgeous yard of rose garden and BBQ area with private /'Un1 pus a.nd dressing room. l::X'lra large bedrooms and THREE baths. Luscious gold acri1an deep pile ca~ts and fantastic draprriC's. Spra1\'ling 18 !not BEAl'1ED CEILING FAJ\.1· JLY ROOi\f off pool and rm· lio. Loc•ll'li Nl:AR THE 894-5313 • BEACll~ ! . Truly prid<' oJ 20 Offices Serving Orc1nge 011·nership nnrl at a low $229 Qiun1y per month TOTAJ.! ~ , LlJJi Goldt'n \Vest "' Ser thill custo1n buil1 Corona WE SELL A HOME 1 Blk. So. Snn DiCi:o f wy. drt Mar quality homf' just EVERY 31 MINUTES OPEN AFTERNOONS strps from the bc!it Ocean Walker & Lee 1218 Cambridge Lane h<'a ch. 4 bclnns ~.loft for \Vl'slclHf's rnosl co Io rt u l pool lablr or '!, Un1qll{' use of slone for fireplace .t; built. 2790 lh1J"bor Blvd. al Adan1s ho1n(' -1'11.lnut kil ch, -ls. in BBQ, Call for appoint-;;1;,.9191 lanrl heir -lnts of bll·ins. ORANGE COUNTY 'S n1rnt lo sec lhis unusual 0Jl"n ·111 ~I P'.\I :!.liO Sil. fl. l\linimum up. LARGEST lvari \Velis' homt' al thel ........ .., ....... -... ..-.-..---.1 keep -Orien!al ganicn. FAREL WALKER REAL TOR 646-7414 beach. Horses! Horses! ~:~~er fllOVl'd oorth -anxi- 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 Roy J, Wa rd Co, Channing view l'UStom honie. ASSUME LOW F .H .A-;-!Ba,ycrest OUic.'t'I zoned for horses. 3 BR 2i.. SV.t°lo INTEREST l4.30 Galaxy t.46-l550 ba. 2 frplc.s. in beau!1lul con- NEWCOMERS }"or the Executives n1oving to Newport Beach -thet!e NE\V Ivan Wells' homes oU. en; maximum modern con. venicnccs, highest quality '''orkmanship & a Panuram. il' Virw ol the Back Bay. One ol the larg<'Sl 4 bdnn 3 bath home.~ available in the desirable Dover Shores area. Large family room with wet bar. All clrctric kite~ -.:"ns with view. With or with- out pool. Roy J . Ward Co. \Bayc::rest Otficel 1430 Galaxy 646-1550 FABULOUS VIEW High in the hills overlooking the blUc Pacific. Beautiful custom home 3 Bt'droonis, 3 Bath!i, Den & Lerg~ living I"OOm ·Immaculate home with' a really breathtaking view. $105.000 Call J im Cobb COMPANY REALTORS 673-4400 ASSUME LOW ----~---dltlO". Owoer '""""'· ""'' OCEANFRONT PAYMENTS OF $115 * 3 BR 1% bath, hdwood &yJ. EAN SMITH 3 BR horn, °" exoeU•nt BAY FRONT BUYI P.l.TI. floor~. cpts I drpi;, trplr. br 1 .. :.95fl Sophlistlcated 2 . story home dO•Oi>(n "•• r • o ", '""'00\0.f"( llf.: 1: ....,.,,. , ha p . l su~il :your do11·n pa,v1nen! ,.,,_,·, ,"::.:..·,,·r.';oou.;.. " Realtor George Will iamson plus ch. Apt. rime o. on this lo\•ely 3 bedl'OOln ... '' <Uu RE'LTOR c::alion on So. Bayiront, Bal-* ZONED for BUSINESS J t•l&-325.l '' cott .... e ready for immediale 400 6-, ... ~._,. E 6-1-,1 boo Island. -BR coU"ue v.>/"'•" $14.500. E . 17th St., Qista i\l ('~a 1 ,,.,~.,-.,~.,..,...,.,".,.'-.,·,.,~·.,. •o pmatSSion . Huge fenced ...,, $1.hl,000 yard for the kid!i. Double '* s21 .ooo ·no loan rhargC's ·I :-~~~-""~~~~!!!!!!' LIDO REAL TY INC . i;a19ge for Dad. f or Atom , S·IOOO dn • nwnrr \Vi\J C'on·y. DIAL direct 64Z.5678, Charge IS YOUR AD IN a.ASSI· .340(] Via Lido 673-ggJ() hl!autilul carpctini; alld cus-3 RR, 1~. h;11h interior !'I'• YoUt ad. then sit bark and FfED? Son1eone will be rom ·drapes throughout. ttccoralrtl. \'ar·. &· inunl'd. llsten lo the phone ring! !oohing for ii. Dial 642-5678 DA,ll.Y P I.LOT \VANT ADS! FULL PRTCE $22.500. NO occupanry, ========'=="-==========.:========= DOWN Gl'lli. Low dov.1l NEAR SllOPPlNG Genera l IOOOGeneral 1000General 1000 FHA. Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. 1--------------------------- WE SELL A HOME l.Blo Newport Blvd., C.J\t. EVERY 31 MINUTES I "'""''">J8."""ml ... •,,"".,..'m.',...~ Walker & Lee • oPelrH"ouse-.- 7682 .Ediugcr Su..4455 or &4().5140 Open E\.V1i. sat. & Sun. 1-5 2341 Azure Ave. • Solue a. Si.mplt Scrambled. Word Puztle fM a. Ch1iekl~ $21,500 SANTA ANA llElGllT~ 3 & Den, J'!.i baths. 20 x: 24 Gar .. 70 x l:.;j Cf)rll('r lor : room for boo!s. trailer, pool, plus. $28.50() • lr•nns. Own/Bkr. 615-1£12 Dolphin Terrace Cloo.n & ~ady • :J Bdnn., den • 2~, bath!· elee. kitch· rn. Ohl, garage k CQ\'en>d bon t P'Jl'I. $39,500 CURT DOSH, Realtor 1==~======: I 1730 \Y, Coast lJigh\\'llY Open This Wee kend 612-&17'J Eves. 673-34611 IMl TAllJTI DRIVE NE-W-POR_T_B-EACH2 i n~ {&nilly home. 5 BR 29111 ll't· It. AnthOny pool. S BEDRM-POOL fmhly n'dcc. Sh11.rp loc In '4f,SOO 1'Jna Verdt. Uii1td ss.t.900 Nolhlnst to com1lflre In thlJ -lNt aJJ olfe~ 1Tn•1tcd! at the price. :J~ bath. Fam. &S4i·SSIO lly room. AU •ledrie ki1. ---~ C~. Pool. Only <I yrs, MW. ~=~:cl :_~oooo helow marl«t ~""'""'-~~~~l·T:.:A..::R..::B=:E=-7LL 2955 Harbor l 11i~WATERFRONT LEASE lmmac. Cond. U6,500 Carp., drapeJ. bulU,.l~·~ICo; ·4 SJl 2 batha, heated ttll,.ried Wonderful, ram~ homr~ poot. Back Bay ffil.d~-.e. • CA YWOOO R Al TY 1385/"l'" W w. eo..t ff"!'·· N.B. DAVIDSON RHlty • 541-1290 • S41-'4QI -· ><>4'41 ==~-~---1 OWIGE-)Our wanted,..,..: Wlmit elel)hantlt DnnN41ne .. ' I I I I' r ITEWREP I i--i_ ,-., -rr,, .-, -,-- ITOCVAR I' I I I I IC EEDOD I 1--rl-,l,--r.l ,-,l-r-l Boss, "Who told you you ~~~~~·~-~ could neglect your office ITEYNlj I' I I I I dutie s just because I give t-..... ..,.~r--n---r-i· you e li ttle kiss now and 1hen?" ._...___,_...__,,_.__. Secretary: "O ur -.'' ISING EN ' I' I I I I A Pt\Nf NUMBEl:tO II ~ 1F.Tf£1!S IN SOIJAR~S ... UNICtAMBl! lllTUS I W EO• ANSWE• t I' I' I' I' I' I' I I I I I I I I I SCRAM·LETS 'ANSWER IN DIME·A·LINE kee, thit handy dlrHtoty '#Ith yo• this 'll'ffkend u you 90 lio11M h•ntl119. All tt. locations llJtff P low oro deu rlbed h1 .,...._ fftall by odfertl1ln9 olw· wile,. I• ...._,.,, OAILY PILOT WANT ADS. P.tr9111 1howf119 OPIJI hanu for .. 1. or to N11t are vr•d lo lltt ptli lnfor-'1011 ... tlll1 tol1m11 Mth Frldoy. ' (2 Bedroom) 900 Chestnut Place (East Bluff) NB 645-2000: 645-2123 E ves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 321 P oppy Ave., Corona del Mar · 642-8235 !Sun 1-5) **20 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 67:;.oo()() (Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & F•mi ly or Don) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1218 Cambridge Lane (Westoliff) NB 646-7414 ... (Open afternoons)· 13 Bedroom) 2187 Irvine (County Corridor) NR 646-3255 (Sat 1·5) *681 Vista Bonita (The Bluffs) CdM 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *242 Joann Street (Co ll ege Park) CM 548-9578 (Please call first) 459 E. 19th St. (Of! Irvine) CM 646-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2591 Bayshore Dr .. Newport Beach 833-0700 or 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) 451 Cabrillo, Costa l\lesa 675-4130 2450 Fordham, Costa Jl:lesa (Sun 1-5) 645--0303 !Sat & Sun 1-5) {3 Bedroom & F•m ily or Don) 3098 Donnybroo k Lane, Costa 1\.1esa 549-0909 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1495 Skyline Drive. Laguna Beach 830-2825 · !Sat & Sun 10-4) 2341 Azure Ave. (Santa Ana 1-leights) · 675-1642 (Sat & Su n 1·5) 287 Nassau Road (College Park ) CM' 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1147 Glencaglc, Costa 1'.Iesa 54-0-1720 !Sun 1·5) 717 P oppy Ave., Corona de! Mar 675-2101 (Sun 1·5:30) 1959 Vi sta Cauda{, Corona del 1'.1ar 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2007 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·51 2131 Vista Dorado (The Bluffs) NB 642-5200 , (Sun 1·51 1536 Sylvia L<111e <Harbor Hi ghlands) NO 642-5200 ( Suu 1-5 l 914 3 El ('olorado A\·e., F'ountain \'alley 962-5!160 (Open Housel * 1880 h1aul Ci rcle I M.csa Verde) Cl\·T 546-6421 !Sun 1·5) 324 Poinsettia , Corona dcl !\'lar 673-1i510 !Sat. & Sun) 11 32 Goldenrod , Corona de\ Ma r 675-4130 (Sun 2·5) 418 St. Andre\vS Road, Nc\\1port 1-leighl s 646-2414 (Sun 1·5) 2980 Jacaranda St.. Costa 't11 esa 645-0303 (Sat & Sun 1-S) 2033 Paloma, Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3228 Iowa St. (Mo se Verde) CM 642-1771 (Sun 1·6) {3 Bedroom & G uost House) 336 Costa Mesa SI., Costa Mesa 646-7171 • (Sal & Sun 1-5) 14 Bedroom) '*24.'17 Pordham Dr. (College P"'kf CM (Sat & Sun) 1226 Polaris (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2622 Vista Drive (BaYshores) NB 548-8892 (Sat & Sun 1-5) **327 Canal St. (Newport Shores) NB 548-1290 · (Sun 1·5) **1414 \V. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 673-6990 (Sa l & Sun 2-7) (4 Bedroom & F•m;ly or D°") 442 Riverside Drive, Ne,vport Beach 548-2986 (Sat & Sun J0-8) 115 Mijford (Cameo Shores) Cc!M 675-6996 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 4645 Perham (Gameo Shores) CdM 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2208 Fortuna , Ne\vport Beach 646-771 1 (Fri., Sat &. Sun 11-4) 1133 Glenea'gle Terrace, Costa lvlesa 646-4494 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Open daily) 1941 \Vind \vard Lane (8aycrest) NB 646-3255 _ (Sat & Sun 1·5) *106 K Thanga (Irvine Terrace) C'*1 645-2000 : 673-1355 Eves. (Sal & Sun 1·5~ 2341 lrvine (Back Bay) NB 540-1720 !Dally 1·5l 1907 Lee,vard Lane. Ne,,·port Beach 540·1720 (Sun 1-61 13BO Galaxy Or. (Dover Sh ores) NB 642-82.'!5 (Sal & Sun) 225 North Star Ln . (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (S&t & Sun) *1607 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 642·5200 ' (Sun 1·5) *4633 Fairfield, Corona del f\tla r 673-8550 (Sal & Sun 2·6) 1338 Santiago. Neu·port Beach 646-7171 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2084 Gold eneye, Costa l\tcsa 546-2313 <Sun 1·5) 1930 Commodore St.. Ne\rport Beach 645-0303 (Sun 1·5 ) 2565 Greenbriar. Cosla t\.Iesa 645-0303 1Sun I-dusk) 2748 Al batross <J'vlesa Verde) C~l 546-5990 or 546-8325 1:-;a l & Sun r-5) IBS4 Pitcairn (ro.1eso \Tordc) Cl\1 546-5990 (Sun 1·5) IS Bedroom) 2060 Phalaropc, Costa Mesa 046-2313 (Sun 1·5) IS Bedroom & Fom ily or Oen) , *4536 Roxbury Rd (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3520 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3032 Capri Lane (Mesa Verde) CM 54-0-1151 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 8882 La Roca Ave., Fountain Valley 54-0-1720 (-Sun 1-5) 1712 Antigua \Vay (Dover Shores ) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1807 Buttonshell Lane (Baycrcst) NB 646-7755 (Sal & Sun 1-5) li:l:l Candlestick Lane (Baycrest) NB &lll-7735 (Sal & Sun l·o) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 12 Bedroom) 719 Marigold, Corona de! Mar 675-2101 1Sun 1·5:30) 20011> Kings Road at Cliff Drive, NB 67~6000 (Sun l.S) 12 & 3 Bodroom) 617 Marguerite. Corona del Mar 675-3000 • (Sat & Sun t .. ) CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE 13 Bedroom) 140 Lexinglon !Montlcellol CM 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *•• ,...•ttdWefWfrMt .. • WNrtroftt . , .. , HOUSES FOi! SALE HOUSES FOR S LE HOUSES FOR SALii HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAL!'.· HOUSES FOR SALi! SALE HOUS 1000 Coron• d1I Mar 12.SO Coron• del Mar 1250 ~ngton Be•ch 1400Huntfngton Beach 1400 Oen1r1I 1000 Gen.r1I J CLASSIC 324 POINSETTIA OPEN SAT. & SUN. 3 BC<lrooms, den, 2 baths; buil~iJU. Larger lot. Near both <loronas. LOCKED OUT of YOUR NEW HOME because of strikes??? M.11 Verde F1mlly Rts1dtnc• -$61,500. Owner •Ill fin1 nc1 2 Story,_4_bdrm, 3 bath home with large liv· ~ng & d1~1ng rooms, panelled family room, island kitchen & a master bedroom suite complete with marble fireplace. Located on a 7500 sq. ft. bomesite near elementary school & park .. ~ome & ground~ area in im· maculate cond1t1on. Asking price $42,500 is below recent comparable sales & 1st mort- gage of $24 ,850 ls assumable at 51h%. R. L. Strickler, 3001 E. Coast Hlw1y, CdM lealtor ------ We have twe new 4-bedroorn homes R1ady Now t 673-6510 You select carpet color. $2,950 moves you in Glen Mar \Ve st. Your new home is in $ prime 1230 Corona del Mar 1250 Huntington Beach location. I==== Westcliff ON 2 lots: LOVELY 2 Sr, 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.lonly $23,950 l ll ba borne. io'ormal din Po norll m ic View Conventional financing. lal4 Pitcairn rm, \V/w crptg, forced air tit · · t bd 1 heal. All rooms open onto 30 ost exciting . r, am rm. Just $234 per month pays all! cwilon1 designed, Broad· , . . . . . x 40 walled brick paUo mooi· llarlxlr V1e\v Hill!'. Bu1lt-1ns, fencing, light fixtures incl uded \\'/Oliw tree & bftr..b-que. ho E J · Open Sund1y t.s 3 ' n1e. xquislte Y appo1ntt'd in purchase price. car garage "'' &loroge .~ bcaulllully lnndsca~. rms. 2 AP'I'S in rear; lrg 1st tlnte offered. PRICE· 2110 MISA YllOl DI. e COSTA MISA e PHONI 14,·SftO upper apt-rented Ye a r S1~.500. Call Kaye NPel, /or rou n d : s m al l l o\ver appt. 644--0323. Donald M. apt-suitable for summer Bird Asi;oc. 547-70.11 Call MR. BUCKLEY at (714) 962-4456 General 1000 Costa Mesa 1100 rentals or gu est ac-1----------'-0.:.: 1----------com6dations. Ba c kyard Sa les Office Opsn: 10 A.M. 'til 5:30 P~. Deily Westcl.lff Plaza BY O\VNER, $13,900. 3 BR, 2 ""'/!crra~ garden area. B S:J5.000 cash. AdJ"aeenr va-SEPARATE BUN A. crpts. drps. frpl, :! LE ISURE.LIVING OPEN SAT ., SUN. 1-5 1959 VISTA CAUDAL . ----------- H;;ington Bea~h14i 1 ~-~::i ngton GALO\\', patios. 6~ 'i~ GI lonn, cant lot w/ O\'f'rsizffi 2 car IJJ!ul.>lc.. Plf':s le~d lo niL'ely b-16-iO:W ·garage, stre5.o;ed for Pp! on '.l -or;,~ -VH.,IV BOY D REALTY HUGE HOME ·Harbour 1405 I planted front court yard. I top. $26,000 L'ash. B Y Marble enll)'. largr LIVING Mtt• V9f'dt 1110 O\~ER. 673-308~ ROOM \VlTff FIREPLACE, 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;; built·in kitchen. DINING SPARKLES & SHINES in· ::ti19 E . CoaH lh\')', Ctl \I 615-5930 A BSENTEE.OWNER- Four lf'\'!'lS or luxury livin;:;. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.11 ! btln11~. J ba ths, formal HUNTINGTO N HARBOUn dining &. separa1e family BAY io'RONT ROO!tf, hl'o spacious bed· ~ms and tivo baths. 16':"<16' !tfaster bedroom has itJ own private patio and garden. Beautifully ca~!cd and draped, serviec porch and uble garage. ENJOY TH E COMi\fUNITY OLYi\lPIC POOL, DECORATIVE PA· TIO AND POOL SIDI:: BAP. B QUE. See this dcl!ghllul adult care.lrce retreat be. tore you buy. Piicc to sett at ................ $4S,500! Evrnina;s Call ~3.763 Improved Lot $3,500 One of the 11l!St remaining fully in1provf'd corner lots in Desert Hot Sprini:~· Paved ~treet1, eurbs, ulll ities in. E:"<ccllenl land in1·estn1cnt with SI .000 Down. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walter & lee 2043 \VestcJill Dr, 646-7711 Open f;11es. $1600 DOWN "''' $139 Per Month Pays All C'holcc Costa Mt>sa locat ion. spacioUs 4 bedroom, 2 bath plus family room and built· Ins. Tenitic 51' % GI loan can be assumed at 5\4 % and ~·ill save you 1housands owr a few'1ears. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 \Vestclirf Dr. S<H-ml Open Eves. Waterfront 2 BR 2 bath + larae living room over garage. Needs work. ?.1ake offer. 1360 NPwport Blvd., C~f Rltr. 646-3928 Ew. 6-ffi.2290 Lachenmyer Office Open Set/Sun HACIENDA Mexican brick & special stucco. 3 BR & famil y, near new, spacious, cuslon1 dee· orated home. Aalumc FlfA Joan $215/mo pays all. Full p11ce $29,00D. CALL 5f0-1151 ~r:] LOW, LOW DOWN Across street.16th Holt Mts• Verde Golf Cst. liitle & out. Liv rin. & 1lu1 &iys. "Get ofl<>r'', on hi~ nn; l!Crvice porch, elC"t' roo111 nn quiet ('ul-Oe.sac 15971 BolPro LRne. Bcau!i- i;11~~·! Prlcrd right Rt $42,. hli ~ bc>droon1, 3 bath, t:a r· 9.1Q. A·:i;s~1ml'" rHA lnnn, JK'led, built·ins, dock taciJI. 2f79 M indanao Or. 2000 sq . fL 3 Bdrnl, 2 bat h, den. flln1il y room, livin1 roo111, bullt·in ki!chen. By o"'Tlt'r. $32.500. lo1v down, ;,i,,t;;; loan. ;J46.lZ18. bl l 1 d IX'aut., lgr .. 1 BR .. ~ m1. tns, c can crp s. rpl'. BluHs honie. Over 2.000 sri lhn1out this 3 OR 2 BA IL Phan'-' fut· anp't. MUTUAL REAL TY ties. °'"'ll£'r has movt'd Easr hon1t. Prof. lndscpd & mainl "'/ctilldm's play yrd CANON REAL TY 842·1418 enytlm• necess.itatlnt: sale. $79,500. 4 BDR, 2 story Prestige (714) 67S.6050 & pel area. Heavy shake • 675-3581 • roof completes. fhis chann·· --~C,7\1\1EO SHORES 1ng home. By owner. Ocean fronc 4 BR & Df.n S-12,500. 6-12-1598. 115 Milford e 675-699G ho1nr-. broker IE l 11 s. 0 &·ttratler call for P.lyrUr !\!cl.arty 4.31·2668.' ._ llAILllHmfT U •• & I--,,~~--,.-,.,~-I \\'hlle Elephants~ ,\ssumc 51$'# lonn Large Cu1tom Home Very Beautiful, -\l'ith flOOI. Near l\1V golf course. :: bdr. 2'h ba, fan1 rn1, 2 IircpiaL'e~. \\'Cl bar. l\iany custo1n fca. lure&. Open Sunday J.j. Own. C"r: 546.&121 Lido l1le 13SI Lido l &le 1351 Huntington Beech 1400Huntlngton Beach 1400 BEAUTIFUL VIA GENOA Imnrrssive, dislincliv<'l.Y dr sil;"nNl fntcl"inr and <'.'-· tC'rior, planned for rntcrlainint:: li\'ini:. dining area, kitchen &: family rm. OJJC'll unto palo. L,er_ 1n~1r. bdrm \\'ith 2 baths; niaid's rn1. & bath do\1·nslairs. Custom built for present o"·ners by Bob Forbes in 1954 & has been beautifully maintained. $95,000. Call ror appointment. Terms VA/FHA. l'rom $12,990. ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT College P t:rk 1115 New homes, ready to move in, Yi mile from beach. First payme nt UP. to 60 days after move in. . - BIG POOL+ Big Verd. 5¥•°lo p. a. palmer incorporated CORA~ SHORES. 3 BR, 2 BA. erpts, S2S.900 $4000 dn. 0\\1NER. 548·9.318 E~'"TRA LAJ{GE J Betlroo1n. The Developers of Lido l1le Since 1935 3377 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH 673-7300 (on Garfield bet\Yeen Beach 962-1353 & ~fagnolia 2372 Rurger~. Cr-.l. * !>16-9993 • !~F~r~o~m~l~o~s~A~n~g~e~l~es~a~r~ea~c~a~ll~M~A~.~l~·8~0~34~~·1i~~:;;; ~ Huntington Beach 1400 Fount1in V1lley 1410 Unlver1ity Park 1237 Coro na del Ma r 1250 --------- 1200 ---A-T~R-IU_M ___ FABULOUS View! O'lookiog TRY THIS ONE · LIKE To live on a !:ln1all Liltle Corona Bt11. li<'ar the FOR SIGHS ! island~ For sale by o\l·ncr Plus 3 BR., coinniunity pOOls, surf! lnitnac 2 BR; den._ 2 Brand Of'\\' and rii:hr near lhe due lO dh'Orcc. Channing parks, le~~· S30'!1 EA Fee s1mp. Xlnt fin. beach. II &autiful bedrooms nld house on Ne"'port t;;4.500 Ownr. 714-6iN176 z OO!hs. Dramatir, raised Island. 7 roon1s. 2 baths. • Red Hill Realty bkni '~lcom" l'r>iling li\'ing roon1 with dis. !fas been com p I et e I y 18068 Culver Dr., Irvine Ne wport Beach ASSUME 51;••/o FHA 2000 sq It. J Bdm1. '.: bath, 450 sq . ft r11mily rm. Pay. menls fPITI I only S240 p<'r mo w/IO~b dolyn. $31,500. O\VNER, 9\t3 El Colorado Ave.. F"V. 962.5960 reniodele-d _ inodem ki!chcn OPEN 9 AM • 8 J?f.1, 833-0820 Cdr.t: "INVEST NEAR 111E tinctivl" fireplacc. An all /bl 1 Lot f 1 OCEAN. 3 Br. 313 ha. den, 2 glass gardrn kitchen takes !'!l!~~~!!!~ .... ~~"!'ll \V t-n..'I. 8 0 s orage. frpl. din rm. :t Gar. Can ttw> •·rrk., out of housrwork NEW t.1eadow Honie, 3 BR & Used brick f""'I & dini"" · d•· 131 ~ ·-d• 7" <"1-.,, ·-o Irvine Terri.Ce 1245 huild another hon1t' on lot . and makes cooking an rX· ..... ,<JIJIJ • ..,.,..., '" 76 "' room \\•all. Bathrooms new ----------I••" 1·mm-·• -·· by Some vie\v, nr. beach & pcrienct'. Cheek these built. """ • ~-.... ,........,. w/sunken tub. Large BY Owner Custom J BR, " • IV 11 all · t.1!!adrnv llomc S afe s 'u•>do•k w/vicw. Newly sho~. okr. 67.>-2010". ins: A IO 1v carprllng, 900 .. SJllln. dsn, sunken livrm. draperies. lencihg. beaul. ,"=· ='-="="'=; ='=~='="='""==:7'.'c II pa1ntt!d outside. Ac ro ss \\'l\llt'd l."OUrt yd. beaut. f 1 d Jd · J ,. 'lt't'rt from Bay o'n 2 side& ron yar scpg inc 11 ing A H I 1630 crpts &: drps, gd. loan. In in· Lido Isl• 1351 sprinklers. Dr!uxe bJt.in a1>-Santa n• 9 1. & 3 blocks lrom ocean. t t SJ5 500 S42.500 buys this 4 bdrm ;.~ no p s. ' · ATI'R. 2 Br .. new frplc, nt'W pliallet's including;d'P.angall', 2 BEDROOltt lfomc + Den. .... NB bll oven, dishwasher & 1spos . """x300' lot. Sll,95tl 8 y hon1e. 4008 .,...,cus, · ========== rpts. k drris. llt'W -ins. It's ready 10 move inro now. .,., 6T~ or 4g.i...5420 C M 1250 ln1n1ac. cond. Lovrly patio. 011•ncr. 646-6469 oron1 del •r 6601 Lucien10 Dr. llunl. Bch· I="===="===== II * BY O\VNER * ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I A BEST BUY. S~7.000. • $27,190. and worth every pen. Oceanfront llome, 3 BR, util L STEC ~ l1<'Y. CA or Fl{A. C7l4) Lagun• B•ach rn1, sewing rm . liv mt NEWL y I BEAUT. cusL-blt. homC': 3 531·8440, JI AM 10 7 PM. Bkr. 1705 w/frplc & ocean view. 2 Bdrm. on corner lo!, w/ 81'., 3 Ba.; Jgc. party room.-·==~=~~== Roomy kit w/bltins & hclwd. firs., fo~ed air heal, 3.000 Sq. fl, Bit.ins, rllx. $20,750 FULL PRICE avocado ah .. crplg lhroout. !gt'. rounlry·Style kitchen; feature:>. Owner must sell. Believe me! That's the priC(' nr 'hop' • 0..ach "' 500 oo 1h'· 3 "·,room Ra-"-ro. front yd w/patio & cabana. .OPEN Sat. & Su~.1.5 . CllARi\.llNG fam ily homC'; 4 Situa~ ~.,_,huge so'"';"'l23" t&i.OOO. 673-6990 •114 He\iotro"" B 3 B 3 C All foot lot. Cove-.. Patio. New .. ~ r. . a. ar gllr. "''"' PRIVATE ROAD CHARMER hit-ins. New cpt"g. 108 Via C:it-pcl:r;. t'reshly painted in· Fabulous view of back bay. New England style 2·slol)'. 3 t~lorenC('. $69,S.'iO s1dr. Submit $2,000 down, Custom thruout. Too many bdrm., 2 baths: vacant & SHORE PROPERTlt:S assume F.Jf.A. 67. intcrt!sl extras to l\ii1c about. Call ready for OCL'Upancy. l39.SOO. J116 Newrnrt Blvd . wi1h JlD-Yn1rnt of Sl1.12 Jnclucl. ror app't to see. OP EN Sat. & Sun. 1·5 NE\VPORT BEACl-f 673-9000 1·~ alt. Call before ils aone! PROPERTIES WEST 608 Heliotrope · WE SELL A HOME 'O"t-Ba"""'· N.B. 675-<130 MUST SELL OPEN SUN 1-5 EVERY 31 MINUTES O\V(:lER'S SAeRIFICE Owner has moved; beautiful 107 VIA EBOLI w lk & l 4 or 5 BR. 2 mo. old Harbor 4 bdrm., family nn. d!nini; a er ee Hills home. LR, DR, Fam. rm., 11·et bar: 1vhite carpel· 4 Bdr. 31 ~ bath, 3-ear garai;t'. R with frpl &: bar. 3 Ba. ing & drapes: asking $6j,500. crpls, drps, Unusual Fea· 7682 Edinger Crpt11, drps, many Xtrall. TRAPPED tures. Built in 1967. Q\\·ner St2·4-155 or 540.5140 XJnt financing. 548-8281 Between the goll course & the (213• :l~4.J101 Eves: (:!lJl Open Eve.~. BY Chlmr. 180 degree view bay. ,spacious 4 bdrm. view 246-0700 $1700 OOW'~No---- of Back Bay, 4 BR & den. homf'. -A5 ECONO HOME 3 BR 2 bath South Shores blt·lns, crpts. drps. larl!:e Open Sa!/Sun Afternoon 01amtln1t l i;tory 2 Bdrn1 .. 2 homr with monlhly J>BY· 1valled in yard. $39,950. Wl5 Galatea Terrace, I. T. Ba _ 40' lot, large rooms. ments of Sl69. Electric built. Day:r; 642-6162. Eves & Sun Sf!p. din. rn1. New plumbing Ins, 6 years old. 2 car gar- 49&-3893 & fun1ace. Sj.j,95() -Xlnt agr, 60xl00' lot. covered renle.L pi.tlo. Carpets & tlrapeli. BLUFFS R. c. GREER, Rral1y Don'I nii1111 lhil'I! l icvel 2 Br 2 ha, convenient .33r» Via Lido 613-9300 1 MILE TO BEACH de11ign. E:"<iras. patios. Own-4 BR Seabu~ home. Owner er. SJS.500. All S pm please being trans!erTed. Priced at 644-1280. Balboa lslend 1355 $28,500. Tl)' S3500 down _ BLUFFS Elegant split level OPEN HOUSE Sat. & payments $218 per month. 3 br, 3 ba w/ Bay-Vle1v. Nr p ools. Many cus . 2821 E . COAST HWY. Sun. 212 Sapphire Ave. lf!JQ~· f10 t!MP improvements. $42.950 lo dn. Corona Del Mir l BR, 2 Ba & den. 24x30 _.,. _ _.:. __ _ &i4-426.'i 673-3770 brick patfo, rxpost'd lx'am ff 1 _ "'!""!~~~~:'!':~~~ ceil ine:s. completely remoct. ---• 0:,~~sid!8~r. ~.s~~sl: • OPEN MOUSES • n.v oivncr. s7a-o~ Sol Vista Special custom home. 4 BR lge SUNDAY 1-5:30 rumpus rm. of·level. io'enced 719 MARIGOLD. Cleverly de· yd, 2 trplcs, bit-ins, over. rorarNI, one..ot·a·kind duplex. sltM gar off alley. Pool Front unit ready to occupy, Huntington Beach 1400 Drivl' by 7812 Rhine Drive LEASE or SALE 4 BR, lam. rm., 2 balM. \Valk to Huntington Center. P i t RobertlOn Realty 1iu lot. Crpls. drps. 548-7986 FOR Sale, 2 BR, 2 BA, luxury oond, by owner. Assum• fi'1% loan. $3.000 dn. Back Be:y area. l 714) S4Ul.79 eves & wktnd~. DELUXE Condo, m a n y xtras, 2 Br, 2 Ba. pool S2S.500. Xlnt terms. Agt. n1 ?OPPY. Imagine a 45 fl, 4 BR, 1% baths, n~ly paint-&47-3553 * 893-41S.2 lot ""·ith a charming "CoW>-ed inside, Cpls, drp.s. Lara:c Neit/Swfft/Complete try Fee~~r:PL~'· B~S~~~RcaRtEAL TY ONL y $22,SOO REAL ESTATE M7-8Ml Eve-s' 9fi8.ll18 Can :wume low ln~ereat loan -=;,-:-:=:--;=·""°'-;-;;-I on thll allrac. J BR 2 bath. 2515 E . Coast Hwy 675-2101 BEACH HOME llurry on !h is one! * NO POINTS--Brand new 2 bdrm. cptsldrp~. HAFFDAL REAL TY 6¥41• INTEREST! 1. blocks 1o bcaC'h. CN.·fK'r 8740 Wat"llC'r, F.V. 842·4400 GLASS WALLS AND WATER Thal ·s the theme tor lhi9 striking contemporal)' slyled home. SPRA\Vl.ED ACROSS 3 LOTS fONE aJULD BE SEPARATE BLDG. SITE\ in n1aje.&tic Riviera section. DC'· tailed exterior of \\'OOD, GLASS. LO\V S\VEEPING ROOF.LINES \V1cxtcnded overhangs. EXTRE?t1E ?t10DER.~ISTJC, J BDR~1.· FLOOR PLAN, FEATURES LGE. LTV. R~1 .. \VITH VAULTED CEILING. l l\1POSING MA SON RY FIREPLACE & \VALLS OF GLASS \VITII STRl.KING 0 C E A N &· SHORELINE VIE\V. New W/W ca.rpetina; lhru..out. 3 car garage. This un ique bit ol modern. io;tic architecture is vacan! & has been compl etely re· decorated in & out. Owner has priced it for immediate sale at $39,950 FULL PRICE OWNER \VILL CONSIDER ANY TYPE or LOW OOWN PYMT. OR TERl\tS TO SUIT 'THE BUYER. A real money n1akin& oppot1uni1y. Call lo- tlay, MISSION REAL TY 98-'i So. Coast Hwy.. l..aiuna Phone 1714) 494-0731 PRICE REOUCED *VIEW HOME* ~J.9j() or les1 -take over I ;;64i--07J2,,-."'"'""-;;;;~n;;;;;;;:con1mct of sale from buyer EASTBLUt"F' By Owner. movins back East." 3 Br, 2 LUSK ~ Br. 2 Ba. A51ume ba, frplc .. Why non!~ Owner S1l ?l-ldan. 142.000. 6#-0309 /Bkr, t42·2221, 8~6-9666. View ,hon1t". \.\'11.lk to 01.;ean says, ··~Tak(' nl!' ~n nffer" NEEDED & bea.ch. R·2 lor: room for ~e this culC' vaceoon honie. another unit. $7'2.900. ri2 800 s 1 a 1 e s Realty J or ~ BR Glen ?tlar. Cash to · ""• fi l7~t9 Evl's. 536-4558 ' VI\ or 1-'llA l~n ·quick l'JI. ...,, °"""°'~·==;.-==.,--I rrow -no point~. Call Mur- • A VACATION SPOT I iellt OtSl'n WXzA. Your own homr ~/your own BRASHEAR REALTY BY OWNER PERFECI' condition! Must see Interior ro appreciate! 3 BR, 2 BA, large llvina: rm, tlreplace, dinette, all elec- tric Incl kitchen. Thermo controls each room. Beamed ce,illfl&"-lhru-001, "'all to 1vall carpels. dra))("s, lge cor lot, shrubs. Good deal for G.I. Owner n1ovina ro n.ncb. Price $.~1.100. MAKE OFFER Wr1lc P.O. Box 9l4, Laguna lkach or call 494-4726 ll'I)'· lime. OPEN JJOUSE sat I Sun 1-6 • E A L T Y hid pool w/plen!y of line S47.&.'!l Eve1 536-2123 VIEW HOME Near Npt. Post Ole. 64&-2"14 deckhlR'. 2 stories, 5 hdrms. · • • l===============i ~B~·v~•~h·~·~••:.....~--1_2_25 Co1t11 Mesa 1100 4 BR, J BA. 2622 Vb:ta Dr. • OPEN HOUSE e Now onb' $37,500. \Ve'l! help YOUNG & BEAlITIFUL ... BY .OWNER BUYERS BONANZA 8Y Owner. 548-3892 you make lhe dn pymnt 3 Br, 3 Ba, Ira fam rm oft New l Bdrm & Den. Beam o0Vff. shor11-f227 SAT. & SUN. 1.s Rex L. Hodges, Rlfy bulllin kitchen. Rm far pool cellln.r1. outstandina VIEW. Nl!AR NEW 611 VISTA BONITA 8472525 &:. boftt. S36.SOO. 962-0731 AU em: kltchtn. Roman 3 Bedroom· 2 Beth * UNIQUELY Where elte can you enjoy 3 · 10172 sTintan Circle, HB be.th. MUst ~ll _ $17,500 or TOO BIG lor &nndma I OUfcrtnt "Old World" Con· BR .• 2'11 beths pluc pool? J BOR.l\f. 2 Ba, fam rrn. less olrer. OPEN SAT &: SUN pa. Small down tor temporary, Executh't tuxul)' Lea11eo/optton. $31.950. lt\an I YT old. All!Ulme 6% 'iii IT'S U'ONDERFUL the many 10 am • 4 pm , 1495 Sky~ne trunib' home. homc. Unob&tn.icttd Bay l BOYD REAL TY loan. Ncll r \'orklO>A'n bey1 ln Rppllances you fiod Drive, or phone 830-2825. 2S,750 * s-10.sm l\1tn vtew from n1~l rm1. 3l?9 E. O>aM Ill"''">'• CdAI Bt11hard. Pi.!IOO, prlnclpe,11 In lhe aas.illed Ads. Cleek PANORAMIC NER: Ea'tsld1 CM. '/ 5,0IXI sq. ft. t BR. 01\k BA + 675·5930 only. them now! t l f ,,;,o~j~VN~ER~~·~96>-~'lilfl~-;;--1;:::-;::::::-;:::::~;:::::--;;:: Ocfan \'lew lot: $6,900! Small, bltn kltcbt'n. natural maids qtl'1. dell or enter. -: b I 1 ll 000 Down baJ. birch cablntts. 66xl26' lot 181nlna:. Easy malnL lmmf!d. CJlAR.1'llNG DUPLEX on ASSUME S•l "A Joa n on J yr lf'.1 Beach hoiuie time. Blc· ut tve · · , wJ alley acceu for boll! or OCCUJM-nc)'. Furn I 1 he. d. dbl lot S. ol Hwy, CdM. nld, 2 sty, 4 Br, .L.. fAm rm, irc1t !tlecUon r11er! See the. 4~.:~I month. 49'7·l2lO trailer. 6~ % loan can be $173,000. Good loan. Box 1632 Owner . .$58,51'.lO. 673-4169 3 8 A , 0 wn e r DAILY PILOT QauUjtd I ;;;<;;~:::;=::;-,.;:::'::-if.:: d M• ~ .... ,.... N B MS-7249 White e.leph.tn_ ti? Dune-&·llM S37.9!ll. It ~19<t Sf"«:tion ?jQWL Whit. ele.p!u,ntc! DtJne..a-linl ~·..u~m~•::::.·=~=·~~=·c::~~.:.:.:;••;,_o .;..;;;;;.··...;;...;... _____ , -------~-· PAUL WHITE CJUUfAHAN ... _e. IT'S THE SOLD THAT COUNTS! LIST with Paul-White-Carnahan and put your property in good · hands. Relax - P.W.C. and the Multiple Listing Service will do the work for you; This means com· plete information on your property is given to 850 sales people who meet buy· ers in all areas. This assures you of great· er exposure and more buyers. LIST NOW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I $25,000 to $29,999 • I PRESTIGE AREA Thi11 lovt'ly J BR homr has h.lrdwood floors. 2 Ba1hs. ~paclOUS living roorn 11·lth fiN'placc. Nirt' siu• bNl1·oon1.~. l...0111 .,r 1·lo~r1 ~pa('f', Con\'Cnicnt lo \\'('s!clill shop ri l n1o: Plaza & Nc1rport $28.;,oo. school. Choit'e lat:alion. Only EZ terms. 546-~40 6% VA LOAN Assume this large loan \1·11h no Interest chargr. J ' BH modern home in t11c~11 Vrrdr. 1ai bath.~. Slall ~ho11rr. 1\11 ctcctrlc blt-in kitchen. 2(l loot hv1ng roo111 wilh fireplact 100: Also fa mily roon1 plus a hui;:r t'nclosed J a n ll i . Located in nief' quirt llC'i~hborhood. No1v only $28.5 00, Lo1>J d0\\11 .PYml. :il6--:-'4·10 NO OOWN PAYMENT To 01vn this vacanl lm.t 511. foot, 2 years old. 2 story. 4 BR home plus fan1ll.v 1'00m, Interior 11.ll 11('\\l.V repainl!'d. l.()v!'ly 1C'l'J"acetl kilch~n 11• I ! h hll .111 cll"r1ric f'ye level rtu1i,:c and double oven, plus dishwaslwr. Scparttll! living roo111, flrplc. Largt> nias1er llt'droom 1v i I h privalt' halh, extrv larg~ "'ardrobe cloMts. Buy on no dc\Yn VA terms. Low rlo1vlf F'llA or 10' o do1vn Convcn1ibnal. Asking $ZS,i00. ~la.kc oflf't. 5-tC·5'140 SPLASH SPLASH Ltve ii 1111 in yo"ur nwn homr. Thi~ Bttcc<)lo bu!lt- 3 BR + family room has t.'U1!on1 18 x 36 heated & fi ltered pool. Nice dc<:klng 11·(']1 landscaped. :! bath~. stall shower. l.c>VC'· ly blr-1n kitchen. Quality t'Onstruclion. Rustic rarich style, 2 ("ar gar>'. Price 0 11l y $27.9;,0. EZ tern1s 54£...M40 WHIZ BANG VALUE You 1vi1I look • long time ~ to find a sharpe_r J BR homC'. It has everything for easy living, Sparkling bit-in kl!. Like new W/\V t·pls. 2 R11.ths. s ! a 11 J<h()\\'t•r. Spllclou~ llvlni room with l i rrplace. Ft-ncl'CI. Rear yard. \\'ell landscaped only $26,!r.iO. £Z termft 546--5440 INSPECT ANO BE C'on\·\nctd that this J BR moctrrn cri.~p home with rl!nin:;:: room + 30 foot riool i~ totl11y's lop \alue. Newly installed 11/v.• cpts. C leve.rly dccorall..'<i lhruout. 2 Baths. SpaC10U5 h11ing roon1. Fireplact. Bright • k11chen wUq oven & range. Low priCf' of $27.500. EZ terms_ 546-5440 I OVER $30,000 I QUAINT ANO CHARMING \Vi th a dl"finile. pl'rsonality. This older 3 BR + ran1lly room home ls d ll feren t. Choice Nr\\'port Beech location near Harbor ll I g h • Spollcss condition lhruout. t,antaJ;tic 18 x 20 mnkcn family room with rock wall + hearth. Spacious l111!ng room loo, "'Ith "·Jw carpels -qua.lily drapes. Sep.Rrate dining roon1 with beam ceiling. Bright kitchen. Park like yard wi1l1 covered patio. Priced right at $32,900. 10% down 546--5440 TEXAS SIZE !i Bedroom homt' AI M hRs J baths. Ideal lor that hirgr fumily. N r a r schools & shopping. Im· maculate t.'Ond\tion. Hugr livini; roont, llrcplacc and top qualily w/w cp~ & drapes. Outstandinu. All. electric bl1-in oven & rana:c. Park like yard with sprinklent Room for boat. A must M'C at '37,0CiO. EZ terms. 546.5440 TAKE OVER S¥•°1• FHA • LOAN r\o change in intel'f'.&I ratr. Payments SIR2.00 rnonrh !h11!'s alJ. Fine ~ Bit hon1c in good location. Near schooli1 & ~hopping. Many extra11. M i r r o r pa.m>lied wall o v e r flrrplaec. Quallly \V/1v rpts. ~:i;. 31 :x 15 Blue llaven healed pool with slide & board "·rll deckt'<l. Bir-in ki t. 2 baths. Al!IO Addt'<l Is pannelled + riled iaraJ:e ronll{'t1rd to rum- pus room. A 1nusl SPr 111 $31 .300 :AG-5-:<\0 KOOL-KOMFY- KLASSY Relax -this gracious pool home L~ a line value. Features. :l goori s1~ bedrooms plu:i;. F'amlly room + lfl baths. 17 x :?I livi11g roon1. Wall lo '>'·all :-iit~ & drapes. F'irerilace. Srcp saver k itehen. Bit.ins & dishwasht'r. Doublr )'Ar d 1vcl l d~vcloped. Asking $32,950. VA no down or min FHA terms. .54i4l40 WANT 5 BEDROOMS? WANT PREFERREO· ARIA? You'vr waited Ion c rnough. Vacant 2900 .sq. foot n1ansion. Baycrest. '9f1vporl &.Reh. ll rftks ruallfy in evt't')' detail. 3 barhs. All carpeted "'ilh Grcciian tubs. Wall paptr. I lugr master seporate bt'droom with own bath. King !'lizc ktt bll-lns. Forn1al scp dining room. P!u11 l)llrk like ya rd ~pr!nklcr And hr. a t e d rahitian pool, A muat Stt al STl,400 546-5440 WHEEL & DEAL This must sell. l\~ Ktory. 4 BR home is vacant, Owner anxious for quick sale. Many r:"<pensive ex. tras here. :l Baths. water softener. Firep l t. 1\•aterlaJI. Tiled entry, Dblr doors. Cobble~!o~ 1v a 1 k s, b!t·in kit le dillhwa1her. \V e il landscaped front &: rear. A3king $42,500. 546-5440 I CONDOMINIUMS I 4 BR-2 BATHS Choice 2 story unit. llas many extra fca turf'~. Brl£hl kitchen with bl!-ln oven & range ·t- dishwashcr . Quality w/w cpt1 It custom drapes. SpoUess condition thruout. Electric garage d o o r opener. Use of {lOOl + clubhouse. Carefree 1nalntenance. Only $23.500. ~40 POOLSIOE LOCATION Extlu9ive Cape Sl'rics. Near Back Ba_y. ln1- maculate 2 BR. 2 story home. Pools. clubhouse &: puHlng a:reens add to your ~njoyment. 2 baths. 23 x 18' living room w i I h brick tlrtplaet'. Ste p sawr kit with bit-ins. Luch· landscaping. 2 car garage. Only S25,500. Good terml'I 5*'544Ct OCEAN VIEW ThiA well planned 4 bed- room home on the Blutf.9 is a. must set'. !las private entry plu11 a wall- ed palio. Red tiled roof too. 2 baths, stall shower. Outsllmdln& kitchen with built-in oven &: range + breaktut area. Large li v- ~ room wtth tireplaoe + w/w cpt.1. &, drapes. 11'11 qua1!1;)' thruout and choice loeatlon. A111dng 132,!!0rt. • EZ term1. 54&-540 Fp•n House, Sunday 12:30 to 5:301 3072 TAYLOR WAT Just listed -3 BR homt' with heattd pool -l "-bathl -Specious living room, tlreplRCt", high pile WRll to wall carpels, drlpet. Many cxpenslvc ex- trat; Mirrored wall over flrepla~. CUctom drapes -Pluri a plll'l('\ed, rumpu11 room. Prl« $31,300. 3 blk. tNl o[ Fairview off Psularlne>. 546-$440 1003 IALTU., MISA YIRDE V11ca.nl 4 bedroom, l \.ii story Pacestt- tcr. Just redu~ $1000 for quick u.le. 3 blllhs -Srparatt! formal dintnr room. Paneled rAmlly room -Ovtr 2200 sq. fl. or llvlni llfllCt', 4S foot covered patio. Water fall and Clreplt. St'C thi.s for 1ure. Optn 12:30 to 5":30 $un4&Y. 546-5440 PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN Re•U• Co. 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA a 1 ' \ •• I. ' • l • . '• -- t 'I if -· . . ·- " ' ' ' I , . ' ~I 1 I I f I , /. :I Ii l Bl ' { ~ 1 -...... --~-. • - • J<f DAILY l'!LOT S.tlltdly, Augult 1. 1969 11, l(i kENTALS R NTAlS RENTALS lENTAlS . RENTALS RENTALS ~'!" · -".""'iohecl Apts. Furohhod . Hou-Unfurnl1hed Ho-'U•lvnljthtcl A.fl!: Furnl1~od Apt .. Unfurnl-Apia. UnhlrnhhH * '°' !"!'!"!':! _., '2200Nowport Botch 2200 Newport Buch 3200 Legun• Niguel 3707 !!!_wport Beath 4200 Coste Mou 5100 Corona dot M¥ 5250 -3 Bit, 2 BA, bta\Jttlut ~·. 1 ,; 2 BR 1ptt. f'rnm $1S5. to CHANNEL ~I ~. 2 bdr, 2 RENTAL,$_ YEARLY I /I'-Dl11ns, dshYl'hr, crptt. (lrps, SJ~. J"o chVd~n or pt-hi. (ONJTRdCTJON bl, $4751~. tea.se. 1 BR .. 1 Bath . furnlshed ........ _ ..•.. ,.,., .$150 TOWNHOUSES frplc. 836-5750 or 54.2--1215 ~n·•·rnPlacenUa. Abo avail. c.1« BR I Ba h (' I nf •200 3 Bedroom, 2 bf.lh., split· ·-·~··=·~~~==~ G IDEAL for woril:ll'IC cpJ 2 BR t..1 2BR i'nath t · ~epace ; u urn ...•..•••.. $2oo lt>,·ei. S cur rArport. races Condominium 3950'.NEW BAY FRONT* , .+-sunde<:k. Stovt I relri&. 'fl" 4 BR.., I'" B . hun '1" ... C" 1' . '11.1· •••...••••.. •200 pool. $765 n'IOOth. H \<:. Beaut. 2 Br. T ,_ ""· un. 2 Br. 2 B.:i, $330. yrly l!IC. No pell. sn-9234 , • 711 at , un urn, os a a esa ...•••••. ., ALSO ---.. F\i u 1 233 19 h s eight• Four 4 BR 2 Baths un£urn $275 run1 Country Club Villa :n., 0 u 15• 1 t., .. ._ Bl\ UNITS PitOO. 2 BR, bit-Ins, R&O. a:. ¢.• ., • · ·'' · · · · ·' '· · • ·' '· '· • · 2 ~roon1. '.l bath, splll·l~Y. Ct·pt'.s, rtrpl. bll-ln'i. for 1; Apt. C, 6i~Q'l36. 4 • d~. trpl, terract, v\~w util. 2 BR., I BaJh,Jurn .. CJ>angeJ (ront.. ........ ,$300 <!. • c,., • ., .... S2Z 10 .,.11 ~>18! .,. DECORATOR'S PAD oll .,1lh.!.iref""'" ,1180 mo. S4f>.2266 I S BR., I Bath. Den. furn .................... $350 month. 3,101•1 ,,.._ dl1~wll.&herjj &: 2Dithl. 3 BR. 2 B th D I ""' B & B h ·"' v ,) \.Untplclcly furn, color TY, Rental M•ntg" _ I • a" s. en urn.··· ... ····· .. ······· ·i»NY ay eac stereo. Groovy, co1npact 1 Huntington B .. ch 5400 1 SUMMER -WEEKLY Re•lty1 Inc. Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 Br, nrchannel, ~arba. $16S. ll1 7~l~Pn':.:~:eA.Ve. ~-All sius l loc•tion1. from .•...••••.... , •.•. $100 !IOI Dover Or., NB Sulit 126 . -Avail 9/1. 208 43rd Sl., UNFURN. 2 Br. •pt. in .URR WHITE' Realtor 6~;;.2000 Evei1. 5-18-6966 2 BR, partly two. duplex. lg, 673·35-IO <Lfler ;i pm, Costa Mas• dupl~x; carpet&, bltM, gar. I l !"'~~~"!"~"""""""'l IC'n~,., 1-ear yd $130 mo. ON TllE BEACH Phone 546-1034 apace, sep. yard. 2 Blkll. r~' 1901 NewEpoVrtENBllNvda:·s~. ~'"·21l" or 67' •••'975-4630 3 BO~. l'2 ba, lg fain rm 542-4I6a altl'r 6 p~1. 3 BR 2 BA, ~·ash!!r/dryer.1 "''""""'""'"""""'""'!~""'"i !:~1.,,""~~1~1. ln~~~: _ .u ~ .r-.,, YI'/ fireplace. Paneled din 2 BR. !'II'\\', bi1-11u1, CJ)ls, Yearly lease $325 per mo. HARBOR ·GREENS 842-3763 rnl, f<>nted )'8!'d. S:tJ:>. dr~. Pri patio, gar, No yd Or Summer S200 w k , ~~--..,..-,--.,.,,--..,,-' 1. HOOIES t=Oift 'SATE RENTALS • 612-51~9 11·ork Slli n10. ls! & last n10 675-2039 BACHELOR unlurn r r 0 m 2 BR. crplJi, drps, bltns, Irr I .. Laguna Buch 1705 n LAGUNA -C\NY0N J BR house $14,fa>. }~enct'd ' yd. Zoned lncl11£trial. 61-8li0 Hout9& Fu"'ilhed HOUSE Jo~or lease $Z70 nio. plus '50 cleaning Ice. Adults ''s~A~C~H~--~1-1~1 ~1 ---1 SUO. Also avail 1 • 2 l: 3 patio. S125 mo. 1501-B No pets 5-15-0914 · · Apt. VI ease to Bd-. H••I~ -•-, •hild Alabama. 5 3 6-7 21 0 or f'legant 2 BR, 2 BA, B.=1t·.k1~='-o=-,~~~~-,-I responsible adult. S80 t.1o. \i ''" '" ~ """13 .._ ~2128 Summer Rent1l1 2910 Bay atta. Coup!~ P•'-'f'd . 4 BR, 2 B{'. ·~ blk 10 bi'ach. Block 10 ocean. Avail. Aug. care cente1', adj to &hopping. ========== 714-.'>1~179 eves l: 1\•kends. Ot~an vii'\\'. 1st. Call Colll'ct. No pets. * * * * ... * Wheddyo Want? Whlddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS • Spo<lal Rafi S Lines -S tlmn -5 bucks RVl ES -40 MV$T INCLUDI!! I 1-W~ll l'9IJ 111.,. 10 ""'· 1-Wllll Y!>U Wllll I" h..-1-YO!JR PMl'lt 111d/W .oclrftt.. 4-5 IMt ol 10..tl'fllll\8. 1-Jo!OTHING FOR SAle -1'Ro\DES ONl YI PHONE 642.S671 To Place Your Tr1der'1 P1r1dlse Ad " 4 BR, N. La&una. view, easy yard mainL Xlnt f I n , o~~r.~ BALBOA -Inexpensive C'Ot· tagea. \Vttkly rates July, August. Sept. 54S-ll58 "PAili<wxr';liik.~;;;;:211--~·~·~67~:1-'822~".:,~·~·:__ 213: 793--07'28 2100 Petcl'IOn Way Huntlngton Beech 5400 "PARK LIDO", like rww, 2 Costa Atesa 546-0370 Br, 2 Ba, lrplc:, pool. 2 car (ENTALS i\IAGNlFICENT View, \\'Ct'k NE\V $150 up. 1-2-3 BR. n· Cruiser;-auto Pilot, 2 depth finders, range 1200 mi, Recent survey -"'ill consider property, TD, or smaller boal Owner: (TI41 m.3400 lfave large bayfl"'>nt home,· pier & fioal, Belboa Penln. Pt. Need smaller ho m e • NC\vport or Costa Mesa. Broker 613-1420 613..9127 I .. " a:a;-. $%JO. Bier &46--07'.12 Apts. Furnishe,d or yearly, split J.evcl, 2 MARTINIQUE Heated &:: sauna pools, rec l;1~ * A J EWEL: Large 2\--s BR. CUSTOM 2 BR, lg modem. 1 house lrom 0tta'n. Avail. Aug • Sept. 6iJ.-roS.) 3 BR 2 BA fam. rm. blttns. bedrooms, firt'place, gai'B.ge, GARDEN APTS rm. Hell Ii: Algonquin. 't.1p'. gar.:lener $275. 6·12-1682. 2006 Gener1 I 4000 20011~ Kings Road, 548-2394 Excellent ... rk-11'·-swTOUrd. 846-3137 or 846-4144 Pomona Dr. -afrer 6 p.m i.e 2 & 3 BDR?-.1, 2 Ba, pvt patio, EQUITY in 4 Bo!droom . !' View. P.1usl see. 132.SOO. Jtr '0•-ner, 494-8673 Lagiin1-NigUe1-"-1101 r-.ljNI ocean v~•. spac. 3 MOD~ 2 Br. d41>lex: nr, beach le bay: avail. 8/16- 911. SlfiO Wkly. 6Ta-:m'7 -~~=C..,.==---ISll.i. Nict" 1 Br, pool, pulling ==='==· ===== ings for adu'lt& only. h ea t ed poo I, n@Wly r-.fesa Verde homf'. TRADE * t"OR I.EASE * green. A\'all 8/19. Broker Corona del Mar .. 250 Bach, 1, 2 & 3 BR. Apts, decorated. '962-8994 for income pl'operty, C~ta 3 le 4 Bdrm Honie 645-0111 Pool, nr shopi)ing. $31~1rno. AgL 6·1()...--32.15 Sl50. 1 Br )O\\'•'r, ni('f'ly-furn. i. AR GE !\1 0 0 ~ ?i 1m Sa11ta A~_A(!.t. lll, 2 BR, 1or 2 children ok. Pets r-.tesa a~-e~S-6288 * ' I 1· I ' ' BR, 2 BA, bea1n const, r landscaped. unusual. xtru, Owner $37.000. 494·3714 RENTALS Houses Furnished .• Rentals to Sh•re 200.S 2 BR, reA, ad}bay/beach. Av.ail, Aug. $200 wk. 673--1901 2 BR Balboa apt adj beaches/pier .i ra-$150 wkly. 53&-3911. 67!>-5810 BAL.BOA 1 BR, redec, Nr. beaches. S1s.s11i' \V k I y , SJ&-39ll or 6T.~10. · -I' 1· 11'/\V A• 'I 8/. ll'·-BA C tt EL 0 R Beautifully e 6-IG-5.'j.12 e ok. Crpts, drps. range & I~=~~~~-~--Newpor t Shores 3220 a 10• ' 'al ;i . ...., furnished. all utll pct. Sl!ll. garage Sl35. 962-7637 HAVE : 8'Cab0verCamper -~----------534-6980 ni.i. 5-IO-~ NEW SPANISH \VANT: tent trailer, can1p- 3 BDRr.1. 2 bath, 2 ca1· ---==~~--~-~ VILLAGE APTS. Tustin SMO er shell, aluminum boat. go.rage, firrptaCi', pool-Co1ta Me•a 4100 S!\·IALL ~ludio apt. u!il. pool, 1 Al 2 BDRM. Furn or un-'------'.;:c" * 5-15-6030 * c I u b ho u s e-lennis rnC'n1-kitchenette, $100 per mo. furn. Afr-rond, dshwhrs, seU THE ASPENS be.r-ship. JI~ blks to bC'aeh, $30.00 Wk. up l.se only. 5'\9--0010 clean'& ovens, patio, b1-eak· 1.)652 William St TR.ADE foi· home, duplex ( ha · T 11 • 1· dd or T.D. well located C2 crpts, drps. Avail I year e Oa.y, iveek, month, ast rs, priva~ fundecloi, u.~ n s pre~ ige a ress leaSe at $215. 6·12-3.':74 aft 6 • Studio & Bach. Apts. Balboa lsl1nd 4355 Lrg storage closets, Heated Adult living, no pets "~th large paved parking pm • 1~ U"'· , Pho pool, saunas, bar-b-ques. Shag carpehi Jot and good building. . '""' u...."' ne serv, Cl lARh!ING Imm•"· 2 BR $27,200 with $11,700 "'"Ui'u. e M 'd Se · 1V iL ... Sound proof "'alls, walk in Total air condilioning -.. <J SHARE 3 BR w/1 or 2 Condominium 2950 Bay Shores 3225 .a1 .n'lce, ava ap l . Nr.ar sandy cJoselJi. covered carport. Furnlshed&:Unfurnished AiCnt: 64&-771 1 ladi,s, epl or mothrr &: "'"'-..._=='-"""---'"-'~ ~ Ne,w ewe & Bar beach. * Avail Aug 2nd lo Adults, no pets. Gy.mnasiuma I:. Saunas Laguna exC'c's 5pJit-level . LARGE. 2 Br, 11 "' Ba, sl\Kl10 \\IATE!ll'RONT N"'" BBC, 2316 Nt'.!1Vp0rt Blvd. 5i8·!1'fXI Aug 16th, & l,;t 2 "'k~ in · daughter considered. Kit. & type, blt-ini;, pal1o, pool. '-·u I T!IF. CAJJFORNIAN Apartments fron1 $150 home; 4 Br. 5 ba., Sauna, laundry privl. Cose lo S200 mo. Adults. 67l-8800 luxury J BR, 3 BA. "1th LGf_; Baehelor. unit. Sharp. Sept. llS Abalollf'. 6i.">-05SS Phone 54~2727 For inlormation.8&>-6681 lluge rms. Nr. beach. Ocean Golden \Vn;t coll~e. $65 mo J:'3n"I, )Tl)'_ Sepl. ]j ro 4 Ci·ptsldrps. f\r. ~~ Coai:;t BEAUTIF'UL UppC'r duplex 3 BOR, :I ha Townhoose. S700. vit-11·s. Val. $87,500. For singlf', SllS mo doubl~. Call BLUFF~ 2bdr 2 ba, den, yrars. $WO 1no. Ri:"i:11. Plaza .. OC~. $1.i.l Incl . Apt. Very <'lose 10 St. Bay. 4 :oastal TO's or Comm. 49-1-4633. ti 6 wkdays Stl--821 pool, years leaSP. ;idul!s, no pt'lo;. 714-&12-j671 rvPrytlung. :HG-5079. Alt. 4 Br. 2 ba. S400 per mo. yrly, cpts, drps,. biting, 2 pools, H Lo 3 BP. • p.rn. . I &M-1.'.l95 or 2l:i--199-4.~ Pi\! Salisbury RJty. 673--6000 l'lubh<>usc. .1210 unir. $235 Beach Apts. D~~ vealrs!-'-'' • homt. SHARE your place or mine -furn. :i4&-24:i6 ..,..,,., corr , ,,,,.ing arena, ·l'!)ng~nial, intelligent active RENTALS --LOVELY Big 2 BR. 112 Ba. tack rooni, etc. 11~ acre. ttllnd R.N. not wanting to West~liff 3230 Pool, 1i;:11ki. Clean. arlults * TOWNHOUSE * New • Deluxe S31,000 t'q. Trade for land, I-live alone _ not in hills. Houn,J Unfurni•hed L"ASE 11, ., i·rr ''B 3 -6 $190. Z:lO san1a Ana. c.r.l. Huntington l:ie1ch 4400 2 UR, l\: BA, crpts, dips, ,714 ) 5:u..616 !Ofllm.Subniit.S-12_648781er. 54g,_1329 r_ est 1 · " · r, liL">-2!133 patio. Adults. $160. 13-t E. l ===~~-~~=ol General 3000 'Z Ba, fam rn1, crpts. drp~. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL l\'felody Lane. 6"2-GSrl. (714) 5~1487 Lake Arrowhead, magnifi- \VANT To share niy lrg 2 BR '--"'-"'------':.:.:~ bllus, 20:<•10 hid pool. pool l BR, $14J. irltl. utils. Heated Baehelorclle for wotnan. SIOO. I;;=°"'=""'~-~'"""-T:iil Ocean Avenue cent 5 Br, 4 ba on golf cse apt In C?-.t A prof girl lo S325 LEASE, 4 BR, 3 BA, hse. O\\·oe1·. ~6-22'.ll f'vr!I pool, adults, no Pel s · mo util pd, pool. 17676 cam. ?.!ODERN 2 Br. cpts, drps, 13 btks \V. of H.B. Pierl le lake. Vie~·. $125~1 cir. Lo ·s.ame. Apt 1 ~ furn. you pm-2400 &q. It CU.!Jlom, no pets ==========I :.49-262'1. 968--1740. ero<ll.B. 347.2125. GE kltch, encl. gar, nr bu5. dn. Airplane or boaJ trade. 32a Vist8 Baya C ~I U k 323 Jl-IO. Adults, Mgr. 124 E. D p · I s7•• vide other ~J or ~·e'll make 646-lS4Z ' · · niversity Par 7 GORGl':OUS Nt'.!1v 1 & 2 Br. Nf.'V $200 up. 1-2-3 Br, hid 20th •n1 01n "tv Owner ln4) ~103 or a d~aJ . 646..(1().Ul or 546-7372 1, • Al'!J\~ty rm, pool, sauna. & sauna pools. ree rm. Heil l;;;n;-;;-;;:c::=-.,.,,-..,.......,.= 337-3169. I ~t * GIRLS to share beach apt, $250. 4 Br, fam nn. 21f Ba, LIRGE :1 Bedr, 3 .~ b11. F mly 2000 Parwns, C.M. 642-8670 & Al uin M r 846-'l37 NO\V Renting: New lge I BR LARGE New 2 BR 1%_ BA 1---------- Conclo. Jt/O relr·g t Rn1, \l'/W, crpts, drp!', blt-goq · K " apts, cpt10• rtrps, bltin.s, gar. 11Plit ~vel duplex "'/gar. Clear lots & acreage. Large ·y67e!1"i ZJO. • Newport Beach Childrl'n \~'Ch.'01~e'. e.~ ~~ in;;, pool, tennlJI av;1il, edj AJ_.L Util pd, J heir duplrx: Patios. Adults only, !Ylgr. Refs. 4~75, 499-1391 dt'.!luxe lodge, Idyllwild, 16 .....,._, 534--6980 park $300 nm. 646-j:ill oldC'r ad~\5, inlanL pets 01\ Orange County 4600 2110 Eldt'.!n. 646-1762 REAL ESl A'rE units Rivcr.iide. Trade for .' Coate Mau 2100 ~' 2 BR. gar. patio, rpti'I, drps. _ stove, refrig, lropical 11Clting ~ for adults. l blk to shop • $185. Afo 544--4780 WANTED: TLC for one year, for our 4-bdr. fam rm, crpta. homt. Lease, approx. S16j. 2 Br, 11-i:' Ba Townhse, Sto\•e, refrig, patio. Avail 9/1. Bkr. 534-6980 EXECUTIVE Homes. 4 -;, & 6 Br. Fum ! unfurn lrorn SJOO. Bier 645--0111 . ' $100. :.'33J F:ld('n, cr-.1 large boat or ? ? ? l114) BF:AUT 4 BR 21 ~ ha lownh~r . . SINGLE un adults Ju" LARGE Unfurn bachelor apt. Gener1I .. 65!!-2515 " fq1lc.s r!lh gar near UCI NICJ-, 1 Br rlp\x, Quirt. Sf'11. .. yo g . . 400 sq fl. Elec range & . $..12.:-o' s;·~ 21 •10 by gBr;ige~. 1 adult, ovei· 30. ury garden nptg, w/full n>Irig. No rvots util pd, $1"". Rent1ls W1nted 5990 J 111 · •. .-/\o ,...,L~. 646-27& recreation fa c i I it Ir 5 & •·-.o.;J ,.. l 1 Sinilh 5'19-3866 Coron. d.I M.' 3250 LOVl•l.\' 1 Bfl I'd 1 l'Omp rte p1· vnry. Sou1h I,.=,.--.---~~--~ _ , '· <>_nc ya.Ii:· Bay Cluh Apl~. 277 So. 2 BR unfurn, adults. no pels. ~u sludrnts._ Sl:~ mo. lll04 Brookhursl, Anahein1 (714) $1.'l:i. Open for ini:;pection e ATTENTION e ln1mac. owner's unit sep. house + 2 duplexes & u·i- plex -beautifully maint'd, Trad(' do\\'n for R-4 roncd, clear prop. Bkr. 642-6"87 $110. 2 Br, children 0.K. 3 BR. • 2 BATHS . Ll C111nn10. ;:>16-.HOl 772-4500 Mon. 5--6 pm. 2575 Santa gar, yard, F'p\., l'PIS.. divs. Avail. I BDR dzspo~l-dlb sink I"=""======= Ana Ave, apt 8. NO\V_ No ~pc-1s or rtuld un-parkin~ ;cr.n-a . \\'~sl side cM G;';den Grove 4610 Broker 53H980 de1· 8. S:?S:, month. si~ ,-~ .729 2 ER. Duplex Crpts, drps, CORBIN. MARTIN "" ,,,...1 SINGLE Young Adults Lux-bltns. Adults, no pets. $140 : Newport leech 2200 Cost• Mtq 3100 lll'.:AL-TORS 1~========'° ury garden apts 1<1ith coun-n10. 1892 Orange Ave, cr-.1 I ---'----'--'~ 3roi 1::. Ci;:1 ll"Y· Cd Pl Newport Beach 4200 Lry club almosphel'e and 2 BR., I ~ ba., cpts. drps; Sept. l, S275 mo. 54:)..6131 0\\'llers in this area 1vho may h11.ve income property in VlC. of L.A. AIRPORT: re- ~ponsible couple le 6 yr, old daughtl'r (no ~Isl, seek 2-3 Br. unfum. home (cour1, sgl. dwelling or J10me apls. eonsidred.), nr. school, in nice al'E'a. 0e!;erving fa_m. Outstanding new view ho1ne Laguna Sch, 3 Br, dt'.!n. Bcllm Ct'il'gs, elec kil., Ro- man bath. Trd eQ. of $14!\1 for lot. ! by owr. SJ0..2825. VACANT LOT JN NE\VPORT BEAClf \\'UJ., ACCEPT TD'S OR BOAT. ./ 6~'.!-7898 ./ 20 AC"res ranch. 3 ?¥1odern homes, 2 \\'ells; lenc«i. Tt-a!ning track, huge barn, ll stalls: F'OR 111nd, units Ol' ? $45,000 Eq, 675-6259 Havl' free & clear house, Covina area. \Vant home Palos Verdes area to Santa !\fonica. flfadge Davi5, Rltr. 642· 7000 \Vant hon1e, Easl Co81a r-.JeM ru· N'pt l-leichts. llave fl'ee & ('!ear, 2'11 acres, \'aluc $2500. r-.1adgc Davis, Rltr. 642-7000 113 Acres. Timber. Small house on l1 1Y1'3Y 31 In Col· ville Nat. forest, \Vash. S15,000 Val. "'ant CM or NB prop. 615-1745 '62 T-Bird, automatir. trans, full power. TRADE for cainper or lent trailer. 778-3106 01' &12-00'16. \Vant 2 BR. 01· mobil home. J.[ave..nrly. New 3 Br. 2 ba, rpts, drps.. bl!ns: lrees. F,Qui!y $5.000. Pyts SJ63.41. Canon Really, 67:1.3581 20' Century-ideal bay eruis .. bay fii:;hing, boat hopping, f'IC, Relin. in/our. beaut rood SJ0011 val. Trd, truck, wag., R.E. or ? 