HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' "
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A rendezvous wUh a)>i""""""'-. :n~~~ i;·:r:~r.;."~~·
has led to tbe·an·e.t'of 1"o C<iot~ '
brothers, "federal autboritlfs ·
fndfdment> ""' upec\<d nut Mil
ogalnst the two who pcilJce allege ""'
mijor Harbor Area de.itn ·-:one an
Orabge c-mlJei!e ' lludent-lollowloC
their ·jailing two -•II"-. Gerald C:. Edge, 25, and WOJDO K,
Edge, ·211 ~ <i ;324 Elden A\re .. were
arrested Aug. 7 after three ~ dr:ug purchases inv.otving _ev:futnge 11f
500 ptlh and $D1 caih, !nvatlpkn
" . . •
'1&:r:• . . .... !# I:!_· ,.,. .l•~rxon · i1-1s.~o.,ers · :.~••:•!#\
W.1.SHING'i'oN'(UPI) -'Sec:retary fll
Stale WlUlam P. &prs •Aid' today the
United Stales•ls prepar<d lo take "oensl-
ble rilb" to.bring peace to Vietnam and
has l~Y. resfi<'!Jded' to ~i>e<! Com-
munist, ipl!ltary act)vlty beyOl\d' the an-
nooitced troop cutbacK". Rogers ·1RtliCa~· at a neW1 Conference
thal the ··~Ible rtsk.i'" lftvolved a ecai-inrl -.'of ~.s. mllltary ojlel'aUons. Ho
declflied 'i<>• he mole •pecti!c; saflng he
· was "not going to dilcloee all plans" of
opera!lam'ln lbe mlddlo of.the war and
. '
· wOllld not get lnla"·,.nilJl(uy ordert.11
The llf"'~ aajd· that he had not
delec!M aeymove on lbe part of -a
to ·use It. lnfluenee . to end' !be fiihtlii1 In
v1etn•m ,... ,neighboring La08. He said
Russia,. Wh,lch now Is , suppfying all o!
}Janot's miliiary equfpmeot, ~d ·have ~WCaht influence on the ~ of War
or11>f!ace. '(Related· stor; Page 5.).'
. "I do not lhlnk they are doing aa much
u -t.hty-COiilit,''" he ~ ''They
1ay they. have a problem wlUi their· c:on-
' ' ' -
Drng ·Smuggling~~.
' .
. ' Tue older de!endan~ a carpen!tr, and h~ ·OCC *tdent brother were booted~ toto· Los Angeles Coo~ Jail and ar-
raigned Aug. a before a U.S. OJmmi.!Ji.
sioner but the Clk was kept C(l1flden.o
tial ~ further Kivestigation.
.. Presiilent Hi~
Links' Regularly,
,Shooting in 90s ~ead for. Clemente Mom •
' ~ 'j'alked:boct ICIUI lbe'~, "Were they SUf'Pl'ised! Very much IO, ..
oaid Sgt Jack calnon. '11 the Coota -police vJoe and Intelligence uni~ wblcll
assioted in the federal probe of Hlilloe Area drug traffic.
Sgt. Calnon said tthe Edge bn>thers •
gave no resistance when inf~. by
the yuung federal l!WJ!ian wno a~
enUy gained their c:oofidenc:e tf1al t':'t· were under l!'ru!:
He was alsQ •arrested in connection with •
the case, founp ·guilty and was, to be
sen'tenced Monday. He did not appeor In •
(SeeDRU(;S, h&i I) .
The Aug. 7 C8!llure II• Wi1!oo /;!m<
and Fairv1ew Road cllmued a fwr·
week ioveotlpllon. In -t.. pill ~ were "1lepdly 'made · -marketl and another m a privMe home.
Authorities said they believe the pair
to have been major firures in c.c.ta Mesa and Newport Beach nan:otiai 1ac.
tivity, based on \he amount of evidente
"We've had reports ol It going on
there," S£t. Calnon said today, but~
clined to tie the yoonger bn>lher Into any LSD e< methtdrine diAri>lltlon ot
the CMX campus. • A apokesman for lhe U.S. A-'1
dike In Los Alllfl<s said l<>doy t!iot
Wayne Edie was rtle:Med on $1.0ll.
bond loilawin( /l1J A•g. I arrol~.
His brother "" released on 13,?IO bail, pending 1 ·federal hearin«. next \Y~ay, at which Ume formal tndkt·
ments ehargtng them with sate d don-
gerous drugs are exPeCted. Loc:AI lawmen aalcf the U.... olleled
drug pw-ehaJes imolved pl.utlc bop
c:ootoining tobtets -to be the hll~ U!D1 as ... u u med>
edriqe, or oo<:t1l1<G opeed, • pow<rlul, addldfve 1ttrnullnt.
India Picks Chief
NEW DELHI (AP) -V. V. Girl ,..,
tlected pmldent of India today; OMng
Prime Minister fndlr• Gandhi • polit!Cot
vlctoq-OV\!r the Jilllt·win& boua .al ber
rulln( c-party.
• • • -•t *" VPIT .......
IJl/Ul.f'PIL'\1 .,~ WPMl'cHRl.STJAH. Ml •.. lllltcUls·PMr~'1M11~~ Dolltla ' . ' • •
CamilWs Toll at 240;
Eear .Total May.Doubfu
·PASS ·CllllllTIAll'.--. 1VPO -
m..1caio C:W.lllo'a dlilllrlill -It
least µG today with 111an1 bodies ati1J
lying uncounted In the mud 11111 ••ut•
tion of Milaiuippi'I 'IUlf coast \Vacation
land. j)fflcllla. feared tile loll 1l'Olild diJu.
ble . or quadruple.-,
Of the .dead 237 '"'" In M'MINlfl'I. LouisllDI cooarteNl fwt __ _
when tile m~ ltonn •l"'l'med Into
the mouth al the MllillllpJJi Rim. In ado
dlllon !our l'tllCUO ..... tera died l!I'• pi...
crash II New, OrleQ on 1'ueldlJ. •
'"Alia ii a hrt' w vatve tldmlie
C!f bodiu found," said P r e n ti s'1
Bau(lllmao, aatstant alote clvll defense
direclor. ''I · hove Htn lbe •tabul•lkln
from th< Nationol Gultd, Ctvll Defeme
allf .Hm Crw ond W. II very deflnilell'
a comervatlve estimate."
c:.an' • I
' Wedel"
' t ' The fog will ~ in for a few
mOl'e hours :thuriljay, morni_n(, fol·
lowed by lllnlJY aqct warm weather
With temperatu~ ri.ngi.n'g f'rom n
along the ~ If>, 71,inlaii!f.
INSmE. TODAY em.n.. · .i;( Ma• ~
Suzi< crt<(l41 -" out of
fabric 10hich tM say1 .,.duign.1
it.<lf.n Soci<fil !'age F2, -CIH ........ ~"""' f "' --. =--= . l11•f I 1 -I' g...-,
=i::. "':"" -·--:.'::' .::::"' -.... -=-~-==
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=· -s ... .... ... .... J~ ~ ... ..
Schools Ask
I BayTaxes
S litU
'ly JOHN VALTERZA ., .. °"" ,. Riff
A tlei.Jetian ol Newpqrt cily and. ""'r.'
~Uves will meet We llill -•
with Oranie County Aaofucir Andrew J.
Hlmbaw. to ask him to split up taxable
and -irable UP!l"r Bay land.
U be 00.m't. the school trull.,. aald
Tuesday, they'll take hlm to court
'!be Newport-Meaa Unified Schop!
DISlict boanl decided oa the phumed
v.isi\ at t.he!r Tuesday meeting aft.et
remwtoi the upeC1ed errects on the
di!trict budget of Hinshaw's lreer.e of an
estimated $16 million worth of t.auble
land in the u-Bay ......
'Ibe uleDO"'• action could cost the Jlil!ldctJ !!> l!!!>.!l!!l In IH revenue llUI
11 WOUid cool the City ol Newport
Buch about $150.0GO.
_ 'r'lbt plan Wll ori&lnated by Trultee •
SeUm FranJclln, who 111&11esled the court
acllon K nothini comes from the meet.in(·
w!lh Hlnehaw. •
He, Board Chaltman Marian Bergeson.
Superintendent William Cunningham and
representatives from the city will meet
with JDnsh&w as soon as possible, the
boon! qre<d.
They will ask him lo separate and
-ibe land pacira1e whlcb he bas --"U till& iln't .succe-ful," Franklin
said, '"lllm the Ql(ady COclluel will
1ep1ar.nt. U1 in a court action teeklna a wril ol mandale oplmt ibe ,_ ... lo
-lll!lt lo --'lbe lands.'' Jl'nnklln told -ble boar d members that he Md spoken to 1epte.w:n-
U.Uvt1 of the co.mty counsel's office, who
tDld hlm the court a<:tlon wooid be possi-ble. .
Hinshaw and County Counsel Adrian KIQ'PS' have feuded fNer the Upper Bay
.-.oent question for months.
'"Aller all," Dr. ~ told the ltoanl. "we are the harderl hit of all the
qEnc agencies over this matter."
· Newport cwncllmen, who received
l'iews of the estimated cost of the tax
lieeie Monda.Y, decided lo hold oil mak· Iha emeraency budget cut& to make up
lot the lols unW ochool lnlllees had
Councilmen have untll Monday to set
~ tai: nte for next year. Tu rate ad-
jullments ~ be one way ror Newport
olllciah to replace !he loss.
School ltulieeJ Tueoday lhouihl about
menue measures, too, q, cue the
-1intl and court aclioo bolh fail.
Ball>oa Burglar • l
Gets 100 Days
' • •
t'6ailt~fd fn s1-re ·' • I
·~Czechs · Routed
~By Riot Police
• #Th•tfa th• Way Life la. YWve Got to'Do What You Think I• Right.#
From Page 1
mnt anc1 ·wttbdrawal o( U.S. forces Ob-
viOualy would be hllher if the enemy
refrained from sieJ>1>in1 up the filjJUng.
.JJQcen had no precess k> rtpcl1 in the
Paris talks. He laid that the United
States still hoped to find some avenue
which would lead to peace but that so far
all ol lbe proposals and concessions made
by Washington and Saigon had elicited oo
meaningful .response lrom the North
Vietnamese negotiators.
Amb8"Udot Hem1 .. Cabol L<!dge, chief
U.S. negotiator in Paris, la scheduled to
confer with President Nixon and Rogers
Thursday in San Francisco where top
U.S. officials are gathering to meet with
South Korean President Park Chung Hee.
Rogers acknowledged thal there were
some differences within l h e ad-
ministration over lhe advisability of get-
ting a Soviet-American ban on tests of
muWple-beaded nuclear missiles (known
u MIRV) as part or !he beginning or !he
However he said he did not believe
these differences were serioul and Presi-
dent Nb:on still stood by his earlier poll·
tion that a tempcnry moratoriwn on
tests ol the weapaa.s might yell De cOn!.
5ldered as Uie fint arder or bu!lneu if
and wben the talk.5 begin. '
Rogers discounted the importanct of
the secret military conUngency plan
bebween Thailand and !he Unlied Stales
Futile Sear~h •
Lonely Mari Hunts River for Son
LOMA LlllQA (UP[) -Every Sunda_L
for the Ja.'Jt ab. months a lonely man bas
driven a motorcycle along the banks of
th! Santa Ana River looking for bis son.
Wilber Philpott lost three of his four
boy11 before they reached their teens. He
knows that the fourth, Benny, 12, .b dead,
too, but the compulsion is 1ucb he cannot
&Ive up the Jeltdt:
Benny wu swept thnxllh a culvert and
into the river Feb. 25 during the heaviest
rains Cali!ornia had experienced in 80
years. Philpott, a garage mechanic, was
htlping pull cars out of the floodwaters
only 500 feet away at the time. He did not
know until be came home at I p.m. that
his son had been lost
The next morning, Philpott frantically
roamed the river banks, hoping to find
L!Je boy alive. Those chances soon faded,
~ut the father could not give up .
He bough! a two-wheel-drive !rail bike
with huge tires which can be driven
through water, mud and the toughest ter~
rain. Philpott has to work through the
week but every Sunday, usually with a
friend and his boy 's dogs, he goes
·Philpott aay.s he hu been told he is
wasting his time looking for hb son's
"It all depends on how you look at it,"
Philpott says. "J say I'll find him some
day. l'rn not gi'ling up."
His three other sons died of a livtt
disea.&e and are burled together.
"I've got to do this to satisfy my own
mind. I may break up when I find lfenny.
But tiult's the way life is. You've got to
do what you think is rij'bt. ''
.7 Coast Residents Named
' ..
To Grand Jurors' G~~~P,
PRAGUE (UPI) -Kio! police routed
thousands ol ~lov~o Ir o rn
WenC.slas Sq"°1-e lmi1g1t1 wllh volloy1 of
tear gas and stinging Jets Crom w a t e r cannoo.
The Czechoslovaks had defied Police
bans and a &mailer tear gas attack
earlier in the day to gither tn tht aqua.re
an the tint anniversary of~tbe Sovlet-led
Invasion ol Czed>Ollov~o.
Police had kept the square clear loday
following slmilar silent protests Ttiesday
night which wera broken up by tear gas,
batons and water jets. But the rush hour
proved too much and 10,000 or more
crowded into the square that has become
Czecbos!ovHia's symbol ol !nedom.
As the crowds gathered around the
m!J!U>! good KiPll Wenceslas ibe white-
e~ed riot ~ce rusm,d up in armortd ~· A II ;ater c!arinon was
pUlltd up anil a ut of water soaked
Ct<ryt"d, which i:..ean to boo.
The drlppl~· crowd rereated but f'!Used to l~ave the aqu~re.r .
Suddenly at lt:ast JO·roUnds of tear gas
cartridges arced into the crowd. Gasping
and weeping, the Czechs-by oow turned
from curious o n I o <i k e r s into
demonstrators -ned from the square.
At least 100 police swinging rubber
truncheons chased them down Stepans ka
Street aod &rTUled anyone-they caught.
Yoqna: Crecboalovak.s btgan gathering
at the' square• at noon today and police
sttpped in hnmed.lately and burled tear
gas bombs. 1bey arrested aeven men who
i-efused to leave the square and dragged
them into one ol Prquc'1 red and white
city buses for questionings.
Within five minutes peace was reslored
and police did not rush reinforcements to
the &:e.'le. Observers said the tear gas
capsules were, much· weater than those
From P119e 1
used 'flle&day nitht and that after II
minutes the acrid smell had worn oU •
L{lst night it' was different. .
The protestert shouted "Nazis!" and
''Gestapo!" as police fired volley after
volley of tear gas into the predominantly
young crowd. Those slow to respond were
kicked or beaten on the be.ad with clubs.
Police gained control of the eight-block:
Joni square only about midnight. Tear
gas still hung in the air early today.
Busloads oC police remained in the square
2nd anny patrols helped watch other
Red Campaign
Cost 3,798
Men Last Week'
SAIGON (UPI) -Allied military
sources said today the Communists lost
3,798 dead last week in the first phase of
their autumn ca mpaign, the heaviest
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong losses
in two moo.lbs. -
American caliUalties for the week en-
ding last Saturday will be released of ..
ficially Thursday, but the rnili'VY sources estimated the death toll would
rise to 250.
The American death toll was 91 dead
the week before the CommlJhists shat·
tered the two month fighUng lull, and
that was the lowest figure in two years.
The military sources put South Viet·
namese casualties for the week at 477
dead, the highest since the week ending
June 14 w~n 516 were killed.
The American kill ratio during the
week was 15 to J, one of the highest
figw-es In many mc;mths. The sources sa1d
the U.S. Anny nonnally bears the brunt
of the casualUes because there are far
more army men than U.S. Marines, but them for transpartatlon to Hattiesburg, or the 250 esilmated toll , Marine deaths
the nearest unscathed city. were placed around the 100 mark.
"There are plenty of people still buried. the unusually heavy Mar ine toll
You get up close and you can smell them renected an upsurge of fighting near the
but you can't get to them," said Pass demilitarized zone and in the 1.tarine
Christian Police Chief Herbert Roles. areas around Da Nang where there have
All but a few of the recovered bodies been a series of sharp clashes.
we.re found in Harrison County,. which in-war·. ·eoounwl.iques covering action
clqdes PaM ChrisW, Gullport and Tuesday.. and early today reported the
Biloxi. I Joss of three.more U.S. helicopters and
Lile was g;rim for tbe ~rvivoni, JHJ\Oog continued heavy fighting below Da Nang
them an estimat~ G ,ooo ~-were left. ~where n :&merie&p.s w~re killed and 75
homeless by C~s ltG.mlle-an boor others wound'!'!,
wi~.s. . ; ~ ~ . .J,t.S. ~-fPC!~ said one American
Tired, hllllll'Y: ~~ unwasbe<I and I(<"~ liil,)i' Cornmunlsl l<UJl{ire reu
without toilfll •iniW~ rut, many into'a c01umn'. yru.s.Jtroops toclay, killing
groped through Ille · •ol. tbelr homes three of them· in the second battlefield
walvaging remnants tbelr belongtnp, accident in two days. Nine Americana
Snakes, some of•them poiJoooua,. and were tilted wbeo a U.S. tank opened fire rats were moving ttirough thie area IQOk-on 'them. --
ing for food but reecue teams said't.bey A UHl helicopter hit by ground fire
whlcb ~ out batUe ])!ans and com· . • , !Jlitd structure in case American troqps Seven Oraop Coast reslilent.f 'today
hafe to go to 1balland'1>Qid under lerml· .""were selected tts.mem\'lflra 'Of1he ·ors•·
of the SEATO tr<aty. · . · tng cmunlltee or the oewly Jorined
"detennlne any other steps necessary to
organize the usoclatlan" are: James w~
Berkshire, Donald COigrove, David Ring,
J . Leslie Steffensen, Gerald L. Werner
and Mr.i:. Thomas C. Webster !ll of
Newport· Beach and Mrs. Helen Keeley of
Soulh Lquna.
were not a.real threat yet. crashed into troops of the 4th Jnfanlry
CornmunicaUON were nearly nooe:r-·Division ne$lr An Khe, 240 miles northeJ1.at .
lstent and food ~ water were af a of Saigon. Three U.S. troops were killed
" From P119e 1
DRUGS ••. ,,
ale District Court, however. A warrant tiu been Wued far his arrest.
::,Ces;Uiedy said the marijuana was plac-
~ in bis wife's car by someone else,
~ her knowledge.
?Mrs. Kennedy today signed a notice ot
ion oot to appeal lhe sentencing.
observen said this could lead to
tomideration ol a parole.
· • If
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OMICjll CCiM1 P\IM.DWlttO CJalMll"f
IMcrtM.WH4 ---Ja&\ L C.t., v.,......_.,_ • ...,.
n.. •• tc ... ....
n.-. A. 'M...,a.t.. -·--c::.'9 IMl9'l -Wnl ~ $hW' ~ .._,,., 2'11 .,,,.., ........... • ....... ._,_, m,~ "~ .... _ ""'°'1. -........
~e said '~ tbOugbt the pa~· had been • Orange County Grand Jurorl·~~ii~.
bl'!"" up out .or all Pf'!porllon to II! lg< 'Fhe !electioo followed a SUJl1'lior"ColM portance. He said it was prtdScatfJd on a • . 1 • • • •
. number of ~puoos and like all ~eeti:'lC tX 38 .members ,of past erand
military contingeticy plans, It 'fjoukl Juries at wh1ch Rlchar<t . Buse or
never go into operation until the blger Fullerton, tomnan or the 1987 panel, was
uestion ol whether to intervene •~ all named temporary ch~an. . q . · · Among lhooe a"igned to develoj> waa decided. bylaws or lhe fledgling group ..,i
Nation'• No. 1 Duff•r
Frum Page 1
GOLFER • • •
President's old femark about golf being
"'a waste of time" to be misunderstood.
"l think he was refering to going out
and playing goU in Washington. 'J'tlat
takes up a whole afternoon."
President Nixon doesn't have that kind
of lime, even w'11.le more or less vaca-
tioning . lie hits the links at about 3
o'clock each afternoon, whether at Camp
Pendleton or at the private clubs Ile
favors around Palm' Springs a n d
The Presideiit has p:iayed three baslC
courses since his arrival at the Western
White House: the brown, scrubby coune
of Camp Pendleton; the private course of
Walter Annenbera, u.s ambassador to
Loqdon. at· Rancho Mirage outside Palm
Springs, and at P"uma Valley, one otthe
more pldureaque layouts reachable in a
relaUvely few minutes from S ~ D
Clemente by helicopter.
Has D,11vid ever won a game from his
"I have no comment on that," Ziegler
smUed .
Then the big question: What's the
President's goU score?
"He ,bu ahot in the 80'1,'' Ziegler
asaerted. But .he -woulsln't' sy when. "(
think we· broke a p~ in Florida
when we said the President shot a 91."
Zie&ler must have gotten -Into a lltUe
trouble over that. Nobody has releaaed
pre:sldentlal coll ecores since .
However, one SUmmet White Home
souree wbo has followed ~veral pre,i·
dents on the Unb describes Preoident
Nlxcn'a-pme tbwly:
"He dmu well, averallnf from t7$ lo
200 yardl: but his irons are lnconsimnt •
He'a not bad ..tlh a puller and, USIJaUy •
his aolll"I partnerl graciously 1Tanl him
the •gtrnmla.•
"Like a lol cl weekend gol!ett. ho
&hoots in the mld-90'1."
Tile Pros14enl hlmstU, uked about his
new !oond lnieml clUrllfl • ilulon Tues-
day wllb als newly apPolnlfd am-
baeeadora, replied:
"My handicap is my back swing."
He mliled as he said I~
The committee will make. its recom-
mendltionl next month to 1 general
meetlng of former grand jurors.
Aaslsllng !he commitiee In Its orgaolu-
tion tX the new group are members of the
Los Angele,s Grand Jurors Moociatinn. ·
All commltttee members are official! or
committee chairmtn of fonner Orange
County grand jurors .
· premium. ' and six wounded allhough the three men
Red 'Cromi ~ "1IDY trucks di.spen$ed in the helicoPter escaped injury.
free water, sand'W)ches and coffee to. as Eight . Americans including a news
many u possible, bµt some loragen bad photqgrapher were killed in the crash
to conlent themselves with what they Tues<iay of ail Army UH1 helicopter west
found in battered, unlabeled cans Dong of. Tam Ky, near Da Nang. The area is
Into tbe mud from home pantries and · where American troops have killed near·
grocery shelves. ' Jy 200 Communist lr90J>S since Monday.
Search parties were out of touch with The -U.S. command said the helicopter
their headquarters for hours at. a Ume carried four crewmen. three U.S. Army
and long lines ol residents waited at tbe pusen~ers ·and Oliver Noonan, 29, ol
few working -pay telephones to get word Norwood, 'Mass., a photographer for the
to relatives that they bad survived. As~ated press. -
Store owner ~ Henderson· said he Noonan was the 23rd news cor-
W&S sarprised that so ma.ny people stayed r~dent to be killed in the Vietnam
in the area after the storm hit. war.
J ..... , L f • ist.00
To thet'Wtwho knows wh11 she ! wantsibllt not wht~ to find lt.1 !M~.tch .your style wllh""°bU'1
many d!Sunctive designs. Andt
•sk. lfS about our f 1mous
Orange BMmonl §1.YtWllee.
J. C. · ..Jlu,,,P4r.i11& ~ J~w~fe,.J
• •
548-340 ~
• • '
iiagion Q~aeh
YOL 62,, NQ, l9'. ·9 S~CTl~NS, :12q P~~ES ORANGE COUNTY, eAtlFORN IA: WEDNESDAY, ;AUGUST 20, ·19/,9 ' ' . ' '
DAILY PtLOT,..... '°' T"'7 Cfflh .JQG<OE)l,J •JOG!JIN<O -·Here's one Fountain Val· cept Dino will competa in two-mile event during UJ>-
ley family ·tbtlt jop togoU!.er. From left are Rudy coming Kiwanis Club Jogging and Running Champ-
Garcia, 36;'bis wife,~adine,34, and Cheir children, ionsblps. Dino will cheer from the sidelines,
Sylvia, IJ;. Mike, 11; Rosie, 9, and Dlno, 4. All ex· !Iii-'<< ~'--_:..~~-'~~~-'--'--~~-'--~~~~~~~~
Ni.xon . Swinging
Cou r.ses G.et .Pkasure of His Putt
' Nation's No~ 1 DufMr
Of ll'le o.llY Plltl Steff
lt happens to a lot of women.
Pat Ni1on has become a golf widow.
She stays home In San Clemente when
the President goes golfing. In fact, she is
the only member of the First Family who
stays home.
Everybody else -Tricia, Jlllie and
David -accompanies the nation's chief
executive wben he boards a Marine
heliCOtller for an aftunooa round of goll.
Be's been doing tlll1 qull< a bit lately.
:rl!O .. ~--··l,-~ and ,,.,. 'nt{.-..;i;.y .. c_.i;tciJ~ lei'•
.:.. tllil put live ......... -days., , "µ ii, ~l press leCfelary Ron
ZI~ wu told ~y1 a (unny way
IG>a'""1 -...eoce cauea •golf "a waste
ofllm4" to
.ziegler blamed ft ,ou Jackie Gleason.
And David and Juli< Eisenhower.
. "Tbe President hadn't played golf for
o\let a year when be played with Jackie
G1eas<in"le•Florid1 about a month ago.''
Aid' Ziegler.
'"lben l( think he ·was to some degree
fUrtber encouraged by Julie who was
~ with golfln& lessons on her 21st
blrlhday. Jillle and D•vid ha .. been en-
couragin& .:uUe'I father to go out ln the
aftemooa ' and play golf with them.
Da\rid's 11. avid a:ouer, you know."
.Tricia. goes alonJ just for the ~ide. She
foll0w1 Ute· three!ome in a golf ·cart.
Frtend> al the President •lso often
follow. But · usually just to watch and
c~ between shots and putts.
Novice goiter Julie doesn't tee off on
the first bole. She alway1 &tarts out on
the aecond hole. The reason: she gets
nervou.s oa the first bole, with all those
people -clubhouse staffers and other
golfers -looking on.
Ziegler said Tuesday he dldn 'l want the
President's old remark about golf being
"a waste of time" to be misunderstood.
"l think he was refering to going out
and playing golf in Washington. That
takes up a whole afternoon ."
Presideot Nlion doesn't have that kind
af tlme, even while more or les.s vaca~
tioning. He tuts the links at about 3
o'clock each afternoon, whether at Camp
P1flllletm or al the printe -dubs he
!avert lruund . Palm • ·spr\nia and ()en-. The ~dent bas played• three basic
counes ·linCe....hla arrival al the Western
• Wblte U-: Ila brown, scrubby course ·
NEw YORK fAPJ -The stock martel of Camp ~; the private oourae el , Walter AllllOllller1. U.S aml>aaador to
Stoek Me rbU
lunied· In • lack-luster perlormanct to-!onclon, at Rancbo Mirqe oullide Palm
day, with aome pr«lt.takillg repor1edly Si>rlnll. and atPIJBDa ValleY, ex1e el the
w.i~ oo it. (See quotations Paps ,_. plc:luresqUe layoula reachable ln a
:a&-?) ' relat.i'vely few minutes from S a n
' . Clemente by helicopter. 'lbe no...-. Jones Industrial average .at a Hu David ever won a game from hls
p.nl. waa off U6 at 132.43. (Ilea GOUll:I\, Pap I)
lf J.!lntingto~Mayor Urg es
' I I • -• .
·Gas Station 'Aesthetics'
Mark, Se~ Jog!
Valley .Kiwani s
Schedules Races
I!urry! Hurry! Step right up to lhe first
annual Fountain Valley Kiwanis Club
Jogging and Running Championships.
And if you don't step you better run
bCcause the big event gets under way on
Labor D~y, Sept. 1, with runners or all
ages and both sexes. ·
Runners will take their mark• al the
Fountain Valley Civic Center. All local
joggers please take your mark at 4 p.m.,
sharp, for the two mile jog. Veteran J'Unoo
nen over 40 may wail.until 4:30 p.m. for
the five mile run. ,
llYQ\l ""'.ll!>t.-the W.~iv~lo· flnllll you nugbt bO the llrst man otefl5,
or the first w901an over 30 (who "Ill ad·
mil it?) and pick up o~ ol several
awarm waltlnll at Ibo 11•1••. •
The iuiinihi: and ~dwwlori!hlps
will be part of the annual KJwanls Wbor
Day Luau. Entries musl be turned in' at
city baU by Aug. 29 •
Nixon Flying
To SF tq Meet
Korea President
Pttsident Nixon will fly from El Toro
Marine Corps Air station to"San Fran·
cilco Thursday for a two day visit wtth
South Korean President Park Chung Hee.
The Western White Hpuse in San
Clemente announced today that the chief
e1ecWve will anive in San Francisco via
Air Force One Thursday morning and
will molm' to the Crimy Field parade
ground .
President and Mrs. Nb:on a n d
Secretary of State William Rogers will
greet President and Mrs. Park at the
parade grounds.
A reception for the Korean visitors will
be held at the 6th Army Headquarters
Officers Club and then Presidents Nixon
and Park will attend a luncheon with
Secretary of State William P. Rogers as
In the: evening the two presidents will
meet to begin their talks and will then al·
tend a state dinner at Lhe St. Franc.is
Boll!!. .
Friday morning .Nixon and Park will
begin their fmal talks. Nixon will return
to the Western White Hou5e at 12:00 p.m.
3 New Signals
Okayed in Beach
, Signal lights will be Installed at three
lateraectlorw along Magnolia Avenue.
Councilmen Mooday nl~ht approved a
ISS,000 cootract with Sterny & Mitchell
of Anaheim to in.Yall signals on Magno-
lia Avenue at Yorktown, Indianapolis
and Atlanta avenues.
·'Qty AA!Jninistral« Doyle Mlller told me council that the Stelny & Mltdlell
N"""'lllfnact"" is abou\ IJS,000 less than the
c:ify's eatimate for coostnx:tJon COllls.
Four Other bids were received with the bild>eoi at 186,000, The aP!JC'OV<d bid
WU tfie lowest.
. .
Mo re Camille Victims Uncounted
Hurricane Camille'• death toll reecbed at
ltut 240 today with many bodies sWl
lylng. uncounted in tbe mudiud devuta·
lion ol Mlllllslppl'1 gulf cout vacation'
land. O!flc:ials feared the toll would dou-
ble or quadruple.
Of the dead 237 were In Mississippi.
Louisiana counted at least three fatalities
when the mammoth storm slammed into
the mouth of the Missbsippt River. In ad·
dltlon four rbcue Workers died in a plane
crash at New Orleans on Tuesday.
"This U a very conservative estimate
of bodle1 found," said Prent i a a
Bauthman, usist.ant atate civil defense
director~ .. I have seen the tabulation
from the National Guard, Civil Defense
and Red Cross and this is very definitely
a CODJtrvaUve estimate."
"We have bodies knt1f deep in Bilotl
that we baven'l even counted," said
Gladya Gorenflo, the Harrison County
coroner. "They are decomposing rapid·
Bodies also were floating in the gulf
arid others weN!: burled in the siµid and
may never be four.d, she sakl.
Vice President Spiro T. Agnew flew to
the dlsaster scene. for a helicopter tour of
the SOO.square-mile area of destpJctton
along the Gull coasts of Alli.bama,
Mississippi and Louisiana. He was to fly
to New Orleans later today.
Search teams, plagued by a lack of
communications, f&Mei:I out into remote
areas where they Were cut o(f from head·
quarters as they went about the grisly
work of locating the dead and stacking
lbem for transportation to Hattiesburg,
the ~earest unscathed city.
''There are plenty or people still burit.d.
You get' up close and you can smell· lbem'
but you can't get to them," said PW
Cbrl5tlan Police Cllietllerbert Roi"-"
• AU !Ni°''~-: ~ ~ stlan, ' iliil
Life 'l'IS grim for-!he survivors, a.rnDlll tblm <an.~ :lll0,000..,'!bo were, lift h~lps1 ~ dmine'• tJt.bill~ ~
winds .
Tired, hungry. thirsty, unwashed and
without 1tollet1 aince the stonn hit, nww
groped throulh. the rum. ,or their oo,.e.
'41vagh)g remnants or theJl'_helonglnp.
Snaka, son\e of them po~s, and
rats'-nioving through the a~ lo!>k·
In& lcr :lood b\!l ·r-~said \beY '
Wffe not a. real 1threat yet.
Comm'unlcatJoM:· were nearly nonex-
istent and food . and water w~ ~t ;a
,. ' ' Sama Aria Hotel
Drug Smuggling Te~
~tead for. Oemente·Mom
A San Clemente. mother of three school·
children was In Sao l>iego'O:>llnty ·Jall to-
day, awaiting tranMer th San ' Pedro"•
Tennlnal Island Women's Facility wtiere
she · Is to serv.e an "inqetenninl\te"
sentence on a mar!Juana smlJ.Uling .con·
has been Issued ror his amat. .
· K_ennedy said lhevmal'ijuahl wU .plac-
ed in hla wl[e'a,car ,by 1101De<:!M ejse,:
without her knQwleQge. .
Mn."Kenn.Od1 ioday >igned a, llQ!l~e o(
decision not lo appeal 1 the sentencing.
Court oburvera said this could ·lead 1.e>
esrly cooslderaUon al a parot..
:Fire Probed ·
'by ladder out al windws, off the fin
q:ape ~ ro,01f. -of _the.~flllrt
<[owntown Santa .Ana Palace Hatol.Tua-
Twenly-one per!ons tn an·~rt led or
~arried .to aafety. Tlie fire raulted'ln no
inj\Jlie11, bu,t'·damage, was Ntlmated at
more than llO;lltlll.
• Flre'Cbief John •Garthe Aid today'ln•
YesUgaton' could 'find .. no caUBe for the
fire to start w1thdut IOfJle be1P.''.il beca,n ciboUt '11.m: in the~ OoOr 1bawer of
the-!ill.1ear..id.Pallia! at-fu N Frencb Mr1. Marrona Kennedy, 44, elected last
1prlng to serve as president of the Marco
, Forster Junior High , School pt A, was. Bea' . h M .
found guity of the charge ln San Diego's C ,. esa } St. . .,
U.S. Distric\ Coor!.
She was arrested at the Mexican A 'k Bi D · '• ·
border one year ago when border. s ver n epai:r .
patrolmen found several pounds of marl-· 1 ,
juana under the back ... t ol l)er ""' • ; Hunltngtm Beech •baa oltldally johm Two juey lrlals ""'e held ln San \)l<gn., Coota Mela· In urM ,qutci. r<p1ir" and;
'The first eflded In a hung jury. After the necesa•iry lmprov-·al the lower San-
aecond ahe wu 1entenced on Aug. 11 by ta Ana. River bed~ 1 •
Dl&lrlci' Judie c. A. Muecke to a priJon · . The City Council•o!J HUntlagton Beoch
term noi to exceed five years. Monday night ldopted a rnolutkn Ulliril1
Court aides explained tltis morning that the U :S. Army iCorps ol Engineer. ,to con+
the code under which Mrs. Kennedy w11 . eentrate it11~I repalr "elfortl: on U.t:
sentenced provides for the possibility of porUon-of the1rtver running through tbei·
parole "at any Ume." There 1.s 00 1 city.. · ·-
minimum sentence. ·The resOl.ution 1WU ' written andi
It most cases, they noted, prisoners are previouslradoptcd'by ,the <mta Mesa Cl·
paroled after 20 months. ty ~IJ • 1 • -
Mrs. Kennedy, throughout the two Both cities are seeking pri«ity, for'
trials, irud.sted on her innocence. W'Ork on their part of the river rather
Her huSband, Jan, owner of a Sin than the upPer part ol. the river u county
' ~eatlt•.
The tog will cr;eep ln for a few
more bouri'Tburlday 'momlnf, fol·•
lowed by -Y·and WaJ'l\I weather
with temperatures ranging from 71
aloog tilt. bndl to 71 lnlaocl-
, IN!lm E. 'l'OlJ,\ Y
porona . del: Mor • d~~toner
SUZie crcote1; gcrm:-nll ~ut of
fabric which 1ht. 1aui "'dtlfgM
itself." Socictv ·Pao.• r2. Clemente beauty aalon and chalhnan ot offlctals have lndlc.~-"! ' ' , • -•
the San ClemeJ'.lle. Parfs Com.misa1oo. HJPfr Wiiia aixl emcrete !!Ides Ire· =i.
told newsmen : • apecik:aDJ called for tn the resolution, as c-c..,..,
.. •• ....
, "'lbl1 II ·• mllcvr!age ol juat!Ce. , , lal<wlnW'1 tomn~al nllll lre.rec:al!ed: •-
We tried to figbl thil. tflini bf Uling 1 f • •=*' • Cl·lt "'" . Alt "
_ N~1 .. tlefVlce· llationo erected lu Hun-
tington Beach &re aofna: to be more
...,,.UC II Mayor Jack G?'e<ll baa Iris
way. ffl> ~to fellow c:GWlcilmen Mon-daJ1 that ll'dlJtec\ur.Jc"tlandards .I>< let
for an ftrture lllationt gninted permits by
the city.
Wm COll<(e -making tlree "" that
c-omer -and ·another at Warner
Avenue," Green noted •• "Other cttlu
~-~andlthlnl<w• -· chandA!r wttneues. Tbe ·llranat't!>in& _,_
Electric Failure aboullhilCUOlalhatllhecouldbl,velOI·. ln'tdaii'i :Reti-t.~. ~=-~r-':". lll!!r<fff)rltb •Jeil<I' ,..~ IL,1111 had "!~ , : 1 • , , ..,. -,,..,., -
... ... . .. ....
"Standard Oil Company, which should
be mcn. lnterelt~ thal\ most because of
their large landholdlnp ln the city OJun.
tlnglon 8eoch Cm>pony's t,300 acra)
but thty art the worst offenders," the
may:or compl'slned.
"They are butldqlg two unattractive
1tntCtures on Goldtn Wttt St:reel now.
one at idln&tt'Avenue cross from Golden
wi'it."""c!i~ ~;X:=:;. ~ Closes London Play I '=:' ~~~~""rif~ ~ Wiif: lteneft · rJ1<i1¥>·11S.~. ,: I · • · !!'.~~... , •:,
«Mr typa ot buslnesses ahould be i& , 1 Kenned1 upllifried'itbat. lill wif'e~ · ' ' . " 1 ' • ' •· ... --· """' cludod ln any ..... archllectural regula-LONDON (AP) -An eltctrlc fall\Jr• ,..,...,,.,.thqboliler •TIJDihito • ,SACRAMENTO,(lJPl) .-ij0$pllallad ::-.:e .. -::
Uont to aYOld dU!c:rlmlnaUon. due to f1te ln • ~berhood,,...er 1ta· chue a ata~·~ wtin~ Wfth ark ' S!cretary otslate<Fnn~/ . '41'1Jre. -_, .~:I
Cky AUAlmcy Don Dool• ... lnltru<:(._tlon Tueld~ t -• ' T h. ,..a.J'!1f Ken!l$ll1'• ' m..en• ~nellls will bo r t-1:= = ·-... ed to atl.kty the Jeplity ol the move and Mousetrap,"LOndOn s p ng it apartment ~· · ---io fll,OOo • ear uli(Jiile lluon -t-~-l-,il':"l~>.= .... ,,.".,_~-,;~;;;,;
l'O)lOrt bock to the coundl on Sept. I. ploy, ' ' .Ha.,.. wal~iil batk•tr,.. tite boider.' by aw, ~d l\eoaan. • • " K•M
Green IUQeated that the Design The Agatha Christie thriller Jla~_'i!'" II , II• w&1 liloo """'teol ln. c:i1nn•<t!•riwlth , 1Jordf•, 81, • R<pdbll"!n who~~ = •i:
Reviewl!oardandllolrdelZonmgAd· yearaandnlnemoothawtthoulm ... •n1• t1ie ca.r.",-mltt~ilo\!!:~4'&.to w ~.r~~._~.,. bilen --.!t
justm"'11 c:lostlY ICl'UUnlu all !uturo perfonnance. It la UJJ,C<\ed Ja tcwm•, ~ M""""11 W,it'nOl-•r .1i1 , ~irtralfi··porolyiod and :IO peak .. """' --
-. 1oaJ1h~ · the Dlitric:t <lodtf, vv.~ warrilJ! lince•ullerlJli·allrOlliM ,.1: '
I • I ••
' '
Sp~ksFly ,.
Over Next
Valley Meet
F~' Vflley's City Council moved
q1dcl;l1_ ~-~-'lulet "&end• Tuel<lay
night with no spark3 tooched off until the
~d of I.be meeting when councilmen
pttsented. • -qeoda ltet111 for the nut meeoac: ··
Finl Item wj1 approval of a planned
r esidentlll tract zon~g for property 680
feet "'est of Brookhurst St. and the same
distance north of Warner Avenue re-
quested by John B. Clark Company.
OnJy Couocilman Edward Just apposed
the zoning on the basis that it should
have betn fewer lots per acre. M1nimum
lot size in the development will be 6,120
aquare feel
Councilmen then dispatched several
public works items, all p a 1 s e d
One item, under parks, had drawn
somt conflicting views belore the Ci>UDCil
vr1T...,... It was a request by Larwln Company to
waive park dedie1Uoo fees on • tract of
mulUple family, light density homes (R·
2) which will have prJv1te parks and
recreationaJ faciUUes.
'That'• tho Way Llhl 11. You'•• Got to Do What You Think 11 Right.'
Parks and RecreaUon Commisaioqera
had earlier asked that the Larwin Com-
pany bo fareed to pay the fees, bul coun-
cihneo c!lugreed and Tuetclay nl&ht
waived the fees.
7 f.oast Peop.le
To Organize
Jurors' Group
Councilmen and the park department
•tall explained that Otten Valley had
previously been granted a fee waiver in
tbe aime aituaUoo, and became city
onlinances fO<Ce Larwln to develop open
space in ~ It im'l fair to aJao· force
part payment. . Seven Orange Coul Ttsic!Onta today
. 'llie l<anrin Tract in q-WU not wtre selected U memben of Iha organh-the Ame one !bat launched the city:• Ing committee of the newly formed
recall eltctioo and all the contioveny. Oranp County Grand Juron AsloclaUon.
.. Under new bullnea, at tile end of the· • Tbe oelectloo followed a Soperlor COUrt
cauncll tellioa, MayC1t Robert meeting of SI members of put &rand
Sclnrenltl-IUlpriMcl tbe audl<ace juries at which Richard Bwe of
with ao ~Iha! be would like Fullerton. !omnsn of the 1117 panel, was
to ineeni. IOIDe coofllct of interest named temparary chairman.
leg!Jlatlon al tbe next council medln&. AmOll( tho<e Ullgned to develop
He clldnl atale IJ)Odllcl, but said Iha bylaws of the fiedllil)J (l'OU]l and
g--1 lntertlt In le(lstatioo haa prompt-"dttermlne any other IUpa nec.,..ey to
ed him. to come up with hls own ideas. orpnlJe the usoclatloo" ire: Jame• W.
The mayor's atatement wu surprialng Berkshire, Donl1d CoJsrove, David Ring,
fp that bo haa been tbe prinie tar(d of. J. Leslie Ste!leJU<ll, Gerald L. Werner
the recall and conruct of. interelt over the and Mrs. Thoolas C.ut:Webster all of
eontrovenial lMwin Tract hu been ooe Newport Beach aod Mn . Helen Keeley of
of Iha chief c:harl'" hurled at him. South Laguna ••
· After the mayor's. commenta. Coon-'Ibe committee will make Its reeom~
dlman Jobn Haq>er tu(iUted thal bl to rnendali«w next month to a ~
J!OO)c! lift to iraent llOIDe iellllaUve meeting of former grand jurors.
lit.as al tbe nett -· ""1stlng the commltlet In Its or1anlsa-..:.i!arJ>er'I ....,pou1s aimed mott at tloo of. the new (l'OU]l m manbtn of the
c/¢11<atioo of exlstin( ordlnanC:es than Loo Angeles Grand JIJ">fl ~iaUoo.
HW>Dihlng new ones. ~ All cumnltttee members an! offlclall er
Councllman J<ilepb Courreges, ..i. committee chairmen of. former Orange
mitting some personal 1nteresl In his ,re-Caunty grand jurors.
quest,1N~ ll"I city to <oollder Hllinl
tip a mlni·blke track, perbJJ>I on ~ity cor·
poraUon yardil:.
"I hate l<I keep klckinC them oll my
pl1tce," said Courre1es, I farmer, "bu t
they keep mulUplyln&. Maybe the cily
could do somethinc f« them."
C.Ouncllman Just re q u e I t e d 10·.
yesligatlo!> .Into the·poMibjllty of the city
'8klni ovtr1 priv1te ~ parks when. ~1 maoclaUoris fai l lo do•
Jll'Op<r main-nee job.
* * *
Town Legend Dies
DEMAREST, N.J. (Af') -Georr• R.
Marquart, a smalltawn Je1end, was laid
to mt'todly after d)'lnc rouna at the 11e
of 75.
· Mar<J!llrl. popularly dubbed th~ wiOI·
ficial mayor of WI 1uburban conim~. · ootlloO'N.., Yori t'lty, !lied in a boopltal . SUJlda1' after a brief ll1ileu. .
~dwin Martin Quits Joh . .
' As Valley City Attorney
. .
' ·~ City .Attorney Edwin Pi.tart.in has sub-fnitte<I his resignation to the Fountain·
.V¥Jty City Council. He asked that it be
:Cf.,:Uve Sept. 30. -~ A wrltte11 statm1mt was handed to
Dewsmen following a brief councll ex-
ecutive se.s&ion Tuesday night. It aald Mirtm'• resignation was in line with
pllps developed by the city to hire a city
attorney on a lull time ba!U. Martin 's
:.ervices have been on a part tlme, con· 'tnd arrangement.
Roher* N. w.1d
r rc1ldtN •nf l"ulll.1"'9.t
Jet.Ir tt. C1111to., vrce P'rts-i •nd GflltrM No1111ttr
Tlio"''' tc11•ll ElllJV
ThoM•• A, M111pfll111
M•M•lfto l!dllW
J.lbtrl W. 11+•1
•~1•1' 1:<111•
tt111ft1tf'911 '"'' Offtt• 109 51~ St1etl
).f,;r;,., Ad~r•111 ,.0 . ••• 7tO, •>•~t
OtMt Offk"'
frl--1eetdl·1111 w,11 .. ""• hY1tv1r• Cll'llt Mew• SJll 'o'fO\I l1y S!,..••
l•IUN h .ull lU fOlnl .lln11111
City Manqer Jam'" Neal atalocl In his
Jirepared text that city oflleials had lint
discusiJed hiring a full time attorney a
year ago.
In submitting his resiination, Martin
told the council his firm could no lmger
. economically provide, on a pert Ume
basi.s, tht leveJ ci services required by
the city.
Neal was not present at Tunday's
meeting. Councilmen made no public
comment on the Martin resignation. Nor
did they take any fcnnal actlon.
However, Assistant Cky Menager Jim
lloUywood told newsmen no plans have
)'tt been made tO replace Martin.
The city altomey had recently ccme
under heavy criticism for hi.s in-
volvement in the ciontroveratal Litwin
Tract. He acted as rut estate broker for
the original owner of the land who ~ it
l<I the Larwin Company. Tbe conirov....,.
bolled over into a reclll campa1p abn·
eel at three city councilmen.
While he ab<talned fTOln offerin1 any
legal oplnlon1 during t b e C(droveny
over tbe proposed Larwln Tract -even-
tually stopped in Superior Court -
Martin's cMtics claim he shoUld not have
become involved In real estate de1Unca
within the city while serving aa city at·
Mr. Gilstrap
Last Rites Set
Futile Sear~h
Lonely Man Hunts Rive r for Son
LOMA LINDA (UPI) -Every Sunday
for the Jut 1i% months a looely man bu
driven a motorcycle aJon& the banks of
the Santa Ana River looking for his aon.
Wilber Pbllpott lost three of his lour
boy1 before they reached their teens. He
knows that tbe fourth, Benny, 12, ii dead,
too, but the compulsion Ls such he cenot
give up the tearch.
Btmy wu 1wept thrOlllh a culvert and
into the river Feb. 25 durinc the he1vle!t
rahui California had experienced in 80
years. Philpott, a garage mechanlc, was
ht:lplng pull cars out of the floodwaters
only 500 feet away at the Ume. He did not
know until b~ came home at 9 p.m. that
his aon had been lost.
The next morning, Philpott frantically
roamed the river banlca, hoping to find
the boy alive. Tho&e chances IOOD faded,
but the father could not give up.
He bought a two.wheel-drive trail bike
with huge tires which can be driven
through water, mud and the toughest ter~
rain , Philpott ha• to work through the
wet>k but every Sunday, usually with a
friend and his boy's dogs, he goes
Philpott aays he has been told he Is
waaUn& his time looking for his son's
4111 all depends on her"' you loot at lt."
PhilpoU 11ys. "I say I'll find him JOme
day. I'm not gl•llna up.11
HI! three other sons died pf a liver
disease and are buritd together.
"I've got to do:! this to sallafy my own
mind. J may break up when l find Benny.
But that's the way We is. You've got to
do what you think i• rlaht."
U.S. Ready for 'Risks'
l 'n Seeking Viet Peace
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Semtary of
State William P. Roiers aald tod~ the
United Stales is prepared to take "senai·
bleTlab" to bring peal!( to Vietnam·and
hu air<ady nsponiled to !<•-·eom-
n>W>lst . mililary adi~ity beyond the an-
nounced troop cutback.
··Roiers indicated at a· news· cOnrerenct-
that the "Je:DSible risks'' involved a acal·
iJIC •down of-U.S. pilliltfY operations. He,
declined to be more apedfic, saying be
WU "not IOing to dilcJooe all plans'" of
operationa ln the middle oi the war &lid
would not att Into ''military orders."
The secretary said that he had nOt
detected any move on the part of Ru.Wa
to u.ae its inn~ to end the fighting in
Vietnam or neighboring Laos. He said
Russi.a, which now is supplying all (If
Hanoi's military equipment, could have
signlficar.t influence on the issue ol war
Or peace. (Related story Page 5}. ·
u1 dCI not think they are doing u much
as they could,". he commtnted. "They
ny they have a problem wttb the1r con·
By this he apparently meant Rusita
would suffer tn her contest with Bed
China 1f the Kremlin tried to prell\U"t
Valley Council
Asked to Horwr
2 Top Students
G<orrt -. put pr<Sident " the Fountain Valley J11cees and a candl·
date in the city'• recall eleclion. laced
the council 'nJesday night with a r~
que>( that the .city honor two outstand· •
tn,g Fountain Valley J{Jch School stu•
d<oll. . \
He was speaking ln behalf of Virginia
Wll!IOll, 966i Gardenia Ave .• Fountain
Valley, and Arny Honda, 70!2 Blue Sall•
Dr., Hilnllngton Beach.
BOth r(rls rectnUy "'·ere named among
the IOI>. tao outstan<ling studenls In Clll·
lonria In a atatewtdt Jayc<e cont.,t.
~ ~·honored and eaeh received a mo tcholanbtp Jut July in SanU:
Scott had uttd t.be council two
"ttb btlln ::=Ilion of the (iris. but -a dW.tl!fl<d
-a lack of "I'm ~." said Mayor Robert Schnrdtlepr to Scolt. "wt must hive
mWuncMntood you. 1 thouitx' you were
u1<1n1 '"' J&j'OOO recosruiloo. ,.
another Communist nation Into making a
reasonab!e peace setUement.
The secretary said the United StateJ
would go ahead wlt.b its plana to "Viet-
namize" lhe war by replacing American
troops with South Vietnamese forces
wheth~ the luU ln enemy C1perallons con-
tinued or not.
However, he aaid, the rate or replace.
mnl and withdrawal of U.S. forc:ts Clb-
viously would be h1gber if the enemy
refrained from 1tepplng up the fighting.
Rog'!r1 had no progr-eu to repcrt in the
Paris talks. He Jald that the United
States still hoped lo fmd some avenue
which would lead to peace but that ao far
all ol the proposals ind concessions made
by Washington and Saigon had elicited no
meaninlful response Crom the North
Vietnamese negotiators.
Gathtred ltt Square
Czechs Routed
By Riot Police
PRAGUE (UP!) -lllot police routed
thousands of Cuchoslovaks f r o m
\\'enceslas Square toniaht with volleys of
tear gu and stinglng jets from w a t e r
The Czechoslovaks had defied police
bans and a smaller tear 1as attack
earlier in the day to gather In the square
on the first anniversary of the Soviet-led
in\·asion C1f C:.echoalovakla.
Police had kept the square clear today
followlnl similar silent protests Tuesday
night which wen broken up by teM gu,
batons and water jeb. But the rush ,hour
proved too much and 111,00D Cit more
crowded into the aquare that has become
Fro11t Page l
GOLFER .. ,,
"I have no commeol oo that," Ziegler
'Then the big question: What's the
President's goU score?
"He has shot ln the 80's," Ziegler
asserted. But he wouldn't say when. "I
think we broke a precedent in Florida
when we said the President shot a 91."
Ziegler must have gotten into a little
trouble over that. Nobody has lf:leased
presidentlal golf ~ since.
However, pne Summer White llouse
source who has follov.red several presi·
dents m the links de&cribes President
Nixon's •ame thusly:
"He drivea well, averaging from 175 to
200 yard:J, but his irons are inconsistent.
He 's not bad with a putter and, usually,
his golfing partners 1raclously grant him
the 'gimmies!
• "Like a lot of weekend golfers, he
shoots in the mid-90's."
The President blmself, asked about his
new found interest during a session Tues.
day with six newly appointed am.
bassadon, replied :
"My handicap is my back swing.''
He smiled as he said it.
Sets Carnivals
Czeehoslovakla'a iymbol ol freedom .
A!'i the crowds gathered around th•
statue of &ood King Wenceslas the white..
helmeted riot police rushed up !n
armored cars. A single water caMon was
pu11ed up and a blast of water soaked
crowd, which began to boo.
The dripping crowd retreated but
reIUBed to leave the square.
Suddenly at least 10 rounds of tear gas
cartridges arced into the crowd. Gupina:
and weeping, the Czechs-by now turned
from curiC1us o n I Cl o k e r s Into
demonstrators -fled from the aquare.
. .\t least 100 polict swinging rubber
truncheons chased them dawn Stepanska
Street and arrested anyone they caught.
Young Cudloslovw began gatherinC
at the square at noon today and police
stepped in im.JJ!ediately and hurled tear
gas bombs. 'Ibey arrested seven men wbo
refused to leave the square and draiged
them into one of Prague's red and white
city blllleS for quesllonings.
Withln five minutes peace was restored
and police did not rush reinforcements to
the scene. Observers said the tear gas
CHpsules were much weaker than those
used Tuesday night and that after 15
minutes the acrid smell had worn off.
Last night it was different.
The protesters shouted "Nazis1" and
"Gestapo!" as police fired volley after
voiley of tear gas into lhe predominantly
young crowd. Those slow to respond were
kicked or beaten on the head with clubs.
Police gained control of the eight-block
lOf'A square only about midnight. Tear
fas still hung in the air early today.
Busloads of police remained in lhe square
and army patrols helped watch other
Valley Planners
Must Make Zone
Change Choice
The: Fountain Valley Planning Com·
mission will be asked to choose beween
two zone chan«e requests on the Larwin
Company praperty at 7:30 o'clock to-
The ftr"St request is a city council in·
lliated acWrt to d\ana:e Larwin's CO!lo troversial 100 acres from agrirulture zon..
Thll Is the lut weelt . of . the ing te ruldenllal zoning with a density or
Westmu..ter R<criiitloil ' .,.; 'Pirb ' Q ,200i-""' ill the planned dtvelop-~ and ml!!ll formal . ...,..partrnent ~er proeram . two Iarwio Coinpany'· "tlelf has sked the summer carruvall have been ICbedilled ti. ',. ~ • celebrate iL ·p-. ~ ,~•:""f* ~ ~~~ area for a planned
Carnivals will bo'bl l·-Xp.ln., '111urs-' .~:~:]!Kil . · l ,llOO squ.re foot
day, in McFadden and sro;t" Parka. de~~~ • t ">: • Cloud s wUl be the Jut band to per· Difference oetween the two requests 1s
form this summer fot the Junior Teen the number ot lots allowed on the area.
Club dancts. It will play at 7:30 p.m., Larwtn's request would allow about 480
Friday, in the civic center. lots on 11 acres. 'Ibe city action would
Rapp will play for Westminster Teen allow closer to 420 lots.
Club members at their dance . at a p.m., Planners have delayed the city.initiated
Sa.turdayw al.so in the civic center, request fC1r two meetlngs because of
displeasure with tentative tract maps
Astronaut Anders'
Dad Gets Navy Cross
LA MESA (UPI) -The father of
astronaut William Anders haS . been
selected !or the Navy CJ"OS!,, the Navy's
highest medal.
Cmdr. Arthur F. Ande1'3, (USN ,
retired) will be honored for extraordinary
heroism aboard the U.S gunboat Panay in
1937 when the vessel ?.'as bombed and
sunlc In the Yangtze River of China by
Japanese planes. ·
Totho gWtwilo-w!>otsh. I wants~ not wMte IO find it.t
'.Matcll your style with o uri
~"' d'mincthoe. desisns. Ancfl ~sk us about our f1mous
Or~nae IUossom guvante~
presented by the Laiwin Company.
City Planning DI.rector S t a n I e y
Mansfield said the new Larwin nqU<St
shows ooe advantage in that the city can
ask for $200 per Jot to be donated for park
CUmnUy, said Mansli&ld, Larwin's
tentative tract map shows a park site
which Uie staff will ask plannen to
eliminate id favor of the money,
A school site baa also been placed on
the ttntaUve map and Its area not
calcul,ated in the tract. said Mansfield.
Plannen had di!approved previous
LarWln proposals because a speclfic
school site was not sbown.
Servicu for H...vd T. Gllltnp, 11, a
Ion( time Newport Beach rHldtnt. wlll •
be hold Satunla.i at rt a.m. al Pacific
ttw lemorial P1rk ln Corona dtl Mar.
Mr. G1111rap. a rtllred G. E. Kadane
Petroleum .aipervllor 1 dled Monday a\
Hoq Memorial Hotpltal, Newport Besch,
Jterwided at 1500 Coral l'Tact for ...
SUr;vlvors include his '°"• James C:l~trap of Nt"J'Ol't S.11<h, manaf<l' of
Kad1ne Oil; two grandcb.Udren and two
gnat.grar:dchUdren. •
"Yfl.'' admitted Scott. HJ feel tMy
1lso claorve IClllle "-nltlon, but
that Is In the past, I 'think the dty
should now lhlni abotlt honorin& oome
" it> .. ~ citlrens." Cb.mdlman Joeeph Courregu moved to aend plaques to both girls In .._.
nltlon ol their adiltvements. His motion
.... posoed unanlmou>J1.
J. C. J.lu1n11hritM 'J~wefer3 22 YEAU .
' '''-~~~~~~~~
.... , PILOT-ADVERTISER $ Wed-y, Au11Sl 20, !M , • W......,, Alltott 20,196t DAILY l'flDT U ·:~·~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:!;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::;. ________________ ...; ______ ~------------------~~------~~~:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;==:;:<;;..--~·· ~ ~ .... :' e !JJ ( 171ti It., C... W.. II ;;' 1 c:..tw. C.-Mw e 17* M I 111 IL•,..;..._.... c-e., ..... ....., • !I ,llallNe•l "I#~ ff/I W-. 1 ••=W £ .-..c-e-, ..... ~ • l
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v-a7c Clleic• ea
60 min• l»mplct
CUHtt9 or p«t. el
loat J.ia. .1 ..
Schick Consolette
Hair Dryer ,, ..
LJP.M.--~ wttb 4 'lftllpenbut ...
..... -..i;..i.10 hoOd. Poldi to hit 11oit ....
Battery .Operate4
"Hft Color" 11.ctric
Scissors ::::" s3•s
Cutlum, ..-ia ltnlaht llilu. au"'& lot J199U, cl«h. pralmioaal tr pr-.
cisioa. pUtltra cattie,r.
iL · $6.99 Value! Jet Style
]~;c '-aisley luggage
;: • u.. $3.9 .. 9.
14 inch
• $7.H Val. 15, 16 In. l4.H
• $1.9t Val: 17, 11 In. $5.H
Sturd1 curyal\1 jn tote ihape to·••
11 luQtA:e or tole 1-As. Ft.ill ~
o i" 1, t• -a douhlt hind!~.
Musical Instruments
• CIOMlc Guitar -Standard Siae
• Eleclrtc Guitar -Si"llt Pldcup
• Solid Stai. Ampllfler
~.;~l~~~ $19's klc OC' '91h" tl«tric · with adjDStl61e pkbp
•nd dirotne (inilhcd
h riil1e. Amplififr -_.
• •,.fl .••• . . ,..
! ~-~. t ro1 .... . ... . ... I Ot. Val~ Hoffman's $5,00 Value!
• t ~·-·· Imitation .. ~
Hfil;.lce Cream !·~-:~::Sundae Cups
Deliciom F•••• or °"" fl•"Of-·• red tui• U.l 00. hot ...
eMf dQ, 12 OllOCI' li:e.
Cup·O-Gold Changeable Lens
Candy _Bars ~unglasns
10:79' 1 ~l $2'7
.., 11...i s...11.
: , · · ',Ac..Ylic Sweaters lox er
Jeans . , .. ,\84:$5
~1" Clutch Bags
In Ne-t Wide Styles of
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Sbl• 1ri<h tho look,oad , ...
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111,f. 7 colon,. blade.
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and .atate ia ~colon.
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• Wemen'• Mrylie .lumpen $3.91
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tolidl. 'to •.
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Ctain'• .P· to· d..te.
f1.1llcolor political
J lobe lot school UK.
Wit.b atanil.,
s p• Pencil Sharp1111r
l ''Midpt'1 by A!*•
Sho'l\'"' .,.,.,, $1 ff pmoll, .Dje.ct•t
t, I I'• hi• iMpid:
plutK mepllllde. •
111 PLAll Lll
ZIPl'll o WI Ol
l (LT LOO S[l
l lllPl'll I LUl
CLAl!T •co. HUNTtl 'llC[N
S!Zf:I 1·11
Weltlnl Style
Boys' Jeans
~ $1141 ....... . .6.
Slin"ll Ol a.utu. 'ill 3 to 7.
Witlt. Fairuod: dollhl• im....~l/1f0r•
•itts. .
..... ' .. ,,., •• $1.11
'2" Water Color
or FIM Pelnt
Mtiltll' Sets
14 -.Q!::t;.::: $1 ·44 ... a ao -..Wr. ---~
Won1•~'• Acrylic
·Knit Shells -"' ....
' .. $1••.
· St1'11ch •••• Pants
s3ta :
Pmaaacnt pr11i, 75,.. CDUoa,, l'* .,.... -. "" le&'arkn .We ZlflP" ' er, ~ i..t«:ir,,
ff'Ollt llld lid' dirt.
.Full ait for bdtet
fit m ma 10to11.
Print Shirts
''"" """" ,. ...... Ind ''" cotion. The IOOM ,..VI Voile in mitiq
printt, Sim 32 to 38.
Short Sleeved
Boys' Sport Shirts
~di':ll ::m b~~ ·$188
tomt woven plaid. w:l tolid colon. FYll a t tim
6to'16. lint ill their d u1 l
If llAILY l'ILOT -,
Complete-New Y m:k Stcick List OVER THE COUNTER
DAILY llLOt . '17
W edneSdaf s Closing Prices-·Complete -New :York Stoe~ ·.Exchange ~list -
" '
'" I' I
' I
NOTIC& °" TltUSTl&'I SAL& ,. .......... '"
On 1M Slli d9V of Seoltmblt. Ifft, 11
Eiewn •:M.. tt rtM1 E'91htl'I St•Mt -
fT111c:1t '° ttw ,,.W Cou111\1 COi.Ort H-lrlClled al l'OO Wnf tr~ 51rNI 1!tutled In
1'li. (ll'r of $11111 """· County ol 0••-· $11111 ol C.lflol'nla.· 8Af'OC OF" AMEll:ICA
ASSOCIATIQH, 11 TNJtM ull<MT" Oftd of Tru.t dtl'4 t>eoemii.r Ii, 1'61, .. Kiiied
tiy l'ATRICIA ANN ll08EltTS, 1 m1rrl9d .._ WhD -Ired tUi. .. PATltlCIA
ANN llAUjA Hit ~ on D~t 11, IHI In ... •11, ,,_ 1n, at Off!Clll ._... ., '°"""" o1 er....., c1111or1111. •I-lo MQ1r1 WI IMtb"'1f1l!U Ill f._ of H.AillltY I . HEAltTMAN, I rNrrled man, llv ,__ of IM brNdt of c"l1l11
9b11;91*'9 ..euf'lllll thentrt', llDllce ol
wtlldl .... ,._... ... Allt'll "· lNf lrl
9ook ttAJ, )>, .. '11l. of otlkllll II-ff
el wld On,.. Courlty, wfN Mii II Pl*!k
....c'lbo te tM hi"'"' blllder fDr GaM ,_.,. Ible In lnrM ,_,.,, of !'hit Urilted lllfea
o1 Atnff!U, _. rr-o1 .. 111:. wllhwl
_, W Wll'Tllltf, ell.Pl' .. fllf l"""llO,
IS lo lttle, -IDn fK lnCIHllbt'8"a$, ""-.., ....... °""""" "" --held llv lllt Mid TM• UOIOkr .. ltl Deeil Of
TnN, In .MMi1 tt 1M folllr#1"' tlael'fblod ·~· a!NttH '" !ht c-rt ef Ora....,, Slat.I of c1ntern11. f9:wtt:
Loi .,. 11'1 Trld tl61, ti "9f -
~(flkall:U ... 11t9'
M!Kell9-MePI 11:9COl'OI of Ora"" COWi..,, C..Pf'Clmlt. F« 11'11 Jiii,_ of Nl'lns Dlll91ttont
HCVrd bl' wld Detd of Trvtl, llldudfne ... dllrwft. 9lld .. _ • lhe
,.,,,. .... , MV111fft, K llll', Wldtr Ille terms of Mid Deed of Trvt! Ind lnttrnl
ttie-. 111d U.000,00 ln -Id. -'lntlNI
of tl'l9 nDft ...c:t1.W'll'W' Mid D.-11 of Tn11!,
wltll lntlllmt• If 1~ ,,.., DIClf'tlbirr U,
lHI Ill ct.i. of Nit. Otlld AutUJI 7, lM
SAVINGl AS$0ClAT10N, n Trwtle . ey Glor .. Nt16elt tTrwl Offkerl Bl' SV!vlt Vlllllrr.11
(Allllttnl Tl'\ltl otlktr)
. . .. "' P'1>blbhed °"'"" C-1 Ollll' P'llol, Alll\lll ll, 2G. 11, Ifft 1.-wt
BIVIUO'l. • . . AUltn.1 IJ, Ifft To Whom 'It Mlt c-n:
SUblllOf 111 i1J11111a "' ttw nc-.,..
.. 1911 tor. none.. •• "'"'bl' f lll'ffl "'" tM ~ ~ IQ MU •lcal'IDlk b.Ww..-.•11· th9 ~IMt. daa'IDtd 11 "'~ ~·.~:•"-:a, U"'I 1 ~~ '~ c '11 '1111~1-"" lift.
*'MllM >--"'""''"' lhe DfolrlTntnl !If 'Alcoletlc """"' Conlrol for luu1nc1 w. 'tt.r;sftr 'of • .,. •lcoholk brlw-~ fw ft'ltH'O...,,,llff II ftllloWI :
• , • ON-$ALI! aEER A~ dnlrfrie kl prot111 ttlt lmltnct
el IUCfl litlnP ''"' flit.I ....,ltltd ll'Otftl Wiii! llrll' • l'tfk1 of tr.. Del>lrtmml ol Alf;Ol!Oflc: ....... ,.. Col)lrol, within lO
... ..,.. .of ""'. ~" 11111 ,,._.,. , ......... -• flr1t 11q1*1. 11111... 1rwn<11 '9r
"'"111 n Ol'OY!cltd IW law, The •~lwt
1ri -I~ b Ille H'lt of 1lcott.Hc brteA .... Tiit flf1'I of v1rllle.1tlun INl'
bl ob!•ll'IM t1'lm lnl' "''kt of "" --1·· !tL NVMNN, f'LF .. EO !NMNI
P'vbllllleit °''"" COlll Dloll-, Pllllt, ... _, "' '"'? l~
Wins BPS
Log Race
: ; ·JYe:~por.t ffi>sft.N U,tuifiiil-W:~if:ing ~,,
·Winner . . . . . . '
Coast ~.Seeks
Hen .q;ssy Crb:wu '!be ;· •aClOfl&I ~-"111loill the !Int liiie' oUr' In& his 00.t from. San ll')"lll-
1alllai cl\impll"'sh~'1'W be Allsoclatlon regatta ·;, truly 'cio<o; Gen< McShmy, C111Tent A Uniltd &ata 1achl with • ' .
he;cf tp N~rt ,lhJs wee~ national ill scope," said Ray West Coast District champion three West Coast ~erewmen Former national offshore p;er hour quJcker tho Dell'• '
tor lhf first Uthe. , Garra, presidtnt of the · na-aDd fonner natiooal cbam• power boflt racer P e le r boat/' said RothsdUld. Thi
Bahia 'Ccrlnthian Y, 8cht Club tional associaUnn G8rfi ·Is plqn, and Renry Sprque. 111, aboard was declare<I the unof.. Rothschild of Newport Beach new cr-.ri was ~ipped from -~ ficlal winner of' tbe Futnet will be ho1t to the regatta also a past Newport Beach representing the Navy Yacht will mount a fUll-scal8 attempt Miami Tll~ and Is beln&
which w~ll draw ~Ille aspirants fleet captain and has been a Club and the Los Alamitol race, ~ of the most ruggedi to regain the crown for the painted and t~ for tbt
from the East Coast, Great m(n:iber .of t.~ '· _a,s~at.ion Coronado-25 fleet. • yacht races In the world.· We$ 0>4st Satu~y when he race. , ·...;
Lakes, Gulf of Mexico and the since Us J.nCepUon in lf!M. He N :..:... Be h 111 ha 1•• The 670-mile Fastnet race la debu_ ts his ne. w 3 2 ~ f 0 0 t It will ~ a costly ·venture Pacific NortliweSt. is a member of the hOst BCYC. ew.,..... ac " ve, ~ !ailed ~ Cowes, England. ror Rothschild. .who ea rlier
Lar,est numb!r of entries, Three races will be sailed awn 1elect!on flf hot skippers 'J'he winner waa Red Roo6ter, "superboat'' tu tbe fifth an-tttls yelr laund!ed a·°"' hlch
however, will be lrom the SaWrday ·and SWl!lay; The ln ·Rtchard;Kappe' and Larry ~eslgned. built ""1· •tlppered nual Long . ~ch •H'""""'l' speed luxury ·crur..r, ancl IO
Southern ind Northe rn regatta w4Jl .be us,q by BCYC Mat.son, Balboa Yacht Clob: by Dick Carter of Boston. The Cup nee. • ' · mplr .rffer· ibo(b\ to bll on
Calllornia areas. in its competition. for the St. Bob DameU, Voyagers · l:'acht yacht fJ a .a-foot stoop· with a Rothachlld, _a 30-year-dd oU ®sign. Bdt' the englqeering orl'
Previous chilmpionablp 'Petersburg, Fla. Yacht Club Club; Dan Pike, VYC, and retractable keel. company execUtive .from Saft.. both boats •iU'com)leted on
regattas have been h~ fn 'San trophy which is awarded an-. Garra, BCYC. West Coast sailors. aboard ta Fe SpHng:s. disc.lolled that botb ·boat$ ibe;fote 111t March
Francisco, Redondo Beach.and ·nually far the best run regat-Aside fr:om I.he two-day rae-were Skip Allan · and' Taylor the custom-built' 32cf~' Cary when Aronow roarectto a lera· ~tarlna del Rey. ta. ing schedlile, the regat1-hu a Grant ol Newport Beach, ind ..:. powertd by t'frin 49& cu. in., porary .worlil·fecord ol rt mph'
Some lO<boats are expected Some of the outstanding fully packed social calendar Warwick )Tompkin! ol Sen M~r inboard-<>utboard h1 wfnnfug thi flnt Lona
for this year's championships cOOlpeUtors who wtU be skip-sta'rting Friday night and run-Fr~q · engine• -· will be 1 ca 11 e d ~ch to~·~da Intema-
and will be sailed in the ocean .peeing the Coronado-159 In ning through Sunday.· 'Ibere . Fifth overall 'WU John B. Thunderballs and Ls a virtual tional off$horeUct:.
over lrlan~lar courses O(f the Q\lf:Sl pt. Ule natiooal cham· will be two breakfasta, • din-Kllroy'11: Kialoa J[ ..f·r 0 rn twin to 'Ille Cigarette, Mia· Rotbschil(L wbo"'1&..not noted
Santa f'.na River Jetty. , piooship are Jim PugsJey. ner da~ and a luau at the Newport Harbor Y'&Cht Cb.lb mian Don Aronow'.s current for humility,' bu been the Blirboa Power Squadron's With 111ore than J.700 boats ~t ~t . champion; • Al· Balboa Bay Club. with a predominanUy,Newport world ·record holder at 74.8 leadiiig ~ leader for his
annu.a.l "Bob Bogan Memorial in the water and their number ·~tin. Gull . Coast champion; · Richard. Valdes, presides:il of crew aboard. miles per boor. Aronow has own rieyr.·f>olU:, adm1tted he'd
pre(llcted Jog contest was-won increasing at th, a rate. of two a Anhur Tbomp:iOil, '. G r e. .a t. · p Columblii'. Yaoht .COrj>. whlch .'lbe "Emtnet race yic;tocy JLlso. also entered his boat in fallen in:' . love with 11\e
this y~ar b.Y George Berenson, day; 'th! 'Coron.ado-25 Class Lakes champion·; Charles sln; · manllfaCturea'tl\e Cororiado-25, gives .Red Rooster th e Salw'dly's . race. · Cigarette. 'am ~lf.
aboard hf~ · 28J foot cruiser claims to be the largest born, .Pacific ~orf\hw~ ch am· · b: entbusl3'ttc · abo\lt "1:he Admtrs.l'a Cup as the scorer in "The only difference ·is that began the dual project of aeJf~
Golden Girl 1'1e race is from Midget Ocean .Racing:. Fleet p100: Ed' Huscl:!ie, Curren''ni-regalta : finally coming . to ~ ·rai:es foi the coveted ThWKlerl>afis is the · newest ing his ~.'NW ~ and
Newj>ol't to Lona Poi nt , group 1n 'the world. tlooal cham}ri.onwOO Js trauer.. Newport _,: ~pby. Cary hUll abd U's about a mile ordering a hffn~ Aroncnr'L caw1malsland. ,...:c__;....c~~~~~~~~~~~'-~~~~~~--'~·~~~~~~~~"-...-~~~~~~~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
Franklin M. Lannon In Sea
Dog II-was secon.d and Bob
Becker aboard Flyer was
Predicted log racing is just
one type of activJty engaged
by Balbo.i Power. Squadi'on
and its m e. m b er s. 'The·
squadron's m a·i n purpose 'b
boating education.
The next basic boating
course offered by th e
squadron will begin Sept. 15 11t
Newport Harbor Yachl Club.
The weekly classes run from 7
to 9:30 p.m.
&.abjects covered In the 13-
Week course include safety
afloat, rules o! the nautical
road, required equipment, the
mariner\g cmnp3ss; small boat
handlirig, bas.ic navigation and
chart -work.
The cciurse. is free of charge
and ls open toe anyone in-
terested in boats, power or .. ,
sail. No advance registration
1.r needed. •
Further Information
regarding classes may be of>
taioed by calling Isabel Pease,
Fifth Race
' Sa~urday
The eo&st Channel race,
fifth feature of N e w po r t
Harbor Yacht Club's
;\hfuansoJl Series will 'be aail-
ed Saturl:l.ii.y &tarting at noon
from the Emmy oil island.
The course Will take pie
ocean racing fleet to 'Point
Fermin, Ship Rock (off the
Cat.alma Isthmus) and back to
the startirig point at the Em·
my Oil Derrick. The fin'5h will
be between a spar buoy and
the race committee boat a
quarter mile east of Balboa
Signed entry blank! for the
race must be filed by 5 p.m.
Friday. The race is open to
yachts whose owners or skip-
pers are affiliated with yacht
clubs oC the Souther n
California Yachting Associa·
tion. ·
Final race of I.he Ahmanson
series ii t h e "wrong way"
Catalina Island race sponsored
by Balboa Yacht Club Sept. 7.
NCC Takes
The Newport Canoe Club
won the outrigger face in the
California Jntemational Sea
Festival last weekend for the secOnd year in a row.
'I'He Newport· team scored
ll.'I victory over a visiting:
te.am from Hawaii under the
coaching and steering of llima
Kalama. The winning time
was 4 boon. 56 minutes for
the 2&-mile course from Bel·
mont Pier, Long Beach to
Avalon. The Newport crew
was four minutes ahead or the
Haw..aiian crew.
The Avalon· steamer made
its arrival just before the two
sets of racers arrived , swell~
Ing the wekoming crowd on
the Avaloo beach to about
The race was ~sponsored
by the Sea Festf\tal and the
Avalon Chamber of Com·
Darrow Wins
Soling Title
·--~ ..... _ __ ... __ _ ....,. ... _ .. __ ..-............ .
-'!' ·------__ ... ____ _ -··---"" :::.::.-;rt" .. -==.: ......... ,. -.--... -___ .. __
-· .. ~ ... ..i ..... .. :: .::.: : ~..::::: , ...... -...... "'" .. ............................ ........... ,.-~-= ::::. "!. .. _ .. ,.,._ ___ .,..........,.. __ _ __ ,__,. __ ... ____ .. _
IAClll5 MlllOI. 3••
~..:..":"~' --n.~11ir;;;;r -· .... ~ ...........
OIC:lo.i--..., ....
nlll -.1H oi1171 -...,. _ ... ,,....,. • ..,..n,_..,
__ ,..X.1501
l' '1: ' . j ..
47f.::... ........... _ ... ,._ .. .....,.. __
--.-... •J-.1•
~ ...... _ ..
.~ . .
63t .._ ... _ .... __ ................ _ ....
·iriMI: ---
--FISK Oil FlllR _, ... ..................... ................. _
.,._ .. il ._,~MOO~ --
111111 wm I IWS CIT Im
,... 38f -
..,._.., •• ......, ..... 4 ......... -..... .... ._,_....,
'• .... ·-· ...... I
Stan Darrow of the Slnta
Barbara Yacht Club won the
Soling claas westtm regional
champlonshtpa at the
Califom.ia International Sea
Festival Sundly.
Dave Cra,t)ere and Bob
Burno, both ol th< C1ll!ornl1
Y1cht Club at San Pedro.
flnlshed aecond and third
re1pectlvely ln the flve-way
aerle1 in Loo& Beach Harbor.
At Mcl'atldtw
At Valey View
At t.ltwleler
At Wllsow
At lrl1tel
Yoi;. 611 NO. '"· .9 ·s~p1:1s, '.120 PAGES ORANGE ,COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEONE~DA Y, AUGUST 20,'1969 • mi·~ . .
, '
. . '
'' ..
• Storni·-l(ill.s:
M(JreCa''mille Victims U~o~~~d "
Hurricane CamWe'a delth toll reached at ~ 240 today with many boctlet· ltUl
lyhtg uncounted ht the mud and deVaata-
tloo o1 Allsaiaslru>I.'• IYll..<!!vt_nai. laOO. Officials feared the toll Would -'".""--
bJe or quadruple.
Of tbe dead '237 were In Mississippi.
Loul!lana counted al least three fatalities
when the mammoth storm alammed into
the ~ulh of the p,_Jiasl.ulppi River. Ip ad-
ditlon·!our rescue workers died In a plane
cr3sh at New Orleans on Tuesday.
• '.
.Jl>90ERS1JOGGING.c-· Here's one Fountain Val-
·ley famj)y, t1!4t.joga together. From left· are Rudy
t.Gard1, 86;.bil Wife, l'jadine, 34, and their children,
Syl.U., 12; Mike/ ll; Rome, 9, and Dino; 4: All ex-
DAll.Y Pll.OT ,_.WT'"" C.'l'I .. cept Dino will compete in twc>mile event during up-
coming Kiwanis Club Jogging and Running Champ-
ionships. Dino will cheer from the sidelines. ....
''This is a very conservaUve esUmat.e ot bodies found," uid P ·rentfil
Bauibman, asslat.ant state civil defense
, director. "I have seen the tabulation
from the National Guard, Civil Defense
and Red Cross and this is very definitely
a conservative estimate."
"We have bodies. knee deep in Bilotl . ' that we haven't even counted,'' said
Nixon Swing.ing Mark, Set, Jog!
Valley ~wan.is
Schedules Races
Gts~ya Gorenflo, the Hafr!son County
cOroner. "They are decbm~in'g rapid-
Bodies also were ·floatiitc in the gulf 1
and· otbera were bUrted in 'the aand and
niay never be found, she said. Courses -Get .Pleasure of His Putt Vice Preaident Spiro T. Agnew flew to
the disaster scene for a helicopter tour of
the 600-Bquare-mile area of destrucUon
a\ong the Gulf coasts of Alabama,
Notkon'11No, 1 i:Mf.r
JlEW roru( (AP) -The stock mmtel
turned In-a Jacl<~uoter performancrto-
day, with ....., prollt.-takinJ ropo;tedJy
weighing on iL (See quotations, P.aps
n>e Dow Jooei indll!trial average.-at. J
p.m..waa oU 1.ZI at m ."1.
Of ... .,..,, "'"' ,,.,.
It baprw to a lot of .women.
Pat Nixm bu become a 1olf widow.
She Staya home ln San Clemente when
the Preaident goes golling. In·facl, she ls
the ooly member ol tbe F~st Family who
stays home.
Everybody elle -Tricia, Julie and
David -accompanies the nation's ~hie!
execuUve when be boards a Marine
helicopter for an aftem~nound ol goU.
He's been doing that quite a blt lately.
.Tbe cl\Jba·ba? been packed and .car-
rild a!ol! to "'-'h'·"" counby c)ubs for . . ....,..,..-~ "'1+ -
-~9Aryll4l0 'hildl:f, a rlll'lnY wa1
f«_.l'dll.11 wbo ooce called golf "a,,,..
oramr.,to beba... • ·
.~ ·blai!led lt'oo ,J!lcilit Gleucm.
Ml Di>id:ldld·Jujle Eioeohotttr'1
,''1llo }'millent hod!i't p1ayod &oil /or
over a.tear when be played .with Jack.le
Gleasori .Ir!' Florida abeut a' morith a,o."
laid Z)qler.
'"lbeli I think. he wu 10 iiome delJU
further encouraged by Julie who was
prtSelt.el. with go~g le&800B on her 21st
birtbday.-Jlilie mdJDayjdthlve been en-
couraging .:une•a father to go out in the
aftemoml and play golf with them.
David.1111. avid golfer, you ki1ow."
. Tricif goes along just for the ride. She ronow. the" tbreeSome in 1 a golf cart.
Frlendll ol the Pre!ldent abo often
fdllow. JM usually jull to watch and
chat. between shots and putts.
Novice golfer Julie doesn't tee off on
the first bolt. She a1way1 stam out on Ule tee0nd hole. The reuon: she gets
nervQQS on the first bole, with all those
people -clubhouse staffers and other
gol{ers -looking oo.
Ziegler said Tuesday he didn't want the
Preskient'1 old remark about golf being
"a waste ol time" to be mbundentoocl.
"I think he wu relering to golng out
and playing golf in Wuhlngton. Tbat
takes up a whole afternoon."
President Nilon doem't.have that kind
o! time,. even while more or less vaca-
tioning. lie blts the llnb al about 3
' o'clock each aftemo!>n. whether at Camp
Peodleloo <!< at the private clubs he
favors atound. .Palm Sprlnp a n d
Oc<uSlde. •
1'he Pmldeol ·bu ployed three baalc
cour1m mace Ida anival at the Western
White llAIUle: tho brown, llCnlbi>y courae
of CamP PllDdletoa ;. the prtyate Coune ol
Walter Ano••11. U.S am-odor to
LandOn, 11!.lludlp ~-CNtalde Palm
SJir1Jo1a, ldld at p.,... Vo)ley, -ol the ..ft plj:lumque 1Qouta mc:llable In a
rtlattveiJ few minutes trom s a n
Clemente by helicopter.
, HU David enr Won a pme from his
(Boo GOU'EI\, Pqe l)
liurty! Hurry!· Step rigbt up to the first Mississippi Md Louisiana. He was to fly
aM1u.al Fountain . Valley Kiwanis Club to New Orleans later today.
Jo••'"g and RuMlng Champl011Sblps. Searc1t tellll!, plaf!Ued ·by a lack, of _..., communications, fanned out into remOte
And if you don't step you better run areas where they were cut 'off from head-
l>Ccause IJte big event get,, under way on quart.en u they went about the gr!_sly
Labor Day, Sept. 1, with Mmera ol all work ol locaUnc the dead 'and •stacklng
ages and, both sexes. them for tr~portatlon \0 Hattitsbur'9
·Runners will take their marks at· the the nearm: unscathed city.
Fountain Valley Civic Center. All local ''Tbere·are plenty pf people still burled.
joggers please take your mark at.4 p.m., You get up close·and'you can·SDM!ll·them.
sharp, for the two mile jog. Veteran nm-but you can't get. to them," said Pus
ners over 40 may wait.until 4:30 p.JD, for ~brisUan..Pollce Chief Herbtrt Roles. •
the rive mile run.., . ' · . , Al\. ~L·~ f~w oJ. the IJCOV«ed ~-, . , • Ifyou.are.no\~tbefir~.f1veto ~re '~-in~Hl(riion~,w~m-, ··-~ ,; .......-;----~ '• \; l· .. r.:',:,. u_,)' •• -"·' fin~h you rrught be the lli'sf man over 3$, clildel us Cbr .•n.· GW!pott .oDjl ·. • · · • ;~~L~iJ!llUlD!lia.twPASS CHRllTIAlf. •MIU.~
.<>!;the fint,WGl!!U-.tvll'll (Who 1Jt ~,£' .. · . '< ~¥<! '•lifl· • '1 I~ ~f1 °11'WJtj~,~lWJ1i ... , .......... v..: l>Allrli ' 1)111 it!) and liclf .,, tile o1 _ We.,_.. grlft\ Pie sllrijvon, ._ . , . . .
awords waitJnc otllle fml!h. • tflem .an_~~ 200;ooo who were left · ~ · . ,. , • ·
'1'he 11lllJtinC m ~ d1t1mjloOllJlpa • homtlesa bf' c,lrtuW•a ~ .. hour · ' · ' , •
will be part of the annual Kiwa'.nil Labor wihds. ~. • -~ · premhtm. '("' .. · · • • t!w•fin( ~ teleptim~ to..~,~
Day Luau. Entries mPlt be turned In at Tired, ~ungry. thlraly; unwuhed and Rea~, and AJiny tnicinl·d~ · to.reiltl.vea'that tbey·llad ~ed., '
cijy ball by .Alli· 29. wif,hout toUell alnce the storm blt, .many fr<:!' water,, ~lcftel and, co~I' lo ~ SU.e ,ow.ie< Lew .He~. ult!, be
Nixon Flying,
To· SF. to· Meet
Korea President
President Nixon will fly from El Toro
Marine Corps Air Station to San Fran-
cl.9CO Thursday for a two·d~y visit with
South Korean President Park Chung Hee.
The Western White · House in San
Clemente armounced today that the c,hief
executive will anive in San Francboo via
Alr Foret One 'Iburaday morning and
will motor to the Crissy Field parade
President and Mrs. Nixon 1 n d
Secretary of State William Rogers will
greet President and Mrs. Park at the
parade grounds.
A reception for the KON!an visitors will
be held at the 6th ·Anny Headquarters
Officers Club and then Presidents Nixon
ar'Ki Park will attend a luncheon with
Secretary of State William P. &gers as
hoot. '
In the evening the two presidents will
meet to begin their talks and will then at-
tend a state dinner at tbe SL Francis
Friday morning · Nixon and Park will
begin .tmoir final talks. Nixon will return to the Western White !louse at JJ,30 p.m.
3 New Signa1s
Okayed in Beach
I Slpal lights will be installed 1t three
intenedicns along Ma,nolia Avenue.
gtoped 'lhroulili fh< rul!lt ol their homes llllllf'U poSsible,!btlt '9m• f<>ragera ·had ..... _,~ 'tllat'so manr-~atiied
•ilvaglitg lemnlrits oliheir lielonghfga: lo "°!'lent; lhemselvee wllho w~t U.,y ht "tlie ma"altentlle storm hit; ·.
·Snakek,. aoine' of. 'them pOlsonous',: and found ' br-battered,l unlabeled cans• flwtg 1 "It's a,n. ani~ .thiog.•P'1Ple··~nd
rats ·were mqvinf thrOugh the· are&' look-in~ the ·!Jllld .from. borpe P.1-11P°lea · ai)d ' b~re, ifuffetea -,teri'iflc«I~a, and ~ tbeJ
in& f~ ifood bµt .r,l!.!cue teams 11aid ·they . gtfx:ttfy &h~lyes. · 1 · ' · , stay. -You'd.tbi4t they1 ~J~Vt! "tbtt
were not "a real thleat yet. . · ·Starch ~ies were"otit,or·touch'with cln.mtY.", aald.HenderlOlt; wbiJ 'Ownld a
eonimUnicaUon1 were· nearly 'none:r-ultir headqaartefs ·for hours. at a rtlrne,' surP1Ust 'eqWpihimt at.ore' Cieltroyed -at
Jstent and food Ind water wete. at a and loo& lines of rt'sklenta wilted" at1he · GuUport. · • · ·
Tq Terminal 'Island
Drt1g :smuggling Ter~
Ahead for Oemente Mom . . ' '' .
A San Clemente mother· of three school
children was In San Diego County Jl,il to-
day, awaiting tran1fer to San·Pedro'1
Termliial Island Women's'Faclllty.where
ahe is to serve an "indet.erminate"
sentence on a marijuana smuggling ,con-
Mrs. Marvona Kerlnedy, 44, elected tut
spring to serve as president of the Marco
Forster JunJor High School PTA, "!,_,
found gully ol the charge in San Dlego'1
U.S. Dlstrlct Court.
She was arrested at the Mukpn
border one year ago when border
patrolmen found several pounds of marl-·
juana under the back seat of her car:
Two jilt}' trills were held In San DiegO.
The flrll ended In a hWJg jury. Alt;r the
second, she was sentenced on A.ug. 1~ by
District Judge C. A. Muecke to a prL!OD tenn. not to exceed five years.
has been Issued for h11·arreat.
, Kennedy said lhe.Jm1riJuana·w11 plae-· ~ in his wi(e'1 car by someone elR,.
without her knowledge. ' ' ·
Mn. ·KenntttY today algned 'a noticeiof'
~l.S:lon not to appeal 1the -aentenclDg-1
Court observers said thl1 could Jead .to;
early conaid~ration of a par;ole.
Beach, Mesa '-
As,k River 'Rq)~i.r .
H1111U,,gt0n ·Beach baa oli\clally JOlned!
Cotta Meaa, m:urlinl quick 1rei>a:lr a.nd. -.nr 1j1>pl'OY..,en1.ol'the Jowb' ~
ta ~ RlV'er .~.. , ,
Fire Probed . . .
. santa ADI linmrn ~ 10 -
1by ladder out of wtndws, off the fil'9
eacape and roof ot: tbe smote-fllled
downtawD Santa 'Atta•Pillice Hotel TueO.
dly. . '
"Fwenly-one persona· In· a11.....,.• 1ed°·or
carried to ..Jely. The fltt re1Ultiifm:no• l~/uriel, bUt : dainlge · was dtlmateti ·at f • • • -. than fl0,000. •
;Fiie ~Cl)ieblOhn Garthe ~,t<,day,fn.
ve1Ugatara1 could·P,nd "no caue for ,tM
fire to start-without aorbe belJl" n bepn.
a"Doul l·a.fu:ln the 5eCond hoorloo.ft-ot . ' the IO-~ear-old· Palace . at ·311 N'. nenc~·
(;eag ' •
Weadaer , .
RuntingtonMayor Urges _
Gas .Station 'Aesthetics'
C<Jundlmen Monday night approved a
~000 contract with Stelny & Mitchell
ol ~Im to IMtall sfwtail on Magno-
Jif.' Avenue at Yorktown, lndlan1polls
and AUanta avenues.
Qty Administrator Doyle Miller told
the council that the Stelny & Mitchell can!ract Is about fiS,000 les.t than the
dfy'a elttmate for construction C011ts.
Court' aides explalned this mornlng that
the code under whkh Mrs. Kennedy waa ,
senton<:ed provides for the pol4iblilly o1
parole "at any Ume." There is no.
minimum · sentence. · · • .
11 most C89el, they noted, prlaooqa Mt1
paroled after 20 month11. • .
Mrs. Kennedy,. throughout the two:
tr:lala, ln1lsted on her innocence.
Her huaband, !an, owner ol a San
Clemente beauty ulon and chalnnal)· ot
the San Clemente Parks: dormnisiloo,
The Clty,Cowicll ol ljllpUn-g1on,~
Morida\i nlght ailOpted ( raol4_llon ur&Jng,
the ll.S.·Arniy.Corpa·olEngjJi-1.to con.
qnfrate tts,rjveri re!!alr1eUorts • tl\a~
(!Orlloo of, the river· rwwni lhrou&!» lht,
clly. . . . 1 ·The re&oluU~_ ~was\ written and•
plevloua/y adoptect'by.flie Coota MeA Cl·
ty Council. • ' •
8oUi 'clUes are · seektlig· prionty for~
work on lbe.lr part ol/ the river ·rathtt
lhaJI the upper part qi the river u C011Dty
l>lllCials have lndkated. , • 1 ~
The fog will creep in for a few
more houri Th11rldoy ·momJnc, fol·
lowed by sunny and warin weather
with tempeiatures rangfpg IJ'om· n·
along th~ .hefclt to 71 Jnlanl!·
' • + •• + • ' • ~ '
Corona del Mar deriQMr
SUrie crnter oatmenta out of
fabric tohich a~e. 1C11•1 "dtligM
tUe!/." Societ11 ·Pagl!' F2.
NeW . 8tt'Yke statims erected In Hun-
tinat*I Beach are going to.· be more
a-.Jl .Nayoc Jack a..... !tu bis
He proteMed to fellow councilmen Mon-
dai tbatJarchitedural standards be set
lorloll Mure llatlona granted pennlta by
thei,;c:J}Y· "r-ndard Oil Company, which should
~,..,. lnterta\ecf ll\llt mool beca ... ol
lhclr lar~llndholdlnp In tile clty (llun-
un;oo Comp•nt• •I.JOO acre)
bllt they are lhO worst ol!enden," the
m~comptailltd. '' • · are bqUd!nc two unaltractivt
11 W'M on Golden We!lt Street now.
oo it Edlnjjer A._ """'·!tom Golden
, --
W<Jt Collep -maldn« lhne on that
C«ntr -~ anothrt. · at Warner
Avenue,'' ~ noted~ "Other dtlel
regulate U-thlnp and I think we should."
Four other bids were received with
the hlgheot 1t 166.000. The approved bid
waa the iow.st.
Electric Failure
Closes London Play Cowtdlman Henry Kaulman agreed
wllh Green but the cily attorney thought
olher typu of buslnesaeo llhould be ht-
chided In any oew architectw:al reguts-LONDON (AP) -An electric !allure
Uooa to avoid discriminatkm. ' • due to fire in a nel~bcrbood power sta-
Clly AttllroeY·Don Boo11 w11 Instruct-lion Tuesday night clooed ••The
ed to lbldy Jhe lijlilty ol the lllOVe .,,.i _,M~ap," Loodon'a loogest-running ~il
._i bocl to the council on Sept. :. ploy. ·
G....n auuuted that the Daf&n The Agatha Cltriltfe lhrlller hed run ii
Review BoaTd and Qoard of Zoning Ad-yem and nine months without mllll!lin1 a
justmenta cloeely &enJUnlzo all f.uture performance. It hi expected to resume
atatloos. ' tonlghL
told newsmen : ' '
"lbil is, a miscarriage o1. just.lee • -••
We tried to' flght this lhiit& by ~~
character WJJneilSes'. Th> strange WW ..
about th1a cate la that she could hive got..
ten off wllh a ~ sentence lf the had
pleaded.guilty. BuL she rifuaed lo. \\'.bY
llhould ohe! She didn't do IL"
Kennedy explained 01hat his · wi!• bad ,ono amas the.border' to '!'ljllana to pur-
l'hue ,a 1talue. She 'N'ent 1rith Mull;·
HalllOll, u. a tenant In the Kennedy'•' apart~nt houie. . Hanaon walked back.tac:rou tbe bordtr.1
' Re w11 alio1 arrested In connection with
Ute, case, lound gullly and w11 lo be
aenteneed Monday. He dld 0not appear ht
the. DI.strict Court, however. A watrint
Higher wa!Jo ldld cone'* llidft are
speclllcally called I« In the ·reoohrtlon, a.·
last wlnter'a \orreolial ratna.are recalled-..
Jordan'8 ·Retirement1 . Benefil8·~ow 15;000 . '
SA_CJtAMEtfl)) (Yl'I)' -HO!¢tall¥d. secmarrol stet._,..,,~ Jprdail•, i;etrt0-
11"'1! btnellts will bo ra~ """1.$11,00f to 111,000'> year under i<iblalloo 11gned
by Gov. Ronald Rwon.. . · :
JordOn, ·II, a Rej>Jbllean wjlo·h11 been
JeCrelaiJ o1 atat• r..-n years, "" ,_,
parttsll)'1paralyted Ind unablo ·lo speak{
since allflerlnc a 1troh M,Y I. · '
=.. .__ ·---··--·-_, ... a--·--... .._ --·-u::::.r . ----=-Dr. '"""""""' --ti!~ --
.. .. "" C1•1f ...... ,,, .. ... .. ... ...
" " .. •11• '" ... .... ...
""'' ,:.-;. ... ..... . .. M ,,,.
I IWlV 1'11.0'1.. H
Sparks fly ·.
Over Ne~.l'-<--f-1 . ' . .
_Valley Meet
· F~ !YJl!ey'~ Ci\y Counc~ moved
qui~ lllml!\ a QllieL~ay nl&b\ 'With M _ .. touched olf llltil the
end ct \Ilg ~ when councilmen ~ a&end• ftenu ,, .... ~ -
-~ I ' First Mtm ~ 8PJ'r'O"al of a planned
resldeoUal ""'"" for fl'optlty 660 feet ·west of Brookhurst St. and the same
distance uorth oC Warner Avenue re-
quested by.ll-Ohn B. Clark Company.
Only Coonc:ilman Edwanf Juat oppolled
the l:Olllng <11 Ito• buis that R should
bave been fewer lots per acre. Minimum
lot :size in the development will be l ,UO
square feet. Coancilmtn then dispatdled several
public Wcrl.s items, all p I 11 fl 4
One Item. .-r paro, had drawn
S01M oonfllcting views before tbe council
~tin&. It wu a request by Larwin Company to
waive .park dedication fees on .a tract of
mu!Uple lam!ly, ll&ht deoaity bomea (Jl.
2) which Will have private perks. and
reautlonal facWUes.
llhat'1 the W•y Llfo II. You've Got to Do Wh•I Yw Think 11 Rl9ht.'
Parts and Recreauon Commisaioner•
had .... u.r 19ked tbat the Larwill Com-
f>lllY be fon;<d to pay the fees, but ooun.
cilmen dlAgrMd ...i Tutsday nigh!
waived the fees. c.uncumen and the part ~
staU explained that Green Valley hid
~ been granted 1 fee waiver in.
the ume sltuatkn, and becaute city
ordinanoel forct Larwin t.o develop apen
space in. Jl..I Ii ' ian•t" fair to also force
The Larwin Tract in quatioo WU not
the aame one tbal launched the city's
recall eleclion and a!! the eootroveny.
Under..,. l>uaineu, at .the Md ol the
ccaiCU eeaion, Mayor R o b e r t
Scfnren!tleger ~ the aucn...ce
witb a am:mcement thlt be would like
to ~ aome conflict of interest
Ieglalatlon at the next council meettnr.
He -·t state apectlica,' but 1aid !ho
gmnl int<nlt in'legjllatlon ha pnxnpt-
ed1 him :to come up with b.Ls own ideu.
'l1te mayor's statement was wrprlaing
In tbal he ha beeo the prime target ol
tba nica1f and ooollict of -over tho controvenial Larwin Trtct bas been one
of tho chief chlrg" burled at blm.
' After the mayor's comments, eoon.
cilm1n Jobn Harper su&11ested that be to
would like to present some 1egill.aU.ve
idea at the next session.
Harper'1 proposals aimed m«e 11
clari!Jation ol existing oniinancea than ·
e.1t1bUJbing n~ ones.
Councibnao Joseph Coum1es, acf.
mltling some personal interest in his re·
quest, asked the city to oontider setting
up a mini-bike track, perhaps cm.city cor·
poration yards.
"I hate to keep ldcl<ing !hem -.rt my
7 Coast Peop~e
To Organize
Jurors' Group
seven Qrui• Coast realdentl lodoy
were selected aa members ol the orga.nJ.z-
lng committee oi the newly formed
Orance county Grand JlllWI Auociatian.
'11>e selecUon followed a Superior Court
'meeting ol :II memben of put &rand
jwiff at whkb Richard Bwe ol
Fu1lerton. foreman of the 1117 panel, was
nam~ temporary chairman.
Amq those aulped to develop
bylaws of the lled,i~ group and
"determtne any other steps neces1ary to
organize tbe ~aUon" are: James w.
Berbhire, Donald Colsrove, David Ring,
J. LeaUe steffemen, Gerald L. Werner_
and Mrs. Thomas C. Web!ttr all of
Newport Beach and Mn. Helen Keeley ol
Sooth Laguna.
The commlttee will make ib recom-
mendlitlons next. month to a aenerat
meeting of fonner grand jurors.
Alllrtlng the committee to Ila organiu·
tioa ol. the new group are members of the
Los Angeles Grand Jurors Al90ClaUon.
All commttttee members .-e officials or
committee chainnen of former Orange
Coo.nty grand jurors.
Town Legend Dies
plnoe," u.id Cownges, 1 farmer, "but DEMAREST, N.J. (At') -George R.
they kttp multiplying. Maybe the city Marqwut, a smalltown legend, was laid
could do something for them." to fest today after dylng ~at the qe Councl~ Just re q. u es t e <1 in· . of 75. .
v"1lg1iion in\O lhe Pooo\bllify ol lhe city 'Minjliart, J>OPularly' dubbed the WlO(. ta~· over private park! 111i ·e n · '-ficial .JQJ.Yor et.this su~C:ommunlt.y. · bCinieWoner&• Usoci•Uons fa i I to do a outside New York City, dlett· In a bosPltll .
proper malnt<imce job. , s~ '!'ter a bn.f ilin""i
·* * *
Edwin Martin .Quits Joh
~s Valley City AttorneY,
. CilY Attorney Edwin Martin bas tub-
mltted his resignation to the Fountain
Valley City CoWlCil. He asked that it be
tl!lective Sept. 30.
A wriUen statement WU handed to
neWimen following a brief council ex-
ecutive ussion Tueaday night. It said
Martin's resignation was in line with
plans developed by the city to hire a city
.u.nty on a full Ume bui!. Martin's
services have been on a part lime-, con-
City Manager Jam,. Neal abt.d in hi•
prtpared text that cily officials had first
discUMed hiring a full time attorney a
year ago.
In submitting his resignation, Martin
told the council his firm could no longer
economically provide, on a part Um.e
basia, the level U services required by ·
the clty.
: (fact arrangement. Neal was not present at Tuesday's
meeting. Councilmen made no public
comment on the Martin resignation. Nor
• l • . .
lohe,f N. Wttd
rrukltrll .,.. Pvll"""r
Jtc.li R. Cwrl1y
Yk l l"fnldeftt llld GeMr.i ~NtU
Tko111a1 Kt••il
Jiu>"''' A.. Mllt'pht~,
M•Mtl"' f~llor
>.lh1•I W, l1ftl
MMCJllt t:fltor
H•~".....-'"''~ 309 Ith $1!11t
,.,.,a; .. , A4dr111: r.o. ••• no, •2••1
Oltlff OfflU.
'4"""*"' flu<~· l /!I Wt•I 8-ll!l!t hlltw1r11i
Ceot!1 Miii , .U0 Wttl l!ltY 't'"I
l.ffll,.,. &lodlo m Ftrnt Atfllut
did they take any tonnal action. ' --
However, Assistant Clty Manalfl' Jim
Hollywood told newsmen no plans have
yet been made to replace Martin.
The city attorney had ncenUy come
under heavy cr1Uci.1P1 fqr hi& m.
vo)vement in the ~I Larwin
Tract. He acted aa real estate broker for
the original owner of the land who aold it
to the Larwin Company. '!1lo controveny
boiled oVer Into a recall ~p aim·
ed at three city councllmen.
While he abstained from offering any
Jegal oplnionJ during t b t c<Uroveny
over the propoled Larwin Tnct -even·
tually stopped ln Superior Court. -
MartJn's critics claim.he should not have
become involved In real estate dealings
within the city while :iervlng 11 clty at• torney.
Mr. Gilstrap
Last Rites Set
Futile Sear~h
Lonely Man Hunts River for Son
LOMA LINDA (UPI) -Every Sunday -
far the last sli: months a lonely man has
driven a motorcycle along the banks af
the Santa Ana River look.lng for bis 50n.
Wilber Pbllpott Jost· three al his, four
boy.!I before 1tbey reached their teens. He
knows that the fourth, Benny, 12, is dead,
too, but the compulsion b such he ca.mot
give up tbe aearch.
Benny was Jwept through 1 culvert and
lnto the river Feb. 25 during the heaviest
rains C~a had uperienced in BO
years. Philpott, a garage meclwUc, was
htlplng pull can out of the floodwaters
only 500 feet away at the time. He did not
know until'ibe came home at 9 p.m. that
hl! aon hid beeo lost.
·nie nen morning, Philpott frantically
roamed the rive!' bank!, hoping to find
Litt boy allve. Those Chancea aooo faded,
but the father could oot give up.
He bought a tw~wheel-drive trail bike
with huge tires which can be driven
through water, mud and the toughest ter•
rain. Philpott has to work through the
week but every Sunday, usually with a
friend and his boy's dogs, he goes
Philpott says be has been told he is
wasting his time looking for hlJ son's
"lt all depends on how you look at it,"
Philpott says. "I say I'll find him aome
day. I'm not giving up."
His three other sons dled of a liver
disease and are burled together.
"l've got to th this to saUsfy my own
mind. I may break up when I find Benny.
But that's the way life is. You've got to
do what you think Ls right."
V.S. Ready for 'Risks'
In Seeking Viet Peace
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secretary of
St.ate William P. Rogen 18.id today the
United States is prepared to take "sensi·
ble rlib·~ to bring peace· to Vietnam and
has alt<ad)' responded ti. lesoened ·co.,,.
munist military activity beyond the 'an-
nounced. troop· cutbacl:. .
Rogers indicated at a news conference
that the "'sensible risks'' involved a scal-
inl....,.. of U.S. military operation~ He·
declined to be more specific, saying be
was "not-going tq disclooe all plans''. of
operations in the middle oi the war and
woold not a:tt into "mllltary orders." .
The secretary said that he had not
detected any move on the part of Russia
'to use its influence to end the fighting In
Vietnam or neighboring Laos. He :said
Russia,. which now is supplying all of
Hanoi'• military equipment, could have
significar.t in{luence on the Issue ol war
or peace, (Related story Page 5). ·
"I do not think they are dOlng aa much
as they could," he commented. "T\ley
say U!ey have a problem with their con-
sUtuency. ''
By thi1 he apparenUy meant Ru!sia
would · suffer in her contest with Red
China if the Kremlin tried to preuure
Valley Council
Asked to Horwr '
2 Top Students
Goorfe Scott, past president ol the
F(l.lntain Valley Jaycees and a candi-
date in the city'~ recall eltction, faced
the council 1\te:!ld&y night with a re-
quest' that the city honor two outstanc:f..
lng Fount•in Valley High School stu-
He wu speaking in behalf of Virginia
Wilson, 9665 Gardenia Ave., Fountain
Valley, and Amy Honda, 'llJ62 Blue Sails
Dr .. HuntingfAll> Beach.
BoUt· g1r1' reeentzy were named tmong
the top "" outstond)ng students _in Call·
fonlia in a Jtatewlde Jaycee contest.
They were honored and each received a
$2.50 scholan;hip l8't July in Sanca
SooU had asked the council two w-bet<w'e !0< recognition ol the girls, but was apparently dissatisfied
"1th • lad< ol action.
''l'm IOIT)'," said Mayor ltobert
Sdlwerdtfegtr to SOott, "we mUJt htve
mlsunci<rstood you, I thool!l't 'f." -• asldng for Jl)'Oee recognluon. •
another Communist nation Into making a
rca:sonab!e peace setllemenl
The secrelary said the United States
would go ahead with it! plans to "Viet·
namize" the war by replacing AmeriCJn
troops with South Vietnamese fortes
wheth:?r the lull in enemy operations con-
tinued or not.
However, he Said, the rate ar replace-
mnt and withdrawal of U.S. forces ob-
viously would be higher if the enemy
refrained from stepping up the fighting.
Rog~n bad no progress to report in the
Paris talks. He said that the United
States still hoped to find some avenue
which would lead to peace but that S-O far
all of the proposala and concessions made
by Washlngton and Saigon had elicited no
meaningful response from the North
Vietnamese Dt!gotlators.
Gfit~d In ·square ; fj 1
• •
Czechs · Routed·
' By Riot Police
PRAGUE (UPI) -!!lot police TOUted
thousands of Czechoslovak.I tr om
Wenceslas Square t<r\ight with volleys of
tear gas and stinging jets from w a t e. r
The Cuclloslovaka had defied police
bans and a smaller tear gas attack
earlier in the day to gather In the square
on the first annivenary o{ the Sovlet·led
in\·asion o( Cuchoslovakia.
Police bad kept the squue clear today
following almUar silent protests 'I'\lesday
night which were broken up by tear gas,
batons and water jets. But the J'\l.1b hour
proved too much and 10,000 or more
crowded into the square that bas become
From P .. e l
"I have no ·comment on that," Ziegler
Then the bi& question: What's the
Presldent'1 goll score?
"He bas shot in the llO's," Ziegler
asserted. But he wouldn't say when. "I
think we broke a precedent in Florida
when we sald the President shot a 91."
Ziegler must have gotten into • little
trouble over that. Nobody has released
presidential golf scores slnct. However, one Summer White House
IOUl"Ce who bas followed several presi-
dents on the links~ describes President
Nixon's game thus!f:
"He drives well, averaging from 175 to
200 yards, but hb irons are inconsistent.
He's nat bad with a putter and, \lllUaUy,
his golling par)ner> gracloosly grant blm
the 'gimmies.'
"Like a lot of weekend golfers, he
shoots in the mict-.90's."
The President himseU, uked about his
new found interest during • session Tues-
day with six newly appointed am·
bassadon, replied:
"My handicap is my back swing."
He :smiled as be said it.
Sets Carnivals
This ts the last ·week af ~the.
Westminster Recreation and Parks
Depertment summer program and .two ·
summer carnival! have l;>ee~ ~ to
celebrate it.
Carnivals will ·be. beld tt 1 p.m.,, Tbur1-
day, in McFadden and Sigler Parks.
Cloud 5 will be u., last bond to per-
f onn this IUD'lmtt f«. the Junior Teen
Club "8"""8. It will play al 7,30 p.m.,
Friday, in the civic center.
Rapp wlll play for Westmimter Teen
Club members at their da~ at 8 p.m.,
Satunia,y, also ·in the civic cerrter.
Astronaut Anders'
Dad.Gets Navy Cross
LA MESA (UPI) -The lather of
astrollaut William Anders has been
selected for the Navy Cro:ss, the Navy'1
highest medal. ,
Cmdr. Arthur F. Anders, (USN,
retired) will be honored far eJtraordinary
heroism aboard the U.S gunb-Oat Pa.nay 1n
1937 when the vessel was bombed and
sunk in the Yangtze River ol China by
Japaneso planes.
lo lt\tfairt who knows whit she I wants but ~ where lo find it.I
'Matclt you' style with ou'1
many disti~ cfesignst·Ancfl "'k us about our famous
Oranae Bk:&som auacan1ee.
Czechollov1ki1'11ymbol of freedom. .
Aa the crowda gathered around the
stat.,. ol l90d King Wenwlu the whlte-
htlmetod riot police fUlbed up in
~can. A Jin&)e water cannon wu
pulled up ...i • i!lut ol watar aoalted
crowd, whldi bqan to boo.
The drippin& crowd retreated but
refused to leave the 1quare. ,
Suddenly at least 10 rounds of tear gas
cartrt4cea orced Into the crowd. GuJ>inr
and weiplnr, the CUcho'-by -turned
from curioU.s d n ) o o k e r 1 into
demonrtrators -Qed ·rrom the ' aqUIJ'e.
At leut 100 poliet swinginj rubber
tnmeheooa chased lheln cioWn Stepalllka
Street and arre.W aQYone Ibey Cltllll>L
Young Clecboilovaka· began Ptherln&'
at the aquaro •t npoa toda, and poUce
stepped llf'ii!uritdfate)y a 11ii1e•rim
gu \>Ombf. They llfT<Stod IOven men Who
."'11aed to·fuve the aquare and dr&Qed
tbem into one ol Prague's red and -city INiet for questloolngs. ·
Within five minutes peace was restortd
and pollce did not .ruah rein!On:emenll to
the scene. Oblervers said the tear gas
c.11.psules were, much weaker than tbo$e
used Tueaday night and that aiter 15
minutes the acrid smell bad worn off,
Last night it wa.s dillerent.
The protesters shouted "Nazis!" and
1'Gestapo!" as police fired volley after
volley of tear gas into the predominantly
young crowd. 'l1l08e slow to respond were
kicked or beaten on the bead wllb clum.
Police gained control of the eight-block"
long square only about midnight. Tear,
gas still hung in the air early today.
Bpaloa~ of police reJ¥.ined in the square
and army patrols helped watch other
Valley Planners
Must Make Zone
Change Choice
The Fountain Valley Planning Com-
mission will be asked to choose bewetn
two zme chance requests on the Larwin
Company property at 7:30 o'clock to-
The first requeat is a city council ln--
ltiat.d -to dlange Larwin's con-trovenial 100 acres from agriculture zon.
Ing to -tlal zoning with a density of
7,2GO ICJUlf" f .. t in the planned develop.
mei& format.
Larilin Ciimf>IQY itaelf bas a1ked the
planhera tQ' sone ~ area for a planned
development with a S,600 aqu""' foot
Difference Wt!'D the two requests is
the nuinblr,,1olJots allowed on the area.
Larwin's ~ would allow about 480
lots oo 11 ac:ns.. The city action would
allow cloeer to .420 lots.
Planners hrie delayed the city-initiated
request fot two meettngs because of
displeuure with tentative tract maps
'presented by the Larwin Company.
City Planning Director S tan I e y
Maooollel( NI!! h oew Latwtn request
show1 one ac.J:v~e in that the city can
ask lor llOO per lot to be donated for park
Currently, said Mana{ield, Larwin's
tentative tract map sboWs a park site
which the ltalf will ask planners to
elimloate 1n favor of the money.
A school aite bas als-0 been placed on
the tentative map and its aru. not
calculated in the tract, said Mansfield.
Planners bad dlaapproved previous
Larwin proposals beca111e a specific
school aite was not shown.
) s.Tvk:..; for llowatd T. GU81tap, 81, a,
long time Newport Beach resldeo.t. wtll
be btld Saturday at 11 a.m. al Pacific
View Memorial Park in CorOna dt1 Mar.
· Ml\ Gilstrap, a retlrod G. E. Kadlne
f'.'.etroleum oupervlaor, dl!d Monday at
HOii Memorial Hmplttl, Newport Blacll.
He mld<!d al 1500 Coral Place for 41
SUrvlvors Include hl1 aon. Jame•
GU1trap of Newport Beach, mana..,-of
Kadane Oil: Lw<> grandcblldren aM two
great ·u1u!Clchtldren.
"Yes" admitted Scott, "l fetl they
alto deserve some nic:ognition, but
that is In the paat, I think lhe cilY
should now think aboul honoring aome
of ii! OU~ Citizent."
Councilnw1 Jooeph eou.,._ moved
to send plaquea to bolh girls In r.cog.
nltlon d their achlevtmtnts. His motion
\\.'II paMed unanimoosly.
J. C. .JJwnph~iej 'J~weferj 22 YEARS
(/) ~I
\, ,,
548.J40 I '·
, I
Lagp110 B~aeh
' • YOL.62 NO. 199, 9. SECTIONS, '.120 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA VfEDNESQA Y,. ~~~UST ~O. ·1 ~6.9 • ,
• : . -
' ' I ' ' ' •
o. ·a :·. . '
... f . ' • .., '~ \
. " . ' • •
M •. · ISSIOn
e ~iatlon Bitb 'Cllllefl
MISSION VJ&JO - A second1 go-around
On biddj"-' for consiruction ol a· Mis$ion
1 1\iejo life station was called for Tuesday , I · by Orange ~Y 1upervlsors-
Bkls received in June had been re-
1 jected .,u~ by :su~i.sors. The lowest
>iii !iir $12!,l!OO by 'lbeodore Pietrok ol
Anihelm when· the estimate had been for ..,,.: ' '
.. Pfoject Coordinator Tom Hardgrove
.., . p1ans bad . 1>een 1'yised br the
~1 to aet the 1co&i down !II the ~l&h~ of $100,000 « Jess. Bid ~ J!lll be Sept. zz.-
The d1e .talion is to be built on
Marguerite Partway and will contain ·
about 4,000 square feet, big enough for IF fire en1ines. · ·
'e' Italian Party Set
· MrsSJON VIEJO -Members ol the •
Jlecreation Cenl!!c win be putting on lbeir
.batbing1 Suits and their. best Italian &Jr
'petlte·Frid<y ·fOl" the adult pool and pizr.a
parjy. 'th . Swimming will be (!:om 7 to 8 p.m, w1
·dinner at 8. Thoee attending are asked to
cb<ing .thejr own salad and a quarter !Or
their pim. -·Beverage . alS\> '"'!\ll, be
;av.,~. '· • , • ' ~I • --~Bii. .. I#..'.• I"
CAPISTRANO·P·· . A'¥ ~~for a "~low, · Jtl Play~ alp ·~-'nlOld . o,:an,• Colll!!1
IU '.• ·/,.,_1_,J'
. .,. -
Nixon Swinging ·
Courses Get Pleasure of His Putt
Of 11M Dtl" ~U•t Statt
It happens to a lot of'women .
Pat Nixor. has become a golf widow.
She stays ho1ne in San Clemente when
the President goes golfing. ln fact, she is
the only member of the First Family who
stays home.
Everybody else -Tricia, Julie and
J1:1vid -acco1npanies the n:ilion's chief
executive when he boards a 111arine
helicopter tor an arter1ooon round of golf.
He's been doing that quite a bit lately.
The Clubs have been packed and car·
ried a!oft to Southland country clubs for
tbe past five consecutive days.
It is. presidential pre$li sectetary Ron
Ziegler was told Tuesday, a funny way
fqr a ma.1 who on'ce cal~ed golf "a waste
of time" tu behave.
Ziegler blamed it on Jackie Gleason.
And David and Julie Eisenhower.
"The President hadn 't played golf for
over a year when he played with Jackie
Gleason ir. Florida about a month ago."
said Ziegler.
"Then 1 think he was to some degree
further encouraged by Julie who was
presen~.e ... with galling lessons on her 21st
birthday. Julie and David have been en-
couraging .. ulle's father to go out in the
afternoon and· play golf with them.
David's aL avid golfer, you know.''
Tricia goes along just for the ride. She
follows the threesome in a golf cart.
Friends. Qf ·the ~dent alro-often
• -follow, Bui Usually .jUA ~o wal<:!i
•• chili fi\!l'o•• ...... •nd Pl\t'· ·./.
ToII ·F eared
Do\{hling on. . .
Gulf Coast ·
' -. .
PAM CHRISTIAN, lll!ss:· ,(UPl)1 :..
Hurricane Clmllle's death 'tOIJ 1'lched at i.~ .140 today with ·many"l>cidleJ ollll
l}'.U,g uncounted In lhe mud and devalta·
lion of MissiSsippl 's gulf coast vacatkin
land. Officials reared the toll'WOU!d.ctou-
ble or quadruple. ·
Of the dead 231 were 1in· MisaiuiPDL
Louisiana counted at leas(~ fatalftlis ~n lhe mammolh stbrln alafn:med tnlo
lqe D19u11! .ol the Ml!aisslppl 111~\ltt ad<
cllJlon1o0r ~workers cllod Jn:• Plabe
crash 'II New Orleans on ~. .
"''111la II a. vm cooserva~fe ~
ot bodi~ fotmd," ailld 1' r ~ n'l'.1i1
B~gbman. usllilanl alate Cl'(!! dele!llO
director. '"I ·have seen the tibulatkn
!rpm the National Guard, Civil 0er9nse
aild Red Crou ail!! lhll· II Yf!fy ~
a conservative estlmate." . '
,"We bave bodlea knee diep In llilozl
that we haven't even counted/' Aid
Glady1 Gorenflo, the Harrilon COunty
coroner. ''They are decomposing .rapklo
BocHet also were floating in the aulf
and of.bers'were buried in the unrJ.'and
may never be found, she said. · Vice.~ SplrO ,T, AID<'! flew lo the dlsuter ICal•·for a ,_,,.._. ... tour al
. lht """-"··-"-' ...J.~~ _,,_ '""7.:l""'Gull........,_ ·~'-" of" ha
• •• •# , ' J " I , . UPI~ __,, -== . . QJU~ AIUJN,
' . RUB'l'' J'll~~~ T\f~-siW!!.-NIU.,, ,; · · =:~,i=i~~ "7 r:,.11t ;:-· .. fH -' ,, · ~ . , 1, ~'~ _ ........ 11ji.'~ ....... o1
• ';i v . '"1 comimmlcalio!il: t.oiiocl'oul !alto -
""" it\ •• 1 1 ': '1 '"!.1
1J araaWMre~wVe~oA·~
I .ul~ -•~_._..; · ~ ' ~ •!beJ -1 abopl~ ''""1'ffi.,..,.,..,.,..,.-. " . ' .. ~ii l0cafl.li..1hl ~ ..,.,
-loi" trlililporllllOa ...
. .. ,.. . '!}~ .,
. ~ ilgri had been~ by 'Mr_!.
~· Gopnan, J!8H ·~ ll\Jmll, :for the comer· of Calle Loma Uid Calle Fcinwla.
N'Ovtce goUer Julie ~t tee olf on
the rint'ilole. ~ ~ways stari. ~ on
the sec<Wi!i h91e •. Tbe tt"Pn: &ht gett
nerv<W .,, !lie llrot._hole, Ji.llh •ill thoie
people -clUbhouse staffers and other
golfers -looking on.
Ziegler &aid Tuesday he didn't want the
President's old remark about golf being
"a waste of tlrne" to be misunderstood.
"l th~ he was refering to glling Out
and playing ·goU in Washington. That
takes up a whole aftei:nt>on."
lht naareti • lboddty. . Drug Smuggling-Tenn. v~:-.i:i~~~'"=
A commi!lee of tral~ encm;.,. from
the county Row: Depirllpell~ California mpway Pa~~ State. ··l)jvUioa or
Hjgh,.ays ~ &ru\hern .Califorru_a :A~
CJub ~ del\iOl.~aylog·aludies
have Bhown aucb signs proV!de• no ad· d~ional talelf for cblldHn ID'! may give
parent.II a· false sense of.security.
e Street l\'a~• OK'tl
·DANA POINT -Slreel n.-I!>'
~ BACK$WlllG, !Sc HANDl~AP'
· .. : itutlir\'• No. 1 Duffer . .'.
President Nixon doeSD't have that kind
of Ume, even while more or less vaca·
lioning. He hits the llnks at about 3
o'clock each afternoon, whether at Camp
Pendleton or at the private clubs he
favors around Palm Springs a n d
(See GOLFER, Page%)
-but,. ~'t -to ~" said ,_ ' t o • ·' -.n&....l ... la-'ft..lt-....._,~ n--L..........o D..la. • I --.~~ ..... -~ ........
'.Ah d. f . Cl ' . ". . ' 'M' . . AU bul. 1 ... of tbe ,....-tioolloo · ea or . emente. om ~:.~·=..~llldl~
' . . ' . . '
. lllloxl. •
' ' 1.11• wu grim for !be llll?Vlvoca,~
them 111 eat1m1te0,;ioo,ooo ,.no -le!i
homdess by Camille'a llO·mlle-ao hQur
wlndl. . •
Dana Point Harbor were ·~ Tl\<5-diy bY ·orange County SuR<fVilion. Tbe gtfee\ -na:met• will be· ·Dena-iltiVl?i Island Way~ J:DH,nada Place. Casitu Place. Del
Pi'adl, Embarcadero Place apd · Puerto A!'fitDDealer Wants Site
A.San .c~~te·mot,ber ol '1jiree·1ehool
children was m·San Diego County Jal~.~ ,
day; awaJUng transfer to San· Pedto:a
Terminal Js1arid Women's FacilltJ wher~
sh_e ~ t.o , S'fTYe .. an "~~8.te" sentence on a manjuana amui&llhlttof)'o
vlctlon. J
Mrs. Marvona Kennedy, 44, etected.laSt
IJlring to serve as president of the Marco
Tliocl, hungry, lhlrlily:,i:::ubed and
.,ithout loilela olnce·the •hll,·manJ jroJ!"l lhroligh the ruins ·of their -._1~~ remnanta ol,their l>!ian&lnll-s.ms, ...,,.,of ·them polionom. anrl
nll ... moving throogh the area looli-
ina !or loo.I· bul reacue teama aald ~ Place. . . .
The slttet namea ,._,suqesled by
TeprtnlaUvea of the Dana Point area and
ttvlewod -by. the orang• County Harbor
C<immlssion. I . A,""'1A roads lo the harbor-will be cove
Roid, down the bluff near the pier, and Del ObUpo Street, to be eilended.
O.f Playhouse w Park
Forster Junior Hjgh ,School .PTA, was T -.11· · . M. , , , ;
found gully of the cbarge.l!I San Diego'• ' .l.AJMge . to eet
u~s. District court ' · · ....
Sjle..·was arrested · at IM ·MexlcilJ· N! .• ' . t ' ,.· s' F' • : .
border ?•.• year ago ......... licirde!f-ixon .. m . . '. .
were;not a.real thrut yet. . •
pom!l!l!D!cAjl>i>a ·~ -ly -~· lateal .1111'1 l\)OCI Ind :waler _. al a
premium. .
BC.er. and AnllY trucb d~
e, C1111rcll P..et Slglled
LAGUNA NIGUEL -An agreement
wit.Ji the Evangelical Covenant Church of
~rderica to improve Crown Valley
Partway with sidewalks at La .Plata
~ve was approved Tuesday by ~~
Cobllty supervisors.
The agreement also calls for tm..
provement of the· La Vida· Vie Val Veide
Jn~aectlon adjacent to the church ·stte In
the tut Pacesetter development.
lt"J\'eec Tracts Oka11eti
A•t.acun• 'Beach ·auto dealer wants the
oJdi.iJa)'hoUle along, Ocean Avenue torn
dowri · to provide parking for his ~~'~n. .
Thal, requett by 0. W. Stephens or
South. Colst .Motors· is one of 26 items
ranging from radcoons to.fortune telling
11111 ,face city ,coundlmeo loolpil al 7:30
Ltguna ·Schools . .
N~w llTiiderWay , "-'GUNA HILLS -A tract map -, tnl M bomesite:s in a Caplstrant Hiiblands development was approved
Tu"di;y by orange County Supervlaon. • Regioliation of new liludenlll In lhe
· Plam call for sttte1s named Collea• Laguna Beach Unified School District is
Drive, Cajon Drive, overland Drlve,_IDll • betila lleld l!liOup AIJI. It.
Wells Fargo Drive. ,..~,. ~ •stUdentl mult register
•. S-ed UMlt Set " Aut. ~ llJM dlllr!CI ofllce; SIOlllW!l!l!ll r-. · • SL Oilldreil wlio will be !oolr years, Dine
' LAGUNA HIL~ -An ordina~ '!l--",niontba old on the opening. jay· of school.
tini the.speed limit on Moulton Parl'Oiy Sept. 41-ore ellglbl< lor k!Ddergarten. b~een Valencia Avenue and El Toro . # fa'nnts ot kindft1arten· chDdten are
Road at 40 mil•• per hour was adoPl«I ~ 10 brlni doolmenlaUon or
Tuaday by orange County supervisors. -mt pOllo lmmwiiaalloo aiid birth
The speed llmll on the atretch 'norlh ol cert1f1catu. '
Leisut'e World was requested by the Sludeall Jn irldtt one throulh nvt ar.t ,,,.
.Collfamia llilh••Y Patrol. 'Mmd In -_dllieronl eiom<utary
lchooll. They 11'1!:
-El Morro, 11111 North C-llighway ,
J hnso N• , ....mg YQUllO!m noith·of"lllilta Street 0 n, IXOD •nf 'lncf....C-lhe°'Wendt •rm... and
• Skyline Drtve 1rea.
To Dedicate Park Lan~~':"}'O!o;;.:1:1 ... :"ci.:
Sln!el and Thalia Slnft, incluiling Mystic
EUREKA. (AP) -Rep. Don Clausen Hills, BWeblrd CaflYOll and Temple Hills.
uid Wedneld•Y that President Nixon and -Ali90i 21541 Wesley Drive, ser\lini all
former Presldl!lll Jolll\loo will dedicate youngstm 10u11! ol Cresa Slreel. •
neJrt W~ Ille Lacly Bird Jolwoa n.nloo Iotermedlate, 2100 Park Ave.,
Redwood Gt:ovo -Orlcli. --Ind the billh acliool. 62$ Part Ave.. will ~' Republican ... pr-llU\oe ol' -all Ille yOIJll&lllitl In the district.
Callfoi'nll'• rant di8lrkt, said lbe n Sludenfs In Ille e I em en 1 ar y , In·
ceremtll)' ~ lila plloe al the spotV ' lonnedllle, llJld hJP achool m&)Creglsler
where Mra. Jobnoon dedlcoled the al their reopecl(~e achool trom • a.m.
Redwood NeUooal Park WI November. """"lb.3:JO p.m. MOO<la 1bsouib Friday.
' •
in city hall .-
'111e heavy agenda is already burdened
wit.h a public hearing on a controversial
Sleepy H91low storm drain assessment
Auto dealer Stephens' leUer to the city
Males that his agency is interested in
leasing the Playhouse property, owned by
the city, for storage of service
cu.stomers' cars and as a parking lot for othtr vehicles.
City, Manager James D. Wheaton said
today the council has previously indicated
the ,property would be used for public
parktog", either as a meter lot or leased to
• d0'ffl¢0wn employ es.
He Aid the old playhouse will be torn
dqwn as soon as lhe Community Players
move into lhe new Moulton Playhouse.
He said the Ocean Avenue building is in
dangerous shape.
pittobnenJObnd aeveral ~of mari-. ~· r ; 1 • , • .-.: .
juana under-the t>,ck seat of her c". . . F , .. l'lF; .·T ~1'1'~ · . '.two.jury trtals,were'he!d to SinDlep,-) . or l <let· . ILKS ·
The.first epa.ed if! ~ hllQ&' J'P:'f.-~t~r' the .1 . . . . . , ( 1
second, she .was sentenced on;~!~ ~Y· AmbassadOr Heiu,i.·cata.ti.t,.;.M&
District Judge C. A. Muecke to· a ~ !ram VlelMni peace 1alkl ln!iParll ·Will
term not to-exceed five year1 .. , : , . fiy to· San Francisco .1bursda)' 1o b:egi;;
Cour.t aides explained this tllOmllll that dlsCuuioos· with President" Nixon •on· the
the cqde under. which Mrs. KeMed)' w.u lknootb-o!d negotiatioill.
senl(!ncfd proyidea:· foi: the possibility; of. Tbe •President leaves San ,Clemente'• pa~I~ i.at any ~me." .There is 'no Weatem -·WhUe· l{ouie. for tbe-..B,ytctty
mbiununi sentence. Thunda,...rnorn.tng,.to preside; at a .state
II most cases, th<y noted, priJo!la?:..,, dbJ!!O<. for'llolll!i g_. P.reaidelW P.:~
paroled after 20 monlha. • . CluN lfte,~·'flll •'lflend· the .dlllillr
Mro. KeMedy, · ua ... ~.t the' l~o at>lho 'Bt'".Fiinl!ta .Hal'!~ 'ud lhen'tflf
lrlJils, insisted on her lru!ocence. b~ to.sU\Clemlflta Frid&y orlth ·Nllm.
Her h~~ -Ian,, ~ of . a San a~~Alt Force;One. "'1 ' • • · 't ..
CleDJenle be~µty 'siloD and chalr1pm 91 -LOclge:Wtii mnahtlD-lhe Ulllted:Slatea ~. 1San ~lemel)le Parka Comnli.moD, , tor about 10 d'a11 "for·~ bu!inell
told llCW"1!eh: and alto .;oo,sultattoiis 11 sikl'Whlte HOuie
'"nits ls 'a lrilsCarriage of justice ... al6el ~'did n0t!bow •Wbetiier the' w~ lf¥d to fight. !his lbjng by uslng A~clor ~d fllay1 oV.r:-tn ·San ·
character witnesses.' The strange tJ:tlnl . Clemeirte for fUnher talks wilb the 1
about this cue ia lhat.ahe cwkfbave 1ot-· Preildebt. · 1 • • "
' '
_!tiguna Niguel Adamant.
.Public Can,~t .. Use . Beach :·· . . .
" -By THOMAS fORTUNE McCielland'•'~r up. ' -on record 11.holq --!O after.
. CHJt1t011trP1••1ttt "'ll}e 'battle ·linel are drawri. we•re the-fact Plifmlnc,..,Ufet ·-.... ~l"dd
The issue has been sharply drawn: The going-to .fight. tooth -and nail forf more · ped:estrian accea. ·
Laguna Niguel CorporaUon is opposed to lban Jiisl a ~n pith," he -ed , ••\¥hera..lble 1\1,1 - -IL bia ciU.
any general public access at any point to .a:fte~. ; ' .... l r ed R81tirll ud pollolpnilllla;-"'btlltd;' ·
Salt er .. k. Beach. i -leM!afil'Wu,i(oked'i&~a<rvf.oJ:biv)d' . "'not to~-~_..;
"The mile and a quarter ol beach Is , Ba11tt1l ·lie 1"°'11d')le,riio!e ·liicihil(l"\o 'of "the".,~~" ,,,,.._
Just al>Q\11 big enough lo ierve the pll)l· ..-.~\-•• ~nl lo ·Pl!>~ am : ~ of·-ot ~JJl<fJ-1.. ' ned Laguna Nlguel populadon or I0,91111/' ~st· !i'oa1 Salt ereelc. ' I& i"'\_,,,_·wtiY thls.-1 , '
says Niguel Corporation Vice Prealdent 1 ·~·lhlnk-riOl lt!r! Ba~r," Ftmild :iii'lt · "Amlher ~!em wtlb m111 · tMI .
Knowlloa Fernald Jr. '' Baker followtd With a painted~-'ther ..0 w·• ajof1il~im w~ tllJn · •
"l rcaUy lh1nk what we tre ~; lf-11Ar1 ~ In no,_,ay J)'D'l"Oethetlc to pubHc , JDYOQe : ... ·~ • ll _,. for 1
morally right. We can't solve everybi>Cly'1 riai '!I lb• bpi:l>?" · ·-·:r • • •fanl!ly ~.' , " . ._,.' '
beaoh access problem." ''Tb8 beach b P;riv•lt," Fepialit ~ lold _...., r' I
' . , .. CAMij.l.E, ...... ll.
C...C '',
Th• fog wlU creep U.: (oo: • ~ '""' more hours Thundq. mornmc. fol-
lowed by l111111f Uil 'rrlnt\1 mther
"ith temper~~ ~ frOm 7l
ilong Ille-beach lo 78 ~
' ' ~~mt: :,,,•~1'.
. Corona d1£ Mar dui~
Sut(t· treott1 oarmettti ' ovt of 1
jobfic • tMlch she aayr ~deoigiir
-illelf." Societfl Paa• n.
! -~=~C«w ...... -·------.... , .•. , .. ·--'. =-~ t ·:':.tJ~
•• •• ....
c1.11 ..... ~ ,.. .. an, .. ·~· ' ... , •• . Ji
• '
~,,.... -~.I 11 '' ' -·er=-... -.;:...,.-\=
~ ..... ..... ~ .. Fw.ald's unbendlng l!Olil!Oil. w11tn 1 rtplted, "It b 6etna ~ev.loped lor ·the ' "YO)!T wlodom ·• """"'11'11 ~ " qutstioned by orange County supef'illl'l<t popul•tioo lhat Uves ~ Nllurl." 'lealedl"rliay.,.•pla• I ~'"'""'"7,io 1 , _ 1\leoday (OI surfer-Brennan .._,.~. !Wllld·ht would .!lke lo;llUUho ·__, lloa W.T GSW. P,lrp.11 • • • ._ _________ __.
.: ----
• I
-N~tiow prepared ·
. Laguna Gets
Early Start
~On School
' 1~To:Bis ' I
w.IS'inNoroN <uPn -seer~ of
S .. Wllliom P. &sen oalcl todoy tho
Uftltod States Is prepared to ta~e "sensi·
~ r .,.,..,, .• , ••..
ble rl.lkl" to bring peace to. Vletnibt llfd • harA!teaay ·reipoMecl to~ eom.
munist ~military acUvity beyond tbt an-
Of .. 011111 l'lu.t .,..,
-* i'k * ~ampaign
COSt 3,798
Men Last Week
nounCed troop cutback. ·-
Rogera~ill'dictt<d at 4 news CQ!li ••
that the .. sensible riaU" involved a &Cll·
ing down pf U.S. military operations. Ht
declined lo be m<1re ipOCific, saying· hf
was "not going to dilclOGe all plana'' of
operations in the middle oi the war' anCl ' ..
would not get into ''mllitary ordera."
1'-f06t schools in Orange County will
open their doors Sept. 3. Some atart Sept.
In Lagupa Beach, classes get undtr
way Sept. 4. Why so earty?
It's tor the good, ol the students and
school employea, says scbOiol board prui·
dent Larry Taylor. •
"Throughout the years, when a holiday
hfls come on a Thursday. there's been a
high absenteeism rate on Friday,'' Taylor
said. "Both employes and students take
the day off to stretch" the holiday to four
SAIGON (UPI) -Allied military
sources sajd_ today the Communists lost
3,798 dead last week in the first phase of
their autumn ~ampaign, the; heaviest
North Vlell)l(lle>e and Viet Cong losses
m two months. _
American casualties for the week en-
ding last Saturday will be released of-
ficia11y Tbursd,ay, but I.he military
sources estlmated the deatb toll wouJd
rise to 2SQ, ..
The American death toll was 96 Oead
the week before the Communists shat-
tered the two month fl8hting lull, and
that was the· lowest figure in two years.
The military sources put South Viet-
namese cuualties for the week at 477
dead, the hlgbeS~ since the Week ending
JUne If when $l61were );illed.
The American kill raUo during the
week was 15 to 1, one of the highest
Ugures in many months. The sources .said
the q.s. Army normally bears the brunt
of the c21Ua1Ues because there are far
mll't: anny men than U.S. Marines, but
of the 250 ...umated toll, Marino deaths
:were placed around the 100 mark.
'Ille unusually besvy Mar"" toll
rdlected 1n \IPIW'g• d fig)JUng .near the
d!ftlllltarized IXllle and 1n the Marin• areas around Da Nang wllere there have
been a series of sharp clashes.
.W,.r communiques ·covering action
Tuesday and early today reported the
Joss of three more U.S. helicopters and
continued heavy fighting below 08 Nang
Where si Americans were killed and 75
othu• wounded. ·
U.S. , apokesmep sald ene American
helicopter hit by Communist gunfire fell
jJ1tq a co)umn<>f U.S. troopo today, killlng
thfee of lbem In the aecoad battlefield
accident in two days. Nine Americans
\Jere'tmelf when 'a U.S. tant opened fire
.. theot.
· A UUl helicopter hll by ground lire
Cr .. ,,.. jnto ..,_.of .the illh 11!1*•""' lli~n.v"" Kh<, uomn .. ~
of Saigon. Three U.S. troops were kWed
and Ill wounded although \he three men
boll"!l'\ef =·~ lnjury. .. .
The secretary said that he had not
detected any move on the part of Russia
to ""' its influence lo end tho figbtlll( In
Vietnam or neighboring Laos. He aaid
Ruaaia, which now is supplyina all of
llanoi's military equJpment, could ·bave
significar.t Influence on the Issue ot war
or peace. (Related story Page 5).
"I do not think they are doing u much
as they could," he s ommented. '"They
say they have a problem with their COil·
By thls he apparenUy meant Russia
would auffer in her contest with Red
China ii the Kremlin tried to pmaure
anoqier Comm.uni.st nauon into inakln1 a
reaaonable peace settlement.
'Ille secretary Hid the Uftlled Statts
would go ahead with Its plans to "Viet..
namize" the war by replacin& American
troops with South VJetnamese forcea: wheth~ the lull in enemy opentiOns con·
tinued or not.
However, he salil, the rate or repJace..
mnt and withdrawal of U.S. forces ob-
vioualy woqld .be hiJ!!!r_ lf the_enemi
retrained from stepping up the tlgbilng. ·
Rog"" had no progrua \o report In the
Paris talks. He uld that the Unltod
States aUll hoped to find some avenue
whlcb would lead ti place bu~ thal ao far
all of the pn>pOll!a and -made by Wuhlngtan and Sallon bad oli<tled no
moaningful response from the North
Vietnamese negotiators. ·.
Ambaasador Henry Cabot Lodge, chief
U.S. negotiator In Parts: ts schedulod to
confer with Prelldent Nixon and lleprs
Thursday in San Francisco where top
U.S. ·offictals are gathering lQ meet With
South Korean President Park Chung Hee. Roeers acknowledged that there were
some dlfftrencea within t h e ad·
ministration over the advisability of get-
ting a Sovtet-American ban on tests ol
mulliple-hesded nucltar ml.salles (known
as MIRV) u part of the begil>nlq of the
However he· s~d he did nol believe
these dill.......,,....._ and Prut·
dent Hl-otlll 'Wtlecl·by hll'eirllir 1'611·
Uon that a temporary moratorium· On
tests of the weawns might well be con.
sider!;d 8;3 the. firkt order of business i!
and '!~~ the, talkf hel!n. I • '
Front Pqe 1
Amer~' ·mehad'fng a1 11ews
plier Wtl'll ~lied' In the• er&sh ;ru oy Qf an Army UHi hellcopter"West 9'· Tam Ky, near Da Nang. 'Ille ire& Is
where American troops have kitted neat· SALT CREEK ly 200 Communist troops since Monday. :~~t,~iaeu~~ · . . . . . · · · ~ ·•Iii! .ouv.t "N!""lri, "· ·or . '"?tfind )b)t ..,..hi .Thal • ~"\"1'1abl• ti~ 111111., a"pOotoSl'Bpber for the · ••.the !lem~<.-enct 1!1( that's Assodiieid Preu. . why pt.ople who may never use or walk ~ N**' Wlii 'the 1'fd newa · COT· on tfte beach Want to keep it.'" t~I lo bo illled In the Vielnl(ll ' . ' · . " • • · -• . " ,..,. : • , _ . . MEMBER OF CLUB
, ; . Frank Robln!oo.' a Laguna Nip! rOlf· . ~ . . An . dent lvho said 'be 1' • member of the ... Jlllla a Hotel clU!lVe Monarch Bay Beach Club, allo
took a moral position. ire Probed "If public. •ccess is • gopc1 thing the
1 • ~ mechanics 1hould be overcome. That is
' Sania Ana firemen '!'eSC\)ed 10 persons the moral issue.'.' he said.
by ladder out of windws, off Uie fire He also remarked, "I don't think any tsCa0e and r o of of the smoke-filled decision should be made based on the
dOWntown Santa Ana Palace Hotel Tues· automobile. People have gone to the
tlay. beach before the automobile and they Will
J Twenty-one persona in a'u were l~ .or. go to the ~ch After the automobile/• .
~8!1'ied to safety. The fire resulted in no Supervisor William Hirstein took a
itjurlel, but damage was estimated at shorter tenn view. ''Parkitlg to me f1 ·
~re tha~ Sl0,000. just as necessary aa aceesa," he 3ajd. ·urn . f.i~. Ouef John Garthe Slld today In· Sunset Beach we are buying parking 10 t.~tliators could find "no cause for the people' can use the beach. ·
~:.k\ start ~thout some help." It began ''I'm sure these things can be bou1ht'at ·
•~ 1 a.m. m the second floor shower of Sall Creek if you have enouSfl money " 9; JJO:year-old Palace at 311 N. French the supervisor, who representl an inl~ ~t. constituency, continued. "We have people
. . , lookin1 to us for tu: re.ponsibllitJa:."
r DAllV r11or
1·~G~ COIU1 ru•tlSHIMI) COMf'IUl'I
I ••Hrt M. W1el .. ,...,, .........
I ''" o. °""' Vlat ,,.....,. .... ....,.. .......
T•"'" ,.,.. .... fttt.,, A.. M..,W.e _,,._
~1cti1r1 P. w.n , __
"' -~..-.-.:
JU ,...... A-MtlU~t ..,_, ... ,PA h. """tt&ll
Supervisor Alton Allen proposed the ·
same committee of county department
heads who recommeQd county park
priorities alM> study public belch IC•
quWOon prioritid. He' said he would add
one new nmie for the beich .tcornrn!Uee 1 ._ the county's chief itt~; Cobnty
Counsel Adrian KU)'Jlet: -
'.'Along OW' coutllne 1 can't imagne.
anyone giving beach to lhe pubUc," Allen
He said a study or the whole .42-mile
~nty coastline would be "very much
better than jumping on a hit and miS!
basis on any one particular praperty."
Supervisor Robert Battin said he was
down at Salt Creek Beach last weekend
• and found it beautlful. ·
"Were you permitted to tresp&s1?1•
Hirstein asked.
"Ld me tell you, I had trouble gllling
in there," said Battin.
Scotchman's Cove
Visit Expensive
A New Jersey woman's trip to Scot·
clunan'• Cova Twda1 proved lo be on ••P<llll•• aUllng. ~ ~
· Mt>. Jacqllellne Frlts. '12, ol H"""'tr,
• N, J. told l'berlffs cleputlea that aomeoat
brolte lt\to her parled &11lo while alle wu
OD the bclCb and stc>la clothini IDcl l1t1·
1age valued a_t $461 .
Mrs. Felt< told lnv~tlort thal tho
11hfef smaabtd a \"!Ddow to saln a-. to
tile CAr.
Ul'I Telutlilt9
This problem was brought to a head
two years ago when about 200 high school
students showed up at a school board-
meeting requesting lhat the · Friday
following the Memorial Day holiday
Thursday also be a day of!, for a four-day
'Thel'1 the Woy Liia Is. Yov'vo Got to Do Whot You Think Is Right.' ~~--=-~~~~~-
TbeJr request was denied afttr a three-
to-two vote on the grounds I.be sdtool
couldn't afford id dismiss the student!.
The state pays the school district 7l
~nts per day per student. In addition,
the district would be paying the daily ex·
pemes of a school, even though it would
be empty. Trustee William Wilcoxen
estimated that cost at $12,000. The holi·
day wasn't worth the expense, trustees
Futile Sear~h
Lonely Man Hunts River for Son
LOl\IA LINDA (UPI) -Every Sunday
for the l&at Iii" months a lonely man has
4riven a motorcycle along the banks of
the 8anta Ana River looking for his aon.
Wilber Philpott loot three d his four
boys bolore they reocbed their teens. He
knows that lbefOU£th, Beony.12, ia dew:!,
· too, but the ~pulslon is such be cannot
give up the search.
Benny was swept throoaJ> a culvert and
lnto the river Feb. 25 durin& the_ heaviest
raJrui c.µforrtia had experienced in 80
years. P~Upott, ~ 1arage mechanic, was
htlplng pilll can out of the floodwaters
only 500 feet away at lbe time. He did not
know until he came home at 9 p.m, that
his son had been Io!t.
The next mornlng, Philpott frantically
roamed the river banks, hoping to find
L~ boy alive. Tboae chances soon faded,
but the father could not atve up.
He bought a tw~wheef-drlve trail bike
with huge tires whJch can be driven
through water, mud and the toughest ter·
rain. PhUpoU has to work through the
week but every Sunday, usually wilh a
friend and his boy's dogs, he goes
searching. .
Philpott says he has been told he iS
wasting hls time looking for his son's
"It all depends on how you look al it,"
Philpott says. '"f say I'll find him some
d::iy. I'm not gi'l ing up."
His three othe!' sons died of a liver
disease and are buried together.
"I've got to d'l this to satisfy my own
mind. I may break up when I find Benny.
But that's the way life is. You've got to
do wbat you think is right."
llurr.i~e Tragedy Brings
Gulf ·Residents .Together
From Page 1
The -Pteside.nt has played three basic
courses since his arrival at the Western
White House: the brown, scrubby course
of Camp Pendleton; the private course of
Walter Annenberg, U.S ambassador to
London, at Rancho Mirage out.side Palm
Springs, ana at Pawna Valley, one of the
more picturesque layOuts reachable in a
relaUvely few mlnutts from San
Clemente by helicopter.
Has David ever won a game from hJs
"I have no comment on tl;lat,". Ziegler
Then the big question : What's the
President's golf score?
"He has shot 1n the IO's,'1 Zieiler
asserted. But he wouldn't say when. "I
think we broke a precedent in Florida
when we said thfl President shot a 91."
Ziegler must tiave gotten into a little
trouble over that. Nobody has released
presidential golf scores .since.
About 225 students declared their own
holiday Friday anyway, by failing to
show up for classes. It was mort than
double the normal absentee rate.
This problem won't exist this year.
Since school will start earlier than others
in the county, students will be given three
four-day holidays.
Students will be allowed an erlra 'day
off on the Monday preceding Veterans
Day and Admission Day which fall on
Tuesdays, and an extra day Friday
following Lincoln's birthday, on a Thurs·
day. '
''It was decided and recommended
from the administration to the school
board that we could better serve the
employes and students by starting early,
and using the extra time for the
holidays," Taylor said .
"Although we start earlier than other
schools in the county, we 'll gain them
back through holidays the other school
districts won't be having," Taylor con·
eluded. However, ode Summer White House
source who hu followed seve11it presj..
=·:'g.1::. ~~1>es Preoident S ..... •.de' nts Told
"He drl,.. well, a .. rqJni!ryi !~lo LU .
