HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-12 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 ·~-~~---~ --··--~ ========::=::::::::"""':::::::::==::====:;:=:::=== .. --~·~~~~~~~~ ere ~ome e • Exelosive: County Ladies Piek Gowns for President's Ball • Peek Inside Nixon Office DAILY PILOT And White House (Stt Page 3) Moon Almost Scrubbed ,• Astronauts _Say Eagle Low on Fuel -From Win: Services SPACE CENTER, Houston-Apollo l l astronauta Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin• Jr. reported today they were dangerously low on fuel as they neared the moon and were wi thin 15 seconds of aborting the landing attempt. They said quick action by ground con- trollers enabled them to make.a safe lan- ding. "We v.·ere very concerned about run- ning low oo fue l," Armstrong told a news ~ conrerence, the first public repOrt. on tile historic mission. "We had to change the' landing point because of the crater and we were quite close to our legal limit on fuel," the com- mander reported. Armstrong said if he had been forced to hunt another 15 or 20 sieconds for a smooth landing point, the landing attempt would have been aborted. Of the moon walk, Armstrong said the lunar surface is a "strangely different Won't Cliatige Nuuther I Beach Narc Stands Firm In Spite of Harassment By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of I~• D•lty Plkll St11t Jimmy C. Irvin, 34, of Huntington Beach, is a narc. reasons, but mostly because or my hard· headedness. I refµse to give satisfaction to such an irresponsible left-wing newspaper." -place" with •weak gravity that la more comfortable than earth's. "It's an extremely stark and strangely different place," said Annstrong. "A number or experts prior to the flight predicted tha t a good deal of d.Jf. ficulty would be encountered by peQple trying lo work on the moon," reported Armstrong. "This wasn't the case. "Alter landing, we felt very com- fortable in lunar gravity. It was, in fact, preferable both to weightlessness and to earth gravity." The moon's gravity is only one-sixth as strong as earth·s and Armstrong and Aldrin sa id. "It was the fact that the kangaroo-style across the p ow d e r y surface about 61h hours after landing there July 20. Armstrong and Aldrin described their final 50,000.-foot descent to the moon on July 20 -a hair-raising 12 minutes dur· Jng which computer alarms flashed and they had to take manual control to avoid crashing In the rock·filled crater. West * * * 1oc * * * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUst )2, ·1969 VOL. Q. NO. 1fl. I llCTIOHS, n ,AOll Small Talk From Prez DAILY PILOT ft.ff, .... Thousands of people know that si nce the Los Angeles Free Press last Thurs· day published his name. address and telephone number with 79 other State Bureau of Narcotics agents. Irvin, a resident or Huntington Beach si nce last f.1arch, has been employed wit!>. the State Bureau of Narcotics since 1958. He personally doesn't think that the Free Press decision to remove his name from anononynity will be delrimental to his work. "I think we pretty well understand \vhat caused these program• alarms," Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the computer was in a process of solving the landing problem and at the same time we had the rendezvous radar In a powered up condition and this tended to add an ad· ditional burden to the comPuter opera· lion." NEW AMBASSADOR TO PHILIPPINES HENRY BYROADE !LEFT), COl,IPANIONS GREET "IEWSMEN Secretary of State Rdg1r1 ·•!ld Prtsict.nt Try SomL Ntw Lints fo r .Nixon Jokt Book ' The Free Press readership in Hun· tington Beach, Irvin says, has not wasted any lime in letting him know how much they disapprove of his work. Since Thursday the telephone has been ringing at his Rhone Lane home about three limes daily, the narcotics field supervisor said. "They're mostly derogatory anti -law enforcement calls," sa id Irvin. ''My wife has told me there have also been sonle threats of retribution against me." Though the. calls keep coming in, Irvin says he will not change his telephone numbe r. "I've decided against it for a \·aricty of "\Ve are not an anonymou11, secret organization. The people In o u r neighborhoods and churches know who we are. The only problem i.! that an agent could be Injured or hurt by something like this." In printing the name s of the agents, the Free Press stated, "Secret police forces are a threat lo democratic government. History demonstrates that the secret policeman invariably uses his anonymity to become unatt00ntable to the people (Set: NA.RCO, Page Z) Presidetatial Bataquet The rendezvous radar was keeping track of Michael Collins, orbiting overhead in the command ship. "It told us ror a brief instant the com- puter was reaching a point of being uverprogrammed or havmg too many jobs walling for it to do," Aldrin added. "Unfortunately, It came at a point when we did not want to be trying to solve these particular problems. We wanted to be able to look out the wiodow and iden· Wy features so I.hat we could pinpoint the landing." What Coast Gals Wearing By BEA ANDERSON w-·· 1•1tw Jn\'ltations to Wednesday n i g h l ' s Presidential banquet In Los Angeles' Cen· tury Plata are -lo those who got them -the social triumph or the space age. \Vh8t does one wear when one's hus- band has reached the position of being ac· ctpted Into the nation's White JJouse in· ner circle ? The DAILY PILOT has been told by four Newport Beach matro~ who will join the social creme de la creme In honoring the nation's astronauts -Mr11. Charles S. Thomas. Mrs. Thurmond Clarke . Mri'll. Dtnni!ll Carpenter end ?ilrs. Herbert W. Klambach. ) 1 White Is the color selected by both l\1rs. Carpenter and l\trs. Kalmbach. Crystal and white beading trims the matte jersey Grecian draped gown of Mrs. Carpenter, while Mrs. Kalmbach's flowing design 0£ peau de soie features a bodice entirely encrusted with seed pearls, aystals and rhinestones. Mrs. Thomas has chosen 1 pale blue silk princess line gown with a deep oval neckline which is encircled with a collar of rhinestones and chalk beading. A multicolored cblllon with gold sequin trim is the choice or Mrs. Clarke. Block-tie attire will be worn by their husbands. Carpenttr is chairman ol the California • I Republican Central Committee. Kalmbach, a Newport attorney, hu been a high-echelon worker In Nixon campaigns and a pe:r!IOnal friend of the President. Judge Clarke and his wife are friends or the Nixom and I.he President borrowed the Clarke home during a visit to Orange County last year. • Thomas, who served as Secretary of the Navy under President Eisenhower, is former pre11dent of TWA and ref.ired pr~ident of the Irvine Co. (Pliotos or the couples in lhelr formal IS" GOWNS, Page I) Nixon P1·oposes Stream1inin g · Training Plans \VASH lNGTON (AP) -President Nix· on today proposed giving states and cities much or lhe au thority for running $2.3 billion a year in federal progra ms to train more than one million Americans annually for jobs. As part of his "New Federalism" con· cept of sharing stale, local and federal power, NIJ:on sent to Congress a f.1an· power Training Act to streamline and make more flexible the welter of existing job training programs. Secretary of Labor George P. Shultz, In a brief ing, said that despite Job. Cof1?5 cuts which angered Congress, Nu:on 1s proposing to add 150,000 Americans to job training rollll at an e1:tra cost of $400 millJon a year. Most of lhe additional training would go to welfare recipients if both the man-. power bill and Nixon's welfare legislation are enacted. The welfare bill requlret most recipients to take }ob training. The manpower legislation also "'-mild boo!t }ob training funds 10 pertent lf the nation1s unemployment rate rose lo 4.5 percent for three straight months. It Ill now 3.6 percent. Thi... Shulti said. was to quell fears (See JOB mAINL~G, P•I• I) I Preside·n:t'.s' Wiit Sharp ;. In Talk W.ith1N:ewsm.eii Shortly after the President's election last November, a book was published bearing the tiUe , "The.. Wit and Humor of Richard Nixon." It was a thin book. 'l'he next edition should be much fatter. The President indicated'as much Mon- day. He didn't say so; his quips ·did, As he and Secretary of State William P. Rogers wandered about the grounds of lbe western White House's administrative compound, Nixon bantered brightly and easily with newsmen. 'The President got a lot or laughler, none or it polite nor derisive. Hete is a sampler of the presidential small talk that made the newsmen chuckle : -"We're going golfing Thursda)\ Mr. ers, Mr. (Attorney General) Mitchell, ably Vice President Agnew and me. team up with Mitchell, because he 's A· four-handicapper. And you can take pic- turea of me at the first tee. But there will be oo photographl permitted when I hll out of the first sand trap." -To Merrima n Smith. dean of White House correspondenUJ: ''How do you Uke it out here, ln this pocket of poverty?" -"We're goinR to lnVite the preu !Set QUIPS, Pore I) •• J ; • ' . Orange Weetlaer The weatherman's in a not un. plepsant rut with more warm temperatures forecast for Wed· nesday. Coastal mercury should bask in the mid 70's, while inland regions'll reglsler 85 degrees. INS.IDE TODA.Y Jan1borf'!e Road is nOw a four- lane highwo11 from MacAnh"' Boultvard to th.e So.n Diego Frtewa11 -but nobod11 11tm1, to know It yet. Poot 12. f. z DAILY PILOT 5 Tuesda1, August ~2. 1969 l(risman: 'I'm Pajriot' Heat l\.ills Youth,. 19, Freed UC~ Aide Raises Festival Flag h·vine Man 111 Desert In Ritual Deaths , , DAIPo,Y ,ILOT S!lll ....,. CONTkOVERSIAl FLAG-RAISE" UC Irvine Alde Krl1m1n NY, Chicago, LA By mOMAS FORTUNE Ot llit C>allY '"" s1111 Mike Krbman1 1001-llaired young SOS 1 radical rectnUy nlred as a UC trvlnt ad. · mlnlatr11.tor, symbollcally raises the niig ol his coontry every night al Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Krisman, .27. poses with three olher young men In ~1arine uniforms in a living re-creation ol Joe Rosenthal's famous pho_tograph tf the raising or the flag al Jwo Jirna for the Pageant of the Masters. "l don't eonsldtr myself unpalrlotic," eiplained Krisman. A .reiident of Lquna Beach, Krisman J~is wUe, Ann. volunteered for r e ·al work and ht \Vas cast In the pie· tu ~cause of his size. It didn't have anything to do with his political beliefs. A paratrooper for three years before he hec&ne a radical leader on campu s, Krisman said he didn 't ha\·e any trouble adjusting to the uniform . He said that despite the protests to hi! appointment by county young Republican unJts, the Laguna Hills Khvani s Club, the Colla Mesa Chamber of Commerce and others, his actual functioning on the job li es been v.•ithout problem. '11 haven't run into anybody on campus who didri't want to work with me," he said. Since being hired July t as coordinator ot academic advising at a yearly salary ol $8,250 be has gathered infonnation for D faculty ne~'S letter, given infonnation to volunteer student advisors and advised lncomin1 students during student orien- tallon weekends. He defcribes the job as non-political. Krisman formerly was UCI atudent body pres1denl and a prominent \•oice in the Students for a Democ,ralic Society. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, who has the fina l tay over admin istrative hirings, 11oaid he will black the Krisman ap-. pointment' all the way. The county political and fraternal club opposition , however, says it will appeal to the UC Board of Regents Sept. I9. Krisman says he considers himsel! as much a patriot as anyone. And there he is, nightly in the Pageant program, rais- ing the nag. INDEPENDENCE (AP) -The blazing summer heat of the Death Valley area hs.s killed two men and a youth who tried to reach habitation by setting out afoot across the desert. Sherifr's deputies said Uley found the bodies 7, 14 and 17 miles from an aban· doned car. "They were kind of strung out like a black line," said deputy Red Landergren. '"Ite heat just tw-ned them black." Tragically, they had headed In the wrong direction, apparently toward a ranch house they had passed 30 miles tlack on their way into the desolate area. JuP:t a mile the other way wu a grove of \\'lllows with a spring. Orticers said Arnold Dobson, 65, of Irvine. Calif., and Harold Mast Sr., and hi!! son, Harold Jr., 16, both or Corona, \•isited friends here Thursday and set out Friday over an abandoned road tO visit the El Capitan ~tine in Eureka Valley, e.ast of Death Valley. Tem~ratures in the area are 120 degrees or mOre. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pollet have releastd the 19-year-old caretaker thty held lor qu-esllonin& In the killing of 'e. lress Sharon Tate and four other persons. "There is no reason to suspect him,'' said Inspector Harold Yarnell as William E. Garretson was released r-1onday after l\\'O days in custody. The baby.faced youth wouldn't t.alk with newsmen. But his Jawyer, Barry Tarlow, said Garretson was Jn his room In a guest house of Miss Tate's e.state Friday night and Saturday wht.n the fiv e were &bot and stabbed to death. Garretson didn't know anylhing had happened until polict kicked In his ,door at 9 a.m. Saturday, Tarlow said. Investigators said they want le ques· lion friends of Miss Tate and Garretson. Officers continued investigating the deaths of a supermarket owner and his wife whose bodies were found Sunday night, their heads hooded like one of 'the victims In the Saturaay killings a few miles away. In both cases bodies were slashed and words were scrawled nearby ln what appeared to be the victims' blood. Tarlow said Garrelson had said £ood· nl1bt to Partnt about 11 :30 p.m. Friday, then 11one to his room, where he listened to his 11lereo. Parent ~·as shot al the wheel of his car in tbe drivev.·ay of the $200,000 home. Westminster Mothers Joi1i 'Hospital Foes A group of \Vestminster and Garden Grove homeowners who are opposed to the construction of a psychiatric hospit:.i l have called for a "mothers'. march" on \Vest.minster City Hall tonight. Sponsors say abou t 200 are expected to r.articipate in the 6 p.m. march, which wi:J begin at the corner or \Vard Strut rulC! Meirick AvenuEi and is scheduled t<> end at the cily council chambers by 7 p.m. Busy Day for Astronauts They apparently got into t~e barren Saline Valley by mistake and became ~tranded, officers said, at a point where a flash flood washed out the abandoned rv.ad. Their trailer turned over when they triro to make a U-turn. The three carried no water when they started walking, apparently some time Sc1turday. deputies said. Despite the similarities, a police apokesman said, the cases apparenUy are unconnected. The couple, Leno A. LaBianca, 44, and his wife Rosemary, 33, may have bee n the victims of a "copycat" killer, officers said. Homeo\\'t'lers allege lhe council "has not conducted a thorough investigation on the controversial maller." Cause or the furor has been a i12-bed, Jon.s·term hospital for the insane, which the residents for various reasons do not want in their neighborhood. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -President Nixon'• banquet for the three Apollo 11 astronauts and t,600 other VIPs \Ved- nesday nlsht will climax 1 hectic day of celebratlon during which the space voya- gers wlll be acclaimed in thru cities. The gilt.edged lnvllations to what some a re calllna the dinner ·of the decade are rare u moon rocb and twice 11 precious to status aee:kert on the out.tide. The 1e&tln& atml#mtnls ln the main ballroom of the• Ctnlury Plua Hotel ore a prolocol nlghtmore. No complete 1Utst list has been published and probably won't be witil after the affair. Known to be invited are the justices of the U.S • .Supreme Court; the dip lomatic corp;1, 1ovem>rs of the 50 states, 5S astronauts, their wives and the widows of astronauts; member• of the con· gresaional space comm ittees and personal friends oI the Ni.J:ons. Only eight other guests "·ill be seated with the Nlions and astronauts Netl Armstrong. Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin J r. and their wives. AmOill the invitees who have oot yet responded are Aristotle and Jacqueline KeMtdy Onassis, Charles Lindbergh and Howard Hughu. For the astronauts, \Vednesday \v\11 begin at 6:30 a.m. at Elllngton Air Force Base when they, their wives and six or their children board Air Force One, lhe ' Recall, Expenses Haunt 'Fountain Valley Mayor By TERRY COVILLE Of .... Dtllr ~·"' ~tiff . ,. ''My house and car are up for r;ate aad my real estate business has come to a screeching halt. I just have too many pressing economic problems to worry now aboUt the Tee all campaign." And so Monday Fountain Valley's beleaguered Ma yor Robert SchwerdUeger sounded a partial retreat from the slam· bang campaign he bad promised a week before. "I've got to lower expenses to meet the cosl of living," explained the mayor. "This whole recall hing has worked a i;evere and genuine hardship on me." Opponents of the mayor expressed doubts about his sincerity. "Is it just a play (or sympathy?" asked Eugene Van Oask, leader of the move to recall the mayor and two other councilmen. "in any case he brought it all on hlmseU." "It might be a play for sympathy," ad· ded George Scott, a candidate for the mayor's post In the Sept. 23 recall elec. lion, "but I'm not interested in attacking him. Enough has been said about that." The mayor has his own opinion of his opponents. ''They're stomping around like a " bunch of 'onward Christian Soldiers.'" he declared, P.1onclay. "They've ruined my reputation," he continued . "Now I have more pressing problems than the recall to v.·orry about." One of the most serious of those pro- blems is a lawsuit filed" again st Schwerdtfeger July 30 by a Santa Ana . realt.or who claims the mayor and City Attorney Edwin 1'1artin Jltcrally "stole'' the brokerage commission on the DAIL i PILOT N..,wt ...... H.....,..•.._. --............. c-.- CAUPOllftA ClAHGI COUI P\laLWCtNll C1>MPAH'l' tt•""' N. W••• ,,."""" ... Pvltlllllet J.<.• •• c,,,,., V1W "1ttllmt .,_ GIM•tl ~tt1 Tll•Nt Kenil .... Tho,,.11 A. M1r,hTftO ~1:11111' -Clltl ,....I I• Wftf .. 9f1"f .,_.... tff<ll. nu *"' """ ..,...,..,.. L•,,_ 9-i m, ,_, ,._ tMl!lnlillllll .. ICll ~ • ti• llfHI Larwin land from him. ~ll's a pack o( lies," r e plied Schwerdt!eRer ;to the charges made in Superior Court by Chris Lindley o( Lemon Heights Realty. But wrong or right, the law suit will consume a lot of Lime and money in court and Mayor Schwerdtfeger is preparinR to fight that battle. Lindley wants the $62,000 commission he claims they earned plus $100,000 damages. "All that commission money l sup- posedly earned," said Schwerdtfeger, ''Is spread out over several years, so now I find myself in poor financial shape to handle this court suit and the recall cam· paign." "The recall plus this law suit has ruin- ed my real etate business." he added, "I wonder how those people feel about it now." "I hold no personal grudge agains t the mayor," says VanDask, explaining his own feeling, "but most of this trouble coold have bei!n avoided a long time ago." "It'! been an interesting six years in Fountain Valley," concluded the mayor. "It's too bad the last few months have come out like this." Future plans are vague. The mayor on· ly states he has to take care of priorities now and his wife and two children are at the top of that list. •·J have lo meet living expenses now:' he said. "I'll get around to the recall campaign if and ~·hen I ha\'e the time and ability." Sheriff Seeking Three in Attack 011 Springs Man Sheriff's Investigators today are seek· Ing three men believed responsible for an a.tt.ack which left a Palm Springs man bleeding and unconscious on the beach at Scotchman·s Cove between Laguna Beach and Corona del f\far . Richard B. Jackson, 38, is in serious condllloa todily at South Coast Com· munity II o s p it a I . A hospital spokesman de!Crlbed his inju rie! as a fra.ctured skull and numeroua cuts and bruises infl icted during w h a t In· vcsllgators describe a.s "11 sava1e, merciless Blt:1ck." Ofrlcus said Jackson "'IS attacked J\londay afternoon by "three hippie types, all believed to be in their twtnlles.'' Reports Indicate that Jackson ••as at· tacked with a length of plpJng Jnd • 11aahll&ht, alugged 1nto unconsciousness and dumped at lhe water's edge. Officers wert called to the scene by a l)-ye:ar-old boy who saw the attack oo Jackson. There were apparently no other \\'ltnessea of th4! beatinJl. Offiett1 know of no inotlve for the at· tack. lnvestlgstors believe that their first real lead may come lrom the critically Ill Jackson "'ho recovered consciousness this morning. It ls ewpecttd that Jackson will be questioned by officer• ~ter today. President's Jetliner placed at their disposal. The astronauts u•ill be flown to New York for a tickertape parade up Broadv.•ay and a ceremony at City Hall "'ith Mayor John V. Lindsay. Then the astronauts will proceed to the United Na· tions and be greeted ,by Secretary Gen· cral U Thant. Three hours and JS minutes after their landing at Kennedy International Airport, the astronauts will board Air Force One tor Chicago. There, the spacemen will be honored by \\'hat the orfice of 1'-fayor Richard J. Daley called "a triumphan t paradt>, covering the greatest distance in the city's history." One million Chicagoans are expected to catch a glimpse of !he trio. Los Angeles is lhc next stop . Air Force One will roll up to the Federal Aviat~n Administration hangar, an area not open lo the public. A pool television crew ~·ill broadcast the welcoming ceremony "'ith li"layor and Mrs. Sam Yorty. The astronauts will helicopter to the Century P1318 where they will have less than one half hour to change Into formal attire for I.be reception and dinner. The gala affair v.ill be televised, and crews today were stringlng lights and building platfonns for the cameras. The setup was devised so that no one's view of the head table will be blocked, and the U.S. Marine Band will sit in the dead space.behind the main camera platform. President and Mrs. Nixon were ex- pected to helicopter back to the Western White House following the party, due to end at 1 :30 a.m. The Apollo II crew will spend the night in penthouse suites. "It looks like they just went the v.Tong way," Landergren said. "No one could !iavc made it across the desert without \Valer." He said Dobson may have become crazed by heat "because we found he had 1aken his .shoes orf to walk barefoot." Dobson \Yas found 7 miles from the car, t.he youth's body 14 and the father 's 17. T"'o of the bodies were located Sunday night and the third f\.fonday. Mesa Policeman Nabs Man on Pot, But Finds Opium Those killed with P..1iss Tale "·ere Abigail Folger, 26, a San Francisco socialite; Voityck Frykowskl, 37, a movie associate of lo-1iss Tate's husband, direc- tor Roman P.olanski; Jay Sebring. 36, aa internationally known hairdresser; and Steven Earl Parent, 18, a student from 6uburban El ~1onte who police and Gar· retson's lawyer said ~·as a friend of Gar- retson. Fro11• Page l NARCO ••. over ~·horn power is exercised.'' "Recently lhere have been published stories or abu!U of power Involving narcotics orficers. Several of many years standing have even been discharged for faking evidence." A Long Beach man stopped ror routine 1'he Free Press continued. "Many · · b c 'I 1· narcotics cases are thrown out of court questioning Y a osta "esa po ice or-because the offlcei-s have violated the ficer Monday night was jailed when found to be carrying about $3,000 ~·orth or constitutional righ ts of the suspect in suspected opium. conducting illegal searchts and seizu re. Thomas C. l\ofekkclson, 23, was booked "But the publi c at large does not on suspicion of possession o[ narcotics, orcHnarHy hear of the violations of law possession of the contraband material for cc.mmitted by these secret policemen sale and also possession or marijuana. "'ho are atlempting to enforce laws Officer Pat Donohue said t h e as unwise and unenforceable aa the now unemployed golf course maintenance b1tn ished prohibition of liquor. There 1nan handed over what is believed to be a should be no secret police!" the leftwing 1narijuana cigarette as he \\'SS about to paper stated. be booked on the opium charges. For its erforts In revealing the names Police said f\1ekkelson was walking l"f narcotics agents based in Los Angeles, along at 16th Street and Santa Ana Santa Ana, San Diego and San Francis· Avenue about 5:30 p.m., when Officer co. the underground newspaper will face Donohue noticed the pupils of his eyes Jawsuils totaling $25 million. were contracted to pinpoint size. Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch Monday Questioning al the scene led to a se arctt b1 ought a $10 million suit against the and a dozen individually \\·rapped lumps raper and has been granted a temporary of black, sticky material which looked restraining order aganst ii. It charges The \\'estminster City Council recently gave its approval to the 10524 Bo\sa Ave. facility, despite an earlier planning com· n1ission decision not to allow Its con· strul.'tion. Sal Guzzetta. president of the group which calls itself the \Vestminster-Garden (';rove Homeowners Association, said that every possible avenue v.·ould be con· sidt>red to get the council to change its mind about the hospital. It has hired Milan Dostal, an Orange altorney, to represent them. Tonight, the homeowner~ will make their last-ditch effort lo oust the hospital by handing a letter of appeal to the city cuuncil. Guz.zetla claims the hospital is not being constructed b e c a u s e or overcrowding or existing facilities but because ''money is generating the need .'' He said that investigations by his group on similar institutions in Los Alamitos and Garden Grove have yielded that they have been under capacity for lhe last 1wo and a half y~ars, as far as patient load is cuncemed. "We began asking ourselves. 'did everyone. suddenly go crazy in Orange County?' " Guzzetta said. "Tbtn we found out that t.fcdi-Cal had recently authorized payments ror patients in these facilities. These hospitals are 11otrictly an exploitation or lhe taxpayers money through the Medi-Cal program," he asserted. Fro11a Page 1 QUIPS ... and smelled like opium were found in a !hat disclosure of the confidential in-1:f «t:r * plaslic bag in his pocket, Donohue said. formation jeoparadizes the Jives, health corps to visit our new home Thursday, Investigators are seeking formal com-and safety of law enforcement officers but we have to make some preparations. N t • •d TV plaints from the Orange County District ~nd their familie s. We "'ant to nail everything down first." a IOll'Vl e Attorney's of[ice today. Another suit, in the amount of $15 Rogers recalled the last time he and n1illion, u·as filed against the Free Press Nixon were on the Orange Coast. lt was To Covel' Apollo FroJJI Page 1 ?nd ils publisher Art Kunkin Thursday by on election day in 1952, when Nixon rirst one of the narcot"ics agents named on ran for Vice President on the Eisenhower JOB TRAINING the list. ticket. T W d d A hearing ha s been set for Aug. 25 by "Tel1 lhe1n what happened on the beach Qfil• e lleS ay Superior Court Judge Ellsworth r-teyer to ln Laguna," urged the President "You that many Americans might lose their tor:sider granting a preliminary in· know, the time we ran into that 1'-iarine. '' NE\V YORK (AP) -The three major jobs in Nixon's erforts .to slow the na· junclion against the paper in connection "Oh, yes." said Rogers. "We were television networks will broadcast Jive lion's economy enough to cool inrlation. 1•• ith the Lynch suit. playing football on the beach. This young Wednesday the activities of the Apollo 11 The bill also provides for a com· The Att orney General's suit against the Marine con1es up, stares at Mr. Nixon astronauts, including the st.ate dinner puterized national job bank to match the Lo~ A ng~les tabloid a11eges that the list and asks: ·say, aren't you a celebrity or \Vilb President Nixon. unemployed with job openin11:s. of names was stolen from the Los some kind?' " Spokesmen for ABC, CBS and NBC Jt \vould equalize living allowancl's for Anf,eles Department of Justice in the "And r said ," added the President, gave this schedule, all times Pacific Day. differtnt job training programs, which past two months. "'No, I'm not a celebrity. I'm just run· light: now vary, to keep the unemployed rrom Lynch has asked the court to order the ning for Vice President'.'' New York City. including arrival at shopping around for lhe best allowance paper lo return all documents and cor· Nixon joined the laughter. then drew· Kcr.nedy Airport , City Hall ceremonies. instead of for the most suitable job rcspondence concerning the Department mo re v:hen be said : - ,·isil to the United Natioru, ticker tape lir'~'aiinii~ngi·~~l::;T,;ii[iii~ll~Too~r lJrus~l,ic~e.~·-·---------··.1 •"';;v;;er;;;;;;le;;ll;;l~ha:t~s~to~cy;to:M~c;;. A~gn~e~w,."' pdrade up Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Chicago. arrival at O'Hare Airport , parade and cerl'monies, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Los Angeles, state dinner, 8:•5 p.m. to conclusion. Europe will see almost two hours of live TV coverage of the ast.ronauts' visit lo New York and the United Nations on \Vednesday. Proceedings at t11e dinner In Los Angeles \Vednesday nighL wll\ be taped for transmission to Europe on Thursday. From Page 1 GOWNS ... attire will appear In the \Vomcn's pages Thursday.) Other Newport Beach residents rece\v. Ing rare, engraved Invitations are Dr. and f\.irs. Arnold O. Bec~man of Lido Isle. Beckman, a Soulht'rn California in- dustrialist and in~·entor, Is a longtlme rrtend of the President. Other Orange Countian!i invited ore ?i-1r. and ~trs. J. Simon Fluor of Santa A.'11 iind Mr. and P..1r1. Robert Beavt:r of Fullerton. Fluor. an Industrialist, Is a prominent Orange County Republican. and Beaver Is treasurer of the Republican Stele Central Committee. Adding 10 the social triumph of the Clarkes will be their arrival st the dlnne.1· with the.Ir houstgut:sls, Sen. and Mrs. Slrom Thurmond of South Cl"olln11o. The Thurmonds will arrive Wtdne!lday on Air Force II with Vice Preside.nt Agnew, .accompany the Clarkes to th.a din- ner and then sptnd lhe nlghl with It.. C\arkes before Oying out Thur5day. .Judge Clarke and Senator Thurmond are COU!lns. YOUR WATCH~. • Cltaned • Oiled • Adjusted $ 4 8 ~11H THIS AO Chrono1raplll & StU· wlader1 1U1tiU1 hf&btr: Cl'" Miii .. ., T~ur•y ...it l'ri41r ~Liff 'Ill , l l'"Jll Cl••ll9d While T•• W•ir ........ ll0STlUNG heM llNCJS SIZED, fr•t11 DIAMONDS lil"LACID, fr•111 FREE $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 INGIAYING DONI WMILI YOU WAIT HuntinC)ton Center Beach at Edin91r HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 Your O•ncga Sales &: Service ~1 Agency 0 OMEGA Tht w1rv ,,,,,. Om19• Spetdmtlier wi tch "'' c1rry w11 1tl1cltd willl • o~I tl!y lftOdifictlie" by NASA lo be wor11 by our m111 on !ht 1!'100". Thi1 11co9nilio n, ftuly • tt · wt1d fo r ••tt ll 1n11, m1~t• 111 P<Oucl 111 be y11111 111•h11r i11d 0111t91 jtwtlt r. Co"'• in -11• thi1 h•"d10'"•· 2 bulfo11, " cli111 Omt91 Sp11dmt1· !tr chro11119r1ph. Thi Oftl\I wttch wor11 b'I' 1111 111111 on '"' ""0011. ,,;,, ,,,,, TflMI AYAILAILI and back Harbor Shoppin9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd . COSTA MESA 545.9495 • \ I I I 11 I I ' I • Buniington Beaeh N.Y. Steelul VOL 62, NO. 192, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES a s By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of l~t Dtllr Pll91 Stiff Jimmy C. Irvin, 31, of Huntington Beach, is a narc. Thousands of people know that since the Los Angeles Free Press last Thurs· day published his name, address and telephone number with 79 other Slate Bureau of Narcotics agents. The Free Press readership in Hun· tington Beach, Irvin says, has not wasted any time in Jelling him know how much they disapprove of his work. Since Thursday the telephone has been ringing at his Rhone Lane home about three times daily, the narcotics field 'Sou1ads Ret1•eat supervisor !aid. "They're mbstly derogatory anti-law enforeement calls," said Irvin. "My wife has told me there have also been some threats of retribution against me.'' Though the calls keep coming In, Irvin says he will not change hi.s telephone number. "I've decided against it for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of my hard- headedness. I refuse to give satisfaction to such an irresponsible left-wing newspaper." Irvin, a resident or Huntington Beach since last March, has been employed witb the State Bureau of Narcotics since 1958. Mayor 'Ruined' By Recall Move .. By TERRY COVILLE Of lllt, Dally Pilot! Iliff "~Jy house and car are up for sale and 1ny real estate business has come to a screeching halt. I just have too many pressing economic problems to worry now about the recall campa ign." And so Monday Fountain Valley's beleaguered Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger sounded a partial retreat from the slam· bang campaign he had promised a week before. "I've got to lower expenses to meet the cost of living." expliined the mayor. "This whole recall lhing has worked a severe and genuine hardship on roe." Opponents of the mayor expressed doutits about his sincerity. "Is it just a play for sympathy?" asked Eugene ,VanDask, leader of the move to recall the mayor and two other councilmen, "in any case he brought it all on himself." "It might be a play for sympathy," ad· ded George Scott, a candidate for the mayor's post in the Sept. li'l recall elec- lion, "but I'm not interested in attacking l!i1n. Enough has been said about that.'' The mayor has his own opinion or his opponents. ';They're stomping around like a bunch of 'onward Christian Soldiers.' " he declared, Monday. "They've ruined my reputation," he continued. "Now J have more pressing problems than the recall to worry about." One of the most serious of those pro- hlems is " law suit filed against Schwerdtfeger July 30 by a Santa Ana realtor who claims the mayor and City Attorney Edwin Martin literally "stole" the brokerage commission on the Larwin land from him. "It's a pack of lies." replied Schwerdtfeger to the charges made in Superior Court by Chris Lindley of Lemon Heights Realty. But wrong. or right, the law suit will consume a lot or time and money in court and Jl.layor Schwerdtfeger is preparing lo fighl that battle. ·Lindley wants the $62,000 commission he claims they earned plus $100,000 damages. ••All that commission money I sup- posedly earned," said Schwerdtfeger, "is spread out over several years, -ao naw I find myself in poor financial 1hape to handle this court suit and the re<:all cam. paign." 1'The recall plus this Jaw suit has ruin· cd my real etate business," he added, "I vtonder how those people feel about it now." "J hold no personal grudge against the mayor," says VanDask, explaining his own feeling, "but most of this trouble could have been avoided a long time ago." "It's been an interesling six years in Fountain Valley," concluded the mayor. "It's too bad the last few months have come out like this." Future plans are vague. The mayor on· ly states he has to take care or priorities now and his wife and two children are at the top of that list. "l have to meet living expenses now," he said. "I'll get around to the recall campaign if and when I have the time and ability." DA l(eeps His Distance ·From Valley Squabble · 1'This office will not be u s ed politically," declared Orange County District Attorney Cecil Hicks, Monday, dtfending his reluctance to jump into the middle of Fountain Valley's muddy re· call picture. "We will in vestigate any time valid allegations of fraudul ent practicts are made ," said Hicks, "but we "'ill not become involved in politics." Fountain Valley's Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger claims Hicks' refusal to the mayor's request to investigate alleg- ed fraudulent practices in the recall ga ve tacit support to the recall directed against him and iwo other councilmen. Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau has also criticized the district attorney's stand asking, "If he won't give me my just pro- tection, who wUI?" Both men claim illegal practices "'ere used by those citizPM-attempting to re<:all them from olliCe. Jticks stated flfonday that any in- vestigation of recall practices 1\'0Uld not affect the recall. "The.recall is there and it \\'ill go on no ]\farina High Sc hool Changes on Deadline fl.farina High School sfudenU! who wish lo make changes in their programs must report to counseling offices between l p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Aug. 19 through 25. JCcording t6 principal Clen Dysinger. New students to the north ltuntlngton Beach campus will be registered for classes by appolntmr:nt only from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Aug. 26 through Sept %. Appointments may be made by calling l93-6l71. matter what we do," he e1pla ined. "J feel that at this time an investigation would only serve political purposes, and we do not plan to help either side politically." Last week the Fountain Valley City Council unanimously passed a resolution requesting investigative action into bolh sides of the recall. Hicks hasn't yet received it -it was sent out Afonday -and isn't sure iI it will change his dee.is.ion. "I have to read the resolution before I can comment on It," he said. Schwerdtfeger and Fregeau ha ve charged Hicks' olfice with being one-sid- ed because one of the assisant district attorneys, Michtel Cappiui, Is highly in- volved in the recall movement. "That's not true." relied Hicks, Mon- day "I think it would actually be Un· constitutional ror me to forbid Cappiizl to act in hl11 capacity as a citizen and res!· dent of Fountain VaUey. He has bef;n in- structed that in no way is his work with this ofijce.. to bcrome. involved .in-the recall issue." Hicks' position has also been defended by Fountain Valley Councilman Edward Just who designed last week 's resolution 81 a compromiM-. Said Just earlier, 111 have taken com· pl ainL'I to Hleks on both lidt.s ol the issue and reciived the same answer. 1 do not fttl he la being inequitable to either .side." "We really have nothing to act on yet." added Hicks, "and there Is plenty of time &o ln\'estigate If it becomes neces&ary." And Utt matter will stand at that, at least until Hitks receivea tne formal council request for action. l EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CADFORNIA" TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, ·1949 TEN CENTS He personally doesn't think that the Free Press decision to remove his nan1e from anononynity will be detrimental to his \\'Ork. ''We are not an anonymous, secret organizati on. The j)e(lple in our neighborhoods and churches know who we are. The only problem is that an agent could be injured or hurt by something like this." Jn printir.g the names of the agents, the Free Press stated, ';Secret police forces are a threat to democratic government. History demonstrates that the secret policeman invariably uses his anonymity to become unaccountable to the people over whom power is exercised." DAILY PILOT Slllf "'"°"' PRESSURES BUILDING UP Valley's Mayor Schwerdtfeger Se rvices Held For Beacli Man Killed by Wire A lluntington Beach man electrocuted when the control wire brushed a power line as he stunt-new a gasoline engine- powered model airplane in a Long Beach park Saturday was buried today. Rites for Hugh C. Sullivan, Jr., 32. of 8801 Louder Circle, wer'e held at 11 a.m. in the Boone Reno Funeral Home, Long Beach. Sullivan "'as dead on arrival at Los Altos Hospital following the freak mishap at 5:15 p.m. in El Dorado Park, ac- cording to Long Beach poli~. The electrical jolt knocked into the air and burned the hand with which he was flying the model. Survivors include his wife Sylvia, daughters Deborah and Trina, his .par. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sullivan Sr., and a brother, Kenneth Sullivan. Reports of Sullivan's death caused some conrusion, since there is another Hugh Sullivan who lives at 19201 Sherboume Lane, Hun- lin gton Beach. ''It wasn't me or anyone in my fami· ly.'' the other Sullivan sakl today. Friends called to offer condolences and rollege classmates were shocked to see him alive on campus. eac ' arc' 1'Recently there have been published stories: of abuses of power involving narcotics officers. Several of many years slanding have even been disc.barged for faking evidence." The Free Press continued. "Many narcotics cases are thrown out of court because the oUicers have violated the constitutional rights of the suspect in conducting illegal searches and se1.ZUre. "But the public at large. does not orcHnarily hear of the ·violations of law cc.mmitted by these secret policemen who are attempting to enforce laws as unwise and unenforceable as the now banished prohibition of liquor. There should be no secret police!" the Jeftwing paper stated. For its efforts in reVeallng the na.mes (If narcotics agents based in Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Dlero and San Francis· co, the underground newspaper wil' face law11ults totaling $25 million. Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch Monday brought a $10 million suit against the paper and has been granted a temporary restraining order aganst it. It charges that disclosure of the confidential m. formation jeoparadira the lives, health and safety of law enforcement officers :ind their families. Another suit, in the amount of $15 mlllion, was filed against the Fn!e Pres!! and itl publisher Art Kun.kin Thursday by one of the narcot1cs' 11entll named oa the list. A hearing has been .. t !or Aus. 15 by Superior Court Judge Ellsworth Meyer to consider granting a preliminary in- junction against the paper In connectlcm with the Lynch suit. The-Attorney General's ault qainlt the Lin Angeles tabloid alleges that the list of names: was stolen from the Loi Angeles Department ol JwUce. in the put two monthl. · Lynch hu asked the court to ~the paper to return all documents and cor- respond<llC< conwnlnr the Department of Justice. Moon Shot Periled: ,Fuel Lack Nearly Shelved Landing From Wirt: Servlce1 SPACE CENTER, Houston-Apollo ll astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. reported today they were dangerously low on fuel as they neared lhe moon and were within 15 seconds of aborting the landing attempt. They said quick action by ground con-: trollers enabled them to make a safe Ian· ding. "\\1e were very concerned about run- ning low on fuel," Armstrong told a news conference, the first public report on lhe historic mission. "'We had to change the land.inf poini because· of the crater and we Wert quite close to our~legaI llmi1 on fuel," the cam. tnandtr reperted. Armstrong said ll h• had been lor<ed to hunt another 15 or 20 seconds for a smooth landing point, the landing attempt would have betn aborted. Of the moon waJk, Arnutrong said the lunar surface is a "strangely different place" with 1 weak gravity that is more comfortable than earth's. "ll's an extremely stark and strangely difrerent place ," said Armstrong. "A number of experts prior to the flight precli-:ted that a good deal or dif- ficulty would be encoontered by people lrying to work on the moon." reported Armstrong. ''This wasn 't the case. ''After landing, we felt very com- * * * Nation,vide TV To Cover Apollo Tom· Wednesday NEW YORK (AP) -The three major television nelworks will broadcast live Wednesday the activities or the Apollo 11 nstronauts, including the state dinner \Vilh President Nixon. Spokesmen for ABC, CBS and NBC gave this schedule, all times Pacific Day- light : New York City, Including arrival at Kermedy Airport, City Hall ceremonies, \'islt to the United Nations, ticker tape parade up Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Chicago, arrival at O'Hare Airport, parade and ctremonies, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Lus Angele1, state dinner, 8:4$ p.m. to 1.'0nclusion. Europe will see almost two hours of live 1'V coverage of the astronauts' visit to New York and the United Nations on 'Vednesday. Proceedings at 1 the dinner In Los Angeles Wednesday night will be taped for transmission to Europe on Thursday. fortable ln lunar gravity. It was, in fad, preferable both to welghtlessne.ss and to earth gravity." The moon's gravity is only one-alxth a.s strong as earth's and Armstrong and Aldrin said, "It was · the fact that the kangaroo-style across the p o w d e r y surface about 6\IJ hours alter landin& there July 20. Armstrong and Aldrin described their final 50,000-foot descent to the ·moon on July 20 -a hair-raising 12 mJ,nutes dur· ing which computer alarml flashed and they had to take manual control to avoid crasNng In the rock·filled crater. "I think we pretty well uoderstand what caused these program alarm.5," Aldrin aaid. "It was the fad that lhe computer was in a procea.a of 10lvin1 the landing problem and at the same time we had the rendezvous radar ln a pMlfertd up condition and thil teoded to add Jn ad· diUonal burden to the computer optra- Uon." The rendezvous radar was keepin& (See Al'OLLD, P ... I) Staies, .Cities Get Share Of Welfare Authority WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· -ditlon to welfare payments. , on today proposed giving 1tates and cities much of the authority for running $2.3 billion a year in federal programs to train more than one million Americans annually for jobs. As part of his "New Federallsm" con-- ceyt of sharing state, local and federal power, Nixon sen t to Congre.u a Man- poWer Training Act to streamline and make more flexible the welter of existinl job training programs. Secretary of Labor G~rge P. Shultz, in a briefing, said that desp ite Job Corps cuts which angered Congress, Nixon is proposing to add 150,000 Americans to job training rolls at an ertra cost of $400 million a year, Pt1ost of the additional tralning would go to "·elfare recipients if both the man- power bill and Nixon's welfare legislation are enacted. The welfare bill requiru most recipients to take job training. The manpower legislation also would boost job training funds HI percent if the nation's unemployment rate rose to 4.5 percent for three straight months. It is now 3.6 percent. This, Shultz said, was to quell fears that many Americans might lose their. jobs in Nllon'1 efforts to slow the na- tion's economy enough to cool inflation. The bill also provides for a com· puterized national job bank to match the unemployed with job openinRs. It would equalize living allowancts for different job training programs, which now vary, to keep the unmiployed from shopping around for the best allowance instead of for the most suitable jOb training. Welfare recipients would TtCelve, In lieu of the job training allowance, a special lncenUve of $30 a month in ad- States and cities woukl take over mucli of the authority for plannint and spen. ding federal money for manpower pro- grams heretofore largely run from Washington, but the Labor Department would retain overall responsibility. "Th• HCTttary of labor will provide guidelines and national priorities, review and approve annual state plans of service, and evalliate performanCe of 1tate and area manpower aervlce systems.'' the leglllatlon says. "The governors will determine the utilization of manpower pro & ram resources, be resporu.lble for 1tate com- prehensive manpower plans, I SllU11 pro- vision of ,manpower servJces in rural are-- a.s and oonmetropotitan .areas, and monitor program perfonnance,'' the pro- posal says. '"l'he mayors will be ruponsl- ble for planning and implementing man- power programs in urban areas." Shultz said the bill provides for • gridual shift of authority to states and cltlts and that the Labor Department will retain power to run job training In any 1tate or city that doesn't meet federal critieria. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market slid to tts second straight loss of the week today in a JeSSioo that eihlblted little buying interest. (See quotations, Pages IQ.II ). Trading was slow near the close. 'lbe Dow Jone! industrial average at 2 p.m. was off 6.%7 at 813.56. Cou& Presiderttial Banquet What Coast Gals W e.aring By BEA ANDERSON Wtf!Mll'' l"ltlet Invitations to wednesaay n I g 11 rs Presidential banquet in Los Angeles' Ctn· lury Plaut are -to U\OSe who got lhem -the BOClal triumph or tht space age. , \Vhat doe5 one wllar \\'hen one~ hus. band ha1 reached I.he poelllon of being ac· cepted into the. nation's White Jlouse In· ner clrcle? The DAILY PILOT has been told by four Newport Beach mtitrons who will join the social creme de la creme In honoring the nation 's astNMutl -Mrs. Charles S. Thomas, Mrs. Thurmond Clarke. 1'1n. r>tnnls carptnt~. ~trs. Andy Devlnt and lltrs. Herbert W. Klam· bach. Whlle Is th• color selected by holh Mrs. ' Carpenter and Mrs. Kalmbach. Crysta) husband.I. •nd white beodlng trimsJlit.Mlk_l•ntY. CarP!i!IYJs_chaifl!lon ol..lhl Calil~nll Creclanllraped gown of Mn. Carpenter .-,.::;:~publican Central Commltte6. .while Mrs. Kalmbach'• llowlog d"lgn ol Kalmboch, a Newport ottomey. hN ptau de sole features a bodice ent1rt1Y ,been 1 blj:lHchtlon worktr in Nlxon enctUl!led with oied ·pwll, <rylltals Ind campslgns Ind 1 personal !rim! o! lhl rhinestones. PresldenL Also wearing white will be Mn. De· Juda:e Clar-e and his wife are friends vine. Her flowing lklrt ol layertd white of the ""Nixons and the President borrowed chlffon wUI be tOm>ed with • bodice of the Clarke home during 1 visit to Or1nie chalk white and biigle btadlng on aun-County last year. tan colored chiffon. Thomu, who served u Secretary of Mrs. Thomas has chosen a r.le bllHl tba Navy under President EJaenhowtr. 11 silk princes1 line gown with a ee:p oval formu J>t'tsldent ol TWA and retired ~kllne whlGh is encircled with • collar prealdent of the ltvlne Co. or rhlnestora end chalk beading. o.vtne ~ • longUme !r1tnd ol the A multiC1>tr.nd chiffon wtth gold sequin Pmldtn{ and an aetlve Resiutillcan. trim la the choice of Mrs. Clarke. (Photos of lhe couples In l"htir formal Bllck·ti• atUrt will be worn by their · (See GOWNS, r.,. I) \ Weadaer The weatherman's In a not un· pleasant rut with more wann temperatures forecast for Wed4 neJday. Coutal mercury should bask In the mid 70"1, while lnlond reaions'll register as de&rees. INsmE TODifi' Jamborefi Road U· noio o four- lant htohwa11 from MacArthur Boul1oord to tht Son Diego Fn1wa11 -but nobody 1e11111 to know tt Utt. Pooe 12. ' .... .. ' .. • .. 1•11 .. .. 11 ,....., "'""" ,. """""'""" ... °'"" c..., ,, ., ..... """'" ,, _......... , .. , . ,_,. , .. ,, llldl ---lt-11 '~ 11 -.. -. ...... ,..... .. , -- ------ - - - ----- --. ---:.::---=---=---=---=---=-.:;-.::-.=-.:.-.:.-.:.-:==-:-_.:_--_---~==z:::-:.:-:._:-:...:---=:::""!!;;;::;::.::---_-____ _ - % OAILV •ILOT Bauer Bla_sts Planners Sc4ool Tr11istee Rqps Huntington Trends ~.: B! jAl K ,,OBACK Dr. Bauer 1U11ea: liendi:" · · ~ • °"" ,.. ,,.., -smc. lM.1 'approsbr~ate.ly 1,000 a~es -Ero1iop ol ~e indwltrial and com. Dr. ftalph Bauer, I .rpem~r of both the · In the city have been removed from In-mereial tax base puts a tremendous ~. ~= ~ = ~':! dust.rial i.oning to residential, ;epresert<o added tax burden on all citizens for I bed" w An _.. ""~k "Ir d. · ting ~bout one-third of the original Jn· services such as schools police fire . ~ an ~a"""" , en • ~"""' ID du.9tnal zoning In the city. • . ' · ' city planning in HunUngton Beach. -The present philosophy or the Plan· protection, parks, tt·ash collccllon, wat- Dr. ~uer appeared ~e the. C,llY nlng Department is to zo11e llO tbat at er, etc. . ,~il lasi Aue-4 in strong opposition to saturatlq,n there will be cne apartment -Apartment d we 11 e r s tend to be u..·~ rezoning of I segrtteqt cf the fot every single family residence. (At transient and thus a large seiment of ~!Ck J:~ll.leiaJ allow •~7vi: p~sent there is one aparb'nent for every people will have little commitment to duStltil~ · ~ 1 now ion "° · tour sin gle f~ly homes). $Upportlng community rtquirements ~-.11 ....... ~~, :r· after 1 long 11\11 th-lThet Planrung Deth partment 7rtJl0"0 71! such as parks, libraries, fire stations, .~"' .,._, • I a present ere are , ,. .. bitter debate', to send the f&:acre aegrpent apartments authorited for construction of schools, mun1CJpal buildings, etc. and in . q~esUo!1 back: to the P!anning Co.m-which s,336 are in the Ocean View School those financial issues which are required m~n with orders. to rest;r1ct ap~rt.rnent District, including the Lusk tract (Peck to construct and operate them. Jn short building to a ratio of mdustr1al~om· Estate). a ghetto of users and not doers ~·ill be mtreial dev~lopm~t. -There is only one major shopping created. OOST $1,IOt center in a city which is destined to A · · Bauer charged that the rezone would ·become the largest consumer area in -'°! unpress1on h~s been crea~ed ,cost ·tbe Ocean View district ''$38,000 1 Orange County. that city goyerrunent 1s very responsive year fn laxes, desperatelr n~ed.'' Dr. Bauer then offers "some conclu-to the speclal requests of moneyed In· hi his follow-up attack, releas~ today sions wbicb can be made about these terests such as Chambers. of Commer~. · ' developers, large corporations, and retail Westminster, GG Mothers ;March to Protest Hospital A group of Westminster and Garden GrQve homeowners who are oppo~d to tht. construction of a psychiatric hospital have called for a "mothers' march" on \Vestminster City Hall tqnia:ht. Sponsors say about 200 are expected to i:art.i.clp.ate in the t p.m. marcll, wblcJl wl!J begin at the cwntr of Ward Street and Meirick Avenue and is scheduled to end at the city council chambers by 7 p.m. Homeowners atlege the council ''has not CMducted a thorouah investipUon on the controvtrtfal matter." Cause of the furor bu been a lU-bed, lon&-tenn hospital for the insane, which the residenta for various reasons do not want in their neighborhood. The Westminster City Council recently gave its approval to the 10?2~ Bolsa Ave. facility, despite an earlier planning com· n1isa1on decision not to allow its con- alrucµon. Sal Guzzetta. president of the group wb!Ch calls iUelf the Westminster.Carden Grove Homeowners Association, said that every posalble avenue would be con· sidered to get the council to changt its mind about the hospital. It has hired Milan Doslal, an Orange attorney, to represent them. Tonlght, the homeowners will make their last-ditch effort to oust the !Joapltal by handing a letter of appeal to the city cooncil. Guzzelta ·claims the hospital Is not being constructed b e c a u s e of 1ivercrowding of existing facilities but because "money is generating the need." He aald that investigations by his group on similar institutions in Los Alamitos and Garde n Gror.e have yielded that they bavt been under capacity for the last two and a half years, as far as patient load is concerned. ''\Ve began asking ourselves. 'did everyone suddenly go crazy in Orange County?' " Guzzeua said. "Then ~·e found out that fl1edi-Ca1 had recently authorized payments for patients in these facilities. These hospitals are i.trictly an exploltation of the taxpayers money through the Medi-Cal ·program,·• he asserted. 3 Death V alleY: .Victims Found in Blazing DeserJ, INDEPENDENCE (AP) -Tht blazing summer heat of the Death Val~ey area hu killed two men and a youth who tried to reach habltaUon by setting out afoot across the desert. Sherill's deputies said they found the bodies 7, l f and 17· miles from an aban· doned car. , ''They were kind of atrung out like a bl•elc line," said deputy Red Landeraren. "Tbt ~at jugt turned them black." Plane Sputters, Lands in Field A Huntington Beach pilot 11(ely landed hl1 sputtering gjngle.englne plane In t•Ids of the· Bolsa Chica Land Co., 'Mtirt· • day evening1 moments after taking off from Meadowlark Airport. Walter W. Lohmeyer of 16982 Botero Lane teld poli ce his light craft lost power thorUy after take off from Meadowl&rk and he was forced to bring it down in the &Isa Chica field. The pilot v:alked a\\·ay uninjured and no visible damage v.·as done to the plane. Arrangements were made to haul the plane back to the airfield, said pollce. DAILY PILOT 91olttrf N. w,,, ,.,.,"""" Mii l"\lblllllltt Jt(k R. Cv1l•'t \ll«i ~raMltfll '""' O-rlll MMt"r Th'"''' jc,,.;i t1111c.r Th'"''' A. M11•r,1t;~, Mt llttlfl1 lG! Ir Alht•I W. l tl•1 Antc"l1r1 ldi,.r Hml ..... 1Hc• OM'• JOf Stir. Str••' M•ili11' A~it9111 P.O. lor 1•0. f 264I --" Hn·-1 l .. Cll ' "11 ~•II hlt!t>t lwllYtf~ Coti. Mote: lJO Wu! ltY S1'ttl L•tllfl' lt1tll: Ul l'n11 A•Ul"9 Tragically, they had headed fn the wrong direction, apparently toward a ranch house they had passed 30 miles back on their way into the desolate area. JuFt a mlle the other way was a grove of willows with a spring. Officers said Arnold Dobson, 65, or Irvine, Calif.. and Harold tfast Sr., and hi! son, Harold Jr., 16, both of Corona, vislled friends here Thursday and set out Friday ever an abandoned road to visit the El Capitan Mine in Eureka Valley, east of Death Valley. Temperatures in the area are 120 .degrees or more. They apparently got Into the barren Saline Valley by mistake and became stranded, offi cers said, at a point where a Hash flood washed out the abandoned rvad. Their trailer turned over when they triE'd to make a U-turn. The three carried no water when they started walking , apparently some time S.;turday. deputies said. "It looks like they just went lhe wrong way," Landergren said. "No one could ~ave made It across the desert without \Valer." He said Dobson may have become crazed by heat "because we found he had taken his shoes off to walk barefoot." Dobson was found 7 mlles from the car, the youth's body 14 and the father's 17. Two of the bodies were located Sunday night and ths third Monday. Freslunen Facing Tests -to Enter Marina School Student~ entering flfarina lllgh School this fall will h11ve to take l\\'O tests, even before school begins, The IO\\'a Test of Educational Develop- ment for freshman will be ad1ninistercd fro1n Aug. 21 through Aug. 26. Those whose last names begi n with A through K will report to the fl1arlna cafeteria at S 1.m, for testinJ on Au1. 21 Ind Aug. 25. Freshmen \lo'hose last nsmes begin with L Lb.rough Z will report to the cafeteria at the same time for testing Aug. 22 and Aug. 26. Durio& the tesUng pe riod, time will be lnciluded for ldentlflcaUon pictures to be tattl'I. Studenll will be dismissed et noon dt.rrlng each 'dey er the Iowa test~. Counselors will 1dmlfllsler the Junior Dlrtere:nU&l Aptitude Tests to Marina Juniors Jn the cefeteria at I a.m. ac· cording tc the tollowlng plan: Juniors A through K will be tested AuJ. 17. with last namu L throu&h Z schtdul- td for Aq. 28. 'lbe seuions will be com· pitted by n 1.m. both days. Boys' athletic phy11lcals for the new 5Chool ytar will be given at 9: 15 •.m .. Aug. 11 on the Marina High Schoo.I ctm· pus. I merchant!, and not responsive to citizen! at' large who are not organized but who n1ust raise their children in the environ-ment created. Dr. Bauer concludes : "Many of us have chosen Huntington Beach as the ideal place to reside the rest of our lives, a good city Jn which to raise our children, a city which sup- ports rational financial issues for · com- munity needs such as parks, lib raries, schools and the like. "It "'OUid be a tragedy lo see such an environment and such a citizen com· milment destroyed forever." From Page l APOLLO ... track or t1ichael Collins. orbiting ,1verhead in the command ship. "It told us for a brief instant the com- puter was reaching a point of being overprogranlmed or having too many jobs 'vaiting for it to do," Aldrin added. "Unfortunately, it came at a point when \\•e did not want to be trying to solve these particular problems. We wanted to be able to look out the window and iden- tify reatures so that we could pinpoint the landing." '°\Ve realized we had a possible abort situation tc contend with," Armstrong said. "But our procedure throughout was to always try to keep going as Jong as we could so we could bypass these types or problems." Cool thinking by grOund controllers, primarily guidance officer Stephan Bales, solved the problem. Mission Control told the utronauts lo stop asking the com- puter to display landing information. Instead, the ground passed up the in· formation in a series cf dramatic "Go's." ,;\Ve really have to give the credit lo the control cente r in this case." Armstrong said. "They were really the people who really came through and helped us and said, 'Continue,' which is what we wanted to hear." Huck Finn Derby Winners Listed About 150 local youngsters pitched their hooks into the water cff the Hunt· ington Beach Pier Aug. 6. hoping to catch a prized urlng the 17th Annua1 Huck Finn Fishing Derby. Lines began hitting the water at 9 a.m. and didn't stop until noon. when the co- sponsoring Huntington Beach Recreation and Park's Department and Ron's Bail and Tackle called it a day. Prizes were awarded to John Alan, 8, And Patti Galpin, 9, for the best costumes resembling Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher. In the contest for the first fish caughL Jeff Patrick, 12. and Shari Yost, 10, took home the honors in the boys and girls division. ft·lary Ann York. 10. and ltlikc ti1onaghan. 11, received awards for the most unusual fish caught. f.1ary Ann hooked an octopus \\'hile f\1ike tacked a strange type of bass. Best variety prizes went to Pam French. 13. and Jody Casias. 13 . while Brian Trela , 10, and Candy McPheeter, 9, received awards for the largest fish snagged. Betsy Sternaman. 11. and r.talt Krystafic, 12, caught the smallest fish - two sard ine-sized perch -but were also rewarded with prizes for their miniature catches. From Pagf' 1 GOWNS ... attire will appear in the \\'01ncn's pag~ Thursday.) Other Newport Beach residents receiv- ing rare, engraved invilatlons arc Dr. 8ncl Mrs. Arnold O. Beckman of Lido Isle. Beckman, a Southern California In- dustrialist and inventor, is a longtime friend of the President. Other Orange Countians invited are f,fr, and ~trs. J. Simon Fluor of Santa A:'la and flfr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver of Fullerton. Fluor, an Industrialis t, Is a prominent Oranie County Republlcan, and Beaver ls treasurtr of the Republican State central Committee. Addinc to the social triumph of the Clarkts wJU be their arrival at th~ dinner with their bouseguests, Sen. and Mrs. Strom Thurmond of S<>uth Ca .. olina. The Thurmcnds will tirtlve Wednesday on Air Force II w l th Vlce Pre1ldent Agnew, accompany the Clarkes to the din· ner 11nd then spend the nifht with lhe Clarke11 be:fort flying ou Thursday. Judge Clarke and Senator Thurmond are cousins. . DAILY PILOT s .. 11 P~o~ MAMA POLO KEEPS WARY EYE ON HER BROOD OF 10 PURE WHITE GERMAN SHEPHERDS In Huntington Beech, 'Snowball'' Ar ri\le in the Middle of tht Summer Caretake1·, 19, Released Pure White Pups Real Rarities As Suspect it1 5 Slayings In Huntington LOS ANGELES (AP) -Police have released the 19-year·old caretaker they held for questioning in the killing of ac- tress Sharon Tate and four other persons. ..There is no reason to suspect him." said Inspector Harold Yarnell as \Villiant E. Garretson was released Monday after two days in custody. The baby-faced youth wouldn't talk with newsmen. But his lawyer, Barry Tarlow, said Garretson was in his room in a guest house cf Miss Tate's estate Friday night and Saturday when the five were shot and stabbed to death. Garretson didn't know anything had happened until police kicked in his door at 9 a.m. Saturday, Tarlow said. lnvestigators said they want to ques- tion friends of Miss Tale and Garretson. Officers continued investlgaling the deaths of a supermarket owner and his wife who~e bodies were found Sunday nfght, their heads hooded J!ke one of the victims in the Saturday killings a few miles away. In both cases bodies "'ere slashed and words were scra\vled nearby in what appeared to be !he victims' blood. Desplte the sin1ilarities. a po\irc spokesn1an said. lhe cases apparently arc unconnected. The couple. Leno A. LaBiaoca, ~4, and hls wife Rosen1ary. 38, may have be e n the victims of a "copycat'' killer, officers said. Those killed with Miss Tate were Abigail Folger. 2.6, a San Francisco socialite; Voilyck Frykowski, 37, a movie associate of Miss Tate's husband, direc- tor Roman Polanski; Jay Sebring, 3tl, an internationally known hairdresser; and Steven Earl Parent. 18, a student from suburban El fllonte who police and Gar· rctson's la1,1:yer said "·as a friend or Gar- retson. Tarlow said Garretson had said ~ood· night to Parent about 11 :30 p.m. Friday. then gone to his roorn. 'A'here he listened to his stereo. Parent was shot at lhe v.·heel of his car in the driveway of the $200,000 home. Polo's pups arc a rare breed ot tiny tykes according to ~frs. \Vi;liam Van Osdol. 17731 Flintstonc Lane , Huntingt o11 Beach. Twelve were born lasl Thursday, but tu·o died. The 10 that ren1ain look like lil· tlt' white puffs of rluff. And that's v.·hat 1nakes them 'rare. They are pure 'vhitc Gern1ar Shepherds. The mother is Polo, a pure white German Shepherd owned by Mr. anc! tfrs. David \Vilson of 2005 Cal\'ert St., Costa fltesa, and the father is Prince. also a pure white German Shepherd ov.·ned by the Van Osdols. It took Polo two days -from 11 p.m. Thursday to 2 p.m. Friday -to deliver the pups. \Vith nine of them coming in the last hour. '·Jf both parents had papers the pups ·\\·ould be quite expensive," said fltrs. Van Osdol. · The puppies "'ere born and still live at the Van Osdol home. "·ith Polo keeping an apprehensive n1other 's eye on each one of them. Pro Fund Raiser Hired Sept. 10 Marks Vacation's E11d For Beach Kids For Community Chest ' ' Facing the self-appoinled task of rais- ing $132,000. the highest goal in the history of the Huntington Beach Com- munity Chest. the organization bas signed a management contract with the West GWC Building Pact Approved A $4.26 million contract for con · struction or five new buildings and building additions at Golden West College in Huntington Beach has beer. awarded to w. F. Burke Construction Co. of Anaheim. The project, the college's third in- crernent, will add a telecommunications center and large.group forum. gyn1- nasium complex, technology building, and additions to 1nath -science and n1en's and \1·oinen's physical education Io c k er farilities. Construction v.·ill begin this 1nonth and be completed in 18 months. Trustees of the Orange Coast Junior L College District av•arde<l the contract after rcvie\vlng bids fro1n four Iir1ns. Orange County United Fund, President Steve Holden announced today. Managing the 1969 campaigns of the two organizations v.•ill be Elgar A. Greene, executive director of the West Orange County group which represents Garden Grove, Stal Beach, Westminster, Fountain Valley, and Midway City. •·\Ve should be able to save money tl1rough the merging or operations with the larger group of our neighbors .'' Holden said. He added that directors of the Huntington Beach organization and the \Vest Orange County group are .. considering" a permanent merger which would be effective in January 1970. The $132,000 goal surpasses the 1968 goal by more than $34,000, 1969 Campaign Chairrnan Robert L. Merriman, noted. fl1erriman is manager of the Security Pacific Nat ional Bank. Spring d a I e . Edinger branch. a director and former president of the J1 untinglon Bearh Cha1nb!'r of Comn1erce and a Con1n1uni1y Chest director. "\\'c actually raised $110,000 last year <ind \\'l th this new setup should more 1han achie\'e our higher goa l,'' J\1crrin1an forccaft. Lasl year's campaign \vas managed by Ru ssell Colston, 1nanager of the Costa tilcsa United FL1nd. )'o•ir On1eg!l Sales &: Ser vice Agtnc~ Children In the Huntlngton Beach City School District will trade the beaches and parks for school desks and chalk boards on Sept. 10, first day of school. Aug. 19 is the first day for youngsters nc1~· to U1e district to regis ter for fall classes. School officials are urging the· new students to register at ~e school n~arest their residence. To ent2r kindergarten a child must be five years old on or before Dec. 2, 1969. A birth certificate or baptismal certifi- cate is required in California for prool of age. School officials said kindergarten students must be in class on the first day. ~ept. IO, to be enrolled , or, in case of il- lness, lhe parents must notify lbe prin· clpal by 9 a.m. that day. Students transferring from other dislrirts in grades one through eighL should bring report cards for registra· ti on Students lo Protest •' SAN FRANCISCO IU Pl l -Scver;it s1udent groups announced today they v.·i ll stage demonstrations next week during the visit to Sa n Francisco of Presid ent Nixon. 0 OMEGA o-e. Mt .... t nun1h 1..,. ,.,....., ~11 .. '111 t YOUR WATCH'\; • Cle1ntd • Oiled • Ad(uated llh1o;1 tlecr11td Wllilt Yo11 Woir FREE Th i "•rv ttrnt Omtqt Sp11dn'111!1r .... ,1ch w1 t1rry ..... , 1e!1,11cl ..,.ith. owl 111y mocl ilital<c" by NASA to b1 '"""'" bv owf m•" "" th1 moo". T~i1 rtto9":1T o", l•uly t ••· .... ~, d Io r •~t1 ll 111ct, m1lc11 u• 11•oud lo lit yowl 1u•ho.i11d Om1gt it..,.t lt•. Comt i" -••• ihi1 h1 "d•om1, 1 bullo"• 4 di1I, Om1g1 S111tdm11• ltr chro110,r1ph. Tht 011lv .... 1tch worn bv th1 m111 011 lh1 moo11. Pritt $1 95. $ 4 8~;;~ THIS .. f'[ARlS Rl-STRUN!i frtlfl RINGS S1ZEO, frem OIAMOHOS ll!PLACEO, '''"' $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 Chronocrapli It SeU· -·iqder1 aUa:ltUJ klcber: INGIAYIH• DONI Wl-OLI YOU WAIT Huntington Center Beach at Edlnqer HUNTINGTON BEACH TlllMJ AYAILAl\.l and baek Harbor Sllopplnq Center 2300 Harbor Blvd . COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I I 1 · I l I ... I I I ' 1 I I • • 4 4 • • • • U I a = u 9: f • £.e:±::!! ¥¥ 0 * $ p PS= 'flits&y, AllovsJ, lZ, 196• DAil Y 1'11.111' !) --c=.:......;.:..;.::_"-"-'---~~~~~~~~~_A ua~011cE LEGAL NOTICI!: .. ,1c.L!o,':';.:.:1~! ..... I LEG"':,;OTicE CSF Landscape!;:::::'.Z:::i:::t>=.:;;s:====::::::::iz:qi:;: Cl!:ltTll' CATI 0, IUIUllll Cl•'1:1~1~~ou~' N::IJNllS. Iii IULk NOTICI OJI INTINTIOM TO Cit••··· Contract Given aNr~El.~l'TY:S • 'ICTl'10UI HAMI' The ""'*°""" -. ctftl .... he It ctl'I-NOTICE IS H&ltE8Y GIVEN lhll llCUltlTY lliflltllT Tiit lmMrtilt!M lloll cef!tty Ill Iii tM> M1lnl I MIMu II 50f MYdk W•f, l lfl\lnl f . Voll ...._ llv•lnttt Mclrim CSICI. "" • •ltJ UCCI •1Kt1nt • ~in. .. ,, 1111 '"'' c11111111 Lt•-1ttc11. t.111.,,.ra. 1111c1w th• lk· •• o1 t1111 ..... 11 Svltt sit. "" w1.,,1.. Morice i. ,,.,..iw ,i...;.,,' "' '"' FULLERTON A L •una ~ ~ Avt11...., ~ ,lat. C..uton.11, undtr lllt "'• firm lllmt of NEXT CENTVltY ..... 1"1rf. IMrl'I' HUii, Ctllftnrlla, Mid Cr"1flrl of •UNSET fOltl), INC Otbo -le .. ric1111o1n """ n-., HeTW011K nK. MOii IMt .. ., """ " '"""""" "' 1t1t '"' 111 c••• o1 -Yr.. 0.1 ........ , 1!:111 _, """-..,.,,.., • Hfrt1• it.' s..• HI\'-fl h ·--ded a ...... w• "~ • -" .. ,,,_,. -..... -·. '"" ... _ .... ., __ ,,_ ""'•rn• .• ,,._ G•W• ..... w"~"""· , • .,. " rm .. =• 1war AM'MU~L A//jriil/.~T a e ...i1aw1111 ,.,..,., wr-MrM "' tull 1nc1 roltft 11 mlftnt• 1, .. "'"""1 ~ ,. met• 1 111.1111 1r11111 .... 111t1 "° ti 0 •• .,.1• ,,, .. ot c11111r111e, 11111 1 172 179 -tra t l landsceru l'lttt Df ... .i .. 1 It t• ft.lloWlr Eftllll IC!Wlrt Jllll tn, toi Mnlk Htr-J. lldOlll lflll IUmlltrl'I' A. Lid• M<Vrltt lnttrt•I I& MoOlll .. M Crffltd tw ' """ C O ..... c1imo.. L 1ven. ,., Hlllll•lt A-. w..,., L,.11111 a..c~. c1tlfwn1t. 11111. wfllM 111.111-.ocir"' hi 1n.q DtOlw ano1 1rit1"4il '° UNION OIL COM-the new Art Center at Cal t"" "'*"'· C1tlftn111. o.ttd "-' &. ,.., P1elflc CN•t H1t1twev. 5'1nwt l.,.ut. l'ANY Ofl (ALll'OltNtA. ~rid P1ffl, Sia'· ~-J\e~·n. Ollll:t Al/tllll 4, !Hf. flTlllt E,....rd ~111!111 (lllf0r111t, ti Ille !ellllwin. ••-riv: 'flllMt IMll!lu Nll ... H 11 .. I Soutn K f'l.I. IW • (. L. I Ylfl ltt!e ti C1lll6rftle, Ortftff C-IY: AH II'. wbtttnlltl IOrllwl " IM_, .. tw•tl'11 $! .. Liit Anetlt!I, Cau11tw (If Lo• lndullt.rltl Turf. Inc.. will S11t1 of C1llfor1'1!., Ortfllt Covnl'I': Ori A11t111! &. 1Hf, lleflr• mt, 1 Nollr't' rntl'lt. !l'ltltrlelt, tuelll"' fl'lll'dWlfllllM. AMtlft lflll 11 C1Hloml1 I o.i Aueuu •· ,..,, btio... me. 1 N•I•"" l'ui,11e 111 ,,.. tor .. 111 S111t. Ml'MMllY "Miii""' 1n......,torv •!Id cllllr lnYtfllerl of ™ ;..roHrl., in Wf\ldl ·,,,. Slcvruv begin the project leter th s PVbtlc In ~ r.r 111C1 itlltt. 1t1IOl'l1t1Y ...-1r1111 l!mllt t11w1ro Jun.on 11-11 tt 11111 cwteltl rt1111 re.teu•111t fllmklrtt• lnltHll wrn .. cr111td ti. 1t1 ..,..,,1 ce1· month at the new tl.t million ·-•ttd Clln!Oll L. IYtfl knoW!I to 1'111 ta "" to .. the --~ llllftt II ""''"'" OWllM b\I IM Tr1n11tror ..... ltlll llK'lll ... Incl .. \lllf'll.,,,, IUfllllll .. '"" 111t1 IM "r-wflltt n•,... It •~rlbltl wbscrlbtd to !Ill 'l'llhltl !11t1rvt01111t end rom11111-, uted "' Tr1ntl1ror 111 Clfl> tvrnllhlfll•' of °""°' _.,11,, 1re111rty building. The pro)ect includes to '"-wllllln lntlrumt11I 1114 •cknowltllCI ack-ledttd i,. t•tcvtfd rr.. MfM. llllcllnt 11111 ctrlllll bv•lfleu --" •• flO'W loct!W ti ~ 01rd4n G,...,. 11\111., I d h b ht t XIC11111cl lht NIM. IOl'flCIAL IEALJ "Tiit 01!1f'' •NII lo(1IHI II '°' 1"111 Wettm1111i.r, C-1'1' " °''"''· $1111 (If awn, groun COVC!I', g ru '· (Ol'f1CIAl SEALI Miry E. tt.r.n1111n 1E0ttw1ttr •-· 111bol. c1111or"11. C1t11orn11, 1no bll1lntt• knoWll 11 Ntw tree~. walkways, bench e ! , JOl'fPtt I!. 0AV1S N111trf Pllbllc-C1Hfotnl1 1°"11 tllo !flt 11111 tlld !ht ntl'lll I! llltl Ctr DHltr . . Noter-, Public • C1Uf11r11l1 Prll'IC1H1 Olflct In blrllnt1"-TN 1tor1uld tl(lltl~ t1111.11ctlon wltl lighting and lpr!Dklini and Prl"el1111 Ofll~ h\ o ..... CounlY Thi• '"'"rty J1 loctled ,, $01 Ettl bf CDnlllmmtlM ~ or l ftl• 11\t 20rh div dr I a I tem:s 0•-· Cou"W Mf Comrnlultl'I Exllrn E4t11w1lw Avtnvt, ••lbotl· Ctlll'ol'nl•. of Al/fUll, , .... " l :M A.M. II 11111111, __ ._n_g_• __ Y' ___ . ____ _ M-, Comll'tUIOlt l!ul-.t JI/I'll It, lln Tiiie boolk tr1111!1r will bl Clllltlll'llmt!tod Fero, Inc., ~ Gtrclf<I Ornt 81v'd .. Jut11 '1. 1'11 Publl1'1td ~tflte C111tt 011lf Pllol. tfl If tlltr A""'utl 71, 1"9, •I the 1lllct Wtlfm1nt111r, Ctlll>or11l1 111 11111tllmt111t. P ubll1hld Or1nt11 Cotll 01llY Piiot, 4""1111 lJ, If, Jf Incl S."tm~r 1, If LIOl'lll'of 0. Ollo1d, 3Cl h lbol lo ftt -~II to tN l1tCVrt1t l'lrtf, •1111111 1. 12, 11, u. 1Nt 140 ... ,,,. ,..,.... eou11v1rd, 911boe, C1IHlll'11l1. tll IMlllntll ntmft 11'111 eddtlHtl UllCI ..... LEGAL NOTICE Wll!\ln Ille !>Ill "''" Yl8fl SCI II• •• th• DlblOr for 11\t fflrff Wtll'I 1111 Nit,' --------------' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE klltWn to "" Tr..,.11,.... '"' Tr1naftr111" 111~ JI"' Sriow "°"'· Inc •• un1 P•••·•· ------,,.,--------1--------------1"'' llld N butlntH ntfM elhtr !!Ian mou111 llllltl .. P"llTIOllfrt, Lot Antt i.t. It :Mitt P·>t'Jl p>)llJM "Thi 01!1f" llld "'' h"1 fl(I ""''"'" .. C1111nw. C1lltornl1. ClltTllllCATI 01' SUllNESI ClltTll'ICATI OP SUllHlll celtTll'ICATI o .. I USINllJ "'"' •lhlr lftl ll 5111111 310. WJ Wlll!llfl DATED • A11111•I ... 1H•. l'ICTITIOUI lllltM NAMIE l'ICTITIOUS NAMll l'ICTITIOUS MA.Ml ' louttv1rd. lllYt•l'I' Hiiia, Ctllfllttol•r Ind Unllllo OH C-..llY ti Ct llforn11 THI UNO'flt SIGNEO dO herlb1 ctrtll'I' TIM lll'ldtrlltntd dllu Ctrtlly "' I• c-' ..... -·-..... J01 t:~•I F691tW1l1r Avtflll•'. ''"""· SfCUltll:O ,AltTY .... , 11\tY 1r1 cONllKll ......... 1 ....... Ill undlrl "'"" ,. ~ C1llfernl1 1M lott!lon ti 11111 "'l'ht W V Crkldll .,.,, •· • • '' o coo • S.•Oo dudlflt • bvsl11111 II 11111 lttdl INCi~ cluclltlll 1 llut'-11 U'D E11t Uth Slfttl, •••. • MiMrotr <>Pt<tllotlt I. krvlc~ ''" ....,,.. Ulln rrt • f " H11ntln1lon lwcll. C11!torn11, under I,_ COllt Miii, Ct Mlornlt , under 11<1 11i;. °'.,,, •. ' O OI !Mt UNION Oil COMPANY A111, Covntv ol Ortl\lt. Sltlt ti C1Jl-flcllllov1 11,,,.. ,..,.,. ol Wl!ICO-MEO llflovt firm llltM el KEY TO 1eAUTY H · UIUIJ lldlkll °' CALll'O.NIA lornlt, under ''"' llctl!lou1 firm Ill~ II SALES 1114 11'1111 llld Orm •• <Ol'llMMll (If •!Id IMI 11111 llr"ll'I .. comlOttd If rht °'""" ·-·· '"Ill c ... , .. OIYI.... IAltCLAY ANO ITl!IN, I <•••rlntrlhlro ft>t folklwlflt NFMFI. Wl!oM ntme ltl tull fb.lkrwlflt "'"°"" whoM nll'!'ll Ill fl.o ff '"" Kl"'"'°'iY A. .. UlllM OH C....... 11111 lflll 11111 firm 11 Clim-id GI rht 1!111 1l1ce o1 ral._. It 11 fllll0w5: Ilea el rtaidtfl(t ii 11 follows . nATI! OF CALll'OltHIA l U. ..... -., Ct ll'tNll IOJ111Wlnt .,.,....,,, wlloM 111rnt1 t!ICI tof. Oonllll !!. ~ tm Y1r11 Cln:le, Htiel M. tttiv.r1tid1, 11:tt South COUNTY OF OltAHGI! l II PubUlllld Oftflff CDtll D lt Piiot 4reu11 lrt 11 lolltw1, l•wll: Hunllnt'9ifl 111(11 . Gtn'lll'I' Slnl1 Ant. Ctlllor11WI 0.. th1• 11111 dtY of A11t1111l ... "" n•• " I 12, lfff • 1 ' Gt•llll Sttlll, No. J Cr••I 1to1d, !toll· Dlltd Ju"' Jt, lt611, Ot,..i ~Ult .C. lfff -"*"u"4 nlnt l'Mllldrld I ncl t lt1¥.fllM VII/I 1411"'' 11'11 ~Illa. C1tlforn<f, NIGOTll Sfllln, N1. 1 Dltllld E. Shtlllc11 ttiitl M. H•lwrtlUI btl'ore "IC· The llncllrtltrntd a tkllt ,.., C,._11 lt111d, ltt!tll'll HUis. C1lll9ornl1, 11111 al CllllOflllt, 0 11"" Covnw· stile of c11if01"1llt. Ottfltlt Covl!W: Pllblk I• •flll tor 11\e Sl1te of C1lifon1I• LEGAL NOTICE M1rll l1rclt!v, 1110 ~""""" 11 M1rlt! On Juty Jt, lttt, ~ti mt, 1 N11t1"' Ott 4.,.1111 4. Ifft, ~ mt, • Nllltf'f wllll 1rlnt!N I otfl~ II\ Ortl'llt COUlll'I' t:•~lll...,, l 1ri:l1v, IJ.111 Ce<nwt ll L1111, ,llbllc In llld for M14 Slt111, 111 ........ llY l'lltlllc In lflll for Mid Slllt. rotrlOt'llll't ,_141.,. tlwr1l11, dulY Cll!tlmlllltntd ll'G N.-rt llHd'I, C1liforn!~. I Pltlred Pof!llll I!. lhelfllo known to ml l-lftd Huel M. ttilvtnlldl known No ,_.,., .. flOlllll'I' ·-••ed ffor1r\ln J. 9All 1... WITN!SS tlillr lllncl 111(1 '"" d11 If 'lo bl tf\I Hrlllll whllll n1"'1 It 11111tcflb-me 10 !lot "-JMlllll Wf\Oll ntn11 Ii to.b Llddtll tlld IClrnMrho A, LklCltll --lo NOTICt TO CltlDITOltl J11ly, 1Mt, t1t la the wl"'I" ln1lt11ment tnd tcr!Wd 11 llll w I t~ 1 II lmlt111'111"' tnd m1 l'O bl tf\I ""°"' MJCr lbfol, In WllllM SUPElttOlt. COUltT OJI TNe Gtr•ld Sl•ln 1c•-..... K"' tXKUttd 1111 time. r.•-ledoed sht u;IC\l!'fll Ille "mt. nlmft 1re 1111ttcr!bld to I nd Who 4'1· STAT.I! OP CALll'OltNIA Nlllml Sllln IOl'l'IC~4L 51!AL) 1 · tCll1" ll!t within ln1lr11m..,t, Ind POlt THI COUNTY 01' OIU.NGI Merl• 81rcllf J11n L Jobi! (0Pl'ICJAL ~e:il& 11 1ckNWledilfll 11\11 thtv 11t<11t..d 11\f Ht. A.mll ITAT'f OF CALl l'"OllNIA ~llll••'Publlc • Cttllornl1 Ho:i:-,., P°ubll::~Clllfon'lll Ull"t. I Es1111 of CAROLYNE H, 91tOWN. 1k1 COUNTY 01' LOI ANGl!!L !S ) l S Prlr>elllll Oll!Ct In PrlMIHI Ofllct In IN WITNESS WHEltEO", 1\1vt CAltOLVNE lt.AE 81t0WH, 0Ke11ed, On lllt. 2tlh de• of July ,t.,O , 1Mt , bl-Ortnlt Covnl-, Ortnlt Covn!'f' 1wte1111!1t Ill mf hind 11\cl 1ffl1td t'l'lf of. NOTICE IS HEREIY GIYt:N to !ht ~rt m1 M•f'f lilt... S1vk11n t Nallf'f l'llY CGmmlHlon E•l"ltts Mv Comm!HlOtl E•tlrri llcl11 NII 11 "'' offlct 111 1eld Coun!f, credll'Ort of tf\I tblvt n1med dKtdtnl l'ulllk In encl lor Mid (.ounly 11111 S111t. Mlrch 2 1t11 J ,1 1970 /ht ~'' 1flll '"' In lh!1 ,1rt!lltete tlr1t lfttl •H Nrtonl h1vl"f c11lll'I 11111111 llw rnldlnt 11\tirtiln dvl-, commltt!OlllO tnd Pub1!1htd .orin11 C0111 01111 Pllll, Pubniti':' 0;111111 c"" Otll't' l'llol, tbovt wrltt1n. t1ld dece<rt111 ire r1111lrK "' Ill• lhem, •worn, Nlllllr>lllf 1~01ttd Gtr1ld S,.ln, Julv 2' Ind Autlltl J, u, "· 1"9 lilC;I ... A1111111 5 11 lt H ,... 1~ (Ol'FICIAL SEAL! wltll Ille ... , ••••• ., YOKlllrt. In "" otllct Nf.om! s .. 1 .. tnd Ml•I• 81rcl1y known It --'-'-'-"'"'--'--"-"-'-"---"-.Cl::!"!'-"·C:.:~' ::;.•,:;:·_;;;~==~-"-"-''I o. c. HAMILTON of !ht <lerll or 11111boYI tnlll!ed covrl, or mt "'bl tht ""°"' """'-ntmt1 1rt • ~GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Nlllt,.., l'ubllt lo rott"'11 '"""'· "'"h IM lllCtHl rf 111blcrltltd to lttt within ln1tr11mtlll, t l'ld - __ _:-:::.:::.:::...:..:::.:::.:::. ___ .J-----iiiff'1>i'ij;oi. '°1if:'.""-·J St1i. of C1\ltllrnl1 Yl'lllelwrt, M 1111 1111d1r1l1nl'd i t lht olllcl 1clttlllwltd1td to me fh tl tllfY tXt<\1114 Nf'TICI! TO CltlDITOltS Prlf'ltl11I Oflkt 111 of hl1 tllarlltfL l lock I. 8rldl:111r, lllC., tlw 11me, IUPl ltlOlt. COUltT 01" THI Or•ne• CDUnlf 1m Nortll lf'Ol<IW1y, Sl11t1 ""'· IN WITNEI! WHl!ltlOI'", ' lll'tl flf ... 1u••1t101t .... c"c.Jrr 01' TNI STA.Tl 01' CALll'OltNIA JIOlt Publl..,.., Ortllllt Co•1I 01111 Pllol. C1lllOl'n lt '2101, """k" 11 ?M Plt ct Of unto 1et my h•'ld ,.., tlfl~t<I mf off~ ITAtl 01" CALll'OllHIA •Olt THI COUNTY 0 1' OltANOE ilutUll u. "" UOl.ff butlnHI "!fie 11ncler1lonf'd In Ill "''"'" cl1I lt•I lllt O.y '""' ..... r I" Jftft tll' TMI! COUNTY OJI OIU.NISE ,.., A~n LEGAL NOTICE ""-'111111 to lht n11111 of ••ld d1ttd•"'· 1111,111 1lr11 11H1vt wr11'11n. ltt. A U.D f tltlt of MAltY F PLUMS, OtcettH . wlllll11 tour 11"111"1111 1ll1r 11\1 11111 Pllbllct -!OFl'ICIAL ~EAL) NOTICI o• MIAltll'tO 01' PITITIOH NOT ICE IS tiEltE8Y 011/EN It thf lleri of lhl• "<lll<t . M1r-, E!ltn Slvkl•" l"Olt f'IOIAT• OP Will AHO 1'09: t~t1tllor1 (If IM .i. .... lltrned dtctdetol CEltT:~~~fT~:u~" N~~~NllSS Dttrd Julw 15, "" NGfl•Y Publlc·Cllltornll LITTlltl tllTAMINtAltY 1111t 1ll 111rt0nt htv"" clllm1 1911111! lhl Tht lfrld.trlltnt1t doe'I cerllly hr 11 con. ~~~l~~t!:· :·,~:"'~1111, llrfnct111t ,~ICtt In Etlt111 11 GLAOY5 ARCHEI. WOODS ulcl <leCf'd!'l'll i re reiwlred lo flit! llwrfl. •. -... ..I I m o Club Hll0 ltd Lo1 ""''"'' ovntY 0 I'd ' with 11\t llKHll'T 'JOllChtl't Ill "" otflCt ""' I lltJI I • " Ill ""' llHIYt flllfttd ck<t11!nl Mf CllnVl'llHlon 1~•!•11 'J~~'1cE 11 HEltESY GIVEN Th1t of lllr clt!fll: ol 1111 1bo\lt tfllitlf'd cavrl, Ill' ~f"i.!!1 :f.:''n1~1':f"!~\t ~rN1'::t :~: r~OCN~ ·.~~:llt, INC. Juft• '1. 1'11 l,loYd Elli• w-"'' l!led htflll'I . Ptl~ le ....... , tf\lm, ... .,.1111_}!''1 ::-::" OUSTlt lES Ind '"" Mlcl llrm .. '°""' 111111 """· CtlM. n 1t1 LIW Olli .... !: lfl'lltll4i J It~ ''°" tor 'rob111 of wlll •net tar 1ltutnc1 al vvucl'lr<1, It Ille unoer .._ 1 a POlld o1 ll't 11111oWlnt1 Pt•-· wlloH Til· 1114) ISJ.ISll •1 · 11 ltl!1n 111lltmtlllttv "' p • '11 I I II •• ' ., 11111• AnorlltYS. Pall(ld.: s '1':: :·"'::· Flllftf In 11111 11'111 Pit t • ti' ru!orntt .. II .tttr ....... ...,. "*"'"'''''''' ~-::.:-:· ~::~:~"~o r..ttre11c1 to which Is rnNt fa!' 12 Solllh l'lllWer, Strtol, 11 \/I'll r followt' Publlslltd Ortnlt Coat! 0111., Pllclt ' ' Pl<!l(ul•~ '"' lh•t Ille llrne ..., 111Kt ,,,. Lai ~"" .. • ,ciltfO•,ft!!.~~~ .. t-!o:ti KtM.111 Alvl11 Dtltl ... er, 2t1t Clull J11tw 2' I nd #\UQUll J 11. lt, 1Hf l~,::::~i:rt 11°1:1: 1~·11 OillY ar "-'•rllll lhe 11:r 1111 bft" 111 fer 11 !ht plttt -l'lfM 0 '" ,_ Hollie ltd~ Cllll Me11, C1Uf , ' ' ' ' Aut111I tf, ltH, 1 f:ll 1,m., In Int 1n •II m1tl1tJ i>erl•ltilnl to lllol ftll111 ti Oiied A\llUll 11, lfft. covr!r~ ti Otpirlmtft l No. l 111 Mid ltld drctcltflt, wltll\ft """ ,_,111s iti.r IC111n1th Alvlll Otllll!llt r c d p ) COllrl, •t 700 w. el9hll\ '"'"'· In 1119 (tty ""!Ito! 1ub1!c1tlon of lh11 notJct. Stitt (If C1lllorn11. o ...... CovnW: rosswor llZ''7 e If $111!1 A111, C1lltornl•, 01ltd Autu1I I. 1Nf On Autll11 11, ltff, blfort "'41, 1 NGltf'f --~ 011td Autllll 11, '"'· 5tcur1W P1clflc H1tla<\ll ltnk "ubllc 111 tnd for ••Id Sltlt, HflOlltllY .. ~141 W. E. IT JOHN, Ceo.in!' Cll1k Ind S.mut! C. P111'11fr Ill ll•l•tirtd IC....,.1'11 #\lvll'I 0.111Mt r k-" PLUNK•TT .. ltLUNICln Co.E'uC"Ute.. •11 fM to lie ""' "'-" Whote "'"" •• •n o•"' ..,,,, al' "'' Wiii of tht •bo'<'• ntrntd iubtcrlbld to 1111 w11h1,, ""''""""' •net Mvt1tl1t1!"" a11cll. C1MI. flUI atctdtal 1ck110Wledled ht t~KulH IN t1m1. Ttl 11141 IW-:lhll ... lllCk 111111 Ptlnll•, (OFFICIAL SEAL} All""'tfl ,., Pttl!llMr 111 S1111t1 l'leWlr ltfttt, Mtbll A. Ct meo• P11bl11Md Or11111 Con! 01111 Piiot, ltlllt N111t1Mf' Ill _, "''' NOlltY Pub!!t -Ctllfilrnlt AutUtl n, lJ, 1t, 1Ht H02·6t Lii """''-"· C1l119t,..f Ortn~t C1111ntv --------------1T1h llU) •U·llM M1 C~mmlt11on t:xPlre1 AtllrlllYI fir C••ltcUlll'I Oct " ltlO LEGAL NOTICE Pvbl111\td Or1nrt Coa1t 0111-, Plllll. Publll!l-d o;.,.,. c011t O•Tlv P!1al, --------------· IAututl n, lt, 24 1"' ~pttml:t1r '· Au11utl 11. u, 2• 1nd Sf:pltmbfr t. lfft UtMI 1f6t UH-49 ClltTl,1ColTI: 0111 •U11NISS LEGAL NOTICE ,ICTITlOVS NAMI LEGAL NOTICE Tiit unlle,.lt!Wd do c;rtlfv 1Mv tr1 f------;:;;;;;~-----J--.,.-~:'.'.:'.'.'._'.'....:.,::::::::::,,.,.-- ctl1'10VClln1 I bullntH II 11' Wtll lflll ,,,,,,,,,,·.-•• I USINllS, Cll!ltTll'IC•Tll 01" IUSINllS, Str"t, Cotll ~--. (1IUornl1, undtr lllt f'ICT1TIOUI NAMI llclljl11111 firm n1mt of FLORENCE l'ICTITIOUS NAMI Thtt u<4•.,lw'*' ooe1 cetlllv flt I• con· eAIC EltY Incl 11111 llld """ Is corn"°"" 'flll undtr••towd oon ctrllf'f Ille 1• dvct1nt • bv1l11n1 II Jln NtWPOrt l lY4 .• ol thtt following "'''°"'' Wl'IOll t11m11 lft t:OM..c:tln1 I bu1i-ti ~A fOl'tll Cot1• M<111, CtHlornl;, under Ille fie· full I P'ICI Pltct o4 Alldlllct trt ~ foli.w1: Ave., l ltllflt ktcll, Ctll lorn!1, urw:ler !U'°"'I llr"' 11;,... of V W SERV ICE t nd Jol'ltrwin A. V;., OPI' l""61n tnd Hit flCllllovt flr"' """' of TMI STITCH· ltltl w ld firm Ii c~ ol Ille follow• M1rlt C. Vtn O;r Linden. 200r Fecltf•I CltAFT SHOP '"" IMI 11ld Urm It UWTI• int ltftOn. whoM 111""' In 11111 INI pllc• Slrttt, c .. 11 MeH, C1llhlrnl1. POffCI af 11>1 lollllwlfl• pen.on, wtlos• of retkl...c• ••• 11 follllWI: 0.IWd JuiY H, ""· "'"" In fl.Ill 1NI 1IK• 11 rt1klt~ 11 l ruct A. Giiiin, 2»2 w m1w Lui., W. Joltl n<>tl .... V111 Otr LlllOttl II 1o11vw1: . CaYlfll. M1rl1 C. VIII Otr l lrtdtfl L" $. Klnt, J,.C2 llt"'1!il A'tl .. Co. 01!K Alltluil 7, ,,,. '1111 of C1llf1r11l1, Ort ntt Cc.u11ty: r-Ml ,,.._,, Ctlif. ttU5, l nKt A, Gl11l11 0.. Jul'J 71, lttr, lwf<lrt mt. I NGl1"' Oiled Jiii-, 30. lNI $Ille of C1lltor11l1. Orll'llt COlllllY: ,ubllc Ill l r>d for 11111 $ .. 1e, HrMllllll'I' LN S. ICllllll On A111inl 11, Ifft, bet<ort mt, I Nolt,.., I Plll<ld Joh111111H A. v ... 0.r Lllldtll Sith el Ctt!lomll , Orl!•M CoulllY: Pvblk 111 lftOf tor u ld $11!1, 11nontll'I' •nd Mlfll C. Vin Ott L!l'IMll kMl'Wfl '8 On Al/f119I l, Ifft, before mt, 1 N• -tH 8rvc:1 A. GllJllll kf\IMll !11 mt to mt 11 k tr.. "''°"' """"'-lllftll!I '" 11,.... Pllll!k 1n 11111 tor llld s11i., Nf• IM 1'lle ~ wtiote llllN Is 1ube<rlbfol wti.crlbi!'CI lo ll'lt wlfllln 1..,tr.....,fhl •1'111 ..,1,1 IPlltlrtd LM S. Kint known lo 1't fM wtltlht i..1+r-1 trtd l<l!naw~ 1dcN1Wltdted thtY 1xtc11ltd the 11mt. ,.,. 111 be ?M Pfrton WhOlt 111,,... It ,,,,. 1t111d 111 execvtlld 1111 11mt. COl'l'~~...5~E~~lOtvli JCrlt>ed t.i the W11'!11B 1n1~111N11I tlld lOFl'ICl,t.L SEALI Nall f'f P'1bllc • Cillfornlt 1,k..,wle.l1td tlw IXK\l!ed tht II""• JOSEPl'I 'f. OAlllS prl11elt1ll OHi~ In tOl'l'lCIAL SEAL) Not1ry Pub!lc-C11Uornlt Ortnt1e Cou"tf Hrlr11 It. Plnnon Prlr>eolptl Oftlct In MY Commlu lon E•plrr1 Not1rv Public, C1llfor11l1 Ortnet Covnl'I' J11n1 '1, lf70 PrlfK IHl Oftlcw in MY Commbtlorl E~phtt Junt 11, 1'70 Publl1Md Or11111 ca.11 0111-, P\ltl, 0rfnot COUll':f . Publl$1\t1t O••nti• Cotti D1llY Pllo!, July 7t 1..0 Au1ut1 J, 11, lt, 1Ht HOJ·tt M-, (ommltiion E•pirfl ··-o•• 1> " ,, I nd Sf:lll""INr 1 Oct. 1, 1'71 ¥¥ ' ' 1!00-ff Publlthtd Or1n119 Coa1t Dtll1 Piiot, l·'-"-'------------- Augutl S. 11• "· 1'· "" 1'"-'' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTl(t: TO CltlDITOltS LEGAL NOTICE IUPlltlOlt COUltT OJI THI 1.r.lt 1'l1 sT.r.tl! 01' CALtl'OltHl.r. l'Olt P·tuH NOTICE to Cltl!DITOltl THI COUNTY 01' OltANOE Cl!ltTll'ICATI! 01' I USIHISI IUPl!ltlOlt COUltT OP Ht. A ... :w.4 l'ICTITIOUI HAMI THI! STATI 01' CALll'OltHIA l'Olt E•ltlt Ill OSCAR R. MAIN 0K!IHd. Thi uncltrl;tntd do t irlllf 111•1 1rr THI COUNTY 01' OltANOI NOTIC E IS HEREIY GIVEN M lhe conducllto• 1 IMnlMH 11 11:M HewPOrl Nt. A•DIJI C'fldl!Orl ti' l~t Ibo~ !lllTlll!d dececlenl 80\/lfvlrd, Coste fMtt, Ciltl!irnll , under E1l1I~ Ill PAUL ALO!<IGE. Ot<fl<ed. ,~.1 1 11 "'"°"' "''"'"' cl1lm1 "'Im! It'll Ille lltllllClllS t!r"' ntmt of CENTUltY NOTICE 15 HEltE8Y GIVEN IO "" lllcl dKedtnl l fl reciulttd 111 !He ll'lefll, HOUSE Incl fhll tlld !lrm lt comlOlt1t ti' credltotJ Ill lllr I bo"' lllmed d•<-"I "'!1'11 1111 nec1111ry vovt~I. lfl Ille lllfkl 1111 tallOWlllf ~tllll'I.,, wllott nim .. In lull 1'111! 111 lft'IOlll h1vlflt clllm1 "tins! Int at rn. clt!rk el tf\I t bll\lt lnllllf'd cavfl, Of' ind 111c11 of retldtN:I 1rr 11 foUcrwt: 11ld oHclJdent ••1 rMu!rl'd ta Ille llltm. to 1rnrnl 111em. wnn -....,,, .. ,., TMll J . Ind 0111111 w. Wldcllnd, 7'1 wllll !I'll! nettUllf'f vouClwfl: 111 Ille oftl« """""'"' to 1111 lllldetJ!tned 11 ltoberl A. £mertlll 911, L•lunt Stich, Cilifo<nli of TM dtrk ol 11'1, t lloYt t"lolltd c1111rl, or £•1lrn11" lttlorfltf 11 L1w, 21'0 H1rbor '1Ul to 1•flt11I lh...,, wllh ll!t IWCtsdf'f 80\lltvtrd, Suitt 301, C111!11 Mut, Cl•ltd ""'"'' 4. ltff. Ylll/<f'lfl, le tne U!WlitJ!tned' ,, rht otl!c. C1llfOl'TIL1 ,,,,,, wfl!d't lt Int pl1c. of Dinltl W Wlcltllnd "1 1111 111'11f111'f, WILLl.r.M 0. PASSO, ll3 bu1l ... u of tht Ullder1l1ned In •II m1ti.r1 Thllt J. Wiu1i rtd o..-Or!Yt, Svlll I. N-1 8tldt, "'''IN"" hi 1h1 t 1l1te of 11ld oHct<l•nl. Stile of Cillfll.rnlt , °''"'' CovlltY: a mon1lt tlUO, w111c11 11 thl 111c1 of WllllJ11 four IMflll'lt t ftlf' 1111 lltl! Pllblkt· On ,....,.1111 4. \Hf, blfare mr, 1 NO'!•,.., blltl,..11 of Ill• Ullder1l_.i In 111 """''' Tion of !hit nellu. Pvbllt 111 tnd lor ttld Stilt, Hrton•llY Hr11l11ln1 111 11\t t tllle ol st!d d..:1<:1..,1, Dt lf'd JulY l1, IHt '""''" Thill W, Wlc-ltf>ll tfld D111ltl wltllln tavr m1111th1 tl!lr !ht tlr1I 111/bllt• OllYI J. Mii,., Ind W. Wltkl1nd kllOW!I to mt hi bl ll'lt fl.,. of lhll nellcf, EdWlfd W. H1y11 Pi!rtoM wflll:lr 111mn t rt 1ubKrtbetl to 011911' Aututl I, 1'&1 Co-Ellrtlllars IN wllhln lntlrvmenl 11'111 1Unaw11d9ed SALllATOlt E S. ALONGE O! 1111 Wiii of lht lhtf utculH /he 11m1. ,t.dmlnl1tr1ta• tbcrvt ntmld d11:t<11nt (01'FIC1AL SEAL\ of Ille E1l1" of Ill' lttMrt A. eathl!tW JOSEPH E. OllVI~ above ~ • ..,...., H c1<1ent Alltr'MY M Ltw Nolfl'Y Publlc·Cl lllortlit WILLIAM o . PA!IO 21M Ntl'lllr lfon., Sllltl 111 PrlMllltl OHlte 111 Pn 0.Ylr Drlvt. Sullt I Cffll fNu, CtflltrRll t2'U Ort ntt Caunlw Ii.....,.. 111c~. Ct lll. r:IUI Ttl" 010 t*.. T t (mO "41 UJI All•rrttY flf' C.·••teui.n MY Commluk>n EJ111Tre1 1 ' · J""' 11, u n A1ten11-, fw 1to•1t1l•ltlr11tr Pull~lhed O•tll<l~ c .... 11 OlllW Pllol, PubtltlltO Orl n{lt Cllltf Ot!lf Piiot, Pulll1ih"I Orin•~ c ... 11 01l!f Plk!t, , Au1111t n, 19, 26 1nd St111im1Nr 1, A·-U1! J 1, " '' '''' ,.,,.., Aututl 12, lt, '' 1nd S•Pttmbtr 1. 1'6' 1JCl1 ·lt .,... ' ' ' ' \Ht Ut7·6' :::'.'..~-L-EG_A_L~N-O-Tl_C_E__::::::::1-~--;-LE~GoA~L:--~N~OT~l~C~E~~ LEGAL NOTICE IAlt OU 9Alt lfll HOTICI! TO CltlDITOltl Sillt UH SUPl:lttOlt COUltT OJI TH• SUPeltlOlt COUltt 011' tNe NOTtCI! TO CltlOITOll STATI 01" CALll'OltNIA 1'011 STATI! OP CA.LIPOltHIA POlt SUrlltlOI COUltT OI< THIJ T .. I COUNTY OP OltANGI THI COUNTY 01" OltAMOI J T t i: Or< CALll'OltNIA l'Olt Ht. A·l ll11 NI. A"'11M THI COUNtY 01' OltANGI p:::~~~vo"A:A~:111°lT•lt's'l"i..e E•l•lt ti ltOllERT M. EMIGH, 0Ke11' EJ11t1 (If :;-:,.ti'~: A It l EE' N In !he M•llel' of Ille E1l11t of JAMES lditOTICE' IS ttEltEIY GIVEN to !ht IOYLE, 1-1 lt:ATltlC E GOllMAN J. PESICULE, t'Kttltd. crl4llorl of lllt tblllt n1"'.c dteedtfl! I OYLE. 1k1 aE,t.TltlCE A. IOYLE, lkl NOTICE IS MEltl!IY GIVEN 1111! 1111 11\11 111 "''IOl'll llfylfll clllll't Hll111t 1M lllAtltlCt: 0 . BOYLE, 0tCHlt41. ACROSS l Rtll.11\'t of a baJ,ony '8Ji1sph1m1: Dill 10 Ptruse ·14 In the know 15 US tennis ''"" l& S•llor~· Pillron s aint 11 Suit1blt fof 1 kin o 11 AbOl•lld 19 Duck 20 Hid clea• comprehen· s ion of 21 F ight 22 Where knoxvi!l1 Is; A.bbr. Zl Lomond rs ! Ntss Z5 Closint word in so1111 ltt11r1 't 1 Dupes 31 "•Bush ... 1ht .. 32 Wing 33 -Rivt1 r11, Qutbt' )) Exposur• to dan91t 3' Femilt ~l Turn ed fr o111 the proper path 1 •3 O icl11Dr'1 ! t itle " Susplcl1us: Sling 4' RtllnQ11!1h ofnce •I Rlvtr to lht St • of Aiov " .. 49 Heiring organ 51 Stockholdll''' In terest 53 Btvtrage containe1: 2 words 57 "That's I .... I" 58 llalliln piovlnct S' G1ve b!rth ICI &l F1111ed po tlct forct : Abbr. &S \W i ll member fib Sin9!t & 7 Dodge &a 8 lcarbon1 t r ,,_ •• Do ttrl1ln olfic t work 70 Wtilpon 71 k i11d Clf I Mn ls te1urn 111tn l n Charg11 71 Whip l "tcrtatlo11 1re1 2 Mr. Wist• ] Anger 4 Moves l&bor- lously J Unde1worl ii goddess • Sle1g1nll kt phr1s1 7 Consum..