548-9661 Trade or sell alVpart 20 hi eqty in 20 acres Rancho, Calif. I want unit&, T.O's Or ?! You get g'OOd la." ~helter. Owner. 544-3666 * * * , ~;:;HARBOR Hip;hl~, 3 bdr, LEASE • bT;>-l66'J . • -~--------! eomplC'tr privacy. SOUTH swim pool, garage. Adults, 21• ha, den. d.,. gar, OCEAN \li(l1V •1 Br 2 b:1 Nei\·mr! Br.1 rh BAY CLUB APT'S 13100 no pets. 6-12-8012 1 ·-cow:nd patio, feneed yard, d<>n, l'anR'" ;rrr11i, pro: COUNTRY CLUB CHAPMAN A\•c., Garden 3 BR, 2 BA Townhouse. " gardener. Children & pets 4 bchil'I :? baths, !\lesa De>! teetcd patio, yrly lsc. in-LIVING l.ro\'P \1141 6.16-.1030. Cq,ts. drps, blt-i11s. pool, clb ily v.-ill give best ol ca.~. as .. * O'>\'n home. to your renlal. !J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"-!"!'!~'!'=~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ Can pay $125 or a bit' more, REAL ESTATE \l.'~lrom~. S350/mo, Avail oil Mar S230/mo, c I u d j n g R rd n r .. !II r. U.1xu1?' ganlen apart~1cntsl~========= hse, S215/mo. ~5270 but please_ sublnit what you REAL EST AT~ General have Area of Ha\vthome, Gener•I or about Aug lJ. By DAVIDSON Realty Rohlnl'On, oa,•is R l I y ofre111.1~ 1..'0mplete. privacy, Santa An11 4620 I.-==-,,~-~~'-~ "· 1 I J ·" & 1----------l BDR, bit-in.~. disp~l. cpls, appmnl. 641-J505 S.l!f.S.160 Eve~ .. ·l'"49~1 612-7000 ·~aut1 u a • ..,si:·ar1ng · 1111· d -"' --pa1-J.Jlcled recrc~tion:i.I facil -YRJ.Y. 2 BR 2 BA. 2 car gar. rps, Sl05. 132 E. Bay St., La"·ilda!c, etc.: husband t'.!m------6-000-Offfce Rental ployed by \\'estcrn Air!int? _ln_c_o_m_• __ P_ro~pe,_•_ly"--6070 DOVER Shores b a YI r on t COZY 3 •-•rno•n. I b•ll• pl<••. 2 BR house S. ol I !11·.v, ex-· . I b Ad I N B · , I SI · B. 4n•-2792 • """ ,, 1t1es 1n a t'OunlJ·y cu at· u ts. r r1s o wipp1ng le7=~~..,..-=~-~--, home, 6 BR. 4 BA, large large play yard con1p!et!.'ly et>llC'nl condition. fl.lt1rricd mospherc. No\V leasing in Cntr. $145 mo. 646-2"::>42 LARGE 2 BR w/garage. patio, 70' private dock. fenced near shoppin:; and i:tiuplc, no i::hldrn, no pets. Ne1vpor1 Beach. Avail 8/15 Children OK. V A CANT I Avail Sept l11t. yrly lse, $1000 grade l!f'.hool! $16:> pr:r S22S 1no. 8li-'r.i26 1700 16th S1rc•r1 I°"======-=== $1 3J/n1onlh. Q\vner 642-4122 mo. 21 3 1 7 8 D • 5 0 1 3 or n1onth. \\1alker & Le c 4 BDR duplrx, 21 ~ bi1, Furnished or unfurnished Laguna eeach 4705 f 2ll:785-6333 5~5--046j bit-ins. dshw~hr, ZlOO sq 11 i\lotlels opc11 noon to 9 pm OS '1llE B~AGH 2 BR Custoni EASTSIDE. \"ea r leAse.$3001 n10.5~Q..7:i7:J 71•1: 6·12-8170 100 CLIFF DRIVE l :~ 2 Bdr. 130& \V. Oceanfront Co n1 p letely redecorated. S.IO-i:i7:i. OAKWOOD 1 96~9810 S2'25/mo lea$«'. Adu 11 s. 3 Br. 2 Ba ram rn1. blt1n~. Two bedroom furnished Ali Deluxe Features \\'alking Distance lo Beach $:l2j -Yearly lease 494-2449 I S17L lnc'I . util. Cozy l Br. Refer, rcq. Drive by 26'1 E. gardcnet_J27:,. 612-1~2. 2066 GARDEN I lrplc, vH!w, new \\'/\v. 18th St. (all P;iln111a t5r. APARTMENTS _ ·~ M!--Ollt Pcrmn Realty &12-1771 LEASE 4 BR. 2 BA . clre ki•. __ . i n' BAYFRONT l: dock J Br, 3 CONOOf.llNJUJ\f 2 BR, 11, patio, 1 blk bch. Adults no NEW SPANISH 2 BR d~plex, furn & unlurn. ~ rr' & den. Leascfoption $.100. BA, crpls, drps, dsh1vhr, pel~ Avail Srpt. 21. 673--021)j VI Ll~GE APTS nr Vii:" JI u i;t 0 • ni:"'W ?~,.1 -:om=o=. ="=;..<=:tl=l.=A=l="'=""='=w="=·= disp\, patio, 2 r.ar gar. 2 BR ltoust". C'.'iCt'llt'.!nl cond. 1 & 2 BDR~T. Fum-o; nn-~~;~:;;s, frpl, gar · I 1. Adults only. Sl7J n1or ~larried couples ,r,, no furn. Air-cone.I, dsh1\·hr5, selll~==~-~----1~1 81yshores 2225 ':'>1~12;>9 rhildren . .5250 1110. * 67S.3:?91 clean'i:: ovens. patio. break. 1 Bf':Dru.1, pool, roaho. nl'nr I · 2 BR, garage, patio, crp1s, fast bars, privare fundccks, beach: Lease $175. 494-3208 '"ll-FURN 2 BR houst. Sept. d111s, sto\'e refr~. tropical lrg storage closcls. Heated 1~•=fl~"~".-'°~------!-lhru June S22S. ino or yrly setting for adults. 1 blk to B_a_l_b_o_a ______ 3_3_00_ pool, saUI1as, bar-IJ..ques. JtENl AL:!rio •. .Jse ~-6G-IOS5. ho SI'' 'I ~~·· •-on So -" I JI lk ' s P ""· "o. '".....,'°" 3 BR, :! Ba, cncl'd patio. I u11u proo \\·a,s, "·a in Apts. Unfurnished • 'd I I 23S1 3.LG. Bedrms, 2 full baths, "'' W•f•r C" oscts, coverc carport. L' 0 s • Ll'aSt'. S.w.>. (>C'r ino. ~ Ad I G I 5000 1 -, slove. refrig, washer, dryer. pd. 6i:,..Sl52 for a.pp(. u ts, no j}Cl5. enera LIDO NORD BAYFRONT fenced yd, crpts, <lrps, front TllF:: C,\LIFORNTAN ~I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Executive home rumi5hcd. J l)(ll'Ch $250. 6~6-5386 Phone 546-2727 VEN DOME . _BR, conv den, :1 BA. $165. In1mac 2 Br, crpls, Lido Isle 3351 SlNGLE Youni;:: Adults Lux. , ~ct?ntly decm-a\cd. Pier & d1·pi::. Privary, patio, )'d A BR 3 BA c.,,,1 "'"' 1irv J::!;lrd en apts \\'ilh coun· Th'MACULA~ APTS -s;\lp. (26' Qll'l.11 Craf! op-., · · • ·~· '·" · ·1 • r. · ! j Honan. Lease Sept 10 lo Clll'C', no pets, aduJts , honif', Slrps to llf'arh & !1y rl11b at.rno.~pherr and ,\DULT & FAMILY June ]5. Q\\'ll(''f. 1,.'~'>-4~S7o_9_-,-~~=--tC'nni5 rrts. For INIS{> 11nhn11 ronip\rte prr\':J<'~. S<?UTll SECTIONS AVAILABLE (213l 241-1425 2 BR home, 1 BA $155 mo. S~ .• furn S650. No pC'ts. BA 'I' CLUB APT! •. hv111e at Close to shopping Park 1 \Yater pd. First & last Hels." ronsidC'r opl, 01vnc1· l6lh NC'\\'prir! Bl'a('h, S 1 3 B • 2 Ba ' ' 3 BR. 2 BA. f...-.Je, patio, + 6_ ,780 1714) 645--0.i.'iO * . pac ous . rs, .,. months re111 SjQ ctng. ,,,_ . * 2 Bedroonis !--. garage. ~x~llenl locaHon. depcN;il. :.t&-1939 8epl • June • on Channel *Swim Pool Put/green • 1 5'pl. to June lease $295. "''0· 12""'BdC,..e7ho-,-,,-,-. 7LA""'R~G~E~.-,-,-,,-,· 1Balbo1 Island 3355 2 BR ..!.. slcrp porch S2'50 mo * Frpl. Indiv'tlndry fac'ls ~· .Call 673-4176 eves "-1"'k-----------I BR + hirle-r-bcd 1150 noo 1845 Anahe•·m Ave. • ' •. Newport Beech 5200 STUDIO APT 2 l3d1·m. 2 baths upstairs. Liv nn \11/frpl c, dining area. All rice kitt•hen, washer-dryer inrJ. Carpeted & draped. En. r-lo~ed pa1io. 2 car garagt". USt" of clubhouse. pool & sauna bat~. S25Ci per mo. i\facFarlane Rlty 64'2-386Z NE\VPORT Beach \\'ate11ront 2 bdr, 2 ba, New IU.l(Ury bldg. b u j I t -i n S') subterranean parking, boat shps a\·ail. Caribe Balboa :no Fernando St. 673-3003 4 BR, 212 BA Townhouse. Back Bay areA, nr schl~. 2 car gar., patio. Pool, l'l'C af'f'a. SublC'l Aug 20th, S270 n10. 64.2-3412 BALBOA BAY CLUB tx- quisi!e 1 Br apt. F'urn or unf. Ue. S400. 612-7633 Call locally: 6~2-~. eves ""eekends. NOTICE REAL TORS & RENTORS The holL-;ing office of Univcr- lli!y !Jf California, I.rvine is ('xpanding its ll~ting seivice for off campus re ntals. Real- to~ & private owners are encouraged to include suit- able married & single slU· den!s &: faculty accon1mo- dations in our fil~s. \\'rite or phone for a listing form from : lfousing OUice, Li- brary Administration Bldg. UC Irvin",. Irvine, ca!lf. 92664 Phont'.!: (TI4l 833-681 1 TEACHER \Vants to rent 2-3 bdr unfurn house. No children, avail after 9/5. 540-1192 bet~·een 5 &. 8 Pflf \\'ANTED: 3 BR unfurn hse, Westside Cos\11 ht e s 11. • $1~$lj(), 3 Teens, cpl. 646-:'361 e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker 534-6982 * Rental Service * FREE TO LANDWRDS Blue Beacon 64&-0111 Rooms fo.-Rent 5995 ' · nd Ii: refrig. ne"·ly painted. ,;. e •· Sll8 (ll 772--0142 3 BR.~ ba. rusl. hninr, uni~ Spotlrsi:. Boat dO<'k av11ll. l'OSTA r-.iESA 6t2_2824 4 BR, 3 BA, contemp. Nc1<i'IY Including gardrnc.r S•12:i 114 :lS!h St., NC'1\·port Isle e EXCLUSlVE 3 Br. 2 Ba, crpts, drps, bltns. S2Z> mo ls,r. 64~1024 ROOM For rent or share apt dtt. Avail Sept. 15, wnlr E A ST S I D E 2 BR. SllO. Salisbury. Realtor 6'13-6!KXJ flr cull 879-2061 \\•kdays. • RENT • yr1 GT:>-3604 child: 3 BR Sl6, 2 child. No ' "'/ employed, non-smoking OCEANFRONT Apt. 3 BR, 2 lady. Call 646--4185 aft 6 pm. 81\, di~hwshr & lndry. rental or y. pets. >m--0289 Huntington Beach 3400 ON THE BEACH-3 Rooms Furniture -Ri;;-o.;;;;;;--;;-;;:;~;;-11 ;.c.:.;.:;..c-"C'-""C:.:..:C:C-.:...C::.: 3 BR. :t BA. sundeck, spac. 2 BR IKluse \\'/garage. $20 $25 & UP EXEC Hom,, J lcl'Cls, cprs. living rm, S.lj[) per nio. yrly • East.side $155/mo, \\'aler Ii'-j,..11gun1 Beach 270S Compl<!tely ~. Jse S285 PVT. Ent, bath, p~. ,Ium. mo. 5-J&-8077 for empt. man. no smok!:r S~P0A~C,.-n<~w--2"'s:R-. ~,~.~,.-.-.~,.,,,.., 11.-0:'='-rl-"~'',..'=· ~"'"...,~-,..,=- kit (rplc, enc g11r. Steps to 1 BR with BA. Pvt entrance. be\1. tse. $~. Mo. 673-1990 No cooking $60. Furn. EAOiFRONT, Emera J d paid. Kids OK 548-7720 Rltr. drpd, 2 frplc, air 1..'tlnd. 4 BR ::· Av;u\ Sept. S. PIK1ne ~Jonth-To-Monlh Rental.I _ Bay. 3 Br., 3\J ba, furn. hv & din rm. cltt kll. rer ~8211 offiw, 494-29J5, e\·es. WIDE SELECTION Sept. to J une S555 n10. M•a del Mir 3 105 rm. lam rm, 21s BA, h11g1' 5000 NEPTUNE Appliances & TV'• avail. 1300 deck \\•1th virw of CQlllil. . No Security Depos.11 or 213: 211-4220 * 675-0m * "' ~ I ·N-E_WL_Y_?-.,-.-,-1,.-,-.-R-,-ba-lh· I GardrlK'r. avail fo,L ~'lat. Avail M\\', :1 BR, 2 B:A,-2 BR, llFRC Furniture R~nlals East Bluff 5242 Q( S BR. den, Hv rm, la m nn, home $225/mo. Va c • n t. $400 inonlh 714:m-:~ ~ 2 BA. C11ll (TI4 1: 6'29-1462 517 \V. 19th, 0.1 548-34811 ---------- -(rpl. $275 mo. Emt11tld Ter· ==:;::=::;":;"=:=:;:~;;l;:h.'"'~l~l<"~l.~A~f~t<~c~6~_r>P~m~. ~~~ 156.' \V, , -·•o, Aohm -··2800 U E • r . Ad•dll .,,1y, "'""3o!8 Ag!. '46-41'1 -F . V II 3410 -~ ·~ e NEW.DEL X 21crt San Lu<..'8.li. 3 + 2 & den, ountain a ey BR duplC'.~, si(.'(!p!< 4. 1 Blk 2 BR Avnil in1m<'dia1cly. 3 Br. 2 ba apt. for lease Vac•tlon Rentals ·2900 lg. yd, bit-ins, frpl, crpts, LF.ASE 4 hdr TO\\'nhot1Sf'. oc;~an'. $8;i \l'N.'k , Aug.: C <> m JI lctr!y n'deeorat('d. Incl. 1pac. mastr. suite, din d1:ps $235 tno. 213: 424--4560 $25!1 inc 1 . nininl.-.n::ul«. \\ inlei n-ntal SP11t t;J2S mo. Yard work provided rm. & dbl. garage, auto. Mau;1 H1w1il --1162_1:.,o.i llid~ &·pc!~ OK . ~n1~~12~~•L 3711 \\', Balboa 64~0-1 · door opener avail Pool & BEAOI -wmrletely furn. ~t-!dY:rde 3110 $325 J.,i•11sc 5 br, Gl'tlnr, \\h', Sl45. 2 Br ~Indio. 11~ h:1. )'{'(', af't'n . Nr. Catholic l BR. Kaarm.P.I Apt11. l.kaM! lrash (ll'L Chilrln•n & pf'ls I BR xlnt IOC, l11)1'of' !Q Bay pool. ('rpt, drj)&. RIO.~ Bkr: Church ~ school & Corona 3 mo to 1 yr, ())n!Bct BeHe l BDR. 2 ha. 2 ~l't'pl. cp1:1. &. lx-;1rh. ,,dull ~ only, li45--0lll dcl !\1<.U" High. Pcnt1. fi614 KAUl\ft, ltonolulu, drps. d.s\\'lhr .. CUl-dc-sac. No OK. Lrg .Vn"I. 962--48R.1 6r;,.-i876 If no ans i9-J,!W7t. • ONLY S25.i. • tt•wall No. 96fll pet.s. Avail. Sept. 1. NEAR IK'W 3 Br. 1'.. ba. lrg I & 2 BR. ,\pt.s., r:irn l un-$1~., 3 BR, 2 !3~· fl'plc;. 86:"1 Amigos \Vay , N.8 . . -P50/mo lta!ll". M&-3000 r11m rm, bltn,, Lease $2ii0. furn. ll6.'> to S200 vrly, \\/\I.. hlt_-nii:. Child 0 .K. 5Ufftmar Rent1ls 2910 1"'========~1 962-0l21 Anita, Jooe5 Rlty. 6n..6:210 BrokC'r fi..lj--0!\t Coron• del , Mar 5250 ROOM N~ H el1h l t1 Area. For more information call 642-$989 Guett Hornet S991 PRY roo1n in llc'd; Board & Ca.re home for f'lderr.,i, am· bulotory n111n or ..,,·oman. Nou1ishing nieal1, eongt>nial 1111no~phel'('; Jrg yard l: patk>. Avail now. ~3-5225 • PRIVATE room otr elder- ly lady In Hc:d 1uest home. good food aerved. 64&-3391. NE\V Dt'.!luxe office spaces SLEEPER 320 lo 1200 ., fl al S.ola 20 ACRES navel, high pro-Ana Fwy & Crown Valley duclng orange grove w/lre-turnoff. 831-1400, 499-4198 mendous growth potential Ollire & desk space, ·Adj, to Hwy, 60 oil-ramp, St'.!crerarlat service. tbe main lenninus lo Jl(!W Newport Civic Center, lake & recreation pl'ojeet. 675-1601 ' PRE -PAID INTEREST I 'LA""'R"G"E~"°'.Ex"'""""',-,°',..~--0-,,f!'°k-,I DOWN; Sl47,500 FUL L N.B. Also small olfict from P RICE. S~5 mo: Owner. 675-4644 MAY TRADE • Please call: :r om Oe~1aio 600 to 1200 Sq. Ft. _e_R_EA_LTOR_Jn_4) 6T~9 I ~;O;FF;';IC~E.""-C;."M;.;646-=';IJO=o! Huntington. Beech * New deluxe duplex -Ol.~an view. llome-like 3 BR O\vner + 2 BR, tile roof, patios. * New 12 units near ocean, Frples, patios, S1600/mo in. come. * Older 4 units on COmt'r nr ocean. Consider $3000 down, TERRY REALTY 536-1459 Eve. 536-i658 15 UNITS All 1 story bldg. No vacan· cies, good return & minutes lo ocean. Only $120,000 FIRST PIONEi':R 842-4421 Eves. 847-7176 7 TIMES GROSS 6 Units with a good rental record. Ocean side of Balboa Blvd. Nr. churches, ocean le bay· beaches, Good invest· lndustri1I Re"t•I SALE OR LEASE 12,000 sq. ft. industrial build· ing. Zoned r.T-1. Luxury of· lice-air cond. Ample park- ing. IOc sq. fl. or $!.'i,000. Owner will consider carry. ing llnanclng. CALL 545-3424 South Coast Real E!!late RENT new M-t nearing completion, 10 shops, 1.125 sq fr S1L5 n10. 1355 Logan. CM. 615-5116 ~'i-2 INDUSTRIAL space In roncrete bldg. 3000 Ml n. 746 \V. 17th, CM (213) 434-5082 ' FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. n. industrial hldg. 9c ft. 1639 Monrovia. C!\I. 67J..0017 Lott 6100 mcnt. Asking $120.000. 1 .;;;;:;::;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. fi'la.4630 6~ Eves. 4 NA'ITY NIFTIES All 2 BR -El'c blllns. Lush patio1 AND over 12% net return. ?tfake me prove it? Jo Jlansen, Rltr. &46-8226 FANTASTIC 14-Plex. XJnt. cond.. like new cpls/drps, clo&e to OCC &: Sou!h Coast Plata. $585/mo. income. F'our Star Rt'n!ty 83!'>-4422 OCEAN VIEW San Clemente. Anxio111 seller \\'Mis tu move thi1 beautiful tot. Asking $13,900 wit~ 15% dowti &. wUI tubordlnate be.I· ance to construction loan. For more infonnalion. please call K, \V, Sml\ll. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 W. Chapman Aw:. 01'81111!. Cali f. 5~1-2621, Ews-wknds 538-5971 BARGAJN. 2 apt lots Colla fl-1e!IB. A 19 unit & a 55. unit. Excel Joe, 6-6-2060 or 6060 536--0131. Anytln1t'. --------1 Bu1ines1 Rental r-.1ARINERS CENTER OUice 6' store. bldg, rent or lease. S75 to Sl.20 per mo. 149 Riverside Ave. ~2414 LAG. Bch, 3 adjoining 25 x 100 lots In Arch Beach lleighti1. Sl!CX). 5"5--4907, at >l0-9846 Coll.,. P•r.k 3115 l:-=~~~~-'-o.CC.o=:..1s125. 2 DI' 4-pl('>;, W/\V, CUSTOM Elfeoc. 4 brd, 3 ba, w .. tmin1ter 3612 2 ~.R., cpts. df'J"'; elec. kitch. patio, Children O.K. B ke - pe.noruUc ¥1«w of harbor~ r-.100ERN 3 Br. hou&e, xnlt ----------\\1ntPr/yrly, lea~. Avail. 534-mso ro r • .,, jettJ'. new smim po o I. condition. Yrly ltuc. Avsll 3 BR & Den, crpts k d~. 9/1 Nr. bell 6r~2001 _ ' ~ $1500/mo. 67).2717 now: Call M0-63.14 -lrple, dish"'Mhrr, blt-ins, l BLOCK lo Ol't'lln &: ba,y. Sl'.". 2 Br, 2 Ba. 4-ple:ii. • Q. •rl• 10ft walt'r, a Jr Ink I,. r ll, LA!asc or mo.·ID-mo. '.! bdr. 2 Yl/w, R/O, children & petJ; Ex~lent vJew lo1 Upper 'nl~ Arch Bay By Ov.'Tier -49t,7S90 Misc. Rentel• • 5999 e PRIME Retail Location e ---· -------17X40, Xlnt f()(lt &. auto traJ- MAN 25-3.\ wanted to 1hare 2 fie. 1871 Harbor, C.M. BR apt on Balboa !Ale. $80 646-66&4 mo. 6T:>-4395 I========= SO. Lquna view lev-el k>t. IU\dl'f'litr util, DX! I . f • Offl __ ,_•_R"-an_l-"11;,.__..;60-'-70: I SIB.'150. Own4o.r 64$-1~1 SPACE In rt!tl tS:lal~ oUlct 'GS RIVIERA, ~ equip., for public stenographer, in-very clean. Nds bo<b' wn:. '-Uf'llrite agent, accountant, $2100/besl. 642--85M hOokkttper, etc. 67>-i'm, DY 01\'!l(':r: l.01. Dana Point, '.!~JO \V, Balboa Blvd . N.B. tOned 6 units. Loi, S&n SEE At 188 E. t7ih SI, Cf.1. Clenu•11t(', zoned, 18 units. Nexl 10 &1·urlry Piu.·ifte Both ocean vlaw. 49-l-5352 NAl'I &11k. Plenty ol Pll'k· IT'S lkacti. house tlme. Blc- ina, 111 utll, inc I u d c d 1te11 selecllon evtr! Ste the 642-4210 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! AttraclJ\lt \Vaterlront N Bu h 3200 lroplcal landJC&Jllfl,ll'., J)llllQ, ba. "'2 o.&N\ .... c:•o ,.....,,,, 0.K. Bkr. 5.l4-t99o ,,..., T!:N ACR.ES l 'BOR,2t..slipfor30' ~ewport C D"l-<PnNv•""°""''l'f v•~ DL $350/wk -Aur. can 2 full, bath,, rehill'l l\'R~hrr/ • \\'INTER RENTALS • Slt:i 2 Br g~n::len tyre 1 • 2 BR. F\Jrn • Untu.rn SJ"AC. 4 Br. 2 ba. duplr;(, 1~ rl~·C't, optional. sn;. month. ~-pit"."<. ~111\"1', \V/\V, Avail Frplct / prtv. pat:lo&/Pools. M8-35G8 blk to btaeh. Ava.ii. I yr. 1 ~89~7~-·~90~1 =·=';:;=;""=· 7;{;(1==or' 1c'01'ii!NT!'lfll'R(!--£~D~L~. ~·~"';,"'~· -A~giil.d ;~""~w~·=Bk~··:· ~hl:l-<=960==~~ Tunia . Conlnt1 Bkf.st. put. OCEANFRONT 11DUtc; 50.ll leb!Wt. $300 per mo. M ll s I 281·015';. e 612·:1.lt:.O e ... tifl:: ~'\. ~ Dr. NB. Dtluxe: h.1\e l'f'fCr., no prls. , LO\\'Elt OC't'lln front \V, Costa Me11 5100 000 &-a Lane, C.dM 644-26U DupltX 211 Cyp~N:. Bllbot Agent 83}0.~ l.gun• leach 3705 Nr"-port. 2 Br. 1~, Ba. ll\t1tcArth11r nr. Coa~ Hwyl t21.J1 ~u Nt\V I-louse. 3 'BR. ' GA. frn 1--=--------f''rple & gar, l\1'311 S"J)t. l. 2 BR. 2 BA . t'rpt,-. rll'fl5, CLEAN Balboa Bt•ch Unlt5. rm. din rm. Hal'hor Vltw LUXURIOUS !\lod('rn 2 DR 2 1<1'l11(l"r 1.'lt",, S:!IO. 6l~"m blt·ln,, refrlS;. no children. Slttpg 2 to 10; tor 1ummcr llomt11 &1'1'11. po o I • Ct uh bll , frplr., blllm, di;hiVMhr. 1 AR . rl.-.n ~be rll\ duplex. nr $11.'.) mo. 2089 Gtlnltn \Va.y, tt:~•lioM c•ll 613-1$45 membf~hlp. Ann111l '''· UUJ pd. 497-i4o:i.. bth. A1hilL~. 1'1'1~ rrq. Avau,=C_M_·~"~Jl..8'53=~-~=-- 31.5 S. Balbol 81'vd., Balbol f1JJ; M -14117 White Elt'!ph1u11i1 l\11R 23 $19'.'I. 642-..nl:l PiAI 642-5671J lor RESULTS ,;;;,;..;._~~~--~--~~----- ~----,\VAIL Now, 18T'lt 2 bdr apt. nt'w crptw. pai111~r1. bll-in1 &ilr or .. nl a l 1200. Couple ovtr 4~. 673-6130 Income Property 6000 TRIPLEX Pride Qf owncf1hlp. I.I~ In o"·!lC'r's unit k let the 2 BR. units PllY YoUr "'"Y. $44,500. Drive by &3 P\ummer. c.r.1., llw-n t'll.11 - DeL•ncy Reel Est1te 28l!I E, Cr:Nurt llwy, CdM ·= --------· • 0 " ' ' r ! l ' • y ' 0 0 I- I· ,_ ). ,_ " • " '· 0 6 I. • 0 • • " • l- o. ~ n .. • t. ' I, . -'· .. •• • .. " • • :& ~. • • _, REA~ ESTATI GoMr•l ilUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL R;:;•;;oc;hi;•;,;;;;;;;;;;;;6;;15;CI Bus. Oi>oortuntllos 6300 When You Wont it 'done right ••• Help -~~!_Id, Mon 1200Holp w.,.tod, Mon 1200 !folD w .. t..i. Mon 7100 Holp WM!ed, Mon 72CIC PRODUCTION -HELPER$-MONT~NA ·• "RANCtl' ' CANDY SUPPLY * * PARTS INSPECTOR l ROllJj! ,., AFrlLIATE. • ~ . J. C. PENNEY COt.\PANY F1s'hlon Isl.Ind -Newport Beach • &i~tt Root VJ!ley . 4t,..~.-,uth ot Milpl11, ?!fan~ Both CMk & ret- en'Oir 'Wa~r. '150 acrn Int· 1at~. tOta.I 620 acn11; _i.a.M unae'r ai£VHy rprlnliler sys. tern. Low down peyment. '65~ interest. Calilornia inle11!st lor ule or. trade. l>a)'ll. S'ffi..9841.~a.ft, 6, ~i·Ol.23.. jNo Selllnc 1 ~l ~t'rtf; ..bicome. 1for ft"' hWrf l\"t4lldy v.'Of'l,_ll.;>ay1 or Mninasl. Reftllbit & col. lecllng 1nol)e)' b'Ofn coui op- e~ dispenscl'!I'. in C»S-ta f\icsa &: sUrt'Ql.lndini; at-ea. \\'c ('.!ii. rout<'. 01 and If' s name brand cantly &'. ~nilcksl $157~. Cash requir- ed, For · personal interviCw; in Co~ta Mesa art•a, serid Call one of _the ex.pe.fil listed below!! His t:ull Time Openings for AUTOl'tjOTIVE SERVICEMEN Recent experlence in lubrieatlon, brake ad· justment-and-w h e e I balancing required. Competitive salary arrangeplent, top flight working conditions \Vlth newest and finest equipment. Generous benefits including hos· pitalizatlon, employee discount 1tnd profit ' -- SERVIC& DIRECTORY SERVICE 'DIRECTORY ------·-· Acreage 6200 nam(', address & phone num '°'.;:;:-""-----...::= ber to '11ulti-State Jnc., 9075 leguna Beach 1':. Imperial H"'Y· Downey. 1 ACRES W/PERMIT CalH. "'142 <Zl31 861-®1· EXPERT" JAPANESE Commercial Landscaping ~laintenance and Oeanup MIKE INC. CALL 642·5196 , TO KEEP HORSES · Adjacent ~ubdlvit;ion on c mite E. of hwy. util avail. SJ;.,000, ¥.i Cash, bal 1st trust . deed. MAKE OFFER \Vrite or l'Ontact : George R. l\ttss, Box 914. Leg1u1a Beaeh or phone ~9-H1'l6. 11 ACRES. orange & avocado grt>\"e. So. Or. County. $130,000 oi1 cash de a I \\'/$25,000 do11•n. No pymts on equity for one yr. '1.9-l-659'1. Brokrr . TAKE over 10 Acres no do1,11n. $2:> mo. Ranch site nr. huge lake. 894-4743 Agt. Mount. & De1•rt 6210 LAND HO! LAND A'PLENTY! PLUS LAKES! LAKES! PIZZA BABYSl'ITlNG By thr wk. ''ou furn transportation. All pina equip for pizza Call 642-1~07 by day. house, incl: O\'t'n, elect RELlABLE babyslller', your c~se grinder, piu.a pans, horn<'. your transportatioJi. Cut & Edge Lawn hot choc. machlnt, Sani· Full or p/liml'. 545--2591 Maintenance, Licensed Serve ice-cream maker {1va. 548-'4:808/ii6-2310 alt 4 OIILD care, 5 days a 1vk. Irr · oper.ttcd l, Toastmaster E:icp'd moiher. Lg fencd yd, J1panese Gardener ca fr french-lryer, elc. 9j~O all equip, refs. ~2110 Ex~r. compl yard St'rvit'f!:! profit n1arg1n. Tola! Value I ~========= Free est. 548-79'";>8, 546-0724 S5500, will sell all for $250ll. I 6590 GENERAL Yard service, Call 92>IU6 or 658-16..'18 Col· Carpent•r ng best at lowest rate~. Free lcct. ~~~~ CARPENTRY t'stlmates. (2131 438-1027 BALBOA ISLAND ·r.rINoR-REPAIRS. No Job JfM'S cti"rdening &: lawn MUSIC STORE TIX' Small. Cablntt in car-maintenance. Res. & Com· Circ umstanL-es force sa!r ai;es & ot he r cabinets. mereial. * 548-Mll Excellent potential. Inspect· 5-15-8175, u no answer leave ion invi!crl 1 day~ a week. ·m.!ig a l 640-2372. 1-1. 0 . G•n•rail Services 6681 SCENIC Anderso n PROPERTIES RE ~~PAl~l\S-.~A-L_T_E~RA~T~IO~NS e 6"f5.j1l6 e CABINETS. Any size job LI Q, LI C ' S -S a v e 2:> yrs. e~pcr. 548-6713 Thousands! QUALITY Repairs • Altera· * ORANGE COUNTY * tions w Ne1v con.~!. by hour On Sale Gl'ne17al-$14.000 or Conlracl. 646--3442 Acl Now, Lin1ited Quantity! Win~ton 1213~ 272!4249 col· REPAIR, Partition.!!, Small Remodel, etc:. Nile or day, lee!. Reas! Call KEN 5401679 _M_o_n..;e_,y_t.;:o_L::,0_•_• __ 63_20 Cemtnt, Concrete 6600 \VE SIT BETTER INC Subsidiary or Gerber Prod. Co. Professional Supervision for children. elderly & convalcs. ANYTI~lE-ANY\\'11ERE Sitting Pretty Agency 642-32'14 LAKES! e CONCRETE 1\'0rk all types. Poof decks ~ custom. DUI 543-1324 h t & 2nd loans for quick rash. Borro\v on your pro- LOOK TO YOUR FUTURE, perty eq ,vithoul disturbini,: through clear blue skits. . . your low interest ls~ TDs. NO Sl\1CXi, clean, DRY llir Also buyers for 2nd TDs. * CONCRETE \Vork, bond- HAULING, General. trees, hedges, lopped, trimmed, remo\'f!d. Big John. 642-4030 O.EAN UP & lite movini: Tree & shrub removal. Rl'asonable. 549-1359 , ... the ldenl clima1r for Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. ed & lie. Patios/drvwys alfalfa growing, nu l &: 11.pri· Serving Harbor Area a> )'l'S. etc. Phillips Ce n1 en t. He1lth Clubs 6720 cot orchards; horse ranch-336 E. 17tl. SL ~S-63SO ing, fish hatcheri<'s , , • un· S42-2 1 S45-06ll 1--====c-===o-FOR SALE: Holklay Health limited oppoi·tunitie.~! 1 1 •CUSTOM PA1'IOS~ sPa memberihip -$11.25 a T 1·1 E R E ARE OVER 100 T D , 6345 concrete iilll'ing &" rem<J\..al month. Call 642--0232 alter 6 ·LAKES. (m11.11-madrl NO\V Mortg•g•s, • · s State Lie. * 842-iolo pm. IN THE AREA •.. makes $1.950 ·2rid TD at $20 ~nth * CONCRETE firs, patios ========== this nol only a highly pro-incl, 10% int., all du._. 3 et~·-Concrete&. blk top saw. Hauling 6730 SERVICE DIRECTORY sharing. . 6850 Apply in person 10 AM to 9 PM . •. Monday thru Saturday PAINTING EX-PAINTElt now 'teacher. quality painting \\'kencls, vacation. Free estimate. * PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Equal Opportunity Employer * 54!).0062 NEED Painting! Call us. Job Wanted L1dy 7020 Help W1nted, Men 7200 Reliable l!Cl'Vl<.'e 1vh h quall------·----- ty at Its best •• llw n1ost FOR Eldl'rly lady or cpl, live ~ rea!IOnable prices. f>46.:l837 in, It hskpg. Refs. r.trs. ~"UBURBAN Painting/Dre Rowe 494..Jm 10-5. •' ll..E. SALESMEN \YANTED Expert Guarantl'fd \Vork Domestic Hefp F tte est. No job loO large 7035 or too small. 494-31!1(1 Chinese lil'e·ins. Cheerful PAll\'TING Int & Ext Lo\vest Permanent. Experienced -contracled priees. Jo"\llty in . ~ar Ee.st Agency 6t2-¥rm Satisiact)on iUaJ. Free est Ge<>rge Allen Byland Agency J in1 Weeks 673--1166 Employer Pays fo'ce EXT/Int. p11tg. Aver rin. $21) 1Q6.B E. 16th,§:~-547--0395 + good paint, neat wo1·k, lfousckeeper,. live.in &0me Joe refs. Roy , 847-13.~. . Nursini exper., Christian • Jo"or bP.tter . painting call hon1e. Elderly lady. 6 Dys cxperieiiced painters a I _54'°"0-;7~364~""'=;";':"'"':=. ti4&-407? af ter 6 pm. Help W•nted. Men 7200 PA INTING • Int/ext, 2 Univ srniors. 3 yra e:icp. Resp. 833-22.12, 492-4~32 e\'t'S. Ct.ARK & CLARK cusroM ·PAINTING • &12-293G • DISHWASHER & BUSBOYS 18 or over, No exp. Nrc. Apply in person 2-4 p111 COCO'S 2131 \VeslcliU, N.D. P A P E R SPECIALlSTS Cal's best for vinyl~. Oorks, foil, munals. 847-1659 eves. PAINTtNG -papering, 10 years In area. Reasonable l O!!!!!"'.""'~~~~~""" rates. Call &12--04.27 e JANITOR e PAINTING ,Papering 16 )'1'S Mature nian. No ~~rirnc:c ir Harbor al'l'R. Lie. & ncct>ssary, \.\.'t! . l\'lll train. bonded. Rrf.s furn. &12-2.156 ~~ "_leals, unifo1n1s furn. ==========! Jsht'd, 1nsur:int:C' plan avail. Plast•ring, Ropair 6880 able. Stock plan a\.'11.il. Apply at: r.feDonaJds of Hunting-Ion e P ATC11 PLASTERING. &ach. 16866 Beach Blvd . All lypes. Free eslunatc.1 .,'~"~·'~'~"'===-==~ Call 540--6825 SERVICE Station graveyard l~tablished Rent Esh\le -firm; 51X'cinltring-in list· ing •nd sale ol unde- velol>"(I acl't'agr for re· siclential development> n r ~ d s conscientious, honrsl. lull ti1nr wales-- 1nrn. Exp. and R. E. Lie. req'd Commission b;i.~is. FoU01\·inJ! Positions Availabll'; Salrsman~ le Jis!-ing ren-11 oon · in.i:- p1·in1e la suilable or tingle and multi.fa i!y J"('Sidrntlal drl'eMlpn1<"nt. Use our rxct>llrnt build- rr l'Ontacts for sales. Salesman 1o handle So. Orange Counly/North- c1·n San Diego County trrritory. rilust have ('Xp. ln listing and salt> of lar1;:r sl)('culatlve p.1r. ef'ls. Establishl'd lnvest- 1or ctientclr pref'd_ ducti1·e area, but one of ,. v·•·w lot ing. Reai;. Don, ~2-8514 yr~.. on oce .. ,-, l=""=~==-~~-grcat beauty, as \\'Cll, Laguna Beac:h. 20'10 dis-CE'1ENT \VORK job t 80. ACRES J'ust sold . , . !l3 " ' no 00 ==========! opening. Prrff'r oltler m11n, YA:RD/1::~r cleadn_up1, R1•motove Plum.bing 6890 mu!'it be ('.xp'd. App 1 y . trees, ivy, 1r • 1'8C: r Chevron s.tation, Harbor & Sillf'snian to handlf! lanil suitable Jor-Coo1n1er. {'ial/lnduslrlal clev_elop· 1nerH. J\lust h11ve <.'On~ siden•blr r)(pcriencc in this field and establish- f'd cllrntrle pref'd. Prr. haps fom1 nucleus fur Commercial I lndu11rial Division. count · small, reasonablr. Fr c e ACRES, lC'VC], now AVAIL-711: .ffi.1-1137 estim. l f. Stuflick. S4S-8615 ABLE. \\'ith pum p & l\Cll; or 10-2G-40 acre parcels avail- able. Don't be a. "I rt'mPm· Child Care 6610 $5.9j{) lSf TD on ocean view lot, 8'i}, due :i years. 10% discount. 491-1210 (497-1021 evenings) CH~ Cart' 1n my home, 5 -~~~----,-..,..7--=,-c I d a y s w k . I u n c h e s 3 BDR. l 1l ba. elect & \\'ater pt-eschool.rrs trom 2'~ ,yrs. pd. 771 Shalimar, CJ\l. Rel. ~ 893-4~87 $.145/mo. ,-ber \\'hen-er" . • • _investi- i:ate Newberry S p r i n g s, NO\\'!! O\\·ncr's mus! liqui- date interests call 8~7-66~0 alter Ii P~I, cinytime week- ends. !;~;.-iii_i;;-;;;;;;_;;;-;;;_;;;_;;;_;;;-;;;;;;_;;;_;;;;_ I ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES Carpet Cl ~e_n_i_n~g-_66_2_5 backhoe, grade 962-8745 S11n Dirgo fo"reeway, cr.1. HA ULING, cleanup, Jots etc. PLU~ffirNG REPAIR Handyman anytime you call. No job too small EXP'D Ooor \\•axer & oUll1! 2-3398 e 6(2...3128 e maintenance man , 64 v•eek,nds. Call aj! 5 • Housecle1ninq 6735 titAINT-res/comc'I, \\'indO\\'! our spec:ialty. Xlnt work, reu! Reis. 642-944G R•model, R•pair1 69401~647""'='°~'=~-~~~ · -MACHINIST. f'Xp'd, able lo BUI.LO, Remodel. Repair read blueprinl.!1 & l\'Ork 1vilh Bri<"k, block, c: o n c r e t e • close tolerarlCt'. B (' d a ' ~ crpnlry, no job loo small P.1achlne Tool Service, 1663 DIKE AND COMPANY INC. Phone: (714) 646.9631, w•ek days, for appt. MWn1um one f'ar ln.-pect· ion of machine parta. Ceo. client opportunity for ~r. ·m. ,pectot. Kl'IOw~c ol cl~ tronlt• <.'Omll(lntnts desirable hur no1 marldl&locy. M111t be c:a1>able o1 reedine bl!JO. prints and able. to U&e-\ltll'- nie111, mlcrometera. and helghth ga~s. ' Call Jim 11,yam!I Day1: 6~2·2400,. Evc:s c, S~6-Gl.19,, GUI.TON INDUSTRIES 1644 Whittier Ave;-C.l'i!;_. f~ual, op_pottu-olt)I $1Pplf!!Yer • -rhe Rigger · I 16"FASHIQN. ISLAND NEWPORT B&AQI NEEDS AN EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER Apply In person only GRANT'S SURPLUS Now Interviewing SALES CLERK.S Full Time Only ExprrirncC'd preferred but not nocessary_ fl.fany rom· pany benefits. Apply in po;or. son only betwren 2 and Ii P.r.I, 1r.,o NC\\'f>Ort Blvd ., CJ\f ACCOUNTANT To aulll ,g;iop tol'f:map tn pttparatlon or tools t 1nd pull '""""'°"· "~ cal background t• delh'iltA•. No prevk>Ua woaic experience Olli Jltn t1ya111l. Daya: ... 69;:·IOO. Eves, S4&.-0ll9 G~ TON INDUSTRIES \&Mt 1Vhlttler A\/!, -Costa t.Iesa, Calif. f:quat_opportunlty emplO)'er YDUllG & WE has openinirs for io::icperl6lctd e Tfr•s store M1n1gtra e Commt:rcl1I trucli: tire '6a1Mmen We pey ltlp ularies + a ho. nu.s on net prortts. Be.oef\11 include pald vacations, free. hospltaltzaUon & life izlsur. anee. All ~pHe1 will be 'bdd in strict~! oonlldence. Phone Bob Lane or Omar Ford a.I TI4/548-1197 DRAFTSMA~ ' Experienced l't!CJl.llred in n1echanlcal detail drall- lng with elhpha1Ls on i:o- tttting mac)tlne envol\'· ing ca.sung. 1 • Profit Sharing ' J. C. Carter Co; 67t W. 17th SI. Costa Mes• 541-3421 An equal opportJmlty empol yer 01'1f' ol the countrirs lop building ti rm s. Brighi, young man for initial as- signment in Orange County. Unlimited opportunity for a dt>gret'd ac,counlant to ,broaden his experience and prepare for a solid future. Constniction exper. helpful 1----------· I but not manda'tory. Salary GROUNDSMAN ' commensurate with abili!y -GARDENER-plus e)(cellent fringe benefits of a world-wide parent rom- pany. Contact \V, C. Baker 171!1) 540-9110 MECHANIC rn1n1rdialt'! openings for 2 top n1echan!cs. Fost Shop 9nd good wagr · ood \\'orklng C'Ond itions, ew car dealer. 11hip. Ap in person: , Sc ce Manager lfolid Sales & ScrviC1! l 9 llarbor Blvd. Costa l\fisa~-60Z3 STEADY JOB • $510 to $620 per m«Hlth CITY OF I NEWPORT BEAC~ Rf!Qul~! si:ic month! ¢.i. pcriencr in nunery, 1~r. denlng or a:round~ ma~ tenance work. Appl ic:an1s accepted until Thurada.Y. August 7, 1969. Apply )o the Personnel Office,~ Ball, 3300 NewptJrt Blv ., Nrwport Beach. • 92660 (TI41 673-66.11 I Experienced / BROILER MAN ! .SLx nighll a wk. Starting fatr $26.00 a day. Cantact :tnr chef. lnlerviews bet. iJ.l·4 SMOG-FREE NEWBERRY SPRINGS ·Found 1i;=iea Ads) 6400 Bay & Beach 'rleaning Serv I 0L~k,. "Con-::"::-· :::;:;o:::;~96Z-<94;;;;;;;;;;;'i o7.';""':;=.:'~io~c~A~v~··~ .. ~C=.'~'~--ooc-- CARPET & rum. cleaning: carpets, windows, floors, etc * Ir you nee<I remodclini::, EXP. Tailor Jitter. Perm. for 1 day llt'rvicc & quality Re11 & Commc"I 646-1401 painting or repain. Call poi;ition. lrinRe benefits, gd. work, call . SWliog tor CARPETS, \Vlndows, fin., Dick, 642-1797 pay. Apply Mr. William&, 4j bnghtnPM! 642--&i:a'.l etc. Res or Come'!. XJ.nt fo"ashion lslaJXI. 644--2424 Ll\P .1-"ibcrgla~ shop men CHOPPERS Large Orange Counly t'On- cem has openings for li"'c young, aggressive ni e n , Mli!lt ha''' a car-and be able to slat'!., 1\·9fk imme<li- atrlyj .No~xpcncnce ncces. sary, \Ve will train. s;il2. per mo. a.s per written agree- Jnent Call Mon. only. ~~n ~~~-Fri. Applyj &11 . . City of lakes !iIAKE YOUR OWN LAKE FOUND: \Vhil' killcn w/ work Reu! Refs. ;;48-4111 Sewin9 6960 SE'RV ICE Station atteod1tnt. gold & silver jt'1veled collar. Carp1t Laying & \VlNOOWS DIRTY! e Dressmakln~ • Alterations all shifts open, apply 2800 Vic or Costa r.fesa St., 0.1. Repair 6626 Johnny Dunn your Inca.I Custom Drsiivu \V. Cst J1ighway, N.B. 646-{11()9 ~.n -···-. F -est. 646-344:1 * "A" "AA" .. 54S-::2j:l CARPET LAYING ·-·· •• ••• ~~ GEL COAT , fo'OAtil GUN OPERA TORS ROLLERS f'INISHERS 54:1-9289 UPHOLSTERERS FIVE CROWNS I RESTAURANTS.' 3801 E. Paclllc Cout Ht,.. Top scale, Call Bill 1213) Corona de! Mar 778-4150 20 Miles F.. of Aar~1011·, on ll-eewi1y, Ek'.-.•at1on 2000 rt., 30 Acre!! arlj, to Lake Loreen. JOO Lake~ lman madr) 1n area! BRO\\'N female dachshund· C.A. Pag<' 64:!-2070 EXPER Housekeeper, day :z,; YRS. C)(pcr Scamstn.!s.,, J-Iousckerping Supervisor Thurs, vie La Plata & Vista \\'Ork. Dependable, ow n alterations & repair, mens Sunlile Convalescent Hospital SERVICE Station atlend<"nt, Plaza, Laguna Ni g U e 1 Electrical 6640 Irani. 8-2 pm. 968-2401 clothing specialty. 645--0131 fAG-7766 Exp'd, BK<' no ba1Tier. F'ul To p wages. custorn shop. Pt>r• --""""c""o~·"'o~K=s~--1 niancnt full timl'. ]I.Just be Iully exp. 49~351 I ==========o I ==~~=o--.,.--oc I Sl,\'IESE L"itt"O, \l'etir\11 .. •ELECTRICIAN, no job loo Ironing 6755 Alt•ratlons-642:5945-AaSSro!•STndA~k cc",7.~-~ ,.1·~~-~-~~il ~7.1~i:?n. t,,,.,,r· ~lmTmoro" " " ~ .. . Neat, ac:curalr, 20 years l'Xp. " """ · " "~ '" .. ' "" l\1rsa Upholstery 2.160 Newport Bl vd. <..'osta Mesa, 548-1913 18 years or older i Experienced pN!ferrtd Apply in peJ-:.on ·bel. 2-4 Pm t-ed collar w/b<>jl~. tiladrra _sm11l1. _Jo'or prompt service • l S _ _ _. ___ top 11•ages, 496-5440 Rd., Lllguna Hill~. & Jamaica, l\1esa Verde. call 545-4614 lron1nn-C pc • 6974 * DRIVERS * :>I0-15.10 .,. • TILE, Cer1m1c Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS DAILY PQ.,Q'l" \VANT ADS: COCO'S FOUND 5 nto. old Black FOR SALE 15 the North pt:1r-Germon Shepherd pup vie tiort of 40 acres, RESERV. Cdf.1. 673-3232 Floor• 6665 Fast * Verne. The Tilf' Man * !=========~======== No Expel'ience In my home * 548-5104 Cust. wo rk. Install & rt!pair~. Help W1nted, Men 7200Help Wanted, Men 7200 Necessary! :!131 Westcl\U, ·N.8. : ING SouU1 10 acres !ill· LADY'S \\'ris lY:atch. BluUs PROVED 11·ith mod<' r n an?a. \\'k. of July 21. 011'rn?r Carpet Vinyl Tile All styles i>'Kf colors FrN" t"SI. Lie. eontr, 540-7262 546-4478 IRONING \VANTED! $1.2a No job too small. Plaslcr1:=~j~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiii~~~1 per hr. patch. Leaking sh 0 w c r Musi have clean California * 5'16-4383 * repair. 847·J9jT/846--0206 driving rttOrd. A!)ply ranch hou!t' etc. Unlimited, ident ify & claim. 64-1-1 328 66."' Janitorial perfect \\'a!er, 301 GP~t al MINIATURE Silver poodle, 1G_•_rd_e_n_i_n_v _____ ~_ 6790 T rH Strvlce 6980 YELLOW CAB CO. lB6 E. 16th SL Costa Mesa DR IV E R C LERK l on bookmobile·. Mon lhru fri· day 5--9 pm. Saturday 9-4, 2 )'ears college minlmum.;No students. Male. Call Hun- tlri&ton Beac:h Pu tit I i: 80 ft depth. Prkl' SlS.000, ~~ femalt'. has collar, HB area. Cash, baJ lst TD, Subject 841-4315 land has 2'lU fl. frontagp on 1-C~=~--.-c-~-_,. I all "' 7 · E I GLIDER-Nice-big. 2· 1\'in:; SiverV eyn.u., m1. .o I I •1 or school. ror fu r!hrr inlor-sprrart, Vic 1' rsa dr •• ar. ma11on please rall 8·17-6640 5~0-119.l il.fter 6 P ill wPrkdays 01· any. FOliND P r e s c r i p I i o 11 time \\'ttkends. ~uni:?las~rs on C a m p u s • • ' •. Dri\'e, t>:B. frl&-2191 l'<IAKE you r home in scenic high desC'11 . See our lux- uriou:ii: Gold '11rdallion Ha- ciendas in Sky liarbor Ranchos $21.000. 2 BR, 2 BA. panelled rlen. For local info call Mrs. Pani;bom ij7J.1328 Robert Schoenlrbrr. Inc. S:'>IALL \Vhi1r !f'n·ier type matr dog, red Mllar no lai;s. rnrndly ,.,./children. 646-1403- 6-S wk k1Hen. Vic. llan1ilton lJ (' t . Brkhurst/Buchard. 962~8-129 CUTE \VhHe & black kitten, lolll'~n1e !or playn1ate. Call 962-4692 or 9SS-ID06 FOUND: Gold cuff link in· i!ials LRB. \'ic Corona del r.10.r. 644~1 Contrac:tor, Subdividrr 56189 29 Palni:ii: Highway YUtta Vallt'y I-=========-S~-IALL !\fixed l:ncd doa 6140 found in Full~lon. 842.-507.1 R. E. Wanted l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 L~t 6401 $$ MORE CASH $$ For Your Home Equity .Absolutely no cost .•• 10 you U1e Seller! l2 years of paying more cash for Orange Counly properly. Call !he Rest ... Ttten call the Brst BEVERLY JACKSOll REALTY ~ 147-6033 or 545-1245 ----------12 LB wht long hair, ma.le 1\falrese dog. Red collar iv/tags. Silt, CdP.I. Girl thal called Wed eve, r>lit-c:all a~in. Rew'd. 67J..5379 RE\VARD. Lady"s gold ring w/ AJe)(andrlte lpurplc) stone, lef1 Hotrl Laguna 1't'.~trn1. Spec. Jani, gift, 49~-(,0.\g LOST: Baby r11ccoon \\"/ rol· Jnr & leash, 1•1c llntg Harbour 1'an1e & scart'ti. Rf'W. 836--1143 LOST: Toy, 11il ver female Poodle, July 30; vie. Paclflc Sands rract. H11nt.. Beach. ALLEN BROS. GARDENERS STUDENTS \1·orking \\'ay lhn1 oollrge. D:p. Lie:. Reas. 646-4203 AL'S Gardening &. La1\'ll 1'lain1enancc. CommcN:ial, industrial & rc~idenlial. * 6'16-3629 * Johnson's Gardening Flr~st equip., expert ct1.re. Planlinlj'. clran-.up~. 962-2035 EXPERIENCED Japanese &flrdencr. Reliable. 540-7373 for free estimate CLEAN-UP SPt'cialist! J;fow- ing, edging, odd j o b s • Reasonable. 548-6955 BUSINESS . & RESIDEN'· TIAL Gardrnin1 & Cleanup. Exp'd 64&-6222 ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES 6405 e COUl>LES e e SINGLES e · Tired of Ba!'!t, Mail & Hi Cost romputcr cluba: JOIN THE 11·uNr THE IN CRO\VD - DIV. OF 1.1'1.P. tilcct othrMJ wllh YOUR ln!eresls at our 1~·crkly 'parr ie!I or "C'lecl • lh~m lnrlf\llclually &: fG ALS }flin FREE) Call Leah 1-9 p.m. 6.\S.9lltl. *Alone? """'"'· S3&-853:I YES IT'S YOUR BUSINESS and DI\i"ORCED ''om&n k>st 35 _ • FAULT FINANCIAL mm camera on pavilion, .For recorded message that I~-rilm Im .... will change vni•r life call 8u1. n.-,;,rtunltle1 6300 Ba"""· P. w owner. ...,.. -t"t""' 636-122-1 ORANGE 00. 547-6667 24 hour m.'M!lng CANDY Supply route, part LAO!&e; Srov.'n pur8C, .J,uly I---,'"'"'='°"'=,.-"--- or full Ume, dayit/e\'Cll, 31. on (4th St.. in Newport LICENSED Refill t.. t'Ollctt money from Beach. Reward. &42..l963 Sptrhu&J Read.Ina"s. odv!Ce n)fn oper. Dl~penwrs In 1 11 N t>n ::ill mAllCl'I. Jl2 N. El Coslil ~lt'la ~ vie. No Srll· BUCK midc pood e "· !'I. Camino Re11.I, So:n elrmente I ~ T I I NB-1281. Lofl In vie. of 4!J2.9lJ6, '196-~ tng. l11>IO ota r:i~ I l'C'Q , Hal""'rr>ll •ti! ... 54~7l ~nd nt'me. 11"~11!'11 .t "'-JO Afll • 10 P~l plM'lnt" lo: Rnute Dl>pt . fl. 0. \V It IT E I 0" ~. h II Ire (I I 7A7LC0=~11~071.~1cs=--,7,,.-..,.-m-oo~. 8ft:c 38~6. A11111wibn sm3 lllmiilaysn eat. Ollrk faao & PhOne SfZ-7217 o.· write to COMMODJTY TRJ\DER..~ wl, mall', vie. Lido Isl. 1';0 -!3p:t 122.1 CID.ta Melia, Alk about "Thf' Ollvel"' _•:;.•;..·•~·'d:,,·~C."=-ll.,6,,1'"321==-'=--~11ttm" 171f1 11.\,_l:wl lliR-rNG nE$ULTS? $00( n' 'tO 'EM! - \VAUS, WindoM, lloors, c:arpets. Commercial & r~idential. Daily, weelky and/or Mo. tt91-7350 ESTATE ?>.faint Tree Serv Removal & trimmin1:s. free estimate, Call 541-0088. ' Landscaping 6810 Upholstery 6990 * Lic'd ·landscape contrae· tnr; complete lodscpg & also .JapaneSe garden:ii: 831J..l0.l1 Paperh1n9in9 P1intin9 6850 e PAINTING interior/P.xter. ior. Reas rates. •·re; est. 847-7495 CZYKOSKl'S CUST. Uphol. European Crallsmanship 100~ fin! 642-14:,.i 1831 Nr11.'{IOrl Bl.,· C.l\f. THE SUN NEVER SETS o. Clauiflcd'.t action power. f~or an ad to sell around the clock, c:all 642-5678 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, TIIE QUICKER YOU SELL Your Ad Should Be Here, They're Looking For It!" ANNOUNCtMENTS !ANNOUNCEMENTS • end NOTICES ind NOTICES Perion11s 6405 Cemetery Lots 6418 _ Attr.actfv1_E1Cpett 6 CEMETER Y Loll, YOUNG WOMAN ln'1 !f.'wood . Al l or dancer will te,ch you all 6C!paralcly. Reduced nte. Jalest steps. Call AnJeU ~ 213, 5!!-0.18 J.JO PM ""'Jo=Bs~&~E~M~P~L~O~Y~M=EN=T BAO.-!, 34 \\'OUld like lo meet gal -intercsll'd in 11&iling. Bo.'( 458, Balboa Isl, 9262G ·SENSITJVl'J'Y GROUP J\.1ttting Thun July 24th. 7: 30 pm, 296 \\'alnut, C.M. PERSON to share e:icpcll.SP.5 and driving to , Lincoln, .Nebr-a.Ilka, Aug. 3. ~9--0589 Job W1nted, Men 7000 JACI< 01 All Trade s avallahle. H.oorlng, i:atpen· 1ry, rt'Uphol~l<!ry, landsc11p- I"', auto rt!palr, painting, 1vlndow wa11tilng, <'le. Have Bachelor of Arts degree • can tutor In n10&l subjf'cls. 2 hr min, S6 hr. It's worth ii! 642-9526 Announcements 6410 =======I --------Job Wlntod, Ledy 7020 ~ ...,... 'fl-oz Und.lecttble Men ', GRANDMA \VIII baby sit no more than 2 ach/1111 Custom·mlde hairpiece lrom chlldn!n, do Ute hllkPi ' ttan:spartnt artificial &kin. cook. Live In. ~ Comtt>rtab!.c, n&tural-lookinc. LIV~JN mothtt'1 a ld, Orange Co. llair Rllf)Jace-Jipanc11e colll'if girl, lltOQd ment Center, 433 N. T'u.tlln, I ·1 •·· o cc .,,.,,1 am1 y, c....... lo .... Orange; (1) _..-v..., 962--27T7 after 4 P.'11. '" · ~ • "'2 · 4f rJl ~"~011=1~i;n=-~s-A~1~0~.-B~'-,•--""""11""'.s'.1 MEN lnte.'rt1ted In newly ten1or. AvaU. Remttindtr of JorTncd little thio:att.r. Now 1ummcr. 12131 M6>-4l3J t•~ti"K for o 1 tl t I m fl m~MNm1 . Call ~1 CALCOMP IS COMPUTER GRAPHICS c .tco"'p h•t •niov•d • 9 row th 111 i tlt, volumt of 400 % 1t11t• 1'65 ind ~11 b•com• +tie world le1d1r in COn'lpUl•r 9r1p~1c 1yit1m1. This 11m 1 p ro 9 re 1 t ""' betn 1ell•ct1d In c••••• 1dv•nct m•nl opportunili•1. W, "'"' imm1di1t• ft'••• for: s.,.tffl, Dnl9111 1'11gl11Hn To p1rfor'" 1yil1rn1 de1;9~ of i11lt•r1c• •quip· Wlffll to •dtfll C 1IComp plolti119 tquiprn•nl l o th• 11ew 9en1rt lio11 of cornpul111. Mui! h•vt . er.p1 rit11C1 in. di9il•I lo9jc •nd c.ircuit d11i911 of comp11t1r 1y1l•m1 i nd t /O 1quip· "''"'· R•quir11 IS 01 ·MS in EE. Tnt (119111"' To ch•ck out prolotvp• d;9i11I co"'pul•• t 11d c11ri-put1r pttiph1r1t produch: d11iq11 I • I I 1quipmenl 111d wrilt l•1I procedur11 for diqi- t1I compui•r 1~ulpm111t: wr it• p109r•m• for 1p1citl pu<po1e t11t co..,put1r. Coll19• unlh 111d 1 1 lt•tl 1 ytt •I tJ1p1rie11c1 in di9it1f h•1dW••• cli•c~out ind lo9ic •111ly1i1 requlr-,;. Pr01ra'"""'' Anolrsis Minlll'lvrn 1 Vfltl on }rd q1111r1tio11 COMpul• •~ pro91trnrni11t !11 FORTRAN ericl "'1chi111 •• •u1111bly l1119u•t •· Syi~ A11t1lflts M11tt bt 1•p1"1•11c.d ll r1ftr•11c1 to tlil1• ,,,:,, co"lput1r1. c ............... ,,..,. will! op1rt li119 1y1I•"'•· ftmili1r with GE 400 M. L Sn1lrh (7141 616·6101 , lOS "· M1llef, .... ....,..,, C•llf. 92101 CALJfOaNIA ~OMrUfll P•ODUCTS. INC. All e.iutl OJ'IPlf!VflJl'I' tl!>OIOY1t ~l1' -· SERVICE STA. Salesmen. Full llme graveyard shift. fllus\ be e)(perienced & neat lJ' appeamace. &<! Jim, '.W·IO Ne\.1.-port Blvd., C.M. LOT Boy and Detail ltlan !or new car dealrrship I n 1-larborarea. Excel l ent \\'orking <.'O ndfllons. l\1atut't! man O.f<. ask for Len Hul- ton 54S-7765. SALESMEN, Shoes. J.'l & pl lln1e n1rn. Expcr. pN>f'd. Cuar. + comm, + PUI's Appl)' 333 E. 17th. C.l\I. OLDER Man Night Clerk. Small hotel 673·9'110 EXPERIENCED shoe sale. ·man, lnqUire 245 Forest Ave., Laguna Beech. PER.Pt1ANENT 1'-lOLD OPERATOR TRAINEES 2044 Plac:entia, C.M. BOY For pt-time work. MUil have driver's lie. +8 pm. m.8115 Library SJ6..9327. 5~ Main Street, llB. ; ASTROTEK CORP. Openings; E;xperie~ Oiuckera ~p~~-Maettipe. 1267 LOGAN AVE. COSTA MESA BOYS 10 · 14 , Carrier Routes Open ~ IM l J..aiuna Beach. So. lA.a:1.11& DAILY PILOT l 642-<32) , BOAT CARPENTERS ~ x per le~. Jnterestlna custom work. Top pay. Willard Boat Works, l2!r.I Baker, CM EXPD Busboy, 21 or owr, top MlBlry. Ben Brown'a 31106 S. Coast Hwy, South µaguna.. See Jtm aJtnt Ii pm. For Daily Pilot Want Ml Dial 64Ui67I : H•I Wanted Men 7200 Hel Wanted, Men ACCESSORY FABRICATORS i 'fhe Techile De pt ol United Tccbnoliigy Center has opcnjngs for A~ory Fabrt~a· tors. (a t their facUltles,.in' Riverside. Calt0.1 .&These positions require a knowledge or pLa.s-i tics, fabrit'DfqJn ·and la;Y\lp to produce a Vlf"•; ie ly of .reinforced plasUc mort~li type of •~· ccssories. Requite exp. In miliinn & 1ppll·1 cations of resinous materials, use o( tem plat.cs and mold•, & interpretation o!·duw., mgs. Rip. in sheet metal ij'•lso applicable. I Interested applican ij •hould apply In . person. Or sehd resume to Mr. I.lo G. Harlan.I 3100 Jefferson St., Riverside, C•lll-92604.1 United Technologv ~enter . A DIVISION OF UNITED AIRtRAFT. CORP. I ' U.S: d"Uzenohlp rtqulred .• -Equal opportunity employer I I rl I • ' I ' ] 1 , • B• , I • 1 0 ( I ... .. ,. If_' DAJ1-Y _PllQT 1' LEGAL ~OTICE :· LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE . ·-Cl•Ttl'ICAT• OF IUSIMlll : f'ICTITIOl.ll lilAMI Tiit 11•r1l•Md clil cer!lf\< 1hlY art conlkldlnt • bu'llM-U •I FwnT•lll Vtlle'/', (Tllfornla, 11~ 1!11 flcllt~ firm ...,... al f ~ H Tlll~CHIJrfG COMPANT >nd ,.,., Tlld llf'm h ~POHCI cf ll>t IDllCIW· !flt llf!r-. wl'lott -In kill and plKH OI rtfldet\cl '" U fall8W9' L.oti1n H .. trl. 17Ul 5.., Mtrlno Cltclf, ""'"'"" Vall••· Ct ntort1lt ,'1IOI M¥11111 Ile~. 11'91 $111 MtrlM CWfle, FOUMllll VTllfY, C>lltofllll t'l1tl Dtltd J111'11 2J, 1ttt · Mlr•lll tllfbtt lOlll" ~11!1 11111 ol C11Uornl1. Dftfllt CO\lfll•· Oli" Jult' t~. 1'611, llriort ,...., ~ Nt!Tl'Y "Jlllk In end 1or t•ld s1111. J>t•i.Ol\ltllv ......... LOGMI Hli•llol ,,.. MAIVIH IHEtlEll. ~ ...... 11 lo mo ID k 11'11 """"~ WflO¥-,..,.,.. lfl wtllerlbed IO It,. wlll\111 ln\1'~mTnl tlld .0.-IMJffcl th>• l .l· •c11ttd TM ......... IOFl'ICIAL SEAi.i · ~"" E. Ot•l• ' "'°'''' f'ubllc:.Ct 111orni• ~Ind"' Offl(.f '" . o.-COur>•• • MY c .... mlp lon El."''' • J-21,\nt """"~ Or•-CO*ll Dally PllOI, J11ty "26 Md Au_. 2, t, 16. lt•t 1Jtt.6f LEGAL NOT ICE LEGAL NOTICE -·· TC" - S..turd>kA091nt t 19'~ LEGAL NOTICE '"'" CllT1•1CA.TI 01' COl'OllATtoll •Oii TllAIUAC'f.otl W I USllfllS VNOll •JCTITIOllS M.t.Mt: THE UNOElSIGHEO COl..olATl~ ... ........,. Ql'ftf¥ ""' It .. Cll'l«IO,.... • _._. i.utet •• 102t ... niill DtMo, ,,.._, 14-KJI. C•li..,.,.I• ""2. ......., llW" Htllti.... Hr"' ,,,_ -' l'll:~IElfY """'IN'llNANCI Sl!llVICE •Ill tl\1! uN llrm 1, ~MO {If 11w to1•t. c;o.,. _ .. '°"' """"' ...... , .i.e. .. Dl,ltlMJ.I II •• .. l\Owt: l'•-<1iet. w .. 1. hit.. Iott l1'1'1Wit D•lw, _....,., l•1dl. Ctlllon1l1 '2.U. WITNl!SS lh MNI' .... 1•111 ft'f oil '"'"'' , .... \Cor-••t S.11 p,_.-11es w.,1, Jnc. D&NI H, $mltll, l'ffllffnl STAlE OF CALt FOlNIA, COUNTY OF OlANGIS, "· On 11111 1'111 ,,.,, ol Julv, .t.,0 Ifft. befit"' ,,,. JUllt e. M1Hl11 • Holtt"r Put>llc 111 ~ tor ,11d Countv &..ii i !1ll, ,..idl11t ""'•Ill• 0111Y" t°"""'lukwlad and •-n. P1'1o0f!lllY" ''"1rt'CI o.... H, Stnffll k-11 to ,,.. tt M !flt l're1lde111 ol TM ,., .. er1l l t ll 1'ol l tll'KUled lllt wl1"1,. lllt!t-nl ~ Wllttl ti 1Nt c.o<· -tllfll' ,....,,,,. l\tlftfO, llllf Kl<,l'IOWI· "'d9H 10 -hi 1..al C9'-tllon «•• <11l•d lr. ''""· 111 Wltrwu. W...rlll, l ....... llt•l'\lfttel ~· "''I' ... .., Md tlllirtcl rnv .itk'I ..... I Pit Ot'f Md ~111 In 1"1t c1rt1!1cll1 llt11 a1:1tv1 ""lt!fn. (OFFICIAL SEAL ) JVLll! E. MAllT IN NotlO' P"bllc. (.tlllfl<J\11 Ptl"cl"I Otfou 11' O<-c-tv -M' c-mltaloll Ei11I•• ..,.,.ust is. 1tn l""'blil.hed ()r-11'" Cots! Dt ll Y Pfltll. J1:1f It, 1• Mid ...... w.I J, f , 1... ll6Ut LEGAL NOTI CE ..... '"' NOTICE TO at•OITCHIS SUl".flllO• COUllT 0" THt: STAT• DI' CAl..lPOlNl.t. 'Ol TM• CCWMT"I' GI" OIUJllO• ............. Enttt of M.t.llLD1A OOltTHY MAlllA Sl"EAS, Oece1Hd. l<tOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN lo "'' crediton of nw tbo~ nwned ffctdtrot "'" 1!1 llt'fwnl ~1¥\1111 clelm• 1111lnt! 11'11 11ld deu(lent ire •-lrta lo !flt "*"· wllh nw ...uu1•v -.d'itrt. (fl lht ottlc• of 11'11 cten; of !M 1bG~ f!<lllllti:I court, or 1~ PtlM"' ''*"· wll!! '"-... ceH•,.,. ~·· lo "" IHl6ef'1'-""' 11 "" ll'lk r ol I'll\ tllo•MY,, C-n Md Slok~I. \)1) H, lrotdWIV, WI~ l1l, Stnll ilont. Ct ll-• ttl'OI. """kll I\ tM 111(1 ol busllM!» ot !flt undersltMCI 111 1\1 m111e"' Hrttinl,.. IO tl'lt ut•ll of ••Id de.c.otnl. wllr.I" tour "'°""" 1mor ll>e l!"'t ..,blU. I~ DI 11111 nolllf, 0..IN J111Y" 22. 1'61' J . L. Wllllftlltltr EllKUIOI' of "" •Ill ol "" ...... Pllfl\ed d«.efl'll1 COHEN ANO STOltltE U11 M •• .......,., 1411,. 111 1.-ill ...... C.l lw .... ~111 Ttl: 1n•1 e1m "'""""" f« ··~ l"vt1ll•hecl Orll>lt Coell Diiiy P•lol. JulV 2, 9"111 AVt\ttl 2, t . 1•, l•O 11') ... LEGAL NOTICE NO, P·"8tt Cl!RT!,ICAT• OP IUllM•il •1CTITIOUi 1'111.M Mt.Ml Tr.. ...-.. frntd do lltrHf certllw tlltl ""' .,.. (Ol'ld;lcll"ll • ••Oduc1iflt1 .,,., m1r!(1tl11t1 t nd ..Wlrcll bt!1Jneu 11 '" 0, Bax n u . Cllv ot !Nine, '"""" of Ortf\t't, Sll!t .. C1111om11, Uf'ollar lllt fk· 111iow """ "...,. or dlH1f111tl"" whlcl'I otoe& llOI tllOw 1'111 11~ Mme If' ,..,.,es of "",..,_ !nh!ll!.'tedl 111 wld ~5lneU, lo. wit: CO NCEPT MEDIA t"ll th~I .. 10 11rm 'Ii ct11npa111cl Of !he lo!1owln1 1>trson1, ... nose nl rr>ft INI' act· dl~>lf$ trt I I 101'-t: RUT .. M. WESTl"HAL, H02 Ollbtf! Drlvr. tt""llrlt!Ofl l tacll, C•l!+or11l1. DONALD E. Mll..LER, 11111 Ml l'n, lt•lnt, C11ifcrnl1 VVONN.£ ME.t.001, 1:1131 Ecl!nllurt ll Orlv•. w .. tmlftilt r. c1111ono1e. WITN(51 IUt Mndlo 11111 11111 f lf OI Jul.,., 1'6'. Rulll M. WHto""I 001,.ta e. Mawr Vvonnt! /'Mador STAT E OF CALl FOJINIA J COUNTV OF ORANGE I H , On lhlJ 11111 cllY of J,,.ty, .... D. 1~. Deton me, tilt unoerslttllCI, • Hettrv 'uDl!c 111 and for •tld C-f'f t fld Ill ... rnldlne ll>trt ln dl,ol'y arninlulor>td t !MI ,_,., --ll'f •-red Rulfl M. Wet)· 11111(, Dotll ld E. Ml!Wf tncl .......... Mtl· rlat k-lo r<lt IO tie ll'lt l>lf -Whoff nllllft '"' wtru:rlbtd I• 11>1 wllllln In· rtrume .. 11, tf'ICI 9d<,.,...,lt09ell "' '"" 11111 llM• ax.-c:uted ~ 1.-. WITNESS lllY lwincl IN ottkill Mii, tOFFICIAL SEALI IE. GE NE Cll.AIN No11ry P11~llc.C•lltornl1 Prliw;ltlt Offllt 111 a..,,.. C-f'f M'f Commrt,i.,, Eull"•~ Atrll 11. lt11 t'. Ol!NI CllAIN w-orrw. 1<ill1tt Ht•-' ••tell. C:llll., ,,... ·--Pullll11Wd Or111 .. Colll Dt•IY Piie!, July U. It, )I 1fld Jriut u1t l, ltH 1)1.j·I' .... 1"1 NOTICI! TO c11a o1TDll' \1111'.JllOll: COUJIT O• THI lf.t.ll! D' CAUPOJINt.t. POii TNI COUNTY OP OllANGI Nt. A431'l IEtlt!t OI ~TANLEV 0. MOllGAN. D~e,.Yd NDflC[ IS liEJle•v (,IVEN ,. I~ ''""'''°" ot !ht 100v1 MJnloCI -"' 1"11 t H pirNOfl• btvl,.,. cll1m1 HtlnSI fl>I U i<I 11t<;11<1tnl trt tl<IUitlld lo Ullo lhttn. wflll fl>I "KeNtrv v....cl'ltn, In IM .tliu OI 1M <lttk 01 1111 1i-t ef\lillfd court. o• .. .,_.,.., 1,...,,, ""'"' lilt lll!celilry vwchl,., Ill !I'll uf'ldl"'l1nto1 11 "" elllct OI ~r llhlrM r. Artr.ur $tl'fl(k. 5115 -lltth St , N......., lttcr>, Ct tllom!t , -ld'I I• l!!t •Ila {If lll,llllM'U ot ll>t "'~ltneoli In •II mtllt"' Ptf'ltlrll"' lo !flt Hll lt ef .. Id ~I, wllf'll" tw~ l'lfllll!!