200 yards: but h!S~aft! ~M'tnt.1 . -. ·~i~
He's not bad with 1 putter ...i; .. ~ .. nv ~gefan't his go'"•-'partnm-..,..,u,,.d.•jn!it1'i: · · · the ·~I ~-."'"?.":,-" .,ff t j ._ ,,
"Like I Jcit ~ l'!liets lie fi!!!..1 1(,-~"1' t 22
shoots 1n the mldWs.'' • ' vpen ;,ep •
The President bliiiseU, uktd •bout his BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. (UPl)-ln the attacks and strokes from overworking," new found interest during a session Tues-Some 2,00J <-88ddleback JU11ior College
midst of the death ind disaster left by he said. "If tbey ftnd anybody tomor· day with sil newly appointed am· students are .being told by mail today not
Hurricane Camille, a woman walked row, they'll be dead and won't need it. '1 bassadors, repUed: to show up fQt school Sept. 22. mco the local ,police department. . Some residents barely escaped death ''My handicap is my back swing." School offitials said the letters advise • in the hurricane. He smiled as be said it. the' !itUdents that construction industry
'"I WMt to paY a traffic -~" she A 20!).year-old house owned by Ed strikes have compelled the deferring of
aid. Canitre Jr. cl. New Orleans WI! demol· the opening date to "sometime in
•"Don't worry · about ll lady," said ished by the storm. Bui be did not com· Fr-Page 1 October.'•
JitmeJ Oltt~. son , of Haocock Coonty plain after hearing about another man 's Saddleb&ck trustees will be presented ~f Fled ~-t1Qur · Court blew ~n bl~wing away, with the man's DRUGS with a revised academic calendar at their a~." Picking through his wreckage, Car· . • • • Auguat ·25 meeting, according lo district ~t W.. cne wry note 1n the hectic activ-riere said, ''When yau see these other superintendent Fred H. Bremer. lty tt searching for bodies and trying to people who have lost everything they apartment house, "'Al.though the atrikes have been resolv·
he}p the survivors. . have. you feel like you're pretty lucky." Hanson walked back across the border. ed through the sign.mg of short form <1ltet nid the disaster lw had· one Mrs. Linden Marshand Sr. barely J{e was also arrested in connection with agreements with the plumbers' and
overall effect-bringing the people or escaped death too, racing from home as the case, found guilty and was to be h~avy equlpment operators' unions, it is
the stricken Mississippi coastal area Camille: approached. sentenced Monday. He did not appear in doubUul we can begin the 1969-70
cloter together. · Standing on the foundation of her the District Court, however. A warrant · academic year until October," .said
He particularly noted that Negro and house Tuesday; she said "T\1y address has been issued for his arrest. Bremer.
white were ~rldng togethei", and added : is 112 Coleman Avenue. Or it was." Kennedy said the marijuana was plac· 'COristructlon·crews are now working on
"It seems Jlke they (Negroes) are a:et· Like many others along the coast, the ed in his wife'~ car by someone else, an ov~e basis Jn order to prevtnt
ting better treatment now than eVu.'' house no longer was there. \Vithout her knowledge. further delays, Bremer noted.
He. said triany black Volunteers had come 1-~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;.;::;=====:;;;.;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;::;;~ from New Orleans to help. I
Five bodies have been found here so
far. More victims were feared buried in
Cipnille's J?Wllive wreckage.
"We upect to find more bodies "
Coroner !'n\ile Piazza. said. "We ruSt ~Ive the heavy equiprpent to 1et to ttl1mt." '
Or. John Levw <l( Waveland Was
pesstmirtic, too. Still dressed in a T·
shirt &11d. Bermudl. shorts, he said he
feared that at least' seven more bodies
might )le found. ·
"There were. many old people in their
seventies arid · tightie.s just wouldn't
. leave," Levens sald.
The Seuch for the dead was ae<:om· panied by aid for the .survivors,
Dr. J, L, Llndsef of Slidell, LI., and
· two other doctors set' a clinic at Wave-
land and gav' 300 i.tanus and typhoid atdt. Anod1er eoo shots were given by
Red ~ worJr.ei;s and doctors at Bay
st. !ml.I.
A supp1y of oxycen arrived at Llnd-
sey'3 clinic.
"Tbt: oxygen is for people wttb heart
Fron• Pflfle 1
' f1ee weter. aand'Wlchu·and coffee to aa
many as possible, but some foragers had
lo content themselves with what they
found in battered, unlabaled cans flung
into the. mud from home _pantries and
1roce11 shelves. S.arq parties were out of touc~ with
their headqUarters for hours at' a Ume
llJld IOOl lines of residents wailed at tho
'"' -king pay ltlepbones to 11t word to r<IaUvea thal they bad IUtV!ved.
Slort' Owner Lew Hendmon said he
was 1urpr.iled that so many i)eoplo stayed
in ttie art.• ,ofter the •tomi lllL ,
"lt'I an 111\Ulnl thin(. People Mound
bore aulltred tmtnc loues an<! they
stay. You'6 think they wtiuld leave ,tho ,
county.'.' uld HeDdqscn, who owned a
1Urplua oqulpment 1toro destroyed at
Gull port.
1 .... -.J ..... .,_,..;,,..,,.
\""'"'* bUt AOC. whn to Ind It.I Mitch yoi.tr style with our ...,,.,. .r.-clesions,. And
•Jk •s ibout our fimous
Onnge Blot-auann1tce __
J. C _)Jtimf!~"ieJ 'J~~e~r4
;Poli.ce Rout-'Czechs.
P rotest Ma rks S oviet l 1ivasion
PRAGUE (UPI) -lliot police roult<I Gztthoaloval<ia's symbol of freedom.
thousands of CRchoslovaks tr o m As tJ)e crowds p!J}ered aroynd Lhe
Wencesll'1Squar• Wnitht wit.}\.volltya o( !latue Of good Kini; Wence.slaa tbe whit7"
-teargas;nd'1tinging··'jet,..from--w-a-t+r~hehneted jot-police-rusbed-up-1n
cannon. armo~ cars. A single w~ter cannon ":as
The Czechoslovaks had defied police pu.Ued ·Up and a blast of water soaked
bans • and a amaller tear gas attack crowd, which began to' boo. .
earlier In 1he day to gather in the square T.he dripping crowd Telreattd but
on the first anniversan-of the Soviel·led refused to leave the square.
in\·asion of Czechoslovakia. Suddenly at·leasl 10 rounds, of tear gas
Police bad kept the sqµare clear today cartridges.arced into the crowd. Gasping
following similar silent protests Tuesday and w.eeping, the Ct:eebs-by now t~ed
night which wer<l: broken up by tear gas, from ,curIO\ls o n .J o o k e r s into
batons and water jets. But the rush hour demon.stratqr:s -fled from .the aqu;µ-e .
proved too much and 10,000 or more At least 100 Wlitt' swinging rubber,
crowded into the square that has be<:ome truncheons .chased tbem·down ·Stepwka
Nixon Swimmin' Hol e
Gone But Not Forgotten
'I'he old Orange County swimming hole
In Yorba Linda where Richard Nixon, his
brothers and his cousins splashed on
1UrmTier afternoons is gone., The 83-acre reservoir in a grassy can~
yorf near the President's tlirthpl~ce here
was ' drained a couple ol months ago to
mak,e way for a llousing development.
WitPin 48 hours Yorba Llnda Lake, which
had been there for 100 years, was gone.
Thousands of fish lay dying on the dry
lake bed, a death stench permeated the
air, and birds and wild game which
abounded in th.,e area disappeared.
Residents or $60,000 bome3 which bad
overlooked the tranquil scene wer'e
Eighty persons attended an organiza·
tion meeting June 12 to determine what
could be done to save the reservoir. A
steering committee was formed. Tonight,
Yorba Linda citizens will bold a town
meeting in the junior high school
auditoriwn to form plans to buy the pro-
perty from the land developers and turn
it into a ·park.
The reservoir originally was built as a
terminal water st«?_rage point for the old
Anaheim Union Wa.ter Co., which pro-
vided .irrigation water service for ran·
<:hers. As the area became urbaniud, Qle
need for irrigation vanished. "\
Yurs ago the reservoir, linked by tha
Al)aheim Water Co. canal to the Santa
Ana Bi'Yer, was used for swimming and
For the Record.ii
fiShlng, but in recent years neither was
allowed, and the Teservolr served mainly
as a spenic attraction and as a wild life
Shortly after World War II the state
Fish and Game Commission stocked it
with fingerlings and millions of other fish
in the lake included varieties of goldfish,
carp. bluegills, and bass. Bridle trails
circled the banxs and expensive homes
ringed the lake.
George Oja, who moved into • ne'v
house near the reservoir about six
months ago said "it was a place of beau·
ty. The wild ducks used it.· So did the
cranes. Now we have the obnOxious odors
that make life very unpleasant. People
from all oyer Yorba Linda catne to this
area to ride their ·horses, to hike and just
enjoy the beauty."
The area will be beautiful again if ,.,-rs.
Robert Hollingsead and b e r neighbors
have their way.
"We are resolved oot to let the lake be
destroyed for urban pollution of a
beautiful wilderness area," she said.
Plans call for the reservoir to be refill·
ed for boating and fishing , bridle trails to
be restored, and a bird sanctuary,
arboretum and maybe a space museum
to be established. The facility would be
named the Richard Milhous Nixon Park
and there is even talk among townspeople
of moving the house where Hixon was
bom to the park.
Just in case visitor1 to Fashion lila'nd Thursda·y., Friday and Satur~ 1 day forget that. those are Fotorama days, the DAIL y PltoT· and
radio station K()(;M wilj didribute more 'thlll! 1,000 tree ,J <!hnny
Mathis smgles with special Jacket coven like those held b.Y. Dixie
Myers, KOCM public service director. (More Fotorama deti.ils in
Fashion Island "Back·lo-Sch<>oi" section Inside toda.y's DAILY
Stree.t. and arrested anyooe they c:au1ht.
Young Czechoslovaks began gauterlng
at the square at noon .tocfay and police
gas bombs. They •rrested seven men Who
refused to leave the square and dragged
them Into one ol Prague's red and wbJte
city buses for questionings.
Within five minutes peace Was r-estored
and Pollet did not rusb reinforcements to
the ¥C:e.'\e. Observers ~d the tear gas
c1tpsules were much weaker than tbo.se
used Tuesday nlght and that after 15
minutes the acrid smeU had worn off.
La.st night it was different.
The protesters shouted "Nazis!" and
"GeslaPo.!" as police fired volley after
volley ol tear gas into the predominantly
young crowd. Those slow to respond were
kicked or beaten on the head with clum.
Pulice gained control of the eight-biock
long sqUiirt only about midnight. Tear
gas still hung in the .air early today.
Busloads of police remained in the square
end army patrols helped watcil. olber
'Hippies' Lose
Ballot to
Special to the DAILY PILOT
10 Members of 'Or1nge County Pletoon' Become M1rlM Recruits In Colorful Ceremonies
80 Join •Adventuresome~
Orange· County Platoon , Sworn Into Marine Corps.
Eighty young men ha ve ventured into a lo 11 astronauts and members of the Perasall, Clyde A. W3!0n, John Reu;
SANO CITY -You can't beat City Hall category equated with 16th Century ex~ military,'' Thomas noted. Ronald S. Karr, and Grant J. Parker.
\\'hen you 1ry to recall The Establishment plorers and tht Apollo 11 astronauts by fi.e said the ffien wiU.emerge from the From Ga.rdea Grove: Mack w. Field!,
and turn a town li~e this. little Monterey fvnner Secretary of the N3vy Charles S. Marine Corps physiC'ally hardened and County hamlet into a sand dune com· Thomas. h Richard J . Moore, .Knthony F. '11ermer, ighJy disci¢iped, for "no one is really k c Ul ' • mune , a majority of residents proved f;tted for life and '"n be successful '"d L a n c e L. Paddock:, Jae · mer,
T d They were SVtorn into the U .S, Marine ....... ..., Kimbe J A Che · M' ha el D ues ay. Corps as members of the "Oranae Coun-have respect f~ .himself and otherJ! il he r Y · rrie, IC •
About 90 percent or n .. e regi'stered ·~ Is not ''·"'plm· ed." Jacobson, Charles Maygren, Mic Ii a e I ui ty Platoon" Tuesday at South Coa&t W.x;J R. f ·1 · d w·lli R · J ' voters in the Monterey Bay village turned a1 an I am uu: r. . Plaza. Members of the Orange County Platoon 1 __ , J·'· out to back millionaire Mayor Phil are: Others are: Gary W. A e:J1:41~er, 1JJU1 Calabrese and his four council con-The group or men, most under the age A. Armenta, Robert A. Bailey, Gerry A.
stituents by a Z·to.l vote margin. of 18, were welcomed into the miitary by From Costa Pi1eaa: Bobby G. Cambell, Canas, Jilmes K. Ceballoa, Leroy D. Cof•
Th olflcers from e~h branch of th·e service, Lawrence.D. Collins, ™1mis A. Larkin, fel, Dennis P. Crothers, Jack. A. CrOwder, e vote of confidence for the council Orange County official& and mayors from and James E. Outlaw Jr. ":J'. CUadras, Frank J. Curiel,· Ray. -target of a recall movement originated 1· I I · · Th d d t ""' by the resident hippie and artist element ive oca c1Ues. e ay was ec B1o::u From Anaheim: Dennis L. Ba.Jler, m R. De ~ San~. John S. Duff,
_ brought joy to the hearts of con· "Orange County Platoon Day" by the Steven H'. Conningham, Alan M. Leonard J. Eggers Jr., Daniel D. Elm,ore,
servative townsrolk. Orange County Board of Supervisors, Coughtry, Joseph A. Hernandez, Thomas Gary D. Erbst.
"A good victory for 1. fine city," Sgt. Don Garcia, who organized the E. Hummel, Michael E. Long, Gordon W. Frank ?i.t. Gonzales. Francis L. Fry,
declared Mayor Calabrese, a beefy baron platoon, noted that only 75 percent of the Mackey. Stanley Mozer, James R. Ellsworth E. Fuhr Jr., James M. Gentry,
of the construction business who has held volunteers are from Orange County. "We Larry E. Heney, Thomas M. Heyser,
office for 10 consecutive years or ran out of enlistees from the county, ao Larry G. Hill, Stanley Hodge, Michael W.
cityhood. •bout 21l are from tlle Los Angeles area. BJa"e Destroys Johnson, Alllhony M. Kemp, William A. WP needed a quota of 80 men for the &.\ Ketchum, William P. Krueger,. Wj.J.llani
"This proves good people are still bet-special platbon." A. Kuhns, Raymond J. Lascelles, Keith
ter than bad people," he said exuberanl· After the nOon ceremonies the 80 mea F'.;... t Hill 'd A. Lasley, and John R. Luti.
ly. S!jid goodbye to their far.llies and left by Wun y SI . e other Platoon tnembers are: Robert ·rt.
Mayor Calabrese was kept in office by bus for 10 weeks of training in San Mainland, Abran R. Martinet, Albert W.
91-to-41 majority vote and the tally was Diego. _ Firt Tuesday alternoOri .destroYed 20 Maupin, Mark F. Miller, Steven M.
almost .identical in behalf oC the four · · • ~cres of dry brush and grass on1 the El Mulverhill, David P. Murphy, Joe s, councilmen T.hey wUl 'r.emain together thtoughOOt ~od d of Ch A eme t Tham 1 . r Bearded ·potte-teacher Robe • .> J the entire training period unUI member& 0 '<)r~gge.a e ! N>D\l1l v . UI Reynozo, as F. Percy, Roier..,.
'J rt • f lhe •Or ,..... Pilts, Steven J. Plotnik, Charles B. Lynn, 44, was leader of a hard~. o • ange County Platoon" receive Homes w.ere thr= a"s the bla.ie Pridham, Randy Roberta. Gordon Rock,
paigning coalitloi\ which tried to Ul'l&eat permanent du.ty slitto,!ls. ' "' \ burnedto·wlthin21Jy " of~i~on Jesae Rodr:l\:' uei,'t;;:billi Sim p a o~n
the co1i11<0ll ill~~nglne.0 • cill ... in 1110. J j -..l. •"""' del!omd !) ... ......_ fil" . Ch A ·'i f ' .,-...,,,.,. t ' 'I -Smit <>~-· .~ flavor .Or rustic sand Cit01• '"'l dr~r. t'Mdr'~ erilist!l!s thTt'tlfey~ are. apman venu • 'uepanm 0 .1.i1U11ull • .~.,-'V J ForestrY fire spokesman said. . Thompson, Bernard Vielle, and Michael Lynn bas urged an increase in the very "the venturesome -those who want to · The fire burned three, a.1\(1 one·haU wataon, Don Wigg.Ins, Jack Youn&
Jow tax rate, with Proceeds going to be where: the actiQn l!. hoµrs and 100. men an~ four borate Truman Munley, Monrood Jooes, Fran.t establi~ low-cost public housing along its "Th.la group of venturuome people in·· bo:mbers wert used to put it out. ~µse of Fimbrez, Wayne Snider, Robert EUion
two miles of bare beachfroot, provide eludes explorers like Columbus. the Apol· the fire ifl ·under"ln'testlgaUon. · ..-· and ·Andrew Billings.
parks and recreation and contrnl air -,------·---~·-,....--'~----·~-----''-----------=
pollution from factorie s.
He said Mayor CBlabrese runs the town
for industry instead of people, many of
whom live in Jean-to s h a c k s on the
bayside sand dunes and endure much
municipal pressure ·as a result.
Calabrese campaigned against Lynn's
faction on grounds that the biggest influx
of industry resulting from such a move
would be a bustli!li narcotics activity.
Lynn said his group also opposes drug
The generation gap represented by 134
votes including s!J: absentee ballots rang.
ed from 21 -year-old Free Person Yoland
Garcia, to 69-year-old retired engineer
Jack Wheeler.
"All the mayor wants is to keep taxes
down and atttict warehouses. factories
and his type o[ people."' said Miss
"He helped found this town," responded
Wheeler, railing against the possibility of
a takeover by alien citizen-types, even
when conducted under California law.
Remnants of Camille
F lood Virginia T own
Squally remnants of hurricane Camille
dumped nine inches of rain on this small
Allegheny Mountain town Tuesday nigh\
ant1 today, sending 200 residents fleeing
I.heir homes ahead of floodwaters.
Aft '80-unit train pulled by three diesels
w.as overturned by water iri a canyon
near Copeland, lS milea northeast ot
· otlontic music is SONY headquarters,
28 new models now on display!
So•y'• MM.I 'JO.D to!id .+ .... 4
l••<lt t"-••o l•P• <Ite k i1 fpr ff.• ·~•lC>l"'•r w~• "'•ftlo • ·1ophi1lic••
t.-il t•p• r1C•tcl1r. It ,1ovi<111 i~·
J!ul ••<I .wilchi•• foc(i;~i" lor iw• lfli••op~OBH ••d l~t•• 11p1r1i• l.!9~·l1v1I ,1.,,. 10•••••· ihe .;..,4.
•I 610·0 '""'" co.,.plot1 wit~ o~•
•"'PIV T' r1el. 1w• •111 ""''· lw•
IU(.74 P•t<.~ cot111, o•• AC '""'''
co.l, ""' heed cf11•••1 tibllo•, ••d • tlu1t •••"'·
6p1n Dolly 10·6 P.M. Moridoy and Fri. Ti/19 P.M.
......... -
Polanski: Sharon Was Vulnerahle . . . ' . . .
By VEl\NON SOOl'f Although Polanski believed there wu , n• • ~G"'. , .,. (UPI) _ ~-an no,,.ny·tl)e·nl&hl ol1b< murder1,-1Mrwt
&""IQ "n ~ '°""'" later tbere were ••constant parties."
Ptllanskl telephooecrhla wlfe Sharon Tate "Thefe wu a lot of lalk about parties
from London Aug. 8 and abe had no in our home," he said. "They are true.
premonitJon that 1 few boun ta_ter lhe There wu a CONJtant JW'tr. There wun'&
would die with her tow guests In 1 an evenizti without friends.''
_.moW.:<.JP•" ~ .. ~,, He l&i<I' marijuana was smoltod •~t .,the~--· ~-~-" ·:c::-:-::---::--no~y guiili'liiitne ifliffi't11iliifi•·•11 Polanski, the brilliant Poliah film dh'ec· out ol the ordinary among their circle of
North Dakota Gov. Wllll1m Guy
••Y• ho has betll called a lot ot
lhinJI during his political c-,
but California Gov. R..,.ld ,Re1t1n
is Ute first person who ever called
him a Rejlllblican.
Guy's name was. accidentally In·
eluded In a group of GQP gover-
nors to whom Reagan wrote aoticit.
ing funds for a Virginia candidate.
The Nortlt Dakota governor asked
Reagan Monday to reclassify him
as "a poverty.stricken Democrat." •
London polict haven't caught
tlit woman who f'obbtd a dre11-
rental firm here, but they have
her thoroughly sized up. The
woman 1tole a wedding dre1.t
tailortd for 36-25-36 mtaiu.re·
7MnU and a pair of riu 9 1h011.
• Mysterious long-distance calls
had been appearing on Thomas
l'11emqig'?·"8l~P~°"'· bill. ~'?cl other peop,ie had. bee!\ answe"'!i when
the j>llooe rang in his ruial Hart·
land, Wis. home. Fleming contack
ed th' telephone company and an
invertlgator was put on the 'case.
He discovered, Judge WJlll1m G.
C1lloW 'Of Coonty Coor! Wu told;
that Fleming's neighbor, Roy 114,.
kl...W, had taj>ped Flemfug's line
and .had been getting free serv!Ce
for eight months. Berl<enow was
convicted of ,fraduJenUy obtaining
telephone service. He was fined ,75. •
Ul"I Te"'tttW
'Sh•ron W•1 • S.nsltiv• •nd Vulnerabl• Woman Who M•d• Friends With Ev•ryon•'
Kennedy Inquest to Set
Legal Cause of· Death
, EDGARTOWN, M .... (AP) -The In·
quest that opens on Sept. 3 into the death
of Mary Jo Kopedme .js a long-establish·
ed way in Masaachusetts law to
determine the legal cause of death, as
distinct from the medical cause.
Whal can the inquest hope . to ac.
Jn the words of one former prosecutor.
"An inquest. •. is used to clear tbe a.Ir
and cloee the books publicly on a cut
about which quest.ions have arisen."
M"ts1 Kopecbne, 28, a Waahington, D.C.
secretary, was killed July 18 wben a car
drjven by. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy o!
Massachosetts wert off a bridge tnto a
pond on Chappaqul~ck bland. The ac-'
cldent wentunrepo~ for nine hours.
Dist Atty., Edmund Dinis sought and
~obtained the court order for the ~· 14~ " 1\11' .....is, ll· the, liri'• death ~may have 'resulted from the act
or negligence of a person at puaons ·
other ~Bn the .deceased.••
ArJpiin& tn I Luzerne , C<IUnty, Pa.,
court ror an autopsy to be performed oo
the girl's body, Dinis ssld his purpose in
the Inquest i5 to resolve doubts sur·
tounding the clrt'UJJlstances of the death.
4 hearing is scheduled Aug. 25 on his re.
quest for exhwnation of the body for an
autopsy. Miss Kopechne was buried in
Plymouth, Pa.
Assistant district attorneys who have
conducted Inquest.I in district courts ·In
Massachusett3 point out major dif-
ferences between inquests and trials.
There is no accused at an lnquest and .
no prosecution and defense u such.
'J'.hey point out that the atmosphere at
an inquest ts Jess rigid than at a tria1.
Evidence, presen'ted solely by the district
attorney, ill known to wander occasionally
into \)'Pe• ol tuljmooy. tbal' the defense
would succel!Sluiiy Object tO at a trial. 1 Said one assistant district. attorney,
"The judge may lnler"!PI ·~ aay, 111al'• too larilliiid,' bUi 11·1 n.tlhe fine
controJ you hi.ve tn a trial where-you
have prOsecution ancj defense.
"The prosecutor· has no part in the
determination. At the conclusion, he does
not get up and argue a case."
Berets Lawyer:
Sees Dropping
Of All Charges
LONG BINH, Vietnam (UPI)
L'awym defending eight U.S. Green
Berets accused of murdering a Viet-
namese civilian emerged from a six-hour
investigation of the case tOday and
predicted the government would clear the
accused men within 24 hours.
1;'Ibe testimony was as weak and vague
as l suspected" said altomey Henry
E. Rothblatt, 53, of New York City.
"They have no case."
The investigatory hearing behind closed
doors at the ·l.oog Dinh etockade 17 miles
north of Saigon involved questioning an
agent for the Cenlral Intelligence Agency
(CIA) on his organization's role in the
RotbblaU, an unofficial spokesman for
the eight Green~rets; predicted a brief
session 'I'tlursd~g would end with
the government fl'OPOslnl the case be
liropped. . -
He said the formal ,paperwork for any
such~ dl:smlssal mlg'ht take up to three
George Gregory of Cheraw, S. C.,
anoJller civilian lawyer, agreed.
I.or ...M made "R ... m•rv'1 Baby," •A;.r ll .,., ··-, -Ho YJOood friends.
Miss Tate talked ol ttivlallUes when he• "I do not -nd the tali of drop
called her "a few houra befcre the and the use of them," he said. "Jay 'and
lrllgedy ocourred." Vottyck smoked pol at my parties btd I
"She wanted to know if I wanted a was not: at any Hollywood party that
birthday party (Polanald was 31 Mon. someone dJdn't amolte pot. They would go
day): I laid, yes, let's hold one. She said outside and into another 1'00rll and eome
a Ultle tJUen had come in from the hills back calm and tranquil''
and lhe was trying to feed It with an eye Teats ot the bodies of the victims are
' dropper," Polanski said. still In progresi to detmntne H any used
''Then was no indicaUon of a party drugs. A coroner'• report earlier in·
that evening. ~re wasn't any party that dicated: the vjct.ims had imbJbed a
evening." moderate amount of alcohol."
Polanald recounted his, last talk with Polanski refused to answer questions
his wife at a news conference Tuesday from newsmen. 'I1ie diminutive dlrflct.or,
called because of tbe "ut1bearable and bis long hair hangjng over his collar,
horrible things'' said about her. stopped several times in his narraUve to
Blinking back tears and sometimes regain his composure.
breaking into sobs, Polanski related what He bitterly denied reporta of. a rift
he btlieved •Were the clrcumstancts. of between him and his wife in the months
the deaths at the secluded Benedict Can· before her murder. "Our relationships
yon estate leased by him ahd his wile. were like our relationships for the paat Mi.sa Tate did not use drugs, he said, · Th ,._ oa1 tlm f although two of the v.ictims, Voltyck few years. ey were um y t o
Frokowsky aOO Jay Sebring, were known true happiness."
to smoke marijuana. "Sharon didn't use He •aaid of hill wife:
drugs, she clldn't louch alcohol, .Oe didn'I "A)I ol you know how beautiful ebt
even smoke cigarettes," Polanskj said. was. She was one of the mort btauUtul
Frokowsky once brought a man to a women -if not the most beautifuJ
party at the home who became so ob-woman -in the world.
jectionable ht had to be thrown out. "But few of you know bow good she
Polanski gave the name to the police but was. She was vulnerable. She couldn't
not to newsmen. refuse any friendship."
Pea~e Phrase?
Hanoi Words Raising Hopes
PARIS (UPI) -Allied negoUator1 may point out this idea was one they had been
have found a tiny source of optimism in promoting more than a year.
the Vietnam talks in a phrase the North The spokesman 1aid tbe South VJet.
Vietnamese recently used, a spokeaman 'namese would be willing to wail for
for the Sooth Vietnamese delegation uid reunification of the two Vietnams only so
today. Jong as "there would be no interference
The spokesman ~ald the allies had from one side or the other side."
cautiously noted North Vietnamese chief Another allied spokesman sald he, too,
negotiator Xuan Thuy'a use Of the words noted lbe phrase Thuy used .
''independent state" in referring to the "Once yoo say North Vietnam ls inde·
future st&tua of South Vietnam. pendent. North Vietnamese forces have
Thuy used lhe words in Thursday's no right to be there," he said.
weekly session of the Lal.ks. North Vietnam and South Vietnam
Many observers at the talks and some were ~parated under terms of the Ht.-
members of th e American delegation llement of the Indochina war which end·
have taken the reference as meaning ed in 1954.
North Vietnam might acoept partition ol The Paris talks have bogged down to 1
Vietnam. stalemate that bas, in the view of con..
Asked if this terminology was hopeful ference oblerven, caused some of the
to the allied aide at Paris, a South Viet. confmnce' participants to leave Paris for
-• id "I would not the time being. namese •t"'Ataznan u. • , . '[bey are expected to return perhaps =~ c~~1of1:~~~.~ .. ~ :~~iSU with new ideas Oil how to try to break Uw r.. ...'& • ' • dead.Jock. • \ · .• 1 • r
"But we took note of th.la statement in>e chief Amert~"" negotiator ~au.se this la the first .tim~ he (Thuy) Hell'}' Cabot Lodge, has returned to th;
said &0 clearly that the two V1etnams are United States far conferel')(tl with U.S.
meant to be separated. for a certain officials in Washington. The Viet Cong ~ri~ until we could discuss reunifica· leader, Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, has
tion. gone oo a .vacation, vi.siting Vietn&meH
The South Vietnameu were quick to aettlements 1D IOUtbern France.
Americans Killed
In Laos Crash
After all the evidence is in, the judge
files 1 written report delaiiizti his fin·
cllngs, step by step, and givinl bis -
The detemUnation might be of suicide
or of accldmtal dealh (JI of bomiclde or
of some lease! legal f1ndlng such as
British Army in Control
VIENTL\NE, Laos (AP) -'l'hr<e
Ainericans aDd 10 Laotlarui were killed
Tuesday when an-Afnerican transport
plane cruhed into a hillside in northern
Laos, the U.S. Elnhassy reported,
The report may be used aa tbe basil
for bringing a case to the grand jury, or
it may be Ignored.__ That decision is up to
the prosecutor .
N. Ireland P~ace Shaky
• A Detroit man returned from racauon and found a note from the .
poilce saying, "Would you l<indly
come in? We want to talk to you
about your flowers." The flowers
the police had in mir.d .were marl·
juana. The man said they were a
awprise to him. Police said the
luxurious, well-tended plant.. were
probably four to six weeks old. The
man was gone 10 days. Police cut
the plants down and said no
charges would be broughl
A·spokesman said today t.he Americans
had not been identified.
The plane belonged to Air America, a
charter airline that rues missions in Laos
in support of mUitary operation! against
the pr<>{:ommunist Pathet Lao and the
North Vietnamese.
The embassy spokesman said the plane
crashed as it was coming in to land at
S a mg t h on g, a LaG government-held
town in Xieng Kbouang Province. 120
miles north of Vientiane.
"nae district attorney is not bound by
anything the Judge find!," said a former
assistant dJ.stri~ attorney. "lf the judge
says, 'I fmd this death was accidental,'
the district att.omey in his own mind may
have doubts and decide, 'I'm going to call
a grand jury and present this case
"Alternately, if the judge says In his
oplnion It was a homicide, tbe district at.
torney still i1 not bound to take the case
to the grand jury.
"He has sole pawer-he's the guy who
calls the shots."
LONDON (UPI) -The British anny
today took over the job ol peaoe keepjng
in Northern Ireland. But a swelling
Protestant right·wing revolt threatened
the new deal hammered out by the
British and Northern Ireland prime
Jn Dublin, southern Irish Prime
Minister Jack Lynch. bnmded as "unac-
ceptable" the use of British troops. He
renewed his earlier demand, which Bri-
tain has rejected, for a United Nations
peace force.
Discordant protests from b o t h
Protestants and Roman C a l h o I i c s
Rain Dampens East Coast mounted barely U hours after British
Prime Minister Harold Wilson and
Northern Irelaqd Premier J am e 1
Chichester-C1ark announced agreement
at the end of a six·hours' conf.erence
here. .
Suns liine Gives Summer to Resi of Nation They agretd that Britain's army com·
mander in Northern Ireland, Lt. Gen. Sir
Jan Freeland, 57, should aMUme supreme
responsibility for security throughout the
Calltorttlc tllrbulent province.
2"e.t.»eridNrM Freelaiid was given control O'ler all
Low ~ 1111111 1tiw1 10:.1111 1.rft ..• "*' "*tty "'""Y· w1.,a wts!trlr , • to U k ....... Hltll ,,._,. 111 mld-Jflt.
Y•""611f'I *-"-'11"' r111tt.d lf'C't!I
• It~ • " to n. •~lllld """"" .. ..,,. r-_. .0 .. n. Wtttor ~
•totw. -"' ...,__
81111, Meow. T'du
''"' Mt11 ............. , 2:•111'1. !.I l'Vlf .... •. .• H :M "'""' 1.t THU«IOA'I' .,.lftt ...... •= ........ 4112 1.11'1, s.,
,Int -............... 1117.f ''"'' tJ "9co!ld tlltll ........ ,,, •. lt1M '"'· '·'
hcclrll llw .............. 7:l0 "·"'· '"
In .11-. •:II 1.lit. s.t1 71U '·"'· M.-·-,,. •.m. .. ., 11!4 .. ......
~·· ........... .... A.\111. • ........ JI ...... , ..,,, 11
e 11,,,..l'dl ··-......
Chktte I
c 1nc1nr11n ..._ ...... _ ....... , .. ,.!Ill. """' ........ ·~" -·-· IC.-Clt'r
lfl v-LOt. AftMll'I
Ml•rftl Mjlllllffolho
"'"' °"*rtt _v ..
Hor'!tt l"lell• 0.kltftlf
Oltlll"°"" (lly ......
"'"" $""'""' 1>110 lllllht..
P~I• ,.,,_
"""'" lllfl>ld Ctty
llled lluff ....
$1/1 Lm Cl~ ... -$111 Frtnd ttt
""'" ,._,
"''" a.-"'-'-police forces in Northern Ireland,
'3 " including the controversial "B Specials'' ~ ~ ,.. -an almost entirely jrotestant force of
" 70 special Police, whose disbandment the
" '1 province's Catholic minority has demand·
" N ed.
" " With.in hourB after Chichester.cJari't
tl • return to Belfast, two rightist ronqer 19 '' Northern lre1and government members, = :! ·0' William Craig and Harry West demanded
•• 10 .» his resignation. ~~ ~; ,fl The Rev. Ian Paisley, leader of Protes· !: 11 tan1 extremists, charged a "sellout." and
tt t! "capitulaUon" to the Roman Catholic
: :: "' church.
102 11 "Protestants must now join themselves :i ::: together as their fathers did in 1912," be n ,, thundered.
:; ~ This was a reference to formation or a
" u Protestant volunteer army in Ulster just
:: ~ before World War I to fight plans of the
1'~ :: 1.11 British government of that time to give
,, ,, all Ireland independence from British
'~! :: role under a single government.
11 ''
·• Brltlsb officia ls privately v o i c e d :: !! dismay over lhls revived Protestant
n ..,. backlash threat in the nGrth. Doubts were
::, ~ voiced whether Chichestcr.clark and his
~ ~ government could survive charges o(
12 u "surrender" in the agreement he con-1r, r, eluded with Wll&011 here late Tuuday
as n ,., nlgbL
""' , ........
Anolhor Troubl•frM Nltht In Narth1rn lr1l1nd
• •• ' 1:! .,
:~ -...
'. I• " ..
• • ;:
' . •• ·~ . '·
' :·
• ' ' •• .. . ..
• .
• ~ • !
''Jergens'' NmLl'S ''Vano'' ''Secret' Chocolate ~ Fillis~. SUPll IPIAY LOTIOl\I BARS It ,_, ... "" •••12wt w/DISPINSIR llllt a.ciitte. •it~· 1111 ••• v •• lltJS, f ir ~ rm.tit• S11th1 r111•, lrrlhtd tlall w11111 .. -. "-' lbt .. ,,
4 oz. c ... -....... Ucltlll CHa1111 1111 !!!!It: ,,...69c.20..oz. .. ..... cs ........ Cliiiilili ... tiiii'i: llUIWIJ. 39cKlng5iu 39c •:i·l.78 sac 77c 3:1.0·0 ... .
of Two
NOW Acne Medicine-
s. Protty 111 en nir it tt alls
"Plus 3"
AcbJa!!y h~ps stop acne
pimples flOAI sllowiq & ""prM013.,, illfec·
ti"1S. So ....., "" ... wear ~ under mal<Hp.
1rs never cakey, heavy or dry. The
shine stays shiny; the pales stay
pale! '"frosteds, transparent s or 1 50 creamies. 20 colors ii\ all ••. in bright
little !lower-ringed cases. EA. •
NATURAL woNDER "Water Paints"
''lmprevu'' for EYES
Lid Shadows COTY
.. • il ALBEATO CULVER l~or Brunettes Only'
ii last! lrl•tttsrullY ln11 cl1lcel ,
: : .. fer lrntttes l•IJ" has 1
: ··shade that's fight for MIY bnl-
• -· Go fightw ••• go darler, > • "' """' fr11 complote~. ~ ,1n just 20 minutes. ,, •
11 Sr11t SlllH
2.25 Sl11
1.79 ...
. RMON ~: ElE
~Shadow Spreet
" a ca,tintimc New ~· tres•dn C1ll1ct111 '· t ...
let till '""'°""' ln!gmce, IJ!lpmu, "'°" ib mag~ ROW!
Tns dreaniJn into -· Jlbovt girls. ltow mi1able iJ I
tan, eJepal Flacoo 1llst. SW!
Willi '-today -"''Q start something!
"Bio-Kur" '"
Total Hair Care
flair Repir blolw:
To paint la shes of clear, clean
col;r: Spec~I "blotters" hold bock
oil, so colon stay tresll 3 00 . all day! ~Ne color groups ' to play Wltlt. 11. a
Lid Liners -
Shampoo-in Color
111 l1ir "'" 11111y wttl11t 11111. win111 ""'
Alitomatically ·timed lo hring you exactly the
shade you want l'OREAL has also 1 complete
setection of other fine hair cokring prep:u-
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removers 30d develope~.
C111,11t1 Kit
"that's my color" by.
St'mpea-in Hair Color
-tor blir dlmapd by
blelc~nr. coioJIDi. las· :~31
.. "'50'""
At lat! A permanent shampoo-lo
hair col« ~at gives yoc pejfect
color. ThecolD<yo1wantMdifs 2 25
Pihl tit•-·· •
so easy ••• never 1 tinted look. • .•
"nit's My C1l1r• ONLY --, ... ""! ... • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• care r. eoanrt MAX FACTOI
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for TWO .. on the "Princess Carla'' · . Diy . .
' ·ua 93c U ILS{lt
California . Fashion Lashes
-fr0111 MAX FACTOR
ll!nd lrimmol • delical!ly spiktd
• fl<xilllo slrip
Pointed Lash
111l'iicusE11EcuSA1V 11 mu
t.ll 1 09 5-11.1it1 11 1.ll 1 49 I az. Sl11 •
Afutu:.~ .
Home Permanents
~elt lits ••• chooso the one 119 ri&ht foqour hair!
· 2.•Sizl&. o ~ Af~:.l;Uc ~ "L.f" ..... ~ I e l1lr Tr1111111t Ctdili11or luxuriously long, sweepi~g and
peeked· ••• beaortifully natural, they
hive the look of 1 sa~n·on..,t-a-3 50 . ti"" 1pp!ieation. llatural Black and
NatmlBrowL . •
_ __. Coneels damago caused ly tusint 1 89 I "-::·~ bleacbinf; hair sprays; etc.
I 2.5112 IL Siii o
Lower Lash
To frame the eyes ~ ~· most natural way possible. 2 95 May be won wi~.1ny upper ~sb sty~ to comp~ll
1ny loot yo!$ desire. Natural Bract and Natml Brun. •
Wa!hes shine into hair ••• never 119 dulls ••• cim rich, Cftallll ~ther.
., .. . . . . .
"SllPll' armers"
New palor C4~rs tllat mako
Diiler blushers 1'11 Ofl11f0
will ""I· s.i.rtuo ID "ITY
in a wildffower co111P1Cf. In-
troducing tlle new blushing
make-up ID tluff on or much
" will • Super-pouly puff.
ONLY 3.50
NOW tbere is a mak•up tht •11ts-1' excess
sbi11 ••• witb11t .c1kiq 1r chql11 nl1r.
1.511 I. Sill o . ... -
1'1 frllJHCI tllt CH shh ~1 111r wtrl•!
Rich creamy f!quid caresses the ,.&,.
warmth of your body, envelo9es you ~
in a fr;grance that clings hour after
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•• ,. 4.00
4 IZ. Sill 3.00
Almlsll Spray Coligne
• ••• !Jooqlll of ~-flesll fl>.
llor ii dlytin fl .........
enelop1 ber i1 1 1irfltti111
11 ......
YARDLEY'S· :'Next-to-nothing"
Mikes yoir ski1 look iMO-'
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flaws ID mt11'only ~•true
b""ty of your skin.
ll11il 1 75 M1k11,, •• •..... •
MdlCltd Dll·fr11 1 75
F111•1t111 • • • • • • • •
Licky Little Lip Co(OJI ...
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She«, cu cotors tn.t
glow t~• jloss. Just
like YDI licked your
lips. Si1 kissy shades
thll show end slay!
T11l111 CHt-Nt C11
fACH 1.65
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SHU~,[.// -~tell
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"'SOIY to &i'le complel· · transhioe11t make-up IC· 2 00
ion a subtle matte finish. •
....•....•...••.........•••.....•........... , ....
Special Salel Seveo sial~I !lades
trom lii!Jt ID !~&ht -fJOllHs •nd
3 50 cremes.
OHL y i Rtplirl1 1.51 75c • ! Y11rCl1IC1
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! I
-for s1nsitivt 1c1lp.
Tli<es ~ lliil illrl ol1
" """""' !tir. ""' ,_ •111cllinp.
"Coiffure ltali•e" the Adv.a
Look Penn
1'""'1,Alpd211ttln SltllaJ, llplt 24tti
4.00 UCM
!Tlhs 1.00 Color Hi1llll111t S!Mmpeo
Six coioJflJI, -l~H ll•itd S11cl1I shldtr llllt shampoo, con-Olfor
~tioo IJlj odd llJ$1JOuS higlJ. 1
llllb ID yow lilir witlliut 75-clioo • I it. f;'rp 11 lz, Sin •
-1'is Is tae ,.,, fer ems!
Cm1s n ii ..• l!ld fortodn'1 ""1~ ,.. ""' ..,., flli .. Mvat look Ptnti·.
• ltpllr • C11tlt • S.,.
2.29 1 33 Size • IL
; .
. -I
HUNTINGTON llA.:H ' :rti·=··--HU n •TOii llAC:H A'-......... ,.,
-lut .......... ...,, ....
Urgent Need: Nur·ses
Sbulh Coast Community Hospital Is In trouble. Con-
•equeady, so ;,, the community 11 ~es.
In a statement astonishlng for it.s frankness, hosp!·
ta! board prflldent John Weld said ,Friliay hiJ nursing
atatt is "reaching the point ol. rebellion" because o(
0.'lffWork.. I _ ___:_ 11------· Weld lald II on the line: He safcf the hospital must
either find more nurses or close down one full wing un--
til they are found. ~
The problem is not uncommon. There are nursing
shortages at other Orange County hospitals. But ii iJ
more acute al South Cools! Community. Wby!
There are two reasons. First, there is a large semi·
retired and retired population in the hospital commun-
trustees respond to their tnlal community responslbUl·
Ues -which extend beyond holding the tax rate down.
South Coast Community Hospital now has 82 nurses .
It ' needs 100. "If we're unable Ito rrnd Ille addlUonal
n~utsesJ.equiredJoJlandJ the curreot.-patient load,'!
said \Veld, "we have no alternative. We'll have to cut
That is a dangerous situation.
Every responsible public official -and citizen -
should recognize it as such, and act accordingly.
Good Luck, Chief Huck!
. •
ity, They tax the hospital's facilities and provide Jew
potential nurses.
Second, there is no vocational nurse training pro-
gram anywhere in the Laguna Beach-San Clemente
area. Saddleback Junior College District trustees re-
jected a plan for such a program last spring. Trustees,
with the exception of Patrick BaQkus ol Dana Point,
felt the $55.000 cost was too much.
As Laguna Beach's new Chief of Police KeMelh Huck
settles in his office, it might be well to take a look back
to the lime of his predecessor, former police chief
Harry Labrow.
The first problem -that of an overbalance of
senior citizeos -will adjust itself. Younger families
will be attracted to the area by the Dana Point Harbor
and North American Rockwell dev~ments. That will
"I thought when I came here that things would be
busy during the summer but would calm down the rest
of the year," Chief La.brow observed on the occasion
of his retirement.
The second problem, however, may take a bit long·
. er to resolve. Saddleback trustees turned down the
nurse training program despite a recommendation
!rom district administrators and a strong plea from
South Coast Community Hospital officials.
Labrow acknowledged that he had been wrong aboui
things calming down. In Laguna Beach, activity is the
natural stale of things. The town, too, has a propensity
for splitting right d~n the middle in an issue. The·
only middle ground is oftm under the feet of the chief
of police. ....
As a result, a score of nurse-trainees .who live in
the Saddleback area are now enrolled at Orange Coast
College. Hoag Memorial Hospital and other medical
centers outside Saddleback district boundaries will be
tapping this nursing resource.
Hippies have been the current issue for sometime
now and it looks as if they will continue to be. Vocal
segments range from those who would forni. vigilante
groups to run long·bairs out to those of a liberal bent
who continually charge police harassment.
But if it weren't hippies, it would be something else.
SaddJeback Junior ColJt?ge, in at least this one
fi el d, clearly isn't meeting a community need, And that
is what it is there for.
Unique Laguna has unique problems, many oi which
call for the chief's attention.
It is unlikely that need 'vW be met until district
Chief Huck, 'velcome to Laguna Beach. And good
luck! l
Liberals Showed Disrespect
The Angry Y oling Doctors
To the Editor:
Upon relurning to Orange County after
1 vacation which immediately followed
the AMA meeting in New York, I was
shown the article in the July 14 DA1L Y
PILOT, head.Uned: "Liberal DoclOrs Ac·
cuse AMA o( 'Criminal' Acts." I would, if
J might, point out one inaccuracy in the
UPI report.
The sixth paragraph states: "It was
the ftrSt sessk>o ol tbe four-day annual
conference and it bad gotten off on a
patriotic note with a Marine Cclrps dnlm
and bugle contingent playing 'The Slar
Spangled Banner' while lhe · a,ssembled
doctors stood at attention."
Since most of the ••group of angry
)'OUng doctors"' sat through part of the
playlng of lhe Slar Spangled Banner and
aome of thein sat through · tbe entire
playing of the Star Spangled Banner, the
lnacruracy oi the UPI report is obvious.
Regional Medical Programs, Area VIII
UC, Irvine
Prot.,1U Editorial
To the Editor :
I f strongly protest your editorial or
J\ugust 14 on the budget discussion in the
Clty Council meeting of the previous
evening, and your gratuitously insulting
remarks cmcerning Councibnan Otarlton
~ Your editorial wrlJ.er ~nows an ap-
palling bias Jn attacking Councilman
Boyd on the be.sis of extemporaneous
syntax. There are few of us who are
beyond "l"'OOch on that score.
IF YOU DfSAGREE with Councilman
Boyd's stand on the budget. it is your du·
ty to so state. Instead, however, you
choose to quote f.1r. Boyd out ol context
and however accurate your lranscription,
it failed in aey way to indicate C.ou.n-
cUman Boyd's posit.ion, nor what, if
anything, your oppooition to that position
I happen to have altended all but one or
the council budget sessions. including the
1>tudy sessions, aod J can report that ~tr.
Boyd repeatedly made two important
(1) the budget should be considered line
by line. in public so that interested
penoos could discuss each Item as it
came up, in a democratic way ; and
(%) some very specific cuts could be
made in the budget.
1 WILL NOT ITDUZE those suggested
cuts. but one very important one for U ·
ample. was the cutting ol the additional
policeman requested by the police
department, at least until such time that
the new chief would have the opportunity
to fully evaluate his department, and un-
til the resuU.S of the new recreation pro-
gram became known. Mr. Butcher and
1-tr. Munro, represt11tlng two very dif·
Wednesday, Augw;t 20, 1969
TM edllt>rlal pag< of th< DoilV
Pilot seek.I to infonn end aim..
vlo.te 1eackr1 bv pre1enti1tg WI
newpoPf!P"'• opinions and com--memory on topla of httercat
and ,;(lillfkonc•, b1 provldi11i1 •
forum for the a"J>tt•aion of our reo4nr' opfnjon1, and b11
prtunlfng Ole dioerit view-
poi•U of &lfotTllccl ObHrwn
and ipokt-.,. lapiu of tll•
Robert N. Weed, Pullll!bft
I' .,.. ·-· -~ '\ ' l Mailbox: ) I '
Letter• from readers are welcome.
Nonnatlt1 writers should conve11 their
messages in 300 words or less. The
right to cundense letter.s to fit space
or eliminate libe' it re.served. A.Jl ltt-
ters mu.at includ1 .signature end mail-
ing addre.u, but name.s 't'MY be with-
held on request if 'uJficient reason
is apparent.
ferent groups, both supported this pro--
posed cut on August 6, at the council
Your editorial writer has deliberately
chosen lo jgnore Mr. Boyd's position,
repeatedly made, during the several
budget hearings. Alone among the
members of the council, ?\tr. Boyd has al·
tempted to secure reduclions in lhe
budget and increased sources of revenue,
and to k~p the hearings open so that
every interested person could be heard.
JN MY OPINION, Mr. Boyd is the only
member ol lhe councir wno evidences any
indication o( knowing he represents a
coostituency and is responsible for listen·
ing to their voices and responding to their
His vote against the budget was a vote
for.the many persons in Laguna who feel
tM budget was hastily and incompetently
pnpaml and that many items could have
beea eliminated -especiaJly those which
have been appropriated for the benefil of
special interest groups and are not for
lhe benefit of the residents as a whole.
P,_.,01ed by Edilerinl ' To the EdilOr:
Your editorial August 14, "'Boyd"s Som·
fogging," pleased me as well as many
Oiarllon Boyd, councilman, is one of
the biggest obstacles lo progress for
Laguna Beach. In fact, I'm convinced he
is doing a grat job of pushing Laguna
I hope this is the beginning of a cam·
paign to insure the town he will neve r be
elected again, even lo the lowest office.
Snnoe Probletns
To the F.ditor:
In reference to your editorial August
14, "Boyd's Bomfogglng":
Altbougb I feel t~al most newspaperl!
are too bu,,y to find lime to discover what
is happening, 1 have had a healthy
Govtraor Rtag:an, on hlriag or SOS
fonder 11 life tenure sociology ieaebu
at UC S1ala S.rbara -"'It's like a
manager of 1 firecracker factory hiring 1
known pyromaniac because he makes
good tu-."
Stutoe Del1plADt. S.F. ll!yndlcattd col.
u.mnllt. Olli 11te-tlliroagll fashions -"The
poet wrote that woman Is 1 mystery, but
it seems we are toming close to solving
Jtarrlet Johllacm, Saeta Monica -"For
every female txtadive who chafes at lhe
pntecUve legla11Uon that preveota her
from be.inc lreated like • man. you .,,111
find hundrtda of h1rd·worklng women
who 1r1 irateful for it."
respect for your editorials unlil this ooe.
Herc is a man who was willing to take
on a job thal he didn 't need and is al·
lrmpting lo hold a ci ty togethff° that is on
the brink o( collapse.
'YOUR REPORTER of all people. who
is an expert on truth that cannot be
printed. should certainly realize that
Charlton P. Boyd is faced with the same
problems you in the newspaper business
ha ve.
Maybe you, too. could have then read
In between the Jines of the alleged "Born·
fogging" if you would take more time to
find out wbal Is behind the scenes.
I SUGGEST that you apologize tG
Olarlton Boyd fast and then take your
time and thoroughly look into the matter.
There now, l too have written a Born·
fogging letter because without Bom·
fcfging in it I can assure you that you
would not print it.
When the spiders weave webs the in·
nocent get caught in them. Can you do
something about that, DAILY PILOT?
Helpful Officer
To the Editor:
My wife and I would like to publicly
thank Officer Larry Warren of the
Laguna Beach Police Department for his
assistance during our visit to Laguna
Beach for the Art. Festival recently, and
to congratulate the city on having such a
fine officer lo represent it.
1 JefL my car lights on and we found
ourselves stranded with a dead battery
far from lhe center of town late al night.
I walked about a half mile looking for an
open garagP. or service station without
success. Then I ran into Officer Warren
vn duty near the festival bowl.
HE DROVE ~1E back and <1ltempted lo
start my car by pushing il with his. \Vhen
this failed (because of the automatic
shill), he radioed police headquarters to
relay a call to a 24-hour towing service.
\Vithin 15 minutes, the low truck arri\'Cd
and started my car by using a jumper
cable lO the baltery. Oflicer Warren had
to leave before the truck arrived, but
i;aid he woula check back later to moke
sure we were on our way. We weren 't
there to see, of course, but l"m sure be
did just that.
NOT ONLY WAS Officer \\larren help.
ful and co urteous beyond all ex-
peclations. but he was warm and i.riendly
and neighborly as welt. When we waved
to him as he drove away , we felt we \\'ere
saying goodbye lo a friend of long slan·
We will remember Laguna Beach not
only for ils art. festival, but for Officer
Larry Warren as well.
Business Editor
The Sun-Telegr1un
San Bernardino, Calif.
Can yoo use 1>1rk.in1 tokens for
!he festival tram?
H. G. Wells
Still Baffles
~-... ,-···~-··, '·
! The Boolouau '
At the tum or the century, the author
of "The Time Machine," "The Jnvisible
f.1ar;i.." "The War of the Worlds;' and
olher celebrated scientiOc romances,
published one of his less memorable ones,
but there it remains -"The First Men
on lhe Moon."
H. G. Wells, most prolific and best.
known writer af his time, would have
been nearly 103 had he lived to witness
the recent lunar telecast. He died at 80,
the son of an improvident shopkeeper and
a maid-servant. He won a scholarship to
the Royal Ca\lege of Science where he
studied under the great Themas H. Hux.
ley and taler. among other of his ac·
complishmenls, became the first greal
writer of science-fiction in English.
WELLS \\'AS A journalist. prophet,
historian, scientific seer, social sage and
idealist.. He was an anti·r..1arxist socialist.
He was a professional V.Titer to his very
bones, "ooe of the most prolific hacks o(
his time,"' as he once put it in a mock
obituary, ''with a flair for what is com-
Herbert George Wells has been the sub·
jeel or several biographies and critical
analyses, most revealing of which was
his own "Experimenl in AuWbiography'"
I 1934). He is the subject of a new one.
'"H. G. Wells : His Turbulent Life and
Times," by Lovat Dickson. who for some
lime was editor and director of Wells' old
publishers, MacMillan & Co., London.
H. G, W1H1: Hl1 Turtvleftt LIN .,., TI,,,.,_ 9'1'
Lt•tl Dld!M111 Afllt...Vll'I; lJI 11.J t it.
Dickson admits that his is not a
definitive study of Wells. that he did not
ha ve access lo the Wells papers and let·
lers. which a professor Gordon Ray is
working on at the University of Illinois.
Dickson did have Wells' letters in the
f.iacf.1illan files. His book, solidly British
and scholarly, nevertheless sparkles with
~n Edwardian-Georgian I it er a r y
ebullience. fl centers on Wells' most
dramatic years, 1905-1915. This was when
Wells ~'as turning from a successful
career as a popular no velist to become
prophet. and teacher, a kind of Twentieth
Century Swift or Voltaire. For as a mem·
ber of the Fabian society along with G.
B. Shaw (whom Wells described as
•·muddleheaded''), Wells dreamed of a
new Age of Reason.
\VELL.S' OWN aulobiography made lit·
Ile reference to Rebecca We st. Chance
brought him and Miss West together in
1!;112 ; she was a writer whose brain.
Dickson notes. "was the equal of Wells'
01vn and who combined her striking dark
beauty with daring C<lOrage."
This was the great love of Wells' rich,
rull life with women. She bore him an ii·
legitimate child In 1914 (the noveJist and
critic Anthony West). Dickson plays this
affair cautiously and with decorum, the
atmosphere or the book generally, but it
is on the record.
Wells rtmains a comples: English ec·
centric. Like Dickens, he treated the
English poor generously and with sym·
pathy in h.ls ficllon , as he "invented"
aerial warfare and the atomic bomb in
"The \Var in the Air"' (!~). He was
thinker. proponen1 ol sexual freedom , "
"'riling machine who seems stiU to baffle
even the most dt'dicaled biographer.
Maybe:, after all, he remaini; a superb
writtt of science-fiction who. unlike Jules
Vt!me, thought or his work as polltlcal
comment, stl within a "good grippinr
WIUiam llOf ..
Deadly Agent I
Machines Can't
Replace , Humans
Tn this difficult period of transition we
are living through. our society has not yet
arrived at the proper equation between
men and machines. Machines should be
used for tasks that are subhuman or
superhuman, but they cannot replace the
human faclOr without doing more harm
than good.
One dramaUc example or our lopsided
equation today is provided by Dr. Robert
H. Moser, Chief of the Department of
,..1edicine at Walter Reed Hospital ln a
recenl issue of "Med.icaJ Oplonion and
Review," be discussed the new Coronary
Care Units in the trealrneot of heart at·
STRWING TllE importance of the
first 24. hours in the detecUon a.nd cor·
reclion of these aCute infarcUons, he
points oul that "Gli~ning Hardware that
bleeps and flashes ominous signals is
worthless without a human receptor
capable of swift, disciplined response.''
Many, hospitals, he sugg>!Sts, have not
graspea the concept of acute coronary
care: "It seems I am alwayt stumbling
over pudgy hospital administrators who
display their recently acquired electronic
gadgetry with an emotion reminiscent of
an octogenarian presenting a recenll,y
sired son. The sophisticated hardware is
trumpeted with the same eagerness as
the pump oxygenator and t b e
hcmod.ialyzer, other symbols of hospital
"THE ONLY PROBL&f,., he goes on,
"is that in the small hours of the nigbt
!he dials and lights are patrolled by a
frighlened. half-grttn technician perched
on the edge of panic, whose anly functioa
.. --~ ..... _ .. ~ ~ ........... ~·~·-··~··1·~~"'
l ' ·-· !
1 _ Sidney J. H~ris. J
,,.~;: l\'l .,,,u.....,.. •. 2,...::. .... .!.Ji;. •• ~>
Is to press an appropriate buUon to awn·
mon a physician from a distant comer of
the hospital. The presence of the equip-
ment provides some ridiculous kind of
proprietary pride-or, worse, a feelinJ:
ol security.
"It would be highly preferable," Dr.
Moser suggests, "to have a well-trained
aUendtiot or nurse WOO is able to look at
a patient, make a rapid assessment • , •
and take immediate corrective action
while pushing the button. Coronary Care
Units have :significanlly d e c re a f ed
mortality in (heart attacks), but there ii
· an urgent need for personnel to man the
AN ESTBfATE in the "Annals ol
Internal Medicine" last year showed that
an output of some 60,000 coronary care
nurses would be needed to give full
coverage in the U.S., -whereas the eor·
onary care program was turning out only
about l,000 nurses each year. U the
present units can 'l be adequalely staffed,
how can we possibly expand the pro.
Rellanct on tectmology can become a
terrible trap, if this technology is looked
upon as a subslltule for people rather
lhan as an added tool for human skill,
judgment and concern. Those bleeps and
flashes can only warn; they cannot curt,
and tbey do not care.
No Place for Arrogance ,
Federal Bureau
or lnvestlgaUon
Emerson once stated that "Life Ls not
so short but that there: is always time for
courtesy." Tbis truism expresses a pritr
ciple which should be a common virtue
among all present-Oay law enforcement
The enforcement ot the law in our
counLry today Is not an easy task. Cer.
talnly, law enforcement is subjected to
more abuse and criticism than ever
before. Some cllir.ens not only verbally
attack policemen, but they a Is o
physically assault them without pro-
vocalion. WhHe such unwarranled action
cannot be condoned, the law enforcement
officer should not lei hostile public reac·
lion affect the manner in which be
performs hi! duty.
ONE OF nIE oomplainls law en-
forcement officials hear repeatedlJ ls
th1t the personal contact between the
public and officen on the streets is
decreasing. No doobt this is true, but
police officials have valid eiplanations
for the decline. Some of the (acton in·
valved include the rapid lncreue of
population. the continuing growth of
:irea!i lo be policed, the lack o( man·
power, and the <>bviowl advantage or
dlrtct. conmnt communication .., i t h
motorized palrolmen. Thus, ln adoptin(
procedures and change& to mett its
obllgatlons In the fight against crime, low
l!nforccment bllJ, -oot ot iteceuity, but
with reluctance, lost 90n'le of its valuable
ptrsonal re.laUonshlp with Ila indlv\du1I
citizen. This ls wb,y it la 10 vitally im-
portant that evecy oUicer be eourteous
and considerate in the contacts that he
does make.
OBJECTIONABLE l r a l t s 0£ one.
member of a police department can be 1
serious liability to· all members. ·Ar·
rogance and condescension have no place
in law enrorcement. If an officer i3' to
uphold lbe ethics oC his profwiion, he
cannot let personal feelings or prejudices
influence his actions. As a policeman, he
ls given a public trust, and the public bu
every fi&ht to expect him to serve all
dtiu:ns ii.like, with integrily ind honor.
Alter all, the good will and as&Lstance o!
the publlc are his mosl valuable assets.
Improve their public iniage should check
their courtesy ratings, Courtesy ts basic
to &ood publlc relations. While it may be
in danger of becoming a lost art In $Ol'M
.egmenlS of our complex !Oclety,
courtuy must be an ingr1ined habit of
every law enforctment officer. He sboQld
always have .. Ume for courtesy."
By Geo1'9e -i
Dear G<org" l
How can I rure my wile of bring·
Ing home every sttiq cat In the
nei&hborhood? ·
Dear Tlre.d of It:
Bring home every SUI)' do1 ln
lh< nei&hborllood.
• I
yp(. 62, NO. ·199, 9 ·SECTIONS, '120 ~AGES ORANGE COUNTY1 CAUFORNI;.(
. . .... ..
Down the
;. -
J .. ,;Nqon ,Swin_ging -. . .. -~ . ;...CoiirsuGet Pleasure of His Putt
, __ ,..-.... :· .J
By JERO!G F. OOl<UNS Of ftl4I a.11¥' ,,. SMff
Jt lfappens to • IOt ot: women.
Pat Nii:on has become• golf widow.
She stays home ln San Clemente v;hen
. ~ . .
• a · I •
' -.
.• Station Bid• Called
the President aoes goUing. In fact, she 1s
the only member of·the First Family who
&tays home. MISfilON V!F.JO - A second g .. around
on bidding for canatrucUoo ol. a· M1salon
Viejo ti.rt stati90 was calle<I for Tuesday by Pr8nae: County .l!Upervjsors. , f
Bids received in June: had been re·
jecled·W!Ju by llllPervil!>t'l··'l'lle ·k>Weol
WU f ... $123,500 by Theodore Pi<ln>k of
Anaheim when the illlimat•·hAd been fer
$83,000. Project .Coonlinatot Tom· Hardgrovo
ooid plaM bad bftll revlJ<d by .Ibo
ordlllect to 1•1 Ibo -down 10> the ~-of 1100,llOO or Jw. Bid openiJ>I will be Sept. 22. .
The fire !tation ls lo be built on
Marguerite Parkway and will .contain
about' 4,000 sqQare feet, big ~OOU&h for
four fire encines.
e Italian Part11 Set
MISSION VIEJO -Members of the
Recreation Center will be-JM.lUn& on their
ba,thing suits and their best Italian a~
petite Friday for the adult pool aod plzz.1
Everybody else -Tricia, Julie and
Da vid -acc.ompanies the nation's chief
executive when he boards a Marine
1 • helicopter for an afternoon round of goU.
He's been doing that qµite a bit lately.
The clubs have been packed and car·
ried a:ott to Southland country clubs for
the past five consecutive days.
It 1$, presidential ~ secretary Ron
Ziegler was tokf 1Uesday, a funny way
for a man who once called golf "a waste
of time" to behave.
Ziegler blamed it on Jackie Gleuon.
And Davld and Julie Eisenhower.
"The President hadn't played goU for
over a year when he played with Jackie
Gl~ason Ir Florida about a month ago.'1
&aid Ziegler.
"·Then I Utink he was to some degree
further encouraged by Julie who. was
pre&en ·.e .. with golfing lessons on her 21st
birthday. Julie and Qavid have been en·
~aging .. ulie's father to go out in lhe
afternoon and. pl4,y coif with them.
David's 11. avid golfer, you know:" Swimmlog will be from 7 to I p.m. with
dinner at a.; 'Ibo&e attending are aU:ed to
bring thdr .... -11111 • quarter for
!heir ~ ~ . . \lkbe
avallabJL ~· .
Tnc11 a:oel along just for the ride. She
follows t11t ~ jn'•a loll WI. -";~~IC-iil'Ji~ =.~JI~.~:~ =~~.: ·~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l'e:!!...~::. ••S'-S~
CAPJSl'llAN.0 P== -,\,,..
quell lcir t, "Slo:ir~::! P1.i1" IP w.,., deiled 'l'Ueow lW Ol'lnCt COolllr
&Upervisarl. I, -
1lle algn bad -r~uesled by Mn.
Sue Gorman, 34IM -C.Ue Loma, for the
corner of Calle Loma and Calle Fortuna.
A committee of traffic enginetr1 from
th~ 00:unty Roa( Dep4Qment, California
IUghw01 Patrol, Sia!< .Di•illon of
Hicltways and Soo.them Callfomla Auto ct~b.recommended denial, sa)'int studies
have shown sucll signs provide no adM
ditional safety for children and may give
parents a false sense of teCW'ity. ·
• Street Name• OK'd '~~sWING IS \HANDICA.,;
.IQllOll'i No: I Dv!for
' .
chat, bet,.... ll10ll and putta.
Novlce 10U. Julie doesn't U.. oil on
the ~ hole. ......... ,. starlo-..it 00
the -'*' .,,,. nuon i..41!e Pill ........... on lllir 1)111 bole, with af!· "-
people -clubhOuse llaffen ood other
goHers -looking on.
Ziegler said Tuesday he dldn ~ want the
Preaident's old remark about golf being
"a waste of time" to be misunderstood .
"I think he was refering to goiq out
and playing goll in Washington.· That
takes tip a whole afternoon."
President NiJ:on doesn't have that kind
of time, even while mort or less vaca .
tionlng. He hits the llnks at about 3
o'clock each afternoon, whether at Camp
Pendleton or at tbt private ·club! he
favoD around PaJm Springs a n d
(See GOLf'ER, Pase l) DANA POINT -Street names for
Dana Point.Harbor were ·approYld ~ea.
day by orang• Cout1ty ·Sapervison. The
strffl names 'will be Dana Drlve, lsliod,
Way, Ensenada Place, Cuitas Place. Dtl
l'rado, Embarcad<ro Placo aod Puerto
Ati~·iJe~ler wants Site
I• • • • ;
The street names were 1ugested by
reprentaUves of the Daia Point area and
reviewed by the Orange County Harbor
Access rbads to the harbor Will be Cove
<11P'laylwuse to Park
Road, down the bluff near the pier, and A Laguna Beach auto dealer wants the
Del Obispo Stree~, to be extended. old playhoUse along Ocean Avenue tom
• Church P.oct Slflned down lo provide parking for his customera' cars.
LAGUNA NIGUEL -An agreem<nt Th.al Neil by 0, W, Stephens of
wtth the Evangelical Covenant Church of Soutb C.. ~ Is ' one of 28 items
America to improve Crown Valley Tm'lllni fnn1"11~accoc.JI •· ~ teJUna
Partway with sideWalka at La P~ r tbat1 ficl,:llMli -lbli&bt-at' 7:1Q
Dl'lve wu approved Tuesday by Or~e • -~ ·~ "' ·
County supervisors. · • · • · M ~
The agreemeot abo calls for fm. La • ' 'C -~ 1 provement of lb< La Vida-Via Val V-guna DC 0018
intersection adjacent to ~ churcb alte In .. • , •
the last Pacesetter developmenL R· , • fi. , e N.,.., Traci• or.a11N ~gJSttation
' LAGUNA HILLS - A tract map -N T· T: d VT
Ing 54 homesile! in I Cap-.0 9W 1>1n er n'.ay
Highlands deveklpment wu .apiptiJ'Vtd • • •
Tue!d&y by Orange County Supervisdrs. Regi9trat10n of new .students fn the
Plans call for streets named Costea11 Laguna Beach Unilled ·School District 11
Drive, Cajon Drive, Overland Drive and betnt be)d 'through -"UJ. 21 ..
\Veils Fargo Drive. ltinderp1'en ltudewtl must register
in city hall.
The heavy agenda is already burdened
with a public hearing on a controversial
Sleepy Hollow storm drain assessment
Auto dealer Stephens' Jetter to the city
states that his agency J5 interested in
leutng the Playhouse property, owned by
the city, for storage of 1 er vi c e
customers' cars and as a parking lot for
other vehicles.
City Manager James D. Wheaton said
today tht council has previously indicated
the property would be used for public
parting, either as a meter lot or leased to
dQlmtown employes.
He said the old playhouse. will be torn
down as soon as the Community Players
move into the new Moulton Playhouse.
He said the Ocun Avenue building Is In
dangerous shape.
Drug Smuggling Term
• ~ I • •
Ahead for Cleriteb.fe Mom ·
A Sao Clemente mlJther or :thrt!J' •tcbool
children was ln San Diego County Jlil to--.
day, aw~Ung traiufer to 'Sln1 Pe;dro'•.
Tenninal I1land Women's Fa0 U:ty.\ftiefe ~ js .Lo serve an "'i¢.eterfr)in8°ti"·
se;nlence on a marijuana smuggpng can·
viction. .
Mrs. Marwna Kennedy, 4( elected Wt
spring to serve·as preaide.nt of the Marco
Forster Junior High School PI'A, was
round, guity Of the charge in San Diego'!'
U.S. District Court.
She was arrested at the Mexican
border one year ago when border
patrolmen found several pounds of marl·
juana under the back seat of her car:
Two jury trials were held In San D1egp.
The flrst ended in a hung jury. After the
second she was sentenced on Aug. ll by
Oist.rlci Judge C. A. Muecke to a prllon
term not to ei:ceed five yeara. 1 • •
Court aides ei:plained this morning that
the code under wh!ch Mrs. Kennedy wu
oenltnced provld<s for th• posaibllity or
parole 0 at any Ume." There 'ia no
mWmuin 'senterice. ·
It most cases. lhey noted, prlllOl'lfil'S are
paroled after io months.
M1'1.: Keniledy, 1 thfO\.lghout tht two
trials, insisted on hef.innoct!!Dce.
Her-husband, 'Ian, owner of ·a ·San
Clemente beauty salon and chairman of
the San Clemente Parka Comm1J5.lon,
told newsmen:
"This' fs a miscarriage or jusUc:e .••. ,
We lrled to fight thi> thlog by using
character witnesses. :rhe strange thing
about thll cast i! that she could have '°'""
• • ten off witb a lessee. 1t11teDC!j U &be hid
p)eadfd guljty. llUf lbe reliJied lo. Wby
lholild lhe! Slie<cfldnll do II."
· Kenn.Cly ' .. plail!eil '!hit hill t!Ue ;had
golle ¢'olis .lbe·bonltr'to 11)""na to IJUT•
chase a statue. She 'Wt!nt ·~1h· Mart
Hanson, .22, a .l<!lai>t In ll)t.KennodJ<'•
' (See DlfUGS, Pop I )
Lodge to Meet . . ' . .
Nixon in SF
For Viet Talks
Miba-Henry cabot todg•; tildt.
fi-on>'l<ireinain peace talkl In Paris, 1'iR,
Qy lo San'~ Thursday to bet<ln·
discussions' wlth·President,NlJ:on Olt'fhe•
18-mooth~ld negbtlatlw.
The , President. leaves San elemente•s
WeStim White :House for the Bay City
Thursday monling to' preside at a state
dinner for-SOUtht'Korean•Presldeflt Park
Chung Hee. Lodge wtllt attend the dinner a:i Ule St.< Frcincl1 •Hotel1 Ind 'then fly •
back' tO San Clemente Friday with Nixon •
al;loard tAir Force:One. '
Lodge will mnaln ln the United States
for about 10 days "for personal busineu
and alJo a:>nsultatij>rtt.'' nld White HOUie
aides-. 111ey dld not know w~ the ~mbassador would gfly ovet Irr San
Cle_mente for fur)her talkJ with the · President. . '
e Speed Ll•lf Set
LAGUNA HILLS -An ordinance. teC·
ling the apeed limit on Moulton Parlliray
between Valencia Avenue and El Taro
Road al 40 mn.. per hour we odlPod
Tuetday by ClrlUll• County 111perviln.
A111. M ot Ille dlolrlct ~ AO Blumont
SI, Chlldron-wllo wlll'be .... ,em, nine ~~ ~~~'· · !_aguna Niguel Adat1U1nt .
of llnderpr\ln• -are I
The speed llmil on the llretdl ""111 of
Leisurt WCl'ld WU requeated by tbe
C•lliornlo ·lllabway Polrol.
Johnson, Nixon
To Dedicate Park
EUREKA, (AP) -Rep. Don Clouoen
11aid Wednesday thlt Presldtnt Niton and
former Presldent Johnson will dedlcal•
neit WedneodOl' the LJ<ly Bird J-ReclWOOll1lro're ..... Or!U.
C1A111tn, Republican repmenloUve of
CiJlfOmil 11 firtl district, Nkl tht
c:mmony would toke pl-.at tbe l1'0I
wherfi Mrs. Johnlon dedicated • fh•
RedW>d NaUooal Pork i..t.Novembir.
~~ Public Caii-'t Use .Beach
oc:hooll. Tiie)' ore:
--El Mom>, 11111 N'I"!> Cout Hlghwoy,
Ml'Vlnc~ ncirlb of 'lllalia Strttt ant• ' the 1\'todl Terraco aod
Skyline~ e aree. '
-T.. Uii World, IUIOI Tree Top
Lane, ...mg')'........, btl1i<en crw
Stred ood·Tbaflo 9lrftl, lncllidlog My.UC
Hills, Blueblnl-Canyon and Tempi• Hllls.
-Albo, 11541 Wesley Drive, aervlng all
~ llMllh of er ... Slr<et.
Ttxnton l.m.:tmed1ate, 2100 Park Ave.
ond Ille-hflb-.<hool, 411 Pork-A .. ., wui
S<rft·oll lht ~ In the district.
-In the el•m •nlar:r. ln-
lttmedlalie, and hicb ochool mlY regllller
•t their rerpecttn xhool from 9 a.m.
~ 1:111 p.m. Monda lhrouP Frkloy.
-----~ ~-------
Of llM Dlltr I'll•' Sttfl'
The iasue baa been sharply drawn:·n.e
'Laguna Niguel Corpotallon Ill oppooed ~
any a:eneral public accesa at ,any point to
Salt Creek Beach. .
''The mile and a quarter or beach ls JUii about big •nough lo ,.rv• the Ill.,._
ned Laguna Niguel population of 80,0oo,"
llY,I Niguel CorporaUoo Vice Pmld<nt
Knowlton F•rnald Jr.
"t reaJly thlnt what wt are doing 11
moraUJ r!ihL Wt tan't oolvt '•m'bedY't belch ....,. problem."
f'enLlld'• ll!>llellillllt . potlilOil "~" questioned by Orqe C.W.ty 1upervllon
TUttday rot SW'fer IJ'rtMan "Hev1"
• J
MCCltlland'1 dlllder· up.
''The battle lines are draw,n. Wt!re\
, ~ to fight, toolh and; nail fo1"mare
, 11\an~(tst.a~ pedesirlap .pa~,'' he ~~'t
1 a(lA! ard. , • •
I 'Fitnal<f woa asked by SU~ .llo•id
Blik•1-U ht would be more locllnod to ;
a:rant. an easement to the AWfiqC .. atH
c1owncoas1 from Salt c .... k. ,
'1 thrnk not Mr. Baker," Femald NJ' ,
BaJ<er fo!l llwed with -pointed qutllli>n,
"Are too In no wit S)'mpathetic to~ •
1* ~ Q)e btacb!" _ ' , ~
1 '"l'M beach a private; ' J'trnatd
r ~I( 1a litfng ilevtl~-lfif ·P6iNlitloR thai llvu J,,..~-· '"~ <
He said he would llke to pill eon>-
Toll Feared
PAs.s Cl!IUSTIAN; Miss. , (UPI) -Hurrf~ Camille's death toll reached at !WI 240 t<iday with 'many bodfea.11111
lying uncounted in. the mud and devlllao
1lon of MisswlpJll'• gulf cout. vacotlon
laod. Ofliclals !wed the toll would' dou-
bl~. or quadi-uple.
Of the dead 237 were In Ml.ulntppt.
Louisiana counted al !..at tbno laiai!U.O
when the mammoth storm l1ammed ·ia&o
the mouth of \be Mluisalppl Rlwi. la ad-
dition lour rescue wwkata died If> • plaM
crash at New Orlems en 'l'IMilMy.
"This . is a very conserVttiVe estlmatll
of bodies found," said Pren t l·• 1
Baughman, asg!stant ttate civil defenae
directer. "l have seen the tabulation
from the NoUooal .Guan!, Clvtl Dd-
and Red er.a and this 'Ill very ddlnl1<4'.
a conservaUve estimate."
"We have bodies knee deep; In BUoi:I
that we haven't even counted,'" 11id
Gladys Gorenllo, the Harrison County
cor®er· "They are decompoalnc. rapid·
ly." . ,• !
Bodies 'also were floating In ~ eutf
and olhen were buried In IJ>e and and
l)lay new be found, oh< 1111<1. •
Vice Prulci.ot S!lln> T; ~ Qew to
the .......-mlle .. .orea of.-
alOl'I the Gulf oouta of IJolloma,
-ppt .... 'Mdole• lle'WU lo CJ
to N.., Orlellll later today.
-tumo, irlaPd bf • ladt of calpm~ loaned oul Into remote
...... """' tbe7 -cul off from beod-
QllarWs .. ..., ··-~ .... Illy 'Oft.of Iocollna Ille ·-onll rtlleklnC
tli111l>lrr troillpO<lallon to ·H-.,
the -unicolbed cltt· ''T!Mn are plenty of people sllD blrled.
You gel up clolt and yon CID anell ·them
but you .can't 1et to them," aaid Pau
Christtao Polle:• Cbief Hubert Roa
All but a few of. tha recovered bodies
were fOUDd in Harrison County,.whilll tn...
eludes Pua Chrlst!ao,. Gulfport and
· Life was grltn fOr the.survivon, among
tbtm an eatlinateci t>0',000: .~were left
homtlw by Camille's 1111)..mil&-an hour
Tired, huna:rY, thirsty, unwashed and
without tolltlll since the ll<>nll lilt, m1111 i\eif lbroliglf the ruins Ill their' homa :!f vlgmg remna.ntl <t Uie1r heloocinp.
Snakes, ...... of lbem pollonoua, and
rata were movlnc through the. area loot~
in1 for food but nscue teams Aid tbet
were not a real threat yet.
. CommunicaUons were nearly !l(>DeZ~
lstent Ind food and water were at a
premium. " . Red Cross and AFmy lruckl rll.._i
(See CAMDJE, ,Pqt IJ
Stack Jlfarlc.ets
NEW YORK CAP) -The stock momt
turned ln • lall·luater perlonnan<e ...
day, with ..... proflt,taklng' ~
weighing· on il (See quOtaUons; "'Piiges
Qll-7). .
'nit! now· Jones lndustrlaJ average at 1
p.m. was off UI o1 aua.
The fog, will ~ ln for a few
more houri n .. ., morning, fol·
lowed by sunny Ind warm weather
with leniporatuno rongtng from 71
alon1 the beach to 'II Inland. ' . INSIDE TODAY
Corond dcl Illar dealgtac
&~ ·crtatn Q<IJ'l!lllll.! .UI of fa6Hi: tohich· •h~ IGJll ffdc•iOM
ll.!el/." Soddy Pou• F2.
!:... .__ c-.... ·---ie· -=..:.~ -. ................ -----Dr,,.....,. , ... _ --=----
.. .. ....
C!•lt ""' ... ' '" .. t."
11 tr
•ii ...
·.~ •1·1• .,.
"" ,C;l ... .. .. ...
........ ;-...
---. ------
'.E:arly Start
' . . -
On School
WASlllNGTON (UPI} -Secrttaey of ble risk&"'.IO or10g'po.c;.i0.V1etiiiinloft\I'. sw.. W!Dlom P .1Wm! Dld..!PG,~ Jbt • 11A1.~y .. reopooc1ed-10•..d-0om.
Of .... ~11_ f'llft ~1~11
Uni toil ,Sta,.. 1' prepared to lake aenai-muniol military acUvity, 'teyond Ille an-* * i:l• , "®need troop cutback. _. . , • .
~ Roae!I' jndicaled at a news confelence
?.fost schools Jn Orange County will
open their doors Sept. 8. Some start SepL
10. Red. I Camrmiun that the '.'aenslble risks" involved•'!\".•~
r~ ing dawn of U.S. military operaUOOJ,;'Jte
declined to be m.,. specific, sayidc 'be
Cos '3 798 was "not go,inc tG dlacl«;e all planl" of l ' operaUona in the middle oi the war· and
woold not get into "military orders."
Men Last Week
SAIGON (UPI) -Allied military
sources said today the Communists JOit
3,798 dead last week in the first phase of
their autwnn campaign. Uie heaviest
North Vietname.st and Viet Corig losses
in two months.
Amefiean Casualties for the week en·
ding last Saturday will be released of-
ficially Thursday, but the military
saurces estimated the death toU wauld
rise to '250.
The American death toll was 96 dead
the week before the Communists shat-
tered the two month fighting lull, and
that was the Jawest figure. in two years.
The military sources put Sooth Viet·
namese casualUes for the weet at 477
d,.d, the hlihesl since the week ending
June 14 when 511 were killed.
The American kill ratio during· the
weet w1s is-to 1, one of the highest
lipres in ipany months. The l!IOurces aaid
the.U.S. Army n«maUy bears the brunt
of tM cUualties because there are far
~"tmlJ ~D thari U.S. Marines, but
ol the 250 esUmated toll, Marine death! were placed &round the 100 mark.
'! The unusually heivy Marine toll
refleCted an upiurge of fighting neat the
·demllitariied ione ancf ·in the Marine ~ around Da Nang where there h~ve
been· a series of sharp cl.ashes.
. War communiques covering action
Tue&day ·and early today reported the
Jou of three mCll'e U.S. helicopters and
ConUnued heavy fighting below Da N'ang
where" 32 Americans were killed and 75
<lbers wounded.
: U.S: apokesmen aald one American
helicopter hit by. CommuniJt gunfire fell
into• column of U.S. troops today, killing ihrot of' them in the sei:ond baWefield
~des::it in two day.a .• Njne Americans
i~~~;wben • u.~. tank opeoed fire
'A Olll,-..he~ ,bil ,'Of • ....... flio Crashed int<> troops of the 41h lrilan(ry
Dlvlilori near AD Khe, :1111 miles northeast Of .. ,_, Tbree U.S. tti>op!·..,-e kllW N~T~ejl altbi!IJlhf}·ihree.mln the hiicopt.w •eieap.d!·: ' • 11" ~· ' , E1Pt ' Amtricam incl 'a • news
. ~ ..... killed •In the ·cruh
Tue.day -of an Army UHi bellcopt«-.weot
' am Ky, near Da Nang. '!be area fs
American ~ ·have killed neat·
Cmmnmill lroops since Monday.
. The U.S. eommand aid the bellcopter
~"""' crewmer;lhree U.S. 1.riliv ·Uc! Oliver Nocilan, 29: of·
,)lus.,,a pbotocrapber for th•· """" .' c1fas ·the . 23rd news cor·
~~·lo! be.tllfed in the Vietnam;
Sa~ta Ana Hotel
fire Probed
(Santa Ana firemen rescued 10 persom
~ ladder out of windws, off the fire
t1e1.pe1 and roof et the smoke-filled dowDtown Santa Ana Palace Hotel Tuts·
.. y.
~Twenty-one persons in all were led or
eanied to utety. The rue resulted In na
lfUurie5, but damage was estimated at
-· than 110,000. _.11te Chief Jai\n Garthe said today in·
VlllUPtars could find "no cause for the f/rll \0 otart without oome· help." II began
Moul 1 a.m. in the second floor shower of
U. 1D-1ear-old Palac9 at 318 N. Frtncb
tu.lll)a CQ4n f'VlllliHIHO CDMN.N'f . .
The secretary said that he had nat
detected any move cm the part of Russia
to use Ila Influence to end the fighting in
Vletoam or neighboring Laos. He said
Russia, lJbich now is supplying all of
Hano1'1 mllitaey equipment, could have
signJlicaLI Influence on the lsa\Je of war
or peace. (Relaled story Page~).
111 do not think they are doing u much
aJ they could," he commented. '"'Ibey
say they ~ve a problem with their con-
By this be apparently meant RussJa
woold sulfer in her conteat with Red
China ii tho Kremliq tried to preuure
another Communist-nation into tnaklng a rl!asonable~peace settlerilent. "·
The secretary said the Unltod Slate!
would. go ahead With Ila plaOs .19 "Vie~
namlie" the war by replacin& American
troops '!Ith South Vleln.,._ for<e1
whethor the lull in enemy operation& con·
tinued or not. · ·
. -ever, he said, the rt~ of riplace-
nml and ·~.r of U18 • .,_. ob-
Vlo\1111 -id •be~ H •the -relnined'from ltepplgg ... the figbllng.
&gm had no ~to report bi the
Paris talks. He "'Wd thlt the ·united
States SUIJ hoped to find Mime aveDIJ9
whleb'would lead to peace but thal ao far
all of the propoalJ and coneeSl!ons made
by W~ and SaJion had ellclled no
meaningful ,._ from. the North
Vietnamese negatlatars. • ·
Ambal8ador H!J!rl' j:abol l<>dae, chief
U.S. ilegouafc!r lit farjl, Js ocheduled to
•O(lfer wllii Pmldenl Nl•on and Rogers
'nrilrsd~y l!J San. Francisca where top
U.S. officials are ·gathering to meet with
South Korean President Park Chung Hee.
Rogers acknowledged that there were
some difre.rences within t b e ad-
minlstraUOn oVer the advlsabillty of get·
ting a Soviet-Americu bar. on tests of
multiple-btafled nudear missiles (known
as MIRV)_as part of the beglnnlna of .the
·, IW!IDll'.he· Ni' he did.-noJ believe
tacie <liller_,·werw,-rlo\11"""1 Prell·
deot NLtoo.s!Jll llood bJ· hil wUer poJi·
tion that a temparary mQl'ator:ium on
tests al the weapOns might well be con~
'1~"~ ••i !ii• f[rl> oriler of· b111ine .. il an4'w~o llie ta!U ~·
From P .. e l
~'!"!!~!Jil;-~ich, 'fllal'r .¥c•rJataJi)~
16 the <lenlocratlc Coosoienct and" thal'I
Wh:V peOpfe ·who fnay ~ver }lse or walk
on the-beach want to keep it/•
tin:Miitii Of "' .. . . '" . : . . '
.,, f """'1UB
Fiaitk ~ ~ Lacuna, Ni&ueJ rtsi· .
dent who. ~id lie i1S ,a member ,of the n ·
elusive Monarch Bay Beach Club, also
tOok a rtioral poslUoa.
· ''It publlc access is a good thing the
mechanics .should be overcome. That is
the moral issue," he sakf.
He also remarkei:t, "I don 't think any
decision should be made hued on the
automobile. People have gone to the
beach before the automoblle and tbey will
go to the ~ch after the autcmobile."
Supervisor William Hirstein took a
shorter term view. "Parking to me is
just as necessary as access," he said. "ln
Sunset Beach we are buying parking sa
people can use the beach. ·
"I'm sure these thln&:s can be bought at'
Salt Creek. if yoo have enough money,"
the supervisor, who represents an inland
constituency, continued. "We have people
looking to us far tu: J't.sponsiblllties."
Supervisor Alton Allen propoeed the
same committee of COW'lly department
headJ who recommend county park
priorities also study pubUc beach ac-
quisiUoo priorities. He ·Mid he would add
ooe new name f(lf' the beecb committee
-the county's chief attorney, COunty
Counsel Adrjan Kuyper.
"Along our coastline I can't imagne
anyane giving beach to tbe pubUc," Allen
He said a study or the whole 42·mile
county coastline would be "very much
betler lhan jumping cm a hi t and miss
basis on any ane particular property."
Supervisor Robert Battin said he was
dawn at Salt Creek Beach last weekend
and found it beautiful.
"Were you permitted to tretpeaJ7"
Hintein uked.
"Lei me WI you, I had trouble pUing
In there, '1 1ald Battlfl.
Scotchman's Cove
Vislt Expemive ·
A New Jeney woman11 ttl,p to Scot·
chman'1 Cove Tueaday proved ·io bt an
etpenalve CMJUng.
.Mrs. Jacqueline Yt1ti, 22, Of,Ranover.,
N. J., lold lheriff'1 depµtleo that oomeone
broke into her pe,rktd auto while she wu
on Ibo beach '™' stole, clolhlng and 1111·
&ai• valued. •l 1461.
_ ,Mrs. F•lil..tnld lnves~ators thal lhe
lhlef una$ed • window to 11tn accoaa to ,
tile c•r.
IJrl T•lwMM
In 4gU(la Beach, classes get under
way Sept. 4. Why. so early!
-It's f9r· the good of the students and
&<:hoot employes, says school board presi·
,. clen!),.al'!)' >J;aylor.
'11ir00,ghout the years, when a holiday
has come on a Thursday, there's been a
high absenteeism rate oo Friday," Taylor
said. "Both employes and students take
the day off to stretch lhe holiday to four
Thi1 problem was brought ta 1 head
two year1 ago when about 200 high school
students showed up at a schgol bGard
meeting requesting that ---the Friday
followlnc the Memorial Day holiday
Thursday also be a day oU, for a four-day
weekend. ·
'Th1t'1 •th1 Way Life 11. You'v• Got to Do Whit You Think Is Right.' · ·
Their tequest was denied after a three-
to-twii' vote on the grounds the school
couldn't afford to dismiss the students.
· Futile Sear~h
Lonely Man Hunts River for Son
LOMA LINDA (UPI) -Every Sunday
far the Jut .six montbl • lonely man has
driven a motorcycle along the banks of
the Santa Ana R!ver looking far his son.
Wilber Phllpatt lost three of his four
bqyi before they reached their teens. He
knows that the f9urth, Benny, 12, is deed,
too, but the compulsion ts such he caDDQt
give up the search.
Benny was swept through a culvert and
Into the river Feb. 25 during lhe heaviest
raJu California had e:rperienced in 80
years. Philpott, a ,garage mechanic, was
bt:lping pull cars aut of the floodwaters
c.n.ly 500 feet away at the time. He did not
know until he came home al t p.m. that
!:tis son had been lost. '
The riest morning, Philpott frantically
rMmed the river banks, bClping to find
lltt boy . alive. Tbose chances aooo faded,
but the·father could oot Rive up.
He bougbt a ~wheef-drive trail bike
with huge tires whJch can be driven
through water, mud and_ the toughest ter·
rain. Philpott has to WMk through the
week but every Sunday1 usu.ally with a
friend and his boy's dogs, he goes
PhJlpatt says he has been told he Is
wasting hls time looking fGl' his SGn's
.. It all depends on how yau look at it,''
Philpott .says. "I say I'll find him some
dny. l'm not gi'ling up."
Hit three other sons died of a liver
disease and are buried together.
"l'Ve got to d? this ta satisfy my own
mind. I may break up when J find Benny.
But that's the way life is. Yoo've got ta
do what you think is rig.ht."
Hurricane Tragedy-Brings
, '
Gulf Residents Together
From P .. e l
" Oceanside. .
The PresideQI has played three -buic
counes since hj,s arrlval at·tbe Western
~le House:.llie brown, acrubby. course
of Camp Pendle\Q.\I; the prlvale courae of
Walter Annen!Jerg, U.S ambassador to
London, al Rancho Mirage oulatde Palm
Spring!, and at Pauma Valley, one of the
mGtt picturesque layouts reachable in a
relaUvely few minutes from Sa n
Clemente by helicopter.
Has DavJd ever won a game from his
"I have no comment on that," Zie,gler
Then the big que!llon: What's the
President's ,goU.score?
"He .has shot in the IO's," Ziegler
asserted. But he wouldn't say when. "I
think we broke .a precedent In .Florida
when we said tbft President shot a II."
Ziesler must have gotten lirto a little
trouble over that. Nobody has released
presidential galf score. .sit>te.
The state pays the school district,, 71
cents per day per student. In addition,
the district 1JOU!d be paying the daily ex·
penses of a school, even thclugh it would
be empty. Trustee William Wilcoxea
estimated that cost at $12,000. The holi·
day wasn't worth the expense, trustees
About 225 students declared their awn
baliday Friday anyway, by failing ta
show up for classesJ It was mare than
·dcluble the normal absentee rate.
This problem won't exist· this year.
Since school will start earlier than otheni
In the oounty, atudebb will be given three
four-day holidays.
Students will be allowed an extra day
off cm the Monday preceding Veterans
Day· and Admis!lon Day which fall on
Tuesdays, and an extra day Friday
following Lincoln's birthday, on· a '11lurs-
"It was decided and reoommended
frnm the adminlstrati<m to the school
board that we coold better serve the
emplayes and student.s by starting early,
and using . the eitra time for the
holidays," Taylar said.
"Although we start earlier than ather
schools in the county, we'll gain them
back through halidays tbe atber school
district.s won't be having,'' Taylor con·
eluded. However, one Swnmer White Hau se
source wbo baa followed several Presi-
deola on the links.~ i!J'oeli!Ont ~ ...... .'..J·-n· ts "'old NLtCMl'S -~ . '. ' .,.;U8t' .l' "He drlves well. lvefalina: trom' l~ ta ~
200 yards, tiut his irons are ~t.1 . · ~·s DOI bad With l/l>ultir ~~. ,('..,.))oae n't the ,~."'i'~~.-.. ...-· ~~ . .......... . . •' ,. . opl . .; "Lib ii lot <l w~ sollen, he . '" ':..i"IO ..! t 22 lhoola 1n the m1<MO·... . . e,u .::x:p •
The Prealc!e!ll himtell, ubd about his BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. (UPI)-ln the attacb and strokes from overworldna." new found lllle....t !IUrlDg a >Wion Tues· Soine 1,000 Soddlehack Junior College
mid.st of the death and disaster left by he said. "If they fmd anybody tomar-day with lf:r newly appainted am-.student. are being to)4 by mill today not row, •"-'11 be dead and woo'! need it." b do lied I ~ I ···•-1 •~ 22 HWTlcane Camille, a woman walked ...... , assa rs, rep : o •Nw up or llUIUU .... ,.... •
j/\(o the l I r d nt Same resident.s barely escaped death "My handicap Is my back awing." SchoQl officials said the letters advise • oca , .,'PO !C;e epartme · · · in the hurricane. He .smiled u he said it. the. Students that construction industry • · "[ want to .... y a '-Nie-Uc:.ket, ... she Id hou r-""'.111i" A ~year-o se owned by Ed strike;! hive compelled the deferring of
ta.id. . . Carriere Jr. of New Orleans was demol· the (lptning date ta "sometime in
"Don't worry about it lady,'~ said ished by the &tonn. But he did not com· Frot11 Page 1 October!"
Jamea Curet. son of Hancock coUnty plain after hearing about another man 's SaddlebBck lrultees· will be presented ~ Freel ' ·QJret. •:Otn" -coUrt ·blew !rif:ln bf~wing away, with the man 's DRU.GS with a revised academic calendar at their
a'Way.'' . . ~ , . . Picking through his wreckage, Car-• • • Augu:rlsl t2i d~~tFreding. accorBding ta di5trict
. 1twasone ·wry·noteini,h~hectic:a<;tiv-riere said, "When you see these other supe nen ent H. remer,
Hy of aearching lot bodies i nd trying ta people -..who have lost everything they apartment house. · ''Although the strikes ha.ve been resolv· he!J> the eurvivOJ'3. have. you feel like you're pretty lucky." Hanson walked back across the border. ed through the signing of short form
C4ret aajd ~ d~~~ bas had One. Mrs. Linden Marsh.and_ si:.. ~ly He was also arrested in connection .with a,greements with the plumbers' and
overall el/eel-bringing the people Of esca~ death too, racing from home as the case, found gullty and was t6 be heavy equipment operators' uniorls, It i.t
the stricken MissiS3ippi cooslal area Camille approached. sentenced Monday. He did not appear in doubtful -we can begin the 1969-70
c!Oier together. Standing on the foundation of he r the District Court, however. A warrant academic year until Octaber,". said
He particularly noted that Negra and house Tuesday, she said "My address has been issued for his arrest Bremer.
white were working together, and added : is 112 Coleman Avenue, Or it was." Kennedy said the marijuanQ: Vf8S plac· Construction crews are naw working on
"It seems like they (Negroes) are get· Like many others aJong the coast, the e~ in his wife's Cf.I' by JOO'leqne else, in overtime basis in mder to prevent
ting better treatment now than ever." house no longer was there. w11hoot her knowledge. further_ delays, Bremer noted.
lfe said many black volunteers had come 1--;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::~ from New Orleans to help. I -~~--
Five bodies ha ve been found here sa
rar. More victims Wert feared buried In
CamilJe's ma.vive Wreckage.
"We expect to find mMe bodie$,"
Coroner Emile Piazza saJd, "We just
now have the heavy equipment to get to them." DI:. John· Levens of Waveland was
pessimiBtic, too: Still dressed in a T·
.§hlrt and Bermuda shorla, he said he
T!ared that at least' seve"n tnol'f! bodiH
might be found.
"There were many old people in their
seventies and · eirhtie.s just wouldn't
leavt," Levens sald.
The search for the deed was accom·
panied by aid fGl' the survivars.
Or. J. L. Undsey of Slidell, La ... and
two other doctors1 set a cllnic at Wave+
land and gave 300 tetanus and typhoid
shots. Another 800 shots were given by
Red Cross workers and doctors at Bay
St. Loub.
A supply of oxygen arrived at Lind·
sey's clinic.
"Tbe oxygen is for people with heert
From Page I
!tee water, nruJwtches ilU}d coffee to a's
many u possible, but eome foragers had
to content" themselves with what they
found in battered, unlabeled cans flung .
into the mud from home pantries anjf
groctry 1htlve1.
· Starah parf.les were out of loo.ch '!ith
their heedquarten for hours at a time
And loal lines of residents waited at the
fe'\f worklng pay telephones to get word
to rel1Uve1 that they had surVived.
·Store owner Lew HendertoD 1atd he
w•11urprlsed that ao many people st.ayed
in the are• after the IWm\ bll
"'II'• an amuina thing. Psople around ,
h<n IUl/ered lori'lllc 1o .. ., and they
otaf. You'd think they would lea"" the
~unty." 1aid Henderson,~ who qwn61 a
•Urptua equipment atore. destroyed at
1H .M
,Tothopl ..... ._wh.t'1te
I wan~ but llOI ....... to find It
!M.11ch you1 sty!e ••th our
m1ny d'is.linctive desip ~
.11k •s about our f.1mou! °""" 11 ...... .....-.
J. C. .JJumphrle6 'J~wefeN
10·3401 • •
. t .. -
---...... ---------
. . -·-
Newpori A.ides nem~nd · IJayr.J:j~
• ,.. ' I
Tai_. ,sp~i t
Of .. CMltr ...... ..,.
A·clole11t1on ol Newport_ett7 and aehool
,,......-tauves wm meet l;lte thli week
wttlr1lnmp Ooonty Aaaesoor Andrew J.
Hlnlblw to ask .bbn to split up tuable
and nooluable Upper Bay land. u he doesn't, the aehool lrUltee.I Aid
'l'ueaday. lhey1! take bJm to eqorl.
'lbe. Newport-Mesa -Uollled Sc:bool
LBJ Plans ...... . . .
NiX0n Visit
At Clemente
!!ormer Pmidenl Lyndon B. Johnson
ud 'ilrs,' J-will vWt Pmldent
~"ml &la family at the w..i .....
"1ite a.. Iii Son Clelnente on AUJ.. rr, . u • ..,, rlj<lcloy.
The dN II JChneon•a arrival i-.his tJ.st
b~y,,Preeidenlial p...., Secnlary
Ron Ziegler noted.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnlon mJY1 be ac-
companied by their daughters and their
daughl<rs' Jaml~cs. Ziegler added.
The ~olin.ool will be po~ their flt!!
fnfohnil1 call op the First FamlJY. 'Ibey
'Jill ·anjve fr.om JohnaOn City, Tex.,
flyiog -ly to El Toro MCAS, then to
Sln~-Ptdliderit Nixon and his family will ..urialn the Jolmsona at an~
lunc:heoo ln Ule Nixon mamioo.
Loter, Mr. and Mrs. Jolmaon and
~ Nixon will ny to ·Ille Radwood ~~'~":.!~~
''Lady Bltd Jolmlcm Groft."
* . * Nixon Flyipl
To SF to Meet ..
Korea P~ident
Pn!aidenl Nixon will fiy !rem El T""
Marine Corps Alr-lltatioll to San Fron-
c!Jc6 Thuraday for a hroi day "*11 with
South· Korean Prtsklent. Park Qnmt Hee.
The Wutem white llouJa ln San
Clemente -ed toda7 lhal the cllid
.. ecut1 .. :wiD uriW In San "1ndaeo Tia
Air F,..• One 1l111nlfay mominC and
will motor to the Crlsay Field parade -"""" -·--~-.. -. President and Mrs. Nl.J:on an d
Secn1arJ ol State William Rogers will
greet President and Mn. Part at tbt
parade g:roands.
A reception for the Korean vUitton will
be held at the 8ih Anny Heodquatlers
Offioen Club and then Presktentl Nixon
and. Park will aUend a luncheon · with
5&eretary of Sl<te William P. Rosen u
host. In the evening the two presidents wm
meet to hegln their talu and will then at·
tend a state dlnner at the St. Francis
Friday morning Nixon and Part wt11
IJeiln,lhelr final t<IU. Nixon will~
to the W111"m Whi1" Howe at U:30 -
* * * 1.-0dge to Meet
Nixon in SF ·
For Viet Talks
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, ¥
frtll\ Vlellwn peace talks in Parts, ~
fly to San Francisco Thursday to begin
dlaawlons With President Nixon on tJre ·
18-i'nonth-old negoUaUoM.
The P.tesldent leaves San c1~··
Western White HOUSI for lhe Bay Qty
'lbunday morninfl to prulclo at a ._
dinner ff1f' Soutll Kortan President ~
Chtlng Hee. Lodp will atwld the -
at ( lhe SL Fnneix Hotel, and then fly
back to San Clemente FridaJ' with Nlml
aboard A.Jr Force One.
Lod(e will -m in the United States
for about 10 daya "for pef10llal business
and alto consultationl," said White House
aides. The7 did not lmow whether the Ambassador would illy over in San
Clement• for fllnber taJu with th•
Steele Jlf•rlcea
NEW ll'ORK (AP)-Tllol slA>cl: iurtd
turned In • )oek-lulter .,.nonna-to-
day, with ...,.. proOl-tUlnC t'lpOr1edlJ
welgblnc "° JI. (SM quolationl, "-~7), •
'll>o Dow JOOOI lndullrial aver.at J p.m. waa olf !JI at lla.43.
. ~·
n.,cb about lilO,OllO.
Tiie plaD -..-.. orilinated by Trwteo
Selim Franklin, ••hi>.IUlllemd lhe eourt
oetioo>U nothing Cornea from the meeting
He, Board Qairman Marian BerJelOD,
Super!Jltendeot William Clln"'""""' Jnd representatives from the city will .meet
with Hinshaw p IOCln u poaiblt, the boat<I ,.-.
They wlll Ill him to oeparate ond
reassess the laod' packaae Which be has
frozen. ... ••
"If that isn't succeufW, "~ Franklin
sa!J!, "lhtn the OOunty· Coun,.I .• "lriU
reprewnt UJ in· I 'court acti;on &eeking .I
writ of maodlte aplnst 1be~ Uralor to
force him 'to .epu'lte the lands.~·
Franklin told agreeable b o 1 r d
member• tliit he bad apok .. to represen-
' ' laUY• ol Iha """"ty,c:ou ... 1'1 olf~, who
told hlJi> ~ oourt action would be poal-
· ble .•
ll!O.baw, and County Counoel A<jrlan
Kuyper bave fOlldod over the Upper Bay
assemnenti question for ,months. .
. _"Afl.i;r all," Dr.\CUnrWtgbam told the
board. "we are the hardest bit ct all the .Lalin& q:encles over this matt.tr."
Newport couricllmen. who received
newa of the estimated COit· oC the. ta:i
fr&eze Mooday_, ~ecld;i io "'!loj od.r!,a1:
Ing emefgeney budget cuto' lo niake up
.for . the ,iofs until ochool ¥-had acted. . ·
OOunctlmeft have untjl ll!OndaY, Ip aei ;their tax rate. la< next }ear. Tax rate ad-
j..unenta COll!d be on& way for 'Newport
official• to "PlaCe the loa. •
' Se!ioo1 fru&tees Tileoday thouahl about
revenue measures, too, ln CUI tht
meetins and Court actioll both fall.
S·torm l(il.ls . . •· .
. .
2·40 . . _,
" •• More Camille Victims ·:V ncounted ·' . ' . -· . . . . .
• • • r ~. l • • • . e •..-U,I T .......
dliidala Ffor ~r• Bodloa Wiii Bo Found Undo• Dobrla.
·N~on ·.~winging
: Cour~:Gt!t Pkasure of· His Putt
.Of .. O...PU9'1tffl
--I~~.to-..-lot-4-Women, ·
Pat Nixon bu become 1 golf wiaow.
She stays home ln San Clemente w~n
the P(esidtl;ll 1oe1 golfina. In fact', she is
the only member of the Flrst.Falnily who
1tays· home.
Everybddy else I Tricia, Juli.tr and
David - accomparues lhe nation's chief
e1:ecut.ive when he boards a Marine
helicopter for an afternoon round or golf.
He'a been doing that quite a bit 1ately,
Tbt clubs have been packed and car-
ried a!oft to Southland country clubs for
the pat five consecutive days.
It •la, presi<lenUal pres> secr&tary Ron
... 7JqJer wu t.oki Tuesday, a runny way
for. a lba=t who once called golf "a wute
ol Ume" to behave.
Ziegler blamed it on JackJe G)eason.
And David and Julie ELsenhower.
"'Iba President hadn't played goU for
over a year when he played wllh Jackie
Gleuon k Florida about a month •ta·''
ukl fJegler.
"Then I think he was to some degree
further encouraged by Julie who w11
prese.n~ with golfing leuoM on her 21st
blrtbdly. Julie and David have been en-
Hurricane Camille's death toiJ reached at
least 240 today ·with many bodies still
lyin& uncounted In tht mud ll!d,de_yasta·
1kln of Ml.Uisslppl'a ltJlf C0&6l vacat ion
land. Officials· fear.td the toll 'IJ/ould dou·
Ille or quadruple;_
or the dead 237 were In Mississippi.
Louisiana counted at least three fatal ities
when the mammoth storm slammed Into
the mouth of the MissiniPPi.Jilver,. J,n ad·
dition four rescue workers died In a plane
t.T3Sh at New Orleans on Tuelda1.
uThls is a very conservative estimate
or bodies ·found ,"' aild Pr entiss
BJughman. a11lstant state civil· df:ttnse
diuctor. "! ba,. .... the tabullUoo
from the NaUcmal Guan!. civil Defertae
and Red Cross and thh1 is. very deflnittly
a conservative esUmatt."
"We have bodies knee deep in Bilotl
th~. we haven't even counted," said
Gl~dys _Gorenflo, the Har"'-'>• County
Yo .uth ·Fights For Life
I: ,
.After Resclie ·in S·urf · ·
.. ~
, ·~I~loT;\I .
"" ..... -tiim b)' .. lfl"'"1J ~;.:. :b .~U..~.
dlUon al ;tt m .ill, ~ liM
f(llaflt ...-~:'mcidrtd
. . l
back, the posstblllty Of permanent
paraly~ and -ill the latest crisis -
severo in!emal ~ll!Odinfl.. B'J . "ed Q' "ts Friends o!_ tlie San Diego yoolb ... Id to. 8llpl . fil ,
day that allhi>ugh he Uvea out ol the . · ·
Harbor Ajea, "'Everybody wbo· 1Ur11 •t p . t o' B' ' ' d' the Wedli knows him." • OS . n . oar
."We'" praying for him," sli d·
penlnsula .re.<lclont Debbi& Roed, l 7: T T k D ~ h· She lasuld ... appeal for blood &;u:. 0 a e nenc liom.
The bod!' IUl'fer'o apj>arenlly lileletp
f\>f111 .W,ts brought, tO shore b)' C!lher boclj
surfers tht atteraOon rl Aug. 1 t after be
droppOd "iwer the falls" Jn. the pollndbt(
.00.. break of !ht wedge netr lhl BalbOa
jetty. .
The mioha;>; which oeciltrwd ~
nlatJvily'mild IW1"conditions, bh>te the
yo¢.b'1 back. ·
When the three rescuers brou&ht him
in to shore "feyen• breithing and heart
had stopped.
Off-duty county lifeguard Craig· Coath,
21, of Lido Isle, applied moutMo-mouth
resuscitation while the three rucuen
went for more help. A regular Weguard
arrived and also assisted.
Meyers started breathing again. His
heart started, too, but fali.nd th,..
tlines during thtr fint aid on the beach.
Uleauan! aocl hoopltal aourcea agreed
later that ha<f aid rucbed Meyen
seconds later than it did, he wOuld.bave
MiM Reed said many ol 1 the · area's
regular surfera have lded to donate blood
for the injured youth, "but ao maey:·of
them are under 11, that the clJJlPIP.
Isn't going as well u wt an would Ukt.!'
She Wued an urgent appeal far dtina·
lions from persons who are of legal •et-
"He ruUy needs It badly," she said. ...
. . ' -.Jailed. a( Border
Reemlly appointed Municipal Coo11
'Jlldp· UOyd E. lllanpled Jr. Tueoday
rl!lgned hla poat on the~ ol truat&ea
oi' the N...port.Mo/a Unillod Sdlool
Dlalriet.' . .
Jud(e . B!anpilfl. who desc:rlbed his
three-year \enure on the board as "the
hlah poll>t of my lile," left lhe pool with
three year• left in his term.
"l do Ulil with m.bed emot1ons. I have
a tremendous reepect for my fellow
board members and their atillty," he
He Nfd that ollholtgh hla appointment
Involves an area C)Utlide of U>e di5trl~
<West Orange County Judielal DI.strict
Court ·in Wiitmlnster) he wUI maJntaJn
his Newport B&aeh resid"1ce.
"I'll be able to atay here and watcl>thio
district move fcrward into ucellenct:,''
he aid wmnly.
Judge Blanpled joined the board by ap-
pol-in '1111. He """ ...-lut Apr!.l ..t ;
At lha.Ume of hlo ...tgnailon he atao
leMled aa lhe hoard's clerk, • job witicb
will lie -filled by ~ Donald A.
Strauss. .
Judge Blanpied will be """"' Into ol·
flee Friday in the Wes i mlnater
• • •
c:ourqlng ..'ulie'a falher to go out in the D · • s · · ~ T ~ ... ::1d;~:r.:::.. them. ru_ ,g, · m. ugg ·. . . e.~
Tricil goei aioog just for the ride. She
foUowa. the Uttee~me In a gol! cart · ~ . r · =.a: .::.n~iu~~ ~*"of~ Ahe' 'a· d .. f or_.-a · ement~· Mom.'
-· between ahots and putts. U:'t; =:~rs~w:iw:1sn~ie: :: :! . ,
the aeeond hole. The ruaon: she pll A San Clemente molher ol uirei oChool DiJtricl' JUdp C. A, Mllo<b lo a prilOO
· nervOUI <11 lhe fitlt hole , with all tho&& ehlldren ..M bi San i>iero c.ontrJalfto-term not'to ·exfeed 11" ,...,., ' .
people -clubllou>& starten and other day, ll!attlnc transfer to San ~·i Court..-aplalned t11i1 momln1 that
golf era, -lookin g -~n. "-did , .i.... Tennlnal Island. Women's Facility~ the ~ed undtr 1~1· Mhthe. ~bl· 1t:~ Zieg er aaid Tue~ay ·~ n t want·~ -•-la , .. .....,._.,.t ., aen prov-or ,,,_ •• , "' Pn!~dent's old remark about •oU be'·· M~ to ....,. an '.....,--".,.... • ~ "•' anv · Uma." Tlieto •la n0
"a waste ol. time" to be mlsunderst«d~ aentence on a Jlllrijuana amui&llna "'°!"' nUnbrfum:~ii.ft~. ~' ,.. . . .
"I think he was r<fering to golnc olit , vlctioll.. • ~ ' : " · 11-·~!1!<7 -Prliooen m
and pla ying (OU lo W""1qton. ,,,., I ll!:!-"'~ . ~~~~ )>m.1..1 ofiir'a'm...tha. • • ' takes up a whole afternoon." 1.,.u,. ~ lll'Ve ~~ • • • Mn. He11""7~ ~-tht i.tf9d,
President Nixon doesn't ha .. that ldnd F..-Jflllior IIl&ll·SC!iool !'TA. -trfalo, inolm,d ... bar-·· ol time, even w.hlle mott or lea •-found auliY ol the~&• In S.. Diep'• Her luWnd, Jan. ..,.,., ol _,.-s..
liooing. H<-bltsf-the llnlo ot alloot I IJ.Sc l>lotrlet !Joarl.., . -r• Clebmlo llUtl\l'IMINi.lnd.-'4
o'clock eac:h afte"-1. wbtthet at Camp She wao amalod• at"<lhe -Medol!t• the San Clemeale Parto CoaunJiallln;,
Pt!ndlelotl or at the .private clUbl ht bonlor _, Y'"' qo l Wheo ljsW told -'. --• • -'"'.,,_ " r'
favon around Pilm Sprfnp• • n • palrolmen found oemal "°"""" ti Mt; ._''Th!o.ila a .mllon11" -.ri-. .'.
Oceanalclo. , J-uDtllrlhelJ111:1<: .. 1l!lw-. we -lo_..,,,,...,_., "1 utdtff
The P.rilidenfhu pla~od ih..O baole TwoJl!l1 trJalo ,1"'!'.' lleld bl l•illilllt .._ wliA••· 'lllo .._ ~ eourw-blo.arrlval al !he Wllln . 'll>oflrl\ endod In a bunl jury.Allor~ .abllltllllo-fl,~t•_.,lllVllfllk
(lot GOLFEI\, Pa11 I) lllcolMl, ll!e wu ...i.ncect "° 4 ... II b1. (lea l>llUGI, hp t )
• I 1
' . .... . . ' '
. ' c.oroner. ''They •are decompotJna ·rapM-
ly.". . •
llodi11 aJao were Jloatinfl lo, Iha I'd!
and others were buried in the iand _,
may never be found, &he: said.
VJce Pmident Splro:T. Apo fln,to
the d15aster scene for a helicopter ku' el
the eotkqu~mile area .of deltructlon
along lht Gulf coa!la ol AIUama,
Miasissi.ppl and Louisiana. He wu to fiJ
to New OrleaJ'I.! later today.
(See CAMILLE, Pue I)
Newport Out
Of Race for
I •, .. • • '
:court··Loeation . -. ' By i;ei>MAS FORTtl!IZ
Olflllt!li* ......
Oflilp c../nty aupervtaora today
~ a 4ecloi!fll cm loclltli<f a ..,, ~ ~ oioirlhoiuo .. lb<1 eOUld
Joalc ·•t a --Ible lite on land tf>o <tty ol
Coota M,.. b .,..pp1ng wiU1 Soutbem
Calilomla Qollege.
The site search DOW seems to be con-
llned to lb& Costa. M... Civic Center· fairgrounds ,.,... will\ Newport •Jiudi'a
offer out of the nmrdlW.
The prime •i"I that hat been uncjer considei'atton by 111pervlaon fJ 10 ..,...
at lhe lorner of Fairview Road and ~·
lngtoo Drive soolth , of Coota Mesa Hl&ll
Se!iool. The pending, land owap with
Southern Calilomta College lnvolveo eliht
acm ltijac:&nt to lhe Costa Meu Civic
Center 101.db1 of. Fair Drive. .
Silpe!Visor Altoo t. Allen Mid It ....,_
ed to.llhn the tounty would be buyfq a
primtein il it purchased lhe lite -from lhe high acchoOI and On<nge c..t
College. His .... rvauoo Is that -
would..,. courtbou!e porldnc .--'"nle other property ne1:t to 'the Civic ce-would be_, il it eouJd•be•ot>-
tainl!d at a priCe that la combarable/'·be said. . i ·---
However, C. J. Marks, cha.lrman. of the
Orange · Coarlty Fair "~;·---eaW·1 be
tlloupt lha ·altemate site -ik'-....
aidirably more. · ·
"I'in eertaJn it will be appralsed at. a
hi~ price," he said. "I'rn ·told a Mice staUon across the way, pild> an
auil8lld!M price of aomethlng lib ·
$125,000 per. acre, making it"lcomparabl•
to the Newport Beach alte.'.'
COit of the site at FaJrview and Ar1-
ingt0o 'h" been estimated by "'""If'
(See COUllT, ""' ti
The fOJ .will creep In for a '"' mere holin Tbunda~ mofning, fol·
lowed· by IUM1 .nd warm weather 1
I with tempeta~ raii;lng from n I
almg 11\• ~ to 71 inland.
' . JNSJDJ 'roDA 'l'
, r , , • .. . 1 , ~ I
· Cor,ona ,..del ., Mor\ de1igtlt?' , sum. cr.taW. oormt7'tl out of
fabric 10~1<h ''"' !Qlll ~rifllll ibelf. • Sod.tu l'og1 12. =-.__ ,_ --= :t:ftc" --·----" M ·~ ~ I•~:':...;.. I --............. ------. -.,-r ~.._... ..... ,_ . ,.,. ,.,...., ;,,•,':':"
.. ..
Cl•lf .. , ..
~r. .. .,. ... e· . ~ ....
~l4 _,
~: .. ~ ... -.... ..... ... :: ...
' '
I 14~--N Wtd.....,, A.,.st l0, 19"
# ' 1 f ,,
!~·;-:• ~-:e~·~
NAti.Q.u. ··~r;epared~
ZMesan son . . . .. . ·ro ··'Risk~·;.Peace " Drug Rap
Search teams, plagued by a lack of
~unications, fanned out into remote arUs where they were cut off from head--
quattera u they went about the grialy
wort of locating the dead and stactinJ
them for transportation to Hattiesburg,
the ~t unscathed city.
"'Ibt,re m plenty of people still buried.
You get up close and you can smell them
but you can't get \(f them," said Pass
CllrisUan Police Chief Herbert Roles.
All bgt a few of the r~ered, bodles
wereJJUMi 1rl Harrison COwlty. which in·
eludes· Pm Qlrilllan, Gullport and
Biloxi. I . ~ . Li.le wu ,nm for the survivon,' among
them an estimateO 200,000 who were l!ft
homeleu ·"1· Camille's 190-mile-an hour
winds. ..... ·
Tired, huqry, tbltlty, umruhed and.
without IOllell lil!Ct the sf«m hi~ many lroPed lhroogb the "'"1• of their homes
salvq!JIC,.,,,..... of their belonglnp.
· Snakes,.""""' of them 'pOllOllOQI, and
rats ,,_ .lllOYing .through the area look·
Ing .for fl""I, bat rescue.teams aald Ibey
Wert not: I real threat yet.
Commimlcations were nearly nones:·
1stent ancf f,ood IDd w1ter were at a
.pr.tmJum.. n-·' .
•. Red er.a' and Arm:i trucks ditpen>ed free water, aaDdwicbu and coffee to as in.any u J);Ollible, but some foragers bad
to conteai tbemRlves with what they
found in· batttred, unlabeled cans flung
into the ,nud from home pantri~ and
crocerY ahelvu.
Search parUes were out of touch with
tbtir beadqiiarten for hours at a Ume
ond Ion( llna <if mid"1ta waited 11 ·the
few working pay telephones to get word
to relatives that they had survived.
.-Stort owner Ltw HenderlOP said ht
·WU llll'Jll'lled that so mey people stayed
ln the aiea after the storm hit.
· "It's lft amazing thing. People around jien-~.mtaid \l{rllic 1_. and Ibey
1tay. You'd. lhlnl: the( w~ l~ve the ·~·" 'said' He~, liho 01'11'<1 a au us · eqWpment store destroyed at
port. . . . .
'•t ~1·1 -l\i1
'.:7 ri>ast People:,''
:'ro Organize
, J~o:rs' hfQup . ,
I. ·r.-··-i ... ' t "· ' •. ._ ~· !lf~ 'c.ut ,~dents ·lod•Y ....... ~-.u memberl of the orpniz-inl · \iiiniitueo pl the newly formed
n..:..0 C.Urit ,,,..,.. JurOn Assbdatinn. ,.. • .,.._ .... y ~,.,.. . .
Tbe.oeltdlo!!.followed a Superior Coon
meelfol GI II members o1 ""'' arand . juries at which · Richard Bas11t of
·Fulllrton, foreman of the 1967 panel, was
· lllllied temporary chalnnan. '. AIDoni lltOle asalgned to develop
·11y1na of· the fledgling group and
~~ any other steps neceuary to
;.......,. the woclatlon" .,., J..,.. W.
:-. ~d·Colgrove; David Rin&, 'J.1Lellle Steffensen, Getald L. Werner
Olld'.Mrs. Thomu C. WeJisler all of
·Nnport Bach and Mrs. Helen Keeley of
-~ · 1nie comi>itlff will make Its rtcom·
~ nm month to a general
·-, ol 'fonntr grand jurors. .. ANlst1nC the committee in it.s organiza-
·tlolt of the new croup are members of the
Loi• Afteeles Grand Jurors Auoclatioo.
AD Cecmmitttee member& are olflcials or
eiDmlttee chalnnen of formei Orange
c.ounty grand jurnrs. ••
UAll Y Pl!Of
ln.tN.W9" .,,.... ... ........,
J.di .. e.r1.., vi. ...................
U...Mll:...tl . -. n....-. .... , .... --........ c.m .. --..,_ ............. _. Utl_,__,,,
I ....... ,....,A'-1171,'2&6) .. ...oito-.
. QllllNl91•_. .........
;.. ............ !,ftt,...._
......... IMdl: -.. ..,.
:1· ..
.. . nouncei,.troOp,eJtbaek: '..... \·:·. ·:-'•;
·Rotm:~leated "! •.,..;.. ~·· that the fjaehSlble rlaks" in~Vtd a scal-trc'<!rn of U.S.'111llitary qperatlons. He'
~!h*'·ln be~ epeciflc, llYhla he ·~
wu llnot going to d1'ciooe all pJoos", of
oper:atlona Jn the middle oi the war ad .; .
would not get into "military orders.••
The secretary said that he had not
detected any move on the pa{t pf ~sl~
to use. !ta 1nnu..,.. to end the n1htt111 lft
Vklnam or neighboring Laos. lie aald
Russia, which now ls SJJPPIYinl an of
Hanoi's military equipment, could -have
lip.lflcar.t lnflllence on the luue ol war
or. peace. (Related story Page 5).
"I do not think they are doing u much
u they could," he commented. ''They
say they have a problem with their con·
stituency. •
Ul'I T1i.~i.
A. f"Dde;v~ with a l\ll'l'l•·lype aient
aeeki!>J to buy blg . aupplles of ~ od
methedrine in a shop-af'!d-go m1rktt lot
hu It'd to the arrest of two Costa Me1a
brodlers, federal authorities di.scfosed
~y. . .
1/ldl~ta are ~led. next' week a~ ~ two who Police allege are
major Harbor Area de!l<!rs -orie an
OrllJ18e Coast CXll!eie studebt-!ollowing
their jailinl two weeks qo.
Gerald d. Edge, 25, and Waype .K.
~e. ~I, both of 2324 Ji.:ldeon Ave:; we:fe
arrested Aug. 7 after three alleged
drug purchases fnVolvlf\g exchange of
500 pills and $300 cash, investigators
said .
The older defendant, a carpenter, and
his OCC 9i:UC1e11t brother were b(>oked
into Los Angeles County Jail and a~
ralgned Au1. 8 before a U.S. Commis·
siooer, but the case was kept confiden-
tial 'pending further lnvcsUgation. By this he apparently meant Russia
wCMJld snffer ·in her contest with Red
China· if lhe Kremlin tried to prei suu
another Communi..st nation into making a
reasonable peace setUement.
The secretary said the Unjted Staie.
would go .ahead Witb'·lts plans.'to 0 Vlet.
narblze" the war by replacing Amerlcan
troops with South Vietnamese forces
wbelh~r the lull in enemy operations con-
. tinued or no1.
ON TRAIL BIKE, WILBER PHILPOTT SEARCHES RIVER FOR SON HE KNOWS IS DEAD 'Tb•~• tfta Wey Life 11. You've Got to Do What You Think Is Right.'
"Were they surprised? Very much so,''
said Sgt. Jack Calnon, of the Costa Mesa
police vice and intelligence unit, ·WhlC:h
assisted in the federal probe ol Harbor
Area drug traffic.
However, be said, the rate· of ieplace-
mnl and withdrawal of U.S. forces ob-
viOW11y would be higher If ·lh6 enemy
refrained from stepping up the fighting.
Rog')l'S<had ·no progress to report in the
Part, lalka. H~ said Iha! the United s~ still hoped to fmd ""'"" avenue which would lead to peacfl but that to far
all of tbe proposals. and conceuions made
by Waahlngton and Saigon had tlicited oo
mtJlliniful reaponse from the North
Vttlnariiese nelotiators.
Ambwador Henry j:abot Lodge, chief
U.S. nqoti1tor in Parl!, is scheduled to
Confer with Pruident Nixon and. Rogers
Thursday in San Francisco where top
U.S. officials are· gathering tb meet with
South Korean President Parle Chung Hee.
Rogers ackoowledied that there were
some differenet1 within t h e ad-
ministration over the advia&billty of cet·
ting a Soviet-American bar! on tests of
multiple-headed nuclear missiles (known
as MIRV) u part of the be'"""'"I of the talks. ... ~~·-
However he said be did not believe
these differences were aerJous·and Prtsi·
dent NiJ:on .Ull stOOd by his earlier posi-
. tion Qia'lli( ~m~ary moratorium· on testi ill' nlJIOl!l''lillghf;/eU bt-eop.
sldeitd ilS tlie' first «def Of buSiriea if
and w~en the lalka begin.
iJ ~, 1 ~I' ? • ·.'··~ (. ,,, Frea ... .,.
' ,,
Futile Sear~h
Lonely Man Hunts River for Son
LOMA LfNDA (UPI) -Every Sunday
for the tu~ 11i1 months a lonely man has
driven a motorcycle along the banks of
the Santa Ana Ri~er looking for ,}ii:s aon.
Wilber Philpott lost three ·ot his four
boy~ before they reached th~ir teeus. He
knows that the fourth, Benny, 12, is dea(f,
too, t;iut the compulsion is s~ch he cannot
give up t~ search.
Benn)' wu swept through a culvert and
Into the river Feb. 25 during 'the heaviest
rains California had ei:perlenced in 80
years. Philpott, a garage mechanic, was
h~lplng pulJ cars out or the floodwaters
onl)r 500 I~· away at the time. He did not
know ' until he came home at 9 p.m. that
bis son had been lost.
The ne1t morning, Philpott franUcally
roamed the river b&nks, hoping to find
the boy alive. Those chancel IOOD faded,
but the father could not atve up.
He bought a two-wheef-drive trail bike
witri huge Urea which can . be driven
through water, mud and the toughest ter·
rain. PhUpott lul11 to wort throµgh the
week· but every Sunday, usually With a
friend and his boy's dogs, . be goes
Philpott says he ha.s been told he is
wasting his time looking for his son's
, "It all depends on how you look at it,''
Philpott says. "I say I'll find h1m some
day. I'i:n not giving up." ·
His three other son11 died of a liver
distue and are buried \ogether.
"I've got to do'> tb1s to satisfy my own
mind. I may break up when I flDd Benny.
But that's the way life is. You've jOt to
do what you think ls right."
Public Use of Salt .Creek .
Fre• Pagel
COURT ...• · .
persoMel al aljoul ~.ooo per ac;re.
Cost.a Me84 city and fair board offidlls
urged supervilora to buy the Fairview-
Arllngton site. Slid Costa Mesa May"'
AJvin Pinkie)', "We feel this location
would be an excelten.t orle and within the
price realm we feel a public enUty should
pay." .
Robert Humphreys, director of 'the
county fairgrouniis owner 3 2 n d
Agrk:ultural District and trustee of
Orailge Coast Junior College -Distrii:t,
said, "l tblnk the area 19 just sufficiently
remote that you're not going to have the
parking problem you anUcipate. Cars
have not parked on the property and it· is
not fenced."
Costa Mesa City Manager Arthur
McKenzie said, "We feel no compunction
in stating we have been controlling the
parking situation."
Sole representative of the city of
Newport Beach was planning department
aide Brian Hawley who said the city i!
moving ahead to purchase U>e civic
center aite at ·MacArthur Boulevard and
Sgt. Calnon said tthe Edge brothers ga ve no resistance when informed by
the young federal lawman ~ appar-
ently pined, their confidence that theY.
were under arrest •
"nle A\11. 1 capture at Wilson Street
and Fairview Road climaxed a foor·
week investigation, in which two pill
purebuea .were allegedly made . near.
markets and another fn a Private .heme.
Authorities si.id they befieve the pair:
to have been major figures ~ Costa
Mesa _and Newport Beach nar~cs ac--
tivity; based on 1he amount of evidence
"We've had reports of It going on
then," Sgt. Calnon said today, .but de-
clined to tie the younger brother into
any LSD or methedrine distribution at
the OCC campus.
A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's
office in Los . Angeles said today that
Wayne Edge wa$ released on $2,000
bond following his Aug. I arraignment.
His . brother was released on $3,750
bail, pending a federal hearing next
Wednesday,, at which time fonnal indict~
menl5 charging them _ with sale of dan-
gerous drugs are ei:pected.
Local lawmen said the thr<e allefed
drug ptirtbues involved JlasUc bap
containing tablets believ io be the
haliuclnogmic lSDt as well u 11\eth·
edrine. or ~Ilea speed, a powerful,
~ddictive stimulant.
Eut eoui Hlghwn i..m·~ -rrit!De ., -. . eomp.ny. --.,; lit',~ ·;:...,,,.t ~·, 1 Ho;~<oa~· V1'ctrm' ••A document to consUmmate the sale 'U1'C' ·
bas been dr~wn up hv the clly ati.r.,;,, · "
and is now '"· th4t .Ml -~.~ _ .' · d
a1gna1u..i;· . ,, .. ~·1• ·' 1~, cci ent
SUpervlior Allen' ·Ill would lite In ' •
exhaust -1~ pcsslblllllea before mating a A~~~~ . .,Utiout a liceme ram. GOLFER ..• decision aM otffu aupervi90rs agreed med into a car.ditvm by a schoolteacher
By THOMAS FORTUNE pany on record as being opposed to after-with him, calling · tot more study of Tuesday. She in tum, lost control of her Whi~ House: ~e, bfown. acrubby courae Of tllf Dlflr •1111 ''"' the-fact planning that would a d d a1temaUve sites which they seemed to in-!
of r--Pendl th ri dicate would be primarily the site in-vehicle and I Plowed.into a red-tblngled ,,_.up etbn; e P .vale coune of The Issue bas been sharply drawn: The pedestrian access. Walter Mnenberg, ~.S ambuaador to Lam.ina N1 .... e1 CorporaUoo is qpposed to volved in the swap, house in West Balboa. ~. -*'·~~rqe,#Jl*·,alm . an;~r~~PubUc aceea:al ariY. point to "Where this has been done It J:tas caus. Police aaid "Randy Stewart Klein, II,
Spnq11;.'lttd a1·~ Val¥ff one·Of the &aJt Creek.Beach. . ,. . ... , ed parking and police problems," he said,_ Shei'man OW, started the chain reaction
~·picturtsqu~ layout! reacll'!blt in ~ ·."The mlle 'and a quarter ·1!( beech· is ''not to mention near destruction of some UJf fee~Ol Fund at the intersection of 35th Street and
relaUytJy \_few miIJJtes from S-a a .just Jbout bic enoqgh Ut.aetve: Ute P.lan-of the communities themsilves . The Lake Drive, when the car he was driving Cl~ente.uy ~copler. . :. ned LagUna' Nieuel. population of al~ooO." number of accidents at Scotchmari's Cove struck the ·rear erid· of a car driven by
H!' J?a".i~ t~r won a game from !Us 1111 Nlsuet ..corporation \lice· Pres!~nt is one reason why this shouldn't happen. Taken by Thief of 38lh s falhir,, -in-Jaw.! . ,, v---i•-Fernald J,, ·. , ; Beverley Greene, i;t, 412 t., rb l th I Z1 .. 1 nuu" ..... ~ ''Another problem with surfers is that ..,_ h tt h .. ~• d •t f · . · .a~e:nP ~ommen. l;l~ , . a , e .. er -. ~ ... 1 -·11y. think what. we ..... do'·"· Is Newpqrt oeat • oer car w""e " eel, amiled.1 '; """' '" ..,. they use up an awful lot more wate;r than The girls at Torbet Aircraft ~are going u 'd, -•·•to-.., t th hou t Then the bi~ question: What's the morally right. We can't,,solve every~'s anyone else and render it unsafe for to have to wait a little while longer for po ce 581 ... v ....... ., ·-· 1 e sea
·Presidtot,a golf sCore'> · beach a.cc;81 prob]eD_1. · ·.. ..., family swlmminjl." that new coffee pot. 303 35th St. The house is.owned by Robert
"He has shot in the 80's," Ziealer Fernald 8 unbendini posibon ~hen McClelland told supervisors: They're up in the air today over the Humplµies.
· ·setted B' t h. -Ouli:bi't · ·-·h ·· "I quesUoned .by Oi:aoge County superv1f¥1r.S "Your wisdom ·and ·foresight Is ·being theft ·frcm the firm'a hangar at Orange There were no injuries. ~Ink w~ b':.otee aw p~:yi:nw :i~da Tuesday ~ot .surfer Brennan "Htiya" tested. Tbey're planning a community to County Airport or an_ item that any Damage to the frOnt of the house In·
when we said th!!: President shot a fll " McClelland's dander up. surround this beach. 'J'hat's unpalatable woman would regard as a blue chlp asset eluded shattered windows and deatructlon . · "The b11ttle lines are drawn. We're the th I I d A Ziegler must have rotten into a little going te fight tooth and nail for more to democratic consdence and at's -some 8,000 green stamps va ued at '50. of tbe garden,. po ice sai . n adjacent
lroUble oyer that. Nobody has released than 1.ust a rwodestrian path ,. he vowed why people who may never use or walk Sheriff's invt.stigators are confident house was also slightly damaged. Jtr.e!ldeotial golf 900rtl since. f rd -• on the beach want to keep it.11 they can lick this c;aae. -' Klein Was clted, police·aaid.
However. one Summer W!Ute House a terwa · . . r-:::;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;=::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;=;:;;=;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;::-JOUrce who h&J followed several pr•i-Fernald was asked by Superv1so~ David
deols on the links deecrlbes Pt!oldent llal<er H be would be more inclined to
Nixon's game thualy : · lflllt an '81emer)t trJ the surfing ~rea
"He drives well, averaging from 175 to do,':'°coast from Salt ~.k.. .
200 yard,,, but his irons are Jnconsiat'enl. I think not Mr. Bater, Fetnald said .
He's not bad with a putter and, usually, 0 Baker followed with a pofn~ que,ilon.
his golfing parblers graciously grant him Are you in no way sympathetic to public
the 'gimmies.' ~ of ·tbe beach?'.' . ,,
''Like a lot of weekend golfers he 1'be beach I! pnvate, Fernald
shoots in the mld-90's " ' replied. "It is being dev,Ioped for the
The President himstJt, asked.about his po~lation lh11l lives i.n Laguna Niguel.''
new found interest during a session Tues· · ·Ht •aid he would like-to put the com-
day with lit newly appoibted .am·
bassadors, replied:
"My handicap is my back swing.''
He smiled as be said it.
From Page .1
Un off with a lesser sentence if ahe ilad
pleaded guilty. But she refused to:Why
should she? She didn't. do it."
Kennedy explalnf.d ·that hil wife had
gone across the border to Tijuana to pur-
eh~ a statue. She went with Mark
Hlln.10n, 22, a tenant in the Kennedy'1
aporlmenl ~ ••
ll>nlon waited boct 1croos the !Jonie{.
He was also arrtsted in connectlOn with
the caise, found guilty and ,wa11 to be
aentenced Monday; He did not appear in the District Court., however. A warrant
has been i11SUed for his arrest.
KeMedy said lhe marijuana was plac-
ed in bis wUe'a car by IOO'leone ellt,
without bor knowledge.
Mrs. K""1edy lodaf siined .1. no!i<e of
declJion not to appeal the ;,ntOr\cinJ'.
Court ob<ervlirs aald lh1a could lead to
early consideration of 1 J>irrq. . .
India Picks €hief
I "
Mt. Gilstrap
Last Rites Set
Servltes for Howard T. Gilstrap, 86, a
.1q·Ume:Newport Beach resident, will
be l\eld Sa1u~iy at JI a.m. at Pacifi¢
View Memorial Park in Corona del ?.1ar.
Mr. Gilstrap, a retired G. E. Kadane
Petmleum"'aupervisor, died Monday at
Ho11r11tmor1a1Hosp1tal, NewPort lleach.
He resided at 1500 Coral Place for 49
Survivors Include his son, James
GiJWIP..of Newport Beach; numq<!r of
Kadane OiliM two grandchildren and two
grut-gra,cdchlklren. ·
Services Held
For Miss Minke . .
Servlcu were held lodey for l!l•n<Y
Mlilke, &11 Newport Beach, 1'ho dlfd 81
Hoag Memorial Hospital Sundi;1.
Miao' Mll)i\<, 19:1'1 Tr~ Lane wu a .e.r.tlry to adnili\iltraj!v• .w1sl
tan 110!' Aooersen:oFlliONIWport-'Moii
Ullllled School Di!tilet, lo!<tht ']Nist two
yea,.; Siie' had ""'1<td ·with • lh6 diltt1d a1l!c:t ltel. .
She II sur.vlved .by her mother, Ann
Minke and a brother, Ratpb Mlnke, Colla ·Mesa.·
w..,ts ~I not wtM in find I~
Mttc.h )'OU! sir.I• wilh' OU
many cflslln<tfto ....... And
Aisk ut •bout our f•mo1Js
Orange 8'°'5om guarani..·
, .....
~ 211.ot .
22 YU.~S • SAME LOCATION ~ -· .
l'ltOT ·AD\l'!RTISER S
· ''Vano''
'· Ftiric Flllsh
jll11el1 "'•ics 111 Mn
)laltlt•I ••• YIH 11111 •• tt1t _,,,
SUPRSP~Y .,. ......
fll li111· Pntlctill
4 or. Cau
11 Jergens''
S11th1 r1111, lrrlt1tll mu .. , . 111s ml 1111
IUt llllipm tr n1ttor
t.ot 77c ·~.or.
Sir• •
Mill cuce1a11, 1111 Cite·
11111 wilt Al•• CnK' Clllcelall 1,. Flllt '11111
Cllcllab 111 1tllln.
39c King Size
Auertlf 1111!111 II 1%.,L
CID wilt ... II" lllL
• DAILY l'ILOT ',t-;p -
for lWO on the "Princess Carla''
~;~~=~7 -ht Y1t1 (otry lllK 11 ~i""'=c:=iii""":~;;..:;;;.;;;;;.:,~::iil'-' Alf, Sll·ON llUI .11111£
C11l11 Days Start 11 Sept. 25th, 1969 .• : Winer Will Be N1tlfld
Soft,~ :::lPt••"' Deodorant
tr IL WI 83C ~~~-slzt 1. 09 . 1J$ 1 49 · 111.Slzt • .
California Fashion Lashes #«tu:.J;;ue
Home Permanents
' ti.
· NOW Acne Medicine
SI l'rlttrJH m-il 11 Mm
"Pins 3"
ia 3 Ski• su•u
Actually helps sjap -pi1111les fl)>m sf!owil& &
e"" prmats llW illfec·
lions. So......, JOI'" wMr it under makHp.
#1 Up!
#211df•• #Jllftltt1
i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••.
"U L' 1· k" NATURAL woNoER n-1ps 1c
1rs never cakey, heavy or dry. The
shine stJys ·shiny; the pales stay
pale! 111 frosteds, transparents or 1 50 creamies. 20 colors in all •.• in bright
little flower-finged cases. El. 1
, NATURAL woNDER "Water Paints"
COTY ''lmprevu''
,,.., ·...,j "' . !] ALBERTO CULVER l lir B.runettes Only'
Fl aeon
Let Ille •"'P!Cld' fraime, .,.....,, 1iOrk its Ngic IOW! Tn dreameB in1a d"""'6-.
lbovt gills. Now Milabll ~ I
tiH1 elegatl Fi-Mist Start
wio lmprew IDlfay -,..11
start something!
2.50 '
for EYES
Lid Shadows
Ts pail\t lashes of clear •. t letri
co!Or: Special ·~~tters· lold lack
oil, so colors stay fmh 3 00 •"day! five col .. groops
lo play witl1. ... •
Lid Liners
New eit-liners Illa! cream 1111 with wa-
ter to sleek on rich color thlt neYlf
ioes pm,ry. "Lid u~
er'' & "Fros!Uner" pairof 2 00 ;,, a compact 6 co~r
Cflmbinations.. II. I
"Big Lash" Mascara
Do•b!Hich to m n1 add bod!. Makes Y'"' lashes thick 2 00 1nd fiiny. Ooe"'t sme• or ~ke ••• waterproof, hie. •
Hand trimmed • delitately spiled
• fleKible strip
Pointed Lash
tu.wioosly ~nt ~Inf and peel\!d • ', • beartil•llJ natulal, lley
havo tbe looi< of 1 salon OllH! .. • 3 50 time applicati.,, Nalulll Blacl llld
Natural Brown. . •
Lower Lash
To 1-Ille '!'.' ii Ille 111!1 llllnl ftf possllll. 2 95
"'' It .... witi "' -"" styft 111 ........ ny lool '°' dis•11. Na1!!ral Black and lml Brm. o
"Slper Blasllrs"
Hew paler colors ttiat make
ottier blushers turn orange
with envy. Superfun to carry
in a wildflower compact In·
troducing the new blushing
makHp to fluff on or touch
an witl! 1 Super-pollfy putt.
NOW IHll 111 lllkH• tilt '111s-1, 11uu
sline ••• wit1t11t.cakiq 1r c'•llfllll c1l1r.
co,,,. f~m ,,.,. wilfl reilfortoil lee!;
mesi wilfl lldl ieel, llld plaio wi!ll 11ln-
f ortoil lltet. Assor1!d shades i1 811 to
11 sizes.
. 12~~~2.88
Complete kits .•• choose the arte 119 right for your hair!
UISin £a. o
"Life" R111tr1111111 c1111u1111 ~-~-~-' Conects damage caused by teasing. 1 89 -·-bleaching, -1ir sprays. etc.
2.51 l!IL Slzt o
Wastles shi!ll 111111 lair ••• """ 119 dulls ••• 11.., ricb, creamy ~tber.
1J9 II~. Sia o
Tll• fr1rr11c1 t~at c11 s~ate
y11r w1rl~!
Rich creamy liquid caresses the
warmth of your body, envelopes you
in a fragrance that clings hour after
h..,. A few droJ>s on ''"'body, here,
there -everywhera.
•• ,. (JO 3 00 4 ir. Siu •
., .. : .. . '. .....
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR THE NEW ROMAllTIC LOOK • , •
YARDLEY'S "Next-to-nothing" . . .. Makes JOll' skit looi< IMO-
ocetrt, b•iSpll!llt ""' 011! so buatifnl. Mlgically bii!U
flm Ill meal "~!be true
beauty of your ski~
Li!lll 1 75 Mak11, ....... , , , •
Mollcatol Dll-F111 1 75 f111~1H11 ..... ~ .•
s .. nrnp 2 (JO
lllll ""''" . . .. • •
~:, ............. 2.00 !" SHAMPOO•IN ·~~HAIR COLOR
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
i Int! lr111t111111111 i1111 olllci! ' . ti "fir 1!111tlls Oalf liu a ~ ;. ~hade !bat's rt&lrt far M1J bru-·"c:"'tto. Go figtrter ••• (0 dirt.er,
i°J ..... mll covers gl'IY completely.
~ •:it just 20 minutts. l .
;;i 10 G111t SW11
2.25 Sl11
' '" ~ REVLON " ,. EYI
Shadow Spreet
l C1ptinti11 New
'. l;es~lfflr C1ll1cti11
• Sit 1tst~llin1 "IMll~n shadow"
119s, 1 pony IMl1 and full.fiew
• minw -~I Cll'llrof I• eye-cold>
inL colorfvl. 1111-flSiliooed -pacl>I Slips into your Pl!l'e for
quick touclt-ops.
' R1plar 1r Fr11td
~_; 4.00 EACH
M AOlt: IN T M& UNITl!O •T A.Tll!:S
Shampoo-in Color
far lair Clltr 'UllJ wttHll 1!111, wlttoll 11111
Automaticall1 timed 111 lrtnc ,.. wetly Ille
shade JO' want l'OR£Al has also 1 ~
-If other fine hair colorinc Pl1Plf·
1tiais, including lightenert, drsbber, color 2 00 renvers and developers.
"Bio-Kur" fir
Total Hair Care
-... Hair Repair
---for lloi ..... ly 11:·:w..~~ -'"" 3 50 -'1 .. I
I .
i I
Styli11 er.
Mjs Ires• •ll1llty ind
brirlgs Olt -hip. li&Ms. l'n•ides r .... fist·
t:sat 1.50
C111,11t1 'kit •
2.25 ......................................
"Coiffure Hali•"
Color Nlghlight S••111poo
Ll•lt1I S1ocl1I
I ., con ORIGINALS !
licky little lip Colon •• • I
Glissy Wet fOl'lllllla ... f
Sfooer, clear colors tliat
l1olr liko Jloss. Just
ftke yoa l<ked your
lips. Sl1 llssy shades
tliat •bow 11111 stay!
T1,1m Call-Ill C.,
SHU~(.// ~inl
Compact • , • a beautiful
trssl"""' ......., IC· 2 00 cessorytu , .. cornplex-
iol1 subtft Nttl finish. •
Alblsh Spray Cologne n~ ••• a bolquet of llower.fresl ~·-gf1!1Ce: A su!Ue scent to 11m1un4
lier ii daytime freshness ... Lipstick e1l'elopa •er i• 1 1i1bttim1
alamour. Special Safel Snlll 1illfin( sfladts
.I""' 11111! tu llrlafit -frosfldl Ind
DMLY Replql.11 75c Y1sQlfc1
' ....................................... '. ••• • •'••······· ...... ··············••••f•
tfle Advm
Look Penn
-ni1 II th Jiii fir e1rls!
Cills 111 i1 · ..• and l;r today'•
. t11ll~ JOO Ml todlfe TOii ·~ !Aok l'lrnl".
• loptlr • 111111 • s.,.
AD PllCB ,..VAii.i llinflr,1111112111111 . SllUJ, lilllll NG
HUNTIH•TOH 111 .. 1H ............ _
HUNnN•fOll 11ACH
.......... & ....
NEWPOllT 1uc:,;. , ... ._ ..........
I i
Threat: Bay Pollution
A atanc• at most docks and pilings In lower Newport
Bay and at blobs on the water's surface shows Iha!
1omething is, indeed, wrong.
Despite opinions from some olficial observers, the
bay's water is not as clean as it should be.
Fish are still dyine.
Marine toilets still are being used aboerd boats in tl\o
bay, despite laws agf\i.nst it. Pesticides and fertilizers
ati.ll wash into the water from Harbor Area homes.
More ftlCel1Uy, oil seepage from Wlderground aources
bas begun to Inc~•• in West Newport waterways.
But, fortunately, there are some officials who are
definitely concerned.
City Harbor and Tidelands Coordinator George Dawes
ts one of them.
Two weeks ago he requested, and received, top prior-
ity status fof a far-reaching study on water quality in
\he bay.
Hi s goal is to wade through the maze cf government
agencies involved with water quality in the harbor, and,
before the problem reaches a crisis stage, have plans
ready to combat it.
It will be a tough job, because a variety of bureaus.
boards and departments are involved.
Dawes has cited results of East Coast bay studies as
\he impetus for !he local project.
"DeteriMatiou of salt water in bays occurs slowly, the
1tudies showed, until it r each.. a mysterious point
where, very swillly, tl\e water becomes so badly fouled
that It is impossible to correct it, 0 Dawes ha s said.
Unl ess something reverses tbe trend, the prospects
for heavier pollution of the bay's waters seem in·
Larger boats will prOvide chances for .more waste
to be flushed into the bay, even though the practice ia
prohibited. And, Inevitably, as more people move Into
Newport Beach and use its waters, So will more pollu·
lion of tl\e harl>or occur-'1Dless steps ·~ taken in tl\e
otl\er directloo.
TI1e situation is serious. Tbe increasing pollution must
•top. The city bas tl\e power and the tools to accomplish
Ibis goal. They Qiould be •PP.lied.
Successful Aga in
Newport Beach's good citizens-private, public and
coryorate-bave. done it again this year-brought the
Un1ted Fund dnve over the top for the 13th straight year.
A $3,000 check from the Hoag Foundation boosted
the total over the goal of it84,928, and some other con·
tribution.s..,have }:et to-be counted.
The volunteer workers of the Newport Beach United
Fund have earned a deep bow of appreciation. It comes
not only from the 25 agencies-youth groups and organi4
zations serving the sick and the needy that the United
Fund helps support, but also from the en~ communily
that benefits from the work of these agencies.
Liberals Showed Disrespect H. G. Wells
Still Baffles
Biog raphers
The Angry Young Doctors
To the Editor:
Upon returning to Orange County after
a vacation which lmmedlately followed
the AMA meeting in New York, 1 wall
i;hown the article ln the JuJ,y 14 DAILY
PILOT, headlined.: ''Uberal Docton Ac·
cuse AMA of 'Criminal' Acts." I would, if
I might, point Ot.Jt one In.accuracy in the
UPI report.
The sixth paragraph !llates: "ll wa1
the first session of the four-day annual
<:oofermce and it had gotten off on a
J>alriot.ic note with a Marine Corps drum
and bugle contingent playing 'The Star
Spangled Banner' while the assembled
doctors stood at attention." .
Since most of the "group of angry 1"'"' doctors" sal lhroogh part of Ute
playing ol the Star Spangled Banner and
...,. of lhem sat lhrough lhe entl"'
playing ol lhe Star Spangled Banner, Ute
inaccuracy ol the UPI ttport is obvious.
Regional MediCll Proerams, m a vm
UC, Irvine
Police 1,,...e
, To the F.dilor:
In regard to your editorial {DAILY
PILOT', July 30), I concur with your
statement that a policeman must do his
job no matter what he looks llke. But I
doubt that any change of equipment will
improve the image of the Newport Beach
police nor the disrespect of the public for
the law.
Some lime ago I was abused at the
ballds of an officer llJld wrott. a Jette to
' l , ""
l..ntn ,,_ f'NMrl -wtlc:erne. Nonn•ll'r 'llflten lhouW ~ 1helr _.,.. In JOll _. or ..,._
TM '""' 1it--... ._,,.,.. • '" •Ka_, 1llmlM1• llMI .. ,_.,,.,._ Alt lltlW9 l!IUlt Irle .... 11tn1tv,.
