HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesal 17 -' • --l Camille Toll . . .( • 132 Dead; (, .. . 2,_000 Injure:d HURRICANE CAMILLE LEFT THIS PATH OF D!ilSTRUCTIO.N MONDAY AFTER HITTING 81LOXl,.MISSISSIPPI . , . . . UPI Ttlwhote ,• •The Lord Was With Us~ Hurricane Survivors. De~<;ribe Night of Terror GJJLFPORT, Miss. (UPI) -The story o! Hurricane Camille was told by the peo- ple who. lived through it. Thomas Parker. an offshore oil worker was huddled ·in the a(tic of a hotel at Buras, La. "We watched trailers swapping ends - just spinning. It was unbelievable. That's the flrit hutrlcane I've ever been through and it'll be the last if I got anything to do about it." .\Ves McFarland, 16-year-old son of a doctor, fled his home at Bay St. Louis for a nearby hospial. ''The house was shak· Ing and falling apart, the doors even &tarted to break off," he said. At the hospital, Mrs. Gerry Rewel wJtched the waters rise and was afraid patients would have to be taken to the roof in too-mile-an-hour winds. "I went into the chapel for a minute, but the chapel' windows blew ouL Finally I just said that if the lord would save me and my faniity, I'd never complain about what-1 loslJJ;er home we destroyed, but her hasbaMlnd two sons survived. "The roof blew off our surgery building arid we're setting up for temporary surgery in our delivery room," said Orange Coast .Weatller Sunny s\les should _prevail on. WednelaaY, despite some of the usual arly ,mornlbg cloud· iness.~ with temperatures con- tinuing in• the m·iddle 70's along the Orange Cout. INSWE TODAY Tht Navy sets increasing vulnerabi.Lity of land basea as bringing "ud for cotK:entratit1g J)OWlr on attack · carriers. Paoe 12. - c ........ ' '-" .. Cl••llflM .... Mll~I f"UllCI• .. -" fMlltMI ,..... ... .,. .. Httlc.ft • Or\1"" CW.Ir I ··-• Micllil ,.._.. l~IJ IHl!lftllt ,_,. •• ..... , .. ,, ." ............ " ""k MM111t1 It.II ··-,..,, T•lt'+'ltlff " .. _ .. ........ . .. ~~ ~ W ... lttr • • WM• ·~ •• I ~obert-A. · AJexander, comptroller of tary school where 600 persons were A'emorial Hospital at Gulfport. hiding near the little town of Lakeshore. John Koshak of Gulfport prayed that "Men broke down. There was acre8ifD.~ his wife .and seven children· would not be ing and crying and praying, juSt cibout harmed. 'Ibey weren't "The good lord everything a fellow could think to do," '"as with us last night. At i: 10 this morn· said Principal Oren Seal. ing, I didn't thqlk any ol us wol.lld be Parents fell on their children to prbtect · here." them. Not one of the refugees was hurt. Mrs. Charles Johnson and about 40 In. the afterffiath, the first witnesses ether persons sought refuge in the were stunned. courthou~e at Bay St. Louis. Jailers put Cameraman Gary Moore flew ovei tht ttlem in cells . when windows in_ the stricken area. "There are just piles of bUi~ing shattend. debris where houses were," he sala. "It "t'Jbey were real Southern gentlemen. ·looks like someone went through and They pUt us in jail, but we were glad to bombed every house. be there," she.said. '"This looks Uke Hiroshima ," s8id Maj. At least 15 persons died at Pass Chris· Gen. Wa1ter G. Johnson, Mississippi's · tian. The ·vicUms Included five couples adjutant general. "Some buildings you . W,ho were having a hurricane party in a can see clean through-. Some you can just three-story apartment. Police' Chief Jerry see where they were." · Peralta couldn't make them reave. Mississippi Gov. John Be.II ·Williams '''Jbe list time I went up to try to get asked 1that ~ Gulf Coast be declared a them oo~. the water was just over the sea disasterarea following his ins~on. wall. 'nley•were having a good time and "It's the most devastation I have evet they WOl,lldn't· leave. That's the I~ seen·ln one place," be said. "It's toine to a r.:Y.body-aaw of them," he said. ~ • take , years and years to recover frQhJ Wind Whipped the roof off the·•~ this."· * * * * * * Camille Death .Toll Soars . I -As Workers SearchRufus GULFPORT, Ml,.. (UPI) -Rescue · worken found dozens of bodies in the rubble ; of · Mlssiaslppi's once-gll,ttering Gulf COast today and Hurricane Camille's deat.b. loll llQll'Od. to at leaat 132. It was expec~ to climb "considerably · highei-.. . , . ln addJuon,· a ~ p18ne ·toe.ded with medic,al suP.Rlies ,f<r hurricane victims era.shed at Lakefron\ !,irporf, In New ' Orleans,' ktlllng 1fdur perslons. The plane craShed while atl.empUng to take1 oU for Gulfport. . Mo;('of the ~ead were•found ~ Pass Christian, which was cut oU from the outside world until diluter teams broke through today. They found utter shambles. One liriCk -apartment building was leveled and 21 occupants who'had stayed behind for a hurricane party were killed. Between 50 and 75 other resident.a bad fled the fury of the ztorm. Gaping boles made Pass Christian's titr!M!I& Impassable. Ttees were flung about ·and..lhe lew•lt ... left •landing ( ,... . We atrlpped of .their Jeav.es andibark. Many of the trees were littered with iteMs of clothing, drapery , ... aniall' pieces of fumitUre. and other debris. A mattress was hanging 15 feet hJgh1tn one tree: Every building in the town . was damag- ed. Only the aide walls Wert! left on Ute ; new _Po$1 office building and the new Fliit. National 8aJ))c; Was,gooe uCept for it& vaut; w:hich stood starklyi above the rubble. ·"It's so deptj!.ssing.you just.Ldon'l feel like' going on,'1 said Mrs. Ruth Diamond, ~n elderly Woman -'whcJ&e twMtory tiome two blocks from the gulf survived with. heavy .. damage. 1 • ~ • "It's the worst thing·I~ve ever seen,'' she adited. ' She said she ancLher daughter.. and. two grandJOOS rode,out the storm 00> the se.. cond floor of her home .. Al one po\nt water. surged to lhe seventh ltep after cr&llhlng throuih 'I h e house'• French doors. Sxily shriJ1!p boal.s hea~ed bock Into tht (lloe CAMJUJ!, Pip I) I Tate Deaths Suspect Released LOS ANGELES !UPI) -Thomas Steven.Harrigan,. the secood·"suspect'"ln the Sharon Tate murders tor be arrested, questioned and released, says he ·knows of no "occult" activities among her fr iends. The . almost ritualistic nature of· the grisly slayings of Miss Tate and four other persons at her secluded estate bar Jed to s~ation that the murders were part of some strange religious rite. H~gan, 27, told newsmen he attended a party at lhe Benedict Canyon home the night of Thursday, Aug. 7 -the day before the murders -but spent lhe next night in suburban Manhattan Beach drinking" beer with friends. Harrigan, a native of Canada who at- tended school in Ottawa, On~ . ., wa,a aoqght in a bulletin issued by the Royal Cana· dian Mountain Police lhat 1aid he was ••wanted for murder" and was traveling with four "narcotic hippie-types." Harrigan said he heard about the bulletin Sunday night and surrendered here Monday morning. Police detectives questioned him for three hours and ·tben released him. · Police spokesman, said, '"We · hav~ no reason to believe that these foitr men are any more suspect than anyone else. We llave ·M ·reason to hold any of the?t-at tbi1 time." I . . . . • V'IT•..,.._ QUESTIONED AND RELEASED '"Old lrlthm1n' Hi1rrlpn Nomi3lly ~ild~flrug Kills Teen A. visiting :Nevadalteenager wbo ·haei 0Id his compani"!'S of gulping 24 'Pl!fl C;Olflalning ac normally· mild drug ·eo1. lapied while cooking their IWICh alo'a Cosl ., a-M,esa apartment Monday and ~ . . Earl' vi. Bliss,· 17, of Henderson. N~.t was dead on arrival at Costa Mest1 Memorial Hospital shortly after I p.m.J despite effort& by firemen to revive bini:I with o~gen at the scene. . Police sent to the apartment shared by aeveral youths at 19921,i Westminster~ Ave., arrested a 17-year-old traveling" companion of Bliss for violation cl pro- balion. He had been ordered not to leave Nevada. Wesley L: Frisbee, 18, <me o( the i1p_art-ment occupant.a, tqld investlgatori .lillss "lid he had taken M•Dama Jijlls; short!~ ~fore goin1,lnto.the ldlchen about -. to fry hamburgers. He said the boy returned shortly, a• • J ' ~ • ") , • '· tdrwctrd, eo;iiplilplrig of aizziness ~aat lfanigan wls not botiked-or charged. dOWn· on the couch, at---whlch tlnie his He.said be doesn't use drugs, as implied head snapped baci: and be begarr turnin. Jn the RCMP bulletin. Ria !lttor~Y. Paul blue., 1 • ,, .! Caruso, descrjbed him_as "an·old-.flsllloo-:.Us· companion! called for M!lp btit1 ~ ed,:t>eer-drlnlrlngliishman.'~ wa9 too late. ' · lfarripn said he tiad known \foityck iTwo Darvon pills were found lytni Frokowsky, one of the vJcUms, for eigltt beside. Bnss; _ boro'"& n d· a third tablel bl ,,\L F I ~eved1 to oe seconal was found1 In the IT)ontl)s. and· ,known A 8::r 0 ger' a rtment, resu.IUng in a continued """1 another victim, for about , five months. . "" The other victims were,Jay Sebring and irtvestlgatlon today. · . Steven Parent. 10iange County Deputy Coroner Harold ' .The caretaker at ttie estate, 'William Minnick said it'°'wlll be one to two weeU Pilot 'Isolated Gartetson, 11. was arrested and then .• l>tfore toxlcologieaf tests dl!l<nnlne ex• released lf!SI week alter undergoing a lie a¢tly what killed the Bllss ~-, · det<:flor i..1. , Dafvoo t.s normally cooalderocl In oo·• • • I By Power Fa. iltrre . P~Uce said they were no longer seeking "lild sedAUve, somewhat otrooser than the Other three men named in the RCMP aspirin, but cap klll -when ·swallowed ta .• . bulletiil. · They "are frle)\ds of HprrJia~. . sofflcleo~ quanUlies'. . Power, wwer, who's got the power1 · . We didn't Monday afternoon. , A power failure caused. by-an overzealous tree--t.rlmmer and ,CQm .. poundeit b) Our own internal difijcult.k?s · cut DAILY l>ILOT0 olllce! In co.ta· Mesa • oU from the outside·world for more than two how's. If yOu rted to call us between 3:18 p.m •. . and· 5:30 p.m., you heard 1the .telephone ringing~ but got no answer. Trotlble waa, · we couldn't bear the phone ringing on our . end and oor receivers were dead, so we cOuldn'l talk to anyooo anyway. We're 10l'T)' about the inconvenience."' can you imagine how deathly allent • neWsP,aper officl·1eems·Wben no phonef Ill! ringing? J b\lt he said .they afl were•oul ol the stale · )BU!s bOOy • ..,., moved i;, Ba!t9l the night of 11\e alaytng5. , · Mortuary, Com Mesa. pending funeral 'Or!< of them.was oamed'Han:ls.Ple!lt.. "f"an&ements.J>y-hll.famlly'111 lfenda. Do1\'SOft. Newsmen 8$~1)(\ Harrl.1a11-t!;Ule · ' 1 • • • • word "pig" 'Wfit\en in, bid 01' the front~ i . , . • . -1 dbol' 01 the Tate home ,c..1c1 ~•e.•c-Storm Drain ·Bids tually Men "'Pie". written by one of\.\be ~ • \ I vJ~~ .hea(d_o(·t.ba~belor .. :' Hf". Called . by County rlgan ·replled,- He told detectl ... Ind later newsmen that he went 'jQ I diJ\ner party 'At I restaurant the nlsht ol the mbrdefs, lli<n ' went to the home ol Eddie Roberti In ManboUan Beach for another par\y that laate<I unUl 1 a.m., and later returned to hla •parlment with )toberts afl!I ...,era! other per50ll$ l•~-·more-drlnl:sl -· · • •. :The. Deparllllfnl of P\lbllo 1'Sb ... c~ for blll& on the rtpilr ol um drains en the Oraoge County ...... Fullda or 1197 .ooo are avallable lo< tho project, ·which calla for-repair ol dnlnl at five locations on the San Diep -•Y· BlclJ will open sept; ll ID Loi AJlll>lfs; -.. • ( -• l@ DAILY PILOT s •• TUHdq, AU11111t 19, 196~ f!"""8tl!t! ........... Thais Nol'' Rioting -'Erupts To Seek . -.... . .. ·11i c ·zech Capital ~-"-~~~~~- ·1 ~ From Wlre Senrlce1 ,.. PRAGUE -ScufHlng and fistfights ~e out tonight belween police and ~oslovaks in Wenctslas Square on the eve Cl the first aMiversary of lhe Spvitt invasion of Cmchoslovakia. Police reinforcements rushed to the iceoe Ind doused the booing crowds with '9•ter hoses. One shot was heard. Hundreds of riot police in annored ~inging Coast Sailor Taken • Off to Jail . ,,. Singing as he was led away. a young Newport Beach sailor surrendered to FBI q!Tlta Monday after a twCKlay anti-war protest vigil in the sanctuary of a Quaker Church in Sea.Ule. "Hi ho, hi ho, 1t'1 off to jail I go," sang It<> 3c Bruce PresU>n, 23, ., a """" ol about ·20 companions and American friends Service Commiltee members ~llov.·ed behind . The Navy en\istOO man, who lived at U56 RuUand Road , Newport Beach, was tumed over to 13th Naval District Shore Patrol officers, pending further action against him. • A 1964 graduate of Newport Harbor Riih School, Preatan ha.s been aboent without leave from duties with a medical supply outfit at t'he Treasure l5land naval bue ln San Francisco fdr nine months. , He wect AWOL after · being reftwd mllitary clustfic1Uoo as a conlclentlous objector and decided merely droppbta; out of the ltrvice did not call sumclint Pub- lit attention to hb Vietnam war ~ poo!Uoo. ~1 decided it was nec~ry to confront the military with my protat. • .In a non- violent but positJve way," Preston said Mooday. 1 During a telephone inlervit;w) he said he would not leave the chufch to give himseU up, but would go quietly -his farewell aong excepted -when federal agents came to hJm. · ~ former Fairview State Hospital JJl)'cbiatdc technician trainee enlisted Jn 1"5 and aald he has been travelln& up and down the West Cout alnce lale lut year. Sen. Whetmore Fights Krisman State Sen. James E. Whetmore (ftr Fullerton), has added his opposition to the appointment of a former SDS leader to an administrative post at the UC Irvine. "The university is contributing lo its cwn destruction," by the employment of ~fike Krisman, fonner student body president and SOS me?Jlber, Whetmore alleged Monday. · Seveiat Orange County groups plan to appeal against Krlsman's appointment to the board of regent.\ Sept. 19. "Although I am not familiar with hls qualifications," said Whetmore. "from various statements attributed to him, this seems to be another occurrence which will result in taking the colleges and the university out ol phlle with the tax- payers." Accident Kils Woman A motorcycle traffic accident In La J-labra has tak•n the life of Mrs. Gloria J. EageJson, 26, of 11ontebello. She d1ed ?.fonday night of injuries suffered when a cycle driven by her husband, Wllllam. collkled Sunday afternoon with an automobile. Mrs. Eagleson was • passenger on the motorcycle. DAI l\ Pl LOT ........, ..... , ......... ..... --_,..., ---CAUPOIJllA ~ CIMHGa COUl ll'\llLl»llNI; COMNNY At1teft N. '«••I ---J•c• I . C..W, \Ila,,,._.. -GtNrll .wNlll' n,,,.,, ktwil .... Tiit"''' A. M•,phi~• IMnlllflt t:.iw -~ ..... llll "'"' .... ""-' ~ ..... : 1'11 ""81 ......... .... a.....~' m.'-' "-........ ~ •t1t1..._ vehicles and buses rolled into lhe square, symbol of Czechoslovak resbta.nce, and began clearing out the 2,000 persons who booed and whlsUed at pollce. Police blocked o(f a street with a bus, but left a gap for people to leave the scene. About 12 armored personnel carriers and police water cannon rolled into the historic square as city police swung their truncheons to clear a crowd away from the statue and museum. Shouts of ''Gestapo" ""'ere heard in the crowd as It retreated down the broad Jquare after the show of military force. One woman was h.it by the swinging police batons. Fifteen mlnutes after the appearance of the armored personnel carriers, the area around the Wencesl&$ statue had been cleared. Most of the 'Crowd running inti> the thousands was pushed back to the end of the first block of the long square . The armored unit.s appeared after an anny helicopter had circ led downtown Prague, watching the rush.hour crowd gather on both sides of the square ti> :stare sullenly at the statue and museum. The crowds had gathered in large num· ber after brief scuU!et broke out between police and a throng in front of the statue. Crews to Seal Newport Oil Leak A city crew armed with a dozen bap of ~ment was waiting for low tide this afternoon to seal a crude oil leak in a West Newport Beach Channel. · The tide wu exf)e(ted to dip low enough at 4 p.m. to allow the crew to dig into the sand of the chanilel near Newport Island at 42nd Street, then drop 1n the cement. The leak, which city aides termed "a little bigger than normal for the area," showed up la.at week and the crude began to smear some bulkheads and a few boat hulls in the area. The seepage, perhaps caused by previous oil drilling in the area, has left a streak of oil several yards wide. • Ul"ITt ......... HALF O~ CHURCH DEMOLISHED, HALF VIRTUALLY UNTOUCHED IN BILOXI, MISS . Strenge Gyretlon• of Wind Mark Peth of Hurrlune Called Camille Nixon Frees $1 Million For Hurricane Victims By FRANCES LEWINE ·President Nixon has mi>ved swiftly to provide '1 million in federal dbast.er funds for Mississippi devastated by high winds and Ude..s of Hurricane Camllle. Responding Monday to a Plea from Mississippi Gov. John Bell Williams, the President promised that m ore money would be allocated when the full damage to public property Is determined. The Western White House in San Clemente said Nixon was kept informed of the hurricane damage as the storm slammed into the Gulf coast Sunday night centering its impact on Gulfport and ~Hoxi. Nixon was on the goU course at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base, 20 miles south of his oceanlront home, when his staff announced the President had 'declared Miss.Ussippl a major disaster area. It was lhe fourth day ln a row that Ni:r· on has played golf, flyin& to various Southern Calliornia courses by helicopter. Nixon plans a schedule of work in the mornings, recrcatioo.ln the afternoons and long, free weekends during his California stay. He called in six new t;.::;. ambassadors foc a meeting today. The group included Taylor G. Belcher, ambassador to Peru: Eileen R. Donovan, Barbados ; Leonard C. F>.1eeker, Romania: Luther I. Replogle, Iceland; Walter L. Rice, Australia, and Adolph W. Schmidt, Canada . Two o t h e r scheduled visitors were newly appointed Indian affairs com· missioner, Lou.ls Bruce, an(f J. Wallace Sterling, former president ct Stanford University and chainnan or Ole·Am~~an Revolutionary Bicentennial CommtsS1on. Nixon called Sterling in to talk about plans for the 1967 ~lebr~tion which tl,le commission named by Nllon July 3 wijl promote. From Page J CAMILLE; .. gulf fodit.y to dump their rotting catches of shrimp -worth hundreds of tbousandl of dollars -because there was no way to process them in the desolate aftermath of the hurricane . The 600-square-mlle area devastated by the strongest stonn ever to hit the U.S. mainland was bedlam of grief, confusion and destruction. city and county officials from all along the coast met in Gulfport in an effort to find a way to overcome the catastroplle. Gov. John Bell \Vi\liams declared a state of {<partial martial law" in the hur· ricanc area at mldday. "The area of damage ls quarantined and only persons with business in the area will be admitted," Williams said. Receding waters uncovered some bodies spray,·led in the mud. Others were uncovered as workers c I e a r e d away crumpled buildings. "They're sti ll digging them out," said Bill Harvey, public lnfonnaUon o(ficer of I.he Mississippi Civil Defense Council. He confinned the 132 deatha but added that "today was the first chance to get bulldozen in and. we expect the toll to gi> considerably hJgber. Hundreds a n d perhaps thousands were injured." At least. 200,000 were. Jett homeless.. Most spent the night in emerge. cy shelters and ventured out at dawn to help clean up the ruin of what once was the playground of Mississippi's plantation aristocracy. ' Duffer BANGKOK (UPl)-Tne 1ltal fov•rn- ment pledged Jo President Nixon durlnr hls recent visit here t!M)t it will never .U for U.S. combat trooes Jo flght on tmurgent war· in this country, Foreign \llnister 'll>anat Khoman said Jod1y. 'Ibanat, speaking to a foreign cor· respondenla dinner, said he wouJd In- clude even a covert. inva!lon of the kind North Vietnam is c2-IT)'ing out against South Vietnam within that category. In the . .same sJ>ee(!h, however, Tbanat politely dodged a question on whether lbe 1bai government Insists the United States must get its pennlsslon before showing a secret contingency plan the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Commit. tee has been demanding to see. (Ear· Uer ....,,, Pege 5). · Thana.t, spukbig slowly and carefully with deliberate emphasis, sought to lay to rest the controversr over whetbtr U.S. commitments to this country mlstit get Jt involved in another Vietnam style war here by saying: "We tol.d President Nixon that '!'Mi- land is not going to be another Vietnam •. We told him that we never .-uked fol:'. American ·soldiers to conie and ·fight in defense of ThaHand. We J)fedaed that we will not ask for Americ8n soldlers to come and flgJ!t In the defense ol 'Jbal- land in an insurgent war." Thanat repeated the remark at stv7 eral poin<.s in his speech. He said "'Iba!- lllld will not put forward an appeal or. a call for American manpower in fight· Ing for Thailand's freedom, independ- ence and sovereignty." He said Thailand has "been urging for. years that the Vietnamese must defend themselves ... this has been our policy for years, that the local people must defend themselves. We have been fight. ing the Communists In our own country ' for years without asking for a aJnale soldier from outside. What more evi· dence could anyone require that we are sincere ih this approach ?" Typhoon Cora Nears Okinawa NAHA, Okinawa (UPl) -Typhoon Cora. packing a ~nter wind of TT mUe! per hour, began punching on .Ryukyu Islands tonight halting sea and air transportations. All air flights were cancelled. Some ships, bound for maJnland Japan, left Naha port earlier lhan scheduled to escape the appcoacbing st oT m . DepartUres of other ships leaving for islands near Okinawa were cancelled. Government agencies and offices In Naha were closed down as heavy rains began to pound Naha thia aftemooa. Streets were all deserted. Not? Customers Take $251 Not Goods Nixon Golf Score Stays 'Top Secret' Two customers of a Hunlington Beach market forgot their groceries Mi>nd&y night but took $251."9 in change-at gun point. Police said two men, apparently on foot, held up the Tic Toe market, 19490 Beach Blvd., about 10:30 p.m., Monday, and escaped on fool with the cash in a paper sack. They left behind a six-pack of beer, tv:o magazines and a can of shoe poll.sh. Six persons saw them, said polict. Store clerk Jerome Epperson said one man pushed a .45 caliber automatic in his face and asked him to dump the money from the register into a bag, while the other stood by. The two men were observed in the store by customers before and after the rob- bery, said police. The \Vestern White House is light-lip- ped about many things, so newsmen often turn to speculation. But there is one piece of information that defies speculalion -= an unassailable ti>p secret, about which nobody is hazarding a guess. It is President Nixon 's golf score. lle's got one, for a certainty. He wu the links for the fourth day in a rr;,w Mon- day. He flew a helicopter to the Camp Pendleton Golf Course -unaccompanied by the press. lie went with David and Julie Eisenhower and some family Jrlencls. Not even a photographer went along. The President apparently vetGed a pro- rnUie by Press Secretary Ron Ziegler that cameramen would be pennitted to take pictures of the President at the first tee somewhere. "I won't allow anyone to take a picture <lf me in a sand trap," Mr. Nixon said kiddingly last week. His enthusiasm for the game ls tn marked contrast to the low regard he once had for golf. He admitledly played a duffer's game. Nobody on the \Vhilc House staff is ten. lng whether he still does. "\Ve're not disclosing any scores," said a presiden- tial aide. His trip lo Camp Pendleton's course r..tooday was his second in the past few days. He was last there Friday. Over the weekend , be tried out the greens at couir- try clubs in Palm Springs and Oceanside. 'BUZZ' ALDRIN AS SEEN BY NEIL ARMSTRONG'S CAMERA Moon 'Tourist' Picturt1 Included in Fotor1m1 Your Omega Sales & Service Agencu Moon 'Snapshots' Part Of F otorama Exhibit A packet of "snapehots" made by the first "tourists" on the moon arrived in Ne¥lport Beach today for display in Folorama at Fashion Island. ~ phot05, a collection of pictures shot "by hand" by A!tronauta Nell ArmstN>ng and "Buzz" Aldrin during lhelr working and walking on the Lunar surface, are among unusual plcturts le be on display during the three-day show which opens Thursday. Another group of pictures from outer &pace, courtesy of J_~t Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadei\a. includes prlnts of some of the best televiaion pictures made by Mariner II and Mariner 7 ln the space probel' "clGRup'' flyby ol. Man:. Fotorama also will lnclude 70 prints from the CalUornla Pre.ss Photographers Association. Thi• traveling display, the Gold Seil Exhlbl~ lnclud .. flrst. oecood and thlrd place wlnnen from all <'ategorles of compeUUon 1 mo n I California news pbotocrapbers. Another traveling elhlbtt. -38 winners 1n competlton •mona A110Cl1ted Press photographers In CaWomla and Nevada -11Bo wW be oo d!llJlajl. "Commen:\al" photographs submitted for display by membe.rs of Professional Photographers \Vest. an Orange County unit affiliated with bolh state and n&· tiortal p r o re s s i o n a I photographers' associations, "'"ill include some color photographs and other "pretty pictures." Some of the best o( the DAILY PILOT wUJ co.mprlse another exhJbil wllhin the show. Part of this portion or Fotorama will be a worklng telephoto machine tied into the UnJted Press International network and a demonstration of how pic- tures are engraved for 'JlUbUcalion ln the newspaper. WlMers from each of the lhret weeks of the Fotorama Camera Cont.est (for non-professional photographers) wilt be on display In the VGtorama at Fotorama elthlbll C<Hiporutared by radio station KOClll. Fotorama visitors who use one of two Automatic Voting t.tachlne Corp. units at the show to help pick the grand prize winner from among the three will qualify for prizes worth more than $1,100 furni&b- ed by KOCM. RINeS . $3 00 SIZID, f-' DIAMONDS ll!PU.ClD, "-• $6.00 Cftroaoir1,. 6 Stlf· wloden lllPll1111Jloofl IN•U.YIN• DON I WHILI YOU W_AIT Huntington Center Beach at Edin9er HUNTINGTON IEACH 892-5501 0 OMEGA· The v•rv t•m• Om••• Spt•d"l•$1tr watch w• CIHY Wtl t•llcf.d with• out 1ny rnodific1ti•" by NASA to b1 worn by our f'l'ttn on lh1 rnoon. Thi1 ttcognition, truly 1 11· w1rd for ••c•lt1nc•, m1k•1 u1 proud to b, v•ur 1utt1orh,d Orn•'J• Jtw1].,, Ce"'' in -''' thlt h1nd11"''• 2 button, ~ cli1I, Om•g• Sp1•il'fl11· t•r chro1109r1pih. Thi on ly wslch worn by ths "''" o~ the moon. P1lc1 Sltl. TllMS Al•ILAIU and back Harbor Shoppln9 Center 2300 Horbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545.9495 •. j I • I I . • UQDiing:ton ~B~aeh· \.I , j .• .• . . .• . ·E-011'10 VOL 62, NO. 198, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAG~ Councilnlen : S.olve Beach fractFlaps Hunt.ington Beach city councilmen Monday night acted • on three cm- trovers.ial property devilopments. Mov· Ing with dispatch, compared to a seyen· hour session on the same problem& two wffks ~go, the coupcil: ...:.Approved by a 4-2 vole a 351-acre tndustrlal·coqunerclal-apartment project just so at b of the McDooaell·Douglw.i Corporation plant oo .Bol$1 Avenue but exacted a promise from developer John ~ &,SQn to give 2.'iS acres .to enlarge a park ilt.. -Approved a 26-}ot Sunset ~ch Island lUXUl')' home .development with un- diniud lots following a conceWon from the developer to build coocrete bulkheads and an· agreement that the city will ac· cept streets previously designated as private. -Denied "forever'~ the proposal cf VTN Orange County, repre senti ng Gordon and Faye Talbert of Newport Beach, to build 828 apartments on the southwest corner of Atlanta Avenue ·and Beach Boulevard in an area now zoned for office-professional use and tentaUvely master planned for a cooveOOon center and.hotel--el•developnent.. ~!-fayar Jack Grein. :Who 'With Coun- --cuman· .Jerry Matney voted against the krig'deboted lllllt.de~. calJOd an. untli'RJal preu conference before the coon61•-to n!bul chargOI ol ()co.an Vi...f sCbooJ Districl Boord Presldml Ralph Bauer regarding the· lu Im' . pllcalioos ol lhe proposal. • . •• e on . . . - • '· • l TEN CENTS., u . • Hurricane's Death Toll Nowatl32 • • J GULFPORT, Miss. -.Missbsippl'1 act.: Ju\anl general today recommended tho\ l~e Mlasl!,olppl Gulf Coast, cruthed. ~ Hurricane Cfunille ·with 133 now deld, bi placed ''under lonnaJ or Informal martial. law." Maj. Gen. Waller Jolmaoo met witli are.a officials and rescue: turn Jeadera and said "we need dl.sdpllne." He l&ld. sightseers are jamming the area "looting' for bodies'' and turning it Into ••a carnival." r "1-haye 2,000 men under anns and I've got to bring In another 1,000," JohnlClf said. The death " ton 1PiraJed lhla momnc with the dl.!covery of 23 bodies in an apartment complex 1n nearby Pass auu.· "an. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew wai scheduled to tour the ravaged ·area Wednesday, hla oUIC<! in Washlng\ob lllld loday. • In addition, a light plane loaded wiUi medical suppliet for bln'ricane victims crashed. at Lake.front Airport in New. Orleans,. killing foor persona. The plane crashed while attemptibc to take· off for GuUport. Mf!OI of the dead ""' !-In Pua ~' Wbicb WU c:ut off from tfil -world 1111111 dltrultt .._ lrol<l :::t..toda1. 1 ~ -vher Mayor Gl'een said that although he op- po«d lhe apartment oegmenl ol lhe development: be resented Dr. Bauer's ac- cusations· contained .iJ't . an open letter released. last Frktay. The letter accused councilmen of being "vf!r'/ responsive to lhe special requests of moneyed interest.. and not responsive to the citizens at large." . • • .-• ' '· f , •. . HURRICA~E CAMILLE LEFT THIS -PATH OF DESTRUCTION MONDAY' AFTER HITTING llLQXI, MISSISSIPPI a,. brick apartment balldJnc WI! leveled and Z3 occupant. wl>o lultl 1111,..i betµnd for a hlU'ricane J*'tY were tl1Jed.. -..., 111 and n olher re.1-had fled lhe fury ol lhe !llonn. GaPinl boler made Pau Cbri1Uan'1 elr~ -impassable. Trees were f1unl aboul. and the few trees Jell _, were ltripped of their leaves 'and but. Many' at lhe lrees were lillmd with ilema ol clothing, drapery, ainau Pieces of furniture and other debris. A mattras was hanging 15 feet high in one tree. Green called the statement "ir- responsible," a n d quoted f i g u r e s to show that Ocean View S chool Distiict bad fared. much better than the other two eleinerilary districts in• the community (Huntington Beach Elemen· tary and Westminster) in zoning matters and industrial acreage. Great revealed that Dick Belyea,· McDonnell-Douglas ex e c·u ti v e and Chamber of Commerce industrial com· mittee chairman, bad offered the use of Douglu computers to detennine the ae-- tual tax return to the city and school diatcids from various zones. Belyea emphasized that he would have no recommendations, "just facts." The Lusk plan calls for 44.S acres of (See COUNCIL, Page !) OV .Sc'fwol , Board Postpones .Meet • Ocean View SCbool. ,DiStrict trustets failed tO tnmr a quorum Mondly night · and had .to postpone . their · meeting until" 7:30 p.m ... ~t Mond;ay. OnJ;y, lrustees·Ra1pb Bauer and Robert Ziringrabe were on hind. to· discuss ' an agenda that lnc!U:ded a request to· sclt~ule a .fl.l mlllion•bood eleclion for' Nov. 11. All agenda It.ms will again ·be pl>eed: before the· 'bOird_ when it meets ~es:t' Mooday. Trultees Iun Shaffer, Robert Knox and George Log8.n wcr:e. unable to attend the meeting. Downt~ G-,..ost T~f HuntingtQn B~es Plans· For Sunset Beach Annex Nixon ·Releases ' $1 Million Aid For Gulf Area · Huntington &.ch · tjly c:oiincJJtrnm Monday laid to 'rest ~e pioposed ~~; nexalion of· Siln3et , Beach•rdeapite'•an eleVeoth-hour suggestion· that ~ ·merpr' attempt might be·kept1alive. ' The suggestion came' from Mayor .J.ack Green. He said backers of the proposed 11,1arriJ1ge of·Huntin~ Beach ·with .. the colorful seaside-colony.. "could-Uk· for · furth~r proof of. ~ fali~ty of so~ pf the protests." · He was refening·to .protests to. the•an- neJ;atiOn by property1 owners. ·CKy Cli;tlt Psul Jones conceded a weft ago-that Protests reiJresenling 55.77 per~t'Of ·the assessed valuatlon Jn ij\e ~ated c0mmunity had been cerlifled by;.hjs of. fice. Protests from,. property . owners representing SO percent .o{ the .assessed · value would have been eoough to kill the annexation. Mayor_Gree11..apparenUy wu. ref~r.ring . to a rumor' that many of the° protest pet.i~ lions were aigned by onJy one member ot a ·family and that most of, these pr.; pertj.es' were under joint tenancy laws re. qiilrlng 'signatures or bbth man and wile. However, Mrs. Virginia ·Strain1 leader cA. the aMexation move. refused the op- portunity sayigg, "We agree that-some of the protests could be challenged, but our ·group reaJizes· that the intent is there and so therefore we do not wish to eootinue. tht matter' futlbl.r at this woe." Pact Approved For LeBard Park By FRANCES LEWINE "-iaCM._, ,,._ l&lfl' Wr""' '·President Nixon has moved sWlftly to provide •t million· in federal '·di.saM.et'· funds ·for Misaisalppt devastated by htjb · wlnd! and tides of J:Iurricane eamme. : Respondlzig Monday to a piea frO:m ~isslsslppi Gov, John Bell Williams, ,lhe President promised ·that mo r·e money Woord~tie airocitea-w1ien tile ru1r rlimi19 to public property iJ det.nnlned. , The Western White House ·In San Clemente said, Nlx'on .was · kept lJl{ormed ot . the hurricane damage as ~e. ~ slammed into the Gulf cOa:st S~.atni1ht cenlerlng llS Impact ori Gullport 'and ~lo:r.i. . Nj>:,on ·was •on th~ golf course at·the S&mP Pe~ton1 Marine· Baae, 20 mOes. south of his oceanfront home, when his staff announced the President bad declared Mississ.ippi a major dialst.er area, . · · It wai the .f!JU'lh•day In a row tJuotNix· oo hu played fOU. flying to v"'"'"' Soulhern California courses by h<licopter., NiXon plans a· schedule of work' in1the mornings, recreatlonin the afternoons and long, ··free ,weekends ·during his California ~y. ' _ A cootzad for·<OOBlnlctlon o1·14.,,i• Ho called In m new U.S. ombal58dofs Par~ in Huntlngtm ·Beach.was approved , for a meetlng today. Tbe group inctudfld· Monday njghl fry the Cl!y Council.. · Taylor G. Belcher, amljassador,to!PUIJ; i.aw'bJ'dder wu lhe Johii.Qn ~pe ' Eileen n: !1o00van; BarlradoS; Leoilard· Co. .ol Irvine aN94;!72, just II~ rtver lbe ' C. l\lee~er. Rqmal\la; l.ulher). Replagit, Oltima)o. by 'Public Works D~e<:tor .Jim !!eland; WaJl6: J..RJce, Au>lrana;:' aiid• Whttler. . A,dolirh W. &hlnldt, Ci!lada.f : , Six bids were received ranging up to . 'Two othefC"'aCbet!uled .vsltor1 ~were •tt,160.04. n'ewlyt.. appoiiited Jridian a~f&lrs ' com-· '('he.contract lncl~es two tennis cQUrts • misa.loner, Loul5 .Bruce, and J. Wallace · Wlln Jenctni. an auton:aUc lrrigat!On . Ster)lng, lomief pc;esidenl ol Stanfont 1system, parking for 45 cars. 119,000 , Univentty and chairman ol the American . square feet of if"59, 15,000 squarf! ,feet of Rev~UU~iµy Blc~11~~ ~tnn!1.sai~. · groimd cover. tzees.,sljnl..,, 20,000 "11'4!• .!!~ . .0Ue<t.S~fi\>r<111 'to ~ lb9ilh !feet 'ol corictel(irai~ irjfJ5,~~uirt1 ~~flilf,°'lw~IQll'_\rfll<fl·~ , • lfe<t . .i( ~~Jt'l'I~ 'l'j'·,~ • ' 1 }"f."'111!1'.<lj ."1 :Jljly1;wlll, v·'""'' 'k""'-t..1r_,1;./~(.~ ...... l ,,1 a···.·'.,.,··. •<N ' '"' ~· · -~~ ' ' I ~''· e ....... 1r,... • 1 '~ '· 1· t . ' :~i·ei> r ,1-1tx;a~.aaaJ"'tl1,1,. . ~ , • ~ ... ,. 1 .. , .. or· ; • -··~·at CnllNa:.nrt've,anc(· ~:' ;• j... • ~ ~~ 1!.AliJt:~·o1 ·1ive ~~ ~.jH!>ffa Faints.' ~ tWOi-ant al Ediloo. Co. ' ' • • • • . 1 · . , ", : ·:~. District q(Jurl Crest View .Stars ·· Ou1TANOOGA,'l'erul; ~llPll -·The w· 'C' Ch · nlllii .,,v #-·~~" R.' 'J ~· . · ~pJ~ · P'; H~ lain~ lfr;tj:s'. DbtiiCl·~llY · I Crul View All Stan 'de!eoled' .q,el u.,jelll~ . .beill!'. dit HO!fa'i bJJl.to I ~wool All stars' 7 fp 4' to "P\.1'!''111<, ~•oitui:n l iu<Ji~ convli!Jmi. r, j)lulic skull staked to side o! pickup truck park·. ed on Main Streel symbollc of problerm facing downtonw Huntington Beach! Will the aroo become a giro<! town! Nobody ltnOw• for sun1, but plenty of property owners are prepared lo argue about. whal 1hould happen to1 re<l•vtlOl!ll'lent plans for lhe downtown al'06 near the bead!. See lllory pege 3. • JdiBmf>l«olllp In' tl\e 'Huntli\tgOll -Mr., Hoffa WU llkea from II'" RecriaUon and Park• Department "Cf' courtroom when lhe suffered tht falnll!ig oilague -~II program. . spell during t.sUmony by WaJter-Sl>erf· Cr8t Vleilrl also won the JJJ!f •cham-dan, a NaUonal Broedcullng .Compll11 plonlhlp·tourn<Y, thlla becoming the llnl newsman and former &¥istanl to Ihm leom to win II lwlce. U.S.Atlomey Gwral Robert KennedJ!. . ' l ~ t Every building in the town WU damtg• ed. Only the side wall.I were left on the new post office ballding and the neW Fint.NaUonal Sant W88 gone except 'for its vault, wllicb .stood starkly above the rubble. "II'• '° depressing you jusl don't !eel like going on," said Mrs. Ruth Diamond', an elderly woman whole two-story home two blocka from lhe gull IUfV!ved wilb heavy damage. "It's the worst thing I've ever Ren," lhe added. , She ••khhe·and bet" daughter and two grandsona rode out the storm on the • cood Door of her home. Al one point water BUrged to the seventh at.qr after ' (See CAMILLE, Pap I) County Man, 37, Dies of Attack CJyde Paa!, 37, B7U Palos Verdes Ave .• Westminster, IRlflertd an --heart attaclt and died Monday wbllo tourlntf the Colorado Capitol building In Denver. 'nie Denver Fire Department said Pua had walked lr<Jm tht third lllory up lhfee flOors to .the top of .the capitol'• dome; when he suffered the attack. An autopry will be held Wedneaday to dt!lerJnlne the exact cauae ol death. Weadler Sunny skJe1 .ahould prevail 1 ont Wednesday, despite some or 1 ~e usual early morning cloud· ' itiess, with temperatures COil• · tiDulng: kt the riU!)dle ?o.'1 •long ·I the-Oran1e• Co111t. \. • \ . -i • • ~~y PILOT. M SniogMeet Called at 'n'8 Newporter lnn In Newpoct Beach win be the aoene for a cablntt·lew:l eon-- I~ on ~ and ways to curt It. President N 1 1 o n • a Environmenta1 · Quality Cotwtcll will mett lhere after a ee.kln •tth the Chief Executive in San Cl...-on Aug. 26. Wuld""°" sources said Monday 11\ey do not. upect the President to aUtnd the N~ Inn m .. lq, but other bllh- nnking cabinet olticen will be there. With Nixon as council chairman, lhe other members include the secretaries of 'agriculture; commerce; health. educa- tion and welfare; housing and urban deveJopment; interior and transportaUon, Vlce-Prttident A 1 n e w and tbe Prtsident'1 1Cience advilOr, Dr. la A. DuBrldge, who acts as e 1 e c u t I v e ~ for the group. VeiUclea eqllipped with ·various powm- sources will be on display at the Newport.er-, courtesy of the Big '"1ree automakers. • The engines In lhe vehlcles will include turbines, electric motors, steam turtlnea, and modUied Internal comb u 1 t Ion engmea, wppllod by <lhrysler, General Motors and Ford. Sources sald additional exhibits will in- clude 1970 model cars and various emission control devices proposed by in· dJvidual oil companits. The monllng briefing with the Prtsi· dent-wUI Include a briefing on various •tea• . of air pollution, t o u c h l n g apecif.lca11y on the problems of California. 'I1le council was formed in May by Nix· on '"to review existing policies and pro- grams and lo suggest nys al improving them." Murder 'Suspect' Released, Denies 'Occult' Activity LOO ANGELES (UPI) -Thomas Steven Hamgan, the second "suspect" in the Sharon Tate murders to be arrested, questioned and released, sa:·s he knows of no ''occUlt" actlvilie!; among her friend!. The almost ritualistic nature or the grisly &layinp of Miu Tate and four oUler per90na at her secluded estate bas led lo ~latlon lhaf the murders were earl ol time strange .rellgioua; ri~ · HaniJan, '17, told newsmen 'he aUended a party. at the Benedict Canyon home the night of '111urllday, Alig. 7 -the· day before the murders -but spent lhe nut nlgbt in suburban Manhattan Beach drinking beer wlul friends . Hanigan, a naUve of Canada who at·· tended school In Ottawa, Ont., was sought lo a bulletin iasued by the Royal Cana· dlan .ttountain Police tbal said he was "wantld for murder' and was traveling with foor "narcotic hippie-types." Harrigan said he he.a.rd about the bulletin Sunday night and gurrende.red here Monday morning. Police detectives questioned him for three hours and then releued him. Police spokesman said, ''We have no ruson to believe that these four men are any more IUJped. than anyone else. We have no reuon to hold any of them at this Ume." Hanigan was not booked or charged. He said he doesn't use drugs, •s implied in the RCMP bulletin. His attorney, Paul Caruso, described him as "•n old-rashion· ed, beer-drinking Irishman." Harrlcan said he bad known Voltyck Frokowsky, one of the vlctims, for eight months and known Abigail Folger, aDOtheT' victim, for about fjve months. The other victims were Jay Sebring and Steven Parent. The caretaker at the est.ate, William Garret.son, 19, was arresttd and then released last week after undergoing a lie deteclor lest. Pollce said they were no longer seeking the other three men named in the RCfi.tP bulletin. They are friends ()f Harrigan, but he &aid lhey all were out ()f the state ttw. night oi the slaying&. DAILY PILOT CU.NOi COAST PUlllSHlNG COMf'AH .. lt•\i•1f N. W••I rrulckrll .... Pu~11Mr J•tlf R. Curley Vice Pt1111dent .,.,, Gmtrlol MIM.., Tllo"''' keeYil E11tor The,..ll A. Murpki111 M1"11l~t Ed1!ff Ji,\he1I W. 1.1,, Anl'l:ll!I 1!"1W tt1lltt"f'" .._. otnce JO' Sih Shttl M•tli~t Addr•u1 ,,0 . ler 7tO, 9J~•• Othtf OffkH N""Mr' IMtll i!ll WHI .. ~I ilow .. ¥t rtl Ct'lll 'M,., UI Wcol ''' !l<ttl t.IWN INtlll m Ftrtll An- , • -· UPIT ....... Mllllott l' •rtf• ' Santa Ana River -'--StlndJiaul Slated- The U.S. /.rrny Carpi of El>«!Dtm..ut week wW be opfnlnc btda for a mautve haul of one .mlllloo cubJc yards of sandy sediment frorn the Stnta Ana ruver chan- nel to West Newport Beach. The And haul wW aCcomplish two purpoaet: in one. IL wUl unclog the river channel. And It will ttplenllh aand known frequently lo enxle from West Newport. Carl Nelson, operaUon1 engineer for the county Flood Control Department, esUmates bids by contractors Aug. 28 will be in the neighborhood of $'100,000. The cast will be entirtly borne by the federal govermnent. The heit.vy equipment operatcn ltrlke will have the tflecl ol spiraling the coot u~. Ntlaoo said. It also Is llllelj' to dtlay the projocl. ·~· Tbt danger th1a year Is not that the beach will again trod• and threaten .lelJhore dwel)F1 but that with the chan· ntl M1f clO(led a fiood mJgbt break through 1oand levee.s. He 1alCJ It Is planned, with the city of Newport Beach's blessing, that the beach be widened the 1.6 miles from Grant Street to 31st Street as much as 400 feet oceanward of the present shoreline. The sediment in lhe river channel came from Santa. Ana Canyon and the water spreading works ol the Orange Couoty Waler Di!trlct in Anaheim. "The native onatertal up there is pretty nice sand," Nelson said. "It comes from the higher mountains." He also said any clay is separated out by the ocean and dumped in quiet waters with the sand being heavier staying in the surfline. Part oi the Corps contract will be lo repair asphaltic concrete lining of the river channel north flf the San Diego Fffi!way le Santiago Creek in Sanla Ana. HALF O~ CHURCH .DEMOLISHED, HALF VIRTUALLY UNTOUCHED IN BILOXI, MISS. "With winter coming on we have to get this cleaned out," utd Nelson. He explained protective rock rip rap only lines the bottom of the channel and that the levees are of sand. Last Febnwy they began caving in, be said, but fortunately March was a dry month. 1be dancu posed by the atdlment now on the bottom is thal It rabes the river level. This is just the first or several con- tracts the Corps will be awardiniJ. Upper river repairs will come later. Eventually the lower part of the river might get a concrete lining which could withstand a "standard project flood," the f!ood generated by the largest storm ever known lo have occurred in the area com· ing on a wetted watershed, Nelson 1aid. Stranp Gyrations of Wind Mark Path of Hurricane Called Camille · Few in Huntington Lik.e Spirited Roo.ftop Music And the band played on -the roof of lhe Syndicate 3000, at least until Hun- tington Beach policemen and firemen put a stop to the performance Monday night. Downtown residents failed to greet wlth the same enthusifism a rooftop rt.ndltlon by The Syd, lead band in Gilbert Covell's controversial teen night club, that might be -ei:pected for an appearance ()f "Fid- dler on the Roof." "It woke my sleeping baby,'' com· plained one resident, about 6 p.m. Mon- day. "I couldn't study,'' said a student. "It was awful," said a couple of music critics. But llben policemen arrived at the scene -3rd Street and Pacific Cout Highway -they were a capUve audience for 1$ minutes as the ampWied rock music bleated out from the roof of the Syndlaite 3008. All the doon'to the lluild!JC wtr. loci' ed, said p.u.. reports lhit mornlng. And wal'fllol shouls ol "dlsUlrtilnll the peae<" failed to atop the band, wallina; out Its tunes oomplacenUy on the roof. Firemen finally had to bt called to gain entrance. But while policemen went up one ladder to the roof, ·members of the rock group went down another. Finally, inside tbe building, musicians met criUcs. This morning's rt.views showed tllat lhree ol the foor band members were arrested on charges of ctlsturt>ing the peace. A juvenile ms released. Covell, who alto manages the band. was not present at the building while the rooftop concert was bein& given. His Syndicate 3000 is currently clORd for repaln, while he fights 1 runnlnc feud with the City over the occupancy and use ol hJJ nigbt spot. The band's instruments, two guitars, ftve dnmu IOd -cymblls hooted up to three speakers, were coofiscated by poUe<. On< band member <omplained 'Chol hi,. was disappointed when they COJldn't hook up one more amplifier. Downtown residents, who complained by the dowls, apparently dldn'( qrte. Apartments Moratorium Rejected, But Study Ol{'d Councilman Jerry Mslney"1 demand that all apartment construction in Hun· tington Beach be stopped until 1 study could be made of possible overbuilding faileti to win approval Monday night by his fellow councilman. But Matney got the proposed sludy (already uMer way aC'C()rdinC to the Planning Department) and a request to City Attorney Don Bonfa to sWdy the legality of a posslble moratorium on all 8.partmen{ zoning. Matney called it a Hmatter of grave conce~." poinUng out that Garden Grove with U1e highest density o( populaUon in the county had a ratio of one apartment to four single family homes. "If our master plan Is followed to the letter we could have a one to one ratio here," Ult councilman protesled. Dick Harlow, ass1stant planning direc· tor, adrr:itted that "although wuent acreage toned to apartments and master planned for multiples would be ultimately only 12 percent of the land mass ln the cl- Problems Told In Overcrowding Huntington Beach Councilman Ted Bartlett Monday night suggested that overcrowding of ()Id homes and some apartments was becoming a police pro- blem In the community. Police Chier Earl Robitaille agreed that certain homes and apartments with a surplu s of occupants were trouble areas. Councilmen asked Robitaille, City At· tomey Don Bonfa. City Administrator Doyle Miller and the building and fire departments to 1tudy tilt pl'Oblem and report back to the CC1Uncil Sept. 2. Bariletl noted that nearby communities had ordinlnoet Um.ltlng the number of unrelated people Uving In a dwelling. Huntington Tax Rate Set at $1.45 Per SillO City aiuncllmon Monday nlgM olflclally set the 1959-70 propeny lll1 rate at $1.45 per $100 of assesse~ valuaUon , the aame figure as for tMUt. Oily Cltrk Paul Jonts aald tolal 1sseu- ed valuation of all property ln the city for the coming liscal year II 1293,272,7ll0. ( ty It could result in a 50-SO ratio of mult.iples to single family homes on a unit basts. Councilman Henry K11ufman objected to Matney'! request f"' a moratoriwn, suggestina; a ·study but saying,,"there ls no clear and present danger" of apart- ment over,bullding. Matney argued that studies "usualty take from a year to a year and a half,'' but Harlow countered with h I s department's plan to present 1 current study on the subject to the cound.I in September. Attorney Bonfa thought that a moratorium "might be unlawful In that It could be selwre 0( the right to use prtvi:te property.'' From Page 1 COUNCIL ... the total 351 to be zoned for apartments, permitting about 1,100 units. The council approval allows development o( only 9.5 acres to apartments at this Ume with the understanding illat more apartment IOl'l- lng will not be granted until industriaJ development has been accomplished. The Sunset Beach Island pro}ect was approved after a lengthy hassle over channel clearances sparked by Jerry Jones of Sunset Beach. Attorney George Shibata, representing Aetna Savings and Loan AssoclaUon, as1ured Jones that ~foot chaMela would be maintained bordering the 26-home pro- ject. City Administrator Doyle M 111 e r pointed out that the 3680-&quart-loot lots Pf"OlJosed"'"would be smaller than anything in the city and mJght set a precedent. The project was approved by a 5-1 vote with Councilman Matne.y dl!sentlfll. The proposed rttone or U acrea at AUanta and Beach ran Into opposition from all councilmen. Ma,yor Green pointed out that the plan as approved by the Plannina Comm.i.ssion, would cut 100. feet into the proposed right-of-way for the Paclftc Coast Freeway. "We don't want_to irritate the Division or Highways at th!s time when we are In ralbtr delicate negotiations with them over freeway on and off ram pa:," Green wamfd. 'l'be unanl.rnous motion Lo "deny forever" wa1 folJowed with another to ask the ULI and Bt:ach Development commltttta and plaMing oon11ultant Ted Adsit to "review and report by Sept. II on the hl&h"t and be.It use for the pro- perty." From Page 1 CAMILLE • • • crashing thmigh th e house's Fnncla doors. SJ:i.t)' shrimp boats hei.ded back into the gull today to dump their rottih1 catches ol shrimp -wortb hundreds ol thousands of dollars -becau.se there was no way to procesa them in the deeolate aftennath ()f the hurricane. 'Mle 800-squarHnile area devastated by • the strongest storm ever to hit the U.S. main1and was bedlam of grief, confusion and destruction. city and comity officials from all along the coast met In Gulfport in an effort to find a way to overcome the catutrophe. Gov. John Bell Williams declared a 11tate oC "parlJal martJal law" in the bur· ricane irea at midday. "The area of damq:e Is quarantined and only persons with bualntsa in lbe are• will be admitted," W'Jlliams sa.Jd. Receding waters uncovered some bodies sprawled in the mud. Others were uncover~ as wtirkers c I e a r e d away crumpled buildings. "They're sWI dlgging them out," said Bijl Ruv•y, public WO!tDOl!on officer of the Mlsslsslppl Civil Def..,.. Council: Ht confirm~ the 132 death! but added that 1 "today was the · flnt duince to get bul1dOltn m and we dpect 'J!le toll to 10 conlid•rably higher' •. Huiiifreds in d perbap1 thousands ftfeinjurtd.'1 • At least 200,000 were left homeless. Most spent the night in emergen· cy shelters and ventured out at dawn to help clean up the ruin of what once was the playground ()f Mississippi's plantation aristocracy. l\larina Calls Youths For Athlete Exams All boys who plan to participate in athlelics this year at Marina High School must be present tor physical U.· aminatlons from 9 a.m. to noon, Satur· day, at the school. Athletic hopefuls who miss Saturday's free examinations will have to see a private physician to try out for any of the school's athletic Learns. Accident Kills Woman A rnotorcyCle traffic accident in La Habra. has takfn the life ot Mrs. Gloria J. Eagelson, 26, of Montebello. She died Monday night of injuries suffered when a cycle driven by her husband, William, collided Sunday afternoon with an automobile. liirs. Eagleton wu a paSWl,ger on the motorcycle. YOUR Normally, the county Flood Conlrol Distrlct would have bandied the channel cleantni but because of the heavy rains last winter there wu $6 mllllon in flood repair work to be done. County supervi.Jorl, therefore, asked for federal assistance. Cost ol the flood repair project has betn approved from the federal Office o( Emwgency Prtparedno,.. The Corps of Engineers also has respomibillty in beach erosion control IO the nearness ot West Newporl la a happy cltcumstanct, Nelson said. Most Residents In Valley Oppose Civil Service ' Preliminary rellllts of an opuuon JUrvey circulated in F()UD.tain Valley in· dlcate res!d<nts are theroughfy opposed to c I t y employee being placed on civil service while a atroo,g m1jortty , feels public officials should ditcloae land holdings within the city. The survey haa been maned to about 1,000 residents by attcmey Robert SIS90ne. a candidate tor Mayor Rotiert Schwerdtfeger's council seat In the Sept. 23 recall electon. Sassone said Thursday fewer than 100 residents had returned his 14-question survey, but more are expected over the next few weeks. Two questions on the survey deai with public officials and candidates disclosing their assets. A slight majority of those answering cpposes disclosure of asset!, said Saaone. Other questions deal with lot aius in the city, apartment ionin&, council pro- cedures, conflict of interest and various city functions. Significant ruponses are not yet available on those items, said Sassone. "I do plan to mail out more ques· tionnaires and provide tabulated answers to all the candidates," e1plained the council candidate. Two questlorui, he added, have been ~­ quested by residents for further ~urveys. They include rotaton of the mayor's title and the necessity of an airport for Foun- tain Valley. Sassone said he will be abaent from lhe city for the ne~ two weeks due to an ill· .... in the family, bUI q...-U.S will conttnue to drculate. Yoiir Omega Sol11 & Stnrict Agrncv Guiso Blasts SCA G, Pushes Local Rule One candidate in Fountain Valley's recall elect.ion launched his: campalcn this week wlth a blast at regional gov- ernmental groups and called far the city·~ withdrawal from them. Paul C. Guiso, an engineering ad- ministrator at McDonnell D o u g I a s Astronautics Corporation, ch a r g e d specifically that the Southern CalUomia Association of Governments (SCAG) "removes local control and adds another layer of taJ:lng agencies." "Let's.keep cootrol of our local govern· menl and taxes," declared Gui.so in a two-page mimeographed handout. Regional governmenl and taxes, ex· plained Guiso, are two ol the issues be plans to hit hardest in his campaign. Guiso also AnnOO.nCed that a list of local citizens supporting his campaign would be released soon. Guiso U .campaigning for Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau's contested council seat. 'Fregeau has not yet issued any campaign statements in defense of his seat, but has promised to bring the issues before the people as the election date approaches. While blasting regional governments. Guiso also called for a "new approach in our city government," withoul naming specifics. Pilot 'Isolated' By Power Failure Power, power, who's gol the power? We didn't Monday afternoon. A power failure caused by an ()Venealous tree-trimmer and com· pounded b> our own internal difficulliea ~ut DAILY PILOT offices in Costa Mesa off from the outside world for more than two hours. If you ried lo call us between 3:16 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., you heard the telephone ringing, but got no answer. Trouble was, we couldn't hear the phone ringing on our end and our l'eteivers were dead, so we couldn't talk to anyone anyway. We're sorry about the inconvenience. Can you imagine how deathly silent a newspaper office seems when 110 phones are ringing? ·o OMEGA -----_ ... TI!1 very ''"'• O"'"' $1'"411'111f•r Witch Wt WATCH~ ., .. -FREE ''"' ••• 1tl1Kt.4 with· 1wf ''" 111141rlc1tio11 lt1 NASA t• ~. w1r11 ~y 01,1r 111t11 111 th e 1110•11. Thi• flClfft\tilft, t111ly I ti• w 1 r 4 f o r ••c1h111c1, J111k11 '" ,r;.1,14 t• h ,,,, .,th.rll14 o"'"' l•••'•'· C.J111 '" -,,. tfti• ht1M111111, 2 MlttoAo t ClllMll • OilM WW..TMWf//lt •Ml"""' ....... $2.00 11-STlUN• h9 s4a~TMD_ llN•I $3.00 ...... - llAMOMM $6.00 •• lftACDt"-. ==:,•w. ........... IONI -..... WMILI TOI WAIT H1ntllltf011 Clllter IMch at Edln9er HUNTINGTON BEACH II 892-5501 . \ • • 41.1, o....,. s''''"'••-"' .. i.,....,,.,h. n. '"'' witch w1r11 ~., th• "''' H th. ll!MI. ,,1,. Sltl. tllMI AYAJWll and back Htll'Mr Shoppin9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I . -· •. • ' t' •• ' Tlltldq, AOIUSt lt, 1"69 • Vital St~tisti~s fo:r the Orange Coast IHvorees • Carpeti11g '7.49 "Briarwood" Nylon Pile High resiscmce to wear. Nub- by rweed cemue io 6 soil.bid- ing colors. Double iute backing. spot clean& ·easily. Frelb. new colors. SAVE 19'1o '8.99 "Lasting Pride" Carpet 12-ft. widths •.• ideal ly suit~ for commercial as well as resi. dcntial use. Install ic fDW"Self ••• jwt cut ii tnd fit it. FOam rubber bock.10 colon. SAVE 11% 7!~ Acrilan•AcrylicPileCarpeting ln'Your Choice of Ten Colors Stain-Proof Outdoor:. Indoor Carpeting Regular '8.49 I 99 sq. yd. 8 Sean laboratori-tested carpeting , • • doana ap without • trace ••• romlB cola, coffee, oil paiat, black grease, grape Juice, ball pen ink and 24 other bothenome 118im and 1pillo · • Y oar eholce in heather blue, coppertone, heather green, golden heather, celadon beige tweed, shamrock tweed, £'~bird red, heather wheat, bronze green tweed and haneatone Call Sean (or Profnei.onal Capet (:JNning AlltAhoat Sean Convenient Credit Plano SAVE 15% on Indoor or Outdoor ·"Sentry Service" Carpet Ref$0Iar •9,49 799 eq. yd. e :Wovea 0£ 100% 1olation dyed Aerilan• •crylic • • • euy lo clean with ho•• or vacuum • In 12 and IS.EL widtho ••• can he imialled aoing normal inollllallon procedures • Your choice in 13 auracliw colon •s. 79 "Promenade" Vjnyl l.oprodactlou of b111d.,.. lfODt. tile floon.ead:ci111d for reo1J""'6(r, 'lriddu,cuthloaed ,.;111 dllcli <rlnyt.lcom Inner con.. In 11 mloft. SAVE 17'11>1 4 79 oq. yd. "Fieeta" Stain-Reeistant Vinyl N..., mods wulaa ••• boo COU1e It ts fcttilied ,.;111 dllcli S-V1lae! .. ...i...-..1Ut.widtb, . 79 '""11 "'"' Is iu,bly milwlt 5 rubber cubloa bockl.,. 1.. oq. yd. ltllll JOml!Oll. ' ,_.., II colon. Sears t_,loor Tile 35• "Ready Stick" Vinyl Tile Sitt 12xl:Z.irL riles. Use f...., riles, fioisb 4~96. fattr. Ad· heres nail; eo Willa. imtalls easily mer existing floor. 12 colon,~ pcrrerns. SAVE 14% 30~ 28• ~Casa Viva" Asbestos Tile Vinyl ubeslOI tile ,.;111 Sptn· isb dcsisn-_$W: 12>12-in., 1.16- io. thick. Lay tile ia 1ny direc· tion for OYeH1l pittC.'rDI. 6 decot110r colon. SAVE 1490 24~ DAil Y PILOT 9 ,-------------------------------------------------~ I IUINA'AllC TA 8·4400, 521 -4530 n MOH!! GI 3-3911 lOHO W.00 HE 5-$)121 POMONA E0 2·1145, NA 9·5161 , YU 6·6751 l'1CO WE 8-4262 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 540·3333·· I CANOGA PAIK 340·0661 GLINOAll 0t 5·1004, Cl 4·'611 OLYMPIC A IQTO AN .. 5211 SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 TORRANCE 542·1511 I COMPTON NE 6-2581, NE 2·5761 HOll\'WOOD HO 9.5941 ORANOl 637.2100 SANTA" SPalNGS 944'8011 VAlllY PO 3·8461, 954.222() I COVINA 9~11 INGl!WOOD O• 8·2521 •ASADIHA 681-3211, 351-1211 Sears SANTA MONICA EX •·6711 vnMONT PL 9·1911 ,________________________ ---------------~---~ "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" ___ .,., Shop 6 Nlghtt Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. tp 9:30 P.M • •• -- I ' I I ·1 I I • JO OAllY l'ILOT H COmplet&.:.New Y o~k .Stock List ' NSCTells OVER THE COUNTER Results ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • • ' • ' • ' ' • • ' ' • ' • \,1 • ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' • ' • ' • ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • i ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' • I • • • • • • • • ' .. .. • ' • • • ~ ! Tllffdq, AutUSt lt, 1969 H DAil v l'ILOT JI Tuesday's Closing f Prices-Complete New York Stook Exchange List S.111 ...., ..... ,... -·---. ~----tl'fMt ·~ 1a111;" 1Ja 1:a !:. ~ DOW JON!S AVER.40£.t _......,, '·'°" f l'f.\t. 2t'!t + _, M k t Tak Ri l:r.~ j& i 'i:: ~ ~ =l~\ .~R(i°"~)f'l11el o-.1..,., 1wtJ•n ~1:1:.! (: l ~ «\i 'iitt ar e es Se ltf ,Jt t:' Jt1' J.flli +)~ a .!Jr LN (IOtt N•I V~l!:.r JU fM 1 n -IA i::: ~· m ~ !! P. ~1 mu nu1 !fl:" Iii~ 1 t:ll ::~r..-.''l .It' .r· + ~ .: I !i! c .., tr"+ ~!I V• W:tt ~ m:t1 m.lt • t:: ~=r:: 1 .1111 la ltU ~ t ::u· ·',\. ., )ft\-~ V~Netltllt I" 1~ -111 1\lff•-· \'Sl lCfr• (" 11 ~ -1' _4th-Str::.iuht Day-1ii~l ~i:::z.Pr.~.'~{~k-:::::?::::::::::::::::~ .. 0~~~~~1 ~iw;~flii.zi· ~::~ ~ ·pl"ff 1;# 1 tt-1\~ N1~ln .SG; 1 V 0 &Y ~ ,IO . 14 14 \4 t~ II ll WI urr fO U H ~+ ~ • · ~ne.E'il" 1~}° F ~ "·+ ~ t11':.t Mllfl 1.1w c1-c11t ~: 1 t'~I!: 1! 1 · -t ,, NEW YORK (UPJ)-Stocks forged ahead Tues-su"ott sin.u 11 ···~ W••a • 1 1lt ll " day for the fourth day ln a row in the wake of =~ .'f 1i!J ' '~ '• :°"iU' !fr~·.~~ 21 ] "~ 'tt' =1 "" ~!~"'l: ·~ J h"' "' .. i ed . h ' I t t .... ., .,:JI ' " f' ~lo o"' /I. 1 • j• 1" "' ~"""' >.I •U -~-· u• , .. ,, spreading r uct1ons on s ort tenn rn erest a es. $llf\tll Mn m " 1• ~ 1~ "' ":t!/·:u I ~ 1~ ,.., ···« w•~ 1w 't • n ~IA ~ Tradingwas brisk. ~~•,1.io 1111'1'lm' Jl\.'t~-+:."? ... 1'1 ~ t; m1:tt t"w:~1':!.7ri u·l"~ :.:.:~ • ,• lJ 1n\li l 1w1 -tlll • U-V w11 w11 1.n ~ \'a + 1• M I t b I. ed th r 11 could I 11""' ·• 26 ~ tn;; •••• - -w111e~ J-.• i • any ana ys s e 1ev e a y go ur· i:"" • .;..• ~ ,!.. 1;11 iftl .... u[i~"' 1 "' ~' 21u 7'1' + ., W•l'M c;m~ o 1 1 ~·,~ ther, but few were willing to predict and deep pene--sw111 eO '° llM u1 n"' re~ ··,... u 1 '/ .,., "'lo "n.-1~ t••"u1111 j 14 1 ~ \ •-+." tration above the 840-845 range on the Dow Jones I~":\~: ':: 1r, m: U1~ iii: i1~ ~::ri~~ii ~t',l iffi· ~1Il! ±·~~!£?,•'.Ml •'l ~Sft ~ ~ }~ industrial average. They noted that "there is still -T-u~ •c.l'l'!ll·~a 21 i1~ :? t t: ::.c1~ ·,0~~ "·~ .i; -f l! loo much economic uncerta1·nty .'' T111 ard ... u ff'~ J1 ,....., _"' o~c•tblo. 1 ::J .• :/ .... ~ .. .-. .. w111 r• .1 i{ ,14 :+ '' T1lcott N•I I jS \.;, 11 21 !-!"1 (Mr. 1 " \.'t I "' -\\ W.'.e: 1>t• ' ~ -,, Lucien Hooper, senior analyst of the \V. E. Hut~ ~:!li-;.~1"°.n 3 J 't ~11• "'" ·.;:-: iS" * jg u 1 , '~ ... w~11'•• ~t .... +11• loll brokerage !·1rm, sw'd "the upsw'•g on i·ncreased ''~ (I(" ,U l!~ s2i. i~~· =1u. u~ I :U.$0 ~l~ tt~: ff~ J1't}? . "''\~ w11 ~Jc "~t ls I• 1 i1 ::.~ . .u> TtPIMI o ... 0 1J ll!O tth .. Ul'IOl!f31.t0 U7 JI JO \t .;. lo 11n M4 1 ~ 21'4 f \o\ \1 volume may· indleate that the market is about 1=-~'~'· ·"' ,.J' s.t. ,st-s!1\ +~ 858tc ·1 501 l4~'k 66~ .,':,. +~14~ ~~"~:ft 1~ I, ~tt 1lil:=.~: ead to top 0 t 11 t(Mf<!e 655 :1.i ~ U1;, + 1\\ UflloliP.,; 2 5 .M" t'I ~\lo + Iii n ~ pU l t ~ 11 + -f Y U • tltdYll9 lilt f t !';'-7t.\.l. 7t1Jo +: 1·=-·· a ~ ftli -"-n 11 p16,f0 ' la1\o\ I I 1 21111 +I\' 0th anal f . !tlllle('O 1.• lj' ~m 2'\4 i n .• • " • ~ •1'-Wttl'IEI 1.IO n• ~ M . , .. er ysts elt it may not be un reasonable •,-, •.t:M tWJ ~ ,, ,.. ""''I .n 111• il4 JE 2l +"*= .. IE PU.to U20 YI ~ +1 .. to expect another testing o( late Ju1y lows. They u!V,,.,'·1'° .... 1ltt ~" H: = : v~"'~..,., ~· ww ,~ 1 '1at +~~ <t1:W."1 11Ji. 'I U" w. .,. !. ~ .d ti bl . "lb b I k " and '~ ..... !!:" d .·• M lfi ~ 211ill -\Ii un11• '·· ~ ... , • Ill + "Wtytr!M it !m :&-" sa1 g money 1s e w o e ey , there is r txGW so iJ '~ m: ~ _+~ :mil Fin ·~ 101 ~~ lfJ H,'? : . . =:1~11" .,'~ 1fdo z ~ 'i~~ no sign that the nation's credit managers '"a re t .... 1rwi'Tb 1 ,, · ,, +14 un Ftr,11 1 • .io if · .., ,...., +1,,.. WM11~n r.J :LIO ~ •••• a~-t to loosen the1·r hold oo credit." j~""' ·• '' 1 'unt ui~ -"'u"1,',1-.!'d ·" ,r.,t.' ',w. 13"' +14 =1r1~' ~ .-1fi 1 ·1· • uuu ' ~. ',I"/~.:& ft " ft n ... "'~~II MM~·~ 1• "" ,m ,a:: +w iwJ' " .,, ... > I ti ,, indi:::,r;i;h::~rea ~:inc1~~.1t~~~t1!!:rf.~;~1r: f!:1~:·1:: '~ , 11~J~ h!fute i,~~i~'li lop,;~ ~1·:: ~11~~(\~ri1 ,J : ~· ~,il sues crossing the tape. Of these, 891 moved bjgb-JS~ • ·~ " ~ 1 -._ usco~°'"' ,. ff'" 1,,.. ,, +1~ w1c~..car1 1 1C 14 +~~· !~ 1..,.~ j • i' ulsGvo rit1 to 2 lf "" u•.1i ..., w •1>1S1r 10b ll ' '* e r and 436 declined. I f l't , "' ~.. 1 u ~t:·; :.u ., 21· .. 2si.o, -.,~ ~~li"lff: r~~ 1" \· _ ~ The Dow Jones rageo!blu hi · d trial llli;,.,"\.4! ••" • ~8 '~"~~ _ii r.~ B~:'.~w/",9!'~" • n t •.• ave e c pin us s f I~('° 1~ 4 ~ ::;~ ~\ «Ml~ ~f·= Ts~ ... ti"' r .. , +1,. :1,·J!~ 1:1': ~.11 \) iv•;:;\~ was up 6.20 at 833.88 near the final bell. • 11: JI a ,.u 19,.. '" H 11 .. ii f, •v. 11~ ,. -,.. w1 co c •. tt '' 2 ,,., ~Ji.. t'"" Turnover ap~roximated 12,000,000 shares. versus T ~ .. ,~, l \lo i.,.·~· u'"' + !! ~s 1r.:11;J: 1 ;L~'~l! ;:~ = ~;.~~':t: l~ ~~ 1s~ 15"11 +a Some 9 000 000 S ares at a comparable per.od M T I, 17 ~ 21\'t l'l"t -~us Tobie. , 1 11\t l•r.t , ..... +Ito .,._l(O ,31 ll 11.!" 1-~ , , I OD• Toollll ~I J h m~ i;u ;,~ tjnJt VIII .• '' j .. li · t4h +Ito ~='1."# : «"' + ,•1 day, • J~::u.11°~·' n " l!lio \Ao U"UIH "1.U ~ Jl" I 11111 .. Woolw •1'tCI I JI -1 !r"WAlr I •• 2S>.lt ~\ '..; \; Un\.1111 f'Lte 4 '6o., ll*:MY. -1 World Al...;., ... 11 .. 1 _ -It Turnover Of nearly 10,000,000 shares exceeded tnWAtr Jo: 'Ii U\.'I '\.'I UnwLtl 1.51 I 1~ !Alo l-11 Wr l,l,lw ll J 11 l&W. 10 + "' Tr1nWP' • t ),tVo 11-. 11'.i :.:. 4" Uft/YO l"d •• 2U mll 14 14141 -t\ W""'lltler ... I 1 .... Ult lfil + '~ that of Monday at the same time by about 3,000,000 tr-, ~ .,, 11"" n11o -~ U~oton 1·'° " "" •1r. i!ll"' t" xrlJ C• '° "' ., ;J.'Z 'rn -~ Shares, Tt~r-9m,J'4_1' 'i~t 'lo ldj 1fs ii. +\, Y.!~.1~1r ·•• ,!! P,v, Ill? -a ~c.ni's6nc;.>O 11 i '4 11 3J}J' f \~ !~:·11 ~ " ':! ~ t! Jiil +·~ ~~ ~'t,~'° '1 ~nz r,.. ''"" + ~ i:~f.«•uot~ : ~ 1t it1it Among the most active issues were Brunswick, ,.~ " ~2 t~ :'It + u™ 111'1.so Jlo 1i11o ,,~ n" -v. 7.•1MNor ", , n i -h on the strength of an early block of 150 000 shares r11 ""' ' • 3C>\O :16u -v1111eor.1 .n 4$ 1\.\ &""' J1V1 +1·~1-· cor• " :u"" " + ' , "! °"' on. 3 '• • 31'~ + Ul•l'I Pt. 1.IO, 4 l,,,_ .... e•.1o + n IHllllll 1...0 le~'~ ~ -t,o:; at 18--1/8 off 118. Tr •1H11~ 1.-w ZI ''~ ,, U \\ -.,i,1 .. CP .AO )0 '"" INI .,. ~ ·\Ii -~ TRW !IC •• l Ill ~ J1~ U + ~ V11"11n AHO 11 m. 21'Ao \\ -'11 tPY•!1Mtd 11't' T ~!lid -19" I I • I ! •• I • I I • I - JI DAJl.V PILOT Powell, House · W ASllINGTON (UPI) Ad~m Clayton Powell Jr. ·and the House cl Representatives are still about $*'.l,000 apart on the issue of hJs uclusion from , ~ns 9: ~llina~:. no .... ~~;.~~:i:.:.:.~~:.::~~.-.~:.:::~ ... ·.·:.· ... So far as the House is coo· ,.,, .... .......,. ...... .,.,.. c.erned. the Harlem Democrat ---------- has alm08L nothing coming to hlm, Oespue the Supreme Court ruling the House ille- gally barred him for an en- tire twe>-year term starting In 1967, The House said It was willing to •pay court costs of $1,363.42. SD Bridoe " Blessings Mixed In Powell's view ~ Is en· UUed to $55,000 in back pay and several thousand dollars in other allowances, and he also should receive •uspension of the $25,000 fine the House 'CORONADO (AP) -After levied as a conditlo'h of his two weeks, "The Bridge'' is being seated this ytar in the proving a mixed blessing. new Congress. The traffic exceeds predic· These were the official pas-lions -m<n than 350,000 cars 1 itions filed Monday with U.S. and trucb have used the San District Court Judge George L. Diego.Coronado Bay aridge to Hart Jr., who is charged with date. With the greater revenue carrying out the Supreme have come complaints. Court's mandate to explore "It's a mess," says Navy what further proceedings may c d R ff Donn •- be ·~ d m r. . . an, w1ru warran1.a.1 an efftcl a picked a quiet street Jn setUement of the historlc case. Coronado for his retirement Reflecting House resentment home. Now cars roar down O\'er the Supreme Court rul-T Ing, the House attorney, Bruce hlrd Street, 12-feet away, at Bromley, wrote Harl the law-a furious clip. , makers do not agree with the A block away, Fourth Street decision and there no way of is clogged late in the day by knowing what the House miJlht cars carrying workers back do about a court order to give from San Diego. Powell back pay, The stream ol cars headed ''It is our client's position the other way -into Coronado that Mr. Powell Is not en· by morning and out by night titled to any further rellef in -has doubled. The Navy's this action, and that the ac-North Island facility is located lioo: shoold 8e dismissed," on the north lip of the Broriiley said. peninsula. NULL. VOID Ann Birck says "lt's a Powell 's lawyer. Herbe.i:t o. beautiful bridge and J love it," Reid, wrote Hart that the but she and others are asking emoluments of the office de-the city council to deal square- nied Powell should be r..e-Jy with a traffic menace. stored. and the reSolulion fin-The old truck route o! Ing the congressman should be Pomona now virtually dead· declared null and void because ends at the bridge, aod truck it represented "a continuation drivers have been whirling or ... un<:<>Ntitulional exclu· throogb. residential sections in sion." what looks like thundering Hart, who solicited lhe state-confusion. The &ituation is ments in a search for compro-alarming to some parents m~ set oral arguments for In a month or so, says °Clty Aug. 27. . • ~ Ma.n~gf:r Roport , \Vinn. l Ute Wlth'out comprmntst, the f.rallic problems will be ironed Hlj&IS:_e appe~s headed for a· ~t... FM' uami>llt atop lilDI clisl'e ~taUOft ~w~n •re going up on Fifth and the legislat1ve and Judicial Sixth streets branches of goV1!:rnment th~t "We wish' we'd had the some congressmen J~ar w1JI foresight to know 11 the put them in the position ol ,. 