\ lftw 11W llf•I ... bllctllol> ol 11111 l'IOll(I, Dl*tcl Jvty ti, 1 .. t ltl'IH Ii. Mir .... Aoml"llU.itlli ef IM .,,,.., GI lllt •l>Ovt namlid dKIOl~fll AllTMUll STaOC'IC ..., -*" '""' "--' •uu.. C•ll"""'' ltl: f11t ) us.101 An.,. ..... fir Adml11l1lr'1r1~ •u1M i11>tcl °"'"°" Coal! Otlty ""11!. Jwl• H t rid Au911t1 f, f, H . 19-t l)t).•t LEGAL NOTICE 6 4 2 - ·S. 6 7 8 D I L y p I L 0 T c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 -s 6 7 8 .... -· --SE . & 3J&. :: ' I 1$ @ , ii • s cc JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOSS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS l EMPLOYMENT Joas & EMPLOYMENT JOIS .. EMPLOYMliNT Dlm•-a-Une •••• ' Help Wont.d Help )Nonlwtl Men, Wom. 7500 Womon 7400 w--• 740ll • • ADMINISTRATIVE I :*;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~* * ASSISTANT TD J. C PF.NNEY 006-fPANY f"uhlon Wand -Newport Stach * L No commorciel firms tr priv•t• business m•y use the,. columns. FINANCE DIRECTOR $"2. to $11'9 per """''h CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Unpu.lled worki'lf and !iv· in& cond.IUon1. employment bet1eHts. career dewlop- ment opportunity, ~uires Bachelor's OegnM' in Ae· f'OUnlinit Buttinc~. Public Adn\iniltrath·e or closrly re. lated field, and three yC'ars of Profeuional Accounting ExPl"rieflCf', Ont ot \\'hit'h n1W1t have been at the SO· pl'rviaory I.Ivel. Apply in1. mediately to lhc Personnel OUI~ belOIT 5 P .l.t. Friday, Au G' us I 22, 196!J. fTI-41 613-&.83, 3300 Newpon Blvd. Newport Beach, ewtomla "''""" AtAN w/eolle:;e studl!nl son wou.ldflike so~ne to iive in. Priv. rm w/color TV, 8.&yfront, Balboa Island call after 7 pm. 673-8927 EXRe.riC!X'.Cd COUNTERMAN &: DRIVER ,City Auto Parts ,. 2072 Placentia, C.t.f. TRAINEES. 1•'ul or par1 11 me . cook-tountairH:lish machine. THE ZOO. \\I, Cout Hwy. &. M11<:Arthur. N.B. S ER V . STA. AIT/'\D'T, over 18 .. Exp. nee. See :r.likt AIRPORT TEXACO, 4678 Campus Dr .. N.8 . ESTABUSHED Jnsurancc> . Lead!! avail, N.8 . oHi~. ~roppL~ Women Help Wanted 7400 LEGAL SECRETARY Jo"ast, accurate typist, good on phone. Some sbt!lnd. Small busy oHlet>, HS. ~ Of' 838-6460. i\tATURE \v'oma n , :! hr s/day, ~Y v•k. Housework Ir. OCC'Uional chauHerin& for e I d e r 1 y , blind lady. Mus! have own car. 548-4922 ACCOUNTING CLERK Some peg board exper., 1yp- inE: and filin(, SENSITRON INC. ' 225 Pau.larino Cosla r.t~a HOUSEWARE SALES Some <'kPC'ril'nC'e prefe!Tt'd Kerm Rima Hardwart 546-7080 2666 llarbor Blvd., C.t.f. BABY S ITTER .Mature woman, ov.TI transportaUon, J, 'IDmetimC's 4 dayr;/wk. tt.am-6pm. Lite housektt~ 1.n&. 4 children. 642.-a467 01 e BOOKKEEPER e Pharmaceutical plant, thru trial balance. Salary oJ)f'n. For appt: 646-3931 SALESWOMAN. Experience 1n ladies rt"ady lo V•Par , Over Zi Apply Mon lhru ~'ri 10-4. APROPOS No. Tl, To\vn & Country, Orangf' ORAL Surgery offiao. Im· mt"diate employrnent fol' dental a.ssistant X-ray ex· periern. call 54S-m9 l'"UU.. or pl·fi~ Beautician, clicntelf' pref, but not 1~ quired. NN F'd vi't"lcome. Call rnrr .. SU.9919. BI Kl N I Barmaid/dal\Ol!r. Full or part·timl'. Cotta MoM 646-iJOI SITTER 'Va.nled our home days talon. thru Fri. 2 Children. 6 ntO & 21: yr5. in J. C. PiNNEY COMPANY ·Fashion lsland1-NewP9rt le1ch ' NU:D~,PART TIME . . - SALESLADIES Housewives & Mothers Can you spare a few hours each day and add to the famJly in c o 1n e at the same time? Schedules convenlefll !or you, nl orni ngs, af· terno"!1s , evenings or combinations of all. Work in store under the finest of conditions and top supervision. APPLY IN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AM to 5 PM :P.1onday thru Friday All student positions filled. Equal opportunity employer * -* lft1P Wanttd I Help Wanted Women 7•-_________ _; Women 7400 ffT JABSCO COMPUTER CONTROL COORDINATOR .r.t ust hav" S'f'nior ktY·. punch I ve.rityi111 ex!>f'n· ence. IBM. Good Vl'OrJrlni:' conditiofll •lid benefits. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1.US DALF. \VAY COSTA MESA, CAL.Ir. 92626 (TI4) 54~1 ----- PBX OPERATOR Thrrr position m u I I i p I ,. h o a r d. Four day wcrk Thur'*'.lay thru S u n d a >' • s1.1•ing shllt. ' SECRETARIES l.tu1imum thrf.e years·S('Cl"f'· !aria.I ex?enellCf'. Pl"efcr ac. tive sec.-n1t clearance and f'ngineerini dl'pt b&cl(rround Shorthand 80, IYPe 50 on e I l't'tric . COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Road Newport Beach HAS OPENINGS FOR 2. EACH ITEM fot COOKS WAITRESSES ••lo mustbeprlcod- BUSBOYS noprlceovor$25. With some experience and \villing to learn. Top working conditions.& envfron- ment. Competitiv~ wages plus meals & tips. and outstanding benefits including hospitalization and profit sharing. Apply In person 10 AM lo 9 PM , 1'1onday thru Saturday PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND EquaJ Opportunity Employer All student 1J05itions a1·c filled l. DIME • A • l I N E ids ere eccoptod end pubfishtd es • unique &trvice to our patrons ind tho DAILY PILOT reserves tho right to limit their public1tion to one day e1ch w11k. DIME-A-LINE 1de ere llrictly cesh with copy. Rea.den are urged. to r• *port promptJy to the "l!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ DAIL T PILOT ClauUiad :--Department a.ny vtolatiol'IJ * Help Wantad I Holp Wanted ot thut DllD•A-LID• niu· '&UotUI; Women 7400 Women 7400 -------Drattina: table. stool, board. S I 0. 00. 646-9503 SECRETARY Newport Beach CPA Flrm seeking person for l 1irl of· IJJ JABSCQ NEARLY nt>w dres~r $25 fl~. M•'1 be iood cypi•I Mim >< $25 Book""" h<ad- with e xp er i 1!''11 c e in of· board and frame $2S (tv.'in flee proc:edurcs. 'shorthand site) also headboard $5 eor. desirable. Prefer a detailed KEYPUNCH fee lable SlO Green curtains m ind e d c,'Onscientious OPERATOR 72 x 54 S7. 408 A Ford .Road , workl'r 1vllo can adapt, lo a Costa MeSll . wlde va riely or"~J>ecial proj· . ROLLA\'IAY bed, nice $16 'i'CIS, Must l>e ~sponsiblc 18~1 a.lpha·numcnral, Ve~fy Coltee table. nlarble top, as well groomed, arHculatt, a!'. and_ llOlllf' relat~ denc~I new i :ri Good sofa bed S25. INlclivf'. Excellent working d.ut1es. Good 11·orking condl· 644 Shalim11.r Dr c M corxh tions. congenial at. lions and benefits. 642-008'1, Saturday '0 n l.y : mosphcre_6_7_J_-298_1____ any I ime. LVN & Nurses Aids EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPUJYER SAT. Au,g. 2. Sl salr. Many Larx"e progn'l!sive ECF needs TV se~ Sl Atany TV U. Orientation provtdM b)' a l48a DALE \\'AY speakers, all sizes $1 ear.h full t ime, in sen."ice, educ11.· COSTA MESA. CALIF. 92Ui Used knobs, lo1!i of lhrn1 SI tor. Openings Dn all shifts. l714) 545--aZll t.IG auto cover t.t Large DiJ(e~ntial pd for !;WIJ1&e.n &: nite owls. presi;ure c:ooker St No 181. RN.fn S.rv·Educ. Cleaning oul after TV ADVERTISING bu.~ines1. 2269Repub1 1 c, Crt'ativr. > ener&ellc. Full C.A1. lime. day shill, Only 0)1)5(' s t / who ''"" ""'1 apply ot 1030 ecre ary WOMEN'S dotl"'' 7~. "'"' Womeo" '"°"'· "" 6, $1-$2 \V. \\'amt"r. S.A. 546.6450 B kk Tape ttl'Order S5 Radio $5. Rocpt. $400 00 eeper 683 W. WU•'" SI. C.M. f' IO office. )'Ount:' pl"t'fer some col lege !" tee relm· R11ponslble, top level Drafting tab~. stool, board. burs('(I. beach aN'a, plush position for sharp, take-SI0.00. 646-9503 otfict"11 call Loraine A1cr. char9e silrl. Muit have BEL.L and Howell movif' r.hlnl; Pef'80nnel Aaency, excellent skills incl. proJ~ctor $25 Kodak 8 mm 2043 \'lestclill Dr" N.8. sh rth d• h ndl I' movie camera '$9 Sunlight STENO CLERK II $510. to $620. per month CITV OF NEWPORT BEACH t.>4;).2770 (also fee jobs) 0 an ~ 1 e ite SlO 5 gal aquarium $3.50 I •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;i,;.ii;;iiii;; I bkkpg; billing. Under Train.in~ whec!1 $2 Tod· Equal opportunity rmptoyer • See Bett;y Bruce at 30. Call Barbara. (714) dler·1 hlcycle scat Sl.50 TELLER · 642·3910. Double bed trame SJ.SO 3 lttquil"P!I 111·0 years r<'Crn l e1eriral tkpt"rientt, 100 11•pn1 shorthllnd, 50 wpm lyping. Apply before :i pm, Jo'riday, Aug. 8th, 196!J to rht' Prrson. nrl Offll'f', Ciry or Nr11·po11 Bfoarh. l100 Newport Blvd., Ne1.1·port Beach, Calif. 92000 fTI4) 673-66.1.l SECRETARYBKKPR Alert. lady lo ll.SIUme lull ~s ponsibility of small oll1tt with deep knowledge ttf dou. ble entry system. payroll, acrounts payable &. rN'(iV· llbll". P I ea 1 e C'iili !ii ~! &12.!Krlo. Accnt Clk. $450 t-.:110"· payroll )i!t t)'pini. re. ef'nt "'Ork rxp, brach al't"a, Ca.II i;()rainf', Merchants Pt•rsonnrl A.11;e111:y, :!!HJ \\'f'!ltC[1ff Dr .. N.B. 645-mo Personnel Clk. to $3ll Good typist able to work with people. beach area, Call Loraine 1'.lerchl.nl, Person· nel Agency, 2043 \Ve1tclill Dr .. N.B. 645.Z170 BEAUTJJi1JL Girt iv/good f\guN' for modeling GN'at 1 Pay! :l to 4 hours per \\'CCk. No rxprrientt. Hobby - s1nctly lor fun . \Vr1rc box MS69 Dllily Pilot. Position 1mml'diately avail· m· f> LEGAL SECRETARY piece .r.taple finish bookca!W', ab!" at our Newport Ct'nter I l.1.i C-xec $516 per month to stan. Per chest and desk SlS. 968-3105. branch for an f'xperiencl'd A~ency tor Cnee:r Cirli manent position available in PICTURES S:Z..la Matrix· teller. 410 \V. C.oast llwy., N. e. Harbor dl1triC't Municipal modem walnut ~:all pie· By, appoi.nL 646-3939 Court. Must be ltigh School lures 18" x 54i" $10 Frames Plf'a ~r apply ln !>l'r....,n ~ NP1.1·port Cf'ntf'r Dr. Newport Beach SECURITY PACIFIC NA TIDNAL BANK Pl»itlon OPl"n lo mrn & \\'C.. men. Equal opportunity em· ployrr. newport . personnel __ ,agency Professional Service for the employer ancl th1 •pplicant 133 Dover Or., H.B. '42-3170 5'9-2743 -ACCOUNTING-- * CLERK* Rapidly e.'<panding manufac- turing company in !hr New. porl·Costa Mesa area, has an opening !or an rxperienced accounts payable: clerk. £x. c,-ellen1 fringe bencfil! and y,·orking c..'Ondilions. Apply 3021 Ncvi•port Bl\'d., C08ta l\lrsa, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS graduate with at least h\O 24 x 48, 24 x 11 ,24 x JO, Sl· )'l'ar.1 Slf'no rxperience in· S3. Hasbt'O'! Thlnk..atron eluding one year legal ~teno lcomputer1 S3 GE 3 speed rxp. Type 45 wpm, short· portable record player Sl.5 hand~. Call for test AP. Set ol Americanna Apply in Person po!ntmrn!. 834.2844 Encyclopedia $25 Child's SURF & SIRLOIN COUNTY OF ORANGE lamp Sl. Dark-brown human S930 Pac. C•t. H-. &Ol·C. N. Broa&~~;-hair \1·ig SJO. 2 pole lamps. Newport Beach. 1 Santa Ana. Calif. modern ham boo type shades Equal opponunity i>mployer \vilh walnut S6 and SI2. • SECRETARY • *Accounts Payable 96S-Jl05 Minimum of tv.'O yean Clerk 10 SPEED bicycle i 2 j . Sf'~tarial f' x p c r I e nc r: 548--945 Good knowlr.dge of gram· Experienet>d 0 n l Y ~ 60'l ;o=7'===~-~~--I mar a.oct spelling. Ability 10 w.p.m. CHANDELTER. burnished type seientlfic tl'rminology. * Personnel Assistant silver S20 Area rugs S2 each l':xper. with IBt.1 excculivc ~perlenct"d in interviewing Pole lamp S5 \V o m 1 n's l)'Pf'\vritrr helpful . Type and alJ phases of personnel clothes, sizl' 10, S20 for all. 50-.i."1 \~·pm. Ca ll K1tnncn "'Ork. Good typing skills, some nt'W, Tea can SIO. Curtis !or appr. 833-2500 Good oppor!unity in 3!111 Sirius Dr., Hunt ~n&ton fa st growing ('Qmpany. Harbour STE.'WARDESS C 1~--------Cal!lon1!11 Sle1Ta Airline \viii · all for appointment j9 1''lat 500 "run.s" whole or POLYOPTICS INC. parts lOc-$25. 548-4141 be holdirig inlcrview~ for S.~Z2j() • the position ol ste"·ardesl. equal opporlunity employer \VASllER SlO Refrigerator $8 Basic 11ualiflc11tiom: age PlaylX'n SlO. 549-4385 21 -26, height 5·2·· ro 5'8". .SE~RETARY Drafting table stool bo&n1 \\'eight in propor tion 10 Rrqu1rcd 1n rhl' ~es depart. SlO.OO. 646-9503 ' · height. Call for a ppt. (21JJ ment of electroruc manufBC··l~o--:-"'"cc--~~---S!J.'l-1651 turing compar.y. Minirnwn 8" \Vhttl and fif'e', complete fivro ~an o( secretarial ex. $3.50. Baby car i;eat s.J. COMBINATION . Sha111 Bar perience in enaincering ar Antiquing ki t SI. While .P.laids & Co Go Dancers. genenl sales office. 80 wpm range hoOd 36'' never u!ed Top ~·age!' SJ.00.$3.50 to shorthand, 80 wpm typing, SS. ~pray guns Sl2. 2 piet"es start. Ph. for int. 54:)..9983 Call J im Hyams Da)'!: detail $4 each. Prl!'-recorded $iASSY LASSY. 2901 Harbor. 642·2400, £\·rs: ~0319. C~ c a s s el t e tapes C.M. (German music) Sl.50 each. ,:~~~~raning lady ·~ SECRET ARY dly vi'eek. CdM are a . Altemoons only. Trniner ok. 644--0581 Gd. typtni & shorthand or SECRETARY EXPERIENCED Permanent, 20 Hour, 5 da,y w ~ e k J>(>l!llion tl\'11.ilable Newport Bee.ch hrs 10-12 It J.3 PM. Top s'a.Jal')': \Vrth~ Bo:< P-421. Daily Pilor. COLLEGE Girl, xlnt 11wim· C:ULTO~ ~DUsrRIES Casserte storage boxes S2.50 mer to babysit 7 days. S25 1&14 Whittler Ave. C.M. eac-b. 3046 Killybrook, C.M. "'k. 644--0022 Equal opportunity empiOY<'T "STROBE" header sy1ten1 LADY To \\·ork in n~h ACCOUNTl~G hy Shoemaker for 336 HP Stenorette rrquil't'd. 962-691:! GIRL FRIDAY, gen. olc. bl'fore J pm . work. Shorthand not rcq'd. Call tor appt: 8!13-74lt'l PART-TIME market. 2620 Newport Blvd., *CLERK * V\V $2:>. 8'.·autifut \vood l&l'· Costa Me~ NI "AM" radio lor 6 or 11 \VAITRESS -OVER 21 Rapidly expanding manulac. ~ SlS .. 646-SC!J.2 MAIDS RES.TAtJRANT 1ro1:,vMat('l ""pcrirnC'f' CASHIER Hostess • Cashier r:xpl"rit<~ -Over 21.Cood pay. Day & Evening Shirt luting compMy in the New. STYLISH Virtue Bm1 dining Call 54>9863 port-Costa Mc.sa area, has an table SXJ. Leal SHI. High 6T3·!MlO Apply jn person only. I.Jell Shefs, 10039 Adonis Ave., 11 BEAUTY OPERATORS Brookhunt, Hfl. DON JOSE REST . HOUSEKEEPER • Nanny opening for an experienced back chair to march Sl5 \Vi th own !ramp. for nurse accounts payable clerk. EX· l'ach. 2 Lane walnut coffet ]0 an'l.fi pm. incl lunch, din· cellent fringe benefits and lahlcs, rosl S45 each, acll ner. Pflon, Tues, Thllts. f ri. working rondition~. S18 each. Electric can 9G2-C.\LL FOR APPOINT.P.tENT opener SIO. Toys 25c-$2. S.M).2?15 \\'I.flied : No f 0 I I 0 I\' i n g 'L~IV"E~=1N".~'"c1~1-.-,-.. -n-,-,,-,-,, ntet's.~l'}'. 67:>-tn2. 6i5-370l 'HOUSEKEEPER • COM· GIRL \\'ith on car lo care for PANION. for f'ldt>rly care. 2 boyfi. 9' II )'I'S, my !lotne Apply 110t.ID.1AKERS, 1638 M~~~E ~~=a:.07:. 1;~~~ BBABABYY"'<smn''TiE~Rt;;,;.,~"'~"';,:c, rc~O~>;I 1 ---_->5!4'-~3300~ Huie naugahyde ll<lla St6, open f\1on . lhru Thur! .. &rTa . Full·timc until !l<'hool. PRODUCTION -Books, Scif'ncr . and othe1'5 ]l'.30 k'1· ta 8 Pl\1, r-.lany !hen after school. ""' -. -HELPERS -~-S.1, Cloth1ng: ~en's, 9-.J. 646-8346 I::. 17th., Sanla Ana. ... •~ · s12e 42 med, Vl'Otnen s size NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 • ~i..ffi'\l ... ·nefils. Apply in ..... -", Q"••-d 67-~181' ,............ "' ~ • ,,.. ;J 10-14 and babies to 2 yean Ex""rir-nced in ll""l• --·•i .. rnominis, al Snack Sbop l --ol--l-<~._--1----for assrmbly work or small =-.. ~0 .. 1_,_ .. ~ ,... ·~ '""'.., ~ Bake"". 3444 E. c.,,, H•~.. 99a .,...re ary ,,.,..,. _.,_ ....... -.u . ,.c1v .....,...,..,... •·~•. and O\'E'Tlock. ·Good pl~ "3 J Ex.per. 67:).21677 CdM _. ... u .... .,r m•cI'OICope, No size 11.t;.9, $9. Sat 6 P1'l IG 9 wutk prices, l!leady w...k. at Narcissus, Corona de! previous eXpe1iC'ncc nee. Pi\T u .... -... 11_, PM Mar Dr••• o-r•••rs 1 · 01 y . .x.inuay I EDDY l.IOSS ]4{)42 Locust ,.9 642 1614 """" r n l b' ~ Top ··'o~ lo ·~· w•'lb lolo "·'I J•'m H--·. CM-. IM.<N ....,.um w. u•" St . \Vestminster: 534-3738 Recept/Gen Ofc $450 _,_3 """"' ......, J-"~ , -.-i.. of i>xpcr. 6$.27ti6. Days: 64.:1·2400, Eves: 546-0319'1~~· ~· ==------• PAYROLL CLERK u.. ... .., new lrvint' an-a offl"ll. HOUSEKEEPER, ,. 0 m,.. TY P E\VRITER. Electric.. a .... uires minimum of l """" Xlnt apply. Pm somt S/H. " CULTON INDU.,.... R"""I need re-1~ S20 ~ ,. cau ..... ._ "A"~,. alo-. Pvt. -m. TV. $100. L .31 RIES ~J~. s _.. • hf'avy Jlll,YT'Oll cxperienct', ""'"'· .....,...,. 1110~~I>. 642_.;;; or 64• ,,,9 1644 Whittier •ve. c .?tf. ' Plug In lnlercom1 $21. and moclt<st typlnJ:' •bilily. Ja•on Best u.u _...., Equal Gpportunity employer Bicycles. Sch"·inn 24. 26. Conln.1·1 i\1n1. i\1iu:u1·, s.ro.mo Employrnent AgC'ncy lfousekeeper WantM SECRETARY R . 1 girl's Sl5 each. Skis 11.nd sin BAR'IAIO No ··-• '"''" :.>120 So. A1ain, S.A, 1\111 time f"ll t' t : "',.epU!'~I. poles Sli. El(!(trlc ip ...... er " . ,.,,.,,_. "'~· NURSES' G4Ui<M1 ... imr. )'J'lmi::-. 1c1<1.,.,.,.,p s· El . ...., i\fust be i;harp. Nli;:hts. Ai.. & PBX B ·~o .:i·oo J . ectrlc solClrr gUn SJ, p!y in pcr11:1n: Vokkl'~ • RN-Rf'l1l'f duly, twQ <lavs CL'HTA IN & rirapt•ry sales • P.IAID ·i.4 1' · / ··k Drunln~ rir11fli11g n 1achlno i.A'.1ul1K1'. J791 '~ J'\r11·por1, per "'<eek. •. l':<epd'd. No c·all~. UdoH's, e RELrEf· 1;·~ ~ K 2 ~25. &ale& i 2.:.0 and $3.j(J, C.l-1. • LVN-Re!iel. four ~hilt.~ So. Cna~1 P!:iza C.i\1. d • T~IE'l!Cl.lr>t' Oil tnpod $20 l}t'r \vr('k Laguna &-h ----.=~=~ N 811"'k. . Sunday, 8.t~l467 , f R 0 NT DESK ,( , ' ac EXP'D SALESLADY ('W scn10r c It 11 e n !l '"llAIRSIDE I .__,_ Nur~1ng Horne Id . 'I 'PL>' £•• I bl " b .. . or ori.llNUn· 1 '19.1-8075 Men k \V'\mens Clothing r't"s tncc, Laa lkh. 4!»-94;,s '' " · ·•R• a ~ .... Ba y lie oUict". ~·a.,hion J ~land _ •;i-* 548·53$1 * B 'll' Cl k 11.. IK'<I SlO. rloor lamp $3 6' atta. Call G4<J.-Om for ap. HOSTESS/MANAGER ===-C,.C"----1 '"t .er ~so IMl.\'l't'lJ( rod Toe. J\1en's ~nd pointtnMil, 00~·r£E SHOP CASHIER, f\laf\m', ('Xp'd £xceUt'nt Irv~ atta Qi., v.'Omen's cloth1ng %ic-.S2. N prefen'td. \Valllc.M Music PreUy oUca, idea.I " . .......,,_ T•-,~ g·-·• 1.~ ., PHON, E SOLICITOn cwporter fM, Newp011 Sch. c · 3400 ~-, C _.... ... ...... ,. Ja "" ..... " ..... -... -E I 1ty. DIUl!o., .M. ........ ..... Call Kay, ~ Good -·•I• d'-b--~· I:.Vt'nin<r work. No .sclli""· Xct": lent ~:orking condilion!I, J .,.,, _ ._ ,....,.,,. , ... ... ....1 .. -. ..... .. --··· w . LICENSED ~---.;., ••on Best ~-pump ... ·~ ·-Apply in ""'f'IOn 185!ti Al•'" ._...., 3uu •=1.,.. nte: .,,....,.,,...... .. ·~ .._..'"""" ~ "' Food • •--· M -~ Top "a" Emplo)'l'Dflnt a-rvwu St., (5 Points Shoppin&: ~~·-e 91\llltt. '""'' _,., 7120 ....... ~ ... Centerl 11.R. UOT Jambo~ Rd ., Newport * ~7 • So. Main, S.A. STAil\'LE$ Site! tableware &ach, CaJU. 92611J. ACCNTS Rtt. l. billlna: IPrl f\fAIO, ruu Dr part time IOc ea('h. Dishes lDc--~ \\'ORKING Couple w / 3 wanted. Exptt. only, Ac. JS~~ hr 6 da1fwtc. ~ eacb ..... ':!,ctum !iOc. Bird 11Chool-Slge childtTn rlCt'd l'Urate typiat. ApPly w. o . ,..,..,, "fotel, 494-3521 rue ••·""'· Gir1'1 new •hDH h·-ln IKlusekecper "''ho can Schock c:a. 3;,Q2 S. Green. Dc11la.I Auislant, 21'.hlS 50t'. Creases 2lc:. Suit•. rkl ~1111' cookin1t and chUd \·ille SI , Sama Ana nG rxper ncss. lhffts SOc· 7'.JC 1!ze 14. New CMJ't'. Pn-l<'rab()' \\lovi·n Gl'RL Ov~r 21, .,1nglf', 11mnr1. =~--l.H2-t998 '°"'td• l1.50 .rl, G4l-22GI lrall!'JlOTl&tXJn, . 4 ~. -~1 116 l'ltfnt<'llvt'; \\"Orkin,. 111 111' rr"' To'm• "·'Y••'l•·r -. "'' 0-•1··-I bl 1-" •--nJ f ..... ~ U>A> -·/ W •.. , ~.., • ._ ll l", I ....... U1• , _ll ter Gpn1. Sl73 10 ~larL l)(lrymftn RrgtJ;ur•nt 2100 11ttk. Judy \\'i19011 !W>-2167 $10.00. 1)46..l'iQ..1 NEED l..ovabl!! woman to \\'.Ocran, NB a.fl 5:30 r .r.1 . ~ VOLJ\S\VAGEN Pullh-bullon baby•11 7 mo old baby ooy. ~ CL1::ANiNG-~,_.-<1y--w-,1-n_o_•-·n \VAITRESSES. Exp·l\j Lund\ rr.d)(), arr1aJ iu'ld spe1.~r d~ "''It. vie 8c11ct'I It 1nu1$. 10 clean hon1e on 1htll, C.tar. Golt .t c. c . PJ .• Twin anUQUf' hnd· Ynrltfnwn, llB 962~11 J.1~ Till". fi73..lllm rtt. rrqd. Mn-7200. lntv, art 1:30 pm tmtdi sin l"lll"h. 646-t!i6t .. - I • ' " ' " 1 ~::=::=::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::=:=:::=:=:::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=:=::=:=:=::=::=::=::=~$!'~'"'~Ui/i!,A~""'!!!il~2~,~1'69;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D!A!IL!Y!'!'L!OT!!~~ FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU 0 NEWPORT BEACH •. -.: .. _ 2211 Bolboo 11Yd. 0 COSTA MESA ···········-··-······-llO Wnt .,,,- 0 HUNTINGTON au.cH -·-··· l09 filth Str ... 0 LAGUNA BEACH --·---·· 222 forHt Aw .... Here's How You Co11 Use 018' Fain-D1-• A· Unn • 111ot-------··-·-·---• Nec1 _.,.., .. ....,. • --.. _ -... ,., .... wllll 00 """ ... $21. T\\11N Bed, t:l.:(,.'f.:li~·nl l'On· 'IOV1t· P •t·• 11 ' u , ' roJt" ... r, t'Xc..'t ont RAN out oJ room : f' MAPLE bunk bedi $15, MAPLE -Dlnclt& with 4 MMlA bike $16. NI: $10. PIGl'URES &4415. 13 ?ituon 6 x 4 Feet Chinrllle tapestrlet Draltlnc ti.bit 1tool, baud, dlllotl. st> oouiphilt" SJiu'dy conthhon Si'>. P ro J ('ctn r Naui;:uhY<!<': couch, good con. maple che1t $25, din1ng cha.Ira $15, 968-4144 lricyclc!i $3 and $4. &.e00ter jars, l qt $150. 30 beige $5-$5. Oriental Cl~l and $.10.00. 646-9503 1 frame with 'ft•hc:elg ~. Vu1y l S<'l'<'t'n r1ew 19 I> lit ·'t -• · ay t u t1on $25. 3 l:.'vlntutlc J 111' roonl t11ble tt5, 6 chain m KITCH~' bl ._ " .... :-13. rockin< hono 13 , metal 1lp-.... 32'' S 3. jcwcl"" Sl-.,0. a "'On DINING 1 n• 0 • ., __ .,_ _, 1 toy chest. b'Ood cor1d111on $1. vlr11·t•rs u : ...... ~,,..... ~ Ln ta e "" .. c,....,.., .,.....u •.1 .,~ • 1e .,..., nc:'Ol:Kl ....... . ._...,,,.~. P au11u1y rn11bourds $~. Sl.:i, 110. m&tl'h $3.50 oaoh, old d~sa. 1 medicine chest ••. Chlld'• Pillows $l. C Io t h I n r • wheel light fixture $1.SO. •• .11 Krill , . Girl'& vanity and <leak 1.'ilttl• nr\tl v1n)•l <d··" (chrome) $20, 11,wn hl<>Wet .., ff•MTI · ra-e a 0 ' curry ·...;..·i;, 0011', Guitar S:lJ. Co 1n m r r c; i a I er with mirror $25, old hrwoo $2. t lock $3. toys..recofd&..stuf· women's ~ltc 10, Sl-$12. 451 lilalazlne nck $8.50. Chetl broil ... -· _..,.lllol • blnation $8. Douhlr> bNI bux ltleul lor ~pie or tr&.1· .. 1 type standing hi:1ir dJ')'t'l' buUett $20, twin bed SS. ~~:~= ·~h<a Ir $8, fed animals 2X to SOe mesh Esthtor, C.r.f. oU Irvtne only. of dttYi'Ctl S15. Lamp and er. very "'v-o"", 1 .J' , sprlna:s and lranic $."i. ~'t Baby i·n.b nnrl ina!lres~. $10. El«>rcycle $10. Record 847-1938 &1?-'7337 dt't.'s!I form $4:. 18 3 21 646--S471 Tennill rHcket !able book couch lablt $3. La.nips alto very clean, au contni~ • &6-2939 i;ood ~'011flit1on $6. 01s11lay ,,,,,.,. "-, ••• , •• ··-~--J ,, 11• Fil ~. ·~ • -t "$3 s ·-··'I ba k _ .. A, •• ,.. and clock work $2:i. D~. • *" '-"" • ""' ..., '63 FALCON Stat<O-n W•~n ocaranda Stttet, , OWltain . ter .. ,.een -· uc:W'y .-• u ... ..,. c Ul&ll' .,.,. fall , .• , pot 1~ _ BOOZE-tl-lt11::"ft:;RS, a !\kill movw rro}e<:tor w l th (;iris bicycle SlO. New lile -.-' HAND lawn mo~r like new Valley --vacuum 110. Rocking chair fl', Cricket ~.-........ ~•JU•.:-u~ .. PllM 8 1 .~~, k, 1 • h If r adk>, heater, power i;teer-$20 968-375(1 ""-Lor\.'\l".., """ .... i:::ame, for run or prol1t $10 RU oui11tic s uto S::.i, for prcserwr S3 each. biJ.-0311 ing $25. New tires for same • l.ADlES drcuea; 11.nd i;Wts, SURFBOARD .s:zs . Acldin& chair $10. Round pedfftal '--•s md~ •t. !'tla"" pl .. ' or S20. 642-1758 rounu•r di pl11y. Alwn1inum 129 43rd St. NB llO. 4Dll. ..,,.~ CRAFmtA looi box new table $3 ~ 1929 Tustin Avt ''-'06" "" ·v j t·:..1en~ions j &" x JI!!" x. ti' "~ ' size lS-18 Sl·UO. Blou.sa machine Allen Wales, 10 · :295 ., tlltt'a 50c-$2.SO CoUee table PR..ESTOLITE \\'<'id111g srt loiii:: 11 ith ;)llfft>nt•r rib!l' SI COCh.IAIL table $13. Rourx:I JAG. Chrome spoked wheel SU.SO, 968-3150_ and s .... -eattn a o c _ s lo . keys acroaa S2S. PooJ table C.l\t. 642-:) ready 10 reflnith SI End• $12. Canning ll r P s llU r r each Pnprr boy·~ biko taek rormica top lamp !able $15. 2 v.ith new 6:50 tire S25 3 4' x 3' MIRRORS f2) $15 ea. Purses. _je\l·elty and shoe$ $20. Elc!lp,drapes, 96 x U4i HID&-A-BED sa;l. 4 piece tables $5 et.ch <l>lfee tab~t cooker $5. l2V roro siartrr " Danu,;tt modern chairs SIO Bl ......... _ 16 50 57 Sanitized hot air hand dryer site 1"ii: SOc-$10. !'ttens slax SIO , a ch • Prlnt-o-matic dlnettto tel .$15. 3 bar 1tools 10 match $10 Tile t"" table l. -·• ....... S.o. Tr.1vt.>1~ UraPt'ty rods "•ch °'" -· 219 62nd SL ue !!:tan1p ........,..,. . . ........ I •-• 115 Da . h ·• ant d li " 22·• "•h,. h -S . ·• Floor po L!ihtr """ IK'ruu.,.·r ... ............,., Bo n! I .. ~ ... ~ wou• oot conu... . n1s a.nd shirts medium anti post... c up calor .,.... '"'6 ... eac ........... pin. 22:x•~•7 .. t..1;"'" 115 D Palpo wnh 1nount111i,: hardware 14 NB rgwo 1.1•agon or_...., -...., ....... ,...,.,. $3. Fire exlinguisher s:i. pl 115 nlOdern chair, waloot Ytith l•...,,e 50c-Sl0. CoUee table Children's life jack.eta $2. drift, H.B. 962.-0142 surf rid-. 5 fl. n• U·"-arwl \ti h Jong. may he I"=,.--~-,~-,=--,· I com ete and )'OU: low -.. ..._, .-.... Floor polishet" and M:rubbrr l!hor!t'ONI Si each. Speakers PAIR o1 t•hairs S25 each, away. Cub only Ca 11 or~ upboil;tery SS. J' x 3' light vtood, planter box $15. Clothes, lee:llll, ad u Its, LARGE dog hol»e SlO. room chair, Maple $1.5 Larae Jj. 2 lUiiC boxe11 St f'Uch . .........+ _.., De·'· 115 ···1-1 • I p M gold and bro11,•n mosaic I a-coUee um $7. Ktn• 2»$1. .,..._ 2:Jc.Sl. Tu~ '""llll cabi ... I. 2 -·-· '·•·-. llr-F1, ne11· J" diainC'trr $3 ., ......... L'011u11Jon. "" . ::ro-o.7 antr . . .....ti.. """"" ....,... ...... w -'"' La'Ke trailer bu1i1.ne rt:g $ti. Lo U bl .• 1.... table top $25. Small plutle sizt-spread $5. 101 Vla Pf'ZWate ~-$1. Jewe_ fry Cl.ASSIF'~ ADS 28x24l;42 hi-'-$12 J.omps II·, t•aeh. fi.t2-69.:G uni;e v..·1 I Ut' quu. L'u FORl\tlCA Pullman 5"6" t-•·· I = YI •" Books l!\:-5()(-, Pool t'lK'S $1 vr v'9.ll witb caps, peru: .. t or Anlibes Lido Isle 2Sc-ll. Baking 1erv1 n g $3 Ironing boarda '1·$2.$ C'aCh. 250 ('(' Honda piJ){'S s::. f'RESH Sall u·a1rr hst11ni; i;:JJp cuvrr Sl:i. :..i.8-8998 $20. Moen Faucel no. \Vash all those little thil\a:5 that li10DERilf sofa $25, Teak dWle5 25c--11. Vases 25c-$l s u N I I a n1 p . p h '1 s r. Admin.I A?tl and FM built 50 cc mopl'd ~n:t:ine $10. 70 4'qu1prnent SJ..-S2>. Camping 2 SURFBOARDS $25 each. bo11,•I $10. Cabinet $10. 201 are eully misplaced, S2 per . Cookbook& &-$1. 1818 Viola c I an 1 profess Ion a I !or speakeni $8 Barbttuet ~ Ntuip'''""'· la"'''" 12-~?·.. 51.!l--1366 30th St. J\"ewport vo-I•-box ., 4 18 chairs $10 pair. \Valnut rof-Pl 8'h-~ G'·I' -Cl b tn!alment·IYfr., Quaru and ......... ,,,,"'----I ~{?\ViK-oninrns1ncS~.J1~ '-" -..17~==~~=~~~-t _ ·J .-.. ~ • • .tf!etal!lf:~.RQ__undmarbl{. ace. inu us u . -S20 and Hlbechl1 $2..$3!.0 aw ... ,. saw pu:ales :l5c Pach. rooU N{'W ~~vmru<fr. Jo'htison pro-4 C01'1B BACK \VTndsor CLEANED outlny cl6seti! \~desan ... ~11<" ,,P!a"''iou"""or I.able $20. -SWivel -covered GARAG E Door hardware ~~~:!., ~ltonaire · roo! headboards S8 pr. BtaSI n... mixC'r $l. li V bal11•ry 111:llrr $10. 1\cw lllbachi. rha1r~. very .........l condition All designer labels. \\'omeru; s1 e ~a "esa. · .,..., ...,... ... 7 110 "·th t b ~ lnk ...... · screen SS 3 boards 5x I l l ·u I ' •-Santa '-·~I) ., ... t ,,._ ca1r ....,. ,,,.......,... 0 · °" U &nu 1 "" purifier, needs new tube, ,-, .. ;~ · • cha11:er $!.;,cl. Cadillac t·a r c 1arcoa f \u 11.95. New S20 eac:h 42" round dropleat sportswear, suil5, Ion il: ..._""' ~ SUR.FSOARD 9, HOBIE 525 eaeh. Commode $15. 30 gal good condition S6 50 •Giant ..... heel $2 Lua:aae SOc-;$3 radio $10. EIC'<'lr1c ar>r111l $5. 10'1 in~ n1irror s:i. Portable table $20 Double box spring evening $2-$25 .. \Vo mens 45 RCA :reeon:I pla)'('r SB. 64,29.,., · hot 11,ater tank $20. 20 gal ·"Duck Jo'eet'; s~m tin&. ~umlnum 1creen door with Air compf\!8M>r $10. Vent L"<.ln1n11xh.' S'.l Go. Stainless and n1altn!S!\, good con. shoes lOA Sl-$5. Fashion ac-UHF converter SIO. 48 .... """' hot watt'r lank Sl5. Slttl l2 50 * W . ht Belli ftxtures S2 Wood 11helvn, 3 • ran $3. Antique 22 ri.!lr $21. st('{>l su1ki; $:1 o>ach. Roller dl1io n $25. 67:{-1919 ccssories 25c up. 15 Green Keyatone Projector $20. 4 DOUBLE bed complete $25. cabifl('t with double g\nk $25. 0~ 1:~1 foliae .. •1 covered with bra.'ls racks lho!p $3.50 :~~ S~t Hes $1 earh. 111w.rk r;k11!rs, CllSl' $15. 1lrinking DANISl l 11,•a!nut couch and goblets $5. 9xl0 carpel $20. RCA GE Clock nadk>8 $10. Formica tab!r>, 4 chain> $25. Light fixtures Sl-45. Bed f TV tu ) SIO 1.'0mplele. \Vooden ladden •" plug5 lX: each. Che~· points ~h·inK 7X l"'<irh. Box of l'h!ll' $10 l\1aplf' bookcll."t! l..:ul:;c flower arrangement 16" RCA TV portable $10. Hutch $10. 673-9141 davrnport sa. Rocker $10. ~ · .. cos s~~ u~~ 1+11' U·S3.50 Metal cabinets n ?I' I 75c set. flasht'rs Jlk: eacl1. rli~hes, i.:la ssrs S2.~. Dr:lij('S hi.'atlboan.I, :i;ingle sizo $.j. S.J. Cn.sserole dishes, place Singer tank wcuum $18. HOT plates 75c Glas.sware, \Yater cooler SJ. Vaporiier ~ rCoone,ll lli ( M .:>-' 4 drav.-er, needs pa.Int $3.50 Dust nu1sks SI t' fl c h. $.i. /\l'w books i:k-S.l RCA IJ.l&-l-021 mat set'!. &l&-&.154 after 9 Reeord lumt.ablo SS. 3 dishes and bric-a-brac Sc-$5. St. Old bed and dresser SIS. rne ·• · · \Vindow screens 42x364?xll[! surfboard S20. ya n1 ah a rloe k·rad111 SIU. ~l <'n's A.1\f · Sellick hair dryers, $648. 2 Travel iron $2. Hand knit Cartiaa:e disposal S ll 1 . RATl'AN coHee ~ble, near 50c each Chest dn.Wttl 1vhecl and tire Si 1/:-1 HP ht>a\y i;o!d. silver nni.:s S5 POOL TABLE S25 Ba 11 s BOYS wet suit $9, Bell)' Dishn}asters, aood $22. 2 evening stole $6. Clothing Fireplace 1c:reen and if1lle new, VI ct o r .1 an ~tyle 36x36, $3.SO A-fetal f 11 e 110 oi· 220 •'lct 1nc 1notnt 1'<H·l1. 8 ('au11ful 11•('{!dn1:.: and cu'" sticks $l5 Phik.'il board $11, oak bed S5, Brau fireacrecns $6-$10. 2 size l2-l.J $1·SlO. Nt"v iron-S2. 2 patio lounge chain s:i $10. * Rattan aide cha.it to cabinetJ, letter size $2 each. S\2. 56 f'orrl t"'.td1alor 57. •'nSl..'n1b\!', nn~'>. l'aliC $23 tahlr TV 21"· $25. Ploor puzzcls lOc each, chair $1, Blectric shaven $4. 6 Elcc· ing board, lamps $JO pair. each. Kitchen ~I $15. Gu match. $6.50 •Table lamp. Bed sprinp, twin bed SS Buick starter s-1. Buick cat·h. Sntk:" li«rhor 16:!5 jack S20 Old dr)'t"r lllO} $1 vacuum cleaner s:i. M2--8J63 tric al&rm cloclal $2-$5. Record albums 7;,c Bulbs stove $15. 548.-2U&. 2656 A Sl .59 •Goose--nttk lamp, New set Olevrolel br&Jtt ~rnerator $4. t>.1tlmat• 1hsh'"o; Ne11por1 Blvd ., C:\I Spare Rl5ll'.l5 tire $6 Plymouth !zv l\tAYTAG Automatic washer. 3910".. Channel Pl NB 25c dozen. Screen door SJ. Newport Blvd .50c •Tensor-type larnp. &hoes and linlDK $3.:.0 Rtar, s3. Hard11·are and pi!lf' fit· 37 Plra"<t' p<1 rk outside. startPCI or gene-raror '5 Sm-673-1603 · S2.SO •Hangeni for men's 3W Goldenrod, CdM. Sat· Don't dist!lrh rnanag('.r, ca parts Sl-$4 Oars $2.JO ll'Orks aood $20, 2-speed -'-'-'=-------11 Doon SJ. Bed SlS. New WHIRLPOOL au Io mat I c suiti, blouses, skirts, aome S\ln and Mon. Park In alley. tings 5c.-...SL Sinica cur ll:irt..o; Boii·lin~ ball $2 cri.1 head motor tor Kenmore C01'llPL£TE double bed $2.l. shoes silc 7 U-l3. Place v..·asher. new timer, hu all new, .05c to ..50c ea.1..:.:c..=::.;.;.=..:.;::c;c::."--'-I $1-$15. 823 TOll'IK' Sl' Costa :OL.Dli\:f ; TABLES. POd rt'lits s::i. 2524 \Vestminstcr, Automatic washer $8, Iood Cheit of draweni $25. Lamp mats Sl.50 Radio$.). Chaise cycles includifl&' 1vash and •Frames v..ilh pictures for SABRE saw $6 Ree:I lawn lliesa 64&-1257 1u bles, L-offee tablts 50c to Costa r.tesa, alt 1 Pr.t ronditon 847-8ll.5 Sl.a. Sunbeam mixmaltet lounge pad SJ. Bl'dspread \\'ear cycle. $25. 546-3684. den and child .. 50c to $1. mown with catcher . $13 t'ITE Sailboat part~: Boom, Sli K1tC'he11 ch air :5, M l d bl he d ••o. 545-J?SO $3. 4ll5 Heliotrope, CdM GIRL'S clothi""• like oeiv, M5-l4U 23.13 Corne! Drive, Surfboard SlO 3 HP Clinton 1 2 -C "P'''''t"--' <·"·o-. ''"'"" V\\' back bumper $j 1-"'ront NEW ape OU e a -.._ •• ,_ *" .. , .. _ ...__a a -..1 deluxe lypc ., , t'n· u "'<" '"' ·~ • . .., bum,..r n,.rts 1k-$2. V\Y board $25, 2 end table blond sizes 8-10.12, coats St C.M. eng .. .., i#J °""' u11.1•.., -terboard $10. ExceUPn1 con· room 1·ha1rs 2 Jc -'I :i. ,.¥ 19 ORlGTf'IAL oil paint!~ 8' Sofa, needs cleaning $5. Skir"· ""'"''· 1 h If ts , . . rear v.'hee:I $3 Swing .et ',• dilion. 613-593.i Hidr>-a-bC'd $10. Bed frames !'Cat bells S5 a pair 1\1.'0 V\Y $1S each. Jle\V bike lijtht $5 to $25. Landscapes and Swivel rocker, needs cover tel'I 50c-S2 Cu 1 1 0 m HE A 0 BOARD. !Wln-size, ~ Small gu heater $2 H.O. ', , $2 .-1() "arh. Lamp~ and larnp 15"' rims SlO Pach Tv..-o Hlri $3.50 1 • price, 5 temperature seascapes. sizes 9xl2 to $2. Approximately 12 x 16' s'""'urt"--~ blank. 9.8 .. l tl. quilted taf!et.a, _never U!led 00 , train 1et on smllll board with ~, ,' BIKES l••s~ •1 .-, 10 -•k•-,. portabl• 'lople el""lric double hot plate $25, .,•~4s So ··t-' -th -u 39 ..,... ..,, '' 1 ' shac!r~ :..C-SL S1ools :r11-. "•~ , .. " ,_" 8~744 18 ~ · me P41""" wi gold carpet and pad $15. T shoes size 2 $3 :.0 $6. •BolJter pillows x transformer SI Larfe all', :<Jlf'rd, :J spd 11nd 1<1n1;lt' ;...iii..ti2ij. 2(1.15 Pla~nlia, cabinets Slj ~ach Small I ~~c.;:=--.,,-,--,-,.-,;-;;,-..-pallelt knife . Sat/Sun after Gun rack hOlds 4 guns SS. ~:f..n • ' · 10" :c: 8", $2. ea. •Plastic mattrea&. labric type S5 Sun • spc('d. S1ll'er l"01n J<'Wt'lry, c.1\1. portable record pla).'t'r ivith PO\VER mov.·er S 2 2. 5 0, U:30. 531-3793 Record player 4 speed, nowers for ~ngements, BAT-a-mater S12. 64 Fo .. : silver Uoll<J.r bolo Ur SI:.!. 1lual sp('akers SL') Brand Portable 111aSMge table $10, INDONESIAN human hair needs work $5. Bath tub, COLDSPOT Refrigemtot $21. .05c £:: .lOc ea . •Curtain&: & picklJp rear bumper not I'"' L1bl'rly head cul. Ladies SHAG Hui;? Sl .!O .-~i:..-2174 nt•1v n11crophone $20 Two Antique Spanish 11Yle oak brown wig S20. S3l-191'.l: full size $10. Homt': made Formica cabinet 39W, ZID, Drape&, .25c tu SJ,50 pr. step type SS. Hand butrer .~· .. pierced 11nd r1Un p1er1·vd :0.!All13Lt: T11b!r> 1op Sl:i. slui t·ars 1'.'llh aeces.90ries chair $12.50, table lamp $4, bicycle, built for hi'O SlO. 38H S20. 8' Doottseent llte1, •Vaporiter, ·Ja. friu, $3. motor S2 Caiton $1 Mll. 114 ,111 i\lcrcury din1c C'U! t•nrnngs H.01nry flO\\Cr mowt?r $1J. and carry111& box S 1 0 • pole lamp $2.50. original oil PLATE glass mirror 36x4.l, Portable sewing machine, 4.. tube $8. ~Boy's ~hwlnn •~1441 •2333 Cornell Dr. Joann St. C.M. 541-6658 ' ~ • .' St Electric ro!1s:-enr, l1k•• '.140-702.i 64&-229;i paint $10, miscellaneous new $8. 6?5-6999 needs new plug in wire, bike $25. 69a x 13 ltrell $3. C.ri.t 7 8 E L L y 8 0 AR 0 S z: ,t1 fl{'111 $20. Parkurd-&ll :!l" 2 ~.!IN-lb-,-,,-,~---I"-"-. -e,-,-'"-,-,-,-:z;. ~!OTOROLA car r 11 di o , canvases Sl & $2 , 2 pair Ice COSCO high chair, like new .sews i:::ood $10. Retractable , 610 .x 15 $3. 800 x lit i2. DINING t.ble, walnut.gra knecboards 2.9., _ 4,5 .. ' TV comb1nulio11. n "'' d ~ i•ath :i HP Bn~gs and Strtll· tira11cl ne .... · in I a c Io r y Skates $.1 e,ch, 6 x 9 Hemp $6. 6'15-6999 clotheslil'K' $2. All day Sat. 54()..1376 fonnlca, 4S''x36'' ext r 1 Sl2.50 _ $2:5. South Laauna 11 minor repair S10. :!O'lG rr111 ...,,1111 nrw (•lutch $2.l. car-! on. Tr 11-nsistorizecl rug $5, folding mttal table BRONZE Presidenllal coin 202'12 Spnice in Sala Ana CLOTHING : Ladle1, size 12 lcavet, $8.50 *New drapery 499-(lb3 a· Kill ybrooke Ll:trlC', C ·fl!· 64,~-~;1.i custon1 !or Corvair but 11.•ill S4. Raw silk lan1p &hades tet5 $7.50 ea. ~479 Heighll. 540-4323 $1. Boy'&, size IG-12 SI each. lab, .50c yd, Dttss-tenath BOX prlng nd ttren ~Jot:>-2835 lit all cars and positive 25c, boat anchor S2. 6 bad-UllfBREU.A clolhes!lne $5, ANTIQUE P 1 ATF 0 RM Touter $4. Iron $3. Coffee Jab, .60c.)'d .• 56-1441. 23.lJ dou1~ brd ~ szma 0t1eri BRUNS\\'lCK Bo\\·l111i:: hall~. I !IP Pror!ur1s '"nl!;lll<' SIO. 4 ground. S\9.50 Luggagt' rack n1itton racquets ~. meat T.V. s11,·lV1'l tablt $ 5 , ROCKER $25. Vil\Yt club pots SJ. Lamp $3. Bowline Cornell Dr. D.P.t. m' M3-561J ., .. 11\.f: lbs, e»eellen1 ~l)nd1rion llP c on1mi•iunl ··ns.:1nr> S:.'O. for all CC1mpacts 1n new con-le'="="'='-"=-· =llJ>-::..:2=""=----1 1 ball and bag $3. 3 Whic Men _ alr Lamp · · ··,•: St:?. 5''8-l5il :l 101 TN"Un1'it-h l'll!::Ule $20. d11ton . clcmountabll' $19.50 foobtool $3, rattan ,s ng e chair $5. Small formica lop figurine• $10. 7149 Albatrosll Ai.n:o Headrest-. -new, DlNE'ITE set Sl!S Erx! table ~._. &l&-l&l~ Call Jordan. 673-2430 SCRAM-LETS head board $5. 4 folding deak $5. Printlnr p~s SS. 'Dr., Mesa Verde. Sat-SUn 11,•h1te. $ll.50 ea. •camp cot, and coffee table $20 Stovt t~~ TE~IPERED Glas.." rounrl metal arm chain! $2.50 Four real eState open house only. . anny folding-type, $ 2. 115. 836.-29'19 or M£.-7!QO all ~ table lop5 11 •• ll11r k. 411•· $10. THOR :t -~p.·erl, :: inch belt LADIES dresses. size 12, $l-each. sled S2. v.·atl'r skis signs $1 each. &M•ling bag •Auto seat C\lShlons, vcn-t·lO week-'••"' 42" S8. 36" S6. a18-8r.t: sand('r sz;. Sl&-464~ $10. like new 646-2174 ANSWERS (new) $20, table limp $1, ind ball $3. 18" 1.1'00d legs, BOWLIN<! Ba rl. 19 lb tilator r,ype, 30ea. * !)45.144.1 · ....., ... TIRES 6-50 • 13. alnmst 1w.·11. s EARS Rot1sseMe -oven =boa::::'="=•=";..:'°"=,-=~.:...=~=ll new S2 !'t1eclicine cabinet $4. "Ju.bUere" and bfta s:i. Kona -2333 Comell, C.lif. BLUE Chip 5lamf>' $.1 ea.ch. ,.. 3 ~ HP B&S rotary la11,·11 -: Old · · J11 Ilk ·-~~ -.1 ror ·~-11•-1_~ tr·. 15". broiler.· cosl S65. sell $20. GOLF .. -111 like new 3/S~ er magazine i ss ues. Lane b:r.\·lln&' ahh1 , e TIRES·. 1~·-) l•.00/8·-~lJ -----'------·! ,....., ·n~ ... ·' mo,,rr S:OO 61&-4&1·1 Pastry -Pewter·· Cavort .,.,. ., P'··· • ~ ~· '6·•• 12 .. ".··Ia 1 ...... 1 •-1. S1rrl ~-~~-1640 Ne1"···-Blvd., Space otheN $1 dol.en .tealed beam ....,boy, Road and Track, new $1.SO. Two pa.ll'I men'1 ~ ply SS •a • (,...) ,. ''" "' ~ \\.'AUKJ\SllA\V -,1 cylinder 1n. 'I""'" -~e -Enmity -En. ' H Rod nd H lid 15c 9 $2 .. • ' NE\V sok> 11eat $21'.1 W,..c >pr1n" rots and lon111 n1a !-~13. Costa lllcsa . ATTOR!lln'V -·log llte1 15c, large atop llte ot a O 8.Y bowling ihOcJ, Ille , a 7·7Sx14,' S6 ea •S:SOxlS. ,..._. ""'-· s~ <d _ !rt&~:' 2 31 ~each. Play JN'll rl11~!r1al •'lll?ifl<' $25. 64µ64-l .:::::..:::::c.:..:c=_;_----1 51~9:; "\Vho !~fit.· ·)'OU you_ ?X, Afercury oomme~ill.I each. Current pockel bookt pair. l'\l:V pair 1~ Ice $2. •Lu.a:ale, VaJ-Pak a.nd .......,.,. • u'"' ~ . .....,.....,.... , $3. 54g..3197 DlKE For sale 24", $12. NE\V desk. has 7 drawers could neglect your ofli~ du-tube lester S.20. over 70 of ldlkt headoo<h. 3~ew7.""81id0 Geo!: ~~,~~IJCTV9 $2 a .pa 1 ir'.;uebl Brie! cue, $2. ea. 545--1"1, PLANNING to move? You'll ... ,: 51~!1611 $20. 6~8 \V. \\'1lson, Ci\I t''' ,-... t ~., •••• 1 .... , -u chain_ oa_w chain .<food for u C r x , · .u. 1111\;>I """'· sw1vc ... e 2333 Comell Or CM ,.,. \VEBER Barbequr kC'lllC', ----------..., ....,,__ """ • ~y canister vacuum cleaner SS. SI . Two fibe .... lau bow!! S2 • · ' fiod an amutnc number oC •' l, I $40 ,,_ Hr EX"ERCIS"E "''' ,., r·-rd El-ECTRIC t•bl" ~"W 8'' • ,-,··-'"' -w '"" t .. An!" repaU' kill etc.)$:), like new •• LAWN (I •l ha·' horn l , .......... _,.__.., so " or · now .J. u · '"' '-'-" · ~ .,.. <1.11: ,.., '"" hocks f 1003 White St.ils Way, Cdl'il • each. Beacti back 1-e1t, new mowers \\ ,,.... e~ n uua)' I ........ u.u ' •~ riCBnr lanip S2 Ju1en."On1 S9. /tl'adr(~ 01gt'.'$t Novrls b!ar:ll'. Has dcp1h & wldlh Stcretary: "OUr A'ITOR· &utollte rear llC or 644-1033 75c. \Vhite ladies unifonn, type, $7.5'0 •Power rotary, Adi. Q)eck them now. -"°21 •.~-'''"-~rm'"'' .. _ .. for <>1Jld!s. Homl"madl'. $20. 648 NEY." 8/:Z ~~~~1• ti.I u 11 an I: $4, .... t ........t hard 10 S25 each. 6,,,..,,.~ -'" "'"' .. ,. '"'-& ... .............., 9 x u gold and bro""'" •one sire )6 n .50 plnk unlfonn, l'Wll ••111 cu• ......... ROLl..A\VA y Beel. hki· nc11 c; t !I r i rt g r Io 1 he Ii $2. _1_v_. ~W~i71'°-"-~-·~C_._>_'-~-~-LADIES clolhes, mo It I y 2 BEDS SlO &: $20 1 f bed ovaJ braid~ rug $13. Ladie1 Also size 16 Sl.50. Ladles start, need.a tune-up, as Is. fS YOUR AD IN ~I-c $211. 20&:"1 Thuri11, C ~J T~pt'irritrr SlS. Blue' Chip SATURDAY anti Su nd.II)' Cat11.Hna suits, sbes 10, U, · IOa l shoerollerski!es,ai:re?,$lS. Elgin wristwatch $3. S12. •5'1~1441 -2333 FIEDT Someone will be Jit&-\4·1S .:<l:in1r> book S2 2'.J. BB1•b1c ,\ug. 2·3. Edison baby crib, 14 Jrom $1 to $6. ~1842 $~. 1 double ~ink $15, 4 4" l..argl' bookcase SlJ, 545-1331 Cornell Dr. C.M. looking for It. Dlal W-S678 ' '• . ~ doll l'lothr~ 3."lC c::tch. Toys l"Xccllcnt conditwu $ 2 5 . "" h hubcaps $5. 1 dreuer le 54" ~4 DUPLICATOR \ 3"x5" card CHROME Tablr, :! lr avr.,, ·' I•·-'···,._?-"'~ I 2 CHO\V tables $.w tac . mirror SZ'.1, 96TI Tarpon Dr.,11;~~~--·---~~-MULTl~\ored le.ad«! ilf.U ll _,. 50 • .. , •• ,_ -~ .,,.,....,~,.., Kan!\.l'rt babv mattresg n-!le .,... "" ,. ,... .. ehaio; $!~.;,o. Fu'l'j1)1(·1' CEP.,\:\!IC Pa110 h'.a:n1i1da ~·luding I'\ t.f1'b sheets $10. 518~. 962-2670 CRIB $6. Stoller $3. Baby shade S25 .. Stam bottled rue;.' "Lli·nlna:" mist sreen. screen pull t:hain:. ·~ .i · lW kt>r n.~11• S2.i ltlchoflex Jump scat $2. Bab)' swing KING size bed. complete $20 4 1!.1AN rubber boat SZ. 17" pad, swing frame 50c each. $2425. Onenta! f~rurlnes brand new, Sl .75 ea , ~.l!l-277G.~~~~-c-c'*' eanif'ra t'.?0-JJ ~I~! Slfl, SI. Stroller $2. High chair King size lied percale portable T.V. S25. Solid Al\1-Fr.t radio-phone $15. 2 $2-$7.50. Ceramic fllUl'ineS *"Lid)' Schick" e) e c . ROLLhWA.T Red. good $1.i. ~t·iko dlty Oall' -.atch ll(>W S.'1 lnf11._.scar Sl. Baby shet'ls, 5 fial. 5 fitted S2.50 State guitar Amp with braided rugs, 5 x 6 SS each. $2-$7.50. Eltctrlc broiler $3. Mawr S2 •54.5-lID • 2333 2085 Thurln. cr.t 548-4-llS ,. 1 -I ,.,00 .... , ~-11. Baby loys 5c· each. Good co n d It Ion, Tremolo $20, I r am e d Electric can opener $2. Silverware IR.oaen 1847) 61 ,..~u· C •t s2:, l l ~·i unine ~V('t'I: ...... ""' 4!M-74i3 Razor ?Sc. Hair dryer SI. pittc11 $5, Deco r ator1,:~~-:c:.:""::::,•.;;;·,:;_·.,,-,.,,-:::-;c.::;;;.ll BOY'S 24"' bicyclr. new 1 1rr~ rr11d111g cnur~· 11mer $23. S2. Other household ilems := f=1 n::~u:ah~ Cock.I T;;ic-.$1.SO. Portable pedestals Sl-SlO. Or.ild's American Oriental Ru.c. 9'xl2' .~IT.50. Girl's 2r· bieyrlr, :: !'lot car rrackd SI01 _;>ome 50e·t:"J. 13~ ~~~I) is e • ANTIQUE bureau v.·lth mlr· siz.e pad•. Ideal Jor bunk Slnger sev.·ing machine $25. electric player pla.no flO . fair condition. SU. * Rug spttd. hand brakes $2ll. ?ll"; ~11:11)('!1 11·irkt>r og Jof'u new B.'l.!boa l~f' ror $25. Book-table $15. Lawn mower s9. Tripod 13, DI.shes, Melmac $3 itel. pad. 9'xl2', $6. * R,uas. Cabrillo S1 .. C.lll. ~'48-280.1 $3.SO &H-1395 PORTACRIB S8 Pix Ir Chair $20. 1723 Plua de! beds, cabin, camper bolh Slandanf t~wn"<or n•. Comin....,,.-. new Sl •o. da.rk rose, 6'x8', $5., Gold, ~-~-~c for no. hand mov.·er $5. ~,.,,. • .., ...... ~ _,..,. PORT·A-CRIB Sl5. l.adiC'S AtrrCl.\lATIC . 1rasher S:U. Sch11.·inn bike $10 Plastic Sur rotary mower won't start Like new Spray-cteam iron Vues 25c • Sl Chiklren's $4. * Glasswear .~ coUH• sun1mer and 11,•1ntr>r dn·~<.1.,,, ;,.is-w:ri rovl'n;'d dinellr chairs with 10 GALLON aquarium tank, $7, portable w a 5 h I n C $6. BB gun S4. Exuc)'cle $2. toys 25c-$.3. Decorator bot· mlJ&S, ,05c lo ·""""" ea. skirts, slarkA, !!Jics S.-12, fHlA l!..lld mfl!!rt'SS ST:> Car n1ms S6 eaC'h \\'onder horse 2 liltl'I"$. 1 thennomeler machlne $5, Rmuon hair Girl 's k'f' akales, size 5, $4. ties 5c--$2jc, Popcorn pop-Ladders, 6', wood, S2. and SJ. blou:res, sl'.·ra1<'N'. s i 1. r s bed Si Bitth SI. Car srat S'i. l.S Child's play type11,•r1ter $~ Jrghl. Complete. Take all tor dryer S5. 20 iallon romplete Deak SLS. Noi!IY Maytag per \\'Orking Sl TV antenna ea. * Flbl!rgta. shower pan 34-38. 50c--S•t \Valtlr> iron. lntnnt stal SJ llu;:hrhair S.i. Call 5.IB-5316 $20. 548-968.i aquarium wilh stand S20, v.'Uher $10. 3 TV stands S2 Sl. ' Clothes II. <'a c. h . unit, new, comer style, SlO. toaster. \•asl'll. p1l·turr>s af\11 ;.."rii·born b!Jby C'anirr $4. l\H 'l'\TZ 4·track rape ~tereo ~C=AN~y~ou:,.=,d~i,"c:it-. s"u~,.:;:,~,~-=s child.~ organ with stool $25, each. 2 Kiri 's bikct $j and Toastrr. V.'Otka, SI. 207 Cedil * Mf~ s;zm 1 ae.t {M~ rrames S3. Desk 111!h ch.11r i\lan.'I IN' -~katrs site 10 $20 642-1811 s 2. 5 o, 11a1 1 S 3 _ 1 5. 893-7479 $10. Spreads, lwin and bunk Pl.. C.M. S42...s845 terry-I PP coe. SS. Bar stool.~ $15. Bird l'1t~c worn oncl' SJ. ~;,..2111 1!15.'I V\V par!s. Bun1pe_r1 $15 Kalidosropc projector $25,2 -'--'-.co-oi_ro_R_T_AB_L_E7.-~Wh~it·e II Sl-$4. Curtains and d~a~s DRE.SSES. Size It 50G-Sl. !~· ~~441 * 2333 Corn. SI jyardl 510 Nnrcis.~us. 10-.:14 \VOOL hookE'd nr11; 11nd Jt/F fender R/R IC'nder $15 s.11·5616 Joe. yard chairs S2 e •ch, 50c. Buffet Heins l-· Swealen, 1ize 14, 50c-$3. 2'1,-==··:,.~· ~--~=-cc-.-11 Corona del r.1ar Tether ball set $2. Tool& 25c. wool knit 11Uits S3 and S.'i. 2 SCHOOL type child's desk 1 __:::;:::::;:..:.::.:.c~~~-=~ imd $271. 2 Twin i n~rspnng N-111.5 Sl5 Hood SIO Rear \VHITE sewing machine t 2ri. .5J6..tl296:::__:::::.. __ ~~==oll Books ~. c 0 mp I et e Wool ·-•t 1.•. aiu: 14_ $7.50 each 2 sell 0 1 GOLF Cl ubs, nlen·s. lt•n $.>. ..,••t•-•-' and sprin~s S20. lll'ck $10 Tall lights '5 each. ..&~ .. for above t.i. John -10 SPEED ra-r 114. TASCO G I •-·t .... -..v " E l -' ''" ,,. ......... ...... Brownie, ir .x.vu auu J••k•I• 12 """ "· T-""c• ncyc.opedias $15 eau .. Eleotroc harbe(1ue art<1 ~p11 I' -, R • p•"ln .,~,-· J'll" At! ,.,,-11°0<1 •l1a1><: ~>40--9498 "'~" ,,.,,. U -•· ... <'-"" .,,, .. ._.,,.. S7. Bieyclr. mrn'i:. :t .:<JlC'r cl '~~' ayn.. .. "-"" " ·'-'-,... ,~~;;,:'7,,,..,;:;;:;-;;;;;;,::;;;;: lelescope $1(, an que tru'"' Kadel uniforms S 1-S ~. drelllCs SOc-$3. Shoes, 79,, i.-;i7;:;;,.-.,-,--,-,,,.,ll si :-i. Formica rornr>r step SlO (;•M-,,"~"'-~--=~ LIONEL ''S u pc r O" train GIRl-'i 24" bike, good con-SS. fiber &lass shell tor Arllficlal nowet11 and fruit and S, 50c. Bagi 50c. Boy's•QuALITY _ older ~ At Y J e table $5. Large , ii'OOCl•·n ANTIQUE tT'C'artl!' st'wing ~t and acC'<'ssorles. extra dttion. except tires SlS. lrunk wl!h hinge'!! 118. twin 5c--50c. 200 items clothing ihtrts and S\\'1!aler12.5c·$3.MI. Jdahorany c~t of drawen, calJinel 11,•ilh shrlvrs $3 inRch111(' an<I cabinet SIS. !rack 20c·$12. Also 2 847--0118 bed wilh maltn'SI $ 8, and shoes 10c-75c. 4 0 Electric knife, new $4. Set 38., X 22 .. X 42,. x39" with OverstuC!e<I chair Sil. :! Ant1qur> s11 r\"rl dC'~k chair $15. 644-2881 SCHWIN Stingray bike $25, c84::_:1""72.;::::_:___ __ ~-~~-ll games. lays, It u ff e d of 8, new !'tfelmac dl1hes $6. 10" dropa: attractive TtUany couches s1a and s l O $12. Tcnnl!l raC(1urt SJ. GENERAL Elf'{'tric portable childs phooograph $10, reel DlNE"TTE !let. brown table, animals lOc-$2. Rat cage $1. 8 Klas1 gublea $4:, new In 1tyle h&ngitia' lamp. shaded Aquariuni 11.i!h .:<land, lights Cuad11laJ:tr:in imporl ~IP'(-stereo. extension speakers power lawnmo11ier v,1thout 4 chain SU, small RCA hi-fl 3089 Molokai in M:sa.3 ~~rgc box. 513 Larl:1pur, CdM. Sat greens and belae, 18' chain S.:i toys !Ind l(llme! 10t'-SI. icao rnii hidc llnri o;pl it $25. ~:l--0901 engine $8, Murray 2 speed S10. 2 green table lamps $6, off Gibraltar. 5 4 • ' ~\. no Dacron lace table cloth. fo'ull can.~ rcchvood ~1a1n $1 \\Lllri11 gamr :it't. 40 ' l'O\lnd CHRO:O.!Ed,-.,..-t-l<-,-,,.~,7ha~l~ni 25·· bike $5, 1/24 slot car antique n1ahogan)' bat $25,11 _S._t_urd_.,~•-"~IY_·_~--TOYS lQc..$5, TaWe and 3 6' x 8' $.l. ~. 8401 J>f'r gallon. 2.1'.l An1hl•NI lhhle $2j, 4 Barrel ch.ai rs $:!£1 PowPr mower Sl5 Elec-set everything but cars SS, 91)2..{lW2 TIIREE Piece turquoise sec-chairs $8. Typewriter, Jong CUtillan Dr. Huntington ltd., C.1\1. Sa1.-Sun. 10-.'"i Sl 5 t"llch. p ho 11 o ~ r a p h Irie edger $1 llsnd mower 17051 Bu1tonwood, 1-· V' -H=E=L>.=fET;:.S. __ IA_o_to_ry __ "_"'_nd'll Uonal SIS. Tall btintools,-carrier $15. Blue Bird and Beach, near Atlanta &: DROPLEA '. R ..... k-,toplr recor<l~ !"X'·TJi· \\' o c cl l' n S4 f.:ll'Clric hC!dgt-clippers 1~!162-;;~';1'9:::.,_~_,,;--o::o::-• I hall price U 6, 962--0661 need s little u·ork $5 each. Camp Fire uniJonn, slt.e 6 Newland, Deane HomH. -plo.....-ues and rollage5 S2·$..i. Boat '"l"-•'th•--· n o rolfee !able S\2.~ r.1ay1~ \\'o;'r>ns and ml'ns clothn}f; Sl2. 28" 3 spet'd bike $7, 10 GIRLS &ize 10 like ~--3 BROWN w\ng chair SlO, p..._ ..... ·• ""-""" .._... n .50. Vacuum cleaner $5. ZENITII 24.'' T.V. Black and 11r1ngt!r 11·ashcr S l 2. 5 0 . l()(o·SlO. Boll's m 0 .,, 1 e gal aquanum SS Doughboy suits and wool jumper S3 complete double bed SU.50, S4!kl614 Christmd outdoor scene $8. white. minor repair $10 Bedspreads. ha.rely used camera S20. 2501 Creslvlew pool. 8 fl diameter x 20" eacb, child1 Sam80nlte table end table S3. Bluel carpet NYLON rug and J>6d, Uicl4 Backyard pool and tilter Rollaway bed 30", $$. $1 • S2. Nylon curtain& Dr. r-;s fBayshoresl deep SJ. 54~ and chair set $3, 84-l-8726 cleaner $3, 847-2423 mull~lor stripe $1 0 . $25. Road raCf' set. tnclts 64~? 25c -Sl.50. 548-536o 4 MAPLE bar slools SlO. PO\VER M.w $15 ·~ inch drillST! i;;:,;N;iG;,;RA~Y;:,:bi~k"'·-';;;lood;;;;-'-;"':;;;;"': I ~TR~U~M";~',£T~l25;;;..~Co~ro"..,-.-t °"125.dl 545-1S31 ~~II ~:La $1IJ.C.M3 O 12'1'MA""YT-"•"G""'•°'..she=°'r""'sn""'"s-;;nU h .... 115 1-~ishi"" tackle box with dltion SS. CB .. equipment -m~-· -Al._ ""-·· ...., SACRIFICE! Oriental rugs >' ne, · frffur $25. Lawn mower $S 4-32" lllgh \\TOug t iron F'iW, df'sk. sale combinaU1J11 . .., ••v ....,.,.. ...,. w o")&A _., barstools, black seats. l!kr. SlO. Pun,..hing b.ig and lures $4, 2 v.'ft'clcinir: ban SOc for sale, Turner hand tnlkt cue, mouthpittie and no 4 $25. Electric clothes INSTANT hot water kitchen Golf cart S2 Golf bq 42 GoU new ·SS rach. 4-16" rnund inounl S7.50 !\l;ip!'" TV each Vl!ll' 50c Large monkey $4, RGSU coax eable S<: foot, goosencck $25, c 1 art n c t, dryer, Pl'.f'ftt't coodttion, $2$, brouter $15. 100 t1. heavy clubt $1.MI each Sultcate• aquagrttn bllrslools i:.rRt~. •·llbirll.'I Si TV Tra)'!l 2x WT't'nch ~ ~iO n extension connectors 4/Sl, switches IC"°O:::m~p=l'="':..:l=l5~,~~:::.