Mt meU1119 .,..,..._ but 111...., ""'11 lie wllhhllof
"" ,...,.... If ll,lffl(l9ftt "-.......... ,.
the. DA.IL Y PD..oT to publicly protest this
unreuonable action.
ALL 1 GOT for my pains was a letter
from. an official who protested that I was
tarnish.lo& t.be reputation ol the police de-
So it appears to me that som e
enlightenment of t.be mind and im~
provement of character Mould be give n
priority, if a change is contemplated.
Art there any who may hear a cry
from a wilderness ol mounting decibel!!
and hysl¢A1 -
The tditorial f'e/erred to comment-
ed on ~e phasing out of black and
white aquod cars in favor of aLl·white
whiclla and the change from helmets
to soft hats (witl1 certain e:tcl!ptiomJ
as movt:t to improve the Newport
Beach police image. The editorial con·
clu.<Ud, "But the best help for that
image wiU come when /ewer laws art
broken.. A policeman must do his job,
110 matttT' what he looks like."
See G~st Editorial, column S.
Wants Cane Re tnr11ed
To the Editor:
Thi! note is addressed especially to a
person, a man very likely, who picked up
my cane and went away. I was pricing
candies on the candy counter of Mr.
Christensen, druggist. My wife and I
were expecting a visit on August 30 of
grandchildren and were pricing and
choosing av ailable candies. For just a
few minutes I placed my cane on the can-
dy counter, when I saw that it had been
taken by a man, probably. Many men
were walking along the street.
I AM If AND ailing and not strong
enough to run after the men in the street.
The money value of the cane is nol ex-
ceptional, but its sentimental value is
very high.
During the first war, my older brother
was killed. Two years later I visited
Germany to see the remaining members
of the family. My younger brother had
also been killed. My brother':; widow
gave me this cane. It has been with me
slnce then .
I CALLED THE cane my third leg
since it helped me to rise from a low seat
and als o helped me to walk in the
streels. I hope the man who took the cane
returns it to me or to the DAILY PILOT.
1 r the man returns it, his name or
residence will not be ascertained.
4.52 Mendoza Terrace
Corona de! ~1ar
Good News for Jackson
WASHINGTON -The ltro fund·ralsin&
campaign. lrooted by doveish Sen. Georee McGovern, will not diacrimln.ate
against Democratic senatorial candidates
who take a hard line on defeme and
.foreign policy Issues.
That is tbe won! from former Sen. Paul
H. Douglas, D-lll., who Nads a five.-
member commitlee which is to aUocate
funds raised in the campaign. An ex-
J\.1arine and e<rnbat veteran, Douglas wa!I
no dove as a lhrtt-ttrm member of the
He told us lhal ht agreed to help ·~
portion gilts to Senate candidates after
getting assurances from McGovern that
there would be no dbcrimlnation based
on such questions aa the Vletnam war,
foreign policy and defense. He is sure:
McGovern will rtand by that com-
Clarificalbl was required because of a
letter soliciting campaign ltmds which
WU sent out by the WlUte ffouaie..lmltltn
South Dakota Democrat more than a
Wednesday, Augu st 20, 196t
The cdflori41 -01 11•• Daifv ruoe ltlkl '° inform otad ttlm-ula.tt f'ca4na ~ presenting this
.....,,.,,,..,. op1..-ond .......
..... lart/ on lopit$ Of fft!nesl
end ftgolfjtofttt, btl proWliftg •
fonnn /Ot ~ '""'....,,, o/ our readlrr' .,...,.,.., ad br ,,,......, °" -"""" poffttl of "''°"""' ob"""" """ ....... ,,... .. !Opla ., .....
Ror.t N. Weed, Publlahet
month ago. The Jetter lisled 14.
"progressive·m.inded" Democrats who
are up for re~lecUon ne:rt fall.
''THEIR OPPONENTS already arc
raising: euormous sums to dereal them,
and special assistance will be needed in
saving the seats ol many of these
senators," the McGovern Jetter declared.
Of the 14. senators named b y
McGovern, 13 were doves of varying
coos. Only Sen. Gale W. McGee, D-Wyo.,
in the group Ii.Med, bas supported tht
Johnson and NlJon administrations on
defense and foreign policy quesUons.
NOJ' included were the likes o[ Sens.
John o. Putore, D-R.I., aod Henry At.
Jackson, D-Wuh., both prominent in sup-
port ol' the Safeguard ABM deployment
on the re<!eOt senate showdown.
In IUs letter, McGovern made it cltar
that bill own occasional disagreementa
with IOme of. the senators listed would
not hJve any be.a.ring on campaign gift
apportionment&. The !latemenl b '1
Dougl.u tarrlt.a a almilar assurance for
80mt o( the unlisted.
MINI-THREAT -AU this ill good neW!I
for Jackacn. At hll Everttl, Wash., home.
for the congrtSSlonal ttet&S. Jock!Oft is
Ct\1.lng IOfnt f\rst hand information OD a
camptlgn beln1 waged against h1s re-
nomination b7 llOme of his lellow
Were JICbon • leaa able, less popoler
-ii woulcf be a very wtous
tx111 ..... W1Ut JIWon al the pellk of his
Senato pmtlge, Ute drive, beadlid by 11168
IUpporlm al Ii<ll. Eugene J. McCltlhy'1
presfdentW bid, ranks as a worrlaome
The McCarthyites, working through the
Washington Democratic Coundl, are
trying to raise a $500,000 campaign kitty
IG finance a "creative alternative·• to
Jackson. They would like to get half or
that !!um from out of state.
SO FAR, THE anti.Jackson drive has
not been marked by political realism or
skill. Opposition to Jack.son was first
circulated in a draft resolution ad·
\•ocaling a sort of unilateral disarma·
ment. That proved a little too \\'ikl, even
for the council, and the resolut ion has
been disowned.
Now Jack.son is personally charged
with placing him.sell in opposition to the
party's national leadership and with
rostering a "fearful mood of cold-war
confrontation. 11 However, the o n I y
"crtative alternative" thus far men-li0De4 in speculation is S e at l l·t
Congressman Brock Adams, who is in-
debted to Jackson for past campaign su~
By Robert S. Allen
and Joll1 A. Gold1mlt.h
lnnatlon ls rough. on parking vlo-
later1, too. U!ied to be a clthen
oould afford to disobey parting
law1 for a reascoable cost of S2
The $10 bail sdledulfl dllcrbnlnates
against poor law breaktn:.
--J. F. E.
T~lt fMtfft rtflillCH ~ .......... _ _,,, .... .. .... •.•... ,. .....
ntlf Mt _... tt •IMrM 91111 o.lfJ .. llM.
At the turn of the century. the author
of "The Time Machine," "The Invisible
~fan," 1;The War of the Worlds" and
othe r celebrated scientific romances
published one of his less memorable ones:
but there it remains -''The First Men
on the Moon."
H. G. Wells, most prolific and best·
known write r of his time, would have
been nearly 103 had he lived to witness
the recent lunar telecasl He died al 80.
the son of an im provident shopkeeper and
a maid-servant He won a scholarshi p to
the Royal College of Science where he
studied under the great Thomas H. Hux-
ley and later, among other o( his ac-
complishments, became the first great
writer of science-fiction in English.
WE~ WAS A journalist, prophet.
~ist~ian, scientific seer. social sage and
1dealut. He was an anti·Marxist socialist.
He was a professional writer to his very
bones, "one of the most prolific hacks of
his time," as he once put it in a mock
obituary, "with a nair for what is com-
Herbert George Wells has been the sub-
ject of several biographies and critical
analyses, most revealing of which was
his own "Experiment in Autobiography"
f 1934.). He is the subject of a new one.
"H. G. Wells: His Turbulent Life and
Times." by Lovat Dickson, who for some
lime was editor and director of Wells' old
publishes, MacMillan & Co., London.
H. 0. Wills: Hl1 T"'"'-"' Litt Wlf TI ...... •r
Ln1! Olck-1 Alllellffft'l1 Ut "·' llL
Dickson admits that his is not a
definitive study of Wells, that he did not
have access to the Wells papers and let·
lcrs. which a professor Gordon Ray is
working on at the Univer&ity of Illinois.
Dic kson did have Wells' letters in the
1'11acMJllan files. His book, solidly British
and scholarly. nevertheless sparkles wiUt
an Edwardian-Georgian I i t e r a r y
ebullience. It centers on Wells' most
dramali~ years, 1905-1915. This was when
\Veils was turning from a 6\K!cessful
career as a popular novelist to become
·prophet and teacher. a kind of Twentieth
Century Swift or Voltaire. for as a mem-
ber of the Fabian society along with G.
8. Shaw (whom Well!! described as
"muddldleaded''), Wells dreamed of a
new Age or Reasoo.
WELLS' OWN autobiography made lit-
tle reference to Rebecca West Chance
brought him and Miss West together in
1912; she was a writer whose brain,
Dickson notes, "was the equal of Wells'
own and who combined her striking dark
beauty with daring courage.''
This was the great love of Wells' rich.
run lire with women. She bore him an il-
legitimate child in 1914 (the novelist and
critic Anthony West). Dickson plays thi!I
affair cautiously and with decorum, the
atmosphere of the book generally, but lt
ill on the record.
Wells remains a complex English ec...
centric. Like Dickens, he treated the
English poor generously and with sym-
pathy In hill fiction, as he "Invented"
aerial warfare and the atomic bomb in
"'The 1\'ar In the Air" (l90ll ). He was
thinker, proponent of sexual freedom, a
writing machine who seems still to bafOe
even the most dedicated biographer.
Maybe, after an. he remajo.11 a superb
wrltfl' of sclencHicllon who, unlike Jules
Vt.mt, thought of his work as palltlcal
commenti set within a "good aripping
WiDJam Hogu
Machines Can't
Replace Humans
In this dif!icu lt period of transjtioo n
are living through, our society h~ not yet
arrived at the proper equation between
men and machines. Machines should be
used for tasks that are subhuman or
super11.uman, but they cannot replace the
human factor without doing more harm
than good.
One dramatic example of our lopsided
equation today is provided by Dr. Robert
H. Moser, Chief of the Department of
1'-1edicine at Walter R,ee4 Hospital. In a
recent iSllle ol "Medical Opionion and
Review," he discussed the new Coronary
Care Units in the treatment oI heart at-
STRF.SSING THE Importance of the
first 24: hours in the detection and cor4
rection ol these acute infarctions, he
points out that "Glistening hardware that
bleeps and flashes ominous signals is
worthless without a human receptor
capable of swift, disciplined response."
Many hospitals, he suggest.s, have not
grasped the concept ol acute coronary
care: "It seems I am alwayt stumbling
over pudgy hospital administrators who
display their recently acquired electronic
gadgetry with an emotion reminiscent o[
an octogenarian presentint:,: a recently
stred son. The sophistica ted hardware is
trumpet.eel wit.b the same eagune.s!I a!I
the pump oxygenator and t h e
hemodi?lyzcr, other symbols of hospital
"THE ONLY PROBLEM," he goes on,
•·is that in lhe 91Q..a~ hours of the night
the dials and lighfi are patrolled by a
frighlened, half.green technici an perched
~.the edge of panic, whose only function
Ls to pms an appropriate button to sum-
mon a physician from a distant comer ol
the hospital. The. presence of·tbt equip-
ment provides some ridiculous kbJd of
proprietary pQl;lt;_ or, 'Vorse, a feeling
of security.
"It would be highly preferable," J>r.
M~ Suigest.$, "to ,have a well·trained
attendant or nurse who Is able to look at
a patient, make a rapid assessment , ••
and take immediat.e corrective action
while pushing the button. Coronary Care
Units have significantly d e c r e a s e d
mortality in (heart attacks), but there ls
an urgent need for personnel to man the
AN FSI'Jl'IATE in the 1'AMals of
Internal Medicine" last year showed that
an output of lKlme 60,000 coronary care
nurses would be needed to give full
coverage in the U.S., -whereas the cor·
onary care program was tw"ning out only
about l,000 nurses each year. lf tht
present units can't be adequately staffed,
how can we possibly expand the pro-.
Reliance on technology can become a
terrible trap, if this technology is looked
upon as a subsUtute for people rather
than a!I an added tool for human skill,
judgment and concern. Those bleeps and
flashes can only warn; they cannot cu.re,
and they do not care.
No Place for Arrogance
Federal Bureau
of lnvestlg:aUoa
Emerson once stated that "Life ls not
so short but that there Is always lime for
courtesy." This truism expresses a pr in-
ciple whi ch should be a common virtue
among all present-day law enforcement
The enforcern~nt oC the law in our
country today is not an easy task. Cer-
tainly, law enforcement is subjected to
more' abuse and critici.sm than ever
before. Some citlzeru: not only verbaDy
aUack Policemen, but they a I s o
physically l:ssault. them without pro-
vocation. Wblle such unwarranted action
cannot be condoned, the law enforcement
orfi cer should not let hostile public reac-
tion affctt the manner in which M
performs his duty.
ONE OF THE complaints Jaw en-
forttmtnt orficial1 bear repeatedly is
lhat the pcrsoru1I contact between the
public and ofrlcers on the strftt3 Is
decreasing. No doubt this Is true. but
police offieials have valid explanaUons
for the de<:line. Some of the fact.ors in-
volvtd include the rapid increase of
population, the continuing growth of
areas to be policed, the lack of man-
powt.r • .1od the obvk>us advantage o(
direct, constant rcmmunlcation w I t h
motorlud palrolmen. Thur, in 1dopUng
protedurea and changeii to meet Its
obligations In the light against trime, law
enforcement has, out of necessity, but
with reluctance., lost t0me of It.I valuable
personal rtlatlonahlp with the Individual
citizen. Tbll II wb)' II II .. vitally hn·
partant that ever7 ofncer be courteous
and considcrale in the contacts that h•
does make.
OBJECTIONABLE t r a i l s of one
member of a pollce department can be a
serious liability to all members. Ar-
rogance and condescension have no place
in law enforcement If an olficer is to
upboJd the ethics of his profession, he
cannot let penonal feelings or prejudices
inOuence his act.Ions. As a poJl~an. he
ts given a publit trust, and tbt public ba!'I
every ri&ht to expect hlm '*° lm't •II .citbens .ali ke, with integrity and honor .
AflorJaf~ Ute good wlll and ' "'1stance°'>f
the public are his moot valuable·•sseti
Improve their public image ahould tb&k
thclr courtesy rating&. Courtesy b bUic
to good publ.lc relat!ON. Whlle it may bt
in danger of becoming a lost art in ~
segmenu of our complex aoci ,
courtesy must be an ingrajned habiQ
every law enforcement officer. He shc:t;Jd
always have "time for courtesy." ,,.
• .....---B 11 George _.....,..'"'
Dear Geora:e:
How can I cure my wife cf bring·
in' home eveey str.,-cat in tbe
Dur Timi of ll: ~·
Brtn1 home every stray do1 tn
lhe ne~borhood.
"' --.-~~--~--.. ,
VO~ ~2. NO. ·199, ·1 I SECTIONS, ·13,•PAGES · WEDNESD~Y. AUGUST 20, ·1969 JEN CENTS
Newport Aides Demand Bay Land Tax Split
Ot,lt!t O.lly ,11111 Sltlf ,
A delegation of Newport city and school
representative! will meet late this week
with Orange County Assessor Andrew J..-
Hinsbaw to ask him to split up taxable
and nontaxable Upper Bay land.
tf be doesn't, the school trustet's said
Tuesday, they'll take him to cOW"l
The Newport-Mesa Unified School
LBJ -Plans
Nixon Visit
'.At Clemente
Fonner President Lyndon B. ·Johnson
and Mrs. Johnson witl visit President
Nixon and hiJ 'family at the Western
White House.in San Clemente on Aui. 27,
It was disclosed today.
The date of Johnson's arrival ls hls 61st
birthday, Presidential Press Secretary
Ron Ziegler noted.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson may be ac-
companied by their daughters and their
daughters' families, Ziegler add~.
11le Johnsons will be paying Uieir fJ.rst
informal call on the Flrsi Family. They
will alrivi from Johii90n City, Tex.,
flyin'.g directly to El Toro MCAS, then to
San Clemente.
President Nixon and his family will
entertain tbe Johnsoos at an trummil"I
luncheon in the Nixon mansion.
Later, Mi. and Mrs. Johnson and
Pr<Siden~ Naon will fly lo the Redwood
Na\1<11111 f.rk in , llmoboWt ~. wlitre the Prestderif"wtd ar.dicate ·the
''Lady Bird Johnson Grove."
* *' * Nixon Flying ~
To SF to Meet
Korea President
President Nixon will fly from El Toro
Marine QJrps Air Station to San Fran-
cisco Thursday for a two day vis.it With
South Korean President Park Chung Hee.
The Western White Hou~ In San
Clemente announced tnday that the chief
executive will arrive in San Franci!co·via
Air Force One Thursday morning and
will motor to the Cris.sy Fie15f parade
President and Mrs. Nixoo a n d
Secretary of StaLe William Rogers will
greet President and Mrs. Park at the
parade grounds.
·A reception for the Korean visltors will
be held at the 6th Anny Headquarters
O[ficers Club and then Presidents Nixon
and Park will attend a luncheon with
Secretary of State William P. Rogers as
Jn the evening the t'N'O presidents will
meet to begin their talk:!: and will then at·
tend a state dinner at the St. Francis
Friday morning Ni.Ion and Park will
begin their final talks. Nii:on will return
to the Wes.tern White Hou.!e at 12:30 p.m.·
Mesa Youth, 16;
Still 'Missing'
In North Ireland
. .
Dlstrlet board ~ ..,,the planned
visit ·al ihelr Tuiiaay meelin& after
reviewing the.•upectea effects on the
~ct budget'~,Hi,psbaw'a_freeze of an1
estimated Sil ·millioo worth ol taxable
lnJld,in the Upper Bay sr ...
'Ille ~s action could cost I.be
diiitriet 'Up to ~,000 ln tax revenue next
Y~· :..wid COii the City al Newport
Beach abou<$J50,000.
The plan WU cri(inaled br ~
Seliln Frlllklin, who IO((eSted the court
action U)IJJlbinc comea from the meellq
with Hinshaw. '-·
He, ~ Chairman Marian Bergeaon,
Superln_..,t wnu.m CUnnlng!wn and
repruentatlvia fnlin the city will .meet
with HinshaW u 900n aa posaible, tbe
·Ollicllila FNr Mo,. BOdlolWill le' Found Undor :O.bria ..
Newport Preparing Stand
Onf:lJpper. Bay Laud ,Swa.p
lit JOHN V·ALTERZA Oi,,,. iMllf .N"' S'9ff
Changing attitudes -from quiet nonin·
volvement to' active sJeptlcism -·
became apparent Monday tn, the official·
N~ &_adi stand on the much·
debated Upper Bay tidelands exchange.
C{ty councilmen, lneeting unofficially in
studJ session, mapped plans for a policy
statement on the issue of. patks arrund
the bay and the apparent problem of
recelvini· bayfrtint land lo go ,alolig with
Councilnlen &(l'<td lhlt Die, Canyoo,
-·-·-·a,~ p8it site il the' swap were con~, would be
Utilu:Kable ~.-, a Cll.y pert wOeu Ille
bayfrilnl lond at.Ila month al8o were·llh
cludfl'in the .dly'• ~ ~ mapped plapr-lor an tJI. riClll ~,._. oil t11o matter ·~~ b1im hi!>rcoUncilmen on.~~a<:tkn<With the entire mg Canyoa Parbdea. .
· He aJs9 $U;i"Jlled hlimedia't. 'ateps io
gain baysld~ Propmil~1~city.
He proposed using city-owned Back
Bay Diive a:ii a ·s~rd · fo'r con·
demnaUon •Of 'ba~!ront strips where· the
ioadway meets thei tideland!.
"U we get started on it .soon. we mirht
liave a chance to buy up some of t~
little strips to the bay where lhe road
reaches down almost into the water," he
Gruber termed lhe lrade at present as
a diluted propo8ition for the City of
''It seems to be an eroded -badly ~ed --trade for the city at present;"
.be said.
~n Paul J, Grubei'1 1¥ho was
mayer at the Ume the lief. unofficial
Bbinpied Quits
Post on Board
To Take Bencl1 Nothing more has been heard from a stand on Uie park was heard four years
Costa Mesa teenager touring in riot· ago, Jed the campaign for a new poJicy. Recently appointed Municipal Court
ravaged Ireland last week as Catholii:s He ·-" that -e and -e devel~ -..-.U ....... ,._. v'" Judge Lloyd E. B.lanpied Jr. Tuesday and Protestants dispatched each othef to men&.il aamxmding 1:he can)'on and be
a mutual eternity, but his parents are not torem.w 1'04ldDI but 1 few trees and turf rtligned his post on the board of trustees
woni<d. far a pan._,. _ of• 'the Newport-Mou Unified School
Paul McCaughe'y. 16, son of Mr. and 'lbultar.,~y,~havebeett Diltrict.
Mrs. B<rnard McCaughey, of 11115 Poot unwillfb( 1o-..i t1M1r liWl•!or county Judge Blanpied, who described his
Road, bas been on an e.tlended ,_ .....,. .., .lllt ·~ at the mouth ol thno-year tenure on the board as "the
visit to his family's native country and the eM)'On. • ' bllh pOint ot my lite," left the post with
returns neat month. "'A a••u•wi.r,.,.n .,,_ la 1• thin ~years left in hls term.
The CO.ta Mesa High School Junlotwu~--•1-11 "'!"•" \kUblf Nici, "I do lhlJ with mixed emotiOlll. l bave
visiling in Armagh and due to Imel to Gniber -the lad; <Jt.-ctty a lremondoo• respect !or my !ell.W
hts grandfather's home in Londonderry IO policy cn1be lnlitlr~ board memben and their ability," he
days ago. when blooody fighting broke out -''AU we 'have la a bunch of gentlemen's aaid.
be.tween the two faiths. agreements and J. four·year~ press He said that although his appointment
His father said he assumed the boy release clttni our policy," he·sakl. involves an area outside of the dl.!trlct h~ard or a massive parade scheduled in Councllman-Lindt1ey.Panon1 agreed. (West Orange County Judicial District
Londonderry Aug. 12, a major Protestant "Unless we can have the beytront too , COurt in Westminster} he wlll maintafu
holiday commemorating apprentice boys we will wind up witn a-'Pl)'k without the his Newport Beach re11idencc.
\\'ho fought valiantly against Catholics in means for paymg for its improvtment." "I'll be able to.Uy here and watch this
ballJc three centuries ago. • he aaid, •ltudini io .idel1 .for city-owned district move rorward into ei:cellence,t'
Trouble was expected and developed marinu on the beyfront. he said warmly.
ebundanUy. U tbe county rttalrfs: the bayfttmt area, Judge Blanpled joined I.he board by •t-
,.1cCaugbey sald his son probably chose the city marinu could never be built. poinllnent in 1986, He tron redtctlon list
to stay In Annagh with hls motitf,r'a 1'he clty atn.dy has 1sbd Jor Aptjl. •
relatives fot satety's sake, rather thap owntr,ahiP ot11 the Jarae ptrk and to Al the time of hla rest~Uon he 1190
expose blm!tll as a Cothollc to polcllllal omaUer onea ""tlie -lllde ol l!le' b1y 8e1'Yed u Ille board'o dtrli; a job which
Protestant danger. oo a fl'l1IOIUal bNlt. w111 Ii< fillet..llf~'l'ni'"t Dooald .I'..
"I'm not at .n wmied," said Mr1. "GealJtmen'.1 .......... with coonty ~uu. ,r "
McCaughey today, allhou&h JI is MW •upervilora ..id mein -g In live Judge Bl1npled wlD W:""'"' info <>!·
mort than two weeks since they ls~ yun. We !hould have mm-e than I.bat to _ fi99 Frkl~y in the W e s t m 1 n 1 t er
rectlvtd a letter from the youth. barpin with." Paraons llid. courthow:e.
They wlll ask hill\ to separate and
ru.saea Ute Iind package which he ha.~
"It-that isn't aucceulul," Franklin
said, 4'ther. the COunty CounSel wW
repre,sent us ln a court action seeking a
wr!t of ·mandate aaainlt the assessor to
foree him to. teparale the' lands.' ..
Franklin told agreeable b o a r d
members that be bad apoken to represen·
latfves·of the county coonsel's office, who
told him lhe·court acticn would be PQMI·
Hinshaw and County Counsel Adrian
Kuyper.have feuded over the Upper Bay
assessment qu·est~ for months.
"After aJl," ·Dr. Cunningham told the
board, 0 we are the hardest hlt of all the
ta'Xing agentieS over this•matter."
Newport ·councilmen, who received
news of the eStimated cost of the tax
freeze Monday, decided lo hold alf mU·
Ing emerger1c)'. budcet cut. to mate up
for the lo<s until lcllool inwe.. had
acLed. ·
Councihlitn bave unlil Mflllday . lo let their tax rate for nm. year. Tu.rate .,_
justmenta could be• one way fer Newport
officials to replace the Wsa. .
School lrultees Tuesday lhoaPt -t revenue measures, too, ln eaae tbe
meellng and court actlOo botll fall.
~ .. ,
More Camille Victims U ncouil;ted ·.
HUrr~cane Camille's death toll reached at
least J40 today. with ft'l41lY bodies atill
tying uncounted in the mud and devasta-
Uon of Mlssi'Ss0
ippl•1 gulf coast vacation
land. Oflicials feared the toll wtiuld dou-
ble or quadruple.
Of lhe dead 237 were in Mississippi.
Louisiana coonted at. least three fatalities
when the mammoth storm slammed into
the mouth of the Mississippi River. In ad·
dition "four resCue workers died' in a plane
crash at New Otleans on Tuesday.
, ''This Is a very conservative t!tlmate
of bodies found," said P r en t f s·1
Baughman, lsststant state civU Defense
dtrecior. "l ·hlY_e seen the tabuJatlon
from the National GO.ard, C1vll Defense
and Red Cross and this is very definitely
a conservative estimate."
"We have bodies knee deep in Biloxi
that we haven't even counted," said
Gladys Gorenflo, the Harrison C.ounty
. ,
coroner. "They are deoomposlna ~-ly." .4 . ' .,
Bodies also were floatlnl In the iull
and others yme biJried in the and llld
may never be found, she aaJd. .
Vice Pn!sident Spiro T. ~flow to
the disaster acene for a bell~ toai o(
the 600-aquare-mlle area of deatNcttmt.
along the. Gulf coasts ol. Alabam1.
Mjssissippl and Louisiana. He wu to f11..
lo New Orltans later today. .
(See CAMILLI!:, Page II
Two. B...,thers Held Newport Out
Hippie-type Agent Foils . Of Race for
·}Ii ·f:M) Purchase in Me8a1
' .• ..
A re~oua with a llijlple.l)>pe qe111 ~i to buI bl1 su .. lleo tJl LSD an<!
methedrjne In a 'ahop-ihd-io market IOI
has led to the arrest d two Costa Mesa
brothers, federal authOrities disclosed
Indictments are expected next week
against · the two who police allege are
major ·Harbor Area dealers -one an
<>rangf, Coast College atudent-Jollowing
their jailing two ~kl ago.
Gerald G. Edge, 25, and Wayne K.
Edge, 21, both of 23%4 Elden Ave., were
arrested Aua:. 7 after ijtree alleged
drug purchases involving exchinge of
SOO pills and $300 cash, investigatori
said. ·
The older defendant, a carpt!nler, and
his OCC sttJdetit· brother were booked
into Los Ang'elts ~nty Jail and , ar·
ralgned' Aug. a .before a u:s. conimu-
sloner, but the case. was kept confiden-
tial pending further investigation.
"Were they surprised? Very much so,"
said Sgt. Jack Cah10n, of the Costa Mesa
police vice and intelllgence unit', which
assisted in the federal probe of Harbor
Mesan in Lead
At Golf Tourney
Jobn Mahooey of the·C...ta Mesa Golf
and Country Club Is leading Ille pack
after the· first round of the pro-am com-
peUUon in tht California Open after fir•
Ing a 17 Tuesday at the Vlll~e Course at 1 Vandenberg Air Force Base.
. Ronnie Reif, fonner operator of the
Costa Mesa course, is currently second
after notching a 70.
Second r o u n d of the prestigious
tourney is slated to be played over the
Santa Maria course today.
Mahoney joins the professional tour im·
mediately following the Catl1ornia Open.
Stock fl•rlcet•
NEW• YORK (AP) -The atock market
turned Jn a ·lack·luster perforn1ance to. •
day~ with aome ·profit.taking~ riportedly
welgbing .<>n it. (See quotations, Paaeo
Q!-7). .
'The·Oow>Jones Industrial average at 2 p.m. was of{ 1.26 at 832 • ..,, . . '
' ,
Area drug traffic. -'
SCI-C&ll>llt .. ~ ttlie Idle -rav• .no resistance whtn lnlonned by the young tederat lawman who apPtr-
enUy , gained their1 confidence that ~they
were under arrest.
The Aug. 7 capture at Wilson Stre&
and Fairview Road climaxed a fpur-
week investigaiion, in which two pill
purchases were alle¥edly made near
~ and another m a private borne.
Autt)olities said they believe the pair
to have ~ tnajor figures in· COSta
Mesa and Newport Beach narcotics ac-
tivity, based on 1he amount of evidence
"We've bid reports of it going on
there," Sgt. Calnon said today, but de-
clined to tie the younger brother into
any LSB or methedrine distribution at
the OCC campw.
A sPQkesman for ihe U.S. Attorney's
office in Los Mieles said tOOay Uiat
Wayne Edge was released on $2;000
bond following his Aug. 8 arraignment.
lflll brother was released on $3,750
bail, pending a federal hearing next
Wednesday, at which lime' fonnal indlct-
n1ent.s {:harging them with .sale of dan-
gerous drugs are expected.
Local lawmen said the three alleged
drug purchases involved plastic bags .
cont.Bining tablets beUeved t'o be the .
halluclnogentc LSD, u well as meth·
edrlne, or so-called speed, a powerful,
addictive stimulant.
Cyclist Injured
In Hitting,Auto
A Tustin motorcyclist was severely in·
jured, but his wife escaped with only a
cut Tuesday night when they rammed a
car broadside-as~it pulled out of a Costa
Mesa shopping center.
Stephen C. Shepherd, 26, was listed In
fait condition at Costa Mesa Memorial
Hospital today, with a aerious concusston.
a fraclured jlw and deep chin laceration(·
His wile Carole, 26, was1 tre.ated. for a
chin cut and released after their cycle,
soUthboiina on B.ristol.~treet at Sunflower
Avenue, skidded in· a. {utile attempt to
sJop and hit the car.
M.Otodst' G~i8: D. Rogefs. 32, 'of 251
Walnut'St., Newport -~ escaped In-
jury in the 3:30 p.m. collilioo o..r the
5""111 Cout Plua. ' . . '
'Play -On~li) Ball· . . .. '" • ·Old Timers Take Fiekl. in · Mesa . I
That whirring sound you bear tonight
wh,en Costa Mesa civic leaders wind up
!or the IMUal City Pope IOfiball game
wlll be Abner Dou~leday turninS over~ln
ilil eiemal d11&oul.
. The late Ml\ ·llooble<jay Invented lhe
game, hlatortana say.
And Illa~ ratUI~ noise could be the
ra!lerl at Ill~ 'e.ieball l!Jlll 'f>I Fame in
Cooperstown, "N.\'., u I ate l!'tlll i-i.t there look down from 1 celeollal
'Aogeis' Sr.odium.
Or It might be lh~ collective tones of
2,000.pluo bones in Ille bodlf8 ol io city
dada who take the field at t p.m. against
adoltsetnt all-Ila.rt from varioUs Costa
M,.. playgrounds.
The annual event in Tewtnkle Memorl1l
Parl la always m""°'ablt, u • l!lahlllbt :
of c.ota Mesa's annual Social Arla w .. k.
"We'll have ..a UtUe opening ncmenH.
Mayor Philfley will be --and tbert~a.waterineloo for 10 atterwaril. 0 a
spok.,man !or U.. sponoorln1 recreatlon
department 11id today. ·
CQurt Location
By THP:\li\S FOl\TUNJ:
Of ftlt Dtltr Pllft Jttofl
Orange Counly 1upemaln today
~tayed a dedlioli on Jocatfnl 1 new
Harbor Area courthouse so they couJd
look al a p<Wlble lite on land 'the City ol
Co.9ta Mesa Is swapping with Southern
Calllornia College.
The sJte search .now seems to be con-
fined to the Costa Mesa Civic Center-
fairgrounds area w!lh Ne'!port Beach'•
offer out of. the running.· ~
The prime site· that has been Under
consideration by supervisor1 is 10 Wes
al the comer of Fairview Road and Atl·
ini;too Drfve south of CO.la Mela High
School. The pending land. swap with
Southern Callfofnla College lnvotvea.elgbt
acres adjacent to the Costa Mesa •Civic
Center south of Fair Drive.
'Supervisor Alton E. AJlen saJd it seem-
ed to him the county would be buying a
problem if. it ~ased the site across
from the high scchool and Orange Coast
College. His reservation is that students
would use courthouse parking spaces.
"The othe.r property n~ to the Civic
Center would be ideal if it could be ob-
tained at a priet:·that is comparable," he
aaid. .
However, C. J. Marks, chainnan of the
Qrarige Counly Fair ·Board said he
thought Ille alternate silo woold cool co.,.
siderably more. r
"I'm certain it will be appraised at a
hlgh11:r price," he sald. "I'm· told a
se,rvice station across th~ way. paid an
outlandish pri<;e of something like
$125,000 per acre, mak4ig. It ·comparable
to the Newport Beacli site.~·
Cost of the site at Fairview and Arl·
ington ,has been estimated by county
tSee COURT, Pap I)
Weather . .
The fog will creep Jn for a few
more hOW'I Thursday morning, rol·
lowed by·sunny 1od wann weal.her
with temperatures ranging: from 72
along the· l:leach to 71 mtand.
CoronO dtl Mor d1signtr
Suzie •create• aarmenti out of
fabric .which .tht '°111 ""dtsignl
i"<lf." So<iellf• Pag< F2.
.. •• . ~ .. ,
Cl•ll ... ,,
"' .,.
" "' ••• " .. •• '"' .,. . .. ~ ';;~ .. ..
..~ Al• Jl·
. ., . . . . . ..
1 0.111.t ~ C ·W~-~~lq, 1~.. • ~!~~,... .., .. .-,-,,i~:·J
.~non ·fSwti~fnM .
Course. Get pied,ur-e..of.'Jli&..Put
' '~ .. ? \. •;. ' F ~ ~:-cioO.INS . 'l'ht <lubo ...... ,...,,, pac~ il)d;~-"
i"'-et ... MW*""'~ .... rted~to.~counttJc1u-'ifor
11 b!jlllOlll to a klt ol women. . the puUlvt ~ve do)'I. •
Pat Ni•on lw become • golf ~'®"· It la, )>realden~al Jftll 81lC!'ol#J i. ... She atlys home in San Clemente wqt:n Zlegltt was told Tuesday, a fwmy w~y."'" -
the P:teeiAeJit goes goUina. In tf!l. she i.s for. a maa wbo once called golC "~ ·W&Stif
••· -'" -ber of the First Fllni•• 1'ho of time" to behave. 'f . ~·~;;-;_; v Ziefil•f biiqlji:l\~t 'oij JacJi~.G~:" ...
Eftljbody ellie..-.:rrlcla,. Julladind Al)d Davl~.•'!'I ~uTle ·E~~-• • Da Jd -~rues.the natiGn's' chief 'The P?e-slaent }ijtdn t pTayed·colf f?r ,. v --:--~. .._ __ _,._ u:a ·Oe over 1 year when be.•played wltb .Jackie
extct1tiY!_ 'l'.~!;t .,he ~--Q a "1 n Qleuon ir:-F!Jorida ebout a month ago.'' he~ J<ir an. oltuqoon round of golL .. 1d -Ziegler. r ,
U. 1 ba'll •• !Ml qujle • bit late(y. '.'Then I think he was to some degree
" further encouraged by Julie who y.:1!
presen~ with golflng lessons on her ti.st
birlhday. Julie and David have beerr~
couraging .:ulie's father to go out in the
afternoon and play golt with them.
David's at. avid goUer, you know.''
Tricia goes along just for the ride. She
follows lhe threesome tn a . golf cart.
Friends of the President also often
follow. Bu~ usually juit to watch and
chat, between shot.a and putts.
Novice golfer J~ doesn't tee off on
the first hole. She aJways starts out on
the second hole. The reason: she gets
nervous "n the first hole, with all ,th.ose
people -clubhouse staffers and , other
golfers '-looking on.
. Mom. Gets-1
.A San Clemente mother of three school
children wa& In San Diego County Jail to.
day, awaiting transfer to San Pedro's
Terminal Island Women's Faeility whert
she is to serve an "inrleterminate"
11e11tence on a marijuana smuggling con·
Mrs. Muvona Kennedy, «. elected last ·
spring to serve as president of lhe Marco
Forster Junior High School ·P'I' A, was
found guity of the Charge in. San Diego's
U.S. District Court. .
She W8$ arrested at the Mexican
border one year .ago when border
patrolmen found several pounds of marl·
juana under the back seat of her car.
'l\vo jury trials were held in San Diego.
The first ended in a hung jury. After lhe
second, she was sentenced on Aug. 11 by
District Judge C. A". Muec~e to a prison
term not to exceed five years. Ziegler said Tuesday he didn't want the
President's old remark about golf being
•·a waste ol time" to be misunderstood.
"I think .h,e was refering to going Out
alill p)aying golf in Wasbingtoa: That
takes Up a wholi afternoon."
--~-----'Th-1l'_• __ lh_a_W_1y Life It. You've Got lo Do Whot You Think 11 Right!
Court aides explained this morning that
the code u~er which Mrs. Kennedy was
sentenced provides for the possibility of
parole "at any time." There is no
minimum sentence.
President Nixon doesn 't have that kind
of time, eveq while more or less vaca~
· Uening. He hits the links ·at about 3
o'clock each afternoon, whether at Camp
~e.ndle~. or . at. the private. clubs be
favors around P-atm. Springs •·n d
Oceanside, ·
The Preildent lw plated three 'basic
coUrseS s1noe his arrival at the Western
White H~:· the brown1 ecrµl;lby ~rse
of ~p Pendleton; the private cou~ of
Walter· 'Annenberg, U.$ ambassador to·
London, at Rancho Mirage oUtside Pa1m
Springs, and at·Pauma Valley, one'of the
more picturesque layouts reachable in a
relatively few minuLes from S a n
Clemente by, helicopter.
Has David ever won a game from his
father-in·law? .
"I have no cominent on thai," Ziegler
Then the big question: What's the
President's golf score?
"He bas shot in the 80's," Ziegler
asserted. But he wouldn't say when. "I
think we broke a precedent in Florida
when we said lh'R. Pieaident shot a 91."
Ziegler mu.St have ~iotten fnto a fltUe
trouble over that. Nobody has released
presidential golf SOOl""..s since.
However, one •summer White House
"I''.!'! \l'.'11!.Jl•s. fqllJ>WFd ~r~ral p;eol· denU oo·th< llnu ·~escrlbei Pre,jjdenl
Nixon's {lme thuSly:
'IACKSWING IS HANDICAP' "He;.dr1V~ welfr averaging from 17S to
\ tNtlon'a.No. I Duffer· _,;i1 200 yards, but his irons are ineopailtent: ---~--.._,...,..,..__....,..,. l:l•il.~<!! 'b•I\. wlJh.•.Pll)le' aad, us11811Y.
CHART Reslates
Downtown Meet
I No i......'w.· 1s ..b..tuled till< Thuosday , "' ~ciiiA.. Harbor· Areo Reseoreh 'feani: bla· CHART has 1 major 8elaion , P1-ec1'tor Alla• 18,
'Dow-. cteltrioration :ud hoo<· lo ·
ovoid ' lt Is the Iheme ell the OHART .
-·,next -t. featurillg Oraqe Cclml1' ,, Plltdng Dinctor F G r e 11 t .
pick~ and consultant Russ Priebe.
:·The meeting in the COsta Me.ea Country
Club will rutllne guides for setting up an
tirbln redevelopment pn>sram. • 1·
Kitten Show Set
Sunday in Mesa
; 11'e Certified Cat Club of Costa M• Is
l)oldjna a Kttten Show Stmday 111tl the
eoata ~ma W<l'Den's Club.
• lihiltta, I 5t pouh<! pet Ocelel will be tjit IMtured atlractlon at the show to be
MJa from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the
Weottri'a Club, Ito W.· Jeth Street .
; 'Mare than 80 entries are expected from
ill -· of Southern California. ..
,..,... C\V..,t' •Ull IJ+tlN• COM,AN'f
••\ti+ N. 'W•.4 .. ,... ....... ..,..."""
J•tk l. Ciut.y
VI# ......... o. ... .i ,,...,.,
1\tm•• r ... n ·-1\eMuA.M~M --
lili, gqlfing,p&rtners gra<iously granl him
the •ji.nnpies.'
"Like a lot .of weekend golfers, he
shoots in the mid·90's."
The President }timself, asked about his
new fuund interest during a session Tues~
day with six newly appointed em.
bassadora. replied:. "''4l' handl~ liinY back s!'ing." ir sinil•<fu 11e.1a1<111. · : ! 1 · , . . . . . '
Lbdge' io Meet
:NiXonin SF
For Viet Talks
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lod&e, back
from Vietnam peace talks in Pari!, will
fly tG San Francisco Thursday tG bealn
discussions with President Nilon on tb•
18-monlh~ld negotiations. .
The President Jeavas San Clemente's.
W~stem · Whl}e House for the Bay City ,
Thursday morning to preside at a .1tate -
dinner for South Korean President Park ·
Chung Hee. Lodge will attend the di.Mer
at the St. Francis Hotel, and then fly ·
back to San Clemente Friday with Nixon
aboard Air Force One.
Lodge will remain in the Untltd States
for about 10 days "for personal business
and also consultations·," said White House
aides. They did nol know whether the
Ambassador would stay over tr; San
Clemente for further talk:.s with the
Mesans to Help
Hurricane Area
The UcS. Air Fon>e M«llen Fliihl II
Club ol Costa M1ia Is organiiing a drive
lo send clothing to victims of Hunicane
Camille in Mississippi,.
Mrs. JuAnila FurroW said the club will
send clothing to Klesler Air Force Bue.
which was hard hU by tbt hurricane.
Articles of clothing' are being collected
by the mothers al the Flrsf Chrt&tjan
Oturch. 79Z Victoria SL, Costa Meu.
Donations .should be made prior to Tues·
Egyptian Soldiers
C1·os!I Suez Can.al
By UnUed Priu lnlm!&tlotlal
EgypU1n cc,mm4ndos crB&fed tpe SUTez
can11 and altacked Israeli arttiltty,poal·
tions on Ute can1l 'a tast bank, EIYJ)l said
today. Israel 4eriled there w1s any
A Qal.ro •(l!>kesman ~fd -the com-.
mal)doc, caused he1•Y lsra'l!l ciltlalllel •lld damage '°d all ti>! Ir-tetwiJed to base Mfely. ·•
From Page l
S.arch !tam., plagued by a lack of
communications, fanned out into r~
areu where they were cut off from head·
quarters as they went about the ¢sly
work of locating the dead and &la.eking
them f~ trahsportation to Hattiesburs,
the nearest unscathed city.
"There ire plenty of people still burled.
You get up close and you· can smell them
bu~ ya,i can't get to them;" said rass
Christian Police Chief Herbert Role!.
All but a few of the 'recovered bodies were foUnd in Harrison County. which in·
eludes Pass Christian, Gulfport and
'Lile was grim for the 1urvivors, among
them an esllmateO 200,000 who w~ left
hGmeless by Camille's .190-mile-an hour
' \\.'lndS.
. Tired, hllJ\ll'Y1 thirsty, un\fashed and
without toilets smce the storm hl4 many
groped through· the ruins of their homes
&alvaging re.mhants of tbelr belongings.
Snakes, sOme o« them polSonoua," and rats were·.!DO'/ing through the area-look-
ing for food but rescue teams &aid ·they.
wert not a real threat yet.
. Communicaliona were nearly nonex·
111eq1 and food and '!'•te~ l'(er• at a
p'rPmiUm." ·" Red Ct<!SS .and Army trucks dlipeostd
fret Water', s$ndwiches and coffee tG as
ro,a"ny as possible, but sOme foragers had
to content themselves with what they
found in battered, unlabeled cans flung
into the mud from home pantries ind
grocery shelves. ·
Search partiea'were out of touch w!th t~ headquarteri lot holirs at '.• til;l!t .,.., ),ong lines o! resldeiltS 'Wa!\ed •t'th•·
f,ew working pay' telephones to &et word .
to relatives that they had 5urvJved.
. &lore ClWlllf .Lew Heh<!enoh "Id. he
wu surprised thal S\> many l"'J'le 1tayed
In the area .net the storm tilt.
""It'$-en anw.lng thing. i'eople around
here suffered terrifie losses and 1hey ·
stay. You'd think they woold leave. the
county," iaid Henderson, who owned a
surplus equipment store destroyed at
From Pqe 1
COURT • • •
)>ersonne1 at'abo'Jt $40,000-per acre.
Costa Mesa city agd {air h9ard official,s
urged supervlaors to buy the Fairview·
Arlington site. Said Costa Mesa Mayor
Alvlr, Pinkley, "We l\el this location
would be an ei:cellent one and within the
price · n!alm we feel a public entity sbould ·
Robert Humphreys, director of Utt
-eounty fairgrounds owner 3 2 ri d
Agricultural District ind trustee of
Orange Coast Junior College Dlatrlct,
said, "I think the·area ls just sufflclenUy
remote that you're not, going to have the
parking problem you anticipate. Cars
have not parked on. tbe property and it ls
not fenced ."
Costa Me1a City Manager Arthur
litcKenzie said, "We. feel no compunction
Jn stalinl we have been controlling the
parking sltuatioli.'"
Sole repre!tntattve of the city of
Newport Beach was planning department
aide Brlati Hawley wbo said the clly ls
movt111 ahead to purchase lhe civic
center site a:t MacArthur Boulevard and
East Coast Highway from the Jrvetne
"A documerit to consummate the ule
has been drawn up by the cit)' attorney
and is now awaiting the mayor's
SupenlaOr-.Allea said he w'ould like to
elhaqlt tU possibilflits 'before matina a
decisJon and other 611ptrvi90rs al"ffd
with him, calling ror more study of
alternative &\tes which they seemed to in·
dlcate. would be primarily ille site. in·
volved In the 1wep.
Cmta Mesa Chaml>er
Directors Set Meet
otrecton of the Colli ~1eaa 'Chartiber
or Oornmerce will meet fOr monthly com·
mluee ... pqr11 •nd l'"'i«l plannln&
'!llurlll1y., The go•Omlq pant! meets for
a, nocm luncheon at the Mr, Steak
Resllluran4 mi Flirv!ew Road.
Futile Seart!h
Lonely Man Hunts River for Son
LOMA LINDA (llPI) -Every Suaday
for the Jut alx months a lontJy mq'hu
driven a motorcycle along the banks of
the: Santa Ana River looking'for his son.
Wilber Philpott lort tine of bi1 four
boy" before they reached their teens. He
knows that the fourth, 'Benny, U, ii deed,
too, but the compulSJon ls sU:cb be cSMot
give up the search.
&-nny was swept through a culvert and
into the"Tlver Feb. 25 during the bu.vie.st
rains California had ei:perienced 1n 80
year1. Philpott, a garage me:chaliic, was
h~lping pull cars out of the floodwaters
only $00 feet away at the lime. H1 did not
know until be came home at t p.m. that
his IOI!. bad been losl
The aut morning, Philpott lnnllcally
roamed the river banka, hoping to find
the boy alive. Thole chances IOOD feded,
biil the louier could not llve up.
He bought a two-l!beel<lriv~ lrall bike
with huge tiles which can be driven
through water, ~ud and the toUpeat tu·
rain. Philpott bAs· to work lhr,oufih the
week but e\lery Sunday, usually with a
friend and his box's dogs, p~ goes
Philpott says he bas been told he Is
wasting bis time looking for his son'•
"It all depends on how you look at It.''
Philpott says. "J say I'll find him aome
d;:iy. I'm not giving up!'
His three other Sona died of a liver
disease and are buried together.
"I've got to di> this tG satisfy my own
nilnd. I may break up whea I find Betmy •
But thet's the way life is. You've got to
do wbat you lllint ls Jill>!."
lt most cases, they noted, prisoners are
paroled arter 20 months.
Mrs. Kennedy, throughout tht two
trials, insisted on her innocence.
Her hu&>a.nd, Ian, own"' of a San Clemente beauty salon and chairman of
the ~ Clemente Parks Commission,
told newsmen:
"This Is a miscarriage of justice .••
We tried to fight th.is thing by using
character witnesses: The strange thing
about this cue .is that she could have. got·
ten off with a le&ser sentence if she: had
pleaded guilty. But she refused to. ~Vhy
should she? She didn't do it."
Kennedy explained that his wife had
gone a~ross the border to Tijuana to pur·
chase a statue. She went with Mark
Hanson, 22\, a tenant in the Kennedy's
apartment ouse.
Hanson walked back across the border.
He was also arrested in connection with
the case, found guilty and was lo be
sentenced Monday. He did not appear in
the District Court, however. A warrant
has been issued for his arrest.
Kennedy said the marijuana was plac·
ed in his wife's car by someone else,
without her knowledge.
Mrs. Kennedy today signed a notice of
decision not tG appeal the sentencing.
Oourt oba8"ers 11ld this could lead to
,..rl~ ~aUon of a parole. Youth Fights For Life
After ·RescueinSu~J "··f
· \_t'U,ff~:lot Fund ~ . 1~ . ;, ) ~
Steve Meyers, 18, is still fighting for his
life IA>day,more than t)'G weeks after it
was given back to him by an off-duty
lifeguard on the beach ()f the Balboa
Peninsula Wedge.
Meyers, whG was in "guarded" con·
dltion at Hoag Memorial Hospital, has
fbught against pneumania, a fractured
back. the possibility of pennanent
paralysis and -in the latest crisis -
severe iritemal bleeding.
Friends of. the San Diego youth said to-
day that although he lives out of the
Harbor Mea, "Everybody who surfs at
the wedge knows him."
"We:'rt praylng for him.'' s ii d
peninsula resident Debbie Reed, 17.
She issued an appeal for blood dona·
The body surfer's appa.renUy lifeless
-form wa1 brought to shore by other body
surfers the afternoon of Aug. 4 after he
dropped "over the falls" in the pounding
shore brtak of the wedge near the: Balboa
The mishap, which occurred during
relatively mild surf conditions, broke the
youth's bad<.
When the three rescuen brought him
in to shore Meyers• breathing and hurt
had stopped.
O!f~uty county lifefllard Craig Coffin,
21, of. Udo Isle, applied moulh-~mouth'
resuscitation while the three rescuers
went for more help, A regular lifeguard
arrived and alS<> assisted.
Meyers started breathing aeain. Hb·
heart started, too, but faltered thre1t
times during the first aid on the beach.
Lifeguard and hospital sources agreed
later that had aid reached Meyers
seconds later than It did, he would have ·
'ro lhe,prt who '-.:i.., she I wan is M not whe.N to find it.
!Mite• your styl• wllh our
mvl'f datin<tM desl""' Md
ask us 1bout our '•111o us
Orange Slouom guuantte.
t,;-.' ' ....
Take1i hy Thief
The girls at Torbet Aircraft are going
to baVe to wait a little while longer for
that new coffee: pot.
Th~'re•up in the air today over the:
theft from the firm 's hangar at Orange
County Airport of. an item that any
Woman woul~ regard as a blue chip asset
-son\e 8,000 gree.n stamps valued at $SO.
Sheriff's inVestigators are confident
they can li~k this case.
Town Legend Dies
DEMAREST, N.J. (Af') -George R.
Marquart, a smalltown legend, was laid
to rest today after dying young at the age
ell TS,.
Marquart, popularly dubbed the unof.
ficl.a.I mayor ol this suburban community,
out.side New York City, died in a hospital
Sunday alter a brief illness.
J. C. ..lJumphri~~ JeweferJ 21 YEARS
54,.34-0 I
1 "'Vano''
if a1tric Fiats~
cl1 fa~rlcs irt Uri
tlftl ••• Y1• l1t11 m tilt WIJI ' '
• •I· 69c 20 or.
SUPll Sf~\;··
"~,. .. (,;·. . .. .. i1.. '·
4 or. C111. ' ·
'::t 1.11 88<
NOW Acne Medicine ·
St PrtllJ 111 c11 nJr It et um
"Plus lll
i•-3 SkJ1.suw ·
Actually helps,sln1.""'
1impl1' fJDm lllowing & · .... _11 ... inf1!:·
~ons. So Clelllll"'"" wear it 1111der make-up.
"'' Lipt t1'2.lltllt•
ti' 3 lrn11t1
stttlts "'''· lrrltaltt
-••• ""' Nck '"' *' ttbrptb ·-· tmmr .
' . .
·~······························ .. ········· .. " "U L' 1· k" NATUllAL woNoER . n-1ps 1c
Ifs never cak.ey, heavy or dry. Th1
" shine s~11 shiny; the pales s!Jy
pale! 11 frosteas, transparents or 1 50 i:reamies. 20 colors in all ••. in bright
little fl0Wf!f-rin2ed cases. EA. •
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NATURAL WONDER "Water Paints"
COTY ''lmpr.evu''' for EYES
Lid Shllows
SPRAY MIST Flacon. · ' '' : ' I.al tho·~ iraelilce. • ·tmill'<~ work its mag~ tow!
Te paint lasbe1 of clear,, clea11
co!M.' Special "blnttm" loold back
Iii, so colors stay i!1SO 3 00 111 d11! five color llOUP'
to play With. ... •
• lid Liners
k EYE.. ·· 1hadow Spree'
i • A Ciptiwati1c Ht•
!t Eyn~1•n C1llecti11 '
' .
Ton!$ dream!rt into-·
about girls. NoW milab~ ift 1 un, etegiot flacoo 11'1$1. StJrt
willl lmprevu lodlJ -l'U'U
start somellingl
New 11e-tinn that cmm up will! •• tor 111 sleek on rici color lllat ..,.
.... """"""·"lid Li•
,, .. ''ofr0Si'Li1111"paired 2 00
,. I -L 6 col«
combilllfions. IL e
2.50 "Big Lash" Mascara
WIHidl Irr mlly 141d boj~ Maira ,... """' lllici 2 00
1111 flrry. °""'' .... " lllb ••. WllerJr!DOf, flit, •
PERMANENT Shampoo-in Color
ftr lllr Ctllr •111111-11 .... ~wlftnl1rnr
Au""1llically timed lo lriq ,.. IUdly tho
-,.. want ~(),1EAJ. Ira ... COftllll!• *1iorr it oil« fine lair coloriq Pl'Jlll'·
lliorls, lrrcllO•g liglrtmon, ... color 2 00 """""' 01d developeit.
"Bio-Kur" 111
Total Hair Care
bloRu: Hair Repair
---ft< ... --IJ = bldlc. clllrit(. -IE· ~-1111
-Ptktf 3 50
"":"' ·-.
••kif 2!.-u
Styli11 Crele
Adds frtsl vitaliti 1nd
llrirrjt oot ftllrrrll ilip.
lipts. Prorirlls llinr. iast·
i:set 1.50
Ct.,ltte Kft •
I "that's my color"
2.25 ' " ·············~·······················
"Coiffure lta,ienne"
Color Hl1hll111t Skmpt•
Six collllful, P11SOnali1ed Ualtd S,.Cl1l
sharles'.lllal sllampoo, .,,.. 11111
:ij""Ndltmos.Mtfl. 1 75 i fl JOlll 'lllf llllloirt
fit lllr.Sln •
Poilited lash
Luiurioosly "'1£ sweepinr "d
1eeked ••• llearrlifull1 ulirrJl, lhey
havo the look ol 1 !>lot OGHI·• 3 50 ti,.. aiolication. lil1rrrll Black nd ·
Na!u!1i'BmwL . • ·
Lower Lash
To frarrro Ille'!" i1 !It lllD$I a1an1 war podie. 2 95 MIJ.M 10!1 willl iriJ -Im 11111 to ... "'1oo1,.. llisi11. llabnl Black 11111111rrt11 ll!wrr. •
"Slper Bllfters"
New pals colors lhat make .
other Mus"'3 lln orange
wi~ envy. Silperfun tum~
in a wildflower compact. In-
troducing the new hlush~g
makHp In fluff on or touch
" wili 1 Silper-10ufy putt.
ONLY .3.50
NOW lill'I is I ukH, tht .ietw, llCISS
skill ••• witW11t.cakl111 er ck-tllle1 c1l1r.
w..,;,,.q, Aotutt 20, 1wi
WISirtlDirltiQNir ....... , ,9 dvllt •• , ~"'rid!, cre1111 lather.
1.51 I IL Slit •
Tit flll'HCI that · CH llllt
Jiil Wtrl'A
Rich creamy liquid caresses the
warmth of yolJI' body, envelopes ynu
in 1 frar,ance that clings hnur after
flour. A ew drops " "" body, here, llllre-eve<yWher~
•• ,. 4.00
4· IZ. Size 3~oo
.: ll
·I · .• :
' " .. · ...
YARDLEY'S '(Next-to-nothing"
~ Makes ""' skin look inne-·
PRINCESS CllAlllEEN ·Seamless
Clloost ho• meelr wiUI llinforced heel, ""~ witb Oldt illo~ .,. plain wi111 r?i,.
fon:od i..L As9orfed sllades it 8\1 II
11 siW.
2,arr AOc for lfiJ-
ocent, ~ and Ohl
so beaatilul. MallcallJ hides'.
!Im ti rmat·Oify the true
h"'ty of !OIJTSkin.
~:::, ......... 1.75
MdfC11tl a11.rr11 1 75 ft11~1t111....... •
S•llirtorP 2 00 1.a ... ,..,.,, ..... • 12~~·2.88 ' ~ ............. 2.00 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
licky Uttl1 lip Colors ••• i
· ~llssy Wet Fonnula ... i
Siller, clea colors that J !llw like ,.,.._ Just
Ike yorr licied your
Ups. Six llay lk1des
thet .... 1111 ""' T""91 C.-11 C., •
u(H 1.65·
(Jff_Mt. U:tt c
PllSSED POWDll ~t ... 1 beautiful
lralslucent .,....., IC· 2 00 ces!OIJ lo li>ocomp~X·
ion a Sltbtle matt! finislt. •
Aalllls~ Spray ColotH
••• 1 bouquet of flower·fmh h1·
I""': A subtle •cent Ill """'" lor io daytime l11Slneu • . •
e1velop1 her i1 1 1ig~ttimt
11""1Ur. •
ONLY 3.50 .... llrtrl.11 , .•.
........• ········· ·-······· .................................................... .
llle ·Adv•
,,;TUI fl tit y11r fer nrls!
Curfs 111 i1 ••• llld for todlY•
""11, JOU nffd todtJ'S fool
"Advl!U'l.Ook Ptnll".
• '"''" • 111111 • s.;.r
' .
I ~.
Tucker's Pu~lic_!ty Bid·s··
• •
Costa Mesa Councilman Georee Tucker had anoth-
er press release ready at Mood~ night'• city council
meeting. II dealt with a topic he bas been pursuing for
the past month -an attack on the way the.city's ffnan ...
ciRI affairs are being handled.
The press release isn't likely to resolve the issue.
Another of Tucker's press relea~ dealt with sub-
5lC"..n tially the same area of criticism. It also called for
a tomplete investigation of the city's fin ancial standing
and had some persona.lly directed remarks about City
Manager Arthur R. McKenzie and the budget he submit·
ted to the City Council. That earlier press release also
contained some strong questioning of the "integrity" of
the budget and of McKenzie himseU.
Tucker'• first attack had its lmf.act. M the n ext
-meeting, McKen;ie said, in effect: ' Okar_, if my inte~·
rity is questioned and an invesUgation is m order. lets
ask the district attorney to oblige."
tlnual Irritant. Instead of winnlnJ the support of the
three-man majority -Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, Council·
man Robert M. Wll.son and Councilman Willard T. Jor-
dan -he.sandpapers their nerves anew each time he
makes these bids forpubllclt;y. .
A City Council act' throug!iamajortty. So long as
Councilmap Tucker ineptly and sometimes rudely ques-
tions the ·acts and motives o/ his fellow councUmen arid
the city staff, he is not likely to win support for his
In olhet words, each time Tucker grinds out a press
release he lc>ses ~round. His views, even those wortlly
of full consideration, become less and less likely to be
heard and respected. Playing lo the grandstand rarely
produces results when you need team effort to win.
For a Richer·Life
• So all five councilmen voted to ask the district al·
torney to see U th• city manager had Integrity or didn't
have Integrity. .
It is extremely likely that everyone knew it was a
waste of time. that the district attorney wouldn't spend
effort on an 'inquiry stemming from such circum·
stances. And. even if be did, no one who bas ever
known McKenzie personally would be likely to question
his integrity.
This Is a special week for Costa Mesans, the Fifth
Annual Social Arts Week, a showcase of recreational
programs for every age and kind of taste in leisure
time activ!ty. -j
District Attorney Cecil liick's response was pre-
dlctat;>le. He issued a tw~paragrapb statement saying
there is no evidence of misconduct and he has no in·
tention of conducting a probe.
Sponsored by the city recreation and parks depart~
ments, the seven-day observance gives an ideaOf what
is available all the rest of the year. After all , the very
word social means people participating together in what
they enjoy doing.
The social and cultural s tress -not to mention
athletic stress -continues today with the City Pops
softball classic at 8 p.m . in TeWinkle Park pltting This week, Tucker came back 'vith another ponti·
fical white paper saying that he had been misinterpret·
ed, that be really wasn't questioning McKenzie's per· ......_
sonal integrity -and stating that he still thinks the "-.
city's fiscal aHairs are all fouled up.
civic leaders against young athletes. '
Games, card tournaments, an always-popular
aquatics show and Community Playhouse drama
awards night round out the full schedule for the rest of
the week.
What Councilman Tucker might consider is that his
continuing barrage of press releases, policy statements,
white. papen and personal observations serve as a con·
Costa Mesans should take advanta~e of the oppor-
tunity to sample what their city offers 10 the area of a
richer life. !Cl
'Honestg ls The Best Policy' H. G. Wells
~ The Words Sounded Phony Stili Baffks
Sometime ago I expressed the view
that the old max im "Honesty is the best
policy" left me a bit tepid .
Ifs not only that the sentiment is poor-
ly aligned to lhe needs of social man; the
words sound phony.
I have not realized how phony they
sounded until a kind ruder reminded JM
of something written some 40 years ago
in the DeD\ler Rocky Mountain News by
Lee Taykw Casey, the columnist who wu
said to be model lor the prota.gonist in
Casey pats it this way: "Honesty is not
\he best poUcy. It is not policy at all. U it
was a policy it would not be honest."
AND, OP. COURSE, that is true. Policy,
in the sense we are using the word, defin-
ed by Webster: "The management. ad-
ministration and procedure b a s e d
1 primarily on temporal or material in-
; terest, rather than on higher principles:
! hence, more or less disparagingly, world-
f ly wisdom: as, he allowed policy t.o
i outweigh honor .'1
t Thus the words policy and honesty are
by definition almost antithetic. ; r was thinking about this the other day
I when discussing with a friend the ques-l lion of public relatiom for an imtitution
J be was interested in.
1 l used to be in the public relations
• racket. except that the New York !inn I
I worked for would die rather than use
such obese langua ge. \\1e Wut; never
allowed to forget that ~·e were in the I
Eharles ~fcCahe
publicity biz, and not in public relations.
THE DISTlNcrtON Is important. tl ls
like the difference between policy and
honesty. The pobUcity business was, and
I 'm sure Ifill can be, a perfectly
hooorable way of making a buck. All you
do is :sttal space, by producing better
copy and photographs than the other
flacks ; and better, also, than the outfit
you are trying to corrupt -whether it be
in the AP, or a weekly in Haily, Jda.
Publicity is a technique. or a knack i!
you want. JI you're good at it, you can
pocket a fair dollar. ll is space grabbing,
and nothing else. The practitioners a r e
allo honest about it.
Publlclt'y has nothing to do with policy.
Public relations has everything to do wilh
policy. The PR man weighs the wants o(
the client -whether honest ()r no -with
"'hat he thinks the public will wear, and
with what he thinks he can produce.
Oft.en, he must think of what local, state,
or federal governments are going to feel
about what he is trying to peddle.
THE RESULT OF such determinations
can have nothing to do with honesty.
They come from ct1mpromise and a kind
of low cunning. Francis Bacon defined
cunning as "a sinister or crooked
The results of these moral misccgena·
tions were long ago defined by Edmund
Burke, in bis speech on Conciliation V>'it h
An1erica : "Refined policy ever has been
the parent of confusion ; and will ever be
so. as long as the world erxlures."
You may then take it that when your
nearest friendly legislator tells you. or
anybody else, that he is an honest man.
he is lying in his teeth. If he ls charged
with policy, and all jolly So Ions are, then
he c a n n o l use the word honesty.
TIUS IS NOT TO suggest that he
should be ashamed ol himself. The bea.-t
ol the politician's mystery is com-
promise. UsefuJ change would be im·
possible without it. Attainment of its
supreme skills are a high thing indeed.
We need compromises and com·
promisers desperately, else we should
never get a bridge built, or a socia l
change effected. But we should never kid
ourselves th.at the politician is anything
but a trim.mer. If we do not expect high
virtue from our politicos, we will be
treating them more fair ly than if we did.
They are what they are, and we need
them. They are the plumbers of
But we might at the same time
remember Santayana on compromise,
which is almost a definition of politics :
.. Compromise is odious to passionate
natures because it seems a surrender :
and to int.ellectual natures because it
seems a confusion."
• Good News for Jackson
WASHINGTON -The 19"ro fund-raising
campaign, fronted by doveish Sen.
George McGovern, will not discriminate
against Democratic senatorial candidates
who take a hard line on .defense and
foreign policy issues.
That jg tbt won:! from former Sen. Paul
H. Douglas, {).JU., who heads a five·
member committee which is to allocate
funds raised in the campaign. An ex·
Marine and combat veteran, Douglas was
no dove a! a three-term member of the
Senate .
lie told us lhat he agreed to help ap-
portion gifts to Senate candidates after
getting .assurances from McGcvern that
there would be no discrimination based
on such questions as the Vietnam war,
foreign policy and deftn~. He is sure
~1cGover11 will stand by that com-
Clarlficalion was required because of a
Jetter soliciflfll campaign funds which
was sent out by the White House-smitten
South Dakota Democrat more than a
Wednesday, Augu st 20, 1969
The £dltorial PGQf: OI &ht Daily
Pilot seeks to inform ond 1tfm-
r.date rta<Urs b¥ prtstntfng this
newspopt-r'.s opinion.s and eom-
me:ntory on topiu of infffttt
and signlfic:a.ncc, b1.1 provfd'ingi u
forum. for tht e;tpTt11fon of
OIU' rtaden" oph1'°7ts, cmd by
prtscn.tftlg Che diverse uiew-
pofnu of lllf"""'d ob""""
oJlld 1pokt11tneft on topica: of the dor.
Robert N. Weed, Publ!Jher
month ago. The Jetter Jisted 14
••progressive-minded" Democrats who
are up for re~lection next fall.
"THEIR OPPONENTS already arr:
raising e1·onnou!'I sumt to defeat them.
and special assistance will be needed in
saving the seats of many or these
senators," the P.1cGovem letter declared.
Of the 14 senator! named by
McGoven1, 13 were doves or varying
coos. Only Sen. Gale W. McGee, D-Wyo.,
in the group Ii.sled, has supported the
JohnJon and Nl'J.on admJniStrations on
defense and foreign policy questions.
NOT included were the likes of Sens.
John O. Pastore. D-R.I .. and Henry M.
Jackson, D-Wash., both prominent In sup·
port (){ the Safeguard ABM deployment
oo tbe recent ·Senate sbowdown.
Jn nis leUtr, McGovern mad& it clear
that hls own OCCaJional di!'l8grttment.s
with some d the senators listed woukl not have QY bearing on campaign gift
apportionments. The ::~atement b y Doucl.u carrles a 111mllar aS!'luranct for
some of lhe unlisted.
MINl·THkEAT -All this is good ncv.·s
for Jackson. Al hil EvereU, '\'.'ash ., home
tor Ute congressional rtctss, Jackson is
getting 110me Orst hand lnformiitlon on a
campaign being wa1ed •galnst hi s re·
\omination by liOme of his fellow
Dtmocratl. •
Were J&eksoo a les,, able, less popular
11enator it would be • vtry .serious
business. With JacUon at the peak of his
Scnalt pmti1e, the ctme. beoded by 11168
1upporten of Sen. Euaene J . McCarthy's
pres1deoUal bid, rlllkl u a worrllome
The McCarthyites, working through the
Washington Democratic Council, are
trying to raise a $500,000 campaign kitty
lo finance a "creative alternative'' to
Jackso n. They would like lo get half of
lhat sum from out of state.
SO FAR, THE anti.Jackson drive has
not been marked by poliUcal realism or
skill. Opposilion to Jackson was first
cir<'ulated in a draft resolution ad·
vocating a sort of unilateral disarma·
rnent. Thal proved a little too wild. even
for the council, and the resolution has
been disowned .
Now J ackson is personally charged
with placing himself in opposition lo the
~arly's national leadershlp and ~·ith
fostering a "fearlul mood of cold-war
confrontation." However. the on I y
"creative alternative" thus far men-
tioned in speculation is S e a t t I e
Congressman Brock Adams, who is in-
debted to Jackson for past campaign sup.
By Robert S. Allen
and Jobo A. Goldsmllb
In reply to 0. K. B. (Gus, Aug.
14). fltr. Tucker jg not qutstioning
anyone·s personal lntegrlt.y. He
merely asked aome question'
about the city budget, but ao tar
has recei ved no answus.
-E. W.E.
Tllh fHtwtt ,.n.cta ,_.. ...... W """"'11r llltM .i ~ •• ., •• ,. ~
'"' Ht """' ......... , .... 0.111 ......
At the turn o! the century, the author
of "The Time Machine," ''Tbe Invisible
Man," ''The War ()f the Worlds" and
other celebrated scientific romances,
pubHshed one of his less memorable ones,
but there it remailis -''The First Meo
on the Moon."
H. C. Wells, most prolific and best~
known writer of his time, would have
been nearly 103 had he Uved to witness
the recent lunar telecast. He died at 80,
the son of an improvident shopkeeper and
a maid·servant. He won a scholarship to
the Royal College o! Sciera where he
studied under the great Thomas H. Hux-
ley and later, among other of his ac-
complishments, became the first great
writer of science-f iction in English.
WELLS WAS A journalist, prophet,
historian, scientific seer, social sage and
idealist. He was an anti-Marxist socialist.
He was a professional writer to his very
bones, "one of the mo.st prolific hacks of
his time," as he once put it in a mock
obituary, "with a fl air for what is com-
Herbert George Wells has bith lhe su b-
ject of several biographies and critica l
analyses, most revealing of which was
his own "Experiment in Autobiography"
i 1934). He is the subject of a new one,
"H. G. Wells: His Turbulent Life and
Times," by Lovat Dickson. who for some
time was editor and director of Wells' old
publishers, Mac~fillan & Co., London .
tf, G. Wtlitr His T11rh""I Llfe <llHI Tlfflft. S1 L•~•I Okk-1 A.lhe1Mv1111 J)t ""'·l 111,
Dickson admits that his is not a
definitive study of Wells, that he did not
have access lo the \Veils papers and let·
ters. which a pro!em r Gordon Ray is
working on at the University ()( Illinois.
Dickson dld have Wells' letters in the
MacMiilan files. His book, solidly British
and scholarly. nevertheless sparkles with
an Edwardian·Georgian I it er a r y
ebullience. It ce nters on Wells' most
drama tic years. I9()5..J91S. This was when
\Veils was turning from a successful
career as a popular OO\'elist to become
prophet and teacher. a kind of Twentietll
Cenlury Swift ()r Voltaire. For as a mem-
ber of the Fabian society along with G.
B. Shaw (whom \Velis described I§
··muddlehea~ed "), Wells dreamed of a
new Age of Reason.
\VELLS' OWN autobiography made lit-
tle reference lo Rebecca West. Chance
brought him and Miss West together in
1912: she \\'8S a writer whose brain,
Dickson no~es, "was the equal of Wells'
own and who combined her striking da:rlt
beauty with daring L'Ourage."
This was the great Jove of Wells' rich,
full life with women. Sbe bore him an il-
le$itlmate chiJd in 1914 (the novellst and
crllic Anthony West). Dickson plays this
affair cautiously and with decorum, the
atmosphere of lbe book 1enertlly, but It
is on the record.
Wells remains a. complex English ec-
centric. Like Dickens, he tttated the
EOilish poor generously and with sym-
pathy in his licUon, as he "invented"
aerial warfare •nd the atomic bomb In ··ne War in the Air" (191)1). He was
thinker, proponent ot sexual freedom, a
writln.& m•chine who seems still to baffle
tvtn the most dedicated biographer,
t.faybe, alter all, he remains a superb
writer ol IClence..fictlon who, unlike Jules
Vune., thought or his work u poUUcal
comment. set within a "&ood grfppiJl&
dream." w1mam uoe11
Machines Can't
Replace Humans
In Otis difficult period of transition we
are living through, our society has not-yel
arrived at the proper equation between
men and machines. Machines sbouJd be
used for tasks that are suDhuman or
superhuman. but they cannot replact the
human factor without doing more harm
than good.
One dramatic es:ample of our lopsided
equation today is provided by Dr. Robert
H. Moser, Chief of the Department of
'Medicine al Walter Reed Hospital. In a
ree<_nl i>s~ or ""\-.! ot!ioaion and
Review," ht' dlscuUed the new Coronary
Care Units in lhe treatment ol heart at.-
STRESSING THE importance o( the
first 24 hours in lhe detection and cor-
rection of these acute infarctions, he
points out that "Glistening hardware that
bleeps and flashes ominous signals is
worthiest without a human receptor
capable of swift, disciplined re:;ponse."
Many hospitals, he suggest.!, have not
grasped the concept of acute coronary
care:. "It seems I am alwaft stumbling
over pudgy hospital admJniJtraton who
display their recently acquired electronic
gadgetry with an emotion reminiscent of
an octogenarian pn:sentina a recently
sired !On. The sophisticated hard.wait is
trumpeted with the s.ame eagerne&S as
the pump oxygenator and t h e
hemodil"lyier, other syttlbols of hospital
"THE ONLY PROBLEM," he gi>es on,
"is that in the small hours of the night
the dials and lights are patrolled by a
frightened, half-green technician perched
on the edgi of panic, whose only function
Is to press an ~propriate button to sum--
mon a physician from a distant corner of
the hospital Tbe presence of the equip-
ment provides some ridiculous klnd of
proprietary P.ride -or I worse, a feeling
or security.
"U would be highly preferable," Dr.
Moser suggests, "to have a well-trained
attelldant or nurse who is ablt: to look at
a patient, make a rapid assessment ..•
and take immediate corrective action
while pushing lbe button. Coronary Care
Units have significantly de c reased
mortallty in (heart attacks), but there is
an urgent need for personnel to man the:
AN ESTIMATE in the "AMals of
Internal Medicine" last year showed that
an output of some 60,000 coronary care
nurses would be needed to give full
coverage in the U.S., -"'hereas the cor·
pn1ary care program was turning out only
about 1,000 nurses each year. lf the
present units can't be adequately staffed,
how can we possibly expand the pro.
Reliance on technology can become a
terrible trap, if this technology is'looked
upon as a substitute for people rather
than .!IS ari added tool fo r human skill,
judgment and concern. Those bleeps and
flashes can only warn ; they cannot cure,
and they do not care.
No Place for Arrogance
Federal Bureau
t>f lnvest111Uoo
Emerson once stated thal "Lile Is not
so short but that there Is always time for
courtesy." This Lruism e'll'.presses a prin·
cip le which should be a common virtue
among all present-day law enforcement
The enforcement cl the law ln our
country today is not an easy task. Cer.
tainly, law enforcement is subjected to
more abuse and criticism Ulan eve.r
before. Some citiWl!'I not onty verbally
attack policemen, but they a I s o
physically a,ssaull U>tm without prC>-
vocaUon: While stJch unwarranted action
ca,nnot be condoned, the law cnlorcement
officer should not let hoiti.le public reaC.
tion af£fet the maMer in which he
performs his duty.
ONE OF TllE compla.iots lew en•
Corctmtnl· otflclals hear repeatedly is
that the. personal contact bet1f'een I.ht
public and officers on the alreets is
decruslng. No doubt thi s h1 tru e, but
police officials have valid explanatiON
for the decline. Some of the fa ctors in·
volved include the rapid incrtast or
population, the ronUnuing growth or
areas to be policed, the lack of man·
power, and the obvlou11 advantage of
direct, constant ct1mmunicatlon w Ith
motorb:fld patrolmen. Thus, In adoptinc
procedures and change.s lo meet its
obliaaUons in lheJisht against crime, law
enforcement hN, out ol necusity, but
wlt.b rtluctan«, lost some of ill valuable
per90l'la1 relaUonshlp with the individual
citiun. This Is why 1t is so vtt.ally im-
porWll U..t every omcer bo courtoous
,-~-.-----"""~·-·-..... . __,.._,I
I ·Gue8t Editor.ia)
\_ .........
and considerate in the contacts that hr:
does make.
OBJECTIONABLE tr a i ts of ine
member of a police departmenl can be a
serious liability to all members. Ar·
rogance and condescension have no place
in law enforcement. lf an officer is to
uphold the ethics of his profession, he
cannot let per90nal feelings or prejudices
ihOuence his actions. As a policeman, ha
is given a public trust, and the public ha.!'!
e.very right to expect him to serve all
citilens alike, with Integrity and honor.
Alter all, the good will and assistance of
the public are his most valuable assets.
Improve their public image .. -Mu.Id cbetlt
their courtesy raUngs. Courtesy ls basic
to &ood public relations. While It may be
In danger of becoming a lost art in some
segments of our complex society,
courtesy must be an Ingrained habit or
every Jaw enforcement office.r. Me should
al~"ays have "time for courtesy."
~--Bu George _...,...~
Dear George :
How can I cure my wife ol brinr-
Jng home every slray cat in lhe
neighborhood ?
i>eer Tired of It:
Brin1 home every stray dog la
the nolghborhood.
80 Join •Adventuresome' . . .
Orange Coul'tty Platoon Sworn Into Marine Corps
Eighly young men ha\'t ventured into a
cate&oty equated with 16th Century ex·
plorers and the Apollo 11 astronauts by
ftinner Secretary of lhe Navy Charla S.
Thomas, '
Tbey were· sworn Into ~U.S. Manne
Corps aa members of the ·•orange Coun·
ty Platoon" Tuesday et South Coast
The. group or men, most under the age
of II, were welcomed lnlo the millary by
officers from each branch or the service,
Orange County officials and mayors from
five local cities. The day was declared
"Orange County Pl atoon Day" by the
Orange C.Ounty Board of Supervisors.
Sgt. Don Garcia. who organiied the
platoon, noted that only 75 ptrcent of tht
voluutee.rs are from Orange County. ''We
ran out of enlistees from the county, so
11bout 20 art from the Los Angeles arta.
Wti needed a quota of 80 men for the
Epecial platoon."
After the noon ceremonie.!l the 80 m~n
s:iid goodbye to their ram ilies and left by
hus for JO \li'eeks for training in San
lie said the men will emerp..trom lh•
~t&rine Corps physically hardened and
hlghly disciplined, tow,;_'no one Is really
f!tted for life aDd can be tucetUful tnd
t\ave respect for 1blmse.Jf and others if he
~ not disciplined .''.
btembers or the Orange County Platoon
From C.Sla Me1a: Bobby G. Cambell,
l..aY.'rence D. Collins, Denni! A. Laikin,
and James E. Outlaw Jr.
From Anaheim: Dennis L. Raker,
Steven H. Connlngham, Alan b1 •
Coughtr)', Joseph A. Hernandez, Thomu
E. Humm~I. Michael E. Long, Gordon \V,
,,_lackey, Stanley Mozer. James R.
Per{lsaJI, Clyde A. Wason, John Rez.a,
Ronald S. Karr, and GrantJ. Parker.
From, Gardea Greve: Mack W. Fields,
Richard J. Moore, Anlhony f . Mermer,
L anc e L. Paddock, Jack C. Ulmer,
}Umberly A. Cherrie, A1ichael O.
Jaci;ibson. Charles Maygren, bl l c h 1 e I
R Fait and \V llliam Ruiz Jr.
Others are: Cary \V. Alexander , John
A. Armenta, Robe.rt A. Bailey, Gerry A.
Canas, James K. Ceballos, Leroy 0. Cof·
lei, llennQ P. Ctolhert, Jlld A. Crowder~
Henry Cuadras; Frank J. Curiel, Roy·
mond R. De Lo< S..tos. John S. Dull,
Leonard J. Eggen Jr., Daniel D. Elmote,
Gary D. Erbst. .
Frank M. Gonz.alts, Francis L Fry,
Ellsworth E. Fu1v Jr .. James M. Gentry, '
Larry E. Heney, Thomas M. Heyw.
Larry G. Hill, Slanlty Hodge, Michael W,
Johnson. Anthony M. Kemp, William A.
Ketchum, William P. Krueger, W11llam
A. Kuhns, Raymond J, Lascelles, Xe.lib
A. Lasley, and John R. Luti.
Other Platoon members .ere: Robert D.
1ifainlandJ Abran R. Martinez, Albert w.
~1aupin, Mark F. M!Uer, Steven M.
Mulverhlll, D\Vld P. Murphy, Joe .s.
Reynoro, TI>omaa F. Piercy, RO(tl: L.
Pitta, Steven J. Plotnik, Charle1 B.
Pridham, Randy Roberls; Gordon Rock,
Jesse Rodriquez, Phillip S 1 m p 1 o n ,
Thomas Smith, Raymond Stanton, Glenn
Thompson, Bernard Vielle, and ll11chael
Watson, Don Wiggin!, Jack Yoong,
Truman Munley, Morwood Jooe1, Frank
Fimbrez, Wayne Snkter, Robert Elllon
and Andrew Billings.
They will rtmain together throughout
the entire training period until members
of the "Orange County Platoon" receive
permanent dUty stations ..
Tho1nas, who delivered the keynote ad ·
dress, told the enlistees that they are
"the venturesome -those who want to
be where the action ls.
"This group of venturesome people in·
-eludes explorers like Columbus, the Apol·
le. 11 · astronauts and members of the
rmlilMY ,'' Thomas noted. '
Nixon Swimmin! Hole
Gone But Not F orgotte.n
Council Approves
Land Rezoning
Approval of the rezone of a parcel of
property on the south side of Williams
Avenue, 125 feet west of Beach Boulevard
from duplex use to commercial has been
.approved by the Huntington Beach City
Following the recommendation of · tht
Planning Commission, the c o u n c i I
gr an led the request or Vicklr Terry, 637
Frankfort· Ave., to rezone the property so
It could be combined with commercial
property he owns on Beach Boulevard.
Tl)e commissioners said the change
would offer greater commercial property
depth and larger potential parking areas
and would be more compatible \vith the
ultimate development of lhe Pacific
Coast Freeway in the area.
For the Records
The old Orange County swimming hole
in Yorba Linda where Richard N~on, his
brothers and his cousins splashed on
summer afternoons is gone.
The Sl-a.cre reservoir in a grassy can.
yon near the President's birthplace here
was drJffied a couple o( months ago to
make way ror a housing development.
Within 48 hours Yorba Linda Lake, wh ich
b.ad been lflcre (or 100 years, was gone.
Thousands or fish lay dying on the dry
lake bed, a death stench permeated the
air. and birds and wild game which
abounded in the area disappeared .
Residents of $60,000 homes which had
overlooked the tranquil scene v.·ere
Eighty persons attended an organiza·
Hon .meeting June. 12 tq determine what
could be done to save the reservoir. A
steering committee was formed . Tonight,
Yorba Linda citizens will hold a town
meeting in the. junior high school
auditorium to form plans lo buy the pro--
perty from the land developers and turn
it into a park.
The reservoir originally was built as a
Just in case visitors to Fashion Island Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day forget that Utose are Fatorama day•, Ute DAILY PILOT and
radio station KOCM will distribute more Utan 1,000 /re~ Johnny
Matlris singles wiUt . special jack'el covers like lbo<e held by Dixie
Myers, KOCM pubhc service director. (More Fotorama details in
Fashion Island "Back·to-ScboolM section Inside today's DAILY
terminal water slorage point for the old
Anaheim Union Water Co., which pro-
\'ided lrrigaUon water service for , ran-
chers. As the area became urbanlz.ed, the
need for irrigation vanished.
Years ago the reservoir, linked by the
Anlilhelm Water Co. canal to tht Santa
Ana Rivet, was used for swimming and
fishing, but in recent years neither was
allowed, and the reservoir served mainly
as a scenic attraction and as a wild Ule
Shortly after World War 11 the state.
Fish a1l4 Game. Ciommission stocked it
with fingerlings and millions of other fish
in the lake included varieties oI goldfish,
carp, bluegills, and bass. Bridle trails
circled the banKS and expensive homes
ringed the lake.
George Oja, who moved Into 1 new
house near the reservoir about six
months ago said "it was a pla~ of beau-
ty. The wild ducks used it. So did the
cranes. Now we have the obno1ious odors
that make life very unpleasant. People
from all over Yorba Linda came fo this
area to ride their horses, to hike and just
enjoy the beauty."
The area will be beautiful again If ~1rs.
Robert Hollingsead and h e r neighbors
hive their way.
"We are resolved not to let lhe lake bt
destroyed for w:ban pollution of · a
beautiful wilderness are~,'' she said.
Plans call for the reservoir to be refill·
ed for boatine and fishing, bridle trails to
be restored, and a bird sanct.Uary,
arboretum and maybe a space museum
to be established. 'Ille facility would be
named the Richard Milhous Nixon Park
and there is even talk among townspeople
ol moving the liouse where Nixon was
born to lhe park.
New Speed Limits
Okayed in Beacl1
New speed limits for !tctlon! of
Delaware and Huntington streets have
been approved by the Huntington Beach
City Council at the suggestion of Traffic
Engineer Paul Cook.
The new limits, effective in 30 dayfi,
change tht allowed speed from the nor -
mal 25 milea per hour in residential dil-
trlcts to:
-Delaware Street from Adams Avenue
to Indianapolis Avenue to 3S miles per
hour, and from lndianaoplls to Frank!ort
Avenue to 30 miles per hour.
· -Huntington Street from Adams to
Atlanta Avenue to 30 miles per hour and
from Atlanta to Pacific Coast Highwa y W
35 miles per hour.
Remnants of Camille
Flood Virginia Town
Squally remnants of hurricane Camille
dL:.mped nine inches of rain on this small
Allegheny Mountain town Tuesday night
al"H" today, sending 200 residents fleeing
Uwir homes ahead of floodwaters.
An' •unit trali1 puJle.d by three diesels
was overturned: by water tr. a canyon
near Copeland, 15 miles northei.st of
. '
Optn Doil7 10·6 ,.M. Motido1 and Fri. Till 9 ,.M .
--,.JI!. DAIL.Y ,IL.OT ltafl ......
IO Members of 'Ora"19 County Pl•toon' Become Marine Rec ruit• in Colorful Ceremonies
Gets W omaI;l
Cotu1cil Action
Despite a crowded agenda , b1rs. Nelly
Tambolleo got the attention of Huntington
Beach city councibnen bSonday night -
and held it for 15 minutes.
Mrs. Tambolleo is unhappy with the
cost of capping an old water well and fill-
ing an old cesspool on property she owns
which the city has condemned at 7911
Warner Ave.
She wants the city to remove excess
de"bri s from the property, cap the well
and ·fill the. ce1spool -al taxpayers' ex·
pense. ,
Coun.cilman. Al Coen attempted to ex-
plain to Mrs. 'Tambolleo lhat It is illegal
for the city to .spend public fund s to im·
prove priva te property -and auggested
that ·city Attorney oon· Bonfa tell the
facts of law to the la Cly.
~re invited Mrs. Tambolleo to come
to hi~ office for a conference.
''How much more will that cost me ,"
she retorted.
"~ot a dime.'' replied I.he attorney.
''.MY servi cee will be gratis."
That settled, Mrs.. Tambolleo had
anot~ problem for the city fathers.
"There is too · much dust blowing
arov.nd my home at 16962 Lark Lane,"
&,he. complained. "It blows in and dlffies
my •pool. It ia coming from • Sprfngdale
a~ Warner where there is C1>n!trucUon
under way."
Tfie co uncilm en asked Oily
AdJ11inistr1tor. Doyle Miller lo s,ee what Ji. could do' about-th< lady's dust pro.
Some Complications
OpenSpaceAmendment .
A code amendment requlring mJni mum
open space for single family residence
district lots has been approved by the
Huntington Beach City Council, but it is.
Teacher's Claim
Upheld by Court
A teacher's claim that she wa! unjustly
fired by Westminster School District
tr_uslee1 was upheld Tuesday in Superior
Judge Robert L. Corfman "backed the
argumeol ol Mrs. Ramona J. Seymour
that the district board acted unlawfully
\then it re.leased her 'because of her "ex·
cessive absence due to illness." Hjs rul·
ing validales het claim that much of the
time che lost because of sickness during
a four-year period stemmed from on-the·
job 1ccldenlli.
P.1rs. Seymour, 31 , successfully · pell·
tjoned for her relnslatemeat as , ,a
pennwnt full-Ume emplqye tffechve
last May S. Judge1 eort:min dismissed the
argument of the dl!trlct that Mrs.
Seymour could only be regarded as a pro-
bationary employe and was dismissed as
not certain council men really underit.OOd •
what they we.re approving.
Assistant Planning Director Diet
Harlow tried to explain such provi!ionl ·
as : "A minimum open apace for eacllf .
legal building site &hall be allocated ao-' •
cording to the provisions of this secUon.
"Such open apace shall be exclusive of •
structures, drl".eways, d r Ive w·a y .
easements or open parking areas. .
, "1) Any legal building site •.. shatf '
provide open space within the rear two--' ·
thirds of the lot. Said open space may ~
divided lnlo two areas, each bavt.nl
a minimum dimension of 15 fet,t plua on~
foot for et.ch five feet oI lot frontage over.
25 feet, but such minimum dimenslott
shall not exceed 20 reet."
In the peculiar language that only plaz>..
ners can comprehend, Harlow ttplalnM
that the amendment, which read oo from.
the above, provides that: '
-Requires open space on lob ~
ed prior to June 5, 1941 at the ratio cl W"
1i+e to open space. (Havtn1 read the
above you now understand what tbat mew: w do you t). :
-8'qllire• !!00-<q. /t. of open •Pac< f :
lots recorded between Jwie I, 11141, anl
March 19, llff; and I ,
-Requires 1200 oq. It. o( opon ._ ., •
all Jots recorded aft.er Mirch 11. lllt. •
otlontic music is SONY headquarters,
28 new models now on display!
So~i• M6'1l 610·0 tolid 11111, ~
t.1~~ oltt10 i1p1 cl1<~ is fot 1ho
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Wtd!IHday, A""'st 20, 1'69
Polanski: Sharon Was ·vulneralil·e
North Dakota Gov. William Goy
say& be has been called a lot of
thing& during his polltlcal career,
but Ca!Uomla Gov. Ronald Ra.,an
ts the first person ·who ever called
him a Republican.
Guy1.1 name was accidentally in·
eluded in a group of GOP gover-
nors to whom Reagan wrote solicit..
jng funds for a Virginia candidate.
The North Dakota governor asked
Reagan Monday to reclassify him
as "a poverty-stricken DemocraL" •
London police haven't caught
the woman who robbed o dress·
tt11ta! firm here, but they have
her thoroughly sized up. The
woman stole a wedding dress
tailored for 36-25-36 meast,re·
men!& and a pair of size 9 shoes.
• Mysterious Jong-distance calls
had been appearing on Thomas
Fleming's telephone bill. And olher
people bad been answering wben
the phODe>Jang in his rural Hart·
land, WU. home. F1emlng contact·
ed the telephone company and an
investigator was put on the case.
He d!S<Overed, Judto William G.
Callow. of County Court was told,
that F1emlng's neighbor, Roy Bar-
konow, had tapped F1emlng's ·line
and bad been getting free service
for eight months. Barkenow was
convicted of fradulently obtaining
telephone service. He was fined · ;1s. •
Ul"I T1i.11tte
'Sharon Was a Sensitive and Vulnerable Woman Who Made Friends With Everyone'
Kennedy Inquest to Set
Legal Cause of Death
EDGARTOWN; Mas~ (AP) -The in·
quest that opens on Sept 3 into the death
of Mary Jo Kopechne.Js a long ... labllsh·
ed ·way ln Massach1J&ettl law lo
determine Ute legal cause of death, as
disUnct from the medical cause.
What can the inquest hope to ac.
In the words o{ one former prosecutor,
"An inquest. , .is used lo clear the air
and close tbe books publicly on a case
about which quesUons have arisen."
Miu Kopechne. 28, a Washindon, D.C.
secretary, was killed Ju1y 18 when a car
driven by Sen. Edward M. KeMedy or
Musach~ went off a bridge Into a
pond on Chappaquiddick Island. The ac·
cident went unreported for nine hours.
Dist. AUy. Edmund Din!; sought and
~ined pie .court order for lb• Inquest
to':iletennJno.:ln his wonla, if Iha &l<l'• dellb "may J;1ve resulted from the act
or ;nt&ligmct of a persoo or persom
ojljer Uian the decused." ·
Arguing ln a Lw.erne Coonty, Pa., cosrt for an autopsy to be perfonned on
the girl's body,, Dinis said his pu~ in •
the inquest is to resolve doubt.a · sur-
rounding the circumstances or the dulh.
A hearing' is scheduled Aug, ~ on hiJ re·
quest for exhumation or the body for an
autopsy . Miss Kopechne was buried In
Plymouth, Pa.
Assistant district: attorneys who have
conducted inquests in cfuitrict courts In
Massachusetts point O\lt major dif.
fereoces between Inquests and trials.
' There is no aceused at an inquest and
nQ prosecution and defense as such.
. They point out that the atmosphere at
an inquest is leu rigid than at a trial.
Evidence, presented solely by the district
attorney, is known to wander occasionally
intO types ol testimony that the defense
would succeufulJY object to ·at a trial
Said one assistant dbtrlet attorney,
~The judge. may intenupt and say,
"nlat's too far a.{ieltt,,! but lt'I bot Ulei fine
control you have in a trial where" you
have prosecution and dfrense.
"The prosecutor has no part In the
detennlnatlon. At the conclusion, he does
not get up and argue a case."
Berets Lawyer
Sees Dropping
Of All Charges
LONG BlNH, Vietnam (UPI)
Lawyers defending eight U.S. Green
Berets a~used ol murdering a Viet-
namese civilian emerged Crom a six-hour
investiialion of the case today and
predicted the government would clear the
S:CCU!ed meri within 24 hours.
"The testimony wa's as weak and vague
ti~ I suspected " sakl attorney Henry
E. Rothlllalt, 53, of New Yo rk City.
"They have no case.''
The invesUgatoiy hearing behind closed
doors at the Long Binh stockade 17 mlles
north of Sa.lgon involved quesUoning an
agent for the Centia! Intelligence Agency
(CIA) on his organizat.iOD's role in the
RotllbWt, an unofficial spokesman ror
the eight Green Berets;predlcted a brief
session 'Mnlr14ay rnOrning would end with
the govemmen\ Jl1'11~ tbe case be ~ .. ''
He ~Id the fiirinaJ _,.work for any
such diarniAal ml.gbt take up to three
George Gregory of Cheraw, S. C.,
another civilian lawyer, agreed.
By VEllNON acorr
LOS ANGEl.~ (UPI) -Roman
Polanski telepboned h1I wUe Sharon Tete.
from l.ondoo AUi,_ a and '111 had no
premonJtion that 7few houn later lhe
would die with her four JUtJll ln a
macabre mw murder.
Polanski, the brilliant Polish film dir~
tor who made "Ro&emary•1 Baby." Kid
Misa Tate· talked of t:rlvialillee when be
called her "a few hours be!<l'e the
tragedy oct:urred."
"She wan led to know , lf I w1nted a
birthday party (Polan1kj WAI :st Mon-
day). I aaid, yes, let's hold one. She aa1d
a lltUe kitten had come Jn from lhi hills
and lhe was tryin1 to feed It with an eye
dropper," Polaruikl aakt .
11Thete wu no indication ol a party
that evening. There wasn't any party that
Polanski recounted hia Jaat talk with
his wife at a newa conference Tueadf.y
called because of the .. unbearable and
horrible things" aaid aboot her.
Blinking back tears and someUmes
breaking into sob.II, Polanski related what
he believed were the circumata.nces Of
the deaths at the secluded Be~d Can·
yon estate leased by him and hil wife.
Mils Tate did not use 'df'lllllt be said
although two of the vlcttuf1, Voltyck
Frokowsky and Jay Sebring, were known
to smoke marijuana. "Sharon didn't use
dMJgs, she didn't touch alccmoi, she didn't
even snlOJCe Cliiret.t.ef,'%11M"ll sillt.
Frokowsky ooce brought a man to a
party at the home who became so ob-
jeclionable he had to be thrown."Out.
Polanski gave Ult name to lbe police but
not lo newsmen. •
Althoogh Polanskt believed thoro ""
no P1'11 the n13hl of the murdert, It< Aid
lAler there w•e "com:tant parties."
"Tltmi Wll • lot of Wk aboul partlel
in our home," be sDi "'Ibey are true.
There wu a COl\ltant party. There wasn't
an evening without frltnda."
He aid marijuana wa1 smoked at the
home b1 aueall bul he dldn'l thlnk ll wu
ool of the ordlnlJ')' amon1 their clrelt o/
Hollywood friend!.
"~do not undermnd the talk cf drug•
Md the use <Jf than," be satd. "Jay 1nd
Voltyck smoked pot at my parU11 but l
wu not 1t any Hollywood party that
someooe didn't smoke pot, They would 10
outside and into anoO!u room and come
back calm ancl lranqull."
TeN ol the bodlea ol the vlctlmt are
sWl in progreas lo determine if any USf.d
drug1. A coroner'• reJ)Ol"t earUer in-
dicated lhe vlctima had imbibed a
moderate amount ol alcohol"
PolQU1 rthiaed. to anawer questions
rrom newsmen. Tht diminutive director 1
Ilia: 1oo« hair hanging over hll collar,
stopped several times in hia nanaUve to
regain his composure.
He bitterly denied reports ol ~ rift
bet.ween him and hiJ wife In the monthl
before her murder. "Our rel&tlomhlpi
~ere l.ije our relaUonshJp.s for the past
few years. They were lhe only Ume of
true blppiness. •• '
He aaid of his wife:
j•AJJ of you know how btauU!ul llbe
was:-sbe was one of-the most beauUful
wome·n· -if not the most beauWul
woman -in the,. world.
"But rew of you know how good lhe
was. Sbe was vulnerable. She couldn 't
rel use any friendship."
Pea~e Phrase?
Hanoi Words Raising Hopes
PARIS (UP I) -Allled.negoUators may
have found a tiny 90W'Ce or optlrnism in
the Vietnam talks in a phrase the North
Vietnamese recently used, a 1pokesman
for the South VietnameSe de.legation said
The spokesman said the allies had
cauUously noted NorUt Vietnamese chler
negotiator Xuan Thuy'1 use of the words
"independent state" in referring to tht
future sti tus of South Vietnam.
Thuy used the words in Thursday'•
weekly session of the talks.
Many observer& at the talks and some
members or t h e American delegation
have taken the reference as meaning
North Vietnam might accept partition ol
AskelJ Ir this terminok>gy wu hopeful
to lhe allied aide at Paris, a South Viel·\.
namese spokesman said, "I would not
say hopeful be<:auae t h e Communists:
are capable of contradicting themaelyea..~
''But We took note of thla statement
because thlll ls the fl.rat time be (Thuy)
said so clearly that the two Vletnarna are
meant to be aeperat.ed for a cerlaln
period until we could dlltcus.s reunlfica·
The South Vietnamese were quick Lo
polnt out this idea was one they had been
promoting more than a year.
The spokesman said the South Viet..
namese would be willing to wait lot
reunillcation of the two Vletnams only 11>
long as "there would be no interference
from one side or the other a!de."
Another lllied spokesman said he, too,
noted the phrase Thuy used.
"Once you say North Vietnam js lnde·
pendent, North Vietnamese forcta hive
no Mght to be there," he said.
North Vietnam and South Vietnam
were separated under tenns of the aet-
tlement of the Indochina war which end-
ed in 1954.
The Paris talks have boggtd down to a
stalemate that haa, in lhe view ol. con-
ference observer•, caused. some of tbt
ccllf"erence participants to leave Paril for
the Ume being.
They are upeded lo relum perllapo
with new ideas on how to try to break the
·-'Ibe chief ~can ne.1o ti ato·r,
Hemy cabot·Loqt,'llal reiuriiOd .lo Qi•
United States for conferences with U.S.
o!licials in )Vubh!glon. The Viel Cong
leader, Madame 'Nguyen Thi Blnh, bas
gone en a vacation, visltine Vletna.meM
aetUement.a in 10Uthern France.
4-mericans Killed
After all the evidence ts lh, Ute judge
files a written report detailing his fin·
dings, step by &lep, and giving his con-
The determination might be of suidde
or or accidental death or of homicide or
of some lesser legal finding such as
British.Ar•nu in Control
Wrapped up in hu work ii whot
. !In. Patrlda Brod<u of Pllilad<lphia
Q. A• advocate of rnake1 for pell,
she talkl budnesa tntteloped in a 30·
foot PJl'hcm rnakt.
In Laos Crash
VIENTIANE. l.aos (AP) -Three
Amtrlcans and JD Laotlana were killed.
Tuesday when an-American transport
plane crashec:! into 1 hUlskte tn northern
Liao, the U.S. Emba"l' repomd.
The report may be used u the basis
for bringing a case to the grand jury, or
it ma,y be Ignored. That decision is up t.o
the prose.cuter.
N. Ireland -Peace Shaky
• A Detroit man returned from
vacation and found a note from the
police saying, "Would you kindly
come in? We want to talk to you
'1JOUI your flowers." The Dowers
tJi&.police had in mind were mari·
juana. The man said the:y were a
surprise to him. P olice said the
tuxurlous, well-tended plants were
~robably lour lo si• weeks old. The
man was gone 10 days. Police cut
~e plants down and said no
llharges woul d be brought.
~ tpakesman sa1d today the Americans
had not been ldmtifled.
The plane belonged lo Air America. 1
charter airline that rues missions 1n Laos
in support ol military operations against
the ~unist Pathet Lao and the
North VieLnameae.
The emba&I)' spokesman said tlie plane
crashed as it wa1 coming in to land at
S a mg t h on g, a Lao government-held
town in Xieng Khouang Province, 120
miles north of VienUane.
"The district attorney is not bound by
anything the judge find!,'1 said a former
assistant ~trict attorney. "If the j~dge
says, 'I find this death was accidental,'
the.dlstrid attorney in his own mind may
have doubts and decide, ·I'm going to call
a grand jYry and present this case
"Alternately, if the judge says In his
opinion It was a homicide, the district at·
tomey still ls not bound to take the case
to the grand jury.
"He has sole power-he's the guy who
calls the shots."
LlJNDON (UPI) -The BriU!h army
today took over the job o1 peace keeping
in Northern Ireland. But a swelling
Protestant right.-wing revolt threatened
the new deal hammered out by the
British and Northern Ireland Prime
In Dublin, southern Irish Prime
Minister Jack Lynch branded as "unac.
ceplable" the use of British troops. He
renewed his earlier demand, which Br\.
tain has rejected, for ·a United Nations
peace rorce.
Discordant protests from b oth
~Rain .Dampens East Coast
Protcstanls and Roman C a t h o I i c s
mounted barely l2 hours after British
Prime Minister Harold Wilson and
Northern lrelaod Premier J am es
Chichester.Clark announced agreement
al the end of a six-hours' conference
hert. •
Sunshine Gives Summer w)lest of Nati-On
They agreed that Britain's army com·
mander in Northern Ireland, Lt. Gen. Sir
Ian Freeland, ~7. should assume supreme
responsibility for security throughout the
California turbulel)t province.
l'eMJH!f"•fHrU Freeland was given control over all
l"" dl\llllt 11nm 1boln H:• •·"'·· """ "'°''"' lllNIY. Wlndt '"'"rlt I ,. 11 llno-r.. Hft!i fl;lety lfl onllf.~.
V•111"1141l''I llmHt•IUte tl "'911 frrM
I Mlfl d '1 to N.. l11i..t111 .........
flrr.t ..... -•teU.W•tof~ _...,..._ .. ..._.... s... n-. '1'14e•
"'"' """ .............. ,, .......... J.t '11'1t ... .. .11 : .. 11.11'1. IJ TMUUOAT
''"' """' .............. •11t ............ . lllnt low ,,.,,.,, ... ,,.,llit• ,,,.._ L.J
....... "'"" ............. lflt~."" •.1 ""*"' '°" .............. ,,. •·""· 1 •• ... .._ '!" •.111. ktl ,iU 11.111. Mwl .... I i• 11.lft, Ith 1110 •·"'-
fllrtt e, l'Wil Lhf .. Hww
Aw. • Aw. r1 Wt. I 19111. 11
.. M
'"'"'""''!I• "-c1nc-1n11111 .. ~
DH Moln.1 O.troll
.... lrtltnlu
'"' """" ·~~ .... H..iviu
k•l\Mt City
L•l VeflS
LO$ Anttlt1
Ml-HOits ,.._ °"""' .... v ..
Monti l"a."-0.k1Mld
<*ltl'IClll'MI Ctty ..... -·--~."° lollltl .._ ..
""'"'" -'"' . .. '""' ·-..... -S•ll 1...-. Cll'Y
'"' o;..., '-" ,r_l'Kt M •lll1 --__ ,
Hltll i.ew fin<, police forces in Northern Ireland,
'3 '' including the controversial "8 Specials"
'3 " -an almost entirely Protestant force or
..i:' special police. whose disbandment the
province's Calhollc minority bu demand·
ed •
" " • • " " " .. • " " • " ..
" ., .. ..
" • .. " .. ~
" " .. .. " .. " "· " • '" " " " " " " " .. " .. ..
" .. .. ..
" " " " '" " .. " "' • " ..
" " " • " .. .. .. .. .. .. " • .. .. .. • .. ,, ..
'" " .. •
Within hours alter Chichester.Clark's
return to Belfast, two rightist former
.en Northern Ireland government members,
Wllllam Craig and Harry West demantled
.Mi his resignation.
•01 The Rev. Ian Paisley, leader of Proles·
tant extremists, charged a "sellout" and
"capitulation" to the Roman Catholic
JOI churc.Jr."
"Protestants n1usl now joln themselves
together as their fathers did in 1912," he
Thls ~·as a reference to formation of 1
Protestant volunteer army in Ulster just
before World War I to fight plans ol the
1.n Brtllsh 11ovenunent of that time to give
al\ Ireland Independence from British
1.-.o rule under a single government.
BrlliJh officials privately v o Iced
dismay over this revived Protestant
backlub threat in the north. Doubts were
voiced whetber Chichester-Clark and his
government could 1Urvive chartes of
..surrender" In tht agreement he con·
elude<! wllh Wlloon here late Tutsday
, .. ni.ht.
il .
.... ,.._.
Anol'1tr Tr:oubl•ll'ff Night In Northern INiand I .
I WtdMldey, August 20, 1969 DAILY Pll:OT ii$
Mideast War Heat~ng Up Hoffa, FBI ... "_v_E_E_N_•E ____ •_•_r_""-'•_•-_'·__,"'11
Clash on lly United Prt1s lntem1ti011il
Egyptian sniper fire wound·
ed an Israeli soldier on the
Suez Canal today, an lst8.eli
military spokesman said. Arab
guerrillas aUacked two Jsraeli
pos1Uoo11 in the Golan Heighta
or occupied Syria Tuesday
An Israeli spokesman said
the sniper fire broke out
belore dawn but failed to say
where along the canal.
Witnesses said the Arab guer·
rillas attacked Bokata in the
northern Golan Heights and a
point near Quneitra.
The guerriUas were ap-
parently striking from Syria,
the spokesman said .
W:stern diplomats in Cairo
said they feared more fighting
was about to erupt along the
Marine Goes
Berserk; 2
Left Dead
(AP} -A former Marine ap.
plied combat tactics early to-
day in a "berserk" shooting
11pree that left two persons
dead and another t h r e e
11eriously injured along city
61.reet.s, police sah1.
David L. Grimm, 2 5 ,
Parkersburg , was arraigned
on a charge of murder !liter.
police from five agencies,
armed with rifles and tear
gas, dragged him 'from his
home, Police Chief Gale Smith
The shooting spree began
about 3:30 a.m. at Ada's Club,
a downtown nightspot.
Police said the gunman ap.
parently left the club, tossed a
gas device -possibly a
grenade -into the building
.and picked off ils occupants
with a rifle as they fled. Two
persons were killed and
another was wounded On the
itrect outside the club.
Those killed were identified
as Charles Hardman, the
owner of the club, and William
Plant, in his 20s, who may
have wcrked at the club.
N. Koreans,
U.S. to Meet
SEOUL, North Korea (UPI)
-The United St ates will
a s k North Korea Thursday
what happened 'to the three
crewmen of a U.S. Army
helicopter downed by Com-
munist ground fire Sunday.
Thi eccasion will be the
292nd meeting of the Korean
Military A r rn i s t i c e Com-
mission at lhe truce village of
Panmunjom. The United
states will be represented by
Marine Maj. Gen . Arthur H.
Adams and the Communists
by North Korean Army Maj.
Gen. Ri Choon Sun.
The United Nations Com·
mand originally requested a
meeting of the armistice com-
mission for Tuesday which
was rejected by the North
Koreans, who proposed the
Thursday session.
Suez Canal.
The dlplomats ln Cairo aald
what at least In part prompted
their reaction was Tuesday's
Israel! ale raJd on Port Tewfik
and El Adablya on the canal.
Egypt said Ua anUalrcraft
guns shot down four Israeli
planes. ln Tel Aviv, Israeli
spokesmen said one plane was
downed and Its pilot captured.
Dutin& July, Israeli and
Egyptian for~ traded Intense
arUUery, mortar and tank
cannon fire across the canal
almost daily.
On July 20, I s r a e 11
warplanes made their first air
raid on Egypt sirice the June
5-10. 1967 Middle East war.
Several more raids followed.
Egyptian planes in turn al-
t.acked Israeli positions in the
Israeli-occupied Sinai
Dtmocr•ts' B•ttle
Demos Pick
Ex-envo y
In Virginia
RICH~10ND, Va. {UPll -
William C. Battle, the former
U.S. ambassador to Australia
lapped by conservatives to
unify Virginia's shalt ere d
Democratic Party, was
nominated for governor Tues-
day in the first statewide
runoff election ever held in the
Small-town attorney Andrew
P. fl.1iUer of Abingdon spoiled
the old guard's only hope or
having al least t o k e n
representation on the
November general elec~ion
ballot, however. by winning
the Democratic nomination for
attorney general over Guy O.
Bal.tie, a Charlottesville at-
torney, and Miller join State
Sen. J. Sargeant Reynolds of
Richmond, the Democratic
candidate for lieutenant
governor, in shaping a fall
ticket which faces l h e
Republicans' most ambitious
bid to win Virginia 's
statehouse since the turn of
the century.
Reynolds. 33-year-old heir to
the Reynolds aluminum
fortune, was nominated
overwhelmingly in a bitter Ju·
ly 15 primary. The first elec-
tion produced a defeat for the
political heirs of the late Sen.
Harry F. Byrd Sr. (0.Va.)
Going ••• Going ••• Gone
A cornice or a St. Louis office building ls pried loose
and falls 12 storle.s to the street. The cornice was
noticed to be giving a\vay and 'vorkmen, after
blocking off the street, gave It a nudge and it came
smashing down into the street.
Israeli Defense Minlster Mo.
she Dayan toured the Jordan·
tan front between the Dead
Sea and the Sea of Galilee, the
scene of continuous Arab
guerrilla farays and some gun-
battles between Israeli and
Jordanian artillery and tanks.
An Israeli a r m y CQm·
rnuniquc listed 41 minor Arab
guerrill:i incidents along the
Jordan River cease-t'ire UM
during the week ending Aug.
1'hree Arab guerrlUas were
killed by an Israeli army
patrol Monday night while
trying lo cross the Jordan into
Israeli occupied West Bank.
Three Israelis were wounded
in the encounter at the Man-
dassa Bridge.
Israel said it had ap-
proaChed ·the E g y Pt Tin
government . through t h e
JntcmaUonal Red Cross to
hnd out what happened to the
downed Israeli pilot. Niasim
Ashkenazl, 30. He bailed out of
hit Jet after Egyptian an-
tla.lrcraft fire hlt it 13 miles
inside Egyptian territory.
Egyptian Foreign Minister
Mahmood !Uad Tuesday nig!it
told a United NatiOns com-
mittee investigating A r a b
ch.arges of Israeli atrpcities in
occupied territories that hJs
country had cleaffil more than
500,000 civilians from the Suez
Canal area since J967 to pro-
tect them rrom Israeli attack.
He said It had to be done to
protect them from "Israel's
continued aggression a n d
violation of human rights."
Soviet Union Ceases
Viet Mediation Role
Meter Okay
(AP)-All PBI official was
pressed today ror more infor·
mation abooC what be called
the "June file," a record or
wiretap and electronic evi.
deoce kept at FBI headquar-
t<.'rs in Washington.
Charles Bolz, FBI chic[ of
accounting and records, dis.
-ciOSCdeiiStcnce oe the file--
apparently for the first time
-at a U.S. District Court
SPACE C?;NTER, llouston hca rlag Tuesday in . which
(UPI) -A moonquake meter Teamsters Union President
survived its first lunar night, James Hoffa and three co.
with temperature as low as defendants are seeking to J ~ ,1
minus 250 degree s, and .was have their jury tampering -r-:-,-...1-r /! /. -Cic.rF-~...,nu.
convictioos overturned. , _ _...;.:,,..,.,_,;,.;;,.;,~..;;;;;;.;,~-.;·----..:•:.:"":::.::-::.=-:::·-:...--1 operating again today 1neasur· Harvey Silets, representing •
Ing quakes and landslides. Larjy Campbell of Detroit, .,You can talk about romance if you want to. but I
First reports sent back to drew from Bolz description of warn you, hot air is no competition for &
the le b th OOn records on what electronic cool sea. breeze • , ." space cen r Y c m • surveillance iofonnation is ---------------------
meter indicated all was quiet available. Campbell is one of
on· the lunar surface. the three men convicted with
The instrument, whose fu.nc-Jioffa five ycan: ago .
LONDON (UPI) -The ha~ chosen a welt-and-see tiOns resemble 8 seismogr:lllb, "'The use lo which these Soviet Union bas all but back· st te · th v· tn 1. electronic surveillance were 1
Students Attack Embassy
ra gy m e le am peace was placed at Tranquility bvt to cannot be detennined TEGUCIGALPA, llonduras North American control of the\ ed out of efforts to mediate efforts. Base. by a~tronauts Nell A. y those 1~?" Silets asked. 1 n Am · · · d' I Th d Ed · E -q-(UPI) -Aboot 50 e -wing Organization ol the encan. peace 1n Vietnam, 1p omalic e move ls believed part or Annstrong an win · '"f'hat's right," rep Ii e d States (OAS).
sources said today. the current Soviet policy oC ''Buz.z" Aldrin Jr. It rad ioed Bolz. ;'\Ve just make a copy students smashcC windows at
WeU·infonned Communist refraining from major com-back information from July 21 of the specific document in the U.S. Embassy today to A Honduran chauffeur for
diplomats said there is nothing mitments on key East-West until Aug. 2, when the sun set the file and send it to the the embassy was slightly in·
for Moscow to do in the cur-and international issues. across the moon landing site. Justice Department." protest what they claimed was jured by flying_ glass. :
rent state of the Vietnam war j~~;;;;;;;~~;;~;;~iiiia~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;~iiiiiiiiii£ and negotiaUons in Paris.
They let it be clearly un-
derstood the Kremlin now has
no intention of taking any
diplomatic initiative or
pushing any mediation effort
in Hanoi to fa cilitate peace.
The Soviet attitude was
motivated by ils belief the
United States has done nothing
worthwhile to date, from the
Communist viewpoint. t o
justify Soviet inlervenlion, let
alone Soviet pressure on the
regime ol President Ho Chi
President Nixon's de-escala-
tion program and latest moves
toward partial withdrawal of
American forces were brushed
aside as "insignificant
outright meaningless."
The withdrawal offered by
Washington, diplomats said,
was a mere drop in the
bucket. The diplomatic in-
formants argued the United
States at the same time was
arming South Vietnam and
reinforcing it wjth the clear
intention to make it strong
enough to do the job the
Americans have been doing.
They countered we s t e r n
charges I.hat Moscow is con-
tinuing to pour large quan-
tities of arms into North Viet-
nam with the argument the
United States is supplying
weapons to the South Viet~
The Soviets evidently are
aware of American criticism
of Moscow's Vietnam policy
and of the absence of Russian
goodwill to help in the
stalemated peace effort.
Western diplomatic quarters
have been arguing Moscow
could have been helpful lately
by both pressuring Hanoi
politically and, more con-
vincingly, by scaling down its
massive anns deliveries which
arc boosting Hanoi 's defiant
The Communist diplomats
left little doubt that at least
for the pre.sent the Kremlin
More Deadly
Gas to Take
Rail Trip
more trans-continental rail
shipments or deadly phosgene
gas will begin leaving Den-
ver's Rocky Mountain arsenal
next Monday, the Rocky
Mountaln News said today.
The newspaper said the next
shipment or the World War I
gas would be sent to Industrial
users in Geismar, La. The
gas, which was sold by the
Army last year, ls used In the
manufacture ol plastics and
Similar shipnienls last week
brought congressional
dj!mands for stricter regula-
tions governing commercial
rail shipments or hazardous
The newspaper said William
Black, chief of lhe hazardous
material seclion of t h c
Federal Railro ad
Admlni.straUoo In Washington,
D. C., did not know when the
other six shipments would be
moved. •
Black said Chemical Com-
modlUes Corp. of Olathe,
Kan., wwld movt r our
shipments of "from to to 15
cars each" In addiUon to Mon-
day's shipment. Black said
two 1ddltional s h i p m e n t !I
would be made by the Jones
Chemical Co., of Caledonia,
6.50x 13
Blackwa ll
Fed. Ex. Tex
ll.79 ea.
any of these sins
7.75x14• 7.75x15 ·s.25x14
lllJ Df !hue Sll!S
7.75x 14 •7.75x15 ·8.25x14
NO TRADE NEEDED 2 FOR ?.790 2 F0:3310
Pllll $2.211 lo $1.JI FMI. Er. Tfit ...
i • • • • i
1596 llEWPOlT
,.,, ... 541·'313
482 OCEAll AVE.
! ..................................................................... ..
•'. '
' ..
.::'!':::ldr::•sd.>~'1·'..:'::!'.""':::.1t:::20•c.;:1969::;___;4L-'-~"-''LO_T·A_DVE_R_n_sE_R --· • ....
''rrislias'' , " 1 ''COmet''
1u•m for Cl.E4NSER Cat Faotl llllllllc llSllrs wit• s1,1r Ckllri11l ....... , ........ ""'-.... ..,..,., ........... llnclis ut sulat ...............
... K.-,Slll 14 IL lei-Siz, Iliac.
9il.OO 3~98 1:1.00
. ro-•bUU•-
. Bed Pillow 8Bc -4-.J/IJ . ,JF .... •a::==rr:= , .
. . . . 20x26" Bed, Pillow "CotUMllAll:' Enamel Gourmet
I ' ., ~Im fil1ii1g •la!s r.. ""I . ~· ; '• •• fmhinifr ~r. _, 2 5 00 . . ... arware ) · \ t.. INDJant. ~lmf•I floral prinl f Soft end wann '""" ~hite wl~ . · ' · · br. %Jt • IS!Olbll actent co~r trrms.
11 •• '
HOUSEWARES ~~ · ·· '. { .. '
"Therm· al" Blanket' g • 1¥.i Qt. Doable Bailer ~ ' . • 4 Qt. Casserole . . · W~lile·fr --.a·u:casserole --: :;J!=:,.61111-;::,;>; 4 49 •2Gt.T11Kettle ~ · '
Kitcben Towels
FIESTA moJS-!8127 ~ lbsnit ~-luwels In 15 Resta colors
;;~eEtc."iil;:'p: 2i1.00 CAJlllOI ::::;:="""====i White Sheets
"Tudor Rose" Sheets
~~lot!g-.= 2 98 !!oases II trSSO!liitl solid
fasbio• co1an. u ta a •
t.oltnl mlil ... 91111 _.. 111!1
~ 11ai.c-o.r !30 ... ~1q11111lllllltll&l-1""-lb
nnN SIZE 1 79
flllDI • fUf "" aa •
ElgllslJ --I!"" ear: ftlla ........ d -prilltld lllel. lllllm .ill ID 11111t1t1 tllllors.
DOaBtE sm 3 39 fll1D • RAJ 11£ UI • . =·~~~w2.09 :========i PILLOWWI$ Bftc C!:dl 111. t.11l'Mti2 .. -~JJ',1'A Peca~ logs or
PIUOW CASES 1 69 lel.Ul ... tf2..... •
/17J . .Brazil logs
fldge centers mal!rl willt cntel amt I ~-~ ~::/ecal 4 '.1 00 3!o SIZJ •
Household Broom
181% IRDDM tall •• • ~~:=r-=149 .... EDllStruction. • .
CA._ .. CNIW
Wbite Sheets
Cl>tlm llDlil •itlt tlllbll 111!1!! .lllllb ellmiltllll .. 1"'1111r.illllde .... '==:;:========; ·o;,, l3Dflrm1111aim~mnp. , Stlinbge ·les 1111 n.
l:aN :·~it fir. 2JI 1.98
D .... rizl111 pu1er -Wipes mr
genns that ..... odtrs... sgc as ft wipes ..,, dirt.
Rer. lie 21 IL Slza
FITTED 1r fW 111t:. UI •
PILLOW CASES 1 39 ===========~ Rer. 1.91 Pak If % •
"living" Gloves
wltl Extro FIE£ li1lt IHI Clm ••• extra wng atffs ••• solt
abSOtbent fining ••• fasll~Q gee colors. Ladles' sizes.
llf. 1.11
Vacuum Bottle
ly TllEllllS -leeps flqui4s llot or cold! . laakproof screw
down stopper, oup witlt ggc real handle.
Roz, 1.41 PL Silt
3-Ring Binder
111111 CUP fer IHSI !•"11 69C ••• blue ClllVIS cover. l'" rings
witlt doalle "°""'· 3-Ring Binder
~~1.~t1'~~:~ gee blnsti.colors.
3-Ring Binder
~~~ ~t,··~:r.~ J:::s iYi age
ring>, doub~ 1Jo03tet.
"New World" Dictionary
WEISIErS-cletlr, coaclse tlel'ral-~ .:===~~~ 1 29 usage. •
Fina point
PM W/2111.• It> pens! 48c
3x5" '"" ol 39c ntJI in mist
lflOD or I'll·
"Cub" Stapler
SW1N8UNE .... 1111111111 '69 of 1000
staples. •
) .
(I ...
Sheared 'Velour'
Bold." ........... et 95c
6ain .............. cL85c
Cheer ............. ct. 95c
Sain ............ ct 75c
Dl1ft ............. 11. 35c
lvary S.W .••. et. 95c
Tlrlll " .......... ct 59c
CzCIJe ......... Ct 69C
wftlloltooigbt. llq:UI • • 2 Gt. Saace PH ~
72xll" Blanket ucH ..Q , · . ~ =-.:;.,~1~:~~= 1.aa o--~: j' •~•. llotllpmf Ass'! 3 98 . U811Wllll1llRlllmarrrmillHlllmrm , , cotm willl llllll:biag-salil wmmmlllllllllllnW': rrum ~" unar•.1er.s·iwenne:' (ironing Pad & Cover
· CUllOI f", . I llEUUJD-100% cottnn'2 49 A collagt GI colarfid TI)SOS siA!!dlelf and CDYO' in 0.isyprin~ 3 ~Y·
etJ:lled illlll 11111MioUs artis1Jy m1 a field = er paU. Assorted colors. • +.~ ~\;~~~ I Clothes Pin Bag ~
1.49 asc asc I ;.rJ~0i~ 93c •
"Portrait Rose" ·
,, cANNllN _ Rieb .11-ii Laundry Cart Liner _.,...
cot!Jmtenyjaaiuardwitll a WRllAID-1.am sill!w/
and so practical. " colors. a
floral print ii two-lone SI •tre....,,ging' ao~es pin 1 49 colors. l'relly as o m ~ pod et. Daisy print in ISS't
UlllTinl!I. 1 69 am.:====;:=: l1z, UI •
llAlll Fm tom Cltlll
111.1 98C •4t43C UY-Massive dec9~t·
Ut ed """b ••• mixmg 93c .... at1ually A'IOlia. "Cbaflenger" 13" 1o1z. · ~Cllllllll-Ablallrmt DumpTruck ::" ei:'. ~. ~ c.AY-~tort~ plastic ... 93c llalcll' " !11111 decorl hroiat • Iii allow IOI-. 9Bc loading.
Cement Mixer
:Ww~ "Gee Wee" •
T"=L = = ·:::t;~tw:..iir~73c ~ 2:98c 1as.3ggac 4baDs.
IJC I Jlc I llDUfflllAlllCJIJIDllUIDCIDmmH -·-···-·-
aon· Socks
"1u-1.11• -slreldl ~
"" Ill able aid l x l
rils.Asst;ri:..":c n':~==========:;· ~
Comlid -willl -
triple 1110. Wbito °"' ii 7.11 silts. .
::~1.00 ...
M1ssw Socks
Sbelcil •llets of colfll!, 3!k .,,,. ii wbl1I 111)1. Sim
&.a~. ....41, .
ONLY 13.88 l1fill age lmllS ht112
. •
• ~ ..
' •
• ~ •
•· •
.. ''Vano''
! F•rlc Fiaish
llimlt furies 111 lot1
\fl11tlt1I ••• 1111 IHJI
1 •• t'•t 'war!
; R19, 69c 20 OJ, t' 39c
'for Brunettes Only'
At list! B1111tt11 r1111r Im 1 cnict!
•fir .m.u .. ,,,,.. "'' ,
shade lhaf• nght for""" bnt-
lllllle. Go lighter . , • go dorker,
'even covers gray completely.
In just 20 minutM.
ti G11ll Sh1l11
2.25 Sia
1.79 ...
'Shadow Spreet
l &1,liHtill NIW
Eyesb~111 C1ll1cli11
. Six best-sellin1 "brvsh~n &~w"
: Shades, I P"rTY brrrsh and lull-YllW
: : minw -111,lrrrtd I~ oye-ak\.
.. int colorfll, un-flshionerl -· pac~! Slips into your prrr.e for
•• quick toocb-ups.
. .
R1plar er Frosted
4.00 UCH
F II fml PlellNllll
"' 4 oz. c ...
R:t·'·7• sac .. ' ' tfTwo ,
St P11ttr JH CH nor
it .. ••te• COYER GIRL
"Plus 3"
in 3 SkiD Sbdes
AcbJally helps stop ''" pimples from sbowini &
.,.. p!Mllts,.. mfec·
u .... So atany ""' '" mr' it rnder make-op.
#1 lipt
#2 llfflt•
#3 lrtltllt
1Jt the blll!liect11r(11pq.
1-.. work its Ngic ""1
Tunoi 1k1anE!s into dinmed· about gills. Now milab~ ~ I la!~ elegant flacot Mist Start
will lmPfM today -you'U
stJrt $0metliDJI
w ........... l 20, 1969 ' .
''Jergens'' _N1sn1•i -caniiila WIN A FREE 3 DAY CRUISE,_._,
. for TWO Oii-the "Princess CcnW' · . Chocolate
LOTION BARS w/DISPENSER lllk Cllettlll, llUI Ctltc· S.tOH rt11I, lrrlt1tt•
C1t YHr ElllJ 11111 II
AnJ SAY·ON DttlC STllE .
•1111 wl ........ Cnooc• -• • • Jib Utll tilt Clletllll 1111 mt! 'I NII '-' limn It u .. i. IUt illbrplls" ... .., t:lltctlttt ... ttlltn. co• w111 ·111r ttp.
-' Cnlln DIJS Stir! .. Si,t .. 25tl, 1961 •.• WIHer Will Bt N1tilld ...... .,. 39c. Ki•t Size REGUW DI DIET
\, NEW! Gtt.iEm · 77c 3il.OO • .. Soft,~ :::i;IJANT Deodorant
1 ······:·~::::::·;:::··,·,u~~ii~~11;k::·
·: from REVLON
It's never cakey, heav1 or dry. The
shine sbys shiny; tie pales •by
pale! 111 frosteds, transparents or 1 50 creamies. 20 coloB in an . , • in bright
little flower-ringed cases. U. •
NATURAL WONDER "Water Pa1"nts"
for EYES
Lid Shadows
To p~int lashes of clear •. clear1
co!Or. Special 'b~ttm· lold bock
Di\ " CO!ql$ stay f11s~ 3 00 all day! live color gTOUpS
. . to play with. 11. •
Lid Liners
. 83 101 C
California Fashior. Lashes
l!arrrl lrirrrnrl • *llcately !piked
• flt11"bl1 strip
Pointed Lash
1.,.urioosly long1 sweepi"I and
. oeoMil ••• bUrrtirol~ -~ they
have t1t-1ro1< oh $llot DIWl'I· 3 50 time IODlication. Nalrrral Blacl ..i
Hatrmrl'BmwrL ' •
Lower Lash
Ta frame the eyes in the llllSt natural way possible. 2 95 May be worn wit~ any upper lash style to coni>tete
ony look you d<sire. Na11rr>I Blaok and Natural Bron. •
"S"er BllSllers"
New pal• colors that make
ollrer bllshers trn 01>11ge
with errvy:&rperfrm to carry
in a wildflower compact In-
~ :~gtatt;ruffne:,~~ ~ •( Ii 00 wrtll I Sopor1JO!!fy paff,
r. $~ 350 ONLY •
NOW thert Is I mike·•-that .iats-1, llCISS
shill ..• 11ith11t .. cekl11 tr c .. qi11 celar.
~· mm".!l~~!fo~ ~ t New eye-lirrers tlat Cl!all ap wiill w1-""' witll lllrle llMf, «rd plaln will rei ..
ter to sleek on ncl color tilt -forced leel. --ii 8\1 to goes powdery. "lid Lil-11 sizes.
et'&''frlstLiner"pam 2 00 2 "11"r 49c il •-l&color r•
combination&, ••• •
~~-slze 1.09 1.ll 1 49 I 11. Slz1 •
#llZU~ ~ Home Permanents
Complete ijts ..• ctoose lie one l 19 right for yoor ha ir!
2.11 Sizi b. •
1:1 ;Yut,u-;_~ 1~ "L"f II ' § I e ..ltolr T1111Jr1ttt C11•iti1111
· ..=.' Comets domage C111Sir1 by teasini 1 89 Ill{-~ bleaching. ·hair sprays. etc.
2.5112 tL Sia e
Washes shine iolo hair .•• never 1 19 dulls ••• aives rich, creamfi latller.
1.511 I. Sill •
l-• tr1ir11c1 that c11 s~1k1 y11r warlf!
Rich creamy liq11id caresses the
warm .. of your body, envelopes you
in 1 frl~ tilt cliogs "'" after horr. A few drops oa your body, here,
Rt(. 4.01
4 oz. Size 3.00
' . . ....
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR THE NEW ROMANTIC LOOK •• ,
YARDLEY'S · "Next-to-nothing"
Makes your ski• loolr i..,.
ocent, tr...pmt "" Oii !
.. -. lflgiclfly llides llaws ID "'911 on~ tie true
besuty of yoor skin,
~:::, ... , ..... 1.75
Mlllcatd Ofl·Frtt 1 75 F1nUtJ11 ••••• ; • •
2 50 "Big Lash" Mascara .: 12''i'2 88 f::.~111 ..... 2.00
· i ~i:.:~1~~~!:=f.th~~2.00 : 1•r • ~r. ............ 2.00 ..................... I .•......................................... i ••••••...••••••.•.•....... -.....••.•••••••...••••••.•••••.••....••.•••••••••••.•••••
i ZIPPY NEW TOPLESS i ~5>.~N~~~u8f.!'f.~I~ : AmiUJI& "LICKETYSLICKS" : ~ p.:.. _. ~ ., con ORIGINALS J
SHU~?!, Ct I Mgyinl
Shampoo-in Color
for 11~ ctltr l1111Jwlt11tt quL wltllnl irr11
Automali<ally timed to bring ,.. w etly the
shade yoo want. L'OR£Al his ''" 1 comp~le selection of other fint flair colori111 prepar-
'1irrr!s, including light...,,, mbbor, color
rem>Yers and developers.
C1•,l11t Kit 2.00
~'Bio-Kur" •er
Total Hair Care
Hair Repair -
"that's my color''
Slllllpoo-i1 Hair Color
At lastl A pmnaoerrt sill-in
hlir CQlor thtt gives !IDI oerf1ct
cob'. l1ie color you nrt. Ar4 it's
SD ...., ••• '""' I tilltld loolr.
--11 --
-for hlir dlr!race<I by
bleo:lrinr. colortls. -~-"" :~. 3.50
~~ care & Colfert
-for sensitiw1 scar,.
Tiies stio1 IN Mrl 1111
of ~'I llllr. lrt-
lf>'lt! blucltnlL
~t.::. 1.00
"Thrs llJ C•l•I" ONLY 2.25
"Coiffure ltalienne"
Color Hlthllflit Sh•llO•
Sil colrflll, ,._rite<t LI•ltff s1111111
1htda".tlllt ....... .... tfltr --11111-MP. ~-!! r' .. litl*t 1 75 ~11tr .. Sl11 a
I •
./...) _, __. i Ucky Uttle lip Colon •• • 1
; Glissy Wet fonttUla ••• i
Slleer, clear colors !lat
I'°" like Ii!'"-Just lrkt yoa liclred your
lip$. Six kissy .tiades
flit •how ... Illy!
Tt1l1Q C...-NI C.1
Compact ••• • beautiful
translucent make"i!p ac· 2 00 cessory to give_,,..
io• 1 subtle matte finish. •
A1•1S• Spray Cellll•
... I botqoet of flower.fmr. fra.
1-: A subtle -1 to sunound
ber i1 daytime freshness • , • •
enyefap1 ber i1 1 1i1httim1
ONLY 3.50
spec~! s.111 s..,. lfzzlms Wies
fiorn liP! to llright -frosteds llld cremes.
• . '
the Adv•e
look Pem
-Tiiis Is !ff JHr ltr c1rls!
2.29 1 33 Size • u •
AD PRICIS PREYAILI 1'"1UJ, A1111U11t tin
. SnflJ,loplt?m
HllNTl ... TON llAl:H
=~·--HU •TOii llACH ..............
1t101m ..... w......,,._
Time to End A-nimosi-ty
Tbe Sunset Beach annexation to Huntington Beacb
ts a dead issue, at least for the coming 12 moothJ.
The one-year w·aiting period required by law would
be a fine time for people in both communities to bu.ry
hatchets and get together on some constructive thlnk~
Both communities have loads of problems, prob-
lems that could be solved much sooner in a spirit of
cooperation than in one of animosity.
JI iluntington Beach leaders could find a way to
give Sunset Beach a helping hand in solving the vexing
problem of beach parking, they would undoubtedly
win the gratitude of hundreds of property owners there.
The county has offered a plan but it has not met with
the approval of the people of the northern neighbor.
It is a problem which must be solved, first, in order
to provide adequate permanent parking for residents
of Sunset Beach, and second, Ul make the 6,20()..foot long
strand available to beacbgoers.
Huntingtt>n Beach officials have had similar prob-
lems and, to their credit, have made giant strides in
tiOlving them.
Perhaps a parking authority, such as the one now
developing the mile-long beatjifront from tbe pier to
Beach BouJevard, could be worked out for Sunset Beach.
Jf not, there must, and will, be-othe~-solutions.
Sunset Beach is not the first Paci1Sc Coast community
with a beaf!b parking problem and as others have faced
and solved them, so must Sunset.
Huntington Beach has some problems, too, that
could well be solved by a litUe help from a neighbor.
The right supply of apartment howes is one that comes
to mind at once. Perhaps Sunset Beach's future might
be greatly enhanced by some worthwhile multiple unit
development. Huntington Beach bas had experience in
apartmen~ problems -and Ibey are many -and that
expertencecahoµJd be shared with Sunset.
If the energy evtdent on both sides in the annexa-
tion battle Is properly channeled , much good could be
Legal Accomplishments
1-luntington Beach City Attorney Don Bonfa has coin·
pleted his ..first year in the important legal post.
During the past 12 months, Bonfa has chalked up a
good record of achievement.
Included are 32 complaints filed against violator~
of the city's oil code. His record in enforcing the pur·
poses o{ the ordinance are shown in result fjgures:
Seven of ,the defendants complied with the law before
arraignment, 16 complied bef'Or'e trial, three operators
pleaded guilty and six abandoned their wells.
The city attorney bas also vigorously prosecuted
operators who have failed to comply with the bonding re..
quirements of the oil code. All but six have complied
after pressure and these six have left the state, but ar·
rest warrants have been issued by the court.
One large and successful job handled by the City
Attorney's office has been preparing the legal ground·
work in volved in the $6 million in bonds for the Park
and Recreation program, which was approved by the
voters, and for the Parking Authority which is now com·
pletlng a ~1.3 million project on the beachfront
Liberals Showed Disrespect
'The Angry Young Doctors
H. G. Wells
Still Baffles
Biographers To the Editor:
Upon returning to Orange County after
' a vacation which immediately followed
the AMA meeting in New York, I was
shown the article in the Ju\y 14 DAILY
PILOT, headlined: "Liberal Doctors Ac·
cuse AMA of 'Criminal' Acts." I would, ii
I might, point out one inaccuracy in the
UPI report.
The sixth paragraph slates: "ll -was
the first session of the four-day annual
conference aod it had gotten off on a
patriotic oote with a P.1arine Corps drum
• and bugle contingent playing 'The Star
Spangled Banner' while the assembled
doctors stood at attention."
Since most of lbe "group of angry
young doctors" sat through part of the
playing of the Star Spangled Banner and
HOme of Uiem sat through the entire
, playing of the Star Spangled Banner, the
inaccuracy ol the UPI report b obvious.
Regional Medical Programs, Area Vlll
UC, Irvine
'l\ro Corrcion'
, To the Editor:
, My husband and I represent "the very
: pleasant couple" appearing before Mrs. j E . A. Haskell (Mailbox Aug. 7) Ill recall
\ petition carriers. I would like to present
1 my interpretation of this encounter. I
• have so far read a court affidavit and
, now a letter to the editor and have had no
• chanct to give my rebutlal. as she ac-
cuses us of not giving the mayor a
chanct to present his.
Mrs. Haskell appeared very Interested
In learning more about the issues. We
" ,1
Llttt!'I "'°"' r.~ •r1 wetcomt. Nclo'fMllf _I..,..
11*1111 '°"....,. rti.ir lllff!.Mt Ill JOO -rd• or 1t11,. Tiii rlllrt .. ~ letftf't, to flt ..-a O' ellml11111 l!tiel 11 , .. ..,!Id. All lett.n mutt lnctuo. 1~n1tu,..
9<>11 m1111,,.· 1ddl'QI. bu! "'""" wltl tie w!liiM'lll
•" requHI If 1wllklet11 rllSGn 11 -•r•"'·
showed her the statements and replies o(
Mr. Van Dask, Mayor SchwerdUeger,
Mr. Coorreges and Mr. Fregeau. She was
one of the few people who really took the
lime to read them entirely. She sUll ask-
ed for mort information.
1 RAD Wrl'B ft.IE the lour·page docu·
menl referred to.. I told her l would
rather not leave it as it was my oo1y
copy. She asked if she could please read
it and return it to me. I gave it to her
and said I wou1d return in a few days.
She was eager to sign the petitions when
J returned and even offered some very
.-interesting comments about Mr. Fregeau.
If she calls this coercion, I know not the
meaning of the word.
As for the accusation ol the councilmen
being unable to get "reports" from staff
members, she need only check resolution
No. SOU passed April 1, 1969, by a 3-2
vo~e. which requires a majority of the ci-
ty · council's approval before any single
councilman can request a special report
irom the city staff.
Mrs. Ha&keU, in a letter published
' in Afa ilboz Aug. 7, reported site and
her husband had signed a petition for
a recall e.lectiO'n to remove from office
Mayor Schwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor
Fregeau and Councilman Courreges
of Fountain Valley. She said she la ter
Learned the information given to lier
in a pamphlet publislted by the Fo 11.1t·
tain Valley Civic Association was un·
true. S~ urged a 110 vote on recall.
Balanced Growth
To lhe Editor:
Some time ago, lfurilington Beach in-
vested considerable talent, ·effort and
money in development of a master zoning
plan to assure balanced growth for the
maximum benefit to the cltizeos of this
community. Certainly this plan is su bject
to needed modification, but the basic con-
cept of balanced growth should be
observed by the people empowered lo
make such adjustments.
Too many cities have permilted
changes for reasons of immediacy, ig·
noring the effecUi of such capricious ac-
tion such as saddling ruture generations
with expensive problems that could have
been avoided by councilmen with stern
\VE APPEAL to the Huntington Beach
City Council lo exercise th is stern
wisdom, and not be wooed by seemingly
immediate benefits of apartments in
acreage designed for industrial use.
Judicious decisions now wil~ help our
city develop with a solid tax base capable
of meeting both present and future needs.
Good News for Jackson
W ASffiNGTON -Tbe 1970 fund-raising
campaign, fron ted by doveish Sen.
George McGovern, v.·ill not discriminate
against Democratic senatorial candidates
\11ho take a hard line on defense and
foreign poUcy issues.
That is the word from former Sen. Paul
H. Douglas, 0.111., \\:ho heads a five·
member committee which is to allocate
funds raised in the campaign. An ex-
t.1arine and combat veteran. Douglas was
no dove as a lhree·term member of the
He told us that he agreed lo help ap-
portion gifts to Senate candidates after
getting assurances from McGovern that
there would be no discrimination based
on such questions as the Vietnam war,
foreign policy and defense. He ls sure
McGovern will stand by that cotno
Clarification was required because of a
letter soliciting campaign funds which
was sent ool by the White Houswmitten
South Dakota Democrat more than a
Wednesday, August 20, 1969
Tiu <dltorl41 page 01 the llaflg
PilD& 11ek.a to inform and 1dm.-
ulaU readeri b11 prese-nting this
MIOIJ)(lpcr'• opiniom and com.-
maat.arr on topic• of interrsr
""4. o!QTUflc<m.c•. bl/ """'"11ng •
'"""" f<rr lh< e;•prculon of ..,. nodnl' oplnlom. and bv
""""""' Ille dlom• w ... poltllc of ho,.,.,,..d ob1mi"1'1
011c1 .,,....,,..,. on lopi<I of the
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
\ -.;.; ......... , -
month ago. The letter listed 14
"progressive-minded " Democrats "'ho
are up for re-election next fall.
•111EJR OPPONENTS already are
ralslng enormous sums to defeat them,
and special assislance will be needed in
saving the seats of many of these
senators,·• the McGovern letter declared.
Of the 14 senators named by
fitcGovern , 13 were doves of varying
coos. Only Sen. Gale W. McGee. D-Wyo .•
in the group listed, has supported the
Johnson and Nixoo administrations on
defense and foreign policy questions.
NOT included were lbe likes of Sens.
John O. Pastore, O.R.I., aud Henry M.
Jackson, 0-Wash., both prominent in su p-
port o( the Safeguard ABM deployment
on lh!: ~nt Senate sbowdown.
In nls letter, McGovern madt it clear
that bis own occasional disagreements
with some of the senators list.e<twould
not have any bearing on campaign gift
apportionments. The statement . b y
Douglas carrlea 1 similar assurance for
some ol tbe unlisted.
MlNl-THREAT -All lhl.s Ls good news
for Jackson. At hJJ Everett, Wash., home
for the congrtSSional r~u. Jackson is
actt.ln~ aome flrst hand Wormation on a
campaign being waged against h1s ""'
nomination by some or h1s fellow
Were JKtson a ltts able, Im popular
tenalOT it wookt be a vuy !trlous
buaineu. With Jccbon I( the peak of ha
Senate presUge, tht drive, headed by 1961
1uppcrter1 of Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy's
prWdenUaJ bid, rants 1.1 a worrisome
The ~1cCarthyites, working through the
Washington Democratic Council. are
trying to raise a $500.000 campaign kitly
to finance a ''creative alternative" to
Jackson. They would like to get hall {)f
that sum !rom ou t of state.
SO FAR, THE anti-Jackson drive has
not been marked by politi cal realism or
skill. Opposition lo Jackson was first
circulated in a draft resolution ad-
vocating a sort oI unUateral disarma-
ment. That proved a little loo wild. even
for the council, and the resolution has
bee n disowned.
Now Jackson is personally charged
with placing himself In opposition to the
party's national leadership and v.·ith
fostering a ''fearful mood o( cold-war
confrontation." However. the o n I y
"creative alternative" thus rar men-
tioned In speculatio n is S e a t t l e
Congressman Brock Adams, who is in-
debt.cd to Jack.son for past campaign sup-
By Robert S. Allen
and Jobn A. Goldsmilb
If JfunUngton State Beach could
braln\l'ash lhe st.Aki Department
or Parks and Recrtstlon, they too
might be able to provide more
-MrL B. D.
""'" ... , .. ,.. ,.n.c., ..... .,. ~ ....
•9CltMrll1' "'-M 11 lltt -···~. ,..,. r-•tt ~..,. • GIMmr a., .. Otflf ,.11t1.
' I i
,,...._., -·~.,,.._.....,.,..,,~ ---,._
( 'fhe Booktnan
At the tum of lhe century, the author
of "The Time ~1achine." ''The Invisible
Man." ''The War of the Worlds" and
other celebrated scientific romances
published one of his less memorable ones:
but there it remains -"The First Men
on the Moon."
H. G. Wells, most prolific and best--
known writer of hls time, would have
been nearly 103 had he lived to witness
the , recent lunar telecast. He died at 80.
the son of an improvident shopkeeper and
a maid-servant. He won a scholarship to
lhe Royal College of Science where he
studied under the great Thomas H. l:lux-
ley and later, among other of his ac·
complishments. became the first great
writer of science-fiction in English.
. \VELLS WAS A journalist, prophet,
~1sto~ian. scientific seer. social sage and
idealist. He was an anti-Marxist soc ialisL
lie v.·as a proressional writer to his very
bones, "one of the most prolific hacks of
his tirne," as he once put it in a mock
obituary, ''with a nair for what is com-
Herbert George \Velis has been the sub-
ject of several biographies and critical
analyses, most revealing of which was
his own "Experiment ia Autobiography"
( 1931 ). He is the subjecl of a new one.
''H. G. Wells: His Turbulent Life and
Times," by ~at Dickson, who for some
time Y•as editor and direetor of Wells' old
publishers, 1'-1acJ\.1il lan & Co., London.
H. G. Wtlls' MJ1 T•thltflt Litt -Tl"'"-•r
Uvll Di<-M<lf AlllllllU'"; U1 PJ.I $1._
Dickson admits that his is not a
definitive study of Wells. that he did not
have access to the Wells papers and let-
ters. which a professor Gordon Ray is
working on al the Univers.ity of Illinois.
Dickson did have Wells' letters in the
~l acMillan fil es. His book, solidly British
and scholarly, nevertheless sparkl es with
an Edwardian-Georglan Ii t e r a r y
ebullience. It centers on Wells' mos t
dramatic years. 1905-1915. This was when
Wells was turning from a successful
career as a popular novelist to become
prophet and teacher. a kind of Twentieth
Century Swift or Voltaire. For as a mem-
ber of the Fabian society along with G.
B. Shaw twho1n \Velis described as
"muddleheaded"), \Veils dreamed of a
new Age of Reasoo.
\\'EU.S' OWN autob iography made Iii·
tie rererence to Rebecca West. Chane.:!
brought him and Miss West together in
1912; she was .a writer whose brain.
Dickson notes, "1vas the equal of Wells '
own and who combined her striking dark
beauty wilh daring courage.'
This was the great love of Wells' rich ,
full life with wornen. She bore him an il-
legitimate child in 1914 (the novelist and
critic Anthony West). Dickson plays this
.affair cautiously and with decorun1, the
allnosphere of the book generally, but It
is on the record.
\Veils remains a complex English !'C-
cent ric. Like Dickens, he treated lhe
English poor generously and with s)'m·
palhy in his fiction , as Ile "invented"
aeria l warfare ond the atom.le bomb in
"The \Var ln the Air" (1908). He was
thinker, proponent of sexual freedom , a
v.•rltlng machine who seems still to ba(Oe
even the mo.st dedicated biographer.
llfeybe, after all. he remains a superb
writer of stlr.nc~flcllon who, unlike Jules
Verne, thougllt of his work :u pollUcal
comment, set v.•llhin a "good gripping
\Villl•m lloean
.. '
.. • •
• •
Machines Can't
Replace Humans
In this difficult period of transition we
are living through, our society has not yet
arrived at the proper equation between
men and machines. Machines should be
used for tasks that are subhuman or
superhuman, but they cannot replace the
human factor without doing more harm
than good.
One dramatic example of our lopsided
equation today is provided by Dr. Robert
H. MoSer, Chief of the Department of
Medicine at Walter Reed Hospital ln a
recent issue of "Medical Opionlon and
Review," he disci.isse<f the.new CorOQary
Care Units in the treatment of heart al·
STRF.sSlNG THE importance of the
first U hours in the detection and cor-
rection of these acute infarctions, he
points out that ''Glistening hardware thal
bleeps and flashes ominous signals is
worthless wilhout a human receptor
capable of 'swift, disciplined response."
Many hospitals, he suwsts, have not
grasped the concept of acute coronary
care: "It seems l 'am alwayt. stumbling
over pudgy hospital administrators who
display their recently acquired electronic
gadgetry with an emotioa reminiscent of
an octogenarian presenting a recently
sired son. The sophisticated hardware i8
trumpeted with the same eagerness as
the pump oxygenat.or and t h e
hemodiillyzer, other symbols of hospital
"THE ONLY PROBLEM," he goes on,
"is that in the small hours of the night
the dials and lights are patrolled by a
frightened. half-green technician perehed
on the edge of panic, whose only Junction
l" -·~~p~:~-·-.z"!F''"'l"
' \ .J l Sidney J. II11rr:s j
., ... .: •• 1, •• ;.,;0.1:,'.,'t~ ...... ~ ... ~.fu . .........._ .... ,..,~
Is to press an appropriate button to •um·
mon a physician from a distant corner o[
the hospital. The. presence o( the equip.
ment provides-some ridiculous kind of
proprietary pride -or, worse, a feeling
of security.
"It would &e highly preferable," Dr.