8 se defying the courts, for all their problems, M~yor Paul Vetter clamor about Jaw and order. told the ~I. Jt did not appear likely back Mean"!hile, the w~eels roll . pay could be ordered for Pow-unrelenting across t~e new ell without a House vote and bridge between San Diego and sentiment is decided1y against its oncwleepy b ~ d r o o m il.'I passage. suburb across the bay. Jeff Davis The Supreme Court ·kept Its decision to essentlals. ruling merely that the exclusion was unconstitutional; that House nrficers -the chief clerk. doorkeeper and serg•••l·••--Home Saved arme -unlike members themselves may be the subject of judicial proceedings: and that the H o u s e should pay Powell's court costs of Sl ,363.· 42. Bromley agreed to the 1 louse payment of coort costs. NO HOUSE ACTION It appeared the House offi. cers might be able to pay the court costs, u n d e r di~ricl court order, without House action. What remains Is to find a face-saving way to settle the-- remaining $80,000 difference. and one area of compromise yel to be explored is a possi· ble trade on the back pay and fine. If the House would Te· scind the fine. Powell might forget about the pay. · 1'ht fine is beinj! deducted from Powell 's $42.500 annual pay In roughly equal install· menls over his current t~·cr __ year tenn. GULFPORT, Mtss. (AP) - Beauvoir, the last home of Jefferson Davis, was scarcely marked by Hurricane Cami!Je, which wrtcked n e a r I y everything around It. Beauvoir,-overlooking the Gu lf of Mexico, Waa built in 11134. It was constructed of cypres.s timbers hauled in by schooner from Louisiana. Davis, preside.nl of the Confederacy, rented the mansion in 1877 and bought it a year'later. The Sons of the Confederate veterans bought Beauvoir in 1903 from Davis' widow and maintain it as a shrine. The structure, designed In the Mississippi planter tradi· t ion, stands ooe and a hall stories above a basement. It is surrounded by live oak.s and magnolias. You w1nt to nll some item that you no l~tr nHd but 1om.one else c1n UM for ?. NOT OVER , , ? • • YOUR ANSWER: $50 , • ? You call THE DAILY PILOT, 11k for Cl111ifltd Advertising, and pl•« • PILOT PENNY .... ,._ ........ - ' • • ' • • i3 • ' • :-• . CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE LINES 2 TIMES 2DOLLARS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 i . ... . ,. . . . . . . . ... ' 5:t figures very large in our Personal· Cl)oice Savings Plans at Bank of America. The easiest v;ay to earn it is with our new- est passbook account. 5lUrwastm PassbockAccollrt. , A minimum of $500 puts it In your name. Additional deposits are made in $100 amounts. Interest is paid every calenc\ar quarter. You can withdraw Interest during the first ten days or any ·caJendar quarter. The saine goes for withdrawal of principal. Providing, of courre, it's been on deposit a full calendar quarter. A 90-day written notice from you will also release funds. A nice arrangement. 5" Tine Certificate of Deposil Some people like the corporate' feel of cer- tificates. They earn 53 annual interest, payable every six months. They're issued ..... '" for SIOOO, or more, and mature every six months. The 53 interest can be credited to a regular savings account. Then .your total annual rate exceeds 5%. A shrewcf piece of money management. 5" Fl't'e·'1UI' Guaranteed Certificate of Deoosit. This plan provides absolute certainty on your future rate of return. Certificates are issued for a minimum of $1000 and in mul- tiples of $100 above the minimum. You may withdraw full amount at end of any maturity date withou tloss of interest. The 53 guaranteed annual interest is paid or credited every three months over a five year period. A real boon to long-range planners. , 4" ~SaW1gs. The most popular plan in Personal Choice Savings. And it may well be worth one per. centage point. Flexibility is its biggest draw. You can put any amount of money in-And take it out, anytime. Your interest - is computed daily, compounded and paid quarterly when it amounts to a dollar CJr. more. Actually, this is the highest rate allowed by law on this type of account. Individual needs are important to us. That's why we have so many savings plans to choose from. Drop in at any of our 950 branches. At Bank of An1erica, we're always ready to help you get ahead. BANKOFAMERICA m for the business a~ eve addedsomething to ,passbo.oks , at ~ • • k~ot ·Amecica . ' ,.., ...... _....,I""'·• (Investors Passbook Account) ~ l•11k •f A111rrlca N.T. IS.A. Ma111bar F.0.1.C. •••••••:t••t•tttt.ttt•t•!f••••••t!l:_f)l:U_u_,_,_,_,_,_~ --;----------------------------------T-----------;-----------_:' " .. ,._MdC..ryl4f.1ZZOJ I ' I I • ' . ~ . • ' • . Foaui•i• . _Valley ' . ' ' • I , .~ ar :t -a .. Councilinen . . . ' Solve Beach ~riict Flaps HunUogton BelCfi" city c'ouncilnien 1':1ooday nigfit ; acted OD tlp'ee con· troversiat"".pr~· developments. !i.Jov- ing wi~~ dispatc)).. compared, lo a.eerer· hoµr sesst,on Dfl Ute same problerr$ two w~ks,4go, PW: cOunc11 : . ' -Approved by a 4·2 vote a 3St-acfe lndustrial-commerclal-apartmenl project just.:11 out l! of,,the McDQnnell-Douglas Corporation plant on Bolsa • A venue but euded a promise from developer JOOn Lusk &. Son to give 2'h acres to enlarge: a. park site. . -Approved a 26-lot Sun~l Beach Island luxur)' home develDpm'erit with un- dentud lots · following a corice~ ~ the developer to build concrete bul~beads and •n' agreement that the city wnl ac- cept streets . previously deS!gnated aS priv<!le. -Denied ""fore\·cr'' the proposal oT VTN Orange County. r e P. re senting Gordon and Faye Talb:ert of Newport Beach, to build. 828 apartments on the soothweSt cOmer of Atlanta Avenue and B61lCh Boulevard in an area now zoo~ for olfice-profe&1iona1 use and tentatively master planned for a convenUOn center and hotel·mote! developments. .. .. 1"1" :T EPI TIOK • Hurricane's Death Toll Nowatl32 From Wirt Services GULFPORT, Miss. -MtJsisalppl'1 Id· jutant general today recommended that the ~ippl Gulf CoaJt, crushed by; Hu0'1cane Camille with 13% now, de~ be placed "under·formal or informal m&rtial law." Maj. Geo. Walter Jolwoo met wtlli area officials: and rescue telnl luderl and sai4 "we need disctpllM." He aid slght.eers are Jamming the aru "looldnc for bodies" and turning H Into "a camtval." "I have 2,000 men under arms and'l've got to bring in aoother 2,000," Johnson said. The death toll spiraled thb momlng with the discovery of 23 bodies in an apartment comple1 in nearby Pass Chris- tian. · • Vice Pr•esident Spiro T. Agnew was scl?eduled to tour the ravaged area Wednesday, his office In Wa>hlngton said today. In addition, a light plane loaded with medical suppliee for hurricane vlctima crashed at Lakefront Airport In New Orleans, killing lour "'"""'· Tho piano crashed whlle attempting to take off for Gulfport. 11 Mayor Jack Green, who with Coon. cilman Jerry Matney voted against the Jong-debated Lusk de velopment, called ah unusual -press conference tielore ~/he COtniCiJ·sesSkmi tb rebUt cliar1il'df1iup "' View ·School DlstrtCt. Board PresidW1t Ra)Jll Bauer. r'elmlii>g the In in!- plldlloos ot the proposal. " \ f I r • •• " " •• + • t ~ \ ',' • ,· •. , , '. UPI,....... Most of the dead :were found In Pus Christi.an,-Which WU cut otf from the ~ worJd UDlil -tuma -o t11roucJt today. '\'bOY fOund u I hr lhmnblea. . l • .,. _,...One brick apartment building was ~and 13 occupanla wbo hid lllyed beldnt lor • )wrrlcW porly "'" kilted. Bel-• 90il " -r<sldentl hid Oed lhe luty <ii the" otl>nn. ' M,Yor Green said that although he op- pQBett the aparlment segmerlt of the de~k>prnent he resent.ed Dr. Bauer's ac· cusations contained in an open let.te1r rtleued last Friday. The letter a~Used councilmen of. being "very responsive to _ the special request! of moneyed interests and not responsive to . the citizens at large ... ., .• HURRICANE CAMI LL E LEFT THIS 'PATH ,OF D~STROCTION MONDA'/' AFT.ER JjlUINO '.llLOXI, MllSISS!RPI . . .. " Green called the statement "Ir· respooslble," and quoted f I g u re 1 to .show that .Ocean View School District had. fared much better than the oUlef' twe> elementary districts in the community (HunWlgtoo ·Beach ·Elemerr tary and Westminster) in·zoning 111atters and industrial acreage. '.(JJI. :School Board ... ',/. ,1.. . Pqsfpones·Meet Ocean 'VieWokSChool District lruitees failed· to inu.stei-a quorum Mbnday night •!'! •Ila<! :I<\ 1""1J>0110 · their· mee\iDI until 1:31}~n,inl. ·rne,i.~day.. · ' . HuntingtonBuries ,Plans For· Sunset Beach Annex • • f r · I. Gteea revealed that Dick Belyea. McDonnell-Douglas e x e c u t i v e and Chamber of Commerce industrial CGm· mitke chairman, had offered the use ol Douglas computers to detennine the ac:- tual tax return to the city and school districts from vari~s zon(!s. ~)yea emphasized that he would have no recommendations, "just facts." T'be Lusk plan calls for 4-4.S acres ol ' !See COUNCIL. Page II Only1 ~t';:: Ralj>h Bauer aridltobert Zlnngra-b:r;;'.e· on hand to · dl.scbss an' aiehda . llfaf · incl1)ded a "request to schedule..a,flt5~rnillioo bond eledion for 'Nov •. 18. An. agenda·ite'ms will-'Bgain be placed before the board . when it meet! next MQoday. " . Triistees l·~· ·Sb.offer, Robert ·Knox and George ul wert .wiable to-attend the'meetilfg. · . . , .. Downt01cn Ghost Town1 ' · Huntington-Beach cjty, 'COUllcilmen. Mooday' .laid tD ·rest .tM· propooed\"!'": nexation of• Sunset :Beach deSPtte. an eleventh-hour suggestion that the.merger" attem~ might .be kept· aHve. · The suggestle>n.came>from Maye>r·Jack . Green. He said backers of the proposed roa~age of Hqntington kach"'With ,the .colorful seaside colony· "could ask for · futther proof of the . validity of SOtlle t'>l •L.Z '_L.t:;__ tt ' ' -, ""' ,P"""""· -·Re ~as referringio protests to the .,,..,. ~llilo by property owikn. 'City Clerk . ... .... •• ' -+~~-1a1.jll•tk-•kull..ltaked 1o .. i0e-oi-picituf>.kuck-p8,k- ed on Main Street symbolic of problell\J facing downtonw Huntington Beach? Will the area become a ghost town l Nobody knOWs for au re, but plenty ol 11~ners ar.-prepared to argU1 atlopt wbal should happen lo r&developmenl p!Ut frlr ' the downtown area near the beach. See·atory.pqlt..J. . I • • ~----- ~au1 .,Jonti CQflceded •a .week ,qo-tbat· ~ "!Prell!Ol!ni 55.77,pe<CfOl .of Uie asseoaed valualioo ,in·the unlncorporaled c0mmunily liail been Cl'rtifled,by-his of. !ice. .Protests from · property ~ representing SO percent. ol the ·USI!~' value Would, have been enou&b to till tht · .annexatfon. , ', Mayof c,een apparently . w.as. refJ!trlng to a ·rume>r thaf many Of ~e pr_otesL:peU-, tionl "'"e sijned by·only·\iii< member ol a.'.fariill7· and that, mos! ot these Pl"" ~es were 'under joint J~ laws re-- quillni'slgnatlire.s or bOlh \!!an· and wife. However, Mrs. Virginli St'raln, leader of the annexatJoa move, refused the op- pe>rtunity sa~. "We agree that some of . the protests could be challenged, but our group realizes that the Intent is there and so therefo~e we do oot wish to continue the matter fufth'er at this Ume." ~act .Approved For LeBard Par k A cOOtract ·(or coristruCUon ol'LeBard · Park In Huntliigton -&ach wu. apPJ'Oved . ;,jonday night by !be City Co!m<il .. Low'bldder WU t)le Jobnsot\ Laodlocape Co. of Irvine at 194;m, Ju..1144 over tho · 1e;11mat. by PUbllc Wor"' Olfedor' Jim 1Wbeele:r. · Six b1ds . were received ranging up to 11t.1110.04. . . Tf1e oontra,ct 1D1:ludes two ten~~ .comu · with fencing, an automaUc UTtgatlon i1Ystem. park~ for •~ ·cars, , 119,000 ·M11i1ire feet or 4rass, 15,~ square\feet, of. lgTouod eovt!r; ttee1.,1hruM, 20,000 sgu41e • re.I Of concrel< w'.al"' a!1d t.1,0llll square 11~ .~ ~P-1 grulto w~,im!I ,r~~ri, 'looaled ' al!ajce~t' to I:eJlar•l 'sdiool at.~· Drivo.illld Lavonne . '.r..ane. ~conal«s '<I. five ~ · lnclUdloa. f11">i"""""ol·E41soo ·CO. wemait. . . . :crest Vi.e\v, Stats Win .'P Champion!liip I Crtsl View All s1ar1 delealed the' JioblnwqOil All"Slln· 1to4 lo caJ>\U!t Ibo , l~p ·In' the> i1U11Untgcin Beach • ..__.. ... ond'Pcb '~~C'' ~~ .. i~~-~:'°lbo ll!l 'chlm· <ptONhlp tourney, thua becom!nl-tbjl flnl. ltapi to. wllrlt twice. · · · ) Nixon-Rewmes $1 Million Aid For Gulf A.rea . ' By !'RANCES Lf:WINE" Aliod•• ,.,. .... Wrffw ' . ~-• .... • ' ! ·President Nixon, has moved swiftly to •provide $1 million-In" I-al dlaaster [qndJ :l.r Mlssisslppfc!Ovostated by:bijh wiqds and tides of Hurricane Camille. Responding Monday to · a plea Crom ~l,.lppJ f"i~· John ,Bell )Vtlliaml, the President ·pronUsed U:iat -m o T e money would 'be allOcated'.when the full damage to public pr~ i.. delennln<d. ·The· W-Wbll< H-·In 5an Clemente. aaJd, Nixon was kept informed Oj .the..huri.kane .damage as the storm slammed lnlo-the Gull coast Sunday night centering ill impact on Gulfpe>rt and Biloxl. Nixon was cn·the golf course at •the C.irnp Pendleton Marine Base, 20 miles south of his oceanfront home, when his staff announced the Presiderlt had declared Mississippi a major dlJ8stt.r area. . It was the (ourth day In a row that Nil~ on hu play.ed JOU, Dying to variowi s.ou,,rn ~· cow;seo by helicopter. Niion plans a schedule of work' in the momJngs, recreationin the afternoons and 1°"8', .... free weekends ·dlD'lng bis California ab!y. · . He caUed Jn ail: new U.S. ambassadors for a m .. ting today. Tho groop,lncluded Tatior·G. Bdcbet, 1111blaad<ll"to Peru; Ellfien R. DODOvan, Barbados;-Leonard C. Meeker. ll\>\J!"nla: ·Luther;. lleplog)!• lcelahd; Walter. L..·Rlce, Australia, Ud Adolph W. Sclunldl, Capada. · 'TWo, o t be r. achedUled 'visitors were n'ewly appobtt.M Indian affairs, ~ mlsaioner, Louis Bn1ee: an( J ,, Wallace Slerling, rorm.. p<elidenl ol Stanford Uhifersttt ,and chalrmanoflhe ~an Revol~ Bl~ Comlillalon. lj!IQn called ;Slorlltia 1n tci f'lk· aboilt plaos Jo(the · 1911 .~l!bt1110u f(hlch,lbo ~~.by~ .iu1,.s'1rlll ' Mrs.,lfoffa-·Fain.ts · · . "" In · District Coµrt ' . . . CllATTANOOGA, Tenn.. (UPI) -The wife' ol ,._,. •Praldent Jamet JL• Holla Wnted In U.S. Dtslrtct COurt today ' u .-001. l>ei&Jt Jn,119ff•'• bid to ov"'111rn I jury.llJnpenng J'l"vlcllon. . 'Mn, Holla· _, tma from the ' -<iiu"""""'"""" tM'IOll-h 'llfnllnl l}lill durinl tallmon1 by Willer Shiri· d!UI. 1 l11tio0ll Bl'JldCUtln,~y """""'" 111c1 romier 1111a1an.1,to 'ibeii • U.S. Auomey Qoneral RellOrl'illllllltl)i< • I > Gaping holes made Pasa a.rtattan•1 ~ impassable. Trees were nan, 4bout and the few tree1 left lllnding were strlpPed ol their leaves 'ahd bark. Mi'ny of the trees were littered with Items of clolhlng, dropery, ori>all pieces of furniture and other debris..A mattrea w .. hanging 15 feet high In ..,. ..... Every building In the towit wu damtc· ed. Only the side walll were left oa tM new post olllce bulldlng ed Ibo - Finl National Bant was gone: except for ils vault, whlcb stood llartly above ·tbe rubble. · "It's so depressing )'Oii Ju..1 don1 lee! like golhg on," said Mn. Ruth Diamond, an elderly woman whole ·t'MHtory borne two blocks from the gulf aurvf\red with heavy damage. "It's the worst thing I'le ever left!," she added. • She said she and her daughter and two grandsons rode out lhe storm on 'the ie- cond noor ot-her home. At one point water IW'ged to the seventh step aftu !See CAMILLE, Pop I) County Man,. 37, Dies of Attack Clyde Pau, 31, 8782 Palos Verdes Ave., Westminster, suffered an a~t heart attack and died Mogd'ay while tourlna: the COiorado Capitol bulldlng In Denver. 'nle Denver Fire Department said Pus had walked from lhe third stoly up three · floors to the top ti the capitol'• dome · when he suffered the attack. An aulopsy wlll bo beld W~ to determine the exact Clute ol deaUt Wea .. e r Sunny skies 1hould prevail on Wednesday, despite 10me ol the usual early.morning cloud· iness, with tepiperatutes co"" ttnui ng in the middle 70'1 alone the Orange Cout. , INSmE TODAY . Tht Na~ '''' iftcr«&li;eg ' wlMrabilttv of land bcs11 ot • bringing "''d for conc .. trallftli power on attack canWT1. Pogc JZ. . r ' .... " I • • " .. II .. " I ...... . ,, ,.,.... ,... 1t .........,..... .. --. ........... ,,.., ....... , .. ,, '""" --i.n ,...... " -" ·-. --.. • • 1 I I 1 I I I t 2 ~L'f PILOT H Smog Meet Called at- Newporter '!111 liewpcrur Inn In Newport Beach will be \ht acene for a cabinel·level coo-. ference on smog and ways to cure it. President N t x o n ' s Environmental Quality Council will meel there after a ...son with the Chief Executive in San Clemente on Aug. 26. • ... WuhlJ>Clon ,...... said Monday they do not expect the Preskient to attend the N~ Inn meelllJll. but other hl&h· raDkln& cabinet oU1ctrs will be there. With NlJ:on u council chairman,. tM: other members Include the secrttaries of agriculturt; commerce; health, educa· tioa and welfare; housing and urban developmenl; interJor and transportation. Vice-President A g n e w and the President's lcltnce advtaor, Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, who acts as e x e c u l i v e !iecrt\ary for the group. Vehicles equipped with various power sources will be on display at the .Newporter, courtesy of the Big Three ~ automakers. The engines in the vthicles will include turblnea:, electric motors, steam turbines, and modlfled internal c o m b u s t i o n engtnes, aupplled by Chrysler, General Motors and Ford. Sources said additional exhibits will in· elude 1970 model cars and various ~Ion control devices propooed by in· clividual oil companies. The momlng briefing with the Presi· dent will include a briefing on various an.u of air pollution, t o u c h l n g gpec:iUcally on Lbe problems ol California. The o:xmcll was formed in May by Niz· m "t.o nview existing polides and pro- Cl"IJDS and to suggest ways ol bnprovinf them." Murder 'Suspect' Released, Denies 'Occult' Activity LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Thom8! Steven Harrigan, the second •·suspect" in the Sharon Tate murders to-be arrested. questioned·and released, sa:1s he knows of no "occult" activities among her friends. · The almost ritualistic nature of the grisly slaying.s of Miu Tate and four other persons: at her secluded estate has led to rpeculalion that the murders were part of some strange religious rite. Harrij:an, 17, tald newsmen he attended a party at lbe Benedict Canyon hoine the night ol Thursday, Aug. 7 ..... the day be(ore the murders -but spent the next night in suburban Manhattan Beach drinking beer with friends . Hanigan, a native O{ Canada who at- tended school In Ottawa, OnL, Was sought in a bulletin issued by the Royal Cana· dian Mountain Police that said he WI! "wanted for murder" and was traveling with four "narcotic hippie-types." Hanigan 68.id.. he heard about the bulletin Sunday night· and surrendered here Monday morning. Police detectives questioned him for .three hours and then released him. Police_ spokesman said, "We have no reason to believe that these four men are any more suspect than anyone else. We have no ruaotl to hold any of them at this Ume." Harrigan was not booked or charged. He said he doesn't use drugs, as implied in the RCMP bulletin. His attorney, Paul Caruso, described him as "an old-fashion· ed. beer-drinking Irishman.'' Harrigan said he had known Voilyck Frokowsky. one of the \1ictims. for eight months and known Abigail Folger, another victim, for about five months. The other victims were Jay Sebring and Steven ParenL The caretaker at the estate, \Villiam Garretson, 19. was arrested and then released last "'eek after undergoing a lie detect.or test. PolJce said they were no longer seeking the other three me.n named in the RCMP bulletin. Tbe'y are friends of Harrigan. but he said they all were out of the stale the night of the slayings. DAILY PILOT Ol.lNGI CO.UT t>UlllSHING COMPANY t,,l>e1t N. Wttl f'rftl6tnf Md PllblltN~ J1clc It. C11rl1y Vic• l"rftllnlf ...ci ~tal Mtntttt Tl\011111 IC11~n EfOW T~O"'lt A. Murphine Mt!\ltln1 [Oo'Of All'ltll W . l ale1 A11«ltll Edl!lr H•-.tl!tfle11 '"(II Offlte l09 5th Sh11t ),f1lll11t Addrtit: P.O. loo 790, 92~~1 Ottie.. Offkn ........., ._fll· :111 w~,, ,,_,,,. acruin1rd Cotlt Mell: lJI Wet! ltv Str<'tl '--,,. 1toM.11: m f ... ,u """""" • . • Mllllon Yara ' Santa · Ana River ~ .. Sand Haul Slated · The U.S. Army Corps of Englneeri next week w11I be openina blda: for a rrnasslve tiaul of one n)i.llion cubic y1rd1 of sandy gedjruen&>from the Santa Ana River chan· nel to 1'est Newpct1 Beach. The sand haul rwill aceompUsh two purposes In one. n will unclor the river channel. Aod It will replenllh sand i<DOwn lrequently lo erode from West NeWJl9rt. Carl Nelson, Ollef•Uont efllin~ for the coonty Flood Control j\epartment, estimates bids by contractors Aue. U will be in the neighborhood of $700,000. The cost will be entlrely borne by the federal &ov~L -t The bel.vy equipment operaton strike will have the ellect of spiraling the cost upward, Nelson oaJd. It alao la lit.I)' lo delay the project. ' The daoger thla ye1r la not that the beach !rill a1aln erode and threaten Sll!Uhore dwellera but that with the Chan- nel Jiau clogged a flood mliht break through •and levee... H~ Saia It ii plaMed, with the city or Newport Beach's ble.s.slng, thal the beech be widened the 1.6 miles from Grant Street to 31st Slreet as much as 400 feet oceanward of the present shoreline . The sediment io the river channel came from Santa Ana Canyon and the water spreading worka ol the Orange County Water District in Anaheim. "The native 1naterial up there is pretty nice saffd," Nelson said. "It comes from the higher mountains." He also aaid any clay is separaled out by the ocean and dumped in quiet waters with the sand being heavier staying in the surfline. Part oi the Corps contract will be. to repair aspbaltic coocrete lining of the river channel north of the San Diego Freeway to Santiago Creek in Santa Ana. 1 HALF O~ CHURCH DEMOLISHED, HALF VIRTUALLY UNTOUCHED IN BILOXI, MISS. Strang• Gyrations of Wind Mark Path of Hurricane Called Camllle · "Wlth winter comlnc on we have lo get this cleaned out,'' said Nelaon. He ezplained protective rock rip rap only lines the bottom ol the chaonel and that the. Jevee.s are of aand. Wt February they began caving in, he aald, but fortunately Marcb was a dry month. The danger _.r by the llediment now on the bottom ii that it raises the river level • Th1.s is just the first of .several con· tract. the Corps will be awarding. Upper river repairs wlll come later. Eventually the lower part of the river might get a concrete lining which could withstand a ''standard project flood ," the (~ generated by the largest storm ever known to have occurred in the area com· ing on a wetted watershed, Nelson said. Few in Huntington Like Spirited Roofwp Music And the band played oo -the rvof ol the Syndicate 3000, at least unW Hun- tington Beach policemen and firemen put a stop to the performance Monday night. Downtown residellta: failed to greet with the same enthusiasm a roortop rendition by The Syd, lead band in Gilbert Covell's controversial teen night club, that might be e1pected for an appearance of "Fid· dler on the Roof." "it ·woke my sl~plng baby," com· plained one resident, about 6 p.m. Morr day. · . "( couldn't study," said a student. ''It was awful," sald a couple of music critics. But when policemen arrived at the scene -3rd Street and Pacific Cout Highway -they were. a captive audience for 15 minutes as the amplified rock music bleated out from lbe roof of the Syndicate 3000. All the doors lo the )>uildJni were lock- ed, said police reports this morning, And warning moots ol "dbturbing the peace" failed to stop the band, wa.lllnc out its tunu complacently on the. roof. Firemen finally had lo be called lo pin entrance. But whJle policemen went up one ladder to the roof, members or the rock group went down another. Finally, inside the building, musicians met critics. Tb.ls morning's reviews showed that three ol. the four band members were arrested on charges of dlsturbing the peace. A juvenile was released. Covell, who also manages the band, was not present at the building while the rooftop concert was belng given. His Syndicate 3000 ts·cutrentiy closed for tepalrs, while he fiihts a runn1na feud with the city over the occupancy And use of lib night spot. The band's instruments, two guitars. five drums and four cymbals hooked up to three speakers, were confiscated by poli • • ce. _ One. band member CO!l'lplained that he was disappointed when they couldn't hook up one more-amplifier. Downtown residents, who complalne.d by Lbe dozens, appormtly dkfn'( qree. Apartments Moratorium Rejected, But Study OK'd Councilman Jerry · f\1.atney's demand that all oparbnent con!!lruction in Hun· tington Beach be stopped unUI a study could be made of possible overbuilding failec.i to l''in approval f\.1onday nlght by his fellow councilman. But Matney got the proposed study (already under way according to the • Planning Department) and a request to City Attorney Don Bonfa to siudy the JegaJity of a possible moratorium on all apartment. zoning. ~ Matney called it a "matter of grave conce..""tl," pointing out that Garden Grove with the highest densilJt of population in the county had a ratio or one apartment to four single family homes. "ff our master plan is followed lo the letter we could have a one to one ratio here," the councilman protested. Dick Harlow, assistant planning direc- tor. adrr:itted that "although present acreage ioned to apartments and master planned for multiples would be. ultimately only 12 percent of the land mus in lhe cl· Problems Told In Overcrowding Huntington Beach Councilman Ted Bartlett Monday night suggested that overcrowding of old homes and some apartments was· becoming a police pro- blem in the community. Police Chief Earl Robitaille agreed that certain homes and apartments with a surplus of occupants were trouble areas. Councilmen asked Robitaille, City At- torney Don Bon!a, City Administrator Doyle Miller and the building and tire departments to study I.ht. problem and report back to the cooncil Sept. 2. Bartlett noted that nearby communities had ordinan<eJ limllllJll the number ol unrelated people llvin& ln a dwellinl. Huntington Tax Ra te Se t al $1.45 Per 8100 City councllmen Monday nla:ht ofOdally set the iggg...70 property taz rate at fJ .U per $100 or assessed valuaUon., tbl: aame figure u for 196Ut. City Clerk Paul Jones said total auess- td veluatlon of all property In the city for the c:omlJll fbcal year la 12&!.112,7111. \ ty It could re.suit ln a 56-50 ratio of multiples to single family homes on a unit basis. Councilman Jienry Kaufman objected to Matney 's request for a moratorium, suggesting a study but saying.,"lhere Is no clear and present danger" of apart· ment overbuilding. Matney argued that studle.! "usually take from a year to a year and a half ," but Harlow countered with h I s department's plan to present a current study oo the subject to the council in September. Attorney Bonfa thought that a moratorium "might be unlawful in that it could be seizure of the right to use priv.tte property." From Page J COUNCIL ... the tolal 351 to be 1.oned !or apartments, permitting about 1,100 units. The council approval allows development of only 9.5 acres to apartments at this lime with lhe understanding that more apartm~t zon. Ing will not be. granted uiitil industrial development bas been acccrnplished. '1'1le Sunset Beach Island project was approved after a lengthy hassle over channel clearances sparked by Jerry Jones of Sunset Beach. Attorney George Shibata, representing Aetna Savings and Loan Association, assured Jones that SO-foot channels would be maintained bordering the 26-home pro- ject. City Administrator Doyle M 111 e r pointed out that the 3680-square-foot lots proposed would be smaller than anything in the city and might set a precedent The project. was approved by a 5-1 \.'Qte with Counclbnan Matney dwent..ing . '1'1le proposed rezone of 35 acres 1t AUanta and Beach ran into oppogit.lon from all councilmen. Mayor Green pointed out that the plan as approved by the Planning Commission, would cut 100. feet into the proposed right.of-way for the Paciric Coast Freeway. •·we don't want to initate the Division of Highways at thb; time when we are In raU'ler delicate negollaUons with them over freeway 'on and oU ramps," Green warned. The unanimous motion to "deny forever" was followed with another to oak the ULI and D.each Development commltlees and plannina consultant Ted Adsll t.o "review and report by Se.pt. 15 on the highest and boo\ use for the pro- pttty." From Pqe J CAMILLE • • • cr8'hlng through the house's FreJ>cb doors . SUIY shrimp boau beadod back into the gull today lo dump their rotting catches ol lhrlmp-worth hundreds ol thousands cl. dollars -becaUJe there was no way to process them in the desolate aftennath ol the hurricane. The SOD-square-mile area de'Vastated by the strongest storm ever to hit the U.S. mainland was bedlam of grief, confusion and destruction. city and county offJclall from all along the coast met in GuHport In an effort to find a way to overcome the catastrophe. Gov. John Bell Williams declared a state of "parUal martial law" in the. hur- ricane area at mhklay. '"Mle area of damage ls quarantlned and only per801lS with bu.sinus in the area will be admitted," Williams said. Receding waters uncovered some OOdiet sprawled in the mud. Othen were uncovered as workers c I e a r e d away crumpled buildings. "They're still digging them out," said Bill Harvey, public information officer ot the. Mlssissippl Civil Defense Couocll. He confirmed the llZ deaths but added that "tod1y was lhei fir.st chan<.'t to get bulldozers in and, we expect fr,be. toll to go ~c~erably higher., ·Hundred;I and , perhaps thousands were injured ," At least 200,000 were left homeless. Most spent the night in emergen- cy shelters and ventured out at dawn to help clean up the ruin o( what once was the playground of Mississippi's plantation aristocracy. ]\farina Calls Youths For Athlete Exams All boys who plan to participa(e in athleUcs this year at Marina High School must be present for physical ex· amin,tion.s from 9 a.m. to noon, Satur· day, at the school. Athletic hopefuls who miss Saturday's free ezamination.s will have to see a private physician to try out for any of the scbool'• athletic teams. Accident Kills Woman A motorcycle traffic accident in La Habra has taktn lbe lile of Mrs. C:.loria J. Eagelson, 26, of t1ontebello. She died 1"1onday night of injuries suffered when a cycle driven by her husband, William, collided Sunday afternoon with an automobile. Mrs. Ea1Jeson was a passenger on the motorcycle. YOUR Nonnalty, the eounty Flood Control District would have bandied the channel cleaning: but because of the heavy rains Jut winter there was $1 mlWoo In f\ood repair wcrk to be dot)e. County supervisors, therefore, asked for federal assistance. Cost of the flood repair project has been approved from the federal Office of Emergency Prepllffilnell. The Corps ol Enginters also has respon11ibllity in beach erosion control ao ·the nearness of West Newport iJ a happy circumatance, Nelson Olld. Most Residents In Valley Oppose Civil Service Preliminary results of an opinion survey drcuiated in Fountain Valley in· dicate reatdenll are thoroughly opposed to c t t y emptoyes being placed on clvtl service while a 1tfCr1C majority feels public brliclah should disclose land holdings wilhln the city. The survey has been malled to about 1,000 residents by attorney Robert SUtone, a candidate for Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger's council seat In the Sept. 23 recall electon. Sassone said Thursday fewer than JOO residents had returned his 14-quesUon survey, but more are ezpected over the next few weeks. Two questions on the fUrvey deal with public officials and candidate• disclosing their aue:Ls. A slight majority of those answering opposes disclo3W't of assets, said Sassone. Other questions deal with lot size!! in the city, apartment zoning. council pro- cedures, conflict of lntertsl and various city functions. Significant responses are not yet available on those Items, said SaS.90ne. "I do plan to mail out more ques· tioMaires and provide tabulated answers to all the candidates," e1plalned the council candidate. 'Two questioru. he added. have been re- quested by residents for further sm:veys. They include rotllton of the mayor's title arid the necessity of an airport for Foun- tain V•lley. Sassone said he will be absent from the city for the next two w~ks due io an Ill- ness In the famUy, but questionnaires wtll continue to clrculate. Your OtMga SoJt• 4 Strvic1 AgtnC!I Guiso Blasts SCAG, Pushes Local Rule One candidate in Fountain Valley's recall election launched his campaign this week with a blast at regional gov· emmental groups and called for the city's withdrawal from them. Paul C. Guiso, an engineering ad· ministrator at McDonnell D o u g I a :tJ: Astronautics Corporation. c h a r g e d specifically that the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) "removes local control and adds another layer of taxing agencies ." "Let's keep control of our local govern· ment and taxes," declared Gui.so in a two-page mimeographl'd handout. Regional government and taxes, ez. plained Guiso, are two ol the issues he plan!! to hit hardest in his campaign. Guiso al.so announced that a list of local citizens supporting his campaign would be released soon. Guiso is campaigning for Vice Mayor Dona1d Fregeau's contested council seat. Fregeau has not yet issued any campaign statements in defense of his seat, but has promised to bring the issues before the people as the election date approaches. While blasting regional governments. Guiso also called for a "new approach in our city government," without naming specifics. Pilot 'Isolated' By Power Failm·e Power, power, who's got the power? We didn't Monday afternoon. A power failure caused by 1n overzealous tree·trimmer and com· pounded b> our own internal difficultie1 cut DAILY PILOT offices in Costa Mesa off from tbe outside world for more than two hours. If you ried to call us between 3:16 p.m. and 5:30 p.m .• you heard the telephone ringing, but got no answer. Trouble wu, Y.'e couldn't hear the. phone ringing on out end and our receivers. w.ere dead, so v.·e couldn't talk to anyone anyway. We're sorry about the inconvenience. Can you imagine how deathly silent a newspaper office seems when no phones are ringing? 0 OMEGA ----:t:1 · -... WATCH~ ..... -FREE n. .... ,... ''"'' 01111t• S,Htlfllllftr 'Wife• Wf Cl"l' Wll lt1Kff4 with• •111 111y 111Hrflc1tl111 lrr N.A.Sl'. te k wen1 Illy e11r '"'II e11 the 111t111. Tlti1 rtcot11ltlt11, ttu1y • tt • w tr ti f • t 111c111t 11c1, •. 1i.. Ill ,,.114 t• k Yf•t 111ttitri..tl Omit• 1-•ler. Co1111 i11 -111 thi1 ••••••• I Htt111o 4 tll1!, Ot.1t1 Speetllfl••~ • Ci.w4 • 011..r WWt.Y" Wflti . •Ml ...... ...... $2.00 ll.STIUMe "- s4•~THm llNeS $100 -.. -DIAMOMll $6.00 •• ....... __ ~· ... ...... ..... IOfll. •' 1 ,, ..,.., WHll.I TOI WAIT Hlllltlngton C"'8r leach at Edinger HUNTINGTON BEACH 892-5501 '· .... ~""''"'" n. '"'' ••ttti ....... ..., th• "''' •• th• •-Prlct 11fL TDMI AYAJU.U and bac:k Hiitior Shopping Center 1300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-948$ t I ' • • • --. Beam * 'YOt ~2, NO. '198, 2 SECTIONS, 26 pA&ES ., TEN C&lrs -. -' . • • • . ' • ·Of ·~.alt ·Creek Aqui§ition • • •• ' ' . . .. ·Gulf ' Martial Law Caniill.e,Death Toll, Damages Spiral .Fnmwtrollervleel GULFPORT, Miss. -Miuliaippl's ad- jutant ...,.ra1 today recemmended that the 'Misalaalppi Gull Cout, cruabed by Hurricane Camille with 132: now dead, be placed "under fonn&I or informal ~rtial law." two blocb fnm the gull llln'ived Tiith heavy -... . "lt'a tbe went thing l'Ve·ever teen,'' she added. of dollars -beclUl!le there was no way lo procea lhem In !he desolot. aftermath' er the hurricane. ... Maj. Gell. Watter Johnaon met with She said she and her da\llhler and two grandaons rode out the· ltorm on the ae.. cond floor ol her home. At one point water aurged to the 10venth step after cnab1nc tbrouah I h e _,,., French doon. ·'Ille IM»<Q~Hllile area devastated by. the atroogeat Jtorm ever to hit' the U.S. malnland wu bedlam of 'grief, confullon and destruction. city and eou.ty olftcllls fnm all along the cout met in Gul!porl in an effort to find a way to ••ercome tbe ~~ Bell Willianu declared. • lll>IAl·<il "partial martial low" In the hur· rlcano ~ •• midday. DAILY PtLOT """-"' ,._ ..,_. RECREATION DIRECTOR LOOKING OVER LAGUNA Geo r,. Fowler Al10 Lookin1 fo( Office Sp.1c• 1st Things 1st Laguna Gets Recreation Director -By TOM GORMAN Oftlle DlllY Plltt SI.ti' ~a ·Beach ·has. a new fuJJ;til'ne rl!cniiat1on dittdor, but don't ~ an lliunediate list "-sparkling new ideas and p .,_i, !er Ille COlllDlllllity. FJnl .lllinp first, I a 71 !)eorle C. FOO'llP,1 p-o1...-ncreation Dllll for u yean,. lie --u.·.-ol Ille Laguha B<ocb Rea~ °""'" b1"'1t "!oOclai. .. -· the flnt filll;llm• employ• to bold the pool. At• pri!ss conlerence Monday, aft«~ h.0 ~ on the job iust four hauls, FoWJer Kesltated to use the word "priori~ If." But, be -have two pribritles•on bis list. 'Ibe first ls to acquire an offict. and _..ian. Until thea, his job con't really begiil"to rolt City Manager Jomes D. Wheaton admitted there ii a smrlage or ollice'"'°"" at City Halt Hi;, other priority is to meet the people, Planners Deny ' U:se-of Barn '.As Re8taurant and learn their wanl.t and needs. "I'm going into this job gently. feel my way •J'OWl!l: and ·try to undentand ·the.needs •ol.' tbe colmwnity,"· Fowler ,aaJd. ~·.p.. hai-·iJJ two.weeks 1:d\,ie pt ~r oa:P· t!<a_'lo --'lll)'1-lnilhl-.eoinpass!' ' . • . .. . 'fHt 'll alao • Laldng • surv.; ol the avallalile -recmllon ract••Iea in to... wffh °"'""'"K pirWIJ!O director Norm Bdrucld. ~~-· · ~Lagima ~s ·much more to offer in 1(4 natuiaf setting, µian•, Gardena," Fowler said. Be . 'was Ule recreaUon director tr.efe fol-nearly U years. '.'l don't think tbere 'are enough. parks here. but I con. alder the, beach a very· 1ttractive faclli. ty." He &lid ll<isler Park, Bluebird Park, and the five· scbools in the district lftll continue eerving u recreallon faciJ,itjes. One filcllity ' that· Lagµna lacks is 1 commanity cenler,fcr-all qe grnupo. Such a ce,nter is~ U6ed · by • the C9fn. nn,hity in· Gardena, be said. Besides a . main b\liJ4In1t in ·tlJat canmunlty ol ll,· <XX!. there are three other parb, each with' Its own retnaUon building. "!doubt H Lagw11 could al!crd to bullcl a ceDter-for teens'11.Jone,," h'e aald. "But a commanlty , cenler' would be good, Tiith adledules.arranged so enryone could:use it." ' LacuM ~ 'planolng Commiaaioners . Al tbia lime, the ctty la lo\>klng Into the In a 'l'lil vate. Mooday night turned down possibilijy o! leasing Ille old Bsre!oot Bar a( request 'ftom Dave MacPhee to bUilding' during. the witter'. months as.a ~--"'-•""'"''ffd·bam at240'IbaUaSl. teen center, But ·a · special .activities u-.... -... ... bud et which baa' not ~ ._ ..... Into a ;..i.urant aerving 1!eer and · wine.. g , ~•. ,_,......., Macl'hee bad spent a month with .com-/ '4t4IB only 13,000. 'Ille budgef wu reduc· mialooer• compromising his positjon, ed, from 17 ,000 al a recent c:ily council ancj even ., .. , to.1he point ol eliminating meeting. , · alf'fquest for live qiusic. He w.a~ shocked Any center, whether it be Uled1bY ~ at'\he split2.to 2 dead1oct decision. alone, lQCh as the Barefoot Bir,« a new He waa given 10 days to appeal to Clly community-· will.hlve·lll-poUcleo eo.lnc:U. lie &lid be will. drawn UP. by the people ~,II, iJOI lbe !'Janner Fred Briggs, be!ore·the vole, recreatlondirector,FoWler]>Cllll!edoul. salj! · "They hive met all the ,,. Ualaoo coonclh, 1U•de up at lllah acbool' q~i\Jenl• required of· them, aod have studen,Ia, retired folks, , "'111 • oiiMr' .P goM eyen rurther." '. · , groups. ... "'.ould decide on the JlO}icl~, BUI> Dr llobert 'French in vollng Fowl<r &lid .. agaljlsl ~ •P.!"""81· lfld, \,The traffic • · Jle:iloo,for-•r the posslbil!IY fl city. flow and par~·problems haven't been •pcmored teeo dances. A beltie ol the· llOlyed yet." HOwanl Holden also V°"!I ~ .. with . a very nomioa! oc1m-. no, but.failed .to eiabcrate. c!Wge to pay' !or prizes, could be bold Qty p, 1a11 n i n:g Director Al Autry on ~'beach, be said. reported Ulat the Clty eng;.-hid ap-Oiiier •actlvilles for the community 1"Ved qi. traffic !low pliils. MacPhee nd_ght Include classes In cake deccra~. also ~ to the COIQmislion lea5e5 dog obedi~, no'!er arrange:mprt, 011 olflriiic i,..ot Illat the ·pdln& was, in P•!JrtidB. g!llf, )'oia,. knlwng. gult,ar fact, nnJong.ora ~. pl11Y1ni. feacinc, and S1nglnf,.be Pointed In ntl1er iclloo, ~: . out.• . • area official• and rescue team leaders and aaid 0we need discipline." He 1aid OTHER PHOTOS, STORIES, PAGE J sightseers are Jamming the are& "looking for bodies" and turning Jt into ''• carnival.'' "I have 21000 men under ~ and !'Te sot to brln& in another z,ooo." Johaaoa '8ld. The death toll spiraled up. morning With the di!covery of 23 bodies in an ·~""'pl"' in-, p~ Cllrl>-tian. Sixty ~·---into the gull IOdly 10 dmnp iheJr rnttlng calcbes cf amp-11111h bimdreda at tmpnda. Letters Blast Sleepy Hollow Stormllrafu Vi<e 'President. Spiro•T. ~ ~ -· . acl!eduled to· -the nngocl w 4111 S 15 .. pr,ofu·tlnt- Wedneaday, his o!liee in Wubil>itoa 11111.~\-lie ljloi\P)' ~ ' loday. -· c •• ,c..l' ' .,..,.Jftled .. Jiillllip 1n addition, .1 light~ ~Wt•' •ltiMJ '.l»ts·-I , J .. , = :~~~ .7ecm' -=!:" .,:ptin( to,pb·=-3l p ,, •• -at • dty ....... Gullpo_R. pdbllebeatiii1Wedn11 .... at7:•p.m •• !ll<ilt ,.,.a,;; dt.d ...... , ..... In ,... Tho .... -clrllo proje<t, ~· whlcb was :Clll di rr.m the r_,u,, '*"ploled, hu llllmd ""1delili oulalde-..:0...·unUl'd-i.-bnike in the w&aoent dlltrld,. which .,,. tlll'OUlli • todiy. They -• t t, r compa-1'11 loll in the Top ol ~ llllonibloa. ' Worid-Paijl. Aveoua -· . . . · One ·1irict aparini.nt bulldlni "" co!:'ie· :::.,..,. to~ to J:: leyeled and 23 o«u~UI who had.lllayed .;.....,ial. which raapd fnllll ·$2IO to -fer • huriicane party were tllled. 1%.llio ~ Oil the me and locitlon Betw~ 50 and 75 other wideqUI bad ol the' fndlvidllll lot!. , fled tbe-lury ol the Jtorm. •-" ••-T of ••· World Oa'pliig boles made Pass Chfiatian•s ..,....nmen~for w.:: op Wiii:" bl ---• 11 -ADodatioo today•sald they streets impassa e. , 1~ were ~ wUI uk thf:L c:oilnd.I to'-......tl)OM ·-aboqt and the fevr trees left l)andli>c ·.• . """'~ _, were stripped ol. their leaves and barJt.. deiCb1on iGll. the levying >ot aueuuients Maoy of Ille trees were Utter~! with until lhey,hlve:t1me to prepare'• lepJ lttmt of1clothing, drapery~\1mall piec,. dtfenle. • . of furniture and other ·debnt. A m'attrels Petltlons requesting post.ocpc111i>'!''"moe..,.n1t...., was bang~!iJ~eet bJgb in one tree. have·abwt ~ llgnature1. Every b in the town was damag· In ~ost c.ua, homeowners .are pro- ed. Only the side wallJ .were 'IOI! '"''the 1ellll!>C their --ent ol projed cosll. neW post olfice building and the new ProPtriY owners . must come up with FIJ'll Natiooal Bink wu gone ucept fer ~7,000 ol Ille project cootJ. Wbeotoo Its vault .,hich llood llarkl7·above the 1181d. The eounty paid the rest ol the • charge. ru.~bl,e. · • "We are reslly past th•l point (prol<o. . It '·"' de~a )'OU jll!I don t feel ling COii) because the work ·1a done anil like g01ng M, Aid Mn. Ruth Diamond, the moM.y•ll owed," Wheaton aaJd. an•elderly woman whole two-story home 1be city council may delay the uaeu. P ilot 'Isolated' By Power Failure ' '. i Pon:r. power, who'• eot the power? We.didn't.Monday alleriioon. A powet failure <aUled b7 an ovenuloua tree-trimmtt and com- pounded b)'our'own in.i.mal dHlicult!I• cut DAJVY Pnm <i!f1COJ•iJ> COiii M ... oil lnlm the «daidt -Id fer !ID'e thin lwo boun. ment. If COUnCilmen can be shown 1n a subttantial way. that the uaessmenta mlcht be Improper, Wheaton said. Property owners In the assessment dlatrid hive thirty days to pay lhelr clia11ei ln caslror the money will be "'1· lected avtr a 10.year period at I percent interest. • . Wheaton explained the ·~ d<aln pro. ject was first considered ln May, 1963, at the recommenda""' er the eounty health department. . After a eertes~of public heariilp rand prolesls, the council then approved the project, but later rejected bids for cm- structioo work u too high. . -.... _ ..,..._lcell . ' ' . ) ,, . . . . . ,i:.os; -Angeles to0kl1 1police "4·' :lli:er Jerry Madc!ox,. 28, ,.... -.not 1o deat1t ,e&'W.ltoday by •ldllers who •-tty wailed in .ambu..h a's "Maddox am , anotMr officer 8118Wered a clisturlllnce call In Boyle H<ighta. See 111ory page. 7. This Couple Not Interested ' I ll 1t comes in a plaln: brown wrapper, have It malled General DeHvery. . A Costa Mua couple turned over a mall order olt.r to eblofn pllotos ol nubile young hays lo poIJoe Monday, becaU>e the7 dett tt ;wu -· and 'lllilluld qual\fy ;u_prohlbtlod,!nxn',the mall•. The male It wu malled to•bad vacated his 1-na Beach addresa and the mat.r!aI wu Ju!t "Jn!anled lo the ·C<il· pie 'witb 1111" ldenl!Cal 'lut name, in-vestJiiton noted. • ' If you trted tocaD 111 -...,3:_11 p.m. and 5:IO p.m:, you beorO the t.lepllOlle An englne<r revised the plana and Steele llf•rlUta' again bids were•aaket: for and then re--------------,.- 'rinllnC, but kvt l10 --· 'l'nMle·WU, ,.. couldn't hear the pllone'r!ng!ng .., °'I' end and our ncetu•1Jwere dud, IO we couldil't talt to anycme anyway, . J We're IOn'J' about the inconvenience. Cln )'OU lmqlne bow deatbly allent • newspaper olllce IOOml wben no phone• ""' rfnllna! jeded in April 11111 11 too high. .. llEW YO!llt (AP) -'Ille llll>ck In the meanUnJe, the p;-oject has been martet'1 latelt rally carried through lied to a COW1ty·wlde flood control hood another -today and the mari\et iuue program which failed twice lo win cl<iaed ._ 11 food P.fn. (SOe quolatlona, county _voter approval. Pagill 10-11). · · ' ' In May, 1988, the city council ordered n.t!Qg wu·acttve near the ckM. The the· work;"bids were accepted and woik Dow Jone1 indultrilJ~aveiage at2 •p:tn. wu stalled. WU4lp• U ( at IU~IDI -AliP'ove!I a·~ by ,i.Ynn.J. Muir ~ to cooltfud'Dve·b•>!•ies oo • S?~~r.#· Ho.spita:l Faces Serio:u.s Nur~~ C.;i~i~ -Approved an idenUftcation sign to, ' 1 l\ang at the '!"!' Laguna-Moulton . • Playl)ouae. "! dollbl H a four·r.ot. nine By JEROME F. OOLUNS in& by sevrn-fo<t~slp ii obnoxious." ' or .. o.1r,......., ~...id. ' 'Sooth Co/Isl cixnmlHllly H.:S,.i.r1 ~· action on, a request fnm critical ehortage of nuna may not ease Carl -· •~.d Vidor LaPorie 10 !ct al least 1 few · y...,. hospital ad· recfuce the required nmnber of on-s:lte . parldJll -al 471 Fore• Me. The cl---mlnistralor Stanley Volp Indicated, to. iy'attamoy .... instzucled by the plan-day. ' ' '"'" to detennlne th< exact number ol It could comptl doeure ol one 4$-bed ..,required bdGre action Is lalDon Sfl>I. wrnc. • -i. : . . . Volga '8ld the chance In, the 1lluaUon· .'A.i..;,..1!d ' requ..i Irom .sam . RDla will C<ll1IO about _, to ldd ·a-llUdto at his bQJ'IW ai IOU· -More yoon.1 lamilies move irito the TempJe Ttqace ,without providilla: ad· La~a Beach-San Clemente m1. Volga ~ ol!·llreet.park!ng. ..plained. lbal. al preaent the arca..la • • heavily populated by oeml,rellnd IDd -people, who lu the bolpltaj'•, ladlttles but provide f.,. poUnllaJ -· -Tilt sadd-.11>\lor< Co Me I e District-~~ ttalnlnc pro. grsm. 'Ille boop~~'"l-. ir.any ol Its -"!JI,....., -· the .. mlniltra\flr' ..,~ Tho• tiolpltal '1 ' •ID'llnc Ital!. -numberl a. One ..._ aro needed, ''tocnrdfna: to our pr'llll:Dt Randards,'' aald Volg1 • . f rx lhe pall MVllll moollla, tho r . I l Public Use . By· THOMAS FOR1'.UNE . Of .... et.ltr,l'lflllf .... , • Orange County IUperlilorl todii crdered the.county ala!! to llludy.J>Ollillll C08t.J in severance damages ol acquirina public access to Salt <hek lleacll '""11 Lacuna Niguel Ocrpcratlon. . , Supervisora a1lo formtdJa c:onuniUee to llludy the iruter ~ ol publlc ~ ...... along aJI ~-mljea " county beach and to oet pirxllleS foe public beach acqu.Lst.ion. study of the COit of acqulrln~IS to Salt Creek waa otubbornly • upcil\ by S~loor Robert• BattJn who ·wruld not let supervisors refer the wOOJe maf.; ter Indefinitely lo the commitlee. · - He was baeked up by.Supervlaor'DavicJ Bal<er who said Salt C(eek la the ooIY. area on the coutlln.e where, there ·U, ~ troveny and planning la under -way - that llllkes It !Int priority. Supetviscr Alton Allen ol Lqun. J!ea<h propoeed the ldea .Iha\' ,Jl!l!>ljc beach 1"' ""41ed.,by CllUlllY ~I hea¢i the ... ~· -for rqionall>arJ<s ,hllve'bi<n, · · . SuPimaor -'-~la ..._.,, •14 IW. tblt' Ill ~ .0 COii '°"' "P<dlicaJly be -"' ll"1lnl ''lhla---·-la. jlllt • -ot, lllile IQ... PMldnf. 1t1111001n( 11>4 lileguordl ""' needed." Battin gave the opinion that' accea would coot peanuts 0"ff we ao .. court 4"'I gei . Jury 1r1a1." · · . Satt Creek Beach, fcrmerly .a l•voril• surfing apot, la Ioc.ated', ~-SQolb Laguna and Dana Polnl. ~.a Y~ and I haH ag0 abandOrjed a pu~llc roOd to Ll!guna Nlguel Oirporatitn wllbout a public hearing w1Jfcb . ~ off a· controversy. 1 • ~ .... Sup,etvlsors ques\k<ted L<gw11 'N1«lie! Vice President.Kno11n1i FemaI.r.Jr_abiJul ~ copipany's feeling · on ~ public ICCOSB. · FirnaJd aald the CC>npany delinitelf.Is ~ to it and ~ to develqp fl!o'. be8clt for the ' private uae of IM>M persons who ultimately will reside in the Laguna NJiue! ,,..., . ' 'Ille point w&1 made Illat the (rime surfing area is a quarter mile to ball a " mile """"1 ol 11\e Salt Creek access point. But aurflng figure Breman "Reva" _ McClellan said that tt is true Il>at Uie best su?fing area where there is a IOU.th swell and !ell sllde Ia to the 100lh but lh!re are otlier surf breaks cloller to the acclss spot when . the swell d1rectkrt chang.es. Former Lacuna Beach vice mayor Mrs. Helen Keeley suggested t o supervison several other pcllllS{bW.UH fai a1uc1,. ~-aaJd that Dana Strand Road which Mope at the top ol the bhdl nearu the surfing .,. la owned by the county and • foot palh might be bulk Irom that point. She '8ld 'Illa1'1Aguna Niguel Corpora. tk>n on its: pl&M Slowl a road coming i.~ lo a parking 1ot a Salt O\'eek which cool~ be dedicated to the county.and used by tiie number ol people who could, park' in the Jot on 1 fint mne baaia. Oruqte Weadaer Sunny akle1 ahould prev1Jt onr Wednelday, dnpite aome of the uauaJ early momlnr cloud· tneu, with temperatW'et con- tlnylng In the middle 70'1 alone the 0!"llge Cout. INSm E TGDAY Tile N'av11 '''' iftcrtGli1ag "11! .. rclfflltv of land ""''' ., bringmir ••td for· co~!llmll!IQ powtr on ottocll canifrt. ~ 12. I • I 'I • I I ! ·1 I I .. • J>O"'" I f I a <2' •e•zc zz l < s. sous a #-#$U $A!£S£3'.JE!'!£ Ph 1$ 0 j2 $ • 4!¥-P ;z 't'" i•'tO"'" • ;o If• ,. . . : I lwlV PILOT l ""'-·""""' 1t, 1t6t l11m1 .. rlal ly l'hll In......,. • Second ·Slaying :::ic--j oc1Doo Down tlte Missi~n • . . Suspect Freed • Trail · -0 · · QE a[ "Martha, Just Because We Live In Laguna Doesn't Mean We Have To Buy • Painting From Every Artl1t Who Llvn in L119un.." Capo Sclwols Direawr Takes Santa Ana Post The capiatrano Unified SChool DiJt.rict Is now ln the market for a new superintendent. . Charles F. Kenney, who headed lhe spraWUng district since unUlcation in 1985, announced his resignation Monday nlghL Kenney will become superintendent of . the Santa Ana Unified and Junior College Di!trict. At this point it ts unknown wbo will take the ]IOlt vacated by Kenney. Trustees have scheduled 1 special meeUng and uecuUve session nu:t Mon- day to disculs personnel, Kenney said. The superintendeht will officially lu.ve Newporter Inn Site of Nixon Smog Meeting 1be Newporter Inn ln Newport Beach will-be the .9Ctfle for a cabinet-level con- ference-on. smog and waya to cure it. Pruldent N I I 0 n ' I Enviromnenlal Quality Council will meet there J.fter a sesai.oo wilh the Chief Executive in San Clemente on Aug. 26. Washington """""" said Monday they do nol expect the President to attend the Newporter Inn meeting, bul other hllh· ranking cabinet oCllcflrs will be there. With NiJ:on as council chalnnan, tbe other members include the secretaries of agriculture ; commerce; health, educa- tion and wellare; houJing and urban development ; interior and transportation, Vice-President A g n e w and the President's science adviaor, Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, who acta aa e x e c u t i v e leCfetary ror the group. Vtllicles equipped with various power !OUrCel will be on dl!play at the Newporte, courtesy of lhe Bil 'JlJm automakers. The engines in 1he vehicles will include turbines, electric motorJ, steam turbines, and modUied internal c o m bu at I o n engines, supplied by Chrysler, General Motors and Ford. Sources said additional exhihit.s will in- clude 1970 model cars and various emialon control devices proposed by in· divldual oil companiei. The morning briefing with the Presi- dent will include a brlefina on various arus of air pollution, t o u c h I n g specifically on the problems of California. The council was formed In May by Nii:- on "to review ex:isUng Policies and pro- grams and to :suggest ways of improving them." the CapiJlrano post s.pt. I~ He will .tue his 8anla Ana po&ltion Sept. II. "I felt the Santa Ana job offered the best advancement." Kenney aaid today. "It is a profes.sional at.ep upward," be said. The 8anla Ana po&! Will pay 131,000 annually on a thlft year contract. At ~apistrano, Kenney was in the middle of • four year contract paying '28,000 an· nually. "Addition.al money was not the main consideration," he said. "I felt thal the new poglt>on o!fers a new challenge. "I fetl the Santa Ana board is united and dedicated tD good education. I think a good educaUon ii what people want re- gardless of !heir pOIJUcel idooJoal.,. ff a good eclue1Uoo II olfmd, poliUcal Jdeologlea are forgOttai," he 11ld. The Santa Ana board hu Jn the put been marked by a polltlcal divilkrl, a division which some oblervers feel caus. ed the ruignalio!i of lonner 8anla Ana odlaol clllel Glean Tabor. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Thom11 SteVtn Hariigan, the StCOnd "suspect." tn the Sharon Tate murders to be arreBted, queslioned and rtleased, saya he knows of flo "occult" act.ivttiea a:QlC)Dg . her lrleodl. The almoat ritualiltlc n1ture or the ll'iaJ1 1Jaytnga of Mla Tale and loot other persons at her secluded t.state hu led to 1peculation that the murders We.R part of some strange religious rite. Harrigan, rt, told ~wsme.n he attended a party al the Benedict Canyoo home the n1t111 -of Tbunday, Aug. 7 -lh< day belore the murders -t>ut spent the nett night In suburban Manballan Beach drinking beer with friends. Harrigan, a native of Canada who at· tended school in Ottawa, Ont., was sou.a:bt in a buUeUn issued by the Royal Cana· dian Mountain Police that aald be wu "wanted for murder" and was traveU.na with four "narcotic hippie-types." Harrigan said · he heard ~ul the bulletin Sunday nigbl and aurrendered htre Mondiy morning. 'Police detectives que!Jtioned blm for three how"I and then released him. Police spokesman said, "We have no reason to believe that these four men are any more 1U1pect ·than anyone else. We have no reason to hold any of them at this time." Harrigan was not. booked or charged. He said ht doesn't use drup, u implled in tbe RCMP bulletin. Ria attorney, Paul Carullo, detcribed hlm u "an old-fa.shlon- ed beer-drinkln Irishman.'' Horrigan saldg be had known Voilyck Frokowaky, ooe of the victims, for elght monlha and known Abigail Folger, another victim for about five months. The other vtcttins were Jay Sebring and Steven Parent. The caretaker at the est.ate, William Garretson, 19, wu arrested and then released last week alter undergoing a lie detector test. Police said they were no longer seeking the other three men named in the RCMP bulletiii. They art friends of Jlarrigan, but he !ald they all were out of the state the night of the slayings. · One of them was named Harris Pie.kens Dawson. Newsmen asked Harrigan if the word "pig" written in blood on lbe front door of the Tate home could have ac- tually been "Plc" Written by one ol the victims. 'BUZZ' ALDRIN AS SEIN llY NEIL ARMSTRONG'S CAMERA Moon 'Tourist• Plcturt1 Included In Fotorama ~ COi\11 ""'"' ........ CdlVM't ., 1"4ft N. w ... ---Ja&lt I. C.rlfY YIGt ............ .._. .. ....., n.. ........ ii ·-Tli•1t1•• A. M1TpM11• ~1.i11r ~1c:••Nl r. Nill ..__ "• -.._ __ 221 ftr .. t A••· M•lllrtf A441tt1i P.O. lta '''· t?61Z --~ MllN1 :m #nl .... """' ......,. ...... llt rn1 W•t ......... ..... .H4Mllwllllit .._,.; •"" lhll -.~a 6\11.'f K01 =idl Ii ~ "'9 *•"-••• • .. ... •..c.t ...... = ·----..... 1"9d\o ·-=-.:·:..:-: ............. ~ ..... ti ................. ¥1 .. =--=-~ .. ~-°'= -.. ...,.,.,. ........ ,.. "" ... ~ ...... . T' ;'a C114t = c:a:wr .... ..,.. ~ ... ~a.ti,.... ~ __ , .......... ..... ......., ---..... ""*'···.. .,,....._ ........... ..,,_, ..... -........... -. -~·ir:.r.:: ...... ...,, -............ .. Moon 'Snapslwts' Part Of FowramnExhibit A packet of "sn•pahot.1" made by the frrst "tourist.a'' on the moon anived In Newport Beach today for dJsplay in Fotorama at Fashion Island. The photos, a collection of plcturts shot ''by hand" by Astronaut.a: Nell Armstrong and "Bua" Aldrin during thelr working and walking oo U1e Lunar surface, are amon& unusual plcturu to be on dJaplay during lhe thrte-day ahow which opem Thuraday. Another group of pictures from outer space, courtesy of Jet Propuls.lon Laboratory, Puadena, includes prlnta of some of the beat lelevl&lon plcluru made by Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 In tne apace probes' "closeup" flYby of Man. Fotorama al.Jo will include 70 print.. fro:n the California Pre11 Phot<JCrapben ASIOdation. Thl1 travellna df1pZ1y, the Gold Seal Exhibit, lnch1clM flrlt, oecond .and lhlrd place wlnnen from all calegorie1 of competition 1 m o n I California newt photofniphtrl. "Commercial" phototraphs submitted for di.splay by members of Professional Phc>toenphtrs West, an Orange County unit affiliated with both stata and na· tional prof es :s Ion a I photographers' usociations, will include some color photosraphs and other "pretty pi ct urea ." Some of lh< best of lbe DAILY PILOT will cqmprlle another exhibit within the •how. Part of this portion of Fotorama wUI be a working telephoto machine tied into the United Prus International network and a demon&traUon of hQw pie, turea a.re engraved for publication ln the newspaper. Winnen from each of the three wetkl of the Fotorama Camera Contest (for non-profeuional photoaraphen) will be on display ln the Votorama at Fotorama exhlblt CHpOnSOred by rad.lo 1ta.Uon KOC1'1. "I nevet heard ot that tier art, 1' Har- rigan replied. ~ told detectives and later newsmen that he went to a dinner party 1t a restaurant the nieht of the murders, then want to the i-of· Eddie Roberta In Manhattan Belch for another party !hat Jut.<I unUI 1 a.m .. and later rtturned to hls apartment with Roberts and several other persona for some ~ drlnb. He brought Roberts along to the police staUCll tD com>bor1te h1s 1tory. No One Telling How President Does on Links '!be Waatern Whlto House ls tight-lip. ped about many. thinp, so newsmen often tum to speculaUon, But there 11 one piece of Wormation that deflea speculation -an unassailable top secret, about which nobody is hazarding a guess. It 1s President Nixon's golf score. He's cot one, '"° a certainty. He was the Ilnb for the fourth day 1n a row Mon- day . He new a helicopter to the Camp Pendleton Goll Coune -unaccompani.d by the preu. He went with David and Julie Eisenhower and aome family lrlendJ. Not even a photographer went along. The President apparently vetoed a pro- mtae by Press Secretary Ron Ziegler that cameramen would be pumitted .to take: pictures ot the President al the firBt tee somewhere. "I won't allow anyone to take a picture of me in a sand trap," Mr. Nixon said kiddingly lasl week. His enthuslum for the game is in mar~ed contrast to tbe low regard be once had for golf. He admittedly played a duffer'• game. Nobody on the White House !tail is tell· tnc whether he 1UU does. "We're not disclosing any scores," ui.d a presiden- tial aide. Hll trip to Camp Pendleton's course Monday WU hia ltCODd in the put few days. He waa 1ast there Friday. Over the weekend, he tried out the greens at coun- try clubs In Palm SpringJ and Oceamlde. Black Panther Laguna Speaker 811.ck Panther Michael Lynem of Santa Ana will be guest apeaker at the South Cout Human Rights Committee meeting Thuflday at I p.m. in the community room of Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Aaoc.lation, 260 Ocean Ave. in La- iUM Beach. Lynem was held but later released by Santa Ana police invHtigating the murder of S&nta Ana patrolman Nelson Sasscer in early June. The Panther will 1peak on "What's Happening in Orange County '• Black CommunlUes." There is no admission cbarae and the public is invited, commltl.tea secretary Lila Bennin aald. Coffee and cake will be served afier the meeting. Soviet Boat Seizes Japanese Fish Boats TOKYO (AP) -A Soviet patrol boat seized three Japanese fishing boats with a total of 10 crewmen in northern waters today on charges of violating Russian ter· ritory , the Maritime Safety Agency said. It added that the three vessels were n.!hing off a Sovlet·beld Kurne laland. WHERE ARE THE NURSES? Hoapllal Administrator Volia F~ P .. e l HOSPITAt ... nune tmnees. Thia II where Saddlebac~ JC could be helpful, Volga said. Last April, Saddleback trwittes were asked by college admlni1trators to set up a nurse training program, at a cost of $55,000 yearly. But tru!tees, with~ lone exception of Patrick Backus ol Dana Point, turned down the idea. The ma- jority ruled !hat the i:ool wu loo high for the -ol ... -. who would be enrolled. As a mull, noted Volga, 21 student nurses who live in Saddleback's juritdJ.c- Uon are now enrolled at Orqe Cout College. Tbelr on-the-job training will be undertaken at ho6pita1s otber than South Cout Community. And these other hospltob. Volp fears, wtll ultimately hire them. He: said South Coast C«nmuntty is will· Ing to help out Saddleback on the cost ol the ...... train~ prosram. 0 R.lgbt now we re getting a committee together to explore further avenues and to press harder with Saddleback on this," he said. In any case, if a program Is started, it won't be turning out any nurses for at least two years from next fall. But at l~ast, said Volga, the trainees would in the meanwhile be of some use to the hospital, while they learn. Bird Boosters , Seek Members SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The Miaslo.n's famous swallows may be snug in their neats but people concerned with them are not idle. Members of the Fiesta Al!OCiaUoa are seeldng new members according to mem- bersllip chairman Josh Oammall who will be sending letten to prospective bird bol¥ters soon. The Jotters will ezplain the ~p's activitles which include a swillow day parade, a fund raising barbecue and "so loog swallows" ac· UvJUes. For membership infonnauon, cootact Gammell or any member 9' the Fiasta board. I e Capo Tract Ok••ed CAPISTRANO PALISADES -A tract map for 148 homes on 28 acrea eut·or Via Sacramento and 90Uth of the San Diego Freeway baa been apprOved . by, Orange County planning commlaslonen. 'I'tle tract by Pre!lley Development Company was approved wlthout re- quirement that a park site be provided although Planning Comm i 11 Ione r Lawrence • Kirk said be thought one should be. e Tennu Slgn11~ Set LAKE FOREST -Registration began today for the Beach and Tennis Club'• fall activities schedule designed for preschoolers. Children four years old and who will have reached their fourth blrtbday by, Dec. 1 are eligible for the crafts, mus.ic, story time and fl eld trip!. The program will begin Sept. 22 and will continue through May. Two groups will meet two days a week from 9 to· II :30 a.m. Fees will be $12.~ per monlh. Leaders will be Judy Reubush, Sheila Spencer, Toots Spilane and Nancy Stevens. 'Ex-Mru·ine Colonel Named Irvine Company PR Chief A retired Marine Corps lieutenant col- onel with nationwide experience in advertising and promotion today was named director or public relations for the Irvine Company . He is Gilbert W. Ferguson of Fa11brook wbo succeeds William L. Aldrich, rectntly resigned to go back lntD his own public relations consulting business. "I'm very pleased to be as&oclated with lhe Irvine Company," said. Ferguson, after hls new post was announced by Wllliam·R. Mason, president. Ferguson spent 25 years in the Marine Corps, rising from the rank of private, with combat ei:perlence in World War II. Korea and Vietnam, Jn both infantry and artlllery unlt.s. He is a fonner information officer at Camp Pendleton, where he directed a staf! ol 51 persons handllng all press, public and community relations for the largest amphibious base in the world. He returned from a Vietnam duty tour fn JHS to be.ad the Atartne Corps' na- tional community relatioll! program and won a 1967 Freedoms Foundation first place award for a motion picture. "A Day in Vietnam," is the title of Ferguson's production, while a aeries of articles be wrote last year after a visit to the war zone received nationwide !'iistrlbutlon. -----_ .. , Your Om1ga: Salts & Sn'Vice .A.grncy 0 OMEGA Tiit ••ry •• ,,.. °"' .. . s, •• 11m1tl•r ••lch .. . JOINS IRVINE COMPANY PR Man Fer9u1on YOUR WATCH~ o Ci...o.I • OilM • .Ml"'"" l'-fl Ctt.M4 WMJ. Yn Wtlt FREE (II..., Wtl •• 1., •• , wlfh, •111 1ny 111otlific•ti1n J.y NASA ft b, w1r11 i:iy •ur 1t1•11 •11 th1 m••11. Thi1 rt c•frtlti•11, trvly 1 ti • w • r 4 f 1 1 •Jc•lltrit t , 1111k•1 111 p1owd to b1 v•'u• 111thori114 O"'••• j1w1l11, Co111• 111 -••• th!1 h111d11mt, l 1t11+to11o 4 4111, °'"••· s,;.4m••· ''' eh,01109r•ph. Th• enly witch w•rll i y the "'111 tll tti• 11'11011. Pric1 1195 • • ' ,, '4'!""'"" •• DIA.MONOS 19'UCID, ft'tM $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 IMUYINe OONI WHIU YOU WAIT Hllllflntton Center leach at E41nger HUNTINGTON IEACH 892-5501 Tlllill A"AILAILI and back Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor llYd. COSTA MESA ' I ' ' • • -=,.,.,.. • ...,._,, _,, ---=---""'"""· Another tra\'el£ng exhJblt -JI winners In competlton amon1 Auoclated Prtlas photographers In Calllomla and Nevada -aJao will be on display. Fotorama vlalton wbo use ~ of two Automatic Votina M1cbint Corp. un1t1 at the abow to hefp pick the lfand prize winner from among the three will qualify 545-9485 • for prizes worth mort lhan ll,lOO fuml!h· I,, edbyKOCM. ._~.._ ...................... _.. .. .._ .............. ~--------~----~ • UPITI ....._ TUt!dq, August 19, 1969 · (L) DAil Y l"ILOT :t ' . Camille Devatatiea ! Survivors· Tell / . -. . . Night-of Terr.or 'i· . ·GULFPORT, MJp. (UPI) -The story of Hurriclpe Camillo •• loid by Ille peo- ple who Uved through ll ' • them. Nol -cl Ille ,.,.,_ ,.. burl. In the &ftermaUI, tbe·tint wll1111• wereatwmed. Thomas Parker, an of!lhore oil worker wu huddled Jn tho atUc of a hotel at • B~::~ !:'tcbed lraller1 swapping ends -Air Council . just spinning. It was unbelievable. Thi.l's the· nnt hurricane I've ever bee•"1ttouib Formed f.or and 11'11 be Ille last ll I got anytfiing Jo do about H." • Wes McFarland, 1&.year~ld son of a doctor, fled his home at Bay St. Louis [or • Smog Fig" ht a nearby hosplal. ••The house waa shak~ ' " Ing and fallliig apart. the doors even atarted Lo break oft," he aald. A Breathable Air Council, com,posed At the hospital, Mrs. Gerry ~wel watched the waters rise and was Afraid mainly of Orange County legi!lator1, hu' patients would have to be taken to the been formed to wage a campaign against , roof In 100-mile-an-hour wlnds. air polluUon. · "I went into the chapel fqr a ·minute, The council Wm meet ror t.be f11st time i but the chapel windows blew out. Finally Friday bl 8 gathering that Jllst might I just said that if the km1 would save me and my fami ly, I'd never complain about bring together the most county legialaUn what I lost. Her home was destroyed, but ever assembled at one place. • her husband and two sons survived. Expected to attend a lunCbeon at thl "The roof blew off our surge.ry building Saddleback Inn, Santa Ana, a r e and we're setting up for temparary Congressmen James e. Utt and Rlchlrd. fiU~gery In our delivery room," said T. Hanna, state Sen. Jotm G. SChmitz, Robert A. Alexander. comptroller of and Assemblymen Robert Bedbam. Memorial Hospital at Gullport. .Robert Burke, Jamoa Wbetmor< and John K~hak ol Gulfport prayed that Jobn Briggs. his wife and seven children would not be "We round ea('.h one lntertated in air hanned. They weren 't. "The good lord poJlotlon," said Colonel Doner of the wu with us last night. At I: 10 this morn· sponsoring Tuberculoeia and Respiratory; tng, I didn't think any of us would be Disease Association of Orange County,. b<re." ''They're not JUll-lendlng their ..,... to Mrs. Charles Johnson and about 40 this. They are going to be active." • other persons sought refuge in the Chairman of the Breathable AJ:r Council courthouse at Bay SL I..olW:. Jailers put is county Schools Supt. Dr. Robert HURRICANE CAMILLE LEFT THIS PATH OF DESTRUCTION MONDAY AFTER HITTING BILOX I, MISSISSIPPI S. Korea's Park Airives Thursday In San FranciscO SAN FRANC!SCO (UP[) ~ South ' Korea,n President Park Chung Hee will fly into the Bay area a day in advance of his Thursday meeting with President Nixon. Park's tentative schedule announced here hfonday ca lled for him to leave Seoul via Pan American charter Wed· n~day and land at Moffett Field in nearby Sunnyvale. He, his wife, a security guard, and a group of top ministers then will be whisk· eel to Monterey for an overnight st~y before coming to San Francisco. Thursday, he will ,.be flown by helicopter to the San Franciseo Presidia whrre he arid bis party will be welccmed by President Nixon and Secretary of State William P. Rogers, then escorted by motorcade to the SL Francis Hotel on Union Square. them in cells when windows in th• Peterson. Honorary chairman ii U.S.. building .!battered. Civil Service Commissioner Jamee E .. "They -were real Southern gentlemen. Jotmsoo_wbo will attend-the meeting They put us in jail, but we were glad to along with honorary memben Mr1. Otis be there," she said. Ozolin, chairman of the county Stamp At least 15 Persons died at Pass Chri&-Out Smog committee, and Phil Petty, Nixon Frees $1 Million T yphoon Cora I Nears Okinawa tian. The victims included five couples vice president of the TB AaaoclaUon.. who were having a hurricane party in a But the legi,lators are the ®ea that the NAHA, Okinawa (UPI) _ Typhoon threwtory apartment. Police Chief Jerry TB AssoclaUoo ls lookitlg to to. carry the Cora, packing a center wind of 77 miles Peralta couldn't make them leave. ball. Doner said, "We are asking them to For Hurricane Victims /'\ By FRANCES LEWINE A.lllCJ.li.ti p,.. Iliff Wrltw President Nixon has moved swiftly U. provide $1 million in federal dii;aster funds for Mississippi devastated by high winds and tides of Hurricane Camille. Responding ~tonday to a plea from Mississippi Gov. John Bell Williams, lhe President promised that more money would be allocated when the full damage to public property is determined. · The Western White House In San Clemente said Nixon was kept Wonned of the hurricane damage as the storm . slammed into the Gull coast Sunday night centering it3 impact on Gulfport and ~ilold. Nixon was on the gclf course at the Camp Pendleton &1arine Base, 20 miles south of his tiCeanfroot home, when his staff announced the President had declared Mississippi a major disaster area. . 