-1 Cutting lm11ttm1nt ' --lirlt ll&: Alw1y1 f1 ith fu t 10 Put In dilftitn\ WOl'di 11 Man's 1111111 12 Ma•e beU1r 13 Football 11at111lcs Zl State ol ftll' Z4 Make• choice z' us party: lnfo1m1I Zl Young 1nimal %1 USSR mount1Jn 11ng1 t• NtW S· g1ll!t1!n9 e1rg1ni11tle111 JO 8rC1ught Into bt lng l• Ne1rth Amerlcti: lndl1ns ,. Olscou rt1ou1 17 Vtntrltt d l111a9t )I A I low ltrt1•· l/l2/b9 40 "School for Scandal" author 42 P it ct 11 turf 4~ Oxllkt •nlnr•I ~l Metal 50 Snub 52 Montr eaJ't 1irpe11t 5) Slng!n9 voice 54 Prtclud1 55 Musltal comPOslU Cll'I 5to Supff· n1tur1I being 6dl Kind of storm •2 Anc ltnl lown in Ga111et 6) 17th tttllu ry date; Re1111111 64 Strip off outtf lil ylr '' Ont or lh1 falfy folk " " Undtnlflltd, JAMliS E, HEIM, l'ubllc 11111 drcldenl ,,. rMultld to Ille llltm. NOTICE IS ttEltEIY Gii/EN ta 11\t Admln!1tr11er, 11 ,t.dmltll1lrt!Of' wllh Wiii w"n !ht nece1S1"' ¥0VCNr1, 111 ""'offlu c•Hltort of 111e 1boYI 111mf'd d1c""111 An"""" of Ille Ellt lt of JAMl"S J. ti' 11111clt!rt;llf111r 1lloY6 .,,tltltd court,., !hit tll 1"!<11111 h1vln1 ,111"" ''""'' ""' PESICULE, 11t<H IN. Wiii Mii 11 11r1'11i. to 1rtw11I "''"'• will! Ille l'IKllll,.., stld dtctd•nl t r1 r-lrtd tn flit tr..m. 111t t.i !he fl l1htst 11'111 bl1t n•I bltMltr, VOV(htft. "' !he llt'MltnllnH tt 1111 ofl'lct wllh 1111 111Ctu•,., YlllCl'lttt. I• !ht ollkl 1lter cleductlon el l~Y rttutsl!d brlktr'l ti n11 1ttor111n , OSTlt.OW, Olt.U CICElt, ti lht c11rt: of lllt t bll\lt lfl'llllH tou!'I• GI" r.;:··· a •••••• •t O Ot t •••• ~ •••• O O t O c11mmr111on. -""' ,.,,,,. Ind COii-HASATllt. a. 1CVltl!1, t in Wllt~1·• le I, 111 II' """'· with "" MCltll'T ......... d lllllnl t>trllntlflr l'lltnl~. •nd 111bltcl lou1tv1rt. a.var"' MHi., c11Hor"11 to21t. vtlldle..., to /ht ""''"ltntll •I 1111 llfftc• "' eonfl•l'lllllon bT f11t 1bo"'8 1111n114 wlllcl'I It !rte 11tc1 ol 111.11!11111 el lhl ti .hi• •ltot"*Y" CUltltY a. BAll.NEI, "'° YOUR PROBLEM• S1111trllr CMlrf, 1111.Wldnndl f, Al>9U•I 1t. llMoirtltnld In 111 mttlefl ff•l1lnlnt No VIII'"' ltoM, Loni llttcll. C1tlfol'nl1. - ,..,, ti "" htur of ,.,...,., l'C~ -.. "" ff!etw llf 11\d dtctdtlll, wllllln ""' tOtlll Whlth It .... lllCI (If bl/slNll of lhl • • or ll'lt ... 1t11r wl/hl" ll'lt time 1!lowell bT """''"' itttr "" flrl! p\lllHcilNofl of 11\lt lllldtr1l•nl'd 111 111 m41tter1 "r11lnlnt "' £ 1ew. 11 th1 tllltt o1 1111 Pu1>11c notia. rn. ''""' o1 ta14 decttltnt. w11111~ """' You want t o 1111 so m • Item #lodmltl!1tr1tor. IUI Ettl Olest..vt Strltl, Dltecl Jv,., fl, 1fff l'llejl!M 1t11r Ille 111'11 ftllbllc1llll'I If llllt h I -• b s.n11 ..,,,, c1ntorn11 n101, •ti rltht, t111e, J. OONALO EMIGM natt(t. : t •t you no onger ne.u ut 1nlerttl tnd ftlele Df U lG J-'MES J. EKtculW 111 tilt Wltl ol 061td Aututt 1, lfft 10mffne •Ill Can UN for PESICUlf, .,_,111, 11 lilt llmt tof his 11111 lbOYI 111"'fd 4KtdMI I". Oll!NN I OYLE Ge111\, Incl 11! r11M, !Ille t f>ll lnftr!1! 11111 OITltCW, OltUCkelt, Admlnltlr•tlr of I"' Ellll~ 41: Hid "'''' ~ •• tteulred, b• -·•!Ion of HAU.Tiit a ICUlfT Of 1111 ~bl .... f\tmed orcl'd1nl • 1-w or olherwlM, ollllr llltn or Ill lddllklfl '111 WUllN ... 9MI. CUltltT • •A•N•I • ID th•I ti 11ld deudtnl 11 Ill• 11,,... of n11 ''""" Hlltt, callf. """ Siii vrn.,. 1111• « dt11!\, In 1flll lo 11111 ctrt1!11 rttl 1r-r1Y Tt l: flll) tn•HN UUI tn•H1' lint l11ch, C11Lltr"lt tolOI i Gescrlbtd 11 tollaw" to wit : AllwlllYI fir l•IC~ Ttll fllt) llf·lttJ Lot 1, Bladt "A", Trtd t :W. In Tiit Pvtillshtd Ottll9t Cc11t Diii-, PHot, AtlffftlYI fW Mml1tl11r111r C!IY of CD1!1 1Mt1, Covnl'f' of Ortntt, A111u1t J, lJ, U, U , 1t0 1ua.•• Pultlltht4 Or11111 COit! 0111-, "....,llGI, Sl1te of Ctlll'Ornl1, 11 111r m•I •t<o•ded Aut~ll S. 12, 1f, ''' Uff U In booll: t7, Giit :If of Mltt•!l-nto111 LEGAL NOTICE M111, In Ille ofllu af the Ct ul!W LEGAL NOTICE • Rtcordtr of 1ald County, ComMOn"l------;.,:;;;;------J---~::::::.:::..:;;,~~::----·f• known 11~ lll M11net!1 SlrHI, C11tt1l •All. ltlS NOT!Ce TO (ltlDITOltl • M111, Ctll!Dn11t. HOTICI TO Cltl01TOll I • Bklt-' olltrt 1-. l11~1!ed !or 111• 1,11. IUPl•IOI COUltT 01' THI IUllilllOlt COUltT 01'_ TH • t rlf 1fld m111t bl 111 wr\llnt 11111 w]ll ~ STATI 01' CAl,ll'OINI ... l'Olt ST Tl OJI C.\L!l'OIHIA l"Olt • r..:ffYrd II Ille Jlfflct of "" P11D11t: TN• COUNTY 01' OAANOI THI CG~~T:.;:.,olU.N91 M1T1lnlslr1tor, IUI I! .. ! ChtOnut Slretl, Ne, • ..,.,.. C U I •·· Stnle A111, Ctll!eml1 '11111, w ma-, bl Ettttt of PA TltlCIA M. EMIGH, E1!1l1 crl OONALD · l'L M • ~ttt· flflCll with 1111 Cltrll e1 111d Svll'tf1er DK11m, 111. "" C-1, or ,...., lie ftlPwfN No 11111 NOTICE IS HEltllSY GIVEH No 11\t NOTICE IS H'fltEIY GIVEN lo Admlnl1tr1111' MrlOl'lll!Y 11 111T tlmt Ct'tdllor1 ti Int 111oovt "'"""" dtc:tdll'll crNl,.,1 " !fie •~ "'"""' ff<~ 1tter f!r1t 1111bllut1 .. ot' f!\lt !Miiiet Miii !flll 111 --· i'll'Yflll <11'-" "111111 111t: IMI ·~-r,1 llevlM Clll"'I Hllnt! llli l>ffllrt IM --"" " U ICI ..... Ultl ~ ,,, ,..,1 • ., "' tu. """" Mid .,. T .. v!l"W to ff!• """" ? NOT ? OVER , , • • YOUR ANSWER : $50 , • , • You co ll THE DAI LY f!LLOT,011k.for Cl111lfl.d Adv•rtl1ln1, and place 1 PILOT PENNY PINCHER TEI.Ml Of" 1AL£1 C1sfl, llWl'lll '""""' wltll IM Ill(_,.., _,,.,., In #It .itkt wlfll lllot llKl'lllrt ll'f\l'd'ttrt. lfl fllt oflQ et !ht U"lltd Sltlfl. T.,. N•Cf'nt (1Ml If .i JM <ltfll ol 11\t llltwl 1t1llllW eo1o1rt, .. "1111 (If,_ ol IN '""' tallllld ~." Ille ·-· of1trW """'' t«'ll'llotill'IY kCl'I " •l'IMTll f!lftn, wtlll ,.,,. l'IKftll"' "' __ , """'· "'"' "" ~·., -"""' ..,, .. Gffrtr, wt!~ "" Nit!~ " ~ .. 1't !ht un.tlr1!1Md ti 1114 office ~ Ho IM ""*''"""' ti lllol DflQ the -Ul•M itrl« to _. "'ld -~ " hi• 1"°""1'1. OtTltOW. OltUCKllt., of ttle1r """'"""" Ptllodc Miii Pillfttf, CLASS IFIED AD fifl'llltlen ti flit Ill' 11111 SU..rlot' C""'1. HAU.Tiit: a ICUltET, 1111 Wllllllrt 611 """' """"" ,,, .... , 111111 H-blr All Mft., .ntn mv11 bl IUlmllttlll.., loultftr4. 1.-IY Hlll!o (111'°'"11, MIL Ill. l.11".tMtlt" C.Fl!eo1ll• '°'11' d)Cf\ AT OUR SPECIA 1 LOW RATE I ~ ""111 ....... W *" 1tlttr. wftkll II fht ro!Kt 11 llutlllftl If 1111 It llW I' Ct ti ""91-Df IN Vl'IOlrli9Mt """' Tiit rltfll 1't rtl«I '"' tnf 111 lidl .. \lfldtf'lltnll!I Ill 111 1'1111"lrl ""'tin~ No Ill tit lflltltrl l'tftolnllll '9 IM •!tit ti M*t'1' ttttrvtd, IM flltlt .i • 1 \of ftttftftl, wlllllfl Holl!" u to ftct;f!!t, W•lhi!I ttt.r """"" tfltt 3 2 ' 2 OATfD: Julf tt, '"'· ,...""" et111 fht ""'' M lkttklr! " 11111 ..,. "'" ;wNuti.., of lhl'I notkt. L I N E S TI u • S D 0 L L A RS JAMES £, Hll:IM llOllC.t, 01ttd A111~t I, lftf. m Ii P .. llc Afmlnlt!rltof tnof 11 '''"" JulY )1, '"'· MCVtl" 'Klllt H•llantl "'*""''"r'"' w1tt1 t-111 J. o.ritld l n,'9h. All'llln11tt11w ''"" •M 51mYt1 c . P•llMI' 111 AND YOU" ("I DIT IS GOOD I ...._,."' al' u1<11 11:11111 of IM flltlt " lllt C•l111<utol'I of rht wm " I\ I\ #IDlt!Alt 11.llYPl!lt, COUlrfTY COUHtl\. 1blv, n1mr. dtttdltll lllt t bO"' "'"'" -.Cecttnl • AHO'°""',... ,ATTll.SOH, DIPUtY GITltOW. DltUCJr It, ...... Tiit "1~a'"I p,,.,.,~. ; DI A L N 0 w DI It I c T ! • , JOH~ "'-PATTllt.IOlf ' kUlt•T '12 111 ,ltwtt SlrHI, wn wu1 ..,_wH e"'9rlf Hlllt, c1111. IHlt l11 A111•1H. C1111.,llf1 ,..,, 6 4 2 • 5 6. 7 8 · llllla Aft .. C1~l1 tJ1fl (1111 J1~:1tl4 AllWlll'rt .., C•l•tt'lffl EXECUTIVE DESK e 30x60 w1Jnut f o rmic• top wit h ••lf-edgt fo r be1u ty & long wear (el10 available In 30x66 & 36x72 tops e File drawer on steel 1uspen1lon at sma ll upchar9a) REG. $159.SO r :::· ::::d!i::::::l;::;-''Gzt You a re cordially invited to visit our showroom, !he Harbor area's largest display of quality & bud get OFFICE FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES LARGE -COMFORTABLE HIGH BACK EXECUTIVE CHAIR e SWI VEL & TILT MECHANISM with tension & height adjustment e NYLON SEAT for co mfort and long wear e HARDWOOD BASE with c1rpet c11t1r1 Reg. $149.50' sggaa .. STEELMASTER FILES e FULL SUSPENSION e IO ROLLERS PER DRAWER FOR EASY OPERATI ON ·• ZINC PLATED FULL SUSPENSION ARMS e THUMB LATCHES e GUIDE RODS 4 DR.-REG. $73 .00 ......... . 2 DR.-REG. $57.00 .......... $3988 ' -OFFICE DESIGN SERVICE AVAILABLE- STENO CHAIRS • • • from NIW ITC c IT I z EN ADDllS • ELECTRIC • LIGHTWEIGHT $39so • ADDS· SUBTRACTS • CREDIT BALANCE • 2 COLOR Rl,BION Rttulor $109.95 NIW BROTHER e 11 '~ c1rrle9• fo r doing reports e lnt•rch1ngeabl• typei e Full slu key board e A/C outhi t for light, etc. • Speedy paper Injector • Ho rizont1I & vertical h1 lf·1p1<t I LICTllC POlTAIU Reg. $179.50 ...•.••. $14988 .. RENT e LEASE CALL US FOR REPAIRS On Both For•ltn I. Dom•1tlc MACHINES & FURNITURE OPTION TO BUY MACHINES • UNIVERSITY O/fice Gquiptnen~ .!Jnc. ' • • , I( I,>! ~ 1913 HARIOR ILVD • 646·71 lJ COSf A MIS.4 540·1<272 r-.. ,.~ l . ' A""'""' .... A•ll'llttl'IW tUl Vl'lllllltl ...... ""!It Yllllolr tit, f HO &Ill (~nlllll! l!rftf fth OUI .,,..,._ TU1 flUI f14·l* j Tt...,,.,.11 ('141 IM<lf1t A""-• ftr A-.1111tttt11t . ll'vll!lthlt 0•11!11 CMtl C11r, P!trll, tT•h ,,_, M.nll C••nty 140• 1 ZJOI PuOll.ntf Or-t (1111t 011ty P iie!, PWlshld Ort "" Cotlf DlllY P iiot, A ... IQ/ 12. H, Jt Ind St11t1111ber I. ll~:l::c:"'i::;..;:.l.;::::::ie;:c;::i!::!!! Autull S. t. lt.1Ht 1•42 .. t Autonl S. lZ, \f, ~" '"' 1W-tt IHJ Utwt 1fttl•Hfttfftffffffftftflfflfftfftff••••ff JI --' .... ···" I • JO OAllY PILOT H Fertones In Lan4 -2 Pros, Cons of Real Estate By S\'L VIA PORT~R Although record numbtrs of professional in vestors have bMn making fortunes by buylne and selling land -ror housing and vacation ho1ne developmenl.!, Cor 1ndu6trial plant site.<;, for offices, ret1re- 01ent homt sites, other USC!I - you arc nol a profesiilonal In- vestor. You don 't have big Ume money at your disposal. Yet, you are deeply tnterested, wondering whether you should buy or whether you should sell 1-eal estate you already own To guide you, here an: both sides or the story of rc<1I estate as an investment todny. F IR S T, T H E DlSAVAN· TAG ES: Jn most parts of the country, property taxes are soanng - and taxes. of course. are a major part of the rosl of land ownership ~1oreover prop erly taxes tend to clap with each sale Interest rates are at historic peaks -also adding heavily to tJ1e cost of real estate you buy with borrowed money TO INVEST 1n real estate. you generally must be prepar- ed to oomnut a s1iable chunk of n1oney-say $10,000 or more Ill order to tum any s1gn1f1canl profit You can obtain a stake in secur1t1es with much less Real estate 1s one of the least liquid of all investn1ent:; and 1t may take months or years to dispose of a properly at a pr\ee you approve Jlealtors' comm.1sslons. when you sell. can cost from 5 lo 10 pereen1 of the selhng pr1~ SO~ll:: FORA1S of real estate -such as land slated for recreational purpo.<tes - are highly vulnerable in any period or busme~ recesslori. So an investor to this type or land 1nusl be prepared to ac- cept such nsks and be prepar- ed to !It out of downturn There Is no formal market for buying and stlllng real estate, as there 1s for trading securities A11d there Is no way for the small 1nve$tor to In· vest1gate and compare values in vanous parts of the county. i We are not d1scuss1ng here 1 cal estate investment trusts, corporallons, etc , future col· umns will g111e details on these l NO\V THE ADVANTAGES TI1e key one, of course, 1s the rel atively high return you can achieve on any sound in- vestment tn real estate Ac· cording to recent calculations by the Arlhur Lipper Corp . prices of land for home sites rose 9 6 pereent a year m 1967- 68. more than double this period's average 4 2 percent a year rise in consumer prices Between 1946 and 1968. home site prices rose an averag e of 8 percent a year-about three times as fast as consumer prices By 1nvest1ng 1n real estate Profits Mark Record For TV Broadcasters SALES MANAGER Lou1• w. Leopold Leopol<l Promoted Appointment of LOUIS \V Leopold of Costa A-t esa 1s d1str1cl sales manager for Air New Zealand In Los Angeles ~·as announced by Alex 1 G i 11 more , manager -North America L e o p ol d, who SUt'cteds representative for the airhne and agency manager. will be 10 charge of sales 10 Sou1hrt n Cahforn1a. Arizona Nrvada, New t.tex1co, Oklahoin a anJ Texas. For the past two \Car~. Leopold served as s a I r s rerpe:sentat1ve for the a1rhnf' In Orange Count\ Prior to 101n1ng Air New Zealand ht' 11pent five years as region.ii station manager fo1 Lo~ Angeles A1rwavs 1n Anahein1 and Newport Beach • \\1AS HINGTON (A P) Tele111s1on broadcasting profits 1umped to a record high of $494 8 m11l1on in 1963, snapping back from the previous years slump, lhe Federal Con1- mun1cat1ons Comm 1ss1 on reported \\'ednesday, The prev1ous high \\'as $~92 9 n11lhon in 1966 In 1967 profit s for the indu stry had dipped to ~14 6 million The 15 network owned and operated stations \\ere, on thr \1 hole. sitting pretty 1n 19G3 wtth total profits of .$122 4 1n1l11on -an increase of 17 4 percent over the previous year, and an average profit o{ $8 16 m1lhon per stahon The 473 other VHF stalions rarned $34:> 6 m1lhon -a 26 !I 1>erccnt increase and a n average of $7311 000 per ~ta­ non Bui \jl UMF' stations shol1- cd an 01 er all loss of $29 5 1n1ll1on co1npared with a $17 7 nulllon loss 1n 1967 The FCC figure~ sho\\-Cd II pa'fs -especially for LllF sta11ons -lo be affiliated \\llh a nia1or netv.ork Among VHF stations, fi7 percent of the network a1- f1l1a1es showed a profit 111 J96!l 11h1lc only 66 7 per cent of lho independents made money Ainong UHF outlets profit s 11 ere shown by S.'l percent of the network affiliates but by only 5 ~ percent -l\\O out of Jj -of lhe independents 1 he s.;oo 000 lo $600 000 pro flt range 11.as lhl.' up]li'r lun1t lor UHF stations ~ith only lour 1n Lh<1l top range There were 154 VHF sta- tions making more than that. ELEVEN ACRE CORNER OF PRIME M-1 PROPERTY BEING OFFERED FOR SAL E N E CORNER FAIRVIEW & SUNFLOWER, SANTA ANA, CALIF. $SO,OOO ~ER ACRE -T.,ms Ed Rldcfle •eoltor, Inc. 646-8811 ~!PSA _Jets every 9U minutes to San Jose! 7 1m to 1·30 Pf"· Both wap. 7:00·1:3°'10:00-11 :30 •m·1 ·00-2:30-4.00-5:30·7·00·! 30 pm. More on week H1d1. Why worry abOut 1 re&erval•on when PSA has over 150 fltghla • dar? Such an e1sy-l~1emel'!lber sehe<klle ~o..i can tlt'Y It arvund II'\ your head. Whyi remember lowest larea? Or 1U J•ts? Or g~ll toMc9 to Sin Ff'llnc!aco. Oakland, Sen Okilo. ind S-eramtntc? Or tn11 kld1 urul~r 12 flt PSA (wlth their parf"nts) for hall lire? Stlll wlllt 1 rotc1rv11ion1 Jurt ~ll_)'~r travtl 1g1m Of Whtt••t11'tern1 ahtlntt. ~"""")OM• lift. Major LA Boom Seen Witl1 Peace WE'VE GOT THE ANSWBA! TAB W1Ll ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE .,. WAKE YOU UP ••• DELIVER YOUR MESSAGES , .• TAKE YOUR ORDERS ... AND FILL MANY OTHER ,NEEDS ••• • FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PE• MO CALL. US NOW FOR INFORMATION ANO A BROCHURE. r T!LIPHONE -4'b ANSWERIN; IUll!AU 543-2222 I OFFICES TO SERVI! All. OF ORANGE CO. OVER THE COUNTER oceanograpMc fun~ iic. A mulu•I lund l11Yest1na 1n the de~elociment and use of th• ocean and its resources -----------Mi'9ttt9 Dht,llu1tort. htc. • ... ,.... 51rttl ,,..,_ Vtf'L NV' lt00' ,,., ... '""d -• pt"qt~<-t111 on tr:• oc;e111<>1~1pt11t fu1tlll, '"'' Lef TV WEEK Turn You On Complete-New York Stock List ..• .. .. tM1.I Mltll l.9W Cit .. 0.. I I I ~~~~~~--~~~-~ :::::::::::::::::-::::~~~~~~··~~~~~~~~~~-~~~·~·~·· .. ~·~····~·· .... ~ ...... , •• .,~~·..,,.,,•,••=•,.. .. , ••• ,.,..""''""~'""~""""''•••••••., .. IL44,.,,.,•,.,,, •• ,.....~,-.,-.,.,.,...,...,,,.,,...,,,.,.,,,,...,~-:c-::-ir;;-.~_,...,...,..-...;....;;;;r,;,..,,, .... ..,.,,.~~ • ' Tuesday's Closing Prices -Coinp1ete New Yorli Stocli Exchange Lis t mrsl(:.~» :-"uH ;~ H~ Ii::=~ ~·~.:~;;;,~:rt. ~~~Mr 1 1t"1"~ i'U s k SI. A . ~~~i~~ii 1-::r:i!fJ, .. • • :i~ t ~~ · · ~.:: I "" -. . ·1 rr ~ • tt -• toe s 1p ga1 n, :cir • ~ lt1 .. 1t.$I llO Ji: It~\;--. Hn lelT' -~\) -1" ~ ~I I l'I+* llOll "'1/ !:~re c: :q !ill • r.~ :·~ ~;;:· I ~ ~·~ mP>i. ;r.io" Lim . fill~·~ D J D h 6 8'7. ... r~:~1i "' ~II 1111 ll t... 1w. -J"' Nit .tJrnllh "' ue -1111 i!G ' I !J\6 -\;, ~!" '12 ,;;ff-1:!~ 111:-1' =· e _!_ -1~1::: = ·,.~ \ ~I ~g~.~ _.. own y _ • -~~T~ lli·~t 1>.: :n,, ~-· ~-" = ~ ,::,o;: t~o 0 f!• '18\ =: tt :1 11• -& l 1'!1',""<•"'H mt r po ~ .+1 "'"0911 t,,_ ... 114 s:Wm 2 ' }lot $2 -,~ Wlllttl(ltc oO , I \ Kl '-' -lll<t."'fn " 7\lo u toll 1 JL._ _ ~~ ~broncp .o I~ t'r_.:;?1 ,1 • 3 ~::'"' 0"' COi"• "100 1'14 i::.,~J ~ 'io,,u'-'1J111oi !'tt NEW YORK (AP) -With many Investors re-svbrCWI p12,40 1~:ll~ ::al J1 1t li 5 !• : : ""' •• •iwr=":.n~ 1 1~ r, =iu ported stdl hug~ng the sidelines, the stock market '•" ero '° ll~~~~lf:: 11d : :~ ~~ .. ~M::0~:'1C 4:);:;~;;~ "";~·~ ;1 M~ ~ i~~~ tum~~ ~0o:~on7s 1~:~u:~;:i everage, which lost !~~~f ~I tl;1I k'° i!1 • a ~:: = ~,~:: ~.~ •U ~" t: t: -r. ! t;<>1l 1 1 U il.i) -:t 4 63 d ,1.:t1M•1 .:u1 n u11r on , i. _ \\ ., nd ".,.. , i":"• !iii~· ,~,1~ = ~ 1 eor. ,. 2' N "'il _ = points Mon ay had 6 87 more clipped oU t<r .-1toi1!• ~ 12f ,.;: St\l H +: ml1~~~.~i1 * ~ ,~n~ ~ = ~ day to c1ose at s12 oo 1 tieOi~~ ... i:,. ...... , ' j u~ i •111•"" 15 I )II!. fi1" ~114 J I(,. 'l "' -The New York Stock Exchan~e index of Tt nMCt I 2t lcw• lfff t -2 ~1tSl1rdl 10 ! l2\\ J111. + ~ U 'f \t '4 + some 1-PIS'° ' ",I LP 1 :.:i 7• -"" ,, ' .. 1 2 $0 1 .u1o1 Vt .,1o1 1• •• c ' '"' 1'"' -1 200 common stocks sl1ppcd O •2 o 5117 1'•:'s',",,n11 .... ""I 'I! jl \i Vt 10o 11 Tl• IO t It lt u +" lln tllll ' l 1 21 .. •ow•PL 1 I ~ ~ • '" -~·' -..... " ire 1·~ " COlll .<111 • ' ttu 21'&-1 •• ,,, , ... lo 1PS 1 ff .... ... ... •• -"" •,•EG 1 \1 I ~ ff: ?!" -._ y ,',•,••i,,••1,~ il'w 1-10:0 : ~ ll ~ :t-" ~·., ~ /,• """ , -" o .n ,:o _ .,. olume rose over Monday s vel'} slo\Y pace G OT 1~ l' "" Ut; ,. 1,1,,.. """ I • , .... -h 1!P$ 1,0. s 171t ~ 174' th mllll b nd , ••• ,1 .. 11 II OfP ~ I: ~"" "~ =2n ~:.~ llot ... ~ n~ ttl? tt~ !. ~ C1IE 1411 .. i161o " Sl -II'! Wl 7 87 on s ares changing ha s compared t:•~l~I a, -J-K-,,..,... .. 'u g"" fi1<1 P.1" -1 NG~~ I~ 'U Jl'I li:? W = \\ w1th 6 68 million in the previous sessi on The Mon ... :v, 1 1 ~• ~~M'.b1' 11 1~1 I"" 11\ ~~""'ft 124:. fl .tt xw. ii~ PK 1 • 1w :n" 12Vt 21\o't -day turnover was the lowest 1n nearly two years l1•'r11n t0 j.••o• ~ ,> ff\ tt' 'j"" -lt N1~n1 1 Dt ,", Hi~ 11"" H"' _ 14 b lh 2 tot 10 •1111 .. ~\ 0\6 + VI T,•,',,'," !!.", ... _, • Bl!i-\io 1<4ewm1 it1.lSO ... >>" •+"''°"Ry it! 1 1 11 '5 >j +• " "n In\ ~ • l.i ~-, Y M JOd 311• ft': lJ'°" -\-'I Swtlf •j•INll 11 4 1' ' +14 Of 1 548 l ded 907 d I d h I 375 ,., ol<e '° ~:~.~· ~ "' v. \IO -U ~vs1~ 1.m ,: uw v. "" + 16 f-P ... ,J 11;<i "" ti"' issues ra cc 1ne \v 1 e ri.omst 1114 J••CPL , 1l~ 60"" 60 1 -t,'.,'t.I'~ :s, ~ 56••• I" M~ :_1~ 1::~:~ 1'6: 1? ilh ft' 2\1"".;.::, advanced t~1T.v1D~ 68 J1 .... 1 Co XI I 4'11\ .. '4 .. /. 1~ =~gM itlt IO "" '° n .. ._ I• Nrton tSt 31 lJl'I 13 U\oi T me n I fO Jl111 Wilt .ii 561 li n·· !ltt-" .. ::I" .... ,.. '•' • •• ~ !l ! . IE.,, ttu! I 21 II\\ " A\41 + 14 Tb th h h I th d Tlme\M . so Jori11M1n 1:io ts l\ ._ t4' ... ... .. .. , .. , , ... it ,. ere were ree ne:\v 1g s or e Yt.ar an T"'~"!l 111t1 JoMJl'in "°' 74 1 7'\i , ""' lJ v. H ""' Pl ,. llO 121'1 521-'1 lVt ~ -~R ".ht sn ~~ ~1\\ •h. -Iii • Tl"' R Iv l6 j:tl!"~ l8 ~ ,,.::, l2 ,...., _ ~!.!Lr'~,, 7 31f :: ~-. u" _ '11 ffil9 • :i. 20111 20 11114 + 16 93 new lows ,.oti ~ PWft ~o,.,.L•11 1.u, I 2J 1 1\U :\.tt +ti M;~11nd 11 ,", ~ 1•"' 2014 l:'"'•Mf11 1 , Ut\ ,, 11,,. -" The Associated Press 60-stock average closed l~~~ 1 1 Z: JllllH&.l Pl !ll ff ff f-1Vt NGAmetf I 21"• '1 2114 +a 1rtO ~ '1 ~ 1 ... 1"11 Trt"" Co IO Jory.,111 i_:.:r ,. tJ"-2 _,. NAmc... '° 1 l!t;.' ·~ 11 -ow11111 1' 1u s1 »Vt wti ! "' off 2 8 at 288 O, with industrials off 3 7 ralis off ,., .. ~ un , 6 J!)lltl\l jt) 10 ft ff -1 N«AmPfll 1 111 "' "" + rn Db• Pl la " Ml\ " 1'4 1 • d utlll u 1 TrnWA!r ~ kc: .:11/_,, ... , .. • n~ j -l?: "IGN>lll ' .no ""=·\.'J :·~~ ~-= ~ ~\\ ~\\ ~ -~ ... an ties 0 8 ' ~w><' "' Kilt sr!14 ll 'f •~ ~ ll': ~ 1U ~~::~~ 1 :: 1 {:,, {,~ IV. -~ 1erP1lnl .3t 2 nv. 2'2 n -'Ii So I l d th k l hi be J TranWF K1l•><I pl4 2 6" " + N 1 11M U\<i U" u\<i _1 SO KoU1mtn u 1,Va lt\lio lt"'° _ \.\ me ana YS S 881 e mar e ffilg S lp-Tr1nwnr SOb K•l•C•m 32 '°"" ~ 70v. "No11~• ylt1 • tt -v. lra:1'1 2bi "' ll" irn. s1"" +" pmg back to test the 800 level on the OJI It ,va s ~ !~t:oi\'u:' 1<11~ 11 so 2 UV. il · il --1 Nor ~S 4 " H~ Vt l'I Ind 2:11 2ft ~ !.")' 571'1-1 th l that lb k l' II Trtf!ll!ron ~!n"cPt' ?k 1~ ~~ U ll"' _! ~ t!~Gt:c i2~ 1 :~ ::a !lv. ~"' -,,., i1001ftL. 2211!1 l~ 1= ,3ii2 1t?~ =1~ in a area e mar e s • most recent ra y 1,,.,..,._,. 61 '1 PL 11uso r170 Ii: u '' -1 MoSrt.l'w <t ttJ 1511 2,1111 2, .. _v.s1001~ Pl4 11/j ut 1.n was spawned'' rr1v11~ PIJ ' 'm·· ~. JIO .. .. JW. -*NS""' pli 11 ~. ~-*11 ~ + "'!' Ptdl.Mln• l!i "' 11 11~ -"' , lront , .. ~ "' ... 10 • ~ ,v. -~ Narttv1111 , _.. ).I , tt1 p,,,. .u , 1 "' 1a " -" Others said that some investor caut100 stem-,.,icOl'I ""~ ~"" I 3' ' ffv. 'I J11/,j Nort5lm J nr 21 rt t2 _ ~ l'P""*" U 1°'1 10~ 1~ + \1 T •'II ~ I Ml 1e:::.Pw1n.i111 ,', ,.~ 2°"' ~. + """', .. ,•,,lll'1to , ¥Jv."" ta -Iii 1..,W1t1 '"° t .uv • .u~ 451, med from• wa1t1n~ to see what eftect-1[ any -~ew "'"!.]. .. ,,--,,-• 3'1a\.'illli 1A-~Sl•nr•VJ0 !7'1~to'410\l-tlo F n d Io; fth f llh TRl"itl'ilJ ~:~a~ d Ji' 11121(1~\:o~o! ~: + \~ ~!;h:~1 , it. '~j il 1o 1:"" ~i. = ~ f'!~I~~ ~~ 4~ ll ... !~. ~~ .. -" ra ce s eva ua1.1on o e ranc w1 ave on 1 < "<'" ,. ~~~~Ro 1 ~ 1' ,'If 411.._ ~· <O:.~ • Ii ~:.;,..'"':,,~ 'f If !J,~ \;ti t~tt + 1 ~ :u~ B~l !i ~ r:1• ~~\} n"' + Other CUfTenCICS SUCh 85 thC pound T"''" C~"1 I IC•• •M:t 1 > n ''"' n~ ~ .... , ~ 01,10 1i nv. o1a ~" _ ste•D•u• 10 i.Jt Joi • -l•~• 3S~-·~ Al so cited as \Ve1gh1ng on the market \Vas the 11..,~ "~ 1 ~~Oll<t140 11 •0l9tl9o -•NwSWIO •.tttllo 4•-1 oSe•tntJ2t0116.Utl«-11 t tt y h U.1.llCD ,~, t Jo ,,1 • t0 •o -1 "'°' 0,.. 1 w 1a !!..., JJ JS , -+ ~ s •wWA• 111 111 ,.,. ,, 34 -1 s epup tn ac 1v1 y 1n 1ctnam w ere Comn1uru st r; c" ,.,. Ke ~ 1 O ~·~ ni.. n•-1\ -0-P-Sol<•V•..C 1 1 1•~ Jl'lo 1l o -•• t T d d th h k VMC ~ct I? ~~~~~' w80 ,{ J~' ~: 7 , , .. _ ,, s1a11:1vc ,, 1 ,100 ", u. u • roops ues ay ma e e1r eav1est attac s 1n ~~ ~ .~ Kll't~co11 1 ta ,, •o ,. , l' • _ 0°',', •,K,,• Mn ,..... 1" -+ si-w ''O u ll\li J.t~• ,.1<1 -~ 'three months un Mv '" ,,G KF(~~KV G !• n 411 ,, ' 1 • 1 ~ 1 • • 'orerlldul I I 21 24l 26\.o -~ Un c .. n,, I KFC • .. .... Otcidn p~ I ~ll 3'. 330... lJl -lo ~; .c~e 114~ ~ ~1• ~. ;1.; -' ~~:::~·1°'f.: ?J l:?: i:?" I:' .+'• l<t rM oil so 1 :; :• ' :;•• -'Oc.C•l!P 1112 • 4 S1 Sl\lo .17'' -I t K~1Coron 1 1 ?ll: J,, :10• -,_OV<lfnCP 80 l• 20'> 2<1\• mt-•1 K OdtCo 1 651 8 ] ' ~ Ovdtn I'll 11 5 lS"1 15 35 K mbC~ 110 ll 6;: ~; :~ =~OhloEdo llO 12 211-> 154 2-S~-l o " no'D~! •O I !6 • 16ij, 1.:;., -'I o~ Ed pf] 'IO tJO ... ... ... +I -A111erican Stock Exchange List Complete Closing Prices I( nM~•NS 15 2~1 ?• 13 ~ 14 + ... Ol<.11 GE I GI 36 20 • lDV, 201",-\o I(~"'' oft ,5 GI " ~·\4 + •• Cl<. Gf pf '° t170 11\<o 121<1 nv, ~~~c~i0~ r'':t~ :r~ ¥v.t~°'i1~~~l1~~1 1~ l:: ?~,: E~=~A~':"c:"0~:wA~~cn!::!'1·:.~e~omPltlt C]~~~l1Fl(lrff 1~ ~~\~ llit ll4-~~&~:;r Pd 31 t,'! ~~~ i~~+" rorwl ... ~ :.: :~ =;o =~~l~:--'~!t~ I 1r.: 1R; ,m +~~~t"~0l111'°~ ; 1,r,. '1r-r.: '11€~~ KLM A 1 •Oil 10 SJ , 11,. 52"--ll'I ld1LI 70 J lf~ u , lll• + » 1,111 .... \~}~ .lt I \t':: ,, • lffl + \II G\:Gf. :io. ' \ll' l\lt \\'• -16 l'l '' 14 JI•• l' b l• -" ~Ill.If M~n ol 1: lfl~• ' ' -.U " 1Mt 601 f -07 ~=~·~11 ,1ft/J l ii' ~\ '• ~!'-_ .q ~"'\!11••R 11 20 1l }:"'~ llt: in:_ tM1 I Hr• L"" <•eti• iml:o;,:,c,,111 .. 50 ,,I ,,l..~ ,1,:!'. ~ -1418-.Ji:•w: 1: 51\ 5 J -\II ='oJ~~ l ! 1~ 1 :., 11 '> -v. R1tf ,_Al~~d 'l. J 1• ''•! 'I~ -~=~~n~ I 0 ,I_,..• ,.~ ~ = ~ • •••-••••A •A II ie o ""ff ii o•--0 10 -\ll~DLlll.)6 lll"ll"'ll"'+ltM!M Con J!J i 1' .. 1S\t"'"I~' ll •~I I -+\1¥t11C111tnillnt 1 ..... ~ -l(~o,170 'JIMr' ::i"":O·Z-~:§:!l;'l' M1r1 "H .. "' "!,\--.--. -A• 11\"'"·'· •• • :>012~ 17'4U\.'J-'M. 1-.1i11 1416\\ m' w..n.i.co1lt 1117• 11~11~ ,,Roblnnd l, II ..... ·~·-'-v··~·M n,,., h -1111 • SS •• .. • , .... ' '' l • ; .. ..._ .. --• 1)1 1~• 1"--" fY 11 ll" 1 ~ 17li -11 Mti'rln Ill 6J ... 4 \ '.,_, ,, Rocl>G Pll' ' J)O !.e ., "•'" )IV!+, .. v ... I Ind t ~·;~~ ..,;; 1 lS\i ~ 10 ~1• ~ e';'trt~l 1 71 2;'" 1f" =~Abet' Pd 01 2 1 \ ·~ ,,_. M Corp 12 t1 't 41"' 11\!o -•1 wt wt 24 II~' t:wi -Mftt Pt O 11 JI , 3<., !~; -\.'> =~~, M'lOo ", 11•, lt lt i -\lo Vrn rDfl !«I n, 1 !1' 21141 ,. -'• .,,_., 0.. .. ,. ,,. ,,,1 _ ,, °""'''~ 1 ,0 0 , ,,_ .... 1, JC ;_,, ..,cm' .iem 1 5 s s. Sh_ ) obur~ .3Dlt J4 11 r,. 11 11 -• ,..nee• A• 2 "' I' I -MH" 1111 70 10 61., ''' 61 -1 -~·· Jllo ll~! ~-'!k'o 011)'f 11 .--. It 1 "~• "" .. L_ ' ·ow""• t lS 4 ~"'" 6'it lo( +~Acme Prtc , 5 .. 'l• J"-V.~Dlf Mii •~ 1 16\lo ''' Ji o -1 ••nM91 nf 4? it 1 ~ l t+ 'M•• f\f 220 n 1 ~1 . 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I U 1111 + ~ U111•100 wl I ~I" M ... -f1 I ' ' ' ------. _..., -~ -~-::...-----:..~ .... ·-· . ~ Meetings TU•SDAY 11.o!&ry Ch.lb fl/ N1-l·llllb01, lrylne C011nlf'Y (tvb, 1600 f:. Co11t Hlth,..IY, CO.--clel Mllr, •~'JO o.m. Ta.1tm.1lef'1 Cklb, 1111F. Ki11~1 Tlble '"liu.r•-•· Wltllmln•I*•. 6 P.m. Coi;l1 Mftl·H-1 Mtrbor Lion1 Club, Mn& Vtrcle Coun!rt Clutt. COlll Mew, 6:~S •.m. B•lbol ..... Lloni (tub, v1111 M1ri111, 16'! Bini* Drlv1, HtWPOr1 lletcn. 1 ...... 5"1 Beed\ T<>1$1mlll1r1 C!utl. 101 ll1nc:h H-, UOO PKlllc (o,ul H!Qh,..1¥. Seil Beien, 1 p.m. Hun1!1111ton lle&ch Elk1 Lod11e, Elkl ClutJ, ICM O(e111 AY9 .• li11r>l!n11on BHth, 1:30 p,m. SoclrlV k>r !he P•P$HYlllOll 1nd EllCOU•"~"' ot ll1rller S-~'"-' Sll>V•ntl !n "'"""rl<a, Cost• Mew en.ore•. cori..e P1rt SdlOOI, 1ll0 Nol•e D1~ Co.ti MK!!, J:d P.m. S...lh Coal! "'cllv• :io-lO Club, Vlllil<le IM. 119 Mtr!M, 8&1~ llllNI, J::lO D.m. l .O.O.M . .,..,_. No. lUI. 4" E. 11"' SI., (0111 MU&, l ;U o.m Or1nt1e Coa•I B'nl! B'rllh ~1 Lod;e. T.molP $1\arllfl, ,,, W, Hamilton, Cost1 Mn.1, l :U o.m. WE~S:SD&Y 111,,. F11me T<>11tm&1ltn Club, Me..t Verde Counlf'Y Club, Cost1 M11$1, 1 ,_,.,, Ceo.ti Mesa.Or11>tl COii! Lions Club, ()di1'1 Col,_I S"°", 212 E. 11th SI., Cos11 Mesi, 7 '·"'· Hunlln;lon lle•cn Exchtl'>llt Club, S11er1ton Bt1ch Inn, Hunt ington BeKh, 11 noon . W1'5!mklster O<>llmltl Club, Klnt1'1 Table 1lnt1ur1nl, Wn1ml111ter. 12 -· Co•!I M6.1 Ooli'f!ld Club, Cosla Ml'Jt Goll 11\d Coun!ry (l!;b, 1101 GoM Courst OrM, CO.II Mn.I, 12 .-.. Cot11 Mn.a Rotary Club, Cotll MIHol Golf 11\d COU11lry Cllltl. CMll Mesi, " -We~1ml111rer E•chtnff Club. H1·P-y Inn, 1~1 Stith BIYd., Watmln•ler, 11!>0Dll. Hunllr111lon Beech Llom Club-North, Mt'ldowllrt COl.lntrY ClutJ, Huntlr111!0<1 Be1ch. n:u p.m. ~ewpO(f H1rbor ll1r Gl'Ol/ll, VIiii Marl1>1, IOU BIYikle Drlvl, Ntwl>Of1 Bffc.n, 11:15 '·"'· Founl1ln V1Urr E•cf\lllff Clult. Fr111-uilt' Rnfllurlfll, 11151 ~ Blvd., Hu<1tlr11110r1 8eacto, 12 :U P.m. Wal>Tl!nsl'1' l(htrf1nl1 Club, H1'P....,., Inn, 1~1 It~ BIW!,, Wntmin1ter, U :U P.ll'l. Jtlarl'iage Lice1ises DEATH NOTICES CARQUEVILLE He<bl!rt Mln1111 C1r<1IHl!vi!IP. 31C4 't'tl- lo ... ~ Or!ve, Coi11 Mnl, D11t of de1th, &uvusl lD. Survived by .. 11e, E<lllh 0. C1rQuevllle; ...,, Htrbttl M, Jr., both ol Cos11 Mn&. Stf'YICtl, Wedl\fSdl'I, 11 ... M. P1cltk Vl~w Chapel. ln"rmrnl, Pacific Vll'W Mt· rnorl1I Ptrk. Olrec!ed bY P1tlllt v1 ... Mor1u1rt. WOODWARD Mtre•nl M, Woodw••d. Age 11, for· mer rinldent of USJ S11111 Me St • COll• Mftl, 0111 of 011111. Auvuit ID. Survived by ..,,.,, R-rt W_,w1rd, &nd three 9r1n.ichlklrtn, 111 of Mew- ""' 8e1cll. Rosery ""'' re<l!NI Mcn-dlY 1Vtfllflll1 11.ecoulem Miii ..... Ctl•- br1ted Tue!odcllr. lhl• m.ornlng, bOtn at O!ir Lid¥ Queen ol Anuel• c11no11c Churcn. tntermtnl In Ckl-itr<:lalt, Cal· 11 ....... 11. 8t!U MOrllllf'Y, lSl11 E. Coa•I Hl1""'1y, Cor,,... del Mir, <1lrtclO'l. HENRY Robtrl Htfll"tl. 21tl VII MltlPO" E11t, L1gun1 HUii, D1te ol Cllllh .... UllUil 10. SUrvlYed by """'' Ewl'Yn: ~l. llobe<!, of Slit L1kt Cily, Ind Gor- OOf', of D!lll'llllld B1r1 brollwr, Ed· w1rd Henry, Thouund 01t1; 1nd •it gr11\dchlldren. ~rvlcn will be Mid Wi!'One.Oav, Avgu1t ll. l PM. PecT!ic Vitw cn-1. F1m111 wven11 !l'IOSe wb~!nt lo ll'llkf me<norl1! contrlbu· 11on1. olff!.t conlrlllu!~ 10 the H~1r1 Fund. ln1tn'l.nl. Pacltlc Vie,.. ~ •Ill •••k.. DltKltd by P1clfic View Morfll,lry, ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcliff l\lortuary U7 E. 17th St., Costa l\lesa 6'6-4888 • BALTZ l\tORTUARIES Corona de.I l\lar OR 3-9450 Costa l\ltsa AU 5-%41.f • BELL BROAD\VAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\fesa LI 8-S433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley l\tortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. lluotington Beach 84.2-7771 • rtlrCOR~IJCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795' Lagu na Canyon Road Laguna Beach t94-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW !\IEritORIAL PARK Cemtte.ry e l\lortuary Chapel 350ll Pacific View Drive Ne~·port Beach, California 'tf-%700 • PEEK •,AltflLV COLONIAL FUNERAL 1101\tE 7801 Bols1 Ave. \\'tstmin.Jkr PWSU • SHEFFER MORTUARY Lafuna Belcll 4.M-tm Su CJemeate 49Ulot • SMITHS' MORTUARY C'I Mala S• IJuntln~n Btac' l3M5" TutSday, August 12, 1%• No One Knows It Jamboree Widened Flying In 0-ver Coast SANTA A -Jamboree Road fr MacArthur boulevard t he San Diego ..Free.way .has · ten,. ed and widened to four lanes divided by the county Road Department, but h a r d I y anybody is using it. "Everybody still goes up 1'-tacArthur and waits to get on the freeway/' lamented Ted fl.fcConville, assistant county road cammissioner. "I guess they just don't know It's there yet." The improvements ar'e there all right at a CQSt of $310,000 for the mile and three. quarters stretch -completed a couple weeks ago. But Jamboree still is not a through road and suffers from a split personality. There's the more traveled Jamboree that ruru past the Newporter Inn, Easlbluff a n d Philco-Ford Aeronutranlcs. Ana tti'el't'• the Jess traveled Jamboree out by Collins Hadio. Plans have been 1ald to tie the two together without the currently necessary jog on Palisades a n d MacArthur. Newport Beach City Engineer Benjamin Nolan said the one- quarter mile connecting stretch should be started in October with the job taking about six months. The landowner, Lockheed Aircraft Corp., has given the right-of-way rree and $174,000 in funds has been budgeted, tTS,500 from the city of Newport, $75,500 from a state gas tax fund and '23.000 from the county, When the last quarter mile ls bull~ Jamboree...w~· c-'!',,,...-f~ divided, four-laoe road from Coast Highway to the San Diego Freeway, A signal will be Installed at Jamboree and '-1acArthur, the new intersection half opened two weeks ago. The-old Palisades-Jamboree crossing or MacArthur will remain. A short portion of the old Jamboree alignment past the Welch's Ready Mix cement plant will be renamed Palisades, McConville said. It will remain in use to provide access to the cement plant and to the Stanford Research Institute property, which takes in lhe rest o! the triangle. SA Channel Bids Slated Addition to Center Approved by County AN A HEIM -Conslruclion work on the Santa Ana River SANTA ANA -Plans for a $2.8 million, supervisors were channel is scheduled here dur· three-st.ory addltion to the told. The proposed addition ing the fall if bids to be county's Engineering a n d should meet county space re-received Sept. 8 are approved quiremenb beyond 1980, ac· by county Sllpervisors. Finance Building in the Civic cording to official projections. Estimated cost or the proj- Center here, reinror'ced so it Future tenents of the ect between Katellh. Avenue eventually can be built up to building are expected to be the and Glassell Street is $1.2 DAILY l'ILDT 1'11119. Diie SlllllQI' is a Travel Air O\vned by Spencer Nelson. Two American Eagles can be seen in the background. five stories, have been ap-county Assessor, Personnel million. Planned is rock riprap Getting a bird's eye vie\v of Costa Mesa and Orange proved by the board of and Real Property Services installation all along the ea st Coast College are these participants in the recent supervisors. departments. side of the channel. fly-in at Orange County Airport. Jn the foreground Five stories are more than.---'.-----------------------'--------"----''----'--------=--------------------------- originally proposed. b u t supervisors se nt architect Robert Lowrey back t.o the drawing board to come up with the five-story plan so the building would not be quickly outgrown. Buttressing the foundation !or five floors will cost $86,400 additional for a total <»St of Teacher 's Plea Set For Court SANTA ANA -A school teacher's claim that she was unjustly fired and t h a I Westminster School District trustees should be ordered to reinstate her will be heard Wednesday in Superior Court. Judge Robert L. Corfman will be asked by Ramona J . Seymour to nullify a verdict reached after a public hearing of her appeal last May 6 - that trustees of the elemen- tary school district were justified in releasing her because of her .. excessive absence due to illness." r-.tiss Seymour rejects that decision as "contrary to law" and claims that her absence \Vas due to "industrial ac· cidcnl." She asks that she be reinstated as ru!I t i m e permanent emp\oye of lhe district from last h1ay 6. The petilioner has been employed as a probalionary teacher in district schools for the past four years. Five Tracts Approved By Count y SANTA ANA-Plans for five tracts of new homes in the south part of the county have been approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors . Location of the tracts, an1ounts for streets, sewers. \\•ater lines and street lighting, and names of streets: Niguel Shores -$25S.200 lo develop Niguel Road and f\iariner Drive, Lake Forest -$209,400 to develop Nimrod Road, llespil Road, Ashen Court, Osprey Street, McCoy Rod, Grayston Drive. Barrowfield D r i v e , Lerno St .• Provo Court Troon Court. Chaco Court a n d Rockfield Boulevard. Sooth l\.Usslon Viejo (2 tracts) -$219,800 to develop La Sierra Drive, Belleza Cir- cle, Salinas Lane. Barro Cir- cle, Recodo Lane, Quevedo Lane, Nicho Circle a n d f\1arguerite Parkway. ritlsslon Viejo -$143,000 lo develop Avery Parkway, Via Coronado, Las Ondas Drive, Las Tun61Drive and El Mio Lane. PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwantt'd Items v;llh a DAil..Y Pn.oT Ousllled Ad. PHONE 642-5678 Rea ReservAccount present~ :'the breather!' Now your leisure t in1 e ca n be a lot more leisurely. A ll it t akes is a little help fr o1n your Ready Rese rvAccount. It gives you ex tra 1noney, just by writ- in g a check. Money for trave l, 1noney for loafin g. Fun mon ey. If your balance is a 'l i ·, ' ; f -------- little lo\v, \Ye 1n ake up the diffe rence. Any ex tra cash yo u need is automat ically transferred from yo ur lleady Rese rvAccount. Pay it bac k ri ght a\vay, or later, if yo u like, on a co nve ni ent monthl y basis . 'fhe 1nain thin g, t ho ugh, is to relax -beca use \Yheth er it's t o t he back- \Yo od s, or just out to the \'. ·,, ' \ ' . < ' ' I back ya rd, Ready Reserv~ Account \viii help ge t you there. All yo u n eed is approved credit, and a knack for t akin g it easy. Ready Rese rvAccount. ,.·e01;1n b,n1MV>• ....-,..--~""'""'"'"" ....... -~-•.:. .. -• < - l'/;).w1" .·.-~-- SECURITY PACIFIC BANK ~ I 1 ' I t I -•, ,.. ... . . .. ., " ' Fountain Valley· EDITION ••• T~_y's Flaal N.Y. Stoeks • • .. VOl. 62, NO. 192, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS a s arass eac arc' • By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI ot tttt 01llr Pllfl lt1fl Jimmy C. Irvin, 34, of lluntington Beach, Is a narc. ThousandJ of people kno\v that sine• the Los Angeles Free Press last Thurs· day published his name. address and telephone number with 79 other Stale Bureau of Narcotics agents . The Free Press readership in Hun · tington Beach, Irvin says, has not wasted any time in letting him know how much they disapprove of his work. Since Thursday the telephone has been r inging at his Rhone Lane horn~ about three times daily, the narcotics field Sou1ads Retreat 1uper\'lsor llaid. "TI1ey're mostly derogatory anti-la w tnforcement calls," said Irvin. "My wife has told me there have also been son1e threats of retribution against me.·• Though the calls keep coming in, Irvin says he will not change his telephone number. ''I've decidt<:I against i• for a variety of reasons. but mostly because of my hard- headedness. 1 refuse to give salisfaction to such an irresponsible left-wing newspaper." Irvin, a residenl of Hunlington Beach since lasl March, has been employed with the State Bureau of Narcotics since 1958. Mayor 'Ruined'· By Recall· Move By TERRY COVILLE Of Hit OtllY Plltt SltH "l\fy house and car are up for sale and my real estate business has come to a screeching bait. I just ha ve too many pressing economic problems to \l:orry now about the recall campaign." And so Monday F-0untain Valley's beleaguered Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger sounded a partial retreat from the slam· bang campaign he had promised a week before. "I've got to lower expenses to meet the C05t of living," explained the mayor. "This whole recall thing has worked a severe and genuine hardship on me." OpponenLs of the mayor el:pressed doubt! about his sincerity. "Is it just a play for sympathy'?" a s,k e d Eugene VanDask, leader of the move to recall the mayor and two other councilmen, "in any case he brought it all on himself." "It might be a play for sympathr," ad· ded George Scott, a candidate for the mayor's post in the Sept. 23 recall elec· tion, "but I'm not interested in attacking him. Enough has been said about thal." The mayor has his own opinion of his opponents. "They're stomping around like a bu nch of 'onward Christian Soldiers.'" he declared, 11-tonclay. '"They've ruined my reputation,'' he continued. "Now I have more pressing problems than the recall to worry about." One of the most serious of those pro- blems is a lawsuit filed against Schwerdtfeger July 30 by a Santa Ana realt.or who claims the mayor and City Attorney Edwin l\tartin literally "stole" the brokerage commissio n on the Lap,\•in land from him. "It's a pack of lies," replied Schwerdtfeger to the charges made in Superior Court by Chris Lindley 0£ Lemon Height s Realty. But wrong or right, the law suit \\'iii consume a lot of time and money in court and Mayor Schwerdtfeger i.s preparing to fight that battle. Lindley wants the $62,000 commissio0 he claims they earned plus $100,000 damages. "All that commission money l sup- posedly earned," said SchwerdUeger, "is spread out o~er severa_I yea_rs., iO now l find .myself m poor financia[ lhage to handle this.court suit an4 the recaU cam· paign." "The recall plus this law suit has ruin- ed my real et.ate business," he added, "T "'onder how those people feel about it now.'' "I hold no personal grudge against the rr1ayor," says VanDask, explaining ·his own feeling, "but most of this trouble coold have been avoided a long time ago." "It's been an interesting six years 111 Fountain Valley," concluded the mayor. "It's too bad the last few months ha ve come out like th.is." Futurt plans art vague. The mayor on- ly states he has to take care of priorities now and his wife and two children are aL lhe top of that list. "I have to meet living expenses now," he said. "I'll get around to the recall campaign if and when I bave the: time and abilHy." DA l(eeps His Distance 'From Valle y Squabble ..,l'his office will nnt be u se d ~rt.ically,'' declared Orange County 1,>istrict Attorney Cecil Hicks. l\londay, 'fefending his reluctance to jump into the 9'1idd le of Fountain Valley's muddy re· call picture. "We will investigate any time valid 11legations of frau dulent practices are made," said Hick!, "but \\'e "·ill not ~me Involved in politics ." ' Fountain Valley's f\1 ayor Robert lchwerdtfeger claims Hicks' refusal to the mayor's request to in\'esligate alleg· ediraudulent practices in I.he recall gave tacit support to ·the recall directed against him and iwo other councilmen. Viei! Mayor Donald Fregeau has also criticized the district attomey's sland asking, "If he won't give me my just pro- tection, who will ?" Both men claim Illegal practices "''ere used by those citizens attempting to recall them from office. Hicks stated Monday th at any in· ve..c;UgatJoo of recall practices would not affect the recall. "The recall i:s there and it \\'ill go on no l\larina Iligh Sc hool Ch'.1nges on Deadline ?I-farina High School students who wish lo make changes Jn their programs must. report tu counseling officts between t p.m. and 3:3> p.m. Aug. tt through 25, according lo principal Glen Dysinger. New student11 lo the north Huntington Bt1ch camplll will be rtgtstered for el...., by appolntm<nt only from 1:30 p.m. lo 1:30 p.m. AUg. 26 through Sept. 2. Appointments m11y be made by calling llUS71. matter ~·hat \\'e do." he. explained . "J feel that at this time an investigation would only serve poliUcal purposes, and we do not plan to help eiUler side politically." Last ~·eek the fount.a.in Valley City Council unanimously passed a resolution requesting investigative action into both sides of the recsll . I-licks hasn ·1 yet received It -It .. ·as sent out P.fonday -and isn·t sure iC it \\'ill change his decision. "I have to read the resolution before I can con\ment on lt." he ~aid. Sch werdtfeger and Fregeau ha ve charged Hicks' office wilh being one-sid- ed because one or the assisant district attorneys, P.iichtel Ca ppi12i, is highly in- volved in the recall movement. "That's not true." relied flicks. P.1on· da y "I think it would actually be un· consli tutional for me to forbid Capplzzi lo act In his capacity as a citizen and rt~i· dent of Fountain Valley. I-le has been in-- structed thet In no way 11 his work ¥i'llh this office to become involved In the recall issue." Hicks' posillon has also been defended by Fountain Valley Councilman Edward Just who designed last week's rtsolution as a compromise. Said Just earlier, •·t have taken com- pl3lnt.s to Ulck11 on both lldes of the iS5U• and received the same. answer. I do not feel he ii btln& inequltable lo either side." "We rtally·have nothing to act on yet," added Hicks, "and lherf: ts plenty or lime lo investigate If ll become• necessary." And the matter wtn It.and at tbet . al ltut until Jflck!I receives Ult formal council rtque.t for action. I lie pt>rsonally doesn'l think that the Free Ptt:ss decision to remove his name from anononynity will be 'detrimental to his work. "\\le are not an anonymous, secret organization. The people in o u r neighborhoods and churches know who ·we are. The -Only problem is lhat an agent could be Injured or hurt by something like this." In printir,g the names of the agents, the Free Press stated, "Secrel police forces are a threat to democratic government. History demonstrates that the secret policeman ·invariably uses his anonymity to bectlmc unaccountable to the people over whom power is ei:ercised." OAIL Y PILOT SllM PJ!tl9 PRESSURES BUILDING UP Valley's Mayor Schwerdtfeger Services Hel,d For Beacli Man. Killed by Wir e A Huntington Beach man eleclrocuted when the control wire brushed a power line as he stunt-flew a gasoline engine· powered model airplane in a Long Beach park Saturday was buried1oday. Rites for Hugh C. Sullivan, Jr., 32, of 8801 Louder Circle, were held at 11 a.m. in Lhe Boone Reno Funeral Home. Long Beach. Sullivan was dead on arrival at Los Altos 1-lospital follo\\'ing the freak mishap at 5: 15 p.m. in El Dorado Park, ac· cording lo Long Beach police. The electrical jolt knocked into the air and burned the hand with which he was flying the model. Survivors include his wife Sylvia, daughters Deborah and Trina, his ·par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh SUlllvan Sr., and a brother, Kennet h Sullivan. Reports of Sullivan's death caused some confusion, since there is another Hugh Sulllvan who lives at 19201 Sherbourne Lane, Hun· tington Beach. "It wasn't me or anyone in my faml· ly," the other Sullivan said today. Friends called to -offer condolences and rollege classmates wtre shocked to Bet him alive on campus. "Recently there have been published stories of abuses of power involving narcotica offlcen. Sf:veral of many years standing have even bee n discharged for faking evidence." The Free Press cont(nued. "1'.tany narcotics cases art thrown out of court because the offl~rs have violated the constitutional rtJrtits of the suspect in conducting illegal searches and seltUre. .. But the public at large does not ordinarily hear or the violations· of law cc.mmllled by these secret policemen \\'ho are attempting to enforce Jaws as unwise and unenforceable as the now banished prohibition of liquor. There should be no secret police!'' the left wing paper stated. For it! efforts in nveallng the names c>f nare«ics agents based in Los Angele!, Santa Ana, San Diego 'and San P:ranciS· co, the underground newspaper wu1 fac1 l1wsuil! totaling S25 million. Ally. G<n. Thomu C. Lynch Monday brought a $10 million suit agelnst Ute paper and has been granted a temporary restraining order aganst. IL lt charges that disclosure of the confidential In- formation jeoparadizes the lives , health and safety of law enforcement officers .1nd their families. Another IUit, in the amount of $15 million, was filed against the Fret Press and Its publisher Art Kunkln Thursday by one of the narcoilcs agenls named oo I.he list. A hearing has been set for Aug. 2$ by Superior Court Judge Ellsworth Meyer to (.'OOSider granting a prelimlriary In· junction against the paper in connecti011 wilh the Lynch suit. The Attorney General's sWt against the Los Angeles tabloid allege1 that the Ust of names v.·as stolen from the Loa Anfeles Department of Jwitice: in the past two months. Lynch has asked lhe court to order the paper to return all documents and cor· r~poodence concerning the Department of J ustice. Moon Shot Periled .Fuel Lack Nearly Shelved Landing From Wire Servket SPACE CENTER, Houston-Apollo Jl astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin .Jr. reported today they were dangerously low on fuel as they neared the moon and were within 15 secoods o! aborting the landing attempl. They said quick action by ground con· trollera enabled them to ma.¥ a safe lan· ding. "We were very concerned about run- ning low on fuel," Armstrong told a news confereoee, the first public report, on the historic mission. "We had lo ehange the landing point because of the crater and we were quite •'-.lo our lqal limit on ftlrl,-lhl·com- mander reported. Anilstrong saia H h< had been f......t to hunt another 15 at 20 seconds for a smooth landing point, the laodJng attempt would have been aborted. Of the moon walk, Armstrong said the lunar surface ia a "strangely Wfferent place" with a weak gravity that is more comfortable than earth's. "Jt's an extremely stark and strangely different place," sa1d Armltrong. "A number of experts prior lo the night pred~ed that a good deal of dif- ficu lty would be eocountued by people trying to work on the moon ," reported Armstrong. "This: wasn't the case. "After landi ng, we felt very com· * * * Nationwide TV To Cover Apollo ''Fo1u· Wednesda y NEW YORK (AP) -The three major television networks will broadcut live Wednesday the activities of the Apollo I 1 .utronauts, including the it.ate dinner \vitb President Nixon. Spokesmen for ABC, ~ and NBC gave this schedule, all Urnes Pacific Day· light: New York City, including arrival at Kennedy Airport, City Hall e&emonJes, visit to lhe United Nations, ticker tape parade up Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Cblcaa:o, arrlvaJ at O'Hare Airport, parade and ceremonies, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Los An1eJe11 state dinner, 8:4S p.m. to conclusk>n. Europe will see almost two hour11 of live TV coverage of the aslronauts' visit to New Yori and th~ United Nations on \\'ednesday. Proceedings at the dinner in Los Angeles Wednesday night will be taped for transmission lo Europe on Tbunday. fortable lr. lunar gravity. It wu, In fact. prtl'erable both to welgbUe.ssne..1 and to earth gravity." The moon's gravity ls only one-sixth as strong as earth's and Armstrong and Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the kangaroo-style across the p o" de r y surface about IS'it hours after landing there July 20. Ann.!trong and Aldrin de3Cribed their r1na1 50,00Moot descent to the moon on July 20 -a hair-raising 12 mlnute1 dur· ing which computer alarms flashed and they had lo t;tke manual control to avoid crashing In the rock-filled crater. ''I think we pretty well understand what caused these program alanns,'' Aldrin sakl. "It was the fact that the computer was in a process of solving the landing problem and at the same time we had the rendezvous radar in a powered up condlUon and this t.endt<:l lo add an a<f.. ditional burden to the computer opera.. lion." '"" The rendezvous radar was keeping (See APOLLO, P1ge !) States Cities Get Shai·e ,. -. Of Welfare Authority W ASHJNGTON (AP) -Pttsid<nt Nil" on today proposed giving 1tates and cities much of the authority for running $2.3 bllllon a year in federal programs ·to train more than one mJlllon Americans BMually for jobs. As part of hi& "New Federalism" con- cept ol lharlng 1lala, local and federal power, Nixon sent to Congress a Man· power Training Act lo streamli ne and make more flttible the welter of exi.sling job training programs. Secretary of Labor George P. Shultz, in a briefing, said that despite Job Corps cuts which angered Congress, NiJ:on is proposing to add 150,tlOO Americans to job training rolls at an extra cost of $400 rnllllon a year. · litost of the addiUona1 lrainini would go to welfare ttclpients If both the man-- power bill and Nii:on's welfare legislation art enacted. The welfare bill requ.ires most recipients to take job training. The manpower legislation also would boost job tra1ning funds 10 percent If the nation's unemployment rate rose lo «t.5 percent for three straight months. It is now 3.6 percent. This, Shultz said, was to quell fears that many Americans might Jose their jobs in Nixon's efforts to slow the na- Uon's economy enough to cool inflation. The bill also provides for a com- puterized national job bank to match the unemployed with job openina:s. It would equalize living allowances for different job training programs, which now vary, to keep the unemployed from shopping around for the best allowance instead of for the most suitable job training. Welfare recipients would receive, in lieu or the job training allowance, a s~ incentive of $30 a month . In ad- Wtfon to welfare payments. States and cities would take over much: er the authority for planning and 1pe°" ding federal money for manpower pro- grams heretofore largely run from \Vashington, but the Labor Department would retain overall responsibillty. "The secretary of labor will provide guidelines and national priorities, rtview and approve annual state plaM of 3Crvlce, and evaluate performanCe of state and area manpower serYiCf! systems:," the legi slalion says. "The governors: will determine the utilization or manpower p r o gr a m resources, be responsible foi' state com· prehensive manpower plans:, assure pro- vision of manpower services In ru ral are· as and nonmetropolllan areas, and monitor program perfonnanct." the pro. posal says:. "The mayors will be responsi~ ble for planning and implementing man- power programs in urban areas." Shultz said the bill provides for a gradual shift of authority to states and cities and that the Labor Department wlU retain power to run job training in any \tale or city that doesn't meet federal critleria. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market slid to its second straight Jou of the week today in a session that exhibited little buying interest. (See quotationa., Pages 10.U). Trading was slow near the c!csEi. The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. was oU 8.%7 at 813.56. Oraa&e Coast Presid~1atial Botaqtaet What Coast Gals Wearing By BEA ANDERSON Wffmf!'t lllllltr Tnvltallons to Wtdnesday n I g ht' 1 Presklenliiil banquet in Los Angeles' Cen- tury Plat.a are -to thole who got them -the Aocial triumph or the space age. What docs one wear when one'• bUP band has reacbtd the position or being ac· ctpted Into the naUon's White House In· ner.. circle? · Tl1<! DAILY PlLOT has been told by four Newport Beach matrons who will join the social crtrne de la creme In honoring lhf. nalkln's astronauu -?i-trs. Charita s. Thom.as, Mrs. Thurmond Clarkt, Mrs. Denni.I Carpenter, Mr1. Andy Devine and Mn. Herbert W. Klam· bach. Whi te la the color selected by both M'ta. r ' Carpenter and 1ttr1. Kalmbach. Cty1tal and white beading trims the mattt jersey Grecian draped gown of Mrs. Carpenter, while Mrs. Ktlmbach's n~ng design of peau de soie featum a bodice entirtly encrusted with seed pearls, ttyltals and rhinestonts. .Also wearina .white will be Mn:. ne-· vtne. Hor llOwmg skirt o1 layered whit• chiffon win bt' tOoPed with •' bodice of dlalk white and bUale beading on 1u11- tan colored chirfon. fltrs. Tbomts lw cholen a pale blue silk prlnctSS llrie. gown wllh a -deep oval neckline which b tnclrcled wilb a collar ol rlllnestone• Md chalk beodlng. A mull-'chllfon with IOlcf 11tquln trim Is the cholce of Mrs. Clarkt. Blac1"1l• altlrt wUJ be worn b7 lllolr ' ht.1sb1nds. Cerpenter Is chalnnan of the California Republican Central Committee. Kalmbach, a Newport attorney, has been a hl&h«helon worker In Nlxon campaigna and a penonal friend of the President. 1 J'udp Clark•· and. his wife-are· friends of the'Nlxonl find !ht Pmldenl bom>wed ·the aaike home during a tblt to Orange County Jut year. Thomais, who served u Secretary or th< Navy ender Pmld<nt Eb<nhowet. la formtt pmld<nt ol '!WA and retired pre1ldtnt ol lbt lnlnt Co. • O.vlne, u • Jooitlme fdt!ld cl Ibo Praldeqt and ab IC'IVt Republican1 (Pbo4ol cl the coupl" ID tbtlr fomlll ( ... GOWNS, PIP I) [· , . Weather The weathermlln's in a not un- pleasant rul with more warm temperatures forecast for Wetf. ne!lday. Coastal mercury should bask In the mid ?O's, while Inland region.s'll regi!ter as degrees. INSWE TODAY Jnmboree Road i.s now a foecr- lane hiahwoy from MacArthur Boulevard to the San Ditgo Frtewa~ -but -nobodu ucm.t to ~xpw ft Jlfl. Page 12. ... ........ • """'"'' ..... ,, ci.nlfltf ••u Htti...41 H"" •• """"' " or ..... Ct!Mtr .. c--' ''"" ,..,.., " Ottttr. Httlc .. " S.ltt ,._ IJ.1~ l..,.,._I Pt" • ·-. .. ,, ·--" Sfltdl, MM• ""' ·-· '"" ·--" -.. -.. .... '-....,. •• ·--• .._ • .... _ .. -" T t: DAILY PILOT H Bauer · Blasts Planners . ~~l Trustee Raps Huntington Trertds B.' JACK' BROl!ACK Dr. ~qtr 1l!•1t1: tr.,.b:" Dr Ralph":;.":;~~:;;::, of bo\h the --Slnca·111ss 1ppro'!l\llt\•ly·11000 ~cr•s ~EfOOIQ!l <i t[le ~lrt41 ~ coin. JJ~Qn ~ch Uruon High School and In lht city havt bttri removta from tn.. merclal tax base puts a t~emtndous OceaD View School dlstrlcl.s boards has duslrial zoning to re1identlal, represen. added tax burden on all c1tlzen.s for lillnt.bed an 80-0Ut atlack ori •'trends In Ung about one-third of the orlginal in· services such as schools. police, fire dustrial zoning in the city. city planning in Huntington Beach." -The present philosophy of the Plan-protection, parks, trash colleetion, wat. , Qr. Bauer appeared btlore the City ning Department is to zone so that at er, etc. COOncll last Aug. 4 in strong opposition to saturation there will be one apartment -Apartment' d we 11 er s tend to be the propoHd rezoning o( a segment of the for every single family residence. (At transient and thus a lar1e s.pnent <>f m-tm'l'tc'k,£stlt·e to allow apartment present there is one apartment for every people will haYt little oonlmitment tr. conJtrucUon on the land now zoned for illi' four single family homes ). I d .. ~~-• · I support ng community requl:ements WKJ 1G.1-commerc1a use. -The Planning Department reports C~-1·1men voted 'l af'•r a long and such as parks, libraries, Ii.re stations, "'4l"" "" • "' that at present there are 7 , 0 7 4 bllter,debate, to iend the 46-acre segment aportments authorized for ronstruction ot ilchools, municipal building,, etc. and in guestion back to the Planning Com~ vlhich 5,236 are in the Ocean View School those financial issues which are required mission with orders to restrict apartment District, including the Lusk tract (Peck to construct and operate them. Jn short buildlng to a ratio of industrial~om· Estate). a ghetto of users and not doers will be mercial development. -There is only one major shopping cruted. COST P,IOO center in a city "'hk:h is destined to A · · h Bauer cNt1e<1 that the reion• would become the largest consumer area in -n unpres51on as bten created rost the Ocean View district "$36 ooo a , Orange County. that city a:overnment ls very respo115ive )''eat In taxes, desperately needed.I' Dr. Bauer then offers "some conclu· to the special •requests of moneyed in· In his follow-up ·attack, released today, ~ions ·which cctn be made about these lerests such as Chambers of Commerct, Westminster, GG Motl1ers Marcl1 to Protest Hospital A group of Westminster and Garden Grove homeo...,·ners who are opposed to tbe construction of a J>l!YChiatric hospital have called for a "mothers' march" on Westminater ·City Hall tonight. Sponsors say about 200 are expected to i;articlpate in the 6 p.m. march, which \\'i:.I begin at the corner or Ward Strttt nnd Meirick Avenue and is scheduled to end at the city council chambers by 7 p.m. Homeowners allege the council "has not ronducted a thorough investigation on the controversial rriatter. '' cause of the furor has been a 112-bed, lon1-tenn hospital for the insane, whlch the residents for various reasons do not \\'ant in their neighborhood. The Wesbninster City Council recently 1ave it.s approval le the 10524 Boh1a Ave. facility, despite an earlier planning com- miaalon decision not to allow IU con· 1truction. Sal Guzzetta, president of the group which calls lt.wlf the Westminster-Garden Grove Homeowners Assoc iation, said that every possible avenue would be con· slrtcred to get the council to change its nlind about the hospital. lt has hired Milan Dostal, an Oran&e altorney, to represent them. Tonight; the homeowners will make their Ja5t-ditch effort to oust the h6spital by handiJI& a letter of appeal to the city c<>uncil. Guzzetta claims the hospital is not being constructed b e c a u s e of overcrowding of existing facilities but because "money is generating the need ." He said that lnvestlgatlons by his group on similar institutions in Los Alamitos and Garden Grove have yielded that they bavt been under capacity for the last tYlO and a half years, as far as patient loa d is cunce rned. "We began asking ourselve.s, 'did everyone suddenly go crazy in Orange County?' " GUuetta said. "Then we found out that Medi·Cal had r~ently authorized payments for patients in these facilities. These hospitals ue ~lrictly an exploitation of the taxpayers money throush the Medi.Cal program,'' he asserted. 3 Death V alleri Victims Found in Blnzing Desert INDEPENDENCE (A P) -The blazing summer heat of the Death Valley area hu killed two men and a youth who tried to· reach habitation by setting out afoot arrou the desert. Sheriff's deputies said they found the bodies 7, 14 Ind 17 miles from an aban· doned car. "They were kind of strung out like a black line," said deputy Red Landergren. ''Tb' heat just turned them black." Plane Sputters, Lands in Field A Huntington Beach pilot salely landed his sputtering single-engine plane in fields of th e Bolsa Chica Land Co., !I.ion· day evening, moment.s after taking off from Meadowlark Airport. Walter W. Lohmeyer of 16982 Bolero Lane told po\lce his light craft lost power Bhortly after take off from 1.teadowlark and he was for~ to bring it down in the &Isa Chica field. The pilot walked away uninjured and no visible damage "'as done to the plane. Arrangements were made to haul the plane back to the airfield, said police. DAILY PILOT OIANOl C04~T PUILl~INC't COMl",l,N'I Robot! N. Wttd rr1111U11I ofld l'u~lltl'let J1d1. R. Cvllty Yltt f'ro •dtnl 1fld Genu.l M1ntttr T~Oll'•t Kt1vil Ea11or T~.,.,,, A. Mvrph1nt Mt lltll"t Ed1hlr ,&.lh11I W. 1~1•1 .-.utclt!I lGl!Of H •11tl~91•11 ltocJi Offit• lOt Ith St•••' µ.;1;"' Addrt1H r.o. It• 7,1), •26~1 -OttMr Offlc" tlr•it0rt ltl(f\, 'illl w111 '"ll'l• &ou,...,•r• co011 M~u : no W~•t ••• Sl•te! LtlU,_. ltHM 1lJ Fort,1 .t.v,nvt c•11.v 111~or. w1111 ... 111(h" um•i""' int "'""' l'ru1. It OUllllV\tt t t ll V l•t"I $<.,._ ••v 1.. MM•llt fflllclrul lei' Hwo1 .... Mo.l lff<I\, f OUllll ifl V1ll1'Y, (Doll M$, lol(- J'.011 , .. ,,. 1r.1J 1.191J11.t •••<"• •• w1ttt 1-.. ,,.....,, ffltl-. O•.,..tt Con! Pu•1111 .. ""9 .:;..,,po11v pr"'""' s .. 111. '" 11 nu ..,..,, 8tlfOt l !wl fl"'M.'I l.._11, l "'f ))0 T'Ot).I lhv $1"CI, (Cllf Mtwo, r.1.,11e .. 11141 64t-4Jlt h•• W1St111l111telf Ctll 140·1 lZO C~NlfW Atl'l'1Ttl1l11t 641·1671 (ffY<ll~I, lttf, ()<011111 (NII "1.IMI"'"'' (-•· No ftlW\ I t It i t I• H"1tlftllf<ll. tCIOe<ltl ..,.!111 .. td•tllioo1•n11111 IWrt"" ..... °" ,. .. Oducff ~"""'' .,,..,.,., """'"""' OI lll'~"~I t<11or ... $tC(~ Cit'! •0t•-.;t ,. If 11 Ht ... ctl1' •fltdt ••d Ct 1t1 M<'!I · (1!1!~"'' '1.tt~r,.'1'11 C.V fl "ll.• ~ ~ ""t~•~I~• "• "'•11 I) 11" 1M111!'tl)'I f!Hllll '' fflllllll!IOt!I. S)~ lllOllll"•· Tragically, they had headed In the wrong direction, apparently toward a ranch house they had passed 30 miles back on their way into the desolate area . Ju~t a mile the other way was a grove of willows wlth a spring. Officers said Arnold Dobson , 65, or Irvine, Calif., and Harold Mast Sr., and hil'I son, Harold Jr .. Ii, both of Corona, visited friends he rf\ Thursday and set out Friday over an abandoned road to visit the EI Capitan f.1ine in Eureka Valley. east of Death Valley. Temperatures in the ar~a are 120 degrees or more. They apparently got Into the barre.n Saline Valley by mistake and ~ame s!Tanded, officers said, at a point \.\·here a flash flood washed out the abandoned rv.ad. Their trailer turned over \\'he n they tried to make a U-turn. The three carried no "·ater ""hen they started walking. apparently some tlme Saturday, depulles said. "It looks l!ke they just ·went the wrong ""ay," Landergren said. "No one could rave made it across the desert without water." He said Oob~on may have become crazed by heat "because \.\'e found he had taken his shoes off to walk barefoot." Dobson was found 7 miles from the car, the youth's body 14 and the father°s 17. Two of the bodies "'·ere located SW1day night and the Wrd 1\-Ionday. Freshmen Facing Tests to Enter Marina Scl1ool Students entering Marina High School this fall \\'ill have to take two tests, even be.fore school begins. The IoY.'a Test of Educational De\"elop- ment for freshman will be administered from Aug. 21 through Aug. 26. Those whose last names begin \\1ilh A throi11h K will report to the 1.farina calf!terla 1t I a.m. for testing on Aug. 21 and Aug. 25. Freshmen whose last names be.gin \\1ith L through Z "'ill report to the caJeteria at the same time for testJna Aug. 22 and Aug. 26. During the te1Ung period, time will be Included for identification pictures to he: taken. Studtnla wJII be dlsmiased at noon during each day of the Iowa tests. Counselors wil l 1dmlnlater the Junior Differential Aptitude Tests to Marino Juniors in the cafeteria at a a.m. ac. cordllli to the following plan: Juniors A throu1h K wtll be te1ted Au1:. 21. wltJJ ~t names L lhrou&h Z sclledu·1. ~Aug. 28. The sessions will be com· plcted by II 11.m. both days. Boys' athletic physicals for the new 11.!chool year wlR be given at 1:15 a.m .. Aue. 13 on the Marina High SChool cam· pus. ( developers, Jarge corporaUow, and retall merchants, and not responsive to citizens at large who are not organized but who n1ust raise their children in the environ- ment created. Dr. Bauer concludes·: · "Many of us have chosen lluntington Beach as the ideal place to m:lde the rest of our lives, a good city in which to raise our children, a city which sup- ports rational financial issues for com- munity needs such as parks, libraries, schools and the llk@. "It "·ould be a tragedy to see such an envlronn1ent and such a citizen com- mitmenl destroyed forever." From Page l APOLLO ... track of 1.lichael Collins, orbiting overhead in the command ship. "It told us for a brief ill!tant the com- puter was reaching a point of being uverprogrammed or having too many jobs waiting for it to do.," Aldrin added. '"Unfortunately, it came at a point when "'e did not want to be trying to goJve these particular problems. \Ve. wanted to be. able to look out the window and iden· Ufy features so that "·e could pinpoint the landing." ~ · "\Ve realized we had a possible abort situation to contend wlth,'' Armstrong said . "But our procedu re throughout was to always try to keep going as long as we could so we. could bypass these types of problems." Cool thinking by ground controllers, primarily guidance officer Stephan Bales, solved the problem. Mission Control told the utronauts to stop asking the com· puter to display landing information. Instead, the groond passed Up ' the in- formation in a series of dramatic "Go's." ··\Ve rull( have to give the credit (a the contro . center in this case," Armstrong said. "They were really the people who really came through and helped us and said. 'Continue,' which is what we wan ted to hear." Huck Finn Derby Winners Listed About 150 local youngsters pitched their hooks into the water off the Hunt-ington Bea.ch Pier Aug. 6, hoping to catch a prized uring the I ith Annua1 Huck Finn fishing Derby. Lines began hitting the water at 9 a.m. and didn't slop until noon, when the co. sponsoring Huntington Beach Recreation and Park's Department and Ron's Bait and Tackle called il a day. Prizes were awarded to John Alan. 8, and Patti Galpin, 9, for the best costumes resembling Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher. In the contest for the first fish caught. Jeff Patrick, 12. and Shari Yost, 10, took home the honors in the boys and girls division. Mary Ann York, 10, and J\ilke f\1onaghan. JI, received av.·ards for the rno~t unusua l fish caught. Mary Ann hooked an octopus while J\fike tacked a strange type of bass. Best variety priz.es went lo Pam French, 13, and Jody Casias, 13. while Brian Trela, 10. and Candy f\1cPheeter. 9, received awards for the largest fish snagged. Be~y Stern1man. ti. and Mall Krystalle, 12, caught the s1nalle1t fish - l\1·0 sardine-sized perch -but were also rewarded with prizes for their miniature catches. Fron• Page J GOWNS •.. attire wi\1 appear in the. \\'omen's paces Thursday .) J Other Newport Beacb r.es\_dentr reteiv- lng rare, engraved invltaUbQS ,ar; Dr. j and 1.-Irs. Arnold 0 . BeckO"tin1 of~ Isle. Beckman, a Southern Call!omi'jh- dustrialist and inventor, is a longtitne friend of th1e President. Other Orange Counll1ns invited are !\tr. and Mr.s. J. Simon Fluq_r of Santa A!\a and Mr. and Mrs, Rol>ert Bea\'er of Fullerton. Fluor, an industrialist, is a P!OrJilnent I Orange County ijepublican, and ~~er is I trtasurtr of the Republican St.ate Ctntral • Committee. Addlng to the-social triumph of the Clarkes will be their arrival at the diMer with their houseguest1, Sen. and Mrs. Strom Thurmond ol South Ca.."Ollna. The Thurmonds will arrive \\1edne!lday on Air Force ll w I t h Vice Prtaldent Agnew, accompiny the Cl1rkes to the din· ne.r and then 11pend the night with the Clarkes btfore Oy\nf out Thursday. Judge Clarke and Senator Thurmond tre cousins. ( • -. 0411.Y "II.OT lllff l'hott MAMA POLO KEEPS WARY EYE ON HER BROOD OF 10 PURE WHITE GERMAN SHEPHERDS In ·Huntln9ton 811ch, 'Snowb•ll•' Arrive In the Middle of the SUmm•r Caretaker, 19, Released Pure White Pups Real Rarities As Suspect in 5 SlaJ,ings In Huntington LOS ANGELES (AP) - Police have released the 19·year-old caretaker they held for questioning in the killing or ac· trf:as Sharon Tale a.nd four other persons. "There is no reason to suspect hlm," said Inspector Harold Yarnell a11 William E. Garretson was released Monday after two days in custody. The baby.faced youth wouldn't talk with newsmen. But his lawyer. Barry Tarlow, said Garretson was in his room in a guest house of Miss Tate'11 estate Friday n1ght and Saturday when the five y,•ere shot and stabbed to death. Garretson didn't know anything had happened until police kicked in his door at 9 a.m. Saturday, Tarlow said. Investigators said they want to ques- tion friends of Miss Tate and Garrel&0n. Officers continued investigating the deaths of a supermarket owner and his ~·Jfe who!e bodies were found Sunday night, their heads hooded like one of th e victims in the Saturday killings a few miles away. ln both cases bodies were slashed and words were scrawled nearby in v.•hat appeared to be the victims' blood. Despite the similarities, a police spokesman said, the case~ apparently are unconnected. The couple, Ltno A. LaBianca, 44, and his wife Rosemary, 38, may have b e e n the victims of a "copycat" killer, officers said. Those killed with Miss Tate were Abigail FolgCr, 26, a San · Francisco soc1alite; Voityck Frykowski, 37. a movie associate of Miss Tate's husband, direc· tor Roman Polanski; Jay Sebring, 36, an internationally known hairdresser; and Steven Earl Parent, 18, a student from suburban El ?-.1onte who pol ice and Gar· retson's la"•yer said was a friend of Gar· retson. Tarlow said Garretson had said good- night to Parent about 11 :30 p.m. Friday. then gone to his room, where he listened to his stereo. Parent was shot at the \\.'heel of his car in the driveway of the $200,000 home. Polo's pups are a rare breed of tiny, tykes according to r.1rs. William Van Osdol, 17731 Flintst onc Lane, Huntington Beiich. Twelve \~:ere born last Thursday, bu t t1ro died. The 10 that remain look like Lil· tie white puffs of fluff. And that 's ·what makes them . rare. They are pure white Germar She.pherds. The mother is Polo, a pure white German Shepherd owned by Mr. an~ 1.1rs. David \\'ilson of 2005 Calvert St., Costa fl1esa. and the father is Prince, also a pure \vhite German Shepherd nwned by th& Van Os<lols. It took Polo two days -from 11 p.m. Thursday to 2 p.m. Friday -to deliver the pups. \Vith nine of them coming in thit last hour. "If both parents had papers the pup!!: \\'ould be quite expensive," said Mrs. Van Osdol. The. puppies were born and still Jive at the Van Osdol home. \\'ith Polo keeping an apprehensive mother 's eye on each one ot them. Pro Fund Raiser Hired Sept. 10 l\farks Vacation's End For Beacl1 Kids For Community Chest Facing the self·appointed ta sk or rai s. ing $132,000. the hlgl1est goal in the history of the Huntington Beach Com· munity Chest, t.he organiz.ation has signed a managen1ent contract 'vith the \Vest GWC Building Pact Approved A $4.26 million contract for con· struction of five new buildings and build ing additions at Golden \\fest College in Huntington Beach has beer. awarded to W. F. Burke Construction Co. of Anaheim. The project, the college's third in· crcment, will add a telecommunications center and large·group forum. gyn1 · nnsJum complex, technology building, and additions to math-science and men's and \\'oinen's physical education I o ck er facilities. Construction \Viii begin this month and be completed in 18 months. Trustees of the Orange Coast Junior Coll~ge District awarded the contract after revie...,'ing bids froin four firms. YOUR Orange County United Fund. President Steve Holden announced today. Managing the 1969 campaigns of the hvo organizations will be Elgar A. Greene, executive director of the West Orange County group which represents Garden Grove, Seal Beach, \Vestminster, Fountain Valley, and Midway City. "\Ve should be able to sal'e money through the merging of operations 1\'!th !he larger group of our neighbors." Holden said. He added that directors or the Huntington Beach organization and the \Vest Orange County grou p are "considering" a permanent merger which would be effective in January 1970. The $132,000 goal surpasses the 1968 goal by more than $34,000, 1969 Campaign Chairman Robe.rt L. Merriman, noted. Merriman is manager of the Security Pacific National Bank. Spring d a 1 e • f.:dinger branch, a director and fonner president of the J-luntington Beach Cha inber of Com1ncrce and a Communi1y Chest dire ctor. "\\'e actually rai sed SI 10,000 last year and \1•ith this ne\I' setup should more than achl c\"e nur higher goal," flierriman forecast. Last year's can1paign \\.'as managed by Russell C..:olslon, manager o( the Cost.a fl1esa Unlled Fund. You r Omrg11 Sale., & Seruict Agenc:i Children Jn the Huntington Beach City School District will trade the be.aehes and park~ for school desks and chalk boards on Sept. 10, first day of school. Aug. °'19-i&"the first day for youngsters ne\V to the district to register for fall <·lasses. School officials are urging tlie ne\v students to register at f.o:c school n ~arest their residence. ' To enter k'indergarten a child n1us\ be fi ve years old on or before Dec. 2, 1969. A birth certificate or baptisn1al certif i· catc is required in California for proot of age. · School officials said kindergartrn students must be. in class on the first da y. ~ept. 10, to be enrolled , or. in case of ii. lness, the parents must notify the prin· cipal by 9 a.m. that day. Students transferring from () t h c r districts in grades one through eight should bring rrport cards for rf'gistra· lion Students lo Protest SAN FRANCISCO (UPt l -Se\·eral student groiips announced today they •Nill stage demonstrations next \\.'eek during the visit to San Francisco of President · Nixon. / '· ' " 0 OMEGA --nar.ty .. ,, ...... """"'' Th t v1rv ttm• Om t t • Sptodmttl•r w1td1 wo ct rry w11 tt lotl•d with· owl 111y moclific tlitn lt v NASA to b, wor11 lty our WATCH\\? RilllJ• Clffllff " Cl91nM • Oiltd FREE ''"" 011 !ho moe11. Th it tt co9ni1;1ft, tru!y t ••· w 1 rd fer ••c1ll1nc1, m t ~•• U\ prowd le bo y1wr 1uthori11d Omtt• f1w1l1r. Com• in -••• ihi1 h1 11d1omo, 2 button, 4 di1I, 01111t• Sp1tdmt1• lt r th1011•t••ph. Tho only w1t1h WOlll i:oy !ht"''" 0" tti• moen. Prict Sl I S. " wt.Ho Y•1 Witll ·•Adlusltd PU.ll:LS $2.00 ~,8. ltl·STll:UN• f,.,. ll:INGS $3.00 SIZID, ~Pl ' WI~ 1HIS DIAMONDS $6.00 ' p/, ll:IPLACID. ft1111 . I ....._ Cbrono~~" St"-INllAYIN• DONI •·laden 1 i kl&hcr: Huntington Center Beach at Edln9tr WHILI YOU WAIT HUNTINGTON BEAC~I 892-5501 TIRMI AYAILAILE and back Harbor Shappin9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I, I I I • t 0 • I Saddlebaek VOL. 62, NO. 192, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE c9uNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, i969 I • 1rms ren't • I • I _ to Dow1i tlae By JACK CHAPPELL Of t11t O•li, ruet '"H In case anyone ever had any doubts about it, businessmen in dowtnown Laguna Beach don 't like hippies. Merchants Let Hair Down in Criticism Mission T1·ail Signup Pla11necl For Ne'v Scl1ool That was made perfectly clear In a meeting this morning of the Downtown Businss Association (OBA) when area merchants let down their hair in a discussion of "The Hipple Situation." "I saw one narcotics arrest on the beach the other day. A lot of lhe people booed, but I stood there and clapped," said stockbroker Dick Toomey. Other members ol the DBA asked if, when arrested, hippies couldn't be shaved, washed down and dusted with DDT in the interest of keeping the city jail clean. Another suggestion ·was that U1e hippies be condemned as a ''public health hazard." DBA members repeatedly queried mai n speaker Lt. Robert McMuray of the Laguna Beach police department as to yhy other communities did not have the so-called "hippie problem." McMurray said other cities do. Several members told of anti-hippie ac· .. lion taken by Cmtline and Arrowhead ~·here a vigilante group "ran them down the hill and shaved off all their hair." Other merchants said that S a n Clemente, New-port Beach and other resort-type cities didn't have the same problem as Laguna Beach. "We're doing everything we can," Lt. McMuray said . "If they break lhe law, we get them." McMurray said the police department has taken a hard-nosed position toward hippies. 1'1JSSION VIEJO -Registration for new seventh and eightt\ grade students in the area who will attend La Paz lntenned.iate School is set for Aug. 25 a!ld 26 at the school's library. Meet the Chief Students can be registered from 9 a.m. to noon and frOm I to 3 p.m. both days. The school serves youngsters from Lake :F'orest , Capistrano I-Ugh.lands, Laguna North, Aegean Hills, Deane Hom.es, El Dorado, Mission Rid~e. Republic, La Paz, '1.fonterey, Cardn1al Park, Laguna Real, Design I, El Toro, Moulton Ranch, Laguna Hills, Monte Viejo and Tra buco Canyon. Kenneth Huck: 40, Firm, 1:_riendly The school is located al 25151 Pradcra Ave. e Teen Dances Slated 1.11SSION Vll!:JO -Three teen dances are scheduled for Mission Viejo residents. Senior high dances will take place \Vednesday evening and Aug. 27 both from 8 to 11 p.m. with a junior higll dance scheduled for Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. Both will be staged in the recreation center. Recr9tion center members will be ad- mitted for 50 cent.s and nonmembers will be charged $1. Proof of residency will be required. e Chanal>er to Elect t.ffSSION VIEJO -The general n1em- bership of the Saddleback V a 11 e y Chamber of Commerce will meet their newly elected charter officers at a luncheon Aug. 19 in the Mission Viejo Inn. Honored will be Albert J. Balis, ex· ecutive manager ; Robert Dameron, charter president: Edward L. Olsen , first vice president; Vincent La Vertu. second "ice president; Michael Collins, secretary and Arnold Chappell, treasurer. e Cl11l>ho11se Okayed LAGUNA HILLS -Orange County · planning commissioners have approved plans for Leisure \Vorld Foundation's Clubhouse No. 3 on the northwesterly cor- ner of Avenida Sevilla and Calle Aragon. Only 309 parking spaces were required for the 842-seat capacity clubhouse on the premise that most users would be walk- ing from their nearby housing. LandiCaping and screening and place· ment of utility lines underground was re· quired by the county planners. Stock /llarket• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market slid to its second straight loss of the week today in a session that exhibited little buying interest. (Sec quotations, Pages 10-11 ). 'I'rading was slow near the close. The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. \VIS off 6.27 at 813.56. Laguna Beach got a new police chief Monday as Kenneth H. Huck, fO, took the helm of the Laguna police department. Blue-eyed, sandy-blond Ken Huck radiat~ both firmness and friendliness. He has been in police work 13 years. He comes to the Art Colony from Union City, a town of about 15,000 in southern Alameda County, Californa, where he was also chief of police. lluck, talking lo newsmen Monday art- ernoon, said he is looking forward to the challenges of working in the Laguna area. Among those challenges. he said, were the requirements of working with the diverse members of the community, lo bring the groups together and to "achieve the goals of law enforcement." Sheri!f Seeking Three in Attack On Springs Man Sheriffs Investigators loday are seek· ing three men believed responsible for an attack 'which left a Palm Springs man bleeding and unconscious on the beach at Scotchman ·s Cove between Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar. Richard B. Jackson, 38, is in serious condition today at South Coast Com- n1unity Ii o s p i t a I • A hospital spokesman described his injuries as a fractured skull and numerous cuts and bruises inflicted during w h a t in· vestigators describe as "a savage, merciless attack." Officers said Jac kson was attacked titonday afternoon by "three hippie types, all believed to be in their twen ties.,.. Reports indicate that Jackson was at· tacked with a length of plpin~ and a fl ashlight, slugged into unconsciousness and dumped at the water's edge. ' Officers were called to the scene by a 15-year-old boy who saw the attack on Jackson. There were apparently no other witnesses of the beating. Officers know of no motive for the at- tack. Investigators believe that their first real lead may come from the crlUcally ill Jackson who recovered consciousness this morning. It is expected that Jackson will bt questioned by officers 1ater today. lluck said it is premature to say just what needs to be done at the police department -he bad been on the job about fi ve hours prior to the int(rvlew. However, he sees crime prevention rather than crime detection as the primary duty of the force. Huck said that he plans to meet with the people of Laguna as much as possi- ble, specifically he mentioned meetings with parent groups and the clergy. fie noted that because of Laguna's rather unique position, there is a constant now ol different people into the com- munity. Coping with the different people and their demands is one of Ute challenges. Concerning hippies, Huck sald, "They are subject to the same c:onstitutional provisions as anyone else is. As law en-' .,r.. ~ .. forcement officers, whal we do has to be within the realm of legality and within the law.'' The new chief is 40 years old. He ls married and his wife, Barbara· is an artist. They have three children, Craig, 12; David 7; and Marla, a year and a half. At present they are renting a home in Laguna Niguel. City Manager James D. Wheaton. said he feels Huck will be able to step right in- to the spot left by police chief Harry Labrow when the former chief retired. Wheaton also commended U. Robert ~1c?.1urray for the job h&-_did as acting chief during the month between Labrow's reslpaUOn and Huck's apgointment ••• . ~- Astronauts Report Eagle Critically Low on Fuel From Wirt Service• SPACE CENTER, Houston-Apallo 11 astronauts Neil ' A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. rtported today they were dangerously low on fuel as they neared the moon and were within 15 seconds.of aborting the landing attempt. They said quick action by ground con· !rollers enabled them to make a safe lan- ding. "We wen~ very concerned about run· ning low on fue.l," Armstrong told a news conference. the first public report on the historic mission. • "We had to change the landing po~nt because of lhe crater and we were quite close to our legal limit on fuel," the com- mander reported. Armstrong said if he had been forced to hunt another IS or 20 seconds for a smooth landing point, the landing attempt would have been aborted. Of ·the moon walk, Armstrong said the lunar surfaet1 is a "6trangely different place" with a weak gravity that is more comfortable tbao earth's. "It's an extremely stark and strangely different place," said Armstrong. "A number of expert3 prior to the night predicted . that a good deal ol dif- WHAT MILADY WILL WEAR TO THE BANQUET: PAGE 2 ficully would be encountered bY. people trying to work on the moon,'' reported Armstrong. ''This wasn't the case. "After landing, we felt very Com- fortable lr. lunar gravity. It was, in fact, preferable both to weightlessness ~d to earth gravity." The moon's gravity is only one-sixth as strong as earth's and Armstrong and Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the kangaroo-style across the powdery surface about 61h hours after landing there July 20. Armstrong and Aldrin described their final 50,000-foot descent to the moon on July 20 -a hair-raising 12 minutes dur· ing which computer alanns flashed and they had to take manual control to avoid crashing in the rock-filled crater. "I think \\'e pretty well understand what caused these program alanns," Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the computer was in a process of solving the landing problem and at the same time we had the rendezvolis radar in a powered up CMditlon and this tended to add an ad· ditional burden to the computer opera- tion." Krisman Hoists U.S. Flag The rendezvous radar was keeping track of Michael Collins, orbiting overhead in the command ship. * * * Nationwide TV VCI Radical Part of Festival Display By TflO!\tAS FORTUNE others, his actual functioning on the job 01 ,... 1>•111 '"" '"" has been without problem. Mike Krisman, Jong-haired young SOS "l haven't run into anybody on campus radical recently hired as a UC Irvine ad· v.·ho didn't want to work with me," he minlstrator, symbolically raises the flag said. of his country every nfght at Laguna 's Since being hired July 1 as coordinator Irvine Bowl. or academic advising at a yearly salary Krisman, 27, posta with three other cf $8,250 h<l has gathered info!""allon !or y0411g men In Marine uniform.11 in a living a fa culty news letter, given mformallon re<:reation of J oe Rosenthal's famous to voluntee r 'tudent advisors and advised photof"aph of the raising of lhe flag at Incoming students during student orien- lwo J1ma for lhe Pageant of the Masters. IJtion weekends. "'I don't consider myself unpatriotic," He describes the Job as non -political. expla ined Krisman. Krisman formerly was UCI student A resident of Laguna Beach, Krisman body president and a promlne.nL voice in itnd his wlfe, Ann, volunteered for the St.udenu for a DemocraUc Society. Festival work and he was cast in the pie· UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, who has ture because o( his size. It didn't have the final say over administrative hlrlnp, anything to do with his political bellef.s. ~aid he wln back the Kri!m1n ap- A paratrooper for three ye•rs before he paintment all lhe way, became a radical leader on campus. nte coun ty polltlcal 11nd fr11temal club Krisman said he didn't have any troubl e nppas\tlon, howevtr, sayt It will appeal to adjusting to the uniform. the UC Board of Regents Sept. It. He aald that de.spite the protcsls to his Krisman says he conslden himself a!I appalntment by county young Republicl'ln much a. patriot aJ anyone. And there he units. the Laguna Hiiis Kiwanis Club, the 111, nlgblly In tho Pegeant program, rall- Cj)lta MW Chamber of CommerCI! and Ing the Dai. \ -- OAll T fin.OT "-ff Pflefil CONTROVERSIAL FLAG-RAIS ER UC Irvine Aide Krl1m•n ) To Cover Apollo Tom· Wednesday NEW YORK (AP) -The lhret major television networks will broadcast live Wednesday the activities of the Apollo 11 ~tronaull, lncluding the state dinner wltb President Nixon. Spokesmen for ABC, CBS and NBC gave lhla schedule1 all tim es Pacific Day· light: New York Clt7, including anlval at Kennedy Airport, City HaU ceremonies, visit to the United NatlOns, ticker tape parade up Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10 :30 a.m. Cblc110, arrival at O'Hare Airport, parade and ceremonies, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Lo• Angelo, state dinner, a:~ p.m. to ·1."0nCluskln. Europe will ace almost two· hours of live TV cover•ge of the astronauts' visit lo New York and the United Nations on Wedneaday. 'Proc<tdlngs at Ibo dinner In Loo , Anplco Wednesday night wlU be taped for lrwmlaalon to Europe oo Tburoday. "Some of the Pfilple In town don't like it. They call lt harassment, but if a persons breaks the Jaw •.. " he :oald. 1'-lcMurray explained that the city crime rate for June, July and the flrst part of this month ls up 50 percent over the same period last year. t.fost of the crimes, he said, were ce;.11es involving .narcotics violatlons, juvenileS and juvenile runaways. . He said that 93 percent of the poHce cases involve transients. Toy thop owner Bart McHugh sug. , OAIL T rtLOT..ft9" r"'9 HE'S CHIEP IN LAGUNA Poll" Dtpartmtnt'1 Huck Youtl1 Buried In Newhall But Deatl1 Myster y The · 19-year-old Northrldge youth who died Saturday while In custody of Laguna Beach police was buried this morning at a Newhall cemetery. Stephen Mundahl's death today re- mains unexplained. Coroner's 0Uicial1 said results of a tox- icology examination may be completed by the end of the wetk. An autopsy earl- ier indicated no external cause of death, deputy coroner J~mes Beisner said. Mundahl was arrested by Laguna Beach police at the scene of an auto ac· cident early Saturday. He wa11booked in the city jail on charges of being under the influence of drugs and possession o£ dangerow drugs. Police Lt. Robert McMurray said the youth was staggering and exhibited other signs of being intoxicated at the time or booking, but said he appeared to be in otherwise good condition. on. Among the property taken by police at the time of booking was a Los Angeles Police Department booking slip In- dicating that t.tundahl had just been released on $25 bail from a Los Angeles jail. The dead youth was found lying un- conscious Jn his cell at about 4:_30 p.m .• about seven hours after being booked•lnto jail. An officer had gone to the cells to check on prisoners. Police said there appeared lo be no link between the dead prisoner and a packet of seconal p)lls found in the Jail corridor some di.stance away. A youth arrested at the same time as Mundahl for possession~ol dangerous drugs has been released· on his own recogni.iance foUowing arraignment Mon· day in Laf.ma Beach Municipal Court. A juvenile allegedly'drivlng the vehicle Involved In the morning accident and held on possession of dangerous drug charges has been released to his parent.a. Mundahl, the Juvenile and the other youth, all from N.orthrk1ge were involved in a collision in the 200 block of Broadway about SI o'clock Saturday. Driver of the other car involved was Dorothy Ellen Springe, wife of building· and planning directO.. 'Clyde Z, Springe. Mn. Springe wa.s.nol lnJu.red. Man Electrocuted santa Ana ruldtnL Albert G. Sl.ttlla wu electrocuted M on d a y afternoon while repalrina: •n air c.ondltloner at a Fullerton o!Rce hlllldln1. StttUa, 17, of 2010 Edison St., died shorl\y alter arrival at St. J*.Ph llolpl!al. • lJ'oday's Final TEN CENTS • 1es gested that merchants t h e m 1 e I v e 1 discourage undesirable types from en· tering their shops and personally confront those who violate city ordinance1 of 1lt· Ung on the sldewalk.s. Stockbroker Toomey sugge.sted that reaJtors re/use to rent to undesfrables. and that merchants discriminate in sell- ing to them . "11 yoU see a hippie come In, there's no reason you can't tell them an apple costs $1 .50 instead of five cents," he said. OBA President Robert Benner told the group that he had recently talked to a Palm Springs police captain about that city's hippie problem~ _ "He said, 'U you find out what to do , tell us,' " Benner said. Nixon Proposes Cities, States Share Funds \VASHJNGTON {AP) -Pre1ident Nli:- on today proposed giving states·and cities much of the authority for running $2.3 billion a year in federal programs to train more than ooe million Americarui: annually for jobs. As part of his "New Federalism" con- cept of sharing state, local and federal power, Nixon sent to Congress a Man- WHITE HOUSE WEST- INSIDE VIEW: PAGE 3 power . Training Act to streamline and make more nexible the welter or utaUng joh trainblg programs. Secretary of Labor George P. Sbultz, in a briefing, said that despite Job Corps cuts which angered Congress, Nixon it proposing to add 150,000 American,, to job training rolls at an extra cost of $fOO million a year. Most of the additional trainlng would go to welfare reclplenls if both the man- power bill and Nixon's welfare legislaUon are enacted. The welfare bill require!! most recipit!nts to take job tralnlng. The manpower legislation also would boost job training funds 10 percent if lhe nation's unemployment rate rose to 4.5 percent for three straight months. It is now 3.6 percent. This, Shultz said, was lo quell tears that many Amerkan.s migh t Jose their jobs in Nixon's efforts to slow the na· lion's economy enough to cool lnfiation. The bill also provides for a com- puterized national job bank to match the unemployed with job openings. It would equalize living allowances for different job training programa, which now vary, to keep the unemployed from shopping around for the best allowance instead of for the most suitable job training. Welfare recipients would receive, In lieu of the job training allowance, a special incentive o( $30 a month ill ad· dltion to welfare payments. States and cities would take over much of the authority for planning and spen- ding federal money for manpower pro- grams heretofore largely run (rom Washington, but the Labor Department would rttain overall responslbillty. "The secretary of labor will provide guidelines and· national priorities, review and approve annual state plans of service, and evaluate performance or state and area manpower service systems," the legislation says. Orange (;Gast Weatller The weatherman's In a not un· pleasant rut wlth more warm temperatures forecast for Wed· nesdlly. Coastal mercury should bask in the mid 70'11, while Inland regjOll!'ll register as degrees. INSIDE TOD.