HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI -~~-... • ' - • . ' ' ·' • I . '. . ~·~,",NO. i02;·4. SEC:TIQNS, 72 PAGES 'Murder Hire'-. -• :Plot .Charged ' . . ' ly TERllY COVILLE 0,"'9;~'1lff~ Jiuntingt.Qn Beach police closed an u~reoVer· trap' Friday, arrestinc a stOdJ · ,G,hien . Grove hairdresser on char&<I of . b>lching a munier·!or.Jtin plol ICainst bl1>prUrieod. The suspecl. Richan! Davis Reed, 28, of 12512 KeeJ~Ave., was t;Miolced by police on ~&~~~ ~citing another person to ~milrder. ~ said it was the first such ar- m:t·ih 'the City's history . U.\eCtlfe Sergeant Monty McKenoon allf!ltd thal Reed told 1 an wl(lercover poll.....,. lhilt be was plotting the sud· qtn1 demise .of his lover because he .car· rlidl a·itJ:tple , indemnity insurance policy On~tier .• IPoUce 1 idenUfied the girlfriend a.'I K'athlene Dukette of the same Keel AYtoUe'·addreal. When told by police· of tllo ~ plot qaillst her We, she said ahe Wil "ebocked." · . ' . Mc:Kennon aaid .the bizarre an. to unfold Aug. 19 when be "q.11 from a secret informant. '1'hlo illlonna\kll, led police to sel)d ·an un-deii:over officer to meet with the suspect lo·•· ""8tWton ·Bucb-bM.· . . ,. . • -plainclothes poll<Olnan rep ..... ted h~·to Beed.II being· "a· man from A.c,;~nts , T (tk~ . . -> ' 2 C~unty Lives , A little i~1 ~ 111: a m fridlf '::;t.. ona a;J¥.a ='l:'*' to lnjµria :.di'.;: ed the a;:liili'Jllfft111e' ~ namee on tbO-IJr-Coilllt~lraffic deaib rooter today. ' ' • ' Marprita E. ~ 5. of 58Zl.Home-woi>cl'.Av~-ii.1!.~ Park, was dead on arrival at Cominunity Hospital at ,,(4-pJii., alter· bellic bU'ci<>ssing Arlesla . 1•· CanlJ' 'h'all1c: ... . 1• ~"Toll HI Street it ll<acb Boulevaid. M~ Irma L. Lamprebt, 27,, of 5171 l>arlingM:ia Ii.Ve._ Buena Part. WU not cited, accordinC 'to police. J"'1 ~anlner, 27, of 1111 Loma st .. VUla Park, a~I p.m. at Cbapman Genetal H ta! <t 'lnJutles lllllered 11i0rtday in' .~traftk:.aitclaent. .. Orange County· Sheriff'• deputies said they <oWd .off.. • .. lmmedtate detaill of the cue, because it occurred earlier and hid ·heel> filed away beloct their duty abift Friday, ead \ Robin Crower, 15, 1 along watet line at Co- • de! Mar Main Beach in .olfort to beat the beat ·Smile Oii ber !ace Indicates the Co- 'IOlljl del Mor Hii h coed'• ef. Iot1.I were successful. ( . Te:ws ready to Ir.ten to any deal." Another meeting was laler held at Lake Park at the comer of' 12th and Main Streets. "" At lbaf time, tbe ..._. is alleged by police-to have told the undercover apnt that be wanted to ... th8t his glrUrie..i "bad an accident" and dllcloaed the es.~ 1s1enco m lbe ~ pollcy. Finally, a meeting was set up about 4 p.m. Fri<jay oo ·111e Fountain Valley lllgb Schoo) athletic field. By this time, a dozen Huntington Officers were involved. As undercover agent and suspect sat on the gras5 in discussion, 10 other plainclothes officers roamed in the area and used electroriics devices in keeping track cif the pair. Reed is scheduled for arraignment on the soliciting for murder charge Monday in West Orange Counly Municipal Court. Coast Pair Convicted of Drug Syphon A Newport Beach bar manager and the Hunim,ton Beach plumbeT who helped ' him syphon danprOUI drop lbrouib an lllici. t' .... ,~ ..:. •• ed . Iii' to t~ ,t Pl~r,r:;.CUY '""' cbarpr:iiti\.,. hi Supefiar.c.urt. Judge llowllfd Cams-on ordered Monie Mbooy Braatato, SI, -· of tbe Slag 'bar -· the Newjort Pier and Wlllalm Manltall, 43, of IMS Continental SI., to return to court Oct. I for probation bearing and ... tenclng. Conviction on the charge. of po&session of.dangerous dru&S could mean a tum of up to one year in County .Jill or one: to five yean·tn State Prt9on. Brancato and Maraball were arrested at Brancato'• home JUiy 10 foDowfn& an invesliglllion of their drut sale activltles by Newport B~ a c b polke and ttata narcolicl ageoll. lnftstlgaton r t c o v er e d Jfl,000 benzedrine tablets from the bomt ind a stolen !Iii Cadllloc. Youth Robbed By ,Hi!chh~kers A Manhattan Bbcb youth who drove two hitcfihibrs downcout to Huntington Beach on a pmn11e of nopayment got oo11· a gllmpoe m 11 gun and a bitter lei- ,.. Friday DigbL Gtt1ory S. Borella, ID, told police the poir -one long haired unlcempt and beorded, the-with am~ - rdlbed him of hll wallet contalninC l26J in cash. Pollce IA. Bet1 Ekstrom aald Borell• dnwe to 10th Street and Crest Avenue as IUQelled by the bltcbbiken and the boldiJp occumd there. Reagan Has Big Lead in Survey SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan would defeat any of tour prominent Democrat& if the 1970 electloo f~ governor were held now, the Calllomta Poll reporta. Tbe lf>dipOjlde~ • .,..Ucated opinion poll, COOYridlted bl' Monitn D. Fldd, said Friiloi 'Reagan woWd collect 54 percenl of the vote egalnst AuemblJ 'DemocntJ Leader J .... M. llnnth, San Francttco May<ll' Jooeplt Alioto or S. L Hayakawa, pnsldent. of San Francll!CO Stale CollegO. .Reagan would re1 ·s7 I""" eent q'1M ftirmer Gov. Edmund G. -Thirty.five percenl m thole ... ponding to Ille poll fa-Unruh when malched aplnst lleqan, IS perftnt fatored AU .. to, 31 percent fa\tored Hayakawa and M percenl favored Brown. The bo1lnce tn each cue WU undtdded. Reag1111 tJ upecCtd to ,..11; re-election although he bu not made an ofllclal ... nouncemenl Unruh and Alioto are con-lidmd the lllOlll UkolJ DemocraUo """""-111 111o .,.,. 1m pr1maiy, • .SAWRPA~.·· u61isr 23, 1969 <.!.'. • • ' I t C :e n"ff: . ~1 ·1 .. ~ j • • -. -:-1 • -,. . , '.::. l}·I ' • • t:!, ~ '·-r I ·~ • •• • ·o ·n - --= 4 FANNED BY STIFF DNSHORl 'BllEEtt, C'AMP PENDL•ETON IRUSH.11LAiE SW:E,IPS:UP HILL ~;,... Bum on Soveral Fl'Gllb, lncludlnt Ono • Fow _MU ... From Sum..,.r White Houao • Otficer's Son . Grant.00, Delay l~·Drug·Case ,·~ oae, or·.1be,two meotaJJelfld11 ilwoJved In what Santa Alia poU.. ducrll.,s u the hiW" tltef\ .m ·d~ c1rup 1n Ot:anie COunty ltllloly Friday woo a m· -k delsy-of bis municipal coUrt ar· raigrunent . Pab'ick John l'f<ndergast, :IZ,.of Santa Ana, ..0 of a retUrned Santa •Alia l'!lice- offlcor """°· succesafu1 cu.er In·~ lnvestJ&atlon-~On 1 him th,e· nk:knlilie of •·relcmy Fred", must return to court«>ct . i to face cbargee of burglary· and pouesa:ion ·for sale of re 1 t rl ct e d dangerous drup. Wllltam Lmiy .Gaines. 28,. of Santa Ana, Prmdergast'a alleged compahlon In tbe-drq heist, ii due In tbe same court Monday. Both men were arretted Aue. 15 mt charged with the theft m ..... IG0,000 pilll and capoulea from a Santa Alia pbarma<eutlcal company. Drug firm ofllctall told police ot the time that 100,000 pills were taken In the burglary Aug. II at their premlsi!o but have now identified all 500,aoo pQ!a as co:r ~Wii.t.· allqedJy hauled from the ~ bf· the twl>"men were ampbelamine and·pbenobarbltol, both of wblch felcb high prlctt on the llllclt m;,r:~ said l'rtllderpst and Galneo bad .ataelted tbe hule·baul of pllla In four five-gallon , metal cans In Galnee 'home. . -. SAoaAMJ:NTO,(~l ~·Callfornlo-end­ .ed tho flocal --,with 0a•lliH1 million bLldgtt ouipitia, •tiut . Go•. JIA)liald-11eti· '1lil~1 ·flnince chlef.aa:td'1todly;'"We don 't hive any'monerto thrOw' around.," · All d. the aurplus, a record for the at.ite,' ls com·~ to vUiou1 Prolfam1 ancl-to '.the llepobllcan cblef 1 .. ecuti\'e's La~una Beach Area Blacked Out About'41001b o m'e 1 and~baahiases in LQuna,Beacb and .all of~ Niguel were -eleetriclt)'-for a abort time Friday•wben-a -aow duJ'up an11J11d'!'ground line lo•Lqtma Beaeb. Electrical aervlce wp Inierrupied at 12:30 ;.m. POw!!r Wu ruiored·to 90 per- -of .Ille CUllomei'I within 46 minutes and f1lll reotorallta •by Zoll·p;m. Larey Walbrklae, loc:aJ ·Soutbena Calllomla F.dilaa·-~···aald. Tito -,round·cli'cUlt tupplin all power to the Lquu Niguel area. It aleo terVe8 .the Temp)e: Rlll1, StyllDe Drive and caDJOtt area of Lquna B • a c b. Tito dr<tlll wu cul at -CllJlon W•t· Surf Too·' ·11u~h.. •• ~, I I Nixon Off for Salt Water St.Vim By All'l1llJJI K. VINSEL Of•MnrPlllftllfJ Juat like· any other Amlll1can, Pruident Niion Friday realized his holiday Is al, ready ha.If over and it seems like only yesterday .•• So be packed the f~B( family and - In-law David Eisenbowu oft to a seclud- ed Camp Pendleton belch for a ult water swim·Immedlale17 after tbelr ....,.._ San Francllco. • • • With --the Pl'ellellll!·blnlld that San·Clemerlto la a lonl)r plaoeCtot live, but bt'd ratbtr '1ait Im-troubled walm than the lllrltor baTia below bll mansion ·OYerlooklnc · Cottoo•1 Polo\. He ctalmed ---... lbe beacb7below UIO-.wei!eril Wlilte 1loUo have Docked blril down ~ In a lirtof commen11r1·before·fll'inl • mi1et -to ·1 'niore abellered ntminllll l(>OI. ' Secret Setvlce men~ paddled aloog ot the·~ """' but the.~ P\)OI-wl>icb normaIIJ follon the cltW executlvt'• tvflt1 move :wu left beblDJ. No pobll~oclbllill ire adMdoled todaJ or SUndsy, fotlowfnt the llate dlmMr In sn • P'rancllCo • uir 1t11111111t-1ove1 ta1U with Seuth Korun Prealcknl Cbull& .Het Part. Wltita "°"" -aldel lnnOUnced nolP«lflc-m.....undad!YIU• ... .. -~~n ·eonapse_~'"­n·es' Near 'B 'r~-I. ~ .. • , .. ,..., ) .. . a .. • • y~ ....... -' -- • ·- --· ' ·- TEJil CEtfr~ . • Flames Lick c ~P~ndleton .. Camp Ar~ Mis:!ion Viejo ·' Population Up . Tbe populaUon of Ibo. town of, - Viejo ii IDJdlini 10,000, the MIAloo Viejo Co. AllDOUDCed Frida)!o ' Not y<l' lncoqxrated, the Sail4Iebocl: Velley .mldenltal' <ommunlly'1 1 eucit heail count ii 1,711. . eompaity m~ noiod the ~ tops ~of three Oranre eoulliy : They "" La Palma (1,270); Villa ~ (1,1111), and San Juan Capiltrano (l,tlO). ~y-~34,000 . . w A8HlllGTOlf (\11!1) -The Aml.I''• >hare <t the Pentagon's ~cut lo U.S. mlJltary ~Will be -. it WP dlsclooed todaJ. Tbe ..,., did miler lta abut -.Iii! be 'IS,000 I Defeme oeci<lary Melvin R. Laird aaia Tlmnday the Oii -affect ......... than 100,000 men." • w ...... Cooler tnapmmtr11 ore mt the ""'V for lhe cooking <OOlii with fair' tldu forccasl for U.. iotelccnd, Temperatir11 1houW rong1 fram 7S o""'1I 1111 l>Cach,.I to """"'"" of '10 fli'land. I • .INSmB TOD'A 't' ! • Familr W11kir 1111ain Ille •<OO"'ll• of lkli<opltr piloll._. 11tcir P(ll'Cl-1"11"""""1'-,.,.. - th• ...... ,.infested jtlflflt• .... lr<ot,,...., bflthort ooaters ot Vkmam to old do\ond fljon. . . ' ailrctlll ... .. ....,. ,. --lwt ' ...... P.11 1 .. CliMt It ... .... .. ~ 11 """' ,..,. ...... .............. ... lrfl1PT••11111M ,,.,, ,,.......... ,, ,.... .. 11llltlln .... • •, • ~ •• llo\ll.V PILOT $ -· """"'U. lM ' Camille7·· Vietim·s Sought .. • ' • Ill .. •d=• ...... 11-. ~-... ~brn -mft out to..... Al lout • llao!* -.. ~... . .. ....... -!ml d --ftlr Ila Tictlm& ~ lo "111111 m Illa llliJ If. 'Illa ....... hid "'""' wltb I froolal • lllrlllld tockY lb tho ... Oil tllt Mlulaaippl wllore c..llla ......,.i DI.to ~ -II illl Couilr ...... Ott Newfound\Md IDll bad 1,.i coat and the mwntalnoul areu or Vfr. flub flloCtlnl, then, wn • ..... MU Ml ti. LIHIV'•n ·all dllractmaUcs of a tropical Mm, the &lniL · with more than uo milslng. ·rn the ' li&te capiW ol Rlchmaod, lhe NaUonoJ HWTlcane Cenltt In Miami ,... • "'lhl toll atood at nearly 400 dead, with "It appears that perbapa: it least 100 flooHwollen James River be&an to re-ported. 4.bulldrldl mlulng and feared dead. or our citiiens have lost their lives," Gov. cede afttt cmting at 28.S feet -11 feet Hurricane Debbie, meanwhile. churned : Pl .... ti ~ aoared into the hLlll· Mills E. Godwin Jr. said after surveying abov1 flood Jta&e '-and wii upected past Bermuda movlng northeast into the drt6I M. mmlont Ol dollan. the mountainous western part of Virginia. to bl back .in Jts bank.I by late tonipt Atlaoilc at 20 m.Uu par hour. Its !lo.mile , NII~. Clvll Del..,. coordinator !Wd..t bit was Nebon Coonty, an.agrl· the fiood crtsl moved lnto llat eastern -ail-llour' wind& lhc>Uld begin to weaten for lbt Ml•slippi coastal strip, estimated cultural area, w~ the toll was ff elrly Vlrslnla where it.s danger eharply di!ai-and d.l.ulDate over the cold North Allantic tlllt llJ perlOnl_~. He said It lf'U today, Other communlties In the Blue pated. wai.t within bi Sunday. bllllved that ''mc:ft bodies an buried in Ridlt Mountain fooUtllls also 8\lffered Camille also clalm.ed 10 lives in Loulsi-Eady today it waa 57$ rnilea northeut tflo boldl ~ed det,p wW. tlloJl'll be&lli.l)<. • ana, two West Vlralnia and ~e In CUl>o . ol llomwda. or Lalllude 3fJ ll9<llt and ......, ....,,.bt foimd." • Olllclals expect to find to dilcover ad· . Camllle, the WOl'St -tver to LclDgllado Ii •est · • · "Wt'l'o l!lrlid1 pilled 0011\0 bodlll out dlUClllll bodl., In lllOWllaiulde homes lirike the Amerlean mitn!and, broke '\u> ' camme o1oo tri.umd t«rllllial roin1 cl tf1o "*"alld lbere'• no tollinl bow _ burled . by earthllides durinl the llood. Frldl)o In the far reacbt> of the North ¥>d' ll6Gcllnf that Tiin:ed ....., then 100.· .;.t.. . ~-:. ~-.~.'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~~ • '"'" 111* 1-io! la Oalea lllala .. Malco'1'hatllc coolt. A Rod Croll clfidal aaJd mony ol the bomtle11 were 0 poor people wtth no place to Coi" Roada were Impassable and some rail-roads had lb hall ...-vice, diaruptiq , .. lief operaUoos. :· ID Mialilalppl, Gov. John Bell Williama ordered bolts aeat out tbday lb """1W "numerous bodJd'' that an Army pilot aid he •Plied' enlan&ll!d In a floallng ISiand debrfl. "lf I l!:ldn't -tt '!ll'oell I _,Jdn1 liava bell-I~" olld Cant. Jniln D . Din:-"It Wai a ~~R-f,-~ captain aald counted 40 bodlu ' \ . ' In tllt -Dlii '" Mrll ¥nr --""""' fll&ht.' • Th~ Red ~ said Ila latest wrvey cl hunica.ne dama1e in soutbeut Louisiana. MlJsialpp! and Alabama included DlO"' than 28,PI with minor damage. Thi lnlu:rancil Information JnaUtute ilt Mobllo, Ala., said Ila latest showed that Insur~ com~et wW have to par·be- tween AGO million and '225 million for property damage In ~lppl, Louili· ani nil Alabama. Vlrlinll officials eatimated damqea: at l'F ni!llion. but 111'7 uld the figure coul<! rile lllarply beca11St damage survOJ• are ju.st beginnlnf. • • . Fighting Rages Seventh -Day · ~ough., Viet , EmergetU'.fl Action SAIGON (AP) -5harp 1Jlhllnf.rqed for a _,th straight day !ram below Da Nan& liJt miles,north to, the a~· cd "I"> IJllltlai'y apoUomea uki 'todly. ni.r··repnrtecf U.S. cHlaltlel wrte nine dead and '3 wounded. !n•tlle ~foothills noor Tam'Ky, ll mllel·~ ot-Da Nq, Am"1taD lnf1111., ... 1....;i.i 19' tht!:;:"Jtola'lit day 10 Ni:b the lilt al I _. l!lllld hellcopte-with ·eldil men .lil>Giril rnislbl& (Hid feared dead.' : . At lut ftPDl't, the' UiUJ>lmnen "fn>m Iha !Jeth Lljht Inf~ Bnpdl· wer'e abeut, '°° yards -· the 1lte' .al Ibo -llallcoptof. <'ftil'io mov!q '" .. tiDUJIJ ~ they kliOif the -b In ~ ..a -loi'llllid pwlt ....... • • ·-.1.1 ,.__ ' "' ••P ····-· ..... , I A111!1i1C 1bolO milolnC 'lte I bel1ollcift arnn\iDtlr, · aix. Othet "Annr !Qin and ~ Pnoa "pholilriipll<r '(!llver N-. U.S. headquartirl reportod il!at d the 1l!th Brliidi cl ..... lwlce w11b Norih Vfoliiimeoe .aoldlll'I .-'Cfllho\l>.Al~Deneli>yand """ -oilldler. wm_nportod kill· edud11---·· Lat<r,-emiy ·-~pomped 11 lll<i· br -llltO hf• . .._ -Pl ""' Ibo llllh lll!llldo lblantr)oilMa. Hlldqur· len ald1Ameiic*1--'""'llaht. MWliri ........... dolm m!h thin ~~ vi=.~:~'lh;= d Talil X)', TheiW 'II "° !inn COllnt on AIDmcan , ... , ..... but field """"' put -at 35 ID 411 ldlled, more than llO """'6d. ed and, 10 m;aioa, including the ..... Anny ..,. obaord the heil"9Jlltr i!cnm- ed by North Vlelzwneoe antillr<ra!t on Tu.a,. Abwt 711 miles ll<IUt bnf tblt actlon, North ~ trooP1 ambulhed U.S. Anny ..,meer. cleorlng Natioool Hlgh. way J of minee. One American "u kill· ed ud nine wounded. Enemy loues weni not Immediately known, headquar. t.era llicl. Two m1lea lmn the ambuah, enemy -lbelled the hfadquarten of the u.s:;uth· Brilode a1 tile .Am.-tcon o;. vlainn. Bt1dquartel'1 Hid oome Amerl. cans were wGUDded, but non wu tilled. Two abarp fiahtl IW'ed 15 mUn apart alq the demlli~ IOne ·:IOO mu .. north of DI Nq. U.S. Marlnet loot oh: killed and t3 wounded 1n a S~-hour baWe four mll~ nortlnreat d Iha Rocl<plle. Eight North -Yiet.ntmtee were reported killed. P'tfteen miles east, troops of the U.S. 5th Mechanized lnflntry Dl'f'i~on IUffer- • cd cme man tilled and sev"' wounded when North Vietnameae eoldien attack· · ed their night-biveuac. . J New Apollc;» Director WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rocco A. Pel- rme, a, who btlptd develop the nation'~ fir1t balllatlc tnlulle ll year1 i10, has been named director of the Apollo moon· 1and1u& program. He succeeds Lt. Gen. Samuel C. Philll_il, who will bfcoma com- mudtr d the Air Falto Space 'and Mls- olle S,.tem Organization. UAI L' 1-ILO l ...................... ._ ..... ___ _ CAITllMA ... CIMll .......... COllllllP'r a-11.w.'4 ---..... LC.fey ,.,,._._GMt•......., _._. --...:.:;.="" -c:.-.... •=·••rttt -E:a· 1 ............ ~ '"' ·-'-...... . .... • • ., .. , . . Czech~ Tighten Law ·on Disorder . D4tLYP1UT·....,....,. P,RAGUE (AP) ..., .'Ji>t '{;ie$Jolovak government rammed thiUl&tt ~ new laws Friday rilibt lb <ur\ lll\1'PVern. ment and anti-Soviet dfJOrden. The army and pollce crushed rmewed riot- inl 1n BmO, lht utlaa'i iecond largest cl~. . 'Jbt new law.~ provide · prison terms, ll.oel or losa Qf jQbl for vil'tuall' any .ct!Vity d.lrected' .!I~· Communism or U.O., In llOW8!'•)'ri111• Radio laid the lawa wonf lnlb e!ticl Friday night and would COl'ltfnut Untp th~ end of the year. TWo pertOlll wen nwtecl killed and 1ev1ral lnjlln!d in ihe •oieood cfV of riot· inl In Bmo, on tndl!l!rial city i# 2SO,OOO aboul lit> mllea eat of Prague. Offlcial• earlier nopdrted hf• penona killed In Brno Tbund1y. SourceJ uld seven Czechoslovak army llnb moved into the downtown area to help rlot poHce di!perse IOZlle 5,000 dem- onstraton. A dusk·to-dawn curfew , wu lmpoeed after the rioters were dh:pened Allll'LANI IUILDEll SCHUMACHlll CLIMBS INTO CoCKPIT·o~ HOMEMADE TRAINER Newport Btach Piiot Takes 1 Busmen'• Holiday In Hi1 B1cky1rd The municipal committee of ihe Com· munist party in Prague said in iLs news- paper Friday that 1,377 persons, includ· ing 66 foreigners, were arrested durlng demonstratiOlll and riot.a Jn the c1pttal Thursday. The new law-and-order measures: were 11dopted unanimously by the eteering committee of the NaUonal Assembly at the demand of the Communht party. They were s!gned by President Ludvik Svoboda, Premier Olotlch Ceruk and National A!sembly Chairman Alexander Dubcek. The full assembly is In recCS!. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Close the Bars On 'St. Paddy's Day? Horrors! . CHICAGO (AP) -Illlnols will have one of tbe earllt:51: primary elections in \be n1Uon next year but at Ju,t one ai'<iJp .11 no1 bappy about the 'itatt'• new law· -Iriah bar owner• who'll hive to close for half a day on St Patrlct'1 Day. -A check with some Irish taverns drew commentl' ftom dlabelief lo i"efuaal to obey the: law. "Hahl You're ldddin&; either that or Ogilvie (llllno.la 1overnorl ls Polllh," said. a .barktep at But.ch McQulre'• Tav- ern. O'Rourke's reaction was Ver'/ direct, "No!" shouted the: bartender. Duffy at Duffy's Place aaid, "For - 1aJcesl I don~ think It will happen." IWnoi1' flr!t primary under a new election law signed Friday by Gov. Rieb· ml 8. Ogilvie will be March 17, and Illino.is law requlrel that tavtma be cloeta during the houn or election. 11* J1W sets prlmarles on the third 'T'ue8d1y In March tnstflad of the aealld Tuesday in June, From Pflfle 1 FIRES .... the base naval hospital, parts of. which were riportedly evacuated. No other structures wen endangered except for a tralnlnl exetcl&l!I area known u Combat T01'1', where Mll'inel prac- tice atrett.tHtreel battle as they mi&ht in ctpturlng a city. Loc1tton of the 1erle1 of blazes ,.,._, ,Oven as generally behind the San Ono· fre arta. north of Basilone Road. The latest outbreak reported early t~ -day WU placed in rugged ltn'lin oorih of Beawnont and could pooe a threat to the Big Bear recreational area, forestcy service spokesmen uld. No word w11 av1U1ble on lb extent or cause. Several othfr firet we.re reported In tht. San. ~ardlno Ccunty area, one of them oet bl three boy1 playing with matches. but no atructures were yet known to have burned . Flames charred 10,000 acres near Ell- condldo and TemttUla. in San Diego County, tl!reaten!Jll t$ homeo In Rain· bow Canyon, while another blaze blacken· ·ea aoo acret along the U.S. and MWco bonier. 11te suburb of El Cajon wu hit by a fire covering only 90 acres but 11ii. po,. 000 to .,S0,000 home.a we~ leveled. A IOIJ.ocre blH• ra1ed throolh llfche can,voa nee:r San Bernardlno, b1rtly sportni IS eJQ>Onslve h-and bumtnr on toward the Olive Dell riud!Jt colony. 'Ille Rech• Ca,,yon blue wu believed lo ·bl of what .lnve1t11ators termed in· ctdiary ori&fn, lndlcatinc en anonlat. Today'1 batUo on tlgl!I tronll heraldJ ·Uhe begtnnlng of Uhe Soulhland'a crltleal flro-cmoc HOI0!1 and Los Anlelu IUtho<· itle1 taued a llllOI alert 11 the ther· mometer till II 1l I p.m. In 8Utbank. And tt 11 only tho bellhllllnr, with mo.-. hut and fir,;tNdln1 S.nto Ana 'finds upectcd durini S.pl<tllber and October. I, Job Not Only Way to Fly; Coast Pilot Builds Plane Prague Radio, which broadcast the "extraordinary measure.a" aeveral lime.' l'rlday night. said they would be UBed By JANICE BERMAN Of "-Dllt, PLi.t Sltll Dick Schumacher, who makes his living piloting gtont jet• OUWghoUI the West, likes to relax when he sets home from work. So he 1oes out into hls backyard and builds an airplane. No, it isn't that easy. So far, the nineteen-foot-lon1 plane ha11 devoured 1,400 hours ol bis spare time and about $1,900 of biJ money. But he tlµnks jt's well worth lt. The 52-year old Western Airlinta pilol nnd the ainglHngine plane have become fast [rlenda, ever since he started putting it toctther in his garage at 1501 Mariners Drive. Newport Beach, almost two years ago. How do you build an airplane! "You juat take aome wOOd and aome £abrlc and some metal and start putting It together," he sa.id with a straight fact . You alao add, 1lthough he didn't admit It, 30 yeart of e1perience as a pilot and inst.roctor. And Jt helps tr you can get an engine ready-made, which Schumacher did. But the rt1t wu built from a pattern supplied by a friend In Seattle. Tht OM-paastnger trainer ls lav\ngly painted. Gray for the fusela1e. tas:i cab yellow for the win1s. A blf white litar adorns each wlngUp, a 11alute to th~ World War U trainer on which the craft is modeled. • 'fhievcs Get Fortune In Japanese Watches LONDON CUPl) -Thieve! poginJ as trucktn stole a &blpload of Jap1nese watches worth $240,000 Thursday night, a Scotlltld Yard spoiesm111 aaid Friday. A spokesm111 al.id several men pro- d~ forged documents trom ' f~aht company 111d stole 11 cuea containing ,;ooo watche! from Lmdf.lrl AirporL not only 111inst those who violate order Pendlnc Federal Aviation or threaten peaceful working condition.,. "but also against those who incite such Administration inepectlons, Schumacher 1clion or 1upporl it." expecta to tUt the plue1up~~ the i -.T}tt firat i::e¥tlio~of\.C~osloqks l.n next "few wetk!. . ' t .. .. the new ~WI Was that tJjf rovernmen\ It then faces 50 hours of test flying within a limited range, lo make II.Ire it's sale. Schumacher ls sure it will piss mwter. But at firat, he'll sit ln the open cockpit with a parachute on, just in CIK. The plane will 07 at an alUtude of 5,000 fttt, reaching top speedJ of 100 mllea per hour. At 5,000 feet, Schumacher will wear flying goggles. And he even has a long silk scarf, "left over from my inltructor days." Schumacher also owns a four.pusmger Cessna Skyhawk, which he has taught his wife. Betty and his aon Carl, 20 to Dy. Why own another? "I just wanted to buUd an airplane." he said. Penny Black America Queen Chose11 NEW YORK (UPI) -Glori1 Smith. 24. of Manhattan wa1 crowned Miss: Black America early today. Min Smith, a model, actress and 1lng- er, gang her own composition ln the talent portion of the contest. She 11 five feet, seven inche1 tall. weigN 125 poWlds and measures U-23-34. The tint rwmer-up to MW Smith, who c:ompeled ae Miss Black Ntw Yock, WIS Laverne Williams, 23, of Oakland. CaliI. P.Uss Black Washington, Connie Brown, 19, was the second runner-up. i!C Uit ASWAALWAL (4!:£!2ZS for 'Life Postage Lack Leads to Deatlt UXBRIDGE, ENGLAND (UPn -For w&rrt of a peMy on po3tage, Mrs. Sur- git Barar died. Mrs. Barar, 53, was under tnatrnenl for 1 lilood clot In ' leg, and doctors with a supply of pills aad in structions to at Hilllng<IOQ Hosplt&J sent her home keep taking them until ahe rteeived a postcard order to change. Docun 1aid they sent a postcard la· fer, telling Mrs Barar to stop taking the drug for three days, then resume later on a reduced dosqe. But th91 put only' a four-penny stamp on the post- card . It took three or four dayt to arrive, authorJties 1aid and by that time, Mte. Barar w1e dying from the drug. A spoke1man for tbe h01pltal aid Fri· day that normally such poatcard1 re- ffived a five-penny stamp and that 1n investigation was under way to deter- mine "if there was a slipup." A coroner ruled Mrs. Barar's death accidental, and said "first-clus mall 8hould alWIJ'I bf uaed far urcent Jn- alruct.lons." Balboa Y Mlatsman Ullman U.S. Lido Champ Dhnlnutive, mustachlood Dave Ullman of Balboa Yach! Club bu been IOVetll times a tuMer-up but nevtt a champion In tho naUnnal Snipe Clan. Friday Ullman 1aJned hil fint natlonll champlcwhlp In Iha bigtlly compeUUvo Lldo;ll Clau, 1 boll tn which he has been tailing lell than lwo yean. Ullman ......i tlll palnll In the c:Mm- rlcmohlp fllpt to edp hll clllbmala Dick Deaver b1 one~uarter ot 1 point, Ull- man'• crew wu Dave White ofBYC. Del.ver J1 alao a virtual newcomer tn the clau, hiving ulled Jn It 1111 than a y .. r. He ta former PC national champion l. North'e bronze medal Dr1gon In the 19'4 Olymplc1. Diel< Lln<bel'l'I' of Alomilol Bay Yacht Club, the dalendlng champion, pl•ced thlnl In the II-boat champ!Gll!hlp flllht to lead the veterans In the rlus. The chamol<>nlhlp nllht consisted of 41 bolt.a. Anolhtr 40 .. 