Moser suggests, "to have a well-trained
attendant or nurse who is able to look at
a patient, make a rapid assessment ..•
and take immediate corrective action
while pushing the button. Coronary Care
Units have significantly d e c re a s e d
mortality in (heart attacks), but there is
an urgent need for personnel to man the
AN DTllltATE in the ''Annals ol
Internal 1'1edicine" last year showed that
an output of some 60,000 coronary care
nurses would be needed to glve full
coverage in the U.S., -whereas the cor·
onary care program was turning out only
about 1,000 nurses each year. lf the
present units can't be adequately staffed,
how can v.·e possibly expand the pro-
Reliance on technology can become a
terrible trap, if this teehnology is looked
upon as a substitute for people rather
than as an added tool for human skill,,
judgment and concern. Those bleeps and
flashes can only warn; Ibey cannot cure,
and they do not care.
No Place for Arrogance
Federal Bureau
or Investigation
Emerson once stated that ''Life Is not
so short but that there is always time for
courtesy.'' This truism expresses a prln.
ciple which should be a common virtue
among all prt:sent-d.ay law enforcement
The enforcement of the law in our
country today is not an easy task. Cer~
tainly, law enforcement Is subjected to
more abuse and criticism than ever
before. Some ciliztns not only verbally
al1ack policemen, but they a I s o
physically assault them without pro-
vocation. While such unwarranted action
cannot be condoned, the law enforet>ment
officer should not let hostile publie reac-
tion affect the manner in y,•h.ich be
performs his duty.
ONE OF THE complaints law en-
fore.:!ment officials hear repeatedly is
that the personal contact between the
public and offl cers on the streets l"I
decreasing. No doubt lhls is true, but
police officials have valid explanations
for the decline. Some of the factors in·
volved include the rapid increase of
population, the continuing growth of
areas to be policed, the lack of man-
J)OWtr, and the obvlous advantage ot
direct. constant communication w I t h
motorized patrolmen. Thus, in 1dopUng
procedurts and changes to mttt Its
obllg:itions In the fiibt against crime, law
enforcement ha.s, oul o( necesa:ity, but
with reluctance., lolt-«1me. of ita valuable
personaJ relallonshlp with tbe lndlvlduaJ
citizen. Thi$ Is 'vhy it is 80 vitally Im·
portaot that every cfficcr be courteoua -
-"" I I t Guest Editori.i_;tl I
~ .... (;i4il ~,;;.;,,.,. ,,o\_i,-.,,,. ..... ~'t'; ,.
and con.1iderate in the coot.acts that he
does make.
OBJEC110NABLE tr 1 its ()( .orie
member of a police deparlment can be a
serious liability to all members. Ar-
rogance and condescension have no place
in law enforcement. If an officer ls to
uphold lhe ethlcs of his prOfession, he
cannot kt personal feelings or preJudices
influence hi.s actions. As a policeman. he
i.s glven a public trust, and the public has
ever)' right to ea.peel him to serve all
citizens alike, with integrity and honor.
Alter all, the good will and ass.istance of
the public are his most valuable assets.
improve thek publie image .;hould check
their COUJ'1esy ratings. Coortesy is basic
to good public relatiOM. \Vhile it may be
in danger of becoming a lost art in same
segments or our complex society.
courtesy mu.st be an ingrained habit of
every law enforcement officer. He should
.always have "time far courtesy."
.----By George --.
Dear George : l
How can 1 cure my wife of bring-
ing home every atray cat In the
TIRED or rr
Dear Timi of It:
Bring homt every stray dog In
the neighborhood.
' " j ;
' ' I
' I
' ' I
' ' !
Lives Quiet Life
3 J aiZe~«~.-""-'---------.. -~~--
1 Kid MR.MU n · nap
Of Pai1· PRINCETON. N.J. (UPI) -
Svetlana St a I In Allllluyeva
startled the world with her
breakaway rrom the Soviet
Unlo11 !our ye1n: aao, then
after a blaze of publicity,
searched hard for a plac~ to
settle into relative obscurity.
She c~ose this city and ap-
parenUy she ti.as found wtial
she was looking ror -pe11ce,
quiet and privacy.
Qu iet, attractive Princeton
Is heavily populated with pr~
minent residents who live
there, for ooe reason, because
the town proteets t h e i r
and chll{lllin& with gtnerous
grow\IJ1.llld,gardena, but· it js ·SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -
far from lWIOUJ. . • Three men were in custody ~ She. owns a car, which 1he driyu on etra.tldf al'OOnd day In a:irutettlon with the kid·
Princeton 11¥1 on 'ln!requent naplng and haras!lllent of a
jaunts into New York City, 65 Ben Lomood Real Estate
miles aw.y, for the theater, agent and her 11-)'e.ar'-old SOil.
'the movies and the museunu. Ula 0 . Scbwarzba.ch and
She cooks 'her own ·load, her son Matthew told -police
-which · beComlng.!..rnore :tnd this story: at 10 p.m. Monday
more American!~, She does Mrs. Schwartbach opened her
her own shopping at a grocery door and two men burst in,
store about thrtt blocks away. one of them carrying a knife,
She is consuvative about tnd demanded money.
rlothes.spendirig and most of AbQut mJc;tfll&ht, M r s .
her clothes shopJ!lng Is reserv-~·warzbach's 'son returned
ed for New York. and we.s bouitd liy a man who
Mrs. Alllluyeva does all of was cai-f)'ing a rifle found In
her own housekeeping, right the houte. "At le~ 20 times,"
down to scrubbing the kJt.chen the man forctd a rlfle barrel
and bathroom floors on her Into Matthew's mouth and
hands and knees. And abe put-demanded money, he said.
DA11. l' l'lllT it 0
-· 'I Coul~'t !top'. _
Draft Fighter Changes Mind
....,..., __ 'SAN l'llANCl9CO (UPI) -
Erik A. Whitehorn, tht 1a.
year-old v.·bo claimed he
coWdn'I rq!Jt.r Cot Ille drill
because he didn 't have hls
mother'• pennlsaion, has coo-f-he lhou&hl up Ille whole
1111na hlmsell ._
.. I oever asked mytelf to
think 1bout what I wu dol.nJ,"
Erik wrote In a let~r ~esday
to U.S. Dist.. JUd;e Gus
Solomon from the federal
prison in Lompoo where ho i.
servins a three-year sentence.
"There was IO much con-
fidence, so many let,ers of
praise . I couldn't 15tep. I knew
I wasn't rWly • YOW\I man ol
COMCienoe. I didn't know the
great gamble 1 v.·1.1 takinl:
with my future.
my ....-1uturrlho11h,.,,,.-.h'nrtemblrthllla-tbat
and ranalnln, unregistered the preuurea OI pr1ton hav•
will only ktep me here thin•cd a beauUIUI moral 1a. longer" -·• ' Judie Solomon, who came year-old into a aupplltnt who
'""" Ponl&od, Oro., to btor bu i..1 all bit llOll·nopect.
lha Clat1 WU tppartntly lm· "This emphulsa tbt un..
prwed wllh Erik'• <hllll• of Iii.,,... of pt.cq Ille OPllro
hurt lnll O!<ltr<d him brouthl burden of OllJ>Ollni lbt Vkt.
lo Son Fr111dsco lor • hurinl W Ii __ , i•y .. on Mooday. nam .. ar on ..-n1 r r-
Erlk said he thought up Ille olda.
Idea or havtnc hla: molhet Mrs. Whitehorn said ahe w11
refuse to let htm regl!ter for •"".a~ of the letter but "unlll
the draft last summer. He and the hearln& Is ove.r,.,I priftr'
his mother, Mra. Evelyn iillOl!ijcoijjjujlyiii•niyllljjiilng_. iiiiiik Whitehorn of Palo Alto, du.
cuwd the ldta wllll att-y i••PORTS Aubrey Crouman, who plan-""
ned to make a "tt.!lt case" of
II. from
Svellana, 44 , has many
friends In this community.
They Include George F. Ken--
nan, former U.S. ambassador
to Russia, and Edward S.
Greenbaum, atlorney f o r
Harper & Row Publishers,
which wtP. brine out her se-
cond book in Sept.ember. ·
ters a lot ln good weather In At 10 a.m.. one gunman
ber garden. fore~ the.. boy to drive the---------------------
al h l h f~1ly station wagon and put
'11 have changed a kit since .
the 28th of May (the date ht
"'as sentenced). J blve just
found out who I really am and
what l ~ally want to do with
my future.
But from then on, Erik said.
even though he wanted at
times to back out, he was
pu$hed on by an "over-en-
thllll19Uc mother" and a
"fancy San Francisco
And like Svetlana's other
friends here, these two have
this In common -tight lips
when it comes lo Svetlana.
But lhe bol'ough of Prin-
ceton Is very smell -I lh
squatt mlltS and 12,750 peo-
ple. And many of Its resident!
can't help bot know a little
something ol l h e con-
temporary life of the daughter
of the late Russian dictator
Josef Stalin.
She live! in a mCKlerale·siz-
ed hour.e at SO Wilson Road. It
is al once comfortable, '1rople
AF Launches
The Air Force announced it
launched an experimental re·
entry vehicle powered by an
Atlas-F booster rocket today
over lhe Pacific ~an:
No other details of ~ S:OS
11.m. launch down the Western
Tut Range were announced.
Her re loves are.. w a ~ e the woman Into the front seat.
spends ~ost of Mr: ti~ doina He sat In the back nudging the
-readmg and writing. boy with the rlne bar!'fl.
"She reads a tremendoo3 In Felton Mrs. Schwarzbach
amount and in great variety," withdrew $8oo from the county
said a friend who asked not lo bank for the gunman and
be named. managed to inform the teller
She finished writin&i; ber se· about her situation.
cond book la5t wlnld"-,· lhen She then returned to lhe car
worked with a µansla(?r who and the guiiman ordered the
transposed it from her native boy to drive to San Francisco.
Russfan into concise English. He left his captives at the
It is called "Only One Year" Marina.
and it is about her life from San Francisco police ar-
December of 1966, when she rested Lawrence Schroeder.
left Moscow for India, until 32, a former security guard
December. 1967 and her ar-ror American President Lines,
rival in Princeton. at a Greenwich Street apart·
She is reluctant to talk much ment a few blocks away from
!bout the boOk, but has &atd, the J\1arina. He surn:ndered
"it is really-a book about ca!J: quietly and was transferred to
bages and kings ." the custody of Santa Crui
That. she es-plained, is a poli'cc.
quote from "Alice in Won-Earlier, Santa Cruz police
de.rland." ' arrested two men outside the
Jt is {fairly safe guess that Ben Lomond Po.'lt Offlct after
"Only On~ Year" is about being notified their car "'as
Svetlana's national transition seen leaving the Schwanbacb
from the USSR to the USA. home.
That was no simple change 9f They wert Victor O'Dell, 39,
address. It was one mighty and William Dan Thomas, fl,
uprooting. who said they were from-Ohio.
And this explains, in part, Police then flashed the third
Svetlana's seclusion . man's address to San Fran-
Author Dorothy Commins, cisco authorities.
\Vho wrote "Lu!labyes of the J\1r!I. Schwan:bach's hus·
World," rented her house at 85 b<ind. Martin, is a captain with
Elm Road to Svetlana while the American President Line's
she was abroad, and knows SS President Grant which was
he r rather well at sea.
Su1·vivors Send Lette1·
Stanford Recipil:nts Write to Widow
ter of sympathy to the widow
of Dr. Philip Blalberg has
been sent on behalf of seven
aurvlvlng heart l[ansplanl pa·
ttents of the Stanford
University Medical Center.
Blalbtrg, a denth•t. died
Sunday in South Africa after
living wilh . a transplanted
heart for 19'1i months.
\Villiam Karraker, w h a
received his new heart lasl
Nov. 2.2, said in the letter;
"I don't think it is nece!lsary
to point out how much \Ve
looked up to and admired Dr.
Blaiberg as the real pioneer In
12 Month School Due?
aerious study Into the feasibili·
ty of putting the San Diego ci-
ty school system on a 12·
mopths schedule bas be:en
ordered by the board of educa-
Some 3,000 pupils a r e
scheduled for double or triple
sesaiarui starting next month
and it may grow to 9,000 by
the end of th! school year.
Bench Warrant
•Seeks Action
bench warrant has been is!lued
for actor Broder1ck Crawrord
on a claim he faUed to pay a
$1.588.41 1rocery bill.
The plaintiff, Bishops Fine
Foods, claims Broderick ow·es
for 1oods bou&hl through July
29. 1965.
There are no plans for ei-
pansion of facililies to ac·
commodate increasing enroll-
The school board said Tues-
day il may be necessary to
lengthen the school year.
perhaps to a year-around
A $35 million bond issue
scheduled for the November
ballot is solely intended lo
replace school b u i I 'a i n g s
designated by the state a!I
unsafe. A much ljirge.r bond
issue, tentatively planned for
the spring election , would pro-
vide funds lo stave off the long
school year.
But passage of school bonds
is something officials don 't
count on these days. Only last
sprin£ a bond issue that would
ha\'e averted the critical
situation now existina, was
defeated in San Dle&o by a
narrow marglo.
lit Natural Color of your child.
the transplant program.
"\Ve all feel that the con·
tribulion he provided to the
medical profession has cer·
talnly resulted In a long life
expectancy for us surviving
transplant patients."
Karraker Is back in the
hospital for what are describ·
ed •a!I minor lreatments.
As president or the newly
formed club of Stanford pa-
tients called the Trans-World
Transplants, Karraker said he
hoped to compile a list of
h e a r t tralliptant survivo rs
throughout the world.
The seven decided on the.
letter Monday when they all
·were in the hospital for !heir
bi-weekly exam1natlon!I.
Two other patients, Elton
Wagenveld, who underwent
transplant su rgery July 16.
and Jim Pounds, "'ho received
hi!! heart April 15, also are in
the hospital.
All are patients of a surgical
team headed by Dr. Norman
Shumway 1vho performed
America's first adult heart
transplant here in January,
A hospital spokesman said
the transplant program ''wlll
definitely be continued al
Stanford. They have been en·
couraged with the success
they have had with the pro-
gram and with !he medical
knowledge they have ob-
10 A.M.
6 P.M.
Motflen, ITy ., ••• We ITy • little llonlor lo 4o • ~ett .. (tll.
No oppolo""•I •..-Y ... No ...,.. • .-••• Col.. ~y c-1.
'PAY ONLY u:C~~~:i~~r.LY GROUP5--$1.00 htra c•1•
9 S c GUAIA:HDI 4 811; DAYSI
NO AGE LIMIT Tltun., Fri., Sett., Sun.
......... k ......... ·~ """'" ,,,, .... :. ... ,..... August 21, 22, 23, 24
Bobby Seale Arrested
In Pa11ther's Death
"The draft ls probably a bad
law , but to break It ls not to
change it. Breaking tht law Is
not helping. 1 think Jt la malt-
ing things worse.
"l have talked to the
authorities heft a'b o u·t
registering for the draft. They
say I cannot do It through this
institution. hty caseworker
says I will have to wa.it until I
am paroled.
"Mother and 1 are having a
hard time getting along, but 1
think when she finally reallzeti;~~~~~~~~~~ that J want to live my own lift
thing• will be all riibl." Erik
"l thinli an apology may be
Jn order and the best thine
that l can do Is lo be: a strona
c.ltlz.en and a good student. BERKELEY (UPI) -Black
Panther Party Chairman Bob·
by Seale was arre.,ted late
TueSday night by FBI agent..
in connection with lbe kidnap
and murder in ConnecUcut in ~1ay of a Panther wbo had
fallen into disfavor.
Seale, 32, was charged with·
unlawful flight between states
and taken to San Francisco Cl·
ty Prison to await a
preliminary hearing later to-
A warrant for Seale·s arrest
had been issued by the U.S.
Commissioner In New Haven,
Conn., charging him with kid-
nap and murder in the death
or Black Panther A I e x
The body of Rackley, 24. of
New York, wa& found in a
swamp at Middlefield near
New Haven in May. Police
said he had been kldnapecl in
Ne\v York. tortured ,and shot
at least twice in the chest.
Arrow Kills
Teen Hunter
14-year.()Jd Long Beach boy
killed by a hunting arrow wa!I
shot by one his two tee~aged
companions, Alpine County
Sheriff stu A-terri!J said Tues-
day night.
Merrill said Larry A .
Fowler was hlt Jn the stomach
by an arrow from a -45-pound
bow Monday while camping at
Bebe Lake with another l-4·
year-old boy and a 17-year-old
Merrill said he was co~
tinuing bis investigaUOn of the
incident. He refused to release
the identities of the other boys
and said he rtld not yet know
what action would be taken, If
any. The two were not under
Fowler pulled the arrow
from his stomach and col-
lapsed, hterrill said. His com·
panions then ran six miles to
Silver Lake to i n f o r m
A U.S. Forest Service
helieopter took Fowler to a
South Lake Tahoe HMpltal,
\\'here he was dead on arrival.
Iluge Light Just
Misses Skelton
(UPI) -Comedian R e d
Skelton narrowly e s c a p e d
serious injury Tuesday when a
200-pound light fell 40 feet to
the stage of a television set
and missed him by 17 inches.
A spoke11JTI.an for Skelton
said the comedian had just
rinished a skit for his TV show
when the light Cell from
$14.50 l'(A MO.
.... _ nllPMOllE
Rackley was reported to
have fallen Into disfavor with
the Panthera. T h i r t e e n
persons have now been ar·
rested in connection with hi!!
FBI agent Charles W. Bate!!
sald Seale did not reslat arrest
when agents flagged down his
car at a down(own Berkeley
intersection. Three other men
were also in the car, iocluding
Roosevelt Hillard, brother oC
David Hillard, the P"anthers'
Bay Area chief of sta(r.'
There was no immediate
comment from ~lack Panther
headquarters in Berkeley.
Firing Case
Brings Vote
' For Lawyer
Saying they want the best
legal advice and ammurution
possible, truslees of the Los
Angeles Communlly Colleges
hav~ voted lo hire a private
trial lawyer in their case
against a dismissed Englilh
Deena Metzger, a Valley
College instructor, was fired
by the board five weeks ago
for using in her class a con-
troversial poem she wrote and
a pamptilet. both a:insldered
pornographic by most ol the
ht rs. Metzger, '2, contends
the poem which she authored
is a "statement. of con·
ventional morality" and says
lhe pamphlet was to teach
students to protect themselves
against ''&currUous material."
She ha.s said sh! will fight
the dlsmisu.l and wUJ request
a hearing In Superior Court
within the »day period she
has alter receiving official
dismissal notice. Form a I
notice hu not been given
although the trustees' vote to
dismiss her was five weeks
Normally, trustee!! rely on
free trial lawyers available to
them through the county, but
the board voted 4.3 Tuesday to
hire special h!:lp.
"When we so into legal bat·
tie, we want to have all the
ammunition we can get," said
trust.et Mike D. Antonovich.
"When It comes to principle,
price has no be.ar:ln&."
Trustee Marion LaFollette
said after the meeting that the
board wanted to do "every·
thing In Its power''. to win the
Metzger case, and that a pri-
vate attorney was sought be-
cause the C<Nnty counsel 's of-
fice Is "already overburden-
ed" with trustee requests for
legal opinions.
Rites Planned
Memorial services for
Rudolph ValtnUno, star of
silent fllma, wUI be held at
noon Saturday, 4 3rd an·
nlveraary of his death, by his
crypt ln the mausoleum of
Hollywood Memorial P a r It
cem ... ry.
"I am very eager to register
for the draft for two reasons.
The first is that to remain a
non-registrant is contrary to
my beliefs and it is what I
should have done in the first
"Tht' 1econd la thal I hlvt
"t hope you can unckntllld
this," he wrote the jud&e. ·
'''lltls letter is out of my own
heart. aod has, oo connection
wllll 111y ol Ille plans of my
mother· Oii ei-lawyer,"
Gnmman, who was fired by
Mn. Wb.ltehom just after the
trial said Erik's letter "brea:b
my heart."
by th• ..,. •••
3 More Suspects Held
In Murder of Officer * *
Los Angtles Poll~ were
holding three more suspects
today in connection with the
murder of policeman Jerry
t.1addox, 26, who was shot to
death while Investigating a
disturbance at a downtown
housing project.
A total of si1. Lo! Angeles
suspects have betn booked.
John R. Fernandez, it,
Jamie H. RodrlgutZ, 20, and
M • r c u 1 A. Gutierrez were
held along with two brethers,
Robert, 14, and Richard
Lartlz, 1~.
A sixth :suspt.ct, in se.rious1 coodklon at County USC
Medical Center with gunahot
woun<b, wu Alfffij Bryan, 11.
Mlkl•Upt e F1cl1l1
• Ey• Tobblne
ly Appointment
Al'IOQ\er suapect wu taken Land Buyers Into CUJ\OCIY for questioolng
and later releued.
YIYIAN I WOODAllt J cosMn1cs _
B:zz si•gned Maqdo1 hid betri on lbt • police force for t• montti8
when he Was cut down b~· iwo malli11~
SACRAMENTO (UPI) gunahol wounds in the back
Gov. Ronald Reagan hu slan-from hla own aervice revolver.
ed a blll Ught.entng state con-HI• partntr, Frank BtnavhSez
trot o v e r speculaUve real heard two ahots then returned
estate developmentJ. to find h1I partner lying oc the
211·D I• 1 M 1trtet
Hlll&llEN SQUAll
COSTA MbA 'J'h!; new law la Intended to Jtound, and • youth holdtne ~p~~~·gu~n~ ............. ~~~~~~~~~~~ protect buyers 11from dublous.i
Jand apec:ulators and at the
same time not hamper the
promotional acUvitles o f
I e g It i mate subdividers,"
Reagan said in a statement
issued Tuesday by his office.
The real e.st1te com-
missioner ls empowered under
the law to s:op aale1 of sub-
divisions w h e r e promised
improve men ls Sff!n fl.
nancially Infeasible. Subdlvld·
er!! of large rural projecta are
required to report defaulta by
buyers to the commJasloner to
allow him to learn more
quickly which are having
financia l problems.
The bill also 111Uow1 buyers
of lots to wll.hdr1w from sales
contracts within two dayt
after receiving the. com-
mission's public report on the
Naval District
Chief Retires
Adm. Marshall E. Domin,
commandant of the 11th Naval
Dtstrtct, announced Tuesday
that he will re.tire. Feb. I, 1970.
Domin, 81, will have served
more than -40 years in the
Navy when he retires. He
started hla career al the naval
academy in 1930. he presently
adminiJter• naval shore
operalJons in South• r n
CaJJfomJa, parts ol Nevada,
and all of Arizona.
You still don't
0\l:'D -y
mutual funds?
IDWAID McNARY AJUed l'tf.ember of New York
Stock E11:chan&e and Invutrnenta Instructor
UCLA will conduct a ONI llllJON dlacuulon on "Inflation and Mutual Funda."
NIWl'OltTll INN, ldeutlv• W•t IMM.
ThurM•J, Au1wt 21-71H 'M.
Join 111 for
Tht c-.,...•nri 1ifl'll~ '-' 11'1• 1!1111 ... H•rMr Ar ..
617 W1•t H1Mllt•11, C•1l1 Mt1•
For i11t1rnl6tl111 c•lf:' 4-46·1152
la-.,.,1 GlrMn °"''""" aM the TtMjlfa Shi,_ Chefr
It_.,.. '1'tW" 111" tod41V -.kellflt It llrnJN!ll, a1bt·•lttln9 ,...,,!Oef +er •rtlme Hr11k-.
frtldllf.lvtnlrw ltf'j'Q 11 l ilJ ,M
~ ll .. lstrtllM, !lllrMl9y ....... 7, 11 10 NA
l\low!PSA • .everf m1nulesto
Let's Gel Acquainted
1'26 HAllOlt ILVD. (OITA MllA --
7:1S •'" 10 1:41 pm. Both ••JJ·
7:15·1,'5·10:15-11:U t.,.1:15-2'45"'1M:4f.7:1W:45 ....
MON 0111 w11k1nd1.
Why WrHrY 1bou' a re~ifon wt*! ,SA hu over 1ea n1th'-1
di)'? Svoh an '"y..tf>f91Mmbtr tehtdUle you can carr(°lt
aroultd In vour ht-4. Why ~ IOW91t flftl7 Or all Hi•t
Or Drtal MMC• to Sin Francisco, Stlt Jo .. , Sfn'
Diego, and Sac:ra1Mn101 Or that kldt urtder 11
Oy PSA ('#llh ttalr par1nt1) tor halt 111•1 Stln
wanl a ratttv1tlon?Ju11 c:~l~rtr1vel agent
Ot whattltaname ltrlln ... ~giwm;)WaM.
,.'T\ONA.L Ol.Ntttifll. ~«OOl'<I NOW l'l.A YINCO!
-901 o,.t« cWlMs 1 iot
IHOW'STA.ltTS 1!)1 Niiit-.. P'T.. ....... ,.._, ......... ..wtll
• J..CIU AU rAllCIN~
lilt\ c;~ ..
Getehtt ......
"How To Committ Marriage" IMI
Jack Lemmon and
Catherine Deneuve are 20th cent11Y·F01t prnents
®DIY PSI MlllEllE¥lllm "The April Fools"
T...clo11'°°"'"" i!!j~
"Collf'IUCr~W'r Fiir.i; p,_....,._.
A. ~ ........ 1 C..:.....-•l PM:tul"8 Rt.lt.ut.
An Artl'U' P. JliCClb9 Production
"THE DUlllllm"
Second Fun Feature
~""~o:»IA~l'tlQIC~4 .. lllU .__.."°
.. _., """"' .,,,, l•S••••U''°• <O ..._ ., ... ~ ........... _, ...
Rickard l•rto• Cliltt Entw•od
11.ichord Wid1'lo11q L•tta Hortt•
leco111-ded for Ad11ln
Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night
~e·•··································· • srECIAL NCTICf TO OUI ,.ATRONS : • • e ll\9 oo<:ILf" In u.,. be»: -¥ "' '""'"'Hied b¥ 1omt !o Dt un·e
•ui••Dlt k>• cl!•IO•"' -'f'O""I llelll>I' -6nd tfQ<Hfl l>l•tnt•! d•I··
Cll•hO<I •
• "CASTLE KEEP" (RI • • • e Cor>l•ifY to llO~th!!ng blYOllO OU• control •"" •o~roMJ ti•#-•
e whero, ~OU!lil t)tOl)lt lmd.,. 1t tnoT 16) will ""' be ~<lfflillea 10 P•cl··
e 1oc lht11t1> to ''' tilt (II.) 01chrr~ •ls11d in ll!is l>lrl< unlti~ •<·e •co...~•nlei:t ov l>l•MI O• ..:lull Ollltd••n. e . ·• .......................................
At lftt lf1 lift•
Jolt• Woyrie G'-71 C•'"plMll
, plu1
Tlleodore l lkel
lrd s .. m Wffll
E•~•"i'• Dri'f'e-i• E"' .. omo11t l un Lo11Cet5tft ,.,,., Fol11
Jo"'" G11r11e1 W•lter l r.1111011
H, -llfllltf u wm bl Mt1111"..i '"It" •t~•l'•nltd by "'"''"' or Mull fl!l;l1111H . ......................................
Twe Terrific Te"en
THE VAMPIRE KILLERS" ........... "~ ............ .
• . . -·-·····.......i
HfLD OYfl IT roruu.~ DEMAND
Gre4)ory reek An He,woH
··············~· ... ···•····· MMry ,...,.. (.....,,.,.. C•rOl!Mle
' on --r:,:,,-i P'll 0.. ltMollt Ann l'rHl<lt
-"" ..... !_.. CAltLOAP "THE LOVE GOO?"
ll.i;OllU!lt ......... .-dvfl•
Theater Notes
...vtlous .•. BrllJlant .•. 4 Stori"'
Summer Shows Closing
nos•s SATUlllDAY
~·*"iii.. lfA°MI By TOM TITIJS Kaulman·llart comedy, a\ the !<----,°' tM ~1,., '~ Sl•tf Long Beach Co m m u n i t y
Summer theater along the Playhouse.
Orana:e Cout nears its curtain Peter Jason takes t h e
NOW SHOWING call this weekend wllh the leading rOle ol Mac the Knife
' closing of a pair of musicals, in SC R's "Threepenny Opera,"
B<l!y Hew.ell. ..1ll!io. ~~
Blanche r.Uckelson, P 1 l
Netdem1an, Fraacie Walsh,
Chris \\leatherhead and Winni•
Ra e Ziegler.
MUST END TUESDAY DITllTAINMllT while the opening n I g ht •~th Elaine Bankston, Carol
.. _.'.'."!:C!!H!J; IY('."'..;7!.;'00~UlllL--1/--i..:...._~Li;~_....,,""""'"-sPotlight shifts lo the in· Kretzer and James Baxes
Nine more performances re·
main at the old plizyhouse, 319
"CONTINUOUS EXCITEMENT· 'lllllolNT ... A l'lllfltT
••• HYPNOTIC BEAUTY .. : "llOYll OtlTDFSlllHT."
BUOYANT FUN." __ , ...
-Vincent Canby, Nl.-V' Times.
-Atcher Wlnsten, N.Y. Post
lhe H1dless Summer ·---·-
Alw•ys Plenty of
--........ GltUSr .........
.. .,~ w... ·-~ USTINOV· JONES · PLESHITTE
Crossword . Puzzle
l Tl1ro1v
GI die•
5 Spanish
9 Stood up:
14 IOU signP
15 Abnor mal
Suffix lb 1918
Winn'' 17 Yiell-d ,llned
Ro yal
19 Secretary o! .....
20 L1t,ra1y
2Z 01ar1 horse
24 t.1agazi11e
Z& Agricultural
27 Small
!1Udt1!1ty 29 Negative
I 30 Cronr
33 Science
of makhig
allol' 37 Six e tl
or mor' 38 Muscular I .,.,.,,.kness
I 3 9 Hab,rdishrry
1 40 Coninion·-·-
~1 Big name cwi b-oadway
42 Mrmb'r of
ii b11ild!11g
44 Position of
a golf ball
45 Under~tand
4b Local
lr a;1$porta l10
4 7 Song 10
"01m11 Yank,,1 ..
49 Npa rly
53 Poor
57 L!ghl <1mpl1f1Cili1j'
58 011 th' -·-·-59 Cut down \lie
bl ~,ak' ~
bZ M'chao•zed
la11ks, eel.
t.3 StatP
&4 Sponsorship:
b5 Ways'
bb ll an'~
n1ckn.:1m e
&7 Th' hi gh--·
I Pio loot·
ball tf'~.11
2 lnformrd
3 T 1tlr or
4 Trembling
5 U11bri9ht
' ..
Y'sterday's Puzzl' Sot~,rl:
~.lU PB •~ l•
•l •I (f,o" l flR[
I <i l I •
~ s [ I;
0 I N T (
L il l C•T NC U
1 r 1•11• n cori
!T •L OF •• Ol'CS
7 0.1ehe~·~ }5 St ,reo Ian's
T 11 ~tford conctrn
36 The .ti mazon,
B A \um 1or (HI'
for ont 37 Bobby Hull
q Firia! ISSUt and Stan
10 Promis,$ Mikita
lo pay 2 words
ll Fly hi9M 40 Microscopic
12 Choir rnrmbrr 42 Som,tt1Jn9
13 N11mer1cal Iha\ clos's
suff•:l li11"11ly
21 Ahr<td ol 43 Ttm ' p~11od
sch,du!t 45 Undrrgroun d
23 Caust ducts
siufti! 17 Wears:
25 Oiamo11d z worcls ...• ;I.lat ~6 N~t .vr ry
Wesl ro l' ori~1nal
28 Flat!ertd: 50 lnd1a11
2: words 51 C?lor
30 C.rrm<tn 52 K ~ss-curl
!'tan 's 0,ftl, 53 Hit strongly
31 Plus 54 Part of
l' . 1 a11 applr t.lr. t.l il t r 55 IJ/hrre th'
33 Kind of Coloss~HI! is I
public arra 56 Th1onr
34 Ornamrnlal DO Aitlclr cas'
Tryouts Set
For Comedy
Open readings for t h e
forthcoming production "Whal
Did We Do Wrong ?'' will ~
held Monday evening, Aug. 25,
at the Long Beach Community
Bertram Tanswell. new resi-
dent director of the theater ·
who staged the successful
"Philadelphia, Here I Come"
at the Laguna Playhouse, will
direct the generation gap com-
edy by Henry Denker.
Two men in the 40 to 50 age
range, three young men, two
women in their 40's or 5()'s and
a young girl are being sought
for the cast.
Readings will be held at 7:30
p.m. at the playhouse, 5021 E.
Anaheim SL. Long Beach,
where lhe theater's latest pri>
duction. "George \Vashington
Slept Here." opens Friday for
a six-weekend run.
ctustrtourtonrBeaetrc<> . m1nr111r;opport1ng-ca .
munity Playhouse. D i r e c t e d by James
Bowing oul arter an ex· DePriest, Ule Brecht·Weill
tended summer-long run is musical Is on the stage of the
~uth Coast Repertory's first Third Step Theater, 1827
musical, "The Threepenny Newport Blvd., Costa ti1esa.
Opera," which gives its final 1'1ckes arc available by call-
perfonnances Thursday, Fri-ing 646-1363.
day and.Saturday at the Third Ross Dixon directs "The
Step Ttieater in Costa Mesa. Fantaslicks," with Joseph
Also giving Its c I o's Ing Charles playing the familiar
performances ls "The Fan-role of El Gallo for the ump-
tasticks," the inltial pro-teenth time. Others in the casl
duction of the newly formed arc Karin Benson. Ste\!e Pat·
Tustin Modjeska Players. The terson, John Phillips, Phil De
popular musical also runs Barros, Sally Rudolph, J ack
Thursday through Saturday at Eubanks and Dixon himself.
the Tustin High School Lillie Curtain time is 8 p.m. -
Theater. rather than lhe traditiona l
cean ve., guna each:-
Tickets may be ordered by
calling the box office at 494·
The 46-year-old Long Beach
Playhouse takes on a comedy
almost as aged In
"Washington" lhis weekend,
y,·ilh Gerald Anderson serving
as guest director.
Performances are given
Fridays and Saturdays at 1:30
y,•ilh 7:45 benefits o n
Thursdays at the playhouse.
502J E. Anaheim St., Long
Beach. Reservations arc
available at (213} 438-0536.
Continuing through Labor 8:30 -at the Tustin school,
Day oo a Thursday-through-1171 Laguna Road. Reserva-
Saturday schedule is "Ladies' tions may be made by calling Jones i11 Role Night in a Turkish Bath," the 544-0710.
last show for the old Laguna Doug Rowe is doing double HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -
Playbouse before production duty as director and star of James Earl Jones, currently
shifts lo the new Laguna-''Ladies' Night" at Laguna, starring on Broadway in "The
1'.1oulton Playhouse n ex t supported by Pamela Brov.·n, Great White Hope," will play
month. Phil Jnterlandi and Bob the title role in "Nat Turner"
And raising its curta in Fri-D'Isidoro. Other principals are at 20th Cenlury-Fox. ·
day for a six-weekend engage-)";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ment is "George Washingtonhi
Slept Here," a venerable
SAT. l SUN. FROM 2 P'.M.
''There is ... true glory in 'TRU~§H[J"
1 "TRUE GRIT' is a classic "Picture of the month!
I western' John Wayne gives 'TRU E GRIT' is the kind
what is far and away his of tall tale Mark Twain
best performance. would have enjoyed!
Moreover,he should John Wayne has one
win the Oscar!" of his juiciest roles.'•·'
-lftjlffD <¥>ESS Wlf(l/N,..1/0NAL -SfU{N7£CN MJ.GAZU
"'TRUE GRIT' ia one
of the Y••r's deli9hts !
Thia auepen .. ful,
humoroue, •ction-
pecked .clventure
film may w•ll
become a cl•Hic ! •
-S•IUffO•>' fff.'llfW
"'": .-
•'TRUE GRIT' ia truly
9reat ..• th• outst•Nlifte
900H·burnps •nd
Come Osc•r time
Wayne wilt be a
le•ding contender!• -•sryi.-.rrol'IQESS
11UE ·~G IT
Jamts S•tntr -Jo•n H•ckett -W•!t1r lt1nn•n
f(!l~ftl:1t)~; .. i
S1r1ldi111 P1q1
8ob Hope -J1cki1 Gle•1on
Conti•11011.1 Sundo' 1 :JO P.M.
Fihu Hcturn
t!OLLYWOOD (UPI) ' Irene Jlcrvey returns to the'
screen afler a long absence to
play a featured role in "Cac·
tus Flo"·er" which co-stars
\Valter Matlhau and Ingrid
MAT. SAT. Ir SUN. ot 2:00
the incrediole little car!
··-----ALSO Pl . .t.YING -Wolt Dil'l.,.'l
A Fil111 ffo11t the
Hrtflla .. 1
...... ttt ..... tlie
NOW IHT Slllll
'"'" M.t.GAZINI
Ll'I fllll.t.QAJlloll
For The Royal · .Burgh of .Irvine Ho:nors Sister· . City
Record Spedot lo IM Dally Pllol
IRVINE, Scntlaod -The
Roya] Burgh of Irvine, a small
. town on the West Coast of
J'as1d1n4. C.llfomla. P-f 0-WU-born and in 10lwlM1ng,
miaed to convey It to Pru:t. some three miles 1o lhe north,
dent Muon with whom he hu 1'~ r e e m 1 sonry originated,
already been in touch. formed by the i t i rt.e r 1 n t •
' world wu held al Ej11n!Oil town of IO;ooo nhabllant.t ba1 olllcfak (o the iJ.s . ln-.. arch -'-ln1ine Ranch In the 'Twb
Castle, Irvine, in 1139 and was attracted mueh mOdem 1n-of Industry, so succtufully Cltles' prosranune.
attended by all the noblemen duatry and includel nveral that they had to eitelld their Mrs. Myford Irvine and her
and ladies iif Bdtaln and An\erlcao flrml. By Its own boundariet. I r v I n e haa son Jim visited J r v I n e
many Crom Europe, locludlng efforts It estabU.bed the flr11t 1'1!CtnU)' been .declared • 'New ScoUand, on Monday a.nd wen;
the then · Prince Louis iftuhl<ipatly-owned1 !ndllstrlat Town' wbo6e popu!IU01> wttl shown...,. of the slghta bv
. Scotland, which c1n trace Ua
--MEETINGS ~~~.~·11~"'
Jrvlne, Scotland, has been a workman, mostly ttaUan, who
Royal Butih for over !ISO built ~tjwinnlng Abbey. The
yean. In May 1322, King KilwiMing Lodge sjUll claims
0 granted to th~ honour or belD& Lodie No.
the Bura:esses a R o y a 1-0.
Napolean. One of t h e Estate ln Britain. e tcheme grow to at least ~.oo:i. Mr. Charle• Roa ol lhe JrvilK: I
journaUols who ~11;~1><1•1 COQll!i llJrotiabout-c:>'"~"·ol'll-1lav belm-1olliJ-Herald In tho-.-UllUpeda<l -
story was Charles Dickens. the country. It e:.tabllshed an ~ · tt . have , r v rat, able of 1'_1(. Lawrence
1214), bu flellt a gift to Preal-
deot Wt!Uam R. M ... n ol 1he
Irvine Ranch Company.
Charter, ratifying 1 previous The last .tournament in the
charted which cannot now be
In recent years the sm1ll office in Stockholm ' and sent scolJ1nd.1 ·~ad ,._ ~ t;he Lamb.
Provotl Joseph Hunter
handed over the glfl of a pla-
que bearing the crest of the
Royal Burgh of Irvlne and llS
Motto 'Tandem bona causa
triumphat' (the good cau5e
triumphs in the end) to Ptlr.
Lawrence Lamb a l a
ceremony in Irvine's Town
Hall lut week.
Mr. Lamb, a native of the
Royal and Ancient Burgh, who
has spent over sixty of his
eighty.odd yean in the Unit.ed
States and who no1v resides in
Amona Its celebrated sons,
Irvine numbers John Galt, one
of lhe fouoders of Canada and
a noted novellisl; Robert
Burns, Scotland's National
Bard; James ~1ontgomery,
the ChrJslian poet
hymnwrlter : and Henry
Eckford who built ships for
Admiral John Paul Jones. For
a short time Edgar Allan Poe
\\'IS rtsldent there. In the
nei&hbouring vi 11 age of
Dreghom, John Boyd Dunlap,
inventor Of the pneumatic tyre
Only 1 in 6 Votes
For School Trustees
SANTA ANA -A majority
of Orange County residents
apparently are not concerned
about the policies of their local
public school systems.
ACCllJ'ding to county voling
records, only one in sb
registered voters goes to the
polls when board of educaUon
members are elected to four-
year tenns. Board members
set district policy.
Board members keep libs
on school administrators and
set all pollcles for local
districts other than those dic-
RAGAN tated by the state Legislature.
flk ... V. AINI! ......... of m Atilt , De 'te th ' rj f 8aioo. 111,...,. o.t.i ot CIH'"· ""'"" spi e 1mpo ance o
i t . s11rv1Ytd r, w111. 0orr11: 1-..0 the elected trustees, only 16 d~. Ar .. 119 <;ltlb1 111d El•I"°' f th l t oomD<-owaltl• ind ,..,,, 11r1m1cr111crre11. percent 0 e coun Y VO ers
Mr. 11.ffln w11 1 ,...,.,..,. o1 1cot•i111 went to the polls during 1969
11i,11i.. Al ~111k1h, 11111 H1rbcr £111-elections. -ll1r. ,.llM,.I Hnll(H .,..111 toe
l>!'lvt ... ,. ...... 11v lllffftll ii-w11111n1 The Capistrano U n i f i e d lo ....,.q. """"°'111 c011!rltllltl0111, 1!•~ ..
e0fttl'lbu1-to ._ S11r1.,.,.. H-''•' tor School District has the best crlHltl Chlktrtn.. 1 · voting · turnout, With 39.9· per-
E"',.,,I lllt\ll. 111! Of'Clllr4 Orl~I.
S1n!1 ANI. 0.11 Of dt11h, AU9Ull U. SlltYl'ltCI by tor11, <;-~. SlltYe, Mlcllt1111r ,.,..... A. Stltw. SIMI
•11111 .,,,...lft', Ootol~¥ l(l""''""''• etitt1 Mfttl lllM ~1. E!bltl,
Tell 11111 P1Ut O.ltl, I ll ol Mlc~1e.n1
1i11Jrt, HMf!, ...... C11111 Mts11 l~ ILll!dllnl, Stn!1 Anti f'ri.ctt W1w, Oro""i -ft trtfldeftlklrtll
t nd foolrtffll tr I 1 HrtllddlllctrM. S-~i(n. Tllu,.,v. I PM, WtstcllH
CNlll. l11i.mit"1, P1,Hk vi.w Me-
meritl P1rt.. Olrect..i by W.1l<lltl
(II._.., ~,-,, .....a.
Mia-'li. J. S.nct1t1-...._ )Cl, ol JlUI
C.,. Lt11"11'1. Clille l'ol~r. SurwlvN
"' ,..,..., Mr. l-·-Gl'fl', N1w-
p0(! ltKf> I two br"'*'1, Jllflen •lld
Wt.iMl' Gmr IWo ""'"" ,., .. E•llllf' Ovtr11¥, S.11 Fr1nciKO. 11111 Mf'.
Cito Gorlft. Morta" Hiii. StrvlCH, to-
4IY, Wtc1""61v. l PM, 1111 !ll'Old-
wi¥ °'""' otlfll Rl'Y, l-11 PllUI.,.
nr efflcltH"'· lntermt"'• PICHlc Vltw Mtmorl1I P1rk. OlrecNd bv 1111
l rotc1w1v MorllJllfY, 111 eroadW1v,
C01!1 Miii.
llcffrt K. Lllltlt!ltl. "" 14, Of 1.U Myrtlh'aOd. CO$t1 Meu, &ll"'l~td bv
... , .. , 11••1 llOll. ,.lo'f'dl " ...... ttr ••
cent, while Garden Grove hu
the poorest, with 11.9 percent
o( the ~lectorate visiting lhe
The county totals showed
that 73,763 persons of a county
tot.al of 451,240 registered
voters marked their ballots.
The v o t i n g records by
alstrict are:
Cepistrano, 39.9 -percent:
Laguna '"Beach, 37 percent:
Brea.Olll)da...4aJ p e r c e n t :
PJaceiiti.Q1 ., perctnt, and
Tustin 20.S percent.
Newport-Mesa. 15.9 percent;
Fullerton, 15.6 p e r c e n l ;
Gill Gets
Road Post
MIH 11111 L.lnt•f!ttl, llock~llll'. con11.1 AN.u"l'I -Cliff G'1ll. Oarltlle 1'1111 11•-lo Ll1'11Hlltl1 (.GI!• /'Ula. 1•
,,.,.,.1 -.i1ttr •lid 1we tr•lllSChU· president of the Hollywood 11...,, ll011rv, lollltohl, 7:)0 ~M. 11 ..
ciwi-M111. TriuJ"ldl,, 10 J.M, botr. Palladiwn 1nd founder of
11 s1. Jdln ,,,. •1•11•1 c.~llc Anaheim radio station KEZY, C~wdo. '"""""'"'· ~ ShtPiWtd ctmeterv. Olncttd .,.. 1111 1~v bas been named California
Mor!11MY, 111 lrOldMv. '°'" """· chairman of the Citfzehs for
WINKLER Freeways and Highways.
O!'fO'lly v. wi1111i.r. ~ ff, "' 1xi• GUI will lead the organiza-:,ec..,:.~vt~~n'i1r.trv1':.chtiY ~':.,,.· Uon dedicated to completion of
a.1111, 1.o1.11t F. Wlllllltri c1t41tt>11r, the planned 12,500 • mi I e
Non. R1yl'l!Olld H•h"I tour brlftwn, Cai'f · fr and 01""' c111rn1, 1rv111 ind w. •· coo1~i 1 omia eeway e1-
11t1tr. tlf'rle '"'Of'" 11111 two 11r1ni1-pressway system. cl>llcl~ll, JI-incl GirY H1hn. The
Stl'Via1 wl11 ... N ici Tl\\lrodly, ' PM, group s p 0 n s 0 r s
sm1n. 0...1. F1 ... 1 rftllllt ,11c1. semin ars throughout the state R-Hlll1 Memor!tl Ptrt.. Smll1'11 . , • , Monu1rv. DlrKMra. and gives state D1v1s1on or
We1tcllfr Morh11ry
~27 E. 17th St., Co1ta Jlrles1
Coron• del Jlrfar OR J..Mstl
Costa Mesa AU 1-2'14
Highway experts a forum to
discuss road improvement
County Hosts
, .
Oran1e, 14.9; Hun tin g t on
Beech. 13.2 percent : Anaheim,
12.8 percent, and Garden
Grove, 11 .9 percent.
Best Use
Sought for
Toro Land
of an orange grove beneath
the El Toro Marine Air Bue
takeoff pattern has been asked
to meet with the county Plan-
ning Department staff to talk
over the best use of the pro.
County planning com-
missioners did not approve a
request by William Jeffrey tO
replace hi.s orange grove near
Valencia Avenue and Sand
Canyon Road with a 116-apace
trailer park.
They were concerned about
the noise of aircraft flying
overhead on an average of one
eve ry 51h. minutes even
thou1h it was argued mOOile
home ownen always bave the
cecourie of moving away,
Plam>ef -~amid Ekman said
the ~slon ls lr>'tng lo
provide • good environment
for the people of Orange Coun-
ty and it would be nice if some
open spaces and o r a n g e
groves were left particularly
under aircraft lanes.
Jeffrey said he could ap-
preciate the beauty of the
orange goves but his taxes
have multiplied foUr tlmes in
the last 10 ytars and his
orange grove is q 'u l ck I y
deelining In profitablllty.
Simon Chief
Quits Post
FULLERTOI'¥ -William E.
McKenna, chalnnan and chief
executive of Norton Simon
Inc. of Fullerton has resigned
his post.
Da·Jid J. 1t1ahoney, 46, v.•as
elected new chief exeeutive of·
fleer. Mahoney is also the
president or the company,
formed by a merger of
Canada Dry Corporalh>n,
l\.icCall Corporation and Hunt
Foods and Industries, Jnc. in
..., .. ,u..-.~-
ANAHEIM -The Oranie1----------
County ~act.le Society
has been ,e~ to host the
1970 statewide Chiropradic
Association convention_ next
June .
110 Broadway, Costa ltte11
ua..im • DILDAY BR<rl'llERS
HuaUnatoo Vllley
171lt Buclt 81\ld,
HuaUn,ion Be.ch
179$ Lagw11 Cinyon Road
Lapn1 Beaclt
Cemetery e ltforta1ry
3500 PacU~ VJew Drive
~e"·port Beaclll, C1Wornla ..... ,..
71tl Bol11 Ave.
Wulm.luter m.am • SHEFFER MORTUARY
LllD• Btoc• U4-t131 s.. a.m.... 41Mllt • f!Mmfl'MORTUARY
117 Mila SL u .. u.,i.. fkldi
Dr. Oliver ~acbon, 302 West
Ball Rd., Anahf;itn, ronventlon
chainnan, i! in the process or
seleeting tbe OOQVe:otl~ site.
The Chlroprad.lc AuOciallon ~preseni.t 1000' m em' b e r 1
throughout tiie state,.
Now Many Wear
Wltll More Co111fort
To,~ ,..... da-tcirt Wbd dtn~ll&p C~~-· IOOll.
Jud ~ ™~ Ola JDUI pl&Wia. PA8TDTJI l!i.Oldli .. -.tw. flnner 1-. TOl:I tall bi• Audtr, -~, ... men omi'f6rtab\t, P . II alkali~ 't 90U1', Die.~ t ft\ an -.iiu11 \0
l!i....:ith, ... YGUI' d•o.• '9fU1"1J, OM PA111111'nl a1 Ml dnll mlm\.ML
I 'See By Tod~y· s
Want Ads:
• Thar'~ rok1 tn that Pittll
and Snack Shop on BaJ.
boll waterfront, will tradl'
tor equaJ v1l11e or hOw
'bout lhal 7$' O'\llter;
Traders Paradise.
• For country llvln&: at lt1
clt,y beat: e•cltina: 3 &d.
room hon.-in La Paz .. ..... •~Jo. Immediato
• Home lovl11& hoWlf!kftper
meded in South 1..quna,
live.hi. tarp ramOy, pleaa.
ant and protl~hlc.
CAUHIONIA -IAtlllt&t ---
t•tJ1lll1lN'l,l~l~I) •
c• lJ1lll1lN'111~1}J)
FOR ' "' ~
or or
' . ' ., I
California Feder2I Growth Saving~.~~ou~
guarantee your earnings before they're earnea!
With a California Federal Growth Account you earn a minimtmi of $539
a year on $10,000. Or $53.90 on $1,000. Growth Is absolutely sure.
Your rate of earning can't change because we guarantee It. And It's
a very substantial rate : 5.25% a year. We .also compound Interest
daily. That's a guarantee, too. So it all adds up to 5.39% a year or
more. Guaranteed. You can open your Growth Account with as littl11
as $1,000 for 3, 4 or 5 years; Leave all your savings and lntel'89t with
us to get maximum earning power. In the event of hardship or emer·
gency, you can withdraw any time with full interest paid to the end of
the previous quarter.
More than ever ••• the place for the money you can't .afford to risk!
California Federal Savings
ind Loan Aaoeia§ob •II omc. •As.sets Oftr Sl.5 amion
ORAN OE OFFICE: 3110 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• l3l-3033
Head 01llct: 5870 WU shire BIYd., Loa AngeJoo
' .
' .
-' -- ---- - --- - -----,-...,----,-----;,-------.,--,.---,..,.,.--,-..,...-c,--,------- ---
We4nff111y, Allgll!L 20, 1969
~,.., :-r--- _ .... ~-_;. ~ --GRANT'S GUN DEPARTMENT ft1tum the 1111111
sele~tio11 of all kinds of 111ns In Or1intt: Countyl Our
st11f of exptrtl will ~ulvi1t you In whatt'l'tf you w1nt
in 111111 , , , from 1 $20.00! 22·lilft «i 1 $3,500.00
•hot1un. Come in 1114 ... Mt of1tl•• l1rr.1t •tKk• of 1un1 i11 ·s.uthtrn C1llfomilt Wt Mwe 1f i11 ttMkJ •
SHO'l'.GUN .
OV-ER 1,000 GUNS ON 'DISPLA YI 12··16-20 Ga.
• ll1m1
., Stko
• Betettt
FEAT URING TH.E tldusi~e. 1imple·lo·tr1cl fl11-
_1c1io n fr1m1 • , • lhe stronger frame 1h1I
stands 1ntirelr outsidt tht lent. Hi;h sidewalls
for mnimum head.room. ii; tri1n9ul1r win-
dows. M1d1 of blu1 w1ter-r11i1t1nl duck •••
1l1-wtlit1 reflecting duck roof.
.UMIO I l'xtO' SIZE • ,$99.95
Lightweight Nylon
Regularly $995
• 1rownm1
• Armalltt
• W1lth1r
~ S1't1ge
• lfhlc•
i~=::~llf---i.. OOLERI
BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! .......... _, .. ;,. •3•• '"'"' tt....-y C.0-SIA BAGS ., •....•
11 ... 0 ....... . •2•• 1-4 21aJ6
,., ,_ '""" •2•• .i-h Sit•
TINT BAG .........
Model ~582 $995 .1 .... 1 c." .. •12• Reg. $11 .95 l•ll4' ,,.,.
LAUNDllY BAG ••.••
·2· ''·'' '"' .; .. ALUMINUM COTS.
.... $24.tS .. ,......_,It!,
• .,. 11.••
•••·ta.ts "°''~ »ou.ur coulWI cooua
aro. s.1.tt
5·Pc. MESS KIT ... 98'
$129 SIWOl'f ...,.,,
llUllERllED nylon wflh ltuilt-i11 pillow.
"I" b11m eon1tn1ctlol\. Multl·ply rvbb1r
CNfint. #5124. 24 month• 1uar1nt11l
...... , 47 l'OltAl~I JOMN C
ato. t.1.4• • $249 JUMIO 5.0Allo+I •
PWTIC CANS .... MODEl #510(30xlO) $777
RIGUlARLY $9.95 , , , . , •
, ' ~
NIX'lj Dodi 'At.
• ' • \ I•'
• 1·
Regularly to
.$4.98 "
'Av1il1blt now in .rr of the
newest fall colors. Si1es
StaPr~tat : White Leviis!I
in white and solid eolors.-
$i11s ·2~2.
-St1Pr11t9 NVYo Slimfils in St1Prest S 11 m.f i is by
·•fl of the new school coJ· 'leYi's:I '-fhe casual slack: ,
en. AH ihes. ' -t • ftley 11if·W1nt. ,
$1 .• 00 : ~i. 98.,
Has Y' our Size!'' ~.
TH.E ORIGINAL blu1 L1vi'1S-ltan and low·w.tistt4 $ 598-
-routh and tough-doublt 1titched and m1d1 tf
tht finest deniin 1v1i11blt-LIVl'S~.
BOY'S SIZES 4-12 .............. s4,9g
' .
' I
-· ' ' * Wld1 Strlp11! Narrow Strip11I , .• and i,..
1Mtw11n ••• All thl1 and 1olid color• tool
Fhtt1t 100"4 comhd cotton that won't
wrinkle, shrink or ever need ironin;.
"The Most Luxurious!"
$7•$1 ,, '
Reg. $2.98 ' " K <
JUST IN T™E for School-the' lttW·
•st in colorful striptd all-coHOlll l ·
Shitts. Mort colors than WI can
cou ti S.M-L.
TffE FINEST ~111ll1r 1v1ilab\1
in stntch toll, SO •rl1ht MW
colon to •et off 1ny school
Over 20 bright 1'ew colors ln
rour choic1 of long Or short
1f1eTeS: 811y 'trn by tht dor.
,---...::....... en. ·-
. RE~. $7.95
Permanent Press 1l1ck1
with full 1hrinft1111 control
for t11y c1re. Bick to
school celprs of 1voc1,do,
llt1 blue anll yellow, with
m1tchi119 biltt. Si111 30.
' ·\
" " "· " . "
' ..
• " f ,
• "
'· . ,
• ;
' .,
Wednlsdl1, Autull 20, 1'169 cA!lv l'llllT ar
Leo · Calls No-hit Holtzman Another· l(oufax
I < I -·
lffe Jlosf'es Birds -
You Should Be So Lucky
To Have W caver's Woes
bearing w111 ael lar Fridv lar Charles P.
Howaer, general inanager ot &be QwJot..
te, N.C., Hornets bwMH team, -II
being held In Glynn Coonly jail ea
murder cbarge1.
You abould have the worrlea Earl
Weaver ,bu.
In cue the name ian't lmmedia\ely
familiar, Earl Weaver Is a major league
baseball m,.nager. But be'a not just any
manager. lie'• the field boa ol the Baltimore
Now you ~ve more ti an-IMight aa to
why 100 abould ha,. hla ldOO of worries.
Four of bis batters are among the
Amerlcu Leque'• lop 10 Md three of
them .,aie. hlltlng .:IO'I or J!ICller. 'lbe fouith. Dou. Buford, JI co~ at a .297 clip. .
bib ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •
........ ft
A !.U... nAmed Boo(.Powell bu bit H
home rifii. Mal< Paul Bia~ has =·
PltobtTs Dave McNally (17·2), Jim
Palmer' (12-2) Ind Tom Pboebua (12-1)
have uiee Of ttit American League'• top
wilming -~ Ancllnot to be em-barruae4· · . .,;. hli 17-1 record Is Mike
Cuellet J-.IJie guy who atopped Iba
Angels, JM, Tlleaday nl«hl·
Baltimore Is ao far aheod ' In Iba
Eastern D!ylaton ol tbe AmeTlan Leque
that wei.fer•a ao1y olroleglc pr<blema
are to k'!'l!•hla plldilnf•!Ol&Uon goln& IO
Mc:NatirCin open the World Serles: . '
'"'' ·• F•r•u1Ht" What. ahCiii the dl\>lalooal playol!J with
the west&D wlnnei! ·-·
Simply a lonoallly. " (
~ ,.....uy .-lhat clr<ull.
But Weav~a Btrdl bad no trouble with
the Twim lbls ,. .. , wblppl111 them eight
tlJl)es In a <loan -tlnp. OUland, Min-
ll<80ta'• Ol)IJ .bona llde c~gor. baa
Jost eeven_ Of eight verdlct.s with
Baltimore. ·
If Weav~. can keep hi• chaps from
being b««I to• death, Balllmore figures
to win u..· world Serlea !ram the Culio
muck tbt same way the 1961 Birds took
the Dodgen.
You trn1Y recall that Iba .Maryland
bunch swepl that classic, llmiUng the
Dodgen. to a total of two runs in four aamea . Weavtr aays his pltchint corps tllil
Orioles Feel
No Pressure,
·Blast Angels
The Baltimore Orioles are not feeling
any pressure these day1 but their op.
pooenb are sure feeling the plnch.
Carefra; and happy a1 lbty conUnue to
make a travesty of the race in the
American League Eas~ the Orioles
nonethelw become downright surly
when there is a game al band.
They arrived at Anaheim Stadium
Tuesday leading lhe pack by 17 games
and with a si1-game wlnnin& streak ln
tow . '
But thl\t didn't stop them from rlpplfll
foor CalUornla Angeb pltohen lo< 17 bits
en route to 1 UM triumph .
The awt50me Birds have now won 1J of
the~ last 11 Ind II ol 2S ail>ce the All·
Star break .
Lelt-baJoder Mike Cuellar conllnued to
let I pace just U 8COl"Chlng U hl1 telm'I
by posUr.g his seventh consecutlve vie·
tory and his 17th of the seuon - a
personal high In the majon. f1
The Oriolts and Ange ts conUnue h1r
three-pine teries tonight wilh Dave
Mc:Nally, 17-2, opposing Calllornla'a And;r
Meaenmith,11 ...
* * &ALT\MOlll CALl,Oll•lA •rllrtol .. ,.,..
tvfln, • ' l I I Alomlr, D ' I J l~r, ct t I 1 I Jotwlwl9. d 4 I I D.Mll',rf 1111,,...,M 411 ,..lt ........ rllltltMr-rf 411 It~"""""""' rl I I I t lltll:Ml'lll, If ) I I
.-.w.11, 111 1 l ) I A,llWlluQ..a) I I ""°"°"'" s1~sc-,.,111 .J1t1 D..JttlMOll, 111 ' 1 ) , o\tcut. t; J • 0
l(t(llellflfflfl. ' J I 1 0 JIM•Y• _, 1 t I 11.r.....,., 11 s o • a 1.1"..,.,, • t t t c.,..111r, _. ' t I I HICtw. pf! t 1 t . ........... . ..
Wrf91J!t1 • 1 I I
T•ll 4 II 17 ' Tfl.-JI t ' ••llll'rlllr9 1M 111 .. -M
Clllfonlll --.. -• I! -'""'°"· ,...,......, mo -.,'""*" t. C•Lflotl4le !. LOii -1•11...,. 7, C.tllMtle 4. 1' -~ Hit -Met!Ol'I 1 I'). ll'HklalllO
Cvtlllf IW.IMI t • I I I J 11.,._y-'l L..f.Jt) 4'211 I 1 1 I J ··'"""" 1·11· J • • • • llorlOll ' I-t ' JI JI I t Wrllbt '1·1/'i I I I I I ,.. -,,.,,.. Tllflt -ti'D. A~ -....
year Is belier than llll1k Bauer'• 198'
Ortole1. "They Ollly bad ZI complete
1ame1 that yell' ••• we have had neat11
40," he tell•.
The. 39-year-old Baltimore honcho la in
the enviable poslUon where his {orcea can
lose 171amea in succession and atill be in
lint place. Tbey can looe their final 41
1amea ol the .....,. Ind sUll be playing
.530 ball
How•,·l7, WU lml1ed Sundl1 nl&bt
at nearby Jetyll lalud aller the brulled
body ol a Cbarlo\le di ....... , Mn.
Carolyn Hogan, 41 4 wu found oo Iba
ground beneath Howaer's third IIoor "*
-teLroorn,.olllcen Ai<l.C:L=~=-A witnele reported seeing li'i'I. Bogan
fall so feet from a ana11 balcoo1..i the
Obvioualy, Weaver will not have to
wurey about where he'll be ~ next ym or how he'll meet the rilln1 ·cost of
Were Al..,.11• f.eose
Detroll manoger Mayo Smith Pf'dlc!Od
the Orloies would w ,ap· up their dtviaion ...
In June. But, if you analyze Weaver'•
comments, you realize tbey·really hi:d It
aewed up In early aprlng.
"'We're loose mnr, and we were loolie in
oprlng training," the BalUmore cl1lef
polnll out.
"J knew who my starters would be
before the regular seuon began and ao
did my pJayen. That kept everyone
reLued -no worries about compeUnc
for jobs.
"OUr regulars are great players, they
enjoy playing and they have bnmenae
pride. They are embarrused il they lose.
"We have great depth, too," he con-
tinues. 1' I can rest guya lite Boog Powell
and Frank Roblnsori once m. a while and
that atv .. our oth<r Jelltws a chance to
play •l the aame time.
'1'Y1e have ' excellent pitching even
tboUgh we Jost three top pitcher• to ex·
panslqp (Wally Bunker, Moe Drabowaty,
ltot!er Nelaon). I !lgured by O!!'"ing day
we had five men capable of starting (a
mlch\Y eovlable Ital< or allaln, 100 muat...admJl)." _
... admlll be \l'oWd be plf,llad to
~ Glevela'!d'• ~Ume major leogue mart Of 111 victoHes in a stngle1eeason.
By P>c 26-t>ln their nomalnlng oullngt
tbeJ will post 112 wins.
. )Ila hla prime coocmi Is keeping
pla1en;jo lhape Md overtiJlg Injury. The
tau.r )i occompllsbed by culling down
baayl!eaUn1 Md. subltltutlng frequently.
lttjmy. or some other-'1>Utlldt factor ii
the only thing that will gmmd lbls !lock
ol BlrdL
' . DEEP CONCENTRATION -Cbicago Ciibl'· left
hander Ken Holtzman shows follow through form
that carried him to a n<>-hitter against the Allanta
.,.,, .......
Braves. Tu!!lS(lay. The cu·bs wdn, 3-0, on .Rori Santo'•
3-run first inning home run and Holtzman'• pitch·
ing performance.
Sutton Bids
For 16th Win
Faces Phils
PHILADEIPHIA (UPI) -Vet<ran p11.
cher Jim Bunning has appeared in a lot
of major league ball park.! wearing many
different uniforms.
When heidonned a Loe Angeles Dodgen
uniform for the first Ume and pitched
qalnst lhe ·Philllea Tuesday night,
however, be became a little nosialglc,
"Good old Connle Mact,":he aaJd·refer-
rlng to the stadium where he's just won
hJS ltth victory ag~ nlne defeats.
Dodger Slate
.-.111. 20 Dodttrs .t l"f'lll•f!Jilli. 4:• •.111. K'I l""t
Aw.11 Ood9ers tt Pf'llt.dtllltll• 4:JO •·'"· KP'I ("9) A1111, 22 Dodt9rs M Ntw Vol'lt J It.Ill, Kfl (IMO]
A1111. Z1 Oodllers .t New Yllfft ll:!Ot.rn. Kl"I (Mii
.-.111. 2• 00d9ers " Htw Yol'lt 11 •.rn. KJll 1 ... 1
"l'v• had a 1ol of good gamea ..here,
although I made oome bad pltohes
The Dodgm, though out hll nine to
elghl, blanked the Phlllln, .U.
Im Angeles goes alter Ill Olth stralghl
win tonigh~ sending Don Sullon, 15-11,
against Jerry'Jobnsim, 5-9.
"/The ball I threw on Larry Hls1e'• dou-
ble in the aeventh was a nothing slider,••
t.he 37-year-old righthandet aald. "It
dldn'l bite, just spun."
SAFE BY A MILE -Maury Will• of the Loi An-
gele& Dodgen kicks up a doud of dust as be Hfely
11ideo blicl< to !Int bue on a pickoff atlempt .and
"''''"'"""' Pbiladelph!a'1 Richie Allen misses the throw. The
Dodgen trimmed the Pblls,, 2-0, to slay a half game
out of the Naiiooal League w .. 1 Division lead.
* * LOI AN••lll PHILADl\.l"HIA .. ,.,.. .. , ....
JI I I I T.T..,llr..t a • I I
4 t 't t lllool"' • 4 0 I
4lllltAllWl.1b 4 1 1
A I 1 I C.!lltOn. rf A I I
Aleindor Gets '-14 ·in· ·Debut
ttt,10 ......... lfltl
4 I t .t• Hitlt, " , I I t •l llM."111,.....c ttl AOlllrlon. .. Ill Jll11W•~W..c 111 ,, •• ,,,..., •• )fl
0 I .f I .. ,,,,,_, It t I I 11:.11-. (Ill •••
. ' . scored II points !or the winners althollih
JDHpf!, pit I I I
9 .Wll.ofl I 0 I t CbamberliJn al90 played ts mlnutee In ••r;r,; t1t1 1 • • •
tho game· at the Kutsher'a Countcy Club. 1'r:," ,.rt0t1: 1 • 1 1 09~·"" .: ~ t' 1
In ·•-fi Id a) "m l'lllltdtlnllt• ~· 000 IOI IOI -I
motel Honer, clad lnlWbn -· ... arNlted It hla room .., the third llool"ol
the mole!, Jmklm --.whohaabeea~
ol the CbarloUe team llilce 1'17, llod told
lrlendl In Charlotte be wu eoma to
Savannah !or the weebnd to -a buebalJ ocout. Jekyll II a ._i, ... '1$
miles south ct BavlllllOb. · •
NBA Players
Vow to Strike
Over Merger
Players' "-lltlon ol the N.-t Bukell!a~ Aaoclatlan -Tl-. cloy lllPI to llril!e tt .....-Y to hloct ~-~ m<:rpr --the Na-....., Md American llubG>aD -lions.
The •nfJonocemeat came at a· llft'I ...,...,,.. following a-.. ct player •eia-vts ct the H NBA teama at ~· Caunlry Club. -ol the lop NBA playera compeled here In the 11th
~ Maurice Stokes charity -.
''Wi have_dedded om tJne eoar1e1 of
action, • .aald LollJ -· -lot the playOn' -"S!DP the league'• & tempt to aet COOl"'.,_,I appronl for
the -and If that falls, • law lllit and then • atrtb. ••
CommllaJonei-Wal1er KenneclJ ol tbe
NBA Ind l'relldenl Jim Gardoel' o1 the
ABA announced lwo -a qo that a
,.._ WU In the talldac llq ...
''The merger of the Jeaiues would be
clear violation 'of aotl-truat laws,"
Fleisher said.
"The ownen bava told us Ume and
again that the aole purpoee of the merger
was to limit salaries, and that ii •
restraint of the plsyen' Individual rigbto
to bargain."
Fleisher said the NBA players toot the
position two yean qo that they w,2111d
ne-ver be caught in a merger limlllr to
the one between lhe AmertCan and Na-
tional Football Leaguea.
He said It wu his belief that the pro
football playen' aesoctatlon never ~
posed the merger, ''or if il did, never
Jr!ed to slop ll In Congr ......
Fleilher said the NBA players -·t
make the same mlatake.
"We're alert to the situation," ht: Aid.
"We have already retained a Wall Street
!Inn speclallzlng In corporal< law."
Ironically, one ol the acting player
repreaenta.Uvea here was ~ AJctndar.
who signed w!UI Mllwaul! .. , !or fl.I
million alter the Boca won. the blddln1
baule with the New York Nell ol the
Alclndor fll1ed In lar John McG!ockln,
the regular play<!!' ~ ... who
..... Army -....ctuty.
Stock Car Pilots
Forni ~iation
To Direct Sport
Prolesalonal Drlvera A-iatlon, with moot o1 the 1op otart In llock car racing
at tis helm, hH been formed Md will
push !or 1 major role In the direction ol
the sport.
Rlclwd Pelty, the alHlme.leadet In
vlctotle1 and earnlnp In NAScAll, will
hood the PDA as president. ~ aaid the
IOls ~ ol the o<ganlaaUoa· Is to
wo<k !or the betterment ct auto rai!hg.
Cale Yorborough,. lul year'1 lop-
wlnner, and Elmo~' a kadlllil in-
dependent driver, will aerve aa vice
pnosldenll. Memben of · the -COllllDltloe Include r.e. Rey Y~
David Pwlon, llomJle and Bobby
Al11100, Buddy Baker, Pete. 111mmo.,
Charlie Glollbach, Ind Jam" 113-MONTJCEU.0, N.Y. (AP)·-Wlllli
~ ct, I/le New Y0<k Kol!:kl IOllk lwo
free thioWs with three lleC:Ondl l~l to
etve Red Auerblch'-1 team ari 80-71 vic-
tory over· Gene Shuo'a team In tlie lllh
aMual M1ur1ce. S1okes pro baaketball
benelll game Tu-y ntgllt.
the moot valuable plarer ,...rd wen~ to
v .8 t er a n WUt Olamberlaln ot Los
AngeKI wtth1Sbu..'1 J4am .• ~
He acored .u po ta on llU Je 10 I E -Wlllf. 01" ................ I, ""lllM•IPllll
...1 ..... 1 .J.Ja • U.o. _, _ _.. • ..,._ .. -' -·en 1, l.01 -U..An!Mln f. l"!lllHth:ifl~ f, ,. -~ -oc~ UL --"-L ....\11111. MC1t19¥,_MllJt. KL..:.....-.. Ull, SI -
lmmedlale alma of the PDA wtO 111 It
bring about lmprovemenll In lrhlCt mi
financial tieneflta for driven and warttna
condlUona al the. ~•.tR tar boCh clm.n
Ind crew~
Lew Alclndor ct Mllw•~ playlilg !or
the !Int um. 1111Mt members ol other
Nltlooal Bllklll>all AuocllU'"1 tums,
Alclndor played ii mlnutts Ind acored
1l1 field goaJ3 tn 11 lbOtl and converted
l"1> of four three throw•. In lddlUon, be
gribbed 10 r<liouridl ari<J bfockld lour -
free throwl1 but grabbed 11 rebound• anC:I -w. o.vll." -~; M a '"' 11 10
blocked lb:: -.U-I F ·•-J the := (W.11.fl WJ f : : ; ; Alcfndor •nd Wa t r aWo1;:1 Ul • ,f'Yl'P'IHI ll>fOI 7 1 I I I I Knie~. · plty.tiig tor the IOfCl'I, each ;,..~ ,.l'yl'lltft. ~tmt !.. 1~n. 1~ _
-llpaililltotlef0t-ln1boo0n. ....
Petty would not elabor1te on 1'blt h
driven will seek In the area ol Mlle
beoe!lll, but presumably the alma .-Id
Include ..... ""' ol • pemian pion.
, .
. ' • •• ' •
" :·
> '
• I
R llAJlY 1'11.0'T W4dnlsdoj. AlltosU0, 1'169 • . •... , ... -~--. -. --.
' .
Dally ,1.ot ,_.,.
By Pat
Oldtlmers Game Sunday NCAA Track
To Include
Sports Clipped Short
It's Kouf ax Pitching
Against Grba at Big A
No Bacon in Macon for Clay
Of tM oejt;Pli.t Staff
Ba!eball fails will take a Stroll down
Memory Lane Sunday afternoon.
Fonner Angel and Dodger stars will
play at ~im Sta~um in the first
Oldtlmer1 game st.aged in Southern
Callfomla since majdr league baseball
arrived In 1958. Action 1Larts. at 1 follow-
ed by a game between the An&e.ll aod
Detroit 'tiger"
Managers Roy. eaM~lla .ol ·the
Dodge.rs and ;Jigger stati ol the Angela
are expeclod 111 release their probable
starting u...;p. '11lutlday. It will be Sb-
dy Koulir agalmt Ell Golla 111 Gf<lll/if
l1lOWKI attloo.
Koufa11 *.of the g:rea1est left.llanderr
in the hiltory of the game and c:urrt¢
television l:l'oadcaster, will be maklng bis rm appearanct on the motlnd lince ·be
left the Dodgen after the 1964 campaign:
He is a three-time winner of thi Cy
Young award and bolds many Dodger
recortls lncludinl four no-blllua.
His running mate in the celel:raled
holdout of 1965; Don Dryld"1e, will
likewlle get into the action. DryadaJt: on-
ly recenUy retired from active play but
feeb he will be ,.ady to pitdl 111 at Jeasl
one bitter on Sunday.
Stati, manager of the Angell and a
ruident ol Laguna Htll•, hed one of his
hlueat days at the opeoina ol Wriller
Fltld in 1915.
He hit for the cycle and had the ftr,t
bxnt run ever out Of that park aa the
Angela defeated San Francilco, lo.& Ho
opebl eig)!t yem ln the majon with r ....
dJttmnl teams tncludtn1 the Doqen.
Earl Averill, Angel catcher In lltl and
• and tho niao'who hll the !lrst bomt
run for the MW club ln Wrlgle.y F1eld,
joins the Ani<l cut alOlll with oucl> other
fawrilel 11 Stan Hack, Rocky Bridses,
BID)' Couolo, Bob Schelfllll, Ken Hunt.
Alllle -and olhera. Buizlt Bavasl. In hit prime 11 boss ol e. ilodcert, ·had fill' more lrouble ·
signing the ·25 stars who will ·•wear b1
tLrrlform than prQmotlM11 man George
Lederei of the Angels had in gaining
agreement for them to play bere. ·
. A total of 51·.p1eyers and ~our umpires
have a~pted ·bWttations to;partlclpate
ln the cont.est that will be a three innlng
affair or 45 minutes, depending on:
longevity -of the. participan\I. There ere
31 former Angels and 2$ ex-Dodgers llated. .. •
The celebraled holdout of Koufax and
Don Dryad.ale Several years 1go was n1p.:
ped in lbc bud wheo bolh agreed 111 'piay.
· ln addtlloo, the nOdgir' pltdw;i .wr
•Ill 'include Cai'! Erskine, the man who loo~ the mouod 10 the eouoeunl in .the'
first major league game ever played in
the Southland ; Don Newcombt.. first Cy
Young award winner ; Joe Black, Hal
Gregg, Ed Roebuck, Clem Labine and
Johnny Podres. .
Norm Larker, formrr flnt baseman ror
the Dodgers._ was the first of 23 playen to
arrive who are coming here from the
mldwest and east coart. He Is star,ng
with his brother in Westminster.
St.eve Bilka, a favorite ol rans in the old
Pacific Coast League days and ex-
rnember of both the Angels and Dodgers
wlll arrive Friday.
Beans Reardon, veteran Natlonal
League umpire, will be joined by three
~ Ume Pacific Coatt League favorites,
Pit Orr, Cece Carlucci and Al Mui.art.
• ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) -The er·
ecuUve committee of the NCM approved
Tuesday the flrct · national collegiate
Jacroose • champ.,.&blp same for the
spring Of 1971.
The comlnittee •llo named sites for the
tlniverslty and College divt..ion of the
N'CAA championship evtnt for 1970-71.
Announcements of other locaUom will be
named at a later date.
In addilloo, the commftte< vot.d ap. i*oval cl decathlon u an event in the na-
tional tracl and fteld cllamplonablps. The
sport now will be <onsldered 111 &COl'inl
for the team champlooshlp title. ·
The NCAA membenhlp muat ,\'Ote on
die I-propoaal at Ill JanlW)' U-11 :
meelln& 111 Wl,lbln&IGa; D.C.' ' u ·-ed, It ·~'Oll!d ei:p&nd to ,,. .tfle her of naUonal cbamplonsblpa In' II
. All NCAA schools would be eli&i·
to compete in the lacroue cham-
MACON, GL -The city counclJ Tues-
day nl&ht refused to rent Macon's t ,IKKl-
&eat coliseum to former w or I d
heavyweight champion Gassiua Clay for a
boxing match this fall .
Mayor Rorulle 'nlompaon told aldermen
that Clay'• promoters had contacted col-
iseum manager Bill Lavery and asked to
rent the building for a fl&hl
"This man has refused to fight for his
country but be wanta to fight for the
dollar under a free enterp.ise system
that other Americans. both b 1 a c k and
while ara llghtln& and dyins to
preserve~" said Thompson. .........
CHICAGO -Not that he needed It. but Manaaer Leo Durocher got a rousing vote
of confidence Tuesday from the Chicago
CUbs learn captain, Ron Sanll1.
Santo ts disilJS{ed with pol l!hDll 11Dme
newsmen around the country have been
11oto.H -1tn~rr~~ ~~. J~ 11.t. taking at Leo the Lip. "oJ.iu.J~\ -1::•1'J':,o\f ~":r'!.. -"~: "Some guys would just love to write bls ~:1 ~~.~!W::-\a."i. w~ft. "\'r.ii, 1M~20. obituary," said Santo. "They can't wait
G.,.,,,,,llllo -1t1ll, T'""'le, Aptfl M . to see hbn fall. But I'll tell )'OU I.his, he
E:~ = ,~ .. v~;:.r:-~ ... ,.'i1w. n. -won't faU, because for him to fail we
,'; Hd~':...~\~,1~trwrl-:•ute l'IKld. Mir, have to fill. AM. we WOll't u loni u be'• .. our manager." lfl'tf-lf10, 0.rtfnoulll. ,,._le, N.H., /Mr • .f.
'··~~'"= ";r!tl°~'mo~1::1:.•J~'{~,., 1m, ., ., .,
w11~1"''°"I Jul'.'f_J1-1•. The Los •-• le •--•-d on ve11Wi.1 -1rn, eanfllnl11, l111 All9ll•· Aorn '"" 4'.!1.e: s '~"s '""Ill"" e "-wide rectiver and picked up another
.,,.11 _ 1m, =~':!'.!:u..t siiie. J-J. Tuellday as the squad drilled on defensing
'· the Kami City Chiefs' altack for Satur-·~\11"v,l'f:11.._tr, ~1f1'11 1\1r,T'Jl~vi'W:.rM~l:'f'-1l.'n. day nl&bt.'1 exhibition he.re.
-Jr!!'" ~ 1••· '""" 1•"· I Bl led r.2r';-o -rd' , M•'*•M 111i.. M,r. »-J:-Wal ack ge, &-3, 210, from San u. r • Fi. -lfl'D. MKA"'tw 5 1"· -,~ Jose State, Wu signed as a free agent
alter he had been waived by the
Baltimore Colli.
OUke Snider and Peewee Reese, two
all-Ume Dodger favorites, will be unable
to play because both are doing ptay-b)'·
play broadcuUng and each hu a
lelevlalon game on Sunday. Snider I& with ' Carrasquel Dies San Diego and Ree3e with ClncinnalL
Others who would like to participate CARACAS -AleJandro Carruque1, a
The Rimi rtteued Dale Svendsen, a
rookie from Easlem W aobtngton Slete.
bul are unable to be here because o( former pitcher for the Washington
otbu commllmentS Include: Ted Senators, died Tuesday nl&ht In 1 hospital
KlusuwskJ, Mickey Owen, Rube Walker. here. He was 57.
Eddie Yost, Joe Pignat.ano and of course Carraquel WU the brother or Alfonso
mans.gen Gil Hodfes of the Mets and "Chico" CarrasqueJ, who played hr tl1'
1-llnrochetol U...CUb» ·--·Chiqo-W!lik 8"'; -· -·--·
... ... ...
FARMINGTON, N, M. -Bellflower·
Compton at.retched lta winning streak lo
four Tuesday 111 • U obulOOt of Etmonl.
N.Y. In the quarterfinals of the Coonie
·Mad: world series.
In an earlier game, Naahvllle
eliminated Springfield, Ill ., frcm the
tourney in another 2--0 shutout.
Three teams remain in Ute tournament
with only one game &eheduled today.
California has a bye. .........
CH.E.STNUT lflLl.., Mus. -Defending
champions Arthur Ashe and Mrs.
Margaret Smith Court led an advance of
American men and foreign women ln the
U.S. NaUonal Tennis championships -
AW with difficulty and Mri. ewrt ban-• '
Ashe, the top domestic seed, wu Jivtn
a tough battle before some S,000 fans at
Lonpood Cricket Club by Richard Dell
of Bethesda, Md., younger brother .of
Davis Cup Captain Donald Dell but ~
finally won, 6-4, 8-8. •
The lithe Mrs. Court of Australia. the
top foreign seed, had little troqble dispo&-
ing of Va\l'!ie Ziegenfuss of San Diego, e.
2, 6-2, to reach the quarter finaiJ with
five other foreign women.
How They Stand
Eut Dlvl1loa
ClfiCAGO 1' 45 Jill
NEW YORK 67 51 .568
ST. LOUIS . 67 54 .554
PITI'SBURGH 63 56 .m
MON1REAL 311 84 .311
West Dlvftlon
CINCINNATI 85 51 ,560
LOS ANGELES 63 53 ,55$
llOUs'rCJN M 56 .532
SAN FRANCISCO 64 56 .533
ATLANTA 63 !18 .532
SAN DIEGO 36 85 .2911 TllMlltl"'• •...uW1
-, 71,~
N-Vorll I, s ... Fr111elaal I. 14 1111111'191
Pllllburtfl S. Houlloo! I
ClllC"""'-11 I. SI. Lllllll • 5111 0'"9 S. Nal!retl 4
LOI All!lllft t, Phlllld1lptil1 O
c~ i, At1~~1• a
$111 Fr-IKci !P..-rv 1~1 ti Nt• Yort; (Mo
AM,.... •SJ, 1'111111 Lii Al>Cltl .. !511!fOll lS.11) 11 P"llllelltl~ll (Jolin.
IOll fJ.t )
$ttl Oltto fllll 0-7} If Mo!ltnlt l !Riied t4),
""~loll f(;rUOil Ml " l'ln..,. IVMlt ""'' '""' Alltn11 fll:"" 11 .. ) .. Cf\kafl {Jriir. 11·111
CillclrlMll llffllll .WJ M SI, Lllult (T.Vlor .J.I),
111thl T'"'"""t .._,
$1n 1'"r111cl.a> 11-Ntw '1'0111;
Sin Olt9o 11 ""°"'rt1I, 111tf'rt
L" """* •1 l'~H.O.IPl11&. 111tlll Alltnll .. Cllk:-.O Clnd-11 91 SI. Llull. flllllf Ontr ..,,., ldMlfulM.
Eut Division
w L PcL OB
BALTIMORE 116 25 .711
DETROIT 63 51 ,571 17
BOSTON 64 57 .529 22
NEW YORK ez so .!IOI 24 ~i
WASHINGTON 62 61 .504 25 CLEVELAND Sl 73 .Ill 311\1
West Dlvlaloa
MlNNESm'A 72 19 .595
OAKLAND 63 SO .51' 2\1
KANSAS CITY 43 71 .408 22'ti
SEA1TLE 48 71 .403 IS
CALIFORNIA 17 70 .402 IS
CHICAGO 46 75 .3llO 26
,..,.,..,., Rtwlll
Htrw V1r11 S. K-11 Cltt I
Clevtl11\d S. Ol-11nd D
Wlltl111tl0n :J, Clllulo 1
Ml--.11 '· h1IOll ' 9tlllrMA it. C•llfllm11 e
Drl!OI! S. Sffllll I , .... ,. .. _
Cll\olllllcl ITll!ll .. \J) ti o.11.1 ..... (°'""' It.fl, ,..,,
81lttll'ICll'I !McNll!~ 11·11 1t C.llllnllt (IMIM,.
l"ill!I 11.t), 111'111
Otl,.it fLolkfl 11MI 11 S..nlt llrtbtndltr HJ,
""" "-Vort I~,-H>UI 11 lfllbtl C"' ll lllltr ._1l, 111tM
c111c.,. (JaM ._,, 11 w11111,..1o11 flilltl'ltll • SJ, nlt~t MlrllltMtl (lfl ll ll•IG) 11 klM (Harl N)
"Tlwnltr'I • ._.
1•111fNft •• t11l!ID<'nl1. 1111111 Dltroll 11 5"11 ... 1'119111
Ol!IY ''"'" Kl'lldu!M.
Off tlae Greens
2 Holes-in-011e
-At Mea3owlarl{
Two golfers sank holes-in-SeaeHtt
one on the same day at Bill Hokanson edged Gene
lh · kcnd lO highlight uie take t~e y,·eekend .men's club e wee ., . . play title at Huntington
Orange Coast area s golfJng Seacliff Country Club.
news. Hokanson shot a 67 lo Clout.
Bob Pate turned the trick on ·man's 68 wbil(e Bill Cummings
the 145-yard, par-lhree 11th was th.ird at '10 and Jack Son·
bole Friday along with Ray tag a notch back wilh 71.
Brett's effort on L h • 16lh ,1'fesci l'erde
hOJe. ,{w Foster and T,ed Foth Brett used a three-iron on r"' h lhe t?S-yard par-three hole. ctmbined for Ji 61 to take t e.
Earlier, Earl Stevenson aced men's club pirtn~rs best ball
d ti event Saturday. the par-three 156-yar sevt1n · 1 Second was lied between
hole Meadowlark. Dave Helln1an and K e n
Irvine Const
Zart McHugh and Jacf Ban-
ta took better ball of partners
honors in men's club action at
Jrvine Coast Country Cl,ub
with a net 60 in Saturday play.
In a like event last \Ved·
nesday, it was Bob Forbes and
George Holstein leading the
field with a 52.
Mixed partners competition
recently was tied between the
teams of Carolyn Gray and
Russ \Vcitkins and Virginia
Willis and Hank Lunney. Both
learns carded 62s.
Ladies day pla y f'rida y \vas
won by Bobbie Smith and G_er·
ri Mirams in class A action
with net 5'1s.
Dorothy Gray 153), Leola
Gould (54) and Bet I y
Hazewinkel a n d Jeannelle
Kirman (52s) were division
Earlier, Vickie Garcy and
Bc>bbie Smith tied with net 76s
for class A honors.
Cay Hallberg won Class B
honors with a 64 1\·hile Pat
Burlingham 11·as the class C
leader (74).
Jeanette Kirman took lhe D
division with a 79.
Rancho SJ
Don Barney and A I
Vagnerini tied for low neL
honors at Rancho San Joaquin
Country Club with 68s
Second place was nabbed by
Paul Runge (69/ and Gene
McDonnell and \Vall Cramond
tied for third at 71.
Pat Livingstone woo the. low
net title in women's club ac-
tion Friday with a 77,
Second went to C a p p i
Peterson's 79 followed by
Marian -Keeler's 80.
Top Ten
,llYlt' Clll• G Al ll .. l>U.
C1f'!'W Mi" 91 )6.j 74 !11 _:;<?
R.$ml1'h lbn 106 •1J 1? 136 .l?t
l".ll:fi'blnlOl'I 111 "' '73 'i !.M .. 1<1
OHVI Mln 11? ol6' U l•t .:>'ii ""'rtielll,I lhl\ 113 383 " 16• .'11 Powell 1l1t 1TI •!S 6• 11l .l11
1111lr 1111 119 ~1 •• 15.t .:111
C11"-e NV 117 •It 61 1'J , ••
llvford llel 1C6 •11 7~ 117 ·'"' F ,Mowtrd W•< Ill •~l 11 llol -l•'
MDflW Run1
II. J1c~~on, 01kl1<>0. •:;; F >low~r1.
WaYiingfgn, l'' l<ll~br~w. Mon.,•.c1~.
3•: Powell. B1nlmor~. J:; V~!~r:~m·
t~f. Boslon, :!?. lllu~ ll•lltd In Powell. B•ltimort, !IC; ltll\"'Jr'."'·
MinM!lll•. Jot: R. J1c~son. 'l1~!•~1.
tM v111nem~~1, aosion, 19,' "'· ,.,,...
•"'· Wt!lhlni!on. 17.
11 O.cltltn•
McNtllv, ll•l!Tmo~. 11·2. .105, • ~•· f!>C•r BoJIU'flOr•. 1~·7, .1:1; M<L•in. r~-
1r~a, 10.t, .76C; l'hr,i:bus. B,l'im~r~,
17·•· .7501 Odom, Ot~l•nd. tl-5, ;:1; J, Ptrry, MinntSOlt, U·S, .Ill.
"llYtf Chill G •t Ill It I'd.
Cltrr>tnlt P~I\ 101 l76 61 1,6 .:;s1
C.Jooes NY Hl :19• 77 1JI .:<a
t..Jql\n!On Cln tt J'>a IC 1:n .~11
M.Alou P~ll 119 SH 11 ·71 ·"'' ~111?!11 P;l'I 106 lit 61 1~1 -"3S
llt~ c1n 110 ••~ 95 HO .:J~
l'(~Z (Tn 11' •6S ~1 l'l .?:7
~nch (in 1CI l6.'i 41 119 •:&
li1ntulllen l'ih fl lJCI •• tOI .. 'H
Toltn Cin 10ll .. s ~• 1~ .J;)
Hom• 1tu111
M(COvtV, Sin Frtr><l1co. l6: L M•v,
~lnclnnt!l. l:I; M . .ltron . .l!l>.,!a, :;1: pt,..,z, Clnclnnall, 7'; R. t.U!n, Fhlll•
~elphlt. 77.
BachelJor and \V a r r e n
Stephens and Anver Lohman a
stroke back.
Sunday's cvenl, a mixed
best ball of twosome, was cap-
tured by Bob and Pug Lit·
tlcton's 62. 'Betty Stephens and
Bob Norris lied Mike and Bob-
bie \\lashco for second with 63.
SHntu A11a
Qualifications for th c
coveted men·s club chan1-
pionship at Santa Ana Coun-
try Club is in progress and vdll
continue through Sept. I.
!968 club champion l)r.
Robert lrv:in and lhe 15 low
qualifiers will then be mal·
ched for lhc title.
El Niguel
Al Pelligrini and John Cote
teamed up for a \Vinning lov•
net tally of 64 at El Niguel
Country Club in Laguna
Nigue l last week in a partners
best ball affair in men 's club
com petition.
Three teams lied for second,
one stroke back of the
Pel/igtini-Cote tandem.
Sharing the second spot
were Richa rd Billings and
Lowell Heacock, Tom Pierce
and Norman de Planque and
Eugene. Parker and Al Cole.
Riebard and Margie Howell
\VOn a mixed best ball tourney
with 64. Eugene and Dan
Parker followed with 65.
The quartet of Marjorie
~foyer. Mary Agnes Sigafoos,
Marie Thomas and Jeanne Le
Bon took a recent best ball of
foursome event in women's
club play with a 56.
Second wenl to Linda Mnr·
rison. Jaqueline He rman ,
Cozette Reason and Mary
Agnes Siga1oos with a 61.
In third, with a 62. was the
foursome of Lee Townsend.
Charlene Cramer, Dorothy
Hester and Gertrude
Carolyn f\1arvin, Luci 11 e
Flaharty, Carolyn Swartley
;:ind Cecily McCaffery \\'ere
fourth with 63.
Deep Sea
Fisl1 Report
H !'W~OllT (Arl'I l.INllnt l-HS """
9lort: I' 1lb1ctro, 111 bonlro. 11 blu.
•2 ro<:i; cod. J l\alibul. tD1vt y'1 L&c:•·
1r-2Jl t n91e'1: l7S bin, )IA t>onlto,
I! albtco•@. l h•libut.
SAN CLeMENTE-196 1n1~rs: 1.111
bcnllo, 101 b&,s. 114 berr1t1.1d1. I h1fi.
bu1, I YOllOW!tlT.
LONG &EACH fhl<nonl l'!lrl -l.J
~"l!kr1· 1 b1rr1.:uo1. Jl1 blU, 6f
bcn1to, t1 Mllbu!. I roe~ co.i. Of\~
lh<;e, 11 11191~.,, 6 b1rr1,ud1, 11
bJ!S, 311 tionlro. C~it•Dolnl l10'Hllnt) -112 1119ler1: t &lbltOI'!. I barrtcvd•.
'16 b1n, 19t bonllo. 11 toe~ tod. l
halitul. (Ptclfl< 5DCrfflih1n1l-l1T •~·
o•rrs' 6 1lblt~•~· • Y•llow!~Ti. ~ ~ml!•
~· btJ\, •1 h1llbu!. l b1rracud1, .1'll
ulico b~n. 6t bo~lla.
SEAL SEACH-liM Intl~"' ?1 bl'·
rocud•, ,µ 110nrro. 12' sand t~:~. 11
~al,ba!. O"" Barff, fl ~n~l~r1: 1'
h1rr~cU<11, ?65 l>onl!c, '1 ,and b1:>. '1
m•c'o.•rtl. 11 IH'rcl>.
St.H O!EGO (Mu~klJll ,l,rl-101
~nOl~rs: Sii e!!uco". •? y-e!lr.wtell, CS
bar••cud•· 13 bf'" JI bonito.
, .. ,.na.w.._., ... ......,. .. .
It miy seem ·too obvious to
mention, but the ball •hould
be just in front of the center of
the clubfact when you address
the boll. It i• truly omazinc how
Area Ocean
Stays Hot~
DAl\.Y l'llOT J1:J
South Coast C onf ere nee
Swi·m Finals Set Saturda~
The South Coast Swim 100 llr'Mit-1. A1w1rd • .t. K. l"••ko" ,~,~~liJfi •~111ttr1JI. 2. H"'1tt
!Qt llY-1, K. f'rtlClll. 2. S. G"• J L. '"i!o -~ ,\: ~"'fiJ •ti J. t,
Albacore fishing Is ltlll I Conference finals an on tap o~~m~ltltr.:.1. AIWtrd. K~!CJl.~.lt~· c; ~t_ti,~~t~·
long w•v out but 1octl1 action Saturday at UC Irvine's pool 100 :i. ..t.rld"'""•'·.NNn. ov'UiftrT;,, ""•"· k-"'i~r 'Nslr.
v Ith • t t '·' L •zc ·"-• •11• w:; '" "1• is well abOve average ac· w ttJ earns s •~ o com· 2s-1. ~ hOtf~•'· o. ~"· GI•~· 10 miectl•v, •tl•l"-t. ,, AH11U. Woocl IH l"S:rOI•, W. Kj1.,.rtk, Tl..,,...., H~Sl, cording lo ~e Clark o( pete lu• '"" ••i.Y ~ J'l 1t1t-1. t ' ~~:~: NII. t. A,.,.d•n ~;;,:~._-----j-~avey:s lieckei lnd-A_,_.-~,b'.y_~.acifie-Sandi -U-J, ti, II--. Olfl" It II. WllOd I mi;• e I. l'Hmr-r.IOJll.-
;,j Gro~ of Art's Landing. Emerald Bay. New po r l '~~'· •-1. 0J~" !-'_.,, cH.~l· '· b• IE 1··~· •·,. F.n l l!·' '
"Our boats are bringing in Harbor Yacht Clnb, Lido A•,r1c:i1,1.!k1·J~ {~:,~1 1'..\'\\· ,, 1e~,CJ~~~1·~; 1~~111'' i\. ::
barracuda, bonito and calico Island Yacht Club, Long "'lrlF. '~~nt'"'~~,'N!-!.J. lllof· •1Zo~~ i.~'tvfi::,1niH\ 1.,, w.
many golfer> fall into the habit
of positioning the bell carelessly,
and thus suffer from mis,-hit
You will'f.ind 'that if you start
with proper ball position in&, and
the~ concentrate during your
swing on striki ng the. ball
squarely, several other· swine
fundamentals will fall mtoplace.
Not the least of these is that
such a Procedure willpractically·
force you to· keep· your head
relatiVely still on both your back·
swing and downswing.
"HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PUTTING"! Here ii Arnold ,~lmtr'•
fully illustr1ted guid• to putti.,I •ti ne•, lin•·UP, ltrok•! Send ~Ot
1long wilh • 5l1mp.d. 5111-llddru'td •n<1•IDP• to Arnold Palmer,
in Gar• of-this n1wsp1p1r.
.. ..,,. •• .,, •• e..,•r•"'"
Los Alamitos
!"or w,f., Auf. ,., lHt-dltltl 011
Cl••• 6 11'~1. l'lnl r n 1 1:U 11,M,
Didcey'I Gern !Srnl!!>l
AN<nt Pu.sum IBrinkleYJ
"' '"
bas.s every d13. The bass run Beach Yacht Club a n d :Ji' t:1~:..i'. ~. 1:~~~· 1~Ns~: 1• trii111 K~,ooa ''" 1 ~,,_·_ "t"Zo'! 1 'C:t. M.
to 1i pounds wUh most of Newport Shores. c ''a. H-1"\!E8\~, 0or1u,, $, Ad4i~il''lf'.\V'' ,, .. s1,·
them taken off San Clemente. The latter clubbed Emerald J, ~::;1·,r~"fNt1. t. llltlctl O~SI. C:iu~~1~,..:::-~11 r.:~~· K.
Bonito are medium to 10 Etay recently, 322·217.NBaJboa 1Jl1, '1.9'f.l01'iN'f.I~ 11!.a1, ,, RIC• nil .__r. ~ .. ~, 1. t. K1011M
pou-•-.. ~lie Uie barr1·es a~ Bay Club disposed of ewport 'I"~: GtM& NSJ. 1. uw1 1e11, '!A1' \.~•1?.'.-r,'"' J:...;11 1Na1. t. ~ l'l'U 3. --fl:Bl> A~t$0tl CHS), ), Ntl . S;cill flltl on the small side," Clark Shores 319-293. 'I bloctt~i. •!~ tHsi. 1. C•lllerlo '~'· ,
NewPort shores re s u 1 ts fE 1• 1• 1Clrr'lb•J!1~f.1t:. IN 1.11t-}: ~~ l~r,~· 1--:. 00t1u• reported. . BBC ts med1tv ••lr•-1. Huh !, m11h. brd•-I "'""'v t"''' 1 K .. Albacore fishi na is ::itlll not agawst : "f!'T'~f,h1.z1_,f~~.,, i.' o.v°"119 °'l~"* 1~f: 1t~cc"'&~1 . ;14,;, ,: Very good -·re 1·s no way o{ Ml•H NttdlflY 11:.tl•r !NSJ. l .U11 rm "111. K!llnl\t !NS\, J. t.h1,.,·1e11. ' 11~ is 7+J. t,.;ion. Ad•ml. overrnlll••· U w .. 11-. 1-1~ 11 fESl. >. J, ll•o~on o Ir~ r111v-1. "· O'ltlff. 1t9e0111, k--·•ng 1·r or when ••·y might o.vw1111. . . rN5J. 1. sm11~ 1£81. I(_ 00.1 .. ,, Kit'"'·• llVWI 1.UO:: 51) f·ltl, Ptrolf, £. He1lsv. c, " 11¥-1. H11l1t UOI), '· °""""~~ ltw111•11 • come. in closer in abundance.. 1~ .. ,... • Ml-'"\· tNSI, 1. 1'1"1'°" 1e•1. 511 rnl!dl•" •el•v-I. ~._.... ~.,. 5CI tl·l I. ICll nk1, Hud.lllfl. S. 11.t ld, U llKll-1. llol\lm !Ell, 1. P.,.hon 11 · fEl l Right now they are \(II) mlles .l. 0'!1111•, • 11;'61, l. I . H1e!n IN I. te~tf-;;..1.""~~" Vf:tir J.. · Ui.Nrn
OUt " K!°~lf;\'hM!hc~tr. G... L. Ollrlu1. L, J 2lr~ .-.6:,~'0JN'INHS~akl, M· llleld, fE!\I. 3, HIHl1on IHSL
• so lS-1 :..1. Rlc~rd"". K. Pr•loa. M, · i' ' . &IJ't'I f·f • 50 br~.-.'-l· Hud<,.on 1"1Sl. t. l"•l· Gronsky reported a smat-l'r1loo. lll•ec!1t11. '5 mtdltv ,~l•v-1 . M .A.ams, I(, lt'f'o;M'I 1£111, o· SNrb fHll. . ( LI .L k Mb .. "''" lltl•v Sll\lflflltr. M. (t i!.¥· O~trmlll•~ !!, 11:~Sf't r~Si~·1 .... ~~7:r't!~fi.B1. 2. $, termg o ye OwtaJ ta ·en on 58 t-1o _ 1. c. 1ut1r1, M. 0or11n. L. ',~ ',','i, •,. M5. ~·~~lli~NftNS \· M•a-St! b.tck-1. "'"""' 111;11. 2. Afl'ltd•" bo ls t Of Ari, Landi·ng Kl•k11f1rl(t, vo11<rn1n. -• · · OQ ·,, K IEl!ll, s. lllel.t INS) r11t1. a OU S • 511 l·l7-1. Hud.cn, A. 0'$het. S. 15 brt111-1. l111rn1nn , 1. • 100 Jndo-1. o. $1n'lmolll lft l, t. '·We are getUng good catches 11t•ra. 1(111.-,. sttua~~1!~.1·cTil Ffs~~·1_1~.!.d !NSl, "'"'~ci.n 1re1. l. So1r1o., rNll.
of d ba . II lO lJ.11-1. AIWt rd, c. Butu1. ], Ar'"'"'"° (£81. ..;."',, u'," •• ~•.11.v,::.l_i_J·,,·,·~."'°"'· ~.,.. San SS, eSptcl8 Y On our tHoer!r1. M. Voorhis. 2S lllck-1. M. Att1rn1 INS\, 7. ''" '" AQi;i':"'iJ.U e'eru'ng ~p w'1lh some go'1ng •1•11 ,,. c-to 1ee1. ~ m~"'"" ••!•"-,_ o. l l"'!'l'IO"'· UI 'J 1r1 .... 1. Roaw1, 3. I(. MjClurt . 1S frft rtl•v-1. M. Ad•m1, M. Cloo'•Y (Ell, J. ICl~l'lrf~ M~), t. to Seven nnnnds." U bl'tt1t-1. J. Schofrrier, • $mllh. Ptr~tl'. M. Ctll. M. O•ermlllu CHS}, l K r-e'I: INSI ' ,-.-"bld<-2. "-"· Gll1I "" o!.Oflev"i'E'ii.-,.Ltio. s::~ !N$), •• One of the biggest bass or tl flv--t, J. $halt ..... ), HofflMn. ~fl\tdlf.Y noltY-1. c. Klrk11••1!(.. l~·-··1·-. ov•l-l'!IO!ll ,,,,, t. 1,,. H Vo •n. !· Ad1ms. E. He~l1v tN 10. .,. '"ii !N: the season was taken lhe other 1.s tree-1. f''ll'' i. P.~. H•ttorn. ~ ,..,.... • K'-St>Dfnlr tNSl. t. M. • L. r1 ... N~ · l .. c111 s>.
' ' .. ,' ~,>. >> V·"'rnl~ /NS) SO llY-1. llooltv (1!!81, J, L. tllll'llll d b · M of B Lboa ~ti,t-· IJJll• · ,s. ' · "'~ ( · '' I •• INS!, 3. L. K11,,•r1k IM~l, ay y Art ace a 15 IY-1. W•IH, • G. Htl!tv. $11 ~·~•-1 . lln•!-r N ' • nOkt' Sa botll-1, Foot.• IE81. t. Clock• r I 0 d ! 2.$ <•-2. Wein, J. ll:luo. fNSI, 3. Oily ffll\. IF,,\. 3. a. Snt/'l~-fftS). S and, a lv-poun , -ounl'e o1t11 ,.. 'IO ttv-1. J. l'••\Q<i !1-fSI. J. c. ioo 1n<1o-1. o. Sll!VTIO('' j ffl, 1. catch. JC free-1. Dr'r'OUllo l(!rko .. r1r;k !HSI, HUfMlln! IEllJ, Fno!e tl"8\, J. J, Horn.+tl 1 '" ~! brt•U--1. llO'WIM, t, •-Httlfy, JO f<e• 1'111.,.._I, ~ ~ fl'lf!\Oftt, ... ,._ An albacore special charter il ;,':ct:.t?-e:~;:i,~: eora11•. ney. t1oo:11ev •• Ft~';t ~:..~:·
boat was at the Cortez Banks 11,, ,,. Feller's Ge1118 ... .;e$df'~~r"'v~,.e~f}~\~·•r. 3'""'
some 95 miles out Tuesday -~ '!,e:~:i. MK. 051:~';~\W: M. Ad•rn1 1M ~·-1. Mor,:• rHs , i. T11<wM1en
and early in the day had cue1. 1~~· o.~:..~~1. N~hcl'lt1 tNs1. t.
''ported four fl.sh on board. is bre1~1-1. P•r-•r. J. K. 3t11;aMer. Bob Feller pitched three no.. 11t1c111•d1on o-tsl. J. Tllom°'"" fF.ll. 1~ Hv-1. M..Ad1rn1, J. M(CI U, Lind , 511 ttv-1. Ml!cht!I !H$\, J, Alltl-dtfl 'Th · f l 11· 111~1 hit games during his career IEBJ. 1. s. 11~rcen cNs1. ' ere IS no way o e 1ng !J · 1:1ec~-1, M. Ad1m1, J, M. wi'Lh Lhe Cle"eLand lnd•·an•. sn beck-I. a. •r.1 1Ns1. t. M. ttr11M about the aJbacore this year," Ovirm111tr. • INS!, l. B•rr tt:e1.
Gtth :,·11 according to World Book lbll in0o-1. Mltr ... n IHSI. '· Al'ltWI~ Gronsky stated. "We still ha ve so~oo"i::t:::r.l\laf11:';,'1~ri. Nokes. Encyclopedia. !Et' 1J,:..M1•1~'1: "••l•n· ,,._.,
high hopes of a ........,. run. The &o-•111-1. e1 He1ltY, '. c. l1iiiir;;;~~iiipmi1iii11i9iiiiijii'ii'ii,~i~piii' iiijjii"ii'i·~i"iii 8"""' I( l\ot!rlck, Nokn tit}. season has been known to run jQ itv-i. '" P•r•r•. 50 Mtk-1. 'T~ .ldtrn,, J. I", 1'1rker, through December, but in re-100 1nC1<>-J. '1'. Ad1rn1.
cent ytars it has ended in Sep-100 ,,_1. c~·~,:,!~ tember." ~ fr-1. M. tl!:lrluJ. :. s. M1rn1. J.
Balboa bay fishing is holding T.~b:~;1~1. rtrolt. 1. M. tl!:lrluJ. l. II. MQl'Mll. up well on skiffs with halibut Yi 11v-1. "••al•. 1. w. K11D•r~-..
k 50 b1ck-l< M. Oorl111, 1. W . and sand bass being ta en. 1C1101r.o:. J. . 11u1•r•. HIO lnde--1. M. Oorl111, J, W, Both landings are using li\le K1101rek. ENGINE TRANSMISSION OR
ou1,..n1 •n '111 lll•c•
bait with only spotty action 100 tr"-'· ;~~~~-~~A. o·s~t•. "0HTH ftACI!. -tOO ytrdJ, ve1r tll · L 1 " •· ' ·• "·-•• I • -s•·• &loh 1nd uP in Gr1a• AAA Mlnu•. on jigs and •r ic1a ures. lO iJ'y~;.-l(·_co,1.;1:l."•ktl11i"" · COMPUTE
(plua Pll'b)
'llltST ll:ACE. J50 y1rcls, M•IMl'I '
vear f)!dS br~ In C1111. Ci.in""'·
Purse tllOO. Cl1lmi119 price $JOOCI,
F1mw• QvelllM (LI-"') 120
MIU Flllbrook (Wilson\ 111
Rub'f '°'"" Gold (A.Poc!lt1l 1!1 MIU M•t S.n (P•lllo) 117
llladlum Qut?n /Mcrrii) 111
Oinb<i1 Stir (Wrl9h1J 117
C1l!lornl1 S.nd5 (l'l;thard5) l?fl G~lfWIV Jcl'ln (Smill'll llO
Slcrr1 81~ndle tlll ll•nk•) 111
Mocl•M (hie• (0 B1nk1) 120
5ECOHO lllACE. '~ v•rd•. ) V••r old• 1t><I 110 in Gr1~ A Minu1 Purtt
l'urs1: ~. Ttie SPDNor1 Club of ~ b1ck-l. K. Doriu•. 1 ltlctl!!I, 3.
L-ll~ld'I for !hit CITY of HOot. J 1~°'j;!,'~1. Klllllk•· 2. Howell, l. J, l'eur Fcrlv Kint (1C1nl1) Ill MotnGt1.
uni. Town 1M1lr1 111 1~-~t ff C I ho 11vt 11-11 ' E•9e"'' H1M.OCI< (WibDn} 11 1 UIS a . . 01 'l tao I,_, Rtld
ll1r Lltllt Ott-~ ($rnlthl 11 t )Cl b;fl!l-·I. HYihon. !3. $!)Irk,,
Moal•n Oltmc.nd IMorrl•I 111 50 llv-l. ll:1ld, J. e. Vlll>f~I•.
1m1 J-Girt co 91n1<.11 11' f'OUNTAIN. Colo. -It was JG N ck-3. •~Id. Mftl l'irr ll•r (!'IOI!) llf 100 1~1. Mu,,_, 3. k DlltCI..,,
•• I ... -, • .sort of ladies' day at the Pikes 0 1tt1 11-11 NINTH C . .-. v•r .... ve1r o ' 100'.tr-t. L. 1C1Jo•rell:, I. (. 111d "" In G~.te A Mlnua. P~rss 11100. Peak TUrCF Club alter the 111t•r•. ~~": M~'1(;ttl!~nlsl ::~ ninth race late in the meeting, l!.12 ti"!!'~-~·~-:=-~~: t .s11.1,,.,
llel•"''"° N''"' u1 Gir'I Jockey PaUy Barton won iOO b•ck-J. $11,,.., J. "'· ,.,~.'-I V~fldl' L'flt 1r111~1 117 100 lnclo-2. l. 0or111,, l . ll:osen1111 ·
J"lt'< 11to•n rc1roo11l 11' her fourth race on Vagalong, lllO ••te-l. l.-C'e•~•14
Tf~'P' W1!Ch !Mcrrl•l
c11ic1ro Gr11111 rwr1g11tl no which is owned and trained by 100 IH'e111-J. Mltc:\1'" 111 Mr, S<:-9ull fAd11rJ ll6 I En L ood ,1~ f!..V~:-J·.M. •'••M•" '"• '.' 1 l sonic Moon !Srntthl 114 I,inda Sater of a ew ' .... ,,,,.,,_. Che
T~ttV Voo Ooo (AJ:otelatl)
Glory 11! 1 IW•JWl"l
Ot11c.al• Mil> IWri1MI
Otrr.011 (Mair!
I lttl!t "'"" Arr-1"""-Cll 11' Col Olrn ll·U ::~ _c"~·~~~,~~~~'·:~M"~"C..~~--~'":.......::::0:· ___ ~--------'"•:..::•:•~::::"":'':•:••;•c·c'c·':'o":':'~c'--·--~~~~---------------~~-~~ 1ur
ll;lrt11 of t~ Turf
Ota Mii (Li!>h•ml
Tf' ll1t>v JCl'ln (lll~1',.rd>l
MOnt'V l!lelt (Sl11H1l
01ndv ti•• it_°" !llt lltl'lkll
TMlltD ltAC•. j(l(I y1rcll.
ve1r olds. l'urw ill'OO,
Ttnv FOily tLl!IM-ml
All 8 1"''° list flt. llnktl Fiiiy ROYal (Ct rdouo)
l'lov1I F!lll fK1nl1\
Monie Mbf !S111>el
SP••"Y w.~ {!11rtl
Juno"' Boy fWJ!sonl
"' m ,.
'" "'
•n "' "' ·~ "' "' "' FOUlllTH lllACE. SO y~nfs. ' l'<!tr
1'1d1 •"d 1111. .lllow1n«1. Pllf"ll 11600
O;ovld'1 llrl!-1 f"'-l • 11~
Wtr On l'ovt'l'Tv /Wri9toll I 15
M_,,hlnf S.r (Ct'®ul 1J'
C1tcl'I Oeck (4d1lr) 117
8o)'t l'las!u1 (K1nl1} IU
Trut Blue Sue-{Mltcfttll) 119
MIM Oltl)!ltt fllr!nlclev) lit
T/11' D1nov {~Cl) 11' "°",_. BGOI< !ltkMrdll l:!I! T""' ero Mtn Cl~t.em) It>
l'IFTM R.t.Ct:. JSO v1..i1. 1 "°'"" ~Jd>. c11rrnint , Pi;oe 11!'00. Clt imlnt
orlu t:.2000.
V•ndett1 Niner IH Cro>by) 1n
S1t!V llruce {Smlll'll 116
lcrt1t1 Ltrk (M<:rr>tl 11'
J<"t Burress (ll!C!lifd51 U?
Mr. llar C/IJr~ !L1Ph1m) ll'I
Brt~J!n' (Adelrl ltt
t.•lt Go Man (0 e.n~~\ II'
S•trr1 Gulntvtrt IP1l1>0) lit
H•llt Sm•r! 1.lood1c1 I 11'
SIXTH ll:ACll!'. HO Y•l"ll< J Wllr
o'\d •~d UP Jn GrQ A ,Ii.IS, P'urJll:
Al!rulslic !1-ilfl)
O~lltmoon (Ctrdoul
NOi Guilty IA<Oir]
Je1nnt SundtY !H Croobv)
Dt!lbv'i l!egueJt tWrl~hll
Mr. sov Bir !Llolllm)
LIYd McCeY (IC1nitl
Willow Geld CMclteYnolds\
S1moson's Sister (Wt"°"I
'" "' "' "' "' '" "' '" "' Sf.VENTH ll:ACf. l!O v1rcl>. 3 v•1r
old< lfld uo in Grt6' AA P!u,. ,vr.e
V1fldv Ell~~" fCtrdO?tl
l(iplys Go!dll>Del 1 ... l>oelt<•l
Anni~ Oo fH1r1l
Hl'l:IO!lt'1 Chic-cllohom)
'" "' " tl IJ
Rull$ •'ti.f In s.1nto, Chlc•oo. ti: P•r•i. c ·nc•n.
n111. 91; McCov"v, $•n l'r1ne><t~. <1:
L. M1v, Clncln.,111. t91 81n•1, c~'ll~· u. Race Results
P itthl"I n Dt<;t11tn1
~•lrn1n. Chlc"o• U·•· .7'1: N.-rr1u, '"'"""""""""""'"'"""""'""""'""'""= (tnci~ne!I. ll-S. .1'27; C1r1•en, St. 1i,:r;.,.-::-t,,_'Sl&!ZifJJ~·~! '""" ...., "" • "'i!.E!k!.-
Lovll, 1~1 .. 1U; Se.•v•r, 'l~w ""'~·
17.1, .IOI; Cerroll. Cincinn111, 12-~. Tuol4ty, .t.111. n . '"'
.i'Ci, Clt•r 6 1'111
Physicals Set
Al Cos la l\f csa
Physicals \\'i ll be conducted
for 111 Costa Mesa High School
football , water polo and cros~
country aspirants al the school
cafeteria Thursday a n d
Times arc t to 5 p.m. on
both days and 8:30 a.m. to
noon on Friday.
A parent is required 1tlong
with all freshman candidates.
Big-8 Leader
Quarterback Bob Anderson of
Colorado scl a total oHe.nsc
rtt0rd of 2.123 yards in Big
Eigbl Conference football last
suson. This was almo.'l 500
ycirds better than the old
marl( Anderson gained 1,3~1
yerds by pa&Sc..' and 787 on the
IL'lltlT ltACe. n wirdJ. 3 ft!•r al<k
•r><I uo In Gr•dt B Pl1;1 br-ed !n (1111.
Pur~ S1SOC.
DH·M1$l B1y N~~o
!Mc.rr1J\ 11.6C U.fiO ; 10
DM·C!ir!tl~ 1t11ser
<M~r11 u 60 11 1e • •n
Flatlly l+o$1"' tAd•lrl S !I
Tl~-70 t/11
Scra~tt -li;~y Jo,I• Ctt. All•
Riv. Dovld'l llr!w. ""'' (htrYb.
OH-De•tlllctt ror !lr~l.
SliCOHO •ACf.. 150 Vtrdl l .,..~r ~kh 1M UP In Grtdt .l ft\IM. Pun o
51100. Jc~~ Gobi (W1tsonl
/\fl Of ~ ((lrdalll
Oc~tr MQ~1n l~C•I
Tlrn!-1• '/10
lt,IO t.l'O '·'° 7.IO J.60
Scr11d•ed -ChkJIO Grand, luN
Voo Ooo, Suotr Roy1!, Jult'I ft1'fn,
NIOHTLY DOlllLlr -l·Mlu l•Y
Nt~I, oM1~hHI & 1·J•hft GMI. r1lf
501.00. HIOHTL Y DOIJlLl!-t·C~rUI~ ll:rll· or, H•dlllll & t·Jol'ln Ofbl. P11'
THlll:O 11•cr. '°" v1rd1, Mtl«n 1
~fttr (lld1. Cl1lmln1. Pur~ t1700.
£*Ifie (111.,.t (WU-) 13.IO 1.70 4.'6
Crlrmoo $!Nik (Sn!Of!J '·'° J,llQ MldWIY Tom (Adollrl •.co
lln'>l:-lO 1/10
knff.Md -Gl'tllWln, F/t!y 1!'1'0' .. 1.
Mill Cfmldt. Fl1lnt II~. ';ho
'0UllTH lll.t.Cli, l50 v1ro1. l vr••
O'dl Incl uo In Gft~P t.. Mlfl~1. P,.1'1:.
lllt Ct>1nlf!lfll
IAPl!d•tt ~ .\l,to II~ l~to ~Ir llh1~rl•• IC•r~o!•I "I 'II .I 00 $1>t1n,•·. ltrcmloe (1-1••11 ''Cl
f!--11 )rlO
1t rttCl'lflll'-01rv ,,, 1tee•. \11 '
lt~tktt. M•K TOP PecG, Su1i. P'eo
J IJTH 11:.t.CI . "°° Y••dl. , ve1r "1"
•nd uo In Gr&dt A Plu1. l'une-ll"Oll.
StndY C~ic (C•rd011l 10.0'l ~.fO l .00
Rc:krl Mick (AD<W!tUl i.00 .too
llui h l>itot !W1l:lf)ll) fM
l l""'-20 7110
!cratc.Mfd-Mldw•r 0.rtdv. Oldt!V'• '""''<. A,pollo ll:9Ck•t, MonotY Miii.
SIKT H R•CIE. 40G v1ro1.' Yllt• old":!.
Cl .. mlfltJ. Pun, 17100.
Our Ctxbion ttt.rl) 1S.i0 U.IO 1,l'A
S.1rTcrl11S t~mllll) lf.olO I.I)!)
(t r11lfl Sorn<>ln' (AOllr\ •.U
Tlmo-:IO 1110
sc,..!clt!d-Lvcky ll8r (.Mc, SNll!H
Dtvf!. SklCIO l'c!u. Re<ornmrnde1.
lf\ffNTH 11.t.CI, V«Mk Sr. Courk _.to v••<h. l Y!lr okh 11'd "'· ttJlrnlno. Purv ,1000. OH·~!nilll t.~llA-!
(Ad1lr) Cit-Murry Jolln (Hirn c ... l>!clc (Rk/\trd1l T~-'1 "10
7,.tl '·'° J.ta $.10 4.IO ).llJ •••
$tr1!thed-MI'. L-Sflot, ll"'I Mt·
Cov. l!IUUl~lt, W/\lrty Ooo.
OH--tle1dMtl 11'r II•"·
EIGHTH llACI . "-II Yll'lh. J v11r
ol<h 1P'ld .,,. lfl Gr1de M Mlnut. rvne
l k kt A ll:ot!lel IWll$<111) l .fO '·* l .2' Tll1111t 11:1(11 Cl'11!Jol 1GO 370
lllGbln OCW>ln 1,_,,.I•) IJ:e n .... -11 1110 Strtl(JH6-C011nlt A11111. MIHr k
Su"". Zee'1 ~1rr, Mr. 11,11111.
1'.tfl tt.«11.40 1tl" •.GO ·~
All year long, Chevy.Vans have been
priced u much u $110 less than other
Vlll'UI. But now it'1 Chevrolet Savings
So you'll find it harder than ever
to match Chevy-Van aavinp. Just •s
other dealers will find it harder than
ever to match Chevy.Van.
The moment you slide behind the
wheel you'll notice Chevy-Vans are
easier to set into and out of. No need
for limbe?inc·up exerciaea-there'a no
engine hump to 1traddle.
Turn the wheel and feel the way
Chevy-Vans glide through circlea. ·
Because of ahorter wheelbases, turning
diameters are up to 7 ft. shorter.
You ca n back smack up to loading
dock!, too. BecaUle the rear doors
open all the way. (Other van rear
door11 don't. y ou know.)
And no other popular va.n haa side
doora lika Chevy's. Big, wide·o~ning
t ide doora w.itb no .eat back 1t1cking
out saying "How you coins to get
around me thit time?".
If you use your bead and see yoU?
Chevy dealer right now, he'll use bia
headetart to save you a bundte.
On what jll$t happens to be the best
'69 van in town.
Puttinr you firet, keeps us lirst.
You're on Chemilet 5"'np TllM
. --·-
-. ~~ ... ~,JIAIL~·"""-y--""~""-T~~~~~~-:-ildoo~ldl~~~ ...... ~~20,-'-1-"-'1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:;W:ldM;:;;;~;·;··;A;u•:":';20:·;l'!6;9::;;;;a;;:P:ll~O=~:A:OV:E:kT:l:SE:R;;;;;;;.
. Students Hit -By •DIL'1M1t.--...... ,,-c.11. •·IYfMll-M.•T----·-·-• 1114l ..... Ate.•l 11a• ....... Slieppf .. c-iw,e.&. e ............ ,"""='" ......... .._..,,,. ~c..Mr, H.L
e t'61Q1-a .... ap. .. _ o .. ,.c...,, ..... a.-. e 21111 ........ ~tt.t.-Hlllltl"'"'-' .....
• 1fffW.~_.....,_. ... 1•1•JClllw,S.A. e llHH.wlfN.-H.wM:1p111t~.C....MIM
WASll~GTON. D.C. CNEA) materials and In broadcastilJi
-''Good -·· ho thought, teclinlqots mil• polJdna d ~tadaUM himself for the use o1 cop7-rl1hled
1119111( lild ·Uio fomlght tasl molerlals an lm-1b1Uty .......,. lo Ille 1., future use without ,......,.,. lellalaUve
tbe ~•BU_IJ:d!~·~~~-.....,..,-ol--&attd troftt -J e Vt f J "J -T..dliCatorl, OD the ,0 i h tt r
copy r I 1 b t e d texts and band, are convloced that the
mqu1ne "sa/e""""8" pmpooed would Exceue!i tbooi;b his lesson virtually eliminate the use ' of
may haft been, the creative the new e d \I c 1 t Io !I 1 J
l.....i,til this ieacl\tr allowed lechnology In the schools In
in .earchlrc for the right pie-the years lhead. · .
tum to Illustrate hll lesson U, for example, a student
and in copying and filing them wishes to aee or .bear a video
for future use could result in or audio tape lo a library car-
his being· charged wi t h rel, and be activates the
copyright tnrrlngement perfonna~. he will have
Whether or not lh1s happens committed a copyrlj:ht ln·
dependl to a lara:e extent on fringernent under the proposed
how successful Congress is in uaafeguards."
«»ping with the complex but Just to complicate matters,
hJshly Important Wk of revis-il the -..-the bul-
lng pme11t cop)'l'ighl law. Ion, the uae of the cop)'Tigl)led
Al I stands mw teachers material under theae aame are UDIUl't when a'given use "safegnards" would be d~materlalinthe permlaaible without
course of teaching i s clcaranctS or payment of
Jegltimate. W i d esp re ad royalties ..
disagreement exists not only Aecordtng to one educator,
between publ.i.sbers an d Harold E. Wigren, of the Na·
educalon, but between at-Uenal Educalon AmclaUon,
torneys u well. No nale of this is an I I Io g l cal in-
thumb seems safe: each con.slltency similar to that
cop)'l'l&hl...dWlenge mUJl be. wl>lc!L 1><rmlll_a_"'1lolar. lo ~decided by the courts on the copy material laboriously with
merits ol the specific eaat. a pen or pencil, but not with eong..... bas been grappling a photocopy.
with the task of revising the
antiquated 1909 copy r lg ht
statute for y ..... and It m•Y Pressures be that the tlst Congress will ·
approve a revised I a w .
Meanwllll e, America's
edueato11 are torn between an
impulse lo applaud the long.
overdue effort and a gnawing
fear that the revision may
tum out to be heavily
weljhled on the side d the
author-publlaber as against
On Youth
Ille leacber or &tudenl user. W ASllINGTON, D.C. <NEAi
'lbe problem la basically one -We are caught on a merry.
of ach:ievtni a b a I an c e go-round Of pressures on
between the rights of those students, and we can't seem lo
who wrlle for prolll and the set off. So says Frid T.
righta of educators to use ctr· WUbelms, executive aecretary
ta1n copyrighted materlaJs in of the Asaoclation f o r
teacblng. Or, as one noted s · · --" Cu ·cu1 educa!M put i~ "the right d uperv~1on ~ m um Development, a national af·
"'f1r1 man lo ahare in the ac-flllale of the NaUonal Educa-
c:umulated knowledge of the tion A.ssoclaUon. human race." The push on the merry-jD-lt Is a problem made more round began after RUSSia beat acute by 20th century technology, combined with us by hurling Sputnik into space more than a decade . new concepts of learning and agtt. Schools were: blamed for tea:i~rican .. e d u ca t 1 on our humiliating lag early in ~ the space race. More 1clence moves more and more toward and more math was regarded individualized learning and ID-as the answer to our problem.
dependent study activities, it "Excellence" was the motto
becomeJ ·more involved in the -afld it meant intellectual
use of modem technological achievement only. Since then,
devices such as teaching curriculums have been revi.s-
machines and instrnetional ed and more and more dif·
televis.lon. These permit-a stu-ficult subject maUer has been
dent to make bia o w n taught at lower and lower
g e n e r a I i zations without erade levels.
assistance from the teacher at These P.f~reLior more
every itip or the way-. --knowledge, coupled w I th
Thia bealthy trend in the mounting competition for a
new t.ecbnologies may be place in college as increasing
severely curtailed, educators numbers of students sought a
fear, by an increased em· higher education, have helped
phasis on protecting authors cause the present frantic pace
and publishers more than in education.
teachers who use th e s e The complexity of th e
technologies f o r non-profit modern world and the rapid
purposes. increase and accumulation of Publishers argue that t
.hne knowledge: the assumption of recent breakthroughs ·b machine reproduclion o f respons1 ility by the schools
Aid Asked
On Nuclear
Plant Sites
Congressmen Craig llosmer
(R-Long &achi and Chet
Holifield (DMontebello) bave
ca lled on Gov. ~Id Reagan
t.o appoint a State Power Plant
Siting Authority to make ctr·
train that 'California's utilities
have plenty of room for future
Hosmer and Hollfleld , both
ranking members ol the Joint
Committee on Atomic Energy,
predict dilflculU.. in locating
nuclear power plants in the
state because ot earthquake
faults and land shortages.
In a letter to the governor
they explalned that the pr ..
posed authority abould have
quasi· judicial power 1 to
re10lve conflicting p u b I i c
demandJ for both electricity
and other public value• such
as preservation of the tCOlogy,
aestheUcs and the llke.
Hosmer said electric power
demands in the state may be
multiplied five limes by the
year 2000 and suitable sites for
geoerat.ing stations are be-
cx.ning mtically short.
The lloomtr-HolHield plan,
according to ils authors, coukl
avoid serious shortages of
electricity in U\e future which
could result from disorganized
individual efforts by t h e
5late's many electric com·
panJes to obtain locations for
new generatil\g stat.Ions.
-· who represenu the HW!tinaton BJeach-Seal Be&ch
area, aa wtll . as lhe--Long
Btacb area of Los Angeles
eoonty, hu returned home
durlni th • Consrmional
receu and wtll sptnd the time
between now and Labor Doy
when the. Congreu reconvenes
"t.alklnc to b1.a coostltultnt.s."
fo r many areas of teaching
formerly handled by the home
and the church; and the social
and economic aspirations or
parent! -their strong desire
for their children to have a
better education, and a better
life, than they -are other
causes for current school
pressures on studenu.
~ow, accor,ding to Dr.
Wilhelms, there is a growing
realization amona: educators
and some parenta that the
pres.!ure for too much too
soon, particularly in the scien-
tific field, can be overdone -
that we must return to more
emphasis on the humanlUes
and learning how to live with
one another.
Seniors Set
Trip to
Vegas, Parks
A 8-day trip to Las Vegas
and three natiooal parks is
planned. by the Senior Citizena
Club of Huntington Beach.
The bus tour will originate
al the Sheraton Beach IM on
Sunday, Sept. 21 and stop for
the first night at the Mint
Hotel in Las Vegas. The followlns three nlghll Will be
spent In Zion Canyon, .Bryce
Canyon and Grand Canyon na·
Uonal park!.
Returning. the fifth night
will be apenl at the Mint Hotel
with I.be mum to Huntington
Beach planned for Fridoy,
Sepl 21.
Cost of !he f.doy trip b m
per penoo in c luding
transportation and lodging.
Further information m1y be
had by calllns Hfrold H.
Evans at 536-4489.
Evans said the Senior
'CIUuns are planning two ad·
ditlonal one-day trips Jn the
fan to Ol1neyland, Oct. 18 and
San Oieao Sea World, Nov. 11.
Jumbo .Sise
Color Prints
~;::,~19c ......... ..
••• l •IJ
_Kodacolor Film
_1;';., .. $2'7"'
Thrll1y'1 Own lat Sellenl
Castle Gin
'two of Thrift(•
w a rm . ,..thet
fa.arites and best
in.: bupim 1t their~ Jaw pcice-llO ...
priced ~ Jow-
er for • limi!cd -
Bath Size
*12' Easy Off
14 Or. Size
Save 30c
In Salal 99'
fJ'' lndlan ·Madras
'lll~fly Prkocll $2''
Hllldwcm:a iii attna:ivt rich ccf. oa; Lar&e 72 inch b,-108 i.nck 1i2e for twin bedl. Wash fast, , ,
guuwtttd for 3 yea.n.
Flocked Daisy
Wffh Cute Face
'5" Val. Ouidoor
" .
1. Top Hat
Orte flocliCed dw,
• Dlaftls iG flcded pots. ~'He" WtttJ·~ blt-
"Sbe" hu 1111iling face!
$1 .49 Value!
5pen1• Mep
Plastic held,
sc rew -i n 99c han dle.Won't
!.I 1N1tur al colottd plastic oaiom, nb-. NA tom1toe1 '""·
•....i pWllc •••
my to lastalJ an anr outdoor faucet Noo-
nuti 1·
99c LyMI
12 Os. U.,ultl
Disinfectant i 11. 68f Repbr or Pillt'.
Save almost Jh.
DN ln c•-••
DUsolm srwe.
CIA't • OOm skin.
DUCOW!t priced I 78'
98 ~ Gadget
Util ity Trays
~ 2!$1
• ., t Srtt tk
K"p' """" duat & lint fnie.
flnt 0-lltrl fffl Clllt ,_ C9{1''9rt
Comfr bloomer atyJe in .,iftyl that
.uys soft! All tn1uiid elast ic waiu
and legs. Silei M·L and XL. Mach-
ine washable.
$2.75 Value! E·Z
Dura fit Sleepers
u.., l p<"l"Pm w;th $1,, ~nap shoulder, vinyl
;.rip E·Z feet. Wdlfut
colors in sizes 1 to 4
••• at savinp.
Infants' Vinyl
Dloper Bags
$333 FloW1, ~· took" ,;,,,ts. h\aclc: p!I· ...... 5craJ11 hold bottles \12D»it.
s291 lnfont11
Car Stat
~~ $199
style. Safet, b.tt, ~
11t1inin,g bt:lt Blue.;
27~ Eve nflo
Nurser Units
=t: . ..i s ~$1 njPOle I
and ap.
llJI, SM 3!e
$3.98 Infa nts' Acrylic
Blan ket Slee pers
Sletf'tt'S 1nd b1-nket In one. Shrink. $2'' res istant. softlr nipped ••• machine
w1.sh1blc, Hot rolon: Oranse, Blue,
Duttert'llp. S to XL Zipper fto!lt.
• "27 ............................. ...
e lJIU ........,.. St ... WtttMMat•r-Wdln•k Cffttr, 6 .••
e 11tt1 V.lfet fttw er CIMlltlMll AM.-f•tpte ,..., •. G.
· Calendar
Wrist Watc h
Priced $494
Gm.t baclc-to-schOol silt! Corttcl: dtte iutO.
m•tkallr Ut~s on '•«. Hl!lcbome goldtone ~[, Jurnino1u hands and numenb. Save SJ
ia limited time offer. Boud . , : rndr to aive.
,·. .
• .. • '
' . .
. ·.
• ••
e 2JJI. 11 .. St.,C... ..... llie,,1r, c..twt C......._, • 17904 ......... It ... ,...._ ..... CW., ....... ....., • rim ... Qillnt St."' • ..._......_w....,_, ~· ..._..,... 1 e 10141 ICettfle AW9 • .t lecll• .... 11111 lll•H•I c..Mf, ..... .....
• ,,,, c~, ...... .,.. -ltMJdHtm--0 ....... c....-, ........... •r• ..
e 1 •lO W. l"-tet -.I l.w.I St.-1 ..... c:-e., S.... AMI
e IMdi l ..... 1W. ........... lwll l~t;C..'T', Mytl .. kll.
• J11J1 .._, ltv4. •Mt••• H ........... , I l
• llff " ...... ••4-HerMt .... ,, ... c..t.r, C.ate w ...
• 'm w ........ • ••14911 ••· w ...... .....,
• 11t•1 , • ..., vs.w •ca.,-""·_..,.,..,. ....... ...,.
Reg. $1••
$rs Value! Fluorescent
$1•• ea. Boy•'
No-Iron $3'' Women's· Fancy
Acrylic Sweaters Hose
s1 ... 81> to 11
First quality U:1.J11lm
1heer 1upport hose fuh·
ioned for fine lit. In 2
lwic fuhion lhades
and whitr. Noll' -~
2 pair for less than th•
price of l-1t Thrifty.
791 to s1.oo Values!
Mia Cosmetics
By Rayette
thole• C y..,, 33
791 Zodiac
• S 1.00 M1tt1 Flitt •SI .DO llwsll Flatt
• 7k M11c1ra
•Uc U•rtlck • lie Er,.D• £ye sti1d1w
• 7!c Underw1l1r Uetr
New hl·intmsitp fiiaomcmt
l1111p in new 1ttntctiv1 drsi111
..• choice of colon. Coftlplne
with long·life' bu.lb. Doub\1:1
as desk, bed or utility lamp.
Student's sPfciall
$2.59 Flat Metal
Lunch Kits
With l! Pt.
Iott IN s1••
Colod'ulff decorated with lall8b-Jn,
I Oll4NZ4 .. dei~S. Bo,. and girls JO •
for these flat metal lunch !cits
complete with ncuw:n bottle. Dis·
count Priud !
lox er
luy ""
$1 •• Clutch Bags
In Newest Wide Styles af
Miracle Soft Touch Vinyl
Styln with the look, md' fttl
of expensive leather -3 ace:·
tion/flapi. caiter fnme/2 out· tide pockets, front fnrnr/!arp
pocket, cmttt 2iplf1bric !in·
1n1. 7 colors~ black.
•KNIT vtm
All that's new in. 1W«tcn hen! F11tC1 ~hit fronts ot:lancr dttip fronts! T\ltlle or
V-n«lc pullcwtn! Full (uhiOl'K'd AtW
uyltt it1 lf'OO'T colon (ot fall: ]i( to 40.
Women's Acrylic
Knit Shells
Pricod s1••
. Cosmetic Case
Walnut Finished
Danish. Desk Set
........ $299
Solid or Checked
.. ..
. •'
Assorted cclor pa·
tents .. ith "Sign of
the Zodiac" !if.Ues
tk patterns, zipper
Assortment of 1tyle1
hr Windsor for dlt
cxecutin or college
studcot. ~ift boJ:ed I
$3" Value! 18" Daisy $1" Audio Magnetic
Tape Bulletin
"''"'""' $)69 ......
Moel daisr Jhiptd baud
in } cclon, Scrttncd oa.
decorator: burlaPt
·, ~3.87 Tape Tool
Label Maker
........ $229 ......
s5u Wood Frame
Attache Case
........ $497
Stw'dr •inrt covered wood
·CISC that loob $$$ inon:l
Post ba.ndle. Blad or
~:::. 87!
60 minute oompict asSdle or Pick of
FOW' ~io. tttls.
Schick Consolette
. Hair Dryer
Battery .Operated
"Hot Color" Electric
Scissors $395
Cut fut«, Cl1ier itl straight
line,, CllIYet.. Pot paper,
cloth, prolcssional Ir Jffo
cisioo pattnn ailtillJ.
$6.99 Value! Jet Style BACK· TO.SCHOOL
Musical Instruments '-aisley Luggage
:: ~:,h $3'.!
• $7.H Val , 15 , 16 In. $4.99
• $1.99 Vol. 17, II In. $5 .99
Sturdy ntry1l11 in tote lh•pe ro. u1t
JI lu~ai;c or l1He bags. full til'P'f
o nin s. '"'' .car doubl'" h•ndles.
• Clauic Guitar -Standard Size
• Eledric Guitar -Single Pickup
• Solid State Amplifier
Your Choi<• $
H•tt oho ,,., rl••k 19'5 .. ith ateel teinfomd
back or !91f;" cl«tric ; -,1i1h 1dius11&te pickup
' •nd dirome fin ished
bridtt.r. Ampllfirr
ss.oo Value!
;:· Ice Cream
'.'sundae Cups
1 o:. Val. Hoffman's
Candy Bars
Changeable Lens
p$298 ~
1 1ukioa' f1i.11 0 for b1ck·to·
school. Bonded I
111• ,L411t lt:I
'~NT•, ,flrOllT
Zl,,llto WIO I
SM l,,Elt I LU[
CL ~ll[T lttO ,
HU/fTEll liRtCM
St ZtS 8•18 .
colon.r rayon
ind •ttt•te m
wianift6 colors.
So lids •nd
btOUJtS. I to 16.
•Women'• Acrylic Jv~'"" $3.91
Boys' Cotton
''"'"·'""""''" $13' style m pnntJ, .
solidt. 4 to 11.
I lo 1.4,$1.79
$9.95 12" World
Cntm't 11p•to ·dal!,
f 11 I I color political ,robe for school uu..
With stand.
$1'' Pencil Sharpener
~ "M;dgof'' ~y Apocl>
Sh1rr,ms •.tand•rd $1.09 ~Is, ·Ol!·c•st r
'· hi. '"'J:ct plwic rttrpt• r. o 39'llco Utility Case
.. A mlllt for ltY"J' C
1tudent ll•rtins 23 b«k 10 Khoo!.
~~ New! Hot Color Ii ,. • lall Point Pens ,, . i:: ! ~-· !I """""''. 6 , 97~ utility ~
Western Style
Boys' Jeans
:::::"' $248
Slims ot Jtqulw'ia J to 7.
With F1brilod double
k:nea, Badr:·fo.Kbool flYOt• itcs. . • Si••' .. ''· .. $1.tl
s1.29 Typing . or
Filler Paper
soo 13c Sh-.
11,.si:11 .. :.•Ii~ 1>1ptt br Stuttt all. 1lltr in
Wide or Coll•~ ndr. S1ock up for t yar!
'2" Water Color
or Fine Point
Marker Sets 1• auOtttd
colo" to tct:. $14:. . Qll.idc drrina.
• w.Jh•ble I
89' Comblnatlen
or like Lock _ ~toopmie.
Por 11r111 doon,tOot~
&&ta. loc::Kcn. ... 66' ,.... ..
' .
Permanent pt e • 1 ,
73% cotton, 2'~ rnr~~.1~-eil!. e1-n1 ....... 1111e %1Pf'I"
er, matching b.ittOn,,
front snd back dart.
Full cut fot betttt
fit in sizes 10 tO ti.
Print Shirts
~:::.. $3••
'6"% dacmn Polrnttr •nd 33% cution. The IQOle
wave Voile in ttcitini
prints. Sim 32 to JI.
Short Sleeved
Boys' Sport Shirts
No-iron eaJJ-a.Ie blends $
'"d •II <ot<oru ;,, hwl-1~· 1ome "'°'t'n plaids and solid colocs. full aat.ai.us
6 10' 16. first in their d111 I
s2•• "Girl Talk" .
. a,w-~ $ 97
) rin1 binder, 1¥1 .. c:•pe· c:ity, thtme book. 416'
notdiook '° aar aod bri,tit
in matchini flotal or pai•·
lty dt11igi. At savlnpt ·
. I
----"·------------·--·--·----~-------·-------• .. •
• •
Ll!IGAL NOTICE • ~mplete-New York Stock List
-..,,---~------ ---------------::r---------------------------------------------
'.;' ----Tuesday's Closing -Prices-•
'I I "
' 11
KNOW All MEN •Y T tt E $ E
TM! ""' -l"llt....:I Wes Mr• nt"'lif'll ..... follllw ..... :
1, Tht undw•i.ntd II tr.i11Ktlnt or ,,_ to tr....-d bullne» .. !fie Sl•i'I
<II C•llfomi. ....,,.._ fllt lld llloo.lt Mme ol
LA YllN't.
'· T,_ •k'd ... I pl1ce o1 .. Id bl.ltl.,..t Is loc;a!M 11 25"1 Mvlri..-. iowlsftrd.
Mlsilooo Yltlo, C1llfonlla.
J. The 11111 Mlfte '(fl 1foot Ulllkf1"ntd b
PEGGY THOMPSON. L TIW 1JaU ol r .. tdtllelt el IM 1111·
°'""Md It :!6Af1 Vtn1 Cr111 L•ne, Ml)t'°" Vltlo. Colllo!'ftll '2'1J.
O.ltid: Ju'Y ''• lf6f. P"ffV Tllor..on>r>
o" Julr 21. 1'69, belor• .,..., r~ un. d~rslvntd. 1 Nol•rv Pulill( '" Ind tttr 1&1d .Sl1I•, NBOnltl\< .-.1r.a P • t g v
TPlomoson. ~-IO 'fl'· IO bl "" --wl>o!e .,.,.. 11 tW.Ulbed to thol wh~ln
r~s1r11me111, tnd •~k-lfdtff to me 111111
..... ••ea<led "" '9m1. WITNESS...., Mnol and o:ifllclll MIL
NoT•rv Publlc -C1lltoml•
Prl11el•ll Off;tf: lft
Or•"!'• Coufify
M1 c-liislon EXPlrn N.a•. 1. lKJ Wtl!IUtt , .. Olcnlolll.
AIMrMY1 .. LI#
C-'MuM "'"""'*''' lullfltol •U Cl'flc Cltlhtr Drlff Wttl, SUl!t Z2S s.i.11 AM. Col~ n7'1
Ttl: 1111) SO·llJf ,
Publlll>ed 0rl119111 C..11 Oflt)I Piiot,
J111f" » -AU$\lll 6. ll, 'IO, 1t6t 1401..tt
NOTlC• Of' TltUITl!l'S UL•
~ P-41,tll
CM tM Sth 6rf d klltefl'lbt!', IM, ti
ElcWfl A.No .• 11 tht El1l'lth Sir~ l'!l-
tr1na • lhl MW C""'"l'f C.Ut1 ~ IDclled 11 JI» Well tlfl SI,_! 111111tld In
"" CllY ol S&lltl Al\I, CCIUT!tt ol' Orl!IM1
Stile al Clll10"'!1, IANK OF AMERICA HATtONAL TRUST ANO SAVINGS AS50CIATION1 as T,.....1~ 11rlder DHCI ot
Tnnl d1!ed o.c..m11u lJ, 1'64, •~Kiiied b\I PATRICIA ANN ROIERTS. 1 m.&rrled
wom1n who IClll.llr@d title 11 PATRICIA
ANN RAIJSA Ind reconlt!d Dfl Decembfr
11, 1Ht In !led:; 1117. p,.,. 76't ol Otllcl•! R!'(!)l'dl of COUf!IY ol Or1119t, C11Uoml1,
9ly'" ko NCIJ'11 1111 lndtb!HMH 111 llWI' flf HARll:Y R. HEARTMAN, 1 m1n11!11
,....,, bY ,..1111'1 ol IM bNKll ol cert1111
ebllg1l1aM MClll'ed lhl•f'b'f', l'IOllce flf
Mile.II was rocordtd °" ""'II 2', 1Mt In
lOlk 19'1, PIM 17!, ol Oll1d1I R-d•
el wld Orll'tlll COl/lllY, Wiii Hll fl pl/blk
l uellon 11 tM flltllal bldd9r for c~ Pll'•
11119 In llwfVI _,. o1 "'-Unltwd $111"
el Ame.la, at llrnt ol wle, ... 1111out
_, or w1rr1ntw. •~-· or-1..,.uld, I I to lltlr, POtMPlori or _.....t1r1t1o:M,
ft'lt lnlwnl COl'I ......... Ill Ind llW htld ll¥
!Pit .. Id Tr1111M IOlllkf .. 111 Oftlll ol
Trwt, In and i. tht llllloWhlt doHCl'ING
,.._.....,. 1ltu1Nd In the c.c.untY ol
Or11111. 511!1 ot C•llltf'l'llto, to-wit:
Loi 1' 111 TrKI 2161. 11 Ptt mn ,_6td In BOQll 11 Piii If al
MIK'lllll'lf'Olll MfPI Record1 ol Or~ C-l'f, C1tlks'nl1.
,,... tlle ...,,_ " --lltlllf1llans ucvl"d bY 111111 Oft4I ol Trust, lflcMllnit
,_ dl9'9l!t, .nd tll'DPnlt!I Iii fl1'r
TrwtM. ..,..,,_, 11 ....... ~· Ille
term1 of .. .., Dnd ol Tr111! •nd lnlarnt
,~.._. 111d n-.ae 111 _.ltl •flncltNll
of h flOt9 wcvrl!d by 11111 o.ld ol Trv1!,
wflll Int-I •I 11111o lnMll Dlo!T!Wr 16.
IHI • dale ol Ale. O•l'ld Autu1t 7, ltff
IY Gt-or .. Ntld1l1
ITr111I OllklfJ
lh SvlYI• Vlllorre1! (AQlttllll Trust Ot1/c1rJ ••• Pllbllal!ff Ortnlll' Co.tlf 01lly 'llol.
Ausu.r ll. 70. n, 1Ht u1ut
IN TH• U.LI 01' ALCOttm.IC
Awusl U, \Mt
To Wham II Mil' Conc1rfl: SUlll.cl Ill IAUlll(t al tM ll«Mt op-
oHld tor. rcolkl Is llercbv 1twn llllt ttw
llftdetlisntd Or-Ill Hll l lcohollc ~Ha ti th9 ~ Onulllied 11
2200 H1rbor l h•d., l ldt. L U111t l
CO!llll M"", Uni
'"'1nW'nl II I 11 c II ln!entlln. "-llfl-
*<sltl'led h tHk'lnt Ill 1111 0-rtnwnl ot Alcdiolk lk•tr-C001ln>I for 1-l'K<I
11)1 tr1111le< Iii .,. 1lcollolk bNtrQe
Uctnw for tlwM OAmlHI 11 fol~:
Anv-lllnlrlM to 11ro!•I Ille 1nu1nct
1! well 11c.,., rnn Ille 1 vtrl!Jed Pnl'"t
wl!ll 1n1 offkt ot "'' Oel>lrtment ol
Alc.oholk lkver111t COl'llrol. within :io d»• of 111e 01i. ,,,,. .,_,.. "'""r'" -·e l!r11 -1..i, 11111111 •·-lllr -Ill 81 Pl'OUldld b)I llW. The ""1'!1ilfo•
t re now llct"""' ll:or' tlle .. ,, ol 11(.0['IOl!c
bt-ier1•n. Tl>e lvrl!I ol v1r!l!c1tlon !MY
tie obt&lntil ''°'" 1n1 olllt;t ol the Oroarlm.fl!,
Oubll"'9d Orll\tlt Co.tll Diiiy Pilaf,
AU11111t 2'0. 1'69 154Mt
Wins BPS
Log Race
·-----·-------·· ------·------·
Co:rona.do 25s Due
Newport H os_ts ~ N ationalM eeting -
u .. s. Yacht
' ·.Of F.astnet
Coast Man Seeks
' . ' Hennessy _Crown ~-n1fiooal -Coron&ifo'.25 -'"lliiJ li-llilo. llrsH!me °'"' . tog tlia boal !""" Sin· Fran·
1a!Un1 champlonshJps will be Alsociallon .reaaua is truly clsco; Oene McSbtn'y, CUM'Jnt
he;d iq JleWport this weekend naUonal in scope," sald Ray We.st Coast District champion i:-ee u~: s~:t Y~~ Fonner national offshore. per hour quicker than Dan'a
for ~ Ol"Jl Ume. Garra, president of the n"· and fonner n:tUonal ch am· pbwer boat racer P e t e r boat," said .Rothlchild. Tht
Bahia Corinthian Yachl Club tional association. Garra 11 p_loll, and Heary Sprague 111, ~:~ w~ec:: th:=~ JiothsCruid of Newport Beach new craft was shipped from
will be hollt to the regaita also a past NewpQA Beach repre1tnt.lng the Navy YacbL will mount a full-scale attempt Mlaml Tuesday and ii being
which will draw UUe aspirants neet captain and his been a Club and the !As A1amltoa: raee, one of, the m01t rugged to regain ~h~ ~ for tile painted and tuned for the
from the East Coast, Great member of t h e assocla\lon Coronado-in fleet. )'&d1t races in the world. West "·-st S t d b h race.