\Y .Jamboree Road i8 now a. /ou,.. Zant hiah10411 /Tom MacArthur Boulevard to the Son DifQ.O F1.eewa11 -bu& nobod11 aetm.1 to know it 11et. Poat JZ. C•lffenllll 1 Mltllllt hflft It ClR"*-' 1 .. 11 N..._,. """' ..... ~ , 1S Or .... c:..-, It e,..._.., ' ,,,.,. """' " Dttfll Mflfc.. 11 Mei.I ..... ,,.,. '""'"' ,... ' '""' , .. ,, • .....,..... 11 •Mt: Mtl1lttt ... 11 ,,,._. 1 .. 11 , .... i.i-•• ..._ H r.i.n I ti AM .. .....,. 11 W""'9r 1 Mml!Ml ' W91'illl Ht"' +t MW... II • ' I % , o.tJ\.V PILOT L T_,. A111111t II, lt6t What (;oas't Gals Will Wear Glitteri1ig Goivru t.o Ador1i Apollo Banquet Guests BJ MA Al\lll!lliON -""" llaiMij' • .lo.fdJtlll"I' al1bt'1 ~banqutt !!I Loo Angeles' Ctn· tury ~W. '",... to lhooe who &ol them ~ 1llt IOl;lal triumph of the '""'' .... What~ one wear when ont's hm- blndl)ll!-111• poolU9n ol being BC• d~·tiltO tM nation's wttite Houae ln- ne1 clltkT 'l'ht DAILY PILOT has httn told by foUr 'Ne.wport Btac:b matrons who will • Join tbe IOdal creme 4'• 11 ctt.m• In booorlDa thl -·· lf!t'.OOllllJ -Mn. Cllll'\11 I. Thonw, Mrs. ·~ ctara M~. DIMll C&/Pllttll',M~ ~ Dlvlae 'l'd Mn. H..wt w: Kl4nl- White is the color selected by both Mrs. Carpenter 1nd Mrs. Kalmbach. Cry1t&I and white bfadlnC trlm.1 tht malte jersey Grecian dr1ped gown of Mrs. Carptnter, wblle Mr1. K1lmb1ch'1 flowing design or peau di I011 l11tur11 a bodice eotinly . ' * * * * * * State Dinner to Climax Bwy Day for Astronauts ' L6S ANGELES (UPI) -Pmldent Nl1oa'1 banquet lor Ille thrte Apollo 11 utrouauts and 1,800 other VIP1 Wtd· noldly nllht wlll cllmu a hoctlo day ol celebreUon durlna which the 1pace voya~ gen "Ill be. acclalmed In three cltl11. The 1Ut..ed1e4 iDY'ltaUons t.o what aome 1rt calllna: lbe dinner of tM decade tre rare .. moon rocka and twJce 11 precious to 1\ltus seekers on lhe oulllde. The HaUng arrangements ln the main ballroom of the Century P\111 Hotel are a protocol nightmare. No complete au•st Clemente Guards Suhnrit Formal Grievance List The 32·nternbers of the J+man San Clemente Llfeguatd: Department, who have tllrui.ned to walk off tht beaches Saturday lf tbtlr demands for a wage In- crease are not met by the city, today sent a lettet of grievance to city offlclals throu1h Chief LiffJIUard Dick Hazard. . ,,. The letter puts in wrltlna: wha t the guards have threatened verbally -that they wm't ahow up for work Saturday unlt11 lbtlr wagea 111 increased. Lt. Steve Chorak, spokesman for the arouP lhll doean't include Chief Huard or Capt. Phil Stubbf, aaid a nine percent increase of waaes for temporary auards Is btlng demanded. The salaries of the permanent, year.round auarda should also be lncreaAed so they are on a par \\•ith police w1ges, he said. That would amount to a 23-percent Increase. lf tht 1trlke Is carrl~ lhfouah, It would letve 18 miles of bu.ches without llfefUlrd protection. The IUlrdl COVtr beaches as far north 11 AliJo Be1ch and a& fir 1outh 11 Cotton'• Point, ai&e of President Nlion'1 swnmer Whlte House. City Clerk Max Bf'·r1. aCtlnt city manager while Kennelh Carr 11 on vaca· tlon, said today th1t olhtr llfel\llfd departments have been co.nt.acted to Me ii guards would be availablt to min the city and county beache1 if the walk out should occur. "We hid to ttke Ul08e 1teps. There art humin llvu Involved, and we can't let our be.chea go unprotected," Berg aald. C&t'lk claimed, however, that other life1uard departmenls will honor lhe walkout. "We've as.ked Olher llferu1rds to res.peel our demands , and not to offer mutu1r &ld," he said. list hu been publl1hed and prcbably won't be until after the affair. Known lo be invited are the jutticea of lhe U.S. Suprtmt Court, the dlplomaUc corpa, 1ovemor1 ot the 60 1tate1, &5 aalronauta, their wives and the wldow1 of a11ronauts; members or th t con· grt11tonal 1p1ce committees a n d personal friend• of the Nl1on1, Only eight other rueatl will be teated wllh the Nilona and a1tronaut.s Nell Anmtrong, Michael Collini, Edwln Aldrtn Jr. and their •lve1. Among the invitee• who have not yet responded are ArlatoUt and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassh1, Charles Lindber&h 111d Howard Hughes. For the astronauts. Wedne!idly will bqln at l:IO a.m. at Elliqton Air Fon:e .8111 wh1n they, thtlr wlve1 and sll or their clllldrtn bo111d Alr For<t Ono, the Prt1ldent'1 J1Ulner placed at their cll1poa1I. The aatronauts wlll be nown to New Vorlt for a tickert.ape parade up Broadway and 1 certmony 1t City Hall with Mayor John V. Llnd11y. Than th• a1tron1ut1 will proct1d to th• United Na. lions and be l'ffltd by lleclttuy Gtn· era! t1 Thant. Three houra and 15 minut11 alttt lfltlr landing 1t K•Mldy tntematlon1I Airport, tht 11lr0ntt.1ll will bolrd Air Force Ope for Chlcqo. Thert, lh1 epactmtn will bt honored by what Ult ~let of Mayor Richard J. Dalty called "a t.r1wnl)hant paradt, coverln& the 1r11te1t d{1tanct in the clly'a hl1tory." On• million ChlcapM are expected to catch a 1Umpae of thle trio. Los An&tlea Is the ne1t atop. Air Fa~ One will roll up to tho Faderal >,vl1t'-'> Admlnlltratlon han1ar, an &Na not open to the public. A pool telavlalon cnw wtlJ bto1dcut the welcoming ceremony with Ml)'or and Mr1. Sim Yorty. ~Th~ 11tronaut1 will helicopter to the entury P'aia wbtrt Ulty will have Jess han one htU hour to chal\lf! into formal al tire for the reception IJ'Jd dinner. The gala affair will be televi~ed, and cre~·s today were strin&ina: lights and building platrorma for the cameras. The setup waa devt1ed IO that no one'a view of the head table will be blocked, and the U.S. Marine Bind will sit in lhe dead space behind the maln camera plal!onn. President and Mrs. Nixon were e1· pected to helicopter blclt to lhe Western White Houae followln1 the party, due to end at 1:30 a.m. Tht Apollo 11 crew 'A'lll •pend th• ni&ht in penthOUlt: 1u.ites. •nonitllil wllh -,..,II. cryllll> and ·--· ,,\111 1NW1 ..-i1t. l!IU ~ Mrs. o .. v.,., Har lloW!q akirl II laYtrid wllllo clllfloo .. 111 be toppOd "1111 a bodlco of chalk white and bugle beadln& on sun- tan colored chllton. Mr1. Thomas hu cboun a pile blut silk prlnce11 line gown with a deep oval neckline which is tncirclod 111ift a collar of rlltnestones and chalk bu4ln1- ~ mulllcolOnd Chll!on "1111 aold 11quln trim la tbe cboloe ol Mrt. Ciarlo!. Black-ti• attire wW be -n by tbelr hu1b1nds. Carpenter is chairman of the Calilorni1 Republican Central Committee. Kalmbach, a Newport attorney, has been a blgb-echelon worker In Nixon carnpalans 111.d a pt!rlOnal friend of tht Pretldtnt. Judge Clarie and his wlfe m friends of the -Nix:ons ind the President borrowed lhe Clarke h;ome durina: 1 vls.it to Oran1e County laal ytar. fT Thomu, who aervtd u Stcrtlary of the N1vy Wtdtr Pttsldent Elllenhowtr, Is form tr prtsldtnt of TWA and rtUrtd pruldent of Ult Jrvlne Co. Devine, 11 a JonitJme friend of the President and an 1etlvt Republican. f Photoa of the coup It• in their form1l attire will appear in lhe Women'• Pllts Thursday.) Othtr Newport Bt1ch r11ldent1 rece lv- inf rare, eniraved lnvlt.Uons 1tt Dr. and P.!rs. Arnold 0. Beekman of Lido Isle. Beckman, a Southern Calilornia In· dustrialist and inventor, is a longtime friend or the President. Other Orange Countians invited are P.tr. and MrS". J . Simon Fluor or Santa A!la and P.ir. and Mrs. Robert Beaver of Fullerton. Fluor, an induattialist, is a prominent Oran1e County Republican , and Beaver 11 treasurer of the Republican State Centr1I Commlttee. Adding to the social triumph of the Clarke1 will be their artival al the diMtr with their hou1erue1ts, Sen. ind l.tra. Strom Thunnond of South Crollna. The Thurmonds will arrive Wedne1day on Air Force JI w I th Vice Prt1ldfnt Afnew, accompany Ult Cltrket to the din· ner and thin 1pend the nlaht with tht Clarkt! before fly Ing out Thuraday. Judge Clarke and Senator Thurmond are couaw. Police Nab Nude Youth on Beacl1 A nude youth frollckJng along lhe be1ch below Laguna's Surf and Sand Hotel was captured late f\iooday night by Laiuna 3each police, and then taken to Ora.nae County Mtdlcal.C«lter for oblervatlon . The unldtntlllod young man, beUtvod lo be about 16 years old, is in satisfacolry condition today. Doctors 'uspect thl youth was under the inl'luenct of a druJ, the center aald. Students to Protest SAN FRANCISCO (UPll -Several 1tudent IJ'DUf)I announced today lhey will st111e demonstr1Uons ntxt 'l\'tek during the vlJlt to San Francisco ot Pre1ident Nllon. Dedication Set For Playhouse Wo1a't Chatage Nuuaber The official dtdlcaUon Of the '600,000, 350-seat 1:-aaun• Moulton PlayhOUJe has been 1et for AUf. Jl with ceremonies to bl attended by Invited 1ue1ts only. This was the decision rtached S1turd3y by the board of directors of the Laauna Community Players As1ocl1Uon. ;.. VIP tour and champagne rtcepllon fOf' city offlcials and donors to the bulldlna fund \\•Ill bealn 11 t p.m. f\frl. Lewl1 "-1oulton, 'A'ho don1ttd •100.000 towards the theater, wlll be lhe guest of honor. Pfll!Y Plll)I Ull:AlfO~ CGAll Pllllltf'IWO (QllllNlf'I "....., "· w ... ., .. ...,...,., ........ J 11lr •• Cwrf.., V.u !Jtttttw t111 0.1•1t4ol MIN•tr . n.1111. ~""" .... Th1111•t A. M11t11lt;•t _.....,. fflW ~icll1t4 I", N.11 Laf!MI hldil (fly fthk Beacl1 Narc Stands Fit·m 111 Spite of Hai·assment By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI II !tit Otlt~ l'tltt tt•ll J lmmy C. Jrvln, 34, of Hwillnaton Stach, Is a narc. Thou1anda of people know th•t 1lnet the Los ·Angeles f'rte Pre•• !1st 1'hur .. day published hla name, address and telephone number with· 7t othtr State Bureau of NarcoUca a11n t1. The Free Pre11 readtrthJp In Hun· llnaton Beach, Irvin 1ay1, bu not waattd any time In Jettlnf him know how much they disapprove o hi s v;ork. Since Thur1day the telephone 'baa been rlnl1n1 at hl1 Rhone Lant home 1bollt thrtt Ume1 dtlly, th• narcoucs field supervlaor 11\d. "f hty're mostly dero11tory anU·law enrorcemtnt call1," sald rvln. "f\1y wlte haa told me thert have alto been temt threats of rttrlbuUon 111ln1t me.'' Though the calls keep comJng In, Irvin 11y1 he wlll not chana• hls telephone number . .. "I've dflelded 1gaJn1t t• for a varle t.)' of re11on1. but mGAtly btc1u1e or my hard· headed ntaa. I rtfuat to stv• 11tl&lacUon to such an lrre1ponlible ltft·wlna: newapaptr." lrvln, a tMldtnt of HunUnaton Beach slnce l11t P.farch, ht• bttn tmploytd with the Stall Bureau ol NamtlOI •Ince 1111. H• por1many dotin't tl\lnt llilt·11i1 · Fnt PrtM dtct1lon to rtmov1 hl1 n1m1 """1 ......,yn11y will be detrimental to h.19 wcrlt. "We .,. not an anonymou1, lttfflt or1al'll11tlon. The '*Pit ln o u r nefghborhoods 300 churchea know who l\'e are. The only problem is thlt an agent could be Injured or hurt by 80!1l•thinC lit• lhll." • In printin1 tht names of the 11ent&, the ""' p,,.. •tltod, "lll<tll polloe , ...... Att t thtlat 10 dtmooraUo ,ovtmm1nt. lll•tory d1mon1tr1tu that tha HCrtt polictman Invariably u111 hla 1nonymlty lo b«om• unatt0unt1blt to Utt people o\·cr whqm powtr la tltrtlaed." • ''Rect ntly there b1 ve bten publiahed storln of ab usta of fJO"'tr lnvolvln1 narcollca offleetl. Stvttal or many ytara standlrtj'. ha \'t e\'t:n been d.11char1ed for fakln1 1vldenct." Tht Free Press continued. "hl11.ny narcotic• cases are thrown out ot court becauae th1 offletr1 have viola ted the con1lltutlon1! rllhta of the 1uspect In C9flductlng lll•a:•l natchtt and u lzure. "But th• pu blic at la11e 1dou not oNllnarl\y hear of tht violations of law cc..mmltted by these secret Polictmtn 'vho art attempUn1 to enforce Jaws as unwl11 aMf unenrorcetble 1s the now ban ished prohibition of liquor. There shculd be no etcret police!" the lefl.,.,•ing paper stated . F'or itl ef!ortl in revealing the namea rf narcotics 11ent1 bued in Ult Anc1111, Santa Ana, San Dle10 and Sari Fr1nc i1· co, the underground ntwtiiaper wil' fa ce 13\l'suitl tot.Una •2s million. Atty. Otn. Thomas C. Lynch Monday b1 ought a $10 mlllion suit again5l tht Jllper ind hu been ,,anted a temporary r~ttralnlng ordtr 11aQt It. It ch1raes lhat dJsclosure of tht confidenUiT l n. rormatk>n Jtoparadl1t1 the ltvts, ht1Jth Ind Mftty Of law tnfotctmtnt ofnctra :ind their r1m11111. Anolhtr 1ult, In tht amount of $15 mllllon. 1''U flltd aplnlt tht Frtt Prus and 111 publ~hor Art Kunktn Thuraday by one or tht narto(lca agenta named on tht llst. A h11rln1 hu bttn set tor Au1. 26 b)' Superior Court JUd(a Ell1worlll Meyer lo •'Ol1aldor 111nUn1 a preliminary In· junction a111n1t I.ht Mi* In conntcUon with Ille L)lnoh i11n:-- Tt>a Attom11 General's •Ult •lal"'t the Loo Anl'IH tabloid aUtltl that the Utt or namu "''' stolen from Ille Lot An"I" Doputmtnt ol J1111lct In th• ""'' two lllOl\thl. t.l'noh hu 11kad the c:ourt lo order Ill• paper to return 111 docum~nta and CW· rt IX"\denct concunlni ~ Dtpanment u/ lu1\lct. ' By pt,11 lntorlan41 Released In Slayings -'" I I LOS ANGELES tAP i -Police hevo rele11td th.e 19-year-old carel•ker they held for questioning in the kllling or ac- tress Sharon Tate and four other peracn.1: "There is no reason to suiipect hlm ... : r- said Inspector Harold Yarnell u WllllaR\ E. OarretJon wu relealfld Monday after two d~ In cuatody. The baby-faced youth wouldn't talk"" wllh newamen. But ht• la'A'Yer\ B1rr1' ·- Tarlow, said Garretson was in h s roorrl in a guest house of P.iiss Tate's estate~ Friday night and Saturday when lhe five were shot and stabbed to death . Garretson didn't know anythinc had · happened until police kicked in his door at 9 a.m. Saturday. Tarlow said. Investigators said they want tr quc~ tlon friends of Ml.at Tate and Oarretaon. - ''Well, wh1r1 would you 11y I got off my cltv1r11t rtm1rk1 - Tht F11tlval of Arta, Tht Stwdu1t 1'1stlv1l or th1 Art-A.fair?" Officers continued lnve1tig1ling the · deaths of a supermarket owner and his wife whose bodies were found Sunday~ night, their heads hooded like one ot the victims in the Saturd11y ldlllngs a few ,1 miles .a .. •,.ay. In bolh cases bodies were slashed and words were scrawled nearby in what appeared to be the ''ictims· blood. President's Wit Sharp In Talk With Newsmen Despite the similarities, a polict. spokesman said, the caseli .apparently are unconnected. The couple, Leno /\., LaBltnea, ff, and bis wife Roaell)ary. 31, may have b een the victims of a "copycat" killer, officers said. Those killed with Miu Tate were Abigail Folger, 26, a San Francl!CO socla\ite; Voityck Frykows ki, 37, a movie associate of Miss Tate 's hu!band, dlrtc· tor Roman Polanski: Jay Sebring, 36, an1 internationally known hairdresser; and. Steven Earl Parent, 18, a student from . suburban El Monte who police and Olr·: rel.son's lawyer said was a friend of Gar- rel9on. Shortly after the President's election last November, a book waa published bearln( the tiUe, 11The Wit and Humor of RichArd NIJ:on." It WIS a lhln book. The next ed.IUon 1hould bt much ratter. The President Indicated 1s much riton- da y. He didn't say 10; his quip& did. Aa he and Secretary of State \Villiam P. Rogera 'A'lndered about the tr0und1 of the western Whlte House'a 1dmlnl1tr1tive compound, Nixon bantered brJ&hlly ind caaUy wttb new1men. The Pru.ldent 1ot a lot ct lau(hter, none of It polite nor derbJve: Senate OKs Bill On Loans, But Passage Doubtful WASHI NGTON (AP) -Tbe Senate pasJtd, t2·1, today a bill to revive the lagging college student iuar111teed loan program but only .after retaining pro. \'isions that Republican senators said would kill chanct s of quick final pasaage. The single vcte ln opposlUon wa1 ca1t by Sen. Ever.it M. Dlrk!en, (R·lil.). On two test voles, the Senate retained 11dminlstration-0pposed provisions in the bill Utat had been inserted by the Labor Commltee at the request of Sen. Edward f\.1. KeMedy of f\'fass1chusetts and other Democr11.!J. One-man Variety Show Tonight A one-man variety 1how lo1ll be st.aged tonltht at the Laguna Community Playhouse, 31t Octan Ave. "Les 1'1oore's Variety Show," starring 1&.year-old lAgun1n Lea Moore, will start at 8:15. Also featured will bt Ute band "Oink Stover." Moore, \Yho has appeared al nuinerous nightclubs along the Orange Coagt, will play harmonica, 1uiLar, kar.oo, ar.d try hll hand at Jmperson1Uon1. Ticket& \vlll be on sale at the door for lt.26. YOUR 1 lere is a sampler of the presidential small talk that made the newsmen chuckle : -"We're going &olling Thursday, Mr. Rogers, f\.1r. (Attorney General) lolitchell, probably Vlce President Al?\tW and me. I'll team up with Mitchell, becauae ht'a a four-handicapper. And you can takt plc· tures of me at the fir1t tee. But there will be no photographs ptrmltted when J hlt out of the flrst aandtrap." -To f\.Ierriman Smith, dean or \\'hlte Jfouse correspondents : "How do you like it out here, in lh1J pocket or paverty?" -"\Ve're going to invite Ute press corps to vi&lt our new home Thursday, but we have to make some preparations. We want to nail everythlnt down first." Tarlow said Garretson had said ·ood· night to Parent about 11:30 p.m. Friday, then 1one to his room , where. he listened to his stereo. Parent w11 shot at the wheel or his car in the dr ivewa y or the $:00,000 h~me . Fh·st Festival Theft Reported; Purse Stolen Ro1ers rec.ailed the last tlme he and !\lxon we.re on the Orange Coast. It was on election day in 1962, when Nixon first ran for Vice Pretldent on the Eisenhower llcket. Laguna Beach Pollet today are tn~ "Tell them what happened on the bt11.ch vel'llgatlng four leparate thefts, Including in Laguna," urged the President. "You one that is believed to be the first theft know , the time we ran into that hiarine." from the FesUval or Arts, reported ?lion- "Oh, yell," said RQgers. "We were day. pla yiftl football on the beach. Th1I yimna Feltival e1hlbltor Anne Chue rtported Alarine comes up, stares at Mt. Nlton the theft of five luther ladles' puraea, d k 'S 'l valued at $50, from her booth. She told :~meask~?' a,r• aren you a celtbri~y of police the items were sto'!en sometime over !he weekend. "And I aald ," added the Prealdent, " 'No, I'm not a etltbrity. I'm just run· James M. Do~bs, 26, reported the thtft ning for Vice President'." of a color tele vi1lon set, valued at $13£1, Nixon joined the laughter, then drew from hls . home at 319 Cypress Drive. more \\'lien lie said : ~bbs s11d it was stolen late Sunday ''l never tell that itory to r.tr. Ape\_-t;" night. Entry was made through an open lndow, police believe. onday afternoon a stereo tape deck E 1 T and six t1pes were taken from a car own-XC ianue eerts cd by Richard Edwin Walker, 31, of till 0 ''C" Coriander, Cost.a Mesa. • \Vatker told police hla car wes parked Signups Slated al the GleMeyre Street municipal park· 1ng Jot, and his converllble top was do1¥n, South Orange County teens who wish to spend a day In Los Ana:tles as the gues~ of Negro, Mexican.American, 11nd white tcenaftra muat stgn up by Wedntsd1y .at the YMCA, 491 Forest Avt ., Laiuna Beach. The day.Jong excursion, the second half or a cultural exchanae englntered by the \Vllshl re and SouUt Orange County Vf\'I· CA'•, vd\I be held Saturday, Aug. 18. I!. The first half of the exchange: look place last 'A'etkend, 'A'hen 14 Los An&tlea teenagers speot a weekend as the 1ue3ta of Laguna and San Clemente youth1. Further Jnform1Uon maybe obtained by c1lllng the "Y" at 494·9431 . )''our Omegn S11!1s le Stl't!IL: Aa1 ncy \\·hen the items were •tolen between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. "' Barbara Carol Deal, 16, o! I !SS ,. .. Catalina St., told police of the Uleft of•~ in currency from a small wooden chest in her bedroom sometime Monday eveninfl . She told pallce the burglary took place between 8 :1~ and 10:50 p.m. Slated fo1· H.eopening \\'ASHINGTON {AP) -·.The Bureau o( f\1incs announced today It hopes to start about s,pt. 1 to unseal a coel mine at f\lannlngton, \V. Va. v.·here 78 miners have been enlGmbed since Nov. 36. 0 OMEGA --"""'*' -''*' ...... , WATCH'~ ll ... Ct..M4 • C~• OllM FREE Th• ~.,., ••me o,.,,,, $j1tt~m t1 ltr Wt !"h Wt ctl,., wt1 1tl1ct1llll with. •~I •~y fft 1lllllflc1ll1ft ~., NASA I• ~. '"''" by eu, mtn tn !ht me•n. Th,, 1111tftltl•ft, ltw!y • ••· w 1 1llll f 1 , 1111!1 1nc1, m1kt 1 111 jlrt wllll t1 ~. '!lllP 1w•h1ri11llll Om•t• j1w1l1r. C1m1 h1 -''' t~J, h•nllll1111111 I li Mlltft, ' 1111111. o"'''' s,,,1111m••· ti t 1hrtll•t 11,11, Th t •n1y ... ,,~ w1 tft •w lh• ""'" tft th• "'tt11. P1I•• t i fl. WMlt Ye• Wah ,_ PIAIU. $2.00 ll·lTIUM$ "'"' s4 ·~!TM tHll llNIJI $3.00 11111, ft'1ll ::MONDI $6.00 Al II tit,,,._ Q~Aloll• IMC.•A'ftM• DONI ...... , ...... t WHILI YOU WAIT H11lltln"9n C:tnttr .... at llllllfll' HUNTINltTON llAC:H • "2•SI01 ' TllMI .&.YAILAS Ll and back Harllor Slioppln9 C:tnltr 2300 Harbor llvd. COSTA MISA S45-9485 ., -· --~--· ~ • ' • r • • Laguna Bea~h ED I Tl 0 N VO[ 62, NO. 192, 3 SECTIONS. 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAtlFORNIA .TUESDAY, >.l!GUST ·12, 1969 -. • ren't • to. 1rms I · Down the By JAClt CHAPPELL 01 1M DfrllY r111t Slaff In case anyone ever had any doubts about it, businessmen in dowtnown Laguna Beach don't like hippies. Merchants Let Hair Down in Criticism Mission ' Trail Signup Planned For New School MISSION . VIEJO -Registration for new Hventb and eighth grade,5tudents in the area wM will aUend La Paa Inttrme.diate School is set for Aug. 25 and 28 at the school's library. Students can be registered from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to s p.m. both days. The school &ervts youngsters from Latte For<Sl, Caplstriino Highlands, Laguna North Aegean Hills, Deane Homes, El Dorado, MJssion Ri~e, RepublK:, La Paz, Monterey, Cardnial Park, Laguna Real, Design J, El Toro, 1.foulton Ranch, Laguna Hill!, Monte Viejo and Trabuco Canyon. The school is located at 25151 Pradcra Ave . e Teen Dances Slated MISSION VIEJO -Three teen dances are scheduled for Mission Viejo residents. Senior high dances will take place \Vednesday evening and Aug. 27 both from a to 11 p.m. with a junior high dance scheduled for Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. Both will be sQ.ged in tbe recreation center. , Recreation center members will be ad· milted for 50 cent! and nonmembers will be charged $1. Proof or residency will be required. ·• Ch•mber to Elect MISSION VIEJO -The general mem· bership of the Saddleback V a 11 e y Chamber of Commerce will meet their newly elected charter officers at a luncheon Aug. 19 in the Mission Viejo Inn. flonored will be Albert J. Balis, ex· ecutive. manager: Robert Dameron, charter president : Edward L. Olsen, first vice president; Vincent LaVertu, second vice president; Michael Collins, secretary and Arnold Chappell, treasurer. e Clubhouse Okayed LAGUNA HILLS -Orange County planning commissioners .have approved plans for Leisure World Foundation's Clubhouse No. 3 on the northwesterly cor· ner ol Avenida Sevilla and Calle Aragon. Only 309 parking spaces were required for the 842·seat capacity clubhouse on the premise that most users would be walk- ing from their nearby housing. Landscaping and screening and place· ment of utility Jines underground was re· quired by the county planners. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market slid to its second straight loss of the week today in a session that exhibited little buying interest. (Sec quotations, Pages 10-11). Trading was slow near the close. The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. was off 6.27 at 813.56. That wa.s made perfectly clear in a meeting this morning of the Downtown BusiAs.s Association (DBA) when area merchants let down their hair In a discussion of "The Hippie Situation." "I saw one narcotics arrest on the beach the other day. A Jot of the people booed, but I stood there and clapped," said stockbroker Dick Toomey. Other members o( the DBA asked if. v.• hen arrested, hippies cooldn·t be shaved , washed down and dusted with , DOT In the interest of keeping the city jail clean. Af\olher suggestion was that the hippies be condemned as a "public health hazard." DBA members repeatedly queried main speaker Lt. Robert Mcfduray of the Laguna Beach police department as tG yby other communit'ies did not have the so-call~ "hippie problem." McMurray said other cities do. Several members told of anti-hippie ac- tlon taken by Crestline and Arrowhead v.·here a vigilante group "ran them down the hill and shaved off all their hair." Other merchants said that S a n Clemente, N e w po r t Beach and other resort-type cities didn't ha ve the same problem as Laguna Beach. "We're doing everything we can," Lt. ~1cMuray said. ''lf they break the law, we get them." ~1c~1urray said the police department has taken a hard-nosed position toward hippies. Meet the Chief Kenneth Huck: 40, Firm, Friendly Laguna Beach got a new police chief Monday u Kenneth H. Huck, 40, took the helm of the Laguna police department. Blue-eyed, sandy-blond Ken Huell: radi.ates both firmness and friendliness. He has been in police \\'Ork 13 1ears. He comes to the Art Colony from Uniort City, a town of about 15,000 in southern Alameda County, Caliloma, where i e was also chief of police. Huck, talking to newsmeR Monday aft- ernoon. said he is looking forward to the challenges ol working in the Laguna area. Arnong those challenges, he said, were the requirements of working with the diverse members of the community, to bring the groups together and to "achieve the goals of law enforcement.'" ·Sheriff Seeking Three in Attack On Springs Man Sheriff's investigators today are seek- ing three men believed responsible for an attack which left a Palm Springs man bl~ing and unconscious on the beach at Scotchman's Cove between Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar. Richard B. Jackson, 38, i.s in serious condition today at South Coast Com- munity H o s p i t a I • A hospitaJ spokesman described his injuries as a fractured skull and numerous cuts and bruises inflicted during w h a t in- vestigators describe as "a savage, merciless attack." Officers said Jackson was attacked f\1onday afternoon by "three hippie types, all believed to be in Uteir twenties." Reports indicate that Jackson was at- tacked with a length of piping and a flashlight, slugged into unconsciousness and dumped at the water's edge. Officers were called to the scene by a IS-year-old boy who saw the attack on Jackson. There were apparently no other witnesses of lhe beating. Officers know of no motive for the at- tack. Investigators believe that their first real lead may come from the criUcally ill Jackson who ~ered consciousness this morning. It is expected that Jackson will be questioned by officers 1ater today. Huck said It ls premature to say ju~t wpat needs to be done at the police department -he had been on the job about five hours prior to the interview. However, he sees crime prevention rather than crime detection as the primary dut y of the force. Huck said that he plans to meet with the people of Laguna as much as possi· ble, specifically he mentioned meetings with parent groups and the clergy. He noted that because of Laguna's rather unique position. there is a ron.stant flow of differ ent people into the com- munity. Coping with the different people and their demands is one of the challenges. Concerning hippies, Huck said, "They are subject to the same constit.ufum.al provisions as anyone else is. As law en· .: forcement officers, what we do has to be within the realm or legality and within the law." The new chief is 40 years old. He is married and his wife, Barbara is an artist They have three children, Craig, 12 ; David 7; and Marla, a year and a hatr. At present they are renting a home in Laguna Niguel. City Manager James D. Wheaton, said he feels Huck will be able to step right in- to the spot left by police chief Harry Labrow when the former chief reUred. Wheaton also commended Lt. Robert McMWTay for the job he did as acting chief during lhe month between La.brow's mipLkll and Huck's appointmenL II •• 1 'f'• Jstro.nauts Report Eagle .. Critically Low on Fuel From Wire Servlcts SPACE CENTER, Houston-Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. reported today they were dangerously low on fuel as they neared the moon and were' within 15 seconds of aborting the landing attempt. They said quick action by ground con- trollers enabled Lhem to make a safe Ian· ding. "We were very concerned about run- ning low on f1:1el," Armstrnng told a nev ... conference, the first public report on the historic mission. "\\le had to change the landing point because of the crater and we \.\'ere quite close to our legal limit on fuel," !he com· mandcr reported. Armstrong said if he had been forced to hunt another 15 or 20 seconds for a smooth landing point, the landing attempt v.·ould have been aborted. Of the moon walk, Armstrong sai d the lunar surface is a "~Lrangely different place" with a weak gravity that i.s more comfortable than earth's. "lt's an extremely stark and strangelv different place," said Annstrong. "A number of experts prior to the flight pred.1-:ted that a good deal of di!· WHAT MILADY WILL WEAR TO THE BANQUET : PAGE 2 ficulty would be encountered by people trying to work on the moon ," reported Armstrong. '"This wasn 't the case. "Afler landing, y,·e felt very com- fortable ir. lunar gravity. It was , in fact, preferable both to weightlessness and to earth gravity." The moon 's gravity is only one-sixth as strong as earth's and Armstrong and Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the kangaroo-style across the p o w d e r y surfa ce about 611~ hours after landing there July 20. Armstrong and Aldrin described their final 50,()()().foot descent lo the moon on July 20 -a hair-raising 12 minutes dur- ing which computer alarms fla shed and they had to take manual control to avoid crashing in the r<ick·fllled crater. "I think we pretty well understa nd what caused these program alarms," Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the computer was in a process or solving the landing problem and at the same time we hild the rendezvous radar in a powered up condilion and this tended to add an ad· ditional burden to the computer opera- tion." The rendezvous radar was keeping track of Michael Collins, orbiting O\'erhead in the command ship. "Some of the people ln town don't like It. They call it harassment, but if a persons breaks the law ••. " he &ai<f. McMurray explained that the city crime rate for June, July and the first part of this month I! up 50 percent over the same period last year. Most of the crimes, he said, were cases Involving narcotics violations, juvenilea and juvenile runaways. He said that 93 percent of the police cases involve transients. Toy shop owner Bart McHugh liVi• •'-"-v ;m 11..f.....,.. HE'S CHIEF IN C"AGUNA Pollet DefNrtment'1 Huck Youth Buried In Newhall But • Death Mystery The 19-year-old. Northridge youth who died Saturday while In custody or Laguna Beach police was burled this morning at a Newhall cemetery. Stephen Mund.ahl'.s death today re- mains unexplained. Coroner's officials .said results or a tox- icology examination may be completed by the end of the week . An autopsy earl· ier indicated no external cause of death, deputy coroner James Beisner said. Mundahl .. was ara:sted by Laguna Beach police at the scene of an auto ac· cldcnt early Saturday. He wasbooked in the city jail on charges of being under the influence of drugs and possession of dangerous drugs. Police Lt. Robert McMurray said the youth was staggering and exhibited other signs or being intoxicated at the Ume of booking, but said he appeared to be in otherwlse good condition. on. Among the property taken by police at the lime of booking was a Los Angeles Police Department booking slip in· dlcating that A1undahl had just been released on $25 ball from a Los Angeles jail The dead youth was fotJnd lying un- conscious in his cell al about 4:30 p.m .. about seven hours after being booked into jail. An officer had gone to the cell! to Krisman Hoists U.S. Flag * * * Nationwide TV -' check on prisoners. VCI Radical Part of Festival Displa y By THOl\.IAS FORTUNE others. his actual functioning on the. job ot ftM DAllY P'lltt Sttff has been without problem. -Mike Krisman, long-haired young SOS "I haven't run Into anybody on campus radical recenUy hired a.s a UC Irvine ad· Vi'hO didn't want to work with me," he minislrator, symbolically raises the nag 5aid. of his country every night at Laguna's Since being hired July 1 as coontinator Irvine Bowl. of academic advisin g at a yearly salary Krisman, 27, poses with three other of $8~ he has gathered information for young men In Marine uniforms in a living a faculty news Jetter, givtn Information re-creation or Joe Rosenthal's famotis to volunteer student advi.sor11 and advised photograph of the raising of the fla g al incoming students during student orien- lwo Jlma for the Pageant of the l\1asters. talion· weekends. "I don't consider mySe.U unpatriotic," He describes the job as non-political. explained Krisman. Krisman formerly was UCI student A resident of Laguna Beach, Krisman body prt!stdent and a prominent voice in and his wife, Ann, volunteered ror the Students Jor a Democratic Society. fo'estival work and he was cast in the. pie· UCl Chancellor Daniel Aldrkh. who has ture because af his 1d2e.. It didn't have the final say over admlnilt.ratlvc hiringi;, anything to do with his political beliefs. said he Will back the Krisman ap. A paratroopor for three )'tars before he pointment all tht way. became~dical leader on campu8, The county political and rr11te.mal club Krtsman sa he didn't hJve any troublt opposition, however, U)'I it will appeal lo adjustln the unlform. the UC Board of Regents Stpl. 19. Iii uld that d~plle the protests to his Krisman say1 he considers himklf 11s appointment by t'OUnty young Republican much a patriot as 1nyone. And there he unllfi the Laguna Hills Kiwanis Club, the is, nlgbtly lo tht Paaeant proa:ram, rais- Cost.a t.1,Ja Chamber of Commerce and klc the Oag. DAIL.' PILaT IWI' ,....._ CONTROVERSIAL FLAG-RAISER UC lrvlne AJd1 kr.f1m1n To Cover Apollo • Tom· Wednesday NEW YORK (AP) -The three major television networks will broadcast live Wednesday the activities of the Apollo 11 ...stronauts, including the ala.le dinner \V1ln Preaidenl Nixon. Spokesmen for ABC, CBS and NBC gave this schedule, all Umes Pacific Day· lighl: Ntw York City, Including arrival at Kcr.n«ly Airport, City Hall ceremonies, vi.ail to lhe United Nations, ticker tape parade up.Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Chlctgo, · arrival at O'Hare Airport, parade and ceremoole.s, 12:30 to 1 p.m. LOs Angeles, stite dinner, 8:45 p.m. to conclusloo .. --------- Europe will see 1lmost two hours ot Jive TV coverage ol. tM ultOnauli• vlslt to New York and the Unfted Natka on Wednaday, Procttdlngs at the dinner In Los Al\f<la Wedoesd11Y nlghl will be 1'ped for LrwmiAion to Europe on Thursday. • Police said there appeared to bt no link between the dead prisoner and a packet of seconal pills found in the jail corridor some distance away. A youth arrested at the same time as Mundahl for possession of dangerous drugs has been released on his own recognizance foUowlng arraignment ~ton· day In Laguna Beach Municipal Court'. A juvenile allegedly driving the vehicle Involved in the momtng accident and held on possession of dangerous drug charges has been released to his parents. ?dundah4 the juvenile and the other youth, all rrom Northrtdge were involved in a collision in the 200 block of Broadway about 9 o'clock Saturday., Driver of the other car involved WN Dorothy Ellen Springe, wife of bulldlng and planning director Clyde Z. Spr!iJge: Mrs . S!llini• WU not injured. Man Eles:trocuted Santa Ana resident Albtrt G. Strtlla was eJectroC"Uted M o o d a y altemoon whllt rt:palring an all' eoodU.ioner al a Fullerloo i>lfice building. Slrtlla, 27, of IOIO Edloon St., died , shortly aller arrival aL St. JOl<pb llospilal. t ' . ' N•Y. Stet'm JEN aNTS • 1es gested that merehanta th em set v e 1 d..lscoorag:e Undesirable types from en- t~rlng their shops and per>onally confroot lho,,e who violate city ordinances of lft.. Ung on the !klewaJks. stockbroker · Toomey suggested that realtors refuse to rent to-unde&irab}es and that merchants discriminate in tel~ Ing to them. "If you aee a hippie come in, t.hert'• no reason you can't tell lhem an apple coata: $1.50 instead of rive cents," he said. DBA President Robert Benner told the group that he had recently talked to a Palm Springs police captain about that city's hippie problem. "He sa.id, 'ff you find out what to do tell us,' " Benner said. ' Nixon Proposes Cities, States Share Funds WASHINGTON (AP) -Pmldent Nbr· on today proposed giving states and cities much of the authority for running $2.3 billion a year in federal programs to train more than one million Americans annually for jobs. M part of hl.s "New FederaUsm•• eort- cept o[ sharini state, local and federal J>Oftr, Nlxon sent to Congress a Man- W!llTE HOUSE WES'r- INSIDE VIEW: PAGE S JIW<r '!'raining Act to littamlloo ud mUe more flexible Ute Wlblr; m' ••h"• job training procrams. Secretary of Labor George P. Shulti, In a briefing, said that despile J'ob Corpe cuts which anaered Congrus, Nlion ia PIOf>Osmt to add 1!0,000 Americans to job training roUs at an utra cost of J400 milliori a year, Most of the additional training woukl go to welfare recipients if both the man- power bill and Nlron'.s welfare legislation are enacted. The welfare bill requirts most recipients to take job training. The manpower legialation also would boost job training funds 10 percent U the nation's unemployment rate rme to 4.S percent for three straight months. Jt ls now 3.1 percent. This, Shultz said, was to quell lean that many Americans mlgbt lose their jobs in Nixon's elfort.s to slow the na- tion's ectlnomy enough to cool lnllaUon. The bill also provides for a com- putP.rized national job bank to match the unemployed with job openings. Jt would equalize living allowanca for different job training programs, which now vary, to keep the unemployed from shopping around for the best allowance instead of for the most suitable job tralnlng. Welfare recipients would receive, in lieu of the job training allowance, a speclal incentive of $30 a month Ip ad· ditlon to welfare payments. States and cities would take over much of the authority for planning and 1pen· ding federal money for manpower pro- grams heretofore largely nin from Wa'shington, but Ute Labor Department would retain overall responsibility. "The secretary of labor will provide guidelines and national priorities, review and approve annual state plans ot service, and evatuate performance or state and area manpower urvlct systems," the legislation says. Orange Cou& Weadaer The weatherman's In a not un- pleasant ru~ with more warm temperaturu forecast for Wed .. nesday. Coastal mercury should bask in the mid 70'11, while inland regiona'U register as degreea. INSWE TODAY Jamboree ~oad f1 now a Jour- lane hfghWG.11 from MacArthur Boulevard to tht Sttn Diego FrttlOQU -but -nobodu arm,, to ·know it ytt. Pa.gt J2. / C'•ll'*"le ; MJwtl ,.... tt ciaom.. , .. ,, ._.,...., •-.., Ctlflft't II °'"'" C""" It (tlH_,., t ,.,._ ,.,.... 11 0... HiMktl It S.i.t "'"" 1).lt . ...,... ,_ . ,,..,,. , .. ,, -~ II ._. Mlft• "'Ii l .. U T~ IS -, . .,......,, .. 'Aili~ II ...... t MIHlu 1 W'"111 Mewt .. Mrllet ,. ' • ' - 1 DAILY PILOT L Whai ~Coast· Gals Will Wear ' ' Gliueruig Gowns to Ador1i Apollo Banqriet Gl).ests • ByBE~~RSON ~ to ~IY Difbl'I Pr-tMWl•I baDquel iii t..e Angeles' Ctn· tqry:Plm >rt -to U-"ho got them "" tllll oocial lrtumph of tho .....,, ..... 11\11.diiel. 000. wur .w)len one's bus- ballf !iU rlached the poslUon of belni· ac-~ into the. Aat!an'•.lv.blte 80011 m.. ntt elitle? • 'Ille DATLV PILOT ,bu been IO!d by four-Newport Beach mih1>M "':ho will join the 50¢:41 creme de Ja crane. ln ~ the utloo'1 .......,ta...: Mn. diarln s. Tbomai, Mrs. ..,..,.... Clltkt, Mn. Do!1llll C&rpontii; .. Mii: Andr Devine llld Mn. Herbert W. KJam. bl.cl. • I White ls the color selected by both Mrt. Carpenter af\d Mrs. Kalmbach. Crystal and white beading trims the malt.! Jersey Grecian draped gown of ~Ira. Carpenter, Whlle Mrs. Kllmbach's flowing design ol peau de. tole features a bocllct entlrtly .. *· *' ·-tr • . ; "'(:(' * * State Dinner io· Climax . e~ w lh Mtd PW~. Cl}'ftall aqd •!l!!ietl-. . 'l\111 INillllJ \rll!li lrlll " "!"· 0.. vino. l!&r flow!q Skirt of la)'lfod Wl\111 cl!lfroo •Ill ba topped with • bodi<e of chalk ·"'hlte and bugle beiding on sun- tan colored chiffon. Mrs. Thomas has chosen a pale blue 11ilk princess line 1own with a deep oval neckliDe which b enclrtled wtth a ~ulr ·~ r~ton" and ~lk l/Csdlaf. · A mulllcolortd chiffon with Cokl HqUin trim ls the choice of Mn. Clark,. .Blac'k41e atlire will be worn by th'lr bus bands. ~ Busy Day for Astronauts Carpenter is chairman of the California Republican Central Committ~. Kalmbach, a Newport attorney, has been a high-echelon worktr in Nixon campaigns and a ptl'10nsl lrieod of Ille President. LOS) ANGELES, (UPI) -Pm I dent Nlxoo's banquet !or .the thl'ff Apollo 11 , 1itrobabti and 1,800 other VIPs Wed- nesd.f ntghl. wifi climax .. 'hectic day of celebration during which the space voya. gers will be ai;claimed in three cilies. The gilt-edged Invitations lo what some are calling the dinner or the decade are rare as moon rocks and twlct as precious to status seekers on the outside. The seating arrangements in the main ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel are a protocol nigbtman. No complete guest Clemente Guards Submit Formal Grievance List The 32-members oI the 34"-man San Clemente Lifeguard Department, who have threatened to walk off lhe beacbt.s Saturday if their demands for a wage in4 crease are not met by the City, today sent a letter of grievance to city officials through Chlef Lifeguard Dick Hazard. The letter puts in writing what the guards have threatened verbally -that they won't show up for work Saturday unless their wages are Increased. Lt. Steve Chorak, spokesman for the group that doesn't include Chief Hazard or Capt. Phil Stubbs, said a nine percent increase of wages for temporary guards is being demanded. The salaries of the permanent, year4round guards should also be increased so they are on a par with police wages. he said. That would amount to a 23-percent increase. If the strike is carried through, it would · leave 18 miles of beaches without lifeguara protection. The guards cover beaches as lar north as AJlso Beach and as far south as Cotton's Point, site of President Nizon'1 summer.1Whlte Howe. City Clerk Max Berg, ' acting 1 citY manager while Kenneth Carr is on vaca4 t.ion, said today that other lifeguard departments have been contacted to see if guards would be available to man the city and county beaches if the walk out should occur. "We had to like those steps. There are ht:man Jives involved, and we can't let our beaches go unprotected," Berg said. Chorak claimed, however, that other lifeguard departments will honor the u·alkout. "We've asked other lifeguards to respect our demands, and not to offer mutua1 ald," he said. Dedication Set For Playhouse The official dedication o( the $500,000, 350-seat Laguna Moulton Playhouse has been set for Alig. 31 with ceremonies to be attended by invited guests only. This was the decision reached Saturday by the board of directors of the Laguna Community Players Association. A VIP tour and champagne reception for city officials and donors to the building fund will begin at 4 p.m. Mrs. Lewis 1'.foulton, who donated $100,000 to"'ards the theater, will be the guest of honor. UAll't' D1tOJ OllANO~ COAn f'Vll att1NO COMH.N"f lt•Hrt N. W•M Pruldllril9"'"8Mlfllr J•t• "-c.,1.., Viet ,,..illtfd.,.. Gc1111.i Miii .. , Th•11111 llCetwll ltoi111f t\t1•u1 A. M~tp,\;~, - ""-~"""" ·~llW i 1ch114 P. Ntll ·--,~. hlior ........... om.. • 212 F•r11t A•t. M1Ui111M411•u1.0. 11.1, ,,.,_ tl6S1 --C.U• ""NI llf #Ml • .,. l'rwt H......,.. lelodl: mt *-t l •lllff -.. ...... ~loll llKI!: .M ~Ill irml list has been published and prc.bably won·t be until after the affair. Known to be invited are the justices o'f the U .s. Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps, govemorS' of the 50 states, 55 astronauts, their wives and the widows of astronauts; membera of the con· gressional space committees a n d personal friends of lhe Ni1ons. Only eight other guests will be seated with the Nilons and astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin Jr. and their wives. Among the invitees who have not yet resix>nded are Aristotle and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Charles Lindbergh and Howard Hughes. For the astronauts, Wednesday will be1in at 6:30 a.m. at Elllilaton Air Force Bue when tbey, their wivts and siz of their children board Air Force One, the President's jelllner placed at their disposal. The astronauts will be flown to New York for a tickertape parade up Broadway and 1 ceremony at City H•ll with Mayor John V. Lindsay. Then the astronauts will proceed to the United N14 tions and be greeted by ~tary Gen- eral U Thant. Tbree hours and 15 minutes after their landing at Kennedy International Airport, the astronauts will board Air Force One for Chicago. There, the spacemen will be honored by what the office of Mayor Richard J. Daley called "a triumphant parade, covering the greatest distance in the city's history." One million Chicagoans are expected to catch a glimpse of the trio. Los Angeles is the neJt stop. Air Force One will roll up to the Federal Aviat;..m Admini.atration hangar, an area not open to the public. A pool television crew will broadcut the wel1:1>ming ceremony with Afayor and Mrs. Sam Yorty. The astronauts will helicopter to the Centuey P1aza where they will .havt less than (jje half_bour _to change ipto {onnal attire for the reception and dinner. The gala affair will be televised, and crews today were stringing lights and building platfonns for the cameras. The setup was devised so that no one's view of the head table will be blocked, and the U.S. Marine Band will sit In the dead space behind the main camera platform. President and Mrs. Ni1on were e1· peeled to helicopter back to the Western \\1hite House following the party, due to end at 1:30 a.m. The Apollo 11 crtw will spend tht night in penthouse suites. Judge Clarke and his ~·ife are friends of the Nl1ona ind the President borrowed the Clarke home during a visit to Orange County last year. Thom.as, who served as Secretary of the Navy tander President Eisenhower, Is former president of TWA and retired president of the Irvine Co. Devine, is a longtime friend of the President and an active Republican. (Photos of the couples in their formal attire will appear in the Women's pages Thursday.) · Other Newport Beach residents reeeiv. ing rare, engraved invitations are Dr. and. Mrs. Arnold 0. Beckman of Lido Isle. Beckman, a Southern California in· dustrialist and inventor, is a longtime friend of the President. Other Orange Countians invited are Mr. and 1.1rs. J. Simon Fluor of Santa A:u1 and 1'.tr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver of Fullerton. Fluor. an industrialist, Is a prominent Orange County Republican, and Beaver is treasurer of the Republican State Central Committee. Adding to the social triumph of the Clarkes will be their arrival at the dinner "'Ith their houseguesta, Sen. and Mrs. Strom Thurmond of South Ca!olina. The Thurmonds will arrive Wednesday on Air Force JI w i th Vice President Agnew, accompany the Clarkes to the dln4 ner and then spend the night with the Clarke~ before flying out Thur~ay. Judge Clarke and Senator Thunnond are cousins. Police Nab Nude Youth on Beach A nude youth frolicking along the beach below Laguna 's Surf and Sand Hotel was captured late 1'.1onday night by Laguna 3each police, and then taken to Orange County Medical Center for ob6ervation. The unfdentinta yo'1ng man, believed to be about 16 years old, ls in satisfacotry condi tion today. Doctors susped ... llle youth wa!I under the influence of a drug, the center said. Students to Protest SAN FRANCISCO CUP!l -Several student groups announc!d today they Wil~ sta1e demonstrations ne1t week during I.he vi.sit to San Francisco .of Preaident Nixon. WOfa't Change Nuttaber Beach Narc Stands Firm 111 Spite of Harassment By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 1111 Dtilr 1"1191 S!~fl Jimmy C. Irvin, 34, of Huntington B'ach, is a narc. Thousands of people know that since the Los Angeles Free Press last Thurs- day published his name, add~ss and telephone number with 79 other State Bureau of "NarcOUcs agents. The Free Press reader&hl p in Hun· tington Beach, Irvin .11ay1, has not wasttd any time in letting him know how much they disapprove of his ~·ork. Since Thursday the telephone has been ringing at his Rhone Lane hGme about three times daily, the nar1:1>Ucs field supervisor said. "They're mostly derogatory anti41aw enforcement calls," said Irvin. "?o.1y wife has told me there. have also been some threats of retribution against me ." Though the calls keep coming in, Irvin says he will not change his telephone number. ''I've decided against i' for a variety of reasons, but mO!tly because of my hard· headedness. I refuse to give satisfaction to such an irresponsible left-wing newspaper.'' Irvin, a rC?sident of HunUnttOJ\ Beach s~ Jest March, hu been efTlployed with the State Bureau of Narcotics lince ms. -He personally doesn 't think that the Free Pre&a decision to remove hla narne from ....,.ynity wtll be detrimental to bJJ work. ••we are not an anonymous, ltCrtt organiiatlon. The i>tOPlfi In o u r nelahborhoods· and churchts tnow who we are. The only problem Is that an •rent coutd ba Injured or hurt by aom•thlnl Ul<e 11111." Jn prtnUtt1 the namea of the •aentl, the Free Press stated, "Secret police foreta are a threat to democratic aovernment. Hl1tory demonstrates that the 1tetet policeman invarh1bly uses hla 1nonymlty lo become un11ccountable lo !he people over whom po~·er ls e1erclsed. •• "Recently there have betn published ~tories of abuses of power lnvolvlng n<:jrcotics officers. Stveral of many years slandlng have even been discharged for faking evidence." The Free Press continued. "Many narcGlics cases are thrown out of court because the officers have violated the constitutional rights of the suspect in conducting illegal searches and se1iure. "But the public at large does not ordinarily hear of the violations of law cc.mm.itted by these secret policemen w~o art attempting to enforce laws as unwise and unenlorttable as the now bani11hed prohibition of liquor. There should be no secret police!" the leftwlng paper stated. For its efforts in revealing the names "f narcotlcs agents based in Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Diego and San Franci3· co. the underground newspaper wil l fact Jawsulta totaling 125 million. Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch 1'.1onday b1ought a SIO million suU against the paper and haa been granted 1 temporary restraining ordtr aganst it. It charges lhat disclosure of the confidenUal in. formation jeoparadizes the lives, health and s&lety of law enforcement officers and their families. Another 1uil,. in the 1upount of $1$ millioit,"was filed against the free Press and Its publisher Arl·Kuntln Thursdoy by one ol the narcoi,1cs aaenta named on tile lbl. A hearing has bten stt tor Aug. ~ by Superior COurt Judce Ell3worth Meyu to conalder cranllng a preUmlnary ln4 Junction 11a.1nst the paper in connection With the Lynch auil The Attorney Gentra1'1 auit qJinst the L~ An1elts lablold alleges that the list of names w1s atolen !rom Ole Los Angeles Department ol JusUtt ~the past two months. Lynch has asked the court to order the p11iper to return all documtnlJ and cot· respondence concernina: the Department of Justice. • ................ ly "'II lntorl•ndl ' Released ,, In. Slayings LOS ANCELES (AP ) -Police have released the 19-year-old caretaker they held for questioning in the killing of ac- tress Sharon Tate and four other person.,.· r "There ls no reason to suspect him,'' .. said Inspector Harold Yarnell as \Villi1m E. Garretson was released Monday after l"'O days in custody. The baby4faced :youth wouldn't talk with newsmen. But his lawyer, Bany Tarlow, said Garretson was in his roon1 in a guest house of J.iiss Tate's estate Friday night and Salurday when the five \Vere shot and stabbed to death. Garretson didn't know anything had happened until police kicked in his door at 9 a.m. Saturday. Tarlow said. Investigators said they want tr ques· . lion friends of Miss Tate and Garret.son . "Well, where would you ••Y f got off my cleverest remarks - The Festival of-Arts, Tht Sawdust Fe1tlv1I or the Arf·A·F1ir?" Officers continued investigating the deaths of a supermarket owner and his ""ife who~ bodies were found Sunday night, lheir heads hooded like one of the ii victims in the Saturday killings a few miles away. In both cases bodies were slashed and words were scrawled nearby in what appeared to be the victims' blood. President's Wit Sharp In Talk With Newsmen DesJ,1ite the similarities. a police spokesman said, the cases apparently are unconnected. The couple. Leno A. LaBiaoca, ff. and his wife Rosemary, 38, may have been the victims of a '"copycat" killer, officers said. Those killed with Miss Tale were Abigail Folger, 26, a San Francisco socialite; Noityck Frykowski. 37, a movie associate bl ?tfiss Tate's husbarw:t, direc· tor RomSD Polanski : Jay Sebring, 36, an internatidnally known hairdresser; ·anCI Steven Earl Parent, II, a student from suburban El Monte who police and Gar· retson's lawyer said was a friend or Gar· ret.son. Shortly after the President's eleetion last November, a book \Vas published bearing the title. "The Wit and Humor of Richard Nixon." It was a thin book. The neit edition should be much fatter. The President indicated as much Mon. day. He didn't say so; his quips did. As he and Secretary of State \Villiam P. Rogers wandered about the grounds of the western \Vhite House's administrative compound, Nixon bantered brightly and easily with newsmen . The President got a lot of Jaughter, none of it polite nor derisive. Senate OKs Bill On Loans, But Pass~ge Doubtful WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate passed. 92·1, today a bill to revive the Jagging college student guarant~d Joan program but only after retaining pro- visions that Republican senators said would kill chances of quick final passage, The sing le vote in opposition "was cast by Sen. Everett liil. Dirksen, (R-lll.). On two test votes, the Senate retained administratlon..(lpposed provisions in the bill that had been inserted by the Labor Commltee at the request of Sen. Edward tit Kennedy of Massachusetts and other Democrats. One-man Variety Sl1o'v Tonight A one-man variety show ~111 he st.aged tonight at the Laguna Community Playhouse, 319 Ocean A\•e. ''Les ~ioore's Var-iety Show," starring 18--year-old Lagunan Les ~loore, wiJI start al 8:15. Al.so featured will be the band '"Oink Stover." Moore, who has appeared at nu1nerous nightclubs along the Orange Coast. will play harmoni ca, guitar, kazoo, ar.cl try his hand at impersonations . Tickets will be on sale at the door for $1.25. llere is a sampler of the presidential &mall talk that made !he newsmen chuckle: -';We're going goUing Thursday, ~fr. Rogers, Mr. <Attorney General) Mitchell, probably Vice President Agnew and me. I'll team up with h1itchell, becau.se he's a four-handicapper. And you can take pie· lures of me at the first tee. But there will be no photographs permitted when I hit out of the first sand trap." -To Merriman Smith, dean of \Vhite House correspondents: "How do you like it out here, in this pocket of poverty?" -"We're going to invite the press corps to visit our new home Thursday, but we have to make some preparaUon11. \Ve want to nail everything down first." Rogers recalled the last time he and Nixon were on the Orange Coast. It was on election day in 1952, when Ni1on first ran for Vice President on the Eisenhower ticket. ''Tell them what happened on the beach in Laguna," urged the President. "You know, the time we ran into that J.farine.'' "Oh, yes," s.Ud Rogers. "We were playing football on the beach. Thb >'Uni Marine comes up, stares at Mr. N)xon ~ and asks: 'Say, aren't you a celebrify of some kind?' " ''And I said," added the President, "·No, rm not a celeQrity. I'm just run4 11ing for Vice Preaidenl'." Nixon joined the laughter, then drew n1ore "'hen he said: "I never tell that story to Mr. Agnew.'' Exchange Teens Signups Slated South Orange County teens who wish to spend a day in Los Angeles as the guests of Negro, 1.fexican-Amerlcan, and white teenagers must sign up by Wednesday at the Y1'.1CA, 491 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach. The day-long excursion, the second ha!{ of a cultural exchange engineered by the \Vilshire and Sou th Orange County Y~1· <.:A's, \viii be held Saturday, Aug. 16. 16. The first half of the exchange took place last Vi'eekend, \Vhen 14· Los Angeles teenagers spent a weekend as the guests of Laguna and San Clemente youths. Further information maybe obtained by calling the "Y" at 494-9431. Yo u.r Ornega St.lies Ii, Strv icc Agtncu Tarlow said Garretson had said good· night to Parent about 11 :30 p.m. Friday. then goPe to bis room, where he listened to bis stereo. Paie11t was shot at the wheel or liis (Ir in the dliv.eway Qf the $200,000 home. r Fh·st Festival Theft Reported; Purse Stolen Laguna Beach Poli ce today are In· vestig•ling tow; separate thefts, including one tha"t is belreved to be tbe first theft from the Festi~I of Arts, reported ~ton· d;iy. . . F~va1 exhib.itor Anne Chase reported the theft of fiv' !C4-ther ladies: purses, valued at $50, from her booth. She told police the items were stolen sometime over the weekend. James M. Dobbs, 26, reix>rted the theft of a color television-set, valued at $130, from his home at 319 Cypress Drive. Dobbs said it ias stolen late Sunday night. Entry was made through an open \It' Ind ow, ix> lice believe. l>.fonday afternoon a stereo tape deck and six tapes were taken from a car own· ed by Richard Edwin Walker, 31, of 1611 •·c" Coriander, Costa Mesa. Walker told police his car was parked al the Glenneyre ·street municipal park- ing lot, and his convertible top was down, when the items ~·ere stolen between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Barbara Carol · Deal, 16, of 1158 Catalina St., told police of the theft of $53 in currency from a small wooden chest in her bedroom sometime Monday evening. She told police the burglary took place between 8:15 and 10:50 p.m. Slated for Reopening \VASH INGTON (AP) -The Bureau of l>.lines announced loday it hopes to start about Sept. 1 to URseal a coal mine at J\lan11ington, W. Va. "·here 78 miners have been entombed since Nov. 30. 0 OMEGA YOUR WATCH'~ • CIHnocf • Oiltd t A4lutlM llllt' Cl•a .. d W•ll• Tt• Welt FREE Thi ~••v 111111 0111e91 Spe1lllm11I•• '"•!ch ..... c1rry w11 11!1ct1il w!1h. •~• •~v 111141fic1ti111 liv NASA !t bt w&tft ~y ""' mtft on th 1 m1to". Th11 '''Otftilit n, l1~lv • ••· w 1 1d l or ••c1l!1n(•, m•~•• u• preud io Iii your 1ulh ar<1td Om••• j1w1!11. Coll'le ift -''' !hit h1nd11m1, 1 liu!11ft. 4 Ji1t, 01!'119• Sp114ft'ltl• lit chron19r1ph. Thi '"'" witch w1r111 liy th1 ''"Ill 1n 1h1 '"'•"· ''le• SltS. PIA•LS •l·STl:UHG "• DIAMON DS •IPU.CID, fr•• $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 EN&U.YIN• DONI WHILI YOU WAIT H11ntl~tton Center leach at Edinter HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 ' I TllMS A'IAILAILl and back Harber SitopplnCJ Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I , -~-- Tm411, A°utusf. 12, 1969---: L _,,.. ·OAllY PILOT :f No Frills for Coas·t White House Office Pr ess Corps 'Roughing It' Too By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 1111 Delly Plltl lltff For the first time Monday, the natlon;s press visited the adminiatratlve office building of the Western White House. 1t Jsn't fancy. The 8,592-square-foot sln1le-story struc- ture, located at the Coast Guard's Loran station in San Clemente, Is built iJ, two sections connected by a breezeway. It looks much like buildings used throughout the Orange Coast as tem- porary schools .and o£fices. It should, because that's what it i.s -a portable building. Ron .Ziegler, presidential press secretary, emphasized that t b e relocatable, prefabricated structure will CG1St the natlon'a tupayen' only $32,000 a year, through a lease purchase ar- rangerneal ''The lease C08t, •• he said, "can be amortized against eventual purchase." OCHRE IN COLOR The double-winged building ls ochre in color with a dark umber trim. It has loLs of . glass and looks as if it would have flouble with.standing a stiff Santa Ana wind. It hoo!les -in surprisingly tiny cffices -working quarters for the President, Dr. Henry· Kiumgor, John ~hrllc~man, H. R. Hal~eman, Dwight.Chapin, 'l<ennelh Cole, Ro<e Mary Woqds, Col. James D. Hughes and Ziegler, all memben of the "inner-circle" White House staff. Ziegler has one of the largest offices. It is partioned intp two rooms, with three desks and a mimeograph machine jam- med into the small outer office. The mimeograph, cranked by an attractive brunette secretary, rolls out t h e messages of state the world b coostanUy awaiting. The building also contains lour guest oliices, a conference room where Cabinet, National Security Council and lither major meetings will be held, and a mess ball. NO FACILITIES There are no pregs faciliUes : no bank of telephones, no array of tables for typewriters, oolhing. On Monday, newsmen tapped out their stories on portable typewriters while sit· ting on steps, railings, newly planted grass and even in the President's golf cart, which he had driven over from his estate on the other side of the wall. The telephones for the press are all at the San Clemente Inn. That's" where the stories must. be phoned in -f-and the press corps can't get to and from the Inn PRESIDENTIAL AIDE WALKS NIXON FAMIL Y PET Irish Setter, Kin g Timehoe, Named for Town in lr1l1nd Colo•• It White Pat Nixon Unveils Color. Setup for Summer Place A secret kept better than the com· bination to the vault at Fort Knox - Patricia Nixon's color scheme for the San Clemente summer home -was revealed Monday in a rund own on the recent remodeling. The Western While House is white in· i;ide as weU as out. Virtually all the Spanish and French Provincial furnishings in the redecorated living room and dining room were ship· pr· out from the Nixons' New York apartment. sold to help pay for the old Cotton mansion. LitUe in the. way of actual remodeling has been done, except for enlargement of some of lhe whldows, according to a White House Press announcement Mon· day. Working with Cannel and Chafftn, Beverly Hilll interior deeOrators. Mrs. Nixoi. chose shades of yellow to go with while in the Jiving room, accented by bits o~ blue. Wall-t~wall carpeting has been in- 1ta1led throughout the house, with some rooms done over with waUpaper to break up tne solid.color rormat. Wooden beams supporting the roof cf the 14-room home have also been painted an off.white to add to the airy. roomy ef· feet of gracious, country estate living desired by the First Lady. President Nlloa'1 perional study -the mly aecond-story room at the oceanfroot mansion-is done predominanfly in blue, •·ilh a larae yellow chair and matching ottoman. Blue and green Mexican lile sel between shelves of the study bJokcase when the home waa built by wealthy Henry H. "Ham" Cotton remaJns to balance the color scheme. The study al10 features 1 ~gnjficent view of the ocean. • Among varkH.is buildings on the grounds ol lhe estate I.; the guest cottage where David l!nd Julie Eisenhower wJU stay when they arrive, aft.er driving , across country to join her parent!. Green is the primary color of the cot. tage's interior with print fabric spreads on the twin OO:fs and charming white \\.'icker furniture. The major change on lhe grounds outside is the newly-installed 40-by-25 foot swimming pool, with decorative scallops at each end to rnainlain the basic Spanish architectural style. Bathers will use a three-sided Spanish pa\•ilion structure dating back to the home 's a.nstructlon in 1925 as a shady shelter alter spending enough time in tht sun. The 20-acre plot purchased lrom c.ot- ton':-heirs for $340,000 earlier in the year will be broken up even tually , as soon u Presiden~ Nixon finds and approves a compatible neighbor interested in buyina. White House press sources said Mon- day this may definitely be the Richard Nixon Foundation, a non·proflt, non-stock corporation formed to bUild a permanent museum facility to house his papers. VariOl!S tests have been cond ucted on soil and underlying strata near the bluff. top mansion to determine whether it is a s•1:table site for construction or such an edifice. "The detenninatlon has not yet been mad.?," said one aide ~fonday. The Nixons plan lo spend at least sit ~·eeks a year at the summer White House in San Clemente for the next four - possibly tlgbl -years. The, Prts.ident ukt Monday he win move the seat ol government to the Orange Coast for "at least sil to eight ~·eeks every year.'' He indicated he may be workina: out of the Nixon compound at San Clementt'1 southern edge at Umea other than jlllt the summer months. "But J won 't come out here unless I can take at leut a week Jt 1 tlmt." he told the White House press corps. "I thought you 'd like to hear that.·• The newmien, mqny of them refua:ce1 from the muggy east, said they did: except by bua. ~en one p11, everyone . 1oes. It's a system that bas Its dr~wbacka, especially for those newsmen who do not have overnight deadlines. "Good God," said on;e correspondent for one of the eastern. news media Mon- day, "you mean we have to wait for (Secretary of State) Rogers? I've got deadlines crashing all over the place." The White House aide be spoke to chuckled. TAKE PICTURES Photographers Monday were permitted 1" take pictures o! tbe extuior ol tbe ad· minlJtrative office building, and of the Coast Guard's be!ieopter landing pad 100 yards from the bullding's main entrain. The cameramen were told not to photograph another -ly bull! portable atructure Oii the grounds, '!'bat 5,7!0· square-foot building contains Secret Service olrlces and offices for the President's military aides. Ziegler <1.aici the lea3f on the Secret Service headquarters costs $22,000 a year. That, combine:: with the annual lease - [ee for the administrative building, adds up to a $54,000 yearly tab to provide wori..Jng spaai for the President. of the United States and his key aides. GetUng rt all together for·this first time will run into the neighborhood of $130,000. VISIT OFTEN Nixon aays be plans to spend from sir weeks lo two months a year at what be calls the "Western White Hoose." This, of COW'Se, will be In additloo to winter weekends at the bayside four· house compound on y.ey Biscayne, Fla. and · frequent retreats to Camp David, a rustic Shanari-La in the Maryland mountain:. near Washington. NJxon inaugurated his w e s t e r n establisliment Monday, driving lo work in a golf cart with his red Irish setter, Tim , by ·his side. He kept the outer trappings of an eastern establishment executive by wear- ing a dark blue suit, white shirt and dark tie. But sitting behind the mahogany desk, foun1 in the White House basement, Nix- an looked around hi$ new layout with ob- vious satisfaetion. OTHER ASSETS . The wall lo wall carpeting, the glass door sliding oot on the Pacific Ocean frontrge, potted plants. a conver'sation area with two beige couches, and two royal blue chairs suited him fine . The military service fiagii: were lined up against one wall and a repUca of the Apollo l ~ lunar module ocC""..:pied a place ot honor on a small side table. Nixon 's office, with Utrillo and Orozco paintings on the walls, is shared by his top aide11. A butler serves them lunch from a small galley which they enjoy al fresco under white and green beach um- brellas . The presidential compolt'ld a1so boasts a conference room with powder blue velvet drapes flanked by the American flag and the California flag. Eifgant of· fices also are ready for Cabinet officers who will shuttle in an the tr1nscontinenta l commuter &ervice the White House is set- ting up. . DAILY PILOT Sii" PMtt WHITE HOUSE PRESS CORPS GATHt;,RS OUTSIDE PRESIDENT'S SAN CLEMENTE OFFICES Nixon •nd Staff Live In Orange County, But Go to Wor k in San Dleto County Death Valley Claims Three Bodies Turn Black in ExcrucUiting Heat INDEPENDENCE (Ap) -Th< blazing sum mer heat of the Death Valley area has killed two men and a youth who tried to reach habitation by setting out afoot across the desert. Sheriff 's deputies said they found the bodies 7, 14 and 17 miles from an aban· doned car. "They were kind of strung out like a black line ," said deputy Red Landergren. "The heat just turned them black." Officers said Arnolcf Dobson, 85, of Irvine, Cali!., and Harold Mast Sr., and his son, Harold Jr., 16, bolh of Corona, visited friends heie Thursday and set out Friday over an abandoned road to visit the El Capitan Mine in Eureka Valley, east of Death Valley. Temperatures in lhe area are 120 degrees er more. They apparently got into the barren Saline Valley 'by mlslake and beeame stranded, officers said, at a point where a Hash nood wa shed out the abandoned ruad. Thelr trailer turned over when lhey tried to make a U-turn. Tile three carried no water when they started walking, apparently some time Sotur(!ay, deputies sajd. . ·"It JoOks like they .juat went the wron1 way," Ll!,ndergren said. "No one could rave made it across the de.sert without water." He said Dobson maiy have 1)ec:ome crazed by bep.t "becau~e we found he'bad taken his shoes off to walk barefOot." l>nbsoil was found 7 miles frbm the car, the youth's bOdy 14 and the father's ·17. Two or the bodies were located Suni11y night and the third Monday. · Tragically, they had headed In the wrong direction, apparently toward a ranch house they had passed 30 miles back on their way into the desolate area. Ju!'t a mile the Other way wu a grove of willows with a spring. LSD Boy on Second Trip: Heavy Spa~eship Fired Into Orbit Flies Home to Parents CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -A· versaUle spacecraft with booms almost the length of a football field rocketed into orbit today packing 13 experiments, In- cluding one that could help make transo- cean aircraft travel safer in lhe J970s. Called ATS 5 for the fifth applications technology satellite, the $ 1 2 • m 111 i o n payload was Wobbling in space slightly more than expected, however, forcing of- ficials to consider firing a spacecraft motor 11 hours sooner than originally planned to kick the craft Into its final orbit. A JO-year-old boy. who suffered a b.1d trip \\'~ he freaked out on LSD and waa caught by Costa Mesa polloe last Friday took a good one Monday -home to parents and authorities In San Francisco, Police in the Bay City traced down the long-haired child's family through in- formation supplied by the Orana:e County Probation Department over the weekend, "They sent the funds for hla return and "·e put him on a plane," said Orange County Probation Department spokesman Herbert Hadley. The younpter was picked up as he ran · ElliEL! EIHEL ! OUl2 LOCAL Ol..OS Cl€AlE£ IS Qf'FE0N~ US FANTASTIC SAVINGS a-I NEW OLDSM061U:S £!Giff NOW. IMAGINE 'ftiAT, SAM. NCX.U MAI/BC. WE CAN GET ·'llie ~FIXED._. • doWn a street early Jut Friday momlnr. screaming that he was going to die and begging someone lo take him home . Authoritles aald he had been brought to the Harbor Area by someone from the Jdyllwild area and was carrying thrft LSD tableta in hi.s boot. He also had nee- dle marks an bis arms. Hadley sald1 the boy'• cue waa also being referred to the San Franciaco Probation De~rtment for whatevet flll1her acUon Will be required to.corred: his drU.g problem .. ·~ ·-·- ' I ' • ' • • • t • I • • ' • • ' I ' " • ' • ~ ~ • • '1 • I I ~ .. \, ... ~ .... ""' ~ ,/• Great aavtngal Groat selection! Groat time to 11cape from the ordinary! • ' l J I .. l(i~ Ide~tif y -'Gambl Victims rs' ' Lagun<;i W oman Waits at Morgue to Cla im Body o f Mot~r nie .memory of Mory' Jo K• poem., Ute secretary killed. In on auto occident Involving Sen. l d- w1rtl M. K..,...y of M11sach ... etts, will be perpetuated by a •cholarllblp fund at Caldwell Col· Jece for Women in New Jer1ey. A spokesman for the . coUeae sald the fund has been established by a group of Boston area buatne<smen who were "imprea~ by the ideal· Ism manUesiecl by Mary Jo.'' Mill Kopeclme was graduated from the college In 196%. • Joe Toller of Chicago launched two crafts In Lake Michigan's D!Veney Harbor. One floa ted and tbe other sank. He bad not Intend· ed bis car to roll in alter bis 21). foot motorbo,t. •• Pope Poul VI 1ays touritts and Italians should tone down nud· ity at the beaches, drive more care fully and quit taking reek· le11 cha11ce1 when climbing the Alp1. At a ble1lina of tria if011 to hi! .wmmer palace in C11$Ul Gandolfo, Italy, the pontiff COtt· tioned aoainst "exoaaerotions such as the unbridled worldly ammementr which teem to have become the fathfcm these days." e The Rev. Ptttr P•rklnton was not cli'stu~~ in the least llt~t the man seated in the front pew at bis SundaY a:trvfce wore nothing but &andals. ,Park.ingso1,1 was deliver .. inJ his first sermon to the East Midland Sunlolk Nudists Club In NewtOn-on-Trent, England where he found the deyotional appearance of 50!11• 50 mo.Uy-naked church· goers "quite. natural and normal ." The miruster himself wore a black cassock and clerical collar. 9 1 Th.ii mu1t be the way the tortoise Heat the hate in th.at long ago mce. Fi<ippy turtle i1t New Ellington, S.C. Qets ride · on ·skateboard w1iich gets J\im where he's going fas ter ar.d with· wt trnvtTsing the hot pawment. The 4-ateboord has it.r dangers , but i t sJtrt beau wdlkiMg. : . . 1 "Take ~t .ofI,11• the crowd yelled. Mrs. M,.lrtha Freid! immediately ~wept the long cape from her 1boulders and showed her 240 P.,>unds. There could have been lore to show . Mrs. Friedl of Mil- aukee was crowded 1969 Queen TOPS -an honor she won for l1tsing more weight.-136 pounds- t~an any other woman in the com· petition. TOPS means "Take Oil ~ds sensibly." • t BisKOP, C.JU. (AP) -A handful of CQU]dn' ~tay at home. I hod to be here rel1tlvel ·llld the wUe Ol tbe pilot with this." lathered 1t a temporary morgue where. Mn. l'ijchols' mother, Ida Mae Engll!h FBI men ... ldentlf)'lnr bodle1 from ~ of Lynwopd, WU ... of tbe Iii "' ... ,,, ... wreckqe of the gamblers .pectal. and ·t~o crew members on the Mineral The pllot'a apparent widow. Mrs. Xay eo.mtf Airlines· DC3 that vanl.shed in a Rall, hu parked ber ·campor there llld Sierra lllOwslorm on Feb. ti. bel;o eomlorl olhert sharing her wait. Elcbt bodies were taken down by -t of the relaU•es soy Utile. heilcoplef Mooday from the U,Ol)O.foot "f full wllll to know my mother Is " Siem put JU11 nol'lb of Mt. Whitney dead aod take her back home," said where the remalna: of the aircraft were Manhl Nlcbol1 Ol Llguol Buch. "I found Saturday at tbe bue of llteer rock Navy Bo8pltaJ Shelled N. Viets, Cong Launch New Attacks on Allies SAIGON CUP!) -North Vlelnamt1e and Vitt Coni troops (>OW'ed oot of jungleJ today to ajtack U.S. bUet near the Cambodian border in a new offensive that erupted into tbe heaviest fighting in Vietnam !Jince last February. Communist forces 11helled 137 allied targeta including a U.S. Navy hospital where mortar rounds blew up in a ward crowded with 50 wounded men and in an operating room. Red Offensive Not ~nexpected By South Viets PUJS (UPI) -The ruumpl(oo ol wide~ad CommWlilt artillery 3nd gi"ound attacks Jn South Vietnam con· finned the belief or U.S. and South Viet• namese peace, negotiator1 that a recent fiJhling lull .had no pollUcil 1lgnlficance, an allied official said today. ~ South Vietnam·ese oUlclal said, "'n'iis JnCrease of Viet Con& attlck.s was not unexpected ... The renewed offensive "confirmed our estimate that the two-month lull in Com- munist military activity dJd not have any political significance, but was dictated by tacltc;.al militJry considerations," he said. Allied olfictall said earlier that the Communista had bten forced to' Cut down· on their mili~ activities beca~o( heavy casualiie1 ~ had llU!ftr'c\ in. other offensives e&rller thil!I year, And becau.. they wore-havin1 1-banl I!!\>• findin( repflcemtnfl lilr troopo they .Ii.id' lost in batUe. · . Tiie . oWclal sajd lqday that Moai!ay nllht's openlni po.ti by the COl!ununlst!, although ~ead, wu on a ' smlller scale than the lblJrt..Uved oftensivi tn May, 'fhiCh In turn WU weaker thao !he offensive that the c.ommuniltl launched in February. American troops killed more than 360 Communist 1oldlers in repulJlng 13 ground attacks mostly in the 1trate&ic area between Saigon and the Cambodian border. At least 29 Americans were killed and more t.h&n 200 wounded. Military JOurces said the new wave of attacks of shellil)g and on the ground were the start of a new late summer Communist offensive. Communiques -said that since North VieLnaD)'se infantrymen attacked Marine camps near the demilitarized zone <DMZ) Sunda}' nearty 100 Americans had been killed and more than 550 wounded. Comrnunlrt dead approached 1,000. U.S. mlUtBry· aource1.1aw the new at. tacks as designed to run up U.S. casualties and increase antiwar feeling in the Urtited States. Two of the most spect.acular attacks ~·ere near the huge American base at Da Nang on South Vietnam'J northern coast. Viet Cong commandos, dressed in loin cloths and carrying satchels filled with dynamite, attacked the U.S. Isl Marine Division headquarters near Oa Nang ear· ly today. Marine defenders killed 11 of them after several broke through the barbed wire surrounding the base. The Viet Cong killed two ?.farines and wounded five, some of whom fell in tht barrage of 122mm rockets the Communists fired before the ground assault. The worst of the Communist attacks was a mortar assault on the U.S. Navy tmpital.five miles south of Da Nang. It is the largest U.S. mecllcal evacuation hospit.it in Vietnam. ~1;Z:n,-rn.mortarround blew up inside a ward hoi,tslni 60 paUent.s, wounding 12 o1 ~ Another blutect an operating room. ,The mortar round that exploded Jn tbe ho6pita1'1 operating room wounded three N a v y medical corpsmen and th re e hospital at.aft membera. . · Eleven l2mm mortar rounds hit the hoopltaL Burger Urges Mariagers To Help Run Courts DALLAS, Tex. fAP ) -Chief Ju stice Warren E. Burger, agreed today with Americans who complain lhat justice takes too long. He also proposed a possible solution: the immediate training of "skllled managers" to take over problems of ad- ministration, leaving judges free to judge. Jn almost every large court house In the country, Burger told the American Bar Association 's House of Delegates, frustrated and angry citizens called for jury service spend about 80 !)erttnt of their time just waiting. Witnesses called for a precise day nnd hour, having left thtlr jobs, also flrid themselves spending most ol their time waiting, the chief justice said. "Many lawyers have come to accept this philosophically and many have simp- ly surrendered to 'The System .' "Burger went on. "The public will not." As hospitals concluded long ago that they nffiled a· co~ of trained ad· mi.nistrators, he Aid, judges need train. ed people to do for them what they can· not do for themselves. As an immedlate start toward a JOlU· tion, he said a dozen or so court managers and buainess admin istrators should be brought together within the next two months to plan a program to train court administrators. Winds Wreck Fairgrounds • ' ' Summer in Plains, Rockies Marr ed by Cold Front I I HAPPY f Ht"I t h1 ,,y WH.1.J. $ rt It ~y ftt41119 th1 Wlfl(. £ Df• i11 the OAllY ,ILOT. -.. ~ .. --'"""-'· =r """"'* --· ,. .. 11 _,...., "'-'OMr 1~ .. 1'I. ............. ,.,....,......,. ,........ f- .... •"t6 " 1't. 1111 .... *'-''""" ttllM w-. .. It W. Wetw ~ttVl't ............... ' Su11, Moon. l'Wes TUUOAT ,lrlt .... • ............. 1.11 .... t.J '1rat "'"" W;'"'8iNT '1•"""" .,, ,.1rlf .................... •:• '·"'· .. . Fl"! Jrilt"' ............... 11;~ t .m. ,,I ~ ................. l:Soi 11..tn.1.1 *°"" Plltlt ............. lt:IO "'·"'· f.t ''" I.Ml •• '"" ... "'"' Aut JJ iW! J Aut.tf Aut '' Mita r...w P'l'IC. " ff M .. '" ,. '" n .. .. n .. .. n n .. .. " ., .. " .. .. . u " '" " " " ·" ·" .. " .., .. " lN II " " " " " .. ~ : ·" :: 8 ., u " " l)f M lot ., n ... . .. 101 7t '" " " .. ,, •1 ,, 11 .11 " .. .... n N •• !1 1)1 ., II u wall into which It apparently new. The FBI said it haa identified most ' of the bodies but would not immediately release the victims' names. Recovery ol 12 r:no~ bodies visible. in snow sur· rounding the wreckage wu plaMed. Mrs. Hall aaJd she thinks the crash was caused by a malfunctionlng Instrument or maintenance probletru:. "J do fetl an fn. vestigation is · in order concerning maintenance," she said. "My husband flew that route for seven years," she uld. "I know he wouldn't Jn: tenlionally Uy near Mt. WhJtney. He always gave it a wide berth." Mrs. Hall said Mineral County Alrllnes was wrong for not having a crash ktca19r aboard the plane and erred In painting it white and blue. colors which probably contributed to dlltlcultle1 in finding it in the snow. . A nurse from Encino, Mrs . ...fiat! has spent the la~t six months following the search for the plane in Nevada and Fair Tents Collapse Rescuers ~!rugglt,ln tbe d~•btis of a collapsed tent at Wisconsin State Fair at Wert ·AJ.tif. Monday, to remove an ipjured person wearing leg braces from under a table. At least 146 persons were hurt when a violent rainstonn brought down three tents at the fair • CalUontla ln her comper. ''One ot the big reasons I have been Jearching on my owa is that I bav.e never received any commu,nlcatlon from the airlines," safd Mrs. Rall. '1 ]ust couldn't forl(el lt·llid 'pretend 11-·1 happen." Mrs. Hall wu the stewal'.deU on another DCS owned by the people who run Mlnerll County Airlines whtn it er~ .into a dry lake iii the Nevada desert tn Aua:UBt lllM. She tuffered head injuries iii the crash. Boy Sees Girl Slain-Then It ,Was His Turn MELBOUJINE BEACH, Fla. (AP) -A 17·year~ld girl who wu shot 17 times was dragged through Ute grassy aand of a Florida creek bank as her teenage boy friend, tied •l'!d kneeling, watched' and awaited hls1 death, officers said Monday. And that, said Sheirff Leigh Wilson, i~ about all that lnvesUgators have pieced together about the death.J of high School senlor Connie Ballard and her boyfriend or the last sil: months, George Perry Martin J~ .. 19. "None of the clues wt have match up together with the crime," Wilson said, 14We just aren't finding enough that fits together to come up with a decent theory." Wilson' saJd preliminary Investigations lndicot<? tbe teen.agers were tlfled SU.- day. "II'• our theory that the girl wu -flled first," 'WUson said. YOwig Martin h,ad Ileen shot three lhn•• Jn th~ bac~ of the head .u he kneJt oo the floorboard in the rear of hll father's car. His bands had been lied behind' his back. . Miu Ballard'a body WIS found 45 fttt away, floatinJ face down' In a crffk. Wilson said lhe sWI WOTe the blkinl and blue-white· dreg she had on When she left earlier in the lfterooon. There was no sign of sexual molestation, he said. Sheriff's divers began searching the creek Monday for any Clue! It might hold. Another underwater hunt was Jcheduled today. Catholic Youths T oss Rocks at Protesta nts LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland '(UPI) -Po~ equipped with shields and belmeta today di.peirltd several hu~ clred Calboll<: yOulbl.who hurled stonu at a Protestant p • r a d e honoring a 2a).. year~ victory over the Catholics. . ' I WON AF EE 1011 IT'S EASY! DRAW A CLOWN'S FACE. Celebr21te Nation1t Clown Week by entering A&Ws "Draw A. Clown" eontUt. Here's how: draw and color a clown's face and bring It to tl'lls A&W.··YDU'll pt a free root beer-plus a chance to win a boy's or atrl's blk.e: Conltst·open to all youngsters under 15 from Monday-Fric!Ov AUIUll 11 to 15~ Drawinp will be displayed at this A&W •nd Juc!1ln1 wfl1 bl held on Sltorday, August 16. You do not ha\18 to be present to '!.'!n • IMPORTANT: Be sure to print name and address on your entry. (Umft OM entl)' per person.) · · A&W DRIVE -IN 215 5 Harbor llYd. Costa Mesa • • ................. . . . -. . . . .. ·~. . . . . .. . ....... ··..--·~ ........... I l ~men ' JEAN COX; 494-9466 Tiit.,_,, Alltllll lL ltff L. l'ffl 11 Guild Builds ;>. ' For Futurity A second year of hard work interniingled with fun is being anticipat- ed by members of Los Ninos Guild of Children's Hospital of Orange County. The organization's first year as a fund -raising grqup was a busy one. It began with a boutique in San Clemente and later was a success a t the CHOC Fair in Fashion Square, Santa Ana .. Other involvemerrts in- cluded a membership tea, a fashion showing and luncheon in the Shore.. cliffs ,Country Club and CHO C's Night al Disneyland last spring. Los Ninos was organized by Mrs . Huby Jordan, a former member of Tustin's Jack and Jill Guild. After moving to San Clemente she became a'vare that the southernmost part of Orange County should be represented among the guilds. Mrs. Jordan, who served as the club's first president. was ably as- sisted in its formation by Mrs. L. Davis f\.1eddick. also of San Clemente. a former member of the Los Angeles Children's Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. Meddick heads the San Clemente guild this year with assiS'tance from three vice presidents, the Mmes. Roy Gabarine Edward Bonci and Gertrude Sikes. ' S~rving as secretaries are Mrs . ?\fel Morgan and Mrs. Byron Th omp- son \Vhlle Mrs. C. J. Bergstrom handles the treasurer's responsibili ties. Mr. Robert K. Hancock is the press chairman. . Workshops, taking place through th e summer, are und er the direc- tion of Mrs. Gabarine and Mrs . Frank Sharits. ~anciful Christmas trees, ornaments, collages and other treasures are being prepared for a boutique to take place in the Morgan home in October. A Christmas card sale and bridge round robin now are in process and being condu cted by Mrs. Fred Ojeda. Al so upcoming is the annual fashion show being arranged by Mrs. GROUNDWORK BEGINS -Working on ne xt year's programs are members of San Clemente's Los Ninos Guild of Children's Hospital of Orange County. Leading the work with enthusiasm are (left to right) the Mmes. Mel Morgan, corresponding sec re- tary; L. Davis Meddick, president; Robert K. Hancock, publicity chainnan, and Fred Ojeda, Christmas card and bridge round robin chairman. C~cil Crafts and a spring luncheon planned by the ways and means com-mittee. . Mrs. Meddick reported that a very generous gift was presented Los 1 Ninos last month by the Lamplighters, a group of teenagers from th e· Ch ristian Church of San Clemente. Gu id ed Tours · Conducted All California Art Exhibited • Laguna California and its impressions on the art field are uniquely wrap- ped together to form a stimulating exhibit in the Laguna Beach Art Association Gallery. Docents, volun'leer guides courtesy of the gallery, a re conduct· Ing tours of the All California Art Exhibition through Aug. 24. Every afternoon at 3 p.1n. the guides offer biographical information on the artists' education, philosophy and current thinking on art. Tours also are conducted on Friday and Saturday evenings at 8. Knowled geable docents assist th e viewer of the art works, its media and structure and the artists' technique. Art lecturer Mrs. B. N. Desenberg, Paul Darro\v, one of the three jurors and artist Eugene Nowlen conducted the preliminary training session . The art exhibition is the 15th annual purchase award C<lmpe- tilion produced by the Laguna Beach Art Association and sponsored by the Festival of Arts. The showing, open t.o the public, begins at noon and closes at 6 p.m. every day. Fridays and Saturdays the hours are extended to 9p.m. Admission is 50 cents with association members free with their guest. Mrs. Novvlen is chairman of the exhibition commitiee for the art sho'v and Mrs. Norman Nixon is chairman of the docent program. • Others assisting in various capacities are the Mmes. Alton Al· Jen . Lawrence Adams. Fred Briggs, \Villiam Bruggere, f\.fary De Bus, Ruth Blanton. Parker Christopher, Darro,v. Lyman King, James Hogg. T.,ouise ?\1yers . Walter Profant. lf. W. Robinson, George Thomp- son, \Vill Ward and \VaJter \Vagner . INTO THE WORLD OF ART -Viewi ng the All California Art Exhi bition are (left to right) the Mmes. Ruth Blanton of Three Arch Bay, Will Ward of Irvine Cove and JI. \V . Robinson of La· guna Beach. The current show in the Art Association GallerY in Laguna Beach continues through Aug. 24. Gallery hours are from noon to 6 p.m. daily and noon to 9 p.m. Fridays and Satur· days. !\'lore are Florence Arnold, Claire Jones and Tonia Nagle. Weighty Subiect Too Heavy for Mother-in -law to Handle DEAR ANN LANDERS : Myson•s wffe, Phyllis. Is two years younger than he but she looks 10 years older. The reason Is her weight. They belong to the best coun. try club Jr, town . I'm sure Bud must be unhappy when he sees the wives of his friends, slim and sexy in their little te~ nh1 d~sses and skimpy bathing suits, while Phyllis sils there with fal hanging out all over the place. I've kept quiet about It and It hasn't been easy, but Sunday 1 could no longer contain myself. I said, "Phyllis. dear, Bud weighs the same today as when he graduated from Dartmouth 12 years ago. It's too bad you can't make that state- ment." She laughed it off with this ho-) ANN LANDERS '1 hummer: "Well, ma ybe If Bud had had lhe six children in 12 years he wouldn't be able to make that statement either." Their youngest Is 18 months old . Don 't you think she is using childbirth as an ex· cusc? Please give her some of your wonderful advice, Ann. She needs it. - AGE II, WEIGHT 10$. DEAR 51: Phyllis dldn't ask lor any advice, but since you wrote I have a litlle for you, dearie. There's a problem here • wbkb Is larger than your daugbter-in- Jaw's derrlere. You. Keep quiet about her weight or one of these days Phyllis ml1ht give yov an answer that will melt your bridgework. No dame ever lost an oun ce because someone needled her 111t>out It, and the las t pe:rsoo to say anyth1ng should be a 105-pound molber·ln·llw. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Ten years ago ' graduated from Stanloro -Phi BeU. Kappa. I had always wanted ltl go to law school, but It was more imPortant that my husband be a lawyer so I went to work for a mall order house. I quit work after six years to have a baby, but six years wtis just Jong enough for the mall order public to ruin my spelling. Toda y I am unable to spell the simplest words. Aller one sees Un· necessary with one n and two e's about SO limes, h.i is never sure if it should be one lllll, one c and two s's or one or two e's and nne s. This same thing has ocurred Cslcl wllh several other worda -Ultrt l've done Jt again . Is occurred spelled with one and two r's or the other way around? T typed a Jetter ror my husband last week and he was shocked at my spelling. When I told him the job had done it he said ! must llave been a lousy speller to begin with. Please lell him It CAN ha~ peo. -BOOBY PRIZE DEAR BOOBY: Not only can II happen, it DID happen -to me. But Whit )'OU lose In 1pelllng you 1•ln In lnslte ud knowlld&e of peeple. It's wlrtb It. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Don't you ever take a vacation? I see your column 11even diys a week, every week In the year. Does someone f h o 1 L for you oc- caslonally? What aivea? -JUST NOSEY 1 DEAR JUST: Of coane I take vaca- tions but my work 11 done before I go. I don't believe la &Jtostl. I produce eYel'J' , column tltat appears oder my byline. Too many couples go from matrimony ~ to acrimony. Don't let your marriage flop before it gets started. Sen<: for An.t 1 Landers' booklet •'Marriage -Wb::it to Expect." Send your request to Ann Landers In care ol your newspaper 1 enclosing 50 cents In coin and a Joni, stamped, sell-addressed envek>pe. 1 Ann Landers will be glad to help you 1 with )'OUr problems. Send I.hem to her in{ care of the DAILY Pll.OT, encloaln; a sell-addressed, atamped envelope. • ,I ' 14 DAIL V PILOT CHAMPS RETURN -Back from S\vitzerland where they won top honors in Gymnaestrada, then gave exhibition performances throughout Europe are SCATs team members Lisa Nelson in foreground , with Denise Well s just be· hind her. Standing at rear are (left to right) Lory Nelson , Lisa Speir and Carla Abbey. Blouse and culotte costumes were those worn as official uni· forms by the gymnasts. SCATs Team Scampers Home With Top Honors Europe made an unforget- t a b I e impression on the SCATs and the SCATs made qui te an impression in Eu- rope. · Girl gymnast Lisa· Speir, Fountain Valley High School freshman and one or 28 girl merhbers of the Southern Cal. ifornia Aero Team summed it up when she said, "It was an experience none of us will ever forget." The SCATs were first place winners in diversitivi ty in the July Gymnaestrada in Ba- se!, Switzerland. They \Vere the first U.S. team ever to enter the competition. ~ event is scheduled ev- ery four years following the close of the Olympic Games and teams from more than 30 countries were there, includ- Jng one from Sweden with 1500 members. Entrants were judged on the balance beam, parallel bars, tumbling and group pre-, cision routines such as the one the SCATs performed in red, wh ite and blue costumes. TI1e 28 young women have been rehearsing 3 hours a night, five nights a week. for two yea/'1 in preparation for the competition. Their coach is Clayton (Bud) Marquette of Long Beach, who was in charge of the Olympic gym- nastic team in Tokyo. Num- bered among their member- ship are Kalhy Rigby and Wendy Cluff who performed with the Olympic team in ?\1exico City, The group also scheduled exhibition performances al- most every weekend for the pasl two years as they v.•ork- ed to raise the $32.000 neces- sary for their Switzerland trip. After the close of the week long Gym nae st r ad a the SCATs gave exhibition per- formances across Europe and tn the British Isles, including Laguna AAUW Hosts Summer Coffee Series one at Edinburgh Castle. As goodwill ambassadors they drew enthusi~ic audi· ences sometimes as large as 400,000, Coach Marquette re- vealed, and televised per. fonnances in such cities as Stockholm had an estimated four million viewers. Greatest benefit of the trip according ta Miss S p e i r , daughter of f\1r. and f\1rs. Robert Speir of Fountain Val. Icy, was the chance to n1eet people from many other coun. tries. "We hated to leave.'' she said, "we made so many friends." Among other cities visited were Bern and Interlachen in Switzerland. Munich. Salz· burg, Copenhagen and Oslo. About half the girls on the team come from Long Beach and half from surrounding cities. Others from the Or- ange Coast area include the Misses Carla Abbey of Hunt- ington Beach, Lisa and Lory Nelson from Westminster and Denise Wells from Westmin- ster. A rest will be only tempo- ra'ry for the lively grouP- alt.er all, there's the 1972 Olympics coming up in '-1u· nich. • ' Astronauts Grounded Without Women's Help SP~CE CENTER, Houston (AP) -The United States may not have a female astronaut, but women -from astronauts' wives to th e seamst.r.esses who sew spacesuits -play key roles ln the space program. Frances "Poppy" Northcutt, for example, is a 25-year-old Dayton, Tex., native who is a member of the flight dynamics support staff in mission control at die Manned Spacecraft Center. The tall, blonde mathematician Is one of the f~t women to serve in an operational support role in mission control. "There's Jess discrimination against women here than in any of the professional art as," she said. Space center o ffi cials reportelj that 968 of the 4,400 Horoscope Pisces: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 By SYDNEY OMARR MANY ARE METICULOUS in grooming and a r e parUcular about what they eat and bow food Is served. Know this and use the knowledge to advantage, Tbe more service yo u give today, the more you receive. This advice ls general -but Is specific when applied lo VIRGO. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Be sensible where work, employment prospects are concerned. And be practical about diet. work, recreation. Avoid extremes. Traveling relative may communicate. Be Annual Ball Swings Out gavemment employes here are women. No one di&putes the role of astronaut wives in t h e i r husbands' work. They even are oonrulted about hubby's food tastes when the menus of dehydrated foods for the flight are selected. Thousands of the miniscule electronic components in the Apollo 11 spacecraft and the Saturn S rocket were assembl· ed by women workers. The foods to be consumed by the astronauts, a doctor and a technician while locked in their quarantine trailer after splashdown were prepared by women. And, of course, there are the indispensable secretaries who work for National Aeronautics and S p a c e Administration engineers and scientists, ex· ecutlves of space program contractors and the astronauts themselves. Charlotte Maltese, secretary to Apollo 9 crewmen James A. McDivitt, David R. Scott and Russell 0. Schweickart, had a birthday while her astronaut bosses <lrbited the earth in March. They didn't forget. The astronauts radioed to earth a muslcal birthday greeting. Another woman in mission control is Larue Burbank, who designed the visual displays controllers watch to monitor a spacecraft's flight. Dorothy Lee is an engineer at the space center whose specialty is the heat shields that pr<ltect r eturning spacemen from the heat of re- entry into the earth's at· mosphere. Listen Today MRS. CHARLES WILLIAM MANN Evening Ceremony • Tennessee Wedding Lagunan Claims Bride Charles Wili lam '-fann, son man. Ushers included the of Mr. and ?\1rs. William I. bridegroom 's brother David ll1ann of Laguna Beach, claim· Mann, who also traveled from cooperative. could also be envy. Realize cd Phyllis Ann Wattenbarger Laguna, Edward Gibbs and TAURUS (April 20·May 20): this and be diplomatic. Avoid as his bride in Fork Creek Robert Dickson, ft1ore pleasure comes into attitude of braggadocio. Presbyterian C h u r ch of Assisting for the wedding your life. Relief from pressure SAGITI'ARIUS (Nov. 22• Sweetwater, Tenn. reception were the Misse! indicated. There is a change She is the daughter or ll1r. Rita McConkey. Debbie Odom Dec. 21 ): Spotlight on what d M c J w ti b r for the better; your creative an rs. ar a en arge and Nancy Davis and the abilities are displayed. News you want to achieve. You may of Sweetwater, and her father Mmes. Palmer Peters and be in too much of a hurry. her · r· r the from young n..rson brings hap-gave in mar 1age or James Cranfield . ... ~ Study Aries message. You are e · g r h"1 h as Piness. ev nin ce emony w c v.· "'he br1·de received her BS attempting new technique. n..rformed by the Rev Dr D ' GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Practice makes perfect. ...... · · ' degree from the Universily of You may find it difficult to be Think. R. Greenhoe. Tennessee. Her husband is Practical, but it is nece ssary. The bride's gown was ol working for his PhD degree at CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. · r 1 !feta Study details. Don't overlook ivory ·organza ove a the same school. apparent minor matters. Read 19l: Accent on journey or with an alencon lace bodice,----------- commun.ication with one at a d 1 1r· th Jdrt d YOU KNOW between the lines; be aware or an ace 1m on e s an fine print. distance. Fine for writing, chapel train. A pearl trimmed submitting manuscripts. Ex-peau de soie cluster held her CANCER (June 2l·July 22): press views. Look to future. JllU;sion vei~. and she ~arried a YOUR CHILD You are on the go; the day Don't brood about past. ,vh1te orchid and white roses features rhythm of action. in her bouquet. Will LEARN Change is the key. You shake AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. off lethargy. Be versatile. 18): Check legal papers. You • Pink satlrt gowns with flo\V· Have alternate methods at may have more coming to you ing trains were v.•orn by bri?al TO SWIM ·AT hand. Communicate w i t h than is imagined. Enlarge attendants, who each carried relative. scope. Avoid the petty. Don't one long stemmed rose. Mrs. LEO (July Z3·Aug. 22 ): Ac-be held back by nonexistent Steve Flov.•er~ was matron of BLUE BUOY restrictions. llfessage is clear honor, and Miss Paula Mann, cent on money, possessions. by tonight. the bridegroom's sister, came You can improve home com-from Laguna Beach to ,·01·n A11d So Wiii You f t G · d ·11 b PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): ors. cnu1ne nee s WI e other bridesmaids ~1iss Jane A11ohelm, lalboa hlo11d, fulfilled . Key is to be selec-Do more listening than talk-b f Sa1tta A•o, Tuitl" Swinging mus I c \\•i ll live. Means don "t spe nd ing. Patience today proves a Keefe and Mrs. Joe Com so 546 1800 Characterize the annual ball f 1· hi Y bt · valuable virtue. You gain by Tennessee. • oo is y. ou can ° aan ge· Larry Nix served as best entitled Midsummer Night's nuine bargain -if you shop. _:._Pl_a;_yi_n:.g_,_·a_il_in..:g:...::ga_m_e_. _____ _c_ _________________ _ Dream to which Temple Beth VlRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Sholom of Orange County · in-Lunar cycle moves up ; you vi tes members and gncsts are particular about the way SaturOay, Aug. 23. you look. Pride in achieve- Temple Beth Sholom in San-menl is highlighted. Many are ta Ana will be the setting for favo rably impressed. Take in· the no admission affair to iliative. Get started. beg.· t 8 30 LIBRA (Sept. 23-0d. 22): in a : p.m. Those wishing fur th c r You are given added information or reservations responsibility behind 1 h e may call Mrs. Ellie Siebert at scenes. You may desire more 836-7890. public recognition. But, fi r.!lt, One of the evening's main I.here are quiet moves, actions events will be the naming of which are necessary. Act ac-cordingly. Laguna Beach Branch of the American Association o f Uni versity Women will hosl,a series of summer coUees in m e m b e r s homes during August. the Man-o f·the·year, a person SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): who has done outstanding You have sense of fulfillment. v.·ork in the community and in You complete assignment. Temple Sholom. There are plaudits. But there Laguna Beach, 494·7307, Aug.li';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I The soc ial gatherings begin at 10:30 a.m. The club features among its activities study groups and special interest groups such as bridg e , 11ourmet, arts and crafts and book reviews. The coffees will be hosted by the following members and a call to the hostess wil l insure a reservation. They are ~Irs. Don Tanney, Mission Viejo, 830-1044, Aug. 18; Mrs. Dudley Helm, Laguna Niguel, 495- 4379, Aug. 19 ; Mrs. George Cornelius, Laguna 11ills, 837- 0031, Aug. 19; Mrs. Stan Flores, Temple Hills, 494--0388, Aug. 20; Mrs. Robert Lewis, INTRODUCING 20, and Mrs. Lyal AUGUST Baumgardner, Laguna Hills, 830-0238, Aug. 21. FUR More are Mrs. Donald Journeay, Laguna Hills, 830- 1765, Aug. 21 ; Miss Dorthea G\asoe, Laguna Beach, 494-S p E IT' TA IT' UL A ft 1556, Aug. 22; Mrs. Earle Gar-'-' '-' rison, Laguna Hills, 837·914-0, DRASTICALLY Aug. 22; lo.tiss Alida Parker and Miss Ola Hiller, Laguna All Furs REDUCED Hills, 830·1644, Aug. 27, and 1 Mrs. William Kennedy and ' ~1rs. William \Vhite. South Laguna. 4!19-1079, Aug. 27 • Membership is open to v.•omen graduates o f ac· credited col leges and universities. A d i p 1 o m a transcript or old A A U W membership card is suitable verification of eligibility, An- nual dues for the Laguna branch are $15. for lhii 1ptci•I •v•nl only NOW .,. Exquisite Netural Russian Sable Full.length Coat $7 ,000 value .................. $3400 1 194 Superb Tip-dyed Russien Sable J a' c k e .t. $2, 900 vt11 lue .................... _ ........ $1595 ... Superb Tip.dyed Russi1n Sable Stole. ~2,300 velue 1 111 $1150 JERRY GUTIERREZ Exotic Bla ck Dyed Minic- Full -length Coat. Full $5,000 value. St11c rifice oRAMAric AsclsscoR 'cufi1N6 ~ll-~u- 548·0460 WESTCLIFF PLl\ZA • Price ·············-············· .. $1900 ... Natural Lutetia Mink Full· le ngth Coat. $2,300 value .............................. $1695 ... ,, Natural Azu rene Mink ¥.. length Co a t. $2,200 value .............................. $1495 ••• Netural A r g e n t • Mink Stole. $850 value -········ $450 ••• Natural l u t e t i a Mink Stole. $550 value .........• $275 Dyed Broadtail Processed l amb J a c k et s. Fine values from •..................• $190 M•nv Ot~tr 011hl~nd ln9 V•l~t1! ALL ITl'.M5 SU8J£C:T TO Pll:IOlll: SALE M.JACQUES FINE FURS 14 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH • 644-466 1 ROBINSON"S INVITES YOU "J'O MEE't" COCO 1'HE: CLOWN ANO HIS SON coco-NUT •• ,AND SEC THEM PERFORM 'THEIR HILARIOUS BALLOON TRICKS,,,ON FRIDAY, AUG. IS, AT 4 PM 1 IN THE LIDO BUFFET', A.ND YOU MA'( BE A WINNER AT THC DRAWING FOR FIVE PAIRS OF' FREE TICKE.TS 'TO ~I NGLJ NG BROS, AND BARNUM & BATLEY CIRCUS ,.,PRESENTING 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE TOMORROW' AT THE FABULOUS ~NAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER, FRIDAY.;.WE:DNESDAY, AUG, IS-20 1 TWO PERFORMANCES CAILY 1 THREE PERFORMANCES SATURDAY, ROBINSON'S NE'MORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 ·- i ' Newport Barbor. EDITION Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOL 62. NO. 192, 3 SECTION S, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFOllNlA TUESDAY, AUGUST ·12, 01969 TE N CENTS Newport Gals Choose Their Gowns for· . S.-ejal Summit' By BEA ANDERSON W_,, Ellttr Invitations to Wednesday n i g h t ' s Presidential banquet in Los Angeles' Cen· tury Plaza are -to those who got lhem -the social triumph of the space age. \Vhat does one wear when one's hus· band has reached the position of being ac- cepted into lhe nation's White House in- ner circle? The DAILY PILOT has been told by five Newport Beach matrons who will join the social ere.me oe la creme In honoring the nation's astronauts -Mrs. * * ~ Charles S. Thomas, P.1r&. Thurmond Clarke, Mrs. Dennis Carpenter, l\lrs. Andy Devine and Mr3.·Herbert W. Klam· bach. White is the color selected by both Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. Kalmbach. Crystal and white beading trhns the mall!! jersey Grecian draped gown of Mrs. Carpenter, while Mrs. Ka1mbach's flowing design of peau de soie features a bodice entirely encrusted with seed pearls, crystals and ,rhinestones. Also wearing whit~ will be Mrs. J?e· vine. Her flowing skirt of layered white chiffon will be topped with a bodice of chalk white and bugle beading on sun· tan colored chiffon. Mrs. 11lomas has chosen a pale blue silk princess line gown with a deep oval neckline which is encircled with a collar of rhiilestoncs and chalk beading. A multicolored chiffon with gold sequin trim is the choice of Mrs. Clarke. Black·tie attire will be worn by their husbands. Carpenter is chairman of the California Republican Central Committee. Kalmbach, a Newport attorneyJ has * * * * * * It's Apollo's Day Nation to Hail Astronauts Wednesday LOS ANGELES (UPI) -President Nixon's banquet for the three Apollo IL astronauts and 1,600 other VIPs Wed· nesday night will climax a hectic day of celebration during which the ·space voya· gers will be acclaimed in three cities. The gilt.edged Invitations to what some are calling the dinner of the decade are rare as moon rocks and twice as precious to status seekers on the outside. The seating arrangements in the main ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel are a protocol nightmare. No complete guest list has been published and probably won't be until after the affair. Known to be invited are the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps, governors of the 50 st~tes, 55 astronauts, thei r wives and the widows or astronautS; members of t h e con· gressional space committees a n d personal frieOO., of the Ni.Ions. Only eight other guests will be seated wiUt lhe Ni.1.0111 and astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin Jr. and their wives. Among the invitees who have not yet responded are Aristotle and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Charles Lindbergh and Jloward Hughes. For t.he astronauts, Wednesday will begin at 6:30 a.m. at Ellington Air Force Base when they, their wives and six of their children board Air Force One, the President's jetliner placed at their disposal. · The astronauts will be nown to New York for a tickertape parade up Broadway and a ceremony at City Hall with Mayor John V. Lindsay. Then the astronauts will proceed to the United Na· tions and be greeted by Secretary Gen· era! U Thant. Three hours and 15 minutes after their landing at Kennedy Jnte mationat Airport, the astronauts will board Air For~ One for Chicago. There, the spacemen will be honored by what the office of ·Mayor R1chard J. Daley called "a triumphant parade, covering the greatest dista nce in the city's history." One million Chicagoans are expected to catch a glimpse or the trio. been a high·echelon worker In Nixon campaigns and a ptrsonal friend of the President. Judge Clarke aod his wife are friends of the Nixons and the President borrowed the Clarke home during a visit to Orange County last year. Thomas, who served as Secretary of the Navy under President Eisenhower, ls former presi~nt of TWA and retired president of the Irvine Co. Devine, is a longtime friend of the President and an acilve Republican. (Photos of the couples in their fo rmal atUre will appear in the \Vomcn 's pag" Thursday.) Other Newport Beach rt&ldents receiv· ing rare, engraved invitations are Dr. and Mrt. Arnold O. Beckman of Corona de! ~1ar. Beckman, a Soulbem California industrialist and invent.or, is a longtime friend of lbe President. Other Orange Countians invited are Mr. and Mrs. J. Simon Fluor of Santa A.'18 ai;xl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buver of Fullerton. Fluor, an industrialist, ls a prominent Orange County Republlca'n, and Beaver ls: trtasurer of the Republican Stale Central Committee. Adding lo the social triumph of the Clarkes will be their arriva.J at the dinner with their houseguesta, Sen. and Mra. Slrom Thurmond of Sout.b Ca."tlllna. The Thurmonds will arrive Wedneaday on Air Force JI w I t h Vice Prealdent Agnew, aCCilmpany the Clarkes to the din· ner Md then spend the night with tht Clarke:i: before fiying out Thurlday. Judge Clarke and Senator Thurmood are cousins. OAILY PILOT ltaff ....... Los Angeles is the next stop. Air Force One will roll up to the Federal Avia~n Administration hangar, an area not open to the public. A pool television crew will broadca:t the welcoming ttremony with Mayor and Mr~. Sam Yorty. The astronauts will helicopter to the' Century P1aza where they will have Jess than one hall hour lo change into formal attire for the receytion and dinner. NEW AMBASSADOR TO PHILlPPINES HENRY BYROADE (LEFT\, COMPANIONS GREi_T NEWSMEN Sec retary of State Rogers and Prealdent Try Some New Lines for Nixon Jok~--&Ook 15 Secotads to Spare Lack of.Fuel NearlY. Cost Spacemen Moon Landing From Wire Services SPACE CENTER. Houston-Apollo IL astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. reported today they were dangerously low on fuel as they neared the moon and were within 15 sec<>nds o{ aborting the landing attempt. They said' quick action by ground con· trollers enabled them to make a safe Ian· ding. "We were very concerned about run- ning low on fuel," Annstrong told a news conference, the first public report on the historic mission. "\Ve had to change the landing point because of the crater and we \vtre quite close to our legal limit on fuel," the com· mander reported. Armstrong said if he had been forced to bunt another 15 or 20 seconds for a smooth landing point, the landing attempt would have been aborted. Of the moon walk, Arm strong said the lunar surface is a "strangely different place" with a weak gravity that is more comfortable than earth's. "It's an extremely stark and strangely different place,'' said Armstrong. "A number of experts prior to the night predi i:ted that a good deal of dif· fi culty would be encountered by people trying to work on the moon," reported Armstrong. "This wasn't the case. "After landing, we felt very com· rortable ir. lunar gravity. It was, in fact, preferable both to weightles:sness and to earth gravity." The moon's gravity is only one·sixth as strong as earth's and Armstrong and Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the kangaroo-style across the p ow d e r y surface about 6~~ hours after landing there July 20. Armstrong and Aldrin described their Ona! 50,000.foot descent to the moon on July 20 -a hair·raising 12 minutes dur· ing which computer alarms flashed and they had to take manual control to avoid crashing in the rock·filled crater. "I think we pretty well understand y,·hat caused these program alarms," J\ldrin said. "It was the fact that the computer was in a process of solving the landing problem and at the same time we had the rendezvous radar in a powered up condition and this tended to add an ad- ditional burden to the computer opera· lion ." The rendezvous: radar was keeping track of ~fichael Collins, orbiting overhead in the command ablp. The gala affair wjll be telev!se<f. and crews today were ~ Jllhts and bWlding platfonns for the cameru. The setup wu deviled so that no one's view of the head ,.bl< will be blocked. and the U.S. Marine Band will sit In the dead space behind the main camera platform. President and Mrs. Nixon were ex· pect.ed to helicopter back lo the Western White House following the party, due to end at 1:30 a.m. The Apollo 11 crew will spend the night in penthouse suites. * * * Astronauts Get Live Coverage NEW YORK (AP) -The three major tt>levision networks will broadcast live Wednesday the activities of the Apollo 11 .astronauts, including the state diMer wilb President Nixon . Spokesmen for ABC. CBS and NBC gave this schedule, all times Pacific Day· light: New York City, including arrival at Xer.nedy Airport, City Hall ceremonies, visil to the United Nations, ticker tape parade up Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Chicago, arrival at O'Hare Airport, parade and ceremonies, 12 :30 to 2 p.m. Los Angele1, state dinner, 8:45 p.m. to conclusion. Europe will see almost two hours of live TV coverage of the astronauts' visit to New York and the United Nations on Wednesday. Proceedings at lhe dinner In Los Angeles Wednesday night will be taped for transmission to Europe on Tbursday. Nix-0ri1·oposes Sb·eamlining Training Plans WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on loday proposed giving states and cities much of the authority for running $2.3 billion a year in fede'ral programs to train more than .one million Americans annually for jobs. As part of his "New Federalism" con. apt o! sharing state, local and federal power, Nixon sent to Congress a Man· power Training Act to streamline and make more flexible the welter of existing job training programs. Secretary or Labor George P. Shultz, in a briefing, said that despite Job Corps cuts whi~h angered Congress, Nixon is proposing to add 150,000 Americans to job training rolls at an ettra cost of $400 million a year. fl-1ost of the additional training would go to welfare recipients if both the man· power bill and Nixon's welfare legislation are enacted. The welfare bill requires most recipients to take job training. The manpower legislation iilso would boost job training funds 10 percent if the nation's unemployment rate rose to 4.5 perrent for three straight months. It is now 3.6 percent. This, Shultz said, was to quell fears th at many Americans might lose their jobs in Nixon's efforts to slow the na· lion's econ"omy enough to cool inflation. The bill also provides for a com· puterized national job bank to match the unemployed with job openln,1t5. Krisman Hoists U.S. Flag It would equalize 'living allowances for differen t job training programs, which now \•ary, to keep the unemployed from shopping around for the best allowance Instead or for the most suitable job tralning. VCI Radical Part of Festival Display By THOMAS FORTUNE Of lltt Delf'f f'ii.t 5t•ff ~Uke Krisman, long-haired young SOS radical recently hired as a UC Irvine ad· ministralor, symbolically raises the flag ot his country every night at Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Krisman, ri, poses with three other young men in ~1arine uniforms in a Jiving re·creation of Joe Ros.enthal'e famou~ photograph of lhe raising of the flag at Iwo Jima for the Pageant of the Masters. "I don't C'Onsider mysc lr unpatr iot ic," explained Krisman. A resident of Laguna Beach, Krisman ind his y,1fe, Ann, volunteered for li'esttval work and he was cast in the pie· ture .beiJAO&e of his size. lL didn 't have anything to do with his political bellefs. A paratrooper for three years before he became a r•dical leader on campus. Krisman said he didn 't have any trouble adjusting to the uniform . fie said that despite the protests to his app<>intmenl by county Young Republic.n uillts, the Laguna Hilts Kiw•nil Club, the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerte and others, his actual functioning on the job has been without problem "I haven't run into anybody on campu:s who didn't want to work wilh me," he said. Since being hired July 1 as coordinator ol academic advising at a yearly salary or $8,250 he has gathered information for a faculty news letter, given information to volunteer student advisors and advised incoming students during student orien- tation "''eekends. He describes the job as non.political. Krisman formerly was UCt student body president and a prominent voice ill the Students for a Democratic Society. UC! Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, who bas the final sB.y over administrative hirings, said he will back the Krisman ap- pointment all tM way . The county polltk:al and fraternal club cpposltion, however, says tt will appeal to lhe UC Board of Regents Sepl It. Krisman says he cons:ldtr1 hlmself 11 much a patriot as anyone. And there he is, nightly in the P;i,gcant program. rail- ing t.ht flag. \Velfare recipients would rereive. In lieu of the job training allowance, a special incen\ive of $30 a month in ad· dilion tO welfare payments . Stales and cities would take ove.r: much of the authority for planning and spen· ding feder:al money for manpower pro- grams heretofore la rgely run from \Vashington, but the Labor Department would retain overall responsibility . "The secretary of labor will provide guidelines and national prioriUes, review and approve annual state plans of service, and . evaluate performance or state and area manpov.·er serYi« systems," the legislaUon says. "The governors will determine the utlllzaUon of manpower p r o I r" m resources, be responsible for state com· preherWve manpower plans, assure proo vl$ion of manpo"'tr se"lce.t ln rural a~ is and nonmetropolitan areas, and monitor proftram performance," the pro- ws&l says. "The mayors wtll be re1ponal· ble for planning' and Implementing man· power prognnns in.urban areas.'' Shultz 8ald the bill provide.s for a araauat,.shl.ft olautborlty lo .states and cltita and that the. Labor Departnrent wlll .... , P1"°1"""'"'"' retaln power to run job traininc in any CONTROVERSIAL FLAG-RAISElt atale or dly that d0e$n•t m«t l<deral ~-Aldo Kl bman · • c:rlllorla. . ' PresUfent'sr Wit Sharp In Talk With N ews ui~n \, Shortly after the President's election last November, a book was published bearing the tiUe, "The WH and Hwnor of Richard Nixon ." It was a thin book. The next edition should be much fatter. The President indicated as much Mon· day. He didn 't say so; his quips did. As he and Secretary of State William P. Rogers wandered abou t the "ounds or the western White House's adin1nistrative compound, Nixon bantered brlghUy and easily with newsmen. The President got a lot of laughter, none of it polite nor derisive. Sheriff Seeking Three in Attack On Springs Man Sheriff's investigators today are seek· ing three men believed responsible for an attack which le!t a Palm Springs man bleeding and unconscious on the beach at Scotchman's Cove between Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar. 'Richard 8. Jackson, 38, is in seriolls condition today at South Coast Com· munlty H o s p 1 t a I • A hospital spokesman described his injuries as a fractured skull and numerous cuts and bruises inflicted during w b a t in· vestlgators describe as "a savage, merciless attack." Offlcers said Jackson was attacked Monday afternoon by "three hlpPie types, all believed to be in their twenties. '1 Reports indicate that Jackson was al· tacked with a Jenf!:th or plpin~ and a flashlight. slugged into unconsciousness and dumped at the water's edge. Ofncers \f!re called to the scene by a 15-year-<ild boy who saw the attack on Jackson. There were apparently no other witnesses or the beating. Offlcers know of no motive for the •t· tack. Investlgalor1 believe that their first real lead may come from the critically ill Jackson who recovered consclousnesa tt'~~ 1:!0~ed that Jackson will be questioned by offlC4!rs tater today: . . NEW YORK (AP) -Tho stock mark~t •lid to Its second str•lgbt Joos of lhe week today in a sesslcm that exhibited little lxlylng Interest. {Sec quotations, Pages lOoll). Tndlng wu slow near the close. The Dow J~ tndulirl1I a¥erace at l p.m. W8':f off &,27 at .413.fift, r WHITE HOUSE WEST- INSIDE VIEW: PAGP '., Here is a sampler of the pre~al small talk tha t made the neWSiii.en chuckle : ~ -"We're going goUing Thursday, Mr. Rogers, Mr. (Attorney General) Mitchell, probably Vice President Agnew and me. I 'II team up with Mitchell, beca use he's a four-handicapper. And you can take pie.· tures of' me at the first tee. But there will be no photographs permitted when I bit out of the first sandtrap." -To Merriman Smith, dean of White ltouse correspondents: "How do you like it out here, in this pocket of poverty?" -"We're going to invite the press corps to visit our new home Thursday. but we have to make some preparations. We want to nail everything down first." Rogers recalled the last Ume he and Nixon were on the Orange Coast. It was on election day in 1952, when Nixon first ran for Vice President on the Eisenhower ticket. "Tell them what happened on the beach In Laguna," urged the President. ''You know, the time we ran into that Marine.•• "Oh, yes," said Rogers. "We were playing football on the beach. This young Marine comes up, stares at Mr. Nixon and asks: 'Say, aren't you a celebrity of some kind ?' " "And I said,'' added th e President, •• 'No, I'm not a celebrity, J'm just. run- ning for Vice President'." 1 .. Nixon joined the laughter, then dreW more when he said: "I never ltll lhat story to Mr. Agnew,'• Orange Coast Weather The weatherman's in a nol un· pleasant rut with more wann temperatures forecast for Wed· nesday. Coastal mtrcury should bask In the mid ?O's, while lnJand. regions'll rcgisttr 85 degrees. INSIDE TOD,\ l' Jamboree Road f1 now a four· lane highway from MacArthur Boulevard to the San Diego Free1DOV -but nobody reemt to know ff Utt. Page 12. Cttlltrflt. ' M•tvtl '"" " " ...... , .. u ·--•• """" 11 0r1Qt c......, " ,_ .... • •~t.i. """" " DWfl Hiiien 11 kclll ...... 11-14 •'119NI P4M • ,_,, '"'' l11l1rt1lltfMl!I " lltdi: Mtnll• l•lf ··-1•11 ·-11 -" -.... " AM i...hrs 11 ·-• ...... • ..... -.. _,.. " ' --------------~----------------:--....,...,---...,...--------• 2 DAILY PILDl N -Caretaker Newport ·to-if est· Released ~Oise Over City Itt .Slayings 'I I ' ' £wn<l!loulh It Isn't the "1"1\llonl" of °""'" ~tr Alrport, tllo-cit <if N•wpotl Beach wm u,. mechanical noloe t<lll!f·a~d . bi"· OOUlld e~llliers ' I o ~ lbe dli\ ~ low·OY!or jets pver the-.dlr's neighboriloOds.. the city c:OuncU, al~d Momin • .:. · • aaid that the tests will Mow which nttghborhoods are the hardest hit by the +noise and which Olght patterns cause the &realest noise. ·~( 6)10 will rlve U1 1 good chanco tO -evatuate·tbe""seriousntss of neighborhood complaints about the jct noise.'' be ad· ded. Mayor Doreen Marshall concurrtd wJth the plan and ·also praised CO\lflty super:viors, the rt.al ai~ landlords, lor thetr "swift act.ton' on a recent ~ilmen gav.e approval to ci~ sttff studits-tq )jnplemt11t lhe indeP<1tdent ncille.'°"sl>l<IY project · with equlpm~ ·~ .tiudgeted for the police depart• tnirit · ... -: .: _ . ~ · tederal ~c:illoo to $rant noise control to ··The Dol9e een!Ol'I whiCh poUce· wJU use focal oWMd of air ·terminaJ1. t0:~~,,-~, will be. iue4 In The Fedora! Aviation Ad!qlnl1lralion ••. !J>u!•· -in s6 v er ai his -announce<f that noise control Is a n' " • Cuy atdts explairied.. · ,..-. ... ~ matttr for the owners ol loc~l airports. Tb ·-· · ·w-c:onch.l.ded nollt midi'~ :~County supervLlors have-ordertd a • ~ilfport but the reaulls have 6ttJI Jtafl lnvesllgallon of the -lssuo. ~ ltndtr wr~ps, presumably t,ecause, Of ''I'm glad th.~t the ball finally haa stop. lawsuits brought against county govern; ped bouncing, the mayor said. mtot-in the )et noise controversy. The specific areas of the city tests and the testing date:1 have not yet been determined. Phil Bettencourt, administrative assis. tant to City Manager Harvey Hurlburt, LA Newspaper Strikers Given Okay for 'Horns' In an unusual vote Monday -three ayes; four abatentioos -Newport Beach City Councilmen gave in to striking· newspaper employes and will allow the Los Angeles group to use bullhorns to ad· dress Harbor. Area shoppers. Th.e ·three aye votes gave Ule broad· casting _permission to the Los Angeles Herafd Examiner Joint Strike-Lockout Couiu;jl, which will use the broadcast devices to address shoppers at stores which adverti.se in the Los Angel!! daily nc~per! Ultr.JUne the council turned down the applib.trfOO, 8nd the decision was ap.- peatdr'..: c:: The~roval hfonday, however, has a Ii.st of .Conditions recommended by City Attorney Tully Seymour, who told the council that state and federal law allows for the broadcasts. The canditioni"licll!~e a 90-day time limit notification of ii• police chief at least · right hours • b'Cfore the an- nouncement delivery, limiting the use or the equipment to commercial areas and use of the equipment only between 9 a.m. and9p.m. · · "f i "The city's ·Jegal 19i~ JI! that it+r!a)' impose reasonable regul"aliorls on the use of sound trucks and sound amplifying etJUipment Jor non-commercial purposes, ~--1*~ it may noC 'Trtljlose a total ban,·• ~our t~l!:I ~ffit Council. ot !1'~. Sen1lte OKs Bill ,, ?"1· Oh~ans, But ' Passage Douhtf ul WASH INGTON (AP) -The Senate passed, 92·1, today a bill to revive the lagging college student guaranteed loan program but only after retaining pro- visions that Republican senators said would kill chances of quick final passage. The single vote in opposition was cast by Sen. Everett ~1. Dirksen, CR-Ill.). Cities Study Way to Boost UF Drives Joint ttudles are underway by the Coota Mesa and Newport Beach United Fune! campalgna to deterialne how best to Improve each community program through closer cooperation. Hancock Banning Ill, presldent of the Newport Beach UF chapter and Charles Edwards, president of the Costa Mesa counterpart, have been authorized lo ap- point study conurllttees. They noted at a meeting last week how similar are the lists of member agencies served, while many UF leaders work Jn one city and live in the other, or vice versa. Officers present as the two groups met last week agreed unanimously that joining together in some projects. could offer great potential advantage, ,both . in community service and UF economy. - No deadline has been set (or completion. of the study. .. Drug Rap Jails Anah.eim Couple A young Anaheim couple were held in .San ~ego ~Ond4f after officers ~ejJed 60 ounceS•41( pure heroin•with-. ntfilt\'alie estimated at $500,000. . Ch8.rged with offering narcotics for sale were David Morales, 24, and his \'fife, Cecilia, 21, of 2851 Catalina St., Anaheim. State narcotics agents reportedly paid Morales $19,000 in a shopping center parking to t Sunday, then arrested the couple. Authorities said Morales, at the time ot arrest. \\'as free on bail after pleading guil~y several weeks ago to conspiracy to smuggle a ton of marijuana -retail value $2 million -across the Mexican border. He is scheduled for sentencing Aug. 25 in that case. Slated for Reopening \VASHINGTON (AP) -The Bureau of ~lines announced today it hopes to start about Sept. 1 lo unseal a coal mine at i\lannington. W. Va. where 78 mlners have been entombed since Nov. 30. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Police have released the It-year-old caretaker they beld for questioning in the killing of ac· trtss Sharon Tate and four other ~sons. "The.-, ts no reason to SUl(let\ him," .aid Inspector Harold Yarnell u WUUam E. Gmetaon was releutd Monday ifter two days in custody. The baby -faced youth wouldo'l tall< with newsmen. But 'his lawyer, Barry Tarlow, said Garretaon wu In hls room In a pst house of Miss Tate's estate Friday nisht and Saturday when t.be five were sbol and stabbed to dealb. Garretson didn't know anything had happened unlll police kicked in his door at 9 a.m. Saturday, Tarlow sald. · lnvestlgatora 1a1d they want lo ques· lion friends of Miss Tate and Gai'retaon . Offlcera continued Investigating the death.I of a supermarket owner and his wife whote bodles were found Sunday night, their heads hooded like one of the victims in the Saturday killings a few milts away. Jn both cases bodies were sluhed and words were scrawled nearby in what appeared to be the victims' blood. Despite the similarlUe.s. a police spokesman said, the cases apparently are unconnected. The couple, Leno A. LaBianca, 44, and his wtfe Rosemary, 38, may have b e e n the victims of a "copycat" killer, officers said. Those killed with Miss Tate were Abigail Folger, 28, a San Francisco aoclallte; Voltyclt Frykowsld, 37, a mov ie associate of Mias Tate's buaband, direc- tor Roman Polanski; Jay Sebring, 38, an internaUonal)y known hairdresser; and Steven Earl Parent, 18, a student from suburban El Monte who police and Gar- ret.son's lawyer said was a friend of Gil· retson. Tarlow said Garret.son had said good· ni&ht to Parent about 11 :30 p.m. Friday, then gone to his room, where he Uatentd to hls stereo. ' New Police Chief .Takes Command At Laguna Beacl1 Laguna Beaeh got a new police chief Monday as Kenneth H. Huck, 40, took the helm of the Laguna police department. Blue-eyed, sandy-blond Ken Huck radiates both firmness and friendliness. He has Leen in police work 13 years. He comes to the Art Colony from Union City, a town of about 15,000 in· southern Al!meda County,. Califoma, where· ht '"as' also chief of police. Huck, Lalk.Ing to newsmen Monday aft· ernoon, said he is looking forward to the challengu of Woning in the Laguna area. Among those challenges, he said, were the requirements of working with the diverse members of the community, to bring the groups together and to "achieve the goals of law enforcement." Huck said it is premature to say just what needs to be done at the police department -he had been on the job about five hours prior to the interview. However, he sees crime prevention rather than crime detection as the primary duty or the force. Jluck said tha t he plans to 1neet with the people of Laguna as much as possi· ble, specifically he mentioned meetings with parent groupa and the clergy. He noted tha t because of Lacuna's rather unique position, there is a cons:tant flow of different people into the com· munity. Coping wlth the dlfferent people and their demands is one of the challenges. On two test votes, the Senate rttained administration-opposed provisions in the bill that had been insertetl by the Labor Commltee at the request of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of f\fassachusetts and other Democrats. Republicans insisted the retentions make it virtually impossible to ob- tain }louse action on the bil! before Congress begins a three-week recess tomorrow. Recall, Expenses Haunt Fountain Valley Mayor OAllY PllOI CllANIJI (1)ilt1 "'°'I\ llMfltO COMPl.NY 1,.,,rt N, w,.4 ""'ldtftt..,.. """'' ... ' J 1clr It C•tll'f 'Ill» "'n !Otfll -Of!N,r .. Ml,..ftl Tllo"''' x,,,;1 E.i10< T),1,..1t A, Mwtplil11• M.,1ttl"11 ld11or . J110,.., "· c.ur111 "-' . ...,. Cltr '""' ---'22 1 t W11t l11ll1• ltul•~••' M1111~t A4dr1u 1 P.O. I•• la11, f266J. OtW Offk" CO'Jtl Mttl: JJO Whl l tt S11"f L•-'""'' HI ,.,." A-M\lftflllli.A .. «I'll M ilh I.._ By TE RRY COVILLE Of th• El•llY ,.lltt $1111 "My house and car are up for sa]e and my real estate business has come to a screeching halt. I just have too many pressing economic problems to v;orry now about the recall campaign." And so Monday Fountain Valley's beleaguered lifayor Robert Schwerdtleger sounded a partial retreat from the slam· bang campaign he had promised a week before. "I've got to lower expenses to meet the c~t or living," explained the mayor. "This \\'hole recall thing has worked a severe and genuine hardship on me." Opponents of the mayor expressed doubts about hi!: sincerity. "Is it just a µJay for sfmpalhy?" asked Eugene VanDask, leader of the move to recall the mayor p.nd two other councilmen. ''Jn any case he brought it all on himself." "It tniaht be a play for sympathy," ad· ded George Scott, a candidate for the maYor's po1t in the Sept. 23 recal1 elec- tlt:I!, "but J'm not interested Jn $tlaekina hlqt Enough bas been said abou~ that." 'the mayor has his own opinion of his opJOnents. "They're stompina: around like a bunch of 'Ollward Christian Soldiers.' 11 he declared. Monday. "They've ruined my reputation," he conUnued. "Now I have rqore preJsUig problems than the recall to worry about." One of the most serious of those pro- blems 1( a lawsuit file~ acainst SChwerdtftger July 30 by a Santa Ana realtor who cl1lms the mayor and City Attorney Edwin Martin Uterally "stole" the brokerage commission on the ) Larwln land from him. "ll's a pack Of lies," r epli ed Schwerdtfeger to the charges made in Superior Court by Chris Lindley of Lemon Heil)lts Realty. But wrong or right, the JaW suit will consume a lot of time and money Jn court and May·or Schwerdtfeger is preparinc to fight that battle. Lindley wants the $62.000 commission he claims they earned plus $100,000 Uamaees. "All ttfat commission monty 1 .liup- posedly earned," said Schwerdtfeaer, "Is spread out over several years, so now l find my!el! ln poor financial shape to handle this court suit and !he recall cam· paign." "The recall plus thl1 law suit has ruin· cd my real etate busine,1, '' ht added. "I \ivonder how those people fetl about it now." "I hold no personal grud1e against the mayor," $1y1 Van,D1.1k, explainln& his own feeling, "but most of this trouble cnuld have been avoided a long lime 110." "Jl!g been •!' JnteresUna: six year• In Fountal11 Valley," concluded ll\e mvor. "It's too bad the last few monllu have come out like this." Future plans art vaaue. The mayor on- ly states he has to take care of priorities now and h!s wife and two children are at tht top of that list "J t\ave to mett living expemes now." ht said. "I'll get around to the recall campaign if and \Yhttn I have the time and ablUty." Coun~il lfelps ;Su~fer $ I More T~me Granted ori Newport Beachfront Ntwpoft BMcfft surrers Monday started a ride oa a wave of city council sentlmtnl in their ravor. The surfers, while nOt winning their re- quest for an all-day summer surfing area near Newport Pier. did receive some sa.nctiona in other areas. The council decided to give the wave enthusluts new· afternoon surfing boura from the pier upcoast to the Santa Ana River jetty from 4 p.m. until sunset As an added measure, the council granted surfers use oft.he pier area back· ed by parking lots starting at 6 a.m. In- stead of the previous 7:30 a.m. Afte r years of council disfavor over the legions of surfers who once \Vere accused of disturbing residents of the waterfront area and causing pollce problems, the council decided lo give in partially to the surfers' requests. Councilmen stressed that the new surf. Ing regulations would be an ezperiment for the next five weeks. Alter that period the cltv's winter surf. ing rules 10 into effect', allowing the surfers all-day sport on all the city's be::iches. If the trial period works, councilmen said. the dty staff will reevaluate all the city's surfing laws for possible cbange in time !or next summer season. Despit~ the new bours and areas, the surfers slill will have to heed the city's "blackball" system. If conditi.ons warrant (especially too rnan,y swimmers still in the water at l'iUrfing time the lifeguards will raise the blackball flags and surfen will have io leave the water until lhe flag eome,s back down, no·matter what time of day. Sometimes, however, the surfers could even enter the water earlier if swimme rs clear out earlier than the 4 p.m. starting time, tiluncllmen said. The peaceful group of enthusiasts who attended the council meeting beard some strong opposition, however. Councilman Paul Gruber cut the only dissenting vote on the matter after strongly disagreeing on the new plan. "I view this as a widespread overhaul of the city's surfing legi.slatlon," he said. "I don't see bow we can validly vote on all these is.nies in one motlon. We have a problem here, because it's been proven that if you give something away you have a hard time getting It back," he said. Councilman Dop Mc;lnnis, who pushed for lilting of some surfing restrictions, disagreed and said the surfers should have a chance to prove themselves. "It gives us an excellenL chance to study the issue of surfing Wlder the most ideal condltlon$ -the peak of the sum· mer seas::>n. It will give us a reol chance to evaluate tbe merit of the plan," ht said. Gi:uber replied, "Well, If the porch furniture startli burning on the ocr:an 1 front a,t 6 a.m .. then )et him (pointinJ~t Mcinnis) be respansible for it " · Robert Stolt, 900 Sea Lane,· Corona1 d~r Mar, rtpresenUng the Newport n~i;ie;_h Surfing Association, made the sur·rers' appeal for more sµrfi ng beach and time Besides those requests he asked for the e.vent~al lifting of the city's surfbo~rd licensing code, which imposes a $3 annual tab <in each surfboard. "It's a ridiculous licensing law and it does me no good at all, except that 1 ha ve to pay •12 each year to license 41JI my boards,'' he said. . He said that the groups of four and fiyt· years ago that caused trouble and t'tit subsequent city restrict.ions on surfel'~' are no longer coming to Newport. ' Scott said he was pleased with thtl' council·s new experimental program. The council action dld not change tht "blackball" Oag system, however. The council and Marine SaI,ty DirectOr Robert Reed stressed that, if. condiliont warrant. the blackball nags could !Mr raised al. any time and surfers wouJij have to leave the water. Won't Change Nu11abe1• Hale Scholar ship Fund at $4,650 After Raffle Beach Narc Stands Firm In Spite of Harassment The scholarship fund for Balboa boating aceident victim Colston Hale, 16, s11.·elled to $4.,650 Sunday night after a "hugely successful'' raffle of fishing tackle, spokesmen for the event'a sponsors announced today. By RUDI NIEDZIEUIKJ OJ I~• 01l1Y r ll•I Sllff Jimmy C. Irvin, 34, of Huntington Beach, is a narc. Thousands of people know that sinct the Los Angek!s Free Press last Thurs· day published his name. address and telephone number with 79 other State Bureau of Narcotics agents. · · The Free Press readership in Hun· tinglon Beach, Irvin says, has not wasted any time in letting him know bow much they disapprove of his work. Since Thursday the telephone has been r inging at his Rhone Lane home about three times daily, the narcotics field superviS(lr said. "They're mostly derogatory anti-law enforcement calls," said Irvin. "My wife has told me there have also been some· threats of retribution agatnst me." Though the call:\ keep comin11 in, Irvi n says he will not change b.is te lephone number. "I've decided against i* for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of my hard· headedness. I refuse to give satisfaction to such an irresponsible left-wing newspaper." Irvin, a resident of Huntington Beach since last ~larch, has been employed with the State Bureau of Narcotics since 1956. l~e personally doesn't think that the Free Press decision to remove his name from anononynity will be detrimental to hi5 work. "\Ve are not an anonymous, secret organization. The .,eople in o u r neighborhoods and churches know who we art. The only problem is that an agent could be injured or hurt by aomething like this." In printirig the names of lhe agents, the Man El ectrocuted Santa Ana resident Albert G. Strella \Vas eleclrocuted M o n d a y afternoon while repairing an air conditioner at a 1''ullerton office building. Strella, 27. of 2010 Edison St.. died shortly after arrival at St. Joseph J Hospital. Free Press stated, "Secret police forces are a threat lo democratic government. History demonstrates that the secret policeman invariably uses his anonymity to become unaccountable lo the people over whom power is exercised." "Recently there have been published stories of abuses <if power involving narcotics officers. Several of many years st.anding have even been discharged for faking evidence." The Free Press continued. "Many narcotics cases are thrown out of court because the officers have -violated the constitu!ion~l rights of the suspect in conductmg 1!1egaf searches and seizure. "!Jut . the public at large does not ord1nar1ly hear of the violatlons of law cc.mmitted by these secret poltcemen who are attempting to enforce laws as unwise and unenforceable .as tht now banished prohibition of Jiqu<>r. There shoul~ be no secret police !'' the .leftwinl paper stated. For it.s efforts in revealing tbe names flf narcotics agents based Jn Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Diego and San Francis- co, the underground newspaper will face lawsuits totaling $25 million. Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch }tionday bt ought a •10 million suit against the paper and ha.s been cranted a temporary restraining order aganst it. It charges tha t disclosure of the confidential in- formation jeoparadizes the lives, health and safety of law enforcement officers .'.lnd their families. ..._ Another suit, in the amount of •1s million, was filed against the Free Press and its publisher Art Kunkln Thursday by one of the narcotics agents named on the list. A hearing has been set for Aug. 25 by Superior Court Judge Ellsworth Ji..teyer to consid~r granting a preliminary in- junction against the paper in connection \ivith the Lynch suit. The Attorney General's suit against the Lo~ Angtles tabloid all.cge' .tJ1at the list of ncmes was stolen from the Los .o\nfeles· Department of Justict in the past t\\'O months. Lynch has asked the court to order the paper to return all documents and cor· respondenct concerning the Dtparlment of Justice. Your Omega Sale1 & Strvicc Agencu The raffle. jointly sponsored by the Balboa-Newport Beach Rot ari a n s:, The Balboa Angling Club and Pacilio Anglers. added $3,400 to the college Study fund for the Newport Harbor High School student who lost most of his fingers last May. A dozen persons, 1nost of them Harbor Area residents, won new fishing tackle donsted to the raffle by several manufac- turers. The dozen winners v.1ere chosen in s dra\ving he1d during a Pacific Angler! Banquet. The winners are Dorothy Speannan, Balboa Isla rid; Tony Bagalta, Downey; Jed Walsh, Long Beach; Mary Zamboni1 lluntinglon Beach : Frank Burchfield, Corona del Mar; Jack Smith, Corona del J14ar; Dordthy ... .J.afever, _Huntington Beach ; Art Mad: €osta Mesa; Hov•ard ,_farcove, Newport Beach; Bob Fortner, ·Culver City; AmCal Constructi,on Co., 'I'roy, Mich .: and Hank C. May, Harboi Island. · Fred Swanson, spokesman for tht Rol.f.ry com1nittee supervising the fun~, said the raUle more than trebled the amount raised thus far for the young Balboa student. Hale, who will be a senior at Harben High this fall, los t nearly all his finger! when he caught them between a linf and a cleat as he tied up a sportfishini boat on the docks of Art's Landing i.r. Balboa. S11.·enson said financial donations and gills of household furnishings for an apartment for Jtaie and his elder brother~ Frank, are still \Velcome. They may be made through th1 Rotary's post office box on Balboa Island, Persons wishing to contribute can ad· dress their donations to the Cole Halt Fund, J>.Q. Box 165, Balboa Island, Cali[. 92661 . Students lo P rotest SAN FRANCISCO (:JPtl -Se\.·eral student groups announced today they \\'ill stage demonstrations nex t \.veek during the visit lo San Francisco of President Nixon. 0 OMEGA YOUR -WATCH~ • CIHnM. Ollad I Adjwtt4 ., .. , .... '"' W•ll• l •1 W•lf ,IA.ILi a1.JTRUNGi fr •111 FREE $2.00 $ 4 8!;TH THIS •INO.S llllD, fr-$3.00 T!11 vtiy '''"' Om191 Sp11dm11l•r w1fd1 ""' Cffty Wl l lt lt,!ld wjlh• o~f 1nv IT'oil ific tlion bv NASA. lo bt wotn bv our mi n en lh• ..,oon. Th:. •1co9niti1n, 11.,ly • ••· wt r cl f • r t lctll1nc1, 111 1 ~•1 111 pro11d lo \it v•u• •w'h1r i11d 0"'•9• i•w•lt r. C11111 In -••• fh i1 h1nd1omt, 2 ~uHon, ~ 4111, On'"f' SJ1111dffl tl• lit c~1•~0ft1 J11h. Th1 only w•lch wor~ bv tl11 rr11n •~ lh1 moon.,,;,, Sltl . •• DIAM OH DI llPLACID, fr•• $6.00 INGI A't'lff DONI WHIU YOU WAIT Huntlntton Ct11!ttr •-h ·at ldlnter HUNTINCiTON llACH • "2·5501 -- I TllMS AYAILAILI and back Harbor S·hopp ing Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA ·-• • I: 54§.9485 _, ., -----.,.---------·--=-~~-·------------· -----·--·------· -- ----. . . - , ,, , , " bi. • BEA ANDERSON, Editor • l"•tt IJ Art Wo rk Displayed Garden Full Of Blooms \Vhile some 1-Iarbor Area children were spending the sumn1er attending summer school or-relaxi ng on the beach, others have been busy painting and sculpting. The result of their artistic e[forts. accomplished through the Children's Art Workshop, will be displayed in the Coffee Garden Gallery, Corona del Mar, in an ex· hibit beginning Saturday, Aug. 23. Parents and children will gather in the gallery Aug. 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. for the first showing of the art WQrks, which will be displayed through OcL.3._ Gallery hours following the opening will be 10 a.in. to--4--p.m . ~1onday through Saturday. Sponsored by the Newport Harbor Senr1ce League, the Children's Art Workshop has as its purpose to pr°'" vide the proper environment for a child to be involved in a creative art experience. Qualified teachers assist the children with their art experience. which also assists them to ~ain confidence in their self·perception and their perception of the world around them. EXPERIENCED HANDS -Under the guidance of J ack Taylor (center), clay and sculpture instructor for the Children's Art Work- sh,o p, the hands of Eugene Chasin, 10, of Newport Beach, and Helen \Vhitney, 15, of Huntington Beach, also will become exper- ienced in ·the medium of clay. Their work will be displayed along with the-paintings and sculpture of the 150 other children who par- ticipated in the summer s~ssion sponsored by the Newport Harbor Service League. ' The classroom atmosphere is informal and the in· struction is suited to each child's individual expression and development. Anyone wishing information about the fall session, 'vhich will begin Sept. 29, may call Mrs. John Helton, 544'3562. A Whale of a Tale ., . Old Timers Artfully Greet Mesa .New Timers ., ' n Whale \vatcher s are invited to cease watching long enough to attend the sum· n1er reading club party \Vednesday, Aug. 20, at 10 a.m. in Mariners ~ibrary, Newport Beach. Boys and girls who have read 10 or more books during the summer reading program 'viii enjoy folk music by Don and Bruce Englar and a film titled "The \Vhite Mane." and receive certificates and "fortifications" for future 'vhale \ratching, provided by the Friends of the Newport Beach Library. Finishing up their whale-hunting are (left to right} •Doug Cefali, 9, David Cefali, 7, and Janine Benner, 10. Those attending the annual Old Timer-New Timer Picnic Sunday, Aug. 17,_in the Costa Mesa Park will find that more than a barbe· cue awaits them. From 11 a.n1. to 4:30 p.m: they may view a juried exhibit ~ponsored by the Costa Mesa Art League, browse through a white elephant bazaar, listen to musical entertainment and participate in competitive games. CO-sponsors of the annual picnic are the art league and the \Vomen's Committee, Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. Finishing a painting for the exhibit is Jane Hill (left), while Mrs. Carey Cowan and Wade Zint offer comments. . . .Weighty Subiect Too Heavy for Mother-in-law to Han .die DEAR. ANN LANDERS : ?.fy son's wife, Phyllis. is two years younger than he but she looks JO years older. The reason is her weight. They belong to the best coun- try club ir, town. I'm sure Bud must be urihappy-when he sees the-wives or his friends, slim and sexy in their litlle ten- nis dresses and skimpy bathing suits, while Phyllis sit.s there with fal hanging out all over the pl.ace. J've !~cpt quiet about it and it hasn't been easy, but Sunday I could no longer contain nlysel!. l said, "Phyllis. dear, Bud weighs the same tod ay as when he gradualed from Dartmouth 12 years ago. It's too bad yOu can'.t make that state- ment." She laughed it off with this ho- ANN LANDERS hummer: "Well, maybe if Bud had had the six children in 12 years he wouldn't be able to make that statement either." Their youngest is 18 months old. Don't you think she is using childbirth as an ex· cuse? Please give her ·some or your wonderful advice, Ann. She needs It. - AGE 51, WEIGHT 10$. DEAR 51: Ph)'lli• didn't ask for any advfct, but 1lnct you wrote 1 have a IUUe for you, dearle. There's a problem here which Is larger than )'Our daughter-ill· Jaw's derriert. You. Keep qulel about ber weight or one of these day1 Ph)'llls mlg'hl give you an answer that will meh your bridgework. No dame ever Jost an ounce because 1om~ne needled her about It, and the la•t person to 1111y an)ltblng •hollJd be 1 105-Ponnd motber·ln-law. done it again. ts oceurred spelled with DEAR ANN LANDERS : Ten years ago one and two r's or the other way around ? i graduated from Stanfora -Phi BeU I typed a letter Ior my husband last Kappa. I had always wanted tll go to law week anO he was shocked at my spellin g. school, but it was more important that When I told him the job had done it he my husband be 1:1 lawyer S0-1 went to ~ said ! must have been a lousy speller to work for a mail order house. begin with. Please ti!ll him it CAN hap- I quit work after six yea rs to ha ve a pen. -BOOBY PRIZE lmby, but six years was just Jong enough DEAR BOOBY : Not (Inly can it happen, for the mail order public to ruin my it DID happen _ to me. But what you spelling. Today J am unable to spell the simplest words. After one sees Un· l<t!ie In spell ing you gain in lni;lle and necessary with one n and two e's about 50 knowlldge of peeple.,lt's wlrth It. times, h~ is never sure if ii sbquld be one DEAR ANN LANDERS : Don 't you ever 1:1, one c and two s's or one or two e's and take a vacation? I see your column seven l.!ne $.This-same thing has ocurred (sic) days .a week, every week in the year. with several other words -Uiere I've . Does someone g h o ' t for you oc· casionally? Whal gives? -JUST NOSEY DEAR JUST: or coune l take vaca ... tions but my work Is done before I go. 1 don't believe lo g~ts. I produce every column lbat appears oder ,Dl)'-1obyllne. Too many couples go from matrimony to ucrimony. Don't let your marriage flop before il gets started. SenL for Alla Landers' booklet "Marriage ...... What to ElCpect," Send your request to Ann Landers in care of your newspaper enclosing 50 cents in coin anlt a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to he.Ip you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope. , ,. ..... ' . . . . . .... • . . . . ... . . . . ' ~ . . . ... . . . .. . . . . ' -- J4 DAILY PILDT TUfsdq, All<Jllll 12, 1'16• Astronauts· Grounded Without Women's Help SPACE' CENTER, Houston CAPt -The United States may not have a female astronaut, but women -from astronauts' wives to t 11 e 1eam1tressea who sew spacesuits -play key roles in the space program. Frances "Poppy" Northcutt, for example, is a 25-year~ld Dayton, Tex., native who is a member or the flight dynamics support staff · in mksion control at the Manned Spacecraft Center. The tall, blonde mathematician is one of the first women to serve in an operational support role in mission control. "There's less discrimination against women here than in any of the professional areas," she said. Space center officials reported that 968 of the 4,400 Horoscope government employes here are women. No one disputes the role of astronaut wives in t h e i r husband!!' work. They even are consulted about hubby's food tastes when the menus of dehidrated. [oods for the flight are selected. 'Mlousands or the miniscule electronic components in the Apollo 11 spacecraft and the Saturn S rocket were assembl- ed by women workers. The foods to be consumed by the astronaut!, a doctor and a technician while locked in thf:lr quarantine trailer after splashdown were preptred by women. And, of course, there are the indispensable secretaries who work for National Aeronautics and Sp a c e Administration engineers and scientists, ex- ecullves or space program contractors and the astronauts them.selves. Charlotte Maltese, secretary to APollO 9 crewmen Jamn A. McDivitt, David R. Sc1:itt and Russell D. Schwelckart, had a birthday while her astronaut bosses orbited the earth Jn March. They didn't forget. The astronauts radioed to earth a musical birthday greeting. Another woman in mWlon control is Larue Burbank, who 'designed the visual displays controllers watch to monitor a spacecraft's fiight. Dorothy Lee is an engineer at the space center whose specialty is the heat shields that protect returning spacemen from the heat of rt-- entry into the earth's at· mosphere. CHAMPS RETURN -Back from Switzerland where they \von top honors in Gymnaestrada then gave exhibition performances throughout Europe are SCATs team ~embers Lisa Nelson in foreground, with Denise \Veils just be- hind her. Standing at rear are (left to right) Lory Nelson, Lisa Speir and Carla Abbey. Blouse and culotte costumes were those worn as official uni- forms by the gymnasts. Pisces: Listen Today WEDNESDA Y AUGUST 13 cooperative. SCATs Team Scampers . By SYDNEY 0!\.1ARR MANY ARE METICULOUS In grooming and a r e particular about wbal the y eat and bow food ls se rved. Know this and ue the knowledge lo adYanlage. The more service you give today, the more you receive. Tbls advice Is 1eneral -but is specUlc when applied TAURUS (April 20.May 20): t.1ore pleasure comes into your life. Relief from pressure indicated. There is a change for the better; your creative abilities are displayed. News from young person brings hap- piness. Horne With Top Europe made an unforge t· tab 1 e impression on !he SCATs and the SCATs made quite an impression in Eu- rope. Girl gymnast Lisa Speir, ntain Valley High School man and one of 28 girl 1'tlJ'lber,; oC the Southern Cal. ifornia Aero Team summed it up when she said, "It was an experience none or us will ever forget'." The SCATs were first place wiMers in diversitivity in the July Cymttoteslrada in Ba- sel, Switzerland.i.They were the first U.S. tea01 ever to enter the competition. The event is scheduled ev- ery four years following the clMe of the Olympic Games and teams from more than 30 countries w,vt1~re,. includ- ing one frpm .Sweden with 1500 members. Entrants were judgi!d on 1ttie balance beam, parallel ·t.mi, tumbling and group pr e· cision routines such as the one the SCATs performed in red, \\'hite and blue costumes. The 28 young women ha ve been. rehearsing 3 hours a night, five nights a week for two years in preparation for the competition. Their coach is Clayton (Bud) Mar.quette ~f Long Beach, who was 1n charge of the Olympic gym- nastic team in Tokyo. Num· bere<:I among their n1ember- ship are Kathy Rigby and Wendy Cluff who perfonned with ,the Olympic team in ~fexico City. The group .alsu scheduled exhibition performances al- most every weekend for the past two years as they work· ed to raise the $32,000 neces· sa ry for their Switzerland trip. After the close o! the week long Gym naest r a da the SCATs gave exhibition per- formances across Europe and in the British Isles, Including 'l aguna AAUW Hosts '" .. Honors • GEMINI (May 21.June 20 ): You may find it difficult to be practical, but it is necf:ssary. Study details. Don't overlook apparent minor matters. Read one at Edinburgh Castle. between the lines; be aware of As goodwill ambassadors ARIES (March 21·April 19): Une print. to VIRGO. !hey drew usiastic audi-Be sensible where work, CANCER (June 21-July 22): ences some as large as employment prospects are You are on the go; the day 400,000, Coac arquette re-concerned. And be practical features rhythm of a c I i o n • vealed, and elevised per. about diet, work, recreation. Change Is the key. Y~ shake formances in ch cities as Avoid extremes. Traveling off lethargy. Be versatile. Stockholm ha an estimated relative may communicate . Be Have alternate methods at four million viewers. hand. Communicate with relative. Greatest bentfit of the trip according to Miss Speir, Annual Ball LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): Ac· daughter of T\fr. and t.1rs. cent on money, possessions. Robert Speir ot Fountain Va!. You can improve heme com- ley, was the chanee to meet Swings Out forts. Genuine needs will be p!.>ople from many other coun-fulfilled. Key is to be selec· tries. •·we hated to leave,"' Swinging music \viii live. t.1eans don't spend she said, ''we made su many characterize the annual ball foolishly. You can obtain ge- friends." enti tled Midsummer Night's nulne bargain -if you shop. Among other cities visited Dream to which Temple Beth VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): were &rn and Interlachen in Sholom of Orange County in-Lunar cycle moves up; you Switzerland, Munich. Sa\z. vites members and guests are particular about the way burg, Copenhagen and Oslo. Saturday, Aug. 23. you look. Pride in achieve· About half the girls on the Temple Beth Sholom in San-ment is highlighted. Many are team come from Long Beach ta f.na will be the setting for favorably impressed. Take in· and half from surrounding the no admissio n affair to itiatlve. Get started. ci ties. Others from the Or-begin at 8:30 p.m. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ctd. 22): ange Coast area include the Those wishing r u rt her You are given a de d Misses Carla Abbey of Hunt-infonnation or reservations responsi bility behind t h e ingt'on Beach. Lisa and Lory may call Mrs. Ellie Siebert at scenes. You may desire more Nelson from Westminster and 836-7890. publlc reeognition. But, first, Denise Wells from Westmin· there are quiet moves. actions 1 One of the evening's main s er. events will be the naming of which are necessary. Act ac· A rest will be only tempo-. h r th cordingly. rary for the lively group-1 e Man-o · e-year. a person SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): S C I I S • f II th who has done outstanding Um mer 0. ee er/es a ter a , ere's the t972 You ha" sense ol lullillment. Olympics coming up in Mu-work in the conununity and in You complete assignment. nich. Temple Sholom. There are plaudits. But there Laguna Beach Branch of the American Association o C University Women will host a series of summer coffees in m e mbers homes during August. The social gatherings begin at 10:30 a.m. The club features among its activities stud y groups and special interest groups such as bridge. iOOrmet, .arts and crafts and book reviews. The coffees will be hosted by lhe following members and a call to the hostess will insure a reservation. They are 1'.lrs. Don Tanney, Mission Viejo, 830-1G44, Aug . 18; Mrs. Dudley Helm, Laguna Niguel, 495- 487!, Aug. 19; li,frs. George Cornelius, Laguna Hills, 837· 0031, Aug. 19; li,frs. Stan Flores, Temple Hills, 494--0388, Aug. 20; Afrs. Robert Lewis, INTRODUCING Laguna Beach. 494-7307. Aug.lr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1I 20, and Mrs. Lyal AUGUST Baumgardner, Laguna Hills, 830-0238, ~ug. 21. FUR More are Mrs. Donald Journeay, Laguna Hills, 830- 1765, Aug. 21 ; Miss Dorthea Glasoe. Laguna Beach, 494-s p E .., TA.., u LA n 1556, Aug. 22; Mes. Earle Gar· '-' '-' rison, Laguna Hills, 837·9140, DRASTICALLY Aug. 22; Miss Alida Parker ! and Miss Ola Hiller, Laguna All Furs REDUCED Hllls, 830·1044, Aug. 27, and Mrs. William Kennedy and i ~frs. \Villiam \Vhile, South Laguna , 4~1079, Aug. 27 . I Membership is open to l women graduates () f ac· cred ited colleges and universit ies. A d Ip 1 om a\ transcript or old A A U \V ' membership card is suitable verification of eligibility. An· nual dues for the Laguna branch are $15. for ihll 'tp•d 1I ••1nl 011ly NOW "" Exquisit• Natural Russi•n S.bl• Full -lan gth Co•t $7,000 .. 1, •................. $3400 ti It~ Superb Tip-dyed Russ ian s .ble J. ck. t, $2,900 v1lu• -··········-··-·-• ........... $1595 ,., Sup•rb Tip-dy•d Russi•n S.b1• Stole. $2,300 valu• tl111 $1150 JERRY GUTIERREZ Exotic Bl•c;k Dyed Mink Full • length Coet. Full $5,000 value. S•cri fict Pric;• .............................. $1900 "" Natur1I Luteti• Min k Full. length Co e t. $2,300 v1lue .............................. $1695 •m Natural Aturen1 Min k ~ length C o • f, $2,200 ve lut .............................. $1495 ... N•tur1I A r 9 e n t • Mink Stole. $850 velue ·-·······• $450 ••• N•tur el L u te t i 1 Mink Stole. $550 v1lu• .......... $275 Dyed Bro•dt1il Proc;e11ed Lamb J 1 c k • t 1. Fin t v•lues from _ .................. $190 could also be envy. Realize this and be <.liplomatic. Avoid attitude of braggadocio. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Spotlight on what you want to achieve. You may be in too much of a hurry. Study Aries message. You are attempting new technique. Practice makes p e r f e c t . Think. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on journey or communication with one at a distance. Fine for writing, submitting manuscripts. Ex- press views. Look to future. Don't brood about past. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Check legal papers. You may have more coming to you than is imagined. Enlarge scope. Avoid the petty. Don't be held back by nonexistent restriclions. Message is clear by tonight. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Do more listening than talk- ing. Patience today proves a valuable virtue. You gain by playing waiting game. . .. .. MRS. CHARLES WILLIAM MANN Evening Ceremony Tennessee Wedding Lagunan Claims Bride Charles William itann. son man. Ushers included the of P.fr. and Mrs. William I. bridegroom's brother David }.1ann of Laguna Beach, claim· t.1ann, who also traveled from ed Phyllis Ann \Vallenbarger Laguna, Edward Gibbs and as his bride in Fork Creek Robert Dickson. Presbyterian C h u r ch of Assisting for the wedding Sweetwater, Tenn. M. reception were the 1sse.s She is the daughter of P.1r. Rjta A1cConkey. Debbie Odom and Mrs. Carl \Vattenbarger and Nancy Davis and the of Sweetwater, and her father Mmes. Palmer Peters and gave her in marriage for the James Cranfield. evening ceremony v.·hich was The bride received her BS performed by the Rev· Dr· D. degree from the University of R. Greenhoe. Tennessee. Her husband i! The bride's gown was of \vorking for bis PbD degree at ivory organza ·over taffeta the same school. with an alencon lace bodice,-------,----- and lace trlm on the skirt and YOU KNOW chapel train. A pearl trimmed peau de soie cluster held her LD il\~sion vei!, and she ~arried a YOUR CH I white orchid and white roses in her bouquet. WILL LEARN Pink satin gowns with flow- ing trains were worn by bri~al TO SWIM AT allendants, who each carried one long stemmed rose. t.1rs. Steve Flowers was matron of BLUE BUOY honor, and Miss Paula P.iann, the bridegroom's sister, came from Laguna Beach to join AH So Will Yo• ()ther bridesmaids t.Iiss Jane AHllehn, lalba~ b land, Keefe and ~trs. J oe Combs of 5 ,, 4 .,. 6 •. 1 .. 8 T 0 nlo" Tennessee. • Larry Nix served as best ROBINSoN·s INVITES YOU "tO MEET COCO 'THE: CLOWN AND HIS SON COCO-NUT•• ,AND S EE: 'THEM PERFORM THEIR HILARIOUS BALL.OOH TRICKS 1 •• ON FRIDAY, AUG, 15 , AT 4 PM , IN THE LIDO BUFFET 1 ANO YOU MA'( BE A WINNER AT 'THE DRAWING FOR F IVE: PAIRS OF FREE T ICKETS TO JUNGLING BROS, ANO BARNUM & BAILEY CJRCUS ,,,PRESENTJNG 1TWAS T HE NIGHt BEFORC TOMORROW1 AT THE FABULOUS - -!-NAHEI M CONVENT ION CENTER, F RIDAY-WEDNESDAY, AUG• 15-20 1 TWO PERFORMANCES DAIL.Y, THREE PERFORMANCES SAiURCAY • M•"Y Oth1r Ouhl1"cl i"'11 V1lu1il All ITEMS SUIJECT TO 1'11110 1'1: SALE M .dACQUES FINE FURS ROBINSON'S 548-0460 WESTC LIFF PLAZA • 14 FASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH • 644-4661 NEVVFORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 I I ' ' I I , , l • I • f;osta Mesa EDITION Today's Flnel N.Y. Stoeks VOl. 62, NO. 192, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST ·12, · 1969 TEN CENTS Newport Gals Choose · Thei.r Gowns for S~ial Summit By BEA ANDERSON Wtmeol'I t•lftr Invitations to .Wednesday n I g h t ' 1 PresidenUal banquet in Los Angeles' Cen· tury Plaz.a. ar<e -to those who got them -the IOC.ial triumph of the space age. What does one wear when one's hus- band has reached the position of being ac- cepted into the nation's Wbite House in· net circle! The DAILY PILOT has been told by five Newport Beach matrons who will join the social creme Ii!: la• creme in honoring the nation's astronauts -Mrs. Charles S. Thomas, Mrs. Thurmond Clarke, Mrs. Dennis Carpenter, ~1rs. Andy Devine and P.trs. Herbert W. Kalrn. bach. White is the color selected by both Mra. Carpenter and Mrs. Kalmbach. Crystal and white beadiog trims the mat~ jene.y Grecian draped gown of Mrs. Carpenter. while Mrs. Kalmbach's flowing design of peau de soie features a bodice entirely encrusted wilb seed pearls, crystals and rhinestones. Also wearinC whit~ will be P.1rs. £?e- \·ine. Her flowing skirt of layered white * chiffon will be topped with a bodice of chalk white and bugle beading on sun- tan colored chiffon. . Mrs. Thomas has chosen a pale blue silk princess line gown with a deep oval neckline which Is encln::led with a collar of rhinestones and chalk beading. A multicolored chiffon with gold sequin trim is the choice of Mrs. Clarke. Black.tie attire will be worn by their husbands. . Carpenter is chairman of the California Republican Central Committee. Kalmbach, a Newport attorney, has * It's Apollo's Day been a high.echelon worker in 'Nixon campalans and a personal CrJend of the Prtsident. ' Judge Clarke and his wife are friends of the Nlxons and the President borrowed the Clarke home during a visit to Orange County last year. Thomas, who 5e.l'Ved as Secretary of the .Navy ,under President Eisenhower, is former president of TWA and retind president of the Irvine Co. Devine, ls a longtime friend of the President and an active Republican. (Photos of the couples in their formal attire will 11ppear In the' Women'• pages Thursday.) Other Newport Beach residents receiv· Ing rare, engraved invitations are Dr. and Mn. Arnold O. Beckman of Corona del Mar. Beckman, 1 Southern California industrialist and inventor, Is a longtime friend of lhe President. Other Orange Countiana invited are Mr. and Mn. J. Simon Fluor of Santa A.'1a and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaver of Fullerton. Fluor, an lndustrlallst, Is a prominent Orange County Republican, and Beaver J.!1 treasurer of·the Republican State Central · Committee. Adding lo the social triumph of the Clarkes will be their arrival at the dinnet with their houseguests, Sen. and Mn. Strom Thurmond of South Ca."'Olina. The Thurmonds will arrive Wednesday on Air Force TI w I th Vice President Agnew, accompany the Clarke! lo the dill"' ner and then 1ptnd the night with the ClarkeJ before flying out Thursday. Judlle Clarke and Senator Thurmood are cousms. Nation to Hail Astronauts ' Wednesday LOS ANGELES (UPI) -President Nixon's banquet for the three Apollo IL astronauts and 1,600 other VIPs Wed· nesday night will climax a hectic day or celebration during which the space voya. gen will be acclaimed in three cities. The gilt....edged Invitations to what some are calling the dinner or the decade are rare -a& moon rocks and twice as precious to status seekers on the outside. nie seating arrangements In the mai n ballroom of the Century Plaza Hotel are a protocol ni ghtmare. No comp\ete,guest Jisl has been published and probably won't be until after the affair. Known to be invited are the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps, governors of the 50 states, 55 astronauts, their wives and the widows of astronauts; members of l he con- gressional space committees a n d personal friends oC the Nixons. Only eight other guests will be seated with the Nixons and astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin Jr. and their wives. Among the invitees who have DOt yet responded are AristoUe and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Charles Lindbergh and Howard Hughes. For the astronauts, Wednesday will begin at 6:30 a.m. at Ellington Air Force Base when they, their wives and six ol their children board Air Force One, the President's jetliner placed at their disposal. . The astronauts v.·il\ be flown to New York for a tickertape parade up Broadway and a ceremony at City Hall with t.1ayor John V. Lindsay. Then the astronauts will proceed to the United Na- 15 Seconds to Spare Lack of Fuel, Nearly Cost Spacemen Moon Landing f rom Wire Services SPACE CENTER, Houston-Apollo 11 astronauts Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. reported today they were dangerously low on fuel as lhey neared, the moon and were within 15 seconds of •hotting the landing attempt. They said quick action by ground con- trollers enabled them to make a sale Ian· ding. "We ~re very concerned about run· ning low on £uel," Armstrong told a news coofere~. the first public report on the historic mission. "We had to change the landing point. because of the crater and we were quite close to our legal limit on fuel ," the com· mander reported. Armstrong said if he had been forced to hunt another 15 or 20 seconds for a smooth landing point, the landing attempt would have been aborted. Of the moon walk, Armstrong said the lunar surface is a ".!ilrangcly dilferent place" with a weak gravity that is more comfortable than earth's. "It's an extremely stark and strangely different place,'' said Armstrong. "A number of experts prior to the flight predi-:ted that a good deal of dif· ficulty would be encountered by people trying to work on the moon ," reported Armstrong. "This wa.sn't the ca.se. "After landing, we felt very com· fortable ir. lunar gravity. ll was, in fact . preferable both to weightles.sness and to earth gravity." The moon 's gravity is only one-sixth as strong as earth's and Ann.strong and Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the kangaroo-style across the powdery surface about &lf.i hours alter landing there July 20. Armstrong and Aldrin described their final 50,000-foot descent to the moon on · JUiy 20 -a hair-raising 12 minutes dur- ing wh.ich computer 111Jarrns nashed and they had to take manual control to avoid crashing in the rock-filled crater. "I think we pretty v.•ell understand what caused these program alarms," Aldrin said. "It was the fact that the computer was in a process of solving the landing problem and at the same time we had the rendezvou.s radar In a powered up condition and this tended to add an ad- dilional burden to the computer opera- tion ." The rendezvou!'I radar was keeping track of Michael Collins, orbiting overhead in the command 1hip. t.ions and be greeted by Sttretary Gen- eral U Thant. Three hours and 15 minutes after their landing at Kennedy International Airport, the a.stronaul5 will board Alr Force One for Chicago. There, th~· spacemen will be honored by what the office of ~1ayor Richard J, Daley called "a triumphant parade, covering the greatest distance in the city's history," One million Chicagoans are expected to catch a glimpse of the trio. Los Angeles is the nexl stop. Air Force One will roll up to the Federal AvlaUon Administration fi.angar, an area not open lo the public. A pool television crew will broadcast the welcoming ceremony with · ~1ayor and Mrs. Sam Yorty. The astronaut.s will helicopter to the Century Plaza where they will have le5s than one half hour to change into formal attire for the reception and dinner. The pla affair will be tdevlted, Ind crews today were strinJIDI llghia and building platforms for the cameras. The- setlfP"••• deviled so that no one's view of the bead table will be blockeil, Ind the U.S. Marine Band will sit in the dead space behind the main camera platform. President and Mrs. Nixon1 were ex- pected to helicopter back to the Western White House following the party, due to end at 1:30 a.m. The Apollo 11 crew will spend the night in penthouse suites. Astronauts Get Live Coverage NEW YORK (AP) -The three major television networks will broadcast live Wednesday the activities of the Apollo 11 JStronauts, including the state dinner u·lth President Nixon. Spokesmen £or AaC, CBS and NBC gave this schedule, all times Pacific Day- hghl : New York Cit)', including arrival at :<erinedy Airport, City Hall ceremonies, visil to the United Nations. ticker tape parade up Broadway, 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Chicago, arrival at O'Hare Air.port, parade and ceremonies, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Loi Angeles, state dinner, 8:45 p.m. to .::onclusion. Europe will see almost two hours of live TV coverage of the astronauts' visit to New York and the United Natk>ns on \Vednesday. Procffdings at the dinner In Los Angelf's Wednesday night will be taped for transmission to t.'Urope on Thuraday. l(risman Hoists U.S. Flag VCI Radical Part of Festival Display By TllOMAS FORTUNE Of 1M DlllY .. Ufl Slllf ~1ike Krisman, long-haired young SOS radical recent!)' hired a5 a UC Irvine ad- ministrator. symbollcally raises the fl ag ol hi.s country every night at Laguna 's Irvine Bowl. Krisman, 27, poses with three other young men in Marine uniforms in a living re.creation or Joe Rosentha l's fl'l mous photograph of the raising of the flag at Jwo Jima for the Pageant of the P.1asters. "I don 't consider myself unpatriotic," txp1ained Krisman. A resident of Lasuna Beach, Krisman ~nd his wife, Ann, volunteered for Festival work and he was cast In the pie· lure because of his size. It didn't .have anything to do with his political belle[s, A paratrooper for three years before he btcame 1 radical leader on campus. Krisman said he didn't have any trouble adjusUng to lhe uniform. He u ld that despite the.protuts to his 'IPJ>Olntmt:nt by county YounA Republican unit~. the Laguna lfllls Klw11nls Club1 the Costa ?.iesa Clu•mber or Commerce and others. his actual functioning on the job has been without problem "I haven'l run)filo anybody on campus who didn't wan(JQ_work with me," he &aid. Since being hired July l as coordinator of academic advising at a yearly salary of $8,250 he has gathered Information for a faculty news letter. given information to volunteer student advise.rs and advised incoming students during sludent oritn- tation weekends. 11c describes the job as non-political. Krisman formerly was UCI student body president and a prominent voice in tht Students for a Oemocr1tic Society. UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, who has the final aay over 1dm.lnlstr1Uve hirings, u.id he will back the Krisman ap- pointment all lhe way. The count7 pollUca.1 and fratem11 club opposition, howevtr, ••)'I It 'ft'lll 1ppeal to the UC Board ol ReC"otl Sept II. Krisman u fs he cons1der1 himself as much a patriot as anyone. And there he i1', nightly in the Pageant program. rais-ing the nag. D,.IL 1' .. ILOT tlilft ....... CONTROVERSIAL FLAG-RAISER UC Irvin• Aidt Krisman \ ---------~ -------- DAIL1' ,11..0T lllff Ptltlt l+EW AMBASSADOR TO PHILIPPINES HENRY BYROAOE (LEFT), COMPANIONS GREET NEWSMEN Stcrtt1ry of St1te. Roger1 end Pr11id1nt Try Somt New Lines for Nixon Joke Book Nixon Proposes Streamlining Training Plans Presi,dent' s Wit Sharp In Talk With Newsmen • WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· an today proposed giving states and cities much of the aulhority for running '2.3 billion a year in federal programs to train more than one million Americans annually for Jobs. As part of his "New Federalism" con- cept of sharing state, loc:af and federal power, Nixon sent to Congress a Man· power Training ·Act to streamlioe and make mort flexible the. welter of existin1 job training programs. Secretary of Labor George P. Shultz., in a briefing, said that despite Job Corps cuts which .angered Congress, Nixon _is proposing to add 150,000 Americans to job training rolls at an extra cost of $400 million a year. Most of the additional training woald go If) welfare recipients if both the man- power bill and Nixon's welfare legislation are enacted. The welfare bill requires most recipient s to take job training. The manpower legislation also would boost job training funds 10 percent if the nalion'.s unemployment rate rose to 4.5 percent for three straight months. It is now 3.6 percent. This, Shultz said, was to quell fears: that many Americans might lose their jobs In Nixon's efforts to slow the na· lion's economy enough to cool inflation. The bill also provides for a com· puterlied national job bank to match the unemployed with job openings. It would equalize living allowances for different job training programs, which now vary, to keep the unemployed from shopping around for the best . allow~ instead of for the most suitable Job training. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market slid to its second .straight loss of the week today in a sessioil that exhl~ited little buying interest. (Sec quotations, Pages 10-11). , Trading was slow near the close. The Dow Jone.s industrial average al 2 p.m. was off 6.27 at 113.56. Shortly after the Prasldent'a election tasl November, a book was published bearing the title, "The Wit and Humor of Richard Nixon." lt was a thin book. The next. edition should be much ratter. The President indicated 11 much Mon- day. He didn't say 50; his quips did . As he and Secretary of State William P. Roger& wandered about tbe grounds of the western White House's administraUve compound, Ni:iton bantered brightly and easily With newsmen. The President got a lot of laughter, none of it polite nor derisive . Sheriff Seeking Three in Attack On Springs Man SherHf's Investigators today are seek· Ing Utree men believed responsible for an attack wh1ch left a Palm Springs man bleeding and unconscioua on the beach at Scotchman's Cove belween Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar. Richard B. Jackson, 38, is in serious condition today at South Coast Com· munity Hospital. A hospita l spokesman described his· injuries as a fractured skull -and numerous cuts and bruises inflicted during w h a t in- vestigators describe as "a 1avage, merciless attack." Officers said Jackson was attacked Monday afternoon by "three hippie types, all believed to be In \heir twenties." Reports indicale that Jackson wa11 at- tacked wllh a length of piping and a flashlight, 11lugged into unconsciousness sod dumped at the water's edge. Lennon Sisters' Father Murdered on Golf Course LOS ANGELES (AP) -Willlam Lennon, father of the · singing "Lennon Sltlers, .. was shot dead Ttiesday at a golf coune ln subur- ban Venice , police said. A preliminary police report was that he was •-struggling with another man, broke away, and the other man fired at him with a rifle. 'Vhen he fell, officers said, the other man came closer, fired two more shats into lhe body and drove away. ' ' ' Here ls a sam pler of the pn:aldenUa l small talk that made the newanen chuckle : -"\Ve're going 'golting Thursday, Mr. Rogers, Mr. (Attorney General) Mitchell, probably Vice President Agnew and me. I'll team up with Mitchell, because he'• a four-handicapper. And you can take pie· WHITE HOUSE WEST- INSIDE VIEW: PAGE J tu.res o{ me at the first tee. But there will be no photographs permitted when I hit out of the first sandtrap." -To Merriman Smith, dean of White House correspondents: "How do you like it out here, in this pocke~ of poverty?" -"\Ve're going lo invite the preJJ corps to visit our new home Thursday, but we have lo make some preparations. We want to nail everything down first." Rogers recalled the last time he and Nixon were on the Orange Coast. It was on eleclion day in 1952, when Nixon first ran for Vice President on U1e Eisenhower t.ickel. "Tell them what happened on the beach in Laguna," urged the PresidenL "You know, the time we ran into that Marine." "Oh, yes," said Rogers. "We were playing footbaU on the beach. This young Marine comes up, stares at Mr. Nixon and asks: 'Say, aren't you a celebrity of some kind?' " "And I saip," added t h e President. "·No. I'm not a celebrity. l'm jun tun· ning for Vice President'." Nixon joined the laughter, then drew more when he said : "I never tell that story to t.1r. Agnew ... Orange Co as& Weather The weatherman's in a not un· pl easant rut with more wann temperatures forecast for Wed- nesday. Coaslal mercury should bask in the mid 70's, while inland regions'll register ~ degrees. INSWE TODAY Jamboree R1>11d l.s now a /our- lane highwav-. from MacArthur Boulevard lO tho San DieQo Freewav ~ bue nobodv 1eems to k-now it ~et Poor 11. Ctlii'tnlMI ' Mmlll , ..... " CIMtil ... >•U ·--.. ·-· " or ..... c~ " ,,. .. ..,.. • S•Mll ........ " ........... " lecMll,.... 1).1• •flftNI P-• ....... 1"1' ..... _ " ·--'"n ··-, ... Tt+wl'*' II -" ,..,_ " All!! Llflltn " w-• ....... • Wtf'll ,._. .. -.. ' I Ll":'7-'"·_-:;:_=;:;:=~ -----' . . . . . • • n OAllY PllOT C lut.sday, Augusl 12, 196() -•I I ·• ' • '~ NelglllJorhood· Setts-ors- Newport to. ·cai·etal{er Test Released City ·· In Slayings N .. ·OISe . Over • " Eve;a ~iit i:sn) the •·fandlord'• ~ lhe testing dates have not yet been Ora~t County , AIJ:pott.,_.lhe dly .oL .ci<t•!J\lined. Newport Btach wlll use mechanical noise Phil Bettencourt, administrative assis· . tant 1o. City Manager Harvey l-lurlburt1 t~ ...-fbi! hlre sound engineers t o ia.ld lhat the tests will show which mequre the dilt\of !O'fY.flying jet.: ovtr neighborhoods are the hardest hit by the the-cjtY'' neighborboods, the city council ·noise 1od whlcb Oight patterns cause the acrci!d Monday. g~at.ut noise. councumen~ave approval to clty staff 'lt also will «.lve us a good. chance ~o . . evaluate the seriousness of ne1ghborho0d a~dies to bnplen:ient the 1ndeptndtt1t complaints aboui the jet noise," he ad- noue ~ aU!:dJ pro)ecl. ·,with equipment ded . f" t a~ budgeted. for: the Polit!: depart·· ·Mayol"" Doreen•Marshall concurn!d with menl the P!ail and also . praised county The nolle _tensors which police will use . superv1~rs, the. real . airport landlords, · .. • . . . for t.heit' "swilt action" on a recent to~ a~OtiVf;•no1ses, wiJ.l be uaed m, federal decisiori to a:rant noise control to a !