1Jed a COt110latJon oeri•~ Winner of tho comol10nn nighl w11 Tom Contri,y ol Alamltol Bay Yacllt Club and Dick Von Duron, Calilornla Yacht Club waa ruMeNJp. Wlndl wtre ll&ht to mod.ar1te for the flrsl race Friday but plpoct up to II knoll in the fina{ race to crea te 1ome touchy 1ituallon11 al lht markl. Several boall In botlJ fllpla were dJaqualllled. I . Final resulll: CllAMPIONSHiP FLIQ!rl' -(II Dave Ullman. BYC, " II; (J) Did Deaver, BYC, 17, (I) Dick Lln!bei1er, ABYC, D II; (4) Richard To.ocan, Fruno YC, at; 1$) Jim 'l)ler, BYC,_!f ~; (I) Al Peru, BYC. '1; (7) Harry wood, ABYC, 41: (II Bill Mc:e...t. BYC, 41· (I) !lowland Loh- man, BYC, Ill\; (10) Mlie lllllman, Slot· ra Stlllne Asan. ». CONSOLATION FUO!rl' -(I) Tom Conerly, ABYC, JI J/J; IS) Dick Von Du· •.en. CYC. 30; 131 Dick Huyat~ MBYC. 30 5/U: (II Slcphen Earle. Lake Merritt YC, 31; (I) Charles Babcock, ABYC, 40 VJ. ( ·- t1nal1y had the means to throttle the fr tt atmosphere created durtne the !Ma re- forms and maintained despite lncreas· ing pressure from the Soviet Union and the pro-Soviet regime that succeeded the reformists. Some aaid tbe new Jaws were as harsh as any during the Nazi or Stal- inist eras. The demonalratiOM marked th! firsl alllllveraary of lhe Aue. 20-Zl Soviet in· vasion that crushed the reform move· ment Jed by Dubcek. Ofttcl1I bi'oadca11t1 and newspape'rs have not mentioned the anniversary in their reports of the "ac- llv_Uies of antJ-Soc.lalllt ~enLI." The specific measure1 adopted provide that anyone participa.Unc fn, calllnc for or supporting a disturbance may be Jail· ed up to three months and fined up lo !300. The present maximum penalties for defaming the Cuchoslovak state "or any state of the Soclali.lt iymm.tt or their repreaeolatives, now generally punishable bf up to six month.a 1n· jail, are increased to one year. Offendeis also may be exiled from a city and ·eent to rural areaa for five year11. Anyone who ''violates the SoclaliJt or- der and loses the confidence needed to hold his position or job" c.,n be fired, Students may be expelled from achoo!, and profU!On and tea~ can be dl.1- misaed if they "educate young ~t against the principlea of SO¢alist So- ciety." The slale also may dl!band any volun- tary organiution, Including trade uniom. scout groups and cultural 1ocletles, tf it helps spread unrest. Oxygen Standard Due Approval Of State Board A minor improvement in water quality standards for the Pacific Ocean off the Orqe Coast ia expected to win •~al from the St.ate Water Resources Control Board within the next few weeks. The board held hearing• Thursday on the matter of new dluolved oxygen stan- dards suggested by Secretary cf thll Interior Walter JDckcl. The meaaurt was expected to eully win official approval from the atate board, aides said. Richard BueermlM, ex~utlve officer of the Santa Ana River Buin Water Quality Control Board, the agency tba~ pumJed the change in standards, said ht e1pecb "no problem" in affecting th a changes. The new standarde Involve 1 minor lm· provement in standards set up to control sewage pollution of ocean waters from Corona del Mar to Seal Beach . The Santa Ana River. board requeated the atate agency to ti&b\en the ,tandardJI from 4.5 parta of dlllolved oa:y,en per mi)llim to 5 partl. . In essence, Bue«mun Aid , the r.- queat was limplJ to comply with llao- dl!'d• auueated by ~llr1 Wolter Hickel. .-.. . The higher the dialo!Yed olypn cowiil . he said, the better the cNIU'Y· ot water. ' Normal is about five parta per mlWon. The htarinp on the mat\m' .tid tw!'I other waler quality rneuuret lnvolvinc olhU aWt waten wen candllc!ed Tbun· day In Rlvenlde. . The 1lalt bolnl wlll toke Ill Urie IUUt5 under ltudy and make I dedl6ln within the ue.xt two Wf'lb, Y oungster'i Kill Triggers .Harbor Power Blackout • A 7"WJPlar '!'ho new hil kilt Into tilC!i power Iineo In lht blulfa ar<a of N"-1 Beacll Friday bladled out a wide - of the Ha-A ... for nearly half• ~n hour. .,, Souihern Cal~oml• Editon Coi"""8Y spoktsman kidlciltd •iectrlcal -... klioclted out by the ktt• al u :11,.m. and Rslmd by ttpalr crews 1t 12lli p.m, ....._ The kite nying youth, who WIS' unm- jurtd in the incident.. new hi.I aerlal toy Into the wires 1nd then, lnste1d of letting go, 11ltmpied to Jerk on the 11rtni to '"" it. ~ fnstead, hit pulling almj:ily 11lammed lwo hi'h power wires toaethtr. ' n,ai s when aparlcs ltew 11nd fuat.J blew. ' " • , "" na, °"' in bat 'beo fot Iii· . at uld !)'• r ree re-... md th• '" :al- :rst In· ... '"' th< •t · ide for lll· to for 'or or Jly ill, lso to Dl' to ed. ol, !• ~It "' Ill- "· If 11)' h• ·1! -ol on 111- be Jy '"' ,,. -ol rm ... ... or Ii, •• •• t: "" 01 •• .. • - DAIL¥ PILOT i' Laguna's Art Festivals Agree on 'Success~\ By JACK CHAPPELL Of .... Dtll)o , ... , ,..,, De11plte occasional dJsagreementa, the three Laguna Beach art festivals agree on one thing -the 1969 season bas been the best yet. Sunday is the list day for •II three art shows. Both attendance and sales from the festivals are reported hJahtr than last year. The Festival ol Arts, granddaddy of them all, utimates that when the I • 1 I South Korean President Perk Chung Hee \\'ill spend the weekend at Yosemite National Park. The Korean leader pl ans to spend lhe weekend like any other tourist, relaxing and admiring the num· erous waterfalls. Yosemite officials i;aid the president would play a morning round 0£ golf today with some trout fishing. • P•trick MJck!ton had the dis· tinction oC singing at famous Royal A)bert Hall in London for more than a month -never drawing ap- ylause. But that all_ chang~ w~e,n the· afternoon audience literally Uned up in U1e street to cheer hi~ performance. Patrick, a stone-- clearer at the hall, was standing on the hall 's roof and · singing. Pre- viou sly he only performed while working alone in the basement. The crowd leaving the regular concert stood outside the hall and applaud- ed Patrick Cor 15 minutes. " • 1 'lt"'I .,..,.. flowarri. Peterso11 of '-1uske· go11, '-1ich. decidtd to give his pct alligator Snap to a zoo, t Thursday after S11.ap escaped from hi.s master for 48 hours. \Vhile Snap was AWOL Ile biL i· a. neighbor'& dog. I:£.'lt !' -, ? ~ -~~~ • The bandit who robbed Chicago's Anrona Bakery of $75 got away with the dough all right. but may end up in a jam when he tries to pass the money. Bakery owner Mrs. Henriett1 Buoniconti stuffed the loot into a paper bag with a sweet roll dripping with strawberry jam. """""" elooe, S311,000 pmona ~II hlv• trod Its p1thwly1. Ttial fjgure is more titan lt.ooo greater than Jast, yeat. 'nut FesUval will have sold llf.000 Pageant of the Masters tlctelll and IJ0,000 ground! tickets through Sunday, Fesllva1 spokesman Sally !lee•• sald. Atte~utCt at the Sawdust Festival Is difficult ·to determine, representaUvea say. The Sawdqat teeps no aUendanee llgurtS .. chartu no admission, but • ''plenty " peopl•" !lave ll1llfllld Uwoogh the •awduat, said Mn. Elaine Ware, ln.nager o( the U1e1 booth. At the Art-A-Fair 1&9, •i>out zzleoo ~!>­ pit will ha~e visited irtists' boot.his. J.ack Seymour, groop pubUcl!L lald. This is about 2,000 more than the number estimated to have 1Uended 'the "Spilnter FesU,al," as the art show was cAlled laat year. In line wilh Jncreued attendance,• art DAILY PILOT staff PMl9 INTREP~D NEWSMAN BARLEY GETS HIS STORY At the County Courthou1e, Reporting In D•pth Intrepid Deport Wading 'Bird' Gets News1nan's Eye By TOM BARLEY ot tlMI D1llJ Plltol Slltf Lovely Linda Lane , an Anaheim dlsplay artist who believe5 county rules don't cover artistic vantage points, wasn't prtpartd to quit the county courthouse pool Thursday for a newsman with a aketch of his own in mind, "rm busy," was the leggy Linda's answer to enlreaties for her to step to poolside for a couple of minutes. "I've got the spot t need and the sun where I want it and you 'll t1ave to wait." The brown-eyed beauly got a surprise. That rain, hall , snow, sleet bit doesn't just apply to the mailman and before she·d got another rrond on her group of palms this intrepid reporter was In there v.·ith her. In betv.·een the astonished Linda's bursts of laughter, the shapely, 21.year- old artist e;{plained that she's between jobs and the attractive lines of the courthouse caught her eye beh .. ·een in· terviews. "But the best spot was right out there next to the rock," she grinned. "And any artist will tell you that there's no second be.st - even if it means V.'ading in this lovely pool." Shocked county ofricials and a frownin g security guard didn"t deter the attractive Anaheim girl as she completed her sketch. They deterred this reporter. IL was wlth a fervent prayer of thanks that he ac- companied his cool. romposed companion back to di)' land and the unsmiltng scrutiny or a guard who seemed about to remind the pool revellers that Orange County Jail ls but a scant elone-'s throw from those limpid waters. There remained the enlighlenin1 ex- perience of canylng shoes and socks in one ·hand and notebook In thi other In an interminable march through grinning spectators lo th< third Door prw room. Linda wafted orf, cool as a September breeze. with her ske tch In hand. "The hot pavement will dry my feet," she 1mlled sweetly. "But you run along -you miJ:ht catch cold, you know.'' One or two court officials assured thi s reP9rter that he might catch a llttle more than that. The pool ls strictly out of bounds and this writer was, he ls pimly assured, well aware of it. aalel also appear to be up al lhe FesUval of Arll, Mn. Reeve slid. Many artlsta at the Festival report sell· ing well over last year. Jewelers appear to be doing eispeclally well, Mrs. Reeve noted. Expenstve as well Ill cheaptt articlti1 a.re sellllc~ she nid. Henri Hori recently 10ld a SS,000 dia- mood ring, and several paintings ln the $1,IXIO t,o '3,000 range bave been 10ld. At the Sawdust Fe11tivaJ, ulei by the Utt Takes Up Attack Again On UCI Choice By l\Ar<DY ~ELVE Of tlMI 0.lh' .. 11 .. tttff Cqngrel!l1man James B. Utt (R·Tuatin) has renewed his aUaclt today on the •Po point.menl of former SOS leader Mike Krisman a1 coofdinator of academic ado vising at UC Irvine. sales booth Ila•• been about f!l,000, Mn. We.re said. Th.II It four times the amount aold by Ille booth laat y .. r. Booth sales do not account for all purlhases made at the Sawdust. because artists do sell dlttelly to their customers, Mn. Ware added. At the Art-.Ai$air, where all sales go through the sales bootl>. !20,000 worth ol art work 11@! ~ _10IQ, Seymour ~· Final actlviUes at the Sawdust FeatiVIJ. • • &mdly Olly feature an auctlqo ol art work, but spokesmen were 'un!F• ~l form the auction would take lf I( b ~ "We do everything spontaneoualJ' here,'' Mrs. Ware sadi. . Al the Art-A·Falr. artist Paul TUiey'• Redl¥00d acene painting will be CJ v • 11 away to a person holding a IC!:alOll pu:s. Tilley will pick the n11me. himself. Nothl1111 sp«:lal la planned al lie Festival of Arta -ror thfi wtQjj. Utt, in ail open letter to UCJ Chancellor 1 Danie.I G. A!drich, has condemned both the chancellor and Krisman for the re- cent appointinent . In a previous exchange of letten, the congressman Pld he could not find any logte in Aldrich's approval or the ap- pointment. The chancellor q u f e k I y responded that Utt had condemned Krisman "without any knowledge of him as an individual." In tht receat correspondmce, Utl Jid Aldrich missed the entire point of ,.ills first letter. •·1 tried to make it perfectly evident that I do not know Mr. Krisman as an in· dividual and was nol attempUng t.o judge him as such (if he has so much ln-- dl viduallty what is his need for radical and extreme organizations and ac· tivities?) "You (Aldrich) state you know· Krisman only to be a 'loya l and con• atrucUve citizen of this campus, the com· nwnlty and our country.' That is hardly the known position or radifalism - especial ly as manifested by SOS. Therefore you ind ict him as dlsloyaJ ·to the mandates of such radlcallrm," Utt related. Utt then asked Aldrich If he thought Krisman has "regain ed hi s clear sight and returned to a con.sU..Clive role in aociety ." In conclusion th!!! congressman qu!l!I· tioned Dr. Aldrich's respon.!ibility as chancellor. \ 1 •·t cannot believe you have atttpted that public responsibility, so inhuent in your chancellorship, when you can offer so little iwurance tha~ your new .ap- pointee hu elt~r the understanding of politlcs, history, philosophy, economics ... or the maturity and judgment to be coordinating the academic advising of other atudents." Absentee Vote In Recall Set Any voter who expects to be absent during the Sept. 23 Fountain Valley Clty Council recall election or will be unable to vote at thal time because of physical disabiltty, ma)' cast an absentee ballot by complying with provisions of the Elec· lions Code. lt1rs. Mary Cole, clly clerk, said today Ulat applications for absentee ballota will be available at her office starting Mon· day. AMentee ballot! would have to be returned to the city clerk not later than $ p.m., S.pt. 22. CofC Aide Talks To Men'sOuh Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce Manager Warren Morgan will be the featured speaker at Tuesday's meeting of the Laguna Men's Club. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will be held at lhe Women's Clubhouse, 286 St. Ann 's Drive. A sllde show will accompany fl1organ's talk on his travels to Alaska. Following the slide show entertainers Art .and Dolly Briggs will pruent a music program. ' DAILY PILOT lltff ,, ..... BUNNY EARS TRADED FOR A DIAMOND Mesa Playmate G1l1 Olson Ab1ndon1 Centerfold Car•r Meet the People One-time Playmate Eyes Better Role as Helpmate What ever happend Lo Gale Olson? The prim and pretty redheaded Costa fl.1esan who graced the gatelold of Playboy Magazine as MiSl!I August, 1968, still wears her bunny cars in promotional appearances for the popular publication. But the 21 ·year-0\d miss -who aspired to become a reminine astronaut a year ago -may have her wings clipped and that potenUal career shot down by Cupid's arrow. The Playmate may become a he.lpmate. "She's gotten herself engaged," says her mother. The once-aspiring spaet: expl orer, '!\'hose oul-of·lhis·world module measures 36-22·3$, r"Ce.ntly visited her parents. retired Army Maj. a n d Mn . Theodore Olson, of 3104 Roosevelt Way . Now, 1he Is back at headquarters in Chicago, taking it easy In the promotional off-season and preparing for the autumn .rush of personal appearances. Mrs. Olson aaid her daughter's work in the Hugh Hle.fner enterprise empire takes her to ptber states frequently on the bu sy circuit . "Shi: gets home once in awhile-when she's homeslck," GaJe's mother added. l\tiss Olson Is not a Playboy Bunny. otherwise her plans for the future could not include romance and setting down. under company policy. Inter viewed by the DAILY PILOT, a year ago, the former Orange Com College student said she hoped to enrou in a university and eventuaUy work 1n tbt U.S. 1pace program. Her father is employed ln that field bY. the Philco-Ford Aeronutronie Division, Newport Beach. Now Jt appears she'll have to settle for the lilars in her eyes. New Schedule At High School Laguna Beach High S ch o o 1 ad· ministrat.ors have JniUated a new • rotating schedule (or the coming 1eb0ol year. 'T'he new schedule. explaln«:I Principal Robert Reeves, will give· arts, craha:, shop, and sc ience courses a chance for a double period, giving students moft tim• to work on their projects. Fotorama Show Winds Up The new timetable will also get awaY, from the traditional schedule; that is. classes win be held at different tiniH each day ol lhe week. DAILY "II.OT...., . .._ 'MAGIC' PICTURES -Mr. and Mrs . Eik~Henner Kluge of Tw;Un can't explain to their daughter, Andrea, 5, exacUy how the United Press lnt•maUonal "wire'" photos appear on blank paper at Foto- rama. "Live" news machine is one ol several photoirapby-oriented displays al show which closes al Fashion bland totlay1 ·'· Prize Winn.ers, Top Plioto£raplier to Be Revealed }-"olorarna, the DAJLY PILOT'.s picture ~how, is in ifl final bout• today .at Fa.!ihlon Island .shopping center in Newport Beach. Today la tht day thet Radio KOCM givu away 28 prizes worth more than •t,100 to' visitors who have attended the show. T -1Jllble for proo, vlaitors have used lhe Automatic VotJ.ng M&chlne Corp. '1 Printomat.ic machine lo record their vom for tbe best of th< three top pictures in the Fotorarna Camera Contest. And today also ia the day the Fashion Island merchants gi ve the winning non· p«>fe"1onel photoarapher llOO In r .. hlon Jiil.and alft certUtcate.s for .submitting the llk!Urt lhat Fotor1ma vlllton liked bel!I • ATI prlw will be awarded at the clol1 of the 1how at 5:30 p.m. WIM•ra need nOI l be pr~nt to wln. ' The pr!ze list tnc1udeli a stereo console with FM·AM radio and record player two portable FM-AM radios with built-in eusette recordlng-playtuick unita. three "cube" FM·AM cJock radios and 20 set.I of five ste reo albums each. Uterally hJndreds cl vWton have poured through th< bluO.and-whlle l!lriped tent on St.age Court where Fotorama Is kt up at F-ashlon Island alnce lta opening Thursday morning. They have hnd a look 1t M>me or the modt unu~ual photographs ever assem~ bled In one show. "A "live'' United Preq 1nttmatlonJ1 "Wire" machine brings news plctu:ru directly to the shcnt from the UPI new1 network ; Mar1·photot trom the Mariner f and Mart:M:r 7 voyaaei ire dilplayed; l Lunar pictures la.ken hy Astronauts Neil Annstrong and ''Buu'' Aldrin also are featured . , In additioi1 to these, two major travel· Ing exhiblta of winning phot.oj®malism printl are on display -Ufe California Pm.s Photographer> AssoclaUon Gold Seal .Exhibit and winners In compeUUon .Bmona: Callfornla and Nevada Aal!lociatcd Press photogr1pl>ers. Professional Photographers West. an Orange County a5.'i0clation of profesalonal photogrlapher1 affiliated with both at.ate and national organlutlon1, coordJnated se~ of another collection o( prints dl•played In th< show. Some of lhe beat ol lhe OAILY PILOT staff pl\otM "the put year are featured In an e.xhlblt w.hlch demonstrate! bow plct.wu are ~ for publlcaUon. " Cubs vs. Orioles Says President SAN FRANCISCO (U PI) -P""klent Nixon, an avid baseball fan, came up Frl- day with hi s own analysls of the World Serles. He was asked lo pick a winner while ehalUng with •pectators oulilde bis bole! on the Powell Slreet cable car line. "Well right now It has to be the CU'bl. but the cardinah tre bound to clO&e that gap aomeW'hat," the chief exeeuUve uld. ·•1n the other league. or courae lt'a Baltimore," he. Said. Nixon's ~tim1te obvlousty wu ,ln- nuence<I by the Cub•''~ g&mt 1tad ovu its nearest rival, the New York Mets, 'rd a game lead over the cardinall. Jn tbt American League, BalUmore 1'U 11 1amc1 ahead. . ~ • I I \ Pulpit and Pew f.atholic Last Rites Conservative Move Group~ React to C hurc~' Liberal A~ts ''1111 llll llM<el ol • !May ~at Ille. VllllJ Baplhl D<. l'bll Sbuler wll be held today at 7:30 p.m. ood Swidoy al 1:30 and 11 &.m. and I p.m. 6 INISW'JCllre ,b available for ..., ....me .. Cblldren'• Clurdl II bel!W collducltd ror ')Ni ....... lbrwlh tile llllnl ,.,. ......... ppel lbowl, Bib- le 11ori1o, handcrart.o, and ~-· The dlurdl la loco1'd at rnt w A,.., FOlllllaln Volley. , Paitor .i-G. BlalD lw CboMa. • ldl sermon title for •bolb lbl • ud 11 a.m. -p eenicel. "'Ibt Adwntunl of Fllllh." lie Is pastor of Newpert.....,L1tll•r•• 'a.ra, 2501 Cliff Drive, NewpOrt-. · ~ ....ices wll be eld at S p.m. &mdly for -L. While, • .....,., (raduato .1 Wartburg ~ m!i6wa, In his bOme thurcb-& Peter Lutheran al 15th ood Parton, San!A Ana. ' Mr. White lw accep1'd the call to be Harbor Lutheran's euiltatlt "P&Ror and will be In- stalled at Us4 11 -•. m. Service -Suoday. ~~ Reluming from VllCllioo the Rev. Edward C. E~. pastor ol the"Finl ~ M~ Cllurcll, Ml Seventeenth St, Hunlinllon B.<acb wlll pread) the sermon Sunday, 1:30 ind . . ' ORANGE ' • - ,,~OOKING~R MEANING I RELEVANCE? FAIRVIEW Al"TIST CHURCH IA. L C.) ' "olmO.. d. At F•lr Dr., ~oot1 Motl 9 A.M.-Cljur Sdlool 10 A.M.-Wonhlp It as 1 f '1M1; DqflJ .... StNr .• ,..,. ........ ..., c I I 14M611 ' HARIOR TllNITY l!IAPTIST CHURCH 11Jf .................. c... .... • ..,. c..-w.. .... SUnclay -1:45 •.m. Mo-1 Woroblp 11:00 a.m. · J!apUlt Tnlnlnl Union • p.m. Even1D1 service 7 p.m. '!'~ .Blblt .Stu"1 6 Proyer ........... 7:00 p.m. RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CF!URC!-i . . 611 HAMILTON. COSTA MIU Tr1lnlnt Uni.ii •,, ••• o l ,• 6100 S11n417 WHf • • • • • • • t 141 • het1h1t Wonhlp •.•••• , • 7:0d M•111l11_1 WW!p -.· ••• 11100 W1d.· Ev.nh19 S1noko\ •-••, 7:00 .... '4J.t111 N.,..,, ~ A.....,_ UNIVERSITY IAPTIST CHURCH • Ull L I. PAUIADtS ID. IAMTA ANA HHHTS --.................................. ,, ....... ....... IH WOUMIP ........... " ..................... ll"L.M. 1Ve1HM WOltlNlP .. .................... J P,M. ,,.,..._ 11wtc1 n-.sDAY ................ ,,. f".M.· . _... ............. ~J·---im . . . RRn FIRST CHRISTIAN IAPnSl CHURCH CHURCH ~ .. _._ V!ctciria & Pllmtlr'Ave. '""""'" """'" 17411M ....... P.Y. Costa Mesa law. 0.. H...._ JiU11lttw a-I . "9rc7 Mo111i11t Wonhip 1:10 I 11 :00 ........ Svl"l•'t' Sehool ••••• , • , t :JO D• ..... H~ Ylirtll Ml....., Youth M11li11t , •• , , • , •• 6:00 ••rty Wll'IMt .. . ... .. .. l lM •·"'- rr•'f•r Servic• ••• , , , ••• 6:10 I Ible ScfllOI .......... ,,. '·'"· M..,,1119 \!l......... . ....... 11:41 ""'' fY11J1i1t S1nolu •••• , , , , 7:00 YHlll ~ ............... ' • ...._ v._..i ........... 1 • .-... ....., ............ llnlclS Nursery Care Provided 142·2421 141-4771 148·6141 I Ch11rdi of th• D•il't' w.,d FIRST CHRISTIAN NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH CHURCH Mein I: Adams Streets ,. Lll'll'I 0 . 'lldtll!tlr ' Mllllll'wl' HunfiRgfon leach 1 lth I f,.,in •, N•wp•rt l1111th ' (51nlcw Clt!Mw lulldl ... I Mor11i11t Wor•hip 1:45 A.M. Sundey Schoel l:Jl I ll1otAM lilt!• SJ.oel • , • , ••• , t :'45 AM I 0:00 A.M. D•v•tlon1I S1,.,lc• Y .. t\ $re11P1 •. , •.•• 6:00 rM ' h.111111 Wenhlp ••. , • 7:00 PM OFFIC!: )Of W. COit! Hlah-y, N.I . ... , .... .,....._ • ..__, •• !ft. Pl!Onl: 4f6.S111 N-7 C.,_ l'rovhtld II •II "l'Y1tlll Offlclt1 --.. ~·~Hit DIALoA0PUYll--64M6Jt . CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE "'""""' ~ MlmMf Clllrctl If U..n.I Cllm:ll llllllln kll!H:1, L.91 Mt•I .. SUNDAY Sl!R VICE ... 11 "M Mln11l1r .... "lblrl 111,._1, 111:.S.e.F. . ell,l'rTM CMAl'l l . Orlntt Co•nl YMCA. tlllO Unlvrn lfy Or. WHAT A SHAME •••• ........ --. M_,,..,...., ....... _.. .. CALVARY CHAPEL ........... ,.,... .... ..., ......... -····· .......... ......,.. ..................... ...,." Mell ..-w.,.., • • • .... ... a.tlekat .... _.,. ... ••t1•11.W, ... ""9 .... flf ... lpl1 .. lp. 'l'MI _,. N ."-ht .,..,. ....., bew _. ._ ,.. ....... lllmCI. 11iH s-N7 M•ntllf, • A. ..,.... .,....,... ............ ....... : 141-1121 J.Ja,./,o~ Ckri6lian Ckurck OP NIWPOn llACH-IDllc.,...I ........ l11it"'7 H.,., lte••l9'f k-.t 411 L IM It .. Ceft w .. I Worship -9:45 A.M. N__., C... ,., .... I Phone: 675-3915 lllnilter: Dr. D. W. McEiroy ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH 1Mi4•"tf S'tflodl ' wQl'l:'J. et th• UNIVlllSITY , RK SCHOOL S•itA.iw•t Me""-'" lti U111Y9nlty P•A: OllNlll'l 11:11 A.M. ' An. H. Nhnn•-. P•1IM IJ).1211 FAST DRAW oe-.e.u,i. llJ• 4,111., itio f11f't!1t ,..., ... ~, 1tt the •••t. Cell "'2-1671 •ff4 .. It tft•11t •tllllfltf yMt •Wll cl•tL I; 11 a.m. His termoft topic wtD • be "All Mlrron, and No WJn. <low•!' Own:b IChool ••• ct meell at t :JO and 11 a.m.; youth grwps meel •l 6:30 p.m. Nut Saturday, I p.m. tho Merry Melhodlli Cla,. picnic wllL be held at Marlon Slllade's home, 940 Yorktown SI. Teinple . Sbaru, .117 W. Hammon, Com Mesa. The conservative Temple of lhe Harbor area, will conduct. Sabo bath Krvlces Friday I: 15 p.m. with Jltbbl Garson Goodn)an offlclltJng. He will preach "American Labor and Jewish ldeala,;, in honor of ~ Day. "SlgnpostJ to Nowhere!" is the sermon Ulle choltn by Pastor Charles. H. Dltrenfield for Suoday services, 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.: at S"-All~rew'1 Pmbyt<rtow ,Cbiudl, 600 SI. Andrew's Road, N e w p o r t -· . Senior blgb and college age young people join for a eandltllchl lmlct In the ~ Room, lunday, 7:30 p.m. Putor·H..., E. Jones will brln& 1 mwqe enlllltd "An lmporlanl AnriOaocanenl" al I and 10:30 a.m. Sunday l$trvlcea ,11 Ceolral B!Me Cltlrcb, 23rd Street • n d Orange Avenue, Coltf Meu, 7.p.m. ; Special guest al the 7 p.m. service will be Mls1 Sadako Matsumoto, wbo wlll tell Of (.he wort of Japu Bural Evangelism Fel1ow!hlp, ilve her testimaoy, and teacll a Japanese I 0 D·I to t be con. grtgalioo. Revamped BJ LOUii CAllEl.S DETROiT (AP) -, U..... P1W1 IBlnl'ft11ll Libtnllaad fUnotl} tu*llneo Or I • n I 1 e d COOMrVlllve lot Uot ~ ... ol Datroll ...... -... .llowtrlnJ In ., ... 1IUIOUllCed lodl)' by Jolla ..... e1 ,_ denamlna· Clrdlnal De a rd e ~ . The jlonl thll have uktn llber1I llandi on IOcill -' guldeUnu allow full Ctlhollc 'Illus lar, .,_ mov.,"'11 burial cmmonies in m• fn. are too rmall to mike a ...,_ lo memben o I ·aerloul bid for control ol Cttholle I a m 111e1 ,. ,...,. policy-making machlwy. !ut p r a c ti c i n I C o t bo1fc1i thfy are ~ enoqh .tq re11111tr Cathollcl wllo married 1m: .. llldlillt ~ '"" they .... .. ~.. --to be pwlnf. ~If ood -· , Tbelr ....,....,.)'evidence abaul -buledly loday," at)'I a.p11a1· lheolo1Jan Hat:vt1 Col ol Harv1rd DI~ Scbool. t'On I.be ODI. hand, there are 11-In all churdle• who want the cburdl lo play i I a <'llllomlry .IOClol role 11 Ille l\llf!!llO ol lhe valut1 and In· -ti-ol the put.• Tbey lllUillr COUdi llle1r alllfiide1n lmn1 wlllcll auggest lhal tho church abould 'stay oul ol pollllcl.' In lllt put, IUch per-ol lllt deep IPlll 11111 lw on.a ,._ dlo>1ed fiiD -.i developed In neorty 1ftrf..,.. riu0 ol lbl dlireb. jor U.S. nllP>oll body ....- If wlll ...,. be alUdard 1-churd>el -"'POlid "0. Ille -hand tb«e Is thlt F"tnc group or llill and cltrl)', moatly )'OUQCt which -lhal the chun:b abould ploy-• dired· role In IDClal cbanae." "Tbe Sina or Omls!llXI" Is lo Ibo c1tmandl IG< n"'1u-rhe ,.rmon to be lleard Sun-pradlot to ,pmldt , .. ,,._. tkonaly cm..,. whl'cb are l!iclOllll!! major Proleolani day at Qrill c.tJrt~ by 11M wllb • roatr)' aenlce Ill lllt tmanallnl lrom blacl -le, bodlel, such u lhe Soulhern Sea-Olllkd Melllodll~ HOO w. cloy beloro · lbe luJ!erll, • yoUn( -le, -pe6ple and Baplllt. CGavenllon and I b e BllbolBlvd.,Ne-Beacb. 1.-.Imaaoraervieeltlbl otber dlaalleeted·elemtnla flf LutberanChurcl>Misaourl .. ""', • " 80dety Synod, canaerv1Uves ire in The Rev. David DiProfio · funtral bocDe and a ,..aftlide · cootrol and toc:lal activllt.a are wtll speak al d u p 11 c • t e service. "Tll.ll, AND not the vlritn the minortty voice seeking to aervicu ol ""11hip at I liid Catil1nil Dunlm· lCltd '"' birlb, Ille lnlalllblllly: · ol the be heanl. • (Set PllU'IT, Pap II Uot nei>mmendollOn or Ibo • Pope .... Ibo autllortt7 of. tho • Bui In molt or the big vie~ of tbt archdk>cue. Bible, ii whit Chriltlanl arsue ma t n 11 n e P r o t e at a n t d-.WUona,.lht 1ltualloo·lr revtned. II II In thelO denominallona I b at con- aervatlvta are now or&anllina for internal bltUe. · Perbaps the m08I potent or these movements II t h • Presbyterian Lay Commlllee, which has betn tunctiorUng since 1964 in the United Pf81>yterlan Churcb. IT IS headed by Jl91er Hull. boan1 cba1rman ol Mulull = .... ~.or,.=, r:; parliclpo1'd In ltl orpolratlon are.J. Howard Pew, chairman or sun Oil co .• and a-,. Chaml!lon, chairman of aiaae Manballan Bl!nk-, .:I1Jo Presbyterian Lay Com- mittee now has a c tJ f e chapters In II cltlea and :II other• are in procea -Of organhatlon. Allhough n o mernberlhlp figures a r e p;ubliJbed. the conmUttee'1 of· ficial ·ma1a1lne, the (See ea..ervauv.,, P11i 11 COAST CH.URCH DIRECTORY ' CHRiSTIAN SCIENCE THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Newport Horbor Lutheran Church ' Wafcen• Yeu. . . Luther111 Church of the Mamr . (HURCHES IT. JAMD. Utt W. U... Mawp•t -:ll01 Cllll Dr. lJ B-4293 2900 Paclllc View Dr. ...... _....,, 1t11 .. CORONA DEL MAR 1trHAM-IWt' b 11111., ............ ............... ,.... · llAMCHD Of THI MOTHll CHUICH Clllll C..C •'1MI AM . ............ ww... DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER rHI PIUT 'CMUICH OP CHlm. SC.llHTllT ................ '· ...... lh ...... ,,. .... hlt4I c,.. ........ ,..., Phone 644-2664 IN 1onoN. MAISACHUSms p_..,...,.. ,1 .. " l•:• ...... I lihOM: 675-0210 :i::.r. r:::::.. t•• .. II:• 1.11'1. I ''MIND'' 111• .. U:• f ;-45 A.M.-F1ml.., W•nlll, · ST. MICHAIL a ALL ANOILS Nurury care available •:'411i A.M-S1PHl'1y Clu1'4Jt Pac:lfle. View Dr. at M.,.1Uerite, Corona del Mu Schffl Subjed of Lesson -August 24 It all aervices 11 :00 A,M,-F1sti--. Weraht, Sundays: 8:00, 9:80 -Child Caro al 9:80 WILCOME Co1t1 MeN -First Church of Christ, Sclentl1t Holy Dayo 11 announc..i .. ..._ •-N...,, PIMI••• . . . ............................ _..._il44MU tllO ..._ ,_. Dr .. Ceite ..._ 11..., Seti••' t :ll A.M. ST. JOHN THI DiVINl;-2048 oran,. Aft., c.ll CHRIST LUTHEIAN CHURCH Cluwc• Sent.--11 A.M. Sundl,)'1 7:30 Is 9:80 Cbiin:h Scllool -9:30. Missouri Synod . ...... '""" 2~· .. _ , .. Dr. 1bunclays: f:IO fl 10 l .m.; llolJ Da11 II announetd 760 Vlctw .. St., c .. t• ~ Lother v. Twnow, P•ltW Huntington Beach-Flnt Church of Chrl1t, Scientist ,._,n.._ .... W.t1 11•u11-......... U1 ' 541 S41M 110 OIM • IPllCOI'~ ,w,.,.,.., ..,...._ 1:1s a n A.M. 1_,. kflMtr 11• A:a&. l•Moy Sdieol-t1JO l 11 :M ....... •1• a..1 flJt A.Mo CHU111AN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 14N1" Cli•l'lll~1·1 A.M. s..tc. IPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ a..--a11on.. ST. WILFRID'S L19un1 Be1ch -Fir1t ChurCh of Chrllt, Scfentftt .... "·.a... u. -, ................. l'ltlNCI OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 6J5.Hltfi Or. MMll SI ..... e...,.._ M11• Ver4• Driv• A l•k•r Str111, Cost• M111. C11if, ' n. ""· .1-c. am. , .... CUrdl ' ....,. ScM.~tiJI I 11 :H SvMoy ·s.m ... ANOl lEW C. AHDllSON. ........ ....... l...a; Jt4 hfW A,.. .......,~,,,, M9"""9 ...... ., •:• .. ,,, • l e• A.M. = CHll libtlll ts• A.M, .. ..,. ...... a QwU ,,., ... v-. ..... Prl~q .f P•••• l11th1r•n Sel'lool -Mi11 Edh•r OllCfl, Pri11Clpel Newport Beach-Flr1t Church of Christ, Sclenti1t ,, ..... ~ " .................. ,. ... "" 1111 .....,can~ Offic• Pft•1111 149-0521 Sc~ Ph•11•1 149·0161 JJOJ YJe U49 C••rc• • .. ...., Sc•l-9;1 I & 11 :M l.-i1t1 ... -.IJ11'&UM Pint ~ God Chrcll I w ... n ... '• y ..... Attend .the. church • . . Newport Be11ch-S.Coftd Church of Chrl1t, Scientist 1461. 22n4 11., '°"' 541-3761 UNITARIAN • Jlot,..... Ylaw .Dr .. c..-....... la~1•n, Mi11ht9, of Toutli -UNIVERSALIST 'of. yoµr -chol~.f "., ' . Clllrrcll I .....,, Wa•I \.a A.N •. M.C,C'9111c, J .. -... ,--. " CHURCH ' • .......... m1 L ~ ...... 1219 Vlct.rle St,. Cori• M•M Sunday ICHDUll OI' IUYICIS I on ' 646-4652 ....... All ore cordlally'lnvlted to allend the cH~h aervlcu so....., c ...... kMel • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 9:Jt' .... lt :JD ~ and enjoy th• privileges of the' Reading Roow ,_.., • ....., •••••••••• 11:11 ..... 7:ot , ... ' C"11reli Ch•lr -S•llril P•ul11n, DIN1ttr CWW C•f'I ....W.. AT ALL lllYICU -·-_ .... ...., .......... A Cordial Welcome from Stat. Ll•MMlf fl,...lc"-' -Mra. John Gcllnick, Dlrtctor THE UNITED MDHODIST CHURCH . ..... , 641-lJlJ CHURCH OF CHRIST -· 11111\101 hi•"' Hunflf19tN1 l11ch-Norf11 COMMUNITY COMMUN ITT 287 W. WILSON ST,. COSTA MESA HARBOR R!fOllM TEMPU MITNODIST CHURCH MITNODIST CHURCH llTWllN HAUOl eMI fA1ayt1w I II "1''' 175°0,50 6662 Hitll AY• ... 142-4461 SUNDAY MORNING l llLE STUDY •.•.•..•. 0 .. , .. 9:41 AM "'"'Int 11 lzll 11form1I Wenhlp W•r1hlp & Ch11rcli Sch..r SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMUNI N • , 10:41 AM St. Jame1 lplscopal Church t :JO Tr111dlti•111I Wo"lilp t I IO:JO AM SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP .....••.. , , •• .'., ••• 6100 P.M. & SuHey SehMI WEDNESDAY EVEN IN& lllLE STUDY . , •.•.••••••• 71JO PM 3209 Vi• Lide, Newport leach lmn.,_E•.t l luff NUUllY CAJ.I PlOVIDD SAllATH SERVICIS -RILIOIOUS SCHOOL UNIYlllSITT O• ... 0. Mayfl914 1 ••• H .. ..... a1•H&aD P. •OND POii INNRMATIH1 CAU. ~ C•st1 M•1• MUHODIST CHURCH ..~- _ .. _ PIUT UNITID Phone: 541-S711 Day or NJtht MUHODIST CHURCH lll-1 2JJ . GLAD TIDINGS 11422 Culv•r R11d . ltth St & H1rli•t 11¥11. et U11i.,•rtitv Driv• W•rthlp I Cllvf'lh Scho.i Worthip I Church Schiel CENTRAL ~JI CORONA DEL MAR ASSEMBLY OF GOD t zJ O 111 AM ':JO A.M. I 141-7727 BIBU CHURCH ~ 15th I Monrovia, Newport Botch , "ullC O le91n111 l••cli " 'I' I Vi lteU W• ef ""9 H_,1te1• '4M6JI ., Mf.7.866 C.1t1 M•M N•rtli LAGUNA HACH """"' ......... ,. ..... -1M1 MNIW, ....... Dlrlctw MHA YIRDI MITNODl5T CHURCH ~ " SUNDAY SllYICll 21632 w • .i.., Ot 111 ,_ s MITNODIST CHURCH s •. Le9un • frytphulzins -" 9141 A.M. -SUNDAY ICHOOL. N.,...., C.. M•MI V•t4• I l1••r St. Worthip ID AM z .. 111H A.M. -a ... , ...... ......._ .,._.lllf 14t-271t The Pt..n of God "' W111hlll' I Ch•rch S(h•el Church Sehool I 0 AM lhe Pmon of Christ ~ .. 71H P .... -1 ... w.,.. Cerhn Spetll111 t 100 A I01JO AM "''·1011 The Power of the Holy Spirit .,. .... r-. Pt1y•r M1•tlnt. S1tut41y t :JO A.M Su"day Sdlool ' AM ~ ' ' 'I. H11ntlntt011 l•ecr. N1wp1rt l11ch '· CHRIST CHURCH Mol'flifll Wonhip ' Md 10:l0 AM :r.,..~ '~ HARIOR ASSEMILY OF GOD flRST UNITED (venln.11 Slrvlc:e 7 PM MUHOOIST CHURCH IY THI SIA Tll11rldl,-811111 5!\ldy ~lrMA~.,._ ..... \ 740 W. WllHn. Cosio Mota 111d ·~ 1 PM 2711 17tt. St ••••• IJ ... Jll7 1400 w. 1.11, •• '"'· N11miy clurll'll Nl'Vbs ' f , L HDIWICK. ,_.. CAIL .. MTIY S.nolc. -t1JO I 11 •.111. 67J.JIOI ' IMM1M . _ ...... A fun Youth Progmn • H•'"'f tlvw JN 1r•4• • 11 w.,1hlp I · Ch11rell Sei...I COMMUJllTY ' Cm. ol 0...,.. and :Did. SI. :1 Ch•rdri Seti"' -t ill ....... t I I D:JO A.M •. ' SUNDAY SERVICES -CotliM,.. COil&RfGATIONAl " r.,1or H. L }Ol'llS; In:.\ Mbf. ' ' t :4SA.M.-....., ...... PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES I • O-hr•..-6Jt. HILIOTllOPI of the Coastal Areas u ...... a.m., 11111 A.M.-..... ,_. ~-RELIGIOUS SCIENCE w..-11 ........ 420 lotfl St., H•nti119t•n h1eh I C~1•11I lt:M A.M. .... .,... . .. ,~h .. '!: .• ~~ ..!~..J!.:I:.. Ph•n• 116°2120 I °'·' .................... l :MP.M.-n. ~ lterti...., Adult• Youth S1"ic11-Miu .,,.., ,,.... o.c .•• ' .... -0.---' 11:00 A.M . '7MOOO COSTA MESA CHRfSTIAN SCHOOL ....., • ...,I t:ll AM a.o '4Ml111t41 ..... ' I IRNIST PATL MINllTll . ~ -• .......,,.. ~ • ......,., -cw (ft Ofllae n11l M1111l1 It, ,._ ttMMI ' Charch of the Covenant S.venth·Day Adventist Churches ORANGE COUNTY COMMllllTY ClllRCH .... _....,,.,__ I lr.c• A. kurrl•. p,,,., .,_, ..... ~ ..... ...., W...., I~ w..t: t1JI ••··· ......... 171 AteM!h 5""' .. I 11011·4•flflloi111tion1I) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ' I Jol\11 $h•w1111lr1, P•1t• ---~ C....M .. w.._·,a.. -W•11tlllt.etAllml• .... ~ ...................... Phon•t l41·65t6 ..,, . .,....., __ CHAILD HllMlf ttUDd'llU, PAITOI ._...,. kMel •• , , t :JO AM A. L Rewt•n. Pelf•r C-.M-W ..... I QMll ...... 1Ittsll1"11 AM . ........ WeMtt •• 11 ... AM Ph.,.•1 4f2•Jfl6 '""'"47 ' SUNDAY SIRVICE ......... 11 A.M. . ................. tJJIAM St •. Merk l'ntbyllrlan Church Prayert ........ "WM• J':Jt PM ...... W ......... ll:H AM + MW...,.t CaNarl ...................... c.... ..... cttwa•CtMM: ... -------141 .... 1 ...... ..... ~ ................ ...... a.. ....... 11 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN ,CHURCH .._ ..... ................... • •• ....1141 C--.lty Presbyterlaa Ch.O t041 ,.._., A,., IT._. I M11111•». POUMTAIN YAUIY ' T .. •111: MW441. hr er M)tM UNlfllD SERVICE • S.H17 Scltffl f1JO-WOISHIP • ID:JI I 411 __ , ....... ~, -' tAUAlft-. W1nh1, l TMtll .._,. • 6:JI 1.11. * TEMPLE SHARON ..... • t olt a ,, .. A.M. ---• tozt A.M. N•t1•'1' pr•¥14ed et el ,.Me•• . _,.. .. CIMlll..., ~ -........ "" .,...,. ...._. ""' ....... , ........... fw ... ............ A,.. ANDY HAS ANSWERS EVERYONE'S FAVORITE 617W•H ........ CMteM ... All J1w l1h ft"'Ul•t 1r1 i11vltt4 t• f•ht 111 111 truly 11111nl119fvl I Ttl•t1'1 en'7 9'1• 11111 f9.ii' 4111 flft4 lll•N llllltw•tt fh111 f•I' ly 111 ch11I N1d1r.hlp 1tlll, •n• •f th• 111•1t p•,11l1r 11•w1,1p1r SAllATH mNIH• lllYICD PllOAY et l tll P.M. 1hlftlt1J1 h••• ~••tfl.fi1. Ch•elr th• A1lr Ntly f11tur• ,•"'917 S•t- fuhn•• In >.1111rle1 11 th• M11 Le11d111r1 c1h111111. 11'1 • 4tlly lplrltHI Leelht -.......... •ff4""9 I 11t4 .. , lll tll• AILY ,llOT. TM'lt !Ille It -end .. wll ., .. ";•9111l1r'' I.II th• DAl\.Y PILOT. t•6·11J2 ,.,,.,1, Shi,..,. Clieit -On11 Sh1~1t 141-1411 .... ..... .m ............... -. - • • I I I " ! • • ' ' • • I• • I I • • f-• I • ' . ---------------------~-------~ -----·~----------~-------------~----------- 10:30 1.m. Church llChool meet. at t a.m. Nunuy care la provided . glvcn at the 11 1.m. service of. Foaata111 Volley Preabylerlu Cllllrdl, 9420 Talbert. Sunday $chool cluaes wW precede at "The Gamel! Generations 9:45 a.m. Play" is the theme of a pro-Sunday 1:30 to a p.m .. the gram to be presented at &he fourth of the .. Sunday Eve- 10:3(1 1.m. Sunday meeting of nings Jn August" will be held. the Cost.a Mesa Unitarhm The evening will conclude Univer1aU11t Cbarcb, 1259 Vie-with I Bible.discussion called - tqrla .St. by 1nembers of the "All About David.'' church. Mr. an-d Mrs. ltOl>ei't -· Kausen, Mr. and P.lrs. James · Communion wn be observed Clough and four teen...agers will at St. JGhl tbe D i ·v i 11 • converSe about the rela-E~pal Cburch, 2043 Ortnge tionshlps between parents and Ave., Cost~ Mesa, Sunday 7:30 their children. a.m. Fanuly strvice •. morning pray~r, will be held at 9:30 w l th Sunday school '°t th~ SIUJ1e time. Canon Noble Ow· ings. executive assistant to Bishop Bloy, will deliver the sennon. The congregation of Harbor Cllirl1tiu Clwrc~, Disciples of Christ, will meet for worship at Harper School, 18th Street at Tustln Avenue, at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. The Rev. Clayton J~. Wilson will preach "Where Do We Go From Here?" " -. ... Wou .. ML MUM ' school session will be held at IO a.m. Regular churclJ school will begin Sept. 14. Christ LuUleran Church. 780 Victoria, Co.sta Mesa will -hold WGrshlp services at 11 :15 and 11 a.m. Sunday. The con- gregation will hear a sermon by the Rev. Lothar V. Tornow entitled, "The Sufterin& of Christ". "The Collapse of Ideology" by Dr. Firuz Kazemiadah, professor of Russian history, Yale University will . b ii! presented by the Babla'ls of Orange County Sunday, 8 p.m. at the Altadena Federal Sav· ings and Loan in Santa Ana. Mrs. Ensley Ellis wiU speak at the Baha'i Center. 985 Vic- toria, Cosfa Mesa ~fonday on "Positive Interracial Rela· tionships." guest minister at Laguna Untied ~tedMMpst C b 1 r c b , 21632 Wesley Drive Sunday. His subject will be "ln the Power of God." Commun.Ion services will be Sunday school. Bible classes and a new adult information class will meet at 8;30 a.m, Lu.tlttru Church of the Master, 2900 Paclfic View Drive, Coro11a del Mar, offers w«Ship services st 1:45 and Jl a.m. The visual education program continues in the Sun- day Church School at 9:45 a.m. A s~cial worship service at 2:30 p.m. in the Sunllte Con- valescent Hospital is also scheduled for Sunday. Dr. William R. Eller will deliver the message "A Turning Point." An aduU inquiry class will be organized Tuesday, 7 p,m. VacaUon Bible School for the whole· family will take place Monday through Sept. 5 at Costa Mesa Four s q•are Cburcb. 1734 Orange Ave ., from 1 to 9: 15 p.m. each weekday. Director of the family event. themed "Sailing With Christ," is the Rev. Robert Ingles. Crafts, atory houni, singspira· lions and refreshments ·will be offered. The pastor, the Rev. Wesley W. , Murrin, returns to the pulpit f« the 11 a.m. service ~unday after aervin& as dean of men for the church's district youth camp. The congregation of Hun- tington Beach's Community United Metbodht Cburtb, ~ Heil Ave. "'ill hear the Rev. Fred G. Overby preach at both I and 10:30 a.m. services Sunday. The title of his aermoo is "Priority One." Nursery care for the very young will be provided. · Due to daily vacation church 1ehool, now in session, church school fut' young people from first grade through junior high will not be held. Number five in a series on the Apostles' Creed, titled "I Believe in . • • • the Forgivenesa of Siru:," will be Horoscope Chaplain John Landgraf. of the Southern California Baptist Seminary in Covina will bring his message and music at botlt services of the ·First Baptist Cbarcb of Huntlngtoa Beaeh. Th e congregation meets at 9:30 a.m. at Peeks Chapel, 7801 Bolsa Ave., \Vestminster and ti a.m_ at Huntington Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange. Church school is held at the downtown chapel at 9:30 a.m. Barbor Reform Temple's regular Friday Sabbath even· ing services will be held at St. James Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Udo. Newport Beach at 8 o'Clock. Services will be con· ducted by Rabbi Bernard P. King. Barry Michaelson will discuss "Health Care for the Poor" during the Oneg · Shab- bat. Religious school registratioq will be held Saturday morn' ings today. next week and Sept. 6, from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the church courtyard. High Haly Day ticke~ may be ord· ered by calling 646-3608~ ' Guest preacher, the Rev. Arthur ,Holst, director ~ of Lutheran Social services of Southern Califotnia, will speak at ~HU~ Lutheran Cburdl, 9311 Hami1ton, Hun;. tington Beach, Sunday,• 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is provided. Summer ·schedule of Sunday church school for three year olds through third graders meels at · 10:30 a.m. in the Education~! Building. Older children worship witb their parents at the worship service. The leSson·sermon. titled "Mind,'' Will be read in all area Christian S c i e n c e churches this Sunday. Speaking at the 10 a.m. service the Rev. Lawrence T. Young, associate pa11tor at East Whit t ie r United Methodist Church, will be the Church School is a]so at 10 -held at 8 and 9:30 a.m. Sunday a.m. Child cai-e is provided. at St. Mlcbael't and All The Rev. and J\trs. John Gollnick have joined the staff of the First Assembly of God Churcb, 1S7 22nd St., Costa Mesa. Mr. Gollnick will serve as associate pastor; Mrs. Goll n ick as director of preschool. Fir1L Baptist Cburcb, 301 Magnolia, Costa Mesa, will hold Sunday worship services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Se.nnon topic for the morning worship hour will be "How to Live;" the evening service, "Startling Events in the Light of Prophecy." Charcb of lite Cros11roadl will hold Sunday services a t Pacific View Chapel, Corona del Mar at 9 J.m. Dr. Vincent Gottuso will preach "God of lhe Humanly Possible." "A Service in Song" will be presented by Mrs. Marlon Downs at Mesa Verde United Method.lit Cbu-rcb, 1701 Baker St., Cosla Mesa Sunday at t and 10:30 a.m. services. Mrs. Downs received a Fulbright Grant and has done concert. work in Europe~ Melito and: ..Jhe U.S. She also received an Atkinson Foundation. Aw8.1'.d ~or opera and fo& studies . .,• · The Rev. Loren Dale Flick· inger Will'-Preach "Spea,k the • \Yord" to .the congregaUon of : Newport Unity Cburcb Sun- day, IO a.m. The church meets ·at Senior Citizens Building, •5th and Irvine, Newport Beach. Wednesday Dr. Frances Flickinger will conduct a heal- , ing meeting, 7:30 p.m. also at the Senior Cltiu.ns·Building. Worshippers at the 10 a.m. service of Corona del J\.1ar C o mmunlty Congregational CbufCb, 611 Heliotrope Ave., will hear Dr. Philip G. Mur- ray speak on "The ~ife We Prize." Child care is provided. The final summer church Angels' Episcopal Cb u r c la, 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Summer church school meets at 9:30 a.m. only. The 11ermon this week will be "Yet I Arn Here as One Who Serves." Temple Betll Davtd's sab· bath service will be held Fri- day, 7:4S p.m. at Community Congregalional Church, Kate!· la and Bloomfield Ave., Los Alamitos. Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith will conduct th e monUtly family night servlct. Oneg Shabbat will be hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar HOOis and Mr. and Mr~ Bregman. Abernathy Re-elected By SCLC CHARLESTON. S.C. CAP) -The Southern Christian Leadership Conference has re· eleeted the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy as president and pledged a militant new attack on·paverty, raciam and war. · The ~ection came a cla.y • + • •• ahead of schedule, aS'lhe cl.vu rights group hurried to finish pressing business be f o re recessing a four-day nalional · convention in Charleston. The convention will reconvene in Chicago to decide whether the SCLC will become more in- volved in an assault on what it calls .. racism" in the building trade unions there. Abernathy said the SCLC will spend the next year in- volving itself more heavily in labor affairs, including the organi za tion of non· professional hospital workers in severaJ Southern cities. fte said there will be a nationwide effort to organiz.e the working poor into labor and\ political groups. Aquarious~ Accent Original The convention met in the historic Port city ·that this year became the scene of the SCLC's first effort to organize nonprofessional h o s p i ta 1 workers. SUNDAY AUGUST 24 By SYDNEY OMARR LUNA R POSmoN em- phul1e1 Arl, lJteralllre and m111lc. Grtate1t recreation ~ day 11 stll•zprutlon througb th:e arU. Medicine, l\e-igion Work Side by. ~ide at Burrsw9~d l By GODFREY ANDERSON GROOMBRIDGE, England (AP) -11 ~n't a bit like Lourdei but tl'le' same aort of J>eOP.1~ are there. They come on ffiiir aluminum Cnltctfes, bent over WQOden canes, b1,_1d· died In whoelchllrs, With lacee •llmped·by su!Cerlng and eyes still lit by hope . '"'nils Is· Bumwood, Church of England center of divine healing -Uie place where they tell you miracles do 60meUmes happen. It's little more than 40 miles from bUstJJng London, in 230 acres of idyllic peace in rural Kent County. People come here from .all over Bri· l!Un, Europe and e v e n America to seek a cure which some will say they find. HERE MEDICINE 1 n d religion work side by side. Burrswood itself, a iray •tone manslon1 once an English stately home, is a tt.bed clinic where ,lhe doctors and nur~!I rule. The little church ol Christ t.he Healer, built beside it, is where the sick. undergo a priest's laying-on of hands. Husbands and wives, whole families, join handJ as they kneel together before the priest. Others come to seek by proxy aid fdr -sorne paUettt 'too sick to make the journey. Before the cUded CNcifit on the attar ls a book of names - those to be prayed for. IN THE SPRING ,i.t oum· mer, people ~ by the coach-load for thrioe--wtekJy healing aervlces. l'{!Ae thousand , cime hllll year alone. N. one recent service the congregation lnduded a Necro couple, an Indian, two Swedes, a group ot Asiatics. They represented . Chri1Uan denominations from Roman Catholics to Petltecostala • those from other faiths and those with no faith at all. "They all take somethlnc away with them-if onll splr~ ltuaUy," sa)'1 BurrwOocl s rui· dent chaplain. "SoineUmes, of ettif3e, no 'Physical cure fol· lows the lay1ng.on of hands. But the person 1.9 made whole in hi& personality, so he can better accept hl.s situatioo. I've never known anyone re- sentful because they were not healed." Father Garth, now 88 and with two !l decadea in the Cburth's healing ministry, says he was cured of blindness ciue to diabetes when another prle11t laid htallnc hands on him. "That was what really brouaht me into the healing ministry," he . said. • ' Of course, some •. priests are hoatlle; some doctors are agalNt u. 