Lakes, Gulf of Mexico and I.be since lb inception in l96ft. lle The 676-mile Fastnet race ta \,Va a ur ay w en e It will bt 8 costly venture
PaclUc Norlbwesl. is a member of the host BOYC. Newport Beach will have Its sailed from Cowes, England. debuts his neW '2 • f 0 0 L ror -Rottisclilld, who earlier
Largest numb::r of entries, Three races wil~ ~ sa\~ed own select!on Qf hot skippers The winner was Red Rooster, "superboal'' in the fifth an--this year launched a new high
however, will be from the Saturday and Sunday. The in Richard Ka.ppes and Larry designed, built and skippered nual Long Beach Hennessy speed luxury cruiser and &O
Southern and Northern regatta will be u$~ ,by BCYC Matson, Balboa Yacht Club; by Dick Carter of Boston. The Cup race. mph raett, both to bllt own
CaJifomla areas. In its competition !or the St. !!ob Darnell, VQyagers Yacht yacht is a 43-f~ sloop with a Rothschild, -a SO-year~ld oil design. But the engtneerlng on
Previous championstllp Petersburg, Fla. Yacht Club Club; Dan Pike, VYC, and retractable keel company executive from San. ~boats was cximpleted on
regattas have been held in San troJ1hy which is awilrded an· Garra, BCYC. West Coast sailors aboard ta Fe Spring!, dl.!IClosed that i>Qlh boab before last March
Franclsco, Redondo Beach and nually for the best run regat· Aside from the two-day rac~ were Skip .Allan and Taylor the custom-built lZ·foot cary wbeq Aronow roared to a tan·
Marina del Rey. ta. Ing schedule, the regatta has a Grant of Newport Beach. and -powered by twin 496 cu. in. porarrworld record of rl mph
Some 30 boats are expected Some of the outstanding fully packed social calendar Warwick Tompkins ol San t.ferCruiser inboard-ootboard in winning the first Long
for this year 's championships compelilors who will be ski~ starting Fr,lday night and run~ Francisco. engines -will be ca 11 e d Beacfi .to Ensenada lnterna·
and will be sailed in the ocean pering the Coronado-25s in nir.g through Sunday. There Firth QVerall was John B. Thunderballs and la a virtual tionaJ oUshore race.
over triangular courses off the quest of the national cham· will be two breakfasta, a din-Kilroy's Kialoa ll from twin to The Cigarette, Mia· RothSchnd, who islnot noted
Santa Ana ruver Jetty. pionshlp are Jim Pugsley, ner dance and a luau al the Newport Harbor Yacht Club mian Don Aronow's current for hwnUify, has been the
Balboa Power Squadron's With more than 1,700 boalS East Coast champion; Al Balboa Bay Club. with a .predominantly Newport world record~ holder at 74.8 leading cbffr~ leader for his
annual Bob Bogan A1emorial in the water and their number Dean: Gulf CoaSt champion; Richard VaJdes, president of crew aboard. miles per houri Aronow bas own new boals, admitted he'd
predicted log cont~t was won increasing al tbe rate ot two a Arthur Thompson, Great Columbia Yacht Corp. which The FastDet race victory also also entered his boat in fallen Jn ~' with The
lhis year by George Berenson, day. the CQronado-25 Class Lakes champion;.Charles San-manufactures the Coronado-25, gives Red Rooster the Saturday's race. Cigai-efre arid '\mmedlately
aboard his 28 toot cruiser claims to be the largest born, Pacific Northwdt cham· ls enthusiastic about the Admlr.!J's Cup as the scorer in "The only difference Is that began the dual project of .ell·
Golden Girl. 'Ibe race is from Midget Ocean Racing Fleet pk>n ; F.<l Huschke, cm-efit na4 regatta finally coming to three races for the coveted ThunderbaUs is the newest ing his two., new boilts and
Newport to Long P o I n t , ..:.g>.:'°:"::P~i::n..:l:::he:..::w..:•::"::d·__.:. ___ __.:.tion__.:.a_I .:.cbam.:.....:i>_ion~wh<l...::::'..:11:;..::tr.:llt~ler:+--_. -:N,.:ewpo.:..::.:.rt.:.:. ____ .• _. _____ trophy...:.....:..· _________ eary_:..._h_u1_1 _an_d_•_T_s_a_boo_1_a_mil_._• __ •_rd:c•.:.ring.::=c.:.•..:l.:.w.:ln:..·lo:;i,;Ar;;..:"";:'°.:."..:'L.:.
Catalina Island. ,. ' • · ~ '-, .
Franklin At. LannQn in Sea •
Dog II was second and Bob
Becker aboard Flyer was
Predicted log racing is just
one type of activity engaged
by Balboa Pow.er Squadron
and its mem'bers .. The
squadron's m a in purpose is
boating education.
The next bas.ic boating
course offered by t h e
squadron will begin Sept. 15 at
Newport Harbor Yacht Club.
The weekly classes run from 7
to 9:30 p.m.
Subjects covered in the 13-
~·eck course include safety
afloat. rules of the nautical
road. required equipment, the
mariner's compass, small boat
handling, basic navigation and
chart work.
The course is free of charge
and is open to anyone in·
terested in boats, power or
sail. No advance registration
is needed.
Further in r ormatlon
regarding classes mily be ob-
tained by calling Isabel Pease,
Fifth Race
The Coast Channel race,
fifth feature of N c w po r t
Harbor Yacht Club's
Ahmanson Series will be saiJ.-
ed Saturday starting at noon
from the Emmy oil island ,
The course will take the
ocean racing fleet to Point
Fermin, Ship Rock (ort the
Catalina Isthmus) and back to
the starting point at the Em·
my Oil Derrick. The finish will
be between a spar buoy and
the race committee boat a
quarter mile east or Balboa
Signed entry blanks for the
race must be filed by S p.m.
Friday. The race is open to
yachts whose owners or ski~
pers are affiliated with yacht
clubs of the Southern
Cslifornia Yachting Associa·
Final race of the Ahmanson
series is the "wrong way"
CataJina Island race sponsored
by Balboa Yacht Club Sepl. 7.
NCC Takes
The Newport Canoe Club
won the outrigger race in the
California International Sea
Festival last weekend for lbe
second year in a row.
The Newport team scored
its victory over a visiting
team from Hawaii under the
coaching and steering of Ilima
Kalama. The winning time
was 4 hours , 56 minutes for
the ZS.mile course from Bel-
mont Pier, Long Beach to
Avalon. The Newport crew
was four minutes ahead of the
Hawaiian crew.
The Avalon steamer made
its arrival just before the two
sets of racers arrived, r;well·
ing the welcoming crowd on
tbe Avalon beach to about
The race ~·as ct>sponsorcd
by the Sea FestivaJ and the
Avalon Chamber o( Com-
Darrow Wins
Soling Title
Stan Dal'TOW of the Santa
Barbara Yacht Club woo lhe
Soling class western regional
championships a\ the
California International Sea
Festlval Sunday.
Dave Crashere and Bob
Bums. both of the California
v.,cht Club al San Pedro,
Onlshed second and third
m~lve.ly in the five.way
ae.r1es ln Long Beach Harbor.
. ..... ~.~-c::f:--• OFFER EXPIRES SAT., AUG. 23
___ ........ _ --·-"""--_..,.. ... ..,,. __ _ ..... ~ ..... ·--·--------.. -~ ...... _____ .. ___ _..._.,, .. _ .. _ .. ..,__
:::. ':..::' .7:1~ -..... -.... -·-11 ... ........... ~.-...-. ... _ ........ ~ .. -....... _ ........ ... ---· ....... -___ .. _ ... _._
_.., ....... -.. _.. ..._.._ ... _ ... ---................ --.. -... .-........ __ , .. ___ .. ,_, __
...... _ . ..
o.d.' ......... fll>t' ....... _.....,..>;.,!_ ..... _,,,.,..,.._Ml_ ..
-...,, pri<e! »-uo1
3"3C ....
~ ......... ~ .. ,.,...,.t ... c..,,.._........, _.,.....,.... ..... _
.,.. -~ -a.s.1000
47e.::.. s-o11--..---........ ........ --·--'"I. •J.o:N
YISTA WAX ,,,_ ------.. _.....,...._.
63e ----·---· --. ........... --.......... -··-
~· ... -a..."'"" ....ma~ . .....,. .. ol-IOoib', ~1000~ .....
Ul1ll wm , IWS CUT KEYS ,.,. 38t ...
~-··:: .. ... ~ .. -... _ ..,._ ............... ,..,. .. ,,... .... ~.--.., ... )'-. ·-..-&-.!·-
~· --
....... ~ ___________ ,. ..
TRIPl.E WHITEWAUS : ~.f'.!!:.-· · ....... s --· _.._. -~~----·-----·--:-=. -:tt.; ....:. ·:t ..::...~ ..... --_..,_
--~ ---...
~· -... ...
"::::---·~ uo
M '" ,. -· --·--·-
At McFaddff
At VaA•y v;.w
At Lullwioi.r
Al Wllsan
At Bristol
/ . /' .·
lack-to~·&choot •••
... and that means it's time to schoolers. We've got two complete
think of books and looks. At the d~partment stores, six men's and
all-enclosed "Grandest Mall of boys' apparel stores, ni ne stores
All ," we've been preparing for featuring shoes and 13 women's
Bas;k-to-School all summer long. f~shion stores, There are also 11
Here under one huge a i r-condi~ • other specialty shops with a back-
tioned roof our 84 stores can to-school bent .. like books; station-
comfortably a n d conveniently ery, material, supplies and the.like.
outfit the entire family's back-to-All stores open nightly 'til 9:30 p.m.
Wtdnttdoy, """"' 20, 1HP
' . '
" J . '
All stom art open nlghtly 'til 9:30 P.M.
Squtb Coast 1ta.za
OVER IO flNl STORES AND SERVICES .•• A 11 Card • Alblrt's HoSTtry • Alrot's • C. H. l1ktr • link of Atnff'ICI • lwriclrU Ctndln • 1trt11s T1ll Ftshlont • ltttstrom's Ibby Ntwt • letttr l•blf'1 • C.bor1 Children's Shots • CtmH
lhots • Ctprict Coiffures • C1r1t's • Ch11ln's • Chtf V • Chic Acctssorits • Chris' fashions • Clint's St1tlontry • Crocker C~l1tt1s N1tlon1I link • Dtcor1tor Une • Fit J1ck's Coffff Shop • Field's Shot1 • Finn's F1shion ...
tiqu1 first Western link • Fox South (0111 Pl1i1 Th11trt • The Galleon • Gtne's • Gentry ltd. • Gtor91 Murr1y • Golden Ntedlt • Gud11-ltmttt Shots • H1llm1rk S11tloner1 • Harris & Frink • H.f.C. • H1rvut Hou1e c.t.
t1ri1 • Hickory F1rm1 • House of fabrics • House of Nini • Houu of T1ilorlng • House of Tmy • Hubbub • Huntft11ton Stvlngs &.,.loan • Innis Shots • Jewels by Joseph • Joseph Mtgnln • Joyce Shot Ttff • Judy's
• J. P. Connole Optometrist • K.pl111'1 D1llc1tessen & l1st1ur1nt • Knit-Wit • Kovens Jeweltrs • line lry1nt • Le P1tlre •Lt SoupcOft Resr1ur1nt • l.Hcl'1 Shots • UIH1n'1 • llndberg Nutrlflon • M1rl1ne Fabrlque •May Co.
• Miss H1w1il • Mullen & llu1tt • On Th• Go Tr1v1I • P 1c1 Sttt1r • P1clffc S1vlngr & loin • Pickwick look1hop • The Pr1p Sho11 • Quarttrbtclt Sports & leisure • l1f o f tndlt • R1j lnftrn1tion1I • Rlvi1r1 R11taurant • a.,.,1
l11uty World • Rooten'• lugg1g1 • S1brln1 • Se1r1 • Singer • South Co11t Drugs • Sunset House • Thom Mcln • Tit lltclt • Ttnd1r loi • Toy World • Udoff'1 Horne Furnishings • U.S. Nttlon1I link • W1lllch'1 Music ClfJ
• Wel1fltld'1 J1wtllf'1 • Th• Wet Stal • Whut11d'1 C1mtr11 1 Wll1on'1 M1n'1 World • f. w. Woolworth •Young M1t1mlty • Zellg's Vlll19tr.udybut. ·
• ' • .. , •
·• • '
' •
... ..
• •
..,-,-.... ----..... ---------.-----------------,-~~~-----............----~-·------r--·-~,..~ ................. -. ........ --.-------·-····----·· \ ... --...... -
' I
' •
·-. --·· .
! " Two Mesans Get H_onors • }
' • l ' •
Two Costa Mesa resldenls
ha\lt received scbolarshi1>1 to
conUnue gr1du1te studies at
the Unlverlily ol Soulbern
Ca!Uomla School ol Ubrvy
Sdeoce .
Herbert Hofrman. 3 s a
Ralcam Place has received a
fellowship to complete his
final year towud a PH. D. and
Tmy C. ·Andrus, 133
Rocbest.er, will be work.in1 on
a masters delftt.
-btcky · Have your youngster's
eyes checked now
... , wnlcn l11eh1dt>:
• Cont•ct LtnM1 e Low Vision Aids
• EyH Examined
• Gl11se1 Fitted e Fast Ltboratory
Servi ct ·
• Prncriptlon
ll•e Your Ma11 Co. Claarge -Pace Shop •
C•t• ..... /N~
,,....s.. Cl•••te OPTOMETRIST
496-1283 MAY CO. BlDG.
fro111 .......
Open just in time for the back·t<>-school shopping
season, this new department at the May Co. store
in South Coast Plaza is called the Pace Shop. Its
aim is to furnish pace-setting fashions for young
men 13 through 19 (and for young-thinkin~ older
men, too). Pace ShOp opening marked first tune the
May Co. has set aside a special department for ~e
group which falls between 'ltC>ts" and 0 collegiateS"
(tile latter including senior b'igb $Chool and college
ages). Girls who dig "uniseX" styles are welcome in
new Pace Shop, too. ZE 7-1038 South C011t Pl11•
The one with the push-bulllln needle threader. Tho
oi-t-ng stitch. The built-in bul!Oiiholer. And, the
famous push-button bobbin. It's yours ot big =.nc• ...,,,., In your choice of 1111'111 handsome. cabi
And Singer has a credit plan tofitymirbadget.
Legislatures Sought ·
Both Parties Eye Census Changes
After the 1970 census, popula-
tion changes combined with
the one-man one-vote edict are
.especl.ed to force a redrawing
QI CGngreS3iooal dlstrict lines In many oi the 50 states.
legislature In 1970, to redraw
the congressional dlstricls in
IUch a way the Democrats
could win oaly a small percen-
tage of the seats.
new candidate.s for
legislatures often have little or
no experience at campaigning.
MILTON alllADLIY I .... , sr1cK &AM• 99c r19. JM
GROWING 2 11 SALLY DOLL r11. 4.2f •
r ... 2Af
"I• 7fc
Your Choke ,..,. tic
JtNiw/ftJ 6'•11NG1a~,..
Al a result, both major
parliea tlive already zeroed in
«i the 1970 state elections in
an atlempt to control st.ate
Jeglalatu res which will be re-
drawing those district.s. They
want the control both for the
polllical power base involved
and becal.lU they hope lo get a
The current issue of "Demo
Memo," a publication of lhe
Democratic National Com~
mittee,-carries its lead story
under the headline, "Project
'70 : Legislative Races ." It
notes that the committee's ex-
ecutive commlttet authorized
Sen. Fred R. Harris of
Oklahoma, national p a r t y
chairman, to appoint a special
task -force to develop a na·
lional program to w I n
legislative seats.
At Republican headquarters,
cootrol of legislatures is one of
the assignments given to th~
newly organized campaigi;
division. '11lat division is sup-
p o s e d lG set standards of
performance lG m e a s u re
capability of the GOP state
organization. P I a n s for
legislative campaigns will be
among the standards to be
CARO TAIL[ "99C ;LAYHOUSI rfl. 4.2t SUPIR POWH -1 ••
Uml MAU: favorable break in t be
•Al 1 , kdTHt-CllMWCt NU.I WOOLWORTH'S redl!tricting.
'SOUTH CO~S1i P.CAZ~ .a~:n=~ th• ~ Democraj.s say it would be
3331. lrisf'ol, Costa Mesa 540.2633 !heor<Ucally possible for !he
Republicans, if they con.
trolled the California
Formerly Mullen & Bluett
Getgorng.:on campus or off with these genuine
Levi's jeans. Trim where they shoul.d be-
flare outwh.erethefashlon is. Rugged hopsaclc
' fabric wins all the performan ce trials. Sta-Prest~
of course-never needs ironing. Have 'em
In solid blue or gold or ultra·brite white with
blue or gold stripes. Just one winner from
Grodins great In-Gear Collection.
Solid Colors $9 Stripes $10
Party officlals said the task
force first needs to focus at-
tention on the importance of
controlling the legislatures.
They also suggested there
should be safeguards agai.Mt
giveaways because they found
two Wisconsin Districts, car·
ried in 1!188 by Hubert H.
Humphrey, with no
Democratic candidates for the
The GOP is planning to send
advisory task forces into most
states before the 1970 elec-
tions. These also will be COO:
«:med with legislative eJec.
Plutlc COIN IA.HK nt· 1.M
Y9W CMk•
The DemoCrats also are
thinking about publication of
"how to" pamphlets because
Because of the Supreme
Court's one-man, one-vole
decisions a l f e c t i n g con·
gressional a n d legislative
dlstrlclS, the Democrats
assume there will be some
degree of congressional reap-
portionment in 44 states after
the 1970 census. This assump-
tion would mean redistricting
in all states except those
whose population entitles lhem
to only one congressman.
MUSIC IOX reg. 2." aac
We'll make your ·tat . capt gain.
Unless. you get a kick out of rollercoaster
stock prices, put your money with us. It can go
only one way. Up.
Invest short term and we'll give you the
highest return the law allows. For 100% of the·
time we hold your money. And compounded
daily from day in till day out.
For a long range gain, trr, our fixed term,
guaranteed rate account. You II get the special
higher rate, compounded daily for 3, 4, even 5
To get more money for your ·money, see us
It's a capital idea.
3310 Bristol Street
(across from Soulh
Coast Plaza)
2o50Zoe Avcn~
t-!50 Atl•nhc Avt"nue
12437 Vrnluri BIYd. 4240T\\'ttd)' BlYd.
;oo-<1l53 So44S51
.402.S Wilshire Bl't'CL
~~"'-"_•hei_m_·_a_,_...,_w_•_y_A_•_•_h•-lm_c_,_"_'•_• __ • __ L_•_k•_w_ood __ ·_L_•k_•_w_•_od_c_'"_'_'_'~-l --~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ..-•·~e•i•• ..... -.v~-..... -. .... ~ ..... ~·""'•" .. ..,",...~""'""'""'""'••~-~c~•~""'""'""'•aag.,.•'•'JJI-
' I
• • • • ' ..
' •
.'._I t St.arted Tlaere
SF ·to Ban ·Topless?
. . / ' '
. • SAKFRA;NCISCO~l -A 11 dlrootor !or •ii< loplesa llljllrVisora to ban IL
ban on toplllo ll nipi clubll. "U the board oendl me an
belnt considered-> tbb .city _, IN.But they could put the heat ordinance. J'll 1lan It," said
when U Ill began In 195'. on tbooe bottom!°"' ei-:· Alioto.
"Wby , ahouMJ anyone ob-aald Rosenberg, adding that • ' I t w o u I d b e u n·
Ject1•• ..,.,rfonner V l k k i many in North Beach have t on st I t u t I on a I , • ' said
McKay, It, asked Tbunday. COOo to total nudity. l\ooenberg. "The court has
"I like to danc< aod I rel pre!· The Rev. Larry Byrne, already said toplw shows are
ty tood money." dirtc:Lot of the Salesian Boys art ...
"Jt would be crazy to Cl~'and leader d the original ~veral test cases were
abolish tt," added performer fight against top le s s en-brougllt to court and at one
Lynn Ball '''l1le people who tertalnment, said: ''My feeling • time.. the CO~, the otjglliaI
come ~ aren't voyeurs or is that a tot of us foresaw toplea.s club ln San Franclaco, dirtf old men, but tourilb who what would inevitably come had three morals charges uy •gee' and then go home to pass." •iainst Jt.
and tell their neighbors about Mayor Joseph Alioto. who All were thrown oot by
it." Inherited topless when be took lower courU after U • S .
'Ibey are among 200 « so office, said be would support Supreme C.OUrt rulings on
topless dancers or waitresses act.ion by the board of. oblctnity. employed aloog gaudy North ----'-----------------u Beach. site of most of the top-
less performances. Pay scales
•re reported at $150 a week
and up.
Night club owners have
coined as their rallying cry:
"You can't kill art."
However, even I.he owners
concede the problem is much
their own making -the
transiUon from topless to bot-
tomlea routines.
Several of them. reactlng to
legislaUon now awaiting Gov.
Ronald Reagan's signature,
have fcnned a committee to
"sit down and talk things
over~ with city officials,
1be bill would give cities
and counties authority to pass
• JaWJ governing u n c I a d
: performances. This now is
. ~ed by the ......
· r "Our shows are high class
''-art, not pornography,'' main-
• tains Dne -berg, pabllcl-
••• :~ Pair Divorced ..
cheese ball
BEEF s·-.......l'ICR
:.,. Aclrtp Carroll Baker, 38, and ~.d~ Jack Garfein, 39,
t,' have been granted double •~divorce deerees in Superior :•CC:mt. --~· ON THE TUBE SOUTH COAST ·PLAZA
I • WI .. i.-.r C--..1 M.il Fer th. M1t 911id• t. whit'1
li•itp111i119 •11 TV, r••d T'f
WEEK -dimi~llhd with th•
S•turd•y .ditio1t of th• DAILY
1rw.1 .r "'9 S• Di.,. ........ ....._ 140.lffl
~ A .
_,,..,, p I ..,,JJSll
A. THE PERKINO .•. Comes in Licor ice
• or Novy Blue Coif ············---···· $20 .00
B. THE FONTAI NE ••• Comes in groy,
Novy, Red, j,icorice or Chocolote
Potent ....... -···-····-··--· ..................... $20 .00
RAINY DAY! come rain or
come shine, the maxi is
making a splash, and here,
just for great measure, it's a
raincoat, too. navy or sand
polyester-and-cotton oxford
cloth, sizes 5 to _13, 36.00'
from the jm coat collections.
South Cooat Plan, Suppla_.t of tht Dally Piiot, Woe! .. Aug. 20, 1H9-' ~ . .
" ,, . .. ;.\ N ,
. '
Costa Mase
3333 Bristol South Coa1t Pla1elL---~-----------------------------------'
SHOfl JM AT SOUTH COAST P~U.. lll:tSTOL AT SAN Oll!GO fllt(IEWAY. MONl)jl,Y, THV.itSQA.Y. ANO ,.lllDAY lt.1111 TO t ;JO, TUf:J~Y. WIDHl!:SDAY .i.NO SATVllOAY lf .• to 6 .• •
• ! • ! . • • • • •• l
' • ' ' ii
' .
• r • • . .
' . • • . . . • • . • . • . ., • . .
. • • • ' • I .
• ' ! • ,
l· .. . .
t ~ • ,
• .-
.. r
• f
$ovth Coa1t tlcno, 3333 lrl,toJ, COsto Mesa -54.5·0724
Au1. 11 thru Aue. 30
Tr•in C1st
18'' Ove,nitht
21 " w •• ~.nd
24" Jr. Pullm•n
27" Pullmen
H11t lox
'"·'~ 21 .U
32 .9'
OtMr-~ l't Milw ...... -i.IMll llMI .....en •
s .... , ............... ..,.,..,. T,.... $19 95
•4 ,. .. &.MAien ........ .. • • • • • .. . • • • • • • • • • • ~ •
Live 01aes DAILY P'llOT S!ltf ,.,_,,
T\vo of these "mannikins'1 actually are Barbara Canfield (left) and Kathy
\Voodward (right), a pair of very-much-alive 1nembers of Sears Teen Fashion
Board. The 11 board members all \viii work part-time at Sears dUTing ~thei r
senior year in high school , act a s live mannikins in Sears South Coast Plaza
once a month, have monthly meetings to share views on in-store merchandis-
jng, attend charm and fashion school at Sears and assist in putting on fa shion
shows at the South Coast~ Plaza store where they're now much in volved in a
back-to-school show scheduJed !Or first wee~ of September.
• --•
b. one. piec:c.
(repG blouse
tw11I!icl ~Ii p • $kH+. ~26
I " , ' .. ...
<>l'C..lif.orni., I • / \
I ::
' " I • ' • .. . . . pr~11cnfu. -
:B(bnson' ....
~~q iii-fd.£.iiio 11s · .
· d ia§o~~r,g1,.•n •
wool -iuiu.d'
wiihat1~ • • tn ,,.u,,·
. ·
J ..
-'''"""1111 ,, .. If cu,,. Dernos Know Clianges H~rhor Center, 2300 North Harbor, Cott cf Mtso-545~524'
0...~rL 'tll ,,.
Ill. 'IU t:• ROOTEn's
LUGGAGE .. ,..
Mntw tllf,.. c ........... .. ..,.,. .. Co1ning in Deleg·ates -· DIMrlC• WASHINGON (AP) -Sen. shows every stafe may have to
revise delegate setecpon pro-
cedures be(ore t~ J 9 7 2
nominating convention .
George S. McGovern says ai r
analysis by his Demcralic pvtf r e.c( or m commi.ssion
U,,. •• LaV•L l•llTOI. 11 IA,. DllH f''#'f. co•TA MllA
AUGUST HOME SAtf'' .. :. ·
SAVINGS OF 20'/. to '40 '/. ON,
. r,
· 1/3 off: · :t "CALLA~A_'f: . , .
.... ,., J.4t
-... ,., 1.19
FIHClll TIP -... ,., ,,,
l,. ' ~ , '
1, 19 ••.
"ft now appears there may
nol be a single stale that won 't
have to make changes,"
f\lcCo\'ern s a·i d in an in-
. terview.
The degree or change to be
required wlll depend on guide-.
lines to be adopted by the com-
missi on, pr obably J a I e r this
yea r.
The resolution or lhe 1968
convention which eslablislied
lhe commission set two broad
crileria for delegate selection :
,.;. • \( · that the un it rule be abolistled
»1 ~j~\i.\ at all levels or the process and
• ~ ~ · ~ U1al da.leg~tes be selected
' ' • ·within lhe-cci~endar year of the
, , • . convention thJouglt processes
l<' , 1 open to all. w-. ' . . "\· ~ . The co.mm~.ion Is expe cted
•. • to .i:.e-copivumCI thaL t h e
· preient. "lfllilJ!d -System of
primaries, state cpnventions
\ and ·Preciiicl caucuses be
lTI..airitained. and that sta tes
, retain maximum !f r e e d o m
within general ·guidelines.
In some slates where one
man or a small group of men
'have had the power to pick all Or the state's· deleg ate s
changes are certain ir the
directives are rollov.·ed.
BuL lhe con1mission has yet
lo come to grips with situa·
tions such as California and
Massachuse tls. whose winner·
take·all primaries are viewed
by some as a violalion of the
prohibition on the unit rule .
In between these are many
other stales where some or all or lhe delegates are selected
in ways likely to require chan-
Commission sources said it
appears that less than a dozen
stales will require changes in
lawa lo com ply. In such states
there will be a further con1·
plication since it would mean
in many case!> that Republica n
support \'IOU\d be needed to
puah chn ngcs t h r o u g h
leclslatu res.
Fully Quilt•d to Floor
FULL s1z~
YA.LUIS TO J.4t: '
· South Coast Plaza, Casto Mesa
l ri ttol 01 the S.n Di1ogo ,r .. w•y
PHONE, 546-6812
In other stales. they said,
\ht changes could probably be
accomplished through revision
of party by-laws.
The mast pressing problems
are in ~tes ,.,.here delegate
selection procedures a r r
scheduled lo start in the 1~70
elections. A number of lhese
11•re in the. stales v.•here la\l'S
would have to changed to
meet expected commission
r¥..a.;!,•~issi0n's slarr. aid·
td by • Jl'OUJ»-Of summer in-
terns.. hopts to complete its
detaUed analysis of the. pro-
ctsse.s In each stale by an
Aui. 21 me>eling of 1ne ex·
eculive ctmmi!tee here .
Al lhat Ume a decision Is
likely on when lo call the full
comroisskln Into session to set
pn>eedurt1 lor drafting it ,
rccomme.ndiitions. A likely ----,,.------1 mRt~nv·u!tCt tTOCK • r-11111 '1'1110
PICKWICK fJ !~~~~.H2.~!
M0.11tl ,,.,)flt-""'°"-=• ... -lltilJWtM llllJ WO t<&it1
Here is how:
Savings account dividend for 1
year on $500.00 :sz52
Free safe deposit box for as long
_ as you maintain $500.00 savings
account = S6!!
(approxlmale yearly cosl lo renl box 11 b1nk)
Free sirvice charge on $750.00
of American Express travelers
cheques = s72 OR .
Service charge free on purchase
of up to 1 O tickets to the Forum,
Dodger Stadium or other sporting
and theater events through TRS
Total benefits on your $500.00
savings accp\lnt =SJ9!!
Slop by and see us to open your
account. If you have any questions
please call 540-4066. We are open
9:311 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday thr,u
Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
. We lwpe fJJ dU qoa wo,,,.
.. acific avings
I :i ~e
• '" Gondolas. boat s anrl niotorboats line up along the
banks nf the Grand Canril in Veni ce to protest allcg·
ed loss of iocome to state-controlled t11ansport .. At
IO\Ver right a group or gondoliers 1.alk with ·police.
DMV'o Trim . _;
SA,.(•MENTO (A )-The Stat9~M., V,ehlcles "Depart· me3~1U Cu tits work foree
rroi64,780 by IU Jtbs.,between
now and nett J4# .fO. Direc-
tor ferne ot'r'.~need. Ttll8 will • traio about ..-i.s
!)Jiol1 Wm 1111' d!)>artmenl'1 ~t llld helli bring it with In
the ...... !Oos'f<>r 'the , Jf70.7l
~ ,. t ...
Dilly Piiot, ' . W•d., Au1. 211. 196'-S -
rep ,s·hop·~
51\IEL Y FOR. YD,UN!' . "' MEN '
I' I .
1 .. I I
J • •
• .. .
:. A,LL {'
• 1 ' I ' '-t -, READY-': . . '
' J
l • • ' '
• n, .n,111.t ltl•• t.a.lt "' '""'
ted XX dpl111 , • , l•t111 .-,;. low •
w•l1ted, A.111erico's fo¥0tl1e •
l -la11oi Lool"i11g Just Ahead l 7·JEWEL Water Ind Shotl!.
R~s1sh1nt l<!'O!
Wow! 11_·s·the ofttc:ial "Disneyland" Mtct(ey Mouse ~atch 1n full col~r. Behind Mickey is a line 17·
Jewel ~atch thats water• and shock resistant.
Suy Mickey new, get a mod s~rap at no extra cost! Reds l(no1v So111et hing Needed to Sho1v Gains
By \\1ILLIA.'il L. BYAN
By its o"'" acco:ints. the
North Vietnamese rcgin1c con-
siders the period just ahead lo
be one of the 1nosl critical of
lhree decades of war.
Ha noi ind1c~tes it will se·-k
desperalely in the ne xt 12
months for something that can
be represented as \'ictory , to
justify to its O\Vn people the
long years or hardship, priva -
tion and bloodlell ing.
This week's upsurge in
1nilitary activity In South Viet-
nam, following ei;:iht "'eeks or
relative lull, could be prcliinl-
nary ht a 1najor 1nilitary ef-
fort later on. In any case. it 1s
likely tha t fhe ~fanoi Politburo
has laid dov. n a Slll ()f ob-
jecliyes to be sought in the
nt..'\t 6. 9 and 12 1nonths. The
propaganda cainpaign already
tias ber.un.
There \\'ill be four extrcrnrl.\•
important anniversaries for
Hanoi in 1970. Feb. J 11•ill be
the 40Lh anniver~ary or !he
founding of the Vietna1ncre
Communist portr. April 22 ~~j11.
be the JOOth birthday of Lt•nin.
found er of B9lshevi::.1:i. '.\Ill:: I!!
will be. the 881.'1 birthda\· or H.1
Chi ~1i.nht th~ president n!
North Viclnan1 \\ht•!n tl1r
Commun ist<> ba1·<> 1nn•tc ;1-tc· a
falher·figurc. ~Ll'!. 2 \\'ill ;, ..
lhe 25th dnniver.;:!ry of iln'~
proclan1a1iou -0f a \:rtnan1c.sc
Jn ti1e Cor:ni11ni~t \\'nr~d .
such ann1 \ersaric'> '1 a1 e
enonnotlsly in1porl.u1: pro-
pagand:> si~11if1r:inl'<' F n r
Hanoi. iL is pr.;!;;ible Iha+ Ho'~
birthday \VJ!l lJc :11f1Sl in1·
portant of all. He is not likely
~o .see many rnore birthdays.
ltccently the Nort h \liel-
nan1ese par I y newspaper,
Nhan Dan. noted thal Ho's
iOlh birthday "sta rted a very
animated and very gloriou s
phase" ol Lhc conflict. That
wa s when the National Libera-
tion Fronl was bo rn in North
\'ietna1n and the current
phase of the conflict in the
Sou th began.
The paper added that 1970
''"•ill certainly crea1e a new ,
c:irth-s~. sky.swaying of-
fensive and the victories im-
petus to bring the anti~U .S. na-
tional salvation ~t111ggle to
complete victory."
AnolhC'r appeal uq~cd' the
people to .. o,·ercon1e a l I
sacrifices and hard ships and
advance Iowa r d achieving
cnmp!ete victnry" so that Ho's
80th birthday 1night b e
cclt:;brated in 11 c· o u n l r y
•·covered with v i ('lo r y
A concent rated propaganda
c~nipaign · Keyed to the an-
niversaries \~as launched al
Ille end of June by the Polil-
bi..rn and \l'ill continue in-
clcfin i!t:lv. 'fhe propaganda in-
l'!udcs df'n1a'lJS for "cmula·
lion"· drives 10 increasr pro-
dut:tion. notahl.1· in .'.igricullure.
St!vcral Li1r.cs th is year the
nflicial llanoi press ha,.-com-
plained sourly about pro-
duc\1{ln, bureaucracy. waslt'
and corruption. It has been
sl'ultling those· who are too
•·peac1"n1inded" and f e a r
~entices. The suggestion is
~. rB1m whe n it comes to ~ FIN E TAIL ORING
71~1~· . ...,,,,
Is Th• Choiec Of Particular People
W1 have th1 lor9flt Toilorl"9 SlloJI• ;ft OrO!tftc Co•llty wlttl J 2
Motter TolloJJ ond Fitter~ t pKiolit1n9 I• oll forrM of ToilorhHJ.
• Alterations for Men
and Wom C!n
• Suits and Sklcks
I Narrow Lcpel1 ar.d
Shoulde r~ on Cc-.t'i
I r.cmovo Plcals, Tcrper
I Coats Relined
I Coats, Orei;s cs
• Expert Frcnc~
Rewec:ivin9 .
• Altering rif S11cc''!,
Furs !Jlld LeatJ1cr
sut;s • COATS • SLACKS
Made to you r o,u1ct measurements by
M ·~Sfe r Tailors •nd Fitter11. Hundrcd11 of
' F•brics tq choo~• from".
For that ta pe red loo~-in solidi, stripes,
and weaves. Pure finish cottons •nd
GU '1'-"~'TflD
COSTA l~E!i .\. • f~t.lt Comt l'lort1 C.+tAtcr-540•14•1
AFIAHEIM •• , •ti1 ~1'1·11~ fg~l1d 111 1111!1-776-0]71
0 -AHG! ... 4!;4 "''"" "'al" ot lo V99-IJl07722
HUNTINGTON l !A.CH • 5180 ldil'f•• 01 Spri11tdol~46-0•I I
FU LLi'RTON ... Z410 r. Chop'"a" at.,.,. Colltt~10°47f0
that lhe North Vielnamese are
S!l!l.000 KILLED
lri1t9' et S•11 DI ... llwy.
Cost• 1111 .. .
namcse seem lo be drp\oyin1
strengLh near1 the DMZ while
getting into position for '~hat
may be a major thrust. 1[
There is a; difference this u,,.., M•ll Acr•is tro111 W••lwortll'•
ti1ne. There now exists ·what I ,u1t W1hti.lll'1 ili:1v.1w1111. c11.ut•· ''"kAmt•k•r• ,, M11•v c~•rtt.'
Gen. \'o Nguyen Glap,
architect of \he 1954 vii:tory
over France and c h I e (
s1rategist of the present \\'ar,.
ad1nilled \.0 an /Italian
~journalist early th s year that
500.000 or more }foung Nortb.
Vietnamese had 1*en killed iii·
battle. He dismissed this as if
it were not really important.
But ii affects the productive
capacity of a nation of 17
million and must ha ve an im-
pact on virtualtY! every family .
the v;e1 Cong calls it•i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I SOUTH COAST PLAZA''.· .' ··provisional govcmment."Ji BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FWY. CO~T~.°'M~SA
The objective. of North Viet. ~. • -----------------.-~~~<.',.--.
Giap evidently has been
going from 1meeting 1 Io
meeting in ttie North 's
n1illtary dislr icts on a
mol-ale-bolsteril'.lg mission. His
message has ~~n that the
Americans ~ready are dercated and ust inevitably
bow to marim m demands.
The de(en minister may
have been pcrparing the way
for another offensive. Al the
san1e time, the evidence is that
North Viejnam is rely ing
heavil y on tlitical lij.trition· ..
working bo on the United
States and weariness \v(lh
the war and on South Viet-
nam. where the CommuniSt
hope i.!-to destroy confidence
in the Saigon governn1ent.
There is something in what
is going on riow that recalls
the situation before lhc Tel of.
fcnsive nf ear lv 1963. AL that
ti111e the Norlh Vietnamese
beg;in deploying h e a vy
weapons in strategic areas. in cludin~ 'the area along the
deinilitarized zone 'foda y.
once again, the i\lor1h Viet-
nam niay be, to capture and
hold, as one ~nniversary goal,
a fairly lara:e town . in the
South which .the Viet Cong's
"provisional government" can
claim as a capital Thereafter]
the Comm unist side might
con!-:ider ilSelf able to bargain
fron1 a position of much
greater pol itical stre ngth. l
Hanke r s lo Get
Pica on Loans
\VAfilllNGTON f.AP) -.The
administration is expected to1
ask bankers lo continue mak-
ing loans to college students
despite the failure of Con(Tess j
tp re":'~"·e a go"vernment~ac:kedj progl'.am be.tore starting a
!hrce-~·eck vacation. ·
President Nixon or . Robert
H. f'inch. sccretaey of Health.
Education ,and Welfare, !will
make the pita publlcly.1. ac-
cording to government
i!Ollrtts .· 'l'he • statemcni-now
being prepared. the sources
said. will assure lending in-
stilulions that I h e ad-
1ninistration will push for
speedy action on loan legisla-
tion when Congress goes back!
to work Sept. 3.
Doubl .. knit nylon in
navy, brown, black or ar••n.
E 11tic w•;1h, $699 32 to ,6,
Blue, Grffn or })rown
pai1ley print.
38 to 52.
~'t·t" Cem~ 1'1010, C!1U11 M~a. I • 1tol ot 5•11 Dlr90 Freowo,
5'10°77.1 7
Shep Ew•rv N•t~t•to f :JO P.M. -5••~•d 1y 10 to II ,.M.
Prep Shop
excfujivet';J /or Youn<J men
. ' '
. '
. '
'Thi• sprln1 the action
man's1 fan cy turns to
.A·l Flares. The slim,
dressy slack with 1he
·wide bottoms ... A·l
, 1 Flares. come in a va-
riety of colors in sol-
ids and patte rns.
$10.00 to $11.00
TRAIL ~~':i.:i. ·Y!~JI! s~
Wear the waterproof nylon side out when it's wet •.• reverst
it lo luxurious pile with quilted lalfet11 slee~es on drier dityf.
Either way "Charger" outwits weather. ,\wash 'n wear jacket,
styled with tuck·away waterproof hood, ste11cf.up collar, '1"o
stripes match pile. Spanish go" revminc to bhtck; teat ta
oowder: black to red; sa1e to laden. tt ' ·
' ' ' ' '
'• •
Wo'•o tot Ill•"' for Y•• 111
woltt •I-26 tltr• l,, All tho
,.,,,., t•lor1 h1cl•dh1t So11d,
l r•w11, ll•e e11d GrHt1. C•nte
11 11••1
' I ANl'AMlllCA-lf
, '.P'.LA:ZA
--· -.,• .0 •* .... ,,~Vt •-v ,,•\•t:~\#·' fi4 I Cl I""'" I • 1 ··rr--r-,-------.---;i.--r ,o -r;-•-~~, ........ ,........,. ...... -....--.....,.,.,..--,.....-•~f' --.,. •r1'~r"':',..--.'' ........... •u"·"'7"~J.-PV'C:i\'i'·,-r."."I,, .• ', • .,.,, "'•• .. • ., .,""' "!"'• ..,. /t •• '· .. I ' • i'~' ' • -• p I
~ .t·~· '-!"._,...,,,,,.,..,.,11ie.D111r11111t. w-."'f ~ 11'•;.,;
-~lst Route -·-.
For Maps
ls College
. ........ -.... ,.. mcm : tpece « earth, land. or
water! And do you want to
. 'work fOI' tbe federal aovem-
.;..,. (mlJIY carlolrapbm
ato employed by I be
·1 Departments of D e f e n 1 • ,
:'1J11t•r·lor. Commetce, ·~ture and State)'! If IO,
Jn the highly teclutlcal aien·
ct. lllCh as the U.S. Air
• Farce's Auonautiul Chart
-an:f lDfannation C e n t e r
(AC!C), you'll....i • ltrooftr
...-. ml]lhnis.
;i Private emploferl (llrpr
-Include Rind McNally,
NatJonal Geecnpbie Society,
'Gmeral Dra!tin1. liammeM,
··•lllc. and the H. M. Gousha
Co.) are abo interested ' in
math abilities bl.lt emphasize
·'t...,.ohY b~. , &llXb> BAG. It ii 'lielplul,
~ 1bul not IP'ntial to haft dn.f •
.inc ... ·art --Ille _ «nploytr ha 1app•r11 • e
WfA>lrapbie -.. ,t;oc:lmldus lo uecule tile ,..;nphics. An art-a c i • nc e
.. hybrid, cartosr•pby ii .. Jn-
.~ field. Dtpen-~dinl on the nature of-the nrk
.,J*fonned. a cartosr•piler
;)IUY be a 1•01rapbe.r,
· teolOfi.sl, surveyor, 1codesist.
. fl'&Ybnetrist, oceanograpbf!',
-.n1:1tr7tOlotisl. physic lat,
m.1tbematician, computa' et-
'•pert er other lype o1 eqioeer-
' inc or ICience pro. ,.. WORXSCOPL Whether
reu'rt mappin&-E I r t 11 ' ~inf Mus or chartiq
· acuru. • .cartograMy ia •
Jucin•lin& complex proce&a, .:.it you like precise work re-
'~"' imagination. Jlluch ol ,-tile field i3 beinl autam&Ud; ·:an inllanc<: compulm MW ~· .. draw'" maps. Al • p
·· !taalonal cartocrapbtr, you ~·plan, r......-cb, compile, in-
· ·\81J>rt~ -pule. evaluat<. ~ edit. supervllt or do any of .;-'the other wark: neceasary t.o
~ll'Oduce maps, charts and
9-.Laled .. vlpllonal 4ata.
-' IDGB ICllOOL COUJISJ:1I: __..,, .::,.ir::.f:""~· •,.Jillyclec, mwm,.
1-.'clrlftinl, a r t • commereilJ • 4mr1n1 llillGry, fore l 1 n ~ .......... wtll u Eqllth,
r and priatiJll 11 poaible. , · 111J11EIL L. V OlllN ,
<arlOlf•pbic vice pn11dllll
'fer llaDd McNally, uya hll
eompany prtfers a ba~lor'•
depe in cartocrapby 11.HH,
·• 1eocrap1t1, •)lhalllh 11e roreaee1 a n mcruancly
ll'e&IAr need !or cornpular and
math prepua~a in the ~
todwlical map field loo. llilh
i fin Voisin'• list of IChools: tl\t
UniYeraititt d Wisc., Wash.,
, Kus., CaL (UCLA), Micll ..
MiM. Ga .: and Clu~ Jn
Mua.. Syracuae and Sarah
Lawrence in N.Y.
• collele recruitmtnl director
,, for AClC (which employ& 1300
-•pit..-.) • d d • I<>
Carto&rapby and ·~1 *heat: poaibJe m a J o r 1 :
~. ma&h, &eoloCY ~ and 1lhYJlel. Othl!!' majors are
: 11eteptable 1J cou;rsewark in-
, Cludll it houri d auch
.,,ertintnl 1ubjecta · as t.bole
j Ull meeUnned. er pbolotram-metry, oce a noar apb J,
, 1•odt1y. auTveyln1 ,
• aaronomy. ctophylics, pho&o
' 1n11rpre..uoa. m~ and ; navtcation. (Five of thele M
" hour• must be in math.)
• Oil. AR'IB\lll BOBINION, ,, 1.awr .... Martin prof-. =apl>y, departmenl ol
< y ,a\ tbc U. ol Wisc., ' .. -·.1n Ille
, -lo. p<Oftlllonallevel car-
• ~apherl d<lpite automa-
,. tJon, bul rather predicts a
• lleadilf lncrusinl demanol.
, TechnolOlJ will deer..,. the
r«1ulr<menta let cartoar•ohie • ~ and aides doln&
tDC1R ttlUtlM work.
8llN1) roa my carfocrapby ......,. ---liw!ral n111111 1nd 6dclt 1
.,, -to write for -·---u-.. and • lolJI, wl>lle, !Wnpcd,
lillt..-dd!J 'f!1 ~. 11'1
~..c.::-'· JM.C--,CIOllAI· 1.V PILOT. ....,., • .Otll
. --.. _,,',!"·
• '
schoolsirl jumptrs
eas-rcare Orlon•acrylic
Shown here, hip..b.ltod jumper.
Four _ pleats stib:hed down then
flved out. d'°"5f! from m•nY. syles,
s•lids or plaids .... :..., r•g. 6.00; .ol.99.
7-14 ft:g. 7.00 5.99
m•y co S!lJDltSWear 77
boys' COllOn' lcnit shirt
for rousli arid tumble boys
With illcick tuttle neck· arid short
sltelies lrimmed_ln Uifltl~na.~• ol's. Cool, comfonable .cotton ""it.
Mall\' colors, and'ltyles. Sizes 3-7.
comp. v•I. '.4.oo 1 .. 99
may co boys Sl
easy.care safari shirts
of cottOn and polyester
Dquble-pocketed, long sJeeved, wilb the new pointed coll•r. Sizes
-4-6x comes in Whitr, reg. S.00, 3,,,_
7·14: white;be~e, blu•.
rtg. 6.00 4. 99
rnaycos~77 . ' .
easy<are sweater for boys
a little golfer sweiter
' .
Soyffle .knit cardi1•n with long
5leeves ·and Y-MCk. Ifs Oflon•
aciylic. ~ 3-7, Pc!,.lf"ll, tur-
1 ~. Glell for off lo School.
·! comp. val. 7:00 4. 99
... --~ co ho\15 52
crisp and c9lorfyl for fall
easy-care schoolgirl dresses
A jellybean plaid dress with pleated skir1 ,
while top, and INIChing vest. Play in •n A-
line dress. All sprue«! up with white bib _and
cuffs. Whee! The dropped waist ends 1n •
swirl of pleats in the last one. All of pol.yest~• lnd cionon. Many .;asy-care styles. Plaids or
.cilids. Sizes 3-6~ comp. val. 9.00. •·''·
'·14~vtL 12.llO 6.99
""'CD pts 56
pick a jumper for school
ea5y.care, fun to wear
We ha ve fun jumpers for school
girls. ·oouble.breasted, blouson,
wear. them with sweaters. If it's
Wiillrm, wear them as dresses. Solids
reg. 13.00 8. 99
may co preteen 90
girls' washa e cotton slip
grNt little ·underfashion
Elastic sides mean more comfort
and movement. And adjustable
straPS 11lve ·the desired length.
Trimnll!d in GOllon lace. White. 4· 16.
reg.2.00 1.59
m•Y co Rirls' lingerie 79
"'9' t• -•Ii CM•f 111•1•. ••n ei•t• fwy .+ Dristol, co••· me••: 54,. 9321'
_ shoP. .111•nll•y tlirou9h ••turll•y I 0 •.m. to 9: 30 p.m.
water resistant coat
?iP-OUI pile lining
Acryl ic pile and crisp cotton com-
bine in th is all-weather coat. Match:
ing headscarf keeps hair dry.
Red plaid,4-6x, reg. 14.00 1o.99
may co girls 56
knee ~igh socks
with just enough stretch
Snug ••• clingy ••• all the way to
the knee. Classic knit patterns in
easy-care Orlon® and nylon. ·Bright
colors for autumn and school. 4-14.
reg. 1.25 69,c
may co girls' accessories 118
,....---------~--......... ~-~-~~~~~~~~~-.......... ~ ............ --~~~Maj~jfy
'\1. ,,
' ".'.
Jumping-Jack shoe s
kids love them
We have Jumping Jack shoes for boys
and for girls. These are leather
shoes, comfortable and sturdy.
Priced according to size.
reg. 10.00-13.00 6. 99-10, 99
young people's shoes 70
nylon ski parka with
warm pile lining
Warmth without weight. Lined with
dee p acrylic pile. Waterproof_ nylon
shell has conceal.d nylon hood.
Gold, loden, oyster. turquoi se.
8-12reg.1S.OO 11.99
14-20 reg. 17.00, 13.99
may co boys' wear 14
random cord pants
flare and regular leg
Creas e-resistant pants. We h~ve
both flare leg and reg4lar leg styles,
Of easy-care polyester and cotton.
Siz es 3-7, gold, green, blue.
comp. val. 4.50 2. 9 9
may co boys 52
Adler's stretch sock s
in a dozen colbrs
Of Orlon acrylic and nyloq. G.uar·
anteed against shrinkage. Eleven col-
ors and white. Great socks for school,
;toc k up now, and s~ve. ·
9-11 reg .89cea. 3 for 1. 99
may co ·bOys' furnishings 23
• • '
boys' no-iron wa k. shorts
for cool after-school fun
cQ61;:colorful walk .shons iri a big
choice of vivid plaids and solid col-
or.;. They never "eed ironing, shed
wrinkles while·worn ·B-20 2 · g
reg. 4.00 .5
· boyi.'wear25
boys' warm pullover
machine washable sweaters ···
• ~ •. • • •"l·'°; ,• • -; Pure lambswool.· And so · easy Ill
keep looking .,grear.••Choose from v:nec1t or· hl<ie\Y neck !ilyle · plill-
ovefliibmwn; green or blue. B-20.
reg. i2.oo . . 7 .. 99
may co boys' fumlsh.Jngs 21
boys' easy care shi1'
by Van heusen . ,,
With a front pocket, button down
c:i:illar, and short sleeves. Has its own paisley scarf. Green, '°Id,
or blu~ · and whi!e . stripes. 3-7.
colnp.val.4.~ . 2.99
boys' no-i~n slac
in plaids, solids, checb . •
-., ~. ,A""',""" ' 'I) ~ ,... "· ,
Permanently pressed pol~ and . cotton slacks In trlm-.flt ~m~~ls.
Oioose from grea:t new .J>lald'-
thecks .. or solid col~r. B-1Z 26-30.
rt!!. 6.00-10.00 2.99-3.99
boys' wear 14
' ', -~· •
.... ,._. . --.. ,
C~P.O. jacket . .
Pile lines, salty with its authentic styling.
great for OUldoor adivlty. Wool, lined with ·
•. . .ayllt.Navy,gold.10.20 •
reg. 20.00 16 • 9 9
no-iron splinter jeans
Tan,·l!lftll or loden. 8-12, 26-30.
r*S.6.00-7.00 2. 99-3. 99
, boys' wear 14
mey eo ·soutfi··eoast plesa, san ·ctie"90 fwr.t bristol, cost• mes•; ··5·46 • 9)21"
shop mondoy thrcugh seturd•y l'O·-..m. to 9:30 p.m.
. .. \ .
Not for
lly ~ti ST!INCll08N
W!iat'• sood ror the ma-jori~ may ba Invariably bid
for the rniDOIHJ. ',
For "ample, conatder the w"'1der 4rut ptlllclllln. II his
...... hundred> "' lhoqaand• cf· l\Vll: ~ ..... *Ille pt ~ •llwtk: r1iiCtton1
when. they lllle tt. sv.i the
''old worider drq&'' Mf'l!in· which brine• ., much coinlort
to mjltlolll• GI UI, IDIY .....
bteedlnc 0< olher untoward
l)'lllploma In the-t ....
W. n: IS with alr<on-clllicOliir: ~ 'lt lS DOI a
drtl(, it ... brtn1 rellel to ...
Ueob with hay fever, ~,
bear! dil<tlO and "°"" .... dltlonJ; ond inmlmable c:om-
!Ot\ to mlltloM GI holllhy~ pie dun~a hot, bumld •
and nlahll. Yet, there II
ever·preaent minority who
"cannot ' a t a n d air-con·
* * * DE.ut DR. l!TllNCllOllN
I'm alleral<: to cold. I'm
alterlk to dralta. I ~y,
111ffu. My ,_ Iota -~ with mlnata .. ; tt bePIS to run, and .I b .. e an In· ton• headache. . W1ll\ln an
l\OIJI' after I come out Into
God '• norm1l, ff'llh air, all
my l)'ftlplom• di .. _..
I've had to s;ve up three
jobs bec1use m7 dat w•s
plunked down rilbt In -o( the air condttJooef'. NOW', at
lwt, I'm comfcrta:ble tn 1n
olllce w!tm the. --bates to han it too cold.
My only rea"'8 !er wrt11nc
la to alert your · radcl to
have sympathy a a d un-
dentandlnl !or ...,.. 'Who
ctnl .C.itmaia ti> aJr....i-
dlUonlq. It i1 not fmaablalll>n
or cuuedneu. ·11 II a real. problem. Mil• o.
COMMENT: We doctmo
recOplie thll conlplilnl 'u a
fairly common '1 1lr-con-
dltionlq l)'llflrom<." We a-
thal IUICeptibie p a op I e c .. pec1any thoae .,._ to
have colda and alnUI lflacb)
cac't aeaiatom theml!lveo to
any Wllll1ural chlllJnr.
Unfortunalely, many do not
take any invtnttve meuurwi.
I have kMwn lucb pltlonto io
refuse to WW' a IWMter
1'bec1111e the others wacdd
lllJlb ... So thq .alt In cold IUl-
ferll)Ce. Such patlenll -dml for the Oi:caslon. Y,,t, too many wear ftlmay and ln-
aufficlent clothiog ., they will
keep In style~ Some men take
off their -llmi11J -.. all the others wcrt in
u your job ~~rfl-hl In front fl. an aJr.coadMlccitta
vent. 1at your bou to eblnae
locallona. Uaually ba will
cooperate. Tbe main point ia
th!" do not bo ....,mei! to ad-
mit to !tdlertni """' the aJr.. condltlonin l)'lldramr.
otberwtM Y!lll wDI IUffer an-
-ly .
MEl>ICALE'ITES (Replies to Readera)
Illar Dr. Slelncrolln: I am
allorglc to dog hair. I -
have a dot' beeauM cf1 th1a.
Bu! I lo9e them. I -GI a
d .. called a Mexican Halrleu.
He doet'not have any hair at
all. Should I buy him? -Miu r.
COM!oll!NT: Tbe '"" hair. the I• llkellhood 'lcr a!Jorglc
ajmploml, I bavo -tmwn
-la lib )'oUnllf tbal were
Comfortable with ...... pell.
·But IOl'De wenm'l
llefore you buy blm M U
~ can have a trial cotS·
-I« • ,.., -Tbal will live you a baller -ol bow to aolve yaur prvblam.
• * * Dear Dr. stclncrotm: My
huaband bas -helrlnl In hit rish~ ear. It came on a le.
manlha qo Iller be loll aa1eep
In a chair which bad
aluminum' arma. I think the
prt11ure aplmt UM
alumlnmn moy hove blocl<od
oil bla ..... CGuld -have an'I baartili on II? He
tlrlnb qulia a m -Mn. S.
OOMMENT• I hereby pro.
"""""" the almnlnllf» cbah not lultly. Too much alcobol
l!n'I any (ood; but I dculi«
that 11cohol caused b I 1
d..,_. Better let an Nr
.opectalilt decide.
~ake a Sharp
Deal; Use
I l
' • .,
S loutll CN1! "•u, 5upplamant of lh• Daily Piiot, Wed., Au9, 20, 1'69
Times Changed
I • I
Japanese Recall
Ending of WW II
I TOKYO iUPll -Th< guns
of World War II fell silt nt 2~
I years ago Friday w h e n
Japantse Emperor tllrohlto
I told bls people in an un-
precedented radio broadcast
to "endure the unendurable."
A few days later Japan's I surrender became r o r m a I t when an American soldie r and
( R Japanese diplomat (aced
eaeh other across a table on
, the deck ol the battleship USS f Missouri.
Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur
symbolized the America lhat
had crushed Japan 's bid lo
l.'Olllrot Asia. He bad arrived
lo rule Japan,
Foreign 'Minister Mamoru
Shigemitsu, in frock eoat and
slriped pants. stood !or the old
I Japan the U.S. was putling oul
of business. He devoted his life
lo promoting Japanese power
I Jn China. Now he was Signing ·
a surrender acknowledging
Japan's failure and his own.
I Her day of walking tall in
!he Orient were over. The
Americans would rebuild hrr i as a democratic, wC'Slern.i1.cd
, country. Tl y,·as one of the
• most ambitious attempts ever ! made by one nation to reshape
~ the mind of aDQl.hcr. ! That was 24 years ago. To-
: day Japan is walking tall in
• the Or;lent again.
· lier gross national produ rt
-S140 billion -makes hrr
the second largest eco nomy in
the free world.
•ter car makers will produce
five million autos and trucks
this year. The 300.000 ton
tankers pioneered by Japanese
engineers are the most sought
after oil carriers in the w:irld .
Everybody In Japan has
television. Most people own
refrigerators and washing
machines. The dream of full
employm.ent is a reality. An y
Japa~e who y,•anls to work
can get a job. Prices rise, but
\\'ages lo up even faster. The
jt:overnrnent's plannel"1 believe
the situalion may last for
MacArthur and his advise.rs
gave Japan a new constitution,
that went into effect in 1948.
On paper, ii made Japan a
p a r liamcntary democ racy .
The people 's civil liberlirs
\Vert guaranteed by an im·
pressive bill of rights.
tit a c Arthur's constitution
has never been amended.
altboogh Japan has been free
to rewrite it since. she regain·
ed her independence. in 1952.
She remains one of the few
countries in the \\'orld whose
basic Jaws were completely
written by foreit:ners.
Japan to be socialistic. •nd ,
The gulf between the two J1
unbridgable. Unlike the t.wo
big American parUes, the
Japaoese grou,ps d I s a g f\ e e
con1pletely on basic things.
~laeArthur gave Japan a
parliament. bul i1 has never
run lik e the U.S. Congress or
the British H~ of Com.·
The. Japanese have an
aversion to public showdowns
In wl1ich majorities ranl
throut;li their programs, and
the minori ty wajls for another
lr.Y at the next electiOn.
.... ~................. .,. .........
Although the LDP ha s the
votes to pass any bill it wants.
new laws are talked over with
the Socialists and other op-
posl lloo parties: Often a com·
SURRENDER SIGNING -The dramatic end to lhe world's greatest conDlct Is
captured in this photo taken Sept. 1, 1945 as then Forei'gn Minister 1Mamoru
Shi gemitsu of Japan signs documents of surrender on board . USS Mi ssouri,
Looking CJn are Gen. Douglas A1acArthur (far left). Lt. Gen. Richard K. Suth·
erland (oppotlt.t Shigemitsu) and AdoL Chester Nimi tz (trorrt ro\Y center, wear·
ing overseas cap.) ' '
promise accept.a tile . lo. both pression ill sti ll widespread
sideS is worked out behind the that since Japan lost \Vorld .~cencs. \Yhen th~ bill comes to War 11 and its government 1he floor of parl iament. only a . · few deputies will be sent do\vn still , ju ~ P s lo obey
to 1:o through the formality of .. _Wash1ngt.o1.i.J~ commands.
voting. "I wi~h people would _reali~e
Public anger against Japan tha t thts whole relatlo~~lP,
Adult Drug Arrests
Take ]unip in State
ran high in the United States now depends on cooperatlo.n, SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -
in World \\·ar II. ~tacArthur's f~rm.er U.S. A fl: b 8 5 5 ad 0 r Adult drug arrests have In· idea of making Japan the Edwin O .. ~e1schauer was
•·s1-1·itzerland or Asia '' v.·as quoted as saying recently. creased 50 percent and
benevolent ror 1945. BASES VJTAL juvenile drug arrests ruore
UEWERS OF \\1000 "The whole net1-1•ork of than doubled from 1~ to 1968
Treasury Secretary Henry Japanese bases is vilal for the the Slate bureau or Criminal
1\forganthau \\'anted to tum defense of Korea. ll"s based on Statistics has reported.
the Japa nese and Germans :n-cooperation, not comnlands. If In a revision of a report
to "he1-1•ers ol \vood and they decide to withhold -that rirst released in April, the
rf ra wers of water "' -pe asant cooperation . \ve're in trouble." Bureau o! Criminal Statistics,
socieHe.s wit h Jilli e industry ~ta k i n g J a Pa n I he t.londay ·said 29,!M7 juveniles
permitted. "Switzerland of Asia" is one were arrested· for drug vlola-
Secretary of Stale Cordell or hislQry"s dead dreams. lions In 11161, a 122 percent in-
The report also s&ia juvenile
drug arrests had increased
almost 2.000 per~nl from iteO
to 1968.
Adult drug arrests totaled
64,639 in 1968 compared" '(V"ilh
47.032 the year before.
The report said marijuana ts
the leader in both adult and
juvenile arrests but is losln&
ground to dange~s drup in
both age groups after .a.J>
parently reaching peak uaaae
in 1167. · 1\ull thought the Japanese Japan is on her way back as crease trom't~.780 in 1967.
should bf' '"left to stew in their a power in Asia. 'Vhen sbe"riiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;.i;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiMOiiiiiiil own juice." This was another begins to wield that power. the ll
\l"ay or saying they should world will find ou t just bow l
si mply be allowed to starve much • or how little • Japan
until the population got down has learned in the last 24
to a level that could be sup-years.
ported by Japanese farm s. j
Actually the U.S. policy of a p • 'd
\vcak Japa n 1\'as base.don the eSbCJ CS .
idea tha t China would be I 'i
friendly to !he United Statc8. Q • D ?
Wh<n Chiang Ka i . sh ' k '' UlZ ue .
1nainland regime collapsed IJ
and the hostile Com munists BAKERSV\ELD (U PI) -1
look o\·er, it was a brand ne\v Sen. George ~1urphy, lll·
ball ga n1e in Asia. Calif .), said r.itonday he may l
By early 1947, Na v Y call For an FBI invesligation
' '&oath roast 'Plaza
Restaurant, Delicatessen & Bakery
"A Sandwich or a Full Meal "
Secretary .lames Forestall of evidence presented at a l
1vas arguing behind Lhe scenes senate subcommittee studying ,,~
in Washington _that .lapan be pe~licides. . •
allowed to rebuild and pro!:prr In a lelevis ion inter\liew f ;i.~ a _countb'\v~ight ifl Asia to here ~Turphy said evidence J
llc1ss1a and Cluna. . preStnted earlier this monlh ..--------------------,
A rcw mo~1hs iot". the by J"ry eohen, attorney ror BANQUET FACILITIES
word was quietly passed to the United Farm '\lori ers , ~NY'. OCCASION • SERVING ~p TO 150 t.1acArthur from . Washington. Organizing Commtttee a~ 1!: . nd I · r ' • " ~---~-----------~
Lecturing ;a re orm1ng n parenl\y was phony, · It ~
lhe Japal}f$e were lo be "l find this reprehensible , 'PARTY PLATIER$ ~ tL ~~~
wound up. They were 10 go and dishonest and I h11ve· no • IUP.JllT STYLI 1 f ~ /if:
baC'k to worlt. intention of letting this man 1l 0 M~AJ; PLATTERS -s:T75 P.r per1en ' ·~-~-.: :-1\I \\'AR 1 WINDFALL gC't a\\•ay with this," Murphy ,, F{SH PLATTERS -$2.25 pe.r pt/I~ _ ,\ The Korean War \\'3S " ~aid. •
•1·indfa11 fbnr . the re\·1vin1g ~1urphy re r errcd to1; OPIN,A..M.t•lt P.M.
. apanese u~1nessn1rn. I\' io testi mony by Cohen tha~ two r PHONE 540•9022 I 1 I
slaycd oul of it and earn ed the bunches of Thompson scedless l ~ l}. ,
r.tacArlhur's adv i s e r s
wanted to give Japan a l1\'&
~ party 5ystem of go,•ernment.
5imilar lo Brilain or the
United Slates.
The Liberal-Democrat ic
Party tLDPl, bu s ines s
oriented and friendly to
America. has ruled alm'llst
continu ously since occupation
day s. Ii wins a majority in
parliament al every election.
n1o~ey for .fu ture bOOf!1S by gr~pcs contained 180 times the l , JJJJ llUSTOL AT SAN DIEGO PWY-COSTA MIS.A • fJ II I A ~ .d _ 17 ' ~a,....., tfJ)-. ~J~!h~6ms:r'J~!1:S.andserv1ces to i:~~~r:~ln~l'='='=l=of==lhe=·:c=h:env=·:ca:l~!l~.~;~~~,.~·~''~"~w~L•~·~~~~o~,~P1•~·~i:~..,~·~:....~C~·:~..,:-~-~~11~,.~·~·~i~,~~===~===~~1.~"3~·3:J:OO~y=~~:====~===:9':~:'Y:·J/=7'.:r,:;1.:u:"':~:·::':':'~====~=~:J:H:'-1. The Vietnam war in the -
19ti<rs has served a similar
purpose. Japan. which largely , ( ( f_fJ. ~ ~ ~
T"il n on borrowed money, now \. . !. (' .. ,....,,.._ ·.· ~ ' l,'; ' ,,,
Its chief challenger. the
Japan Socialist Parly, wants
has a fat surplus. In the ga111e 1~\ .-..., f.db.t
n[ internation<1l finanre. the ··,:, 1 ·rokyo bankers can play \Vith ;· : ;, ,. \~ """own chips. I • ' ·· \\\ · PACE SETTER ... cordiolly inv ites you to
In the United States. the im· b ' Ch' S'/ d C I . / l\ .. rowse tn our 1~a, 1 ver an , rysta
.. ~!lool\\lOl'th
1 -~
VALUES to $1.29 yd.
"'-So uth ro1.;t ?lua
So .. th Coost Pluo-540.2627
U.P. Delivery Servlc:t
! 1 ~ . .r ' . i \ '.~ Gallery ..• a d oma in where the splendor
1 · \ , \ \ of brilliilnt craftsmanship from all over
-· :;t I \. ' \ \ 1 the world can be seen to fu1lei+ advantage
j''" { Y:~, ... discriminating younq brides are
1 / .; . "'.~,f -asked to register with our consultant who
"""' I •A ),;. ' is here to help select the patterns of t heir 111 '-"~ :.--< choice ... be it modern, contempora ry,
traditional or ornate -antique. Pace Setter
has d e signs as d ifferent as girls are •.. '
which is you?
C. Block's "Sr.h•r•1"; Orrtfor'1 "Gourmet"i
L1uff•r'1 " m•g•".
I. Wedgewoocfs "811ck Florentin•": .Rei:r1rt'1
"TiYoli "; lntern•fion11'1 "Du8arry''.
A. Fr•ncisc.1n '1 "Ant iqut Gre•n"; Fo1tori1'1
"Ric hmond": R••d i ncl ltr+on'1 "Ren1i•-
11nc• Scroll'.
puts you
step a
ahead .
'1 /,
' I
-----__,--__, 'T.T ----·--------·---_________ , ___________________________________ _ -----------.., -
South c-t Pini, Jul!flt~nl ~I t'i! Dilly Piiot, Wttd., Aut· 20, 1"'-t
Cal Staie Colfuge Bowl • in -·-
. ti .. ; . ' ' . . ..
Ckic r
........ ~." ....... ·0111•
/Jack lo. $/ioo/
JJanJ Bag~
ltO'"• •4$1 ~•llllorl's l•YDrffa,
~ .. n.llU .. I t1.00
-1·1~ -
ls FA·A F":~~Jng 9n Safety Reports? ~~~~~ '.!:11o<> I.I OF
I ' '! • hit Lti,..,, Mflli-.t lfbtel St. ~
..... ~ t'ftolc• ...
Sllouldtr ll .. 1
~tudy sponsored by a.fl'Ul\IP of :
ir,,nsil9"•llon• '"c ' · -~ 'i t . .-' ..... _ .. ,. ,11·.. '
said, "beciU!e-.j 9'·~the• i'fi~
Creased -Voium._ 'ot air trafflC!·,
the increased number or
passengers v.·hl~h an aircraft
'an carry, and the increasing
complexity of m~chanisms for
general aviation, lhe air ac-
cident fatalities will probably
increase in the future."
airport certification standards, be turned over to the FAA and · 1. ri1tol ·1t the Sin Diego Fry, Cost1 Mata-546·2066 llr!itol •1 s.n Diogo FW'f -Ct111l• Meu
airport development plans and _ _::lh::•~boar::::d:_:•:;bo:llsh::'.ed:'.:.. ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··~·~"~~~·~"~·~~-~·~u~·~·~""~·~··~~~~~~!! Rep u b Ii ca n congr~~en ·
charges thal the F'edcral Av1a-
tion Administration uses
misleading and irrelevant
statistics to paint a rosy pic-
ture of air travel safety.
The report concludes that
civilian aviation too often
sacrifices safety to con-
venience, and says that !ht'
FFA has failed to take ad-
vantage of the broad legal
powers delegated to it.
And th e report questions the
effectiveness of the National
Transportation Safety Board
-NTSB -in investigaling air
crashes a n d recommends
abolishing the Civil
Aeronautics bo11 rd -CAB.
"The accident rate statistics
produced by the PAA arc
misleading and imply lhat a
growth of safety has occur-
red. \vhic:h is a dubious c:On·
t !usion." eRps. James Harvey
flf Michigan. Frank liorton of
New York. Robert T. Stafford or Vermont and .I. Will iam
Stanton of Ohio. Twenty-five
other Republicans are co;
11 ••• The FAA has seetned
often to interpret its role In
this area as the responsibility
to join with the airlines in-
dustry to assure the public
that air travel is impressively
safe," the report continued .
Although air travel is a
relatively safe 1notle o f
The report calls far ma.ssive
federal aid in money, research
and leadership to overcome
what it calls serious shortcom-
ings in the air traffic control
system and grossly inadequate
air port fa cilities and safety
practices. It also urges a
!'eduction in the am oun t of
noise and air pollution from
''If \Ve do not sec lm-
tnediale, massive and drastic
change in lhese three areas,
we will be in danger of being
completely overwhelmed by
l)'le civllian aviation camp1ex
we have created," say the
1 The report, involving a year
of research by stairs of the
congressmen, was inserted in
the Congress ional
Record Aug. L The sponsors
say they will introduce legisla-
tion to implement. the recom•
Aomng its findings, fhe
report chargeS the .FAA wit h
lax ity ln its responsibility lo
regulate airline schedules,
the growth and direction of
civilian aviation.
"lt is difficult not to con-
clude that the FAA has defin-
ed 'safet y' less from a vantage
point of lives saved than of a
compromise with the cost-
bene!it economics of com-
mereial aviation," it states.
Criticizing the NTSB, the
report says the~ has been lit-
tle evidence the board's in-
vestigations ·have betn helpful
in preventing farther ac-
"The lengthy inyestigations
have been able to placate the
pubfic and provide an image
that 'something is being done.
but it is a fact that it usually
takes· two ye ars for the NTSB
to realize a report which
means that the conclusions 1 reached usually are outdated
before they are released." the
congressional · reJli'.lrt' said.
The reporl also questions
the relationship between the
safety boai:d· and the FAA.
saying the. board has never
found the FAA to be. the pro-
bable cause of all' -~idenl
despite its large· rofe In air
traffic control. on~only two oc-
casio_!IS since195J.b_os the FAA
b.een ·cited u .a 1:1ontributing
fi.ctor . -·-· : · -
1'urning to tne···~AB, the
report suggests· lts ·primary
rC!!ponsibility for awarding
routes and regu lating fares to
Grad Stude11t Builds Car ·
DETROIT {APl -A grad-till weight or the auto is l.160 •·if it hadn't been fo r more
uatc student al \Vaync State pounds. It is 40 inches high. lfJG than ,a1)iear of planning, we'd1
inches long and has .five inch·· rea lly ,h~ve l;leen lost," Petit '
University figures his master's es ground clearan<:et ~id, stroking hi~ di'eam..ca'r._
flcgrl'C project is worth $105.-1====::::==:::::==:::::=:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::=.I 000. /!e designed and built a
car for himself.
Using 1,200 pounds or spe-
c·ial clay, !un1ber. fiberglass
and other materials. 3i>-ycar-
old Richard A. Peli! of Allen
Park and a cousin who v.·orks
in a Ford ~1otor Co. design
center built a prototype car
v.·ith $8.000 cash.··
But .the \\\'O n1en value their
time at $10 an hour.
''We each spent an average •
nf JO hours a week for 20 1 ... ?,,.,..,
n1onths in actual construction IP'
or the car." Petit sald. They ~ ~~
figure their Hine Lo be worth
The auton1obilc--nan1ed Gi-\
nctte G-12-has {ive forward
gears. They will take it from
0 to 60 miles per hour in 6.5
seconds. Propelled by a four-
cy linder in·line double over-
head cam Lotus Fo rd engine,
the car is capable of speeds up
lo 150 m.p.h.
ve~~ ,~~~{i~t1:af~~-c~i~~ \. ~ ~~· ..., . ' l ~,.., racinu.:·.. 1 •• i' ·
Pl}ti('s creation rec.ehOy \\1(!n · ~ •
'blile rl~bon In the i\]Cliis\nal -3' DAV SP. ECIAL! design ~ sectian of a Wa,na . "''
Slate University art exl'tiblt!. !t , .1 • ·' ..
alSO"-eamed him his mastet':i .' . R8g .. 6.9~·Moc bas wide watchband ·~P wlt.h rreRl
degree . 1 r \ • s;ih btt'i:kle. Il'1 a dasaic bronie waxhide upper with ao(t,
He ·ha& Worked .~ a 'detign· 1 -; • ~quanod toe. 'Save now on lhi!l <10phi~ti<"Rt!'d <".ampltl choice!
er lh..Ford's Ji:aiclaoe-~Ofi(!O .. .-:
Studio in Dearborn, 'Wftlre ~q . ,
was recently assigned to a 1
sectitin handlin~advanetd' ti· · • ,
sign conceRls and'sP<!<l•I P"t·
rormarice. mnovitions~ .' . '
.. ...
• '
MEN! ... Special Pro-Foll Event!
Regularly Priced at $95
.Yours Now for Just , •
Here's an eve nt of tremendous appeal to fashion min'deCJ men
who want the look of NOW! An opportunity to purchaso t he
most widely acclaimed ma le fashio n silhouettes of t he year [our
own "EXPRESSIBLES") and sove many, many dollars. Suits you'd
expect to pay $12 5 and more for ore pric ed at just 78.90. Tho
selection is as wide l!l rtd diversified as any men could wish for:
New Sing le Breasted Shope styles (some with Vests .for the busi·
ness man ) . . . 6 and 8 Button Double Breasted models •••
Natural Shoulder style s for the Profe>Sio nol Mon -and many
more. See the m today Men, and take advantage of a truly gre~t
"Buy" -for a limited time only! 1
.. . .. ')
' l
' ' '
• ~~ \> -· ~, ~ ...
REG. TC? .$66 .J'~M_9us MAKER , ~NITSUITS , ' .......... ' ...... NOW1 ~9!'99 lo . •
REG . $f3 ·TO $'3o 'J"R.'& MISSY DR.ESSE$, ....... NOW8.991 1·2.99, 15.09
REG . $6 lQ $18 FAMOUS MAKE SPORTSWiAR .............. NoW 2~99 10 8.99
, ~EG . TO "$1 l(ASSO~~.EO SUMME~ SHIFTS ................. ~ .. , ~ .... : N6W S.99
R~<,;. TO $18 ASS6RTE0 STYLE SWEATERS" • , ...•........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . NOW 8. 99
. !l~G. TO $8 FAMOUS MAKER BLOQSE$ -3.99 _
~EG. $15 TO $30 FAMOUS MAK_ER SWIMWEAR ; • 30•/o· .. 40o/o OFfl
!, -• ..
SINCE 1156
Starting with ~ Ginctlachas-
sis and a quarltr-5Cf!le clay
n1odel in 1007. Petit arranged
lo borro\v expensive design ·~ l ci.'Y from ford. ' ,, t COSTA MISA IUINA PARK SANTA ANA HUNTIN~TON HACH nic "' h>s an 89ll-lnch 41 FASHION ISLAND. -·· SOUTW COAST PLAZA SHOPPING CENTU HONU ILAZA C!NT!R HU~TIN<OTON CIN!IR
\vhcelb;J:i;e and Independent NEWPORT BE-'_CH , ' Op111 ,ID a.rn.-t ,:m, Op1n 10 '·"'·'' p.111. Opt11,10e."',·,·'P""•,Mo11.9,We4.,f11. 011•11 10 •-"'-'/.'"'
h h I T "' Mo.111d•'f thr' hht•Y-Mortd•Y thr1,1 r.;4,., "".. 11r• .. I to p.111 "" M•~•Y fhtu Fli l'f ~uspen11lon on eac w ee • o-· ---------------------______ :.:.;.,;;.:..;.__,;;.:.,;;.:. _______ ,;;.:.;.;,;.;.__.::.:.CJ~~:.:...------,;;.:.;;:_;;::;.;::,..;.;.,;:_~;;;;_------------·..;....;..,~-....;~--~-
• ..
SURVIV041$ -Susannah York and Stanley Baker
j are among those who survive an air crash in
"Sand s of Kalahari" on Channel 7 al 9 p.m. t011ight.
· Without food or water they first battle the elements
of the African desert, and then each other for lead·
{ ership of the group.
. What Happens
To Old Stars?
Hollywood (UP!) -No one in the cutthroat
world of television seems to care what happens to
Stan or would·De stars of canceled shows , some
Of whoin have disappeared from sight.
For instance, what ever happened to Burt \Va.rd
who played Robin in the "Ba'tman" series?
WHAT OF Steve Strimpel who was 1'Mr. Ter·
Then there was whats-his-name, Jack Sheldon,
of "Run, Buddy, Run."
And what do you hear of Cara Williams who had
her own show as recenUy as 1964 ?
Television flip-flops every season send many a
familiar face -even if the name doesn't .strike a
memorable note -into living room limbo.
Some survive as guest artists, movie actors or
in the theater -the likes of Milton Berle, Sid Cae--
.•ar, Buddy Hackett and Bing Crosby.
OTHERS JUMP nimbly from one series to
another; Dennis Weaver, Tony Franciosa, Chuck
. Connors, Raymond Burr. Efrem Zim.balist, Eve
'Arden and Gene Barry.
But an amazingly high number of . .television
personalities are drenched with Hoopla, giVen their
own shows, and then di sappear as if through a trap
door. Networks, producers, studios and ,the public
apparently have litUe compassion for the rejected.
Remember the series "Weody (\nd Me?" who
• were the stars ? '
Have you seen much m· ShirleY, ... BbOlJt1 "'1nce
~...,.'Hazel" left the ai r' ~ Patty Duke does~'t dominate the television sec-
. tion.s of newspapers now that her series is fading
in memory.
. THERE WAS once a show, only four years ago,
litied uTbe Wackiest Ship in the Anny." But how
many viewers remember th e cast -or the show.
Does the name Dwane Hickman strike a spark?
It will if you can reeall "Dobie Gillis ." He was the
clean-cut kid in the title role.
Arthur Godfrey? The old redhead does a Jot of
ccmmercials, but he was once crown prince of the
lube with two shows a week.
Time was when everyone rushed home to watch
Tennessee Ernie Ford, George Gobel and {sob)
Robert Montgomery presiding over his own drama-
tic anthology hour.
How could viewers forget E. G. MarshaU
wrinkling his forehead in almost every shot of "The
Defenders"? He got an Emmy for that in 1963. You
-read about Jim Garner who left "Maverick" to be-
come· a movie star, but \Vhat oC his c~star Jack
ROBERT CUMMINGS was a television stand-
ard for years. What has gone amiss with his
There are others: Ozzie Nelson, Pat Carroll ,
Gale Storm, Perry Como. Lor~ta Young, Garry
Moore and Durwood Kirby , Charles Farrell, Allen
Funt. You used to love them all, but you switched
the dial too often on them.
Hawever, viewers aren't all bad, They still
adore .Lassie and Ed Sullivan, both of whom must be loveable indeed!
DentaiN the Me11ace
·--~ ·---GORDO
ts IEfltG Pe'DJNEP
nBE! I WNfT 10
6EJ' HIJl arr!
ly Cliarfes M. Scliuls .---'-----
• MClll EMIARAAS611j6_
. I
By John Miles
ly Harold Le Doux
By Tom K. Ryan
_By_ ~I _ Smith
I 'M
By Gus Arriola .,
Ir '" ,.,,,. 1111s &1.0 AL·
1:00 • "' •• -(Cl (ID) Ollnplrr.
··--(Cl (JO) ·---(C)(10) ... IJIRllJ, LllO Stfllfrhl 11111 Sblfi ........... n•,,.__,_, fW .. ....-(COlllld1} '52-Vldoi
Metwt. Patlfdl NML
111 "' (Cl (IO)
m• """"' <..,
• -· (C) (30) l!1J (}) ""' -(Cl (90) f!I ""81'1 "-? (30) RockJ Mol.ll'I·
1111 bl•ck bura. till proptrties or
th• Uranlu111 1tom and d1$Slcat
dine• Ill lndl1 '" mnistit'• tub· lects. tm Jwtt11ud DM11t Tt11r1 (30)
Z llWI (C) (60) 11ck HkkQ.
l :!OOIUllC.......,.. <Cl tlDl
ID PdtJ ltlU (30)
9 fl) Hm1tltf·lril1kltJ (C) (30)
Erl~ lll1n.,......t Tr1iliq
CCI (30) "Hu1111n R1l1tlon1 ind
Motivttion." A pmltw of 1 •ill
desl1otd to lmP«H1 1 aupmbor's
ability lo tnln, mot1Yll1 1nd direct
oUrlf peroplt; • wtll " p«Wld!n1
insicht to 1t1d1rstilp.
BCIJ ID-(t) tJOl
m Notldtrt 34 (t) 160>
7:00 II CIS Efftllnt Nl'IS (C) 1301 Watter Cronkite.
fJ wt.rs 111J Ultll <C) (30) W11ty
Bruner llosb. m ,._; (C) (ltl) Allll'I lud6tn . ...
!:301JQi(fJCNlll Ao. (C) U.'1
motbtt·lnstlnd tomes out wll9ri ttll
brooder tuukl doWn ind she
kncwi th1t 1000 tlue1·d1y-old hlb1
~hicb 11••• lo b1 bpt wmt fl
survill. (R)
ON"' (C) (30) lid~ '. m c:mm:a rn ••. a1 11ri11 (C) ~ Hui•, Trwel [.ditoc
ot the LA Tim11. jaiiu 1111 Bur· rud 111 1n lrlaptn$1v1 visit Ill the
CitJ of Lovt.
1Dllltltllt'1 llWf (30) lO·OOIJ Ql(l)Ktnii 0.0 fQ (60)
@@Yu AIW hr tt (30) • Stn1 Mct.n-1tt bkas • culHI
ED l lld: VJ.wpelnt (30) A pine! pl'Xlitlonw (Joln111 Lill'riU.) Wt
of Nearo MWSmt11 qutstion 1 com· c.ourt 1lth::lll1h pubric ..u..t
munit'y lndtr. l1vors h« 1nd she 5181115 fl .._
I fool~oof CIM. Thil ... is IS()) hwwtJ ffijltil11ill (C) (30) the tonduslorr d 1 twi>pertlr. (R> m W1Mleltd (CJ (30) 0 ID (i) m n. 01tsi•11 (C)
(60} "ALoi: cl MUldl.• A ,af1e1 fD Drllll Mo-. (C) <30l olhctf II ICCll9d at tceaptinf •
7:30 fJ T•rz•tt (C) (60) Cn1sadin1 r.
porter Ola111 Rusaell (Di1n1 ttyt1nd)
rlsl!S htt llf1 m pn:r,.. th.t trlb1I
elections to cre1l1 • ""' 111tlon
'llli11 be fr111dultnl Don M11Wll
ind Winil m Smltben 1!:so 1uast.
bribe and Drtld RtoSI b uucht lit
the 111i4dlf. Jim• Greprr pMJt
Dfllclr MltllHI Ctmeron. (R) om-(C) tlDl
0 Dlll1! (C) (60) Tony M1rtintr
zussts. m Specul1liH (60 'Th• Alooholk
Gtneration." Discuulon cl the pn».
0 Ill fl) a;) TN YiraiRill (C)I 11111 of totill Orin~l"I 1nd _. ,,_
{9o) "Dtllh W1it." Ot'tid SUiton ~l'OIChes to 1 cure, Gum: .r•
killt 1 min ln tell·deltnst ind Hidlot11 lthour1y, M.D.; PalA Lap.a,
fh rn II th1•tened by the m1"'s M.D.: arid Robert Rorris, atoohollc
family. (R) · tounselOJ.
0 J6d: 1111111 (30) = 1m Mn Alli de II Mllll'trt (C) (30)
O Oj}@ mH111 C1•1 1111
lridel IC) (Go) "Ont to 1 CUs·
tom11." Ad1m Wilton, • yvun1 10:30 Q) ltn IC) (JO) Bill .loll ...
Mouno11 firmer, buys b11il Mir mt Un Cil9 111 11 Olllc:llrW (30j SeatUe and usutl1y iflfOfms J1t011
Bolt tlllt he lnttnds to eowt 1nd m1"1 • 1111111ber Ill thl airls' Hn Bedford. (R) ! 11:00 II D 0 IE> m ED ... (CJ
0•-l_(C)_ o--
Knon, Mr. ~ ldf•t111) '57-0 MM: °"Cftltl ~ ......
Robert Mitchum, Deborlh kl. (dr1mt> '56-Sll Mineo, Johl C.-
«0 Trdt w Ctl•WClll (C) (30) vt!eL
Three WOmftl dr1S91d IS IStrorlluts, mW. C. AIWI r~. flltinl: ~e¥·
p1ettrldi111 to hm rtlllfned from If liiYI I Slick« II Even Bruk..
1 trip to ftl1 moon. uht1 th1ir co-~11rin1 Gkril Ml (1941).
e~perienc:n. ID Movir. "'II• 'lftlt ... ,.,..
(9 hny MllOI (60) ltd" (mystery) '4Z -M"' Wit m Joyce a... Clioll (JO) ··aun
jj)CIJ ........ _ (2 ·~
m Chu " ht• (30)
l:DO 0 Z.111 litty l30) m llutl (30)
ID Tn1111 (30) .. Di.,ubUity." ~
pho.to a:r1plllt ISSIJ on !ht di$1103·
~b!1 nllur1 of men's blliontinrs.
Cast·aff motor ttrs, litter. build·
'"IS ind cremltion cl tlll huma~
body 111 u1mlned.
Cl) l111pldls Mlliull& (JO)
1:30 fJ Tiii C... Cup (C) (JO) Rurus.
Blft Ind Cltudil tum tdol1 IOf I
him tomPIRY thll: nrib tD m tht
di"er 111 .wttln1 lot 1 crln't9 .storJ.
0 11•1 Klfllll&flb ICI (30) A
falt·Pltld ttpt ol key p!1y1 ind
1ttion sl!ob of last Saturdl(s pre·
se1san 11m1 btlwnn C!iwellnd
8rt1'111ns ind los An(ltn Rams.
Did Enlw1 111n1tes.
D Ml(}) Ill n. ""f•'7 (C)
(lb) 'lhi Kl111 Cousins atfw "I 81·
lieo11 ill M1fic'' to llltt .n
show 1t11t ft1lurts "urnbln hm lt11 8r0tdwty hit "I Doi I Der!" (R)
Huches. Uoyd Jealln.
illl lil ID @QI CIJ -lCI
ll:!O IJQllCIJ -...., ICI ....
Cronkite, Mohl111nttd All, .loM 8m
'""' O IDCIJ IDT--lCI I 0""'"..._ .. .,_ (west1t11·dt11111) '56 -M..._..
CarQ, P1trlci1 Medi..._ ~p lba-
m Adillll n.n: •Eflr.MnW '"· ....
1:00 6 Morie: .. Ad If Vlokoflol" (dr•·
m1) '•9-Roblrt RyM, Vtn Miiii ..
0 $pletin1 F,_,, (t)
0 C..111111itr ..... hml (C)
0Nl'll'I !Cl
1:30 m All-ftiattt Shew: ·111idlrl "the
Sp1111ah M1in," "Murds II M'
Bu1lnea" 11\d "Sombr1, thl 3pldw
Wi1 1•
: Jte,A /7'/, WllAT'J.L
198'1 & ------...1 r: ~ll<Z! • fj
By Men
~ ...... __ _
'B-John Wt)'M, Cl1ht T,.....,
tZ:OO D "Sc.111411, ltc." ldrlnll) ·57
-Robert Huttoq. 1'1trk:i1 Wri&'ltl
1!:30. "lHI Rlflt 111• llt J ....
DAmME MOVIES hM." 1.c1vent111) '64-.lohn Hirt.
"Mll'Hlltn " a. S." (tdvtft-lurt} G2-Ttt1nc:e Mori•n.
!:DOit..,._ !" .. llftl"' (m• z:oct1D•Dr111111• (mystery) '47-
aKlt) '3~111t: Crotbf, fr111t1a Kenry WilWO!l, Miry Bn1n. ,_,
0 (C) ...... lll&M 1111 1W" (COlll< S:OI D "'rlrl T1aclllr ~ ...........
tdy) '41-DM Afl*M. Allct f.,.. (dla1111)--Ndl rebr1d.
B .......... Ttftll" Cd11m1) l:JO R "Miii ._... (m~ '47-·~11 Balltf, frankil V•vct111. h lllll11re. £M ~fTJfllOl'L
Qu1lity Printing ind D1 ptnd1hle l trvTct
for more th•n 1 qu•rt•r of • c1ntury.
,. ---~-----~-----~ ----------~ -----....--""7'-..-c:~----------' •1 --"
:JJ~rln•e Bothering Men:
Ma'le'"i .. DeiielOpingRaslies Fro m Ju Use
CHICAGO (AP) -Modern caoed by ®odqraota , )rut
ma~ ate be1~nlng lo have a J:!rfUmes,
protilem prevlausly peEjllar lo~ A il<ffiiitologlsi wrlUn1 In
the opposite ~ -akin rashes The Journal of \be American
tifedical A&loclatlon bl1mei
"the recent .. renai:sunce Of
men's toiletries."
Th< dennatologlat, Dr •
Enut Epateln or the San
Ma~1 Calli., M~ cmm.
reported treatine I& cues in
' lour fears, In which men ex-
You w•nt to sell aome Item · perlencect dermatitis caused
t h•t You no longer nHd but b}t t,ll!UY to before-or-.atter
someone 1111 i;1 n use for r·1ahaldn,. preparations. '
N 0 T 0 V E R $ 5 0 -~l!efif~ r<actions fo theoe
ipreparatloo1, he . said, are '
i 1 ? ? ? ? ?, l11eilltate<j by minute woun-.
• • • • ding of the skin during the
YOUR ANSWER whisker removal process. t : -' While t b e prepa<ations
• Yau call THE DAil y PILOT, ask far • usualcy are called after shave
• Cl111ffitd Advertlsin"', i nd pl1c:1 I : lotion or cologne, Epstein said, • • i ·"'the term 'perfume' best £ PILOT • · descrllfei tl*se clear, strongly f aromaUc ?tijulds designed to
• it Impart a pleasant smell to the .. PENNY • user." £ : Epstein det.erm ined that the
·N~:W :tWa,
Poli~y Haa
Good .P-oint
~· -J
W~GTON -(UPI) -Pr ... Nbi1'1 ..., Allan
policy, unfoldecl u .he Jet·hop-
ped acrOel th, Paci/le, wu
• aimed 1!.eaiwinl'.1111 thl Nartll
Vlllnameoo they hive nathlna
to glln by ~ the '""" · ·-it-. was PrecilelY for Pila
-rta1on,.-·in the v.ielr , ot White • ~':j~4:8 ·W~'t ·~Ito:
• lilclt1ta1• paoltlao UI ,hls lalu 1 wlth1 A·• i a n . kahrs. The
AlfY""','W°".~11.,.. tt::iMY.I' 1
0 •
. OU!!-.UG. $12
I • •. ". 2 PAIRS 51.7:, ..
T . ," . BRING ... PRIENb ' ' . hrfilltt, te..Ni .Jw ....... Newl 1. o
........... I a..,..,. Je • ...... l • HUIRY 1,
<f -°"' -... _ "'4 WNILI STTlll • .,.,.,..,. •'Sl i,, ... ~·· ~ .. i ANO 11-I ... -..-.n.., $17 ...... ,,.., .. .,... --
.... (' ...... ,...., wt '-It. H~ All COMPLITf t .... .,..... '
.. 1 ••.
emJll1 .. ls on Apa 41 the ~ ,,.._ ... A e11ort to
Hano J • s olt-stattd
that-there can be no
. puee In Aai• without peace In I n n e 5 Vietnam.
Before Nlxoo movtd the
While Hause -wird forhls S H 0 E S
1 u m m e r bollday-and-work ·. • INCHER perfumes were causing the Seeing Tlar11H11n1a It . t: p ia skin problem through pak:h --u
tests, in which be apPlied the Ch I R b ·1d ulpl lb~ h ts I CLASSIFIED AD preparations to Various parts ar es oss w s sc ures •• e wan peop e f or the body. to look through. The San Franci•co sculptor is UD• t AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE ; One of the patients had a ·happy if you study the sculptures themselves be-
!:,~list':' w'::tin:eo:.1th~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA
chief executive said one ot the l riatol 1t the San DllfO Fwy., Coste #Mia
accompll!bmenta c:i the round-1~!!!!-! .• !!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f~ the-world trip was winning ac-1-
ceptanOf by the Asians for the
new A!Lan policy. deeorator line .•.
• !
i• 2 2 2 .,., rash in his armpits because he cause they are built to peer through at people or
l I N E s T I ME s 0 o L L A R 5 : used after l!lhavc lotion as a objects. Here Ross' tetrahedron appears to taie off
• deodorant A oth ·sed ·t Robin Lyell's head and float it upside down.
• AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I : his thigh s: A ~hirde~~s ad~is~d --------------------
Nii:on made clear Jn hia
talk11 with Asian leaders that
while the United Slates will
continue its help to tbt naUona
of the region, it teUa ne:lther
to domi .. le jhem .... ftpl
thelr wars, Uil souroe1 said.
Back to
: D I A L N O W D I R E c T I ! to stop using his 1ouon, but • liked it so well that he con-£ 6 4 2 • S 6 7 S • tlnued to apply it to his elec·
,.. : tric razor before shaving.
+ fT•ll free Nortl C••llfy 540·1220) The 16 patients proved
;''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' allergic lo 19 brands of toiletries, Epmein reported.
your boots ...
on our cam pus luvs-
sleek zippered knee·hl:
spit 'n polish cognac,
cordovan, black/antique
b rown, grey /black or
white patent. Suede
squaw: sand, brown, black
147 ~
all·in-one nude· look
Reg . 2.49 Canlrece JI, complelely
sheer,,, perfect flt. Newest
-t fall fashion shades & -~~ -cll,1;\.~E~~
South Co1st Plata , , , Co•t• Mes•
Bullo,k', Fashion Sq. , •. Sant• An•
Broadw•y Cent•r ... Alllhtim
Who Go verns Russia
When the Boss Away?
The u~ Statel wants no
military ...., In Soolllout
A!ia, he told t!)em, and' wW
not be drlll'<f'·f!tto -Vietnam.,.: MOSCOW (UPI) -Wben
President Nix.on is away lrom
Washington, as he is riow In
California, the White House,
with all the prerogatives or
supreme executive p o w e r ,
moves with him. 1 What happens when Ute
Soviet leadership is a~y from
Moscow? Who minds the
Kremlin shop?
Chief executive power in the
Soviet Union, unlike lhll Jn the
United States. is not vested in
one individual .
Historically that power was
taken and held in _,varylng
degrees by the leaders of the
Commun~t Party, Vladimir l.
Lenin, Josef V. Stalin, and to a
lesser extent by Nikl'la S.
it ls partyly • working vaca~ Coupled .with W. statement
lion since Czechoslovak Presi-of long·ranae. pou-. waa the dent Ludvik Svoboda and ....,, Premier Gustav Huska have, President's aide trip to Saison
been there to :see the Soviet whiCh serYbl. '° eQ\phasiie.hls detenninaUoe ttJ aasure that leaders. 0 t h e r Communist_ South Vietnam ls fret to
bloc leaders are also usuaJIY deterrnJne itS own future.
there at this time of the year SEEK VICTORY ~1:,nbtne rest with ~t.ical Hanoi is seek'fna: both 1
In 'Brezhnev's absence..lbe military and PQJJUcal victory •"''~ head of the ~-: 11 in Vjelllam by-d"1lincllDl·the ~~ _....., uncondlUonal wltbltranl of Mikhall A. Suslov, who com.-. America,n ............... De White
blne11 , one of the n i n e House says"' ih;e can be no
secretaryships of the 'central meaningful ta{b unUI Hanoi
committee with membership becomes convinced of the need
In the 11 man Politburo. ln for compromise.
terms of office tenure, SUl!ilov. AnalY,eb b e J l e v e the
whose membership in the President's appearance a t
Politburo dates back to the Saigon's ,Independence Pilace
Stalin era, outranks · even was 1 strona: signal to Hanoi
Brezhnev· he will l)Ol abandon the only
It was Su&lov who, on Oct. 0 r 1 t nbed non-Communist
13, 1!164, summoned a meeting force in SOuth Vltlnam.
'185 .t• ""iiltiii~[;
Study and Storage Wall Systenr
of the Po I It bu r o in In .a bl'Older frame, It Is the
Khrushchev'• absence which White li>Ule view the ,,.. Dtdi: .._, Now General Sec re tar y
Leonid I. Brezhnev is still the
nlOSl powerful man in the
country. But he is the "first
amqng eqqals" sharing his
~ not only with President
NilOJai V. Podgt;irny and
PN!rnier Alexei ~-Kosygin rut
with eight other members oI
the ruling politburo of the
community party. Heo is the
chairman or the board of
decided to ouot the pc'emier. PrOlidenl'~ caldJ!tlod dectslO!I tll
Podgorny, as chairman or to 11m.111e \lllW!il or bis con-._. ........ °'-r..·ftla-the Presidium ri the Supreme vel'Slliool ... leaden 1n the
Soviet, the top legislative body P,bll~ Jn d 0 n e s.J a ,
or the coontry, has 15. deputy 'l'halland, Ilda and P1k!stan ' '
chalnnen, one for elCh of 'the at post-~~UJ:l pQlley ktruck The S-~ P:eLa9), C... ..,_
15 C0081ituent repubUcs of the 1 blow at l(aooi'a lmportuct.. ' laww Moll a....t · 5'6.7777
Soviet Union. ,-----~-------------------------The senior vice-chairman
who usually presides a t
meetings of the presidium in
Podgorny's absence is Nagush
K. Arutungyan, president of
the Arrpenian Repu blic.
Brezhnev, Podgomy and
Kosygin are respectively the
chiefs ol the Communlst Par-
ty, the Soviet state, and I.he
government (Cou n cil ol
All of them have been out of
Moscow and one or all of them
may stay away for about a
Kosygin is spending bis
vacation in Hungary and
Brezhnev and Podgorny are in
the Qimea.
For Brethnev and Podaorny
.. ... .. ,.,
Kosygin'• Counci l of
Ministers ls the country's
highest executive ari<I ad-
mfnlstrative body. Kosygin
hla three first vice-cllalrmtn
and nine regular v I c e -
Today's Final
Stocks Today
Boot '"'"',_ ..... _
Antiqued Ti n,
Cord1 .. 1n a,,d ll•ck
On the campus ot off, cloy In and dcry oot, 1.,. ore
mor• Moutiful In th• 1llrn look of today's hosiery.
Stock Nowll
Otml Toe-
Shffr tarefoot
PANTYi ' .-:
-'199 IN U COID~S
BtJY 12 P .(Wt GE1' ONE PAIR FREE ·~· '
' I
• .
' J
' 4 . ,
• j
• • . . .
• . .
• ~ . . .
l .
; . ..
South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa
lri1tol ot the ~" Diego Ft!-~oy South Coast P laza ••• Co1ta /li e•• l!p,.., <Moll
·Next -.0'-Moy C.. '
-------- --------· ------------~--··------
lf ;l12l .. C..l'lm, .... h-i1ftlloDellyl'llel,W011.,A.,..it, lHt • Wed/il'"1, A11gU1t 20, 1969
::FTC Trying=· to Put Contr·ols on1~~a . Giveway Games
' l WAllllNGTOll <ilPn 1llotother.lmtead,c>ol)'...,. -npectl vny ·,_.11111,..111 ••.,,_,.._, ··• lhllr lavar'ile ..v••••ll ld·lbe F'tC from people who "....ePfllka" u opposed to cl>ancetowlnalarg•pr!Jt,11 ~ Federll Trlde c.m-oi'""'-l'lllUp l!lllllll op. ibid compllance." ,...,,,. ·pr.octice ln Ibo pUI. .,..i wlD. • have ....ivod form letlen, giveaway _.. Is that the reported the odda ol oblllnlnl
..... bu underlU .. lbe pooed?qlllltlanandeollod!Gr "Wt 1'!1'e •no reuooio "'"""'wboliavi:beiil-· lllii a...,..,.,....'. often by-"dlrect mall, ur&i!>J oonsumor doea not_ have lo a1ameelecethatcouldnoull ........,. loll ol ,..W.ttoa prUllbWns sames 111-lwo belleYo ~ wl\l. bo ~ 111 .....C Ibo -ha>* not -.......,. IUdi ......, .,them loJIM out IUllq-u .. ,,~....,.-.-or 111 Iii wliiiiliii 1 fl.Oil! ~riielii 1 )llWiiftl ,_n 11 -.•-~ ~ 1-_. • .' .lloued," be Aid< "Bui we -at all ' 11111' about. talktq were all alll lllld 1111\1-liQ-won a "•FotJ•••el .. ., ·• " · ·ifiuOll ctii • ordor lo pliy: Bui s1nile au.re visit waa ooly ~-~""' O..o111liCfile!--· thlnlc tbjJy can Uvo with Ill" ·-I~" J-~ ·~ex~ 11111\>tlleod -...... i--•Tll• ..,,iplent ia aal<td lo whether the "sweepitakes" about one in a mlllloo.
llelto(-11 -commluloner what Elman conaldm lbe Jm. nplallOoo. lo It lllOlllho ~ lil't ·1111-.~ wllr "11 -llQI ldblOlpilil!-. · .eOd ba'*'.the game prize he are equally Stl!(epUble to In ,.,me of the approaches J101 II -that people will pooalbll ,tul< or pollcln1 commlallon will look al It •-lolO!llhlmll·acanit BIW) INQIJl&y .•~r · re,ceJvtd Iii the mail to eee il dccepU.0 and abuoo Is the tlJed by sweepolaket pro. ~ cbanca of winofng are garnet. again. That lndlcata bOw CID bt bro .... " J-o!so wW btid the -• ht woo the prize that w., of. purpose • of the new in-rooters, the '"""" nn la mudl
..0 allm they will quit playing. STIUCI' COMPLIANCB serlcul Ibey ·m ." , . Jluring tho .....,.. ~ lftQuirr .... "owo 111.ohi" • ':Ierod aOd to lndlcate 1Yb•lh<r ves!lgaUon. more blatant in that the .,..
At Che sarpe Ume, \he fiv~ 1'Thlt'• gq to be. IJnlb.. N'or WQ Jont!I women ~. lblte -WU con-an ,.,,.. ol> '~. u . QI' not • WU interested in MAJOR APPEAL sumer ii' told he ~ • member conunt&1lon decided !em." coocOdea P'fC Mil at-about 1 aeemlngly Im~ 91dorable t..umony' oa ·how ~ • ol the ll'*'way ' buying tfle promoler'1 pro-Though .the FTC ·Btaff study winnJn& game piece and bu
ti> lnNll&•te your chan<a o1 torney Teny J-. wbo bud-regulattaa which lorllidl 'Uie • retailers \lad. broken l"8 ~ Jnveltfaallog. , · ~uct._ ,, on ·giveaway gamea found ooiy lo mall H back to collect ~ a dream house, mink ~ed~the~ln~Vllllp~~Uon.~_:"~llu~t:;the~..!aale,~.!! 1woe~<l~p~rom~oltaa~_!ol:!_!..,~-~~~.l~•!!••~'~and~lbeo~~· rl~fll!!!od~-lli~-~~.::..!il~,'orlll~~ Wlflillil!n~~ Wiwi~tli~·-~•i~'"~""~'"~~·:!The~~· -<hi~•'!_! ~dill~orenco~~~ln~iheir~-~ma.J~·~or'...a~p~poal~~lay~in~tb~•__!:hls~p~rizt~. ------:m.t or · new car 1 n1·
·~" sporu!Ored by ·o111er lndustz1es. These may
'be better or ll'Orst than the
cioO-"°"'-mlllloa chance the FJC found prevailed In the c. 1 s a t a t i on-supennarket .
eiveway games.
"Wilen th• public be<omea
aware ••• that 11' chances of
winning significant ri..e are in<!eed very ~... Com·
mlssiaDer James M. Nlchohon iaid. "It may prefer to
patronize those s t a t i o n s
without games to rely on
.• superjor price and $U'Vice."
'.!be 'gambling instincl la as
old u man and the games
consuwers play are patlemed .Cl.er gambling devices such
U bingo, racing, a 1 o t
machines and even t b e
numbers rackeL
Supermarkets and gaa 'lla-
ti<>M each spent about fl7
million on games in 11167 to try
and Jure customers. Many
have since given them up for
free glasses, trading stamps
or other promotional gbn-
After Iii -kl of public
hearin(> last winter, mony
obRrn:n had eJPeci.ed the
P'fC would vote to bllll gama
8 Mi11ion
~~gry Get
Little Help
Senate committee report says
eight million Americans are
Hungry and are getting no help
from tbe government.
1'be Senate Select Com· mittee on Nutrit.ion a n d
Human Needs issued iU stern
indictment of federal food pro-
grams Thursday In aa interim
The price tag for ending
hunger among the poor. the
r~rt aaid, is a $lo.billion ~
come-aupplemenl p r o g r a m
~ 1.U bf)lion for ezpanding IOc!d *" to ..... •Il the· ...
tlOn's estlmated 2S millioo Jiai<kore poor. .
-It ~d Ille current !ood-ltamp •nd commodlty-
diatributlon prog:rama serve
only 6.J million poor people
and have never reached a
aigniffcant portion of those
Deed\nl help. ''Th\ti. tht two programs
combtn¢ aerva a maxlmtnn
of only 44 percent of the 14.4
million Americans who are so
~that they mu·st have
~sista'Dce if they are to
escape malnutrition," t be
committee aald.
Chairman George McGovern
(D-S.D.), said in a :sup.
plemental statement the na-
tion will be forced to have
famllY food-assimmce pro-
grams Until it .develops an ef-
fective income· maintenance ·
Uni• major reforma In
food prcgrama art made, :said
McGoVern, more money will
be wuled on inadequate pro-
The committee said it found
a h~b incidence of nutritional
d.eticiency among c h l J d re n
from low-income families.
"We are paying dally and
dearly for our failure to end
hunger in America." the com·
mittee said.
·.it cited estimates by the
Bureau of the Budget that it
cost.a the nation $3.30 for every
dollar saved by not spending
to eliminate malnutrition.
The eommittce indicted the
food.stamp program f o r
discriminating against t h e
poorest families.
~For example, it said • fami-
Jy of four with monthly income
ol 110 gets l60 worth of
Umps. The same size family
with 1100 monthly Income gels
$78 in stamps, and a ramily of
four with income of $300 each
lllOlltb gets stamps worth 1108.
Col)demnlng present certilic•Uon procedures, the
c·o m. ml t tee said they
discourage participation by
the poor In food progr•ms.
'!tie committee said it sees no
atttm.-ve to federal ad-
ftiliiistrallon of food programe 16· c:onnllel wbere local of.
lldall refUIO lo feed the poor. · 'lbt commlti.. found
milnulrlttaa baa lncreaatd
.._ Amerlcaa al all Income
lntil. 'lbil wu blamed on a
dodino of knowledge aboul
ears . ' . .. '
S for 2" ,. '
.. . . ~ . Long Wearing Un:derwear for the .Peppy Generation
' J
' ..
Cblldren'• Regular ·Paek•!!" of 3 for '2.19
Cotton Underwear
Package or
Your Choice 3for 167
!UPlMA C01TOft JUI D1t..,, MJcmm: WA!IWILE ••• SIZDll-«
For ~Bo~ For liule Girla
B • r Do-"·f-L . b k • Veau ••• Sltniel-. ¥111 • n e •··· llllw -nc ac ttitchingonneck.q;in and crotch. IH!~t retiMant ,
clulic waist ""' • Panties ••• Double Cabtie
eT.shir11 ••• Ribbedor11Wnet:k. teat and crotch. heal naUtml
bemmed boaom and ileeve& elastic waist
ln/dJIJS' "4 ChiUm1'1 Chpm11U1d
Girla' Regular Package of 3 for $2.50 PERMA·Pl!ES'l'9
Panties or Vests
Package of·
Finest Quality! 3forl97
·~· _,.poois. hae--k nbollltleot"*_. tee o~ Ill' bind lerw'iab ecmee.1ed ei.tle hi cuff
• v nt h• bllfil.ap ataO.lder strllPt. Ban.lone i.e. tria:t ...t..,
bolm and wkli• wilh 1 ..... --.1 bottom
e White, girJ.s• lilet 1IO14
B~' and StudentA' Regnlar Jaclrige ot'3 for12.99
Briefs or T-shirts
Your Choice
• Retaiat m.pe ...t wki.._ an.. ................
tt Sisw. 6 .. 20
••• BrWe ••• dott,Ye..-Jateil
.... T..,Jm; ••• eootoar.u.,.d-boa.
&,.' aJSlllindl DI-I
-------~------------------------------------------, I IUENA PAIK EL MONTE lONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau POMONA SOUTH COASr Pl.AV. I
COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA · ears SANTA MONICA _ VERMONl' at Slauson ,________________________ _ ___________________ ,
1u.rn You On -· '
...,_.11t11111o $hop6Nl9bltMondaythrou9h$alurdar9:30.A.M.to9:30P.M. ..
_-----..,I-.__.__--•......._ • -· -· ~·----··-••. -> • ------•--•···---'~--------·~------'------• .>L--"---__ .,.._ ,_ -_,. --------~·--~ -----------___ ..__.. • -•. ----.__ ----' --' --~---·---------
1\1 °1•1 1 -.. •• • •
• I • • .. '
__ P_IL_or_-A_nv_t_RUS_ER_,2,,,3:.___ Wrdneld•y, """"' 20, 1'16• .......
•• I •
\ •
' .... . .. .
. '
Our Selection of brand new 1969 Cadillacs .is the finest in our
history. Te·st'. ~rive .to~~y ... ''T~e · M,ast~~piece From · Master ·
Craftsmen'' ••• then select your model, eqmpment & colors now!
" ,
Chateau ~'lauve "'th black top and black leather trim. Full power, factory air
conditioning. stereo AM·fltt, tilt y,·heel, power d90r locks, power trunk lock,
t\\·ilight sentinel, Vogue Tyres, and much more .. Low mlleaie car. tXWG3361
SALE $5858 . PRICE
" .. ..
~trlkini-tuxedo lllack ~xteri,o~ with harmonizing full leather Interior. This one
1& abtiolutely loaded \\'Ith opt1ot111 Including full power ~uipment plus factory
air1condltioning, twilight 111!ntrn:e1, power door locks, etc., etc. Early new car tra~c-in with every low mlleaa:t. CYCM472)
•. SALE1 $5858 PRICE
' ·• -.: ·-. -. ' 1967 EL"DORADo
Firerr1iAt Rose\vood "1th brown padded roof
& saddle leather trim. Full power, fa cl air,
tilt telescope wheel. AM-FJ\.1 radio, cruise--
conttal, door !«.kl:!. light sentinel &: dimmer, rear 'vindow dcJogger, disc brakes; etc.
$4 646
'u.9 1967 CADILLAC $3 535 Sedan de Ville, Full power, f8c;.~ry air
conditioning, padded roof, wonder·ba.r radio,
tilt·tcle ¥'heel, door Joela, etc. (VIH785J PRICI
Sedan de Ville. Full po\\·er, factory air
conditioning, padded roof, AM-FM radio.
Very low rrJes. (882792i4)
Co11pe D11Ville. Phlll\to!ll hhle witla bloe leather
iliterioi". F11U powu equipmat piu.•factQl'J air e.
ditionin;. (UJAl.57)
cOnvcrtlble. Full power, factory air, tilt·
a\vay y,·heel, etc. Silver \Vith black top •nd
matching vinyl trim. (PDP490J
Sedan DeVille. Full power, factory; air, pow-
er. factory air, power vent windows, A~1·
FhI, twilight sentinel, tilt whttl. CQUH274l
Sedan DcVillc. India ivorx ¥iilh white leather
lntCrlor. Full po"·er, factory air conditioning,
tilt steering wheel, AM-FM radio. cszV518)
J1eetwood Brougham:' factory air condition·
ing, stereo AMJ'M, full fX1"\'er · plia door
locks, tilt wheel, iYtfro~'Ihter., etc. (~l
BENZ 2308 4-Door Seda"°,Auto. trans., air
c¢ditioning, power steer.Inc ol brakU:; Sad-
dle leather trlm. (SVC268)
Coupe DcVtlle. Antlque: gold wltlt gold cloth
and leatbtt Interior. fuU power, factory 11ir
conditioning, .al.pal 5"kfng radio. (RGV889)
WAGON 9-pa!I. Town & Country. Fun pow-
er, factory air conditioning., AM·Fli-f radio,
luggage rack, Saddle vinyl trim. tut wheel
nttt•ood El Don.do. Fu.II power, fxtorr 1ir, fu:U
le,ther Interior, ptereci AAl·FAl, tilt ' whed, e'el'J
conc:ei.,•bl11 opr.krn. (TEH741)
Your Factory Autllorl1o4 Cadillac Doalor~rvl19 tho Oran91 Coast Harltor Aroa
$1 616
$3 838
$2525 . PR I Ci .
.-------r--~ __ NABERS
• <tO~ IWY. 2600 Harbor :Blvd.,
CQsta Mesa
. .
8:30 Mf to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 ~f to 6:00 Pi\rl Sat. and Sun . •
"NLC" INabef.s Leasing Corp.)
1970 Cadillac Today
for Ocfo"ber Delivery
ou·•·••ncling $,.rvlu f•cllity ••
Or1n9• County's moat mocl•m d•tl•r1hip •
.J ~ ·---« ~
r . '
,r ,,
"' •
• ,
• I , .. •
• ,,
•• -• , .. ,.
~ •
-• .
• ' '
• • -
"o• C;ii. Set; It,
F<ud it. ·r,,,~. It
Wfth ~ \\'en~ f.rl
Gtntral 1000 G•ner1I 1000 General 1000 G•n1r1I lOOO ·~ner1I-1000 Gefttr91 1000 General 16oo Costa Meta
IFov~rriae~·dkiroo;;;nmsn:-.·l ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I.;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;~;;;;
ltOO Newport Beach
Exquisite -Me•a
Verde Home
Prestige Jocalion l'K!ar Coun.
fry Oub. Inner courtyard ..-it-
I.TY. 47% ft. of glass -Pa!io -
eorKOOUs landscaping. F'or.
1nal dining room. Jloge be.1-
rooms. 2 fireplaces. fo·amiiy
rooni. MU-1720
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Ready to Expand?
35QJ sq fl ol gracious Jiving.
a cnom1oos bdrm:s. 3 spac-
ious baths. ~ to appreci-
ate. C.olor lhis one· succ.$S.
~40-1151 Herilagc Real Estatr
Cool & Lovely
This immaculate 3 BR fam-
ily hotne can hr yours by
assuming 5% % Fl-IA LOAN.
A must SC'e to appreciate.
EASTSIDE. Nrwcr 3 bdrm!!
& older 2 bdrn1, dclat·hed 2
car garage & \vorkshop. Ex-
terior reeently painlrd.
Only S29, 950
Ivan Wells' ne\v design. Cl.
yard pool & s1vceping view
af bay. 4 bdrm 3 ba + po10.'-
der rm. Formal llln rn1.
Family nn iv/frpk· & wel SllOPPlNG for a home?
bar. Key at Roy J. \VaNI Co. Call. 11T1te or vi.sit our of·
1(3(1 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 lice for your .tree copy of our "Hon1e.s for Living .. 4 Bedrm-$19,850 !113gazinc. 11ith pictures,
No Down G.I. prices & de1ails of our
Designed for a largr family. S('Ject listings in Newport
2 baths. Kitcht'n IO.'ilh luxury Beach. Corona Del Mar &
built-ins. Park like yard. Costa 111esa. RED CARPET
Closinit costs. REALTY, 202) \V. Balboa
TARBELL 846-0604 BJv .. 1\e\\·port Beach, 9'l660. 67)...600(),
NEAR "'•s!,1111 Pl"'· 4 BR. ----------.... .,..... SAVE S 11·!th 5'A'i0 G.l. 1*-ba, fam. rn1.. \V l BR 2 BA cptd/drpd, lncd, s ha cl e Ne\\·port est
trees. quiet stt'«'t. $28,5((1. home. 1,~ mi to beach. Cpls,
Kingaard r.n z.2222. drps. AH GE kit. t~enced .
----landscaped, sprinkleN & SPOTLESS! palio. Frcstily painted &
3 BR, + Camily rm., 2 ba!h 11·e\J cart'd for. $28,700.
home, 1v/cov. patio. sundl'Ck Ownrr will carry 2nd. 120'"12
y,;/ocean viel\'! ~~·~ Jo.an capistrano Ln, ILB. 5-10.9.>45
may be assuml'd. $'.!4,500 F'P or 968--1132 •
BALBOA BAY PROP. * 3 BR 1¥.r buths. carpets,
673-7420 Ai~YTltilE drupes, large fenced ya r cl.
OCEAN VIEW! Vacant -immed. possession.
Sunsets & sailboats? t<ing $20,750.
gjzed bedrooms, 2 baths, Wells·McCardle, Rltrs.
family room. Dining room. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M.
Built-in kitchen • ch.arming 548-TI29 anytil))e •
breakfast room. Park -like Loy1t1t Priced
grounds. :.4(). t 720 M•s• Verde . TARBELL 2955 Harbor 3 bedrooms, i baths, Bullttn
BAYFRONT APT. range & ovl'n. Freshly paint-
! Lld I. ed. S?3,950. MG-r720
Visla De o. Pier & sip TARBELL 2955 Harbor available_ Enclosed garage.
$28,j()Q BY OWNER U3,900
George W illiamson 3 Bdrm .• 2 ba .. crpts., drps ..
REAL TOR frplc. 2 patios. 6%. % GI
Eves. 673-156'1 loan.. ~?OM
General lOOOGeneral 1000
For The Man Who Has
"Made Good"
Absolute Spanish elegance designed for
the active family and gracious entertain~
ing. 4 bedroom plus 3 baths, large family
room 'vith built~in wet bar. Less than 2
years new. Prestige Baycrest address. A
must see at $76,500.
Best Buy
Harbour Highlands
lfow long has it been since you have seen
a l:larbour Highlands home priced at just
$29,500? Three large bedrooms, 1 ~ baths,
bright country kitchen with breakfast area.
Separate sheltered patio, plus fenced rear
yard. Add just a litUe paint and save big!!
Couples Attention
Here it is -A wonderfully con1fortilble
two. bedroon1 home. It's bright and cheer-
ful. \Vood burning fireplace. doubl e de·
tached garage, Located on a quiet close-in
Eastside street. Hardwood floors. A rare
find at only $22,250.
F,.. 11, • ._ trah1!119 -" ·•
L11mtllea11 Stllool
Frff SalH111...tilp Clmses
l11t•mted i1 A RMI lbtate Care•r1
Coll far .... A"lew •
Best Buy
J{O\v Jung has it been since
you have seen a. I 111.rbor
llir:hlands hon\e priced al
just $29,500'? 'fhref' large,
bcdroonis, 1 ~ baths, hrighl
l'1lu11try kitcht>n with break-
fast area, Separate shcller-
l'd PatiO, plus fenced rear
yard. Add just a little pain!
and aave blg!
Eastside Costa ?.1csa and jlllit
" block from lhe Santa Ana
Country Oub. Six pride of
ownership unibl. 5 two bed-
room plus 1 oDe bedroorn
cortage. Concre1e drivt>. top
i;hadtt 1lu"Uughout, plenty ol
privacy for au $69.500 full
pric<l and excellent fi11anci11&
"For A \\'ise Buy"
Colesworthy & Co.
A Duplex For
No Money Down
Owner will aeU to vets, it
shows a gOOd return. always
rented, both are 2 bedroom
l bath units 1n a &nod arta.
of Costa Mesa, origlnall}'
there were 4 now the.re i'
only 1 and ttrts Ir it O<.vn.
er anxious, asking price: i~
293 E. 17th St., 646-4494
Brand· New· Listing
Fabulot1$ 8 montb old large
custom home close to a:oU
course. l s!ory -sha~ roof,
dining & breaktast area, 4
bdrms etc.
live Ye It Up!
Vacation a month or more In
fabulous 1.1AUI HAWAII!
Sharp 2 bdnn t.'OmplcteJ..y
furnished condo unit on
beach. call for f11rther Info.
,$350/mo. .
(npr ciiltm1 thalft)
LLEGE ~EAL\.'f. l5QO ,ldarns at Harbor, .....
rmmac. modern home withlh
50 yards of best bay beach.
Vic1v of harbor &. OCl'an
h'Qm lge. living room & bal-
cony, Lowest priced in Cove
at $62.500.
'Valle: Haase .....
Coldwell, Banker & Co.
550 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, Calif.
833-0700 644-2430
5 Bedrm + Pool + 3 Bath-$26, 950!
1''11.mily living at a price to
lit your budget -i;ee l~is?
Rich wood paneling, hund-
somt' bar. Elegant fireplace.
Ext'l'lle11t area. 54G-1720
TARBELL 295S Harbor
Imnlediate occupancy for
ymLr family. Newly decorat-
~ & fwUy carpeted. ld,cal
loctition nt:Jl.r }Veftclifl PlaGil.
Sue thi.J lovely a b4Mn home
(8•/. loan avall.)
Make up Ole massive patio!
Where in the world can you
tlnd a 3 bedroom, 2 bath
l\'itl1 electric built-ins, excel-
lent carpet. boat door to
hack yard. and VACANTI!
LESS TltAN $2,000 DOWN!!
Walker & Lee
2100 Harbor Blvd. at Adams
Open 'Ul 9 PM
Right outside you1· door +
near by swimming: pools &
shuUJe boan:t courts, You
can enjoy your spare time
while livlng in this luxurious
3 bdrm 2 bath single story
hQnle -Unburden yourseU
with this delwee Upper Bay
Vic tori•
No Down "VA"
Fir11t tim(' oUered at 1twse
terms. Sharp Back Bay • 3
bedroom + large family
room -Doubl(' fireplace -
lntt'rrom • Covered pa1:0 •
Pool site yard. lmmedia~e
J)OSSl!:ssion • $34,950.
'\_ <H I N,,.,; '" •
646-2313 • 646·7171
Beautiful new carpeting. Lo-
cattd on QUIET cul-de.sac
!ill'C'Cl Has a large covered
& enclosed l'RONT PATIO,
even roon1 for boat or lrail·
er. Excellent valu e al
S:.!7,500. Call now as t h Is
popular plan \1•ill srll fast.
546-9521 or 50W-6431
~ J If "N!<HOI~
No Down G.I.
Shimmering waterfall . large
covert'd patio. BBQ. Big bed·
rooms, fireplace. Full dining
room. Sprinklers. Closing
costs. 540-17'10
TARBELL 842-6691
Z big bedl'ooms, 2 balhs, brick
fircplat·c scts-0lf )IU"ge Jiv.
Ing roon1. Dream kitchen •
built-in range & oven • C.'<·
Ira rating ai·ca. Palio for
partiri; & BBQ'~.
842-6691 TARBELL
' Pool MESA VERDE 4 Costa Mesa Spec. 3 BR 2 bath • family room
Assume FHA
Loan BAY VIE\V & pool-.Blulls
best buy. 3 Br. 3 Ba on wide
i,'J'f'('rtbelL 1950' b Ca U t
upgraded. $ 12,:i@. s+i-4265 North Side, INDOOR • Otrr-overlooking beautiftiJ land·
• DOOR FIAMILY H 0 ME. Thh"mls•. Flt~ .. ~ bdunrmu.s'!41s. :icaped gruunds. Oose to
S..BC'droom • 2 Bath hon1l'
\\ ilh lireplacc $6,lXX) mprovemenls in u ~ u .. 1-u1 ..
aluminwn patio and swa1. Pfi!}ally customized school • ~lU5t see to apprec-\'ACANT Newport Heights
MJNG POOL added, Large Y."ilh beamed ceilings & inte. •
'living room, d'e.11, dining area dreS11ing room. Just fin-Easts1de Duplex s.1500 dn and pa.v $23.2 1r:o.j.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;j
&~ two baths. Qose to ishcd interior painting. 2 BR & l bath + l BR 1
aehools, transporlation and 2~ bath With optional bath. On 0111> QI Co.sta f\1esa's
including <'Vcrythini:; -1111. SPACIOUS
med. pol:iS on credit approv-
al. Near ~hools & l("'.t!lSpo:·-3 , ~R. ,t fan11ly rn1: La.rge
shopping, A fl.EAL BUY bidet 11pecial feature. finest streets.
AT ;27 7501 Clote 10 Mesa Verde 'h talion 1Jv1ni; 1·n1. Stone ftp!, 1£\V
· floors. t·pl5 & drps. \\'eU
.... ,........... • . •l•montary H h'" !. Lac enmyer
$29,950 FHArVA temu;. J6-.. COATS
kept. Pro !ands~·apcd, Ask-
ing $28.0ClO.
Evenings Call 646-4579
General 1000
(0pen Ev.,.inp)
1860 Ne1vport Blvd .. Cilf
CALL 646-3928
E~s, 644-16:)5
546·2313 • 646-7171
ALL 3 BR's-BY O\VNER Dover Shores
950 Victoria Sl9.500 GI * UNIOUEL Y :3 ,ff~~~~l ~~·\: ~~. Diff('rrnt "Old \\131·'.d" Con-. • len1porary, exccut11·e lux· 203 Susannah S26.500 5~~ Ut'Y hotnr>. U11obs1ructed
Lot Owners . . • Large take over loans Bav & UT!n YU-1nost rms.
A l ·Beclroom ••S4S-lO.'l.9•• ~m. rrt ft. -l Dr. ·1'~ ba + WANTED
Experienced Re a I Estate """"" "" Home SalC'sman only. Private desk Mesa Verde llJO n1aids c1 trs. Ideal fur enter-& phone, top commlsakm & c;;.;c;.;;....;.o;..;;.;. ____ .;.;.;.: taining. Easy n1:tinr. Immcd
FOR ONLY floor time. <»me tri for in-$26,0CiO Assume 5~ .-;, FHA, 3 or.:cup:incy · 1'\irnishcrl, $101495 tc1-vicw. Alice Clark man-BR, 2 BA bcautitul patio $178,000. As~ume 61·•"~ loan .
BUil T ON ager. home. Vacant. 011'TJ{'r. Opcn1,;"3'~'~';,;'"~'2i,;N~.B~.;;'~IS~·-~•1~·1~9.;,;;;;;;;I
ino. ""'''°" v~~.~u'iti~i· lachenmyer ~7~'" Sal • s., '" ~ e 1080 sq. it. BY O\VNER: 3 BR. '2 BA.
COSTA MESA e Double garage tam rm. Trees, block \'iall. Spacious t·usto1n :!-story ex·
531.. 010 $I 25 MO. •AU lath and plastc1· Realtor patio, sprinklers. 29-::.3 Royal ('CU!l\•c hon1e. Larg<' formal
74< I• e Pullman bath 1860 Newport Blvd .. C.1\l Pahn Dr. $24,500. 5'16-9896 dining roon1. Panc!Ci:l den
Coast.al w aters, just e Spacious wan:l.robes CALL ~3928 Priced for immediate sale 11·ith \•1ct b:ir & f1rcplat'I?.
minutes1 away. Bright & CALL 537·0380 Eves. 642.fil85 at $27.950. I ni 1n a cu 1 at l' Sitting roon1 w/l1rcp!ace. 3
cheerful 3 bedroom, •In --t Or•••• County an<1''!!!!!!!!!!~'!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0 I home 11• it h 3 O\'ersi2ed bdr. 31l ba1hs. Garden en·
family room. kJtehen 0~""";,pp~~d areas. 11 ATTENTION! lxlm1s. 2 sparkl\ng balhs. try. Vlc111 or lx1y & n1oun-
wtth built-ins. Quiet & STANCO 'UNIT BUYERS la1-g(' family room, double 1:1.ins. $82.500. 616-71;11 serene. Private swim & • · h th 1· '-?.fovo in one nJ1·-:2-Bdrm. raised enr 1rcp ... ce, cor-~ teonis club. All ot this 8 "Id I ...., 11er lot & ciuict cul-de-sac. for only ~25,500 ! As· UI ers nc. 1~; ba. unit & collec:1 r<"HS Call 5'&8124 So lh c t k
suinc FHA loan. No fee! OPEN 7 Days on o1her 3. Good are.i. \Valk Real Esta;e ' u oas Universi ty_P"--:.:c~
Brttcr be fast! can 10666 \Vl'Stminster A11e. lo all shopping. 1 carii0r1s HAVEN-
645-0303. Garden Grove + r:<. storage. The)' f..?ll College Park 1115 fnr eh\lt!1·c•n. 4 BH . ::11; ba. SPANISH SENOR ! Balanced Po,vcr.J.lomcs quickly, ln.~{)('ct no\\'. ----Nrar pools & 1X1.1·ks. can bl'
Bay & Beach Realty 3 BR, 2 BA. Separate guest bough! in 101.., s;io·.-,
4 BEDROOMS BAYFRONT 675-300) Eves. 548-8&63 rooin w/ba1h. Pool. By Call for drl(11l1-:
Spanish elegance. 4 Jge. ,Jmpresslve 2-story Bayrrontl-~2'~0~!~E~·~°"=;'~1,;H~wy~·~· Cd:::::'~'-1 -='0=""",:':·::"::"":=78;;7,:3·====1 f) Red Hill Realty
bedroms, 2 tiled bathg. home. 4 Bedrooms. Larae Westdiff Plaza h ll:ll);g Culvrr 01'., Irvine
Spanish tile entry. l.1as-living room, formal dining Ju-1 block -m this spark. Newport ~ac 1~ OPEN 9 Ati1-S Pl\! &13-0820
sivc double fireplace. '" Ll'1 Open f!arnc cooking in . _l'!JOOl. paneled d~n with wet ling, landscaped, deS!gner Harbor Highlands Eastbluff a gourn1et kitchen + ~· master suite w:llh aU. home. 3 spacloUJ bdnns, GI NO DOWN
deluxe built-ins. Jfuge tin& room, fireplaee & extn gleamlni' hardwood floors OR $2500 DOWN FHA. Yf's ~~ ..n.. .-......,.
play room & only $29,-large dressing room. Elec. l..arl:e patio deck_ If yo~ it's true, thl~ 3 bchm 2 bath ~~
950. Call 1101v Senor~ ttlc controlle.d gates ~ gar-\rant perfect landscaping homl' is offered at on I y DESIGNED FOR
645.Q303 age door. Pier & !loat for see this horr, today CALL $27,7:i0. COMFORT
RANCH IN THE large power or sailboat. 54-0-1151 Hertlage R;.'11 &<;. l:."'noUgh said • take 1t look, SJJ,500
$175,«X>. can for app't. tate Lloyd Barnett Ritt. * * * *
CITY ·1ohn macnab Costa Met• 1100 333 E. 17th St .. Suite B Singlf' O\Vnrr gave Occoratot ASSUME 645-2134 Car!c-Blanc. bt1J::f'. deluxe (714) 642·8235 mstr. bdm1. s111tc & spacious 6 °/
LOAN 901 Dover Drive, Suile 120 At Westcllff Pla:ia OPEN HOUSE--2nd or micst bdrn1. -2~,
Newport Beach FIXER UPPER SPECIAL -3 BR. ba1hs -dramalic spli1 l rvel ·
Large 4 bedrooms, fam-II "i::::;::::::l3 bdnn 2 bath house needs Hy home. Big country a family to make this home Customized horn<', for im-lavishly &ppt'd: 1111llpaper
k . h 'th d I bl m-"•·•~ ""CU""'ncv abounds -dream kitt·hen -
ins. Huge, huge lot. ,~--·-... GI or FHA lerms. Owner Says "SELL" priv., 1valh>cl, bay "ie1v P'l-1tc £'n l\'l e uxe t-'Yl:f.I;KJ~' 1 shine _ Price $26,000 • try .....,,....., ,,... ,..... · ·
Right in the city! Plenty Lloyd Barnett Rltr. 2215 ANNIVERSARY LN. tio • absolutely fft'sh k
o( elbow room. You can Open Thurs/F'rf. 1-5 ~pnrkling. Barcl,v U"Cd. Tnls
ha11e horses too! The 333 E. 17th St.. Suile H I h & A re·otylcd Blutfs "F'rancisr•"
F Mod I Ha Pinc in ssoc. big G•;~ loan pa.,ys evrry· ormer e 645·2134 plan has it all. Call; thing a t $166.So mo. 3900 E. Coast !1111y, 675--1392
Don't delay! Call today Inner circle llome near POOL HOME--READY
645-0303 park and school. Beall· Jmmaculatc 4 BR 1.tesa Del For the wi&e buyer. this
NEWPORT BEACH riful appointments and Mar home t'-On1plete with view duplex for only S27.500.
. clean throUghout. S~a-manicured lal\'n & gleaming Not lea.sehold? Close to shops DELUXE DU PLEX c!ous. airy feelinl,!. 4 pool. 1800 sq ft of gracious & beach. (15(}.C)
&st J J!Mf'. ~ ~ealty 1
Sand pebbles throw bdrms, 3 baths. formal living. High 5%'i& loon can PROPERTIES WEST
fr 0 m that wonderful dining and family roam. be assumed wi!h no loan 1C28 Bayside, N.B. ti75-4130 21111 Vista Drl Oro
cool sea. Two large bed· $42,950. fee. Full price only $33,950. ;:::~:=:;:;;~~~=:;;:;;: Nrwporl Brach
rooms and two baths. CALL LA RRY 54G-ll51 J.Ieri-Newport Beach 1200 644-1133 644·0505 eves.
Large kitchen with de-tage Real Estate .,,, ..... , • + .:.,, • ' '
luxe built-In$. sundecks. ASSUME 51;40;0 FOR QUIET DOUBLE lc==o=o=o2::::==o~~=i
Great Jocatlon.131g rents OUTSTANDING \Vest Bay Ave. duplex. J Br.I"
pays for itself. Only 2 ba. lov..-er; 1-BR. 1-ba. up-Corona del Mar
$38,500. Today's best DOCTOR SAYS VALUE IN ""r. Custom built attractive ---------1
buy' Call now 645-0303 : COLLEGE PARK ~ OCEAN Yl[lll unitl. 3 car gar. All in a f l EARLY CALIF. "1'11 c'.1rry 1he linunc.ing for 3 BR, 2 BA, fa111 rn1, scp din quicl t_ici,ghborhood. ~j!),OOO.
the right buyer. Bnng mt' rm. Fully equip kitt'hen, u!il BURR WHI CUSTOM HOME an oUcr on my 3 bdrm :l nn. Iromac lndscp. Quality TE .~ bcrlroo1ns, t'Onvrrtible rl:en,
bath COLLEGE p ARK extras. See 10 apprec. Sy REALTOR f:.1n1ily roo111 nrill forn1al din-
$18,950 HOME." 0\1•ner. E~·cs & '.l'knds. 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. ing room \l ilh a 1SO D~gree
They don't build t hem JEAN SMITH ·~"~~~'~"o0'=--~--6/a-46.iO 612-2253 Eves, view of l'l('<'an anil Jetty. All
like this anymore. Lath i; CHARM ON THE -BAY 1his PLUS a ;:ori;eou~ large Realtor BY OWNEP.: Eastside CM. 3 pool in a pi·olC'\'(('{! rnuct· and plaster. 2 Bdrms ..
hardv.·ood nooring. Kop-646-J~ Bdb,.!,rnh • cblab'",·,,',' •. ". h~~: .• ':.turn.1011 40' of bny frontagt>, l Hd. yard -Joi· 1!11.! fan1ily lha1
per kettle kitcht>n \Vith E 1 "" ., ~ hollSf< plus 1-Bd. apt. \1•h1ch descl'VC's lhl" h,•sl.
tile galore? Even the 400 · 1 th SI.. Costa 11"sa w/ alley access for boat or can ~ con1binrd \ViTh n1ain * 'ii7.o,flll •
co:i:y Veranda for that NO DO-WN-PAYMEN_T_ trailer. 6 1~',.;, loan can be hse. or scp. rental. $98.;100 673·8SSO
western l iv In g just assumed, $24,95CL 642-:117!1 R. C, GREER, nralty
freshly paJnlPd, hard to CUle, clean, comfdH!ble :J • .. ,,._ VI L'd ,-"'M find! Better hurry! Call BR 2 ba. Newly paint.:.l i.'I 51/4 Yo Assumable Loan ""'JJ 11 1 0 ,,,.., .. ,,,v
;:. --"'.:7.~-• I THE~EAL I
i ES.TAT,ERS' , 645-0303. 5. out. Blt-in kl(: dishwasher, NI' So Coas! Plaza. 3 bdr. 13l. 0\VNER'S SACRlt"ICE
w/w cpt.6 thruout. Fncd yd. ha, livrm 1v/ rrplc & pant·l-4 or 5 BR. 2 mn. old llarbor --_, __ .__.:!..?.... __ -FOREST E. S22.500 VA or FllA !erms. ed wall. S'..!6.900. Pay dn to Hills home. LR. DR, Fam.
P.W.C. 546-5440 !x!sti~g l11a11. ,BY owner. 11.. 1v~tb frp~ & bar. 3, Ba. CAMEO SllORl·;s~2"11tir, ~'--'--~-~~---5'4&19J7 bc111· 12-6 pm. C1pls'. drp~, ~at•Y Xtras. ('Qnvl'rliblc tlC'1t, 2 ha. OLSON
Inc. Realtor5
at Harbor Center
2299 Harbor Blvd .. C.i\1.
White Elephants'!'
Santa Ana Heights $8500 cash • assume :ti. 'i'1 Xlnt financing. S48-82S_I -Spac:iou:-l\' 1'111 .~. ~1111 fill.
FHA loau, $131 mo. L;:. J DUPLEX WEST BAY Profr~sionally l;1111brapcd.
l/2 ACRE br., hin·: 19!13 ~feyer PL. Owner will carry TD, rioloan $4:'1,000 Sh1i11n b,v ;1ppn1nt
1 BR fLxcr upper. UnbeUev.1,,_co~r~·~"'="-·~~=~--to get. Flrcplatl's, etc. onl.v. Collrt!' 121.1\ :'.-17-2819
able vsluc. 3 BDRM.. 130 FT. \VlDE £73-011'1. LGE. hilltop lot. r;~1ew
DAVIDSON Realty LOT; almost nc\v cpt;:. THE QUICKER YOU CALL. ol ocean & l1dl~. Privflcy .
546-5460 Eves. 545-5142 421,000. 0\VNER 548-6965 THE QUTCKER YOU SEU Rcal1or Gi:}--2010
General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000General 1000General lOOOGeneral 1000
2043 Westcliff Dr. at Irvine Open Evenings
Fcatiirlne ,onr of a l(ind on beauHful UDO ISLAND. Spacious family home or
CONVERT FOR 2 fa111Hlcs. One of 1he most lablllou.~ buy:'! 1vc'vr f'\'C'f hnd on
the island at a n;dud!d -pricf'. Sh~r luxury through.out \l'ilh too many fralures
to m@ntion. But \VHA'f A VIEW! Ca.JJ no1v for full dctalls and llJl[Klintn1enl!
1'1exible terms and Jl.10ST ANXIOUS'.!
Unheard of but ownl:'r says r.rUST SEU. this be•utiful 3 lwdroom. PLUS DEN-
tri-level home on \'OU O WN LANI)!! Luxu rloui1 llvu1i::. \\'Ith OCEAN VlE\V
from kinh sized master bedroom a11d e11l(lrt.ai11ing livini.:. roon1. Su11 drr111·hl'd all
ELECTHIC h.TI'Cf!EN and spra°"·llni; ENCLOSED l'ATIO for grc;it sun1111,,rlirt11;
fun!! And just TERRIFlC TER1'.1S n
OCEAN VIEW -4 CUSTOM UNITS for lnvl'l>tors or rt'lll and livr in your uv•n. Ch11r:1ning Ancl sfmriou~ 11 ~th UEA~1EO
CEILINGS ANO FIREPLACE in coiy llVing rooma! l..o\v mnintrnance! \Vl1h an
ocelln view.!. it's i;.IOM" \o all t1hopi1. and the beal·h? Let your rC'llters PAY YOUR
PAYMENT~ 11\nd UVE care t"RE'E!!
and one of thi• most channlnjt ranch homes lm11.git1ahlf' 1,11 thL~ quirt <"Ul-dr-stH·
11tree\ with sky reaching ~had!' lrt'e6. This heavy shak1• root bcauty boosts :1
maa.sivr l>t.>droom~. 2 b<1lh.~ anrt \11\nn ff'trhini:r; livin~ room \\il h,<Jnr firrplaC'<'
and a SECOND •"lREPLACt JN t'AJ\tlLY ROO~I ! ·r11kP OV'tt -Mt-~HA loo n nl
only $185 J)(!r monlh. l'.\1;\lf.Dl/\TF; Prl!'SESSl(l~ 11ith as Jillie tts S4,500 do,vn,
7682 Edlngtf
4 I-luge bedrooms, 2 lUK1.1rious balhs. Pool is l7x34 Healt'd & Filtered end only
1 year old, Assume FHA loan wHh payment of $190 P.T.TJ, Covered PaUo 20x22
for that. great Callfomia Living. Let WI shotv you this beauty!
G.I. LOAN OF 51/4°/o
Low payments of S1'11 P.I.T.l. Beat the high Interest rate~. Submit your rlo"·n
payml"nt on tlJis stunning 3 bedrocun clDsslc. features modrrn bulll-ins for f.lon1.
2 \'rl'Y charmlng baths. Def'p pile carpeting also dra1~ throu;:hou !. Be1:1u11ful
rrnt'C'd ha('k yard ~urrounits this hugr covt1'td patio. \Vlll ~ell Fl-IA or VA al
$22,950 IS THE PRICE!
Th<' payment 011 this beautiful VA Loan ia $132 per month \11hich inc:ludrs taxN>
end insurance, The home has 3 que11n size bfflrooms also 2 baths. Doublr Garagf'.
FenCf'd yard. Carpets l\nd drapes. !11odcrn kilchen \\'Ith serving bar. S\Jbmlt your
dov.'n Jh'l.Yment.
ASSUME $18,000 ~ 6% G.I, LOAN
At $14 1 l'.lel' month TOTAL~ Lovely ~hake roof home wi1h 3 lari;e ~room~ find 2 puHmn.n baths. \Valk to Park! CarJl('ts I: Drapes. ALL ELECTRIC f<lTCHEN
& 0 1$.H\VASl-!ER! t.o\·cl~' e11s!orn nre1>lacr 11.n bl"11n1 cc!lin~ fan11ly room ! Gra-
COST A MESA OFFICE-545-9491 • 540·0465
2790 HARBO.;R.;l.;L,;.YD;;.·;_ ______ o;.:P;;•.;•.;E.;'•;.;•;;;;ings 'ti! 9 P.M.
\Vhen they give a\\'a)' this rambling 3 BEDROO~I. 2 bath bungalow after only
8 montla tvith payments ot ONLY $166 per month for evecythln>;. A.~ li!tl(' RS
$2,400 do\vn lQ an F'HA loan with NO QUALlFYJNG! Quiet trcr-Hnt•d strel"I,
Secluded b&ck yard~ Beautiful soft llhag carpel~ Chl"C'rful oprn kit~:hc·n \\t!h
loads of cupboard!i end magic "Ye range & ov<'n~ BIG, BIG n1a~lcr IJ('droon1>)!
Guess \11hat? ONLY $23,950. BELIBVE IT OR"!fOTi •
HAYE $2,40017
As~um!' this S20.000 Fl·IA loiin for It" 1han S135 !"'r month rh1s laXt'!'i~ fXY\"T
HESfrATE to n.•k to St'e lhis 3 brdroom. 2 bath spanldn~ clean Spitrld,..r! C.1r-
pets . drancs. ranJ:e. oven. ash paneling, b<?amed celJings, n!'~v paint, ln.Jil trL'<'l\'
an c lose to schools and s hops.
for Old Bottles -i\'lobi!t' Home -Airplan~ -Smaller Home -'Tht~t Def>d i;-
Yarn nr ANYTHING! Four 2 hedroom units with earpl'ts & drnflf'<i. ()<,1·ner in
nny ~·ay po~siblel IJ1\·cst or live RENT FREE! Bought new In 19G4 for $.J5,000.
\Vlll GIVE A\VAY FOR $49,900. O\VNER 'VlU. C,\RR'>.' PArEn:
;,~~ ;;:~d :h :;::A~~;~~·~:,.:·i;!·•ll!1:let~~:ln~··:N~U:T~E;s~~------!!!!!l•••!!!!!!!!ll=~~.:~:~:~:~m~~·~~~
l"J!!'.:llll'!lll','ftR'""'"""'"..,""'""""..,..,..,..,.,,,.....,..,.,....,.,...,.,. .... ..,_..,...,..~-~--.--,.,....,. .... --.. --..... 1"'-, __ ~-·--· ..... •""'•RNJ. A"'8r'fO'/l'ftlV u.ucr r1 .. v1 _R.ENTALS RINTALS RENTALS . ~ RI NTALS ~INTALS -'-'Tiiii1iffiAfiL'"is=~--11ITT-Hmrr--'"" I
1--'""-.;.;.~..o.;;.;;.=;;;..-'-"-;..;..;.;;.._____ Houses Furnished Houset Unfurnl1htd Apt1. Furnl.shH Apt1. f'urnlahe4 Ams. Unfurnished Apta. Unfurnl1Md GtMr1I
Huntin ton &..ch 1400Huntlngton Be1ch 1400 __. --------J..O;m;;:;iiiijiji;i~~;,i~iiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Lido 1.1. 2351 Corono oltl Mor 3250 c .. 1. -· 4100 L•1uno .... h 4705 Cott• "l•H 5100 0••• "-Int 5740 Inc-l'roporty 6000
MOYE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS NEWLY IU"•i•hed 4 SR. 4 IRVINF. TERRACE I'll~ l BR Aplt ~ StudlOo 100 CL"f DRIVI fol-VHla •~ts 2 BR Dllpl<l!, leuo, crtps, e TRIPLEX e
Eb, av11U ~t :ISUt Winter 0 1 ..... _. •-~ _, ~l ·-108 ., q Two~, .... ._. • ..., ~ ctrJw;. _.~·i ~Jc, no Pttl. 'P•Us v·-~ •• , _.1 '(Ir lo~f'r. (714) 6'7$-.1319 ' u i e. •-•oe -)'Un)' av ....,., ..,... • ""' dQJU AU ~ y~t;;I ' U::~"J, ... ._.,, ~ ....,. NeW homes, ready to move ln, ~ t_tµJe
from beach. First payment up to 60 day•
aftc·r n1ove in.
2 BR, :z BA 1bon,. ....... "" ltll.lit.. 3 Bdrm$., dinl113 215.\ Dckn, AJt,. e. M Walk1nr .,...._ .. Bel.m Ne,r °"1We Co AJ:cpott 'I"'"=""'=="'=="'===::-~r wlU carry Ht TD at , --~ room, >l" 11v1,. room. All onlY1 l22l -y--11a. _,, only. 20ll:! RUL ESTAT! llll> lnL U~ Dow•"""-~}mlio. 21A Vla Dijon. Lr8.lle beautifully carpeted ·1' $1~. Per mo. ~uxe mob -.. --Santa Ana Ave. ~ Ul fltti f'\lU Price
St>pt ... rune. 6m...482S d~. IAvrly ~~ted Pl>?"· hornt. Htd. pool, adull.1. 00 ~-.,_,., 1 , 'GtMral Ewine lnv•tt. Realty Te<m• VA/FHA. From $22,990.
8 .lbo. 1•1.nd All built·inl incluchrc rfri.t. pet._ 1 ~UOnt M 0 b PAN 0 R Alll (i V I e ..--.. <::iC6N 'BREEZE 1t" l bd bntefj Wintff 5990 64'-'132.1 OR &«--1361
__ l3_5_S I. dishwum. Pool m&Jnt. Eetat~. ZS39 N • w P 0 rt. over~ AlilO BeUll. i lt4 bi. btl-JN. • _ ~· .. NA'ITt' 'NtFTI&S
ST-----" gardener incl, $it50 per S4&-l3.12 bdr., rum. AD eleet. Ma\urt SlSO . • U I< ~~ • EMP. 't"OR\&ft Who Uvn AD :l BR -Elcc blUnt. t..mh J • TIMJ.o.: ofltttd, nk.-ely mo. Rth1 .. please, Call own. ' adulta. m d!Udrtn. no pet.s. no pets. ~..... · o ~·-· cor-AL' SHORES
(O il Garfield between Beach
& Magnolia !urru.~hcd, 2 BR, ? bath: er. G13.~la. VALUE, Adult cou~ on1,y, 2 $185/mo. Eva.i .f99.3'755, 2 BR 'l'Tlpk!x Apt. Ckrpett, qu11e y, -·u-n furn . apt. In patloB AND ovtr ~ net
chQICf' 1ocatlon, Adults $250 8~ no llela. drpt. crpts, dr~ e&llo.. $W/l'DOnlh C d M, up lo $100. 67>008:; return. Atake me Pr'O\'I! It!
'I ='=""=·=C=•:";";;"":'':"::··="=-=:;;~,iNE\VPT. Bch, Exceptiolllll.I, dblhwuhor, "btd pool, quiet. .. WINTER-RENTAL • S48-+t18 ' 1,.. .. _._,_P~M~-----1 .,.'·="='"""=;;·;IU=";:· =""=12'/$==1 . 1 adtlltJt. \oYt"ly warm pool, $16. 2295 Pacirlc A\!t, C.M. SPf,ck>ul 2 BR t BA octan -==========-1 or 'l bedrooin, ful'n. or 1.