11 was tht fourth day in a row 'that Nix· - per hour, began punching on Ryukyu "The last 'time I went up to try to get do three things -make speeches on the Islands tonight balUog sea and air them out, the water was just over the.sea subject, write articles, and introd\1.Ce on has played golf, nying to varloos transportations. wall. They were having a good time and Jegtslat.iQn to eradJcate air polluUon." Southern California courses by helicopter. All air flights were cancelled. Some they woukin't leave. That's the last He said the TB A.MoclaUon will aupply N, I schedul r k th ships, bound for mainJand Japan, left ar.~body saw of therh," he said. the legblatora with new data u H comes txon P ans a e 0 wor in 8 Naha part earlier than scheduled to Wind whipped the roof oU the e1emen-up but will not attempt to direct tbetr ef.' mornings, recreation in the afternoons th h' t •·-· school -•·re 800 persons were r~-escape e approac mg s orm. ......¥ win: ut...,. and long, free weekends during his Departures or other ships leaving for hiding near the little town of Lakesbott. "We don't mind U they propose dif· California stay. islands near Okinawa were cancelled. "Men broke down. There was scream· ferent solutions," said Doner "It'1 mucb · He called In six new t;.S. ambassadors Government _;wencies and offices tn Ing and crying and praying, just about better to have a number or solutionl pro- tod Naha were cloi!M down as heavy_ rains everything a fellow could think to do ," posed than none." for a meeUng ay. The group included began to pound N~ UUs ~l'D90n. uld Prl.nclpal Oren Seal. Doner lllid no regu]ar meetlnc IChedule Taylor G. Belcher, ambassador to Peru; Streets were all deserted. Parenti fell on their children to irot.ect for the council la P"JPOl'fd. Eileen R. Donovan,. Barbadog; Leonard ,.::;:..::~;.::.:..:.:..:.:;;;.;.;c..; ________________ "'----------''-''------ C. Meeker, Romania; Luther I. Replogle, Jceland ; Walter L. Rice, Australia, and Adolph W. Schmidt, Canada. Two o th e r scheduled vl1itor1 were. newly appoi~ Indian atfj.}ra edm'"" missioner, Louis ·Bruce, and J. Wallace Sterling, former president d. Stanford University and chairman o{ the American Revolutionary Bicentennial Comrni§ion. Nixon called Sterllnf in to talk about plans for the 1967 celebration which the commission nanied by Ni.too July 3 will promote. • ' Thereasonyoti're not readingthisis because . youa1rea(ly know we have mor11ittg,mi<l-day and eve11ing jets going to Phoenix. • . . SALE PRIC~: DINING TABLE $239 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SAtE ALSO INClUDES SE LECT ED GROUPS ROM DREXEL. HERITAGE, HENREDON, NATIONAL, MAA6 E CARSON. HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. RIDUCTIONS ON ACCDSQallS, LAMPS, AND PICTURES ARI ALSO AVAILAILL NIWf'OlT UACH 1727 Wootdlll Dt. '42·2050 OPllll JlltDAY 11L t DUXll • HUITA•I • HINUDON DEALIR IHTlllORS ~l lnlorlor 0.1.,..,. A•1ll1bi.-;,.ID4fSID LAGUNA I EACH W North C-Hwv. 49U.!S1 -PllDAY 'I'll t .... '" ........ 0.-,...C..., .... ,, ... "'"'"'"'"'"'"'==-----.. --- - . • " I • • ! i I i I l ! I I I I • I ' I I I • I • • . • DAl.Yl'll.DT ._... ... Dlltr .... ...., J-Pl-•· II, oae of the 90 gtrl1 wbo wm be Princeton Uni· venlly'1 first coecls nezt month, bas won the City'• UU• of "MlH Biklnl." Mill Fletcher, • IAni Beach, N.J., resident, won a $500 prize and trophy in the contest, part,p! Ille cily'1 summer fertival program. • A slx·yeer-old boy hopped into a ablny red car in an automobile obowroom in London and drove it through the window. The boy told police, "I like to drive." · • ho fllUu -• prcttr plcivT• a Lot A"Qe~• Coamtv Fair Qwtn ....-1 Shlrl<p Coombe, ~· old Col Polv (Pomona! eocd. ,...,., Mr c::omf1'4 on one of Col Poltl• little fill*. Shirley U on.t of sewn col-1.eoc girll crnter~ in the Fair Que~n conl<ll. • The fire brigade had to be call!d lo remove the wedding ring !(). yoaN>id Ronnie Riley of Chelm .. ford, England had 1Upped onto bis finger 10 he would look married. ' 11 thought if I was married I could leave IC!Jool," Ronnie ezplalned. • San Francisco neckUe manufac-turer llNll J. El'Mlt ha1 learned a new uae for hi.a producta:, but it coet him S2,000 worlh of valuables. Emes~ 55, was robbed by three men Who used hi• tle1 to bind him before ransackin' hi.I home. Eutn hippin ore not an. ii· Ja,&d unto ~elw1, an undtr· ground newtpapu hal lt'am.ed'. TM Miami Fret Pre11, odvtr· ti.ring for o 1alt1 manager, sua- guted: "'lf vou art looking for o freak out job do not bother to apply. We need an e.sta.b!ilh- mf'ftt per.son to <UaJ with e•tab- Ulhment. .. • A clever penvt which dellshted C111lomers in a Dover, Del. pet shop by opening women'• pane. open· ed the wrong door and provided an ocelot with a high-priced dinner. 'jlt was a mi.art bird, too smart for its own good," 1hop owner Vic- . tor Sc:hlmp said. ''The cat 1ure bad an ezpensive meal, more ezpensive than any I've ever bad" The par· rot -actually a blue and red mac· aw -was prtc:ed at $500. • 1.Dndon Police said' a motor- !Jt left a German 1hepherd in his perked car to protect the unlocked vehicle from car thieves. The driv- er returned to find the dog had been ltolen, they 1aid. Troops Reinforce . . . Embattled Units SAIGON (,UO) -Hundrlda al U.S. to-Clmbodlan bonier about !IS miles f111tmneo were tulbed lo the rolling noRheut al Salgoo. It was the heaviest foothllla Ill mn. IOUlh al Da Niii( today a1r attack lo Ille ma In nwl,y lwo lo relleve ..,. Amertcu c:ampoales badly months. bittered by a Norlb• V1etnam<M force In the fllhting IOQlb al Da Nin(, the 1tvtn ~ tbe1r lize. two U.S. companies were surrounded Battlefield ~ said tbt two com· about four miles apart and on opposite panlea from Ille Ullth L1ibl IDfantry • lldes of their patrol base, which Ii on a Brigade, totallll( 177 men, bad lllffered rtdge betw..,, two valley~ · about 40 per<eot wua!Uea -15 men LI. Col. Ced! Id. Heory or Rome, Ga., kllled and m«e than llO WCUJ>ded. But 'the Americans' bau.lion commander, American. offtcen: aald the outnumbered said bis two companies on Sunday 0 ran lnlailrymen tocether with Amertc.n Into forces a hell al a Joi bigger,'' JlOUthly bomben and artill"l' had kllled Ill 1,200 North Vietnamese, who he believed North Vietnamese. were moving into posltioo for an attack Thm other mnaller fll!>ta also n....i oo a ae!Uoment of s,ooo ,.rug.., not far South Vietnam'• northernmost proviocea aw1y 1t Hiep Due. from ooulb al Da Niii( lo the demllllarl>-Henry aid the Amerk:am and North . ed ...,. lllO m1lel lo the north. U.S. hi-Vietnamese "IUrJlrise<i eadt other'' and a !llllrymen Ill<! -"J>Ori.d t1ll1ng • heavy .. change or fire erupted. toW of 171 North vtetnameae ln the Tbe two embattled Ametican a;im. llOrtbemmost proYb>cel, while U.S. pan1.., commanded.by Capl John Whl• cuualUes were p1t at 11 killed and mon tecar ol SaUna. Kan., and Capt. Wllllam thin 70 wtmlded. Ga,yler of Mineral WelJJ, Tex., were . Jl'lgbtlng also coallnued on a mnaller thrown oo the delemlve Monday Dlgbt oca1e In the Salgoo "lion. with four becaUJO or the 111perlor mnnhon ol North 1klrmllboo "*1111111from20 mlle5 south al Vietnam .... the capllal tO Ill miles north or the clly. Fighting wu at cloee hand, at Uma 10 Two Americans llld II enemy were to 20 ytu'dl. Medical e v a c u a t I o n reporied tilled end lS Aml!rlcanl wounct· bellcoptera w~ unable to lift out most ol ed. the wounded becauae of beavy enemy In another IOCiloo of the COUDlry, the fire. One belleopter iolng In bad lta !all ·central plateau, heavy 852 raids ln· rotor lhot oU but Umped back lo Da dlcated 1 new enemy threat was dev elop-Nang. Another helicopter landed in "pitch Ing. Al many as 40 of the big bombers blackness" without any lights, offlcen dropped 1,250 lolls or bomba along the Aid, and toolt out eight wounded. ~ Wilson Enters Ireland Crisis, Urges Reforms LONDON (UPI) -Prime Mlnliter lfarold Wilson conferred today on the Northern lrelmd alsll with Prime Mintlter Jame 1 Olk:bester-ctark. Olrf:enment IOW'Ces Aid W 11 1 o n demanclecl IWl!t monm to me! the threat of ctvil Wll' in tboee 11J cotmUea. , Wi1lao ·met ftnt in emergency aee:slon with b!a cabinet while police arid troops · IUlriled tbe 1ovmunent area of Loodon •a:ainlt poulble o u t b r e a k s or dlstiubaneel by IAadon'• S00,000 lriah -In Dublin, tbe lrbb R e p a b II c Goverrment encunced Jb 1 e c u r I t y poliet hive stepped up their watch on IUlptded ru.Iead<n of the outlawed lrtsb Repoblk1a Aimy (IRA) which an- -oa Monday 11 bas sent "fully equipped" delaclmienta -the border Into N«tllem Ireland. Northern lrtland, whlc:b appeared on the br1nt of dvU war at height of the C41bollc-~ dlaordera last week, spent • third trouble.free night and Catholic and Protertant v ·1 g 11 a n t e s patrolled the-today lo enforce the uneasr peace. Before the cabinet meeting Wllaon COO· femd w 1t b Home Secretary James Callaghan, -bas overall respoqslbllity for clvU order In the United Kingdom, and with Def-5ecr<\lrY benll Healey. Healey bu pollUcal control over Winnie Ruth Gets to Phoenix PHOENIX (IJPI) -Wlanle Ruth J add was ntumed to Artmna Moodly after a ;even.year absence, a.od 1 b e r 1 f f • s Jeputles were promptly ordered to have lter in court Wednesday morning. The famed trunk murderus of the 1930s, aecompanJed by Capt. Ralph McMillan of the MAl'lcopa County sher· iff'1 office, was flown here frma Maril· .... Calif. As they stepped from the plane at Sky Harbor Airport, McMillan was presented a writ of habeas corpus by one ol Mn. Judd's attorneys, Larry Debus:. the British troops nowa lo Norlhml Ireland, Wilson broke off hit vacation In the Scilly Isles off the southwest of England and flew to London for today's meeting. Originally he planned to meet only with key menbera of the cabinet but political sources said he had tra.ndormed it .Into a full cabinet 1ession. Storm Seeding Operation Called 'Huge Success' . ROOSEVELT ROADS, Puerto Rico (AP) -The !int masslva attempt In history to tame · a hurricane bu been caned 1 huge success by the projel't dlreetor. · Weary, but elated from 14 bouts of flying through Tropical Stonn Debbie, Dr. Cecil Jl Gentry touched down late Monday night and pronounced his m15.'lon a "huge operational succes!.11 But, sclen. tlflcally, he cautioned : "We might sWJ have to work for months." Gentry did not go into detail.5 on the claims of succe&! and Debbie probably will be attacked again Wednesday. "Today was metect'ology's man on the moon." said the alternate project direc- tor, Hury Hawkins. HThe difference b we won't know for m months whether we've landed or not." Hawklm eJ"plalned that months of scl"111c data anal!'lil wllf be needed before· Any conclualom: can be made. He emphasized that tarnl.ng the hwTicane was only one goal • In the seeding operation, Navy A&A jets made five separate penetrations into the eye of the storm, 600 miles off the coast of Puerto Rico in what Gentry called the "first multiple seeding operation 1n history." The planes, flown by trained pilots and bombardiers new directly into lhe eyt of Debbie at 500 miles an hour, and dropped their bombs -containing silver iOOlde expected to dissipate the stonn's energy by causing ice crystAls to form. Skies Sunny Around U.S. • Reno, Nevada Shares Mark For Col.dest Place Cellfentle TlfTllll'Flliw.t ~ lllll'lflY - ll'llldt • kullllno C.•~ ..,., ~ -""'-" fl"iMI • """"" """ .._. -It -"""""" ttlr ...... -IOtkfw '-dwdl,_. tNll .. ..,.. .... _,. TIM lllvNdllltie l• MfMI - ..... -Mry "'Nfl'"' 1'1111 -_., -.,1,.. '-dWd!-T'- fllllt .,,..., -.... ,,. ""' ....... ............... Tll9 ~ .,_...,. CoflW D""1tt ................ lltll'll.,....ll'llM ._ __ ·,.. ......., ......,. " tn • '"""'-,.. • et '-'-'• e.or., "'twtuy. ,_ ... ""' """"' """ ... .... -,...,... ... ntllof -""' "' ""' """°"" ....... •It ,.,,_,, ... -'" ..... ,.. ... ""' ~ ........ ~ ... llltflltlllO. ....... .,.. ... _....._ ......... tv,.. M "' a •t """' ................ c:-.tai ,...,.,, dWfl -"""" _., "' .nt1-. w..11r!Y" wlllfl I '9 1S kNllt.. ~ ..., 1'. ., ............. .......,.,,,,,. ,.......... ,,._ • llftllt ., " " ''· lr>ltNI' __,.Iv,. ,,.._ .,., 4i1 ,_ 11.. W•"" *"--IV,. -a-S11n, M-. l'Wu TU It OAT '"'' -••.. .... . .• 1:• '-" 1.4 ''"' Jlltl'I t iM ,._. &.I WIONllOAV ''"' ll)fh .............. '1JO "·"'· u """ ... • ............ 7:11 11.m •••• k< ..... llltft ., •••••• ., •. t : ... '-"'• l.I ~ '°"' ............. 11:(16 ...... l.t ,.,. •• •in t .nl. kit 11H t .l'fl. M-ll5'" 12:'9 "·'"-S.lt'll:" "·"'· Liit •• New ,lrtt •• ...It ..... I "''· It A\111. » Aw, fl v.s. s-r,, l+llrrk-Ctmllll ifl..SO.~ JC:" law llfftllH"9 "'q,:: l'lldl; ,_.,.., wltll to )I ,,.T ... ...,. ,_,._ ''"' 111111J m I:: 1torl'fl tllnitd t•M lo Wf'tf In tN -t.nt Hortll Cu'llllNI. ~ T-, eot 1 tn lllCfMs ~ rt!n llllltllll ~ •lld 111N11t '" """ ... "'" ,, Hv!!h\111~'\,,. =.: !tie "' ""' Mltfl ' K ll'lulldit~ llC'(\llTll(I lrOlll "" W'lll" Cilllo "' lw .. ~ = illlqlllflll .... ,,..... "~ ~ IFt fllll :tthtr" Mltvw t to ~~k .. ""' 'I tlGt '"°' frOMt"' ~,, 81'1"1119, Cllltt., Mil" I Wt1 =~· lt~!lle tNI' l\fftlW Nteod ~· h lltfil ~lght '-' of 8), 1119 :1"'*' lowt ,,,. !Wiiier!. lltmtd,U: M IWI,, tl'ICI lltt'IO, Nev •• ""'1 !lie c ~en wl:ij 0 111:t9rM rttdl"ll•· m (I ltomlt tor ' ... 1pl1t r,; 11111 wtVf, Wl!1' I tOOI ~II'=: Fl MIQ Wlfl'I tolnt !l"tcr\~ CM II "-Jtef'etllt'U Hlllt Lft l'rte. ,, ........ .. " .. Allllll1• " " ... ... _. " " ....... " ~ -.. " ...... .. " e~ni. " • "'""' .. " ClflC111,,.tt " " .._ .. .. Dll Molntt " " ...... .. ~ --N " ·-N .. .. ...... " ~ "-• Cltt " n '~-• .. ..... , .. .. Mlnrwwolla .. " New °''""' .. • -v .. • " "' """' .... n " ... ""'" .. " " Oklftiom. ClfY n n ...... " TI "-'"' k>rlfllll "' .. Ptlll lt(lbfff .. .. -· '~ .. '"""""' " .. Port1tNI' " .. ll1111d C!IY .. " ·-" " s.er • ....., .. .. .. S.11 l•kt Cfly " .. l1n Oll!to • .. "" Fr111Cllc. " ~ Stlltlt " .. •• -ON .. .. ,,....., '~ " w-.. " .,,., - OR ·AMA. Picks These Third Week .Winners and lnvitel. You to Select the Grand Through 23 at Fashion Sooond Place 'INNOCENCE'-Here" o beech scene which tells its own ~tory as seen through tho lens of Jerry Hornbeok of 240 I Blockhorn, Newport Beoch. Jerry wins $15 in Foshion lslond gift certificotes for the picture of block girl Roberto Culver of Los Angeles •Y· ing a cluster of white kids. Third Place 'MIDNIGHT SNACK' -Mrs. John (Joon} Gage of 2610 ling on Lone, Santa Ana does it a9ain with this pie· ture of her own 1 ·yeor-old son, Mark, ot the relrigerotor. Mrs. Gego .pieced second in the second week of the Fotorama contest. This picture earns her e third ploco ond $I 0 in Fashion lslond gift certificates. Prize Winner Aug. 21 Iskuul. First Place 'MOMENT OF TRUTH'-Cory Pior"' Sog6t, 22, whose parents resido et 2845 Europo Drive, Cosio Mesa, proc· ticolly hod o bull in his lop lost Jonuory when he captured this dramaitc mom~ ent in the town of Frages in the south of Fra nce. It wins first place-$25 in Fashion Island gift certificates-in the thi rd ond final week of the Fotoromo Camera Contest and earn~ Saget a shot ot on additional $500 in gift cer- tificotes to be oworded the g rend prize winnl!!r selected by popular vote of Fotoromo visitors Aug. 21 througli 23 et Fosh ion Island. • • . \ • . -• l I . . . --- ------ JEAN COX, 494-9466 T.....,, AllHll 1t, IM ~ ,.,. 1i ·Food Se .rved . . • In t·e rn at i c> n·a rl y Following a busr year of activily and service· fo r South eoa.t•Com- munlly Hospital, members of Las Madrinas Chapter traditionally host a summer dinner and party. · Th.is year the Laguna Beach 'home of Mr. afKl Mrs. William Tracy will be setting on Saturday e.vening, Aug. 23. The women will bring a variety of foods, internatione.l in nature. Working together on the committee are the Mmes. Davi_d Oas}), Nor• man Benham, Gerold Williams, Richard Kopp and Tracy. · Before looking forward to this social event the wo.men have worked monthly at workshops in members' homes making felt puppets to be' given to children in the hospital. Also taking place inoothly are maternity teas· given for expectant mothers who will be hospitalized at South Coast Cpm- munity. . During the spring a membership meeting was scheduled .to intro- duce prospective members to the chapter.· Also included was a hOSRital tour and a social boor in the South Laguna home of Mrs. Benham. · New officerS were installed during a dinner meeting in ~e Laguna . Beach Country Club by Mrs. Leland Peart of San Ciemente. COSTUMl\_S WITH COLOR -& iniematiooal theme·)'rill.be car- ried ooti in· clothes and cuisine when Las MadrinaJ Chapter of South C\>ilst Community Hospital gathers for a traditional din- ner party 11ert Saturday neoing in the Laguna Beach home of Mr; and Mrs. William Tracy. Serving early so they can sample •the' treat's are .(left'to. riltht) Mrs: Gerold Willi8Jllli, -Mrs. Tracy' and Mrs. David l>Qsh. Afso working on the preparation commit- Leading the group will be the Mmes. Tracy, clu>1rman; K~p , vtce chauinan; Robert Campbell, corresponding secretaty; Carol Cordi~, re- cording secretary; Thomas Wingate, treasurer; Stanley Allen, member• ship; Terry Chastain, ways and means, and Richard Dicky, partiamen- tarian . · tee ai:e Mrs. N __ Benham and Mrs . Richard Kopp. · Committee chairmen are the Mmes. Norman Borucki and Benham, -AAUW Bids Welc.ome Prospectives Lured ' ·By Coffee~-Arom!a The focus will be on friendship when lnembers of· Ille Laguna Beach Branch of the American Association of University' Women hosts re series Qf summer coffees·· in members" homes. The membership parties are p1amed <from lO ::KI a .m. to noon . The next gatberings,are scbeduleit for tomorrow in ·U!e Temple Hill< home of Mrs. Stan Flores, 494--0388, and· MrS. Robert· Lewi> ol Laguna Beach, 494-7307. . Also opening their hosl~s to prospective ·m embers .are Mrs. Lyal Baumgardner, Laguna Hill~: 83C)-0238, Aug. 21 ; Mrs. Donald Journeay, Laguna Hills, 830-1'165, Aug. 21; Miss Dorthea \Glasoe, La· guna Beach, 494--1556, Au,g. 22i Mrs. E arl& Garri~on, Laguna Hills, 837-9140, Aug. 22; Miss Alida Parker and Miis•Olll Hiller, T.aguna Hills, 83()-1044, Aug. 27, and Mrs. William Kennedy and Mrs. WiHiam White, Scuth Laguna , 4119-1079,Aug. Tl. Women who a~ interested in joining but ·•re unable t.o attend may contact Mrs. Donald F. Tanney, mem~nhi1> chairman, al 83()-1044. l!fembership is open to-women graduates of~redited;colleges and universities. A diploma, transcript or oid 'Al\UW can! Is ·suitable veriiicatlon of eligibility. Annual·dues for'._the·Uipna bmnCh·are $15. The club features among',!!• acti\lilies study gn)upo which meet lo'Sludy and discuss subjects.• ~of ~ on th~ ·national and world .see.tie. · • ·· · In ad.ditioo, 1hey·meet In speciltl1inter~grouJll, •ucb as; bridge, • gourmet. arts and crafts, play reading, boot . .revie)", Fl'encb and · · many others._ The.. programs '.Ompiie.me··conlinuing; elucatioii. 1 • I • AAUW also sponsors a'fellowship;<'program .. wJierein the organ- ization through various activities raises f1mds ·to· s\1Pl)Ort women sludents for advanced studies in the fields of 1belr-diolce. . . In add.iii on, there is an empliasi., on the legislative 1Jrog1'11111, where branches" study and evaluate 'cqrrent .legislation. with the oim of expressing a group opinion on: the value of the measure. maternity teas; ··Floyd Parson1S, puppets, and Phillip Balliet, hours. .. . Mrs. Gary Leach, new presidellt;apd Mrs. Robert Berry, pro- gram cb_ainnan pr'otnise .. an .excittng ·:year ~f events .which will be kicked· off w!tti a membeTSltip ce!el>r.Uon, I.a cFiesta de I.as Ami&as . . . on Saturday, Sept. 6, from 2 to I p.m. · · • • CAPITALIZING ON COFFEES -Focus -on Friendship ls t he theme of the August coffees planned by members of the Laguna Beacl1<Btanch of tile American Association of University Women. Taking a coflOI> break before. tomorrow's party are (left to right) the Mmes. Roj>ert J. Brotherton, George E. Goodall and Donald F. Tanney, membership chairman. Prospective members are en- couraged to attend . Wife Won't Win This Battle Even by a Close Shave DEAR 1 A,NN LANDERS: My· liiUbano has always ~ on the COO.SEIV&tive side, untll about six rilonths ago when he decklii! to let his hair rro••'. I didn't say anyihlng until his hajr got IQl!ier than mine. , then I demanded that he get a haircut. He refused. 10· teach him a le5'0n, . l took the sci""" and 1rve myself I bak171>ob. Be iald l lool<e<f like a Ollllard bell an<h called. me .& spltelul nut I ~ lo let 1my hair 1?1>W K he would cut ~· His alisWf:I' was, •11 reiwte lo be ~ed. No.deal" . ' Last night, out of •1-!rostraUon (and' aria: a f<w drinks) I went lo tho bathroom and &hived my head. I walked , Into the room and said, "How do youJlke t.hls?'' He near)y. died. Now my. bUiband 'i<!'USOJ,\<Tbe .,.. In pll lillc wit!\ nii'ilntll . ' . -' ANN LANDERS rfl my halr '""'8 <>UL I reaU• J ·niode 1 ml!take but I feel his tenno ~ too hanh. Whal do yvu MY, Ann! -VERGO DEA11 VERGO: 111\l' a wl( ..i ~ .... , ....... -. . ; DEAR ANN LANDERs: In a recart column you told teen-agerw where lo go tr lhey ""J!ect they have VD. I am Sli yean okt-AJJ my~Jlfe I've heard ~about VD •• Everyone 11)'11 ''Go to a doctor if )'OU. ~ any ll)'lllp!omJ." Good advice of courae -but what are the rymploml t II it a pimple, a boil, a running aore, a scaly petdi! 11 there peln? Do ll)'lllp(oms ,.ppear in att&S other 1han the genitals! They uy VD can be cured if you get it early. How early -is tarly? Two days? A 'WtfkT A year? Won't ytiu please devote a col umn to this Important aubjecl? 111e amount of tporance llllOll& adulll 11 MU 11 teenagen Is appalll111. -N.D • .READER bEAR N.D.: 11te most commoe form of VD ii ionorrbea. la ~ early atagu rrflillti · •• a1Wer feel pa1a or disCoilifon. If Is eaUrely poulbte !or a wOm111 to infect a man and not be nare of it.-I• ldva~ 1&1ges of. ,..orr.bea. ltowtver. a womu esperlaees MVete • ~ 111 Utt: lower abdomen, dltcbllrgi ud M1Mtime1 fenr. • S1m)MJU la tbe• male ,..,., 1boat tine Oya af&cr com.ct. ne. most c:om· nt01.1)'1nptom b 1 bUmln& 1t111dtl dar· '"' •(la-and ......... dllcbari•-Tttatmeat for bot.II female and mile 11 almpte nd effective -and thould be t0agbt immediately 09 appttruce el 1ymptom1. Go991'.'he1, if 1111trte&ed· can ---aterllllJ, . llibiitll ... heart -· • Syp•ill• 1111 reached epldmt.le pro- portlou ...... -.tey -.... pill bu mMe "okt·fuhlfted" eoa.&rtctptivea •4obl01de." £J11rl)' ~ii 11 u1ually m..Uttled by 1 ttll eru,U,. wldCll rttembla a cold '°"· TH nni enptlol: 111aa0y ..,,..,. an &be cudtall • few wttU alter coailld. Sevtral wteb liter enpdtD1 may 1ppear .. ,,...,.. .. tile body, loclodJa& tile, __ Sypblllt, nea ~ wt&lda ,..,. or five m..U cu alilllly be eared wllMD • m•Uer of wee.k1. Untra&ed 1ypldlb "" relllll la bllDdffu, brall d1ma11, tolal incapaeltaUoa •ncl dtat.b. l•arp et1ery lDdlvldual wbo 1111ptttl he may hive VD 10 co &o 1 doctor or 'to UM CGllDIJ or dlJ llealtll deparlmeal for aa uamballGG. VD wUI HI~ II!&: nored. Wbea Ute flnl set o« sympi1ma ftlde away muy people believe Ul!eJ ''wore wt'' Ute dlleue, w ·um 11 ... tne. II us oaly JOll" ....... .,.. ... .,i will m pl later I• 10me crtpplllt form. What awaits you on the other tide or the marriage veil? How can you be ttn your marria.ge will wort ? Read Aim Landers' booklet "Marriage -What_ 1to Expect.--,, Send your request to Ann Landers in care of )'OUt newspa,,U enclosing 50 cents in coin and a lm&. llamped, sell-addressed eovelope. Ann Lander• will be glad to help you wi th your problems. Send them to ber ln core ol Th& DAILY PILOT, enclootng a aelf·lddrelled. •tamped mvtlope. • 1· t l i . .. . ... ~ , .. ... ., . ..; ~., .. - Jf DAILY PILOT -.. .._..,._., . ....... . .. . Tlltldiy, Autu!t 19, 1969 . . . . . ' ·-··-... ~ --. ... -- Be eoof1dl0!. Act In poo!tlvt .ml!lll<l· S»t•.U!P and exprtll vlewJ. • Taurus: Be· Discreet IF TOD~V IS YOUR ButTHDA Y you have a.ssuln· ed a d d e d refOOOlibRHes. Money angle of chart is ac- cented. You Caln 1retter recoa:n\Uon. But you are llso working hanler. You po<rally have even disposition. But )0\1 Dght against lnjuallce. - • r • • • ' . • • " . . ' •• • • .. .. • .. .. • ' .. ~. " • .. WEDNESDAY AUGUST ·20 . By SYDNEY OMAl\R FAVORABLE FOR FISH• ING, PLANTING. . . TOPIC OF OONVERSA· tlON1 Re 11, I e 11, pbllOI· ... ,., metapby1lct and P1bllabln1. PoUUcal reform• l1M domilllle. UIHtyle lo- '87 11 toward future, Dot the put. ARIES (March 2t·April Ii): Loog·ranae view is e&$ential. Jtnore t be obvklul, Someone could be laying a trap. Be amiablt, but keep ammunition dry. Alertness today saves time, embarrassment a n d money. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent mystery. Be discreet. Don't reveal all you know. Mon e y could be involved. Someone wants to repay you for favor. Don't Jet false pride keep you from acceptln(. You ~u . GEM.IN! (May 21.June 20): You don't work so well aJone today. Means accent coopera· tion. Mutual ~orts pa y dividends. Know this and make peace with m at e , partner. Give atttntion to public rtlaUons. CANCER (June 21.July 221: DOn't overwork. Avoid ex- tremes. Gain balance between pressure and recreation. Brin& forth . seme of h u rii o r • Laughter today Is y o u r valuable tonic. Be amu.sed at your own foible! . LEO (July 23-Aua. 22): Study Caneer message. Hive fun: enjoy your acUvlUes. You are loo creative to be bogged down with the petty. You can rise above the small, the minor. the lrritaUorus. Do so. VIRGO (Aug. 13-Sepl. 22): Thr.re could be cr05R currenl.! • Means people you usually get along with could appear ir· ritable. Be big. e!pecially where olcier persons, family members are con c e 1 n ed • Think. LIBRA (S.pt. 23-0cl. 12): EmphasiJ on ideas, short trips, dealing with nelchbon and relatives. Improve com· rorts of home. Don't let anyone upset your emotional equilibrium. Stand tall . SOORPIO (Oct.13-Nof. 2l)o Money, pos!esslons . a r e favored if you Id go of out· moded methods. Strive for the future nlher than brooding about past. Break bonds o1 restriction. Be determined • SAG!TI'ARIUS (Nov~ ..12- Dec. 21): Cycle moves· higher; events begin to unfold in favorable manner. Added responslbllity brlni! greater rewarm. N e w contact could mean romance. CAPRICORN (Dec. ttJan. 19): Take care of emotional· physical health. . Some in- fonnation is btst kept your penonal knowledge. One who spreads rumors would delight in ertaUng aggravation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 13): A friend could take in· tiliative in getting you to show • Rules Changed to Accomodate Alumnae Pleasure before business will be the rule when the South•rn Orange County Chapter ol Alpha Phi ga· th.ers for its annual summer b rid g e luncheon Friday, Aug. ·22, in Clubhouse 2. Laguna Hills. The eVeni will begin at 10:30 a.m. and continue to 3, with luncheon served at noon. Hostesses will be Laguna Hills Alpha Phis , and guests will include alumnae and colfegY.ites residing in or visiting the coastal area. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Birdie Adair, 837·2948. Cook ing up a delicious Juneh· eon menu are (left to right) the :r..1mes. Ben Brad· sha~·, Donald Palmquist and Arthur Aune, Bond-Payne . Ceremony Solemnized in Downey Hawai ian Honeymoon Harriet Collins Wed · In Ceremony Newp~rt A honeymoon trip to Hawaii followed the wedding of Har- riet Ann Collins and Charles Ralph Fisher, which took pl•ce 1n St. James Episcopal Church. The lat~ afternoon double rt.,. ritu: Wert solemnized by the !WY. John Alhey. 'Ibe bride, daughter of ~fr. and Mn. Donald Addison Collins of Newport &ach. aelected a silk organia over puu de aote gown. appllqued with alencon lace and beaded with crystals and pearls, designed with a cathedral train. Her veil was caught to a lice headpiece accerted with pearls, and her bridal bouquet wu an arrangement o f ltaphanolis, yellow min." '.ure l'Olel and baby's breath. Precedin& the bride to lhe altar were Mi55 Elizabeth ·· Paulin, maid of honor, and the bridesmaid•, the M i s s e s Mesa league La Ltche League meets the aecood Tutlday at 7:30 p.m. ·Mrs. R: ·W, Moore; 54M359, will: answtr questi ons reprdinc location. Kathleen Boyd. Donn a QeDleinar, Kathleen Daniels and MrL Robert Simeral. They were attired 1n yellow organza over peau de soie and thelt bouquets were fashioned of gladioli and daisies. Liwrence Fisher served his brother as best man and guests were seated by Lowell Baker, Gary Platner, Stephen Slack and Michael Twombly. Completing the bridal party were Larry and I.Jsa Fisher, nephew and niece of the bridegroom, who were ring bearer and flower girt Following the ceremony the newlyweds received l he Ir guests ln the Balboa Bay Club, where the guest register was circulated by Miss Patricia Todd. The new Mrs. Fisher was ' graduated from Corona del ~1ar High School and now at- tends the University of South· erh California, majoring in dental hygiene: Her husband, !On of Mr. and h1rs. Connie P. Fisher of Sand Springs, Okla., was graduated from USC in business ad · ministration. They will reside Iii Los Angeles. MRS. CHARLES R. FISHER Home in Los Angeles John R. Bond Jr. o£ Lido Isle claimed Debbi Payne or Downey as his bride in Downey's First Ba pt i sl Church. Her parenU are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payne o f Downey and he is the son of Mr. and Mis. John R. Bond Sr. of Lido Isle. Given In marriage by her father, the bride chtise a now· ing gown of silk chlffon crepe over peau de soie with Renaissance styled sleeves. A Juliet cap of seed pearl mesh caught ber full length illU!ion veil. Matron of honor Mrs. Dian- ne Dudden and bridmnaids the Misses LeeAnn Hegewald, Judy Hunter and Carolyn WllliaT?l.' all appeared in ll1ht orchid crepe 1owns with matching: -Juliet stylt head- pieces. Flower girl Sandy Kirkwootl wore a bouffant white dress and scattered orchid colortd carnation petals from her basket. Steven Dudden canied the rings. Bob Gardener wu best man. Ushers included Jay Michaud, Sttve Slmmons and YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN . TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY AMS.WIRYM 546-1800 JM BRINGS STARS TO YOUR EYES. uniquely natural STAR CUT lashes by FRIVOLASH leave no false impressions with any one. pre-feathered and fringed to form a star-burst shape around your eye. they vary in length just as re al lashes do, and are almost impossible to detect once the y're on. STAR CUT is also so easy to apply that almost before you can bat an eye, you can be flutter ing this new lash. the deep brown or soft black lashes, with strong adhesive and lash bath, medium 12.50, and full, 15.00. look to jm cosmetics and MISS riA, thursdaythrough saturday, at south coast plaza. JOSEPH MAG NIN Allen Dudden. Approximately 350 guests atlencled a garden reception in the home of the bride's parents l ollow ing the ceremony, where Miss Pam Singen was in charge of the guest book. Special guests (rom New York included Stephen Wilder, Gale Fleming and Albert A. Rachoi. Frank Willard came from Detroit , f\1ich. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meunier from Fresno. The newlyweds both are graduates of Copre School in Balboa. After their return from a wedding trip to Cannel, San Francisco and Aspen, Colo. t hey plan to travel to Ma,u!, Hawaii. where they will make their first home. --- -· T• l!tW eul ""'"li:about y-..lf flld ••'1ololY· orMr an.; Dm•rr'• .JO. .... ltDClll1, Ttulll Ahul =:;-v~ll~ ~froT,'Lii~~ G•rl!d l:t11lr•I :.tetlOfto Mew York, M.Y • 100 r. · For MEN and BOYS AUTH ENTIC IVY STYLING OF A·I TAPERS, THE CAMPU~ FAVORITES. NEAT NO IRON FABRICS ANO MINI TATERSALL CHECKS IN PURE IVY COLORS. $8.50, $9.00, $9.50, and $11.00. Use your -BankAmeric erd, Ma.stet Ch•rge, Diners, Carte Blanche Credit Cards. IN COSTA MESA IT'S De.PAft:TMl!NT 9TQI\~~ 1116 NiWl'OlT IOUL~ARD PARK CONV£:NIENTY JUST A STEP FROM. OUR ·EAST ENTRA~CE ••. Open O~ily 9:30-6, Fri. 'til 9 try on 'a Shape Shoppes' shape for . h I s1g s .... [ HOW SHAPING ] COSTA MESA & ANAHEIM, TOOi summER EHPADSIOR SALE 20· TIEATMENTS •20 .LIMITED OFFER Total number of .treatments necessary to correct your in.dividual ti1ure faults are determined by COMPUTER CARD at the (ime of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is designed exclusively !or you ... There's no mystery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! · Your beautiful new .shape will hove you sighing With satisfaction ond him sighing with admiration, at the wondtrf\JI woy you~ look and leel ... rod'iont, glorilor· ous, desirable ond lovely. And it's so easy ot o Shope Shoppes where fashion· ing lovely Shapes is what we do best. let Shopt Shoppes contour, trim, mold, 1fim, reduce nnd build os needed to creote the perfect shopt for your frame and bone structure. Come in for your free shape onolysis today ... -liSten lo tfii sighs to_mornlW!. ... SAIO}I$ ... OUT TO RESHAPE THE WORLD! t A.M.·t P.M. DA!LY, t .ui.s P.M. au. ClllLD CHI t.i COIYl-UAMl lM U.ll TODAY WIST U. 642•7032 635·0271 JOI 477•1122 1801 ........ M 902E\ltldA.,., llffOIMATIOlll 3112 ~ IAllTA MHKA ' llOITMllDOI MISSIOM MIW IUllAMK 393-0064 349-4788 361-1714 142-0877 711 Wlstiirt nn budt M lQ.342 ~ 172$ W . .Yriigo A'4. 7 I II -· ' i ' DAH,.Y PILOT~" hm ..,_ RECREATION DIRECTOR LO!)KING OVER LAGUNA Georg• Fowler Also Loakine!for Offic:9!$plc• 1st Things 1st Laguna Gets Recreation Director By TOM Gj)llMAN ot ... DtillY ,.ltt ·ll•lf ~ BellCli bas a' .new. full·time rocreaitOa;Girectol";~ 11on't~ftP!NlJ aft immediate list of sparkling new ideu and propoeab: for lhe community. Finl tblnp f1fst, • 1 i • George C. FOWier. a proftsllonal recruUoa·man for 13 years,. He took oVer the reins of the Lagun& Beach Recreation Department Monday, to become the first full-lime .,.ploy• lo hold the post. · At.a preSs conference Monday, after he had been on the job just four hours, Fowler hesitated to use the word ·~priori­ ty .:• But, he does have two prk.rlties on ru.. 1lst. The first is to acquire an office and secretary. UnUI then, his job can't.really begin to roll. City Manager James D. Wheaton admitted there ts a shortage ot office space at City Hall. lliJ other pricrily la lo meet the people, Planners Deny Use of Barn • 'As-Restaurant Laguna Beach Plaiining CornJnW;ioners tn a spilt vote Monday night turned down a request from Dave MacPh~ to transfonn a big red barn at 240 'lllaha Sl. into a restaurant serving beer and wine. and learn their l"ants and Ql!eda. ''l 'm going. into lh1s job glllrtly, lad my woy ariluilll..liid lrY ,le~-... i...,.i. ef,,... .... ..,,.,,':'~"1!1d· ··~ haps Jn lwo ....-. f d'be Iii better ~ :!:::.,:r·-mt~ .... ~~ !\<'• ol9D taklni a survey ol the avaqable i:ecreation 'facilities Jn. town Wltll oulgo1nf pert.time dlredor llorm Borucki. "Laguna h&s much more to offer-in· its natural setting than Gardtna," Fowler •· said.· He was tile recreation director tl1ere fur nearl}" U yean. "! don't think tl1ere are enough ,parkl' bett,. but· I cOn- s~er the beach a wrJ atp'actlve fadll- ty. "· . He said HW!tt Park, Bluebird Part, and the' five 5Cbqols In the dittrlct WU~ conUnue. aerving as recreation faclliU-. One faclllty tllat Lag11jl& lacb la a community center for all qe croups. Such 8' center .b uaed by the' com· munity in Gardena, he said. Besides a main building in that comm.unity d. 41,· 000, tl1ere are three other parks, ucb with ita own remllllon building. "I doobl H Laguna could aHCl<d lo build a center for teens alone," be said. "Bu&·a community center woWcl be &ood, wflb Schedule1 arranged so e.v!=')'one could me it." ---..... 'At this time, the city is looking into-the possiblllty of leuing the old Barefuot Bir building during the winter mootba u a teen center.· Bui .a special, adhJUe.s budgtt, 'which has not been tteibtied, totals on1y $3,000. The budjet waa .reduc- ed from 17,iiOo at 1 recent city c:iJunCl1 \.-=-. Todiy'•"'IPl9•1 .. . • _ N.v. stea· -.. r 'OAA'N&E .OOUNr't',·CAU'°ltNIA ' -• l t ' TEN·CENts • l · r ~· . . :Couilty to ·Study Expense . . . Of Salt Creek Aquisition . . 'GuirMartial--La w ·_ · Niguel Aide- D.. ? " ue • ·Firm on.No- . Cani.ille Death Toll, Damages Spiral From Wire Services GULFPORT, Miss. -1'.lississippi's ad - Juti.nt genen,I today recommended lhat the Mississippi Gulf Coast, crushed by Hurricane camille with 132 now dead, be lJlaced "under fannal or infonnal martial lav.•." . M!lj . Gen. \Valter Johnson met with area officlaJs and rescue team leaders and said "we nttd discipline." He said OTHER PHOTOS, STORIES, PAGE 3 1igh~ are j111Ttming tht aru•"'1ooting for bodle.s" and tumilll tl into "a Camlval." "I have t,000 men under arms and rve got to bring ln anOCher Z,000,'' JohMon Aid. Tile deatll toll opiraled this 111oming wltll the diacovery of I! bodk9 In an apartment complel' ln nearby Pass Chrts. Uan. . Vice Prffidtnt ·Spiro T. Agnew was scheduled to tour the ravaged aru IV.._.,,, b1I office In WuhiJ>ilon llid ~~ ... ·:.~1~•m =-::~~ ln .'Ntlt =~to=rr; ~·'I .. . Mali o1 '11>e dud.,..,.. found In Puil CbrllllllJ, wllich WU art otf from the outalde world ll!IW diWler toamo broke throuch today. Tiley found n 11 •I" shambles.. One brick 1part.ment building . wu leveled and ZI oc!cilpU\i 'irbo llad.atayed behind for a hurricane p.ny weie tllled. BetW ... lO and n other resident& hid tied the fury ot the tlAlrm. Gtploc· boles llllile .Pau 'tllrlllfan's street& ill1palllble; Tr.., were 'flung •bod! and , ..,.. 1 ... tr ... ·lelt atnillng were ltrfpped ot thelr Jeav .. and 'bart. Many ot tloe ..... , ........ -·-items ot cWhln(.""•P«Y, lllll&ll•pi.... of furniture and other debris. A mattress was ~15 feet hlgh in one trte. Evm · in the town was c1amag. ed. Only the walls' were left on the ntw pon. ,office bulldlq and the new Fint NatJocafBant was gone nctpt fOl" ill vaul~ wblch llood Jllarkly above qie rubble. "ll'• to «iepre&'ling you jnat don't feel' like golng on," said Mn. Ruth Dlamood, an elderly woman. wbote· two-story' home Pilot 'lsqlated' tWo blocks from the &Ulf survived with heavy damage. "It's the worJt thing I've ever seen " " .ahe added . She said !he and lier daughter and two grandsons rode ·out the storm on the se. 'cond floor of her home. At one point water surged tq the seventh step after crashing U1rough l he house's French doors. Sixty shrimp boats headed back into the gulf loday to dump lheir rotting catches of i;hrimp -worth hundreds of thousands Letters Blast ~leepy Hollow Storm Drain Letlort and peUtfonl pro It 1 !11 I ......-.for.flit Sleepy HoUOw·Park "-~ clnlo~= .. \llllllil .,, .. , ............... " "' ~ ,. . ...-.~ • City M-..-J1111<1 D, -....,,, .................. l&Kol~-ol 31 '"'"sibW .....,. al a ..tty Council pubUc bwing Wd""1al7:•.p.m. '!be fl'IJ.000 11onn ilnln prnJect, recenUy completed, lw sllrHd re.sldenla in the •llM'IMIM'nt diltrict, which mo compuoes m. Iota In tl1e Top ol the Wor1d·Park .Avenue area. Home owners are expected to jam oouncll ' chambers lo protest lbelr -wblch ranged from $2111) lo ii.-=~ 00 the .. and locallon ol tl1e Iola. Spotemien for the 'Top of the World -AUociallon'blay llld thoy will' ·Ilk tl1e , CO\U>dl lo poolP,OOO any declDon'OD the ,levylni ot llle'1iitentl ulllll lhey have lime lo pnpatt a'l<&ol defene. 'PeliUons requesilng postpooement now have about 200' sipatW'H. 1n most cues, bomeownen •re pro- leetln( lbelr • ......,..i of pivject COila. Property owners must come up with $347,000 of tll• p!'Ojecl ...... Wbeaton said. Tile COWlty paid the ml ol Ibo cbarge. "We are really past that point (protec-- Ung cod) became the work la done and the money la -. n Wheaton aald. The city cwncll may delay the U!le• ment if . cot11Jdlmen can be shown in a substantial way that the aS1e1S1Denta might be Improper, Wheaton llid. oI dollars -, becau.!e there was no way to process them in the desolale afterinatb of the hlllTidne. ' The 900-sq'uare--mlle area devastated by the strongest stonn ever to hit Ute .u.s. mainland was bedlam of grief, confulion and de&ltuction. city and county officials from all a1ong the coast met, iri Gulfport ·\n an effort to find a way to overeome the catastrophe. · Gov. John Bell Williams declared a slate or "partial martial law" in the hur· ricane area at mJdday. -' V'IT~ . ...,...,lulcke4 ' • I Los Angeles rnokle police of-: :fleer Jerry Maddoz, 28, was : shot Ito death early today .by killers ,who apparently;waltl!d in ambush as Ma<IGox and another officer answered a. clisturban~e c.it in Boyle Heights. See l!Ory page 7. This Couple ,Not Jl,.terested Ult oomerln a plain, brown wraPper, have It mailed General Dellvecy. Public Use · • .. ByTROMMFO~ Of ... DeNr,...IW' Orange County 1uperyt1or1 Jodl1. ordered lh• COW>ty llall lo lludy -8>19 . costs in severance damagea of acqu&hr&: public accm to Salt. creek .aeech*frd' Laguna Niguel C.Orporation. ;;; Supervisors also formed a COl'D@Uttei lo study the greater queltion ot publ1e shoreline access along all a milft. of county beacb and lo aet ·prtortt1eo lei: public bea~b acquist.ion. Study of the C08t of acquiring accem tD Sall Creek was lllubbol:nly flllf4lld -by Supervbor Robert Battin who .,.,Id not let supervl&Ol'S refer the whole mU- ter indefinitely to the cmimiijee. · He wa11 backed up by SupUvisor Dafid Baker who llid Sall er .. k la the only area on the coe.stllne where"there ii con. troversy and planning is under way - tllal makes II first priority. Supervisor Alton ARen ot Laguna Beach proposed tlle idea tllll pnbllc beach be studied by COUJity de!M-.e heads the aame .. COUll!ywide -lor ,..,...., Pllkl'ha"' beeo. • Supervisor Wllllam ll1rlteln ~ i. Battin'• !Wi&eitlon that Sall CriK -........ *"lllca''-be ' . ..... ,..... ., "-~ "' .. , ... "lhil aCqullll1oft )t-.,_I blndiul cf blne akjo. PirkJni, -., and lifeRi,lard.s are needed." Battin gave the opinion that acted; would cost peanut.I ''if we go to1cour{ and cet a jury trial." Sal~ Creek Beach, formerly 1 lavorHa surfing spot, is located between ~ Laguna and Dana Point. SupervlaOn a Yflll' and a half ago abandoned a public road lo Laguna Niguel Corpor•tloQ without a p..iblic hearing wbk.h toucbeil "1 a controversy. -:. Supervi"°" questioned Laguna Nlpel Vice President Knolton Fernald Jr:alMd tlle company's feeling on permlllln. public access. ' Finiald aala'the company delinHelyo'li oppoOed lo it and Intends lo develop &ht beatb for the private use of IO,oot persons who ultlmately will mid< In lbt Laguna NJ.&uel area. The point was made that the prime turfing area I! a quarter mile to half a mile south of the Slit Creek aooess point. Bui surfing figure Brennan "Hm•a McCleUan aald tllat It ;,, true thal tl1t best surfing area where there is a mu. awell and left slide is to the IOI.Ith but there are other 5W'f break.s cloter to 'the access spot when the sweD direcUon changea. Fonner Laguna Beach vice mayor. Mn. Helen Keeley suggested . t o supervisors several other PoMlbllitlts for MacPbee bad spent a month with com· missioners compromising his position, and even went to the point of eliminating a request for Jive. music. He was shoe.red m:;n~~1er. whether it beuaed by toeos_lly ~Jlilure alone, such aa the Barefoot &r, «a new · Property ownen in the assessment di11trict have thlrty days to pay their charges in cuh or the money will be col· lected-over a-10.year-period· at-8 -percent interest. A Costa Mesa couple turned over a man order offer lo obtain pbolos of nubRe Y--boir•-lo· Pollce-Monday;-becluse- they fell it was. otiscene and sfuuld qualify as prohibited from the malls. l!Y<IJ'~Sbe &11d tbaUlana.Slrand-Rold-~~-1 whlcb ...... It the lop of the bluff ...,..,, the surfing aiea la owned by the countY, al the split 2 to 2 deadlock decision. . He was given 10 days to appe.al to City Council. He said _he will. Planner FrfJCf Briggs. before the vote. said, "'11\ey have met all the re- quirements required ot them, and have gone. even further." • But Dr. Robert French, in voting again.rt lhe a(!1K1Wa1, said, "The lraffk: now and Parking problems haven't been solved yet." Howard Holden also votea no but failed to elaborate. City P I a n n i n g Director Al Autry reported that the city engineer had a~ proved,..lhe traffic now plans. MacPhee also presented to the commiaion leases offerinl proof that the parking was, in fact, no 10nger ,. JX'Oblem. Ip OOiei oclloo, pjlnn<l'sl . -Appmod a requell by Lynn J . Mwr communiiy center, will have 1ta poJtdel ·Pow•, power, who'• pt t.be p>Wtr? drawn up· by the IJ!IOPle uam, 11,,no1 µ,. W• dldn, Mond11,after-. recreaUoo director, Fowler ~ ~ . A power r.nur. caused 'by an li-councUs,madeupol~ • -_, and• c<xn· student&, retired ~lks, and olller Ip pclllloded b) ,... own llllemal"<tllllcullles groups, ·WOUid. decld• on Uie pQllcleo, mt' DAILY Pnm -ln·Cillla Mela Fowler llld. . ot1 .,.,,. t1oe --111 ,.., mire thin Hi alio"10......s the posslbll~.C:.clllr: llro ·Mun.. ' sponsored t .. n danc:os. A batllt <it tlie --If ,..,.trild,to call,. --·= 15ands, 1wUh ·a ·vtrYJ noll'thial admtltiDee ad I :• p.m •• )'OU llevd the ch1111~ lo PIY for prizes, could •bt bold . rlrwlq; bat aol"' -·Trouble wu, <in the beadl .. be said. • wecouldn1-thepbone ringing on our Other activJtie1 lor the comlnunity end and Giii' t.l::elvera were dud, so we might Include cl18HI In cake d-atln1, ·couldn1 lalk lo -anyway, -- dog obedience, flower arnnaemtnt, oil We're .ry about the inconven&tnce. •painting, Coif, y ... , )niltlnl,' gu1lar CU }'OU boqine ~ deathlJ ltlent I ployin(, fenclnC, ·and alngina. be pointed newsptper of!Jce ,.. ... wbell no phonea ... ~ In rirJclnl? Wheaton explained the stonn drain pro- ject was Oral considered in May, 1963, at the recommendation ol the county health department. After a serie111 or publl~ hearings tl)d , .,........, the coundl th<• approved, tile project, but later rejected bids for con- struction work u .too hich. . An engineer . revised lhe plans' and again bids were asked for and then re-- jecl<d In Avril 1961 11 too high. Jn the meantime, the project has been tied to a county.wide Oood control bond issue program which failed twice to win county voter approval. In May, 1961, the city council ordered the wcrk. bids were accepted and wort WU started. The male it was malled to had vacated 111' LaflWIO Beach address and the matertal was jUlt fOrwarded to the cou~ J>1' with an Identical 1 last name. tn- vestlgators noted. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market's latest rally canied through another HMlon today and' the market clOHd .wltll 1 good galn. (See quol&Uoos, Pqeo 111-11). Trading was active near the close. The Dow Jones indu!bial averqe at J p.·m. J'll up U4 at 1134.oa. As9ociltes . to construct five homes on 1 seven "lots at the Intersection . qf H' . •ta· I F s e N c e e =·::~u.:i~::-;:..!': ~ osp· ,1. . . ~ce·s er1ous urse r1s1 .. ·s_ lo the gra<I• of the land had beeo '°lved. , • -Approved an identlflcation~slgn to • , • harig at the new Laguna-Moutton _J Ployhowe. "I doobl 1f a four-fool, ni"" By JEROMJO F . COLLINS lloavily ~· by lll1llmlred and haapUa1 bu ad-il<d beaylly for -w1'fe had lo all<mpt .... rocrulllilg inch by .seven.loot .ajp ls obnoxklus," . ·Of -~ Dl"r '~ ""'. ... . . riflred -peolp]it, Wbo Llr Ute hilpltal'• throughout the west COast and 1n 1e1me oatade tbe ·aru." ~lllP said., South Coul Community Hoopilal'1 fadl~ift bu1 provide few polenl1a1 •-..0 ·e<nlera. 1lle·advertl1Jnc, which Time aJOlle will "ool•ethe piob(em 'be -Df!Cerred actlon on a request from critical shortage of nunes may not ease .m--. • °*,hundreda d. dollan, turned up onl1 1 saML "'We ll'Pt WiUt ' the: opentni o1' the Carl Benaon and Vlclor LaPorte to 1 •• ~ 1 • '"-Ital -• • . · • · · ltro ....,.., -.. Point i1arobr ' and tbo JIGrtb ~ ...... 'r ... nwnberol....ite•f0<at -·• ew:,_.,_, --'llllSadiDeblctJwilor ,Coll•·l :• 1 lllaevldm'·Vo1••111-... ,lballhl ~ R,l,.i...n->-'1n ~ .. ,-.~ =~=-~~!:::F~Ave.-·cl·''mlniBlrllAlr Stan'"''"VoJn Indicated ... ~,.,.,_~~~.:....1 .1:..-•··•·•-pro. '' ~ .-•--· ' C&T\·=-• .,,....1. ,.,quna ~-.. ·~-""" ~·~ .,~ ~,. .-· "'"""'~-.. --•-• ~!Colol 1are&'owllbavelo'.raloef~•" lpel,'alotOl·-~ltwlqbO',v ty attrrney.wu lllslnlcled by the.plll>-<f•Y·L..,, • 1 !1"'"7,,....,'-llol_-:JilallJ'<if ,....,_'l"P of 1lllllfS, • • ~ to'thl -..1o liO!lii' bllllloo thl non lo dot"'1nino the uac$ mmtllet ot, It~ ~ 'Clolun·Gt-·~ JU -fr$ti·llli:ll .,·-am,1thl-ad-•Md ll:u.i't -iwllh•IO.m&ll)' llderly __ .. ' ' ' ' -ll"l"ired befo<• oCl10n li '1aEm Seiil wins.. · · · • • mlnillrator aald. ' peop11 l1v)ng In 1he _.1 commu11lty It' Wiiii Soolli Cout llplp)taf ._ ~ z. ' Volga11ldtheclwlleln.the1itu1!1oo, 'llll boopila1'1 n.,:,U,. 111111 --. •;rote LeillllJ'tl•World,•for J"' J"''t&Ollin&•....Pot;-..,....,,~ -Approved 1 ~""' from Sim Roos wlU come about-: numbon a. .on. bunfnil -Deeded, .._., .. no Nid. "It bu about 12,000 who aan ftt .. ;.,-lhroe or ldlir lo add a lludlo '1( b~ ilom< 11 1063 41ore yoong funllleo move 1nt'o the "_.ilq lo our pi--cir," ,~and wo:ba ... 1 f-•"""'In cloJl •i.,.eek?'lle !!H· 1 } ·•• · l ' Tomple Terrace without providing ad-Laguna s .. cl>San 0-le area. Voli1 "1d VoJaa. , t"° 'wbolt ,,.....111o11e1U, lot1 !ht! t111! • Tllo 171-bi4med~l1aCfri. •l'9'bisjio. dlllooaf ofl-atreet porting. expfiJn<il tbil~ ~Ibo art& 11 -For Ibo pill Mvirll moolbo.·lhi ,,.. -]lCOblem.;ii.L'a "111 lS.llOll'l%AL,,1'ilp·I)-• • . ·' ' ' • and a fool path m1gbl be bulll lrom tlla! point. ' She said tllal Laauna NitU<I eorpor .. 110n oo tt. plans .00... a rood coming 1.,; to a parking lo! al Sitt Creek which could be dedicaled lo tbe counlycand -bY. tl1e nmnber of people who could ~ In the lot on a fin:t come b&ais.. Oraalfe Weadler Sunny skle1 abollld prrrail on"lvedn~. deoplla JIOll!I ol the iisuat early morntnc cloud• lnea. wt1h tempenture1 con- llnufn& In !)>< ml\ldle 70'1 olonc the Onnge Cout. JNSmE TODAY Tiit Nav11 ffU ~ vul11trabUit11 of land ~ii GI brUlgjng ,,..d /(Ir ~ pow11t on attack carriln:. PaQ. n. c ...... .,,..,... " '=' ·-: ·=~~ 11 De.-...,... .• , ~ .............. ,. .............. . ..... , .. ,, ,. 111•111: 1t•I It ,_ --~11 PIMIM4 M-lt T..,.._ Ml .........,. 14 """""' ,, Mii """"" 11 __. I ~ ............. I l • • ' t • . , • . ' --------------------_._ __ • • • • L 1, M!LY '11.0T • > ' I ' I ~l!§t' f.!J~•il Doro• the---SecQ·nd~ Slayi:ng • Mission • ·Su~pect "Fre~a • ' -' • • . Trail • • LOS ANGELES .CUP!) TbOmat Steven Harrigan. the se:cond "suspect" la · the Sharon Tate murders to be arrested, que.stiooed and relealed, says he knows ol oo "occult" activities among her lrl•ndl. ?1': al~ost ritu.aliaUc nature of the ~s!Y alaylnga of l\ll!a Tate and foor other persons at her secluded estate bu led to speculaUon that the mllrders were part of some slrange religious rite. Hanigan, 2'1. told newsmen he atteoded a party at the Benedict ·Canyon home the . . night of Thuradoy, Aug: 7 -the doy before Qle murders ..: but spent the ne'lt night in suburban Manhattan Beach ''Marth•, Just Because We live In Laguna Doesn't Mhn Wt Have To 8.uy a Painting From Every Artist Who Liv11 in , Laguna." drinking beer with friend!. · ltatrlgan, a naUve of Canada who at,. tended school in Ottawa, Ont., was sought in a bulletin issued by the Royal Cana· dian Mountain Pollce that said he wu "wanted for murder" and was traveling with four "narcotic hippie-typie!." Capo Schools-Director ~an aalil he heard about the buueun Silnday niglil afiil B"tirfendered here Monday tnOrping. Police detective• questioned him for three hours and then released hlm. . . . Takes Santa Ana Post Police spokesman said, 1'We .have no reason to believe that these four men are any more suspect than anyone else. We . have no rea30n to hold any of them at : The C.pi.trano Unified School District Is now Jn the market for a new superintendent. Charles F. Kenney, wbo headed the sprawling diltrict since wtlfication in !965. announced hl5 resignation Mofl4ay -niJ!rt. " . . Kenney will become superintendent of \!le Santa Ana Unified and Jwiior College District. . .. At lhil. point lt is unknown who }'ill take the post vacated by Kenney . Trustees have scheduled a special meeting and e:iecuUve session next Mon· div to dlscuas personnel, Kenney said. . Tb. superintendent will offictally leave ' Newporter Inn Site of Nixon Smog Meeting ·The Newporter tnn In Newi)ort Beach will ~ the~ for a cabinet-level con- ference on smog and ways to cure Jt. Pr:esident N i 1 on ' a Environmenlll QualitY Council wlll meet there after a session· with the Chief Executive in San Clemente on Aug. 26. , Washington sources aaid, Monday they do not expect the President to attend the Newporter Inn meeting, but other high· ranking cabinet officer• will be there. With Nixon as council chairman, the other members include the secretaries of qricurture: commerce; health, educa- tion and welfare: housing and urban development; interior and transportation, Vice-President , A g n e w and the President's science advisor, Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, who acts as e x e cu t i v e secretary for the group. VebJcle1 equipped with various J)OWer llOW'Cel will be qn display at the Newporter, courtesy of ·the Blg Three automakers. The enaines in the vehicles will include turblnea, electric motors, ateam turbine!, and modified internal co m bu s t Io n engines, supplied by Chrysler, General Mators and Ford. Sourcet aaid additional exhibits will in· elude 1970 model cars and various em1salon control devices proposed by in· dlvidual oil companies. The mom.inc brlefing with the Presi- dent will include a briefing on various areas of air pollution, to u c h l n g specifica11y on the problem1 of California . The councll was formed in May by Nl:r· on "to review existing policies and pro- grams and to suggest ways of improving t.hem." ''"''!!'' 0"-ANG~ C!Mil f"Vll llMlfrfG eotAAU'I lt•\.trt N. W•H ---J•c• 9t. CIHJtt nir,,....... ... o.i• MIMllilt n-·· "•" 1•1111' Ti..11111 A. M•tplri1MO ~1!;,1w l id••ttl '· tf1ll 1.--..Cll '"' ••Ille' L...-..... OMM . 212 ,.,,,, "'"•· M1int11 ,y4,..,, •.o .... 6'6. tlUl --c-.-..1 ........... s._. ......,. ~1 n1l W.t ....... ...... llWJCIM:-...ci::.......... ,_ t1:1e Capist rano post Sept. 18. He will take his Santa Ana position Sept 18. "I felt the Santa Ana job offered the best advancement," Kenney said today. · "It is· a professiooal step upw1td," he said. 11le Santa Ana post will pay $32,000 annua:Uy on a three year contract. At Capistrano, KeMey was in the middle of a four year conlract paying $28,000 an- nually. ''Additional money was not the majn consideration," he said. "I felt that tht ne1v position offers a new challenge. "I reel the Santa Ana board is united and dedicated to good education. I think a good education is what people want re- gardless of their political ldeologiea. If a good education i. offeftd, potitlcal ideologl., are for1ottm/' he aald. The 'Santa Ana board bu jn the past been marked by a political d.Jvillon, a division which some observers feel caus- ed the mill!lallon of former Santa Ana school chlel Glenn Tabor. • this Ume." . Harrigan was not booked or charged. lie said be doesn 't use drugs, as implied in the RCMP bulletin. Hla attorney., f:aul Caruso, described him as ••an old-fashion- ed. beer-drinking Irishman." Harrigan .said he had known Voityck Frokowsky ·one of the victim!, for eight months a1id known Abigail Folger. another victim for about five months. The other vlctlins were Jay Sebring and Steven Parent.. fhe caretaker at the estate, William Garretson, 19, ~u arrested and then relea.sed last week after undergoing a lie detector test. Poli ce said they were no longer seeking the other three men named in the RCMP bulletin. They are friends of Harrigan, but he said they all were out of the atate lhe night of the slaylngs. One of them was named Hanis Pickens Dawson. Newsmen asked Harrigan if the \Vord "pig" written In blood on \he front door of the Tate home could have ac- tually been "Pie" written by one of the victim~. 'BUZZ'-ALDRIN-A$_$EEN.JIY NEtL-ARMS'tRONG!S -CAMERA--- Moon 'Tourl1Y Plcturt1 Included In Fotor•m• Moon 'Snapshots' Part Of F otorama Exhibit- A packet of "snapthot.s" made by the l•Commerclal" photoc:raphs subm!tt~ first "lourl&ts" on the moon arrlved in for display by members of Professional Newpo rt Beach today for dlaplay In Photographers West, an Orange County Fotorama at Faahlon lsland. The photol, 1 collect.ton of pictures shot unit 1f(lliated with both state and na· "by hand" by Astronauts NeU Armatrong tional pr o (e s s io n a I photovaphers' and "Butt" Aldrin during their working associations, will include some color and walki ng on the Lunar swface, are photographs and other "pretty pictures." among unusual picture1 to be on display .... Some of the best or the DAILY PILOT during the three-day show which optM will compri1e another exhibit wlthia the Thursday. show. Part of lhis portion of Fotorama Another group of pictures from outer will be a working tel ephoto machine .tied spaC<', courtesy of Jet Propulsion into the United Press Jntematlonal Laboratory, Pasadena, includes prints of network and a demonstration of how pie· some of the best television pictWV m1de lure.I are engraved for pubJlcaUon In the by Mariner I and Mariner 7 In tbtl 1pac1 newapaper. probes' "closeup" Oyby ol Man. Winnen from each of lhe three ween Fotonm1 also w\U lncJude 78 prints of the Fotorama Camera Contest (tor from the California Prtu Phololfapheta non-professional photographeri) will be ASIOClallon. This lravelin& dJaplay, the on dllpl1y tn the Votorama at Fotorama Oold Seal Exhibit, includes flrat.1 second elh.lbit co-11ponsortd by radio ttaUon and third place wlnnen from all KOCM. categories of competiUon a m on I Fotorama vtsttors who Utt one of two Calllornia news photographers. Automatic Voting Machine Corp. unUa at Another lravellng exhibit -38 winner• the &how to help pick the erand prlie In competlton among Aesoclated Prtss winner from a~g the three wtJI qualify photograph•n In Calllornla and Nevada for prizes wortb more than 11 ,100 furnll!J. -ailo wW be .. display. ed by KOCM. ' •• "I ptvet ~ of~that tief.tre,'.' Htr- rl1an rt~Ued. • 1fe told tletectives and later newpnen that he went to a diMec paf1Y at a 'f'Llurant the night ol the murdors. lbeo -t to the home of F.!ldle Robertf .Ii! ManhaUlo Bea<lt tor ·'""'"'°' party !¥ lasted unW ,1 un., lnd'~Jtt nlurn<d to ·hi• 1pu1ment with Roberta and aeveral other persons for some more Clri.Ma. ~ He brought Roberts along to the police station to corroborate his story. No One 'T eUing How President Does on Links WHERE ARI THE NURSES? HHP-ftal Ad111lnl1tr1tor Vol91 • Fre11t P .. e i · . HOSPITAL ... nuiM tnl-. Tull ti whei<! ~addleback Bird Boo.sters Seek Members S.\N JUAN CAPISTRANO -The Mla.!lion's famous swallows may be snug In their nests but people concerned with · • them are not Idle. Members of the Fiesta AssoclaUon art $teking new members according to mem- bership $Urman Josh Gammell who will be sending letters to prospective bird boosters soon. The letters will ezplain the group's activities which include a swallow day parade, a fund raising barbecue and "so _Jong swalloW1" ac- UvlUu. For membership lnfonnatlon, contact Gammell or any member of the Fit:sla board. The Westero While House is lighL-lip-JC ""1ld be helpful, Voi,a said. ped ab<>Ut many thi.,a, so"""""'" _.-LaH~~prll.-Saddi<baok-tru11ae>--were,--.~copo Tract Ohe11eil turn to ip<C\llalion. uked bjl college admlnls'htors to ael up But there is one piece of informaUon a ~ training program at a cost 'Of CAPISTRANO PALISADES - A tract that defies apecula~ -an unauallable ,55,000 yearly. But trustees, wilh the Jone map for 146 homes on 28 acres eaat of t ec t bo l hich nobod is Via Sacramento and south of the San h~~in; ~ ~ess~ w Y exception ot Patrick ~km of Dana Diego Freeway bas been approved by, It is President Nixon's golf score. Point, turned down the idea. The ma· Orange County planning commiS1ioners. He 's got one, for a cert.alnty. He was jorlty ruled that the C09t was too h1'1 for The tract by Presley Development the links for the fourth day Jn a row Mon· the number of student3 wbo would be Company was approved without re- day. enrolled. quirement th.at a park tile be provided He flew a fillicopter to, tbe Camp .As a result, noted Vol1a, 21 1tudent although Planning Commis s ioner Pendleton Golf Cour~ -unaceompanJed nurses who live in Saddleback's juriJclic-Lawrence Kirk said he thought one by the press. He went with David and tlon are now enrolled at Orange Coast should be. Julie Eiaenhower and eome fltlilly Collece. Their on-the-job training wW be friends. undert.a.lcen at hospital& other than South e Tennis Slgnu~ Set Not even a photographer went alonr. Coat Community. And these other The President apparently vetoed a pl"I> hospitals, Volga fears, will ultimately LAKE FOR~ -Regislration began today for the Beach aDd Tennis Club's fall a.cUvities schedule designed for preschoolers. mise by Press Secretary Ron Ziegler that hire them. 1 cameramen would be permitted to take He said South Cout Comm~·11ty is wlll- pictures of the President 1t the firet tee ing to help out Saddleb.,ack Ol1 the cost ol somewhere.' the nurse train~ proeram. "I won't allow anyone to take a picturt "Right now we re getting a committee or me in a sand tra~" Mr. Nixon said together to explore further avenues and kiddingly la.!lt week. to press harder witb Saddlebaclt on this," Children four years old and who will have reached their fourth birthday by Dec. 1 are eligible ror the cralt.s, mu&.ic, story time and fit:ld trips. His enthusiasm for the game is in he said. marked contrast to the low regard be In any case, If a program is started, it The program will begin Sept. 22 and will continue through May. Twe group~ will meet two days a week from 9 to 11 :30 a.m. Fees will be $12.50 per mon th. once had for golf. He admittedly played a won 't be turning out any nurse1 for at duffer'• game. least two years fr~ nex t fall. . Nobody on the White House tWf ia tell· But at least, said Volga, tht: trainees Ing whether he atill does. "We're not would in.the me~whilt be of some Ulie to Leaders will be Judy Reubush, Shella Spencer, Toots Spilane and Nancy Stevens. disclosing any scores," si!d a preslden-the hospital, while they learn. tial aide. Hill: trip to Camp Pendleton's course Monda,ti wu hia second in the put few days. He was last there Friday. over the weekend, he tried out the greens at COWl- lry clubs in Palm Springs and OCeanatde. Black Panther . . Laguna Speaker Black P41nther Michael Lynem of Santa Ana will be guest speaker at the South Coast Human Rlghta Committee meeting Thursday at a p.m. in the community room of Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Association, 260 Ocean Ave. in La· suna ·Beach. Lynem was held but lattr relealed by Santa Ana police investigating the murder of Santa Ana patrolman Net.son Sasscer in early June. The Panther will speak on 1'What1s Happentne in Or1J11e Co~y'a Black CommuniUes." There Is no admission charge and the public is invited, committees secretary Lila Bennan said. Coffee and cake will be served after the meeting. Soviet Boat Seizes > Japanese Fish Boats TOKYO (AP) - A Soviet patrol boat seized three. Japanue fiahing boata with a total of IO crewmen in northern waters today ,on cbarses ol viola Ung RUlll.an ter- ritory, the Maritime Safety Agency said. It added that the three vessels were fishing off a Soviet·held Kurile island. Ex-Marine Colonel Named lr$e Company PR Chief A retired Marine Corps lieutenant col- onel with nationwide experience in advertising and promoUon today Was named director of publiC refationa for the Irvine Compa ny. He i.!l Gilbert W. Ferguson of Fallbrook who succeeds William L. Aldrich, recenUy resigned to go back into his own public ri:lations consu!Ung business. "I'm very pleased to be associated with the Irvine Qmipany," said Ferguson, alter his new post was announced by William R. Mason, pi:esident. Ferguson spent 25 years in the Marine Corps, rising from tht: rank of private, with combat experience in World War 11, Korea and Vietnam. in both infantry and artillt:ry units. He is a fonoer infonnaUon offict:r at Camp Pendleton, where he dlrt:cted a staff of 51 persons handling all press, public and community relations for the Jarge.!lt amphibious base in the world. He rt:turned (rom a Vietnam duty tour tn 1~ to head the Marine Corps' na·. tion1l community reJaLions program an<t won a 1967 Freedoms Foundation first place award tor a motlori picture. 1'A Day Jn Vietnam," is the title of Ferguson's production, while a series of articles he wrote last. year after a visit to the war zone received nationwide dlatributlon. -----!"'•' Y Qttr Qm....fQil Sales A St"'ict Agency 0 OMEGA JOINS IRVINE COMPANY PR Man F1r1u1on YoUR WATCH~ .... c ....... FREE· n.. ..,., ••fl4• 0 .... ,1 $j111M1111lf1t w1kh w1 ,1rry w11 111111.d with· ouf a11y "'Hiflc1tion by NASA I• b. wor11 liy 1ur 11'1111 114 ... rn•111, Thi1 r1c.0111lt1111, trul'f 1 ra• w 1 r cl f • r •lcall111c1, 111•k11 u1 pro~ t• ba your 1~thori11cl 0111191 j1w1l1r. Comt i11 -••• fhi1 h111cl111f1t, 2 liutton, 4 clt1I, 0111111 5,.11cl"'''" ttr c"'•11•1r1ph. 1111 0111., witch w1111 liy tlri1 111111 •N the 1111111. Price Slfl, • Cluntd • o;1o4 • MJusltd WM .. Ye• W•lt DIAMONDS llPU.CID, fr.- Huntington Centll' leach at Edln911' HUNTINGTON llACH 892.5501 •' $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 TOMS AYAH.AILI and bac:k Harbor Shoppln9 Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545°9485 • • , • . ·-• ··D&rhor EDITI O'N . ~ ' .... * Y~L:.·~'i. NO.J98, 2.SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAOfoRNIA Cit y Council Wants Bay Frontage in ·.Swap By JOHN VALTERZA , · CqUnciJU,en ·.agnied that Big .canyqn, stand on the park wu heard rour years Of "'9 Dllltt PlllM lt1tr ~'\ ~ -•Id'..:......... a "'·'lie ~•k ·.··•· ij ....... ~:--·-i ...-..--. -~ ago, led the campaign for a new policy. Changing altitudes-from quiet~ swap we~' coruummated, would be He uid that ~and more .develop- volVement lo· active skepticism -~ultab1e µ. a city park u~ became:apparent Monday ·in the official tfie ~~ Jli\d at' Its mouth "also w'ere ment is JWTOUndlng the canyon and he Newp,rt Beach stand on the mUcb-inCluded Iii \bie ' City's package. !oresaw nothing but a few trees and turf debited-Upper.Eby tidelands1e1Change. _ C~Jm~n m'apped plW ror an. of· for a park ·there. Clty ~tmen, meeting unofficially In £\cl~· pc~cy _slal•f\l~nt on ~~ ma~ler Thus far, county supervisors have ~n study setsion, mapped plans for a pbllcy al't~i hearing'ideas from two councUmen ur.wUUng to change their ideas for county statement on the -is.sue Of p:atks around oh growing dissatlsf:actloo with the eotlre control of the bayfront at the mouth of Gruber cited the lack ~ definite city policy on the matter , "AU we have ls.a bunch of gentlemen's agreements and a four-year.:old press release citing our policy," he said. • · Conucilman Lindsley· Parsons agreed . "Unless we can have tile bayfront too, • lhe city marl!Jlas could never be built. demnatJon of bayfront atrilll where "' The city 'alr'ady~ has asked for roadway meets the tidelands. , ownership of the lara:e park and to "If we got started on IL IOCXI, we might smaller ones on the west 1i~e of the bay heve a chance to1 buy up IOtTle ot ~ on a pery,etual l?a$!s. , little strips .to the bay Where the ri>ld "Gentle'me~'t qr~menfs with county r~cbes down ahnoat into the wateri''·be superviS;OrS 'wljlul~ mean nothing in five said. . • · years.' We· should have more 1han that to Gruber termed the trade 1t Prllint 11 bargain wi~" Panons said . a diluted proposlUon for the City ol He also suggested immediate steps to Newport. lhe bay and the apparent problem of Bil panyoo Park i~a; 1 · . • " 1he canyon. · ~..bayfton~land-to-go-along-Wilh--·eotmdtmln--f"iul....;..t:--:6-nrb-rt;-whuO-~" i\---cQmmunity-plrk1htnJs less ffian them. fts mayor at Ifie time'tbe Jest .uti9ficial desirable aa: I see it now," Gruber said . we will wind up with a park without the means for p,11ying tor its improvement," he said, allud1.!!I to ideas for city~wned mannas on the ~Bfli'Ont:---· It tbe county retams the bayfront area, .&•in bay~Y..Jnr-1kclty. __ --'lt-.. ems Jo--be-an--<rOded---badly He •propored using clty.