'l11ey aa y : hu In connection "Ith 'Mlracl" don't happen.' But Lourdes. But most of the wben one bas happened to you bl!bopa are 'Yl"Pltbetlc to the and w):len 'oo see them hap-wont done here and, tvtll penlni, there'' no argwnent those wttb r11ervatlon1 aboul it." preserve a caretuU1 neutrtl THE CllUllCll of England -=•lll=tu=de=. =====t 6ai no eliborite: means oflr" checking claimed cures such as the Roman Catholic Church Disciples' Head Raps 'Silence' ' ' Emyon1 his• rf&flttD M free. -, fret from~ • , . poverll ••• unhlppilll9 ... bad habits. But -• important -Ill dM !hat ll10dom now. Hear "Claim Your r reedom r' .... public llctlt'I by EugenaDepold Tye, c.s., who Is a member of Tit• Christian Sde"' Board rt Ltclureshlp. He will tell about your divint rigltt to freedom, and exp~in how yoa e1n pin It yourseH through God's bolp. Come with members of your family ind frien ds. CONSERVATIVES ••. (Continued fn:im Page 4) Presbyterian Laymari, has a circulation of about 22:0,000. Hull's lfOUP has W«'ked quietly to put a cbeckretn on wh<t It regardl u Ul-advl!ed social p~cemenll -by Presbyttrlan officials. tt hu carefully avoided flamboyant threats of schism. A MORE militant pooture has been taken by Concerned Presbyterians, a conservative movement in tbe predomlnanUy S o u th e r n Presbyterian Church in the United States. Coocemed. Preshyterianl i.s headed by Kenneth Keyea, a wealthy Miami rtaltor. He says membership hu in. creased 30 percent tn the past six months, but decllnM to give 1ctual figures. Keyes uraes hts followers . to regulate ~ giving in such a way as to bring flnanCtaJ preuure on · denominaUonal agencies whtch · e 1·p o·u·s e- theologlcal ot ooclal llberallsm or support .churcll' merger pro-- PJB&ls. • . "We will not 1tand by and watch the radlcali liquidate ou1 church," he SI)~ recently. "We . are • aalninl 1treqth monthly." . W. Jack Williamson of Greenville, Ala.,• ~ary of Concerned Presbyterians, said this month that a schism in the denomination "appears certain" soonv or later. But Keyea replied; "THE LIBERAi.$ want to tee ut le,.vlJ the church. We won't think 6f leavtni until we have a showdown on theae issues." COME TOAfl!EE Christian Sdence Lecture of fine . jewelry in gold, plati~un:i, and diam~ndJ. 25% OFF 6 DAYS ONLY a1 .. P.M. T ..... y, .. ft U •1rtt Cllmll _, Cllrltl, t.ci.tltt. #II Vlt I.Ne, H....,.rt ltffll. Cllllf C•f't P,..tMI. Our Re9ul1r Print MONDAY, AUGUST 25 THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 MON BIJOU 29 TOWN & COUNTRY, ORANGE 714/816-7777 TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY· THURSDAY PRE ~· LABOR DAY . . SPECIAL SALE 25% to 50% OFF SHIFTS AND HOT WEATHER DRUSES, PATINT LEATHER THONGS & SANDALS, DISCONTINUED "KORATRON" STYL!S. SWIM SUiTS UP TO 50% OFF SALE $TARTS 9a30 A.M. TUISDAY IN COSTA ME~A IT'S ~ i I I • I ! 1 'l I 4 ___________ -----1~---- I I I •• '18Y·8LOT " ' . ---·---- CHiili au sTic E BURGER 'Ho,Loob Like •"·Judge' · . .~ ,. . -. Page .. llld ever)11llng thet could ldontl/y a1 .an. '~ .. of lndtvldllal "rights" OCY •,D ·=expansion was at the ~e of lhO of jlther hU!Jlall being.-the m. . c1t1zena-preoumablJ protected br the um8'Cobltitutioo... ' IA tlii· Ohio 'l"""h, Ibero m II>-~ tbllt 'Mr. J..UC. Buraee ~ . <rili ie'Ir.oo the ''mechonllm p .. vlded by eo.cteoa'for malclJlg n&la foi ·crllnllW 11"."'"d""' rather tljall clw1clnl the i:'ilm1nlJ prccedure llld_rulea of evidence , on a ~<Ut b8&i& ,.. • . . · CONl'R.\l\V. OPOOO!ii$' Ori Jliit bow fll<· }Ir • .J111Uce llur1er m., go In hia ...-cord of Judicial ~ in crimlljal 'law aild' the erieci ·it may liave In 'the future are .seen in the following remarks-the first taken from lhe Ohio .. apeecb and: the second fro,m. a symposium. a year ago at the Center for the Study of l><DIQcratic [MituliOlll In S a n t a Barbara, Calif. (published by Time MaPzlne, June IO, 1961!. -. " .... S<me of the ch"lli'l·made (in !he revolution in cr-iminal~law) ~ long ovon!Ue. Aii lawyeea tab pride, for ea· ample, in a cue like Gideon v. Ch eck ing . . -· \. . Johnny's .. • ---· • • . -Walnwtlghl wblch guaranleet a lawyer to CI every perlOD charged with a serious of-ass f~ holdings of the Supreme Court on the right I<> coumel, on trial by ·jury In· Area Scho ol,s Analyze Cost, Goals of Education stead of by the press and oo coereed con- ftssion1 will aJways stand out as landmark! on basic rights. Theae Were appropriate subjects for deflnlUve ·con- alJtutlonal holdJn'8 .... " By ELMER WEW Edlfcaltoa New• S.rvlce . \ . Dlalricl· and Foualtin 'Valley efem1Dtar7 then1u att.mpl al I mo<e elfectlvt we ••~" of IN CALIFORNIA, RE dlaraclerlzed ~lol"ict. f4:tcatiorial .manpowu, materiala and the American adversary ·!)'stem of ;·Is Johnny'• educatioo cooling too lllU., ifnough, or ·too m\ICh?''lloM Johnny.get '1e right klnd ·of-educatiob to eQuip him 1be pnicram I& aimed at the followlng: equipment I<> •lta!D pre-planned llCbool jusUce u "lneffJclent Ind w~ul" and -To Judie the -eflectlveneaa of pala., . quealloned \he principle of trial .by !u!Y, Jciumy'1 tcbooUllc -.ill 'benefit COlll· "A ·acbool .d!strlcl opa-atq a ·P.PBS . the lhield offered by the Filth .Amend· pared.wfth 1be """ will .be better able I<> eip1a1n what It ta ID<nl and .the •preaumptioa of inoocence become ·a productive,. --~'!• ..., .~ ·-i:v· .... ";"" llml for t!Miiworld he;wlll Bvt In? -To determine what kind of overall .... •·-· uoUI pm!lft flllllty. «tucatkloal .10111-'we should baye ff'?' irylnJ to ~ccompWlll, nuw mudl ~ TUDe Qiioted Mr. Burger: Johnn1.aild wbatobJectlva (cou-and ~: ~J;, :i .. :-.. ~=;:f 1~ "If we could eliminale the jury, we -No one today can really answer these uesti.... Bui there lie Jots of opililoos ind theories called "ansWen." l"in an tffO~· &o .elimlbate1mucb ·Of~ a(Uv!ttea) llbould be adopl<d'.to reach the . Santa' Cln County Taxpayers Allocla. would 11~ a Jot of. lhne.,.You·can lry a goals. · tion . ~ case wltbOtrt a· jury Jn one ~ay th.@:l woald -To determine if1fe .,e acbievin& the Many p , er r\S int out that to. ~k~ )'.00 .. a w.eek or two 'Weeks wi,tb a usloo, ~•l!Jlrk ,.dJo flnd.u ~ ' gbt IMWtl'I II human1y pos&U>le, · Ufomia ls among a number of gtates oving toward the use of aophi.st\cated ct Age systems analysis in school pJ1MIJ11 llld accounting. objectives and the IQlla. . , ~ . po . . 1ury. . . . eu....:..11, · • ....,.,.._, and· 1 •me day we, a not '"" where Iii the schnol ~ .,1· the' •• il la ,_ . · ~ .. -;,un: -".T program we··1re getUnc the belt me of --n · ·c1v_ w sys ....... Jn ~ ... pe. governmental ~ have been \Ulinl the educaUonal dollar. PPBS, they uy, they never le.tone ju~ge do .anything .. So systems analysls•Jn their planning and will Mlp educaton decide on bow the itone Jodee 1n three 111 defective-which budgeliJlll for yean. Only re<:<lltly hu educ ti al doUa -•-·•d ~ ll ted is probably about por for Ille American the -·-been put on educaUon to a on r llU\IW ~ a oca atem-ther · H lland Denmark ,.. --... · wtthln the total IChool profram because 1Y • IA ~ o ' _ KNOWN AS "Planning, Programriiill!,. 1 udgeting System (PP.BS).'' t be · omia program will be oPerated in 15 districts on a pilot basis during the rnnt fiscal year. =~,":,.~!: /i:..'-:. 'a."'11. 1 _ ~ffili.~~'"!f .1! ~~-II). ~cular °' .. ~•::.t:::~~~ =.i:: DALE B. SCO'IT. cbalnnan of the '""-\ ment concept, in its: preae~ fOrin-lnd U .· state ~.·of, ~Uoa'a 11.....,ber POR l!XAMP,LE' today we apend the' pro1enUy applied llld Interpreted, bu all Adviaoif'C~ioo 'SdliioJ'Dlatricl' . -·lllOOq JunlOr llld aenlor hllh the validity attributed to it. I am lalkirif· Budg~·~nll!A~feiplahii thet 1choOI pupllt. }' rtcent ..-arch """'• about requiring a defendant to leatlfy. f, Among them are Newport Mesa Unified _ tha;P,l'.11$·,fl!P!Vldi la citalf1 'no:more that'lonnal . ·on bu the gru~ " • l · t " ' • . t • linl*i ~t-lhO.p etrty achool )ev.la. · ~ • . PP'BSWUJ!b,llP.i c! ·if1we will 1et the best.and inoit ti! n ,.. cl the llCbool "CERTAINLY YOU have hea~ -and judges have laid-that one should not convict a man out of his owo mouUi.. The fact is that we ntablish responsibility and llabillty and we coovkt ht all areas or civil litigation out of the mouth of the defendant." • ' • Police Office r.s' Image. ='"~~ .• :-=~= -the money, on oUr over-all ' • • • 1 , educaUonal ~ < By J. EDGAR HOOVER ~. ~Iii . ~ p~rti ...S 'Ille p!U if!'f . '-!. dlatrlcts In ' FBI Director -. •• .aJ .to,....., ~, .. obU•-.•ln o tbe Cll!fomla ·to ·mOH . •PPBS· -ap. Time said that Mr. Justice Burger, In the same speech, qufftloned the pradi,ce o( barring from court evidence obtained in violation of the law and aoouted defenae lawyers of cloqing the court 1yattm by an e1cess of zeal in ostng · every available meaDB to clear theJr clients. ' -.. --.. -.. ,..,.. -• proyed :J>y·'lbt"JAclaf . ·tn -.llf7. ,,,. : Emerson once stated that "Life ·is ·no.t· flghl,aplnlt crime/law enlommelit has, comml!sion. oom ol offictlla of tax-~ -· of~\..."'-,'bul wfth ,.·,~ •• .:., ·~ .... . •educt"""' scliool boards short but that there is always Ume wr-~· iR= .. ,,_,•.1 ""_,....., nm• PIY ,groups, ~., . 1 • , urtesy." This truism expresses a prin-some of U.. valuabll personal rtlJUonsbJp county · governmenti~_ · buslntlsmen ' -· ~th ~-lqdlv'~·-1 ·~"-·n. -·-. ~· w'-· 1't llld tho adcounting . ' .... then 'iple which should be a common .,rtue ""' \09' w.u-. -u-1wa • .,,, a~ .. · bf the s.tatt -of ·.Educa· ong all pment-day law enfoioement · ·l! eo vitally· importQt 1hat ev"'1 offtcer 1l6h. · ~ ficers. be courteous and considerate in the con-~ May 1, Scott reporttd to the state .. The enforcement -0f the law in our ·tacb-"that ·be-doe~ ~ke. boml that the fi1'!t conceptual dtJlp of ntry today is not an easy task. Cer· -a PPBS manual for local acboolJ 'had nly, law enforcement is subjected to OBJECJJ,ONABLB TllAlTS of one been comj)t.ted. 'I:M~J . was ore abuse and crilicism than ever member"or a Polloe department can be . f«mulated.by•Peat. ·. Mltcben 6 fore . Some citiuns not only verbally serious !lablllty to all membe\'I;' .Ar-. J:11,. · •,;~~,F.r~""' ·f!r'lll of QllDqe- ttack policemen, but they a 1 so rogance and condeanslon hevt: DO ptaoe ment amsultihui, wo~ ~ the ~ ysically assau1t them without' pr. in law enf(JcemenL-lf,.~ off'.'~ Ji ·~ mtaklli aM; ~~ ::t· Uon. While such unwarrant.ed acUon uphold the etbb ~ biS' .~ hti · " · . ~nnot be condoned. the law enforcement cannot let penOnal1feeBnd ~ Pn,Judlets _ 11PP,lts ts NOT a··~ · lfltem, ficer should not Jet hosute public reac· lnlluence hla actloril;'Aa a•Pofti:anan, !jt· Althooilb computera ein 'be. '\!lid for on affect the maMer in which he isifve'na 'pUbllctnllt.•&nd_the.pubUchU1 fqter .~sinl ot data..~.~!! not rforms his duly. evory:npt Id Hpicl hill' to· oem· all mandatory for the u"ble PPB •)'Item. ol I · dll!em alll!>, with ln\t(rlty-llld .Jiollor. 'Ille PPB l)'Stem heinc devaloped by the One the cmnp amts law enlorcement After aJI, the·~ wilt Ind a•ldmlce,ol commleslon cail be ~ with com- fflclals hear repeatedly is that the the· Pl'"·.,. . _... vaJuable,-, .~r or manua~· ormaUOn p-"'·," nal contact between the public and .uui; ,_ ........ _.. cers oo the slreell II decreasing. No ~ ~·m-to llnf!lvo• wl. 1 · • · bt thls is true, but Police officials thtli-p"U6lic' tfuiee should checl thelf~ ' "PP.BS;• he dedt 111.wlll better com. ave valid explanations !or the decline. coort~ .~tin&t.. Courtesy . ii. b411c· ~ municatejwhert · mOftiS' ii beln& spent e of the factors involved include the 1~ puhllC relai19ns. While ~ ~be.,, tit .' to the. J)\l>llCj~-~ -educational com. apid incruae of populaUon, the coo-c1anPt al; beclomlnf! a Jost art bl· -' munlty. 1be· ~ provldas the op. inuing growth ol arus to be policed, the 1esment1 of oUr oomples IOdety. port.unity1for th9 public· fli wel1 as the ack of manPower, and 'the obvlou! ad· cotirtesy must k" an inaralned hlbtt ol tchool trustees, admlnlltn.tors, te~ antage of dired, cons t BJ! t com· every law enforcement officer. He shouJd and students to partldpate in .UR unlcat.ion "'Ith motorized patrolmen.--alwiys have_.'Ume for oourtesr.' management proeeq;·of our ICMols.:11 What do educalorl think of w. Justice Burger's steward!lhlp? PROF. PAUL G. KAUPER of the University of Michigan said that Justice Burger would "build public confldenCt in the Court's· imqe, but beyond that little change is expected, , "I think the influence and role of the Chief Ju&tlce ii vastly overrated. He is ooe vole among nine. I doa~ attach that much importance to one man's vote," he aald. Dean Pqe Keeton of the Unlveesity of T .. u Law School aald the Burg.r will lead the COUrt into conserVatlsl:n and eUmlnate oome of the mlrictlona plac.d oo the police. ' · Prof. Tbomu S. ·cumer at-the Unlven!ty of Vlrglnil 1ald lie didn't "an- ticipate any druUc chanau In the diric· Uon of tbe Court." 1'1bere may be a cbanae In degree rathee then direction," he !<>Id the CJim. ttan Science Moollor. -Trial Magazine G*r ,.,_ In San ~ff ----.,..-.,...,,..,.----------..1 MAN'S BEST FRIEND. CAN B.E HIS BARTENDER By llER_I! CAEN SAN FAANC!SCO -h'llle "Vet'! Jill called me 'stupid' llO I said 'No- bOdJ' calla me stupid' and then he betti n'le and runa out th• door." Fin(edng the bandage on lilt head: "You, lhf¥ maybe I AM stopid!" lF MONTEREY COUNTY okay• the ' application, American Alrilnel 1'10 Jful!d· a 111111-...., hotel. mlt aou courae. and pool, in the Pebble Beoch -(over Del Monte'& dtad bod ?) TJllll FINANCIAL DISTNCT'S ty• coonl•it moruJ -not Mr. 1.urie -now fi&Qttll blp stock mi!'-et lOIHS at aronnd llO milll\ln, but he lllll ma.., .. to ~ hi; luncbeon ~ks with a lmlle at Jack's. · much u.oble klcklllf the hahll. t : qUlck action In the face of Imminent .tarted amoldlll to belp her-flsurlnc . """8~·" He porked hi& -·sided we COUid make e8ch ether stop. 'Now. camper there to visit his wlfe'a t'mhooked.11 TOg'ethern111 •.. · piu'tnts -Parkmerced resident. - titeanwhllt, I Actlved a Christmas .. and w:blln be came rot an hour later. card yeslordty, 1-Jofln. and Ellie the lruck bad been towed away alter Snider ~ Mect(ord, ON., who .add ' (police quote) "numeroos complaint. "We'te' MndJni'thele canll now I<> all · of · t nondescript vdllcle lhal looked Nothing to w!Jfr1 aboul, really. lt'1 like it didn't .belong there." Lanny is our frieni!I .ltp •rt htav.r. -.. homeward bound, singing "San Fran- jU$1 that 'r,'d rather.~ ~e than soi:-. ~ open your Colden Gate and let ry ." And~ , ... ·another pack fJI ·MlilOUT?" Pall MalkOullllit ·~· DOWN IN MENLO PARK • DID YOU '1ll!All ·-the two• • .. .. bathroom fllture store ·.'!\: 's~ ·North llOacb ~ppl<s ~ dec¥ed their John'• Balhllque -bleogb! -wbooe grwwutoo.,...nl ('11111l1Jrut.) So owner. Ben Heim, wonclered what had ' they otuflW II Into I pillowcase, look happened !<> hll orders for IS cusblon- •• • San Ftancilf;o" ~: J~ EfirUctt Jr., in ·French Hoop. /or "!m'Y•"'kel> ed groggily a ~· <it il'a11 aco and decided he mll8til' his clfily ·drin!dng luldlel. 6o he 'pliilied llli la** blr -the Xchange In Potrarth Pl"" -and mumbled IO OW'net .. Cb r i t Shearman : "Buy 1 round fer !JM! house on me.·• Yesterday, ~1 head considerably cleam, y-Jib caJJ. , od Chrl.i to 111 "Hq.,lhat wlie .crut thing I dld•"-'bow much do I owe you?" ''14~,,, replied Ch r ls~ "When yoiJl>flOl>ed, tl)m.wu only one eulklmer In Ule pl~ -your n::d'•· And 1iooo l.li,ure.t yoo'4 olready paid her eoouih, I bought her a 4rlnJc m1scll." roll' ~ rroillEll" IA this perli>d of cigarette llCam, 11'1 curlou> lrrelruhlnl to find a man who at an . advueed 1ge· has la)len up amokloi: for the llrst b;;;e. This daredevil la AdVerilaing E:xec Jerrr Mand<r, wbo uplalna: "My wife hu -bavlnc ao lt to the <e!"."' la-t and let ii ed toilet ~ Al obout the' ...,., f!q> .-In the ..._ for awhilt. tlm · ~-~-of b SI John' Llk '"·old'" .... -;r,1;;t'· •-•~•" e. •~ ·~~ near f . 1 ' • IN ONE EAi\; Bimbo GIUntoll hu 10 sU!dt<t In hla forelleod -the result ,0( a lli!il In the lobby of hla ~ "Thll ----... ~-. -~.~-· , ... ~ t. ,. e .. ~ ~c"'""'. : ~ ~;t"I! • Baptlst w11 "'Ondertng what \o do wlth INDICATING U>tt lhflica are """"' the dozen auahioned t<>Utl 1e1t1 on th• l\ome fri>nl, Llm1 Kallftr of delivmd I<> the church. I wouldn't Santi Barbara wt.bes ti> applaud the want. to JPOil your day hzrther: the ciUlens of Parkmtreed ••for thtit eeata finally went to the rf&frt place. ,,~· .L •. O'O • • '• ii •• .. .. I • '· ' You'd Better -Get----::-c: Moving ! • • .: ... miM..su&Ject ,vf4f!or-c®ceatr.tion .Ior cottege.bcJUnd ·studtnts -n\Ort math, more Jcienet, more languages -IO bis college applleaUoo wUJ be acctpted. ~·· the advice of · educators to quallfted hilh llCbool senlon who have not-Yet applled for admission I<> the col- lep of lhdr choice. ' Moat ~tors .,ree that 0 the last ~· d•0 ·for application; partt~arly to • major collegt, la November .of the student'• senior year. H ~nu'tt~a lifgh school junior, you can atart.bracing,for college enlrince teats · you:U bO ~ to take this year, And H you.re>a YOW'Ctr student -even doWn to tpe seventb ,arade .:.... :there are . things you can do now to ensure a college education in yoor ·futurf. • As atudenta .prepare·to enter the 1989-70 school year, . the California Teachei-s AsaoclaUon (CI'A) repeats advice it ·of· fera to ~nb and atudents eadi year. Here are .Ome ldeu the CJ'A augaests to heJp.achJeve.co11qe . ..a1s,-· SEVl!NTll GRADE Sluclen~ parents and achoo! stall should work toe:ether on academic goal• necessary to qualify for oollege, including consideration of whether the student should go in~ any advanced classes in the eighth grade. . , EIGBTH GRADE Decide OJJ ninth-grade courses -they wiH begiri to govern the. type of oollege to which the .1tudent can apply. l!llNTll GRADE By thl& time It should be pooslble to In· terpJ'ft, the student's abllltJes. in various subject. areas. They maY Point more clearly 'to a career cboice.·m:I therefor. a c;illege: chOtce. . Tl!NTll GIW)ll . At this -stage In the student's deYl!Top. m~nt ·his school sbo~d ~ ~~to fecom- ELEVENiH GRADE . • • This is the year the college preparatory student abollld start studying·~ college catalogs, reference books and lTlltertlls explaining the teats he may take - Preliminary . Scholastic Aptitude · Test, National Merit Scholarship Qu.ufy!ng T:est, or others. These tests give a preliminary look. at bow Jhe student has been doJ.ng. At lbe end of his junior year. the high school deterr$tes his clus .atan- ·ding. '11le st.anding and .test scores.. will usually be included in a,ny tran,sCrlpt.:SUb- mltted for college entrince. SENIOR YEAR P.tore tests ' are liven; one -ls~ the Scbol&stic Aptitude Test, also knoWn as the College Boards. It is ·used In determlning NalionarMertt.s ch o I :a rs (NMS) from semi-fina:Jists ch'ci'se n through the NMS · Qualifying Test the previous yi!ar. By the senior year, the student must decide where he's going and · he should have applied for entrance to the colleges in wblCh he is interested. And he should understand the financial resources nteded to pay the cost -0f col· lege -at either public or private in· sUtutions. WHAT CAN PARENTS DO? 1 Encourage each child to read~widely. Take him to the public library• Jor a library can:!: Set an eJample by followblg good reading habits yourself. " Provide a well-llghte41 quiet place for study. Make StU"e your youngster's, coure of study, especially important in tbe: 1-12 grade sp<m, is suitable for his plans now, yet flexible enough to allow hlm to shift .ge:an if ·he cbangeA his mind. · Remembe<, puptla need rat and ttlu· aUQn. too. Don't make them copcentrate all their ener:£ies on study. -Educatloa New• Service ... .,,,. .... _ ... .,, ... , ........... 1 .......... _.,,,,!l!?!OC-J [:gw'3 $'1W7"t1 £'!"R$il $'4iti • Guns ID Hoose They Ins pire Vi;Qle iiee, fl.~port. S~ys ... -':·-.,_ . .\)• ·.·· --::. ~ .. '•..._• _}~~. •A sUbsttintial part of tht rapidly ·mou1lttng ·opposition to mail order handgun· iales, m1Ut be ottriblf,ttd to tht rising fear of violence that the Unittd State& ha! recently t:tptri- enced. '' -Nation4l Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence. As the vfolence commilsioo polnted:\)UI. mllllona of Americans are engaged in an alarming domesUc arms. race parUy 'to protect themselves from crltne and disorders. In the past 10 yearS. :.:i ·mnnon gUJlS h-ve. been a~ed \o the ctvnian , stockplle. Annual handgun sales have quadrupled in the past five years. AJ , the violeoce commission also pointed oot, however, firearms don'.t p~ vlde much prntectiOJ! for the ·individual householder .. This is one of' the key 21ec- t1on:s of the commission's flreanns state.- ment because It is just this deSlre for self-protection that is holding back gun: control legislation whith could do much to reduce. the increasing violence and death in America. The comrniasion findings on this point .,.. explicit. ~~ the houoeholder bu little chance of defending himself With a guh. "tn·only a relatlVely small number of instances do home robbertes or burglaries rault in the death Of the victim. Examination shows that 1n 'the .trtat majority or the cases, the householder had no warning and \hlls no chance to· arm himself with a &iJn. Sludl., ·In Los Anceles and Detroit ln- dlcale thet only about 2 pmeot of home robberies and t~lenths of 1 percent of home burglaries result in the fll'tarms de~th or Injury or the intruder-at the haJl4_ of U].e householder.'' , Second, &he riSks are great in the bome possession of a gun, either through ac- cident or homicide. •J A sub1tantial nuinber Of the 23,000 annual fireamD ~ Cklents oCcur in the home: or fhe 'l,ooo annual firearms bomicidea', a 'Iarte perc:entage 'occur among family members or acquaintances, and many of thue oc- cur in the home." .::. · THE COMMISSION concluded that the • aelf-defense firearm, instead of 6eihg a protector, appears .to be "a dan£'erotis in. Vestment." ~ The fa ther or mother whose child has been kilJed in a firearm . accident knows this. The husband who grabs a gun: in a moment of passion and shoots his wife knows it. The man who shoots hjs ".good friend," thinking he is a robber, knows it. But then it is too late. This is a major reason wb)'. the vi!>lence C<Jmmission has p,.roposf11 ·nate restrictions on th~ owne~tp o f handguns, the one weapon Uiat..:has very limited use. by sportsmen but SO JnUch potential for injury and death. ' ., . The commission recomnlends that handguns be outlawed except. fo'r police officers and security guards. small business in high-crime areas '3Jld others in special need of self-protecUon. The recommendation may. 1eem drasijc. But aS the anns race continues, as ·the ac· cidents, deaths and ·injuries-mOUJlt, the case for such action grows stroneer and stronger. ' -MlnneapoU1 TribRDe W e'll Collect Anything . Amtrlc>na are notorious collf;Clon - Zrom travel eouvenira to Kennedy half dollar•. The latest menia, the Apollo II medalllom,. com .. In a .Yarioty qi olm, 1bape1, de.,..,., material!, and price ranges. Medlla lre available Jn brooze (about $HI), allver (about $7~). and plaUnum (over $750). Newspaper and m 11 ~ z I ft e ad· vertistments for the mediltions are masterpieces of linguistic fluidity. Imply· ing thet the moon jlandin1 ·is made : somehow more real ~ men memorible for purchuerl, · lh...e ads appeal t<> palriollam, aentime~lali\y, a.nd desire for good investment (','buy silver now" •• :•cqan1 against lnt:taUan" •.• "medals -.w111 bl worth far mort in years 1<> corM"). While the products may Irritate ctrtahl· aeolhet.,, lheee il-IJOlhln( lU.,al •bout them as lon1 u flley n !IOI - .. the <>lfldal """-' .... be•llw ll>e ... plicil eoc1...-of .W. 1hO llat!ooal Aerooauuc. and Spaoe Adminlalratlool or the ..-auta, Neither NASA, the Federal Trade c.m.--the Tfea911ry 11 lnv..U,aUQI. • Then b no ooe official med1li!on.'The offictal NASA cl'ell la the ucte, and perlODI wJsblnc 10 1111 thla crat 111\111 -.... -.. _ .. lint obtain NASA's pmnitsiOli. SO far the agency has ·not granied perthlulon .. for stricUy. comm~cia\ ven~ures: MYo.qe .;:ap advertise and sell Apollo mementoes and, in the absence of guidelines on bow to 1et afalr value on itemi, it-.ts· a question or "buyer beware." " Reports Indicate that public demand for the medalUons is far greater thin the "Jpply. The Horatio Algers of this worJd are alive and well. ·Editorial Reaeartb ...... ~ ..... Saturday, August 23, .1.11611 The ~ommept !>age ol the Dalfy PUcrt seeks to lnfonn and 1Umulate r'ad.ers· ,liy preienUng a variety of con)· mentary on topics of. lnli:r .. eat and significance lrom ln!ormed observers a n d. 1pokesrnen. · ltobert N. Wood, Publllhar Ir h, Is rt, lg a IS r, "" ill I>- le " in s n ,. ,. 1d to d. al 11- n- y. a 1g or of 12 '· Jt I· le 1• C• al c- 1111 !