Coron• del Mar 1250 Fountain Valley
Huntington Beach 2400 ~una. 2 Br. Jlvine, dinlnr. 5"-6878 or 642-4429 hon! apt In b fl au I If u I N.wport leach 5200 parUy l1.1rnlrih~ ap!. 111 ~oooct Bu1lnes1 R•nt•I 6060
1 'lO 2~·s &, waisher, dryer, tria'. 8 CllELO . t.aauna Royalt. ~. re.11den tlil al'Ni ~"o•hi by ~ $.l~-0 BEAUTIF~Y .lur.n, crpl&, dl"P'I. ocean view A R. Apt., • I n I I e '114:111..1700 -----working couple j i 0 c a 1 • PRJME Relail l.ocallon •
Chamung 2 Br. + t•onv. den + formaJ din, nn.: allic
space, :l frpJ.; 11•allcd gar-
den. VIEW of oc..'flan & Jt"l·
ty. Steps tu bt•aeh. As!Sun1e
loan aL 61~';{.. S108,500
Walker Riiy. 675-5100 --CHARMER! __ _
Ne\I' Englilnd style :!·111Y., 3
bdrm .. ? bi1lh!!. Vacanl 81
11.'w:t)' for O(!(·upanrv. S39.500
OeL1ncy Rea l Estate
2821i !'..:. Coasl H\VY., Cd!l1
Lido Is le 1351
Olvnet• wanls al·liun on ''<I·
f'ant l Br. & -ba. hon1t•.
Xlnt valur ul asking price of s:is.;,co
3100 Vta L1tto 6'i''.l·l!.~0
• 4 BR .. 1 BA. Assun1ab!e
!!':'; lnan. By 011·rlCI'.
S60.500. 6T.l-i776
Huntington Beach 1400
1r;i0 Ml rt. F'ull pr1rc only
$:!}:.950. Bl0<•k 1vaJI lrnc::..-,
shak~ rool. ("arpcls thn:w.gl\.
out . 11ltludu1g kllche.n,
bu1lt·111 111nse & oven, dist\..
\1'1u;her, Very sharp neli:h·
bvrhoo1l, Btg IOI.
iur L-nlld, mobilt homl' in from upt;!•lrs Br. $2£.S mo. iady pretrrred. S60 Month. RENTALS UNBELIEVABLE l'lf'Wilpapt'r l'Xrcutivesi No Slore 171:.oM), ..i,,t fl. 1' auto
h.•uutlruJ pa1·k. w a I ki n i:; 673--4886 . 325 E. t9th SI,, C.M, Aott. Unfurnl1hed BAY• VIEW children. no pP.!11. Up to $175 lrallic. l!7l Harbor, C.M.
d I :st in c e o t be a CIL View home w/pool. 4 Br. ALL Util pd, 1 bdr duplex, Simply tl\ke& your breath pe.r tnu, ti4.'i-0045 alt 5;30 646-66S4
Tl•acher/O"'·ner on leave. Avail. St:pl. tth. older adlls. utfant, pets OK G.neril 5000 away, ove1•lookln1 Lldo It P,.,t or \l'<'Ckends. I ~,250=-~SQ=-.~f"l'~. ----,-,.-,,~J~.,·I
Can be st'('n by appt. Reis. Irvine Te.rr. 3 BR. w/pool, $100. 2335 Elden. CM So. Bay! Spacious 2 Br. noor, .xlnt ot!lce/.slo~ Joca ·
rt"q 'd. 121!1378-2643. Quick OttUpanry. LOVELY Bl&: l Br. l\S Ba. ~ bl..: glamorous le:rrace tion. Must sublet~ ,.,tovhlij! ==========l0on Franklin, RJtr 673.-2222 Pool, patio, adults, Sl90, "VENDOME for entertainlnr. Adt.ilta, no RENTAL FINDERS Call "''(_'kda)'ll 64Z-9483.
Laguna Niguel 2707 S200/Mo. 2 bdr, Frplc, cpts, 2310 Santa Ana, 645-2933 polsitE~fu~ m:;~~76 IMDPOSM: ... ~ ~1ARINERS CWTER
AVAILABLE Sl'pt 14 th. '.I Br, drp11, refrlh stove. wash/ SJ3(J. Sl!p., fum. I-bdrm. Cot· Th-IMACULA.TE APT'S! N E W p ORT Be a c h .:::\ USIDOITlM •IUSllS$ OUlce l &tore bl¢1i, ttnt or
21; Ba. pri bca<"h. \Vasher/ dryer. 67f>.J evts. tage, incl. utll. Bacb!lor SE::~~Js '">.~~LE \Vatutront 2 bdr. l ba, New Uf.-ROOMMAn SllVICl lt11.!t:. $75 to U2() per mo.
<lryr.r. Sl'iO. 499-374~. Huntington Blach 3400 only, no pets. Ml-0522 C'°" to thopping, Park luxury bldr. bu 11 t -ins' m w.1,.._ C-.••M•K.MM!il 149 Riverside. Ave.. ~2«lt
V I. R I 2 z· BR, adulta. S1f0. Mo. 1613 * S c•···· 3 Br" l Ba subterranean ""'"kl-boal ·v n v _, n n __ ._,_ BALBOA ISLAND -Leilse 2 ==========~I ac;a ion enta s 900 URGENTI •-•ta A·· A·-. C. M. pa """' 1• •• , .•• , ... ,,_ ~ ·•• ,_., ·-.... * 2 Bedrooms .., .,.. ... ' LANDLORDS: Wr h-a \' t" StorCll, loeoe_lher OI" scp. 307
Santa Ana 1620 DUPLEX with v1tl\v, privsre: ~aSe ()r lease option. BH,u. 6f3..391t, ~.ies 543-85?2 * Swtm Pool, Put/a:reen C1t1ribe Balbo11 tenanls \\•ailing for 11•11111111 t.larint Ave. G13-815.1
----------avail. wet>kly during Aug-ll!ul 4 Bdrm, den, formaJ l BDRM aJ,1. l or 2 adults. * !o"rp.l, JndivJlndry fac'ls 310 Fernando SL under· $150. t'rCI" 1'1't'\'lt:c. Or SCf' your broker
CHARMING 3 b<lm1 .. W/\\' Sept. 2 Bdrms, fireplace, dining room, 3 baths. 3 car Furnished, $120mo. 897-0196 1145 An1heim Ave. 673-3003 Local Brokt"r, 645--0111 $60 PER Month. Eut 111b
r-pt!!, paneled library: 2 f:a.ragf'. 20011; Kings Rd. ~ar&~t', Nl blk.~ ~ :~ -COSTA A1E.5A st2·2824 VIEW apt. adults only, one 4 BDRMS or t'qlllv ui St.. C.1'1. Street exposure.
Jl<lllos, lrpil', $26,990: S141 548-2394 alter 6 pin, S4~c ·mo~' ~: Ha'n!~ Newport laac:h 4200 lAri:e. room wfflttpl. l: sm. Ncwpoli lkach or Cd~l Re8.lonomicll 67S-6700 ~1onth. SC'C 1417 Shawrlt"t'. c· 1• HB 84&-0l"4 . • RENT • kitchen avaU. S165 nm. area. 772-5536, t'Vt!: & l---~sm-.i~,-,.-.-,.---1
: .. 1~9l"l8 Summer Rentals 2910 irc"T. · WINTER ~ntal. ~· crpt~ 2 .._ MS.2394 Sal/Sun or after 6 \vkerlds. C11;1aUna lsland $75 ~10.
3 BR. 2 bath house. wilh Br, 2 Ba, bit-ms, cloiied l Kooms Furniture PM wkda.)'8. "Arum'O;:-;:m.:u-;;;;;;;;-;;; ll--!P~ho~oo~A~'°"~o~n~J87!!__ Laguna Hills 1700 CLEAN &!boa Beach Units. built·ins, tireplace & double pa I i o • r: a r a a: e , $20. $25 & UP GARAGE or sn1all room 111
-----Sleeps 2 to 10; for 3Ummer garage. Newly painttd j, washer/dryer Avail Sept. 2 BR, 2 ha, c.lec kil, trplc, r.on1mt'rci.&l zone. Ca 11 6070
LAKfo: f''Ol'l'St, garden homf',
r.Jany t"Xlrrt-~. plus shady
11al10 ,t., yartl. 3 Bctr, 2 Ba
11h1.~ lanl. rooru. 837-8&16
all. 6 PM 0\l'tlf'r ll'unsfcr·
Pat i\l1.~s1011 V1f'JO 13y
oil'til.'r. Ass1un<' 6', Fl-IA .
Anxious! nnn1!':d o C' cup.
rcser"a1ions call 6i3-9945 new carpers. w a I kin 1 5000~ Neplunt. Call Tit: Month-To-lt!onth Rentals enc rar. Sk'~'I 10 heh, lse. 642-16.!l evenings,
31::, E:. Balboa Bl,~ .. Balboa d ista.n<:e 10 school. $225/mo. ~1492. WIDE SELECTION fl50. mo 6ll-1990 or NEED 2 Bdrm . apt in
DUPLEX \VITH V I E \IJ, Rllr. 546-4141. OCEANFRONT Duplex-2 Appliances &: TV'1 avail ~J\81 Harper Sch. area by Sept. 1.
11riv1Hf'; svail. wrckly dur· PAClfo~Ic Sands--8:!92 Malloy Bdrm, avail Sept 6 to July 6 HrnNoC&F:_~1",, .. "'nc"°',',·~.. VIEW apt. 2 Bedims, split Rc1t110na ble, &tS-115.J
· A "-, 2 Bd 2 1 1 si1· 1 '"'" <llll level. Elegant carpeting, e LANDLORDS-. 1111! ug-.x·p . rn1s, Dr. frpl, b&. c..'OV, br ck on ease. a per mo o 517 w. 19th, CM S.SS-3481
lttcplal'l', J:aragf'. 2001\; patio, stove. relrii", tll&S. responsible adults. CaU col-156& W.1.ncln, Anhm 77._2800 drapes, garait'. li.replatt. FREI:: RENTAL SLltVICE
~'RO~! S6.'> PER l\o10NTH
Air-~·ond., parklni:". centra.l }o.
c11tionl'!. Secretarial service.
:.!'.:O E. 171h, Costa Mesa
642-1415 Ktrig.s Hd. 548-2394 after ti drps, $185. 646.-2551 lcct 1213) 79l--Ot28 eves. Call aft 6 Pti1 54S-.-239f Broker :.01·1·69S:l
pm. . ~ * NEW BAY FRONT $CISO. 2dBR ~~ldloxD, L'bl!-~~~; BALBOA BAY CLUB ex· NICI:: J or 4 BR apt or hOuse 2 0¥'F'ICES available.,
2 BR Balboa apt 11.dj Fount11n V1ll•Y 3410 Winter rentals, 2 Br. 2 Ba B=~r ~f>.-Oill1 ""........u qui<e: l Br apt. f'urn or unfurn or rurn. Good prox 486 sq fl.
.S?s.$150 wkly. BEAUTIJ"ULLY landscaped lurn. Avail S;ept 6 . .$225, mo. unf. Lse. S400. 642-7633 residential area. R c s p . 1l'33 Bakt'r, CM
FOR SIGHS ! LAKE forc11t, on the lakl'.
Beautiful vil'11'. 2 bdr. l ba., Brand nr1v and right near !he HTI--8616 art. 6 ptn. Owner
beach. 4 Beautiful bc'drooms. tr.insff'rrt'cl.
536-39U, 67:>-~10 3 BR, 2 BA. bit-ins, frpl, 221 19th St. 675-0136 Coste Men 5100 2 BR. Apt.I, furn . or unturn. 1 _67_5-5_139 _______ 1 _54_,.._11_;_1 _M_o_n -'"-'"-'-"-' __ 1
ROOM, bath, private en-crpts, drps, covered patio. l l 2 BR apt!. From $135. to To $lXI yearly. t'>'> _,0 BUSINESS Lady desires 1 Office & desk space,
trance. ON BEACH. Close to schoob & shop'& $175. No chlldttn or pets. Anita, Jonf's Rlty. '"....u~ bdr apt or housr, lurnishcd. Secretarial service.
'.! baths. Dran1atic, raiSf'd [ ~========= ceiling hv1ng room 1vi1h d1~
!int"livr fu't'plaf'r. An all
J!las." J(arch.•n kit1•h<>n 1ak<•s
the "ri·k" out CJf tiuusc\1·ork
snd makes C'OOking an t>X·
pcrH!nce. Chrl'k !h1..-sc . b1ul1.
ins: Wall to ...,·all carr>C"!lng,
dra.pcril's. fcncu1g, bt!uul.
£ront Yllrd ldscpg i11clud1ns;:
sprinklers. Deluxe bit-in ap.
plianc.'l',i; including: Ra~c.
oven, db,hv.asht•r ,(, d1~posal.
l l's 1~ady !o 1nov(' into now.
6601 Luc1en1u Dr. l!unt. Bell,
S2i,l!IO. and 11•orlh f'vr1y l"f'"·
ncy, CA ur FHA. li14f
531·/t~l(I, 11 AM I() i P~1. Bkr.
SSO \\'k. 494-s:M . Yrly lse S225 mo. tm-3735 1525 Placentia. Also avail. (QNSTRlJCTION We&tcliff 5230 days; 546-29R2 Ne\vport Civic Ceoter,
BALBOA l))('XJX'nsivc l'OI· unfum. * Malure 11urking woman., •===-rn_,._,_.,_'===-i
1agrs -v.•kly ralcs. Avail ~~ne S.1ch 3705 3 BR, 2 Ba., Ocean t'?on1. JUSJ (OMPlOJNG SND prl, 2 BR, 'l BA. t•p!, lovely room wl prv ba & 11
~lcl'idilh C:inl,·n~ hon!<', 280ll
sq II. 4 hrtnn :1 halh, f'i.llll'i·
Jed den v.·ith har F.· ~un Cl:lSI',
Ro1na1t 1ir~ign healed pool
11ith Jaf'uu • & slldr. Also
lorn1al d1111ni.: roonl. 8"'aut1.
Jul cal'pl'ts & drape~. S4T,9.'>0
full prlr.(' . S5200 down.
l' n1tl41JJ•¥1Mtl
9'2-4471 l -J 54Ml0l
·-~=-.-----BY OWNER
\Valk lo Bl'al'h_ 7 monthq
ne11. Adult o<·1•up1l'd. Up-
i;r.tdcd rp1s I drps, 4 RR,
£an1 d ining 1·111, l'lt-'{:1 . k11<"h-
cn. lndnor I outdoor rtilllrJ,
.\s;un1e Fl IA loa.n. Illness 1n
farn1\y, !Jbli.1178 after 6:30
N<'ar ocl't•n • Ownt'r !r'afl!;·
[('!'!'Cd, i.U:\\l!'IOUf> 2-S!111y, 4
brlr. '! ha , fiN'plarc. din 1i 11,
('ICt'I bll-1ns, :!-car gar. <'PIS.
drps. Nr ~<·hou!, ~hopping
1•111r &· 1•'-:l'hJs11·c entry club.
01>.llf'I' ::,31).191~
Yr. old Spanis!J s!ylc. ,\.,.
S\1111<' fl/A lo.1u. 3 BR., pa.
tto. BBQ. bl1ns Artj. ro golf
1'tlllt'!<.r. pool. S'.!6.9~-0
R J-:,\L TOtt.-: 6'i:..1GG2
::o36 ~:. Coai.I I/Ivy., OJI\!
4 !c•vr\s ol luxury l1v1n;::. 4
hrlt·n1-:. '.\ l-mlh". fnrm.11 rlin-
ing. scpurali• g;1n1<" 1w n1 ,t,
2 f1rC'pla • ''" J'IU!s I his nnr 1111
)t{IUr nu1"' M'1' l 1~t. Pnc1..vl
l'l ~hl 111 s l:!.!iOO
842·1418 anytime
~ B8DH00~1"i
2 ~IORll~S
1\ny ti;-nns. 1\01\1 ahoul 11\al ~
Rex L. Hodges, Rltr.
BJ:':f;T BUY /$.t!.5Clfl
.1.. rarn1ly 1t101n, cpt~tdrJ!S,
l'(IVCl'NJ jlUliO,
Si.JO \\'it 1 rl!'r, F V 'l1~-141fi
Al'ound 110o•l ; 1'00111 lur ex·
pan~~on. Xlnl invt\S1'llli.'l!I.
For d:illi. on !hi~ rx<'Ju:i;.vr &
olh1·1·~. plf'i"£" 1·1111
f{!'.,;,\LTOP. 6i:,.0.17:l
Laguna Beach 1705
~pr1·1al ' I lnt Oln"" 11111ts 1'.'0
ydi;, tu h1•:11·h. Paltos, dr1·ks
v.· (K:f';in Vl('11•. I\'ds. paint,
1•1c. l'houtli J!t'Oss S9,000 yr.
Pr. S69.tifWJ Considrr rrad<'s.
ll!JSSJ().!ll REALTY 1!\4-07.ll
Dl'cari vu•w lot. S6.!¥.!0. Sn1alJ
but ll'l'<'I. Sl.000 down, ha!.
at ~iO rnonth.
'1~17-1021 49i·l210
l BR a111 . (·1~1· 10 hcachcs,
p.u·k, n1a rk1·1s. Rangr. rt'lr,
l'pls, 1Jrps. Only $12.500
ta'<h. 011·nl•r )1!14-:.!~I~
2 BH., fcllcl'rl ,1•a1·d. Sl4,."i00.
\\'ill take Jot. !irst TD or'!.
4!M-Sli0. ,-;-,----RENTA ~S
Houses Furnished
Gener.ii 2000
3 BR 1 1 ~ ha!hs, cornr•r lol
Con1jllC'!Ply /urn, $200/1110,
Rltr, :.!T:l() llarbor JB. C'l\t
5~&.5-IBO 519-1058
Rentals to share 2005
SJNCL!'.: :tl yr or over p:i1•J lo
.~hart 2 Rdrn1. A pt.
11·/:;;arnc. Call 6-12-4608 alt:
J '.IO ••
\VORJ.-JNr. 1drl roo1111nate to
i:pl11 Sl 7:1. house !<J. L:i.i;una
\l'ith yng. 11·01·k1ng 1110\!tl'r &
ron. l\v111l Aug. 151h. Aft ~· :-;o f;1,).~'9i:l. -----·-----LADY co sha1"l' af)artn1cnt,
no all'ohol $6."1 inn.
• 642-i8il *
SINGLI•: :.!\ yr or ovcr girl to
share 'l Bdrm Ap1 \V/san1t".
Call &1:!-!608 art 5:30.
RACll, :."2, 1\/2 Br. art .
now. 54R-31:.S SUPERIOR 2 BR, 2 SA ~l!':sri'~ lelM'. Deluxt. drp, frplc, bllins, across entranc..'C. 646-18'!_3 __ ~
RENTALS North ~nd. ~1alurt' rouple. or · or • Harbor Heights Four ln11 Coco'&. Sm & S'lOO. 3 or 4 BR. Olde!' home 1vould
Houses Unfurnished lady, 110 childttn or pets. OCE.AN!o'RONT, winttt ~· 2 & 3 BR UNITS Adults. 642-0239. 1665 lrv~. he grcal! Ea.!! of N~·p()rt
3 00 S,.5
••. "·I•. 4•• ~oo. Ofl oc.eanlront '> & 3 Br apu ll .th 1. I ii possible. Any l«.alion con.
0 ..... ru: ,,.......,.. ~ a w1 lrt!p aces, !lidcred. $150. 54f>.S515 G'-'-•-•~•~re_l _______ 12 BR 1 BA, ~an view. No S16Q.$175. CM 2 BR, util fw-n dishwashera ~ 2 bath•. E"'-H~l_B;;.clu~ff-'----~5~2~4~2 1 ~===~~-~--
Sl50 64i.J831 Ren tal fl.fanagtr _ BUSINESS Lady desire!! 1 FOR LEASE pets. $1\Xl mo. 1----------DELUXE au e lt'C'. 2 &-3 Br., bdmi unlurn apt. To $110. • ! 4M-7924 * OCEANVU."W: 2 BR, winter Mn. Otristienscn 2" •-cl--.. .......,, ro.n ., • ., ,,,,,.,,., '-===d-1==;:;;====-I 3117 A Cl A ~ °"'· """"rar. ;J.:>W'Up. ....... ~ 1. 1st:., $160 or 2 BR, famUy • nnlmon V•. iil2 Am~ Wa,y, N.B. Near I :l==;:Oi:=====-
3 BR i "~baths. College Park Lagun• Niguel 3707 rm, wipter Jse, $19 S. Costa Mete Cdt.t Hi Sehl. 6Ta-5033
$..?50/n1ont!l. 642-5436 Phone 546-1034 5995
DAVIDSON Realty 3 BR. 2 BA. beautilul vle.w.l·1-.i-N_T_E~R---,~8-R-S~17~5-+-o~lil.
Rl!r: :!T:il Harbor lB~, CM Bltins, dsh•\•hr, crpls, drps, Can be seen AU&. 23rd. 12-2
516--.)!fiO E\l('s. 545-4941 f'rplc. 836-r>ThO or 542--1213 pm, 101-9 \'/. Bay Ave., NB.
WE HAVE ANOTHER I Avail Sept. 6.
3 BC'drdri'111. 2 halh. Modc1·n Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 • \VINTER Rl.'NTALS •
h'.itc•hrn. Double Garage. T\IJO Bedroom duplt'X f'Om· \VINIFRED L. FOSS, A11t.
Fl'n,·f'd Yarrl~. S\89 Pl' r plclcly ttdcooratcd v"i1h a • 642-3850 •
~1~th Lf'ase. F 1rst and Las!, garage, >A•ill rent only lo OCEANt'"RONT wintu lse, 3
WE SELL A HOME ~:.~ folks, no Pet• ~R. lamily; SI75. 48071,,
EVERY ·JI MINUTES &a.short Dr1w. Walker & Lee 'TP•t,L:urnish.d L~i:;m~n1~.E~~M
4000 •6tl-80S8•
7682 Edingf'r
8-124-t;.5 or 5'1(}.5140
General BRJGHT & cl'leertul 2 BR
Open t"VCS.
S'llO. 4 Br. 2 Ba. yard for
t·h!ldren. Avail now. Local
Broker. 61a--Olll
Slli.l. 3 Br riarlly fum. lgc lot.
Children & pets O ..-. Bkr
$~. l Br. fill\\ rm, l'UlllpUS
1'111. lrplc. \V/W , children &
stnal! JIC1. Bkr 5."A-698{)
$95. 1 Br costagc gar. s1ove. Luxury single, 1 & 2
~ Avail 9117. Bkr bedroom apartments,
=========/ furnished and unfur·
Cos ta Mesa 3100 Dished, with complete
~:lli;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I privacy and landscap-
4 broroon1 homf' in ~ll"sa
\tertlc. Nl"IV shag t·arjX'ts.
$2'!.>IJK'!' inon!h ...... Bkr.
5~9521 or ~ll [Ill J k..~ICHOl.5
ed country club at-
mosphere including
$750,000 w o r t h of
recreational facilities
designed and operal·
ed just for s i n g I e
ba.yfront, Patio, \\' I n t t r •
Corona del Mir 4250
Sl35/mo. y~at• lrBM. 1 BR,
rrpl.c, gar. patio, So. of hwy.
ti7;',.J7al U'ter 5.
furn, walk to shops, adults
only , no pl'UI. yrly. 540.3864 .
AVAJL. now! l~Br. view apt.
nr. beach.
Don tT'clilklin. Rllr 67"_,...2222
BEAUTIFUL upper duplex
Apt. Very t:lose to So. Bay.
4 Br. 4 ha.. $fOO pe.r mo. yr-
ly. Salisbury Rlty. 6'7J..6!XXI
\VINTER rental, 4 BR & 2
BR. All elrc. dishws.ht,
disp, gar, ll'plc. 120 Aa:ate.
ti73-8918, l:ZUI 728.7~
""~~~~~~~·!Corona del Mir 5250 HARBOR GREENS_ I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -~.,,
BACHELDR unfurn from ~
Sl!O. All!O avail 1 • 2 Ir 3 'IJ,.. 6rt•
Bdrm. Ht'ated pools, child
cart' ee.nlcr, adj 10 ahoppin&. ON TEN ACRES
No pels. l & 2 BR, Furn "-UnJurn
N'P'l'. Beach homr: priv.
bath, phone t'xt.. !K'P. rell'ig,
U);t'ofwaaher/drye 1•
a:!AN Or ~irl, $1~ wk,
Kitchen privs. 5~6.3916 after
10 Pr.1
Guest Homes 5991 2100 Pt'tl!rson Way t'ittpla<."es I priv. pallO!i I
__ c~·.,~~c_.,>~l=',.:,c.,,,;."6~--03~\~0--I Pools. T("nnis • Contnl 'I Bkfst, PRIVATE roont tor am· MARTINl9UE 900 Sea Lane., CdM 644-2611 bulatory lady. Nic..T sur·
GARDEN 'APTS. !~facArthur nr. Coasl Hwy) roundings, good me a I 1 .
Cwita l\IE"Ra Mn•a. Avail
Eio;ce.Jlcnl, park-like sum>und-2 BR south Of hiway, crpts., Sept. 1. CaU 548-47J.'l.
ings lot adults only. drps .. ftpl., prg. No child, PRI room In llc'd Guesl
Bach, I, 2 Ii: 3 BR. Apts. no pets. Yrly )!;t:. SlBO mo. llome_o. GoOO focxl, congenial
Pool, nr shoppin,. Avail 9/1. AJI. 7, 6T.i-3117
Im sa atniospl)erc. Avail now, ., nla Ana,. Apt. 113, 2 BR. la...,.e. ap1., bit-ins. new ''"" ~"""' ·~· . ., .......... ~. Cl'p1., freslUy 11ainled, '£111. I-===========
LGE Bachelor unit Sh11.rp. 0/40, no pe\.!I. b"ll--0130. Misc. Rentals 5999
Cpts/drps. Nr. So. Coa.st LARGE 3 BDR, :l BA, laand 1----------11
Plaza, OCC. $125 incl rtfrig. rm, priv patio, bh·ins, dsh-STORAGE gara,cs, fully
"-ul.il. See. al 973 Valencia wshr. Childrt"n ove~ 12 OK. rnclosed. Avail Sept. Ut.
Apl,. Z aft. 5 P~f wkdaya & t115/mo. 675-379~ art 5:30. Sll. mo ca. 548-2921. C.~t.
all wkt>nds. * ~J OF lari::l" dbl garagt' ..
2 BDR., 1 ba .. ep!s., drp~.. Huntington Be1ch 5400 :or storage. 1543 Orange
bl.t-lns., s In i: I e , gar.. 2 BR townhouse. Washc'r, I ... A ... '~'--· ~Co~• ... •a,,...M_o_,._·_~--,
upstairs, Sl20. Ollf' child dl')'('r, reJrii::, rangt', oven, •t1 DOUBLE g11.taJ(e tor rent
OK · No pels. Eves: crpts, drps, pool S\50 mo. lnr car or storage. E :side
64&-3432. !l!iS.1673 after 6 pm, S a l $15. 2'lS Sierk1 SC CM
THE SEVILU: 2 BR. 1 ',~ ba. after 12 noon $20~to garaJ'.:,l" for rent . Star.
W/garagc, Sl50. AdUH! • 2 & 3 BDRM. 2 Ba . pvt patio, agt only, 642·2657 East Side,
crpl! -rlrps -Bit-ins. l-'rnc-heat e. d p 0 0 I , o e. W'I )I ~·-------
td yd. 2619 Santa Ana Ave.. d<"COrated. 962-8994
2-1 BR unfurn apt. $115 mo.
See ?lfngr t"VC! afl 5: 30 k
wknds. Avail. Sept l . 13&.0
E. Bay SL CM. 6"2-4754
Huntington Beach 5400
8234 Atlanta
1 Bdrm. Pri gar . Pool,
\\'Baher/dryer. 536-3927.
Sparkling nrW
. ' '
1 I
N'111. Bt.•ai·h-S120 per n1unlh. [-""""""""""""""""""" ;,:lfi~IO!i:J ,\flrr 7::ID Pi\t. I BR cotlt1gl', crpls. drps,
277 So. Brookhun;r
(1 blk. So. of Lincoln)
t n <1 ) 772..(5.00
Huntington a.1ch 4400
J Br Medallion, {'Ondo. all
bit-in, rctrig-, encl patio,
pool, quiet. $130. 6li>-.'i034
'1 Bdrm, :z ba. Nr !hpg c.en.
11.'r. No childre.n, pets. Gall
be.fr 4 pm, 646-6Zl2.
E.SIDE; 3 Br. rum or unfurn.
fenced yd, gill', S2j0 incl~
util. ti42:29§3
2 BR, crpls, drp8, bll-in."I. No
c hi l dren or pet~.
Wishr/dryr, pool $1 5 0.
968-57fi6 All 6 pm.
% Brorooml , 2 Baths each,
lit-eplaCt's. electric built.ins
carpets 4· drapes
2 Car J:(lrages
:0.!1nimum n1aintcnance
,/ .,
' ST,\RLI:: working 11·on1an '!:r J:<t!'g, ut1l furn. Sl25 mo.
00 10 shan-Back Bay l'Ondo. Oltlrr cplt.' pref'd. Dog ok.
SlOO_ 4~~ ~77 M2-3216 a ft 5 1l'kdays.
FE!'\1ALf; Roon1111atr, 1.l.-28, CLEAN 2 BDR~1 house. prv
10 ~h:u'f" :; Br yrl)', on Bal Jl'tlC't'd Int. $135. t j 8 8
J.0 l:1nd . 67~,...,'Yffl:O l'Yf'S. R1vPr:.idt" Pl , off 161h St.
Newport Beach 2 200 Newport Beach 3200
13100 Chapman Avt.
(C blks \V. Sant.a Ana l''wy.)
t 71 4J 6.16-3000
Lagun1 k1ch 4705
2 BR duplex, furn l: unium.
nr Vic Hugo, oe.w
cpts/drps, 1rpl. f a r .
IMM.AC 2 bdnn Tri-plex.
O'pts, drps. bit-Ins, rebia;.
Adults, no pets. SI4CI.
MG-5386 after 5 p.m.
QVIET .. ~lurtoo spot righl NEWPORT BEACH RENTALS
INillf' and 1 Apts. Furnish~
White elephants! Dune-a.Line
Apta. furnished nn 0<.'ranfrr.1111 Ouplf''\ \\'1n. B / B
h•r l.<'a~r 2 blir, S19~1/n10. TO\VNHOUSE
1)1{: Ba~·hrf{ll' sui1r S!501n10 ? "'!> 2 I I ti I I • ,., .. 1H11ll, l In$., !'JI C.
llll'i all ut1I. 1210 \V. 0<'f'all· l:llllll'IS, di·a]X's. S2'.?5 monlh.
l1'fllll. Ph0nc 631·:!777 or B ,,..,._,,,, ay & Beach
( TI4 I 645-0550
South Boy Club
DOVER ShoN!s bayli·onl Realty, Inc.
hnntf', 6 BR, 4 BA, lurgc !IOI Dover Dr., NB Suit,. 126 S160. 2 Br 4-plcx convtrUP.nl
Palio, 70' Jirivai~ d""'k. sr .. :lQOO Eve" ~18·6966 location. WIW, avail 9/7.
c -,,,,......,,.,, .... .,.· ·,....,..1 •"' 534-<980 Av1ul &pt ls!, ,vrly lse, $1000
n10. 2 l 3 · 7 SO -5 O t J or • BA YCRE!'.l'T • SL'lll. I Br, m-ocean, w/1v,
21:1:7&.'>-fi.:;:13 Beaur .. wrt 4 Br. 4 ~1. Far-•val! now, Baby O.K. Bkr
Newport Be1ch 4200 Newport Botch 4200
Now Leasin11J In Newpart Bffch
The best of two worlds •••
'"°:;--====-....--.,-! 111111 din. mt.,·PQOI. S550. :i..1'1-00SO 7101 SEASJfORf;, ~in~ Jr "C" THOMAS, Rcalfor 1;;"°'"°'"""""'"-,.-"'°~'11
l11rg<' 4 hilr, 2 ha. nctn· 224 \V C.oaJJt llwy 5'1S-S.'i27 S137.50 Bachelor apt. All utll
hc111·h. Avnlt Sr.pt 20--Jnnc YRLY L-«:! a! b t> 11 r h. pd, 1v/w, avail 911. Bkr
1;., S:i2:J. t''11.n1ily only. (:Zl:IJ Children & pct OJ(. 3 BR. 21~~~....-~-~---
_,.,.__~12_n_r 6'24-:i:i67 br1, 2 putios, dbl gar .. frplc, SllS. 1 Br, pool, t.'Onve:nient
your home and your country club
For your home, select from single, one ind
two bedroom ap1rtment1, F..irnishtd or un-
f1.1rni1h1d, eich i1 profe11ion11\y dtc:Ot•
eted and includes c1rpeting, draperies,
ell·eltctric: Westinghouse •ppli1nc:es, 1tor· •9• space flp le nty and priY•te b•lcony/
\\'lNTI::R l'('nlal. Bay Short'!.
:! BH, nuK.ll'rn k1tt·hcn, S1'.l5.
6-16-3.~:"l.'l • B"°A",~-st~l~o=n=E,~. -.~-
9 i\fos. winter ri•111!\ls. 3 &: 4 Or. rurn 1'"n1m $2i:J.
"C" 'fllO~IAS, l11'11llor 22·1 \IJ, fo;1~1 Hwy, ~!"J.'1:z7
nLUrFs tond•) 3 Br. :z Bi,
'1•;1lk tn pool,.; & shop'g, cx-
lrJJs. L.<;c S'.:50. 644-1486
RID. d,;hwr, tl1sp()sal, new localion. AduJI only. Avail
pa1nl, 1·p111 k drp&, pool. 9/L Local Broker 645--0111
Sreps 10 ""'Tan. S335 1110. i=========== II
n•fs. C(lr loc. 4800 Ri ver. C0tt1 Men
NB Avail now. 641'.Hl1l42
UEAUTIF1JL A·lraml" beach
hoUSf', ~ BR, 2 BA, bit-ins,
s:1:11·c,. Uafurn or will sell
lum1shlnxs: vrry l't'a!OnalJle.
Lease S2SO mo, avail Sept 1.
$30.00 wk. up e Day, 1'-'ffk. month. e Studio i\ Bach. Apti,
• Incl Utila a: Phone 5t'1'\i .
Just st•r• from yoor door is 1 whole
world o 9iclu1ive count ry club recr••·
tion: ,•
• Prof•1lio11•l 1i1• T111ft;, Courh
• l•tl4•nt T•Rni1 Prof•11io11•I •114 Shop
• Olyrnplc: 1it• Swi'"miftt Pt•1
• Yhiffpool l•tht
Tuatln 5640
15652 William SI
Tuetin's pre11llgt address
Adult lhtina. no pc.ts
Shag carptl!
TolaJ air L'Ollditioning
Gymnasiums & Saunu
Apartment,, lrom .~1 50
1''or infOrmaUon S:JS..6687
A winner bo!h
income ,t. tax-wlsP.
Call Wally llallbt"rg
Res. '44-47S1
Read Cl111ific•tion1
In the
For Expert
50000.neral 5000
Sol ve a. Simple SC1"a.m bled Word Puuk for a Chuckle
0 l1orrang• l.tttri cf the
' lour 11:rall\bl.cl worcl1 be-
low to form 1011( s/mpl• WOl'dS.
1~.rYrEr " ,. 1
• Keeping up with th• Jones'
Harbour 1405 Corona del Mir
l hl01.•k 10 Nrwpt. Elemen-• Maid Se.rvtce, TV avail.
L111')', br1tch &: bay, 673-8010 •New C.afe .l: Bar
or ~~.-05()4. 2376 Newport BIVd. MS-9755
BAYCRESi lor lcasl'. 4 bd-WANTED-COUPLE
"'."'S. la1nlly room. lorTf!al MODERN FURN 2 BR
" P•fdl• ltr111i1, Voll1vlio1lt, l 11k1tb1U Co11rh
And • 20,000 1que r• foot clu bhou11 offtr•
th••• features:
• Sop•r•tt M•n'1 1ft4 w.111111'1 H11lth Clt19t
with s.an••
J I 11 J hobit: Even when finolly bu~
ied underground, they'll try 10 lltiNTJNGTON ?II A R I N A
KERE'i: o ~Ill!!! hklc-ti-\\1t,y
fnr lt.e lln.:d l')(«:u\1vr. l
Ill.Inn, l:ieal dock °" motn
f'lulnrle!. A ~t1.11fy a t only
$f9.9j() • 1-:Z ll'l"f11lt
lm: furn. lll{IC'. rt>S1dt"llC('. l
Blk. lron1 OC'ean 2 BR.,
ft.pl .. 11.:1110 ; 1 hlk . rrorn
~ho11111ni;: aren. A cl u I Is .
R. D. Slt1I'-'-'· Rt'nlt~ L1"do l•le 2351
Sli-351!1 E1 cs. S:~ -------'-PLAN N 1 NG 10 nlQ\'t? You'll
hnd a.n &ma.zing nu1nber of
hnmcii In todll,)''i; C'l~ssllied
Ads. Oieck tlK>m tl<'IW.
$7j(I, LI::A i-:. Lux1u;' .1 Ar . 3
Sn., -l hl l'll'.f' ,tU("l;f s!UtJ10 or
~th r:r (;ard<"oer, 01111('r
., .,Siso
dinu~ J"!ll. Excellt"nt family 22&4 ~1t1pi by W"--homc S45IJ/n10. P~te Barrell e u.wo•
ruty 64'!·5299 Eve1. $48-4161 Pool. Sham. Bltna, $155. No
•• w -.. , -Pt"ts. Kid!! ove.r 16. Call
1 J...lt•r &•K 0..t.i"t l o1141, llilli••,jl lt•rn
• Tlf;.t1tr• TV Lo~1191, Art S111,j1•, r1rty l•"'"'
Models op1n noon until 9 :00 p.m. dally
Bay Shores 3225 Manager ~·
\VATERl-'RONT NcaT BBC. LCE. barh. &-1 BR..up.stn. OAKWOOD
luxury 3 BR, l BA, with Drps., crplj., bltinl. No
"''""""· yny Srpt. i; 10 4 pe11. 2885 Mendou Dr., Ap1. GARDEN APARTMENTS
Yt'll1'li. SG:'IO n10. Rc~P·1='=~==~=~= llOO •. l•th Street, Newpo rt ltech adult~. no prrll, 71+.tl42-5674 DAll.\' PCLO'J' WANT ADS Phone: 642-1170
!'IT' 21:\-~ _28~RIN~~G_JllESU~~L~T~S!_i _..:.,_..,.., ............................ r!!!/I
l"L'°'u=r"'M"'""U'"'T:---....,, k~ep up with 1he -erov.;_~
II I' I j I' I 0 c-i... ... """"'' t-. by fllllng I" the 1nllling _.d
VOii d9Y•lop from st1p No, 3 btlow.
r r I' I' I' I' ,. r I
I [
' '
1~ Wh~n. You
Want it done
, rirtht •••
Call one of
the experts
lis!t.d belowlt
I.Mt ( 6401
DOG, amali IOll( • l\llrt<J
blonde ookr, curttd up lfall, Per 'ut ,..,.k• .,.,., &-._,.,.. ANlttenc• ~j! ~ ·~~. "!;; ' Dl~L DIRECJ' F~-117,f
boac11. "'""' 11 ~, ,;IL.-.;..:...; ____ .-...;,,.;._"l"!'~-"'I
125,tul CUb ~ ttn' ex-REWARD. f7$.0U2. HOUSES FOR SALE t••1l1t• ft.t.1tl(t • •1 pt.nPon. 0 Id t•labUehed· • .,, ...... llNTAL .. .... dht---Sal. L\DIES wallet. vie Cell~ llNltAL . • • • .. ...... 1• ol'fl•c• tt,.TAL ..• ,.,. . ~ft)' •• .....,.... SI ~ ~t...i AVt 1 ,._, .... COSTA MIU .............. llot !MOUll'tlAL. Jltlll,llTV ..... u .. &rf $12,0QD + pmftl-Dou..bio • _. lo"!'" •• ._...._ MUA. DIL ll\AJI .......... , • .,,lM .t"OMMllCIAL "'"'"••-lea
t Cab Kt , -· t Be.ach. SIL °"V&luable ,,.,..,, v1aof .............. 1111 11i1ou•Tt1AL ttNT.&L ........ ..,. Ml ')'MU', • -. I r i R""" _ _.. fM.'1,.6 COLLIN , tK ,.,, .......... 1111 ~OTJ ·•· ,.,.,,.1 ............ ,6\• 21J..07-IQU, PI P I • ' .,...,...,,.. -Nl~f •OACN ·•••·•·•'-• l)M lllA,NCtfll . , , . .,. ...... , •••.. 6\M aft & NIWNIT Ni lO"JI ...... ,o,.1111 tlftlll Gt0\10 , ...... ,. .... "H
""' ·~llVICI DlllCT~Y llllVICI DlllCTOllT 1111v1c;1 DIUCTCl"Y Al'l'ILIATI M~l~TURE While .... ,.. ~'w":t.f°i'.:." ... ·:::::::::::liii t.o::o:~ ..... ;·· ·:::::::::::m: ~· Wint? WtwMWye Getf • • • -MANUPACTUltllt m<. Nffdl cllpptd. nea ::~f:Z:l,·:-"::::::::::::::::Jm ~l1t~.,._~~?~~~~-n ·::::::.': S'ICl•L CLASSIPfCA'rtON Pott .a.-11o-~ ............ MIO ''"tt.rfel '1tO • col It r An1wer1 to DO't'll 1..0111 ............... 1nr OUT of: ll'Al'l.f"ltOI' ......... 6"1
NATU •• L IORN sw·-111•· .,.,.. ~.,.... ..... auodatt '#1th ~ ••a ....... _· ..... _ Of n...L. S' WIJTCLll'JI . , .......... '"' lo\OUNTAIM. 011111' ........ '211 -~rr • ,.,.. "'' -or e.....t.._..i-....,, .. ,_ 1'1C ...... .. M.lll;IOlt MIOMU.MOI ........ IUS IUIOl'llllOfll UMO "" .•t11 •-t I II to ., • IUTUMIV'$ .,..._... Victoria CM 5'8-SJ58 UM1v111rrt Pi\lllk ........... 1w •IAL 11tA1'I 11111v1c1 ..... .in .,._.1 I .ot.. 1.. M'lrtVnl WALLS. Windowl, floca. bukpound io Join expand. • 11;v1Ma ..................... 1m ,,fi, tJCCM•t101 ......... 1ua S Lines S timtt 5 lauckt JtrJ1tlG 6 ~Air' uinmt5onl1ta carpetJ ·Commerdal ' ins nWHlf'I' OI) ST llOO I~ Gt.ASSES. 250 block on 1.1.c1t 1.&Y .................... 1141 t , 1. Wi\MT'ID ....... ,1J4' . •11t.•;--.e.o MUIT ;cLuoe ~ •• ,°'.;-~Pa.-.'-,· Otrnc'L ._ ........... 160 na!denil.J. Dally, w.uq vestment. &JarY siso per J71h St., CJ1f. Oldham on ~-"J1~•~U,.'/1tu.ci"::::::::::::l:!: BUSINESS and
•-w11111 ftil ... .,. tt _..... ..-WMt ..., ftM 111 ,,..., ~ nii:u>& -..1 ,.,. ... ..-. .-..111-Mo. --1SM Wk + equol aharo ol profit cue. Reward. 714: 548-M&l co1;0MA OIL M.A• ........... IUI FINANCIAL l-V0\11; lil\Mle 1119/W ...,..., ~ ·lllltt ti """11flftl, Tht 1h """'"' _, IA,LIOA PIMIMIUL.A ......... lie l"llHIS O••OOT" ITlll •I• ._..DTtt•HO "Ot IA.LI! -ut•ou OH~Y• ~•t. coata no nw.rtl SPARKLE itt.nltor!al 4 wtn.-Should return $25.000 pe:r DALMATION Male. "i e. 11.1.coN 1.1.Y ................ 111S 1u,1,,1,: wAMT•o .. M .. :,,Jts
PHONE 642-~71 .. ltrtlttt"I 4S50 EXptrttnctd MaintvWa dow .. , ........ 1-S«r/. ~ n.Tora,ppqinl.mentcallMr. Bob's 81 , Boy, c.Af. ?r~·~1\"'1Ncn ·::::::::::::::::::11Mve.sTMeMT o.-111ftltt• ... ,J11 T. "I••• Your Tr•W• '•rNIM M ' ~t 1..&nd9at~ ----Id ..... -~ -· Obenour, n....___ Rew-~. s.u--li\LIOA ISL.ANO .......... 1us IN'llSTMl:NT Wi\MTIO ..... ~" r-(l-µ1.1>, Can fW mothers Gllldui:te Hortlcalturist: .._..., l'U '' ""''"""· ' .. v ~ MUNTINITOM lot.I.CM .,,,..1411 ~::::.:~ t:::. .. ........ m;
SHOP SMITH con1plete
equipment. iily.w. paint
a lpra¥, milling equip; alto I ' •ttilt( bau !lddle F 0 R
auto or-camper equity,
• 830-28'U.
t~ PALM DESERT net r
house. pool I: air oond. ~ $11.000 ft!Uily, For lot or
I !! 830-2825
'67 FORD Custom 4 doo1·,
,. SllO h.p .. a11to. nl!!\V tires,
1 R.&.H, Xlnl cond., VaJuc
1' Sl650. For equJI.)' In real
j, estate or ""'hat have you?
\1 673-91&3
l9a6 OLDS Cull1111 Su· r. pr11nie. Power, bucket
\f ll!!ltl, new ures, R&H. xtnt
condition. For late model
Econ Van or Simlla_r. can ~ 642-51»8
n• CRUISm, AIP, :Z
depth finders, raJt&e 1200
mi. Rectnt SW'Vf'Y • wW
consider prop, TD or 1mal-
ler boat Owner.
(Il4) 729-3400
'i~ WILL Uehan&e $2S,000 ~ll' in I.and al Ranc.bo
Calli. where !hi!! acllon it
for 16 + units. N~ de-
preci•lion owner. f>4~3666.
Box 676, Tuitin.
BR, 30' den, pool. Sl0,000.
tqulty for 3--4 units wllhin
t, 3 mi from beach. Bir,
IUtn. %13 I 796-3133.
Oaanfront Jot near Ne"A-pt.
Pier, I(!. rentaJ area, Zi"x
'• !$' $37,500 will trade $10.000
11 eqty for small hollS(! or TDs.
Bl'IRS Rltr. 673-8110 I, C.bin Cruistr 31' lop rood,
Sips 6, twin v.rs, radio
phone. auto plloc, etc. Wan t
vacant lot, TO't or T!?
Volued $11,000. i7J.U31.
• .• , •-·~o water ... iio bave" te work l "-'t AL'S 1 r.::z:;::: , , -..... Oeanap1 'Free •1t. -. •• PARTNER ...... ~ted. acttw or IRISH SETTER PUP, 3 mo. N0u.~!!.",•,,••v',,"',,',•oua ..... :m J•w•LlY LOAMI ·:::::::::·~~ ,_,.. ....... ..,... ~· ~~ _...... 1nacUvt: ~tine IW:W Jiit). _,_, .. 1. " ..... .......... COLLATea.e.L. LOANS . ~u fnmt lot ~.000 Vil. Pacttlc want tD ltave Uitir ebildittt Melatenance "'"----'·' ESl'ATE Malnt. Tne s.nr · old. Need.I tpe,,_. ._t. se"L ••ACM ................ 1411 ltllAL ISTA"Tt LOAM' .... ::::'.t14o ~•1 ... ......__ W ,_. Jua! ... .....i.-. ......., CM . ....,.n•-·~ .. ____ , .._ ""'--1 .. -frM duct protectld by US pa. REWARD 49f...H9'1 IUNllT •IACM ............... lUS MOlTOAOll Tn"t OfSft iUIJ rai11-1 .._..._n ..,., .-.. .. """'~-industrial A rttidential. no:n•v .... • .... ~, .. iM.Up, ttnt, Rar• opportunit;)'. ' uao111 01;ov1 .............. uu t,10N1.'f ¥1.t.HT10 ":1w1
W ,500. W.A.flm Jnccme. BAiYSJTJ1N.G By o. ~· *~* uU.mata, Call Ml-OOll. M&nufactund 6 diltrtbllted. GREY A: whi!e kitten wt ·tr::J:'i~. "'.:;::::::;:;;;:::::Z .ANNQIJNCEMENT.S
Brkr. $CS-Tnl. )tliencff mother, day, wk. NEW la IKditW .. f7S..9fl2 nea collar. Vu: Hnt1 Bch. ,,.,, ... , cou!rf'TY .............. 1•. end NOTICES
20' Cenh• .... ' a • .-Cndttr. br. HuntbJatM BMcb treL Complt:'t.:' ~. ci.U LMMIHeP'!'J 6110 BEER. ~ A: ddi; liquor Beach A \Varntt. MHMT g~ :~ ~~~:t~:::::.:·:::::: .. ~::l fllQUtto i, .... ,, .. , ..... : ...... 641'1 ~ .. ···•1"::,: .. -R-$36-1165 up by Job or monUL .... * "·'d ..... ...,._.... -""nt1al. Elt&bl.ltMd •tore SIAMESE cat, answers to ITAMTOH ................. ,161l LOST ............... ttl ~ ...... e • .~--... ~ .. ·~-.... n ----"'*" ................. , ~-__ ., f --· •• I . WllTMIMITI• ................ 1au l'•&IONALI ............. -"tti i"81d~ i.: out. $3000 va. MAT. •-oman. dilld care, ~ .. sSs, mao, _.. tor: complN lndlcpr 6. a1lo n •• v..... commun!t;y. ~ea. e ...... e. ....,, vw: MIOWAY CITY .•..•...•••.....• 1,11 f.MNDUMCIMINTI •.•••.• , .... 6411
WANT· ~.-.. -· ~-or )'OW'· home On tl'anl or 1995 Japone ~.......... --537·1151. !:ut B!uU. 64f...452SI I.I.MT.I. AMA ................ 1,~ :L"NTl~ALf :: :::::::::::·:::; • """"' .. _, U"U • • ..:-e·v·s • ·WN • .. ..... .,...,... ..,.,,.._, IANTA ANA 1401'1 ............. ....
RE. 5tl..a661 Ret'1. Sl,25 hr • ...._ ,..... """ '•••n~"•nlNG Yuccu ..._LAUNDROMAT .... -...... ..... 1 WHITE femaJe poodle, Iott oiu.Ho1 . . ., ........... ',~s, Jl.1.10 o11TuA11.v ...... .,.i1o41i GAJU>ENIN'G SERVICE ......,.,...,_... .... Id ---·-· HB Ide 6 fUITIN .................... FtNl•Al Oll;lCTOtS ....... 64U r RA o E 2 ·ADJACENT BABYsrrrER. -reUa~. rtl/Comc'l/Indua. Reul l<, call Juan Pantojl, Ol!!t au~attd . 1e1 f • 1w • No nt; NOlTM T·vsT1N .............. ,u.u I' 011;11Ts ........ 6"111
LOTS on Santi110 in Welt· mlddJ• •· car, eo..nu · '" ter'Vice. sesoo. 81M82I childrtn waltin1. 962-1434 :r&~~':DO c.e.HYOM ·::::::::::~: f:•:.,:i.~~~Nkt .:::::::::::::!:~
-l"t to• 1-me--'-"' or -. ' "·r.:··--·... ESTABLISHED bt&u ... --'-"" REWARD: Carin Terrier. LAGUNA MILLI ................ 11"9 CllMS1Sl;V LOTS ...... ,.,,64\1 .. u ' .. ...., ., .... ...., • .,, JI..... Q ..I---....... V __, I ft---U.OUMA tl.&CN .............. 1105 Ci!Ml'flll' C•Y,TS ......... 6411 ! !! NB art•. $30,000 ead&. I 1-L ..... __ : ....._ I ' r--·1-.18 ., .... r •e ntl.. "50 1n CdM. • ch&ln, new11 brlhdl•' color. v c run .... na, LAGUNA NIOUl:L ............ 11t1 CIMlTot•Y CltY,T I .......... 111 ,,.,, ·=--, _, -nry, -EX»fr., 6oinPl )'&rd tetYleeT d led '~ c M Call 5t8-o2193 MISSION VllJO ............ UOI caeMATOllf:S ............. WO -•uA F eat •a111ou -2Si1a econ. · • · · I-AM CL.IMINTe ....... 1n• llllMOllAl PAllKI ........... 6411 -----'"----·I·-------~-:;;·:;: ree · -• -P~-nNGl!lt6Extl.owelt •LIQUOR LICENSES• U.NJ U&Nc•"11'11.1.No ...... 11,. r.ucT10Ns ........... 64>1 113 ACtt1 nr. r!vtr. Sma!J a..EAN-UP SPECI4L1ST! oontracttd prion. FWb" ina. ........ ,. ____ tu .__ _ _._ Per.onils 6405 CAJlllTIAHO 11.e.cM ......... 1ru ""'"1'10N 11111v1c1 ......... Mn house on H ...... 31, O:rMUt BUILO, a.model, repair. -.. jo'-._ ....... _ .. __ ---\~.,, ............ DAMA POtMT ........•....•.... 17'4 1'111.1.'lll:L .. ,,,,.,,.iMl.! .. ., n ..... i. .. i--i. ·-, -odd w. -~.._. ...... ir.--* o··~oE COUNTY * ,,,,,,,. ,,., .1.11 "TlA••1S,011TATtoN ...... t.441 Nat Fore1t \V11h. S15 000 .,.,,...,. _.., ooncn.. ' •-"""", ·· .............. AUTO Tll.AN1,01T.1.T10H .... Mo
va1 ' w t '"" Na· ' carpentry. no job too.~. Rtuonabl9. 5tl-et55 Jtni 'Weebfl3-116i "WE \VON'T BE UNDER-J.l ~!A!',•J~~ • ·::::::::::l~~ LEOAL 1r10T1Cl!I ..... 6450 . an .... ~ prop or ~ EXPERIEN'Clm Japw,M QT/fnt.-pnts. 'Aver rm. UO SOLO" Limited QlW11lty! 1t1v1t1101 couNl'Y ......... u"' oe11MAN & TUT01111No ittt
lob. &45-l7'5 IJc. c.ontr, iafdtMr. l\.eltable. 5'0-'313 + sOQll paint aeat work, Wl111ton (213) 2'll-U49 collect app'J' l:OND0~1N~u~ Move~_:::::.~:: ~c~~u~~;.~ DIREC.!~-~!oe
Tn.de plm. A ~~-~ "'--nterl"' . •.aa tor trte etttmafe loon.ta. Roy, MT-1151. p• ••nc Bu•. ~ nle. I-'. ou,Le:x1s '0111 •ALI!! ...... itn 1.Nswl!111MG s1 av1c• . •i.os on waterfront, """'~ i... -·-· ...--....., . """' '<.I ... ,All'MINTS Jl'Oll IAl•" . lHO APPLl•NCll ltl:PAllllS.. """• •111
land or rt1ll."-"I equl.. ~•1tl'INTllY JDt'S Gardentrw 6 lawn a.ARK Ii: CL.UtK moJded ple frames. l8axt + .A RENTALS .e.s,HALT, 0111 .............. '"' ---""" --'-•~--·-... "'"-curroM p•"'"'""G , __ es..-F . h-~ AUTo ••P.1.1111• . .. w t ment for what hive 10" f MJNOR l\EPAU\S. Ho ..Job maw ........ -. n.ca. • ~ ,.......... .. .......... ,,. ~ nniver:Jaru Housn urn1s 9'11 i\UTO. SHI .. , ... .,.,,,, lie. 4141
6$.WI Too ~Cn ~~ lo _._ Jl'l;ncfal, * Ml-&01 • 60-29:36 • d tllNltAL . . ........ 2Mt IAIYSITTINO ......... 6JJO _,_ _, --l;INTALS 1'0 IMA•I ......... IOU IOAT MAlt'l't:Ni\NCI ........ WI 20 ACrftl ranch. 3 Modem IPI 6 o t bet Olblattl. CUt 6 Edl'f Lawn , P.\lH'l'ING, Pt,ptl'iilr 15 )'fl. lnveltment Opper. 6110 COSTA MILA ............... :llM l ltl(IC, MAliONAY, tic. ....... •H•
ho-•o, J Wt"·•, fo--•. ~• M-U ftO •• ;._ lao•-u .. 1 .. te.,•-, ~" ln Hutlcr arta. Lie. J: Mii.i. Oil MAit .............. 1111 •U11Nl51 Sll'llCGI ........ 4SU ""' ua ~ .._..,Iii _.,._ ... _., ·--JO alt ~ TNER E ::b MllA V•lOltlll IUILDlltS ................ ,Ut
Trtinlnc track, h• blin, ·IDll ~t MWST2. JL 0. 548 .. &Oe/MS.alO alt . bondld. Re(I. furn, 60-ml, PN'!t S25tn1RRttur~i ua ~~'*::.-,. P1A."A~ ..... ::::::::::::;~ ::;~~~:...~~!> ............. 6SO
14 11&11i· FOR Ii.rid, unit. Ander.on * EXPERTJ'APAHl:SE SUBURBAN Palntirla/Dec $4 ~ nu. lna. Co. 0 t1' Nl'.W,OIT HOTI ............... nit CAlJllNTlllNG ............. 6Jt0 ' ' "'000 ~-.,,_ Q ..... -.... ,...__.,. Guan.ntltd Work .,M,-~ NIW,OlT SHOlll ....••...• 2ttt CIMINT, CSIK•tlt ....... ,,.Utl 0 · ......,, -. CARPENT!ltING, .room &di· ~IW'llJW\. ..,........,, Trustee. _...,. 11\YSMOllll ............... ttU CM1io c.1.1;r, licfll'lM ........ u u
'l'RADE MY EQUITY IN ditlonl, palio dedat . A F?ff Eltlm&le . .....,, Free e1t. No job too 1up Th. put four years haw r.~~~lrr~""' .. ::::::::::::·ffl! ~~=!:~c~~:lw1Ma .... :··::·:;
1969 PON11AC GR.AND cow:n. Qu&Uty, c" It 0 rn JIM'S G4Rl>ffitNG A"lawn ot too snWI. $31JO Mtney t• LMn 6'20 been the happkost ol my life. UNl'lllllSIT'f PAllC ···•······ nn CAl,IT LAYINO • ltll'Allt •n• PRIX FOR. Cl.DEA CAR. -.......... uU\1111: --•-r-·-. Jtta. 1; O:im· e J'er'. batter .... tine call You are the bett hU1band 11;v1H1 ...................... mt oitAPE111111s ..... 1•i• """'"" ~ · llWU1 ,.,_...,. !AST llUI'" ............ n•I Ol!MOLIT ION ' ........... UJI usr PRICE S9IO. 5'8.217f a ...... AIKS, ALTv...nONS mtrclaJ. .. * ~-experlenctld pahrtm • t i.: • 2nd loam fDr qutdl: in the wttole world. 1111vrN1 T1E111t.Ac• ..........• n'J 01tAFTtNG 1e1;y1c1 .......... 6'11 ~ M&o40TT after • pm. __ .. a-Love • COlONA DEL MAI; ........... 225(1 ISllC Tlll CAl ............. .. HAVE: 11' acre + eharp 2 CABINETS. A1VJ siJe job ft-1 •· •·-6612 .....n. _,,..,..on YoUr pro-. • J 1AL10.1. ... , ................ :uc• 1ou1J1M11r11' 1tEMTAL1 .... ,.,,uo BR home. Acacia St, S.A. -..,..._ •-. ,...., -• ~· _,.._ PA PER' SPECIALlSTS -pert)' 1q 'flitbout dllturbln& udy L.tDO lllot ................... tu• JENCING .................. wo
H1t1; $28.500 dlar, hone• Q~U'i:;;;:c"';...;.;.......;. -7,'"'._::' CONSTR.UCJ'ION .tte ~ Cal'• btst tor vinyh, !lodcl, )'Om' knr lnterelt 1'1 TDL WANJE D :!~.~~~~!Mo··:::::::::::::::~; ;~~°""...sc•" lii!,A11ts:··t:,,::::·:.:! ... WANT -....: .. , tr&Der .W6J: ~· Al--.. -~--.. i.t. &..ti ··-'-147..JD eVft Alto btl)'en b 2nd TDt. I.I.ST ILUJJI .................. nn fUlllM ITUll •l!Sl'OllNo : .._ ' tlom ,. Mew o-t. bl" boar up, na • • .,...iuue~ l)'I" ..._ m1U-..uo, • IAC• 1.1.v ..................... 22.. a 1;1J1M11HtNC. ·• 64n Broker, fH2..6l51. ())ntnct. ltl ur ltml Im II refal,red, Sattler NorillP Co. hie. · ""--I-&. 1_ IA.Cl( IAY ........ JUe O.AlllDINIMIJ ......... '6» or -. "5-tal ,,.,,.,,_ Jt-.alr 6110 Servma Harber Afta 20 )Tl. ' ~ .... ,,.rw • ..,t Lecl .. s MUMTINGTON llACM ......... tut GEHElllAl SllllVICliS ......... Hit Strtetlotf road d,une bupy, m:i PartlaOill 8fuiD . •.•• ..,..... - • -It nr n aean:h Ja:bt l"l!!d ,OUNTAIM 'IA\.LIY .......... 1•11 IJlllAOINO, DlKINIJ ............. "! nttrelyTiew '"""·o#•c.r-· ,., HAULING, Gam:ral, trea. . - -''"" · we ue-SIAL 11AcM ................. 100 ouss ................. 6''9 •11 ll&OO val F•P Rt ; tk. ,.lta • dl,y, ~ ....... trim--.. • PA'IOI P'L.UTEJUNG. N)..2111 5t5-0&'1l 1na program to nlabllth LONO 11.1.cH .............. uee Gll!EN TNUMI ............... •1to V " •rw "" ._.... lUCU I U "-I Id OIANGI COUNTY ............. 1'81 .,. '''" 1110 ' -·•,· • Ria! CID A&oJ"'I ~ . • •1-· ' All .._...,, Frei l&tlm<. 1 a luo;• or rap perma. ''"'' •NA ............... , .tii• · · · · · .. · · ··· ·•·· 00.t or 1' temoYed -a J'ehft. IO-GO v~ MEAL.TM ClUIS .............. •n~ · . · • ·· Ctll ~ Mortg .... , T.D.'s 6345 nent welsbt teas, conducted wEITMJMsr111 ................ uu HAULINO ................ no 4116-2300 c ' ~--~ ·-b ·'Wod h _, I I MIOWAY CIT'I' ....... , .. ,116 HOUl1Cll!l.N1NO ......... •ns liIBT<r>;;'i;;iio:lll>~l:~·~m~tlt=~·~·:.!-:!~~~·~·~-= H 11 . I t730 y q-u.. p ';AICI cu . IANTA ......... ME IGMl l ........ 2421 INTl!AIOll OICOltATINO .... 6137 3 BR 1% ba frplc, 11 iot, IU '?! ltlu .... -'''° CONSTR.UCl'ION M 0 n e y turltll. Applicanll must be COAITAL .............. 21H INCOME TAX ........ ''0 .'t-18~' 1'.--. -.Mii> * CONl"'DJ:TE Work, bond· y••n/••; _1··-up Ro-'-• ·------·~"-".,...,,=,.,.,,..-·! av·"•hlo •-•---· pro-a minimum al 10 pou-_.· l.AGUMA SotACM ............. uos, tlON, orn1me.,111. Etc ......... 4150 '" iu• --.~ -"'fl' .ivw -~· ,,,_~., •""iii" .,..... w.-u.._v...... nua UOUMA NIOUl:l ........•... Vt tlt OMING ., ...... t15S $8300 eq, Want ca.mper, ed i: lie. Pllloa/drvwys trees, L---, dirt." traetor PLUMBING REP . ducin& property, Foretin le overwel1ht, have traia-MISSION v1t::Jo .............. 21• 1N1uu.T11r10 ....... •1u I ·-late .. ••• .. .... Pbllll.. c .... n t •• , No ~. tao .... all ,, __ Uc Id •••• N '"" __ ,,. ... not I IAN CLIMl:NTE .. .. .... tn• INSUAANCI ·····"" trave lru-, m . ....... . • haekbol, a:ral!I .,...,,45 ,., .... ""''""' . 0 -unN.. ,......_ n curren -SAM JUAN CA,llTRANO ..... tHI INVl!STIOATINCi, Otltc'llve ... UllO
TOs. Owner/A&:t. M6-6S80 5'8--CSll ,., '<'"'•..,UP l li'· ~-:=;;;:i•=:";:U-;W=:ll='e==::;I Homts, Shopplna: Centers, ly ander Doctor'• catt. All CAPISTli\NO •EACH ......... 11• JAN11'01tlAL ........ 11Jc ...,.__., .. .......... off I c • Bu 11din 11 , 1-·'"il!!I letely conil Di\NA JIOINT ........... 21t1 Jt::WELIY 1&J1A 11, ltc. ...... ,.,
* * e CONCRrl'E work a I 1 Trff 6 lbrUlt mnovJ,I. I -......... comp • 1;1v11;uo• couNl'Y ...•...• 21• u.NoscAl'tNo ................ 1111
.& * * * -. Poe! decke' cu.tam. .. ,_. •ta. ..~ .. 1!1u. lt•meliel, It ... r, Apartments, etc. Write or dentlal. v•c•t•OM lENl'ALI ......... ,,. '.ocKsM1TM , ............. Ul'o l i"~!l\!!!!!i!!!!'!l•i!•'!l!!!111p,~"'···1~v~~~~~=:..::.::::::: --·-~-..v ··--~ call T\Ue ReaJty • ASK FOR MRS THOMAS IUMMEl ltl!NTAU ......... 1111 MAIOMRY, lllllCI( ........... 1130 I CID IWl--l.SU •"·•••Q• d..,,UP, truh 9'"1 n ft•--'tl Repair ' COMDOMINJUM ................ 1tH MOVING I STOltAOl ......... "411 llC•L ·1sTATI' UAAA £o py..._., ... _ • lnll.IJ"al'ICt Comp&ll)', 215 5.lT-54.12 OU,L.l!Xl!S .. Ul;K. ............ :ms JIAINTINO, l'•••rlllft11111 ...... '*10
RIAL ISTAT&; -CEN;DfTWOJtK.Mjobtoo hali1lnc. BJ the job or by Brick. Woek, eoner•t•, Clark Bu l ldtnr. Birm· RENTALS l'AINttNo,11tft1 ............... aJl
General Chne••I cmaU. nlll"'ble. !'rte a. llr ... WI erpntry, "jo2li too small inaham. Alabama 35203 -' * 11·ve! "Hou1t1 Unfurni1h1d ~~!~C::G111Alo"Nv····::::::··::::·~ I 6w .,tlm. H. 8tdiet. ... M1f :alNlllAL H•ULINO Uc. OJnfJ', D-tH5 Phone (203) 251-5215. OtNlt..AL ................. ,... l'Li\STIAIMO, l'1tai. a.tN lr ··""
Offlca ntal Cel'Mt CIMnlM U2J & CLIANUP hwf"I 6fft 20% Ret. fer S Yr1. :::: ::io':"11 •. :::::::::::::::\~ ::JLG11111c:i0,~i~0 ........... !: ~ Re 6070 Ac,.... ,._ u ~ cosTA M••• ................. " "L uM11Ma ............... m.
•. i..r;n• luch ;.c.; . ~ ~ m per load. t6UU8 -I sa.~n.41 2nd TNlt Deed be--Mtet that special 9CH?l~One COLL••• JIAlll• ........... ,3111 l'OWElll s..,, .. ,IMO ............ "' PRJVATE OFFICE S W/l'EllMIT "'"-l ~.--· -YR! _......._ SeamllrHI hind IMl1l 1it on lot with A:: besln to live. w•wPDlT ae.AcH ............ JJM l'UM" se1;v1c1 .............. •tio 7 A.CR ............. ..... • _f.. i TRASH HAULIN& N • ""'V'"" ' MIWl'Ol;T MO..TI ............. 1211 ltOOl'JNO . • • '""'"""'"""'' erp'll., drps" it.crap &paoe TO Kl&P HORSES· fJ1t 1 4IY ~ce ·A qqallty <en.Uons • ttpail', me"' Lacuna'1 finest octtn view. ORANGE; 00. 547-6668 NewJ10111T s14p1;11 ........... mt 1;.1.010, •tst•W.. Et~ ............. .. ·····FodSa"'"~ .. _ • ...:mo ... -• Incl..~ 3 """" n!I IAYSKOtlS ,, .............. Jm ltll!MOOELI NG .. AEf'l.l ll ,,~o In the Gte • ........, ,.-... • Adjacent 1ubdlvlsion 0 n' e worl(, -call sterttnc for ttY!'!•--.;; clethlnl apedllty. _..,,,, ..... $40 per mont .,, . r reco nc: DOVEi; IHOl;IS ............... ml ltl!MOOl\"LING, KITCHENS .... 6t0 Blds., Corona del Mar. $50. mile E. 01 h..,Y, utll avail. bf!ibtnntl ..,... •1 I 67,.. • Ortu:maklnl ~ Alttra60M yn, 22% Dlaceunt. LICENSED w11TcLlfl' ............... ttM sc11so1;1 '"""'I,. .......... •Ks
mo. Ctll Evel.yn Halb&kken $35,000, 11' Cub, bal lit tnllt oliMOND la • Cll'pltl bttt HOUIM •n "' ~ Cultom DHilN .f:9T-UUI BROKER 497-1021 Spiritual Readlrlc•. advloe UIU'llltllTY PAltll: ........... m, ~~-=-\~i MACHI NI! .:1,A"i1111 .mo
} S'TS-Mf4 or 5fS..3165 deed. trltndl Diamond Cerptt CAJlPm"S, Wlndlwa. nn, * 64M44& * $75,ln:I ht TD on ll,OOJ sq. on all matten. m N, El ~i~::,, ij~·~~"·:·:·:::::::::5 ~:rLTJi1~~""5• 5"':~~--~!~:::::'J '" SEE At 188 E. 17th St., CM. MAKE O'l'lltll a..n.n. M>-l!lT etc. Jttt ar 'Comc'L Xlnl .e.a...-....,1_-:-· .ra ..... ft. brick commerc. bld1, on Camino Rt&!, San Clemen!• 1ALIOA .................... Tot•M1Tli co11t11tcL .......... •tn N t I Sl!!curity Pa.cUic ,,....,. lt _ ......... Re I n.tt. 50-41.ll ,..,,.r •• _... ........ -I .. term luJl!d I and •92-9138,t 496-950'7 IAY llUNOS ................. 1uo TILi, Ccrellll( ........... '11 1 1!!X o Write or cont&ct: '""'rae Clrpt\ OeanhW S,rvtco Mn-a N Neat accun.tt )) yem exp 0 • • LIDO ISL.I: .............. n 11 TILE, Lln1i.um • M•r~1• ...... •JIJ ,,.. Nat1 Bank. Plenty ot partr. Kress 8o¥ flt Lquna Llctmtd tntund. CARPt'i'S Windows an • I • Payable ~ per mo. incl 10 AM -10 PM •ALIOA ISLAND .............. uu. Ttli6 l lllVICIE ........ fm
ina:. all utlL included: eeach or pmme ·'9-H.726. .&uuanteed .. ~ , •tc. Rn'., eom.e•l. xipt TILi C1r1mlc 6'74 10%. Rtntal Income $2,400 Attr•ctlve Expert :e:r::.\\o't1;~.cii ... ::::::::::l ~=~~n~::v·~"""' .~'.':.:: :: 112-4210. TAKE over.-· no down. -. .. ...... k l\eu! Rtfl. Ml-C1l.1 c per mo. 20% OllQounf. MUNTINOTOM NAltlOUl ..... l40J Wl!;lOlNO l"S .. __. .. , .. _ . l!R.OKEll 497 mo YOtJNG WOMAN FouMTAIN v1tLL1Y .......... )41t JOBS & EMPLOYMENT
c:ARWTS, drape1, air con-$25. mo. Nnr la.ke A: town. Carpet Leyl"-~-• Bay A: ill.ch Clnninc £JY * Verne, Thi TU. Man • C 1-TS dancer wiU teach )'OU en ~~~'-o::~c•Nove"""""'· .. ---.. ;::; Joa WANTED,""" ........... 1ut
dltionifl&, plenty of parllins. S!H-4743 A&t. ~r '62' carp.ti wtndowl noon, •f.c o,m. work. Imtall 6 repaira. AJ"NOUN IM _N late11 steps. Call Ardell LONI! II.ACM ::::::::::::·:,'" ~g~ :::f:8: Womtft ........ 7Ht
$70 '·up. Welll-McCardle, 620I 1 'YING.. Rt• A Conunc:'i M&..ltol Ne job too mall. fiuttr ind NOTICll 213: S91-t5.18 1.10 P7't :::r:~;:uMl'Y ............. =: MEN , woM1N ............ ,,,.,, Rltn 543-7729 Out of St1te Prea. , CARPIT..,.. . ! · patch-lA:alMI 1bowtr SOPHISTICATED Ba hel w••tMtNsTi1t ................ 3611 00M11T1c MEL, .............. 1011 · · !:: IC I070 WINDOWS DIRTY 1~7/J66..02(11 I' M (I' ~) '400 c ora ................ 1 •o&NCIES, M•ft ............ t1eo LARGE Executive olfiee ?;! Lota, Com1. and ~ C.A. P .. 1 • · Jobnn,y Dunn Yo\11' local rtWt'. MT~t-M ,.. Woman vniter need B ~~~~f'I,..C,:"'.reiGHTl·;::::::::ID. H&ll' WANT•o, Mtn ........... nee
N.B. Alao sm•ll ornce from :r.fintraJ Hot SPl'lnl;• Fully El I I ... A aerviee. Fri•. est. 6'2.2384 Trff •·rvfco 6910 -·" ~ ·-· 1 ~ old host-a:uest tlpt for iingle• coA•"•" 111.cH ..... ·········-~;:: ~~~:c~~~T~·;,·~·'"•~".'.'.'.".Jrc~ ""mo Owner 675-4644 · · · ••tr Cl .-v -•&.>L~ -n--~· book Box.,..,_ Daily Pilot LA u A ............... JOBS-Mt"• wo""" ........ 1so~ ...... ' . paid for. F D r u.le, •PJIJI ERIENCEiS""hou cl ''Pttticoat Junction" type . rvr:v, LAOUMA NIOUI L ............. ,,., .&GSNCIE5. Min A womtft .... Jll~
$44 000 Allan 6'f3..000i e ELECT1tJCUN job 1=XP Ill! ean-19 Tl\EE s ERV J L d B II k MISSION v!eJO ·············• 21°' SCHOOLS a IN1t11ucr10N .... Ht~ • lnduttrlil Prop. 60IO • · ___ ,, S" no pt q, own car. Depandablt. GEN!: -.... = dof. Red color, wltlu cal· 1 •rn11 oy U oc •,•,•,,,•,•,.••,•0NT• .............. ~~ ,01 ,.111P,lllATION . .. .... ,,OC! • IDO .......... •« prom ., ..... " Pbo111 Ml--71Tl treetlshrub nmov~ llr. Call 642·'823 p eue contact your sister ........... THEATlt tC•L . mi t:. .... _. t a oe-t 6210 IUll. .. IH, .... ~· • ultll ~I hlaM CA,lll'lANO II.I.CM ......... me UERCHANDISE FOR , ~n. ...nae call~ · trimmed, ha a wa1 FO\JNo black ftmale cat. trion I Jen•n at oANA l'OINT .............. 11 .. "'
I IDT 11ze 100xl70' with ollict ··ri•rrc••i . lronl• 6755 549-1359 2401 HanWm Sl Everett COMOOMIHIUM ......... :tfH SALE AND TRADE Ii I b I h --' I ••~ ... $ ;.;s flee. colJt.r, q . lat. PhDae W h ' ' DUft\.1!11111 UN,-UltN.. ......... :ltll
! . ~ra:~~ s. ~de:i~r ~; Rnch SI ewe t ... ,. .-Wlt.L do tranlna bl my Uphel&tery "'° alter s, 6t2-9l58 EN~~~ economy vacal.lon R11ENTAL~HTAU ····· .... MS g~~~·:u:i~~~~"r~~ "-:·:·:-:·:·:·:·: en
in& finn. $26,!XXI • bl!!at of .... Cerpet Vinyl Tile home. 15e ~,CO 1) MALE White cock. a -PoO Catalina Jaland. F' r 0 m $H Apts. Furnlthid stott• 1ou1PMt:1r1t .......... u 1i ~tnls. Owner v.·ill CUTy lat Y All •b'lel r.'HI: colot'I * 1" CZYKOSKl'S ST. phol. American ' Victoria, CM midweek for two. Hermosa GINIRAL . ... . ..... •ooe CAFI, AotlTAUAAN T ......... 1:14
•, TD. NEWIEU Fre. tit. µc, eontr. IS Y6t.Jl\ AD IN CLAS: Eurapean fin~:lp Owner pl.I identify A: claim. Hotel Phone Avalon 187 ~OJ:t.r.~•0A1 ................. :::: ~~~.~~~t'hM~~os ·:::::::::::~i
Wells-McCardl1, Rltrs. SPRINGS !;0.7212 MM4TI FIEOT SernlOlll will l OOfii _BL C Id 646-2791 Eve•. · · MIWl'OlllT ••Ac14"·:::::::::::.?00 OA1tAcoi: sALE ......... Mn looldzw for IL Dia.I &G-5171 1131 Ne........ • • • YOUR poem tet ID mu1lc in· NEWPOIT MllOHl'I .......... tlll P'UltNll'URI AUCTIOM ......... ~s 1810 Newpo11 Bh·d .. C.M. CITY 0 , LAKES YOUNG Du11Y pink neute~ clud mU1icians A ii ..... r 2 N1w,otT sN0111 11 ........... •m ::;rJ~=~111 :-.~·:.:·: .. :::~
t M&-7729 anytin1c nm SUN NZ\'11\ a:TS Oii mole <•' vie ol ~·1... . .. ~ . IJlll'STCL.!Ff ......... , ,4UO ••w••• •. ,,,.. • ••• ,. r.tAKE YOUR O\VN ~ ,._....1.,... ·~--... Sh ..... H ... .. . ....... dl1a $135. Hank 542-4427. UHl'lllllTY JIAl;IC ........... t2U ..... .. ... . !-, ~w • --ponr. Your oU • 1 Pm. Owner p11 c , i 1 iAcic .-. v .................. .,41 ... uuc"l 11r1sT1tUM(NT ..•.. 11u At-I Lot at 324 w. l!th St, 1W an Id to iilll aroullf ., •• ·~~ ALCOHOIJCS AncrrlymoUI I AST •l.U'" ............ •1-lt PIANOS .. ORO.I.Ill ............ IUO 20 Mile! East of Barstow on ... -•--t. .. ,_ •••• -. Th ' L kl For Ill .....,........ ~ .. ~ .. -1 _ _.,_ .A COllONA D•~ M.ll; ........... ttlt lllAOIO .................... llH I Costa ~11!!sa. 132' 300' All or ""-""""ft. N """"' .. ~ _... •Y re •• n1 -_.. .. , ... G-·· Sbopherd .-uv-.,.....,6.1. Ol' .... , ... .., 11\llDA ................. 4110 rel.VISION ................... ntl .. "· .... 111 ....... 'vlde Tenns. frffway. i:.u::V-lo\NOI ear o"'v PILOT ,.~ • ..;.'"'! .. £.ol"""""" ...... _. P.O. Box 1223 O:>sta Mell&. IAY llLAHDI .................. 4150, Ml-Fl A STiii.to .............. 1111 • ~..,...._. Like Lortlfl. W(lf'ldertul b.nd ~... Al,, ~ approx l yr, Santi. Ana • LIDO !Ill ................ 4ll TA,. llliCOltOlrll .... •n• $42,500. Call 64f>..0529 or e;ve1 alf-'~ t--. -~ ~~ Del ... _ m "In IF you · haft rented a ladder IAl•OA tllAMO ........... "J Ci\Ml!ltAS & IOUIJIMINT ... llto i
49&-3157 ~ ... ~! ...... w:.nu ... ...:-.. ... s111v1c1 'DllllCTOllY s111v1c1 DlltlCTOltY • • • .... •... ..~. ~ '"""" , ·-1 i MuNTIMoToN ••AcN ......... 44~ Mo1av suPPL'"' ......... uou• i ......... ..u ._ ... --;'r,'._.-;-;.s-.-~ --. w ... _,_~ ... _ _. ....... WM:, ....... ' p eue JOUNTAlN 'IALLIY .......... 441• 51'0tTINO oooos ........ IJOlj le r 8U~h .. P "9 MJXED ir'l!n..n:u ~UT1er. caJJ 546--0198 llAL ••ACM .................. <HH llMOCUlAllS, SCO,l:S ...... , t.lU; ·, (om--.111 •"'-•5 n.ncb, boa~ I ; Ile; t lu•l:..1--6$70•.ullffn t$70 pju•NCJAL Puppy bl&ck, v.•hlt~. tan. _ LON• llACN .............. UM MISClll.ANEOUS .......... Hot ~" .... \;::"':--========="'==========i ~ QIM 7J MAMCll COUNTY 4'0I MlK. WANT2.0 .............. 141' · Found bl • 6 -75ll JOBS & IMPLOYMENT ............. 1 MAcN1H11;Y, fie. ........... ,,_ OLD n..-1 blR cl b 40 Acres Ranch Land, Im· tlAlllDIN OlDV• ........... ,. .• ,, LUMIEll ... . ............ IJJO • . ...... .. ex on '6 -WI. .. ''"~ -J m ' •• .... n......h•nfl'-• .. B' ·CK Kitten whlte pews. W•ll'MINIT•l ............. , .... lt STOtAOI: ....... 1n1 Joi, 63'x293'. Central loca· prov ••••~• ,,_,e ""0 l U It ' -rt"""-""•• .. ...... ' Jeb W1nted, Men 7000 ~I DWAY CITY .................. 1' eu1Ln11r10 M•Ti1tt,,_L.1 ..... 11 .. : ranch hou11, 11.t 11.'1 rm, • Add A Room • au ..... •nt n s . . Chell. Yellow COUit. Vic. of U.NTA ANA .............. ,. SWofPS tJH 1 lion. $31,500. Terms . __ ,,._ br.-ld"•.. , .. ~IUllW WI D'RI YOU Mell Vtrde, 54>2132 IANTAAMA MlllMTl ......... '4!1• PETS d LIVESTOCK l. 541""6661, SfT-2.131 beamed \;GM.Ill,, ""!" ,.. ENGINEER, norHlegreed, TUITIN .. .. ................. an
rm, kitchen, n\Odem 111.tb' • CustOlll ·Hame· s • K1'tch1n Elperts to ,.1oecic U& aut. Nttionwidt FOUND: T"Nln 10 Ip d \Vilh lT y-:t:ltttronlc.s ex-CO.I.ITAL. ................... •JIO Jll!TS ,GEHEAAL. .... .. ... HOO l bl Tanlc ho le ... ~· bu In cl FV 8'" •-. LAGUNA llACM .............. 411$ CATS ................. 1170 lnclutfrf1I R.ent1I 6090 P um ng. u Co. flffd1 a distri tor blcy e, · . .._..,... perlence nUy 1 eek B uouNA N1eu1L ......•.•... •10"I oC>Gs ...................... eru ~ clollng: 1000 gll talv. 1t~ your area. 2 to 8 N:s P." 8 ... ., Fem. Elk Hound. nirht job to permit com -MllllON vtt:Jo ............ •1• Ho11sl!s ................ "'" •--" nd « Ibo -· ~ 1.o.. bl...I. l!llWo&.! li\N CLIMIMT& ............. •1lt ~IVflTOCI( IMO For l••M 4200 SA Ft age UUU\ u er.... r •• • Twa Story S•c11' Usts week <da¥soreves) ..... ~ w/coUar. vie '-f•l"'lfllla I pletlon or dell'l!'e work OAMA ,OINT .................. 1141 CALIFORNIA LIVING
Shop Bldg Nr Dntown l\lte. \Vlth doubte 111• ~ ,.. eamlnp, No Mllln&. You Roberta, H.B. 961--2851 durlnc dt¥L Will con1ider !::t'Jo',.~M:-M .. .'.".'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.".' •. :·lt': Nu1ts1R111 ............. m•J c Ml M Id I crete 1eplk: tank, Ill elee., can kffp pre11at job. $1850 job 11 technician er t For RENTALS sw1MM1No J100L1 ........ ""i
i ::~:. c::.~ct':ne;~ $hp pump, :m 1at ,.r-rf'llt PltEE LAYOUT & DISION required Cseeuttd>. For ln-YOlJNG poodle bro1vnl1h or· Interview, write Box P '29, Apt1. Unfurnlthtd :~~·:::os . :·::::::::: ~!!
· .. F'OR Loue •<t bl d 1 'a at 80' d1plb. Improvement•; Cl tervttw In )IOUt ana, send an1e, w/rlea collar, nr Baja Delly Pilot. OIN(JtAL "'° Vi\CATtQNI •ru· Mr. Dickerson. Feneedwttbl"):lyi'~Jmfl 2G YEARS IX'11flllN name, and pMnt no. to: A: Ctpi1trano, Arch Bl!!ach coiTA MlSA ... :: ... :::::;:::: ... , .. TRANSPORTATION
641-00l4 Oeyt rtdw~ ~pee T ?>.Wee !:alt Dlttrlbuter Dtvt.rl~ 590 N. Hela"htl, ~ Mii& v11;01: ................ 1111 10.1.Ts a YACHT1 .......... toot •••5452 Eveo. ol ··"-' 111·000 'iii """•" •-··-""--~-..... ,1·• 91-~1 • c-•i,. ,,~1 .,._ 8,_ Job W1nhd L1dy 7020 N1w,01tT ••AcM .. : ........ 1~1 sA1L10.1.ys ............ •on ~ 11\;tJYU~ • , _...., ,...._ \.AIVlna, ...., 1u 6 n. °" uvi .... "5 I t'flWPOtT MllONTI ...... ,,..It l'CWll:a tlUISl!ll$ ......... .,,fl" baJ ltt tnllt dted. WdJ n.. CA\.L MOW -Orona IMch CtJl ,l. idfftt NIWJIOaT IMOlll ........... nH S"!l!O-SlCI IOAT .......... "" _..,.t Court to brMlr OPIN Wlhl.lll LfQUOR ll'Qftl · · RELIABLE. experlenC111d w11"TCLI"' ............. llN 10.1.T TltAl\.11111 .......... •n1
«O--~Z7~135G-1SOO oq ....... e. llY • N•-Bch. Aall:1 .... $GJ,000 lty. 32S Jumlno C.D.M. mahlfrl lady u Cashin-ut11\111111TY ""''" ........... sn1 10.1.T M•INTeNAMc1 ........ ,.,, MT-ti49 aft 6 PM. ~,......, ",. ' 1.ACklA'f ................. IMt 10A1' UUNCM!NO ....... till• ft. 1667-698-13 Placentia •••••••• 675-7191 plut inv. Old lleel"llt!, \Veil tEMALE LtP,t bro. n ' Hoaltll ot Rectptlonlal I.I.It ILU"" ............ 1241 MAllMI rou1,. · ........ ·""
Ave. Colla •••. C«>. ',l~-.s~ ..... ~"-'"""'"~' ····--~ -···-$'10,000 •'mUar to ... .... 292S Pnfer CM-NB ana. Part or COlONA Oil MAil .......... .JUG &O.t."T SLI P, MDOl IN$ ....... ~· , --------... -• .. ,. -i IAl.lo.t. .............. , .• NM I'" 1••v1ct:t .............. tll1 Wood&:.~"" or 675-1380 11.·E. W1"'94 .,.. per mo. ak• otter. • Myal Pa.Im Drtw, C.M. full Hrne. Ml-56S3 IAY 111.Al'lot ................. OH OAT INTALS ............... MJI ·-··· G h ll••",Y.;•"2414 _,_ 1 ... Ltoo 11L1 · .............. •u• 1o•T cMA1tT111t ................ ott I 1\1·1 lNDu.:>l"(UIU.! 3100 aq. H'n. ·~ re •m -FOUND Blaia: • wh I~ ma .. QUALIFIED. Rup. I . d y IALaOA ISL.ANO ............ nu """'N• •OATS ............... .... ~'.. r~ 4/paO~iCl!'!moo3~ power. IAT. ~:~~·a'on1c:YA Near Ne-A'JIOrt l Ofllce kllten. Newport Sho r 11 I 1ttk1 poald&n u Com -~~~~i~~:o:At~:~M .::::::::::.~ i8~~ ::.:•::, ",'.",',',',";.",','·;::: -' $$ 01 YOVI NOMI NOW'ii THE U'l!L Ml-3541 pank>n. Drlvt, Swim, l'tl!e 11.1.L ••ACM .............. hs• IOATI WANTED .............. ,...
C. Robtrt Nattress Realtor $$ MORf CASH • GREY rabbit. ~li or to travel. Av.If. te0n Box ~~~:01.~~~",,.·:::::::::::";: :~ ... c1:~'[1110Ns "··::;::::.;:: Ooalll Ml!SI 60-J."8.i MS-33&1' Mllll, Daib' PllOt OAllOeN IRO'll .... , ......... u11 l:\OllLI HOMES ......... ttH
TIME FOR WllTl!llNITll · ......... "612 Ni01'01f MOMll ............ '111 FOR. Lew-New m lq. ti. For Yeur J-lomc Equity ifis Blad! -timl. Bia-. MIDWAY Cll'T . .. .......... H1' llC'l'Cll!S .............. tJU1
}. Inctumf&J blds. le ft. 1e Ablotutt11 no CCIII • • • • llllllt ~ ntt! a.. u. DemHtfc H1lp 7035 ft:lt ,,~A141-1•t1~i''.'.::::::·~ ~~=f~~k~1°"-'.::::::;i::::: ~~:
l Mon.ro"1a, CM. m..8017 to )'OU u.. Stllul OU ICK CA'SH ~~I Oalll!led co•TIM :... " ............. 1640 MOTOICYCLliS .............. tJO•
U years of~ men cub _._. ""'"'" ChlntH llve·ln1. Cheerful LA~ilf',L s1Acl4 ·:::::::::::::::{:: '.re~8~',c•0:11~:s, PA1tTI':::::!:: Lefl 6100 for Oranp Ooull'7 proPert)'. Permanent Exp1r!enced. 1.AIUNA NIGUIL .......... ··'"' AUTO TGOl.I I eGUIJI ......... 11
----------~ tbe ftl'ii THROUGH A PLAU..,.. a: ... ~~-ld ... ~~'! .... _ ---11 .. _ ...... '""..,...., ''"' cl.IMllNTI ...... rnt tlAtLllt, 'rtAYIL. ......... HIS • '' • _..,. ..,_& ;':,;:~....::-:;;;~-:;;•·;;::.--~:.;;:_""'-'-c.1tAl'I JUAN CA, STIANO ..... tlU TltAllollS. Ullllt¥ •...• , ..... '4M
U A~_.,.. 1
awado 'the" caD tbt BHt Ceorst li1tn iYttil Asency R!AliSrATE, ......... , .. i:~::s .. · · ":'.;:::::::::·:!!.' ~ 5:; ~ ~.n~i 'tlrM DAILY ,. ILOT PD.hr~ I0-6ITI -Employer PllJ'I Fet Ge I Jl!otl'I .......... ""
• -• . .
wf$25.<XIO dovm. No P>'mta. lfVfRl.Y JA\fUUft NO matUr wnat tt 11, >'09 lOl-B t . 1611\i IA 54T..o395 Jai•1.•~~~~c. .. ......... •• ~~:;e1~0\~::au ~~ri
lb' '9t Cl Hl~HW'Y can •U It "10-1 DAD..Y coMDOMIMIUM ........... nw 1\\JIOll.TlO •utot ........... t100
on l!!Q\I
)'I'. ~TY 24JS f . C AST .., "' WANT AD NO nsatttT . what tt 11, f01.1 Dial 642:-6MI lor RESULTS t111MT.1.1.s wAttT1 0 ......... 11t1 lflOlT cA1t1 ............ 10 ~' Brolta'. _,. ... It -lit • DAILY :;.;;::...;.;;:.:.:.:.:.._:.;.;._;_='"'--i"OOM' ••• 1t•MT ... lttt AMTIQUIS. CL.ASitCI ......... 910 CORONA DIL MAil _.. ... • •OOM. IOAltO Strt IACll CA.Ill. llODI .......... tHl ~AJN. 2 ~ Iota Colt. PlLOT WANT AD!!~ 18 YO~ AD IN CLASSI· ~8l~i'Ho~itt~~•11 couttts = :~J~1 ~:=~~o :::::::;::: m~ ..... >.a...,..-•• M vntt. 141'4Q:I ., J4l.ft4S 142 u7a iXSC 1' TO 'EM! flED'! Somf'Ont will bl! MlK. !tfH1AL• !"' HI'# CAii , .................. .
IDl(llf aoc. ..,._., • r -..V WlUte lllfl\IJltJI nun....-nnt tooktna ror 11 . Dial MWTI ~J.~~:J;:~~rrv ········ : ~~~~ ~::1~.~ .. ::::::::::::: .. =: -lj~
IV41"'1 ,,,, .. .. D.111. V PILOT Cl 21 ~ILOT-ADYEmsu Wod-• .\lljusl 20, l 'M
(You're Not Dreaming)
" ' But~ Yo'U Can
/:~~ ~~~--:.:11 ,-1;,"';'
' .
' ' ,
with a
Classified Ad
A New Kind of Want
Ad That Really Gives
You Every Penny's
Any Item For Sale
$50 or Less!
Will Work For You !
Help w.-. Mon 7200 Help W•nto4, Mon 7200 Help Wento4._ Mon 7'°° Help w......_ Moll 7200 H,.::.....,. 7400 ~ w..-·
ACCOUNTANT e W~ " ' -\
Experi.encN In cbt fol..
eraooe dratting on iman
pump components uJ
URmbliea, a e q u I re 1
~ knowlcdp ot de-
mmsloaing tedmlques ·u
applied to c:u ttna:s a!'ld
machlnl~ drawlnaa. Shop
r.xperlence desirable. Sanuilff required,
Equal OJ>i>o""'1lty
* EXPERIENCED * ~ ';'! r ~Brl&': • IUS IOYS llCEJmY. NEOO. •
-man ... lntllal .. i;lq>etiencod' l'llrlll1' UUllMD COOKS
ISi E. CNst Hwy,
Newport Beoch
~::-=~ :::=~ :·~aries ,,='.:~
-., hU t"P'n.n« alld 34SO Vlo Oporto e ptRr u Credit ......,, !or a ptt~ for • 11C1Lid tutu.re. Newport leach • lf'O'Winc: daily newl'Jllrer in Conatruction e>eper. hfJpft.11 -Oranee Counly. Ntwapaper
but not. mandatory, Sall.r')' Mr,_ Patrick e •· .t.L~ expttienco ta preferred tut
rornmviaura1e with •bllJly 2 VOLKSWAGDI tne:banla .OOU--r-n We would cxm&Jder applir.a.nfl
plus e)Ule]1ent frin&e bentftts for units room. only, two • Keyp11DCh Oper. cttdit experience in other
ol a Warld·Wkfe J>&"nt com-tune ~ and rbake mech., ] fitlda.
pt.ny, Contact w. 0. Baker helper fw lub .I: oil, SG.50 Work when and Tbl.a poeltlon offers a.n ex«l.
SAI.E£: Grtat oppty to1• tn•> :MG.mo guarantee, we pay run~ where you. want I lent aa.lary and attractiw ""'*"" with a ,.,,,.. dtsiro * DRIVERS * "''" vae. • boi!day" 1r1nn ....,.,, lncluc1.,,. tu1-
to advanoe. Start 17000, Call s:!0-1191. INTERIM ly ,aid tor m<di<ll and '"' Gerry White , 540-6ffi."i No Experience Production MKhinistt insurance coverqe, l weeks
COASTAL AGENCY yacatlon af"1' lh,.. >•an, Necessary! Drill ,.... "' Twttt ....... .
A mem.., ol 11-~ •-~-~"~-•-Small clooo fol. lmtrum.nt PERSONNEL SERVICE ,,._ .......,, "" hliu.-A Snellinc Jnc, ..... u.ve ""'u -...... ... --. parts. Small compttey with 2190 -B~ ""''" M... -YELLOW'ct:'co. F-'~·3......... conditlo ... BUSBOYS ~~
Part or Ml time. Exp• not 186 E. 16th st. l's"';----;,;-;--:--; I
.,..,....,,._ Xlnt ''" Apply c.... Mesa alesmen Wanted
4U E, 17th St.
Coat• Mts•, C1Uf.
Apply In peraon
•• tho
1485 DALE WAY in penon kl Mr. Horst Chil"ai DELIVERY DRIVER A..-fuH and put.time
Alpha numerical. Somt
related clerical duties.
Advance~nt poulbl• lo
coatrol clerk.
Good benefits and.
worklnc conditions.
1435 Dale Way
Coata Me.aa, Cal.ii. 9a2'7
1Il4J 545-8251 GENERAL SHOP WORK lnqui t n lnteNiewine Mon. thnz Fri. COsrA MESA, CALlF. 92626 NEWPORT HARBOR Nffd younr ·married man KINGS"FO:MeN g AM to 5 PP.f
(n4> ~ YACHT CLUB with good drivjng record. 2300 Harbor Blvd CM Equal opportunity employer
330 West ley St.
Cost• Mt•• PRESS
OPERATOR 7'a'.I W, Bay, N.B. Must be reliable' conaclent. ., _.... - -~ ---....
AUTO SALESMEN btwn ll-ll ooon. ~'pm "'" ""'. willine to' ........ c.u DISHWASHER' Musr be A-ccau-nti~1t11-Cle-.i.
Old t'Stablished Buick deal. _ce-;;Pt.,M;p.;on;;;. ;:;;a.;.-:-.;-tor appointment. experienced, only. • • M R "• '"
'""'• "'"'' J .,.. & J used INSTRUCTORS Alll<d Bullde"' H•nfware MIKE," :m '.P.im Ave:,
Aak for Mra. Gr••nman
or c•ll '42.4321
for 1n Interview -TRAINEES-
car sales.man for replace-1130 Anaheim Ave. Balboa, Calif. Apply aft. 2 A poaltion ta now avallabte1'!0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ment. !dust be neat a: reli-Mature, )'OWll adult, Jook-C.osta ~esa PM and ask for Roger. ln our Accounting Depart.1•
able, thoroughly e-xp'd a: ing for rood Mure, able to 5'8-SERVICE Station aalesman 'ment that requirl!s the,use
"-!atu~ woml!n needed to •S.
aenble materials. opnate
pttsaes. make plutic b'QI, nig'ht shift -4: 30 pm to 1 am.
P.!on-Frl. Minimum beltht
S'3" should be slendu and •ril~-Waitressea wuaDy
make cood pttu operators.
}.hJSt be able to speak and
read Ena:lish.
able to close own deall. meet the public. Apply in MAN a_nd HELPER. Penn. Exp'd, age no ~. LuJi of a 10 .key addinc maChnie,
Straight sell, top comm& person. i-rl time, to averace two tbne salary + comm. t)'pl!Wnter, &11:1 the usual
aion, co. benefits, gd, houn, Holiday Health Spa hrs. daily for early morni.nC Mobil Station 24362 El Toro office ikllls. ITT IABSCO
plca&an t working conditions. e Coit.a Mell<l e newspaper delivery to Rd., Laguna. Hilla.
Apply in person only; see homea in N.B. Average ./ NIGHT work ill bakery. This position oUm a &ood Sal~ ftlanager SALES: Fast paced and ex-SD>. per mo. -!Just have ?.lake donuts and assist. a.lat')' wtth att~ctlve frinae
Ten)' Buick citing co. ~ + car and late model statJOn wa~n Trotter'• Baktry 234 Forni: beneilts includlt1S fully paid
~ &: Walnut lxmWI; Call Gerry White, and be dependable. Call Ave l...aguna Jkh lor medical and Uk iJwiur-
540-0055. L.A. Times 64~ " anee covu.ge, tbn:e t.ittkl
Huntington Beach COASTAL AGENCY LEARN TOOL ClfM'ER MAN, steady part time job. vacaUon afttt 3 yean etc.
Type 50 Tf])m accurately,
Come dlctapbone experi.
ence p~terred.
Phone: Ul-3531
fatr 1-lonley, Pttwonnel M%f,
7601 Cay, Hunt. Bch.
I ~
A member of GRINDING TRAoE: Mar-Xlnt. L.A. Tlmea route ' Snellhf& a: Snelling Inc. _;..o 1 -• >I 1 ...__ ~n. lrvi~ area. $200. + Apply In person at U\e ~ ...... men pre e••=· us .... mo 962-4633 DA Y ILOT 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa ambitious, H.S. grad with ' IL P
SILVERWOOD$, ma~ bkgrnd .c, be SERV. STA.. A1T: l Full
Equal opportunity
NEWPORT nil!chanically inclined. Good time Men. Over 21._ Must 330 West eay Sl.rftt, Costa 1485 Dale Way
EXP. Tailor fitter. Pl!mt. workin, concl's A: trlni:e have exper. It a hair cul Mesa. Ask for J.frs. Green-Qista Mesa, Cal~. 92626 J1otel Restaurant • Only ex-
.. · 1 benefits. 490 E. 17th St. C.M. man _ call ,.0 .. ~ 10, an (n4) 568251 perienced nef'd apply. Fivl! po<ion, fringe bene its, &d· .,. V'U"'to»J. d k -"~ ·•ift pay. Apply Mr. Williams, ti DAILY GRINDING INC. PAN Wuber, all around lnterv~. OFFICE Nayi wee _.:-u.r laMM~.:._I
Fuhion Island. 644-2424 3822 Campus Dr., N.B. kitch man. J...analois Fancy Temporery ewpoT •• nvni c:.·~;::,! ~e r.o,..,. REUBEN'S =':J.~.2\i~-= Nz~:T FA:H:~~n;;~~ND r:=::~
~~~~' e:fe~~~A~~ COCO'S s::)'~·Ff::Po~S = AD AGENCY * Secn!~EA 7 a,!4;;7j»P~tM~Fr1.
• • ' cy. 204.l Westclifl Dr., N.B. Ph: 842--3444 I NE~: ood * Bookkeepers H o u s EK E E p E R , So. ~ La ~~"~"2"'n"'~"R"Y°"s.n.=-.,-~.,,m=an1"1"30 I *DApplS~Yf AS~R* ~~-:Ua~![D ~~~: ~-:i~: ;:: clefi~.~ du. ! iir~s1~ptlonist ~;.-uv! ~n: iJ~~ I"•~":::::!'-~ 'V2". _ wk aftrr trng per. Initially Y n per C.arttr oppl 675-&83 tl•a, trr1nd1. $1 .'5 per • General Ofllce A: ha.th, pleasant home. 7
-. JG.-12 hn daily, later after 1555 w. Adema SERVICE Station attendant hour. c.11 BarHr• It NEWPORT BUSINESS children, all in achool • -l '/} route ll!amed 5-7 hrs. Cost• Mes• Ex.per. nee. See Mike, '424910. SERVICE CENTER well behaved. Other help ln
s s
, -
Permanent Refs re q. PH I UJPS .·PETROLEUM 4678 Campus Dr, NB borne aftl!mJQns. Applicant
Servtaoft, 506 31.at st .. NB CO ExJll!rlence4 550 Ne-.vport Center Dr m u 11 t be responsible. a:
DISHWASHER Now hiring for sa lary · Help Wanted Suite 200, N.B, 64"4981 capable o ! supervision.
needl!d at OPl!f&.ted let'Vice .ta.Hon. Women 7400 TELLER Executive S.Cret•ry Salary & t t me oft A~Y WEST Exp!!rlence d~ined. Goodl-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 1 For publishinJ' Co. Pn!cidl!nt. negotiable. Referencet re-
2106 w. Oceanfront starting I a I a r Y PlWI[• Experienced and adaptable quired. 49S-Z29
NeWpOrt Beach. 675-ITiil generous commis.">ion. with UNITED CALIFORNIA to a wide variety of projl!cts. ~s=ECY=,"r"'a"•'"w.u.=-:.,,-:-_;--,_,,1,,,atu;;;,.=1
excellent opportunities for BANK 1-feavy 1tenoret1e dictation. attractive, lite diet. Fee paid
GALLEN Kamp Shoes advancement. 1'~ o r in-l I 222 Ocean Av~. Shorthand. helpful, Must be to $500. Also t~ jobs. Call
Shoe SaJeJYnan part-time for formation oontact manager, ega J...a&una. Beach we.11-groomed, articulate, at.. Jl!an Brown, 540-605.'i
back-to-school period. Exp'd Brookhurst -"-Ada.nu, Hun-$5646 tractive.· Ex~nt Wflf'kbc COASTAL AGENCY
preferred. Contact Mgr, 54 tington Beach. EXPERIENCED conditiom, and company A member of
Faahlon "'"""· NB. --"--,-w~A7=1TE=R=--1 Secretar=as w AITRESS ...... beneliu. ....... sneruni: .. Soellliw Inc. Ole. SelH Clerk le $500 n; 7J90 Harbor BI. Cbota ..._
Xlnt oppty, co. moving to Ir· TEWR GIRL Friday: Mature A cfe. vinl!. Pre! exp or will train. Apply tn person Apply in Ptraon ---i .. blc! tor local co. Good
Call Bert. 546-5410 After 5 p.m. SURF & SIRLOIN Experience Preferred ...,....... T
Jason Best KARAM'S EXPUIENCED 5930 Pee. Cst. Hwy. Apply In "''"'" to M". l'&,~~ s!!i~.:.~
Employme1Jt Agency 501 30lb St .• N.B. N rt B h Bray M2-4ooo COASTAL AGENCY
"""S, MAin, ..... Ana '°"""Monday) Champasne ewpo ... . MARINERS SAVINGS A mem"'' ol ~MO-LD--...MA~KERS~ Re~ Gr•du•te • HOSPrrALITY IIOSTESS ia AND LOAN Snelli./11 It Snelling Inc.
ChC"mical Engineering Rr-looking for mature women 1513 W@atdlff Dr. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa
FD OONTOURS • estab. 1!153
' Now in Orange County
To!.._ Ml!n ~ 5'6-3030
COLLEGE atudent w/experi-ence to work fUll time tum·
mer, part time durlnr
~hool. at Cl>evron Station
on beach In Laguna. Must
be 18, NO long hair. 494-9003
SERV STA ATI. Night man,
10 PM to 7 AM. App 2801 E. Coast Hwy a·. Goldenrod,
seareb a: Devek>pment Or-Temporary 10 Y.'dcome . newcomen m Newport Beach
angl! County location to the commuruty. Must haw'I--;:,--;-;-::==:-;--:;;--STATISTICAL TYPIST
$12,500 for right man, Call lypewrittr, car, and be bon-SALESGaLS to $500, <FA Finn. Fee 1plil, ,
Ann McWilliams 645-2770, Help dable, Apply 235 E . Main, Young. mature elrls able to aim fee po1!Uon,
Merchants Per90Mel ltgl!n-SI.lite 7, TU!tin, C a 11 t. meet the public. Ideal aa Njpel Personnel Ageney
cy, 2CM3 Wes'tclltf Dr., N.B. 5#'9'25 eve, job tor wcrkiJI& sales 26081 Gett)' Road
TRAINEE 3949 Birch St. ELECTRONIC ..... """ be ·-Lqw>a ~mind. Parll
SHIPPING CLERK Newport llHch ASSEMBLERS witb a -fiaur<, ===-:-:--:-.:::o-=,-;I Small commercial products Apply ill peraon OCCASIONAL sitter tar 1 &. LITE DELIVERY $40-7345 Mfr 1n Costa Mesa' Knowl-Holiday H@alth Spa. child. Daya. Mature woman.
Interestinr work, need Yl>W'I. eda:~ ot Color Olde 'wt pre. n:>o Harbor Blvd., C.M. Will call buis )'OU?' bome or
ambitiou.s man w/ mechani----i .:_'"tu! A mine. Costa Mesa only. Call cal apptltude, BaJallCt'-Flo, Equal opportunity miployPr viow: e ... .,.,,.ence .,.,,.,.. · ~ F 'C Bkkpr or
'---------[ ply Jr Acct to $750 on Saturday between l.M. _885_W-=. '-='octh2', "'N".B~-..,642-,...5_7oo_li· CORVONICS lmmed openin1 with stable 642-7S82.
BOYS 10-14 INSTALLMENT 3027 Ent....,.. "'·Data l'N<eu-co.t accir. P'"RA=cn=CAL,-,--::nune=:-:,,...=:;:....,~I
PLUMBER. Expenenc<d ;,, Cam.r "°""' Open CREDIT Colla Meaa Call Kay, 546-5<!0 f« elderly ..,uieman lt-rina plumbi~ .I: hl!atJnr. Fringe for JAOON BEST in C.M. area, 5 daya wk,
henefim. Lqw>a Bead>, So. La&una CLERK NURSES EMPLOYMENI' AGENCY 7,30-5. 5IB-326I moms vr aft
646-4922 DAILY PilDT C.ood typing required e RN-Relld duty, two di.Ya ZJ.20 So. Maln, Santa Ana 8 p.m.
EXP. Ser. Sta. S&la.ry + 6C-4Jll -e-r~~I' f f shltb SECRETARY: Ler;al knoo;v. I ·A"'TT=RA=CTIVE=.,-;,w;,;O<;MAN"'°-, •13-0I
comm, o/time pay aft -tel SALESMEN -F.8tabli1hed EXPERIENCED -Je • our Beach how In beaut new of1itt tor CS to inatruct In ~up
hrs. Full/l. Penn. 990 E. territory to be expanded. per Wl!l!k. Leruna lucky pel'90n, $500. Call Jea.n techniques for fa m o u •
Cst Hwy, NB. Salacy + commi1111ion +car TELLER NuraiJl& ~ Brown, 54l).(i(65 modl!lil. We will train.
GROUNDSMAN Saddleback allowance. Mr. Michaels, COASTAL AGENCY 136-5743. Coll~. In q' u ire Mr. 642-7352 UNITED CALIFORNIA WOt.IEN, full or P&rt ~~~ A member of IJ.;,O,;IN~HAIR~;;-&,..-,CO.,-. -_-.,...;;:::=!
(l)l!nnak 837-9700 or 49:> Maintenance P.1cat D e pt . BANK needed 1!med c::r: nl Snelllng "-Snl!llin&: Inc. far out hair stylists! Ope.n.
4537. Cean up 7-9 p.m., 5 da,ys. Ca:re'nA 65 or mpa om. 2790 Harbor Bl, Colla Meu ing Aug. 1st in BaltK.
Moonlighttr-Eves 5 tot ~'.\ ~:i.~ic::.·:~ JO'l9 Harbor Blvd. ~ming to Pr~tty Agency MAIDS, Part ime or full Islarw1.if1 ~~i:c,on..;u:;
Over 21. Call on new parents, • . Costa Ml!Sa, Calli. Member of We Sit ikltter tintl!. Experience no t Wed. .
Nat1 concern. $5 hr, comm. EXPERIE;NCED 546-203! Inc Subsidiary of G4!rbe~ neoeuary. Ken Niles V~ other daya, 213: ~
Eu)>. 545-8803 COUNTERMAN TEbl.ER. ~ Co, 64l--32T4 Marina Motrl 1921 ~aide Secret•ry $541
VICE S -tt -•-·t , City Auto .Parts Auf'esslve_ ""'"" oom_ pany , Drive, Newport Beach Sh·-lkilll r.:quittd and able s:!nng: 1~~~n·A~·;:;.~ 2072 Placentia. C.M. needs airl with tel.ltt and SECRETARY EXPERIENCED F/C book· to ... .;'Orl< indtptndenUy, can
Union Service, 1645 Adams, COOK -Exp'd. new accoun~ expenence in EXPERIENCED keeper, full time !or klcaJ LonJne, Merchants Pef9on.-
C.M. S40-120IJ Top pay, Apply in Person Bank or Savi~ 4 Loan. 1 Permanent, 20 Hour, 5 day Mia. Flnn. Call 633-66611.or nel Agency, 20U Weatclltl
PART time BOOKKEEPER. BLUE DOLPHIN to 2 )'1'1!1. pref d. Pleasant, we t'k po1ition available appolntml!nl. Dr., 645-2710
Mature &: exp'd. S..l, 5 d&)'I ~~tmti~ ~t'!ct :~ Lap~;oaphm. :e1jp~ Bea~.~~~ BEER BAR, nlthta. Apply in -~W~A"l"T'°R"E"'S"S"E"S;--i
wk. 639-5137 Newport Beach DOWNEY SAVINGS A:: 'n -.· 'J'~p ~ ...r•·-• person l-4 PM THE Part or full time. Over n .
FOREMAN: Fast pwina: JANITOR WORK-eveninp • LOAN As§OeiATidN Box~ l)aily n..ut. HANGER, 2000 Newport Xlnt p&y, ~.in penon to
boat CO, work in mold shop,' p. rt-time. Newport-Costa 837~911 or 642-6533 0. Yw H•ve Blvd. C.ftf. Mr. Horst cmm
IMOO start! Call c..,.,. Mtsa Apply days, 3'0 s. EXECUTIVE Col~•ccounli"I GIRL FRIDAY part -tor NEWPORT HARBOR
Whn.,540<005. ciu.eu;.t,CJranK<. CPA OFFICE ,.»<n1 ott!ce, typlnr. YACHTCLUB COASTAL AGENCY SECRETARY bo~-1 Fuhlon Id of TIO w. Bay, NB A member or EXP~IENCED S erv i ce ' ln1m!sting-Ouillen1ln1 recep •wi • • • btwn 11-U noon I f.7 pm
Snellina It Snelling Inc. Station Man. Days, Sundays Ne<ldcd for l!lCCiling, tempo. i;omm~n~atf' pay, MS.atl74 flee. Call 6"--0Z40 except Mon.
2790 Harbo Bl Costa Mesa off. Salary + comm, Apply rary asaignment Good short. F t T SI '5 h TELEPHONE SOUCITOR -==~~==,---1
r ' in pel'8Qn. GranlA American hand and tranacriblnr ma· •c ory '""1 • r -4-9 pm dally Mon-F'r. Exp'd FRY COOJC
OONT &ivt it away, eet 17475 BrookhUl'llt, Fountain chine skllla nttded. Good oppl)' .10 advance:. pref. Dependable, CM omc:e Fint clus Mexican Dlnnrr
quSck cub for it with a Valley. Western Girl Inc. Pleasa.n=~nditton!'l. S2 hr. 540-8164 Houae. To assist .cook on
Daib' Pilot want Ad! DAILY PILOT cuattitd 540-0325 UNUMl'l"ED AG,f;NCY SITI'ER J'or 2 boya. Ottded. line:. Top pa.y foc riaht per.
"2-5611 -NOW! FEMALE HELP 481,t;,lf~ SI., Suite m _,, ltoiol'P ~.~ 2'30 aon. ALEJANDROS
7200 PART-TIME ll AM-l PM eo."~. ' GU-141u thnt 6::1). Mesa Verde. Own 3201 E, c.oas1 H..vy Help Wanted, Men 7200Hefp Wanted, Mtn Ideal for Mothers with child-NEED .,_aitftlcti_w, n to ls; trans, itart Aue 29. 545-8345 Corona del Mar p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ren atartlns. bac}I: to achoo!. W~ for lund( buU@t. Cehffri• Employment e 61S-Of70 •
Permanent ~ opei'Cllon
' Tap pay to toft met1
Unl.form1 4 mMls furnished, A.WJy in penon Mon. thru 7 to 3; Mon thru Fri LIVE-IN Housek«i>tt so to
Contact Mr. Dini111. ,!)1.: Wbl~ J:Iorse Inn, l925 C.U.833-0&00 t.Xt. 2036 65 yn. Prof. couple l 16-yr.
McDON4LD'S J\Jewport Blvd.. ,Newport LJVf;. ln Ho~: priv, dalJ&hter. Most Mends. tree .
ol lfARBOit. INC. Beach. · rOOm. S;alar)' open, call alter Eves. 7.9, 673-4091.
3141 Harbor Blvd.,,C.M. 1 ~rienoe4 In ainsle needle 6 p.m. 847-4$56 HB GlRL tu ilt my home So.
• 546-9911 • anll overiocll. ·Good piece MAIDS 1.q 1 child. 3,300,30 M·Fi * * * SF.cRE'l'ARY. tot Work ~~ 1h!ady work. IJotelhdotel expertcnce' own· trans. or live nr, $1
advertisln.c lir11). .~nd ,r.pDY ~ 14042 Locu1t fB..9iUO wk. Aft 5:30. 6'r>2913
80 1yp1ng, 81, ~ '"'°"' iJli ' W8llnilnoleT; 534-mt MantER'S H~P'r Lacw>a ~tnr ......... daili'aat, ATION. Sha'1' Bu WIDOW To tiw-U., ttm Beodt .,.., 11.'5 h,, Hi
at 67W1G bet. t Alf • I ·-,A Go Go D0nc.n. _,,.. lilt ......... ping school strt OK. Owo -· Pt.I -;;.c;p:r·wacn '3.0N150 to &termotL 536--3552: ~
NURSES ........ tor private ...... Ph. for Int $6.99831 • WAl'l'l\ESS, 1 "°'w"'OMAN~=·1or=n"1t1i=1"'ilhlflCTli~.1
duty. PractlcaJ .. Akles. No Sany Lally, 2801 Harbor, Appty at Tbe Nibbler, 1902 ll to 7 SAWYER JIOME
llc nee. a.11, 11·1 A live-Jn. C.1tf. H~. Colla Mesa 646-6n6 Apply Precisio.n Castings
2044 Placeqtla,
Costa Mesa · ci r::.-1 11 1._ __________________ ~.
Must have nits. C 'al I wottAN-bous'ew'lfe, me )'OW' LIVE-Jn houaekpr. !H~ d&)'I fi're1sers-$porhWNr.
642-995::1 1pare: timl! to earn money . .wk, pvt room I bath, Cdult GOOD PAY, STEADY &MP.
DESK aerk College bO)'; pl Wfn pfues, no an llmlt, no sm mo. 548-9-110 or 646-5216 &11.2({.6
·tlmt", Ken NU~ Matti, 1021 llmt llmlt, WW train U HO\!,~EPER ...$1.tW(-mo. ltfOTEL. t.takla, pn-fenbl.J
Ba)'slde Dr., 'N.B. . Bc.,ul)I Colinselon. 84144$ Li~ tn or out. \963 Wsllace, with expuienct:. ME S A
White Elephantat DAlLY PILOT \fANT AOSI Apt D. 0 1. 7 642-MGj P.fOTEL. ~
' •
" "
l ' . I
' -
I •
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" .
' ' ~-, . ..... ______________________ .......... ,
r • ,.. ... ,
PENNY PINCHER . . .. . . ' .
Don't iust SIT there!
Grab hold of the
BIG action today!
, Dial Direct:
Just say: ''CHARGE IT!"
I North County, 540· 1220, toll free I
1 · TIMES ,
$ OR
' .
' ' ,· t J
' .. . .
I .,.
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~--•,·• .• ,;T'-;":'r'H'•••=""'"""''4"•·· .. ~ ""'"°""__,,.. .. .,......... ... _1'__ ~....--.,,~.---~-·-.-.. ~-r-,-~ -~·-·--·----! .-·;mor>AMl!TISI:~ _,,AA111tst20.1"' · • _,w.r=·1·~·ll~RliiJ20:li·~116n':n~li""ia<iiiiiDi!:n'l11 ~!!~~~~!!J~!!~~~ J & IMPLOYMINT MIRCHANDISI POil MI RCHANDISI POil MlllCHANDlll POl MlllCHANDIU P01 NIE•CHANDI to! SALi AND TRADE IALI AND TRADI 'SALE AND TllADI SALi AND TltADt SALi AND TUDE SALi AND TRADI '!.!!:~~~~~~~~M~"";;;·~W~om.:;;;~7~500~1;'~°""~~Mooo~.~~W~..,_~~7~500~,~~~;;;;;;:;;:~~~iilii~::;;:;;:~ ~ P'!!:!!!!,Vre IOOOl'urnlture -Fumlture IOOOl'vrnlture IOOO l'vntlture -um lture -
:::,·.' ·~~~w::r ... c11 * P, . LOST OUR LEASE iiiiiiii~iiiiiii-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :•··~~:::::0~~··•~ . "'ii. . .. HAS OPININOS l'Oll • ' -remter t °" .... w al ... , ...... lo ........... COMl'LITI
l'!t.A<!oK's WAIT R 1ss 1s , PEllSONNit' Must Vacate Now DKOUTOI am CJJICJUATION u.r .. •-. -$297w,_.. -01""""
I US I 0 Y S AOINCY lap••.towlw•ceist
.,, ' 1 • · \ Our -oq. It. Store Sfoclt.mu1t bo Mid Of 11 WXUl"t APAITILIBRS
, 'Wllll'w ·•IJIOflen<e and willln& lo .441 .... ,,., .,_ Open to Pu~lle Flrattlmo S,..W. & Medll•t•lflll flnllwt Weekly Payments .. We Corry Our Own Cootncll
• 1011111. Top. working condlllon1 6 envinln· c , 3 AU •••"" ...w
! --~. ~pe·~~ -age•~ ... -·-•s •· ·•to -Roo1111Fum.V1L·-"'-r$lOOO Now$3.., .,...._ ,.." VAN'S Dlsc:ount Furniture
·~· ~ ww•• " -u -• N9 VH • "" t-pc. Modltorronoon .. dtoom S..lto In Pocon ,' 'i\lpe, anil .oul•landlnl beoe 'ta ,lllcludlng • -•· • S pc.•M 1 Iii Spoololo ..._Mt,• t6 ill. "'1Jt. IR •349 00 1 NOW $1'"00
'MmrittalbaUon d ilt barln .. Mft wltt. 56 IL ~-tllt, tr cWr • Gorn::~,• Sp1°nlsh C~~t~;···~iitS;,,. with -
417 W. 4th St., Soni• Ano f roo "•rtd111
Opon Dolly IQ.I Sot 10-6 -547·2412
. '!;:.' "''"f • .,, pro I g. UM .... 171tt I i-I s -·--~ .. _ -~ t ... . • ,__ M-' •
.. , .,pP · n 10 lo • , ... nta An• --Ntdlloi llW11 top dunblo ...... for f b IR $4 9 9 • • AM • PM r-.,.._ 1 -1 . '""" • .. -·r -m•tchin9 lov• S•1t-Choice of b•eutlfu l • •••••••••••••••• 'i•. . : Sa~~~D w -m• "-•-· ' s • .'~'01 . •95 I I • SI _ .......... NOW $U.$71,.oooo
' ,<I!. .,. • ' • , 1 H1ot..:ts ·~· . T .,.•t Once In • llfetlm• pric;,, of 100 I other item•. s:n:1·0.k E':J T1·b;.;··;~d··c~·r;~; .. y~·b·i;·~·:.$11:00
, . • ' l wU 'DnoloWr , ,J •• ... 'I .f~MALE Plu_1 •n ••tra spe ciel offer $5 off on eny '100 Tall O.c:orator Teble Lamps , franchlM C'"9out
, '!." ~~. p~Mi.diod. ·.f '1!..' • e r opurc9hH1":.,o~mCoo",with acapbyof lhio od. 1Ra9, $49.961 ............................ NOW $11.00 Tbolactoeyhuorderedclaee * \~:" .!\ "" i:.. N ...i ble r.•· u .... rnar.Anam lo ............ $119.95 Sp10hh H~n9Jn9 Swo9 Lompa out ot • O>noole l 2 Spinet °' 1 ':.'o-1 ~ )··_, ,..·,'! _ ' eg-,.G : :: 1n. ~ullted lofe, w/5' in. lov• •••t -Sl49.95 1Re9 ... 9.961 ·-············-···········NOW $19.10 PWIOt on a m1t..plwrbui&
' . ' . .l •• •••y poni1h Collaa Tobla .......... "29.94 A d.!Corator dream house on' displw -3 Never -piano -
1 • • '': .) W 7400 F/C lkkPr tO $450 • Llr9• Ma tching U"'p Tables -··· .. ··-·······'19.95 -1 Uke theae! Flnt come· first : llill,111(•-740o Hitl;."':l:rmi4 3 ,...... -1n co••• Spanl1h Dacorator Lam p•. from ...... _ .......... 14.95 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furni!ll re (was """"· '~ . .-. = :n~:n~: t~:b"~S~.!t~ !r9i's ~r~O~;~:~e~j!~oi ~~~:~ reg. $129s.oo ~~~:
'" ,.. WAniESSIS ::' rts, must know Data Pro-Sah at TERRIFIC SAVINGS. SACRIFICE ~HD Tolovlolon l205
· • ·' F\alJ ~put tlme 13-35 orssiJW. lenk Term1 Store Ch•rge M•st•r Ch•r9e • • • • • • """" ~==:.:..--....;=
fli'oplt ... t ,.._ ... ..i. ~-nin 1: Part Time Secretary t o $475 B•nkAmeric:•rd All Accepted Cedit Terms Avail. Cr•dit Cleared lmm edlat•ly ZENmt Qilor 21" TV, 18 ~'.'"'""..,.;;;;;-i.i: No~-'l: =-.!i"' ... ":'·.:: °"" ... ~-Sot."" s.. lo.! ~·-II m RJRNITURE ~""' like .... 1211.
* AUCTllMf *
7:30 P.M.
Bedroom 1et.1, Divana. LoiW
&eat, Oinette1, O>ntl, Cl:Ja)..
model.Lam ... l'lctln'H,Oot.
fee labks. Color TV, Side
by Side"'""""" ....... er, Washen & Gas Ory.-s
WINDfS AUCTION • ~ to .un. fJ. omca. Apply tn Pa.on, lD-6 enoe in purchatln&: dept, con.
:; TELLI AND 108'$ BIG BOY tact v.oo...., tront omce ap. Hf.fl & St-1210
NOT1. o•,. •TMENT ,,. E. lTl'H ST. pearanoo. a 1o1 ~ publk 2065 a..n. s1 .. cos11 Mesi 1844 •-wport 11 d "" 1969 STEREO 0o ....... db<. =11 Newport 81..S.
r•' OPINING$ COSTA MESA eontact. Behind "Herbor Car Wash" llC J ,......, IMll.) in bwlt cablnet. complete Behind Tony't Bide. Mat1t. ~ expe~nct preferred * BE A WJHN£RI Enter off H1ml~on or B1rn1rd St. Cost w/rtew 1 u a rant e e, 4 Costa Mea * _.. .. liilf ........ -""''"' ....... Jobs , 1 , • ... 1 .. __ only OPEN DAILY • lo • ~tions. l'or appoint. • rww A 1tf • •r te n , .... wort~ tfr.1 4oll1t1 v•r.i 1,.,.,1 lllAil Speaker toUnd l)lltem. 4 apd I !!!!'!!!~!!!'!~'!""'!' .. •I
tmt:nt phone: ·Mr. Brown. Lega1Tralnee$300up .__~'Tit -.._, •~a•-'Tlf Etlelllhcbanetr,10lldstate VINYLTILE.L jno le u m . ;·&M..,.11 Typt 50 accurately, attrac-••-1 ...,..., n--.,..., ._ It diamond needle. ~ oH ., •••• 1 ~·-.Bea·-·•-• _......... Reria:h!r for a temporary baJ o1-10 ts. ....-w • ...,. uua1&1 ...,.... n~n Job __ , t Lu "'-• 'tive, pleuant on pl'lon@, ca· •'"' or euy pym.n ors a nd pattum. Free ~~~--s a.ERK: 1'>'Pe ac. .,,.. en er our c...., reer minded, learn to use Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 Ooedlt Dept, 5J5..7289 egUmates. Uc. Co n t r . ~WI¥. variety of medical Ucel\M Contest. dictaphone. Jobs-Man, Wom. 7500 Furniture 8000 App. Hindi 1100 STEREO Conlole PI u • 54G-U18.. .rioo\d m1: <futlet. To $000. I Id ..... BRISTO tom Am "° ~---·~---• '."°'1f.!!Jllly Hut, MG«l55. Waatern Girl Inc. Glr Fr ay ~·· OVER _ $·TOCKED IYI · pex tape 113 OFF on all bJklnil It cav· COASTAL AGENCY 54Q.0325 Light typing of contracts, COfFEE. SHOP ARTIST, ADV: Fine art: fum LARGE telec:tlon of recond'-deck, turntable, K l'l l I ht er-upa. Any alze top w/P:J
A member of some phone work, very light has oppty for op person, &aed. appllancea, repo1,.ap: ampliller, Kou headphones. bottom. $1.4. suits .,..
-STENO. LEGAL: Terrific ~--~ --··· A/P • c~~ .... , MUST SELL'. -"·-~m model ~-.. Sall .... -. Barpin! Call Snell1nc I: Snelllnc Inc. bou., sharp efac"'nt pl. f450 .............,. .... ng, _ ..... , ...,.t""•~--On..,-Illustrate & do f.ul paste Up. -~ .l.fV ......... $9.80. Anythll:la Goel. • "90 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa un Considt!' traintt Call AIR, good raises. $U1, Call Jeari 54()..6rei5 • all guan.ntffd. Glenn! ~ 645-<16 l4l or ~l611, W. est Hwy, N.B. Opell $m.
" ' n -k Olli I •-e FOOD • BEVERAGE COASTAL AGENCY N 9 We Se"""' -We Finuce ex · -, GIRL 'RIDAY /mn Brown~ -c ce 0 ~ . .. ew pc, comer arran&· . SEUJNG Ouu Bunk It twin ~in .,.....t....t .•-adv. ·COASTAL AGENCY 1 ~ar experience, J!ve in-WAITR.Es.SES A member or choice of clrs. reg. $230, DUNLAP STEREO equip; AKAi M.S beds. tum. chalrs. tablta. Ci. 'GoOd ~ ~till:"~inl A member of jedjon&, EKG, will tra.bi to e BUSBOY Snellina & SneUin& Jnc. now $149.50. Htadbrd1: APPLIANCE (Roberts) $SXI. Pioneer 130 retrtis. 1ia... wubln.
IO up Snetllnz I: SneDJnc Inc. take X4',..VI. e CASHIER 2190 Harbor Bl, (beta Meu. Khwl. $15, Queen.s $12.50. 1!15 NNJ)Ort mvd .. CM. W Multtplex $ZiQ.) Pioneer .'IV'a. t.thhw 11.dtm. straw M!sS EXIC AGENCY 2790 H.-Bl. Costa M.., Lob Tach Tr-FUD l10JO. T!rinl 13-95. e ~71IO e ... .-!ZO. Ster' o hat$ lOe. lSOO A _ ...
"flO W. Ooatt H_., ASSISTANT BKKPR I~ $433.U No telephone mterviewo Schoolo-lnstruclloia 7600 .=:~ !':f. ~~ Antlw 1110 =--~ s:·,L ~~ C.M. __, •
Nftpert··Bucb 646-39.19 ~e pri ell.lb Muit: be .1 year m1nlmwn experience Bristo'• CoUte Shop SAUCERMAN SCHOOL now $19.50. Roll+way bedt r;;; PORTABLE Stereo Record Ann.ETJC equip: WetPta,
Ba::LINE Fuhk>nl needs 3 able to So thru T.B., abo in medical or bk>lo&ica1 tleld· The Newport.er Inn Co. Falrarounda. gr. 1-1 w I inn. spring matt. rea;. Larry Mortan Antlquei Player. J apeakera. $50. bench. iprinp. f1na. ~· ~ in OWi a r e a . lenenl office. Required to Trainee type program. Apply 2 to 6 PM, M(IJ'l·Frl. Where the Procram $:19.50, now $39.50. 1'lD a. Be there when the Van pulls MS-2231. Model &Jrplanes, parts, .,...
Qaallftc:ationl: J o ve 1 worl{ 1 wkend day. General Offlca to $440 -•-Fits the Child lleeper-sofa res. $239.50. now In It take yoUt pick! 14 Skyd~ equip. M~
• dothel, drives car; no co&. MISS EXIC AGENCY A good ta.st typist who can NEW MARINA Willard H Sauetrman. $169.50. New beds: KI nc Pump organs, 2 doa!n roll C er &. E ul 8300 helmet , MiMl. 545-76'11 1'cdlll or <1e:Uwr'1. 5.19-2967 410 w. Coast Hl&hWay uae a 1tenorrlte, can ad· RESTAURANT / F.d. o. '$99.~. Queens, $89.50. Full top Oelkl 15 Oilna cabi· im " q p. SURPLUS factory d r es e
c DEPARTMENT . Newport Beach 646-3939 venee rapklly in thii ~ stO-llllO Enroll nqw $49.50, Twins $39.SO, fully nets. Auitrian Armolres. DARKROOM ~ulp, Incl fabrics• temna11tt. Sold ~ SECRETARY )di. .!. ··PBX . .;.,. · .~· Good Working conch. (Experienced only) 'Eves $48-1758 auaran. fl. a. spreads $9.95 Bedroom suites, Brau beda. Omeca B-22 entaraer. euel. to the public M ~
; (Shorp Gtl) !Jnawertrw lel'Vioe'bu open-liOnl & company benefits. Oristmu la.Y•W&Y• now. Grandfather clocb, Vienna drYer, etc. Like new. $1751 thnl Sat. lD:I Monrovia, ~ q ent ot a fast ·;1n&1crane~,I AM...C A/P Clerk $350 •WAITERS EdhcatlonU Vacation 5th SIES'J'ASLEEPSHOP 1927 replat.ora •Much Morel ol!er. Strobobar 600 Flub CM.
lt'0"'1l'lc eonewner products 1 }'M wktnd; S'N-10 Pll,:l u )'OU tiff to Work with 111· • WAITRESSES ~t · 10• ie!n Cl= Harbor Blvd., CM 645-2760 See at: a3io or 24.28 Newport $25. 496-l035 ~KlRB="y,.-,,v"a_c_u_u_m_,O"'•-~"'.,"'r' ~r nHdA a sharp 'day wetk A f PM: TO ,I PM. Wft and have sood figure • CAPI'AIN Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del daily 11)..9 Sat-Sun lo.6. Blvd., chsta Mt1& 548-7i83 Sportfn9 1Gooc11 1500 with at tac b men t s •
1'i'IWlfl for a ~sponsible p~ ,2 days wee~ ~; apt.l~~~m~wW i~ Lunch • 0 ,___ Mar, C.1.f. 548-28&9 DON'T Give up! Y~~ WE Repair Titfany leaded polilher. Take over small
iriUoo •. Experience In pur· ·but will CXlftl4der :":""_~co).. an eAl-~ot o.--·Wl l.Y o uu"'r find It at America'• ..... 5~., lampe A atalned sJ&.u wtn.. SURFBOARDS pymts or $41.10 cub. Oedlt c:lautlls. invtbtcfy comroz, )qt student. .°543-2222' 1 get Into a good paY1ng field. * Ql.pistrano Preschool * most un111Ual unfinished dowa.. AlllO have IOJDe Jbr "87 PERFORMER 9'$' Dept 535-'n89.
prOdiactlon. control delira~. OFFICE ri ~: All .~ Kaypunch ()per. $415 Contact Mr. Jami!!! ~mato 31642 D Cam1no Real, SJC turn.lture atort. <:or. Redhill sale. P&id $00, ll!U $3), 2 FORMALS -Blue IJlO.
1bert Wn..L TRAIN an lnteL ·otfice d.;;;:_fur, eem,-Of a 1 yea.r·experie.nce on Alpl\a MondayTHOU.E-Frlday Sept IS, q:ell 1--6. Extended & Santa Ana Fwy, Tustin. 1 TIFFANY HOUSE SU--3751 * yellow 7/S with headplecn. ~ &1rl Good akllb ~ J>oas S375, call Sally Hart, & Numeric, have ability to -day catt. 495-«98 ml So. ot Newport Fwy, 1' 10" RICHARDS $55 Call 5t8-1962 betweu 1-T ~ Shorthand 911, .... ·~..re. punoh own drum cam•. nus NEWl'ORTER INN MONTESSORI Teaoher OI· Opon 362 d•Y' .... yr. ~~~:ls.. !lxl2, $300. 111 E: Bay, Balboa p.m. ilia -iii. A real opportunity 'COASTAL AGENCY ts a top bracket company !en music imtr, begin'1 all 544-6470 496-loo.i m-s1rio CAR.PET
:1Dfi..,a1 career type, can for A member ot with exoellenl company ben. ll07 Jamboree Rof:d woodwinds, advc'd flute "-CON surfbou'd S'll. Ex· Sbap. tweeds. bl-kJ plla. AD
......,_.. Snellin&., Snellinl ''"" efih. N""'°" Beach, Colil. oboe. W-0951 Office Equi-nt 1011 S.Wlnt Meehl-1120 c:<llent .,,. ........, 115. -..,.. eot. Lie Qmlr.
l'OLYOPTICS INC. 219o,_Bl,Coo!aMeaa AonmblorTr-• JOIS&EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR TYPEWRITER, Add. mach, 96M581alter~ 51Mt1L ~-HOSTESS. SEATER. to $364 SALE AND TllADE calculator, Very ,.uonable. 1969 SINGER POWER Built Jett handed QUALITY kine -quillDd. ~-• .. ~t.~,:~!JP'.. 11-fust be n, evenfnp. We have opmina:s on both ESCROW Fumlture IOOO Xlnt cond. 893-242.1 ews. Zig-zag C!-b mod. lllihtb' &Olf clubs. full aet, lllrt. new. ·~. u nu•• d SUf);
_ ., ..., _.... _ IUCal .. AIP1Y between u pm _ day and swina ~ift, Bee.ch used. Styt11h WI.I cab. Does S41-Gtl2. ..-th S250 .After 5 or wll:ndl
..,...,., l5lll .. otart. Call Don ,tho llNchComboi' """·"""~ .... ·,!Mt long! OFFICER 20 l'C. "MADRID" HOUHho(d Goods 1020 .,,. ....... witi""11 attach. SURFBOARD 9'4" $40. an.-.
Sally Hart, Sf0..6055 .3001 E. cOa.1t ~way~' flBX Recpt Trnee $360 Blt·ln C'Ontrob to overcast, Huntlrqrton Harbour SPANISH bednn tet, atrh G~TAL AGENCY Corona dtl Mar Experienced, $315. up. Take -NEWPORT-3 Room Gro: BED dlwn, 2 ~atch chain make button holH, aew on (2131 5!J2.lm6 twtn. bed I: matching c~.
, A'merobtrof ---ntsand~. acctsrt· NATIONAL BANK FRO'tMODELHO $35. CoUee & e"'! tables buttons,bemdres.es,~ Q --~~ --c. ..... ni..... ftDERATORS ~···-1.... " $15 \Vall racks $5 Pole fancy 1tltcbe1 etc 5 Yr. 7' 'r' Roundta ewu,.,,.1.u. wub1ng machine. -•-•llO» · ~-& g,,... .... ,. Inc. • • • ,..... • • • ttlvahle. Mature, lite typ,.,. Inel~des: Quilted 101a and ta~p $8. Other odd.ments. parta & lm'ke Paz.. Pay 1' U" Harbor Gun; '8" btUy ,;,,;:ii=====""'=I
2'190 Haitsor Bl, Colla Mesa ~n::ci: .. ': n:=: ~ &~ ~t accurate. CONTACT MR. CARTER chair - 2 end tables&: eof· Eves. 548-[il'l9 $5.U da_A: 1 pymntl of $5.88 board. 646-1105 Misc. Wanted 1610
.1._!!.CRIT.ARY -.rk jlfl.Oh, ateady work. Gtn Ofc 1 r~n!O $375 642-3111 fee tab!~ -2 l~!'sd'-~~sg. mo., no interest~ or: Ml·-'I•--~·· pol<lrtlal. I e 0 d EDDY MO'SS HOO ·,1.ocUJt Phone~ l?Ont ~ appe~ equr .-,~nuboxm>r -.prin·~.· .. -maul:-Gor ... Solo 8022 "-II l'rlc:e $58 80 K-uoo ildllf; R.)!::" .t.pl .....,.. ~t westmm.ten 53Ul38 1 '"""'• -1 .. typo -•''"""~ Out•ld• Sales = • r-• • =jr.~GENCY '.i ·~EWPO~ ~ . ·ly, operate lO-key. fRE£ MEMBERSHIP! ~~e k: h~ba~~~; ~A;~~ e ~!Ed ; r ;~~ e ~~ ~:o~~~~M;r °.:I; 9 ~:.!~r~.s~p~s:;;.
-.49 w Cout Hlshwty :rut accura~ typilt with et· MALE COMPARE AT $7'9.95 'fumlsh.inp, clothing, lhoea, PM, If toll, call collect. No 32247 Brtnd new $SIXI N.;,.port • ._., ""'3939 ""'"" m bid<p&. ttq'd, for CWTenUy oeillog lo hou,.. $399 ~ ocleol ll""P ol amall 213: 531·Mllt (.;.I ioi.1 M""'*.,;., not
CASH WOMAN to wont in donul ~it:'-~ office. Pleue phonl. wives direct? Add us to your N d p ts n1y $16 mo sterilna, china le glau ol>-1969 SINGER toucb-o-maUc, Included in sale price, )'OU
lhop. APS!Jy J.n penon befoft ~,...........,... P.-cker Trnee $2.SS hr line for extra commlukm o own-'S mwl bruQU$E. jects. ;.oo 2 Viclorlan iii iq, button holes. .,,. handle ale I: dellw.ry ot For tumimtt, iapplia1WM,
lo.AM. NO PHONE-CALLS. rCX)()K.Hsekpr. NW"line-di)> Will tram in pukinc alto • income. Keep tn &hape fret, YfB.I MUI chain. 110 9th St., Balboa. on butb:ml, bl.bid hemL amt. Con t act John colored 'IV, plum. cirpm _,.Harllct B1Vd., C.M. ties. Liw-in, apt'!, penn•· awing shift trainee position. Repre=Uv~ n:ied all AIJi. Z..22. Aua. 2>S. Slf,88 or U.U mo. 5S-aJA Feamley, Mon.Fri, I 10 5 and anHqun.. PRrfA'f'E . Dll1Y Nu r 1 e 1 nent, top Plf, ref.I rell· Flex+printer over549-336Se ~-t4sl 600 W, 4lh St., Santa Ma GARAGE u.Ie start 11'1 e p.m. The Newporter Inn, o., or mpt
-. RN'o. LVN'o. All 67:1-3528 . to $3.56 hr Hol'doy H"oalth Spa Sa ~n DaUy5 .. 9
11.• Thun. ., is condition. ~lcol lnot. 112.S llJl7 Jamboree Rd., N.B. · MAruRE tor retail ....,.....;..nc9· in flex.o-paph 1 t. ~ un <11 wubt.r, dryer, furniture " .M<-::.:.:::11:::_00_____ ---~f».~16~21~~~
abl.ftl. Call any h 0 u r ' woman ~-~·:. JnoUnt: .... a"'-to run • Costa Mea • SPANISH cookware. mJ Donnie Rd., i.n; Paul CU.tom Guitar, PEAR 1haped d I am o n d ~ • u.lta in bowewattl A sitts-,. wa._, -e black with said trim, Hum-Whl -1.t $ WE I UY $
COUNTER llEU' lull . Rion Hantwan, 1024 lrVine. all -P"""· SCRAM LETS MEDITERRANEAN N.B. -gold i c k N<W ...,taln!,.76""' le·-' • or twestclW Plaza, N . B, Programmer Trne• • ~! Shown in model homes. BEIGE naur. dawnport S35. with case ~ ~ far 1ettlng. Free of irn· fll:t 'time. Apply at Taco 541--1133 uk tor Phil start $513 f Rms of furn, (din nn, llv Frii:idaire washer & drytT WIO with hlll'd' &hell cue. perfection to 10 t I me s $ FURNITURE $
APPLIANCES ,~ ~ So. C.OU.t Hwy, 1 , WO~ Ass(gt In .prognunmins u a ANSWERS rm, A: bedrm) pricfd ebe-S80. Bird c::qe SJ, Purifier Call Dan 49'-4006· home ~ttk:aUon. $950. See~ by :-;;;!!.~Mtor 2 elder· ror ~~ IUJ'Ve)', our of. tra.intt High school grad T where at $895 Is youn ~ no. Dining set no. 548-l250 494-209? ' ~ ~.S. National Color TV-'1•fto-SterM1
• 541-453 1 •
•}f ~~. Lite .,'Orie 71ce, Mom. A: aftnoon shift. trainlni course of the Honey. Unt&Sy -Mlllt)' -Valor -at only $399. Eaiy 1 STUDIO couch ta b t e 1, .:::::=·...:.::..::=--~--I
· .Gd· pay Ph. Mrs. Phil, 646-"-'el.I 200 mqnetic tape IYI-Tumult -MAUSOLEUM TSerms. Chaint, TV, glass. ovebead Planot A Ort1nt 1130 Health Spa membenbtp.a, ttl--32&4. '1753, 9:30 e..m.-3:30 pm daily tems. Keepins up with the Jones' ant• Ana Fu rni ture camper etc. 2al5-D Canyon. 12 monthl (over 200 viiits) ~YSJ'ITER, ·2 chlldn:n, 2 TlPIST, tor Ol9mMrcial Pr~rammer $762 habit: Even whvi finallv 426 W. 4th St., Santa Ana CM MU521 MOM & DAD for $99. Regularly $3)0 •. Miss
p.m .• U p.m., my home, 'blueprint shop.. Over 21. Operate Honeywell 200 mag· burled 'underground they'll e 541-0789 • GAS lawnmower freezer 00 IT NOW! I Lane, 549-1425.
"fl. ~9163 ·Phone: 540-9373. tletle tape oouu>Uter, ustst ~LEtoUM~ up~ the MAU. LEAVING state. Beaut. 2 iwlmminl pool ~a cu u ~ WhUe we have the patest TENT trailer, ,_.sd on 9xl.2,
• EXft'D SALISLADY BABYSmER Wantrd, ~ in devek>pln& systems for ~ cro . mo. old s• sola & love aeat equip, 3 1irlt' blke1, etc. selection, the tnOilt reason. $375. Wins cnair frame $20, --_.., • .,....,W="'A"'NTE==D,--1
. M9b·A W'VlteDll OoUW::w Wktt)'S. 2 children, pn'ter compµ:ter appltcatlm\. 2 + NOTICE* 6' coffee tbl, 2 end com· 2422 E. 22rx! St, Nwpt Sch. able rentals, the beat teach. While Treadle $25, Sbutten. ,· ... ' * Ml-~ * , penn. 673-3780 evu. 1 Yea.11 c.ollete, 1 addtl year For the lat time 1n 1969, modeg; hkf..._.bed, I pc. CARPET hag hl-lo NEW er. Oxlo1e from Cnnn, Wur-~MIMl22~~3:______ FURNITURE
B&AU'M!' operator, full time, MO'IHER Attn'd OCC.AM., of computer experience may Farrow Realty haa :r open. Span. klngaize btdrm. lf!L ·~ 396 Hamilto Utter, Knabe, Fllchel' & Mmnmoth Lakies B&rpin TOP CASH IN 30 Ml.nuta
,...,.. ·, ... -: I: comm. Gwen'• ,,..d, ma•-·--·• ID .,.1 be 'ubltituted for 1 year te· tng1 fot' real estate sales-Wll1 sacrifice: call collect $4c M,.Sa. ._:._.. n1 n, others. Spinets, A ~llO My mobile home (win~~ Quality tumlture, color TV'i "':_~~ , ... .,. .......... quli'ed education. men. 90~ ccmmlssion avail-213433-C340 · • ,.,.....,. 0 y. from $519, Rentala ..-um Furn. lllpi 7· Many ~.,. .. s. stereot, appllt.Dces tools, B:tY. onup, tM-3214. 3,. old boy ~ •,. .. _ I I bl + · urane and otht GARAGE SALE -everythinc month\)'. Sac. $299'5. Ex, cond. 531-3374 -111 --·' MAID, fUll or ~ time, Jo . Progremm•r "'"a Y• a e, ms e r • Furnltura • 364 E 6th Place Gould Music com,.ny MATCHE;D .et. z en ( l h ~ce ~ ... p . ..,~~-''···-~ •·-··· bo M·-W-7'500 to$1059 eo.benelit.Gowilhlhelats· AppllancaoeColorTV !!'~""°M ' •• ;,!.., • ~·N.••-'-SA 547-MJ-'i'"'-•2 all ... ••-531·1212 ~Motd:"iw!S'll-.-"*", ....... Auist In munsultatlon with Ht. AOK AUCTION ._...ta esa. ~. _, IYl&Ul "'--'" ~"'......, ~ ... ""'=" 1 -~="""=~=""°-I J,,'!~~~~~~::....-1 " 1 e.diniUtration. AB deztte 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. HUGE Ga.rage Sale, Aug. 16 (Just oU SA f'reewa,yl btarlni e.lds. Muat H1L WE PAY CASH!
8 HIJN I -....ii~· CALL TODAY!! ,. oqulvalent Wludlng...,. w .. 1mtnmr nr G.G. P'rwy. • 11. "''Bayside Dr. CdM Uoocl Hommend 0r,.n e42-ll!l!l3 ·
Tiii .. .....-.. Coala • iloW -.. Dala """''""' Tues' Tbun 1 PM.S.t6o30 SALE a· SELF-contained COmpor • NOT Checb ~: ..,00 ~OU-. i.cMlqueo, •,..,. ,...,.. ORANGI COUNTY'S Eotate ,,,.,...., .. "'""·New Fumlturo Audlon I02S $315 • Frener 1 70. For GOOD, USED
. • N eooe tun time Data Prooes-LARO I ST ..,..,.~. E L 1 e • • ,. , _,,.. A·lOO, • ·-. R.mtceratcr $35. 5 0 S 1 ~srrrm needed. May CAN~~ .• W. wep.dons. 293 E. 17th St., '4M4f4 ~;~!t 1 sell r~ •-it.!::':UC~lor TV H.100. M:'t.00. M-3. i:iOO. McFadden Aft,, N.B. "1rniture. sm.o, TV tit ~·"' II -· 2 * AYON * EDPC ... trolSuponrfoor ~lull ot fun\lluro 4 ap. ...,...AOK AUCTION J.100,S.L1'n>al$195.Termo. 2 TWlN bedl. ll1HI 1rames "'"""eld~"."~e""kb\11.