=~'--ll Pair beautiM white easy duty :'I wlre const..1oo1 rdh S12. $1 .5() e•ch Gas stove S3 New I' r .. .. ... n ,. ,.. s 2 .. i o · l l" cord Sl.~ Extension light '75c 4/Sl, extra heavy duty 6 chairs $Zl each. Tools Sc-$6. Two lube gaa wa eater ahu(fieboard set $6.50 Rat. " "" " ~ 1•acb. Boy:i-. !l'Ungray ''-U.S. Navy portable iicnerator .-1 " l k · t'ach. ~1833 ~!rs,._ V£'rde ~11el SZ. Typcwriirr. st1.1nd 113 HP motor ~ Wind ow volt charger eliminator S15, l2S. motor a.nd complete tel Anllquell & silver s -ore Sl.2 3-650 x 1~1 p Y tnic tan patio set S25 Decorative "·b ,. C j k II TO new 1926 uni'>'l'rsily of Min n. --'11 ~. Clo\90nne $3-120. tires, hl'O nenr new $17.l tree $20 957 Mqell&n. P.teaa area. 12. 'Sla nt hoard $3. ou Y wl\~hcr '"-:i<' ar ac w 0·, "bullding """'1 IU1Y r. l -'---~--~,--bl Jr. ""&r book SS. 'h" em-,..... Clolheil • men's 11,-omen's, nc1v Dado wt $14. la ga Del Mi.i.r. ~1389 -I DIE" • II I "· "'' t ,. ''"m' ·1v..110 Boy~ sh111s rh.un Sl ~n1nll chrome ta " J-'--avy <luty trunk •-0 •-d Lo .A .., liO cu°"' il )R.., ·-..... bol>sing tai>e. (regular price ,.., • .,..., ,_.... Tiie@, JOc-S5. Nice couch SXI. Dunn Edwardl!I lly ro x GOOD , .. --~dapread .. S2.J 54" ......... si:tt' 1·1 und n1r>rtiun1 SI each, $2 Low bookc11se $2 N and 50 feet ol extension cord • _ .. .,._ 1 ......... """ ..,.. -· ~---~,-cc 3 ,.,~ ... ,,,, ,.,,.....,111 2, St , roin 3 1'Cllll for T';ic, day bed SlO. 24432 ....,.; ~1· cloa.r silicone 1es f!r, COii Dou"• 18 w~••hl ~, ~ So l/~un :,.1-1.., )R1~1 /l(l\l[U'rj.\\llU-..u.,,,,_ ' 100 ·--· .... other f'Xll'll ........ fOr 1 ...... 1 ·~ 11 12 al ..... •v-..... VACU!l~1 Cle111'W'r. lloo\'f'r ,, __ \\llnctieste.r model ,.....,.. ..--ranog. Laguna N'6""' • ...,,., $3.85 gal, se lor & · •p'•al d-ral<>r •'"--" -~.rt •1•1 S"--B111h room blue c11.rpe ... .., .. m• ~. ~ .... ""'-~t ,. """' ....._..,....., ~i\'crliblc-upright 1v1!h RI· ARGUS cnmf'f:t "" 11 1' _....,, and llC'CCUQrles S:l.SO Hair $5, 536-3021 I ,::;:;:;;,;-~~~:;::;::;;C,-;;;;;;;-;;:11;'56~1~4~=-~--.,,--:, I 548-70U $20 }lanaina: 1ampa $1! t11.~hn1cnts. ex1.-ellcnt con-\\'l'slon light metl'r ~ dryl'r 50; Men's v.'Of'k !!.hoes, COINS tor u .lc •hd available 2 LARGE carvctt. 1 gold $5, PLAYPEN S10. Basainclle $5 USED brick~ each. Double each 2 dCCOrlltor chelt $15- dit\on $25. 494-J701 1-·u,'JICl'l-'<'n 5hi.flll• $8. Old Jd I •·t. only ·••Iii 8 *'.m .• 59 to 1 rote SlO, cood condition. Crib ~·mP'rs ••.so. Strolle: wall heati; !Thinline) $25 . ._, 2 oU .... 1 ... 1_., •·-C'1Jl"\'1>tl top trunk Sl'i. 2 latl~ i11J..r 8, 5()1· 2 pr ii> curia 111' ..,.. ""' r -•a.oi l dmin table S2.50 842-1039 uu .,_. I< ld _.... •"" .-..-· ... ~.:, --~-;;_ rtOLI..AWAY Bed anrl 11\81-short SI. Eurtk& clectrlc 69 •Bu cent &et lllf:~ n $10. Bab)' scales . Room d v ers, a1 ~ $25 each. 1 black ~vet.....-suil.!i fron1 BuUocks !(~;r:e l~ '6.. ., · '·· " I<> SID -•-·" ll"CSS, twin sitt, prAClit1tU)' 12 SIO each Bey! ~~ze J6 brOOm $10 Brass tell cart $5 plutic) 75c each, lthe~ l-U1U.UCA pW.lman ' top ~tatemity clothes ., ... &itt slztll &: 1tyca ~ . ~ lapntry ..,. ..,,.... PlAlllllll6 TO RfMODELI .. ./ ~ ' I :r. • I I i ntw, lint $25 takcl> It. UpN>lstered chair SS. 2 small make nl~ girts), 59 to 64-0 $20. ?t1oen F..ucet $10. \Vub 12. Bab)' pl.a)' yard $5. Baby · m.oo54 $10 Unfinished framet ti 494-3701 Madru ~port coat 18· Roof oil paintings $2 each Biuell BU cent set (8ffled) 40c bowl no. Ctbinet $10. 2J1 clothes. numm>UI i o o d each Larp and •mall ~ • LA~ MO\\'ER "\\1T\Gfool ~~:~ !::'rs7;:i"'>;s:::c: rug ihampooe:r $1. 2 pr cur-each, Indian ht-8d cents 30lh St. Newport 1h8pe 50c. Hl&h Chair Sfti, In-P~!; x 1~~~ l~w d:.; atatun A wall plaques Mo • Mowt>r" 21 in hand. l"X· •47 Ford "'·noc11c SS. Ant~u,. taina $2 pr, Double quilt. 41$1. Bullalo nicktil 6/$1, BOOKCASE ss. Rup $5. fant 9l'at $2. Baby ptes $1. matehlne twin bedlpttads. S15. Ba.skttl $1 each Bar Rud C.l•11l flcatloft1 cellenr ronditmo. ~ w.ry bOllles St-$15. 4"-'I Snua fll'W S2. ~ i;:iu.et. la~ BU L.ilnc:oln rolla. 62-0. 63. lAmp $2. Wall lamp $3. Chlktrtn'1 clolhts ~ 0 e · $3 each. l ~·1 bedtpread, cannlattr sell $10 Bar 6500..6900 ht tie SIO. 494-..1701 llarhor Jlrl NB 548--74n pitchc:t • p:reen, llllW St50 64, 68-D •nd 69 all 6 rolh for Utilil)' table S2. S!eno atand Sttr'ili&e.r Sl. Boy'• ault. sin 1 .. in sLte $1 f..1aple lop table ciocka s:>a Aquufum $1. Cn:am ill'd gupr tie! OOc 9 $4, 1\1.'0 Olympk 25 PCICI $2. TV SlO. Pictures Sl. Cir-14, S5. Boy'• new P'tater tamp •nd 11\ade $3. Focal '46-2219 AQUARIUMS. 5 ,.1 '1 F TWIN ho> '''""'" 118 '"''""" '"'''" llk •o<h ooln• •"<l 1,,.. modal all 3 ,.,,,. I L50 Pink -... ad I>. Boy"a ~'· •~• 14 100mm """'°' tol""''"l;n.oiii"w""'ER;;...po:::;t.::-:anlc:-,-;,pl~an~ler;:=. PurripiL $!!. Te 1· r a r i u m l:'l\f'h !21 111 1n 1natlN'o;.<".Cs. Bran ris,?aret1e stand Sl tor $6.~. 62-0 BU nlckl'ls S3 Sl. Gtten/whlte BedJpre:ad SS. Boy~t coat S3. me new •I Cht1sttnP SZS. Nl'W clq, Cl!!ramle lOc. • JlO. &JI 11lan1r1-,, $3-S:Z..-J 1"1rr 1l> ' $18 c:ie)1 O?t Dl::ST OFF"ER. 8N.M m1u.::a:i1nr r11ck $1. roll, 61 mint 8Ct Sl:W. 64 S3. Tacktio.rd l)C 'f'raYcl !) IJTfY sla $2. -r.todern Stin1r11y bk:)'clt l)('at. neVtt altt1. G1aM ti.th tub 1<1, (,"()!)(\ c·noihllfln SlO. Tl'f"n 11 l .:!llh St N°'"Y. port lsl.intl s mall Jee chNt Tk lG-5 Pr.I. mint ~' Sl.~. 62-D mini tet posten !IOc Tt~I"' $2.50 chair SS. :Z mat ing cht\I~. Wl>td $4. f\la!'IY t1.1rttnt paper enclolW'I! lnim M 0 b l I • 1tti:U'tl~. <1lhun111 111111 ~\nt:li's CltJu.i..:;-.N·hi"utn -;;;k~6" 276 l't1ontl' V1s1a AVt'., Of Sl.n. Kii 3 for $4.SO, 68 and Crutcboa $J. "'ater illi 3l)c ilJOd lnunc• SlO pr. Jh•.nd back books lOc each. Comic Home $23. 3 days 9'.,s only, 251:-SJ Auto r.('(" game, 11.l. i lil'QOt1·rx SJ t\1ch. SW'JvfiL dC'sk im.1r $10-i'9 prool M!L1 faomo N~) 1'1rM 5tk-Di•he1 Md par. lawn t!d.ger $2. \VAJOn n-. books. 3 for lOC. -roy,, Ph!ate parlt outside-, don'1 Ile""" 'i prict' S6. srnal1 !IUrfOOArd carr"'r ror lM<hind l..(1w11 chalr~ $1 p I fl c both llL't for 12(), oth<':r coins ,...,. f'ltee""" 10c J~w~lf)I 15c 389 Sa.nla Jsabel, C.~f. games, puDln, 11.nd riolle disturb """""r. l & 2' figul't' likates $!, LaClr;."' !.Ink hikr. i.;l-iO.:.?i lhrtadcr, like nrw S25. evailablc SW25. S36-3Cm Book:a 3/2$c 646-11112 5ll8 MAGS 7 x 1.f F'ord Anstn ~1. 988 W. 19th. C.M. Nflff'pOT't Blvd., SpaCI' No.. r.iurtf'd dog ,. -:n;_~:,l•urut.1,~,::;:;;<,;C:::,===~lt"n.-;r....mo"·'"""'-1..::s.o:..J622=':=::_ ______ 1 ;D:;D<:;ETIE:::.;:::.;"::..:.' ::S20:::·=~:::..-n=T3:..1 1<.edlllndl Ave. CM.M. T.E. Sl.'t 5f0..3316 548-1211 22, C.M. je?.'rlry ~,. '•",,.....,.., f.>VV• ,,.;ir;, In the DAILY PILOT For Export Aal1to11Ce . .. ,. .. ·-·-'" " • • ..,. • . - ' . ,,. 11•1 •• •• ,, • ., • L • . · • ~ 'il.lll~-'llAT ~ .... ,.,rz.116' ME CHAND~e ll '""'"" ""'" tll><D• RCHANtllSI FOR MERCHANDl$1 !'OR • MER(H'ANDISI !'OR !URCHANDISI FDR ~ MEltCHJ\NDISI FOR TRANSPORTATION ' 'LE AND TiiADI MERCHANbBI !'OR SAi.i ANO TIAOe SAi.i AND TJIADI SAL.I AND 'l'llADI SALE AND TRADR SALi AND TRAD.E FREE TO YOU ~ ~ 8oell & Yachlo rvvv -Fumltur. -Fu-lfllioFu~ fGDO ,,_a °'1l'fto 1130 _.,._.. NOi Mlec. WM!od 1610 ifu:E to wry good-· ~1 .;;:=-'------1 hall Peni&A kltttn.w 1 mo. DAVID L. FRASER SIMk Uniltld FrH Dell•ery s;! ~:'.::, ~ ~ *u A~~TION * WI! p•y'Moils ~!d· ~~'"·, w•ill 1""1 · ~.:!i;:, ":'.~~ .. ~~ · $ leJChing ·SIUdkll. OKIOH ')'Oil "'ILi •U ot bey r ICl"•lQ~r pog P.qu p. 40' Cal-40 beaul cond, Ottu 6 0., 0 0 0 '"'"' C.M -Wllril---•'Yf W1Q<!y • "" ca·s H plug will ,., for all<ring • .,. o.t Culler, al! cob, "'' ·-A-H 0 U S E SA L E {<llabe -N...... Rata!. Auetlorli ""'1ay 1'30 P·"'-•l•'Yb>r whon lhoy ..,, 6 cond • fWJv foUnd al UO.!CO. n " 5 '-~· \.a.,. d moi. old. s.t8-031S 8/4 ~ Mr 6,oOo *I-ft. of ftUAllty furniture •Ito frol1).Sl0, • "'" l)'1$ Auction Btm This boat 1nust be sttn!l I .DlCORATOl ,GETS CANall.ATION SPANISH ·-MEDITERRANEAN !f:'~ld Music ~Jl:!°!, ll<blnd'TQny" 81'·. •.1al1. ~~~ic.5_~.':.. ,,..., 10 c.tt ' Chuck Awry .., !.. -~ -•""" ,...,.,....,,, .~ female. 3424 Via Oport, / Newport Of 18 lUXUR"t APARTMENTS 1---==!t,!!~mlht< . Ff!Gu1 s Wl>"!'l~or--,.,,,. --""'" appu..,.., Good wakhdoo. bi1 ... Low• m525> * .....,, .. Sp••'-L • "·'if".-,,--o .. _&.. .• 0 PRICED TO SELL-SAVE $$ uu"''OND '•t . GE 6'00 BTU aw con,m;,,,.,,--TV. p;.no,, °"''"' '""'-Daya 64Hl20, .,..,_ 19, r• ·-~· ~ . ..,,J>A .. "'" •-• rvnMTIJr 3-.R -let t ..... -.1an . ~ • I"~· Ya· window iy,t~115. 0.ni!lh Md anUques, --497-l!llll-8'11' _ ............. ,,....._..., .... ell 1n.- PUBLI C NOTICE T -----•1t-... ND Nt!nu-· oomLcomp •r-.oO-W _...., ---m&Ji&. "DeW' &:_uf«l •i** __._ 11 Dav 0• n~ht completely O\."t'rhauled, new ~ DIU\ 1:n ~ ol .n --n.11 ..,,._ ,_ uiuucrn rec ner, w h It e • "" ~•••• "" 111 Lab • 2 I"-"·' I • I I I I Bank Terms Slo • Charg Pl auo """' ""Y• "' ~ • ..i... S50 11~ 4•• "20 '"""''~ -mo top t\ fuJI cover. , .. .,......,t ,__ Mlill,..,~ • ..._..,,..Ill,_ ...,. ... -r e an <:.... r.1u ..a ... ~1,...,__ nauga,..,vu, • '"' new. --Sheltie mix. Sholli. Ex· ... ..i.-, A·l -~. · tit.o. J~FJ·~titiioi_'-.i'tit .so;.;t~ iiiiMiliii~•-Master Charge·-BankAmericai::d r--11• ·~ ~·-Brunswick black beauty ""'""" ............ ~· .. .,,,11111,,...,ic. l• ... Mlt.bi ........ ::»OW"'lf:I 1, J-SCijMIDT ~Musrc·CQ., bowl, ~. boll." , __ ll"'. C"ellent health. Needs tamity $282a 6T:>-659ti F.{'£~...;:-::a;..-~"-"''.:1:·;·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:;_;;;;;;111:11 ·op.n 9.9 Daily~ Set 9°6 Sun 10 °5 ~·!':.'"" .,,,.::;..,&box•pri";;;.rrul1 $WE BUY s .:.:..~-"'"""""~;GODO 1'' """"'"" ..... '-llfl ~!flt ~ ~~-ti." ........... .'llOW Iii:• J :C SZ.• ~fake of I e r. 21062 board hull wl du a I A decorator dr~am house on display -3 j1iillij;J•p3••a•1;1:19111;11 WANTED Barbi;ldo& Cir .• HS. 536--066 KIDS Bored U1is summer. lever--ahllt. cable, whttl. 2"'S Ch j St C 1 u... ••1 ft.I.LA SPINETS & GRANDS $. FURNITURE $ Give them one of our darl· }\1nt "lihlp to ihore" boat, rooms of gorgeous ..Spanish furn iture (was \IV are '' °' 1 ~ ~ ."_, 6J6..3620 MISCELLANEOUS,H 0 u 1 e. APPLIANCES ing klttens. Orange, calico tow1 eaaUy. SI?>. 671-6518 $ B~hlnd "Harbor Car Wash" off Hamilton or bOld goods. Remodeling sale. &-honey colored. 6 wits old. reg. 1295.00 Ber1iaM-Sl, a litUe hard to find' but worth Tetevlslon l20S Green naugahyde recliner. C.tor TV-'101101-Storoo• N.Coata 1'lesa. 545-.270&S/a 26' rNco nyer ~loop, SACRIFICE $398 the.dOllars·you save! Wagon wheel light l.ixtu~1. 1 rtece ... H .... f•I Fiberglas bull. with teak · . . 6~2-35226. After 4 w-kd•v• CASH IN JG MINllTU MIRACLE of birth: Ex· •-,·m ~--y • •• bll Jnbd \. • ' -• • • • RENT OR BUY &: all da:y Saturday~, s~. e 541-4531 e -peeta,nt Springer Spaniel :nc1 . ;;:;, e;;t· t~ ,.e~ c1t101T Tt:SMS AY"41.M>-• ~1t1DrT'Q.&A1t•o u.w101AT1L.Y Garage Sale 8022 Garage Sal• .I022 COLOR TV day. """'""""==,-.,..-I desperately in need of a clean! S1700 Broker 494-3916 mm. fURN' ITURE '68 ttAGNAVOX Console co]. \VANTED-Camper or &leeper good hlme with love soon as SACRIFICE-illness. 21' Luhr GA.RAGE SALE; many in-Fri & Sat 10 to 7, 1'foving $9 Month Up 0 ,. TV/stereo. Tv.u g, for 8 ft G1'1C pickup. posa:ible. 675-5CM4 8/2 skifl, JOO Chris Crall. Full tereaUog Hema. Dbl bed Conn clarinet ~. Good ,.... ALSO 642-35.26 Arter 5 weekdaya· MINI Kitt _, "'" '" niatching print sofas. Glass · ens: mwt! &: fishing equi LI 8-13'19 • -· ,. w/mauress It 1 pr in gs, dent violin. Tool s, books. STEREO-REFRIGERATORS cocktail !able. Square lamp & all day Saturday & S\ln-female, blul/cream. one I=~=-~_,,•_· '-'='-'--·I 1844 lleWpOrl BJvd.· Ha~-r "'•d.) l'flP~ tieabrd: 2 tbls , ~x6, typewriter w/table, Games \VAstf.ERS OR DRYERS table. ~1art>le lamp table. days. calico, 2 iilver tabby'i. one 1908 29' P.!onterey Character R fW9 IN HO. trains, ladies clothing concrell! blocks, 80me furn OPTION TO BUY Antique dry sink. Club WANTED: CONCRETE classic. Responsible partieli boat. Good rond. Diesel ·-I ~10: Farsisa organ, combo & much misc. 32--1 Snug 543-4539 chair. Odds and ends. MIXER onl,y, ~ 8/4 Jt?.:r. $2200 673-4911 Costa Mesa On ·' "''" W/70 w1 ......... amp, Harbp< Rd., N>PI Bch. Rl!>.-!'ll"-0000 Kelv"·~•n .. 1..l-bo••o.m.r~~~=;:;=::=~:i-~ ·1~~~~~~=~~~-)----4SY49'Z..-•-wv ;Y-n.1Jb1U &---new t'ON· !~ -~~-~7"=:7=.~"=-;'-7,;"'--;;;;r;-----j· ~~~ .._.. -S4S-t800 ' h OITJON 93.'J Victoria. -h ~ f H Sit --1SuL'TII6 freezer, avocado. llonda "JOV!Nrtabl • h _ HI.Fl & Sttreo 8210 113 OFF ON ,, utch, dis es etc. 13 \\'hite &. 548-l83l htryNft t ''' -W .. • .~ . . Sport SO. I )Told. All xlnt" .,.. e c airs, EVERYTHING! W(\NTED Sewing Macl\ine. 1 Dutch bunny) 2F/2l\f. :-' . cond. 1017 E. Balboa Blvd, =·Com~. p~~f ... ~QYI, 196.9 Sl'ER.EO Console, dlx, Bikinis, covcrups, tun l't't!ar. Very modenttely priced. 646-4203 8/S 14'. 45 HP l'lfrrcury. bait • i-·JOBS & EMPLDYMENl •" . . Furniture IOOO Bal. Fri-SUn or u long u it rsica · ... ,, . '"ake 111 beaut cabinet, complete Fri -Silt _ SUf1 _ P.!on Porlable .. Ask lor Beeky OWNER deCeased., lovable tank. Large-whttled tra.iler. lasts, 675-7525 offen. MuEt seU thll wk. w/ne\v g U a Tant e e . 4 ANYTHING GOES 548-1871 blk/wht adillt Boston Bull $450. gd. cond. 5$2--a466 • "' Help Wanted l' ·' Women SUMMER GARAGE SALE SAT & SUN 540-5357 Spea.ker sou~ 1y1tem, 4 spd 2400 W. Coast Hlway, N.B. WANT To buy (hol'l'\f!)" bar. needs:·loving home. AU 5hots. 23' Cab cniis, i m m a c . A E~ish changer. r.olid atate TV 19" new ""':S~ $60. % rtJUnd or L shaped. Must Adu.Its pref. 548-0813 8/j Inboard. SIS radio, head. ppliancft 1100 & diamoad needle. Pay cU bt: reuonable. p h 0 n, -viN galley, covers. S2G95 or trade bal Electrolux \ll!C,.om S17.50. '~ SI am es e eats, for Trailer-boa!. ~2389 CL 0 SI NG OUt All 1969 c.e:!t S~ o~~pymnts. AM/FM :o.dio $17.50. O". =-=========I neutered need good home. "'!~====;;, 7400 CLEARANCE ! abilities . . , anlimiteo . ageoc(Y New beds; Kine_ $119.50, Queen $89.50, FuU J49,SO, Twin $39.50. full;y g'i.Jaian. Sleeper- 110fa ma~1. reg. si. $29.50. New 9-Pc C'M1lft' ar- rang. choice of cln, reg. S230, now S149.50. Headbrds: Stain glass windows. Beam bottles. ,Oak bedroom set w/6' high headboard_ Oak frame mimir. Very old pii. milive slylc Oak convertible 50ta. \Va 11 her 11 1 Dryer s. 1 '""'tn• Keefe & l\1en-ill raflie S25. I-lave papers. Call 536-629-1 24' Cabin Cruiser, '62 Pt!n1· Relrigerator5, Coler T v • s. SONY 600 tape dee k, 401. Ala bama, Apt 4 Hnrg Machinery, etc. 8700 aft 10 an1. 8/5 brukl! .. Grey marine engine, t·t Quality PosiL(cils lor 1 ~ Qualified Apptii:ants • ,.. 4S8 E. 17th St., Suite 224 ' ·· Costa l\f~ 642·1470 • ' . == '· Wtrdr-obe Gal "' l •• $641.33 : Stable con1pany, top benefjts, , ~· xlnt "'Orlmig conds. Make &: cut patlems. CaU Kay, S.16-MIO. Jason Best' Employment Agency 2120 So. r.rMn, S.A: WAITRESSE.S .~ Permanent. Zxp'd pre/erred. i... Apply bl'I. 2.-1 pm . \ Kings, SIS, Queens $12.50, F'ull SI0.50, 1\\1ns $3.95. Sleeper solas, Choice of clrs: Reg s219.50, now $t:_9.SD. King-size spreads. choice o1 clrs, rec. S20.95. now SU.99. tyl st. $9.95. SIESl'A SLEEP SHOP, J9'27 Harbor Blvd, Sal·Sun lG-6. - 3l'r Cecil Pt, Costa Mesa 6,12-884.) SALE All day Sat. & Sun. Bl°ass beds-, nr new ronvert !IOfa, lamps, Colon ia l bedside table Ji oomer chair w/1traw seal, both antique. Pewl(ll' pieces, cut down library tabll', TiUany style light l'ixture, etc. 559 Vilta Flora. N.B. 644-1288 17 Pc. KillCJ Size SEARS °''" . .,..,,, eo~ BedroOm pertone 1reezcr. 10 cu ft. SIOO. 3l JC Ill" pool table, Large 9 drawer dttsM!r, mir. compl ""' balls, cues, rack, ror, 2 bedside !tal'ld1, king $60. Round maple table. 4 size headboard, frame, quill· chairs. like ne-.v $60. Ex· ed tnalttt:Y, sheets, tllank· ercislng couch S25. Dinette Dishwashens, etc. at ._Fan-turn-table, amplifier &:. Sch. F1BERGµss Rapid cure FREE To good h 0 me, V-8, 135 hp. SIS . Head. 1 tutic Sa:vings! Pay nothing speaker SI-~. f73.4651 R"OTQ.=~r~;i~1,-,,-4~,....,-~1-ran-,.· l booths. Twin 8• x 12, temp adorable lcng haired kit· O\\"ncr, Pier privilege for 30 down with your good credlt. · Excellen~ condition. Heavy control booths, ducted lo ten\. Call aft S pm . days. $251)(1. ITT>-1909 er See at liENDERSON'S 18Tl Tape Recorders 1220 dury wllh nelv clulh, new 1'1innesott Honeywell c 0 n . 531-76.11 8/2 527-1515 Harbor, CM. 548--0155 TAPE Recorder Sony 530 4 drive chains. 25 horR trols-Heater-blower. e est GERP.1AN Shepherd. male, 24' GLASSTRON, 196 7 . LADY Kenmore \\Uher & Track lilereo $225 oUer 2272 engine. For Sale or trade. of I e r over $1 a o o. hsebrkn cenUe. all shots, l.nboatd-oot. 23:: hri. gs KeM"lm'e electric ··so 11 • 1'1apte Apt E, CM (Make oiler) 642--S48B 213-321-8323 nttds good home. 646-'1082 radio. Loaded! 846-1161 heat" dryer. Both ln very KIRBY Vacuum Cle an er \VEST Coo.st Forklift Co. alt 6 pm. 23' Chris ut.ilily $187,j. New ex~~t:nt interior &. exter~r Cameras & Equip. 8300 \\'iti1 a t lac h men I s & Sales &: repair of forklilts.l 'A"oo=RABLE~'°"'~1";-S'°iam-,-.,-k~it. crpts A: uphol. A-1 cond. coildition. $175 for pall'.[------'--'--'-'-'-' pOlisber. Take over small O · f b · A 642-6087 or 67;,.-1393 646.0836 aft 6. 642-0114, ext l\10VIE Pro.....,tor S35. Ne,y pening or wnneas ug te ns, aU black. \Vhy not ~.. pymts or S41.10 cash. Credi! 4th. at 783 Ne~·ton Way, 1 p o o k y 0 u rs e If 1 ! 1'1AYDAY Divoroee! 2G' w/ 294 days counter top display pro-Dept. 535-7289. C0&ta. Mesa 49!-7473 8/4 J75hp Chrysler. ss pier \VHJRLPOOL Di.sbwas.her. l Fctor $48. 548-6737 V1NYL TILE, L ino I'!! um. PETS •nd'LIVESTOCK A~F'ECTIONATE IO k Id avail . S3800. 673--0285 Year old. Excellent con· POLAROID 104 -m•ra for .-w · 0 .... Asphalt Tile -Beautiful coJ. • -bl k t ale SKI boat ha · S400 dilion. Call 545-2Gl7 saJ.~. \\itb cue, xlnt cond. ors a nd patterns. r-.-·Pets, Gen~ral -8800 ac em puppy. !\fixed rga1n -cash. .,,......~ o,,_ .-•~ breed, med. li i z e . boal. motor, trlr, 16512 Ross \VASHING 1'fachine S 2 ::i ·i,;""'=··.,. =-=i=i===== I estimates. Llc. Cont r. 342-2396 Ln, HB 847-2252 -Di:!iihwasheT SJS. 23" Zenith , 54G-4478. EXOTIC Rais, beige and 81,j T.V. 135. 644-2566 Sportlng,Goods 1500 C white, black and v.·hite. FREE Iron bed, springs & t:i' Boat. 35 hp eltt BRUNS\VI K C e t e b r i t Y mattress · ou h 1 start. lifotor & trailer \VES'J'JNGHOUSE Frost free SUR •80ARD 10' ,-., regulation 5iz.c ~1 lable, Young rats or breeding • -y . au . ' _.. stock 7Jc to SJ. S.16-3634. 675-6024 8rJ S300 * 654-2!)15 refrig. Cross top freezer. "Calitornia" Custom-made: cues & baJls included, Sl60. =~===-'=-'--Xlnt cond. $75. or oiler Like new! Sacrifice $l00. 642·760'1 btwn 9-6. 1169 Dorset Lane, C.r.t , SIAr.tESE kitten 1 , ~ 31' C.'RUlZEON, Ch r y s. 646-1361 G75-2082 ~====~---·I Siamese, 1.~ Persian. 6 \\'kt;. Marine Hemi, re. b It . 1~~~===---2 SILVERTONE w a In 11 t Cats 8820 84&-1432 8/4 Cllrpen1er·1 Special $41)Xl. et:s, e~ice of-Spanish table k 5 chain ;ao. Lime ., COCO'S I oak table 4 chairs $25. 671 1 -• or P.lcdem S.ty e Governor Cl\1 6 4 2 -6 3 6 5 : " 2131 we .. dill, N.8. All For $249 ,;10-0011 • '!~~~~~~~~~~[Ne down. Pmts. only S9 mo. l---,3-,R°'oo=M"°"G=R"o=UP=-- ' HOSPITALITY HOSTESS '' WRK'S WAREHOUSE Living rm, hedroom, dinell< LADY Kenmol't! automatlc7'-6'' C H UCK DENT steTI!ophonos Al\t/FM. 21'' --------546-19-16 "'asher. late model, xlnl SURFBOARD $80. 847-2252 Slimline w a I nut TV. BEAUTIFUL ll "'·k. old BLACK &: \Yhite kitten, ccnd. $9S. 847-8115 646-4598 SeaJpoint Siamese kittens, female, has shots, 8 wks. 38' STEPHENS Sedan . • ..-looking for matuft lM:lmen : to welcort1e new~mers to $297 HO'l'POtNT ,_-er. 1 """· Misce!l1neoua 8600 24 and 26" bikes 112 Gas · trained. Sl5. 962-5168 546-6988 8/2 Beaut. cond. ?.fay trade "" ,. ' ADORAB down. 1'1~t sen. &46-9518 ,.r 'I.ht! community. Must bave 600 W. 4th St .• Santa Ana \Vcekly Payments ••.••. • Open Daily 9 • 9 We carry our own contracts Copprrtonc $85. Ro t a r y range S2S. Sewing machine STUD Service-k t t I e n , . LE fluffy kittens pov.--er mov.-·cr SlS. 540-7025 GOLD CarpelifW, approx 25 SlS. 1Sl3 Or an g e, C.M. Siamese, Persian, Bunne~. black. grey, It. \V hi t e. 10' GLAS.SPAR .dinghy with FRIG . 6 cu ft. xlnt cond, yards. 7Sc yard. 311 Cabrillo, 642-5666 Abys, Russ blues. 546-8858 673-6661 8/4 oars. Good for children lor $49.50. 610 Tustin, Npt Bch.1 ,""'=~la~M-... _· -----6' 6" D e w e y \V e b e r Hl1'1ALA YAN KITTENS BEAGLE -female, 2 years, I °'the=Bay==· $150==· ='7>-=3'22===-I ~ ~~~i~prp, lycai::.,~IX~. 00•1"'1nn-Sat. 9. 6 Sun. 11. 6 V•n's Discount Furn · ,..., .-.,. "a · 417 \V. 4th SI .. S.A. 547-24.12 · • • Suilo 7. ru.tin, Ca II I. SPANISH : • 544-6925 Open Daily 1().3 * Sat 10-6 LI FrS395 NE\V CagletilW. 16 y&rds, mini-le&thl>r Surfbotml. 13 SEAL & BLUE ,·ery good with children. heavy ~n Kocfel ihag, $5. pounds. Greeno fin. $45. 714-871 -9590 TI4-52S-3932 347-5990 8/4 Sailboats 9010 ' 77 yr old blind 1nan \lo'anta con1petent V.'0111an to OC· culonaJly clean lrlr, drive 1m. car or cook a rnelll ... days. 5 hrs.. a l't'k. ~ SlOO -~fo~ 536-0068 Jobs-Men, Worn. 7500 FRY COOKS MEDITERRANEAN RUM1>1AGE Sale Tues-Wed KEN1'10RE 3 tempf'ra_ture yd. Ccst 17_95_ 646-7343 • ""Al 20 ·1 · 1-d""er, excellent condition 548-4445 SE ALP O I NT Sia me"-~;. Be a g I e -~:: Poodle As S'"--.·-•· in .ni,....,.1 --·es. ...uc......, !IO oi pa1nl111g1 '" ;;-;;n.==;-;;=.,.-,=-=· I ~=~~-~---~ -'P gl ,.., ... ,.. ........., .. _ • 20681 ~-b b' H8 ~-SUBhlARINE BODY for ule HAND Braided reversible femak, 8 wlu, has shola. ' oe e:;.. lrtt_ Ill loving 3.Rms ·ot furn, Cdln rm. liv en.:ap. =r ur 111• 5-10-0097 real cheap, Call 673--0'183 or wool oval""" 91;2 x ta', like SlO 5-16-6988 home. 546-5316 8n rm, & bcdrml prlCed else-on Brookhurst near Adams, =;;:;;;:;:;;;&-.;£R:Rrrr36''l~~~~~~~-~-1 ·-where at $895 i.s )'l)W'I today left on Brook h u r 1 t & O'KEEFE &: l'iu:RRJTI 36" 675.3836 new. Cost $500, u critice 2 COCK-A-POOS, 5 mos cld, at onlY $.199. ~.V Credit _A_d_•m_•·,.,,""'==---I gas ~· Good condition. MUST go! Sable stole, Orien· S250. 644-2013 Dogs 8825 mu.st stay tog ct her . Terms. 113 OFF ON S40. ~8-2535. 847 Dan<ell !al &. Ind rugs, antiques, QUALITY kini:; bed, quilted. ALASKAN Malamutes, fs.led 531-5189 8/2 Santa Ana Furniture EVERYTHING! Kenmore Electric dryer silver. Ut32 Los Serranos. Complete, unuse d S105: dog pups), AKC, beautilu.I TIIESE cats al't! ~·jjling to C26 \V. ~th St .. Santa Ana Bikinis, roverups, tun lo\.~ar. Good cond. UO v ooly l=l.a,-og;,,,N"'ig;,. ='95-56~'=-"...,...~-c I \\·Orth $250. After 5 or v.-·knds coloring, great family dogs, live in er out, pretty too. 547.0719 F1i -Sat -Sun -Mon i25. 546-2342 litACHINISTS Tool box & 847--0406 friendly. loving, eagy lo 540-2674 8/2 ll c· , YOU . .ANYTJ·llNG GOES \VASHER & dr)'er, llill con· ~~~r sale. After 6 pm. BABY Crib & mattress. perf. train. Perfect sho1v doSs. GEMIAN Shepherd. l yr. finc:illat1~1 1a.r:f. 2400 '\V. Ccast Hhvay, N.8 . nected. Xlnt cond. 185 forr====~~~--cond: 1'Tanciscan apple din-good for br ee d Ing. old, had shots needs good most ullUIUai -unfinMhed .£47'. & Sun. s:m Pa\.\-iueket both. 64i-8400 or 548--0797 EXERCY~ Good cond. ner Wart'; ba55 guitar & Registered Pl111!bred, Sl..'D home. 5-19-1312 8/2 CORONADO 30 NOW IN NEWPORT U5ed C.ol Challenger, full ra~ boat batb etc ......... S4500. U!:ed P-Cat, lull race," trailer, i'269, •••...••..••.••• $300(). Coninado 23 Demos Save Sabots from ............ 126;) 2912 W. Coast Hlgh\vay, Ne1\'port &-ach 615-0810 27' SOLING l· Top \\'ages, penna~t.~ hon: estt and \\'Orking conditions tn area"'Sleading resfauranf. Apply 9 am to 5 pm' for in- terview at furniture iti:ft. "Car. R.edhlll Dr. H. 8 .• Picnic lable, bar• I =~-=,-,,-...,---.,.,...--I '150:-ganien traciOt ttZi. 1 ~'="='· ="'~·~"'=""~· -"~'~·l_n_•,.....~ "",o',,· ,,492,.,··"3.1"7"3 ___ ~-12 BEAlITJFUL tame rabbits & Sant& Ana Fwy, Tus1in. 1 be.que grill, Dbl. headOOircl ~~e ~ .. ;!°nd~c~el;;~ 548-::l)Jl ',, KITCHEN Table $10, chests CHIHUAHU~ P 11 PP i e s . .l cage. 6·16-2531 \ 8/<t mi So. of Ne'l.1-port Fwy. &. franlt', hi fi & records, "''hite Silll, S42-l039 CARPET SlO ea, refrigerator \\·itb 2 creamy \\·h1te males, Cham·l,.=u--;;,,,.,-,,-,...-,,.,- Open 362 daY1 per YT· chlld:w desk, \\"a:slwr, ntl5c. burners S30. ·l9S-Z334 picn stock. 546-3634. ll69 CLf'.AN, H e a I th Y • -box uo• ., • .,,. i ... n... NEED A good relrigerator? Shags, twftds, hi-lo pile. All Dorset Lane C.l\f !rained, 6 \\·eeks. Some 1, ......--J"t•u "' I Free est Llc Contr 8x 20' Canvas a\\'ning, nr nu ' 1 • Siamese. 642-7081 · CopPertone with top freezer co ors. · · AUSTRALIAN Silky T<-~r , , 81. 1 l\fAKE reasonable of!rr. 18th HUGE Back Yard Sa.le: Immediate Delivery SCI IOCK BOATS. Ne11.•port . * 673-20.10 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 SAC. AS IS. 669 So. SI. J\Ja.lo, \V. Covlna (213) 795-0j69 eve ne1v jib, apinnaker & bottom paint. New int & cover, A·I cond. Sl900. 642-2635 MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2.f031 El Toro P.d . Leisure \\'mid Laguna Hills Century Rep rod u c t Ion Pfoving! Sat. Aug . 2, 10 am. r.tahogany dini ng table &: Appliances furn .• rugs, kit. chairs. Perfect! 644-1679 ware, records. c Io th ing, toys, books, musical iMtr. QUALITY King bed. quilted. 135 P•-·· <tt ~1 5t6-M78 SE. 150 ..,., Butane lank ''"" HELP ;;·~·;;;~·;,;:-:;;~;:;,;·===-iro>RTI;.;-J;;;;;J;a;;;;;;rn. SlOO Del!ik S2s. 838-7440 all I puppies. AK<:. Rare ! · · Our cat had lo kit-":: FOR The large family Di· $156-$200. 4!)4...7620 tens. 673-42.16 8/4 Antiques 8110 nette table &:. 6 cbai~ SUM.Jim exercilier •cost -'"-'-'--'------O.rome. Jn exC"ellent con· Slll)) rl('\'er used $45. Pearl lhJSH Setter puppie!'I, AKC. SCRAP Lumber. l 909 Larry Morgan Antique itton. Call to see: 64~063 ring S.15. 451 Es!her. C1'1 \\-.ebline !inc, 8 "'ks. 646-1738 Federal, Costa ~lesa 8/5 . 1 837-101< ' • I E;<podonced 1 BookkHpe:r and I : Gentir•I· Office Work I ~/F, maturr. Day ahfft, a day "·eek. A_pply in perr.cn. lntervie~'S betv.-een 10 Al\f. .f P:.I. Complete, u 1J 11 !I e d SUfi: 951 Clilf Dr .. Laguna Beach l\'Orth $25CI. Aft S or \\'knd:s BIG Garage Sale: House 847-0406 fumltul't'. patio furn, refrlg. 8. r;ofa &: s· Love seat. 3 Jiv. loy11>, lotsa yardagE-. dishes, i11g room tables. Ca 11 bike, clothes Sat-Sun 9-6, 673--8..'1()2 altC'r 6 Pr.t. 2138 Aster Pl. C.l<f. :EXPANSION SAu; or &12-4896 2 BLACK adorable puppies Unloading 40' Van In new T~MA~Lu;l~f;e~ ';J1e T!~ l~e~)~~";;~=~=~! Cock-a-Poo puppies "* * * 497-1849 * * * \\·arehou1e. 20 Roll lot> · 'cos ~ver · ron le 115. 451 Esther, CM 2 D'l05. Adornble! S5 FREE ma I e ra t , desks. 16 China cabinets. 20 ironer $3.5. 54G--Ol46 540-3575 blackJ\\·hite. 642-4424 8/71 Round oak table5, oak chairs. SET Of ceramic fire klgs BOWFRONT Dresser & rockers, hall trees, armoires, SlO; lady's rink roller skates mi1TOr $35. nest of tables $10, B 0 R Z O l CR us s i an MA LE Sia.mese Sealpoint 300 clocks. You nan1e it! We $10. 540-0146 single bed Sl5. 499-2334 \\'olfhound) Pups. Champion ~~·mos, Sbols. 673-5879 7/31 S800 e Lido 14 e \VITH TRAILER 494-2432 11\'TERNATIONAL 1-4. Pric· ed lo sell now!! • •• 675-0049 • * * DREXEL Light oak Bedroom FURNITURE, Recortlli, men set. Occasional chair. lamp & 'vomens clothing, art & nylon carpeting. &48-08EiO pieces. P o r I a b 1 e TV. !"'==.,,-,,----,,.,..-c""==,,-..,.,--~.,-,..., I Sire &-Dam FLUFFY have it! See at: 2380 Ne\Y. NE\\' Beds. dressers. refrigs. r.1 o v J N G -l\f u 5 t s c 11 962_91165 • white male kil1£n. 13' FIBERGLASS Day-sailer f'e'v Dae. sails, trailer. ~6-1322 etc. 2501 Crestview Dr. port Blvd . or 2428 Newport desks, lamps, bathing suits, household furnishings. 2528 ;;;;co.-:;;;;-u;;;tt<:::;:;--.;l,;'=·...,;,;;::k•;::oi:::d:... ::.'"':;:'.""~-::C812 Blvd., C.M. 548-7383 !Ilise. furniture 646-9188 Littleton Pl, Cl\!, 546-1057 RUSS IAN Wotlhound, 2 FREE kitten' 11.11 colon FIVE CROWNS RJ:STAURANTS 3801 E. Pacific Coalit Hwy, Corona del Mar 2 1vaJnut chairs, lable, patio Bay.shores. umbrella & table, large I ·SA=r-&~s~.-0.-1~n~7~1-,~,-,,.,~.h-"-.,-0 BBQ. 614-2338 Ln. li.B. 8 .4 2 -l 9 2 J . •BEAUTifUL pale orange Stereo-T.V:s, furniture, & GENUINE Jenny Lind spool EDISON Crib &: mattress FOR SALE : Like new Relax· fema le, 3 mos, AKC, show 894-4249 bed. O!hcr antiques in-S3S 494-6167 ' -a~izor. $100 or best of· quality. lilakc fine pets. .S/2 CAL 28, No. 19. Outboard , eqp"d for racing. $8800 6/a-4028 eluding KIBSS\vare. etc. 3'26 TABLE Sa Delta 8 ''. fer. *548-2198 ~54 ... &-~9723~=-~-~--122i8iiiLA:AfCK;K°JK{i1iineO."';;:-· ;3 .. .,.;;;.=,_ Victoria, Apt A, C!tl belwn .,,Le to" J-w-1 ,N~E\\=·=ro=R=r~~T~e-nn~~-~C~l-,"b TEflffi~KE. \Velxb Corgi, old .. free to good home. 26. F'OLKBOAT, aux sloop, Acrilon rug 14xl9, like ~v misc!. $100. ~765 I===~~~~~-9--8 PM s ~ Family l\lembership UJO champion !!llred. 5 male~,. 3 64Ui221 eve11. & \\·kends 8/2 lapstrake hull. ~pend. sea DESK \\'itb glas!!Cd book . plus transfer fee, 644-2005 females. Prtet"d accordlfll GOOD ho f ! boat. :I sets dacron sails k shelves &: Highboy. t\olisc SC.USA TANK -Double 38 to quality. 546-4928. me or He nz 59 spinaker. P.t a k e offer. furn. Call alt 6, 673-$56 "'/J~!'.!;.. $60 0 ,-......., _ ROTARY Lawn m 0 w-e r ' BOXERS 6 weeks old, cMm· puppy. ~228 Bf.! lHG-0113 0 o.·sk.'.Cl•rk GARAGE sale: Sal. &. Sun. • S -DINING rpon1 table & 6 Located al 2275 Golden Cir. witchboerd •. chairs. bullet. gd. cond. $75 cle, . N.B. Back Bay. Q•......,•o.> Q,.........,.. ::~;~P, top condilion pion blood line. AK C 3 F1uUy kittens, ca 11co1,22;;.-. '--A;;L;';B;.,A,-;TR=o.ss=.-.. -c,i-p!>'d-c l Sewing Machines 1120 MEN 'S Schw:lnn Va1'5ity 10 I ~==""'=.....,,...,---,..-rE!Jistered. 642-4386 mother. GT:>-2339 814 fo:-rnclng & nile sailing. ~peed bi~s 12). New con-HEADBOARD witb fr1une GREAT DANE puppies. 2 TRANSPORTATl0t1 fll.11 712-5653 atfer 6 PM. Operator for all. 67S--0974 5-18--0571 Apply in pe~n ===--cc~-...,......,,,-. , I HOTEL LAGUNA MOVING this ~ttk. Stove AUG. J.4. Game !able, brass 1969 SINGER touch~matic, dition S45 each. 6~2198 SlS <199-1132 zig zag. button hole!, sewsl-=========~========= male, AKC champlon slrr1, •• _.._ & Y h CAL 28. Fully outfitted. 4 10 wks. 962-9531 -n IC fs 9000 ""ii• SIS rad"" ••",-. on buttons, blind hems. 8600 .,.. "' ".w ......., S like new. G.l;":. Refrig. com-headboard, antiques & P.tiic. .t25 -· Coas1 H~·y · hed I 11 •-p1cte room se . c 11.n:.,, "'"'• palio tum. 851 Dom· .Leguna Beach -'I bl 1 ki ' -I ,,,..,,_ ee la e, amps, tcht!n ingo, East Stu ll. NB Rt. ~tiscl. Call e\'es, Sat £: Profession.I Su n. 646-1292. PATIO & Garage sale, Sat· $34.88 or $4.16 mo. 526-6616 !-""-'-'--' "'"'-'---'"'"'-"'-"'"-"-'--"-'-'----DQXIE Puppies, I! v.-·ks old, 49-1-62t18. females, miniatures. 3281 E'IBERGLASS Supply cenler I 'L"r"'oo"'"t"<~N=,0-.~-=-. ~1 ,-11-..,~fo-r I Colorado Ln., tl\1. 540--0687 now in Cl-1-NB are a · racing, imniac. 11 mos. old. EN~LISH s p R 1 N G E R Evtt)'thine fOl' )'Out boa.I, Com_p. lift aceess. incl. I E I Sun, 8/2-:\, l!h-'l. 614 Orchid, 1 mp oyment LIVING Rm. bedrm. kitchen CDr.f. TV, ether eletcrical I Assistance furnishings, washer & appliances, furn. and dishes. COASTAL AGENCY dryer. 54!t-T278 Sal & Sun l FAP.tlLY Garage Sale: 1 A ml!mbfor of 8' SOf A. never u5ed. quilted Furniture, misc 11 e ms , l ~~~ :e. ~~~~2,~., llora.1, ScotC'hganled S1Zi Rea.!IDnablc! Sat. & Sun., .. ,""' .,...,,...,..., Matching lQVe·seat S 7 5. T;iGS Camagte, Costa. Mesa. RESIDENT DIRECTOR 537-8032 fRI &: Sat. Elec stove, play for bo)'5. Older man er ~fAPLE Berl, mRll~~. ho:< pen, clothes & mi 1 c Musical Inst •. 1125 TOP Ccndition-DRUMS for sal'c. 'Red sparkle dnurui &. 3 g1ne cymba.]g, iood pr . 673--078.1• Ot 67>3836 AC USTJC Baas Amplifier. 4 old, xlnt cond. $6'95. 548-7097 coupll'. Sm11ll pr iv a I e nn-i...... ..-·bl• CI• n · .. , .. -.._, "'"' · ~a· hou&ehold1tems.343E.l8th•~======='O== '1ehool. 673-9ll0 S50 * 847 -· ' • -~ St., C.~t. 642-1181 Plano & O~a-JOrN HAIR k CO .• th--S · • "" ,,, VIRTUE Dinette tabl('. 4 2 UPHOL. chairs, 2 i\taple far ·oot hair atylistgi Open-ehalrw, 36" round extends to ~pkn. !b:l:l bn1ided nia · Franchln Closeout lnst Auj:. :<s( in Balboa 00". $40. 548-3171 ~·/pad. nu1plc hi~. car Tlw ~ctory has ord~~ close ltl11nd. Call Sun, illon. Tue1, [ =========:-st"al . 545--3Qi:i °"t of 4 Console A 2 Spinet )''ed, 714 : 61;,-1230 or on Offic:ti Equipment 1011 P iaooa on a cosl-plu1 buls.. Olhttr days, 213; 449--ffl67 1 --:,i-"'"-~~----GhRAGl:: SALB Never again plRno b&rialns e EXP COO~ T)'P£WRITER. Add 1 n g: Tabll's, lamps, davenport, like these! f"trst come. fin! • WAITRESS mach. -~tor. Ver ll 1 _•_lo.~45"=62nd="S~L_,,"N"B.,,..--1 served. e Dl!bv.uher reumabli. Xlnt cotd • GARAGE SALE \VAR.D'S BALD\\'L'J ST"UD!O Al'Ply rn pmon. Sv.·Jq ft2..2-Ul e*f. t 1400 S. Bayfronl, Bl. (end cf 1819 Newport, C.M. MU4!t Chalet, 41f N. Nt!,_,'JXlrl, NB Hou ..... ld 6oodi ao2o Marine Ave.) FRANCIS Ba.oon 8 ab y anitorial: _ TJ-JURSF'ri, 2018 Phalarope, Grand $650. Ccnn WQC:ld lc<rupl•e:r or 1lna:Je ptnoo~ $l NOVING:, Refripratot $40. (Republic Homes! C M • clarinet f75. Good 1tud&i\ or SJ PU" nigbt. Call Pknlc table 4 beDChe1 $U. •Bargains for fl! 546--0855 v\olin. 646-6609 m-3600 2 black vinyl bar i1ool•. SlO. AUG. 2-3, sleamer tn1nk, GRAND PIANO each. TT'icyde $.';. &tS-1646 decorator ltcm1, toy11, mile. GOOD CONDITION S PC. St'rlina Silwr Olrtee St'rvtt"f! wilbool tray $300. ,ll'1lden , , • Sr Olhe.ns G7J.<1617 Y.itend1 or &fl 5:30 OhllCOllt 10 la$!)n lyplni:: GOLD Jli·lo carpel, idnt $dll. 'J'l1iJ i..-. 173 Oel cond. >"· ol<I. IM1 + ,.,,, ll-50 l'ar. C. -)'d. r•r 644. 1191-4SIO tTA•S ~ Scl'n'>I NO 'mailer' "'hat It la. ~ 1'i to IJftn.__t::nmll now can adl tt •ith a DAJI.Y Fall 646-37\11. or &CJ..:617 PILOT OulUltd 911. , 713 LarklpU'r Aw .. CD?if. UJJ fr 673-rnil Gtl'llJte Se.le Sal A: son NEEDED: oJd UJ>ria;J\t piano f63 Elmhunt Land, Cnflta "'jib: gO(ld tOl)llJ for iuwnlle P.f.esa * 54.)--0101 Jlall, 0tJJ Ptlt Busl> 6T.}JG60 *"* Gan ge s.11.1 * • PIANO WANTED :ni l!ilh St. NB rtll> 877·1nlS Pvt Party PLACE' your \\'ant ad wMre * * C:ONN SPINET • * the)' Me kloklnc -DAILY 7 flkil. old. pert. cond. P11,()'J' datritfed! ~ $325 646-10'7l By Vlrtu• of Acquisition from Federal Crt: BANKRUPTCY · SALE 7 HOURS SUNDAY. AUG. 3rd 12:00 Noon tO 7 P.M. Enti re stock ladies' garments-<kcsses- uniforms-lingerie and all assets Ior111erly PATii LEE UNIFORMS and The CLASSI CHASSIS ORDERED SOLD OFF THE BANKRUPT PRICE B•rco -Paul Jon91 -la Gr1c• -Bob Evans" Desl9n1r Serles -Gossard - Gilead -Wuner -Jer Moral -Lilly. tit. -Glydons -Form FJt Rog1r1, etc. FIXTURES FOR SALE ON · THE PREMISES! 2400 W. COAST HIWAY Acrou from Stuff Shirt, Nowport e .. ch •-·· • AK C ..,., surfboard, car or tome. ...... ... , • tr'· "-I •. ....,.....le, • pups. . . . .,,a., Boat l'Tlin special now onlY ... .,.,. u-. .x.~ Ou 0\-er Only malt!s left. 962-8983 S3.95 pl retail. \Vind an' $1500. 962--0306 Black Labrador pUppiei;, 6 Sea, 1737 Superior, C.M. ALBATROSS No. 'lT. 6 Sails, "'-eekil. AKc Rrg., Cham· S.U.-1607 boat cover . Good oondltion . picn blood n:1e. 646-71;)9 1,,.,=c=LASSP~=A~R~C~,-t-,-,~,-0-n . 673-6076 \VEJ~IARANER·LABRADOR Inboard-outboard. 120 l\terc. ALC'ORT ~ilfish, n("\V sail. ~iever puppies, 8 ~·ks. Cruiser \\'ith po.,.,,., jct k S45. 12' Cla!;ll Sail Dinghy old. ~258 po11o-er trim. Full cover. S70. Xlnt condition .'>48-444j M 1 N IATURE Schnau1ers, Ready lo enjoy. A 11 CAL-20, :"!Int C'Otlri, 6 hp AKC. 4 mos, prrm shots. main1 e:13nce rttOl'ds. l motor. Genoa, xtr81. slip. bt:autitul pups_ 83().Jr.67 tnl"nl!r. Kl G-4444 8-12-6050 IRISR Selli:_r puppi!!s 7 \rkJJ. TROJAN 15· PEARSON s11 llbo111 & AliC rrg. Champion blood * Si\n DJtiQ.. * trlr. Xlnt C'OOCI , Sl275 or Hne. m-14·18 CLEARA~CE SALE lr~dt>. 49"J.l!J84 OOBETu\lAN, n1m. 1 t AU. 1969 TROJANS lSli' SNIPE i:11s.~/ .. "00d. monttis ol.d. good di~poe~ 25' Sea SJdtt ..... ••· S7939 xlnl mnd. trtr. dacron saU.. !Ion. $50. 645-1182 bdore 23' Sea SkW •••••••• $12,5()) 1000. CM 5t0-tm:; 2:30 pm S6.' Sea VoyRger •·•• $31 ,820 I ;;-;;;;;;;".,C."-.;,,:==.,,..~-1 2StO Shelter I~ Dr. &'IJPE No. 436, -151\' with Gclden Retmwn. 6 wks 714: 223-7065 trai~. XL.NT oond. $4SO. C&mp aift-O"u;y Ctlsey. 962.-CMt AKC Sl:iO 64$-1347 LIVE AB 0 A 'RD 4 5' I ;SABOT;tt;;;;c-1o.T>;;-/;;:be-,,•"'t -o~f~f-,-,-.1 PURE 8 -• G •, m, n Tri-Cabin Chris F.8. l:iO EA•_..., 1 . "'" WSS f tho '"..-v•••-'8" Rul!M'll V Shor'lh&ir pointer pups. S . a meter, su!o pilot. &trfboard. Atake o If c r . wccks $1'S. $(8...49!6 2.S h"'\V 0Mn, daVltoi and 646-.38'8 ===,..,,-,--.,.--,,-,,-1 dinchY ancMt wioch. ChJ')'I. GER~t AN Shc-plwrd puppies Imperial engines-no trades. P-<:AT Jt(Oa rly 10 r Ace . S15, ~1829 1147.j(.1(1 Clt!ilon1 l~!le.r. ~111,1.1 11eu A)(C Basset Pups 10' CLASSPAR d In I by: Ul!r.i or bt ·t oller ~2--3Ti6 Tri-color 6 wkl S«)..86.18 1tttrlrc box, cables .l dolly. e\-es. TIIF. SUN N£;VER SETS Oft Xlnt _cond. Sl90. 548-.(KJ) ~ Scout'I nt't'd ~ n1aln 11all Oas.-Uied·1 sclion power. t8' JOKNSOri Cab Cm !XI for 22 lool Alhltt'l)J~. filJ.!1™1 For an ad to •ll .around hp. Evinrude 09, Tiit Trlr, ---i4'HOEifE-CAT- ~ clock. di.al 6\2-5673. equlpt, SlO.iO. 347-4678. ~. 36.1 *7~ rv,.,, I 000 R Tl>p -)ff er top 1,900. II -..1916 I in. now ·bail '595 oul- oa I '\eel. ""' il8 oop, teak obd, ""' ·3916 '..uhr Full .cter iesel bail iler. ". ead, :-a.de • 'en1- :ioe. !. 1 '30 . , 67 . SS 1161 >l'ew >l>d. w/ pier 'g. It . 000_ '". ""' I vi th '°' 110 T ar'! 500. ler, .... ave 065 '· ~10 r 050 llO "'· !Ve om A-1 "' ic- '" "· "'. "' >p, " & ' "' ··-• ~- " '.d. cl. " "· "· ii, •Y ; ,, p. I. •• h ). v " 6 ,, 0 ----• . ' TRANSPORTATION S.u.da)', A\19'1$12, 196'1 DAILY PILOJ J9 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION' TRANSPORlATION TRANSl'ORTAT)OH' fR»ISPO'RfATION TRANSl'Oll:fATION :!-!e' 9s10 lmpqn.ct .. _ _. 9600 rmp.rt,Od AUi .. --f..,,.nw~ -1,..por1oc1 Auto• -imP.rtod Autoo -Tuyota Wdcruiser KARMANN GHIA PORSeHE TOYOTA PENGUIN 12' f I be rgl a s , Rawson built, dae:ron sail!!, good cond. $Zi5. 646-4221 eves. TOY OJA tw. Ha.rd~. Ml equlpt, JU. 1961 Kann•n Gh\a .. \Vb.lte '1 1!159~~... .u:per fiotJdon tlies ,\wheels. w..-n °~: ~000 mllaa.~US50 --' ~ · ,. hubs, tllle oow RSF~lW. ~ ___ *:....:548-c:..1943=-:::....;*---1 $2195 '56 f'onehe, Xlnt cond nu '. MERCEDES BENZ u.... .. , .. _. s.or 1\ooo- 'm-6018. 637-590$ aws. BILL MAXEY * ,65 CONVERT * 1;300 B<acil Blvd. Wllmnstr TOVOJA Phone 894-3322 ..-'GB YAMAHA so-* ·XJnt cond. All xltaJ, nu ptit, T N •-, X .. _ Hunt~ton 8each fOP, Mu.st tell. 646-1234 BACK To Vietnam, mnst .. n.ace eqpd, '..cb8Jn.,.,,r. 847 0555 , U' '69 "'--ta craw di c:omp,-release;-1>1-<0mp head 'V * '66 POR..::llE 911 * ,. ' -··~ " x, & more! f.fus(~ lo h<· ========== All U lras 'l1000 miles ' apd, reclln.inc •ea I ' • bu.riundy/blck int.. '2200 or lieve! $285, 644-• · Beat over $4600. 646-0389 be1t olftr, call aft 5, '61 BULT AOO JC;;;•m;;po;;;; ... ;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;; '62 Porsche w/ '68 super 54-7654 ~~cc. ' , ,.._~sCondrro MPER engine. Good cond, clea.n .. l :,,;.,.;::TO:;;Y;o;OT=A..,Co'"ro-,,lla-.,.Sp-nn~· ,....,, GREENLEAF ...., 64,_9421 ~ CA MUST ~-!<OW! SAC. $2300. Ul-"4!1 ' MUST SELL! 0000 ml, M W I~,---=,,,;::;._:~:,...-"""" Sales .. Rentals · 1966-230 -S.. AIR CONO. '67 PORSCH.F., oi:lg. goli!en J$2.200~:·Mklng $1755. 1 to 9 9200 JIEAOQUAnTERS -El:MORE PARK 'r.6 liONOA 305. rebuilt Authorized De&er AM/rM, PIS. PIB. OLK green, low mi. Immaculale! p.m. &16-4300 e11gine, Needs paint1° $300. Eldorado • Four \Vinds W/BRO\VN lNT. 62:000 M.i.1~$4~600~-~67>-~;1554~-~°'~"1~>-~TI~60~1,::==;:~~:;;:;:=:- lT O'Day Qaysailer 6i:>-Jl36 Scotsman· BarT&Cuda JN GREAT CON'D.-;$2!li0. TRIUMf'H Demo Sl750. Uied $l350 in clear, clean, cool Costa TRIUMfll 198J TR6C. xlnt FREE ZEBRA MINI BIKE OR JST GOOD OFFER! RENAULT l\1esa. Ne\\! 92 space Adult __ _. 1 1~ RUSJJ! 547-646'9' -14' O.'Oay used ........ $500 Park NO\V OPEN! r.tobile ............. o m .... rec. tuneup, with purchase of any _ . '64 TRIUMPH Fu.n Zone. Boat Co. Balboa 650cc $75!). 548-41 U camper or camper package! GOING O\'ef"SCas mus t 0000 Economy ~~· 1960 Convertible. SJC681, only Home Display 1.1odels I: Re It 25 m1le1 per l2' Kite, 8.11 ext ras , Sa.Jes office locale<I at Parle. '68 YMWIA. 250 Enduro, lo Theodore sacrllice r.1y v.'ife's ~-· nau -' $697 eo~rs. rloUy, trailer, 2 yrs . OP~N mig, xlnl cond. ROBINS FORD f.lercedes 100 sc~an. Very g~lon. In ~ running con-Best D .. •ls Are At young. $850. Call 673-3048 548-79~3. clean. Askjng $550. Costa d1t1on Safe titts &: brakes. DEAN LEWIS 2060 Harbor Blvd. . tttes.sa, S.13-1453 or .54&-.S.U7 $150.00. Call li42--3.526 after SABOT w/ center board. 9 AM TO 6 PM '67 TRlillilPH Bonnie, 650 Coata Z..lesa 612-GOlO :60 -2'10-S Convert Very 4:00 and Weekends Good condilion $150. Call ACCENT MOBILE cc. lots chrome, new eng. 1 cl " $1200 on -bit •og 191i6 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 S.i&-9S26 aft 6:30 pm. · o"'ll('r, Best ofr over $975. IMMACULATE? 1962 V\V ea . ., "' · SPRITE STEVE Wilson Sabot No. &\6-4203 CAl\IPER BUS completely f\lcch perf. new cloth top. VOLKSWAGEN Austin _:Ameri·c~ · IRAND 'NEW 1969s •· · . -4' S"ED Aut;bMATIC TRA'NS. 1 ecH01CroF'ooLOas e o1sc 1RAKES 1 e FRONT WHEEL DRIVE e LEAT~fRffiE 'INTlRIOl e INDEPENDENT . • SUSPJNSldN e IMME-OIAT( DELIVERY ! DRIVE YOURS HOME TODAY! -t·CHecK-.rOUR--WEEKEl'(O $Pecl;<;L • ! 1969 AUSTIN AMERlCA FULLY EQUIPPED I with eutoni•tic transm ission. -1 Radio, h••t•r, etc:., Only 9,000 mil•s l $1695 '· ALSO Sa• Otir 'Gold 5911 Used .C•rs ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION OF Porsche's, MG 's, A.H,il~'•, F•rreri'• , I"" ,r I J2rtuporr 31111p 0 i't ~ ' Authorized Austin Amerlca-MG OHier 1100 W ast Coast H , 3100 Wesf Coast Hiwey..:.. Niwport •••ch 642-9405 -540-1764 4531 Racing .. rig, extras. Gd HOME SAW '64 1-IONDA 150. Needs restored, New tires, paint, SJOOl -494-83l9 61 BUGEYE rund. $300. 54&-7;'i'i4 engine \l'Qrk., New til-e & Porsche chron1e wheels, * 1964·220 S * Good condition. Take over .68 vw 1500, 2 dr !dn, 21.000 Imported Al>tos 9600 Imported Autos .. * 14' SAND PIPER SLOOP. 1750 Wh.1tt•1er Ave· tube $50. 64i-4644 upholstery, chemical toilet, r.terc.hnBenz, a.,.u!~· pwr Is~' .:;pay,;;· ~m~'"°"'~"~>l6-S;;=='="===f mi, Xlnt cond, Rl~I. Priced VOLKSWAGE.j 1967 HONDA 450 !.ink, water tank, stove. am"' . p1\T _...,., compe 1· w sell $1800. 6'73-l7l5 VOLKSWAGEN . ~ ~52oond. Cover. $35£1 Costa Mesa shocks & va1vt>S. Try to beat ser. records. 4~2545 SUBARU $600. ~ll06 this one for $1600. Can be 1960 Mett'ede.s . 190. Clean, ---~ '66 V\V F~stback, idnt cone.I: '63 VW LOVE BUG '64 V\V, tan. MI~.ad. fin.a. LIDO 14, mo. L:hl. Xlnt con-714: 642-1350 seen at 2219 Channel Road, new tires. $7SO firm. new tires. Bla1tpt1nkt n dlo, ~dio; tic. GPZ374 Xlnt running . cond, h4ve. diU6n ; trailer. $1100 l213) '"'""'~""'"":!~""'""'"" f Auto Services Balboa or call 673--08.14 642-4452 eves. SUBARU DEMO SALE coco mats. Jl(5(). 644-0924 $795 kepi 3000 mi maiot. Actual 32>-'772 Open House I --'&::..:P.:•::.":.:•:_ __ _.c9_400.;..: '69 FORD Econovan Camper. 1959 MERCEDES Benz. 180. '68 vw. RIH. 23,000 miles. Best Dea l• Are At. ~:~9.000. $97$ takes tt. LIDO 14 No. 2153 w/cover. · Sf.lALL. Block Cllevy racing pop-top. elec rt>frig, flush Good cond. $545. Low mileage Demonslrators, 1t1AKE OFFER. Xlnt 00"!~18* Driftwood ;~~~~lleon~e!!i~~ A~enb~~'. =:'. 8~lo;: p~c. * 347-soo2 * Ful$8ffnty V\V BUS ~:!,f, 23,(XX) DEAN LEWIS ·~·Di::~ s;~ SABOT-2 sails, like new con. Bea ch Cl ub ed sfFI rods, 5/8 stroker CAMPER. Tropicana. 8~' MG miles. Ex~llent cond. 1966 Harbor, c .r.-1 .. 646-9300 642-7787~ : ·dition, Sl95. 21462 Pacific Coast HWy crank, Ansen forged pistons. Xlnt cond. side dinette.I------"----· I SUBARU-Vans Ii 'Trucks In Privaie patty. ~7~7643 '65 V'fl -bus, 9 pasa, MI, 2 '57 ·VW Convertible, 1 o * 673-7751 * lnquil't' at space 26 All parts ne\\'. 84&.076,l aft 5 camper jack included. im;; 1961 MG Roadster 1600, reblt stock. F'OR SALE '66 vw •. SllOO or new !ires, gd cond. Service mileage, gd. condition . .Alik- 17' Centerboard Sloop Ne\\' section, nt>\v 24 wide I =';::m~·======= 646-5533 motor gd. top, titts toimeau $ 1395 make otter, xlnt cond. • e co rds av a i I. ing S57S. n4: 6~ e~ . fast, gd. cond. !railer. Ocqan front 536-2731 'I T I 9425 RENT·A·SHELL roven. 838-3500 Qr 835-4422 * 847-MJS * $1350 * gu:2252 '67 Sq . back v.·agon. Xlnt rea.sOnable, ;'48--4224 LfVE By the Bay in Sp. 29, Trai er, rave \\'EEKENDS, \VEE K L Y AL.')() Ju!t arrived. . . '67 VW Sl.52;;. kept in Xlnt '65 EQUIPPED V\V Bus, rond. $1&~~ 7:30 mobil borne & cabana. Pvt. 68 Colenia.n Trailer camper. MONTllLY * 839-1800 MGB The New SUBARU UOO cond. Ff.1 radio, lo miles. with new lU) hp Con'all' ===,£;;,;;i;"'"=;:-:;i;:;;j )beach, clubhse & JXlOI. Slreps 6. Used l season. A SEE THEM AT 673-3261 eng, Many extras. $1®. '61 V\V SUNROOF BUG. 46 P.tlN. to Avalon in style. Bayside Village, NB. Asking l~S:,;l•=al;;;••;;!ti>J:=":;· -=====I Camper Rentals 9522 167 MGB .. GT Coupe '61 VOLKS. Bug : good cond. i";,;~~44"10""",_=..,...==c: or best 0~~79 F.G. Century BuccalK't'r, $16,950, MUST SELL! LI * EXPLORER * Beautiful ruby .red wi1h full KUSTOM MOTORS Red, white inter. $525 1900 vw. Excellent rondition ~~---'---'---'-~~=+I 23x9, 50 hrs. Cbrys. 300. Sips 1 c8--0'JZ7~'--=====-~=1 Trucks 9500 blk. leather inter. Every &l5 Baker St. i~-=-"-54'-'6---'2900=c,..--, 1 ti-1 u s l Se l l Immediately '66 VW. xlnt cond. $122S 1or 4, head, S.S .. stern room, 1968 FLEET\\'000, 12x56 By week or month. Luxuri-possible extra on this local· ==C'='•="=•=M"'""'=·="=~=59='5=~1V\V 1959 Sedan, XlnJ rnech. S1195. 549-1068 • · best offer. . 1l v.•/w ....-nt~. etc. Slip avail. expa~"o SJtlrtina awru·og TOYOTA STOUT o"•, Slee"" 6. Self contain-ly O"'ned & serviced G.T. Lo cond. Clean RIH, 1d tires. '68 VW ·~--abo ,'67 VW ____ 6_l_6-62_43 ____ 1 Cost '""$i2.0CXl, "·ill take Pa1io 0 ,"" 1~v.-·n et~~· New So: e<J'°:' Um~ number. Call lllileS. Showroom cood.ition. SUNBEAM pvl pty. 962--0066 Sedantorl'::ie for vw Bus. ·Gs BUG; Sunroof. 3.5,000 JPi. $8.950. Res. 673-0'196, ofc, Costa blesa · Adult Park. 'S7 pick-up, orig Ruby Red. today. ,61 TIGER _, Conv. Modi· ·04 V\V _Xlnt cond. $895 962-2329 New tires. I~ exha"5t. 6T'.>-O!KXl f'XI 66, Dick. J4900. con1p. &12-5911 e\'es. cleanest ~·e·ve r:ver seen. LEISURE RENTALS tied 0 . b~ Imm good tires & battery '66 VW. 22,000 mi Jes. Good rond. S97S-~I ti-fUST Sell 22 i\lerc. cabin 20x50 GOLD J\.ledal, 2 Br, 2 Lo-miles, ex cel. tires. UTP (7141 642.{;611, !n4l 837·3809 "'l k. ""tt ,,A,,::,-., ac. 546-4399 SUNROOF. '66 VW: $1000. Co!ltact MW!:e . SI 2 6 I 0 -k'. il .,,., J>a e 0 er'"'1"'0.U .... .,...,, ... .,,.,, "'"'0_11, •• ~. 6!3-o•ro cru1ser. eeps . cy ·grey ..,.., awning, 5 1rt1ng, ul ..-..... I-'---'--"''---------?ITUST Sell -'66 VW Camper. ...._. .....,..., .... ~ ......,., marine. New SO gal fuel shecl. Adult park. t 3 5 $1295 Dune Buggies 9525 1967 ALPit,.IE .. Exceptto~Uy Fully eqpt. lo miles xlnt ONE O\VNER nights. tank. bait tank. etc. Best of-Laburnam Ln., F. V. DUNE Buggy Show Sale. 3100 ~V •. O:>ast Hwy.,.N.B, " !!l'!:tyn: Lo$177w, ~~Private cond. $2400. 642-1526 ' 65 Volkswagen 17,000 mi . '6.l SQUAREBACK. o fl' fer over $lOOO. 643-3828 ~"~'~-'='-'°~~=--,=--B(L;L MAXEY Bo!iies from $149. Chassis 642-!MO;;; • 540-1164 .... fi7 vw BUG $1200. 642-2936 -owner. Pel'fect shape! Ptje. ?-fUST Sell '67 Billmore TOYOTA fron1 $249. La Paz Dune Aulhorized i\1G Dealtr TOYOTA sunroof R/H SUlO ""'"" ed right! 673-1379 $·peed-Ski Boats 90lO 12x;.i:_:, 1 BR, carport. 50' lluntington Beach Buggy Supermarket, 3623 Q BEST OFFER! 673-1556 '66 VW Bus like neW. 1965 VW 1500 S square ~tk. SAUCY 14 Kett en b u rg, patio ai\·ning. furn. &:st of-847·8555 \V. \Varner, SA. 546-4(}13 · PEL 67 V\V Ex~llent condition $1495. 646-3834 $1150. custom made. 85 h P fer O\"C'r $4,000. 531-1077 OPEN ~7 \\'kdys, Sat 10-5 196.7 TOY~TA Lo mileage $137S ~ ,. 497_1833. Ask tor oo.~ ,; l\fereury, ,v/trlr. Ride CLEAN l BR 8x 32' 1rlr. '61 OPEL Coron!! 4 dOOr Sedan. Exeep-e &36-8287 e e VW e BUS e VW e .67 V\V BUG. Good condil\&n. Power Cruis.ers 9020 I I r Guide Stttring. Scat ltames Ideal for student or retired '67 Dodge I ' Piel(-. Up lrriportecf Autos 9600 Baby BluP, · +speed, radio, lionally ~lean, l o~r car. THE QUICKER you·CAJ..L, . N P . i. $ 121 5 0 r b, st di I· : :™'!~re!ki~ ~~ ~~~~~~:~. a;1 B1r,P:fBa., *1 AUTOMATIC_* ALFA ROMEO ratk. vzv~~97 ~L~~~~k~~:i::a:"t:.:IT;HE~.;Q~UI~<XE:;;;;R;;=YO:;;U:=SE;;;IJ;:,!.;~;;;fiss~Blt~-,;C,,,,;;B;••~_-,;&,="'="=··=· :=~:;'-39'.!='='=;~';;":·,;*o=9'3-431:;.;:'===;==jf:;:,_( "'' 54&--0725 loc at Rancho ltwitingtou. R If. R~. :;harp! Buy it at ,66 ALFA Best Deals Are At ic. $14· ne. Imported Auto_s 96001mported Autos f600 Imported Autos ~ 14' FG ski & family boi!t~ OOS-3209 or 962-731! Southland's Truck Headquar-· DEAN LEWIS u J>hp, ''"'' Joh""'n OB. All 8x35 Tra;J., ra"""· p,,.._ ''K'JsT'if~y:~ORS ~~~;~,~~:~~!. ~',;..~!-. "&>.. !~~~.i~r:h;:' ,.B_~_:,,;:_:_:2800_;,. "_r_.-_,._·~_·:_··_9 .. _2_: ~:~~~;~F!u,~. D. ""'EBeA~I ND'::rL: AE·,.w· A'1s ,~68 ·P·;-.,~~h.;·~,1-2Hc~ ... ~ c~,~~"-,,so~ SH ARP! 1805) 6~.t--2468 10 Speed boys racing Peugeot seats, fart. air rnnd, pwr _ .. ,..... ~ Jip bike, completely rebuilt $45. steering, dlr. super cond· 1~ H •-CM "'" n~n' Hard to find canary yellow 8' SKI boat, ~ hp eng. 64.f..-O.l82 tion! Cost $4400. \\'ill sacri· """ aruur, · ' .....,..__,,, 'finish \\'Lth black inler. ALL compl eqp'd. $550 before 9 fice 12009. LB '886628. Call Porsche accessories incld. 549-30.Jl Ext. fi6 or 67 am, and after 5: 613-6096 Eledric Cars 9250 Ken 4949773 or 54a.oo34 DATSUN AM/FJ.f, chrome wheels, 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ONE OWNER POWER CAT * SHELLS * bumper guards, etc. Abso-COSTA MESA - 2 Mere soo·s $1300 ELECTRIC Cart, golf cart Slight Fre i ght Damage '69 t>ATSUN 'tuteJy perfect cond ition: '68 Toyota Corone • 642-29.16 • body, $2'J. 5.16-3'63 dtu 5 CHEAP! 