<.wned Ba<:k eroded -trade lo< the dty 1t ~" Bay Drive , aa a springboard for con· he sakt. · 7 I I .. . • I r ' 11411.Y rlLOT ,..._tr OMI 1t1MMr • A'ley Oap Mmlring frien\:ls watch as· Gary Vetoska, 1!1 Coita. M...,, hangs:in • mid-eir atiove 'trampolin~ ~t Orange. Gopsl r M\:A. Gary completl!d his somersault and, thei;i, m careful observance of the law -New- . ton's law -he CB111e down. But' be'bouncOd right back up ag8in. Balboa Businessmen Like ' . . ' ... Peninsula.Upgrading Plan .. .. By JOllN'"VALTERZA diilrld'1 pnillklll1· l1 wilh 1-let 'Ian-°' "" DlltY ,ll•t ll•ff downerJ. A plan lo upgrade Balboa's decaying "It 1P!J<8rS lhot oome ~t bu!iness district received i ts first. public lefi~ some held by long-term ownera, are H!JllOllre Monday night and a delegaUon being held. In hoptll of appreciatll)l'lbtlr of the1peninsula's shopkeepers tokt city value or using them as a tu wriU off. councilmen they liked the Idea. ~ · . . tjty Planning Director L8n'y ·Wilson Thet~ is.no other explanaUon fir lhe10ay ~ the fle1lble plans, ·general thef·•re toi'!7/' wuaoo said, id.U on lmJ>rO•inl the OCWI front parl<-·:~n la;!. oomt or these empty buOdiii8s ing Jot, including a looping roadway to hav~ to be considered as ~. '.Jbey u~ traffic congestion in the area. have a depressing effeCt. <11 OClll':ped ltll!on also detaili!a the area's pro. bushiesS phJj>ettl·" nearbf'abd theJ - blems with empty commercial building!!, · n6t a~tractlfe to in~• who feel that describing the· situation on the1 peninsula ·they .wduld'be>investing ,good money after as •one lhat ipproaches'"'"' blight ill bad. It 1'r 1 matter ol real coocern•lor all 5M1e areaL ·~ . of' us,"' Wilson added. , 1,1\t"t two-hour presentation and · Wit.on d!Splaytd two ,plans, both . ip- di~~ion came al a•special city council volvihg · paJ:king ·and e:s the.ti c im- •ludy; ..,.;on, · (Jm'em""" in the ma or the oc:ean·rront Wii;.. said the prime reason (or lhe (~ BALBOA PLAN, P• !) ... .. . . Gulf 'Mar .tial Law Asked 132 Dea d in A ft ermath of Hurricane Camille . From Wire Services GULFPORT; Miss. -Mississippi 's ad- 1utant general today recommended that he Mississippi Gulf Coast, crushed by Hurricane camille with 132 now dead, be placed ••under formal or lnfonn!ll martial Jaw." Maj. Gen. Walter Johnson met with area officials and rescue team leaders and said "we need discipline." He said sightseers are jamming the area "looking fOr bodies" and turning it irito "a Cameo Shores A nnex Asked OTHER STORIES, PAGE 3 -. carnival.'' "I have 2.000lnen under arms and I've got to bring in another 2,000," Johnson said. The death toll spiraled this morning with the disco•:ery of 23 bodies in an apartment comple:t in nearby Pass Chris· ti an. . ' Vice President Spiro . T. Agnew wu sd!cduled to tou~ the rava1ed area Wednesday, his office ln Wuh!ngton aald today. , In addition, a light plane loaded with medical supplies for hurricane vlctims crashed at Lakefront Airport in New Orleans, killing four persons. The plane crashed while attempting to take off for Gnlfport. . ?-.1ost of the dead wert found ln Pau Chriftian, which was cut off rrom the Slaying Sn~pect By,Pa~s'!ns ,~.-~uizze~ .Re . . 'nle caves fnd. rocky crap ol Carma d.ftMat'a C"lmet~Sbora are.a J•no man'• land "'-Ille dope u.en can evlde tbt law," N.wpcirt Beach City Clouncilman • Lindsley Parsons declared Monday. Parsoni asked bis fellow councilmen to start action to allow the city to annex the tidelands downcoast from Buck Gully ao pol.ice will have the chance to run the violators out. "The whole Cameo Shores be.a~h area is out ot city jurisdiction now, . and the drug and curfew violators know. it," P1r- sons said. · • "At 10 p.m. lheJe people get cbal<d oil the city beadtes and drift into the. nO: man's land to the east and the htppieB and pot. smoken· IDOYe into the caves for th! night." The ahcnline from Buck Gully downcoast .... not included in tile post annexation acUoo1 for Cameo·Shons ·and Shorecllffs, ParJOl'IS said. He suggested a rapid request from the city lo the Local Agency Formation earn. mission for annexation of the beacbea in the area. From there, the r.equell woold go to !lie State Lands Oommlaaioo, whlcb ad- ministers the tidelands area, then back to Newport · Beach for the lradltiooaJ an· nexatim. procedures. City Manager Harvey Hurlburt forecast "no real problem" with the plan. He said that beca\L9e there i.1 only one real owner ol the tidelanda, the matter could-"' .. ...... ijUili ijjil)IY-:-- · The luue of caves and lawbreaken will lace the City Council 1glln next M.;.ray wbm police recommendallonl for -1ing up .of the cave at Rocky Point tn the Corona ~ Mar area comes up for study. P.UC. charge that tbe cave II poring more and more pr'Qblem1 with the aame element that ii lllinc Cameo Sboru. Steele llf•rfceu NEW YORK (AP) -The lf<lck •market's lateet nlly cmied through another lelilioo today and the market ~ with 1 1ooc! rain. (See quotaUons. p-111-ltl. ' Trading was actlve near the cloee. The Dow Jones industrial average at 2 p.m. wu up 8.34 at 834.0Z. • LOS ANGl:lill (UPJ) -- S~ID llartipn, the ....m "smpect" IA the Sh.,.., Tllo murdln·to be mesled, questioned and released, aays he knows of no "occult" activttJes IDlODI her friends. The almoat rllualiltlc nature ~ lhe grisly ailyinp ol Mill Tlte and lour · other persons at her secluded eatate bu led lo speculation that the m~ were part of ...., atrl!lp rell&ioua rite. Karrican, 2'1, told newamen·be attended a party 1t tbe Benedid Canyon home ill. night o! Thuradly, Aug. 7 -the dly before the murdera.-bul spent the.nut night In' suburban Mlflhattan Belch drinking· beer with t. iendl, Harrl1an, 1 .nllllve ol llano!la who at- tended IChoo1 in Ottawa, Oot., wu IOU&ht in a bulleUn bsued by the Royal Ctna- dian Moun1'}n Police that aald be wu "wanted for JDurder" and wu traveUq with four "narcotic hippie-types." Harrl&an aild he t..::an:I about the bulletin Sunday night and surrendered here Monday morning. Police detectives questioned hlm for three hours •od then released him. - Police apokesman aald, "We have no reuon to believe that these four mm are any more suapect than anyone else. We have no-.reuon to-bold any.-of them at this Ume." Harrigan was n9t booked or c~ged. , He said he·doesn't Ult drugs, t• implied In the RCMP bulletin. His attorney, Paul Caruso, described him aa "an old-fashion- ed, beer-drinking lri.shrnan." Harrigan aald he had known Voityck Frokowsky, q,ne of the victims, for el&ht monlhJ and known Abigail Folger, I.rd.her victim, for abo1Jt five months. The other vicUma were Jay Sebring and Steven Parent. . \' u,.,.....,_· QUE STION I D:AND RI LI ASED -'Ohl-lrlot,"'""!..Harr....,__ . The .amuer .. at the ..We. WIWim Gamtsoh.•.16, was 1arreSted aod then released last week after' undergoing a Ua detector teat. . P.oUce aaid they weru11>'longer ,..kin& the oll\"i thrOe meu>named•in the RCMP bullelin. They are lrlenda of llarritan, bi.It he aald they all were out of the state the !light ol the Ii~. • . • . . . Newport War Protest;er Sings After 'Sur render' oullide world unUI dllule< luml bnti through today. They lowld utte i shambles. One brick apartment buiJdlnC w11 leveled and 23 occupanta.who hid itayed behfnd for a hurricane party were trued. Bet.Ween 50 and 75 other residents 'hid Oed· Uie !ury of !he storm. Gaping holes made Pasa Chriltlan'r streets· impassable. Treet were O:urig about and the few trees left standing were stripped of their leaves and blrk. Council Cool To Utility T qx Proposal ProPosall !or a flve peicent -.tu .... electrical, 1u and water ~ lrl Newport Beach met with a ~mn ...._ from tbe city eoundl Maildi1. 'l'be propooal. which could ralle almoat a half-million dollars in a yell', came a a suggestion from city aides on railing revenue fOf ihe current budget. The tu would hi! lhe large -ol utilities the hardest, and tap the average cltlzen's poeketbook lo tbe -o! about $2 a month. Councllmen, wbo were meetmc tn ,a sWdy MSajon In which no wte could be tf,ken, . asked . for more ~c in- formation on lhe tu, eapeclally !ljufta on ho'w much buainf>aa and lnduxlry would have tO"pay. . . · . Councilman Paul Gruber que&Uoned whether the water, which Is IOld by tile city, should be included In the tu -gram. • c.luocllmen also queolicoed whelher ci.619 televillon aervioe abouJd be in- cluded In the list o! taxable utllllles. 1'1ey generally agreed, however, that the cable ~e wu more of. a "quasl-uUlity" in- stead of. a true one. More lnformatlon will be provided later to councilmen oo the average cost to the , taxpayer. ~presentaUves from several utilll.y fmns abo promised councilmen more •pec:Ulc figur<s, especlall7 coot& to lar1e uoen. Money railed from the tax could be·u. ed lo bee/ up dwlndlin1 apitel im- promnent l1md! or""'et~llii ]*opeity tu rate, . ~ ' Wa nts Organ Buried CAPE TOWN, South Alrle1 (AP) - The w)dow or tbt 10ulatlo whole· he1rt kept Dr. Philip Blalberg olive !or 11\lo mmtha says if the 'heart wu not cremaied aJong with Blaiber1. she will insi!t that 11 l>e buried1a~. - Orange Weatl!er Land Freeze · f1'1rts City Singing as he wu led away, I young N~ Beach aallor surrendered to FBI · agenta Mood•)' alter a tw<Hlay anti-Wlr proWt vigil In the aanctu117 ol 1 Quaker chllrcl\ !n Seallle. · ' Sunny 1k1e1 should prevan on Wednesday, despite 10me of the usual early morning cloud· 1neu, wlth temperatures <:on- tinuJng In .the mtddle 70'1 aloo1 the Orange Cout. INSmE TODAY A bodiet kink -1193,181 lo be euct - h11 hlt the Cily ol Nrwport Beach beCallle or !ree'1ng o! taxable land In Up. ~ Newport ·ll«Y by County Auemr Alidrew llln&baw. 1be news, which· city counciltnen hivo · been µpecli!>g. -came Monday !tom City Manager Harvey Hurlburt. who alJo gave the council some 1venues of relief tor lht •xpected tax defJelt. Hurlburt clled upecttd surpl.,.. lo aevert) budget accrontl which a>uld pare the ddk:tt figure down to about '80~000, but advised that the council wait a few ' day1 before reacltq l ·declskllM11 what to dO.. Sjm.Har, but even more expenalve, bui!get kinks alJo hive hit the Newport. /deaa Unified Scbool1>iltrfcl. Hurlburllva.,.. the~ uamiJJo the ,dlMct',,,._ oa now lo '«IP< with the ahortqe. 8cbool meuurer art expecled II a ~ meetlns lonlrh~ A de!lnlte Mcl!ion on city strategy, however, will have to come by nett Mon- day night when councllm"' liavo lo -by law -fir the tu rate. A tu rate Jnctuse, however, la ~ .. '' remote, eouncilmen qreod Monday. Yice.Ma)llr Llndaley Par_, at.Til!llJ declared that no tuea ahou1d be m.. a-wed lo make up !or the lool. Hurlburt supetled llllt' the c•uncll could cot, proJ"ts ou\,ol tho c.ipllal m\. proy-.11 budget, h1 e I u d tn J im- provftnent of the medlU llilp Cit ,..,. boree Road. City prilJeet cull •""c wlfll budpt surphnea could help nu the dej!clt He 11to '"Rested lhll lllOOef fn>m !be utility tax, which lhe Cll!mCO 11 ~ J!Ollderine, COllld be ....... ~ , r .... "HI bo, hl ho, it't off to Jail I fO,"' Kn&" PO Jc: Bruce Pr-., 23, II I Jll'OllP ol about lO companlonl and Amerlcln Frltlll!I ·Srllce , Committee members --· The N1vj enlisted man, who lived at 1* Rullllld Rold, Newpoit B«ach, Wot tun1'd .,,., 10 J:Jlli',N•nl-uJitrict Shore Paltol o!!lcen, pending further action against btm. • ' . A 19" gradual• ol Newport Harbor Sc1'lol, Preolon ~.. betn abeent i!lii"1i\ leove lrom dull'" with a medical ootru at lhe Treaaure I1land n1vll liaDFrwlilco flr-- Tht Naw 11u inp'tulno oulnrn1bfll1V of l"'1d i>al" ., brln¢"'1 Mid for co!ICl!llnlti!lg potD<r O!I• atlo<k carrWno .,._ U.··. ' - l • •J ~y PILOT N _ Tuosdrt, Augusl 19, 1'169 • • .Ptsftlic Access I \ ... ~ County to Study ' Salt-Cre~k · Cost ' •. Qy 'l'ROMAS FORTUNE Of "It O.Hv ,lltl ll•ft Orange County supervisOrs today ordered the county staff to study possible coeta in severance ~ap1a.ges of acquiring public a~esa 10 Salt ~eek Beach from Laguna Niguel Corporation . . Su~isors aJso formed a commillee to studJ the greater queslion of public shoreline access along all 42 miles of count)' beach and to set prioriUes for public beach acquistion. Study o! the. cost of ac:quirin& access to Salt. Creek wu stubbomly insisted upon l>Y SupervL9or Robert Battin who would hot let supervlsors refer the whole mat- ter indefinitely to the committee. Hi:·was backed up by Supervisor David Baker who aald Salt Creek Is the· only area on the coastline' wher& there ii con.- troversy and planning is under way - that makes it first priority. su?ervisor Alton Allen of Liiuna Beach proposed the klea that J:\(bUc beach be studied by county department heads the san1e as countyWide netds for regional parks have been. Supervisor William Hirstein reacted to BatUn's suggesUon that Salt Creek ac- cess costs speclficaUy be studied by saying "this acqui!ition is Jun a handful o( blue sky. Parking, restrooms and lifeguard$ are needed." Battin 1ave the opinion that aceess would cost peanuts "if we a:o to court and ie:t a jury trial." Salt Creek Beach, formerly a favorite surfing spot, is located between South Laguna and Dana Point. Supervisors a year_and a ball ago -abandoned a public road to Laguna Niguel Corporation without a public hearing which touched off a controversy. ' ' DAILY ,ILOT 11111 Piii .. -~ ' ·santa ·Ana River Sand Haul .. Slated The U.S. Amt!J Corps of EftlJ...,. ntll w"t w1.ll be openin1 btds for a mw:lve haul of one m.Jlllon cubic yards of sandy ildtmtot from th& Sanla Ana Rlver chan- nel to Wtst Newporl Beacll. The sand haul wiU accomplllh two purposes in 'one.1 It will unclog the river channel. And it will replenlah sand known frequenUy to erode !rom West Newport. Carl NebOJl, operation& engineer for the county Flood Control Department, e1timates bids by contractors Aug. 21 wW be In the netahborhood o1 1100,000. 'l'be cost will be eoUrely borne by the federal gover.imenL The heavy equipment ~rators strike will have the efftct. of splrallqg ~ COit upward, Nebon sald. II allo b lilcely to delay the prnjecl. The d!D<er thiuev is no\_ !hat_the beach Will a1aln eroGe and threaten seashore dwellers but that with the chan- nel htilf clogged a flood might break through ti.and levees-. lhe bottom Is that it raises the river level. Normally, the county Flood Control District would have handled the channel cleanlng but ~au.se: of lhe hea'vy rains Jut winteT there was $6 million in flood repair work to be done. County supe'rvlsors, therefore, asked for tederal assistance. Cost of the flood repair project has been approved from the federal OfUce of Emergency Preparedness. The Corps of Engineers also has responsibility in beach erosJOn control so the nearness of We.st Newport..i! a happy circumstance, Nelsoa: uld. He saiu it is planned, with the city or N~wport Beach's blessing, that the beach be widened lhe 1.1 miles fro m Grant Stre:e' to 31st Slreet as muc h as 4ilO feet oceanward of the present shoreline. 'Otc_sediment in the river channel came from Santa Ana Canyon and the water spreading works of the Orange CountY, Water District in Anaheim. Newport CofC Backs CdM Route Stand 'SLtj)er\'isors questioned Laguna Nigu el Vit'e President Knolton Fernald Jr. about the . company~• f~ling on permitting !?u bltc access. DRIVER LOOKS OVER BURNED CAR ROOF, LUGGAGE RACK PoWer Lines Dane• Throuth Hosplt•I Paric:ing Lot "With winter coming on we ~ve to 1et this cleaned out,'' said Nellon. He uplslned protecllve rock rip rap only line:a the bottom of &he cbaMel and that the levees are of allld. Last February they bq:an cavina: in, be said. but fortunately March wu a dry month. 'l'be danger posed by the ledimeol DOW on "The native .naterial up there is pretty nice sand," Nelson said. "It comes from the higher mountains." He also said any clay is separated out by the ocean and dumped in quiet waters with the sand being heavier ataylng in the s1.1rfline. The fight of Corona del Mar residents against a new Creeway interchange align· ment won support Monday from directors of the Newporl Harbor Chamber of Com· aierce. By unanimous vote the chamber leaders elected to demand a revised a.!.igmnent to eliminate· the. need for tak: lpg 75 homes off land near 5th and Goldenrod Avenues. The directors said they supported lhe ~ del Mar Chamber o~ Commerce and the residenll of the community in their stand again.st lhe new plaM for the function of the Corona del Mar and Pacific Coast freeways. 1 The fight began earlier this summer with newa of proposed revi!ions to state pllJIS involvin1 new criteria for offramp <kslgM. Under the new specifications the Corona dcl Mar homes couJd be wiped out to mike room for the expanded junction. The lwo freeways, state division of highways aides say, will join near the present intersection of Pacific Coast Highway and MacArthur Boulevard. Ne~rter Inn_ Site of .Nixon Smog Mreting The Newporter Inn in Newport Beach will be the scene for a cabinet-level con- ference on smog and ways to cure it. President N f x o n ' s Environmental Quality Council will meet there after a session with the 'Chief Executive in San Clemente on Aug. 26. Washington sources said Monday they do not expect the President to auend the Newporter Inn meeting, but other high· ranting cabinet officers will be there. Wtth Nixon as council chairman, the other members include the secretaries of agriculture; commerce; health, educa- tion and welfare: housing and urban development: interior and transportation, Vice-President A g n e w and the President's 9Clence advisor, Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, who acts as e x e c u t i v e ...,,..lal}' fO< the group. Vehicles equipped with various power sources will be on di.splay at the Newporter, courtesy of the Big Three automakers. 'I1le engines In the vehicles will include. twlbines, electric motors, steam turbines, and modilied internal com b u s t i o n engines, supplied by Chrysler, General Motors and Ford. Sources said additions] exhibits will in- clude 1970 mod.ti cars and various emission control devices proposed by in· dlvidual oil companies. DAllY PllDI OUKOl COAn PUil IS141NG COMPAN'i' "•fwt N, W•ff ,,,."-" ... ~llMr J•di: •• c.,,., \Ila ,.,...,..,.,, Wiii ae--11 ...,,.... .. , '"·''"' I( •• ,ii .... TJ.•11111 A. M.,.,11\I•• --·-. J,,_, F. C1lll•1 --CllY blMt ---2211 w ..... , ...... ,1 •••• d M•ili•t ,Ui ,..h P.O. 1 .. IS7$, t l,,J -- , Disaster Averted f'ernald said the company deflnilely is opposed to it and intends to develop the beach for the private use of 80,000 persons who ultimately will res:ide in the Laguna Niguel area. .'Ibe point was made that the prime surfing area is a quarter mUe to hall a mile south of, the Salt Creek aeces3 point. Bu( surfing figure Brennan "Hevt" ?>.1cClellan said that it .is true that the best surfing area where there is a south swell and left slide is to the IOUth but there are other surf breaks closer to the access spot when the awell direct.Ion Tree Hits Power Line; From P&fe l Part oi the Corps contract will be to repair aspbaltic coricrete lining of the river channel north of the San Diego Freeway to Santiago Creek in Santa Alla. This is just the first of several con- tracts the Corps will be awardina:. Up_per river repain will come later. Eventually. the· lower part of the river might get a concrete lining which c:oukl withstand a "atandard pro)ect flood," the f!ood gene.rated by the largest atann ever. known to have occurred in the area com· log on a wetted watershed, Ne.Ison said. MesaAteaBlnckedOut BALBOA PLAN parklnf lot a..i the hese ol Balboa pier. changes. · Former Laguna Beach vlce mayor ~1rs. Helen Keeley suggested t 0 supervisors several other possibilities for study. She said that Dana Strand Road which stops at·lhe top of the bluff nearer the surfing area is owned by the county and a foot path might be built from !hat point. She said that Laguna Niguel Corpora· tion on its plans shows a road coming in- to a parking lot at Salt Creek which could · be dedicated to the county and wed by the oumber of people who could park in the lot on a first come basis. By ARTHUR II. VINSEL or lri. O.llY P'llft l lllf A tree surgery crew amputated a towering ecualyptus uee behind Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital Monday, bdt it fell the wrong way, snapping a power pole, electric wires and miising a major disaster by only moments. The chaotic crash at 2:50 p.m. damag- ed 10 cars and sent 12,000.voll lines dan- cing across a row of parked vehicles like fire-spitting snakes, causing several thousand dollars' damage. One man was trapped for a time in his daughter's car, while 10 minutes later, 'BUZZ' ALDRIN AS SEEN BY NEIL ARMSTRONG'S CAMERA Moon iTourlst• Pictures Included In Fotor1me Moon 'Snapshots~ Part Of F otorama Exhibit A packet of "11na~hota" made by the first ''tourists" on the moon arrived in Newport Beach today for display in 1'~otorama at Fashion Island. The photoa, a colle:cUon of picturts shot "by hand" by Astrooautt Nell Armstrong and "Buzz" Aldrin during their working and walking on the Lunar surface, are am.ong unusual piauru ,to be on display duri!?i I.he three-day ahow which opens Thuroday- Aootber group of plcturt1 from outer space, courtesy of Jet Propul&ioR Laboratory, Pasadena, Includes prints of some of the best televi.lion pleturea made by Mariner 6 and Marlnu 7 In the space probes' "closeup" ftyby of. Mara. Fotorama also wlll Include 10 prints from the California Pre.sa Pbotogr1pbera A.stOCialJon. This traveling diapl~. the Gold Seal Exhibit, Includes firs~ second and third place winnen lrom all categorie! of competition 1 m o n & CaWornia new1 _ photogr1phtn. Another traveling elhlblt -38 wlMer• In compe:Uton among A81ocl1ted Preu photogr1phtr1 lo CalilornJa and Nevada -al!o wUI be OD display. ''Commercial'' photographs submitted for display by members of Professional Photographers West , an Orange County unit affiliated with both slate and na- tional profes s Ion a 1 photographers' associations, will include some color photographs and other "pre Uy pictures." Some of tM besl of the DAILY PILOT will comprlie another elhlbll within the show. Part of this portion of P'otorama will be a working telephoto machine tied into the United ·Preas International network and a demonstraUon of h'JW pie· ture.s are en.iraved for 'publlcaUon in the newspaper. WiMen from each of the lhree weeks of the Fotorama Camera Cont.est (for non-professional pbotog.raphtn) will be on display In the Votorama at Fotorama exhibit co-spon&0red by radio station KOCM. Fotorama visitors who ux one of two Automatic Voting Machine Corp. units al the show to hrlp pick the grand prize wll'llltt from among the Owe will quality for prtze1 worth more Ulan 11,100 furnish-I ed by KOC!ol. the day !hilt of nearly 20 nuning person- nel Would have just been a:ctting ,lnto lbe parked vehicles. "Thank the Good Lord It happened when it did," said one supervisor today. Harold C. Gardner, 63, of 443 Magnolia St .. Costa ~feu, was removed from the vehicle in about 45 minutes, after Southern California Edison Co. crewmen shut off the. hot lines. He was wheeled Into the hospital where his daughter works and held overnight for observation after a n elec- trocardiogram lest showed -un· derstandab\y -an irregularity in hiJ heart beat. Gardner was listed in good condition to- day. The accident which occurred on private ' property being Cleared behifid : the hospital at 301 Victoria St., re.suited in a general 40-mlnute power f a i I u r e throughout the surrounding area. The hospital 's emergency generator unit was immediately activated .to keep vital operations 1oing, but the blackout spread when linemen shut off other lines to begin repairs. Traffic: lights on Newport and Harbor boulevards south of 22nd Street we.re out of order. leading police to fear a rash or auto collisions, but apparently there we.re none. Hot wires nicking over the row of park· ed cars burned gaping holes in the metal, spraying other vehicles with molten steel and incinerating chrome trim. The scene looked like a crazed welder had gone on a rampage, while at least two other cars were damaged when the falling tree and power pole landed on them. Costa Mesa Police OUicer Jim Farley said the mishap was caused when the tree cut by Arnold F. Barton, partner in 'fip Top Tree Service, fell the wrong way, A spokesman for the Edison Co. estimated damage to the uUllty equip- ment at $4,000, while the total in auto repairs ha.s not been added up, police saJd. YOUR Both alte maUve:s include a loop rotd from Wuhl.nJton Avenue to A Street and heavy landscaping ol both the lll'lt lot and the. areas around tbe loop. an. plan allows the proposed Boy's Club building lying on a patch eut or tbe pier's entrance, fl anked by a large grm area and improved parking. 'l1te other plan shows the club building on the we.st side of the pier directly next lo the large parkin1 area. He stre~ that the plans were "simpo. ly ideas, flexible ooa to 1et the whole ttllng started." No decision on any improvements \Vould be made until the peninsula's bw:iness community had a chance to ex· amine the issues fully, the council agr<ed. The idea, however, will oot be an en. Urely long-rangt one, Wilson said. 'Ille council a1...iy his authoriud spending almost 1150,000 to Improve lhe parting J,ol befor.e the wmmer ... .,. next year. 'Mlat sum would cover rebuidllng or the SOlkar lot "and changing it fnm its present state as an uphalt jungle into something more attractive to the area," Wll!;on said. Landscaping would co.me the following year when more money is available:. The harshest words on the area's pro- blexns .came from the: shopkeepers themselves. And the Balbol Fun Zone received most of the !tron1 criticism. One buslneasman termed the carnival area "a filthy mess." A sandy areJ. between the carnival area and the bay hasn 't been cleaned for months, he said. •le called the area "a disaster zone , wllh trash, a:arbage and rusty steel pok- ing out ol bulkheads. '1 Another shopowner, a woman, com- plained of hippies sleeping on the saod patch every night. "They park their sleeping bags every night. and you can see them still sleeping th ere in the morning and nobody tries to eren get them out. lt's a disgrace," she said. Bi.lboa realtor John Vogel. however, Cisagreed with many ol his fellow buainesamen. He said be sees nothing WJ'OOI with the ar,a. Your Omtga Salt.I & Stirui.ct. Agenq Retired Colonel New PR Director For Irvine Co. A reliffii Marine Corps lieutenant col- onel with natlonw1de experience in advertising and promotion today was named direct.or of public relations for the lrvlne Company. He is Gilbert W. Ferguson of Fall brook who succeeds William L. Aldrich, rtcenUy resigned to go back into his own public relations consulting business. "I'm very pleased to be associated with the Irvine Company," said Ferguson. after his new post was announced by William R. Mason, president. Ferguson spent 25 years in the Marine Corps, rising from the rank or private, with combat experience in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, in both infantry and artillery units. He is a former informal.ion officer at Camp Pendletoo, where he directed a slaff of 51 persons handling all press. public and community relations for the largest amphibious base in the world. He returned from a Vietnam duty tour In 1965 to head the Marine Corps' Da· tional community relations program and won a 19157 Freedoms Fouodation fll'St place award for a motion picture. "A Day in Vietnam," is the title of Ferguson's production, while a series o{ articles he wrote last year after a vi.sit to the war ione received nationwide distribution. Ferguson v.•as an Orange County businessman even before joining the Marine Corps and said he is pleased to ao back to work here. "The Irvine Company has always4retn an important part of California life," Ferguson commented. "Thei.r unique approach, interest and dedication tG the careful development of this land for a betttr tomorrow makes me proud to join lhem, ·~he added. 0 OMEGA n.• 'l'l r' 111111 0 111.,1 S11t1d111•ll•r w•k lri w• "---1-c.1ny Wi t t111c.tM .,.ilh· --,..., ... ,... ..... WATCH~ ..... ..._. FREE •11t l llY 111..iifit•lilft .. ., NASA ft k ,..0 111 by •"' ...... ·~ tl11 111•••· l ki• r1c.•t •lll••, tF11I., • r1- .,,,, f•r ••c.•ll1~c 1, 1111k11 llf ,r111.I t• r... y1ur •11th1ri11i 011111• i•w•l•r. Corn• i• -•I• thi1 ti •• ,, ...... 2 l111tt.11, 4 dl•I, 0..111 $pMllrn1t• hf cht•"tr1 ,k. Thi ••Iv w•klr. w•1111 .. ., th1 1•11111 1• th1 111•••· Ptic• Slfl . • Cloonod • Oilod 'WWl9 'f• Wett -• .A.ljudN ...... $2.00 ll·STJtUNO h -' s4•!""'"" llN•S $3.00 SIJID, ti.. DIAMONDS $6.00 •• llPU.CID, ,,_ =:=, .. w. INIU.V.N•.~NI .. "'""'' WHIU TOU WA.ff Hunti•n Center B•ach at Edln9er HUNTINGTON BEACH 892.5501 l •' TllMI AYAIU.l~I and back Harbor Shapplng Cenltr 2300 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545-9485 • I • .. -~----------------- ~r-~--·· • .. • • o·n ow ene r:·s 1 . TOWE.R.·RESlDENTS iTAlliE TIME OUT•TO -SING ly J O OLSON Of ........... You can ·, .. It from 1111ywbere )n Costa Mesa , ana·~·polnta mil•• away.· . Friim ll!e· lop of it you c1111 see anywhere In ' Costa· ¥•1iAl and landmark& several mil.es .distant. What is,it1 It's Bethel Towers, of .course, one of C0<ta Mes~·· ID06t, unuaual residences. The home of. J:m men and women, moat of whom are 62 "years or older, it 11 an 18-story complex owned:by Ule Assemblies of God, a church dOIMlmi· nation, built specllically for youthful senior citlzet)S who want to be in a center of activity. nie tower, which is split into 270 separate apart· meJ'l'tS, Was completed in July of 1968 and is full.Y occupied, Witll a waiting list of 190 applicanta. lUsldents have ' their choice of one or two bed· room apartm_ents ; or "efficiency'' apartments, compacUy designed units which reserpble a bache- lor's apartment. Each apartment has a view of the surrounding territory, and .from the 18th floor the panorama is spectacular, including much of the coastline to t h e north. At n;ii:;bt the view is more Ulan spectacular, according to Ule highest dw,llers. ~~· -'Ille-list-of-tenants, who m~y ar"el"etlnc!7in:-- . eludes former nurses, teachers, secretaries, office managers. doctors, missionaries, musicians and a pbysicist. Average age of the tenants is 74, and the women outnumber Ule men 239 ~ 64. Of the total number of women, 213 are widoWed or single and ,26 .are- married. Male residents include 26 married and 38 single. · Tower residents may participate in a small nwriber of planned activities, enjoy the recreation- al facilities, . which include horseshoes and an lS.. hole ptitting range, visit neighbors in the lobby or remain in ~e seclusion and quietn~ss of their apart- ments. Planned.' activities may be a potluck dinner, art exhibit, tour of a nearby point of interest, a class, or one of two weekly nondenominational church services. Classes, which are given at irregular intervals, include subjects such as the recent series on Better Driving taught by a Department of Motor Vehicles instructor who is a resident in the tower. · 'J1le spacious lobby is a favorite meeting place for the tower dwellers, and as many as ~00 may con-gregate In the ca~ted room during the evening to talk, sing or listen to piano or organ m'lsic. Keeping a watchful eye on the tower and it s residents are the Rev. L. E: Halvorson, Assem- bly of God mlnister,_.,.00 bis Wile liei'yle, who serve as m.inagers . Why are the resideuU confirmed "tower dwel- lers" once tbey move in and transfonn their apart- ments into hOmes? Several provided answers. Mrs. Hazel Felt, a Co$ Mesan who previous- ly lived by hersell in a trailer, said , ''It is just won- derful. It's· quiet and peaceflll aJJ!1 we're not hotb- ered·by noise or salesmen: It is jwt lovely." A fonner Van · Nuys resident, Mrs. Emma Scbreiholer agreed. "I love it. I can't find ·a bit of fault.!' • · · · 'F'-Or each of •!be 303 J""lidenls of Betllei Tow· e<s, Ulere is ODe apecial ·reason Uley like-living in Bethel-Towers. That's .30J_rea60Ds. COuld anyooe a&Llor morel Tho /i.\inos. L E. Holvors!Y'• Morlho .Anolo..-;Bou1oh ROW, Edith S.Orook-1nd' S-1 Romer (loft lo· right) . ' . . ' • , l?ligiR Li ~irng ~., • • ' 'PUTTERING AROUND' FILLS LEISURE TIME Arthur Eldred and 'th9 Cltv1l1nd Mill1r1 (left to right) BEA A.NDERSON, Editor T......,, Allnl It, Ifft M , .. , U • • Wife . . I Wont Win ' . This Battle Even by ·a Close Shave DEAR ANN LANDERS ' My husbana has always ~ on the conservative slde, • 1 un.UI about sl% monthS ago · when he decided to let his halr grow. I dkin't say anything until his hair got longer than miile. Then I demanded that he get a halrcut. lie relused. To teach hlm a lesion, I toe>); , the scissors and gave mysell a baldy bob. He sa1d 1 looktd lll<e ANN LANDERS ~ a billiard ball and called me a 1gpiteful nut. 1 agreed to.tel my hair grow if he would cut his. His answer was, 0 1 refuse lo be blackmailed. No deal." tny hair grows out. J realize t made a mistake but I feel h11 terms are too harsh. What do )'OU say, Ann? -VERGO DEAR VERGO' Ba7 a wiJ ud stay IWIY frem tbt booit. Last night, out or 11heer rrustratlon (abd alter a few drinks) I went to the DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1n a recent bathroom and shaved my head . I walked column you .told teen-agers where to co 1r Into the room and said, ''Row do you lllie they au!;ped. they have VO. I am 35 years • thls?" He nearly died . Now my hu&band . old. AU my !Ue I've heard about VD. -re£u.se.s to bl Rell in pVblio.;W'Jth me anti1 ~ Everyone B1y1, "Go to a doctor U you • ~ any l}'mplDma." Good advice ol C'Olll'&e -but what are I.ht symptomst J1 lt a plmple, a boll, a running tore, a scaly patdl? Is there p11ln? Do 1ymp(omt: appear in areaa other than the genJtalat They say VD can be cured If you get it early. How early Ls early! Two day1? A week? A year? Won 't you please dtvote a column to lhl3 important lllbject! The amounl o( Ignorance IUl!Olll aduli.s as well u ' teenagers i.s·ippalllng. -N.D. READER -OED N':n.: 'l1le mest common form ti. VD ti a-1:1Ma. h the early at.ac~ femllel lllMI& · aever feel pat11 or oltt<otillon: JI' It -ullrely P.,1ible for a ... &o·bdeet 1 ma ud ltt M·nare ef K. la lldvaced tlqes or pnorrbea, ltowner, • , wtmu .tiperleoca ~vtre pall bl th I°""' abclomen, dildlarce ud eomedmet fevtr. Symptoms , 11 Ute malt appear •bout lllree d1y1 aftw C'Olltlct. Tiie mo1L tpJD· mti l)'lllptom t1 • bumhtg 1en1aUon Aclr- 1•1 lll'lutloo ud ....,... dllCbpg•. Tre1tme1t for bou. lem1le. and mllk It aJmp1e ud tlfttUve -aftd 1houkl bt "''ht lmmecUatet, oa 1ppuruee of 1ymp4.eml. GetatrrMa, If uirtated tan caue •wrllttJ, lttllrltll ud bt•rt I di.ease. Sypltllit bu ruclted epkkmlc pro- portlonl la 111e.~---.IH, ... bu'mlde 11.W.faUiffed11 coetraceptl•tl "eblolete.'' Early ~ IJ unaOy manift1ted by • 1ldn. erwPttoa wblcbi rtt6mble1 . 1 cold IOU. Tk Hnt enpdoa ..... , lpptan ... Ille cenJtalJ a few·-u '!If• ceolacl.. SeYeral weebJater erupilou' JDlY .,pe•r U)'W .... GI Ille body, boc1oodlftl Ille f-. SypllWa, wMll trta\td within IOIU' tr five months can a1ually be curtd wltbla a matter of weekl. Uatruted 1ypbJlls c111 retult la btlodM.111 br1h1 dam11e, total lncapacll.lllon ud dtalb. I 11r1e every lDdlvkh1al who saspedl lie ml)' have VD &e 10 to I doctor or to Utt cOUDty or ctiy 'faith department for an • examination. VD will' not dl1appear ff 11- nored. Whe• I.lie ftnt aet Cr( IJIDp&lm• fldt 1way muy people Mlleve diley •'wore out" I.he dJIUlt, bat Oih: It _. true. It bl only 1-_.,._ _. wUI uapt later ID some crtppltq form, • Whal awaits you on the other side of the marriage veil ? How can you be IUl'e your marriage wlll work? Read Ann L1n!i 'booklet "Matd~LI• Expect." Send your request to Ann Landers In care ot your newspaper enclosing 50 cents in coin and a lob&, stamptd, a<lf·addruaed eovelope. Ann Landers will be glad lo help 1ou with your problems. Send them lo her In care of 'l'ht DAILY PIWI', mcloslng ·a sell' .. ddreased. atamDed envelooe. , I J r \l l I , ,, • ' ' • .. • ' I• . ' .. .. • . -. . -. .. -....... • .. .. > .• ---· "T""Y. -...... ~ .......... -.............. ~1 ·~·· . .. " 3e eonrtdeo!. Act Ii! pMll!v• manner. Speak up an4 elJ>l111 views. T aur"US!· Be Discreet IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRnlDAY )'OU have assum- ed a' d d e' d responsibllltes • Money angle af chart Is ao- ~-You gain grea~r recognition. Bul, ~OU m aflo ivorldng )larder. You ,r-'111 have even disposiUon. But yW fight 1galn!l lnJU1tice. WEDNESDAY AUGUST. 20 By SYDNEY OMAl\R FAVORABLE FOR FISH- ING, PLANTING. .. TOPIC ' OF CONVERSA· 11.0Nf' Re 1111 •a, phil• opbJ, metaplaJol<t a • d pablllblq. P+ut&cal ttrot"IJUI .... dOmlnate. Ufe-style &t-daJ' ii toward fature, not tM puL ' AllIES (Mardi 21·April 19): Long-range view 11 essenUal. Jg:nore the obvious, Someone could be laying a trap. Be amiable, but keep ammunition <tr:v. Alertness today saves Ume, embarr83Slllent a n d money. TAURUS (April 20-May ?Jl): Accent mystery. Be discreet. Doo't reveal.JU YC81 Plow. Money could be involved. Someone wants to repay you for favor. Don't let false pride keep you from accepUng. You earned it. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): You (lon't work so well alone today. Meam accent coopera- tion. Mutual effarU p a y dividends. Know this and make peace wllh m a t e • partner. Give attention to public relations. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Don't overwork. Avoid ei· tremes. Gain balance between pressure and recreation. Bring forth sense of h u m o r • Laughter today is y o u r valuable tonic. Be amused at your own folbles. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): Study Cancer message. Have fun; enjoy your activltles. You are too creative ti> be bogged dowo with the petty, You can rise above Uie small, the minor, the irritationa. Do so. VIRGO (Aug, 23-Sept. 22): T1'ere could be cross currents. Means people you usually g'et along with could appear ir· ritable. Be big, especiatly where older persons, famlly members are concerne d . Think. LIBRA (Sepl 23-0ct. 22)' Emphasis an ideas, short trips, dealing wilh neighbors and relatives. Improve com- forts of h<>me. Don't let anyone upset your emotional equilibrium. &and tall. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Money, possessions a r e favored lf you let go a( out- mOOed methods. Strive for the future rather than brOOding about past. Break bonds of restriction. Be detennined. SAGmAlllUS (Nov. J2. Dec. 21): Cycle moves higher; events begin to unfold in favorable manner. Added responsibility br:illgs greater reward!. N e w contad cooJd mean romance. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Take .care of emotlon.al- physical health. Some In· fonnation is best kept your personal knowledge. One who spreads rumors would delight in creating aggravation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2tl-Feb. 18): A friend cou1d take in- titiative in getting you to show Rules Changed to Accomodate Alumnae Bond-Payne Ceremony Pleasure before business will be the rule when the Southern Orange County Chaptu of Alpha Phi ga· tbers for its annual summer b r i d g e luncheon Friday, Aug. 22, in Clubhouse 2, Laguna Hills. The event will begin at 10 :30 a.m. and continue to 3, \vilh ll!J1Cbeon served at noon. Hostesses will be Laguna Hawaiian Honeymoon Harriet Collins Wed - . In Ceremony Newport A honeymoon trip to Hawaii followed the wedding of Har- riet Ann Collins and Charles Ralph Fisher, which took place in St. James Episcopal Church. 11\e late afternoon double ring rites were solemniied by the Rev. John Ashey. The bride, da\lihltr of htr. and Mrs. Donald Addison ColliM ol Newport, Beach, ielected. • slit orsaMa over peau de ao6e gowD.rappliqued with lleocon lice and beaded with crysta1I and· pearls, deaigped with 1 cathedral train.)ler veU was caught to a lace headpiece. accer.ted with pearls, and btr bridal bouquet waa l.n ariangement o r ~. yellow min "'e roses IDd blby11 breath. Precedinc tile bride to the altar were Mis§ Elllabeth Paulln, mikl ot'bonor, arid the brideamaid.1, tbe M i s s e 1 Mesa League La ~ Lelgu.e meeU the 1econd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Mn. H. W. Moore, '45-43'9, will annrtr question• rtl&.fdinl location. , Kathleen Boyd: . D o n n a DeOiemar, Kathleen Danlels and Mrs. Robert Sinieral. They were aWred 1n yellow organza. over peau de soie and their bouquets were fJshioned of gladioli and daisies, Lawrence Fishet served his brother as best man and guests were seated by Lowell Baker, Gary Platner, Stephen Slack and Michael Twombly. Cmlpleting the bridal party were Larry and Lisa Fisher, nephew and niece of the bridegroom, who were· ring bearer and flower girt Following the ceremony the newlyweds received t h e t r guest.a in the Balboa Bay Club, where the gueet register was circulated by-Miss Patricia Todd.· The new Mrs. Fisher wu graduated from Corona del Mar H1gh School and now at- tends the University of South- ern Calif<rnia, majoring in dental hygiene. Her husband, son of Mr. and Mrs. Connie P. Fl.sher of Sand Springs, Okla., was graduated from USC iD bwiiness ad- ministraUon. They will reside ln Los Angeles. Hills Alpha. PhiS, and guests will include alumnae and .collegiates residing in or visiting the coastal area. Reservations may be -made by calling Mrs. Birdie Adair, 837-2948. Cooking up a delicious lunch- eon menu are (left to right) the Mmes. Bea Brad- shaw, Donald Palmquist and Arthur Aune. MRS. CHARLES R. FISHER Home in Lp• Angeles - Solemnized John R. Bond Jr. of Lido lsle claimed Debbi Payne o( Do•·ney as his bride in Downey's First B a p t I s t Church. Her parents are fi.1r. and Mrs. Charles Payne o f Downey and he ts the son of Mr. and Mn. John R. Bond Sr. of Lido Isle. Given in marriage by her rather, the bride chose a flow- ing gown of silk chiffon crepe over peau de aoie with Renaissance styled sleeves. A Jullet cap of seed pearl mesh caught her full length illusion veil. · Matron af honor Mrs. Dian- ne Dudden and bridesmaids the Misses Lee:Ann liegewald; Judy Hunter and Carolyn Williams all appeared in light orchid crepe gawns with malching ·Juliet style head- pieces. Flower girl Sandy Kirkwood wore 'a bouffant white drtss and scattered orchid colored carnation pelals from her baslr.et. Steven Dudden carried the rings. Bob Gardener wu beat man. Usben lncluded Jay Michaud, SteVe Simmons and YOU ·KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY ... s. Wl1I '" 546-1808 JM BRINGS STARS TO YOUR EYES. uniquely natural STAR CUT lashes .by FRIVOLASH leave no false impressions with any one. pre -feathered and fringed to form a star-burst shape around your eye, they vary in length just as real lashes do, and are almost impossible to detect once they're on. STAR CUT is also so easy to apply that almost before you can bat an eye, you can be fluttering this new lash. the deep brown or soft black lashes, with strong adhesive and lash bath, mediu m 12.50, and full, 15.00. look to jm cosmetics and MISS EVA, thursdaythrough saturday, at south coast plaza. JOSEPH MAG NIN I in Downey Allen Dudden. Approximately 350 guests attended a garden reception in the· home or the bride's parenls following the ceremony, where Miss Pam Singen was in charge of the guest boolr.. SpeclaJ guest.a from New York included Stephen Wilder, Gale Fleming and Albert A. Rachol. Fraiik WUlard came from Detroit, Mich. and 1.lr. and Mrs . Ernest Meunier from Fresno. The newlyweds both are graduates of Copre School in Balboa. After their return from a wedding trip to Carmel, San Francisco 8Jld Mpen, Colo. t hey plan to travel to Maui, Hawaii , where they will make their first home. off talents, un1que abilities. Be receptive. Cycle is on upswing . Welcome chance for social ac- tivity. PISCES (Feb. It.March 20): Accent on prestige .. standing, profession and achievement in getM:Cal. Yoo are able to sue- cwfully sunnount obstacles. To Kl'lllll av! "*'lr,!lbWt 'l'VfWll .... 11"\iolaey, ordtf' 4...., Ql'l'ltrr'f~,..'" p= '**-~• T"'ltl &ii :::~~nJ!811L~ ~T .. ~1t .,f/o~ or111Ci c""r11·s1111.-i. MN TllB. M:Y. 10011. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii For MEN and BOYS AUTMENTIC IVY STYLING OF A.I TAPERS, THE CAM,US FAVORITES. NEAT NO IRON fAIRICS AND MINI TATERSALL CHECKS IN PURE IVY COLORS. $8.50, $9.00, $9.50, and $11.00. Use your....:._ B•nkAmeric•rd, M•_ster Ch•rge, Diners, Certe Blanche Credit C•rdr. IN COSTA MESA IM o CPA1t1TMl!NT '•TOA.:.. 1816 NEWPOln IOULIVAID PARK CONVENIENTY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE .•• Ope• Deily 9,30.6, f•i. 'til 9 try on a Shape Shoppes' -shape fpr . h ·1 Sig S .... [ NOW SNAl!ING ] COST'AMW& ANAHEIM, tocn summER EHPAns1on SALE 20 TREATM~NTS •20 'LIMITED O~FER Total n~mber of.treatments necessary to correct your Individual figure faults are determined by COMPUTER CARD at the time of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is de'signed exclusively for you ... There's no mystery, you'll know the exact cost of your new shape! · · Your beoutifl>I new shape will hove ycu s~hing with sotisfoction and him sighing wilh odmirotion, at the wo nderful woy you11 look and feel .•. rodiont, gloritor- ous, desirable ond lovely~J And it's so eosy ot a Shape $.hoppes where foshion- ing lovely shopes is what we do best. lit Shope Shoppes cantour, trim, maid, slim, reduce ond build os needed to creote the perfect shape for your frame and bone structure. Come in for your free shape anofysis today ... Listen to the sighs tomorrow!. ••• FIGVRE-sHAPING filllIONIJ ...OUT TO RESHAPE TIIE WORLD! t l.M.-t P.M. DA!LY, t A.M.·S P.M. SAT., CHILD CAii t-l COSTA MllA ANAKllM CAil T,ODAT WIJT U, 642-7032 635-0271 l"FO!~~TIO" 471-1122 ll01 llewpon...... tol IOOid A11t.. " """' " 3112 S.UW. SAllTA MONICA NOITKllDGI MISSION MIW IUUANl 393-0064 349-4788 361-1714 842-0877 711'ft'bhirt Hll ~M 10362~ 17lSW.V.,.,.~"'- ·1 • I 1 .. . ' . -• • f;osta Mesa . . ... . . . AA\ID WRECKAGE, WORKMEN RESTORE M ~SA POWER POLE The Eucalyptu1 Tru F•ll the Wrong W1y D,t,K.Y,,MT IWI"""" DRIV.E R LOOKS OVER BURN ED'C'AR ROQF, LUGGAGE RACK ' · Power Linet De nce Thrauth~ HO.plt•I P1rkfn9 Lot Budget SefJUel Tucker Urges Revieiv • • Of City Admi~istra®n ~ .. ~ ' . ' A comp let< study ·ol «:om Mesa City munkti>al 'n...i• not covered by' !lie $! administration procedures -based on rate are fonntJd. however, Ind tMr-is what fU nrnponent termed modern what Tucker 'feels the tupayetl tend to rw forget. management methods -is being pro-He feels 1hey shoo Id be reminded. pose.d tod.., tO etimina~ confusion over "It sboy)d be stressed that incomplete the annual budget. • fiscal reports • J , fl\lde separately or ct'iy Councilman peorge A. Tucker sug· withoot'reft!rence to one budget in effect gcsted ~idea Monday m"abt ln a wrftten creates two sela of books for Uie city," he atatement op var~ aspects of, a recent s·aJd, ' • cont.rover• over the $7.Sf million The t>ar\k employe.cbarges that one set adopted llnanclll plan fori the codling Is lhert&y. i>i!lllc and ""'""' by the ..., .. year. · ' , 'cil, wbile ~1 olbtr '11 ~y .l!MP r.in Criticism by Tucttr ol preporallon of fi9Cll '11>'fitlonl, a l)'lltln • wbkb Jn. the 196HO· budgtt led Qty Manager Oames"ihe '6.:alledflaplyan' revoll Arthur R. Mcl(emie two weeks 'flO to • He •-from votlnC Monday night ut the Orange County Distri<I Attonle)' on reoofu!font oottq ·tha fJOp<rty lax to p-o11e 1111..rli«, but the DA declined · ,...,, ... n<edld .f« depulmenlll.opera- last -· llolll and alao one ldlln11he $1 tu rm. "Aa a.1..iure. tt marhave had piblld, Cooptj~ ·wmi.m L. 'St.,Clllr .wtoi1 ty merit." said Tucker, adding lhal even ag-tlleln corl\plelely, whlltmoluli<Jot U the ln-lpllon took place ll _,Id setting the port and ..aeallon dlslric:t .not have toltal tlMI 'bndget preparation and street li&htinl laz rates passed problmll as he .... them. , unanimously. Spidllcally, fie, belleves laxpayen "Lot me reikrate DI)' point," Coon· amonc c..111t1esa'l n ,ooo cillxe111 do not cilman l'u-uld, "Colla Mesa needa get the lull pic1ure IA preseot:IUoo ol the jll!Lone budi<! trltb ID G( tbe fiscal in· city budget, even those who tollow It rormilion~ wtthln it.'' caretuUy.. ·°FM three yean "°"· I ha vr: Insisted A ....,.11aw city such aa Costa .Mesa l!lat the city budgtt JnchKle all factual has lib: ft per tlOO of 1~ valuation items of b)Come aod elJlfl"M.'' he ton· t1 x rate limited by the state to lhat sum . Unutd, "f bave. repeatedly asked for Special usesan1ent dl!lricll for varloua (Set B~, Pl(• I. I . - .~ ORANGE COUNTY? CALIFORNIA TEN 'ClENTS " I • • ~ w . Gulf .. Marti~l -taW'. Asked ~ ' 132 .Dead in Aftermath (j f:ffit;-r,iCti ne ·Caniille · , Fnm. Wire 6erYka: GULFPORT, MlsL -Mlssiulppi'1 ad- julal)t generll IDday ttCOllllllODded that the MiSstsilPPt Gull Coast, crushed by OTHER STORll!S, P~. Pl\.G,1. J • '• ' ' ~ ... •· ~ . . .. . ~ V~ f>tt>Jldenl Spiro T.• ""1eW" ,,,., outside world unUI d!solttt teafti.·W. sci>~ .to tour the ravaged arp thrOIJl)l today. They foui>d 'UIU' Wednesdax-. his office-in W~ •id · 'lhambles. . , , unicaoe C.amllle_with 131 DOW:: dead. ba_ • ....caz:niv " • ptaced "under formal or infonn:al martial "l have 2,000 men under ann! and.I;ve today... ' ,. r One brick apartment balldlnr .as n"addltlon,+Mll>H>lane-loadid">ritb-·-levtleit~occqpontr'lilld1!iid'"llaYiil--- medical supplies IOr burr~&ne victims behind for a liurrlci.ne party wire .med. law:" got to bring in another 2,000,'' Johnson Maj. Gen. Watter Johnson met with said. ' cra&ht!d .-.at tatefront' Airport}'ilf"'New Between 50 arid 75 other ~_hid Orle'ans. killing four peraoos. Th&.<tpllae ~ the fury ol the atoftn. , area officials and rescue. team leaders The death loll spiraled UUs morning and said "we need discipline." He said with the disCovery of 23 bodies In an crashed Jhlle at\eIDptin( to l~e off, fqr Gaping holes made Pua Cbiistian~I Gulfport. f ·' streets impassable.' 'Trell ' weie' ·~ sightseers are jamming the area "looking apartment complex in nearbi Pa!s Chris- for bodies" and turning it into "a tian. Most of the d_ead were fouOO 'In· PLois aboUt and the few treH Jeff '~ Chrmtlan, which ~as cut olf l~ -Ott were ltripped ot tbelr leaves aM..•blrt. .. / ' ~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..,--~~::--- Tr ee Surgeo11s Operate, Mesa Still in Shock By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot t11e C.llY Pllfl Sttff A tree surgery crew amputated a towering ecualyplus tree behind Costa 1'1esa Memorial Hospital 1'fonday, but it fell lbe wrong way, snapping a power pole, electric wires and mi ssing a major dlsa.Ster by only moments. The chaotic crash at 2:50 p.m. damag- ed JO cars and sent 12,IJ(lf).volt lines dan- cing across a row or parked vehicles like fire-spltUng makes, causing several thousand dollan• damage. • One man wu trapped for a time in his daughter's car, while 10 minutes later. the day shift of nearly 20 nursing penon. nel would have just been getting Into the parkedvdUclos. . ' . . .. ''Thank the Good Lord tt happened: when it did,'' said onr: &Upervtsor today. Harold C. Gardner, 83~ of 40 Mapolla 1 • St .. Cosio Meu, ris ----tllt vebicli. ~1n about ~ minutes, after Southern Califomil Ediaoo Co. crewmen ahut off •the hot lines. 1te was wheeled into tht hospital where his daugtltcr works an.d held overnight for. observation after a n elec· trocardiogram test showed -un- derstandably -an irrr:gularlty in bll5 heart beat Gardner wu lilted in good condlUoa to. day. · The accident which occUrred on prtvate property being cleared behind the hoopllll at 301 Victoria SI., resulted In a general 41knl.nute power f a 11 u re throughout the surrounding area. The hospital's ·emergency generator unit wu immediately activaf.eJI to keep vital operations going. bu\ the blackout spread wtien linemen shut off other lines to begin repairs. Traffic lights on Newport and· Harbor boulevards south of 22nd Street were wt of order, leading police to-fear a rash of auto collisions, but apparently thl!rt were none. .. Ailey Oop ~ Hot wJrts nicking OVf!r the row of park~ ed cars burned gaping holes in the metal, spraying other vehicles with molten steel Costa Mesa Police Officer Jim Farley said the mlshap wu caused when lhe tree cut by Arnold F. Barton, partner in Tip Top Tree Service, fell the wrong way. Admiring friends watch-as-Gary Veroska, H;C..la Mesa; bangs in• rmd..Ur .above trampoliM~al Orango•Coast YMCA. Gary completed his somenault and,Jthen, in1'C8J'eful observance of~the law -New .. · too~• la.w -:-be came dawn.· BU! he boUnced, right, bac:.k 11p•ag8\lf. A apoke!man for the Edison Co. • estimated damage to the uUUty equl~ mcnt at $f.IXKI, Besides the car Into which Gal'dner had just clbnbed when power lines• fell BcroM It, police-listed as damaged vehld<s btl"'ging .. , 2nd Tate Slaying.Suspect . -Anette Bridges. 3l05 Femhealh Lane. Cool& Mesa. -Rottt Tf'nltld, iJS5 Center St., Question~d,:Then·:freed Laguna Beach. . -Ram .. L Bcbem-, 145 E. 18th St., Coata Meu. Edldl Mo1d, 2567 Cdumbia Drive, Cool& Ma&. ~ M. A-, 7821 Santa Barbara St., Stantoo. -Ven t_,., 11151.· Newland St., Huntln&lon Beach. ~arol1 Beeatler, mtt McKinley Cir· cle, Westminlter. Geraldine WblUord, 28042 Mission Lane, Huntington Bea~. * * * Pilot 'Isolated' By Power Failure LOS ANGELES C\Jel) -Thomas Steven Harrigan, lhr: second "Suspect" in the Sharon Tate murdlt'S to be ~· r questioned and•relea&ed, 1ays1Mflnow1 of no "occu'h'' ,1cUvities amo\}g . he,r friends. The almost ritu1ijstic nature of ~ grisly slaytngs of Miu Tate, and four other ptrllOflS at htr secluded estate has led to speculation that the murders wert pal'l of &Omt stranlie religiou!I rite. Harrigan, 27, told newsmen he atten9ed a party at the Benedict. Canyon home the nlgbt of 'l'burst1ay, Aug. 7 -the day beforl! the murdw-s -but spent the neit night ' in sqburban Manhattan · BeaCh drinking beer with bil!Ods. Power. power, who 's got the power? Haniian. a naUve of Canada who at~ We dldn' Mondiy afternoon. tendecf'ocllClbl ln;Oltawa, OitL. 11u oooght A power iailure cauoecl ~Y 111 · In a bulleun Issued by Lie Royll' ca.a. ovenealou> lf*l<lmmer , and .com-· dlao. lliounlalii Police' that aald he wu poundecl b) our own lnlemal,dlfflcuHle1 '"wanted'tor'murciel' aild was tr•vilJi\I eut· DAJl.Y PILOO' ollioes In Costa Mesa with fOlll' "~ blppie-typ08." oil from the oulaide world for mont than Harrlian said be heanl about' the two houri. bulletin, Sunday nl#lt and IUn'endel<d ff 1"" tried lo call ua ~ 3, II p.m. 11ere Mboday morning. Police detectlris a..i 5:311 p.m., you belrd the telephone qllellloned him for tbl<t boun IDd then ringing. bot.cot no aMWU. _'frouble wu. ·rdeued hJm. 1 wecauldn,btarlhe.pbooe.~111our Pollco spoll""'an said, "W• li.,e.no end and our recelvm Wile • io we reuon~to beUeve.thal these four men are ~n't talk to anyone UJ'WIJ. ·any more gpec:t thin anyone elte. We W\'rt SOrTY about the -•ni'"1"e· havt 'IQ_ i:eaoon to bold an1 of lhell\ at C.n Yotr Imagine -dlallll)> ~nt,a this lil!lO." -• . newepaper office aeems when no ptione1 , . HarTfgan wu not booked or, charge(!. ant rlnllnl! (S.. IA M\lllDERS, Pace II . ' .,.,.,...,... ' QU,STIONED AND RIL&A,SI D -"-~ . 'otcl lrlanm1n"H1rrlpn • •, Youth Swallows .24 Pills,. Dies. r~:nilt L ~ ~ uncu , • • I A .visilinc Nevada t-whc> hllil told Ilia --al flll}ping .J4 pOll containing a, nonnally • mlld di'ug ... col- lapsed while cooking the.Ir lunch at a Costa Mesa apartment Monday ·and died. t:arl W. Bliss, l'I, of Hendenciii N.,:,, was dead on arrival at c.o.ta.' Miii. Memorial Hospital shorUy after 1 p.m.. dttf>lle efforts by fimnen to revive' bbn wili.oiygen 1t.the_acene. • Polke oenl to the apartment shared by =:-' =: .:::..:-== compaaloo of Bliu for -ol;jn. botion. ' ' He bad been ordtrtll ·not 'lo lciaff Nevad1.. . • W eoley t. Frilbte; II, -of (lie "'"'1· -t-ll;1old ~ ... llld· ~ llld -lt·Dlr)lw-=."t:: ~Pl!lllfo•---10 try' JWilburlfn, . .-Jle Mid tile bo1 -m.tlr al· ~~:_,dla .... "'6·,.t .....,,,., tfle loNdl, at wblc!b _.._ helcl inlpped -IDd be bf&a bftln& 1blue. • His companionl can.ct fOI" help bal!.11 Jt'BI too late. . Two Darvon pllls .,,.. foand 'lJrlnl .... idt -.11aa· body-i D d • tlilrd WI~ believed lo· be l<OOClll 'WU foand !ft 1fie aporimenl.resulUJli~ a cootlmled polb ~Uonloday. . or-County Depoty Coroner Harold Mlnii!Clt wd lt"will be one lo two - before ldxi<ologlcal IC!lla det..-U· odly wbal killed' the BUU. youth. ll -'-'-·• COllllilered"fo ""i& Dlrvoo -•-•Y "'°' ·rqlld sedative,.. ipmewhllt . ttrancer.~U)an aspll!h, but can ·tHI when ~In •a!f!cieol ·QllllltlllaJ ·. ' ' . Painter Attacked By Mesa Thieves A. polnl<r who weut to. ask two ~ why they · were lOoklng over hi> · en\p!Oyer's job equipment..-a Colla Mesa motel early today wu punched and :went down for a $350 count. · David Urban told police. be· came 1'> behind Ilia lodgings at 20IO Newport Blvd,. about z,15 a.m. and 'found • pO!ot pump valued at that IW!l gone frcm'hit bosi' plclrup·truok. Urban-lold-l'atroiman.Fcank..knlanJio asked ·what the men w1nted and ~ replied he WU loolling. for a cer\&ln P!'• ty , at which lime a fist n~ out aild flau.ned him. VicUm ol Ille grand lbefl case was. Jou Mor-ol Lynwood,· -Is Slal"ll the' alea. wlille 1111-a polnllntf· l'b. ]JOI!<" aald I s1iss• body was moved lo Bajll MortUary. Colla, Mtsa, pendini ~al air-ll by llil f1Jl111Y In.Nevada, . • ·Sunny 1kie1 should prevail on Wedaesday, despJte some of, the usual early mornlng cloud~ inea, with 'temperatuns co• tinuing In tbe middle 70'1 alOD(< the Orance Coul. .. ·INSIDE 1'88 ... Y. ·~ -. ·---........,.. ..... .......... ·---...-. - ' .... M • • • .. 1 .. 11 :; • ' ., ; .- ! I t . -_..,. ·-....... -... ,. 9All. Y ,JLOT c I , JtJl lllon Yard1 Council to Plug Santa Ana River ~ \ • Oil Loophole~ ·Sand Haul Slated ' I 1 to.ti Meu iiulhorltles toaay are look· Jna into methods of tightening local con· ~a OJ\ oil drilling and exploration and checkb\g how other cities regulate garage .. i... llayar Alvin L. Pinkley iniUalecl the move to 1tt tougbtr on on as lhe result of a a!ant-drllled Occidental Petroleum Qrp. bole · under the city. Tbe ex· ploralory drilling Jum<d up no oil. City Attomey Roy June will probe the anti-oil ordinance to tighten It up and plug any polenllal loopholes, whlle the ci- ty staff will report in 60 days on garage sale controls. Huntington Beach and other cities regulate them by ordinance to avoid the inblem or commercial business· in resli!fnt.i.it sectJons, one· some people feel co.ta Meaa has now. Councilman William L. St. Clair in- ___ ttUiU!a.....,Uilt Study-by memo recently, after being approached by one furniture fit.ore owner who branded continuous 1arage aales unfair competition. ~ CO{llentlon is for example. that a 'flmily transferring to another area has a rlgtit to hold an lnfonnal sale, disposing oC ~ld goods and cutting moving and storage costs. But others have begun abusing the privilege, St. Clair uid in his note. buylnc and ttadlog at swap meets and other garage sales to literally run second· hand stores at home. In other action Monday, the couocil : -Appi'oved an agreement to share maintenance com of traffic slgnals at city-county border interited.ions with Ol'anet County officials, if. the two agen- ciet Share jutiJdictlon. -Approved plans for a second picnic ma at TeWlnkle Memorial Park and · authotiied adVerUsement lor submission ct bids for the construction. Few CdM Grads Sign for Reunion Organizers of the Corona del Mar High School elm of 1964 reunkln scheduled Sep[ 3 have so far seen about a.s much response as tbe nearsighted Mr. Magoo. Only about 40 replies have,,come in from the clw of nearly 300, which will celebrate lls fifth graduation anniversary Jlellnning it 8:30 p.m. at Mr. Oo's. forJnerly Magoo'1, in Newpcrl Beach. ~·lions ... 13.i\O per _ ... r7 per couple and may bt mailed to d'iairman Ray Rose in care of Corona del Mar High School, 2101 East Bluff Drive, Newport Beach. tnformation about classmates who are among the missin; may also be sent to Rose at that address. . Crash Brings Suit On School Distric t Two Los Angeles men allegedly injured tn a Costa Mesa traffic accident laat Feb. t have sued the Newport-Mesa Unified School Di!lrid for $30,000 in damages. Albert lJeurance and Nicholaa MJrin want $15,000 each for Injuries they claim they suffered in a collision at Fairview Avenue and Newport Boulevard . They c:harge school district employe TOPl Ab- bey with respomlbUity !or the collision. Flights to LA Airport Checked for 'Pests' LOS ANGELES (AP) -State and county officials set up checks of incoming flights loday at Los Angeles International Airport in an attempt t9 keep pests out of California. The pests of concern are t h e agricultural type. The object is to determine if the slate's $4 billion annual fann industry faces any threat from pesta"bitching ride.I with travelers. OhllY PILOT OU .... CO.Ut P\Jtl 1»llM9 CDMPAH"r lekrt N. w.M ""-*"' ... '*lllllf' J 1cl I . CwHrt \.. vie. Pr41tllllnl eM co-.. MIMt1r 1~ ..... , )(,...,;i ··~ T~11111• A. M~r,~i111 -'"' 1•11« -----JJO w ... l1y Slrt1f M1lll111 A.<Ur1u; f.O. 1 .. 1560, •?626 .,__, .....,.....,,ml*-' ..... .......,. .._ hootlll :m ,._, ... _ ""'"'-""' ""°'; ...... .... \' . " -Approved a '°"' meptlol) pel'!r\lt lot •a Fedco discount department store 1t 3030 Harbor Blvd., lncludilJg • oervice station and auto maintenanoe center in the commercially zoned are•. . -Approved a zone except.Ion permit for modiricaLi9n of ap exisUn1 but ckised , Humble 011 Co. service ~Uon at 2150 Placentia Ave., in a commercial zooe. Smog Council Plans Mee t At Newporter The Newporter lnn In Newport Beach will be the scene for a cablne!-level con· ference on smog and ways IQ cure It. President Nixon's Eniltronmenlal Quality CounCil will meet there afler a session with the Chief Executive in San Clemente on Aug. 26. 'The U.S. Army Corps of En&Ineers nest weelc will be opening bids for a mass;lve haul of one mWJon cubic yards or sandy sedlnttnl from Uie Santa Aoa River chan- nel to Wt.St Newport Buch. 1~ The sand haul wUI accomplish two purpoees ln one. It wUI unclog the river channel. And It will repltniah Wld known frequently to erode !;om WOii Newpm. Carl Nelson, -•Uono •DP-for the C<lllllly Flood Control Deperbnenl, estimates bids by C<JOltacton Aug. II will be in lho Mipoorbood o/ 11110,llil. The coat will be entirely borne by t.be federal gover:unenl. The heavy equipment operaton atrike w111 have the effect of apirallng the coet upwatd, Nelson Wd. II also ill iiktly to delay the project. The danger thia year is not that the .beach-.will .. again erode. and lhreaten seashore dwellers but that with the chan- nel half clogged a flood mlJht break through ~and levees. "With winter coming on we hi'Ve to 1et th!a cleaned out," aaid Nelson. the higher mountains.'" He alao said any cla7 b separ1ted out by the ocean and dumped in quiet waters with the sand being heavier SliiiYinl in the surfline. ' Part oi the Corps contract will be to repair upballic concrete llnina of the river cbanneJ. north of tbe San Dieg1> Freeway to Santiago Creek in Santa Ana. This la just the first ot several con• tracts tbc Corps will be awarding. Upper river repairs will come later. Eventually the lower part of the river mlgh~ jet a concrete lining which could withstand a "standard pro)ect flood.'' the !!ood generated by the largest storm ever. known to have ocewnd in the area com· ing on t.1 wetted wattr&bed, Nelson said. Washington Jioprces said Monday they do not expect the President to attend the Newparler Inn meeting, but other high· ronklnc cablnel ollicen wlll be lbere. 'BUZZ' ALDRIN AS SEEN BY NEIL ARMSTRONG'S CAMERA Moon 'Tourist' Pictures lncludtd in Fotor1m1 He explained protective rock rip rap only lines the bottom of the cbaMel and that the levees are of sand. Last February they began cavlnc in, he said, but fortunately -March wu a dry month. The danger~ by the lledlnaent now on the bottom is that It ralles tbe river level. Cameif Shores Annex A sked By Parsons With Niron u council chairman, the other members include tho ileeretariea of agriculture.; commerce; health. ed!JCl.o Uon and weUare; bouaine al)d urban development; interior and transportaUon, Vice-President A 1 n e w and the PreSident's science advisor, Dr. Lee A. DuBtidge, who acts u e l e c u t I v e l<Crt~ for the group. · Moon 'Snapshots' Part Of F otorama Exhibit Normally, !/le county Flood Control District would have handled the channel cleaning but because of the heavy rains - last winter there was $& millioo in flood repair work to be done. County supervisors, therefore, asked far federal The caves and iocky crap of Corona del fliar 's Cam~ Shores are 1 "no man 's land where the ckJpe usm can evade the law," Newport Beach City Councilman Lindsley Parsons-'declared Monday. Parsons a:i:ked hU fellow councilmen to start action to allow the city to anne1 the tidelands downcoast from Buck Gully !O poJice will have the chance to run the violators out. VehJcles equlpped with vark>us power aources will be on display at the Newporter, courtesy of the Big Three automaken. The engines. In the veh.icles will include turbines. electric motors, ·steam' turbines, and modified internal c o m b u s t i o n engines, supplied by Chrysler, General Motors and Ford. Sources said additional e1hlbits will in· elude 1970 model cars and varioua emission control device1 proposed by in- divldual oil companies. A packet of "snapabots" made by the firat "tourl5tl" on the moon arrived in Newport Beach today for display in Fotorama al FuhJon Island. The ~. a collection of pictures shot "by hind" by Astronauts Nell Armstrong and "Buu'' Aldrin duri ng their working and walking on the Lunar surface, are among unusual pictures to be on display during the three-day show which opens Tbund•y. Another group or pictures from outer space, courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, includes prints of some of the best television pictures made by Mariner I and Mariner 7 Jn the: space ~·-·•closeup" flyby of Mars. Potorama also will include 70 prints frmn the catifornia Pren Photographers "-laUnn. ;nu. ltoveling display, the -· ·Go~lt. Jnclmh!> flnt, second and third place winners from all catqories of compelit.ion a m o n 1 California news photographers. Another traveling exhibit -38 winners in compet.iton among A!aociated Prus photocrapbers in California and Nevada -allo will be on display. Duffer "Commercial'' photographs submitted for display by members of Professional Photographers West, an Orange County unit affiliated with both state and na· tlonal pr o f e 1 s i o n a I photographers' associations, will include some color photographs and otber "pretty pictures.'' Some of the best of the DAILY PILOT will comprise another elhibit within the show. Part of this portion of Fotorama will be a working telephoto machine tied into the United Press International network and a demonstration of how pie~ lures are engraved for publication in the newspaper. Winners from each of the three weeks of I.be Fotorama Camera Contest (for oon-pro!essiona.1 photographers) will be on display in the: Votorama at Fotorama elhlbit CCH!ponsored by radio station KOCM. Fotorama visitors wbo~use one ·o1 two Automatic Voting Machine Corp. units at the lhow to help pick lho grand pr!u winner· from among the three will qualify for prizes worth more than $1,100 furnish- ed by KOCM. or Not?' assistance. · Cost of the Oood repair project has been approved from the federal Office of Emersency Preparedness. The Corps of Engineers also haa responsfbWty ln beach erosion control so the nearness of West Newport Ir a happy circumstance, Nelson said. He .saiu it is planned, with lhe city of NeWport Beach's blessing, that the beach be widened the 1.6 miles from Grant Stree; lo 31st Street as much aa 400 feet oceanward of the present shoreline. The sediment in tbe river channel ca.me from Santa Ana Canyon and the water spreading worts Of the Orange County Water District in Anabeim. • "The naUve: mattrial up there is pretty nice aand," Nellon N1d.. "It comes from Fro111 Pllfle 1 LA MURDERS .• He said he donn't use dru&J, u Implied in the RCMP bulletin. His attorney, Paul Caruso, described him as "an old-fashion- ed, beer-drinking Jriahman." Harrigan said he had known Voityck Frokowsky, one of the victims, for eight months and known Abigail Folger, another victim, for about five months. The other victims were Jay Sebring and Steven Parent. "The whole Cameo Shocea beach area is out of city jurisdiction now, and the drug and curfew violators know it," Par- sons said. • "At. 10 p.m. these people get chased off the city beaches and drift into the no- man·s land to the east and the hippies and pot smokers move into the caves for the night." The shoreline from Buclc Gully downcoast was not included in the past annexation actions for Cameo Shores and Shoreclilfs, Parsons said. H• suggested a rapid request from the city to the Local Agency Fonnation Cml· mission for annualion of the beaches iD the area. From there, the request would go to the State Lands Commissioo, whlch Id· ~ the Udelaods area, th11n back to Newport Beach for lbe tradiUonal an- neution ~res. City Manager Harvey Hurlburt forecast ••no real preblein" With lhe·plan. He Aid that-because there b only one real owner of the ~elands, the matter could P'°" ertM qwte swiftly. The issue of caves and 1awbreakera will face the City Council agein nut Mondi~ when poUce· recommend1tioPS for sealing up or the cave at Rocky Point In the C.oron.a del Mar area comes up far study •. Pol.ice charge that the cave is posiog more and more problems with the same element that is using Cameo Shorts. Nixon Golf Score Stays 'Top Secret' The caretaker at the estate, William Garretson, 19, was arrested and then released last week after undergoing a lie derector test. Mesa Man's Leg JOINS IRVJNE COMPANY PR Man Ferguson Retired Colonel Neiv PR Directo r For Ir vin e Co. A retired ?i-1ar-ine Corps lieutenant col- onel with nationwide experience in advertising and promotion today w1s named director of public relations for the Irvine Company. He is Gilbert W. Fergw;on of Fallbrook who succeed. WUUam L. Aldrich, recenlly mlgned to go back Into hiJ own JXJbllc relations consuliln£ business. "I'm very pleased to be usodlted with the Irvlne Company," .said FersuJOn, after his new po.!t was i announced by WllUam R. Ma.90ll, president. Ferguson spent 25 yean in Ule Marine Corps, rising from the rank of private, with combat'expertence in World War II. Korea and Vietnam, in both infantry and artillery units. He is a fonner information officer al Camp Pendleton, where he directed a staff of 51 persons handllna all press, publir. aod communJly relatfons for the largest ampbJblous base in lbe world. He returned from a Vietnam duty tour In 11165 to bead the Mwe Cor?' na- tional ~munlty relaUOnl ~ and won a 1187 Freedoms F~ first piece award for a motloG picture. "A Doy In Vietnam," ts lho title of Ferauson'1 produc:tion, wblle a teries ol articles he wrote Wt yur a!ter a vbtt to the 'i\'ar zooe l'tc.'ttved D1Uonwide distribution. Fercuson was an <>rana:e County businessman even before ~ the Marine Corps and saict ht b pleu to go back lo work here. "'ryle Irvine Company bu always been an unport.aut part of Callfomla life," Ferguson commented. "Their Wlique approach, Interest and dedication to the c•rerut deveJopmenl or th.la land for a better tomorrow makes me proud to join them,'' he added. l , The Western White Houa is tlght·lip- ped >bout many things, so newsmen ott.n !Um to speailaUon. But there is one piece ol informaUon that defies speculation -an unusailable top secn:t, about which nobody is huan:ling .a guess. It is President Nixon's Coif score. He's got one, for a certainty. He was the linb for the fourth day in a row Mon· day. He flew a helicopter to the Camp Pendleton Golf Co\U'se -unaccompanied by the presa. He 'went with David and Julie Eisenhower and :iiome: family friends. Nol even a photcarapher went along. The President apparently vetoed a pro- mise by Press Secretary Ron Ziegler that cameramen would be permitted to take pictures of the President at the firs! tee somewhere. "I won't allow anyone lo lalce a picture of me in a llDd trap," Mr. Niron said kiddingly Jul week. Fro111 P .. e 1 BUDGET .