:ja .... ..!:, ~ Stort •I $525 FRY (Nlllf pllance•. Moctly· Spulah 1122 Gonkn Grove Div.I. • $30 udL Comer table $!>. ==-,,,=~.,--,,,.-,=I CALL SUperviM A Procell dally ac. VVft.I plerel. No reuonable o(tl!'r Weotminoter -. G.G, F-. AU.EN THEATER1 32 ped· Call 673-7226 NEED bricks one to 1(0), t:'p.m. 540-7CK1 tivttles, maintain and d rcu. refused Pr! Ply 961-5249 "' ·~; all, a.lmolt new! MUsr sell now! ~ •. Caribe reasooably priced. '4f..BI '4JTRiiS ElcPer'fenced, U ~ late computer input • out-Top waaes. pmlWl(!nt, hon. 19T56 ~~dae .i.;,, HB Tuel & ThW'I ~PM-Sat 6:30 ~w22 "9 .id •. Part tlmt. Ap-Int.rvil!'Mrw NOwr-put matmal. est, end wwldac eond!tionl .._ .. _,11._.. Estite con1!gnmt, Repo. New Bl.C Savfnp Now in our End ::!:Htt~1is:~ or M;.chlnerv, etc. 8100 ,"7·18 -between 2 It 4 ~l 1n area's leadi. ... tt!ltaurant. QUAUTY Klrl8 uau, ., .... -.... L<.-,.._ Sal • t _,, ·
'J(an un1lun. Mr. Steak'. W CIOOTRESKSSES .:,~'':':"~!.,~in Appi> 9 am ,;5 pm fur '"' =~ u AA;•.: .J!: Appll1ncot 1100 ol -··~= e. HOMEMADE w 5' loiw FORl<WT IOllO lb. cwt. '~1 ~• C.M. A auto lhop dlrpatchllla. t.m.w at 147--0406 LADY Kenmore wuhn', I ill OORONA DEL MAR ;!~ .:-~ 6 moal8.c n:~w: ~~. 897.U.U
tlPlfiS. IS,.._ or -· Tho Derby Rootouront TKh llluotrotor $500 up MAHNINO'S DINING Table, 3 IH.vu. I cycle. UDO. Kenmore ps 28M E. Cout Hwy. m.8930 FAMILY mom-p in rv1-~ ;,.,,....,., ....-.i on JlQPolla•d"Rd. CM ·WOVI linlabed art, pre.ler COl'l'EI SHOP chalro with velvet-"-ci,,..r,CIOll.....,,bolcroold HA>OIOND·Sl-·Y• 1"lne Oout Country OUb PITSond L .,_,. 11!11"~:&""' ro·-~ -,.. -·--,. .. -. .,_tr••• 141111ETcooR4. Good ....iittoo un. ::..m~1n...,,...i ~;.:· ... ":4~ taroa1e.Pvt!IQ>.m.HU ,.011,Gonorol aaoo . u..--.. ...._._. .......... Le:1surt Wodd lACUM HID.I sa..aT• all 4 PM . L _,. ,....... • ·-·----
t ' llAID • malntaltt'll unit -1 '"· Dtl .. r Helper $a.27 hr 1137-IOH USED 5 pc Din •I SIS. s pc l8 CU FT Coldapol. awcado ~~Ca>., iz=""!. ~ ,.eioo; TALIONG cocl<allel and...,
,. '1.65 .,... how'. . Coo• -MUa1 be bald Ano. !O ..... ~on hour In. -Bdrm ael ... ~. """ bol""" "'°"'· llO 1907 N -Sil. -alt 5.30 lor oa1e 150. Call lllllr I.
· • -· • --'"'~ rd nper. nee. -. GoOI work bock. 'JJ_newpolt . H.!'.R.C. 517 W. 11th. lbe. Near new. O>ol $349. San~ ~ SOIWINN -.,, b I k ._ 845-071? 11>\l'l'RESS..,...,. 1n~· J114/100 pl .. !""" 111 bdl' .,.uno1 -., cul __ 1 ·-Sell ... $!lOll. 54W9l5. ..,., model. "llldi Cltld<"
. 1lhan'1 Roo~·'f. "lll:t!Mm .. ' • f orklfft 0parp.25hrup J181S0'11111 *BIRal DbWw tlDOm .,uarPOINT electric dr)><r, PlAN~"'r:cANs llew$15.tsT.-MV °!!! ll2S !'"r1I Dr. 11.B. · iiiilDlliif DIRECl'OR Lood and uolood -·· op&~ lg_.., tar ,.i.. ' chalro pluo t xhll oood. l'O. NATURAL nach mtnll -· ~ On11t (Pem-l time •ialrt' "lllr. .,. """"~mu•...,. atc,bldlli; -·....,. ~~1 boot. Wae' hutch. $250. -•-• v....., .. _ _.tar$lll0. ~ o1nc1, s -a ~PK. A~-pie. Small ......... -· tar, able .. -I-ca. P..-11ono1 S.rvla -KENMORE -dryer, WAGNER UPRIGlll' ~-fem•I• Prlcod .........
• IG-Q. '7M<10 C""""1on $511 for tho ompleyor NEWLY ~-Early P>d oood. $311. PIANO, $1!0 DOUBLE ...U ....... llb In qualli,.. 518 fl illl'bliiiri -""""21 'CliriiCH OllOAHIST 10th snde educ.at!on or bet. Md tho ..,.,!cont Amer do.;;:;;;;,-Awcodo * M7-lll5 * * _, * -121: Ki,. ,,. bad Black StandoJll rnncll ir-ot df«." ApplJ In Jtll*lll ~ or •1'2D ter. WDI keepas&l.rntd build. I» Dover b'r., N.8, 540-2709&tt!":l0. • KENMORE Au tom at I c SPINET Piano. wa 11"D Ill. l fnml ST.sl 5tl-a3I Pood,le, Umo~. $10
• &. rJ.T1h, C.M.. MA L m a Ftmale home-il)f area cltan, .,nllary I '42.aJI Sff..2743 JltP&.a-bed IOfa. E 1 r 11 wuhtr, cood. cond. MB. ftnllb. ExctUtnt ooadltlon RIC model DW-, radio cont 53M12'l '1ileedtd In AecounUni lcet'Pet1· Park L\do Convalo ordeti1. Good work hlttory lJCHT Auembly 'llJOl"k 8 bn ~. Uke nnt. $100. * M1-IU5 "* $2!i0. &4J.IOl1 equip. Mile tnp A pts M * SAat..51CE AKC Dolm.
• · • Wtllinl In 1nht. •teer• H ... ital. 642-2110 A "°"" work babl"-Some .., •·· -· ., .... l_ llO 54M1J4 DAil.Y PILOT D}ME.A. ,THE QUIO<ER ?OU CW. or beat. llllUl-0 "'""' Show ~Ir. II 6 r. """"°""' aa tu11odlan ot -· ----• • THE QUI......., YOU SELL $iO Mutt Sal -• \YAITERS, \Ya.ltre:tses, janitor desln.ble $1.Ml/hr. DESK! dro~front aolld-oak. 1JNES. You CU'l a. them -~~ SELLING oull Complete,~..,,..· ..,.......,I0,_,.~~~~1 , NURSli AID ES Baaboy. Pn!I. oxp'd. Applyo • HEIRWOOD SHU'IT£RS NHt now 135. }'air, melal lot Juat -·•do)>. Dlil r.. Dall1 Pllol Want Adi luml ... l?Om S BR &Pl Alt Cock+l'oo T-b,;r· I~ W ' • Mtaa tw I:. Coat RWJ'. C d IC. tm Placentia Aw, CM. he1dbt.Mrdt $11. 8*.1830 MUm Olel ec.,.,. tor RESULTS I p.m. I0-5.189. T wlca, M6-2633
I '· .-• '
' • . ' I •
• •
~· llAll.V l'll.l!T fl Mil LlVISTOCk
Wtdntsd<r, Autust 20, 1969 W...-, -20, 1969 Pll0T-ADVERTl$U • TIWll~TA'QON TUNIPORTATION j:T~IWll~!!PO~R!!T~'AT!!l!!!ON!!_,.J!T!IWl~S[!!l!O~RTJ:!A~JT:.!!l~~~~~R!T~T~ff:l!~[il~~~~
11oa .. aYHhlt .;oc,o -.cru1oe .. 9020 11ot1-YICht 1125 Ch1rlon 1---------M' GLASTRON, 3 yr1.
FR.EE TO YOU FREE TO YOU f42S lmperied Autos HOO Imported Autoo 90:it Tr•ller, Tr1ffl
l'\JM -Im. 111lnlature HELP! Land lady wan1' me ~'!;}i"~~-=he~ ~~. ~ ~ ~t ~~· , ... '::1! BLUEWATER OIARTERS :Ill' NOBILE Soou~ lully ,.If. PORSCHE ... .0... $Z2. calJ a.tier 4. OU~ ~ -lovable Fox ~terrier, needa'kind pe'tn\JneDt home. 546-1.Ml ~ V8 ....,.. • ..,, t a, U Driw SaU «PO oontalMd, air cond, 1989 --------
SIS.lB27 ha• lic'd, "'°"• habkn>. Will pl.)l IOr llOl!tel'llw. -tanb, etc.~ 13,150. Phone Sid~ locol _ _ ..-L rµ--0131 •".<"· • FIAT + '45 CONVERT * ''iiof:~;;';;;;;;;~;-;;;;;;;;11 ~494~--~""-~~-=,.!!"~" -8121 S•I""''" 9010 846-ll61. -.iu:;:;;c;,,,_ ~·6*-eool1:====::;;;===1 )di;i o:ond.' All Xll'U, OU .... IRISH Setter P\IPI. To aQOd 2 CUTE % Penf k"Ucna 6 FISH OR SKI Dntlce 21' twtn '~ tr:vdq 9500 For 'fM top. Mo.it tell. 646-1234 borne only. AKC. Adorable! ian 1 BLACK male otppy. Lovlnc, KlT£ I. YARD OOU.Y No. eng tpOrt tllher· J.IY bridge, FASI' ~· Je:Hrlel. tullY . 8 &est Sekcilon
lnte:resr.oor Call St&..151K ·wks old. 22mA State Ave., good ror ch1idrtn_. Ntedl 6.\1, Nrw tn 1969. Set ~ .... ~ .... , n ... ~:. to 10 _.d. M.el'lln ,....,1 ... , ou""""· , .... n..a... p•-Lu• • ~~ -·-1n '66 Porsche 9U.kpd lii'ini;f,;ti;...:;;;;;f-;;;;..:;ll-°"'~~"-'M~esa~._;5!3-4960~~~8/22~ immtdlate hOme, £45..2191 . rlnhlat' _.... ••-s ""U' ~.'\' .. ~ ~ ~~ """" _,.~~-Aliklnc $!1'0 ADORABLE mixed poodle SPAYED at w/all shots, 1 after 6 PM. 8/2'J· Na. 84, Bah}& Co ti]$. anywhere, Sacr $5800 ~ pre. P>Ju Ii reela for •· at.n. #~G'i'31 e Sdt Price * fiTS..1696 * '.'!'l'~~ • "'""' old 15· yr old. Free to good home. NEED ad home '""' tor ~~~'~'Cl~.~ ... '1¥822 = .. ·~· (2!3) ATS7L•A·s CALIFORNIA '61 PORSOiE, )@cc, oll __,_...,..,, Alt 5 p.m., 642-6.389 8122 adOrablt. blklbin Cocktr/ 644-4394, nlb!L CIASilC 22' 1963 Ce~IUl')' ' t · xtru, perf. ~nd. fDPO.
GERMAN Shepherd female, PART Cocker Spaniel fema1c Scottie female, 8 wits, Sm SANTANA _ * Raven utility.Ex c e 11 en t "-Lile u-SPORT CARS 813-8204
5 wttks old, father on 1 d breed 836-4493 8/21 * · "" cond. {313) 3'18-&H9 or -..._... l"ln>YSLER _ PL~·oUTH . $20 536-4908 do g , 8 mos • o • · . FULL race/cruise. s &alls. 6'J5..061l "'""" '& n1
.,,.,._ • "'6-9541 8122 11 Free pupp>., need good N••P<lmtr, hd~. •pinnake<, =--=~===,-.,,,,.I GREENLEAF PARK ..., BAllBOR BLVD, ' ..,_ TOYOTA
1RlSH Sellers. 9 wks. AKC ADOPT? \Veil-loved kittens, homes. ?lfother we.unaraner 6 hp Evinrude. Many xtras, '57 -27' OWENS T.S. SIS, In clW clean. COOi Costa OOSTA MESA 546-1&34i---,,.-.,.,.,----i ----------I ~· Olampion b I o o d 6" wks. Sewn.I colors; Jo"ather ! . Will be large Pr pty. (2l3) 6~111XJ wkly. fatbo, 1..~\lf!r'S. • good . ccnd. Mesa. New 9'J IPlCe adult ()pen' O.Uy ~tit 10 p.m. '67 FIAT . RMORE
line. 61J...Mt8 &W--02ll 8122 dogs. 642-5729 8/21 $4500. Trade considered. ....w. MOdds • Sales attict CLEAN '62 .-.-..~. ~ ton, 850 Sport Coupt, niee1t ln 1 ,-';,,,c~--~-=-"''lc"'-==------',--~:;,:;.;;,.c.c...c...,---,..--,1SEA Scout's desperately 549-1839 _.... , "".,.,. -... town. #99B9 A.KC Labraclot' RcL pups. 3 FEM.ALE haU Siamese kit• NEED good homes w/fencd need a MAIN sall fcir ~ • localed at Put. Open 9 AM step bumper, tool box, $1-·x~ ped & hunt j n & tet1$, 8 ·weeks old. 545-S978 yard tor beaut. feniale collie FOOT A LB A T•R o s S, 28' TS CRUlSON, V~~es; to 6 PM heavy duty pipe rack. After ,.., ,
1-ck;gl'ound. 493-1970 S/2! and 1 young G/Shep mix. 64z..s769 SIS ~. SACRIFICE. ACQ;NT MOBµ 6 prn, 646-0111. lest 0.1lt Are At
TOYOTA i~::'§mttxin~~~ ~~bl: ~ ~k.a~ ~~~:o~;.ON 8122 ~!,1Kl1!_~~~·::ut.0~: CRU~6~Cas:~rui5er l,:'~:;Tve.,,_ Slgbt ;::r,1b\*1>amast DEAN1 LEWIS
home. S?.S-7631. 8122 Botts & Yachti 9000 54~ x434 Mr. Postma, wood/~ motor A trlr. 0..Sf.&8Me; n4: 64'°1350 CHEAP! ~ U. Harbor, CM. 646-9303
• Lara:f'lt selection o1 al I
rDoclels, colon. from the
..,..,, -dealer. \V.ANTED : Female
Chihuahua, 1 yr, or less,
Under $50. &46-4225
FREE Kltrens, weaned • ,.,.._ 15''1" A HARBOR 'f>9 FORb 'VS, Ii IOn, :Wrt ... >TAT UC Sport Coupe.
sand box trained. 6 wks, '61 GL.AS.5PAR CI tat Ion. COLUMBIA 29, sleeps 6, S~Jd Boab 9030 M;obll• Home S.let methJnbl com. Qart Green. Like new.
v.·Ul deliver 833-26.l2 8/22 Inboard-outboard. 120 Mere. 30HP Inboard. Full racing :C:::::.:::.-: casa ~ Roll • Away • 962-7558 Make otter. Ptv pr t y ~%~a!km~~: ;:~ DARLING part beagle pup. CrulSl('t with power jet & Loaded w/optionals. Xlnt 14' GLASI'RON. 45 hp, elec S~ei;aton Manor· Homette • '63. FORD Econoli.l)e P/U 6'1~
line. 646-JllJ Pie 8 , 6 wk s. 0 1 d. power trim. Full oover. contl. 494-7735, 646-f.047 start. trlr, misc equip, xlnt Kit .. ~Jiigmz::hatl. $450 Ol' best olt. can 'l"I FIAT 850 coupe Very
15.100 Beach Blvd.
Westminster Phone $33:22
AIREDALE. fem, 7 inos: 546-4310. 8/19 Realnad1y to f'njoy~ A 1 i PENGUIN sailboat 11 ~' cond.
A steal at $850. NOW ON DISPLAY 549-1588 after noon. px1 cchd. 496--9176 alter 5
Chmpn AKC, shots, loves CUTE part mam kitten needa m eoaKI~ •• 44reco w/saU & trailer. Top con-545-131 1~1Baker St .. Coeta Mesa '62 Cbevy Pickup, xlnt ,..,"""='=•'1======= ITIOIYIQIT@
kids, cats.. SEiO, 49f-.40« loving home. 548-0452 8121 ov<ner. ""'"" dition $425. 837-&598 1967 16' Glastron, 50 b.p. % block Ea.st 01 Harbor Blvd. cond. $600for, Best offer. 1
KITTEN, Part Persian, t~ 15' All Glasi. lS'hp Johnson, RHODES 33 yrly main-MerCur,,. Xlnt cond. $1495. Costa Mesa (n4) MQ-9470 • can 968.-2842 FERRARI Best O.•ls Are At
DEAN LEWIS HOl"HS 8830 good home. 537-0860 8121 large whl. trlr, full cover. tenanCe to, race. $3900. can 673-2259 LA;-f,KEW,.;;;;;;OO~D:--..'64i;,:"i;i=s,;;;,,;,,,"-i3•I========= 1-----------_.;.A_.;Q_ll-APenn--.~IWg-.-..;.1 MALE BASE:Nn, Al<C reg.. ~ =. =~~ ~~ ~or 1)75..2326 li' ~ &;kl rnci~t arb l~ ba!A2J~· ~~~ ·'"" 9510 fERIJARI 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-93tJ3
Quartet' Horsf'. Beautiful 6 968-3752 8/21 $l095 Firm. 644-ll94 FOR 118.le Lldo 14 with trailer, with "' .p. ere ' ca • ew _.... 4 Wheel Drive Newport bnparm Ltd. Or-TOYOTA'S ~~1~!~t Bu~:kin ::~di~ 2 Bl.ACK adorable puppies '68 SEAGOlNG Houseboat. Xlnt cood;,.,?.,!1..1 .~·CHRJ"""""'s ,C546-03ralt ~., trlr 645-!291 ~~~PM. 'c61 JEEdP R .. d·~··· !~491 ~·,a~1 only •utbor-'6t D•mot .. , ..... SAVE *** 497-1849 *** 32" s•-1 hull Jn.outboard. '"""~ ..... « • Motorcyclq ,._ omman o oa ... er, ,..,arp. ~ ...., ... ~. pl easure. Must sell..a.sking """ HOURLY RENTALS i"b....,.ls. t.1ake oft or trade -;;1=n SALES-SERVICE-PARTS Choice of 2 or 4-door_ #M07 S500 or best offer. CaU ONE cute, Jona.haired brown Sleeps 6. $9800. Call between • ., """' 3100 W ,... __ t H '68 Coron• CPE's from .... 7&9 P .M. {U4lTl?rl247. *Rhodes 19's t'*' for. 545-1657. '67 TOYOTA .... $2297 Ne_;:Beas _-:!7· 540-5630 days or 633-3394 kitten. Female. 548-1932. F Zo Boat CO Bal~ , --• . ha~I J--•·---· "'' . _ ...... ,, ........ $1799 1-~==-""'°,_..=--I un ne -UUG ~crulSer, '"op, UUA.a 642.9405 540-1764 =.,..="='""';;,.~"'~w.,.~ke~""'~-~-I DlITCH rabbit, 'male. 16' BURCHCRAFr Skill. 18 , LIDO 14 Mlrine Equip. like new. UOF no Authorized MG Dealer Choiee ol 3 -vrl..889
GENTLE but spirited horse 545--0141 after 6:00 p.m. 8122 HP Evinrude motor. Hull •00<:. 11.1. JEEP $22971'========= '67 Crown W•gon .. $119t w/ta.clc & sta.U. A.lust sell, needs~ work, good. motor witb trailer ............. ~. * MERCURY 3.9 outboardH W-b .• ~., •• , ·--AU extras. sharp TXSSIS 9~'xl8%' v.'OOd patio roof, Jl25. 673-9!152 •675-2400+ engine. $99. Huntington 8.1°" aioneer, 1g.,, power 11...,...r. HILLMAN make offer. 644--0439 l.!g~ood~cond'.'!"~'~"°"~·~...,~'1582~_;8~/'l2!! IW<ri;;;:;o;;;;;:-!;o:--;;:g: bou,, 213/592-lOOG ing · nleest 11n town. SVE 368 '67 Corona 4-dr's , . from 17• '"'lasstron. 1/0, V"•_ Celestial NavJgation , 7 $997 ---------$1399 Good spirited riding ln v ~ Co OUTBOARD MOTOR 5 JEEP Pickup • '60 JULI.MAN convt, nf'W • · • • • • · · • · • • • • • • · • 1CZif J73.s~· BUSIEST'~ m~~~nm ~i!s~~~~i946 Min r Cookl! *urse 673-1166 sccrrr n;. hp A little work hOrae. Lie. FSP trans, battery, top. Gd. 4-in-stoek. Autos and slick
town. _.,__ . I $150. . 496-1035 ura. cond, happy. 548-5416 '66'""'cs. UCPl~... $ GENTLE Gelding w i t h Oassified section. Save 1r Cabin Cruiser trailer SPRITE. Small fa m 1 Y ,..., 1 '52 JEE p $997 •-===""======:I orone -r. . . . 12t9 ' ' -•-lik THE QUICKER YOU ~ " " " " I spirit. perfect for girk $200, money, time A eUort. Look 70 hp Mere, $350 takes ·it. sailboat, fib._ e new. CKER YOU SELL Bonneville Military type, Only one in JAGUAR One O\vncr -clean. SBV730
Call 545-2860 aft 6 pm. now! tt 645-0'295 aft 5. $600. 540-6587 a.ft S. THE QUI 650, Pr l c e is $850. e '62 town, Lie. YXV 631. Best 0.1ls Are At
1--========--=='=======;J.::;:;:::=::;==== Used Cin Triumph 650 Dirt Bike $350. Best De•I• Are At 1969 JAGUAR XKE 2+2. DEAN LEW.IS e "69Ho~~~ DEAN LEWIS Atr, air, AM-FM.SW, radio
Every New 1969 in our stock reduced to clear immediately
st.tioll w•9or1. Auto. B•n1 200. Auto, fr•n1.,
fre111, r1dio, h,,,, •. •edlo, he1l1r. l1111111cu-
SYS211. lit•. SVF 251
$295 $2595
f•clory air, •ufo h1n1, Feclory eir cond, C111·
pow•r 1le1ri119 radio, <om •quipptd. Full he1ltr. TPH905. pw1. Vin'!'I roof. 2ZK275
$1795 $3195
Sup1r Sport Cpt, tulo. l• M1n1 h1rdtop (.P•· tr1111, pwr 1te1r, r1dio, "uto, tren1, pwr deer,
il•eler. ROASS7. radio, h•et1r. VHA 40]
S1295 -$2395 .
'65 o/c TON '67 DATSUN a.., piclc-11p. ld11I for Rl 41 I. 41p1.d, r1dio,
Clll'lptr. lt6t5Jl h11!1r. T2J 294,
$1395 $1295
Coron•t '400 4-dr. fact. 2 Or. H.T. F•c •ir, •uto
air cond., auto tran1., tr•nJ, pow1t 1l••rin9,
P.S., R&H. VGI 979 WJM 18f/
$2395 $2495
ConYr1, Far;I •ir cond. 2 Dr li1rdtop, .1ir cond,
Full pwt, l111,,.1cul1f1 •ulo t ren1, pwr deer,
condition. FXG849 redio, htet1r. SBM371
$995 $1795
4 Door H.T. f•ctory 1ir lonnevill•. 4 door herd·
cond,, 11110. b1n1., pow. lop, FACTORY "IR
er 1~1••· R&H. SVFS27 COND .. P.S., P.8, WlCG
$1695 '" $2995
le S•bre. F1ct t it con. '66 T-BIRD
pow•r 1t11r &: br1k11.. F1ctory 1ir cond. Full
lHYM411l pow1r. SLV4fl
$995 $2395
'66 OPEL ''6 vw
Fe.+back. 4 1p1ed, r•· 4 1peed, t•dio, h1•ter.
dio, h••t1r, SVC 197 TRHl70. -
$1095 $1295
H1rdlop. Auto. tr•n1., Mont•••V 2 door h1rd:
irnrneculel1 condition. fop. Auto. tr1n1, pow•r
ITXJ J761 1lt1r, R&H. UON-704.
$995 $1795
Cudorn coup•. Ftclory H1rdtop coup•. Full
1ir cond. F11l1y power pow•r. FACTORY AIR
tquipped. YPT 446 CONO. NCI 420
$5195 $1895
Auto, h1n1., 1ir (.ond., 4-dr, hdtp, e11!0. h1n1.,
r1d io. he1t1r. UCL 106 FACT. AIR COND .. P.S ..
P.8., lllH. TGJ 24f
$1695 $1795
Complete S1le1 •nd
Service O.p1rtrMnt
OJMn Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun_ 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
bought July 31, jwst m mi.
'65 YAMAHA 250 CC YDA 3, New. $7200 c:ar, Must &ell like new $ 3 5 0 . '68 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 $6350. 548-1936
new $925. Private party. 1mpers 9520 642--0ll6
'68 Honda 175, 5 •peed CAMPER
Scrambler, 900 mi, LIKE Sales .. Rentals
NEW. $450. 832-3668 bet 8 & Authorlled Dealer
5 or 494-2393 all 6 Eldorado • Four Winds
1968 650CC Triumph Bon-Scotllman • Banacuda
ncville, chrome tank &: side FREE ZEBRA MINI BIKE
panels. New tires. $900. with purchase of any
548-4987 or 54$-9763 (work) camper or canpr pa.ckqe!
'67 HONDA 3Cl5 ScrambMr Th~re
'68 XKE, xlnL cond,
Best offer over $4.100
13,00'.l miles. 67S4537
(),.in]• County·.
L.10q<.·~! SeJ.'c!1on
Nl·w & u~f'd
M,_,, (edt·<, 8•·111
Jim Siemon> Imp>.
,IJ i. ne1 & l"'1 a1n St. Beaut rood w/Barnett .... ROBINS FORD
mg clutch. $450/beit otfer. * Harbor Blvd: T:i::~ 1966 TR6C, xlnt Cos1a Mesa 642-00lO 'SI MERCEDES 1905L
oond, lo mls, rec. tuneup, RENT-A-SHELL--Roadster. A Real Cassie.
6SOcc $695. 548-41ll WEEKENDS. W E E K L Y I.Jc INE 383. $1397.
S a nf.i An.1 546.4114
'67 HONDA CL 450 MONTHLY * SJ:9..l800 8tst Dtels Are At
Exoell•nt rondition. MUST "'"· '59 Chev, truck DEAN LEWIS New t:Lres $695. ~1863 and '63 camper. Best offer.
'69 HONDA SCRAMBLER, Gd. cond.. 96&-7063. 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303
l,OOJ mi. -~~:w! ~. MUsr sell '66 vw Camper. 1960 Meroedes 190. Clean.
--.,..-,="io-7.""=o---1 Fully equlp. Low mi~8$. new tires. $750 firm. * 67 KAWASAKI Xlnt cond. $2495. 642-1536 642-4452 eves. -.,.,200;;::1~=-Sa""~=:",.,-;.-.·f:.,,:_nd-=6.t~_ 1 C•mpar R1nl1l1 9S22 MG
Honda Scrambler 337 ----------
Kll J"51 reboil!. Mu<h * EXPLORER * '62 MG Rood•I"
chrome $415. 548-4782 By week or month, Lm:uri-$450. 2644 Eldf'D,
'69 KAWASAKI 250cc, 250 ous. SletPs 6. Sell contain-C.M. 64~272l'.I
milea. Oill 673-3400 a.tter 7 ed-Limited number. Call MUST aeW '65 MG1100 Very
p.m. today. gd cond 646-6538 nts 333
HONDA Scrambler, ad. LEISURE RENTALS >:.'2111 si, CM .
cond, nds. battery il25. 340 {714) 64U6l1. (tt4) 837.J809
161h SI., C.M. Alts. 548-0663 D B I 9525 MGB
BSA Victor '63, xlnt cohd. une Ull " ---------
Many extras. Must sell! * LA PAZ * '63 M.GB, ha~ &:. soft top,
$625. * &U-1467 Buggy Builderii 3623 w. War. new tires, radio, Win? \vheels. ====c-=--c--c;=-c,;;;;-1 s "'" •045' d s-1 Very good coDd. 11ust sell. YAJ'ltAHA 305 ScrambleT 68, ner, A .,._.... • IYZ }I.fake otter. 494-98Cll
perfect. Must sell, make of-CUSTOM Dune BUUY, glass •68 RN MGB-GT
fer. Mom. 675-7981 body. S1500. 355;» RocM5-MAKE OFFER _ MUST
'60 250 TRIUMPH, like new, ter. C.M. SELL
683 ml, $.580. 494-834l Imported Autos 9600 · * 6~7662 *
Auto~ Services
1966 Harbor, C.M, 646-9300
Bill. MAXEl;
Hunt, Beach 147"'555
3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch
'68 Toyota, auto. new 4-ply
tires & battery. Sacrifice!
8.17-3703 days aft 6.30 &
weekends 673-7591.
'65 TOYOTA Sta. Wgn, good
oond, rebuilt eng., $750,
'65 VW Camper, fully eqp'd,
3,000 mi on rebll eng. $1975.
After 6 p.rn., 548-8456 or
days 897~53
'68 VW Bus. 9 pass, iold, white top, 15.000 m I _
962-3670 after 6 pm
'68 VW red, blk inL Wood
whl, Chnn rims, Tadlal
Ures, Stereo. $1650. 673-85.12
'63 VW bug, Xlnt cond.
Private ower. Clean, 2 new
tires. 642-9707
'64 VW Sunroof, needs work
$495. as i.cl.
·~· '61 VW Camper, re-bit eng.
&: trans. ;950.
* 644--0552 *
'65 VW, stereo tapes, header
exhaust, good cond., $950 or
best"Offer. 646-6894.
1$5 VW 1500 S square back.
497-1835. Ask for OON
'68 vw Sedan also '67 vw
Sedan/or tradt for VW Bus.
GOING Inl!l Service! Must
sell 64 V\V, Takf' over
JlaymenU S39 mo. 546-8438
409 HP 409 cu in Chevy '60 AUSTIN Healy Sprite, '67 Opel Station Wagon '57 VW Con vertible, low mi,
engine.' $70. Aft 5 p.m., w/hard top. 546-11$ aft 6 Radio, heater, whltt'\\'ai.I tir-good cond. Make offer.
642--0289 p.m. f'S. Extremely clean with i ,c',,-""""'o=""'e'-'.:.";,;·~----I
'62 A.H. 3000. Good cond. rack. VGY 518 '57 VW Bus. Co!Vair engine.
T __ r•_l_l•_•.-•_T_r_•_v1_1 __ 9_4_25 Hard top, Extras, Must sell. $1188 Ne€' d s tran s. work.
-$950/offer. 675-3180 $250/best offer. 642-8530
TRAVEL trailer, 14', slps 4, AS '61 vw Van, O\'erhauled.
port. cabana. nn. '65 model DATSUN AJL in gd shape $700. 17564 San-good trans, clutch, clean.
ta Catalina, Fln. Va I, $600. * 962-1289 BARWICK IMPORTS CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 847-1358 2m HARBOR BLVD. '66 VW Bug, 34,000 mi. xlnt
TEAR-DROP w/detache.blc AuntORIZED COSTA MESA 546-1834 mech cond, new tires, Sl.250.
tent. sink, Ktove, Ice box; DATSUN '--"(lpen:S;.=.:D::,•'=:'':,.,.:'lil:..,;10~P;;·m::.;._1 _546-0613 ___ e_v_es_. ___ _
good buY at $200. 536-4736 I" MO , THE '67 V WBug, 20,000 mill'l!,
Big sedan, auto trans, over-W ~ RIH. Xlnt cond. Best otter
MOTOR HOMES 9215 head cxm, diM: brks, nd~. TIME FOR o/ $1390. 893/7342 ·
i~:!ijT!;ifiiir.;:c::r;:il heater, 28 ml per gal., after ftUICK CASH •1966 vw. Xlnt cond. Like
• __., ,.. Ill 11111
0005£ "tXPl.ORER"
....... ,, ,, Wftl! * .... ........................
........ Ill'\.
AU MIU. 111 PotT, U f"OOf,
• '"'· J ""'"' ........ c. IWI ~· Al'l't!OYCe C&UIT,
2.800 ml. FuU fact""""""'· "" new. call , ...... ,., all 6 p.m.
FULL PRICE $1850 DAILY PILOT Classifiod'• action "°""'· For an ad to sell aroutld "" So. co..t Hwy, Leg Bch WANT AD u.. clock. can .....,.
545-0634 o.A.C. 494-mtl====~====1_:::;:;,::;;:,;:::==:-J
Doe-a: not ind. tu or lie. eel A 9600 Imported Autos 9600
ORANGE COUNTY'S lme!" utos
188M Bc!acb Blvd.
Huntlniton Beach
142-1731 or 540-0442
Immaculate W a Io n, auto.
trans., OYel'head cam, dlr,
disc ~t. Small down, low
pymnts. Will takto older car
1n trade. WBJ 589 ....; I.B.
Call J;.n, -
Immediate deliwry
OOl!O llui>or Blv<t.
O»la Mesa 6-12-0010
'69 TOYOTA FROM $)790
" IRAND NIW 196' ·
6c•u1l!11I pl•llnum, F< m.it, ltillllr, Vft!M, i w~ trul. lire ~avtr, Ill! wllHI, 11;!0., t!r cDl!d. AM·f
rw.o, 11~1 gltu, 10ck1. wllftl con". w. ,,, not
i\llhllr!iecl' kl ltU l'Cl\I IHIW ITlllCll l'Oll'11 M~t, but 11'1 pleftly. ~. , 9015'3 $tedr; r UJ1
NOW ONLY ............. •$6084
IRAND NIW MONRGO MX 'ooo• a.wrll~I !Md. ~mt. XI Vt. .-J«t -.ft!, w I .._lls,
pow ttttr, ... tkn. l k' C-. AM t~ tlAI tlAao remolt llllrrar. t'66.Ut llock Jiff
w~.~!.~. $483 79
NOW 3461,01
Du~ Iv~ .,..,, W!lfl tis! 1/11, w ,..llt, Jiii-w!Mow,
kd ... , • ..._ 1twr, ...... t lr '9116, AM rM ..
11111 CIM.l. tWCJ) 110t11. 1160
w~s~!,~, $54515
NOW J7J6.45
2 DOOR HAR.DTO!t ('f<llrle 3poli.r u lcllldtd wtrt. 111111 •MCI.ii M!Vfpmtrll. A apecl.11~11'-........ .,. t ... t M~
11191 • l'Oll· s.r. No. MMl1 ·~,.~
SAYE $661 00
WAS Jf41 .00
Wl'llfil flnllh, 1111(! 111111, WIWllll, COlllOlt, pOW#
''-'" br•k•, •Ir conci, AM radio, tin! el•"-f1H1ro1. Sl'I'. I SllJ6.4 Slotk ; AA.
SAVE $68548 WAS .. ,,,,,,
NOW J11a.J:t
Jror\d flllw wifll tlr ~ltlonct, ~iFUI bumf °'""'" lll<r'! 3'11 tv VI, I i.ct; /'llM, .-Itel Mii~
Wl\itll!., -· <!~ .... & I!-.. ftchO I. lllllltf• 1e11. 5.,, .-~CQ;J •22~1
SAVE $82600 w~s 4891.00 NOW 4072.00
L.I, ..,_.., Ml«f tfltN, W-Wtlll , PQWtt" II-. brakn,
l lr tn, rtllfot, liec:or ,,,_, llnr 11"-... d•IUAI CO\I• .s. w . 1 58*1 sroc:t 1 .uu ·
SAVE 523 96
WAS .,,,,,,
NOW J64 •• '4
f lrtlQM rflll • IMcMd wllll _.,n,1111 lncludltll !Ill wbffl. )nl ... , ..... 1 __ .....
lstSSOI llOCk :US9
SAVE 116°0
WAS $51$.40
NOW 471•.40
lr•"'ll MW 'fl"' •Ir O'lllU.,.., Mtllflflll u.1 .-r.
W111i., -"' "' rv va, Mltct tlllll. .....,. •11c:
l>r•krs eN """":· AM rMil:o tlrll .-. "1Ulll ..,,..1 CO'ltn. Ser. P17t!. SAVE 57.4000
WAS 4544.00
HOW JS04.00
PlrttTI~ It Sntf LIU,,.. TNf UTIFllL R9UIS
4 DOOR. HAIDTOP Ill .... t Wlllt, .. •Illy! ,..,, ..., llll!t .. wtJ~ IWll ~ ...... .,_, .............
IMOflM •**-IVI
SAVE s73110 • NOW 4450.00
WAI a111 .11 .
Bt•uli!u! RoV•I macoon Wllll bllck ffl!•rlor, Au~.
lr•ns, r~dlo & heeTtr, PGwt!r llffrln;, l•clor, 11r
ccndl!~lng. Excellm~ lhrwol!cut. \IE2'12
SAVE AT .... . ......... $2650
Con~ertible. Se!ln black !lnl$h wilfl bl1ck 111"'e-r h>l~"or and bllck lop. f'ull PGwer e<1ul1>J)e(I. r1dl0
end heeltr. l~ctary air, W.ulllu! condilion. 0¥!v1n OlllV 31,00D mlff1, NOZIOI.
SAYE AT ... . ..... $2195
196, JE(P WAGOHEER sr.rlon WtQon. Cllfvrole!
.,,. .. tDnVO!f'led ffllllne, ... Wheel driv~ wit~ OU4l·mellc
Iron! wb"li rediO & ~e«ler. near n.w Camm1nda
llre$I SH Ind Orlvt ta lpPtKllft. UOTOl2
SAVE AT ...........• $1495
(Qflvtrlllil• blllu!llul Octan TurQ1111!11 11111111,.wlth mUc.hlng lnttdcr Ind "ltllt1t top. CcmpletelV NlwN e<wlpped, tull PGWll•. AM/FM reoio, taefor~ 11r,
tlU Whftt. tie. ' t1r1nd °'"' llrn. Thia tint ur musl oe ..... '" oe IPP.-Klotf<:I, U0Afl4.
SAYE AT .................... $3195
Artr1cllvt Lime Fr1111 nn1111 Wiit! m1lchl"'!I !11!trlor.
AY!a. tr1n1., radla & htlltr, pow1r 1IHrlng, l:1dl1J
Ply HrH, t it. Sl\ow1 exc111en: c1r1. UONl17
SAYE AT ..............
"00011:. Lavcltu. Buulllu1 A..ilec: Y~ j~ Bllt-Ltatl\er Ind Llndlu top. LWlliif' .......
lhr-houl. Full "°"'''' radlO & llMIW~llOWY Ir cOllOlllonln'l & mor1. Dr1•"1! on!v 11.-li!Ji&~~
,ntw. WES!11, f I' •
SAVE AT .. _ ....... $4995
C:Olo~r 1'1rk I ptHMlfl'I' 1t1tlon w•oo1>. A1tr~llv1
"nllrlel Red 11.,1111 wit~ tollck f;flmklll·-•I vlnyl
llitl'l'k>r. Aulomllk '''"'·• rldioJ, l!Mli!", 1ter10 !apt, fKJIOry 1\r Q:ftllllonll'lsl, pow1r 11-ll!g, ~ btU•, 1111111 tqlclrl t1U 11i.. Only lt.000 1111"9.
No. M\4 1
SAVI AT -·-·-·---······$3895 .
Si.tlon Wlfllll. v ... , ~ ttvt Miii Wllll INh:llo Ing ln,.rlor. A.1.r1cm1Uc lttn, rtcllcl & l!Mttr, ll0-
1lffrlnt. air condltlonl..;, 1X1r1 CINll. l lHIQ
SAYE AT ..... . .... -$1395
196B MERCURY • "•tit Ltflt conWfllbl1. 8-tlf\ll .. _. br9!1n fkllll'I
with metchll'IQ lllltrlot INI whl,.. • F11U1 ,._
1>1111ll'fMCl1 rMllo tnd h"tw, 111' Olllllltillftlftl, (llfft' n1w, drt..., 011f~ t,OOll ,,,tits.I 1*111 1111rcri.n
frf,,, Ford MOIW Co. IM .. vlfllt ~ ti! to rou. wvxm. •
SAYE AT ···-·········-$3195
DI \tlllt, #ti1Tr1tt~ .... PQwdtr l lut Mllf with Whl!I
• L.1nd1u • mtl•lllng lttlhtr lnltrlor. l!.(IU!pptld with 111 !hi flOlffl' tu111rn & F1ctorv Air COtld. Ttlt/
Tiii Sleerlflf 'Nh"I. Stereo rlidlo. tic. Ont c""'e" ullr1 CINI>. Otlvfrl ontr 11.ool ml. VOLl«I.
SAVI AT ...•..........•..• $4395
196B CADILLAC Eldorado
11111\lllhll Mtdlu,,, TurQUOIH Miii 11111111 wl!h Whlll
L.ll!Clty 11111 m11cMM ltlttrltr. Fuuv 1u~urv c11:u1~
ped. Full lll>W''· F1c1oJ'l' 1lr. S11rw ridlo. Ttlt/Tllt
1laerl1111 w'h11I, t ic. Otlwn OlllV llAOO mr. bV ont .-.Wl"U ....
SAVI AT ..... _ ........ $1795
IR our 11,.iilll eorn... we Iliff ft-uHll (lrl. Some clM"' """' net .. clffn. s-tllil 1r1 foPllc•llOM. -w.'•• IN * 11111 -~ •r 1ve111 llttil c11·1 1rt •Ill -.,_.N. LMll •1111 1ver.
lf6J FORD GALAXIE !500. 4 Dt. AT, R, H. PS, m . IGSJ4t $525
IYtry cl.-but we'ff •M It too 10119.J
1 fl5 CQRYAIR MONZA. Stiel, I , H. HPl724 $575
I A !Mu ur, ...els pohtt wort.I
'''' CHEY I llSCAYN! Woqo11. 4 Dr. Stick. l,H. SVZ06J $725
tNtedt • llttfo pol1t & -tol wo1l1.)
1966 MUSTANG-COUP! $1225
W• hno too _, '" 1tock. lDU112
1964 PONTIAC CATALINA. I Dt. H.T .. AT, l&H, PS. Pl. $"""
JJr. OSW1JI. la.. Ht wo..,. ll111d It too 10119.J 7~
19'5 CHEV I MALIBU CONY. AT, l•H. I'S, otc. D.lkl69 $1175
(YotY c*r1 )tut ha to 10.1
1•6i T·llRDS fZI Cllolce of T-ITl724. i-d•. $1825
ldtbll n1th1lllc. 9.-. f111IU wltti mcrtclll111 l11mlor
Oftd btock IC1111dau fOOf. Eqwippod with C11uto tl'GH,
l &H. rs, PW, PS, focr air, ittc. Pricff below kellr''
WMlnalo 11110 look.
Joh:nso:n -.so:n NEW CARS USED CARS
540-5635 540·5630
1 Mlle South of the
San Diego frffway
~;;;,.;;;:;.:;... __ _;..;..;.; u~ed Cart 9900 u~.c.... · --
Imported Autos 9600 A_ntiqu•, Cla~.~I~ 9615 ... L • i--------~-i --· ,,,.pto e111ng .. 9900 9110 Used i;a"-
Square Back Sale
1 -'6.'J
'1 -'G.11'!!
'! -'ll7's
1938 f:!!RD
Original Ford Coupe, Very
iood candition. ·
' -·w·, 645-1441
Hurry-Hurry-Hurry le=========
e~l~~:;:tisH ..
Oi. ...J,_ for used can le trucks just "\J" call us for free estlmale.
Fully loaded, :1ir ven1s, dlr. Ask fo r Sales Managtr
snow \l'hite \l'!!h black int., 18211 Beach Blvd.
full pr $1:!99. \V1Jl take> oldrr Hunti~ Beach
rar rn tratlc. VOl"147LB. KI 9-3331
Call Del! 491·9Ti3 or 5-15-0034. --~~-''--'--ccc---1
REGRET '"'ti"• wHh '68 WE PAY WH automatic V\V bug, but
pre~"' ""' ""'"'"" ' ''· FOR YOUR CAR Luggage rack & C\"!Vf!r, pad·
ded steering l'-'hC'CI. "Ann''
642-7777 or 6~&-3129.
LEASE• RENT --------. '62 CORVA!Merie0 70 0 ALL POPULAR '6S CHEV IMPALA S«lan, ;, prime o<mdlUon.
MAKES 2 Door, hardtop, loaded, dlr, R/H, auto trans. Call
FORD air, Hght gttoen with match-546--9976 art 5 pm ar days
AUTHORIZED ing interior. Fl1ll pr $1499, 642--0212 Mr. Rowland.
LEASING 'Vlll take older car in trade.
SYSTEM RFH ~ LB. Call Pal, CORVmE .~or~4 (4t Our Competitive R&te1 i '"====="--~~-1---------
Theodore '66 CHEVY II '69 VET. '-'"""· 350 '"•· ROBINS FORD 2·DR. SAF HARDTOP !;;;;!·6 ~. Jooaranda, CM.
2060 Harbor R.Ivd. Loaded. dlr, one own'er. Sac· 1 -------~-Co.sta lotesa 64U010 r llice! S895 'Vould like !or. '68 CORVETrE, Lr89, 43a hp.
eign car in tra~. SVG 325 Imrn.MJcond!
LB. Call Bill 54~t ' i 646-55n *
'57 CHEVY wairon. 283, '51 Corvette
R/H. Aulo. Body & engine $1000. 646.4527
2036 llARBOR BLVD.
S48-S294 or 54U.511
'68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700
mi., air, pwr., vinyl top. Top
rondition. 49'1·3232.
In good condlUon. Drive to
appreciate. $350. 547"""31B2
'65 Chevy lmpala 2 Dr. Good
rond. Auto, V-8, $1200.
CHEVRO,~ _.:::..::..:::.:..:;;..::;:,::::. :o..:__ 2-DOOR HARDTOP
196.l C'HEVRqL!ff Impala 'v..s, aulomatlc, factory air,
Sta. Ws;n.. A/C, •ulo, S5r95. power 1teerbtg, power bra.·
&Q-3766 or 833-2577 ket r1dio I: ht-•ter. Imma·
'62 CHEVY Uni-la Con-c~e. (VOE 7.U),
'66 Dodge Coronet Sedan
V-8, auto. trans., po"•er steer.
Ing, radio, heater. aean!
RIG 885
wrtible One owntr 390
Auto. Showroom clean. Best
Uer over w h o l e1ate.
'63 FORD Waaon. Stick w-
................ CleM. Ullll • otter. '*'44lt {
lfla> RANCHERO. Good con-
didl)ll. Ml. $395. t.tw o1..
,fer. S«Msa
'61 FALCON Sta. wan. lS56l
Trenloo Laoo, fi.b. 9'1W153 .
'61 MUSTANG GT '65 Olds. Cutl111 '67 PONTIAC LE MANS
F-ull power, lir, dlr, 1llver
blue, with black interior, Im.
maculale! Full pr $22115, WW
take forelln car In trade.
TKR 595 LB, Call Ken,
494-9773 or ~·
Fully loaded,. air, tach, dlr, Holiday Cpe.
disc brakes, hmed/gold w!~!l V·B, auto. tmns.: power 1teer.
black Int, Full pr S2595. Will ing, radio, healer. PCS 133.
l>k• lmpo"ro tradc. VZL. $1188 \Mm.B, Call Bill, 494-9773 or
....s34. ATLAS 1965 ~1USTANG V·S, 4 ~pd.
R&ll. New brakci;. $750. ~ CHRYSLER -PLYMOlITll
'67 Fl'REBIRD 400. Jmmac
cond. 22,000 mi, P/s. vinyl
lop. Askin&: wholeWe book. ,.._,..,
TAJ{E Over leued '68 oonvt. ~ HARBOR BLVD.
Clean. Or'lly 1,000 mt. -12 COSTA MESA , s-16-1934 '66 PONT. Le M&11I conwrt
red w/whlte top. R&:H,
ow.ner mutt sell. $1375.
mOI. al J103.1.1. 646-'r301 , Open Daily 'Lil 10 p.m.
• • 5%
OVER 100
You can drive home your
choice of H:Ml 1969 modela at
ext.ctly 50% over our actual
• •
'64 Olds F·85
Very good condition.
$600. 646-0028
'66 Plym. Valiant
4 Or. Sdn.
6 cy1 .• auto. trans., radio,
hea if r. Economy all I he
way. TSl\1 004
'63 Grand Prix, R/H. P/1,
Pi h, AM·F'M. Low ml, $550
or beat oller, 968-3440
'63 CLASSIC Sta 'Vag, 3 spd,
0 /D, new trans, Xlnt pa
mi. $495. 8M·2943, MS-9-126
'57 Rambler wagon, or!&: own.
er. $175 aulo, P/B, 6-cyl.
reel Sl'ats. 842-5942
'63 RAMBLER Classic. Good
condition &: tires. $425.
CHRYSLER -PLY~IOUTH 06~,,._~==~.,,-----2929 HARBOR BLVD. 'Ga RA!tffiLER Convert
COSTA ft1ESA MG-1934 Classic. All power, best of.
Open Dally 'UI 10 p,m, fer. 673-3540 after 5.
'67 PLYMOUTH-WAGON '64 RM1BLER St at ton
Fury Ill Wagon Run5 11."tll, new tires.
V-8 ena. Air cond. 1 Dependable. $550. 644-1363
Powtr Brllke1 & 1teerinr ;dJESI' marketplace Jn
$2150. 546-41'5 • !6tvn, nit DAil..Y PILOT
IT'S Beach house time. Big· OassWcd .section. Sa v e
ceat selection ever! See th• money, dm• • effort. Look
vcrtibl,. Or!( ownu. '"'11 $2295
cond. $600. 6'7>-22'74
Mu!lt Sell! '57 Chev. , ~
Good runnine condition
$375. 54!-8060 ATLAS
117 Merd Col. Pk. Wp. 10 -4 ~r. P/S, R.IR. Air Cl:)nd,
pasa, ale. nck, PIS. P/8, Lo mlles. New tlh!s. E:icctl·
P/\V, pwr. •ti, apd. cont, ~t condlUon. Best oller!
auto door loct. AM/FM, 320 W. Bay .. C.M.
BUS~ marketplace 1n CHRYSLER -l,LY MOUTH
lO'l\'fl. The DAll.Y Pll.DT · 29'l9 llARBOR BLVD.
~ucf'I more. SQ. 830-M48 DAILY PILOT DIME-A.
DQN''T JVS'l' \\'!~d tor fOmO: 1 LlNts. You can UIO them thltw" to fw'n4ab ~fOUI homt fot 1l.llt pennle1 a day. D1&1
••• find P'fll bl.I.VS in to. PlLOT Oaas1tled ad.
Oasslflt'd 11tttion. .s&ve COSTA lotESA ~004
money, Ume • eUort. Look 1_.:0pe=•c:ll&il>:::.:....'lll::...:10:::.;P.;;m.;;_
hOW'fll I>AJLY PJl.OT WANT ADSI di>'• Otwlfted·MI. IC.Im -
'6' T·Blrd 2 Dr. Hardtop
v.a, auto. trans .. factory air
a>ndlUoning, power •teerin&,
power brakes, power win-
dows, radio, heater, whlte-
1 wall tires. Jo'ully loaded with
low, low mil~. RDW 749
COSI'A MESA 546-llllf
Open Dally 'til 10 p.m.
tin!s, good cond. Approx.
69,000 mi, $975 OR BESI'
OFFER s~ at 4801 Brus:e
Crescent, NB 646-6942
'56 T ·BIRO, vi!ry gd cond.,
portholes $1695 or best orr.
Before 3 p.m. 5'8-2980;
after 8 p.m .. 545-5971.
'65 T-BIRD, one o"ner, Xlnt
corxl. Driven 23,000 mL
• 613-4976 • $1795
'56 T·BIRO, harrllop o:invert.
V-8, new int e r i or, Im·
maculatc. $209.'i. 642-4266
SACRIFICE '68 T·Blrd. 1.4.n-
dau. All power. Best oiler,
'65 T·BIRD, fu ll power, A/C,
Xlnt cond, $1395. 642-0116
'55 T·BIRD $9!G. Top mnd,
owner. 673-2485 or 646-Xl61
Wlute 1::.1erhant1 '!'
I rs •• . ,
• --'
• •
DAll.Y I'll.OT Wt.ti I.,, AvtuSl 201 1'69
' • •
• , .. ! .... '\ .. ~ l . .
'67 RREBIRD H. O. $2377 lSO VI, <4 tp•.d, pow1r 1te ring, r1dio end h11+1r, wftit1
1id1 well tir11, burgurtdy wilt blatli: interior. IUJC 7771 ' •
' -
'66 CHARGER $2177 Vt, lorqu1nit1, pow1r tl11ri119, r1dio, littler, white 1ide '
will tire1, 15,975 rriile1. li9ht blue with dirk blut inttrior. '
ITZJ lttl
'66 FORD GALAXIE $1877 100 2 Door h1rdtop. VI, 1utorn1tic:, pow1r 1f11ri119, pow-
er br1k11, r1dio, h11t1r. white 1ide will tire1, f1c:tory t it 1
c:onditionin9. I RQL 959)
'69 TOY OT A CORONA s177,7 S1d1n. r1dio, h11t1r.
4 1p1.d #TSJOI
. '
• ij
: • p 1' 'r\ Jr ·I . .,.... .... ;., ..... . . 11 --. .. .. .
custoM ·s 4 DOOR· JIA~IYfOPS .
:~?. .. :~!~~"l"N!. ~!.~.· .~~.!~ ... $2877
fectory 1,lr0::r1dio, h11ter, w~lt•·1id•-w1ll tir11, I~ 11•
t1rior wltlii'!ft•tchinf,.rj9i1t1l.l•t.rior. IWll 91J l · . . . :,,!.~~~-~ .. ~~!~"'"' b ...... · ..... $4277 .~
111h, poWer wi11dowi, 'pu1h liu"on rffio, l'ltw white 1id1 -W-
·will tire1, IXSR.lt4l :"
'68 BUICK WILDCAT $34 77 2 Door h~top. Hydr1lft1tic:, pow•r 1te1rin9, powtr
br1k11, rtdio, h11t1r, whitt 1icle .w1ll tires, ftcl••Y t ir
c:onciltio'nln,.._ (WAE Sll)
' " :~~.~t~!~~~~ .......... ""''''· """ ~ 777 h,1t9r •. ITXX,5991 l " ~
:~~-1~!~~~. VI.,,;,., ''0""'11" '0""$287 7 ' ·it11ri119, p.ow1r ~r1k11, r1d lo, h11t1r, white 1id1 wall
tir11, f1ctory air. IXEW 322) .
/•"" .
·i->1f VW BUG $1477 )~.'t io, heeter, white 1ide will tir11. 10,000 rri ile1.
-~,:, ~,1041 .,
'66 T'HUNDERBIRD $1777 Crui1e 'orn1lic:, pow1r tle1rin9, white 1ide will lir 11,
r1d io, h11t1r, I RJV 3921
:~~.,;~~+!!~.~:,,,.,;,,, .,;; .. '"'"· whao$1777
1id1 w1ll lir11, f1c.tory 1ir. 42,174 ori9in1I rrii111.
7:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.
8:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M.
. . -'
..... t
• I
' .
. .
29~.5 H .A 1RBO··R B 'LY ... / co·s'l'A ME 'SA
.. K .1·"'!'64444
IYlllMI _ .. ...w..-
Home News and Views
Housewives Angl,e
For Thrifty Catch
'•By DOROTHY. WENCK or.... C.U.ty ,._. .-..ll'I•
There's nothing fishy about fish prices! Dollar for dollar you get
more for yoor mooey with many kinds of fish than when you buy the least
upensive meats -especially now with meat prices up.
Over tho weekend we bought canned tuna, chunk style, four cans for
a dollar. There are 6¥.a oonc .. of fish Jn a can so that figures oot to about 4·
cects en ounce or 64 cents a pound. And there's no waste. The cheapest
hamburger was 65 cents a pound, and it's about 25 percent fat.
Mackerel sells for 25 cents for a 15 ounce can. That' ·cheaper than
canned cat food!
Fresh and frozen halibut and other fish have been featured in food
ads for less per pound than your favorite meat~culs. Fish sticks, too are
often offered on special at attractive prices. Fish sticks are not just fish,
however-they have considerable cereal in the coating.
As far as food value goes, the protein of fish is comparable in quali(y tO that of meat. The fat of fish is better for us, say the heart specialists, be.-
cause it is more polyunsaturated than that of meat. Bu't fish, except for
shellfish, is much l()IWer in iron than red meat.
Another advantage of fish is that it's so quick and easy to cook.
There's no such thing as a tough fish, unless you really mistreat it.
We prefer the oven~fry method where you simply place your breaded
fish fillets on a well greased cookie sheet in a very hot (500 degree) oven
for just 101IO 12 minutes.
Fish sticks are easily prepared in the oven or in a frying pan. A ne\11
way to serve them is on a buttered, toasted bun with chill sauce or tartar
sauce. Put a slice of cheese on top and ttien heat under the broiler or in the
oven until the cheese melts.
Fish chowder is another economical dish which is easy to prepare.
Cut your boneless fresh or frozen fish into small pieces. Cook in wa'ter with
diced potatoes, sliced carrots and chopped onion until the vegetables are
Then add a white-sauce mixture Of flour blended with fat and mixed
with milk. Simmer gen1Jy'lo allow fiavors lo blend. canned tuna, bonita, or
m ackerel also may betµsed -add them to the cooked vegetables.
If there are fisl>ermen in your family, you probably need to know
how to preserve fish for later use. We recommend "freezing fish rather than
canning it. ·
Home canning of fish can be dangerous because of botulism. Jl's also
tedious, You must pressure can fish for two hours, after it has been pre.-
cooked before oanmng for 2 to 4 hours, to make sure: it is safe.
Freezing fish i5 much simpler. Yoo just clean the fish. chill it
thoroughly, package and freeze it. To have ready·l<reat fish for salads and
casseroles you might prefer to steam it and remove all the bones before
you freeze it in meal-size packages.
Some of the pros prefer the ice-coat method o! freezing. They either
freeze the fish right in a container of water or they freeze it unwrapped,
then dip it in water as soon as it's frozen, refreeze and continue this process
through several dippings and freezings to thoroughly coat the fish with a
)ayer of ice. The ice protects the fish f-rom freezer burn and loss of flavor,
according to the pros.
Q. We froze some tuna which my husband caught and some that we
used last had darkened and tasted slightly rancid. Could this have been
A. When you freeze fatty fish, such es tuna and salmon, it helps to
dip it in a mixture of 2 tablespoons ascorbic acid to 1 quart of water for
2J> seconds, or coai the fish with a bland vegetable oil (like cuttonseed or
corn). Thi> helps to prevent darkening and rancidity.
Banana Piz z a Moved
Into Dessert Class
Pizzas of many varieties Measure one-half package of
have proven their popularity cake mix into bowl. There
and taken a finn place in cur-should be 2 cups plus 2 tables.-
rent American eating pat-poons. Add mashed banana, 3
terns. tablespoons wat!r and egg.
Now, here comes a dessert Blend and beat 2 minutes,
variety ol pizza in an easy t.o mediwn speed on electric mix-
fix, "anyone can do it" kind of er or 300 strokes by hand.
recipe. It's .made with Spread butfer in pizza pan.
bananas, gelatin dessert and Bake 15 minutes or until cake
packaged cake mix. · b k h •-·ched This is a dessert which will spnngs ac w en .wu
ippeal especially to the young with finger. Cool in pan.
fcilb in the family and is an Toppin&
easy ooe for them to prepare 1 package (3 oltrlce) fruit
themselves. flavored gelatin
Before s P o on I n g the 1 cup boiling water
partially set gelatin over the ~• cup lee cubes and water tap it a thin, cooled cake lay· er~ '1lced bananas are ammg· i to 3 bananas
eel oa tap cA the cake. 1 cup whipped lopping u .... & a chance I<> set the boil
lm ... ri .... Uon loose· and make a Dissolve gelaUn in ing ........ water. Measure cubes and
pattern picture wilh t b e water to make ~ cup and stir
banana slices and maybe 8 into gelatin mix. Chill unUl
few other fruits. mOOure ls thickened but not This is an ideal dessert lo
make ahead on the day before stlH.
servl.Dg, and it's an easy one Slice bananas onto top of
to carry for the beach or cooled cake leaving a border
roadside picruc. of about one inch around outer
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. edge of cake. Carefully spoon
Grease and fiour one JS.Inch lhJckened gelatin over bana-
plua pan.
11 packqe (1111 ounce)
yellow cil:e mix
% cup mashed banana
! tablespoons water
Chill for several hours. When
ready to serve, spoon whipped
topping around out..ide edge
of cake.
Cut lnlo wedges lo 11erve.
Makes 6 to 8 servinat.
'· ·' '
--~~· . . .. , ........ . ~·· ·-···~ .... --. .,. .... •
GOURMET, OLEI -Food delights from Old Mexico will be serv·
ed when the Newport Beach Junior Ebell Club hosts its first gour-
met dinner Friday. Aug. 29, in the Eastbluff home ot. Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Mitchell. Preparing the food s, which include Jicama
Fresca, Pollo Relleno. Chili coo Huevos and other taste-tempung
dishes, are (left to rigllt) Senor Bim Hastings, Senora Hasting•
and Senora Mitche!L
Juniors 'Saludan' Mexico
The cuisine of Old Mexico
includes much more .than the
tacos, enchilada! and refried
beans that have become so
popular througb<>ut -m
California ....
· Many of the dishes, renec-
llng boll! Spanish ,.nd Indian
inf!ue:nce, are gotll'met fare
and challenge even the most
experienced of cooks. Others,
while still exotic in ta ste, are
easily prepared.
Members of the Jwlior Ebell
Club of Newport Beach are
embarking upon an adventure
in Mexican cookery for the
first in a series of four
gourmet dinners which will
benefit the club's Fine Arts
scholarship program.
For the South-of-the-border
fling, they have chosen an im-
pressive menu:
Serviche, a popular ap-
petizer in Mexico, is raw fi sh
which is prepared without
heating by marinating in Jem.
on or lime juke. The fish.
v.'hieh resembles a poached
dish, becomes white and firm
and loses the raw look during
the marinating.
The second appetizer,
Jicama Fresca, is the crisp
root vegetable which fre-.
queatly is sold .by street ven-
dors in Mexico. It resemPles a
potato in 1pJ)tl:rance but is
similar to a. fresh water
chestnut in taste.
Three enlrees will I.empt the
diners. ·Sea bass grilled In
paper ls !elVed hot with a cold
egg sauce. Pollo Retleno, a
whole chicken stuffed wilh
pork. Is enhanced with the
flavoring of raisins an d
almonds, and chili t.'00
Huevos, a cheese, egg and
chili combination, is an ex-
cellent, light accompaniment
to the chicken and fish.
Three vegetable dishes also
will be served. Zanahorias en
Leche, carrots in milk, is
t y p i c a 1 ot Guadalajara.
Mushrooms and R o m a n o
cheese tum,eggplant into an
extraordinary dish. a n d
Colache, a vegetable com-
bination, features fresh corn.
Atr. and Mrs. Larry Mitchell
will open their Ea.st.bluff home
for the benefit dinner, where
brightly colored table cloths,
• . • -
r re.sh flowers and candles will
create a fiesta atmosphere.
l'h pounds mna fish fi)lits
t cup lomiln or um. jUlCe
% canned green dlilis,
seeded and chopped
1,~ cup ininced onion
l large tomatoes, peeled,
!eOC!ed, aod cut ln pieces
I teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon crumbled
If. cup olive oil
Avocado, green chili strips,
or pimiento strips for gar-
Cut fish in small, thin
pieces ; cover with lemon or
lime juice and let stand
covered in refrigerator 2
hours. Then mix with all re-
maining ingredients. Serve
very cold lo cocktail or
sherbet glasses, garnished.
Serves a.12.
I tablespoon sail
1,~ teaspoon chili powder
1 to Z pounds jicama, peeled
I lime, cut in wedges
Blend salt with chili powder
and put in a small bowl. Slice
the jicama in :y, to lh inch
slices and arrange on .tray
with seasoned salt and lime
To eat, rub lime over
Jic:ama, then dlp In Plt.
Sena·f.!. •• '
i paunds while baas
Lemon, salt and' pepper. to
2 ·~-mlllcod -3 tablespoons minced
I cup dry bread crumbs
f tablespoons olivt oil
6 large olive.
Wash fish and make some
gashes on the surface. Rub
with lemon, salt and pepper.
and sprinkle with minced
onion, minced parsley and
bread crumbs.
Wrap j,,, brown heavy paper
soaked in oH mixed with
ma.shed garlic clove, and broil
unW done ·on grill, or in oven
over a grill wiUt pan below to
catch drippings. Remove from
paper and serve with the
following sauce:
. S.oce
3 hard boUed eggs
1 teaspoon muitard
Solt, pepper I<> taste
6 tablespoons oU '
3 tablespoons vinegar
6 large oUves.
Mash egg yolks. adding
mustard, salt and pepper. A
JitUe at a time, add oil.
vinegar. chopped egg whites
and chopped olives. Serve
sauce cold with hot fish.
2 lablespoollll rat
I paunds ground pork
I tablespoon chili pawder
I No. 2 can chopped
%; tea.spoon ground ciir
1,ii teaspoon ground clove
1 tablespoon slivered
almonds ·
I tablespoon raisins (soak·
ed) ·
f-5 pound yOllllg 1 a r g e
Salt and pepper, to Wle
Melt half the fat, add pork
and cbil1 powder. When1 meat
is .br9wn. add chopped
tomatot.t aod spices. COol: Ull-
til almDst ,dry. Add almonds
aod llOlied . raisins. Stuff
chicken wUh -· ...... anil rub with 111. nit and pep.
per. Rout.in moderate oven,
butlng' wUh hat: water or
sl<>d<.' Semi M.
J PoOlnd Heh Jack and
Cbeddlr cheele, 11ated
& ..,. bialen
f• cup milk
2 cans chUil!t 4 ounce8 each
Beat together e.as. milt
and chills. PIKe in-l1yert JD
-~ ~. start1na wltb c:h~. Bake at 350 decrees
for One hoor. Cover, If needed.
during last ball hour.
I labl..p.q.. bulter, mar~.,. sal1d oil
I pound 11lcod ZU<c:hlnl (or-
other ..sumrhtt tiquasb)
1 small onion, clioppe4
and diced -
II "f """ 1 larp tomato, pttleil and
111 <:UPI ll'Ollbly cul comflOr
Salt and pepper
Heat bulter, marpri.ne, or
oil In wide frying -Stir In
squash, onion, green pepper:
and ~ cup water. Cover and
coOk over high heat, stllt«
ln!quenlly, for about 6 Dlln-
Mix in tomato and com.
Cook. covered, for about $ mi·
nutes more or until ve,eta.blel
are all tender; stir OC•
casionaJJy. Add a Utile water
if needed; season with Alt
and pepper. Serves M .
I large carrots, peeled and
sliced very Ulln
1 cup milk
l teaspoon sugar
1 teaspooo salt in: teaSJXIOl'.I pepper
2 tablespooos butter .or
2 tablelPOO"' minced fresli
Place camts ln buttered 11"
quart cuaerole. Cover with
m.Dture of the milt, !!Upl',
!alt and pepper. Dot with but..
tcr and sprinkle parsley over
the top.
Cover casserole tlghUy and
eoolt in 350 degree oven for
about 1 hour, or until the cat~
rots are tender when pierced.
Serve immediately. Servlt 6.
I large egplant
Boiling salted water
lk cup f I n e dry bread
% cup 1raled Romano or
Parmesan cheete ,
14 cup 'butter or mar1arint :
Sall and pepper to taste 1
I> pound fresh mushtoom.!,
2 cans (8 ounces each},
tomato sauce I
Place wbole, unpoefet oU~
plant·ln ~ bolHn( lllf<d water to cover oxnpaetely :J
reduce heat and simmer for 10 J11bndes· Draln aod alloW I<>
coal eJ10Uih I<> handie, CUI It
rlnl<> qoartera l<Jlilbwlle; peel
each quarter, then cut
CJ'OllWile into 1-lndl pieces:
oet -llide. Mil the bread
crumbs with the a r a t e d
Arrlnp loyen .. foll-Ill
bultend J.quart casserole,
repHl1ng ll)'tl'I onco: •lltl·
plant piecea, delS ol buu ... ,
aprinklfna " ,ah and pepper,
1llced Wt<OOked m11Sbrooms. iomato ....... and the·croml>o
cheese mixture. Bah tho.
c...-.ie ...... erodln13lt
<1e1roe ..... !Or' • llllaute1.
Serte·hot: -&. •
-4 ..... ,
If Yo ~th. 'iiill lfslen, ·Age~olci Story
' . ..
' • J)EAJ\ AN11 t.ANDEllS: My molh<\t 11
, U.yun old. t hav•"' ~ver 1lved tnywtitre
bol; under l>tr roof. 1 sm 15 ·today, • drttd"4.IP rai!in of a woman. all my
cbPCts for marrla&e long gone, all. rnr
hojiet for 1 career shattered. The.re 11n t
one UUnl you can yy to help me. but
· haps you can say someUttn& to others !"'hote: Jttu are at 1 tumln1 point -
women who don't knOW .whether to move
out o( U>e house. Lake that job in an~~r
city. or marry t~t man who say~.· Im Ured of waiting. 'It's now or never. ·
MY Ille ta what '1 made It -and I made
l\ 1 htU. 1 cannot leave the house without
telling Mother "where I am 1olng and
when I'll be back. I must account lo her
for every penny 1 sptnd. ("lt was papa's
money. you know, anc11 ti. l•R It all to
me!" She has said thlt to me 1,(Q) Umea
In the past 20 years.)( }\alve very fevt
friends lefL \Vhen they come to call,
}ilolher sits in and talks endlessly about
thinas th.at happened 50 years ago to peo-
ple we don't know.
When It comes to hindsight J have 2(),-20
vision. J know where I went wrong. I was
severly neurotic or I would not have
allowed m)' mother t. domll1ate MCI 'iul-
focate me.'1 recall vtVidfy every loat op-
portunlty to sel myJtl( free. lf youth
knew what age ~d tell! Please, Ann, prll1t this. It mlgnt help somebody. -
DEAR FRIEND: Ase bis told~ ud I
bope youth wUI l11ten ... ~Tbnlc1 for Wrtttn1.
DEAR ANN LANDERS :. A friendly ear
doa need someone to sl& down and cry
't''lth lbem. Tbey, affd a detached! ob-
jective observer to lcll it Ilk~ 'It Ir. And
this I tr, lo de.
DEAR GASSED : Vou aren't going lo
chan&e tbe maa so yoq'd be~ttr cbanp
jobs. And the sooner the beutr. ..
"The Bride'' Guide," An~ Landers'
Is a t.remendoua cOmtort in lime of trou-
ble. Jult bavln1 someone to talk to helps.
I know. But how do you cope with all the
problems that J*!P!c ~fP. on yau? J-fow
do you ketp from cracking up? 1 saw you 1 rew wee:ks ago when you DEAR ANN : Row does a secretary tell boo~let, answers so1ne of the most fre·
addresaed a natJonal convention in her bou that hia rot~ clg~a are 1mo~-<I.,~ asked questions about weddings.
Chicago ind you look so buoyant an4 ing up her glasSes, stinklng up her ., To reCel!le your C1>py af this com.
fresh -so untouched by It all. How do clothing and· making her sick to her Pr~,i ·e guiQe. write to Ann Land:!rs , you keep your balance? -MAPLE stomach? Thi' has been aoing on far ... ~JJ-~
LEAFER nearly a year. It's gotten so bad that I in ~~ ol .Thi.~lLY PILOT, enclosing a
Dear Maple : II'• not po11lble to do th.is turn green when I t)ear his buzzer ring. long, self·addressed, stamped envelope
work ud not be COUClted by the r;aduess Don't tell me to come straight aut with and 35 cents in coin.
and qony of bumanlty. Bat 1 resolved it. I can't. My husband is a junior ex.-Ann Landers will be glad to help vou
early to tUe the Rader1' problems ecuUve with this firm . Please Anrt, tiurfY with y'oof prof>f.e_r:ns. Send them tu hei In
aerio111ly bul not personally. There's an your answer. I'm turning green aeain. -care of lhe DA{LY Plwr enclosing a
S ,,
tmponant dl11incUon. People witb troublo GASSED oclf-addre~ ramp«! en velope.
Fabrics 'Design Themsel!ves'
Kiwi;· 'Kid' for Dinner Party
Dressed appropriately as school girls for the Ne~port Beach Kiwi Club's plan·
ned Btck to ~ool dinner o~ Saturday, Aug. 23 m ~ borne of Mr. and .M,s.
Robert W ·Howard in Corona del Mar ~re (left to ht, reflecled m mirror)
Mrs Fred Betts and Mrs. Ron Donih11e. both of osta Mesa. Seated with
1unc0h pail is ?4rs. Larry Zechiel of l'"'ounlain Valley. Husbands will joln their
wives, all former Am erican Airlines stewardesses for t~e party at S p.tn.,
Which will feature tricycle races and a show and tell session as well as a lunch
Danny Davey Doll Club
Succes~ Story Told
lhc Indian children's
Mrs. llarry llan sen,
Of "'-O•llY 'lltt l!IH
Suzi Von Brewster, better
known as Sut.i, is a designer of
garments ablaze with color
and distinctive touches, each
cut out of a fabric which, sba
says, "designs itself."
She creates her elegant, eye--
catching styles strlctlY. by in•
spiration in her Corona del
Mar studio and wields her
scissors directly into the Im~
ported fabrics used for her
custom made clothes.
A tiny boutique on Newport
Beach's cinnery row called
The Suzi is her showcase, but
custom <Jrders are taken in.
her studio.
It's faiitasy in fabric that
makes Suzi 's designs unique -
she has the audacity, Jor ex·
ample, to blend Scottish
mohair with a trimming of
Pakistan handwoven silk. She
got her ideas for fabrics, she
said, when she toured the·
world for Harper 's ·Bazaar J:
gathering Hems for a e<1lumn ·..,
called "Foreign Bazaar." rt""'
Wearing a mirror em· "'~ MJ'
broidered jacket of fabric ~ ~
from India and a multicolored ~ ;!A
vest from Istanbul as well as
a brilliant sash of India silk:
over oabneal.colored pants,
Suzi reminisced about her
beginning as a designer.
She was a New York fashion
model at first. she said,
starting will) Hattie Carnegie
when designers there included
such famous niimes as Nor·
After a term of modelini: at
Carnegie's and Saks Fifth
Avenue, Suzi worked as a style
consultant for photographers • rwa;.;•
of fashion both at Vogue
magazine and Harper's
Her first cling al designing
~on her own was when she
came to Santa Barbara and
opened a studio in 1954 and
she's been a Californian ever
As well as her custom
designs she has a wholesale
line of dresses, jackets and
playclothes that are handled
by her associate Joan Jensen
in Laguna Beach and sent to
shops in San Franci~o, Pahn
Springs, Beverly Hllls and
Westwood Villaae.
This line includes audacious
use of ordinarily unglamorous
fabric including work denim.
~·hite canvas and mattress
licking -all indlviudalized by
brilliant colored I In i n I!~ .
touches of handwoven !run·
mings or bright silk pipinjt.
A striking evening ensen1ble
Was a full length coat or the
striped ticking with matching
slim skirt.
For playwear she designed
work denim shorts covered
""'ith a removable miniskirt
pleated in two panels, and a
: birt dress d:>ne in shim·
n1crlr.~. \'!l·id colors she sai d
\\i!S in~pircd by a 1nan's shirt
.. '
worn ln Ethjopla.
Many design's r~Tiect the full
cut, comrortable peasant type
garmenla: ·Worn · the world
over, agaih an inspiration
from her travels,
For the fashion conscious
man her s'ttidto· contained a
group of vests done in braid
bound tapestry and a variety
0£ handsome dtirl.3 including
' . '
one called ~11the' ptrate" with
sw.a~.hbuckjing sleeves.
.:'l 'll "CUt.lnto anyUling." she
said wtth an 'artist.'s fervor . as
-~he gazed at the challenging
lnspiratlan Of the one-0f·a·kind
handwoven, hand~mbroidered
·pieces or material cro.,.,·dlng
'her shel~1.
• It's sure tha l Suzi will be
equal lp th~ challenge.
Womenls clubs and church
groUps are ir1vited to help
make \he 1969 Doll Club an
even bigger success than lasl
year's total of 1,624 dolls and
stuffed ·toys.
The Laguna Be acl1
Assistance League Is just one or many organizations \Yhich
is helping the Danny Da vey
Doll Club. Clubs and In·
dividuals f r om Huntington
Beach south to San Clemente
have collected, repaired and
dressed hundreds of dolls !or
chairman for the league. an·
nounced that a meeting .,.,·HI
take Place Friday, Sept. 5, at
9:30 a.rn:in the league house.
Twenty.two women attended
the first meeting In Jul y.
Accounting Challenges in
Britain will be discussed dur·
Ing the mt.i!ting of the Orange
County Chapter, American
Society of Women Accoontants
next Thursday in lhe Charter
House Hotel, Anaheim .
Mrs. R. Lawrence Paul,
Newport Beach member ""'ho
toured Europe this summer.
will speak and show color
slides of her recent trip.
Gemini: Hold Temper
The club's craft.fl clas' w1ll
open for registration an Sept.
2, 9 and 16, at 10 a.m. in the
league house. Mrs. Paul D.
Griem Is chairman.
Bound for Hawaii
Surf and sun fun awalt ~Ir. and Mrs. Mike Shoe-
~er ·anrl chllc!rcn Marli ·and M att of S.lbo• IlllUd, l!'bo sailed for Honolulu and the traditional
aloba welcome aboard '.be SS Lurline. . . -
I ,
Women In acCQunting are in·
vited to attend U1e meeting.
The social hour at 6:30 p.m. is
follo~·ed by dinner at 7 p.m.
Miss Virginia Martin, S38-805S,
or Mrs. Thomas Balzer, ~·
165~. may be called for
Lane Parents
Present Film
&0lf clubs. horses and saddles,
tra\'CI, foreign language dic·
tionarie1, vacation equipment.
Lunar posilion accents ccm-
m u n I ca t lo n s bel\l'tCO
dlplom•tlc missions.
ARIES (f\1arch 21 ·April 19 ):
'!.'ou arc acti\·c In \vritlng,
publishing and advertising.
But don't write letters in
Showing of Ole 01~ "A Dar, B!l&tr. Deal kindly with those
As a Japanese F1sherm1n a~ a dlstmce SeU • control
will highlight 1ht meeting of ~\ributes m~ ~strucllve P a r e n t s Without Partners -fesults
next Friday at I p.m. • .-_'J'Auilus (APrU.JO.May 20 ):
Refreshme.nts will be served Nothing hl,pptftl lrt Wall way
afterward 1~ the ~na-_ includes financial repreaen-Fede~al Savings and Loan •tat1ons. Money BU!,Prbe is due. ~ulld1n~. locale_ of the gather· Hunch can pay big dividends.
ll)g which Is atmed at giving One close to you -malt or
SUlgle parents a chance to att partner -demands and
acquainted and learn about c:tnerves a porUon
other activlt!es of the group. G£MJNI (~tay ti.June ZO):
Anyone with children. with Argument.I could like pllce
ar without cust.ody, who has with those who are tied to
been widowed~ divorced or Is your destiny. Hirr.h \\'.ord s can
unmarried Is invited to attend create woundJ. Know this and
the meetings. count ten. tr you qerc\se con-
NB Auxiliary
The Ladies' Auxiliary of
Newporl Beach Fire Depart-
ment gathers the t h I r d
Wednesd•ys at a p.m. in
various locations. Information
re11ardlng location may be ob-
lalned by calling f!1n. T. C.
Dalley, 618-91135.
tro,, you avoid need Jor later
CANCER (June 21.July 21\:
Neighbors c1n make demands.
~1essages could appear sharp.
out.of-ordtnary. Not t•SY to
maintain balance. But it is
nccel!sary to stick to the
basics. Stop being envious nr
co-worker. associate.
LEV IJuly 23-Aug. 21): bon't play games with em~
lions. Love seems to be para·
mount today. Your emotions
react -up and do~·n -no
halfway. S o m c younes!ers
could be argumentative. Some
changes due -and desirable.
VIRGO {Aug . 23-Sepl. ~l :
Upstis in domestic area could
occur. Money seem s to be root or P.vi!. A girt . or meaningful
gesture on your part, could
Free Hearing
Tes ts Offered
LqunQ Beach Assistance
Leafuers will be on hand
Tueaday, Aug. 26, when a free
hearing clinic for preschool
chlldreo is set up in their
Assistance League House.
Mrs. Edith Schwarli, assis-
tant pl'ofessor of speech 'and
drama and director or the
speech and hearing cllnlc at
Chapman College, wUI be In charge of the testing from t
a.m. to noon. AaslaUn'-her
will be Miss Peggy 0 Brien
and MW Carla Colgrove.
, For the third year ~1rs.
Schwartz has donated her
Ume and skills as a con-
tribution to her .communlly,
stated Mrs. \Vllllston
Bradway, projects chairman.
Medical Group
Every SCC<1nd Tuesday of
the ~nth membtrs of Oren«e
Shafts Medical Assistants'
~iation 1nemblt at 8 p.m.
Location may ge obt1ined by
calling ~1rs. Janis Anderson
\\'Ork 1ronders. K11o'v this and
act accordingly.
LIBRA (SCft. 2~0cL 21):
Short trips based on impulse
should be avoided. Although.
nonIJally a calm individual,
your temper could flare today.
Don 't deceive yourself into
thinking emotion can replace
SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ):
Find out how to best utUiie
possessions. This is a day
\\'hen you can take financial
initiative. Don 't play games
'\'ilh what you <Jwn. Think and
analyze. Money Is coming
your way.
SAGlnARIUS (Nov. 22·
Dec. 21): Avoid eiceSS speed,
especially on highway1. Emo-
tions tend to lklminate logic. A
relationship could end. If it
does, let it be in civilized man·
ner. Avoid force or mllilant
action. Take It easy.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. t 19): Not a good day for ,•
secrela. Pt<lple tend to find •1 -':lfi"I';
out what'' h1p~ing behind
the scenea. Spe<lflcatly; )'OU
shouht'...ni!t doubU. asptr.· -I
tions. Then you ••• solid aid T d w· d c I from tl10le ll1 autllority. . ra e 'n s 00
AQlJARJUS (Jan. 20.Feb.
18}: Yoo attain whit you need
thrOugh utilization of ideas.
BeaUng about the bush causes
fru,trallon. Be dlrect. frank,
especially In deallngs with
Enjoying the cooling trade \Yindss aJon,g \vith ·~e
\varmth of an aloha weJcon1e are (Je'ft-to right)1'ill'!.
Joyce D. Zikas and her mother Mrs. Jack Diamond,
of Newport Beach and Palm Springs. They S1lilfd
aboard the SS Lurline.
friends. Say what you mean ---------=---------------
mun what you say.
PISCES (Feb. Ii-Morch Ii!):
You aeL needed backlna; your
am~ltlons can be fulfilled . Ile
versatile. Display abll!ty In
varltlUI fit.kb. Key is to be
flexible. Some may t r y
devious method.!!. Rise above
the pelly.
hope, opportunilr Key Is ad·
IS v o u R • ditianal faith lri yoursell -and !he fulurt.
BlRnlDAY you ire con·.~ To !Ir.I I Wlle'I IUct..Y for Yell 111
cludln• 1 major rvcle You "-' •!IO°t!ve.. """" lv•-o,.,.,r', e -;, • hoelllrl, l'S.•el Hll\ft lei' M!!n ~ntl
have been put through 1 test. i.i':,:;. =~"'=':~"~,\.ttr:, Now you can emcrne with new PILOT, •o• n-«1. Gr•llll t emr11 •1•· • tl0<1. New Yor\, NY. 1"'117,
. ' I
' '
-. . .. ...,.. Aft e.rnoan · Y/ ows· Recited
Honeymoon • in Mexico
Ba~kets of white chrysanthemums, gladioli and
carnations decorated the altar of St. Joachim's Catholic
Church for the -early afternoon wedding o! Michael Ann
\Vbite and Steven Robert Powers.
Th~ bride;· a 1966 Nation'al Charity League Oebu· tan~e. is the daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs . James Richard
White of Costa 1'1,esa. The bridegroom's parents ere ?..1r.
and Mrs. Gregpry Vincent Powers of North Bend, Neb.
, T~e Rev. Gera1d McNulty led the exchange of vows
and rings.
Escorted by her father down the ribboned aisle the
bride wore an original gown of white satin and ateficon
lace embroidered with seed pearls. I-ler anti9ue dia·
mond and pearl cross was loaned to her by her god·
mother, Mrs. Robert 0 . Wh ite. and she carried her
maternaJ great~grandmother's prayer book with her
bouquet of butterfly orchids. A clu'ster of alencon lace
leaves and seed pearls caUght her veil of candlelight
> silk tull~.
~1iss _,Judiiji Leslie Markel, n1aid of honor. wore' a
gown of 1~e green chiffon over silk trimmed with lace.
and a white velvet bow with ribbon streamers formed her headpiece. . ~
She carried a ' bcisket bouquet of white carnations
pale pink.: roses and ~~ as did.._.ot-her bridal attendantS
-i'Wb-0 wore Identical goWns.
_ l'~e~ !";tu~ed Mi!r(jl>)<I•· Schaffer. Mrs . James
White Jr.,· s1ster-in.:Jaw of t1ie. bride and Mrs. Peter Mil· le~. her cousin. Mia Ba:rdstreet was flower girl and
Kelly Shafsliy carried lhe rings.
. Emm~t Powers served ~ best man. Ushering were
\Vhrte, Ke1t~ Powers, Thonias Pris~y and Patrick Feely.
Approximately 200 guests ajftnded a reception in
the _h(,l_me of the bride's· paren~ -fQllowin g the ceremony.
Assisting were the Misses Susan Johnson, Carole Brad-
street and Kathleen White. . "
The bride was graduated from Mater Dei Hjgh
SChool and Orange Coast College. She will be a senior at San Diego Slate College in the fall.
Her hu sband was gradua~ from North Bend fligh Sc~?<>'. and att~nded_ the UniVersity of Nebraska before ~g1nrung service with the Navy: 1-fe is stationed at San
Diego, where the couple will make their home \Vhen
they return from a honeymoon trip to Mexico.
Carmel Honeymoon
" '
Cathy Skalberg
Becomes Bride
\Vearing a gown of white Janet Smi!h and the r-.11nes.
satin and---.:hantilly laee with Richard Holmer and Terry
a flowing train, Cathy Diane \Vatsoo. They also wore or-J Skal.berg ~ame the brid~ of ange net ficture hats as did
David Enc Meuse in St. An. nower gir Penney Skalberg. """"""'""'""""'ll'!il"""""""""'B1"'2!Ell'l!l!a!""'Dm"""'!""""'""'""'""'::C::Dim"""""'-'""'=n""'°""""'""~ drew·s Presbyterian Church. sister of the bride who was
Trippet-Rye/ Ceremony
Pair Travel to
Traveling to Hawaii . before
motoMng across country to
Maine-·where they will con-
tinue sludies at Colby COllege
are the former Susan Lee ;tYel
and Larimore Osciir .Tk'ippet It
of Newport Beach.
They were. married In the
Flrst Presb-yterlan 'Church of
Fullerton, exchanging vows
.. before tht Rev. Leonard Pat-
The bi-:ide is the daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. James Ryel of
Fullerton. Her husband ,is the
son of Mrs. Oscar Trippet o[
Newport Bea.Ch -and the .late
Mr. Trippet. --r -·· ~... t, . ' . ·•t I The bride, giyi:n in.marria~ ; ~. ~ . ·.tt ·
by be( !~er,)rorO-At,cl"""I 'It· .. ~~ iplpOrted gll!(· orgaw ..... a ~
alencon lace With a chapel
train. Her b00q1,1et. wu a
nosegay arrang!ri'lent of white
.. daisies tied with buttercup MARY ANN CLAYTON
The Rev. Dr. Charles ~r. dreised in peach peau de soie.
Dierenfield officiated for the Darryl Woodson, the bride's
art.emoon ceremony w h I ch nephew, carried the rings for
Uflited the daughter of Mrs. the double ring ceremony.
Beverly Creedon of Costa Donald Meuse was hl8 bro-
Mesa and Virgil Dale Skal· ther's best man. Uihers in·
berg of Norco and the son of eluded Keevln Andersoil Bob
Mr. aod Mrs. Alpheus Meuse PlsUilka, R'ichaf-cf isner,
also of Costa Mesa. Duane Sobeck and Mir:,•Skal·
Given in marriage by her betg, brother of the bride:
£at.her. the bride carried a E'or a recepUon in the
bouquet of while and pale ye!· bride's mother's home, MiSSc
low carnations centered with a Betsy Slulik circulated the
white orchid. To complement guest l>bok. Special guests in·
her gown, she wore a floral cluaed the.1Messrs. -and Mmes.
shaped headpiece o[ matching Harvey Wendt, Ray Simpson
lac~ edged with .seed r,earls-"and Stanley Woodson.
w~1ch ~ug~l h~r elbow ehgth Following a honeymoon in
vei l of Jilus10J1. Car,mel.. the newJywed! will
Miss Trudy Skalberg was live iri Costa Mesa .
her sister's maid of honor, The bride is a graduate of
wearing a.gown of_peru:h peau Costa Mesa lligl\ School and
de soie overlaid with a blouse ha s attended Orange Coast
of prang~ cqilfon_ 11er wide College an.d , Califort\;la State
plctute' hat ~s of o_range net, Cojlege at Long Beach.
Peering Around
OR. ANO ~1RS. Frank Di A unique feature of
Fiore. ol Costa Mna played Mackinac l31Md ill that there
their cards right and topped are no aW;imobUes a'1owed.
thE:ir section of the san Pedro and t h t only f or m ol
Pairs durino a (lne-sesalon transportation on tho blud is
e horse-drawn carrl4gei.
championship event in the ,:::=========;
summer national tournamen~
Of the Ame.r:lcan <U.lnt;ad '
Bridge League.
Ten days of play, with eigh\
major titles at 1tp.:e, con-
cluded Sunday, Aug. 17, in
Los Angeles.
l\IR. AND MRS. Jack M.
']he 1))-tle 5\~~5hor
27JJ l. ~est Hwy.
CorH•ll•I M--rti. •7l•lt5D
e a.tA111ericw4 e Mater Ch•t1•
21 YMrt 111 S•l!IO l.Keriot.
°""~ RNi CARE
Actu11ly REMOVIS
Tho Dirt Th1t
Only Sprolds Around!
N• . ..-.......,_-........ ............ ,_. ""'"·· ..,. ....
..... tW .... Ce'f"'!' C...,...
~...,..__, I
O. ct...1111 wn1·-..m11« ,-,
ea11 ·645-1313 , I
~----VIRGINIA'S-'-. ___ _,
3334 E•,t Coest Hwy. e Corona Cfal Mar
Phon• 673-89!5'0
SCHOOL DAYS •• , les• then • month ,.;..,1
You'•• ptob•blv 1hopp.i ·for reedy 111tde1 •.•
pretty With! Tho'' liltle wool (•irl~· ... ,.n ~. med~ for l/l of th• cost tnd .with the •f•·
ing1 m•k• • eoordinttint •llf i114,~blo1;ie,
Not' 011ly • 1•ving1 ~ut you'll h1.,.. ·~IHJ, ow"
orlqin•I. We p6d1 our11lv•1 011 • fllif"litlfett'-''L
ef woo!1111 ind knlh, p1001r IJnlnj1, ;-plut~11I "
"tll• noiion1 •nd ftlm1 fh•t 1111~•. •1wln9 •i•f\•.Y 1 • •'
•11d fun! ' · '
S11 you 1oeef;, } :.
VIRGINIA "' . * ~ •· 1· P.S. 111 •n1w1r 11> m111y f1l•pho11• \,n'ICI r111 .. ,
NO"'" 111 1101 h111vin9 • bit A119u1f 11li. Yee~
round you will find • i•b(1 of eur y1rd•g• 1t
r111c:tuet1d pric11 t H f1om ou• r•gul1r sto,ek. w';
htv1f+ the fion1 !o 1hop for "1p1~i1I" ,.vrc:h·
tit' to put on • 1tlti
yellow ri,bbon. To Marry
Y~llow gowns in empire
and she carrled a pouf of J'l:lr· The brldegroom,w•a.gradu·
pie rainbow asters ~nd m1nia· at_ed from Newport Harbor
lure orange carnations. lligh School and orange Coast I~;;;;;;;;;
Carrying identical bouquets College, He plans to attendl l styhng were worn by bridal
attendants who included Mis!
Bonnie Russell of Augusta,
Maine, as maid of holl{)r. Fall Date
Bridesmaids were t h e
Misses Pamela Weaver, A · d
Paulette Braune and Patricia nnounce
Trippet. sister of the
The Former'Su1an Lee Ryel·
LB Guild On Toes
bridegroom . Junior
bridesmaid was Miss J\1ichele
Ovando. All carried cascades
of daisies tied with flowing
Tod JeMings served as best
man. Ushering the 300 guests
to their seats were the
newlyweds' brothers, Osoa r
Trippet Jr. and James Ryel.
"'ith Daniel Tod:da of New.
Brilain, Conn., Michael Pen-
nestri of Los Angeles, and
Robert Skelley ol Riverside.
A garden reception at the
home of the bride's parents
took place aft.er the evening
ceremony, , with yellow and
while daisies featured in
~ecorations accented by hang·
ing lanterns and torches.
Assisting was Miss Lynn
Ovando, with the Mmes. Paul
O\•ando, Thomas L a w t o n •
Lawrence Mongeon and Oscar
Trippel ~r.
Special guesL<; were the
bride's grandmothers, Mrs. Laguna 's Ballet. Guild is in the Irvine Bowl. Eugene Sell~r anrl Mrs. Harry
the midsl of planning far .a Guild n1e1nbers wiU be pro· Ryel. both of Long Beach.
preperformance supper in th-e \'idin~ ahd preparing the food . The bride, a graduate of
Festival of Arts rcslaurant on ~nd runds raised wlll go to the Sunny Hi11s High School, is a junior. al Colby College. where Saturday, Aug. 30. ballet Company. Supper ticket.'! she is affiliated with Chi
A smorgasbord buHc~ "'ill arc $2 per person and reserva-Omega sorority. Her husband
be served at 6:30 imn1ediately liO\}S n1ay be made no later was gradualed from the Cate
prectding the LBguna Beach than Saturday, Aug. 23 with School in Carpinteria and is a
Civic Ballet company's pro-Miss Barbara Stuart, .su· ~~mber (If Zeta Psi f!,atemi·
duction of "Ballet Alfresco" Poplar St., I.. s gun a Beach, The couple will make their
whlch Is scheduled for 8:30 in 92651. home in Waterville, Maine.
Sl!l!IQSillim: illl'lid I J.a: A•
A fall wedding is J?eing plan-
ned by Mary Ann Clayton and
Reed Fisher, whose engage-
n1cnt has been announced by
illr. and Mrs. Serge D. Clayton
of Newport Beach, parents o~
the bride-elect.
Her fiance is the son or Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Fisher of
OrderVille, Utah. ·
The betrothed couple are at-
tending sum1mr session at
Brigham Young University.
r..1iss Clayton, a graduate of
Corona del Mar High School,
will begin her senior year in
the fall, and her fiance, an aft
major, will be graduated in
February. He has completed
two years of mlssiona ry
service in ~fexico.
The wedding will take place
in the Church of Jesus Chri st or Latter-day Saints Temple,
Los Angeles.
Star in Show
Bob Baker's marionettes
will headline a fashion show
for youngsters at IJ :ao a.m.
Friday, Aug. 29, in The
Broadway, Huntington B~ch\
Back·lo-school £ashions 1 for
kindergarten thn;iugh primary
grades (3 lo IO-years-<1ld) will
be modeled by area boys and
411 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA • 646·1684 ,
and wearing peach colored California Stale College at Do-
gowns were bridesmaids Miss minguez Hills in the fall.
Mrs. Kersting
Named Deputy
A reception at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 28, in the Peek
f'a1nily Coloni.il Terr ace
Room, will honor Mrs. Ken
}\ersting, member o[ Holy
EucharUit 220. Young Ladies
Institute, Westminster.
Mrs. Kersting . han been
selected as dislricl deputy by
the grand presi dent, and her
duties will involve
coordinating distri ct activities
of the seven institutes.
An active member of floly
Eucharist, she has served as
financial secretary, trustee
and recording secretary. She
is a past president, and held
the offices <i[ first and second
vice president.
~frs. Kersting Is chairman
of the Christmas bazaar which
will take place in November.
The Kersting tamily, com·
prised of four girls and a boy,
are members of St. Columban
parish, Garden Grove.
Institute members were re-
quested to bring old jewelry,
small picture frames and
material for the winter bazaar
during the last meeUng of the
group, and members were in-
vited to play miniature golf
lhis week by Mrs. Jack
Maltby, chairman.
Catholic women in the area
may obtain more ,lnformatlon
regarding YI..I by calling Mrs.
Gerald Cennamo, 539-7.US. or
J\frs. Antonio Rodrigue. 847-
Created & Designed Especlaffy· fOr: .
lh1 "ln1i111nf H•ir-Do" for the
b1•tlt, bo•t or vt,tlion, J111I
11>11 in vour beg I ttk1 1loft9!
l ru1h11 into your h•lr.do in •
fl11h! Y1>u etn IYlft Wtlh it!
Av1iltbl1 in pop11I•• 1h•d•t·
Should Seti For $3S.95
P~I~~ $2495
.----.Other Wigs---..
EXOTIC . .. . . . .. . .. . ... $ 29.95
SEMI HAND-TIED ...•... $ 59. 95
HAND· TIED ....•.•.•.•. $ 64. 95
EUROPEAN ............ $ 59.95
CUSTOM·MADE ........ $200.00 . . .
31/a a1.
ONLY s14~s
l-01. n·~ ....
$3.95 1 $6.95
DEMI FALL 16" • 18" •••.
WIG FALL 18" · 2p" ...... , . -' .. .
LONG FALL,.24"·; 26" ·:·
'. $~6.91
... ,$~f.9.1
' ' : .. $~."
250 E. 17th ST.
tHURS. & FRI. TILL 1:00 548-.3446
I 'I
I cl\
• Fl111Jwi1ol.N, lui!rlo~t of~ Dolly.Jllfet, Wool., .lllf. 10, 1'69 f C I
, , .
• •
I •
• ,.
t " ·r
• · l ' •
• 1. • • •
Sturdy oxford siyle
footblll shou .••
· RUfllOd, extra llr .. gth . con·
stllldion OJ<fords In olus6-7·8.
Exrtllent foot comfort.
. "'
FOremost footbaH ,,L
helmet ... a multl
Maw Cllfronaut head gear do-
tign. llCllher dome With heavy
foam padding. White in 6!1-7'A.
_ ,. ~
.. .
r'*tti:\ ""' ,
"'! ?.:~ .. ,\
~ .....
P11HY'1 Krnier 11per• •tro'• t11111l1 raclr9t
1111 Tilden tennis 111111 ·
~ price, lilt value!
•. ·~·of' 1.39
. .
•• •
Foremost shoulder pads
for league playl .
W1tlte annor•lype plos!!c """'' ~ .tnyl paclcllno, neck roll and un-
derarm strops. Grea t valu,1 ,
ForemOlt cowhide
luthtr foot&all ' .. 4.99 .
" MIMWOf ~ groin ..wt.!Ge with
Mony lnilnatocl doul>lo. •llfti~g._ Ollldel o1 .. and weight.
r.,.,1111 foromoot Custom
fOOIWI ................... 6.99
Full size backboard
and goals~
Score with your kids, ofve· tr-o boddM>o.li olld oecrl
sot. 00 torwpeled utorlor -lie. Pro-typo !argot.
Wilt Ch111llerl1l11 Fore·
111'01t Cntom ll11ketllall ....................... 7.99
L J,
• -· ,. -.--· . . ~ -.--
• • .r t" .. .. .. . , . ,. . . " ' •
. ' .
• ~·
' "l ~ • '<~ J... : .. ~ •
·ftlR8S ¥. ••
, sp~·rtsrnen migrate
to. P~nneys every season
I l
f -~ ••
. I '
, ~. . ... .. ·-... ,.. . . . ' . ,~ • 4 .
~ . 1 Winchelter model 1200 slide •ction·
shotgl,\n ••• with rubbe~ recoil pad
Avalloblo in ll gouge -26", 28", 30" lengths er 20
gouge-2!" leng!h. Modified or full choke.
Hunter's choice ••• top c:iuality Stevens
311 double barrel shotgun!
c;• .. .,.i · . 94.50 -A~alla)!I. fn .\2,« 20,gou~.y,itfl~flediOr'f'iill c)lolce., j°
26'\or'2'f ~I lenP£t ·~riilfoti-:~iue!' . • r
(, . .. .. '
Famous Winchester golden spike ..
. model 94 30-30 carbine ;
119e95 ·' . ComlllOftlOl'ill9s tho day tho 'East arw! West were joined
by tht..Un!on .Pacific and SOuhtem Pai:fflc llallteilcls. 1 ·~· . . . '.. !... ~I· ._. • -• ....... . 'If"~ .. "' . ., Foremost pump .. s~otgun ~tH' , .. ..r.
· checkering •••
• . .
" • J.:::
Ligh!weig~t shotgun comOI in 12 er
20 ;augos. Proof to1ted barrel crou
belt saloty <rt rear of trigger guard •
4 shot· magoifne -plu.s one in chem·
ber. Both gauges come with mooa•in e-
plug. Features hardwoo<I sleek . with
checkering on pi"ol grip, ctrooVed
forearm ancl white line 11pac:er at butt.
Wlnch11tor shotgun shel~ In 12
gauge. 3 drams, 1 oz. #8 1hot ..
A oreafbuyl . •
rocleral 12 oauo• ahcitvun aholls. 3
drams, 1 or. #8 shot. 20 ;au911hot-
oun sh1)1, with 2'/, dr..,,;, 'lo oz. **
Ellonite torn1clo. , •
lletter bowlers chol11 I
Hard rvb!Mr bowllna
bollln l'and 16 lb. 13 88
w1J9htJ. 8)a(k. •
Foremost llowllng llag
with molded cup, ••
Liohtwtight be; in block,
blVll or Cl'""' Heavy 3 99
outy hendlo. . •
l'en111y'1 own !bonito
plastic llowllng 11111
Defux• ball in a,.
"· -. • ,i·. . . ,_ .. . <
'°""'cola" and 12 14 88 .,,4 15 lb. w1l9hb. • _
I •
On Tape
The rourth noor of the new
Oran1e Coast College libra(1
is not a very quiet place. ·
It houses $90,000 worth 11?(
sou nd equipment for the
listening pleasure of the OCC
The new media center will
be used for dlstrlbutlon ot' noD-•
print materials .to .Wdenta artd
faculty th~ fall. ~ ••• l
The media center fakes the-
entire 13,500 square foot arta
on the fourth noor for visual
and audio study aids.
Leo Lajew>esse, in charge of
the OCC media -allJ\er, llld
the setup is "\.-el'y mlfCtl like,~
radio statloo, u.c.,t for the
visual aids." • ·
Joh Agent
_Under Way
Year • ID Europe
Mesa High Girl Picked
The $90,000 oenter has a
broadcast matrix w h i c h
coordinates the entire fourth
floo r activities. It keeps tabs
on 100 audio stations placed
throughout t b e Ubra,Y a n d
eight visual units, w h J I e
moniloring 70 different pro-
SOUND MOVE -Bob McClure works with a wall of tape decks at Orange
Coast CoUege's media center. The instruments are part of $90,000 worth of
sound equipment housed in the center.
Lajeunesse said the center
Is designed to allow .students
to listen to all types of music.
taped lectures and. Qlber study
aids. "Eventually we hope to
expand and have a visual unit
in every one of the 100
Now each unit has a receiv·
lng box, headse t and a
telephone to contact t h e
matriJ: operator.
The matrix is manned by
students. It has 20 reel to reel
tape recorders, 10 stereo tape
players and a r..e c o r d
turntable. Jn addHion, a
television monitor can relay
programs to the eight visual
Lajeunesse claims that thE!
matrix operators can respond
to a request from one ol the
100 ~ and wWl.in 10 to 60
California Benefits
Research Improves Food
Do you think or cling create year·round strawberry cuti-ing potatoes before plan·
peaches, Bartlett • p e a r s , production in California. ting-a process used for cen·
prunes, and raisin grapes as In many other crops, plant turles in the belief that it
naUve to Cllifornia? They breederS are trying to stretch makes them grow bet·
were not foun~ven by ac· the season by developing new ter really i.s an old wives
cident-in the mission yards. varieties that will bear fruit tale. It induces rapid creation
They were either qeated by earlier or later in the year; of ijibberellin, 'it hormone lha
Uni versity oCCalifamia, of.to-yield more; QI' bow fnti~tl)at speeds bp growth, perhaps to
trOduced and'lmf>roVed'so that will cling longer to the tree or "rejiair" the wound ...
this state now leads tl!e nation come off easier anctnot•bnlise CO~POSITION
not only in variety of cro~ but when picked by me.chines. SdtnUst.s analyze l h e
with a $4 billion BOflUBI . Thay "design" fruit that will molecular composition of food
harvest. This, in a single year be still tastier and retain that substances-and then tell how
is nearly twice the, value of all flavor on the fresh market much of each component is
the gold ever mined in shell or in the can. deposited in fat, muscle, or
CalUomia. LOT OF HEADS bone on a steer. By com·
The manager for fresh pro-To do it 8 lot or heads get puteriz.ing this knowledge, the
duce of one of <?lifomia's together: the plMt breeder, scientist has found how to buy
large ~r.y c~ains q~?l~ the disease specialist., the the lea!lt expensive feed to
some surpr1s1ng figures : \\ e plant physiologist and com· grow the most meat on
have computer code numbers panton biochemist. Then there market-sized livestock.
for 1,000 produce department is the engineer who sees these A catUeman reports, "This
items, and we carry 650 active products not as heads of let· kind of help has made the
produce numbers. Of these, Luce or soft peaches but as feedlot industry in California
250 are In stock in our stores "units'' to be selected picked the biggest in the nation, even
all year." packed, and shipped. 'Flnaili though we Jiave to go out ol
Remember When strawber· the food scientist tells how the state to buy many of the catUe
riei; came on suddenly In May cbemlstry of 8 peach 01 phim we· fatleil."
o~ June, and all but went, out will perform alter it is pic:kect., t hBaul1. "'mP<a~c· •. 1iu liuwhlboeth""er
with the Fourth of July . A during processing and ~n • c b. tbet--
growlng boy bad to eat fasl! it's chilled and se~·on your analytk!al instruments, com-
LONG SEASON table. puters, or me c h a n 1 c 11
But during the past two And a 1ensory specialist harvesters-won't do ·uie Job
decades, the University's maybe really 8 "~Olisr· -.a!one. "We need an.. entirt
Shasta, Lassen, li'resno, and _ will determine why. we will •1ystem, not. just a plant,.or ,a
other variety lot.roductlonl or •on't like the ftnal'Jlll'.Oduct. machiof, or a new wity to
11teadily ''stretched'' the An_ econo:rhist. too,. ~ l'}IYa growrcr~." The ap,eaker is a
harvest season. Now. with.In-a look to tell us M we can UCagriculturate·naloeer.
troducUon--Gt a nei# UC plarit, afford the product. Having built a machlae .to
lilrawberrles are s u m m e r Did you ever wonder why harveat tomatoes for can.
grown on the slopes of Mount your potatoes come Jn brown. nlng-and aome 15 pcrte:nt of
Shasta in northern Callfornia. plastic bags? Cert.a.in types of UU. crop now j-. picked by
Cold fall winds, and often lighting used In many modern giant harvesters-thi. man
50me snow, arrive early there .· stores, UC vegetable crops atfll 11 not aaUsfied.
The plants start to go dormant researchers discovered, caUA-His ~11test Idea 11 to stick
by late summer. ed polalOeS to turn an unat· seeds in spaced loops Of~ a
Jn October they are plowed tractive green. They solvtd pfasllc clothesline, plant tht
out of the goond ind shi pped this by deviaing the brown line in the ground by a
aouth for planting under warm plastic bag in place ol a clear machine so the aeeda sprout,
plasUc blankets in t h e pla!;UC one". · and grow a plant through ·each
temperate couta1 !Olla· from The sprouting of potatoeJ on loop. At harvest \lmt the
Ventura to San Diego. the s~lf was another problem plants are aevtted from their
Suddenly, for them. h's until solv~ by a trt:atment roots, and the clothesline is
1prinJ! The plants burst with versely, UC investigators have pulled with plants attached
bloom& that tum to red ripe shown how to make-"1eed'' through enother m a c h i n e
fndt by January-thus fttlin i;: potatoes ;tprout better w~en which Atrlps the toma~s Of!
the JaA aeasonal gap, to planttd. Tbe.y discovered thRt the vines.
. . . .
·~ .. ·~
24.95 . IN COLD CASH!
} ..
' ,~
9 ~
CUS.lGM 16.7.CU. FT.
WITH 139 LB.
Reg •. 309.95 NOW
• ComPlettly frost free • 3 z;nc finish
stiel shelves • 27.7 square foot of.shelf
artta • Adjustable roll-about wheels •
Se~·sloring sp~I sholl • Por,.lain n*'
pan with ·half she~ • Par1y Ice budcot
• Porcelain enamel finish -aispws •
White, coppertone Or avocado ••• color
casts no more at Pen~ys.
'~ ····-····~ •• •
• ..
Penncresi-lmperial 14 cu, ft.
no frost refrigerator ...
Reg. 289.95 NOW
• 3 zi~ fini1h st..i tJ,.[ves • Twin pot•
ulcin enan'ltl fintsh ui.p.rt • Sliding
potceloin enomtl finl.h INOt pon • 2 ejec.-
tor ic.• trays and le. MrVice • 101 lb.
frHzer copaeify • Whitt, copp«tont or
ov0c:odo. : • • .. . -' Penncrest* Imperial 17 cu. ft.
no frost refrigerdtor •••
Reg. 349,95 NOW
• 6 c.antiliver "1elves • 2 ejector ~ troys
cl'ld ic.• Mnice • Die-cmt handles '#rith
1imi.rlo19d wooct aroJn inwts • R.trietro-
tor door cop • Spread tontr°' In butter
compartment • 139 lb. q.._.. copac.ity
• Whi~. coppertone, ov&cdde 'or horrt~t
.old. .
' .
... ·-
SARfAMA' • ~ ...
' •
,..._. ....... hla..i, Suppl-of tho Dolly Piiot, Wed., A.,. 20, 1"9
News of Coast Ser.vicemen ' . -
" Coll-0onW E. lNlo. U.li • . rAmlJ,..a ot Mr. and Mrs. K.
.~wlaolNewportlleadl has
......... Ille 52nd '• ,AitlllorJ Group. Vldlwn. The "''*"'· •. Is • nr. direction olllce<, -,;.:; Pfc. PMI R. Mein, 20 son ol
-;Mrs. label K. Angelson of
: •"16 Boyol Palm Drive, Costa
,~ has bc<n assignod to
, the Americal Divisioa in Viet·
.. --mm, as a cannooeer.
llocplWmD James T • -'!"'la-, USN, ,... of Mn.
Muy Topaninl ol 31131
Pociflc Coast Highway, Sooth
' Laguna Beach. Is attending a
J "-It baste Hospital Corps
School, San Diego.
In additloo to attending
classes, be worb with doctors
and nurses at the tlalboa
Nani Hospital.
Seamn R8btrt G. Bay,
USN. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert l!. Hay of %749
Albatross Drive, Costa Mesa,
is aening aboard the aircraft
carrier, USS Bennington.
The llhlp is operating off
California in preparation for
Its 11th deployment in Ille Far
Spec, 4. David F, Woidley,
20, aoo of Mn, Mary Woodley
of 3U Esther, Costa Mesa,
received the Brome Star
Medal for heroism in action
while engaged in mililary
operations agalnst an enemy.
The Army specialist is a
dump truck driver in the 513th
Engineer Company. The
award Wa! made near Phan
Rang, Vietnam.
Pre. Alaa H. Coon of 524
Redlancb Ave., Ne" port
Beach, has been assigned to
the America! Division, Viet-
nam, as an artilleryman.
Pfc. Vincent J, Healy Jr ..
%4, whose parents nv, ~ 111
Via Eboll, Newport Bead!, 11J1
....., assigned .. Ille 4th IDllD-
try Division, Vietnam as a
veterinary t.edmicia.n.
Airm .. Apprta, Mardiall E.
Mills, USN, SOD of Mrs. Doris
Mills of 1024 W. Wilson St.,
Costa Mesa. has graduated
from Aviatioo Structural
M!chanie Hydraulic Course at
the Naval Air Technical
Training Center, Memphis,
Mldshlpmaa 1. C. Erle G.
Pe&eraoe, son of Mr. m::I. Mrs.
J~ PNr.m ol uo
Drill-. -dtl llar, i.
lboanl the au.ct trwport
ll!dp USS Melrole. The
Melrooe 1J on I training cru1ae
with other ships ol the Finl
N. Adria Yrilany, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Melly C. Yriw-
ry ol Huntinglon Beacb. has
been assigned to the 7th Infan-
try Division, Camp Cuey,
Yriaany, who ati.oded Alta
lligb School In Oahu, .Hawaii,
was prevlously atltloned at
Ft. lnrin. Calif.
Deala llsftm, 24, ""' ol
Mr. and Mrs. Coorad Bawtlm
of 608I Kendrick, Huntington
Beadl, has cunpld<d tlllmIDel"
camp as • membtt of the
He completed a course ol in-
struct.ion whh emphasis on
tactJcs and Ieadenhip at Ille
U.S. TrainJng Cent.r, Infan-
try, Ft. Bem!ing, Ga.
He was a member of the
Blue Key National Hooor
Frat<rnity and Phi Beta Phi.
and an honor student at
Brigham Young University.
Robert D. B)ortll, 20, USN,
soo of Mr. and Mn. R. N.
Hjorlh of 3175 MBdelrl Ave ..
Costa Mesa, has been assigned
to Ille Miramar Naval Air
Training Station. San Diego
after completing training at
Naval Ordnance Train ing
School, J acksoov!lle, Fla.
He is a graduate of Estancia
High School and attended
Orange Coast College before
entering the service.
Airman Willlam W. Tanr:in,
soo of P..frs. Zelma L. Tarvin
of 5181 Croupier, Huntington
Beadi has been assigned to ~ AFB, Tei:., for traliihlc In the ai=alt equip-
ment maintenance field.
Airmaa Daiei J. Sliva. soo
ol. Mn. Belly L. Sllv1 of iJ7
W. 20th St., Co.ta Mesa. has
beeu' assigned to Chanuto
AFB, Ill., for trainlllg In the
aircraft main-... field.
Ainnan Silva is a graduate
ol Estancia Htgb School, 1969.
LL F...S.rick G. Wbildonl
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick G. Whiteford of 1168
:P..tissioo Drive, Costa Mesa,
has graduated with honors
from OTCS, Lackland AFB,
Tex. ,
The Deutenant, a grac;tuate
of Co.ta Mesa High sd>ool.
ltS.l, rtcelved his B.S. ~
lrom Untvenl\y ol Calllorina
Irviue. He has bc<n as!dcned
to Columbus AFB, MlsL for
pilot lrallliug.
Flrema Appru. 'ntomu N.
Lart, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Lark ol 641 st.
James Road. Newport Beach,
is servinl aboard the nuclear
powered aircraft canier ~
Enterprise ea route t o
Norfolk, Va.
'!be ship's tlllClear fuel core
will be reptaced dwiai au
overhaul scheduled in
Virglllia, which will give Ille
ship • 10.U year supply of
LI. Carl L. Adami, USN, 11011
of Mr. and'Mri Gusty Ada!ns
ol 599 s1arg..., Drive, Colla
Mesa, Lt undergoing . two
weeks of active duty training
at the Naval Air Station, Bar-
bers Point, Hawaii.
He is: attached to Fleet
Operational Squadron
"Hardware Squadron" made
up ol a regular unit and anti·
submarine palroL
Lt. Ec:hrard Trapp, 25, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trapp
of 20ll Barbor i!!vd., Costa
Mesa, has returned home
from V1'lnam. '!be lieutenant
has been assigned to Germany
after 11 mmth.1 in the Far
He has been awarded the
Purple Hart with th r e e
clusters; Bronze Star Medal
with "V"; Bronze Star Medal
with cluster and Silver Star
and Army Air Medal.
He is a graduate o( the
Costa M ... l!Jgli School.
Airman J.C. cro1, M .
Flower• eon of Mn. Barbara
Flower ol Corooa del Mar and
WaJter Flower of Santa Ana
bas i-> ullgned' to Halm
AFB, Gen!>aey, 'nlellnnan fJ
a graduate.!lf ear-dtl Mar lllCb Scllool, 1161.
Spec, 4. Xlrk J. ~ """
ol Mr. and-Mrs. WilJiam, J,
Hanen d. 301 Eaqulna·,
Newport Betlcb, fJ 1erVtnf1
with 1st Batwiot>. lrd Jnlaa-
try ('!be Old Gulfd) al Ft.
Myer, Va. Banen. a 1957
gradulle ol Stamm! Univenl-
ty, Is a lilll ~-
The Old GCWJf IJ the
Army'a -actlvo· lolantrf uni~ •t!ml """" --fn 1711.
S,1ft .. 11•r r't
~I a ttrr1fic timepltw to own. Really
tole• whot It hos and glvn you tM "hos
whot It tokn".
for Him1 For Her
• Aulomatic Calendar
• 60 Minute Timtr
• luminous Dial & Hancf1
• SwMp Second Hand
• Electronicalty T••ted & Timtcf
• Unbreokoble Molnspring
• Many MoN FtatulM
l'ULLiATON Or•• c. •• .,.
M1rlter 11f
F••hfe• 111111111
Me~rlh•r et
fl•clfl• C.•1t Hlghw1y
H11111ti119toft Ce111f1r
EcU119er •f
S1111 01190 Fr11w11
t. .. ' "'" .
,_Fashion Manor goes modern
at~ an"'"" old fashioned price I
• s219 4 Piece
4 pc. •t lncludlls triple en-, fn~11d llllrTor; 4 drawer chest and panel heaclbo.ild
with bedframe. American walnut_ ... O'M haidwood throughout, matdtlng plastic
tops for lasting beauty. Center guided .cltuwn en clo>.eluiled and dust proof.
.l • • . ,' ~"4b
Girl's white provincial bedroom pieces
Your choice
You get your choiai of 4 drawer student desk, a powder table with mirror, twin or
full sin poster bed, 3 drawer single dresser base, OI' a 4"tlrawer chest. French pro-
vincial pieces feotvre solid core top, matching plastic tops for lasting beauty.
Twin or full canopy frame . . • '10
t .
. I
How You
Can Pick
A Melon
DA VIS -Aro you i thumperf A squeezer! A anlf.
Now, during lhe peak of the
melon season, a University ot
CalUomla researcher advises
how to pick Honey Dew mele>-·
"'· "No olher variety of melon
can deceive like a Hooey
Dew," aay1 Dr~ Harl.aft K.
Pratt. profeS&Or. in th e
UC-Davis Department o I
Vegetable Crops.
To buy them -juicy, and flavorful, here,1 what he
&ays to do:
. ....... --__.,..---
"Feel, 1beni thoald be a Yl;o~::ll
wuy feel to the akin, Nii the STORY WINNERS -Best short story writers in
melon actually had been wu: the HuntingU>ll Beach Public Library's armual sum·
ed. mer story Writing Contest were (from left) Alice "Sniff .. Smell the bl"'°m Sung, 12; Marilyn Perry, 8, and Dale Ann McBride, end, opposite the'atem. U good 14 aroma is there, the fllvo r ts,_. __ ·~-----------------1 too. Aroma is UJe; most bn·
portant lh!ag.
"Color, Look for a cream-to-
"'hile skin color-no trace of
Green. 1 "Press. 'The blossom end
will be springy or soft to
fingertip pressure."
Only the Honey Dew, Pratt
explains, grows to full size and
then either ripens or remains
hard and unappetizing. The
difference is a result of the
melon's internal producUon of
clhylene gas, a n a t u r a I
ripener. Melons picked too
soon, even though they are
big. may not be suUuclenUy
mature to produce enough
ethylene to trigger proper
~fost ahfppers, Pratt points
out. guard against thiB by
treating melons with ethylene
af!er harvesl But, a few Ull·
treated melons still get by and
may neve r ripen after the
unwary buyer \akes them
$78,000 Aid
For Project
tional CathoUc EclucaUonal
Association hu: received a
171,000 grant from h
' Soil Safari Proves
Sheer Hard Work
DAVIS -Four weeks of
"damned hard work" with on-
ly one day off ; working from
sun.up to sundown in tem-
peratures from below freezing
to 110 degrees.
This 13 what lour studenll o!
the Univtmty of California at
Davis got for $300 each paid
for a summer field murse in
soils which took them over
4,000 miles of some of the
wildest terrain in California
and Nevada.
The soil safari worked at the
7,500-foot level jn the Sierra
Nevada, took oii samples at
10,400 feet on M. Lauen, trek-
ked through the Mojave and
Colorado Deserts and sloshed
through torrential rain in the
San Joaquin Valley. The
students also learned to share
rl go rc>u s, 11ometlme1
hazardous,, experiences.
The fiel d trip, which ended
July 26, was organir.ed by the
department of soils and plant
nutrition and was led by
Gonion L. Huntlngton and
Eugene L. Begg. both le<>
turers 1n son morphology, or
the study of !be nature of ..U.
for every sort of evmtuallty,"
Begg explains. "Pfus we don't
want to look like cave men
when we pass through a town
so we take some moderately
smart clothes.
''For the snow country we
took beavy clothing 8nd boots
-for the desert swim suits,
shorts and sandals. We don't
worry too much about ap-
pearance in the field . Some
members take the chance to
grow beards.
"One of the wonderful side
benefits of such an expedition
is the understanding we ac-
quire of each other-of
customs, habits, traditions,
religion and even foods. We
often enjoy someone's national
meal-wch as when Mlhonga
cooked us an African bulb di.o-
ner tn the Mojave Desert"
Two Worlis
To Premiere
~ .. •I
F11hlon lll1nd, Suppl1monl of tho O•lly Piiot, Wod., A119. 20, 1"9-1-1
Story, Poetry Contests
'!untington Library Honors 29 Young W riwrs"
were hMored Tmrsday for
their ad>lev•rn..,11 In !be a«·
oDd annual ·swnmer story and
poetry wriUng contest a
opoMOrOd b)' the Huntington
Beach Public Library.
A punCh-and cookie party at
the Library's Annex No. I,
Edinger Avenue and Graham
Street, was attendtd b y
mothers as well as small
brothers and sisters. Book
prizes were presented by Miss
Patricia Bush ancl Mn. Kay Dr!Vl!, second.-IOd Carolyn
Caine, library assist.anti at BrooksJ 6$$2 Braemar Drive,
Annexes 1 and Z. •• , third.
Judges were Mrs . Ramona Ten to U years: EJsle
Warren " 18181 Da•1' Lane, a Eckert, 11661 Waterblar Lane,
professional short s t o r y first ; Joyce and E I l e e D
writer, and Lowell R. SpadonJ, 9•S2 Rambler Lane.
Spangler, 1741 P..-k Ave., second: Linda Converse, 7132
HuntbtgtAm Beach High School Hell Ave., third. Spec ta I
history instructor. awards for sports, mystery
Story oonte!t winners, divld-and science flct.ion stcries
ed into three age groups, were went to Bob Lrday, 174Zl
under 10 years: Marilyn Pet· Breda Lane ; Denise Beaudet,
ty, 6083 Dagny Circle, first; 100 Alden Lane. and Collette
Matt Holt , 5942 FrClltier · Marcoux, 5142 Cellente Drtye.
over 11 yoan: Dale Ann
McBride, 17192 Andrews Lane,
Ural; Joyce Heiser, 11711
Kwlngton Ro a d , Loe
Alamitos, second; Ch a rte•
Price, 8351 Alvarado Drive,
third. Honorable m e n t I o n a
were awarded to Frederick
Bates, 1731 Rainbow Drive,
San\a Ana, and to Debbie
Delo, 5242 Vineland Drive.
Poetry winners: Under 10
years: John Perry, 6082 Dagny
Drive, first ; Br y an
Magnusson, 1151 D u n d e e
Drtve. seconcl: Kn!n M<>
Glynn, 16l!J Devis Lane,
third. Hooonbte mentloo: M ...
ur"'!ll McGlynn, 1118l Devi•
Lane and Linda Roa, 51111
Skylark Drive.
Ton to ti years: Cary
Miller, 9322 Malahlne Drive,
and Kleron Smllh, 2092Z Soog
Harbor Circle, tied for flnt;
Allee Sung, &lot Pall-
Drive. second. Honorable men-
tion, Barbara l!rae1, 570 N<ra
dina Drive and Cary Miller,
9322 Malahine Drive.
Roll along on
full,4 ,pJy nylon cord .•.
7UQ.11 black_ .... pin 1.'M fool. tu ... .W
69S.l4 Wack tvba'-plft 1.H hd. llX ... .W
Bladcwall Tubeleu
Sit• l'llce he!.""'
7Jl·14 15.•s 2.07
77$-14 16.•.S 1.20
125-14 1&.95 ,,. .
Carnegie Corp. or New YOi'i.
for a nine-month 11lalistical
data-gathering project on non.
public elementary and secon·
dary schools.
1bis year's crop of hardy
soil students comprised a New
Yorker, Brian Viani; a
Rhodesian, Shakes p eare
J.tshonga ; a Briton, Brian
Cooper: and a Dutchman,
Alex Simons, now a naturaliz...
eel American.
premieres of two works and a
perfonnance of Bach's Mass
in a Minor will be among
hlghllghls ol the eighth annual
ISOMATA Music Festival of
the University cf Southern
Cali!ornla-ldyllwtld School of
MUJlc and the AN Aug. 22-21
and Aug. :io.i1 in ldyllwild. Six conc.na will be given durJnl ,
the two weekendl.
155-14 ..... ,~, --
The Rev. Frank H .
Bredeweg, NCEA Director or
Servlcc and Expansion, said
the project would involve
aboul 10,400 Catholic elemen-
tary S;C~OOI' with an enroll-
ment or '3,900,000, and about
2,200 Catholic 11 e c on d a r y
schools with an enrollment, of
l,100,000. •
The Re v. Bredeweg said.
"This infonnaUon should be of
great help to school officials
and legi:'llator11 in di scussing
!ocal, state and n a t i o n a 1
educational problems, i n
ana lyzing trends. and in com-
paring similarilies and ttif.
ferenctt with the public school
sector_,0 •
Earlier th is year NCEA
received a 115,000 Brant from
the Carnegie Corporation to
study the feaslbilily of the
data.gathering project.
The field course, the only
one or tts kind in the uruted
States, is designed to give
a griculturists, ·geographers,
geclogists and others i n
rel~ted !i<lda an opportunity
to explore the rda.Uonsbfp of
environment·· to soil cbarac·
teristics and also the rela·
tionshlp of both environment
and soil to land use. '
The party beaded out o!
Davis on JUJle 23 for the fint
two-week trip aboard an eight·
pawnge.r van carrying a
mountain of clothing, sleeping
bags, supplies, equipment aDd '
food for lhe six men.
"We live and work in such a
wide range of clbnatic con-
ditions and terrain differeoce.s
that we have to be equipped
Pvlonnlng will be the
ISOMATA Ire 1 if v a J Sym·
phony Orch..tra directed "' banlel Lewis, prof-.,
muaic, Californja S t ate
College, Fullerton, the J50.
voice FestJval Qoir, directed
by Robert Holmea, director of
mnslc, Beverlf Hllll, and .the
Chamber Pfaym witb Allee
Md EI e on ore Schoenfeld,
d~edora ol the ISOMATA
chamber music program.
Estancia High Girl
To Study With Swiss
A work dedicated to the
Schoenfeld a i s t e r 1 , Jan
Koetller'a "Concerto Llrtco"
for violin, violoncello and
atring orchaltra, will b e
premiered at the opening pro-eram. a chamber music C'Ort-cm, Fdday, Aug. 22 at 8:15
p.m. In Bowman 1beatre on
the ldylhrild camp u a.
Performing with the
Schoenfelds will be the
Festival Chamber PJayen,
cnr.cted by Lewis: p1arim
June Lusk Nelson of Gardena:
Rooemary Szabn, 2947 Pem·
bra Drive, Costa Mesa, left
the United Slates with the
Foreign Study League to tour
Europe on July 17.
Several days later. when she
arrived in London, Rosemary
was greeted wilh the news she
had waited for all summer.
The American Field Service
had located a family for her to
li ve with in Switzerland £or tho
next school year.
She was selected for the
AFS exchange program at
Estancia High School, but the
recent Jraduate hadn't been
placed et a home in Europe by
So Roe<mary decided to 80
to Europe anyway and on July
17 she did Ju1t that She went
with the FQr<iln Study LeiCUe
to study comparative
govemmenta and cultuni in
London1 Am!terdam and
Now he.r plans will be sllaht·
ly 11ter<d. Rosemary ron-
linued wit hher 1tu~ tour
group untiJ Sunday and then
&he traveled to W\elen, Swtl-
urland ror 111 six-day orienta-
tion program.
After this she will be placed
In tbe Amil Jaeggl borne In
Bern for 1n 11-month 1tay. She
will alt.end the Frelea Gym.
na.,ium prlv•lfl 8Chool in Bern
with the. Jaeggl twlns, Jteidl
and Hans.Peter.
R.....,ary Subo
George Montpnuy of La
Cresctnla, viola, and Dennis
Trombly, Long Beach, bu3.
The first orchestral concert
Sunday, Aug. 24, at S p.m ..
will offer the world premiere
o( Donal Minhalsty'1 "Sin-
fOl'i.a Concertante" for 10lo
clarinet, piano, and orcbtltta.
This concert and au othen:
in the festival, with the et-
~pUon of the opening event,
will be beld bt tho Desert Sun
5chool MemorW 1)'1111111111111.
Rlchard x.Uoy cf El llonle
II -oonductor !or the
...-. for tho -!!Ma. SoloUta kJr tho M1chollll1 are
-lAmdquill, Ambeim, clarlMI, and Mn. J u ••
Nollon. '
The S)'lllpilooj> Orcl>es1n '
and Clloir, with IOloista, wlU
Rosemary llludled Gemwl Join !or the per!..,..... ol
1t E!tancla High School. oo lhe Bach Mt•. fb\11 !..UVal
the trwltloo to !be -Jll'Ol'llD, Slllldq, Aug. It, al I
Gmnan language abouldn't be _.;_P·_m_. ------! too dilflcult lor her.
At Frelet Gymnaalwn the
will be In the cla!slcal and
literary division and wUI at-
tend several language classes.
Rosemary had eruolled at
California State Co 11 e g e ,
Fullerton. for the cominl semester -but now iDe wtil
hAve lo withdraw and apply
Tell Your Kids
To Read Uncle
Len's Column
again next ~$if. ---------·
560-11 1 S.9.S ,,.
flS.11 1.5.t.S 1.1• 7JS-15 15.95 2.01 775-IS 16.95 2.21
llJ-1J 11.•s 2.31 145·1 J 20.95 2.57
If yuur til'9 w..rs out durlnc the first l'itlf of tM ~ period, retum it with your auarantee eertifate 1nd Penneys
Wiii replace your tire with• naw tir., Chlrainc )i(MP50% leu:
thl" t1'lt cumnt se1nna pr'iee Jneludina Flldenll Excise Tix. llyourtiro-rsout_llJe_nd hafl,)OU pay 25" ,.,,
tl'llrl the current aefij.nt·price lncludi111 Fedenl Excise Tax. . . .
If we 111>laeo the in dur1rw tho,,_,._ 111'iod ttim
11 "° chlrgtJ If we !'IPface the .. tire after the ·1reeir.p1ac:ement Plf1od. )'OU: Pl'f ~,Or25%.iess than the current selllnc prlc3 of Ute tire Including Federal EXci~~Tax.
This IUJrantee is voidWher11 ~tlres1re'usedootruc11t. used for business. .o~ drlvin· over 30,000 '!'lits. In. one yw.
titre's how your aul11fttn 1plntt falluri worksr· :n11r1 ..,. .... p.1od ................................. J4 _,,..
•zapl1a Mil,.... ••t•••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·12 ........
eos on..,.._. ·•·····•····•······················ 11-11 ...._ aK "" ..,w ................................... 1141 ..... . ' .. ..
REG. 27.88, NOW
23.88sET u..,... .. ..,., ....
Pllff-11oov1y pl1a 11yi. ••• • p1o11;,.....,.
detfp that's pvf!od 10 a .-t rtbbod -· Wdt• and ataln rtpeUant, tool M~ chorcoal,
turquciol "' bolgo, lits -Amattcan .-
Dlamo1d q1llt -It'• in the tr.left, ..,..
alolo Yinyf motorial that'• -plately -ond
.. In "l"'llont. It's In bluo, l>tad<. bolgo ond
"'""'" Pvt on • Mt todayl An most Amtrft'Cln .....
I )
• ' ' •
• '
• ).
• •
Another El Rancho Super • •• uininer 'Erient ! , ~; ., .. ' .., . 1, ... .. ... ·
Relax ... El Rancho makes ·it a cinch
this week with . an assorlment .oft -~~t
easy -to -fiX, fun -to -eat foods ...
all at money saving prices J, .. • . '',.
\Vine makes the meal ! Serve
Wente Grey Riesling •••
fifth ••• 1.79
landwlch .
Miiilf B
./ .. •
-· ... L4 -
,, .
. .
Wine mak.,. the me&!! Servo
Havemnel'.'er Liebfra~ ·~.. . r ~
• fifth ••• ~.79_ • . .. '. ' •
Price• in effect Th1tradn11 through. Sundav ••• Aug. tl. !t, 2J, .!4
C1'8.b recipe.-711M1rs
for the takillf '-at
11ur gervice meat_
counters! You'll be
delighted with OJl?
recommendatio~ for '
serving deliciou1
crab dishes I
' Iii. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St.
. I
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.. s.tv-.andavor Maten1 R<>le ••• J:iDA fill1 -fron"1'1rtora1, •. f ifth,,. 2.~9
' . . '
NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 255 5 East bluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center)
Also corivenientty located stores -fn·Arcedla, Pas8dehs and South Pesede~a
. '
1 ,., -,
%0 PILOT·AOVERTISE R L Wtdnt~ay, Au9usl 20, 1'6~ Wtdnesdly, Autust 20, 1969 OAILV PILOT f$
WIN ., 3 DAYI ' ' ' ·w11t~3-7·DAY WIN·I :~=~ NIW
U.S.D.A. Graded ~choice" Aged Steer Beef
, · ..... ,RIB . i . ~::1 '·RIB CH·U:l:K
Delicatessen Specials
J..,.. .. AHOIUOH
I . • ··'LL .. ~ • l.OUND IONE .----S.....,WI Vlll11e•---. STUK Sr+'IN·tON_t • 59' 69& IOAITI ,................................. •
l OUNO.ltONI 69• I IOAITI............. . . ........... •
IONILISS , 89' ITIW' lllF........... . . .. . .. .. •
c fl.ESH ' l tM. 'kt· 5.5' HOUND lllf..... .. .. . oi ~I;, •
. ' '
iilCii» LA"' 69c
BACON • '.i~. . . ·
.... FROZEN 'J"OOD SPE'Cf.t~ ,' ' . I A11p•rt l·•i.. £Ai1 ~ NllD HALllUT _, ...... , •• , , • , , , , ·-'•, ., • l't:f. '!.W'JI""
R11p1rt I 6·11-...
C MH 'N' CHWS , . , ••... , .•.. , ":'.'~., .. ,,, Pkt:
c;i.orto11'1 ' 14·•~ ; ...
•1sH STICKS , , , •• , , , , , , ••• , •• , • • • • • • • • Pkg.
c;..rt.11 l ·•l· 49' lb flSH ,U .. I ' •• ,, •. , ••• , •• , ,, .••• , •.• , •• , Plr9. ··
$•rf•11'1 > ' 1-oL ...
l!llH Cll" •• ~. • •. , .... , ... , ... ,,,, .... Pk9.. -
Ctt111tlo11 r -l b. , ..
COD PIUm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...••.•• P•t· . r
tcolt"dk -• 1-lb. 79'
HADDOCK PILLITS ....... , , .... , ••• , •• , r k9. . .'
M". Frltl•v'• , , .. ·1%-lb,·.s2'1t
IUA,DID SHllMfl ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ ....... Pk1. ·~
Hon1y Sucklo 2.lb. 1-oi. S2fl
TUlllY IOAST , ••••••• , ••• , •• , •••• , • , , l'k1.
Kold IClsl ~~ 1 'H-•i. 8 ··-lllP STIA~ ••••• :: •••••••••••• sr.. for 7T
' ------Coffee -----.....
WIS~000-1/1 ,..,L
• ' ' ' • • ' ' '
5. 9 I OUN~ OMN&I 49-c: I •·CT. c • ~ n:&.
PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., AUG. 21, 22 , 23, 24
~ '
' '
' .I
... I O.llLY ~!LOT
1.·Moz zarella Transfo rms· ·steak
Here·s ...,elltlng to yodel ror a ""''JllY contras~ the l! C\ll>d-1 onloa
-about ' Jo UtJa bright bu~get aalad Is "1VOd 'With a QUlck IH•P chopped_. pepper
meal, ever-popular. Swts Sour Cream Dr...lpg that l\S cupo.(I ~) lhreddod ·
steak fakes on 8o Jtanan ao-adds a special tan,iy laste, \. . MOl:z.artlla cheel6 •
cent. Baked· potatoes usually go Cut meat into 1 e r v I n a:
The luly tr•ll¥0fl\'l'tlon Is • o+er tilg with any lau!ili •• ah pieceo: cool with ·nour. ljl a accomplished with fu.st the a c companiment, • espeClally, large covered $klllet me ft but·
right touch of seasonings and when they're lOpped with the ter; brow,. meat slowly on all ,
_a sprinkliIJB or shre dded golden goodness of butter. sides. Ad4 tomatoes, salt, ·~Mozzarella ~· 1·' To complete the meal, pour basil and~pepper. ' · ·
'Mils deJ(ciously diflefent mUk as the beverage.. · Cover and simmer 1 hour;
dish ls part of a delightful din· SWISS STEAK w.rm add onion an(i green pepper.
net I.hat mak~ easy eating for MOZZAREll.A Cook ~ additional minutes
the Whole family,, a™' soes '2 pounds beef round steak, or until meat is tender. Top
easy on your pocketbook, as 1,.:-tnch thick meat with cheese: heat until
well. ' 3 tablespoons regular all· cheese melts. Makea I serv.
Unusual • .and unusually purpose Dour . Inga. ~ •
good is the. go-wUh Waklprt · 'I• cup (\'!stick) butter WALDORF SALAD RING ..
Salad Ring, made with lemon I can {l lb.) tomatoes 2 packages (3 oz, each)
flavor gelatin and a lively I~ teaspoc;>nS salt lemon Oavor gelatin
assottment of .r r u 1 t s , ~ teaspooil basil leaves . l 1At cups boning water.
"-Vegetables and nuts. 't9 teaspoon pepper 1~ cups.co~ water
.\l"'tup light ral>ins
I cup chopped tli>peel~ red
II cup ~ cleery
Ii .... •hr~ded -cheddar
cheese ..-~
113 cup chopped walnuts
~ cup grated carrot
In a 00-1 poDP bolling water
over gelatin; stir until dissolv·
ed. Add cold water: cblll until
partlallysel Mean whl I e ,
cover raisins . with bolling;
water; let stand 10 minutes;
Add raisins, apple\ celery,
cheele, wWuuts and carrot to
gelatin; tum Into flh-cup ring
Chill uotu·flrm; unmold onto
green1. Makes.. I &en'ings.
Serve with.sour.cream.
Home a Gift _Shop
crniine~ 0 .
HURD CANDLES .......•••... '/2 PRICE
CANDLE RINGS· reg. 2.50 ..•.••..... 50c
FONDUE POTS with matching troy and stand
in yellow, honey, flame, orange or avocado.
Reg. 13 .00 ......... , .......... 9.00
ENAMEL MUGS, med. blue, royal, orange,
yellow, olive, lime, red. Reg. 80c ...... 40c
iars, etc .. , .. , ..•..••.. , ... 1/2 PRICE
STOOLS, CHAIRS in lime, orange, blu e, hot
pink, _gold ......... ! , ... ! .. Y2. PRICE
Bluefish Substitutes "AS· IS" BARGAIN TABLE
Trtawre and bargain hvntel'S will love this l
For Boston ' Cousins
"t can do anything better
than you" -might well be the
theme of a newcomer that is
appearing in seafood markets
thes' days .
It's true ; Boston bluefish,
also known as American
poll*:, can do anything that
haddbck or cod can do; and
some folks say Boston bluefish
does it equally well or better.
It ls plentiful : the United
States Bureau of Commercial
Filheries estimates that at
least 200 million pounds per
year can be. taken without
greaUy affecting the resource.
This is great news for the
b u dget-conscious consumer
because abundance means the
price of Boston bluefish will be
Similar in flavor, te1ture
and taste lo il.s well-known
cousins, Boston b J u e f I s·h ,
however, is meatier and
firmer. Its slighUy darker
flesh turns white when cooked.
Nutritionally , it rates very
high with plenty of easUy
assm.ilated protein, vitamins
and minerals. Boston bluefish
may be prepared In doiens of
interesting and tasty w'_ays ;
try it broiled, baked, pan·
fried , steamed , or poached.
Because of a serious
shortage in the haddoc:k su~
ply, New England 's com-
mercial fishermen and the
Bureau of Commercial
Fisheries have been searehinJ
for a new fish to· take over
while the haddock res(s and
replenishes itseU. Bo!ton bJue
fish appears to be UJe•answer.
Give Bost.on blucflsb a try;
this new "iii vogue'' fish will
SOOD be taking over ~ taste
appeal as well as availability.
The Bureau suggests Minty
Sea Salad, a recipe that was
developed especially to help
introdlk't this new co me r .
Great for summertime meals
and for dieting as well, Boston
bluefish is satisfying without
ad~ng many calories.
Combine the simmered fish
with a refreshing, I i m e ·
navortd Mint DreWng. Serve
with your <ihoi~ of low-calorie
fruits and vegetables for a~
petiting satisfacOori. w h 11 e
slimming. •
I 'h: pounds skinless polloc.k
fiUet.s, fresh or froun
'' 2 cups bOiUitg waler
~ cup nm. juice
I teaspooh. Qlt
Mint .JJrmJlig
Lettuce "'
Chei'ry tom1toes
Mint sprigs ~ .
Thaw frozen -r fUlel&. Cul
fillets into 6 pOrt,b.s,. Place
fish in a well·greUed' lf>..inch
fry pan. ,Add boUiftg r-"ater,
lime· juice ~ sail ' ·
Cover' and simmer for ).0 to
12 minutes or Wttu •flSb fiaft
easily when ~ with a fork. ·
Drain. Flake fish .
_Pour Miol· Dressing over
fish . Cover and chill for at
least 2 h~. serve qn lettuce.
Cami.ab with "cherry tomatoe!
,and mint sprigs. Makes I
Mint Drtsslng
% cup salad oil
1/J cup l!Jne juice
I IAi teaspoom · dried mlnt
leaves, crushed
1111 teaapoons sugar
1,1a teaspoon garlic salt
Dash liquid hol pepper
sauce. •
Com.bilie a 11 ingredients .
Chill. Makes approximately ~
cup dressing.
Tiie colorful sound or
Oranae County Music
RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .:htm
From Fashion Island, Newport Beach
• '
REGAL DECORATOR RUGS, patterns and tri·
colors. Re¥· 35.00 • ; ••••••• , , , •. 25.~ . . .
Reg. 25 .00 ................... 1 5.00
SALE ......•.. 5.00
jars, powder boxes, towel holders. . 1/2 OFF
Discontinued pctterns ........ 1/2' PRICE
SCRAPBOOKS, vinyl prinis reg. 6.00
SALE ..•••••. 4 .50
DECORATOR CLOCKS ieg. $20 . , •• 16.00
GROUP OF PLACE•/M TS, all vinyl,
reg. 1.25 each .•• ,. •••..•••... EA. 75c
fringed trim.Rig. 8.00 .•.••••••.•. 5.00 ,
112 PRI CE
CONTEMPO DINNERWARE, sparkling white
oc~ented by Jurquois~.or cinnamon. . .
16pc. set lor4, reg. r9.95 ........ 15.00
CHROME BATH FIXTURES by Hallmack, towel
bars, rings, hooks ..... , ...... 1/2 PllCI
SETH THOMAS CLOCKS, walnut frames with
brass . Reg . 42.00, 40.00, 35 .00.
SALE ...... 31.00, 30 .00, 25.00
OESCOWARE, teflon lined, blue ... 1/, OFF
troys, etc ............ , ....... 1;, OFF
WARING BLENDERS in avocado, gold 01
white. Reg. 24.95 •••.•••.••.... 19.00 ' .
reg. 34 .95 ............... SALE 20.00
REVERE GOURMET SET reg . 75.00 .. 55.00
Canister sets, Poper dispenser in avocado,
poppy, copper, bronze, gold or stainless.
1/, OFF .
CANISTER SETS . gold ceramic set of 4.
!2 onlyl reg . 20.00 .••• , •••••• , •. 10.00
ONEIDA 70 pc. SERVICE FOR 8 "Woodmere"
Reg. 69.95 12 only! .............. 54.81'
ONEIDA 50 pc. SERVICE "Choteau" reg .
49 .95 !I only! ..........•........ 39.88
GOltHAM 50 pc. SERVICE "Musette" reg .
49.95 (1 only) •....•• ." •••.•.••.•. 39 .88
1;, PRICE .
solids , checks .•.............. •;, OFF
KNIT SHIRTS .••.••...••..... 'I> PRICE
l of a KIND GIFT ITEMS ....• 'li·.'fi OFF
Y, to V2 PRICE
RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER 3433 Via lido, Newport Beach 673·6360
' ~. ~. ..,
When Mi find IOmlbody
Who bu a Id~ hlt.ched to a l
atat. one t1nt blow is all he ' ,
,needs. Frank Drake, .A.I.A. ,
bu arrived! He'• brand new i
in Corona de! Mar wtth a
brand·new wile Qf 4 weelnl. \
He hos JW>ed .... N-' ,
Harbor Ownber ot O>m-..
merct" and is prnently doing l
a little WO.Im ,cutom beau· i
ty on the oceaJ\ In 1rviM f.,
Cove. i:le also specialize. In
designinf smaller ho1.111e11. ,.
and commercial bulldln~. t
He has eet up shop at 2043 t
WestclHf Drive and his phone I
number is 642.6676. Trank ••
.. dQ you think you could 1:
design a market that looks as
young as Richard's alter 21 ~i
years. of Jl?.ello'fini::? !;1 When you erlddle uri a
batch of Reese Vienna ~
Chocolate paneal:es. don't •' S~ the fresh fruit syn!p.<I •
, . Or what a wordrous new t
way &> &)orify a bax of t
sttawberries. SOur cream ,.
wtth chopped M9C&l'kunia t
nut. might be nice toa. i:
Oh well ••• -Tillie Lewls
puts out a low fat, kr.v s
cholest@ftll, low cabie pan. r·
cak:.? nµx wMn made bubble t
happy on a Teni:>n pan and Ip.
served 111lh no calorie QrUp ~
or jam. does the same thing • ~
.. Satisfies the taste for pa.n·
cakes in )"'11' mouth.
in 4 navors • . • beef.
chicken, onion, or tomato
Pro-teen Instant Gelatin con-
somme • , . Fill a C\Jp with
bo.ilinr wat.er, 1 pr i n k 1 e
what's inside the envelope,
•• f ' • • stir and drink •• , or put in
tt.frigfrator until It jellie~ -..
These jelly~ particular-l
Iy the bee( and chicken fta.
wrs, are great dollDl>ed on
top of canteloupe And dif·
ferent aumrner truKs.
Spray away and eat tetn!r
"ith a hickory smoke navor.
Plantation Acre 1 ha11
romancecb 1fntbei-s~-cn
liquid htekory• "smoke and
tenderizer in an act"OIOI can.
Spray, let me•t ~t fqr JO
minutes. Spray1 ap.ln llahtly
just be(ore Puttina on C'OB.ls.
spray agaiJI, when meat Is
. turned, For flavor. Y'>tl can
even spray YotU' briquettes.
' •
"' = _The lelll'Ch ig alway1 on •.
• Someone will adore Hany :;
and David's "'"Ondrous big fat .,.
can containing 4 whole peal-''
ed. cored old fashioned, ovt!n
baked apples , • , to always
be so ready to serve hot or
cold • • • to sprinkle ~r
with a few nut. or fill with
tapioca ••• Still othen will
swoon over Ma.imone 100 per
cent pure eXlJ!Tsso coUce w
lrom Italy. with th•
unsuperable lute and aroma
t ••• There are those who like.
a j:Jotcnt brew, even if they
can cut 1he flavor with a '
spoon, Might be e1:tra llQPerb t..
if accompanied bf a piece of ...
orange liqueur pif'. made •
f'Urthcr heedy wflh little
wtde hazel nuts.
IDEA ...
•• r • , Why not a batch. l'lf gpoon
bread?' The idea i.! to bake in
a big bowl and serve hot. r,,
Everybody <lip11 'lUl what ~
they want wilh a spoon.
\Vhether yoa call them corn 5'
dodgers or red bone bread. JI
hush puppies are deep fried t;a
in 2 inches of fat. Dropped by ;
teaspoons, they only tat& 11.ii:
minutes to golden f r 7 ,
Crutchfield'!! ls lhc nta!lll'r
bk!ndor of these 2 dellrlou11
ready mixes made with stone
;round corn meal.
When a recipe calla tor '
vinegar, try .on some of these I
for extra 1lavor.' Marukan ' • Ri~ wine \llqer • , , Also I'
wonde'r:ful to dnm.le ewer
nsh or aysttts.J Colby Peer \
vinetar, IO wry delicatr-, 11
it reall,y "1DeaV (If tm't tt. ..
Spice Islands White wine
vi~ "'1th a wbo:le piece t1f
-lloallog, dell&hlfut
wllh fllh or ,pou]try ••• 1ne
·bUJJ ftavor )nakes wgetable
sa1adl' lit up and take nonce
••• a df,.gh la really all it
takes ••• The prlic oa\'Qf'ed
red wine is especially r;&Vot'J'
on beef ru&SL'I. Look inh)
Spice Islands 88 varletlet: ol
spice! and herbl too • • •
\"ou'U find !hem all here,
along with 6 flavon ot t.ta.
baga. ll teu in bulk ti,._
and 9 \11.rlcUe1 ot u.ucta.
R.lchard'1, the people 1tm?.,
, •• and 110roetfmea: almolil
too many • • • )'OU'" •
•'Oflderlull We love )'Ota.
• ' ' ' ~
" ' !'
' !.
' "
' '
r ' '
' ' l
' ' • • •
l • i
' l • ~ .
• • ..
• •
Gouda Cheese • °" 59-
;l.Rl>ftl LOW.FAT 1-oL ,
YOGURT ·"•VO .. 5 .a. s1 ·.
'As en epp•tiz•r1 tn 111.ds, MARIA '4 ex. ln Olive Oil • .
For Your
• by
_ Artichoke Hearts BOLOGNA ., 12 Or. 69~ ' k1ep pltnty on htnd for quick ·
hor's d'oeuvr••· .I Freezes wellll!
, Bernice El)'.
Pineapple ·
Italian Squash •.LL 19~
' c!-E ~fiAJ"D VARIETY, ·
CELERY EA. 19.¢,
Arden AA Butter LB. 79¢
CHIPPERS , ' ... 39'
·folger's Coffee 1 ~11-69¢
TOPPING MIX· .. ~ 39c
BACON BITS 1·1/1 •· 39c
Fruit Cocktail #303 5~ FOR $1
Bartlett Pear Halves ·#IO•
Yellow Cli_ng Peaches #IO•
PEACH HALVES #101 5 '" $1
HAHN'S IVY ' Sm1I leafed, fuB plants
in 4 inch pots. Reg. 1.67.