1!39-1800 Bli: ""'"•' d,, dlr, 4 '"'"'1• *AUTOMATIC* p m front disc brakes, overhea'd 1967 16' Glastron, 50 h.p. -':. =·======= •::.11 ~n-' ,,-,,,,,, v~. ... "" """' '" cam, speedometer reads 3200 r.1emtry." Xlnt cond. Sl4!f.i. M" • B'k 9275 s"tlck. Good cold. Reblt miles. Will make exception· R/H. ·super SHARP! $1599 ]I "'on'flftst Joni? 9l'I H11n-y! Call.673-2259 . tnt 1 U engine. $525. 548-38;,) al deal to prvt prty, Full pr. l!l&.1 ··16' Glaspar 3-wheel mini bikf>. '62 JN"p, F'C-170 pickup. 4 $17:i5. YNW J4S LB. Call Vic, 845 Baker St. "'.ilh lrnilt>r & 'cover. i\lust see to ~~eve! \\'hi drive, good cond .• S750. 41M-9773 or 545--0634. 3100 \V, Coa.&I Hwy., N.B, _ [-;=;;;Cos;;;;;ta;;;;;M;;';;";;:·;;5'0-;;;:;59;;;;15=;; J2rtuµor1 311uµorts KUSTOM MOTORS 646-206..l call aft !i, 54 ' 585 49-1--0386 after 6 P~I . ORANGE COUNTY'S s-12-:~:,l'ized llfG n!!~7&1 ITl2JYIQf T~ E 9035 M I 9300 FORD PU. '54 Flalhead rblt . NO. 1 Marine .quip. . -~!~~-Y,__:<;;_•;.:•-~__;= motor. S-100. 642-4248 2125 DATSUN DEAl:ER -'57 PORSCHE -- Best Deals Are' At BENDIX r.IR·4 32 mile • Like new '66 Yamaha 305. l~OO-rn::Opg""'•;.A""c:·,:C::.M':-,-:c-::-c::;; DOT DATSUN Sunroof, coupe, jet black. Radar in new rond. Jdeal 5. 100 act u a 1 mi l es· ·57 CHEV t<• ton pick-up call JKF343. SALE~ DEAN LEWIS. for b1i: pleasure craft or ~$<=00=·=*='96S--4=='="==== I 5-16-4j93 $350. Ex c e J I en t 18835 Beach Blvd. $1397 tomm'I vessel. i1000 radar ~ 9215 1.:rond=;,· --~~---I 811;;~ton ~:2 Best Deals Ar# At 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 ::;_~':,11 4 1200 m"aUaJ>m. l.·M;;;;Op;TO;R;H;O;;M;E~S;Ti '65 l: "'" FO<d, camper -,::.:6::.:B:=D,.:cA:__cTS:,=..:cU.::,N_I DEAN LEWIS BILL MAXEY II eqp'd. SJ.2'W. Pf.IR, 210 hp, V-8 f.1arine l====.,..==='ll<l====I Big sta tion wagon, auto trans, 1966 llarbor, C.M. 646-9300 1 I I IOITIAJ engs. ?>larine head. Vacuum overhead cam, dlr. disc bra· T Q Y gaugtS, Elec. Tachometers: 9510 kes. Perfect condition. Tak<! 1967 Poi:sche 911-S Cou~,· Kohler 2.5kw auto start trade. Sacrifice. \VBJ &89 -factory mstalled, ~ports kit, 11111 BEACH BLVD. marine ~enerator. 673-3261 LB Call Ken 545-0634 Rally muffler, dyno tuned, Hunt. Beai;h 847.a555 4 WHEEL DRIVE · • Amer. mags, A!\l/FJ\f. new 3 · -N 1 "-··t H Sch HEATHKIT Radio lelcphone, GOING to r.eNe my country! Dunlops. S5000 1 i rm. mi . o ........,, wy, on 50 watt. Factory bit. Can '64 Datsun. lo miles £57,00'.lJ 871-3232, X3112, "'ori< houri. '66 CROWN WAGON easily be converted to 75 '68 JEEP good cond, Xlnt transport&· 497~1558 home Stick shift with overdl:ive, \\'all. Brand fl('"'. tl('Ver HEADQUARTERS Commando Roadster, sharp. lion car. 675-f.657 ,66 PORSCHE 912 coupe 5 one owner. Lie RGBi60 hooked Up. $180. 518-0725 17050 . '67 DATSUN Sta \V g n, ~pd. AM /FM , J mm a c. $997 . RCA · AR-8712 Portable OF FOR $2497 perfect cond. $950. f\lu.st sell '",000. Best Oeels Are At -'67 TOY(JJ' A ""' Battery-UO VAC $35. Porta· immediately! 494-0592 838-6059 "DEAN LEWIS ble ..... 1orus S4.50. 545--4384 MOTORHGMES Landcrniser. hardtop, looka ====i':=====I ,~==-';:_::;:::,.--..,,.=I .,... like new. UOF 110 ----'63 b1GB, hard &. soft top, HAND bearing mmpaq $7.50 $2297 ENGUSH FORD new tires, radlO, wire wheels. 1966 Harbor C.M. 646-9303 Flare .launcher, new S6. '66 JEEP Very good con1t MWit sell-,_967 Land Cruiser. HT. 2000 54!)-4384 Wqoneer. big 6. powPr steer. ORANGE COUNTY'S Make otter. 4!J.4.9808 ml, winch & chain. A/C & 50· HOIST'. % ci spinnaker. ing: ni~t in town. SVE 368 VOLUME ENGLISH '57 PORSCHE Sunroof. Sl400 ·heater. Allx gas. custom toP l.2 oz drifter, S2'l97 FORD DEALER or oHl'!r. Eves. ask for Greg' loader. 4 alum. slor~ box· 673-5729 '63 TQYOTA 64'351S C -u SALES SERVICE .... es. trlr hitch, erptg, sarety HONDA E-40 Ga5 Gene-rator Land .• rui~r. hardtop .. a -..,.. MooELS' 1967 PORSCJlE 911-S. ~ta bAts & hand holds. Hubs. 117 VAC e"~. 6' Telescoping xtras ' winch + wide tires, Q;I .. II I • . e•ooo . .,..., Llc. KIS 422 Immediate delivery grey, perf. cond. Pvt party . ·i· l5C too s equip. rs UJ. Boa:t&:>ok $4.50. 54:.-CJM '57 JEEf.-PICh"UP LARGE SELECTION $6300. 548-1471~ ve!ted-for $3100. 546-5856 A little work horse. Lie. FSP Theodore Boat Sllj> Moo,lng 9036 OM OISPUY l1tl All lllll llT.I. ROBINS FORD $75. P.fO. u .1Jip, 12 tt 6 in by S997 .......,,. 2'i_.....; Blvd. -It L DDD&E "EXPLORER" "' JEEP -~~· 38 ft. Up to ~ mas "--ta Mo•• 642-0010 673 7.A.. ri,tilitary type. Only one il'I ...---...... ltll-c1•1tllltf •ltll • ...... town Li Y>.'V 631 t1e~1111, 1111t INtl •1ni .i.w". · e. • Boat• V acht kitct1n, """ •~t. _ Best o::i~ Are At Charters 9039 ALL ,11, ... 21 ,oo,, n roor. DEAN LEWIS. .FIAT n roor. r ,., ... 111 f llAMC. 43' SLOOP w/skipper. auto ••• "" ""'1ov1• c1101.T. pilot & extras. By day or v.·eek. ~l!Kll CAL 24 $25 day-$150 v.·k. CAL 36 S95 da,y--$570 wk. 16555 BEACH BL VO HUNTINGTON BEACH For Char~r. ~2957 . • ~,, J~OiJ Mobile.Home• 9200Moblle Homoo 9200_ ";.".,'~': SALES Sale BAY HARBOR Clearance -0. Aft.,,,._, ..... it te C"'"9e""' . AJI "-12' .. 34'. wt• ,__~;..._.J _ INCLUDING----"'1 AOLUWAY llT PAllVllW l"lUTl•I CASA tiOM.A U.Y HARIOI HO"llTII C.UrTAl CDlNILL CELllllTY lHtlATON MANOI PASHJON MANOI SAKAIA 1425 BAKER ST• COSTA MESA V1 II.ell lett .t Herbel' .. W... CAU Hl·f47t ,TODAY '67 FIAT 8jQ Sport Coupe, nicest in 1966 lfarl>or, C.l\f. 646-9303 town. ' 9989 $1397 Btit Dtal1 lire At JEEP WAGONEER ... +wo•.iauon war, ..... 'DEAN -LEWIS steering, auto trans., bu~ 6 whetl.s, .xccl tire1, veri_ Ioc. Harbflif._..O.M: MS-9303 low miles. TEL 453. '59 FIAl'.11100 $2495 R<bullt •ng. 4 •P. Stl<k. BILL MAXEY TOY.OTA JlunungtO,,' BNc:h 847-3555 Beautiful oond. Alust .eel SM W-9563 FERRARI FERR:ARI Nrwport lmpot11 Ltd. Or- ·45 Jttp w/''A ena:ine. l'OU a.na:t Count)"• ·MJy a11tbor- blt, .sand tirct, s 8 IJ 0. lztd dtale.r. ' 497-1389 SALES·SERVTCE-PAJITS "' Army J..,, top roodillon. ,,~.:,;....°'",:!~· '.Ne.w ever)'thlf11!. ind paint. '42·9405 54~1764 A tires. 673-2191 _ Autholited 1.fG Dealer Hoo Imported Autos 9600 l[f]roJIYJ600~1 e HUGE ,SELECTION -e ~-' 69 TOYOTA FROM $1790 :-_ e BIG ~SAVINGS e EX~CUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! •69 TO'l'OTA HARDTOP "#19n . . $)9~7 '69 VOtVQ SEDAM, Auto. #6590 ,._ $2977 ' ' NEW TOYOT~ MARK II -NOW ON DISPLAY! WI NflD Yf!UI ru.1Jiii1ii .0• ,.. OUI NEW USO CAI LOT DEAN· LEWIS OU.Mel COUNTY .fotOtA·WOfYO HIAD9UAtniU 6 4.6-930-3 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ' lt'i tJ.e c•r tllat wori't 9i..-e you 1nvthin9 to worry 1'bo11t. We l'l'i••e tll•• of th•t. We 9!ve It Iha VW 16-point 1a lttv and perform ance *••*· It h11 to pen. So wa give it our 100 % 911•r•nl1a that we'll r1plae1 111 m1ior l'l'laeh 1nic1l p1rh• for 30 divs or 1000 fl'lil•1, whiehtv•r COlfltl first, Isn't th1t wh•t • "'"' e1t•ow1"t nttd11 • A bY9 th•I won't driYe you nvh, : ' ' -----1 Low, Low Pric:fl on These SPECIALLY PRfCED BUGS! HOME OF -I THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS . I· '61 vw R1dio A hee+1r. VIM 219 - $1699 '66 vw CONYllTllLI R•uf!o ind heeler. Don't mlu thl1 one. SI S 155 • $1499 '64 vw 19U.ll IACI lt1dio, etc. R11lly ni,e, REF 209. .$14-99 . . ~ .. '68 vw •17 YW S9UAll IACK '" r•dio, 1119919• •1clr, Li•• "n•w. TRH 701 low milee9e, one owner. XDK 141. $2199 $1599 '66 vw '65 YW FAITU.Cl R1dio • .. .. ,.,, .,,,. Speci•I t retn;· l:oee utiful, nic1. ltHX 93 I PIV 11 I. -$1499 $1299 '67 GHIA POISCHIS COUPI . .. ._ .. - Neerly n1w, UJC l 16. 'IJC..,.I~) $1999 'StC•.....,.~• .,, t /11 - i:,~P 549-3031 , 1 •-~ EXT. 67 & 61 1970 N; Harbor, Costa ' Mesa et IAYSID! DRIVI!, NEWPORT BEACH I I . . . . . ... , ... DAILY "'LOT S.twd07, .,,..12. '"" N SPOllT A TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPOltTATION 9600 Uiod Cira 9900 Uiod c.,. 99CIO UMd c.,. 99CIO U .... C•rs 9tOO U1od Cira 99C10 UHd C•rs 9tOO U10d C.r1 9900 FORD--OLDSMOllLE CHMOL!T VOLVO T!IAN<PORT•nON CARS CONTINENTAL FALCON MERCURY -,_-V_O_L_V_O_l_U_Y __ S-111WPORT£R MOTOR.S '"CHEVY 1mpa1a ss. m. coNT1NnruL Mari< n ·c !WlO!ERO. a .,,. H. '68 Ford Totino • '61 More eot. F\. w.,,. 10 '67 Oldi 2005 HARBOJ\ BLVD. bucket Ifft!. auto on floor, black with white 1eatbtr Stlck. Bli ~. Good ~. pus, ale. ndc, PIS. P/B. '&7 ltt ••• , , , ••.• $17'7 COSTA ... ~.,.~ Pf\\', &eat., 1 t e fl r Inc , upholstery, red trim. Set to USO. ~ 390 h\a:h pr,rfonnance, 41 spd, P/W, pwr. Ital.I, apd. cont. 2.door hard~p, ·~ ... traruind .. AbtomaUc. radio .It be&tar. ~ bt&kl!t. Air. 71,000 ml, Uk& appreciate • .ue.. SU.J.5.ll l"'========I tllr, ~~.....jnk!!, OJ'!t auto door Jock, AM/FM, power ilttnog, ,-...,JO a : :!-. ~-~!~~· .t'!~ .;;~· :!~w upi"<I, CORVAIR FORD i?~1r:E. ~~·~ ~.;-""--MERCUR~h~'"""'=~· ~~~~-· 0-~-.-a-,-.· l ;~~r'etc~~l ~p~u~~ ''7 144 .......... $Ut7 BUICK tnnamb•lon, tu"' -u •. _ _:::.::::::..::::::~-ll,,;6:;,-;;SllE;;;Ul;-;;;:Y;-;:CT;:-:,..:;:-eo;;:;:bra: MUST SELL ·-c-'-·" convt. fact air. All! ndlo, to Carl's Motor Co., -t door. Uc. No. UVAlU Good cond. M 11, or to con. ,61 CORVAJR, 4 spd, xlnt Jet, M u eh 1 Pecla 1 w ILU&Ale 500 ml1, fact wty, $3200. 542-1181 TRANSPORTATION UHd Cera 9900 OLDSMOllLE • • TORONADO NEW & EXECUTIVE Automatic tn.n1miarion, alr vert to hot rod. $300 or best cotid. $2:z5. Call after 6;30 equipment. Owr $0000 1,.. SL. 2-dt hd!p, faet alr. PIS. Inc. __ ,,.....,..__ _ _ ___!"--lu'"lci .. k.--.1-,ofi.,.,.......,... -,~~-ms .._._lilll!Jtg ~ .:-48' 000 . XI UST-A·NG-34 '"" In 6iiiin<~ ''5 544 • • • • • · · · ·' $1297 Le sabre 400, ).door hatdlOJ'I, ·66 Chenlle Malibu, R/H, offer 642-.tSSS sea..,,, • ma. nt cond. F'ast Baell:. scarce model, facto..., alr, full power, SJ'F '60 CUSTOfol c.otvair, all · · · 64>-0251 speaks for itseU. 1-oNl-Y 6 , radio, heater, 4 r;peed. No. 178, •J p/r., low mileage. Xlnl vinyl exterior &: interior. 68 FORD F~lOO Blue 8 cyl 3 '66 MUSTANG, 289 cu. in, 4 1911 J-larbor Blvd~ Mnd. M.ake of(er. 642-1007 Shaved. E44-l69J. •pd: 20,000 ml. Take over 166 Ford F•irl•ne · tipd trans. Radio/heater, 642-MU TO CHOOSE FROM BIG SAVINGS! ,~6P1aoo ........ $1797 Carl's Motor Co., '66 Malibu Conv. Fae air, payments. Pa,y art $19741.24. $495 power steering, very clean. REAL Sharp '66 o 1 d sport Coupe. Lie. No. IZW4S3 Inc. 327'', loadfld, xlnt cond. CORVETTE 1.fObU StatJon , 101 N, 2 Door Loadtd. vs, etc. Lie. SlGOO * 642-47(N Cut1us. 1101. Coupe. Gold University {.ooks like ntw, 3-I ytars in businrss $1650. S4G-7828 Harbor. S.A. Ml-9245 JRMg.1.it. Phone &fZ.6023 Dir. MUSTANG 1967 Sh8rp GTA. \vlth blk. Landau top, lo 'f2 P1800 ....••.. $1297 ~·ks for itsell. '65 Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good '65 CORVETTE SACR~FICE-MOVED FALCON '62, 4 dr, 6, stick. Alar w7'~5-~.;; ~res. mlg, nu .,..·ht/,,•:all tires & ~rt coupe, Slh·rr ""ith rtd l.Ml Harbol" Blvd., C).t cond. A1do, V-i, lUOO-lmmac. 64 Ford convt. ALL Good cond. $340. brks, RJH, custom blk llhr ~l!!rior. Lie. 1111.896 642.-0413 6'1S-6578 Atr. auto. R & II, P. S. NEN P""'t & ale. ~e new lni\de * 54&-'1326 * 's=>-289 4-SPD. alum mags int & bucket seats. Console Oldsmobile Best Dealt Are -At .68 BUICK R"ivie-. , Aw mi. .63 CHEV. Bel air. '6-cyl 626. S24~ & out asking l95(I 842-76S7 w/new lire1. Xlnt cond. 1\'ith tat'h, P/S, P/B, P/\V, EAN LEWIS •• IJ" '59 CORVETTE , ' · -'61 FALCON Ranchero, 6 Best oUer S4~22M fact air. f.1ust see to Loaded' S 4 S -4 0 0 9 or stick. $350 call after S; v. ou•· R •-H wgw JLJ 61 Ford Stal.Ion Win. Good cyl, 3 &pd, radio & stereo, ==-7'==~~~~ I believe! Private Party a." ~1330. Aik Jar Lori 5.36-7239 83j SI;; "' • · transp, small VS, aulo real clean! $650. 841-~ or '67 ltfusL cf 390 Conv. 3 spd, offer. 962.2860 · 28.50 }[arbor Costa MeY· ~ Harbor. C.M. "6-9303 FOllter ·ss Chevrolet buslneu coupe. Vill•ne Auto Sales Ir an .I!, need ca 1 h 847-1828 p/s I disc brakes. 25,000 mi. ' 6l v~ . -_, n35. • . $26.5. * 64Z-SS64 SlSOO. 67J..7931 '62 SKYLARK. V-8. R/~I. 5411-9640 • • ~ VOLVO ' Sprcw, &"""'trans, 41665~E:.,. r~!~thc!S~t.'.!,,~C~.•!;!.~64~;.o!~l~Ol!i.-:i'ORi!~;;.v-,"i:"i;;;;-1 '66 FORD Wagon, fully ="-'===="·== ,v/s/w, fac air, 4 spd + a\r cond., Sacrillct'! $250. * 494-2449 + -;. 1986 FORD Galaxy. 7 Utf"I!. ..,..,pd ...,,/air, P/S, P /B. OLDSMOBILE --15301 S"··t 5S CORVETTE. excellent Powtr, a ir, ta-d ..... i.. __ , ~"y many e.xu...... ""'"a 411 Must SU this ...,'t'ek! 646-1914 '57 Chev 2-<!r, 283, 4-barrel, ndltlo $900 ..,.. ~ .. .., ...... $2350 &i2-8400 day s Ln. HB 893.-7445 -., Best 0.•ls Are At '61 Special 4 dr V-8, P.S., solid lifleni, tilick, chrome co ~~7 sharp! 54G-6549. ~eves. ' _: EAN LEWIS I uJ t :Mo-4005 + * .66 GALAX '65 etn'LASS 442; P'AT .. db:. OLDS Starf.ire '63, pis, P/b, OLDS '67 Cullas:i Supnime. P.B., auto, factory air. rin'l8. mmac a e. . I.E XL. ps, pb, '67 Shelby GT 500, 4 spd, xlnt inter; spec. ....·heels. ·'-tint alr-cond., new tires, a uto 12550. f'ull po,,·er. fac air. Runs roo<f. $385. 54°"'966 1964 MALIBU SS COUGAR au;, xlnt cond. 39,C0'.1 orig cond. S44-9S3l a.sk for con<I. ll495. 84~0824 ; windO\\'"· metallic blue i1n· Vinyl rool. bucket seats • Harbor, C.ltf. 641-9303 C ILLAC Excellent condition. MAKE mi. f.lake oUcr. 63&-0302 f.larlin, T. R. 523-3357 mac. By owner 548-3106 \\'/console. Still under f1§69 Volvo, IBOOS. Top AD OFFER. * 54~lW '67 F ord 4--dr, new tires. R/. '66 \Vq:Qn, fully eqp'd, air, '6-1 O I d ~ convertible, gd. 'jij OLDS, gd, motor. nu 50,000 nH fac warr. xlnt C:ond. Fully eqp'd pcJ. 1800 -'68 Cougar, full JlWf, i lr, xlnt It, auto, 390 hp, Xlnt cond. pis, p/b. $119J 64.2-8400 cond. original owner. $6j(), !ires, :dnl trans. $12.j/otr, cond. Pvt pty. PSI 8181. ; mi's. For info. c•ll '67 CADUJ..A.C 4 door sedan CHRYSLER cond. $2550. Jll.10. 673-9183 al1 3 days, 548-0797 eves. ,, 612-1583 645--0464 eves or wkneds. 8-17--0353. i 67!>-7141 bet 9 Af.l-de Ville. Orig owner, air, ...,.==-''";:"=""'='===1!:;=7======.;_;;~,;;:~;;;:;:::==·~~;;======~::;;;;;;:;;;:~~~d~=::=:;====:=="':I !' , 5 pm. wk. days only le.1thfr upholstery, stereo, '67 CHRYSLER -;;. New C1r1 9800 New Cars 9800New Cars 9800 New Cers 9800 New Cara 9IOO "' VOLVO tood.a w/extr.,. 111 "' 1 DODGE li~miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiio~~--~~-~i;;;i;,i;imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ l sacrifice! See at 1 7 5 0 ..,......... very c ean. N t Bt·J · c M p · 2 DOOR HARDTOP d B<•t otter + "'""""' 1y'WP'>' ••·· · • " • '66 Do ne p V-8, automatic, factory air, '21 VOLVO 544 S.13 2 dr. 'SS ~DILLAC 4 dr hrdtop power steering, power bra-Conve.rtlble, factory air, pow. Ol) mi. Beautiful con-• • kes. radio &: heater. lmma· er steering, power bra.~s. t·tion. $895. ~7301 runs rood. looks good. $250. UDE 743) bucket seats, low miles, t • 543-""5 °' ..... 164. t9lll "'1ato. I $2295' •hal"P. SYO 578. Sport en. 9610 Fullmon Ave .. Clll Cori's Motor Co., !-''--------'61 CADULAC. Xnlt cond:. •57 PORSCHE ·~""'""· 18511. Privat. Par ATLAS Inc. &uiroof. coupe, jet black. ty. 642.-8382 :a years in business fKF W . SALE! 1 ,,61;o.:.:,CA~D=::,Seda=c:n-;O.=V;;;ill,,-e. OIRYSLER -PLYf.10liTH speaks for itBclf. · $1397 Good cond. $493. 642-3850 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 19~1 Harbor Blvd., 01 i Best 0.111 Are At D.IYli; Eves, 61~2699. ~ COSTA f.JESA 5-l6-l:l'.:A 642-0413 DEAN LEWIS '62 Sedan DeVille: _full ~· Open Daily 'lil 10 p.m. 'li-1 Dart GT 2 dr, auto, P\\T ale, iood condiuon $650. 1lll:. R/H, ~ucket seats, COMET new ti~s & brakt'5. Red !& Harbor, C.Af. fA&.9303 642-44I 4 \\'/red uph . Beautiful! $700 '62 COt-.'VERTIBLE. Excel. c&h. 4~1139 -Antlq.,., Cl•uiu 9615 interior, ~mileage. $99J. '66' Comet '6!1 CHARGER SE, vinyl top ' 1938 FORD 1,c.642::,'"""'='-~~~--2~oor hardtop, red, auto. Stereo, auto. Call 646-1282 c)ng;naJ ford Coupe. Very FOR &ale '60 «?d\Uac c:oov. trans, power steering, radio between 4:30 & :J:OO P~l ask ~condition. l>!OO. Good tires & good and heater, etc. SVO 387. for tllikc • ~ cond. S48-mS Carl's Motor Co., '59 9. p fl s s .... ·11gon, p I B . t\flWhU CAMARO Inc r 1s. Xtnt ''""· """ "'" ........ -~ $323 540-1108. 96Z..3242 -1---------3'4 years in business k 645-1441 '67 CAMARO speaks for lt.~U. 1968 DODGE Coronet 4 Dr. d. · 19-ll Harbor Blvd .. C).I fac air, landau. Lo mi. A·l · •tERC Coupe, o<lg black 327. 4 spd, dlr, x.lnt con 111on! "'"'ilSO " t h 642-0-11 3 cond. Owner . .,,_. j:iaint extra eng incl. $275 Flamio~ red ext., p us best ~U~r ~28 ' black Int. Sacrifice! Like ;=======:===I forelrn car in trade. F)Jll pr Used C•rs 9900 Used C•rs I.ace C•rs, Roda 9620 ll.599. UJH 173 • LB. Call Bill I ·~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 9900 ~DUNE BUCGY 1100 1-='= ... om==. ==="" GROTH CHEVROLEt eoRACsrER ll'am< • part• CH~q s!oo· * 833-""2 --=----""-STOCK REDUCTION Autos W1ni~d 9700 '64 ·Chevy . Shop from our 111 lftve .. tory of Mor• Than 200 +---·------1Impala, 4-0oor hardtop, lac-Lit• MM•I "OK" UHllll Cars. All Makes & Model .. tory l'ir, power steering, power brake'-ele, O\\'K 538. '61 CHEVROLET 1/J• Tott Plc:lcup $999 Carl's Motor Co., ·s ~yl., ;;tick sh\ft. Lots of u1oed truc~s i,tE PAY. · • ; CASH for sale, llcrc is our example. Lie. Inc. H54824. ' lor wed can ~ trucks just ~ UI for free eStlma!e. :GROTH CHEVROlfT • ~ Ask for Sales Manqer : Ur.?lJ Beach Blvd. Hwitlngton Beach Kl S-3l31 ( WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL 34 years in business speaks fol' ltS<'U. 1941 Harbor Blvd., C.\I 642·0.ll3 '65 CHEVY. Xnlt cond. Au1o tra ns. Pis. New lires, brakes, shocks. Pvt prty, $1050. Call &.s pm. 494-56.U '65 CHEVY Jmpala, new eng. ?!fay '68, 1$,000 mi, bkt seats, 1'l!'W brakes, pV1/pty. l1650. 646-7315 • '59 EL CAf.1INO, new paint, lil"H, brakes & interior. Asking $-175. 549-1342 , CHEVROLET '62 CHEVY Nova. 6 cyl outo. l 2821 Harbor Blvd. 1475. 15601 Tustin Vlllaa;e ' Costa Mesa 546-1200 "-'•y, no. 7. after 5 p.m. CONFIDENTIALLY 64 Nova 2 dr, v ... 4 ,.. "?<"' ong. t.'Ond. $Tall. 646-4563, I. \Ve Pay 1'1ore For 673-7413 Forden Or Sports Cars ~~--~--: PAID FOR OR NOT '68 Bel Air, 4-dr. Fact air, I. J.1 SPORTSCAR ::fi5;, ~;' v-<. 10 mt. : CENTER '65 BEL Air, 4 dr, 377 ent;. 2&J Harbor Blvd. Air, PI S, l l225. Private q:.sta ~lesa 5~o.4491 pty. fi.46-9818. ! WE PAY TOP '65 EL CAmino. Xlnt cond. i DOLLAR New tires & pa.int job. $1095. tlr good. clean used cars, 1-P_h,_84_2'3444-====---au m.!iket. See Georsc Ray ..!34 CHEVY : 'fhe0do1~ Robins Ford $450 t 2oal H&rbor Blvd. 67~2965 q.1-t 6~2.ooIO '65 Jn1pala, RJH, fact air., i W'ill Buy P/B. PIS. mlnt oond, new • lires. l1800. 548-1334 '65 MUSTANG C••R• $1199 V·S, auto., R&fl. You will really ride In style in this one. A good value. Lie. PA\V 939. •/,7 VOLKSWAGEN l·Door $1299 4 cyl., stick shifl. R.ttH. Look no further to sa\'c hundreds. A good value. Lie. ·ruK 050. '64 CHEVY Suptr Spt. cp.. $1299 V.S, auto., R&:l-1. A real nice car -Excellent cond. inside & ouL Money . . . back guarantee if not completely 1i&llsf1ed . Llc. OST 980. '65 TllUNDERllRD l-Door $1399 V·B, auto., RAH, P.S., P.8., P·"'•ind .. factory air cond. Bil'? black & beau- tiful and real smooth. Hurry for this one. A good valul'. I.Jc. TES 557. '66 MALIBU SS 396 COUPE $1499 V·8 4 spd .. R&ll. You can look all ove~ to,~·n and nr\'cr see a better bargain. A tood value. U c. VEI 463. '67 MUSTANG SPORT COUPE $1899 V-8, auto., R&JI. ExC'eilent condition ln5!de & out. Absolute money be.ck gtiarant('e if not completely satisfied. OK guar. 11ntrf'd . Lie. VEY 242. ~!.~~~~~~~. ~~s~~i:wc~~~~r-$2299 r!l.nty plus Absolutely money ~e~k guarontec ir no t C<Jn1plC'tely satisfied. Lie. \VOX 024 GROTH CHEVROLET 18211 Buch Blvd.-Hunt. Buch (Hwy. 391 545-816:1-0pon 7 Days 'Tll f P.M.-7-6139 '{our Volkswagen or Porsche Imported Autos 96001mported Autos •paytopd~Lars.Paldforlpii:iii;ii;i~iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii;~iiii;i~;i;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii er nol C.al1 Ralph 11 : 67'-0900 BRAND B~i~D TOYOTA'S ~~~ • Dt:PORT'S Y.' ANTED : ONn&tl Cbuntin ; TOP s· BUYER 'BIU. MAXEY nlYOTA l lSS8l Buch Blvd. ff. ~ Ph. 1417-1555 Auto L1•1lng 9110 IN STOCK 9 2 IN STOCK Rt•cfy & Serviced for lmmtdl1te Delivery LEASE. RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORD We're Dealing Your Way This Weekend!! t • • ' AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM Get OUr Compe1i1111e Rates Theodore l ROllNS FORD , 2060 Harber Rlvd. ~ ..... "2-00IO I .,-LEASE .,-- • cadlllac eou~ de vme, ~y equipped. $129 mo, 'f11'ord, 10 ,.... •tAlion ......... tf;rlll. a.1r. p1. sn mo. ·fl Qiryt Nwpt. •Ir $6'7.50 mo. sOuTH COAST CAR LEASING JOO W. Cat HW1, N'S 6':>2112 DIAL dlnt:t fQ..5178, Otar<• JOlll' Id. thtn aft back and .-11 to the pbonf l1D1I OA"'4Y P1l.D'I' WANT ADS! • COROLLAS·Sedan1·Fastback Sprlnters·Sto. W9ns. • CORONAS·4 Door Sedons-Hardtop Coupes • MARK ll's·Hordtop Coupe5·4 Door Sedons • CROWNS-Station Wo9ons·4 Door Sedans • LANDCRUISERS·Hardtops-4 WhHI Drive Wo9ons Autom1tlu -4 tpe•ds -f.tcfory 1 ir eonditionin9 -st•r•o +•pe d •ek• m19 wheels & mt ny oth•r options NAM~ YOUR DEAL -WE WILL TRY -EASY TERMS e S.lect Domestic & lmf>Orled UMd Cars Below Merket Prices e Jim $lemons Imports 417 W. WANRNER, SANJ'A ANA Open Sun. 11·5 540·2512 OFFICIAL 1969 FORD CLEARANCE- CLEARANCE! BEFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! CHECK OUR DISCOUNTS ON NEW 1969 FORDS -MUSTANGS FORD TRUCKS OVER 200 NEW '69's NOW AT -FINAL ~LEARANCE SAVINGS ! ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! Engl1nd'1 No. 1 Seller . , • America'• No. 1 Import Buy! Customs -GT's -Station Wagons l arge Selection of A\Jtom atics and Four Speeds! NEW $ 1969 THUNDERBIRDS Over Actual FACTORY INVOICE! NO SALES EXPENSE, NO PREPARATION CHARGES, NO DEALER ADD-ONS OF ANY KIND! DRIVE HOME ANY NEW '69 T·BIRD IN OUR BIG STOCK AT THIS PRICE! 2 DRS., 4 DRS. LARGE SELECTION OF COLORS AND E9UIPMENT! VACATION SPECIAL! FREE MINI BIKE WITH Every Camper, Truck & Camper Unit Or Motor Home Packa9e Sold ! Why •1ereak Camp" to go places when we w ill give you a new Zebra mini bike absolutely fr .. with a ny new camper, truck & camper or motor home you buy! Exomple Vacotion Packa9e: .. --------• New '69 V-8 Ford V2 Ton Pkkup Rt;NT YOUR I ' l t:tl, GAUOES, EXTllA 1.AllOE llAOIA TOll, HEAVY OUTY SP'lllHGS. ,.,,.,_,_ VACATION HOME New Barracuda 600 Camper CA l .OVEll. BUTAHE AN O ELIECTtlC L!OHtS. OINING NOOK TAILE. 1tos. SINK ANO OIVllH, Ol.Al'I S, ETC. TRUCK, CAMPER, MINI 81KE New '69 Zebrii Mini Bike ALL FOR s3295 VISIT OUR COMlllnt CAMlltlt CINTIR -CltUISAllt'E, FOU• WINDS, IA-RACUDA, CONTl!Mro SllOIL!R, SUNDIAL, llDOUDO, G!M TOii, MINI HOMI, CHAISIS MOUNTS , • • All RIADY TO ltOLLI ON WHEELS! You go where you want, stay where you want without ached· ules or rffervatlons when you rent a Robin Delu1• Pickup Camper or Condor Motor Home. RE.ASONAILE RAT£5 RESERVE EARLY OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAYINGS! '"DODGE CHARGER + POLICE CARS + 4 to choose from. All are fully · rl!condltioned and ha"e fresh new pa int jobs. '64 FORD s995 Custom 4·Dr. S«I.. V-8. AIR COND , auto., H&H (Y\VS- 4261. Lo\Y mileai;i;e '69 FORD f.250 l/1·TON. l i9 6, Crui1omelic, 1111._ ,, with SCOTSMAN C1b • 0•1r • C1mper. Ap pro•. 4,)00 mil,,. Fac+ary 1ir .r.onditi11nin9, t 11!0., lt&H, pow•• 1!1trin9. wh ite w1lt1, bl11e b11ck1t 11ah. E1c1U1nl c:on- ditian. IRSWl•51 '67 THUNDERBIRD \ANDAU. 1 Doer. P11 r.r.h111d new ~•re, F1cl11ry 1ir condilionift9, fac · torv w1rr1nl'f 1v1l11blt . !VCK· 0291 '67 CAMARO $2195 Auto., taet . air cond., R&H. Ex· ce11ent condition. f\V1H4181 '68 GALAXIE 500 2·Coof Ha1dtop. ]90 VI , •~lam•• li.r.(,vinyl roof, P.S., •pptOK. 11,000 ml 11. F1.r.to•v ..,.,.,,~,., ••1il1bl1. IWXG4 7SI ~i"f~'ilD $1795 Custom V-8 390, A.T .. R&H. P.S. t4919l Stk. PS 101. '67 GHIA Karmann. Approx. 30.000 mllt"S. R&ll, <VCK319 ) '69 COBRA FASTIACK . .t.u+o., R&H, P.S .. •P· p•oJ:. 4,200 mil11, like "ew, 8l1ck i•d•. F1,tory w•rr1nly ov,il 1ble. !ZLHlll I '68 RAMBLER $1995 Rog~e Amerl~an 2-01 . H.T. Auto., R&H, P.$. Extr8 sharp! tV\VV40J) '63 PONTIAC s995 Grand Pri.-.:. Auto .. RA:!!, P.S .. P.B .• AIR COND. IJJV920l '66 VOLVO J22S. 4-sfl("ed tranr.:mission. (RREJ21) U' TRAILER $1295 Norlh\vest COl\ch. Sleeps 6, 11tove, ice box, d inette, 2 butanr tanks. Beau- t iful condition. 1 FE70171 ''7 CHIV. $1795 ll.T. Jmrml a •l·dr. V-8, auto., P.S.. air. R&t.H. IUKU·157) I •.111. to f p.111. Man•f'U • ,., ........ , •• p.111. rAR rs .. SERVICE HOUR~ '68 CHEV. l/4°TON '·'peed. Appro11. I t.000 ,,,";1e,, li~e new. Splo! th•11. 111S5•EI '68 CORTINA 1600 2-Door S e d • ft. 4 1pt1d, radio, heater, 1ppr11•. 14,000 milt1. W1r· r1nty eYail. IZOSl4l l '66 OLDS s995 4·Dr. Sr.dan. City of Newport c.1r. V-8, auto., R&H. {31126 1 . ~!. ~~:~·~~.$2295 R&H, f8Cl. air cond. (VCJ663J ''7 l'ORD $1195 Cust. V-8 FAC- TORY AIR. R&J-£, PS, PB. tYCUJ50J $11~ 10 ,,,,.,lo 6 p,m. 7 1.111. t• t •. 111. M•". 1 1,rn. to 6 p.111. Tve1·~ • PARTS ONLY I a.f!'I. t• 6 p.111. S.I 1· • • • Sat""'"· Au..,,t 2, 1969 un Y l'ILOT 11· TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATI ON--""v.iKA'a-NusF.p""'R..,A""'IO°"No:--:-, """""'"'"•'°'PU=~:-:,-;;,. ... ri;1o'°'N'""''1;. Tl!ANS,ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO RTAT ION TRANSPORTATION New Cars 9f00New ter1 9IOONew C•r• flOONcw C•r• 9900 New C1r1 9100New C1r1 9100 New C•r• HOO N.w Car• 9100 New Cert f lOO ' ~~ NINETEEN SI XTY-NINE Our selection of brand new 1969 Codillacs is the finest in our history. Test drive today • • • "The Masterpiece From Master Craftsmen" , •• Then select you r model, e quiP.ment A color1 nowl •, 1969 CO UPE._DE VILLE l.:1ed low mileage. Shalimar ii;old 11·ith bla1.:l; roof and Dartlanrlle gold cloth i nd le11lher i"le rior. Full po"' er,-fa ctory air conditioning, A;\l·F~I. most all option!. 0917577 1) SALE $5999 PRICE 1967 EL DORADO t.11111it ite &old finiih w /Ll ~··k •ini l 1oof &· ;old do1h & lt1tlitr irllerlO'r. l 1c1ory 1\r, 11111 po"r·r, 1t•r•" .\)[.f .\I. tilt 1ele~q·pic "hrd, doer lod,!, eh. I )loH all po.,,·cr optfo o.,_ tl~f~I 1968 CADILLAC f:ouJl'f' De \·11lt. ~iJ.·,r pmt 11recn •uth u nd•],.·fMld top i nd n11!chin1 ln1h,.... •nt,rior. full po,.·er, f,norr 1ir et>nditioning .. ~.\l .F.\I. lilt wb ttl. powe1 ilo:"'r lr•:k• ~ntl •t nl "mtlo,.1, 1..-iliaht tentinel. (VICE?I J 1967 CADILLAC <.01•p• O·Yi!l •. r i.,111""' blu~ "1\h blue l~•ther ,,.:•11,,r. / ull J'fl"rr •qu1 pmrnt plu1 l1cl"1~ air rrn- d11,..mn r. 1LJ \lJ;1 1967 CADILLAC U IJ1• h~idt'lp 1~i!l1n. f ull Pl"'1 anoi !J~t"'Y alt cond•ll(•n1n;, lilt and leleM:opic •t••:1.111..,bttl.1111111 01hrr optioni. (WQ0039J 1966 CADILLAC I our• IJ•\.11'~. C:1~i1n 10!<'[ 1< uh nu tch1n1 doth 1nlll l•Athrr 1n1••mr. f ull l''-'"'ff, 11<\0n' air. t1l: 11\jj 1~!ttLO\llC 11hr•!, \"o;uc 1it c1. <:5 8C911) 1965 CADILLAC =-~<1 1n [),\',II•. lndi1 horv .,1th "hue l•11hrr i11t•r- 1or. r 11\1 pe,..,,, h ctory air cond1tio11ina. till •ltaina wh••!. :\r>f.f'.\{ rtdio. iSZV518' SALi $4666 PRICE SALi $4999 PllCl SALi $3888 PRICE SALi $3444 PRICE SALi $2777 'llCI SALi PRICI 1969 EL DORADO t~d \0try (ow mileage raclory [Ie<"• utive Car. Padded roof and leather interior. Ha~ full power plu~ filclory air C()n1li1ionini;. tilt·tele&eopic 1letr• int: uhttl, pou ~r door lork!', ~terc o A)l -F~I. crui~e c:unlrol, po11er trunk ()ptnt'r, l1<ilight ~rntinel. 11utom1tie dimmer. ttc., etc. jSer. \1 ')139051) OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT "" FROM . .. A Solid Sltield of SERVICE with every sale SALf '"ClS (fff(JIVf TMROUC.M TUISOA'I', AUGUSTS. 196' All C9l'I 1wlljKf ft' priot ,.11 1969 COUPE DE VILLE Low mileage e11 rlv trade-in. Factory 1ir conditioning, full power, twilight .entine1, door lock!, A~l-F:\I radio, elc., !triking tuxedo hlaek wit.1' full leathtr interior. <rou; 2 , SALE $6111 . 1967 CADILLAC Llliuriou1 fleetwoed Bro11 ~b11T1. r1etorr rir co nd., ttereo A)(.f)I, full JIO"cr. tilt. ltleM:Ol'fl wkeel, powfr donr lock1, all op1ion1 includin& hill le1thu inlcrior. IUIY944) 1968 CHRYS~R 9 lM-!W'D&tr To•n Ii Country w11on. r.lli~ ydlow ..-Ith ••tldle •ini·l lrim. Full pow•t. tir eondi11oninJ., 1111~1' rick. tilt 1l1trin1 wbed, low trultt&t. (VTP9iil 1967 CORVlnE Stil!V•Y f1l1b1ck. 4:?7 V-8 tn,in•. 4 tptfd l11n1, ,.titlaction, f1ctory air ccmd., A)l-f:'ll r1dio, ete. Our wecku1d tl'f(:i•I. I YCW:?l 1 1964 CADILLAC Coup11 De ~ille. A1u ique sold with .pld c\otb ind luther intuior. Fun power, f.et•rr .U conCitinl11s. 1ian•l 1eekin1 r.dio. (R (;V8!9) 1967 JAGUAR XKE fp1rkhn1 1un b11.1il yt llo w with r11.1J ieathn" inttrier. 4 1pe"1f, r1dio, br1trr, chromG "ide wb erl1, tic. ~tt to 1ppreciltt. ITRTOI:?) 1966 CADILLAC rlrftwood [] Dm1do. full p<l\"tr, fat lory lir, {II.II lr11hrr inlrrior, 1t~ren A'.\!.f:il, tilt "'bttl, evrry conceiY1hle option. <TEHi41t PRICE SALi $3999 PRICE SALi $3999 PRICE SALi $3333 PRICE SALi $1666 nlCI Pl I Cl SALi $2555 PRICI Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving tho Orango Coast Harbor Area • GA•otH G11ov1 lvo. lun111111m111111111111111111111mmn1111111111111mumm111111111111111111Mrn1tt11111111111111111111n11n11nn11 NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa r•11111111111•11N"As ERslllc'Ai>l'i:IAC1""'.,.,,., !: Announcea U1ed ·Cars -9900 UMCI Cars 9900 Used Cera "-"-'---'----- PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH 540-9100 SALES DEPARTMEN T OPEN 9900 Used Cara 9900 Used Cars 9900 Uted Cara --'----- I A New Subsidiary I "NLC" (Nabers Leasing Corp.) LEASE DIRECT Ordtr Your 1970 Cadillac Today for October Delivery Outatanding Service facility at Orange Counly's most modem dea )&rahi ... __ ,,,..,, ________ _ 9900 Uatd Cars PLYMOUTH PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMILER T·llRD 9'00 I Used Cors T·llllD •• • ' ' .. •; ' • 1 I' " ' ' • ' " " ,. , . • . ·:r ' .. ' A ~ ... ~: .. ·: '.i :i • • ·. "• 'J '• .. " ' . ' '• .. . '• '· " ~ " -• ~ ., . ·' , .~~ •• • . , " .. • • ~ ' ' '• " .. ' . ; ' ' ' '. ' ' . • ., ,, . ' ' ... ·. ' . -.• ' • " " ·. '· . ' ·1s Plymo"th Satoll••• '69 Plymouth '67 Plymouth 1111.rdtop, big tnaloe, bucket 4-d oor ~an, \f~. auto l~n~. Fury III, 2-door hardtop, lac-lt~ts, fa ct air cond., new radk>. Mater. '''sw. etc. lSl.'.i tor')' air, auto. trans, po"'·~r pain!. $1199 full pr. 11·!11 ff nr. actual mUts. Fact. -nev. 1tetrln1. radio and heater, pMv prty, rllr. LB·NPU 60(, er llcenlltd: run wamn\.)'. etc. TXA SIN. '68 P.OAD RUNNER. Over $4200 invest~. Will run blah 12 Att. l~UO mph. Llval heade rs. Afa.Uory coil I dlrtr., Eklebroc:k manifold. heads by Jack Bair. tilusl aell ~ &46-0763 aft ~ pm. '84 LE MANS coupe. stkk, R/H, •'·W tires. Sharp! P.tust &ell this ~-eekcnd. sn5. 646--1267 aller 6 '65 BOllN£VILLE HT '62 T-Bird. BJt.1t. All PC>"''tr 4 olr. !j95. ""11 am si;.o;u. s211s Carl's Motar Co., ·;1 PLYMOUTH in "'' •ood Carl's Motor Ca., Inc. c:cnd!tlnn. S200. .. Kl 9-JL1s • Inc. PONTIAC l i >''al'I in b1Jslntss 11peal<J for itttlf. 1111 fltrbor 81\-d., Of 612-0!ll t;j P. l...,.lpe, l'tUIO. r/h, nt\\' .".I ytit1"Jo In hil~1'!1')5 '"' PONTI 'C c-~ ~ •. fl rTI. \"rl")' clclll\. ~peak.~ for ll~IJ. A 11•uQ r~ .. ·;11 Glt·2'~1l l~ll ll:u·hur Blvd , CJI rully equip. Xlnl COlllf.I. rff &11cn hoUAe 1.1mc. Di; 6~1-<>113 '6' Pl. Y~IOUTii Sta. "·1n. , -M-"'~' _ .. _en_·_ti«_. _,._;_-<1_9J __ '64 LtManJ M convt. Nu PAint. Orta: c:twner. Ber;t of. fer In 5 daya tnkea it. 673-3481 ·s:a BONNEVILLE. 4 door. P/B, PIS. Very &ood clean ca.•. H2S. 962-265J. CLEAN 62 Pmit\a.c Ca talina $150 CAS-1. 83&--1440 afl' 1 Pti1 r;cat st:lttllon Pvtr! ~ tht' '66 Mymculh B c I v t d I'' r Spo11 Sa tellite. air, pwr. 'M Pontiac r.onve11. ncv.· lop. flAll.Y PILOT Clas1dfled wairon. V·1!. P l~. 1'.:<i · ln1'dt'tl, ~lh-rr i:ncn. 10,000 11 lr, auto. S890 '-1r i,.:.,, olr. I OAlL't PILOT Frrlion NO\V~ •·~ptlonAI' $1~. :'il~.;-,;,7 m1, "llMI. SWOO. S4.S..Zi87 il!M-830 1 &ectlon f'-0\\1! Oauil1cd •_::..:;c:..;_.:..,;."----"------- ' Full pwr, d1r. fact air con- dltlonlni. pwr wtndow• low, T ·llRD '81, '8.000 ml, '°"" equip. low mUeaae. Xlnt condition air, Xlnt cond., uJdna: "'15. Jn 11nd ouJ,. Total Price $1399. Atusr S.ll! Goinr 1 0 962~293 \Viii fine prlv prty. LB VBA CoUq:e! S9 T-Bir'd ftebulll 'S2 F111.,l.. J1"T, ocw tires, !U9. Vic, ~. 300 entlnt k tran~ Runs ti.ttm, w ry clean J~. '5j GT0-4 spd. 388 1olap au nal ~ $200. ~_, ~ eves. around. Slicks. N~ paint. l·,.=.,=r.°"a"m"'o~ ...... .,--.""x"1""-,-~-nd'°. i ·.::6'::-:T".a"r"R"o-. """""·""· "'a"11.o,,-..,=,"-· C ll ER A. Y OONDITION~ lo milc11gc, ~lust H ll by lull powu, stf!l"tO. Take fl.lake oflPr. Afl 6, M&-:i1s.i ~Torv:la.f. $600. 6i5-1S95 or O\"'!r pymtl. ~~ 67l-<!!5 POST. '60 Cata\in.1 , blc Cl'll-1 -~~-~-----'9J T·Blrd, 1t1;hltt . 42,000 act mi. 2·dt', r/h, pv r or Dally PUot Want Ads S.enlk:t! tZO. pty. S49S -lerms;, 6'M-0345 Dial su.5678 for Jt.ESULTS •644--1033 • • • ' • 6'1>-l.l66 FULL Power '60 r"'8tfd~ Xnlt mechanical. $ i o O CASH. 961-"'8 ~ T ~BIRD runa good. ~ ttrn. Sac. mun Rll. 1 Bolsll Chict.. H.B. VALIANT ~ VALIANT, ..... cood. • Contact 6Q..2tiG4 m or ~ofler • • -------·-----_.... ----- ill DAIL~ PILOT su..;17 •• ,,,.t 2.1%9 •• LARGEST VOLUME DEA.LER REGl\RDLES~ OF ..... AKE OR MODEL 00 001 . ~ ; YEAR , E.ND . CLE ARANCE SA LE ;:~ Iii ,. ····-····· . LARGEST SELECTION OF ····--···· WU 1!J 1969 DODGE SWINGERS I . . . . . . . . , . . 19'69 DODGE -~~::· SPECIAL'l 'L:ll , 00 NEW 2 DOOR HARDTOPS I NEW 1969 DODGE·$ • BRAND NIW 2·DR; H.T. COUPE ~ ' BRAND • : . f~Jly eq uipped includ ing .vinyl roof, wsw tires, full wheel ! I 1 Full factory equipped. LL23A9El 19626, Ll23A9E143ll0. I • . t ' I ;1•~•;.,;!:;"~:W~~l~~~-m~G~~~~~h~'.rg. wheel carpels, ~ , 1@1 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I IN SOUTHERN CALIF()RNIA · "·I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 'j1 , •2188 TOTAL I . 5 LOWE.ST c I 228'8' TOTAL l?J . ~· a • • p~~~.E'" I YEAR P RI . ES : • . . p~r~.~"' r~ @ 1969 DODGE CORONETS : . EASIEST TERMS I 1969 'DODGE CORONETS t~ · BRAND NIW 2·DOOR COUPES FLEXIBLE FINANCING Fut & 1ccur1te cred it ipprovil courteous I BRAND •·NEW STATION WAGONS ~ li'I Full '""'Y equipped. Wl21B9El30877, Wl21B9E13441 B. I . Fin1n M1n1gers on duty 1t ·.II .times I i~~~l'.Wt7i:~i~'h.heater, ·defroster, etc. Wl45B9E· rr=i: ~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I I LOW PAYMENTS I EX~DED TERMS I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~ 'i; i •2·288 ~~~L I All Available and Easily Arranged On Your Good Credit I ' •2588 ~~11~L '@i .~ . • r~, .. "< I e IMMEDIATE DELIVERY e 1 · '"'" '" t. I @ .:~. ~~~;Rl5,~. '"'"~ , , U1tid 10W 111\lotlt. GOL ITAR. IM'f. 00 ·,68 DODGE CORON!T SEDAN ~ AlllomO!lc tr1nsml1111aft. -•twlnL r.tdlo. I llNl'l•l wllllt ••11 1fnt., -,,.( GOLO STAil. (Viti ;io!). I . - - 'lit! '66 CHEY.ROLEY !®J IMPALA ·STA. WAGON • V4 FACTOttY Atlt. 1..-uc tram., _..r 11...-. _., brtQ .. radio I. llN1er, YinYI tntwlor, wl'll .. Wiil tlrp,_ GUUI IT.U:. UJZ llll. '66 MUSTANG HARDTOP I. '67 DODGE .1 DART ' Automltl(, radi. a. N•llr. . ' GOUI ST,._lt, ITUU 4«11. i § j '65 PONTIAC l'i--l LE MANS COUPE 1'00' "'"" '"· "· '"'-"" ~-~ ·-· .. I ~. radla ': M1t.,. budttl oe1t1, "1U(lle, I -J 'M\!le ..... u ..... • !X HP nn . , .. '66 CHEVROLET !5 CHEVELLE 2 DR. .. ~(11 •'!.,~~.'.'_,LulM. rMil & t.uw, , GOLD STAlt. 15/o\l 6311. ~ '65 ~RD LTD . .~ HARDTOP COUPE 00 , V.f, t UIOITll!lc tr1111m!11ion. "°""er 1h1er•na. -•r b111Ut. r.Ola" IW11tr, """llt Wtll tlr~•. IYOO lfll). ''66 DODGE CORONET V·L 1utom1lle, FACTORY AIR, vl"yL i~ !.-! ... , W!olt• wl11 llret. WUT .12fJ. '65 FORD 500 · CUSTOM • v.., ,... " ""'"' ,_ 1teerift~. , <PtP usi. . '64 DODGE DART l';l G.T. HARDTOP CPE. l=.J v.a. ... ..w.i1e .,.,_.,IMleft. """ & PtMi.r. vlnVl buc•tt lllb. • !OMX "21 fil '64 DODGE lEJ STATION WAGON ·oo .,.. __ V .... rMI.. hllltt,-1!1 Wt!I ft!'l!I, 1 I;! I vln1J lnli!°!ar. !SVt 0301. , .. I -J I'®' . @ -00 1@ s.i988 TOTAL ,.IC• + T•X .. !,.I<;. s.i688 TOTi\L ;1uci + Ta.i .L Lie.. $1188 TOTAL PltlCI +Ta. &-Lie. TOTAL PAIC:I . +Ttx&Lk. ·s7ss TOTAL Pll lCI +T1x &-LI<:. TOTAL Pll lC:I + TIX .. Lot . 5688 TOTIL PlllCI +Tix & l.lt. $588 TOTAL l"R ICI + Tix .. l!t. TOTAL Pll.lt l + T•t .. Lk. TOTAL PlllCI + T1• a. Lie. ---~--~------ • • • • • • • • • • • '68 DODGE · $20. 88 lll ! ""' Ille r•dlo, "'"ttr wer •lttri,..., · • . CHARGER ' . I@' FAC'V1011Y "Alll, w'J,il! wit! r:... TOTAL l"l lCI = I U.lOIJT tlLICTION 0, CttA1tdns TO CHOOil ,.OM .. N SOUTNllOt C~ll"OllNJA 1969 CHARGERS Bucket seats • Hide4way headliOhts • Full vinyl interior • Nylcm carpeting ,? Rear deck spoi l~r • Full racVtg·instrumentation • Bump- er guards • Ash tray light • H.D. springs • H.D. torsion sWay bar ... Xl'ttllt91tl1D, XMtl,l lfSI». XP29BtB1961». XP2981B· CHOICE Jt'1J.C. • OF 52688 TOTAL PRICE COLORS + , .... 'ucunr IMMEDIAU DEUYEIJ . 100% UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE LOOK FOR THE GOLD STAR IN THE WINDSHIELD For your protection 100'• Unc:ondition.11 Gu.1r.1ntee-Thi1 Stir st.1t1s In writing 1h.1t H.1rbor Doclgt 9u1r11t- tees the car 100'~ against mechanical defects for 100 d1ys or 4,000 miles which e•er C:Oftlet first 1ffer purc:h.111. Thi1 indudes alt mech.inic:al parts. electrical tquipment, b.11tery, speedometer, r.1dlo, heater on 111 c1rs. Thi1 quarantee c'lver1 all p1rt1 ornd b1bor from bumper to bumper absolutely fret to you. '68 V.W. Sq. Back \\-.an, • -.I.' r1tl11 " ,...i.<>, cot at m~tl. ... n. ••II lim . IW.0.1 OCfl. SU NRO OF . . TOTAL l"RICI +Tl~ .. Lk. ssss \ '65 Varianj 1500 S , STATION WAGON '65 v.w .. 1 -d, ""lo, M11tr, fully 11ctorv rcufl>pc't '""' Kii i , G LO STAii. lvtf '!15). + Tt• I. LI~ • fll, I '67 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME " '-V.f, t Ulomallc, ~ .tafr£-' ~t .. , \1111'11 •• 111111 ., QIOID)e '· FM·rt':l:'r r.: r.1W !l..IUEJ~l. • '66 CHEVROLET IMPALA SS H.T. m Y·I, •-fl-lnl. Yln1'1 bucker w11 .. wnat -11 tire. !Cl"X 6121 '67 DODGE G.T. HARDTOP Avlometle 'i--laloll. rtdio I. ;....IW, vin yl --~ GOLD lTAlt. IXEX tft), '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP ,., ... .,.. llffrlnt, radio " l!tlll!°, ...,,cklt oe111, Vlnl'I lnlt rl-.;, wllll• vr•U tires. -COLO STAR. fT5A 2!t1. . '67 PL YMOtiTFt FURY SEDAN V·I, 1~Hc lrt n.,,.lulool, -er stffrlna, _., W1k11, vlnv1 lni.rior. !No. 11.Vl '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA SS H.T. Cl'f • V4. J ufclmalie trtn!lf"llllon. l"ACTORY Allt. C:OtlO~ ---rldloo .. """'-' VlnVI llllcket -t... . (N1<1 IS2J '65~USTANG • HARDTOP •• V 1, ••'1f &-llf•llor. vlnri tK>O;:et .se1t1, ... h.i1 """II tires. !RllF 61tl '65 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON l tl Air. v-1. 1utcim11Jc, paw.r 1hltrl"'• ••· Ill~ .. ~tlll!°, wti!t. \11111 tll'fl. (NNA 1111. '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP V..1, • lltaltr", vfnYI loll9r!lr': f\lllY fa6an' ~·~H'l· , IKOS Ml'). '64'1c'HEVROLET . IMPALA 1 DR. H.T. V.f. IUIOlllllic, rldlt .. lie.l ier, IO ...... l lt e•· 1n1. wtiilt w•ll 11,..._ twxs 11:11. '65 CHEVROLET CHEVELLE 2 DOOR Autal'Nllc trtntrl'llufon. r91119 a. !!Mt.,., whit• wtll llr.s. tllEG U71 '64 DODGE DART 270 ' v..i, l lrlll'ft•tlc. rldl9 •fleeter. l'l'l\Olt• 1tel!'- l~r. !TVU 9'51. s.i488 @I IOUL ''I"' @ +T1,. .. i(.. t= $ . = .!1\'~ 00 ~088 TOTi\L ""k~ +T• .. L . TOTAL P'ltlC:I + TIX a. Lie. 00 ' '•' I c ' I "' I '@·' .~~-1 I •I I iii I , • ' • --· -----:----~--------------------------------- ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA - AUGUST 2 , 19~9 ~ ~EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS! .· INTERCl-iANGEAblE , ·BAck, TO, Sci-tool WARdRobe ~ ~ AN A TT OR NEY TELLS · WliAT You Should - KNowAbouT · LAwyERS . ~ SCIENCE EXPLORES . lite MyrJts ANd MysTERies of SleEpwAll<iNG . ~ GLEN CAMPBELL How A Cou .~tRy Boy · SuRvives TliE SwiRl of S1A.RdoM ~ PARTY DESSERTS PuddiN.GS- PlAiN ANd FANCY I I- I .. -Ask Them-Yourself FOR REP. CL'4.VDE PEPPER ' ~::.on: , ... ..,,.., '1o c:iub 1°""6 ..4mericuu fro• 1ro1d1tf llblll•· elo1Hfl a1tfl dur•plfllf ear c••p••e•P-'4.. S. Kra.,il•, Broolrly11, N.'Y. • In an effort to involve young people in responsible poailions of Government. I have propoeed the crealjon of a .Depart- ment of Youth Affain. Thia departmenl, represented by a aecre&&ry of ubinet rank, would co-ordinate ~d expand pro- grams that draw on te many talenta of our nation'• young men and womtn. FOR UFRENCE SPW..4K of "Meel tlte Prus" - Do your ~.i. Oft yottr '" pr()frflM lea.ow ba ad- ".ace tlut q1U1.U01U Utl.er- '1kt0er• "'"' .u'1 TM/;' cr .. t0era •re N pro•pC •"" lo ~ poiAtP-llcrroU C. Y ""lftll, F"""" ' Creelt., Call/. • "Meet the Pres1 .. is a spontaneous_ un. rebe.ned press conference. No advance question& a.re given to the gueets. FOR ELIZA.BETH POST, eliquctu ex.pert I• U proper to pkli up c1t1ew11 •"" ,,.., u ..,w. )'Oflr fiftfer•P-'Mu• Cole Howton, SalbatN, Cali/. • In a friend's home, your own home, or in an informal rt"tltaurant. chicken may be picked up with the 6ngers. ln a more formal almospbere, it is not correct. FOR SA.ND¥ KOUP A.X, 1por1K"G.Jwr rA.e .. IM piklutr 1aa "' IW iaoulla ..W. 1u. ~ fera, Mlhy tl.oea on auwplre coU ii " baUf-JI,.. • ..4liu Slilt, A.uelln, Tun• • In an dl'ort to eliminate a pitch called the '·spitball." the bueball rulea com· miltee in 1968 ael up a new rule: when- ever a pitcher places bis 6ngen to bis mouth, he shall be charged with a "ball" The new rule oetenaibly will prevent a pitcher from placing saliva on the balJ which, due lo air cuJTenls on the added weight, can make the pitched ball be· have in an unusual manner. . . . FOR JOHNNY C'4.RSON How do I re• tU:ula for JOfU' alaot10P I re• cc.,..,,.,., refuMru.-Mnrlc K.reJIUt1, • . Tenrteclc., N./. e Write for tickets at le~t 6ve months before you plan to auend. ,OR BERGEN E1' ms, l.af""'f! t!~I Flay are 11e1Hp•per1 caLd lla.e "Fourth E .. J4ale"1-De"'4 De~ /H1uic«, N.Y. • One mean.in1 of .. eetate" ii a class re- garded u a~ of the political body. In early English parliamente there were three eetalea: the Clergy, the Barons and K.nigbta, and the Cominont. Author Thomu Macauley said that the 1allery of the Hou.e of Common.a, in which re- porters aat, "b.u become a fourth estate of the realm." Hiatorian Thomu Carlyle picked up the phrase (and incorrectly attribµted it to Barke), and il pasted into the laocuqe. POR Dl..4HA.NN C'4.RROLL • I 11 )'OIU" '" aAote, "J 11/Je,., JO• .,,,,.., lo be N CHI •"" .u.Jo(JUla wW. .,...,., Are yow 11au aM)' 111 nery- 4,ay Ufe1 ..4re1t'1 yo• a.... eer~,f IA• luubarulP--Fou Heu.- er, 01u,., V1111a e .. Julia" ia a little cool, ru admit But not Diahann Carroll. I'll marry "Mr. Right Guy" one of these days, but he'll also have to be a father to my eight-year. old daughter Suzanne. POR /A.MES J. ROFLE'Y, It Dirtt"'r, () .S. Sttrtt SerrJicr SUM:. llwt Coo.rn11Mt1•I tl.oea "°' rei,..b11rae • per- aon /or unlrno.U.1ly ac:- cepfln1 • cou1tler/eli nole, ""-Y ~ ii reimb11ree • 6au /or tloU.. llwt HllUJ1-J'ldor Paol.on, Manluito, Mu.,.. • The Government does not reimburse any organization for accepting coonter· feit money. If it did, a counterfeiter might avail himself of thit policy to have the Government reimburse him for coun- terfeit currency he produced. l'OR NORMAN J'INCENT PEA.LE .ff Cod woulll 1rnnl you one wull, wlani "'°'"" 11 bef-Mre. Mau~ Clem- .,.,., N•kreat, Flo. • My one wiah is that I could carry out God's guidance in everything. ,OR /A.CK FEBB ff •"e IAe "°"'e' o/ IM 1ulhy people been claof16ell on "DN~t"P ~ .,.u.o..., Roclw•- &er, N.'Y. • Yes. we ch.nge them. Bui lhe rul nunea of police officers a"' med ,, ..... _. • ,_ ,..._ • ,._..._, Y-_..,..... ... ..._.., ... _ .. .-C ........... ,,_ ... ,.._ ..... ,__ ,_ ....................... ..-1-W,. -• .... ...... .. A.ti! ,,._ Y....U. r-117 ,,......,., 641 ,_ ...... A-., "-Ywlr., l"f,Y. lMU. We ..._. ...._..._. • ._., ._. ti wtll ...... I• _. -..._ WHAT~ WORLD! Say, Can You S..? You read a lot obout ftog-buming but not much about ftocJ-waving. Thb surprilee Harry Helt- ur, president of 3M Company, who darted o modett program offering American ftog stidren on a reftective moteriol. Within three weeb, 3M hod 875,QOO orders. Th. company exPects Mftfal million orders In a matter of months. - Hob Nob With so many Brftfsh arfs- tocrots struggling with the enormcM.lt taxec on their ancestral .. totes, and so many Amerdans curious about thh al- most extinct way of life, a young Lon- don bonlc9f' opened a new busineu to sotidy both. About his "CountTy Homes and Castles" program, David Mone soys. "American tourists appfy to be weekend houte guests (paid} and enioY Compton Cadle, E"flloml the some hospitality we offer our friends." That fndudes meeting nelgh- bon and sharing elegant dlnrMn, com· plete with brandy, before a blazJng flre, served by liveried family retalnen. The all-indusfv. prepaid rate is "suit· able" and too cross to mention further. '*'• , ..... The cost of housing b golng lky-1iigh. That includes dog- houses. James De Vries of New Yorlt City hos a thriving busineu selling dog. houtet In the $250 to $750 range. They ore f'90Hy J>iecet of fCIClled-down furni- ture (a Ming dynmly bed. shown her., Princely pooclt which also JerYes os C? ~ toble), which you could use even if you ctidn't have a dov. De Vries gets a little huffy if you question high-priced dog dwell- ings. "If a woman spends $3,000 for a dress, why not $500 for her dogl Be- sides, I'm also designing houses for the disadvantaged dov-ot $100 «sot'' No lugs H.,. Youngsters often bring their parents to the "mar" ahow at Rochester's Strastnburqh Pi~netarium, recent recipient of the New Y orlt State Council on the Arts award. One day solne 235 sot in rapt silence, watch· Ing the domed ceiling as pinpoints of light representing thou10nds of stars glowed in the do~. The audience was impressed ot how much It was like sitting In a parlc on a clear summ« night. Suddenly a little voice cried, "Mom, ore the mosquitoes out?'' U9ht on Romance British linger-actress Pe- tula Clark ("Good-bye, /ik. Chlps,'1 told Fam- ily Weelcty how 1he met her F,..,ch hu\band, Claude Wolfe. "This Paris record company wonted me to sing for them in French. But I couldn't speak French ond didn't Intend to a.om. During our argument, the offke lights went out, and everyone began Kreamlng, 'Claude, help usl' Someooe stumbled in and fixed the fight. He Ignored me, didn't speak English, but 1• couldn't toke my eyes off him. 'Who's tftof?' I aaked. 'Our publlc-f'efations mon' somebody answered. 'tf you decide to cut a French record, he will take you around.' t decided ta make a lime effort." Now Petula and Claude ore bilingual. Petula Clarie Family~ JhNew...,..r Mae• .. &IONA9 L MVIDOW P~ WIONMAMCP~ W. PAOl THOMt IOM ~ ... Di~ 90IMU M. MUROID......,.,. A'"""""-"-"" 80laf I. llOWlt ...,_A'~ II~ W& L •Alls·--~ M--..r A~ Off'-: Mt '-=---,, .._ Y ... ....................... .,,, ... ._ :!!' .................... ._, "" .... .,.., M.4., _......,.,.. ......................... ... ,.:::=: ··"~ ....... •.~.Lee .... ..... IOlmf flllllllDll Ut.vnaCf&Wf JACIC IYAN ........ U11w MAIM N. lllNQUI A re l>I,..,,,_ MNm • PllOff ,~,_ ... --...~ " .................. a-... ,....,......., ............. , ,._ " .,., a b , ..., c-e. A....._.An~: .......... ~ ...... 0111-.·Mt ~A-, .._.,..._I( Y. MID © 1Mt, fAMAY WlalY, MC. -...... __, - I 1 .. b 5 h J: it a i I ' r • I I \ I -------------------------------------------- to boost ouT volume to 80 million pictuTes this year Introductory Opportunity CLIP A COUPOI and PAY ONLY the LOW PRICE PRINTED ON ITI Here's 1reat money-saving news for KODAK film usen! One of the country's laraest Kodak processors, BALL PHOTO, has slashed processina prices to the very lowest level in modem times! Yes, if you act now, you can use the cou- poruon this page lo have your film pr~ at introductory low prices. We make this remark- able offer to introduce you to our famous photo proa:ssio1 quality and EVERYDAY LOW PRICES-prices that will always save you really big mooey on your picture taking. Last year, our plants pl"OC:CMCd 7.S million pictures. Because we want to malce it 80 million pictures this year, we are makin1 this lowest-price Introductory Offer-ANO YOU PROFIT! Once you see 1he areat pictures and 9ef'Vice you get wheo you send your film to us, wie thfulc you'D want to bClcome one of our rqular satisfied customers. Kodak Stancla.r4s, koal Matuials, Kodak-Trained Tedudclans- for Onr 35 Years. 193<$, when BALL PHOTO started, wasn't a particularly &OOd time to start in any kind of busiocss. But. we bad an idea which is as im- port.ant today as it was then. OUR IDEA ... deal directly with the public ... eliminate all middlemen ... standardize on KODAK sup- plies ... fast serva and low, low prm. Did it won? You bet I Here we are thirty-five years later and more than .57.S,000 camera owoers now depend oo us for the iwy jiltUt work- and keep coming back to us year in and year out. And wby not 7 We haYC fulfilled our promise of QUALITY and CUS'TOMER SATISFACTION. at low prices. We have created the most modem, most advanced fiJm processing laboratories in tbe world. We insist, absolutely, on processing all film lo KODAK standards under the direct super- vision of KOOAK-crainpi technic:iam. We ~only KODAK supplies and matcrial&- uclusi~ly I And we insist lbat ''the customer is always right!