•. budget modifications.'' Tucker said his record of concern over thtse points speaks for itself: -Fll.IJ accountiing or the Haig and Haig golf tournament held at the municipal golf cours!. -Statements or monthly prolit and loss. -Transactions involving the go If course. -Public revelatjon of surplus money Jn budget sections at tlle end ol Ult fia· cal year. -Hiring a city treasurtr as a working cmploye, rather Ulan a s a titular r...,.he>d. --Owliing the firm which wdlta dty book!. -EltabliJhina: definite funds to cover future capflll improvements needed in the ctty. Councilman Tucker also 11.id his e1rly relettnce lo lnlegrity in thor0<tgh city budcet explanation -a word which lr· rllated the city manqer ln a peraonal '"'* -has been sonieWhat distorted. He quotes the diCUonary definlUOn of fntesrlly u : the quality or state ol betng complete; unbrOken con d It Io n 1, wholeness, entlrtty. "That's what our city budget Mould reflect -the state ol beloe complete,·• heJdded. ' ' ------------ Hil enthusiasm for the game is in marked contrast to the low regard he once had !or goll. He admittedly played a duffer's game. Nobody on the White House stall is tell- ing whether be still does. "We're not disclosing any scores," said a presiden- tial alde. His trip to Camp Pendleton's coorse Monday WIS his second in the past few days. He was last there Friday. Over the weekend, he tried out the greens at coun· try clubs in Palm Springs and Oceanside. Il Is evident ~t lhe President intends to make full use of the seven-tee, four- green mini-golf · course now being developed for his private use nett to his San Clemente swnmer estate. Jack Nicklaus may have to move over yet. YOUR Police said they were no longer seeking the other thrte men named in the RCMP bulletin. They are friends of Harri1an, but he aaJd they all were out of the stlte the nigbt of the slayin&a. Soviets to Ratify Nuclear Spread Ban GENEVA IAP) -Ale1ei Roshchin, Soviet delegate lo the 25-nalion disarma- ment talks, said todcty the Soviet Union Is preparing to ratify the treaty banning the spread of nuclear weapon!. The Soviet Union and the United Stales have signed but not ratified lbe non- proliferation triaty concluded last year. ' Mangled by Car A Cosla Mesa man suffered 1. badly mangled leg Monday night when struck by a car making a wi~, swingln& turn through a market parking lot, police said today. Richard E. Martz, 54, ol 1327 Baker St., was admitted to Hoag Memorial Hospital with a compound fracture of the upper right hip and other, lesser injuries. Nurses said today he is doing as well as can be expected. f.1otorist James E. Hooker, 18, of 3036 Country Club Drive. Costa f\1~sa. ap- parently didn'l see Martz before the 8:30 p.n.1. accident at 2975 Harbor Bl vd .. P.Qlice said. ... Your Omtgo. S4lt1 & Stroict Agencv ------·· 0 OMEGA n.. ..,,., '"'" 0111tt• Sp11d..,11f1r w1t,h w1 (ltrY Wfl lllt,ttd with· o~! ••Y ..,otfifi,t lien i.y NASA lo bt w••• by our min •• th1 mo••· Th:o r1,1t~!ti1n, lrvly 1 ,.. w11d fi r 1ic1ll1n,1, WATCH~ I i• CIM!lell FREE .... ~ •• "'' ,, .... c1 •• i.. ·-·Oilod wwt. r .. w• •Mi-rL\ILS $2.00 s4a~."~ 11+muN•,..... llH•S $3.00 SIDD,,,_ DIAMONH $6.00 •• llPU.CI D, ,,_ 011u1•:=,• W-I N•U.YIN• IOftl -.. ld&llorl Huntington Ctnter leach at Edl119er WHIU YOU WA" HUNTINGTON IEACH m 892°5501 v•ur 1uth1ria1cl O"'•f• j1wtl1r. Co"'• i11 -111 ... ,. h11M11.,,.., 2 ~irtt."' 4 ~111, 0111 .. 1 S111M111t1• ftr C~llllfllflh. Jht tJlly ••kh w.n ~ ........ ,. ... tilt rn1ea. r rict Itta. TOMI AfAJLA l l.I and bac:k Harbor Shopping Ctnttr 2300 Hatbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 545.9415 • Korea's Park Due Thursday For Meeting SAN • FRANCISCO (UPI) -South Korean Pre_,ident Park Chung Hee will Oy into the Bay area a day in advance of bis Thunday meeting with President Nixon.. Park's tentative &ehedule announced here Monday called for him to leave Seoul via Pan Amerk:an charter Wed· n<sday and land at Mollett Field In nearby SuMyvale. Hc, 1his wife, a security guard, and a group of top ministers Ulen will be whisk· ed to Monterey for an overnight stay before coming to San Francisco. Thursday, he will be flown by helicopter to the San Franclsco Presidio where he and his party will be welcomed - by President Nixon and Secretary of State William P. Rogers, then escorted by motorcade to the St. Francis Hotel oo Union Squ~e. , ' CAil Y l'ILOT Stiff """" J-. Auo•Jt 19, lM • S .DAILY PILOT I Chief Disputes · ' . . H~nna Allegation By TERRY S. COVILLE OI! .. Diii\' , ..... , ... "Charges that Orange County police deparlmentl 1n1 not applylng for I-al crime prevention fUnds couldn't be further from the• truth,'" 1'11 tbe reply Huntington Beacll Chief ol Polito Earl Robitaille had today for Rep. Jllcllanl T. llama (D-Westminltll'). Hanna complained that local agendet are not taking adY'ant.age of federal funds available u n d e r the Safe Streets and Crime Control Act. "I think he_ was just fed IOOle bad In· fonnatlon," aald Robitaille, today. "Last March ' we applied for $5,000 fur our training program and in June we re<:elv· ed. a reply that no funds are available." Hanna aaid Wednesday that funds would aoon be approved and provided. Y's-Men Promise . Hun\lnctoo eeOch i111 two men ,.... quests for !-.! flmdl ..., In the pll<>- n!ng stqe, odded llobltallle. "We will requeot about $330,000 lo '350,000 Jn I e de ra I funds !qr our helicopter PJ'<lll'llD."' he uplalned, "t.nd we are workfi1.g oo a new, aecret project. which might eventually require llOll,000 in federal funds." "The problem wltlt the federal pro- gram," cOnUnued Huntlhgton. Beach's chief Policeman, "is that many local departmenta believe it ii nothing more than lip service. We baveri't really aeen the money yet." Robitaille alto explained thal city PollC!' departments, ~ targets of Hanna'• charges, decided several months. ago to push· their requeals throogh one ..-ganJ. zation, lhe: Orange CountJ' Council on Criminal Justict, rather than file indJ .. vidual TequesUI. · · "We feel joint acUon will bring u9 much quicker, effect.Ive resulta."' aaid U,. chief. j Secreary Rogers will ho&t a Junch for President Park in the Bohemian Club and &~dent NilconJlas_pJanoed ~lavish r;tate dlnner at th,e St. Francis later In the day. SOME PROPERTY OWNERS SAY TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR DOWNTOWN HUNTINGTON BEACH Others Obloct to Any R...iovolopmont Plan . That Would Wlpo Out Existing Buslno11 MemheJi Drive As it stands, tile federal ly1lem , .. quires that monetary requests go first to the county, then to the state for acreeoing urposes. Beach Merchants Buck Pier Plan· August has been a slow month for the Founlaln Valley Y's-Men's AssociaUon, but newly elected president Robert Marguiles has vowed a "hµvy emphasis on membership" starting In September. "Our acUvity has dropped to almost nothJng ln the summer," aa1d Margulies, "but beginning ln September we plan to JaWlCh a heavy membershlp·drive and in- itiate several more activities." ''Several states have already requested a revision ol tbil entire program," added Robit.aille. "For a department to receive con- sideration," explained Bobltallle, 4'the project for which money 11 requested mWI be unique and of possible beoellt lo otber departments. 1bese f4!deral hmdt are not available for ordinary ~. but f« development of new techniques and programs. n By JACK BROBACK CM t1111 0.ll'f' Plitt Sltff Huntington Beach's "Top of the Pier Development Plan," to be presented to the city council early next' month does not have the unanimous backing of pro- perty owners most affected. Some downtown area merchantl!I are strongly oppoi;ed to any plan which wou.Jd wipe out present businesses. On the other hand, bankers and others see destruc· Lion of blighted areas as the only logcial long.range solution to the vexing pro- blems those areas present. The "Top of the Pier" target area stretches one block Inland to Walnut !\venue between 6th Street on the west and. roughly, Lake Street on the east. It Includes five acres east of Lake and north to AtlanUc Avenue. Cost of the project is esUmated at $3.86 million, according to Monte Nitzkow ski, chairman 0£ lhe Urban Land Institute Citizens Steering Committee. BUYING LAND 'Involved would be buying the land at appraised prices, with condemnation if ~ecessary, clearing the. existing blighted iuildings, construction of about 2,000 parking spaces on the inland side o£ the tighway and development ct plans to 'ease air rights o~r a portion of the ~king area. The financial expert on the committee, William Wren of the Huntington Beach 1 ::ompany, says the project will lose noney for the first few years, but climb o an estimated $467 ,000 a year profit in lve years. Oscar Taylor or Udo Isle, longtime iwner of downtown HUl'ltington Beach 1roperty, calls the proposal "a good dea," and adds, "It's better than doing nothing as they have betn for the past several years." Taylor built an office and apartment building at 5th Street and Olive Avenue about four years ago. He says it has been anything but a wecess. "l'm losing about $350 a month on that thing now because the downtown area bas remained static." He also owns a lot near First Street and Pacific Coast Highway which he says, "I will sell to the city at cost." RAN CHECK "If someone ran a check on the money spent on planning In Huntington Beach for the last several years and compared the thousands that have been squandered with results, it wouldn't be a pretty pie~ lure," Taylor complains. "All we have had ls talk, talk since the UU study in 1961 and no a et.ion. Let's have some!" C. E. "Bill" Woods, president of the Chamber of Commerce agrees somewha t with Taylor: "The concept of getting something done in the downtown area is great. I hope they proceed," he says. Woods adds that the chamber has taken no position as yet. "The idea has been ouUined to our executive committee and we will present it to the directors soon and take a pos.ition. But as of now l have no comment as chamber president. DYNAMIC OPPONENT Paul Boos, fart owner of Hwitington Beach ·clinlca Laboratories, 314 6th St., is one of the most dynamic opponents of tile huge parking lot Jll1l!l"'al. "If they want a parking Jot they ought lo place it on the other side of town," he suggests, 11that way they can ~ve the town. But now they will stmply use up the natural beach resources." ''The wont step they took was putting that h!Jbe parking lot they now have down on the sand. In five ye.a.rs Huntington Beach won't have enough sand area for the crowds," prophesied Boos. He a I s o suggested curving Pacific Coast Highway around the downtown area to force tourists to drift past the stores. Another strong opponent is Bob Terry, owner al Terry's Buick at 6th and Walnut streets within the proposed parking zone. "You can be sure there will be a strong fight from the merchants in this area," he declares, "I think the council is setting up a smoke screen, trying to make the property owners do something 1.'1. their own." "Parking may be needed here," ex. plained Terry, "but owners can provide it on an individual basis. Beside, Laguna Beach doesn't have parking and they're not dying." CREATED PROBLEMS "The city council created the whole problem," added Terry, "il they want to condemn us for having the wrong ele- ment here they should never have issued the business licenses." More support for the parking proposal tends lo come from the banks, of which downtown Hunt.ingt.oo Beach boasts tbree. "I think it's a necesmty to the com- munity," says Floyd A. Rob is on, . manager of the United States National Bank. 302 5th SL, "I can't see any loopholes in the plan. Something must be dooe.'1 Absentee o w n e r s are the fact.on: Robison feels keeps the area from devek>ping on its own. ''Coordination ls the key W whatever plan is adopted," says Robinson, "and a parking authority seems to be the only way to unify the town." Summer Safe -'.Jina/ :::bagt. f..::d.1. iZ"'.;~~ v7 ·r =M' SALE PRICES: DINING TABLE $239 SIDE CHAIR $60. • • OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL. HERITAGE, HENREDON, NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HERITAGE & HEN~EDON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. IEDUCTIONS ON ACCISSORIU, LAMPS, AND PICTURIS ARE ALSO AVAILAIU. N!WPORT BEACH 1727 W•lcllff Dr. 642-2050 Of'IM NIDAY 'TIL t DUXIL. HWTA~. HINIEDON DIAUR INTIRIOIS P..-S..,.1 lotorfor LAGUNA BEACH Dotlfnart S45 North Coast Hwy. AYOllablo-AID-NSID -.......... ' .... '" ,_ .... ., 0.-.. e...., ..... , • .., 494-6551 Dave L. Phillips, assistant vice pres!· dent of Security Pacific National Bank, comer of Main and Walnut Streets, feels a huge parking complex will "make other business praperUes more of a premium, thereby bringing better business in and forcing the poorer ones out." "Tourism would probably be the desired goal," he says, "then some of the business, such as The Fisherman, mlght flourish as they ought to." NOT SURE I W. H. Jacoby, manager of the United California Bank, 309 Main St., isn't sure about the plan, but has called for out.side assistance to help evaluate it. "Some of our bank property men will study the proposal to see if it does hold any merit for downtown revitalization. I really can't say much about the proposal at this time," he explained. The Y's-Men's Association is a service club currently operating out of the West Orange County YMCA with a Founlaln Valley membership of about 20 men. "We meet the first and third Saturday morning each monlb,t1 said Margulies. "'and our purpose is to develop youth pro. ei-ams in the city." Currently the group 11ponsora the Y·ln· dian Guides, for boys age M, and the Grey-Y's for boys 10-13. The organization ls five years old in Fountain Valley. Silnllar service clubs exist in Westminster, Huntington Beach and other cities served by the West Orange County (Westminster) YMCA. "We hope to form Junlor·Y and lll-Y groups this fall," said Margulies, ex. plaining plans ,... growth. "Our long term goal is t.o establish a fUll YMCA facility for Fountain VaHey .. ~· "We want to gel people involved in our group and involved with the youth of the community," be added. ~ A future request BunttngtOQ. Be.acli might ...,,Ider would provide fullds lot construcUon of the new police fadllty; within the pr~ civic center. ' "Plans are still too early for 111 to make a request on that, .. said Robltallle. "and the bullding will have to offer something unique in.the conatructloo of Polito faclliUes." New Records Li8ted At Beach Library Recordings of 350 classical 1tandar':di salted with a sprinkling of folk. country, show tunes and holiday musJe are now. available at the HunUngton Beai:h Public Library's two annexes, according to Mrs.· Oliver Glas, audio-visual library auiJ.. lanl. General consensus of op ponents seems to be that the parking lot woulO waste a lot of valuable beachfront properly and would do lHUe toward rejuvenating the downtown area. Many also oppose governmental Interference in private entel'):l'lse: Individuals 1 in~rut.ed. . ln Fountain Valley's Y'1-Men'1 AallOclaUon can call the YMCA, nusn, ... J\Wgullel, l&i- •• for f~ :lnfaraWIDn. Annex 1 Is located at Edinger Avenue and Graham Street, and Annex 2 at 1281 Banning St., on the J~_Eader Scb_90I_ groundl. • The reason you're not readingthisis because y0u alreaCly know we have- morajng,mid-day and eve11ing , jets goingto • · Thereasonyou'renotmidlngthfaJsbecauseY"1!alreadyknowwehavenewSmlar DC.9'e with more leg room for aU·paseengers t.o make your trip more comfortalile. : So lnst.ead of reading any of this, just call your ~ave! Agent or Air West and p. Air\latislhewut'sownaidioe•• I • • • I ' 'l'nlJ • ._ lt, 1969 Troops Rei:olorce ' Embattled Units ............... .., J-,let_. u, ..,. of th• !IO 1iJ1J wbo will be Princeton Uni· venlly'a fint coeda nut month, bu WOii the dty'a till• of "Min JlltlDI." Mias Fletcher, a Long Beach, N.J., residen~ won a $500 prize and trophy in th• contest, part of th• city's 1wnmer festival procram. • A llll-year-<>ld boy hopped Into a 1biny red car in an automobile ohowroom In London and drove it through the window. The boy told police, "l llke to drive." • SAIGON (AP) -HUllcltodl of U.S. ln- fantrymeu .... ""1led to the rolllng tootblllJ 311 mn .. 10Uth of Da Nanr today to relieve two Amer1can companies badly baliered b1 a North Vletnamae lon:e .even timel their me. BaUlelleld r-11 saJd the two com- panies from iJw 116th Light Infantry llri&ade. lotallllg 177 men. bad IRlffered about 40 percent casualtlea -15 mm killed and mort than SO wounded. But American officers Aki the outnumbered lnlllllr)'mm to&ether with American bombers and arWle:y bad killed 111 North Vietnamese. nir.. other mialler ll&hta also flared South Vletnam'1 northemmoet provinces from 1IOUlb of Da Nanr to the domUltaru- ed zone 200 mlle1 to the oortiL U.S. in- fantrymen and Marines reported killing a total of. 173 North Vietnamese in the northernmost provinces, while U.S. cuualUea were put tt 11 kllled and more than 70 wounded. Fighting also cootinued oo a mialler oeale In the Saigon ,.g1on, with four sldnnlabes ranging !rem 20 miles south of the capital to I> !llil" north·ol the city. Two Americans ud 22 enemy were ~ killed and 1J Americana wound- In lllOlher secliOll ol the country, the central plateau, heavy 851 raids In· dlcated a new entmy threat was develop- ing. At many u to of the big bombers dropped 1,2!0 loDa of bombs alOlll the Clmbodlln bonier -Ill mllel northeut vi Salioo. It WU the buvleat llr attack In !lie arq In nearty two montha. . In Ibo fisht!ng' llOUtb of Da N .... Ibo two U.S. companies were MTOUDded about four mllea apart and on Ol'POllle ddel of their patrol bale, whlcb ii on a ridge between two valleys. LL Col C<dl M. Henl')' of Rome, Ga., the Amartcans' battallaa commander, &ald h1a two companle1 oo Suoday "ran lntofon:es a hell of a 1'11,blqer," pooolbly !,200 North Vietnamese, who he belleved were moving into posltlon for an attack on • settlement of 3,000 rdugee1 not far away at Hiep Due. Henry Aid the Americam and North Vietnamese "IUl'priseci each other" and a buvy exchal!ie of fire erupted. The two embaWed American com-i>anlea. commanded by Capt. John Whit· tecar of Sallna. Kan., and Capt. Willlam Gayler of M1nera1 WellJ, Ta.. were thrown on the defensive Monday night because of the superior· numbers of North Vietnamese. Fighting we,, at close hand, at limes 10 to 20 yards. Medical evacu a ti on helicopters were unable to lift out most <1( the wounded because ot heavy enemy fire. One helicopter going in had it.s tall rotor shot off but limped back to Da Nang. Another helicopter landed in "pitch bl:?.ckness" without any light.s, officers Aid, and tool; out eight wounded. Wilson Enters Ireland Two fiW<• """"' o pr<tly pkture ., Loi Angelu c.,..q, Foir qu,,,. contutant Shlrlq Coombt, 201iecr· old Col Poly (P°'""""J coed, focw" htr camera: ·on one of Cal Poly'• li ttle fi!lie1. Shirley ii ou of seven col- lto• gt rll centutd in the l'air Queen conteat. Crisis, Urges R eforms • The !Ire brigade had to be called to remove the wedding ring JI). year-<>ld 11.onni• Riley of Chelms- ford, England had ollpped onto his !Inger 10 he would look married. "I thought If I wu married I could leave school," Ronnie explained. • San F'ranclsco necktie manufac- turer lleoll J, l!rne1t h11 learned a new use for hls producta, but ii cost him '2;000 worth of valuables. Emest. 55, was robbed by three men wbo used hls ties to hind him before ransacking his home. • Ev~ hippit1 are not an is· land un.to tMmfelves, on U'ndtr· · ground M WtpaptT hlUI Uarned. The Miami Free Preis, adver· tiling for a aale.r manager, IUO· oesttd: "If you are looking for D freak out job do n.ot bother to apply, We ttt t d an t .stabli.sh- mtnt pu1on to dtal with i staf>. li.rhmtnt. .. • A clever parrot which dlllgbted customers in a Dover, Del . pet 1hop by opening women's pur1e1 open· ed the wrong door and provided an ocelot wltb a high-priced dinner. "It was a smart bird, too smart for ll! own good," 1hop owner Vic· tor Schimp said. "The cat 1ure bad an expensive meal, more expen1lve than any I've ever had'' The pa r- rot -actually a blue and red mac- aw -was priced at $500. • London Police said a motor- ist left a German shepherd in hJs parked car to protect the unlocked vehicle from car thieves. The driv- er returned to find the dog had been stolen, they said. LONDON (UPll -Prime Mlnlster Harold Wilson conferred today on the Northern Ireland crilil with Prime Mlnilter J am e 1 Otlchester-Clark. Government IOW'Ces 1ald WI I 1 o n demanded JW!ft monrui to end the threat of civil war in those ill countiet. Wlllon ~ tint ln emergency session will> bll cabinet while pollce and troop• guarded the govermuent area of London against possible o u t b r e a k 1 or dlstrubanca by Loodoa'1 IOll,000 Iri.<b residenta • In Dublln, the Irllh Re p u b 11 c Govemmeot announced Its s e cu r I t y pollct hlw stepped up their watch on llL!J>tCled · rlneleadoti · of Ibo outlawed lri!h-Ripubl!Can Army (IRA) which an- nouoced on Monday It has sent "fully equipped" detachments across the border Into Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland, which appeared on th! brink of civil war at height of the Catholic-Protestant disorders last week, spent a third trouble-free night and Catholic and Protestant v I g 11 a n t e s patrolled the streeui today to enforce the uneasy peace. Before the cabinet meeting W-tlson con- ferred w 1th Home Secretary James Callaghan, who ha.s overall responsibility for civil order in the United Kingdom, and wttb Defeo,. Secretary DenL. He..1<7. Healey bu poUUcal control over Winnie Ruth Gets to Phoenix PHOEN!ll (UP!) -Winnie Ruth Judd ·vu returned to Arbon.a Monday after a ;even-year absence, and 1 be r I t f • s leputles were promptly ordered to have ;ier in court Wednesday morning. 11!.e famed trunk murderess of the 1930s. accompanied by Capt. Ralph McMillan of. the Maricopa County sher· iff'a offic e, was fiDWIJ here from Marti· oez, Calll. As they stepped from the plane at Sky Harbor Airport, Mclt1illan was presented a writ of habeas corpus by one of Mrs. Judd's attorneys, Larry Debus. the British troops flown to Northern Ireland. Wllaon broke off his vacation ln the Scilly Isles off the southweat of England ·and flew to London for today's meeting. Originally he planned to meet only with key members of the cabinet but political IO!Jrces said he had transformed Jt into a full cabinet session. Storm Seeding Operation Called . 'Huge Success' ROOSEVELT ROADS, Puerta Rico (AP) -The first massive attempt in history to tame a hurricane has been caJled a huge success by the project director. \Veary, bu t elated from 14 houls of nying th rough Tropical Stonn Debbie, Dr. Cecil R. Gentry touched down late Monday night ind pronounced his mission a "huge operational success." But, sclen· ti!ically, he cauUoned : "We might sWI have to work for months." Gentry did not go into .details on the claims of success and Debbie probably will be altacked again Wednesday. "Today was meteorology's man on the moon," said lhe alternate proiect direc· tor, Hany Hawkins. "The difference is we won't know for six months whether we've landed or not." Hawklns explained that months of sclentfc data analysis will be needed before any conclwiom can be made. He emphasized that taming the hurricane was only one goal. In the seed.Ing operation, Navy A6A jets made five separate penetratiorui into the eye of the storm, 600 miles off the coast of Puerto Rico in what Gentry called the "first multiple seeding operation in h!story." The planes, nown by trained pilots and bombardiers Oew direcUy into the eye of Debbie at 500 miles an hour, and dropped their bombs -containing silver iodide expected to diS!ipate the stonn's energy by causing ice crystals to form. Skies Sunny Around U.S. Reno, Nevada Shares Mark For Cold est Pla ce C'ellfornlo T-•""" 11-.. allttttlY - muct. fll loullll!"lll C•llfoml• ,_.., ~ -A'llirf 111111'1 • Mrlll- ...., '-' -. It ... toeMr•li., f91r """" -""''dtof *-doudlrlll$ •111111 ... ''°"' Ifie co.ti, .,,.. ........ ,. .. l• .............. fllld -Mly tuMll!ft9 Wlflt - .wi\' """""""' ltw <kl,ldl--. Tiie ... ...., -· • ..,., ... low •Uftf- .. llrlllM It "· 'TM l>M ,....,.. ~ Dlfill'tet ............. -""" """ Ill "" ... -...... """' ......., ...... 111 Ill llVIM .... '" Ill 1-w, t.lllf .. ,... ...... w. T1lrl ... .,. ""*' _,. Ill ~ ...... Tilfrt ... rn!lf -""" If it.-~ .,. .ir tllf'llJMl'•I-,..,. JJI the ..., l'OI •M wat.F temper· ....,.. ... ..... .... ., ... ...... .. ........... ...... ... ,.. -tit' """'"' .................. , _, ----............ " .. "'""' .,_,,, .......... Mllll ....... !wtt fll 1•-. .................. ""°''"~"' . _.. -~""""' ... ....., '""' ""' ..,...klffl _,.... for toMT •I ~ ..,... C.lltONlll ~!fin: LOflt ..,. .... Stfll• ~ ,..,., l llr> .... ,, ... Ml. WtltOfl 1MO, P•llT'INlt f'1..f .. ft Mf'lkle """' Ptllfl t,rilWI Ul•IN. ltll;trflltlt ,.,, .. , tMI °"'" ,.,. ..,,.. .. ....,. Jt.11. c...ier ~-Cltudl M -!ti' """" Ill •lte-. WHttrty wll!lllls t lo IS kllllf1. Hlttt tod4ol' 1'. Ve.t.rdtr'I ""-'•""" ,.l'!Hd """"' • """ Of " .. , .. 11111"'11 ,.,,,.,.. .... ,.. r•• ... u t. a. w1"'° 111n~•h1,.. .... ., ... ...... Sun, Moon, l'ld~• VU•IDAV Finl W ....... . 1:• I .I'll. 1.t Flrlt ..... t:)( '·"'-I.I WIDl'tl SDAY "''"' 1'11141 •••••••••••••• 2:• '·'"· 2.1 1'"1rll law .............. 1rlt t .m. t.5 lt«llld lltlfl .... , ....... t:• p,m. J t S.Cond ltw •••••.•.•••.. 11:0. '·'"· ••• Sift llllMt f ;'t 1.1¥1 ... It 7:)' 1,m. M-. Ri. U:11111,m, S.lt lO:ff '·'"• '-"' •• 9ttw l"lrst O. .._JI .... _. Wf, II A\11, 20 """" '1 .......... Att.n!• ft-"'"11-ld ft lttn41rtk .... "'"'" CIP!C'IMltl ..... .......... ..... .......... ·--..... K•nu1 Cltr l .-"""'" Mi.mr MlnM1~10B• "'""" OrJNfll .... y .. Norttt "1.tt. ...... Ok'-'-'-Clly .,,_ l"llfl'I S..rlnft ,. .... ~ -· "!lhll\lrft ....... llte,ict CllY ·-1-Kr•melllo 1•11 u._, City SI" Dlf$0 Sl~ Frencheo Se1ttt. SPek:t"' "''""'' w- Hi.ti L.l'w Pnc. •• 4J .01 . " "' ft TI " d .. " " " It 1• 11 7j . " " n N n " " .. '' " " •• 11 ... N • 15 " " ,. • n .It t5 tl .:w . " n " " " 111 .. " " '" n 11 ,, 11 Jt " " fl " " " " N . " SI 5l 1• " ,01 .. " IOI 1• .. " ..... ----~'---- ORAMA Picks These Third Week Yo u to Sekct the Grand 'fhrough 23 at Fmhion Second Place 'INNOCENCE'-Here's a beach scene wh ich tells its own story as see n through the lens of Jerry Hornbeak of 240 I Bla ckhorn, Newpo rt Beach. Jerry wins $15 in Fashion Islan d gift certificates for the picture of black girl Roberta Culver of Los Angeles ey- ing a cluster of white kids. Third P i nce 'MIDNIGHT SNACK' -Mrs. John !Joan) Gage of 2610 Lingan Lane, Santa Ana does it again with th is pic- ture of her own 1-year·old son, Mark, at the refrigeralor. Mrs. Gage placed sec ond in the second week of the Fotorame contest. This picture earns her • th ird place and $I 0 in ~eshion Island gift certificates. • Winn ers and Invites Prize 'Winner Aug. 21 Island First Place 'MOMENT OF TRUTH '-Cory Pierre ' Saget, 22, whose .. parents reside at 2845 Europa Drive, Costa Mesa, prac- t ically had a bull in his lap last January when he captured this dram ait c mom- ent in the town of Frag es in th e south of Fronce. It wins first place-$25 in Fash ion Island gift certificates-in the third and final week of the Foto ra ma Camera Contest and earns Saget a shot at on addiiionol $500 in gift cer- tificates to be awarded the gr~ n d prize winner selected by popular vote of Fotorama visitors Aug . 21 through" 23 at· Fashio n Island. ------------~~~------------------------------------- -I 20 Nabbed QUBM! lnNarco Ring Bust Yorty Vetoes LA Pay Hike LOS ANGELES (UPI) -An ordinance which would have bcm1ed city employes ' &alarie.s by an additional $4.S million was veloed Monday by Mayor Sam Yorty who said he did not want to "jeopardize" a report by a private firm mak- ing a study of the city salary structure. Yorty said the report of the private firm was due Dec. 31, just 10 days after the council's proposed s a I a r y ordinance wooJd have taken efiect. The ordinance would have given a 2.75 percent raise to the workers. in addition to the increases, averaging 5.5 per- ttnl, which became eUective July I. 2 Biggest Auctioneers Set All-time Art Sales LONDON (AP) -The world's two biggest art auc· tioneers reported this week they have broken all known records in selling $133,408,804 worth or paintings., jewelry and other such items in the pest year. The total turnover surprised even the most optimistic ex- perts in Sotheby's a n d Christies. In each case, total sales represented about a 20 percent increase on the previous year, calculated always from July to July. J;!,ig ltems included Rem· brandl.! and other old masters. But I.he impressionist school, now spreading globally, con· tributed a big share. The Siuctiooeers are of one mind as lo how this has burgeoned: people w l l h Price Rises Won't Slow For Year WASH INGTON (UPI) President Nixon's White House economist says t h e ad· miDiatraUon's fight against in· llatlon isn't going to reflect succe.u at the pricetag level for perhBps one year. Moreover, he says, U1en'·s going to be some "pain'' for everyone -businessman, workingman and consumer - whle lhe admlnistraUon's Jn. !latfokhecldng policies l>ke hold. Paul W. 1ifcCr1cken. chairman of the council o{ emoornk advisers, says Jn· flaUon bas ben a fact of American Ille for so long that "ao Jrtterlude ol substantially stronger" withdrawal palm is now tn ettm for the country. McOracken, former University of Michigan faculty member, made his forec11sts In an Addresa before the Univenllt o ( Wl!«lnsln's 11radu1te school of bank ing. Coples were made avallJble to Wubinlton ,.porters. money, facing taxation everywhere, are choosing to leave their possessions to their heirs in the tangible form of objets d'art. "It makes sense," said one Sotheby's authority, "But the prices are reaching !Uch pro- portions we are just a bit amazed ." Sotheby's reported t h e I r London facilities and Parke- Bernet Galleries in New York together turned over $96.833,618 in sales as of Aug. J. 'This is almost $24 million more than the previous year, which was·itsell a record. Christies recorded $36,575,186 sales in the 1!)63.69 season, an increase of 21 per- cent. Sotbeby's now.stretching oul into a dozen countries in· eluding a new venture in Japan, said the weight of its sales was mainly in paintings. Christies found their biggest leap was in jewelry, apart from pictures, prints, draw- ings and watercolors. Their biggest jewelry sale was of possessions of the Jate Nina Dyer, 1)nce married to Baron voo Thyssen , which yielded '2,966,961 at a Geneva auclion. Demos Vote In Virginia RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Vi rginia Democrats nominate their candidate ror go11ernor today in a runoff primary election that is a d.ir'f;ct lest of the strength of tht Democratic party structure. Their choice was between William C. Battle, fonner am- bassado r to Australia and 110D of a fo~er Virginia governor, and State Sen. Henry E. Howell Jr. of Norfolk, who ha& mounted a strong popullst·lMe campaign pegged to consumer Interests, The decision apparently will mean whelher the Democral3 want to move at D. moderat.c pace away from the party's ronseivelive past with BatUe or to speed lhinss up con· 31derably with the mo r c Uli<ral lloweil. Tutsdlt, .l.UQUJl 19, 1969 Czechs Ban Mediterranean BoUdop Invasion Protests Soviets Flex Navy Mu8cle Which type are you? Here 11n1 f.-eavlngs plans, doofgned for fOlll' diffaronttypes of people. Which one lllOls your eavlngs per80n81ity7 The chans wiU show you how each one works. Pick a number from 1 to 4 and lot one of our people experte get yo11 etarted on your personalized aovtngs program. Whatever yQUf ~· there Is a savings plan tor you at Newport Balboa $8Ylngs. Are you one of the regular people? Pl.AN #1 Regular Account This plen is for regular people with regular salaries who have decided to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, butwho want their money working for them. They also want it to be some place they can get their hands on it if they need it in a hurry. If they can leave it alone for a yearor more, ltwill give them the Big Annual 5.13 yl~ld. REGUUJ! MOl<THl.Y INVESTM£NT $25 $50 $1tO 6Mos. 152. ~ 608 1 Yr. 308 616 1.233 2Yrs. 632 t.'2&4 2,529 3Yra. 972 1,946 3.892 -4 Yrs. 1.331 2.66Z 5,324 s Yrs. 1,707 3,415 6,830 IOYra.. 3,900 7,801 15,602 1sYrs. 6,715 13,432 26,864 20Yrs. 10,329 20,li62 41,325 .1.n~-M...,,;Li 1 3 ... ,..,.. e11 .............. _-i_111\tl "' s.oo'llt. -.-..w doll' .., ,.iill ....,.. lto!J (l)ls b 1 11111 t ft-1 nofll .. !1.1)%.I 'T"" ~ ifmoMf P• 1111f wry flllOll"""' to !ftl 1M tlott.i~ 111td U. ~ .... -••W11111~1,, ...... . Are you one of the other -people people? PlAH #2 Ufe Income 1'1111 This ia for people who have a sumofmoneytf"'1 would li ke tD put ealde and receive the Interest every month but not touch the prtnclpaL Pethaps you Intend to leaveyourmoneytoyour heini. In this plan the, or1gfnal Investment Is retained fora llfetlme and you have a regular income every month. If your future plans are for your chlldnon's future, then this 88Vlngs progrm~rllll"'"' maysu~you. LFE lllCOliE PUii ----"2.000 .. ..,,. 20.000 25.000 00.000 • Ill.OD ... -00.00 Pw- llllOPw-......... ............... Ara you one of the retiring people? Pl.AN #3 Mon!NJ Secarllr Acc- Thls ls tor people who have a lump sum of money but who know that If they don't put It away somewhere out of sigh~ theywi ll spend It. Perhaps they are looking forward to reti rement and known would be betterto have a certa in amount coming ln fNery month over a given period. NotonlywiR they get back a lot more than they put In, but there wlll be a neategg to reward themselves for not blowing ~ all at once. IMST flfl,000.00 NII>: receNe lnd.ycMI rettln inonth for ., eetate or , som 10,..... * e.m.oo $ 8).00 1S)'Mrt' $ 7,725.00 $ 75.00 JO)'e(llt'S $ 4,775.00 $ 75.00 1Syers $ 1,000.00 f\00.00 10,... ' 87SJJO lllYOST $211,000.GO ANDo '°' recel"9 Md )'Oii Nt1tlrl llldl "'°"'*' ror • maa. or $UXl.OO -to yeera $25,l!llXl.OO $1 00.00 15yewt $26,050.CO s1 so.oo toye .. $t7.aoo.oo $200.00 10yeatll $10.000.00 '250.00 10 '"'"" .$ 2.200.00 = ................ .. .. .s.e. 1104 " .. ~ e.. ............... ... ,_ ........ .., ...... II)! ••• ....................... .......-.....t ........... _ ._, ...... """"' ........ ..... .................. a1 -,... Are you one of the patient people? Pl.AN #4 Gu•ranteecf Annuol Rote~ Thlo plan Is for paUent people who already have a sum of money to Invest and ore wllling towaltawhile for a good return on their money. The minimum deposit is $1 ,000 (more If you wlsh, of courae). in exchange for which you receive a certJffcate which guarani.es e 30% growth If left untouched for 5 yea re. Ive you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT ls for you. YOU YOO WU 11£CllYE.,. STARf .,._ llftw aftw wmc ',.... •,...,. s,. .. .. 1,000 $ 1.170. 1,233 $ 1,900 '•.ooo ' ..... '~, .. ' • ..,,. $1 0,000 $11,7(15: $1 2.,336 $13,001 $1~000 $17.550 $18.504 $19.502 ~v:::-UU% 6.840.4 6.00% ~ 17°/o 23% 30% • DAILY PILOT 5 , GOODW I LL fndustries Your Doll ar Buys More At The GOODWILL STORE SPECIALS . THIS WEEK! HOLLYWOOD BED FRAMES . $695 NEW Hotel Special I MATTRESstS s55 00 Twin or Full Set $69.95 Value I King Size 9ueen Size Extra Long Twin or Full WHITE TAGS 1 /2 PRICE Typewriters S9.95 to s20 Special! BOX SPRINGS & MATIRESS $31.90 & $37.50 PILLOWS $2, 75 •.. Please Use These Boolhs In Your ' Reighborh'ood Call 644-2479 For Pickup S•rvice , II r , , - I c &ULY PILOT EDITORIAL "PAGE A Golden Oppor·tµnit y ~yman ~ H. Burke (R·HUDtinglon :a.:11) wu tinallY sacce111ul ta hlJ effort to repul a law puled ta 1917. The Jaw would have made it ~ble fOr school • district boards to Ht whatever ..-tu rate thty felt necessary to run the schoola wltlloUt a tu payer vote on "'tu overrides."' Thus with tbe law repeoled before it became effec- tive 1cdJ ~ri wUI have no opportunity to 1ee twr/ tllelr elacfed school boards would perform If they wera •Jlven llscal ftsponaiblllty equlvalent to their edu- cauoiial ftsponslbtllty. The esperiment would have been Interesting. But apparently legislators have been luke-wann about the ·1dee ever since they enacted ll AJ matters """'· stand, nothing has been cban1ed. The school districts are riibt where they were -in trouble, and wllh botll the Leglalature and the governor unable or unwillinl to come lo grips with the problem or lo allow anyone e!Je to do·so. lack of leadership on school finaace problems in both the legislative and uacuUv1 branch•• ii allow-ill& tile California llChool syatem, once celebrated for top cj\ial!ty, to coatlnue underfinanced and in serious 1~ualonal acbool men might see some financial hope on another front. A northern California Judge has ruled that the two-thlrds vote requirement for 1chool bond Issue• ii UDC011illitutlonal. He said it vlotated the U.S. Supreme Court's one-man one-vote decree. Similar ·n11ngs have been made by c:owts in Weal Virginia and Idaho. 18 1uch bond Issues on ballots (ii the state, 79 drew majority approval but failed for lack of the ·two-thirds mltjortty. But by tbe same token, passage of more bonds will mean more burden on tbe property Ulf· payer. Combining tbe shortage of school operating fW\dS with tbe potential for heavier property tues to meet new bond costs means more pressure will come for the state to again assume a heavier share of school costs -returning lo at least SO percent mliead of tbe present 30 to 40 percent. There i1 a golden opportunity -and a desperate need -!or some new and realistic thinking in Sacra- mento on tbe problems of finaacinf o\11' schools. Un- happily, lt i.t nowhere in prospect. Contrast in Attitudes 'SOme 4,000 Peace Action Committee members cat- ried out their marching plans at San Clemente Sunday without Incident · Their activities contributed nothing of significance to the Vlebwn problem. Whether the personal satis- faction they may have gotten from 41doing their thing" jus\illed the trouble and cost to which they put S.an Clemente aJ\d the police from neighboring communities is very doubtful. While they' were marching, consider the contrast.. ing altitude in a:omall city 200 miles north in California. Porterville, a Tulare County town of 12,000 on the edge of the Sierra·Nevada, has been bereaved by the Vietnam Wu totally out of proportion to population - 22 gold st@rs. The city's mayor · said no resident is heard lo protest the war, saying "that would be a lack of faith in our country." ' ' The tw<>lhinls vote roquirement wu challenJed on cnJUDds It gave opp011ents of bond luuet the equtvilent of two votes for eviOry vote ta favor. (Reeaoning behind the two-tblrds requlremenl.s was tbat achoo! bond fi· nanclng csme from property tues only. Statewide bond Issues are peid off under the much broader taxing pow- • of tile state and 10 roqulra only a majority vote.) If the northeni California court rultag Is upheld on oppee!, more achoo! bond lsuu will pass. Last year, of Which voices, you ask, offer the spirit of Ameiica -thOse beard in Porterville or those heard last Sun· day ta San' Clemente! ,, -""W.1..~ UNFORTUNATELY, I l>ON'r KNOW 00\Y ~$A'{ rr JN ARAitc." Appliance Prob"lem? Put On Pressure ~· .. ~ .. ,,..,...,.ft ~ • r• "',""~'>t'.·> ' 1 ':· ~ : '.'\;': ~ ~. \ ' '.>; '. .{, .. . " ..... -~ ... ' ,We bouPl wllat lhrfoll a "lop-of.the· lme" rtfri.serater aQC( freezer, at a pnce t0 turn any hwlbend -OD ,the first of Ibo ,_th. About I ,.., later -which is lilt I Ion( UlDI U fir U dUJ'll>Jo goods .. -...... the rtlriprllor and the ,....,. Mllalll Jiad" ~ aacU in the jq. llllatl'oo. . ~ -" the -lbelvblp bad lllleoi .,i. ao that bOttles could DOI be -.. the -· 'l'llm WU a crllls In Ibo Id...,.. .¥an1 ~ calll were .-, f"' -·-. Satlllactlon -,.-. bat not delivered. 10, IllLUPI' ,um, Y, I callod the .....,._, in -dty. Al luck ~ haft I~ mr column appears in a -In !bat dty, IO !bat I was than an anonymcm trate ....-. 'The public ~ eot busy; we were aioured tbll ..W doon -Id be arriving la a mat1or of dly1. ln a -ofweekl-manyweei<s- lliw doon armed at our '-· Al the nlml . ._ted lbem, RU.,• 'l!>at he 1-?:c;;;u Ill the lmulation. He dido 't --to -the unpacking, but ....... -up qalo and pn>mised to .... ---IOOll~ED oattobeano lher ~ It wu now more than thrte ...... -,.. bed lint reportod the Dear Gloomy Gu.a: Wbeo I Clj1lola IS On bla ahip, bla flq Is alwlyt flying. Since we have the 11captain" ol our country ..... in ~ County, II), 1ooc1 --fly their flap •vet:"/ dly tbal he Is In residence. -B. B. nit.....,.,..... ............. .. :it ~ "',...'::';. :..::. ... ...; :::. defective insulation, which wu strictly the manufacturer'• fllllt -and all tbll time, "" hill -nmaiDI -.... ~ at hlll thi ...... t,y ancrdoubla lbt ..,...tlnc eapime. And we aot. -resulll lbrou&h the appll<otlm if "mmcle." But what li the nlaeclt had been lacldn&? A poor fl1llllr can't al!onl to lOll<e Jq-dlltanco calls to the manufactutt:r. Tbt aver11e householder is impolent to get altenUon. much leu action. without the pressutt of adverse publicity. He ill, in a word, stuck. MllJJONS OF Americans are stuck to- ilay Jn trying to get appliances fixed. As the New York Times commented recenUy, "There's lhe poMibility that the authorized service company doesn't answer the phone, that the dealer doesn't want to hear about it, and that findloa: a re3p0Dlive ear at the manUfacturtr's - giant that it is -is all but impossible." If you've had such a problem, write, call or wire the Association of Home Ap- pliance Manuflctuml, IO Norlh Wacker Drive. Chlcqo. Tbty art spclkesmen· for the whole lndufley. Put aa:tbeopnoaiu'e • Let them know. And let your lrtends know. It's past .t1me for trade assocla· lions lo start living ~p the noble phrases In lbeirbroc!nlm. For a Rosier Life • • • Lila wwld bt ·""!tr li the postman !nu#-. leltm Un these: "-blr Jne Jtm<rack. the guy ""° -7ea oat by tbret votes when oor NP sehool 81'lduatilll eta.. was seloc· tac tbe· -·-lltelf lo succeed? --w.n, It IMMI Ule be bu been in ~ llCll a...blo ever aloce )I< llarttd ..... ~ had checb. Recently be had nieol ol Illa teelb lcnocted out lo a twawl ti a low dive on. Elm Street. Scrne " bis eld ..._. ...... taking up • .,,,. 1eetioo lo bar blm a IOI ol falae teeth oo he'll at I-lool< nopoctable at the 1$111 r...ioo,, _ dau nell llP<lnC· •1Sball J put you down fot a buct''" • "'l'llE R.lllJL 11 of your annual ~ uamtudkta are now in. Ni your -.,., I mall IS7 Y"U are a medical --·-,..., .... ttYou btve thl heartbeat ol a college ...... y,_· hmp m dur; your liver 1811 _,.. -A·plua; ,lhtre m no 111J11 of aloer 1 your .inuacllWure can only 111-tlled as faboloal. YCMI.,. In sucb ~ ...= = :..-11o11ev· your hair MJf0; 1 •no reuen for rou to'° on a dllt flt tUe tpedal exerc:iles. YOU ire fM le Ml at drlalt &IQlh1Ill YCMI WIDL" ""lllll, I WAli'f '°" to tUt cbarit ef ...... durlioa my~Eucop<. CW' ,,..,, ltm early ... c' .... ..,. -prob-......... ..,. lo..,_ lo 1"".. t'I'. .,,_. 11-••e' ••••_.rd Ukt ,. •• 1-JW to -blo -.. '""'! ..... aimor .... !bill vlca ...... ;;:1 • .-.. --........ -Ille "'"' " bettor ,.. ta.&lllo-_ ... ......., bedlJ. ..,.. """ "' ..... him .. -be ... ,. 17 7 ' lo,.~ 11 wtuld be --............. botb know i. ._ ._ "1ltll II -• ahiv 11 your -1111* Is ltllell » ,_.. Y°'!_ cao_ give him a farftell bonus U you feel like it -but keep it amtlt .. 11AS YOU PROBABLY knew, your great aµnt hid planned lot """l' ,ean to leave her fortune to a foundaU. for hom<leac animals. "But after her favorite cat Batched her in ruentinent because tt bad been servtd .-lbrlmp lnllead ol lmh bro!led lo-. tbe deu nld lacty cblnCed her mind -and ber will, loo. "Al -of her -le, 11 ls my pleasant duty to Inform you that your -t aunt has left everytblng lo you. 'lblJ ·includes, bolldel -·~·· ; .. vestment porUolio, ber leuhote hom< • her collecUon of valuable palnUngs and antique French furniture, her personal jewelry. and three mink coats. "She llao left y.., tbe cat. but since the animal Is already II years old, you proh- ably-." "NO, IT WON'T be necessary for ,.. to wear tie and tails or a masquerade; cost.um.e to the White House Halloween ball. As you know, Mrs. Nixon and I are both pretty down·to.earth pt()Ple and don't go in for stuffy affairs. '"So just WI your wile lo wtlf -thing lnlonnol. An ordinary bull.-.Wt will do for ,... It allould h daulllJ op. -"le. u a matltt ol feet, -... I'd 1ta yoo i. sla1 !or 1 chat -the alllat ,_. leave llld ~'::,"' lw --... .., '• "'•""" polideo. "Hope you won't mind allo If "' lllow ,.. • ''" --tUea durlDI -reoent world trip. Be 11n 14 laifW ilDnc a pod appetjte -LY!ldoO has Siii up sewa I aldel o1 Ont Tuu bee! kl' tbe l!l'tt··· Will Be Crack . Down on Court's Militant 'Peacenik'? Douglas Is Burger's First Big Test WASHING TON -Chief Justice Warren Burger is faced wllb hl5 first challenging test. It's a' forceful congressiooaJ .demand that he crack down on a clearly high-han. ded a'nd arbitrary act by' a 71-year--Old Supreme Court colleague -JusUce WlWam 0. Douglas, milltanl "peacenik," virulent foe of the draft, carping critic of tbe mi!ltaey, ll1d unW recently the $12,000+y~ head of a foundation that derived -considerable income from La.s Vegas gambling casinos. Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La., chairman of llio llouoe Anned Services IUbcommltteu on tt1' National Guard, ,_.,. and the draft, in a lott<r to Burger (onnally asked that be overrule an extnonllnary onler Wued by Douglas in a t1)1lcally irregular manner. RECENTLY, in the latest 'or 8 series of such. ~tently biased edlcb, Douglas authorized I.he release on $1,000 bail of Capt. Howard Levy, the Anny doctor sentenced to three years in prison for refusing to tra!a medics for atfvice in Vietnam. This was done by Douglas under characteriJlically unusua1 cifcumStances. The releaie was issued by Ooua;las from his vacation caltage in Wublngtoq Stale by IOfli-dlllance phone through hl5 Supreme COurt oUJce -after Levy had been denied bail by federal court! In Penmylvania and by Justice William Brennan Jr., wbo has jurisdiction in that area. In <1lher words, Douglas arr<1gated to himself dictatorial Powers to liberate the duJy convk:ted and sentenced "peacenll:." THIS IS AN OLD story wllb Douglas - as caustically pointed out by Rep. He. bert in bis letter to Qllef Justice Burger,· as follows: 1'Justlce Douglas has · disqualified himself to pass judgment on any ca!ts involving Vietnam, the dralt. or the military in general. I cannot understand how and why Justice Douglas is being allowed to continue to hamstring the milltary services . '1'lt seems only logical that if be can override a decision by Justice Brennan then the Chief Justice can override a decision by Justice Douglas. His presence in cases Jnvolvlng the military makes a mockery of ju.rtlce beaiuse he has preconceived ideas on the subject and has repeatedly placed himself in tbe posi· tion of Ignoring recognized Supreme Court practices and decrees." ''PEACENJKS•" PAL -In the numerol1$ other high·hand.ed releases and stays of this kind issued by Douglu, the four,Umes-married jurist was brusquely overruled by bis eight coUeague.s. In cyery lnlitance, they firmly slapped him down. Douglas granted these 0 peacenik" ac. commodations after they had been denied by former Chief Justice Warren and Justices Black, BreMan, Harlan aDd White. Whether Chief Justice Burge will fn. tervene and personally reverse hlm 1n 1 this latest case, as demanded by Hebert, or wait until the Court reconvenes in October nmains to be seen. Earlier this year, Hebert sternly warn· ed then.chief Justice Warren that if the tribunal itself didn't tighten its rules of procedures so as to put an end to • "~bitrary and capricious" decrtts by its members, legislatioo to forcibly impose such curbs would be pressed in Congress. OUT\VARDLY, the Court dld not re· spond to this threat. However, Douglas stopped handing out his emaordina.ry "peacenik" edicts.. Whether there was any connection between the two is known only to lhe Nine Old Men. In his blunt letter to Warren, llebert minced no words in castigating Doualas, charging he not only acted in a "hlghly imgular manner" but is nolorlOU!ly "pe.acenik." "Justice Douglas' action," Hebert told Warren, "has reflected a complete and utter lack of judicial restraint, and ln my view was prompted solely by his sense of Political activism -in short, his ap- parent opposition to Uie war in Vietnam. The fact that a Chief Justice and other as.soclate justices found no basis for the issuance of stay orders and denied the r~ quest! de1etted JusUce Douglas not at au. ~ "HIS APPARENT conviction that the Congress of the United Slates and the President should be prevented (rom con- tinuing the war appears to be his over· riding objective. The personal vendetta being pursued by Justice Douglas against the war in Vietnam clearly makes him incapable o! providing an objective judg· ment on this matter. "His arbitrary and capricious action cannot but adversely affect the alrea(ly tarnlshed image of the Supreme Court." By Robert S. Allen and John A. Goldsmith Righ.t of . Public Workers to Strike Until comparaUvtly recently, a strike agatnst iovernment was looked upon in most quarters 11 tantamount to treason. Early leadera of the labor union move- ment were vehement in Condemning atrites by anployu of government. Every st.ate Jn the union, by statute and common law, makes a strike against 1overnment Ulega1. But irrespective of the law and the prloc:lple involved, public employes have bee.n 1 t r i k i n I · Schoolteachers, poUcernen, f I r e m e n , garbap collecton, subway workers and others employed in vital public services have resorted lo strikes wilh n'ar calamitoua resuJt.s. The principle that a public-employe strike b a conspiracy against ·government ls apparently no longer a dete.rrenl Thus, what would seem to be a near insoluble problem ar!Jea. WHAT IS 'l'llE ANSWER lo strikes b~ workers in aovmunent service? Mr. Theodore W. Kbeel, one of the n1UOn'1 top labor mediators, d.Lscusses the sulr ject in a national magarJne. Mr. Kheel ha1 been • labor lawyer, mediator ~d arbitrator aince the early 114-0's sertlnc in many naUonal~er,ency disputes In loaashorlng,. shipping, alrllne and raiJ. roal! induatrie.s, 1.t well as public.employe hor1alolni deadlocb. Mr. Kheel believes tbt legal outlawing of 1lrikes by eovernment employes has become a pracUcal Impossibility. lie polnll out that local government cur· n:ntly employs: 1.5 million people nnd " ..• II one ol tM coontry's fast'st grov.•, in& lndultrlea." In the nert decade, lh<ll'lc wortina for Nte ~ clt,y governmenLs ..---811 George ---• llearGtom· ' 'l!wlta for tbe advt.. 1holil got· U.., • aurprlse p.-.t for my motber-ll>41w, who !ova au. I IOOt her a leopard. TOMB. Dear T«n B.: 'lbll column does '° much good In the wmld' tbaLsomtUmes 1r1 ollard for me i. 1111 humble. ( ...,-ro.-·-·:" ..,_., .............. , ) • I Gµe@t Repoz:t · l d ~·-'~-· --... -.. --.. ...: •. _.;..../ will increase lo 14 million. Currently, another 2.a. million work for the federal government. And public employes, like any other group in contemporary society, are " ... getting into the orpnizing act ... "AccordJ.nl to Mr. Kheel, one organization-the America n Federation o{ State, Gounty and Municipal Employes-may soon outrank such giant! as the Teamsters, the Automobile Worker1 and the Machinists, IN MR. KHEEL'S view, anlistrike laws are wor&e than useleN in that they set up barriers to collect.Ive baraaining. He bellevea that in finding an altematlve.t9 . antistrike laws, "The first step is to review the premise that 1) legaliiing strikes means strikes will be the rule rather than the exception, and 2) thtteiore the public-service employe must be treated as • second-class citizen." He . recommends g i v i n g lllm" ... tbe same right.s to ~anlze and bargain collectiv.ely, H he es, that we give to workers In private industry.'" He wo.ild also make the Tift.RiftleyAct applicable to public service employes and so give the President tbe power to invoke an lj)-day cooling off period. Mr. Kheel cit.es two instances of public emptoye strikes where uUllzaUoa « the Taft· S econdary Meaning Arthur wrote a novel, 11FBt Story," ln 1950, a fictional account about how a special aient aolved a major crime. The book, for one reasoo or another, wu not widely read. Years later Ephraim wrote 1 best seller, "The FBI Story," dealing with ac. tual cases. The book was aueceuful. and a company bought the movie righls and made a picture. Arthur uked Ephraim several limes, and then the movie com, pany, to change the title or the picture. lie said they had made improper use of "his title and story." They refused to make the change. ARTllUR TllEN sued, but the C01.1rt denied recovery. It held that there was no similarity In the books, and Arthur had DO rights in the t.lUe of a pubUc agen- cy. 'n\1a wu because the old Utle had not obtained "secondary mY.111ng" -lbat Is. a meanlft&' which would prompt a perlOll, on belrinl Ibo lerlll, lo think 0114' of. Artbur11 book. SotMUmu, however, a general term, auch u 0 American," "Uoked St.atei," ...r .. California" can pin "secondary0 tdeft.· WlcaUon. This ~as happened for a telephone oom~y. a ltetl concern, and a bant, so t1W the C011tls wW prohibit I Law -.;· ·--·-.. ~~.· 1 ~ ..._ • in. Action j ·----~ ........ " anyone else from using the words io a slmllar way. The u.se, in these clrcumstaoces:, would be unfair com- p<UUon. IN GENERAL. a name gtts 1 secon- dary meaning .,,-hen the public coma to identi fy the name with a parllcular com, pany or product. A later Uler would gtln at the first user's expense, Unce the ftrat user had done all the wori: to build up the name's value. Besides, its u.te would deceive the public. The law is strict with -who knows that the public relies upon an oNinal maker's name for good quauty ancf lntesrtty, and then fools tbe publlc by lr)'lni to potm off copies. 1be !int maller can obtain a court order at once to atop the _... uae. "' may alJO .,,uect dama&H from Ibo imllotor 10< tbe harm done i. his bualnul or product. No£1: Califonzio la~trl offer this colunn1 10 goM ma!i know abouc our """'" Hartley type of emergency procedures could have saved the day. IN FLORIDA a publi c employe ls bar· red by law from striking or belonging to an orsani.zaUoo which advocates the use of strikes. "Yet," jn Mr. Kneel's words, ''about half of Florida's pub 11 c schoolteachers walked out ... and shut down most of the state's schools for 15 da,ys. They dldn 't call it a strike: they 'resigned' en masse." There was no maclWiery for collecUve bargaining. Mr. Kheel describes a somewhat similar situation in New York state, where the law grants public employes the right tG "negotiite collectively" but outlaw11 strikes. Again, he believes that if there had been a Taft.Hortley "cooling-off period," with arbltraUon as a last resort, New York would have been !pared the hardahips of the garbage and subway worters' strikes. ln conclusion, Mr. Kheel admits freely lhat his suggestions leave many problem! unsolved because, "Barga1nin1 in the public sect.or is still in it.s infancy, We st.Ill have to improve the skill o( those who bargain. And W"t .•• stUI have to solve problems that are special to the public sector ... 'Jbe challenge is to improve col· lectJve bargalnlng, not to replace ft.'' hdastrlal News Jlevtew ----- Tuesday, August 19, 1969 Thi editorial page oJ the DaUv PUot 111t. to inform and 1tim. N1a.tt rcadcr1 bfl prc11n«no thil tU!IDIPQJ>V• OJ)fni0111 and com- lll<!ftlortl °" fopioo Of lnlfrCll and 1lgnlfic<m<c, bv J>1oviding • fonun {Of' Utt t%J>f'l•rio1& of our rtodtr1• °"'"'°"'· and br pn11nuny the dlv•r•• w~ JrOlitta o lnformed obstf'Wf"I •n4 ipokfnnen on topfct of !Al do¥. Robert N. Weed, Publlaber \ I ' ' l I • • It r d p f• c n CHECKING ·• UP ·• · · , Why Do So Many ' <:'..--. Divorcees Rewed? By L. !t BOYD AMONG 21·year-oJds In this country,· the women named ?i.fary outnumber the men named J Qbn now by lhree to two. , .CAN YOU NAME any famous femlnlne investor? How about any fa mo u's feminine: inaglctan! I cannot. WHAT'S IJTn.E KNOWN is that sllver·headed cane, car· ried by , the re.a,! B a t Masterson, was given to him by President Theodore Roosevelt. • .MUST NOT FORGET to file the fac\ a sizable whale's heart weighs about 750 pounds. • .ONE STATISCAL STUDY lndltates those jobholders most apt to come down with pneumonia include bartenders. LOVE AND WAR - Chances are 98 out of 100 a M- year-old divorcee will get married again. H ow e v e r , chances a 30-.year-old widow v.•ltl get matTled again are only 81 out of 100. That's what I reported. "But why the dif4 ference?" inquires a client Took tbis matter up again with our Love and War man, and he explajned, "Because a number of divorcees decide who they're going to marry ne xt even before they're divorced, while few widows do." He says some analysts construe from these figures that approximately 17 percent of all divorcees have other men wailing to marry them when they break up with their husbands. CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. "\Vasn't it James Thurber \.\'ho said, 'Early risers are conceited in the morning and stupid in the afternoon'?" A. No, that was Dean Swift. Thurber said, "Early to rise and early to bed makes a ~ale healthy, wealthy and dead." Q. '"THAT BORDER TOWN called Tijuana, what's it mean?" A. Tijuana? 1'Clty near the Sea." POlJSB JOU-••I've been drinkln& your com· syrup for ,tJJ: monUul,'' wrote the. POliab genttemah to a corn syrup bot- Uer, "but my feet l1il1 ab:\'t no better." Thal ii a Polish Jol<e. Poles do not get irritated by Poll.sh jokea. Poles llke Polish jokes. Please relu. LANGUAGE M A N You've eaten fmnan baddie. Or declined to, one. ~t dO you know how lhe Scols-yeo, olr, the Scota -came so to name said dish?, Finnin stand.I for Flndon, lhe Scollisll-town !>Ost known for its sea fare smokers. Haddie st.ands Jor haddock, althouah 'bow anybody could get CO%'J enough with that fish to nickname it is most mysteriou.s. Incldentally, Joho Burymore onoe defined love as that "delightful in-- terval between meeting 1 beautiful girl and discoverin& that she looks like a haddock." INTERCOMS -Do you own 1 summer cottage? If ao, how about vandals, do you get many? A major mail-0rder house sells for about $30 .a simple set of silent senshive jntercoms. They can be rigged so every sound in your vacant haven will be overheard 50meplace else. Wben I am away from my front farm cabin, if I ever get it, I am going to hide a turned-up pair of those intercoms in the rafters. And when trespassers tlppytoe in on their little cat feet, I will push the button and make a noise like a disturbed Jover. That ought to scatter the little bandits. Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and wilt be med wherever pos· :iible In "Checking Up." Addres1 mail to L. M. Bo~. in care of th< DAILY PILOT, Bo:r 1B75, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663, State Fair Benefits From Cal ExPo's Woes SACRAMENTO (UPI) -capllol. Puking w a s In- The old familiar Callfornla adequate ahd tlie display State Fair begins an la.day buildings were det.er1oraUng. run Friday in a new home The new. site is a spacious amid an unfinished project 1.000 acres ·along t h e planned to become the American River and adjacent "showcase of the G<Jlden to lnterslate 80 with plenty o( parking, new display halls and Stale.'' a brand new race track and The show still is being billed grandstand. as "Cal Expo" (California Ex:-One private investor has ad. position) but the format is ded a mini monorail system to haul visitors around t h e strictly that of the venerable spacious, but v i r t u a J l y st.ate fair. treeless, grounds. There will be plenty of coun-But Expo's woes continue to ly and agricultural exhibits mount. and showings of livestock by The attorney General's of- -4H and Future Farmers of fice is studying award of the master concession contract to America clubs. American News Co., now call· A horse race meeting begins ed Ancorp National Services Aug. 25 with quarterhorse and 1 thorOughbred races e v e r Y "~he firm was awarded the afternoon except Su nd a Y. contract in a second round of There's a rodeo and rock bidding after It agreed to tn- bands will entertain most crease the share of profit.I It evenings. would return to the state and LA Heroes Get Cash, Medals ·Stanford To Continue Transplants STANFORD (UPI) -Stan· ford University's h e a rt transplant program will con- ttnue despJte the deaths ot Dr. Philip Blalberg of South Africa and the latest Stanford reel· pient. Seven of Stanford's 16 reci· pierts are still alive, including Robert McKee, 5.2, Palo Alto engineer who received the heart of a Menlo Part doctor on Aug. 31, 1961. He has lived the longest of any Slanford transplant. Dr. Norman Shumway, who performed America's first adult heart transplant in January, 1968, declined to comm·ent on tht death_ or Blaiberg. But a spokesman for the UniVersity Medical Center said Monday "the members of our transplant team are vuy pleased with the success they've had , particularly in lhe treatment of h e a r t re-• jection." Ht: said Stanford would continue its program. Stanford's latest recipient, Herman Scalea, M, Phoenix, Ariz., dled Sunday 10 hours after receiving the heart of an anonymous donor. FILM LOSS 'SHAKY' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Of. ficials at the Los Angeles County J.fuseum of Natural History 3re a little shaky about the thief who stole a 15· minute film of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. They're afraid he might try to show it. The movie, in addition to its age, has a nitroglycerine base. If viewed on modem-day equipment, it might explode - endangering the projectionist and possibly others present. The film, described as the on- ly copy in existence, disap- peared from a desk at the museum over last wt:ekend. A (ll' museum curator es timated its r value at $5,000. Sitter Slaying Suspect Jailed The final week will feature a upped its promised investment collectors' fair with antique, in capjtal improvements from gem and mineral and hob-$1.2 million to more than S2 LOS ANGELES {AP) -A bycraft shows. million. 22--year-old man has been Last year, the Californ ia There have been reports booked for investiaaUon of a HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE Announces Religious School Regi~tration to be held at St. James Episcopal Church J20f ft. Liff, N..,_t ..... • • J • "' .\ ~ ~ ., ' ·l • l 1• •• •· o. .~ '· '-'· ~. "' ,,, 'j , .. •: ... " "" ·! •• Expositio n -an inco1nplete underworld figures with mafia murder in the alaylng of a t> part of a projected $.'Jf million c 0 n n e c t t 0 n s havt: been year-old Palmdale baby&ltler N o r t h e r n C a I i f o r n i a associated with the firm. whose body wu found in a va- playground to rival Disneyland The contractors who built cant lot Alq:, 10. 1: -opened its gates. It was ac-the racetrack plant filed S2 nte man, Joseph L e e , ~ '.~~T.~~~:=~:~~~: .. r.~.~~_f_~~iilt_·~-~-~-gf_~_cr_f:n_~_:_:a_rr_~:_;,_t_;_~_.;_·;_;_._d:_~_~_·_r_~_ .... _:_ntr_;~~J Buy 3, Atlas . H~I! tirJs,. get 4 ~tire lree1:.,· Cal Expo closed ii! gatesl: " ' I f 1 -l ' -""T ) ~~:~~*~ ~7itro~~~r.~ 1 see By today's (or , b'!_V 1 Atlas , H·P.t tire ; get 2!!!! tire '% price Expo is mired in deb\ and Wan! Ads: A 41 Gov. Ronald Reagan's ad-W.lft nra S.ts•l 2 nru Ftd. £L The tlas H-P can give you twice the mile- ministraUon is searching for .,,TIM s... ..,lit ZIHll s... Tu 1 ~age you"d get from tlr .. s t•at come on' private investment to take Siu llni. 440 •• """ T1lh TIN "' "' " over. ,......... Tlrt nru Prit••btfl 1 2 'ric• Tlrn: Tire most new 1969 cars. Under that rugged,• In lhe meanlimi, the state, D-70-14 595-14 43.00 FREEi 43.00 43.00 21.50 21.50 2.24 "·hich underw~e 113 million •No hitchlnl ridet nee& E-70-14 735-14 .oo FREEi 43.00 43.00 2l.50 2l.50 2·33 extra-wide tread are two·flb,erglass safety '"" aary; "Slick QUck'' model 50 • • In bonds to begin construction, F-70-14 775-14 43.00 FREEi 43.00 43.00 21.50 21 . ,. 4 I Is obligated to pick up Expo's Schwinn Stlna·ray, llke F-70-15 ns-15 43.00 FREE i 43.00 43.00 21.so 21.so 2.so belts that virtually elimlnate .tread-wear .. , debts to maintain its good ' . new. G-70-14 825-14 48.00 FREE i 48.00 48.00 24 .00 24.00 2.59 ing squirm. The Atlas H-P's Vicron poly·l credit rating. G-70-15 815-15 41.00 FREEi 48.00 48.00 24.00 24.00 2.69 . The 1969 Legislature ap-H-70-15 845-15 63.oo FREEi 53.oo 53.oo 2e.so 26.50 2.85 ester cord body alsO,means extra slrength. J)ropriated $650,000 to cover e Dark room d e v 0 t e e s; •P'tlcu sllOwn .,. hi ttltct 1t St111dard Stations 1nd .,. suffested reall pricu 11 Chmon Dt1ltn. lhls season'S ant l c Ip ate d devel. equip., Omep en· operating deficit -mainly wages of Expo'• employes. "" larger, t:uel ,dryl!t', etc. It also approved a budget item cf $1.3 miUicn toward retiring th( bond debt. The tallfornla State Fair did benefit some Crom the Ex· po disaster. The fair had suf- fered In recent years In lls cramped quarters In a com· • ChMper than bit-hopping, Hom~ade 5' Bu with .. w rack and mosaic top. Stock ll to )"OUt <nl'n l1stt. AT ALL AND PARTICIPATING STANDARD STATIONS • CHEVRON DEALE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA f'9ll1111•t11 "ATW " Alf. U.S.'''· Orf., Atlt1 C~Piily Coifr,,_llf .. (/\o s; ,, . ' , .. mordal uca ea5I d lhell..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..--.-.-.-..11 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~'--;rJ"~~-:---· . I I I ' ! I f ' I ' I I r .. ~. t I DAllY PllOT r....i.,, ...... 1 •• 1%9 Atetllu Sigtud•re Dropouts OK Direct Vote Bill County Drops Requirement On Schools OK'd SANTA ANA -Shown that blgil scbool dtopouta can be trained as productive empioyes, Orange County government bu done away wllh Ila requirement of a high school cilploma as 'I quaWlca· tlon for employment. tor Wllllam C. Hart. Hart pointed to the cases of S5 ''bard c o r e W>empk>yed'' penons now in training ln sii SANTA ANA -On Gov. Reagan11 desk for signatUtt Is kgislation saying the people Meetings DEATH NOTiCES STIEVE Emm.1 Slie'ft. Servlce-t Hlldlft'I •I W"klll'I CIMIPll MGrlulfY, 6"IMIU. MINKE NlftC;J M. Ml'*.t . H'lT 1rildtwll!lh Una. NftfPOl'i 8eedl. O.le o/ deeftl, Autu1! JI, krvlwd 1W mottier. """" W. MIMt, I+-' 9ffdl; IWOlher, fl-"'! I . Ml'*•• Jr., C111tit "'"411 111eot, .H"is ..._ Mll*t1 ,..,...., R- •ld Du.I,.,. Mlfllr.e, b09' d Colli Mele. S.O-ice., Wilt'......,, I PM, Pac:lllc: View ~. l1119f!ntftl, PKllk Vltw Memori.I Park. Directed by PKlflc: View M011111r>1, COLEMAN llllMlll I , CMmM. 21'• VIJii Efl- 1'..S.. -1 leldl. $11Nlftd IW wlte. a.n.r11 .....,,Mts. Louise ~ 1r19~er. Rolll"I Hlll1 1!1t1tes; trld Mlll f.Wrllyn Co11m1n, M8WPOl1 &ffall 1l1- 1tr, Mn. EltMr Toti, L.,. """'"'' broltll'r, J-(. (otrrN!'I., L..Mlllt, Mld'llN11; 1n4 ttvee tr1!1dctilldrfft. ienok• Wlll be Mid Tltvn$r, Aw-u1r )1, l PM. PKlfk VltW Ch-.!. lnler-m, l>Klllc: View Memorlsl P1rll. Oirect9d 1w P.td~ Vltw M«• ""''· .._. .... T. Gll1tr11, UOO C~I !"It«, "-' 8-cfl, o. .. d .. 11'1, Awult 11. klrVl'ffdl 1W -. J1t1Wt S. OH-llT .. 1 • .,._, Jemn T. '1>111trw, NHHl't (iM;dl, llld HOW1rd ll. Gii· •"-• L• AnMle$1 tretit-vnndda""Pl-l-Uur1 L .. 1/ld Jnn,._ MkMIW, bollfl Ill "-1 kid\. Stfvlca. Wiii tlll llelll SioturWy, ""'Ull 23, 11 AM. Pdlt View C'-1· llHirrmffll, P .. ()fie VltW Memo!'l91 P1"-Olr«led by P"1fk Vltw Mortu1ry. DART .Hllft M. 0.11. AM ff, (If Na. • Muntin910fl ....... ttuntln9il:sl &HUI. D•t.t llf.._de'llh. ""'· 11. sv,-.lfta 111 wlk, Oiorlsi e.u.tolen .... nu ••~r. Oorollrf Gle"" •NI JOln l"r1efke1 IOfll, Jlllln INI Je<ry Dlt1J bfO'IMr•, o-w 111111 Fir!~ Olrh lb~, e .. tt-111 Md(•n1 lO 1randall1C1rtfl '"° fDIH' _f..,lndetlll6rtll. ServkQ, WMl....,.Y, lt AM.. Sml"-Cl\I HI. lnt..,...nt, SkYl!ns Ntemorlel P1rk. Pertll<'lll. On. Smllt\1 MOrtu1ry, DI. """'· CLARK ,,,...,...,... T. Cltrk. llS ("f'Pl'fH Dl'ln, l.-'I &eK!'I. O.te ol <1Htt., ""''·"' 11. $UrtlWd by litlH, Miu C1 llllt"IM Ptlllll•. s.n;.;.a. ~ •• Au1u1t 10. J PM. .