• rs C· " a 0- " " a fe Ml ll. he te ) f ry ob at ,. ~I " he ul .C• \e 1d •e ar '" ~· .. "' • nd he ·Id cb -CHECKING •UP• , Bori With Astfuna . . ~ ' -At a SummeP-Lake-..:. By t. M. BOYD AN AFTERNOON 0 F F -Am titling under the WfilmslcaJ shaduws of maples. In , a bi& bWi camper parked beside Lake Sutherland on Washin~ton State Olympic Peninsula. A dripping kid in trunks just stuck his head In the door and said, "What are yoti WriUng, a book?" I said, "Nope. a letier to a ftjend. "· He sajd, "This is where my mom brings me every year to get me over the asthma. Too bad yoor friend isn't here." Too bad is right, sure ls. There 's sun on the water and water skiers, and a breeze is tu.ming the material of the leaves, like a quic~ old girl at a rummage :iale, and the pat~ tern of noise contains logging trucks' rumble!, the meow of new kit~ns. a whistling by somebody of "I'll Be DOwn To Get You in a Wheelbarrow, Honey,'' and the infinite ylp-ptng and yapping of women and children in the blessed distance. I hear no babies cry. How merciful! S~ this place cures the boy's asthma, does it? Quite un- derstandable. Think it may prevent the shingles, relieve Irregularity and clear up .dan· druff, too. In the shadow11 of the mov· Ing maples, where it's cool and yet pieces of the curaUve sun flit around like the gentlest confetti, and the wind is a companionable presence .)wit as the dazzle on the water ls a presence beyond, there is solitude witbout loneliness at this one Ume, and sUfficient poetry. lo be practically perfect, quite personal and prolound, a~ it's almost em· bamlSSing. Back to work. CUSTOMEB SERVICE: Q. "Is there really a hotel in Moscow called the Comra<te. Hilton?" A. Not a one. And, -Auto Air Polliition ' . . Battle Nearly ,Lo~t Solons Say GI Deafnes.s Not Stopped WASHINGTON (Al') -The rankinc member ol the Howie public heaHh subcommittee today asked Army Secrelary Stanley R. Resor to explain why tile Army. hasn't foUowed ib own reeommendation11 to prevent partial deafness to trainees. Rep. Paul G. Rogers (6 Fla.), also asked Secretaey tl Defense Melvin R. Laird in another leUer to explain why the ~eparate servicai haven't joined. to prevent ef!r damage from the~ noise of weapons dufing training. "It's unexplainable for onfi ~rv:ice, to be doing 'one th,ing, another 1n be doing notliJiig and none o't "tbem coordlnated,'' Rogers atfd. . . . DOUBLE STANDARD , In an interview Rogers also said the government has a TON • •) Nonetbe&eas, .California re. double standard on prevention WASHING (nr · ot deafness -requirln·g Although new cars will spew nµ®s thf natjbQal leader in cjvilian conl.radora of the fewer noxious· fumes next auto emiulon contrnL Its Defense Department to keep year, some federal officials tilhtencd exhalllt standards decibel levela low w h J 1 e concede the longterm b1Jttle for -19'11,,.utos specify controls needlessly erposlng troops in against air pollution from on nitrogen dioxide for the tralnJng to damaging noise. · gasoline engines is all but loSt. first Unie. tn his Jetter& to Laird and The 1970 model automobiles, The f,.e de r a I government Resor, Rogefs cited a.n· due this fall, must meet hasn't yel decided when to Associated Press report. that federal standards that call tor tack1e the nitrogen dioxide thousands or soldiers i n a one-third reduction in ex.. problem. training a u f re r signlflcant b a ust emission of The oxide, plus hearing JOS&es ~ause the hydrocarbons and c a,r b o·n hydrocarbons and 1Un.Shine, Army aoe!n't provide proper monoxide from 1969 limits. prod1o1ces •mog. ear ptotectlon. Federal oO'icial1 say auto New cars delivered in smog· manuf~turers h av e ex-"We ha Ve a stake in assur· burdened California, however, per)enCed litUe diUlcu1ty in ing that every man who enters must meet an additional state designing 1 emission systems combat is , physically fit and test for 1970 models: Alm<lfil that meet national stiindards. not ln any way hampered by cOmplete elimination of fuel In iome cues f·e de r 11 sut'h major ar mJnor hearing vapor that escapes from gas testen h•ve foUnd the _system difflCJJltl~ which apparently tanks 1µ1d carburetore. 'Ille works better than the makerll Jia,ve beeri resulting from this vapors will be trapped and claim. exposure to . noise ' in boot returned to the carburetor for "Our unofficial explanatiOn camp," R o g e r 1 wrote to ~.llll·ng. 1 th d , Resor. · uu s ey on t want us to think VAPOR TRAP they have a better sy11.tem or REFUSE CONTRACTS The · vJ,por trap won ' t we will-stir.fen the standai'ds," '1Needless to say. th I a ·become a federaJ standard un-• ·federaJ source aald. government Is endangering ti1 1971. the , well being of every Chrysler was the first major serviceman who enters com- domesllc car maker to p .. s Edee of Storm bat '°"" with a bearfug federal emission tests for 1970. e defect," Rogers added. Other manufacturen are in H' · Okin Rogers noted that the the final stages of certmca-. Its awa Walsb-Healy Act requires the lion, a spokesman for the Na-Defense Department to refuse tional Alt Pollution Control NAHA, Okinawa (AP) -contracts to anyone exposing AdmioistraUon said. The e, d I e of Co r a hit worker• to noise levels above Federal .pollution experts: OklnaWa today, ca us Ing 98 decjbels. At the same time, pfoject 1 gradual , decline. in Widespread damage. Five ln· be pointed out, servicemen a.re paollne-cau!ed a t r con-juries, were rtported. exposed to 164 decibels on rlfie taminatfon until 1980. All <&utoll The stOnn, packing te11ler ranges, far above the 150- on the road by then are ex· win<b ci 15 miles an hour and decibel damage point; 135 pee\~ to have p 1 rt i·a l popUlated central Okina\fa decibel11 in tankl, above the emJsston control• at least. gusts tip to 111 m.p.b. moved pain level; and even miser Alt0< tha~· pollution Will l!Omll,.·otlshoreollliebeavily aJbiatiOlll -when artffiery and area. ~ tank cannon are ftred. awing upward because grow·'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; big numb<n ol automobU.. Ii wtll ·cancel the gain11 from the control sy1tem s, the rpoke!man said. For e1aml>le, the carbon monoxide level in th e Washington. O.C., area ls n:· pected to double by 11185, he aata. Similar· increases are foreca11t for other metropolitan areas, 1uch II Philadelphia and Detroit. ·~n 11torl. W. don~ think the prmnt kind Jc( oflor1J··wlll be enougl!,';'lbe .po11..,....·11IcL LASTING REMEDY He suggt3ted lttam, elec- tric, or natural 5u powered vehicles may provide the ~ly lasting remedy for guoline- caused poOuUon. I See by Today's Want Ads eTHAT e IT'S e DIMI eA e LIN I eDAYI A strong e'nort was madt ln the California legislature lhis year to bar vehicles with in- ternal ct1mbustion e n g I n e • alter a 1pecifled date In the 1970s, The measure passed 'the state-~ate but died in the bou~commiU~. IL. ....................................... . i' \I I • -DAll.V l'Uf t . ' • .. . . I . -- Another first Mm Newport National Bank J 1 'SATURDAY . BANKING IS CONVENIENT AND EASY • I . . . ' 1 Bahkitig s.'turday,will beanedded 1 comenience at Nawpdrt N tional Bank for people who miUed b9nking during the Wee or' When emergencies arise 1 ' and extra µsh ts nf;!'e'Ci~d ~ust drive up to our unique Alto lV Orlve-in\1creen oiuny , turday and, after pushing I I 1 ttte~button, one of o rtelevision·sBlected tellers 'i • \ • . -..UI cuh checks, ,c;c.opt de \!$, ~ke withdrawals on , 'i'"/nl!t acco ls, accept loan payments, Issue money ottfers a even open new accounts. Out speciol lV hos-wil ,..,you and your family 1 ~ refmhmorrts an show you hoW to operate ' the lV Banking. It's con nitn~ fun,and vetyeasy. Slturday lV B king can make yoilr Ille • a little more pleaiant. II 11118 ----7~;~1:~WPOar ~ \ I -'~; . NATIONAL j ·. \. ,+~'-BANK_.,1~/ ,_ ..... -~ ~. ',. ---~ ....... ' at these locatlons only IN FU LURTOH $UNN\' HiUs OFFICE>• Harbor ii Brei• 871·7290 UN!l'EJISITY OFFICE • f..t Chipm" 1t S!Jle Colltp • 879·4MO. ' IN N£Wl'ORT BEACH WESTCLITF OfFICE • Westtliff 1t Dover • 64Z.alll • SATURDAY TV BANKING l~,Av1~1LA8tE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:~ A.M. AND 1:00 P.M. A/10 o,...n lrt•-tlly tlU 9:00 p.m.•nd 6;00 P•nl• on Fticlli)'lo , ~ I ~· , ' . . • .. • • 1 .. '. I • • . . . • ' ... NEW YORK .STOCK EXCIUNGE ' ,, L • • ,, .. " WEEK'S '. 'AND YEAR'S IDGB, LOW ctoSE . ' AMERICAN ·STOCK EXCHANGE /' I 1 \ • ~.A ..... "·..:l.:;969"---------o_A_IL_V_P_llOT _ _,,_o WEEK'S _ AND Y'EU'S · IDGH, WW, CLOSE Mutual Funds Bid and Ask fol' Augu~t 22 -----------~-------~--------~-~-~~~~~---------- ,, ., •• I ' 1 j , • Jf OAllY PILOT • p ' ' ' .. Rt~al . Estate Questions ~ ........... net t 1 Comment •• CREA S-es8ions Set ' 'f I ' J 1 ~-"' 1 Neiv Unit Added . ' '·' · R.ealtQr3 Plu1t , Meeting in ·Santa A1ia At<Valley P~~k Two • daJ «1ue10onal , COii· f~ncu oo rul aiate ln- vdlmellt 1nd brol\<':•&• ..,.,_ -· .~eel by lh• Cl!Holnfo · Rul t~.t•·\o Don Roberla of Whlttler, IJlg the .Value I!! Aponm.ol cltalrman !lf the CREA Educ•• · H~," 1~1uwng methoda "·n committee .... d ex-rt ~or ip~ISll'll I n c 0 m eJ 'Record 0 H1lout" ~ Deve.lopmfnl Co.. Ind they ""' -' ' r-.-cte•Uftl ••8trposphett, re~ ' '-RCallor sJftaws will O(llllyu -1mpr.i.iiig m a'n a 1 • r roJa.' oMhe !Ir.Bl t~ Intremel\la h,,, .will l>o .tta<IY '••' -p•ncy ' . advan,tagu aJMI ,.techniques In Uonabips and ~ faclora. . prompted Valley Park Homes before the fall school ~eater varloUs,tYJli!• ol ref] estate In· TU<sC!ay, A•I· 26 _,Phil developers In Foontaln Va!ley begins, be said. vestment and discuss• sales Ytaw.~of Covina, a GRf~ wtn to \a~ a thtrd phase - a Four model home.a lt'8 now Alsoc'81iOl1 ... plrt of '" • ., II._ IMU\ute program, •Y h,.. boe• achecl\Jled !or Aug. o. . J 2'a al '11Je KOOi )W Club in 1--~RN"°"~~~1 -..llaa"lli .... 1Dd~Au;...,:r.i8· .. end admiJ\)JIJati~ techniques. talt :an "Home Tra<J&.in," groQp Of luJt!!ioualy-designed o~ to tpe pu~li~. and 1 Spe~k<,.·JJ!\<hubJ<l'la-aHh<-:Jl! .... o ' "'1'-~helphlf--bomerlncludlng<t"n«·tw .. -·•ai'iE<y Of Ooor'plins O!liflif( Rand•• McC..rdl. U>e. Saddl<baci I n'n • Santa ~Ill> Whe<ler, of Van Nuys, dun ol the Realtors Jnstitute, elild the coorsea , given wifl . earn two units. of credit toward the hationa!Jy recttnl!ed eertWcate a n d detj anati9n, Graduate R ...... lnsUIU!e (G RI), Earnln• th• GR! requires 18 unl~°¥from specific courses and three 17eara', n:ie~hip in a l~al board ol Realtors, he addt<I. San Diego conference wUI bl?: hOmeowner~ release t h t i r tilonday, Aug. 2S _ Don e:qultltsf 'for llnvestme:~t in ' levelmode1 wJth formal dining three and four bedrooms and Straub or Long Beach, a GRJ otberl>pr~rties. He will cover 1'00l1ll io the medium-price lwo and three baths are When w• firtt purch11.il our home, tht peym1nt1 were $1U including t1xe1 and ln1urlnc1, more than w• w1nttcf to pay, but It 11 1 fine home. They h1v1 been Increased evtry yt•rl Now w• •re p•ying $237. Wh•t lt Oolng on Mre? Why mutt we P•Y mort to live In batiulty tht ttmt house? Plt•P ei plain lmoound •ccounts. Why art they ntcetsary? Why do the benks require 11n impound tc• count? Do I get interest on that money? M. 5. Huntington Bt•ch Mortgages will never be very popular. Most people are in debt. Orie way or another, And I don 't suppose any of us like it. But as far as J lqfow, long term mort· gages are the most convenient Wi\Y. of owning a home . FOr most of us, they represent the only way we can ever have a house to caU our own. We bor~'v a large •wn QI J1)0ney to build and we pay it back a little at a ~me over a perf~ of years. I assume many of you are home ov.•ners with a trust and Certified Commercial fjnan~ing, negotiaUng, and the: Riding (ltth range. available. · Investment Member, will talk u,ae~of· forms Jn a step-by-step Localed at the comer of Highlight of. each home fs on "Investment property procedllre. •" ___ --· -·· _ _ . ~ . -B~&! aod Heil A_venues, the all-electric kitchen with Analy5is , ApartTtlent Houses," · Don Roberts, a GRI, will Approved -vBlley Palk---i:lomes feature built.Jo range. OY#J, waste discussing taxes, depreciation, talk on "Investment Analysis, the popular a11~ledrlc lcltchen disposal and •·qt om at i c comparing low equity and high Coquflerc\a)," covering a witli a·pass·thru window to the dishwasher . The U~· ah a P ~ d equity O\mershlp, rates of cpmparllOn wtlh apartment B p} patio, according to R. C. kitchen also offers the aervin1 return, risk, and similar and Jiidustrial properly" m. Y 8DDerS Kiser, Southern Callfomfa window to··an infonnal dining topics. vesit.meflt, giving. examples' ·of 1 • · Edison Company d I at r Jct counter in the paUo area. Larry GutweUer or Los how· to develop new pro~, Two more elemenls of Mac-m~ager. Kiser' said. Angeles, a Certified Property redevelop older ~~S, cO Corp ... & s:ooo.acre riding More Lhan 50 ,of these new Valley Park is adjacent lo lt1anager, will cover "lncreu-analyze tbe Jnvestment. aqd, and lu.n e:,JUb: u.nder deVelop. mod.ell cwTentl)'. are Under the new mile-square go 11 procedure for land acguiiltion, ment in &µth County foottulls construction by the Harville course and' park. financing construction, leasing have beep apProved ~ ,Orange'!ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;; Leisure World Sales Again Top $1 Million and It County -p I a n.n in g com-, 1/' lh~ Santa Ana con-mwioners. • NEW . OWNERS fereoce,. su~jecl.! and ·gpeakers Constructidn or a childr~n·s .~ill beet donnitory and playground and ThurSday, AJJg. %7 -Don of 10 guest cottages was al!Ow· OlsOn of Van Nuys, GRl, ed for the C8to de Caia Club CCIM, }¥ill discuss "Marketing at the end of Tr~buco Road, Sales agaba have topped II are pn·ced from 115,900 for , investment--Ptoperty, Apart· one -and one-half m i I es Let's Gel Acquainted . _CJ.ASSES NOW FORMING died.to pay off. You have a vital concern in that monthly l" ·payment of yotir!, and have every right to demand an eXplanation When 'yotir payni.ents go up. We have to be· : gin with govei:nment regulations, so let's get on the ' nt H " nt' Southeast of O'Neill Park. mil1ion duri"'"' a s i n " 1 e me ouses, prese mg a -;-• one bedroom, one bath unH lo · standatd form for working out Authority to begin home and weekend at • Ros am o or $33,4QO for units with tw.:. income, expefUies, yield, and clubhouse construction was Leisure World. bedrooms, a de.n and two preparation'-of brochures arid given by planners In April. IN DECOUPAGE AND MAKING OF FLOWERS right side of the Jaw. ! Many ni us either have VA guaranteed or FHA "in· r sured mortgages, or to other types o! ioans that require ' an impound account. When we do, that places the tran· l . sa:ction under ·government supervision. Every month . I the company collects some of the Principal it loaned C. W. Dark n at i·o n a l baths. Af~r a normal down aOvertislng. Ultbnately, the exclusive marketing dire<:tor said . "This payment cost per month . Fred Becker of Burbank, club with $3 million facUiUes • ' you, ·plu_s some interest on the Joan. The law1 requires the compaflY, to colfect for other things: property taxes. FHA mortgage lnsuranCe, hazard insurance arid special asse~smen~s. Add all these items to the principal and the.' 1nterest, and you have the total payment. Here is one point where it's easy to misunderstand what.'s happening. The payment on the principal and inter.est never changes: it's the s.ame every month for the life of tbe mortgage. But the other .. items are.subject to change. and you may discover they•re different is •~e..second time in the past f •• 75 CCIM, will cover "Tax~Free will cater to 400 members lhr"' th h h rMge:s rom $! ..... , to $240.SO. Exchange, Apa r t·m en t "seeking reluge from smog ee .mon s t at sales ave Residents enjoy a Imo st Ho1,1ses," using a case study or and urban crush ." · 192, HAR:IOA ILVD. COSTA MESA '4S.24tt exceeded a million dollars limitless opportunities Co r a seven-unit apartment ex-!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARBOR HOBBY cuns Portions of the S,000 acres1~ over a single weekend. On recreation and leisure time cha_gged for a 37:U11it, ii· have tietn graded-for-develoJ>" . March 17 our -stall of activities. Two 40 t: 80 foot lustrating the use of four ment of Six lakes, skeet and F "/ W k/ f S J d -···elon sold U \mano-111·, h Jed . . I '"' analy~oanderchangelormsc trapshoot'•• areas and am1 y ee y very ~ ur, ay ........... <TT •o--ea swunnung poo_s, ""o Friday, Aug. 28 _ Don ""'el ' one day ,which represent! a huge clubhouses, _t e n n i 1 Roberts will talk on "Budgetil..:''.'.ta".'.b'.'.:1"':::_· ------....'.==================== cumnt-market value in et· courts, lawn bowling greens,. Planning for Brokerage Of- cess of $1 lk million.'' shuffieboard courls, riding lice/' emphasizing the Jncome ''This pa.st Memorial Day 'stables and an J8 hole golf after commissioners ha v e weekend, they again 8,... course are among t h e been paid and presenting a " .amenities available to all lormula !or -~•-ating e proached that recotd-breaking -~~u.. I· .-i everv year. , , :w:herl you pay .for your taxes, insurance and assess· !. ments. the Jaw requires the savin,l?s and loan~ to de- mark by selllng'43 manors in Ros::.moor LeL~ure \Vor Id peases. He will analyze ad- our newest unit. We find de-home-owners. . vertlsing, salaries, telephone mand for property In the The $ 1 8 0 • 0 0 0 community expense, rent and services. FBEEODEB: ' Laguna Hills 1 ~ _steadily in· nestled in-green, r o I I i n g Tom Kiernan of Sac:ramm- creasing," Dark continued. foothills. covers 662 acres, has to, a GRl, will conclude the · be · h a pOpulation of more than session wilh a talk o n postt the amount in a snecial trust account. This ac· count earns no interest. It has to be placP.d in a bank ~1ith federal de~it insurance. And it can be userl only ,: to p~y your bills. ~e mortga.ve company is simpl,y 1 o~eymg the la\v . putting some of your, money asidP. to 1• meet i;ome rl'lther large lum~sum psyment,,: when ~ they're due. The como~n.v charges nn fee for keeping ., these reicords and making these payments. "Although it gan wit IJ,400. Beautifully landscaped "Developing Succeisfu.t Ross.W. Cortese's masterpla.n-ned residential corp.munity for grounds require the services Salesmen ." He will discuss adult&. appeal rot homes iin of 167 gardeners working full speciQc goals and ways to ac- lhis area now appears to be time. compllsh them, use ol policy, uni versal." "Rossmoor Lei'sure World in a salesrµan 'schedu1e.,;and ln- Laguna !tills can be reached centives to stimulate 1ales. "Surrounding Ros 11 m on r R ·tr · f f Leisure World, other com· via the San Oiegt>Santa Ana eg!s at1on ee . or ,each Freeway {Interstate No, 5) two-day conference 1s '$50, in· ' ,, ' ' • • f • I ' July Brings Letdown In Newport Building munities are rapidly .....,..,,ing 1 di 1t'V" south to the El Toro offramp, c u ng conference materials a.nd centers for ~bopping.and , where the famous Rossmoor and coffee servlce. For · services have developWTight along with the influx of . globe servtia as an ~asily iden-registration and more i Ufiabte landrilark for people · formation, contact CREA at population. Wt bave two such centers, one loc':ll1 and Mother visiUng the unique community 520 South Grand Avenue , Los 'for the: first time," Dark con-Angeles~ California 9 O O 1 7 , regional, at LeJsure \Vorld," Dark added. : ~!uded. phone 628-0551 . "Climatic ' condition!,· arel ji._ ________________ ~I Building pennil tot a Is in 'Despite the July lull in Dew unlike those a~ere in the:JI Newport Beach last month permits, inspectors are in· natJon , •. temeP!"atures-are cl,i.J}ped to the lowest point in sped.inc construction applled moderate, chqes In weather more than a yenr. city aides ror in previous months. are slight an{I tbe air is said today· That construction, a I d e s crystal cltar. '' ,. They said the slump -only s· 'd, is continuing al a record Condominium m a n o r s at i1.3 million in new con-pace. Leisure World in Laguna Hill1 &trod.ion -was blamed on a\-----------------;;_--1 "nrumal pattern o{ a summer luft.• No commercial or indu5lria1 construction permiU were issued. - The bulk ol the permits were for construction of six private houses, two ol them expensive Linda Isle dwell- ings. The ave rage for each month durin~ the Jaet fiscal year was $5' m.Jllion, building depart- ment aides said. While lhere were no new commercial 11tructures in- volved in the pennits, com- mereial alterations were plen· tiful, spokesmen said. A total of 38 permits were issued for additions a n d alterations to businesses, in- cluding work at the Newporter IM. the lrvloe Industrial Complex and lhe Arches Marina. Costa Mesa Apa1·tment Units Open A recent Edlson Company champagne opening celebrated lhe comP.lelion or the Hrs!. half "of the VUla Pomona, a 13Q..unil apartmenl complex in Costa Mesa. The all-electric medallion bachelor, one and t w o • bedroom apartm<n1', located al the comer of Pomona and Park Avenu~. were con- 81l'Ucl<d by Newport B<ach builders' and developers Dick Jordan and Donald Want Ttte Pomona Jnvestmeot Group. comprised of I o Oruc• County prol<SS!ooaf men. owners of the 1p1ifments, were also present IO 1oUt lhe loo perc<nl oc· cupaocy ol lhe furnished apartmentll. r "INTllUT ON~ r' ...,_ C.!lf ......... I II ff 'flt' Plll'lo ~ ,_. ......,.,.,, • L~ IMr ftW!'I. u ~ """'' ' ,. JOO w-. P.t ... ,,.,~c..-. ' • 111010 CIPISTlllfD · Land of the Dons UNSPOILED, SECLUDED 2 '/, to 3 acre rancho sites amid the great oaks of Cleveland Natli>1'al Forest Deep in tbe great OU. rcgioo ef the Clcvet1nd National Forest lies a .JOO.acre island of rolling hills. w1rm vslleys and grassy glades known as Rancho Capistrano. Vastreacbcsofthc N1tionalf'orest recreation 1tea atretch .in every direction, a Government-Qwiied buffer againM.' popuJstiOft and com.· tncrciaJ cncro.chment. Rancho Capistrano 'Will belong to ju5t 133 owners. in /re simpf~. Each of 1bc 2 )I to 3 1cre sites is <:!ca red and 1ecc11lble to utilit ic~ an d graded road. Ancient Spanish oaks still stand on mos1 or the si1es, ihis private prc~c rve, once iold. can neve r be duplic1tcd. Sin CJcmen1c, f.tld Newport Bea ch. Only 23 scenic miles from Sa n Juan. Capistrano. Rancho Capistrano sites arc priced from $8,7$0 to$18,000, tOlly down, liocral fioUtci.ng. .Pl10101tt S~111ic Ori-~•: Santa Ana/Su Diego Free· way to hl•toric San J11aa Capi1tr1no, then ciut aft lfwy. 74 (Ortega Hwy.) 111d folio• the signs. FroM Po1"oM or.Ri~ef'Sidtl: Drive 10 Corotta. then cast Oil >lwy, 71 to }fwy, 74, toulh and follow the enlr1nce sign, At Rancho Capi1lr1no yooll enjoy assured Mdusion. for an jnfinitc future, the beauty of ,,~1 two privue, wiiam·fcd lakes. u-..- nd •l-~.~~~!:i~~ atemperateyearrou Cun1tlo ~ •t 3l»ft. elevation, md JO. minute acct.SS to COISt.lf rec~ /• at.ion at Lagun1, Dan. Point, '-.!...--'"'==--.::-=-,. uicia ill"'ciiftauo . . <!'X) Campus Drive. Suitol, Nowportlleadl, C.ru. 926«1~ · (71•) 546-71143 ' • \ ,~WE QUIT! ~·EVERYTHING MUST 60 Fl\NAL DAYS FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ya O.ff! On All Mercha.ndise Lumber Hardware Tools Plywood Elec:trlc:al Ac:c:ountin9 Machine Sash & Doors Mouldln9s Addms04Jraph Mobile Telephones Shelvi!ICJ Office Equip. Fenc:in9 Floor Tile Sl9ns U9ht Bulbs Weather Strippin9 Locks Panelin9 CelllllCJ Tile ShHtroc:k Addln9 Machine Tables C<halrs . TOO MANY ITEMS TO LISTI -CASH AND CARRY - All Sales Final -No Refunds COSTA MESA LUMBER. CO. 1700 SUPERIOR AVENUE ' • COSTA MESA l Our c0mpJ1~r will save you ii.me..· shopping new home developments. ,.---------------------~ # HOUSE-HUNTERS COMPUTER INPUT FORM • ( Foll 011t 1ndm1n ~~!:u=.::::::=~ OFFls:;E; USE ONLY 0 0 0 0 I ' I I". 0. 801 351, Lo.An11•t-. CaUlomla800'3 1 · I I ffr.t Ji.-M!ddl• !nlti1I LUi N&lfi1 City or Spec.liiO CD111r.11n1!, o.ll'ff , i ~ I NU!llti.t of b'4room1: D I I Str1etAdd-.. Holribtr"1bd!I0111M: D I I Clty "'lo. of P10'"9yo11 .,. look!na for•-I ' Zip Codi I -·~• r I ,l,r11 Codi '· T1l1phon1 N11111b1r Ao• al h11d llf hoOtehold I ~----~------~-----------· Just fill ·in the form. All the computer needs to know iS What kiiid of home you want, and it will match you up. Thousands of. newly-constructed Medallion Electric Homes in new housing developl)lents in Central and Southern California are listed by siZe, price and area; A few days after sending in the form, you'll receive a computer printout of avaUable new Medallion Homes suited to your requirements. Also, ask your local Realtor to show you his selection of Medallion Homes. This computer service won't !=OSt you a cent. Compliments of Ediso~. Beats driving all over, doesn't it? 1968 Back in 1958 only 5.93 of all new homes and apartments built in the area we serve were Medallion Electric Homes -' But last year over half-50.33 -were Medallion Electric Homes with all-electric kitchens. Every week the trend to electric living grows stronger. If you're .planning to move, wouldn't a Medallion Electric Home be your best investment? It isn't out-0f-date today. -Jr won't be ,obsolete tomorrow in the all-electric future .. And with flameless living, you'll be getting a clean start. Sovthsrn Call~omia Edl~nsCSS Gas was. El~dtyis. ,. .. I in( l!1d '" " 1ith "'' 'j c ed ms .ing ·ea, '" •If ,, ------- l -' Li<;4 . .N<trtcE ~· NOTICE .. t ' ~ ' 2 , ~ -r...:.,, ftOTkl 01' MA •f)\Aa.'S SAt.a .. -'Listens' to landers ---------~~----~------------~7--~-=~c--------------- --- . IWl.V.flLOT 1.( _ ........ JJ.t \ ,_ COSTA ., MESA ONL Yi . .. --., -- I SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY AUG. 24, .10-·A.M~TO ·7 P.M. ·WHILE· QUANTITIES LAST ~ •1 '' • < ' • ' , i > ' I • ... MEN'S VJNYL OXFORDS Sunda11 0111111 Reg~ s;97 Cl.auic st)'le dreu oxforda In easy -to -care -for black rraln vinyl! S ize s 7-11. Charge It. 3aa; .COLORFUL SCOOP CHAIRS Reg. 3.88 Ea. 2 s , Sun. Onl11 "_'. F Poly plastic scoop chair · O has .tubular metal legs, is Jn wide selection of dt-R eorator colon. Jwlt aay, ' "Charle It... ~ 5 I ' Ufllll .. hMtlfy, N.,. .... ti' ONW. Kleenwink Reg. 1.18 II .. OFFICIAL SIZE PLAY FOOTBA~L S,111111~11 Onlt1.I Reg: 5.97 411 You'll sci>re an the Uam touchdowns with th.ls top grain Jeatl\er ball! Heavy combined double llnlni , .. PILLOW CASES sa~ JR.' BOY'S."NO IRON" SHORT ·SLEEVE SPORTSHIRTS ?ofodlfied Ht.