·• You are newr "just a number" to us. We insist on giving every film order we handle the most careful JJBSOlftl/ attention! Anytime )lOU ha~ a problem. or a question, you'll al- ways get a straight aod honest answer from a Customer Service Representative. You an: Id- ways protected-fully and ~y-by our famous DOUBLE GUARANTEE proudly printed below. You Do Businas "Diner' Wltat Yo. Do B~ witll BALL PHOTO How can BALL IO comisRndy ddMr auar- anteed quality at unbeatable low prica? There's a sound bulioesa reuon. w,-do oil ow o-WO#'k I We arc not merdy --m.idd~ men" who farm out your fibns to ocher plants. tacking on an extra profit in the procaa. Often, these ocher planu are manned by people wholo credfntials arc c:oinpetdy U& known to you. But there's oo such risk when you send your fihn to BALLI You bow who you're dealin1 with. And you lclfOw that we beck up our reputation for quality and fair dealing with an """""'1tiolsl suarantee of satisfaction! Mail Order Form Below to Take Adnntage of This Special lattodudory Otra Don't delay! Don't mila this opponunity! Join the~ 515,000 camera owoen who en- joy Guaranteed Quality Photo Processioa at unbelievlbly Low Prices. Mail your first roll of fihn to BALL PHOTO today! MAIL TODAY WITH FILM IN A REGULAR ENVELOPE! CT.,. ___ .__ .. _,.....__, 0 ,..._Pr~ Endoeed Fllm To KODAK ltlinderde under the Supervt81on of KODAK-tnined Tec:tWdene. I enc:loee low-price Introductory -"'nes coupon. Low pricieOft~ coupon .••.• ----- s.i. Tu If eny •••••••••••••• ----- Tocal f~ ................ •·~--- a-llbml.tti.ril!Mlf,..."""'_,.... ~ 0 .__....,.,...._.IM_ .. lo,. _ _...._..,_.. __ -prblollorMw.- u .. ttw ._..,.,...... ... ,__..,..._ 12 .... -........ ..._, .. _,.. .. -... HERE'S HOW TO SEND IN YOUR FILM 1. Fill out the Order Form at left. 2. Put the Order Form, along with your film and remittance and money-saving Introductory Coupons. in an envelope. 3. Use a REGULAR envelope- the kind you use for ordinary letters w ill carry your film quickly to us. 4. Mail your envelope to BALL PHOTO at the address shown on the Order Form. a BALL PHOTO FAllOa IOlllE llAIAITEE o-ell we'W Mid .wftd too good to be we 1 We dOn't blelne you if you·,. IUt>tlc,., But juet to PfOW we -whet -uy. heft It the BALL PHO'TO femov1 Money· llecll Double GuetentN: 1. With yout llt'll end Wf1t1 IOI of film. BALL PHO'fO vv•en-you finest q..,affly PfO• cealnv IO KODAK 1tandw1 unde< ttledwec • tlon of ltODAlt·ttttned pertonnel and proc-.d wltf\ genv;ne KOO.Alt I>"* and chemic:tlt. Youtt at tremendou• MVlnQL I. If you •• not Mlltlled with the WOftl. for eny .. uon wheuoever (111111 If rou "ooofed"'), ..,,.., ,..um lhe oomp6ete ordet of print• end ~ Of .... Of full roll °' --Wll ... ~ gi¥e "" • call! retvttd '°'the ~end, ..... _ if lllm -llure~ ......._ Inc-. of ....,..,.. cw tnlllfVl"*'tl setum !hi~ ordet. end lhl tu• -of PIOC-"'8 wlll be Nlfunded.. No ~ MUd.. Editors' aote: A laWJler can be cu important to tit~ ,4ftafteial wel.~bei"ll of a. fa.mil11 e11 a fami.l11 doctor ii to it• ph11•ica.l 10e1Uein11. B"t aokeft dou the average famil11 need a la1D11er? And horo doea it aelect OM, FAMILY WEEKLY a.alud tllue q1u8tiOfU-Cn(i otlt.er pertinent emu-of Samv~l Kliftll, a l~no atdltorit11 °" legal ma.tten. Hi• advice °" divorce ofld other fa.mil'JI problems h46 beex rea.d by mil· timu. M o•tl'JI, however, he ii itttereited in pre- ventinir leaa.l tatialeMetaf~. and h.i8 ~uogest irm1 here ma11 help rou muunuse tlltm~err eltmtnatt man11 of theni. Sho.W a layMOn attempt to honclle .... I MCltterl without a lawyer? There may be a few times when the well-in- formed layman can get along without the aid of Tegal counsel. He may, for example, be able to handle a rent or collection item in a small-claims court. He may even be able to handle his own traffic-court case, if it's trivial. 11 It always neceuary to employ counsel In a divorce caM? No, not if the defendant doean't contest the case for some reason; if he or she has little or no .property or aasets; it the wife seeks neither ali- mony for herself nor support for the children. However, whenever there's any doubt about one's legal rights, an attorney should be consulted. It It always desirable to hire an attorney In a ne9llgence caM? For the most part, yes. Recovering damage11 for injuries to yo.ur person or property depends on What Yo A family attorney can b . selected with th many factors. One of the most important is the question of negligence or legal fault Either is determined by a thorough inve11tigation of the facts and witnesaea. This requires an experienced negligence lawyer who would be able to evaluate what a damage suit ls worth. But it's hardly worthwhile to employ counsel if the property damage is only about $50 and if it's Obviows that the claimant was legally in the right. What qualities· should a lawyer have? A lawyer should have an all~around good repu- tation and the respect of bi.a fell ow lawyers. He should be thorough, tenacious, and have a sound grasp of legal principles. While it's impossible for any lawyer to know all the law, a successful one will not only have a firm grasp of basic fundamentals but also the legal mind capable of wrestling with an involved set of f act8 and coming up with a conclusion that makes legal sense. To what extent should a dlent shop around for an attorney? Many laymen are likely to seek an attorney merely in terms of price. If one attorney asks a $500 f ~ for representation in a cue, the cJient may engage another attorney who will represent him for $350, or even less. It is primarily im-} portant that the client should con11ider the at- tomey's e.xperience, intelligence, character, and reputation. The fee shouJd 'he secondary. Should you choose a speclaflst lawyer rath- er than one with a .. neral practtc.? Like physicians, lawyers lately have tended to specialize. There are attorneys who specialiu in labor, divorce, criminal, tax. or negligence Jaw. But the fact that a lawyer handles many negli- gence cases doean't mean that he isn't qualified to handle divorce cases or write wills. He often does, though usually not with the know-how of the speciali st who bas devoted almost bis entire legal career to one special branch of the law. Ob- viously, the specialist is better equipped to handle cases in his particular field. Are there spedallsts In all communities? • · · Moat practice in larger cities. In smaller towns, the general-practice lawyer is similar to the gen- eral-practice physician. But even in larger cities, the majority of attorneys practice general law and can deal with almost any lepl matter. How should one chooM Clft attomey? A recommendation from a friend or relative . who has encountered a similar legal problem is u good a r eason aa any for making a choice. But beware of persons who recommend a particular lawyer only because they expect a part of the at- torney's f N! for the recommendation. s as . son DI u A ht to at pr hi re A to th se if in. th us rei ti• m1 hi! wl mE or pr• vie I Ha leg an dir eli: a ' arE fee aid pol \ r soc la"' Ty of a f tio1 1 Family ~ / Avgtut S, 1969 Should Know About Lawyers as important to you as your-family doctor-and should be same careful consideration Many lawyers obtain clients, especially when negligence is involved, io this unethical manner. Under the code of ethics of the American Bar Asaociation, no attorney is permitted to solicit busineaa directly or indirectly; nor ia he allowed to pay those who refer legal busineaa to him. b It wrone to ..... a power of attorney "' an acdclent coM! Not u a rule-but certainly don't when lt is presented b.)C. an "ambulance~hasing" attorney or his representative, who asks that he be anowed to represent you. Otherwise, there is no objection. A power of attorney simply authorizes the lawyer to represent the client in a given matter, under the terma that are defined in the cont{'Ut. What are those terms! They usually authorize the attorney to repre- sent the client in negotiating a settlement. But, if the latter is imp<>Aaible, the lawyer will then institute a suit on behalf of the client against the defendant. For auch aervice.s, the attorney usually charges a percentage f ~ of the amount recovered. If nothing is recovered. either by se~ tlement or auit, usually no fee Lia charged. Who determines a proper .. tt&e....m? Usually the attorney doea, but he rarely ever makes any settlement without the approval of bis client. What happen1 if the cH ... t ilft't ICltlsA.cl with the settlement? Depending on which action hRs been taken. be may a:sk his attorney eithel' to reopen negotiations or to flle suit. He may also dismiss his lawyer. provided he baa compensated him for legal ser- vices already rendered. kow can one en90 .. counMI In a non....- llgence matter H he ha1 no fuftdst He can seek usistance from one of the many legaJ-.aid societiea throughout the country. These are listed in the YeUow Pages of the telephone directory under "Lawyers-Lepl Aid." To be eligible for the aervicea of a Legal Aid Society, a client must prove that bis income and asset.a are so inadequate that he can't afford to pay any fee. Legal Aid Society services are free. Most legal- aid 80Cieties are community-service agencies, aup- ported by city or state contributions. What la "Lawyers' Refencll''? This i.8 a service provided by the local bar as· sociation. Any financially able person needing a lawyer is referred to one of the bar's memben. Typically, the applicant pays a registration fee of about $1 for the referral. He pays the counsel a fixed fee of about $5 for the initial consulta- tion that may last up to I half-hour. • Lawyers' Referral ia halfway between free le- By SAMUEL G. KUNG Avtflor of "TM c-pl.1e GvW9 to mrydoy Low" gal aid and private legal counsel. The fees charged for divorce, for example, are much less, since client.a are apt to come from low-income groups. Many clients are directed to Lawyers' Referral by legal-aid aocieUes if they cao afford to pay some fee. It also is Ji.8ted in the Yellow Pages. Does a Leeal Aid Society hanclS. all caM1! It will not haudle criminal or divorce caaea. However, Lawyers' Referral handles al1 kinda of legal matters. How Does Lawyen' lefenel wortcl It consista of a pool" of lawyers who serve in t"otation and provide a "potluck" of legal asaist- ance. A client doesn't have a choice. He must hire the lawyer whose name currently beads the list. If he is diaaatisfied, he may pay another consulta- tion fee for the attorney next on the list. What obout repnMntatloft in a crlmlnol CGM ff the defendant 11 without funds? Under recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, the accused is entttted to counsel at every stage of the criminal proceeding. Thia means that be haa a right to be represented at the time ot his arreat; when he ia questioned by the police; when he signs a confesaion; when be is indicted; and when he is tried for the crime for which be is charged. All is at the expense of the state. Is ft good practice to retain counMI on on onnual boll•? Yea, if the client' a busineu so warranta. Many businessmen retain an attorney on an annual basis. They pay either a ftat fee for all the routine legal work likely to come up during the year or a combination of a flat fee and additional fees for nonroutine matteni such u litigation. By far the best arrangement is for cli.ent and counsel to have a written contract that specifies the work to be done by the attorney or legal ftrm. Then there wiJ1 be no mieundentandinga about what the retainer coven. How confltlelttlal lt the relotloethlp be- . tw .... attemey aMI cl....., The most confidential known to the law. No lawyer is permitted to disclose information given to him by bis client, even when the lawyer is called aa a witness. For viol&tion of his trust, an attorney may be subject to disciplinary action by his local bar asaodation and to suit, if dam•gea occur from a breach of the communication. What retp0n1lblllty cloe1 a lowyer have? An attorney is both an officer of the court 1rnd the agent of the client who employR him. He haa Rn obligation to be fair and honest with both. He undertakes to exercise ordinary care, skill, and diligence in handlin& tbe affairs of the client whose cue he haa accepted, A lawyer has the right to refuse to accept a elient for any reason. Generally, any agreement by the attorney, within the acope of his authority and particulftrly any al'teement respecting procedure or the conduct of the trial, binda the client. The attorney must keep his client informed at all times of the et.ate of hie businesa and what action is being taken. However, this doea not mean a blow-by-blow description of everything that is taking place. It means keeping hie client posted on the 1najor legal steps being taken. What does a cllent owe hb counMI? The duty to give a full and fair disclosure of All the facts relevant to his cue. Be sure to tell your attorney the tTuth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. For only when counsel ls in fulJ posaeasion of all the facts can he act Intelli- gently on the matter. Many clients withhold facts in the mistaken belief that the less a lAwyer knows about the real situation, the better. But, given all the facts, an attorney can determine which are relevant, which are harm! ul, and which l\re useful to his client'a intereata. No lay- man ia qualified to do this. Presented with infor- mation that may be damaging, a careful attorney will prepare his defense accordingly, in order not to be caught unaware by the opposition. Is crhklsm of the legal profeulon iu1tlfl4Hl'P To some extent, yes. Bar Hsociatione haven't ~!ways been reaponaive to people's needs nor to lnw changea because most lawyers are conserva- tive and intereated in maintaining a status quo. Nor have attorneys gone after "ambulance chas- ers" and other abuses aa diligently u they might. Most lawyers feel they're capable of handHng a1J.J1 legal matter, no matter how com- plex or remote from their experien('e. So they hesitate to refer a case to a speciAlist. Law has become increuingly a matter of apecialiiation. Today there are lawyers for every conceivable field. An attorney with no reAI expertise in tax law, for example, may be doing hia client a grave injustice by not calling in a 8pecialist. On the other hand, few profeMiona are better diaciplined than the law. Admitttldly, there are practicing shysters and thieves, just as there are quacks practicing medicine. But aa a whole, the_ legal profession is highly regarded. Shoukl a 1owy., defend a .,1tty perlOll't Yes. Everyone accused of crime is entitled to a defense. Under our system of law, a defendant's guilt or innocence is determined not by his at· torney, but by a jury or by a judge serving aa a substitute for a jury. A lawyer's function ia to pruent the fact.a in their most favorable lirht t.o aee that the accused ret8 a fair trial. • = t I I •I I I I l ~n enriching-musical experience. • • eight hours of incomparable listening I Enjoy all TEN RECORDS in your own home . for ten days with NO OBLIGATION to buy • Magic Victor Herbert Melodies • Mediterranean Pops Concert • f aVOfite Operatic Selections •Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite • Most-«equested Piano~ •Piano and Orchestral favorites ' • lovely Stephen Foster Melodies • Rare Jewels from the Eat • Lilting Johann Strauss Waltzes • Hawaii: Macie ls&and MusiC • Best-loved Themes frOfll Peer Gynt •Treasured Mood Melodies • South of the Border Concert • Enchantinc Mood of Elepnce • Pops Concert Americana • Stirrina Orchestral Portrlits • Melodic Echoes of Spain • SparkJinC Continental Fnorltes • Conf ettl for Strinas • C4ncert Under Stariilflt Complete Selections, Not Mere Fragments or Shortened Versions Here is your opportunity to experience a breathtaking extravaganza of melody that spans more than two centuries of musical great- ness. Yes, the world's greatest music ... a collec- tion so irresistible in appeal, so captivating in variety, so .tremendous in scope, it takes over eight hours to play in its entirety. lmagin~ight hours of the music you know and love best ... eight hours of stirring "command performances" by internationally renowned artists and orches- tras such as the famed London Philharmonic and Vienn\ Philharmonia. A Music Li brary For Now And Always The brilliant performances that make up this treasured collection have been selected from among thousands available. You will hear en- chanting operatic arias, lovely Strauss waltzes, sprightly Victor Herbert melodies. You will thrill to the dark moods of Peer Gynt, the exciting dances of Tchaikovsky, the vibrant Latin rhythms of yesterday and today. You will reminisce with traditional American favorites, memorable Mexican music, rare jewels from the East You will listen enthralled to sparkling piano show- pieces, dreamy Continental gems, gala orchestral portraits, the merry melodies of Gilbert & Sulli- van. 100 complete selections: the most beautiful musical masterpieces of all time, brought to you in brilliant stereo• Free Audition Privilege To receive the compl ete ten-record library, "Eight Hours of Music You Know and Love," in a handsome presentation box -simply mail the coupon. Send no money ... your ten~ay audi- tion is free. After enjoying the library in your own home, you decide. Either return the records and owe nothing; or keep them and pay only $12.99 ... $4.33 a month for three months, plus a small shipping charge. This incredibly low price is far less than you'd expect to pay for ten long-playing records of such outstanding quality and excellence. Never before have all these cherished melodies been available together in one magnificent record collection. What's more, these are complete selections, not mere frag- ments or shortened versions. Yes, 100 complete, best-loved melodies, lavishly presented in rich, exquisite arrangements featuring full symphonic orchestras. Your opportunity is now -but sup.:. plies are limited. Take ad vantage of this unprecedented free trial offer by mailing the coupon today/ FREE if you act /fromp t/y WP lllS 11181 ALIUM -EVE.II If YIU IOUll 1IE IEcaDtWt! MaiJ the coupon promptly wl receive this exciling bonus .... "21 of the Grutest Pop- Illar S.., of All Tune." 11 fu.. ~ top ltul: Dub Blington, Sn1h Vaughan, Mel To rme, IMllY more. Keep the album Fm, whether or not you de- cide to own the ten-record llbrary • Pf UH1!1dm1t Mli•Si1114.1111i1ia The BOKESTEAD, o-. EH· s1 r.o. lo• m , Hoatetttad •Ws. N.-iwll~, T-. 17212 Yes. please N Sh my 10-record library, "8 Hours of Music You Know and love." After ~ days, I will ell:t1er return the ~rd.s and owe nothing; or keep them and ~mlt S4.33 a month for three months (plus S1 .00 shippins charae>. Also include my bonus album, '71 of the Greatest Popular Songs of All Time" -mine to keep FUE in any ase. (Please Print) City _________ scate ____ Zip __ Teh•• MC I 00l5 J 4S50 f L-----------------------J I t: (I • .: l 2 p d 2 8 n • sl a p o: a. ti FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK PuddingB Plllin llnd f llllCV MELAND: DE PROFr Food &ntor Frtah bhub.writa are blew.dtd witll l.emoft pt4ddit1g it1 tlte ~Lmo for tndet-, rid. poat,.,, ahella a1UI are tM•o u.~ed to ad0nt tlte topa of tluu Blu.eberr¥ Tarta. • A pla~ reacly-~rve ehilled eanned pudding, eened from yoar pretdeet bowl along witla an aNOrtme•t of topping., fraita, prniabee, ••d other •dd· om, b • pleaaaat, eftortleu eadiq to a family meaL Wjth little •ore e•ort •ad a bit of imagination, you can alao prepare I ancy perty cleeeerta from theee puddtnga. Here are a few redpea carrying mnple ideaa for glamoar. Blueberry Tarts t baked tart aheU., prepared froa a pie erut aia• 1 ean (15 Yi to 18 o•.) ready-to- aene lemon-or Tanilla-ftaToTed pacW.i•1. chilled Freala htaeburia, rinud and clraiaed 1 eap wllipped deaHrt topping or tllawed, frozen whipped toppi•r Flaked eoeoaat 1. When ready to aerve, fold about 2 cups of blueberries and the top- ping together. Blend into the pud- ding and spoon into tart shells. 2. Top with additional berries as de- sired, and sprinkle edges with coco- nut. 6 tarta •Note: Fit pastry into individual skillets (see photo) or tart pans and flute edge. Thoroughly 1trick pastry with a fork and place akilleta or tart pans on baking sheet. Bake as directed on pkg. for pie shell un- til golden brown. Cool on racks. Frozen Chocolate Podding Pie with Cherry F1air 1 10-ha. d1oeolate eookie enamb eruat ( eee rec:ipe) • 1 eu (15Yz to 18 ea.) ready- to-eene nnilla puddiag, eltillf'lll Z cupe whipped deMert toJPinl or thawecl, froze• whipped toppinr J eaa (ti to 18 os.) ready-to-eerTe ehoeolate pa44ia1, chilled I tablnpoou chilled caramel top- piac aaaee ~ up aait.l al__., eoanely cliiop.-.1 MarucW.O dlerrie. with ateaa J. Empty vanilla pudding into a large bowl and blend in 1 cup of the whipped dessert topping or thawed, frozen whipped topping. 2. Empty chocolate puddinr into the same bowl and draw a rubber spat- ula or spoon through the c hocolate and vanilla puddings until partially streaked to give a marbled deeip. 3. Turn into the chocolate cookie crumb crust. Set in freezer to chill, about 16 min. 4. Remove from freezer and drizzle with the caramel sauce. Top with the salted nuta. 5. To garnish, drop spoonfuls of the remaining dessert topping onto the nuts around outer edge of pie. Put a stemmed maraschino cherry onto each mound of topping. Set in freez- er for several hours or until fillina is firm. If necessary, alJow pie to remain at room temperature to aoft- en slightly before cutting. a to 10 aef'vino• Chocolate Crumb Crust 2 cape &aely cruhed chocolate cookie cruaba (•ay he prepared fro• bakecl refrirerated eeokie doarh, coaaercial cltocolate eookiN, or wafera) 5 tablespoou butter or mar1ariM. aelted 1 oa. (1 aq.) lfUWMteaeti choco- late, crated 1. Adding 1Tadually, drizzle butUr over crumbs and mix thoroughly with a fork. Blend in chocolate. 2. Gently, but firmly, press mixture over bottom and up aides of a 10-in. pie plate. Chill in refri~rator until ftrm or set in freezer about 16 min. Fill and top as desired. Choeo-Banana-Mallow Pudding Pies The chocolate crumb cruet will ac- centuate the delicate flavor of any one of the ready-to-serve canned ·puddings such as chocolate, butter- ecotch, vanilla. or lemon. Follow di- rections· on can.a for use of gelatin or cornstarch in preparing pie fill- ings made from ready-to-serve canned puddings. For the 10-inch crust, use two cans of puddinr (one Ravor or a blend of two ftavors). Mix In 2 sliced bananas. Turn into crust; top with mixture of whipped cream and miniature •arsnallows. Sprinkle with small pastel-colored diac candles. Chill. 8 to 10 Bt1'vings Emerald-Topped Lemon ".!lice Pudding 1 can (16YJ to 18 os.) ready·t~ aene leaoa )MMlcling l can (15% oa.) ready-to-aene riee padding I pkg. (3 oa.) lime-luored 1elatin % cap boiU.1 water % cap Heweetoecl plaupple j1dee 1. Empty the canned puddings into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Set in refrigerator several hours, allowing ftavor a to blend. 2. Pour boiling water over the gel- atin and stir until dissolved; blend in the pineapple juice and p(>ur into a shallow pan. Chill until very firm. 3. Turn gelatin onto a flat surface such as a baking sheet. Using the strnirht edge of a spatula, chop through all of the gelatin, criaa- erossinr as you cut, until all ta a shimmering mass. 4. Spoon about ~ of the shimmer- ing platin into a crystal bowl. Cover with the chilled pudding and pile remaining abimmerin&' &'elatin on top. 8 urvino1 Maks the Rounds ... 11111/tMJd of MsnstruaJ DIBflYJSS h's 1 busy. whlfllna Ille you Ind 1s a mod!'rn woman. Here. There. B•ck he•<! 1e.-1n. At home. on the 1ob or out hav1na tun, you ~ .. rti11nly aet 1round. No tome 10 slow Oown •. and you don't h1v1 to. Not even becausl' of lunct1on1I m«"n· stru1I distress. How' W1Jh M100L Bt'caus.i M100L• contains: •An u clusive ant1·spumodic that helps STOP CRAMPS • • Mt'd1c1lly·aopfovtd rnaredr.ints that RtllCVl HEAOACH(. Lo w BAC!(ACHE . CALM JlJMPY NERVE~ . • Plu' a mood briahttntH that aets you throuah the 1ryrn11 P••·mPnstrual pefiod lerlina c11m and be1ut1tul. Whirl 1w1y. ~day. With MIDOl ct.\,~1 11fOSI HOltllD •weathered brownU ' .pota on the surf~ ---of row-handa and &ce tell the world you're pttJna old-oerhapa before you 1:1SOV· hcfe them away wltb CA, that med- icated cream that .,,._b up m.aaa of p~t on the akin. helpa make hands look white and younc .,.m. Equally dlec:1lve on the f~. neck and arms. Not a covu-up. Acts In the akin-not on It. Fra.,ant. peuelea base for aoftenlnt. Jubrt-atinl akln u It dean up ~ bJemlaha. U you have these .,... reveallnc brown 9'>0U.. blotches, or If you want dearer, Uthter lkln, we ESOTERICA. At your favorite dru1 and tolletry counter. $2.00. lllJlllllDll'OWldlllhnl The patented Comfort Carver n1 designed by a dentist to let you l(:CWately adjuat your own plates. You get a complete denture adjwt· ment le.it and simple lnatructions to \Ue the aamc method that dentist.I u1e. You quickly find and eliminate bJ&b spots on your denture bate that cause ditcomfort and mouth aorea. Keipe make plates Ht propedy. Only $7 .95 . Send chock or money order to: The Dencom Co.. Box 606, Guemeville, C.alif. 95446. Califorpiam add 5~ sales tax. Not for dentures with aoft oc metal bues. .. ~ I I J The Ladies' Hom Dear Family Weekly reader: Your good health, looks and vigor are not only your own moet valuable assets; they're ours, too. And since overweight is America's No. 1 public health problem, we have decided to attack it wit.h an entirely new, exciting program : the Ladiu' Home Journal DUt Club. It is potent.ially the most massive, promising step ever aimed at one of the key risk factors contributing to our No. 1 killer, heart diaease, and other chronic diseases associated with overweight. If you are one of the more than 80 million overweight Americans, here is a safe, sensible ~pproach toward the achievement of a healthier, happier YOU; and to assist thousands of others whom you will join in thia cooperative help-one-help.all venture. WHAT'S UNIQUE ABOUT THE P,UB Your health is a personal ~nsibility, and dieting is a private affair. You will not be asked to go to meetings. You will not be part of any weight-reducing "group." You can achieve the slender new-YOU in the privacy of your own home with the )lelp of a Personal Menu Planner designed for your weight goal. You wi11 leam to choose wisely from nourishing, satisfying ordi- nary foods. But you will not be alone. Each week you will receive by mail fresh, easy-to-apply diet counseling that is as authoritative as the most up.to-date scientific knowledge can produce. All guidance on nutritional problems is approved by the Club's panel of experts on nutrition (doctors, professors, and home economists). All guidance on the psychological aspects of nutrition and dieting is approved by the Club's panel o' psychiatrists. HELP OTHERS AS YOU ACHIEVE YOUR OWN WEIGHT GOAL The Ladiu' Home Jourrw.l food editors and kitchens will supplement this scientific counsel- ing with a constant flow of diet recipes, ~enus and kitchen tips. And because of the unique sci- entific design of the Club program, you will con- tribute to medical research, without extra effort or disclosure of your confidential records, by voluntarily furnishing information to our Diet Data Bank. We hope and expect that this accu- mulated experience will help many other people to achieve their weight goals, as you can: WHAT THE CLUB WILL DO FOR YOU As soon as you flll out and send us the attached confidential membership application, you will receive from the Club: , 1. A suggested realistic, pennanent weight goal as determined by your sex, age, weight his- tory, your body build and your life style. 2. Your PeraOM.l Menu Platt.Mr with five ample food lists 80 you can select for yourself the foods you prefer, yet restrict your caloric intake to a sensible level. The variety from which you choose will allow you to satisfy your craving for tood and minimize the monotony that 80 often • Urnal Diet Club: A Nt I turns dieting into torture. Your food selection list is designed to insure an a.dequat.e level of nutrition, which is most important in any weight control program. Losing weight with the La.diu' Home Jouf'fl4l Diet Club can be educational and even fun!. 3. Your Diet Progress Chart to keep track of your weight 1088e6, day by day, through the very effective first three months a.s you achieve your primary objective. The chart continues for an entire year so you can make sure that you keep your weight and figure where you want them, or even lose a few additional pounds. 4.· Your copies of the Jourrw.l DUt Club News- letters and Magazine. The Newsletters will ar- rive each week except for one week at which time you will receive the very authoritative and hand- some Magazine. These publications will be like nothing you have ever read before. They will be . packed with brief, practical diet, nutritional and exercise advice -information and inspiration ready to be used right now I Answers to diet ques- tions that you send us. Tips on how to organize your refrigerator. What to do about cocktails. How to cut down on fats. How to diet in restau- rants or in front of friends. How tJ:> speed weight control through exercise. And, always, detailed personal case reports of successfal dieters - their problems and how you can overcome them. Then, every two weeks, you will get a simple form so you can deposit your new weight in the Club's Diet Data Bank.Result.swill.be analyzed and reported in the Club publications so you can match your own progress against the perform- ance of other club members. Some dieters love company. If you do, you can hold your own coffee .Jdatsch among your friends and neighbors for mutual support. We shall sup- ply simple instructions to make these get-togeth- ers rewarding, sociable and calorie-controlled. A delightful way to add even more enjoyment to your Diet Club membership is to have a friend join at the same time you enroll. Then, whenever you feel like it, and perhaps even daily, the two of you can compare each other's successes. When one dieter makes even more progress than the other, it provides inspiration and incentive for the one whose progress isn't so great. And talk· ing about your experiences, about your diets, about taking in waistlines, about receiving un- expected compliments ... all that is such fun when you have someone to share your thrills and success. If you have a friend who wants to join you, just ask her to write us for her own membership application. WHEN DO YOU RECEIVE YOUR MASTER DIETER CERTIFICATE? ~ Just as soon as you reach your de- "~ sired weight goal, you will receive ~~~ your Master Dieter's Certificate. At •;,,. that time, you will also receive ~ , an appropriately liberalized Menu ,_,. Planner to maintain your new re- ----------------------..- New Weight -Losing System That Works! duced weight and more attractive ngure per- manently without backsliding. When you maintain your weight goal for a certain time, you will be eligible for prizes for the slim new YOU. Even better, you will take satisfaction in. knowing that you sue- ~ where so many failed. You will think betU!r of yourself, and so will your family. Ask anybody who ever took weight off and kept it off: There is no better feeling, no rl ·YJement more rewarding in admiring IJanees, in sincere compliment.8, and in being able to wear a much wider selection of those s~ smaller sized fashions. WHAT THE CLUB WON'T DO ~ Club won't fool you by pretending that weight reduction is easy. It won't lure too with promises of magic methods. It won't saddle you with fads, crash diets or !"ituals that become so inflexible and distaateful that you would soon give up and regain your hard-lost w~ight. If you lose an average of only one to two pounda weekly on your Club diet, we will have fulfilled realistic objec- tives. We believe that this goal is feasible. Even more importantly, you will have estab- lished a new way of life so that these lost pounds will sta.11 off. The Club does not en- courage your use of drugs; if medications seem necesaary, they would only be used under recommendation and direct supervi- sion of your personal physician (and we do strongly urge you to stay in touch with him while you lose weight). Finally, the Club won't treat you as a greedy, immature neu- rotic, but as a responsible individual who can master the weight problem on your own, once we supply the know-how, the scientific toola and sympathetic support. YOU HAVE NOTHING 'rO WSE BUT POUNDS U you idhere to the regimen doctor-de- signed for you, you will achieve your reduced weight goal. Your bathroom scales will re- port your success; your mirror will reflect a more slender you. If you do not lose weight, if you conscientiously remain on the diet and it does not work for you, your entire Journal Diet Club Memberahip costs will be re- funded. So you have nothing to lose but pounds; everything to gain. Ruah backthia no-risk Mem- bership Application TODAY. Sincerety., LADIES' ROME JOURNAL DIET CLUB (Mrs.) Dorothy Holmea PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY BEFORE FILL~G OUT THE APPLICATION FORM BELOW: If you are now pregnant or ii you are a nursing mother, the Journal Diet Club cannot accept your membership because your nutrition ahould be cloeely and directly supervised by your doctor; for the aanie rea.aon, you should consult your doctor about your diet and follow hia inlJtnlctjona if you become pregnant while you are a club member. Sorry but we cannot accept 'your application if you are over 65 or under 18 ... or if you have a particular medical problem, in which cue you should diet only under the cloee personal super- vision of your family physician, And no men, pleue--our Diet Club ia exclusively for women. Plea.ee follow the directions below with utmoet ~. Your exact wrist meuurement ia required to help calcolate your over-all body build. The meuurement should be taken with a cloth tape meuure, with arm extended and ftngera apread out, just t¥loto the widat protrusion of your wriat-bone (eee drawing at ript). The tape meaaure should be pulled snug, but not tight enough to indent the akin. Achieve Your Own Weight GGal. Help Many,&thers. Mail This Membership Application TODAY! Mfi:~UJ .. ~USHIP APPLICATION ('ONl•'llU~:NTIAI. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL DIET CLUB, INC. P.O. Box 507, Garden City, N. Y. 11530 Dear Mrs. Holmes ; Please consider me for membership in the Ladies' Home Journal Diet Club. My Age is ..Height (without shoes) . I am Married O Single O Divorced D· My present weight (without clothes) is pounds. Ideally, I think I should weigh pounds. My loweat weight as an adult was pounds in the year ___ . My highest weight as an adult was Pounds in the year My exact wrist measurement (see instructions above) is ·nches. My body build is Heavy-boned O Medium-boned O Lightrboned-[] Durin& a typical day, my physical activity is slight O moderate O heavy o. I have recently been examined by my doctor; he approved my enrolling in a sensible weight reduction program, and it is my intention to keep in touch with him regarding my weight. I am in good health and physically able to follow this program. I am not pregnant. I understand that if I am more than 80% over my ideal weight, this program may not be effective and that closer medical supervision is desirable . Please enroll me for membership for : O S months at $10 O 1 year at $80 O Enclosed is check or money order for S--- 0 Plea.se bill me Joumel !Mel CIW, Inc. ls a 1WYa of tM LadNa' HDfM Joamet ..... d,,._ . 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An antiperspirant that really works! Solves und erarm '\>robleme for many who had despaired or e((ective help. Mitchum Antl-Peraplrant keepe undenuma abeolutely dry for tllouaanda or grateful wiera, with complete gentleneaa to normal akin and clothing. It will keep you drier than any anti·wetneee agent ever put in an aeroeol spray can! By any- body. Thie unusual formula from a trwitworthy 66-year-old laboratory ia guaranteed to aatiefy or dealer will refund purchase price. So get the pc»i- t.ive protection o( Mitchum Antl-Penpirant, liquid or r MAtL MO-alSll COUPON TODAY l cream. $3.00, 90-day wpply, at CAT FANCY Dept FWI~ your favorite drug or toiletry 3W.51thSt..N.:,Yortl.N. Y.1•11 _co_u_~ __ . ----------t EnclOMd Is check or m .o. for$ __ YOU MAY HAVE O 1 yr. $3.50 O 2 yrs. $6.00 I PIN·WORMS I UWf 0 l~$8.00 I AND NOT KNOW IT I UWP I Fidietini.l~ofaleej>andatorment.-I cm I inc luh are oft.en telltale aim• of SUff ,. __ I Pin-Worms ... 1.11ly paraaltn that '-----------;;;.a medical expt!l'U aay inf•t 1 out of every 3 peraonaexamlned. En Ure fam- lliee may be vlct.lm1 and noi know it. To ~t rid of Pin-Worm11, they mu.st be lcilk-d in the larv;e lnt.HUne when they live and multiply. That'• exactly what Jayne's P·W tablet.I do ... and here'• ho• they do it: Flnrt-.,. sdenti8c co-Uni carriea the tableta into the bowela befon they dlaaolve. Then-Jayne'• mod-em, medically-approved lncre<Hent coea richt to work-kills Pln-Wonne quickly, easily . .Ad: ffOllr ,,,..r-t.I. Don't take chances with da~~ oua. hJchly contll.2ioua Pln-Worma which Infect entire lamiliea. Get po- uine Jayne·a P-W Vermihace • . . amaU. euy-to-t.ake tableta .•. aped.al alaea for children and adulta. HOME -IMPORT 1-.,\ ,, •) Mui r B·q P1ol0r1 More Security With FALSE TEETH AtA•yTime DoD't be 80 &fn!d Ulat JOW' fal.M '"th wlll come I~ or d1'0P Jun at. t.h• wronc Um•. Por more MCUrttJ and more comron, JUIR sprtokl• • ll"i. PASl&iilB OD your plat.a. PAdlD'lB bolda boUl uppers and lowers fllmer loaaW. Mak• •Ulla -..ter. PA8TDl'B le aaalbM. 1'o rummy. outY ian.1 Deorurea \ba\ flt an .-.0\ial to bealt.ll. Bee :rour den~ rqul&dJ. Get. PASTUl'B. CAT FANCY A New Ma1azine abotlt cats Md kittens crutecl only for CAT OWNERS! • futl CIOlof -fulkin ,.... M\ l•rpat-Mlffnc cat mqazlne. • Excttt-storiea, hefpful •rti- ci.. end pictures 1•k>re. • & beautiful 72 .,... ....... per re~~ bedt sua,.m.e PHOTO CREDITS Coftfl Clevcl9 llltte. ~ ...... 11 11'5, ~ Anlien, W.Mne- tof'I, D.C-1 HK. ~ ,, tterwlll a. a.he ,., ''°· Page t21 fdword t . Gollob fot-Df'I, ENTERTAINMENT GLEN CAMPBEIJ. How a Country Boy Survives Stardom H E w AS LA TE. His hotel suite was in confusion. His man- agers were making muffled pbone calls to locate him. Fifteen minutes later he rambled in- big Glen Travis Campbell in a big green suit, abundant blond hair, holding a big cigar. After an enveloping handshake, he headed immediately to the amplifier, fid- dled intently with the dials, picked up a guitar, and absent-mindedly strummed some random sounds. Glen Campbell, the country-boy star in the hectic world of tv, music, and movie!! is anything but hectic himself. He ha& about u much hustle and bustle as a stroJJer on the main street of his home town of Delight, Ark. "Delight is just a little town of 290 people, laat I knew. Everybody knows everybody. We lived eight miles out on a farm." (Stnon, atrum) Glen u.ys that a guitar at least gives him something to do with his hands, and he punctuates his comments with strums. Glen got married when he waa only 17. "Didn't last long," be admits. "A conflict of personalities. I waa too young." There waa a daughter, Debbie, 9. from that mar- riage. She t1pends summers with Glen and his present family. At 21, he married Billie Nunley. He met her while playing with his own band in Albuquerque. "Perhaps you were more ready !or marriate this time?" 1 sug- gested. "Not much," he laughed. "My wife is a great person, though. Sensitive, a great mother and wife. She's a gas!" (Strum, atrum) The Campbells live in Laurel Canyon above Los Anreles in the same "nice little GU. ""d hi& 1tJif e Billie with part of tlleif' familv- Travi•, K dli, and Debbie. house" they have had !or four years. Glen spent most of that time accompanying oth- er singers and doing a few of his own re- leuea for Capitol Records. None, however, caused much of a stir. Then in 1967 be became a smash with ''Gentle on My Mind." Its success made Tom Smothers aware that his tv pr<>- gram's guitarist had a voice and would be a worthy summer replaeement for the Smothers Brothers show last year. Today Campbell baa his own CBS-tv show which wUI resume its second year come September. He also bu been signed to make six movies. In the first, "True Grit," he costars with John Wayne, a boyhood idol. "I used to pick cotton to get the money for all his movies," Glen said. Glen's and Billie's children, Travis, 3, and Kelli, 7, are being raised "different, not better, than the way I grew up," he says. "I think Mom and Pop did a good job. I'd lik-e rpy kids to grow up where I did- the sticks. They'd get a much better out- look on life than in Los Angeles." He hlnuelf never finished high school and regret.a it now. "But," he adds quickly, "ever since I can remember, this here guitar (strum, .strum ) was all I ever knew. My father got me a mail-order one when I was four. I wu on the radio, regular, by the time I was six." Glen is 30, right on that "don't~tl'llst anyooe-over-30" borderline. But his fans are in all age groupa. "They look at life so differently. When they stop me on the street, I like to ask them what tl&e11 think.'' Recently a third child, Wesley, was born . Like the other children, Wesley's not being baptized. Says Glen, "We'll wait and let them pick their own religion." His only comment on the new arrival : "He's a gas." Stnmt., atnim. -TERRY SCBAERTEL -----------------------.- What kind of a new '69 Porltiac Grand Prix at this time of year? Not just anyone would. It rokes a smart shopper. Someone who flipped over Grand Prix's styl- ing the first time he saw it bock in September. He's impressed by Grand Prix's handling. And luxury. Especially the cock.pit interior. But it's G.P. 's power that really turns him on. The stand- ard 4C>O-cube V-8. Or one of the 428-cube V-8s he can order. Obviously, he's sold on the '69 Grand Pri x. But he's also patient. He's been waiting. For just the right time. For the best possible deal. Now his wait is over. He's a smart shopper. A very smart shopper. Maybe you? Find out at your local Pontiac dealer's. And soon. Good news for the 20 million men and women in the U.S. A. who have had Heart Attacks~ .. Or have a Cardio-V 88CUlar Condition (and the 500,000 who can expect t.o have one before the end of 1969) The information in this new maga- zine can speed recovery and help you lead a normal life. It can pre- vent a recurrence-in fact, as otu important heart specialist says, "It can conceivably save 200,000 lives each ye,ar." Medical scic:occ now know• lhat heart di.l- ax is not inevitable. DOC a penally of qiq, nol b~tary -due to "a weaknesa that rum in the family." Coronary heart d»ease is our own fauh. In lar1c measure, we create ii -ia the way we live -a"4 we COii prevent it. Yd dapitc the waTDinp often sounded by family and friends, the annual toll from heart attacks ia appallin1. Each day 1,400 Americans loec their lives through heart di.Kase. And another 500 more succumb each day from ccrcbnl brain slrokes. Continuina racarcb proves conclusively that the way we Ji.e. what we eat, our smokiq habit.. how we control our ten- sions, how we curc&,e arc directly respoo. aiblc, not only for the oriainal heart attack -but {fir our chances for a complete rcct>nry. Your doctor knows you -and your coo- ditioo. Bui remember, he is 1 busy man. Pamphlcta. brochures, papers from various or1aniz.atio111 have been available lo the public, many of them coatainina excellent information on specific topics relarin1 lo heart dileue. This material ia not aJwaY$ available lo the aYcrata pcnoa. • --- A Much-Needed Magarine la Born - A Hean Patient's Guide To Better Living H.f.AJlT-O-ORAM ftUa • loaa-fclt need. Jt ii • moatbly mapz.ine, edited by doctora aod writ- ten in layman's lanauqc. Published moathJy, HEAltT -0 • OllAM ccma to yow home or oflce. It c:oau.ial "Do'• and Doa't'a" for heart s-tienll, meni.-nd · clict information. tipe.oa ddy tmns-~bita-hobbirs-ectivitb-human ..... stories about ocher heart pedeots. HEAJlT-O-OllAM allCmblel all I.be curreet and impoftaDt informatioa about the beut- medical and noo-medical-in oae cuy~ moothly joumaJ. It c:aa aborten the rmd to rcic:oYsy. What Doctors Say About HEART-0-GRAM ''Senaa a raJ need ..... "Will belp ill the filht apintl beattdileue." ~be recommended loCYery119timt." "A 6ne project." "Writteo In layman'• lansua9t. la a real ....... .. Ed&aeation Deeds comi..mce " Use Coupon Below For Subscription Your subtcription to H£ART "'9-0RAM may wdl be the bqinni:q of a bctlcr w.y of life few yoy. If~ are a heart paUellt -or if your husband (or wife) is a heart paticot, or if you have a friend oc rdative who baa a bean cooditioa -you cu do youndf or them a srat favor by aubecribiQa today to HEART-O-ORAM. ' ' C111 0111 lllf4I Mllil TOtJ.1 To: ·-----------------------------------------------------------~ • Heart-O-Oram, Inc. 2 P.O. Bm 4371 Fort LaudenWe, Florida locroductory cifu of S:S.00 for fint year aood oely wbai accompanied by thia coupon. 0 My chect for SH>O mcbed. 0 Plcue bill me. Nmlle ------------------------------------------------~ Street ------------------------------------------------~ CitJ------------------~$fe.te z~;p.._ ________ _ OilCOWll to c:orporaae l10'lpS aYailable oe requat. ~-----------------------------------------------------------~ MAN HAS long wondered about the phenome- non of sleepwalking. Are s1eep~alker.s magically pro- tected from ·harm? Are they potentially dangerous 7 What motivates their strange behavior'! Until recently, the answers were baaed on myth. Now science is studying the subject much more objectively and has come up with some very surpri!ing facts to counter the fiction. How many sleepwalkers are ....... today? "The clinical estimate is that there are about four million sleep- walkers in the U.S .• " says Dr.J00&t M. Meerloo, New York School of Psychiatry. But many never leave their bedrooms. What CGUMI 11 .. pwalklng In moat adults? Dr. S. L. Andelman, a specialist in public health and a medical columniat says, "Adult cases of sleepwalking are associated with financial woes, marital problem&, or other worries. When they are solved, the sleepwalking often stops." If new dimculties arise, it is likely to resume. 11 1leepwalklng safe? No. Some may go their way unharmed. A woman, for example, got up, dre3sed, slid behind the wheel of her car, and drove safely 28 miles. Yet some have suffered serious injUries--faUing from win- dows or off of roofs. There was even a lad who stepped out the door of a car on the San Diego freeway. One woman drank disin- fectant; a man 11tabbed himself. 12 Do sleepwalkers perform su- perhuman stunts? There ia no auch proof. How- ever, a.eeording t.D New York psy- chiatrist Dr. Ernst J olowicz, it is true that since the sleepwalker has no inhibitions, he can exert great physiological powers. Do s1 .. pwalker1 mvrcler? There have been a few rare cases reported. Dr. Edward Podol- sky in Duea.aea of the Nervous S111Uni tells of a man who shot and killed hie wife. The husband teatified at his trial that he had not awakened until several hours after the crime and that he did not even hear the shot he fired. Ylfe jury found this incredible until medical evidence supported it. Which age poupa have the most sleepwalkers? Dr. Allan Jacobson, Dr. Anthony Kates, and auociates at the Uni- versity of California at Los An- geles say somnambulism is prac- ticed mainly by children, with boys out-numbering girls. It seems to be caused by an immaturity of the central nervous system. Do ,1 .. pwalkers remember their escapades? No. Upon awakening, they have no recollection of what they did. ls It safe to awaken the llMp- walker? For his own safety. be should either be led back to bed or awak- ened-just be sure that the walk- er is not in a dangerous position, where be might lose hie balance. Actually, according. to UCLA's Doctor .Kalea, since walken can thrash about on waking, you are the one who should be ca ref uJ. You might receive a blow of ex- traordinary force. -DOROTHY BR.ANT WAR.NICK "We want to test your aptitude for accounting" The International A~countants Society invites you to take this free Aptitude Test. It can start you on the road to ' -.> increased prestige and a high-paid career in one of the most exciting areas of today's business world. by Byron Menides H Ut: IS YOU• oPPOrrlrN'ITY to diecover whether you ba~e the aptitude to succeed in one of the world's best·paid profeaiom -accounting. All you need do ia take our free Aeeoaoting Aptitude Teat at home. in your spare time. We11 tell you if you cu be trained for ncces• in this rewarding field. TboUNnd1 who have taken thia tat and dneloped their 1kill through our train· ing, have gone on to euccesafal careen as accountants, office managers. auditors. \controllers and buaineea executivee. --.)" It makes no di«erenee what kind of job yoa ban now. U you ban a high school diploma or equivalent-if you like working with figurea ~then one of abe worJd•a best-paid careen ia wide open to you. And you can go u high in the bu.me.. world a1 yom ability will take you. Aeeoantin1 trainin1 opea1 the door to any induatry-to execatin poeitiona riaht up to top manapment-becauae accounting ie nch a Yitai part of ev«y boeineu today. Aceoant.nta wooed and rewarded u never before Almcnt without wanaing the oeecl.a of Amerieaa indwary hne exploded-ere- etiog a demand for trained aeeountants that bu far ouUb'ipped the 1apply. To- day, and for year1 to come, this "account· ing gap" offen the richest ineenti.-e for ambitioa1 men and women who are in humdrum, dead-end job1. It otfen 10 opportunity to aay goodbye forever to ecrape-.ilong aalaries of SIOO, 1125, SlSO a week and make twice aa much a1 you ever espec:ted to earn. And onee you leant eceoanting y.oa 11 be .eeure for the rest of your life. In good ti.met or bid, ac:coa.ntanu ue alway• needed. tlway1 in demand. How you learn the akilla of aecoanting The International Aceoantaata Society bu trained many thouaanda of men and wonaeo to become accountants.. It it the largest and oldeat home·etudy 1cbool devoted scluaiffly to the tacbing of aceounting and allied eabjecta. 