$Mffer L-ne lat;!! Mar• ... ,., a-1. CLAYTON Ylr9IM Cleytor1. :IOI Vklorla Sr., c.t. ......... 5e<Ytcll5 el'ld In"'"'*'' wm N ...w 111 llmll"91'1tm. Al1t1..-n1. 1111 .............. MCll'tu1ry, 110 Sroed- M Y, CGI!& Mell, '°"".,,n,.. .irKtDfl, ARBUCKLE 6 WELSH Wel&dlff Mo'11lary U'1 E. 17dl Sl, Costa ft1esa M<-43!1 • BALl"l MORTUARIES C.-del Mar OR 3-9450 COl&a Mesa AU 5-w.f • BELL BROADWAY AIORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa ~lesa U l-3133 • DILDAY BROTHERS Uuttngtol! Vellty Mortuary J7tll Beacll Blvd. 1111111111""" Beach IC-'1771 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1115 Lepu c..,.. Road Lagoa Beae-"""u • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ce_,. e MO<lury Chapel 1511 PIClfic View Drive Newpori Beadl, Cllilonla IU-!711 • PEElt FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 'lltl lleba A ft, w-m.:iu • llllEf'~'""'"l'"Ek"' MOR'ltJilY '--(M.1111 1aa1 .., ..w111 • llMl'l'ID' MOllTUARY 111Mabi81. % ".-Bea - shall. continue to vote clirecUy to set school tu rates. Approved in the last hours o• the 1969 Leg1$1.ath·e aeasion was repeal ol In earlier~ ed bill lhat woWd give sdlool boards the righl begirming io 1971 lo. set tbe tu rate. 11\af bill was passed two years ago witb the proviaion it would take effect in 1'11. If Gov. Reagan signs the repeal bill, and be is expected t.o, the measure removing the ta1: vote from the people never will go intG effect. The repeal biU wu authored by two Orange· County legislators, John G, Schmitz: CR-Tustin) In the Senale, and Presidential Privacy ?t1arine Corps One, President Nixon's helicopter, stands on pad near private road leading from .presi· dential office complex on Coast Guard LORAN sta- lion through wall to Conner Cotton Estate, now White House West. President can walk to work, drive, or use his golf cart. His staff members ride bicycles. The policy wu chan&ed by county aupervlsors at the urg- ing ol C<1W1t7 Personnel Dlreo- "Our-uperieoce to date is that these people are l1JCo ce&iful, product i ve and sometbnes even e x c e I le n t workers," Hart uJd of the trainees, who were placed and whose salaries are paid by state and federal agtncies. Now the county will be able Orange Seeking to hire lhem as regular employes. To Honor Ike \iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjii ORANGE -'lbt clly coon· cil has decided to ask the family of the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower for permission to name a 20-acre park after him. CHOICE ACREAGE """ ht Cellht1Hi $500 to $1,100 Acre 9-flfJ U...:ltff PHONI R-O~rt H. Burke (R-Hun--------------------------------------tington Beach) in the Assem· The park was cooverted from a city dump al a cost of $265,000 and opened Juoe 11. It provides a fishing lake, steam, benches, reettation equipment and a children's domestic $25-6198 bli; has Ileen variously Bishop Gets Suspects Win Delay greeted by local school of- ficials, although most ot the Second Term Firm Given Blood Pact animal farm. BIBLE THOUGHTS e d u c a t I o n establishment J A D GOD 'S GltACI: "hr tiv ,,.,, ,,, v• lhroug)lout the stale wanled IRVINE -John F. B~bop n rson eath Tr;az .. ,., ''"''' '''"' ... thot "' '' ,. ... the earlier bill giving board will serve a second year as It 111•••: It is th• 9ifl of God-", fph. 111, members ta.ling power to president of the UCI Founda-6RACE is d1fin14 •• "<o111m1rit1d f••or", stl • of ,1, _ _._ SANTA ANA _ Two men Rossmoor ~~.1 "D.... A SANTA ANA -Orange NOTH1NIO w• ,.11 ii• wal EARN ua ,,1. CL tim, the board Wl~l.la:5 of Cl.IKl •"":! • vati•n. Wh•ll w• k•Y& d•n• our ALL. 111• No TAX POWERS Uc •-•--port •--··-·'of d b · Tb 21 I 433 County Sherill's Department , u •urc sup group u... once actu.x;u mur er Y In· urman, , o Howard ••tion ii "'" • GIFT, w, c.1n't EARN it bac•u•• it i1 of INF I· James "Bill" Peyton, past announced. direeUy causing the death of a St., Los Alamitos: has entered into an agreement NATE v1lu1: •"Y pr;,, we P•Y i1 ln1d1qu•t1. J11u• 11k1d , ''Wh•t president of tht Newport·Mesa Other UCI Foundation of-f lcs ,ti.rr • "''" •i•e in 1xch1nge for hi• 1oul?": 111d 19111'1, "For ederaJ narcot agent in a Graves a paraplegic and for blood alcohol tests that ~ • 1 Id ' Unilied board, e.1pressed that !ice.rs elected were: John B. • • wh at 1h1ll it profit , "''"· if ha th11I g1i11 '"' w"o • wor , '" view. "School boar<b art Lawson, Laguna Niguel; first blazing Rossmoor garage have Thurman, the male nurse he determine intoxication to be 1011 hi1 own 1oul?", Mt &:36,17. really the only pubUc agency vice president ; George Wood· ·won a delay ol Su perior Court employs lo convey him performed by Golden Coast But'"'" doi i .,, .. , , RESPONSlllLITY i11 hi1 ,,1,1tio11! H• mu1t left that don't have the power ford, Jr., Newport Besch, sec. action agalnst theml • 1 Iron s ide--style" in his oo •0"'1thi114J! For 1111mpl1, ha "'u1t I ELIEVE. Alao, he "'111 t to set the tu rate. , .well, in• ond vice president; Lee J. Judge William Speir 1 wheelchair and trailer, were Laboratory Corp., 31( Fifth •ccapt aalv•tion. A 9rft '"'" b• off1r1d, liut cannot ba GIVEN corporated ' ciUes, bul they Hasenjqer, Newport Beach, St., Huntington Beach. 1111111• it it ACCEPTED. God'• r11 pon1ibility h to offar, end have other tuini powers. I secretary ; Waller Burroughs, schedu.100 Aug .. 27 as the date arrested following the death of rn111'1 ;, to ACCEl'T. H1v• YOU do11• YOUR. p•rt ;,. thi1 du1I , wou1d like to think we are u Newport Beach, treasurer. on which ht will hear a motion federal nalcoUcs investigator Golden Coast will be paid r•1pon1ibility? responsible as other elected On the e:s:e<:ulive committee, for dismissal of armed Bruce Beck in the blazing $12.50 per test. Our fiillo muit 11• RESPONSIVE i11 111ture. Jn. 12:41 ll1t11 th1t officials. in addition to the .. officers are : scheduled Aug. 27 as the date garage of the Graves home. The previous blood testing m•ny IELIEVEO 011 J11u1 bvt would 11ot CONFESS hi111 li1c.1u1e ''ll hasn'l happe·~ m' our Aorwo• Blomquist, Newport on which he will hear a motion Early investigaUon indicated of th• c.on1•qu111c.11 . w, 1i<tow God our f1 ith, we do our p1rt. ·~ o··-firm with which the SM ri.ff's ..._ district, but throughout the Beach; Jack L. Br0mberg, for dismissal o£ armed rob-that Graves and Thunnan by r•P•11 ting, (011fe11h19 Chriat, •'"' b.i119 b1pti1ed. on••• •re H ,.,.;,.,..,.., B ch K · t b J-.. and k.dn ch t hen f Department had an agreement th• (olldition1 by whic.h we ACCEPT G-4'• fr•• 9ik of 111•1· state so many overrides have u............. ea ; e I .,...:1 I ap arges were wo mem o a group was unable to continue its lio11. IJ11. 2:14·26, A,n 2:31. 1:15-401. Chur(h of Chri1t, 111 been turned down. We feel the Cordrey Newport Beach; and against Raymond Graves Jr., of men who shackled Beck to w, Wiho11 st .. Coit• Mei•, Cilif. 92627. Pho11e 541-5711, schooh generally are taking: _Tb~o~mas~~Se~l~b!y,~O~ran~ge:·~~~~2~4,~ol~123:~3:t~M~artha~:'._':Ann~~Dr~l~v:~'.__~a~s~la~n<l~pi~pe~in~lh~e~g~ar~a~g~e~.~--'"~'v~ic<'=:.~~~~~~~__'!========================================== the brunt of t a:s:payer'•-' displeasure," Peyton said. Clay Mltcbell, county sdlool board president, is on the othu side of the fence. 0 0ur county board probably was the fll'lt that took up that sneak provisloa of the Uaruh Act (the bill to give boards tuing power). The school boards began crying they are elected officials and should have the right to set the tax rate. NCYf UNUMITED "It's not true that other of- ficiaJs have ualimiled tuing power," he aaid. "In general law cities councilmen are limjted to a $1 tu rate. lo charter cities the people ap- proved tht ~r. Sanitary districta and co mmunity service districts like the Three Arch Bay government have limits. "You are trin1 to fool the public when you use that argume nt. I've pointed that out in big state school board meeUngs." Larry Taylor. pr.,ident of the Laguna Unified board, said-giving bonrds taxing authority would put unfair pressure on them w b e n teacher groups seek bightr salaries. He noted that the rest of the board doesn't agree with him. As the situation l!DW stands, and will remain if l h e governor signs the repeal bill, school board members must have 50 percent voter backing for an override to lnc:rease the operating tax -the part of the tax bi ll that pay! ror pro- grams and emp!Jlyes' salaries . Most all elec<ld officials - city councilmen, co u n t y s upervisors and ttate legislators included -must go 1o the people for money to build new faci11tie!. PASSED ASSEMBLY Until the last days of the legislative session it looked like Burke's rtpeat bill would die In the As.sembty Educalion Committee f0r the leCond year In a row. Bul once it was out or committee, the vote to pau the bill was 41 to 9. Schmitz' idenUcal b 111 earlier sailed through the Senate. Burke credited letter writing by citizens thr'Ol1gboul the Slale with llO!lening rtWctanl legislators. Jle said it didn't appear the letter writing was organlied but a case of people writing letters everytime thty reed sorll?thing in the paper about taking away their rl1bt to vote on school ta:s:es, lfl'S BE FRIBIDl Y U 10'll have new netahbon or know d. lDYOnt r:ncMna to our a.tta. pl-tell us IO that W. ml7 eztmd a frtendJ7 welcome •n4 help them to bttome acquainted to their .... ~ So. (Nsf Visitor 494-0579 494-9361 tlirbor Visitor What 4do you •do if you call ' your·gir.1 .long distance .and get the ·wrong number? .r J_ust cilll ou-r·girl. Any Operator you get will help you get the right number.And see that you aren't charged for the wrong number. She's all heart. @ Pllclflc Telephone We're here to help • .< - Tutsd1', AlltUlt 19, 1969 . ' Vital ·S1tatisties for the Orange Coast .Divorces ' I Carpeting '7.49 04Briarwood" Nylon Pile High resistance to wear. Nub- by tweed tenure in 6 soil-hid· iog colors. Doub!• jute back.in& spot cleans easily. Fresh. new colors. SAYE 19o/o 5?~. '8.99 "Lasting I!ride"-~arpet 12.fr. widths • , , ideally suit~d for commerciaJ as well as resi-· dential use. Irurall it vounelf ••• ju.st cut it and fit it. Foam rubber back. 10 colon. SAVE 11 % ' • ·• • Acrilan" Acrylic Pile Carpeting In :Your Choice of Ten Colors Stain-Proof Outdoor- Indoor Carpeting \ Regnlar '8.49 99 sq. yd. • Sean Iaboratory·tested carpeting , • • cleans up without a trace ••• resist.a cola, coffee, oil paint, black grease, grape juice, ball pen ink and 24 other bothenomo stains and •piU. · • Yonr choice in heather blue, coppertone, heather green, golden heather, celadon beige tweed; ohamrock tweed, f'irebird red, heather wheat, bronze green tweed and harveatone Call Sean (or Profeaaional Carpet ClelDing AskAh,11ut Sears Convenient Credit Plans SAVE 15% on Indoor or Outdoor "Sentry Service" Carpet Re~ar '9.49 799 •q. yd. •Woven of 1()0% 1olution dyed Acrilan• acrylic • • • el!Jy to clean with hose or vacuum • In 12 and IS.ft. width! ••• can ho in8lalled nsing normal installation procednres • Your choice in 13 attractiv• colon I11lai1I Vin~'I .,, '5. 79 "Promenade" Vinyl R.eproducrioo1 of baod~1er 1tone tile floon, embossed for ret.litm. &ft. widtbt.cush.ioned with thiclc. Yioyl.foam lo.net ewe. lo l' colo;., SAVE 17%! 4 79 tq. )'d. "Fiesta" Stain-Resistant Vinyl N..., aeedJ wmo.. ... be. miae it 11 fortified with di.ick rioyl thlr It hiably 1<1ilunt IDlfllm,ocntd>eo.IU't.widtb, rubber ftlhloe hockiq. 1 .. swl younelf. 3 _.., II colon. · SoperValael 5!~. -Sears Floor Tile . 35• "Ready Stick" Vinyl Tile Siie 12xl2-in. tiles. Use fewrr tiles, finish 43% futer. Ad· heres euily to wall.I, i1:1.1Wls casil7 over exitting floor. 12 colon, 3 patmnJ. SAYE 14% 30~ 28• "Casa Viva" Alibestos Tile Vinyl asbestos tile wich Spa.o- ish design. Size 12112·in.. l.16- in. thick. J.ay tile ID any dirt<· don for -""" _... 6 deroraror colon. SAYE 14% 24~ ,-------------------------------------------------~ I IUINA~.UK TA 8-4400, 521·4530 n MONTI GI 3·3911 lONO w.cH HE 5_.0121 POMONA ED 2·1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 PICO WE 8·4262 SOUTH COASfPLAZA 540·3333·· I CANOGA PAIK 340·066.1 GlENDAll Of 5·1004, Q 4·4611 OlYMllC 4 IOTO AN 8-5211 SANTA AHA Kl 7-3371 TOUANC! 542·1511 I COMrlON NE 6·2581, NE 2·5761 HOUYWOOO HO 9.5941 ORANG! 637·2100 SANTA Fe Sl'llNGS 94'·8011 VAll!Y PO 3·8461, 984·2220 I COVINA 966-0611 INGlEWOOO OR 8·2521 •As•·-681-3211. 351·4211 Sears SANTA MONICA EX '·671 1 V!RMONT PL 9.1911 • • ,________________________ --~---------------~J . . "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" ....., .... ""'"""""' Shop 6 N)ghta Monday through Saturday 9:Jo A.M. to 9:30 P.M. \ ! ' l I • l I I i ' ! L~ J .. DAILY PILOT Tuts.dq, Au911sl 19. 1%9 IEGAL NOTICE NSCTells Complete-New York .Stock List Results OVER THE COUNTER I "' n» ... 57~ t'~' "' ... '"' " . " ,.. " ... • "" ": 7fflo -"' 2 "" " "~ + v. 2 •• ... " ... " """ + h " "" ~-""' .... • '" ... """ ->\ ' "" I'" nw. t ,,. " a~ ,. ,,"' ~. ' " ~t~ " "" " " "" MU . -. '" •• ... • ... ,,, 2 .,. ... 1~ 1 t! ' ·~ ll'll ,, "' "' .. ll'Mo l 'ho .. " . .. ll" "" D :.. '• ~ •• ,,.. " ,,. .,. "" w.: t ~~ .. 121l ,~ .. " "" ,.. " + .. ,., ... ,.. " -· , j I -erices -Complete New York Stocks End Strong; Trading Moderate NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocks closed strong to- day in moderate trading. Carryover demdnd from last week and an easing of some short ter1n bank· ers' acceptance rates helped support the list. The UPI marketwide indicators showed a gain or 0 64 percent on 11532 issues traded. There were 864 advances and 437 dectrnes. The Dow Jones average of blue chip industnals was up 4 89 at 82S 77 near the final beU . Volume of nearly 9 million shares was slightly below Friday's pace. Among the most active issues were Natomas. Eastern Gas & Fuel, Brunswick Texas Gulf Sul· pbur. Texaco and First Charter Frnancial Natomas rose about..3 1n m1d-sess1on after an. nouncrng 1t expects to start dnll1ng operations off the shore of Suma'l.ra later this year. Tui.as Gulf reportedly will begtn work next year on developing an Australian mineral deposlt. Reading & Bates, a dnlling finn, also attract- ed demand, adding more than 1 near the close. The balance of the 011 group generally traded in narro\V range in the absence of corporate news Texaco closed at 33-118, off 112, and Standard of New Jersey was unchanged, closing at 70. Several elec:tromcs ranged about 1 to 2 higher, but such favontes as General Electric, RCA, Honey- well and Sperry Rand for the most part moved in narrower ranges and m both d1rect1ons. IBM clos- ed at 3~114 up 314 Steels added sn1all amounts, as did many chemicals. Motors and a.Jrilnes were mixed Johnson & Johnson trading ex-d1v1dend , fell around 2 near lhe close DAILY PILOT Stock ~xchange List -An1erican Stoek Exchange List ' PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET Sell urm·1nted fltms v.ilh a DAILY PILOT Oaulfltod Ad. PHONE 642-5678 • ? 1 • I r I t I I l I • ! \ I! OAILY PILOT Powell, House • 'Dispute WASHING TON !UP() Adarn Clayton Powell Jr. and the House of Representatives are still about $!k>,OOO apart on the Issue ot his e1clusion from the 90th Congress. with no signs the gap will narrow. So far as the House is con- Tli<ldaJ, ._I 19, 1969 cerned, the Harlem Democral ----------! has almost nothing coming to him, despite the Supreme Court ruling the HOWie ille- gally barred him for an en· tire two-year term starting in 1967, The Hoose said it was v•illing to pay court costs or $1 ,363.42. In Powell's view he is en- titled to $55.000 in back pay and several thousand dollars in other allowances, and he also should receive suspension of the $25,000 fine the House lev ied as a condition of his being seated this year in the new Congress. These were the ofricial pos. ilions filed Monday with U.S. District Court Judge George L. Hart Jr., who is charged with carrying out the Supreme Court's mandate to explore what further proceedings may be warranted and erfect a , settlement or lhe historic case. SD Bridge Blessings Mixed CORONADO !AP) -. After two weeks, "The Bridge"· is proving a mixed blessing. The traffic exceeds predic- tions -more than 350,000 cars and trucks have used the San Diego-Coronado Bay nr1dge to date. With the greater revenue have come complaints. "It's a mess," says Navy Cmdr. R. H. Donnan, who picked a quiet street in Coronado for his retirement home. Now cars roar down Thlrd Street, 12-feet. away, at a furious clip. Reflectin~ House resentment over the Supreme Court rul· lng, the House attorney, Bruce Bromley. wrote Hart the law-makers do not agree with the A block away,, Fourth Street decision and there no way of Is clogged ~ale 1n the day by knO\\'ing what the House mi,!lht · cars carryi~g workers back do about a court order to give from San Diego. · Powell back pay. Tbe stream of. ears headed "It is our client's position the other way·-into Coronado that Mr. Pow'ell is not en-by morning and out by night tilled to any further relief in -has doubled. The Navy's this action, aod that the ac· North Island facility is located Hon should be dismissed,'' on the north tip of the Bromley said. peninsula. NULL, VOID Ann Bir~k says "it's a Powell's lawyer, }ferbert o. beautiful bridge and I love i.t." Reid, wrote Hart that the but she and others are asking emoluments of the office de-the city council to deal squ.are- nied Powell should be re-ly with a· traffic menace. stored, and the resolution fin-The old truck route of jng the coogressman should be Pomona now virtually dead· declared null and void because ends at the bridge, and truck lt represented '.'a f?Ontinua tion drivers have been whirling of ..• uncon.stllut1onal exclu· through r~idential sections in sion." . . what looks like thundering Hart, who solicited the slate-confusion The situation is T117nts in a search fOr compr~ alarming 'to some parents. m1se, set oral argumen_lS lor In a moath or so, says City Aug: 27. . ?i.1anager Robert Winn, the Without compromise, . the traffic problems will be ironed ff°""' •Pl!<J!!! ~~ a "'~ Fot eraniplo;-.tap. ...... classic conf~taUon ~e;en are going up on · Filth and the Jegislat1ve and JUdic1al S~ ltrc~!v-: ...... ; ~-·'C~il>ll!iit lh~t " "We lilsb wea··h;.f'llie · some ~en f~~ will foresi""t to -know all the put them m lhe posttion of &• ,, st defying the courts, for all their problems, M~ycr Paul Vetter clamnr about law and' order. told the ~ncil. It did not appear likely back h-1eanY;'hile, the wheels roll pay could be ordered for Pow-u~elentmg across ~ new ell without a llouse vote, and ~ridge bet'!een San Diego and sentiment is decidedly against its once-sleepy bedroom its passage. suburb across the bay. The Supreme Court kept Hs decision to essentials. rulinJ: merely that the exclusion y;·as unconstitutional; that }Jou~e officers -the chief clerk . doorkeeper and sergeant-al· arme-unlike m e mbt'r s themselves may be the subject ()f judicial proceedings: and that the I{ o u s e should pay POYl'ell's court costs of Sl.363.· 42. Bromley agreed to the Hoose payment or court costs. NO HOUSE ACTION It apnt>arPd the House oHi· cers might be able lo pay the court costs. w n cl er di<:trict court order. withou t Jfouse action. What remains is to find a face-saving \Yay to sPttle the remaining $80.000 difference, and oae area of compromisl! yet to be explored is a possi- ble trade on the back pav arid fine. If I.he ~louse would re· scind the fil'M'. Pov•ell might for~et about the pa y. The fine is bein i;: deducted from Powe11 's $41,500 annual pay in roughly equal install- inents over his current twcr- yea.r term. Jeff Davis Home Saved GULFPORT, Miss, !AP) - Beauvoir, the last home of Jeffers-On Davis, was scarcely marked by Hurricane Camille, which wrecked near I y everything around It. Beauvoir, overlooking !ht' Gulf of Mexico, was , built in 1854. It was const~cted of cyprt& timbera hauled in-by schooner from Louisiana. Davis, ])resident of the Confederacy, rented t h e mall!ioo in urn and bought it a year later. The Sons cf the Confederate veterans bought Beauvoir in 1903 from Davis ' widow and maintain it as a shrine. · The structure, designed in the Mississippi planter t.radi· lion, stands one and a half stories 11bove a basement. It is surrounded by live oaks and magnolias. i··························•************** YOUR PROBLEM: - You want to sell some item that you no longer nHd but someone else c•n UH for NOT OVER i ? ? ? ? « • • • • $50 ? ? j YOUY~u c~~~E~~~: PILOT, ask for ; Cl•11ified Advtrtising, and pl•?• a :· • • PILOT PENNY PINCHER I ' I CLASSIFIED AD ~ 3 AT OUR SPECIAL Lor RATE : LIN n-2 TIMES 2DOLLARS i AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I • : DI.AL NOW DIRECT! i ' . . . .. . . . ... .... --- I , .. WASHINGTON (AP) -A ifense ,e!lo,t •abrwd ii lhls .~Uand.l/W Vlelnam. • · al\d equlPIJlOlll on , 1 h Ip, Jior1wllly to-eomment on ll)e sltlll al U.S. aitpower from <!1¢>1)'1ed'l!'I' ll1 lorel111 )and ';'l'lle,poHIJc;ilr'vulnetablHly arow\d the. w'<>rld. ready lo . Navy's future. G"""'drulea Georges. McGavem ,(1\-S.D.J .. Foi:eign balel like thole tn Ttwland oould auck u1 into another Vietnam," Sheiman s,Jd. "Jf 'o{e must ba'lt tac- llcal airpower abroad -and foreign land baaes to attack ~ 'J?Bses~ • of ovel'.Ralt J>a&ee: is high;" be move into ,trouble.-areas. forbade quoting· anyone by aircraft carriers In the 11701 Js ' '"· Oi;>e or Ole four-~dmirals Id .. 'nd u fl • T,helr description of the l> enyJsloned.:bY .Uu:ee top .Navy 1 5',t.id the Urilted States has f\O aa · " we nd we need shape the Navy JJlight tak,e in qa.me withOut s e c if i c strategists. air bases of 1. ita own in. (:arriera w.e'd bett.er .ha~e the fut we Came , at a "d~p perrni!Won. Tl)ey •uu•st a Navy built I .~ Jl<lrope, llJllY loao ~ on'baiid." 'backgrol!Jld" pre"' seminar at Greater reliance oa attack aroundup .to!4attactalrcraft thent._ Jn Oki111w411 and .. 1Jle. TbeA ~ said tqe whiCh _:~ e ·rtairs carriers drew 1 ~·~en­ canier1-.there-now-ai:•.J5 illppines-and-Cflttld ty-N~atudying 1\ifu·r-,fPlG!illlttf -and -.even mlTifiiry ent from Ro be r t could take.on much of the U.S. questionably maintain them in J>1'9Bpects for keeping troops s~, critics .had. an .0p. Sherman, an aide to Sen. J'm not sure wt mUI& ~µ1...,,__ much more corn!brtable hav· . ' . ' ' . . .. 5X figures very large . in ou r Person,al Choice Savings Plans at ,Bank' of America.· The easiest wey to earn .i\ is with our new- est passbook account. 51' lnv9stors Passbook .Acc:owll A minimum of $500:p1,1ts·it in·your name. Additional deposits' are madein,$f00 amounts. Interest is paid every calendar quarter. You can Withdraw interest during the first ten dayi; of any calendar.quarter. The same goes' fo~ withdrawal·of principal. Providing, of course, it's been on deposit a full calendar quarter. A 90-day written notice from you ,will also release funds. A nice arrangement. 51' Time Certificate of Depo&il Some people like the corporate'feel·of cer- tificates. They earn 53 annual interest, payable every six months. They're issued ..... -..... for $1000, or niore. and mature every six months. The 53 interest can be credited to a' regular savings account. Then your total annual rate· exceeds 53 . A shrewd piece of •money management. 5"fiw ..... Guaranleed Certificate dDeooalt. This plan provides absolute certainty on your ·future rate of return. Certilicates are issued for 'a·minimum of $1000 and in mul- tiples of $i(X)' above the minimum. YOU, may withdraw full amount at end ·Of any maturity date withoutfoss of interest. The 53•guaranteed annual interest is paid or credited every three. months over a five year period. A real boon ~o long-range planners. .ina: it on carrJen." 4ll RegiB Savings. The most popular plan in Personal ChQice Savings. And it may well be worth one per- . centage point. Flexibility is its biggest draw. You.can put any amount of money in. A;ldtake it out, anytime. Your interest is computed daily, compounded and paid quarterly when it amounts to a dollar or more. Actually, tltls is the highest rate allowed by law on this type of account. Individual needs are important to us. That's why we have so many savings plans to choose from. Drop in at any of our 950 branches. At Bank of America. we're always ready to help you get ahead. BANKOFAMERIC'A m· for1he businessciiq (Investors Passbook Account) L 642-5678 a !Toll'-H .... ~ llO·lllOI : 1 ~----·~·~··~·~l~A~·="~'·=·~N=,T~,=·=S,=A=.M~·=m='="~'=·o~··=·e=,-------------------------------------------....: U!U:t_, ,_,_l:f_f:U_f:f_,_,_,_. '1:1 '-' y •••• '.!f I.,. I I.,! , .. , ---------------,~-· • ' HOT DOG -LIFE'S A PICNIC ! -Families from Sis. Simon 8l)d Jude Parish will gather for an annual picnic at O'Neill ~ Sunday, Aag. 24. Looking forward lo an afternoon of feasting and games are Mr. and' Mrs. Don; Luciani and (left to right) Denise, 6 months; Darrin, .4, and Douglas, 7. Luciani is chairman of pic- nic arrangements. · • ~----~ - ~~-- • 6m.en JOD EAN HASTINGS, 642-43ll T"*1', AlttWM 1t, 1Ht $ ,.,. IJ Families Take . To the ·Hills Heeding the call of the outdoors on a warm su1nmer afternoon will be members of Sts, Simon and Jude Catholic Church, Hunting· Ion Beach. I The parish is planning its annual family picnic between noon and 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 24, and everyone from tiny tols lo grandpar· en<s ill invited to attend. O'Neill Ranch, with its setting of sh8dy o a k trees, hills and wide..spaced play areas, has been selected as the picnic site. lt is located flve miles northeast of San Juan Capistrano on Or· tega Highway. Each family will bring its own picnic, but hot dogs end other refreshments will be available. There will be games and prizes for children, music and dancing for teen.agers, and bingo for adults. Games will begin at 2 p.m. Sponooring the event are all the neighborhood guilds of Sis, Si· mon 'and Jude, and serving as general chairman is Don--Luciani . Also planning to attend are the Revs. Colloty Coleman, T o m Schneider and Robert Urband. Anyone · needing transportation to the pic::nic area may contact Mrs. Paul Smith1 962-8669, for additional information. Fine Art of WTne Tasting'StU,die CI by Association ' . Spar~ing wines and rare cbeeseS>l'fill ,be10ffered lolte),Dunn .(lelt), who wiU donate a painUng•to·be when the _F_oun~ain Valley Art As~tiQn~sponsors given."'away; and Mrs. Th~as Smith. Tickets, at a fund-ramng partr tomorrow ~-.B··and· 10 $2 each, may be obtained from.cart Apfel, 962-0694. p.m. in tbe ,h<>me o Waybe Williams. :urging i;:r· Entwtatnment will be proYld.ed by the association:• Members of tl)e South Coast Junior Women's Club of,Fountain Valley have volunteered their time to do the clean.~ chores :in the new B6ys' Club which opens this· week. Serving on the clean-up c r e w are .(left· !O. right)'. Mrs. Dick Trodick, Mrs. Larry Long and Mrs. R. Bond Thompson. Mrs. Thom~ son, third vice president of the Juniors, also serves. on the exeeuUve board of the Boys' Club. Larry R. Carter is executive director of the club. pective members. to atlend are Mrs. W.illialh.( • Little· Theater group. ' . . \ '' ' ' ' .. W .. ,. ori t Wi,n This Battle Even by a Close Shave DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hushana has always been on t,.he conservative side, unUI about six months ago when he decided to let his hair grow. I · didn't say anything until hi! hair got longer than mine. Then I demanded that be get a. haircut. He refused. To teach him a lcsson, J took the sci~ and gave myoe)f a baldy bob. He ,.Id I looked like a bUliard ball and called me a spiteful nut. I agreed to let my hair grow If he would cut hfs. His answer was, 1'1 refuse to be blackmailed. No deal,. L8st night, out or sheer frustraUon (and after a few dttnlu} l went to tbe bathroom and &baved my head. I walked tntcrthe room Md ·t1ald, ."HOW'do you like thi\?" He nearly died. Now my husband refutes to be seen In public with me until ----. - teen&(en·l•·•ppalli118. -N.D. READER ANN LA NDER S ril -'DEAR ND~: Ttie moet c:ommoa form ol VD ts paofrbo1. In Ille early 1111es fe1D81H ·almolt , eever Itel pata or 111-ort. 'Jt. lo eaUr<iy """'ble for I woiliu, to infect 1 mu 1icl aot 'be nare of ·ll. la ldYuced'1tq:es of ·gonorrMa, bowever, a womu eq>erleacet 1tvere pam ti the lower 1Wonie1,-dlacUrge and my hair grow11 out. I realize I made 1a m.l$take but 1 feel bis terms are too barsh. what do you saj', Ann! -VERGO DEAR VERGO: Bay 1 wi1 ud Illy away from tbe booze. DEAR ANN LANDERS: In a .recenl co1umn you told teen.agers where to go if they Stl!ptci they have VO. I am 35 )'t!ars old. All my !Ue I've heard about VD'. Everyone says, "Go to a doctor if you recognize any symptoms." Good advice Of course -but what are the symJ>toma? 11 ft a pimple, a boil, a running sore, a scaly patch! ls !her< pain? Do sympimns • appear in areas other than the genJtal•? They say VD can be curt<! II you get it early. How early is earlyt. Two days? A week? A year! Wori't you please devote a column to th is important subj!(:'l? The amount of ignorance ' amGOI • ldulta as -well II ' ' aomeUDtn fever. · · syi,, ...... la 1lle mile ·~u 1boul an daya after eoatict. ne moat tem· moo IJD!plom fl 1 boniq·-•llot! ..... . 111 v11111oo and ,..,_ dildw .. . Trt.-1 far ~ femllie Md mllieJ1 llmplo and elfecll .. -and 1bould be ...pi lnn,,~lftly-oo 1ppe1..-ol 1yrnptom1. Gollon1te11 If 1111tre1WAI ctn ...... otmllly, lr1lnlllo Ind ll"u1 dlteaae. Sypbilla 1111 reached epidemic pro- porUons Ill lbe <OGnlr)' beca... Ille fW bu m9de •1old~f~oned" coatraceptlYes. '1oblolete. '1 Earl7 aypbW1 11 1111i1Uy manifested by a •Ida eruption wllfcb rtaembJea a cold nre. ne f1r1t eraptloo usually apjitara oa ~ genltala 1 few lreeb after contact. Sevm1rwtea lit.er erap~oos may .-pPear lliywbere OD ~ bodJ, IDCltding &he face. 81]1111U" wllft treated willlhl four or five -cu uually be cured wllilla 1 matter ol wteb. U1trta&ea 1yphlll1 can rttalt i1 blindnen-;-lirahl-d1m•1e1 total latapadllU.. 111<1 deolti. l 1rge ·eveytndlvldual who JU5p«tl be may hive V.D t~ go to 1 doctor _or lo lite eoaai1 or city bealth deparlment for u uam1n1Uon. VD wlU not cU1apptat tf lfo nottd. Wben I.be flnt set of l)'mptom1 fade away many people believe the1 '"wore out" Ute disease, but lbls ts Mt true. Jt bas only gone underground uill wtU erupt liter lD some crippling form. What awaits you on the olber side of the marriage veil? How can you be sure your marriage will work? Read AM Landers' booklet ''Marriage -What to Expect.'' Send your request to Ann Landers in care of your newspape:t enclosing 50 cents in coin and a lot\& st.amped, self-addrtssed envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help )'Oil wit.h your problems. Send them to her in care of The DAJLV_PILOT, enc.losina a scU-addtcssed1 &lamped envelope. l ti I • ' r ' • • • ' .. ' • •• • I • .. .. . '., .. . .. ... --.... . --.-· ~ " -··-·--··· TlltSd11, A~t 19, 1969 Horoscope ..l' .... • • . ' ·-..-,.,,,.,~,·-I Je confid'"t. Ad In poolthe manner. Speak up an4: CIPfl:ll vlew1. Taurus: Be Discreet IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY/ou hive UNn• <d a d d • mponslbt!ltes. Money angle of chart b: lc- cented. You 1ain 1re1kr t Rules Changed to Accomodate Alumnae Pl easure before business \Yill be the rule "'hen the Southern Orange County Chapter of .<\lpha Phi ga- thers fo r its ann ual summer b r i d g e luffi:heon Friday, Aug. 22, in Clubh ouse 2. Laguna Hi!Js. The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. and contin ue to 3, \vith 1WlCheon served at noon. Hostesses \v ill be Laguna Hawaiian Honeymoon Harriet Collins Wed In Ceremony Newport A honeymoon trip to Ha waii follawed the wedding of Har- riet Ann Collin! and Charles Ralph Fisher, which took place in SL James Episcopal Church. The late artemoon double rlng rites were solemnized by the Rev. John Ashey. The bride., daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Addlson C4llins of Newport Beach, selected a silk organza over peau de JOit j'OWn. appliqued with a1encon lace and beaded with crystals and pearls. deaiped with a cathedral train. Htr ve11 was caughl to a lace beadpiect acce~'ed with pearl&, and her bridal bouquet wu an arrangemen' of stepbanotis. yellow min Ire rota and baby's brealh. Preceding the bride to the altar were litiss Elizabeth Paulin, maid of honor, and the bridesmaids, the lit i s s e s Mesa League La Leche League meets the second Tuesday at 7: 30 p.m. Mrs. H. W. Moore, 545-4359, will answer quest i on s regarding location . Kathleen .,Boyd, D o n n a DeDiemar, Kathleen Daniels and Mrs.· Robe.rt Simeral. They were attired In yellow organza over peau de soie and their bouquets were fashioned of gladioli and daisies. Lawrence Fisher served his brother as best man and gues1s were seated by Lowell Baker , Gary Platner , Stephen Slack and Michael Twom bly. Completing the bridal party were Larry and Llsa Fisher, nephew and niece <>f the bridegroom, who were ring bearer and flower girl. Following the ceremony the newlyweds received t hei r guests in tbe Balboa Bay Club, where lhe guest registe r was circulated by Miss Patricia Todd. The new litrs. Fisher was gradu ated from Corona del Mar High Sc hool and now at· tends the University of South· crn California, majoring in den tal hygiene. Her husband , son of Mr. and ~trs. Connie P. Fisher of Sand Springs. Okla ., was graduated from USC in business ad· ministration. They will reside In Los Angeles. Jlills Alpha Phis, and guests will include alumnae and coUegiates re~iding in or visiting the coastal are'a, ~eservations m ay be made by calling Mrs. Bi rdie Adair, 837·2948. Cooking up a delicious lunch· eon menu are {left to right) the h1mes. Ben Brad· shaw , Donald Palmqui st and Arthur Aune. (_ ............ MRS. CHARLES R. FISHER Hom• in Los Ang•l•1 LEO (July U.Aug. ZZ): WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20 Study Cucer meuaae. Have tun ; enjoy your ac:tlvtti ... You 1 SYDNEY OMARA are too creative to be boued Aioa411.& .... ma_nsu.._ ~wn ~Ith lbt pe!_ty. Y~c~ ING, PLANTING. rtle1ti6Ye the. small, tne TOPIC OF OONVERSA-.minor. the lrrltaUons. Do '°· ofiON1 Re 11 s It a, pldlGI> VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. ZZ ): ep111 . me~ a• •' 1'here could be Cross currenls. pabUd.1,1• Polttk:al refonna· Means people you usually g.et alN dominate. Ufe-ttJle to-along · wilh cou.ld appear 1r- da7 II IOward fabare., DO( &be rttable. Be big, especially put. v.'here older persons, !am.Uy members are con c ern e d . 'l'blnk. ARIES (March 21·4pril It): J.aw·r&Jlle view is esaenUal Jpore th e obrioua. Someone could be laying • tzap. Be amiable, but keep ammunitlon dry. Alertness today &aves time., embarrassment a n d money. TAURUS (April 26-May 20): Accem mysteey. Be discreet Doa~ reveal all you know. Money could be involved. -....... to ret>OY YllU '"' ,...,., Doa't let !Ille pride keep you from accepting. You earned it. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): You don 't work so well alone today. MUil.! accent coopera. tion. Mutual effort& p a y dividends. Know thlJ and mate peace with m a t e , partner. Give attention to public n:laUom. CANCER (June 21.July ZZ): Don't overwork. Avoid ex- • tremu. Gain balance between pressure and recreauon. Bring forth sense of h u m o r • Laughter today is y o u r valuable tonic. Be amused at your own foibles. LIBRA (Sept :zwct, ZZ): Empbasls on Ideas, s!lort trips, dealing with neighbors and rtlallvea. Improve com- forts of home. Don't let anyone upset your emotional equilll:>rlum. Stand tall. SCORPIO (Oct. 2J.Nov. 21 }: Money, possessions a r e favored if you let go of out- moded methom. Strive for the future ralher than brooding a6out put. Break bonds of reM.riction. Be detennined. SAGmARius (Nov. zz. Dec. 21): Cycle moves higher; events begin to unfold in favorable maruier. Added rtsponsibllity brings greater rewards. N e w contact could mean romance. CAPRICORN (De<:. 22-Jan. 19): Take care of emotional- physlcal health. Some in-- fonnation is best kept your personal knowledge. One who spreads rumors would delight in creating aggravation . AQUWUS (Jan. 26-Feb. 18): A friend could take in· UUative in getting you to show Bond-Payne Ceremony Solemnized in Downey John R. Bond J r. ol Lido Allen Dudden . Isle claimed Debbi Payne of Approximately 350 guests Downey as his bride in attended a garden reception in Downey's First B apt I s t the home of the bride 's Church. parents i o I I o w i n g the Her parents are Mr. and ceremony, where Miss Pam Mrs. Charles Payne o f Singen was in charge <>f the Downey and he is the son of guest book. Special guests ~1r. and Mrs. John R. Bond from New York included Sr. of Lido Isle. Stephen Wilder, Gale Fleming Given in marriage by her and Albert A. Rachoi. Frank father, the bride chose a now-Wlllard came from Detroit, ing gown of lilt chiffon crepe Mich. and Mr. and Mrs. over peau de soie with Ernest Meunier from Fresno. Ren.al&sance styled sleeves. A The newlyweds both are Juliet cap of seed pearl mesh graduateJ of Coprt School in caught her full length illusion Balboa. After their return veil. from a weddina: trip to Matron of honor Mn. Dian-Carmel, San Francisco and ne Dudden and bridesmaid.a Aspen, Colo. t hey plan to the Misses LeeAnn Hegewald. travel to Maul, Hawaii, where Judy Hunter and Carolyn they will maie their first Williama all appeared in light home. orchid crepe gowns wlth1.--'--------- mitchlng Juliet style head· pieces. Flower girl Sandy Kirkwood wore a bouffant white dress and scattered orchid colored carnation petals from her basket. Steven Dudden carried the rings. . Bob Gardener was best man. Ushers included Jay Michaud,, Steve SlnunODS and YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY bllS.-Y• 546-1800 off talents, unique abllitle!. Be recognition. But you are a1ao receptive. Cycle U: oa upswing. workin1 harder. You aeoer.ily We.!come chance for soclal ac· have even dlspo!IUon. But )'Oll tivlty. fight 11a1nst Injustice. PISCES (Feb. ig..March 20): .......... N tM -= =--11--...,..,u..,.-T• f!lld out 1'IOl'9 -· _,... nccen, on pres ge, Swi.1iwue;. 1,1,...1119'°°"-"'"'r \I!""' °'"''"~ prolesslon and achievement iD ~T~olorl' ~~ 50 ,.J,ni\... °'"''' general. You are able to sue. ~4:'*1.:1c!~1Pt1•1~1l~''vlll'k. ~.~ ceaJfully surmount obstacles. 1oe1 1. For MEN and BOYS AUTHENTIC IVY STYLING OF A-I TAPERS, THE CAMPUS FAVORITES. NEAT NO IRO~ FA!IRlCS ANO MINI TATERSALL CHECKS IN PU RE IVY COLORS. $8.50, $9.00, $9 .50, and $11.00. Us e your -BankAmericard, Ma5ter Charge, Diners, Carte Blanche Credit C<11rds . IN COST A MESA IT'S Dl!PAfltTlll!NT 8TQftid=- 1816 NEWPORT IOUUVAID PARK CONVENIENTY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ••• Opto o.;1y 9,30.6, Frt ·m 9 try on a Shape Shoppes' shape for . h I s1g s .... [ NOW SHAPING ·1 COSTA MESA & ' ANAHEIM, TOOi summER EHPADSIOD SALE 20· TREATMENTS '20 .LIMITED OFFER Total n~mber of .1reatments necessary to correct your individual figure fau lts are determined by COMPUTER CARO at the time of your FREE SHAPE ANALYSIS, where a personal "SHAPING PROGRAM" is designed exclusively for you ... There's no mystery, you 'll know the exact cost of your new shape! · Your beautiful new shape will hove you sighing with salisfoclion and him sighing witll admiration, ot the wonderful way you11 look and feel ... rod iont, glonlor- ous, desiroble and lovtly. And it's so easy ot o Shope Shoppes where foshion- ing lovely shapes is what we do best. Let Shope Shoppes contour, trim , mold, slim, reduce ond build os needed to crea te the perfect sha pe for your fro me ond bone structure. Come in for your free sha pe analy sis today ... lislen to the sighs tomorrow! .... JM BRINGS STARS TO YOUR EYES. uniquely natural STAR CUT lashes by FRIVOLASH leave no false impressions wi th any one. pre -feathered and fr.inged to form a star-burst shape around your eye, they vary in leng th jus t as real lashes do, and are almost impossible to detect once they're on . STAR CUT is also so easy to apply tha t almost before you can bat an eye, you can be flutt ering this new lash. the deep brown or soft black lashes, with strong adhesive and lash bath, medium 12.50, and fu ll, 15.00. look to jm cosmeti cs and MISS £VA, thursdayth rough saturday, at south coast plaza. JOSEPH MAG NIN FIGURE-sHAPING SALoNS ... OUT l'O RESHAPE THE WORLD I t A.M.·t P.M. DAILY, t A.M.·S P.M. SAT"' CHILD CUI f.1 COITA MISA ANAHltM CAU TODAY Wiit LA. 642-7032 635-0271 IOI 477-1122 !IOI ....,_,, M 907 f\ll;!ld ""'-lllFOIMATIOJll 3112 SCiutwdll SANTA MONICA NOITHllDH MISSION HIW IUllAU 393-0064 349-4788 361-1714 842-0877 111 Widiirt 1973 ~H<lo 8lvd. 10362 ~ 172.:S W. Vriifo ""' r " .. R n· !."· ... er .. ly lU • • I I ; I ' ~ J ·--·--·····--· .___.. .... -.'"t"" ........... ----------.,.--,...---~-0----..... ----~...--~. ~ • Weddings, Troths p·;Jot's Deadlines To Hold disappolntmen~ . prospective brides are reminded to have the.tr wedding glories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to tho DAILY PILOT Sociry DeP·-;:•rt.~-11-ment-priOr to-or-within ne wee after e Wedding. For engagement announcements It ts suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be :submitted ~arty. U the betrothal announce. ment and wedding date are six weeks or .less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed4 ding and engagement stories, fonn.s a~e avail~ able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. P~eiing Ai:ound . Club Pals 'Disclosed LEGAL NOTICE DAILY '1LOT i 1q -CISTlirtCATe OP' ............ 'IC'Tlneut ..... IU,.l•KMl COV.f OfJ TMI l'M ......,= .... -"" -II ~ ITATI CW Ul.HIOl.•i. H• Mtl!ll 1 .. 'I'll .... t• ..,..,._ TMI COUMT'f' Ofl-Oii.AHi c.ti ..... e.......... _.., Mit ... ,.., A...U lttU """ ...,..,. fll KIT T6 HAUTV Secrtt pals Will be rtvealed W•i. "' P'AT••CIA Mo (MtO+C. ... ""' _. "'"' .......... " - when the IJoliday·A)'rtl ~~-IS 1tt•nv IONIN' .. ,.,. ~.:."': =::c. -:a: =::..~""' .,.; ' lnclll•fl "' ""' ........... """'*'' ..... M. ... ~... ,,. -* II ET URNING .,A "--Woman's Club ot Hu.ntingtoo ,.., •II --,...... ~1"" eulNf,.,. 6....,..,. 5Mf9,,.,,.. e.lltinrM w I.ft;:! -• ? .,. .......... "' ~lrM • flit """"-DlfM AWi.t ., IHt NeWport Aaach home on Valley meets ·at :.w p.m. w1111 "" _ _.,., llOUdll""' i,. ._. .,,~ """ M. tWtwt••Mt ""' f1I 1'IM t..,_ .. flit .,..,. MlllMi!I ceut't « Sfe,lt fll Ci..,.,_.i., 0n,,._ ~ Saturday. Aug. 23 will be MiJs tomorrow . . 11 ftl'Mtl!t """" """" ,,.. ,__,,., ~ ......, ... , 1~ ..,. ,_ , ,....,. Patricia GiUord who hall, been ·~ .• -M..:"'+· -'a.". uck Brown, pres!-~'~ ~~'=· ~ll:c= ·!"IA* tit '"° ror ~-ii..,..n ... ~r-t -r.;:;1-,.........-= '"' ,~-=~--NAti4ll·-t.iltiCf 17' ~-Hi-. M.. Ht1 1.-.19 one w i83 Sl-UllenlS '®fin d t n • wll open Her ·~ •tttrw Hll..; c..i11o1nt., ten ~..;:.~":. "::5ft.,., "~ ~ Europe this summer ~ a Westrhlnste( home .Cot the =.i:..a ~"' ·.~ .,,!:i.,':"'=:111~ ":: _._._... ""'' ~ .-.....,.. 9ludy group sponsored by the • ii... tti. .. ",. _. •••• ~i, wttt.hl tour IOfP'K'IAt.. SfAL> <'ore;,, •"·dy • •• ,0, of "'"1t meetwg,. and on ,.. ... agenda rnot11h5 •lhlr '"-.. ~ M•1Ull011 91 fllla J.-n l. 01wl$ . r -o · ~ ~.,. ~ . I , ··-1..• nettu N9lll'Y !'11Blk.C1llftm"-. Lake City. will be plan! or a LIU(;~, 0,te. Jvtr 11 1,.. "'""'1"' Olfl" H\ She wlll ha~P. visited a dozen Number nfgbl next month and J. o-i. !rft!lf\. Mmlnlttr•tot :!7!,,~~ l.wlr• countries and studied on cam-t Halloween ruarty in _. i:! :::,:: :.:= 1 """' 11 1m a cos ume . ,.. ffT•~. O•UC1C •11:. •As:Ti1. ,.v'1'-"" o;.,. c.w o.1rt-,.11.1, pustJ in the principal cities October. • a 1tu111 °"""'' 1. u. "· ».. '"' ,......., visited. The group will fly _Assisting with the meeting ~1:!:;":1';:. ~~. '"" LEGAL NOTICE, home via World Airways from will be Mrs. John Bateson and 11t1 c11u ilMIN Rome. Mrs. Gene Willlam1. At~1 :::;: .. ,,,,i., '""'"''ltllMI or.,... c,,.,, Autllll S, II. Jt, H. Mtt ....... Dilly •Ila! cnTIPICAll 0111' •USUlllSI I~ ftlCTITIOUS N4MI n. _..,,.,.,,.. • airtlt¥ ..,_... ''• 1-------------lconduetlll9 ' Mllltn ti l1t W•I 1'"' LEGAL NOTJCE 51rHI, Coll• IMM. (•"'°'"''-· .,.., .... ' ------------JldllkM tlfm ,...-ot ''-Oia:ENCl!i 1" llAICl!IY 11'111 11111 uW fl.mo II -4 ..... lfU ., llW fDll!rwtM ... .._ ---ht ftCTICI TO CRl:DITI:l•S lull .... 1)1Q al~.,..•,..._,. IUl'lllOI COUil 01' JoM-A. VM Dw l\1111111 .,,,. TH• STATI: OP' CALIFOIHIA POil Mttlt C. VAii 0.r Lfn*tl. "°' F..,tf TMI COU~TY OP' OIA,._I: ,,...... C..11 Mal, Cttlllm\!t • ..._ ~ 0.PM JlllY 21, lNt. l!ttm el •AU\. AL.ONGE, O.CusN. ~ A. y.,, OiH: Llfldll!t HOTICI! IS Hl:ll!IY GIVEN 19 !tit Metltc (, VM Ott" LINM c:reclito~ ol 1IW Mowot lllrMll d9c:td!<lt 51119 of Clll!Omll. Ortllll" CwrlfY: November · Plans Betrothal Told · IN! 1n ~-· ti.Vine <i.lm!I -Inst ll'M Oii J~lf' :11. 1'6f, lltf«"t ""' I Nottl"t' ult! d"*"fnf 1r1-~N-lli. "*"'· l"ublk Ill 111111 ,., .. 111 ,....._ ,.......u., wllfl 1M MCU$11"1 ~. In "'-~le. _,,.., ~ A. y., °"' LlnOtll of ltll ~ ef tlle ........ 111n11" C'llUrt, ., 11111 Merli C, \1111 Otr L~ lllll'IJJllll No lo l<fff!ll !him. with -lleUSHl'Y ,,_ lo Ill Ille Pllt-,.,_ MIMS tr• ~~ lo tlll """"nl9ftld 1t 1111 ollkl Wl*•fbed lo tM wllfllr\ 1--fl'vntllll 1r>1 of lilt 1lt.,;11e,, WILLIAM 0 . PASSO, '3S ldllloW""'9td tilt, ._.., tllOI -• ~ Orl11tr, Suite I, N--1 8"cll, IOfFl(IAL SEAL) C•fll""'11 n'4L whldl It iM 1Hoce ef • J..-h E. 01vt1 butl"lll If Ille vndtrslfned In Ill nH11fi"• N11trw l"l,lll"c: • Ctllfwftla The engagement of Sara Laraway to Robert B. Nealy wu announced by h e r parents, ~1r. an-d Mrs. Charle.s R. Laraway of Balboa Island during 1.1 party for relatives - and friends in the Irvine Coast Country Club. C' --'•Lftl119 lo the tstahl tJl 1.111d dt<Nt nl, Prlnci111I Ofllee Ill wlltlln tour monll\t 1fllr tllOI fl,,I Mllfa. °'""" Cl\llll'Y !Ion "' Thi• llOtk•. MY C-IUJM fi,tlru 0.ttcl A\1111*1 .. ttff JU"I JI, •lt1' SALVATOIE s. ALOP<IGt l'ublltlltd or-CO.ti D•llV ""''' Mtn!nllll•llor July 2f 9!ld Alll<lf.I £ 11. lf, Ifft 1-... SARA LARAWAY Bride-elect The son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron L, Nealy of Newport Beach. now serving w1lh a pararescue division at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. will return to UCI in September lo continue work toward a teaching credential. He is a graduate o! UCI. where he was a member of the water polo and swimming teams. The bride-elect, a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbafa where she was afriliated with ,\lpha Ph1, is pr..esently working for -her teaching cre d ential at California State College at Long Beach. A wedding Is being planned for Nov. 21 in SL Andrew'i Presbyterian Church. MRS. JOHN A .. WOZNIAK Rhode hl•nd Woddi"lf Nuptial Pledge Recited in ~ast of 1he E1!1t1 111 !ti. KoY9 Mined del:ed&!nf WILLIAM 0. PASIO w o.-om., 1u11, • LEGAli NOrICE N.....rt ·--· C..,, ,,.,.. • u• 1ft9 ltl• 1'141 '42-SW JUl'lllOI COUIT OP "TMt A'""-tw Mllllflldrltw STAT• OP CALIPOINUI f'Olt l'llbll....... Or-CHtl 01lly Piiaf, THI COUICTY 01' OllA .. I AllWtl lt, If, )II 11111 S..1~bet J, .... A Wal INt lft14' NOTIC• OI' M•AllH Ofl' l'aTtl16N l'Olt !'IOIATE OI' WILL MO Hit Ll:TTllS Tlll.t.MIWT•Y LEGAL NOTICE Ellthl .. GL...OYS AllCHEJt wooos. l-----'.,.,~-'-'----1-· IAlt It)( NOTICI!" IS HEIEIY GIVEN Tlltt ttOTICI" TO Cll:O!TOl:S Llo'rtl Elllt Wooet Ml Iii.id JlitAlll I Plll-IUl'EltlOI COU•T Of' TMI'. llM tw _,.hi Ill Wiil IM'kw .._.. .t ITATI'. O,.CAl.ll'OlllllA POlt le!ttrt ltit1 ....... t11•y to l"1 tlll111 1 r • TNlf co~:.T::1.0U.N9I ~"' :... :!':':11t ~llM ":: • .:: E1t11T "' IEAT•rcE A ILE E" " llffrlo'9 "" Uill1I .... "-Ml IO' IOYLE tl.1 IEATJl:IC:E GO•MAN Autllll 2', ltff, II t ::ll I.Ill.. In .... ' 00-1 coum-ol 0.,.1"""'nt No. J If Mid IOYLE, akt ll!ATltlCE A. ,._ , ab .. W I""• .... •· llw Cllll IEATltlCE G. BOYLE, OicaUl'd. Cl1Uf1, t i · ..., •., NOTICE IS HEl.EBY GIVEN )o 1he ol Selllt AIWI, C1lllot11l1, credlton of .n. 1boY1 ILamed dK'edeftl o.t'l4 A111111t 11, IHt. tl'lll •It "'"-l\IVlnt ci.1,.,1 ff,lln$! the . W. E. ST JOHN. C4ullfti' Clarie 11ld dectdtl'll 1r1 "-llrad lo ,,. ltllm, l'LUNICITT a !'1.UNKaTI' ""'"" llMI lllCHUl'Y vwclltl't '"1M Oftlce .il.Ol'H A ... . of 111tt ti.rt olf tti. ttio,,. .,,~11111 covn. or """""""" ... ~ C&Jlf: "'41 to , r, 1, ~ 1 ltltm, """" lllt ~.., 'ftl 010 m ·lf# Y01Jdltn, ta ttll i>llffrt.lfntd " tlMI onke A"-V• ,.,. l!'.ill!Mtr of l'llt. 1Mor""1~t. C:UAAY & 8AltNES. 5:110 Pi>blltl'IH Or111tt Ce.t Oall't' ~lier, Vll(•lt ltold, L-811ci'I, ClllforJl\I ,,_II fl, 13, U, ltff lJGt.41' tOIOI llthfcl'I Ft the .i1ce of blnlnnt of 11'11 En route lo Costa Mesa via Flower girl Sharon • Sienko ulldeoltl!lld 1n 111 """"" ,.r1.1n1"' ta LEGAL NOTICE h d od 'nk Ille Hiiie ol wld dteed1nt, Within fflv•l-------------,LaS Vegas. Lake Ta oe an wore ca Y pt . ,,_,i. ''"' 111e t1111t 1111t111t.111011 .. 1t111 P.wMI northern California following Douglas Wozniak from HAIR PROBLEMS? ~~:id A1.111n1 1• 1.., c11tT1ir1cAT1 o, •usn.11s. their marriage in Cumberland, Kalamazoo, Mich., was his "·GLENN eovLe ir1CTniour NAMI ASK MR. ED STEPAN ABOUT THEM AOmlnltlr•hr ot n.. Ei11io T1it """"'•ltMCI 11oa certlfY mt 11 R.I. are the r or mer Lyn brother's best man. other °' "" •tiow ""',_, df'tlffftt ~11e11,.. , IMllW!!lil 11 '"" ,..,.1, Fontaine of Costa Mesa and reJa•lves of the bridal tu1ir WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21TH IN cu1111v a .,,1t1tEs ........ L••-IMcti, c1111orni.. lmlllff '"' ,...-"" VI..... .... ll'lt llctlllllin llrm """' DI' TMI! STITCH-fl.1arine Ll. John A. Wozniak. from Iowa and Rhode Island L-._..,, C•Mllrlll• ,.... c111AFT Slo401' •!Id 111111 will """ It "°"'" INTRODUCING I JERRY GUTIERREZ FormerlY At Sout~ Co1d Pl111 DRAMATIC SCISSOR CUTIING iLWl. 548-0460 WESTCLIFF PLAZA ul di Robe OUR BEAUTY STUDIO T1I• UIJI 42f.Jl'1 ' PMlll el 1"9 to1111wi..1 --. ......_ Her parents are Mr. and were hers, inclu ng rt ""-'' w ....,.llllttr•ttr 111me 111 11111 .,.. 1l8t"1" rnldtfQ " Mrs. 1 Willie Fontaine of and Phillip Wozniak, Ernest Published O••lll• CH•t O•ll>f "1101. 11 ldi-s: W h ' h ' j t t A..,.U11 s. n . It, 1•, 1'Nt 1~ I.ff s. Kl"', .&a ett0nle Avt., c. Cumberland and he is the son E. Girard Jr., John Sienko e a'ie an amaz1ng new a1r rea men """"' ,..,.,, c1111. nns. of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and junior usher Ernest E . LEGAL NOTICE O•tttl Julv :11, INt Wozniak of Muscatine, Iowa. Girard. [n, ''ferm00y1''. And, Mr. Stepan, Inter· 5111, ~ .. c~·1~:! •. 0,_ ceuniw: Escorted to the altar of St. Assisting for the reception natiooaf hair eXpeft, Will' personally su~~~fc,11 'g0~:~o~~o~~1 ,:; :;,-::1 ~· ,:'·,...-:~ 'r,'m~ .'.!~ Jotut ViaMey Church by her and dinner in the Club tTATI! D" CA1..1iro1N1a iro• ~•~ _.,..., L11 s. .. .,,. know• 1e E b od f th Polish select the right formula for your hair, THI COUNTY DI' DltAHOI ""N bf ""' ---. Mnw II ,.,... father, lhe bride wore a gown m assy a or e ,... a.mu tc•lbed "' ~ •11,,1" i.,..._,,1 '""' of silk organza with lace trim-reception in the American It will help restore natL1e's chemical Ell•I• of DOHA.LO c. PLVM9. Oectlli• .W-ltdtlN"" Ptclltld , ........... med bodice and lace edged Legion Home were the Mmes, ec!NOTICE IS WEIEIY GIVEN le "'' (OFFl~:I~ i~Ap~~- h I Ir ' A 'llbo f I Ma S' k Edith Chmura balance needed for sh1"n1'ng healthy cr""'1'0" ol ""' .tJovl l\llNd ~I "1<1t1rv Pufllk, Ctlllorn;. c aP.C a1n. p1 X o ace TY ten O, 1 "'~' 111 .e•OOt1S ~1vtn• ci.1m1 '''!Ml 111e Prlnc:IP•I Offl~ In 'and Pearls caught her short ii· and Joan Sienko. Lair. Take ft' me-~ n-for beauty! 111d ~edtnt •re '""'"1'e.1 ta 1n1 ll'lf.m. °''-cou~t.,. luslon .. ,,·1 and she carr1'ed a s ' I I I ded lha .JI Wl yn with tht l'le<nl••• ~rt. "' """offkt M• Commlttlon e:..,,1,., • pecta guests nc U .. ,.. o1 th• dtrk of the •l:lcrw tt11111ec1 caurt. o• Dct 1 1.,, bouquet of orchids and bride's grandmother, MN( An· Beauty S"•di"o, Newport 1e 1•ntt111 111tm, ""1"" "" nKtmrr !'11butt1.d o,.n,. c0t11 0.11.., ,.11111. w vovcl'M!•1. to tt11 11nderJl1roed •' !ht olfkt A.ugusl J " 1t. ,. lfft 1"5:Mt stephanotis. na Chmura, Mrs. Douglas o1 tti11r A11ar ... .., .. r>o11oc:11: anc1 P11mtr, · • • W·--• k, d M "' Sevll! Flo....er Sir..,!, SuJi. N"""bt' C Mis. E rnest E. Girard J r. uz.uia an the essrs. and B 117, L"' All9ttu, c1111..,n1• "°"· w111e11 LEGAL NOTI E I f h d M. Mmes. John Brach. Steven ffi t, !ht PllCt ol butlnns of""' undl!rlltone<!l-------------was ma ron o onor an 1ss 111 111 '"'"''' "'"1n111, 19 '"' 11t1tt o1 "·utn Jo Ann Chmura maid or WO'lniak and Ray Yaglello. u u ms' ~•Id decftletlt, .... 11111n ""'' monl1'$ •llet ce:•T•,.ICATI 01' IUllH•ts hon' or, wearo'ng emp1'r• Sl"le The b 'd d led '"' ""' 1>11bnu11o11 "' rhi. llO!la. • ''c1111ous NAM• J r1 e was gra ua 011tic1 """u" 1, 1'61. T~t lll'MHroltllld c1e uitJty 11"1' - gowns o( mint green with from the University of Rhode 5Kurlt1 Pecn1e N111on11 to"""<ll"' • 11ua1""' 11 11:u Ntw,...r ltl'lll and S1rn1WI c. P11trw 111 eou1tv1rd. Cot!• Mel•. C.!llor11Le, llnller 'white venise lace. trim and Island, )'here she was ar. co-E•~"'' o1 '"" wm ~1 \!'Ip 11c1111°"' 11rm 111,,... of cENTv•v Carrying white baskets o( filiated with AJpt.-XI Del'". """ •bo¥1 ... rnH fft-.01 MOUSE'"" 1h111.111d rr•m b ~ e1 •oa: .. J11lleock 11M11 ''"'"'· ll!t 101io..1,,. ...,,_ ""hota "'""' rn fllll summer llowers.. Her husband, now stationed al •12 s..111 ir11ww s1.-, 11111 Pllicn o1 •11kl1nc:e ••• •• tel._.: den ' ' ed -c.tW ft,....,.~ 1 64+Z2m SuU1 N11mkf' Ill. Tllel1 J. tfld 0111111 W. Wldllend, 7tt I lica11y allir wt re Camp Pendleton, is an alum-Lii AAtttK. c11111rft ..... 11 Emer1111 11w, L .. -''""· c..n1on1i. bridesmaids, the Mi SS e S1 nus O( Aquina!I College in MePMlay, l h11r1d1,, Fritl•v I 0:00 Till •:JO Tit: ftlJI flt'llN '7'51 Alfvtlon far C..lxw~ll" D•ltd A..,.vsl t, !Kt, Teresa Wozniak. Nancy Grand Rapids, Mich. Oth1r D1v1 !0:00 Till &:lo Pltbl lttoetr °'"'" c~ur O•llY Pllel, 0111111 w. w1c1c11 .... Chmura and Gail Chmura., ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jl""""' n, "· 1" .,.. s..i11m11er '· Thllh J . Wkkllfld II '"' 1"4.ff St.It ol C1•1tol'lll1. °''"'• C111,1nl'P: l l---.,..,---,.-,.,c=----I Oii ""'"'' 4. ltH, tletert mt. 1 Heltrv TOPS Mermo id1 TOPS Mtrging ?t-fermaids meet al 7:30 p.m . every Thursday in Woodland School, Costa Mesa. MAYTAG . BIG, FAMILY CAPACITY Automatics l'!Jllllc lft -for wlf s111t, ..,._u.., LEGAL NOTICE •-•te11 n.111 w. Wldil..,. ..., o.ni.t 11·------------IW· Wld!llfld Mown IO nw to DI Ille IA• ,... '""°"' wlloll "'"'" .,,. llllllKrtbetl le NOTICE TO CltEOITOl:t "" .... r1hln lntlrvmtnl •n4 -*-...... IUl'lllOI COUIT DI< THI 11'"'0,,'1c•n~~E~ltlmt. STATE Of CALll'OllHIA .. l'DI THI CDUlolTT 0' OltANeE JOSEl'H E. DAVIS Ne. A"1lH: ~''"' l'llbllc·C1llhlrn!1 E1ru1 ol CAltOL YNE H, BllOWH, lk• Prlnc:tpel Ollke Ill CAlllOL YNE AAE lltOWN, 0 K e•ted. °''"'' Countw NOTICE IS HE•e•Y GIVEN lo tht Mw Comml11IOll Explru c•Nllon of lht •bow 111111ec1 dt<edtftt J""' 21, '"' 11111 111 ""'"'' h1v1<10 tl•lms ·~•IMI lhf Pvbtllhtod Or•"" C0tH 01rtv l'lklt, uld aec,oent 1r1 fftWlt'H lo fllt 111..,, .... ...,.,., 5, 11, It, 26. lNf 1674' wllh lllt nKIUl•Y VOiie/ie••· In the olf!U o1 1111 tiert of 1111 •bow ,nulled court, er LEGAL NOTICE lo ,,.,,...., !lltm, With the MeiKtt..,1-----------WllllC~rt. lo lllf ufMleroler.ed 11 !"-office NOllC'-TO Cl•OITOltl OI h11 tllorM\lt. Blodt a Brlckntf, l"c.. t Ul'lllOI COUJIT 01' TMI UU Hottfl l•Oldw1~. S.nlt "-"'· STATI O, CALIPOllNIA !'Oil Ct ll!Orftll '2701, wllktl ~ tht PIKI et COUNT DutlMH fll IM llfldiel'll•Md lft lfl ll\lnett THI Y 01' OltAlfOI Hrfllftlnt IO Ille ..Stitt ef ttld decedellf, Ellllt f11 MA~ :.~UMI, Dtn11N. ""llJlfn lollr monlltt .i1tr tltl llr9t ltlltllk.a. NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN to -llon of 11111 not~·· " 0.11!11 Julw u. '"' crftlltott of lht '"°"' 1111""" dKMtnt NOW OPENING JOIN TODAY Low cost Ma~ags wash big loads-OOUGt:AS It, 91tOWN ~I 111 Hfllll* lltvlnt c11lrm .. 1ln1I 11'11 A.drnlnl1l<tlor o1 11\f ESfll• 1.111'11 illtade!I ert ,_lrld "' flit n-.. of lllf •~ 111mld oac.tclilllt Mlll 11'1t lllCftH.., WOlld'le.,, In Ille emu. ILOCK a •11c1e•••· t•C. ol "" '"'*' .. "" •"""11 ... lrtled ~I • ., TO SflVI Garden Grove and Westminster Gohltn Wist at 171h St. IM-3387 TOUI Jltf fOUI AND IUlllVI .,-11 WlllM ... lh A'IL TOUl CHAllfU MUllliww • o.i-ww HO:aa-B !Nt~ 1t "'""""' r-i...1 -•M-aa•Y ANAHEIM IV COSTA MUA 110 I-IUCM llVD. 1300 MAlllOI ILW. Pll•"-' Jt1 IV.UOt ~lNG COttll tuTA •lAlA '"°"ING (Vol11• ll'lt.t1 !t ""4 Gltoo!I jNtt< i. ... Slff\I IU-0311 149 -a3•• Phase I II A CHARTER MEMBER CALL 894-3317 BUOY THE ENTIRE ' CLUI fACIUTIES .......... _ lwl!Mlllt!t ,..., ·--<-illt.... Ptotlfltle• ... _,,, ........ .... . °'"""'"' ..... . • rl111dMi .,. h11111 --- • n"fiH ..._ f11111 ·-• WMrt,...1 ....... • CetHlri.ltl11t l•dUtlft "'•*'hdetMMt!il ..... II HUNTINGTON llACH 115iJ MAIM et l lACH J IO!NfS SIOt'l+IG Cfl'fll• ll'Ot11 .. ·~" -""' .. 0..""4 142·1411 v ORAN GI •22 I. KA.Ta.LA AVI. 111.ZA WL SNOf't!WG a.irn ,N..., !• l-···· 639·2441 AlllllllATICWATtR LEV· El CONTROi. snes &•I· Ions of walerl lots you match w1te r levet· to size of toad. Ends w1ter pr..,... problems. MAYTAG POWER· FIN AGITATOR. TOllib on Ule stubbornest dirt Gentle to lho most dellcole aarments. l'fRFOllATED TUB full GI holesl Purpo11fyl Gels diit away from cleaned ~li!iiii' Clothe$. • Safety Lid • ·Choice of Water Temps • Fabric Softener Dis- penser • Adjustable Leveling legs • Self-cleaning wash Bas- ket • Many otheis plus Maytag Dependability PRICED AS LOW AS 52288' " .,._, """'' """" "" ~ ... .., l!H .... ........,., V01Ktler1. le lllt un.w,.llllM 11 llW olfk9 Jlfllt AM, C•lM. f'J1tl 11 llltlr Anornen. l'tlltodl ...... ~1111'>tr, Ttl: 1110 hM5111 ' S "' Attwlll'f• tw A*'ll ... lrlfw '" '°""' ~·c :~ .. su,,.11117•-"" ~vblllllled Or-COlll ~llV PllOI l!J. Lot """''"' 1 ""'" • """ ' It lllt _JOiee• of tMlnea ef lltt lltldlnl_. .kll'r-ft _, Allll\l'tH;-lt;-M, ltH ,......, [" iii ""'~ Hrltlnlnf lo lf!t etlt lt ti 11·--------~---l"'ld de(e6tl'lt, wtll'lln IOuf ..-Ills lllw LEGAL NOTICE ll'M' ,.,., .... 1111c1lklfl olf "'t• ne11c1. o ... Aulvsl .. 1"' kuflty l'ICMlc N1llDMI l ... t " MM Ind S.murl c:. l"llmt!I" Ill Cllll,.ICATI CW •USINEll C.IEaKUtor. 'ICTITIOUS l'lltM NAMI! ti tl\e Win o1 1M tbtw Mlnfd THI: UNOEISIGHED do lltrtlrr «rTllW dectdu1I 11111 '""" ''' condlltll,,. • Du1lnen 11 P•llKt 1t111 '•llnlr. lllMT Soull'I Sulin 5trlll!t, City of 5tnr1 Ill """"' ,._ Sl•MI, Alll, c.imry DI' Qr..,.., Sttte ti C:tl~ 1v1i. flMnW llt fonlltoi •fllller lllot llc!l!l°"" ti,.,.. i..me ol Ltt A""*, C•llflrnll N111 8Alt(LAY ANO STEIN, I ce.""l"IM,.,,. Tt11 ttUI IM-11111 Ind lfttt Mid fl,.,.. it cem"Doud II Ille Alt-.O .... C•l•KUMrl lolJ-lllf Mftot11. IOl'llo• 1\1/l'la •P\11 .a.. Mii""" O•lntf Cetil OtUt l'llol, drH1et .,. II ltlllo....s, "'"""'!' •utllff U, If, ,. Ind Set11ttmbtr '· Gtl••ld Sflln, No. 1 Crttt *'Old. It.Ill· !Ht 1'9Mt 11111 NU~ C1fll0r'!)I. Ntoml Sllln, Mo. 2 C'ftl ltlled, ltollfnt HHll. C11ttornr1. LEGAL NOTICE Mlrl1 l•rci.~. •Ito k-M M""''l-------------EwlCll!M!tl l1rci.v. ISOI Cor,....1!1 LAM, ••• 1tU NMtOrl 9.-cl!, C..11'°"'11. NDTIC• TO CllOITOll WITNESS llltlr ·Miid 11111 tttfl Nr II IU!'lllOlt COUl.T OP TMI Jlllr, 19'f. STA.Tl OI" CALIPOIMIA ltOll Gtlr•lll Shlht THI COUNTY OP OIA,..1 N..,,.l Sl•lll NI. A.fDN STATE ~:"'~t..=~INtA 1 EJt1 .. llf •OIEltT M. EMIGH. 0...,. COONTY Of' LOI ANGELES I IS ' "itoT1ce IS Nl!llEIY GIVl!N • ""' Ori 111111 tttl\ MT 91 J~IV A,0 , 1'11•, .._: (ndl!On 11f t111t 1tlo'll """* 4e(""""I ..... ""'-Mt,,. EllM Slnt•n I NO!t!'\I llMot 111 ,.,_ 1110fl"9 cltlll'll ... IMI h 1'11bllc: I" tfld hr Wkl COll('lty tMI St11'1, Aloi Mtllent 1r1 ,_Ired i. fill! 1M11'1. .-.11d111t "" ... ljl dllll ~IOM4t .anti ""Ill! Ille MCH1.lll'T ~ In fM tftb ......., Nr-11'( -red GtrtlCI Stel11, Ill Ille cfeor11 11 tflt 1bo\OI e111t1H cwrt, " "-ti S!<tllt 11'4 Mltil! l1rdl1 ~-hi 111 IH'twnl lhaln. wlll'I lllt lllCmtnr ""' to be 11'11 ,.,_ ""'°" ... "'" 11'9 ..ucMn. 10 "" l!MtrtlltlfOll II Ille efllca •u011trlbM ff 111t Wflllln iMt"""""'· •NI DI' l'lti al!On'll'l't. OSTllOW, OltUCKEI. lld:-lfoll'd 1' -11111 !MY t•f<"ltoil NASAT111 l 11.Ultl!T. tl71 Wlltlllre IM ._, a.11<111._ Bcvtltf Hll'll. C1l""'t1Li fflll. IM WTTitf'SS Wttl:IEOF, I flt¥t ~ ""'kJI It Ille •Hoc• It ...._,.,,._ "' ... llllfe Ml """' 1'1-_,,. 11fl•NI my lf!I-~ Ill 111 1Nlltir1 -"'1!11111 .. Clel -l Ille MW .......... , In llllt "" .... nlll1! .. MW ~ • .n!!ln ...,... llfkl11 llrtl ·~ wrltte"' "'9lllllt 1lttr lllit llnt MllCl!len Ill • (Of',ICIA.L SIAL) lllllet. Mtl'T r11ett ~ o.tM JlllY "' tHt Holtry Pullllc<lll!Orl'll• J, DONA.L.0 1!11\IOH l'rlllc:IHI Oflla If! l!QCllW fl "'-Wltl II 411 E 17t' h St . l..et A!tttllt C,.,,,ty tM .... lltmM -..tlll . . . "' ,_,.,., "'"" ............... . """' n, tm NASATll & ICUlltlT C T.t4aS tl'1 Wllflfll,.. ,,...._ osta Mesa 646-1684 L•• Oftk•• ... ..._. '· • .,. '"""' N111t. c1111. ••21t !It, W•t llttfl llrttf Tth ltUI IJMlll 0111 ll'lolllf ~ C•llltnllf. ,.., """"""' !If' ••ecvtor ·-Dally 9.9 • Sat. 9-6 l'ublr.llH Dr•l'll• COid 0111'1 Pllol, Pulllt!lld Or•-CM•I Otll'll ,, .... 1i.-.-..--;;.;;;;-.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, __ ~:,.-.. _~,------·''A11tw11 J. u~ It, if,. lt(I 1~.u:..t AutllM s. n. lt, x. "'' l'IMt ' t I I ! I I I JI DAILY Pit.OT -.~lt,1969 -·-~ .. • ,., • >-•••• • ~:Rest Key _to Palmer Recovery PITl'SllUllGll (AP) -~ II I good . f'banqe -but .. ---thet Amotcl P-·CIA bo-pletoely <ured d bit bip "1JUble u be Umllf to --Uld _..., the .,Uer'1,pllylk:lan , aaid today. • "Jlllhet' thin MIU. for ~ lOll Doyton, Oblo. The doctor let\ ahartly ·1rterward !or 1 "lhlllperfect,he-~plaJ-llllf.ltll Palmer wilJldrew lrom the tourney, v1caUoo In New Je,..Y but bas kept lo one ol the ..-.• Jo trutloc thil 11Y1m1 he •aold not return lo CGOlpeUUve daily contact with hl1 patJtnt. case." aolf UDu.1 hll blp was healed "The treatment Is not much 'diffeffiit "It's too early to tell how our 1be allmeat kl Pllmer'1 riaht hip -a than we have followed all along. It J.o. ~Dr-Clllllii...ibel1 d~l I Ill u r.&- jindicted .. lbe ..... .time thet the aame's ailing hero will never be content · to piay on a ~ bull. trtatmenll are IOinl." 1'!11enbeis Aid. "1 form W burSUs or lnflammaUon m the volves lnjectlo.nl, medlcatiQO a n d would W...to.• l.raoW~up·tou~dllu1>aclrt<rMly; 11111;-wtien-tl!Orapy. lt11"jUJl-more-1nt.,..;"'1he-cloc•~ ~t golf for a while and mt. 1 aee no he wu playing in the New Orleans Open. tor e~plalned. . T1•apped in Rundown Bob Tolan (28) of Cincinnati Reds ts caugbt between lst and 2nd by Pittsburgb shortstop Fred Patek (2) and Al Oliver (16). Patek throws to Oliver who made the out. Bob Moose (38), Pirate pitcher1 covers firsL Pittsburgh came from bebind to win, 12-5 In 10 innings. Move to W asl~ington (:ailed Pa1·t of Merger OAKLAND-The Oakland Oaks. v;ho losl tnore than $1 millior. in the two years the American Basketball Association has been in existence, appeared today to be beaded for Washington, D.C. Oaks' General Manager Bruce Hale eonfirmed Monday that s e v e r a l Washington groups are negotiating to buy the defending ABA champions and said the matter \\'ould probabl y be discussed in today's league meeting in New York. ABA Commissioner Jim Gardner said a · 12.5 million offer by Washington attorney Earl Foreman was the best price but denied the negotiatiom have anything to do with the proposed merger of the ABA \\'ilh the NaUonal Basketball Association. But a club spokesman said the move, not expected to lake place until after the upcoming season, Is part of merger plans. • CHARLES TO\\'N, W .Va. -One fan collected $22,829.to for a $2 bet in the Bil Exacta Monday night at the Charles Town Race Track. Our Ohalla won the fifth with ~I shot Brother Paul fini~ng second. ln the seventh event, Weather tttiss won with Native Face finishing second. The Big Exacta consists of correctly naming lhe horses that finish first ind &eeond in the fifth and seventh rac£S . • BOSTON-Amercian Leque President Joe Cronin said Monday night he has order~ owrer Charles O. Finley of the Oakland AU1letics to stop the practice of distracting opposing players by having his arganlst strike up the music while play is in progress. Cronin uid he iasued the order after receiving a report from the umpires who handled Sunday's controversial game in which Detroil pitcher Denny 1w1cLain was dislractea by organ music. • NE WTON, tt1aM. -Frank Shellenbick, who converted Ted Williams from .a pitcher into an ooUielder, will be bW'ted Wedne5day. Shdlenback, pitching coacb ol the San Francl.sc:o Giants for 15 years and a ecout and adviser since 1965 died Sunday at et. He managed the Hollywood and •San DiegQ minor league clubs, 3nd was In charge at San Diego in 1936 when Williams played there. He switched Williams to the oulfield and wilhir. live sellSONi Williams hit .406 for the Boston Red Sox. • The San Diego Chargers expect t.o be in midsea~ form Saturday for their e1- hibiUon football game against the visiting Cleveland Browns. # .. Tackle Ron Mi1, who suffered a pulled thigh muacle two weeks ago, i.s ready for action. So are rookie linebacker Bob Babich and guard Bill Lenkaitis, who suUered shoulder bruises in the 10-7 victory over Oakland last Saturday. Three othen nur1ing injuries bul ex- pected b1 see action are olfenslve back Brad Hubbert, offensive tackle Terry Owens and comerback Bill Beauchamp. The Chargers, after a single practice Monday, resume twice-dally lWll'kouts Tuesday at UC Irvine. "It's not hi! nature," the dodl:w uht. "He has wcm ao often .and to bl& that tte , feels he ml&St alway1 do it. He play1 vic- Jously. lie wants lo let the ball Qy. ft:llOb why he ahou.lda't be able to phaie The pain has recurred rei)eatedly, He aald he had recqmmended a Jona~r back into the winter tour and IOOfl be causing a prolonged slump. rest and a lenenin& of outside {l.CtivJU,1 pl•ytnc u well aa he ever did." Or. ~& ez:amlned Palmer last for the mllltonalre btu1lnessman golfer. The doctor's interview 1f&S hls fi.nt Friday, after the golfer retumed to his whO!e all-time earnings e1.ceed •t million since Palmer shot an qont.zinc 82, in the home ln nearby Latrobe. He then began a and whose commerCial enterpriaea cover PGA. Championlblp lut Thursday in new and more intensive trutment. almOlt every phase ol the game. W epner S,topped on TKO in 3rd ' It's Another Breather for Foreman NEW YORK (AP) -George Foreman, -'he Olympic CQ.kl.~a~ who ii now 1eekin1 gold in professional boxlna's glamor dlvlsjon, the heavyweight ~"· bePI putUns ~ O![I o1 work. · ·tt'1 not that F..orf:man ls lazy, or that he dodges flgbtsiit's just that he hasn't been .able to wfrl: up.a good sweat yet in his young pro .,,..,. Foreman stopped veteran C b u c k Wepner on & cut in lbe thlrd round ol a acbeduk!d eight-rounder Monday ni1ht at Mldilon Square Garden -and now bu two on.round koockouts and two three· rwm ---lo four pro llgllts. "l'm hippy lo win, but disappointed lt didn'..l&o_a f.ew more rounds," Foreman said aller bis latest victory. "I could use the wort." Foreman baa the pbya6cal equipment - &-loot-4. 21s poundJI, a rood Jab and punchJni power, bul both he and bis manarer, Dick Sadler, knciw he has a lot tQ learn on the road to the top. And the more fighting time the better. .. He's just a pup in the woods," said Sadler. "We'll play it by ear. We want to fight u often aa possible. Win, IDie or draw, be'• &OiD& to be a &ooci aolid fi&hter'." Despite bis early success, t h e H.aywyd, ~·· fighter doesn 't suffer any illusions of invfi>clblily. Asked if Wepoer hurt him, Foreman repUed : "Every Ume 1,step into the ring J hurt. Jt t.lrts eVerytime you get hit. Even a ~y can hurt you." But it was Wepner who did the hurting Monday nli;ht. The 22l·pound veteran from Bayonne, N.J., was hurt by a volley of punches to lbe head in the second rbund, then ~u. cut above the left eye latu in the ....00. Foreman split the eye wide open in the 'lhlrd, and referee J ohrui Conlan &lopped the fighl at M seconds of the round. A Garden s~kesman said Foreman probably wllrflght in the Garden: Sept. 17 against Fcrest Ward, the P~American Games champion from New. York, who was knocked out in seven rounds by, Wepner. However, Ward looked good in a preliminary Monday lllaht. stopping previOW1ly unbeaten Pedro Agosto of Puerto Rico at 1:32 or the first round of a &eheduled eight rounder. Ward, 1961h, who now ha.s ei&ht vie· tories, one loss and two draws u a P,"O, dropped Agoolo, 195, lwjce. Ai-bad won his 16 pr<vlous "!J&hll. HAIR RAISING PUNCH ~ George Foreman (rigbl), connects with a left jab on Chuck Wepner in the second round of the\? fight at Madison Square Garden Monday. Wepner's eye w85 opened 1llghUy in the first round and was bad enough by the beginning of the third to give Fore. man a TKO victory. Rams May Lose Cowan, Williams lM Angeles Rams starting offensive tackle Charlie Cowan may miss Saturday night'• 1ame against the Kansas City Ol.i.~1 because of a knee injury, a Rams spokesman '!aid Monday. Cowan , in his ninth year with the club, was hurt durklg last Saturday night's tG-3 e.xblbltl.on.l_ossjq__the Cleveland Brown_;, Tests Monday showed ligaments in his left knee were strained. If he is unable 'to play, Jim Wilson , a n o t h e r Ram veterap, wiU start in Cowan'a place. The " team also announced Clare.nee "Clancy" WUllams, a starting b1ck who mi$91!ld the Browns game with a bruised arm, has worked oul in full gear for the first tln1e in more than a week Monday ana will probably see acUon when the Chiefs Invade Memorial Coliseum. Monday's workout was the flrat for the Rams since lhe defeat. Murphy Wins, 3·1 May Faces Orio'les At Anaheim Tonight lt was a long day ror Tom Murphy but ll was a long~ night yet for the Cleveland Indians. Murphy jumped oot of bed at 5 a.m. l'i1onday and put ln a full day's work at the Presidio In Saii Francisco where he is ful!illlng h l s two-week Army Reserve coounltment. Then he hopped a plane and arrived al Angel Slate A119. lt A..-11 YI hlllmor. 