. 1.39
. "
Hot foocl .. t0o90 •nd foo(I c1toring 1ro specialities of RicMrd's
Dolie11tss1n. A difftrtnt, varied menu everyd1y in our lteocly·to-
go foods -With • day or two notice wo can whip up al sorts of
tltgont, """'Y doticacits from Hors d'.oeuvres throu9k complete
dinners, (tven.picni:csij
bt-f'Si..itt 4-
icnic ·
Hearty fare, tfie rule for a German Picnic.
Use our menu, expand it, add your own German
favorites -don't forget hefty steins
of beer-we have many out.~t§nding 'imported ones.
Whether ih a picnic, a . buffet or a patio party,
that genial state of mind "Gemutlichkeit" spreads
its glow.
Shopping at Richard's is "Gemutlichkeit," come •in
an·d find. our o~n special eesyzgoing charm. t
Th• tuppTy is 10 limite'd on ih!t J..em it is eveilebl• et only a few le1ecf merlrel1! , • • PRIME
Y2 or ~ HAM Ptf•cl ~~ ~ff~I picnic
Fresh Frying RABBITS ,.;r~.:~~-:;r.. ..
RUMP ROAST Why not hlV• 1 lolst 11U1rbrll•n with
c1bblto ind pet1to p1nc1k.,?
RI.CHARD'S :100 y.·
Pure PQRK SAUSAGE Mild Stil .. l•lind
Lean GROUND BEEF Mo~~~=· 59¢La.
·Piece ham in ahallow L1ktn9 pin. 81kt in slow oven 14 min per
lb. lfor a •Btr·M Html. Forty~five minutes before ham Is done,~
take from oven, scort fat and brus~ with following mhtture. I C.
brown sugar, mix:e.d with l T. p,..ptr1d mustard ttirred to peste,
9redutlly •dd Vi C. beer, stirril'lt• lru1h him frequtntly with 9l11e •
• •
PlDIBH ·roon1 ·
JOHt'fS SAUSA6E OR. CHEESE i 5.oz. • '. • • . PIZZA T:..M .... ..-.uy ~-·69¢ .
Green Peppers ·
14 oi.
Stuffed Cabbage 59¢.
STUFFED POT A TOES ::,. l "' 'l
ORE,IDA 12-oz.
Shoestring Potatoes 4,.. $1
Asparagus Spears
... ~ 59c
Date Nut Dessert loaf
German Chocolate Pie
V•lvtfy chocolate pie, rich with butter
coconut end pec:•nt in • flelry pie crust:
I fryin9 rabbit :cut up. Rinse m••+, dry, rub Witli
11lt. Saute i1t 3 T. buftfr. until ·brown; Plae• in c••·
stro/1, 1dd onioft ·1t.uClt ~th 4 -cloves, ¥. ·c. red wine
or port, IT. lemon juice, 12 peppercorn~-,.t11ey.
thyme •nd bay le1f tied in ch•e••clOth, and ) C..
houillon. Cov•r and bike in lso• ov•n, 2'h·'.hoyn.
Y1 hour befor• s•rvincih melt I T. butt•r, bl.,.d wltlt
, :1 T. flour, stir into hot mixture with •dditional Yt-C.
win•· or port •. Cook anoth•r Yi hr. S•rv• with ,.f
,:urr•nt ielly. "
tlHDY ..... .-:· · ,
A Brana Ne"'. Flavor Combin11.llon •
• _,Sib. YLOR'S
1'1 llAG .
RE&. t9c·FOR 12,QZ. IA&
. u155s r:u••sn wsaa ru:usucnsz t3!& ta&Uiwaus11as1f!1JRan1znrz• czrz•'1'7 •'*7 sanuF ;,,, tuxz•r:Fa•rra•,12••7 ;nrz
• •
• -•
OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. t ·6 OPEN DAILY 9z6 OPEN bAILY 9-6, SUN. 10-3 DAILY ·•-5:30, SAT. t .$ OPEN DAILY f ,6 · DAILY l :J0.6, SAT. l tJO.I
' "
• ' Pf DAILY PILOT ~; August 20, 1969 PJLOT-ADVERTLIER 7
fAllMaJollN14PACICAGI . • 59c' WIENERS .................... ALL MEAT LI ..
USDAQIOICIOISyA111~.CllT1fllD"8° '" 59' BDF ROJiftU>.!. ....... '..'. LI
IOITUS-SllOUlDa 89 ROLLED ROAST · .............. LI ' c . . t
ROUNsD111UiAK T ........ Ll.79c .
USDAQIOICIOISTA11lllOLC8t4&-89iJ ROUND STEAK'= ........ LI --~ .
USDA QIOICI OI STATll llOs. CllTJfllD-9· 8 C SIRLOIN TIP STEAK .... . . .. LI.
USDAQIOICIOISTATll9'QS.CBTlfllDl!lff. 98 C CUBE STEAK ............. .. .. LI. • • •
USDACllOICIOISTA111-.CCT1FllDlllf ·89' ,.. • RIB ST·EAlt ..... :: ............................ LI ' ~ :.:.to.#. :.,
• ·' BACOll .f ':f fl't.MDIDtMIH .
-T-WJTllTlll-~TIMU 43( MOalU.'S-AU.118' • ·HEN TURaEY· &i1:gt .......... LI. · . . Dt•ER . 6ftt GROUNDBEEF ___ u53c ·. ~~'!.-~ ~ ,.,-LB. ·-6fc J CAN -..,-. ' SLICED .BACON PORK RUMP . -=-~~L43' LINKS . •u11;·· iA..iiwiC:H ~. ' .~ .. c
. • ' . . .
A CRISP CRACKERS :~~.·-29' .'3.PoONDCAN ... Sl.7$
loum KINGSFORO IQc STATE I BROS JO.l.8$..,.1,.11 _*~ ,10 l~ ... U4l. llNE·=r.~ ~ -~37' ' · ; · · . ·•·'!
TOJUICE HUNl'S .. ---'1<><31' COFFEE . MATO SAUCE :e/llflns ::.. 2~ 29' .................. 1 ·ll CAN
ANT DIET ~ ... ___ _:_,~'\69' VANCAMP'S ..
DN SDUP MIX =~··--~., 39! PORK & Ml FRUIT DRINK .w ....... 3....,, 1i
NUTS tw".:lr.r .... sM 59' ... '" 83' BEAN s RGER Bill ~t.J-J:~, ...... s, .. 79' . . . , .. inc·=-• ' it ,-"'"' -··--•D ............. I .YIU.OWaJNGSUCIDOIHALVIS
• CORNDIL-..... ".. ""~·39':.-;·oEL MO.NTE
. CORNIOO!Df,H•""'"· · .2 "2,9'. , .
NO. 21/a ;
MATOES ~1.1~.UI -----10.()l 22'' PEA c HES ' TEGA HOT PEPPERS r-U-0~ r, . . "' .. .... ·c
. NO.$
[~:::ls~.': u~cmiil:~TH SPtEAD ... 1.01:_41
2,C ; 79· .C ~ PA,lf~·~·
. 'lzLB.. • LB. ~ . i t l
BRICE MXES · . ""· 37' LlllY'S .. ·i==-·~:ii7~· . TOMATO
JU I c E ,,,_,, __ ,,;__ 46-0Z. CAN
DETERGEN _32-0z.
4-WAY NASAL SPRAY 4:----.. 1 ~ 87' . COPE TA)LETS --,..,45• ,.-,83*.
L TRA BRITE ~~ll' ................. 11i,'lf 90'
SHAVE CREAM ~b·~"u•• --'"o' 59' '
COLGATE·lOO ~8:.1,'N'b~. --1>:0< 87'
··.~\T 73e DUL rKG.
~~"'11.29~.!a!:'z~· 64c
' I \
.. !l'.65
SPAGHml '"" ODY·"·DEE 35c WITH MEATBALLS .......... 1 ~·OZ.
BEEFARONI ci<"''"'" OH ............. 35'
HANDI WRAP ................ '°"" 22'
GREEN PEAS ¥~~~' ............ 2 cl~! 37'
INSTANT COFF.EE ~Sil~'-'.' .... _ 110• '1"
. llilillliAL . '. 3 7· c
MAIGAllllll ...... 1.L1.
HUNT'SSPINACH ....... 2cllfl 37'
TOMATO SAUCE •U•rs ........ .2 .. CAN 39'
SPAG. ITALl_ANO 2~11'J" ... :18: 39'
SANKA COFFEE ~~\15' _ __ ...•. o, 11"
MAXIM COFFEE ~~\15' ........ -..... I 1"
WATER SOFTENER ~:g~ ....• ?l~~ 54'
r~~r.~-~~ ... tis.67'
* 1WJ" 'ij.,t 11~!
··Pim ROLLS :~: ............ o •. 5·~ ...... ,._.._CMft . ' ' . . ' '4 ~ ,. ORANGE -JUICE ...... CANS
' CAllM.t.110NmAOe
. ASH STICKS _ ........ 01.8~
~OHN1P1Zu "«i TUiKEYFi.~. ...51•
-POUND CAKE ., m i'W'mw :.~ t•..,•-llDUl~I C FISH ITUKS "' CHICKEN """ , •
~ luilllml.4.,_TOl:CMlllY 4 .~ CHEESE CAKE-.. · :1.01 .,.
Mal.RNOAT'SGOUIMIT 79c SHRIMP n1AD1D ....... 1.01
eg~iliiuDDIES 1 ·Y9!f.~ii1NIRs'. ·; · . ~~~~119,01r~. N !~! .. ~~! , ~ ·r1s
ALPO DOG FOOD ~:l'?s''.'...-211 . ., 57' RINSO DETERGENT .... ,
HUm ITW<HOUIE CATIUP --,.... 13' KIAfT HALI MOON HORN r~'ffl'. -Hum l'ORM 11U111 ____ ....... 1s• l'!WIURY 11=1: Miii'
.. HUNT111£Wl'OTATOEI-,IJIWr P£1110UILL I ---·''"'
1Hllls Bi:-os.
~ s19s
. . .. ~. , ... •, '
. .
\ . •
MJB Instant
. , JI
. .
Roguler 79c Voluo
PHASE Ill , •
BAR SOAP ;~ ~,:ars
llAST POINT -4V2 ..C. Cao
TINY 'SHRIM~ · l19ular 5~c
I o
wh:r; NEW .. POTAToEs 2~2s'
. . . I
W......,, A""'t 20, 1969 DAILY l'ILOT ff
" ZEE ' ..
·.A TOTAl t'
Of ~I
AJAX Alll)SOl.-11 0.. Cao 3nc
WINDOW CLEANER ...;;.., "' -7
' ' SMALL SID • .
I 3~29' .
SUNSHINl--ll-lat 5""' NAiii.SC!> . · • -.
OATMEAL; CO'OKIES · .... "' . . 7 . i . WHEA't T·HINS I "R ...... 4~ ~. 39'
' . . . .
IODY SIT PROFESSIONAi: POAMULA 59' · 'HAIR SPRAY . 1-1b., , .... c..
,f ' ' • .
.. T~THPASTE FAMILY SIZE ,,,.. ...... c •
e Mixlc•n Dinner. -e CombinatlOn °Plate :-. e 8..t~or Ch .... EMhil1d1
BIRDS EYE Concentreted Ortnge Juice
. .
12 oz. Bottles .
Diamond ,A ..
" ..
" •
' .,
U;S.Q.A. CHc;>ICE-Melon Cut
Rump Roast-,
.. l,
• • 1' ' •
1 ..
I .
Fresh DrflMcl 7 9 . Whole ' or Cut-up C
' . \ lb . ··--
U.S.D.A. CHOICE-lol)•·ln
. ' .
' Cans
Extra Large Size
' Fancy ' fj;.eston•·
' . ~ I
. -·1 P.Ei.CHES :
. .
·~ s1
I . ......... ~.s· ~· ·$1 i\
' • f '
' I I
. .
I •
Thurs., Fri., Sat. & • Sunday
, . ~····· 21, 2~,: 23; '24
Pri-· 1ubjact t..-shek on hond,
.-;tr -·*'"' .... . '
' ' .CUCUMBERS . ; ~ BAR M WES~N S~LE • : ; .•. ' ~ ,,
' .. · ' POLISH ··· --~
l ,. I ...
• I
llLUI elm•
. )
'191h and Placenti1
710 W. Chapman
I' I
• ~· DAILY PILOT WedllHd,y, AU911St 20, 1969 L 6 PJLOT-AOllERTISIR
Award-winning Actress , ~~ands Mer €00Ring a._' ~Mi:xed .. Bag'
• •
NEW YORX-n .... Moon
Tl., In Manhatlall and while
ulnmaut.s Annslroag a n d
Aldrill m"' in pursuit al moon
-. • sunny lhr<e-person
moeling toot place in lhe
Q11'tment on Riverside Drive
wliere actress Rita M~
lives with 11er pbysletan hus-
band, Loooard Gordon. and
their almost S·year·old
d•ustiter, Fernanda, whom
they call "Nandi."
"Do you ml® U we stop and
watch the telly!" Rita asked,
while her husband wu taping
lhe pi'oooedinp fat ~erity.
"That's my , lftet basll
plant/' l_tita said, pGtnUng lo
' ' . the U1rivinC polled herb ili!ot 1ol hold o1 oome red crayons lor'waid lo 'decohillng an old l. teu-~. mashfd
W8' trying hard lo reach a and her dlorl& aomchow turn-wardrobe truAlt with llowerL 1 tabla!>oon Ult
Iara• painting by Paul ed ·out lo be lb6 ouWne or • She bu'learned sud> tbtnp as 3 pound cleaned chicken,
Freeman. ''l use the herb in bird. We surely can't think (If fumlturt maklnJ and hoW to cut Into lel'VIJll p1eca
almost everylhlng I cook," the removing tbs~" tl>e Academy lay We She IQok a couno tp , ~ pound cu ]11111 l!l!o'-
tiny, raven-hatrecl act re•• Award wlnnet e:tclatmed. se"1af: at the "Y'' tut ~ c,r lPO tOtp oz. pq. lrmea
said. DOMFm'JCATED A~ ' mer, but bocausa of Ille peas)
An early work or her Rita call• her>ell tho moat de.....ia of her pro!"'loo8l '"lltat achlote Jani (~ J>Oli
daughter'• had boeq drawn on domeslleated act,... ever, .. ._ ahe mlsaad out on how umaturated oil) lo , deep~
the wall nearby. ''One day~ 1 ''~bly becat&Se J wu un, to~ lo tbe sleeves. "Nw I ~le; add -ham and laaJt por~
married for ao long," ehe ts• .qn only J{'l•ke sleeteleh Ctol>-over hfgH beat abouts.
pliine4, holding one ol Nandl's dre,...,1• abO.glggted. minutes, otlrrlng olten. Add
dolls. The little girl hid been "Wt. spend much of. our time a!I the ingredients except the
experUy whisked off lo bed l>y laltfnf about the hou1e we'd chicken ond pell! Pots: lilr
her father. like tq own.1t woit't be in Los and mh: well.
Despite her Puerto Rican Angele!. Who needa to breathe Add chicken, heat lo boiling;
birth and a childhood rpent all t.hat fih.hy ab'!'t 'Ibe dream reduce heat to moderate,
mainly In Spanlab Harlem, kitchen in bu -.will ha.. -and --• I bout -"a f'-"'-, ..._.. __ . chair', .-ver ~ or a -Rita conslden her brand of "'ti~ ~ minutes (Or' until chic.keD t.s
cooking "a mixed bag." "l two e33:y cliiirs, one for Len-tender), Uncover, add petit
adore cooking," she said. 0 My nie and one for me. And it pois (drained) or frozen pus
only problem is that my bus~ must have a small child's and cook w1U peas are Ilea.led
band has to be on a low bathtub in It. At diMer Ume, a through (or tender) •. strve
cholesterol diet, I myself am a woman's always her busiesl with cooked whllf: rice. Serves ' grease addict and butter She can't leave the tiaby 6.
lover." alone. 'Ibis way, the baby can Afterthougbta: Rita's two
"Here's a trick. for yoo.r play in the tub whll~ ~ recipes call for special in-J"'o"!lft,;.,
readers: irui:tead of sauteing mother tends to the cooking. • .gre41~ a"'.allaqle in SP!Qiisb
mushrooms in butter. simply The dream table 1n her din-1 market.! or at gourmet -shops.
heat them in bouillon and ing room will be MIU&re or u 'J'byme may be aubsUtut.ed for
water. The mushrooms take on nearly so as J)Oll6lhle. "When co~. If annatto seeds are
a beef Oavor. You can do the you have an oblong table., you not obulinable, it is belter to
same thing wflh onions if your usually have one forgotten delete than make any other
recipe calls for browned person at each end," s~ S<Jid. subsUtutlon. She 8 d vi 8 es, ~ • , oniom. 0 · 1 , \Rita Moreno has transmit-"When cooklnJf c h i c k e n '
Rit.a said it wasn't really too ted her Jove for wor)in& witl:t fricassee, regulate the heat ,# r
difficult to cook for her hus-her hands lo her daughter, according to the amount M Ji. • band. "He can eat most , "Nand.i loves painting ma· quid lost, since you must end anything that's not too fa t. caroni. She knows her colors up with a reasonable atllOWlt ADORES COOKING
Rlt• Moreno
' l
. Instead of olive oil {a staple and maek& j~welry. lt'1 an~ of slightly thick gravy.''
with Puerta Rican cooks). I expensive project and a WOO::·!·=======::::;;::::=================== use polyunsaturated fat. I've deriul way to entertain small I"
-· cono SALAMI • • • 39c lb.
29~ 29~
29fb 29~
29~ 29~
.29~ 29~
29~ 29~
U.S. No. 1 HOME GROWN Golden Ripe
29' 29' 29'
turned inta a cholesterol friedl: who lftilllt '"Gtblrwise
COUDter. You can pretty Well ~the houle. Just ·ve lifure out how much )'Ol!'re hir a pule al Dour and';;,..
wing since most of my recli>es ter and she can make mud
only call for 2 tablespoons oil ~ by the hoar." •
(tl>e J>Olyunsalurated kind, of Rita stopped to jot down Ml
course) for 8 people and that's of her favorite Puerto Rican
no great amount," she said. recipes. She said. ulmte.ad of
BANDY HINT the usual wine, we serve
"There's a wonderful thing plt.chetB of Icy cold beer and
you can do with tomatoes," finish with a dessert of
she went on. "I get the crackers spread with a white
organically grown ones at the creamy cheese and guava
Fanner's Country store on jelly." Recipes for unusual
East Sixth Street. t slice the and tasteful dining follow :
tomatoes and prepare a dress-RITA MORENO'S
ing of chopped fresh basil, dill, ABICHUELAS ROJ, • salt, freshly ground black pep-lW
per, wine vinegar and olive oil Red Beans In Sauce
(or com oil). Our food is not 1 pound red kidney beans
really as hot as you might (or any red beans)
suppose.'' About 3 quarts water
Sbe said their American 4 ounces lean ~ port.
friends love Puerto Rican cubed
dishes. One of he.r fav<rites is 1 sweet chili pepper. cbop-i
Ropa Vieja (titeratty, old ped1 green bell-, ........ d clothes, because the beef is -r..-.....wyi-cut in shred! Dke old rap) One large onloa, pe<eMd and
mixed wlth capers, olives, cbopped .
lrexh tomatoes, p u m p ~In • 2 cirlander l'l'v.s, ~ct""IOPl>Od'""'dt
onions aDd coriander Jeavtl to Ooe a o u n c e can fpma!P •
give it U. unusual flavor. :ri~o taste , "-~~-"One of our big hits is red beans in sauce. We call tt Bring beans to ' 118:...,.
soop, but It's llUVed wtlh pilea and simmer for II> his. (Ii Is
or rice on the side. 'I seldom not. necessary to'eoat. beam:
have vegetables as a separate in fact, they tuta tittter if
entity wben I cook an all bolled only.) Remove any
Puerto Rican meal, except for scum from top of water as
plantains. They're so good and beans boil.
taste like a raw potato when Render salt pork lft skillet
they're uncooked." They are over medium heat until pork
as versatile as the lowly spud, is crisp; pour off some of the too. for they can be cooked excess fat and dlsclrd. Add
and mashed, baked and split both klnds of peppers, on1on
and spread with butter, or and coriander leaves. Cook un-
broiled like a banana. til vegetables begin to !!Often
Rita divides her time (about 5 minute.I), add tomato
between caring for her family sauce and salt to taste. Mis:
and her acting career. cur. well to blend.
rently, she can be s~n olaying Add salt pork mixture to
opposite Alan Arkin tn ''Popi," cooked beans. Simmer about 2
and has two tlllreleased films more hours or unUI beans are
made in 1968. She won her soft enough to' be easily
Oscar for best supporting ac· squashed between thumb and
tress as the fiery spitfire in forefinger. Serves 8.
"\Vest Side Story" in 1961. POU.O EN
Unhappy at being typecast as FRICASE
a Lalin, she was eagerly look· Chicken Fricassee
ing forward to playing the Ann 2 tablespoons achiote lard
Sullivan role In "The P.1iracle (made by putting 6 or 7 an ·
Worker'' for an 11-wee k book-naUo seeds in pork fat. or
ing in Otlcago. p0lyunsaturated oil; out on
"\Ve're always very com· medium heat. and heat until
fortable there and rent a two-fat turns a very deep
bedroom apartment with a full orange. Discard seeds by
kitchen. Nandl has a won--draililng fat t&rough lieve.
dedul time. She loves to go lo You now have achlote lard.)
the nearby Lincoln Park baby 4 ounces cured ham, finely
animal nuntery." Leutie often chopped
accompanies his wife and. for 2 tablespoons salt pork, fme-
the Chicago trip, planned to Jy chopped
take a short vacation and later Large onion, p e e 1 e d ,
fly out weekend.or;. quartered
STARTS EARLY One-hair green -pepper, seed·
Rita sald. "Oflc.n I fix ed and cut in four parts
smnethlng early In the day, 2 vefy ripe tom aloes, peeled
like a beef s t r o I a no ff 2 sweet chill peppers,' seeded
Unfortunately, most of our 12 green olives, pitted
Puerto Rican dishes take a lot I teaspoon capers
of shopping and chopping.'' '~ cup seeded raisins
She love s v,.orking \\•ith her I tablespoo n vinegar
hands, 1he said. and looked \, cup lomato sauce
Veal Nectarine
~~ to I pound boneless veal
1rrom leg) cut u few
i ~ teaspoon gait
118 t.e11spoon pepper
~~ lea~poon Ita1Jan herb
1 large egg
Jo"ine dry bread crunt>11
Salfld oil
I tablespoon buUcr
1 ~ cups aliced fresh nee·
1 ttl!JIOOfl 1?'8led Ot'ID(e
y, leupoon cardamom or
l cup hot chicken bouillon
% cufl \l.ttlle dinner wtne or
( orange juice
\4 teaspoon sugar ,
I toupoons <Ol'llllarth mix-
ed unUt 1mootll ,nu. I
tablespoon cokl water
Have veal pounded very
thin. Add salt, pepper and
herb ~sonlng'to egg and beat
lightly; dip veal tn egg, lhen In
Jn a lar1e skillet quickly
cook veal tn hot oil. Retbovt
veal and keep wann in a low
To clean still et add butt.er,
nectarines, <M'ltlge r i n d •
cardamom, bullion, wine and
.sugar; simmer abOu.t l O
Stir ln cornstarch mixture :
cook, otlning 001l9tanl17, untlt
thickened 1ntd clear: lpCIOll
over veal. Makes 4 servingt.
-~ ----
roned with """" Red Ripe Chl!rles
Saft Ille
Prtes Effetlive At LI~~ ~~:"'· lllM!
Sun., A\11\lSt -. ""' 6olt
' ft Boll1'Cln &-Yr. CM k • Bow ang ureen S&l'r001 Btsndad fltt • Co ty K!ntucl.J Stnlllll • Daviess un Wh!S•~iool ~
•Coldbrook lbiskey ~, ... ~:" I~
• J.W. Dant Whiskey ru:: 01
d 'm• ~
De' Bl•nded • Bourbon uxe SO.Proof fltt~
• S111ny~ro0k
Biondod Whbl•Y
• YMka ltlra lrY
oii\olled Grain
GltbtY $1-Pr • flftk
$3"' EACH
1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach
24 Moi:iarch Bay Plaza-South l.ac)una
l l
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ' • • • • • ' ' • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ..
• '
• •
• •
• •
• ' • • • .
' • • " I
• ;llOT·ADVEllTISU 7 L . Wed...tly, AUgUSt 20, 1'169 w-,, August 20, 1969" DAIL v PILOT fll •
• ;
..... --• lt:'r ,..._
Corn _,_,,
• .• Wllillf -•T0111atoes
. .... • -· f!lloll lk.
' RH1d Raver
Coffee. ·
·--~Ofait'• l!b9 ..... __ """
htn ....
Cragmont Drinks
;~::Wt"':.-4 _ neo Tn.u.:~'f..i -"I •
To111C1lo Juice
="~Low. 4 --Siii ... Ill Vlllilllill & n..t .• - -
!'ll:"i:!l':"":-'"'"' :::" ... -5 ..... neo ~~Qooil .. "I
Highway leans ... ,,._... 2 2S ........ , ,,.. ._... c ,.. .............
Sari •11!1.! lmlllOHf lll!I
Tomatoes Softener ... ___ ,.._ ":"' -asc --...
: , ..... Cllnt
lieadl . Highway
. PeGches
Kaboollll Gatorade· .... ~~ -·-...... illl4 lll•t••1'tltll·hl
mat """' _ ........ ___ .
!"'*"'• .......... ~ 39' , ... .. = ... --....
=..,~,.r 59c ,llllllldorlWtfllits "-· ·
Pure PreHnes
..... ... pp •
DlilOf~~ Jo' ..... 4 • "'='""'""r::y ......... , .. ... ~-.........,,
Polklt••k .
I::'~ .. 79'
v .. 1chopa
!:'.!" ........ 79'
1.11 ... Chopa ... _ .,.
:&:"'..::1:1' ~49'
lldditional Meat Manager's Features!
Cookld Chicken ::.=-.... .. 19'
. Chldren Fried Steak =... •:; W .
Perch Rllets ~"':'...... .. 79'
Pre C1oked Fiiiet ~.:t'" .. 7f
.-..Cooked Rllet :t:r • 19'
39c 3.: SJ'°
..•11• ---Hal•lpray
::-.=.'.:": i:: 63• -·llh----loft&D'I
::,!,;.-=:.., ':::" 76• .... "._ ---ColgatelOO
"-............. .._ ·····~ ...... 59' _ .• ..,.Pio_ .... ... '"""-' ,,.,,, , ,,,,.,,
hc1111i Yogurt
Wllll:JM r;e. .... s~'I" i::'-
..... hiter Cele lln
~~ ·~49-~..:=-3.t. '1 lat --, ...... l'lc*9 ...., ... """ =. ·:: "' Jin..,,.......... = ';: ..
llulllll11 .. l:: .. 't.11 '.:" ~
11..-c...ta••it:.-"' 1P ...._.c.n •• a.. .. ~ .. :. a11
l•li1Eit Cll1111 " 0 :;: ...
SAFEWAY EXTRA VALUES IN MEATS! --llln.~ 1111n :i,~ .. -" -"'"~:."""" ::o • ... r..r: =~ll nln s. 111 ~·
II' -£at-· -.Alilxl.
... , ......... ::Ste ==:. ...... , .........
. UnkS-•1• ~3tc lllMIM ..
, ..... w.~l'lrL == \:. 791 ............ ~3tc .......... Ice¥•-lllll ....... ::,,-rn.., i:= 7,. ............ ~6tc U.ks-...
CllCll' Cllt lllft 'ntn ""T ... Ulls ,,_T.., .. t9' .. ,..... .... Ulllll
lenel ... H•un .. $)49 s.~:::.:. ·~· ..... °"' a.-.c 3 $~ llt IWft
range Juice
.,., ... ... • c:.s ..... ._ . .. _, ...... .
r.. A ~ ~Clllrtt DnMr1
Peaches · eaa-==
&raveiistein ==-=.w ........ Carrots =a .1 ... 2s· OnlHI ·-, ....... ... ..... Awocallos =~ ·~, .. ~·
r:.t-1.:t:t =r:::. ..
IJ. ... I ,...,.. t"' .......
:39' .2sc
4 ......
....... ,.. .... TtUll1 'C ..... ,, ...... . .
_ _..--·--·
211 E. t1ftt St., Costa Mesa 8 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Mo111rch Bay Pllra, So'. llguna
636 11. Coast Hwy., lagu!ll BHdl 8 Santi An1 Freeway 1111 P11, Mission Viejo '
I •
• ' • -
. •
l • • •
• t • I •
' t • •
• • ' • • I •
• • • • • • • • • •
' • •
• • •
• •
' • l
, I
--• . . • •
, J I DAIL v l'ILDT Wtd .. 140,, ~t 20, 1969
DETERCiEIT • . ...
44·• Dtliity Sp~f -'MAYFRESH SMALL AND lARGE
1 ·2 . .,·t
4·LI. PKG. ..-.
~ m~t'air LiqtUJr
.Qi . PARK AVENUE GIN ._ .. ,. 2se3ee
!t9.~L-~-C,~~~~~~!!DKA ""' $ J.19
!!~~~-~E~9!f,.~~!.~. l<AlfGAL $8.89 •
~;.;..--!'r!~~cl¥a~,~E.!LfGAL -----· $8.29
IOUDON ""' $995 WHISKEY "'" s799 S•niuil Syk11 1• Proof ~GAL WESTPORT at~1'10ED-.C.All0M
m~fair Dtf.W.t~stn.
m,e!t~.~!f~~~~~-.. 59'
!~~M,.~l.~~L~_CNA .. _. 11.69'
HORMEL KOLBASE """'"" -9'8•
PRECIOUS MOZZARELLA a.oz. P><G. • 55< PRECIOUS STRING CHEESE 1.oz.P<o. __ ,, _____ 59c
~i~~i.~~~ :°-°.~_IES .· .. ·-45" ~M,'f!.ElA~C:su'"r~DABNY,,~~J~... .. 2124299
VETS• NUGGETS . T I HERS •a.oz.'"'--1 c
-'·ll. 5""' SMUCK I STll:A.WN-~'f 6"' ·-"'·"·"'--·--· . .... ... ., ER s_,.,,.,,., .~L ..,.
KINGSFORD CHARCOAL 89' APRICOT 20.ot 63' DUPE ''"'L 47' 20-Ll.IAGl l.6t ·--M·-.. -.. 10.11.IAG PllllU,,LE JM .IELLY JAR
NO. 303CAN ..
N0.1 TALL CAN DOG FOOD v .. :.~~s
JOY UQUID 2t~z. DETERGENT _,, DEAL -PACK ............... .
HILLS BROS. ~t~'l.29
COFFEE ......... , .. ~t~'l.93
§BAeP.l~,,~ii~~ 19'
RIBIERS, R!D GRAPES ......... _,, .... _ ...... lb.
'aJ!!'2!F~... -~~~. E._ 1 O'
DAY11Mt $1 65 JO COUNT •
--HU Wf STM,IN STfR AVf .. r-••~FI' 1'-"0YE ----"'
-45~~. ~:~&&~~
English 3lc
Muffin Loaf .... 11 1L
• ~~~~~.~~~.~~ ..... 11 ... sgc
Choc~late Chip 39c
Cookies ......... m •L
·----------------, ---. -~-·~~----
Basket p$ r.ou faght itflatioa av.weak: ~itla •••
" I;
' ' . t '
. WHJ: Yliitt;T~ LQCI(? : .... ,, . ... -' . .
I Jab u.s.D.A. Choice ·. ... ' T•~~.eray Bran~.B••,._; ·."
l: .... '
'l)on't (~bo suc~rod by gobblod09qok ·; •
"Bonded" .Beef Isn't U.S.O.A. Choice~ ''Trim·
·aito" BHf •'ii.vt U.S.D.A. Choice. Only U.S.D.A.
hoice i1 U.S.D.A. Choicel And a Federal Govern·
ment exp~t<¥Jys to•.Jt~ a purpl•·~tamp right on the•
,moat. Mai!ot1'olkot'~'11s only U.S.D.A. C:hoico Beef. And,
only Mork"et ,Balket'selG.it discount-priced! ' •: -.
fAcl Jc off ltbel) • ~ i ' • ' ., ) .. , '2Mr!t~~orDn~ . I'S.Pt. ·StrM:k«'1~ . 2CM!a. '} T I '' , . .,., 29c P · ·· "" ·69c owe s •••••••• , , reserves •••••••
K..,,, t h · ~ '· i•il:,2oc '""' ""' ..... !'.'f 'i e c up •••.• ~ •• -••. ; Soft Parkciy .-•. ~·;:39c
iaL';'f O'od •• ; • :~~ 9c
ioz.Jt. &. '
Markt! lo1W Wid Top Cf' Thi ft Stu
Bread < I 3 2«>• ~1
,,. ·~•••••• locm~ ,., ~lnl I f9od V(rap 2f.J. lofllll
~f~i1':::~.6 ~~7c
"fro • • . 22-oi. 45c 1 on •••••.•• at;,
llydrqx:C~kies1tJ• 63c Hanalwni)J :. ~~t .29'
Mt..wtll 11ou'51 1-Ua. • 1 . 11-ue;e ' '" 68c \SVTI •••••••••••.
2{i., I I.al.' 3.t.a.. .1.tt
~ Jtmlmaitth 12.(lr. Synip fr" 2-lb. •
Pancake Mix •• :'!.51c .
J~ttym<lid Firu Oldlty 1-lb. (11'1. •
Grade' AA' Butter 79' ~Clear.tr , 17-0t. ,
Fantastik ••..•• ':·. 75c
Count on Mcrket ' . · Basket to be your
inf lcition f igllterl ...
' -We"-Men battling high priuil for a lone
tlN with the MOit JMW*rl11I ontJ.lnflati." '·
WMpon · of th•m all .•• DHp-Cut Dftcovnt
CeM,.NI TheM Mark.t-loHet pricet
•r• 01 low or loW9r than moat other foocl
cloialns, dltc0unt '1tore1, convenl•M• 011d In·
do~~l ...... a•yd!'Yolt\lo-k. .r.Pre~ 'Nobolfr,, but N~T, often yo11
1 be~r ~1119(. week ofter w.ek, than your
• Ma~!l~•k•t!!_ores. ~ ·-i
You can't do •• well anywhere 01111
' . . .. • . .
U.S.o.A.ClloiuT~ .............. Sflok g -r.IM~Pack.lorvt ' Tlilf'lllMldtfrounlluttwlllf,VtalOflni*d 1 ~ r 'y·· s· I . '. $159 i Pork .. 9c v Is ..;.;L . ·$1 09 c l_ed H ·~· 67c l ~p 1r o~..... .... · o n op1; ... ,... ea tllUll..... ... ~~ am..... ,
-r ' • r •• 'u.s.d.A.ctdclTll'dnyirand9"f !orltlt9Ntttld faJtn GM r'ld Pork ~ fn:lltl'l'tWit!IGr.,., -~Wflfw-Harn.Con.IW. TufbV,,....,,or
, (IOd Roast' ......... 98c Cente' Rib Chops ... ~1 17 Turkeyw/~39c tfiipped Beef ·.~ 37c
. V.U.A.ChchTll!'dln!ylnlndWFvlCvtlcnlm bfwftGmiftif~Chlsl ~ KoklKlltfrvllll ,.,.,,,,_stlrAIMlct ~ .• •'
Round Steak ...... $1 09 Wafer Chops ••• '"$1 27 Beef Steaks 8 l~ 98c Hot Dogs ••••• 'I: 49c,
• ~ . ....... . ' I All BEU fu.HKS, J&-OZ. PKG' •sc ·~ & Cubed 8fff [Glhnl Gttill.,Ftd.""ISlctil Rill EnclChtiM • MotUt lo.bi7Vorithu 12·0t. AnnourStotMMeat
:}t4linute Steak ..... 98~ %Pork ioifl ........ 69' Lunch Meats •• :-: .69c. Bologna •••• ;·,~::~: 59c
U.S.OA Choice Tenderuy Brorld 9eef Lt.5.DJ.. Choice T"'°""V lr'9d Btrf Acrt Clll Roosl
,Club Steak •••••• ,..~ri• Boneless Aump, ... $1 1• . .
• CtlUl'ltl'yca.Slic:td lwQl,dlr Skinleu :
Wafer Bacon ....... 79' link Sausage •• 3 ~ $)
SIM'ISow S.Mfftml.... 84
Sliced Bacon •••. ~69c Fisl.Stitks ••••• '!".43.c
2U. ma: SUCB>, ,,.. ~ 140Z.. nt. 21).0l., 11.17 .... • .: .
[Ottn ~ r..t' Plwt, L..i &'~ for1111f~ ~ frito(1~.~Gowmtt1 _I.Or.
Spareribs.• ••••• ~69' Snrimp •••••••• ::.89'
·~ 16-0Z.tl.JI
AllVlll'iflillftmnlonqutt . _
Dinnen •••••••• ~.37c
Krolt lndi...w.dy WtQP~ ~r $bd 12.0z. Cheese Fooa ••• :'t 65c ·
Mcr,ibud Edom Gt (;oijdQ
Cheese ........ i~55c
NEaARINES · ~""---Ul'wagll•· •••••••••• 6 u...-89< .
. ., t
."se;;~-'-1 .~ fach 1"'· '811f' •••••••••••••••••• y ,. ' ltutritiMr~ 2-1.-.
C.1ot1 •••••••••••••• ~. 29<
U.S.No. \'Wet 16.tw. I
PotatOll ••• I ••••••••• ':':.59<
Onlllge Juice ••........ ~ 45' ,._,,,
.. .J..... 1 _,. •• :."""'I'~'• t~L , ,,.,.,...llovtt 12.Qr..._~ t..Mi ~ ~ 4'-0!. ~ lS.04 WI llSR'll ·TllC lfttlT 11 WIT
, ...... \···-········' ..... • ...... , Coff••······• t .29 l h•h·················· 77• Dreft •••.••••••••. ...... 12t C•tc•lll'• ••••••••• ~ •• 70c tUAMTITIIL .io SAW to WIOU-........ ~"' i , . ~ •:Ot .,..._.. . l:: ~ n11t. IMtilwOad."tlflfW ~~ SWll~Dl$~"'TOU. . PIMf' W'"'f~l-1 , ... 4.$1.49 Y ..... Ceff-, .• ~v.&1_.7 :J.-:Z lnw,,,,U.&;,'''' 12c I.very U .. •111,,o,. Ill lie IZ..I ... ,,,,,,,,,'!":,,, J4c PriC*.t~Wecl~·A9t""20
Wwllri"'-' • ,._.,..........,..,._ 14• l*"" ,.... DlttttMt 22& f"""9Cllt ~ • tli'"tllt~Y .. -.v1V.ttl, 1t ff. Drink :tMlr..·!••,••• ••• 101 "9t'.l'9rl1t1 , •••• ,f:;,., 49c hh ,,,, .. ,, .. ,,,,,,,, 77c thrlll Lit1•14 •••••• "' lie lriry ....... ,,,,,,j,,,tlc
e lCOSlrA MEsA.'...".::-• . , •-NEWPORT IEACH;,i,0:.=_.tt=·,_ .... ;.. . · e tLUNTINGJON IMCH-1:.':::..:a
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Ellfnl •i.,.Clllp St-1
wnH ~KAH Of
.... THIS co•PH
' t.;.;t~ Pw<......... ~ ,.~ ..... .,.,-._,.-..... 21, 22. n. 24 • .,.,.
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FRIE so ·
ElltN~Chlp S'-Pf .•
lin;.r":oT'ArHs I\
(10.ll. CEUO aAGJ t
•M'"'J••.TlllS COllPOll
-IWO..rwC..-: -~s-..,...2'1J22.~24 ?NV
· GOto!fi CREME
3 =·1
...... -·· . . .. . . . . ~ '
Wtdnesdiy, A~iuL 20, lM L PILOT ·ADVERTISU %!
IDndercover Meatl~
·-dl·n Flavors Fall B~dget
• • IADt--bu aono W>der II cup ocft while bread ~1cup _,, oupt' ,
C0¥""""1.,. a flaky crust, crumbs I 1a1i1Mpooa prep a re d
under a bright bandana -z -a· beaten mu~-~ meaUoaf, .._perennial fa~orile! .. _.. ~u
Thll recipe from b 0 1 h ~l cup catsup 2 teaspoons Uqutd fJr•Vf
bud fl I 2 tableapoons Uquld eravl. seasoning get and avor ~a is aeaso-· .... , ,, 1 paciage refri(ftated'crtS--
speclal and equally delicious cent Jolla
ouved ho! or cold. Duh dry thyme Coailline aupr, mustard
The oecret agent II a liquid I package refrigeraled cres-and gravy llffflDln{. Coal th•
• gravy aeaaoning sauce, a cent roU. l)am with miU,l:re. Wrap roll
flavor boooler lhal elimlnatas Combine ground b.e e f , dough. aroond ham.
the need for most other spices. • Bake in moderate oven, 350
Thll marvelously rDGllt coo· crumbs, egp, ~atsup, gravy dliftlll for '3 minutes or until
coctlon of grourll;I beef , Masoning and thyme. Shape-crust is golden. Serve with
ctumbl, ecp, gravy'ltall:lnlng into f individual meat loaves, CrflllDI: Gravy. ,
"""· catlup goes Incognito 5x3x%. • Crumy Gn.,.
under lta cover.of rtfrigerated Place on jelly roll pan. Wrap Remove all but 4 t&ble-cr~ rolls. ' 2 crescent roll dough pieces spoons fat Crom pan.: aUr in 4
Canned ham also performs · around each loaf. Bak• In tabl"JIOOllS flour and cool: un·
well under cover. Jlll rweet. pi~ moderate..oven,.350 degree$. 50 til bubbling.
qyant fllWr is.sure to make It minutes, or-unW crusts are SUr Vin 1 cup milk and 1 cup
ooe .~ your wann weather golden. , . ~at.er;. cook, tUrring .con·
favontes. i "' Remove-loaves to heated stantly., until mixture Ulfckens
Cream gravy. a frosly drink. platter with pancake. tuM." and bOili I lilinlile.'•
ind on to the food. Make Creamy Gravy to aerve Stir .in t teaspoon_-gravy
U N D & RC 0 VER MEAT Wifh nleatloaves. · gea.sonifig and browning puce
WAVES UNDERCOVER HAM WAF foe flavw and color. Male1 l
rn poonds gioond beef I canned ham (l pounds) cups,
bfnl ··-Clalp Ca., Ill
Wll•t7.HNR~UA hd.t.b,..,. ,...._ , ...............
w11• 1111S co•••• """' o.. ,.,.._. rw .c-
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Fall 50
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DAliOLA sucu'•AM
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't'alld ftwt... .............. ?I, 22, ?3, 24, "'9
GOtDiNCIEM! · . ,
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@ ·1~b~
Cftn-•lll!SH f10Z:fM H!NlfSS
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ALL-AT .. •...
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rRustr;ited World EAcyc:lopedi•
priced lowest. llEOAllNES MHmOowN, ...,..n''""HW"'" M' •LONS' Of the!.e 3 fine encyclopedias. onty the lllu1tr1ted World kf,.,.AWAT'S IW'Ot!TtO llEMQlD $499 ~iO ·ls not sold --lo-door, .l>Od can Ile pvr-SCOTCH WHISKY .... . \ 5 ' $, ~o'"""" . UCE
i. .. , ... ,. ......... •CAJlllED PIClllC . .... •3•• • •• GiCtDIH (ftMf 5 ...... $, • •
ciiosed dlre<lly from us for o total oosL OI only $40.29 -•-" • · · iil MAINI Lin (Seethecom~rl!Neprac~ -.) .......,, ..... ,U.HUNU 9 ....... ~::;;; • •" w"""1n R I D ONIONS · BIER 6 ',:'.," 7 • ", ..... ,. 11.:·:••:·~·:·:··:·~·~:·:·~·r~~::..:-:.::'"'-::,:'-:;::·•:-:4e:ee:••~·:·.,.:::::.·:•M:_~....IL!!!!~!!.~.!!...:::-::...~~__:~.:!!,~~-=::;:::::::!!!==:
2 i l9•
2 !29•
rooo G4ANT • 11w. cu.a
DIPS :: ·
.. ..
l·lb. con ••••.. 69c
2-lh,""' ....•. $1.37
3-lb. COil ...... $'1:99
KINGSFOltD 8RIQUEJTES, 10-lb. bog ..1.: .... _, ________ 119, . . . HUNT'S
LIPTOH TEA (Y,.11J.'s1c> TEA BAGs, pkg. of 48 .......... _. 61c CATS UP 23 PILISBURY HUNGRY JACK PAHCAXE MJX. 12-oz. pkg. -59c I<" b11. '
B&M BROWN BRE.AD, 16-oL COii ••••• -....... 37c TOMATO.SAUCE
HI.( FRUIT DRINKS,""°" (0/1$ ··---···-··-·· 3 fl)( $1 "' • .:'°", 21c ~~"'39c UPTOfl 8£EF OR CHltKEN STROGONbff, reg. pkg.:.-..... 77c _ -·
ROYAL GELATINS, ASSORTED , :kz. pkgs. -·····-3 for.29c scon BATHROOM TISSUE, 4-roll·pq<k .......... : .......... 39c
KERMIN FROZEN FRUIT KES, ~ of 6 . -···. -49c
PILLSBURY CAXE MIX (elCCO!lf Angell reg. pkg. ··-·-· 39c
~ 73'
2300 B arbor B lvcf. at Wilson.St.,_ Barbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa
l ' I '
. '
Contaloupe Boat Splits . . . .
Shefbet '.·(ools:·Q.essert '·,
-( ... • '" t •
•"t1-1 ... ,... . "!.-,.·1.;-1..'· t, !
Serve Sauc1 ~he~ GM:.: F'rui}. ~ina: "!.:~ ... ::'"' ~ Scr\·es _ ~ 1, -
dol1s, I h ~ sumiii!·stitF" Angel Oa~ COconut • _,. • (Ult. ~WI t '
banana. 11phls. Th~' I r" Whipped cream ~ ', . -;. f cu,p •(lih:OOl'IC1t•tuf ru r.efreshing, colorrul afid' easy ,.... 1 h "'-' L!i :.. , 1 ed ''" · 1 _. , • to prepare. 1ne y c op,.-.;u pu ~ , Ov eapp ~ .,. .., • .,
Top the tonltolas with ~me . Quarter c 't n l • I o tt .P e I:' . 1 \lblespoon1 a.pr
plneappley fn1ft. topping. Make leilgthwise. RemoVe 1eecta: and l'tablespqon cornstarch
it ahead and chill it until serv· rind. Place each. qUarte(. in 11 ~~ Relerved plneapp\e syrup
ing lime ... ?' . dl!11ert or banana 11plit dllh': .,, ,plus wit• to.make in cup
For an 1!fdtd. run touch, In· Place 2.srriaU scoops s6ifbet 1 · tablespoeil(;'fl'.. 011 an1· e
letl 11 1mall flag on 11 (about v, cup each) on ~Q(' ·mannalade • ....
toothpick 1n en,-or the sherbet can41Joupe. S~ aboUt i Drain pineapple: rue.rve
acoops. ' '· • -' t1blespoons P'fuit·T Opp In a syrup. Combine 1ugar and
SAUCY SllERRET over sherbet. Sprinkle wlth cornstarch. Stir in pi~pple
QONJ>9LAS coconUI. and !l)TUp watet'Jnlxture. ,
2 medlµm 'canl.aJoupes Gamiah wM wliipped cream Cook over medium hut,
W......,, A ... 11 20, 1 ...
ft t 0
' • . _. RtODN . . ·fROZIN
• '
TV Dinners: . 10·oz. Pk1 •..
Varlotloi j7c6 F.
:~·Tomato .. • • •
' 8 oz. Tin
•• •
• American Beauty.,
~ • 'fl:J ~ • , 26 C!L Pkg.:"
R•t· 47c
··3 ·4· ; ' .. .. . . ' ,
.•:. l I .
,. -, ......
f { '
~· :' .. •t • • 0
.. ,. ~ 3i>2-11n
....... ; •.; ,f.;·;:. .. t ....
DEL MONTI /. . c _ rsu-~~;;;._'.·
26 -. .-.,. , 4J.c •
.. 29.t.:
1·1b • . .,
~ •. ·9 . ' . . c
: 1 -.h+ •
• • •• . .
· .. ~ ' .
'J t r ·
1 qu art r'spberry, pinca npl t': and nuts. Serve immedi1tety 1tirrin1 constantly u n ti I
or orangt sherbet or com~ with sma~lags on toothpick.I. thk:kened inti clear. Stir-.ln
bination of three 14' .: jMided : each condoll. rriarmaladt':. Chill. j 1 • .......... ~ .. ~ .. .PEPSI COLA . Faultless ' Plnltti Dfilinther
SPRAY: STARCH • <. ~-", ... .., r... /, ..
4. " ••
" ·' ·,;. A HONEY 0, /4 SUM1'1.l'it 'CqQLEll I .. .,
" 1\ • ..
Melons Balls < Ref resh
lltfruhina &Ulllllitr lunches ~re If cool n the l'IOliless whn
.i;ervu them. And cool Is the wOrd for thla 1usc1 ... .-com-
bilJIUon of fr~h mekm ball1
;and •lrawbcrrle~ topped with .
a d•llghlrul Honty P'rull
complei.e your lunCh. 1dd 1
t•ll pitcher o( your favorl&.e ltt
cold beverage.
2 ep11, slightly beaten
'< cup honty
\~ cup canned plne11pple
.,l Cho or11nge juicr.
J lable&poon grated oran&c , .. ,
cept IOllr cream, In a uuce
pan. Coot over low heat. stif.
rtnt COTIJllnlly until thicken-
Chill !horou1hly b •for•
folding In d1tlry sour cream.
~1akcs I cup drcs.t\ng. Keeps
"'ell under rclrlge;ation. l
. ~
15 ~.
• DETERGENT 10 Pock '
. c 4',.C
• 1 11
• ••
.·7c Ill
i"o"MA'r·o Ju, c ................. s1c
BA,GS ........ .... .. .• . 89C
IL MONTI -JOO Tl11 2 7 T 0 M A f 0 S A.U C E . . .. . .. • .. .. .. . C . .
. 5c
) l l lb -'···· "' 'ti • -·1 .. "• ,
CORN anti a1nl
303 Tin
ON ..THE-PENINSULA..-.608-1. IALIOA-11;.vo.·--p.HONE -673-1310 --f-'""I
HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M.
Palm Leaf Coffee Cake 11cl.~
nff the u.Jad perfecilly. Thig
rich. tender cofttfll'! CAl\11'! ts fill·
ed with Californ ia seediest
rllslm and choice almondl. To
1, cup dairy sour cream
Combine all lqrtdienta, U·
The melon ball!J c11n be
made a couple days ahead .
Store in 11 tightly covered con-1
llioer in Lbe retria:erator. .• ~--IJ!ll••llll•••••••••illl••••••••••••lllitii .. •••••••••I
I·' )
€1osed Mouthed .. Clams +~p~.et· Metaphe r=s's Ap ·ple Pie ·Order
~ f . • ~ ·1
NEW YORX (UPI) -Food perlodlcally lhrouah the nlgfll we know IUI an unbake<I crual ·meanlnc ollppery. U.ppy as a 11 much aa i,o d~ \owei: ·'II'~ wilh I-or ill ~ fllb . la the lhea(er, 1 lib i . butler up !h" ~. ~ P e P t • r1 lbe we -'tl't a,W1.ktMci by the with a jumble of apple 1Ucea. clam at hllh Ude 1ntikea sense than the air teQlpetafure on 1 :noram b.h.vlor. C<twards" .,. tilrkef ia a 1how ihat flopa. A take Uler dke, eat tnelr cake
that 1 boo~=~ sound oi. fea&tina: clam. 11 Maybe the tuthor was thtnk· -s~ clam.-d.lutns la done ·warm day. . c.alMid dUcken-hearted.1 or JlWng duck ls an eaQ' ta.rgel 'and have_ 1t too.
od lh8..llll>jocL . their sbe[il <(AJ)k~ 'I""'' ing of Frencll 'apple la!U, In when lht tide la OUI. You'll lake uiat with • lll'•ln cblc)i....U\'Ond, a1ter th 1 We kMw people who spe-U y°"'re· the oort who likfa
•b'· h . . 1 the ~des of the bucket which the fmit is arranpd Cool as a cucumber is l(Cltf'-of salt? So, take a cucumber's UmklH.~g fowl. clatiu in upsetting the apple · to llave a nacer ln evert-pit;~
A i.a c eese in our office Ctn Moral: Don't Cry over 1pilt neatly, row upon row. · tifically aound. The W•11 temperature on a warm dQ' The are said ,to be cart, put an their eggs in one make your o\m Ult. Jf Yo'.!' ~ words, • VIP·tfpe) aua· milk -or-Joat sleep. Nert · But all 'ls not aour grapes. Growers Asan., representin1 and ~ for ~rself if the piaisb; ~ ad-tempered are basket. keep harken Ing to their •think the idea ia strlctly from
•1ested that we collect a batch lime use a plastic pall. Or buy Some food figures of speech the Arizona and C.alifornla vegetable is warm as toast. . criliby, aild ahyn~ Mlf be salad days, CO[llider the world hunger, however, ~ae it!
of ~m. Such 1 column would canned chowder. are ·aound : Flat. as a flounder , vege.table and melon industry, A rew unfortunate bird! and take:n tor sh·eepistmesa. their oyster1. otter the milk of But firs\. spill the bWw te
ae.11'\ike hotcakes. Apple pie order alsOJs open flat as a pancake, slij,pery as says the in&1dt, temperature of animals are maligned by Allyone who cozriplalns is beef· humafl k n d n es s , pull someone e1se.1t may be hb.or
At the, risk of be!ag: cort:lY· to question. •tost pie-makers an eel, ButterfiQ&ers, alsp a cUCU11\b9r on U;le vine can lie metaphors. Ge e se are. ing. An «centric Is called a chestnuts out of the tire, drh1lc her cup of tea. · we milked a few d1Cuonar1es __ _;_ ___ __:_ ___ _._, ------,-----------~-------~------------~~---'------dry and hoped we .. badn1t bit· tep orr more than we could
ctiew. Metapho rs run
lhroughQUt \iterature.Jp,i ; just
read Shakespeare if yoo. don't
thfnk that writers wt.mi whole
hog. J .11·~ '.
ror a ~tarter, •Wei ~~lied a
vacation al a seashort<coltaje
where we ac c idental l y
disproye4 a met.aph()r about
closed mouthed as a clam.
\Vhoever coiried the phrase
never tried to sleep near a
metal pailful or h u n g r y
We, hod dumped several
quarts or quahogs, or chowder
clams, into a pall with' large
amount ,o/ CjOl'n meal. Theory
iJ. the ~ams eat the meal and 'r
5imlillaneous.ly eject '1ny sand
they've ingested recently.
They ate -and ate -and
ate. We know. bec au se
Fortu nate
SIZES 1-16
. ""1fT,..;.., 1lf ...r-
to start a vacation off ~ight, to
go e,verywhere. c;'~~o.ss
yoke. hi-rise neckline Are 'top
fashion details.
Printed Pattern 9215: NEW
fllisses" Sizes·8, JO, 12, 14. 16.
Size 12 (bust 34) tak~. I~~
yardo Cf>.lnch,
roins for each pattern -add
15 cents for each pattern for
first class mailing and special
handling : olherwise third-class
delivery will take three weeks
or more. Send to ~1arian
ltlartin, the DAILY PILOT,
442 Pattern Dept.. 232 West
18tl'I St., N~w York. N.Y.
10011. Pr~nl NAME, AD-
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Spring.Summer Pa t-t..e r n
Catalog. Pree pattern coupon.
50 cents.
.11ew today. wear tomQrrow, $1.
Book answers all what-to-wear
probl~ms. Double wardrobe'.
AC'Ce!'isory, figure tips. $1.
Beet Salad
Molds Set
l can 181, ounces) sliced
I package C3 ouncesJ lemon·
navor gelatin
1,{c cup red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaSpoon!l well drained
Salad greens
Soot cream. if desired
Turn beets Into a strainer
ae.t over a 1-pint measure and
drain. thoroughl y.
To the beet llqtiid add
enough water to make 2 cups:
brlng lo a boil ; pour over
celatin; stir to dissolve : stir in
vinegar, !411 and horseradish.
Chop drained beets Cine and
edd. Tum into a 3.cup ring
mold. t"
Chill 411UI ..i. 'Uomold :
them will be a thin layer of
boneradish at top of ul\o
mold~ so lid.
BONELESS CHUCK STEAK '"''"'~'"""""'" 98i ·PORK SAUSAGE ,,.,,,,,.,,,, .... w.,;._ .. f:: ... : ..... ~ 59i, FRESH OCEAN PERCH ,,,,.,,,,,,,,., ............ '' 79i
ARM CUT CHUCK ROAST '""'"'""""""'" 791 BONELESS.MINI HAM °""'"'''"""'"'"""·"·· 1 •9 STl.iFFED BELL ' PEPPERS ·~~ ........... : ....... '• 89i
'BO'NELESS CROSS .RIB ROAST , ............ (1• 106 SLICED BACON ,,_ ........... c .............. -.~"'"'f"65i SPICY TACO 'FILLING ;m .... ,,, ... , ........... ,,,,. 69i
90NE!ifSS·BUrr PORK ROAST '""'"""·'6~ 'FllEStt _PACIFIC _g YsTERS io .......... ~ ... : ..... 89i MEAT LQAF : ... , ... " .. ,: .............................. 691
Bt·ADE CUT PORK STEAK ........ ,,.,, ........ :.,.78i SUCED 'HALfBUT c. ...... , ...... : ..... :.: ............ ,.J "' CANNED HAM w;.,·.c,, ... ., ....................... ,, ... 4"
••• FR.ESH PICNIC • . ' Armour Cloverbloom
Pork Roast Chuck· Steak . . TURKEYS Ground Beef . '· '
3 LBS. OR 'j · .BLADE
I '~f
l 0 to 16
POTATO SALAD ,.,,'""" .. "" .................. ,,, .. 391 ALL 'MEA:r· Wl~NERS """' .. ; ...................... 7 Si S,WISS CHEESE '""'"''",;., ............... : .......... ,98 i
PILLSBURY BISCUITS ...... ·~·-"' .............. 9i 'ALL BEEF 'BOl.:OGNA .,;. ... .,.. ............... "" 791 CHEDDAR CHEESE """"'·''""'"'w.,,... ............... 109
'·r · I • ' \ ' , . .
• Save·atA lb ertson·s ""'~~':} · · Save·atAlbertson·s •:::~~ ·,;~· Save at Albertson's •::~~ :.~ Sa ve at Albertson 's
DOG FOOD ~:'.::::::::.'.~;:,·.·....... /35' .16i TEA BAGS ,,, ..... «"'' ............. 69 • 65i IN~TANT. ~OFFH :'::·:::::~.':' ... ·1" 1" SfAGNETTI ~'.:.'.'.:'.:'.',~:.~~ .... ..
COLD p·oWER ,,;'\"" ............ 85' 7-3 DETERGENT.•:~·'"'""""·,.,,._,,, 39 ' 3,i 'MAZOl:.4 .Oil .. ~"'"'' .......... · 1."' ./9-9i DRr Bl.EACH ................. ..
RICEARONl ••,._.,,. .. k.. 39 35 INST ' . ""' ·s•uo CHBA S 5' 53i RICEARONI'""··•···"""'··-· ~·(~·<lt•M""' a~i .... ' ANT .COFF,Et v~~·lni ......... _.1 39 ••• ,.,. WI G ~"":•l}Oo •··· ...,' • ' lu,••tM•••<,701 •••••
.BLACK PEPPER ..... ""'... ..... 35 33i LIQUID STARCH "~" ,,,. .: ....... 31 , .211 .. 1~MALr5 ••• .,, .... , ............... · ~71 :4:3i :il'ABY FQOD ................... ..
0 & C ONIONS , • ,.,,., "" .... 31 c 29i NOODLES ~::;.::~:~.:·;'.,.. ........... 31 " 291 ,'~,USHRQOMS~::;;.~:;~ ......... :29'. 2'8! BABY FOOD °'''""'"'" ..... ..
99, 79! DRESSING w ..... ,,,,,. ,,,, ......... 69 ' 66'1 BREAKFASTc ...... ,,,,.,.: .......... 79 : 72i BAR SO.AP ,,., ....... " ........ .
39, 37! LIPTON'S,,..,,,., .. ,,, ............... 79 • 75i DISINFECTANT ''"'"'"'" ........ 65• 54i FOIL WRAP ., •• ""•ry••••: ... ..
THEME PANTY • Al llRllON'I 'COASTAL M,., h i4oy's .1.,1 lit Gtrlooo ' POPllCI!"
BOOK . HOSE ICE LEMON BREADED ' Chocolate Relresho
•m. Sfi '"'" 78. 1 CREAM AQE SHRIMP CAl<E BAR :~:., -~"!~ '1,',~:'· '$91' '" 101 '" 794· "°' 781 "" 4/1.
) Q,~~ \ JOO 5'9• COf,\PLEll 19 8 ~ • \\_. COUNT ,. ltEG.
· " · ,!CG. '1'" '7'" ..
OlMlt Olll
,jl(f PJl(I
35• 331
77 < 62¢
39 , 351
11 c 1))1
15 ' t 4 i
/21c 10i
65< 59!
"DOUBLE DEAL" Prod uce Specials 0:.~;~;,~: In-Store Bakery
' •• i.ARGE-RICH CHOCOLATE .. :ECLAIRS .... ~~~~ Bartlett ·· .. '., PEARS . ·'·\ /' ' ~ \
,., \~ ) ........... lb.
.. . Salad Toma.toes
·-·~ B"""E""E" R ··:~,;~.. ·39~
lb. .. Vo DK A "'"""". 311 . '"'°"""''''"'"" ........ .
BELL PEPPERS ""'"""" .... '. ...... ,. 18
GREEN CABBAGE ~·::,;,~'.'.: ......... lb 7i
SCOTCH ....... ~... 5''
• ''
001 '""°"·~ .............. POTATO OLLS BEER lu<l,teg!"&'°"~ 11, R. , ligh1and Te11der1do1
D·~~ lout., So•o Ill •••••••••••••••• HOT DOG BUNS .... , '""" DRESSING •OD'SGEORMA<•,, 49 VIN ROSE 951 100015LAND o•OlUf"O "'""' ¢ ::,~~'.",,,,,,,,,,,,, HA'MBURGER BUNS RMdy Sliu d
ROQUffORTreg,9s .•.•.••. ,.,,,, BRANDY 3'' CAK't DONUT(" ~:Oldf h , '-----.....------~--·-'-.. ' . . ........ . ;J ·-"''"'"•
Wl.fF\E'> 39 ¢
C•V-.E5 . II •>
GRA"IU\ATfr1 73 i
50•P Cl FAB withBorax 0~~,j9·:~!00L ::~: ':;;:
Garnish with salad greens:
aerve with sour cream as a dMlin& If used. (llot.«tyl•
WV aalad.J
Huntington Bt ach -15511 So. Edwards
Laguna Btach -700 So. Coast Hwy. .. Fountain Yaney -16042 Magnolia HuntlngtOll Beach -8911 Adams
Coro,1M1 dt l Mar-3049 Coast Hwy. ,.
\ \
. . ------
• '
-~-------..-----------..... -•
Wednesday, AJ.1911st. 20, 19&9 DAILY •ILOT fl f
Souerktaut'f Flour. Cdm/:iinec/. • , ..
. I. • • f ( • I ' \
• tem~ns . ,F.lavpr C::ake' Mjx · ' • • • ' plelcly on coke ~ Snack Proportions
·D~All NAN' I arn wooder-
inJ if you t.ave ever COQle
acro1s a recipe 'l•l~I 11uer·
kraut, flour, lard a.dcr1 dtn't
know what el1e ao11 ~o I kbow
1ht propor\fe;al. It wa1 snlxed
to~ether, rolled out like pie
cru i;t. I lrlid.....--to dupllcak It
In my oven but coWd only
guess .at. t~~)°J' !~ll~·
a Mystery
If you like, 1prinkle with
conrectioner1' (powMrei) IU·
gar. '1be large maount of lem-
on juice called for lives tana
It l:f an~·~astA: ~ ~nd I~~~ it i 1 ~aketl, on
" slo ~dlf. ~ h'!I a sligh ts wa,,, so 1 r,Of!f e re~ · tolbide
;o fronl ~Jlh<r lrwoul!I be
;1 snaik IOod.~·14 · ~t, /Who .
1nade '"1.l:":was o Bohtmia , "'fff •t I )'I<" 1lesc~nl. .~ '!' ~l' I _1 1 "" , -MRS. JOH N SC I LEJI,
i~t.ad1sm1 h. Wltf:· •
1 hav••i-.:eU yoUr ~ti.ell for \
1nonlhs ltl the h'6R*':'.}t~kl 'J
toint> across sonietfilng llke
1his hut I haven 't even comt
elose. Sounds like somelhins
the snack.Cracker p e op l t
Nan Wiley
DJ:Afl NAN: Could yotz'. tell
me'bow to make my own bun
,;proull? Do yGu need speclaJ
beans or will .11\,l,Jqnd dq? . ·r
North E4~'mb, Mal"' .
Mung beans are regar~ed ;is ,
bcsL suited to lhe ~
~!though in some areas of the
Orient they use th eir native
J<oy beans-Regu lar groceries
in some areas of the country
-1nainly East and West
roasts -may carry the
J\lunss bul they are practically
;i staple itcn1 at gourmet or
food .6pe cia lty shops
('\·ervwherc. Or wherever they
:-ell Oriental food su pplies. The
grow · it. yourself techni{jue
isn't difficult and they are so
superior lo the canned variety
lhcre is r.o comparison.
18f!JillliJ IROl:ll 1000 BUYI
OR ., Ftr Shcint·
7-BONF fr,' """'"" •1.;_ . TOMATOEf ' "'15'
a .ROWN ONIONS < ! ... t I' i"~lder~Oti .. ~. 98• :~;.,:.:.~·-~-~~~ ·fi,;r._:11111~.,~.: .. ~ 45• MUMS .. ~:;:; •1•.•
Gr•und Chuck >; :~, '.~~~~ • .,.. • 691~ . Ga , Det,~gent . ~~~, 6 '
'Comish Game Hens · ~:J!,.79! Ii. ·wal<iil Beans '""'";i:zz.°" .. 35'
Roasting Chickens~:~~lOWN 55~~ Comet Cleanser .~1·, 2 ~'i:lt 29'
.,$lie~ la.con '"bill~~,. pl •. ~ 7341 Gr.-., efruit ·Jui• ~~~ ~L . 35' .
\V..NfTENDER u.s.o.A: CHOICE ·'RIB · ,. 'I . .
fllSll SWORDFISH SlWS '111
llESll fWT OF DOVll SOU '1~~
ll11P'rt'1 fried $c.ollops ,.,..,.,l,,., .. , 1<.01. $1 ,S~
lh1ptrf'1 f1e1cn fricd Ho!lbut """ ... , .. n 01 ?Jc
llu~rl'1 fn1••11 frit'd Solo ............... ll-Ol.1lic
J1v,perl'1 fish Stick1 ............... 101 ~!c · uo169c
DAl-lv.N TASTY 69' CANNID aACON .......... 1.u.
~,,,__., -'I" llONILUI H~ ............ '.'·
You can spread ·tfie beans
out in a shallow tra Y wllh just
about 'ii inch of water. The
beans should not be ~tiaUrely
covered wilh water. !r~ant
just enough mb~t~re to m'ake
Lhem sprout. I )lave al SQ lie a rd
or people placing them on a
bed of tiny pebbles in a pan of
79' . 79
~nher~' the~ inu11 be
kept ii)' a dar place for fast
sprouting. A closet or base-
n1cDt would do tiut don 't forget
:tbout them or they'll start
souring \\•ith an aroma that's
hard to shake. Sprouting takes
about 1~·0 days or so. '
Then the sprobls should be
refrigerated but not for mo re
than two or thrfM! da)'S. The)' ~hould be w$1: wa,s~d an
drained beforf: ,'UJllng. Aside '
fro1n being an lpgredie:pt in
<·hop sucy, etcl lhey~a"
:111 fully good silt-Cried. oss
1hc1n in cooking 'in ln a illet,
along w1th a tittle ~"'lip reen
iin1on for ;i few ~Ute~. Keep ~
st irring, then add·salt•lO taste. '
Meet Rice
'~ cup raisine
a lablespoona 1weet sherry
1 cup conve rted-type ri ce ', cup large drained capen:
2 tablespoons butler
In a small miring bowl pour
!hr ~herry over the raisins; let
-i::ind~tstirrtn& a~fef' 1J.imq1 ... •• ': ;
f hir Wfet'• Feofur•1
··""'" Sal .. l S.ack 11'#1 Wll~J.. 29' -*• °"'' ••
' DOU~L~ •. l(JJI CHIP
rrAMPS with this COU•
pon on .the fot1I, amount • ~ •ny P\frch1M exclud•
1.,. lfquor, toblcco 11'd
fluid milk products. 1
coupon p • r customer.
Coupon good Thursd•y
~ru s~~·y, Autul! 21, 1 to Thuri<11y, Autul! 24. 1 ·• • 1~
' I ·' . "
Ol'Cmlflht, • I \t ' c09~ ~ice aceo«lfu "111 .·-""""•°"'""'""""-..........
_ .. .....,.c,,m.. , .................... .,. , .• """"'"",.. I . anr P<ickaet tll.ttcilolb ulthi):thl Oll•lfff Gr,.,.,-.. ............... ., .. 2 "t' 'Uc 7-Up t•.l'iM PIH 11:u.. .................. -........... si.tt ~lvo Toothpaste V.il ler and.hit tilled for: W\th tfVfltl Whole Pt•l•d Ta-*' -UM25c $.CM(. 1tft1 ~.f ~·flow M&.ftotf&OI..' 62c. ~
;i fork •. h • I; raillns fincJudin& ~ni.lo111ataSaweY(illlllfl •~r..,.,.1 .. J:, ... :* 1~.0L ~!\Iii 1.:.9' •• 1 ,.,.......,~....,. ............ ,., .... ,.tit' ~ (' 75" ... ~ ... ;,...:...--' \ 11' Rny sh~ that lSn t ab!Or-b-HVflh. ,...,..., TOll!Cl'IOft 4c.1i1t .......... : ......... 2Ji IOfTll '111.u P•ptOiftftt MllltT'oOfh\wiSM .._ • ._,_"!'"' Mc •· ............ fJCTtti U!oK\1£ 1\111, • •••• ••••• • • • • • • • •
•dli,lc:.~ ,rei~~;'.•'r 1.11, 10H-Adams-Ave., If Brookhursl, Huntington ·Belch ' -u 17950 Mlanol 1, FOuiiftln-Yilliy
21082 Be1ch Blvd., Huntington Beach """'' are Pl~pac~. rillJe 3 '081 Doh P ' D ' ( ' I Be h '"·""'d water and drain before " eny lfK flYe, ap1s rano IC using. 5922 Edinger Ave., al Springdale, Hunlinglon Beach
' ,
~ •--------------~-------
---~-.. ·~ .. . . . ..... -. . . " . .. . . . . -• • t •••
• .. . ,
Alpha Beta's
Man In Blue
"''The 3 2 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS _in this . ad plus . these
'Save: you ! 1~&0*''
•Total M'ri•P ~-.111.:. ~fi~11~~t.ase Thi h(Wt WOll!f N 11111C11 ~ M. 6,bocll!Ojl U¥ •Wf lntllllt•
. ' .
~SAVE lqff\t"ALPHA HT~t
ll1'tl r ~('lUl<jf~
f 1 ~ "'' J Al
....... 12,876 TOTAL DIS~ctUNTS ,
• S... tt• _. wll" OOUlll D/KOUHTJ' • ~
l)tj .icM•'''" N¥iap for )'Oii. NMt ,_.lllle '' ,1 iMdlt._fllrtblisl With ~t rffM(tlollf ' IC •.J'' • 19 "'fo IM for \111111 tl!r'oU(llollt tht • I ,._ • ~"'fl.
/MIX 'IM 01
. 300 COON)' ~ ,
' 2" s111
89c 411 ......
49c 441
89c 81 4
••'f ' ' ;' I /t . . 'L
1U1 It 01:0 i.JIJ NTS
I ' (PY 'JAY
_, ,,, '
SOME AlllMA l(T.t, '
SJOAES tlSCOUH.t I' ~llGE ,110£ ' . ~ ~ . ~.iiL'll.,,.,.•l"\illCl:<AH '1'4' ~SllGad Ptlcns · 11c •
~m;,......l·o~CAH ~·FRUITCOCITAIL l!I' 17'
ii'EL0itiln'DRiii''"JIT gc 81
~ 8 OUNCE CAN • GOtDtN C!ltAM 011 -~ iill"M:'~'° Corn 20' 161
~'OUNCE CAN 151 · -~Del Monte Peas 18'
@ DEL M01''TE . I ouMiit CAN ..;•
CUT OR FRENCH SUCEO 11..' . GVEll BEAllS 18' v ',,; ~·<
il£L'0ioAte .sP1111cH,1a:1 '13r
' . .. .
SWEIT •JUll:'l'•VALCNCIA 8 l '1 ORAIBES · · · . '
LUI.CH llTS 211 $251
SAVE 7, WITH• TtfiS ~ •
• .. ONE. ONLY
~CAN .
,.. ............ " DEL MOITE
loi'Ric1•s AMIOllA 49c 451
i 'Ysol's'iiil&'v""""' 98c a 91
@illcllis'(c'ta iils°''"s9c 491
TllOZtN •AU. VA111Li\£S
lllQUET DINllERS 43c 371
Usiit'1n · 6'11viiEliS' 49c 441
iuii'iuRRirbsUN"" 39c 371
11/,-07. GRttN CHIU BURRYYOS 49c 41c
FlloztN • 6 O'Z. CA.I:• !ILGUUJI OR PINI:;
AlPllll lml. 111 LllOllADE !Oo VAlUr.
1% OZ. CAN •~ VALut 210
28' 251
@ Mif"O-:Mi"' 1 OCMT 25' 224 .
@ ii~i~~;.~;ALO•~ 49' 401
coLL1'Eil'is'Blli'QuETs 89' 691
20·LI. llAG l.M fl-'S
l\IT~l !11 C( jlj !<;
[ Tl R• 0~'
2'f1 OUN'CtjAl'l CUDAHY DllEll Kif
.!. otlNct JAJ\
55c 621 "° ...
IZ JNCHtS ~ 2S root 110U. 4fti
3 OUNCE PACl:AGES • SLICED • BE Er• PASTllAMI •HAM • COJlh'EDtltEf if~s' S1~WicH MEATS 3!c 31;
GALLO Slll;!D SALAM~ ~ -' 6 OUNq£ PA.CV.OE. t8c Ilk
!lPffR JETI . • 'h. GAllOH 351 IMITATION MILJ. 39c: VALUt
~ KRAn-• \.LB CAJllON ~ uriai1~r''"0 37e 321
iPLit2QfLS 1~AsNiRLATt:D 31c 21'
l rMON JUMl!IO ( n oz ) • SUGAR 1u::os ~l··~to ~88~1~$1 BAR (11·~~ 38¢
@ 46 m. CA.It' GRAPE;Al'PlLGRAPt
_ WllCHAOE 'DRINKS 3!c 32'
ELECTRIC Pl:RI: •DC M'COfff.f. l-lb. Cao 89c VU'
~P§f.OR l.37 Jl.lS
l-LB. c-'i·REGIJU.R OR ELECl'Rl~l'EM. 2.!Tl 11.9'
llfs"'/~~T 90< 81¢
'=_C/' 10 OUNGE'JAA 1.39 11,lt
. '
I li\l.siAN • R!GUUft Gll!ND C ljANB011N 68. j COffEE ,. 71e
-~..,... 1-LB'. CAN'-REGULA.JI GP.IND .=riAi~~~Fm 1sc 721
~ Your A HA BETA Neighborhocid Butcher
, ··, (the Manin the Red Aplon) Pioudly Otters
•U.S. IOYD:NM£NT rNSn:cno lfEf,
AlPHA BETA imar1 nJDl
l(lN lNO M[ATV • 1-1111 MINIMUM ~ fltOM EASTE~f'I f(O l'OllK
~ l'OIK LOIN 53,
ROAST ~1• •. • .HAll ,
OLMI Pll:IC[ WlnlOllT COUPON 17c. SOM£ SfORU CHAll6€ 31~ • 0~[ COUPOH PER f.l.UILY-ADULJ'S oM_y
CDUPOll IOOI -UL 21· ' ·.
SKINLESS "" '°"' 3 •$1 ALPHA BETA JV!Cllrl 11111 BEEF "S'C:ORllED BEEF 79'
LINK SAUSAGE :;:'(; : '"'m" oooncss "'"'"' "" •~"'"' ~BR!ISIET • . . · CLOD SIEWlll~ FAlllLY SHORT . CHUCK ·
.. f lSMEllM[N. F~oru• • 24.oz. 89' 1olsr em · ·sruK 1tr1s sruK·
FISH STICKS , ••. ,,., $109 49• 69•~1!,\.~;,.lt.',;W 53~ "''"' """'. '""'' 3 •$1 • ~ IEEF SAUSAGE SLICED TURKEY , . .,,"" :
MEAT PRICES fmtTIVE TW~ thfou&h WEDNESDAY MJGl.JST 21 lhmuth 27 ·-
SlORE HOURS MON. lhru Fill. 10 A.M.-9 P:M. SAT. and SUN. 10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
COSTA MESA.-.2411. l7 .. St.
HUHTINCiTOfll IUCH-11fl1 N. MM St.
SOUTH U.C.UNA-JotJJ S. C..r Hi_.,
U.SUNA HILU-2JS41 C.n. • ... ltih41
laYtNE-11041 C•hotof, V~ P.t
' " • " '1
. -
~J.:1 . ~
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~r ,. ...
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•. -i. • . • • • '• ' ..... •.l.,·~ , ,\'• t
" . ' ' ''
• .
Back-To-School is a Family Fun Affair
· · · · · at Fashion Island
' Fashion l'slilnd is a 'busy ~nd exi:iting place to shop.
Join the cheerful hustle and,bustle;is 58 stores present
the very latest in school apparel and supplies. See the
great news ori the inside pages.
See the ·big professional and amateur PHOTO·
. GRAPHIC EXHIBITS on the Mall Thursday, Frid;ay,
· Saturday, August 21·23. Vote f11r your favorites foa'
Valuable Prizes.
' P1<lfic Cout Hlahway between Jllllboftt and MacArlhur, Freew•y minuttt aw1y.
' . ., . '
' ''
' I
• •
-I .
• . -
' "
, ... ~-·. '.~f I lt: ft -"='I. • J i
.f ~~. ' .,
., . .. . . . _, ~ _{ .. . -...
·' .. ' ....... • .. ..
" .
1 l
' I'
' .
i:lfl':::' c;oolo::::_;:lli:;;•:..:l:::•l:::_.="''":i:PP:<:l:.:.om=•"""'...:•:...I :...thoc.-O.-"lly,_p;_i.t_,,_...:'W_..i--'.,_A_Uf..:.-2:...0:..., ·-"-'":
Sigl;it ~~.,Sounds'.'S:hO~·ReaCli ~d . for,F otQrama
,cl.Ck radios v,iu;.j at nearly d.11 'throos~ toeh day In .. 1~ pro~"' p~otogr•plier(~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pl each and 20 sell 'c:if nve · Ung those \flit aft Pttbllstitd . usoclat1on 1'ftk:l:t la •ctM:~
stereo· r~d ·albdrm each. MARs 1ca.REUPS1 both at • sUit. and ~fion8l
wortb approxfm.atel:y -$~ pet · Also on 4l1Jplay wlll be high lev~[ • 1 1 , , • a(t. . · ~ · resolution 1louy printa of the . ~ ~ c u l\f e n \ • ~ 10, ~ eli&ible 'for ~~. Op-:·c_loseu1>1" of Mars t~k~ dur· ? pres_\dent r ~ .th~ c O'U n l y ~1~~-=~ ~~~!~e:,'"~11!~-:=-~-~=i~~ i!:ateri~;-~ · IJl~tw· v~uvtx.,'C
bas to~l!!S !? assist ,th~ DAI-These l)lcturea, furnished by displv. <bl !* th,teknao com-·
L \' P11ATE• an~ the· Fiohlon the Jeq•ropu~lon Laboratory. mJlltO ~ htil· ofg•lilzfltion. • ' ANN II AL
. ·ts1!1fld M~~~'-!ts _ ~~uon Paqdena. show the surface of '1,'lie ;com~ltteefuen were Cbfit '\\ · 'of ~ •
selecl a granij ptlze w1Mer lft the Red Planet in detail never ''·~ Jlichard A. Pucillo_.. , , · ONCEoA·YEA R ·
the Fotorama Camera Con-before seen by man. ~eY ~·Vanderveen " . • •
tesl. An~ 1he first plcturu of th• .!BB&T wl;;. SHOTS •, NYLON
TM three-week contest con· moons surface taken by • .:0~11w-. auci.d by tho DAILY P)WT "tourlats" there . also will be •• 'Gold' Seal will dlSplay TRtcor
at 1 prelutlt to Fot.oratn1 w&J ' oo dlaplay.: The pictures, made :!velfnl ~ ,.,_ ; ~~ni: J.
• open I• any "'OiJ-lonal . by Aslrooauts Neil A~msu.ng 'wtiicb ~"'.Jl or th . PAN t"'E
fhotographer. Thret winners and ''luiz" Aldrin during • nln l1lriil"in .e Wlf\-'j
'1 Jffre selected eacb week. their. 2~ stay on the ~~!'Cl=~ SA' lt:rf AfSll PRIZE .Lunar surface clearly show . ....-• .::.?i:.~l"'ers · a 01!·
11ie Fashion If 1 and. il\ln's footprirrtl on the moon, ~ ~pq.i~~ plus, M>me of • t ~nirchants' group ,.-.. -1 closeup shot of Armstrong's /Uit:. ~ndout bionoraole men-,
W«th ol·prius for the contest ll<at •l•P 10 the ""°"• the ' llllS· ·. · _August 20' through ·30 -1~ per week to be diviMd American t\ag and JCif!a\lfic "".mn~g ·~f'Ules In the 10 DAYS ONLYI lo~g UJe 1DtJ thr~ wlnn>rs apparalUI the "Moon Men" C1iij~.fievada c o n.tes.t •
..,. OJld ag addiUonal lllJO, all lefl btlllnd alld otherviews far amal\f 'Apictaled P.1·e." • NYLON BRIEF
111 ' r.illt\lbo f•laJ"d gift surpuslng 8"1 of thf televised photogr~s will ~prlle lit ·tor \tie grand images 9f0\ Ne\ t• earth QUr· another 1iiJPiay in the big pie-"' •Mr.' iog the •-u-It~·~·-. ture.ibow. • . 4 S '7 r . '"~ ""'"IV ~ . __ ·_.t~-Whitt Only. Si1es: · -, . IDt> <three wll\l\ors one Ano!MI' P h o t o 1 rt p h l c And ._ sectill!I of the
..... ~ ~ of the eo~lest, ·displ&j will feature MMnl of show '!~Qy some of the Regular $1 .SO
wiJl have · u.,jr .,. I ft n l n g the (tnest work of prQfwtonal best pie tf the put Yt!ai: photogra~ .. 1a,. displlJ at photographers from O.-anre by the ~winning DAILY y91or..,,a, ~ Vi!iloro will Coullly and other p;lft• of PILOT ' Slaff. · ·
' M.-askel tt •..., the pie-Southern California, ftis col-The Y: P,lLOT displly ~ and ~ .. ' -tbe wiM1r lecUon or pictures w a s also wi lDl;llude an el•
by popular • .;.• ~ ~ t COOrdi!llled by ProfW!onal planalioo " bow pbotographa
Ballotin' k JilMbtd by PbotQINDhers West, the are Preparfd fQf publlcatloh in
!' two Pr111foma~ .. ..-,b_O its _ Ortinge County chapter of a the new~r,
FOTORAMA SOUNDS -Stewardess student from OCC Margie Woodley (left,
front), Karen Jorgensen (right, front) and Mae Shinoda (left, rear) listen tG
tiome of the "sound" prizes to be won at Fotorama. Ed Arnold. -radio ·station
KOCM's operations manager, demonstrates stereo -console which tops list of
prizes offered to gene'ral public at Votorama at Fotorama.
.-. .
V owrama Exhibit Visitors
Can W in $1,000 in Items
manufactur.ed,. by lht
Automatic VotiDt M.icbhw · _.
Corp., Jamestown, N. Y.
'nte machines furnisbfd for
Votorama by AVM are euctly
like units the Eastern cor·
goration has pro~ the
Oiunty of Orange buy for
future Qfficial elections to bt
held in the cgunty.
Votes a r-e mech.,ani cally
"recorded and a final f.tlly can
be printed off the ma(}hines
within minutes after the polls
Another machin& exJM!Cf,ed
lo intrigue Fotorama vl1ltors
is a United Press lntern4Uonal
Unifax, the machine· Which
e I e c t ronically rep~c•
"wire photos" from ifllptitses
carried on telephone tll\if.
The ·UPI machine, Installed
as a cooperative effort of
United Press International and
the Pacific Telephone Com·
pany, will be tied into the UPI
. " . network and will bring plc-One of the biggest sights to ti1~ ~bl1c.Thursday through The ''sound'' prizes, all furn-tu res to the Fotorama display
and gound .. shows ever stajtd Safu~day with show hours 10 ished by KOCM, include a at the same instant that they
in the ~ge Coast ~a1 ~ a.m~:.to S:30 pm. On Thursday stereo C<>nsole record player are arriving at the DAILY
day is being assem'61Cd oh o? tfi4'1:·Saturday and from io ,;,J and FM.AM radio valued at PILOT plant
St.age Court in the ~ ~ a~IQ ... t'O 9 p.m. on Jo'riday, ., ... n .. ~•iiearly $360. three portablL _~how visito(i,wilt ~ able to
the winding mall of Ftlshlon V0ToRA!\1A ~FM-AM radios with built-in ?ice . exactly the same .out·
Jsland. . t n casette recording .00 play-pouring of news and feature The Bhow, Fotorama at One' of the high ghts of'lh~ back units valu '~ almost photos from aroond the world
J.uhion Island, has been shoW is expected , lo be $JIO each. FM Mi / "cube'' that D.\lLY PILOT editors
"' · ted by 1.He b.ftlLY ''Vol.Orama at Fotorafl\a,t• 1 · · -
40% ~.~
26.00 •• 15.49
35.00 ,; 21.90
Whi~ o;,,y, s;,.. <1-s.6,
Rogulor $1.3S
. c
P•rm ·Press
Bright Print
s4s9 Reg.
phal'lt b44-0l 70
a-10 1.m. ftl 6 11.m. dilly; MOn. Ind Fri. la •::JO p"'
Jand will off:r;J5ttors jol11t venture' of 'the DAILY ' w1;.; S' h I A l 1~.;\' .. /h~~J,;~n .. : ~:~~;n 1~r:nd·!':.·F~oc: ... · ·,. ;· · • · · ·riere opping s "ii.'· Rea Pleasure . ~ .
• things to do, thal)~ _'t<1 lion. Votorama offers vWtcirJI _ ~sponsors coopetat1ng lo Fotoramli~a cM.nC'fi Li> win
production. prizes with a total :·va"l,lM! ~of
ama will be openi.1ree more lhan $1 ,100. '
lb ~a ~~,?~~~ar~~!~~by?.S~!ard ~ • il&-: Will. be -using new of Education by a..:'.llDlnimous
CS · teitboob this fall, vote. /
eruti,ng a lOng,'and con· ··it Is an eclectic reading
Ing contfoveny ove r so-program designed to• be used
ed "phonics vS. Jook·say ." slatewide In a\1 s@ools, rural
:LQok-say can now be drop-and urban; advantaged and
jjeSl from our vocabulary. It is tlisadvan~ged; English-speak·
4 ·;j1ead issue,'.' «ays Dr. D. ing and bilingual,'' Dr. Parks
~sell Parks, vice chairman said. . ii the State Curriculum Com· Mr11. Elaine H. Stowe who
mission and superintendent of headed the commiSsion's
Fulleton Elementary Schools. reading subcommittee until
The $11.1 million basic and her recent resignation, to take
supplementary textbook pro. advantage of a year's leave of
gram. Dr. Parks explains, absence lrom her' post as
completes Introduction or al!l language arts specialist for
phonics skills by the end o[ the Sacramento City S c h o o 1 s ,
second grade and provides for points out that over 40.14
teaching of the alphabet in the persons took a year to scree
first grade. It was approved all new reading te:s:tbooks
Silverplated accent dis h.
Fill it with a wine bottle.
Load it With hon bo"s.
Accent the posittvo.
S!O. a pair
S I.:A.VI~'S
J•w•l•rt Sinct 19 17
.•• ~IWPOll.r lfA:CH -•44· 1110
.,.;, C'llt .... >.'tTIJUnT Wt~ -11.,11(,t,1'\l'•ICt"'' MllU~ C.11•""· l&I
0~ M!N'6ty. ''"'•Y .,,.i.l ••)O I'"'
\ i
' ,, • • .. •
' ' ... ' . . '
' '
We ftre re.,dy ..• fe.,turl ng the Horbor ftreo's
finest selection of Ba~k-To-School Shoes.
The lote.+ in f•1hl11n-ri9ht· shoes fitted by th•
expertly traliit~ staff of both st•tit Alto shop o~r
lorge selection of leotards, tites on d ohildrens pursos.
' l
. Maul Etfaeat.ers Thl~k So ~
lh tellige nle T~sts Unfair . to G~tto Children?
WASIID.IGTON, O.C. -Is "mucb more U!eful !or !be lormatlm ,U..1 we need lo bt<n feWng aatlslactloa from OUl"'11 comlucted In a ;ff S~iled lntell'«en« teal! ocbool to know what eacll baYe -JntelUience .. , aoMn1 probl_ems In acboohnd elementary 1 c b o o I
will ,. Ille way of l!Chool atudellt'1 mental profile I• Undoubtedly, more primary al home." ~. Dr. mwcbets found illal'
segregation if some educ1ton tban lo bow merely what his abilltiff wW be idenUOed and Soritac nows. ls hl&hlY ·lm·
have their w.,. IQ la." (By m.,,141 prolUe, she '°'"' oC ~ conclWl!ool ,.. portant in Ille ahowlnl ooe atudtnb havo a b l 1 bl
lQ tests now gi\·en In means the total picture of a have reached may hive to bt make•~ 1Q. score.s. dmlope4 1w1rene11 cl'..,. _ schools. lh_!Y._argye, !_Le e b 11 d 'a abilities, aptitudes, changed." Thi1 theory was at !tut ••11tlure." ;•
4eslgned !or white, middle -elC:) t'. W:-SO..ti(, wnlli\flifthe partiAlly b«ll.-OUtby a rOC<Dt-n--chlldrm--ve ovmly:
class children, and represent ' "So far,'' Prof e 111 or same NEA pamphlet, con· study made by W'Yfl6 State ciitlcal ol them&elves whtn, :•
an alien wOrkl t.o kids who Thurstone. conUnues, "we have eludes that a child'• "IQ 'sc(lre University a'nd U11lveralty of compared •I~ white students. :
grow up in the ghetto. , -bare~:::•Y:..':..":..rt.:.ed:::...:to.:..:.ob:..t•:..l:..n :..th.:.•.:.i"":.__:i:.• .::lik:::•:::IY:..toc:, _:be:::...:belte=:::'.:::11..:h;;•_:h;;•:•. __:M:..i:..ch_,ll,_•:.."_:psychologl.::.;__:.::...sts_. _r,,, __ tbe __ -_•_rcli_·_•_h_•_•_•_d • ,•
Questions asked on stan-1~ "
dardlsed IQ tesbl, educators t.
claim, assume that a I I
children have fathers, know
what a trte"is, and live in mki·
die ·class surroundtna:s. But a
.substantial number of. ghetto
Children have no fatha1, rare-
ly ste a tree in their asphalt
world, and are more familiar
with rats than ponjes or othet
creatures that middle class
children learn to know. Evtn
thelangµageusedontQ tesu
is alien' to ghetto residents,
some educators say.
"Our present IQ tests are
not lilt~ly to judge fairly the
abilities GI ghetto childrtn,"
writes Frank B. Womer In a
publication of the National
, EducaUon Association. Dr.
Womer, in ''Test Norms:
Their Use and Interpretation,"
states that existing tests
' generally assume equal educa·
tionaJ backgrounds. But, he
warns, learning opportunities
vary greatly between middle
class and ghetto children.
' ... -
Karen Jor9tn1ei1, Mae ·sh.inoc11 (·Ri9.fjt } Check 'Ou;t Tet.,hoto Machin•
Robert Coles, a Harvard
psychiatrist, f e e I s stan·
dardized IQ tests are a
mockery when used with ghet-
to children. ''t.fy ch.iklren
v.'Ould flunk their JQ test" if
one v.·ere devised on the ex-
periences and the "rich and
vibrant'' language of the ghet·
lo. he declares. Dr. Coles goes
rurtber and charges that in-tell~kence testing in general is
a · naJve and liimple-minded
\Yay of looking at human
beings·• of all colors and
.\Vired for Pi~tu1·es
'J 1 '
News Phot.os Go 1nstantly to Exhibit
Moi'e. than 500,000 miles of
leased1 tele~e lines in the
Ul\lted Statts'X and overseas
will lead dirtctl1 to Fotorama
at Fashion~,fallnd !or three
days starting Tfiursday.
The half-million miles of
1elephone wires is the network
which ties together t h e
worldwide facilities ol United
Press lntemational. T.h e y
literally make it possible for
the DAILY PILOT lo receive
in its .newsroom w i t h i n
minutes after the event a
facsimile of a dramatic news
photo shot halfway around the
A bomb explodes in the U.S.
Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon;
a transoceanic jet plane plum-
mets to earth in Tokyo, killing
half a hundred. passengers~ a
train derails in Arkansas; a
heart transplant patient holds
a news conference in South
Africa -pictures of all of
these evenl!I can be in the
DAILY PILOT new s room
within less than an hour after
they happen .
And visitors to Fotorama at
Fashion Island will be able to
see the machine that makes it
possible -and see it actually
in operation.
Through cooperation o (
United Press International and
the Pacific Telephone Com-
pany, a UPI Unirax machine
actually tied into the UPI
news cireuit will be on dsipay
throughout the big picture
' show at lhe Newport Beach The scanning and the receiv· races.· ~lopping. center, While It is generally agreed ing are virtually d o n e tha' · t I b.l
Sbow ••.1·,,·ton will -e new• · 1 1 bee h • primary men a a 1 lties •. ""' s1mu taneous y au~ t e · h ·
Photos reprodu-d by tile · 1 , 1 , are m er1ted, there is growing .... 1mpu ses .rave across grea ~ .,. 1· ,. th t h
mach'."• a• ••e same ,·nstan' d. 1 1 1 1-.:a 1za.1on a we ave much ·~ • "'' • 1stances v a te ephonc incs 1 I · h of d that the same pictures are in micro-seconds. . o earn in t e way evelop-
being fed into a duplicate WTSA DOTS 1ng more accurate methods
machine in the wire room of Of m e a s u r i n g these the DAILY PILOT. The average picture is com-ab 11 it i es-particularly of
The facsmile machine, pro-prised of 630.000 dots -each minority ... children with dif-dot made by the winking on of fercnt cultural backgrounds
duct of years of research by the licanning light. But the p of Th Im G : UPI, uses a continuous roll of r essor e a u1nn
paper about I.he thickness of dots are so tiny and blend so Thurstone, writing in the NEA well with each other that they pamphie• "Your C h ,. I d ' good. white bond and "burns'' • I appear to the human eye as a Intelligence" notes "the en· an image into the paper mergin., of one tone "'ith · t h hild through the u~" of electn·cal " VU"Onmen t at a c grows ""' another lo create an overall up 1·0 d •• str gth f h. charges. an 1o11e en o 11
'JOLTS' VARY image - a picture. desire to do well have a good
The intensi ly of the e\cc-Best "shots'' of each day of deal or influence on how ef·
trical impulses determines the the Fotorama show from UPI ficiently he uses his abliitiea"
amount that the paper is burn· will be on display alongside -and scores on IQ tests.
ed. A strong jolt makes a _th_e_u_ru_·_ra_x_m_a_c_h_in_e_. ____ P_ro_f_'""-'_:.T_hur_st_on_•_fee_l!::_::it
black spot; lesser jolts make
spots of varying shades of
The electrical fmpulscs are
generated by a tiny beam of
light -about the size of a
human hair -scanning the
original picture.
The light travels along a
track to scan the picture in
rows which produce a line-by·
line "Jook11 at the picture in
much the same way that lines
show up on a television pie·
'""· ll takes the beam of light
eight minutes to scan every
square inch of the picture. It
also takes eight minutes for
the facslmile rnach1ne to
reei!ive the electrical impulses
and to reproduce the picture.
after time ... Za1es
Reg. 6 .99 Moc baa wide watchband strap with rrtat
rilt buckle. Jt.'1 a rial!lic bnml:e·waxbide UPJW ~th aoft,
1quared loe.Jfve now on lhil sophisUcateclcarapu.a choice!
• T11*9d .. ....
JBW B L B B B ...
.. • '
• '
. .
-V111ntt1 ''"'" .t .,._ ...,, And, wllelller )'OU
have a minus or plus figure. , , we hM Just the 1111
to make )'DU !ook &r!at under talfJ)us. clothes,
"Mais Ou!~, I.lit "Zephaire" for juniors, I.II
"Femln\que", 1.11 !'Youna Beauty" ·4,H . . ' Foundations, ~I I stores except Marina .
fl ewport Center 11 Fashiai lsland • 644-2200 •.Mon., Thurs., Fri..10:00 ti ll 9:30 0~11days 10:!.'0 fiR ~. . . .... ' ...
'-".;....... '''"""· •• ..,,,,,,. .. of '"' Delly Plitt, w• .. A•t· 20, '"'
Pilot 'Expos.es' Photo -Winners
Finl Wiik Winner, By Lloyd Denny
Third W••k Winn•r, By Cory s•1•t
Fotorama Contest· Cli~ks With Photogs·
Visitors to Pick Grand Prize Winner in. Fashion Isl.and Votorama
DAILY PILOT editors and
pboto staff &till haven't com-
"pletely recovered from the
m<Wive job of sifting nearly
2Ml pictures to pick nine win-
.ners·ln the Fotorama Camera
Fotorama who will be asked to
participate ln "Votorama at
Folorama" by selecting the
winner bf popular vote.
First week of the contest
drew exacUy 50 prints, "and
that's not a made-up figure,"
said Tom McCann, DAILY
PILOT public service
to vole for their favorite pie·
tures by using Printomatic
voUng uniU furnished by the
Automatic VoUng Machine
Corp. of Jamestown, N.Y.
The type of machine being
used tn Votorama Is under
study by the "task force" of
citizens appointed by the
Orange County Board of
Supervisors to 11tudy various
automated voting systems for
possible future uSe in official
elections held in Orange Coun-
"We've devised what t think
Fotcirama visitors wiO find is
a 'fun' ballot," said Reg
Jones, director of promotion
at Fashion Jsland. In addition
to voting on the prize winning
pictures, Votorama
pa rticipants will be asked
about shopping habits and
about thei r feelings on con·
troversial current events.
Votorama voters each will
be eliglble to win prizes
furnished by radio 8tatlon
The prize list includes 26 in-
dividual prizes worth a total of
more than $1,100.
The contest. open to any
'noll1lrofessional photographer,
ran for three weeks prior to
It offered weekly prize5 of
$25 for first place, •1 & for lee·
md place and •to for third place -all in Fashion Island
gift certificates furnished by
the Fashion Island Merchant&
Association -and an ad-
ditional $500 In gift cerWicale!
for the grand prize winner.
Inte.re.st in the contest oir ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I vloosly gained momentum.,:
Second week entries broughl
in 72 prints and area shutter·
The blg prize winner will be
determined by visitors to
as submitted 126 prints for
ju ing in the third and final
of the contest.
The flrst place winners from
each week will have blownup
prlnt.s of their prize pictures
on dlrplay at Fotorama.
Shaw visitors will be asked
Second Week Wlnn•r, By John s,,.rk1
e Mll I. (OA•T HWY. e 1111t ~AVIME AVE. c-. ........ .,...... ""°"""" .... ,.. fMal ¥14 LIDO ~ leldl,, a..c5' ,.....,, ._., ,,,.... e 11101 tHtoH'S eH MIMIOtl "LAfllO l'tthlM 1111""
................ ~ "...,.,, llll!ldl
SCHO'O.L! ,. ' ' It's not so ba·d ••• RUSSO'S invites personally conducted
trips through their store and visit with many of the many
pets which is a "magic land" for children, as well as educa-
tional! Have the teacher give us a cell and a tour will be
arranged! School is not so bad!
"Tlie C:odlllu. of Aq11arl11111s"
I 0-Gallon
500/o o"
I I . 95
I 0-Gallon
15-Ga llon
I 0.95
25°/o o"
RUSSO'S 20 Years E . .:perlence
Invites You to Visit The Followin g Bre edo in Ou r Love Room :
• Airtdal• • Yorkshlr• T•rrier •German Sh•ph•rd e Italian Greyhound e Poodle • Afghan • Springer Spaniel e Dachshund e Old Entll1h
• Sheltie •Collie • Wel sh Terrier
Finest Selection
e Red Tlbbey
•Cream ,
• Brown T1blirty'I
00 '
Typical bargains from over 100 titles
Ii! HOW TO WATCff 1 1"°9. Ir "°91t l1rto11, l!lu1. wllh dr1wi110• l cl\1111. Ccmpl111 guhlt fer
1 IHll'IC9 ·i nd 14Ytrncl4 bird w111:1\tr, Wllal lo t.ld, bllhl, l>olll i. fMlt1,., binding, phol~
11r1plllf11, 111,iu:tlng. 1"1111. 191 S.50. ··
0 l'Ol!Cf· COl!l!UPTIOH: THE TAl'N ISHED IADOE. ly It L l m\111. '•clual r1port e11 h JNllee ac11'd1J. 11111 ~ Mocblll A111trle11n t itles, w11ll , ... hl1tor!" 91 pollc1 cottuplion dfllwn trut
ofl!el1J lllY'l1tlg1tlo1111PON-Pub. al 4.N.
a WHY 'l'Ol.lfo!CI MO'THElllll l'l!:EL TMJ'Pm. Tlllrty-lwo ·-" '" thtlf' DWfl word• t.n liow 11elt -.at..d 11'11 IMO!Uble prolllem• 01 loo Utlle tlfl'lll and 100 1111nr pr1M<i•M !ram their hu1bancM,
~ Mid dllldr1n. "1b. 91 4.15.
D 1i1V l ll'E WITH QIAl'LIN. All lntl1111te Uitlftolr. 8r Lita Grey Ch1pl111 wltll M. C-r. 41 "'°''*'
°Ufllflblbl!td, -/It lflOr)' OI Cl'wplln'I MCOfld ltClfllt~ IN!rl• 10 I lelft.IQI jilt!! the ptnlill
IO'fttl tti. l1inon Md lnl-, ll'lol lncndlble ll'IOl99ni. of·Pta&ioft 1/lll bn.tlt lll)' lh 1!llt COftlP'nr
111 .. nlua. Pub. 111..15.
'[]GOOD HEALTH AHD COMMON SEl'(Sf. 0.fl Dille A .. 111ChT"1 ¥1.-Oii how :JOll lltt 111.,. better
Fliitllh, ~"'"' 111 ....... II•• lorl;ltl Dt ... 1,,. COlll-M llM ,,... 11U1111 th• right IO'Olh •t th• n o11t
111"•· PW. oat l .15. ,
0 ltOW TO acr A OOUAl!;'S VALUE FOii; A OOUJ.R SPENr. ll)' Arthur Mi11011 ... ,.,K. lry Fiii•
Arnrlt, v.iu1bl9 •d"flc• on 10111w. tn•l•ll,...nt lwyinj, '"0'1119G••· IJlock$ ol bond .. lood burlng,
lftll!t•l>I'•. •tc:. W1lll concr.t•, •••r-10-tollow ngg•lllona. Pvb. •I 4.15.
0 THE Pill CONSPIRACY. By G. Jotln1e>11. Yoe Mould ,.ad thil book If you l1kto 0Hl1 fDf dl1t1nf,
l'iii1dac"-1, t•1nq~Utz.r1. birth control, 1!c. H••• 11 It.. lrUth •bout 1ddlellon, •llPl'•lmenHUon,,
•11~1 ... n• ... •le.. Plltl • .a 4.DS.
0 YOGA FOl't 8EAllTY. 11 ,A. V1oll11 I M, ""9 .. n. 11111f. '11th photo. & dr1Winp. HoW to •111 yo~ng •l'ld bt.,rillul In 111111. bod., &11d 01plrtt lhro11gh Yoo• l l\l<CIMI tor""" Ind •omen., di9!,
•lffp, hygl9"9, 1lc. Pub..¥ :S.25.
!il A MOVEABLE FEA.IT, By Em11I Hl"'lngw..,. G1<19ro .... ligft.:1 ot 1~•ttl\tt1 1'1>m H•mlngw1"(• 11 In P•rl• du•lng 1"-19211'•: m1glc •ve><:t llont ol • 1lroll 1 ong th1 S.Jn1. 1 v11J1 wllll Syl-..1
8 11ch, .. 1111 G•f!rl!d• S!tln. conw111llon1 1nd d1y1 wil l! Etft Pound, For d M1do1t Ford, Stolt f il19•r1Jd, 111d mUch mo11. Pub. 11 .&.16.
Q TliE KLANSMA N. B1 Wm. Briodlo•d Hul1. A chntlngly' '91ll1tle 110 ... 1 ol lhl Kl111 In Ill• $oul"i
tod1y, or tt1 d11dly 1lt•tl on whll• •nd bl1c1r cm .. .,. 111••: how 1 "''" h1ndrul ol Kl1111"''" <lo111ln1t1 ll>Ous1n<11 ot 1o·C1ll1d 1<•1 ln<llvldwl1 1n<I co111111/I crlll\tl !hi t llorrlly thl 1nllr• r11llon.
Pub, 1t 6.95.
(]HIGHWAY ROBBERY. By Crowll19r l Wlnrhoull. Sc.ndtlau• true story of tlow U.S. fll"'°'11!1
••• bllkld out of S1,000,0QO 000 ,..,.,.,, }'tlU: •Pl•d. tri p•, ci r r1p1lr 9"f'P1. ln1u11nc• r1l•1, "'" •n<f u116-c1r d1•t.r1' fflc~1. "llr111 P1)'11l1nl~ flC~•ll, m1n1 DIMr ltQl l 1nd l!!•D•I f11ud1 -•nd tlo#
you Cl n pro11ct )Ol;rHlt. Pub. al.&.~. ·
0 DEATH 1N ROME. By Robt. K1li. r!11t 1utllo1l11!1w 1ctount ol tr.. ArM1Un1 C1w1 m11Hcr1 fri "<rllll du•lng Wotld Wrr n. Tl\9 lull, hoffor·M19d llory of Hltl1•'• rrp•l•l l -10 1!1ll1n1 ,,,,,.
mln11td ,for 11t h G11"'11n kllild b'f 1e p1rll...,n1 who 1tt1ckld 150 SS poll~-1"'9 lndiltfl"'lnll•
•n1lch1n; 11! lnnoc1nt wort111, cl11k1, pl'ly11lel•n1, J•w1, boy1, •tc., ln I 1lloc~ong blocdbll!I. Pub,
111.95. 0 SEX AHO 'l'OUR HEART. By Myton BrrnlGn; lnt•o. by Philip Allc:M'1. M 0. NtW 1n1w1" 111•
1'01>41 for 1v1•yon• .. uh 1 h111r condrrlon: drawl on c 1lnlc1I 11udle1 of l"llUI p1ll11111 tf> 1n1w•r 1w1y <1U1Mion •DOul h11n 11t1ln durlnq H •u•I lnlertoufH , p.0~t•bl1 •••u•I 1dju11tn1nl1 ror I~•
p11i1nl 1nd p1li•nf1 "'"•· 111vc:h mo1•. Pub. •I 4.95.
()AN OPERATIONAL NECESSITY. lly Gwyn Gullin, Pow1rlul, I UPttbly Wfi!lln l!Dty 'If m1n .t
Wlf 1nd cl w1'1lm1 mu•der 111 lh• !.GUiii A1!1ntlc 111 Wo•ld W1r II, cllmu1d by ore ct 1"• !!IOlt
•l•"rtrylno coul1100111 1c'"'' 111 modern t1e11011. Put>, 1\ & •s.
11 AN EXPENS~VE ~LACE TO OIE. By Li n O.!gh!on. 1utnG1" or lhl 1ocr111 F1l1, Jun1•1! I" llt•h"·
M Biiiion Ooll1r B11!11. ,fu1alher d1ulht9, l"1l1c111 11ory er lnl1rn1Uon1I ""''' 1nd l"'Pe"n'"1
c 1t11l•oph1. P11l1 to1m1 1111 b1ctuar0«nd -"' ttamy unOtr1ld• or 1ocll l 11111lit1, dtUOI, bl1,km11I, "'1!•d1r 1nd 1111 q1M1Uonabl1 1chona ol 91!!11""9 diplomlll. Pub, 1\ l .9S.
0 COMPLETE BOOK OF FAMILY BOATI NG. lly Shirley A""llr. Deflnill"11 l11111ly bc1l1r'1 •u•d•
troll! .. 1.c11011 o/ -!• i nd fflU•Pmtnt lo ooc-lng prcH:•dur11. 1nt1rt1lnlng 1t101rd. 11l•IY 11 '''"' lon9 v1c1tlon p11p•r•l1on1 i nd "lnl•r Cu• ind ato11gr. II pl>OIOl and dt1w1n~ Pub. II 5.00.
0 MAAAJAGE FOR BEGINNERS. Br M"y Wllll1111.1. Fhal com11191• book w•llll11 !or )'OUflf brld11
1nd gtOIHl)I. W11m, pr1c11c1I 1dvic• on pr11bllm1 1111\ 1<111 Jn any coun1lllp 1nd mur1101. Pub.
•t 515. n THE MASI( OF loPOUO. By Mary R1n1ult, •11lltol" or I.ell or I.hi Wi1>1 1nd Bu!I F'1>111 IM Ste.
Ab1orblng n-1 .. , In O...ce 1111h• "'"' wntury 11.C. Th• '1ory Pl Pltlo, Ill• f•ltf!d Dion •!Id !he •rr•nt O!o11y11i0fo I.old lhlougll 1111 1.,.,.,prtheUo •Y'I• ol ~ill9rllor., lfaglc •~or 1nd lrtglc kiwr, Pub. 1l 5.tS.
11 BEAUTY BEAST. By MtcKl11I., X11'11or • .._rtul, '"111111!1 M¥11 ol • mill 111 .. on IN Oult
, f"°G11t In 1&$4, 1l Ill• you119. bn...Ulul, twl~ld-.d o""'r 1nd Ir.. """ 11'11 kiwd. Pub. 11 1.95.
0 BURIEO T,llEA.SURE: lHE VOYAGE OF ll!E MEii.MAH. 81 T. Wright Ind I. Suttofl. \llua. '"IUti
ri11o101, mt lt'I 1nd lltt1rs. D11~1c, ""' 1tory ol'· 1"-••trcfl lor tlM l1m'td cl'turcll tr111ur1 wor11t '100.000,000. Pub. •It.es.
0 COMI! AS A CONQUEROR. l'f F1anktl" M. D1vl1, Jr. Flrll 1t0fll0tllttn1lwo lllelc'l' of A1111rlc•'•
moll dlftlcull pollllctl·mlllllf'I' OJ)lr1Uon: 1"-G•fffllr> oc~up1!1on. At 1dlbl1, humrn, till1d '"Ith
1111edot1• 1bout •wryon• ltlM<l top P1rlon1111 do""· 24 photoa. Pub. 1l $..IS.
0 llPlOTHEFIS IN AR'-IS. 111 H•n1 H•llroiut Kl .. t, llillt·ll!IUllO Glm1111 11owll1t. •ulhot cl lh•
lru•M• Alch l1!r11ogy. A. bnital, comD9U1n1 no.,.I ._hlCh 11 1110 1 11rdonlc port11il o! Ille Gt /• m.1ny lhlt tUNl .. d t~• WU. Pub. It 11.05.
0 THE OFFICl'A.L GU!OE OF UNlTf:O STATES PAPER MONEY. By Th1odo11 Ki "''"· Th• only
COlllPlll•, hlrdtcwr bf>Ot On l"-1ubJtcl or COlllCtinQ OIPt • 111ontJ. Llll U dtlllr bU'fir>g 1nd atlllllg prte.1 ol 111 de110mln1t!cn1. L1rg1 u ctton on MJ1prr11t1 1nd Errorr, Mu~h more. full'f
Ul111t11\1d. tto p1g•1. Pub. 1! 3.00.
0 THE AMEPllCAN H&"AlTH SCANOAt. lly ii!. Tun!1y. Obit cliw, f1ctu11 "ll<UI on ._hy th1 ... 111111111 n1tlon he1 11cond "'• m1dlc1I c11•. how t"-ll•11!h 91p growa d1Uv. whi t r •1d1 re b• done. "1111 crn bt don• by 1w••a• t1"'1!111 u~a.r pr•Mnt condition.. Pub. •t 4.95.
0 HOr l'IOO MAGAZINE l'EA.RllOOK. Hund11d1 ol photo1. T1chnl~1r "'ltl titl ol lt1!1n; lnt1111t. !"°UPI'• 110¢!! 1ng1 ..... •P•CI•! IQUlpm•nl, .,,.,1111 1d1pl1Ho111, co1111>41tiliOn&. Pub. It 4 15.
0 HOW TO MAKE lOVE IN FIVE LANGUAGES. l y Oorl1 Liiiy, E~ll'l'1 edvlc1 d11l9n1d to 11•1•
'"' 9!•1 COD41 w11h ro•••gn ch.,1r1111 1nd ell"'"''· Jnclue11 c101s1•y or us..blt col!ocrultl •hr1M1 In ••ch l1nou1g1. lllu1u111d. Pull. 11 3 95.
0 SPY: 20 YEARS IN SOVIET SECRET SERVICE. Ge'"°" l f>n1d1l1'1 """'01 ... \llui!rt\td '"'llt
Piloto1, flfat llJnd 1ccoun\ of melhod1 wlrhl n 1"'9 11p1on1gr 1111, b1 !hi C1n1di1n.bo1n m1111r •ttnt .... lltl. II I I~.
Q THE SINGLE WOMEN. 111 Phy1ll1 I. Ra.111!1111. C-.!ll(ln H ft••, p•t cllt1t 9uJd1nr1 lc•1hl wom•"
wTIG Jlw1 1!on1. l\ttr 11l1rlonll'llP wUl'I 1111111Inlow111d ••J, how to pl tit • llw.b•nd. roo. Pub, 11 •.511.
0 CHPllSTINE JORGENSON. P•ra<>n1I 1utobla911phy with 2' pllotoL fuU. ln!1m1I• ll!1 llory of
11"11 world l1tflOUI llln•••u1! end flew t h• h11 •dlu1t1d to her "*" Iii• 11!1r Ill• l'IU&h publleln • 01nl11! OPl'flllon. Pub. 1\ 1.15.
n STILL OU1Et ON THE WEST'EAH F1'10HT; 50 'l'EAAS U.TEl'I. By Ge111 Smitn . .&00 ... 11•1 ol Wa•l•
W1r I b11tl1ground1 11 ll'Mly ••• today. lncludlng V•rdun 1nd BlllllU•Wood, thrlr pll11 or ru1Unt
Wirt I nd "'l""t•, cru111b1!ng dugoul1, unu.riklchd 1M1!1. Pub. 1t 3.75. n TliE COUNTRY 1EAM.. B'f Robin Moo<1, 'lulhor of Thi Grun S.r1t1, liuo1. 1xolo.i .. 1tory <If
llow I US. OCll••llon1I unit kllpa 1n A1l1n nation on our 1IC11. lnclud11 1111 polillt .. l•••ch•ry
lcriu•1, llllcn ind ••ollc io.... drug t11a 1nd 9111rrlll• w1rl1 r•. Pub. 1t 1.•~. ' n THE SEX KICK: EROTICISM IN AMERICA.. l'f Tr11!1111 Coflln. ln!crm1d, •mu.Ing •nd ln)1~ C.1l'1>}1no 1ccoun1 ol cur m•d pu<1ult l0< llleQ. Pub. 1t S.9!.
0 THE TRAIL Of ntE POPPY: BEHINO THE MASK OF THE MARA. By Cll11l11 S!119u11 lnermdibl•
t•ut 11ory or • r.a,.1 ro1ttcllc1 •o•nt w110 '"'cc ... 1ur1y l11liltr1!•d 1111 91ng1 111 Ill• gtOb11 pu•1u1t <1! doCll J)l<klll !I. Pub. II 4.05.
n HOOSE OF CAROS. By St1nl•J Ellln. 81tl·Hlllnc 1tOfJ of w1111na1 •nd lnl•!9u• In hl;h 0110•1 rn rrenc• In u ... wl1111oc11~·· ·•hoc~ino 11w11rton1 or 1p11no 1nd duplltl1y Jn lnt••n•tlcnrl '"'"'· Pub. •I 5.95. 'o MORE OVE R SEXTEEN. B1 J, M. El91tl. SIQUll to lh• f1bulcu1 boclt of IODhll tltl ltd ~U!!IQf
w1!1> rlb-llt~llng 1111cdo!11, 75 "'lvldly 1nlm1tld~11r1tlon1, 34 In color. Pub 11 3.00. ' n GOLF LESSONS f"RO M SAM SNEAD. Buie~ll•uctlon ltom ··1119 9rlp" to "'I"-lo"; Ql!!lt" f"w')' pl\11• or p11r In onr co"'p•d vo!um1. ~ l l lJ le loller" d•1win91. Pub. 1l 2.95, ·
0 THE C41'1E OF YOUl't IKIN, By H. l1'"r1nc., M.O. Slmp11, lltlpfUI 1dvic1 on lrtl!!!lt nl or re~
br ~'"Ill' cl11n1ln<;r. dl•I Ind ••••cl111 lnt!t1d cl "1ur• Cu••" cr•1rhl i nd 1onlt1. Pab. rt 215. n '-IATHEMATICS FOl'I E\IERYOHE. By F". Klfno•r. Clear ••Pl1n1Uon er bet!c 1111th nymbt• 1y .. *'"''· 1lg1b11. •<IUll!IH'll, fflph1 •lld geo ..... 111c IOfJ!'I. Pub. •l 4 1~ '
0 llVING WJTH OIA8ETES. Br E. Tolllol, M.O. Thi mod•m dl1b9llc rre1!m111t whlth ,,.,,,,;19 no1"'1I h~•no. Pull. irt 2.511.
0 JUOO HAN0800K. By G, A. Ed,.11d• •lld A. Pl. M1n1lt 1. Cow•1 lh• ._hol• ~tld ._Uhout bl!"I too i.t l\11lt1L !DI pjlolot. lnvllurbl9 lor .. 11-d•llnH. pl\)'ticll fltf111e i nd h11llh. fl'\jb. 11 3.00.
0 THE MEANING OF YOUR DlllEAMS. By F. M11Unl. 0..r too dt•llM 111t1d b1 1ub/•cl 111 d!tllo""' • 111 to1111 end fnlel'l'f•ltd b)' !"-l""°us utrologltl, D91mll'I •nd h1ndwlilinc 11111)'11. $fiitdt.1. n THE IHTEA RUPTEO JOURNEY: lWO LOST M001'111 A.BOARO A.· fl YING SAUCE It Br Jphn G
Tu1i.r. Slrtng• 1ccwnl of l"9 abducllOll ol '" Am.rk1n eoupl9 1b1"d •n Unld•ntlilld f 1Ytn9 otrltd •hll9 111 roul• frOlll Cen1de to tti.lr ,... H•mPtl\ffl "-11 r-1lld lo 1119111 under ttierye1111c h~not1IL Pub. 11 s.~ '
0 Al.ICE !N WOMANLANO Oii TliE ':EMIMINE MISTAKE. 9y M. llnnttL All ,,,....,.nt cbMNi lht ..
4111 w-n • pl1w thll •1<11 IM pant,.. oll boWI n~. Thi l'tmlnlfll M)'llique. 511• 411d lhl O!lk• ere. Pllb. I I .&.85, •
D GOOO TIME CHAl'ILIE. 8y VM811 Crllllll Dll!gll!fUI ••• ol . Nit Glr-lctl vm ... "'' ...,.
lnvtdld '"-111ll1or'1 1p1rtmlnt Ofll 1Umntw nlgN. l ed 1lklW•d ltlmHll 10 bl Pl'l'lll...,,.d to ''"~' 11 hit llom•. PllO. 1t 2.15.
0 Fil!ANCE AEBOPlN: A M.ISTOPlY 0" TI-IE l.IBEPlA.llON. l y 1'1obtrt Aro". l'llehf'f tlelillld 11 b•Olnt with O.G1ull1 trying to .. curt rtcognJUon ffom AooH ... lt 11\d Churcilll' x lodol ;•
O..OtJ 1nd 1nd1 l•lu111ph1nll)' ,.1111 O.G1ull9 I lnl )Qr ln!••n1Uon.t1 tti u11. Pub. I I l.IO, .. 1 p 1 '"
0 THE COMPACT ENGLISH HAN OBOOK. h r!Kt guide 10 oood wrltl1t11, l•Olll IPllllllf llld ,11,,.
tu111Gn to m.to•lt •nd ""'•nllc1. F111 i nd •••Y to UH. t.1•n11 ... 1y cro11·11!111toctd •ftd Ind•••• ii..,,..,.., ta, .. " !fl.I 1m11i..i q1111tlon 11K1ut u119•. l'ub. 11 2.95. • tJ, WHOM 1'M£ SliA HAS TAK!iN. lly Wl!Utfll Wntl1. 204 d1y111lo111on1 ttlt ''°"' l'tru '" Aurtfll!1.
• 73 YI" old m.,lnt•"• 1ctoun1 ol 1111 I PIC od11••Y •u•v1vl119 tlor1111, 1h11~1 '"" ,1,.1, IL Ch•ll•f19lllQ tot"-11 ... u. of phl'llC1I •nd 1plrllY1I •ndu11nC1, Pub. at I .IN. I r.l VALENTINO, 81 hvlng 6llul"'e11. Stynn!"ll blogflpj'iJ ol th1 G1111 lo'llr 11'1•1 H ptr1191 lhr "''"
&"' '"-.,,rtn. 1'10~1111 • "'•rno•1b!1 •oelt l 11u11y ol • ~etluloid C1!•ftOY1 coniti ntly fltt 1 h w•19nt nroDl11r11 whocl'I nrcb1bly r>••..,.n!•d ton1umm1t1on o! bolh hl• on.~c•u~ 1111,11 1 1
nuuu11d 1 l•C-nd er 111u1t proW11~• 11111 conll~ued Jcn11 1n1r h!r d1rth. Pub. II e.tS. ''''• ytl -----------------Clip •nd m1H lhl1 ad tod1yl Or call me!
NAM ADDA~.------------------~
CITY ________ __.TAT~-----<IP ____ _
u • .,..,111111rc1111111 or-~
AddS% Tuenda,forPo1t1g1/ltlnclllng. a, D1llol!, Bool!Mller .A
5 Feshloo lslood, N...,..n. 1-k fZ6'0-
• • ·-. . . -===--~---~··*--. ~"""-....
Fuhlon ltl1nd, S~ppl.,,,tnt of the Dolly Piiot, Wed., Au9. 20, 196'-S
Spotlights .,
Space Shots
Tv,·o major American feat.s
In space which have grabbed a
lot oI headlines in recent da,n
\\'ill get their share of ft·
tention at Fotorama.
The big picture show' l.O be
staged at Fashion JSJand
Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day wlU have on display
several prints or "clOiSellp"
pictures of Mars made by the
Mariner 6 and Mariner 1 pro-
bes as they new within 2,000
miles of the Red Planet.
ln addilion to these photos,
furnished by the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory 0 f
Pasadena, the show also will
feature pictures taken on the
n10on by the first "tourists"
ever to set foot on the Lunar
The latter exhibit, coortesy
of United Press International
11nd NASA, includes a selec-
tion of pictures taken by
cameras held by Astronauts
Neil Annstrong and "Buzz"
Aldrin during their 21-2-hour
walk on the moon.
Men • ID
Airman Apprt:n, Mah:ball E.
Mills, USN. son of Mrs. Doris
Mills of 1024 W. Wilson SL,
Costa Mesa. his graduated
from Aviation St r u ctu ra I
Mechanic Hydraulic Course at
the Naval Air Technical
Training Center, Memphis,
rtlidshipman I. C. Erle G.
Peterson, son of ~1r. and Mrs.
Joseph Peterson of 2 3 O
Driftwood, Corona del Mar, is
aboard the attack transport
1;hip USS Melrose. The
Mctrose is on a training cruise
with -0ther ships of the First
N. Aflrian Yrizarry, son of
Mr . and Mrs. Mclsy C. Yrizar-
ry of Huntington Beach, has
~n assigned to the 7th Infan-
try Division, Camp Casey,
Yrizarry, who attended Alea
High School in Oahu, Hawaii
was previously stationed ai
Ft. Irwin Cali!.
Denis Hawkins, 24, son of
Mr. and "-1rs. Conrad Hawkins
of 6082 Kendrick, Huntington
Beach, has completed summer
camp as a member of the
He con1pleted a course of in·
struction with cmphasiS on
tactics and leadership at the
U.S. Training Center, Infan·
try, Fl. Benning, Ga .
He "'as a member of the
Blue Key National Honor
Fraternity and Phi Beta Phi.
and an honor student at
Brigham Young University.
Robert 0. Hjortb, 20. USN.
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
Hjorth of 3175-Madeira Ave.,
Costa Mesa, has bttn assigned
to the Miramar Naval Air
Training Station, San Diego
after completing training at
Naval Ordnance Tr a In in g
School, Jacksonville. Fla.
He is a graduate of Estancia
l~igh School and attended
Orange Coast C.Ollege before
entering the service.
Airman William W. Tarvin,
~on of Mrs. Zelma L. Tarvin
nf 5881 Croupier, Huntington
Beach, bas been a~signed to
W. 20th St .. C.Osla Mesa, has
Sheppa rd AFB. Tex., for
training in the aircraft equip·
ment maintenance field .
Get Discs
Just so Fashion Island shop-
pers won't forget that they
could win prizes by trying out
the Automatic Voting Machine
at Votorama at Fotorama dur-
ing the next three days, radio
station KOCM has devised a
speciaJ "giveaway."
More than 1,000 Johnny
Malhis "singles'' wlth special
jacket covers will b e
distributed on the maU at the
~h9pping center Thunday,
Friday and Saturday. -
Each or the record jackets
carries a message inviting the
recipient to go to the Stage
Court on the shopping center
mall where he will find
Fotorama. the big picture
show, and Votorama at
Fotorama, lhe section of the
show in w.hich the general public-ls htvllMto' sele<!t-1llej---------------~--------------------------------
grand prize winner in an
11mateur photographers' con-
• '
• • 644-2800
• ...
" ·~ • •
• '' '" " • • ' ' •
•• ,.
I ' l '
I t
' I
-' '-"""""" l1l1nd, Suppl.Mn! el the Dilly Piiot, w..i .. Au1• 20, 1 "' , ·------·-··
These Photos Almost Made It
EL BANDIDO -This is a picture of Kevin Church, 4, taken by his father,
Peter,~ of 6201h Avocado Ave .• Corona del Mar. Church explains that the mus-
tache was part of a costume he was wearing in a little theater pr:oductlon. His
son thought he'd look like "El Frito Bandido" if he wore it. And'be does.
"GolllAT rlNGoS
OPfN DAILY 10 A.ht TO t:lO P.M.
1'hese No t All
Of Fine Pliotos
Tht1t are by 110 meQ1U
• all of tile "near nlifses"
from among the •earll: 250 t
prints -submitttcI~•for Com-
petition in the Fotorama
Camera Contest.
But the photo1 repro,(iuc-~
ed above represent a cross·
aection of 1orne of the fin· tst work entered fn tM
contest mu of fhi! thTee
weeks. DAILY PILOT edi-
tor& and photographer• who
judged the conttst said Jit-
erclllt1 d o t e n • of tntrie1
which fini!h.td "out of the
money" Wffe of award-win-
nfng quality.
Suede Leather
16?2-.. ~~'~
,IMOOTH l~lHft
"• ..._, W'hh.. .....
.A.Nl(lf HIGM
and lest you forget
We Are Never Out Of
aAHKAMlll ICl.llf)..MASflll tKA••I -CINIU-C: .. •T• al.Afrt(tt--..Mllll(.Alf IX'lt 111
·. ·----
.. .,.
PUPPY LOVE -It's a piclure ol ·Wendy Potter,
1629 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, taken by
Jeri:::v"Hornbeak of 2401 Blackthorn, Newport Beach.
'Null saidJ
BUDDIES -Can't tell for sur~. but it appears there
is a very pleased expression ort the face of rubber
mouse getting the . big lick-type kiss from friendly
dog for benefit of. the camera of C. Fuersten,berg ,'
o! 24-0 24th Place, Costa Mesa. ->
Classic crew-neck Shetland
from En;land
Always at home on campm ••• thil autbentic
Oftlolleck pull°"er from England. Tnditiooal as
the d.oc:k tower ••• new a! this SltUO!l's colours.,
especially created by Alan Paine. Sim 38 to 46.
644 -0264
I <
' •
• •
641.HIJl'Awro IS Kt£PIM5 2. FE~T MFAD . OF K d.Ass
G!lllenkamp 1hefamily ~ ~
S4 ,AIHIOlf tsUlfD e N•W,011:.T a•ACM-01"1"051TI altOADWAY
~"'••hinc Selection •••
School & Fall Dresses
entire stock reg. 12.99
Great sty les! Quality fabrics ,
m1ny acrylic knits. Solid-hues
and prints. In misses', juniors',
pttites' and youthful half sizes.
F 1sliion Skirts
entire stock reg. 7 .99 & 8.99
6.39 and 7 .19
Minis, scooters, culottes & pleat·
ers, many sashed, belted. Solids,
te xtures, pla ids. In sizes 6 to 18.
Sta11dout selection. Choose now.
Fa1hion for,ecnt •••
Safari Shirts
regu larly 3.99
Easy.care blends, collons and
cotton sheers, more! Pastel &
dark hues Satin·look stripes. In
sizes 32 to38. Buy now and save!
Classroom '••orltea •••
Girls' School Dresses
· entire stock reg. 4.99 to 6.99
A+ dress!'$ in acrylic knits, cat·
tons and easy.care blends. Sol·
ids, prints. stripes plus plaids.
In sizes 3 to 1•. T OJI notch b,U)'$!
Summer~ Clearance!
Save 43% and more
Summer Dress Special
originally 6.99 to 13 .99
s4 to $7
Sit savinp! Polyester·totton vofl es, knits,
linen.took rayons. Prints, solids, dark tones.
Misses', juniors', petites', youthful half sizes.
Save 33 "• to SO ~·
Cool J1m1ie1 Shorts
originally 2.99 and 3 .99
·Cottons and blends. Some ifn.
ports in aroup. Solid-tones,
prints. stripes, plaids , . , in !iris
6 to 18. Rush in e1rly for yours.
S•v• 33% to 50%
Girls' Dre~ses, Sportswur
Examples: orlgina lly 2.99 & 3.99
Oash ifl! Choose dresses, fifte.fit
shorts, jamaicas. short& }Ima lea
sets, cute sunsuits &: skirts. All
in sizes 1 to 14. Terrific value!
Its easy to-be-fashionab/e;;;justcharge it!
· 1
\ . . ,
-l -1----
------. -----· ----· --· ------# ..._ __ . • • • ,
• ••
f ' " •
' . .
. . Ii I,
n .,· • ~ • '
.............. . ......... t ..
• .. ,,
• • •·... 1 ~ •
. I
-:,~_ 'lt ... .• ..
' i J'
Ir ''" •• _ _,1"'1:-)-Gl(
ii '.:J.t,J~ ... F.ASHION '., :1sL·A-ND .~
I '
You -. Shau/ti See •
G~sy Prints-taken from Mariner 6.1\id M aril'ler 7 t.elevision trar;missions over 60 million
of space • , . incredibly detailed views of surface of the 'Red Pflnet.
I. .. ' "
' .
.. •
Pictures P.~~t~r"phed ~y fi~t,_11t~ists11 on .the moon incluqe 1m11in9 one· of · 1 • kirH:I
1hots.. ftom1 lunir Modulo E,9f~ 'end 'on moon ·surface by Astron1uts Neil Armstrong •nd
f.'Bui:i11 Aldrin. ·
• Printi courtesy of UPI Telephotos end NASA
All the winrfer{ in C~fi/orrii~ Pres; Photographers Association competition ••• more than
70 eye-grobbing prints comprising the Gold Seel Exhibit.
Best< shots submitted for .competitive jud gi•g lsy 111 the Associ•t•il Press photogrophtrs
in <:;elilornie and Nevada ; ••• J8, tgp-notch new• •nd fea ture ~hotos, induding •II tho
winners. • '
• •
' Collection of some of tho finest work of 0 ronge County" end other ~uthland professional
photographers in an exhibit coordinated by Profession1I Photogr•phors West.
' ..... _ . -.. .
• . . • • f~
You'll · remember these .. ~ some of the best news, "sports and hum1n interest pictures by
' DAILY. PILOT $!all photographers, put to gelher in on •xiii bit which·' explains how photos
~~~~ . . .
. • • • j ... 'Top winner from each of-the fl!ree·w-1·eh"of··1'4tora-l!fll"Citft'l'f<1' Con!Jst ••. Pick the 1>nt
you like"post -from among these three award-wi~ning photos ),y al)late urs. You could win ·
' • a' Pr Ile fOr · vO+f~g: ' . · · · 1
. .
Get en editcr'i-eye·view cf the United Press lnternaticnal Unif1x, the m•chine that eltcfronice//y
reprcduces "wire phctos" from wherever in the wcrld new1 is h1ppenin9. Fotor1m1'Sl>'Utdf•K wlfl be '
t ied into the UPI network so you'll ••e th·a pictures et the same instant theY're' arrivi~91 1t. the DAILY
PILOT plant. And you 'll be tuned -in, 1110, to chetter among photo editors from throu9hol{t the Unit•d
States ., th•y •r9u• for priority "on the w!re'' fer f!,eir pictures. • ~·
Installation Courtesy of: United 'Pr••• International
1.:··. .. Pe~i.fic Telep~_one Com~any
You Could Win in -. -
Co-Sponsored by
Orange Coast Stereo 103 FM . . .
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Stereo console with FM/AM: radio, FM multiplex ind stereo record pliyer-$359.95 v1lue.
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• tech winner gets FM/ AM. ''cube" dock rodios $29.95 v•luo .
• NEXT 20 PRIZES . .
Eoch winner getl five stor.o record albums br. top recording ortistS.-.pprox. $25.00 value.
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All This · Plus FREE "JOHNNY MATHIS!' Records Distributed Daily!
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FASHION:} ISLAND 1.~ ... "'::---(
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Slip 'N' Slide
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• 3.00 '
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• 3.00 . -. .,. .
loatenm. .. Outboards
-=--·'-'·2 99 ,.,, b' • .....,_, .. '"' • ,, ., ......... itllllitr. 0.ly
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· r T1llJ~i,sfo"riy BOOKS
•01• 2. 9li • . ' .. ~, !Jot .... '
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H""""' n'I rbM ......_ 32 88
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Tetherball & Pole Set
htcl.des ...n.rttatl & ,.a., cottff ,.,. & 6 66 J pc ...... ,.... ..... 11 .00 •• ,, •
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Walkie TaJkie
" ' ' Mattel Hot Wheel Cars
.~ .• ~; .... 2 ... 99¢
Child's Play _ Hand Truck
·:.. , Apollo · Saturn:.:.::.
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Mo-.-,....._ .... JVJ ft •• ..,.._.., •itM• 5 47 ....... "ltJtt., ..... ~.•IJ ..... s.,.... . • ... ,.....j~·-· . -.
Billy - B.lastoff
Scuba Scout
C.-wfttt 11d1uw•" 11tftt. 5 99 s,... ... beet, c•, troller. •
let· t .00 Oily
Kiddle Kolognes Large Plastic Wheelbarrow
( LIST J.OI 99¢ .... 1.tt NOW 99¢
;, ' hr~,, .. with yC11d wort. L~t 4.00 99¢
Sheet Protectors
Cartridge Pen
,.... wfft 2 ............... itl• 77¢ lu:trw ,,_ ,.,...., .,.....
.... 1.0I .... 0.1.,
Crayons 104 Count •. .,.·.
No• to1k-c.N11"1etti &olM ..._ti .. 76¢ • •
OltlJ • ••
Co"'ps.te toltottlo11 1 00 400 r~ tn.11 to
Sc~ool Filler Paper
500 Sheets
for School oo4 · 76"' Offl~ u... . : ,.· ; ..
1.37 Volu1 ·
l9"1• Nloctlo111 of pon."" 57-1.,. 7ft Sole ,.
Report FOider
... ... , =~ 13¢
• "Tell Me Why'; ·Books
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School ·~~
c. ..................... 2 47 -... h,... .... ,.. ....... • ' .,.,... ' • .,,,1.. O.tr
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Fashion Book.·"
Attache Cases
.._ .. ,., & ..,...... M.-y ..,,_
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'. , ... : ~ "'"fl:L · B rlie Frincie Cloths
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; ... ' ' ~of 9411cd·""'9 . .
Carmin 8ame Board
n.. ..... ~, ... , ' .... 14-1
91frforall ..... RMMdl111ltOhlNI 5.97 wood wltti red & ~lock daJps. Com·
,._.. witti 941111fp. Utt 11 .00
PWTIGOOP-for th"ing makers .. ; •.. ' "'''''47• • • ,6Y4 .. .... 1,.lt ' V' ~
Canvas Binder ' Sfvrdy h..,., d11ty J 88 ri"'ieod CGll'fllll border. ¢
Color, bl110 011ly
All-in-One Binder
Co111plot. 1tart-op Khool Ht 1 99 bl-... lftdex, poPfl. o
R19. J.OD Oily
Tempera Poster Colors
In Sb -'""' ... ,..,, ... '" 99¢ ' ... ,.,.._ at.n fof fll• I• I .......... o.i,
---------~--------------~---------_,---------------· .. -· ..,....--·..,
SAlEI fhru Saturday
Save on boYs'
easy~cOre slCcks r
Reg. 4.98
NOW ...
fo•MMI alJnny 01'94 alll<li.t
••• llw popular dank for '-•
or ipo<t ••• ~ lafMt.d atyJ·
ing. r.infotced ii,_ I« longer
-. They' ... °''"""' ... poly. eU•r/cetfon, rtnn Pt••I' lo
-Med Ironing, witfl tt.. ...... boi'M •• Soll ~.
tool A•lro ltf11t, light olive,
.....+.nkty, w.«. 6-11 1'98· arid
.Um. tMky '''" l ·l6 .... ,,49 NOW ................. 4.50
Grecl atyle ploiclt encl d•ed11
.. .'f-aft'• gnot tel«t.on
of Gi.n ploicl1, ch.ck•, tcwton
plolclo , •• toptrtcl oncl Penn
Prest' of ,,...... !ton fortrel•
pol)'fi,.,/eotton to lhrU!' ofl
wrW.le1. Send him off to Khool
kl •!)'le, oncl blly now for ,..,,.
'•· si. .. 6-1' re(llllor onc1 aliftll,~IM!yi 14 llre<1 oncl
...... a.16 lwt~y .
Flair l>ollem <Hel,..t 0.-
•.. New I hp11lor yob bltdi
model ... 10,...ecl otyll,.,tliope4
fit ... """' flolt bot._ ........
''"" Ptt1t• forll'el-pol'fflW/
<ollon for no Ironing -fll
<ore. The ·,,.. look In oll¥o,
bronu or ~ Ill alut 6-11
''""""' and 1nm. Ivy n0w whit. Y°" con •-I
t Hwliy tlat1 encl ltlttt• Nyt, .... S. 91 NOW $J
I ~ I I
......... ,. ... " ' .,,,, ... ,.,.,.".._, .......... 4 ....... ,,1••···~·········
, ..
Penn Prest~ cotten twill ieont
5fwdr, ~ looking Western atyle .........
...-. ,_ bcd-kHchool buyino. n.y,, OIJr •
great ~ter/cotton blend thot nww Meds
lrOfllntt -""' machine dried. ln flnqs, bf9't
blue or Cl'flOCCldo. ..
6-11 ..... ""' ......
Hwlry all" 1-16 4.49
1--------------------1 I I I .,, ........ .._.uncle"""'"'
llDdt • .,. -....... )'Mter/cotton
................ aeotlwWslll
...... -ahe ..,,_ lhot-ta of Penn ..... ,..,...,c:ea.. that nMd flO ""'-In ...W ...... All In abn
6-1& POlOs.T$ S fotJ.29
llie:s a 1or2.M
IO>CER SttaaTS 3 for 2.91
Cew.I ~ ••• Orton• oayllc/¥-
wllft MioiCAd t..11. Stock •• ..
..W, ef colon M you'll Wal tWe
low, law pric»I Whot'a more, -.m.
fltt ""· IO me II no f)f"oble& ,..,
P.Meyt tic. done if again I 2 fw 'I,
Mela'• ••ulerw .. , ... 100" cottOtt
T-tl*ft_..cnw~ Ml Q#t, SilM
• 36-46. The tww. .. COft'lb1able ,.
bit In U. 21""'2. toth ore In .........
-... waiiholble, of covne. A ..
P..-yvaluel 2 fw 1.U
We hlM _...,.to tt. ~ for the newest cind best on the fashion acene
... the ~lhlt)IW,.~ ClftdwearinlJ ... at the price you can afford to pay.
Ow b11 •"''"It)' traditional a1y1tt olong with the newer 'in' stylff. C... ....,._ ~t• for iwver Iron ea• of COl't , fiend or U·Grod
dyW ••• e., ......... or eol"td pofyesterfcotton ahirh thot art Penn Prtst9,
toe ... fw .. doll. flat art hoppenl119 right now ... opodle scarml
~-= ~:~;r..~.'.::~ .................. 3. 98
==~~~:::: ................. 7.98
.......... 'llrle ..._ thlm, "*" ~ in ossomd *"'9. .... IM ta. CCIMlly balmoN ••. Cit er great prk• ' ...... -., flcll ............ a -' can't t... too mony of
,_ ....... ~ ............................................ 3.98
U.... 11"9 ............ ,.....-,..,.,{cotton 011ford
.......... ..,, ...... ~_.~,no ironing . ...... J: :=• ...... ario<.onl.t wlnnerinthewGt'd· .. ,,,_.,, ................................... 5.98
,_ ............... " ........... ,cotton •••
-,. ......................... dri.cl •.. .._
... , t ........ _,, te or ........ s.M.t-XL '-feet
................... low .............................. 4.99
Very special! Girls' Penn-Prest
dresses for big 'n little ~
What goi>d rvwd Lott and lo" of atylet to pidl AR poly.
Mt.r/cotton that needs no ~ ••• tr1mMect~......,
to the cuteal ribbons, rvfffff, smodilng or wr; toUored -.Id
neot. Plold. or plain. Why not ""' them to MWrOI?
Shes 7 't.11'
• l •
rez:: A
.. -----~------------------------• I
I I ,
I I •• I
Comfy PtfYI Prest• slips of
pol)'ftter I cotton that ltffd
"o Ironing when tumble
·~· Slits 6-12 in whi ... '1
S.ovtlfolly ~lky acrylic
sweaters tt.t ore svch
ide~I topping for
dresws now, and lklrta
and jumpers ~n It's
cooler. •Whitt, fvll
Sires 3 to 6X. •••• 3.33
Si~es 7 lo 16 ..... 4.44
Girls CM use these doubt.
knit bond leg briefs by the
do~en. so scoop them up now
1n white, siHs 6-14.
.c ,., 1.22
;_ g
'l"ftE f"P.Sl':P.V STOllV
111 l~ad thunoetclarllng
coat at Pcaacya," a friend
.. idr«atly."lutJwon't
iacc4 It for• c.11ple of "' I mo11W, a_nd I rally hate I 1oapcnd the!DCMIC)' eow.''
Se J tol4 •Y friend
abo11t Pc'tleqa lay-away t Jlaa. "You J111t put a
few 4ollue dow" ud
Pcaaeys will hol4 your
COit until yo•'.rc reedy '°
warit. Yo11canw.rtwt
ahnon any 1chc4wlc of
paywm111. Jt"s llkc an usy
paymut plan for ,.,,,
"l oftm pidt up Christ·
"'*II 1ifcs oe lay-away in
<ktobcr and November;
'trhy •on't yov try it1" l
llllkd. Shit did. .....
And stock up on -girls' sale priced skirts and ~ses -4 days only! ..
All 3-6X sltirts, reg. •4· NOW 2 ~ AU 3-6X shirt• ond ~lov1.. NOW 2 $4 · lw "'PQ reg. 2.59 for
All 7-14 skirts, r99. t5
t · NC>N 2 ._ sa All 1.14 •hirt• oltd w.u ........ •3 t'IOW 2 for s5
hautifvl W.... for lttCe pis. , . IMOdiecl or Mffocf ••• Of' crisp toltor.d thin atyto..
They're , ... ,,_,. ..... ...,.. fw pol).._/ cio"on that dootn't need Ironing whort
..,..._ .W ... CNl llwy ..... la '1l!Me or Nlhlon ciolon. ror blo 11.,.,, ,.~ ,.,..._. ... ,....... ....... ~ .............. "'°"'"····~the pofMlb-point.d StaM ........... l")'tw ...... ~<'Clfefroo pol)'ft•/eottott ... wtv ... ~ ............ ..,
' ••
A£'!!!~'11 . f
The oo-~tlt'Yfhing flattery of sle.k ftttinv ..r-kftlt. "bit • ..._, ond ~M,,. the fQP fot at1 MOIOnl
... aloN, °' undw anythtng ... Ylhit•,
,_,, blodc., blu., r-flow, ~. S·M-
L·XL. •4
Sporiy ...... <ottoft/ oi*ol•/ «ryllc
..... ...,,.,. prioed in o mott tfl'ifty
........ /tM o pair to your warclr*
-4 yow coM• "I' with o rHI plual
TI.(,.. • junior tin group ... 3-13 • ...
. I
' I
hlted .aylic • ._. • ., SIZES~ Acrylic ...... SIUS u. whi,_, w_,., tohl $-IM...,,_, pleoted .lllrt 7-lS ""'U
~-tMtured SIZES U Plolcl A-Ml nut sa:u ~L ......,, whl .. , co'°'9 :M-"40 ""'U aldft S.16 TO
·r" .,..
' ...
SCARYl~ •• , this le 1he )'ecr for thetiJ .••
IO .. )'OU" i~lon ... creote MW
.Roda with solid colon and prints for oU
)'OU" CM/tfitrl ChooM ftom ~ and
o~longs In royon ond ocetate, 24•
tqUOret oncf ring acorf sly!.a in acetate
twiN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.25
Answer to a working
I ~, :
:9irf's p~:
pantyhose special!
:1'e ancww to ony fernloine wish ••. seoml.u stretch ponty
..... , • the most inditp.n.soble itftTI In yow wwdrobe, , • clue
to• apedal bvy, Is""* at o scoop 'em up prbl b , don't
WQllt to yow MCIASt P•'*YS .•. Suntan or Galo .hades
G¥OlloWe In •l~es s.A>t-XL. 2 p~. for 1.99
HA CHIM&SE for the clotfMs ~ Ott happening rlehf now
... thl• It the Ullderwear thot's hoppeoing rigl,t MW to go wltli
ltl Nylon lrlcot sltm, Utort bocfy. edged with CKCcrt•/~
loc9 ... prettilyl Two Metlon --. .. /rrflott .... cups rnect
wllh fiberlllt for Hottety ... entiro bod!~ e( ~/nylon
lac., wlth nylon/lyera spandex sic* and ~'ptrf.ct flt.
WW.., 32-36 A a. I . 3.66
CIOSS OVD HA AND PANTY OllDlE ... bro f1 oll cotton wi• nylon loco "Pf*' cups oncf odjustobi. '"'"•. , , ~fe in ,
A-1-C. long ~ ponty girdle is of nylon/L ycro • spandex with
tffetdl loce cvps .•• white, bloJc, plnlc, blue, yel'-w if\ S..M-L.
llA 2.50 G1nll 2.44
Think Penneys!
SE'.AMlESS HOSE ... stretch
atylo ... ploln I.nit,{ .. nude
hoot ... ot o fClfltodk:t c.ol-
1 e c: for' a price! foahion
colon ... one 1lu flta olf.
2 pB. f« •1
~bests~ st~es -for the whole fami y!
The graceful Httle sldmrMr ~ ••• lta.icaUy bNUtifult \The d.ml-boOt in black 10lcl groin ... buclded .•• for him
N.wr vncMrestirnctte the beowty of ....... city -... , '°" ...... w-~·11 The b1ack toW ...... toclar'• ,..,._ pece s.tttn le"'°" tMf ... yeullt,.'"11
Thot'' why we r~wl our plain lllfMIMr IM"P with'• lvtf<fitht 10/t heel i.. rftht I n.... ,...,, ..-. hcM Mlft prOMOf9d t.y the folfilofl leodet'I m .W• foot.
wMol coiori to co-ordinate wllh ol • tlrl1t ~ ~utlyl W• f.,. If lft .. lode ""8Glr. n. tlip4fl ,........ ..,.........,..., ,._... ..W.. oMo&.c with i........,....
paMllt, b~, novy or r.d emootfl 6nleh, ........ .,.,.., wltfl c~ outtol.. ti.._, .d • henil '-f. YM tClfl hCM tfllt ,_.__ budilecl 1lyle Ml """" w ._.
Loolt e11pel'siYe. but or9fl't .•• to •inl tfw-ougti "'9 *"°" Wodl !ft .,.,._., ""'· toe styM.. Meft's "a:... ·
lr111hed Ghillie with the
bf-ogue look in block, hoynde,
9rnt1. Women's sizet. 6.99
loot In the new IS" high
length, crulhed groin Welling·
toft. Men's sites. 1 S.99
Demi l>oot In tmort 1tolned
ontiqutd ltothw .•. squore toe
lo1t .•. Men'1 sizes. 12.99
Girl'• •mart bro1v• 1ttap
style ••. In gold, brown 1ugcir.
Girl's alies. 7.ff
'Spat' look slipon .•. ontique
finhh in bur'nl birch and block.
Women's 1ize1. I.ff
M•nk styl• ltr•p 1llpon,
pntd ~ gold leothw In
youth's sht... · 6.ff
Wint tip bro9ue •.. alwoys
good.,. new in block gold.
Men's t iu1. 1 t .99
lruahtcl leather odord,
<"Pt aoled, '"golden brown,
In youth's tizes. 6.99
'onh oxford ... perforated
trim, block and tapestry gold.
Wolnen's sizM. 9.tt
Girl'• •mart one strop 111,,a.
in i>f"ow11 9foln vinyl. CMr•
,;~... ...,.