-~ and tiutton down coll&r 'styles. Choose from pla.idJ, strlpn and solid&. Machine washable, 4 they never need ironln&. 111. Sizes 3-7. . . Reg.· J.88 SAVE HERE ON BIG 1 D·BOlL PKG. OF . BATHROOM TISSUE S111tllla11 Ottl11 · -Our Reg. 84c 68~ K Mart@ Brand. 2-ply faci~ quality. 10 rolls,_ each toll I! ·325 sheets, sheets· a r e 41'4x41/4''. Pink, y e 11 o w.1 .white. • Charge .it. . K MART" BRAND SPRAY STARCH ~;;~"';::•:J · $unifia11 011111 'WJ'\~ Ber. 42c Ea. "f 3 i·97c Qu.ick, easy to 11W ch clothes. Just spray on and Iron. 23-oui. net wt. •each can... . LIMITIO QUA"'TtTY, HOHi SOLD to olALlltl I ' • ·r " : . ·; " r I ' . ' , -l ' . •. ; !. I ' '. f' :1' ' I.' ,•t ~ l " .•. 1WEST BEND 30.C~P PER"C Suttda11 011J11 R ••. 9.54 Automatic, Makes 12. to 30 cupa. K~ coUee hot for serving. Alui'nlnum. 2 -way fauctt for continuous or sin-gle serving. Charge It. ·77·7 Save on 9uaDtY' K ma~ :·MUSLIN · SHEETS PILLOW ¢As,s .... 1.IJ Fitted, Flot Twitt Slltett .... 1.97 Fitted, ..... Dow~Sloetts ,' '• 1.44 1.58 ·i.~1c ,.. . 6..A Pl W CASES , ·.,-,C Sunda11 OnllJ . ·: • ' > " I® b~and wb(te:.coUOJ1:mus· . iheets, titted and 11at, t\vln ouble slies 81\d 1tsndatd size slipt.: Just-••Y, '"Chara• It'' """" c ....... "' """""' ~ ) "--·~ SALE! EASY°CARE . 1000/o COTTON R.QBES Sunday Only 522 . Reg. 6.58 Cuddley soft, long cotton quilt robes with poly· ester wadding. Choose specially priced styles with rick-rack, trim or co)orful,printi; with ru,ffle trim. Sizes 1111tq 18. Colors, • . . ''" ' HAND PAINTED . OIL PAINTINGS .-v:. ~; ::.~.. ··, . :-.. : ·su,Ju;; · 777 · ·~ _q~~JYe' · -ir··· ~ . ' . ' ... .~ To c.omplim~nt:--'the decor of your home. Buy se,veral ! . . ! .. .. . " • PARKER· PEN.SETS A LASTING GlfT! . ' Sunda11 Onl11t Dtacount ~e ;)96 ~ ~ .. ' For. someone: 1Pe0W en a special occasion! A fine quality Parker fountain pen ~n .. ~ 11~ ~~It. THREE·PIECE LUGGAGE SETS si.11'4ir q;.1,, . a-, ·a· 8 ..... Jl.44 ' . 16" .. vantty, .21" overnllht.er, , W ' tourlt1. ·case. ViN'l~ erett · venter -tr~t. Lona· ! bound. BJue, malon, avocado.; , ... ~ ... Ilf..,_.;y.;tuMTrf,-, NOMl.IO\O Tt 1"4tf'I ' ' I ... \ f 2 OAI\. V PILOT LEGAL NOTICE Top Director 'Calcutta' 1""1'• -., .u .. 11001t cov•n ott T~t H d ' 'B , ' ..... .............. ... ar y s rown TMl C~TY o• Otu.Nea "' . ...,,. Co . . mmg m. MOr~tt _.. .. Ult1Jit9 ff PITITIOH =tC::~~· ,:: ~:1.~, ::~ TIST~AltY f'•t•i.., WU.LIAM w. TAVl.eut. Jtt... H s . ._.... uge uccess HOTICI! 1$ HIJt!JV GIVEH T'lla1 . ""'""' w ... ,. ••• "· ... ""' • • • . ' Paperba~k , ""'" • lllOtllllon lor pl'llMfe of win ....0 -"--'--' -ceeiali •!Iii •-tu...-na-or-i;:'"'" -T-1Al'Nflltf'' to 'fllllfN. ..,..e,.r.a .. Wlllell. i.~f!'IMt.tw fllrl'°"'• ,..,lkuitrL •M B• JA~• G • V"" ~I h !ltne .,.0 pleot Of M•rlnt ll'ie. ~ """ ,. llo.l\ -1'* Mt!\ Mt tor S.lffl\Wr It. lMf, 'N~" YORK "UPI) J el t 130 1.fn.,. ti\ IN U1Yrtr_,, ot Ot!Nrl· c:f" \. -Ge _, Nt. ~ • u 1t1 co~rt. tt 100 w"' Hardy gels more ~ et· lillMll .. ,,...,, 111 "" CltY •' ~n11 AM,1_... .. ....... nd ~·1..---·ntry Ctllf~!)lt.• polUr'e.'--.,,,.... UIC .. vu o.""V:.'1~/1;J=: than Public Enemy No. l gets M.a.t1'li =:laC..,.l'ttutlC:HA"-0 •. HAHfrO M ..f05lof"fjce bulletin boards. ,., ,_.., c.1w• ..,.'".,.. , ue ardy notict1 are on ""'*"•· c•ut-i.. "'" lhe1ter houseboards, aod they Tt>I~ UlS) .. ,...._ ..,,,.,,.,.,.. "' l"ttl'*-read : PubllMIH O••nt• Coast 01111 Plkll, "You'ce • Good '-fan , A11t1ut.t H, U, 1t, Ifft lWW 11 Charlie Brown" -directed by Joe Hardy. LEGAL NOTICE tA•·lffl SUl'l!ilUO• cou•T 0" Tiii STAT .. Oil' C:ALlil'OllNlA f'Ollt THI COUNTY Of' OllAHOI "•· "'""1" NOTtCI OF Hl.A•li+o OF l'l'TITION "O* f'•OtATI 01' WILL ANO C:OOICIL AND l'OR L I TT f:aS TISTAlllENTAllY (IOND WAIVED) EslBIB of ANNA MAY COX. •Ito klHIWn as ANNA """' cox. OKeHfd. ~TICE 1$ ~Ell.EBY GIVEN Thlt tlllllll H•lnlln Ms II~ herein I pei;. liOll for prolN~ al wm lnO Codicil •nd fOf' !Hue,.,. or lirtten Te1t,,nen11rv '° Pl'lltlolwlr (80!'4 W•I~). r.+er· •nee '9: ._..kh " rn.at for Nr!Mr ~rtlcvt"" '"° 11 .. 1 IN tl'"9 .nci o1Kt flf lle•rlnl Jhfl prne 1111 ii.en 1et tor Ufltemllltt 11. \ffr, II '::JI) ·~· In 1111 COlll''-o# 0..:.1t10Mrlt NG. S Ill 1iald eo1,1r1, at JCO W•t Ei.iirh SlrHI, \ft Ille Cl,., Ill' SlnM AM. C•llfon!l1. O•ted "'""""' ft, Ifft W. E. ST<JOl-4N (ounlY Cieri! aol.ANO I. •tGOMGlll ..,, IMlll '""" Y ..... LIMll1 C'11+fr11ill ""' T•l•tno....,1 Alt9nPlf fir .... II.._ Pvbllsllld Orltl99 C...t 01lty l>Hol, Awint ft. tJ. 2!• Uff 114Mt LEGAL NOTICE SUl'llllOR COURT 0, TNI STAT!" OP CALll'Oll.Nlt. l'Oll ' THI co~'!.'!~,.oRAM•• MOTICf: 01" 'NEt.lltNG 01' ~fl'ITIOM .-011. ... O.t.Tt "CfF WILL AND 'o• Lf:TiftllS 0, A0MINl$TllATION WITM TNI WILL AHNl!Xl.O Elflh! of ALICE M. $Tt.Fl'ORO, Otc.e•sed. NOTICE IS HEltEllV GIVEN Tlllll NELSON M. lTAFFOiltO, J •. , Ila. llltd henl" • ~!Ilion for Pi'Olle'lt f1' ... 111 arid Tor Letters of Admlnllolr•llotl ... 1111 !hot wlll AllMX~. mermee fo whldt II ml<lt for f\lrl!W• P1rtlwlars. •nd llt•t llM time •nd .,11c:t o1 r.e••IM Hie ,.me 118' bNn 1tt fo• Sot'Pttmber J. 1Hf, •I t :JO •.m .• I" Ille courtroom of o-rtmeflt No. l ol .. 111 court. II 700 Wnt Eilltlh s1r .. 1, I" tl'll CllY o1 ~·· An.. tallfor"l•, O•l!:d Autll$t 11. 196t W. E, ST JOttN c-tv f'", .. .;; .lt.Ml!S t.. av1e1.. Jlt .• JU1Vll~ """""' lllCll, C19flr"i1 fUH Ttl; '"'' os--nn ,,..,.._,. "' .-11111oM1" P11bll~l'la0 0•111111~ Co1st 01ll'f l>llo!, A1.1t1111t 72, '3, )9, lfft lst.7·69 LEGAL NOTICE This phenomenal orf· Broadway musital hit bas- td on the celebrated "Peanuts" comic strip of Charles Schultz, which recenl ly passed the 1,000th perfonnance mark in New York, has been duplicated in most of the key cities of this country, not to mention pro- ducUons in Canada a n d E n g J•a ?\-~. And' Hardy personalJy bas directed aJI the duplicates, several of 'vhich are in tong-run engagements in cities that never had a show last longer than a week. If it can be said that 'Charlie" made Hardy, it is only fair to say that Hardy made "Charlie." hr this ven· ture, with grownups playing 1ltUe ldds and a dog, had to bt one of the chanciest theater undertakings of all time. Hardy. 4-0, a balding blond of medium measurements, ex· perienced but not a theater "name," accepted the challenge that better-knowns avoided and came up with the ri~ht fonnula. No one now ·asks: "Who is J-oe Hardy?" The theater impresarios say, "Get me Joe Hardy." Hardy came out of New Mexico Highlands University and the Yale University and the Yale University School of · Orama to "'ork for several years for the C o I u.m b i a Broadcasting System as a director·producer of some afternoon serials. or soap operas. of all things. The latest was "Love ls a Many By JACK GAVEii· NEW YORK' (UPI) ~. Th< ultimate In abautdity In the pubUcatlon of stage ll\lterlal -and there haye .been plenty of'"-p'.rtot -esamples· .. of aucb !utility -has to b& lhe decision of Grove Press to put the sketches of that off· Broadway twdist camp, "Oh! Calcutta! , " between b o o It covers. Of course, ont could argue that a'book is the only way to covt!r up "Oh! Calcutta!'' Although the material of this show is attributed to a covey of established writers, who are not identilled in the theater program with th e i r con· Splendored Th in g," from lributions, there isn't a sketch -~~;;~=f:l!~~====~=~==~~~~~ which he diYtirced himself ear-with an iota of_ , orginality, Jy lhis year when the theater, humor or pertinent social which always had claimed comment, that warrants being some ot his attention, became preserved in published form. -and tunny -sketches of dominant in his career. A book that reeorded all of old-time burlesque aod the P od D 'd M . k the worthy "blue," suggestive man. y Broadway revues of r ucer av1 err1c ___ ..:_ _ _: _ _::_.....:_~...::.::.....::..:..;=....::.::.....:.:.:.=.....:~ chose Hardy to stage the still-"'""""""""'""""""""""""'""'""""""""""""""" current hit 0 Play It AgaJn, Sam," by and wltb comedian Woody Allen. Hardy will direct his play in London ahorlly. His next assignment, for the coming season is directing a major Broadway m u s J c a J , "The Girls Upstairs," by James Goldman and Stephen Sondheim, dealing with old Ziegfield showgirls. He is already in films as producer of the made-in- Sweden "Or. Glas," recently released in this country, and movie prociucer Joseph Levine bas signed him to make his film-directing deput with "The Day They Shook the Plum Tree." Tha1willbea1970 job. But if there were nothing else, Hardy would have no financial worries-"goocl Old Charlie Brown" will be bring· ing home enouib bacon f o r years. "EJIOBJIOVILT DITEBEITINOI 11111JIUAL. OITllEAT ••• A FAii. rQ ABOVE AVEIUlOE FILM ABOUT W.IUlf IT'S IN A .NEW BAGI" ...,. ....... ..,,., Wa.s """" • 1· -->tt CO.MlACMEs11._... . ._ ': Nfll.Ml'Sfl!t!l!I* , _,,,·; c--·s11e . ;•, . '""""'lllillllojllli ,,,.;·~ ::i;J Keep ' ·.r~ ,,_ •. -...... ·-~ NOW SHOWING :Rzd.o ~.""C" ... H •• •••••••••••••••• 0)10 DAkT Continvol#ll •-7:00 PM ,.,.,.,0a,.-'"' s_..,. ,.,.,;,._ • ._ 2:00 , .. ......... c-.......... -... -··•11«.IOo _.,,,..,_. "'"''"" .......... -0 ..... l i . , : I ' : "'tllftt1nr-•~oo ,,.. f 'lot hf ... 1 .,.,.., ,_ Lec11 •tw• I (rl •trW .. -'"""lt-'fl I -· 10:1s ,,. I S.. C..,W.: hil • lN • lt'JI N yesteryear would be much more valuable. However, this publishing venture proPably will be a SUC· L"ess because of the notoriety of the show due to its presen- tation of 10 performers doing their stuff in tile nude most of the Ume. ln view of the weakness of the material, Grove Press, if it plays fair with the public, simply has to have the volume profusely illustrated w i t b performance pictures to the point where the book buyer will be completely distracted from the words. And if the illustrations are in the pop-up simulated three-dimensional ityle, so much the better. The show, it is only fair to report, is just about the hot· tesl Ucket in town at the off~ Broa~ay Eden 'Theater. Ap- parently there are more welt· heeled voyeurs around than one would expect. IAlt 1'11 'UPl!ll.1011. COUltT ~ TH• STt.TI 01' Ct.LIFOltNIA 'Cit THE COUNTY 0' Oii.AMOE MOTIC• OP Mlt.ltlMG ON P•TITION FOR P'ltOlt.T• OF WILL AND l'Olt LETTl!IS Tf:ST,.,,.,INTt.ltl' E~llott o1 T. M. HAMIL TON lllO lula""n '' THOMA.& M, HAMIL TON, QtcelH!I. Ron1y Schneider Will • The top price at the mom- ent is $15 a ticket, scaling downward through $10 to about $5 in a small house. BegiMlng Sept. 9, the price for the first two rows will be $25. then $15 and so on. NOTICE IS HEaEllY GIVEN 11111 Mii~ H•mlllon Ml IUtd Ple1111" I HllllO!O for Pl'flbett ol Wiii 1rid \U\lll!Ce of Lellti!1 Tett11n9111trv to Pelltlcwllr, re«renu lo whldl fl m..it for fvrllltf "t1k11ler1, •114 t1111 ttit time 1r1C1 111-u ol l!ffrl"" ~ 1arne "-• be11" tel for Sept, 12, ,,.,, II t :lO 1.m., 1" Ille r;ouITTOOm of Oep•rl· m..,! No. S of Mid court, 11 100 W. llh Slr-.t, I" "'9 Cltf ol S.nll Alll, C•llfornl1. 01'9cl A111u11 n. "'' W. E. iT JOHN. c"""""' ("1··~ McO'Wf:N & OtllllN lM I!.("""'"'" Ori..,. C•llffrtlla Tel: UJ.D» Al'-"'rtS fl!' hllti.Mr Plltllldltd 0 rUl8f (Ht! 011" Pllo!, Ao.fwiMI 2J, 2J, lG. lfft 1.sfMt LEGAL NOTICE I Be Martin's Guest By VERNON SCO'IT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) way from Bulin for a guest appearance on his show. - "I hav en't even met him,"• she said. • Romy has been rehearsing • with the rest of the Martin • troupe under the direction of • Greg Garrison. She will not • Jay eyes on Dino until the day • the sholY is taped at NBC-TV. • Martin's penchant for golf : and quest for spontaneity keep • him away from rehearsal until • the final run-through. • "I have seen Dean's show at • my home in Berlin," the I• green-eyed beauty said. "The • armed forces television people le have their own channel in 1 e Berliq. It takes a special • antenna, but I watch many • Amer ican sho\vs there. in· • eluding old movies and Johruzy • Carson." • Carson has taken advantage • of" Romy's trip to Hollywood e for a visit on his show, and. • doubtless, the "Laugh-In" • maniacs will grab her for a • quick: sock -it· to· me ap-• pearance. • "I thought that show was • English," Romy said o r • •·Laugtrln,11 explaining that it • moves so fast she com-• prehend s only half of IL • She was reassured that • Americans fared little better • and that it was the number • one show in the United States. • "I have only made one pie-• lure in this country," she said • -"Good Neighbor Sam" with. • Jack Lemmon. • "I want to make more. • Really, I've started three • times in filn1s . The first was • when 1 wa:s only 15 and ·made • fi ve movies. most of them • with my mother. The secoiid • time I went lo Paris, worked • in the theater and made ad· • ditional movies. • "Now I haVt th1ft films still • unreleased, but I think I am • starting all over again with • the new one. It was made in • Europe but it has been • purchased by Joe Levine for • di stribution in Al'i'ieric&." • The title i& .. The Swirru:ning ' • Pool" anit Romy Schneider • believes I\ will make her a • major star in the United • States. · • As is the case with most • foreign actruaes, lhe is coo-• vinced a girl is ®' a true in· • temational actreu until she • 'makes it bif•iu HollywOOd. • Peter Stars HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Peter Grava win ta.kt time oft from ••Mi•slon : lmpoulble'' to 1t1r In MGM'a "Tbe tlvaJtan Army." ' ' • • • • I CN STA.ff: u..u. I MISS PEGGY LEE • THE VOGUES musical dlrector •• John Scott Trotter August25. 29. Shows at Sand 10 PM \ ••0P P0URRi I THE JOE TEX ORCHESTRA August 25 . 29. Shows at 9 and 11 PM I COUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE I ROY· CLARK • ClAUDE GRAY • • • • • • • JODY MILLER • guest MC ... Hugh Jarrett,KBBQ " Sunday,August24.Showsat5, 7•nd9PM NOW OPEN ... to llum•n• Delightfully dreary ••• Frightfully entertaining. Getting In is easy. Getting out Is another matter. Our latest cehsus ahowa 999 happy creeps In active retirement ••• but there's always room for one morel DISNEYLAND IS OPEN EVERY DAY ... Sundey • Thutld•y,8 A"!· Mldnlle • Ftldey •nd Sttvtdty. BAM. 1 AM • • •••••••• • ••••••• ' • • • • ....... -. A•n Landers Don't. Knock It, Before Trying It DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whenever you get a problem you can't answer you say, 0 See yoW' cferey· man:' It's an easy way to get oU the hook but it dl)Jtt.!olve 8!U'J>Qdy's problem, • I quit going lo church 11 years ago so I don't know any clergymen. I got sick of the pho)lles who went to chun:h to be seen·------'----- bf. other phonies. All the c ergymen in tlitJ town do much bldlac, but I aalat.t are so busy getting !heir •·-·ul pictures in the paper that you for your ....... '1· they have no time to talk to people about their troubles. When t h e y aren't posing for pictures they are serving on com· mittees or buttering up lhe rich. The dedicated spiritua l leader is a thing of the past. So please stop teiling your readers to see th e i r clergyman. Their clergyman is not the least bit. interested. -TELLING IT LIKE IT IS DEAR TEUJNG: Sina&• that a perlOli who lilun't beea Jaslde a cburcll for 11 yean ud doem't know • • y clergymen coa1lden hhnselt an authority G• the 1ubject. Hundreds of people IY.ve writ.. ten lo tell me they followed my advice ud f¥,nd tbelr cleromu a wellipriac of strengtla ud praettcal guldan<e. Your Inference that clergymen art self·llervlng and materialistic is ahlurd, Tbose wbo eboon the nltglou Ure are aot lored 1o thl1 call· iDg by iaoaey because tbere'1 precious UtUe ia H • DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have the all-time cure fOf" sloppy roommates. :t has worked with two. The 1st one was a supenlob oJ the highest order. After first hinting, then suggesUng, next demanding and finally screaming, I decid· ed tougher tactics were ca1led for. :so this is what I did. Every time she left her cloJhes on the floor, or her books on my bed, or her sweater on the doorknob, I hid them. One morning after &earthing frantically for her sneakers she begged me to help her find them. After about ZO minutes of deep con· centration I located t h e sneakers under her maltrtss. 1 then recalled that I had put them there when t stumbled over them in the middle of the floor. 1 haven't had to pick up alter her since. -MAESTRO DEAR MAESTRO: Most dorm room• are We small t.e DEAR ANN LANDERS: I married for the second lime six weeks ago. The engqe- ment ring from my first mar- riage is a beautiful diamond solitaitt. It goes very well with my new diamond wed· ding band. Last night I won them as a set and my husband blew his top. I offered to have the :solitaire remounted so it would not look like the same ring. He said he did not want me to wear it under any circumstances. He suggested l sell the ring and give the nloney to charity. J think he is being unduly sensitive and im· mature. What do you say? -TWO CARAT WOE DEAR WOE: I uy wby keep a pltte of jewetrr if tt meu1 trouble? Sell tbe rill and donate the ring mooey ie the American Cancer Society. Alcohol is no shortcut to social successs. If you think you have to drink to be ac· cepted by your friends, get the facts. Read "Booze and You- For Teenagers Only," by Ann Landers. Send 35 centl in coin and a long, ~lf-addres"Sed, stamped envelope with your request. Ann Landers vl'ill be glad to help you with your probltmll. Send them to her in care ol the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a self-addressed, s t a m p e d envelope. Disneyland Seeking 75 "Disney on Parade," a whole new concept in traveling arena sho"1s being *"'l~d jointly by 'Walt Di an e y Productions and the NaUonal Broadcasting Co., has launch· ed a search for 75 qualified female dancers. Those interested s ho u I d report to the DLsney Studio, 500 S. Buena Vista, Burbank, from now through Aug. 29 • 2nd Sm11h w .. kt D••~ Jo"'' -luddy H•ck11t I• W•lt Dl1My'1 "THE LOVE BUG" ''" "Tht INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" Jap•n••• Movies Every Tuesd•y Night .,. ........................ , .......... . i SPICIAL NOTICI TO oua PATRONS 1. • Tr.t plc!urft In ft!\1 box m1y be COfllldtrM lly _..,rrw lo be ""' Wlllbl1 fOr c~lldr.,., -)'Ounfl peoplt -'all'll reoquir• M•ei!fll tli&-u .. ti.n. "CASTLE KEEP" (R) Cantnrv to •dv1rtl1"1f NY°"" our control •nd tPOterlno .i.. Wl!er1, VC>Ullt JIOPi. unlltr 11 (not 1') w ill Mii ff edmlltolll to "KI- iie T~111..-1 lo lff tl>t Ill) P•(tures lilt9111 In lfll• boll un!-~ «>IT>!llnlltl by Mrvrl or ..:lull g"'rcU1n. At ._ lt'• W. • J•ll•WeyN .... C ....... ''TRUE GRIT" , ... '"' .... .,.., ... "MY SIDE Of Tho MOUNTAIN" ll••• ...... f•A4•tts • - ~--.. , .. lr4S.....tiW..t hc111ift Dri"°'1 ...... -•t hrt ............ .... ... ,. "CASTLE KEEP" J.-....... w ........... "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFP" M• -•M• II •Ill M Milftlttt4 """" ._.. ,....1 .... , """''.,. ..... C"'iaa. · ·························~······· ... ''" Twrtftc Temrt ''THE GR!EN SLIME" .... THE VAMPIRE KILLERS" ............. ~ ............ . , .......... ... HILD OYIR If POPULAR DIMANI • ... "!!'. .............. "THE CHAIRMAN" , ... SHARON TATI "VALLEY OF THE DOLLS" 1 ! I • i l • • I I • I I • • • I I Mfll,., l'IM• CIMI• l!•rflMlt f t!!l!rll$175 Tl~~~~E:~:o;E~T" 1 1 , ~ nR °" ""'" """ ,,_ .. CAllOAD "THE LOVE GODT'' .... ...................... ..;·~~;·;·;"";~;·;-~"';;.;"';~;;:. ... ..1 ' -... 1 I • ' • • I I I I I ' I ' • • I • I I I • I I I • • • • I • I • I • I • • • • • ..I 'The Fantastleks' Tustin Theater <;-roup . in Debut By TOM TITUS Of ""••111 'Ii.I tltff Cqmmunlty the.i.ter I n Tultin ·ha• bet11, it best, an ephemeral commodity with four teparate groups organh- ed ·t nd dlabitnded over lbe past fjve yuni. NOw anotMr little theater operation is testing JU wings on Uae winds oC theatrical fortune In Tu(Un, lhe newly formed Modjeaki Players who close their nm production, "TJ:le Fa_f'.\l&Sllt;D." th1s eve- ning after a two-weekend run. An .excellent choice for an ~al show, Tuatin's venloo. of the Jones-Schmidt mini-rhusical offers an en- joyable, if uneven, evening of theater. IL! cast, while-nol bluted With overall strtncth, "'THI l'AHTAITIC.KS" i. muikel ,,., Tom JoMI ..,.. H•rw:Y Sdlftlldf, Olr«t .. ~ lltOM Ot-. c- tum" bf f"ld l'hll!flls. tl9~tl119 by GWff L-, •19ffflfM llY ttle MM· r-. l"ltwrs 11. TU1!ln Hlth schcco~ 1171 1:t1UM iltoed, T1111!11, nHI CAST !!;I Cl•llo ................. Jooth CP!erlK Mtrt ••.•• 1 ............. si.... l'11t1rt0n Lulae •• , ................... k1rln '""'°" lfltltn'I' ••• .,, , .• • .. •• ., , .Jol\ft Pl!llllPI Hiid!'"'" ~ ................. MOM Olxol'I Hel\ey ..................... 1111 Oeler'°' Mwfll'lllt ., •••••. ·• ...... $el!r ltUCIOt.l'I Tile 111111• , ....... , ........ J1ck l!ubu1k ls capable enoueh to maintain the required pace and convey th_e 11.Ju!OfY atmosphere which ~ . ~ play ils native chann. the m0&l gloWing asset or Tmtin'1 "Fantasticks" is the preseoce of Joseph Charles in the role of El Gallo, a part he his played over 300 times, in· eluding a 1965 stint at lhc Laguna Playhouse, Cha~Jes, in addition to being physically pri~ for his assignment, poeseases a commanding stage heiring and vocal authority that set~ him head and shpulders above the rest of the company. The young lovers, played by Steve Patterson and Karin Benson, are at once engaging and disturbing. P a t t e r s o n brims \Vith enthusiasm but wanea vocally, while ~1is..i; Benson brings a superb voice to ~er role but l>cka the youlbful tpice to IUIDltnl her performance. Dlrettor Ross i>iton double1 as the boy's father, And the alriJn or the du1J a.saJcnm.enl 1s -occuionilly evident ln ·hll wryly comic but sometime• shal<y portra,yal. Jolm Phlllipt as the penny-ptncbini father_ of the girl is an effective foll and partner. The plum rol< of lbe se<dy Shakespearean a c to r ii devoored wllb rtllah by Phil DeBarros who uses all the w.iles ol his craft in properly overplaying his character. And Salty Rudolph s k 11 If u II y DAILY "ILOT Stefl"""' portrays hi• I ndian 'Tlareepenn••' Ends Tonight sidekick-once •you become 0 K adjusted to a girl, particularly James Baxes cautions daughter Elaine Bankston \Vhile mother Carol retzer a young girl, perfcrming lhe looks on in this scene from 11The Threepenny Opera," closing its lengthy n1n role. __ toc_n_,ig::.h_t_at:::...Sou __ lh_C_o_a_sl_R_ep:..e_rto_ry.:_'s_c __ os_ta_M_e_s_a_Th_e_a_tc_r_. ________ _ Dixon's direction ls steady and imaginative. although he is hampered by in.adequ.ate lighting on a Oat staglo1 area. A capable t h ree-p iec e orchestra proVides the musi~al acaimpaniment, s c o r i n g highest on the more scln· tillating nlDJlbers "I Can See lt" and "{t Depends on What You P.1,y," the ~Uer a true com~ic rouser. The t.!OOj~ka Playert wrap up their prochiction .toni&ht at the TuAin High little theater, t t7I Laguna Road, Tustin. Hopefully, Otis is the first step toward the complete rebirth' of community theater in Tustin. Prentle r e Set CINCINNATI tUPl)-"The Gates of Justice," a new jazz cantata. composed by Dave Brubeck, will have ita world premiere htre Oct. 19 at the Rockdale Temple in !uburbin AmberleY Village. This will be the second ma· jor liturgical jau cantata to be presented in Cincinnati by Brubeck. His "The U,hf. 'in the Wilderness" premiered last year and has performed all over the world. 01·chestra SCR's Ticket Sales To Feature Cello Solo Up for New Season ' South coast Repertury's H , _ ,_ .1 d ' 1 • season ticket presale is mov-enry ~wl,;'! WI I con UC • h f let th I t the. Lo.s Angeles Philhannonic mg m u c as an 83 . the H 11 ood Bowl Tu • year, due to the new offers m 0 yw · es being made by lhe c.osta Mesa day. with ~ant R 0 s e' theater, according to Jame.'! cellist, as solot.st dePrlest, SCR m a n a g i n g Lewis, now music direclor director. of the New Jersey Symphony, "We decided we have lo, be is .a native ot Los A ngeles more Ctlmpetitive, in order to who s t a r led his musical boost sales of the seasQ.n career w i t h the Los tickets. They're bread and Angeles PbUharmonJc. butter to us," dePriest said. Tuesday, he will conduct the sen is offering two free orchestra in the Overture, bonus plays, in addition to the "Colas B r e u g n o n ' • by six regular season offerings. Kabalevsky, and R i m sky· Early subscribers will see the Korsakoff's ''Scheherazade'' West Coast premiere o C -Symphonic Poem, music .Joseph Heller's unique play identified with the famous ''We Bombed in New Haven" Russian ballet of the same as a special bonus. This play name. opens September 5th. Cellist Leonard Rose 11:ill be All season subscribers will the soloist on this program, see the special h.igh school playing the Dvorak Concerto production o{ ''The Glass in B minor, Op. 104. ?.ofenager'ie" as a bonus pro- Other plays currently set or under conslderaUon are "Joe En." HCabaret,•: an o t her musical, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstem Are D e a d , ' ' ''You Can't Take it Wlth You" and "The Rebadier System.'' a French f arcc. 