1:U "·'"· ICM PC 1no1 Alig. 20 A119e b v1 l•lllrnor• 1•$5 p.m. !CMPC (1101 Aug, 21 ,...11 n llalllrt11tt1 7:ll t -"". !CMPC (7101 ""9, 2t Ant<tll YI 0.trllll 7:ll t .111. !CMPC; 17111 year," said Ang.el Manager Lerty Philll~. "He was challenging the hlt!_ers in the ninth just lift he is supposed to. He apparently has learned from e1.perfeoce. He used to try 'and be cut.e with lhem if he had a lead." Jim Fregosi ignited the wi.Mlng Angel rally in the eigbt.h with his club's fourth and final base hil Jay Johnstone bunted but Law could not handle it and was charged with an enor. A sacrUice by Rick Reichardt advanced the runners and, with the infield drawn in, Bubba MOrtqn lapped a slow roller to Vern Fuller at second. Fregosi was able to beat the throw to the plate. Dodgers Open Philly Series With B11nning PHILADELPHIA CAP) -Jim Bunning Is back in the city where he won 74 games in four years. But if he win1 lonighPs contest, he's going lo m3ke the Phillies unhappy -and the Los An geles Dodgers ecstatic. The 36-year-old right·hander, acquired last Friday from the Pittsburgh Pirates 1.o fill the gap left by the retirement of Don Drysdale, makes his first start u a Dodger Slate Allen Won't Return to Phils ' Anaheim Stadium jmt in time to put in a full night's work at the expense of lhe In. dians. 'Ille California Angel .righthander, showing no visible signs of faUgue, lhrot· tied the Indiana on six hits and the Angels scored a pair of unearned rum off reliever Ron Law, 3·2. in the eighth in- ning to clip the Tribe 3-1 ror their third Straight victory. A sacrifice fly by Aurelio Rodriguez produced !ht second run. * * (LEVEL.AND CALl,IUllOA Dodger. Jerry Johnson, s-9, is to start for the Philis. Bunnin.I WIS ooe of their stars from 1964 to t957. Los Angeles is clO&ing in on the top spot In the National League West. Although idle Monday, they moved within half a game of front.running Cincinnati as the Reds were bombed 12~ by Pittsburgh. PHlLADELPlllA (API -Rich Allen, conlrovtrs.ial first baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies. said Atonday he could be baPn_ anywhere, even Japan, u Jong as ~he get.I away from the 1t· moopbere in Philldtlphl1. "l have &Men about-as much as J can st.Ind hett," ·Allen replied 1.o a question •bout what he would do next year. The ttar slugger appeared on a local t.eltvlaion lhow Where he was t.o 111cll all" to penon1 C411Jl'J8 Jn quf;stionS . .Allon said he was not certain whal he woukt do nexl season, but said he has no Jl'\tenlion of playing ba.Seball with the Ph lilies. When asked what &ood he thought a change of te1ms would do, Allen said even if bl nn into the tame types of pro. bltms at 1 new city, u he had here. he wauld know how to hand 1 e1btm this time. Allen mentioned sportswriters several limet as being the source of hi! troublet, which he, said began right after hls fight with Frank Thomas. He aald mOll ol hb )lroblcms with former manager Bob SklMer were in. flamed by members of tbe press. Stinner, he claimed, was pushed 1nlo a comer by sportswriters and forced to make a premature decision regarding AUen'1 failure to show up for the pme against the New York Met... ~· said the things 'he doel now art no different rrun the thlnp he did tn 11164, the year the Phlltlts 1lmolt won the P'fU\inl. Then the writen bad something to ):eep them occupied. Howevtr, he aald, now they conceatrate oa him. Things gel tougher for the llaJos tonight. The BalUmore Orioles arrive for a thrff.«ame set and will send Mik e OJeJJ.ir, 16-9, against the Angels' Rudy May,H. '"I was only Urtd whea I got to the park, n Murphy Akl. 0 1 c&Ulbl my breath about the third Inning and alter th at I felt I could throw a rtrlh any time I wanted 1(1,"' "It wu eully hil best pme ol the ' Nrllrtll •••lrll'M Clr"delll, d 4 I t • Alom1r, ~ • f I I L lll"IW!I. .. 4 f I I Sptncw, 1• l 1 • 0 S"fflr, II 4 f I 1 F~I, 'I 2 I I 0 T Hortofl. lb 4 O I I Jo!,"1t1rn1, cl I I O O H•l'J'tl~ rt 4 • • O R.tdr•'1!1, " 3 t t I S!rnt. c 2 0 t o Morfal\, rf l t 0 I IClkMIKll, • l 0 I t \rim, llH' 0 0 0 I Fuller, Jtl I I I 0 A Rodrttt1. Jiiii .I o I 1 Ht~9'1.I 2110~,c .IOI• SdWtlum. loll t •• I Mu<Pll.,, II t • I I L..,.,, ••t•TolW 2PJA J '1"1»11 JI I • I (lirftltflf 1• .. tOQ.....l C1iltonllt IOI •• ~ I! -L ~ Aleut. ~. L"'' DP -Cel~ 1, LOii -Clntl#ICI t. C..llfotrllle t. 11 -, C•'*"fl. a -IC~ $1 -~ S -.Hllwllflt l. lleldlantt, Sf -A. llodrlNVt. ll>Mll•ll.1110 ... , .. ft 1l11J • L.wl\ .• )11 1121 1 1 M""*' !Ill'. 1•111 ' I I l • 2 HIP -llW Mut$111Y {Sli'nt\, In' Hl'1•11 l:.V.W. 111n•. TIIM -2:01. Antne11nc:• r.nt The Dodgers have a modest Lbree-game winning streak going. They spent the weekeoct.ahellacking the Montreal E1.J>08, piling up 27 runs on 36 hits In the three games. Los Angeles la s. 3 against lbe Ph.lls Ul1s year. Tonight 's duel Is lhe ~ of a thrtt· game set after which the Dodgers will move t.o New York for a weekend series aganist the New York Mets before returning lo Dodger SLadiwu ror a nine· game home stand. • • • POOR CONOITIONING Dev• Holland TOO MANY GAMES Bruce Pickford Little Men In Big A Collision Three or the smallest out· fielders to have played in the majors, bul c.:ich a big nian in his timl', will put on a uniform once more in lhe f i r s t Oldtimer-s Came Sunday, 1 p.1n .. at Anahei m Stndium. Albie Pcarscn and Cece Garriott \rill he playing for the Angels, Al Gionfriddo for the Dodgers in· the three-inn· ing prehnunary to lhe Angels· Tigers contest. Pearson, I.he smallest of the trio at ~~~.score d the Angel s' first American League run and · sliU holds the ciub record for htghcst batting a\'crage in a season (300 or more at-bats) v.1ith .304 in 1963. Jn the Angels' inaugural game at BaiUmore. Apr. II, 1!161, Pearson walked in the first inning and scored "·hen TPd Klu szewski h o m e r e d . Kluszcwski also was scheduled to play Sunday but \\'35 forced to cancel because o{ a busi- ne~s cngagcn1ent. Gionfriddo. f>.fool-6. made on~ of the most memorable c<itches in World Se rie .~ history, robbing Joe DiMaggio of a home run and Lhc Yankees of victory in the 1947 ::,1xth gan1e al Yankee Sta· dnim . Gionfriddo stabbed Di~lag­ j!io's 415-fool drive at the bullJ'M'n gate to prcscr\'C an 8-6 Do:tgrr \'!Clery for Ralph Branca. \.:lrrio!I. 5·6'~ \Vi.ls a key man in three pennnn1·\.\'inning vears for lh" Pacific Coast League An gels. in 1943, 1944 and l!H7 . It \\·a~ his leacloff \valk in the eighth inning that slar1 ed a five.run outburst by the Angels. leading to the 5·0 one-game playoff victo ry O\'er San Francisco for the 1947 flag . Tuttdu. A~utt 19, 1969 C oa~hes ·split on Alf-·star Worth By HOWARD L. HANDY Orange County high achoo.I coaches were divided in their opinion of the worth of sum- mer all-5tar games in a sampling conducted by the DAILY PILOT Betause of the injury to USC.bound ac. Danyl Berg or Weslmlnster, the quest.funs arise : are these games worth lhe risk of injury and loss or a college career'? Should players be limited to participation ln one such game? Here's what the po 11 reveals: Caire VanHoorbeke, Anaheim ··ff you want to take a boy and put him Jn a cage so that he doesn't get hurt, you might as well forget it. 'lllere are many more youngsters hurt snow skiing and in auto- mobiles than there are on the football field. "I think the causes of these games that are being played Los Alamitos Entries t 'S:' . ,;;..• F1r T\IUll11, .t.111. 1t, lff~ftll D11 Clpr & fftl 1111'11 l"nl J;U l".M. Dauble on Isl & 2nd Racn 0\fh .. 111 lfl ti~ AKI FIRST A.I.CE. MIO '(ards. J ve1r olcb •nd UP In Gredl 8 Phlt bred In (1111, Pu"' suoa. are very good. When a boy they can't get the Catholic Big right and l believe 1 boy newspaper, the coaches and else If 1 boy ls hurt In prac4 Uke Berg gets burl, people gel Brothers game and the should be able to play In both everybody elAe p I ck s these lice. I feel thal 14 days ii ade- unduly excited and this hurts Orange County game on dif-games if he is invited. But teams and Jt mtlN nothin&. quate time to get into coo. football . It isn't tb,at rough a ferent nights about a week perhaps it would be better to "I definitely feel the boya: dition. After that they lose ln- game. apart. limit a boy to one game. In should be llmJted to one such terest." "There have been injuries "I don't believe a boy ls this way mote boys would game. Bob Micbel-Tuah before of thia nature a.-xt I am_ risking LC2J.lep__career by_ ha~e...Ldlance_t.o_play in such~Anybody wt.p1ay1 football-~"<-don't ~--posstblb sure JOhO c •Y of SC playing ln lhese games. Jn games. face! the pouibUify of injury. ot. an injury would be one ot (where Berg Intends to enroll) fact, I think 1f you will check "The chances of a.boy being But tbat'1 tht chance )'OU run my prtme concem:s. A boy can is concerned. However, with up on It, you will find more hurt go up each time you have everytime you play and it is faU off 1 curb or get hurt. his all of medical science we have kids g e tt I n g scholarships a game and sometimes In loo bad when a young man first day back at school -any today, they can operate and 1 because of these games than these All-Star games con. like Berg geta hurt ln such a one of a number ot way1. am sure he will be able to play there are those su[fering any d.iUonlng Is neglected Jn a rush same. 1 11m sure John McKay "I do believe there are too as well as ever. type ol serious injury." to get an offense·established iD (Berg's coach at USC) hu many or these g a m e s , "Anytime you v e o t u r t Dave Bolland a short period of time." stt1)f'lg feelings along Otis especially when the Calbollc anything you take a chance on Corona del Mar Bruce Plekford line." Big Brothen game infringes getUng hurt. You can get hurt "I believe a boy Is risking Fountain Valley Dave Glbba -Troy D.S. on the aame night as lhe crossing the street, in the possible injury in any game he "Baslcaliy t , have felt for "I can't see doing away with Orange County game. home or almost anyplace. plays and that It Is more im· ·years there are too many All· thls game. It's just foolball "I believe it is pretty much Football is a great game and portant that he be ready for Star games. and anytime you step on the up to the boy to make a they have cut down on the school as a freshman than to "I am in favor of more kids field you take a chance of get-decision on playing in more number or All-Star games Jn play in an All.Star game. playing on each team and ting hurt. titan one ol these games. In recent years. I think they "J think they ought to cul it perhaps e J tend Ing the "They shouldn 't limit the the case of Berg, maybe be should be continued." off right now -tbe number ol quarters fllr a longer period of boy to one game. if he is in-· shouldn't have played in the Bob Wooda-Mater Del games being played in the time in order to get all of the vlted to play in more. I do game here but he could have ••t think they have this thing summer, I mean. boys into the game. think they !hould select 30 teeelved the same injury on broken down in the right man-"The Shrine game and the "To me it is just l.ikt picking boys for each team because the nrst day of practice in col· ner now. It ls just loo bad that All-Star game here are all ail-league teams -every they can't brine in anybody Jege. '" '" '~ Two Fav or The m JC Coaches Rap .. All-star Tiffs they have enough time to train. However the more they play the greater the chancts GAME IS 0000 Beb Wood1 GAME SHOULD GO ON Claire Va nHoorebekt Ptrker eve !Walson) Tiny LlgM (P1nlol "' '" '" Sir lltlldcr le(I f(arcloial SorlllO'l P romli.e !Hirt) Ml 01rk !H Cro•bvl Sf"lllor't Biii• CP1rtlal Mr, Oldi:e'I !Smith\ Sllhti1ra 8ar (WatMWll eurvu!Mlv ll:ase !IC.1nl1l Clta11 Ql.lffn (Adair! Rlflld Merli ILIPlllml "' "' "' '" "' "' A majority of Junior college coaches contaded by the DAI· LY PILOT voiced criticism of high school all-star football games, particularly about con· ditlonlng 0 r participating o! getting hurl ---------- L!a Dllrnl¥ flar IAPOdKl l APrll AP<IU~t G1b~" Bat>v ILIPhllm) Don Ksar /~rdo?I) Flt•hv 1-!asln• (Adalrl Min Bav. Nel<o fMoo'lsl Curl•ln li!alsar IH•r'll Tout1h Tears (SlalN'l 116 ''"TM It.I.CS. a Ylfds. ''(Hr aid• 1 !' •I'd UD In Gr-A l"lu1. f'Uf&I "'°°· 11' A1dlum IS1r Ctt IH1rt) 11! 116 Go Hambr• (Adair) 11• llCI !Su.II l"llot IWM-.il 116 113 FIU 0.ll! !Brlnlr.leyl 117 Ill ~~';;;;'~~~:~::..mi ~n seco~o ll:Ace. sso ¥•rds. 3 "'" e111 hld11n IMarrlsl 11' old~ 111<1 uo In Gri lle A Mll\IJI;. Pur5-Th1nk1 Ooc fK1nt•l 1 1~ $1'00. Aock!t Midi: (APaOKI) IU '41! Of ~ !(1r(lo1a} lM MlclWl'I' D11'1h' fP11Ml lit J<!l'I" G<ltli !WllMJn) 116 Llt11e Evt'11'tll IA Btnlr.sl 113 SIXTH ll:ACE. * ,.rds.' rear ah:b. Se...., ll:aln• (Ada!d Ill C11lm!f111, Puna UlOO. (llolmJ,. prlc1 Ack A MuHln (0 l11nk•l 111 ~. S~Pl'lamo'11' Quff" CWrlgM) 114 5'rtorh11 (Smith) S.n1ror·a Cvdone ISmllhl 111 Cert1ln Son'N>HI (Acl1lrl "' "' "' "' '" '" "' '" ,. Cob.Ir Morg•n C'4l>Odacal lll Our Oacl1lan (H1rll liloan lh.irtMt ILl111!1mJ 111 TM WOP lMorrlll Cool II tRfn11dll 111 Na Mht (~ml THlll:O RACE. 400 Vl•ch. M1ldf:" ! y~~' olas, C!tlmfng. Puri.e 11100. C!1lm- l11w Price \4000. Patsllfft Dtcll tW•ho"I Ll111: Paster l~lwcl•I M•vbe L1\ff (Plum> Galcl Llnl!'IO !H Cro~l Electdc Cr>ar9e !Wl!Sln) MIOw& .. Tom !Mair) Cr!rr"'n Srtt.1k CS...11111 ~~ Grend Bari ISl11lotl L11·• Bye Syt CW•lghH on-""" Onlv (Weldll Sola Moon (Wat~<ml Gr(!!lwln tll 88nks) 110 Two fwen1v Flv1 10 .. y1rl ·~ "' •M "' Fiiiy POYOI {Cardo!ll 1,.lla Brawro Gii !Brlnlo.ll'Y) ·~ ·~ "' "' "' "' ~OUllTH ltACI!, 1loO varlll. 1 Yftr t ld1 Ind UP ln Gr1G1 A Minon. Purte $1700. ea1 c11an1n1n1 IMol'FI•) "' Sf.VfNTH JIACE, Yes.els Sr. CourH -110 v1ri:11. l Vtlr olcl1 Incl \Ip, Cll!m- 1 .... PllfH naoo. c111..,1,. ,.,.iu s10 . Sp1nl.ii Locket IAc11lrJ l U Tr1111e Tet (Llllllaml 117 C~1 O..ck !llkN•dd 120 M1l't Lu<k f$mlt~J 120 lriclner1tor (Morris) 11' F111CY Wlllaw (MC:ll:1vn111asJ lli Hurry John /Htrll 11t Mr, Loni Shol CK.l"l1l 117 EIGHTH ll:ACE. UO y1rd1. 1 Vtlr aids ..,d ~II 111 Graot M Mlnu&. Pwrn S210D. Tht AnKancl1 (lull, Go Go E.,glt fu.11.,..l Okn DUI Tlonl ISnolll'!l Miu .V.-. Print (1(1"111 M10clen Racket IM1buda) Gen;i11lmt1 B1• fMorr1al Thl"k Jl lcll IPtttlo) "' "' "' •M . Lamar Keck Mike-Seaver Morty Anderson Rol ond Aloxond•r players. Along with their fears about poor conditioning, c o a c h e 1 were opposed to the games ~ause of. the athlete.a they st.and to lose i! the boys should have a good night while scouts from major colleges look on. Here's what they said: R A Y S H A CKELFORD, Golden Weal: "We as junior college c o a c h e s have everything to lose and nothing to gain when they play these games. "We've been watching these boys play for two years and we know what they can do. All of a sudden a kid has a good game and three or four more schools are after him. "The boy really hasn't had time to investigate the 6Chool aDd he makes a hasty dedaion. And, in many case!!, he regrets it later. "Right now, I don't think lhese ldds have enough Ume to p.i;acilce and to get in shape, especially when many o( them have to play both ways: "Kids who play in summer all-star games get tired by the end of the season in the fall, but my biggest gripe concerns a boy who shows up well tn an all-star game after we 've recruited him. "All of a sudden the big col· leges are after hlm and we Jose him." GEORGE HARTMAN, Sad· dleback College: "You'd be taking something away from football if you did away with these games." DICK TUCKER, Orange Coast: "I th.ink. all-star games are good . They are a greal ex.· perience for the kids . It gives them a chance to play with top-nctch players. "I don't worry about the in- jury factor. It can happen, but a boy also can be hurt on the first day of practice. EDISON SETS GRID SIGNUP Edison High School will give phys ical examinations for athletes participating In all fall sports Wednesday morning and afternoon. Lin A Racket (Wah<tnl CN'91 Forthr" (II: l1nk'1! Mlc•1y 0.,Jr (CwdoMJ Rott!" Oat>ln (Acl1lr) "' '" "' '" 'M "' NINTH ll:AC•. Q y..-<11. 3 YNr olds llld up I" Gr..-A l'lut, Puow •1J06. Purn 11900. Rese da Bowler Heads "I don't see that these games accomplish a thing. 'The chance a boy take! in playing is too great. He isn't ready to play in a football game and in the three years I have been here I've seen a lot "However, I don't think It's good for a boy to play ln more than. one all-star game." Hours for the physicals are 9 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. Do W1td1 f!tm!thl sand ll:lver Win tH1rtl U11cl1 E<191r fApaclac1) PF'CIWlraw Gtrt fP-) B•eezt ACCOl.lm (II: 11111kl) F111 Sll!'flOlr !Wtl»r!I Jl!tf1rt1 (Ad11rl Molllle (Alcll•rclsJ Tl>t V,1rll! IClrdoul • Hamnitnd J-rd (0 l1nktl '" "' '" '" "' Kona Lanes Showdown of boys hurt. "I am strongly against this Fish Report game in Orange County. NIWl"Oll:T •tAcH-rtta....,..1 Lldr· ,. 116 Lamar Keck of Reseda pac· :1! ed four finalists into-the 11' championship round of the especially," V j-l" 1"9len: $0 blu, ;m baf!llo, r-Marty Ander-of 11 blrrKVW, * ,~, 1 hat1tiv1. a•"·'"• """ HAL SHERBECK Full .... _ CArt'• Lt11<111111-11 11•tler.: 111 IMr· Ariaheim and Roland Alex-JC: .. The purpose' of ~= r~. 2'11 banlto. 1 )'Wltowta!I, u ander. of We!t L<i6 Angeles. games: is worthwhile but there rv:,"~·i..IMENTt-m a111111,..: 114 Keck paced semifinal action are question marks about how ::::: r:..l:!'. I M llM. SB Ace's 4-hitter Earns Title D3ve Klungresetter limitec:J Union Savings Stars to four hits as Seal Beach won the Long Beach Police League. baseball championship Sunday with a 3-1 victory at Blair Field, Long Beach. The Seal Beach pitcher got all the hitting support he need- ed before he had to throw one pitch when his teammates col - lected two runs in the top of the first inning. Dave Campbell opened th~ game by drawing a walk and was sacrif.ced to second. Mark Cresse followed with a run-.produclng single. After Cresse was thrown out when he tried to advance on an overthrow, Pat CWTan unloaded a 365-foot home run over the left-centerfield fence. * * * ClptPbtll, 11 Fll'mlng, lb (tnM. C (Urrt"' ti Crnd, lb --" Nelli, ~ SHI 1-.:11 UI l(lu"ll'"'Her, I $.l•!fT'ln, II' Toltls llltlt'M' J 1 I 0 t 1 0 0 l o 1 I 1 I 1 1 J I I I l • 2 1 J ' 1 0 1 I 1 0 2 D I t West Coast Match . Game eliminaUons at Kona Lanes, surviving · semifinals action witti a ''Plus 1142" score, an they are conducted. SIAL IEACH-tto 1no1~: u .,.,. ct I . r II t of 11 EA" ••wda. ,Q IX!nllo, 110 Wiid bl••· ,, a ua pin a coun . ......... "Kids should be restricted to 1M1111u1. llef'9e. 1' 1..,i.o: u twr1-,. 11 1 23 s ' :II kll'I 11'1' llllllltfl .. Race Results r - Mancl1r. A111. ll, lff' Cl11r A F1•I ,IRSr llA(I!. 350 v1rcli. Mt lden 2 .,..., old<. Cltlmlng, f'ww! 11700. T~at ll:ffd Ba• ! II &lnklJ J.IO 1.«I t 20 Jt"0'1 Girt (Ad1lr) 2.IO 1.ill T~·t P•ll~ 4H Cr0$bvl J-20 TITT>e---11 1110 Scre!ch"<l-S""'P E1•1. .l.cut1 R.,_ 11u~I, Ml1 Ancha<' Witch, 0rnt Ind 0111r. SECOND ll:ACI!'. IOCI ¥1!'dl. I ~r aids Ind ua In Gr..,. B PIUi. Pu•1• Sl50C. Otal Fist tMorrl1) S.IO 1 . .io lOD Ml~1 SUP@r Out (C1rdaJ1) l.«I l .olll Bt ll8 T""" (Acltlr) S.20 Tl.-10 1110 NlGHTl Y OOUILE -l•Tilll ll:IH l 1r & 1·0 111 flil. l"tkl 11,.lt. THlllO R•CI'. HO y1rcli. Meldcn 1 ye1r Plcli. P~r.a $1100, Mr. LITTie De<*: llrlnk ..... ) 7JO l.«I J.20 Slljim ~ !Srr\1111) 1.20 6 • .0 Tiny Touch CH Crosby) u.oa T!mt--11 2110 krl~ C1tdl h . "OURTH It.AC• . .&Cl 'flrds, I 'f"'r olm ll'ld ""' In G<'l6e A Mlf'IVI , Purw !U!IO. Lum.1118,.., /1(1nlsl tillo s..eeo ($mlllll Ntod•-(AOllr) fime--22 1110 '·'° '·'° J.641 15.20 7.<IO ... kr1!dled -R.t¥el Cuidy, ~tan C1<clorie, Owr:>bl!, a.. MtM, l'll"TH ltACI. ~ 'W'!lrdt. 1 '1'9tr o!dt, Allgw111Cet. Purw 11100. Go Liit• Jtt /W11S...,) U .90 U.OD t.20 LAG Bav 0 111 {Cir-ti I.Ill J_6(1 Kil>t1"1 1-191' fWrffllll 1J.90 Tl,,,._11 2110 5crakt>td -Moor! Cllt!tltt', Thrtt Go'1, Pecw1n. SIXTH l:ACI. U1 v•rdll. 1 "ntr tldl and w. c1aJmt"'. PWM lllOll. Slormv lluH !Wl'l'Mln) 1•.0D t,IO '·00 Monday night before a pac.ked house of bowling enthusiaSts. \Yilh the 50-pin bonus for win-playing in ooe game _ two J! cudll, ,. Hl'ld .,., .. JJO kwllla. 100 m1 ~m 100 ., t-l •. 1 ning bis final match, Keck had;---"'---..:. _____ _;"='=~~·----------"="~'~::..:"=·~'"'::::.--~"":.:":'~'-:':_:_' ' Other finalists in the cham· pionshlp finals on Monday in4 elude Mike Seaver of Tor· a comfort.able 116-pin edge over second place finisher Seaver. Sare sl.40! Now the Crow*gallonis easier to get hold ot: · drlYB IOUl'llll ' , How Tliey Stand Ct.le~ IAdll<I !LOI 1.00 L1rlr. Grind fLilllllfTll .LJO Tf!No..-11 1/10 Na lci'l tehtt. ''"''"™ ll:ACI. Yn5elt •r. cau .. 410 y.trcli. 3 .... , olcl1 •l'ld ...,, nowsll.49 (wu '12.119) 10 1111 Bua· Houil nollhBDoarhoUUu. manaw IYarson r\,\TIO~,\L LF.AGUE East Divi$io n \Von Lost Pel. GB Chicago 75 45 ,625 - r..·ew York CG Sr .564 71-2 St. Louis 67 53 .558 8 P1tl<;.burgh 62 56 .525 12 Philadf'lph!a 4B 70 .407 2ii "l'\ion1real J8 83 .314 37Lz \\'est Diviiiion Ciocinnat1 fi4 51 .f>57 - Los Ang C'lcs 65 53 .55 1 11 Houston 64 55 .5311 2 s . FranclSCO 6~ 55 .538 2 Allanta 66 57 .537 2 San Diciro 35 8fi .2ll2 31 11,i Mondt~·· Jlnulh l'llhhul'I~ n. C1nctn1111! 1. 10 111>1- •~• onr~ ,.m~ M/lfd~le<::I T.,c!1V'1 G1mff '·~l'I J:r111{•..:o fM&n<tl$1 1'·1) 1! ti•" Yori! 1G<l'l"Y f·IOt, 11'91\I ~1n 0 1"71! 1s1o•o<1n1 1.n) al Mor.. ,,..,1 1RM11o;o '1l, 11,ont LOii A-.'ft (!IU~~,na 10.Gl •I Pllill- M ollll IJalllltOI' ).~), 11,.111 o-tlktl'Gll (W•llOI\ 1$-11 ti Pl""buf'lll l""1!C1r I.JI, 11lt11I 111•""1a tNl""ro 1 .. 101 II ChlCl<M (M Otm~ll !l.t! c111c1n~~rr IM4llOllW Hl t l $1. Lou·• IW•)llllVf~ l 11 Widr!IKllY'I GI/Ml t.ltlt F••'I< l(o al Nftl 'l'o<'k, "l"'! 't" o;-•I "'°"'rM I, n.aM HlllJ'4•(11\ ~I l'I 111bvr1n, 111t111 Al\tl~!• 11 (NUOa l I" An~• I~• 11 Pl!ll!Hf<lln~I~, llilhl C •11(lt111t!I II II. L(IU•" "''l!t ' A~1ERICAN LEAGUE East Division Won Lost Pel GB Baltiin-0rc 85 :JS • 708 - Detroit 67 51 .561 17 Boston 64 56 ,533 21 New York 61 60 .504 24~\ Washington 61 61 .500 25 Cleveland 50 73 .407 361.i West Divl!JIOn ~finnesota 71 49 .592 - ()akland · 68 49 .581 I ~ Kansas Ctiy 49 70 .412 21 1.l s~attle 48 70 .407 22 Calirom ia 47 69 .fOS 22 Chicago 46 74 .333 25 MOllcl•r'• Anlf"I l(~n~s Chy ,, New Yorlr 1 1111'1!4111'! 7, Mln~a 6. 10 '""l"IJI Ctlll!ll""l• 3. C~al'ld 1 1)1lt1mare 12, *"" J Or!IY Nll"K ~Yloocl Tau,·1 Gll- (lttMtncl (McDowell 1).10) II 0.~• 111\11 (0ot.O'I IJ.fl, 111t!!I B1l!lmo~ fC1111U1r U·t) 11 Ca!llorl!l1 IMIY S.9), 11lo+tl 0t•ro1r cl(U~en• ... 2.11 11 ~111 ··~ ,., .. "'"'' Mew 'Y!rt I Oawftl!'IO Wl 11 1(111W• Cll Y lDrHo 6-10), nliM ClhtaDO !Horltll .. Iii ti WHlll"''°" (Co• 1·Sl. nl<lfll Mlill'IHOtl (PtrrY 144) 1t l ot!Oll /Lanborg 7.,1. "'"'' We!llMINY'a 01mtt C!tvei.M 11 0.-llM, nlllll .. It\~ •I CttlfOr"!.I, nJtftl Ort"" ,, lofflllt, 1119111 ,,..... Y1111. al K1nw1 City, nltlll Cl"(l.W 11 W11tfllnt1011. !!lt'lll M1nntiol1 1t 8ottor1 c .. 1m1,,., '°""' 122!1t. 8111V Gitll>ll'1 {WalMWO) 1£.jO J.lO S.to Sl'ludt 'Em (JI lllnllll J.Xl JM ''"''''• lmfVfl (Sml1") • OQ Tl,,__,. 7/10 Na .a.ld!n. tlGHTH It.I.Ct. «Ml ¥11'111. I ftl!' alcl1 1l'ICI UI lrl Grack AA PM, l"vrM n ... It-tied (hldi {~rt) Q .M t.CI J.llO Sleti /\ml Go (Wll'°"I ,,OD S.«I Throltll e.ct (Clrclafll ~.to Ti--ao ~110 No tt'l'l'ldlts. NINTH ll:ACI. 2111 y1nk. 3 'fl!llr olds 1IMI Ill> In Grldt A •Phlt. l"IH'M l!t(lll. l=aJy Dall rw111anl s.20 l,oo t.to Mlclw1v Mittie IC1ntol1) 4.:111 J.oM Oto Va" C ...... tw61) J.IO Ti...-11 2/lt kr1ldolcl-Ut111tKfold, Kllf Clllwll, l=rwly IWlottk, 1"1'9 ll:«klt, QUINl!LL.t.-f."•l!Y Dlft & ,-Mlfwn Mlllll. P•ld fllM. FV Physicals NowC.llfomJa•1moet popular half plloore• to you at u eu)'·to11ick· up price.-Same amoolb. modem Crow. •Grip.far .... &. Pa-feet lriP for balwcd pouriD& from 6nt pour '° Jut. ~pMt 1R No taller t\aa a IUlh. but bolds a fuU 64 ....... • BaDWa ,......,. Perfect pouriot control .•. tmootb, dtfplelil ft.ow every time. Old Crow Phys.icals for all athletes at Fountain Valley High School will be given 11t the llcllool Wednesday from 8:30 1.m. to 3:30 p.m. Alhletcs In all cl""lllc•· Taste ...... Mdit-VS-pofllarllollnoL tions and all sport.I for the · entire school )'ear should re-1 lllTJCIY llWlff .... ....., • ,..,MT110 • 1111111 '"'* u ... •niull'a.r~lfl'. port to Lile boya alhleUc de- partmenl Dua ham (Ult is) 1 • • ,, " • 1 I l MAN OR MONSTER? -Vincent Price plays Pro-~ fessor Henry Jarrod in the motion picture "H~use ;. of Wax" to be seen on Channel 9 at 7_:30 tonight. Phyllis Kirk and Frank Lovejoy co-star l1l the fright • feature about a wax museum. ~ TELEVISION VIEWS Merv Sta11s With Flair By ROBERT MUSEL NEW YORK (UPI ) -When a $10,000-a-week star is happy to appear on a program for a flat fee of $1.65 you can bel the hard cash is only the tip of an iceberg whose vast invisible bulk spells plug. J\1erv Griffin made his Jong-awaited network debut on CBS-TV in his own talk show last night and the talented and beautiful people who filled his couch all had an evening profitable far beyond the stand- ant pittance. WOODY ALLEN \V3 S ecstatic about a movie he happened to write, dire~t and _star in and di~ every# thing but urge the studio audience to leave unrned· iately for the cinema. Ted Sorenson, one of the Kenndy family advis· ers, launc°bed his campaign for senator from New York. Hedy Lamarr, a breathtakingly beautiful grand·· mother, asked everybody to withhold judgment on her career until th ey read her autobiography "Hedy". Another beu aty, Leslie Uggams, revealed under pressure from Griffin tha t she is delighted about her forthcoming CBS seri es, "The Leslie Uggams Show''. ·MOMS MABLEV, a great soul singer, told a joke that shook the network censors, and then sang a lament from her new album that \Vill do its sales absolutely no harm. '· This is no reflection on 11erv or, for that mat- ... ter, on Johnny Carson of NBC or Joey Bishop of ABC who also have to make the same comproml se to persuade celebrities to appear. Carson had Bob ~ Hope and Eva Gabor a1nong his crew last night and -l ·Bishop had the Smothers Brothers end Efrem ,. Zimbalist Jr., with names like these no network ~ could afford to pay fuU rates fi ve times a week. }; SO THE DEAL is network airtime (and com- }: ~ercials sell for many thousands of dollars a min- '' ute) for your pet project or personal publicity pro- '1' vided you do a turn to earn it. And having estab- 1 lished that let us proceed to see what Merv did .: with the opportunity for a network sho\v after five 1 years of successfuJ synd ication. J Carson is funnier. Bishop cornier but Merv • strikes a nice smooth balance that lends point to ·t his opening remark that althoug h he had read a •1 great deal about the three·\vay competi tion he " thought there was room for everybody. ~ "I'm going to try to entertain you," he said. ,, " H~ SAID. BOTH his opponents were doing a ;, great JOb which \\'BS generous of him considering ,. ~BC and ABC spent. fortunes in newspaper adver- ~1 tisement.s yesterday tryi ng to lu re his premlere audience a \vay. J\1erv. \vho used to be a singer, ., sang "I'll Ne ver Fall in Lo ve Again," on e of those contemporary h its, more rhythm than melody. and -bad a mild dialogue \Vith 75-vear-old Arthur Treach· er, his regular foil who used a cane but otherwise ~ave no si,gn that he had had open heart surgery three mont hs ago. ''I RECOGNIZE there·n be plenty of dial turn- ing this season." And so th.ere \\'111. Jokey, Hokey and Fol ky. Take your cfl9ice. Den1iis tlae lffe11nce -.1 - - PERKINS JUDGE PARKER YOCI ~ SHOl!LP PJX>P M'Ot'1'r' Fli'OM. THE OR'6,A.JU· 1ATION, "'ISS 5f"E!Ka! 1-!E 6ET&JMTO ~I.ISLE WITHOUT PURPO&E! MOON MULLINS ® j ' " !l II 'I 1. TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF GORDO IF IT WA.slJIT FOil. POWER J./NES ).ND TREES-·· MISS PEACH I I l i • .. WELL! IT'S A60lJT.T1MEI WHEl\E IN BLAZES .You · BEEN, 130Y? • By Cliarfes M. Sc:hulz ..------T,1 I CAN"T UNDERSTAND THIS! • I I fl ' NO CM El'ER-llMTES ME 10 A WIENER ROA5T _ By Saunders and Overgard MA-Hl!5 ttOLDING Mil ROPl!R ' PR'l$0NER ?-THAT'S rt'~ STOPPED HIM 8€FORE Hf COi.JU) SPELL OUT TIE 'Mt>l.E NAME H THAT 6AXEF:?Y ORDER'/ By John Miles By Harold Le Doux By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith YEfl, I KNOW··- I COULDN 'T UNDERSTAND YoUR FRIEND I ;,: ... ,. )J By Gus Aniola YEAAAHHH! By Mell ' ' - TU ES D AY AUQUIT 11 -- lnul• lie Ji• °"" orOlfto • ..... 81rry Wlllil• .-, H•k· 11:111 tfld P1ul LuW pd. lR> 18 -r"" CCI (10) ID .. w t• Lh CC> (60) llJ-p"' ~----!--- ~oo fJ "" Ille -CCI (60) Dunphy. t!J !!! ,....,, .... ..., CCI {!O) n-.._ -CCI C90l .,, lil'IOlll. Kanne Crolby, Stu GD!ltm, 1oe Wl!lttms. end "'Ballooft Mao" BUI MONbon 1uut. D Sb O'Cled. Mll'llr. "Dlclllon {p/Mt Jlllll'" (IUIPlllW) '57-Jtd HaQl111, Ellllbetti Stllaf1. 0 I "'° "'7 (60) m.-CCI llOl CIJl ID ""' -CCI (90) fil Mita "'91 (30) A loo• 11 Bighorn Sh111p 111 the 1tplrw 11111d· ows. d!stancts bttwMll aalu 1nd Ptllllppln1 d111C1 eteps the! accompanr rice pl1nUna. @II Jll'flmd '"""" r ..... (30) r@ flllwl (C) (60) .lid; Him,. '''° D IQllC •-CCI (60) mh., .... <lOl II) CIJ ,....,_.,,,..., CCI 130\ 9 CiJ m .... "' <30> ED Appl\M M1nq..t Tralnlnt (Cl (30) "Mod1111 SllPlf\'barJ Tech· ni11111s. .. A p1ei1lew al 1 series ·ff. siened to lmprm 1 aupel'lisor's skllls In rnativ1UnL devllopina: tlld 111idlni tmploY9e1.. m "'d'*' " 1ci 160l 7:00 R CIS Ewnlnt Jllft (C) {30) W11ter Cronklta. Q Whtfl lllJ liMf (C) {30) m P...... (C) (30) Allen Luci· den hosts. ID Mdtall'I KIWJ' (30) llJ @ .._.... CCI 130) fl!) M1111• Opee Ko• (30! '"Thi Sfillt of Sound.,. K4St Russell Con· flOf visits with N1rclsu Willlell1'0n to en)Oy the allht •nd sound ol the Boston Museum of F1111 Art's ml.lai· e1l lnstrumtnl collldioA. 900 1N .... ,.,. "'(30) m lsl1ncb bl .. Sall (C) (30) m""'• -1ci (JC> 7:30fJ lif(I)'-CCI (60) "'" sr1es connlvlna: 1111dlcl111 111111 Claud1 Buttttmlrt (Wllll1m Wlrt- dom) from • tar 1nd fNtberlna. but th• tllm·ft•m 1rt11t lhowt up at the lancer r1nch durlr11 Scott'• abstnc.e, J)GSl111 II Ill 11111\t• 111nl and .starts 1 phonJ ltl\d boom from whldl tit llopu to profit. (R) O tl!l6l illl .. '"'CCI (60J ·'The-niorlin Web.• Thi Entllf'l)fbe ls llJITtlUnGed bJ 111 11~ web H M1. Spock tnd Or. Mc:Cot' atn:h t:OO fJ 9Cll11!1 :gt--(C) ~· (drlmt) 'it- ' Llllle Miii.Mn. Karl RPID6a. Aldo R11, '"' "' ·-Todd, .,. Julle11, Dina Elcer. SbJ ol two 11111'1 lffOf1I lo tnlcne 1N ltw i. I d1J' tonl bJ lfiallltloft. .l dJstrlet •tlo""' •nd • pellet lltul1111nt flJ to tlnd t11t •mer ol 1 lllWSPlll"'· Intl ill I r1dlllly trlublfld dtJ. (R) n -• !Cl 160l """ ""' W'Sst. .. Tht Ooodlttown Plpere pro. wlllt 1nother musical OCJ11n.. Tiii 111ebrudl 11lirl JPl(lfcellJ laU:a 11111 11 the likes of Mtrshll Diiion 11111 oth1r lnhlbltlnb fl burponln1 ODdp ctty fl '1iul'lll!IOk•" lime. m Im f.onl (C) (60) "'l1ll Ttl· 1•1 nun.• NET producer Onld l'toWltt n1rrltn an Auslr1tl1n film 1bout th• fftectlon of 1 las:s!Uztd atull that could bl the 10n1·mlsal111 ll11k bttWllll indent and moder• ftllll.. Thi llory COftCll'llt • prnft• W I Mrdl for I lbrfl, orillMllJ clbocMrecl 111 1886 i nd forsotll• or l!JtmlSlld u iinlmportant m..,noi '''° fJ 9 (I) Dn "'1 CCI noi Whtn Dons has to b1 out al town tar 1 11'11' dlys. tht hoil11 blcorna 1 shsmbles untD Emn11 flood (Marr WlduJ, 1 reti11d M1ri111 Cotps of· fk:lr, 1rrivu ind libs "mmmand'" ol tht slhltllon. (R) O l!llCil m•YPD (C) (30) "rn"ijbadj lJwld Hirn.• A ll!m prodUCll' who 1pp1r1nur had "° tntmln Is lound munferld. Del Lt. Mlkt H1lnes Ind Delectivt• Jett W114 and Johll Cor10 lnvuti11t1 tti1 al1yln1 •rid dilCO'ltf that tt11 victim was not H "kwe1bl1'" 11 hi w1s built up to be. Specl1I l\Hllll ire Walllr McGinn tnd .lltll SomatL (~ fJ RM: (C) (30) Ttd Mtym m am:im W1Mrt 1r1 ".,,... 1nr-Tiliiilp (C) (60) em Bunud P>lldft• how th• strip. whldl be- 1111 11 tht q1.1kbst f'Dllf• to M1Ub1 Btldl, btclme 1 place to IO r•tti• than 1 WIJ to ro t!Mre.. {It) "''° fJ am'" -"""' "' (60) "MO!bers ind D1u1ht11s." Charlll Kuralt end Jal\A Llurenc9 """ nm-CCI <!Ol o lflJ m m~".-"' 160) fi\1 Jett1r10n Alrp1tne, Jlml Ken· dril 111d Joni Mitchell 1uest. 0 OtJl1! (C) (60) tD USC Male flltlnJ (60) Joh11 CraWJI IM:lsts 1 provam wilh pl111lst .limes Coo• of the USC School ol Music. Pralf'lm: "Toteala, Op. J,• bf Schum1nn; 11\d '1.udus Tonllls. • bf Hlndtrnltll. ::st ~p1:~ .. KI~) body wtllcb Is lO:JOCD•NJ (t) (30) Bltl Joh111. e""' --(30) o lflJ m m"" ..,.. CCI 160) 11:0011 a om m •-CCI "Ptlce ltoiii-MJ BlauJ• Cbfis. 11 MrM Hlktlc:ldl tophel ConMllJ 1uab u t toft.. vktld draft dodpr, tilt IClft (llf I 011""9: "1lll Liii '1111 f lr'lll ltlltl'll hornt on lave from Vie1· i\rc:Mt'" (Q)medJ) '61 -Robert narn. Tht life d MJ, • form" Mltdu.111t, Jlck Webb. sdloolm1t1 d Julie, II put la d1n1er Wht11 h1 ICQlpb five )'tin In pNon ralh« thin rqt.st.w fot the draft (R) 0 Mllil1 S Mowle: (C) '1flal It Wu" (horror) '53-Vlncent Price, Fran• Lowtio!'. m r• • Ciftllq ... <t> (30) m""' ._ c60J m frflldl cw (30) Jullt Child PrtPlfet tonaue. (R) €[l Chclll II lo'9 (30) 1;00 0 Z..111 ll"IJ' (30) m HIZll (30) m F11twt <60l m c11• ""'''net <Cl (30) UOf)~m n. ...._. -CCI {60) Eviltd1n, Mttl Monro, Miry Hopkin tnd "LOl'd Ch111u" 111est liberlct plays Tch1lkMk)"1 B·fll1 Minor. Other piano numb111 1r1 m W. C. fllldl FU111 htttnt: "'Tht B1n•.Oldl.," co-starrlnc UN MerUI (1940). fD MoN: -cal 11M1 Ill._.. (~ t~ry) '6o -1M PttllflDll. Ana ""'" ll1J CD llJ Cil 9 CIJ •m CCI 11:30 IJ QI Cil M"' Crtlft1 (C) Dina• Shoft, Pbyllls Oi\lar, Tiny Tim, Sort- ny & Che1 1uest. 0 II) CIJ illl ''""" -"' 9 Movie: "Sanll ft ,.,.,.- (wulern) ·~s-Jol111 '""' Fal~ Dom1r1ut. O ll7lffi !D ,.., '"""' ltJ To111 Benrittt, Ruth Gordan. R•Uil!I JKbon (lht O.kltnd A'1 hom1-nn slUUH) llJuf.. II) ........ ""' "Alley c.tH and "T11 lor TllfO..• lt,omchmer a @mm '""' "' (JC> m·~-~-~ • n • "Homt Of tlil Br1v11. • J11U1 des-,...._, ,,_we: ' .. rMn n1m pain wlltti sh1 n1tlzes that Corry cannot 1tttnd • l1ther·111d-a:in Scout 1111tlinJ,. (RJ 0 Cltlll Mtcklllrll'1 lt!lw Htlt Kou1 (C) (30) Llollli Btrt incl Leslie Nltlsen 1111st. O @ mm It Tens I Ttdlt (Cl {bO) "AM1tt1t of G1ey M1ttt1.H Conclusion of • two-part«. Alex•"" der Mundy checks out 1 huFldl tht1 1 12.ye1r.old boy 1111J bt ttM br1in blhilld the .olld 111ss111 Ml WEDNESDAY 1:00 G lrloN: -tl'.111111 DI*"' Cd,. ma) '54 -Gi!1n11 ford. Brodar~ Crewford, Gloria GrthtmL DO-CCI 1:30 m .lll-Niafrt SMw: "Thi Great M- wn1u11," "Blonde lor 1 Daf' 1nd "Kl!lu1 Al• C111Uen11d. t:lO m""" lrtfl ••for" (drtml) ''3 -ht O'Brien, Robtrt Ryan. 1%:00 IJ "'••ldwl II Old C.Utorn1.-(w1111111.) '57 - Jim Dav!J,. i\rlet11 Wl!1lt11. DAYTIME MOVIES iuom ................ .. (camtdy) 'S!-Alte GiUllllllR. ~ tilt "-" (tornfd)'} ''0--ftu H:11· 1:00 A "lltnklJ ,.._.. (CO'!Ndy') rbo&. ·n -Gf'OUt!ID. H•l'JIO. Cllk:e •M %:(.II m "Nr Strflll• (dtall\I) '55-Rlcfl. 2tppo M1ix. •rd O.nnin1. Gloria .111111. IJ '"Tiit Crystal ..,,. (con1edJ) '43 l :DO l'J •Je111 E.Jrr' (d•ulc) '44-.IGI -""R"., MnltrWI, P1ul1tt1 Goddltd. FOntarnt. °"°" Wtll•&. " O ICl ,,_ fl "' ...,_ ,,,, ... _ '"" ..... -I ~:."'li. ·~~ 0.!1 RoblltlCla, ~.lllmll sttw1rt. M11l1111 :. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printing and Oap1ndabl1 S1nolc1 for mora thin a quarter of a c1ntury. • • PILOT PRINTIN G 12t1 wm IALIOA llYD .. NIWPOIT IU.CH -6-42·4121 ' Little Time for Fun Della Hard Worker on TV By VERNON SCO'l"I' lier house Is a modest Deloreese, t . HOLLYWOOD (UPI) California style bungalow, half The family ls rounded out by Della Reese is the slar of her glass, half natural wood with a a poodle named, simply, Dog. own hour-long t e I e v Is Ion panoramic view. 1t has three Oeloreese and Dog sptnd series and works so hard dur· bedrooms, each with a dlf· hours climbing the hillsides ir'Yt the .!_etk ~he pend!! lh.e---1.e..ttnU.hemaUc d.tc.0<..,11)1Ul'-while..MiS&.ReeM 11.worklng.a& weekends lying down. Grecian, another Oriental lhe studio on Vlne Slret'!t, a lO- Oella is divorced and lives Della did the decorating Jn the HolJywood Hills above herself with \itlle or no minute ride from home. the Sunset strip. assistance from her daughter, A cleanini womaa doubles r NOW PLAYING! Door• Open 12: 15 Show Starts 12:30 COOLED I T RE.fl lGllATIOM ACM (."(llfllNUOOS PlllfOll~C[S Al POPU.AI: l'lllCl..S O!llLCl fRON llS RESERY'EO SU.I CMGACEM["l I !Gl -ALSO COMf DY CO·HIT - Andy Grlfflril stotri .. I• "ANGEL IN MY POCKET" Color NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TI ME EXCLUS IVELY I Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" TK'hnieo!or• !!!le> AC'mtm1~rrf1lml~~""'­ A Noll-1Gtnmll Pldu~ R.dot:aw. • • • LAST 2 WEEKS ••• -~·"'"'""""[njors- 1 ROWAll ffM Ullll , "THE ~·""""""C<>il4*""-'4 .. Jlll3 2 MA1J11E BIPPY*' ' ~ ..... ;~Jl'ld""',.u,.,,.@- Held Over -Ends Tues. ST ARTS WEDNESDAY MATINl ts DAILY as baby sitter five days a week while Della is shooting the musical-variety hour. Usually Della is up at 6:30 and works until 7:3o .R.m. -a 13-hour day. She begins rehearsals al 8:30 in the morning and tapes the 'sho\v from 12 :45 to 1:45 with a live audience out lront. Thereafter the star finds lime for a bite to eat before tackling busintsS .affairs answering mail and planning U1e next day's show. Frequently Della stops and has din11er on the way home. Jn the summer months Deloreese e~ her allowance by joining her mother at the studio to run errands. Her mother works hard at giving the little girl the impression she is indispensible to the show. When school start.s, Della's sister Jives at the house to see that little Miss Reese is pro- perly cared for. Because Della's schedule is crowded and long, her social life is almost nil. Sbe tumbles into bed after dinner, too tired to watch television or read. On weekends she sleeps from IO to 12 hours a night. She rattly leaves the house ()O Saturdays and Sundays. "I don't have the time or energy for tennis and the beach like some of the other television people do,'' she says. "All I want to do in my free time is recharge my bat- teries." Like most women, Della loves shopping in exclusive dress shops .and department stores. But she hasn't much time tor shopping either. "I need shows and some new clothes, but 1 can't get away from work." she com. plains. "Once in .a while I'll dash into a store, but not often." Dell.a has been single for eight years and isn't con- sidering marriage in the near future, "because nobody has asked me. Meo feel a working girl like me might overpower them." IUWPOn I UOI -• ..._ ·--"' l•".i-U4e W. -OL H.IM EXCLUSIVE RUN ... Jo111es Go1Hr Wetter lrMHO ,, "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" I ••· Shew Storti 7 P·"'· Co•t. 5ot. M s. .. tr.. J P·•· DAILY l'!LOT ,19 Los Angeles PJaiUaar1no11ie ' Orchestra's '18~2' Superb J[ollywood Bowl txecuUves have a pretty shrewd finger on Dlebte:r was there and IO were enforce the rule t b 1 t we and one can only convey latecomers must wait unW the the impression )ained in such end of the first work befOfe Wlsultable surroundings. they are seated? U I'm lat.e, l ~public pulse and--an.- acknowledged capacity for capllaliz.ing on any box office bonam.a in the Golden Arena. were faultless tn the.l.r handl- ing of the mlgbty Russl<in's tribute ·to his oaUon's victory over Napoleon but we have to mark for...special praise •-man who, unbelievably, did not come forward to tate a bow - artistic director E r n e s t We. hav baiely-r o o m-'lbac"'1t• .. Jlllil courtay :vokm~ enough in w h I c h to tarily and anyone who ~·t acknowledge the balance of ls, in my bOok, an Ignorant the proe:ram: Marche Slave-boor. and the Romeo and Juliet It's a grand thi ng IO 1 t • Overture-Fantasy. Both en-someone banging bl.I hands This Star . Was 01!-ce Delinquent SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Dog owners whose pooches spend much of their day cha.!- ing automobiles need not be embarassed -L a s s i e , television 's celebrated canine, once chased cars for a pastime. Owner Rudd \\'eatherwax and his brothers opened a ken- nel in Los Angeles during lhe l930's to train other pe;op\e's dogs and their own. "This collie chased cars," Weatherwax recalls, ''and this man brought him in to have him cured. The man didn 't care much for the dog -he didn't even come back, just phoned and said to keep the dog for the bill." When MGM decided in 1939, to film Eric Knight's novel, ''Lassie Come Home," Lhe col- lie with a fetish for fertders became the highest paid and most reoowned dog in en- tertainment history. We're woodering today just what they Intend to do in the afterglow of that magnificent perrormance Saturday night- a rendering ol Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture that was by tar the best thing we've ever beard in a setting that is not, let's face it, the ideaJ auditoriwn for music lovers to ·wbom technical accomplishment and purity of tone are very necessary Ingredients in any program. You will g_ather that we have had our problems at the Bowl. But all was readily forgiven Saturday night as Zubin Mehta led his Los Angeles Philarmonic Orchestra in that spine-tingl· ing, perfectly timed and ex- ecuted 1812. Our own guess is that this obvious crowd pleaser -it was the centerpiece of an all· Tchaikovsky program -will become an annual offering at lhe Bowl. It was a sellout Saturday night and we can •t recall that we have ever seen as many hungry ticket hun- ters milling outside the b o x office, hours before Mehta raised his baton. ~1ehta and his orchestra Fleischman. He was the man responsible joyed faithful readings at the together as If he ~ally wanJed for the dovetailing of cannon h a n d s of M e h t a and to convey his enthu11asm but lire and firewcrks into this performances that. in the it's also a very rare tblng absence of that 1812, would tllese d a y 1 In the Concert rousing 1812 and what he gave have received a more com-hal!J. us was absolute perfection. It plete and deserved analysis. Certainly, Mehl.a w 1 1 is, of cour~. the fervent , nag-A last wont if we may, on brought back to the podium waving hymn of patriotism as two aspects of concertgolng seven times after that superb Tchaikovsky initiaUy saw u which are not confined to the 1812 but lo bow to some but- a.nd it makes the reduced coo-HoUywood Bowl and wbich terfly-type applause that could ~ hall version ol. the classic have been our targets on have been out-clapped by a seem tame in comparison. numerous occa sions: studio audience. He should ll was regrettable. we latecomers and apalbelic ai; have got an ovaUon that could thought, that pianist Mischa diences. have been heard in Orange Dichter had tp play the Both were richly i n County if only on the strength b!'illiant. equally p 0 p u 1 a r evidence, as usual, Saturday of the post-concert. comments Piano Concerto No. 1 in 8 llat night, •the former being en· we listened to Oll"tlvrway oat. minor on the same fll"Nn'am. • couraged by a management We don't know what the • ,,.. ~D· that bas scant regard for the an.swer is. But . we do know, Di.chter gave u.s a polished, 1 rights a.nd pleasure. of those that American audiences are P easing performance and pro-who ensured that they were in among the worst in the world ved more than capable of their seat.s before l h e w h e n I l c 0 m e a t o renecting the essential roman-perfonnance began. acknowledgement <If th e ticism of this jewel of a con. Surely, it isn't impossible to artist. certo. A l r if I e academic,---""'-----'---------------perhaps, .al moments when we .would have wanted to linger over much of that bell·llke phrasing, but nonetheless ex- tremely effective in his in· terpretalton of an ageless work. We have lo say again that this is no place to play a piano concerto any more than it Ls a setting in which one's delivery of such a work can adequately be judged. But there it is, Mr. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Act furl ousl y 'umrire's "' IJ Survlvts 14 Russian mounta in r;ingt 15 Formtr 43 Instrument 45 Evergretn 4h Ontario ci!y 47 Quadru~d 48 Seneca s 'Succeed' Set in Huntington Alaskan govtrno1 16 Burning 17 Not acqulrtd 18 Kind of t nlranct 19 Stnd forth as a sound 120 Otp:oslt ln rtmtdy for angtr · 49 Piect or furniture 53 Lack of strength 57 "Divine Comedy" author 58 Whert SI. Paul Wii.S · shlpwrecked 5' Atason for a ltgal action bl Kind of 8119/6' If 7 Thin pitct lh R~pld \1 The Huntington Beach Youth The.at.er will preserit "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" at a p.m. Aug. 20 through 23 in the 1,300-sea t auditorium of Huntington Beach High School, 1905 Main SI. The production is sponsored by the city o[ Huntington Beach through the Youth Coalition Committee and is Lhe first attempt by the YCC to foster a theater in the city for the youth of. the area. A ca.st o( 75 persons ranging in age from 13 to 23 is directed by Rick Schraier, music and drama teacher at Carson High Scbool. I A full orchestra will provide music for the comedy by the late Frank Lesser .and Abe Burrows. Choregraphy is by Ketty Mallen King with the assistance of Ricki Jensen. The show is a spoof of the fantastic rise of .a window washer lo fame, fortune and the chairman's seat of a large corporation. Cordon Larsen plays the leading role of J . Pierrepont Finch. Other leading roles are. played by Larry Shyerm, Don Allen. Pat Bohanon a. n d Marianne Melton. A f u 11 chorus and a ~ bf dancers round out the cast. Both Schraier and Mrs. King are known for their activity in musical comedy in th e "··~*·I TIEAUI Rossmor·Los Alamitos area . Schraier is a graduate of UCLA school of theater and has been Involved In several live st.age shows prior to becoming a teacher. Reservations for tickets at $1 .50 for adults and $1 for youngsters under 12 may be obtained by calling 596-6612 and tickets will be available at the box office for each of the four performances. The offering Is the first of what the YCC and the Youth Theater hope will be a series of plays by the youngsters. The dty is supporting the first effort. but the YCC members are aiming at being totally self·supp;irting in the futurt:. I I'°' ,....mttof I CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -,._; 2905 1 .. t C ... t Hi9llwey CorOH Del Mor-pll. 67l ·1260 'Deep Lab' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Universal television and Ivan Tors will co-produce "The Deep Lab," based on exploring the floor of the ocean. ~ -FIRST RUN- Also .. --""a:.. -iilm·.OO·lmim: ENDS TONIGHT "GUNS OF THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" Alao "SUBMARINE l·X" MATINEES DAILY CHtl• .. • m..1 :JO ST.A.ITS WEDNESDAY I ·~="' ·.~·'8':·: : r._.':""Y(· --:~~I ... ~ I '::===::::'.·=·~·&~-==,,~: I .,---'..L 1 AIM-W::I~ ':11.lfaOr'8ti~ "INCREDIBLE ~I JOURNEY" lli==~~~11 ~:SFoclali BALBOA ~ ·--.,_ .. .J 673-4048 tht ea1th 22 Good lortunt; 1 2 wctds 24 Dtcrtt belorttllnd 26 Hlddtn bast or operations 21 Man's I nlcknamt 28 Cotrmand to extcution squad 2' Cause ol 1%8·b' ~idemic: lnlormal 32 #Ol'n out 35 Vig« 37 Fish 38 Pitct of livtly music )'Alley bttwttn buildings 40 Gives it warning 2 l ' word b2 Fold In cloth 63 fem inine namt 64 Connecticut stnator b5 Ha~ing lost novelty b6 Word in ii. lett'r salutallon 67 Literary WOfkS. DOWN l Extf t mtly violtnt 2 By ontstlf 3 Rttall establish· ments 4 Rtsln sourcts: 1 words 5 SupPllcatt D Size: of '"' ' of wood serlts or 8 In a pr1yi11g 11uslcal . position nott1 9 Sir Wl!hld--: 31 B1ca11t Can. Prime ltss strl't 10 ~~n!ster :~ ~~~:~, f, substquent takt n in • time huntln11 • 11 Wiit In an E. 41 Ft1h Ind ian epic 44 Kind of cw 1 12 Safari 41 Klllli of 13 5trmons : tcllpse Abbr. 4,Trut 2.1 No ist made skin by revtltrs SD Kind of \ 21 Makt hair band public Sl Composllleft 25 Compass 52: 0!1111t11lw1s. point SJ Olhtr 21 Joyous timt pti»pl e's 29 C011111and children 30 USSR 54 Bttr ti~tr lnRredlent 31 Ont with ;in SS Otftndant'~ addicllon 1nswer 32. Noll et 56 lilovt toww 33 G0Ht1s' word somethlnt 34 Wtnl 60 l119redltnt \ qu lc tlt Jn tob1cco • 10 The 1trangest trio evttr to track a killer. . --- ~;'JOHN WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY MATINEE'S DAILY wm DISNEY ,.,., ..... ll'-~~ TECHNICOLOR' • HALWAUIS" -·- CUE 1 "G IT UEJfOBMOUSLY DITEBESTING! UNUSUAL, OFl'llEAT .... A FAR, FAR ABOVE AYEllAGE Fii.ii :ABOUT WABI ITS IN A NEW BAG!• """"""""'*"""""•"""" :L!uio .... ,. ... , . . • .-•,. "• • . • . • '"o DA&T c.-...... ..._nlO .. ~.,_.,..., (9'1t.._...l,_2:00M -=~ .. --·· .. ~-- .... 1111"-• 1:11 ... ... ..... ..,.,.,. , .. tMll ... . 1 .................. . -~10:~PM S..~sa..nUte•lO:JO l'M ind Return Showing of \ PEiliSEum - ·11n1Y111. Amlt .... • ' ..... . St•rt1 W.ctnesd1y c..~ .. --~w ... . "llREATllTAKllGf' it -Ow; I "BRllllAHTI" ... -Ti.HWY .... .. . lne fnoliss ~ummer . ... ~· STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorfUI sound of Grana• County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashi on Island, Newport Beach l • • .. . . . ... ' .. ' ' . ' ... DAllY 'llOT Al-FASHION ISLAND ' and You Shau/ti See MARS 'CLOSEUPS' Glossy pr ints taken from M111riner 6 and Mariner 7 television transmissions over 60 million of spoco •.. incredibly dehiled views of •urface of the Roil Plonot. Prints c;ourt•sy of J.t Propulsion l•bor1tory MAN ON MOON Pictures photographed by first "tourists" on the moon include amazing on•· of· 1 • kind shots from lul'lar Module Eagle and on moon surface by Astronauts Neil Armstrong ind "B " Aid . ua r1n. Prints courtesy of UPI T •l•P:hotos •nd NASA PRESS WINNERS All the winners in California Press Phot09r1phers Association competition ••• more thin 70 ey•grobbing prints comprising tho Gold SHI Exhibit. TOP NEWS PHOTOS Best •hots submilled for competitive judging by all the Associated Pross photographers in Colifornio ond Nevodo , , , 38 top·notch news and fHturo phot9s, including oil tho winners. 'PRETTY PICTURES' Collection of some of the finest work of 0 ronge County and other Southland profossional photographers in an exhibit coordinated by Profossionol Photogrophors West, BEST OF THE DAILY PILOT You 'll remember these .•• some of the best news, sports and human interest pictures by DAILY PILOT staff photographers, put together in an exhibit which explains how photos are published. f.OTORAMA WINNERS Top winner from each of the three we eks of Fotorama Camera Contest ••• Pick the ona you like best from among these three award-winning photos by amtteurs. You could win a pr ize for voting. SEE 'LIVE' NEW·S PHOTOS ' Ge+ an ec:litor'•·•Y•·¥i1w of th1 Un it1c:I Preis International Unifa x, the machine that electronicelly reproduce• "wire photos" from where¥er in the world news is happening. Fotoram•'• Unifax will be tied into the UPI network so you'll see the pictures at th1 1ame instant they're arri¥in9 at the OAIL Y PILOT plant, And you'll be tuned in, al10 , to chatter among photo editors from throughout the United States a1 they ar~u~ for priority "on the wire" for their pictures, . Installation Courtesy of: United Preu International Pacific Telephone Company You Coult/ Win • • IR VOTORAMA at FOTORAMA Co-Sponsored by Orange Coast Stereo 103 FM DAILY PILOT Rudio KOCM Reciister for Prizes, Then Step Into The AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINE . . PICK A PICTURE • $1, 100 in 'Sound' Prizes! • YOU COULD WIN! 1;,.-,.,. ....... .;..; 26 PRIZES FURNISHED BY RADIO KOCM THE GRAND PRIZE Stereo console with FM/ AM radio, FM multiplex ond stereo record playor-$359.95 value NEXT 2 PRIZES Eoch winner gets FM/ AM portable rad io with built-in cosset!• playback ond recording uni -$109.95 value. NEXT 3 PRIZES Each winner gets FM/AM "cube" clock rodios $29.95 value . NEXT 20 PRIZES · Each winner gets five stereo record 1lbums by top record ing artist,_.pprox. $25.00 ••luo All This Plus FREE "JOHNNY MATHIS" Records Distributed Daily! ALL FREE --3: BIG DAYS --AUG. 21, 22, 23· i Open Thursday and Saturday, 10-5:30 Day and Night Friday ( 10 a.m.·9 p.m.) FASHION J ISLAND 1 "'<'----1.< ;ii\ { _, ~. NEWPORT OENTElt N[Wl'OIT l lACW klQ'1W..-.,. • ¥\ I HOUSES FOR SALi: HOUSIS l'OR SALE HOUSH FOR SALi HOUSES FOii SALi HOUSES l'OR SALi HOUSI ' l'OR SALi HOUSES l'OR SALi: HQVSIS POii SALi Genora l 1000 General 1000 -•I 1000 -.. 1 1000 "Goner•! lOOO-Gen1nl 1000 .•TI!f!""•.. tns Hunt'"""" ... ch 1400Huntl"""' ... ch 1400 11;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1s BR, J BA._ .. -·-----~· - _,-arr~W- ORANG E COUNTY'S LARGEST WOULD YOU BELIEVE. •• 1t1ESA VERDE 3 bdrm.a 2 baths. A~umable FHA 1 o a n with pay~ MESA VERD E This lmmactilate S BR fain. lb' home can bt )IOun b)' usumlng 5%% FHA LOAN. A. must * to appreciate, Asklnr $~6,950 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ments lnclucting taxes & insurance, ltss than $160/monlh, &. w/w car- pets, drapes, detaclw:d TWO ON LOT EASl'SIDE, Nt!wtr 3 bdmu: I older 2 bdrm, detached 2 ear a;araa;e &: workahop. Ex· terlor recently pa.lnted. UNBELIEVABLE d 0 u b' • ...... with DARK ROOM etc I: all lor a total price ot onl1 BUT TRUE $39,950. lhUTy: Hurryl Only ~29,950 3 bedroom borne in Costa • co:Ts ?i.fesa ,with ~n added family WALLACI room with floor to cellln& REALTORS ~ PERRON .11 ~ .,.,. ,~ .. sand 1tone fireplace, .n new carpeting throughout d•lux 546 4141- lhaa: it'1 been completly re. (Open Ewniftl'I painted, aleo a covfl'Cd patio, l=-~.,--,..,,-.,..--,-1- aod "" a1 •;• '"'"· ""'"" Spanish Hacienda askll1i 23,500 no down to voi. fo 0 ly $152 An •xc<ptlonally beautil<tl of mli:almum down FllA hur-r n borne, which ~ been lav- ry oa tb;is one Per Month W!ly decorated. 3 Bedroom• 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATH $20,900 and t•ke ovtt excellent le famUy room, Wdine al.au FHA l01L11. Gleamina: HARD-wa.lls open to a Jowly ter- WOOD FLOORS, 3 1paciou1 race. A home dc:slg~ to bedroom• and 2 bathl. Uwely serve all funetion1 of enter- carpets and cua!om drapes! tainin&. Pier&: f!o;at. $139,500, Deep yard wlth lulb land-Call for app't. ,.,.,... on deopy '"'"' 1' ohn macnab tree lined 11.rttt. Low n.30J down or NO DOWN VETS! (714) 642.&2 35 WE SELL A HOME 9Cl1 Dover Drive. Suite 120 that'• ri&:tit It's a 3 bedroom 2 bath home in Colta J\.lesa EVERY 31 MINUTES Newport Beach ~~ .. 11 ;; :::,.:; !:.'=.\: Walker & Lee HORSE RANCH ldnder&arten throua;h college roll Weitclilf D 2 BR 1 bath home &: sarage try 10% down owner anxiou.s. 646-Tiit Ope:·Evei. ·011 6&c200' lot for only liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-1 DREAM KITCHEN A VIEW IS A VIEW, Ba H R lly °"" In -· on "'' lot rre ea -will """"" klna IS A VIEW me bed. AU this for $23,500. pre11nt1 ~ l h but I his view is fantastic, full p . I B f t 0( en myer 180" pa."IOrama or the pacilic en1n1u a ay ron 006.ll line the home is braOO 4 bdrm Balboa homP. Enjoy R 11 tht spectncular view of the ea or new only four yean old, 4 i .• 1ain tumin.,. basin, you own CALL 646-392_ I mastl'r sl:tt bedroom1, rear ... E 644 1655 yard terrace and much more beach, the sailini & water ve1. · see it to ap~ate it $36,500 activity. SHOPPING for a home? call, write or visit our of· WANT NEWPORT HEIGHTS YOU'VE GOT IT 1605 \VestcliU Dr, NB 642·52fXI fice for your frtt c:opy of l!!!~!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~I our "Homes Far Uvln&:'' SPANISH SENOR! M .. .-. wHh pkturff, prices &: details of our 4 BEDROOMS select Ustina;s in Newport Spanish eleg~. 4 large Besch, Corona Del Mar ·1; bedroom11. 2 tiled bath.I. C.0.ta Mtsa.. RED CARPET Spanish tile entry. Open REALTY, 2IJ2S W. Balboa flame cookl.n&: In a 1ounnet Blv., Newport Beach, 97B60. a beautl!ul home overlooking ,kticbert + deluxe built-lnl. 67!).G()OO. newport harbor, r u 1 t le H'u.gP. play room and only 1"SA:;V:.E,;=:;$ _wl~th-5~14-%~~G~.I. charm l1 the word with 3 $29,950. Call now SeDOl'I Newport Weit ! BR 2 BA bedroom1 2 baths and a 645-0003 home. J,.> ml to beach. Cpta, b&Rment with built In bar-b. FORESl' E. drps. All GE kit Fenced, q. all on a corner lot. 42,950 o L s o N 1and"'4ped, oprlnldm l call ftlr appointment only patio. Freshly painted & well cared for. $28,700. Owner wlll carry 2nd. 22022 Capiltrano Ln, HB. 540.95'5 or 968-4132 Inc, Realtors at Harbor Center 2200 HarlloF Blvd., C.M. You·Won't Believe Cathedral c e 111 n 1 •··and FLOOR TO CEtuNG FIRE- PLACE in plusn carpet cov. ued """"' ...... ""' • bed-rooms plus 2 tiled baths l:i pride ol. ownen.bip nel&hbor- hood. Back on the muket alter belfl& told in one di.)'! B u ye r TRANSFERRED. Built ln kitchen, J..arae mu. ter bedroom. Play yard, NO DOWN VETS or $1,300 to all others FHA at ONLY $22,350, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams -Open 'tll 9 PM Brond New Ll1111119 Fabuloua 8 month old larae custoro home close to roU course. 1 story • shake roof, dining & breakfast area, 4 bdrm.s etc. Live Ye It Upl Vaeatioll a month or more 1n fabulous MAUI ,HAWAll! Sharp .2 bdrm coinpletely furnished condo unit on beach, call for further info. $350/mo. $11·5110 ,...,.,.tbllbt) ~~~~~ $20,425 Spack1U1, Neat T HR E E BEDROOM, lathe and plut. er constructed home. Excel- lent condition ln a.nd out. New carpets Uving room a.nd ball. CONVERTED PA· TIO, ctment block wall. fruit mes and well land- acaped. An excellent buy - ACT NOWJ J;vttings ean 548-3265 G.I. LOAN OF 5V•"f. Low payments of Sl4l P.I.T.I. Beat the hfah ilatere1t rates. Submlt yaur down payment ·OQ thll stunnl.nc 3 bedroom classic. Feabft• modern built Ins for Mom. 2 wry charptlna: baths. Deep pUe carpetil!g, abo d rr apes tf\roua:Mut, BeauWuJ fenc- ed back yard surTOUnd1 thil huge covered patio, WW sell flIA OJ' VA, at $24,900. WE SEL~ A. HOME EVERY 21 MINUTES Walker & Lee EXCLUSIVE BACK BAY AREA Niee ! Bdrm. Omdo in Uni-7682 F.dinger verslty Pk. 2" Ba., (rplc., 8424455 or 54().5140 Golng-Golng-Gonal 39,500 is the pri~ for th\1 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home located in a real executive nela:hborllood, the kltchen Is a womans delight, t h e tropical landscaping and the pool you wlll both enjoy, the 6()ll sq, ft, enclosed cabana \vill thrill your gue1t1, you o'l11e It to your wife m see It A 4 BEDROOM FOR MeAe Verde Pae611!tter, 4 bdrm floor plan, rus- tic exterior with ma1- slve used brick' fire- pla~. N e w !Iha.a: car- pets. Need.11 some work. O u t ol area owner. S.31.950 on VA terms. all blt-tn kit Good cpts. & --~O'°'p-o'"~""~'·-- drps : on rreenbelt, Out of $1 ,000,000.00 town owner wired "move Worth of. happineu is yours lt." Asktl'ltl' $Z7.450. Vacant. In lhil elegant "MeMtih" 81y & hach R.nlty home. Featuring 3 muttt 675-3000 Ewt, 548-7962 1iz11 bedroom1, 28' Dtn, 28' 2407 E. Col.at Hwy., CdM Llvilll' Room, 1inger tip pwh RICH IN DETAIL button kitchen! Fonnal dfn. Gracl0\11 J BR & 37xlb' htd ing room. 2,400 ft of ahai pool, lots of deckin(, g)lde carpeting I: custom drapes. & board. Ideal tor entertain. $39,951) FULL PRICE. Try I $4,CKXI down or auume low ing, Quality w w cpts/cus-lntel'81t 1oa.n ot $275 Pt?' tom drpi, mirrored mantle. month tncludes everythlns, 2 "''"'·Only $31.300. WE SELL A HOME THE PRICE OF A P.W.C. 546-5'40 EVERY 31 MINUTES 6'/J•/o LOAN * H'•Y• FHA * W lk & L ')l~.-.:)11\ ~r,,,· ')\, .11 t'' S46·S990 ' 3 BEDROOM -WHY? 5 Bldroom + Din By own .. Fntn Vall•Y 3 BR, a er ee O THE REAJ, "-i:...;'J'ATLHS 1700 NEWPORT BL 646-7171 WUTCLll'f. DOYll SHORIS ARIA Stunninc new 4 Bedroom 3 Bath cuetom home wtth 1paclous t&mlly r o o m wtth wet bar .. Formal ~lninl room. Attractive design tor family llv11'11 and entertaJnina: -$82,500 • Current 7~i% loan can beauumed. IACK IA\' liAUT"fl Cwitom Home .. 3 Large Bedrooms • Dlnlne room • Huse encl05ed patio. Hardwood floon .. 18x38 heated pool .. sprinklera - i m m e d1ate pouesaJon. 1~% interest avaUable. Priced to sell $39,nl CHARMING WORK SAVIR Near new and tparklin1 clean on a choice c:orner lot with perfect l&Ddscap- lng. 2 Baths, an d de.UatiUul dlnin&: room. - $24,500. FOR A Ml. PIXIT Busy owner could not finish remodellnc t h I 1 Newport Hei&hts home. High beam celling in llv· in&: room and 3 bedrooms, hu family rqom and den, too. One block from C1W Drlve and within walklnc diltance to all 1chiooU. $25.900. 2790 HARBOR 546-2313 G.I. NO DOWN Mow In for coats and ~ poUnds only, 3 bedrooms, l balbs, ... place. family room, covered p a 11 o , hardwond floors. Ne1Ued in a fine Costa Mesa ne.ighborhood -$24,950. See It before It Rlls • llfACH FOR THI MOON Refittted in the ahlm· mertns bea•1ty of )'OU own 16x38 he..ted and filtered swimming pool. Tho ~ bedroom 2.-batb h::nnt ii -,., family llvln• and fun. Modern kitchen with all the bulll·tn& Al· tractive front landleapirw with 1prlnklen. DoubJe ear prage tor Dad. Don't make a mialake. See it!! $32.500. SOME rroru EXPFCT THE MOON, but here's the bat btl7 "Under the &m"!l Stun- ninc 3 bedrnom, :IOx26 paneled den with driftwood stone tireplace, formal dlnlnl room, 3 batba plm park·l tke -· 'l'hll well-bullt home bu :UOO square reet. unequ-1ed at $42,950. CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 Payment• Ju1t \Uce rent! 2 BA, fam nn, frpl, patlo, becaUle it'• vacant and the Sweet sccnted Ma1nolla lg eorntr lot, boat or trlr. 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami LmLI owner want• ii 1ald, it'~ in ~·· Star plne A: fr u It ::r::~I~tln~::·: Open~::lP?.J. CORONA llACH beaulltul condition and 1n a trees. l bathl. Electrie . ;;;;;iiiiOii ... i&;;i;;iii;;m• I I ii only steps away from prestlp an!a. all built In Award bullt·ln ldtcbtn. Fam-~7~ea. Full pnce $25,4.50 BAYCREST thit unique two 5fory 4 kltchtn, 2 queen 1iud baths Uy room. Dillin& room. ' Bed r o o m Home .. and u a bonus yuu 1et an 540 ·-·o ELEGANT NEWPORT Spacious and clean wlth a unobstruc ted view of the pa-TARBELL 2955 Harbor §1/40/0 LOAN DELIGHTFUL(: SP.\CICt:a newly remodeled kitchen, ~~ocean. lust reduced tD Ready to Expand? Presti&e Baycrestl 4 bed· :=.i~~!!~!,/~~i= ~ep':::':1:cr::' pa':. THIS HOUSE IS A MESS 350(I sq fl of graciOUI living, room, 214 blthl. Fonnal din-fast attt. • famU, room • 4 Grtat view UP1talrs, ltOIDt 5 enormout bdrms, l IJ)llC· t"' room.; firepla~es, FF" bdrm1 • 21it baths • loads of view down. Try 16£1,500. lou1 baths See to appreci-Y room. aymen are esa stnraae • pool sized )'lrd ate. Color.thla one 10CCt111. ~:ni!,_w11~720auume beautl.fU.Uylandseap e d. TOP 0' THI MARK To 9et1 CALL DAN LEE T~RBELL"-2955 Hi rbor $57,500. YllW IN M<>-1151 H•rltaae Ra! Em" ~ JEAN SMITH CAMIO SHOIU Cool & Lovely * 3 BR 1" bath, bdwood 3 bedrooms. conwrtlble 1 he ct. floon eptl I dr'pl. frplc. Realtor den, family room and !t'1 dirty. it need~ pant, l Ivan \Vella' new desJ&n, doubi; I• r •I e, beautlluJ ~ formal dining morn wtth a lav.·n needs to be mowed, no-yard pool & !WttPin& view fenced yard $24.SOO 180 view of ocean and body live1 there, it'1 vacant, of l)ay. 4 bdnn 3 ba + pow. * 3 BR l!Ji bl.th.I carpetl 400 E. 17th St., Cotta Me11 jetty. All this PLUS a tbl: nelthborhood ii nlce and der rm. Formal din rm. ' • __ _ clean thCJu.&h, it's aot every-Family rm w/frplc I. wet dn.pe1, larre fenced '1 •rd, ,gorgeous IArge pool in a thing )'Ou l1ffd to make it a bar. Key at Roy J . \Vard Co. ~: • ~. poueakln. CHINA COVE protected courtyard • • • • home you'll bll proud of, 4 14.'l(I Galaxy Dr. 6*1550 .,w. . GREAT VIEW for the family t bat bedroom11, 2 baths, buill In MESA V W11l1-McC1rdl1, Rl tr1. de&ttVes the best. kitchen and 90 forth steaJ Jl' £ROE 1810 N.wport Blvd., C.M. Immac. mod~ hoine within * 77500 * , • 548-711.1 anytime 50 "'""''of best boy beach. OWNIR WILL A DUPLEX FOR 5 BEDROOMS Lowu t Prlcld = .:. 1~ ,.! :':f. FINANCE AT 70/0 3 bat.tu, electric bit • ln1, Met• Verde cony. Lownt prlctd la Covt Corona de! Mar. Oarm cp11/dfl)ll I: Jae cor ~. 3 bedroom1, 2 bathl. Bulltln S62 !500 with a mini v ta w , No MONEY DOWN DAVIDSON RH l!y ..,,.eloven.FttohlyJ>lln" ~~,.,·~, Spac""' 2 bedroom ud 5'$.5460 Eves. 642-1951 ~. S'l3.950, M0-1720 .......... den with a deltahtf\11 NEAR Wt1tclill plaza. 1 BR. TARBELL 2955 Ho rbor .,,..red patio. No pol!rtJ, owner will tell to veta. It l'k ha, ram. rm ., A.FRAME/A-BUY no fttl, no lmp:lllllld u-- 1b:lwl a rood return. always cptdldrpd. tncd, I h ad e S BR. mod bff.ch home oount. no pa,yotf penalf1' .. rented, bath are 2 bP.d.room 1 tren, qWet 1treet. $28,500. lf@PI to oct~! S29 500 ' Coldwell, Bankw & Co. Call w quick. ::~. ·~~..'.n ;::to,'";~ Klnpant Ml 2-22%1. CAYWOOD REAL TY ~Newport Center Dr. CORONA DIL MAI ,,.,. I now lh<ra l• onlt l IAYFRONT APT. 6300 w. Cout H.,,., N.B. Ne~rt Beach, Call. INCOME UNITS and this Is It. OV.11tl' lnxklu.t, Vllta Del Lido, P1er A .Up • $41.1 290 • UJ.O OQ ..... tQO SCX 2-bNroom unitl IOUth u""" pric< I• ~<SO 1vaUohlo. E""°"" ''"''· BY OWNER 123,SOO S •-""rm + Pool of hlfhway. 2 b1oc:ks 10 George Wlllf1mson 3 Bdrm., 2 ht., apt.a., drpt.., 9SU 0ttan. In a Hawallan aet. REALTOR l>plc. 2 .,u... ll•~ GI + 3 lcitfl·$26,9501 ting. Each ~. with 673-4350 Ewt. 67J.1564 b.n. '46-70M Fimlly Uvlns at 1 price to secludl'd paUo. B 1 t· In SPOTLE SSI G.I. or FHA DUP LEX tit fOW" budaet • .,. th~! =-Ex"=~ ,!~ 3 BR. + famll,y rm., 2 bath Exctll&nt condition. 2 BR. Rich wood panelina, hand-mtt mita.I ~ $145,000. ORANGE COUNTY'S homt, w/cov. patio, IWldeck ffdl: prqe, bit-Ins. t0mt bar. EJ.e1int tlrtplaQI. LARGEST w/ocean vlcw! 544"" loan Pyramid Elcchlrcon 648-2629 Exeelltnt area. 540-1720 D THF Rl~AL "'-f:ST/\TJ:JlS may he auumtd, 12 .. ,500 FP PLACE your wti.nt ae1 ~N TARBELL 2955 Harbor 29' E. 17th 51. '4M494 BALBOA BAY PROP, !hoy '"' '®fdna -DAILY DAILY ~11.0T WANT ADS ________ ... __ e_73-;..7_421l;;..;A_N'IT;.,:,,:.:;1M.:;E:._ Pn.oT eJqsltltd 542~ BJUNO RESULTS! • . VACANT HOM£ :=.. ~:,. Poot Bf MOYE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS lmmod~te -t.. N-rt 11-" ,..... famfly, Newly cleeOnt· 1200 New homes, ready to move In. 2 to I bed- rooma, 2 to 3 baths. ¥. mile lrom beach. Fir•t payment up to 60 daya after move In. ed a Ml> carpeted. ld<oal QUIET DOUllLI! k>catton near Wtttcllf! Plaza Welt Ba)' Aw. duplu. a Br. See th1a klvel)' l bdml bomf 2 ba. lower: 1..sl\. 1-U. op. tocta,y. per. CU.torn buUt attnctlve $24,500 IWo loon 1vall.) units, S car pr. AD in a """' nelab-$'9,000. BURR WHITE REALTOR 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. VA/PHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brooldl urat 1 mll• South of All•mal 9 62 °1353 Newport •• --- - --~--. ---· ~ 6U-22S.S Eve•. . ·--..... Victor I• -11 Harbor HJthlonda Hunllntton INch 1400 L Hiii GI NO ·DOWN 1gun1 I 1700 OR $2500 OOWll FHA. YH TRY THIS ONE . . . it'• ""'·™'I bdrnt 2 "'"' FOR SIGH" s I LAKE Fomt, o~ the ... (onytlm~) home •-GU£_. at 0 n 11 Beautiful vtew. 2 bdr., 2 bl., $21, 750:.. ~~ Sr&nd new and risbt Mt.I' the 83'!-8646 f.ft. 6 pm. Owner Err:iugb uld _ take a look. bet.eh. 4 Beautiful bedrooms, , ... ="'="='='ed=. =:=:;=== Lloyd Barnett Rltr. , 2 bttht._ Dnm•tk, rat...i $16,500 PRICE AND llOO BRICKS Make ~ the maulve patio! Whett in the world can you find a ! bedroom, 2 bath 933 E 17th St SUlte B ctWns ll\rtnc room with dJ.s. · " tinctive 1lreplact An all L1gun.1 ... ch ". 1705 645-2134 ai-..,. .. kitch<n ""'' HANDYMAN'S Special! • Income Ulllta 120 )'ds. \o beach, Patlot, deca w I ocean view. Nds. pWit, etc. Sbould ll'Oll S9,000 )T. Pr. $69,600, 'I'radet oonaidcr· home, NEAR THE BEACH OWNER'S SACRU'JCE with eledrlc built-Im, excel. 4 °"' 5 BR, J mo. old Harbor ){'Qt e&rpct. tio.t door to Hilb home. Lit, DR, hm. b&ck ya.rd, and VACANTI! R. wtlb trpl A bar. S Ba. LESS THAN $2.000 DOWN! r Crp'i., d1'pll. many Xtru. WE SELL A HOMI lOnt flrw>clni. S4&"28I EVERY JI MINUTES DUPLEX W!ST BAY W'"lker & lee Ownorwill can')'TD, no loan D · to a;et F1replaces, etc. 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adam.a r -'&'-'~-"':Cl.'------- 515-9491 CHARMING llack Bay; 3 Open 'tll I PM lrg. Br, 2 ha. cprta:, drpB, bltm. OWner. J 27,45 0. PUTTING GREEN - the "etic'' out of houaework and mabl cookinf an tx· perienoe, Oiedc: thne built. W: Wall to wall carpetinr, drapeNs, fencing, beaut. fror!t, Si.rd' ldscpg including sprinklers. Deluxe blt-in ap. pliancea lndudinJ:: Range, oven, dlsbwuher A disposal. It'• ready to moff LDto now. 6601 Luc:lento Dr. HWlt, Sch. $21,190. and worth every pen. ney. CA or mA. CTI4) ed. MISSION REALrY """'731 "WHITE WATER'' Ocean vi~ lot, S&.9:50. Small but """'· 11.000 down, bat. at $70 month. 497·1021 491-tno W..UOO, U AM to 7 PM. Bkr, OCEANFRONT AYE. 3 $22,950 lo Tho Prlul B<!nn, 2 b&lh. lri: deck. The payment on thia beautJ.. Pool. Prtv beech. Laguna ;Dov.o.;.o.:;r...:oSho='"=---'l.;;2;;;;.27 fUl VA loan 1a S132 per 5anda No. '5. 0 W a e r • Right oullkle your door '+ month which lncludt-s t&xr• TI4/49f..22U near by twimmllll' pool1 &: * UNIQUELY ..... lnturance. r•--· ~l "'BR"'"a-p"'~-c""LiOl-"'to....,.beache-,,..-,11 shJL!W hoe.rd oourta. You t>Wet-ent "Old World" Con· ~ 3 queen •lie i:droom• park, marlcell. R.anp, nft. can enjoy )'OW' apare time temporary, execuUv• tux-also 2 bathl. Double C&ralf!. epta, drps. OnJ,y SlJ.500 while llvfnc in tbll luxu:rlous ury home. Unobstructed Fenced Yant Ca.r1id• & euh. Owner ~13 ~-2 u':~~ = ~ ~tn, ~-n;:t i:1.+ drapes, Modern kltdan wt th 2 BR., tezm )'Ud. $14,!m. wtth thia delux. Upper Bay maids citn. ldftl for •nter-R lVin& bar, SUbmit f o U r Will taka lot firlt TD or!. "WAY OF LIFE" tain!nr. Euy main< lmmed "WE rfU.ntA HOMI ,4~9'-11=70.======I $36,500 o=pancy. Furn!sbed, EVERY 31 MINUTES 1178,000. Auun1o 6%% lou. D1n1 Point 1730 Newport ~~ Walker & Lee Looldnt For. Net •t F I by Qwne Retum of 12 to 11% Victorl1 Or sa I r -7182 Edina" On Your Investment? 842-4455 or 5f0.5140 '" "11 Open eves. Welt, you can do Jt on thl1 --Spacloul custom 2-l1ory ex· 1 ---Cii'i-i~i---I 8 units. 2 bdrms each. 6 4n-(anytlme) ecuHve home, Larre formal VACANT furnished , 2 fumlshed. ear. l iiiiiiiiiiii•••• I di~ room. Paneled den 3 bdrm in new c:ondition. Wu: peted draped. Only 4~ yean 4 BEDROOM MESA VERDE Bttut1tul new carpetmr. Lo- cated on QUIET cuJ.de ... e street Haa a large covered i: encloeed FRONT PATIO, even room for boat or trail· er. Excellent v a I u e al $21,500, Call IRN U t h I I popUl&r plan will sell fut. 546-9521 or _, HAVE approx 10 \acres Ocean WW' property, S min from downtown Lquna. Value $150,000. WW trade far baytront --Balbol or Udo. 875-am aft I. noo with wet bar 6 ~· adult occupied. Ex~mely old. Walldn1 distance to Slttinc room w/tl.replaoe, 3 large muter bdrm. Brick 1hopping & new Dana Point bdr. 31,I bt.thl. Garden en-firepla~. All built-In kitchen flarl>or. Excellent financm,. try. View of bay • moun-appllances Purchased less POINT REAL TY Wns. S82.500. 