0ae Uy to the acbool't IUCceat ii its pndieal technique of teaching: you leern l>y doiaf. Yoa do what aeeoantanu do - face the probleme they faee-jut u tboalh you were learaing on· the job. Thie ie not only a more eff~e way to learn. it it hiahJy enjoyable. You 1ee 871'0n Ienicla la the ~cleat of ti.. biteroat1oaal Accoaatan&I Society. Be wt• fwmwly a •pee.ialitt ln lnaenaatlonal 1an971 wit.Ii Artllm Antlenea A Co., one of tM world'1 i.qac .eeoaMIDt &rm., Hcl laae laeld other lOp poaJtiont la tlae bulneA UMI ect.e.Uonal &elda. your akille grow, leseon by leteon. And every etep of the way, you ire guided by faculty memben who are all Certified Public Accouniantt. Our atadenta aaeeeed Thie persontliaed training baa helped men and women all over the eountry find prestige jobe in aeeounting. Here i1 what 101De of them MY: · 66Wben I eompleted my fint l.A.S. lee- 900. I wu only a clerk ... 'lbday my N). ary ie SlS,000 per year at Director of Purchaeing for a malti·million dollar buei.neea."-Robert J. Slinkard, Window R~ Aria:ona "Lut week I eelebrated my month'• annivenary on the new job. I attribute much of the credit to the l.A.S. Coone. h it moat gratifying to have aacc:eaafully progreseed from the toeereblri1l field to that of ofliee m.anqemeoL "-Naney J. Norton, Loe Anp&e.. California "Then I commeaeed year coane, I wu j1l9t a bookkeeper. Today I am Vice- Preeiclent and Treuurer of a uaulti·mll· lion dollar food company. Your inapin· tion, pidance tad coan.el bne been of priceleea value."-R. W. Engelhorn, Los Angeles. California Major firm• aae our training Companies like Nationtl Cub Regi.cu, General Milla. Standard Branda. C...p- bella Soup. RCA ind many otben uae the lntem•tional Accountant• ~iety to trtin their own employeee in 1cco11nting pro~daree. And thou1and1 of former 1tudeat1 bold top position• witll leadlng corporatioa1 and the go.enunenL Send for free Aptihlde Teet Mail the coupon below and we1l emd you our free Aptihlde 'n!et in 8"0Gatin1 to take right at home. You11 enjoy taking the test. and it m.,. lad yoa into • a · citing new career. There it no oblipdoa. We will aho eend yoa a 24-page bro- cluue, "'Your Baaineu Saec:eae threagb Aecoanting." which uplaim ov eehool'1 practiei-1 teaching method and .the op- portwtitiea open to you in lhe KCO-t- ing 6eld. Find out if you hue the ability to M- come a aacceeafal aceoalllaDI. Take that all·important fint etep by .-clia• for your free Aptitude n.t and infonnadn brochure today. Jaat fill oat the C01lp0n below tnd 1111il it in an en•elope. Tkere i9 DO eoe& 01' "ObJiption. ·--------------· How I.A.S. training in accounting has helped men and women everyW}.ere find success lnteraadonal Aeeoantaalt SKl«y.lac.. A BorM s-ly ScAool Since 190.J Dept. 8952 le 209 Weet Jaduea BIYcl Cble.10, llliDoia 60606 Pleate Mad me a copy ol yoar free Apdo twde Teat and U.,,-se hrfthiare. •You Batiaeo Sa~ tb.roagh Accoaatin1." I aoclentand thi1 dOH not oblipte -in 8D)' way, .. l.A.S • .,....._ ....... -.-in • ••eh better Pffili•n. TIM fat•N 1 .. u eaecllnt; uoth.r pro1M41 .. jut JO d~ alter receMa1 MY diplo ... -Jolta C. MilJ.r. Sc•rsia. Micliipa ... -............. fH • jelt Nffllll1 Hd wlMa I llMwed tlMi _.,.., •1 l.A.S. Di ....... 1 w•t lalrecl-tlMi 1J19t. ladd..tally, •J AYry 1. ; ... .,..,, .. _ ,_ 1.n- Ta...,.. l1ori .. Mr. Mn •............................ A ... : •••. ..... (<:irdo -......... prtll) ··········································· St""' ......................................... ~ ... 01, &.;i.; .............................. "ii; ... . Appre\e4 a.-.t. tM N-Cl BIU. 0 CliKk ._. ll .. 1itle4 te Cl BW "-It•. A«ncltt.• .. , , .. A«nclillaa Ca •x'H el tlie N..-..1 a-St11dy c. .. cn. PATTERNS Above: a 1impl11 cut ;oclut, tabbed at the natural waiatli?Je, poira with f ront-8ide plMted akirt ~ go together or their aeparote wav11. Fabric: do'Uble/cni4 Dacron by William HeUer. Below: G 81UJZZll zip-up Da.crO?J do-ubleknit ;ump11uit mate11 with bo-ruhd knit Orlon ahirt. /ft!Wood Milla. 14 FamilJI W•ekl11, AMgaut I, 11111 Back-W~School Clothes: 9178 Going to the head of the clo.aa, 014r 1ch.ool girl t0ear11 a fire-ngifte-red coat, featuring cO?Jtraati?Jg band euf/11 a 11cGrf-coUar tha.t loopa throvgh at tile ah.<n.tlMr. Gob hat ii r~errible. Fa.bric1: "MGtclt. MGtu" of Orl<m by Carlete:r:. lllUSTUTIOHS IY LUCIANA Co_,., "'°'09foph by Ci-de fltte ~: lazy-lones stloemollen Above: A pe-rfect plo.id for 1chool. The adorable A-line 1hirtdru1 ap<>f'U 110Zi4-band 1leeve1, t0h.ich can tlUo be made three-quarter or left 1lenelu1. Below: Jumper-dren, ahirt, and panta (zipped up front, 110 wciiatba:nd) team up ha.ndaomelv. At 1cltool, 1lip of! pofttl. WHAT'S BETl'ER (and less costly) than buying a complete school wardrobe for your little girlT Sewing one. With easy-U>-follow instructions, you can make one that encompasses the latest styHng and interchangeable-parts I · To wit: create a dazzling hat and overco~t, complete with fringed scarf, that turns a coordinating dress, jumper, or skirt into a costume; fashion a pair of contrasting pants ( in the new wider feg) to keep little ones warm on the way to school; sew a color-mated knit shirt or turtleneck that interchanges with a skirt or pants, or nestles snugly under a jumper. And, for a quick change after school, make a great-looking jumpsuit (the kind that zips down the front with ease) to slip your youngster into. The trick to making this wardrobe is to keep the fabric formula simple: three solid colors and a bright plaid will provide enough variety. Using remnant pieces for trim is a clever way to eliminate waste while coordinating your child's wardrobe. These simple up-U>-the-minute silhouettes were created exclusively for FAMILY WEEKLY readers by children's-wear designer Gabriele Knecht of Swak. To get patterns for these clothes, fill out the coupon. • • By ROSALYN ABR.EVA1A ------ -FAMILY WEEKLY PRINTED PATTERNS -- -----.. SPtCt~ IAIOAnt-OffB- S.nd $2.00 fer al ffVf Pcrtt9rM (Votu. $1.u} IACI V1!WS 0t ...... ·.Mi90&-a Silts . . . . . 2 4 · 6 I 10 °'"' ..... 21• n " u" 21" n~" Wobt ..... 'JO" 21" 22" 23W' 24~" Hip . . . . • • • 2'" U " 28" JO" Send to1 FAMILY WUIClY PATTRHS, loll 122, OW cti.1-$toHoft, H.Y. 10011 LUGAJN OfPU- AJI Fiw PotMm• ..•.... 12.00 C:=J Eodl sa. 9171-C.Mt,.... "' c:::J "'2-Sklrt. Jectet "' c:::::J 414-Shin, J.-pault 65• c:::::J 4911-Shlftcht• "' c:::::J 9226-ShWt, J-.-. ,_ .. 65• c:::J AcW "' fw .-taee ond hoftdClne. Send c:..11. a..ct, .,. Moftey °"'". CITY---------- $TATf VP CODf __ _ .. "'" .. -yow alp. PlfASf f'tlNT --------------~-------------------- Skoal®Tobacco isn't for smoking. It isn't lit, puffed or inhaled. It sure beats smoking. Skoal is good, honest tobacco. With a cooling touch ofwintergr.een. Just a pinch between gum and cheek gives you everything you want from tobacco- without chewing. It sure beats smoking! ''atrailftt'' for information on how to UM Skoel, plMM write:FW, United states Tobecco Compeny, 630 Fifth Aw., New Yortl. N.Y. 10020 .. --·----·----- Take this 56.95 ·book of CHRISTMAS IDEAS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "!4 ' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • I) ~ ~ ~ ~ ' • l'.:dr9 """" SYl"xll"V......_ 2:CllFesthehpl m......, .. _. 1...,...__112 In FUI C.- Ower 400 ~ 8lft ..... Cut • old llltlloa 111 two. •• wttll braid, Md ftl· ...tbowltld~e.w fl'lftt '"' tMt ..,, "Mefry st11111 llld WllCOllll to OM "'4 •Ill" Willa. too1 stlould a111r· kit wi1tl lliO ldaJ brilllMCt --""' "'-' all wfttl • lltti. "'"' lllCI effort. Tiii• .,artrldp will llltl&· 1111 11 Ollt of 37 ........ e11t (911d orl1l111I) deco,.. t .... 1 JM CM INkt wltll bootl's tas)' dlrectlolls O.C..tlnti ...... In All when yoa 9'ree to aeoept as few u two bookl at DISCOUNT prices ia your first yeu u a trial inem· ber of tbe Family Book Service k .4lu this Christmas the happiest ever with the JVJ help of this bi1 $6.9.S book by the editors of Better Homes and Gardens. 11'1 youn FREEi Truuury of ChrWmas ld~as is an extn·larte 1~· x 11'" volume. It's filled with 322 pbotop1lpbs and illustrations (212 in PUU. COLOR.). and 400 oriainal decorating and aift ideas. Step-by-step direc· tiona show you bow Lo decorate doon, windows. foyers. walls. fireplaces, dining areas. children's rooms. How to set up reverent Nativity scenes. How to trim a tree. How to create festive outdoor displays that will win adm.irin1 &lances from pas1enby. YOll ... ~ ,.nd doll•s The cost of some stuonina desians is just peMies. ·Mab haodaome wre&ths from old hatboltes; turn a co.ftce can into a decorative toy drum; build an imaai- o.ative display around a broken clock. Make <Secon- tioos of pine boughs, ribbons, paper, foil,......-. felt ... create clever new tree ornaments ... colorful miniature aces ... eliepnl centerpieces for your din- ner and buffet tables ... many other surpriaes. Tasty macs'°' a llappier holiday The section on Christmas cootin1 brinp you recipes tor crumbly star cooties. Jinaerbread men, Kris Krinale cake, Yuletide breads, 1uprplum surprises, appetizers and dips. holiday fruit punches, etc. This boot will radiate the )oy and warmth of the true Christmas spirit year after year. Take it free u yaur Wro+ectio-to the. FlllailJ 8oe&. ScnK:e. How lk FaaMIJ llooli ~ Wcwb • If you have that marvelously femi.wre urge to create -to brighten your life ... to make your house and prden even more beautiful ... then you'll love the Family Book Service. It offers -at special DIS. COUNT prices -the most creative new coot boob and full color decorating volumes ... boots oo medi- cine and family health ... fashions, sewing. gardening ... oo home remodeling. better livioa ... new boots oa entertaining, etiquette, ldlrriage, child care . . . new fiction best·sellen and new boob for YOUDI readen, too. Your only obliption is to accept just 2 boob in the coming year. Resip membership any- time tbeiutwr. FAMILY BOOK SERVICE. Dept. Ht. 400 COlllDlunity Drive., Manbastet. N.Y. 11030. Wise Met! bottles sit at-. tllls tal>lt. ~ ihows JOU how to 1111 .. scores of tlolld'ay ldorlll'lletlts fOt TV, tlld tM>Ms, kitolltn QOU!lttr, talepl!GM slalld, etc. Al FREE ifyouact SO prompt I)· Better Homes and Gardens COOKIES AND CANDIES Are you lookina for a creative cootina bobby or a deliahtful way to raix funds for your church, club or favorite charity? You'll 6nd the answen in this bis bard-bowtd 7~ .. 11 10~"' coolt boot .. It's packed with 200 time-aaYina rmpes and nearly 90 phoeoeraph>- 31 in full color. Keep thi! $1.9' volume FREE for ~ actiq promptly. Mail coupon below. 8-lllMI 0....... F...Uy lleok Senb SSl, • C•--*7 Drtn ... ..._..._L.L. H.Y. llt)I Rush me the bia $6.9$ TREASURY OF CHRISTMAS IDEAS as 11 r~ aift and enroll me .is a trial member of Better Homes and Gardms Family Book Service. AllO lend the Sl.95 Ikner Homes and Gardens COOKIES ANO ANDIES book. as art cxtra /rtt sift for promptness. N~RISK GUARANTEE: If not delilhted with this intro- ductory shipment, 111 ~•um both books 'tfithin 10 days and my trial membership will be ca.ncelkd. BILL KEENE KNXT's WEATHERMAN Seen nightly at 6 PM and 11 PM Channel 2 J 1 THE: DAILY PILOT, TV WEIK. JULY 21, lMt rrs THE LA w ... 1n Kanau a new system clearly eeparates the minor tram the adult driv· er. To make ln5tant ldenWlc• Uon. ol a pcmible traffic viola- tor with bll teen-age group,· the police need just look at the color combination on hia driv- er's llcenle. AuthoriUes now Luue red and blue licenses to drivers under 21, gold and blue to driven. St and over. A hu-morous Ucenae plate spotted in the parking lot of Columbia University -PHD 71. A road sign on a winding narTOw road ln Okinawa: "Caution Forward, More Curves euTly." ·Ford Motor Company proved the Galule 500's smooth rid· Ing ability acoustically, elec· tronlcally, and mechanically. Wilaoo F o r d Sales here In Huntington Beach would like to Invite you to test drive th1s outstanding automobile younelf and ~ if you don't agree. Now you bn enjoy fine car luxury w l t h o u t paying the fine.car premium. Five Galax.le 500 models -Sports Roof, Moor Hardtop, 4-door Hardtop, Con- vertible, 4-door Sedan gives you a generous array to chooee from. Each model points the way to indulge younelf at a price you cannot afford to over- look. Four V4'• up to the ex- cltlng 429 cubic inches off er an excellent range of power plants. The lilk·smooth 4'electSbift ls eomethlng ebe. Drop In and try one on fer size . • • we prob- ably have one that fits. U not, you can bet Willon Ford Sales will do everything in our power tO put you In the automobile of your cbolce. • _DICK WILSON'S r------ --- -----. WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH ILYD., HUNnNGTON BEACH , I : FORD 1 ____ =-_J •••·•••• &&3&&11•1111111111115515_111111111~1111111111111111151 MEET ~ BRAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG '2288 BRAND NEW 1969 CORTINA BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA '2788 - BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 $2488 Plus tlX & lie. DELUXE SEDAN, '7,, C.t.D. 67 H.P. engine, hilly 1yndlronl1- eel 4 speed trensmlulOn, dl&e brelc .. , vinyl budt•I seats, fully c:erpeled', •Ir· flow venlllallOn heater & defroster, ln- twi.r et!d extwi.r 41ecor t~ -• tires, Ptdded 'dHh & vi'°"' a:ectrk; wlndsllte:d wl rs & weallera BRANP NEW 1969 RANCH ERO PICIUP $2288 EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL $3988 Br•nd New '69 F250 Styletide & El Dorado 101/i Mohawk Camp_. JUST ES SOUTH, OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS DIPF. ' .... te 10.p .•. 1 hys SHYICI ONN THS. ttn M.., I e.a. te I P·•· Me:t., I e.a. .. t p.a . 592-5511 i 12:3 1:3 2:0 5:() 8:3• 11:() 2:3' 5:<> Info la r ' tis• 28 are Chi Cha Cha Thi dlvl Uor to . 'TV !PORT! Hll1Hlll1HT! SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 12:30 I) 9 (i) MU Track Meet (C) The Western Hemisphere vs. E1:1r~e Meet at Stuttgart, Germany. 1:30 I)~ (i) NFL Action (C) "The Elusive Throne." A close·up stu<!t_ oTthe Dallas Cowboys and their coach, Tom Landry. 2:00 U (ll) (3) Westchester Golf Classic (C) Eighteen color cam- eras piCk up the. players (defending champ Julius Boros, Billy Casper, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player and more) in the quarter-million·dollar tournament at the Westchester Country Club course in Rye, N.Y. First prize money is $50,000; second place is worth $30,000; and third takes $18,750- making the Westchester Golf Classic the richest tournament in the world. All proceeds are earmarked for the benefit of seven hospitals in Westchester County. last year Boros raked in the hefty winner's share by sinking a 12-foot putt on the 18th hole to win by a single stroke over Jack Nicklaus. Dan Sikes and Bob Murphy. · TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 5:00 O Angels Baseball (C) Ca lif. Angels vs. New York Yankees at N.Y. Dick Enberg and Don Wells cover the action. , THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 8:30 O Boxing (C) Julio Guerrero vs. Yoshiaki Suda in a 10-round · bantamweight bout. Dave Niehaus and Mickey Davies are ringside. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 11:00 AM B @@ Major League Baseball (C) Teams to be an· nounced. 2:30 I)~® Rams Pre·Season Football (C) The game between the L.A. Rams and the Dallas Cowboys at the L.A. Coliseum begins a series of eleven pre-season games of the National Football League, previewing the fall professional gridiron scene. Gil Stratton calls the play-by-play and former All-American Don Paul provides the color commentary. 5:00 0 @ @ ABC's Wide· Worfd of Spotts (C) CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these lop Is furnished by the television stations. TV WEEK Is not responsible for last·mlnute chanses In prosram listln1r1. IJ KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles O KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles U KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles Ql KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles &1 KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCET (NET) Los Angeles 0) KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KM IR (NBC) Palm Springs m KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs Cil KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield ({) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield GZl KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield Q3 KERO (NBC) Bakersfield ~ KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing Indicates it Is a paid adver- tisement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS CTEST PATTERNS) Channel 2~:48 AM Sunday, 6:<>8 AM Monday throusti Friday, 7:18 AM Saturday. Channel 4-7:00 AM Sunday, 6:00 AM Monday throusn Frldayr 7:00 AM Saturday. Chllnnel 7--f>rocrammlnf starta at 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday throuSh Friday and :30 AM on Saturday. Thi• masazlne 11 published wee!dy frK this newspaper by TV WEa e division of Qrtmn P11ntl"-. and LJUMISnlph Co., Inc:., editorial end produe> tlon offices P.O. Box 1190 Olandele, Calif. Address advertlslns lnqulrl• to the display advartlslns department c1' thla n9Wlpaper. Singing star Julie· Driscoli is one of the featured illlernational performers on Masters of Pop: Innocence, Anarchy and Soul, a musical special on ABC, Thursday at 9 PM. The 20th Century black ghetto is not so different from the 19th century Jewish ghetto-a premise explored on ABC News' Black Fiddler: Pre judice and !.he.. Negro, Thursday at JO PM. Touching on the subject of Tith.ck anti-semitism, two New York City youngsters here di.fcuss their altitudes to- ward the Jewish community. Pep3 '\ • ii'4 Movies ol tlle Week I SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 9:00 D ~ CIJ ABC Sunday Movle: (C) .. The Chase." Manon Brando stars as sheriff of a small southwestern town loaded with small, narrow-minded and bored people. The fus,e to violence Is lighted when Bubber Reeves (Robert Redford) escapes from prison and returns to his hometown where his wife, Anna (Jane Fonda), Is having an •ffair with Jason Rogers (James Fox), son of cattle and oil baron Val Rogers (E. G. Marshall). Sheriff Calder (Brando), the only man in town believing the boy a victim ol circumstances, takes on the entire town In an effort to save Bubber's life. (R) MONDAY, AUGUST 4 8:30 D 9 (j) NBC Monday Movie: (C) "Khartoum." Charlton Hes· ton.Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir Ralph Richardson and Richard Johnson star in this story of the 1883 defense of Khartoum against the forces of the Arab Mahdi. (R) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 9:00 0 (if) (I) ABC Wednesday Mov~: (C) "The Patsy." Another Jerry Lewis slapstick about a bellboy and a group of film pro- fessionals who've lost their meal ticket comedian. They decide to tum Stanley Belt (Lewis) into a carbon copy of their de- ceased comedian. Ina Balin, Everett Sloane, Keenan Wynn, Peter Lorre and John Carradine also star. (R) TliURSDAY, AUGUST 7 9:00 11 9 CJ) CBS Thursday Movie: (C) "The Incredible Mr. Lim· pet." OOn Knotts becomes a secret weapon for the military when he falls Into the water off Coney Island and becomes a fish. Carole C~k. Jack Weston, Andrew Duggan and Larry Keating also star. (R) . BuN Lancastt'r (left) and Fredric March play starring roks In the tension-packed drama "Seven Days in May," on The CBS Friday Night Movie at 9 PM. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 9:00 II t1t (f) CBS Friday Movie: "Seven Days in May." Burt Lan· caster, K irk Douglas, Fredric March, Ava Gardner, Edmond O'Brien and Martin Balsam star in this tense drama about an attempted military coup by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when the President signs a nuclear treaty with the Soviet Union. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 9:00 ft ~ (i) NBC Saturday Movie: (C) "Mr. Moses." An adapta· tlon of""Max Catto's novel about a loveable con man, stranded In Africa, ~aalnst his wil~s drafted Into leadlna • tribe of natives from their ancestral homtl to a new land. He's accepted as a "deity" when he puts on a "magic" show via a flam&-thrower. Robert Mitchum, Carol Baker, Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox and Raymond St Jacques star. (R) SATURDAY AUGUST 2 THE DAILY PtlJ)T, TV WEEK. AUGUST 2, 1969 t:OOB•~r..c "=:> ~ Ir.(!)~ ea...,.._., (dn· ma) '69 -Michael Parb, Bonnie Bedtlla, Akim Tamlroff, Gary Met· rill, Sher• North. A sincere youn1 man travels around the country on 1 mot«cycle In •rc:fl of the m11n. l.1JOU lit ..._ (C) (60) Ina for life. This film ls 1 fore- (i) 6'f:' H..a., . Irle~ runnM of an NBC t1ries to be (ej r30) teen this fall. (R) I ON -.--... (30) m I r<W: I 'Ille ,..., Alrlnla (C) .._. ..,.._ (60) Titon Ber1e ham the 19th .... C"1 (C) (60) Sim Riddle annual PATSY Awards of the Amer· hosta. m Aft. footbaN (C) (3 hr) Tom lean Humane Alloclatlon. The hon· Kelty calls the play·by·play 11 the ors are rtven to antmals in show· Kansas City Chiefs meet th• 01k· business. find Raiders In a prHNIOn 11me m Ill Aaclef1'I (C} (30) in Birmln&fl1m, A11blma. 9:30 119 (I) '9tticNt Jtmdloft (C) m "Cunhltr' ,......, (C} (90) (30) When the love bur blttl four fD I IHcW j Marfw tt 11111 of ~ootervllle's bachttora, ttlt1 t>. (3'/i hr) live coveraae at the Jet aln m1kln1 '9Vtral trtps 1 day to Propulsion Laboratory as the M1rf· the Cannonball Bcmmobile-not tD ner VII 11tellit• transmits 33 pie· t1ke out books but ·to try to i.-. tures on ltJ return to e1rth. out the llbrarl1n. Betty Whitt l:JO n DIC ..... c:.~ (C) auests. ~R (la) 0 tm . a> ... .., c..ai (C) U MetodJ Raid (C) (60) James (60Cf>. . &Tiith, Mtf1e Hawrd, Drury and Jimmie W1ke4ey suest. MertlM Rush &uest 0 Lita M• a Deal (C) (30) I N... (C) (30) lany Purrall Monty Hall hosts. 11ttJ Wlfll (C) (30) I On ttie E.dae of Etlmlty (C) : NET Pl.,ttoae (90) "The Seek· Qlrt ff'HI UNCLE (C) (60) er~The Materialists." (R) 7:00 QI (I) CIS S1turct1J Nwa (C) 10:00. ~Cf) M111ftll (C) (60) Min· (30) Ro&er Mudd. nut findililmself cauatit betwMn a Q DIC S..., (C) (30) Bob band of thieves, a beautiful &lr1 Wri&ht hosts. (Marianne McAndrew) and a Scot· 0 Tiit AnDhltrtVY &Mu (C) (30) l1nd Yard detective (Hedley M1t. Ar Himel hosts. tlnaly), all seardlln& for the loot 0 Dtl1ll Ya!lly Days (C) (30) from a multl·milllon dollar robti.ry, "t;rHn Is the Colof' of Gold." Aaron and Roaer Bard (Christophers Winters ond his bride, Rolle, arrive Carey), th• only man wl'to knows In Death Valley In 1881 to teek Its location. (R) their fortune. In 11>itt of the crude-0 Morie: (C) ''DHOtilr ., .. neas of theif 1dobe hut. Rosie 6"~ (musical) ·~June Hav· determined to mike It a decent er. Gordon MacRH. home, but her husband's continual I NIWI (C) (30) Ken Jones. lack of success In flndln1 iold and Emest Tllbb (C) (30) their harsh nlstence nearty drive lei de MaJce (90) her to despair. Then Aaron dlacov· IO:JO Mowtt: "his Sun for HW" ers borax. Aoy1I Dino and Liu (drama) '42-Alan Ladd, Veronica Geye itar. lake. m WelMlln of tlle Werlcl (C) (30) , ..... (C) (30) Bill Bonds. I O.lta-Me (30) JM ry,.. (C) (2 hr) Tiie ht ratrot (C) (30) Slrleatn' ..... (C) (60) 7:30 9 (I) CIS Nwa Special (C) • ttol,,_., aad tlle stlr1 (C) ( 0) "The Pruident Abroed.'' Cov· 11:00 n 0 m Cf) ..... (C} en11e of President Nixon's visit to : lilT -reiBWll: "Double Cone«· Bucharest. with D1niel Schorr ind to.'' (R) Mervin Kalb r~lna. 11:15 fJ flMtMI 52: (C) "'Ille flrtnel D 9 Ci) m Ada•12 (C) (30) w. of Mafor ... ..,. (comtdy) 11 ~ "IJHO!Mf...,. (tdven· '5~hartton Heston1 Tim HovtJ, ture) '47-Gary Cooper, P1ulette Julie Adams. . Goddard. OSI......, lflattt Mewlt: (C} D @ (])a> The o.t1111 e... "IJr,.s'' (cluslc) '55-Klrt Dour· (C) (JO) Jim Lanie holts. las. SUvane Manrano. e Miiien $ MMe: (C) "111111:30 ! m TNlctd ... (C) lilitdl• ..... (CIMdy) '58-Shlrley • M"'8: ....,. Ar.-tllt "-*" Booth. Tony Per\ins. ( r1m1) '66-Jean Rlc:flard, 01ny I Wortd of Wo111e11 (C) (30) Robin. i.. c.•in. c3o) m 111e £..,..... (C) a:eo ~ (i) m a.t s..t <C> <30> 11:45 m .... : "Pride ., ... MlfM" 0 @m &J'llle Newlywed Sa (drama) '45-John Cufleld, Eleanor le) (30)Bob Eub1nks hosts. Parker, m AMrbll Wat (C} (30) "Paul 12:15 D Movte: "Wdt11 lof' (drama) Buny1n Tr1ll." <R) 'E-wllllam Holden, Bart>ara Stan· ti) Nodle dn £strfto (2 hr) i ck. 1-.30 II Cit (i) MJ nw .. s...s (C} (30) 12:30 Men m cnua Q 9@ 6'f:' 1'1le lhost and Mrs. 1:00 Mme: "So Ill" (drama) '53- Mafr (C) "Buried on P11t One." Jane Wyman, Sttf1Tn1 Hayden. Carolyn Muir's Job on the local D Mowtr. "'Ille Uet.ltllfll" (dra- newspaper brines on Capt1ln ma) '47 -Ann Sheridan, l.aeh1ry Greats anier btctu• of 1 100. Scott. Yt11·old _Lrudp. (R) m All·NiaM ao.: "The Min Wtlo D ~EDa...r-w.A ~d Wort Mir.eta.'' "Spy In tM (C) "Gonna Build 1 Moun· S11y," and "Sleva of the lrwlll'ble ttln." w Dick Dile ind tht alna· Monlttr." Ina croup, Is the openln1 number. 1:15 fJ Advent.• of tilt Stlllp11J (C) Pi Ll E Bui a c J fort Hot nar Yee ind Per ha~ nu< wir Anc ma C0t las be ert Pre De: Fa1 No exc Otf an EH Ca De YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR RE·MODELe REDECORATE e AOD A 100111 e APAITMINTI a \f NITI • CUSTOM HOMIS e KITCHIN DPlm e JWO STORY SHCIALIST1 Patios -Walles -Driveways Licensert -Reasonable Rates -·Free Estimates - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION 642-421 O or 673--4675 evH. Block Wall A Wood Fence Building -Add Attractiveness and Value to Your Hoivt: 1 Custom Work -Reasonable C•ll~l Hytlme "-IAyMt & '-'9e 20 , ... bperieece Call MW -Of*\ Wffkd•ya Set. & s.. .• ,, ........ . 1 .......... Y9W ..... l4H L CMltH._w_, c ........... CARPl'T'INO Use Remnants for Extra Rooma and SAVE 50% ! J , J. KNICKIRIOCKIR (Town 6: Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd, 962-3351 Termites, Rata, Roaches, Fleas 6: Ants Exterminated 'Llcenst No. 3626) J6HNSTON, Mf..01 l6 ~.;. ' ' ' . · . . • .... . ' MIRRORED WA.aDaOll DOCMlS * Ornate Front Ehtry Doors * Room Dividers * Shutters * Millwor" Insta,llation CURTIS LARSON '7MJ26 Plumbing Repair Drain Cleanln« -Free Estimates - IPllDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs. 6: Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 LAWN SERVICE Mow -Edge -Vacuume Clean-Up and Hauling Reasonable: Rates RUSS JONIS LAWN SERV. 545-2M3 VITI IONDaD PAINTING -10 Years in Area - Llcensed A Insured Reasonable Rates. Interior -Exterior C.11 642~27 anytime Jim Nabors, star of the forthcoming new Jim Nabors Hour on CBS, has been named "Entertainer of the Year" by the entertainment industry's Conference of Personal Managers, which has been bestowing the an· nual award since 1956. Past winners of the award include Andy Griffith, Danny Tho· mas, Frank Sinatra, Jackie Cooper and Rowan & Martin. ~... • r / , , • "" ··:: .·. I I I . ·. . . I I • • • Laurence Naismith is the last of a sextet of stars to be signed by producer Rob· ert Hartung for Compass Productions' "The File on Devlin," a Hallmark Hall of Fame special for NBC to air Nov. 21. George Schaefer is executive producer-director. Other stars previously signed are Dame Judith Anderson, Elizabeth Ashley, David Mc· Callum, Helmut Dantine and Donald Moffit. ..-·. . .. · . \ .. , ... ~·" • ~ ·: .... •• • • ~ • > Jack Wild, the diminutive English teen-ager who won international acclaim and an Oscar nomination for his per- formance as the Artful Oodg· er in the motion-picture ver· sion of "Oliver" after ap· pearing for 18 months in that musical on the London stage, will make his Ameri· can television debut on the Aug. 12 broadcast of The Liberace Show on CBS . On the broadcast Wild will do an impersonation of Liberace and sing a duet with him and also a solo. • • • Clarence, the world -fa- mous cross-eyed lion, died Saturda~ July 12, in Peoria, Illinois. The Ivan Tors animal star, whose permanent home was in Homosassa Spring, Florida, had just completed a guest starring role in "Jam· bo," a new Ivan Tors series to be colorcast on NBC, Sat· urday mornings, starting Sept. 6 at 10:30 AM. Clarence had been in Pe· oria three days, to become acclimated before headlin· ing at the Heart of Illinois State Fair, which opened Monday, July 14. The animal died painlessly in his sleep, according to his trainer, Monty Cox, who had visited Clarence at 7 PM and founB' him dead four hours later when he returned to take the animal for a walk. Cause of death was attribu- ted to acute gastritis. Judy, Clarence's co-star in the Daktari series, and Gen- CAJtPET & FURNITURE CLEAN I NO For 1 Da.y Service and Quali Wvrk ... CALL STERUN FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-&520 SPARKLE JANITORIAL Windows Our Specially ,.,.. .'""' .... ~lat. ......... Ml-2"1 C..Net• c..-. CIYKOIKl'I Custom Uphelttery & ••r:lr Eurooean Craftsmansh o 100% Financin1t-Continuoua Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Cluset Largest Selection of Fabrics 1131 N .. port II., Coat• Meta 642-1454 Roof Coating and Repe.ir "Rock Roof Our Specialty'' Guaranteed Work -Free Estlmates- J41.477t tie Ben, title role star of the series by that name, will ap· pear in Clarence's place at the Fair . "Clarence," said Tors, "was the best-natured lion in the world. Children could sit on his back. He played with baby animals of all other species and never hurt them. Judy could pull his tail. He was never danger· ous, never mean. We thought of him as more than an ani· mal and we shall miss him more than an animal. With his crossed eyes, he could never have survived in the jungle. He lived like a king with us and he never wanted to leave us." Clarence, seven and a half years old and weighing 450 pounds, was the product of "affection training." Tors made him a star in "Clar· ence the Cross·eyed lion," followed by Daktari. Farmer Sam Jones (Ken Berry) gives his girlfriend Millie (Arlene Golonka) a push on the swing as they enjoy a summer's day together in the quiet little town of May· berry. The show will continue in the same time period this fall (Mondays, CBS, 9:00 PM) and opens with former Sheriff Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) and his wife, Helen (Aneta Corseaut), returning to Mayberry to have t~elr first child baptized. teS his ush on r's day ·f May· t same ;, 9:00 f Andy Helen erry to Saan s.lnt James, tlae only female rqalar on NBC'• The Name of the Game dramu., ii leldom recopb.td by her fam- beal'* IM lddom loob the same way on any two ocaslom. S-'1 plot to confme her pablk bepn a few months after her urifal la Hollywood, wblle Jea&nc tbroap some old pk· tuns of Carol Lombard. "I WM amuecl at the beauty and my• ttty of Miii Lom'bllrd," says S-0. "I malt un looked at , 200 pictures of her--.nd she WM d.Ufennt la every one of them. I decided that rd try to be like tbat too." HH hair style and malc~ap chances oo nurly nery epillode of The Name of the Game, and the same Idea carries oveT Into ber off-camera life. She admits that quite often people will pay ao particular attention to her untO they bear her speak. That deep and husky voice ii one tbla1 she can't clwlse. ,... 7 -. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 2, 1969 SUNDAY AUGUST 3 QJ 00 SM Is th An..., (C) I fl).._ .... (C) l:lO R ta (f) lAol Up alMI u.. (C) IJ"'" .... I ...... Rllldlnl •'J: Chance To stiy.'' flnal b111&d· • Tiils 11 the Uf1 (C) cast of four•part series on ru111I 10:00 I Tlday'a R•llllH (C) economic dewelopment In the United rslblre l1SA (C) States. Todey's pro1nim focu.ses on CJ) Ef> U.a (C) •lf·help efforts m1d1 by American • : (C) ''Terror In 1 Tuea lndllns In Oklahom1. Ton" (western) '58-Ster1in1 Hay· All stations reserve the rlcht to change program- ming without advance no- tice. I flltltrt den, Carol Kelly. Rebell wia a ea-(C) I 0n1 Ro1MJta <C> Mn: .... ..,. ., a. s... · ~faltll for ttdlJ (C) Sias'' (adventure) '53-John Payne. r ... HIM MMt1111 (C) I ...,. ......... (C) .... C«uH Cil lttwtwal f1rll (C) • Wlllp te Adweltin (C) tlM ~ (C) lO:JO 1J MUllc, ..-. Music (C) Juz 1:00 I ea .. ra Tllr• (C) vocalist §llvi•. Thomas 1uest1. MJ flWrita Senion (C) Dr. 0 9 (jJ @D frotrtilft of F1ltll W lli1m Carpenter. Chaplain of ~ "The Biblical Basis for Socl1I Chapman Coll•&•. Oran1e. Clllf., Action.'' ~esdleduled) uem. I (ijj m 1111 ""' (C) DaJ et DiKonfy (C) fall) or.,.., (C) 1:151 l'lllt Cllril1Dptlan Chlll111tu (I) Fil• futvre 1:30 Tll1 llbll Atiswlft (C) 5ospel Miltie (C) 11:00 fJ Project Head Start (C) "Chll· 1:55 ''" Us Tiiis DIJ (C) 00 A. A. Allen dren of the City." A look at the 7:001 TOii Hd JWfJ (C) KatllfJll ltlhlmu (C) children of France. t .. ..1-f•nnles (C) To• tad JlrrJ (C) I This la the life (C) ~ • "'' Cita Ho .. yef's Cuide (C) 7:JO I Aqatlllft (C) • Cod and MM In tlll 20dl C.. @ Cl) a> lullwintfl (C) ...,..,. Tabtrnldl Cllolf (C) btry Movie: ·~1ffpin1 Car to Trlate" • DIVIJ and 5oliatb (C) G) Aaricutblnl RIPll1 (C) (mystery) '49 -Jean Kent, Albert Slued H11rt (C) 9:JO IJ Cowvll'lltlou wia 1 ~· Lleven. 7:45 m Tiit Cllrlltophn (C) trlst (C) Dr. Edward stalnbrook dis· I Cll11rdl In tM ..... (C) 1:00 8 Qt (f) Lamp UntD MJ feet (C) cusses sexual behavior. ~rrrst lat1tllt Cllurdl ''Ci>nve111tions on the American O EA:iotio.lcl flf All AIU (C) Wrllllln1 (C) Jew.'' Conclusion of study on how •'Q,nsumer Is Kine.'' Pasadena City • pass (C) members of the Jewish faith cope Collea• students mix music and U:JO IJ Tall It Liiie It Was (C) The with today's society. economics as they examine their early days of the West where both I ID 1'111 ChrtltDpllen (C) m in& habits. white and black cowboys *>U&ht CitMdrtl of TolMt'fW (C) Movie: "TIM Str1np o.tll ef adventure, fortune and freedom, Is Der of ~ (C) Hltltf" (drama) '43 -Lud· examined. The story of famous Weedlrtu (C) wl1 Donath. black cowboy Nit Love, known as Alletl ltwfval Hour (C) IJ@m al Dudley Do-ll&lrt (C) "Deadwood Dick," is acted out with CJ) OIVIJ and 5-llttll (C) ~ (1) Ontl Tob«b (C) dancers portrayin1 the shootin1 -----------------------1 mltch that won him his nickname. SE CARD SALE GIANT SWIMMING POOL Vt NP JILTla.sUUAa SIJ MAINTIHANCI KIT IOTIOM DUIN AND CHEMIW CJ Mlluton11 of Man (C) "Cliff Dwellers In America.'' IJ@ CI)(f)Dlscoor1 (C) "SWitzer1and.': A look at some of the most beautiful scenery in the world and a people famous for their craftsmanshlp. {R) tJ Movie: (C) "Spted Cwy" (mys· tery) '59 -Brett Halsey, Yvonne Lime. • QJSPINSll • 18 n. POOL x48" 20 FT. POOL ONLY 189.00 LllEI UPlAGMEIT CllRI All SIDS ••n1-su11s--ao11<Mr r•e1•• sns EASY TERMS $locations To Serve You. 9 Yeara' bperlenc• 323 S. Main, OranCJe 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi OPEN 10:30 TO 7:30-7 DAYS ,.... @D Acant on Actlotl (C) " fl F I r r~ ~ () 0 N 12:00 fJ Sunttower Cellbratiotl Com· panJ (C) Nonn Ander!On hosts. 8 Rlld RiOt! (C) Mn: "Star of T1us" (west· ern) '52-Wayoe Morris, Rick Vallin. I Eat11tl1lly S.1 (]) Tllk la Ute Ute (C) @ Triple Futura: "Cash Me- l~ "The Last W11on" and "The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm.'' I (1) Fil• future (C) Fmt 111 Su Casa Pnlfll• of Prolflll (C) Anlld Foms Hlpllpts (C) 12:!0 IJ 19 (I) AAU Track and~ fltld Miit (C) Western Hemisphere vs. Europe Meet at Stuttaart. Germany. 11 Ctl1ract1rs In ttlt Arts (C) "The Deviate." Dr. Stern discusses "emo- tional excess" as a hallmark of the Deviate. The neurotlcism of Charles Griffes is explored throu1h perform· ence of the "fountain of the Arua Paola" and "The White Peacock." faces ind P1lcu (C) 151111 Autry Cl) Storf11 of success (C) Qiest for Admlture (C) I ftli&'bt (C) 1:00! m ... • rr.. (C) iiwte: "Tua" (Wiilem) '41- enn Ford, Willi.Im Holden, CLll11 TrMr. I "-CetlferttlCt (C) Qartlt CMa •• Z.111 ltewlvll f'ira (C) ~· :-rr.:·J> So......-JGllllle c. .., .. • featllftd pest oa NBC'• MOlldllJ- darooP-Fftdar pme mow. 'l1lle Hollywood Squra, .... Wtdt at 10:30 AM. 1 :30 8 fa (1) NR. Actil1 (C) "The Elusive fhrone.'' A close-up study of the Dallas CoWboys ind their coach, Tom Landry. 0 Yollttl Ind U.1 Pollc:e (C) ;'l>rlnklnt_ Drivin& and Destruction ... @~m·--•--.. ) liOward It Smith. Yola of Calvtry (C) • U.S. N1¥J Al11 (C) 2:00 faca tt11 Nttlon (C) • Station to Station (C) @ (]) Q) Westdlllter 0,.. ColfClataic (C) Defendln1 champ Julius Boros is Joined by other 1reat aolfers at the Westchester Country Club course In Rye, N.Y., where the total purse is now a uarter of a million dollars. Rtlllf DerbJ (C) m Sanday Afternoon Movie • Di11to di Pasiona . flltllrt (C) 2:20 • News (C) Larry Burrell. 2:JO fll11 flltvre ' On Campus (C) "Truth and Humor, or Thomson's Laws Revis· lted." Dr. Procter Thomson at Clare- mont Men's Colle1e Is featured. B Million $ Movie: (C) "PM~ Vaillnf' (adventure) '54 -J11nea Mason, Robert Weaner, Janet Lelah. @E HolldlJ (C) 3:00 fJ Rep1rtoir1 Worbllop (C) "NI· llonal Colle&iate Musical Festival.'' Presented are the national ch1m· plons of the 1969 lnt1rcolle11att Music Festival, sta1ed recently In St. Louis. Ron Nichols is host. D Movlr. (C) "All the fine YOlq Ci"nnlball" (drama) '60 -Natalie Wood, Robert Wasner. .. 11 Ir " • tp or er r., I I · I." m· tte In .. 11• !.c,** "'Tlpr..,.. (drem1) '59 I :..~· Hayley MUii. n. F..._.. (C) J:JO ,....,,.,..... (C) "T•wlsloft Ind the Bliek Man," I :.:.:-, tltt c:...... 4:mt ~ (C) Robert Elepnt, Eastern ~t for the LA. Times, is Interviewed. nm s..-Feais 1• <C> ''Thi Rilht To Llvt." lla1 Frt11 UNCt.E (C) .......... .., ~}:~ ........ (C) w. de ertst. • EMip O'Toele 4:30 ............ (C) • Newa(C) Tiie ...... ,, : lllllefopn' Nef Pblrt.4 (i),_. P'af'lde (C) ilnica r ,,., ... • Tiie ltlfleUll 4:55 W.nderf1I World of Sport (C) S• Ntw1 (C) Clete Roberts. a;, ColllJealioMI R.,.t (C) Dr. later'a Adweetlr• (C) Mowle: (C) "A S.••r Piece" (dr11n1) '59 -Richard Eaan, Doro- thy McGuire, Sandra Dee, Troy Donahue. G _..., <C> "Ho nme fOf Clancy." I Men Criffll (C) llt&t11(C) m S.W.. Alta 1\eeln: "Mii· ters Of the Conao Junale." I c..,.. of C.rllt CI) I Dru• of Jolaftie (C) Seuds of S• .. (C) "Missls· 11ppi River Festival;". Mo Guthrie and Joni Mitchell perform. II) Tores &> b11 for Y .. r lffe (C) 5:JO ---r How (C) s,eek Up (C) Bill Leyden. .-.a.a ..... (C) • lklpt (C) llUlp11'1 lalalld llotlca!IMft Meet the Prea (C) _,..., "°"' (C) • eo.. tltt Stlrt (C) Art Linkletter hosts. rvrNINC 5:00 6 QI Cl) CIS ..._ Spedll (C) (30) '1he President's Trip Abr'Old." Live covora11 of Pmident Nixon'• moetina In Great Britain with Prime Minister Herold Wlf1on Ind the President'• dep1rture for WuHn1· ton. Chartes Colllnawood Is anchor· min in New Yott. I lt'a AcMemlc (C) (30) (60) CafWJ (C) (60) A trvm flof1da tD Canada focusina on 550 dlff•ent carnivlls. ti WllRI• Tell (30) ~Ci) TIM W.t1d Tomonw (C) ~) Maa frM UNCU (C) (60) 6:301 Ralp• St.ry (C) (30) QI Ci) a;, F,_ Mclee (C) ~) stM Allot .. (C) (90) Guuta lft Sam Posey, Kalley Gar· rett. DIW Blny, Dom Dolulse ind Peter M1rshall . I lllllellt (C) (30) ....... 22 (60) Preti~lllt .... ...... • ............ ,11~ .. .... tll pnwldo fer NPOrts aid llwe ClllS ................... ...., .... It ...... Nt Force .... tltt ........ elf ......... Md a rwlew of tltt 12., iollr· ..,. a C1J..,,, <C> <30> 7:00 II Cit Cl) Laaie (C) (30) Lassie is reunited with Heeka (M1r1I Mir· anda), ttle youna Indian from Alasb. ~ n o 6 m HtKt flM <C> <30> ·'The •lie Shlllelqh." Huell. Becky ind Tom ire captured bJ Gold, a bandit who presses the youths Into service, while th., are helpii'n Leprech1uns. (R) u ~ G> Lancl .. ... llalltl (C) ( ) 1ht Creed." As itant po. lieemen seerch fOl' the Earthllnp. Steve performs 1n emeraency •P· pendoctomy on Bany. (R) G Mat's llJ Lillo? (C) (30) Willy Bruner hosts. m ! IHc!Al I Sajld (C) (60) A musical special stamna Sajid Kh1n of India and futurina Susen Bir· rett and H1rpers Bizarre. (Reschtd· uled) 01 ~ tio Trwel (C) (30) ''liJstralta, the Sleepin1 Glint." fli) Mlfilor .. 11 .. (C) (3 hr) Uvt relay of pictures taken by the Mariner VII satellite as It returns to Earth. m c..1ces , ea.dolt• c3o> 7:l0119 Cl) letrtle ... (C) (30) A Diana Ross and The Supremes are among the htadUnt writer (Chris Robinson) puti 1 nt1r· guests appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show, Sun.day at 8 PM IY extinct species of red wolf in on CBS. Jeop1rdy by trlcldna Mar11 and Ben•----------------------- into leadina him to the 1nlmals. (R) th H d .. E nd "~ 1 ,...~ ! ..... ~ =' ~ ft @ CI) fD Walt Dmey (C) (60) t Ir est. Vt I neft 111 ._ ., n-,, fffhe Treasure of Sen Bosco Reef." 1rrested when th., try tD help • ( ) • o · azlni." Wood . Part I of two-p1rt mystery drama their children celebr'lte their first Novello Marth for a mlalni for· centerin1 around sunken treasure. weddln1 ennlverury. (R)i e . exch1n1• atudent. (R) c_R) m n. Son Set tc> <30> m ..... <C> c3o> fJ Mlllloa $ Movie: (C) "nit fl) Tiie World TollOITW (30) Let Mt T .. To • • • (C) (60) lrne One" (dram•) '56 -Michel 9:00 II la Cl) Hff.HIW (C) (60) Lor· •Ith Walker hosta.. ~. Rodolfo Hoyos. etta_Lynn ind Waylon Jennlnp I ~-Report (C) (30) W a.tU..P.1 Sea (C) (30) "Min· i! -,__ Made Monsters of the Deep." Bill U Cl) m ..._D (C) (60) Ir• Tlltrt (60) Burrud traces some attempts by Pl"Y £f1Xaotten Men." Re-10:15 flD O.W s..llllll (C) (2 hr) man to survive the hostile environ· tired Anny Veterans plot to rob a ment beneath the surface of the mint with Candy'a help. James 10-.30 I WorW r ... mw (C) (30) SIU. <R> Gre~&· <ff> °""" lJlllta (60) fB Ila P'ktse (30) D a> A1C SndaJ Mowte; KltllrJI ...,.,. (C) (30) • Us ea.-.. (30) (C) (drama) ·66--M·r· 11:00 I nm ..... (C) 1:00 IJ Qt Cl) Ed S.llne (C) (60) Ion Brando, Jane Fond1, Robert ~ If T.-nw (C) Guesta are Ol1n1 Rosa and The Su· Redford, E. G. M1rlhall, Anti• Dick· • Wiiia• f ltldJeJ (C) premes, Johnny M1thls, Henry Men· inaon, Janice Rule, Martha Hyer. WIN ..-.. ... , (C) "H~ cinl, Peter Gennaro, Sh1nle W1llls, Brando stars 11 • modom-dly aher· bony Ann Adwnturt." Fifty .... Bums & Schreiber, Rodney Danaer-lff In • small town. A prtaonor aetlc and adventuroua youn....,.. field and The Rolin Brothers.. (R) eacapos and retuma to his narrow-1111 10 to 15, peddle down the minded souttlwatem hometown Colorado River wttti canooa. (R) IJ ROUER GAMES-live! (C) where hll wtta la havtnc an affair Cil @Ill Cl).._. (C) * T BIRDS N Y k with the aon of cattle and oil • vs. ew or baron. Sheriff Caldor bolleva tho 11:30 R Mewto: "Tllo llJ" (lldwtntvlt) u llllor ,... (C) (2 hr) LA. ~Illa Hold Sophia I-~ T·Blrds vs. New Yor11 Bombers. boy a victim of clrcumst1nce and m on, .. '-""-• D@(l)G) n. Fii (C) (60) takes on the entire town llnllt-Trevor HoWlrd. "The Catalyst." A Latln·Amerlcan handed l1I MY• Bubber'a life. (R) D LeUM Md llltieJ (C) Red 11ent hljacb the plant boar· ! News (C) (30) Lany McCor· GJ Qilllr lni Inspector Ersldrw and M1ria Im ~ 1 .. (30) ID 'flit ~ (C) SandoVll to WIShinston where aht ,.. rr-. 1-...e (C) la to ttll of a Communist take-ovor 1:-~•l'HC) Hnez30) · (30) ~ \JI.I .. ...,., In her homeland. (R) ·-1 =-:.L ( ... _ I"~ (C) 30) 11:45 U !HJ (]) Nowt (C) GJ MM: "Tllo Hlllldlbadl If •1 --· ,_ -r ( ll)CllMltl SllKllJ: "P1rla Undtr· Notre .,._,. (dreme) '3~hutn Mr. a MrL ...,_ ~ around." Laulhton, M1ureen O'Hen. )C....WIM J ,..-~ ...._._, ~· --~ m w • ..,. IC\ <30> '1h• &4WW -··, .... _ M.1 of frelandF(R) lO:OO R Ila Cl) ...... : 1111111..._ (C) mualcal) 64---CI Rich1rd, Wei· n. filllef F.-llJ (30) (10) Guii Joan Colllna as Nicole, ter Sleuk. The Shadows. Car....t MtlJcaM (60) 1 aoductlvo double •l'l"t. endan-1:00 II llowta: "Crmli u.dlll(' (dl'I· l:30 D Cil Ci) a;, 'flit ~ llt'I a vttal IMF Pf1)flct whon Jim m1) '58-Gary Merrlll, Nancy Davia. (C) {30) '1he Ant Annivt111fY ta Phelp.a f1ll1 In kM with htr. (R) D Nowt (C) ...... ' ; =& ===H-;r £1 ~~1:~·~i~~t1 , "'ii ~ ., r~ ·Q~1t~· f J ~ Ii• • ~hU.BhHr ·~ 1lf ~ . -=--.....-,J ~-~---==-= :-=-:.;:::.: -=-, I .. I . 1. ; I; m ; I I ~ i 11 rl llJ'j.t fl!llU•(l j'Jf• ~ ~-~~1Dl .tWlllD l lJ 1 11 f t lllQ I• ft'l lUllllDl lllW(ll f ., f ! a•1•lill .. 1 • Wif !Mlf rf• ,\•l•lJlt4l f r I . B 1tllf ltwlff(l I ""'' lllr~ •• "f u111•f ,, f I ~f,t•l•l ft'.\'fr --15•,1·111 1•1-1 pq a· J.ff(•)i I J t ' 1!•l 11l~ r (1•lr ' I' J. I ' ~.~., ~·r [' I , I I p~ 1J .,rr r .. f!' 111 f . 1r f f •1'11(' I i Ji J If' !1 ~ f ,If rlJ I •' f 1 ' jf 8f8 t p rr'" af' f ! '"' er "' i1 ,,,,,, I ~ ·~u· I • ,, !f ~ 111 ~ ,. r 11f rl p.. If 11!, .r II f f 111 I ,.. .. 01 I ruilf •~h .tn· .,,, ( r r i1f 11 n p II II II II i ~ . i .~~ . w ~ ~ ~ I ifll lllHICll I ~·1 11 11 1-fl f ll'DCll 111111 '1 •·1•111 I l l .r 1 1m l{• ~'I ... ~.lj'•. f 1 ~.u' f ~ u1 "~. tll ~ ·., ~ ui~ i-1 •~ . · nu r ' · ~ •• P¥ 1 r u~ .r •1•J[ool II' l1w1 f l•li-1 h"" if1.i Ji-i ! 1' 'r ~I I l•l[ool r i' r IM'· ! Ii 11·1.f r r r r I 11• 81·1-i 1-1 (If ,I 11•1-1 •.f'I ''f'' r· (K•ni r rg rr ,1r • 1 lnf~l 'b• •11 ~'IP' I 'I a r•r· . •i ' I 1 ; r f ! • 5 r fJ r s i' ~ I " • : ~ ! . i Jf f f • , I' n ~ i ii , r •, i.. I 11e1. I I & J ,a i ! Ii e ' I Jn 9 ,, K ! f ID b.J 1 I J .. r " ti B la ' r J) I I n ' • ~ ' i' D . rl l~. ~ l ·1' 10 I 0 i I ~ i ; I ~ tllll~llCD ll SH'llt11 ea11a1 llH~e111 •1• 1 111 ,. ellll 11 WIUl l 1'1Dllll 1'11 If (11 l l M ! f-Jl (oJ 11 I : i '~lo-) i i ~ u I~. ~(w) J ' ' ~ r r i i~ ! I I' '. ~ r ' i f ~H·I I i r ~ f i ~ r~ i J ~~ ' I rl4l 'I t ! r 1 ! .. if fJ ;~a r l!~j : • 1 r p1; ii 1 le'll i r rf 11 1 .. 1111 i ie: ,,r. i' Ina ' it I 11 a :JI i • i J I»' ii u r .I ii H ll i r I i' JI ( f I '1i If 11 i ! -"I 11 I ii ii r . !i ! 11 f 11 I! ~ i i I ~J I 11 1•111 I l :a ~ ,1 r :a • • :a 1 f: J r ,, 9 :a r "( - - :ank MONDAY AUGUST 4 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta - tions reserve the right to chanee prO&Tamming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO 1J "Mr. S.ltll C... tit Wlllliq. IN" (comedy) '39-James Stewart, Jpn Arthur. U "E11rnallJ Yours" (drama) '39 -David Niven, L0<etta Youn1. 0 (C) "The 5tofy e>f Mankind" {drama} '57-Ronald Colm1n, Hedy Lamarr. t:lO m "Paapert tit Pi•llW' (com· Jy) '49--Stanley Holloway, Mar· f · Rutherford. 12:00 "The W1lkln1 Hiiia" (adventure) • Randolph Scott, Ella Raines. 12:30 m "Snefttll Yell" (drama) '46- James Mason, Ann Todd. ''The tir11t MIU" (comedy) '44-Stu1rt Erwin. Z:OO 0) "Apples Don't fill fr' (dra· ma)-6avfd Wayne, Johnny CrlW· font. 3:00 B (C) "Prine. C>f ,...,..... (bioe· raphy) '55-Richard Burton, Maa· ale McNamara.' 4:30 IJ (C) "Run e>f tlle Arrow" (west· em) '56-Rod Stelaer, Brian Keith. EVENING I Cl) F .. ., Ntw (C) (30) ~. ..... (C) (30) .,,.. ...... (C) (30) 7:30 Cit (I)........ (C) (60) odus 21·22." Frink Reerdon (Steve lhn1t), 1n old friend of Marth1I Dillon, la rel1ndess In his purault of aeven men wtlo e1used the dnth of his lndlan wife 1nd unborn child. (R) um 1 o .... ., *"'"' <C> <30> "Is There a Doctor In the Hou•T' Tony develops instant sleepln1 lick· ness when someone whistles 1nd .lt1nnle is una.ble to cure him. (R) B Jldl ... ..!7 (30) (ll) Cl) Q) s.-foe111 (C) ( ) "Ferment ind the Cethollc Church." Study of recent develop· ments in the structure of th• con· temporary church. B Mllliltl $ Mowi« "ExperWtwt ht Terror" (suspense) '62-tee Re- mick, Glenn Ford. Ross Martin, Stefanie Powe11, Roy Poole, Ned Glass. Suspense mounts IS FBI men rely on a terrified, beautiful blnk teller's couraae to trip • master criminat Story ls based on The Gordon's novel. m Trd tr ConseqlltttUI (C) (30) Three hutbands draw 1 likeness of their wives on a paper b11 placed on the huds of thrH models. then each wife ruesses which one she Is supposed to be. mr.ny ...... <60> fl) OM de ,..._ (30) 1.-00 B m SIUM flll£YIEW TM lest r-s (C) (30) Cr1la Stevens st.rs IS Walt Randolph, 1 wldowtt' charged with the rnpon$lblllty of raisin( his three dauaht~th· out the aid of 1 wife. Brooke Bundy, Robyn Millan and Susan ~e por· tray the child ren. • 6:00 II The lit ,.... (C) (60) Jeny HAQI (30) I z. ... CJ'lf (30) Dunphy. Hit PIBCle (C) (90) 0 m Huntl.,.lrlnklef (C) (30) 1:30 Qi (j) Here's Lucy (C) (30) 1J Steve Allen Sllow (C) (90) tarry Milton Berte and his wife Ruth are Hefner, Anatline Butler. Bob Mel· ruests In an epl$0de In which vin, Leonard Barr, Eddie Albert Berte decides to ch1n1e his public auest. imaae by becomln1 a motion-picture D Sb O'Clodl Movie: (C) ''TIM producer. Lucy obtalM a weekend f'1f' (sci-Ii) ',58 -=-David HedilOll, Job u his 9eefttlry. (R) Patricia Owens, Herbert Ma11hall, D @ 00 m NIC ~ Mtiwle: Vincent Price. When 1toms 10 wild, (C) "llwriM•" (qiect1eul1r) '66 the result Is terrors of mutation -Charlton Heston, Sir llurence as a man's head and arms become Oli'(ltr, Sir Ralph Richardson, Rich- shaped like a Fly. ard Johnson. Story of the 1883 11 Spy {C) (60) defense of Khartoum by British I lcM Lucy (60) General Cl'l1rtes "Chlnae'' Gordon 81h111n (C) (30) iainst the fOftfl of the Mehdi. (R.) Cil Miu Doactas (C) (90) 8oldla v.,.. .. (C) (30) lbriner lo M1rs (C) (21h hr) (i1J Cil (!) nit C•ns of Win Final day of live COYera1e of 11ctlv· nett (C) (30) "Sodbuster." A ities at the Jet Propulsion lab as charred wanted poster on James 24 pictures are relayed from the Sonnett, found In an empty sod Mariner VII as It flies by Mars. house, leads Will and Jeff to help • Jwentud Dlvlno Tesoro (30) a prairie farm f1mlly. (R) NIWI (C) (60) Jack Hickey. I DIVid Frost (C) (90) 6:30 KNIC N....mce (C) (60) Run for Year LNe (C) (60) P1tty Duu (30) : Eutlrll w--. l Modern lie dtJ·lrlnkltJ (C) (30) (30) "The Risi of Zen." Host Al1n NIWI (C) (30) Watts diseusas th• ptll0n1lltlts • 34 (C) (60) and techniques involved in 1 new 7:00 CIS Ewnln1 NIWI (C) (30) method of communicetlna the Budd· Walter Cronkite. hist view of the wortd dur1n1 the 0 W.1f1 MJ Une? {C) (30) Host T'anc Dynasty. Wally Bruner with re1ul1r panelist t:G0 IJ MtJbmJ RfD (C) (30) Firmer A.rtene Francis welcomes ruest pan· Sim'• carefully nurtured atnn1 ellsts Jack Cassidy. Pew Clas and beans come up pitifully st\lnted, Gene R1ybum. while his &irtfrlend Mllllt's beans QI P...