'Real Thing' in Prague Information oo the 1969-70 season may be obtained by writing the theater at 1827 Newport Blvd .. CoN Mesa, or t.depbortlng the boxoffice al Mf.11113: :nefore Stars in lron .. CurtainDrama . . . By BOB THO~fAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -At I.he astronauts' banquet In :.he Ctatury Plaza Hotel, actor Don Defore was telling friends about the tunny thing that happened on the way to the di.Mer. Only it didn't seem funny at lhc time. EVeh lod"ay Defore shudders at the roemdry of being held on 1u1plci0n 'of spying on Russian installations in a rmall Cztchosiovak viUage. it happened when Defore &rtd his wife ~1arian were on their way home from the July 11·24 Moscow Joilm Festival, to "'hich he was an American delegate. They had struck up a frien4'hip with Yugo s I av delegates who invited them to their film festival at Pu!a, Y1.11oslavia. Be.fore leaving for California, Defore 'vanted to make a sentimental journey to the birthplace of his mother ·s partnts iii Czechoslovakia. He related what happened after he.arrived in Pragltt: ''We found a tai:i driver who could speak a little English and was wtlltng lo. t.akc w to m'i grandparents' town , Piskova Holt.a, about 4 0 kilometers away. As we were driving toward the village, we . --came over a hill and saw a fenced-in are.a which a big gate and a huge photograph of Lenin with a sign which meant 'Long Live Communism.' •·This W83 where l h e Russian troops were bifleted. Marian said. "Let's stop and take a picturt,' but I said, 'Let's not.' There w ere Russian soldiers with tommy guns patrolling the streets.'' Defore learned from an elderly resident that h i s grandparents had moved long ago to another village. ~11ade Boleslave, and he gol the ad· dress. \Vhen the Delores ar· rived, there was no one home. "Marian decided t9 take a piclure, and she almost cross- ed the street to take in the building," said Defore. "We scarcely noticed the Jeeps going by with officers. Then she took a photo of new buildings on the other side of the street. That's when we saw a burly man staring at us from a doorway. "He ran across the street and struck his head in the taxJ -FIRST IUN G•r1lcfin1 P1g1 "WHATrYIR HAHINID TO AUNT ALICl1" "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIA•l'' lob Hop• -J 1cki1 Gl111011 CHri••-s...i.., 1 :JO P.M . , . Dr; Elvis PLUS WA(T DISNIT'$ "WINNlf 'iHE POOH" Playhouse • Announces First Cast occ Seeks ' New Voices ACRn OP: ••n PARKING R•ttl •.N• ACADIMT AWARD WINNll 'fhe 1tran1Nt trio ever to track a killer. IN NOW l\A YI Na! ~ox 0,FICI OPINS 1 :to SHOW STAITS 1 :JI COOLID IY REFRIGIU. TION .. ., .... ,... IMMY AWA.ID WINNll ! ...... ----·--·iillililll-·~ ::.-=: .";;=:,. ...... ,._.Qllt;eM"" e M<tllnM• Daily e 2nd Popul•r Hit •DWARD• \ • u.a.Ol .ot"°"*'CCIP"A...__S. .. 1101 .. ·.,. ·. _______ ...... _ ..... .. : <Si .~'.:~ :1 llP.....""'' """""'""""""""""'""""""""""'"""""' ...... -1 I . :ti NOW TOGETHER FOlt ~--_._ --ALSO PLAYIN• -W11h DIM1ay'e '11HCUDllLE JOURNEY"' IYI SHOW ITAllTS 7 P.M, CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT •• SUN. noM J P.111. HELD OVER THE FIRST TIME EXCLUSIVELY I •ALIG~ 67~1 : NOW SHOWING MUST END TUESDAY ··cH1m " 7:H' 11:011 "INDLlSS SUMMll" EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ! Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are AT •:10 ONLT e AND a tm•Nh A•AIN IY POPUU.l DIM.AND ENDLESS RAVES FDR THE ~'ENDLESS SUMMER" "CONTINUOUS EXCllUlEMT .. llMT ... A PllfET •• :HYPNOTIC IUUTY .. : '11¥£ DUTlfSllfl." IUOYAllT FUN." ._,.,.., ...... -V/11e1ntC.nby, N.Y. fimu "SOMrntlllt vm mew..· -Atch1rWlnlfen, N.Y. l'oft '"OORAOROIURT ENTER· TAIMllEllT." . .-,.. -W•"* NM', H. r. 0.,,, Hfft • "A KllDCKDUT DF A MOflt" ._ ..... ,.,. ...... CONTINUOUS OAIL Y FROM 2 P.M. Alw1y1 Plenty of Parking HELD OVER 11!11 FIACTUwtTOUR FUNllYIONE /I • WHlll HI STfW YOUR HURTf Th1 odOb1ll h1ro11 took th1 c1dl1, their on1-1yetil m1Jo• toek it& mi1tr111 -i ii.I thi n they took 011 ttio worl1U 'The April Fools" T~.• i!ICP A Ci,..~FilnlilPr~ A N1ta..i c.....1 ~ .ldtalt. MATINEES DAILY DU~ ''G IT ., • .. ·-···~......... . ~·. ,. . .. .. ..... -- )\( IMllY PILOT Liii ANGELES (Al') -Ruben Ollvam ol Mexico Clly, dilplayinc I rurioul m1 -.Uy movtna left book, CllllWnd tbe bllllalllwel&ht Duo . ol the ~ flidoy nigh~ knocking ' out -.111•1 Lionel Rose, It 1;14 of the llllh ....... Oiivan1, unbeaten in S! fi&ht.s Drtd bk 50t.h knockout with 1 hard ri&ht I.hat .na. Role aprawllni on his face. Referet Larry Roudllla immediately stopped the bout without ,,,.,1111111. Tbe fl&bters appeJTed cautious as lhe boot oPOM<I with Root allghUy more "!!· greaalve Olltl hll normal counter-pun· china llyl<. H~ay t~a:h the firet. Olivft~ KOs stung no.. with Illa hard Jen lo tho bod1. Biii the champion coontu punched with a right to tbe bead, danctd back ~ ntlO>er Jlahter pined mucl\ of an •d· Vlfllage lfttr that. Jn the second, however, Rose resumed hls back!Jll up style -tho 'style-he used in winnln& the UUe from Tokyo's Fiihtin& Harada in 1981 and appeared to be. win-- ning the round.-HU left-right combination at 1:40 o( tbe round seemed to burt the challenger. But Ruben pr~ the aU..ck1 fJashina his left hook into Ro.se,'1 bCld ahd isenl i\lm to the canvas at U,· nearly packed fCl'um at the two-minute.IMJ'k, .Rose took the mandatlr;1· eictlt cou-nt,' • Rose ID Fifth come ba<I< IUld appeored unolfooled by the knoc:kdbwn. . Olivares ~eel tbe moutlqllec:e out ol 11o1e•s mouch with n .. -left 1n the aecood n>UllCI to the clloeta' ol the hl&hly partid111 crowd, many ol them t,om,111e .. ico. The crowd was estimated at more than 16,000. Olivares, 21, ~bowed no emoU011 lhroufb the first two rounde. But ar~ Jcnocking Roee'•, moulhpif!Ct tO the mat halfway ffifough the thlril. the challenger almost crinned. A serl11 of hard left hooka to tbe 21· year-old cbamplon'a right akle late ln the third made Olivarea pin once a;ain. WllJ1 -to .. In Ille round .. --rtatit brutaed Rooe'• left eye. -·defeated 1n hla ,_tilled .. f-. laid lfrtday niCl>I be wlD not ... k I l'GJllltb wllb the new dllmploo and WW l<avt the banlalmrelcbl cWo. Jack Rlnnle, llooe'• ma...,-, aald : ~ "We are nQ& anxious tor 1 rematch. We ml&ht ,..k one II we thought It would be easy for Uone.I to ·make the wel&ht Utntt... - ReM!e JOkl hl1 lllhtei:,1an Abotiline from the j\uatrallon outback, woold atop • up to the 116-pound fealherw~ dlviaion. · M.eLain Bags \Yi·n No. 20, Dodgers Drop 4th Str~ght To Mets, 5-3 Horton's Home Run Does It • ' r Angels, Tigers Collide Again This, Afternoon Willie. Horton was the guy who so often delivered the key hits for Detroit mate Denny McLain when the latter won 31 games Jul season and Willie Horton wu again the man behind DeMy u b.ia 3-run homer gave Mcl..llin his 20th win of the 1969 season -a 3-1 verdict over the Angels Friday night at Anaheim Stadium. 1be two clubs return to the Big A this altcmoon for a I o'clock game, then the 1----n.alOrO'tllif'lll>-W.~ Sunday as Tiger ace Mickey Lolich duels Andy Messersmith. Horton wrapped Utlogs up with two out l.n the top of the sisth inning as be picked on a 1·1 pltcm delivered by Tom Murphy, A"lfel Sl•te A\lf. 2' Me•lf. v1 Dl!r'911 lt:e ,..rn. KHl"C 11101 41,11. tA "'9ftll ¥• O.!rolt U:SS 11.m. KMPC 1711> A1,11. H ..... It Cle¥tlll"" '"'1• •. rn. ICM"C (7'11 A1111. fl Mf'l!I 11 Cll\l~nd "':«I 11.m. !CMPC mfl and ripped it over the 393-fool sign in right.centerfield. An error by Angel second baseman Sandy AIOITia rmade aJI three Tiger runs unearned. • 1be only run off Mc.La.In came on Jim lpenoer'a firlt·inning homer intO" the right fiedl seats. Mer.In who has won 20 or more g:amei three times in the past four yeai:s, wound up with a seven-hitter. He,struck tut four and walked one. ll also was the 18th complete game for McLain, who won his. 20!.h game last year on July ?1 en route to a 311 season. He has been beaten six time,, thi s year. The loser was ~1urphy, a.-12. McLain gave up four hits in lhe first Lwo innings before finding the groove. Dl!Tl.OIT tb r ~bl (:ALl'°Ol.NIA •b r~bl 'ltnleJ. ti trm, u 'klrtlltu11. rf t:.111, lb N Hl>fm, II V..ldlldl, ?b l=nefl.111, L ..,.,.., )II \llcl•l"' • 111111 • I 0 0 Alom•r. :tb • I 1 e IHn(er, lb • I 1 D Ffl'IOJI, » • I 0 e • 1 1 l • I I I l I I I • I 1 I • I I 0 JallnJfojll. cl •I I. l jlle~nll. II ••>•v-,rt • I I 0 •OOIAl.odf'lt<.Ml •l ll • I l I Rodger\. t J I I I JOIO Mu ...... y,• 10 0 1 lltl'Or. ~~ I I I 0 Wlllli'llTI, ~ o I I I :111 1 1r11r1r u 1r 1 t)e!roil I 0 0 0 I l I I 1 -J • :1ll'9n'ILI I t I It O o I t -t E-Tl'Uh. Alorntr. OP-Ottrool 1, Ct hlomlt l, ,Ol--Ollrell J. C•Hlonrit '· 18-Wen. l'llll~"­ ;.r •· W, 1<1or11n 11. ll-M1tth1nlCJI., fr~l~. Hortl'>- v.. 5-McLI•"· ""'rpf\y fl. 1·1'1 IA<;.Lt l" (W. llM) Alllltt lrn 111 H ~ flt It ~O f ' l l • • ' 1 1 ' j 2 t I I 1 Koufax, Big D Face Angel Oldtime Stars A 1lar-studded array of former webal1 greats will perform in the lint· !Ver Okttimus same at Anaheim ~tadium Sunday. tocluding live winners J( tile Moet Valuable: Player award in the ~aUonal League.. Game time is I p,m. With Sandy Koufu: facing Eli Grba on the nound. " .••• and pilchina for the Dodgers, landy Kou.fas:." ThJt statement o( fact u!M!d to bring In rom five lo ten-thousand more fan~ 1verytime the great lift-hander pitched lurinJ lUa heyday ln the National League. He will btl making his first •ppearance in lhe rhound ainct·reUremenl In 198'. Roy Campanella, one of the greatest :atchars in Dodger history, will diree\ the eom of former Dod&ers. Ca.rqpaneUa was inducted inlo the l:laU I F:ame 1 monlh ago and will have a 24· l\ln team including: Jackie Robinson, loci Ne1'combe, Wally Moon. Norm .arker, Don Zimmer. Don Drysdale, Jo. llock, Carl Enk..,, Clem Labin<, :birlle Neal and Johnny P00m. Nnold • .l'liP<" Stall, manager of the 11111eJ Oldltmen, bu IWCh sluggers u :teve BUka, M.u West, Andy Palto, Earl •YOrlD and Jimmy Plots.Ill reody to leod loo hlt parade. Umpinl lfJr the aamc wm Include col· r1111-. llo!ardon. 1 •year veter"' of fltloolf Le1p acllon, behind the pl11'; nd -Ceut Lea111en Pll OrT, lece Can1C1C1 and A.I Mutart on the -. Fred Heuler llld St<ve Batley will 1.1ke lntniductkm bqlnnlna 1t tl:ll lor tte three-lnnlnc contest. I OAll.Y ,.l\.OT Slt ff Pi.M FIJI.ST TO HIT 20 -Right,hander Denny McLain ol the Detroit Ti· gers is behind his 3l·game victory pace of 1968, but he became the first major league pitcher to win 20 games thilli season Friday night as he thl'<llUed the Angel>. 3-1. NEW YORK (AP) -Ron Swoboda 's two-run homer and a decisive run-scor~g passed ball gave New York an early lead and the Mets staved off the Los Angeles Dodger• S-3 Friday night behind Tug M<Graw'• .. <lul<IU:oli•J_pj~hipg,_ - Swoboda'• fowth homer of the season In t.be second inning followed a walk to Wayne GarreU and put the Mets ahead 2· O. They increased it to 4.(1 in the next in· Dodger Slote Ain. !l OodM,.. It Mt'W Vork 11;!0 '·'"· k FI C"'9) A\11. 2• Oocltln I I M-V1'1l II I.I'll. KFI ('411 ........ M Oocllen Y9 Motllrt&I 1:5$1.m. kFI (6'iell A11t. 11 DOOffr1i Y9 Mortlretl l:.SS a.rn. kFI 1"'81 ning against Bill Singer, IW, on singles by Tommie Agee, Cleon Jones and Art Shamsky for one run and a passed baU by Jeff Torborg. The Dodgers, wbo had 12 hits, got orie run back: in the fourth off Jerry Koosman. 11--3. on Torborg 's run-scoring s_ingle alter hits by Wes Parker and Ted Sizemore. Then in the seventh , pinch hitter Bill Russell and Maury Wills opened with in· field htta, driving out Koosman . McGraw came on and struck out Man· ny Moto before giving run-scoring singles to Willie Davis and Parker. But he got Bill Sudakis to bit into an inning-ending double play and stopped the Dodge.rs the rest of the way as the Mets pulled within 51h game.!! of first-place Chicago in the National League East. The Mets picked up their final run in the eighth against Pete ~kkelsen when Agtt singled, was sacrificed to second, took third on a wild pitch and scored on a 11ingle by Jones . I.OS ANGEl.•I HfW YOIU( .. ' • " " ' • " Wiii~ " ' ' ' •At~. d • ' ' • Mote. u • • o tt1rl'9I~ . " ' • • • w 0. .. 11. cf • ' IC ...... " • ' , ' ... ,,,..,, .. ' ' I Sh1msll¥, .. • • ' ' S...i11d1, lll • • a 1tr1nDllCll, 111 • • • • KDll:O, •I • ' o Ger•en. 2b ' ' • • SlrHn0r1. lb • , OSwoboat , rl ' • • ' 1'ortiorg, c • ' 1 0•1111r. ,1 ' • • • Sln,er, D • • I C"1r1a1. ,. ' • • • lll1uMll, .. ' ' ' O O~er. c ' • • • Mlkll.1l1n. • • • • I Koo•nwon, • ' • • • Lttebvre. pl! • • • 0 McGr&w, D ' • • • To!ll " ' " ' TO!el " ' ' • " ' ' flt 811 so Singer \l, lS-ll • ' • ' • Mikkelsen ' ' ' • • 11:.oonrn•" IW. !1·1 • " ' ' • • MeGr•w ' ' • • • ' Brow11s Duel SD SAN DIEGO -The rock-1valled Cleveland Browns hit San Diego for the first tin1e ever in pro football tonight. but scoring fans probably won't ha ve much to cheer. The Chargers unable to score, squeak· ed through lwo earlier prescason ex- hibitions, !G-7, and lost a third to Baltimor,. Now. they face an unbeaten National Football Leagu e team v.•hich has held its last two roes to a single touchdown. Sports C,lip ped SliorL Uriitas Crushes O.J., Bills BUFFALO, N.Y. <AP) -The National /?oolball League's Baltimore Colts c_on- li nued lhcir Super Bowl revcnac against American League opponent.s Friday night , downin& the Buffalo Bills 20-7 on a pair of touchdown passes by Johnny Unilas and two Lou "1ichaels field goals. Unilalli. who split the aignal-<:alling with starter Earl Morrall, hit Ughl end Tom A1itchell with p.aSM:s or four and 70 yard.'!. Michaels added three-pointers from 4.$ and 38 yards out. O.J. Simpson. highest loulcd rookie In years. played about one-ha1f the! game, gaining 2S yards on five ca rries. and calching two pa5Scs for a tolAI of seven y11rd11 in his home dcbul as a Bill. • CAP·OE-LA·MAOELE INE. Que. Two 12--year-old boys fought each other in 111 profession1l bo1ing malch hue Thun· day ni&ht for a total purse ol '3$. 1'hey appeared on a card Jn which unbeaten middleweight Donatq Paduano. one or the holte!i\ Canadian flfhters 1l the moment. hammered hit w1y to his 12th atr1ight pro victory. • ATLANTIC CITY -The NaUonal Collegiate Athletic A11SOCi1tion attmly reprimaded the University of Maryland Friday for recruiting tnrractlons and vlolaUng the principles of ethical conducl. However, the IA·man. policy•makln.c council of the NCAA decided not to Im· JX)5c itny penalties on the school. " In othef action, the NCAA denied 1 re- quest by professional ba.sebaJI to alk>w drafted players who are high achool graduates but not yet enrolled in college to make one expense-paid visit to the pro- fessional baseball team which drafted hlm. If lhe player did accept money lo vlsit !he professional baseball team, he would be i~ligible to play in NCAA games, the council .said. • MILWAUKEE -Two fanta stic com· ebacks by Bruce Fleisher and crushing victories by Dr. Ed Updegraff and Dick Siderow! gave the United States a 7-3 lead over Great Brilain after Friday'• opening round of the 22nd Walker Cup aolf matches . The teams battle: again Saturday wl1h two-ball four!Ollle play in tbe morning and eighl more !inglea matches in the afternoon. Updegraff, Tuscon, Arlt.. crushed Erigland's Rodney Foster S and ~. and Siderowf rolled past Peter Tupling by 1n ldentk:al score .. • BONNEVILLE SALT FLATII. Utah - Robert B. Herda, 1 Portola Valley, CalU., race driver, was killed FridRy when hl3 car bunt into nam~ at the end of 1 Z82· mile-per-hour run down Oonnevllle1s llraighlaway. ". BROOKLNE. Ma53 -Art.'-.-.1.;.\! Md Bob Lutf moved Into s,Jni.(in1! round or lhe U.S. TcMi3 Championstiips here f''ri- day. Ashe, thr former UCLA star. had to go fh·e set.s before trimming Australia's Allan Stone, l-6. 6-3, 6-8, U , 6-4. Lutz of Los Angeles, who will cb 22 nex t v.·eck, advanced to a semifinal shov.·down with Ashe by defeating unseeded Roy Barth. 22, ot San Diego. 6- 3. 31, 10-8, S.2. Second -seeded Stan Smith of Pasadena Calif. and fifth.seeded Charlie Pusareli of Puerto Rico earlier advanced as an all American semifinal round was establish· ed for the second 3traight year. • \Vl.11.LIAMSPORT. Pa . -A con· troversy over the bat.a: used by tht Na· Conalist Chinese entry in tbe Llttlt League World seriea added fuel lo Saturday's champoinship came. Sant.a Clara. Galif .• which meets Na- tlonalsit Chlni. for the championship, pr~ tested Friday lhat the bats were loo thick. LilUe League: officials rejected the plea . "The bats have been dec lared legal and !hat's all there is to tt," said Howard Gair ,umpire consultanL Dr. Crelahton Hale, a Utlle League vice presldtnl, 1akt lhe heavier bats 11•ould probably be a handicap because they would be harder to S\\'lng. California team officlaJ3 reported disputed that, 11aying heavier bats had more aock. TRUSTY I RON -Long·baired Tom Shaw Is taking a bead on first prize money in the $150,000 Avco goll classic in Sutton, Mass., after shooting his lliecond straight 68 Friday. Shaw has a five-stroke lead over the fi'eld·Bt the halfway point. Casper 1'Usses Cut Shaw's 2nd Straight 68, Opens Huge Avco Lead . SU'ITON, 1-lass. (AP) -Tom Shaw . 111 smilin& youn1 man f~m Golf, Ul., calmly cut out h1s secOnd consecutive 61 Friday ~nd took a whopping fl ve;stroke 'Ie~d - matching the biggest of the year -in the second round of the Avco Golf Classic . Shaw, who said he tired badly on the closing holes -"But I can't complain. I can ·1 complain ,aboul anything" -had a 136, eight under par for two tr.ips over lhe 7,212-yard . par-72 Pleasant Valley Coun· try Club course. Canadian Ge6rge Knudson, who had a 72 . was a distant second at 141. 1'hc blustery wind that marred Thursday's play subsided somewhat. but the hilly, demanding layout continued to pla y very, very tough. Billy Casper rallied for a 70 but missed the cut for the first time in five years. He had a 151 and it took a score of 150 or heller to make it. He last missed in Phoenix in 1964 and had played in 143 tournaments since then1 Shaw, a tour regular for six years. scored his first vk:tory In lhe Doral Open lhis spring, He has been in a slump since , ho\\'ever, missing out cut II times. ft ·tr ·(;( Sf.tor.cl rovnll •CO•tJ FridlV ,.11<11 $~ ... Cieor91 Knud:IC!tl MK M(lt!ndofl lln1t1 Cr1mPhl" BobbY M!fci'lell C~ucll: CourlM.,. Cl1ud1 H1r"'°" Jr 8ob Sr1"lon Mille tilll &cb Lunn J1ck M11ntoon1t•v Gr!~r ..lllM'I l1r! V11K1r Ito¥ lllCt C.str S1""'" Jullua IM1i1 8111 G1rr11t1 Olcll; t.IHt Clll Cf\! Jlodno1tu "'"" ~· John ktnn~v It, H, S!~e Ml\t llN~ 11" Siii•• MonlY KI Sfr °"'1t Sindt,., L••f'll tlegl11 l tlTY H'roWTY 01¥1 Stoc:lj.IOn 0-.• .Hfl"l«I L .. Plftrllln lllod Curl ............ Bob oia-r..,, W1llkoof Tommi' J1tom Ken Vtn!U•I let Elder ~tltr Towni~ """ Deml"t leb p,,,,. Bob Erkkton Doll Ptf10ll Oldf . KlnKOll'I Mfftlll lt11111M lltodll' """""-Orftllt """""' !ten Ct'"'" I~ •l\t .lYCO (l151lt ....... u ~'·12·1•! n.ro.14? 1'·11·1.(I n.n.1.u ll·1l-1U 10.1).lfl fJ.71.1 « 75-6'·14' IS.6J-1 ~ ' , ..... 144 11-7*-1•$ -·~ rl·fJ.14$ , ...... ,u n.1 .. 1.u '"""IU , .. n.u.s 1•.n·l" 1).7).l .. , .. ".'" , .. )1.14J , .. n., .. 1.J.TI·I .. ~,_n_, .. n., .. , .. 1).14-llf , .. 71.\'1 11-12·1'1 1'>11·1•1 l.J.1'2·1U rs.n.u1 1).14-1'7 IS-1).1•1 ll-IS-1,1 7S-J>.t•• ,.n.1• . , .. , .. ,., ,, ..... 1 .. 17.1).ld 1s.n.u• 12·1'-I• "·"-"' , .. , .. 1 .. , .. , .. , ... , .. ,,_,. fS.1).UI n-,.., .. FINKEL TO CELTS FOR C.4.SH, PLA.YE R SAN DIEGO (AP) -The San Dl•go Rockets sold Henry Finkel. seven-foot ceoter, to the Boston Celtics Friday for M undisclosed amount of cash •nd a dra!t choice to be named. Finkel, a 1966 graduate of the Universi· fy of Dayton. played two years for San Diego 1fter beln& picked In hasketblll'a 11167 expcwlon draft by Los Angeles. I • He had five birdies. two when he rtd ed par fives in two and twC?-P.Utted. He also cl\lpped to wl.tbln· fife .1'1>t for another and ran in putts of 35 and {5 rett: His only bogey came on the f3U\ wbt'h he put his drive under a tree, was shcri of the green and missed a par putt. Besides Casper. others· missing the cut Included Texas Open champlon DelM Beman and former Ma sters champion Bob Goalby. • The 150 figure matched the high cut ct the year, and tour regular Steve ·~ pcrman set a dismal individual high for the season. Opperman put four balls in the w•ter on the par four 17th hole , ~n thre&put· ted and staggered off with a borrendoWI 13 for the hole. He finished at 83. 1 There were on1y five scores under par .. Mac McLendon was in third place aftq a 70 for 142. Tied at 143 were Auatrall.an Bruce Crampton, 71 , and Bobby Mitchell, 69. In the group at par 144 were. Jadr; "tontgomery, 68, Mike Hill and Bob Lwm. each 69. and Chuck Courtney, 73. Unbeaten KC Out to Halt Rams' Jinx Kansas City, defending Wes t~e r n DivisiM AFL champions. and lone un- defeated team in that circuit in ~ season game.s with a 3.(1 record wW bl seeking ill first win over the u,,' Antele." Rams at the Colisewn tonight. KickOft i3 at 8:05. Both previous meetings between the cl~bs have been won by the Rams. O'.>ach George Allen has slated he will use roo«ie Larry Smith in his opentna: backfield fetr the first time. "All he ntedl is experience and I think he will be• a- ~lltnt back.'' Allen said in appraiaaJ or the klrmer f1orida star. Les Josephson will make his third itart. of the campaign at fullback with Rc8an Gabriel at quarterback as the Ratn1'8t.. tempt to get their offense Into gear. La.st week they dropped a 10-3 decision I.tr the Cleveland Browns and now face one or the stingiest defensive urUts la the AFL. . The Chiefs have permitted 37 ~l.1 their three victorie,, and gave up only-170 Points in pasting a 12·2 regular aaaon mark in 1968. Leading their attack I• ex· tJSC great Ptlike. Garrett. Bob Brown, JOO.pound tackle whollt kJ has been in a cast, will mlse: the IC\ion but Charlie Coward will be ready. Dick Bass and Tommy ~lason will again • held out . ln fact.. first 1ame tor the two runntna back! will be at Anaheim Stadium aglnl& San Francisco on Sept. 13 in the final prt.· !ea.900 game. ~ Rami waived roolde defensive end Perry Parks Friday. Dralted In 1966 from CAI State at t.os Angeles, he apent ~everal years in se rvice bl!forc rep<>rUnC to lhe· Ram camp this 1eason. - at .. "' .r p-,.. er ii• "' ·- ti< n. .. •ill "' <II ,,. ·or art !"' •t· ron ice :he nl~ 170 ""' ... leg ion k:k -Ins 11.<t ... .. ~ Your . Engines! ~ ..... ... . ' 'l:>y O.ke ' -Hou'lgate ' ,~ . ~ ... ~ or ve&eran· sto«·e1r drtver Paad •Goldllnllh~ ...... ·-•.o ,· .-... ..,.-annou."'~ any y.'f ~-· .· • • ~ . , ~ irt not ~-he will race .,.m,_'!!"llf be <!oa'qult,.. ~Ille--colorful • ....,,, ... tbe.aport will come to an end. •'GGldimltli wtll. be u Irr October, sllgbUy older UWi world cbampilm'Onillom Hill aod IJoyd Ruby, a btt younger than Jack • Brabbom and Al'I Pollard, 1 Goldomltb llarted racing motorcycles in 1111 and blCame Ibo .dl!Y man ever lo wtii -natiooll AMA c~ In•""' (Ul1-0U4) """"io~tdllnf to automobiles. _. ; lib d_. or.· motor<ycle racing b..ught him into close 'cOntacl with Joe Loonanl, and be belped Leonlnl be&lll hia'own : <!areer' io auto racfnc. ~ • Goldsmith'• ftnt stock car nee wa,a a·J50.r:niler in Detroit in ~·a~ and he won It. Except !or .a few yun with USAC, when he :)u tl1ing without .....,. to win. the ~Iii 50t but "" "'1nnfnl two t.JSAC stock car titlel instead, Goldamllb bu been a ;NASCAR super apeed.,ay driver. , f Be tias never entered mol9 thaJJ 2$.Grancl.National races a· ~· ancj be bas nev.T won mo.. lhm,'48;m in,a.olncle -· ' be 61 in. 1118. in foci, be -·t ................. . . ~!.i'.loldsmlth will be.~ by bis COlltem)IOl'lftes u :».' manlw\th Ide~ wbo liu belped make bis iq>ort a better ""· ID' IMi he.-liiot USAC to court !or banning him from ln- ·atanapOJll bectUle be had eompet.ed in a NASCAR race. He lost •the JegaJ battle -and established the principle that Y<!U Should 1aever sue USAC in the state of lndJana -but be won the point ::that altio raclng competitors are not chattels Uke'bueball pJ.-Yers ~,tre. t.bat they have some rights when deallng with the establllh- )ienh ,Po1dsmltb invented a water-clrcu1atlng contl'lptlon worn lib ar by the drivers. It.ls called a 0 cool lllit" ant1 is dtslcn- flaht hllh temperatures inside stock can. .fttcently be was the guinea pig in a Afety uperlment ln . a l'ldlo signal flashed a y<llow caution Hgbt Oii inside bit nr. to warn or simulated danger ahead u be roared around Daytona oval at better than 170 m.p.b. U thiJ d~vlce ii em' *1'~ f_or street use, it may mean the end of SlreDS on fire ~ ambulances and police cars. ~=any traffic orOclals contend sirens are obtolete today ' se they can't be heard wtll lraide air-conditioned can that have blaring radios. Goldsmith iJ a genuine pioneer in the Rlrcb for alternaUve warning systema. When be retires Goldsmith will join a growinc number of N4S<;AR Joume!'lYl•n woo have bung up their cmh helmets· in the ·last four seasons. SltUng on the sidelines today are Ned Jam:tt, Jim Puchal, Dick Hatcherson. CUrtls Turner, Darel Dlef'inCtt, Fred Lotenun. Marvin Panch, Larry Frank, Buck Baker and Junior Johnlon. Baker and Paschal stlll race Grand Toorfnl can. More on Garner Ritt -, 'A pOstac'rlpt'to acto~ Jamu Ga.