~ti.me 'basis · in , s e v .er 1 l . locill owned of air tenninals. nellhl?ortio9<1s. pi~y 'aides •rplained. · Ttie Federal Aviation Administration ne:.OOUnty bas conducted noise .Wdies ' has announced that noise control is a at ~ai!'Port. but the Tt!Ulta have ~ . matter for the owners of Joe.al airports. kept linder wraps, presumably beciuse of 'Col,inty supervisors have ordered a lawsuits brought against county govern-sta£f investigation of the issue. ment in thtf jet noise controversy. "I'm glad that the ball finally has slop. The specific artas of the city tesls and ped bouncin,g," the mayor said. Won't Change Numb-er Beach Narc Stands Firm In Spite of Harassment By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tM, Da1'1, PUtt Stiff Jimmy C. J~b.. 34, or Huntlnglon Beach, is a nm:c. #t Thousands of people knOw that sin~ the Los Angeles Free Press last Thurs- day published his name, addrw and lelephone number with 79 other State Bureau of Narcotics agents . · The Free Press readership in Hun- tington Beach, Irvin says, has not wasted any time in letting him know how much they disapprove of his work. Since Thursday the telephone bas been ringing· at his Rhone Lane borne a~ut three ·times daily~ the narcotics field supervisor said. "They're mostly derogatory anti-law Surfing Spots Hours Extended . ... .. In Newport Beach Newport Beach's surfers Monday started a ride on a wave of city council icntiment in their favor. The ·surfers. while not winning their re- quest for an all-day summer surfing area ne.ar Newport Pier, did receive some sanctions in other areas. The council decided to give the wave enthusiasts new afternoon ourfing hours from .the pier upcoast to the Santa Ana River jetty from 4 p.m. until sunset. As an added measure, the council grantea surfers use ofthe pier area bark- ed by parking lots startirtg at 6 a.m . in- stead ot the.previous 7::ro a.m. · After years of council disfavor over the legions of surfers who once were accused of disturbing residents of the waterfront area and causing ·police problems, the council decided to give in partially to the surfers' requests. Councilmen stressed that the new surf- ing regulations would be an experiment for the next fi ve weeks. enforcement calls," said Il"l(in. 1'My wife has told . me there have also been some threat.!. of ntribJJtion against me." Though the calls keep coming in, lrvirr says he will not change his telephone number. "I've decided against i' for a variety of reasons. but mostly because of my hard~ headedness. I refuse to give satisfaction to ~uch an irresponsible left.wing newspaper.11 Irvin, a resident of Huntington Beach since last March, has been employed with the State Bui'eau of Narcotics sirice 1951. He Personally doesn't think that the Free Press decision to remove bis na me from anononynity will be detrimental to his work. "We are not an anonymous, secret organization. The people in o u r neighborhoods and churches know who v.'e are. The only problem is that an agent could be injured or hurt by something like this." In printing the namea of the agents, the Jl'..ree Press 3tate.d, "Secret police torces are <t ·!hreat tQ dem~ratic: govetninenL History demonstrates that the secret policeman invariably uses his anonymity to become :Unaccountable to the people ot>er ~h6m power is e1.ercised." "Recently there have been published stories of abuses of power involving narcotics officers. Several of many years standing have even been discharged for faking evidence." The Free Press cont..inued. "litany narcotics cases are thrown out of court because the officers have violated the constitutional riJ(hts of the suspect in conducting illegal searches and seizure. "But the public at large d~s not ordin arily hear of the violations of law cc.mmitted by these secret policemen who are attempting to enforce laws · as unwise and unenforceable as the now banished prohibition of liquor. There should be no secret police!" the left wing paper stated. For its efforts in revealing the names <'f narcotics agents based in Los Angeles. Santa Ana. San Diego and San Francis· co, the under~round newspaper .,..,ill face la'A·suits totaling $25 million. LOS ANGELES (APl -Police have released the 19-year-old caretaker they he.Id fOl' questioning in the killing of ac· tress Sharon Tate and four other persons. · "There is no-reason to suspect him,'' said Inspector Harold Yam:e11 as William E. Garretson was released Monday after two days 'in cUatody. The baby-faced youth wouldn't talk with newsmen. But his lawyer, Barry Tarlow, said Garretson was in his room in a guest house of Miss Tate's estate Friday night and Saturday when the five Were shot and stabbed to death. Garretson didn't know anything had happened until police kicked in bis door ~t 9 a.m. Saturday, Tarlow said. ./ Investigators said they want to qllb- tlon friends of Mias Tale and Garretson. Officet's continued investigating the deaths of a supermarket owner and hi s wire whooe bodies were found Sunday night, their heads hooded like one of the victims in the Saturday killings a few miles· away. In both cases bodies were slashed and words were scrawled nearby in what appeared ·to be the victims' blood. Despite the similarities, a police spokesman said , the cases apparently are unconnected . The cou ple, Leno A. LaBianca, 44, and his wife Rosemary, 38, may have b e e n the victims of a "copycat" killer, officers said. Those killed with Miss Tate wen Abigail Folaer, 26, a San Francisco socialite; Voityck Frykowskl, 37, a movie associate of Miss Tate's husband, direc· tor Roman Polanski; Jay Sebring, 36, an internationally known hairdresser; and Steven Earl Parent, ta. a student from suburban El Monte who police and Gar- retson's laWyer said was a frlend of Gar- retaon. :: ·, Tarlow satd Garretson had said 1ood- night to Parent about'l1 :30 p.m. Friday, then gone to his room, where ht listened to his stereo. Wave of Thefts, Burglaries Hits Mesa for $1,000 A wave of thefts and burglaries in· \•o!ving nearly $1,000 in valuables -from a kitchen range to vending machine jawbreakers -was reported to Costa Mesa pOlice Monday. · one firm also lost .~ tl,660 ctieck during a commercial building burglary, in- vestigators said, but it would be virtually worthless to a thief. · Besides the check, Roy C. Crank. o\vner of Crank Bros. Roofing Co.. 126 Commercial Way, told Officer Ron Veach a $200 electric typewriter was stolen. Veach said the pry bar burglar broke in through the front door:. also entering the adjacent German Home Bakery, 134 Commercial Way, through a front win· dow , but owner William Chronacher said only $10 was Jost. Raymon F. Riste r, or 22082 Capistrano Lane, Huntington Beach, also reported theft of'a $200 built-in range weighing 90 pounds from an apartment at 400 Mer- rimac Way . Charles P. Williams, or 951 Sonora Road, reported theft of a citizens band radio transmission ouUit worth $154 from his car, parked outside his home. Vending ·machine routeman Victor R. Alvarez. of 854 Center St., told in- ve.stigators someone cut locks on a com- partm-ent in the rear of his truck and took $40 in candy and chewing gum sup- plies. After that period I.he city's winter surf· ing r\J.les go into effect, allowing the surfers all-day sport on all the city 's be:iches. If the trial period. works , councilmen said, the city staff v.•il\ reevaluate all the city's surfing laws for possible change in time for next swruner season. Recall, Expenses Haunt Fountain Valley Mayor DAllY PllOT OUNO& COA. .. t· PUlt llMIMG COM•AN't ••Mfi N. W114 •raldn W P'!Alll..., J 1dt R. C11•lt 'f Viet Prnlflf!I •!If GIN'•' Ml•lllf Tl\111111 K11Yll l•IOr J\1111111 >.. M~r.,l.i11 ...... _) ... fllltt c .... a.tnaOHIM 110 W1d 111 Sl•••I M1l1!~1 A44r1n1 P.O. I•• 1160, 9162• --...... W' k«l'lt 2'11 .,., ..... ~ a. ........ ~,m,_1,._ 111111""""" ...,.; -till Sir ... ,.,.._ lf141 Ml-4111 ' , Cl111• I UoWll ..... '41•1471 ~'""'-IMt, Or'-c.at ...... '~ ,.. ..... ,,.,. '""'"•iWM. ..,,..,,. .. _._ . . ... ~. ,..,.... --~-94"*"-~----~--~ ~ -llft Hllf II..,_., ~ -c. .. --.~~S\1111111 ......... u..,. U .. ~f\<1 ~-'! V.. --lyl ""'"""' ""'""''""" U.• ,....."'"'· By TERRY COVILLE 01 1h1 0111, Pit.I t11ff "?ify house and car are up for sale and my real estate business has come to a screeching hall. l just ha ve too many pressii'\g economic problems to worry now a~t the reca ll campaign.'' · And so Monday Fountai n Valley's beleaguered f\.fayor Robert Schwerdtfeger sounded a partial retreat from the slam· bang campaign he had promised a week before . "I've gol lo lower expenses lo meet the cost of living," explained the mayor. "This whole recall thing has worked a severe and genulne hardship on me." Opponents of the mayor expressed doubts about his sincerity. "Is it just a play for 11ympathy?" asked Eugene VanDask, leader of the move to recall the mayor and two other counrilmen, "In tny case he brought it all on himself." "It might be a play for sympathy ," ad· dcd George Scott, a candidate for tho mayor's post in the Sept. 23 ma.II elec· lion. "bull'm not Interested in attacking him. Enough has been said about that." The mayor has his own opinion of his opp6nent$. "They're 1tompin1 around like a bunch of 'on\\1ard Christian Soldiers.' " he declared, '-t ond11y. "Th,y've ruined my reputation," he continued. "Now I have more pressing problems than the recall to worry about." O!'le of lhc most serious or those pro- blems is a la'l''&Uit filed Against Schwtrdtf,ger July 30 by a SanUI Ana realtol' \\'ho claims the masor and City Attorney Edwi n 1':1artin literally '1stole" lhe brokerage cmnmiukm Oil Ole I:.trwln land from him. "Ifs a pack of lies," repl i ed Schwerdtfeger to the charges m11de in Superi or Court by Chris Lindley of Lemon Heights Realty. But wrong or right, the law suit will consume a lot of time and money in court and Mayor Schwerdtfeger is preparing to fight that battle. Lindley wants the $62 ,000 comn1ission he claims they earned plus $l00 ,000 damages. ··AJI that CQmmission money I sup. posedly earned," said Schwerdtfeger, "is spread out over several years, so now I fi nd ...nyself in poor financial shape to handle this cou rt suit ar¥1 the recall cam- paign." "The recall plus this law suit has ruin · cd my real ctate business,'' he added ... , wonder hO\¥ those people feel about il now." · ••J hold no personal grudge against the mayor," says VanDask, explaining hll'I own feeling, "but most of this trouble cC'IUid ha ve been ;,•oided 1 long time ago." ''It's betn an lnltrtsUng six years In Fountaln Valley," concluded the mayor. "Tl's too bad the last fey,· 1nonths have come out like this." Future plans are va1ue. The mayor on· Jy states he has to Lake care of prlorltlrs now and his wife and two children are a\ the top of thal list. ''I have to meet living expenlltS now:• he !iaid. "I'll get around lo the recall campaign U and when 1 ha\'t the lime and ability." -· • . . . ·-. ' . ·--;------------. , .. -. .:+ .. --~ ... ... .r "" --.-... ---·~ OAtl.Y I'll.OT Stiff ll'~efol MAMA POLO KEEPS WARY EYE ON HER BROOD OF 10 PURE WHIT E GERMAN SHEPHERDS In Huntington Be•ch, 'Snowb•lls' Arrive in the Middle of the Summer ' Cata't Buy One St. Clair Seeks Change Pure White P ups Real Rarities In Huntington In 'For Sale' Sign Law Polo ·s pups are a rare breed or tiny tykes arcording to f.Irs. \Villiam Van Osdol, 17731 Flintstone Lane , Huntin gton Beach. Costa Mesa has 1$ shopping centers, more than 5,000 businesses and last year registered more than 5200 million in retail sales. but you can't buy a ready. made For Sale sign thafs legal. This is the argument adv8nced by City Councilman William L. St. Clair, for slightly alteration of a realty sign ordi- nance amendment approved by the coun- cil a week ago. "I have signed statements from six di(· ferent stores selling signs that they do not now, nor have they ever carried signs such as are required by our ordinance,·• charges St. Clair, ··Either the wording v.·as not proper, the size 'vas not correcl or the color was \1•rong." he explained. Under the recent ordinance amend- ment . realtors, apartment managers or private citizens advertising sales or ren- tals are limited to one 18-by·24 inch sign, green with black-and·whjte lette ring. Besides a tel ephone number, the sign may also include a tastefully-txecuted trademark. Newport, Mesa Trying to B®st Fund Campaigns Joint studies are underway by the Cos ta ti1e5a and Newport Beach United Fund campaigns to determine how best to im prove each community program through closer cooperation. . 1-lancock Banning Ill, preside~t of the Ne\\·port Beach UF chapter and Charles Edwards. president of the Costa Mesa counterpart, have bren authorized to ap· point study committees. They noted at a m~ting last week ho\v si mila r are the lists of member agencies served. while many UF leaders work in one city and live in the other. or vice versa. Officers present as the I wo groups met )(l,St 'veek agreed unanimously that joining together in some projects could offer great potential advantage. both in community service and UF economy. No deadline has been set for co1npletion of the study. Students lo P r otest SAN FRANCISCO (UPI'! -Several student groups announced today they will stage de monstrations next \\·eek dur ing the visit to San Francisco or President Nixon. Fine and dandy for th~ realty firm ·which has them custom-made by a sign shop. says St. Clair, but what about the law-abiding citizen who needs just a single sign to peddle his property on a one-shot basis? "It is not fair .•• " says SL Clair. •·1 would like to recommend a sign no larger than 18-by-24, messages and color to be determined by what is readily available in the store ," he says. "It is not desirable to have an ordinance on the books that is unen· forced ," he adds, "our ordinance is unusual tha t no sign company has something available for across-the- counter purchase·." St. Clair's CQmments contained in a memo to fellow councilmen. city depart- ment heads and Roy Mc car dle. spokesman for the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Board of Realtors. Twelve were born last Thursday. but two died. The 10 that remain look like lit- tle v.·hite puffs of nuJf. And that's what makes them rare. They are pure white Germar Shepherds. The mother is Polo, a pure white German Shepherd owned by Mr. an(. Mrs. David Wilson of 2005 Calvert St., Costa Mesa. and the father is Prince. also a pure white German Shepherd owned by tbe Van Osdols. It took Polo tv.·o days -from 11 p.m. Thursday to 2 p.m. Friday -to deliver the pups, with nine of th~m coming in the last hour. "If both parents had papers the pup~ ,~ould be quite expensive," said f\frs. Van Osdol. The puppies were born and still live at !he Van Osdol home, "rith Polo keeping an apprehensive mother's eye on each one of them . Mesa Planners Approve Several Zonc .Exce;ptions . . " Operating on a smooth , summertime schedule, the Costa Mesa Planning Com· mission Monday swiftly recommended city council approval ol. several items of business. holding three others over for more study . The 12 agenda items ranged from a zone change application to :zone exception permits and plans for erection of ad· vertising signs. Approval y,·as recommended for: -A revised parcel map for J: A. Van Riper. 1965 Parsons St.. to divide his land at that address into t\vo separate par- cels. Air Controllers Want Exclusive Allegia nce \\'ASHTNGTON (AP ) -The Profes· sional Air Traffic Controllers Organiza. lion \\'ants its members to drop out of T'\v11l groups to which they also may belong. Attornl'y F. Lee Bailey, executive di· rector of PATCO. sent a newslelter to its 7,000 members urging thal they quit any participation they may have with the National Associatioh of Government Employes or the Air Traffic Control Association. YotJr Omtgll Sales & St rr icc Agt!flCJI -A :zone exception permit for Humble Oil and Refining Co .• Orange. to relocate a service station bujlding on !ts lot at 2150 Placentia Ave., and add two canopies over the pump islands. -A :zone exception pennit for a 60.sttJ- dent private day school from kin· dergarten through third grades ~~ thEf Central Bible Church, 190 E. 23rd St., in a residential zone. -A rezone petition for Lee Speigl1ts, o{ Glendale, to change· a parcel of land east of 2600 Harbor Blvd., on the south side of f\.l errirnac \Vay, from apartment to com· mercial zoning. -A :zone exception permit for Alfred Edelsohn. Beverly Hills. to slightly · reduce parking requiremenls on seven of 21 lots in a tentative tract map for land near Harbor Boulevard and Corsica Place, -A zone exception permit for develop- ment or a F'edco Inc. discount depart- ment store at the northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street, in an administrative-professional :zone. -A request from Dean Lewis Import~. 1966 Harbor Blvd., for extension of a house moving permit required when the car agency bought an elderly woman's adjacent property and relocated her at 2176 Elden Ave. earlier this year. 0 OMEGA RINGS $3 00 SIZID, fr•"' • lhe ~tr'{ i•m• Omtg• $.p11dmt1lt r wt l(li w• "'"1 "''' 1t l•(l1d with• oul tnv modifittti1n by NASA le b1 wo rn by 011r "''" on lht moon. Thi1 r1to9niti•n. truly • ,,. w •, d f 1 r ••c1l1•"''• mtk11 u• prou4 to b• y111• •11•hed11d Om191 jewtlt r. Com1 in -11 • thio h111d101111, 2 b111ton, 4 di1I, 0111•1• Sp11d111t•• It• chr1r1ot r1ph. Thi only w1teh •••n by tk1 111111 111 the m1111 . p,;,, Sltl, DIAMONDS ltlPLACID, f,.... $6.00 aroao1rapll & Sell· wmdtr11Uc1iu1 klfher: I NGltAYIN• DONl WHILI YOU WAIT HuntlnC)ton Center Beach at Edh11.1er HUNTINGTON IEACH 892-5501 1111111 AYA ILAILI and back Harbor Shoppinq Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA S4S.9485 • I I I I f • • • • T"'s4ay, A,,..1111, ll, 1'16~ S •• DAILY Pn.OT 3 --No Frills for Coast White House Office = Press Corps 'Roughing It' Too By JEROME F. COLLINS Of tllt Oellt l"llfl Sl•ff For the firs~ time Monday, the nation's press visited the administrative of(ice building of the Western White House. It isn't fancy. The 8,592-square-foot single-story struc- ture, located at the Coast Guard's Loran station in San Clemente, is built i.u two sections coMected by a breezeway. lt looks much like buildings used throughout the Orange Coast as tern· porary schools. and offices. It should, because that's what it is -tt portable building. Ron .Ziegler, presidential press secretary, emphasized that l h e relocatable. prefabricated structure \11ill cost the nation's taxpayers' only $32,000 a year, through a lease purchase ar· rangement. "The lease cost." he said , "'can be amortized against eventual purchase." OCHRE IN COLOR The double·winged building is ochre in color with a dark umber trim. It has Jot s nf glass and looks as if it would have trouble withstanding a stiff Santa Ana wind. It houses -in surprisingly tiny offices -working quarters for the President, Dr. llenry Kissinger, John Ehrllchman, I-1. R. Halden1an, Dwight Chapin, Kenneth Cole, Rose Mary Woods1 Col. James D. Hughes and Ziegler, all members ol the •·Jnner..circle" \Vhile House staff. Ziegler has one of the largest offices. It is partioned into two roonis. with three desks and a mimeograph machine jam· med into the small outer office. The minleograph. cranked by an attractive brunette secretary. rolls out the messages of slate the world is constantly <1wailing. The building also contains four guest offices, a conference room where Cabinet, National Security Council and vther 1najor meetings will be held, and a 1ness hall . NO FACILITIES There are no press facilities: no bank of telephones. no array of tables for typewriters, nothing. On Monday, newsmen tapped out their stories on portable typewriters while sit· ting on steps, railings, newly planted grass and even in the President's golf cart. which he had driven over from his estate on the other side of the wall, The telephones for the press are all at the San Clemente Inn. That's where the stories must be phoned in -and the press corps can't get to and from the Inn OAILY .. ILOT .. hOlt ll'I ltlcll1nl Kothltr PRESIDENTIAL AIDE WALKS NIXON FAMILY PET Irish Setter, King Timahoe, Named for Town in Ireland Color It lfhite Pat Nixon Unveils Colo1· Setup f 01· Summer Place A secret kept better than the con1· bination to the vaulL at Fort Knox - Patricia Nixon's color schrme for the San Clemente summer home -was revealed Monday in a rundown on tile recent remodeling. The Western \Vhite House is """bite in- e;ide as well as out Virtually all the Spanish and French Provincial furnishings in the redecorated Jiving room and dining roo1n were ship· ped ouL from the Nixons' New York apartment, sold to help pay for the old Cotton mansion. Little in the way of actual remodeling has been done, except for enlargement of some of the windows, according lo a White House Press announcement Mon. day. Working with Cannel and Chaffin, Beverly Hills interior decorators. ~1rs. Nixon chose shades of yellow to go 'vith ~·hite in the living room, accented by bits of blue. Wall·te>-wall carpeting has been in· 1talled throughout the house, with some rooms done over with \vallpaper to break up the solld--color formai. \Vooclen beams supporti ng the roof of the 14·room home have also been painted an off.white to add lo the airy. roomy cf· feet of gracious. country estate living de.sired by the First Lady. President Nixon's personal study -the only second-story room at the oceanfront mansion-is done predomlnantly in blue. with a large yellow chair and matching ottoman. Blue and green Mexica n tile set between shelves of the study bookcase "'hen the home was built by wealthy Henry H. "Ham" Cotton remains to balance the color schen1e. The study also features a magnificent •iew of the ocean. across country to join her parents. Green is the primary color of the cot· !age 's interior with print fabric spreads on the twin beds and charming white V.'ickef furniture. The major change on the grounds outside is the newly·installed 4()..by.25 foot swimming pool, ·with decorative scallops at each end to 1naintain the basic Spanish architeetural style. Bathers will use a three--sided Spanish pavilion structure dating back to the home's construction in 1925 as a shady shelter after spending enough time in the sun. The 20·aere plot purchased froin Cot- ton't heirs for $340,000 earlier in the year "'ill be broken up eventually, as soon as President Nixon finds and approves a compatibl'!.' noighbor interested in buying. White House press sources sa id Mon· day this may definitely be the Richard Nh:on Foundation, a non.profit, non·stock corporation formed to build a permanent 1nuseum facility to house hi,s papers. Various tests have been conducled on soil and underlying strata near the bluff. top nlansion to determine whether it is a s11!table site for construction of such an edifice. "The deter1ninalion has not yet been mad e," said one aide ~1onday. The Nixons pl an to spend at leasl. six ., ... ee.ks a yea r at the summer \Vhile House in San Clemente for the next four - passibly eigh' -years. The President said Monday he will move the seat of government to the Orange Coast ror "at least sir to eighJ weeks every year." He indicated he may be working out of the Nixon compound at San Clemente's southern edge at times other than just the wmmer roonths. except by bus. \Vhen one goes, everyone goes. It's a system that has its drawbacks, especially for those newsmen ~ho do not have overnight deadlines. "Good God ," said one correspondent for one of the eastern news media Mon· day, "you mean we have to v.•ait for (Secretary of State) Rogers? I've gilt deadlines crashing all over the pl act." The White House aide . he spoke to chuckled. TAKE PICTURES Photographers Monday were permitted t<.> take pictures of the exter!~r of lhe ad· ministrative office building, and of the Coast Guard's helicopter landing pad 100 yards from the building's main entrarice. The cameramen were told not to photograph another newly built port.able structure on the grounds. That S,760· square-foot building contains Secret Service offices and offices for the President'i. miiitafy aides. Ziegler <;aid the lease on the Secret Service headquarters costs $22,000 a year. That, combined with the annual lease fee for the administrative building. adds up to a $54,000 yearly tab to provide working space for the President of the United States and his key aides. Getting it all together for this first um:e will run into the neighborhood of $130,000. VISIT OFTEN Nixon says he plans to spe1K1 from sir weeks to two months a year at what he calls the "Western White House." This, of course, will be in addition to winter weekends at the bayside four· house compound on Key Biscayne, Fla. and Ji ·" frequent retreats to Camp David, a rustic Shangri-La in the Maryland mountains near Washington. Nixon inaugurated his western establishment Monday, driving to work in a golf cart wl:t his red Irish setter, Tim, by his side. He kept the outer trappings of an eastern establishment executive by wear- ing a dark blue suit, white shlrt and dark tie. But sitting behind the mahogar.y desk, found in the White House basement, Nix· on looked around his new layou t with ob- vious satisfaction. OTHER ASSETS The wall to wall carpeting, the glass door sliding out on the Pacific Ocean frontage . potted plants, a conversation area with two beige couches, and two royal blue chairs suited him fine. The military service flags were lined up· against one wall and a replica or the Apollo 1~ lunar module occupied a place of honor on a small side table. Nixon's office, with Utrillo and Orozco paintings on the walls, is shared by his top aides. A butler serves them lunch from a small galley which they enjoy al tresco under while and green beach um· brellas. The presidential compound also boasts a conference room with powder blue velvet drapes flanked by the American flag and the California flag. Elegant of· fices also are ready for Cabinet officers who will shuttle in on the transcontinental commuter service the White House is set· ting up. ~· DAO.Y .. ILOT Sttff Plltlt WHITE HOUSE PRESS CORPS GATHERS OUTSIDE PRESIDENT'S SAN CLEMENTE OFFICES Nixon and Staff Liva in Orange County., But Go to Work in San Diego Co,,nty OCC Approves Ne'v Budget Up By $6.9 Million Mansfield Asks Slash ' In Military Research Orange Coast Junior College District trustees have adopted a $22.2 million budget for the 1969·70 school year which will require a 26 cent increase in the property tax rate. The new budget is increased $6.9 million over last year. An expanded building program accounts f or major changes in the new budg et. The new rate will be 83.3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, up from last year's 57 cents, WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen ate Democratic leader f\.1ike Y..1ansfield en- dorsed t o d a y a move to whittle $45.6 million in Defel'ISe Department funds for "think tank" research. "I would hope the free--handedness on the part of Congress is at an end in non~efense funds," he said. Mansfield backed an amendment to the $20 billion military construction bill sponsored by Sen. J. William Fulbright ID-Ark.), that would cut the "think lank" programs at home and abroad. Fulbright argued that the contract operations are "likely to lead to a larger and larger military establishment and more Vietnams." The amendment was the latest move by a bipartisan Senate bloc demandint reduction of military spending and closer : congressional supervision of Pentagon programs. Leaders of the group said they would delay further votes until alter.the August . congressional recess. ~ The major portions or the lax include 47 cents for general purposes and the building override and eons tr u c t ion assessments jump to 22 cents. New budget expenditures are divided 48.4 percent for current operations, 45.9 percent for buildings and equipment. Three percent of the budget is held in reserve and the remainder is for com· munity services. The rate will be effective in all com- munities · served by the occ· district. They include Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Seal Beach and most of LSD BoY. on Second Trip: ··Flies Home to Parents \Vestmirisler. ~ Indian Conunissioner Choice Approved WASHINGTON (UPI) -Louis R. Bruce, a full.blooded M o h a w k.Sioux Indian from New York City, was con· firmed by the Sena~w U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs. ' ..... A J()..year-old boy who suffered a bad trip when he freaked out on LSD and w~s caught by Costa Mesa police last Friday took a good one ~tonday -home to parents and authorities in San Francisco. Police in the Bay City traced down the long·haired child's family through in· formation supplied by the Orange County Probation Department over the weekend: "They sent the funds for his return and we put him on a plane," said Orange County Probation Department spokesman Herbert Hadley. The youngster was picked up as he ran El!ia. I €fHEL I OUR LOCAL O!..dS DEAi.al IS OFFOONG US FANTASTIC SAVINGS ' ~ NEW OLOSMOl!ill.£5 · £.IGHT NOW. IMAGINE "THAT,~ SAM. NOW MAV0o- WE CAN Ger ·11-iE ROOf.flXEO. down a street early last Friday ~mlnf. screamirig that he was going to die and begging someone to take him home. Authorities said he had been brought ta the Harbor Area by someone from the Jdyllwild area and was carrying three LSD tablets Jn his boot. He also bad nee- dle marks on his arms. Hadley said the boy's case was also being referred to the San Francisco Probation Department for whatever further actkm will be required to correct ' his drug problem. ,--~ Among various buildings on the grounds of the estate is the guest cottage where David <1nd Julie Eisenhower wilt stay when they arrive, after drivtng "But J won't come out here unless t can l11:ke at least a week at a time,'' he told the \Vhite llouse press corps. "I thought you'd llkc lo hear that.'' Great savings! Great selectlonl Great time to escape from the ordinary! The newsmen. many of them refugees from tht muggy cast, said they did. • . 4 l)M.Y PllOT TllltdoY, ...... l2. 196' l(in Identifv 'Gambler·s' Victims J . ' Laguna Woman .Waits at Morgue to Claim Body of Mother ~-.. -........ The memory of Mory Jo Ko- podwM. \he .ucreunr killed in an auto oc:cldent involving Sen. l!d- ward M. K-y ol Ma1sacbl15- ett1, wUI be perpetuated by a scholarship fund al Caldwell Col· lege for Women in New Jersey. A spokesman for \he college said Ute fund bas ·been eslabll1bed by a group of Boston area businessmen who were ''lmpre11ed by \he Ideal- ism manllesled by Mary Jo." Miu KOIJOchne was 1radualed from \he colle1• in 11162. • Joa T alter of Chloago launched two cralls In Lake Michigan's Dlveney Harbor. One floated and \he other sank. He had nol intend- ed, hl1 car to roll in alter his 21). foot molorboat 0 Pope Paul Vl 110111 rourUt.c and l t4lians should tone dow11 nud- ity at the beaches, drive n1ore carefully and quit taking f'eck· less cha11ces when climbing the Alps. At a ble11ing of vilitor1 to llis .summer palace i1t Castel f Gandolfo, Italy, the ponliff cau- tioned again.rt "exaggeratio11s such a.t' the unbridled worldly amusements which seem to have become the fashion these days.'' • • Th• Rev. Peter P•rklnson was not disturbed in the least that the rn.an teated in the iront pew at bis Sund.a}' service wore nothing but i;andals. Parkingson was deliver- inJ bis first sennon to the East Midland Sunfolk Nudists Club in Newton-on-Tren't, England where he found the devotional appearance of some 50 mostly-naked church· goers "qu ite natural and normal.'" The minister himself wore a black cassock and clerical collar. 0 Thtt mmt bt the wa11 the tortoise beat the hore in that long ago race. Ham turtle tn. Ntw ELUngton , S.C. get& ride on skateboard which gel.$ him where ht's going faster and with· out traversing the hot pavement. Tlit skateboard hor its dangers, but it sure beata w4lkin17. • "Take it off," the crowd yelled. Mrs. M1rth1 Fr1ldl immediately ii\vept the long cape Crom her shoulders and showed her 240 pounds. There could have been more to sho\v, Mrs. Friedl of l\1il-' waukee was crowded 1969 Queen of TOPS -an honor she won for losing more weight-136 pou nds- than any other woman in the com· petition. TOPS means "Take Off Pounds Sensibly," • BISHOP, Calif. (AP) -A bandf\JI, of relatives and the wife of the \tllot gathettd at a temporary morgue where FBI men are identifying bodies from;the wreckqe of the eamblen special. The pilot's 1pparent wldow, Mrs. Kay Hall, bu parked her camper there and helps comfort othen sharing her wllL Moe:t of the relatives aay UtUe. "I just want to know my mother Is · dead and take h<r back homA!," "kl Mat1ha Nlcboll ol Laguna Beach, "I couldn't stay at home. I had to be here wlth this." Mrs. Nk:llols' mother, Ida Mae English of Lynwood, was one t>f the 33 ,passen1,rs ind two ctew members on the Mineral County Airlines DC3 that vanilhed in a Sl!rra snowslonn on Ftb. 18, Eliht bodies were taken down by helicopter Mondoy from the U,000-foot Sierra peat just north of Mt. Whltoey where the remains of the aircraft were found Saturday al the ba1e ol sheer rock Navy Hospital Shelled N. Viets, Cong Launch New Attacks on Allies SAIGON (UPI) -North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops poured out of jungle.i today to attack U.S. buea near the Cambodian border in a new offensive that eruptt<I into lhe he.a.viest tiahllng in Vielnam l1nce last February. Communist forces shelled 137 allied targets Including a U.S. Novy hospital y,·here mortar rounds blew up in a ward crowded with SO wounded men and in an operating room. Reel Offensive Not Unexpected By South Viets PARIS (UPI) -The resumption of widespread Communist artillery , :ind ground attacks In South Vietnam con· firmed the belief of U.S. and South Viet· namese peace negotiators that 1 recent fighting lull }\ad no political slgniilcance, arl allied official said today. 1'1e SOuth Vietnamese official said, "ThU increase of Viet Cong attacks was not unexpected." The renewed offensive "confirmed our estimate that the twcr.month lull in Com· mun~t military activity did not have any political significance, but wa1 dictated by tactJcal military conalderatkms," he said. Allied officials said earlier that the Communists had been forced to cut down on their military activities because of heavy casualties they had suffered Jri · other o!fenslv,e1 earlier tbla y~ar, anci because they were having a hard time finding replacements for troops they had lost-in battle. . 'Ihe official said today that Monday night's ~ng push by the Communist.s, alfbough wide.spread, was on a smaller scale than the short-lived offensive in May, which In tum was weaker than the offensive that the Communists launched in February. American troops killed more than 360 Communist soldlers in repulsing 13 ground attacks mostly in the strategic area between Saigon and the Cambodian border. At least 29 Americans were killed and more than 200 wounded. Military sources said the new wave of attacks of shelling and on the ground were the start or a new late summer Communist offensive. Communiques said that 1ince North Vietnamese infantrymen attacked M1rine camps near the demilitarized zone (D~iZ) Sunday nearly 100 Americans had been kllled and' more than 550 wounded. Communist dead approached 1,000. U.S. military sources saw the new at. tacks as designed to run up U.S. ca.suallie1 and increase antiwar feelin& In the United States. Two of the most spectacular attacks were near the huge American base at Da Nang on South Vietnam 's northern coast. Viet COng commandos, dressed In Join cloths and carrying satchels filled with dynamite, attacked the U.S. 1st Marine Division headquarters near Da Nang ear- ly today. Marine defenders killed 11 of them after several broke through the barbed wire surrounding the base. The Viet Cong killed lWJ Marines and wounded five, some or whom fell in the barrage of 122mm rockets tbe Communists fired before the ground assault. The ·worst of the Communist attacks Will .a mortar assault on the U.S. Navy ·holpltal five miles soUth of Oa Nang. It 11 the largtat U.S. medical lev1cu1tion !lioopitaJ in Vietnam. ' -One·Strr.rn mortar round blew up Inside a ward housing 50 patients:, wounding 12 of them. Another blasted an operatine room. The .mortar round that exploded In the hospital's operating room wounded three N a v y medical corpsmen and t h r e e hospital staff members. Eleven 82mni mortar rounds hit the hospital. Burger Urges Managers To Help Run Courts DALLAS, Tex . (AP) -Chief Justice \Varren E. Burger. agreed today with Americans \\'ho complain that justice · takes too Jong. He also proposed a possible solution: the imn1ediate training of "skilled managers" to take over problems of ad· ministration, leaving judges free to judge. ln almost every large court house in the country, Burger told the American Bar Associalion's flouse or Delegates. fru strated and angry citizens called for jury service: spend about 80 percent of their time just waiting. Witnesses called for a precise day 8nd hour, having left their jobs, also find themselves spending most of their time waiting, the chief justice said. "Many lawyers have come to accept this philosophically and many have simp· ly surrendered to 'The Systern.' "Burger went on . "The public will not." As hospitals concluded long ago th at they needed a corps of trained ad· ministrators, he said, judges need train- ed people lo do for them what they can- not do for themselves. As an immediate start toward a solu· lion. he said a dozen or so court managers and business adm inistrators should be brought together within the next two months to plan a program to train court administrators. Winds ' Wreck Fairgrounds Summer iii Plains, Rockies Marred by Cold Front SOUlhtl'll C1Ufonll1 lltd mctrl 1un- llll11t fOd9Y fiut ftwtl W.I I tOoli/'4 lrt\'ld Wltll C111Mlft•.Olt IDw c:lolldlnoen llptciW allfint ..... l\IWllll9 hours Ind NrlV WtdMMll,. LM AMllM ,... ~!I'll wltll I llllh fJI 1J If (!vie Cllftltr, lwe d@trHS Oow!I from ,......,.., m••'"""'"· °"''1111111 low Wll tl!HCll'd lo be nttl' 61. Tiwrt we• tit"' 19 moftr1hl •mot Iii tllf la A""lt$ Blllll, KC:Ordlllt !lo fM A5' PollullOll Cot1fl"ol Ol1lrl!;t. lffdl 1,..1 l'IM tlllltlllfll Wltll Nh:~ H cf W Clollell INI llltfl lt!flMI' .. tvrn _, n. Tl'lt "''* Wll .. ._ ·-· MollfllllN Mid lleWtJ wt... MllWfr I ncl lltll\llltf lf'lll! ,_,,,_ -r .... ""'' "'*"''"" ,_,. """' _,,, '"' fo ..... ,,,. -...,,. Ml 111 lrl .... .,,.,. tllHftt. '""""'' Mil '"'""' -· ,... --'*""' M lltt lltfleft'I '*""" Milt>-Hr Wiii I 11~ ....... ffflil"" tfloill Hftldll'!f •h Ill ....,.,. llAC!f 11 lll. °""" "'""" MttltoUt ... ""9(.l•f Ji'91!t ,,.." llltMINt '--le.ct! ~ U. a.nt• MOllk.t 1).;Jt, ...,.,.,. ,..... ,.,~ NI.fl. Mt. WI• n-n. """' .,.. ........ '"'""' ~ 1h·10t, ... -ttlfltld ,.._,,, '611 Dli.-19.n, s.tllt l•rfll.tl 1•n. HAPPY H ..... • h•PPY w11ktlld. St1rt II ~¥' '••4111t fh1 Wlilk· fNDEJ in th1 DAILY r1LOT. ;., • Co..ud ~ CtMb ..,. "'*"' *"""' tfl--. ""'"*"' "'""' .,..,,"" 11 ft II _,,... .. Hlf!I ,...W' 7• 1t 7'. Y .. ltfW~I tttnMr1f\IN r1""41 l'rMI • ""1' ti .. '• 7t. lflllftCll Ml'llM+'llu,. ,.,... ... # ti ... W11tf' t'lmMl'll\ltl wtl ff'"''" .. SN"• itJoon. Tldu 1UISOAT ,,,., llrw .............. t:ll ''"'' t.t ,ll'tl lll11t .. , r:M 1.m. '·' WIDNltOAY ,1,.1 loW .............. 41il0 1,m, l,l Flru 111,ii .............. la;s.t 1,in, t.) kcor!f 1oW .. ,.,.,.,.,., J:M 1.111. 2.1 '8cttl• 111111 ......... ll:OI '·"'· J.t "'~" ..... •. ,.,., o. "'"' ....... 11 '-'· J .t.119. lG ....... ll v.s. su.-r11 A "'"'"'''' rtln wttti friltll w.,. fltttwllll 11,.. ...,.. ond lfl!Vl'M 1JO ,..._ ., "" wi-111 &111t ""'' Gl'IMMll 11 Wftf AUit .v.enci.v. T,_tcot It.ml l ll l'ICl'lt flotcttM 1111 I~ NG flHIN l!unlttflt el !flt -IOI! 11 JI tWlr'" HI-rt ltrot• tTll Alltnrlc t.l'llflltl111 111111, Tiii WMlll- lr lurtt~ Mlf fflt llvrr!Clnt .,.... llO tllrHI ttr tllt Mllofl. Hltll -'"IUft -oYtr tlll 1111 ll'lf lolllh.,,,.,,I m1lnlllntd rtlr 11\d ......... , .... ""1 IWI mlll of !I'll l.M!tH lt1m ••rf'f I06tv. .. t(lld ,,.,., 1111.tll... lllflllltll ,,,. l'IOl'!fW>tfl P'tt lM I'll! lllt t""'rl l locl!• 1tJ m11red IN l•lr -Thi• Hl'ttr1t "ltl' 1l•hl t11ow1rt or llwNIHtho_r .. ' Temperature• A!~wtr11v. A111n11 ••ktnllt!d 81-rt.k l olst ·~ .. lrllWTll>Ylilf Clltc"° (ll'ICIMttl . ., ... ... _ Otl~I l'tl•bll\b.. ,cwt WOtlll ·-..... ...... "" L11 Vtt11 Lw ""91._ M'"" ''"""'.-Oil• Ntw OrlffM Htw Yorti Norlll , .. .,. 0.-llf'MI Oltl•lloml (11\1' ...... ''"" "'''"" •M!lnl• PIPh!Jlfflll ..Porll•ncl Jtffld (lly llt-'11 Ill/ft ·-lltr-ni. hit L.1l• (11Y ltfl 01,.. Sflf\ ~rtl'KIKI '1!1t11e '" -·~ 'TlwrrMI W1¥11111rpi • Hltll LllW Pree. " .. .. .. •w ,. '" " .. M " .. .. " . • .. " ff " .. " .. .... " .. 'M 1' ., •1 "' '" .. s, .,t .. " I-II " " " n " .. M n M " " .... .. " t7 7C .. " "' ,, .. ·~ ... " " 101 " 101 n .... ,, ,, •s ro .10 " .. .. .. " ,. '' SI ,,, ll " .. wall into which It apparently flew. The FBI said Jl has identified most of the bodies but would not immediately release the victims' names. Recovery of 12 more bod.lea visible in snow sur· roundlng the wreckage was planned. Mr1. Hall said she thinks the crash was caused by a malfunctioning instniment or maintenance probleJDJ. "l do feel an tn:- vesUg1UOn b 1n Qrder concerning malntenanct," she said. "My bmband flew that route !or seven years," .she 11ld. ''I know he wouldn't in· tentlonally rly near Mt. Whitney. He always gave It • wide berth." Mrs. Hall said Mineral County Airlines was wrong for not having a crash locator aboard the plane and trred in palntlna it white and blue, colors which probably contributed to cWficullles In flndln& ii In the snow. A nµrse from Encino, Mrs. Hall hu spent the last six months following the search for the plane 1n Nevada and Fair Teiat~ Collapse • Rescuers strugglel!n the debris of a collapsed tent at Wisconsin stale Fair at West Ail(s.· Monday, to remove an injured person wear~g leg braces from under a table. At least 146 persons were hurt when a violent r~instorm :broughl down three tents at the fair • Califomla in her camper. "One of the big reasons 1 bave been searching on my own ta that I heve never received eny cornmunJcallon from the airlines.'' sald Mrs. Hall. "I ju1t couldn't forget ii and pr<ttnd It didn't happen." Mrs. Hall was the stewardess on another DC3 owned by the people who run Mineral county Alrllne• when It crashed into a dry lake ln the Nevada desert In A"""t JIM. Sbe suffered head lnjuriea in the crash. Boy Sees Girl Slain-Then It Was His Turn MELBOURNE BEACH, Fla. (AP) -A 17-year-old girl who was shot 17 times was dragged through the grassy sand of a Florida creek bank as her teenage boy friend, tied and kneeling, watched and awaited his death, officers said Monday. And that, said Shelrff Leigh Wil son, is about all that Investigators have pitted together about the deaths of high school senior Connie Ballard and her boyrrlend of the last six months, George Perry Martin Jr .• 19. "None of the clues we have match up together wt th the crime," Wilson said. "We just aren't finding enough that fit• together to come up with a decent theory." Wilson said preliminary Investigations Indicated the teen.agers were killed Sun· day. "It's our theory that the girl was killed first," Wilson said. Young Martln had bet'n shot three times in the back of lhe head as he knelt on the floorboard in the re:ar of his father's car. Hts hands had been tied bthlnd his back. Miss Ballard's body was found 45 feet away, floating face: down In a creek. Wilson said she still wort: the blklnl and blue-white dress she had on when she left earlier in the afternoon. There w11 no sign of se:rual molestation, he said. Sheriff's divers began searching the creek Monday for any clues It might hold. Another underwater hunt was scheduled today. Catholic Youths Toss Rocks at Protestants LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (UPI) -Police equipped w:lth ahltlda aJ'ld helmets todly dispersed several bun• dred Catholic youths who hurled stone1 at a Protestant p a r a d e honoring a 280- year-old victory over the Catholics. IT'S EASY! DRAW A CLOWN'S FACE. ,, Celebrate Nationef Clown Week by entering A&Ws "Draw A Clown" Cont9it. · Here's how: draw and color a clown's face.and bring It to this A&W.-You'll get a free root beer -plus a chance to win a boy's or 1lrl's bike. -,. Contest ·open to all younpters under 15 from Mondiy·Fridi)' Ausust 11 to 15. Drawings will be dosplayed at this A&W an<t Jud1ln1 will be held on S.turday, August 16. You do not have to be presehtlo '!'f)n. IMPORTANT~ Be sure to print name and address on your entry. (limit one entry per person.) · A&W DRIVE-IN 2855 Harbor llvd. Costa Me1a ,, • t \ • • ~ • d ,, d y p L • 11 • • d d e e d •I d 't • • I, d d • .. ol ~ • ~ ... -.... - ·. DAILY PILOT !; .GRA_Fm1....,...,by.,...le•~rv .Sworn•in N:egroes Swim \J wj EUTAW, Ala, (UPI) -have both Its SoVtnl!lltnl and • ID No We lfare Move 1 Several hWldred N e I r o e 1 achool board controlled by ": J celebrating a victory at the Negroes. • 1 polls broke in~ an all-white The Incident f o 11 o " e d (_..:_A public swimming pool ~fonday ctrernonles illltalllng four . '\~ and ransacked a concession Negroes on the five.member ".;,,,;; '':"'li'li-i stand. The Rev. Rlaph D. Ab-county commlss.ion and two Sf j emathy was among the Negroes on the five-member ' revelers. xhool boa.rd, which already .• ;~ "We just walched arid let bad one black member. ~ them go," said Bill Lee, the Arter 1,000 cheer Ing ! white sheriff of Greene County celebrants saw the new 0£- where Negroes won control of ficlals sworn in and heard Sen. the county government and Bircll Bayh (D-lnd.}, call their the school board. Greene 'lecllon July 20 a "victory for became the first southern justice," several h u n d r e d county since Recon struction to Negroes headed ror tbe pool. FT C A dopts Rules On Gas, Food Games WASlllNGTON (AP) -The. Federal Trade Commission put into effect today new regulations designed to ban dcceptiYe practices in games of chance used as sales pro· motion by the food retailing and gasoline industries. The trade rule was adopted Teamsters 01{ Pa11 Am Con tract NE\V YORK (UPI\ -Strik· ing teamsters ratified "the best labor contract ever negotiated in thc°"'airline in· duslry'' late Monaay nght, en· ding a four-day w a I k out a~ainst Pan American World Airways. The giant carrier resumed international fllghLs almost immediately. The first of 7 ,:>00 clerks and ticket agents who had been on strike since early Friday began reporting for work at 11 p.m. t.1onday . The new contract giYes the employes a 37.4 percent \vage increase over the next three ,·cars -raising the average hourly sala ry from $3.30 to $4.52, over the objection of Com· missioner Philip Elman, who argued that promotional gim· micks should be outlawed en· tirely. The ITC action came four 1nonths after hearings ended on a proposed rule that would have been even tougher on th~ promotion business. As finally approved, the regulation provides t h a l deception in conducting giveaway games constitutes an unfair and dectptive prac- tice and outlines a list of ac- tions that might be considered misleading to consumers. Among other thing$, the rule bans any promotions that misrepresent, either direttly or indirectly. a customer's chances of winning a prize. tt also requires t h a t sponsors disclose clearly and conspicuously the ,e x a c t number of prizes to be award· ed and the odds on winning one. Companies also would have to disclooe the total number of participating relail outlets and lhe sched uled termina- tion date of the contes(. The FTC said it would con- sider as deceptive the failure to mix and distribute game winning pieces on a random basis throughout the program and throughout the geographic area covered by the contest. Ford Calls 110,000 DETROIT (UPI) -Ford Motor Co. is hauling in for in- spection 110,000 1969 model cars and truck:! to rtplace brake fluid that could corrode the brake system. The automaker announced the recall Monday, explaining a supplier had notified Ford that a portion of the brake fluid shipped to four assembly plants had been improperly composed. 'The vehicles include ap- proximately 69,400 standard- siud Ford!, 36,800 ~1averick! and 3,IK!O light trucks built since mid-April. Fotorama on Last Round The Folorama Camera Contest which <lffers more than $500 in Fashion Island J::ift certificates to the winner is in its third and fina l week today. Contestants have only until noon Thurs- cta y to submit black and white photos for judging in the last week of the contest which will be climaxed by a giant photographic show to be staged al Fashion Island in Newport Beach. Grand pr ize winner will be selected at lhe big show -Fotorama at Fashion lsland -Aug. 21 through 23. Here are the rules : I. Anv-"""" Is riot 1 P•Ottniol\ll! Ol'IQl«lral>l'ler, "" '"'Pll>Yf of tpr member of !!If: Mmlh" Of Ill r molovt oil !M DAILY PILOT, FMlllO<t h l.,>CI Mtrcll•nh Ass«llllon er • F1ill1Pn hltflll ~rCN'lf I• eh9•bl1 ID t nler IM tonlt$1. 1 O..rv bl"C~ """ wt.11~ oho"" lt~tn 1IN;t Jtn. 1 of 111.s ve., will be tttft'ltd tor ludtlnt. l Pic!urtl tl>Oukl bfi unmovnted tloSs, prinh 11 k1il l ~ I lncht5 In >lfe. prt!1r1blY I • 10 lrv;hts. 4. Ntt1T!ve1 of contest ohPI• must M rNdil• J1vnll"blt so 1'1111 b!~ c1n bt mlde for Pllbll<tlloft ind for dll!lllY 1t Fotor1m1. ! Prlnh l)e(.omt 1M pr09!1rlv of IM DAILY P tLOT 1nci c1nnot bt "'"'""· 1Neo1livt1 wll M rtrurnM 1lttr Fotor1.....,,J t . Empl>91!1 In 111!1\ect m.itot 1lloo1td M ..., chlMlren 11 pl1Y, -rl1 1tllv!tlt1, flrtt, floods, trtlllc 1e- ck1M!I. b!Hlln;i 1nd bffChtl or othtr '''"'ii wl!ft dr1m11lc lml"Od, ufll.ll~I "rnoocl" Cl~lllv or loi;tl human lnt.,ul. J, £1ch Drlnl mUJI o. 1c<omp1nttd 11'1' llle n1nv. Jlddr.,,1 Ind daYllmt ltlellholll numb9r of the tnlrtnt Plus 1 c111tk>n or 1loort d1KrlPllVil '''"""" lllt• p11inl119 th<I 11cry told bY tro. photo. t . ti 1 ain!~ pholO shows ldl'lltll1•bl1 clcsw~• of 1>tOPlt, lh1 cltKrtpl!ve m1i.r11r 11\ould lnclud1 , .... llr>I Ind 1111 '""'" of !ht tllb]KI IN" wDladt tnd lllllr ltts erld homl lddrlUH. '· II i. 1uumed the pho10or1..n.r Incl 1ublKI er tub!KI> 1r1nl Hrmlu lon for pufl!lc1floft tnd publ!c di1pl1v ol 1ny pholOI submllled tor comPllllllol'l. 1g. WlnMrs of flll lop ll>r" Pl1<:r.; rnch -will ~ndp)'fll>hecl during tlMI WHb b19 nfl .... ""'· 3. 11 II. ~ldllntr fltr lfllry !Kit Wftlr. It rwon ..., 1119 Tlw.lr$d•• 1>r...:edlnci '"' WH-OI flllbll<tllon 11111 tfltri.1 mutt DI Mllwrtd lft "''°" or !Ir mt11 19 tn• DAILY Pit.Or Otlkt by lhll ll!Tll. n . C.onlttt pMJa meuld M cllrected I'll f"oft>ramt Curwrt C&nlt1!. Publk krvlct °"'"""'"'· Or-11111 Ca.JI D/\IL y PILOT (olllt• ........ , yeu}. Ibis 1naa bua want IO mark• and thlS 11ma bua want stralaht to lvarson's DBW Did Lee said lh<Y brol<e lhe locks on the 1ata and swarm· ed over the concession stand, tak.lng "ice cream, cokes and everything there." He aald Abernathy, pres I· dent ol the Southern Chrl11lian Leadership Conference (SCLC) ''climbed up on the diving board and Invited everyone on the out.side to come in," telling them, "ll's your pool now." The sheriff said Abemathy took "a bathing suit from one ol the life guards and got Into lh• pool" and splashed arowtd for JO to 15 minutes beforre lhe group lelt Evi Morrow Sr .. one of the new Nearo officials, said he arrived at the pool a s Abemalhy wu inviting the crowd In because "the pool ls Integrated now." But he said Abernathy did not swlm . ~torrow said he had no knowledge of any forcible en- try into lhe pool or concession stand. • Abernathy was not available for comment. It was un- derstood he had left for Atlan- 1'1, Expected in Year ' WASHINGTON (AP) President Nixon's call !or a · massive overhaul or the na· Uon's welfare system is being tagged as 1970 business by congressional leaders. The President, In subm itting details of his· plan in a messa ge lo Con$ress Monday. urged swift action on the $4 billion proposal. But key legislators who will have lo deal with .the plan said they saw no possibility it coold later Utis sesson. But, they 11ald, there ap- peared to be almost no chance for noor action until 1970. Sen. Russell B. Long (0,. La.), chairman of the Financ~ Commlttee wblch will handle the measure in the Senate, said il was obvious his panel could not get to it this year. The committee agreed ?t1on.,q day to a schedule on their Jfouse·passed lax reform blll._. which will er.gage it for the re-,,.. malnder of the 1969 session. . NBC Won't Kill Smoke Ad s get noor consideration in either th e House or Senate un- til next year. They pointed out the Presi· Quits Joh NEW YORK (UPI) -The National Broadcasting C o • (NBC) said ~fonday it v.i ll not release tobacco companies from commercial contracts at year's end,· but suggested that contracted time might be used for public service an- nouncements or to advertise · products ot~er than cigarettes. The statement by NBC President Julian Goodman was the network's answer to the Tobacco lnstitute's pr1> posat that broadcast ad· vertising <lf cigarettes be abandoned voluntarily at the end of this year. The American Broadcasting Co. (ABC) rejected the idea Friday. The Columbia Broad· casting System (CBS) said over the weekend it would agree to early termination of the t ob a cc o-company con- tracts if Congress passe~ a dent himself was recom· • • mending that it not take effect NE\V YORK (UPI) -;.t special law legalizing the ac· until July I, 1970. Former Postmaster Generat 11 lion. Sources in the House Ways Lawrence F. O'Brien quit his '' and t.teans Comm ittee, which job as president ol a Manhat·tl "To the extent that any will have to act first on the tan brokerage flrm Mond,ay, a· cigarette company wishes to Jegislatio'n, said it was possible . post he has held since discontinue or reduce broad-the panel could begin hearings January. cast advertising for I t s1lmmmiiiiimm~m;~;;;;;;;;;~iiiiirrlliiiln11i;; cigarette brand In January, l I 1970, or at any other lime prior to the expiration of its commitments, NBC \vill be glad to cooperate with the company in arranging substitute advertising for Jls noncigarette brands." ' ORAMA " 1! • ' l • PICKS THESE SECOND WEEK WINNERS J First Place 'CRASHED OUT'---John Spark s, 23, of 557 Ham ilton Ave,, Coste Me se, found both the young men end the cheir in which he landed pretty well worn when he visited Sen Frant:isco end photogrophed this "still-l;fe'' in tho Hashbury, It earns Sparb $25 in Fashion Island gift certificates end the chance to try for the top prize-an additional $500 worth of gift certifi- cates -in Fotorama at Fashion Island. Third Place 'MARCIE' -That's her name, Marcie Lynn Rathbun. !Ind it took a proud poppa to re<ord on film the sparkle and wonder of being 2 years old. Tho man behind the camera was Cy Rerh- bun, 22, of 2984 Royal Polms Drive, Costa Mesa , who wins $10 in Fa shion Island gifts certificates of thi• portroil of Marcie. Secottd Place 'N EVER QUITE ALO NE' -Jesus 1n Gethsemane watches over Ador Chambliss, 81 , of Dinuba, Cal if,, the aunt of Joh n Gage of 2610 Lingen Ave., Santa Ana. Gage's wife, Joen, e former student of photojournal ism et Orange Coast Col· lege, saw the story her camera captured here. It's worth $15 in Fashion Island certificates. ., ---------------~ • . , ' I t I t I I I I t I t , • • !•:=:::..:_:.. '·~~~---~ ·----~·--· = --.~~-· -u DAO..Y PILOT EDITORIA.L PAGE Targ et_: Sa n Clemente A marching mob at San Clemente next Sunday, promlHd by the Peace Action Council (PAC), appears to present our South Coast city wilb. its first major ,heada&e since President Nixon established White Howe West on the fonner Cotton estate. San Clemente city councilmen want the President to enjoy his vacation. They also are caUght bet.ween the aoti·war protesters' ri'gbt of free speech and their duty to protect the public by keeping streets open for emer· gency vehicles. The city fathers chose the latter. They denied a parade permit. Considering· PAC's past record and the realities of the present situation, their decision was the right one. Jn the first place, the protesters won't get anywhere near the President. They know it, so they must realize their cnly . harassment \\till be -Of the residents of San Clemente. It follows that their prime purpose will be to provoke an incident, as in the Century Plaza episode two years ago when Lyndon Johnson was President. lf they perform as usual, PAC's leaders will then quickly, gUbly deny responsibility, saying "the law- breakers weren't our people." (If not, the PAC certain· ly brought them to the scene.) In the second place, San Clemente taxpayers would be saddled With the extra expense for police, fire and health protection the protesters would require. What might be fully appropriate would be to. re- quire ' peace bond of $100,000 or more as a condition of granting a parade permit. That would at least pro- tect properly owners and taxpayers in general ii vio- lence and property damage occur. As for President Nixon, his protection will be so complete th~t he m·ay not even be aware of the PACers' presence. Jn addition to the omnipresent Secre't Service, city police and sheriff's forces, the summer \Vhite House will be shielded by the Marines of neighboring Camp Pendleton, the Coast Guard offshore, and tJia Anny and Navy onihore il needed. ln the meantime, however, underground news-- papers and hjppie grapevine are trumpeting the call to San Clemettte, as \Yell as lo Century Plaza tomorrow evening. Notorious for its tactic of publicizing pa.rad.es b:e-- f!)re permits are obtained and for greatly exaggerating the number of protesters it can produce, P.AC claims 5,000 or nlore "'ill parade Sunday. \Vhetber the actual total turns out to be 500 or 5,000 or 50,000, the target hit \Vill be a peaceable seaside community, not the Presi· dent. Ro uting Pool Racketeers Thls land of the backyard swimming pool has ioni been a happy hunting ground for a handful of racket- eers among pOol contractors. Failure to read the fine print has been costly to homeo\vners in money and to the pool construction industry in reputation . Gov. Ronald Reagan has signed into law a bill sponsored by Sen. James E. Whetmore (R-Fullerton). \Vbile the law applies only to single-family pools not built concurrenUy with the dwelling, it will accomplish such results as contracts in writing with a specific completion date; no additional work \vithout prior writ- ten authorization, and the lC>Ser of any court aciion to pay attorneys' fees. The law should contribute materially to the con .. fidence of s\vimming pool buyers while providing ethi· cal guidelines for, and legal restrictions on. the seller. l\1any a "burned" pool buyer will wish the Legisla· ture had enacted such a law a long time ago. , • • • . • -~°""'~· . . . ... ''IMT'S f~f AN11·tSTA6 L15HM~NT £~TA8Li5HM!NT. '' Minorities Need Go vern ment Conceal s Its Blunders To Be Heard One ol the bluest problems our cen. trallud IOdely liU not yet begun to face is the desperate nelid for "ezpresaioo'' on Ille part of all mlnorlty ITOUPI· People tal:e militant action when they f,.I they canoot be beard otherwise; when they feel that legitimate channels of comnwnication are cloled to them. Righily or wrqly, they decide to make a fua: jU.ll to get attention. And the lragedy of television -which Is the muHMdium of expression par ex· oellence -in our natioo is that it offers no forum for UM!lt people uirtil they have already ohalten oodety wilh their illegal actlom. Why ohould they have to break a 1.W to ett a voice! THE llEED FOR a public broadcuting systma bas never been greater in our COllllby. Wbetbtr nm by the com- munities, or by the states, with federal usiltance, 8'ICb a public network should be available for all dissenting groups who c.annot afford the enormous costs of com· mercial televisloo. If they feel that the press and radio ar!(f comD}l81'Cial TV do not express their Bkle adequately, they should be allowed -nay, encouraged -to tell their story to as many people as will listen. A democratic IOciety has an obligation to provide a public forum fOf' all minority and dlasentlne: groups; after all, our na· tlon was founded by dissenters from the Brltlah establishment, who were never more than a minority of the Colonists. APART FRO~I this moral con· slderation, there is a very prac.lical reason for giving such people the widest possible avenue of communication: as Jong as they are talking, they are not fighting, and as Jong as they feel they can persuade us by reason and argument, they will not try to overwhelm us by riot and rebellion. "Nobody is listening to us" ls the basic cry of e<illege students, who resorted to extreme methods only when convinced that nothin( less \\'Ollld bring ruass at· tention to the needed reforms in the col· lege system. These reforms have now be- gun to take shape: but would they have without the excesses on the campuses? '111E TROUBLE with excess is that it breeds counter-excess. and. to use the fashionable word, "polarizes'' the conflict between radicals on the one hand, and reactionaries on the other. with the ma. jority of people of good will caught in the middle. This menacing polarization can be avoided only by broadening the base of mass communications; and opening all the avenues of expression to the feeble, the frustrated, and even I.he fanatics. \Vhen the United Stales makes a flagrant blunder involving a citizen. you wlll wait awhile before it is acknowledg· ed. If it can be concealed, it will not be acknowledged at all. If it can't be con· cealed, you vdll \Vait longer before any responsibility for it is fixed. ( ,--• It Is not remarkable blunders are made, because the government has millions of transactions weekly with citizens. What is remarkable is the suc- Cess a concerned bureau has in con4 cealipg the identity of the blunderers. It Is instinctive with the blunderers and their superiors to duck it. Generals' Power Wanes LET US EXPLORE one small case in the news out of Sacramento. Wayne L. Smith, a young black man, was drafted April JO, 1968, and sent to Vietnam September 4. While he was there the Army "lost" his service record, and it stayed "lost'' until after March S, la.st, when he was given an honorable discharge (medical), and returned to a 'Vashington D.C. hospital with the sight of one eye destroyed in combat. The day he was discharged from the hospital, hls mother In Sacramento received a notice Crom the Army that her WASHINGTON -The excitement of the Senate vote on the ABM obscured an import.ant lesson. It was that the capacity of the generals to overawe and dazzle the mind of civilian America is on the wane. No politician has liked to say. so, but aurs ha• betn a military way of life since World War II. With e<immunism to bolster the argument and with the technological revolution to justify larger demands and to make the demands too complex for the average citizen to un- derstand, the Pentagon has detennined the course of American life simply by controlling more than hall of oplional American expenditures. Il was perhaps the Bay of Pigs which bega:'I lhe decline in the military prestige. Jt was Vietnam which clinched iL But lt was the debate on ABM which made aenaton: understand lbat they "'"1ld l!Ddtntand. NOW THEY ARE ready. They have ~ their homework. Should we be tllUn& cerms in the open alr? Do we need a new battle tan\:? New carriers? New manned aircraft? ls it wise to argue -as the Pentqon ts so fond of arguing -lbat we mult bulk! new weapons in ordfi' to ••strain the Ru!slan economy" wbethtr we need lhe: weapons or not? All tbeJe and otbtr problems are -for the llnt tlmt -about to be subj<Ckd to the ---•11 oee,.,,e -~ Dior George: - My ...Wn Pllrick and I ,.... al~ line In a bar '"'1 got to 1r1ulng lbolJI -or not II ..... stW _,-Ibo Iaw to oell liquor to IJI. d!UI. We ended op In • fill fight about ft. Wblt'a the wwu? MIXE .DnrMIK: ' Tile annm m.y be iO fcrgel IJI. er-• -a 1n prohlblttnc .... " liquor to ltb"-· -I ,. I L son \\'as being sought as a "deserter.'' Smith's attorney says the mother telephoned the Army and protested tbe error, but the reaird against him re· mained. minds or unstarred men out of uniform. Sen. Gaylord Nelson Or 'Visconsin will raise the whole question of the Army's storage and lesting of chemicals and germs, of "'hich it is said we have enough to kill everyone In the world a trillion times. To lhe argu1nent of the generals that \\'e need these germs in the event someone should use them on us, Nel soll will res[>Ond that a nation which drops genns on another can be cbltterated by a nuclear strike, but that a nation which retaliates by dropping more germs will probably obliterate itself. FRESlm1AN SEN. Thomas Eagleton of Mis.wurl will lead the fight against the new Main BatUe Tank or MBT-70. the research cost for which wai set in 1963 at $40 million. It has now skyrocketed to $230 million with no end in sight. E:igleton will be asking why the Army needs this tank when the Army's present tank, the MBT-60A-t is acknowledged by the Pentagon to be the ~st tn the world. Sens. Waller P.1ondale or Minnesota and Clifford Case of New Jersey have been infonnin& themselves about aircraft car· rien:, for which the Navy 1$ requei!iling f,T17 million in addition to the 1170 million already lptnt on "itad time items." The two senators art asking &Imply ''Why?" and 11What for?" The: N11vy's argument Is that these floating lalands are wbstltutes for overseas air bases whic:h might be denied because of political events. BUT ~toNDALE AND c ... say thal Ir aome country should object to Jettln& us park our plants on Its territory, will they be wUiing lo .lei us PMk our planes just ofl ohort! 81 Frank Manlrltwte1 and Tom Btadea r.tA Y !!, WHILE Smith was at Ns home in Sacramento, two FBI agents ar· rested and handcuffed him. He was being taken to their car when hls sister found hls discharge papers. The agents released him . 'T'he next day the mother received a telephoned apol ogy. not from the Army, but from the FBI bureau. The FBI agen ts had doubtless identified themselves, and I\ would be more a~ propriate had they apologized in person, yet neither the agents nor their bureau were responsible for the error, because they a\,1 on Army information. THERE THE CASE moves into a whirlpool of faceless Individuals, non- C-Ommissioncd clerks or commissioned sector commanders who misplaced or overlooked Smith's record in a self4 perpetuating bungling running seven months or more. Who ''losf' the original record. and who failed to di5eover the "deserter" was In the Army, then wounded in combat, discharged and return~d homeside? All files are closed against you at lt1.ls point. The perpetrators go their silent wey. The Army brass ls-not-going to investigate. Smith cannot sue the Army or the FBI under law. IUS A 11'0RNEY hns petitioned the Sptaker of the House of Re.prtstntatlves for $00,000 redress, say ing, "we have throl\'n ourselves on the mercy or Congrr.ss." In the unllkely event Smith got some ~Id cash "mercy," the Army might stir around 1 little. UnUI then, ·smith ts Just a luckless GI w!thoot po~·erful frtends. The Army ts overnm with the.m. Professors Defend Kris1nan A ppoi1at1tie1it 'Decision Was a Wise One~ In reply to the letter from the Lquna Hills Kiwanian.s (Mailboi:, Aue. f) who object to the aPPointment of Mike Krisman as assistant to the Dean of Students at UCI, I would like to suggest that they invite Mr. Krisman to one of their meetings. They will discover that he is an intelligent, articulate and mode.rate young man. Far from being an "extreme militant,'' he is, as I have observed, perhaps the mogt rational and intelligent member of the campus SOS. He seeks needed refonns through peaceful methods of persuasion. If they object to the fact that be spoke to Com· munist leade.ra, perhaps the}' ahOuld ob- ject to recent similar activities by our neighbor, President Nixcn. Because be relates well to both Btudeals and faculty, I feel that the decision to appoint him to Uti5 position wu a wlae one. JULIAN PALLEY Associate Professor ' o/ Spanish 'Admlr•fJl9 Suited' The atUtude of the 148 Kiwanians of Laguna Hills 1n regard to the Mike Krisman appolnbnent at UCI i s deplorable indeed, if Jt ii accurately ex~ pressed by their president Arden Ackert's letter to the DAILY ~ILOT, published August 6. Tbe letter certainly caJJs Chancellor Daniel Aldrich's decision into question. But there art UUngs the Laguna Hills Klwanlans apparently do not know, I Lttt.r1 f1'11111 rffdlr9 1r. W'I"°"". Nor!MllJ wrilftl "'°'11d eotrlft' tlldr 1nesuo1 ill JOO word• o• ie ... Tftt tieftt IO COl'ldltl .. 1e111r1 to flt ...c. ~ 11imlntt1 llbtl II .._rwc1. All letttn mint lni:ll,iH •llrMtur1 IM m1lllflf ltdctr1u, but n1rM1 wm bt wilh~tld M -r"'111t If 1uffkltnt re1son 11 app1r1nl. refuse to recognize1 or just simply fear. For the fact is that Mr. Mike Krisman is admirably suited to the post of Assistant Dean of Students at UCl Krirman is a young man of C?nsiderable experierice, not some punk kid. He has been a vilal and positive part of Uw: UCI acene for some time. informing himself ·of student and faculty matters, and he has had the courage to act when critical 3ituatioos arO!e. KRIS!\tAN HAS earned the respect of a great many of the students and the faculty at UCI. Chancellor Aldrich 's choice in this matter is a g<>oa one, and his reasonableness and abllity to perceive the natW'e of problems in our uni versity system should be applauded. The unanimity of the K i w a n i s action -by the 148 members "in at· tendance'' -says something interesting about this particular group of Kiwanians. Are \hey able, as iridividuals, to think for themselves? Or, have they been driven to some kind of collective hysteria by fright mongers in the community? Their letters lo the regents suggesting political In- terference in the university system sug· gests no conception on their part of what a university is all about! The Kiwanians might well address themselves to the problems of justice and progress in our community , and do some thinking about the nature and purposes of a university. GEORGE \'J. KENT Associate Professor of History She'll Demo11strate To the Editor: l have just re::id the article about the San Clemente City Council's deci sion not to permit the planned Augu st 17 anti-war march. Their reason, t assume from the arti- cle. is that the President deserves some "peace and quiet." Don 't we all? The r eason I plan on taking part in the demonstration is ror that very reason - that until this "·ar is O\'er there can be no peace and quiet for anyone , not \¥hile so many are dying every day it continue s. San Clemente's sense of peace seen1s to be a false one. Demonstrating against the war in the ll1ojave Desert would be meaningless. \Ve choose to demonstrate where the Presi· dent is because it is in his power to end the \var. I feel h~ is morally obligated to at least withdra\\' all American servicemen NOW. DIANE SPARDUTO America's Affluent Singles Market research has determined that the country'a sl;11le1 population -defin· ed as unmarried men and women between the ages of 20 and M -has an aggregate annual spending .,o.,.,·er of $60 billion. Since b u s I n e s s abhors a marketing vacuum, a ~·ide array or products, Hf'Vlce industrle.s and publica- tions now caters to the yoong, affluent and unattached. The July 20 iuue of Calendar, the Sun- day entertainment section of the Los Angeles Time!, contained no fewer than nine ads aimed at young unmarrieds. "Single movie lovers" were urged to call one of three phone numbers for a record· ed message. The Young Professionals Club, "a group of young. single. pro- fessionally oriented men and women in the Los An1eles area," invited new a~ plications for membership. And the Sun· downers Sailing and Cruising Club said it would provide "no matchmaking -just meeUng fun , adventurous people aboard many of California's most· beautiful yacht~." ALL THE SAr.tE, malchmaking is a Dear Gloomy Gus: \\!Jlat worries me about all those Supreme Court revmals is hO\v our lower courtl can make sucit terrible errors of judgment -A. J. D. Tiii• 1'th"' ~ , .. ". ........ Mt '""'"'tf'I'' ""'" .. ""' ~..,.-,, IMf •tvr HI "t\1 to •IMfllf .... DlllY ,., .. , (~~-~ 1. ~rt£d1toriat ~ .Res¢arch major activity of the burgeoning singles industry. Six companies llial advertised in the July 20 Calendar offered to match single applicants with c o m p a l·l b I e members of the opposite sex on the basis of character analyses run through com- puters. The character analysis generally con· sists of a list of between 25 and 50 statements or questions to wblch the ap- plicant is expected to respond wlth vary4 ng levels of agreement or disagreement (NO ! No-Yes YES!} The statements themselves run from the hackneyed J"l prefer an evening at borne with TV or a good book to a party") to tbe weighty {"I believe in the concepts of Good and Evil") to the bizarre ("Should evolution be taught in public schoob?"). WIDLE WAmNG for the computer 10 produce Mr. or Miss Right, the young slngle can, in several large cities, elect to Jive in an apartment house tenanted eole· ly by the youthful and unwed. In Southern Califomlr., where most of the country 's slngles--0nly apartmenta are altuated. the typical complex supplies full-time social dfrecton, $l80,000 worth of sports tqulp- ment, and evtning group dilCWISioas. The Idea has caughr on in O\her-part!i of the country, too. The River H~ near \Vashington, U1e Spanish T r a c e Apartments in Dallas. the LafayeUe Towtrs in Detroit aod aimU1r unJta In Chlcaao. SL Louis and AUanl1 follow a alngltHnly rule. ln New York, several firms offer lo lllPPlY ITOUPI of single pt0ple renUng aplrtmtnts wtlh com· paUblt roommatu. THE EAST SIDE of Msnhattan is noted for its great number of bars catering to swinging singles. sometimes contracted to "swinglcs." About half a dozen Ne\v York' clubs regularly hold parties for singles and another half-dozen hold thc1n sporadically. Some singles clubs arrange ski trips or charter flights to Europe and the Caribbean. By encouraging 1natrin1ony, the singles industry would seem bent on its 0\111 destru ction. Every tim e a couple mar· rics, the singles market is reduced by two. And more Americans arc marrying lhall ever before. It was estimated last year that 96 per cent of the boys ancf 97 per cent of the girls out of every 100,000 babie.'l \Vho live to age 14 will marry. Less than 15 years ago, about 8 per cent of all men remained bachelors. O!l the other hanu . birth and di vorce constantly replenish the pool of singles. 'The U.S. Census Burcau estimates that th...re arc no'v about 8.l million single men and women beh\·ecn the ages or 20 ~nd 34. By 1980. there should be 11.4 nlillion. The singles business clea rly is a gro\vlh indu stry. Tuesday, Augu sl 12, IOOD Tlic editorial page o/ the Daily Pilot seeks to b1 form and stlm- 1ilafe renders by presenting tlli1 newspa[>er1s opinions and com· 111entory 011 topics of '11terest a11d sigrtif1ca11ce. by"provfding c forum for the expression o/ our renders' opinion.~. ctnd by preset1th1g tilt diuerse vltio- points of ;nformed observer.• a.nd 1poketm1n o-n topics of lllt dou. Robert N. Weed , Publisher I ; t I ) t ' t ' J ' 1 .. -----~----------------""!""~~---------.... ""'!"~~ ... ~~ CHEcKiNG •UP• Bee Sting Is Said To Cure Arthritis Free Press ' Sued Over Narc List LOS ANGELES (UP!) -A recent story in the Los Angeles Free Press tltled ''Know Your Neighborhood Narc" has forced a "ma- jority" of the llO named narcotics agents to move from their homes and brought about a $10 million lawsuit against the anti-establishment tabloid. By L. M. BOYD Game man say abou t men, On Aug. a the Free Press ARTHRITIS _ He sulfered like my husband. ca 11 e d listed the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 80 with arthritis unlil the day a Waldemar? A. - Regret our state agents In ~ Angeles. couple o( bees stung him. N. G. man knows nothing Santa Ana, San Francisco and That's what a Modesto, Cal., what.soever about husbands San Diego. < T11tsdq, A119ust. 12, 1969 OAJLY 'fLOT 7 '69 Legislature: Hit or Flop? LOS ANGELES (AP ) -A .session In recent memory. would make an announcement. hit, says Ronald Reagan, A Certainly, It was the moit un-He said he. 1tUl bu no pl11\S flop, says Jesse M. Unruh. productive seulon in the 1$ to run for the U.S. Senate &eat That's hOw the two potential yean I h av e served in helQ by Republlcao Georae foes for governor In 1970 Sac::ramento." Murphy. review the performance or lhe .By the final months of the Reagan hl.5 said it b too 1969 California Legislature session, both Senate and early to announce his plans, which ended early Saturday Auembly were controlled by but be ls npected to run tor a after a seven-month stand. the Republicans, for the first sec::ond four-year term. Republican Gov. Reagan, time Jn a dozt:n years. The Reagan m e n t i o n e d a vacationing in S outhern GOP majorlty"resulted in suc-modemlz.allon of the state'• Csllfornia, issued a statement cess for several key Reagan water purity laws, carrying in Sacramento calling the bills that filled In lht previous tough new fines for pollutus. sesslon "one of the most two years ·when Unruh was Unruh predicted Reagan significant in the s ta te 's !....aker of the AUembly. would take credit for thil law history." ...-Unruh told hb news con. even tbou&h It. wa.s sponJOrtd Al about the same Ume, fettnce he Is nearing a by a Democr1t. Assemblyman Assembly Democratic leader decision on 11Jbether he will Carley Porter of Compton, ind Unruh told a Los Anaeles n.in for aovunor tn tt70, but had been in the works for news conference Monday. "It declined to say just when be several yean. was lhe most unproductive'11i";;;;;i;~~;;o;;;;i;;;;;;~~~O::;;:=::~~~:;:=~'i BIBLE THOUGHTS n1an reports. After that, the named \Valdemar. In fact, on· The California State Al· arthritis cleared up.· 'Mtls is Jy olher Waldemar he recalls torney Geoeral's Office sued not the (lrst time a subscriber is \Valdemar Ayres. t h e the paper Monday for $10 C t H has made the claim that bee gentleman who recently in-million in connection with the OUT ears IXCISSIYI ITION• tllN• t•111••, w••· t d tem L"':':=-;.::;=::.:=::;;.:;:.,;;,;.~:'"'=~:.....--;,._--__:_J 10,,tw, <onloofio•, li•labllnt, we1111tl. •"' stings cure arthritis. Some vented the artilical g I 11. s Ory an won ~ porary · . ped rdin rod •Y••· tt.. l iblo ••Y• I Pr. 2J;J'I •nd time back a gentleman wrote. However, he can start a file superior court restraining ''Thi.I 11 a. t& reco g of the prognm. a.t your A Ill; •0 ;z B! J .... a blt•Oi Ii•• • 11,,,11t end · iti11toth •·J defy you to find a pr~ immediately on Waldemars, if order prevenUng It from local theater. U you. are under 21, hang up·••" " a. W like 111 1dd••" lv•rt• J2 1. MILLIONS ,f fessional beekeeper afflicted your husband eith er invents publishing further confidential ---------------------drw11•••di 011d thoi• f1111111,, c•11 •••llf., with arthritis. Go ahead, try. things or swims fairly well. Information. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Ef-•h•t thit ;, tr11•. E~<•ttiv• '"'"' dri11k It p••b•bl'f th, werltl't There ju!lt aren't any." So I Please advise .. , . Q. -"DID Atty. Gen. Th0f11as Lynch rorts of the American Civil ,,.,,.,, CUii.SE. AND WOii.ST OF ALL, tho liblo ••Y• "' dr1111li· advertised for same , but turn-WILD ELEPHANTS ever contended the infonnation y h F H • Liberties u n I 0 n to halt •rd 1h1ll .,.,,. HEAVEN! I 1 Car. •:10. G•t. 5:21, li1.1;111. A ed up none such. Maybe roam the North American con-jeopar iz t e 1ves o t e offshore oil drilling in the San· d ed h 1. f h out aces ea1•mg DllUNICAllD i1 lo1t ETEll.NALLY. there's something to It. tinent?" A. - Evidently. The agents and their families and ta Barbara Chan nel now ap-A 111•• w1y •• AVOID dr1111••11•11 ii 10 n•~•r t••• th• flrit 11,. SANDWICH SPREAD -diggers have found numerous the law enforcement activities parently rest on the decision Why will • yo1111, P'"'\" i••P•rcli1• hi1 h1ppl11••• htr• •"' h•••· How long has it been since elephant skeletons in the Tex-of the slate. SALl!iAS (UPI) -The 19· tioned by police about the Aug. of a three-judge panel which 1fter by 01tp1ri111t11ti11t with 1tran9 dri11k? On•"'"'' •11ow1, u11lil 3 k'll' f o~-h F J TOO LATE , wh1th•• hit cht111lc1I ""'~1-11p ;, 111<h lh•t ho will you've seen any food com· as Panhandle. In an earlier suit, one of the year-old clergyman's so ,n I 1ngs o t:"UUra ur ong, will consider the matter next 11,,.,111, 1 d•ullkird! The TOTAL AISTAINEll hit bt tfilr "••Ith modity I a b e I e d "sandwich TARZAN'S YELL -Sup.. named agents filed a $15 cleared by San J ose police in 14. and Kathy Snoozy, ta. month. •nd • btttir life "Y •vaidi11g 11,ohol. A yo11nt ftllew i1 MOll.E spread"? Am told by an add pose at one Ume or another as million suit charging the Police said he wa s arrested The ACLU sought, but failed OF A MAN t• r1fu1• '"'"' drinlr th111 •r• 111, <•111p111ie111 wh• man that the makers of a lad you tried to imitate newspaper invaded the the slaying or two high school while dri ving a re c en l I y to obtain a temporary re-ftll far It, 1. ,,. •• 011•119h •• 11y, "NO". cheeses. margarines, and dips Tarzan's yell. \Vho didn't, privacy of the agents. girls, was arraigned 1.1on day straining order Monday before IY THE &RACE OF &OD, dr1111lr•rd• c111 loivo thii vi<i,111 htblt are giving up that expression. what? But could you make it Matthew. O'Connor, head of for possession of marijuan a painted van that showed signs U.S. Dist. Judge Albert Lee 111d <••tit off. ,,,.1 told, "I c111 ••All tlii11t• tli1e11fli CHRIST On the theory it suggests thick sound the way it sounds in the the Northern Ca Ii fo r n i a and stolen license plates. of violenct inside. A white van Stephens. The action was whicli ,,.,11,th•••tll 1110", Pl<iil. 4:1J. L•t Ht, dr11rilrtrd ••••'¥• t• hips. TV movies! Probably not. Division of the Narcotics was seen at the site of the brought on behalf of 17 Santa 1t11dy th• lift of Jt1111 i11 hi1 l llLE 111d by eb1dit11<• 1IMI '''Y'' A NOMENPHIUAC i! a Here·s something else that the Bureau, charged Mond ay Charles Johnston, son of a girls' killing, but police later Barbara area residents by al· ••I•••• him1•lf fro111 th• SLAVEll.Y •f 1lr••• tlrt11lrl Ca1110, 1tudy pc•son who l1"kes oddball old folks know but the young "threats and harassment" Baptist minister. was arrested ·d • t" 1· d 1 · ed torney A. L. Wtrm· ol the th, Ii"'' with w1. Ch11rch •' Chritt, 2•7 W. Wi11011 St., Cett• , th , sa1 1nves 1ga ion e emun 1 Mti•. Cilif. ,2627. names. Would you describe folks don't. That original yell have been directed against e _F'::''.'.;d".:a~y~;n'....:S'.'"'.'''.'.'.;d'.'.'~'nd"'.'._.'.'q~ue'.:'.s'..· _:•:::ha'.'.t..'.it:_:w:as'..-n'.'.'ot'.'...:J:'.'.oh'.'.'n':s'.'.ton~·s:_. __ A::C:::L:::U:'.:. _______ _.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yourself as a nomenphiliac! isn't just one actor's voitt!. 21 agents in the San Francisco 1 • Likewise . , • IF YOU HAVE Blended in with that voitt! are office. , TROUBLE te lling the sheep the growl or a dog, a trill sung O'Connor sai d he moved from the goats. j u st by a soprano, a note played on following the disclosure of his remember the goats always a violin's G strong and the address and said a majority of point their tails up, the sheep howl of a hyena recorded agenl.i in the other cities also point th eirs down ••• MORE backward.. moved ln with relatives or into WOMEN than men go to Your questiom and com· motels. church. And yet, more women ments are welcomed and O'Connor said the moves than men change their·church will be used wherever pos· "will almost have to be per. denominations to those of their 1ible in "Checking Up:" manent. They 'll have to find spouses when they marry. A Address m a i l to L. J.f. other home!. Because some· paradox, no? Boy.:i, in care of the DAILY thing like this can come six CUSTOMERS JI.: RV ICE : PELOT, Bo:t 1815, Newport months later 1fter you think Q.-What does your Name Beach. Calif .• 92663. i1 might have died down." --''-------=----------------~ to • I ay. Baby, have we got a solution. It's called money. It'll do all sor!S of crazy thing.. Like make rooms appear around your home. Bedrooms, family rooms and balhrooms. You 'llTie surprised how a little extra money can give you a lot more room. There's no sense crying over high mortgajle lntereat. Soaring interest on new hom es can be a big pain in the pocketbook.. And there's no end in sighL All the more reaso n why you 1hould give serious thought to increasing the size of your present home. Then again, maybe all you need is some cash to shp on a coat of painL Or lay a new carpcL Keep lltUe addition& from costing a buiiille. That'• when: First Western Bank comes into the pictwe. We've got the buw to back your ideas. At reasonable prices. So, if you're shopping around for $7,500 or lcs1,come on in.Let's face it,""' didn 'tgettobca $900 million bank by saying no. On July 20, 1969,, electric heat was installed on the moon. Itsar smack in the middle of a spot called the Sea of Tranquility. Although the information is classified, we assume that electric beat was chosen to ride 240,000 mil es into outer spac e aboard the Apollo 11 because it is compact and unbelievably efficient. After all only electricity delivers heat that's flameless, odorless and silent. And since the temperature on , the moon can dip to minus 250 degrees on a clear night, you know the most modem and reliable system our best brains could put together, was needed. Repairmen arc scarce up there. Of course, the fact that electric heat costs less to install, doesn 't need a chimney or flue and can actually boost the value of your home weren't the reasons for its choice. Our space agency had more to worry about than that. Actually, the electric heat system our men on the moon used to keep warm is very much like the ones you'll find in mUlions of apattmcnll and homes right here on Mother Earth. If you're interested in electric heat or electric cooling, call your local Edison office. In short order all systema will bcgo. sac Sauthfrn C.llfomla Edlaon • . "' . -. • ·-'.• ... L DAILY PILDT But Mistake Made lHE StUN0t WOll.D t MR;MUM . .. ' ..... -. . ... Is This Joh . -.. • .... .... N e~essa1·y~ Lfl'S BE FRIEND~ Y Nixon Aides Sol.ons Question So me U.S. Researcli U you h8\'e n~v n<'lihbol"I or know ol anyone m0\1ni: to our area. plcue tell us so that "·e may extend a fri endly "·elcome and help them to bec:ome ac:qualntOO in their new surroundini:s. Mum on Kennedy By l'ltERRIJ\IAN SflttTI! SAN CLEMENTE (UP I) - Backstai~s al the California \\'bite House: The Ni1on people are saying very little on the record -or for that matter, privately - about the miseries of Sen. Edward ~1. Kennedy t 0. h1ass.). from his July 11 auto accident. by yourself. Then send ror n1e.' " This, of course, is cool hindsight and does not take in· to the fullest sort of con· sideration . the obvious f a c t that lhose around the /.fassacbusetts senator were thinking of such things as his political future .and p<&ible civil. as well as criminal liability. The people around President Nixon are not rejoic:ing about the senator's misadVenture, nor are they saying a single public word to capitalize on the accident politically. There is no1 question that t I .I! II ll WASHINGTON (AP) -The chainnao or the S e n a t e Foreign Relations Committee questions the value of Defense Department research projects on such topics as: -"Militant H l n du Na- tionalism, the Early Phase.·• -"A Study of the Sinhalese Buddhist Revo lu tion in Ceylon." -''The Decline in Paternalism among Peruvian and Japanese Laborers." Chainnan J. W •. Fulbright, CD-Ark.), pointed to these Cl· amples ft! o n d a y in urging passage of an amendment to slash $45.6 million from the defense budget. But in the deepest privacy or the Ni.Ion councils, many members of which a r e lawyers by profession. there seems to be a central thought -that Kennedy hurt himself by showing up at t h e Edgartown, Mass .. police sta· tion, hours after the accident. well-dressed and accompanied by a lawyer. Nixon and those close to him --------------------- politically regarded Kennedy Fulbright told the Senate he had asked the Pentagon for the cost of these and other studies and was told the department could not isolate the price figure for any given reporl. AIDE'S OPINION Tourists Get Cheated A principal figure in lhe Nium administration confided to some close friends recently: as a prime political foe in the 1972 presidential elections. ·After Edgartown a n d subse- quent statements by Kennedy, the Republicans cannot see him as a formidable factor .in 19n. "I can "'ell understand the department's reluctance to put J UAREZ. 1'.1exico <UPI) -largest city, lies across the a price tag on, or try to assess A "'arning that visitors to this Rio Grande from El Paso, the military benefits of, a border cily should expect to be 'j"Tiieii'ii· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireiipoiiiirtiiiiliiikiie ii'ii' lhiieiiiiAiiiit iiaiit~u~r~k;1 cheated has been issued by a11 "Somewhere along the line, Kennedy e.ilher got awfully bad advice or he was frighten- ed to death and did the v;rong thing. U I were in the same jam, I would have showed up at the poli~ station. even if il was houn later, bedraggled, water-logged and completely alone. "Thi! would have added considera ble support to his story of being in shock and not knowing e1actly what he was doing . But to change clothes and show up in a country police station with a high. powered lawyer denote s . whether it is true or not, that he sensed he had done terribly wrong. "If, after an accident, one feels a certain sense of basic innocence, one gO"...s to the police as soon as p<&ible and entirely unarmed. I know that If I had been his lawyer, l would have told him, no mat- ter how much time had elaps· ed. 'keep on your wet clothe5 and go to the pollce entirely SHORT MEMORY very knowledgable source - lhe director or lhe Juarez They realize that l h e American public. in addition lo being quite fickle. has a relatively short memory. And tourist office. other events of greater .. The tourist industry is in a ma g nit u de than the disastrous state" because of Edgartown accident move so the "a b s urd voracity" of Sl4'iflly these days that 1972 Juarez· 450,000 residents and seems far away to the presenl the ' · u n be I i e v a b 1 e in· occupant of the \\'h.ite House. difference" of its officials, But thert. is a theory in cer-said Efron Teran. manager of tain Republican circles that the chamber of Tourism. Kennedy himself has had -.. The best business in Juarez about enough of family and is cheating tou rists." said personal tragedy and that he Teran, in a statement Monday would not want to face a cam· describing the touris t industry paign in which the accident here as v i r t u a I I y a that killed Mary Jo Kopechne "shakedown" with a 1 rn o s tj might be an ever-present fac-everyone in town sharing in l tor. the proceeds. Their feeling at this point is Juarez, ~1exico's fourth that the last son ~f a truly ~cmY u11cc srOC11 . cve~lnc• i;110 tugedy-stru<k family wants PICKWICK no more of the national ~ polilical .arena. at least for .• BOOKSHOPS few healing years. The race Jn ~ 1976 . ht be lh It soul~ COis\ 1'1111. Co$t. Mfw m1g ano er ma er !141).21,1 -but then. that would not be 11,1 1to1=,.-... ..,.,,,.,., Nixon 's particular problem. "9Hl'MOll {211) HO s .• 1,1 P.A. F'tlrroer. et.irman ol the 8oerd • Agnes~ Pn?sidef'lt ' I See By Today's Want Ads: e Full cycle ends: Bac:k to primitives: 6 Pine Plank chaiN. oak c:ouch, pine boxes, dresser, roc:ker, elc. e Even Liberace '''?uJd be willing to set his candela- bra on this 40" Baldwin Frenc:h Provincial piaoo, like new al half price. e That's a lot of dirl • 9000 5QU&n:' feet. located in C'Cntral Huntington Beach, room for 4 units and R-2 zoned. Meni Offiu-: 3366 Via Udo.~ Bncft. Canfomia 92663 • Phone 11.y&J3..3t30 Con:n deil ._.Office: FNnc!.11 Plau.. S50 ~Cent« OriYO • Corona det M•, CahfOtn1a 92625 • Phore 71~1"61_ Which type are you? Here are four savings plans. designed for four different types of people. . \Alhich one suits your savings personality? The charts will show you how each one works. Pick a number from 1 to 4 and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized savings program. Whatever yovr type, there is a savings plan for you at Newport Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? Pl.AN #I Regular Account 'Nsplan Is for regular people with regular salar1es who have decided to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want it to be some place they can get their hands on it lf they need it in a hurry. If they can leave It alone for a year or more, ltwil! g;ve them the Big Arrlu al 5.13 yield. ' RE:GU..AR MONnt.. y l!M5-l<T $2' $'4 $1110 g """· "' "°' 608 t Yr. ""' 616 '233 2 Yr&. 63Z .., .. :2.529 3Yrs. .,, '·""' 3.891 .. Yrs. 1.331 2.662 5.32.t sv ... 1,707 3.•IS •s:J> 10Yrs. 3,900 7.SOI 15,60'l ISYrL 6 ,715 13,(32 26,8&4 20 y ~ 111,329 20,862 ,.,325 ""~ ...... 1.2&3_._.... .,, ...... ._. ______ _ .. ) llO"Ji. ••• ,.. ... ..i, .... ~ -· "°"'· (T1M1 ft1 -1-.t '*fl& I~'\) l ... "'"'1111t .......... ..,.., ........ le,_ .... _......~"'".....,.._ 1.Mt. • • 11« rt a ll&'lf.,... .. .-.. Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN #e-· • Life Income Plan This is for people who ha\le a sum of money they would like to put aside and receive the interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhtips you intend to leave your money to your heirs. In this plan the original investment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular income every month. If your Mure plans are for your children's future, then this savings program may suit you. .$12.000 """' 20.