646-21Sl than 1 year ago, Owner J4lS6 Coast Hwy, Dana Point ~ must. will take S2SOO down (114) f96...5323 Unlvol'll'I P1rk 1237 Docldldly l!l091nt S BR. 2~ Ba. Ootce loe&tkm FuU prtco $39,""1 (Sewral Waya to BuyJ e Rid Hiii R11lty 18008 CUlwr Dr., Irvine OPEN 9 AM-I PM 833--0820 -E11tbluff 1242 &: pay all COii!&. Priced low RENTALS at $24,950, •11• BY OWNER HouHI Furnished R1nt1l1 to J,h1re '200! SINGLE 71 yr. or over girl tn share 2 Bdrm. A p t . v.•/same. cau 642-4608 all 5:30. Walk to Beach. 1 months' r -==~-.~----rt J)(.'W Adult occupied Up. WOR,KJNG girl roommate to · · spilt S175. holl!e So. Laguna ~ ~ts I drps, 4 BR, with yng, working mother .t fam/d1n1ne nn, elect, kltcn. son, Avail AlJ8. 25th. Aft. en. Indoor I outdoor patio. ·5:30 67$.2973. DISIGNED FOii A<sume FHA loan. JUnc" In 'sr=A~Bl.~~~ ... -... -1-._-....,..--~23--" COMFORT family. f18S.ll78 Iller 6,ao 30 to"'"' Back a.y oondo. $51,500 P.M. SlOO. 448-tm * * * * $4500 DOWN ?LAD~Y""'to=.;llhlre'----~-.. -t ~ = ~~~= As9.Jme ~4' % GI toe.n. OH.n no alcohol SC5 mo. mstr, bdnn. suite a: spacJoqs 3 BR 2 bath home, him!· * 642-7871 * 2nd or iuest bdrm. • 2~ wood Doors, C'llll>ets & draP-SINGLE 21 yr or over girt to baths . dramatic IPllt level . es. Large tree shaded lot. share Z Bdrm Apt w/aame. OWNER TRANSFERRED .. la.vilhly appt'd; nUpaptl' Won't last long at only Call 642-4.608 alt 5: 30. Must qulckb' 1 e 11 rm-aboundt • dream kitchen • $l1,SOO. Better call now! A?TS, to Jhare near U.C.I. maculate Meaa Verde home prlv., walled, bQ' view p&· MUTUAL REAL TY ~We or female Broker priced &t $27,950. Desirable 1k> • ab.olutety fresh .I: 842·1 418 Anytime 645--0lll C.M. ' corntt lot on cul-<le-AC. 3 ~~ed ill~Jr,~,j!~.~ vm GIRL 26 wants aame to spacloul II&, 2 bl.tba, hup .... -,.v w...-'",-........,. share 2 bdr, Bal 11\e house family room with ra1sed plan bu ft a.U. Call: See our deal on thl~ vacant w/pool. $125. 67fr1722 hearth fireplace. Perfect f atw'p 3 bdrm. 5 nunute11 to land!lcaplnr wtth b r I c I;: beach. S450 will move you ,BACH.., 22. w/2 Br. apt, walk. Submit term.. CALL e _...... « In on approved credit Call N pt. Beacb-$120 per month. 540-1151 Herltqe Real ~ Art, S L ATES REALTY ~lOGtAtter 7:30 PM. Eltate t7 ~8'""'7-35C:.:::l9i-, =E:.:"c;'·c;5J6.'558====;:;~-I At Wottc:llff Pina Reduced-$25,500 , _N_•w_.po'-r_t _B_•_••_h __ 2_2_oo FIXER UPPER 2C14 Vtata Del Oro Near ocean • Owner l.riUlS-QUIET, secluded 1pot right 3 bdnn 2 bl.th bouse needs Newport Beacb _.. nn oceanfront. Duplex Win. a Wnt1,y to make th.ls borne 644-1133 644-0505..,... fe,"1~. Luxuriout 2·slory, 4 ter Lease 2 bdr, $195/mo. ft..I _ bdr, 2 ba, fireplace, din rm, OR Ba holo . llSO/ mhlne • i-nce _,000 • try elect blt-in1. 2<ar gar, cpts, : c r SUJle mo GI or mA tenns. drps, Nr echool, shopping incl all uW, 7210 \V . Ocean· LI.yd II.-~ Rltr front. Phone 631-zm or r,,..,, • Corona del Mar 1250 cntr &: e.xcluglve entry club. 3.13 E. 17th St., Suite B Owner 536-1914 538-3232. 645·2134 BY THI SEA WHY PAY RENT? DOVER -bay t ront -,=~=~~==-I Owm1nc 2 Br, + conv. den ~· home I BR. 4 BA. largt __.~l_.8:l'.SY OWNER + tonna1 din. rm.; att1e Your.mold• FHAS~~~ St<yBleR.. A~ paUo: 70' prlvat. dock. •~ ·~=~ IU,500GI 2 1>pt walled _,, •pa. AvalJSeptlet,)'tlylH !1000 1903 Federal S21.000 5" :em~; ocean A~ tlo, BBQ, bltnsi AIU. to golf mo. 212: 'l&O·IOl'J or 422 Walnut 121.soo l\t -fi-to be -• .____ mu..,., pool, 1211.llSO 213·-ff~ ~· -~ •~• -CORBIN.MARTIN "-203 ~e ov:si:.s~ Joan at 1~%. $10I,~. REALTORS 1~1662 ~WINTEA==-......_-~~ ll!q-Sl~--,-,,11 ••S1S-l05B•e Wolklr Rlty. 675-5200 303i E. Cout n.,,., QIM ~~ -ldtcbea, $220. BY OWNER· Eulalda CM. a LGE. hlUtop lot """'-vi.w $11,400/loot Gote . ~ bltn'ld•-•-• of ocelft I< hill._ Privacy. $6'~ ~-·-/$!6'/Mo. e BAYSUORES e _..,.., ........,.., tllwnu Realtor 673-2010 -..-wn ' Mos. wlnttr rent.ls. S & bttch cabinet.. Mx'.126' lot 5%.% +~MM!-. ...ume 4Br.lurn.Fl'Olft$2'15. W/ allq -tor boat "' so. HWY, • DUPLEX $l9.0IO loan. '"""""' a BR "C"" THOIWI, R<altor trailer. ~"' Jean cu t. a BR. owner'• unit, ready rm 2 ba. 224 w. o..t Hwy. 5tl-552't uaumed, 121,llSO. KM17B tmm..i. OC<llJ>lf'C> + I-Br. HAFFDAL REAL TY OWUllNG -h -issoo cub ~ aaume S'i 9' &pl tor mother-in.law or ex-"Homes to Mltdt Incomet'! Iii blk, to OCIU. wtntrr rtnt. FHA bn, S18l mo tc S tra mrt:al. J.d,500, 1140 Wamer F V 842-4400 taL JJ4 35tb 8t. m.3llll br., ""'" Ji8I ""~ Pi., Hal Plndtln & Aoooc. ABSOLlniLY NO c .......... Mor 2250 ""'· 8eal. !800 E. C.Ut Hwy. 67M392 DN PYMNT TQ VET ATl'R. -a ""'· 21' Lido .... 1351 ' BR Dutch 11Hen, Wa!IM. 12'15: rum. "''· ...-. l ba, pool. dbhse, nice prdtn Gu blt-lna. 194 baths. ()y. Blk. from OONJJ, 2 BR., l patio. I!•~ loan, 121.'llO. ANXIOUSll or ''"v\na t1>o """"1Y H.;:!: trpt., patio; 1 bldk. :rom 545-lm • .Owner wants acUon on vt· ry! $2S.1SO • ahoppbw area. A u ts , -cont I Br. l : ha. horn<. Rox L. HodgH, Rltr. I ~613.!0='°"=====' II MH1 Vtnlo UlO Xlnl-atukl"'prlceol1-::==iM:,7=·2.1=2.l===I Lldo lllo 2351 Pr\ctd tor immediate sale W.SOO 1· ----------11 at$27,9:!01 1mmac ula t e LIDO RI ALTY INC. Sa nt• Ant 1620 J'niO,.LEAtE.LuxU'rY 3Br.,3 home • I t h 3 ovef'lfled Mm Vla Udo . 673-88.10 Ba.. + larle JONI studio or bdrmt, J •ool1dl"' = Bayfroot Potontlol OIARMlNG 3 bdnn., w/w Ith Br. Ganllner. Owner lute Wnily ~ Plans .. ldeu • SUntstioo. cptl, panrlf!d librar)'; 2· ITM7IO. ~ be~et eul~ available for 2 • ti&yl'ronts patios, ftplc. $26,990: $141 •NEW1.=o-y"""'t&rn"""1==c:--1,..-,11R.""'"""•ll Call 5oC5-M12 &outb Cout to bl owtructed aoon! I Month. h 1417 Shawnee. a.., avail Sept lSth. Winlu Reel FAtate , See • El11le EbeUng 540-9258 or Jorwer. (n4> mrt349 $211,1151) Alallme till % FHA. 3 13551\~ .~~ ~IV 9300 L1•un1 Hiii• 1 foo 2 BR. 2 BA homo, """"" BR, 2 BA btautltul l)ltio _,,,, vo,,. • palln. 218 Vla Dijon. Leue bomt. Vacant. ~. Open PLANNING to movtf You'll LAKE Fortit, pnkn h:JrM. Sepe.June. 67>48Z5 howlfl Bat 6: IJm W. find ID amam_, numbtt ol Many extru, plus &Mtly NO matta whal It ii, )'OU 5'$.«265 homel In t:adq'a OualGed t>ado A: yard. 3 Bdr. 2 Ba can eell It with a DAILY Pila 1f1V want Id wbn Mi. O..C. tllern. now. pllll: brim. room. 837'*'6 NO matter what It .._ Yo\! tbeJ arw kJok1iw -DAILY THE Qt,n:CKER YOU CALL. alt. 6 P~l Ownl'r tran.'lfcr-can .etJ U wUh ,a DAILY PILOT d...itledl ~ 11IE QUIOCEI\ YOll SELL red. PllDf WAllT ADii ""6m ... llENTALS RE NTALS 1ENTALS RENTALS RENTAL S REAL ES TAT E Hou"' Unfurnl•h9d ............ 13" ··• · General 3000 1ST 'i'CME ottered, ~ ~ 1 BR. 1 blllh; WE HAVE ANOTI4ERI choim IDcatloft. Adults $250 l Bed.room, 1 balb. Modetn mo. Call PaaMna '19S-«Kl3 Kitcben. Double Carap. A.TR S Br, S Ba, cor hse, winter, nu paint 1rplc, Fenced Yard. S1S9 p • r month Leue. F1nt and lAst. C.11 WE SELL A HOME Huntlnglof! lleoch 2400 EVERY 31 MINUTE$ Walker & Lee "'"°' r....s. m""'1 $1SO 8EAUTIF1JLLY turn. Ho: r111 Unf-umllhed 2 pta. Fumllhod Apt1. Fum lohed Aph. Unfvrnlohed Gone rs! ~ ... ch 3200 BAYatESr for Wue. 4 bd. Costa Melli •tOO G•rden Grov. 4610 Cott• M... 5100 ~•ntalt WantH 5990 nm. 1amD.Y room, f<ll'IJlal $135. ~ mo, De1uxa inob 1 or 2 bedroom. tum. ot dlniqs rm, bcellt:11t f&mlly .tiome. Htd. pool. adultl, no SINGLE Younc Adults l.Aa· 'n:IE SEVILLE 2 BR. 11,ii ba. partly f\u'nfahed apt. ln l'OOd home ICO/mo. Ptte Barrett pets. 4 Seuons M 0 b wy prden apll w1tb rouo. W/~e. $150. Multi • res.ldenUll Al'M. llOUChl by lUty 6424200 Evs. 5Ml6t Ettatec. Z539 New p or t. try dub atmo@here and crptJ • df'pl • Blt·lna. l~ieno-worldnr couple ( I o ea I 3 BR., pool horM. 1 block Ml-6332.. complete prl\illiC)'. SOtmf ed )'d. 2619 Santa Ana Ave., Nwsp11;itr executlw.s) No trom beach. S330 mo. Incl ALL t1til pd, 1 bdt dupJn:, BAY Ct.VB APJ'S 13100 636-WO. childttn, no pell!. Up to S11S pool mainl Ast.~ older adlll. infant. pets OK OtAPMAN AYe., Garden lMMAC 2 bdnn Tri·plex, Pl':t mo ~ alt S·30 CHARMING 3 Br., 2 ba. Uke $100. 2335 Elden, CM Grove <n4> 836-3030. O'ptl, drps, blt·ins. rttrig. PM or ~kenda. , new; cpts .. drpa., bltns. nt. VERY nitt t BR Apt, $llO. L•gun• 8Ndl 4705 Adults, no pets, $140, beach. $250. Act. M8-l290. 132 West Wilson, C.M. 546-5386 after 5 p.m. * * * * * * H +--r---l·air ~. mobile-home-in beautiful part;. w a 1 k I n r dlslance ot btach.. Bay ShoriO 3225 ~.,..,.. 100 CLIFF DRIVE-OCEAN -BREEZE.-J&-a-bdr. •••l/iL f.IN O_EftS ~ ::1=140 NICELY turn 1 BR apt. Gar! Two bedroom fum1shed 1~ ba. btl·ins, cpts, drp!I. "' IDPIMSM ••• tlMMTD WATERFRONT Near SBC, age, pool, Adulti onb'. 2.344 All DeJu*e Ftatufts SlSO no pets. 56-3llS ltlS9BmAl.--.SS Open eves. IWtUl'Y 3 BR, 3 BA, with EldenApfC.C.M. 1 Walkln& DJ.sta.nce to Beach Ul'.-IOOMMA~SllYKI Whlddy1 Went? Wheddy1 Got! SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Speclel Rote I I l Teacher/Oll'flCr on tea\11', =~~=::.:'-'==--­$165. 2 BR Studio dlij)lex. gardener, yrly Sept 15 to 4 LOVELY 8 ,., 2 Br ttL Ba JZ5 -"/'early leue Newport 8e•ch 5200 Can be seen by appt. Refs. req'd. Cl1JJ378-~3. 2707 AVAILABLE Sept 14th. 3 Br. 2* Ba, pri beach, Washer/ dryer. $.150. 499-3745. V•c•tion Rent•I• 2900 DUPLEX with view, privale: avail weddy duri~ Aug· Sept 3 Bdnns. fireplace, ~· Dll~ Kings Rd. 5'8-2394 after 6 pm. 2910 CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. Sleeps 2 to 10; for summer reserva.tion.s call 673-9M5 315 E. Balboa Bhld., Balboll 2 BR Balboa apt adj yan::I, child O.K. years $850 Re • ' ,. ' 4M-2449 .:X W.:~~~ ....... 111 k . mo. sp. Pool patio adult.a, S190 UNBELIEV•BLE v -' .v.a •• B r. 66.Qlll C.M. adults, no pets. n.f...642-5674 2310 'Santa Aria 645-2933 ' 2 8.R duplex, tum A unturn, "" EMP $225. 4 BR, 2 Ba, fenttd or nJ-199-4856 ' Vl H BAY VIEW .• woman who lives 1 BDRM apt 1 or 2 adults. nr c u Io t new g· I ak qwetly, desires furn apt in S l iMI -S timM -S bucks ftULE'S -AD Ml.ill INCLUO?!! yard. Children & pela O.K. Corona del Mair 3250 Furnished, $120 mo. 897-01.96 cpts/drps. frpl, 1 a r • tmp Y t ~11 ~r ~reath C d f\f, up to $100. ins--0Js5 t-Wl'wlt YW flt,,. .. tr-. t-"""91 l'Oll oqnf 1r1 trtdlr. ;;"'°"':::·cc64:;5--0;;. :::1171:...:c=.M:::·-..,-= I ====':::::;=.::;::==~:I 61-1006 away, over.ooking Lido & alt S PM ~TOUlll ~ •nfl.,. adclntl. ~ Mne9 nl Mvffl(t1ne. $250. 4 BR. tm rm. condo 2~ IRVl.NE TERRACE Newport S.ach 4200 PAN 0 RAM l C VJ e w, So. Bay! Spacious 2 Br 1:4;"'~~,,,.----~-/ $-NOTHING FOii SALi! -tllAOES ONLTI car gar, pool. Many extra&, De I u x e home Jor ~arly overloold~ Allao Beach, 2 2 ba.; glamoroo.,; terra~ BORJ\IS or equiv In PHONE 642-5678 ~"'=b<h.==B="'=·=.,._====· ==I lease. 3 Bdrms., dining NeWJ)Ol"t Beach bdr., furn. All elect. Mat\ft lortse~~~tai.ning. AliWts. no ::port ~h or ~ To Pl1 ce Your Trader'1 P1iradlM Ad -room, 30' Uvi.Qg room. All COUNTRY CLUB adults, no children, 00 pets. pe · -per month. · • evee • SHOPSMITI-1 complete beautifully carpeted .l LIVING $185/mo. Eves.: 499-3755, REALTOR 675-2676 3 wkr;:~ 0 equipm~:1112.igsaw, paint Cost• MeA 3100 FOR RENT 4 bedroom home in h1es.a V~fdt'. New shag carpets. $225/per month , •• , .. Bkr. 546-9521 • . Or "S4A631 1.MJ J K NICHOi~ draped. Lovely heated pool. 1 ,,...,,_. garden 8 .. a-enta EX~US!VE NEW P 0 RT Be a ch or . Ider home would spray, .. ~ equip; also AU built•--·nc1 ... u .. ~ _....., ~"'J' .,........ ....... apt. & Semi· Waterfront 2 bdr, 2 ha, N•w ~ great! East of N_ewport S string b8.ls fiddl· FOR • .,_.,. 1 ......,'6 iuig. oUering com-1-te privacu, .,.,. f cl'-"·· I U lbl ~ • I: dishwuher. Pool. mainl ~,.,.,. .. •--.. ~-pi .... ,._ • .!._ e or , .. ,...,. person n luxury bldg. bu 11 t-1 n I ~ pos:st e. rui.;ahon con-auto or camper equif¥, • _, .......... 1&.1...,,... ...... • .....-beaut. oet!an view home. .. .. b•--an -· boat' sidered. $150. . 8J0.282>. . "" garuener incl. $450 per .. a-lie~ reO"e&tional facil· PO bo 623 So Lag -~" "'" Refs pl: Call _...... · · x ' · · slips avail. GARAGE . or small room m PALM DESERT near ~ ., eue. own. itiH in a COWlby dub at, RENTALS "-"~Balboa ~~A'!3!,rcia1 .. 1 .. ~; Call PA"' SPRJNG·s.· 2· bd. r .tt •. 67J.S513, ... •· . mosphere. Now leaainc in A • .... .-.uc ...........-..eve ..... ,.1 .... -i. talO/Mo. 2 bdr, frplc, cpta, Newport Beach, pts. Unfurnlahed 310 Fe~ St. * R t I fl!-· house, pool &: air cond. drps, re~, stove, wash/ 1700 16th Street 673-3003 en a -rvlce * Sll,000 equity, For lot or d ~, "' 'Fu -Gener•I 5000 . FREE TO LANDLORDS ·~ -.. -ryer, "'# eYes. mi!shed or unfurnished VIEW apt. adults only, one Blue Beattn &05-0ll1 l"'":-;::-;:.;-::;::~-~-- Huntington Beach 3400 Models open noon to 9 pm. large room w/fi.repl. &: sm, '67 FORD Custom 4 door Lake Arrowhead watt>r. front lot $50,000 val. Pacific Palisades Oceen VU lot, m.soo. WANT: Income . Brkr. 548-m1. 20' Century Bay Cniiser: bay fislilng, etc. Refinishrd inside & out. $31XXJ va. \\I ANT: truck, wq:, trtr or RE. s.18-9661 beaches/pier .S1»150 wkly, CLEAN 2 BDRM house, prv 53fi..39ll. 675-58lD fenced lot. $135. 1511 11 714~&t2-8170 VENDOME kitchen avail. $165 mo. NEED 2 Bdrm. apt In 390 h.p .. auto, new tires: URGENTI OAKWOOD 548-2394 Sal/Sun or after 6 Harper Sch. area by Sept 1. R&H, Xlnt cood.. Va1ue Leut or lease option. Be-au. IMMACULATE API'S! PM wkdays. Reasonable, 645-1155 $1650. For equily in real tiful 4 Bdnn, den, fonnal GARDEN ADULT & FAMILY 2 BR, 2 ba, elec kit, trplc, • LANDLORDS e estate or "'hat have you? TRADE 2 ADJACENT LOTS on Santiq:o in West. cliff for income property or ? !? NB area. $30,000 each. 616-8565 R00?\1, hath, private en· I =RJ=""="=id=•=Pl=, :o":="='h=S=t="" I tra.nce:. ON BEAOI. !!'!.a~ ... roo3mbl,~ ba!rotlum. : .. ~!~ APARTMENTS SECTIONS AVAILABLE enc gar. Steps to bell. Ise. F'REE RENTAL SERVICE 673-9183 ·----,.. --"'3 Close to shopping, Park s250. mo 673-1990 or Broker 534.5932 lc,::;9G6;:i-~o;o;ui=s,.--=,,.,,.u'"a-,-, -=s-,. ill Acres nr, river. Small hou~ on Hwy 31, Colville Na!. Fott"st, Wash. $15,000 Val Want CM, NB prop or lots. 64!>-1745 $50 \\'k. 494-6544 BAIBOA Inexpensive cot- tages -wkly rates. Avail now, 548--3158 RENTAl,S HouSH Unfurnished General 3000 Pilot Section 3000 • Houses For Rent Unfumlstied Beautttul Nat &Ide location, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with lovely carpeting, except in privale den. Low mainten- ance yard. $275 per month!! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 200 Westdiff Dr. 646-Tnl Open Eves. Newport Be•ch 3200 B/B TOWNHOUSE 2 BR. 2 bath!, bltns., frplc. carpets, drapes, $225 month, Bery & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB SUite 126 &l!).200) Eves. 548-6966 beach. Nr • .schls & shop'1. SINGLE Young AduJt.a Lux· * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba 548-3181 NICE J or 4 BR apt or house preme. Power, bucket $425 mo. 16831 llarkness ury 1arden apb with COUD-* 2 Bedrooms VIEW' apt. 2 Bed.mu split unturn or furn. Good seats, new tires, R&.H. Xlnt Cirde, HB, 84&0144 try club atmosphere and * Swi.m. Pool, PuVgreen level. Elegant carPeting. resklential area. Re 11 p, condition, For late model 3 BR. 2 bath house with complete privacy. SOUTH * Frpl, Indlv/lrmy fac'ls drapes, garage, fireplace. 675-5139 F.con Van or Similar. Call btJllt-lm, fin!place l. double 'JAY CLUB APrS. Irvine a 1845 Anaheim Ave. Call aft 6 PM 548-2394 BU!.tNESS Lady desires 1 64:2·5M6 garqe. Newly painted &: 16th Newport Beach. COSTA MESA 642.2824 BALBOA BAY CLUB ex· bdrm unturn apL To $1l0.1;1S:;,;..:.:"CR""U"JS°'E°'R,--A~/~P-~2 new carpets. W a I kin t: {7141 645--0flJ(I qulsite 1 Br apt. Furn or Call 64Z-0086 depth finders, range '1200 distance 70 school. $225/mo. WINTER rental, Lge. crptd 2 • RENT • unf. Lse. $400. SC.7633 mi. Recent survey • will Rltr. 546-4141• Br, 2 Ba, bit-ins, closed 3 Rooms Furniture 2 BR. Apts • .furn, or unfum. Rooms for Rent 5995 ,':"", boa""',_P~~.:... TD or smaJ. 2 BR townhouse. Wu.her, pat Io l. gar a I e, $ To S2llll I .... v .. ,.-;r dryer, reCrig, range, oven, wa.&her/dryer Avail Sept 20 • $25 & UP year y. N'PT. Beach bJme; priv. fTI4J m-34oo BEAtmn.JL A·frame beach crpta, drps, pool S150 mo. 500l~i Neptune. Call TI4: Month-To.Month Rent.ala Anita, Jones Rlty. 67l-62lO bath, phone ext., sep. relrig,l,;;;;--;--".::C,,,'=':..:::::.,== "°""• 4 BR, 2 BA, bit-ins, 968-1637 after 6 pm, Sat 629-1492.. WIDE SELECTION Use of washer I d rye r WILL. exchange $25,CKXJ Westcliff 5230 6@.3518 eqty lfl land at Rancho r,;!~~um or will sell after12nooh * NEW BAY FRONT Appliances Ir TV's avaD. ----------ktt.;-n:--:=-,=-,,,-ICalif. where the action is ~m: ~~~ Fount•ln Valley 3410 Winter rentals, 2 Br, 2 Ba No Security Deposit SND prf, 2 BR. 2 BA, cpl, r-.t~ Or . girl, $15 wk. for 16 + units. Need d"" l block to Newpl Elemttr !um, Avail Sept 6. $225, mo. HFRC Fumlture Rentals drp, frplc, biting, across Kitchen pnvs. 54&.J916 after predation owner, 544-3666, tary_ bach &. bay, 67:Ual0 BEAUTIFULLY landscaped 227 19th St. 675--0236 517 W. 19th, Oil M8-M81 !rm Coco's. $225 &. $200. lO PM &x 676, Tustin. -'°''-"~:;;.:~·'===-=--I 3 BR, 2 BA, bll-ina, frpl, 1 ;1F&;:..;,;B;;:R;_:a::p:,ts;:,:;Fro~m~$135=.-,~0 156& W. Lncln. Anhm 174-2800 AduJts. 6<t2-0239, l665 Irvine. G st H -5998 SAN GABRIEL HOME 2 • BAYCREST • crpls, drps, covered patio. $175. No children or pets. $150. 2 BR., 11,i; ba. Studio 4-u• ornes BR, 30' den, pool, $10,000. Beaut. un.f, 4 Br. 4 be. For-Close lo schools & shop'&' 1525 Placentia.. Also avail. plex. Encl'd. gar, patio, E•tt Bluff 5242 PRIVATE room for am· equity for 3-4 units within ~.~~~THQ~·~ior . Yrly l&e S2'l5 mo. 839-J735 unturn. child & pet OJ(. Bkr. DELUXE all elec. 2 & 3 Br. bulal~ry lady. Nice sur· 3 n1i from beach. etr, Trade pizza & &nack 5hop on waterfront, Balboa Is. land or restaurant equ.ii>- ment for what have )'<lU? 67;2714 20 Acm ranch. 3 Z..todem homes, 2 wells; fenced. Training track. huge barn, 14 stalls· FOR land, units or ? $45,000 Eq, 61":>QS9 TRADE MY EQUITY IN 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRlX FOR OLDER CAR. LIST PRICE .$5500, 546-1714 HAVE: 1.i; acre + sharp 2 BR home, Acacia St, S.A. •lgL'>: $211,500 clear, horses ok. WANT: 20x55' trailer. Broker. &U-5851. 224 w Coast Hwy 548-5527 3 BR, 2 Ba, Ocean '"'"'· =534=-<980..,-,""._,_,~=~-21L Ba 1 _.. ..,..... • roundmgs, good m e a Is . Rltrs. 213 / 796-3133. L-une Beach 3705 •14• 2 Br i 1 • c oso:u gar . ....,.. up. '"'--1a M A .il DIAL direct 642-5678, Cbarp -• Frplc. Yearly lease. Deluxe. • ... . studio, 11Ai ba., nr. 152 Amigos Way NB Near ~ esa area. va 1\ * * * * * YoUl' ad, then alt baek am SUPERIOR 2 BR. 2 BA $350. 673-7053. schools & shopping Bkr . ..,<::Cd~M~H~l~Sc~h~l=. 7~65-5033~· ~· ~·==i1 1SciiiiP::'·;;L~Ca~l~i ~54::: .... IT2'"-;f-c;;;;ill~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!l!!il!!!!!!!!![!!.l!i!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!il listen to the Phone ring! ra:.i :X,nd·c~;d~ c:~P~:: ,~;:;U:;:Eo;:c:;;~:,ru~~:'.r:;r;,-.,-~-.~-";,-',-~~":'-~ =s""125"°':"-,LG'°'lll"E"°c..,.~,_,..~r-.. -.~ .• ~,-.,-.~B~lt-Cohn• del M•r 5250 ~~~e~d:xt i~~i.c:on;~:; REAL ESTATI: REAL ESTATE $245 be. Refs. 4~109. $100.$175. CM 2 BR, utll furn ins, w/w, drps., family atmosphere, Avail now. __ Go;..o..n_e;.,r.;;•;.,I _____ Gener•I I•= 64., "".,., wel-me Bkr c~A """" 54S-52'l5. ~M~~-,,,...,ft~ ___ --7~x~1-t L•guna Nlgvel 3707 ......, ~· ..__., · · ...,.....,;,ou, .. -Office Rent•I 6070 aunt. ..._.rt v..: 0 ~ M;sc. Rentel1 5999 PRIVATE office• w/bath, ••••••••• , 3 BR, 2 BA. beauWul view. Bltlns, dsh.vhr, crptl, drps, frplc. 836-5150 or 542-1215 Condominium 3950 OCEANVlEW: 2 BR, winter C .. _ lse., $HiO or 2 BR family I ;;;°";;;;:e:~:;;;;;;e;~~;;S;;l;;OO;; I rm, wlnter lse, 's 195, I• 642-5436 e WINTER R.Ei'ITALS e WlN1FRED L. FOSS. Agt • 642-38SO . Country Club Villa OCEANFRONT winter lse. 3 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING ore• crpts .• drps & storage space Rnch Hse & A STORAGE ..,...,, !Wly '" '"" Gi<""81< Fro Savmll' creage ON TEN ACRES encloM.'d. Avail Sept. ilL Bid Co deJ M $65 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Unfurn $2:1. mo ea. S48-29'll. C.~f. mo.gCan =yn Hal~en NEWBERRY Fireplaces I priv, patios I * ~· OF large dbl aarage.. 6Tr5444 or 545-3165 SPRINGS Pools. Tennis. C.Onlllt'l Bids:... for storage. 1543 Orange SEE At 188 E 17th SI 01 CITY OF LAKES ~Sea Lane, CdM 644-26ll Ave, Costa Mesa. Next to ~ity Pacili~ ( acArthur nr. <»ast Hwy) $20/Mo garage for rent. Stor-Nat'l Bank. Plenty of park-MAKE YOUR O\\IN LAKE NO .MATTER Lovely l BR. 11Ai BA, crpts., BR, family, $175. 411l7¥.i drfls., bH-ins, pri. patio&. Seashore Drive, 1255. 82'1·98». 1-'-~iii.;;c.:;.;===-LARGE 1 BEDROOM $150 monlh, yearly *6'J3.8il88 * Harbor Heights Four 2 & 3 BR UNITS all with fireplaces, dishwashers & 2 balh9. 2 BR th age only, 642.2657 East Side, Ing, a I 1 util. inclLlded. sou of hlway. crpts., C.M. 647A210 drps .. frpl" garg. No child, -' no pets. Yrly lse. $1BO mo. Income Property 6000 Office & desk space, 20 Miles East of Barstow on freeway, Elev. 2000 ft. Near Lake Loreen. Wonderful land for apricots, alfa1!11., nut tJft growing, fish raising, horse ranch, boating, etc; etc; WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL WITH IT A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fest Service & Ex pert Assistance DIAL 642°5678 DIRECT Dupl•xH Unfurn. 3975 Rental Manager - Mn1. Christlensen 3117~A Cinnamon Ave. Avail 9/1 AfL 7, 675-3717 Secretarial service. Newport Civic C.enter, 675-1601 TWO Bedroom duplex com· pletely redecorated with a garage, "ill rent only to Corona del M•r 4250 Costa Mes• Phono 546-1034 elderly folks. no pet a $135/mo. •)'eat Jeue. 1 BR, 536-3302 fie, gar, patio, So, of hwy. !!!~~~~~~~..., 6 UNIT APT. Sparkling new 2 BR, furn/unrurn avail. After 9/15, so. of hiway. 314 Margarite. 213-431-1195. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Balh'l!I each, 2 BR. large apt., bit-ins, new fireplaCOll, electric built-ins crpt., freshly painled. Cpl. carpets &: drapes CARPETS, drapes, air con. ditioning, plenty of parking. $10 & up. Wells-McCardle, Rltrs. 548--7729. -.. c-,.-,-A-L>----'~s;;,~';..,, 2 BR. HARBOR GREENS Apb. Fumished .furn, walk to shops, adults only, no pets, yrly, ~3864. 0/40, no pets. 673--0130. 2 Car garages BACHELOR unfum fr 0 m LARGE 3 BDR, 2 BA, laund i\1inimum maintenance LARGE Executive office S.UO. Also avail ] . 2 & 3 rm, priv patio, bit-ins, dsh-A winner both N.B. P..lso small ofiice from Bd H I ,_ hlld wshr Children over 12 OK. income & tax-wise $45 mo. Owner. 61~ $1°0 2 BR B•lbo. 4300 nn. ea ed pooQ, c $215/i 675-3"':u aI 5 •• '"· .. gar, w/w, drp«. ~----..::::::: care center, adj to shoppin&'., mo. '""" t :,,.,. $127,500 600 to 1200 Sq. Ft. Older child \o\-elcome, avail PENINSULA Point 1 Bedrm No pels. H t" gt B h 5 ... ,..,.. Call \VaDy Hallberg OFFICE. C.M. 646-2130 now. Bkr. ~. deluxe $ll5i yrly. l 5 4 4 2700 Peterson Way un in on UC """" Res 64«i8"1 $140. 1 BR., nr beach, Miramar Dr. 675-lJ58 Costa Mesa S.1&-0370 2 ~~ROOM. Crpts, drps, HAJllBO~ lndusfrl•I Prop. 6080 students o.k. Avail 8/23 MARTINl"'UE btHlt-tns. No chldm, no pets. Bkr. &l.5-0111 C.M. B•lboa Island 4355 .,. Call 968-5766 aft 4 p.m. LOT size 100xl70' with oHice $115. 1 BR. 4-plex, gar, smaU BEAU GARDEN APTS. 2 & 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, & 40x40"1' sla.b with s!ecl pel consklered. Avail 9/1 TIFUL upper duplex Excellent, park.like SWTOUnd· heated Po o I ' new I Y frame o Y • ideal for truck. Bkr. 534-6980. Apt. Very close to So. Bay, ings for adults only. decorated. 962-8994 ing firm. $26,000 -best of =~=~'-~~~-·I 4 Br. 4 b!I... $400 per mo. yr-Ba h 1 2 & 3 BR A lemu. Owner will carry l.BI $100. UTIL pd. Suitable l ly. Salisbury Rlty, 6'B-6900 c • • · pts, TD Gener•I 4000 40 Acres Ranch Land, Im. pl'OYed WJTI:I modern 2 BR ranch house, lge llv rm, beamed ceiling, breakfast r1n, kitchen, modem hath & plumbing. Tank house en- closing ltnl gal galv, stor- age tank under 45 lbs pres- sure. \Vith double gar. eon. erele septic tank, all elec., 5 hp pump, 301 ga] per rnln at 80' depth. Improvements: Fenced with l" by 6' x 300 ft redwood fence. 7 Miles East of scbool. SiS,000, ~ Ca.sh, bal lst trust deed. Will ne- gotiate. C.ourtesy lo broker. 847-6640 an 6 PM. ••••••••• pe~n. Bkr. 534-6980. Pool, nr shopping. Huntington Beach 5400 1.,,..,,..,,~~~"""""""I We.tls-McCerdle. Rltrs • /='=========!WINTER rental, 4 BR &: 2 1m Santa Ana, Apt. 113, 1= BR. All elec. dishwshr, e ~2 e NEW $145 up. 1-2-3 Br, 2 Ba TRIPLEX 1810 NeWpOrt Blvd., C.M. R E W disp, gar, frplc. UJ Agate. LGE Ba.cbel l htd & sauna pools rec rm. PRIDE ot ownership. Live $.18-.Tl29 anytime -=·~·;;;;';:";:';:ed;;;;~~6;:2:40;I Cost• M ... 4100 $ 67l-S918, (21.3} 728-7065 or un 1·· Sharp, G.E. Dishwshr. Mir 846-3137 Jn O\~·ner's unit & let the 2i..,...,,..,.. ... ..,..,,.....,,. • 30.00 Wk. Up =======~~= Cpts/...... Nr. So. Coa•I BR -1 I Plv.a, occ. $125 incl refrig. & 8·16-4144 · uni s pay Your way. lndustri•l Rental 6090 $$ MOR~ CASH $$ • Dl.Y, week, month. Huntington &.ach 4400 & util. Sec at 973 Valencia NEW $150 up. 1-2-3 BR. $4t500. Drive by 653 Plum· • Studio & Bach, Apta. Apl 2 aft. 5 PM v•kdays &: HealM & sauna poo]J, rec mer, C.M .. then call -For Lease 4200 Sq Ft •Incl Utlls & Phone sen, FREE util. turn. 1-2 BR apt, all wkends. nn. Heil & Algonquin. M~. Delancy Reil Est•t• Shop Bldg Nr Dntown •. MalN-~ CalSclVle C:·BarTV avail. nr Beach. Sl30 up. 2 BDR 1 ba 846-3137 or 846-414"1 2828 E, Coast 1-Iwy., CdM Costa Mesa . Many ideal ..... • 5J6.3m 536-7282 536-1366 • ·· cpts., drp1., 673-.1770 c 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9755 bit.ins., s 1 n g I c gar., NEW 3 BR, 2 BA. crpts, uses. ontact owner, LGE. bach. Ir 1 BR, up..etn. Or•tJge Couhty 4600 upstain, $120. One child df'P!, RfO, bit.ins. Dbl. gar, e TRIPLEX e Mr. Dickerson. OK , No pets. Eves: 3 blks to ocean. 405 8th St. PLUS .vacant R·3 Lot! 642..QOM Days [)rps., crpts., bltln5• No SINGLE young adults, lux. 646-3432. 962-i152. Ow~r will carry 1st TD at 548-5452 Eves pets. 2885 Mendoia Dr., Apt. -=========·I 81' o/c i t 1571 Do • A ury garden apb, w/full 2 Bdnn, 2 ba, Nr .shpg cen--'3 0 n · ·o wn buys. A.1 l INDUSTRIAL 3100 !'eereation facilities &. com· Tustin 5640 $5.i,000 Full Price · . sq. FURN 1 BR Apts l. Studios plete privacy. South Bay ler. No childl't'n, pets. Call ;_;:.""'------=.:::.:::1 Ewing Invest Realty ft., 4 oUices 3 phase JXl"'l!r. ·-" Sepl •-$11 ._ ...,.,.., befr 4 pm, 646-6222. THE AS 64"'~ 0 • $350/pcr month. avaw .uL 0 • .,,&.WO, Club Apts. zn So . E SI PENS ..........., R&:~4-1361 C. Ro~rt Nat--Realt-2153 Eide A~ 6 Adult! · DE, 3 Br, furn or unfum. ~'"""" w '.!:. ...., ... ..,..., v• n, ...._ , Brookbunt, Anaheim (TI4) fenced yd, gar, $250 incl ~ llliam St 4 NA'ITY NIFTIES Costa Mesa 642-1485 only! 772-4fi00 util. 642-2!183 Tustin's prestige address All 2 BR El :f or Your llome Equity Absolutely no cOHI • , • to you the Seller! 12 years of paying more cash for Orange County proper!J'. Call the Rest . . • Then call the Best BEVERLY JACKSON REALTY •-:::===:======:=::!-=========~~~~~~====I Adult Jivina, -_,, -ec bltins. Lush FOR Lease-New """" r· I -·.. '"' .,.. patios AND over 12% net . ........, sq. .. General 4000 Gener•I 4000 Gener•I 4000 Shag carpets return. Make me prove it' indus~ bldg. 9c ft 1639 847-6033 or 54.>1245 TolaJ air conditioning Jo liartsl'n, Rltr. 64&-8226 · Mol'Jl'OVla. CM. 673-9017 f'urnished &: Unfurnished ''::'~~~~!!!'!""!!!!""~I Gymnasiums & Saunas PRE-BUILT Sale. 88 apts on Lots 6100 1 · ApartJnents from S150 El ?\1onte golf cse 1st ----BUSINESS •nd F-i-~ormallo" ...,~ rra-o 0-.vner depl'l!C ~ . BARGAIN. 2 apt )ots Costa FINANCIAL _,,;·~·~··~~~~-~~'=!:;:==:"=='~=· ~~==· =o l Mesa. A 19 unit & a 55 unit. D•na Point 5740 BuslnHs Rent•I 6060 ExeeJ loc. 645-2()60 ° r Bus. Opportunities 6300 --------l ____ _;;;_..:;:.::;:1536--0131. A»ytimo. 0 ,',_,,,, ~mb~~-~ h... 2 BR ~lex, le~. crtps, :o~RJ~:40n~~ ~::u: Acreege 6200 AFMFAINLIUAFTAECTURER _,. 191> W<Jl'Ua drps, blt-1ns. rerr1g, no pets. u ' IO'# to form four simple WOfds. $190. 71~78 tra le. 1871 Harbor, C.~f. Lagun• Be•ch desire!I associate with man. IR ABHOR I I "==='"=='====l .~64~6-6{;54~~------1 7 ACRES W/PERMIT age111cnt or engineerirq: I I 1 1 •. 1 1 REAL . ESTATE MARINERS CENTER TO KEEP HORSES ~ckground to jolu expand. Gener•I Office & store bldg, rent or Adjacent subdivision 0 n e ing manW'f.?. co. $7,500 in. _.;;;:;,;,;,;,:.; ______ I lease. $75 to $120 per mo. mile E. o( hwy, utll avail. vestment. Salary $250 J>@I' Rent•ft Wanted 5990 149 ruverslde Ave. 1)4&.2414 $35,000,. 11' Cash, ba.l lst b'ust 'vk + equal share of prolit. I l A N U N I BALBOA ISLAND • Lease 2 deed. Should return $25,000 peor . e ATT~NTION e storea, together ot 1rp. 307 MAKE OFFERl l yr. ForappolntmentcaUMr. I I I r Owners in this area who may Marine Aw. 67J..8753 Write or contact: George R. Obenoor, 714-539-5600. . • - . h11.ve lneome property In Or see your brokt:r Kl't'n, Box 914, Laguna WE DARE YOU I VIC. of L.A. AIRPORT: re· lfl:fl PER M lh ~-· lllh Beach or phone 494-4726. to ch«.k us out. Natio-·""'. R 0 APE' I sponslble couple & 6 yr old -on . .,...o;t Co ""''°"' • A gal, exploined wl'ly com-daughter (no pets) stek 2-3 SL. C.M. Street expClilJUf'I!. 11 ACRES. orange •avocado · needs a distributor in 4 I I' I I parotively few females ploy Br. unfum. hom~ (court, Realonomics 6'7S-6700 grove. So. Or. C.ounty, your area. 2 lo 8 hn. Per "::;'.:· =·=~·=:·=~· ~ go/fr "Women haw more lm-qt. dwelling or acme apta:. grnaII store $136,000 on cash d e a I ~k (day1 or eves} for high r consi<k'red), nr. school, tn Catalina Island $15 Mo. w/$25,~ down, No pynits. camingl!. No selling. You ITU Y It I; I po(fant thingi ta --. H nice an?a. DeserviJll' tam. Phone Avalon 187 on equity for one yr, can l«?tp prese;,t job. $JgjO 0 r-1 ........... ...r........1..1o %J2. U• ~" gi·-~ of ,._ ., ~ BrokrT, required lll!cured). For ,,.. I• I I' I' I -~--~ ~ , •w •• ~· -~ """'w 1" by fUlrno f111 the rnblltig ·wonb own home. to )'OUI' ttnlal. Office Rent•f 6070 TAKE over 5 acres, no 00\\.'fl, · your area, send • )'l:KI drttlop frotr1 ~"9P No. 3 below. Can pa.)' $125 or • bit mort. $25. mo. Near lake &. town. nA.me, And Phone no fo· but pl·•--'"bmtt -~-1 -· MODERN OFFICES 894-47'3 A"'. Distributor Division,. 59o. N . • r:m.~~~~~RES I' r r ,. r r I' I' I l'lave. ~A;. ol. 1-la';Uwn~~: FROM $65 PER MONTlt -•• Azlma, Covina, Calif. 91122 · --· - -· · . Lawndak, etc.; hUlbl?nd t'!~ Afr.cond.~ p11.rklng, central lo. Out of St•te Prop. 6208 *LIQUOR LICENSES* ··~N"'s.!.._, fORj j I • I I I I I ployed by Wtst~rn Airlines. cations. ~111.rlltl ~rvice . ...., 1 At ~-'I lnttt-Ol\1nty Tr•nsler.r' ,. TT~ • • • , • • _ Call loca.Uy: M2-3589, eves/ 230 E. 1711t. o,n,. J\.1e!la ~ ..,., s • .....,m •. and Res. •._ORANGE COUNTY * S©~~M.-L&r..trs· Solvt o Sirnpl< Scrnmbltd Word i>u.=l< fM a Chuckl• SCRAM.LET~ ANS'"'ER IN CLASSIFICATION 960"' 1..:;Wff::;ke:;;:"'~~::-:,==..--l--~64::::;2·1:.::411~5~~-IMh"'"' llot Spn""'· F\>14' "WE WON'T BE UNOER-·------------------..! __ .::;::,::::::::::::::: .. :..::::::.:;: .. .:..:=.~~_::~~='.!:~~~~~'.!~'''._ 1 -paid for. F o r sale, •PP!f SOLD" Umiled Quantity! White tlrrhants? Whlle ElephantB? $44,000. Allan 673·• Wln.,.10-n (213) m....t249 t:\\llttt ' ' ' I, '· d .. • r " • .. u e 0 r . • • • ! . n I. ' ' ' ) I ' • ' -----------------·---~--~·--------·-·--~-~-~.~ ...... ---,,.--~----~--...-~--..... ~ ... -...,,...,-... .,.-------!'."~-:.~'.".~ ···~-!"-: ·c.:!'O",---"Yl .n ! -..,, A119Ust Jt, t969 D.\ilV mQI' 13 ANNOUNCIMINTS JOIS .. IMPLOYMENT JOBS .. IMPLOYM!NT JOIS • IMPLOYMon t I •V9• -. • ~. I !!!!! When You ..... NOTICES 6400 Job w •• .;.i, Ledy 10io Help Wanted; -7200 Help w ... i~. -noo Htlp Wlrtl*4,_,,.,,,, 7200 Ht~ Wonted Hool 'ound !Fr" Ads! RELIABLP!. •l<P<rlen«d ------ACCOUNTANT 1--°'--.;...n ___ .;_1 Want it done FOUND black temal• J:.'::: ~ :' ... ~:,\~;'. SEARS • EXPERIENCED * ~''Lot the countn.. ,,,,.-A_nti~ • ht Gtrrnal) Shepherd, I • II Proler CM·ND am. Plll't or COOKS ~ina 11 r m t . Bright, CCOU 116' 111111 • fig • • • """'"· Wblta cloth a>ll>r, l\llltlnu> 5411a33 Y9<l>ll -l<I' IDllla1 .. -.. . -I -whlla loel-vie. DeUlar I•, • Costa u.sa ,USBOYS llgruneat la ~ Coun!>'. A ..., .... "' .... aval14hle Cal one of c.M. EXPER. ,,,..tfal nu r... ""' DISHWA·SHERS Unllmlled -uni!)< tor In our Accoenlln( o..,ut . 5'8-3933 cook diet.I, Uve ~ refeNnt· a ~ .acociun~t to ment rhal requlrff Ute UM fhe experfS FEMAl..E German et, Bo:ic '!02, Lat\1na Beach Announceaopenl"J!far broaden hll axperier>Cf and ota10kef•ddlnrmaclWlt, Ill li'sted below.II Sliephtr.d aboull year bid. EXPERIENCED APPLY IN PERSON prepare for a .,ua 1u!""· -1or. and U\e ..,., • , - • • ' 4 'II I\ : ' -' . j "f"" I ( Vic Pallaadea ftd. a. Do~tlc Help 7035 CoNtructlon .xper. he plu) Ql'Ace eldll•. ~~===~==~='~=:i:-:i:=~~!l!!~;n~~N~·~·~po~1t~Bl~Yd~.~;c~.M;;;·1 SEAT~ER REUBEN E. LEE but"" m.,..."'P'· ~ ,.._,_ ~-,.,..,-...;i '--'srw c " "''"'"'"'"'" ... wttfl.ibfli4< ~......-.-,...,1--'-t-1 SERVICcDIRECTORY lERVICl~DlltEtTO'fi Sl!RVICI OIRl!CTORY BLACK kl""• •1th white Permaoent. Experleneed. LNST~tl"ER-1 'N.wj,.n ~.~· p!W1 exctile01 fl1n&o beoell~ ..w,. wllb, 1ttnottve fri,,.. I• t ' 65SO MAT. woman, child care, your home. Own trans. Ra.f's, $1.25 hr. 54M.389 BABYSl'ITER -reliable, mkklle age. rar. 673-"'19 Brick, Masonry, etc. 6S60 i· BUILD, Remodel, repair. l Brick, block, concrete., carpentry, no job too small. • • Uc. Contr. 002-6945 I • .., pawa. OwhCT plL \denllty 1: Far Eut Agency ~ BRAKE ot•& ~-wide parent com-be.nellll lncl"cU'J tuU,y paid Floort 6665 J1nlhorl1I . 6W0 clalm M Verdo/Adam ~N TOOL • C\JTI'ER pony, Contact W, C. Bahr for medkl.t and lfU lnaor· · esa ' Georp,Allen Byla.nd Agency MECH4,NIC CRU:'OING '.fR,ADE: Mar-tn•J MD-9n01 ' ance cow~. thret,WffD Corpet Vinyl Tllo --------area. -Employer 1'.,. F,. --r1ed men Pl'f•rred. M"'t be * D * tiolJ alter All licyiea ivld colon WAU.S, Windows, noon, 2 kilter., 1 black. 1 orange, 106-B E. 16th. SA ~7--0395 ALSO FOR 'ambltSQul, H.S. &rad wtlh RIVERS vaca 3 l'tlil. ·~ Free est Lie, contr. :::Ual. °=:~ wedJ~ ?;!.,. col~,~~_..~~~ fS, UALLLESTMAIMNE m.aO: ~all . .,_ a:, 'be No Exp.Jenee Appl,vlln ptl"IO!la.I the 5I0-"'2 '4M'7I •od/or Mo. 1191-7300 ,,.:.;,;; tilt 19th. ---Help Wented, Mon 7200 meehank Y mcunea. Good N-es. saryl DA LY PILOT -Hard surfaee floo~rina workllll cond'a: I: trmg. • .,. Gard1nlng 6680 SPARKLE Janitorial le Win-YOUNG poodle brownish or-and interior decon.llnl'. JbeneHt1. Must have clean Calilomla dow cleanln& Serv. Wi~ ange, w/Oea collar, nr Baja Ekctl"Onlca _.__ DAILY GRINDING tNC. driving record. Appl,y 530 West Bay Str.¥t, Colt.a dowt, relkl., comet, eon1t. ~ Capistrano, Arch Beach H u Q H E s 3822 Can111us Dr., N.B. YELLOW CAB CO. Mea. Aak 1« Mrs. Crem- Cleanup. ,_ ••I. 008-:l;llL Helahu. -Exc<llent Eamtna• DISPLAY MAN lB6 E. 16th Sl man or calJ 642-021 "" an ESTATE Maldt Tree Serv FRI 4 Calleo rabbit nee.r Big NEWPORT BEA.CH Plus Oleta Mesa interview. 644-4860 -& lrimmme•. "'' Corona-· Call I. Id .. ,. • Pn>ftt -DELIVERY DRIVER & FEMALE HELP The Seit, coN no more! estimate, Call 541--0088. i1 .. ~ J tn C.D M • H01pilalltatlon Experienced, ExeelJent ben-GEN"""'~· SHOP WORK PAM'-TIME 11 AM·2 PM uq •.... ., asm e. • · u 1_ _,,._ F"" "-· A I I ~ Experienced MalntenJ.nee -• Group Ul4 ins, l;Ll.I... 1111 w.uc:·, WY n Need fOUnc rn.atTled man tdeai for Mother'\ with chJld- Budget Landacapfnr LandtcapJn9 6110 GREY rabbit. 54&-5146 or needs. • Pald vacation ~noJ\ Mon. thnl Fri. 10 to with good driving record. ren starting back to tchool. ANTHONY'S 6 s70 Graduate Hortlculturl$t ==='-""'----'= S49-J888 • 8 pa.kl boUday! 4 p.m., personnel dept. ~fust be rellabW, consclent· Uniforms & meali tum1Jhed • . -lc.iJlt1trJ ~ AL'S Gardening " Lawn * Llc'd landscape contnc. ELEC • !:mployee• discount =~a:pow:'~~ work. Call ~ct Mr. Dtnlus., . f • Room Additions Maintenance. Commercial. ~pane: '°'",.pl~~. ~!!. ~7 Lo1t 6'01 • J. W • ROBINSON Allied Builder• Hantwani McDONALD,$ L • Apa.rtmentl &: Unit! Industrial It recsid11ntia1. ir; ... ..-. ~ Apply ln Per&0nnel Ottlce FASHION 1st.AND . 17Jo Aoabeim Aw. ol HARB()R, INC. • CustoniHomes * Kitcbena •646-.36211• YNOSCAPING ¥ucca.t ~r ~. small I~ • haired JRONICS litondu UU:U Saturday NEW!J9RT-BEACH' (bsta Mesa 3141.flarbor Blvd.7~ ~ sale,· call Juan Pantoja, blonde colar, cur~ up tall, 10 AM to f PM 5411.9326 e 5699'.'t e .._.. ! *21~:;al~~~ N~~~~w~e ~~~~~ flea cellar, mi. to ltikki. SEARS REUBE.N'S Ofc.S•le1Cle rtcto$SOO Pacific Coen Builders up by job or mooth. F~ Paperhanging Vic Cameo Sboru. CdM c Xlnr oppty, co. maving to Ir· eor!13Sd~·~tH~n91 =e~r~~nfo, call P•lntlng . 6850 ~~D.·~.7/28. TE HNI-. R,ebuck&Co. COCO'S ~·~::~~owilltraln, ERV'S LA'VN & PAI?\"TIN'G Int & Ext Lowest L\OIES waDet Vic Center CIANS Jason Best COMPLETE SERVICE GARDENING SERVICE rontncled p,;.,,., FUiiy tn.. St, CM or 3hl A.e., 1.a...,. SOUTH COAST PLAZA *DISHWASHER* ·Employment Agency NEEDS ' •Remodeling • Residential tt1/Comc'l/lndus. · Reas! SatWacUon l\W · Freo est Beach. Fri. 8/1. Valuable 3333 S. BRISTOL Apply fn person 2120 S,•Maln, Santa Ana P1rt time help, Good N:t~T AD AGENCY i • Commercial • Industrial 64Z-1'7S6 Jln1 Weeks 613-ll66 paper a. Rew1rd. 49S-2ll9 COSTA MESA 1555 W. Adems 2 YO' .,.._.W•"ri..' -banlca typist for cl•rlcal du- ' Construction-DH.ia:n Assoc. EXT/lnl tg A·--rlft •• 6 --• ·--ti -•· $1 •• M&-7596 Japanen Garftner pn · •= rm . ....., ~--'-· ~·------for components telt ud Costa Mesa for unlta mom only, two ••· erranu.. ·.~per Ii -I========= Exper., oompl yard aervioe! i I~ Rnypalnt84~~ work, MALE black mixed Spaniel production !Upport, A mini· An Equal Opportunity LUGGAGE tune' ~p &nd rbake mcch.1 l hour. Call Barbar• •t Carpen .. rlng 6590 Free est. 645-0912, B-2300 oc res. ' -- ' doa, ans "Tufty" v I c mum or one year ol recent Employer ~ helper for lub & oil. se.so 1 _~~64"~2·"'~:Cloic0~.-=- CLEAN-UP SPECIALISl'! PAINT~G -pspering, hlO Gothard .l Warner, lffi. industrial experience is re· ~ SALESMEN &Wll'Alllee, we pay full &rOUP . ELECTRONIC CARPENTRY t.fowinr. edging, odd jobs. = ~~n~~mna_Je Rew. MT·1'417 quired. A knowledge of sol-ExRJrlenced preferred Ins., vac. A: holidayL ASSEMBLERS MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Reasonable. 54&-6955 DALMATION Male, vi c. id state dttuitry is desir· ITT JABSCQ Excellent benefits. Full time. 536-1491. Small commerciaJ. prodl&Ct TOtl Small. Cabinet in &al'-EXPERIENCED Japanese CUCLASTORKM .PAINTINCLARKG Bob'• Bi i' B 0 y, C.ltl. able. Apply in person, Penonnel --B=o=v~s~t~o-.~1~4 --1 h1fg. ln Cmta Me~ Knowl- qes & o t be r cabinets. Reward. &i2-2025 · ill ~-~ Ro o ed• of Col ~-·· I ,. gardenerr Reliable. 540-1373 • """"' e ~ 1 1 2nd o ce. \.Al-.-1er utea pen .,e or '-uue w P · , 545-8.l?S, U no answer leave '"':~~~~--~-1 i;;;Eim'NG-:-P.u;e;'iii]iYn. lRISH SETIER PUP, 3 mo. v.,..n ngs are on st & J W ROBINSO , , f Yklll5 ex~rtence qelp!ul. A.p. {. .,,. al 64<>1l12. II. O. !,""" ostima" PAINTING, Pa""'lng 16 yn. old. N-""""" d;e1. •htil. MECHANICAL • • N Lqw>a su:. So. Lqw>a ply Anderson JIM'S Gardening 1; lawn In Harbor atta. Lie. & REWARD. 494-4497 Fuhlon Island. N.B. DA.ll.Y Pnm CORVONICS CARPENTERING, room ad-=~Mt::U" C.Om-bonded. Refs. turn. 642-2356. GREY & white kitten w/ H u G H E S DRAFTSMAN Equal opportunity employer 6U-"321 31117 Enlerprlse 'dltion11, patio decks & SUBURBAN Painting/Dec Ilea oollar. Vic Hntg Bch. Recent Gradual• Production Machinists 1,,....,,.,;<l>lt&ii;i~Miiesaiioiiii0&J t~ «wen. Quality, custom Cut&EdgeLawn Expert Guaranteed Work Beach & Warner. S42-35l7 Experiwiet'd 1') close to!-Chemical E"¥'neering Re-. Drill. press ot 'l'Urn!t lathes.I· ,;. Work. 645-Q.11;, ==iJ~ceatn:e~ Free est. No job to0 large NEWPORT BEACH eranc:e drafting on amall search le DewloRment Or-Small close tal. instrument Fiiu Time REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS ~~======· 1--.,,-°'-"'°.,..,,,llllall ..... -· .,.'"'..,,."-"°c.......,, Mi:/::~vic.C:sr:·, ~~ pump compooentii and ange County location to part&. Small company' v.itth HOUSEKEEPER CABINETS. Any •;,. ,.. b * EXPERT JAPANESE •" F be . ti all 500 Su-nor Avenue assembUet. Re q u Ire• Sl.2.500 for right man. cau ........1 .. ,,...a.i.... -ndltiOM ...... or tter palll "I c Ana. CM. Reward. 64!j..203i. ..---..r-1 .... •--·}~· I d A •-·--~ -25 yn. exper. 548-€n3 G..µIDENER Newport Beach, Calif. ww .... ,. ~iv...-""6e o e-M McWIUlams 645.-2770. Sts..o30 . Free Estimate 646--0830 experienced painters. at SIAMESE cat, answers to ml'1111onln&' techniques as Merchants Personnel Agen. ==~~---~-1 QUALITY Rep.a.in -Altera-· 64&-40TI after 6 pm. freckles, female. Lost vie applied to castings and cy, 2043 Westclitt Dr. N.B. BUSMAN. Top money. Ex· ttons -New consL by hour JIM 'S GARDENING il lawn PA p ER SPEC"' •~s ~--Bluff "" • '9 Equal oppbrtunity employer h1 .. 1 .... ~-• Sh ' -1-_,,, ..-~--' App'" ]., or ~ntract. 64&-3'42 maintenance. Re1. A: C.Om-Cal'• best for vl~Q~ L<Mlt • ......-.S M & F ~:~;;n~ w"W::kab1°i. INSTRUCTORS .... ~N~RT..,GMTro v · Apply in .person Hunttngton Beach Convaletce.nt Jloapltal 18792 Delaware St, H.B. • ltEPAIR, Partitions Small merclal. * S48-84ll. foll, mlll'8.ls. 847-1659 ever. WlfITE female ~. losl Samples requlred. )!ature, vnnn .. adult, look· ' 3333 W. Coast Hwy • -m•-:• ·----Remodel, etc. Nile or day, Gen•rtl Strvlc•i 6682 Id wal Ing for 1ood future, able to Newport Beach •~u~ Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 Plastering; Repair 6880 <'hi ren ting, 962-lGf GOOD BENEITrS AND meet the publ.lc. Apply in SERVICE Station salesman. • RN-Relld duty, two daysl CONSTRUCTION site clean-REWARD: Carin Terrier, H U G H E S WOR.KING CONDITIONS. person. Exp'd, ace no ba?Tier. Lull per week. (. C,ment, Concrete 6600 up, hauling, sprinkler sys-• PATCH PLASI'ERING. brindle color. Vic Pomona, 1 • Hofidey Heel+h Spa time, Wary + comm. • LVN-Jtell~, four sbUhl rems installed & repaired, All types. Free estimate. C.M. Call ~2198 NEWPORT BEACH Equal Opportunity MobU Station, 74362 El Toro per week. Laguna Beach • 1~ SQ. FT. modern1 lsl ~2 Call 540-6825 Employer • Coll& h1esa • Rd., Laauna Hilk. Nuning Home '•:l &or, xlnt office/store loca-HAULING, General, trees, Hai urgent ?ttAN and HELPER. Perm. SERV. STA. ATT. Exper '494-«11'5 tlon. Atust sublet! MoVing! hedge&., topped, trimmed, Plumbli\g 6890 Personals 6405 requirements for 1"85 DALE WAY part Ume, to average two only. FIVE POINTS SHEW. ARE yuu attractive, around Call weekday!! 00--9483. removed. Big John. 642.-4030 -:PL=UMBIN='="G=-=REP=AlR=-COSTA MESA, CALIF, 92S26 hn. dally for early morn.Inc Ph: 842-3444 30, not afraid of work, ul8d • CONCRETE Work. bond· 6730 No job too small WANTED tn4) MS-8251 newspaper delivery to ESTABUSllED Insurance . to meeting people -In ed & lie. Patioaldrvwys H_•_u_l_in-"g'------SWISS ---------1 hon1es ln N.B. Average Lcada ail NB oUice poaseiislon of a pleasant etc. Phillipa: Ceme nt. YARD/rarcleanup.Remove ===·=~===·== Ov•rwel9htladie1 --1 1 200• per mo. ?tfuat have c.areer:;pt 1~ , nature?-Weneedyouua 548-QSO F arch SCREW EXPEDITOR ate ·moc1e.1 ifation wagon • waitress. O>ntact Big Beef • trees, ivy, dirt, tractor R~-~odel, Repelr, 6940 or rese weight reduc-and be dependable. Call Help W•nted Hotbrau, 2885 S, BNtol, CM . • OONCRETE .. ,. • 1 l beckhoe, ...... 96U!45 '"' """"""' ID .... -MACHINE LA -... ·-~-· .. -" •-.... . · · ~.mes ....... ouu women 7400 att 2 pm. types. Pool decks l custom. a..EAN UP & lite moving BUU..D, Re.mode.I, Repair_ ..... ~uai -...-ra perm.a-0 RATO S h1ust b&ve over three ~ ~~ Call ~U24 Tree &: shrub removal. . Ljkick, block! concrete, ncnt weight toes, conducted PE R yea.rs recent experience Top pa~~J>i>J~~d. Pef'IOn t WOMEN, full or part time ; CEMENT WORK, no job too Reasonable. 549-1359 ~~fr no JOb too~ ~11~~:5uc!'n~'=~stc~ (A & I) in machine shop expcdlt. B~~f18~~ INSTALLMENT ~~A:sm:: r!°~~ -. small, reuonable. Free HAULING, cleanup, lots ete. ===·===== 8 minimum ot 10 pounds ing. 1155 Via Lido CREDIT Age 21 to~. ... atim. R. Stuflick. 548-8615 Handyman inyttme YoU call. II!!. I 6960 ovet\Ve1_ .. , have trans. OPENINGS ARE ON N SIHI p tty a. I ** 64>-3398 •• -~w_n_,9'------I ~-FIRST AND SEOOND Cedillec Controls ewport Braeh CLERK nt re ..,.ency Ch Id C 6610 -portation and not current-SH1F7S Division of Ex-Cello Corp. PART TIME Member of We Sit Beller, I I are *GARAGE cleanup, trash 25 YRS. exper Seamatresa, Jy under Doctori1 m.re. All 1 • ., Whitt! A Good typing required Inc, Subsidiary of Gerber •• hauling. By the job or by •lll!l'Btions & repair, mens inqt1irie1 completely contl--C t Mer ve, Now hiring eight (8) men • -e-Prod, Co. 642-3214 -WORKING molhers; child the hr. G4&-l568 clothing speclally: 64&-0731 dentlal. Work fn a clean, air-cond. os a ••• large corporation, E, Ana. ' "'""my home; d.,.., wook-Alteratlons-642-Sl45 ASK FOR MRS. THOMAS mae.,.cturing facllity lo-646-2491 "'Im b....,.,,, Pleuant work-EXPERIENC:ED SECRETARY :,·. •-~=-y=: ="="=·=ra=t"=·=0='="'='·.1 _,._:,._RA_na_;_,~_H_•_A_U_L_~-N-~-Neat, accurate, 2Qyeanexp. 5.17-5412 ~;~:,~~: ~": An eq:!pl~;~unity ;~.~l=&oe:"· 6:30-TELLER Pe=~e..~~~ WO 1 • positions oUer an excellent -,"'"""'"'"•'=..--I ·====-==0-~-· I 1 •• Carpet Cleaning 6625 Housecleanln9 6735 TILE, Ceramic 6974 / / future wttb a growing, com-AUTO SALESMEN JANITOR WORK-fvenlng1 UNITED CALIFORNIA week po.sltion avallab!e ~ ...JVt mercial divisioo, or HUiheS Olrl established Buick deal· Pa rt-time. Newport--coata BANK Newport Beach. hrs, m.12 CARP:tT & Fum. cleaning; CARP.E:l'S, WindoWI, Ors, * Verne, The Tiie Man * app'J Alreraft Company, a recog:. ershtp needa 1new4:1 used Mesa. Apply da)"s, 33'.I S. & 1·3 PM. Top uluy, Wrl te •-. fqr 1 day servlC'f! I: quality etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnl Cu!L work. tnatall .l ~pairs. nized leader in the !le.Id of car salesma11 fDt replace-Gl&Mell jat, Orange. 3029 Harbor Blvd. Box P-421, Daily Pilot. ~ work, caJI Sterling for work Reas! Rels. 548-Ull No job too mnaU. Pluter electronics, ment Must be neat I-reJJ. txPERJENCED s er v Ice Costa Mesa. Callt EXPERIENCED brighlne:ss! &IZ-85JJ CARPETS, WinOOwl:, flrs, patch. Leaking •how e r A • able, thoroughly exp'd & Sbi.tlon Man. DaY1, SUndays 546-2033 WAITRESS 1 Ca~t Cleaning Service etc. Res or Comc'I, Xlnt repair. S41'·l957IM6-03'.l6 -N-nnttJer:Jar'I Please· apply able to close own deals. oU. Salary+ comm. Apply --~m="""J'°E~R--- 1· L1Censed, insu~~ work Reas! Refs. 548-4Ill Tree •·rvl-6980 In n11rson s.traia:ht sell, , top comm!• in pereon. Grants American A-ulve ""'Ung rom-ny eed 646-wort .,. -r-· sion, co. hene~11.s, gd. ~ura, 17475 Brookhun' !'ountain -·~ JV .... Apply In Pert0n SURF & SIRLOIN • EUarant . Bay It Beach Oeanina: Serv The past four years have ph:aaant working conditions Vall•Y· .. needs glrl with telll!t" and • ,............ ·--'-~--·· floors etc GENE'S TREE S ER V : ...... the ha · t 1 IU H u G H E s A '" In -• new ac«1unta ex""rlence ln Carpet Laying & ........ V""'• wu-.11.1w.., ' treeslshrubbery removed, UC1;'.n ppies 0 my t. pp..,-person Oiu)'; see .-.. -------.... Bank or Savings Ir. Loan. ] 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. 1 _____ R•_,Pc.•_lr_66_2_6 Re,:;~=c~r:;.1;oi trimmed. ha.Wed away fu~a~~~ bijlband NEWPORT BEACH Sa1ca 11~:~e~uick MOiD1tA1£RS to 2 yn. prefd. Pleuant, Newport 8 .. ch CARPET LAYING Johnny Dunn yoW' local S49-13&9 Love, 5th&:: Walnut small oft.ice atmosphere. HOSPITALITY HOS'l'ESS ll c,-::=:C,;·':· ,;P;;:ag:':::"'=·="="'==:-fervlett Free est. 642-2364 Upholstery 6--..,-------~'"~dy 500 Sun.rior Avenu• ___ H_uo_tlngt~-'"-D•_•_•h __ IF DNCONTOln ~S. eCoun1tab. 1a53 CoDOWNnt•ct MEYr. LaSApVINp, GS & ~kin~_!°r mature wome.~ -1 • EXPERIENCED houaeclean. ~7.., * I ORCED .--ow vrang~ ty •u Y,'e11.vme ncwoomen .., c Drafting Service 6637 Ing, own car. Dependable. CZYKOSKI'S CUST. Uphoi. D V Newport Beach, Calif. FOREMAN Top Men Required Sf&.30.10 LO~ ASSOCIATION the communll.)' Must haw 118 d'"" Phone 642-7871 European cratt&rnanship ~~ S37""9ll or &n-6533 typewrittr, car: and be bo~ BUILDING PLANS '"-'--'~'--"''---100% tin! 642-1454 Equ'1 oppoctunlly SALESMEN • Eotablllhed EXECUTIVE dablo. Appty 2.l5 E. Maln, a Remodeling e Relidential Ironing 6755 1831 Newport m., C.h1. YES IT'S YOUR employer M/F Must be experienced In territory to be expanded. Suite 7, Tustin, CalJt e Commercial e Iriaustrial --'--=------FAULT 8UpeJV\slon of mill de. Salary+ commission+ car SECRET ARY 544-69'l5 , • WILL do lronln" in my IS YOUR AD m CL.ASS!· partmen~ Will be rospon-u M Ml hael cl""" t Constructlon·Deslgn Assoc. hom•, l5c a pl........ FIED !' Someone will be For --~ed me•Ng• that ~~~~~~~~~ '' a owanco. r. e s, Neeaed for e• ...,., empo-NEED attractive, 21 to 35, •• ,75596 '" ..... 1u 1ible far NC equipment, 60-7352 ·-1--l Good ahol1. Wal'-'-====~===== I • "" •104 * Jooki .... for IL Dial 642..:i678 ill ~--1if all ratY --'6'-""en u,,;lll far lu.nch bullet. " r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;~·oi;;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;i J w oAAN'Gt ~ 547~~ PART TIME Excellent fringe benefits. HANDYMAN hand and transcrlbJn1 ma-Apply in person Mon. thru , ilectricel 6""0 y Ad Sh Id le H 24 "°"' recoro;". C dill C t 1 Small er.rt Ramp Pacific cl>ine aktfb oeeded. Fri.: White H-Inn, 3'25 ' our OU ere, .• NOW HIRING • ec on ro • """' H>ey & &;.ide Dr. WHhorn Girl Inc. N•wpert Shod., Newport -; e ELECTRICIAN no job 1 kl I LICENSED Division ol Ex-Cello Corp, Ref'•· nee. Call George 540-0325 Beach. : :,.,..:,m:;::; ~.prompt They re Loo ng For It s:,:,~a;:;:::,'."f:; ~"': LARGE, NATIONAL OOM-1866c!:'~t~;.:··· 6'/3.7160 bef. noon. INSTRUCTRUSIS ,,_,, .... In 1lngto llHdle I !_·---,~. Camino Real. San Oe.rnente PANY, EXPANDING lN ~2491 e Desk ~erk e College Younr, mature gitla able to and overloclt. Good piece • ~ 492-9136, 496-9507 ORANGE COUNTY, WE An equal opportunity boy: pt time, Ken Niles meet the publlc. Must bt work prices, lteady W'Ofk. BUSINESS •nd BUSINESS an11 ANNOUNCEMENTS 10 AM -10 PM NEED PART TIME 1..fEN employer Mote1, 1021 ~e~ Dr., attractive v.11b a eood EDDY MOSS l«M2 ~t FINANCIAL FINANCIAL and NOTICES ~YO~U-R~poe-m-,-.,-,-0-m-u-,1~,~1,,_·I TO WORK EVENINGS 6:30 1-om/jij ... infiffir-l,'.N'.::.B~.---~~-~ figure. St., Westminster; 5M:.a738 '1-------------~----1 ·--------·I clud mu11iclarul" singer, 2 T010PM,5DAYSAWK. SILVERWOODS, MBlntenanoo Meat Dept . Apply in penon COMJW."ATION. Sharp Bar But. Opportunltl .. ~300 Investment Oppor. 6310 Found (Freo Adal ~00 di"" ms. Hank 542...,,. NEWPORT CIO<ll "" 1-91 p.m .. ~ . ..,.._ Holiday HHkh Spa Malllo & Go. Go. Danc:on. TOP STARTING PAY EXP. Tailor fitter. Perfn. Gd rate. ruchard's Mkt · Top wqeii '3.C04150 to PARTNER R.E. Project. FEMALE approx 1 yr old Jam•I Loyd Bullock NO EXPER. NEC. position, fri~· benefit., id· 3433 Via Lido, N.B. 67J..63W e O:l&ta Mesa~e start, Ph. 1or int. $45-.9983 ~ffd~~TI~l~p~ "Petticoat Junction" b-pe P~::fon co:'~ ~nae.n s\g~ WE TRAIN ~~~p~. ~ '5 s~v. ~A. ATT: 2 Fll1l 'IWtiittJ BNc. &l 8any Way, 2901 Harbor, TniMtee. 64&1234 dog. Red «IJor. w/nea col· 'JAll'I H . SL E tt AGES lS TO 45 I ==-=--=--.,,..,--...,-! time Men. Over 21. Must • 1,c,,.~M~. =~-~---1 • !25:000 cash required for eX· '::========I Jar, C.all &42-2623 ~h. amaon I vere ' FOR INTERVIEW CALL EXP. Ser. Sta, Salary + have exper. &: & hair CUL m 'fl WOMAN-hOUMwife, U!ll! )'CKlr ~( J>AN!ion. Old eslabliJhed l 6320 YOUNG m•le black~=------f.lONDAYATUESDAY comm. oltJme pay aft 40 490E.11'lhSt.C.M. i66CJSC lpBl'etimetoeammorw:y. \~ ·company diversifying. S&J. Money fo LoM Labrador-mix. Blk collar. ENJOY economy vaeatton ____ n_4-_n.l_l___ hn. f"ullJt. l'erm. 990 E. · EXPERIEN,...,.... Win~ no age lh;nlt, no + i bie Clltallna Island. From $8 Cit Jlwy, NB. ~ All:«ICY tor C&nler Glrl1 Ume ' Umil; Will tnln u ary $12,00) prof t. Dou ls1 6; 2nd loam fut qUick Vic Mariner's Prk, N.B. mld-k •·· t•·•. H-~ . COUNTSRMAN flO W CoMt H-N 8 .,.-:., uJy ~·-•-"" -~ ne.-<1 )'t'llf. Call Mr. Lee at cub. Borrow on :your ~ &lU!IJ:2 Holei.""'Pho~ A~alon "i87:-* EXPERIENCED * General Offlc• $400 City Auto Patts BJ ~ .. , .. ~ De:• ....,......,..,. ... .,..,........., 213-437-8024. perl)I eq withoUt dlsturbtna: i ·FOIJN==D,....,b,-toe~lc~te_m_al~,-.. ~1• Good typing aldlts + prev-2072 Placentia, C.M. NURSES needed Jor private 1• your IV# lnteftft ht TOr. lleft collar, Aug. ls!. Phone ~O.';!~'l ~':1-o';, COOKS ioua 'Mlrk exp., call Loraine . duty. Practical, Aides. No ,. PARTNER wanted, active or Aho bQyen tor 2nd TOI. •fter 5, 642-9856 .......... _,... BUSBOYS Me.rchantl Penonnel Aeen· Help Wanted, Men 7200Help Wanted, Men 7200 Uc nee. 3-u, ll·T • llv•in. I lnactlve. Excltlng new pro. Saltier Marfpce r.o. lQc. MALE White cock. a 4 poo P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. DISHWASHERS C)', 200 Westcl!U Dr., N.8 ~~ baV't ~fa. Ca 11 , duCI. prote.cled by US ?&· Se.rvbli Harbor Area 3) yrs. American & Victoria, CM IF you have rented a ladder &fS.2170 • 11=-===="'"'=""""-.-I ~ lent. Rare opporturnty. 336 E. 17tL st. Owrwr pig klenlily & claim. durlna' .June, 1967, plHie DEl'..IVERYServicemanSJJO EXPERIENCED F/C book· t ~anufactuted. dlltributed. 6G-2171 5'5-06ll 64&2791 Evn. -""::;:ll=-====== APPLY JN PERSON wk after tmg ptr. In!Hally MOLDERS mper, ·1ull time 1or 1oca1 1 f13=94U. • YOUNG Dusty pink neutered .. 10-1~ bn daily, later afltt . •• ~· Fifm. Call 633-6&61 tor ' Food To Go 8111iness Mo..,_, T.D.'t 6MS male eat vk. ol College Travel 6435 REUBEN E. LIE rou1e learned .. , h" • 11.,,•;cpiilbil;,..,..'-""',...."1,· ,.-.---:~I 1 Good ft record ~ Parle. Owner pis ea 11 ---------Pmnanent. Rm re q · C1feterl1 Employment pro t 20% Ret, for i Yrs. 54!M.122 ECCENTRIC E n g 1 t s h 151 E. CNlf Hwy. ServllDft, 50&3lat St., NB EXPERIENCED 7 10 !i Mon lhN Fri * 675-3202 * $3,5IlA3 2nd Tnut Dtl'd be· FEMAI..E Ge GenUeman seeks lHa NYC Newport Beach GROUNDSMAN, S11iddlebac~ CilJ ~ext. 203C!i I PARTNER silent or eetive; hind small lit 00 lot witb 1 rman Shepherd 911-9/17. Sham co• t •. "G"A'"11".EN='°'Kam:--p-Sho<=-,-,--1 Colll'gt, l n q u 1r11 Mr. l neat S3SOO to m{f. ile.m of Lacuna's tinest (!('Can vtew. ~1:ar ~~la Mf Ii:-Howes 136 E. 13,ay, CM Shoo Salc1man plrl-tlme for Chermak 831·9700 or 495-Penna11•11t mold -ratot-=Sau;.~~~ ::::r nart SCDpt; rortune poss. $40 per month Incl 9?' 3 . • JOBS & EMPLOYMENT back-t0«bool period. Exp'd 4537. -r-•• :..-~ 546-8234. yn. 22% Olacount.. itlXED Wb;tbalred Terrier. pttftrml. Contact Mgr, stl'P'°A"R~T~l~lme-=BOO=KKE!:f'ER.===•ll l l=S=ip=.m=·:"..-'==""'""'="I I' Bf:ER. ...... d<U: liquor 497-lliO BROKER ' 497-1021 P\lppy black, whlto, tan. Job W1nhod, -7000 l'ublon fafand. NB. MtlUN • up'd .... ~ I dtl1I Top pay to top men COn:D: SHOP WAITRESS po&ential .Eatabliahed ll~re $75,CD:l 1st TD on 11,00J aq, Found tn .CdM, 6'/3.'75U ENGINEER. no~, COLLEGE studtnt w/uperi-~. 6J9..fil37 -WANTED~CED, • 1n .,._ rommurui,. " b<lck "'mm•re. •1t1a .... "';;::;1' :·:!:""'""'paw• & ..i1h ""''" .1 .. ""'"" ... :;~. "',."'°~k •w.,;1me •. ~ "1>1"'oon-.1""1ii"'h7t•-,-..E~.-.-s~s~10-•. 0t.11 Apply Prec1"11·on Cast1'ngs MAIDS , f17-175S. lona-tcnn Jea.'llf!d I and. c • e "'eoUar. Vlc. of ...,,_. • .,_ u,.....nti.-. • • 8 k 1 w•• Ov ., Call ·•-I ;;;r .. 1 °"'""bl 1150 •··L M• Verde M!)..2832 V"• "'""'" ••¥ oq ,.~ at ,.,._.._.... Sta~ er ..... -On new partntl. 1•--• n"'-1 ~·-~llNDROmAT -Suocmuf..,_, •.,-,a e per mo, "~ • "'"ht job to --11 -. ,......, "'"'Y1vu N I " .. _ WU!U•W~ ~...., .... __ r ~ lal 1 M -,._.. .~~· ........ on belch In t.aauna-t •t' oonctrn. .,... iu-, comm. 2044-pla ff m.il!O f osl 8UllOmated 1ell· lOw. Re.n nrome. ••·-FOUND: Twin 10 1pd pt.tion of degrtt work btU.NOloflJbair.4te.eoo3 Eu)-,568803 '-C.eft a, l IMlice. $6500. 67!J.(i622 per mo. 219'> Dbcount. Meyc:Se, F.V. W-4001 rturtrw dQa. W\11 consider S£RV STA ATT. Niaht nw.n. l•SER=v=1a;"'"""s1a"tioo=-,..,,.,,.....,=,,,·,11 • C. M BU~ttt"' HowielcMper 1 mI'ABLtSHED beaufJ salon BROKER 497-12'10 SMALL Fem. EJk Hound. job a1 technician m-'!' For JO PM IQ 7 AM. APP 2801 E. openln& shut AnOmon'I OStG eSG For IH.chfr: W.nt A 2 1 In CdM. g ehalra, newly SOCK rr ro 'EM! wlcollar. vie ,Magnolia 1-lnt~lew, write Box P '29, O>ett I.fwy ttt Goldenrod, Unkln Service. JM5 Ade:JnJ, ' , chlldttn I 6: 10. HB a.ru. decora!ed1 "5-.lUO. Whli. ele~lll DnnM.41JMI ~l'fa., H.B. OOl-2:%1 Dall)' Pilot. CdM. PR: ~ .,:C.~M:;.,::.llttl.UOl===----ll-..,;";;,;;·;;..-----------··-·· 891_-<m. ______ _ PARTNER -. l ) I I - ' I ,, · . ' • I , OAILY Pl\.G'T flilfflUJ, Mo'fl'S\ 1t, lM a •u~ovMI' NfJOIS a IMi'LOVMINf JOIS a IMPLOYMIHT Joas •IMPLoYMINT M~RCHANOISI ,o. Ml)ICHANDISI 'POR _.. SALi AND TlADI SALi ·AND 'l'IADI ""' _.. '491' Wanted Jal11 ~ w-. 7511 Joloo "'°''• Wem. 7500 P•mltvre IOOOl'umlluno. ... * J. C. PIN.NEY COMPANY Pllhion itlltld --port INch NEEDS PAJIT TIME SALESLADIES Hou\owl•lt a Mothol'I 1. C. PENN'EY COMPANY hlhlon IalaM -NfWPOfi BelCb COOKS HAS OPININGS FOR WAITRESS.ES l .U SI 0 Y S 1-~----•-ean Y"l1 spare a few hOUl'S .. Ch-.uy-ana. 1dd to the r,muy i n c o me at _the u m_• pme? Schedules convenient for you, morn1ng1, &f. 'ternoona evenings or combinati ons of all Work tn 11tetre under the f[Dest of conditions m d top supervision. • l l j APPLY IN PERSON PENNErS FASHION ISLAND 10 AM to 5 PM Monday lbru Friday All student positions til!ed. Equol opportunity employer Help Wanted Women Women 7400 Holp Wanted 7400 CREDIT MANAGER A pogitlon b now a~llable aa cttdil manager for • growini daily newsparer in Orance County. N"'5J)8ptt ~IQ i1 pttferrerl but wt woW6 conskkr applicants credit experience in alh!:r flf.kh. This po1ition offers an ex('('!. ten! sala.t)' and attractive frinfe benefits Including ful. ly paid for medlca.I and life lnsµranoe o:werage, 3 weekl vacati>a: after thtte years, ~ program. etc • .lpply In porson •• the DAILY PILOT 330 Wffl lay Si. Costa Me11 Ask for Mrs. G,..•rnn•n or call Hl-4:121 far •n Interview ITT JA~SCO TYPIST 'ti,,e SO wpm accurately. Come dictapJ.>ne experi. e.nce pref~. SECRETARY. Sailboat -• S/H 100 wpm. typing 60 wpm, apply \V .D. Schock Co .. 3502 S, Greenville, San- ta Ana. PRACTJCl'L nurse need~ for elderly ientleman living in C.M. area, !> da.y1 wk. ?:J0..5.. 543-8261 momg or aft 8 p.m. ATTRACTTVE WOf.tAN, 18- '5 ID instruct in makeup techniques for 1 a m o u 1 models, Wt will trall'I. 83&-Sl4.3. • • I ITT JABSCO SENIOR VERIFIER/ KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Alpha numerical. Some ttlata! clttical duties. Advanc:::ement pouibl• lo control clerk. Equal opportunity emplcyer. 1485 Dalt Way Cotta. Meu. Calif. ~ (nt) S<;o251 Equel Opportunil.1 Emplc)'er All student poe.itlon& are filled I MIRCHANDISI FDR MIRCMANDISI POl'l MIRCHANDISI POR SALE AND TRADI SALE AND T~DI SALE i'ND TIADI Anttq-' . ' ·1110 Ml...tla-NGO Mloc. Wanted MIO WE ,.AV MDIII. CASH PETS and LIVESTOCK DolO 1125 H.,_ 2 LOV. male kit.lens, 3 mos. old. Mother/Siamese I F.11th. er Pen;ian. 1 all blk_ I org. w/grn, eyes. 537-3267 8/1 546-4310 8119 E female chihuahua. old. cau 968-4738. 8119 'fSS. 8/19. J\1~ kittens, sturdy &. cut'i hsbrkn. 329 1.lagnolia St., _@.M. 642-8806. 8/19 II ;: puppies need good ho • Mothc1• "'ein1arancr ra1 It "?. \\'ill be la~c doU, 642-5729 8/21 DA PORT & chair, good s .• 252 Albert PJ., C. .. 'Ill! Q EENL!I PARK Kl~. Part Pers~-!P tii . fat, ettn, cool Costa gCJOtt .home. 537--0860 • )fll ~· • Ii. if 82 space ad.ult . 1".'1:1 • -i1 & Sales OUICf: r.tA'*' BASENJI, .AKC res.. ~ I Panc 0pen s AM ~'" -....!111 to 6 . . rid:ji-cock"·poo911\1 .. 1fi;J . AbtENT MOBILE weeM_ old. ~ • Rill l!Ofl.JE SALES · 2 Bi#K adora~,-WpP!i§-~.,_!JM~ w111mu1~'1u,~ ••* •197-1849 ••• ~W! "' n . ~~ DNE.if(itc, long-haired bro'iJI ----;:iAY tf11'J0fll-- · kltl"l!c Femalo. S<S-1932. mobilo 11•inf St Ji AKC"' Large min, poodle. ~·:ra~";.~~ Ho®f': !pA#!I, shots. 642-T26l 8/19 Kit • Prestl(e ·.·Sa~ TINY)luppies sro-5766 8/19 ALL SlzEs :-;;i NO\V ON DISPLAY T~J!SPORTATION 142:1 Baker St., Costa l\lesa ~ 1 h block East of Harbor Blvd. ~~tl.& Yachts HPO Costa ?.1esa (n4) ~O-S470 1i7 G~AR CI t § t¥~~ ~, LAk.'E~VOOD '64; 20X~; 3 InbqMd-0utboe.rd, lf!J m; ~r., J ,fl ba .. cpts, drps, slor. Cru\. \vilh po'WJ!J I I '?· Nl'!w Adult park, Call pow!f trim. Full coVU. ~1291 Aft. 6 PM. Re~tJI to enjoy. A,11 1Dx50 fi.tAYFLOWER. Xlnl maJriltnance records. 1 quality. 1 bdmi Adu It ()\l'~E· KI 6-4444 park, r.v. 962--0436 ~ @$iAGOING llouseboa.t. :\2' f;lee l hull. In-0utboanl. Motorcycl11 9300 SJ~ 6. $9800. Ca1J between 7&:9 !1.1.f. (714JT12-U47. " ·6"1· Chris, Sea SkiU TS. ~S radio, tabs, fathc>. ,~wlrf\ 'teps, Full etiv. dinghy W-saij .<t l'!ng. ~In '-f.ea. 20 ClAJIJN Ciilhq, 10 hp !tfe?f, Trier, bait tank, maey extraa. Make oiler. ~ i=,.;:;;;;;~;;;::;;o=::~ 16' il\JRCHCRAn' 'l\iillf. J8 HP i:vinrude: motor. Hull nee<tJ \\'Ork, aood motor s 125 .. ~n.90.52 17' nlustron, l/0, V-8, I :,:::68"""Ho-oo"'a-l'°'1S"°,"'°"s~,.---: load..JK\ · Y:/extras. Mint Scrambler, 900 mi, LIKE eti1'14. ~000-546-l94G NEW. $450. 832-3668 bet 8 &: 17' ~bin Cruiser, trailer, 5 or 494-2393 aft 6 • 'lO llJ), Mere. $350 takes it. , 645-Q!IM aft 5. I 'Hdl)ts 33, yrly !'!!lit t!•llirt;.~l,. .. 9425 ~e~ to race. ~. 1111 r,tOBILW ili!e!Yt. NP1 self. : 675-e0\)5 or fiT:>--2.126 . ::-a Cih~talned, l!lr {iqfid, 1969 1!JOO 14, exttllenl model. S'p-<1'13! eve,_ condition. $650. naa p 5 SS • • 673-447< • f rvtlit tsoo i'OR°iil• Lid• 1• with tr•l!Br. .,2 ii'J•~nl,(up Xlnt ...... Call Qoon !SJ 67Hl91 · \t l(oUnLY RENTAl1' ATLAI ~ JUXlde1 19'1 * Fun ~aone Boat Co. Ba.l_b.'l!, _ . 1 LIDO 14 ' eHRYSLER -PL'(~tmt wHh tralle< ............ ,1195. 00:fi ~QU~OR Bl-~1934 *67~2400• n...A 0 u' 'W ;" u.,.:n a f w p.m. f'.l!lesti~~igaUon mAJ(-'fj 4Jiii ij ton, Cooka * 67:>-.jji& '"' ~Yi'11!.'!fi1 ~. box, SPi\lf~, Small f •111'llr r;,;: ~~&r tW. Ali.< ~~":';:; ,i:x• "'"'· ~DTOR Ha°:lj 1 9215 PO~ruislrt 9020 zf• 0 TRON, 3 yrs . oithc6at new $9,750, loaded, 215 lii VS Chevy, 1/s, bait t~ etc. Sac $3.750. Phone 1'6-!lfl. F,ISit'OR SKI Drake 11' twin ~Tl&. "porl fisher: fly bridge, b4e(I ! Ready lo g o lnyw)Wrc. Sacr. $ 5 8 D D • 11>-llQ2 '.li· tl"CRUISON. V-c'trivcs; fl~ IE-nks. SAClUF,ICE! ~-12 or 548-~ • •~Ill· S)>!tSki Boot1 ~ 1l· Ol.ASTRON, 45 ~p,. !I.it 1tar1. trlr, misc "ltliJo .?!f!I bind. A steal &l ~ 5'>-lfll 1967 11' Glas"°n, 50 il:J: '11 41i1S" Crall A trlr. Ji~ Make oft or trade "."'· ~!lil+e, AZ' Morfnt E~ulp. fNJ ~n::'~~Jf,,.T:!ifr.': bpur. 21.i/sn.tf.Di FM °""' PlJOi w ... 1 Xiii OlnJ 642-51113 for RESULTS HElDQUlRTUS FOR MOTORHOMU .. 01111.11 "" 111 lll'I DODIE 'WLDR£R" ...,..,..... .,. .. ... '*""' flfl ..... .ta .... . M---~u :!.~'"· ·~!!!'· • ,..,, r,,'O\'' ~i\ \\i'.\~t 11, '' 1.1111 ti Ill i,11 llUN:1N1,IUI< l>IAl.ll ' > I LJ , l'Jlo• • \ DATSUN '69 DATSUN IXlCUTIVl lA~ Station Wagon, , ~J rack, radio, w l@ __ j1' color w/tUrqll4iJH ~~ ~. ma111 e»lf.U. ••• SAVINGS! One Of The Largest l11t1tlons of l1N1rt Cars 6 llllports In 0 .. 111• Co. Ph_9n• llU:l:' U41 llnr Costa Mesa ----------- TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION '600 s.1 ... Rent•I• M.11 Authorized DaLler Eldowlo , r,~uw '63 MGB, ri ~ oqjt top, Scownili • new tire•, , , wire *beels. FREE ZEBRA BIKE Ve.ry pod . MUst sell. with ...-., t.MJ... Mlliolt 1111 • camper or c&,n;er ~f ~ . n..o.lo•• M.\ltfO 0 = Mli!li ROBINS F0-1 or..o !!arW Blvd. '69 9 GT:-Jil;en 'i/1ill Costa Mesa ~@ lilt. !i,Ooo mlftl. Bf?fie RENT.A.SHELL '°"'· M"'t ,.u. 49l-M28 \VEEKENOS, WEEKLY MONTHLY * 839-lSXI OPEL WE PAY .' . CASH WE PAY CASH FOR · YOUR W P.1UST sell. '59 OM?v. truck '67 Opel St•tlon Wagon CONNELL and '&3 camper. Best oiler. Radio, healer, whi.t~·all tir- Gd. cond. 968-7063. es. Extremely clean \vilb CHEVROLET MUST sell '66 VW Camper. rack, VGY ~lS 2823 Harbor Blvd. Fully equip. Low mileage. <J J 88 Costa lt!esa 546-1200 x~t ::_'· S2~. &12-iS36 _ ., CONFIDENTIALLY li4ijlj!tr' .11•_'1jj]f." .•UI AT~AS w. Pay M"• For · -•1.r& -... -..-~-· J. Foreign Or Sports Cars * Ol'~GMlll 1': •. . • PLYMOUTII PAIO FOR OR NOT P.,';,i. w~19' i'1'1,ii\':· ~ P'.1§1'~ . R BL~t~JB3< 8. J. SPORTSCAll ~ Yf'llY'ed ~ .~i'."li'.J! O&On ·w 10 p.m. CENTE~ \jrfL.!RE Ri,iTA~I pjj"JCHE eo.ta °!':!:"''°' Bl1J~j9! 11\l\ ~111 @L!!IH!D! -""f.'f'&. WE PAY 1:9P - I.. -¢jj -·---., •· -~ fl a NVERT * DOLLA!J vu no ~••IY a.WJ l!Il[t l'lif'4, , x""'· nu pnt, "" good, d•all . 'ii!!! ""'' . ~-1,,. ej{j * , .. , Mlli! . 646-1234 all mak••· s.. !lt'ii! ""' i:llihV @de" ... P ,¥!.·\ff?'· ·~ ~. A Pol IF m. Theodore Rqblns,fprd ii!r· 54&Jl1@, 4ii! &-j 'Sunroof.~ 'fibit <ng. new 2<•0 Hu~ ~jy4, ciJSTOM Dllnt?,~~ii litts $1!Dl. 618-5795. C.M. _ffg-0010 body. Sl500. 355\.ii Roches-'66 Porsche 912 5-spd tcr, c.~t. ... Asking 13150 * 675-1696 * AUSTIN HEALEY ' '65 MUSTANIS $!~ Co11¥trt, Vt, •r.1+0, '•-~ Ir, PS, W•W t it 11, th1ttd 9 't· OVVl6J '65 OLDS -$1595 "11+• Cruh, ,.p W49. VI, 1uto, ••r, PS, Pl, R&H. VTU5lS. '66 MUSTANG $1495 H.T. YI, ).1p11d, t idlo, h11!1r, 'W-W firll, fi11i1d 91111. TFR221 '66 CHEV. $1495 IMPALA 2 Dr HT. \'t, a11fo, power 1l11r., r1dlo, httft r, SOL Oll. '64 FORD J l95 GAL. 1500 2 dr. H.f: t(:,, 1ul!·• rtdio, h11t1r: ff§ •11, 'ff-f,\ERC4~Y 111,5 EYOL.PNE j.l.T. 2 (,, H.T. Y-1, auto./ f1 ro. t lro powt r 1t11r., pi'll't t hr1lr11, buclr:- 1t 1t 1j1. TS~ Jf~. 111 likfM. $195 B1lvfdpr1 4 dr 11d. 6·cvl, 1tlcli 'hift, rtd!o, h11!1r. OXRJ 6 '67 ,,AL. 500 $1"f 1 dt .. T., VI , •1110, ftc ri fj PS1 ,8, ll&H, W·l·w, rOof, tint 91011. UICH '65 FALCON -95 l dr. V-1, 1lic\., rodici, hool- ,r. Rool 1horp. NGO 369. ~ FAIRLANE $149j 510 1-clr VI, 011!0 tr!Jili ,1r cond, pow1t 1t••flP•· ~Y64l4 _ 165 CHEV Jijij l111pol1, 2.do,r 5;1.l . V:I. PS, Pl, rtdlol g11t1r, whltt w1ll1, ttnj 911. POE901 '67 IA . l/.NG $169S H-J· v.1, 011!0,. pwr. 1toor. r1 io, ~11,tor, "inyl roof. TUR 070. '69 TORINO $3195 GT. 351 VI, oulo, foci 11r, PS, Pwr di1c I rk s, R & H, w-w tirot, low mi, XHV66l '68 MUSTANG $2295 H.T. V-1, oulo., pwr. 1l11r., rtcUo, ho1!1r. VD P 117. DUNTON FORD 1140 ....... hnta ~na 546-7076 ' 'Sl CHEVY ...... 283' OVER ACTUA R/Jf. Auto. Body &: erwtne In ~ oonditlon. D<I"" to fA"'JQRY INYQ apprttlik. ~-Si1::J182 II '63 CHEVY 400-4 spd, -411 s A l erxt. Buckets, console, aaa. lmmac. $13SD OVER 100 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE Fi You can dri\'e home .':"' cholce of 100 1969 m · tt l"xacUy 50% over our factory Invoice, e NO SALES EXPENsk e NO ADO.ON CHAR~ e NO PREPARATION . CHARGE f lMMEDlATE DEL~Y Universi . Ol~smobi '56 CHEVY 2 tWJf,-MJ.IJM§n:. . 9640costa • Automatic transmW~ V-1. ----..,. Call 61":>-6983 '59 El Camino, good fifi T•"· over paymr-nts. "" _ &I;-2936 '65 Olds CullH I If 11 ~I! SI O>ov. Holld•y Cpo. Mihln& condition V-8, auto. trans., ~ JfHr·I • ·-548-SCliO i.ng, radio, heater. PC:fpl ~-_C_HIYSLER _ ,., Chry1l1ai New Yorker V-8, a.uto, tlana., factory alr cond!Uonlna, power steer- ing, power ~rakes, powtr wlndowa, powu seats, radio, heater, whlttltall Ii re s. Loaded with e"4ras & sharp! !OJ 935. $1188 ·. ' ATLAS I QmYSLER -PLYMc·' : 21129 HARBOR BL .• , I OOSfA MESA "'31 Open Da.ll,y 'til 10 p, • REAL Shup '68 · . 'd Cutlau. Roi. Coupe. $781 with bJk. Land•u 1 lo P mla, nu whUwall , A A. TLAS brks, R/H. rmtom b Int A: bucket seats, ~- . 1 with tach. P /S, P/B, , CH-~YMOUTH fact air. l.tust to ' ~ 'pLVD. believe! Private Part1;Jfta1 00 546-1934 ..;0...;fle..;r'-. "'962-~2"0-='~=_..,,,i'i-I ~ y 'tfl }O p.m . '64 Olda F-85 '67 CNRYSLER v • ..,.~ .=tJo!i.:___ 2·DOOR WARQ'l'Qll' V-8, automotk, faofFJ !);1 J~ YMOUTH _ .. power steering, pop,,_, ---= o;;i .T kes, radki.& heate; • 16' e1r,: V1li1"' .w.i.. <$229'5· L~~!:;·J'4~ II!, . . . y ATLA$ " . .. a am~~~~· ATLAS COSTA ,._ 5*-lllSI ()pezi Dally 'tit 1tl p.m. CHRYSLER -PLY'M~· • 29'29 H.\RBOR BL _ , CORVETIE OOSTA MESA Open Dally 'til 10 p '.59 VET. HJ>o<d, 350 '""· 1 -""'"64-=-Pl~y-m_o_Utf,,,,_1 $4599. 2980, Jacaranda, CM. at<u • PM. VaUant 'SI Corvette V-8, auto, dlr, one m $1000. 646-<W'l Take lofil' payments. I I price 1689. aru '!'~;~" Ken, 494-9m or ~ MERCURY ··;i PLYM0t11'H WA4111i' FUry III . V-8 e111. Air cond,~. _ Power Brakes &: st~ $2150. 546-41~ -' ·~~~~~ ATLAS .... ·ulce. . . CllRYIL!lR. -P LYMQ!lnl ~ MUSfANG V-8, 4 OJ)d, ~ HAJlllQR BLVO, !WI. Now -· 1710, OOITA MUA ~ ,,,.._,... Open Daily 'tU IO P!,: '56 T·BIRD, very ad. eonf., OLDSMOBILE . ~ 11m w 1111t.w. l "'"'' _, '610lit•~· ~~ ~ _drj./;..~~~ I AJt io!f1 'Iii,~ ;,o;;,, r:i't ""'ti ... = . 'lii:n. 11'111 330 W. !!q, II, '" lliD iiiiliiAir DAlLY PILOT aa..snoct Mf, • $400 , ""lion hOWI - . . H DAILY l'!LOT TUe!dq, A""t 19, 1969 • ' l'tlCES EFHCTIVE WIDNESDAY '. ' thtou1h • , . TUESDAY AUGUST 20 " ' } . through p AUGUST 26 . ' STORE HOURS: I a: Daity 10:00 a.m.·9:00 p.m. j Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m.-7 p.m. " LADIES' PULLOVER SWEATERS FINE GAUGE e FUll FASHIONt:D e Rt:g. <I.ff 2•• RAGl.AN e lONG Sl.fEVES e STRIPES &. SOllOS e ASST. COlOllS e ZIPPER 8ACIC. PENETRAY FLOOD LIGHTS 150 WATT BUUI e llGHT WEIGHT 1 '' WfATHERPROOf'e CHOOSE·fROM A VARIETY OF COLORS e REGUlAlt 2.99 14-0Z. BOTTLE MOUTHWASH e REG. 1.09 79c • COLGATE 'I 00' FREE ·~~~~:: eisi'siiavi"iiiiai "'" "'' 66° FRESH O CRISP • BUNCH CELERY 2 FOR lARGE O SOLID·• HEAD LETTUCE ' ' ' • ' \ SLICED HAM BRIOGFORO A" x 7" SIZE REGULAR 09c PlllCl 59c PILLS•URY e l ·OL TU•I: BISCUITS P••i~ 9c K AAl"T e 1·LB. PKG. M IRACL£ WHIP 33c MARGARINE ,.AD e .2.LJI, .CTN. 65t . Pota to Salcid c • . l , . ' CASOA MaoNS' ~ I ~. FlORIST QUALITY FlOWERS VINE 1t11'1MD MELONS e 'TAslY· HONEY . DIWS . , SWHT • TASIY • WSCIOUS PRUNE PLUMS ~ 1r. ~100 ' ' I ~ AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES CARNATIONS ' I FRESH CUT 98C ASSORTED COLORS...--BUNCH •• •• #: • ~ ------ . . . NO STAMPS . • NO GAMES •· JIO GIMMICKS • JUST EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES plus 4-STAR SPECIALS! WORlD WIDE e NO. 303 CAN CUT OR ·PIECES e SAVf Sc . GREEN BEANS HART·• SALAD FAVORITE NO. 303 (NI •·SAVE 10c SHELLIE .BEANS GERBl:l'$ e $TRAINED . FRUITS ANO'VEGETMUS -. BABY r;:;:-i 9c FOOO ~ OUTot PRIDE HAL' GAU.ON • SA\lt Ae IMITATION ICE MILK BABY SCOTT e PKG. Of 30 DISPOSABLE e SAVE 11; BABY ·DIAPt:RS BABY SCOTT • SOAK PROOf ASSORTED SIZES •SAVE 6c BABY PANTIES '