-ord (C) (30) Dorothy Lou· hhe arown Iona ind beautfful. (R) din and Jim Backus ruest. D TM Itron (C) (60) "Time To ~ Mdt1W1 NIVJ' (30) Kill." Whether or not 1 V1luable 00 Mond11 Movte (C) (90) cameo hu a curse upon It. the unpoint," starrin1 Audie Murphy. (Continued) lHE DOODLETOWN PIPERS U the barometer of su<XJeSS for a aintina aroup must be syoony- moua with told records and a coosiatent niche oo .the music cha_rts, then by that criterion the Ooodletown Piperi is a ftop • • . but probably the only Rop group around that's &roaed over a half .million dollan a year for lbe put three ~ Despite the fact they'Ve never had a hit single or album, the Pipers are hardly in the uoem_ployment lints. Pollowlna an 18- week eoaaaement at the Pronuu Hotel in Lu Veaas, the sroup is now pa.eking for a host of fair appearances ac:r.oa tbe nation. Televisioo·wise, the 16-mcmber alnaiDa aroup had their work cut out for them in January with the siping of an agreement for six Doodletown Piper specials foT '69. Their moat recent effort of the aeJrtet win air Tuesday at 9 PM on KTLA's Channel 5. In 1970, the group is slated for even more TV exposure via 13 specials for Trianale Stations, and there's also been some dis- cussion concerning a l>oodletown Pipen series. The ~up's birthright belongs to Ward Ellis and George Walkins, respoOStbte tor choreography and musical arrangina. They aaw the need for a good visual act that bad a contemporary sound, so they experimented, and at one time bad a wboppi11g 4'S mem- bers in the group. Even now with the composition down to eight auys and eight aats. the st 0,000 to s 15.000 a night the group receives goes largely to cove:r expenses. Red Skelton gave the group their tint video break in '6S, which prompted Henry Mancini, Eddie Fisher, Phil Harris and Nancy Wilson to welcome the Pipen to appear on the bill with them. In addition to an Ed Sullivan Show guesting, the group was the '68 summer replacement for the Smotberi Brothers. •· Ward Ellis's wife~ Polly, baa the role of "staao mother" for tho eneraetic JfOU{). She's there to arranae hotel reservations, plane tickets, payroll, bookkeepinJ and act as mother coof essor. Many of the Pipers aie nght out of hlah school and have never been away from home before. Polly gives them a shoulder to cry oo or stands in the wiop when they need an extra boost of confidence. • The group auditions for sirigen to add to its ranks lo the various cities where they perfonn. This is almost a necessity since various memben of the talented group are periodically snatched away to pursue acting· and •inailll careen on their own. Although Ellis preferi members to remain with the group for at least two years, they are usually signed for a year, with six months intensive training. Most of the Piperi were inJtiated into the oompany on the merits of their vocal talents alone . , . professional' experieoce was not a pre-requisite, although several members did have some Broadway training. What memberi did have in common was a yen for show busi-ness, and tbey •tree that being with the Pipers has provided a good testioa envuonment Tbey're learnioa the ropea of abow busioeu without as many of the rocky roads it'd take to stan out aa a solo performer. Naturally, the fact that the Doodletown Pipers is a succeu was no accident. Behind the 16 Doodletown Pipers is a lot of work . . . even though their performancea make it appear to be 100% fun. .... 11 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS Moy be used on envelopes os return oddress labels. Also very hondy os identificotion lobels for marking personol items such os books, records, photos, etc. Lobels stic\ on gloss ond moy be used for morking home conned food items. An lobels ore printed wi~ stylish Vogue type on fine quolity white gummed paper ond packed in reusoble mogic seol conteiner. r-------------, 1 Na. tW. ... ,_. cA, H4I .. 11 ~.-. S 1.00 .. : Net Mli~Nl IMY ..... 1111. I .... ,.,. -..... c.nf. nMJ. I I I I I I ........... ·-········-··········---·--··-·-------·····-· ....... , ................................................... . ............... ~-----~---·········-·····--------·-······ .. ... .. ... ,.. J1p c.-. I I I I r I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L------~-~------' ..... u FREE BONUS W11H EACH Ol.DBl OF LAIB..$ WE Will INCLUDE ... SET OF PACICA&E MAR.JN& LAIB.$. ........ pl ... ,, THE DAILY PILOT, TV WllJ(, AUG'iJST 2, 1969 MONDAY (Continued) Baron finds ttiat It leads to a trail of tr111dy when he b asbd to buy It ~ Formt. Sue Uord star. a l17J mm n. omam (C) (60)"A lfme of Dartness." Ear1 and Jemal take reture from a stDrm in an Indian burial cave, and are pinned down by th• unseeen attack· ers. (R) fZi) w.tW ,,_ (C) (60) A sum· mary of itobal pms reactions to iuues In the United Stat.es. Experts analyze stories from more than 80 ~pers and maaazines. · 9 (I) n. fllntAw• (C) (30) I TUESDAY AUGUST 5 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t".lO 1J f..., Affair (C) (30) French and tfle children are overjoyed at tM prote*t of spendin1 a year In En,tand with Uncle Bill, but be· 9:00 O ''lost Horimt" (drama) '37-cau.se of a chanre in his work ldledule. Bill has to stay behind Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. and tells the family to plan on the fJ (C) "Walkl11 Mr laby Backl i anyway. (R) RO•" (musical) '54 -Donald ..._ (C) (30) Ted Meyen. O'Connor, Janet Lel(h. l.n.'1 Ln (60) 0 "Tllr• Im• lhtl" (drama) (I) Mc:Hale's ,..., (30) 'SJ-Ray Miiiand, Nina Foch. iiiWista Mlllcal (30) 9:30 m "Allnie Oaklei(' (romance) '35 lt:tO B 9 (() JI•-...,. (C) -Barbara Stanwyc:k. Preston Foster. (~ -i'lle t:vetty Brothers and Joey 12:00 0 "Attists I Models AbrNd" Vlllafi (musical) '38 -Jack Benny, Joanl I Ntws (C) (60) Bennett. ~CJ) 6) Diet Cnett (C) (60) 12:30 m "Apadlt Wanief" (western) '57 Diill!(C) (60) Bill Medley and -kith Larsen. "Mr. Aal' (drama) Suz:annt Chamy suest '4&::-Georre Raft el~ L..lille (C? (60) "The ABM 2:00 ID "l'U Sell Mr life" (drama) '41 ODnftlcl Journalist James Bum--Michael Whalen, R03e Hobart ~m and Sen. Al~ Gore ((). T~n.) 3:00 (iJ (C) "T1M SM• Tear ltdl" d!SUSI the strateiic and politlcel (comedy) '55 -Marilyn Monroe ~ al the ABM c:ontnlftrsy. Tom Ewell , IE Ma Ala • ta M..ta CC> <30> 4:0011 "C~ (drama) '44-tnarid 11:.JO Gl ..._ (C) (30) Bill Johns. Berrman Charles Borer. E f .... C..Z. (30) ' rvrN1~c ll!ttlRDEmm ..... (C) ~Niedlacl ..... ...., ...,.. (cl&m:) ' -Tmnce stamp, Robert Ryan. 6:00 IJ Tiit lie Nein (C) (60) Jerry On a 1797 British W1rsflip, the Dunphy. 1 ~ struate of aood and evil 8 m Hutt.J-lrt.u., (C) (30) is GPf'9SMd by seaman fKed with Aa,.ts 1.-... (C) (cont'd. tM tynnnical rule of commandin1 from 5:00 PM) Calif. Anaels vs.I officers. Bated on Htnnan Mel· New York Yankees at N.Y. l •Ole's datSsic al tbe ... fJ Sil O'a.c:t ...,.: "'lttts11 or • LllllW-'1 c.llry (C) Susan Bar· tie Ar" ($Ci·fi) '59-Vincent Price. rtlt. DoucSas Fairbanks Jr.. Rip Brett Halsey. Taytor, 911Pf'S Benand & Somer· • I SpJ (C) (60) vtae, and 0.MJ Col iuest. Por· I left lKJ (60) tnlts: Rau Bamtt by Joan Barthel; IRaa• (C) (30) Md JlmtS Sbwlrt by Pet!f Bocda-Cl) Mltit .,..,,_ (C) (90) Ml'fidl.. : n.t's ,._? (30) • ..-.: .... ,.,.. (drama) '49 ._,., Dlwtlt T-. (30) -M..U.. Ydlws. John Bell ..._ (C) (60) Jack Hlcby. ~ u ca Cil ..... (Q 5;30 lJllC ..._,.. CC> <60> fm... I I (30) '"Stlem EJt. httJ ca. .. (30) lflles hw !lie 7r1~.. Dr. Ridlard (I) ~ (C) (30) 8'1M I IU Md Dould Johmon (I) @m ..... (C) (JO) t ~"" a m.. ._ that f._ t1 ,..._ (C) (30) "Un· _, MllM Ille nnaissnce of a der the MictniJht SUn." The effects bJ.-en.. of Arctic Cirde Midniitrt Sun art 11:.JI B ...._ -n. ... OW' (dranla) demonstrated in s..di:sll lift. 'S4---Martae Br.-. Lee ..... , ...... 34 (C) (60) a e ~ • r.-.... .. (C) 7~ cas u.m.c ..... (C) (30) Aif Wiiiiiii u ' !Ilda..-~ ' Watter Cronkite. G 11 t • ,..m.. G wt.It's Mr U.? (C) (30) II-....: ,.. ., ....... (b m ,, .... (C) (30) Nkn lud· •) . u SasM Ptbn. Alcxaldlr dell hosts. bra. I lldlalll's ""' (30) e a1 m•.., tc>,,. •~CC> <30) ai.ar-.. &r.e kns is mb$ti. -0,. ..... (30) "Trib blh llmt. at Caniftp From Mew Guinea." U:» I a.. a. Host-cumw Ji Russell Connor . ... n...c ~ ... tllt 1~ c.... -(C) (30) U:SI r.-..!. ...,... '-" (wsbrl) Df.--:..: ; ~ (30) T....,., 6IDrt. Taaott. 7'.lO Qt l....ar (C) (60) Scott 1911!!. ~ La.iar ~ that OuU1 Valley 1:ll .,. ¢ I ... (Ihm) pos•• mort perils tfl,an tho.st • 0..... &e.1!t 8rllil. cf helt and rid ININts wtien he .. 9 I , I I I I JQI ~Id! I II) 351 er. d" ~nl 57 1a) :le, rry I) 'd. VS.I of ce. Jn· dS ire JO) Jd.1 ib· a:· stumbles Into en CK1tlaw'1 (Rex Hol· EID '-ET festive! (60) "lhe Rise end men) camp while surveyin1 mlnln& Fall of Mozart.'' property. (R) I l'andorama (30) 11 @@ 6I:' Star Trek (C) (60) 9:30 ~ fjJ Doris i>.y (C) (30) Doris ---------------------''Ail Our Yesterdays." capt. Kirk, tr s to collect some debts Iona· Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy are trap-overdue to Buck only to find her· ped in the past by a machine just self a captive ot a courtlna hill· hours before the planet Is to ex-billy ,_{J. Pat O'Malley). (k) plode. (R) O @CIJm N YP i> cc> (60) '- Jact Beany (30) "Who's Got the Bundle?" Police @ (3') a) Mod Squid (C) (60) and criminals search for a mlssin1 aptainGreer, ca11 Surpry." While valise containing $150,000 In stolen wortlna at underCOYer jobs In a money. (R) hospltal to block narcotics thieves, fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Pete, Linc 1114 Julie suspect I m * CHtC -Y PARTIES 'N highly respected head nurse (Kim * LOVELY POWERS G R S Hamilton) In a narcotics robbery. I L CR) DOING THEIR 'THING' * fJ Million $ Movie: "Paris Blues" m I IH<'A I Wortd of hauty (C) (romence) '61-Paul Newman, Jo-(SO) A story of women In a man's anne Woodward, Sidney Poitier, world. Featured are several pro- Diahann Carroll. fessional women; Judie Ula Bui· m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) grin of the District Court ol Van hny Meson (60) Nuys; Dr. Jenny, from the Philip- frend1 Chef (30) Julia Child pines, at Queen at Angels Hospital; prepa,u roast lei of lamb. forme< tennis chempion Gussie g) Daeto ct. Pnionel (30) Moran; and Ruth Brooks. President a:OO I Zane Grey (30) of the Laplnal Company. Ho (30) Eli) Chucho Avtllanet (C) (30) : feature (60) 10:00 8 tij 00 CIS News Sptcfar (CJ Dlscot!ltque a Go-.io (C) (60) (60) "Don't Count the Candles." Lord Snowdon's Emmy award· 1:30 IJ ~Ci) The Ubtm.e Show {C) wlnnina first venture Into the field (60) Comedian Geor1e Gobel, the of television documentaries ls re. Danish husband·and·wlfe song team broadcast. The progrem examines of Nina and Frederik, Australian · the problems of aalng through the born slnger·dancer-actress Tri$ha eyes of the ireat and the humble. Noble and French puppeteer Andre the rich and the poor. (R) Trahon serve up an international Im News (C) {60) potpourri of music and comedy as @ @ m Dick Cnett {C) (60) guests. Liberace's keyboard concert Dtll1! (C) (60) spot Is Liszt's "A.flat Major." He USC Music festival (60) John also plays "Falling In love" and Crown hosts a program with cellist "The lmpouible Dream." Gabor Rejto and pianist Alice Rejto 0 @ (I) m Julia (C) (30) "Love of the USC School of Music. Is a Many·Slahted Thing." A girl· I r~n All• de ,. Muertt (C) (30) friend asks Julia to help her meet 10:30 News (C) (30) Bill Johns. a lellow she has flipped over and • felllltl Corazon (30) Is. unaware that he Is Julia's boy· 11:00 fJ CJ fJ Eli) 6I:' a> News (C) fnend Ted Newman, aatros.pace de· I Alfred Hitchcock signer. (R) • Movie: (C) "Violent S1turd1;'' IJ Glselt Madtendt's Bett. Helf (d ~ma) 'SS-Victor Mature Rich· Hour (C) (30) Stan Kenton and ard fian. ' Caro!!!! Jones guest. (R) m llldden's C:tlllfJ (C) Rona Bar· fJ ~(])a> It Takes a Thief ~C) rett. Rhetta Huahes, Carl Betz, Al· (60) Get Me to the Revoluhon Ian Drake Belland & Sommerville on nme." An Industrial cartel makes and Denny Cox 1uest. a secret contract with a revolution· m Movie: '1.ady from Lisbon .. ary leader, and Alexander Mundy Is (drama) '47-Jene carr, Francis L. as$1rned to steal the document Sullivan. from a buralar-proof safe. (R) @ Cl) @ 6 Cj Ci) News (C) m Dl'Vid frost <C) (90) EEJ Rupn ews Conftftttee (30) ID Run for Your Lift (C) (60) 11:301J Movie: ''Tall Stranllf"' (west· 9:00 0 @@ 6I:' first TutfdaJ (C) ern) '57 -Joel McCrea. (2 hr) Drac racina Is examined as 0 9 (!) 6I:' Tonlfltt Show (C) an American phenomenon rather Fifp Wilson substitute hosts. and than as a sport; and films of the Hines, Hines and Dad ruest. Haiti Gov. Rockefeller did not see IJ Movie: "Sln&al*t" (mystery) as President Nixon's special envoy '47-Ava Gardner. Fred MacMurray. are shown, Including an interview 0 @ (]) a> loeJ Bishop (C) with Presldent Duvaller. Another Joey returns. Guests are Ruth Gor· story tells of the richest state Plf don, Harvey Stone, Gey Merles and capita in the world-Abu Dhabi-Henny Voun1man. caught at midpoint In transforma· 12:30 tD Chiller tlon from feudal desert sheikdom aJ Action Theatre: "The WeddinC to 20th-century oil·flnanc.ed utopi1 of Lilli M1r1ene." Tonight's edition also reports on 12:45 fJ "'ovle: "Contraband $t>lln" (ad· the political prisoners who have venture) '58 -Richerd Greene escaped from Greece and testify to • O · the "current and systematic use" 1.00 0 News (C) of torture by the security police e Com111u111tJ llullttin loard (C) and other 11encles in that country. 1:15 8 Movie: "nte Croobd Web" D Showcase 5 (C) (60) The Doo· (mystery) '55-frank Lovejoy, Marl dletown Pipers are featured In 1 Blanchard. musical "Beach Party" filmed on 1:30 m Alf..tfitlrt Shew: "Crime, Inc." the west coast of Florida's Lon1boat •'Ofath Peys in Dollars" end Key. "Sharad of AUanlls." BOATING IS EVEN MORE FUN AND SAFE ... WHEN YOU BUILD AND USE HEATHKIT MARINE ELECTRONICS .. Choose Heathkit" Marine Electronics Mll·21A 1- ldt Ml-11 A Heathkit Al SoRd-State Depth So•11tder Awe\tl the .,..~.,, ... .,..,...__.,.,.,.,--c.o•t ef ''-'"llllf't •tt•v"4 f~e Ml 11 A "H•u• .. •heel ,joplll1 with S 1'. •«•••y •• ell rucH•90. It probet <lo•• lo 100' o• h•14 l>ott.,.u I 00' o• toft "'"""• botto"" •.• """ 1pot. tChol• of ftth. ' kit MR-21 A HeatNcit "Mariner" 3-land Radio Direction Ffnder Alw•yt tho., ,._. th• ••'f hof'fl• . . thowt 'fOW tl'•Ctly •lrleu ftOV •r• throu'" •-cwr••• '''*"twl•ho" .. , •""••• •• •••• u •••dt,.9 • "''It· A,,4 yow c•" uu u ••,' *"'~rtelR· "'•"•· 1i•tu1iftt to AM ,,.,io •t lot fftOftJtoriAt th1 "'.,i,.• c.heftftoh. SoUd-State Fuel Vapor htector -» Yow• ~u.~ •uwu111c• •t•ifttt •fJl'••io• .,.4 flrt et te•, M•t•r '••'• "••f•-4••1•r•v•• ... , ....... •"' .1.,"' ••vMh -"·" lwMH H• ,., ... ,. •• l vU4 .,. .. :., •• 11 ,• •• jw•• J ..... ,.,. FREE NEW All Solid· Stet• T.eh-t9r ... FOf Any lo.t C•" be con11•c1ed 10 1ny 1p1A type tngm• w•lh •nv lund ol 1gnl0011 lYiltm Comu wllh apluh·p•ool ,,.. "'w•lhout CHe IOI p1nel mountH-.g Send for Our Huve Catalog lt'a Fr" to Yov f.,-the A.kl~ HE •THKIT' ELECT9'0NIC CENTEll HI lli=-~11i!rilli1+ To nuh H .. 111.lt Electteo;c Co•I•• I•'-H••liot el•tll. to ••II A••· 0.,1 t• loll 0 fow tl>o1I l>loclo t• HO lut l•ll or I•~• S .. 1. Aoe F.oewoy to Hubo1 11•4 .. H., ... , 11-4. fo loll, • few •"••! ltloc .. ••" r•w •• ••••· SAW Ir PARTS HEATHKIT 776-9420 330 EAST IALL. ANA~EIM SEIVICE 776-9423 WEDNESDAY AUGUST a For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, tor your convenience, are the day's movies. All Sta· tions reserve the right to change proeramming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES f .' f • J I •, r , &:00 11 Tiit Iii Nna <C> <60> Jtny Dun!: I • H...,_an.u., (C) (30) Al... .... (C) (90) Ex· convict Bill f'ortas, mm.le Bob Bn- steln, writer Jacqueline SuSlnn, Olympic divin& champion SUt Gc»- slcll and comtdlan Scoey Mitchlll 1r1 Steve's auesta. IJ Sil era.ct lllewie: (t) ..,... O&le Hit'" (comedy) '57 -David Niven, Stew&rt G ... ltPf. Ava Gud- ner. Sophisticated adult comedy about a shlpwredced tl'lc>-. wom· an, her husband incl her lovv. When her lover ariun that sh• '9:00 0 "Ille llltf1 till 11erritr" (com· be shenid, the woman exploits the ~ '43-Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea. proposal In order to arouse her U "I'll ..._ feriet lM'" (dmna) husband's Jealousy. Based on play '51-Tyront Power, Ann Blyth. IAndrt Roussin fJ (C) ""' ....,. ef Mau I s,, (C) (60) St.owr" (dr1m1) '5&-Jane Russell, I Lon LllCJ (60) Richard Eian. ...._ (C) (30) t'.30 m "Ille Cl'ltft ...... (comedy) Cl) Mlb °"Ila (C) (90) '57-Alutalr Sim, Jill Adams. Wid's ~ (30) An lnvutip· lZ:OO 0 "Ille ~It. nd tlll Hawk'" (Id· n 9f birds of the North woods, venture) '33--Carolt Lombard, Cary plus a discussion on General Wuh· Grant inrton and his men durinc that :12:30 m ......... of tlll Ca.dlltiDB"' terrible wfnttf' et Valley for11. (adwnture) '62-Mickey Haraitay. I JuwnWd INwi.. T_.. (30) "lllt Pr.....,.. (drama) '47--AI· "-(C) (60) JKt Hicllay. bert Otkller, Catherine trai1. 5:JO IOllC .._ •• 1cie (C) (60) 2.-00 CD "Ua....,. t•.r (ltitnee-fie· htlr-Olb (30) tion) '49-Buton Maclane, Virsinla ~ it•U.,-lri1111SeJ (C) (30) Grey.Nc!A I II.ct Vlewpellt (60) 3:00 0 "fltlone CaH f""' 1 Strl•llf" A look at a wood·tut mu ... 1 on (drama) '52 -Gary Men111, Bette Nearo history by Robert Witt Ames, Divis. Shelley Wlnten. with 1 discussion of Its content. 4:30 II "Reed ID lie" (music1I) '47-I ~'e!'"' (C) (30) Bob Hope, Bin( Crosby, Dorothy 34 (C) (60) Lamour. 7:00 CIS Eftfll1t1 News (C) (30) Tony Sandler and guest star Cyd Cltarisse join in duet for a m~d/ly of tunes during the Kraft Mwic Hall from London colorcart on NBC, Wednesday at 9 PM. Plet14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WED<, AUGUST 2, 1969 Waltlf Cf'onkite. Mowle: CC) '7M Plltlf' (comedy) C!J WUt'a MJ U•t (C) (30) Willy '64-Jerry Lewla. Everett SIOlne, Bruner hosts. Ina Balfn, Ketclan Wynn, Peter 8tP-.nt (C) (30) Allen Ludden Lorre, John Carradine, Phil Harris. 11ostJ. H1ns Conreld and Nancy Culp. I Mdtale'1 N.wJ (30) Typical Jerry Lewis slapstick about ~ YH Alllld" fw It (30) a bell~ and 1 IJOUP of film pro- IMl1y Hlllblll• (C) (30) fesslonels who've lost their meel udtft..C (C) (30) ticket comedian. They decide to Dru• Heae (C) (30) turn Stanley Belt (lewla) Into 1 7-.JO Tan.a• (C) (60) Tarzan at-carbon copy of their dtce1secl co. tempts to S1Y1 Jal when tht boy median. (R) becomes t...pped Inside I volcano fll) Ntwl hi ,....... (C) (60) that is about to erupt (R) Mu fr.nkel end Robt Semple Jr., 8 9 Ci) m Tiit yqbtlaa (C) who accompanied Pres. Nixon on {§(>) "St0povtf'." Hetb Jeffries his recent world travels, evaluate ruests 11 • iunslln1er who upsets the Journey. th1 •rtnlty of Medicine Bow when I S)_lvla Y Enrlq111 (60) he arrives In town, causln& 19\'eral 9:30 Qt Cl) Cfltl Aull (C) (30) citizens to eumine their 1ullty con· Arnold the Pil is mlaln1 and Lisa 3Ciences.. Jay c. Aippen, Kevin Oouf1•s. fearinc foul play, 1ets iiS1i ·:.:• : ~;.;;;M~;;:I ~ (C) (60) "After a Dre1m, m) "lndonuia, the Troubled Vic· Comes Moumlne." Clancy tells Bid· tory." die Cklom the true story of the 10:00 R 9 Cl) ttdali FJwe.O (C) (60) ni&ht the brides 1rrived in Seattle. McGarrett and his special police (R) unit are called when 72 eqipl~ees O 111111111 $ Mtwle: ''TM Slranfe of a famlly·owned million-dollar Lew If Mlltlaa lwed' (drama) • 6 00fpor1tion are thmtened with -8artm1 Stanwyck. kirk Oouf1u. bodl!l_ harm. (R) Vin Heflin. llubeth Scott, Judith 0 ~(I) m 1llt Outsider (C) Anderson. Wom1n. who u 1 child (60) "The Girt from Missouri." A murdered her aunt, is now married naive riri is cau1ht up in the un· to • playmate who witnessed the derworld in her search for a miss- crime, . end the return of another inr brother. Rlclt Jason, Mariette childhood friend c.uses skeleton to Hartley and Jaye P. Morian iuest. rattle and • areed to raise its hud. BR Based on a noYel by Jtck Patrick. m NNS (C) (60) m Trlttl or CoM111t11nc. (C) (30) • Della! (C) (60) The Chambers Bob Barker hems. Bros. and Mark Rusaell aunt. 0) Perry Muon (60) fil) Sptcul1tlon (60) Keith Berwick fll) Je,ce Clltn Coob (30) Mrs. interviews 1ctor James Coburn. Chen points out the kinds of fish I Mn Alla de la Mlllr1a (C) (30) suitable for Chinese pmpar1tion. 10:30 News (C) (30) Bill Johns. She demonstrates flow to cook. FIHute C«ane (30) alt Ind cleen a whole fish. 11:00 B cm m ...... (C) a Cl) ltlt of Hoffrwed (2 hr) Aihd Hltdlcoct "Moby Dick." • Movie: {C) "l*lln of lite I 0-. dt Plllonts (30) olden Concltl" (adventure) '53- 1:00 bat llrtJ (30) Cornet Wilde, Conshnce Smith. H1Z11 (30) m luddtn's lialltfy (C) (90) C. s,edr• (C) (30) "Project lebrity cuests are musician Lionel Deep Probe." Study of theory of Hampton, comedienne Jeannine Bur· "the sprt1din1 eerth." Anal pro· nler, Ktor Leonerd Nim~. Belland i m of season. and Somerville and the Dinny Cox l•pactls Muskalts (30) sin1in1 iroup. 1:30 Tiie Ceod 8up (C) (30) Bert CD Movie: "H11ndr9d-Hour Hl&llt" hope$ to marry off his difftailt Br.ma) '3~thony Steel. f1ther·in·l1w Ulm Blcltus) to • lady (i) 9 Ci) llews (C) astrolopr (P1tty Reaan), but she 11:30 irtwit: "E.ttpMJ WedcU11(' sees rom1nce In the star1, not for (dr1m1) '50--larTY Parts, B1rb1r1 herself but for RufUS' mothtf' (Mar· Hale. Jorie Reynolds). (R) B 9 (1) m TotlJ<t Sllew (C) D Wl11 WIUt lite Sbn (C) (30) filp -Wiison Is substitute host and Kiy Starr and Frankie Avalon 1uest Nina Simone is 1 scheduled ruut. fJ @ (])G) Tiit liq f .. lly (C) 0 Movie: "ltopt's ......... (Id· (30) venture) '48-0lck Powell, Jlarta I Dnld FIMt .,. (C) (90) Toren. ltun fw ltllf life (C) (60) 11:45 I @ ~ ! Nen (C) leok lut (C) (30) Host Robert 12:15 @ · Jet, lltt.op Show Cromie discusas "Except for Mt ijGuy I a ruests. ind Thee" with the author, Jessa. 12:30 Chiller i West. Adioft TMetn: "The World 5"rllaa (30) Me a Llvinc." starrin1 01vid t:OO ltnr1J HHlbfllits (C) (30) Farrar. Country sf n1er Roy Clark of "Hee 12:50 0 Movie: "f~ of Fire" (horror) H1w'' cueats as cousin Roy Halsey, '5§....Gameron Mitchell, James Whit· and 1rles to have his act r.p· mort. resented by Jethro's new Hollywood l:OOl S,.klni Fnely (C) i~ J. B. Enterprises. (R) Coll•11e11tJ lllltetift 1Nn1 (C) Qj Ci)ll) Kraft Miiiie Han (C) 1:15 Mowle: "ll!MmN at Ten"' ( ) ~Chari• and Dave Klnc (suspense) '64-.lohn Grepon, Rob· )oln Sandler and Younr in a salute ert Shaw. to the "Old West." 1:30 m All·Nlaht Shw: "Quarttt." B Wrallla( (C) (60) ''lflk the Conquero(' and "'The 611 (i1) (}) 9) AIC Wedu1d11 House Kids In Hollywood." 9 ) I, '( I, '· 1 ) Keene Brightens KNXT's Weather News He doesn't sing, dance, ride a horse, plunk a guitar or chase bad<lies around studio back alleys, but he's easily one of the most popular personalities on television. The "he'' in this case is Bill Keene, weatherman in residence at KNXT, Channel 2. And although he's not an entertainer in the strict sense of the word, he has been known to brighten the sometimes dread news of the day with his droll delivery. Bill is seen twice nightly (on KNXT's The Big News at 6 PM and Eleven O'Clock Report at I I PM) by an estimated total audience of nearly 1.3 million, which helps explain why he gets a goodly number of letters, poems, and phone calls directed his way regarding the weather. For example, one rainy day last January a lively and presum- ably blue-haired little lady called and inquired of Bill : "Did you order this sweater?" To which Bill replied, somewhat surprisingly, "What sweater?" As the conversation ensued, it turned out the woman was really inquiring, "Did you order this weather." That conversation still haunts him. Much of his correspondence is in praise of his accurate weather forecasts. However, there are times when a somewhat angry mis- sive crosses his desk. Take the letter from the golfing enthusiast who recently wrote Bill complaining that the forecast he had broad- cast on a certain date turned out to be a rainy day in his area, so much so that it shorted out his electric golf cart, forcing him to walk from the 15th hole all the way baclc. to the clubhouse. Bill. ever the sleuth and always the perfectionist, checked into the area and discovered that it <lid not rain that day. And what had really happened is that the golfer had somehow fractured a rainbird and in his haste to get back to the clubhouse didn't realize what had happened. Bill is often accused by his counterparts in the newsroom of basing his weather forecasts on a Hansel and Gretel weather vane, an accusation he stoutly denies. But he does admit that there is a certain amount of guesswork in weather reports. But for him, the guesswork is really an estimate based on years of experience plus various data on hand. Bill's biggest piece of armor in his weather artillery is the ESSA satellite weather map, which he uses in his nightly reports. ESSA stands for Environmental Science Services Administration. The weather satellites photograph narrow segments of the earth, including whatever cloud activity there may be between the lens and the ground. This map, coupled with other tools in weather forecasting-reports from the weather bureau, barometric read- ings, past history as well as reports from ihe surrounding area- provides Bill with the information he uses to make a forecast. It has been pointed out.by many in the weather business that forecasting or pre- dicting for Southern California is an ex- tremely difficult job, not only because of the vastness of the area, but also because of the terrain. Areas like La Canada are higher elevations than, say, Downey and they can have different kinds of weather on the same day-rain in one area, sunshine in the next. And except in rare instances, the weather is not the same in all areas of Southern California from city to city or valley tp valley or even from block to block. It may be shining in the foothills and raining in the valleys and one hour later be just the reverse. But since they are so many mites apart it's easy to see why forecasts can seem to be wrong. So what at comes down to is the interpretation of the raw data plus a prodigious memory comparing facts with what happened yesterday, the day before, last week, last year, the year before, and so on. If the form charts were perfect, Bill says he'd make his living at the track rather than as a weatherman. And one more thing about the forecasting business : some experts and a host of viewers think smog has a direct bearing on our weather. Other experts think most smog comes from our freeway autos. So remem- ber, when you get in your car in the morn- ing you may be messing up his forecast of the night before. so don't blame Keene. Keene, incidentally, is also the Honorary Mayor of Columbia Square. the headquar- ters of KNXT, Channel 2, KNX/C BS Ra- dio, and Columbia Records. This honor was bestowed upon him by no less than his honor himself, Mayor Sam Yorty. Another bright note in Keene's life is that he is married to lovely Louise Vienna. a singer who is caricatured with him on the cover of TV WEEK. And they are the proud parents of little Bonnie Josanne who brightens Life In their Encino home. • Pas• 1s lllGllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE lllCROPHOIEI WHICH OF THESE -' FASCllATllG CAREERS llTERESTS YOU'I 0 DISC JOCllEY 0 NEWSCAS'Ttl 0 SPOllSCASTEI 0 COMMHtlAl ANNOUNCO FIH VOICI ANALYSIS TlllS YOU IF YOU HAVI "HIOOIN T ALINT"I T RAI Pt AT HOM [ 04! I H OIJI' 8CAUT I f'Ul NEW STUDIO SCHOOL! You un sbldy llfoMtHl IKl111lqve1 11 llollte, II JOUf sp,re time, or In our new l ro.dusl· ln1 School-lOCATED lllCHT HUIE IN LOS ANCElCS-Ullder Ille WlltMlloft of our Otrect1n1 f1c.ulty of 1l f11ftOU1 broadc.11 ttrs. bdlo-lV 1tatlan1 tvtrywhtrt llne 1n IMMCDIATf. DEMAND for llotll mtn Ind women to take over Import.Int 1ood· p1yin1 lobs 111111 now. NATION-WIDE Pl.ACEM£NT ASSISTANCE 1t no 11tr1 cost! Tuition 1ul1unce 1v1111bl1, Send lo CARC(ll ACADEMY'S dlvlSIOll of flmout 8rOldc11ttr1 tor FllU book. 111, record, Ind voice 111111'1• d1t11111. NOTICE: lNlllOU NOW P'Olt CAREER ACAOl:MY'S NEXT CLMSI THIS COULD N YOUR CHANCE TO "1f YOUlltKU: RHINO l'HE llUCltOrHONOI •Alt ec:crtdited mtmti.r ot the N .. tlon•I Home Study Council end tti. • • Hetlon1I Association of Trade 1nd Tedwllcel Schools • ~Yed fw V..tMan Tralnln1 •Member of C1lltoml1 Auodatlon kH Private Educ•tion •Alt ellf,lblt Institution under Ult federal y Insured Student Loan f"nlcram. Name AddreH Clty, St1te/llp Phone I •m lnttrHted In O Ct111room O Home Study 1 I et\JDIO ttt ! ---------~-----------,...1. THURSDAY AUGUST 7 For morning and afternoon listings. please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to chanc.e proeramming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 a ~ o.c:." (comedy) '3' .::t.urel and Hardy. 0 "ltt•a .. d ..,_.,. (drama) '57 -llnda Darnell. Richard Kiley. ! "Ap,oint.ewt Witll .......... r1ma) '51 -Alan Ladd, Phyllis lwn. t:JO m...,.,. .. ......,.,. (adwn· ture) '4' -Greiory Peck, M11fa Palmet. iz.-oo a...,..., frldltHed ,.,.. .. cdr1· m1) '34 -Claudette Colbert, Htr· bert M1rsllall. 12:30 m "A W• II die SH" (drama) 'U--Oana Andrews. !."CIO llJ-'Ctw ......,. (su.sc>ense) '52 -Donald Houston, N1tasha Perry. 3:00 fJ""' ....... '"' ,. ... Sllit" (drema) '56-0rat'OfY Peck. Jennifer Jones. 4:30 R "£UJ Llwill(' (dr1ma) '49 - Yr"ctor Mature, Lucille Bau. Liu· beth Scott. f V[NIN\. &:00 8 T1le llf NIWI (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. II @?:') HuntStJ-ltldlfy (C) (30) StM Alie• ... (C) (90) Stne's 1Uesb Include cornedlln Sc:oey Mltchlll, Jackie Vernon, The Or-.np Colored Sky pop-ppel croup, Tony Romano, and the com· edy team of Olde Clair and Jenna McMahon. fJ Sb O'Cled .... """ Sia· .. , NlaM" (drama) '57 -lalle Nleben, Collnn Miiier. A OIWIPll* man and his brict. hon.ymoon In a small town where the peoc>la hide 1 vital secret dutlned to )eopard!Zt Ult newsman's lift. • I Spy (C) (60) I left lKJ (60) labun (C) (30) (3) lllkt .,...._. (C) (90) . -.r. Newt (30) Jllftllbld DMM T..,. (30) """ (C) (60) J1dl Hickey. g:30 aac ........ a <C> (60) httY ..... (30) (i) ......,..,......, (C) (30) : l'il l!Mltip..,.. (C) (30) "The Ufe Preserver." Alan Sloan Is host for this pro1ram that takes a look at research. dialJIQlllc. and sursi· cal techniques conCMnld with dii· eases of the heart. I (I) m ,. ... (C) <30> 7:00 ~..J:, (~) (C) (30) lter Cronkite. B Mara My U..l (C) (30) Wally !naner )losts. CD , ........ (C) (30) Allen luddtn hosts. m llcHale'a Nny (30) QJ@ Hiett Hll WIN (C) (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WE.EJ<, AUGUST 2. 1969 -. ,..,_. $t ,...., (30) ''Cof rock music rlYOlutJon Is .,ilorld :ffon · o( Comf'flOft Fautts." • throulh thr• stapt-tht early I Ci) McfWl'a ""1 (30) days. the psychedelic 1ra. and tht 1iW Adlwt•• (C) (30) soul trend. Tht apedal fNtur• .._ "'-(C) (30) 20 PoP stars who perform 1 croa- 7:JO section of sonp and 1CM1nds fn>m • Ka the three periods. Guests Include I Kan Presents Lulu, Julie Driscoll. Brian Al.It.tr * ANIMAL WORLD and The Trinity, Lance LeGautt, "Animal Stars" Don Lins. Chrts fartowt and Lon-89(1.) AlllU W..W (C) (30) nit Don~n. Tht Tabulous sheep do& of New t-.30 8 9 00 m 0nptt (C) (30) Z•land, one ot the most lmpor· •'fur&Jary -OR·31." Set Friday tint economic assets of that Island •nd Offleer Gannon search for 1 netlon. pi throu&fl his p1ces for burstery suapect who only ltNls i)&ii~€ft.~ 8~ 1·~;;,;~)m;; ~~ bara Bel Geddes liV• an excellent llltlt f9f Alia <Cl l)lfformance IS Molly Malone, I ( I) "Laos. Foraotttn W1r. n" A crusty former Army Str111nt. (R) loo' at the 1round and 1lr w1r In I Jtc* left~ (30) Laos, a supposedly neutral, non· (i1) (]) W T1le f1Jinl Nun (C) alicned country that prttends tD ( ) "The Convent Gets the Busl· abide by the Genewa tct0rd1 ness." P11yt>oy Carlos suuesta his I W-*lnstol ill R""9 (C) (30) naive cousin IS the pn>prietor of 10:00 ti)@ m Tiie lolddlCltrl the dry pods stort the nuns have ( (60) D•na Martin lolns htr Inherited. Alef1ndro RtY doubles IS sister Gail, Paul Lyndt, Lou Rawls, Cousin Luis. (R) Stanley Myron Handelman and The B MillM $ MM: weo.try Sift" Goldi:i ers. (drama) •54 -Grae. Kelty, 81111 8 Nftl (C) (60) Crosby, Wllllam Holden. (3) m S••-t f.am (C) m Tr.at ., C.WqH•CllS (C) (30) (60) "Biidt Fiddlfr. Prejudice and Bob B1rter hosts. the Nesro." This prorram doat· Cl) P'tny ..... (60) ments tht feet Ind fiction Of NtllO EE) Cau1t Matw C&aa (30) Mr. antl-semitism, end is based, In Casals IMtJUcts University of Call· part. on the performance of th• fornia Ber1leley students in worts musieal "Fiddllt on the Roof" by i Bech. an all·blacil company af Brooki,tl 0.19 dt ,..... (30) junior hi1h School students. (R) 1:00 Qt Cl) Tiie ........, (C) (60) fJ Delll! (C) (60) Henny Yoe.inc· The ~-tt becomes e participant man and The Bloasoma 1uest in a lzarre 1ame of chNs, in fE Sou• of Sit•-(C) (2 hr) which dents of tlll villa1e arel ( the chess piecea. (R) 10:30 Nws (C) (30) Bill Johns. @ZUt C"!_ (30) TtrfJi&llt lHe (30) @ Cil w Tht c1r1 <C> <30> 11:00 a om m ..... cc> ad Day at Mervin Gardens." Don Altnd · Hltdlcec:t Hollln1er's refusal to sell Lou Mari. • Mtwit: "TOWll WltllHt rttr" property in • MonoPolY came In· ( rema) '61-Klr11 Doualas, E. 6. furlates Lou and upsets the famlly. Marshall, Christine Kaufmann. · iR m l.addta'a Callery (C) (90) Jeck Mani (30) Albertson, Cathy Carbon. Mort Sahl, NET ,.,,..._ (90) "Auto Belland and Somerville, and the Stop." British st.ar DIVid Htmmlnp Danny Coit Slnlln1 Group &uesl. stars as Henry, a younr man pm-Word portr11ts are of Connie Ste· vobd into a hltchhiklna trip across vens and Jim Webb. Europe beCIUM of lft older WOm· llJ llltwit: "Meet llr. Cd.,_" 1n'1 whim. (dr1ma) '55 -Demctc DtMamey, f'tUct.o! (C) (30) Harriette Johns. •:JO ta@ m• ...... (C) (60) 10 ..... (C) 1Tormentot' Is an extortionist · 6 Qi ~ Ntn (C) wtio threatens 1 bis l•IU• base· ll:lO . Altair ill Tn.w.d" ball player and his family. Gary (drama) '52-Glenn Ford, Rita Hay· Colllns and Mary Ann Mobley suest.. worth. ® 0 @ (i) m Tttriatrt a.. (C) 8 luial (C) (90) Om! Niehaus Bob NIWllirt subs as host. and Mldley Davin ue rinpidt. IJ llltwit: "Spedll DtlMty"' (com· Julio Gutmro va. Yotflilkl Sud• In edy) '55 -Joseph Cotttn, Eva 1 lG-l'Otlnd bantamweipt contest. Bartok. O @ Cil a> lcalldlwl <C> (30) O trn m ED *' lilllop <C> S1manthl tries her hand at scutp-&I) ~ 34 (C) tln1 end "ts uninvited asabtanct 12:30 m a.Iller from Endor1. (R) llJ Adite Tlltatn: "WhisC)erln1 I Dmd Frat (C) (90) Smitb vs. Scotland Y1rd." ltn fer Yeur Uft ~~. (60~ 12:So 6 Movie: (C) "IOO Llqea 0.. ~~:":!,, <.~ h,, Histona de die A•azon" (adventure) '60-Ctr· t:OO fJ 9 Cl) ce$ nurau, llewte: lo. 1 Moctezum1, Elvlr1 Quintana. • (C) Htii l..crtdlbtt Mr u...r l:OO B Mevir. "1t ....,.,... M f1M (comedy) '64 -Don Knotts, C.role Avenue" (comedy) '47 -Ch1r1tt Cook J1ek Weston Andrew Duuan Ruulea, Gile Storm, Don Defore. and 'Llny Kt1tln1'. A meek Brook· 8 C.•••ltJ llllltfn ~ (C) lyn bookkeeper falls Into the water News (C) ot1 Coney Island and suddenly finds 1:15 fl Mowit: '1111 De.., llalltll"' himself transformed Into 1 fish. (R) (sclence-flctlon) '57~r1i1 Sttvtni. D lHJ m EE cmmtl ........ 1:30 m All-Nlpt Sllor. "Wu Gods of tr ,.,:-.......,~ Miii Babylon." ·'The Bis Fil" and "Th• S..I (C) (60) The hlstofy of the Loni Ni1ht of 1943." CURT•slc BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER ~~ . . . . . FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE! This bHutiful Spanish Mediterr.,'"" Console Is built by Americans of Am- erican parts. The price is 90 far below competition it may be hud to believe. Thfa la not • com.onl TheM Mb are In stock &. ready for Immediate de- livery. GENUINE OAK e Aut.fnatlc DepvMlng • full size console • Instant evtomatlc. no •nftOYl"t warm-vp delay • Lighted Dial • I yrs. adlustment warranty on pie· tvre tube $12 acldlt6onal e Also avallaltle In DanJsh Modern. fl:. M « . ~~ .. ~ WORLD'S LARGEST .. ':' COLOR PICTURE Compare at $550 HART TV ml ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 <N•xt to Alb1rtson's) ..... 11 FRIDAY AUGUST 8 for morninc and afternoon listings. please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All It.a· tions reserve the right to ~hange programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 'tOOll "'ledJ ud SHI" (drema) '47 -Jofln Garfiefd, um Palmer. D "llJ """' lat FriMI"' <com-•d,> '524nne Baxter, MICdonlld carer. D ..,,.,. ... .,..,.., u..-(actwentur9) 'TI-Robert Youn&. Vlflinla Giimore. ,. .. m "f.a. ••• flllNcl'° (com· edY> '4~rld MacMurny, Mau· reen O'Hara. 12:00 U -C.W. ,..._,. (drama) '40 -Rldlard Dennin&. Robert Ryall. .ll:lOm ,"" &cNI•" (drama) '47 . -=trwor HdWlrd, "Tiiie w ... 1 Wiie c... lacl" (rnyatlfy) ··~ney Kelly. 2:00 m ........ htc. H (drama),. 'SS- RHd Hadley, Marjorie Reynolds. ,.fJ""1"9 S.IMll tf.....,. (dra- ma) '66-0iane Baker, Tom Befl. 4:30 tJ "11le Tllinl Key" (mystery) '57 -Jadl HawkinL 1 V r ".J I '• (, 6:CIO. n. Ile ..... (C) (60) JenJ Dun~. !! .... ...,.lrlnllllJ (C) (30) ... .. (C) (90) a.tty louia Nye, JoeJ VIiia and autho< laurtfa J. Peter pest. D sa O'a.ct ..._ <C> ..._. l!eJ .. • ....,.. (western) '59 -frld Mdurrsy, Robert Vauatan. Maule Hl)'ll. Joen Bi.ctman. 11 SpJ (C) (60) I IMe UcJ ((,(}) ...... (C) (30) (I) .... .,...... (C) (90) n.t'a ....r (30) Birds of the Tamaradl forat are studied, and Pete ~It and a youn1 friend dl$- cuss the ptOO'tSS of liberty. E-...... .,..._ r.,. (30) G) ..... (C) (60) Jack HlcUJ. 1:301 IJllC ....... (C) (60) ,...., .... (30) Ci)"....,......., (C) (30) . liilk IMt (C) (30) Mr. Cfomil dbcuaea ''Except for Me and Thee'' wfth autttor Jessamyn West 9 (j) ...... (C) (30) m......,. 34 <C> (Q)) 7:00 R CIS &.lac .._ (C) (30) Witter Cn>n~. fJ n.t's lllJ LIM? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. tD Pmurd (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. m llldlMs ...., (30) 9 @ C... SIM:acw (C) (90) •'The Kate crowley Stofy," starring B11t>1ra Stanwyct. ~arroll_ Baker, who stars as the daughter of a missionary in A/rica. pauses for a reflective moment in rhe doorway of her A frican home, in "Mister Moses," on the NBC Satur- day Night Movie at 9 PM. ...... 1 •• THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEE)(. AUGUST 2, 1969 flD CMtlllllllfarJ Meric:an C.... ra and Nick Ullett and The Check- ,_.. (30) Anal part of a study 1T11tes. · of American compow Aaron Cop-O @ CDa> Jldd fw a.a D. land end his music. fllm dips. r.tise (C) (60) "The Holy Ground: sxns, maps and stlll " photocrlphs The Klllln1." Clinton Judd takes hilhllitit an infonnal interview with the dtfenM of the auru of a new the composer. relifion, who is charted with mur· I (j) M"'*'7 lf'D (C) (30) dtr, in Part I of 1 two-parttt. ~ Welt (CJ (30) Richard KJley plays Ba~y CutJer. DJ... ..._ (C) (30) Joanne Unvllle, John Dehner, Wal· 7:30 tJ 9 (j) TM WM, Wild Welt (C) ter Brooke and Ed Binns alto (60) Opntlc 309rano Patrice Mun· ruest. (R) •I ruats as 1 tempestuous diva I "lllV• Cftl lllalcal (30) who becomes lrwolwd in a N.w 9'.30 ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyer&. Orle1ns pmle when kidnappers Portrait of a Stir (C) (60) attempt to abduct her durtn1 hef "Welter Brennan." A profile of sind_!!I Plffonnance. (R) Brennen by special guests Janet 8 m flclt caa,.nw (C) (60) Blair, Alldy Devine, Buddy Ebsen, "A hlla Named Kilroy.'' Buck hires James Game< and Donald O'Connor. saddle tramp Orville l(Jlroy (Ron Alm Clips from a number of Wal. Hayes), who hides his criminal past tef's movies are allO shown. and quietly becomes the most ~ m AdwM111,. (30) "<:ave of Bats" ular hand on the ranch. (R) (R) ! Jact e.l!J (30) EE CoMWKloa (30) £rn m GJ t.ra ..... • Dul 10:00 a @ @ m The s.Jat (C) (60) {lO)"Molity Hell hosts.. "lnter1ude in Venice." The Saint b• O Milli.. $ lllewie:: "Tiie N1Md comes involved with radleteertna r,419" (drama) '61-Gary Cooper, aanptets when he meets a beaut!· beborah Kerr. ful air1 In Venice. m rnit11 ., c:....MfteeS <C> <3o> § m ..... <C> <60> Bob Bar\ef hosts. @ (})(ii) QJ ck Cn ett S1Miw m ""' ....... <60> < > <60> fD 1llt CiW Wltdlers (C) (60) fJ Della! (C) (60) Jennifer Warren Art Seldenb1um and Charles Cham-. l!!._ests. · plin looll at city events. W RID Review (60) Dr. Albert @E o.le de Pmona (30) Hibbs and a panel of authorities 1:001 Zane 5'!f_ (30) demonstrate "Nondestructive Test- (i7J (1) m Jotin Davidson Show in(' -the testin1 of ultimate (I {60) Life on the open road-sl!esses on ~pensive products Cypsy style, is the theme of t1>-without destroy1n1 Jthem. nistir. s show. John Hartford is spe-I Ma Alla df"1a Ill~ (C) (30) cial guest. 10:30 News (C) (30) 8111 Johns.. m Haztl (30) • Fallnte Corazon (30) @m lllCldta {C) (30) · Hollywood and die Stars (C) 1:30 tJ Qt (i) '~ l'yte (C) (30) ( O) Friendly Treddie (Sid Melton) COO· ll:OOI D mm m News le) fidence man by trade convinces Alfred Hitchcoct Gomer, carter and Duke that he • ~.vie: "Ra~ of • Siaple has gone leaitimate in the match· Mall (CO!"edY) . 64 -Hany H. • . • Corl>ett. D1a ne Cilento. ;·~@;r N~ene: J!> Qa1te m Ludden'•. 5aflefy _(C} (90) Sing- (Cj {§0) "A wrath of Anrels" fea. er . Hal Frazier. comic Jane Kean, hires Ricardo Montalban as special actor Stev~ forTest and The Back guest in the role of Father Bernard Poc:ch MaJOf'ity guest Word !>Of· Torres. who decides to use publicity traits are of Mario Thomas ind as a way of compellinr hoodlum Candice ~ergen,; . " landlord$ to make needed repairs Q) ~ovie. ,<C) Hef~, Fnsco, tt.llo in sfum buildinp. John Ken ruests (musical) 43 -Altee Faye, John as Father Keaton, and Edward An· i' ne11. ~ 6 N (C) drews 1uest.s as the crime syndicate ll:20 ""(c) leader. ews I Across a.. 5-ft Sus (C) (30) 11:30 · 6 m Tonipt S11ow (C) O.Vid rmt (C) (90) Mowlt: (fj "Typlleoft" (adven- ltU11 fw Your Lift (~ (60) ture) ·~Robert Preston, Dorothy Wars of the Rous (60) "Rich-Lamour. •rd the King.'' Lord Hastinas' Un· D @ CI> m Joty 81Mop Sllow ·ir ~~ Guy Mar11s guests. w1 1nrness . to support Gloucester 11 ·50 Movie: (C) "IMb d 10:10" leads to his death. Gloucester Is · • , • crowned Richard Ill Buckinsham (suspense) 67-George Montaomery. falls from the King's' fa_, 11:55Qt Ci) WHlland Movie: "White '"'· Heat " @E ~ Ta,atias (30) 12:30 m C..nter t:00 JJ QI (i) CIS Friday lllowie: Q) Action Theatre: "Code of SI· , Slftft Dip In MIJ" (suspen$e) lence." 64-Burt Lancastllf, Klr1t Douglas, 12:50 0 Movie: "Manfisll" (adventure) Fredric Ma~h. Ava Gardner, Ed· '56-Jon Bromfield Bartara Nich- mond O'Brien, Martin Balsam. This ols. ' J(od Ser11ng SCfeenplay from the 1:00 O Movie: "Price of Silence" (dri- wldely heralded book by • Fletcher ma) •59 __ Gordon Jackaon June Knebel and Char1es W. Batley tells Thorbefl. ' the. startllnr tale of an a.ttempted g CotlntJy Music (C) military coup by the Ch11rman of 0 Ntn (C) the Joint Chiefs of Staff who plans .. to take over the country when the 1:30 ID~"~ si.ow: e•t~ d President signs a nuclear trtaty Africa, Over the Moon and with the Soviet Union. (R) "Sim Queen at Babylon.'' U ,.,,.,_, After Dar• (C) (60) 1:35 fJ Movie: "uratwJ" (drama) '48 Huth Hefner welcomes H1ny Bladl· -John Payne, Shelley Winter&. stone Jr., Gloria lorlnr. Tony Hencl-2."00 U C:..•n"1 l•letin Beard (C) tery) '45---CMtt• Laatrton, Ella Raines. SATURDA Y AUGUST 9 ........ ...., : ,... ... .,....,. ...................... (dr1m1) 'SS-frenk LowJoy, KMfe Bmaellt. ,\ f T I 17 "~ ( l () '• aon a•m• of the Natloul FootbaU lNIUI, prwitwinl Hie fall pro- ftSS)onal football scene. Th• Rama mttt the D1llaa Cowboys It the u. Collatum. la CJt.Of:"-(C) &illdle ... ,..,.. y-,. .. 1111· ... (C) 12.-001 a (I) aam.1 (C) l ...... ~(C) T ... F_., f-..UC (C) 12:15. MeN: "Aletu ef dill Se.ell All stations reserve the . "Golden andJ at SNs" (aclvtntur1) '43-Jon Hall, right to chance program-rtpl" •nd "Arst Yank Into Dorott1y umour. ming without advance no. Tokyo." 12:30lf.& Q11.a (C) ',' ( ) iJ ', I •., ( , -~~USA(C) 3:00 fJ Mewlt: (C) "'111.:' (eMft· turt) '57 -Vidor Mature, Anita. 1"5-::L,-t1ce. I Aau.1111 n.... m .....,.., (C) 7:GO ~!(I) fD Ullt...il hW (C) l~ 8 '1la =~a.. (C) l:GO Qt (I)....,•:: (w ..,,....<C) ..... Tlltlltr• (C) ii rey hosts. ()) Ef)....., ..... c.. .... "Dar\ c....d" (drl· ~ = (C) tlr dill r.a (C) ma) '40 -John Wayne, Cl1lr1 3:30 I httJ .,.... T....a Ult w.f1d (C) 7:25 llw Ua Dia 0., (C) fJMtlle: -.., tf ... a.a." TMOr. 7:30 SI•-s-.t.r (C) (western) ·s~obtrt Ryan:J !'1J ....._: ~ F.tt'" (mystery) Qllllt .... Alfwilnt11 (C) 4:GO Jtl A&ll ~(I) fS stlctlnk S.--Ives. ·~nnl~ 0 Keefe. Peter Marshall hosts II) MeN: "Ille MM b aD Mewl« "Qiu C..... (dr1ma) • W.IPO Trela (C) Mdlale'a "-' D C.ap111 Dlcat · (dr1ma) '56 -Dan• Clart, May '"57--Gene Barry, Antle Dlcklnt0n, Ml.ti Ult Meat tf ........, in. Net Klnr Cole. • Slww ..... • Sii Ult USA (C) ... dill a... (C) r:a::.: lMtc 11 = A! .. la .. .. •:00 y=..~(r 10-.JOIECl) ...... , ..... (C) ....... Fwca ............ ~, 4:30 Olltlr U•lta 11lt ......... . .,... .... (C) (I) m ......... (C) 1:3019 Cl) ne t..e Ran .. (C) a> c...., (C) : ... .... • .,-(mys. ..... (C) · ltliMMI llutrt (C) 5:00 ~ Cellep ... (C) Dennis James hosts. AblltCt end c....... c. ...... (C) tlfJ) '42-Mecdoftald ea,..,, Jeln 1:45 n.... ""' C..nt of ....... Tlltl ef Wells flrl' Pt.Ill Cifat." (adventure) '34 -Rob«t Pa...Up (C) Sant 70 (C) ,,~ <C> I ma,...... .._. CC> Donat. E11su und1. &:JO ~(I) hp a._,/bld ... 1liet ~ 2.-00 8 DW M fw M .. (C) ''J'he (i1) (}) Q) AIC"a "* w.1d Sperta (C) .., R9.r (C) ll:GO Diell IE.,..., ....,_ ._. World's Gr11test Juz Band." Nine 1]00 ~Ceet likClel (C) W ""T°•ms to be announced. at )azzdom's 1rutest music.I tal· (}) ,..._ (C) I ()) &l '-It el .. ..... ents and ~list Muine Sullivan • : lllltc V.,.. el offer a combined musical half-hour. (1cMnturt) '62 -Edwanl 11:30 Cl) 1" Herc1hl•1 (C) D DMb6t FNblrt: 'The Double Stolar, Anna LI.lion. Cl) OJ A.Ila. Ir l1t1• ii" and "Cll'ry On, Nu I'll." I a.. Kid Diet Cllr\ hosts. • ~ II Adiel9 (C) ...... : lnHWatitu (R) FwtMI Sue• 5:30 bt,ai $1-J (C) (R) DIC N .... rvlct (C) • Twlllcllt Z... lt9dlet ...._ HM4 (C) • ~ "flrJ It Slllwdewn" • £q fw Advefttllre (C) t:00 9(I)m11lt FIM 1 All (C) (western) '57~lcll Adams. John 2:30 Cl) baa "9-S.-Feet· ~ '11le 5...-t' (mys. Dtftk. tell lTit first of eleven pre·tea· Mall Ff911 UNCU (C) lltflpll'a taa• :Ntw1 ill,....... · Aarkultm USA (C) nam ••. Ricbanl MUbaus NU:on, l n d e e d , guested on Grant's Ouistmas Day Armed Forces Televillon and Radio Services ttow alMILrd Air Faroe One at flab Sprinp. Two weeb ago Mr. Nixon In a pet80ll8i '9trer appomted Johnny to the Board of GOY"ernOl'S oldie USO. The Vletnam gene.Riis think ot John- ny as "a poor man's Bob Hope," due ft' Che affecdon the Git have for b6m at dilpJayed during bis nloe trips to enter· tain and talk with them tn that God· forsaken place ... end Grant ~ GRANT a very~ number "-tbe top bru,, among his close friends. Jtllalty bu made a eddlthml SS b'lpa te bMel In ~ II tbe Pl..W. of die LA. Col9y F1re Dept.. II ID alkroaDd ... ..,..... Md ftnWUe mter1alDer ud emeee, no rvely If ever falls to dW&e Ida lft'Vlcl9 to a wwdlwtdi. ewe.._ Mbd. Permps the inordinate amount ot running around be has wfil. ingly done for so many years may be the reason be Isn't tunher ahead. NW. Gnat feels t:bat Ids mw ter1es may bl tbe.~ wbkb wtJJ pay •• It le true that nine to noon ii not exactly peak viewing time. but tn addJtlon to Johnny's smoothness as a TV host me show bas another big thing going tor it. It ortplatet dally from the premlles of Unlveral, tbe wotkt'• molt ldln and glamoroUI televlllon md movie studio. "I guess we do our show from the only 420-ecre television set in bi.story," be quipped. Format of the series permits Grant to roam the whole masstve lot, inside and outdoors, for live telecasts of anytblng be c:booees. 'Ibis ts done durtog breaks In the momJ.ng mov\e. And 1belJ from 11:30 a.m. to noon he oonduca ln-peraon tnterv1ews w4th sefeoted guests. Dean Martin recently dJd his first TV intervtew in years. Joh.My took the KTLA Telernobile (remote cokJr truck} right to Dloo's dressing room, rather than "lnconvenlence Dean," as Grant put Lt. Another time, Jack Benny drove by and stopped to •atdl Grant dotng the show. Grant turned the camera on Benny who cbetted briefly then aabd, "Am I getting paid for itds?'' When Johnny said, well no, Jack drove off with me palned expression 90 f amtliar to millions of ~ fans. Johnny is perhaps the world's greatest kidder and extrovert, but visiting him at Universal J noted he oa.n have serious momeom, too. "You know, I have a roomful of citations for this and that thing I've done. I'm not married, but I've got a thick black book Of phone numbers of chicks I've interviewed and almost no time to use it. "I was 23 when you did the ftnt tatervtew wtth me when I came 11> Cdfomta from New Yort City. That wu 23 yeuw a.go . . . so I'm 46 now . . . and It's time l concentrated on rr.oving up the ladder," be sakl, alt.bough Grant-like be s.tiliJfd at the intenltty of htl words. There ls reaJly no "99900 why they shouJd not be able to na- tllonally syndicate Gntnt'• Unlvenal StudJc>.KTLA Interviews. I even have the title: Johnny Grut at uruversaJ. Tbe hinterlands would kwe It. .....1. ft om ' $49.50 to $750", they're all here, ready for you to lste11 · toi and select the tape recorder that best satisfies your ~· llcular needs ••• eONY -·----.... ~ ....... :.; .... ~!":.....!'::! .... , •• " -""" ............ .._ ......... _:::;. .... ,. . ........ .... '""" .. .,. 4 I BONY .,,..,.. -- oc.w•• ._ --.-. f. ~~ . .,,. _ _,