<XX> 25.000 50.000 $ !iO.OJPw~ fi0.00 p.,........, 83.00 pr..,. Mcnh 1~.00 Per Month 20800Pw~ Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #3 Monthly Security Account This is for people who have a lump sum of money but who know that if they don't put it away somewhere out of sight, they will spend it. Perhaps they are looking forward to retirement and know it v1ould be better to ha\le a certain amount coming in every mor,th over a given period. Not only will they get back a lot more than they put in, but there wirl be a nestegg lo reward themsel\leS for not blowing it an at once. INVEST $10,000.00 AND: yoo receive and you retain eack montk for 1111 estate or• S 50.00 10ye~ $ 8.67500 S 50.00 1S ye1rs S 7,rlSOO $ 7500 10yelll'S $ -4,77500 S 7500 1S ycars S 1.00000 $100.00 10years $ 875.00 INVEST $25,000.00 AND: yuu recfo1e end you ret•'" eec ti ITlonth for an estate of' $\0000 lO ye1lfS $25,60000 $10000 15yeart $26,05000 $15000 10 years $17,80000 $20000 10yeart $10.<XXJOO $25000 lOyeera S 2.20000 "''-" -Boos llM• l94'ild " .. ....... -.s.-tlOol " ... c.111 ...... r-,.. CMt _.,. "'~ • aniop ..,. Wo -••I-...,. o« •iooo lb np.t 11 ,...,. .. ,. "" _..... .-;,,, .. .._ " ...... ~..-~ ... -t ...,, .... _. ... --'111' ~ ..,.~ ........ ~,_ Are you one of the patient people? PlAN #4 Guaranteed Annual Rate Account This plan is for patient people who already have a sum of money to invest and are willing to wait a while for a good return on their money. The minimum deposit is $1,000 ' (more if you wish, of course), in exchange for wh ich you recei\le a certificate which guarantees a 30o/0 growth if left untouched for 5 years. Are you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you . YOU YOU wtll RECEIVE ••. ST ART aftw aftsr 1tt.r WITH 3 r•ara .. yew. S r•art s 1,000 s 1,170 s 123J s 1,300 S 5,000 S 5.852 $ 6, 168 S 6,500 $10,000 $1 1.705 $12.336 $13,001 $15.000 $1 7.558 $18.504 $19,502 A~~r s 6go/,, s,8"0/o 6.00llfo Gu~~ 17°/o 23°/o 30% RevolutiQA in Turkey," he said. Under hls amendmenl, $3 million \\·ould be cut from research b y organlzallons such as an institute which he said reportedly suggested building a moat a r o u n d Saigon. Fulbright said the Defense Department proposes to spend $7 .5 million next fiscal year on research about foreign areas -but only $125,000 I! for ex· ternal research by lhe agency responsible for the nation's foreign affairs, the State Department. Sen. Thomas J. Mcintyre (D·NJI.), charged that Fulbright was using a rew ex. otic examples to try to wreck the entire program by in· nuendo. Fulbright responded: •·in- nuendo? I'm questioning the justification for practically the entire program. What 's the in· nuendo in that?" So. Coast Visitor 494.0579 494.9368 Harbor Visitor Let TV WEEK Turn You On SPAS 5 YEARS IN PLANNING OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -10 'Iii 10 ENJOY ENTIRE CLUB FACILITIES • Hea ted Roman A,. Swimming Pool . -1}i'\-• Ultr1 Modern Conditioning F1cilfties • Rom1n Sttam Rooms • Eltc tronic M11s1ge • Finnish Rock Sauna Room • Florida Sun Tin Rooms • Whirlpool Baths • Condition ing fati!i1le1 • Swiss facial Machin!S • .. ~ ·- • ,. .. . . ·- --· .. ' ' ., • .. •• , .. .. .. ' -· " • •' • "' ' • " ' • .. .. • •• " . .... .. ' ,, •• ••• •'• .. .. ·. ..• ... .. .. .. • .. • • .. • - CSF La'udscapej Contract Given Crossword P1112le -'CRO~S J llie!atlvt ol 1 b1lcony 6 B lasphtmr: Dial 10 Ptt11s' ·24 In ll'lt kno• 15 US ltl'll'l lS ''''" l• S•Hors' patron s1i ,1t 17 Suitablt for 1 kin g lS Abo und l 9 Duct 20 Hed cl ta, comprrhtn· slo~ of 21 Fight 22 Wh11t knoxvi ll t is: Abbr. 2) Lomond rs I Ntss %5 Clos ln9 word In SO/Ill ltUtrs l1 Ou j!lt' 31 ",l ushwahl'" 31 ""' Jl ·-Rivl ttlS, Outllrc JJ f'.11101ur1 to d1n11lr '' Ftmalt 41 Turt1td' fre11 tt'!t pro11r path I 43 Dftt•tt.ir'• I !ltlt 44 Su1j!llcltu1: Sling 46 Rtllnquliti offlct 11 Rlvtr le ttir SttefArov 49 Ht1rfno organ 51 Stockholdlfs' ln t•1est 5) 8tv1raor container: 2 words 57 "Thst's I ··••!" 51 Hallan province 51 Give birth to bl Famtd poll ct forc t: Abbr. li5 W•ll mtmbtr b& Slng lt 67 Dodge Iii !lc1rbon1l1 of- 411 Do ctrlll" orflct w11k 70 Wtlpon 71 Kind ol ttt1nls· to11rn~111tnt. n Ch1r91s 73 Whip · DOllH J11crt1 t1tn art• 1 Mr. Witt• l An9t1 4 ll1v1S I•• lou1 Jy t Undtr•1rtf !11f41S5 • lo9anllkt phr•st 1 ConsuPl!tr I C11ttln9 i111 plttr1tnt ' --fid1lll : A 1wtys fa ithful 1112/&1 10 P•Jt In tO ''School for dlrl1r t11l St1ndti1" words authot ll Min's 1111111 4Z Pitct of 12 lfakt btlttr lurf 13 J:'ootball 45 O•ll~t sutlsllcs 1n i1111l 21 Statt of ftW 47 Mttal 24 Makt a 50 Snub choler 52 Mont1nl'' t• US party: airport lnform1I SJ Singing l1 Voting voict anima I '41 Pttcluelt 11 USSR 5S Mutl'ctl 111ountl !r1 co~posltllltl r1n91 ,. Suptr• 19 NtW5· n1tur1! g1thtrlng btlnt or91ni111i•n •O Kll'ld or JI Brought sttrin Into bt/111 il Ancltnl J4 North town in A11trlcar: Galll te tndlans l J 17th c_rn!ury '' OlscourtttuJ d1tt: R0111•11 11 Vtntr1!1i 64 Strip oH 1111191 outtr l1ytr JS .tillo• ltPl!IJ-" 61 Ont of th• 011ry 1111 !airy folk r''IT"TJ'.,,r-" YOUR PROBLEM: You w•nt to Mii somt Item thet you no lcmger need but atmHn• tlH can u•• for NOT OVER $50 ? ? ? ? ? ? YOUR ANSWER:' 3 You ctll THE DAILY PILOT, etk for Cf111lflacl Advertltlnt. •nd pl1ce a PILOT PENNY PINCHIR CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPICIAL LOW RATE LINES 2 TIMIS 2DOLLARS AND YOUR CRIDIT IS GOOD I D·I A L N 0 W D I R E C T ! 642 ·5 671 '· ' TutJdaJ, A119ust, lZ, l~t , I UNIVERSITY'S ANNUAL AUGUST Safe . - ' EXECUTIVE DESK e 30x60 walnut formic• top with 1elf•dge for be1uty & long w11r (1110 1v1ll1ble In 30x66 It 36x72 tops · e Piie drawer on steel suspension 1t smell Upch1r9e) REG. $159.SO sggaa . ' You are cordially invited to visit our showroom, the Harbor area's largest display of quality & budget OFFICE FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES LARGE -COMFORTABLE HIGH BACK EXECUTIVE CHAIR e SWIVEL & TILT MECHANISM with tension & hti9ht adjustment e NYLON SEAT for comfort and long weir e HARDWOOD BAS~ with c1rpet c11ters Reg. $149 .5 0 sggaa STEELMASTER "FILES e FULL .SUSPINSION • 10 ROLLERS PER DRAWER FOR EASY OPERATION e ZINC PLATID FULL SUSPENSION ARMS 11 THUMB .LATCHES e GUIDE RODS 4 DR. -REG. $73.00 ..... 2 DR. -RIG. $57.00 ........ .. • -OFFICE DESIGN SERVICE AVAILABLE- STENO CHAIRS • • • from ' . HEWITC CITIZEN ADDIRS • ELECTRIC • LIGHTWEIGHT $39so • ADDS· SUBTRACTS • CREDIT BALANCE • 2 COLOR• RIBBON R•a•lor $109.95 • HIW 8ROTHER e 11" c1r•l•1• for doing reports e lnterc~1nge1bJe type e Full sire keyboard e A/C outlet for ll ght, etc . • Speedy peper Injector • Hori1ont1I A vtrtlttl h1ff01ptct ILICT•IC POllTAll.I Reg. $179.50 . $149'8 CALL US FOR RIPAIRS On loih for1l9n A Dome1tlc MACHINES RENT e LEASE MACHINES & FURNITURE OPTION TO IUY UNIVERSITY O/fice G_'luip11ienl, Jnc. "' 11 1913 HARIOR IL~D. .646-,119 COSTA MESA 540.12'12 ' ' ·-- • . ·-' ' ' DAILY PILOT -s Fortunes in Land-2 OVER THE COUNTER Co1nplete-Ne,v York Stock List Pros, Cons of Real Estate l!y SYLVIA PORTER Although record nun1bers of professional lnves-tors ha\e been making fortune s hy buying and sclllng land -for housing and va<.·allon honie develo'pments. for industrial plant sites, for 0U1ccs, rellrc- n1ent hon1e ,;1tes, other uses - you are not a professional 1n- \estor. You don'l have big time money at your disposal Yet, you are deep ly interested. \\onder1ng whether you should buy or whether you should sell real estate you alre<idy own To gwde you, here are bolh sides of the story of real estate ~ an 1n\•estment today. F IR ST, T ll EDISAVAN· TAGES: ln most parts of the rounlry, property lalCes are soaring - and taxes. of course. art a major part of !he cost of land ownership. f\ioreover, prop· erty taxes tend lo elap w11h each sale Interest rates are al lu!ilo11c peaks -also adding heavily 10 the cost of real estate you l.luy with borrowed money TO INVEST 1n real estate, you generally must be prepar- ed to commit a sizable chunk or money-say $10,000 or more 1n order to turn any s1gn1f1cant profit. You can obtain a stake in secur1t1es with much less. Real estate IS one of the least hqu1d of all investments. and ii may take months or years to dispose of a property at 11 price yw appruve Jicaltors· commissions. when you sell, can cost from 5 lo lO percent of the selling price SO!'tJE f'Olli\1$ (If real estate - such as land slated ror recreational purposes - are highly vulnerable in any 1>enod o! business recession. So an investor tn this type of land muit be prepared to ae~ r.ept sueh risks and be prepar· ed IO Sil out Of downtum. Tbere 1s no formal markM lor buying and selling real eitate. as lhere 1s for trading secur1tie.s And there Is no way for the small investor to ur vestigate and compare values 1n vanous p:irts ol lhe county. 1 \\le are not discussmg here real estale 111vestment trusts, co1 porat1ons, etc • future col· umns \\Ill give details on these ) NO\V TJIE ADVANTAGES: '111e key one, of course. ts the relatively high return you tan achieve on any sound lO- vestment 10 real estate Ac- cording to recent calculations by the Arthur Lipper Corp, prices o( land for home SL!CS rose 9 6 percent a year tn 1967· 68. more than double this periocfs average 4 2 percent a year rise 1n consumer prices Bet\\'een 1946 and 1968. home site prices r~ an average of 8 percent a year-about three times as fast as consumer prices By 1nvcsllng 1n real estate S•les Mtt NASO Listings for Monday, August 11, 1969 tMi 1 "1"' L-ti.M <!ff 81~1c ll'IC '° and maklna: your profit on """tMnt•i.w 1111.,....1tr .,..,,1tiw ., • .,....._"" t A.M. 1,..m N.UO. -A-t:1:1 .:." land, you can get your capital ''l«t ,. ,... IM.ltldt r.i1u ., mtr111•11o marti...,... .,. ct'"m1u1111. .t.b«<.+1 It! • 11 ,.~. ,, -\11 1111~ 1n11 M 1 lb b AllO!Lttl 110 lt 6'\1 tJ(o .. -1 lltll'l(llLb K g,iun w1 01lt any t rtat from _ Au: lf!d 3,4 u, '"~' ~ ... •s11t •••hLfll ,11 the tax r~torm bUl's changes _Nen;. vo1t~~1..,,~ 091 ~~ 211-o ltl't ft~'t!' GT 11 J;1 ""' t1o>1 l~ ,. ~~~~·1: 11 ?: ~ti ~ ±.1~ 1:;~~1' i"" Jn depre<:(O.liOn Of rtal estate, ~ .. 1~1td<iUOI~ ~.:.y C~ 'l·~ lf Mr.: ~~ n~ 'ti', Ry 1r1r HO ·.~~ nra ~:·~'!II: J~ 1~! :~~~ a~ a::=~ l~!.!~ Ill ti(' llW NttioMI 11.111\CI· K ll'IC 't"" 11\j, ~~.,!\It~ J .. (~!~ E nu 1•1? AOCl•lU 1 •0 ts ••lo 63'• tl'o -a..:1 Didi '» tllo" OI S.C.ur tltl oclu.. 31 J!,, Monm Pk ""' lJ ~I ~.~~ )•'ll. ~ Admlrtl ll \Sh IJ !SI~ llr~1 Alt • YOU CAN GET the gre<it l:r"1~1u111ir•ns~~~ ~~v ft'fl' i~n:r ~OOf: : '"-ljv; c1 ~omo :~ .tI~ ~:\:ti' .J:, l~~ ~;; n1• ~'· =1~~ t:..,~:~: !! benefit or "leverage," Cur you u-but •• , ''°' yi, B Vt 'I\~ Mm .. M l!vt l t;.' ~ ~s IS ee(.; Aoyltrl! (11 ' 11\~ "!'' •111 -lo lltH How (1(1 r1wnt1t1~ 1n1e.. ew 1. •~ MOr Club 1 1 'Ill crL11• H 2j~ lJl~ Air Pf'Od ?Ob n 11 3 ...., ~ •• -'' 11111 1n1t1<r may be able to bonow 1111lt• orlct1, 11 o• n~ln o 1• l! MU9Utr 1 '• u riiito " '"'° Al•Rl!dn t>v ~110 19'1 It" iti, +-'• Bem11 co be 60 d 75 r 1DC1r0Jom'11!v ~ rlr.., 1.Ptl \\ N1rr10 c 2 j 15\0 "''' at j1 11\'J AJ lncl~Slnu 3' ''• t t -lo i>u1111 • 1 (1(1 lWCCn l.i0 pelCCnlo om .alwlllthl,,.lt l.P!lnll tU N1!8tn<'1 t~: ~ lliCINl 6 l/ A .. G11 I I 11't 11~111'~-~1 lleMIFlnl10 the <.-ost or the property and r:.::111.-.~..,. <CMl~E~~ L"1n 4;'.~ ~~~~::Cl'~··· ti" ff~ v• u ,, .i.1.nrioc " • .,,"1 •11, •"1 ~ ... 11F llf•lll " u I II ChlHd !l~tdl ,,, Edocb I Yin Uo .... \4 ..s:i.o "'~"' 110 •3 1• u 1. )Po -•• a.tnF ~.:IO u1US, t up on y .3 sma lllid (bldl nlff· Ectut sv! 1n, 210.. " F 11 "" Hit 4ol •1 AlcoS11no 10 11 ''"' 20•1 ni. 111,,., ... 1 .m~'"l O( y~•r OWn c•pltal ",' '!!:", ml>'•"•'•" El !!1~E 1~''1 ,!,, ~:: L~O ~ ,,~ lo~IP~: l:~ 2f'" :::::Lc:c. ;~ \: ~:~ ~(~ ~;~;-h ~:':~~ 1~11 .....,, .... '"'·-°"' El .. ... 11\o 11 Mii Pel J\. t \, II WI! ""' ltll AUt11LllCI pl~ ! •h · d .,., ... "'flermec (IJ'I To illustrate how leverage :' ~~·v 1~/~': i! ,,•,~ is u 'lit *"' 121s, """ p.tE T•I ..O\'> 11 Alit11Pw 1.11 n 2u. 111. 111 .. -v. d1th su 1 aii ,1 _ I u• •'~ 1 NII $'-S•1 11"1 !Jn G• 21 11\IJ AIL~I> I 10 111 2111 JI<. ?1'o -\o flr.M Ind I 20 works,ltl'ssayyoulnvest1na ~~kdltwn ;•·,~ 1"-,~ ,,., 1 H•IOI •'• 11~ ... i;,co is'~" AlldfMln o111 n :JG r.t· ,.~_,,~,,.,." .o I 0 000 I r I nd I Ion C ~ •• l\'I S NEn GE lt U .. w EISYC 17''1 It A!llel:IMl!I 15 1 26~1 6'o JUo + '• Blld<Ok 110 J , parte 0 8 With a m Enl JS\1 2t'Ao I 0.ll IJ 16 HF. N1tG 2J~ 211-l D<1rv 1~• I',<, AUlld Pd 61 1t lit 2fl') :JG llll<f.totln Al 13 000 d I l AAI Cori t II Et MOllUI 1 Rio N hift F ~ l3 Id tc1l1 2SV. 21\~ AlllldPd ot l I ts .S M +1.., 811» L-I , own paymen : you ge AFAP• 7011 22\.'i Eltc c~ ,..,.,. '''• H •• " i. :IOI\ 111 krw 29\\ ~\'> .. ml'dstr 1 ., ~ :u »"'I :u +'" 1:uu1 a.11 1JO a tl}-year mortgage for the re-•VM co 'l"" uv. ,E~~ 0~ 11 1•~ ~11'R8 "3!~ i:;w "~r .: so "'11o..is1 .,, ' vo111 s.•i ~" J&'1 -"~i. ••),S 11.(ml El llY,. IJ.,. ;;{<I It !1'1 ~I.lo N~1r m 0 1-UIMC TY )llo 1;\ A.!ll«!SUP t0 21 ln1 141• It'>+ \o ;:;r 1.'l'O main1ng $'7,000 at 8 percent In·~~ ~ H~ ~1\1111 1 111~ 11tt H wr 011 •"'-~ -• F 1,''"•~ !~.~~";. f? r.., ;:;; ~f:;-~ a~:il!"11!1 terest a year. And lel's say Alf" llldu• •I.lo 1 Entw1'! ll\li 1 VI NPA Gii It .... U1-> llbO Fd '" ,_ .... A.ICOI I.., ~61 ·~· 611· .. , .. + h 8ol'd S!ti 1 Altbrn F l''J • ~on Coro •• ' s NW Nll(i ~ 10·-TlfNU 1 ...... AM8.&C so JI u•, 16•. 1''' -\< &ool<.Mln 1 71 YOU're able to f'e.5elJ al $15,000 Alberlf 11\.0 11'• ~%!1 l~~ l~'t l!~ ~~= p~~; ~~• nv. +=~ ,,v, tt\.o AmerEi I 10 i '''• ,3\i fl'• flor•!fn l lO al h h ' Ale.II. fl( 31 211'11! i.t 31 ll ~ lrA 11 .... n>w1T••1lle 14•-.ts Am•Ei 1'1160 1 ..o·~ 4111, ol0\.~-1,&or•W1r 1,!S ter !wo years. w IC 1sn l an Alie., Lno 16'1l. 11..., l rc'!co Pt '"' w11 21'-11tVt rev.,. w 6! " Amer H~s' ,, U'<. U\.1 n~ -fit'"""' IO unreahSIJC aChiCVemcnt these :11~ ~:: 1.1 t~ F:f:1\11 ~ r1 l!! ,~tn ~') f3\lo +~:~ "'f ,:,\ 1;\io ~1i~n:'.tl ~ 1~ 11~u. 1r,:i,o lf,'~.=:: l~,~~''1.!: OI d 'lld ~ro ''' .e>4 F I ~ 21\'o 11tt TP 11''1 lt Tltln~ Co 'I\.. 7t Am Air Un 9tl I'° '''"' 26~ l''• +. '1 ••<ll!Alf 5CI sys, A led Eo II? 'L.:o F~N""M1 200 7<>t ~tr NA IJVI It Tlllnv tn lll"I 141~ Arn 81~1r I l7 H h\o th -'' i'l:l'~ J ~ Your monthly m 0 rt 11 a g c :~11{-eo 1: lt~ "'' eoo.1 ,3 u ~YC11 10'" nu, Tn1n Go 11.,, 11 Am B••lllll 1 •2 :µ :r.i..., nVi -,, B~i:iM/ ,., I 0000 I Am OTfl 1l ll\lo Fl•G RE '3'\ '!" EC brl Uvt 11\.'i ltln•C I I'• V.i AmBdcSI l 60 •1 ~ "' 4' _1~ ll<IWY Htle I payments On I le $7, oan A El Lib I "• l l, FglM In~ 11~ lf'-'I Plb•I llr 17\/:o ll Tt<Kn! G ll'la I~', A.m C1n 110 41 11.o,i •1111 •11-o -'II gkt~nUG I n $85 d fl t Am E•or •ov. ""'Fil Rl'<'U s s•~ Ptc Fae ll .W T•11Cnl 0 ,•,• ,•1tt ACan of \ 7S l3 7~1 '''• ~ _ 'lo rown Co are an , a er WO years, Am Furn 9 tll!I "'' WFln 111 •h P1~~0 Co j'7 71, Tr~l'rCf In .,,,, >>°' A.m Ctm 60 61 11>'. ilh 11'--t, Brown Co pf , d ff $l OOO ' p A GrN!t lll•'o JI l'ltckno 11"• 11 Pt..col l V. 11 Trk:o Pd i'>•~ ll' A C~tln I tO t l21o 32•', 31\io _ 1oj, ewn S~lrP I you ve pa1 o , in nn-"'"' Hffll 14~, 1, FloM saf '' 75 P wv 011 16\/:o 1 T•ld1lr .. ~ Amcvan 11s u1 ?I\\ 111'> '"" _ '111 flwns~ 1 '° Cl pa t and II 040 In Interest Am 1n5a 11.,, 101~ ,•~, •0•,, 1•\ ~ ~·111~r P 1 ~ft !~Vt l'001''Fll ~Vt ~;l• A"' Oi•IUI 1 10 ll't ,,,, 1i• • -i.. Bruniwk ota ' Am Modi :it•-; J0\1 "'' 11\• '11') IYI t ' 11'> Yjf." ' 12. A01111\/I Ug ll U\1 1714 "" ,, BvcvE r 1 ?(I ldcducllble) Your net Profit Am Pl1>t-111, 11 F,•,',!..~,•nl 1t 30'-'t ~"'1~1 T 1'"" 1 H" ~Th ~1 141~ AO«•I m••~ 4 ll'• iiv, Ill,+"" 11111<1 co eo . A SI GOD S Sb """ ~ 1'1 en ~L 61• 1'~ nA 15 16V, AmEI-1 !ol 99 <lll1't :JG"' ~Yo .+ 111 udo;I F o! 60 on the deal IS $3,960 ($15,000 ~m'",.10.: ]~ ... n. ~~~~ln CE ~\, ll ~: ~&0w" ,f:~ ,:~ 8~ ~~ J.1~ :u,·~ :~ EE•nPk•.:.,, 4; ~;: ~i~ n::-+ ;,· .·~.· ,',,'" ''10' I Ill "") b t I I -• , ,,,.., ,,, 1\~ Ptnn RE 11i. UV. Un McGlt ,, ,,., ~ ulfF1 eSS ,V'tV -U your tO a AnM11$9 6J~o64lo_,u,~kl ll'L11 P11>1IW1 t•1 1(1 Un Reio 1",1511, ~non',, l10 1>o ,,, 11 1 >-~Bulovon60 An.ktn C 11'> I VI '"1'" " Ptr n! 91 1011 (IS Bklllll :10'• 11 AGnln ffl to 16 311< J1'\t 32'h -'!lo Bunk Rilr•10 outlay has been JUSt $5,040 Arc1t• H ls 36. ·••11.i~~~ 1::~ 1:,~ Pt!;le s1 41' 4, us rrw" ! s•, AmHol• ID •' I• n > IJ'• -·~ Bun~R pfl so 'f'h [' 8Q I fl ArC1 Intl '' II r( Of'~ 711 l'• Petroll! 40 '1 .... US Envtl 11•1,19\,A Hgrne l'it llJ SI'• S6'• '11~+"-Burt!no 140 a S an percen pro I In A.rllel> M IOI'> lO';o i, Kl" ft 4,~ ~ Pl>Rdo Df 65 69 ~ S""•r •71~ ffllt A Ho»I~ Pl 1 I •• • I ''• 1•1.. -'• &vrlldv 10 only l\10 years' :i~'?.-.:t f~ .. :g\!. r. ..... e'i.' c 1!~! ,;;,: ~~~ub ?~~ ~ .. u! ~~~~ Hy, ~i~ !:::.n'!0~p1 Po r~ ~~'! ?n: f~: ~ ~ :~~tF:: 16fir FINALLY d bl I II "'''""' H "' ~, r.iiltn 31.,, J••~ Pl' Pd • .,. ,,, u11h SLd 1 1v. AmMFav 90 x4t 1~ 11»'1 1t11 + \~ aw11tr1Sr. to , C tn I Sf IS a Arvla• 191, 10 r.r•c ' "1\1 4 1 ,~ Pl~rln 51 St.,. Ulll l~d '11h )9•,0:.: A~ICI• 1 ID 21,9 II, t i • 14 -t -. hedge abalnsl In r I a l I 0 n .... cc eot 3• 15 r.ltlfll! •• t4 Pl>flr HI< )9 JO "'" LO 11 11\'l AMe! p! • u , 10H1 io1\.'t IOIVt -s A1110 Stl J\, '"" r.•ea·~ w .... 1'~ P•o Goll ,, •• 11 V1oc~ SI '"'"' n ....... Mola<• l•l ~\. I\ .... I + ... i•bol c. '° because you borrow "ex-"'••'"'°'i"' ,•,',• 1,0 ~:;n.~ub ,., l"" Proo •na •l'r s Iv Wad ""' ?11/.o AmN11G1s 1 ~ ll'• lJ'~ U-.-"' 'I F1n1n1 uu c; ~ t: lA' 1 JJV, Pub! NH ,. 71'':1 ""'•"'w P I~ :1 An o>tocl O'Q '' I•-. m.,,. h>h -~ • l•hM Tlf pensive" dollars repay with B1lrd "'' 11 ·~ ,,..., r.••··,; \i ~ ~1 Pub NM :u ll'h w R••de 9~ 10\l. AResrcll •k 20 20St• 102 2011:. + •,:, 1mPRL IS• 'ncreaslngly , ch'eap" dollars l!~e~•lnt 1:~ 't~ c;~~" M• 1A•1 1~ PwbS '<C ,,,1 11•-. w,.,..,., 1!~'~ lo'• !;:: "-s",','~ 1w1 ..o s1•. !>! v. .~,., -"" 1moSP 1 10 BP~ni wt s•. ,..., r.,~11 RE 11 ui,., Publ•to• 141• 14'1 ..,,,,., Nr, 11 22~' 22~ :n" -•1o ldn a~w •O over the years e,·.~'.!!~ c •"•'' ,•~, 1 ~~~·Pr i:~~.1~\t. =u•::,.,.., ,,u J~\ w:;hT~E ,p• li ~on~;r 16:i 1H ~ ~!: ~~ ~1;: ~FR': l 'fa NEXT A ( I '"'-" r. Tl> I ,, 1' Purll'I SI 11 ll'h ~ Rt 20 11'1~ AmSoAlr 10 Sll '4\o ,UU. 43"9 +•l' AO C 8"°1 ssum1ng you ee l••ln P ' 11 l.rw d c':. ,,~ 1 PCNo co l''> •'• e1111rn 11 n Am~Air in 10 ll •11 , 3v•,. "'" 1rt1run t eo h I l•vleu lj'1 ll" •w•• 7., 3 Pulrvn_s It I•~ 1llnn M ?i•1 7S Am 510 1 It 31~ l1"-31..., + '-Ml•llt 1111 I e advan ages \\'In your ru les 1HChm J ,,, n w ..-w•" 11K ,,, .,L Rid ovn 1•·~ 70•, nsll c; ••~ t•i ....,.,~1c 01411 1, 1,, ,,, "' .,., 1ro c .. 011 s ' &e11e tsle 11'' u ·-w!I nl ·• 0 0 '' "" -• w , , , •1• , .. ,_ ± ,., 1 0 for land huntl"" eeim 1rn1 10,~ 12•~ c;.vrOll~ ,,,, 011 •"• ....... • 1 cs • '"" """s1e"1 • s ,.;. 2~1 26\t. "' •ro .. "t:t BlllCOI l(IJ.\11 \•"l•m ·"" 11 }r.t,RIYCllC.oltel'OI W1•nNA 11'411'1.AS...9••16U l•?S 1• ... 11 'w ittOTcll lolll 'l•rll H• 33 3' Hlnll ..,,. 4 •l, R,!!'~ c,o, •,1:! U.:1 w!;!: ~;a, 1 Tl, ASug pt.UIS 1 u 4o1 u +1i,;, 1rri.rco 60 •• '' ,00 '' •~ "•novr 5 fl ,. ~-., 30 ., " IB'~ '19'~ An\:>y9 Pl 61 14 10\o 10 \D -'• i ••11!'W IO I • ~.,. .• " '" ' 1\; RtD M!o ''""'D'~·Uln., WI! 1.!,',,',',L ""'T"T '"° 511 Sll1 12'• u -\'> IH JI 9111~ W t \• t ' ·~·· l> Rll (rf'd 311, l•>..it Wlnbla ~,.., "A wwt >o6 1 11 17 lo • "• 1se lllAl,41 111/d Son lJ :It "'II~ Mc• •' -Rlltv Slo 3~ l) WIMI"' T "'> • • •"'ww>•'i ">> t>lltCat (1(1 lllrldlr 6 , 6•\ "~"•eel I' ., " Yl'O 11\.o lllo 11\I .+ 1" 1·•-1, ' -flllc~ !"I Jl'• ).I'• ... lllllwn "~••'I RCl'I f• '''~ 111• "'" P' 7'0~: 7"0'1" A,\I p1 ~/ 1 l> ~,D J, , lf , 1,.0 t' 1, ,, ... ,,,,·•, ... ' EP ~· S' l!obln M )\ ?to WrcllW e • • Am Z•f\C • 2H 10' -•• llO"l\lt El l'o t1\ cm ,.,.,.,1 R11ieln" ll'•ll't'v·~'! r 7''•? A-·••• .A • '"'-... KO Co to 9ot1 lie< ll•o 1?\ot .. oo•~• r' o < I ,, • o E > '' "~·· "" I ?J "• !J !"o--o' Boen~• C 11 i6 "'°"''' "'• ~·. ••, ov 11 • r nv 1 Amfecll't to IJ st 50\11 so~_ i.. ;1,~~j,'i),, Sol Profits Mark Recorcl Boo (•I> JO•· Jllil Mufi< ...... in " A"<IK L"> JU )I ?J\o ,~ .. ,, ... -'• t..CO .... lO Brk\t\'\> G 70•. 11'• "'ull PD '~ 'I' .. _ AMK Olll'O I II 11 11 +1 tnlFOV l'!ld erwn Ar )J l~ "u<> G'• ,.,, 1" AMI> I"" 4 101 ''"" •41, u\. -\'< 111 Hwd 141 l tu1h !It 2l'~ 1'21.lo Hyr;t o ?" '"" Am°'" Co•o 120 :1t•1 JI Jf -.,, Ctn' lt!LI 1 31 uck~ 15'• 11 'fYt!I Co "'" ,., Am,1eo '.., v .. , JljJ,;, :i."°' c:'tnll!PS 1 ll flutnuo 5 11:) ll''o Ind GJi ?• ~·" MUTUAL Arnie! l2 t 161• 16 > 161,. -"i'fttl•EI u llu~nt• F 14"1 IS'~ ,.... Nud l~J, '; A.necef'lll 11'11 '1' ~ f:~ 19:i,, -1-l tllMPw 1 11 For TV Broadcasters SALES MANAGER Loui• W . Leopold Leopolcl Promoted Appointment or Louis \\' Leopold of Costa Mesa 1s d1slr1ct sales manager for Air New Zealand 1n Les Angeles was announced by Alex T. (; 1 J l more , manager-North America Leopold, who succeeds representative for the a1rhnc and agency manager, w11\ be 1n charge of sales 1n Southern California. Arn:oni:I Nevada. New ~1ex1co, Oklahoma and 'fexas For thr past tv.o ~·cars. Leopold ser\cd as s a I es rerpescntativc for U1e airline 1n Orange County. Prior 10 Joining Air New Zealand. he spent five years as reg1on<JI stallon 1nannger for Los Angeles A11'\\a ys in Anaheun and Ne'll1port Beach \VASHl NGTON IAP) Tele111s1on broadcasting profits Jumped to a record high of $494 8 m1lhon in 1968, snapping back from the previous year's slump, the Federal Com· mun1cat1ons Comm 1 s s lo n reported Wednesday The previous high \.\'BS $492 9 million 1n 1966 In 1967 profits ror !he industry had dipped to $414 6 m1ll1on The 15 neh\ork-owned and operaled stal1ons v.•ere. on 1hc \Yholc, sitting pretty in 1968 \111th total profits of $122,4 m1\hon -an 1n('rease of 17 4 percent over the previous year. and an average profit of $8 16 m1lhon per station The 473 other VHF .stations earned $345 6 million ~ a 26 9 percent increase anU a n average of $730 000 per sla 11on. But 154 liHF slat1011s show· ed an O\erall loss of $29 5 m1ll1on compared v.l\h a $17 7 million loss 1n 1967 The FCC figures sho"ed 1t pays -especially for U•IF stations -to be aff1 hated w1th d major net\\·ork Among VHF stations, 87 perecnt of the netv.ork ar- f11iates showed a profit in 1968 \\h1\c only 66 7 per cent or the independents made money An1ong UHF oullrts profits \\ere ~hown by 63 percent or the network affiliates bul bv only 5 4 pt>rcent -two out of J5 -or the tn dependenls The $400.000 to $600,000 pro· fit rangt> 111as the upper hm1t tor UHF stations v. lth only four 10 lhal top range fhcrc v.'ere 154 VHF' sla· lions making more than tha1. ELEVEN ACRE CORNER OF PRIME M-1 PROPERTY BEING OFFERED FOR SALE NE. CORNER FAIRVIEW ~ SUNFLOWER, SANTA ANA, CALIF, $50.000 PER ACRE -Terms Ed Rlddlt Realtor, Inc. 60-88 11 l\low!PSJ\ _jets every 9U minutes to San Jose! ' 7 am 10 1:30 pm. Bolh w1y1 7:01).1 ,30-10,00· 11 :30 •m· 1 :00.2:30·4:00·5~0·7 .00-1,30 pm, Mor• en WHk•nd1. \Yhy worrt abol.lt a reaarv1t1on wh.n PSA ht• c vtr 160 !Hghts • diy? Such •n ea1y•ll>-l'amember sch•du!e you can ca1ry It at'D&lnd JI'\ your head. Why remember lowe&t fa rts? Or a!I j111b? Or GIWlt Mrvb lo Sari Fninc!!l'CO, 0 1kl1nd, San ~o. and SacramanlQ? Or 1n11 kidt under 12 lly PSA {With their p1•tnl') for h1lf 11110? Stlll want a t ... r11atJon? J111t c1U~u1 1rautl agent or Wha name airlines. PS4. oft,,.; )VU 1 lift.. e::,.i;' SY ~\/)it :~:~~~ 7 >\. :~~~rp~~V I~ l~ ~~~: n ~~lt ~ ~ =~: !o~1 l ~ CIP'IO'I M 10 U In! 1'0C I"' '1 And Clay J 10 t JS''> JS,. JS\> -" tnlt!VI u \\Ith 22 StatlOOS, 20 or them C•nnM !I t9 1J 111Cll Svs 1~'• 11 A~d>eCo 10 26 211':1 10'• 10"• -1 t"o l.60b C•n•tcl 6 6'1:1 tnlrm In 11• lftl, FUNDS Al'<oOll 1 •21 1S ll 314-Jlh -\\ ••I 1 el'd IO network af!1l 1•tes, making "$5 Ct1J Sow " '~~ Int "w'" 7'• "'· ~ Aou• er.em :rt l6~1 JI U\oJ + "' ,,1 led ot 90 (10 lnlA 1'4 IO'h lnl Miii ~'VI'"~ ARA Svc 96 J8 100 9911) 100 + :o,. uiniAlf 10 II " CaaTch • ~int ~clr 1 ''" A•(!l0•n 1.60 s 46 •S'o •SI~+ v. "' SU IO ml lOn Or OVer. ('1r!e 91 6~ 6\(o In! ~Y$ ''"~'>'IV, ArlrPuoSvc I 9S 1N 2SV.. 25•1, -I• h1dbt<1 lllC (1r1r Go 19 ,1 Int ~" al 1~"' P ' Arlan• OS K 21 .»> J0\'1 JOI' ""' ~•moS 110 The three n e l works ~''' NG 12\.\ U\'t 1n1 T60t •''t .;:,v. ' ' w ,.,,,.,.1cos1 1 '° ss ,.~ 18 21 • = :i,, ,,,,,,,Nv 1 U1emselves -ABC, NBC and 1•,':','•,',00s ,l,,'~ ~,11~ !?~u•n r::~ ~:;: A"'u" 11 10s N11 11• ,,11 :~:;:~,J.' -JS .1l ll,~ ~~ ii:!..!::; :O.:::~"iJ.o'f • ~ , l' N<=W VOll:IC {.aPl lnv~•lo" C""''o Atmltub I 60 6 331'1 JI.>• _., '' ~rtn lb CBS h d I l I ~m Let JS IN !11C01>1 F ' ' '• -Tf\e lollowl"9 QU<> I 1.,1 10 ?7 11 l~ Aro Corr> 90 5 73 12• 211 -"-htmNV 2 llO -S ov.·e a o a in-r.•mld J'1 4 11cou~ ,. ,,., 1"~ , , , '''' • • • '' ''''" ,_ 1 '' ''''• '''' '' ~,-·~ f"-••• -Che• IMI ~ ,.,. Jim W•I !Ill. 11\, ~I on• 'UPOlltd v , •• ' •• "'' .. .,.__ •• ~-""'"lo :· crease in profits of iust over Ir~•• v111 i 6 11 •~ ... st.-1••, ,, "'' N111ona1 "'"°'1 .,..,..~ ' 1 .. "''"'~011 110 » 41'1 11 41''-+ 1, ts"'' Cnl Sri.I 71 " !1f"' F•• ., ' ~·"" pj Sftcu•I""'• SPll'CI t07 '" AsM>ll p/2..0 I es 15 15 +10,,:,Cht$d\rO t:t pe rcent, m1lhon lo total $"-"A l'hrl•t S 11~ !!I It~'"·• S• >111 '1'1 Oeai.rs lllC lrt UI PY 11'\ '1> A•MI 8rfw I 1(14, IO'o 10'" -... ClllCEtst Ill a "" , c11r.11 pf 101 IM K~•,SI ot .,,, ?I ·~· Dfo(el M -en !"" Re111 l 90 s l6 A5.S<I ()(i 1 '10 ... ... •l'' 43'• -" CnlM1I SIP p The FCC report did not pro- \ ide 1nd1v1dual profit figures. Major LA Boom Seen Witl1 Peace (,tad<'! ••• I lt11var IOI\ 11• tne1t ~CUtllln •1•1 '1',:!',·,·.·, ,','!']P9,,,1-,, l J.t•, ]µ. ll'• -... C~IMS!PP cl [llo/ U A 1l'> "\'. 1(1v.m ~ ~''>CO' d h~V• -n IY,!t •• ,..Tr, .iD U>, tl'o lllo .+ ... (hMSPP pl S C!lllUB 1l'•U Kti r f 2<>','1\o )Olcltblol 0tboutftllvv Ol"'f ".\AfKtvE1 1.)0 1S25<.25't1S>o-"'CMSP"'CI' Cllr~ Ml n 1,23•,Ke11e11 •'i 1 CISktOl Mof'll •y J HncDtlt 10l 11lAl(llYEI Pl• >10 6t'• 6'\.o 11'~-la.Chl M<l•lc I [llvton •'• S't Ke 1 .. d ?~' 2'117 II~ A1k IOfln In ~I "•21 06 All Rochtld l l72 111 1'! lot\' 110'• -it Cft1PnlYT 2 Cllnl MP• 711 11'1 l<tun t; ll''>1''1 Ane,on 1'\\ ?!1Ktv1•-Funds ,.l!'!c.n Dill!. t90 ~'n 51~. Sil.. -->.iChRIPct UP r!lnlon O tio 10 K1ve l'tb '""' II:\:. Adv!>" 1 )1 1 tS ro • J'1 1o o1 111 7' Alt RtCll "' l I US\: llS' > !IS 1 -1 CnRIP c!NW Clo\!' Co 19'~ )Ill~ K~v• C11• ,s ,, A•i. .. ~1d 1 ~ I Pl Cw• 117 lO )9 1113 AURcl> Pl? to SI I) /1 n\o ~ ,. cn1 Tf11r 1 '10 Col•m e •': 1 ... Ktv•t PC I'• 1'4A.!utrt 10 01100J ''" "' 9111nb'IA!1-SC""rn I 121 16"' ?SI\ lS.,-•,ChOCllF1111 60 CoU!ns F l•'~ 16 1(,. • ..,, El 7 I Alano f'd 11 '\'1 Il l> CU\ ICI 193 16S Alla• Ca<o 1S2 J'• I•, S'.• Cl>•ll (ti 60 Coton Sic l•'•)S•~Kltk Co 1~ 11 Amc1P Sil •ll r,,, "1 ~" ~n r.ura<a Pl1• 12 lJ'o !lit lJl•-V.CCrt Prof ! C<>r>Ktl 31 .o0 lt'.l'llo Vol ll'• ,.,, Am "u' J 'I l 11 Cu1 SI '10 JI 'n ?J Au!Slllll• QI.! •4 U''I 11'• 13'o -'"' Cnroma!I 4' (_om Ctr 34•~ l5'~ Kc.race> 11' • II~• Arn O~ln JD ll II ii Cu• '' 11 "'1' n1 Auloml" !NI 15 l t >a U u:o;. ~ '• (hromal l>I S com Act 1•, t~.~C Oat :r ~ •,'AEx 1n1 911 Cu• 51 799 11lA.vco Co 12\1 ~9 11'1 1S 2J'lo-io.Cnrv1ler 1 rom !rtt 1• .. ~~Lance In J64ll 21 'Am Grin • 61 7 ?S r ~ S• • "' 11"/ Av(D pfJ 20 41 sn, 1'1'1 5'"'1 -l ClnnGE 1 411 C...... Ga$ lll.o !<,,_, l1nt11 In 1• 1•"> "'"' Inv I u l " Polle • 'll CM Avery Pd l' Jt Jl SI .. Sl +VI (In GE of C Com Tf'I 1A 11 Lt"" Wll l I > 11.m Mii! tlllO?liCnot\b 1,'l •"" Avn•llnc <0 11 141, t•\o 1'~ . cinMll! 1..0. CDm Hllft 111;. 1''~ '"on 11' I I Ar'1N GI~ J !Q J Jt Knie~ GI 10 1-11111 Avon Pd 1 &II 6) 1S71~ 155 llJV.-1 C!nSuTt! 2 ..0 Como A. S'• '"'-Ltn Coal ~I •, Ancno• Group lt.tlnct 10 >I •I tit All~ O•+ us 5& 11'• IJ'I-U -''• (ITFln 1 IO Cmo Cm 41 " Ltl$U• G ,, 11 ~ c~"t ~11 915Ltll R"h UIJ161J .. (ITF ptJ50 ' 'm• •'",'• '!'i "i·c tl:::,:1~ ~~ 1;;! /::~ Grw1~ 1161ll17 '.lht•I' 6" ~ l• --Clt11.1 Svc 2 -l ••' ,,iJ lllv ''I 7• I~ l~v e U 9 "' Ulr St~ 4 71 S 11 l abck W 1 :16 II ;~, ll" 73',C, -'• Cl!v Inv JDb mo f( ' I 1, /I~ Fd Inv t I) 10 t2 I II• Inv ~" I~) ll~••<' IT '> I 10 lP'o lO -''&(\!Yin~ pf 82 CPl<ltmr 31.:.•'•LOft lW ,1 7 A\•a<;• l '?l••Llnci 6116 7'B•llGE110 11 JJ 32\ol''• CllvlnPflll ~rs~~! '::· lj tg:,1 £~~ 1~•; ••"' AJ1rlln II,. ' .. Ll"'ml~ S•Y'"' .~R•(;,. pl!I,• j,O 1•0 ~1'1 •1'1 611• -\, CllY S!rs '° ' • ,,.; 0 , Y"l:l1 c JI l'I'• A ~ Houoh1nr Caned 31 7:! 31 n 111 Pl ' iso S9•, 591\ }9'11 Cle•kE 01 '° on1fl s 1,~...,•dG~I ,.,~1,,.. Fv•dA 1111'1 c,,,, n •1•111 R•rql'•n1 ·.ct Kl r•o n , 7»,•Vic1811oou '° Peace polite ' the ~onTtenl 15' 16 .... le Ch ,, ,. r1r~ 6 RI•'" MwT 1~611'6? IBr.~ l< 1e• 29 '°' ~9'1 ,,,, + "ck:vCllU 1~0 and "reasonably _.,s '.1'1 '•1 .... :?R11v 10•,11•1 sroc:N 1176 7l•"'~Mr ,..., •~•R••no• 1J" 11 "•so, "~-'•c1evE 111110• !~~rll Tl', 21 ..... ll~r! ,,,~ 19' 1 •cl Co < ,. A'" Mo~J Fd 10 69 11 61 6erd CR 25 I S7 Sl"' 52 -Vo (lotnX 75!1 relalJOnShlpS ,among rt1I Mii l'• 91l .... oml As •lo ''• B~b•cn IJl ISJ "'" ''" '''""9' Ctu11!1't1 llO rou co '"'>30 ""•nou• 1• l•'•"l•lr ~d 1r·~1 1 1Q1M~u Tr 1505 16•5 Clut!IP pt! l f II e PaclflC C !Ch R )J 11'• V.anln M ··~ •>I Bonll1!k 6 61 11?1"M~• '°" 'O? .~.::.::._. , ~--.r (N A Finl ~ na 10n5 0 I C~res (: 10 , Jl'1 .... fl•owr J• J9 """O~ St o II I~,, M8thp" 11 Jl II 51 CN A Pl A.I 10 Id lb Lo A I Oinltl In 7l'o1• d ShlD :111'~.:r> 80'lton l ?J 1'9 \"l"lon °"1"'' I I Co~'IST G11 \\OU put e s nge es oinlv ,... 10•~ 111, 1.11•er o '"• '""• "'"'o st 1•"' 1< 1• M111A M~ & " 1 01 CslSG• ~It ,, Area 1n a "uniquely favorable g:~~' ~~ :~ . n .. ::::~1~' H ~!:~ ~" ,~II~~ ,~ rr 1: :~;,;::;;.CD :j ~ ;: ;; " ~~:~~Ilg 1?110 position " a cc 0 rd in g to D>IY Ml• "'• 1(1• Vlfd!rn l"' ]T Canaan 1107 II" M~-10• F11n'1· ·r, F1' na11ce c I• Pll I JO ' Oe•0t In !? '"• ''P•• l'l t•' r•o • •~c 3 'l(I • l~ Grwll> 10 1)9 \l 06 c~ilr"' Att l economist Conrad C. Jamison. Oel••nt 1·1 ''•>,\••It Ne 1•' 1 :I'll • C1Pll Sh• 6 16 ? •1 t~•n "' • ~, • ·• I co101n1s1 1 10 f'le•to! .a• I'• •••Y.•rh G•r> ·~ "• (•nl S~• 10 lt11 01 !n•ur 716 101 Collonl{lll to a vice president with Security Oelut Ch •11, .a1,0Ai<11i1 C• 11 11 1 Chinni"' Fu<••h '''" r~ ••• ••• ~ (DI! INI »a Oe! C1nT 16'• 11 Mldlt¥ I •• , P.~i>n l'"""'MIF (;th sot ,is CBS' (1'I Pac1f1cN at1onal Bank, com st 116 197<·u ..,,..,.. ~~r 1•1! B • f co11 1n"'or11s •• 1 n this half of the world -\;,',~~ ; ~~ ~ ~ ~.~, ~!~ l~ ~ J~ ~ }"} e S ~:i:J;~1 "111 # I he half with l\\O·llurds of the ci::ec! GrtJIJ~ .. l lO ~~~ ~~.\ ,] ~ \~ n L ~:1~Prc11 130 world s population -the Los ~~~ ~; ~j ~ll: ~!: ";~"' l ~ ~ n ~ ~~~ 1,'to Anueles Area 1s the center sn•"<I ""1 ""H•t lnvd 77l 116 \\'ASHINGTON (UP I) -coml5o!w •O " (hl!!TlCI il9719!9N '1 ~·c~r ~" (Gml!>ol pl90 "1th the largesl income. the co<on1~• 15•1•~ 10 l• 11 JO General D~ nam1cs Corp. has 1 comweo 110 _._._ EoulY ISi 501 ~~r" <1• '~< ComE Pl1(1 greatest production of gllUll.:l r w"" 11 ·~ 11., 01v1d 'tJ • 11 obtained a $12 in ii hon Air com .... 011 60 and services, and the number· e;~I~ :!: ~u ;;~s;~ :~ ;;1 f ~~:111 XI one market " Aggregately. f~S'811 '! :l .. ~ ~ ~~;;; ; ;; ~ ;3 F 1 " or 1 ce c 1 o 1 n 1 r ,,a cl 0 r ~~K~~11 J Tokyo s 1nelropohtan area is ~~;on~ .';ill1•~.'.IJI ~E'L wG1~ ; :~ 1; ;~ ct'\ e opn1en a· an"· manage-c()fl Edit , to 1n :second place by o sul>stan-•ncorn • 16 10 11 "'•"w1~ ,, ,. "' " n1cnl services for mochflcation ~:;~!1" ... ~' ~ •~~••! 9 <~ 10 •I N~w EN• 9 60 10 14 (C)flfAlrL ~ 11nl margin aecord1ng 10 s100. 9.sa1o:ie"'""' t'~· ,~,...1•r.o of lhe Alias F Series boostercon1can 110 ' rw ~.a~ ! 'l 'll N~w Wld 13111'41 (I C~n ot11s Januson Cwll'!I co in 114 "" 11"111 •• "' 11 •• k 1 con1 cooo JO ' r Id romn ·~ 1'" ,. \I Ntwlon 1• 5915 9t roe e s Cl Ml~ I '10 ·1 peace cou be re-com""' 111 'rf~"'~"' 1'''1•i contMo1 100 cstal>hshed, together with a t:;;;:: ~~ ;:;1~~,~~::~~ :~ ::~ BURBANK. Calif. UPI) -~r.::o~l1 o1f~ sc1nblancc of pohte re la-ti::',~~~ ,~~\,~ii lg\' ~~ 1'1/~~ 1t, (C)fll f!I l llonships between the vanous r,,,,·~1 1n l)Nt 11 vo o~~ wms ut01s'° Lockheed Aircrafl Corp has~g::;,01e10~~i f d Con$u 1 ~ 4 '1 s 0• "'N"1' '"" ·" obtained a " 4 m1tl100 navy ,1•,Dat P',4~~0• na tions the gro\\'th o lra e In roro •" 1• 11 IA "" Op ... nn 1 .sa I l'S "" -oct .. ' d h cniv c~ .. 1! 'Ill ll •s 0•n" "1 ~ ~~ A ~• contract tor class1f1ed work lo ~u,'",,", '•'• the Pac1hc Basin -an I e f.•O"'n w A,. • '' P• Mut • O? 1 D2 ~~ stimulus to the economies of ~~O'::",, ·~ ~t :: !t:' ;~1~;1rn 1,:? 1~ ~ be done <il Jts Sunnyvale, f:l.r J.~ ,~ the hemisphere -could be ~~~!.~nc :~ ~~ n :~ ~.~ SI '~ ;; 1~ ;; Ca hf. planl fg::~;~ 1,J: spcclacular. The Los Angeles 8!~1~ l.:, ;':'1 !~l ;.~~··;,.v :;:;:;;~ ~:'1~~~ 'n~ Arca \\'Ould be 1n a uniquely t>owT 1" 6Sl IU<>rlc• TP 7•4•?'"' SEATILE (UPI) Boetngcoruw 7.5/'.0 Oow~t F & 71 111 Pro Fund ID~ 10 l6 h I d Co•Dnt!ln ?2 favorable pos 1l1on to "'••v'" 11 •11J11or•'""' ,,. '" Corp as obtane a $59co ... ttt JtC1 , 1 E11C)fl•1otow"d Pu••Mn '9110 n m1tt1on .•1r F'orce contract lo ",",'1',','1$1·~ paruc1pate 1n such a deve op-r:i 11~~ 1~ '' 11 "p, .... .., F• ~" d 11 l t $,,"' 1 w,u 1nenl " • f;~ 1;a~1i-:? ~~~;~ l~.Ul!~~ prov1 e po\.\cr a era ions or~•am•Kn 10 I ' ' M ltlarket1·ng Jtla11 SPKI 10'11100 •••II 1115111' •·11nuteman W1ng5 roc.oi~!o<lNI, Jr a" 1ng an imaginary uu-~·oc• ,, ,, 1c."" 1,..,.n.., , ,, • r• I¥ croweoi 1 sn mile eirelt around Lo s ~~n1 1~ ~: ~:;: ~~~~, 1! ~ ,~ n; ~~~o•~or~1 Angeles Jamison pointed to John A. ~fach1na has Em•• Sc 111 1s. vov1co !U •d NEW YORK (UPI) -Ther1\","~~o'~ ' ed C uter Aul"-i::n ... vv 11 0~11 ~"•" Te<"'""''' F d t R t regional production tliat woulil JOln omp v-Ent .... ~• • 111 '11 R ~.,p 13 o1& 1• n e era eserve s y s em ooenv co I N Port <-ru1"' o ~• 1" 1' on•A• ~ •" •., ed I h Clld'llv P!I 'S rank JOth arnong the "orlU's mallon, nc . e\\' E:aut G1h 1111111• Sc:llu•'c 15 16 '"Jt ma1nta1n 1 1 1 s t1g l grasp on E~:!.~.~ ~ I I d Beach as director 0( ,,.,,. H9l k ""ll•r FwNI• crcdll 11 S week D a 1 I y c o -gross nat ona pro u c 1 S , Ever,1 In "·"' '' tt 1~1 111v un.1v111 ""n •u• '" tbch1nd only those of the marketing for the Ea~!-f;~i;:; ~~~:~:; ~;;1 ;~;~:~ a\erage net borro"'cd orc.f~~,,~~·! ~ l.in1tcd States, 1he USSR, ern Un1led Slates and ;;:,;;'"G~ ll !i l~;~°"O,~" ;;~;;~ minus reser\ies of memberc~~i~H1 11~0 1;1ian \\lest Germany Canada. r,d c ~p 11 ••" ,, ""' F n~.1 , , ... banks cased only shghlly to CvPrv'M 1 '° • ( • ' • F!d Fwnll "ll 111• s~ 1 .. v '. '·'• ,! •••• 1~·3 II cd th F rance Britnin Red China ~d Trr<I ''"'3 1't?~··~-.. ,., :r"' m1 rrrn c:ompar WI agan Piv 110 • ' ' Fln1nt\ll Prat s~1 SP-CS 15 1116 S! led d I c l '5 Italy and Canadal. o ""' ~ ~ •" ~~ o~8n l' ·•" ,. eorrec ar Y average n11nus o:~tin; lOh WE'VE GOT THE ANSW•RI TAB WILL ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE,,. WAKE YOU UP ••• DELIVER YOUR MESSAGES ... TAKE YOUR ORDERS .. , ANO FILL MANY OTHER NEEDS ••• FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO CALL US NOW fOR INFOAMATION AND A BROCHURE. .... _ TtlEPHDNE -,I.al) ANSWERING BUREAU 543-2222 t OFFICES TO SERVE All OF ORANGE CO. oceanograpMc fun~ ir£. A mutual tund inveshn& in the davelopmenl and 11se or the ocean and its re$ources -----------Mlllfor. Dl1tTlb1••n, hie . M lltwf SI,._ """ 1'1<1'k. M 1' • lootol il'ltll• 'end tnt I ptll~W1 Of! UM OCllllOll'lphlc; l11n4, I~ om• !""'"' : ~ S ~~Ill~ : ~ 1~ ~~ figure Of $J J66 bt(Jlon for last ~·•I lrd f' 1 v~"' 1 11 ~ •s 1s1~"'i'nv 11 M 11 n week .,~~~~coot• it lr.iF VA 10 •• 11.c.1 1~r~ll~ II o" O" D•vlnPl ) 611 Fl1 tn~ltt ; ll 10 71 Sw lnV••I I 01 f ~l f'o"1 ~·· 1 •< ~~:: ~u1~ ,;; ;~1s~F·~~1Gt _,.a·1 ·,., SAN FRANCISCO (U PI ) g:.L .. P~1,•• 1F\! N1I ~~"~I ""°" SI ""'" C ''•It b h C Otlm1rl' 1 01 (Fit s1e•1 to 111 u 1t ''~•dm1n r,unc:11 -town "" er ac orp, an-f'op1 ~·~•, 1 •0 ~~ ;:;; ; :; ;..;u:n11 ~ ~ 11 :~ nounccd 1l will raise prices of ~::::1•1 .. 1'° !Fi• c.·~ ~·1 7•.11 S••tn ''' ,_. llci.ablc packaging n1atcnalsDrnnM11 60 !~~ .... ~~ l?~ ~!.!_St~'Z1 l!°',!:~--n ~• bo 5 "'•nn'-''o pt! IFou"o 11'711111 1 C•P 0• l•M1tl• :l ti{ percent Sept J OennvR1! 1).1 r • " hn Gr;t•~ Stet~ 1' <I I " o;~·R-;;r 11"'\0 1 ~~($1 u~~~~I: \'i,:,~ff' \(~ ':l 1'la1•l,.•et '~'""0 ~·' 0111 un1v•lll!¥ncr GI 111S n JO R!~~~1 .. ~1 \. ltt"I ••1• '"'IV " <lo •not n -DlEdl l l'r!1'11m I '7 • 2t l't<'ll" ID )6 H l• l',~1 Frll ~,5"/~ -.,.,.i ...... ••<!ft'1 ., •• ,, ''" 6... ,.. s ' l(i'n Sf< II QI II 07 lMllVll I D7 s b 1'~~1.,,.1"'21 6ll ' ~·• ' "II I' 11 llt-~no1 '.-'~ y1 ,,. ols O•llF!!llft JO I G~~·o s~ '., ' " ~:"~ ~1;; 1\ lf '! I~ ,..,~ ... 1n•1 , ~ Com SI ll 11 II U lr•n C11 1 M I 51 Ri:t~ t,• r ,, •l'I ""' ••1 ,,., (-.,,.,~ · Tiie fo•••1<'1t" • ~n flt n-mlloi, ~'"'0111 DfOt:l'O <i•l!I Incl 11 •In ll ll/OQI' '" It S\ 11 l)t in ""' •IDCt l'l'll•kOI •-ti. 00-1111)1c1u11>°" 1 ''"""" ,.,,., 'fwrr "'' ,,11•·1-0,... C.uArOn ,, U )S 11 'tWftC loc • 11 J U ~~ .. lltlll'n '" -ffkJ•l 011•,-,J!,0 "7~ H•..,•llOI\ •~ • Mvt ••>I~" ~ t:.OI•• °' T>olrll. b-Atll!ulll .. IO mUIMtt -I Hl't 111 5"' un.111 ''° 10 )I In ltdf Pl\Jol 1iock 111~1, t-Oecl•l'fll lloliC; ·;:: c;on • '•• I '" V• 1..t ~ ~n<'· Cr NIO "!' 11• /1'th. .,..,, f'-il'tYtblll In l11nov• I ll I 47 A(Cll'\ I )j I G~ ~IOc:k "11fl,,. lt$1, IH!lmt~, rll1 Pllll [ntrC!llb .11 •l1rt(' """""H lt1ro•n 11·~1• "• slll(~ 11~11oo1,no11, 6-0«llrtd or,.,,. .... ,.,.. oi~f'S:11x;"io N-... ,, It 11..n Sclrn 1 I• I ... I/II PJ!..... """ DI' U'-flllTlbulletl CUI"' "' p ~ 111.r ·~ ,, ., I -,, utCt c~n I" I~ -"•111 llrt YNr L~_"'.:Dttlllft Of' .-i(I ~· ·:;z~ llO Hf'db Ger I IG I Ill Yllllf l!"' fd ltfltr •fOQr llY-ot' Piii 1111 F 1 ')to ll.Oai> 1'" ll ;-. V•I l ln 1 •t ~., J;-Dfc!1r011 • otkt lttft 'l'fff Aft ff> r i llf•itOt l 01 J 1' lncorn 5 u ! n c..,..,w111tvr luut wll~ cllwkknd\ In .,. If! .60 41 Mo<~ft I '. ,. ,. ~fl( $ I I l• , .. 1 ~ .... , -P•lll 11>1\ w1r 11! ... ld~NI omlfttoll c :bi. )2 H~Dlhln 'I' • II V11CrS 1~1 I., 1 n °"'"foll or no •~loft '"~"' 11 '~I' d!Y~ = ~ lvt"4 l<;j r n ~ • ,, V~M"bl • ·I°""'"'"" .... ·-Cltft'll or 1111c1 "'"' CYl't' • Giy •t1Ht ZI~ '" 1..c • •• , tO Vlmtd s 21 ! , olu1 ll«~ 111v10 1-il'1v1b1t 111 tfOc1t 11 . ..!:!" l H '.':=============~I 'm" C•• I ! IVJ<r \lldl' , 1 lc!ur "' 1968. •'11n1tlfl! (lllft v•tut"' ti. , • .,,..n '.!S! Let TV WEEK Turll You On •rn• c111 1 u ! 10 \'l~r111 j 11 1 " alVhff'!ld ,,. tX>ll•tlflbulloft ll•lt. .,-L._ ~mind .J; ·~L I cl I• t11 ·~ "I IO•ll 'lpwtcl1!1~1 11•¥1111'!11f "lM' rif !~c fdl It-199 iN811SI In 11 10 1) It t-Sl!f\ on ·~Tl tiM' s(p ~? '""• , ·~··~'"\>'•' .. Mv '~"'''I o;:kl.-.(Jtlfo:t. ••-«'• llllv111r.n11 •dll-~1 Yl;:,:;o1.: tnd t r'ld I)» 11,., W~INI" 11 12 nu t1ls1rlbut>on, 1r-E1 rl1~" 1w-'N11houl ntrlttd 1 10 ...i •,v 1•1 • u~·, • 'nd 1 •• • 1• w1.,1nT ww-Wll'!I WI. r' • n I\ 'Plln Ct 1n1•• Sit: wn1vt11 wt11~11 I• 11 1' u Wll-$f'l;w•1ftn 1uv,..f!ll tt-t '~<II. ..o-.Nr.I ouPonl •"' I"• (1>4 ll"' UM iN)M•~• t "1" 'I •fltn Olllr D\11911 wl-Wl!tft l\\U"'<I !If I'll dU"'°" 11t1·1.je Inv t:.u•ct I" I tt Wlnl••I• j" ! f1 .l)tffftlffll .,,...,,.. 1111 l1Tl!f.rlll>lcv A.ct or f,,..,I r,> M In ..... ,,,,. u v !Hert II , ft¥ ot~...ir\' ·-w1 .. 1nt1 Cl'lmP•n-LI K •~vn IClll 11 '• ll 0, WD<'tfl • OS JIU ft! • lkofl Of ..... Ntt 1111t.1 1t•111 Ltw c• Ch ltlll Met ,..,.,, 11'911 '""' , .... o .. -D- 50 .. -... u·, -'• ,6 -·~ , .... + '• ?I'' ... '\ 26-'h -::.. J7 + '" • ~ lo -'• '" 16'· -\1 ... Wo->o Sl"1 -1 :I''• ... '• •1'1 13•1 -• 11i,-1•. """ -'• lD'• -'• ,.,.._ '• ...... _._ 11\o -... 1J .+ \o 11~ + •• ll•1 ~t '! '" 7J\lt -'• II~ + '• IO ..... + '1 lfl(, • ,,.~ 11 .... -,, ~,,,., • ' + ... 11•, -~\ ~·> ,, ... _,,~ l"· + '• '" 3'1) + •• ~1 .. -·~ .,...,_ '• , .... ll•\ + .. ""' -.. II -'' 11\(, -• F,,,. ::. ·-.. -'• ~·· ''• -.. n , '! -11• 11~'> -1 161. -... ~'~ + •• "~ = ;: 31'• -1'· ioi. -'• ~-·· '"" -''t "' '° .... + •• ,,,,. _, .. M ... " ,,.., -"'~ 1"• -" $3 ... -l'f . " . 111~ + \~ l«'~ -., 23V. + \ .. 1~ + '• 76V. -•• 1 "~ -•• ~\A .. "" "'~ +1'. :Ill~ -'• 1?'• -• :!01" -·~ ?11> ?H~ ->,t .,~. 51 -" ~·i1 .. • • • • • '" • • • •• • " .. " •• • • ;: ., '· ,, ' .. .. .. ,, • • .. ' .. • • •• • " " 1: •• •• '• • .. •• , . ,. ' ,. ' • ~ • • 1 " . ,, .. u " • :t .. .. • .. ,, • • " '" •• • • •• .: • ' " .. ' •• • ' •• • • •• • • • .. •• , .. • •• , •• • .. ,• • • • • • • • • • I l • • • • • • ! ' Mo11day's Closing Prices-Complete New Stock Mat'ket Off NEIV YORK (UPI) -Stocks eased today in mild reaction to l"ra11cc s devaluation or the franc Trading was light The UPI marketwide indicator \Vas off 0 46 per· cent on 1516 Issues traded 01 these, 816 dechned 451 advanced The Dow Jones average of 30 blue chip 1ndus-- !nals bad dipped 4 11 lo 820 35 near the final bell Volume of slightly more than 6 million shares ran about 1 5 million shares below the co1nparable penod Fnday Steels traded 1n fract1ons and on both sides of previous closings US Steel closed at 38 718 of! l/8 and Bethlehem was oU V4 to 31 J/4 Indust1 y ord enng has turned seasonally active Ji.tot.ors were narrow ly irregular Ford \Vas sl ightly higher after th1 ee hous but closed un changed at 44 114 l t announced tentative higher prices on its 1970 model trucks Oils and chem1cols also moved t1ons and generally in fraction s OAILV ,ILOT Stock Exchange List t•ltl Ntt•i------------•1 t-.1 lfltfl ""C1-"'- Complete Closing Prices -An1erican Sto(•k Exchange List Controller Appointed Dougla! 0 Udell ol Stal Beach has been named con- troller of Sunllte Medical Centers Inc Orange Sunhte the laracst con- valescent holpltal and medical careservlcecorpor•t Ion operatln& 1n CaUfornJa b a division of the., d1Ytl'1iftd Na l I on a I Envlronment Cor,. Oranae Ud1ll Is 1 member of t11e Chartered AccounllntJ Society or Canada and waa rormerly a.MOClated with Cua Blanca Convalescent Jlome111 u con- troller and more ~tly with Elderc•re Ctncen tnc. h• regional opti'aUons officer and controlltr capacities I DAILY PILOT Meetings TUEIDAY •ol•ry Club at M,_1.a.1-. 1,.1,.. Country Club. 1'00 I!:, CN•l HlllhwlY, Coronl del M1t, •:JO p.m. TN1tmui...1 Club, 11111', IC.Intl T1bl1 restaurant. WH!mln1i.r, I • m. Cool• ""'"-"Nt-1 1-lltbot l lot-1 Club, M.w Yer~ COU11tr' Cluo. Cost1 Mew, 6:4..! 1>.m. 111-11.1, Liam (iltb. VIiie Mltl,.., lOolS B1~11dt Dtl~. Nt-1 8t1cJI, 1 ...... $f11 llK(h TN11tT>t11t.r1 Club. lfl Randi HouM. 1llCIO P1cHlc (0&•1 HltftWror, SHI luch, 7 p.m. Hunll1t11""1 81.ch Ellr.s LocllM, Elks Club, Ill' 0.:1.,. Ave., Hunll1111!on Beach, 7:JO 1.m. So<:le"" fOf' ti.. Prese...,alloll 11141 E11C011r11.,....n1 ot B1ni.r sr- Ouarhit .$11111!"' ln Amerlc1, '°''' Mesa ch1pt1r, Collet• Park Sc-I, 1JIO Nolrt D1mt. Co.11 Mesi, 7:45 ....... Soult! Coast AcUvt 70-30 Club, Vlll•vt Inn, 11t M1rln1, Belboa l11l1nd, 1.10 om. l .0 .0 .M. Moose No. 1151. 4lS E. 1/lh 51., Cos11 Mtw, I: IS "·"' O•tnte Co.11 B'MI B't llh Mlinl lOClqt, Temo>lt ShltOf\, 611 W. Hlmlllon, Costa ~·· 1:15 ~-""· WllOftl"lOAY Blue F!1me Toa1tm11!ers Club. Mt!ll u.,..111 Country Cl11b, Cosl• Mt••· 1 1.m. CC"\I• Mf1.l.Or1...,., Co.11 Lions Club, Oclle'I Colfff .SlloP, 212 E. 11th St., Cos11 Mew, 1 1.m, Huntlnttlorl llndl E•d\lnQt Cl<Jb, $hertl0n llNdl Inn, Humln1I011 8-;f!. 17 -· Wntmln1\ff Optiml•t Club, KlnQ'• Ttblt lhst1ur1nt, Wttlmlnsler, 11 -· Cos!• Mnt ()ptlmlll Club. Cost• Me\I Goll 11•11 CounlrY Club. 1101 Goll CoOna Dr1Y1, Col!I Mesi. 12 _,, Cost• N>e1• Rol1rv Club, COlll ~ Gott 1nc1 Counlrv Club. Coo!I ,..,,.,., " -We"mln11tr E•cl11n~t Club, Ht'Pt""Y Inn, 1.0.1 Bttcll lllYd., W1t11min•1tr. 12 """"· Hun11ng lon lle1tll Lion! Club-Norllo, Me-l1rk Country C111b, Hunllnvlon Bt1Ch, 11:15 p,m, H.......,rl Htrbor ll1r Gt0\19, VIII• Marina. 106 B1y1IOe Drl•e, New1>art Be1cll. U:lS 11.m. f'ount1!n Vtll" Excll1n1e Club, Fr1n• coll' Rtst1vr1nl, llUI BNCll Blvd., HunllntlOn lltech, ll:U 11.m. Wt1tmln1ltr Klw1nl1 Club, Ht'P..,ny Inn, 1,j(l.11 lltltll Blvd,, Wt1Tmln1h!r, 12;15 p,m. IJEATH NOTICES CARQUEVlLL E Herbert Miiton C1rqueulll•, ~106 Yt!- -1tone Drlut, Cos!ll Mt». D11t ol de11!h, AUllllil 10. Surv!ueel bv wife, Edllh 0, C1rq1111ulllf!1 ion, He rbtrl M. Jr., boll• of Co111 Mt11. Sl!ru!cn, WHl"t'MlllY, 11 AM. P1cll!c View ClllPtl, '""'"'""'· Pecll\t VINO Mt-mDt"ll1 Ptrk. Olre<:led bY Pltlllc VlfW Morl111r1. WOODWARD Muga"I M. Wooclw1ra. A11e IJ, lo•· tnlf rfllcltnl ot 1113 $anl1 A"I S1, CO!~' Mnl. Pale ol de111\, Allllll•I \0 . .Su" 1 by son, Robtrl WooOw1r1I, and ' , 11r1nocMld•l!n, ell o! New- ped L ch. ""'''' w11 rKI!"°' Mon· d•V •w. ne; Rt11uiem Man was celf'.. br1!Pd Tu.,.,1v. lhl1 mornln9, both 11 Our L10v Q11H'n ol A1111e'!o C•!llollc Cl>urch. lnt<tr""°n! In (loul!'l'dllt. C1~ l!ornlt. eanr Morlu11"1', J51G E. COl•I H!ghw1y, Coron1 d<tl Mir. Cllrectoo. llENRY Robl!rl Hf:!l'Y. 11'1 Via MerlP0!.1 E1~I. L11111n1 Hll!1 Di le of <:ltll~, Au9u1I 10. SurwlwPd bY wile, Eyel'rnr ions, Robert, ot Sill Ltl<e City, incl G<>•-oon. ot Dl1mond Bir: brother, Ed· werCI Htnry, T~ncl Olkli incl 1IM 11r1n<lcllllclrtn. S..Vlcn Wiii bt M id weaneMlllv. A1191t1! 13. 1 PM, Pad lic View Ch-I. F1mlly """"'" ll'IOlf wlohln9 ID m11t• m<tmOl'lll contrlbu-l\on1. Pk'•>e contrlb\llt to I~ HNrl Fu!ld. lnlttmtnl, P1clllc View Mff'nD- rll\ P1rlt. D!r.ctecl bY P1cll1c View Ml!rlvlrY. ARBUCKLE & WELSH \\1estcllff l\tortuary 427 E. 17th St.. Costa J'l'lesa 64~S88 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del l\lar OR 3-9450 Costa l\fesa !\It 6-Zlli • BELL BROAD\YAY l\tORTUARY 110 Broadway , Costa l\1esa LI &-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS lluntlngton Vall ey l\1ottuary 17911 Beach Bl vd. lluntlngton Beach IU-7711 • l\lcCORl\tlCK LAGUN A BEACll l\tORT UARY li9S Lagun a Canyon Road Laguna Beach 494-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ctmetery e l\tortu1ry Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drl,·e Ne"·port Beach, Catlronila GH-1700 • PEEK FA~llLY COLONIAL FUNEIL\L HOME 'i'IGl Bolu Ave. \Vt1tmio5tef llS-35U • SHEFFER MORTUARY Ligon• Jk.acb 4M-1131 San Clemen te 492-0100 • 51\UTHS' MORTUARY 6:7 Molli St lluntJngton Beacll l.l&-Wt r Tuesday, Augus t 12, 196• No One Knows It Jamboree Widened _ Flying In Over Coast SANTA ANA -Jamboree Road frOm f.tacArt'h~r boulevard to the San Diego Freeway has been straighten- ed and widened to four lanes divided by the county Road Department, but h a r d I y anybody is uslng it. "Everybody still goes up MacArthur and w8.its to get on the freeway," lamented Ted McConville, assistant county road commissioner. "I guess they just don't know it's there yet." The improvements are there all right at a cost of '310,000 for the mile and three. quarters stretch -completed a couple weeks ago. But Jamboree still Is not a through road and suHers from a split personality. There's the more traveled Jamboree that runs past the Newporter tnn, Easlbluff a n d Philco-Ford Aeronutronlcs. And there's the less traveled Jamboree out ~y Collins Radio. Plans have been laid to tie the two together without the cuJTently 11ecessary jog on Palisades a 11 d MacArthur. Newport Beach City Engineer Benjamin Nolan said the ooe- quarter mile c o nn e ct i n g stretch should be started in OclOber with the job taking about six· months. The landowner, Lockheed Airera!t Corp., has given the righ t-of-way free and $174,000 in funds has been budgeted, $75,500 from the city of Newport, 575,500 from a state gas tax fund and $23.000 from the county. \Vhen the last quarter mile. is built, Jamboree .... ·ill be :l divided, four-Jane road from Coast Highway to ·the San Diego Freeway . A signal will be lnslalled at J amboree and MacArtfiur, Lhe new intersection half opened two weeks ago. The old Palisades-Jamboree crossing of MacArthur will remain. A short portion of the old Jamboree alignment past the Welch 's Ready Mix cement plant .will be renamed Palisades. McConville said . It will remain in use to provide access to the cement plant and to the Stanford Research Jnstitute property, which takes in the rest of the triangle. SA Channel Bids Slated ANAHEIM -Construction Addition to Center Approved by Count)' , work on the Santa Ana River SANTA ANA -Plans for a $2.8 million, supervisors were channel is scheduled here dur· U1ree-story addition to the told. The proposed addition ing the. fall if bids to be county's Engineering a nd should meet county space re-received Sept. 8 are approved quirements beyond 1980. ac-by county supervisors. Finance Building in the Civic cording lo official projections. Estimated cost of the proj· Center here, reinforced so it Future tenents of the ect between Katella Avenue eventually can be built up to building are expected to be the and Glassel! Street is $1.2 • DAILY PILOT PllCI"-h' 0 ... SlmeMI' is a Travel Air owned by Spencer Nelson. Two American Eagles can be seen in the background. five stories, have been ap-county Assessor, Personnel million. Planned is rock riprap Getting a bird's eye view of Costa Mesa' and Orange proved by the board of and Real Property Services installation all along the east Coast College are these participants in the recent supervisors. departments. side cf the channel. fly.in at Orange County Airport. In the foreground Five stories are more thani.--'----------------------------..C.------'--------'--------------------------- originally proposed, but supervisors s e n t architect Robert Lowrey back to the drawing board to come up with the five-story plan so the building would not be quickly outgrown. Buttressing the foundation for five floors will cost $86,400 additional for a total cost of Teacher's Plea Set For Coiu·t SANTA ANA -A school teacher's claim that she was unjustly fired and t h a t \Vestminster School District trustees should be ordered to reinstate her will be heard \Yednesday in Superior Court. Judge Robert L. Corfman will be asked by Ramona J. Seymour to nullify a verdict re ached after a public hearing of her appeal last May 6 - that tru stees of the elemen· tary school districl were juslified in releasing her because of her •·excessive absence due to illness." fiiiss Seymour rejects ~that decision as "contrary to law" and claims that her absence \vas due to "i ndustrial ac· cident." She asks that she be rejnstaled as full time permanent employe of the district from last l\'lay 6. The petitioner has been e1nployed as a proba tionary teacher in district schools for the past four years. Five Tracts Approved By County SANTA ANA-Plans for five tracts of new homes in the south part of the county have been approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors . Location of the tracts, amounts for streets. sewers, water lines and street lighting. and names of streets: Niguel Shores -ua5.200 to develop Niguel Road and Mariner Drive. Lake Forest -$209,400 to develop Nimrod Road , Respit Road, Ashen Court, Osprey Street, fi.1cCoy Rod, Grayston Drive, Barrowfield D r i v e . Lema St .. Provo Court Troon Court, Chaco Court and Rockrield Boulevard. South l\tlsslon Viejo (2 tracts) -$219,800 to develop La Sierra Drive, Belleza Cir· cle, Salinas Lane, Barro Cir- cle, Recodo Lane. Quevedo Lane, Nicho Circle and Marguerite Parkway. !\-fission Viejo -$143,000 to develop Avery Parkway, Via Coronado, Las Ondas Drive, Las Tunas Drive and El Mio Lane. PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell unwanted Items with a DAILY Pll.DT ClassWed Ad • PHONE 642-5678 Ready ReservAccount presents ''the breather!' No\v your leisure tin1 e can be a lot more leisurely. All it takes is a little help fro1n your Ready ReservAccoup.t. It gives you extra money, just by writ- ing a check. Money for travel, n1oney for loafing. Fun money. If your balance is a 'l''·. ' ., '• . ' . • • " l \ little Jo,v, \Ve make up the diff erenc e. Any ex tra cas h you need is auto1natically transferred fro1n your lZeady ReservAccount. Pay it back ri ght awa y, or later, if you like, on a conveni ent monthly basis. 1'he n1ain thin g, thou gh, is to relax-becau se \vheth er it's to the back- 'vood s, or ju st out to the \ \ backyard, Ready Reserv~ Account will help get you there. All you need is approv ed credit, and a kn ack for taking it easy. Ready ReservAccount. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK § =- • JOOEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 TllHll•P• ~ 1t. 1Ht I P•11 ll EARLY SHOPPER -Mrs. Robert E. Wall (left), chairman of the Christmas decorating contest sponsored by the Huntington Beach \Vomen's Division, Chamber ot Commerce, congratulates Robert M. Ferguson, who is the first merchant to sponsor a trophy for the contest. Ideas Glowing Christmas Spirit August Begins • 1n Doing so1ne early ing are members of the \Vo1nan's Division, Huntington Beach Chain... vf Commerce. They are shopping for area merch~nts 'vho wou!d like to dona~e trophies for t~e ;:i.11.nual Christmas decorating contest which the group will sponsor in December. There will be one sweepstakes, 12 grand award trophies and 25 special award trophies. \Vinners or the sweepstakes and grand a\vards \Vill receive lheir trophies at a banquet given in their honor. Each business man sponsoring a trophy also \Viii sponsor t\VO dinners for \Vinners of his trophy. A total of 38 trophies \Viii be presented in 10 categories which will in· elude the best indoor tree (seen from the street); outdoor tree; religious display, children's display, neighborhood group, commercial, church, r;chool or civic group, n1erchant's window, indoor display (see"1 from the street), mobile display and outdoor Christmas theme. Serving as chairman of this year's contest is Mrs. Robert \Vall. Dark during August, the division officially will resume a~tivities wi'th the first board meeting of the fall taking place \Vednesday, Sept. 3, in the chamber offices. The first general membership meeting will take place at 11 a.m. \Ved ne sday, Sept. 10, when the. group will honor Mrs. Phyllis liarrison, st.ate president, \vho \Viii be guest speaker .. Mrs. Harrison has selected Jiand\vriting Analysis as her topic. A report on the state convention, end of year reports and election of new officers now are being planned for the November meeting. Mrs. Jake Stewart is president of the women's division. • • .._ .... -...... READY TO JOIN-A storybook atmosphere will prevail when South Coast Junior Woman's Club begins its member- ship drive by serving refreshments during the 10 and 11 a.m. story hours in the Fountain Valley Library. Joining A1ice on her trip through \Vonderland in search of ne'v me1n- bers are (left to right) Mrs. Paul Johnson, ~1rs. Robert Somma and Mrs. Dick Trodick. The drive will conclude with a September tea. Socks Hop on Hot Lin e Fountain Valley young people \Viii be kicking off their shoes and kicking up their heels during a Sock Hop sponsored by the South Coast Junior Woman's Club. The dance will benefit an emergency Hot Line providing parents or youths involv- ed with drugs with telephone counseling. All students presently in high school or thqse who \viii be attending high school in the fall arc invited to attend the dance tak- ing place between 8 and 11 p.m. Friday. Aug. 15, in the Fountain Valley High School gym. Tickets \vill be $1, and playing for danc- ing will be the Carnabis-Rex, formerly The Stonehenge. The Hot Line, 894-4242, started this month, will be staffed by volunteers versed in medicine, justice, law enforcement, psychology, soc iology and' religion. Hooked in to the line are the cities or Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Midway City, Seal Beach and Westminster. It is pat- terned after the one operating in the Cerritos College District. Club members who \vill be chaperoning the dance include the Mmes. Carl Cleary, Paul Johnson, Llo)td Sattert.h\vaite, Paul Mock, Maurice Donahue, Robert Marten, Jon McKibben, Andrew Edwards, Larry Long, Garry Davis and Gary Bennett. Club members also will serve refresh- ments during the 10 and 11 a.m. story hours in the library Saturday, Aug. 16. as a kick- of{ to their membership drive which will con- clude with a tea Thursday, Sept. 11 . During the membership campaign con- tinuing through this month. the Juniors also will be going door-tCHloor to explain the club's activities and encourage new mem- bers. · Additional · infonnation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Dick Trodick, fourth vice president,. membership and federation chair· man. The entire club recently was surprised during a kidnap breakfast taking place in Mrs. Trodick's home . Mrs. McKibben and Mrs. Cleary kid- napped the membership to bring them to- S{ether to discuss details of this month's drive. SOCKS SWING-Area young people are invited to attend a dance which will be sponsored by the South Coast Junior Woman's Club to· benefit the Hot Line. Kicking off th eir shoes in preparation for the sock hop are CoCo Koelsch and Bob Som1na , \Vbile Mrs. Frank Fleck checks the Hot Line number, 8,94-4242. Weighty Subiect Too Heavy for Mether-in-law to Han .die ANN LANDERS IOS.pound mother-In-law. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Ten years ago J graduated from Stanfora -Phl Betl Kappa. 1 had alwaya wanted it> go to law &ehool, but tt was more Important that my husband be a lawyer so I went to work !or a mail order house. done It again. Is occurred spelled wittt one and two r's or the other way around ? casionally? \Vhat gives? -J\JST NOSEY DEAR J UST: Of C1>urse I lake vaca· tlons but my work ls done berore I go. I don't believe. 111 ghosl!I. l produce every column that appears undtr my byline. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My son's wife, Phyllis, is two years younger than he bul she looks 10 years older. The reason is her weight. They belong to the besl coun- lry club tr. town. I'm q,re Bud must be unhappy when he s~s the ,wives of his friends, slim and sexy In their little len-- nJs dresses and skbnpy bathing IUits, while Phyllis sits there with fat hanging out all over the place. I've kept quiet about it and it hasn't bee.n easy, but Sunday I could no longer contain myself. l said, "Phylll!, dear, Bud weighs the same today as when he graduated from Dartmouth 12 years ago. lt'1 too bad you can't make that state-- ment." She laughed it off with this h0s; hummer: "Well, maybe H Bud had had the six chHdren in 12 years he wouldn 't be able to make that statement either." Their youngest Is 18 months old. Don't you think she is using childbirth as an ex· cuse? Please give her some of your wonderful advice, Ann. She needs It. - AGE st, WEIGHT 105. tor yoa, dearle. Tbere'a • problem here which 11 larger than your daughter-In· law'• derrlere. You. I quit work after six years to have a baby, but six years was just long enough for the mall .order public to ruin my spelling. Today I am unable to spell the simplest words. After one sees un- necessary with one n and two e's about 50 limes, hi? is never sure if It should be one c, one c and two s's or one or two e's and one s. This same thing has ocurred (sic) .vith several other words -there I've I typed a letter ror my husband last week and he was shocked at my spelling. When J told him the job had done it he said ! must have been a lousy speller lo begin with. Please tell him it CAN hap- pen. -BOOBY PRIZE DEAR BOOBY: Nol only can It happen, it DID happen -to me. But wbat you lose In spelling you gai n In inslte and knowlldge of pceple. It's wlrth it. Too many couples go l'l'om matrimony to acrimony. Don'l let your marriage flop berore it gets started. Sen<: for AnD Landers' booklet "Marriage -What to Expect.'' Send your request to Ann Landers in care of your newspaper enclosing 50 cents in coin and a long, slamped, self-addressed envelope. DEAR ii: Phyllis didn't ask for an1 advlc.te, but since you W1'1)(e I have a little Keep qM.ltt about her weight or one of these d1y1 PbyW• might give you 111 anl'Wf:r that will meU your brldge1''0rlc. No dame ever lost an ounce becau1e eome<N1• needled ber about it, and tbe last person to say anylhlng ahould be a DEAR ANN LANOEllS : Don't you ever take a vacation? I see your column seven days a \Veek, every week in the year. Docs someone Rhos t for you oc· Ann Landers will be glad lo help you with yuur problems. Send them to her in care or the DAILY PILOT, enclosin& • self .addressed, sl.4mped envelope. •. 14 DAii. Y PllDT CHAMPS RETURN -Back from Switzerland where they won top honors in Gymnaestrada, then gave exhibition performances throughout Europe are SCATs team members Lisa Nelson in foreground. with Denise Wells just be-- hind her. Standing at rear are (left to right) Lory Nelson, Lisa Speir and Carla Abbey. Blouse and culotte costumes were those worn as official uni· forms by the gymnasts. SCATs Team Scampers Home With Top Europe made an unforgel· t a b I e impression on the SCATs and the SCATs made quite an impression 1n Eu· rope. Girl gymnast Lisa Speir , Founlain Valley llLgh School freshman and one of 28 girl members ol the Southern Cal. ifomia Aero Team summed 1t up when she said, ''It was an eIJlerience none of us will ever forget." The SCATs were first place winners ui diversit1'i1ty 1n the July Gymnaestrada in Ba- sel, Switzerland. They v.·ere the first U.S. team ever lo enter the competition. The event is acheduled r v. try four years following the close of the Olympic Games and tea.nu from more than 30 countries were there, includ- ing one from Sweden wilh 1St'lO members. Entrants were judged on the balance beam. parallel bars, tumbling and group pre· cision routines such as the one the SCATs performed in red, \l'hite and blue toslumes. The 28 young \lo'omen have been rehearsing 3 hours a night. five nights a "-eek for two years 1n preparation for the competit100. Their coach is Clayton tBudJ 111arquette of Long Beach, "'ho was in charge o( the Olympic gym. nastic team in Tokyo. Num· bcred among thei r member· ship are Kalhy Rigby and \\'cnd y Cluff "'ho performed with the Oly mpic t~m in ?tiexico City, The group also scheduled exhibltion performances al· most every weekend for the past two years as they work· ed to raise the $32.000 net-es· sary for their Switzerland trip. Arter the close of the week long Gym n a est r a da the SCATs gave ezhibition per· formances across Europe and in the ..British Isles, including Laguna AAUW Hosts Summer Coffee Series Honors one at Edinburgh castle. As gooct"·1U ambassadors thry drew enthU.6iastic audi· ences sometim<?S as large as 400.000, Coach l\1.arquette re- \'Caled. and lele\'ised per. fonnances in such cities as Slockho!m had an estimated four million \'iewers. Greatest benefit of the trip according to 1t1iss S p e i r , daughter of ;\fr. ·and 1'1rs. Robert Speir of Fountain Val. Jey. \lo'llS 1he chance lo meet people from many other coun- trie5. "We hattd to lea ve ,·• stie said, '·\'.·e made so many friends ." Among other cities visJted were Bern and Interlachen in S"·itzerland, Muni ch. Salz- burg, Copenhfi.gen and Oslo. About half the girls on the team come from Long Beach and half from surrounding citles. Others from the Qr. ange Coast area include the P.1isses Carla Abbey of Hunt· lngton Beach. Lisa and Lory Nelson from "'estminster and Denise Wells from \Vestmin· st er. A rest will be only tempo- rary for the lively grou~ after all, there'.s. the 1972 Olympics coming up in l\lu· ni ch. Astronauts Grounded Without Women's Help SPACE CENTER. H°"'lon (AP) -The United States may not have a female ul.roftaut. but women -from astrunauts' wivu to t h e 1eamstre11es who sew spacesuill -play key roles in the space program. Frances "Poppy" Nortbc:utt. for esample, is a t>ye.ar~d Dayton, Te1., native who is a member of the flight dynamics 111ppGrt .WI in miss}oo control at the Manned Spacecraft Center. The tall, bloode mathematidan is ooe cl the first women to serve in an operational support role in mission cootrol. '"'Ibett'a I~ discrimination q:ainst women here than in any of the profes.s.iooal areas," she said. Space center officials reported lbat "8 ol Ibo t,400 Horoscope Pisces: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 By SYDNEY OMARR MANY ARE METICUWUS in groommg ud are parUcular about wbal thty eat and tiow food la strved. K.Dow lltla and Ult Ute tnowlHgt to advantage. Tise more auvke yoa give ltHlay, lbe more you receive. Tb.It advice 11 general -but is specific wbta applitd to VlRGO. ARIES (P.farch 21-April 19 ): Be sensible ""here ~'ork, employment prospects are co~rned. And be practical about diet. work, recreation. Avoid extremes. Traveling relative may communicate. Be Annual Ball Swings Out gavemment employes here an women. No ooe dlspule.6 the role of astronaut wives in t h e l r hw:bands' work. They even are consulted about hubby's food tastes wben the menus of debydralld loads lor Ibo ffiibl are select..i. Thousands of the miniscule electronic components In the Apollo 11 apaoecroft and Ibo Saturo $ rocket Wett assembl· ed by women worken. The foods to be CODIUl!led by the astronauts, a doct~nd a technician while rn their quarantine trailer after splashdown were: prepared by ........ And. of course, there are the indisi)ensabie secretaries who work for National Aeronautics and S p a c e Administration engineers and scientists, e1· eeutives ol space program contractors and the astronauts themselves. Charlotte t.tall.ele, secretary to Apollo 9 cuwmeo James A. McDivilt, David R. Scott and Russell D. Schweickart, bad a birthday while her astronaut bosses orbited the earth in ~farch. They didn't forget. The astronauts radioed to earth a lllUJical birthday gneting. Another woman in misllon cootrol ls Larue Burbank, who designed Ibo vi.sual displiiys ~ cootrollen watch to mooit.cr a gpacecralt's flight. Dorothy Lee is an engineer at the space centrr whose specialty b Ibo boat obields that protect returning spacemen from the heat of re-- r.ntry into the urth·s at· - mosphere. MRS. CHARLES WILLIAM MANN Evening Ceremony Tennessee Wedding Listen Today Lagunan Claims Bride Charles Wilnam Mann. 50n man. Ushers incJU:ded the ol Mr. and Mrs. Willi.am I. bridegroom·s brother · David ~lann of Laguna Beach, claim· P.iann, "'ho also traveled from cooperative. could a.ho be envy. Realize ed Phylll.s· Ann Wattenbarger Laguna, Edward Gibbs and TAURUS (April 20-May 20): this and be diplomatic. Avoid as hi! bride in Fork Creek Robert Dickson. More pleasure comes into attitude oC braggadocio. Presbyterian C h u r ch of Assisting for th e wedding Your life. Relief from pressure Sweetwater, Tenn. reception were the Misses SAGl'ITARIVS (Nov, 22· Sb •-th d hi I 'I indicated. 1bere is a change e .., e aug er o "' r · Rita ~1cConkey, Debbie Odom for the better; your creative Dec. 21): Spotlight on what and Mrs. Carl Wattenbarger and Nancy Davis and the abllitie1 are displayed. News you want to achieve. Yoo may of Sweetwater, and her father ~tmes. Palmer Peters and from young "'"l"SOD brings hap-be in too much of a hurry. gave her in marriage for the James Cranfield. r-Study Aries message. You are 1 r o which ~'as piness. attempting new technique. even ng ce em ny 0 0 The bride rec eived her BS GDUNT (May 21.June 20 ): Practice makes per f e c 1. perfonntd by the Rev. r. · degree from the University of You may find it difficult to be Think. R. Greenhoe. Tennessee. Her husband. i9 Practic.al, but it is necessa"'. 11\e bride's go\lo'O was of working for his PhD degree at '" CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. · t 11 t Study details. Don't 'Overlook ivory organz.a over a e a the same school. t · tt Re d 19): Accent on journey or with an alencon lace bodice,-----.,,--:-:=--- apperen nunor ma ers. a communication with one at a ~-..11a-trim on the skirt and YOU KNOW between the lines; be aware of . f cu"" ..... fine print. distance. Frne or writing, chapel train. A pearl trimmed · submittihg manuscripts. Ez· peau de soie cluster held her D CAI\CER (June 21-July 22 ): press views. Look to future. illusion \•eil, and she carried a YOUR CHIL You are on the go ; the day Don't brood about past. white orchid and white roses features rhythm of a c tion . Oiange is the key. You shake AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. in her bouquet. WILL LEARN o(f lethargy. Be versaWe. II): Check legal papers. You Pink satlh gowns ~·ith flow· Have alternate methods al may have more coming to you ing trains were worn by bridal TO SWIM AT hand. Communicate with than is imagined. Enlarge attendants, who each carried · relative. scope. Avoid the petty. Don't one long stemmed rose . Mrs. l..EO (Juty 23-Aug. 2l): Ac· be held back by none:listent Steve Flower~ was matron of BLUE BUOY restrictions, ~lwage is clear hooor, and Miss Paula l\lann, cenl on money. possessions. by tonight. the bridegroom's sister, came You can improve home C1:lm· PISCES (Feb. lg.March 20): from Laguna Beach to join And So Wiii Yiu forts. Genuine needs will be othe r bridesmaids Miss Jane A11allehn, l1lb1a hlancl, fulfilled. Key is to be selec-Do more listeniilg than talk· Keefe and Mrs. Joe Combs of Sa1te A••· T111th1 Swinging mus I c will tive. Means don't s pend ing. Patience today proves a T 546 1800 characterize the annual ball foolishly. You can obtain ge· valuable virtue. You gai.Q by ennessee . • entitled P.lidsummer Night 's nuine bargain _ if you shop .. -p'-la_yc.in_gc_w_ai_·ung_· "--g'-a_m_e_. ____ Larry ___ N_11_s_er_,_ed_a_s_h_e_s_l _________ _ Dream to which Temple Beth VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Sholom of Orange County in· Lunar cycle moves up; you vites members and guests are particular about the way Saturday, Aug. 2.1. you look. Pride In achieve· Temple Beth Sholom in San-ment ill highlighted. Many are ta Ana will be the setting for favorably Impressed. Take in· the no admission affair to itiative. Get started. begin at 1:30 p.m. LlBRA (Sepl. 23-0ct . 22 ): Those wishing r u rt her You are given added information or reser11ations responsibility behind the may call Mrs. Ellie Sieberl at scenes. You may desire more 836-7890. public recognition. Bui, first, One of the evenirig's main there are quiet moves, actions event!! ·will be the naming of which are necessary. Act ac· h 1 cordingly. I e Man-o ·the-year, a person SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Laguna Beach Branch of the American Association o f Unlverslty Women \\'ill host a series of 5ummer coffees 1n m e m b e r s homes during August. who has done outstanding You have sense of fulfillment . ~·ork in the community and in You complete assigMient. Temple Sholom. There are plaudits. But there Laguna Beach , 494·7307, Aug.\i"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I 20 . aod Mrs. L yal AUGUST The social gatherings begin at 10:30 a.m. The club features among iU acti vities study groups and special interest groups such as bridge, gourmet, am and cralts and book reviews. The cofle-!3 will be hosled by the following members and a call to lht hostess "'ill insu re a reservation. They are Mrs. Don Tanney, 1t1lssion V-ieJo, 8JO.HH4, Aug. 18; J\trs. Dud ley ·1telm1 Laguna Niguel. 493· 4879, Aug. 19: l\1rs. George Corneliu:i, Laguna Hills, 837· 0031, Aug. 19; l\trs. Stan Flores, Temple Hilll, 494-0388, Aug. 2tl ; l\irs. Robert Lewis, INTRODUCING Baumgardner, Laguna •Lills.I 830--01ll, Aug. 21. FUR ~fore arc l\frs. Donald Journea y, Laguna Hills, 836- 1763. Aug. 21: Miss Dorthea Glasoe. Laguna Beach, 494·1 S p E " TA " U LA ft 1556, Aug. 22; Mn. Earle Gar· '-' '-' mon, Laguna Hills. 837-9140, DRASTICALLY Aug. 22; Miss Alida Parker and Miss Ola Hill«, Laguna ' Alf Furs REDUCED lfills, 830-1044, Aug. 27, end !\trs. Wiiiiam Kennedy and l r.1rs. William White, South 1 Laguna, 499--1079. Aug. 27 • P.te;nbership is open to women graduates or ac· credited colleges and universities. A d i p I o m a transcript or old A AU \V membership card is suitable \erJflcation of eligibility. An-1 nu.al dues for the Laguna branch are $15. for thi1 tp1o:i1I eve"! only NOW ... Exqu i1ife N1tur1I Russi 1n Si ble Full-l 1n9th Coit $1 ,000 v1lue •................. $l400 ;Ht~ Sup1 rb Tip-dy1d Ru5si10 Si ble J 1 ck 1 t. $2,'100 v1lu1 .............................. $1595 '"' Sup1rb Tip-dy1d Rusii1n Sible Stol1. $2,300 v1lue $1150 ,,,. JERRY GUTIERREZ E11;otic Bli ck Oy1d Mi nk Fu ll -11ngth Coit. Full $5 ,000 value. S1crific1 548-0460 WE STCLIFF PLAZA • Price .............................. $1900 ... N1tur11 Lu teti1 Mink Full· le ngth Co 1 t. $2,300 v1lu1 .............................. $1695 '"' Natural Atuteo1 Mink ~ length Co 1 t. $2,200 v1lu1 ............................. .$1495 ••• Natur1I A r CJ 1 n t 1 Mink Stole. $850 v1lue .......... $450 ••• N1tural l u t 1 t i 1 Mink Stol1. $550 value .......... $27S Dyed Broedtail Proc1ss1d limb J 1 c k 1 f s. Fine values from ..................•• $190 M1ny Othtr Owhl1ncling V11~11! ALL IT!MS SUIJl!Ct TO Pll:IOll: SALi! .M. dACQVES FINE FVRS 14 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH • 644 -4661 \ ROBINSON'S INVITES YOU TO MEET COCO THE: CLOWN ANO HIS SON COCO-NUT• 1 .AND SE:£ TH EM PERFORM 'THEIR HILARIOUS BALLOON TRICKS, 1 .oN FRIDAY. AUG . 151 AT 4 PM, JN THE L IDO BUFFET. ANO YOU MAY BE A W I NNER AT 'rHE DRAWING FOR FIVE PAIRS OF FREE 'rJCKETS 'TO RINGLING BROS• ANO BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS., .PRESENTING 1TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE TOMORROW' AT THE FABULOUS AN"AHEIM CONVENTION CENTER, FRIDAY-WEDNESDAY 1 AUG. 15-20, TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY, THREE PERFORMANCES SATURDAY , ROBINSON'S NEWPORT • FASHION ISlAN D • 644-2800 I • .. -__,_---.---. - n -DAllY LM TUESDAY AUQUST 12 ""e."' .... CC! 160) Jtr.J D Ill""""-tC> 130l ............ (C) Cllif. Mo t"i1 n. Detroit ncers 11 Detroit. o• .,._ -(CJ..,.. cq.-(lll)'lttt)) ''4 -ht• Cv:shins. C111istopM1 u .. DI"' (CJ (60) mlLM ..... (60) Ill..,_ CC) (30) @(}JM"' -IC) (90) fD Mal's "-? (30) Muri Dtusln1 llbW* lllt rurin1 ol JOllRI bi90ll; Dr. Din Posin tatU about apac. ltiiJ fuel; 111d TOllJ Slltta11 sinp lndofttsil1 IOlllS. IE'-"" Diwint Tnor1 130) G) Jtws (C) (60) Jack Hickey. STEVE ROPER I 'WIWT ACTION ON ''°l~V.:"'..!='."1°!' I Y0WE ORDERED A 71ltS IMMEDIATE~V, (wuttn1) '67 -.l&lftlS Ftttnt!M. Jlell lord, Doti ClllonJ, Mtlodlt I .loblllDI. A thrtlSOIM el tftCllit.: bulCtits dlcidts lit IPllt llP end to strtislit--cintJ to wind "P *' Ill tilt busiMU t0&ttMr •pl1.. Colna: off to Califorall alont, stOlll II.IC· cwfullf crut. the cloutlll rolt of • tespec:bblt r111C'h« •lld tilt tnrtd "Blxlt B1ndit'' -until his old pat9 1Mw up and try to cash In on hi• utup. (R) .... LOT MORE 7\Wj WE AUGIE.':-Pl!UNES kEED ALRfADY, l<Ol'ER.' -ASl'l'RAGU~ $1GM OFF/ •'tl61RT-tlelCllU$- o ~ s <t> (60) shtrt11 , e ·fbssey •nil t.ount Basit. 111 ftl· f !!Med. (R) ~ m Na Flltiwal (C) (60) "MOl•rl 1~: PiMIO Conc:el'lt No. 24.~ Pilni# All· ~ --- d11 Watts and tht Los Anltles PERKINS Ph i1111'rmonic's Zubln Mehb 1r1 fe1t111ed. Watts dixusses llil m1 and music In tllt first part If the prorrarn. which also lnduda r• lwrsals Ind a pttfotmalltt ti the Lot An1t1n Music Cenlff. m"" <30> By Charles M. Schulz 1 NEVE~ REAl.IZED IT WCJRE, SilT I UVE IN A "Iml6t.~ 5QUAl1E NB6H~OOD •.. •HERE'S NO l'l.ACE AllQ.llD HEiE ~RE \'OU CAN GET A ~ZZA AFTER MlllNtGl(T l By John Miles 1:30 D DIC fll..-~ka (C) (&0) ID P•ttJ DuU (30) Ql@ Hunlllf-l rl•kl., (C) (30) Q!J[l)II!-(CJ 130) ''"OS[l)o.• • ., CCJC30lllo<· :::.@ ,,,,._,..,.,~(@ = ~ olhJ BtntOll (l'tUJ Rtt) 1et1 I ~ fD F.c. NI Swldtn (C) (30) NflOm Fi11 Ind Air-Swedish GllSL" A lllok 1t !ht 1lass trttlcn at Smal• ind, wller1 "*' thari 40 it•u works lint been lfeded In 11\t rniddlt ol a tecluded, 1'00dlld PfO¥· me. In 111111.hcm Sweden. hurried can fnNn the stork 11141 he1 • f--.!.,:;:..------l f--l,.,.;;:...------11--l....;>'-------1 f---1..J"-----,;;+:.---j husblnd Kii (PIUI Srnitll) IOI! into shock. '° DoN '"oh1ntH1"s to baby- sit wit!! tllt fOUT 8rmo11 chUdrtl\. m•-" cc> (60) 7:00 8 en Evtni1t1 MllWI (C) (30) winer cron~it•. 0 wa..r1 M1 Line? (C) (3.D) m P.-.nl (C) (30) AHen luddtn "'"' m liklWl'I N1vy (30) Q)l.IJ A_, CC) (30) fD Nat• Ope11 KoVSI (30) "Por· t11its for Ormity." H<l:lt Russell Connor conducts • tour th1ouzh the 1alltrits of Emtlan arl •l tilt lklsion Muwtrm ol Fine .tirts. Q) (f) Bl COid Cup (t) (JO) m 1111111 111 t11t s... 1e1 <30> m Drt•• ..... <t> t3Dl 1:» 11 am u~ (t) (60) smooth· tllkina tily Ctiswelt (Guy Stock· well) persuades Grtt11 Rivt1 cilizens to 1M up !heir arms wht11 he bt- comes bmpol"llJ sherilf. but .lotln· ny lancer 11159ecl:s 1 sinister pu1· ~ behind th• 1pparerrt alt&mpl to foster lood wi". (R) Q @@ II!SIM '"' (t) (60) "let Th1l h Yout list BattJCl'!ltld." Th1 Enterpriw becomes th• b1ttlt· 1rouJld tor two 11ien mHI {frank Gorshi11 ind Lou Antonio) wtio hive 10i1ib1 to MU lttll oOter tor 50.000 JUfl. (Jt) O @l.lH!l•• ""'CC> 1601 "Child of Son"ow, Child ol lllfll" Nti1 pom u 111 unwfd t11:pecl1nr mothlf durl111 1n investi1atioll al I baby 1d09tion-extortion flCktl. ld1 Lupino 1ue!ts in the episode as "Aunt Iris" Potter, who rnM 1 (R) 0 lllHIH!l "'" !CJ i30l -n. rue Oii ttie ~rt Board." The wift of OeteeUvt ll Miki H1lne1 ls haflsse<I by • t11nk cal1et thre1t- enln1 her busb.tnd. Haines •nd his collea1111s. Jeff W1rd ind Johri Cono, set Olll: to lirlll tile u lll!f arid come bp with tllf• SUS!l«ls. (R) O News (C) (30) T~ Meyers. m I Jttc1A\I TH Jtt Set (C) (60) Bill Burrud .5hcnirs the }et st! room- in1 trom the United Slates to P1ris, Tokyo, Mexico City, ,t,capulco, l1hiti, New Z11l1nd, i nd Austf1li1. ,,, ti) aititM AYellaMt (CJ (30) 10:0009(.i)CBS Nm Spteial (C) I (60) "fathers 11\d Sons." The con· llicts and tlle bfJnds betwren lour sons alld thti1 father1i 111 reporled by Ch1ri1s Kur1n 111tl .lohn Liu. re nee. o m "m 1Cl ~ 60) 0 @ CIJ ®Did C1weH (C) (&0) Allo Guthrie and fl teol Wi!!!fm!IOll 1uest. O Olll1! (C) (60) Sam fletcher iuesls. ED T11kln1 It a Stranpr (90) "An,. time ~au're Ready I'll Sparllle.• Flu! in 1 series er( John HopNn~· quar1el of dramas. Heh teHin1 the samt incident In 1 f1milJ' lronr diflertnl ~nts of ~lew. Tllis is tht d1u1h· tl!f's ~ay. She visits her puenls lot tht weel!trld to IMC• lhern end her•lf to face tltei1 mutual xll- dec.eils. ti) MH Alli di 11 MutN IC) {30) housa whrre 1lrls give th~r iUee:it-lO:lD m Mm (C) 130) BIW Johns. imlt1 blbies Oilt lot ldoplion. Din Trmnly pt1ys MilCL (ff) 0 Millio11 S Mwis: CC) "ft11nJ ID F 1lllst1 Corm!! (30) Fxe" (comedy) '57-Fred Ast1lre, 11:00 I) D 0 mm m News (C) Audr1Y Hepburll. m Trvth • Corrsetinncn (t) (30) Bob BafHf parttcipatts in 1 bott1e- br11~!n1 toniest with 1 woman who is un1n11 tltat tt11 rame is ri11td 111inst lier. m P1rrJ MalOll (£0) ED f11nd1 Chef (JCJ) Juli1 pr1pares lobster tllermidor. (D Dllllt M P1Mtnu (30) 1:00 0 Anttl Wr111-1p (Cl m Haul (JO) fil FttliHI (60) Child (D DilaUltqu1 a c .. 61 (C) {60) 0 Alfr.. Hitdlctd O MtNie: (C) "'1111 T1111"' (drama) '!19-Ricll11d Widmark, Tina louiSL m l11ddtn'1 G1111., (C) Peter Mar· shalt, Dick Gautier, Sandri Lockt ind The Brc~ Porth Majority 1uest. Portraits'. Steve MtQueen by ,\uth<M H1rte11 Elli90n; alld J1t~ll Gleam by Bill David~. m MO'lit: "T ... 1t1111 l1dy" (dra· mi) '5&-Pe11ie Clsl!e, William Talman. (jj)ffi@@>!>CIJ •.., (C) m Rt•1•n Ntws ConlHIMI (30) 6) Notidlfl 34 l:JO ID elf,(!) Tiit libtfaai Show tC) (60) En1elb&rt Humperdinck., Dani 11:30 (J Miwie: (C) "Al Jennlnp ti 't11trJ, TttJJ·Thomas 1nd Jatk Wild oklihom•" (we!tel'n) •st -Din 1utst. llbmct's concert apol ls 1 Duryel Gale Storm. medle1 of Chopin ind Liszt eompo-' 111ions. Ht 1\so plays '10¥t 11 Blue" 0 @ 00 @:) Tonlp! SlN'W (C) 1nd "Ge<MIY Gill." O QJ@ lt)Juli• (C) (30) "Stkb and Stooes Can Brtak M' Piu1." Julia must reconsider her no·fl1hlin1 policy fo1 son Cor1y whtft Cail J. Wa11tedorn 1e«M!s a bl1tk to.It b1ttlin2 tor him. (R) 0 Mt'fir: "1914" (drama) '56- -Mich1el Red(l'tvt, Jan Sttr!ins. 0 (jj) (})!II "'7 '""" (C) ED R•1a• Pms Ctnllftnct 0 'iatlt Macltnlit's lettlf Mall 12;30 m Cbllllf HoVf (C) (30) t411el Scott ind .. Kurt Kaszn11 1uest IEJ Action ThMb'K ''Tht Hort111 WEDNESDAY DAmME MOVIES l:OOO'"M..-W, Kt SryJ'" (comedy) '45-M1rjo(1t Malft, Frerl M1tMu111y. l S:JO m NS. ltft1 II ltlt Fair" (ml'I' ttry) 'SO-Jean Simmons. Dirk 8o- 1a1d1. 12:00 e ... ,nntlr'. lilllliolll" (comed}) '4~nnis O'Ketfe, Helen W1lke1. lzatl m "W•telltt lttd" (drama) ''S -John Mills. Stew1rt Gr1111er. "llllmded" (drama) '47 -John trtl1nd, Shtll1 R1111. 2:00 m "SP1di '" 01111w" (my:d.MY) '49-;--.lohn Cltwlfl Mrrn• Dt!L D "fr1Mis" (comedy) '50-Dolllld l :OO B "Ulttt lor ltJt" (duml) 'SJ 6tonnot, P1trici1 Medil'll. -=i1n1 C1~5bJ, Hicolr Maurey, CJ1ucll D1uphln. O (C) "Clnntn StrlnHt" (tClft'I· 4:30 0 "1ltt f1lltft Spmtw" (dr11nn) tdJ') '6&-Vi\\01ill De Sitt. ''3-lohn 61rlitld. MaUfHll O'H111, e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu•lity Printing •nd Oep•nd•bl1 S1Nice for more th•n • qu•rt•r of • century. PILOT PRINTING 1211 WIST IALIOA tlfO .. NIWP'Oln llACH -'1J.4J21 JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS . TUMBLEWEEDS. •• MUTT AND JEFF COME ON. DOODLEBUG, WALK~ GORDO ' -' rt'!> A BAIJK CREDIT CARO' l 'M T"4E-F!l<ST IN 0012' • P\.11::51..0 wrr~ ONr: ! MISS PEACH JE~J7 WHAT's Tt4AT YOU GOT THERE? --r-; ~ •: ;I By Harold Le Doux IT MUST eE Tl-IA.T I PONT "-Pf'iEC.IA.TE SICK HUMOR, M.JY., SPENCER! REA.LLY, W"'S IT >.. LAWYER 'KXJ WA.NTEP? SOMEHOW, I GET Tl-IE FEELING TH.llT \IOU CALLEO Tl-IE WRON() VOU MAV &E Rlt'.>HT! MA.V&E A P51/C.Ml.t.TRl5T WOULD HELP~ PO ~KNOW ONE? PROFES510N ! ~NP 1HoN YOU ST,h.R ToP <XoRCISING .. :Tl-\£ TERRIBLE. FEELING O'LONELINES~ OF ISOLATION ... OF NOT Kl\l'.JWIN' WHllf'S GOIN' ON IN TI-1£ THATS MY NEW PET, UOQDLEBUG~ OU151i:>E. OORl.D. .• "DOODLEBUG? IT LOOKS LIKE 'TWISTED WIRE! I /\ By Ferd Johnson YEH, JT's A WIRE- +1AIRED DOODLEBUG! By Al Smith YEH.CHIEF, I 'LL BRING HIM IN,BUT SUPPDSE T+-lAT 'TH1NG BITES,\.1E7 By Mell ON '(0Ull M.Alt..K., 6ET SET ••• l<"AM p )<;ELL'( G IRLS' ANNUAL CRoSf-(otJtH ~'f RACE r THINf( YOU MaHi AS WEl.L UNOfRSTAND FROM TME OUTSET THAT t AA A SOIU! WIHNfilt.- -YOU CAN JMA61NS HOW I AC.f WHeN I LOSE ••• - = ..... _ .... ·' ~ ' .. ' ' Tutsday, •119u1t, 12, 1%9 • •• .·Y~~ LONDON BASED -Tonight's ''Liberace" show 'vas taped in London and among the guests will .be Singer Engelbert Humperdinck and Jack Wild shown above with Liberace. Dana Valery and Terry- Thomas Will be on the sho\v as guests al so. TELEVISION VIEWS Di staff Side Sho,vs Gains By CYNTHIA LOWRY HOLL 'l'WOOD (AP) -Televi sion is a man's game, as a quick look at the three networks enter- tainment schedule \vi!! prove. After all. in a med· ium well stocked \Vith action and adventure, it is logical that the incidence of 1nale stars is greater than that of \\'Om en. BUT THE distaf! side is registering some prime-time gains. Top-dra\ver TV stardom con- sists of naming a sho'v after the performer. Next season there will be 16 sho\vs \vith such tags, and six \11ill star women. Lucille Ball. Carol Burnett and Doris Day return in their series, their ranks swelled by Debbie Reynolds, Leslie Uggam s and the Len- non Sisters with new shO\\'S. Action shows like ''Ironside .'' and "f\'lannix" inject a feminine balanfe by caS'iing pretty_ girls a~ assistants or Girl Fridays, but Peggy Lipton of "1\1od Squad" shares top billing with the two young male leads. There would not be much show left iC the Barbara Eden part of "I Dream of Jeannie" were removed. Barbara Feldon is essentiaJ to "Get Smart," and Eva G~bor 's gentle comedy gives "Green Acres" i'l.s spice. UNDISPUTED stars or their series are Diahann Carroll of "Julia," Marlo Thomas of "That Girl," Elizabeth Montgomery of "Bewitched." Sally Field of "The Fl ying Nun." And it appears that Lana Turner will be the dominating figure in "The Sur· vivors," a new dramatic series. \Vhen situation comedy Is popular. 'vomen's roles become more important. Hope Lange is a vital ingredient in "The Ghost and Mr s. Muir," and now comes along "The Governor and J.J."-J .J. being the governor's daugh ter played by Julie Sommars. Jn "The Brady Bunch," Florence Henderson plays the mother of a large family headed by Robert Reed. THE LADIES seem to have slipped only in one sho\v -''Mission: Impossible." Regular Barbara Bain quit the show, and instead or casting another girl in a running part, viewers will be seeing an assortment or pretty faces, rangi ng from Dina Mer· rill to Lee Ann Meriwether. a former Miss America. On NBC Sept. 29 four more new daytime pro- grams will bump four old ones. "Sale of the Cen~ tury." a game show hosted by Jack KeUy, takes over the spot held by "Personality.'' "Name Oroir- pers." a game show, will take Bill Cullen's "Eye Guess" time period. A SOAP OPERA, ''Bright Pro1ni se." starring Dana Andrc,vs will be agonizing \vhere six-year-old "You Don 't Say" is on its last le gs. and a spin-off which uses jokes sent in by viewers and called "Let· ters to Laugh.Jn" with Gar Owens, replaces the venerable "Match Game." CBS and Art Linklelter finally part company when, on Sept. 8. rerun s of "Gomer Pyle" replace the long-pl aying "l-lou separty." , De1atais tlie Menace l FEtL FL"~, euT MV 11/~T (S SICK'• ' 1. • , • J Olll. Y '1l0f Alst,on Weeps, Big D Announces Retirement r ... eomllllM'lllnl LOS ANGELES -Don Dryldalo. Ill< Jut GI Ill< ol4 Broolllyo Doell"' ud ..,. GI 111< all Um< pltd>l111 ........ ,...... Monday bocau1< GI a chtonl< -Jo. )ut'J u Loi Anaelel manqtr Wal\er Almn wept. Jn In emotional ntWI confermct at Dodae< Stadium, Ill< -ud .. bdued ••el& D" llid, "I am awe most of you bow •hal thll ii for -ow J'm aoma to announc< my retJ...-tr... JJUebolL "I deeply rqrtl barina 10 ...clre lrom ~ but .. 111<y·11y-t11ere .,. llllnp' Ulll are lne:vltable liltt death and taUI and rttirin1 from profeuk>na.I iporU. .. 1bt ..,oot. I-inch richthander compiled a diuppolntln1 $.4 record lhll year and pitched only f2 inninp, miuini RYet11I Lums. But It waa only. Wt year Drysdalt. SJ, ran up an amazing strinc of ~ v :s con- KCUtive ICOC'tLess inning i, breaking a record Jet. by Walter Johruon befon: Drysdale wu born. His catttr record was D-116 and in 1112 he won 1$ p.mes, earnin& the Cy Young a.ward u tht major lugue pitcher of the year. DrylClale'1 retirement dimmed tht Dodgers' pennant hopes but his team- m•lel YOWed to wln h for him. Pitchtr Claude Osteen said, •·UJe best thing we can do to make Don know we appreciate him is lo co out and win the pennant." Dodger owner Walkr 0'~1alley, who hailed Drytdale at "one of the all time great It.I.rs," •,,,id, "•1e'll jun have to 10 out and do it the hard way." Alston ukf, "I'm aure I owt Dryadalt 1 5 much as I owe any individual pllytt on the Dodgers for all lhest years." The manger cut short hi.I rem.arks, overcome by deep emotion. Tiie "Bi& D" &aid doctors tol4 him he had Jost, the duticity in hit shoulder and could conUnue to pltch bul that ht would aJways be · troubled with Injuries ind wouldn't be able to perform at hil puk. Dryldalo dacribed hit lllOlllder as ~ke "t.akin1 a piece ol elul1c and &tWinC it together "tth 1 piece of thread." 1be Injury put lhe %19-pounder aot ol a<.1ion for the first time on April 2Z, v.'hen he went on the disabled lilt hoping rest wOOld cure the pain. He rtturneci, pitched wen but fitfully aod -sidelined IP!• early Jut month. Back.., July ti, be pltcbod lhree gama, tbt:a aid lie didn't um to hurt tbe tum wllh bil 1..,.st•mey. • Alttt a lot GI laJkin& and -~ aean:bJnc, ...... ally la Ill< Jut ,..,,. days," DrJsdale announced hit retlr<- med at a anra canltrtnee Mood1y. Ill H -with the IJodlm, Bil D won mon .--1111 -than .ny otbet Dodier in hlltary. Ho allO boldl club recan11 r ... .-lnnlnp pitched, I.IC: .-.~ !,._, and JD~ll lbutouts. 41. Last seuon. ont of his most succeuM. ()ryld.IJt: larled siJ:: stra1cht shutouts. Ulinc a lidnrindinJ ltylt, the huge ace rJ lhe Doc11ers wu known for pltc:bln& wil.h aD at. of ailments -shingles, shin splints. broken ribs. Ht constantty U2d bis arms aad ~p to stop l1nt drives and was almolt always bruJMd IOflltplact. In bis earlier ytat'I, hls live fastball and ta temper were his trademarks. But in lhe Wt few yean. Drysdale usu.med a cahn altitude and rather than uiina: a bluin& futball, he !titled for «>ntrol. In 1962, the iron man of the Dodier stair led the National League In Innings pitched, 3li~ in games won, 2.5 against nine dtfe1ts; and in strikeouts, 232. He won the Cy Young Award u the oulslan· dine major league pitcher. Orysdalt: strucL out 20 or more batters in sU dilfert:nt 1eason1. Only once in the last seven seasom did his tamed run average 10 above 3.00. Last year, his !ta50n ERA wu 2.15. Ht 1llowtd 201 hltl in 231 lnninas. Jn seYtri All-~tar game 1ppearance1, Don pil.clled lJ iMlngs and had a 1.4 ERA. Hia aevtn·1ame Wor~ 8trlc1 ERA was 2.9$. He his a llfetlmt ERA of 2.92. After the Dodgers won the 1M5 World Series, Dryldale ud Sandy Koufu 1t11- ed their long holdout whkh ended with Koule11: receiving 111 estimated $120,000 and Dryad.ale about $105,000. Kouf1r, plagued by arthrlli1 in his left elbow, rfllred after lht 1980 ,eason. With Dryld11f:, the Dod1ers have won five NaUonJI Ltaaue peMants and three \Vorld Serter. "Tht retirement of Don Is a loss lo baaeblll," tald National Le•aue Presl- denl Warren Giies. . "Ht'• played as great a part In my sue· T·IRID IUT TIUUMPANT -14-year·Old Jon Erikson ot Chicago wearily comes ashore at Shakespeare Beach alter swimming the Enallsh channel. Erikson . who became tht youn,est boy ever to awfm between France and England, covered the distance 1n 11 ho~rs and 23 minutes. cm 1n •'lnnln& 1 few prnn1nu u an1 otbtr individual.'' slld Mtnaaer Wall Alltllll. Oryldale 111kt hl'd like to • l. y in buetllll In """' capacity bu! salll be hid no dtf\n.ite pllnl for tht luturr. Chargers' Outlook· Is Bright SAN DIEGO (AP) -The return ot veterana aucb as quart.trba4:k John Hadl and all-pro receiver L&ncr Alworth, plus lineup changes and somr promlllng rookies offer hope of bttt.tr days for Sin Die10'1 perennially lhlrd·pllce Char&en of tht American Foot~ll League. The rookies Include Bob Babich, the P.1lami of Ohio linebacker who won defe.naive honort In the CoUrge All.stars' 26-24 loss to the New York Jets. Tht:rt'I al.so q~arterback P.1 art y Domres, the Chargers' No. 1 draft choice from Columbia. "That boy hu a bri&hl future," says Colch Sid Gillman. Of Mike Simpson, a wide receiver ob- taineci from Houston u San Dlt1o's No. 13 draft cholct, Giiman is ecat1tlc. "I'm really excited about SbnplOll,'' 1ays the only head coach San Dle10 ha1 ever linown. "He's got lrem1ncloua speed, bll1nct and moves. "We've 1ot aome very bright pro- 1pect1." NOT HURTING But the Charger• aren't hurtlns for rtcelvtrt with Linet: Alworth and Gary Garrison. Each hu calJlhl pulf:s in ti· Cfll of 1.000 yards in a slnale sta10n. Ahl'orth the S.foot "all·llme 11!-pro'' in Giiiman'~ view, has finished his sixth ~eso:i with more than 1,000 yards -the only player in pro history to do it. Gar· rlson, a San Diego boy, has caught 14.2 panes. Backing them up are Jacque ~1teKinnon, with a 646-yird year, and Wiiiie Frazier. The Chargers were the AFL's Western champions In lll&O, their first seuon, and in IMJ. 1953, 1964 and 19M. In between, ~1 finished third. Jn 1963, they woo the AFL Ulle. Thia looks lo many like the fourth year In a row for a third-place finish, once 11aln bth1nd Oakland and Kansas Cit}'. The key, alona with an all-veteran of· fenslvc line end dt~th on defense, seems to be Had!, despite his disappointed show- ln1 In San [?!ego 's 26-6 prestason lm11 Aug. 2 to Baltimore. He completed 15 of 30 passes for 171 yards arid gave up two Interceptions. llt TD PASSES Slnct H1dl bttame a San Diego starter in HIM, tht one-lime Kansas Oash bu passed for 112 touchdowns. He set team rtc0rd1 in last year's 9-5 season with 440 passe1, a total of 3,473 yartl·; gained and 27 tou chdown tOllStl. The veteran signal caller has exceeded 300 yard11 Jlll..!lsing in 13 gan1e1 over a seven-year career -t"·o shy of the hague record set by George Blanda. But he was erratic against Balt imore , with a hand in two fumbles , and his pwes were v.•lld and IO\Y. "We 've got a good team," says Hadl. "\•le'll get there." Ketlh Lincoln , Gene Foster and Dick POil wlll carry San Oie1o's ground game. Against Baltimore, the Char1ers rwh. ed for 113 yard1. Gilman Is more con· cerned about passing. In Domres, a 6-3LrJ 217-pound quarterback who was lhe na- tion's fourth best college p11sti' last year. Hadl may get help. The cr!tlcal San Diego fans. heading for their new '27·milllon football sladlum, expect to be pleased. KECK CI/ALLENGES FOR ELIMS LEAD Defending champion Lamar Keck of Restda put togelh~r 1 938 block ~1ooday nliht at Kona Lanes to vault lnto second place in the 11169 match game ellmlna- llons. just 31 pins behind front·runnln1 Roland Aler1ndtr or Weit Loa Angeles. Keck, who won Ont ot four games 111onday, moved up from rourth place In the atandln1s. Jumpln1 ahead of Marty Anderaon and Foy Belcher, who fell to third and aeventh, 1'ht Orange Coast area's only re- malnlna contest.enl.'I In the ll·tn•n field, Fred Riccllll al'ld Dick Braasch , stand l!lh and 16th. • ur1T........, IEANIALL VICTIM -C~lltornla Angels' catcher Tom Egan is carried off the field in Detroit after he was hit near the left eye by an Earl \Vilsoo fas t· ball Mopday night. Egan, who earlier hit what proved to be the game·Y.1inning two-run homer, wasn't 1triously hurt and was due to be relea1td Crom the hO!pital this afternoon. Beaned Egan Rips Homer To Win DETROIT (AP) -BaMblll 11 a d•&· tal-doc world whtrt a men can'l do something richt without someone gettln1 mad. Tom Eaan of the caiifornl1 Afllels did something rl1ht Monday when ht hit his firth home run of the 1ta!IOI\ to lead tht Angels to a 3·1 victory over the Detroit Tigers, ending a five-game Tiger win 1treak. · The' home run was a bit unexpected since Egan was only baiting .136 and the man who served up thf: egg. Earl Wilson, didn't forget . Jn the seventh nining, a Wilson pitch on May Day, 3-1 ripped Into Egan's cheekbone below the Jet( eye. Tbt injury wasn't considered seriOUJ and X ray1 revealed no broken bones. But doctors said Egan would rt· main hospltallztd 24 hours. "I wu: trying to pitch him light but it, Antel Slate ,._.,. 11 Anotll ti Dt!roll ""9. 1J Angtll •I Dot•l ll A:» 11·"'· l:M,C 1110) 4:» p.m. KMllC t71U got away," explained WilMin, the lostr, now 10.S. "I didn't mean to hit him." Tht injury recalled one In 1967. Jack Hamilton of the Anaels hit Boston's Tony Conigliaro below the eye and for a whllt, doctors weren't sure Tony would live, ltt alone play baseball again. But Conigliaro made a remarkable recovery and is playin& regularly today with !he R~ Sox. The Californians atnd Andy hfeasersmith to the mound tonl1ht with a 9·1 mark to face ellher Joe Sparma, &·8, or Mike Kilkenny, 1·2, of the Tigers. The victory Monday wes sweet for Rudy f\1ay, lhe Angels' hard-luck part· lime starter. Rudy, now 5·9, won only his second game as a starter with a nifty three-hit· ter . Ht l_lruck out seven and walked three. · Singer Bids to Cool Cards CALl,OllNIA lll J~rt.I Alomlr, 1b I I 1 I Sllnley, (I r:tlTllOIY ••rllll'M ' o I o ! I I a ' • • 0 l 0 1 • l I 1 I ' a • • ' 0 • 0 a t o o ) 0 •• Sptnelf, 11 J 0 0 0 T•ts/I, u Jolln•IDnt, cl 4 0 1 0 IC•lll'll. lb fr.11, 11 ' 0 0 0 W.Hlf101'I, If . After Dodgers Lose, 4-2 1111c~1riit, Ir 3 o o o "'""'"· c Von, r! I I 1 O Norlh1up, rt ,._,tlloclr ~uu. 3-1 I > o Wirt. lD E~n, c 1 1 1 1 1.llrown, 1D Att ut, c O o 0 1 Wlbon. p ll .M1y, I' • 0 1 I 101111 J) J 1 l To!ll1 30 1 l 1 C1 lll'trnl1 Int OOll 801 -l has clobbered l..os Angelts Dodger pitching for a .333 batting avtr11e this season but the St. Louis Cardinal catchtr feels prouder of a single home run. · '-1cCarver slammed Oaude Ostttn's lirat offering to him in the rourlh inning f\londay night into the right field bullpen for a lhrer-run home r and the Cards won 4-2. The Dodgers aend Bill Singer 14-7, to Dodger Slate """ 11 Dollttrt "' SI. LOUii """· II °"''" "' 11. L~u11 Avt. 11 OoQ"1 ti .....,,,,.,, ,._ .... , 1• o.dterl •I ,,.,.,,Utll 7:51 •.m. KFI !"'11 J:s.! • m. KFI 1..01 i •·"'· l:FI (....01 j •·"'· KFI 1&-1111 -----the mound tonight against R a y \\'ashburn, 3·7. The pitch was a slider and McCarver realty ripped it. "This Is the flr1t homrr I can remember having hit here orf a left· hander," said P.1cCarver, who S\\:inlils from the left. "t think I might be a little better again st left-handers becau se J'm forted to concentrate more and hang In there, which is what a good hitter has to do." The Dodgers made a run at the Cards in the late innings but fell short in the eighth as Andy Kosco sent center fielder Curt Flood to the wall. In the ninth, Jim IT. LOUii LOI ANOILll Sn><~. If Fio.o. cl PLr>I""· rf , ...... lb S~fll\Otl. a. Jtvltr, 1b Huftll, lb McCt •rir, c Ml~¥111, o C1r!lorl, p 11••rner. ' lD!l ll t llrl\rlll tll r~,.I ; o I G Si•~-•t. ~b 4 o ) 0 ;11 0 1.lo!•,lt •1)1 ; 0 0 O W.0.Yll, tt ; 0 1 1 ll OOKo.co.rt •000 tttO $U111•1t,Jb 101 0 1 1 1 t 1.tftbv", lb • I I O l llOlorOOrR,< •010 l I I J GrtlMrtwlti, 11 ) 0 0 0 ) 0 O t Mffll<tr. o 0 I 6 0 1 e 1 o c.011...,, , 2 o o 1 1o o ew1111,u 1111 JI t I l ltllll U t • t 100 .. OOf -. .. -f2'-t E -G•tbll•-,,...ltr, C. 01!1..,, Mt•vlll. 011 - St 1.0\IOI '· l.M """'"' ' 1.oe -It l.91,111 1, Lii A~ttln s. ,. -l.ftffvrt . JI -~II. Hll. -M<Ctf'Wr !ll. lllHllll:ll tO Clrl'-!¥1'.U I ) I I 1 ) I J 11M•M• 1 1 1 -111 C Ch~-!l .U·lOI I ' f l I • Mffl'•r 1 1 1 11 1 ~¥• -l'>ff•M• W• -C 01tttn f lmt - J Cl ""' ... '"'' -1 .. 111. Lefebvre hit Into a freak double play. Joe Hoerntr gave starter Steve Carlton some ninth Inning help to record hiJ 14th uve u Carlton posted his 14th victory against al1 losses. Sports in Brief Dt1fllt 100 000 '°" -1 E -A. tllocl•loun, Alomlr, I. llrown. DP - o.!t01! 1. l08 -C1 lifornl1 I, Otlt01! I. Hit - ll•~ (SJ. $ -$"nee•. $1' -l"rfflltft, Arcut. lr KltllllllO rf.MIY !W.~f) f ) 1 I l 7 WlllOn (l.,IMJ f 1 l l I 7 Hlr -by WlllOll CE11n). Tlmt -l :U. Al· tt11111nct -1],.01. 85-year-old Duff er Fires 485 on Birthday MORGANTOWN. W. Va. -Dr. R. C. Spangler, a retlr~ professor of botany and biology at \\'est Virginia University, played 85 holes of golf in obscrvanct of his 65th blrt~day Monday, Spangler lel fly with a total 435 over the hilly f\1organtown Country Club oours~ -and It ot1ly took 12 hours. He walked the entire course 1n4 1 club pro esllmated lht distance et more than 2j miles . • CAMP PENDLETON -Carlos f\lay, rookie Chicago While Soit outfielder, suf· fered serious Injuries to both hands dur- ing a training maneuver at the Camp Pendleton Marine ba:ie Monday. J\la)', 21 , 1 member of the J\tarlne C.:orps reserve training unit, v"ho arrh·ed from Chlca10 Saturday, underwent surgery In the Navy hospital here . He lost the flriit joint of his right thumb, and suf. fered laceration of the left thumb and minor facial po'A'der bums. '-fay was clt•nln& a mortar tube when tht swab hf: was u1ing jammed a round of ammmtltlon aaalnst a firlna pin, ca\15< inc It to fire. • Involving Billy Anderson and Jimmy Raye for Alvin Haymond. The Eagles contested the trade after they said they learned Raye had a pulled groin muscle. • NIAGARA FALLS -"I came here to play football -not wear a jersey." With that, 0. J. Simpson simply settled the ls.'!ue of uniform No. Jt. Uniform No. 32 became a problem because it has been \\1orn since last season by Buffalo running back Gary McDermott and by Simpson lhroulilhout his college career at South~m California. Both C"ouldn 't \Vear it here, so some- thing had to gi ve. 0. J . did . And Mi McDermott hag No. 32. But thtn Simpson bas $3~,000. • • San Dieao Chargers put three playen on waivers Monday. They are tackle Bill Frank from CM>rado. wide recei ver Phil Tuckett of \\'tbe: State and running back Jim White of Arkansas A&M,& the team's 12th round dt1fl choice:. • Boy 14 Braves Jellyfish, Channel CLEVELAND -Julie Ht Id m 1 n brou1hl tht Wightman Cup back to the United States fl.londay with a S-3, S-4 vic- tory over Y.'lnUred Shaw of Great Britain. The U.S. now leads 4.2·7 in 1ll·lime \\'i&htman tennis competition. • The Loi Anteles h1m1, in their search for wide receivers. ~1onday traded 1 future draft choice for Dave J\1cOaNels, a 6-foot·4 R<.'Ond·rcar man from the L'hlc1110 Bt1rs. HAMBURG. German y -Au atraUa.ns Tony Roche and Judy Tegart won slnt:lts titles al ths 63rd Oe.rmaJl lntern1tlonal tennis champlonahtPR '-1onday. Roche required 21\ hours to defeat Tom Okker of the Nttnetl1nd1 f.l , ~7, 7-6, M . • DOVER. Enaland (AP) -Fourtetn· )'Ur~ld Jon Erlk.90n or Chlc:aao btc1me the youngest boy evrr to IWlm the Enallsh Ch1nntl, batlllng ga1ncly home through tchooJI of aaonlzin& Portuaueee man~r.w1r Jellyriah Mond a)'. Jon wa1 alurJ& but kept 1olng to come Ashore at Dover's Shlkupeart Beach 11 houra, 23 minute• 1fter aetllna ore from f'ran«. lie It thl': aon of Ted Erikson. the Chi cago physiochemJst who holds the record of 30 hours, 3 mlnult1 for 1 double croMJnc from l!:enaland to Fr1nce and back. Jon sakt as he waded llhore : "I letl fine. My dad will be proud of me. "f'll try I.Ake f\tlc:hlgan next ," he SBid. "and then maybe com·e back here and make a tw~w1y non·1top bid." Hls fatht'r, Ted, has swum 60-mlle wide Lake Mlchl1an and also hold• the 30 hours 3 minutes record for the two-w1y non·!ilop cha nntl crossln1. Jon Jiald he s an & pop 1on&s fr om rr1nce lo En1!1t\d . "I never felt tlrtd at all," he said. "I swam at about $0 !iln>kes a minute and I w111 very comfortable." lie ate a few canned peaches and drank black tea mixed with 1lucose. When he came ashore he rnJoyed • bath and then a giant plaleful of chicken and ravioli, "II has be~n a trtmendoua challtn1c.'' 111ld ErlkMin. "Evtry Iona dlslancc 1wlm· mer w1nls to succecd here, but I had an •ddtd lnetntive because my d1d hid done It." "\Vhen 1 S3\\' the cliffs of Dover," Jon 110.id. "I thought 10 1nysclf 'oh hoy, nearly there'. It was a wonderful feellng. "But those · jellyfish were a devil. J swam lhrough thousands of them. ~lost or them just bounced off inc but one of thcn1 stung me sllghtly. "I never felt tired the whole wa y. t just kept going steadily on," he said. McOanlela played four games with Dal111!1. la st year after being drafttd as J ~ond roond choice from J\11sslssippi Valley St.atr Collr1e. but i Rams' ~pokeaman nld Gtor1te Allen wanted "to h:'lve a look at him." The Ram1 alto 11td National rootba.11 1.eague commlsttlontr Pttt Ro 11 l I e upheld la st week'1 tr1dt wl~tht Eaalo ST. PAUL -Tile IJ1ht11111 Quarry brothtn from California •nd inrrd·ranktd li&hl htavywtlaht Rtty Anderson all scored lmprtulvt knockout victories on a trtple main-event c:ard Monday nl;ht. Jerry Qu•rry. hl&h ·r11nklng hea\'ywclgl}t, alimmtd htavler opponent John CarroU or Photnlr, Ariz.. to the canvaa at 2:a of tha flr1t rouhd for the thlr<J ud fln1l u,... Brothtr Mlkt cut looat: a b1rr1a• al Lfl'r}' Ol'tl, Cooper, Wyo .. In the second r~nd ol ttielr ll&hl heavyweight bout. '. -•• MAGNER TO .FRIARS Mlke 111ainer, 14-year-old brother of ex-M a t e r Dei High football great Gary Ml,gner, will enroll at Serv- lte High School in Anaheim nex\ month. the DAILY PILOT has learned exclws- lvely. The young Magner Is con- sidered to be an outstand- ing qu~erback prospect for the Friars. 'Mle older Magner played at Mater Dei, Orange Coast College and at use. wbere be played in three Rose Bowl games. He now plays for the AFL's New York Jets. His little brother was the subject of a recruiting strug-• Kie between Mater Dei of Santa Ana and Servile. Good Local Fishing Reported The three Bs -bass. bonito and barracuda -continue to dominate the area deep sea fishing picture, a Ith o ugh anglers did manage to I.and a few healthy yellowtail over the weekend. John Benewaite of Newport Beach reeled in the week's bigge'it. fish Sunday, a :J9.. pound ye\lowlail. He caught the fish on Da vey's LockP.r's all-day boat off al San Clemente Island. John Sumarill, a 13-year <>ld from Dana Point. also hooked a yellow , this one an II Vi- pounder, in the same area. Reginald Pkckler <>f Santa Ana, landed a 171h-pound yellow on the Bonanza out of Art's Landing Saturday, near Salt Creek. Two other yellows hit, but slipped off the hook. Both landin~s reported the best local fishing was on bonito. The balt\ers aren't running ru. big as they were several weeks ago, but lots of the fish ln the 4-5-pound range are hitting and being landed. Bass fishing Is <>n the up- swing with numerous calicos and sand bw being reeled in. On the barracuda front. the scooters are still mainly under the leg al limit of 28 inches, but the smaller fish have been hil- ling at an increased tempo. Anglers are allCM·ed to keep two harries under the legal size limit. Albacore fi shing rema ins meager and chances of tongfin moving in to local waters this summer are remote. The fish are still in Mexican waters and sports fishing boats still haven't been able to locate schools. Art's and Davey's both dispatched boats after the longfin over the weekend. but the tota.1 catch for four boats was a skimpy 14 fish. Both landings still advise fishermen tc contact them lor information on albacdre runs. None is scheduled during the week. but boats could be dispatched if a run should develap. Tyson Quits Coacl1 Job Witl1 Bal'ons Al Tyson, varsity baseball coach at Fountain Valley High School, has resigned that posi~ lion the DAILY PILOT learn- ed exclusi vely today. Tyson, 37. has accepted a position with a cOmmercial airlines company in t h e management division. He's scheduled !o be on loan lo an overseas outfit for three years. Tyson was varsity baseball coach at Fountain Valley for one year, compiling an overall 12·10 mark and 7..g in Irvine League play. Prior to that he coached frosh-soph and junior varsity baseball al Fountain Valley. He was also involved with the Cee football team for three years -the 1967 contingent going through a nine-game slate unscored upon. Ex·Lagu1ta Star Now a Pro John Pitts, former Laguna Beach High School football standout. knocks down a SOnny Jurgenson pass during Friday ni ght's Buffal~Washington game. won by the Bills, 21-17. Pitts had a big night in Buffalo's pass secondary, knocking down several RedsRin passes. Pit't played at Santa Ana College and Arizona State before becoming Buffalo's No. 1 draft choice two years ago. Los Alamitos Entries Ftr TwW11y, Awt. IL "'._..Jrf Dey CINr & F••I, Fl"I P' .. I 7:0 P'.M. ()tut .. M Isl I 2114 11•< .. owmet11 .,, tth ll•ce 1'11.ST llACE. «Kl y1rd•. 1 '''' old• 111d I.JO '" Gr1de A Ml"w•. PwrM l llOll. O~r.dy V1lor I K1t\l1J !IJ J.0 A Muffi" {0 81nk•l ll'i Klli.rnf'V IC1rdOl1) 11l Cc1Jvs I~ (Wll..,,,l 11' M((O'f'1 ~ (fWrO 111 Goodt'I Twl• (A. IMonk•l 11, srrco Oniffe. fMelrJ ·111 K•-~ IH!tlo 1s1r10J1d 1 t1 Mr. r Rockei {LI-ml l\6 Tl'lr~· C1ll1 (Riiey) 1" SECOND ll:ACI!. ell) Yl r<I~. l y,1r 0H11 11>d I.JO In Gr.cle 14. Mlnu1. Puri• 11100. Oamn Too!ln' {H1rll "' '" """' ·- 5ftck Jkk C Brln~lsYl P1clfk Chlrttr (Ad1lrl Ctr!lln somaTn' !LlP111ml A war ""•!• (H1rtl Our OKlslo<I L iii~ Con"lSI CH Crosb•) Lort!ll Llrt. (Smlll>I LfO 81v 0 111 !C1,.;1111•! Oecll P•Yoll (W1t1011) "' "' "' "' "' '" "' "' "' llXTH •Act: . .ao v1ra1 l ·~•· okl• Ind UP In Gr.0.. M Pl<n. Purse inoo. Clll~ Sir (Klnkl 111 MIU Jo\'-Go lll 81nk•I 1l1 OrlH !l'M.Jl•vonkls! 116 Lets Go Sam IH CrD1b¥! 120 G1blw'1 801 !lllth1rd1 ) 110 Ollllble Don (Aa11r! 111 One Of Thr11e (Ll11h1ml 111 M1onoll• E1111e ISmlll>) 116 SlllP A!>d Go !C1rdo11I Ill llo.tf! Klt\!tk (Hlt1l 120 Mr. Oldctv 15mlll'1 81nkrolt !!lob 01: 81n~s) Sui>&• Roval (llol'l1m1 Mint\~ Mas (W~!•Ol'I J St1rch TOl'll! IAd1lrl 116 SEVE NTH RACI!. v .... 1, Sr. C<>ufl• 111 17fl virdt. J vt•r old! end uo Cl1im· · 11 7 . Ing. Purlf si100. c11lml"g 1>d <' n ooc ll'i H'11'rv John lH1rO 119 Cool It (Rln11dil S~111tor'1 Btll1 (P11iol Ol1o"'sl lllrillklevl !l~ Tonv•s S1>ffdbll ll 111 Ill e11r(119 H1•r1 (AG1 irl 111 11' flunnv'I W•rrlor (It ll1nk1l 111 120 So1nlih LllCktl (llrlnkl,•l 116 MOn1 Oi1I CSl111<!l THIRO I.ACE. l!4 v1rds. M1idtn ' tt1r aMl1 bttd In C111t. (l1imln9. Purl! 51700. ci,;m;.., orltt nsoo. <il!'l-•v Jolln tLll'll1ml no Surtln Clown CK1nl•) 1:111 Mr. llruc:fd<>I' (Ad11r) 170 Trio ~ Llld• {Wiison) ll'O On Furlou!l'h {51111<!) 110 R...:lllOll !MtfllUOI) 170 aioti. Sirs 11 7 loll-f51•i!M.>~1 170 Miii Mic ~n {R ll1nli1l Il l C1lllo<rri1 s.tnds IRicl\lra1\ 1111 POUi.TH I.A CE. S.t y1 rd1. l ~••r ald1 ltld ""· Allo#1nc:n . Puroe l l6UI HQWll'd Ge1tll!r \51111<!1 Ill 81r Dlvkt fMalwdli Ill Lumln.rv {K1NO II' MQOnsfline Bir 1C1rd<>1•) "' (l111r TOl'll CA<lllr! Ill MIA Dl1bll!1 ClrlnklfY) 11 1 Mr. Mlnx (H Crosb'l'l 116 Tito o.llCIY {~Cl) 11) W1r .., p~rty !Wr!v!ITI 111 T1mm1 ROl'll {lktf11ml 11J FlffTH ll:ACI!. u:1 y1rd•. olds. AllOW,.n!t1. PurM UHIO. Moollh Girl tSTrlUUI 2 Y~lr "' Nole lloalc (1llch1ra11 llt 111rred'1 fllsc11IT \Wlltonl 119 Triple Jet (llllll•ml 111 EIGHTH l.ACt:. 150 y1ra1. l Y'•r olc!I 1na uo In Grid<! AAA Mlnu1. Pu•~ uooo. l ht Et111bdh Mont9omt rv·at· wi"hf'd. Rom1nuu1cl1I Hiio Cl H Crosbv\ Shu lt! (IC:1nl1I II.obit\ 1/'od eo..i.n (ll11!ial W1r Gai.xle IW1tsonl 81r L!tllt OK k (Smi•hl L•lllt Town cerlnklevl Im• JonH G!rl 10 f11 nkll Ti<lv Go IC1r0011! M1tk1v fl S!lrr IA-1c1I E•Pl'dlllous lllplo1ml "' "' '" '" ,,. '" '" "' "' "' NINTH l.ACI:. l)O Vire!• l •~Ir olds and uo in Gr1de A Plus. P L!fM 5lt00 Jlt!IM! Johnnv (Hl't) 116 Wiiiow Gokl CMclltvonlGs! 111 Thlnkl Doc (K1nlJ) lU Ok~••'1 Cont1c cSmlthl 111 51nc:lv Chit IC1r0a11f 117 S1hu1ro llov fH Cro1bv! 117 Fire Rocke! IBrlnklevl 116 Purte Gr1bbtr (51 r1vnl 111 l!olllcklng Jloc• (Wll'°n) 11• Jet All•<k <Act•lrl 111 Race Results ~y,A".11,1Mt ci.1r ,.,.. F111 I'll.ST •Act:. «ID v•fd•. M1icltn ' V<!•r oldl, Cl1lmtnt. P'urM S1700. Lil [)e¥ine (Hirt) I.to l .IO l .00 Nollle For1 Ll'dv 15!'1U11) 2 60 l 60 Too Four 1(1v /l t.l\1m) 1.60 Time-JI 1111 5c•1'°"'d -MlcfwlY Tom. 11.0•wm Qu.,en, Sur91n Olle, Crlm1Gn StrNk 00-Tolt'Clo'I PllltO !I"'""" 11!, d'111111llllecl .. o!•<ed lit!. SECC"O l. .. CE. «lO y1rd1 . l v!•• ald1 1nd ""' In Gtlde I Pl.., brftl I" ~Iii. Pvrw $1500. Moollh ~It (llP~1m) 7.IO J,IO l .111 Pe11t1¥ Clllroer 10 B1nk11 U,MI 10 IO Glbb\l'I IWi' !Wlttorll •.4.o Tlrno>-20 1110 Nt o<rllchn. "IOHTL y ocu•Lt: -It.LI! 0.•1119 t. t-MllOl1ll Mtllll. P'11t SH .... TNtllO 1.A(f:. «>Cl >l•dl. M1I""" ) v•1r ol"'. Pv,.t 111«1. Prln<:elOft Tiff.• !C.nkil.11 IOI.Ill Ji.fO 1.00 •.oo '·'° ••• sr. ...... c0.t1 IL!ot11m1 Liln1 Pw«M CH (re»lly) To~70 6110 No K rltehn. -· 'DUI.Tl! Jll.CI:. ~ >1ra1 l Yt lr IOldl Ind ..... In Gr.a.t A !Mnul Pu•M ..... Solkr' ""uni ISmilh) IS •o t 60 S !O D!!l(1!e Miu CWf'ltl>I! U Oll •.• CMc1ro Gri nd tK1nll) 11 Oil Tlmt-11 J/JQ Sc."ICl'>fll -JOd;.s O•"dv 111•. S•wfl Fiii,.., JIU I, Mullifl, Ml 01A., l'U'Tll I.Act:. l~ v1ra1 t vear 011". Cilllml!\O. Purst n 100 LaYl!IO YDll tH1r!) 11.to 11.ICI 1 ?0 Luc~v 111r CllTc (l.lltvt H.CI 11 '° 51\IV S n.tet {WtltM 1 ?Cl Time-II J110 Sc.rl!(Mod-Tlt\Y'l Tombov. Rt(cm• mtflde.d. Two Twenty Flvt. Cftrl1in 5omplt\'. tlXrH l.ACI. 150 Vlldl. 3 v~·· Qlch . c11lml"11. P'u•.., 1~1oc. N11tllt\ Of:lrolt (H1fll 10.Dll J_M l 'O IM n v It Su•t (Wt ll<lt') n.~ t ~ SUHrlow" !K1nlsl 1 eo 71me-ll 1110 Sc.r1t<heel-NOI Gullh , V•"'""''" Fly, Sl!VENTll ltACI!. IOG y~rdt 3 Y~tr etd1 i nd WP In G•He AA M1nwl. Puttt ""'· Baseball Standings NATIO~AL LEAG UE East Division Chicago New York St. Louis Pittsburgh Philadelphia Ptiontreal W L Pet. GB 71 43 .62.1 - 62 49 .559 71'1; 64 51 .557 71;1 58 54 .518 12 44 68 .393 26 35 79 .307 36 iYesl Cincinna~ Atlanta DiYislon Los Angeles San Francisco Houston San Diego 62 45 .579 - 64 s:i .547 3 61 5? .540 4 61 52 .54fl 4 61 53 .535 412 35 79 .307 301:t MOlldly't RHlllll Hou•!"" J, New York O s r. LD11is 1. LO! Anfflt1 ' Cincl"n'li I , Phl11d~l11~I• J Onl~ t~1 1Ch~ulftl TOlllY'l G111111 Ntw Yeti( (Kcoi,._.n '·11 at Hou1ton I Dlerkl!'I' l:J.tl, "19111 PhllMHll>hl1 (J1<kton 1!•11 ) 1t A1· l•nl• /N l~ro u-n. "i9hl Ollc1110 {..lttlkln1 IS.IOI 11 5111 Ol· ,.., cs1nrcrinl 4-!1), night SI. Loult CW11llbilrn l·7l 11 LOI ~Its {Sl""r U·I), nlghl l>!fllb<lr911 fW•lktr 2.0 or 11.,,,.nin. t·'I 11 $111 l'r:JMl.IC:O (P'trrv If.I) Cl11Cin1N1ll CArrlvo 2·' 1r.G Ci....lnttr I-Ill •' Mor'll~l l (Rrnl<o 1·1 Ind Stonem1n 6'H), '· fWl·nklhl Wtd""'H1v'1 Olmft ClncJ.,,..tJ I I MMlrM!, llill\I Phi!Ml<!loflil 1! a.111nt1, nlvhl Htw Yori! 1t Hou\ton, "!q>i! c~.c1go 11 S•n Olego, night 51. Louls II 1..n a.n~'ll!s. night Pl1tJl:lur11~ 1t $111 Fr1ncl1ca A~1ERICAN LEAGUE East Division \Y L Pet. GB Baltimore 79 35 .693 - Detroit 64 49 .566 14 \l Boston 61 53 .535 18 Washington 60 57 .513 2011.i New York 57 57 .500 22 Clevelanci 48 69 .410 32 1.~ \Vest Division 1ilinnesota 68 46 .596 - Oakland 66 46 .589 1 Seattle 47 65 .420 20 California 44 66 .400 22 Kansas Cily 45 68 .398 221s. Chicago 43 71 .377 25 Mon41Y't 0111'11'1 WuhlM!on 1. K1ns11 Ci1w 1 lloo!on s. 01Jc1to 1 C1llfonli1 J. 0etro11 1 5~1tt!io I, C~nl1nc1 1 o~u1r.a 7. ll•rnmore • OnlY 111m~• sd>tdul!!d TOlllY'I Gallln Mlnr\f,ICll l CK•1I ll·ll 1• Ntw Yo"' !II•-7·10, t\loll! flootori f51f!>HI t .fl 11 (111<;1110 !Ci r· 101 f.Jl. nillf>I 1(1nY1. Cltw !fl imlttr '-"'1 11 Wi sll· lntton !C......., t.-J, ~11111 Ca!l!<'•nl1 /MIH!#""'lth •·11 •I ne. !ro.it (Klll<tnn1 1·1 or S..1rrn1 6'1l, nt9M 0 1ki.nd IOcboen 1].11 11 ll1111rnort {~ 11-•f •. """' $fftl~ (Tlltd S..•I •I Cl•l'tl11>d (l'1wl f.IJ, nlol'tl Wld,..MllY't OlmH . aookm VI Chklto 11 Ml!wlYktt. n<GM C•llfoml1 1! Otiroil, n;thl Min-I• ., Nrw Y~n; K•~••• City 11 W1t~1.,,1on, nli h! 0•~''"" 11 Btltlm0«. 111t"1 $!:1t!le 11 Cll!ttllr.G, nlth! Eauan I:> Deep Sea Fish Report Klpty1 Geldli\9el 11.oodlcl! Ka!'t'I' lloc•et IS!r1u11) Oolldrum1 tJtlct11rd1\ y,,,,_70 !/\I kr1~d-L.1':t A lloor;~t•. 11•1 For lu LA Ganie Ptiarc Eagan of Mater Del High School, the lone Orange Coast arean to participate in the third annual Big Brothers All-Star rootball game. "i ll start at defens ive left tackle for the CIF Southern Section contingent. "f:WP'Ol.r llACM fArt'1 Lallllllttl -HJ 1t11Jen: 60 D1rr1ewN. ltl llOfll!o. 157 t..1. CDl .... n LeOltf'l--l:M ,,.. '""' nJ 111oro1to. 1116 bin. ~ blrr .. C'\,ldll. 1 "'~"· , fltlibCll. NUMrlNOTOM •IACH -1! 11'1> .... .,.: 73 bll'f'I UNll, 111 btl\, 10I - 11!1e. ....... K 1 ... ltro; 7 Mlllllul, 11!1 b1rr1eUOt, SID blH, "9 bonltto. SAJf CLIMIMTl-11' 1,..lf'n1 I.el' IJ'Cl"\!'9, t5 Mt., 171 blrrtcudl, J liltll> "" Sl:AL ll:ACM-lll 1ntleft : U IHI' ,.~-· "' llOnli. • ..,, 111\d ..... 70 rock (Dd, I 111110\lt. II•'"• 17 1111'!-r" licl ll«lrto. 10 1tnf INI .. , 10 .,.rch. 1 .. JtTA MONICA -'1 11\fltr11 1t1 111u, ., lloollflo, ' ~11111111. P'&RAOTSI C0\11--'S 1111lert: (,)0 •«It cod. 10 cow coa. IJO IMn. II 111111!111. fU DlftlN. CCIAHllOI -Ul ,,,.1,11: '11 llt" r1tva1, lSt Hu. n1 kr>I•., I wt1lt1 l!I b•lt· " N tltllll. LOMO ••AC!! IP'l<l.,11111 Ll ... I ... ) -711 111ti.t•: S& blrrKwcll, !Ill !Nin. 6tt .,...,,., I Wl1"ow11ll, 1 lllllblol. l•tl-1 ,...,.,_.. 1,..1en : SI bl"l- C\NUo, 116 blu, as ...,,., 1 h11illlll!. II-. M -1'"' t b11lo :I06 tlellllo, II 11111C1<trt1. 12 "rdl. ll"14:Hk llflf. .... 1-lU '"'IHI: I ,,.-llo.t•!I, '' blr. r.,;....S., f lllffbwl, J4 u llto ...... 201 bOnl~. SAM P'l!CflO fttllt SI, Ll~J-JI -Jtn: l ~Ck -1N111. I n !1-lo!1, 4 IMrtKvclt, 110 u lll;a lltl•. 1 llt !lblol, UO borllro. ("trlll'I LIMl1ttl -!03 -lt '1: I Yt llOWllll,' f bllrl- (\IGI, m bollllo. S6J u hca NH. J l'llllbul. P'Oll,T MUt:MIMI! -tJ 1rlt'ltt1· 1163 c1Jfu .. Nu, t htllb\l t, U boll!i.. J ...... .,d .. l llCl. Leta l"1rr. Gldfet M1v. t:tOHTll I.AC•. I• Wlrlh I vt1r 1'11 1ra .... Ci.im l,,.. f'\lr1f: t l!OI. Olle!l~le !C....,1) MIA It N°"' (K..,11! C-O•ndY !"r1w11) l't~ 11 60 JOO 1.IO l .111 IM T 1rrt1-II 11 I 0 k r1ltl'>f0-U P'illt1 Ja, llll'ITN JIACI • .IOI v1rd' .l vt1• l~J •l'ICI .,. 11'1 Gr.O. A P!111. 1"11ri1 '"'· (CW'lnlt'I Vel'llly ISU. .. J ID 00 '·°' l 40 111111• •«Itel tP•ttlc l J.00 'llO l ltllt P'11111m (Br!llkle~I t.IO Tim-10 6/lf , k,1rc1te11-t.1dv "'<CO¥. 1cocrlll'r'1 Miu . Mr, k" 111'11. S11!11 •1 ... r Win., OUINILU -._C-lt't V1~ly t. t• l11fy lllClltl. P'•lt '"·"· Game time is a p.m. Thurs- day at the Los Angeles Coli~eum with pro«eds going lo the Catholic Big Brothers, an organl7.ation of men who assist father l ess boys lhroughout Southern C;illfor· nia . '-· T~iday, August, 12, 1%9 OAll Y PILOT J 7 Scribes Tough-luck Magner Rebels Suffers New Injury By EARL GUSTKEY Of 1119 011l, P'Lltl lrlH Both t 11 ams for Thursday Fate sec1ns reluctant to night's Orange County prep allow Gary Magner to pursue all-star football game at a pro(essional football career. Orange Coast College are For the second stra ight looking very much like the horse in the starting gate that season Magner, former Mater won't setllc down. Oei High and Orange Coast South coach Tom Baldwin College standout, has been ln- and North m e n t o r Dave jured during the pre-season. Gibbs reported ~1onday that As a rookie in the New York their clubs are ready to play, and Orange County sports Jets last season, he tore knee writers picked the South in a ligaments in the first ex- consensus vote. hibition game, u n d c r we nt "We're ready to go .•' surgery and missed the entire Baldwin remarked. •·we·ve season. had eoough, if not too much, practice time.'' Fu 11 Y recovered, r-.1agner "Our kids are anxious to showed up at the team·s pre- play -we 've had plenty or season training compound al time to get ready," says the Hofstra University on Long North's Dave Gibbs. INJURED AGAIN G•ry M•gner 1\'eek and was In tremendous shape.· I had my weight down to 220 but I'd been on weights all wlnter and wa, pretty strong.'' Magner started working out ?ttonday but won't be fuUy recovered from the Injury for another week, he said. The Jets, he sayll, were "completely messmerlzed'' by the retwn of Joe Namath, who reported to camp lwc:f fteks ago after bowing out in a bai:. tie with football commissioner Pete Rozelle over Namath's ov.·nership of a New York restaurant. He was asked if Namath's return has the Jets in an <>p- timistic frame of mind. .. Hey, are you kidding me? Both teams have had their Island a month ago and last contact work before the 8 promptly suffered a severe o'clock kickoff Thursday. The tear of the left thigh muscle. South went through a rugged He didn't travel with the been on the sidelines I haven•t •~minute scrimmage 1 as l Jets to Chicago for the All- This is a very optimistic team, l"!l tell you. Don't pay al· tcntion to any or these ex· hibition games -St. Louis used its first team all the way against us the other night and we played all of our rookies. And Joe only played one halt" Thursday and Gibbs' team Star game and re1nained at had a crack at it. went through a light contact Holstra this weekend when the "That hurts, because it's workout Friday. Jets flew to St. Louis to play pretty complicated and there's Both clubs, studded with the the Cardinals. !11,·o rookies who've mastered best players in the county last Magner figures this second it already -~1ike Hall ot The Hard W ~Y fall , are injury-free . setback has rendered seriou s Alabama and John Negert of .r , Both coaches admit the harm to his chances of win-Louisivlle.'' Victim. age 16. showing of[ South's a11,·esome rwining at-ning a job with the Jets. ~-tagner says if the Jets let in front of others placed his ri- tack, featuring \Vestminster·s "I hope to be able to stay him go. he 'll try to land a job fle to temple slating, "The gul Darryl Berg and santa Ana's \Vith ~his club, but frankly, I'm with ahOther AFL club. In the is loaded but the safety is on., Isaac Curtis, will be the k~y to 11,•orried about being cut. n1eantime. he'll give the Jets and there is NO DANGER.'' the outcome -if the North They've put in a new pass his best shot but he sounds As if Jo prove hi.I point. he can "t stop it, Gibbs' crew is in c 0 v er age system for depressed about his chances. reached down and pulled th1 for a Jong night. linebackers and since I've "I'd been working out a trigger. He died instantly. On the other hand, Gibbs•I ____________ _:..::_.::::::::_..::.:::=~-=:....::.....~~.:..'..~::'.::..'.'.'.~::!::__ figures if his defense can put the stops on Baldwin's heavy artillery, he has the offense himself to put eoough points on the board. "It's real hard to say what'll happen in a game like this," Gibbs says. •·we have fine runners, too. but not game-breakers like Berg and Curtis. 1f we can slow those guys down we have a chance because I think our runners and passers can keep them o(f balance." Both coaches sav their players are treating ·the con- test. as they would a CIF championship game. Gibbs, in fact, knovt's from first-hand experience how important the game l.t As a lineman at Buena Park, he starred In the '60 game and was besieged by college recruiters in the dress- ing room afterward. He wound up at UCLA , ~·here he earned all-coast honors. Baldv.'in, who handled last }'ear's South team in the Shrine game al the Coliseum -the most prestigious prep all-slar show or them all - says the team he has now has a more potent offense than his Shrine juggernaut. "Let's race it, you'd have to look around a long time to find two better runners than Berg and Curtis." Most observers. Gibbs in· eluded, v.·ould agree. Woody's • Breezes To Title \Voody's \Vharf completed an unbeaten Costa Ptiesa open summer basketball I ea g u e season Thursday night by beating Bill Barry Pontiac, 93- BJ. \Voody's thus won the league title In a breeze, by four FINAL STANDINGS ~ \ " . ' ' I I ' ' f H games. Dave Waxman topped scoring in U1e finale with 21 points. Bill Noon was tops for Barry with 22 points. The Pootiac team finished with a 1·13 record. In lhe final league game Thursday, fl.1cDonald's 19th beat Douglas, 79-76. Rich llardgrove paced the winners with 25 point!. • WOOOY'J WN.1111' IUj, OtlN'ltlml'ltr 'l l '1 ~ ltQlbe•t ' • 0 11 ...... l 0 • ' G•lf\I • I o 1' :J::,.,..n 1'1 f l ;~ T~lll1 • 11 1 fl llLL IA•l.Y l'l_l ft ""ltfl i'l 0 ,,.,, ~ tNt:: ;t1 ! ,....,. II I 1 H o.mr....,, • t • " ~~ J i ,1,1 Hj~'~&~ltcr'1'4l~"'M •·,Ar'" ll Hew.111!lnt 1 ~ '1 ~ Frlr••tf l ' o l H1f'dt~ 1121 t~•r tfl " 11rov1~, , , I Tet11• :i.1 IJ 11 7' OOUIJl.At i7llt ""''" i l ~. ',') •11c.kr1y ~;:.· 2iu •ort m•lr 1 J 1 11 rov, .ll 11 1J 1' 11~111 ,.. i::rt~ ftlcOtnllGl·1 ~1.1 e .11 ·1 11 OTHER PRICE FED. EX. SIZES TAX 1.15 x 14 "' $2.20 7.75 x 15 IH $2.21 1.25 x 14 120 $2.35 1.25 x 15 120 $2.45 1.55 x 14 121 $2.57 Pl~• 1111t 1nd/or 1oc1t t11•~- l'rk1d 11 tho•" It C'"111I I I .. llOftl. Co,,..1>11111"'11 prktll 1t ''""ll llrt GHltrl di1pl1tl"C !ff "'*•I al1n. e UP TO 10% MORE TRACTION• e 2 RAYON CORD RADIAL PLIES e 4·PLY RAYON COAD BELT •All tom11tli1C111l 111H1 wtl~ eur M"tll•c.u 11111 JATO SUPER-100 GOLF BALLS • Duralon cover fO( long, cul-free Ille •Energized "'PB" cenier giYH or••t distatlCI • Ultre·high-lension wil'lding OUARANTEED ADJUSTMENT •Apdll~ Ci1nt11rs Ptrff(lft.lnca Q11111 ... • •"i:•"'' """" S-uh 11~111d1n Jlur lflt:!n1I c1st. • 1.r:-1 w .. ~~~Doto<11 "..,. __ ., ... , .. ., __ _ 1 11o t-1 .. u.i.i ··~ ... ·--•u ... o1,_ ... ,. ""'"''"""--"""o1 ....... ~ ... ~ .. ~· •<lf:tiMI Cot\ .......... -\ ......... _ ......... . . ..., .. ,,..,,.,,..., ...... -." ........ _ • .oi_ ... ................. 1-.... "_ • l.f:lilllt fllfl•..i Ot!Klo 01 "°"' "'"' -. '"' _. ..... -.,, ... •llo l•I•-·• ,_ ....... _ ........ --.... --•-•!1<1 .......... -·. -............... -· _ .. .,-T,,, ______ _ Specialists cort11c t c1ster, e1mb11r, toe·ln, loe-out IC your CIT manu!acturer's 1poeific11lons, ind 11lety-check and adjust your steering. $850 DON 5WIDLUND COAST GENERAL TIRE Sii W. 1ttll Cnte Mtte 540·S11~6·50Jl AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 16941 IHCh 11•4. H11Bti119te11 l..ch 141·5150 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1122 I. 4th 51111'9 A11e S43·1l 26 L..-----M~llA AUTO INDUSTRl!S HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMlnlE ------' JI DAI\. Y P1lDT Tutsdty, August 12, 1969 F li1n Siars WAii ~Tr~gedy Stalks TO MATINftS DAILY CONTINUOUS FROM 1 :lD •·w,.:~;:~~,,~ Slwron Tate Joins Others in Violent Death .... *.. . ~·:· ~· .. ,,.. ~ .. ~ ~.\~ ~ l;JlitQ.'Cl\111£1*l(l' 4 ...... ..L\l,.\i-W. -.0...0.\1.4\i-...... .. --------~-':.-------· St11rt1 e ne&dilly * Big Triple Show * D"-Y'• "l"rTI• PAN" "WINNIE THI POOH, MCI THE llUSTERY DAY" "111 "THI m1AOl DINAlY SUMAN" * Ma tinus Daily * ' By VERNON SCOT!' HOLL YWQ9D (UPll Sharon Tate, although still in the starlet phase of hl'r c11reer, will go down in 'Assistant' Due Universal StudJos will film the Pulitter Prize-winning "The Assistant" with B e r n a r d Malamud writin g the screenplay based on h i s novel. r.==,:=AL=a=oA=1. \ 'Ea~=s 673-4048 HELD OVER .,,.. 6:45 ,.. ........ .. lltN,.,,lnnfa NOW . ENDS TUE SDAY Held Over -2nd Week tDlOl Ir! Oti.1.11! lln11e• Al'111t1 -Ala~ & Return Showing By Popul•r O.rrt•nd PEIERSEl&ERS "llMVlll, l&altams" .... nm:u: • 3 BIG HITS Wiit llllne9 '"',.,....., _,,,,_ ,. ... t. Wloh DEAN JONES BUDDY HAC KETT Al•• WA1,_T OllSN£T, "TH/I · /I/CU/I/al.II JOUUEY"' {r. -ALSO- WALT DISN EY'S "'WINNIE THE° POOH AND THE. BLUSTERY DAY" CONTl~UOUS DAILY fllOM 2 P.M. ALSO "SUBMARINE X-1" TAK E I N A JtlOVIE T HIS W EEK presents ALSO SMOKISTACK LIGHTNIN HOOK• SAT., AUG. 16-8:00 P.M. CAL. STA TE FULLERTON .................. TIC:IC"1 AT AU fHf USUAl """'C:IS ,. naETS: u.oo AOY.-u.M oooc,.,. ... www-' I Hollywood 's roster or tragic beau ties wltll Jean Harlow, 11,Jartlyn t.J on roe. Jane t.1ansfield, Lupe Velez, Carole Landis, Carole L..ombard and a score of others. Sharon Tate's house in what Taylor, the. duhln1 bacbeldr ClElll d•tecti• des ril>!:!I q _t _director wbeJ1S.!iholJ111d ld.lk. _ ritualistic mystery.· ed ln bb: home-In 1m IDd tbe The mut:"derer took the life story of. FaUy' Atbuck&e'a ln- of J\1iss Tate and Jay Sebring. volvement In the death of Vlr· Going back lo the 1930s . almost since lhe firs! frame of rilm was cranked through a silent camera, the movie capital has been plagued by a serits of tragedies. scandals. mysteries, murders a n d suicides. the 35-year-old hair stylist who ginia Rippe in a San Fran- counted amooa Jil8 clients cl.sco ~' room. ' Arbuc~ Steve McQueen. Henry Fonda, wu acquitted, but bls career George Peppard, F r a n k: · Sinatra and a hundred others. was n&ined. Other generatons of stars, Mary Milts Minter q\lil her directors and producers were career when her cirlilh lave involved in equally bizarre letters were found 1n T1Yiar's events. Therl!' ""as the mystery apartment, and Mabe I The latest, or course. was the murde r or five persons at death of William Desmond Normand's name wu involved "'""L FnxsOUTH COAST "~RM PLAZA THEATllK lmPORAf"llt Sin Dieco freeway 1t 81istol • 546-271 1 ZERO MOSTEL KIM NOVA K CL INT WALKER "THE GREAT .BANK ROBBERY" P lus 2nd Hit Feature J AM ES GARNER JOAN HACK ETT ,,.~-•Ef P~<1;:iurr10N~P.,., ..... i- "SUPPORT YOUR * COlO: LOCAL SHERIFF" """'""', -Matinees Daily at 12:30 - Box Office Open 12: 1 S STARTS WEDN ESDAY -T WEEK ON LY * T he Fant1sim1gorical Musical * Oic:k Van Dyke -Sally Ann Howes -ln- "CHIITT CHIITT BANG BANG" IN T .... E Wll!STMINSTER C ENTl!:lt _,...., ... ,.~ ""0 _ ..... -·· .... """ •fl •U~ ~""DU G•O'll ....... lllti;q I•••· --· ....... ~---... IUch...i Bouton alal lutwoocl llorrVro "Where Eagles Dare ' • ·-- FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! lit T1111e Sllow11 Togtther MATINEE TODAY I hf.i, "'''" I ,,111 , . ., ·II \1,,,., '• ROWAN&MARTIN "THE MALTESE BIPPY"" STARTS WEDNESDAY MATINll S DAI LY WALT DISNEY ·prod~ttlOI\$' ~~~.~ TECHNICOLOR' ...... M ... ""'W' ...... ,,,o;t"""" t(I •-C C .... "'" -........ G'> • "ml\'f,11181S'IS A VIRl RlliY,IMllllSRY APIUlllli •-A lllllf ~AMI llllSUl PUAS111r -;~·~~7"· "GOODBYE. COLUMBUS' IS BOUNO TO BE '-CAE.t.T in the case. Chortle Chaplin wu brou1ht to court on a paternity 1uit. Errol Flynn Wb ICCUH.d or statutory rape. Robert M1t· cbum o,yas jailed for smoking marijuana. Marie (the body) McDon•ld was found wanClering in the desert after disappearing for 24 hours under cu r ious circmualances. She later dJed from an overdose of morphine. Hedy Lamarr •as arrested for shoplifting. The death of Thelma Todd in a gu-filled garage in 1935 \Y8S never solved. Jean Harlow, who dled of natural causes, almo&t 'found her career in ruinl wltb the sensational &tabbing death Of her husband, Paul Bern. Only last year Ramon Novarro was murdered in bis home. Two men currently art being tried for beating to dealh the onetime matinee idol with his cane. Suicides are so numerous they are difficult to recall: Lupe Velez, Karl D&ne, John Bowers, Carole Landis, Ro.ss Alexander and George Reeves. Judy Garland and Marilyn f\fonroe both died from the ef· fects of sleeping pills. Jayne ~lansf\eld met violent death on a Louisana highway. Alfalfa Switzer (one of the Our Gang Kida) was shot to death in a card game. J oan Bennett, executive Jen· ni ngs Land and producer \Valter W a a: n er made headlines in a love trial that ended when Wanger shot Lang in t~e groin in a Beverly Hills park\ng lol. Former child star Scotty Beckett died at age 38 last year with police attributing his death to a possible overdose of alcohol or drugs. Franchot Tone v:as savagely beaten over actress Barbara Payton when actor Tom Neal confronted the pair outside the screen beauty's home. tn 1964 Neal was convicted o f manslaughter ln the death of his v,.ife , and was imprisoned. It appears the supercharged life of film colony inhabitants draws tragedy, scandal and death. More astonishing than, say. the marriages and divorces of Elizabeth Taylor, the con- quests of Errol Flynn or the multiple murders in the home this week of Sharon Tate, are the stories that never get out -the fights, crime, drug ad· diction, illegitimate births, abortions. shotgun marriages and secret divorces that are hushed up and paid off. Hollywood is a gathering place for the weirdos. the un· balanced and the brilliant ll apparently takes those types to keep things li vely on the screen. New Group Announces Auditions A ne\v community theater group in San Clemente will conduct auditions thi s weekend for three one-act plays to be presented in September. Tryouts will be held Satur- day at 1 p.m. and Sunday at 6 p.m. by the Pretenders Playhouse at the San Clemente Moose Lodge, 105 Avenlda Trabuco, according to director William Barrymore. t.lore than 2S speaking rotes for all ages are available in the three productions -"The Dulywed Game," "House for Sale" and a vaudeville shO\V, Dancers, vocalists, musicians, pupeteer:s, ventriloqu!S:ts and other artists are needed for the vaudeville portion of the program. Four pcrformancts of the shows are scheduled at the Moose lodge, with product.Ion dates to be announced tater. Turns to Film· HOLLYWOOD CUPI) ._ David Dortort. producer of video's .. Bonanza'' and "High Chaparral." launchu h i s mo\l'le m1kin1 caretr with a horse opera, ''Tou&h Trip Through Paradise." UP OH YOlll Cl.WI OUT! FOR FASJI FASTI ACTIOlll CAll DAILY PILOT CLASS· IAED DEPT. D I A l D I R E c T 6 4 2 • s 6 7 8 DAU"'Y Pll"'f)T WANT ADS HOUSES '°" SALi HO.USES POR SALE HOUSES FOR S~LE 1100 • 1000 Gtn1ral 1000 GARAGE Ir WORKSHOP Latte dQPble carare. tool· abed,~··~ 25' workabop atttued for second story. C.ovettd and e~ed patio -boat 1ton.ae' area from p1,ved alley: Three Bedroom two bl.lb home with EXTRA SPACJO\JS MASTER BED, ROOM and private , batf'I. Well kept property in NEW- PORT HEIGHTS area. An vccellent BU)' at ONLY $32.500. . . POUNDING SURF ' b only steps away from this ·3 BR. 2 bath CORONA DEL MAR home located on Dah- lia Street (above bla: Cor· ona), $37,500 Newport •I Vidorla 646-8111 Anytimt MOVE IN TOMORROW \Vith credit approval and en. joy the charm of open beam ceilings and a spacious look makes 3 Bedroom &: Family an exceptk>nal h·o m e - Ready for immediate pos- 1essk>n $39,500-10% down. 646-7171 O TH J.REAL '"'-CSTATERS < ... Red uced $3000 S Bdrm, spilt level wilh Jarie panelled game room. cathedral ceiling living room &: finest apPOintments Uu'oo&hout. A view of lights. Owner verY aiulous, h a s purchated nfw home in 'Ar· cadla. Price just reducrd to '""""· OPEN Sund•y 12·6 1890 Orlolt Drive • )1: .. ::,t\ :· r~• .,, I ,11.t;' 546-5990 REACH FOR THE MOON Money Maker Here is yo\ir chance 10 invest In YoUr future. 6 choice units clGSe to the s. A. Country Cub. Prldl! of ownership throt1ghout with lath and plastel' constructiop ind con- crete drive\\·ays. Pleoty of green are1. $69,SOO and 1\·0rth it! "For A \Vise BUy'' Colesworlhy & Co. Refiected in tht shimmering 642· m7 beauty or yoUr own 16xlS ........................ .. hooted aod filtered •wim-SHORECLIFFS ming pool. The l btodroom 2· bath home ill designed r or Attractive Rustic Home family living and tun. ~toe!· Just listed on em kitchen with all the F:vening Canyon Road builtins. Attractive front J Bedrooms, :? Baths landACaping with sprinklers. Living room wlth Double car garage for Dad. Open beam ceiling and Don't make a mistake. See Used brick fireplace ii~! $32.500. r·ami!y room opens onto 546-231 3 Spacious palio & yard \0 THE REAL "\. CSTATERS . . " '· " I''· Barrell Really p resen ts Havt Squeezitus ? $50,000 Call John Abell Res. 67~736.l Vets-No On. Pymt. Neat 4 and family rm. on corner in lovely ~fesa del Mar. Room for boat, triiler, etc. See this! J ust listed Bay· crest, 4 bdrn1s, 3 baths, large famiiy roon1 OP<'ning onto covered patio, B<.'auti· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... -fully landsl".aped yard. AP· lease DIRTY- FIVE BEDROOM proximately 2800 sq fl of living. call !01· more infOI'· nlation, 1605 Westcliil Dr, NB 6~2-~1200 -$100-TO-TRAD E in your Mme!!! Yes, \Ve \\'ill GUARANTEE th!.' salr .of Big 111esa Verde home. 4 + fan1ily & dining roo1ns. Sparkllng pool, $425/m. Op. lion . lo • buy available. 546·5880 {nearcinem11halrt) LLEGE REALTY OOJ Adlrns1t ~rbor,CK the 01vner has left it vacant, it needs some paint, some i;oap and S()ffie yard v.·ork, perlttt for expanding ram. ily, located In the desirable east.side of Costa ~lesa. own- er says sell, terms available, try $28,500 or make oHer, )'our home for $100 when ::::::::=:=====~ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 BY O\VNER $23,900 3 Bdrm., 2 ba .. crpts., drps .. [rplc. 2 patios. 6~4 % GI loan. 646-703.f you buy your new onl'.' from us. Call now for complete details. U phones are husy, please call back. NO GIM· ~llCKS! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTE S Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. a t Adams 545-9491 Open 'til 9 PM VIEW Elegant 3 bedroom 'vith mai;:. nificent :\1t. & bay view. Spacious living room, gard- en or family room, oversize pool ,,.ilh extensive, sur· rountling ll'rrace. Done in exquisiLc taste. Priced t<> sell. $127,500. Call for app't, john macnab (714) 642-1235 9:11 Dover Drive, Suitr 120 FOREST E. BAYCREST No"""rt "'"•· \Veil designed tor the grow· l =:-:l-:-~-=~=-~:::\::1:1:1:1:~ ing family, 4 bdnns. 2;2 $2) 500 bathl. Patio off master bed· OLSON ""'m , fonnat dining ooom. I Inc. Realtors S PANISH.SENOR~ 4 BEDROOMS Spanis h eleganco-. 4: large bedrooms. 2 tiled baths. Spanish tile entry. ~lasslve double fireplace. Open (lame cooking in a gourmet kitchen + de-luxe built·lns. Huge play room and only $29,950. call no\v senor! 645-0303 FHA LOAN 53/, ~~ $196 MONTH PAYS ALL Assume FHA · loan of $24.700. No fees! 2 story 3 bedroom. 3 baths. Formal d In Ing room. Separate fan1il y room. Qualitv that "ill excite you. Price slashed $31,· OIXI. seller to help in fin· ance. Dial 645-0303 beamt!'d ceiling living rooin . large entry, large family room with brick fireplace. Lots ol closets, cupboards & storage. Pool sized yard. JEAN SMITH Realtor 616-325.5 400 E. 17th St, Costa ~lr~;i SPARKLES PLENTY Sharpt>st home in back hay area. Owners have moved . immediate possession • 3 bedroom & Family roo1n . Beautiful covered patio. in- tercom tbruout • Pool size yard. $34,950 • 10% Down. 646-7171 IO ' THE'REAL \'"'-ESTATERS '• 1, " I t~ NEW CARPET NO QUALIFYING Everyone can as~ume this hii:th FHA Joan. 546-9521 or 54~1 10• S22,500 A solid value. Gleaming hdwd nrs. lath & plutcr cons\. 3 big BR, 62xUO' lot. lge cool patio, dbl gar. Room fr boat , trlr. Best of 111 use your GI loan or 10111 dn F'HA. (h1·ner moving to Penn. \\'a nts fast sale. CALL 540·1151 Heritage Re a J Es1ate {open eves) Courtyord Pool BEACH LIV ING --POLYNESIAN--"Forever Viev.11 New \Velis' LARGE DUPLEX PARADISE plan ready !or &-pt. dcliv- POOL _ $30,750 ery. 4 BR 3~t ha. powder Sand pebble's th r o \V room, fam rm, 1\·/bar & from that wonderful sea. S"imm•n'ng pool d " . casca · frplc formal dining roon1. Two large bedrooms and ing waterfall fountain. Lush lg,Jt' pool. · 2 baths each. Large kit· I nd In Kl · ""d d t b .1 a scap g. ng sized "" . Roy J. Wa•d Co. chen + e uxe u1 t-1ns. rooms, large dt>n, :? baths, Sun decks. Great Joca-1°00•0 •·••1 OU•'""i luxury kitchen, family -m. ......,... '~ lion! Good rents! Only S40-l7'20. '"" 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 S38.m. T o d ay's best buy t Call now 645-0303 TARBE LL 29SS Harbor SAVE S with 5%% G.t. -~ --Nc\vpot1 \Vest 3 BR 2 BA TAKE OVER 7'/, '/, NEWPORT HEIGHTS homo. Ii mi 1o beaoh. Ct>l,, $19,500 drps. All GE kit, F'etlCt?d, FANTASTIC BUY Very cozy & comfortable landscaped, sprinklers & Fantastic $20,900 loan. home. ~lost gracious living patio. Fttshly painted & No fen. One of 35 beau-room '"ith in inviting lite· \Vcll · C'.artd for. $28.700. tlful town homes in ex· place. Ex<".ellent lcalion. Owner v.·JIJ carry 2nd. 220'l2 elusive Ne,vport Bt'ach 5~6.1720 Capistrano Ln, HB. ~9540 area. Total price $23,250. TAR BEL L 2955 Harbo r or 968--4132 2 extra lerge bedrooms. ~==~==~=~ 2 b&tb> •. flr•placo. bunt. $19,995 FOR· LEASE Ins + club house and super pool. Only 10% No Down G.I. dn. HUIT)"! call 645-0303 ~loneuy picyme nts less than rent! Loads or charm, a 11 SI/~ i'o GI -modtlm kitchen spacious $ l b2 MONTH living & d\nina rom. NEW PORT BEACH 11--'-TA:.:cR.:.:B:..:E:..:L::_L -'146-=060=4- A RARE FIND Beat high !nttttst. La:rge Act row! This t yr. old 4 BR c u s tom t"'·o bedroom ho 1 home In N~port Hgh ts. me won't a.st. 1~ ha ., Plenty of Jight a: charm. like new v"/w cpts., C&t'f:ltn Ailey acet"H. High G.I. kit w/blt·ins. fam rm., blk loan of $20,600. Room wall tnc, sprinklers. Buy for pool, boat. cnmper. VA /nlA·price S27,350, Office 1pacc, College Cenler, 300 to 1200 sq ft ~35c per square foot. DAVIDS ON RHlly 546-*JO Eves. 549-ltXJS OCEANFRONT 3 Bri home on ticcdlut bc11.ch: sate. Georgi Wiiiiamson RE..\LTOR 613-4350 Eves. 673-156• Only $26,900. lnterMited! P.\V.C. 54G-Q.140 Call 645-0303. CONDO: 11; story, 2 bdr, 1~• 'B~U!'lsn:sr!l'·~""'m"arl«!"."!!11>~ta",.""'"'1n 645•0303 ba. cpl& drp!, -.1 bar. bli· -· "ll>e OArt.Y PILOT at Harbor ~nter in kit. 2-eAr pr, bit-in ltrgt CIAulliM "ctk>n. SAv• 0~ It bo Bl d c •t ape., pool priv. l\luat J.e-c to money, tim• 6 e!!ort, Look ~= ar r v., ·••. 1~500 * flpptt~. ,w, '~ 'lti.17 rlO\\'!!! /' l HOUSES POR SALii - \ ·-. -..... -J.'J ·-· • ••• . " . . . , ... ~ ........... . Tutsdl)o, AUflllf, l t 1'69 DAILY PILOT Jf HOUSES POR SALi HOUSES POR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES POR SALi HOUSES POR SALi RENTALS MkNTALS · Rl:NTALS I----------------· l .:==='-===c=..-:.==:.:..:.;:.~="--I 'H"u;;.n;;.t l;;;-;;.t:..on'""".•;.;.,;-•;;.·=•1:.._-1 Hou ... Fur nllhod Ho-Uolurnl"'°" ~ Apto. Funll~_...i..__ Gtner•I 1000 Gtnoral lllllGtntral 1000 HUfttlllflfon Baaclt 1400Huntlngton Beach 1400 ... -~ - ;;.;..c.1_RA_o_E_v_ou_R_ I i-iiiiiii~m;ii· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim l°iS20in:,:zoeiOll,~ui'LL:i:L"iP~R~1iCc'E'e c .. i~ Mt.. 2100 1 .N;;;ew;;;;;po;;;";;;;;.a...;;;;;c;;;h;;;;;;;;32;oo;;;/iNtwpo<;;;;;;;;"~a.;;:;;-.,-h __ 4_200_ SMALLER HOME FOR SHOPPINCi FOR A HOME 7 MOY£ IN BEfOR£ S"llOOL STARTS FHA Loan at 5%1' with to-I' Ne""°""'"'" I Brdroom• and 2 batl11 *'' Call, write or l1isit0our office for your frCc l" 1 lal payment of fl23 P.J.T.I. BAo-IELOR I~ • S~e I/I COUNTRY CLUI ONLY s•~ -month on" ''H F UY! " ~ N b d I 2 t • bed n..i a!>&rP doll .._ will> tnale only. l90 mo. TOWNHOUSES LIVI~ ...., .. ~. 111 copy of OW' omes or ng maga"1ne ew omes, rea y to move o. o ., • 3 1 · .._.. r-•Mi..~1* ",,.. aero C\11-de·P.t'. Solt thick Fir queen uac ucuroom&. uv.• I ·~--. 2" ba"··, 2 -r • .. ,,~ •• ~, .... ~ ... -with sictures, ·prices and details of our rooms, 2 lo 3 baths. Y, mUelrom beach. st -·"--· ba" •-2 BR tlo l -• ~·-" ~ ·~ '" ~ -• ~ ·~~ avocado acrll,yn Ci.11)t:t pous ....,. ..... ,.. '"· ""..,... • sar, Pl , trop c.. carport. Bullt.IM • fire. offet1nc complete prtvaey, l.hro~MuL Lovely ti'.!rruo :ielecl Us ngs lo Newport Beach, Corona del payment up to 60 days after move In. one ~alWu, HUb 'l5 x 100 .e1ting for Adlll~. 1-bli to place. Carpets .__ dtapei. beautltUI Wdscapfnc 6 un- enlry teadlna: to 1pa1.cioul lttar and-Costi Me•a-:-TUNSFEIRING? AJk VA/FHA 1rm1. From $12,ttCI lot wlth~double atn&t. •hoi $115. Mo 544-47'80. S26S month. paralleled rta't•Uonal facil- mai;ter bedrpom ~·Ith ltts us for a 0 Homea For Living" magulne lrom .. Jtome hU • buUt tn vac-=========I ALSO 1t1e1 in a coUJ1try dub *" l!lnd HER r::losett and IWtur· any part of the country. We hne associate The Beac:' uum. Submit )'OUr down to Newport ll1ch 2200 2 Bedroom. 2 Nth• buUt·I~ mosphttt. Now 1n.111:w m ious tiled balh. Alt bui\t.in offices throughout the U.S. Rl!D CARPET EWVEERSYEL..,Ll AMIHNOUMTEES DOVER SI .l. Uttplace. Carpel! 1e dta· NewpOrt Beach. coppertone kltclwn w I l 11 REAL TY 202" W B Ibo Bl d N rt (on Brookhur,1t 1 mll• South of Ad1ms) .. lOrtS b a Y front ........ $225 month. 1'100 16th Strtet LOAOS o1 •'••min& walnut • • • a a • '• eWJ19 w lk & l e home. 6 BR • BA, ..... ..-. & I h f'Umllhcd or Unlumhbod oupboards and PANTRY. Beach 92660. (71 4) 675-6000. 962 • 1353 a ~r e p .. lo. 70' privole doek ay IQC Modeb open nooll to 9 pm Cozy FIREPLACE in livilli· Avail ~pt 1'1, yrly IN, itooo Realty, Inc. n4: 6424)10 f:m 0°r'1 ;;i;=~n~o~at~~~G_a_n_•_•_•_l _____ 1_000_ G1n1r1I 1000 College Pc rtc 1115 Coron.delM1r 1250 8~ ;:in~Sl40 ~~~'1~llO·SOll or s:=erDr.,~!s~~ OAKWOOD IN EN NCE T k -OJ>f'n eves. I '!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!."I MA T A · ' 'over BEACH BARGAINS REDUCED $1000 BY THE SEA --~-----1 2 BR., d.,, 2 S.., noar GARDEN the 51' G.I. loan wllh as lit· QUIET DOUBLE 6°1• FHA beach, No pets. l child OK. tic ., $3.500. 3 Bl., tam. rm. 2 Ba.. i28,SOO Y.'est Bay AV'@. duplex. 3 Br. Olarrnin&; 2 Br. + conv, den 3 bdrm 2 bath. 31,i Ye a r I * 968-4064 *lie __ y~S_h_o,... ____ 3_2_25 APARTMENTS ' WE SELL A HOME 2 ba. lo~-er: 1-BR. l·ba. up. + rormal din, nn.: attic new. lleavy lhakt! roof, - EVERY 31 MINUTES 2·Sty. a·!rame charmer ~~~i~ia:.~~h ~=~ per. Custom built attractive spacr, 2 frpl.: \\'alltd pr-block wall fence, flttplact, Coron1 del Mir 225 WATERFRONG Near B~. *ON THE BEACH* & L S29,500 units, 3 car iar, All in a den, VIE\V of ocean le jet· complete kitchen C<"nter in· 0 luxury 3 BR. 3 BA, with y,1inte.r Sept 7th-June lStb. Walker ee -from pool le club house, qutet nel&hborhood. $59,000, ty. Steps to btach. Allwne chxiln& indoor outdoor car· 4 BR 3 8.A StlXI mo 607 gardener, ~Y Sept 15 10 4 Furn Ocean lront d .... i ... x. 3 • B'' 3 •-.•• -.. "',"""' Priced lot quick sale. J·•n at 6" ~ $111 """' • • • · v.a?'!I ".:"" mo Resp ~ Dll ........ " -JW IURR WHITE , ,,_ •2 •i . •"""'· pet.Built-inBBQ.Pricedto Begonia. Also ur:furn, #du1~ -ts n~4 Br: 2 Ba, sundeck \lllltrs. Zi9o Harbor Blvd, at Adams ,..,...., Open 'til 9 P~J REALTOR Walker Rlty. 675-5200 1eU fut at $29,500. 673-3806 or 67>0023. a m'..~ · $zj(). per mo. 2 Br, 1 e., pa.. l·Sty. A-frame, low at 123.500 OCEAN VIE\\.' 4 BR, 3 BA. =========I or tio down itrs $200, pct mo. CAYWOOD REAL TY 2901 Newport BJ.yd., N.B. I am nn + 500 sq, ft. l f J111t~~~ .. IHMP Lido Is le 2351 Uni'llf'llty Park 3237 OfliC'e m8211, home 6306 W, Coast Hwy .. N.8. ~ 642·2253 Evts. sundeck. C1test rm & ba ad· '\r.19f---·--"--'-----= 494-293$, Newport Hts Area • 54a.1290 • S2'7.250 Assume SIM.90 Jacent to prage. Lr 1 UDO NORD BAYFRONT 1 BR • ~. condo. lease:. 2 SINGLE YOWi& Adult• Lux· TWO SOCK tT TO 'EM! 642-1771 Anytime College Parle lrg 3 Bdrm. 1'4 boat/carport. All on 45' fee SPLIT LEVEL Executive home JW"nlah«I, 3 car gar. CrpU. drpe, deck. ury prden apt.I wUh coun-. Contemporiry Hom es c=",~. ~M~;,;,~~~=;~!l!!l!!!!!!!!l!~!!!!!~!!!! Ba. Frff.h pa.:nt ill & out. By simple lot. $74,900. 219 BR, conv. den, 3 BA, Pool prtva:'•. $.2'15 For a.ppt. try club alm<>Silhcre and ON CORNER LOT 01 •.. ell I 1oO Costa Mua 1100 _o,,wne=r", "545-1163=='==== Larlc.!pur, Cdi\f. 0 w n er. STRATFORD. Sharpest. Prof recently decorated. Pier & S.U-Oa63 aft 5. complete privacy SOtJn{ liiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -6Ta--0751 landscaping. Atany extraa. a~ip, £26' ~raft op-BA y CLUB APTS.' [rv\ne at Room for boat or trailt'r. Newport Beich 1200 --,.,~..,8:-L'""U'"F'"F'"S.--...,=-Ala"" improvements. Near t1onall. Lease t. 10 to Corane del Mir 3250 lGth Nei"""rt Beach, Large plctu~ \\'indow liv· .. J June 15. Own!!r. c71.1J S4:>-0550 ing room. 2 BR 1 bath each. Condo, end unit, I level, 3 'Freeway &: shops, 6% loan 12131 241_1 , 4 BDR duplex, 2',) ba.,..,=='"="°"===d I p rt J • Th A 1• WALK TO SCHOOL I BR, 2 BA, CU5tom crpts. for you to take over. blt-ir11, dshwsht. 2200 sq ft.1 *NEW BAY FRONT* ncome rope V 01n e c ion Near new , rormer model drps, extras, 2 patios, handy Rex L. Hodges, Rlty. WAAvTailER. AFugRONT1_0 by .~~Mk E0,: Year leue, $300/mo. 540-7573 2 e. r, 2 .ea. $330 yrly 111t. 5 Units + Early American 2 home ·,n u·p top -od 4 Br •-pool $30-By ow-r 847-~2,; .. ~~ 51 u 1 ~· BR hOme on 89x275' streel .. u • ., .., • ,•w ..... , month zit' Via Lido Nord 2 BR House, excellent cond. ip ava , Furn., adu ts._,, to s!reet lot. YOUN parquet fam., fonnal din. & 644-227'9. WE +(mo or BR 0-4~7 , ?-.tarried couples & no 19th St., Apt. C, 67&-0236. WITH AN AGGRESSIVE 6 FIRM "'1 ba,. Quick po"'"c .:.~.,-, ~"l°"NV~EST=°"N'°'EA"'R'°'T"'H"'E 1 Huntington 1405 ohU.,.n. 1250 mo,• 675-3291 1 • 2 BR apt" From "" to P·1er & Dock Owner moving to \\'lseonsin. • d Harbour •-H•I Plnchln & Assoc. OCEAN. 3 Br. 3\a ba.. en, 1---------Huntington B••th 2400 COZY 2 Bednn cottage, frpl, Sl75. No c:hlldren or pets. $63,500 l·JERITAGE REAL ESTATE has l openinJ 2 trpl, din rm. 3 Gar. Can HUNTINGTON HARBOR bC'am ceiling, 31,~ blks to 1525 Placrntia. Abo avail. W1t1rfront Dupl1x for a top salesman. Best commission split 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 6'i~392 build anolher home on lot. HERE'S a litt;e hide-a.way J150. ATTRACTIVE 1!)aclous, heh. $200 mo. 675---4943 unfum. h av.t.lable Stop by & see us or call Da e DUPLEX• VIEW Some view, nr. beach & air cond. mobile home In de.1.,::~""'~,;:.,,c.;,:..;.:._.;,. __ I;=====-=--.,, J\'lyhre at 540 -1151. Heritage Real Estate, JIN """' btlrm, boat dock on main sirable loealion, at beach, view. Adults only $450 or year y, sp 1 aor::vo:.o, Lac enmyer · V $2'1,~ _ You """ •"-land'. shops. Bkr. 673-20lO". for I.he tired executive. 3 3 BEDROOMS, dining room. ~!AGNIFI1CENT 1v,ie~~-~k2 2918 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. Unbt'lievable, but lnle! Just * NO POINTS channel. A beauty at only pool, Tee.chl'r I owner on month. Call Aa:ent bedrooms, fireplace. prap, 1 blk from lhe ocean, close 6~o;. INTEREST $49,9;i0 _ EZ terms. lt>avl'. Avail Sept 71!1. Can be 612-8235 ~ 2001,,; Kin&:& Road, ~23$4 I••••••••••••••••••., I to aU shops. 056-cl Walle 1 R. D. Slates. Realty st>en by app't. Refettnces aft 6 Rtaltor Listing&; Newport Beach, Corona de! Mar & Col<!A Afesa Gener1I I PROPERTIES WEST ~~stl•''R 2"'1 '1'· 1 ,.0 847_3519 E~s. 536-4558 req'd. 536-2288. NE\V 3 BR fantily room,,~='='~P_.m~. -~--=I 1000. General 1000 1028 Bayside. N.B. 675-4130 ucac · : 0 ' room or · • cabaml·PoOl-club. '34Wmo. LO\VER ocean b"Ont W. other unit. Santa An• 1620 V•c•tlon Rent1ls 2900 lcue. Agt. 83l.(),jj)4 Newport. 2 Br. 1~ Ba, CALL 646-3928 Eves. ~2290 SAYH •~ASH! Read The DAILY: 1---------NEWPORT 0\VNER'S SACRIFICE G raham R11lty 646-2414 2 BDR. ww cpts, bit-ins, Frplc & pr, avail Sept. L BAY FRONT 5t/c% LOAN 4 or S BR, 2 mo. old Harbor BY QwnC'r 1750 sq. ft. 3 BR DUPLEX with view, private: drps N 1 winter lse. $210, 646-5832 F •• luring 0-of , kind on Hills home. LR. DR, Fam. Lido Isle 1351 librarv. Asrume 6S,. 1417 avail. wttkly durin& A"''" 'gar.6...,0 !!:· 3 BR, 2 BA, upper. 11~ mo . ... ,, Baycreset. 4 Bedrooms. Huge R ·th 1rpl &. bar 3 Ba ------·J -,....,.,,,. "~ tw-autiful LIDO ISLAND. master mite, 2\i baths, for-\\'I • • -~ANxtoUSI 1 Shawnl'e, SA. 54G--9258 Sept. 2 B<frma, fireplace, \Vlnter rental Spacious family home or mal d•.n•'ng room 2 •-pla"' Crpts, drps, many Xtras. OS garaie. 20011,; Klnp Rd. 2 BR, fum/unfum avail. ll3-622-ro36 or 60-'1821 CONVERT FOR 2 families. · u... ... Xlnt financing. 54&-8281 Owner wants action on va· Laguna Beach 17 548--2394 after 6 pm. After 9/15, so. of hlway. 3141~="~-"-"-"---'--"'-·I One ol the most fabulous es, family room. 540-1720 BLUFFS ~legant F plan, 3 cant ~ Br. & :: ba. ho~. f.largarite. 2134.31-1195. 2 BR Apts. tum. or wdum. buys wfl've ever had on the TARBELL 2955 H11rbor Br, 3 Ba ~·/BayView, wide Xlnt ,,alue at asking price of PRICE REDUCED Summer Rentils 2910 To $200 yearly. Island at a reduced price. LARGE Spanish home on 1'11 green belt. All upgraded. Lo $59.SOO * VIEW HOME * l-==---"-='-='-" I Huntington B11ch 3400 Anita. Jones Rlty. 673-6210 Sheer lllXury through _ out ac. for horses, in Newport lse, lo dn $41,500. 644-4265 LIDO REAL TY INC. BY OWNER 1 BEDROOM and bath with 1 BR xlnt loc. Close to Bay a with too many features to B3ck Bay area.JO ac. in DELUXE C nd 3400 Via Lido 67J..8830 PERFECT condition! f.tust large living area, trplc, l•;et 3 BR. 2 bath house with beach. Adult& only, 6'1>mf mention. But WHAT A mountains nr. E l 1 In or , 0 0 • man Y TERRIFIC ISLE SITE bar &. outside p at i 0 . bullt·lns, flrtplact le double if no ans. 4!M-94n TI4/G46-5608 xtras, 2 Br, 2 Ba pool see Interior to appreciate! Ov 1 k. Oil Co garage. Newly painted & • WINTER Rr•-•• • • VIEW! Call llO\V for f u I I -~=====~-I S28,500. Xlnl terms. AgL North bayfront . 100 block. J BR, 2 DA. large living nn, er 00 ing na ve. ne-.v cnrpets. w a I k i n g ""' • IU..:l details and appointment! ASSUME $ 0 18,000 , -=646-01="',,'=..,,,-,-,,--: 1 40X90'. Pier-slip. J+,OOOb .. ! fireplacr, dk~nette. a!_~lee-~~:~:t':p~~~ for distance to school. $225/mo. WINIFR•Egi'~FOS.S, Ail Flexible tt'rms and MOST 6% G .I. L AN 1Cl-IARM1NG Back Bay: 3 sq n. 3 Bdrms.:? at,..,. trlc incl 1tchen. ''"'nno Rltr. 546-4141, ANXIOUS~! At Slll per month TOT AL!! 1 B 2 ba tl d R. C. GREER, Really controls each room. Beamed 0..EAN Ba..lbM Beach Units. 4 BR Ho-· ~-••y painl•d. 1 Boru.I nr Bay a: Beach, WE SELL A HOME Lovely shake roo f home rg. r.O ''1"2'7'·4 'P50 5• 3lt5 Via Lido 671-9300 c<'lllngthru-out,\valllowall Sleeps2tol0; for summer '"" u ...... u Yearly lease Partly film EVERY 31 MINUTES ,vith 3 laq::e bedrooms and bllns. wner. ' • CHARMING 2 Bedrm, beam carpel.a, drapes, lge cor lot, reservations rail 673-996 Mutual Rt'alty M2·lWI Util incl Sl35.' 673-2950 · W I k & L 2 pullman baths! \Valk to 646-8698 celling, street 10 stttet, xlnt shrubs, Good deal tor G.I. 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 3 a er ee Park!! Carpets and drapes. Newport Shores 1220 cond, room for expan. 01vner movin~ to ranch. NICE l·BR. duplex, sips. 4. Fountain V1ll1y 410 B1lbo1 4300 ALL ELECTRIC KtTCHEN $39,TJO. :za.799-Snt Prit'e $37,700. 1-Blk. ocl'an. S2i5 now 'tl1 LEASE. lmmaculat, ye• .. old ---------1 20-13 \VestcliJf Dr. SHER MAKE OFFER -&46-ffil Open Eves. AND DISHWA ! Love. l BR·2Ba. 235 Cedar Sept. 7, or $85 wk. 3711 W. SpanlAh 3 Bdrm., 2~ Baths. PENINSULA Point 1 Bedrm ly cui;lom fireplace and $24.950 \V/$8500 down or Balbo• Island 1355 "'rite P.O. Box 914, t.aiuna Balboa, N.B. 642-1272. 968-4066. delwce $135 yriy. 154 4 * J BR 1%. bath. bdwood beam celling family room! $25,9:i0 w/$4,IXXl nt dO\l·n to ----Beach or caU 494-4726 any. BEACH HOUSES ?-.1iramar Dr. 67>1358 noon, cpts I drps, trplc. Gorgeous back ya1'd with see inside eall 6~1784 212 Sapphire time. ., BR 1 73m1 Oce S•nta An• Htlnhts 3630 double g at age, beautiful C'OVERED PATIO, and 3 Br, 2 Ba .r. den. 24 x 30 ==,.,....,.,=;-:c=---1 -• um, an-------'"'----1 Bilbo. lalind aJ5 fenced yard. $24,500 block wall fencing. brick patio, exposed beam VIEW HOME • • front, 962•98lO. VACANT 2 BR duplex. Sgt ---------* l BR 11Ai baths, carpets, WE SELL A HOME Baycrest 1223 C<"ilingi;, completely remod. e e BY .OWNER 2 BR . Balboa apt adJ gar. You paint $140 mo, as BEAUTIFUL Upper duplex drapes, large fenced yard. EVERY 31 MINUTES REPOSSESSION By owner SS2.500. 6T>D21K Nf!\v 3 Bd1m .k Den. Beam beac:hesfpler .f75.$1.50 wkly, ts. Lse option or sell. 3 BR APL Very cl06t' to St. Bay. 4 ' I " • '" ' • • • I I I I I I l I ' I I ! Vacant -immed. possession. Walker & Lee IN ceilings, outstanding VIEW. 536-3911, 675-5810 house, Hdwd 11.r. Fncd yd. Br. 4 ba. $400 per mo. yrty, S20,IJO. BAYCREST Huntington Beach 1400 All el~c kitchen. Roman BALBOA t BR, redec. Nr. Lease \\'/option or aell S225 Salisbury Rlty. 673-6900 I W1l11-McCa rdl1, Rltrs. Large 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, bath. Must sell • S~7.SOO or beaches, S'J'S.Sl.lii. wkly. mo. Owner-Agt 549-4358 1 PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I ·- E D 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 'A"~~ F.d 0 r i~i,~~140 all I.he custom luxury a~ $19,850 offer. OPEN SAT & SUN 536-3911 or 675--5810. \========="\Huntington &each 4400 t t , ___ 5_<>_7729_ .,,u_·m_e__ ''v-oO';en e;;;:' pointments professionally 4 Big Bedrooms ~ri~~ ~r4 :.:ne i:_:~~lne BACliELOR apt furn, CdM. Ligun• Niguel 3?07 .I)ELUXE beach apts, 1 &: 2 l t YOU I iiOiiOii ... OiiOiiOiiOiiOiim I landscaped. Drive by 1907 Comrort & quality. 2 bath1. HANDYMAN'S Aug. 18th lhru Sept. 3rd. 3 BR, 2 BA. beautiJul v\e\V. Br. $125. to $180. 219 l!ith SI. I 1 , LIDO 'S FINEST S:inliago, C'all owner for Lovely kitchen. Bu!lt-ins. $50. per ~·k. 673-5849. Btil d h h •-d-Apt 7 ! bl S""cial! 4 lnco1nc units 120 n1, S w r, crpo.a, ·ru• • · TLiE LUCKY ONE appointment to see. F1cxi e Large londscapert yard. ,,~ RENTALS frplc.'836-5750 or 542-1215 I n $197,SOO tenns. Phone 642-2835. TARBELL 842-6691 yd~. 10 beach. Patios, decki; Sunset Be1ch 4455 fn brautiful Mesa Verde. A 5 BR. + 6 Ba. + den \\•/ocean view. Ndl!. paint, Hou11s Unfurnl1hed I new Republic home 8 months + fam. rm. + 2 \\'et bars. Dover Shores 1227 $4500 DOWN eLc. Should gross $9,000 an-General 3000 c_._n_d_o_m_i_n_lu_m ___ 3_9_5o_,sC~ER rtnt-Oceanfrtnl young. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 5.IXXl sq. ft. of custom lux· AllSUme 5,.<k GI loan. Oean nual. Pr. $69•600• Trades Country Club VIiia apt. 1·2 bdr., fireplace, custom drapes and carpets. ury in comp. privac:y on 3 * UNIQUELY 3 BR 2 bath home. hard-considered, $165. 2 BRc, w/w, patio. Dbl. Lovl'ly 2 Br, 1% Ba, crpts, patio, gar. FuUy turn. Sl~ Famous Garden Kitchen. lots. One of tbr:: \Vest'~ ou\. Dillerent "Old World" Con-wood floors, carpets&: drap. l\f!SSION REALTY 49-l-0131 gar. E-Side. Bkr. ~5-0lll lo-drps, bll·ins, pri patios. $160/wk. 17th &. S. Pacific. J.car garage with pass. standing residences. temporary, executi\'C lux· es. Lar&:e tree shaded lot. MAGNIFICENT cal. $255. 837-9830. SB. through boat door for fun. Joo Cla .... --ury home. Unobstructed Won't last Jong tt only ~an view lot: S6,9jQ. Small, 1165 2 ba •-LUXURY .-t 1 2 •-• o ... & •t VU l . BR., l~ . town._,, ,~._,,. 1 AL!» OCC&1wun ap. Comer lot with easy access .......,,. »<v " In -mos nns. $71,500. Better call now! but level. Sl,000 Down, bal. RI I I h ••-f' ta-patio -· -~ M -• 5000 II I B 4" ba + M TUAL REALTY 0· re rg .. w aa er. Apts. Furnished pu.r ., ll"tP 1.c, . ' -· to rear y...,u, u"" more to !;CJ • r, /2 U at S70 n1onth. Children OJ{. Bier. 534-6980. Year Jea.se. Starting" Sept. see and appreciate, Full maids qtrs. Ideal Jor enter. 842-1418 Anytime 49'1-IO'll 497·1210 Generil 4000 SZ'lCI. Utll. pd. 17th ii S. price $.:i,750. tainlng. Easy malnt Immed C M 3100 ---------1 Pacific, SB. 546-2313 Coldwell, Banker & Co. O<CUPMOY, FUm~h<d. SHOWPLACE BE Au TI,. u L f I BWRill.. c.•"•;;.1•o..:;.;;.":.01c_--'= HOLIDAY PLAZA ·~===;,====! II~ 000 6~ d loa Bayfronl C'Wltom urn. -1 · 550 Newport Center Dr. ao'0 • 632. ANuBum ,,_l'Ao ::,4"9 n. 1 Story 4 BR, 2 ba, Palo!! sell on contract or lse op-IM~1ED. POSS. 3 BR 2 ba DELUXE, spe.ciolls 1 Bdrm. Cringe County 4600 'iD ' THE REAL ·~ESTATERS Nev.·port Beach. Calif. 1 =='='==·=·=-=="=·==I Verde stone fri>lc. Extras lion. $32.500 owner. 673-2259 home 1v/huge bonus room, Furn apt. Sl.35. Plus util. 133--0700 644-2430 1 · galore. Unique landscaping. all rlecl. bll·inll, itle't. W/W, Heated pool. Ample park· SINGLE young adults. Jux. l"'""'"""""".,.""'""""""\University Park 1237 Ai;sumf' J1~'~ loan. RENTALS close to sc:hooli & ahop-ing. No children_ no pets. ury garden aptt. w/full ,,.......................... Shimmering Waterf•ll-----'------1 BRASHEAR REAL TY Houses Furnish1d ping. C '111 rl r r. n OK 1965 Pomona, C.?>.f. recreation facilities l cotn· I' $23,500 TRY $4,000 DOWN St7.8531 536-2123 431·3769 $255/mo. CALL Jac:k Ham· =-~~--~-~ plete privacy, South Bay Pn.Ce Just Reduced On this J Br. + lam. rm. G_an_•_•_•_l _____ 2_000_, mond 54G-11s1 Heritage St30. l BR., Near shopping, Club Apts. 277 so . Large C'OVered patio over· {)v.•n('t will rarry bal. on vm -Adults, avail DOW! Broker J (724) look. . EXECUTIVE hon>•• tu-.&, =Re=at=Es=l'='-,'~-~--, 64' "lll t-ol. ~~k~hurst, Anahe m 1ng your own private contrart or Jgc. 2nd T.D. '" 1 : .1"11 .... , 1..-.JW Only S36,:.00 v"ill buy !his beautiful 2 story Republic home, Fonn- al dining plu.s family room, choice location \\'ilh room for pool in b:ick yard. Excellent fi· n:inring. !\Jove in bl'fore school starts. park, waterfall, & BBQ. Big Low S30's. &-e ii lod:iy! Sl'e our deal on this vacant unfurn. 4--5 &. 6 Br. From EASI'SIDE Home. Cozy 2 ::=~::=====,,;;;;'J~~~======I Bedrooms, full dining room. e Red Hill Realty sharp 3 bdtm. 5 minutes to $300. Bkr. 645--0lll local. Bedroom \\'lth 1lnglr:: garage. Cost• M•I• 4100 Sp.,·nkl•-54•1120 beach. S450 will move yuu =~~=-,--,---,,I Ad"li• only 11~eau Te----------G11rd1n Grove ' ~"" .... · 18008 Culver Dr. Irvine $135. 1 BR. duplex, avail "' ,.,.,.. .. J - TARBELL 2955 H•rbor OPEN 9 A~f.8 PM 833-0820 in on approve.t:t Cn!dlt. Call no1v, ya1·d ChUd O.K. Bkr., ,.M=rC='-"'-'-'-"-,~-23,,.1-,,3·,,.-=,_ $3Q,0Q Wk. Up SINGLE Young Adults Lux· 4610 Art. S L A T E S REALTY 1 2; BR ti l u-1.,..., opts with cou~ S47-35l9, Eves. 5J6.45S8 534-6980. ., garage, pa o, c:rp s., e Day, wetlc, month. •J 65 2 BR bl · / drps., stove relrig., troplC'al e StudJo & Bach. Apts. try club atl1\0llp~ and l'M LONELY · Sl · .. hns, \\' w, ll(!ltlng for adults. 1 blk to e lnct Utlls I: Phone serv. complete privacy. SOunt Costa Mts• 1100 Corona del Ma r -'-'---'-""---~ 1250 ~COATS ~wAtLAce REALTORS S464141- f()pen Eveninfs) IMMAC. DUPLEX 14322 Greenvalley, Tuatln 2 Bdrms., 2 baths. Beau!. landscaped, s p r i n k I e r i;. $35.T."IQ. CORBIN·MARTIN REALTORS 6T;i.1662 3036 E. C'llt. ll"'Y· Cd~1 AU. 3 BR'&-BY O\VNER 9j() \7ktor!a $19,500 GI 1903 Federal S21.000 534 4 BEDROOM 2 STORY $28,500 . 422 \Valnut $Z1,500 6\1 ¥-'here can You get a 4 bed· room 2 story home in o n e of costa mesa's besl areas that's clean for $28,500??? 'nouah sak1? call ri&bl aw~ it won't la.iii long. ..rarr-::.. W- 203 Susannah ~.500 S\4 Large take over loans ••548-1059•• BY OWNER; Easlllide 01. 3 Bdrm, bltn kltcbtn, natural birch cabinet&. 6Gx.126' Joi \\'/ alley access for boat or tra.ller. 6% % loan can be assumed, $24,950. 642-4118 BY O\VNER: Oean 3 Bdrm Ea1!1lde . New shtc ORANGE C()\INTY'S c:arpeling. Extn. lr& yard LARGEST 123.900. 6<6-008S 293 E. 17th St. 6'M494 I ;B;;;Y:;-:o=wno=,-.,., "'B"'R.,-"t1n"l•°'h<d°"' $16,SOO PRICE AND-bonu1 room .I: pool. CI011e !o 1800 BRICKS ""°"'' • ..... , . ......,. lltab up the manive patio! \\.'he.rt in the world can you Mesi Verdi 1110 lind a 3 bedroom, 2 be.U1 OWNER TRANSFERRED home, NEAR THE BEACH -with electric built-ins, excel-Priced for immedlate aale lent carpet bolt door to at $27,950. J mm a cu I ate back yard. 'and VACANT!! home with 3 owraittd LESS TilAN S2.cx:Ml DOWN!! bdrms. 2 aparkUrc hatM. WE SELL A HOME Iv&• fomlly ... m. doob~ EVERY 31 MINUT ES raised hearth rlrepll'ce. cor· ner IOI &: quiet cul~. Walker & Lee ~~'=,Sou•• Cou• LOVELY COOL POOL -VACANT utll. pd. Avail no\v, Broker shop $145. Mo. 544-4780 e P.f&ld Service, 1V avail. BAY CLUB AM'S 13100 Broadmoor Home -$58. 750 Lovely 4 BR plus 18rie tam· 1-"-4-6_980_· ______ I ·"N"E1°'v"'""B°'R"u"n"'turn= .. -ma=1T=ied e New Ctfe It Bar CHAPMAN Ave., G a r d en Lesa than a yr, old. Beaut. lly room. Others available, Rentals to Share 200.S cmiple or adult lady only, 2376 Newport Blvd. 543-9755 Grow 17141 636-JOJO. 4 Br., fam. rm., din. rm.: all price~ le terms. 1 -2~ baths &: 2 frplca. Adult HAFFDAL REAL TY MATIJRE woman to share 2 Near everyth ng, no pets. WANTED-COUPLE Ll"'Unl 'e.1ch 4705 SI40mo.642-38.17after6pm MODERN FURN 2 BR•c.;;::.•c...------Of'l'upied. Prnf, lndscp. 8740 Warner. F. V. 842-4405 Br, 2 Ba apt w/same, nr 1- Ch11hire Real E st.tie BY Ownt.r. Huntington Crest s.o. Frwy. Rec. lac. Avail LARGE 2 BR. Big encla&ed 2264 Maple by \YilJOn 100 CLIFF DRIVE • 67>2,j(JJ • Spanish 2 story, red tUe S.l. 546-4268 patio. Iktaclled do u b I e Poot Sharp. Bltns. $15,;j. No Two bedroom futn1shed ----~----I garage $175. 646-8226 pets. Kids over 16. can AU Deluxe FeatUttl LGE, hilltop JoL Perm. view roof. 4 BR, 2~i BA. den, EP.1P. lady will &hate home collect. 213 I 874-(.1735 \Valkini Distance to Btach of ocean & hills. Privacy. fam. rm, din rm. 3 c, pr. with same i16 ~'k. 54&-3215 2 BR, c::rpbl, drps, garage. I Realtor 673-2010 1714 J96&-2092 Reb. Adlllts only, no pets. $135. CHATEAU la POINTE = -Yearly tue ===:=;,:;;;_=="'========='=="'======='I 646-7509. Lovely 2 Br. furn, apt. Pool, 494-1449 G•n•r•I 2000 Genera l 2000 Gen1r1I 2000 2,.:..;,s:,,o"R"'='Du-p~l,-x-. -u-nf~,-,.-,-.-,-r, carport; adults. ~pets 2 BR duplex, furn • unfurn, "'-==-----"".;.. __________ .;_ ________ I lg yd. 35 or older, no doga . $150 Mo. plus utilities nr Vic H u go , new S©il~~-~£tf.S9 So!tJe a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for 4 Chuckle Ohouang• ielltn of the foiJ< acramblod . wordt b.-I low to fonn lour ~mp!. words. I' INILTEC I . I' I I I' I . ITU DAN I _' I I I Ip EI 0 R I Toth lhe cbllily to give I I I I' som@ON a •hot IA the arm ::::·::=·=~· =·=~ .. 1 ~hout Jetting him feel the ILEVTEV ~-12 ~-....,T~_,-,....,.-1 A Compol• IM .i.u.11. •"°"" I) I I I' I :~1r!~~1=. SCRAM·lETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 ~7720 1941 POMONA, C.M. cpts/drp.s, frlll. & at , ======== NICE BACHEl.DR APT., 497-1006 Mt11 Verd• 3110 frplc., patio. SlOO mo. 2652·A 1 "N°'ICE;,,;;;;,2;,,Bed~rm-.. ~2 ~a.--.. -,...-.1 ----------Orange Ave. 548-842.8, round Sl'lS. Patio. ~DIS. l BDru.t., 2 ba., pool. fenced. 675-6662 RENt•ts Children, peta OK. Avail " Sept. J. Rent or lease. lsl & LOVELY big 2 BR. 11,fi Ba. Antt:. Unfur nished last. Contact AM. 64S-.1575. Pool, patio, adulbl, Sl00.1-'-"=""-' .... ;...;."'-.;;.;-·I 2310 Santa Ana. &is-2933 1 General 5000 4 BR., flUtllly roon1, lease, 1~w~k:,.. ~~~-~.,,...,..~I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! clean. lmmed occupancy. $32S. Gardner. MG-388S 1 BR, $145. Incl. utils. Heated VEN DOME pool, adults. no p e ts . $240 LSE. 3 + 2 I farn nn, 2 54~2627. 968-1740. tr-pies. crptl, drpr., bllrll. no IMMACULATE AP'fS1 petll, cul-de-sac:. ~ AU. Ulll pd, 1 bdr duplex, .ADULT Is FAMILY, older adlta, infant, pets OK SECt'JONS AV AI LAB LE Newport Beach 3200 1100· 2335 Eld<n, CM Clott to "'-1111• P•rk -~------BEAUTTTULLY FURN *'Spacious 3 Br'a, 2 Ba BA.YSHORES 2 BR. hNted pool, adults. no * 2 BeclltiOms Unfum, -l 6-4 D.R. Yesn pett, $1~ + utll. 642-~. * Swim Pool, Put/pttn lcstl'. FURN 1 BR Apll A Studiot * })'pl. Jndtvllndry fac'la "C" THOMAS Re11ltor av111 Sept tat. $110 A $ll0. 1145 Alulhelm Aw.. 2'14 W. C:O.at Hwy 541-6627 M Elden. Apt. 6. COSTA MESA &C.2824 P'75· 3 BR, tam. rm.. F.URN 2 bdr apt for rent a:atderu!r incl, ftplc. ChU. ~·\ nl5. 2 BR. DtlllXe drm A pe~ O.K. Bkr. ~ apt, l \' ba,. AduJtt ~•nlr, -ava1l 9/1 Bkr. MS-Olll o-. llea<h 4200 '°'"· 2 B&DROOM-double aoraae • N.~tw~po:;.;.;rt.:...;;,;;;;,;;;._.c...:.: \:;;';;:":-=~-=-=::-= f~nced yard • NEWPORT WINTER rtntl-1. 14e crptd 2 ~. 2 BR, 2 ba f.plex. C&r, llEfGHTS. im month. 421 Br. 2 81, blt-lna. clo!!c!d w/w, r/o. Chlldr'ln & pets C1tlall1111 Drl\IC.. pat I 0 ' ir; a r a i e , O.K. Bkr. ~ "PARK LIDO··. Uke new, 2 washer/drytT Avail StJpt. $130. 2 BR. 2 Ba •r*!«· Br, 2 Ba., ~le .• pool. 2 ear :mlli Neptune. Call 1'14: Gar, w/w..._ RIO. Orildm • ~ar. $250. Bkr. 646-0732. 62!'-1492 pe•ci O.K. ultt, $34-6980. • • • • • • . ' ,. . l .. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"llllllllllll .. 1111111111111111111!1!111!111!11 ................................. """"" .................................. ""'..,....,...,.,~~~~""~~.·-rY.--.-. "' ~ •~ - I l I H DAILY PILOT •IJ;Nl'A~) Apia. Unluml- GeMr•I 5000 • RENT e iR-... Fumilu,.. $20 ·$25 & UP AlO'l~TO<Mottth Rentf.11 WIDE SELECI'ION Appll&ncel I TV's avail. No SeeurltJ Deposit HFRC Furrillul'I Rentals ~17 W. 19th, Of 54S-3481 156& \V. Lncln, Anhm Tlf.2800 Costa Mtsa 5100 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLOING Harbor Heights Four 2 & 3 BR UNITS all \1•l!h fireplact's, di!tl~·ashers & 2 baLi..s. Rental ~1anagtr - 1-frs. O u'istienscn 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. Costa Mesa Phono 546-1034 HARBOR GREOO K•t! I AL) Rf A ESl ATE Apts. Unfurnl.shed Gener1I ------Bo I boo )300 Business R•nlal 6060 1•*,__.*,__.;,..,-·;.--·* .. -·*"'"t~~~1:l'." ·~t 8u1. Opportunities '100 AFFILIATE 1110. Ne .. , 2 BR, 2 Ba. BALBOA ISLANO MANUFACTURER yearly. Laundry le garage. Top locallon ~ + sq rt, desires UIOC'io.fe with man. Nr llbrary. 673-3986 eves. ~ yrs remalnHI&' on lca&e. q;ement or enginetrtng ==='-'===;==I $115. n\O, \\lritc P,2, ~ backaround to join expandCT.ci' --9- Huntlngton Beech 5400 153lj Las V~as. Nev. Ina-tn&nufr . co. $7.500 1n. e PRJME Jlotl\11 LocitUo n • vestment. Salary $250 per --.--.----.---ls10~ J7x4D. xlnt ft. & 1au10 -:I~~r;I wk+ tqu.af~~re_ or protlt. F1rit Time Av~uleble tralfic. 1871 Harbor, C.?il. .._ • Should 1-eturn .$25.000 IK'f One z BR, convtrt den, own-S46--66M _ ·' Yr. For &Jlpolntment c.all ?t1t. e1"S Villa , , • S300. One 3 + O '""'SON <I I ~ _ -.:... -Obcnour, 714·539--5000 ( ) Oen or .f Bcdrm ~tudio , •. PR f E~ !, AL o cc , 5350. These arc 1500-2000 sq ~pact" •. $1.>J. n10. ?ifust scc.10 Wheddyi Wint? Whaddya Got? Money to Loan 6320 SERVIC& DIRECTORY ft Vil!ILS. FireplacP, crpts, t1p preeialc. 18?2 Placentia, SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR ts: & 2nd loans tor Q\llck S..by1lttlng 6SSO drp5. bit.ins, priv attach gar-c.rit. Pholl(' &l2-S9D7. NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ca1Jh. Borrow on YoUl' ~ . age. Huntington Villas, lGlTI ~1ARINE:llS CENTER Special Rit• perty eq without disturbing YOUNG responsible adult ?tfalaga Lane, H.B. 842.Slll Office & store bldg, rent or S Linff _ S tlmff _ S bucks your low Interest lst TDs. will baby sit evening and {II AM lo 5 P~1 > lt:a.'4!. S75 to Sal per mo. "ULE$ -40 MUST INCLUDE Also buyers IOI' 2nd TOs. ~kends. Own lrafl&POrla· 2 BEDROOJ\.1 carpets. 149 ltivr.rside Ave. 646·2~14 ,_...,,.,., v0u 11ev1 i. •r•o.. , ,._....,.., TVV ••"' '" '''"" :).1.IUer Mort..,. Co. Inc. uon $1 hr. 6'12-0022 after U a.-YOiJll .,...... 1"41or tod""'-"-l ~"'-' fll .av1rtl1lnt . S 30 drapes bu t·ins, l blk to 5 BAI.BOA ISLAND • Lease ~NOTHING FOil $ALI! -Trt•D£S OJIL'f'I Serving Harbor Area 20 )'l'S-1,,,'=·=~~~~~-- polnl stort'li. Ch\'1ler, 2 Stores, together or scp. PHONE 642-5678 336 E. 17ti, St. RELIABLE babysitter, my 6·1Z-283j or Key at 7101 307 ri1a1·\ne Ave. 673-8753 To Plac• Your Trader's Paradise Ad 642-2ln 5-15--{1611 hon1e, El Toro area. Also Ellis, Apl. D Sl4j. Or SC'~ your brokrr , sewing &t a I t e r a t J o n s . NE\V 2 BR duplex, i;tove, $60 PEP. tnonth. East J.7th \VlLL lrade surfboard, BRAND nt'w conten1porary Morlgages, T .O. s 6345 ~2696 dsh~·hr, erpta,, drps. Sl 7D. s:. cr-.t streel Exl>OSW'f!. Hobie 9'6."' for scuba tank furn: !'hair !<-otlo, tables, $7S 000 1 1 TD 11 000 lz========= 5J&.8523 Adultit only. l JOS Olive. Realonon1iC11. IM>0700 ~'"reg-0120u1ator. &15-0757 'n d flC. \Van.t late.model V\I,'., ft.' brl; comm~~c. bldg,: Brick, M1sonry, etC!. ~ Datsun, boat access. (Sea. 1_ l I ••. ~ I d 6S60 II I .•• , v · ... -l"rr.1 e:.i=u an . . NE\V Sl4~ up. l-2.J Br, 2 Ba Office Rental 6070 LIFE size Polar Be a r i~51~~g, e ~t w1r..., ass.J Payable S750 per mo. incl.1---------- hld &: sauna pools. rec ml. MOOE RN OFFICES mount or man eating tig· .:.a. ID'/~. Renlal income S2,400 BUILD, RenlOdel, repair. GE DI m hr M 846-3131 er, etc. FOR late model LAKE An"Owhcad Drama· per mo. 10% OiscounL Brick, block, concrete, &. Ms..4~44vs . gr FROM S65 PER l\10NTH Cad, Cont'!, T-Bird, or sim. tic 5 BR 4 Ba. Cott CS<>. & BROKER 497·121D clll'P('ntry. no job too smnll. 1~=-=~-~~-=·1Air-cond., parking, central lo. ilar luxury car 962-8671. Lake. View Sl 25r-.f Ocar. ei 9,,,. lnd TD ·~ M th Lie. Contr. 962-6945 NE\Y Sl50 up. 1·2-J BR. cations. Secretarial scf'\lice. · 1 Lo On. Plane or Boat 4 • "" tY. . at _, on BACHELOR unfum 1 ro m lfeated & sauna pools, rec 230 E J7t!i lfl"ta Mesa TOWNHOUS.E 3 B~, 21~ ~a. Trade. O.vncr 11141 4ss..3103 Incl. lD ,a in~ .• all due 3 yrs,, Ctblnetmaklnv 6580 SllO. Also avail 1 • ~ & 3 rm. Heil & Algonquin. f.Igr. ' 642~1485 Beaut. apptd. Priv. pal.Jo, or 337.3169 on ocean view lot, Laguna 1-----~~--- Bd1m. Healed pools, child 84;-3137 or 8'16-4144 -pool: nr bay, Val, $32,500. · Beath. 20 % di sc o Un t WE Clean out your garage, care center. adj to.i;hopping. 2 BE'DROOM, Crpls, drps, PRIVATE offices w/bath, Eqty for T.O., car, camper 20 Acres ranch. 3 f.1odern 494-1137. haul !he trash and build No pels. built-in.!I. No chldrn, no pets. crpts., drps & storage space or ? ? Owner 646-6654. ~cs,. :l 11•c,110,; rcnbccd. $5,000 2nd TD on toe. apt. cabinets on Oll(l l\'811. To!al 2700 Peterson \Vay Call 9G8-571i6 aft 4 p.in. In lhe Glendale Fed Savin~s 75' CRUISER, A/P, 2 depth 1 •4 '"in ng tJF·o0c • iu~; am, complex. 3 yrs. due 6\~s;, Price Labor & Material C.OSta ?.1esa 546-0370 1 -------~--1 Bldg,. Corona de.I Mar. $65 linden, range 1200 mi. Re-~lalls; R Ja, ..... units pd. qi1rly. 2 yr. seasoned $225. Also remodel kitchens. l-~M-A~R=Tl=N~J~9-U~E--2 &t 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, mo, Call Evelyn Halbakken cent survey. will consider or , $<15,<XXI Eq. 6i:Hi~9 15'/o disc. 644-4265. baths. Dutch Cab In e I heated Po o I . new I Y 675-5444 or 545-3165 prop., TD or ~mailer boat, 2-DUPLE..'i'.ES &Side, Co5-$5,950 lST TD on ocean view ?.1akers. 646-5219 or 645-1786 GARDEN APTS. ~d~"°"'=='-"~·-96'""'4-~~--1 DELUXE otrice in Costa Owner (714) '1'29-3400 1a f.fesa, Sl5,00D eq. \V0'r Jot, 8</C, due 3 years. lD% E:occeDent, pnrk·llke sWTOund-LARGE front 2 Br., cpts, ?.1esa. 150) sq. ft. 133rl. Air TRJ\OE 2 ADJACENT for lot + _paper, Entire discount. 497_121D C•rptint•ring 6590 ing• fo• •d""-0,ly. drps, bltns, ttfrig. 6' bar. 2 cond., C11J!S., drps. 548.-ti761. LOTS 011 Santiago in \\lest· parcel 60x305 Bkr 642-5140 ~~ "'" o• s= An"'l . • (497-1021 evenings) CARPENTRY Bach, 1, 2 & 3 BR. Apts. Blk1 from beach. :i..:io-1766 OffiCf! & desk space, cliff for income property, • ,......,.,., Pool, nr shoppln1. '" REAL ESTATE Secretarial serviC(>. NB area. S30.000 each. 'IOME /hd d 11 ANNOUNCtMENTS f.flNOR REPAlRS. No J ob lrn r 1 w 11• · rs. on ond NOTICES T-Sm·'•. ~b;-t In g·-Santa Ana, Apt. 113, Generil Newport Civic Cen1.er, 6-1&.s565 1-.150, 1 / .,... "" ......, ..... .... e 646-5542 e 6/a-1601 '""·" ot w many trees. ages &: o t he: r cabinets. LAKE Arro11•head 11·ater· Will exchange for N.E. San Found lFree Adsl 6400 ~'15. u no aM\\·er leave LGE Bachelor uniL Sharp. Cpl5/drps. Nr. So. Coast Plau, OCC. Sli; incl rcfrig. &-: util. See at 973 Valencia Apt 2 all. S PM wkday1 &: all wkends. THE SEVILLE 2 BR. 1\~ ba. \Y/garage, $150. Adulrs • crpta • drps • Bit-ins. Fenc- ed yd. 261.9 Santa Ana Ave. 636-4120. 2 BDRM, J~~ ba, blfns, ulil rm, gar, patio. New crpts &: drps. No pets, I mile OCC. $160 mo. lst & last. $50 deposit. After 4, 96&-7772 DeLUXE apl. Spacious. Patio. $140 lit &. last adv. ~2039/646--4760 MODERN 2 Br. cpb, drps, GE kitc:h, encl, gar, nr bus. SlolO. Adults. ?ilgr. 124 E. »th * TOWNHOUSET 2 BR. .1 ~ BA, crpts, drps, patio. Adulb:. $150 . .1l4 E. Melody Lane. 64U877. SPACIOUS 2 BDR, cpts, drps. litove. 357 Victoria, Colla Melia.. 2 BR, garg, new crp!, stove, mrig, drps. 174 Monte Vista. Newport Beach 5200 Rent1ls W1nted 5990 CARPETS, drapes, air con. front lot $50,(XX) vaJ. Pacific Diego home, lot or ;..f.t 1---------- ditionlng, plenty of pRrking. Pali:..ades ~an VU lot, Fo11 in , Realtor 612-5000 FOUND~ Sma_U blk & bro11'll ~er! 546-2372. H. O. e ATTENTION e S7D & up. \Vell.s-McCardle, $27,500. \VANT: Income. .60 CI-IEVY i,; Ton PU, male dog v1c r.1c,adowlark • Owners in this area who may Rlln;. 548-7729. Brkr. S~S-7711. 318 v.8, 4 spd h,ydl'O 8. Coll Cse., 11.B. 84...-8371 or C~PENTERl.NG, room ad· have income property in NE'IV Deluxe ollice spaces 29' STARl.ITE cruising Alaskan telescopic ca~p. 846-3011. ditions, pat.io c\ecks k VTC. of L.A. AIRPORT: re-320 to 1200 sq ft at Santa sloop, ID' beam, built '61 er. \\/ant ~ 1vht<!I drive: Sl\1ALL slender kitten, all cov~·61~~~~i5ty, cu 9 t 0 m sponslble couple &: 6 yr. old Ana Fwy &t Crown Valley headroom thniout, galley Jeep, wagon or truck. grey w/gold eyes. Vic 21st &1~"~"-·~·~~-----~ daughter (no petsl, seek 2-3 turnoff. 831-1400, 4~198 & 11o·alk-in head, all A·I; 548-IDM. Westminster Ave., C.IJ.1. REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS Br. unlum. home (court, . . . t.rnde for ? 82&-0209 518--0tTIJ CABINETS. Any iilze job sg1 dwelling or some apts. LARGE Execuuve of lice \VI LL trade Hoyer bed 11 ,_=~'==-o-~-,---I co~sidred), nr. school, In N.B. Also small ollice from Laguna exec's spli t-level bath patient lift ($500 val· CHIHUAHUA, female, brown 25 yrs. exper. 54~713 nice area. Deserving tam· $45 mo. Owner. 675-4644. home; 4 Br. 5 ba., Sauna. ucl or antique.'! for piano. wl!h white C(IJlar "'ith flea QUALITY Repairs -Altera- ily will give best of care, as --600 to 1200 sq:-Ft ~-luge rms. nr beach. Ocean 546-9358 coll11r. Vic E. Bay, C.M. tion.c; -New const. by hour own home, to your rental. Ot'FICE. C.~1. 646-2130 v1e1~s. Val. $87,500. _For \\'ILL cxchan;;c $2j,OOO tv.6-2673 or Contract. 646-3442 Can pay $125 or a bit more, TD s or Conim. 494-4653. eqty in land at Rancho BEAUTIFUL all black kit-REPAIR, Partitions Small but please submit what you lndu~trial Prop. 6080 APPROX. ID acres Ocean Calif. ,1•herc the at•tior1 is !en, r e ii collar. Vic Ocean Remodel, etc. Nlte or day, have Area of l-lav.1home, view prop. nr. dntn Lagu-for 16+ units. Need dcprc· Blvd., Cdfl.I. 673--0833 Reas! Call KEN 5404679 Lawridale, etc.; husba.nd_ em. LaI' size 100x l70' ivllh office na. Va1 ue Sl$0.000. Trade elation 01vncr. 5~4-31iGG. Box ~'OUND male Sianiese eat. ployed by \~est;~ Airlines. & 40x40' slab v:ith ste<"I for b.ayfronl home, Balboa 676. Tuson f.lcsa Verde nrea. Lost for Cement, Concrete 6600 Call locally. 6-12·3589, eves/ rrame only. ideal for truck-or Lido. 6i:r0833 alt 6. SHOPsr.1111-1 eomplete sometime. 549--0&.lj, * CONCRETE \Vork, bond· weekends. Ing Jir1n , $26,000 • best of CAB IN CruiSl'r 31', to P equiprnent, jigsaw, paint FOUND: Irish Setter on ed & he. Patios/dtv1eys -1 :::=-. ·• . • terms, Owner will carry l.$1 cond. Slys 6, hvin V.S's, ra-sp1Cl.)'. milling ~uip: also Bristol St. Call & identily. etc. Phillips cement . ~ TD. dio phone, auto pilot, etc. 5 string bass fiddle F 0 R 54B-5392 548-6380 RENTAL FINDERS Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. "'ant vacant lot, TD's. or auto or can1per equity ,_ IUPO!Sfl(• • *MMIUI 1810 Ne\llPQrt Blvd., c .a.t • , • Valued $11,000. 673·2 J31 830-282.i . FOUND set of keys, vie. St. e CONCR!:.'TE 1vork a 11 • :.:. EIOOW..~ 548-7729 anylinlc John the Baptist on Baker types. Pool deck.'i & cus1om. ' -IPL-~ SllfU .. * * * * * Street. C.f.1. 54HT.J9 Call ;>.18-1324 OSW.ltftt.c.st.Mna.'6-Glll Industrial Rent•I 6C90 sr-.IALL black fen1ale dog, 2 CEr-.1ENT \\'ORK, no job too NEED apt for couple & 3 -REAL ESTATt, BUSINESS end fieacollars. Vic 21st &San-small, reasonable. F r ee children. moving fr om NE ED: ?.1·1 bulldi~. 800 to General FINANCIAL la Ana A~·e., CJ\.J. 54S-ti660 estim. ll. Stuflick. 548-8615 Ka.l'IMS City, prefer 11•ithin lDCXI i;quare feet. Small ol· BLONDE Pekingese male. walking di!tance ol Harbor fire space pre!. \Vashable Mount. & Desert 6210 Bus, Oppor tunities ~300 Talht'rt &: Bushard, rv. C1rpet Cleaning 6625 View School. Cda.t. Jo'rom 3 walls & floon 22D, 3-phase. -I 962--0862 CJ\RPET &: .Furn. cleaning: to 6 mos. \VritC Box ?-I 423 548-5623 after 6. ~ CHOC-LIKS BIKE. vie. F.astbluU. Call for t day servire & quality Daily Pilot. M-2 INDUSTRIAL S""CC In B l'f I ,1 Id . ti . and identify 644-1393. 1i'Ork. can Sterling Joe ~ eau I u I :in 01' ~·oman /IC('( ln HS HELP! Will somebody pleaSe conerclc bldg, 3000 sq ft. 746 area lo bccoinc part of lhl' L 1 6401 bri~hlnes.c;? 642,..&'i:!O re nt to someone w J th \V. 17th, c;..1 (213) 434-5082 1 l ·" d. os --- , & NEWBERRY ;;rra es ra, .... y 1scovery C I L • & children· 2 Teens o.n e FOR Lease-New 2500 liq. f1. since chocolate! DOC, small loni; • haired arpe •ying , baby. Unfurn, 2 BR, bll·lns, industri~I hldg. 9e ft. 163!) SPRINGS This exciting neiv idea ls blonde color, curled up tail. Repair 6626 pool. Co st a /.1~ or J'.1onrov1a, C~1. 673-9017 sweeping lhc counll"" Be the flea collar, ans. to Rikki. CARPET LAYING Nel\'port. Approx $150. City of Lek'es . . J· · v c Sho Cd'I "'8·3507 Evo• aft 6·.30. first in your area lo tx>eomc Jc amco res, .~ CA p 64, __ 20-,0 ,,.., Lots 6100 l\IJ\l\J:: YOUR OWN LAKE .__ h 1118 RT'.' . . age When You Wont it done right .•• ( Call one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY G1rdening 6610 SERVICE OIRECTORY P1perhanging P1inting 6850 JIM'S Gardening &: lawn maintenance. Res. & Com-merciaJ. * 5-18-84ll SUBURBAN Painlin&"/Dec Expert Guaranlttd Work Cut &: Edge Lawn F'ree e:st. No job loo lat'ie J..falntenaOC"e. Licensed or too small. 494-3190 54S-4808JS45-2llD aft 4 • For better painting call John.'Kln's Gardening experienced painters a I 1',lnest equip .. expert care. 646-4077 after 6 pm. Platlling, clean-ups. !IGZ-2035 1 ·P~A-P=E=R~s=PE=c=1~A7Ll7ST=s~-·· * t;<PERT JAPANESE Cal's t>P1l for vinyls, Docks; GARDENER foil, murals. 847-1659 eves. , Free Estimate. 646--0SUl TJIE particular painter J If.I'S GARDENING &: lav;n for particular people. maintenance. Res. &: Com· 6'16-4584 mel'Cia1. * 548-8411. Jepanes• G1rdener Exper, comp! yard service! Free e!t. 5'18-7958, 546-0724 RETIRED n1an, part-time yard \\.'Ork. 2549 Tustin Ave., CJ..1. Plastering. R.,,1ir 6880 e PATCH PLASfERING. All types. free estimate. Call 540-6825 Plumbing 6190 General Services 6682 PLUMBING REPAIR No job too sinall llAULINC, General, trees, e &12-3L28 e hedges, topped, trimmed, !-==='====== removed. Big John. 642-4030 Re'!'_oc:lel, Repair. 6940 H•uling 6730 YARD/gar cleanup Remove trees, ivy, dirt: tractor bac~hoe. grade 962--S745 CLEAN UP & li te moving Tree &. shrub removaJ. Reasonable. 54~1359 BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brick, block, co n c r e t e , crpntry, no job too small Lie. Conlr, 962--6945 * II-, you need remodeling, painting or npain. Call Dick, 642-1797 Jo'ATHER & 2 sons, truh & Sewing 6960 gar a ge clean-up.Free eslimate. 842~182 25 YRS. exper Seamstre!l!l. ==========I a1terations &t repair, mens clothing specialty. 645--0731 Alterations-642·5145 Neat, accurate, 20 years exp. 6974 * Verne, The Tile Man * Cust. \11ork. Install & repalrli. No job too s1nall. Plaster patch. Leaking s h o w er repair. 811-1951/846--0200 CARPETS, \llindol\'S, firs, etc. Res or Comc 'I. Xlnt Tree Service 6980 v.-ork Reas! Refs. 54S-4.lll Bay & Beach Cleaning Serv Carpets, v.•indo1vs, floors , etc Res I.: Commc'l 646-1401 Janitorial 6790 GENE'S TREE SER V ; trees/shrubbery rcnio..·ed, trimn1ed, hauled a w a y 54~1359 ESTATE r.1aii1t Tree Serv Removal & lrimniings, lrei! \VALLS. \Vindo"''S, floon;, l~'=''=;m=•="~· =cal='="'='=-==·=,,-I carpets. Con1mercial !: residential. Daily, 1veekly Televi!=ion, Rep•ir 698! and/or fl.lo. 897-7350 1---------- =========='"· S~.98 HOUSE call on all color L•ndsc1ping 6810 n1akes or drop it oil before ---~~-----JD Al\'I & pick it up at a PM. * Lic'tl la11dst aJl(: contrac· All chanrlf'I color antenna lor; co111plctc lndscpg & also including installation $39.gj Japanese gard<>ns 830-3037 Do you hBve a HI·FI or LJ\NDSCAPING Yuccas for Slcrro pl'oblcm? Have any u1lc, call Juan Pantoja, Paperhanging Painting 68SO 11ucs1lons? Please call us. 536--3377 HARBOR. 'f"El,F.VISION St::RVICE EASTBLUIT. Brand new 3 bdr., 3 ba. apt., full waler view from huge liv, rm. Spae)ous b d r m s • Log rireplaC"e, all blt·ins. $315 on lease. No small children or pets. Sec at 715 Domingo Dr .. NB lhen call 645-1260 or 548-8482. =====~----~part of this \"Cry hi.i::h pl"Ofil Ut.·ac · appro:o:: · r.- ELECTRONIC sales engineer BARGAIN-:-2-ip.t"" J0ts-c06ia I business. WARD. 6T:r-OIJ2. Fi 666S PAl''TING '"' •. ~1 Lo,, .• ,, eeds 1 bd tu t n 20 l\Ti ('S E. of BarstO\\', OON " "' .c.,, ' n r, rn ap 0 J'.lesa. A 19 unit &. ll 55 unit. ExlrcmC'ly higb proll1s can VIC 20th -r.1onrov1a !>led conlrac!ed prll'eS. Fully ins. lAAO \\1J1i1tier, corner 19th &. \Vhittier, Costa f.1e.sa NEWPORT Beacb Watertront 2 bdr, 2 ba, New luxury bldg. built -ins, subternncan parking, boat dips avail. Caribe Balbol\ 31D Fernando St. 673-3003 the oceanfront, rearly. E.-:cel loc. 645-2000 0 r on free11•ay. Elevation be 11 213 • 8n.()4{)4 ext 468 or PO 536--0l31. J\nylime. 2000 It., 3D \cres adj, rea 7.ed in th ill national. size Black dog \\'hite chest, Carpet Vinyl Tile Snlisfaction guru. Free esL Box 675, Balboa , lo Lake Loreen. 100 ly adverHll<'d product. curly tail, \\'h1te I i p . .All styles ,.'>d ro!ors Jin1 \\'eeks 673-1166 ~E~L~E~C~T=n~o=N~l~C,_-,1,--LARGE R·2 lot, 9,DCXI i;q. f1. Lllkcs (man made) in Part tlme OR lul l lime posi-Answers to ''Timm Y' ' . Free e~t. Lie. contr. F.'.\'T/Int. pntg. Aver rm. S20 . s a es Can buUd 4 uni!s. Ccnlrally area! lions available. Only ll!n· 548-3171 5-10-7262 546-4-178 + gocxl paint. neat v:ork, engineer needs 1 bdr, furn located in HB. 536-9567 l'E're nred apply. Requires a J1,1ALE Black & 11·hile "Hrin:t Joe refs. Roy, 847-1358. apt n the oceanfront, year. S800J all ,_ < •99· 6680 I ~-==---~-~ ly. (213) 87a-n71 or PO Box'""==·======= FOR SALE i~ !hr North [)Or· s111, u1ves1mcnt o • "· to variety," shaped Ii k e Gardening PAINTL"'G .. papC'l'inr:, ID 67-Balboa 1 • lion or 40 acres, P..ESER\f-S2,9!\;). lnvrstmcnt relum ShcJUe.Collie. 'ic. :".lilh & ----------years in area. Reasonable "· · Ranches 6150 ING South ID acres 1a.r. can he N"ahzcd vc1·y quickly. flfal'cus. NB. RE \VAR D ALLEN BROS. rates. Call 642--0427. e LANDLORDS e PROVED 11·ith m o d er n r·or further information 673-8086. CARDE:i"iERS STUDENTS 1---'==~~==~-·~o•• RENTAL SERVICE COUNTRY LIVING 4j min. CL.ARK & CLARK -... ~ fronl dO\vntown Santa Ana ranch hol!Sc cit'. Unlimited, . writr, i\IALE black mixed Spaniel \\·orking 11·ay thru college. CUSTOJl,f PAINTING Broker 33.f-6982 in beautiful rollege town 01 perfect 11·ater, 301 GPi\t at National S~pphers Corp doe. ans ''Tuffy" vi c Exp. Lie. Reas. 6-~203 • 6~2_29:;6 • * Rental Service * La Sicn·a, TU' Cot"Ona. Ap-8D ft depth. Price SlS.000. 11~ 5l'l South ScL'Ond \\'est Gothard & \\'arncr. HB. CLEAN.UP SPECIALIST! Upholstery 6990 CZYKOSKl'S cus-r. Uphot. European CraftsmBnship 1oor,,o !in! 6-12-14"4 1831 Ne11-port Bl., C.r.r. BUSIEST marketplace In !own. The DAILY PILOT Oassified section. Save money, time & eUort, Look now!!! 1Dx50' r.tOBlLE Honie furn. 1 BR. Including TV. Enclosed &. draped patio. No chilrlreJJ. no pets. Sl35/mo. Ed Riddle Rltr, Inc. 6'1fi-8811 FREE TO LANDLORDS 2 If bul 4 Cash, bal 1st TD. Subject Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 P.e1v. 847-711 7 Jl,Tol\·ing, odg;,g, odd tr.b~. Bl Be o.·~ "ll pro.'< acrr.ll \\' 8 ous land has 220 rr. frontage on J J d h •· 009 • ~ ue acrn .,...,..., 1 BDRJ'.I. home. sivinim\ng SHi•er Valley Rd., 7 mi. E. of nc u ~!~ one nu1nuer WST: Baby raccoon v.·t l'Ol· Reasonable. 54~ j,,} SPAC new 2 BR, : BA. elec NICE 3 or 4 BR. apt or house pool, 2 Lrrigatlon wrll.~. of school. For further infnr. 11'1 rrqurst far & leash, vie llntg EXPERIENCED J apanese kit, frplc, e:nc gar. Strpi; to unlurn. Prefer bluffs. Resp. barn, t'Orrnl, l'Omplclcly mation please call 847-664D CANOY SUPPLY llarbour Tame & scared. gardener. Reliable. M0-7373 Your Ad Should Be Here, Tl'!ey're Looking For It! bch, lse. $2.lO. f.lo. 673-1990 67~139 fcnttd. futurr po!cnlial af!cr 6 Phi weekdays or any. ROUTE R<'ll'. 846-1143 for [ree t'lllimate or 548-3181 LN~E=Eo~~,,_~lld,._cm-.-,-,-,-;~nl unlilnitcd. i\tusl llC'C to up-lin1e "'·eckrnds. ArF'ILIATF: L.\Dl.F..S wallet. Vic Cc11terl1!111-.illlllllllllll .. lll ..... lllllll-.illlllll-.illlllllll .... lll,ili .. lll .. lllllllllllllll preciatc. financing: al 6', VIEW .pt 2 Bedn"' •pill lia......,r Sch. area b.'5<pl. 1. I No Sc>!ling 1.nvolvrtl) SI, C.'l or 3rd Ave., L.1rn•na · " • .,..,. interest. A rt'&\ tmrga1n a! ~ .. ~. level. Elegant carpeting, Rcasonab!r, 64~115.3 Excellent incomf' ror fr1v Beach. F"ri 811. Valu11.ble ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I. I I ====-,.~-""'--,I s: .. ~,500. For !\!Ill' by Oll'ner. hOUl'S l\'C'ekl k (0 R rd ·~2369 drapell, garage, 1repace. BULJNESS Lady dc~ire.< 1 c,11 !1141 ,.on ~.,a~ Exch•ngos, R. E. 6230 · .·y 11·or aysor paper !. e11'a · """'" d NOTICES d NOTICES oo;>-J.>OJ evening•). Rl"filling • ...... J. •fl. 6. an •n Dom•slic Holp 7035 ·~Cal-l_aft_6~P~M=M3--=2394=~-1 bd..-rn unfu rn apt. To SllD. "' ... u ----------" Call ,. ""~"' TRADE lccling money from coin op-, I BALBOA BAY CLUB ex· ==="=~======~ Acreage 6200 \Vant Orang!' County exec cmled dispensers in Costa Sli\J'.1ESE cat, ansi\'t'rs ,~o Personals 640~ Person•ls 6405 Chinese Hve-lns. Cheerlul 1111lslte 1 Br apt. Furn or llll'SR & sut'munding area. freckles, fcmal~~ Lost '1c ----------Pemianenl. E:<perirnced. uni. Lse. S400. 642-7633 Rooms for Rent 5995 Lagun• Beach residcn~. indus. Pl\)P or ? \Ve est. rout ~l andle.~ East Blulf. 644-4:>29 Tn 0 COUPLES • Far East Agency 6'12-8763 YEARLY ~ Avail now 4 BR, 7 ACRES W/PERMIT Burbank ?il7 SlOO l\I & or b & MALE T 'IP ll blil g, GEN'!'LEliT~N·beach, pool: TO KEEP HORSES Pasadena. Rl ~7 ac x Jn t name rand ca y · 1 c1-r1 oo, a e SINGLES e 2 BA, 117 33rd SI, Apl B. tennis, relrig., entrance. $SJ Ad. bd' . . for sub-div Sl50 J.i & or snacks) Sl j75_ a~h requir· 11·ith 'vht pa11·s & chest Rew. i•ea Join the lun! Parties. trips, H•lp Wanted, Men 7200 * ~ * mo. 536-8.il8. ~act~t Sii IVISIO~ 0 n e Glendora ?.1l S50 M & or ed. F'o r flE'l'SOll . lervicll' Bal Pt Sat 673-(1374. d l'!C. TllE IN CRO\\'D-DIV. . . mile E. of hll'y, ulJI avail. rn11illdal Ml sr ;..1 in Costa i\lf'Sll a a. s r n d LOS'T 8/7. mix Cocker, frn1l. 0; OF l.f.l.P. SC E11t Bluff 5242 Misc. Rental$ 5999 ~'ll,~, '~cash, bal Isl lrusl 71.i/774lt10 J'.lrs;) Bro1\·n nnnie, acldrc~'.\ & phone num· vie Jj1h & Bay, NB. RE\\". IGALS join FREF.l ITT JAB 0 Ct'r • lx>r lo ri1ulti-Slate lrn·., 9057 673-871j, 67J..119j cl, rJ]; h Ca ll Leah 1-9 pm 635-9320 • NEW DELUXE• STORAGE '"'<"· fully MAKE OFFER !! Bf;ACH COTTAG&Ncil'port f. 1111....,r!al llv.•y Do1vncy ') • - 2 ba I I •· I -• R I b .Id ~:1,1. :;;_,tz 12131 ·861 --,1 ' Bl "NO•' m•lo Pekin<'~c. Oil · · Lil l. ALCOHOLIC< A-•1ymo1·• 3 Br. apt. or case enclosrd. J\vall &pt tst. \\'rile or conlacl: George R. ~ l'f' 8""· .-::'°m 0 UI · ._.. "'u .....,, ~ "' -"" "' Jncl. spac. mastr. suite, din $20. mo ea. ~S-29:?1. C f.f. Kress, Bo.'< 914, Laguna Assu~1c 6.5 .a I01111, }rnde --'--=~·----1 ,1c. Bu.o;hard SL Fnln. Phone ~2-7217 O• v.Tite to rm. & dbl. gillrnge, auto. • Beach or phone 491-4726. for income prof)f'rty. Call PIZZA Vellt"y. 96&-1318 1!:1\"f' II llappy B1rthr!:1y, P.O. Box l2'l3 Costa i\lesa. door opener avail. Pool & •GARAGE for rent, 2317 Four Star Realty. ~5-4422 1 ~ DAL!\IATION, vie. Orange surr hOllC )'otl'rr out of lhc rec. area. Nr. Calhollc Elden Ave, CJl,J. $20 mo. HAVE approx 10 acres t b 1 hospital by flow. Announcement1 6-410 li42-SD29 O«an vlf'w property 3 niin R E W 6240 J\11 piu.a equip for pnza Cly Fairgrounds, s a c Levo Olurch & school l Corona lro 1 ,·. • • 1nted house, incl: o"en, elect are:a. Lost Sun. 540--0813 ..... J..far High. _ _ m 1 o\vn1ow11 ... 'lg11na.1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. M d -AA.oo.-A~~ ~ 000 v I 11~ 000 \V'll ' I CheeS(' i:::rinder, pizza pans, -om & Da ---·-·-• ONLY $255. e Income Prope rty 6 n. ue oN. • 1 r iH c hot choc. mBchlnc, Snnl-Pert onalt t405 , -'----'--''---I for ba.yfront home, Balboa ~ 1---------· 1 Undetectable Mens 86.J Am igos \Vay. N.B. TRIPLEX or Lido. 67:Hl833 af1 6. $$ MORE (A'H $$ Serve lcc·l'1'Cllnl makrr fwa. Co-ne del Mir 52SO PRl.DE of ownership. Live TAKE over ID Acres no J tc:r. oprra!cd), Toostma~tl'r * l"1ve' ·-I · I 2 cafc french·frycr, tic. 95% 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l ~Rownr~··a unit&. cl the do1vn. Sl'> mo. RanC'h sile For Your llomo Equity pro fit margin. Total Value • -,_ ~,, II · unils lm.Y yo_ur ivay. nr, huge lake. 894-4743 Agt. Abwlutely no cost .• , S.5500, 11·ilJ sell All for S2~. • •AA 500 Drivo hy 653 Plum-.... ''""' 11,,1 ,~,,·,1 •omeon<: .,...., · · 10 you th<! ~lier! Call 91l-1116 or 658-1628 Col-~~ ··~ ~ ON TEN Aa-t.ES I I: 2 81'-Furn Ir Untum F"rplca I prlv. patios/Pools. Ttnnla • Conlnl1 Bids!. pul· u.,. """" llll'r. C, f.I .. lhen call -Mount. & Desert 621D 12 yC'al'S of paying more cash lerl. & ht-i::,!n 10 live. Delancy Real Esl1le -for OraJii:::c County property. ---~ ORANGE CO. 517-6668 l82S E. CCl&llt . If"')'., CdJ'.I ~1AKE )"Our home In S(:Cnit C'tll !he R'-"f _. , ) WE DAREY~ 2·1 h0u1· reeord1ug 673..JiiD l1ii=:h rlr.'('t1. Sf>f' our 1t1s-1 Then 1::111 thb\!!~I ro t.hC'{·k up m1t. Nation"'·ltlC' LICENSED 4 UNIT MONEY f.1.AKER urious Gbhl f.!l'(l•lllnn II•· C&. needs a. rli.strlb11tor In Spirllual Reading.~. Ach•iec ~. mo. iJll'Omc. lmmllc. ~::=a ~\.~~y 2 ·~~.00~ BEYERL y JACKSON ~:-k ~~~~ !r ~v:.,h~r ~I~~ ,..~,~ mR•'·'','. ~:.:.11.,Nm. ,",',, cond. fU'. O.C.C. I So. Coallt .,...., ..... ,,,....,""' Plaza. Sfoll at 6,8 x grosit BA. pa1't'llcd drn. for lbral earnlnv. No S('llh". You 4!)2.9136, 4gs.~ -. COUPLES e e SINGLES e Ti1-c-d of Bal'3, f.1a!I & lfi Coir;f eon1puler cluh,c;: ,TOIN TllE J."UN! Till: IN CRfl"l'J) - DIV. OJ.' l.M.P. f.ll"et others 11·\th YOUll inte1'C~ts at our 11·eekly partle~ or S<'lcc.t them indl\•ldually I..· fCAt.S join F'REE\ Call Leah J-9 p.m, 6.15-93?0. ' 0.1sto1n-made hairpiece l1"0m transparent artlrlcia1 skin. Comfortable, M tural-looking. Orange Co. Halr Replace- n1cnt Center, '433 N. Tustin, Orani:::c. (11 633-D-131 " tt • 6-418 4 LOTS In Blue Spnice Sl'!o. lion, Harbor Rest 1-lemorial J>ark. 548-3075. PRODUCT ENGINEERING Orange County location. Degree and 1hree lo flVT! year~ experience. life. l'hanlcal engineer Jor de- sign and de\'elopment of Ould handllng pump! & sy&ttmli. EQUAL OPPORTIJNITY E.\1rLOYEJi f.1 'F. 1.4Sj DAL.E \IJA Y COSTA ?.1F..5A, CALIF. 92626 1714) 5t.>S2.ll ENGINEERING -AIDE- $.:i7J. to $700, per n1on th 000 S.. Lane. OIM 6"-26ll rMacArttiur nr. Co1st Hwyl Submit sma11 houl!C on TIJ. lnlo caU ?-Ir~. P11ngborn REALTY can ~eC'p preJe:-it job. $16:JO JO AM . 10 P~f Call }'our Siar lkalty 61'3·1328 req1nred (SttuN'dl, For In l=~-=-""==~~~~1 ~<fZ2. Jtobert Schr:M:nlttbcr, Inc, lcrview in YoUr fl~n $Crtd GRAND OPENING AUG. 11 *Alone? JOBS&. EMPLOYMENT Ont' )ear rxpcriorice as MOO, 2 BR, blt·fnl. R40, g. dilp, frpl, lttm1tt, view ulll.. Sl90 mo. 540-Zl66 Contractor, Subd1v~r 847-60l3 or 54S-824S name, l\nd phone no. '10: ?-IUR·RAY llEALTll Sl>A YES IT'S YOUR 4 NATTY NIITIES 5613:9 29 Palms llli h"•f.1 Di3tributor Dlv1!lon. Mo N. 2930 \V. ~t llwr. Nc11·port FAULT AU 2 BR -E1tt bllins.. Lush Yucai. VaJl('y l !~~~:r,'!'ii'i'"""""" I ~A%~u"'~· ~Co~\'i~M~.~C.~1~11~. ~'~'";n~l~llc~a~c~h~, ~l~d•~Y~•~·~"t'·~T~ra'.::l":"'~I 1\'tll chani:::e )'<Htr llfr call patios AND over 12~ '"''1---'-='-'--'---l~USINESS •nd F d T G B . masseuse ~2..Jl54 ORANGE co. ~17.6fi67 l BR &OUth of hlw&¥, Cfllls., r.tum. Make mt Pl'OVt it: NOW'!> THE FINANCIAL 00 0 0 ti~iness Attractiv• Expert 24 hour reeonlll\jl; drps., frpl., (aJ"I. No child, Jo Ranse:n, Rltr. 6f&..8226 Cood profit rl'{"Ord YOUNG WOi\JAN for recorded ,melSag:c that no pell. Yrly be:. $UO mo. BUS~ marbtplace tn TIME FOR 8u1. OpportunitlM 6300 * 67~ * dAl'l('tr wlll te11ch ,·ou 1t!I A·-" 911 1 ~ -1 l..OV E bolll!n1t! ll11 lt &: hc<ir-,.... · Afl. · .,,.....,,. town. The DAU..Y PILOT QUICK CASH •UQUOR UCENS~• l..AUNORO?.tAT • SUCCl!ISlul, l11let1t ~!CJ>!. C11U Ardell ty 1''id0\\'Cr y 11 ch 1,, m 3 , AVAU. Now, 1a~ 2 bdr. Oa.uificd secUon. Save lntcr.COUnty Tn.ns.fcn f.tosl automatctl s e If · 21l: 591·"5.18 1·10 Pi\1 wlllhell 10 mC'C'i aflluC"nl •{IL DllW crpt.s., p1dntt!tf. bit· money, lime &: eUort. Look THROUGH A + ORANCE COUNT\' + service. S65«1. 675-$22 GENTLEJ1tAN, 39, 6 ' I '', 1inr1t1achrll frnuilr. Dl!IW'.ll• ln1 S&)e Ol' rent Ill $200.1 _,"°"'~'~',.',.,..-=.,-,,,,.--,.-,..,.-·I DAILY PILOT Olf i<alt SID.000-on gn!e ESTA8LISllEO llf'nuly i.11lnn dPsirrs lo hr-Or rrorn l11dy 2j cl1n1 OK. To All11rr ~rn11U C':OC- Q1uplc! CM'I' 4l. ITM U.JJ. f"or Dally Pilot Wlllll Ada $13,500 Limited Quanlityl In Cdr-.t. 6 1·h11 tl'll, 1wwl)' lo ~D. \'\"rit(t Box M 422 D• ily p t• n ll I' 1 , b o .11 t I n i;: , &. \Yhlle Elephlln!1T Dial 612-567! WANT AD \\'11lll1on (213) 212--4249 collrcl rtrooratf'!t. 6~:'.420 1>1101. mntrlmony""' i,111 ~32-3005. Job Wonted. L1dy 7020 HOUSEKEEPER companion or Ille hoo'.'t'v.m-k &. child care 5 da wk 54~1096 EX PER. praclical nu r se, cook dle!s, live in. referenc· t'I. Box 702, Laguna Beach Dome1tic Htlp 7035 draftsman, Ont year coll~. engineering major 1ublU. luted for experien::e:. JI I ch School gradutite. File appll cation at Clly 11111. 8200 \\'rstm!nsler ,\\·f' .. "'r111rnll). ster, c.ur .. hy .\ugu11t 25th., 196!}...S prn. \\'r\Uen exam b)' l"ep1emhl'r 61h, UlM. 1n11 89:> ... 1511 Ext, 20;i, i\.lECllAi°"IC, 011.·n tools. All 1um1nd repn l r s . Ex· pcrienred . ,j(l<j. • Slf:if'l\'k. J:lrflr11n1f'f'1'1. r'4H717. -----..- • T'tld11, A'IU'~ II, 1969 JOIS l ll•"LOYMl(fr JOIS a_fMl'LOYMINT JOIS l llo\PLOYM!NT JOll l l"'PLOYMINT JOIS l IMPLOYMINT JOIS.l IMPLOYMINT JOIS l IMPLOY T JOll l Holp W1otod, -7200 Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 Holp Wonted. -7200 School,.ln1tn1ctlon 7600School,.lnotructlon 7600 lchool,.lnllructltn 7600School,.lnotrucll"" 7600Schoolo-lnl)rucllon 7600 Sc'-1,.lnotructleil 7'00 ----IQUIPfll!NT BECOME SEARS Costa Mesa Ann.unc11 openln.t• for EXPERIENCED MECHANIC A $651 to $791 por month Cltv OF NEWPORT BEA~H Involves t'Uqnos.fa and rtpalr of m~hanlcal de- fects of aeneral automo- tive and motorcycle STORE MANAGER Trt:mendou• •xpt.nt'4>n Prosr•m 0Httt1 lmmedi· ate pl•mne:nt for ambl· ttous men looklna for ad· Schools and Instructions · --SE4T COVER INSTALLER • BRAKE MECHANIC -·-Al.SO FOR FULL TIME SALESMAN Hard 11.1rf1~ fioar-coverinr and lnterlor decoratln&. -·- Excellent Eamina;s Pl"' • Profit ah•tinc e Ho1pltallza!ion e Group life Ins. e Paid vacation e 8 paid holiday! e Employtt diacount • Apply In Per80nnel OU!ce Monday thni Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equal Opportunity Eniplo~r ~ TWO BUSBOYS NEEDED Apply In person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adomo Costa Mtsa MAINTENANCE MAN NEWPORTER INN equipment. Requil"l!a thrt!e yea~ or recent. ge:hcral automotive a n d motorcycle mechanical experience. Apply im- n1ed. lo PersonMI Of. !ice, City of Newport B e a c h, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport 8 e a c h, Calli. 9'1660. (TI4) 673-6633, -Ex.-cUtive SelU-- Startinz salary plus c.-omm. Firat year earnings of $12.000 plus poulble 2 year !raining program by cen- IW'Y old nat'l. 'company. Bu&iness or sales back· ground helpful. No travel. Mgmt opportunities. Equal op. emplr. Ronald A. Smith 827-7900 MAINTENANCE ' Vanctment w11h one of the n1Uon'• fasteat "'°"'· Ina dntr' A dlacount chains. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN $500 MONTll TO START Rapid incrtlSCI • 5 day week • all promotion• from v.1thln the ranks. i tertt, bonus .A. retire- ment plan. Applicant must be at least 21 years old, ener- aetlc, al&Tf:•sive & cap- •ble of phyaka! worit. Colle&e la helpful but not necessary. ?.1ust be high 1chool araduate . Apply Frl. Aug. 15 9 Al\I to l Pl'i1. S4". to~N ~; mooth THRIFTY OM Y•u ·,.,...,1,,., malnte· DRUG STORE nance or general repair ex· 161•11 Harbor Div~. perlence. Completion of Fotmtain Valley eighth grade, valid Call!. drlwrs license. Oral board An equal opPortunlt;y and performan~' test Sep-t>mployer !ember 9 & 10, 1969. l-----'--'-----1 fn4) 893-45ll ext 205. Industrial Nurn $611 . Beach area Hours 8-f:30. h1any ~nefits. Company pays fee. Also fee job.s. • G4YNOR TREE FOREMAN $667 to $811 per month CITY OF N!WPORT BEACH P tr1onntl Agency Requitta two years supt"r- ~ E. 17th Street visory experll!n<!P. in trTc santa Ana ~2-7208 trlmmlng and/or relarPd * DRIVERS * ''" •1"'.,' Y"" "'""' traini ng in a closl!ly related N9 Experience field. Apply before Aua. Necessary! 15th., 1969 to Pert0nne1 01. fiC(!, City ol Newport &ach; l\fust have clean Calllornla 3300 Newport Blvd ., Nl!w- drlvlng record. Apply port Beach, Calif. 92660. YELLOW CAB co. mo 6T,"663.1. 186 E. 16th St. STOCK CLERK i --.,.-,,.eo,' .. "=M"•"sa=~-Shipping, receiving, 1111 Pennanent p0altion, good GARDENER'S orders, delivery, No ex· bt!nefltJ:. Eveni"i shift 4 ASSISTANT Pf!rience necessary, $450. PM to u . fX'I month to start. Flve day Contact Bill Ba.ilcy NEWPORTER INN ""N'k. Chance to advance. 644-1700 \\"rite qualifications, height Contact l\lr. Linsey stocks and Wt>ight to Box M-356, SAUCERMAH SCHOOL ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 88 FAIR DRIVE • COSTA MESA Grade1 t through I Opening Septtmbtr 15, 1969 Small group and individualized teaching wlll meet the realistic needs of youngsters who have been under too much pressure. Av1ra1e and above and below average abllities will be challenged by good teaching and a variety of educational materials so that more efiec· live learning will result. Motivation operates only from within a per- son -not from the outside. Good teaching can stimulate motivation within a youngster by building on successful learning experi- ences. Nothing succeeds like Euccess! WHERE THE PROGRAM FITS THE CHILDI \Villard H. Saucerman, Ed. D. Tolophono 541o17ll Covo.) School: 540-4060 Coeducational College Preparatory School Gr•dt 7-12 "An Ideal Learning Situation For The Student With Above Average Potential" INDEPENDENT 644·1100 Tue D•ily p;1ot CONTRAG:TORS INSTRUCTORS SALE.~S --II T · .u 1 YELLOW PAGES • Excellent Faculty • Higb Academic Standanls • Relaxed Atmosphere • Small Classes ~Ci!~ axn:t~o ~e ~~; !'"fature, young adult, look· L«al telephon@ di~ctory 0 N tng for good future, able to Oran .. County uea No tra-r., ewpt. Bch. Suite 4, meet the r.•blic A-1~ in · \Vtd, mom. 10 am. Wtll ptf'IOn ry ' _...,. vel, above average l!arnings, Day Students Boarders School Located on the Beach CO PRE' train I'd. . ruu time \.\'(Irk. Wiil train. · Ho 1 ay Health Spa Stt r.1r. Frenzel '1:30 AJ\1 **PART TIME WORK *"ii I • Costa Mesa e Thurs Aug. tith or 8:30 AM ncome Tax Preparation Fti 15 h 608 E B d Evenlnis & Saturdays ?.fANAGER ASSISTANT · Aug. l · roa - Excellent Tralnlng/Pay YOUNG man wtoooking & way, Anaheim. SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE kitchen exp to assi11t In SALESMEN ''Beside the \Valers of the Blue Pacific" 493-16n operation of family MAN wllllng to learn the fish restaurant. Apply in person to Mr. Horrlck, MR. bu1;lnes1 ln Newport Beach. STEAK 2267 Fairview Rd, FuU time \\'Ork. Age no pro- blem. Starts $2.50 per hr.1 ~CM~·~~=---==• ?-.lust l!njoy ealthg fish. Call C A B I N E T MAKER In Our Gun Dept. Fully experfoncf'd needed. Full time. Apply: GRANT'S SURPLUS 710 E. OCEAN FRONT BALBOA, Cl.LIF. 673-8610 673-0533 btwn S-10 a.m. TRAINEE Young l'han for li..O NEWPORT BLVD. Help Want•• Trainee steady employment. Some COSTA MESA Women 7400 Women Help W.1nt1d Nation wide Co. Seeking po-cxper. in wood\\-~rking &li0oai;;ii11:--'""'--'--'-"='---I-...'.:=:::_ ___ .:_: tenUaJ cred11 mgr. 10 s100. f:eri~0 1:~':11.ca~i~e~ ~a: • CARPENTERS RN EXECUTIVE Call Ann, 64S.7Tl0. Mar-furniture Mfg. Co. e TOOLING As1't Director 11·7 7400 chants Pl!rsonnel Agency, Jorgensen Furniture Co. 786 Involvement in: SECRET ARY CUSTODIAN JI, aravcyard Newto n \\'ay C.M. 64~10 Expcrlenc<.'d Only • Nunina & product re· Needed for excitlng, tempo- ahift. Inquire 1'1r. Cht>rmak, O'Day YachtA search rary uslgnment. Good snort. Saddleba.ck Colll!ie, 837-9700 YOUNG man for local jewel-309o Pullman. Costa Mesa • Quest for quality nul'!ing harid and tra1U1crib1n1 ma· or 4545.17 ry store. Sales & related 546-8078 care l-c,,.--~=,.---~--1 work. No experlencp necea-l-,=~,,--,.-,.-----1 chinr ~kills nttdtd. Coman Chlldren5 Shoes sary. Apply: EXP .Fiberglas sllop men • Progressive patient cart Western Girl Inc. · Newport Air Assotl1les Fllte School & Flying Club LEARN TO PLY $500. l~HHI .. AMl$.W.l Complete Cour1t lnclwdttl 40 Hours flight tim• in Cessn• I SO's with 20 hrs. duel insiruct ion. Club membership. 2 Month's free dues. lndividu1I instruction, t1ilored to YOUR ebility. OTHU AIRCRAFT AVAILABLE at LOWEST llATIS IN OllANGI COUNTY Leern to fly DOW -end have lunl • l'ly Moxlco ...i C:..ado • Speclal Rates for Commtrclol ond lnstrurntt1t Students For Co1nplete 0,1,111 c.11 NOW 673. 0313 COME SAIL WITH US I 'Ii OFF ON FAMILY RATES Leern to sell on 26' Sloops . Cour••s 9iven: BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE ANO A DVANCED Sail ing techniques. Th• student is introduced to th• fundementels of 1eilin9 eboard 26' Kttl Seilbott1. He be- cornts femilier with the boats r11pon1• to the mo vements of the helm .1nd le•rns the b.11ic techniqu•s of selll"9 e"d before th• wind. the boet to windward CALL FOR FULL lNFORMAnON SOUTH . COAST . YACHTS 1100 WOlt Pacific Coast Hltllway NEWPORT RACH 645-1133 Help Wanted Women 7400 • REUBEN'S • Costa Mesa NOW OFFERS A Holp Woolod Women • • 7400 • -HOSTESS- Apply In pt"l'IOn 33 H · C u OtOPPERS proa:ram directed by a S~().-0375 untington enter, .,e. KIRK JEWELERS Tota! s Re1;toratlve Team. BOOKKEEPING Young man, imrt-tlme, llOme 2300 llarbor Blvd. FOAJ.I g~ ~~kro~ Required !or positions 1 --G~e-n_e_ra_l _O~ffl-c:-e-1 REUBEN E. LEE exp. pref'd. 893-9643. Costa Mesa, C.allf. ROLLERS opening in large, extended ..-PQSITION- SPOiiTING Goods Sale~man. SERVICE STA. Se.lesmcn. 1 FJNISllERS care hospital. TYPIST (part tlmt) Neal's Sportlna-~·· 219 Full Ume graveyard shift Top scale. Call BUI (2131 Part time. Ovtr 21, fle.xtble E. 4th St., S.A. , and 1-Part Time eve. & wk. 7TMt50 Call ROY ALE' hour11, Apply 8 to 4. Orana• Apply In person dbilifies COOK, breakfast shift. ends. Must be experiencedl'R"E"L"lA~B'°'L~E~--~1-~d 546-645() Coast Plastic1. 8SO W. 18th, l:iGS Weit Adams, C.M. Apply Flying BuUer & neat In appearance and ' experence HOSTESS ,_c_"..,''=M_,,'"=· =~=--I C!JfJEF TELLER/BOOK· aalimiteO 673-0!ln handwriting. See Jim 2540 mature l11dy M Ca1hler, SECRET ARY KEEPER, Ag gr e 1 s l v e ASSlSTANT CllEf & all· Neport Blvd., C.M. ~~;:;aCM~~B !!::~PP°:r~I~~ PART-TIME EXPERIENCED young company needs elrl OfJerlCty' around cook. Coun•-' club, CHEMIST BS .. degree. l to S l ull 1,·mo. 1:.Ao ~~~ For Coco's in Costa Mesa with teller, new aecoun!J Quality Poalllo11!1 for '-':T .,.,.,.........,,. i\i .. _ !8 Permanent, 20 lfour, 5 day nd bkk top wqes. 498-5446 yni. exp in agriculture LIQUO" •to-•lo"-Ex 1 I.Ult uo: over k 11. _,, bl It pg. experlenef! In Qualified Appllcanls c h e m I c a I 1 , surlactanl5 "' · •... .. '"'• per \u e f' poi K>n AVa.ua e Bank or Savings & Loan. l 488 E. lith •t.. Suite 224 YOUNG MAN, part tbne for LABORATORY & 1101 only, fill! or pt. t Im e, Apply In person Nl!wpor! Beach, hl'll, 10..12 10 2 yn prel"d . 21 to 4S. C.O.ta Mna 642_1,70 general tt11taurant work. P . 642-8060. After 6 call REUBEN'S & l.J PM. Top salary, Write Pleasanl, small office at· !'.lust be over 16. 545-1686. plant \\'Ork. U.S. Citizen. 548-2698 Box P-471 , Dally Pilot. h Co ,J, * B&EA"c•'"AREA_*JS Resume box l\1 355 Dailyl==="· ,,.-.,,-,,.----cl moep ere. n7_t Mr. n , 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport lt•ch This variety of fine schools could introduce you to a new tomorrow. For furth•r informetion r19.1ril1n9 thTC1lly Pilot Schools .1nd lnstnictftn Directory ••• CALL 642·567B, EXT. 325 Martin Glenn Walker 1Sl2 Lincoln Lane · . Newport Beacb, Cautornla July 23, 1969 Chilcoat Typinf School 173 Del Mar Avenue Costa MeH, California 548-2359 Dear Miss Chilcoat: Being 17 years old and planning to enter col• lege, I wholeheartedly recommend Miu Chilcoat'• Typing System ., the be 1 t for learning typing. The method haaenabled'me to learn typing ln 10 lessons rather than the semester that It would take in school. Tjlll saving in time is well worth.the price of the lessons. I encourage my friends in school to take le ... sons fromlou becaU!e your 1 e a 1 o n 1 are simple an easy to remember. Thank you for the lessons. Martin Walker G>e.~~~e~~ Anna's Pre-Sc:hool -I 1t Grade ANNOUNCES Facllltl11 for Enl1r9td Enrollment Register your Ullle ones for: • A full (fun) Loornlng Progrem 8 Music e Art • D1ncJn1 I CrHtlvo Act!vltlH . . ' -. ..__ . , • -Hof Lunch•• & Sn1cks n "I f '. • Agos 2 through ht grodo 2110 Thurln Avo., Cool• MOii Ph: 646-1"44 Holp Weolod Women 7400 RECEPTIONIST Per10J1nel Departmcnt ot n. erowlni eltctronlc1 company ha.s a challellJ"- ing po1ltlon for a peraon- al:lle woman. Must be neat appearinz arid be able to lnf'et and com· munlcate wall v.1th Pf!O- ple. Outllll!a will include &rfflln1 and announc- ln1 villtort, and app)I. cants for l!mpl<7)'mf'nt. Some coUeee degJred. Typlna: 50 wpm. APPLY DANA Laboratories, Inc:. 2401 Campus Or. INine, Calif. !Near Oran.ie Co. Airport) Equal opportunity employtr Holp W1nlod Women 7400 * r:xPEJUENCED * COOKS BUSBOYS DISHWASHERS APPLY IN PJ:R.!!011 REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. CoHI Hwy. Newport Buch Experienced NCR PROOF OPERATOR UNITED CALlfORNl4 IANK ESTABUSHED Jnsun.nce -Pilot. TRAINEES. Jo'ull or part COCO'S Gil Fridey $450 up Lapp, 1-&Jrl ofc ........ , ..... U50 Leada avail, N.B. oftice. hlAINTENANCJ-.; ?.iAN·F\Lll t Im~. Cook-lounlain-dlsh Unu.wat opportunity, \II I I I DOWNf;Y SAVINGS&: 'lite s/h, aood typing Career oppt. 67~ 1.,m, 6 8 m 2 pm Sal<>rv mach11lf'. THE ZOO, \V. sharp &al for ~~uyer, XJnt LOAN ASSOCIATION. PR. SEC, no a/h , .•• lo S400 Sr.c:RETARY, Sa I I b 0 a I JANITORIAL-part t Im e, + al. · -· ' _,, Coast I.fwy. &. l\1acArthur. 1555 W. Adem• company lrvlne art'&. Pret. 837-4911or642--6633 Ute bk, ace typ, phone 3l1lt Harbor BJvd. Cotta Me .. , C&Uf, 5'6.ltl33 me 11. NB ly oUict•. 1--======--£ mflf. S/H 100 wpm, typ~ t.1an or couple. 2772 Rutcen Apply to P.1r. Sin"lOn I--·....,.====~--! Costa Mtla EXPERIENCED mplo)'er pays% fee 80 wpm, epply W.D. Schock A~a:"oo~~-MACHIN· 63:"~~~:i:~~.'~J\I A ll~a!f~U~~Joyeesl 1H--s,-.~-.s-;v-:,~:-,-s,-,,,.-s-.:-:.-,-i!. Em;,:::n~:ency WAITRESS J. R. ti~~f'r~.~~A1cncy f:·: S. Greenville, Sp. IS'l"·MECHANIC for small ~!AN to work part time in ~1.nr --~~-a n~tlo.,:~f ing addiliona! or primary 2J2{) So, !"1-ln, S.A, 1885 NP"WpOrt, CM. &47-6'120 PART-tlme mkldle a I e d shop, Lquna Sch. 49H989 rentals yard. mornints l.: u1 ,,._~ you e Income. BE YOUR OWN General Office $400-t';ply fn Ptrson Receptionist $400 W"Oman wanted. CaJI to.tr. APPRENTICE \\'ELDER \rcekenda. Will train. Apply the jnl&·, ldgrs. 111 m 1 8 • BOSS Part time or full TY PI n I 60+. con1t:uctlon S AF & SIRLOIN BcautUul new oUlcl!I, Irvine Ed's Holbrau alter 2 p.m. for small machine ~hop. 1930 Newport Blvd, Cl\1. pa.J yokbCles. la-15-nOI Ask r or time Independent dealers. backaround preferred. 5930 Ptc. Cit. Hwy. area. Xlnt opportunity tr ad-~-* * fi4.8989 ** }'ULL Tl?.tE Servi-Stat;"n ec rou · we train you for lmmedlate Beach area. Cail Loraine. Newport Beach vance with fine company. \VOMEN: HELPERS A: IN• " ~ BOYS TO 14 -• u u t Merchantft PPnonnel Aaen-Call Olane, 546-5410. BUSBOY, 18 or ovl!r. Start Help. One, graveyard. Jl:x. • Income a 11u o er exce en TYPlST-Cierk. ~tu.st know SP!:CTORS, VltamJn Sl.65 hr. Apply in pr_r90n per. pmf'd. Rich!leld. 19th Carrier Route1 Open 11.t'lvanctment opportunities. c~~~ WestcllU Dr., N.B. 10-kay adding machine. Jason Best nll1luJ1cturln&" plant. For The Cottage Coffee Shop, le. Ne"rport. C.M. NO pb, for !HS-4871. O (alllo fee jobs) 549-0077 Mr1. Myer EmPloyment Agency appointment M6-l931. 582 \V. 19th St., Cosla Me111.. call& La1una Beach, So. La;una J S S S S $ $ $ S S e R 1NURS£8 Ml!M Vtrdc: Country Club 2120 So. M•ln, S.A. WANTED: ettraetive eirl tor FACTORY TRAINEE. -AUTO MECHANIC DAILY PILDr G.11 Frld.1y, 1t1rt $4i5-fi"N•-.. "',.1et duty, f"'1 W• ~UJET M1ddle aged couple MR. Beat One Hour "1e1 In local Jewelry store. 642-4321 • I I I I Cleaner11, Pae!Uo Co a 1 t I B service compll!ted, It . S . \\'Ith englllf' exper, Speab French, types ac· LVN-Rellef. four ihlfll l es re1 gen. c ea n n a 11 1 A Exper pre. ut not ne1•- 4'llploma. PhOne for appt. \\'alt Maye Aulomotlve 2 VOLKSWAGEN n1cchanic11 curatl!IY & handles g(lncrsl per \\·cek. Lacuna Beach "'1ltnan 2 mornings a wk. Wily, Iris, Cdht. Al· Rerular parl-llmt ApplJ ln ~rlef\C'lll!d TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK I Atonarch Bay P1u.I South Lq:una f99.13<1 "EquaJ OPJ>l)rtun\t.y empl(l)'tr PAYROLL CLERK NEWPORTER INN 548-6ll6 2007 llarbor Blvd., CAI for unit• room rnly, two office dutte1. Jntereat1n1 job, Nursi.na Home References. own tr11.nip, lracUve couner eirl. full-Pf!norJ, Kirk Je-.-elen, 2300 GARDENER. Ind u • t or 612-5113 tune up itnd rbt.ke mech., 1 a:ood bcneilt~. Bl>llch area. 49'-8075 on 3-2618. tlmc. Sh Ir t preater, part-Harbor Blvd .• CM. ltflk or America com(>l.lter comm1, Mln 2 yn exp, xlnt. ,,..,,.,.===--"""-·! helper for lub &: 011· 50-00 GAYNOR E W 'I Omc. No •Mp, ~ .• gd. MATURE woman for nl1ht l)'sttrn ~ 300 to 400 C H A u1-~rEUR, PRrt-timl!, guaranttt, we pay lull i!'OUP Personnel Attncy BEAUTIFUL Olrl wfeood xptr. a1 resses ,..-ork:ins eond. Apply In sl\lfl 11 lo T, Door ~uty. •mllloYte1. Ptrmsrian~ J?Oll• =· Call r.vn. 4t4-M27 i:.;w.phort·B~boa fare~ Jn~ .• vac. A. holidays. 2~ E. 17th Str~t flrure for modellnr. Gtt.tl BAYSIDE JN"N ptnOn, Mr. Pierce. SAWYER HOMI:. tton. 5 dl.)'11 a ,..'ffk. ~ mi" age • re~-536-1491 Santa Ana M2-~ Pay! J to 4 houn per week. 3$3 E. COASt Jfwy., NB ACCN'rs itk. &. blllin&: pr! &tUTl& open. Onbr exper1enctd Mid SERVICE 1tallon attendant Schmktt, PO Box 75671,l;;:;v;;...,;-;. ,.:;;-::::-;;;:=:--,\7.r.i;ii:"°'1===iiii· No experience. Hobby • 67"~ anted Exptr '1 A · pply hJl'd. 1992 Palisades. S.A. Sanford SI at ion. Lot TOOLMAKER or Oa•s A (NSTRUCTRESSIS llitrlctly tar fun. Write box \\'OMAN ~·-·"•· ,,_ -·r ~te ·typlll i.p~~ W. ;;_ TYPIST. for commercW 1 ~~ecoll1._ n!!._"11. ott1ce51, ' llchts. ~J AnJf!lf'I !10QOS P.1achinllt. exper In IOOh"f' MB69 Dail Pilot _,.""""'"' .. " _.. ,,.... t"Y bl!.M rii'lt h6i OVtt 21. ...,... •w -~ ~~-~-~---~====~===·land prototype c.~ Ensi Youn&, m1ture itrts able to '¥ • spare ttme to eam money. Schock Co. 3502 $. GrttD-P s P· 1 'r"&Aaiiii===-n"lffdo=~-~.=~=.,.,I Security Guardl APPRENTICE in PHARMA· netrine ~ Manu1.actur1n1: theet tht! publlc. ?>,Ult bt SECRETARY Win priUI•. 00 age limit, no vllle St.. Stnta Ana PH.: 540-8113 dtpendable i l t t ';;;Ui Newport •~a CE\JTlCAL PLANT lta.rnlng 27694 Camino Capbtrano attract1vt with a a:ood k time limit. WW train u BEAUTY optrator, Juli time, DINNt1l·"60D WAJTJ'lUS houltktt-r far actfv9 11 ean '37""3070 trade. 641>»31 for appoint· ' ........ N'··-r. 13!.Jtl<. , Hrure. Afternoons only, Tralntt o . Beauho Cwl'lltlon. 847...oMe • &tl:Ptttenctd. ~ t ..... y ,...... A I Gd. typlns: I: ihorthaod or v . guar waae •com"'. Ghn's --... mo. boy. M-F, 7:~:U. P/JtT time 900KkEEPER. mt>n · SALESMEN Shoes n 1: t PP Y In PtrtOn Stenorelte nq\lired. llQ-8912 fi'PtST--65 wpm I ltCCUl'lte. Bty. Shop, $04 Orr ..,.,,.,,... Jlle•tau.rant Own trazl.IP. Ref, nqutnd •talUrt A: 1qi'd. ~ 5 dQ1 •MACHINIST Exp 011 mlll1 Guar. ~m. • PM~• Holid•y Health Sp• before 1 pm. sea 10 na1 until Dtc. Br K JN J Barmaidtdane«. )8(11 W. Cout H"7 .• N~. ~. t.ik. ~7 • lathes. ~tot)'pe & 1001· tlmP. men. Exp.r. J'l'f!f'd. • CMta Ml!u e Experienced ln •lnilt needle Ca.IUomfa Artbts. 111 Main l'"Ull or pan.ttmt. Cotti MAIDS f'VLL nm; man, 1-4' eom- DR'fVER to drive car to Ohio lnr. 540-8452 Guar. comm. PM"• F\lll Time and overlock. Cood piece. SL. SH.I Beach. I 213) Mesa Hott1/M6lel tqtrWnce blnatlon •~11\1, rectlvlf11 .. ,.,.., AUi. 11. U~GENTI EXPEn. ""'I"' ""'°" •I· Apply 333 E. !Tth. CM. HOUSEKEEPER work pries•. ,1,.dy WO<k. 431-1321 loo appt. 64S.1liJI ~!MJO A trucll tlrlvtr. llltluall1ol 846-27V2 lendent. P'ull time. 641-5658 BUSMAN. Top monay. Ex· EDDY M0,!;.11 lt042 Locust EquA.I op1)0l't\lnlty employer LICENSED Shampoo tftl WTOO\V, to Uv.ln, Utt houae-Omct $Uffly, 4390 Cul\P'MI YMCA need1 m.lnt1nence 2096 llsrbot, C.M. perlrncctd rrefcrttd. A"plv. St .• \V1111tmlnster: 5M.f7S8 IXP'i5 S~LEiLADY nt$dtd. Top -pav, ~Pl· MLl•t drlvt. Raf. Dr., Ntwpert Btach. ,. # Apply in penon # ,.,... ., ..... ., man, tl.ys. 40 hr. wk. Ovtr RETIRED man for pt·tlme NEWPORT GRO'M'O R·ECIPT·TYPigf Men• \V'lmens Qotbi.na •·64M&T • =~~.,.-""-;.;..,,_~~lbtNTAL Anlllt.nt, ~ 21. 642-8990 for appt. maintenance work a1 3311 \V. COJ11t flwy Hunttncton Beach Min. 5(twpm. SlOO/mo. Plt&M ==""::-*::;,M3-538lr.=.~=*:-=n-:,--"'*"'""*~*,-,M,.A"t"o,_,.•..,.•"""•-fli011.1: MAio. Expetil!~ce tar 2 months. t:xMrltnctd 1'or Dau, PDot Want Ad• tavern.°'' &i6-"130t Newport Bf':1tCh Conva!e1cent Hosplta1 phon. ast-3.\93 for appoint.. THE QvtCkii\ You.cAU: LAGUNA REEP' .i.....M~ ntc:tUM"Y. 220$ Harbor Pf'tfm"'ld. -..trt or Dial "2-5678 for RESULTS DAILY PDhf \\'AiVJ' ADS! \Vhltt .Elephants T 18792 Dela.w•re St., H.B. men!. THE QUICKER YOU SELL 30808 8. Coast. 4~ Blvd, Cotta Mtaa. ~1530. ------------...... --------.....---------·--------• • ::! DAILY PILOT T_,, AutVl' 12, 1969 JOiS i IMPloYMEN t JOIS i l'MPLOYMEliiT JOU A EMl'LOYMINT MERCHANDISI FOlt MERCHANDISE fOlt Help W-Help Won!M Jobi Mon, Wom. 7500 SALE AHO TRADE SALE AND TltADE MERCHANDISE FOlt MERCHANDISE FOlt SALE ANO TltAOE SALE A.ND TRAOI MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE FREE TO YOU w-7400 w_,. 7400 Fu~e IOOO Furnliure IOOI Furniture Auction 1025 Tepe Recorder& 8220 Mio<. Wonted 6610 PURRFECT palr of oranatt/ \vhlte rualt k\Uen&. '1 Y.'kl. * J . C, PENNEY COMPANY F•shlon laland -Newport leilch *Premier NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Housewl ve1 & Mothers Can you spare a few hours each day and add to the family Inc o me at the same time ? Schedules conv~nient for you, mornings, af· temoons. everu ngs or combinations of all. Work in store under the finest of conditions and top supervision. * APPLY IN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday All student positions filled. Equal opportunity employer * PIRSONNEL ACHNCY 44S last 17th Strett c .. te M ... ........ 1t04 Eatt 17th Stl'fft Santa Ana J47·t>'1t FEMALE F/C Bll p r to $650 3 years experience In co.t a c c o u nt i n i . mo.nlhly 1tatements. q tJ art t r I y rtpor!A, kno"·ledge of data procer.sinf . Steno Typist $399 WAREHOUSE SALE Ow •.OOO ft.°'*" .. r.blk ht T1mt S,111111 ••• Wdernaei1 SHOWIOOI FURllTURE 3 Roon!$ Fum. Value Over $1000. Now $389. • 5 pc. iluthlntk spam,h llllrm. set, • 96 1". quilt· td sofa with 56 in. m1tching ~v• 1e1t, or chair e S pc. Spin1th Dlnttte, ollt tab~ top e 3 htilyY Med- lterr.nu• rn11tchi"'1 t1bln, top durable enough for namlnge DMK•. Examples of 11001 llfetimt Spttlals l'tu .. •m. •pteJ4'1 ~ .t SS • .H 01 01, SI 00. p1rr• &MM " ..of'e Witli • copy -' ttil• 14. ¥~~-'l:r'~~~e ......... ilif.ts o ~lft,, ""'°' ~,:1 '" 1::. w.t ........ llH.,S • ·ro ,....ld>I 1 .............. S2'.ft • •....isti ~~-:.,:: ............ 111.tJ • r1o111-1 :r~ ,. frDf!I"' • • ..... :i•.ts • .j'fl.fuk SAv1UJ;:· ~1" "'J:. ~:;r o..... :ei': S.t.•11: ·E•~1 ST:ll!E C::HA•GE MASU:I Cl'fAltG€ e NlC OF AME'lllCAltO AU. ACCEPTED Opeo .... doily-s.t. t-6, -10-5 541-9660 APPROVED FURNITURE 2065 0.arle St. Costa MtH --11 'i?:tt...,...~ r.:r-.. !::.~ ... ~.;;. ~ •· • Furniture • \VEBCOR 2-ipetd tape Appl1•nc1s • Color TV m.'Ol'rler. Good oondition. AOK AUCTION 1.tany tape1 $50 s.&-6201 1122 Garden Grove_ mvd. We1tm lntt~r nr. C.C. 1''rWy. ,C:;':.:""':.::;'.:'::'.:":..;E::!q~u21 P.:_.:1:.300:; Tues ls Thurg 1 PM-Sat 6:301· Eatate consanml. Repo, Ne<w ARGOS C4, Ith:. bag, lripod, $200 worth ol equip & acceu. 1100 tilten, etc. $!ii'.). 842-$89 • WANTED o ... , .,.., In& hnl '"" • n1os. All t:md It rr.ady for FURNITURE yoo -"ll>< po1H>d-No. CM, 'l'OP CASH tN JO Pitinutes 5-~271); S/13 Qualll)' fW'Jllture, color TV's GER?\1. Shl-p, purtbred, 13 1lereo4, appllancn toOO, mo. matt-. &aul. 1:--.f~ oUice equlp. Jy. has all sho111. Only 50 lbs. 531-1112 full 1u-own. Good w/child. NEED: M·l building, 800 to To ~d bomt. 615-13.XI att. J2' G.E., tefrig, c o co a Sporting Goods ISOO 1000 iiquare ft-ct. Small of-5:30 p.m. 8/13 bro1vn, left hand door. $70. -'-"--""o..;;.;.;;;:;;.__::;.;~ fi<.'C space pref. \Va.shable FREE ~fpll•ncet Can be scc11 at 1159 E. SURFBOARDS \Valls &. Doors. 220, 3-phaiie. 1 VERY hoinely mutt. Strlel. Ocean, Balboa. 673--1454. '67 PERFORMER 9'6' 548-5623 alter 6. ly an outside dog. Very Paid $90, sell $30. WANT To buy (hoine) bar. friendly and 11:00C1 with ehil. * \~ round or L shaped. f\lust dren. 83&5672 8/14 7' 10" RICHARDS Sa.'.i be reallONlble. Phone P UREBRED G ERM AN 117 E. Bay. Balboa 644-4687 shepherd fttmale 5 months, bi5-5l60 .. A .. ~A b k -•1 ~ DELUXE Acnie kltehtn unil, ,.........,., ro en, ._. suuls. \Oo'Blnut, closed top, like new BRAND new set ol Arnold M1chin1ry, llC. 8700 Loves children. Dog house HOTPOINT washtr & dryer, 4 yni. old, Need mino1· repairs, Must ffll, Husband not V.'Orking, 347-5187. $285, c 0 s t $!50. 673-3663, PaJmcr Golt Clubs. Very included 642-:?MG S.14 bl · 673-1500 30' YORK TOWABLE 6.COO Rental Dept. reasona e pnce. LOVABLE fox lerrier needs I Lb hystcr pneu. Se v e r a I G.E. automatic "''asher xnlt M' II l600 Other FORKLI!-"l' trucks. good home, has shots & Ii· cond. $40. • ISCI •neous ?.tUST SEl.L~ 639-2691 cel\St', IOves chlidren, * 847-8115 * t.10VING must s e 11·25 ' PETS ind LIVESTOCK 494-0011 ~/14 FRIGIDAIRE ga11 dryer, late upright f r eezer $75. S~1ALL couch, fire "''Ood &. model, :dnt. cond. $15. Frigidaire $30. S tu cl i o Cats 8820 scrap "''OOd, All you can M7.S11.5 upright piano $7:). ?.1aple cany. lll09 Federa, Costa CROSLEY FREEZER cli~tte set $95. Na_ugahyde Unusual female lilac-point f.Jesa. 8/14 Good -•u" ~= Rrvtera &0{a bed $35. Down· Siame!lt, 2 ii-Cal. 8 \\'ks. FP.EE to ~·~'iHed home. couu ion....,.,. i·u-• 1 40 A -~• t< ff 1· t .,_ &46-2707alter 4 PM 1 cu &0•~ S '. ntlque """1e ·a ec ion a e, altered male Ruuian blue H•lp Wint.cl Women l.-;;;W;;i°';;imiii"i;in;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;74ii00ii I Help Wanted See Bell)> Brute: st 7400 Ty"' 55• 6 "~"'"' <><· JOIS I. EMPLOYMENT perience, use dictaphone. Fumitur• === ,,-,,,:~;;,:::_:::::c_:_:_:-__I !it'cretary $50. f\11sc lamps., ~9081 alter 5. caL Rec. shots, owner died. HOTPOINT electric dryer. chest, table, etc, $3-$25. 3061 549-"M" 8114 -~-~~~-~.. ~ - " 7 • 1_ •="="°:.:.:b=·=N=B=-=--"-=12=5-I=----2 LOV. Male Siamese mixed HOUSEKEEPER, J f v e · I n m f' For eldtrly couple. ~tature i4~ Wee ,,·oman pref. 642-0661. Agency Jor C-.rftr Girls HOUSEKEEPER for 2 elder· '10 W ....,_ ... H N B ly ladies, live.in, lite \Oo'Ork. • ........... wy., . • 673-3284. ByilppomL 646-39~ ~~-'-----~-PBX, answering sen.-ice: ex· BABY SI'ITER-HSKPR. 1 per pref. Varied shiJts. HB rhild, small apt, Balbna area 53~1 Penin11Ula. Aug. JS.Sept. 10: MATURE WOMAN P.1on-Fri, babysitting 8:30· ror telephone survey, oW' of. 5:30, SlOO total. On Sept 10; tice. l\foming shift. G". pay 2-i pm. Mon-Fri + h!kp'e. Ph. !flrs. Pihl 646-77[13, 9:30 $150 mo. 673-4566 aft 6 pm a.m.·3:30 pm daily or wknds. I======'=== Job.-Men. Wom. 7500 C ieri Typist T rnee $355 Type !)j, filiJ'lg. Medical Records Clo,k to $500 \Vant 110meone able to come & lake over. Girl Friday l o $475 Type 5.5, use mimeop-aph, do accounts payable, mu.st likt "''Orlcin,a wilb people. Blue Dolphin Re1taur1nt 3355 Via. Lido LIDO lSLANO FRY COOKS Recpt/Gen O le $350 e WAITRESSES -Ovt>r la- KIND, dependable ¥1'0man 11'> babysit 1 m-0nth old baby i;irl in my home. 8:30 to 4:30 Tues. thru Frl. Call aflei-6 o'clock 894-6229. References re:qnired! WANTED. ~fature woman to sit 'in my home, CM, v.•/2 school age children. Sho11 hOW'5, good pay. 1 am • teacher. '!'rans. " rel1. re- quired.~ NURSES needed for Private Duty. Pra.ctical 's • no licen5e ne<:. Aides. Live 1n or any shift. Al5CI Infant Nurses !or new borns. l'olust haw n!ls. Call 642-995:l. LAW firm de11ires exp'd. iegal secretary. Est. pin. exp. valuable. \\'ill train or MTS'T. Pd ben's, sal open. 83>--0581 WANTED; Mature woman 10 care for older children. my home, own trans., Good pay for right person. 962-3241. EXP'D Bookkeeper capable of financial stalemen111, &. some tax exp. for pUblic acct&:. office. 542--5621 REAL Estate Licensee. Good cornmJ.SsK>n w/(Uatantee. Very active: rental agency needs young M>man to start immediately. 64~111. WINDOW • COUNTER girls 22 • 40. Salary + mes.ls. 11 a.m. • 2 p.m. Apply to f.fr. Simon hlC DONALD'S 635 W. 19th St., C!'.f \\'Of.1AN over 21 to serve seafoodlii In Nev.'p.:lrt Beach. Top wages, pennancnt, hon- est, and working conditions in area's leading res!Burant. Apply 9 am to S pm for in- terview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 2~031 El Toro Rd. Leisure World I..aguna Hills 837-1014 Outsirt<' S:ilf's FREE MEMBERSHIP! Currently 11elling to hollse- wives direct'!' Add us to your line for extra commission income. Keep in shape free. Representatives needed all over Orange County. Call Oint Byers, 519-3368. Holiday Health Spa • C.OSta -r.lesa • ,A;:~~~t . JJJ.Lagency Professlona1 Servic• for the employer and the 1pplic•nt 133 Dover Dr., N.8. 642-3870 549-1743 e BUSBOYS e OISHWASHERS e COOKS e WAITRESSES APPLY International House of Pancakes 3..~ E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Xlnt pay. hfust enjoy eating I ~~~~!!!!'""'""'""'""'""~ I tish. Call 673--0100 btwn &-10 ?.fATURE Woman for retail am bakery sales \Vo r k. Shift SALES\VOMAN. f:.'xperience o Pen Mon thru Thurs .. in ladies re:ady to \\:ear. 11;30 AM to 8 P~f. i1any Ove-r 25. Apply r.ton thru Fri bcncrits. Apply in person, 10-4. APROPOS No. 27, mornings, al Snack Shop Town &:. Country, Orange. Bakery, 3444 E. Coast Hwy., at Narcis~us, Col'Ona de! MAIDS, part time or full ~far tin1e. Experience not --~~~~-~--nf?Ce5.~Y')'. Ken Nile~ Villa Professionel ?t1arina Motel 1021 Bayside Employment Drive, Ne"'1Xlrt Beach. Assistance LIVE-in houst'keeper t 0 r COASTAL AGENCY lady alone. Good salal')', 1\ n1enlber of must driv~. 67J..0890. ~nelling &. Snelling, Jnr. Babysllter· HOUSC'keepcr 2190 Harbor Bl, Ci'\t: 540-60.:>5 For leacher: inlant & 2 ACCOUNTANT to $100), Call children 9 I 10. l!B a~L l..oraint', ~lerchant11 Person- 897-4978. net AgPncy. 2043 We stcliff 1 years ~"<perience In g:eneraJ office. will be doing billing & orders, type J.J. purchase Koypunch Oper $450 l year experience on 026 or 029, a l p h a.nume r ic verifyier OC>6 or 059. Teletype Op., $400 1 year e.,perienc.'t'. Collectio n C ieri l o $550 Pr!lcr hospital experience of ettdit &: collection, able to talk to public, be ai· gres.'<iVe', must know how ID compose lettcr1. Acctg Clerk $350 6 monlhs or more r:<· pcrience. like working v.•ilh ligul'f's, handling invoi(..'CS &: purchase orders, MALE Ports Countermel"I $125 week l ytar or more experience in auto parl..'I. Truck Drive r to $3.50 hr. r.1u11t know how 10 handle d1lf<'re:nt metal~ such 11s slainless steel, copper etc, know Orange County. O rde• Desk to $500 1 year college or equivalent work experience in office or te ch n ic ian, nicchanical aptitude. Plater Superviso r $150 wl up Not less than I year e~· perlcncc on printed cin:u1t boards, \\'Orkini w i I h prttious metals. Cost Acct to $750 Job~Mon, Wom. 1500 1--------•-,--,,.-o-_o::c:~:.:1 ::'---,. U 0 TEMBROKE I Co . ...--1; * A CTI N * \Ve sh rgi, kit1ens. 3 n1os. one all blk. .. 3 ROOM GROUP G. E. Rr.lrigcrator w/croi;s champion sired, :; malrs, J g, one orangt". Ask for Cindy llAIRSTYLIST w/fol. Bcl'r your incm by bigger %. Nu shop CdM 2640 E Ci>t Hwy 61>-7321 MANAGER lo r 12 • 2 BR. furn., pool, apts. Older per· son pr-et No children or pets. 642-9520 aft 5 Pf\t. BABYSITTER wanted: Hrs 7: 304. J'i.1on-Fri. Local area. Call eW:s 529--&l60 Schools-Instruction 7600 L1v1ni rm, bedroom, dinette top rreeier, CoppcrLOne. ;15i0 If you will sell or bu_v · f<'1nales. Priced according 537-2367. 8/14. $2.97 642-9949 afl 6 P~f. give \l/indy a try to qualily. 540-4928. \Veekly Pa,ymenls • , • Auclions J<"riday 7:30 p.m. I c="'-~~--"'~--llELP-moving in a days. w · W d , IRISH Setter pups. To good ho1ne needed for woncle1iul e ca1i1' our own contracts Antiqu1s 8110 in y s Auction Bern ho 1 c •-J Van's Discount Furn , , rnr ony. AK . Auvrab e! nioma cat & ht>r 3 day old 417 W. 4th SI., S.A, 547-141.2 FOR SALE: Antique Shop, Be~~nd Tony s Bldi. ~tat I. I nltrestcd~ Call 546-T;i(H kittens. 642--0896. 8/14 Open Dally 10.8 • Sat lD-6 la.rgl' litock. small do"'TI, 2o75 ,, Newpor1 , CM 640-8686 LAB. retriever p u P s. PERSlAN female spayed LEAVING tat Be 2 bal. 1 yr. Call 64;;.1970 or 1/3 Ofo,F on all bikinis &: AKC Champ I Show/Field cat. tortoise shell, to good mo. old 8• ~fae&. lov:u~at. 5-18--8625 cover.ups. Any size top stk. Easttrs Kenne.I GlJ..7340 hoine. Q\vncr i.!i i 11. 6' roffee lbl, z end com-BIRDSk..i'E MAPLE \\'/any bottom. $14 suils AKC Poodle puppies, brown 836-4493 8/12 modes; hide-a-bed, 8 pc. Two J.r.c Bedroom set! now $9.80. Anything Coc!I, II' black, 7 wks old. S75 & FIRE \\'ood that pops ~ Span. kingsil:e bedrm set. * 6ta.2169 NB * 2400 \Y. C.51. Hwy, N.B. UP. 644-4916. cracks lroin G t r m any . Will sacrifice; caJI collect Open Sundays~ IRISH Setter puppies 7 wks. Bring box on .string, 2116 213-4334340 Sewing M1chinff 8120 RUG It/blue "'ool lf :.. 12' AKC reg. Champion blood Republic, C.M. 8/12 ?.fAHOGANY drop leaf din· v.·/runner 2' x 14' s7o. T\vin line-. 613-4448 TRANSPORTATION SAUCERMAN SCHOOL ing: room set, desk, game 1969 SINGER bed coinp v.·/casters _&. STANDARD Poodle, AKC. BOits & Y1chts 9000 Co. Fairgrounds, gr. 1-8 table, 1 upholstered chair. Zig.zai r~b mod slightly ~i-;~87 headboard $ 3 ;i • f\lalc. Besl Offer. \Vhert! t he Program Sp. l:W, 6241 \Varner Ave. used. Stylish v.•al cab. Does;I====~-~---• !16.§..6479 * lS' STEPHENS Se dan. !-,its the Child ScaAira ~1obile Jlome Prk., everything "'1thoul attach. FROSTING & T i pping -:=.-o=-.-,-~===~ I Beaut. ,.eond. May trade \Villard If. Saucernta.n. HB. 8-17-2689 Bit-in controls to overcast, SPECIAL 1 v.·k. only. Re:::. ~~~r <;1~;1! ic,~~:;eE::S do1vn. Must .-;ell. s.16-9:Hll Ed. D. 3 ELEC Sim muns single beds n1ake bullon holes. se1v on S'lj. 00\0o' $17.50, 8/11 · 8/16. S7j..$l50, 6'lt-S802 '67 GLASSPAR C i t at Ion . MCH!XiO Enroll now "'·-loam niattresses, xlnl buttons, hem dresses, make Rogers Beauty \Vorld, So -;-;"'°~~~-::Cc_:=-,= Jn board-oulboard. 120 iterc. Eves 548-1758 cond. 2 w/ wht vinyl head-fancy stilches e1t', 5 Yr. Coast Plaza 546-7900 ADORABLE 1cdd)' bear-AKC Cruiser "''i th power jct &. Educational Vacation 5th boards. Orig. cust 0; S500 parts & service guar. Pay VINYL. TILE, I.. in o I e u 111 , re:::. Scirnoy<'d, 3 mo. :'\lake JlO"'cr trim. Full cover. enders ••. Sr Citizens ea .. asking Sl9J ea .646-8128 S[J.88 dn ~ 9 pyn1nts of $5.88 Asphalt Tile -Beaulilul <."Ol· ,0~'~"~'-· ~'-'~-'-'~'°----~I P.eady lo cn;oy. A 11 Chilcoat 10 lesson typing floral. Scotch-guarded. $125. mo., no interest charge or: ors a nd patterns. fo"ree TINY toy rox rerriel'. 10 maintenance records. 1 Sehl\ Trial Lesson. 173 Del ?.latching love-seal $ 7 5. Full Price $58.80 estimates. Lie. Con t r . ivcek~. Pure blood line. $35. l~'~'~-";";·~K~l~&-4';.;~'~'===;I ~':;;"=r~·~C~-'='~· ~S48-:::,;285=-='e,----,,, I LEAVING i;tate . .Beaut. 2 For no obllg., free ho m e1,:;>l&-4:;..,~<~18~--~=--,--549-1314. Educational Vacation 5th nio. old 8' sofa & love seat. demo. Call credit !\!gr 'til 9 1/3 OFF on all bikinis & cov· POODLJ:: pups, toy!\, AKC, graders . , . Sr Citizens 6' coffee tbl. z encl conl· PM. If !oil. call rollect, cr·UPS. Any size lop w/any or a ngc-apricol. Bcautlful MARLINE ER Llke new $·16,000 Days 774-6110 f\h'S, Bro,1·n Eves 673-9191 ~1r. James Chilcoat 10 lesson typing modes: hicJc·a-hecl, 8 pr. 213: 531·9694 hotto1n. $14. wuits nO\\' hea\'y coats. 842-1263 Shel. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Span klngsize bcdnn. SC!I. 1969 SINGER touc~mauc, S9.80. Anything Go.~. :1-100 ~l!NIATURE Schnauzl'r pup-- Polar, C.f\1. 54S-2859. \Viii sacrifice; call <.'Ollect zig zag, button holes. sews \V, C&t H1~'Y. N.B. Oprn !'iun. pies, Af\C, I! wks. :-.Int !?ti' Frisco Flyrr Sloop, \VESTMINSfER Prcsb,ter· 2I3-433-4340. on butlons. blind hems. KIRBY \'a cu u 11i (.leaner J.Cdi'""ee. Sacrifice. 541).2879 ''" ribcrglas hull. \l'ilh 1eak ian Pre-Sctmol, open to all ~fUST SACRIFICE~ Living $34.88 01· $4.16 1110. 526--6616 \\'ilh al I a chm c n ts & AKC Basset Pups trim. Chl'oy Lee bit. li~bd. :\ & -I yr olds. Call n ow roo•n set. 2 bcd~m S('ls. polisher. Take ove1• srnall Tri-<."<>lor 6 v.•ks $55. 51().86.18 tncl heart. Boal 1s very 962-41»5. clothlng, art objeels, migc Music1I Inst. 8125 pymts or S·tl .lO cash. Ci:edu clean! $7200. Broker 494-3916 De I 53;>.7289 LABRADOR Retriever, xlnt SITA'S t.tONTESSORI School books. records, f'l c. 505 p · · GOO 2 ' E Carnation. Qif\t. 613-9045 SA_LE or trade: },ramus dbl. SURPLUS !••to-d , • , , held " show. Breckenrid~e D 12' fiberglass out-~~ lo years. ~II now k "-·-"' •J " KPnnt>ls. Cf\1. All 6, ~ board hull w/dual lever· for F all. 646-3706 or 541-5691 ITAL. PROV. !..IV. SET pic -up """"' ¥<'/_case. (\Jso fabrics Z, ren'Ulanl.s. S o Id .. 1.·r bl I ' • I ha. I 11· Fender accoustJc guitar. to the public 8-4 ?.fo-•"y DAUtATION male 10 \\'ks. _..,1 I. ca e, whee• Xlnt MONTESSORI Teacher of-so a, c 1r, amps. o ice Boll> -w <•8-n<" "'"' "shi .... tc>shore" boat. lows , .... · ,,.. ;) th'"'' "'·t Jll20 •10 · puppy. AKC, champion sire. ,.. fen; music instr, begin'g a.I I desk, dinette 11et. 642-99-19 '.. .36 • " nrov1a, easily . .$125. 67'.\-6518 -• d & all 6 PM. FEN 0 ER Bas s man CM. l;il~7~5-~"'1-:.;:-='~11~0,,---=,,.--v.·oodv.·inus, advc' llule iw· • •6• u--" tv BOXER C '63-27' Chri11, Sea Skiff O~ "" ~1 amp er. ,,. """ on 'IUST SELL b ·t'HURS• CE P"PP1"'"' AL" ..,,. uvc . .,.........,,, TOO much '"rniture foe -"'w · · " Y · • '"" ,'U\. ... 0 • TS SS rad~ I••-falho. ,._ , '" . ,.... tw1~. Complete w/stand & maple hi-Ii like l\C\Oo" Maple Champk>n blood I in e. ' ''" ""· MERCHANDISE FOR nvme. Bargains galore on covers S450 549-1503 !xi ' • Consider any reasonable of· S\vim step.,. 1''\111 cov. dinghy SALE AND TRADE many !inc pi<'CCS. Soinc an· · . r ~I . P\\'.r niower , \V-sail & cng. 546-5426cve5. tiqul'8. (\Viti trade for Pl no I. Org n 81301 ~ty~"";w;;;;"~"~'~· ~"~"~"~·~96'.::'.:2-~1:"~'-1.;''='-:":;2-4~38G;,===~= 120 CABIN Cnuser. 80 hp car....,nt~.) 549-1773 ii s 1 s 1NURSE'S shoes 78. unifor1ns •-· ~ Horses 8830 f\lcrc. Trier, bail tank . FORMAi.. dining rn1 . set. BRAVE THE HEAT! 12-14, Panama poll~ra CO!I-n1an,v extras. Make oflrr. ?.lahog tbl, 6 ch rs ., Drive in to Santa. Ana & see tume 'fu, Wed, .1:.!-;i :30 sp. GENTLE but spirited hors~. 53&--2928 SUMMER brcakfronL Double bed . us abou1 a Piano or Organ 28, 824 \V. 15th. NB nl.'f'ds experienced ride-!'. I-'-"--==--------Ca 16' CABIN Cruiser, 40 hp 54j..8!11 for your children's educa· QUALITY king bed, qulHM. U Donna artcr 4 pm. elrc Johnson, trailer&. bait CLEARANCE! 7 PIECE Rattan .set. blur & lion & pleasure before you Com pl<'te. unu sed SIID; 6·M·0~39. lank. SSOO. 897-4460 ...........n. 5 mos. old ll50. get involvM wilh Labor \\'Orth $250. Aller 5 or v.·knds I ~H~O~R~S~E~Sc--=BO"°'A~R~D~E~D~-~,~,~,1h ,...:__:c~c=,.;:.:_::::. __ _ Ntw beds: King $99.50, Quttn ... ~~ Day wPCkend & and all the 8.17--0--W6 23' TROJ Cab Crus, imn1ac. $89:50, Full $49.50, Twin 847-6418 h h · h · feed i 1o. \\•i!hout $20. 1 board SIS d. he d I S1 t 1ngs l at go wit getting 3 PIECE .. 1. 1 .~,. ._ ~9-3j9\ n . ra 10, a . $39.50. ully guaran. ee?Cr-• 1QDERN bla•k & wh•'to 1,,. fl -d 1 sec Kina ...,.,, ...... vs g•ll 0 .,,., !""" , " "' your o spnng rea Y o r bike $10. 13ll Bak«. Apt a· ' -ey, c \i • ~ o sofa niattresses, reg. sz. ple dresSl"r, matching hi-boy school Rentals from $10 GENTLE but spintf'd horS<' trade for trlr/boal. 646-2389 S:.'9.50. New 9 pc corner ar-S50 each. 8-17-6319 monthly, Spinets &. Consoles C~o='="'-"M~e~Me,-._____ v.•/tack & stall. Call Donna rang. choiCf' ot clrs, reg. -Cash ri after 4 p.m. 6.w_0439 SACRIFlCE-Ulness, 21' Luhr S230 $J 49 50 H dbrd SfOR. Cabinet SIS. box from S5i9 . SlOOO for Aust a skiff, JOO Chris Craft. f'ull -· OO\V · · ea s: sprng SIO, pole lamp $a, Gould Music Company Flag ~labile contest or ·fishing equip. 543-1379. Kings, $15, Queens $12.aD, sterw S75, 111001 $2. ,j.js--0358 :lOti N. Alain, SA ~7-0081 $200 For Non,•ay. 64~2475 FREE TO YOU fo"'ull $10.50, T"'·ins $3.95. 0 f\1 & F . , . 9 Power Cruisers 9020 Sleeper sofa~. choice of clrs: QUALlTY KJng bed, quilled. pen on n til ~IOVING ... Furnishings for Rog $719.50, now $11,~.SO. Complele, unu se d $105: FranchiseCloseout salr'·_af1rr8·9 a.m.4:!1 CHILDREN borer:!~ 1009 O\\'ENS 29' cruistt, C I I D NB Fascinating hobby, beautiful King·szze sp1'l'ads, choice of \\'Orth l250. Aft 5 or wknds The factory has ordered clO!Se a a 1na r.. · fiJf)'i. 6. l\v1nscrew. many ex-p i r go n ~. hon1i11g & o• ch:s. reg. $20.95, now S12.99. 847---0406 111\l or 4 Console & 2 Spine! CHUCK Dent surf boar rt tumblers. 7l+-8"l8-4319_ 8112 u·as. Xlnt. rond. 637-31 ..... f11l 1t. $9.95. SIESTA SLEEP CHlLD'S crib k niattress. Pianos on _a c~t-plus ba~is. 9'8", $40 or best oUer. Good Sailboats 9010 SHOP, 19'17 lfarbor Blvd. white. Sli Nev<'r again piano bargains t'Ondiuon. 53&-ll:i:i. HA~fblERS. Two baby n1all" Ot 645-2760 d a i I y l(}.9 646-Bl2S like these! First come • I.irsl FOR Sale-~IOVING, olass b1'0thf'1'S plus cagr. All n1ust SEA Sc o u I ' ~ desperately sat.sun J0.6. served " stay togelhrr. Pets only. nrcd a ?.IAIN sail for 22 7c.-oo-=~='°~o-=~==I ~IR. & !'vlrs. <'ha irs, good \YARD'S BAI..D\\'lN STUDIO CO:klail ta ble 30x60. chau_"s. :'>10-6074 f OOT ALB ATROSS . 20 PC. ''MADRID'' condition. can be ui;ed 1vi th 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 t1 1': boxc''1,'· &S· matt .. , ~IC· '1-.,.-.-,-pay-od--,-. ~.1~1<-... -d=,-,-,,-, I 6~2-:i769 3 R G mode1·n or provincial decor 1nes, o pot re rie:.. / -~=~~~==I oom roup 833-2027 after 4:30 p.111. . llAMMOND -S!ein\vay. Ya· red1vd. pl. and ferns. patio w all shots. Need gd hon1e. -'26' T·BIRD SLOOP FROM MODEL HOMC:S ------~---1 n1aha • Tit'\V &: used pianos access. b11rbc('Ut", l11r!ies s1.1,•~9~7-~'4~S~O-;:c::-c-=,---,--Best ofle.r takes 646-9000 Includes: Quill<'d sofa and NEJGHBORJ-1000 Gar a 1; e of all makes. Best buys in 18 clothing. misc .. 968-2844. 2 ?.lALE, long haired guinea -=::__:=c_c::.=:..:-=.::=:_1 <'hair -2 end tables&: eor-Salr. Slerilizcr. r urn, So. Calif. ri5ht hf're. pigs IV I ni ct a I cage. BY owner-32' Alc:lcn Sloop, fi:oe !able_ 'l lamps _ dress-cloth<'s, mi~c. 15461 Shasca SCHi\tIDT MUSIC CO., USE D (..'Ontinuou.~·lila111cnl 833-2626 8112 i;lps 4, nc\v7interior Surve:y . Ln llB 1007 N ,1 . pa Hern. bcigr. approx 55 _ -----$:1,:..00.lst $ ,500 Ca s h.no rl' .- 1 dm1rror -~cadboard -' · · Sa · ~ ain, yrds .. .xlnt. rond. 9624D91!. AOORABLF. k1llrns gray or trades. Sec at 2:>47 \V. Coast quite box spring & matt-CLOS ING ho1ne -misc nta na 11 1 h " •-,.. hlark. p11rl Angora frt'l' to llwy, NB. nc~t door to Dry rt!!\.' -5 ""· dining room: ilcms. h1n1itu!"f'. See l\Ion· IV u R L r T z E R S•'•"-t ·ta I .~pa nicinucL . __ ip.~. 1 '" ... "~ 12 th < 200 I l on Y good home call 893-6818 Dock Rrsl. &12-1122 eves. or tablf' &-4 hi-back chaiN. Thurs only. 342 8J'08d""1lY O I! Ji p · · 1 mon :i; over \'ISi s 11<t<'r 2 pm 8112 COMPARE AT 1149.9,-CM &-~1 ' ~n. a an , rovt!IC'Ja · ror SW. Regularly S200. t.liss days ~8-4191 · •.r.>U• · Ltkt' new. $1200. Ca 11 •A r..An 14,-DO =-C,===~---,--1 $399 • Studio Couch with one 54:>-6-128. ...,..nc, ,,..,,... J. A RABLE kHtens, grry or 26' t,OLKBOAT, aux sloop, black. part anoora, Fr"~ 10 lop••·ak-h"'I ....... -.. v"a Nn rln1,·n-Pm1i only $16 nin, 1 ,bo~b=I'='=· ~11=5=. ="=~='=11=4="°""" EXPERT piano tunini; & Misc. W1 nted 8610 i.'OOCI homrs. Can 89;'.,6.~18 boa~ :.! ~13wd~c~;;-;i·!s& WELK'S WAREHOUSE Office Furniture 8010 repair. 21 )'fS. exp. Richard afl.-r 2 P.\l 8/12 spinakcr. l\I a k e o If • r F . Morm! 675-4012. WE PAY MORE PLANTS· ~,1·ordfcrn. agave, 1 __ 64&-07 __ ,t_3 _______ 1 Furniture 1000 MEDICAL Dr., N.B. 645--2i70 (also ftt )o~I RECEPTIONIST TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Experienced • 646-3903 Prefer degrtt, but will 1t1el· ac· 600 \\", 4th Sl.. Santa Ana Open Daily 9-9 tle f o r J year11 cost countin1 experience:. NEED spac<'! \Volnut , e~ec BAl..D\VIN . 40" f r c n (' h rubl){'r trcl'.'S, ph1lod<'ndom, AQUACAT 12' Sa 11 1 n 5: desk, &I~ lop. s~·ivel ehr., Provin. Pt~no. Cos~ $1200. CASH 1n1sr. You rt:rnovt. Catamaran & traill'r. F'ast 111.mp, typcwrilcr $160. Yll SfiOO. L1kt-nt>IV. 546--21.il 6i:,....005'1 8112 & easy to sad! E.,, cond. 4-9 pm daily Mon-Fr. Exp'd BEA11l'Y 0 PER AT 0 RS pref. Dependable, CM office wanted: No f o 11 ow in It $2 hr. 540-8164 '!\ necel\Sary. 675-4232, 6Th-3701I7A"ITR=-. -"-.0-m-,-n--,l~8-15.,;=~1-0~in· PART lin1e typists, no SH. ii;truct in makeup techniques hn Ovcible. Extra dollars of famous 1node1s. \\'e will Your spare time. 545-9178 train. 836-57-tl WANTED! \Vom11<n f or e EXP. COOK CtOLD CARE, Jigbt hskpg, e '\'AITRESS 5 du.. 1.ivt" out. Laguna • Dishwasher &ii.Ch 494-9321 after 6 pin. Apply In pct'llOn. Sw\M HOUSEKEEPER, ll\'t: in & Chalet, 414 N. Newiiort. NB usi£t wHh ntw born baby. PRODUCTION MANAGERS, Priv. room & baUI. Start SUP~RVISORS ' lNSPEC Aue. 181b. 644-2389 TO}\S. Top jobs, U.81 pJ.a. LJVE.IN IJOUS EK.EEPER vntia, Costa Mesa, Etnerald Bay, t..1. Bch. EXPERIENCED couple tor $200/mo. tree rm. II' brd. motel ma~ment. $600. GMI02Z prr mo. Sunny Acres Motel. PRIVATE Duty NURS~ _,,..__.,,==~'--.=~=-=~ needed. RN '"' LVN's, All RESIDENT DIRECTOR lhil'b. Call ~ h o 11 r , for boya. Older man or ~ couplt'. Small private DENT AL Aulstant. office A 1,,,"'~h~"°'~· .;,6T3-114,.;-_1 7°_· ___ ~ dlainldc!. 496-571'9 or \VIG StyUsL Attr, exp'd In 400.1530. 1ynthelie11. Beaut. new ax>K-HOUSEKEEPER ulon. ~TU. J0-6 Ettidmt. ptnntMnt. ToyJ WAITRESS -OVER 21 p_,, Rm requirtcl. 673--9147 Even1ns: ShlU. BARlttAID ~·anted, rxp'd ==='-°'=1c,1,-.S<Xl863c.":._,;_;::_ __ prclcrttd. A JI p I y lhe \l/AITERS, W a 11 r es s es . WAILLVt. l:i06 Ocean 1~8. Busboy. Pref. t'Xp'd. Apply:: BABYSJTJ"ER., J children, t 2121 E. Coa5t Hwy. Cd M. p.m .• ii p.m-. n11 hom<. CHURCHO RGANIST- ·ta. ~91.63 5-MJ.22ill or ~7218 General Labo r $4. hr. Valid drivers l tce n 8e, oul31de \Oo'Or'k. C1rpet Clee,,er Trneo to $3.50 h•. TrAll'lff S2.50 hour, Sheo l M e tal Fo•tman $I 000 u p iru~t br lhorooj;hly t X· J>"rie~ In sl~l metal 1o1.'0ril produclion. Machinist T reinee $2.25 hr. M ~ent opportunity for youna men to re:t lnto • 'A't.U paying tit-Id. Welders H eliarc l o $3. h•. Sho rlarc $2.75 hr. Lii~ ·wr.ld lnr on 2nd job I SPANISH 847..Ql!l. \VANTED iBLACK adorable puppies $600. 61:>-3794 alt 3:30 SPINETS &:. GRAN'DS "'* * 49i·l8·19 • * • SAU..ING Outriggers, 220 sq. Sa1. 9-6 Sun 11·6 MEDITERRANEAN Office Equipment 8011 ,~~=~"'-:c:.::36'.!:;0:.__ __ 1 Bl u ti r !I batt n d 1 As Shown in modcl hon1es. r'. F'or furn1!Ur<". 11ppl l!1ncrs. • E pur::il.'t'rt, l yrs. old. · u e • acron :<ai · -====~-,-.~--I~ YR OLD f itzgcratd con.-:ole rolo-• TV. "lanos. O"•ans Ha~ cagr. ~>16-1178 18' long, bui11 Cll.rter Pyle 3 Rmi'I pf fum, ldin nn. liv TYPE\VRITER. Add 1 n g Piano. Xlnt cond & bni6h. •n• ,.. '• Trailer 673-i00.1 1m, &t bedr1n) ptiecd tli;e. h al I t v and antique~. B E AU TI FU L bunnies ' · v.·here at SS95 111 yaurs today nial' · c cu a or, er y S.UI. Pri Ply 67:>-7327 Day or nlghl :HO--SJl'i 12' ALCOH.T SAIL!-.ISH at only $399. Easy Credi! rca.<o0nAble. Xlnt c:: 0 n d . PIANO WANTED ~1ahogsny, 11('\ily linishcd ;8~92=·'='~"~"~'~';:· :::o;=~;;;;;;;l _;~~:g;~~~~~:,,I ___ 6::36--3620_,c=--,,--c= ll·IALE 5iamr1'e cal, nreds $IG9. * 6'12_5121 Terms. <2131 871·1035 Pvt Party .,. ~ homr. fo'r1endJy, ge:nll,., Santa Ana Furniture Household Goods 8020 cR=-'.:d=io:..,_ ____ c:B:;:;-~ $WE BUY $ !'i.19-~9;i, 8/12 LIDO 14, C"xcellenl 426 w. 4th St .. Santa Ana .. CUTE KmENS ronditio11. $650. s-17-0789 * 673-4474 * Wanted C. B. r...ndio. Buddy ttan"' $ FU RNITURE $ "'t>anrrt & hou s e hr o k e n -~-~:_c__,,:c.:._ ___ I fo"ut,,iture rctunX'd lron1 dis-20' to 22' Inboa rd <'ei\'er. tl channtl. Good an· •APPLIANCES !>-18-461.·1 811.. HOURLY RENTALS play studios, model hoJnes, Nt-:\1/ ca~· l)(olllcr \\.UI ii·nde renna 5 1.)..3586 after$. PUP • Rhndr~ 19'11 * dreora.totlf canct"llation. hlte ntOdt'I or Ill'.\\' ,.... .. lo• Color TVs-Pi 1~01-St1•••t 1 P\', trtbn_ mostly bellglc. ~'11n Zone Boal Co. Balboa 1 .. , N t Bl d CM '-'" 1 PiK f' or Ho11w '•II ' 1110i'I. rov.'n &: \l'hile. ._ 1wpor v ·• 20· to'/.!' tt1t)0.1rd 11br ... •la~11 Television 8205 8'7 ,,., •. , 811". Lrr>o l~ No. ~· " · h & 'I d" " ----------CASH IN 10 MINUTfS ~ wv :>panis "~· 1tc1·r1Jnc1on etc. d~p v l•••lf 1,1-''"''"·" '· -tll"h ' t •II RD R ... ,... • 541 4531 • roc1'-A·P00 "Upp), I~ " 11 ' Y l' t'r \l.''NJVer FU NITURE C1.1nt11;('I (;erw>rnl 1'1t:r. Bob 21" PB color TV. ~I" ''-a!nut • 21 , mo. !)~(ht'ii.~ S t.: 6-t!-9'}19 •Itel' 6 P~I every nisht ·1a 9 Longprr, Pon1iac lt!l:l.fi6:il ~ Sp cRb, Remo\P contr, d~&I -WE PAY CASH ----.,6. t' lkOO;il )(i \Ved .• Sat. .l sun. 'ill Ii 6JG..2:JOO OJ!('n to offrr . l'>.t spkn:. Gd. "orking t'F.~IALE doxu.", :l n1os. old - 0 • l:Ot I ===~"'========-1 t"Orwt. $2~. 6·14-13:24 nnes or No !lhol~. 962-ti007 8/1~ r1,uidll l\1n. $2500 DON'T Give lJfl! You m•y Gar1g• s .1. so•2 V.'kt'nd~. • NOT Ch k •646---0713 • Ond it at Arr.crica's l&JYcst, " =========-I ec S REM.i'IAi"ITS Q}" Ga r age ________ ,-F GOOD S Sale. 616-8226 8114 RllODt:S :>3, P..t"ntly to racfl. =1ur:n:i::~ eo':.~f~= GARAC:~ SALE • tlean dbl H i-Fi & Stereo 8210 ~r 1 U ED 6 YR. f\lale GI" rm a. n 9 soi1I$. t1t1tboard, $4000 or ~d •• d•-·~ 11 _.. F urnllurr, Stereo, TV or tradr. aiS-l:).11 &. SAnt• AM f'"\\1-'. Tustin. 1 .,.. 'l\;'11 .,.,..,u, n c stanu5• 1969 STEREO Console. db:, JloUM?h11'rt l!rni~ 11f p11y kind Sht'pherd. r.oort v.'lltthdog 14' H081 E-CAT- mi So. ol Ne1\'porl t-Wy. d"l'k, i11ni~, po r I ab I e In heAut cabinet, complete • 547•5722 • • fo'rtt to 11oort bon~ \\' ltg Open 362 da.ys ptt yr. xttreo, trnn111 r A,. q 11 f' I . "'/nt'\V 8 11 •r an t e e , 4 . ·-_ _ yard. 9G2·jlJ2 8/lC -==N='=· ="'='=·='-~',...;:'°'=='.;";:"·:I 5-U-547'0 pl:inls .\ 1111.SC, 111~ BJufl1. ~J'll"aker ~Und A)'~lem, 4 ~pd t .\Rl '> r j:·nEE to good horn" ·IVhitl" s -. ~F~u-m-lt_u_r_•~.-61l·Z"IB7 1-:1111:\\~h ctie.•~r. !!IOl!rl ~tate Shags, t11,.-cd11, hl·lo pile. AU rabbll3. 3 mo•. Parenti; call ,eeed-Ski 801t t 903 0 Appliances e Colo r TV GARAGt: ~e · Anl!qn"'• A-&: diamond neecilt. Pt1Y oU ~lors. Free e•I . l.lc Cootr. only, 962-1162 8/14 1967 16' Gl,.itron, 50 h.p. AOK AUCTION lhini;s. ~lust 11"11. 9!l~ Bond bal of $79.10 01· ta!y pyt\\n\s c>=S-<~•78~· ~---~--1 •·JUD\"', lov. )-Vons: blnck l\lt•rcu1v . Xlnt cond, $1495 7i22 Gardr.n Gt"OV(' Bh'd . ('u'Clc, l!B. %~·l:iil Crf'dU Dcp1. W7289 NEF:D hrtrks onr to 1000, Cock.:-r ~f)ilnlrl nil\, ~enllr, C'nll Gi3--lZ•9 \V~lmln1ter nr r..c.. F~')'. (;\RAGE Salr: \'011 \''11111 it. "iONY 600 IRl"lf' deck. ttlli;on1ibly prlet>rt. tiM-4 US7 lnvr.~ i-h\ldT'l'n, 11m. bl't'f'd, WGLC:N-L'-,f~M~,71,7h~i,7iJ~.,~,_ T11e•&Thur~TP~f.futt6:30 lllll Jlr!l,. 1t :':11 Nas tJ 1urn·li.lllt. 111npH l1rr & Oi\U .Y l'lt.JJT'WANT ADS 1111". ~rt. l1nl 'loflncd. \·!'I It~ 'hri .Johnsan. $1000 Estate COll!llnnit. Rcpo. New P..d .. ca,f, :i40..:l4!l6. -l(K'llkC'r $115 !fi3.-1651 BRING RESULTS~ 8J6-ot lt13. ~·,,, 6T.\-::St~O I Mij[n• E9uip. 9035 --; new Noreold DE 250 rig. Ice tray. 110 Never U$ed $125. ' TRANSPORTATION --· Tr1i11r, Tru!I 11 F"l', Ah1loat Trailer - 41.eeps 8, &lJJ'Ee brakes, bqllt in range and oven, new \\'at e r pump, newly redecorated interior. aood lires. over all excellent con- dition. Included at no l!xtra CQti.l. ea.!Y·litf trailer hitch. two side mirrors,--1~'0 aiI· ju1table 11Ands. A real bargain at $795. Sc e anytime at 1146 Charleston St., Costa Atesa -just !!IOll,tfl and e11st of San D~tf Ft"eeway and Fairview IHI· !if Slip Moorlf1g 9036 ~'~"'~'""~·=c~llo~"-· ~=~~ ,.;~D: 25' slip Io r llf"Pt. :r.tr. Bissell, at "IM'l' a iif-Yacht @~1rter1 BLl.iE\VATER CHAR1'ERS -'"ij Drive Sall or Po,\·er Slt\P.pered local sport fishing ~§or CruiS('s 646--!0ll '9Ji)le HomH ffH -l!AY HARBQR"--fiuc~ Y500 itlobile Home S•les -~-'-!!-;...,.. ___ .;,;:.:co C\M-Loma Rd1.I • Away • t SH.ELLS * s~r·pton A!anor. tt~mette; .$\W~l Fr e I & ht Damage ~ • Prestii;e : sAli"-PlfE!tr! m.-1800 ALL 'fiZl\IS NOW ON QjSJli.,ll' ~iff'pers 9520 1125 Baker Sj., Q>sta ~m;• fj:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \I ~f!"k Ea•t ol H~rboJ ·~ CA~lllJ ~! Mesa <T14) 5i9-TP. Ci~EENLEAF PARK Sales . ;)t!I• in flear, clean, cool Costa Authoriz ~~er l~a. Ne\Y 92 ~ce adult Eldorado • !'p~ Wif1!1f Wk. ?.IOOels & Sales office Scotsman • ~Cucj\ loi::f.fed at Park. Open 9 Af,1 FREE ZEBRA MINI !\~ to 6 PAT. with purchate Qf any ACCENT :f.lOBILE camper or cainper packa~! H0~1E SALES Theodore rno Wttittl" A". ROBINS FORD Cl~~ r.tesa 714: 642·1?§!1 2060 Harbor Blvd. TRANSPORTATION 9600 Yes, our clearance sale is one of a kind .•••• DATSUN '69 PL510 2 Dr. R&JT, ~cfroster, AIR COND. One or the ffl{lnY fine demoru!f~­tOrS tP,at' \\It hp.fe q1!"'41J· ·~··.1211 1 ' 1f•9 DATIUN 1 -BLK • lrom Hunti~lij!! e7ta 1-fesa 642-0010 St~i'e beach. J Bdrm., 2 ~,qi !l!!!i!!!;o~~"""""""'"""'l1 t,....-.1 uqfurn mobile home. !, ff1 P'~ER, sips 2, ice box. iifiii11 $9(m. term&. 8'6:2 ill ~~t. int. lites, fits Chev, w~ricis. & alt. 5 \Vkdays. GMC or Ford truck. $21j. '69 SRL 311 2''""'¥0BILE Home on Space 675--0659 eves. EXECUTIVE CAR t blk from Bay. S950. Joe RENT-A-SHELL $3195 APraham 673-1418 at t er \VEEKENDS, \VEE KL y hQC!P· l\10NTHLY * 839-1800 2<X 60, 1968 AIOBILE Home. ?i!UST sell. '59 Chev. truck Jteµonable. 2 BR, 2 BA, and '63 camper. Best offer. ~f?n. Adult Park. 64~2635 Gd. cond. 968-7063. l~ MA YFLO\VER. Xlnt EIGHT fl. cab over pirkuri quali1y. 1 bdrn1 Adu It camper $900. See at 19.>i PJrk. F.V. 962-0436 Pla<--enlia, CJ\f 8x30 KIT ''4 &IETl!Q cam•'" "'"' very gd. cood. Pvt. ply. New en&ine &,; brakes. fHG.1388. caJJ eves. BOO. . ~ r.\R!orcycl" · tiii C.mn• !•~t•I; 952'; * IXl'LORER * py Wf!@ik gr month, ~YTI­ pus. ~Pl 6. Self l!'nt4jn- ed. Limited number. can today. ~.itURE RENTALS f!ll) !1~1. CTI4) 831-.1809 p . _e Z:! _._ Du"' lu111" 9525 f\E1iAlJLT DUNE BUGGY, -$350. New top. ~ aJent .. Daunt -Probe -tr..1![!9 ~utos Vei"t -NEEOLE DATSUN "PJct: The ability to g Iv p --~,;,;,;,--_c...;., __ S{)lllf'One 11 &hot ill the ann ;., DATSUN Roadster 2000 tt, 135 H.P. Real niC'e demon· &lrator. Equipped \\'ith oval tires. R&H. SAVE! SAVE! DATSUN TRAN5PORTATION TRAN5PORTATION TRAN5POllTATION 9600 Imported Autos ffOO Ne me'•11i"ma "WLBWlllff" MGI '63 ilGB, hard A: l'Oft top, new tires, radio, wire wbffll, Very good et:1nd. Must sell. Make oUer. 494-9808 '65 l\1GB blue, red int. \V;re \l'hls., 48,000 ml. $1195, gd. cond. 494-5828 PORSCHE 160 CHEV. $395 ft• Wit VI outo, PS, R&H S~trP· FXY12• '6t CHEV. $395 1¥~,LA. 4 Dr. fi -cv!, •v+o, Rt tf: rAR4t2. =-_.,..,,----=--11 '6S qtg§ $1595 Vl1t• Cf~i t, •-P W19. VI, tul o, tir," PS, Pl, R&H. YTU SJS. '64 FO~R=D~-~$=79=5 Cu1t. 500 ? Dr. VI, Auto, .rr. PS. PB,. O LS095. '66 CHEV. $1495 IMPALA 2 Dr HT. VI, •11lc., pow•r 1!11r., r1dio, h11tor. SQL OlJ. '64 FORD $895 GAL. soo 2 dr. H.T. v.1, .... '§I COf'iV~J;T * &i~l mt I fi6 or 67 •Ylo., r•dio, ho•l•r. TYS l!lm "ll•il. ~ xlf .. H' p~t, 19fg'l!A!ll!pR BLVD. <26. lpp, ""'! ""· ;;, .fil!!l'~ MESA. c66~M~E""R=c~u~R~Y~$~1~69"-s '5JI POf\S£1fE. 7"Ft§'1 mJ/-Excel Cond. CYCLONE G.T. 2 d1. H.T. Sun,:oof, n-!Jlt f~· tlf'tW . '.. • * 8221, \V. V-8, •~lo., f.,. •ir, pow1t fires J1ijQJI. ~19i_ a Jig. ~8 111••., pow•r br•k11, bY,k· •59-j:i[jfijCHE· SUJ'!!." F'df •qt Vf1' 1'fP,• big !ires. •' 111h. TSA 823 . sale or trade for VW. • Ghi.s' leniletl. S650 or best '67 FORD J169S ~ij-Tj{3 offer: M~· CUSTOM 600 • g,, v. e. '03 f~E ·ss 11q; tC-lSII '68"1aff:, xl nt. cond. •uto., f~~· jlf· p.Jr. 111••·· Cng, eXfrU'. , UrolJ. IM.SJ oPer over S~lOO r•dio, It I · VON ?08 . i~iJ25 . -Il,'!IJ l!Jll"· 6T>4537 '66 <Ab N $995 ""' =~,-like nci" s~ 2 dr. 6 !Y ., 111,~. h••t1r. Ju ... ~•JAM~---tjiu~;~ iii !Fxtras. o~~ R •• 1 I GOllOl!l'f, low rnil••'JI ~----· -~ ~ tran&fe~. 642-1316 aft 6, X_A_W~'~'~'·~~-~- '67 ALPINE . '61 vw Llife neiv, orig owner. '65 FALCON $895 Road ster,. 4 spd, dlr, \Yltt Sl450 radio, air ventli. 2 dr. V-1, Iii,., r11Uo , h1•I: \\'heeli.. I..1ke new. 2'J,600 On 54g..1068 or. Rt1I 1h1rp. NGO 369, Spredo. Driven by little 'ole,1~~=-=--,..---c-=-,.,0.ll •69 MUSTANG $2495 lady. Full pr S1499. Pymnts '68 V\V Sedan also '67 VW to fit your budget. YPSll3. Sedan/or trade for V\V Bua. FASTBACK. V-t, 1 Ii ck, Call Bill 49-1-91'73 or 545-{)6.14 962-2329 ht•l•r. Ii~• 111w. YCS SJ]. • '64 SUNRF, good •ha]lf, $810. '67 MUSTANG $1795 TOYOTA 546-3375 H.T. v.8, 4 Sp11d, pow•r __ _i_:~~~~--.l of'vw:Kei<;;;;;~;=iiij;;;(i~ 1t11r., r1dio, h•1t1r, wid• _ "6.i V\V·KG conveft;--tuned oweli. TYX 60 I. 1967 TOYOTA '~"· '':~6~'-~L"* '67 MUSTANG $1695 Corona 4 door ,sedan. Excep. ·s;; vw Squareback, b!Uf.pne H.T. V-8 , •ulo .• pw r. 1i11r. 'tlqnally clean.. 1 owner car. o.ncr peift~t sh!f!e . r1dio, h1•l•r, .. +nvl roof. Aulomatic transm!ssion, ra-51~:· 67~)!rnT ~~.,·~·~'°"'·=-~-== rlio, heater. "'hite "'all tires. ---'Ir OLDI $II•' Lie UDE 871 '68 V\V Automatic, lo RJli· ~ ' . $13'9 good condition, $1750. ~ySTOM SUPREM 4iJ· 642-6938 i/-1. •ulo., f•G. 1it, pOWff l----=-=-=~-~-ll 1l1•r., power brek11, winy! '68 V\V, auto stick. !)(!l'lect top. TUP .o121. cond. R&lf, ~i rack. 10,CXXJ '68 MU5TA'~NG=~$~2~29=5 mi. $1800. gall Mrs. Holl· man, &U~TO bet. 8-5. H.T. V-1, •ulo .. pwr. ll11r .. 1 "'"'-'--=~'i"'===~ll '•dio, ho•I••· VOP 117. VOi.VO '67 FORD $2095 ----..~----11 RA.NCH WAG. V.I, 1uto ., Vo-L.VO f•c. •ir. pw1 . tlttr., pwr. 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 brak1s, luqqe91 r1tk. TV D 1970 HARBOR BLVD. c'°::2::.· ==~=~== COSTA MEM Bt•) Dul1 Aro At '68 MUSTANG $219S QEAN LEWIS CONVERT IBLE. V-1, •ulo., , .......... ,.,,;., '"'"· con,011, huG~•t •1•h, pwr. 1966 Harbor, C.M. &l&-9303 top. VRR 85J . ELMORE IJlOTORS TOYOTA c::::==::~:=:'==~ll ,59FORD~-~$~29~5 Seort C•rs _ 9610 FAIRLAN E • dr. v.1. 1uto .. • La-••t •·'ecUo" of all '57 PORSCHE pwr. ste•r .. r•dio, h11t1r. ·• ~ I k R1 •I 1h1rp, GVA 676. n1'1df!is colors from the Sunroof, coupe. Jet b ac . '67 MUSTANG $1695 lar(est' Toyota 'rleakr JKF :w.J. SALE! NICEST USED cAfl.s $1397 CONVERT18L£. V-1. •vlo., IN ORA.i'lGE C'OUf\'TY Be1t De•ls Are At pwr. sleor .. r1dio. ho•ler, '6.2 CHEV. Btl Air Wagon, flitMf PIS, PJB, Xlnt. eond. Must :po~ll);J~ ""· 1525 ,.,_,,., MAKJ:.S '65 CHEVY u I Green. Cash Only AUL if-9 u*~~='°" 1145 " IJ. auto trans., lo Gel Our ~ nye Rat.1 -rnu. 968-ml. R0~1~TF.,, --§l(IYI~~ "°'" ~.~"bo' R) w~e ~ iHMY l~~ ""' LEASE ""' li!!@gji HARDTOP '68 Cadillac C.OuPe de Ville, V-8, JUtmnad~:-"flctory alt, fully eqUipped. $129 mo, po~·ci iftt1~ i!IJliEf 6fa. '61 Ford, 10 1'3.SS station \l'&g-kes, ~ifd!O ·m@r. tciWI· on, r/h, air, ps, $75 mo. ct!late. ttipr: U. '61 Chm Nwpt, rlr $61.50 mo. t ' , SOUTH COAST ~ CAR LEASING • 30t IV. Cit Hwy, NB...,.,.., ATLA Used C1n 9900 CHRYSLER -P~J!i!llfl'll TORONADO NEO&NLYCU.iYE TO CHOOSE FrjlJM BIG SAVING$f University Oldsmoblle 2850 Harbol' Coft4 Mesa 540.9640 • • TRANSPORTATION CARS 2929 HARBOR JJLtlf· ~ NEWPORTER. MOTORS 1 ,co,,:~=A:,,,~Ec::'S:"", ,:.:·•uc.:1:::,,0 g'~"'i:a=j -"fLh~s~ci~IH '61 CHRYS. auto lra~}RlH, Forced to raise cash, S(" 2036 liAR.BOR BLVD. new battery. Interior ~ Cx-offt'r takes '66 Olda F.): dlx COS"l'A 1t1ESA terior in good shape. Xlnt. 4 o · &. p 548-5294 or 5484511 running condition! Private r. au· p\\·r. nt pm. 5'19-2507. FINANPJNG AVAILABLE party. $375. 847...f.640 after 6 "°"-;;c=~~~~=--1 P '63 OLDS 8S Holidaf ·4 rtr. T~~ lesvff!i: entry, I ~;o·'o:"~· ======= Fact air-cond, P/b. P/s, r;fui;f H11 earl ~fl~ ~· FORD xlnt cond inside &: ouL A Stt at~ MUJ11tfi~ lie· I, reaJ buy $800. S.1&--5434 COM ---------· 1 -itl Fo d T . '56 OLDS. Re-buill -ting .• '68 SPORTS sedan; l~;~ f OrlnO frans. nc,11 tires. $200 or ml., air, pwr., vinyl tcm. lfpp "'JPih perfonnan~, 4 spd, best oHt'r. 541H!152. ·· COl)dlllon. ~M·32l2. 41ft e111r disc brak~s, orie 'R~EA=L=.:,Sh~,",'-,=.'-66=~0-1-d-I R~. tfirup ~Ii} .!Ft Ptar new. \\lill take Cullass. Hol. Coupe. Gold iapt Win-.. '@i ~"~f ,~ r ~n l~~~IL 871 with blk. Landau ~p. Jo ea. qfl)..~i§li! mlg, nu v"hl/'>''all Ui'es & 'frfl!ID F.•l•lono 41111 ~"''· R/H, '"''°m ~\~ ""' DUl"Y'ai ~efllfll!. et:1n~l!ion. Brand Int&: 'bucket seats. ,P,nsalc __ _,P _!'·-,,,;== i'.11! .. ~1 -~~t d1~~ -with tach, PIS, P/lt P/\V, ~ _,.....__ °' 1800 fact eJ.r. ?.lust t,e to '63 ~VIEFµ~· ~!gap ml·t ·=="'5"3:.:'.i•'C .... ~-=~~ I belieirrl private ParlYy, Be•• service rei::o ~ s111~ q '1 I'· r,l'!lfe' 96:i.2S Air, lthr. w "1. ft~W B/k, ~PRD Sla\ibb 1f•"f· oµr . 2860 P/1. Lt. gr~p-r.if I ij~ , heaij:r 1 w ~~e 442. 4 on fl!i Door. tires. Dr's_e!F· fl1!§ Br ''l cas'b. 548-2879. 2j1 ~· , 1#. ·. ~2129 quer. Recep~ JB k~ I '11lll1. GqPd r;:pr¢,. • d>nd. Must sei:J! Best offer. 5-16-<q~ er M . ;;Cc""==-,==--:~ 11n-dtos. R/H, p\ij' 1tra. '64 BUICJJ;-swfi~"'"CghVt, '61 FORD Gila:Qt. New new 1t covs. new firtis, l p/s, bq~e{ · ij". '. f775. gell('rator, h\'O ne,.,, tires. owner $800. 646-0028 After ~ am, ~ pvt. Good transportaliontsecond i957 Plymoulh 2 Dr. ¥itb, V· pt . car. Radio/Heater. $200 or 8 $17S or best oUer, 'Iii! R~ ~I Extras best otter. 6-12..6401. s !5-2-iOO 21\fl lf'-ffP· Must Sell! 1957 FORD Failane 4 dr. 111'11;. •t964 alt 5 Sod. w/T-blrd mtr. R""' Pl YMOUTtt '61 BUICK Special Sta. \Vgn.. good. Call aft 5 pm. radial tirl's. a/c. Good 2nd 1 _8_92-~'~"~1-"·~~~~--'64 p,Jymot#h car. $400. 673-0817. 166 Ford Falrlane Valiant CADILLAC '67 CADILLAC 4 rloor sedan de VIile. Orig owner, air, leather upholstl'I)', stett0, loaded w/extras. Af u 1 t fiacriflce! &e at 1 7 5 O Newport Blvd., c .it. Pri pcy, '61 CADILLAC' Sedan de $495 2 Door Loaded, VS, etc. Lie. V-3, auto, dlr, one oWMr. I IRM>l9. Phone 642-6023 Dir. Take low payment •• Fu 11 prtce S699. OTU 691·LB. Call 65 EL CAMINO Ken. 494-9173 or ~ Xlnt cond $995 '159 383 ROADRU~. 8 T • 842-3444 • • ... "=f,• fitereo & new Gdyr G1' tires, '66 FORD \Vagon, fully air 1usp. $3200. 642-~ equpd ,v/alr, PIS. P/B. l'=<=<=~<=:"":;*':;"f $2350. &tZ-3400 day I • 548--07'97 eves. PONTIAC Ville. All power including '65 FORD Galule 500, 300 v. factory Air. Needs some mo-8, 4 spd tran111. SOOO or best tor work. Body is sharp!! oiler. 642-&134 aft 5. '65 BONNEVILU HT $375.00 879-6088 68 GALAXJE 2 dr Fastback. F'ull p1vr, dlr, fa ct air con. '61 CAD Sedan DeVille. Good PIS • P/8. Auto. \Y/lape & dilioning, pwr windar;:&, low, Cond. $495. 642-3850 Days; radio. 54S..735J low mileage. Xlnt c:sif)dlt:ion -="~':.:':,-· 6'-1>:.," '-"o-"=~~~.,..Jl '67 FURD Cortina. 4 spd. In and out. Total Price $1399. ~ -I t t _,. \\.'ill fine "'r1v prty. t.s VBA 1962 CADILLAC $750. 1350 uans., owner, x n C01ou., 1· 1-lampshirc. Cir.. N. B, $1175. 545-.11171 all. 6. 319. Vic, 545--0634. 646-8297. '67 FORD ii-cir Custom. new "fr6 GTO Conv, neW fop, 'filhout letting him feel the Sig sedan, 4 dr, dlr, 4 speed, f;E!EDLE . 8/12 front dlk: brakes, overhead '61 TR I U ).f PR-§QN· cam, 1~meJer 11'!~~· ~ NEVILLE T-12()..R. Bendix milpt. Wlll mali:e ~neP.!lo~ RP!rts. Showroom con d, al deal to prvt prty. Full tir. ~· 675--7467 $1T35. YNW 1'6 ~,,~I Vie, '61 SUZUKI 120 Tiii." :noo i!ll-IJ1S qr !"'llilf "''· Ex. corn!. Good '6'9 ~TSUN -­ dlFt/street $250. 6T~794 alt Bir Jlatloh •'qtlfl, a11.to tr1u11, S:!lD overtt~~ cam, &Ir. dlse }Ira· '61 TRlUl\lPH Bonnie, 650 kes. Perfect condition. Taki! \Ves1~5J::~:1~i-3m DEAN LEWIS ~;;· ~~Y~o;A-"-9$1195 S CORONA 4 dr. Slick, r1-ITIOIYIQl!IAI 1966 Hubor, ~M "~f~ tz ·, ;;1''" '•• .;i,.,,, BHI O.olt Aro At AntiquM, Cltatln 9415 ,64 T·ll~O •llU DEAN LEWIS ltst FORD H.T. v.1, 111tt .. f1 1. 1ir, Original Fprd C.Oupe. Very '' I Pl, pow1r 'llrin4ow1, 1966 Harbor, C.7'-f. 646-9303 good concl!Uon. tl"r• 1••tt, ,,,,r,, h••1•'· '65 SEDAN de Vi\lr, all ex· tires, Riil 390 hp, Xlnt paint, brakes, front-all1n. tra1. like new, Prlvnla par< -'°~"=Q·~'=u~99~·~"'~,..,_,,)l~I--~ Polyglll!L. Besr offeri PRAF- 642 =n~ :: TED! 646-7253 alt. ~ Jt.m. 1;).'. .._..... '63 FAlRLANE, Xlnt cond, ,.. C.',J>J1.4AC Coupe de good tire1. new trans. z.dr '61 FlREBlRD 4111, disc Ville, Fljll power, air, Eft!al V0,-8".,:";;<-04;,,o~l;:_O'°al:.:1_:5;,. -~~ brakes, tach, pis, vfuy1 top, M 1)550 ""II.... :.: 22.000 orig mi. Forced to cc, lots rhrome, new el}I\ 1 lt~de. Sacrllle11. Wllil 589 -'tf LIJ 1 o!f11Cr. Best ofr ov11r P 3. cLfl:;;;·.:liDU;;:;·,1-~;:';<J~',;';:"':..ll!""'!!'=~-Oi"-'l203 .,,-ALFA-ROrl1'b OT s,,,,, PICKUP SUWKI Trail Bike !JO ~ Ctlljpe, ft<! w.~,ck int, Lt•• T"•" "" Mtlftl f:;a:cellent C(lndltlitn ·~· 6U !ilereo tapes, $1.ii)O a1 is. itl'll'lttt wit'i N .. 11io1t Kings Pl. Newport H11lght1 714-496-1478 I• r1•· tl~ky whitewall --truck tireg, heater and '67 SUZUKI 80 Tr§U-t1tyeet, OlllANO~COUNTY'S defroster, outside mirror, excell cond. oil inJL x1ns, O 1 e11t['~ interior package '185. \Vkends-eves S'fa.-741'5 DATSU · blALIR 15he l, better)' 81\Vina -I· ·&~BULTACOP"'""ll<>-'"'T l,l"T•UN ter1ial•'· 10"'•" ha' -" '"_1," · 5 .,,,. ~ st!\!Jllizer, du a I head· tras! Xn!t cor111. tu u. Alt }1155 Beac~ pjv~. lilittt~. o\11arett8 lighter, pm. 642-6697 llunllnflon beach lie-down hooks, &: man)' ·~7 HONDA 160 Scrambler s.ai.Till or 54B-1Mi' 11}or~ st1u1dard realures Like J)C11·. f'l\11 street i dirt =====-.=~,,-I I -all add to ~ complete •qUip. $350. Ms-JS.12 '61 DATSUN Pij, 8jfl'.{l iiille~ rah~e Jl{l:Clf!J~·: Va I 11 e Like ne1v. Ah el(IJ&. Sl62'1 ttial make& at,un the 1966 BSA Tpunder!Jolt 1.1() Prtv Prty, Y-rrr ~1ll!KI No. t sell\ Import CJC. Under 5,000 m\111:1. Xlnt. -.. \I'll~ in,. 'ah• 9.s5.A. '°"" 1600 8""""° Eti6wH-FOllD ' MOTOR HOMiS 9215 HtA~H ~II Y DODGE HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTDRHDMES OM Dltf'UY TMl All M£W DODGE "UPLORER" ORANGE COUNTY 'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES · 5~RVICE '69 ?.10DELS '68 DATSUN 4 ·Dr. R&:l!, dC'froster. 1t1any, many extra 11. 5,000 miles. Driven by f\lrs. Zimmerman. lmmodl•te deH"'Y $1795 L.ARGJ'.~ SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD '69 DATSUN 2060 Harbor Blvd. IXICUTIVI CAlll Costa Mesa 642..0010 2-Door. Chrome: wheels , l ~~~~~~~~~!l l PIJTelll lires, radio and I· hea ter. Rt'al nice~ FIAT '6.3 FIAT 124 Sport Coupe. Llke rlllW. SL50. Private Pany. ,.. * 673--8662 FERRARI FERRARI Nevtp0r1 Import.I Ltd. ()r. anre County'• only 111thor· Ired d~Aler. SALES.SERVICE· PAP.TS 3100 W. Cout Hwy. N~rt Beach 642-9405 54G-1764 Authorized J\TG Dealer JAGUAR '!I Japar XKE 6Npe 1"11""'\ljl •• ""'I'~" Call ITMDI a.ft I PM la Your lt4 In OW' c\ulltltd1 T Someone will ht loqJ<i.111 for It. Dial 642-5611 • ' $2195 One Of The Lar9est Selections of Sport Cars & Imports In Oran9• Co. ZIMMERMAN DATSUN ,ho". 14f"lll • 14f,f IJ 2845 Hnbor Costa Mesa ~t"'• L ' ~ "'· '66 FORD CU1lom Coupe, big Mil 52195_ 968-2S40 *·*' i _ 6. auto, R/H, Pis $995.l,;,,-,===--c=,--~I l'Dl r 1 I. BILL MAXEY WililuV tr~~~.'1~~ •. ~~!~~. 1,,!T;,ilr.;@~Y.,;.i\ilO~l T;,il;;Aotll==~645-~1~44~1 -~II i~(i~RD s!ofl C:At.IARO 644-2"'1 ·59 PONTIAC. "'"r '°"'· Best offer. 'ii c'AMAR-O '62 FORD ·wagon, new paint, f 6~114 * IMfl BEACH BLVD. ·11"!HEVY. $<50. R""' gii.d, iA~ "' e11~·1•11n1. t-fuht. -.iih f\t7tlliJ ,..UI trade for ~ 2 S 0 cc V-1, •11to., ~11 ,.,11, ~'''' v.s. S375 or best offer. =~=~~~~~~·• ~T, ~ 1pd, dlr, a.h"ft condition! 546-4045 FOR -Sale 19 6 g BON· f1J111ln~ red ext., plush =:;======= NEVILLE, 2 Dr. tf. Top .. Plaek int. Satiriflce! Like MERCURY A. Cond. 15th. miJie1, ol'M! 3 ml N. of eoUt Hwy, on Bch motorcycle. 615-296.i ••· UYI\ 2t2. fl'.trt!l1n cp.r In tJ1de. Full pr driver all pcrA'er. 961-2544. m'i· vm 111 -Lil. eau Bill 184·911!. ~~~~~~1~:"'7=7.'=.=;==:?::11 ·H 'ottrr sl4fl 'TRIUMPH Auto!. .V1nttd 9100 LTD 1 ''· H.T. v.1, '"''" , • lie. Irr, Pl i Pl, r•4!1 & ., et: t:'£2£!1' .'!.• CHIVIOLET '61 rn 3, x1ng. rond. Rbll trans, new top. $1:-:.0 * 546-6501 \YE r,. Y • · • h11it•. RTU 4ft. CASH '61 DODGE--$=99=, loot l'l10,.ll• !<Ir lid Tp ra/ 04Rf 4 dr. • tyl .. 1ulo., ~Ir AIHtt P/9 f11p/alr S,000 f•~· •Ir. PS I Pl, r1dio I mi ,~. ~'P.:§i'fO aft 6 P i\•I VOLKSWAGEN tor U¥d can I trucks iutt h11 t1r. N!JV~ll_:_•·c-.=~ 165 Chevy liTIPala 2 Or. Good lmpo~t•d Autos ·-9f00 "fllGR_OTH'" C_HEVRO;~ !!~.'~~~ "· ~~11:.f. 1 1~·~::::-~,4~. 1:;;,Am"~'°~· ~v~-T'·~'1'1Xl~. ___ . ~I 11110., f,,,, ,;,, Pt, t1M. s7 GHi°VVj_lib'"'Jtit1on . 283 Square Back Sale Ask for ~e· Mana~ "UO;;U=..;•"'"~.,--== A.T. R • H. Good cond.1Uon I • ., 1&211 !!Mcb Bl"". • .. T·llRD $1491 !JOO. MM111 4 -'68'11 l:IWJ~-. eea 1 ch H1f. V·I, 11110 .. ftJf. •ir1 Tl~i IYfl ~ SETS o. 2 -'67'.s r ' , .... , di1c br••· •·•i111111 3 -'66'1i lt&H. PIX '4S5. •H~hid'~ P~ power. WE PAY-CASH ~-~=~ Jo~or an ad to eell aroW)d Murry-Hurry-Hurry '69 FORD $3295 lh• clock, call '41<671 &AL. !OO F.11b.ck. v.1 . Q~ d FOCR OY~OUNRELCALR il~~!~;;;;;;,:~,;;~~:-• 501' c,o, soo • ;,, v.1. '"'" ·~ --c;tt ROB~~T !~~ ~~:~~ u • ~; 5~·~ ' ~" 1-:::-=:""':;:;;'•:,::M;,•sa:;,.,:",;-~;OOl:;;.=ll M~ll•t1 J. 4,, H.T. V. I, ~9-3031 Ext/66 or 6i CONFIDENTIAiYy "''" PS, OH, '''!' ''" ..... bvc••t •••h, •11111!1. UIL ]970 llARBOR BLVD. We Pay More For COST'A l\1ESA F'orelan Or Sports Cl~ 'till vw, xt.11. '°""· 1112.i"' BPAJID :,oORROTSR NCO•a hft~f oUer. 646-6245 or • • • ,. 1tb!07< 0 . NTER '68 VW 28U ff"""' nt,d. Camper Deluxe ""''' M•,. MM49t LI"-new Full" --•tp"""' B1PORT'S \\' AN'fEd' "" • .T ~-........ Orana• fumtiet IJuny! Lie \VAfi.314 TOP S BUYER &>. BILL MAXEY TOY<7rA c~,~--"' ~ Bc~~;·;;'~i- ''" Y°"" V•"-aa'" o• ~lie • ,.>' top dollan, Pal• llC' w not. Call Rll.lph IHWOll F;iil/ 11 or 11 673<>9GO ltl'lo HAruloR BLVD. THE QU!O<!:R YOU &LJ4 roSTA ?ifESA ntE QUtCKER YOU sXLt 652. • '61 Atere Col. Pk. \Vgn. 10 pass, a/c, rack, P/S, P/B, T-BIRD PIW, pwr. seats, spd. cont. -------..~­ auto door lock, AM/FM, 1966 T-BIRD, full power. much mou. $2650. 830-6448 LOW BOOK. 1 1961 Mercury Commuter =--==*=83>-=--77~3_1-e*-==' Station Wegon. Luggage '56 T-BIRD, clean~ S1200 rack. \VeU kept. $ 3 8 5. must sd.I, leavina town 546-SllO or 546--8315 54~262'J '66 CONVERT S35. Xlnt cond. Beautiful. Air, P/S, P/B, $1600 646-4310 MUSTANG '68 FORD Mustanr air con· diOont111. iake owr pymnl.I $450. 673-1500 '63 T·J!lflO. Juli pow,,., Xtra QJ!~h! Lo milt's. Xlnt. cond. $1250. 6T::>-6j9f. -- TEMPEST -·~ TE?>1PEST Custom 2-dr .. V-3, new ena & W:,s. rllt $693. ~~59 1 I I " I , l J4 DAILY PILOT Toesday, A""rt n , 1969 PRICES EFHCTIVE WEDNESDAY through T\JESDAY, AUGUST 13 through AUGUST 19 Store Hours: DGllYf 10:00 •·"" ti f :OO ''"" s.t. I 54.on. 10 •.lfl. t. 7 p.111. -- GERBER • conON • PU(t.QN • ltEG. 69c EA. BABY SHIRTS Gfl&flt e All ~ZES e COTTON e REG. 2 f'L ~9< STRETCH 6 ~ 1 oo SOCKS : G~RBElt e VINYL e REGULAR 59c EAOI BABY BIBS . . PEAi OF THE SUSQll. ', . QUALITY MELONS \_ AT' F~D'S LO.W l>l§l:OUNT ~ICES ' . l . ;·.';1111.v.Eic.15 .4~b. l_,1 '··· •. 1!11~ 'LARGE'SIZI' o VINE.fllPINED .,, 100 · l!f'f< . ., ~AITA~OUPES, · , ·:: · . ' . 'SWEET o VINE·RIPENEO 4 C .., · · CASABAS . · lb. : 1 ~ lUSCl~S O.TASTE TREAT 0 SWE£T 7c ",.,'\·HONEY . DEWS . n.. /t ASTY • SWEET o RIPE , . 1 OC / .CIWISHAWS . lb. . . : ' . • r l --·----• NO STAMPS• NO GAMES• NO GIMMICKS • JUST EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES plus 4-STAR SPECIALS! • •":•··· ' • f~~79c PKG. USDA CHOICE -seoiiii1 CLOD ROAST :=::::7nc ;:lu1rl• 7,b, FREEZER BEEF USDA CHOICE e FREE CUT &. WRAPPED FOREQUARTERS • ' ••••. SS< lb • HINDQUARTERS , • , •••. 69< lb. SIDES of IEEF ........ S9< lb. RATH All MEAT 1-lB. PACKAGE • SLICED 69¢ BOLOGNA .. • BUDO!G'S e !tlCED All VARIETIES 3-0Z. PACKAGES SMOKED 3i100 MEATS ... · rAD'S O\YN lb·OUNCE J"l 1000 ISi.ANO OR BlEU OIEESl SALAD 49-DHSSINGS ••••. l'IOQUll"Ol'IT ••••••···· .• 1h SANTA ANA 11• so. *'°'AT cosr~ MISA .. MAllOl ILYI>. AT ' ' • II ( ... \\ • ears . ' ·····'•· ".•\'•···· .• .••• ~·-·.-\.~·.-'.: ..• l • MQ·i~tfr~!Rfiiti~~i~~~-if~\f,i I-Coat Ac rylic Latex Paint SAVE '3! Regular '999 I <oa1 coverage over any color, 699 excep1 shinsles, shakes. Glides on ,.,;1y. dr;., ;n Gallon l,ol-hour. Whi1e and colors. • Sears. Fast~Dey.ing Dhrable Latex HOnse Paint ~==--c::~· . , ... . • Flowa on 1moo1hly \' •. dritt ll't ~ velvely 1heen in ~ h.;. .,, • Resim bli11ering and ruDM dis.- colontion •Soapy water clean.up '....._. · • Self...,..lruing on te0nd. P•in,se(l _.; .. surfaces . f ~ ~· ~ ..... t" GUARANTEE 1-coal 4SO aq. f1 . t o,· ti'" a,e, ''•Ah•ble. color- ft1t, ••ltr. M>1p or dett..,tnl •pot IWi•I· i nt or you ,et nttt~ ui~· 1dditiont l p1inl or }<it1r mont)' b1ek. ,----------------------~--------------------------~ IUfNA .PA .. TA 8-4400, 521 -4530 n MONTE GI :f-3911 lOHO W.CH HE 5:0121 · l'OMONA fO 2·1145, NA 9.$161 , YU 6-6751 PICO'Wf 8-4262 $0\/IH COASIPLAZA 540-3333 I CAHOO• , ... J•0·0661 GllNOAll 01 5-1004, a 4-4611 ot.YMMC ~ soTo AJ:11-s211 wn•.""• Kl 7-J37 L __ --~~· 5•2-1511 , I tOMrTOH Nf 6-2581 , NE 2-5761 HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941. o-..N01 637·2100 ' SANTA f£ SllllNGS 944-8011 VAlllY PO 3-8461 , 984 -2220 • COVINA 966-0611 INGl...VOOO Ol 8-2521 , ..... DINA 681 -3211 . 35 1-4211 Sears ,...,. MONICA !)( 4·6711 VDMONT Pl 9-1911 • ,________________________ ----------------~~---Shop 6 Nlghh Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. 19 9:30 p .M. "Satisfaction Guaranteed·or Your Money Back" ' , -- \ • Q I· ~. ••111!~~!"'--".-----... --:-----::----~-----··-,;.,f~·c•-·--·-· ---~-----.,..-----------------·----------------- .. • ~ale Prices End Saturday, Aug. 16th! Quantities Are Limited! Hurry! • .. -.. .. .. .... .... ... -"' ... ... • • ... • ~ :!A\ailahle :; al !!iears ~ :;Steel Cord ;; Radial Tires . .\:-L 'four Sears Tire ~al e~n1an .\l,oul Then1 ! Lse Sears Revolvini< Chari<e .. »Compact Auto Air Conditioners e Fa ster cool-down lime for ''right-now'' comfort * e High C.F.M. for greater air circulation throughout • . ti the entire car constao y e Sleek, clean modern design styling for a· smart look e Safety padded bezel ... mounts under dash EXPERT INSTALLATION AVAILABLE , Page l A Regular '169.95 88 Model 57 17 • Exira-wide tread d esign puts more rubber on the road •Guarant ee d by Sears 10 wear for a full Zl months ALLSTATE Passenaer Tire Guarantee TREAD LIFE GUARAi\TEE 1;u•ronlrrd -'a•ilbl: All faiJurM of 1lw fl~ ~11hin1 fr1>m nl)lmal mad luzarm or <k(..cu in m11r ti1ls or workmanship. r nr How Lo..,: for tlw lifr oi iM or111n1I rrr:od. f;h•• 'l'ill St-a" De: k~r n..ul punc111~1 ar no chup. ln •lw c-oi failutt in nch1nJ11r for 1M tire, tt"pl1tt ir, chargin1 onlr dw proponoon a( cur>Tn• ~~lat wlhfll prict plu.s Fe<kn.I o.;;.., Tu thal rtprr- icnu <ttad uwd. TREADWEAR-OUTGUA.RAl'ITEE t,u•••nlffd .\piMI: Trnd wrv-011L r.,, Hn• l..onir. ilw num~ ol month• 1p«ift..J "'h•t ~;;u ~ ... 0..: In nchln~ for rM ''"'· 1rpl1ec: n, cha1,c•n11 rM curren• trlflll"' ~U111J! pr..:r plu• FrJ . .. ,,1 E1c1<C" Tu t.-.. rM fol~1n11 •llo•·all(t \1unth-1 ;11or•nt~~.1 \II""""~~ I ~ In ~I Ill'.+ ~:lo :1•1 ~~ Whf'n You Pa' Too Littlf' For r\ Brakf' Job ... You f.t1 TOO Ll1TLE ! 5tM1 •111 001 g1vt )'OIJ •loo Ltdt" BrUt Job ar any prict! Yo11r dr1v1f\I SAFElY i1100 impor!IUIL Sur. will pri<c: !'Ulll Brake: Job u rtQOnably 11.1 puuiblt .. COOIJS!t•nt ... 1th SAFETV. 5Hn Bnkc: Jobs provide what yo11 1ho11IJ havt to mdc fOUI br•kn work btH 1nJ laii loo1ttr. If you Wllnt ~n- 1ru" thct'tc: 1vu l1blt 11 tIIT'I cou. You hlovt Stan usuranct of .. Sau1flC'11on G11ann1ttd 0t Your Monty 81Ck". Don'1 wur'. ~' Stars in1p«1 your bnkt1 for 11ft1r . . af no chlll'gt. 6.50xl3 Tubeless Black wall s ·Plus Li9 Fed . Exe. Tax And Old Tire SIZE Tru•l~·l n l'rir•• F.E.T. TLBELESS BL.\Cll. WALLS I 9.95 I. 79 650x l 3 12.% 2.0i 735x14 775x 14 14.95 2.20 825x14 16.95 2.36 775x l5 14.95 2.2 1 TUBELESS WH ITEWALLS 650x 13 12.95 I. 79 735x 14 1 5.9~ 2.07 i75x l4 Ii .95 2.20 825xl4 19.95 2.36 855x14 21.95 ·) ---·;);• 775x l5 17.95 2.21 All 4 Wheels Only! 29~m~,;con •nd \·olks~·aften CaN ..... Jn~Jlt'CI \1asler (~ lindrr ti"' Bondf'd Lininll~ ln!ilallf"d on .t Wh t'tl!i .,... Rebuild .\II U hrrl C~lind.-r:­ ..,.. .\rr (;rind Bral..e ~ho,.~ ..... Rf'!iurface .\II 4 Bral.t> l)run1~ """' n!ipf'cl Bral..e liose~ ., ln~pec t and A.dju,,.I Parkin' Bralt'~ ..... ln~pecl t;reaSt" St'al~ ,,; Bleed .\II Lines and .\dd Fluid ,,,,. Rep1u·I. Fron1 u ·hrrl Bf'arinll'.~ ..... Frf't' .\dj u ~t1nen1 for l~ifr of Linin~ ,,,,. Road Test fo r BraL.f' Rf'liahilit' ·c~rysler produc1s having 6 ""heei c~·l1nders and cars 9.•i 1h disc brakts slightly higher. Any necessary aJditional parrs and labor available a1 St-ars lo"' Jo"· price? ' • • • Fa bric, posts, top rails and steel fittings are heavily galvanized for resistance 10 corrosion. Sean chain link fencing provides a nalural-outdoor family room allowing you lo fully enjoy y~ur surroundings. As well asencloatng .. ·your yard with dislinclion, Sean chain link fencing add11 a sense of permanence to your property. Aok About Sean Convenient Credit Plan Regular '60. 95 88 ea. ~ Ask Aboul Sears Convenient Credit Plan Conle rnporar~ Style Cabinel and Basin sears exclusive sry ling in wood rone concemporary is finished in a ric h wal- nut finish . Adds e legance co smaller size bachrooms or powder rooms. -C Class ic Style \·anity A handso.me addicion co any limited space bathroom. Smart warp-resiscanr cabinec opens co proviJt: a useful storage area. Vitreous china bowl. 20-i nch size. Colored Bowl S6 more • Moden1ize Your Sears Your Bathroo111 ·Now al The8e Outstandinl:( Low. Low Sears Prices SAVE '10 on Country Styled Decorator Vanity Re~ular S82.95 7288 Arrrac[ively finished in rich fruirwood co lor. Roomy storage area wilh shelf and 1issue spindles, vi1reous china bowl re- sisrs stains. Crea1es an informal country mood in a hmi1eJ space bathroom area. Faucet exrra. SA VE '7 on White Modern Style Silhouette Toilet 3988 lnrernal tilt valvt mechanism banisheJ l~ver jiggling. Vitreous china v.•ill no1 stai n, crack, craze. No1 affec1eJ by house·. hold stains or alkalies. Seal e.xtra. S.i l.IJ5 Toilel Outfil in 1lt1·11 rator eolor,;< _____ 45.88 $10.IJ5 Medicine 3-Shelf Cabinets S.W.1J.i c:1a,.i<ic !'it~l 1• Medicine Cabioel S.W.9.i C l u,.~il' O\·al Medicine Cabinet • !'iAVES2! 888 J .pc. cabint'r wuh shct•I 1itlass mirror. J aJ1unablt !'iA\'E S5! 3988 SA\"E 85! 3988 l·pc. steel cabinec. Wood Sean '23. 95 Tub Enclooure• Anodized aluminum frames, srain finish. Srrrene plaslic panels open anJ close: easily. Tv.•o hand}· rov.•el bars. , 1.19.95 Glass Tub Enclosure-34.88 / Sears A.utomatic Water Softener Rrp.ular 8199.95 '169 Tank -in-rank n)·lina for smarter appeararKe. Fib- erglass re1i1r t&nk. full y automatic 4-cycle ~gen­ enlion. Glass linN tank. Re,ularSl7.95 La,·atory F aucet1 SAVES3! 1488 Polishtd chrome-plared, aeriuor inc luded. Pop-up drain. 526. 95 Lavalon· . Chromed Fa~cet 1·.' . SA\"E 2288 . . S4! ,,.,. ~ • '-"1f P.• Mtthanical drain, · satin and pol- ished ch rome J. plated. With 1t1" terator.. • "flt- Sears 4-f oot Railing Sears Regular Low, Low Prices • Sean best curved pan patio o(fen a new patio cover ceil- ing of simple beauty: not marked by un&ighily beams or raften \ Regular '6.98 4 . 5" SAVE '1.54 U Platfonn railing or • te •• 'I tlant for auir ra1 ing • Spindle• every 6 lnchtt Regular JI0.98 Del••• Jl.88 6-fool R1ili"" •The f11ci1 it Of heavy, ex- truded aluminum the uhi· mite in qu1lity and enginee .... ing • It hH a built in goiter with a scupper atllchment for water divenion A•k About Sean Convenient Credit Plana Pl80 3A l ~. For Top Qua ity at Low Prices • • • ou Cltn't Do Better Titan Sears Sears .. ·---- Page4 A For Everyday Campus or Casual Wear Men's Chukka Boots Sears Low, Low Price! 97 ~1en's Tan Dese rt Boots ... a rwo-eyelec chukka boot with crepe soles and heels. Spl it leathe r uppers fo r soft comfon. Men's sizes 7 to 12D. Li ght"'·ei(Cht Chukka Boot ... bui lt to withstand wear and weather. Brushed learher uppers wi th smooth leather trim. Rubber soles and heels, men's sizes. Use Sears Revolving Charge Men 's Casual Assortment of PERMA-PREST® Shirts Class ic or Ivy Styles · for Shon sleeve spon shim in classic or button-down collar styles.· Polyester and combed cotton in Ivy plaids, o xford weaves or wide crack stripes ... never need ironing ... just machine was h and rumble dry. Men's sizes S-M-L-XL -~----------·----' • • . Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back!. ..-~~~~~~~--. S.ears .~ 1 .•• l • Men's Perma-Prest® Casual Jeans Never Need lronin~! $ prs. • Heavy twill woven fabric of 65o/o Dac ron• poly· ester and 35% cotton blend •Exira trim cul with hemmed bottom e Top 9wi ng pocke18 and belt loop• e Tan, black, blue or green ..• in wiast sizes 29 lo 36 e No1 available in a.II sizes and colors lli .~ lf.l "' ~i:~ ~ '!>°t't·• ~~~ .W.Aboat Sean Coa•enienl Credltl'lom Regular '32.99 SAVE $6! ~'..ill ~ if,1~~ -.:;':o! ~-: ~~ 'J\~q. e Class ic sporty styling features hi ghrise handlebars, white banana seat and knobby tread rear tire gi e Coaster brake ... 36 tooth front sprocket ~ e In Oamhoyant red ~ ., .. ~~J; "~" . ,. r.r· ~.'. •z:.:tr,I ;-_,:.;.~ "'"~ ._.;,:f'f,'.' l~ ""'.~· ~k:~ ;."°!1~s ~·~ I ~t7.~ ~~j "'~~ f::1¢ ~i ~ ~ I Girls' "Tomboy" Spyder Bike ~; ·~ w., 144.99 PRI CE CUT S7 Y Flamboyant emerald green. '~~· Gliner turquoise seat Glitter · Knobby white sidewall rear tire. 3 7ss I• " grips and pedals. 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S1;ck sh;(,, #41911·2·3 P,..IA ~ . . . I t " ' I I I ----~~--------------------------------- : WedneSaay ~Thursday, Priday and-Saturday • • • Aug.13th toA~g.16th~ .,.,. - Sears Fix Up Now ... Let Sears Remodel Your Kitchen Outolandi"l!I Low, Low Price • Choi«:e of beautiful &hadowline c1bineli in i.·alnut fini sh. bireh finish. or fawn birch cabinell • De1ip.ned with eas)·.open-and-close doors, drawen with nylon rollen 15 % OFF • -\dju11ahle shelve~. &lidinp: honom tray• ... s izt"~ for every """d Regular Prices 184.95 L.dy Kenmore Garha1e Diapoa;en ~VE 110! 7411 Installed overall for quietness. ~·HP motor. 889.95 Disposer_79.B8 1159.95 Built-in Dishwuhen Re1ular 127.95 Stainle111 Steel Sinks SAVE 120! 139"" SAVE 18 22 .. Fronr load. Handles ligh r or party size loads. In 4 decorator colors. Double bowl basin is stain resisrant. 33-inch Sensational special! SAVE '30! Regular $299.95 26988 Ask About Sears Convenienl Credit Plans 9 Now enjoy 1he convenience of two fully automalic ovens • Haa clock wilh ).hour timer and nuore1cen1 work li1h1 • See·thru upper oven door, re· movable lower oven door. Oven li1hta • Smokele11 broiler Model 77200 •Range hood optional-extra Kenmore Gas Grill Re~lar '69.95 s53 • Wi1h p ost for p e rmanen l in11all11io n. St1inleM cooltin1 rack e 5f:lf-cle1ninJ. coal1 jl:ivf! greal "chartoal Oavor." Model 22100 Two Wuh Speed• For Normal and Dcllcale Fabric• Tluee W•ler Te• peNlu.ret(OI' Proper 'll'••h4.o1 Cate for All Washer-Dryer Combination Ro,ul~' 34888 S399.9;, •Just set the cycles and pullh thr dial .. , wash and d11· your clothee in one operation. Model 89500 Modol 6982().22.:4 YoarCJothet Sears Low Price Ask . .\bout Sears Con\'enient Credi! 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WhHt·. )2. i(1A. _;1. )8U, c. (:ontour ('.up Hra srylc,I \l'!lh nrlnn, SpJnJcx back p.incl~. couon siJc:s. WonJt·r.f il spun poly~.:s1cr ruunJs ou r rour shapl'. ;2.\6A, .i2·.l813, C. SA VE s1! Mid-Leg Panty R1•g 11lar '"'8 699 • 'l\1 11·\•il ~ ·lrt•lr li 111luu . ·p;1111l1•' • l.a1·1· fru111 p ;111rl and Ir;: h;1111l• • \\ l1 i11·/qu i1·l..~i h rr. hf'iJ.lt' in '.'\ to XI. SA VE 8 1! Boy-Leg Brief 399 Sensational Value! Stock up at this Lov~ P-.;.'1ce ! ,, e Co111e se.e-try these 1itreat new 1>a nty hose • Firsl quality . , . sheer strelch with nu<le heel •(;real fit. belier ¥tear •One ~ize strelches 10 fi1 all •Bare Beitte. Sunsel or Mocha 1 C:ombed Cotton Sateen Shifts Gently Fitted or A-Line Your Choice 99 • Cool looks for leisurewear! •Choi ce of two ~leevelees slylea in easy~are cotlon ateen • Beau1ifully colored flower prinu •Available in popular 1ize1 Bark-to-rhool LAY-AWAY s1 -H9LBS your •election until Se pt. 6th! 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Men's Crewneck Long Sleeve Sweatshirts Regular '2.39 Heavyweight knit of co«on and polyester.· Rib- bed cotton col lar, cuffs and waist. Blue, gold, fern green, grey and white, S co XL Sporti,,g Goods Dtfl. Sears Toilet Seats Sensationally Priced }88 Baked white enamel on molded hardwood . Sturdy hinse. Terrific toiler sear value! P/M.,hing·Ht11ting D1p1. . Sheath Lining Yardage 3 yds.$1 Cool, smooch combed corron, 45-in. ~·ide. ~iachine washable. For dress fash ions, decorating. Y ard11gt Dtpt. 2999 / }99 Hand reel mower grass catcher ... fits 14 to 18-in. reel wen. Suons fabric won't roe. Terrific! Ha,,Ju·11rr Dtpl. COllCRITI \ MIX I 85', 60-lbs. of Concrete Mix 3 Hours Only Limited Quantiry! Covers ~lh-sq. fr. 1-in. .._.. dttp. Euy ro mix with ~·c~r. For fillins cracks -1n-~~alltt and patios. 8•1/J,,,r. M111tri11/1 °'''· ,-------------------------------------------------, BUENA PARK · El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at llimpau POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PARK GLENl1ALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE -s---SAmAFE.seRING -VAU -I -1-COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA ears ~ANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson ,________________________ _ ___________________ , "Satisfaction Guaranteo1d or Your Money Back" ,.,.,,.oauacAND co. Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. hi 9:30 P .M. Paie8A8 ·7