-.er11 rift w11' ~la auto ractnc e1terprile, Americu Jaienalloul Rael.ls, ts frelllc. · · ' You DU)' llave mined the aew1, bat Gamer, Ute ma• • helped to -'"""' .,.. ..... I .-. ...... _..., -tH mil')e 11Grad Pm," U1 exited t1i1e radllC setH. ·Allt, whlcli !ldded lilt,_.,...,, ncontly,_..d tti• ~ 1ras·abcooihnl<'d wortlaf -hra major -poalet. Goof,_ and America Moton:. Apparently, AIB'• rormata 9CCA ndac c._tp OU.-can) ud lb alf...U nc:laf _., (II -at )iJI --"""'"'' buqe~ u llley ..,. .. ,,· ~1 ti Gantr .,UC dtt tce1e? Be wuted t. cam,.ip • i.i.. el lonnala can bolll"' Eo1~ lly Job Sarteea, bot "'1le .a..·wu a Earope mUJac a mme AIR nrltclled to Du Guffy· loollt Eqlet. · Ea1les, of coarse, bave beta dom.lnatlls tbe drel.lt. Thy ·ltavt, tbat ls, unUI a few daya ap. Eqll1llm• David Bellba, at 1ite "he) el a 5artfft TSS, flll.W aecend II lkla formula SCCA rdtbat at lJme Rock, Conn. Ne:a:t Ume eat M WOii boUI eadl ef a hr'o-lteart nee at Brainerd, r.tla•., only a few da71 ap. ,.. Bobbi had plauecl to drive tlle Surtet1 car for Gamer. "Formula 1 is so pOwerful, balance of weight and PoWtr, and It 11-difficult because all the ~le are specialisll, vtry ti· perienced. You must work very hard to win just a sman fraction or a second." That is ' the analyllls or v.·orld class racing by its youn1est 'jir&ctitionel", H-year-old Jackie tckx of Belgium, who is definitely arriving as a auper star. Icla: ts currtntly the only man who is .4tve~ in cot)lenUon with Jackie Stewart for the world grand pril: _cliampionsh!p, although that's only a mathematical p:isslbillty at thl1nomenL .. 1 never wanted to be rtacing driver, not at an . t find myself bejng one, just like that. Life decidell it for me really. . "If you do somethln& for fun and YtlU go well and win you say to yourself, well, I'm not really b&d, and you go on." lckx won the French GP last year and the German Grand Prix this se:uon, and he might bave won a third world cham- pionahlp nee except for a freak happening during the 1958 Italian Grand Prli. Here wu lckx, a few taPs from the fiJl}sh with on. ly Denis Hulme. between him and the checkered nag. As he en· tered a tum he reached forward to push a button that would raise his aerodynamic wing and he.Ip hill car get better traction in the comer. Suddenly the engine quit. Ickl thought be must be out of , ... .Race Results • ... ._ ________ _ TMlltO ltACa. U1 'll••ft. I ,.._, •ldt, AUO'lfl!MCeL Pur .. WCI!'-••.• s. ........ "'"' -1· .. -· l'•.t'C•rfrl' H•rll TIM!"-11 2/1t. ••• ALSO ltA~1n, P1clt l c Cl'ol....,., Alllll'lt llflll, Tlrr'll ~ ,1st .. ~i., llw:lvm llm Dtll. JM!iler'J o. ... ~- ,, ' • RACE ENTRIES ,...~ .......... ,.........,....., c~ a ..... """ ..., ,,. •.M. ....... 111 .......... ........ "" .... ' -1'11l1T fl&CL • "''*-) """ .a ..W wt'~~~ A MltWt. l"IH'M t!ltlO. O !C.,. .,._ UCMtlJJ 1to (jt'& Oii Didi' (MWri.J 111 **'*'a CllMlll ,IWflthll 114 ~ It"°'" flill\klty) Ut TlJM ..._,_CW...,.I 111 11: .. 1.. .. r MDnft, flt 1•111111 11' ....llt hr IANllK.11 UO •• , ,...... ,..,..rr1 -'" M_., .. Ir 1"-> 11~ Alt Of ,,,_ (Cll'Wml 12" l'ICOMD llACa. "' ,,.,. •• J '"r olcb ,,,_ ~ !ft q;reM A Mlnut.. f'une ti•. Sidi s.111 11r c.....irJ 116 Ml o.rt. ,....,.._, no kllw1'9 1W CW.,_1 11, A,._..lc ~Ion fW'llMI 11' Ylllrr I\.'"-lC.""'"l "' ,,,.,...,. hr ..,. 11-ten1 111 ltklf Miki!' lllrMl•I t'' Ml'. T lllodtlf fl.Jlll'lenll n °"'"' MDoll (K""ltl 111 Cfitl It tllllNlfll 111 'MlltD llAC•· • y1rd1. t .,..... ellb, Ckih:nlr.., ~ mot. Clll"'lnt --· S~·Clll'lltti) UI l!~lc CNJ'M lWll-1 12' Mr. Sue .. , IC.,_.I Uo "'°"" DwM fll '"*'' no '°"""' aw tJtrlinll '" .... w Arwlle (Mllft'b l 117 T'P'IN .. , T-~rl 120 Mini o.rto (L"""9111l 117 POUll'TM ltACll. no nr<b. s .,..., olfl IN i. In Gtlldt A Mlnua. PvrM .,... ' . Not Glffllv IK•nlt) lll Litt!• 11«1 A,.,_ {,._•Q) 117 ~ oi.1 !P-) 1'0 t;loblr Mo!'Nn (Stl"IU11l 11i ~ '"''"' (W'"6nJ 117 Dltlu-. ,,..., fWrftlltl 10 ~· hi.I.I c1.me1 ni c-,,,. ''"'"*' 11l cl"rr Toni (Mllrl Ill It.id M9N (Li,t\iml 11J 'l'TM ltACa. Mt Y•rd1. l Yffr eld1 ........... AllfWIM*t .. Cl"MJl'll. l"llrM ... . Kl...,..I ~llfl'I l'""l lll Ml ,.II 1111 .... 1) tn °''' ''"' 1211 T .. ..,n Mlf {W11M11l 1U OIM Lid IAcllfrl no Tieltt s-1 ISlnlllll 11' Mo111t Olldt T11 C~l 111 SIXTM lllACa. "° ,....,, 2 .,...., .ift. ~lftl_. "',.,. U*. Clllmlr11 ~ ,,.lift l llclllt 1111 llnkll 1211 TWlltM ~ {Kllllll 121 • H 1111111 ( l"lumb l 111 Moon Ci.tlllw (C..,.._.l 1m let'°"' IAPOdKI) 117 Gtll 0. /NII (0 lll'llu) IN L!1 Dwtrw fHel1l 117 Ctrnil11 lornl>t" !Adllrl "' sav•"'" ltACa. ,,. ,, __ J ~r eld1 •!Id 1111. ClllMlnt. ,unt S1t00. c11Jml119 ~ IUllt, TM Gm Mor· r1t-Mll110r1 ,,,....11:119, ,.,, ll.!Wt (Wllhl'I) llJ 111111"11 fl""""') 17l e~ltd i.Ad-llr) lfJ lrtitlll AttDUnl IO~rl 117 Mr. ,.,_lit-I llr1111C!rf) 11, 111«11.lf J-r flt 1111'11111 116 •leHTM ltAC•. :l.!111 y1'111. J ye1r •' :'.:.."Ill ••. The Hlnl TWiii. ,urlt Go A Mll1 l'IC.e"ltl 117 01\tbtrllt'I let (5m!111) 1'6 K-"i ll1r {Ad-ltf) IU TOP lllodt"'-1111 1111111\ 117 Cinder L .. tW1tMfll no Go Dlni111 GO (Li,h1m) 17~ IUMT" lllA<.. a '111'11•. ' YHr elll arllt v. llt Grads A "111.bf1od I" CllN. ""l'R 121100. Fr-nt• Ff'll Ill .... II ltt• °'*""' .. , Jett ('1'nlltl) 11' Mltl J-4e .. , tc..n..) UO D1ut111 Kem 1..._...1 l'' trw Cert FIY IMl!rl lU £» Wetct. CMdl.,,,......1 120 Llt'I lid (W11Mf11 lU O'Arw ICly (Kel'fl l l~ 'T""' VI,.,.,.. {Lilll'llfl'll lP HI~ (°"""9rl 117 30th Year Encore Set Th.lrty yean ago television took itl first hesitant step in covering baseball when it broadcast th e Cincinnati- Brooklyn same from Ebbets Field. Sitt.in& on the bench that a!· temoon directing the Dodgers wu Leo Durocher. Now, three decades later, NBC w i 11 celebrate. that anniversary to-- day at 11 a.m. by carrying the 1ame between Leo the Lip's pennant.bound Chica10 Cubs and the Houaton Alltrol. Tonight's Rim game will be taped for Sunday afternoon vl~wing on channel 2 at 2 o"clock. Channel 11 will screen the official films o( the '84 Olym- pica at 7 p.m. Sunday. The color rum, which CQncentrates on the drama and pathos of the compeUton, l s a masterpiece . TOCAY l1 1.111. Ul CL -IASl'.IALL -Hel/11911 Altfwl 11 Clllc.lte Cllk Curl Qo<wdy, Tll!"f Kllttfll mlktlld>f 11 Wrltle'll l'ltld, lt•!ndlldl: NY 'I'•""" If M'-1• Twtnt.. Jllfl $!..,.._, Sin-.-, ICll/t1.c mJknldlt II llaa'n~ t •·""-f4) CL -f'OA OOl..f -suo.a A'llm Gell' Cllulc. Jlm SI"'"°"'' Cl't1rlll JllMI. ,It Ht,_,_ J•'ll lll111dok>lll llnlllldt 11 , ... ,.~! V•llt'll CC Ill 111""" Melt.. fir 11!111 lllttl °' flllr\I rWrld. ~ •. m. UI T -JAi ALAI -F""' TllUIM'I F..nton 1'1lltl•. I •·'"· 01 Ct -WIDE WOlllLD -llttle ltHut Wltld Slrfu. Jltr< McK.,,, Midi..,, Ml~le mlketldt 11 Hlwlnl J, LMMdl ptlfld. 'w1ni.m-,., ... J •·'"· !S4l F -FVTIO\. -(luch1 .. lkdr M Mll!ICll.I 10 •·"'· 13"1 F -IOXEO -CAtrto di II _,... 0. MtxlctJ SUNOAY lt::IO •. m. Ul Ct -TltACK MEET -Clf!IY Cll lll11n't told tilt •"'lti.t. , 1:311 •·"'-Jtl CF -MFL ACTION -"'Tlll 11111111.lt'' Ja,oQ .t llldl 11 01rv ltbln tl'd l:lrt MCCU!lotll llf 111! rt1r, 0 . J. Slml'lllft rfll• ,_, 1;• •.m. 141 Cl -,.OA GOLF -s1•,• A'fCI GoW Cleuk. Jim II"'"°"' Cl'llra1 JeMs. ,.,, Mtf-,. J" 111_,,..IMI Jhlkslelt tor '11111 •iet 11 ,llblftl Vtlley CC, MtM. Mt-. SW. tell °""' •ll't'Olt. " llffOtt. I -.rit. !ti CT -FOOTtALL - IC1M11 Clt't C!lleft •I LA llllfM. OH .,,.... °"' '"" ,,....... '"' ,,..,,, .. "" LA Cell-. 4 ,,flt. UI CT -"OOTIALL -ll• •irt " a..t ,,...,., UCLA-t!Wlfttf N ... I •-'"· C).11 I" -'OllOI -CPtlNI ft """ ft Maki.I 1 -.,lft. 1111 C" -TOKYO Ol.'t'M- PIAO -OHkltl J-....a fllr!I "" .... '"" O-. SlllfltlY unt,..,.Nllo M ~ 'lllfWlni. • .,,11'1. Ch Cl.. -lllOU.a1'. GAME -Dtf'rtlr Dwli. " LA T·l lrfl, l lN ~ "'-<bide 11 ""' O""*'lc Artna. WIOMllOAT t :• ,.M. Ill CT -llAM Cl..l,.S -,,..,,. IM C!llth 111111 ... , $11V!'fff', "'"' .... ~ Ot, Dltt .,,.,.,.., t '·'"· UI CL -WlllSTLINO -flNlllrlftt t:r~lt "the C•r• Ledd, Jullt. ••ffl"'lttw. "1111• l11tn '""''°" •I "" or,,.."' Ar9'11o ,, Champ Tak es a Walk \ Ronnie Rei!, touring pro representi•i liosl4 Mesa Golf and COuntry Club, oeeks lo defend his tiUe al the Oalllornia Open this weekend in Sanl4 Maria, He won with a 282 in 1968. Reif Aims For Second Ope n Win Ronni e Reif sports director or Costa Mesa GoU and Coun· try Club and present CalUomia Open c h a m p i o n tries for a repeat t h I s v.·eekend. 11ierc has not been a repeat champion since Smiley Quick accomplished thi5 feat 20 years ago. The only other open cham· pions to achieve that goal since John Black in 1919 and 19'l0 were the great Macdonald Smith, Willie Hunter and ln '36 and '37 Fred Morrison . Orange County is w c 11 represented by such well known players all rormer U.S. Open champion Jack Fleck, Jimmie Clark, Mox Bayo, Reif and many othera who will vie with s u c h well k119wn touring pros u Jerry '. Steelsmith, Moon Mullins, Ken Ellsworth, Jerry Preus,, and former open !'iMers Chuclc Green, Pinky S!-evenson, Jack O'Keefe and z.en Eaton. The final 18 hole! will be played Sunday by the survlv· ing 90 pros and 30 amateun . '''' w1-. tt> .. ~· "' "' "' "' ,. "' "' tll: S&EKS TITLE -Jack Fleck, 1955 U.S. Open cham- ., +m plon and now gol f pro at Mission Viejo Country +1~ Club, makes a putt during practice for the Cali· +tc1s fomla Open tourney. "' ~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~ "' m ~Helicopter Trout Plant tt> .m m m '" '" '" m "' "' m '" HI "' Future b3ek-country 1trout Team. llal!lng Jn Los Angeles COunly ' 'll•lng the 111' dtportmenl'1 1o1 a boool recently from !he 11-plaee hellcop1«, they ttock· Loe An&eles County Fire O<! 12,000 Ungerllng bn>wn De p a r t m e n t and nine tiwt into Littlt Sanla Anita members of lla volunteer Sier· Creek in the heart of the Sier- ra Madre Starch and .Rescue ra Madre Wlklernesa. \ ! I ' Satu"<J, ••t 2.l, 1%9 ' . DAIL~ I'll.OT • Statz at Big A l • Lagunan Belwd 1st Wrig ley HR lly ROll'AIU> L RANDY °' ............... Thi man who hit the Drat home nm ever at Loe: Ao&elea' Wrigley Field baclt in lti5 went on to play 1n more pro- resstonal baseball games 'than any man lo blst.ory -S,473. Swlday, the ~ Hills ruldent will add one more to this strtnc u manacer of tbe Angel Oldtlmm. Amold "Jlgpr!' Stall had one ol bis molt rnetnorable days on tbe dlmnond in that ~ 1925 opeoer whea be btt for the cycle (a single, double, triple and homer in Goe came) as the Anlelo (Paclllc Coast Leque) .delealOIL Son...Fran- clsco, lo-I. Stats plays goJf three Umes weekly and is an expert at the bridge table. Pbytlcally he is trim and ' slim .11111 loob •• tholyh ll<. could p!ay nine in· ninp rlgbl .. ,., btlying his "" of'7t., Stab spent most of his career with the Los Angeles Angels in the Paclfic Coast Lea11ie, He played eight lit~ with four different majot l"'!BU• clubs. Illa rlae to the majors and ~ to Los Anctles was Jike· an elevator ride in the earl7 days. euii:1:~· =::ip~federr~; el~r side la Sunday 's OldUmers game having played for the Brooklyn Ood&en in 1927 and 11121. Does he acree w i t h baseball11 IOO:Jb annlvtraary · selec:tloa of aJi .U.tlme team? WeU, td 10rD1 esient. · · ·"The createst cont r o I pitcher I hive ever teen was Grover Clevellnd Alexander. I playe~ four yean WITH him, fortunately, in Chicago, "I allo remember playln& cenlar field and sbaqlng down all thole line ddvea Rogers Hornsby' UJed lo hll. He Is the greatest rllht-haod- ed hitttt I eVer·11w. He kept hltUng the ball between us (the ouUM!.ldera) and wore us out chulq the ball." Homs by WU playing with the St. Louis Cardinals at the time. How abclut the left aide! "While I didll't play in the Ainerican Loque very long, l WU always ....,. about Ted WWlaml. ,or 1coune, Babe Ruth mµal alao be rlCht there. "The ftnl llnle l aaw Ruth, he Wu plchhtl in a World Series fame. He won H 1.0, as I recal ." Stab once tried switch-hit· Ung and bad good. mccess with It in the PCL. When be return· ed to the Cubs, manager Blll Killebrew cut short his Jen- handed hltUng canier with this slinple slatement: "Starting tomorrow, you ire not 1olng to be 1 awltcb·bltter. anymore." Did be actually an a hole .in the middle of hill 1love when he WU playingT "Not until I came to Los Anaeln the first time. An old-tlmer, Rube Elllit, told me I would nrver get the ball out of the pocket if I didn't cut the leather in the middle of the glove. "Quality of the &loves in those days was far from what ii la -· so I tried ii and did It the reat of .my, profeulonal career." Born In Waukegan, Ill., he moved lo Blnnlnaham, Ala. at an early age and then lo Worcetter, Mass. And theuln lies the ltory of hi11 nickname "Jigger." "While we were In Alabama, they had a bug that bores into the akin and Is called a chig- ger. When we mo'ved to Worceater, they had a bug the.. that my slaters and l called. a chiutr. The other kids thought we were 11,)'ing Jlqer and at •I• l~ I 1ained the name, "Jigger." Fountain Valley•a Harry "'l'nlct" Hannah la a long· llmt friend of S&atz:. ''He wa.s a sreat catcher, very clever. H I 1 1love wu about two in· cha thJck with v er y litUe pocke~ but he did a .,..1 job,'' HOLDS RICORD Jlnor Stoll While he plays 1oll three times a week tbne daya, bll handicap is 12. When he was playing baseball, he bad a two handicap during the o fl· sea.son. "We couldn't play dur· ing the MUOn but l WU out: on Iha coune a lot durinJ lht 1tlnter." One of hll pia.yinr part.nm w a 1 profeuional Walter Hagen. .~lgned out ol Holy Croos la 1111 by the New York G~ 3tatz spent hill first year under Jor.n McGraw. He oPtn- od the 1no ......, 1n .... Wfield, but in June McGraw hWnned him he. would never hit very .well and ,.nt him lo the Boolon Red sos. .. When l met the Sox manqer, he asked me wht!nr I wanted lo lo -lndlanapOlla or Loa AngtleL Be!nl !rem the east. it dldn 't make mucll dlllerence and luclllly I choto IM Anaelu." Drysdale To Be Feted Next Month · Sept. 17 wlll be a mem«ible day !or Don Drysdale. Nol only wlll the r~ rellred Dodier pllcher and hl4 wife, Ginger, be c:e.lebratln1 their 11th weddln& &n4 nlvenary, but he'll 1lao be honored in pre·came ceremonies. Community and c l v l e lesden, alon1 with bu.ball !ans, will partlclpale In the ctremonits prior to the. 1ame wtlh Ibo San FrlDCltco Glanla. All fam attendln, th a Drysdale Day game will recdve a color Porll'alt of the tall righthaoder. In hJ1. long Carttf' that Jp&n· ned the Brooklyn and Los Angel" eru, llrysdalo helped pitch the Dodgm to nve Na- tional League pennanta and th,... wilrld champlonsblpo. He alao elllabllsbed Dod(er records for mort career Yic- lortes (IOI), most innlnga pitched ( 3, I 3)) , mlllt strtkeoub (~,IMI and ... shutouts (Ii). Still Unsigned LUSK, Wyo. -Sttl'e Coclcr.ham, a 1-1, 1111 ~r. i.s one of the most he1vtly recruiled prep athletes In Wyoming hlalory -bolh by football and bubtball collep coaches. Cockreham WU nomecl lo Iha All-Stale buutball team three comecatlTe years and waa quarterbltck on the All· Stal& !-all team two yurs. Durms 'hll football career ho threw Sltouc:hdown-ln- cludlng D In hil, -yoar. How They Stand Amertcu teape Eatt DIYll!oo W L Pel.GB BalUmoro 11 #7 .702. - Detroit 71 II .512 11 Boiloo II II .521111' Wnlllncton 13 a .IOI 141\ N ... York a a .liOo 21 Cltveland SI 74 .113 :II Wnt DI-. -7111 .111-0UIMd II II 1175' 11' Ka-City 51 71 .411111\ California 11 71 .IOI Ill\ SHttlO • 71 .SU Iii\ Prtday't Games a1trhTlwt .. Otkllllll J lt 11'11111191 CllWC.W f, .. ~I Ottr.it 2, C.H1tt11lt I MlrlllftOlt .. Htw '1'91'11 t K•• c"" ~ w""'""""' t CPlltAH 4 ... -. I Na-Laopa Eatl Dlvtalao WLPd.GB Chicago 11 41 .ttS Ne• Yon • A .JIO I I\ Sl' Louis " !It .IOI ' Pttlaburih • It Ml t Phlladelohla It 71 .llO IS Mootnal It 17, .ltO a ll'al- Clnclnnall M M -"' Loa AnltlOI 11 16 .Sit -S Jl'rancbco 11 17 .Ml I Allanta II 51 .135 111 Houtloo II 11 .Ill I San Dlt~o 17 11 .Ill ·It rriu,•10- •1. Levlf •• Atltftll I Pitt.Wiii N CIMIMttl f..) "°"'""' .. Ct!l""9 ' Ntw Y""' .1, L,. ....,..IM ' Phll .. l•lllt J•l• Milllr.I M • I DAllY PllOT Meetings Along· the Orang~ Coast -Area • I 9 Thanked Boys' Stretch Socks JM% llllll ••• Asslrtol 59c eo!Ots ill cable ar.t b: I ribs ... Stlt rantes 6tD 8~ & 9to IL MISSU' Stretch Anklets COTTOM·MTLOM ••• White ift 39c !Ile rafliCS 6 to 81h & 9 to I I. UHllS Sandwich Bags P\c, ti IH 43c FllSKIES Dog Food M11t, C~ickn, l i,tr ~'1 s'l*~·$·1 fo? ~ -R 11! , ~ \I' ' CAINlTIO Instant Breakfast t•1ic1 If 1linrs. ' '"5111 !ft7''"( ~ 11• \\I I Hotw1y, ""-*" L"1aft H4il, JO W.11111 It,. Cotti ~. ,;. J.m. flllDAV H1111""'""' h1t11 -_ol.,., C I 11 ~ • !ll'ltr•Mfl ltlldl • .,,. 1+.11\tlrrlNn .. Kii. U:IO PJ!I, Mlrlllfl''I Llom C!\111. Jtylt Slllrt, 11'1 W, CO.ti Hltltw.y, N-fl l t«.11. 1:1U '·"'· Mir VIJ!a Mt""'I~ L.e.6ot, Nll'°"lc TMIOlt, UOI rn'h 5lrnl, N""'"°"' lt•dl. 7:311 1.m.• u.c.1, l'o!li 0 .. 1,.,, c.""""" Kalt. u"1wnll'w fJf t1!!tcwnl1. 1,....1 .... ,.,. OT CHAI ~g Charcoal Briquets Nitktry l ltH 111• .•• , 59c ' '· " Ii/ , .. '•l 1•• \I' I '''~·~ .. ' '-~"11 ... _,..,,,., Shop Tonight & Every Night. Until ·10 P.M ... ~-.:ru-... -u.-·----- ~Pi.~~.~~~~L~ets pants. solid CClofS w/striped lop with llowti trim. Pin~ or 2 ga bt11e. Sires 9 Ill 24 roonths aod 21ot • LITTLE GlllS' Sportswear Sets Cotton p.nviale cordu1oy ~antsw1ttl strill'd rulfled 100 . By Hospital GllU' Triple Roll with betr a~phQU!. P1r.• Of 2 ga blu!. Site~ 9 111 :.'4 lllClnt~s and 2!ot • LITTLE GIRLS' Sportswear Sets \ "'Nine Costa Mesa children have received a letter of thanks from Or. Anthony Toto, administrator or F a i r v i e w State Hospital, for dolls they doOated to h a nd icapped childttn. iiJe youµts, agu four to 14, fr om Charleston St re e t . designed and clothed 20 cloth dolls recently and presented them to the handicapped children's ward at t h e h°"pltaL The chlldren undertook the project on their O\\'O after they had termed the "Be kind to other1 club." They put in a considerable amount of ti.me on the project, according to one of th e mothers. DEATH IVOTICES HERNDON Goklwln Htrndon. '"~ sante1i. Tttr•:.i. CorMe dtl ~r. AN I'. 01M of ortll!, A11•111t fl. S~rv!Ytd 1111 d1111hler, M'1. hltV H lte'J'..,ldi, CorOllt QI .lo\1r: -.11wrs, Jol'wl Htrnoon. O..'°"' tiw:I Wllte-r Ht!r ........ San!t !tOl.I: l'wG .,.~lklrfl'I. l"rlv1i. -.le.. wlll bl Moftd•~-il.111~1 n. ,, 2 •• .., .• Saltz C,,..,.., lltllJ COlflflt 0.1 Mer MOnlNrY, Olrtcton.. STEKOU. ldtmtt H. $f!,11.olL 41e.1 11 5e1ll'lort Cir..,., N-llOl'f 8tll(ll, 0 111 11 6Nth, ,,..,.1111 ,1 • .SUrvlw"' Dy rno•Mr, N~lllt HIN"ls, M'-!t 1l1i.rt, "'""' Mii", Mii-i, I-11.tl-r, ClllUlll), 1nd Gr.a I". Kurtlmel't"·, F1ortoa1 bro•h· .,-,, C1rt H•rfll, MllM111rl, 11t1l.io. HI•• rl1, Soolt!I Ct roll..-, I nd G-M Hlrrls, 1(1n .. 1; lll'll·Ml/I, Nllrlon l forko!l, S•11 M..loo. S«vket wlll be lwla Nlt!nd1Y. Aw .... •! t$, 11 I 11,m., P'K lfk VI t w C"-1. ltn. Cl'Cll ft,.1, 5!. 11...:,....,. Cf\urdl, 1ffld1lli!lo. l"lttrnt!lt Plt(.lfk View ~\11 P'1rk, P'1tU~ VI 1 w MDr!IM,.,, OlrK !Ort. ARBUCKLE ~ WEI.SB W1:1tcllff Mortuary U1 E. 17lh St.. Coata P.tcaa ........ • BALTZ l\10RTt;AttlES Corona dt l P.1or OR 3.9451.1 Costa l\ltsa 1\0 fi-1.4-?4 • BEU.. BROAD\\'AY l\IORTUARV Ill Broadway , Costa l\.ftsa Ua.>m • DO.DAY BROTHERS Huatlngtoa Vallty l\tortuary l'it ll Beacb Blvd. Hu.ntinitlltl Btadl IU-7'1'11 • l\.ttCORl\UCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1711 Lapu Canyot1 Road Llpa•Budl 411.NU • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e l\1orluary Chapel »It Paclnc Vkw Dr1vt Newport Bucll, CalHontia 141.:'IM • t EEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1111 Btlaa A¥t.. w--• IBD'PER MORTUARY '--•11-1131 Sao a...t. l lWIM • SMITHS' MORTllAR Y Cl lbla&. 1fatloCi<O .... IJ'U MUDS ••. wt1111i f ~"n.;.,;,., 3:1.00 Mlll'S Stretcb Socks ONE SllE flf$ All ••• Choit1 ef co1oxs m 1000: ll'Jlolrs. or- 111ns. i~ ~erawfl)' Mils" blitll~el age v.eave or c.ible pattern~. hl R.DS 11nd p!a111'.i .. o r __ ..... -_,, .... ,_,._,. Ban Deodorant ROLL·ON ••• Helps keep you dry, .• s'"6-tdorlor241'aurs! Yet BAM ls so kind to lllmUI sgc sk11, voa Cal 1Se it emyday. 1\.7 11. Ertr1 lar11 Site .. -.. , .. .-... _ __, .. . I -~-..... -MESnE "Streaks 'n Tips" INSTANT TlMPOIAlT COlDl ••• SJ)fays bair with hi-fashion color accents, &lamnrous sac stre&, tiP3 ••. ~lends ill gray. Assorted color&. SAY.OM Shave Cream PUSft.lm .. CIM ••• Wrtl Lanolin! lnStanl bartler shop fattier. Clmice of Rtaular or 4gc N.errthol. ••1-Mc ll~ 11. Ca1s __ ._._,__,... __ ,.. Enden Shampoo !llOS lllltlRUIT PIOl- lEMS witfl Just replar usr. 3 lorn11~s ill shatterprool 1 29 plastit bottle. 1.U I 1t. l1ttll • ·- Snatch & Match Barrettes Sfl~pped into center of perfect C llP·TOP-Anv labiric Qfl be 3g costume 1111lch IJ!I. l•C· 59t Falllasia Hair Bands All SJ.II S~Jn ii TIP·TOP! 5gc Assorted colors In folds of sheer 11~loll, 21~·· wide. GliltllOll' Hair Baws bows OR curl c!1p, nylo-ve! bows C ALL 4k smls ••• Velvet 39 Oii bobby pins. Little Miss Barettes Ill ii< 111!1 ... Slip •oo1 59c tllus. w16e !.tlecllOll ~yles. Magnetic Hair Rollers All S1.tl SIZES , •• F~ttst 59c lor settm1 & dr''~l· [a~iesl lo l!lllO'lt. l.IW• "Magic T1ma" W!ap.f\ess·Pnr>to! Clings kl gac itself. lo pi.s, 10 fr.1'nn """ ...... '"'~ Ceifflre Bolllll TIP-TDP ••. &.If~ sin Ailon 59c locot, tlislit edgrn• & rvl11rs. Sl.11 $1111 LePage's Hair Cire Tape olf u silf. l;"l5M" l lll C So &eRlll '° ¥Oii' l\ltr, tGmrS 29 ~~hor:i lunch Kits WITH I OZ. VACUUM IOTTll ClwlJce ti lltl Of dll111e sl~les ~ metal, flat ¥i!IYI a!I decorated wtltl TV and storybciok tllafaciers. 1e1211l. 75 Note Book. Filler Paper "•ri-,1i11t" " ""." -.I:; 38' SHEETS . ,.2il.OO SHWFER 1.00 Ball Point Pen 1.00 Cartridge Ptft 1.00 Peacils . _,,,, YOUR ••·;11~ CHOICE ~ 11 2;1.00 Automatic Action Tooth Brus~ For Teeth anC hms From Sq1ibb -•• Soecial!y ctP...signed lrlSh tt ~ bt· tween the tee/It. r..taat PDW!'!. no batteries to repllct or reciwge. J600 llP·l"d-Mn brlSfl s!J~es per m•~I• 14 aa O!LUXE MODEL • IJ Westinghouse WINDOW FAN • 20-lid • 2-Speed 19.95 T Y11ewriter Paper 20D SNfET PKGS •••• Fam-43c ous "dr1.point" by Stuart llal!. Steno Book IAsulated Snack Jar ~ TH!IMOS ••. ''" loooh 59c ~nac~ccld, criso, tor hlll!1~. 51/i iz. S111 Wint GUIDE TO BEnlR GRAMMAR -Oo·ari de;1;n 33 tover, DUnctuat1on rul~; on C 1rs1~e of hont covet. 64 Crayoas CIATOU.S ..• All d1fl11· age !nt colors, built.in sharp. '""· Construction Paper STUART KALL 9xl /' at II soded ::.0!1d colo1~, o"& of 5gc 60 'heels ol lle.1'1;1~r~ llrt pa~er Webster's Dictionary , •11 •ms ... so.ooo .,. ag Ci Canvas Notebook il'J~S, m.a:'inaHy rnde1ed, C , 3 RI Nt ••• One inc~ c~D· 3 d cove • aoty. 1111h 1n~1de rl·o for 69 loos~ ~oers. Doublt boos!-C er.. ' Bow Compass REVEISllLE ••• Both pen age and pencil drawing. l~clud's edra lead~. Vinyl Notebook 3-llN' ••. Stiff vm·1I C!l~er 'fl!lb f' poc:ke! in. ~Ide, Jl1"tapac1ty,doU• b1e booster.;.Solid colars. 1.29 w11MF01c11 ••• s "'"· lg · ' · Mod Cover Notebook Notebook Dividers Oi luJ ;las be lihs•1til charig~-C VINTL COVE•-3 Ring, able m:.et'ts. · 1i2 uich, dcu~le boosl· 1 39 ers. c"cike of tolors aiid rm . .,.,,,, . ~~~:~.~. P~~)I ~ 11o2id3er 1.;.,f 1 Y Sheet Protectors Nile, his all b111oers 81 10: l. C "' . / ~ PACK OF S ... C1tar p!ast1r, 1• --J.hote punched. 8l'2xl l. 29C ~1otects papers, charts , Plastic Pencil Box DIM. FIDKT •.• Addition & sobtraclioa device hatliotis 7g and magic square !able. fin-C ed w11h sclloot items. ::.thedules. etc. Combination Padlock MASTER •.. SU111tes sltlll double wall tast.1 49 !>moolh working, sell IQcl1ng medii1n1sm. , Salt Water Rod & Reel Combination PENN IUl,,, "Sii leJ'' 1118de of bac~liJe and brass, t1111slled in mc~el plale -"Easr Ca1t" non-(()rros1ve spool, sleel ieais. 200 yards of 14 99 J6 Ill. ny!oo capacity. TUNA KINI IOI ••• B* ft. ttrh.ilat glm. hil!dwood ~ 1rd cor~ fore· grip. Chlol!led snewtorJill1 1eel seat. Blac~ nylon wift!lings. • ) "Old P•I" P1tt1ui11 P1nguin Jopa•••• T&kle Box 8-lnch Pliers • Bonita lifs : ~ >-· WllM lUIH!I SNUIM. Po!1shtd p141ed Ibis.ruby tUmtDllf l'Wnc ..• Extra·lluvy ptated, l1tttd 36 solid 1'r'ISS wp swiv-~m a,es. stro~ boond :?-trlys. 16-to~· with easy.grip plastit CQY• els. S11e 3,5,7,10.12 •~ "'ffh lishs~in. 1te ol metil:>.14"~7".111.4.91 e<ed ~aridle. Rer:. l .39 ~Ar.dy pldshc selector bti • . r okl~. Hook lll:t 2/0. R11. 1.71 lc1. 39c 3.9B 1.9B il"'-----llillllllllhlll!lllllllMllfllllJIMIM-IMllM11K~HiUlll[ AO PllCES PmMt, S•••1y, A1111t 241• 1•11 ..... , •• ,. A1111t 111• •Bii DRUG STORES OPIN 9AMto10 PM-7 DATS A WEEK HUNTINliTON llACH Sj1rln9d11• I Ed l"t•r HUNTIMGTON l l ACH •"·· .,, '"'""'' BANKAMERICARQ NIW'°ltT llACH 1020 ,, .. ;"'· t~ W t1!¢lill Pl111 BBC 29c Hot Forged Chrome Plated Household s!i~'!g 8= ~ • .. '<f3 lmr.01 l~d lro111 lta!1. lil~e of drop forged H~et C'ra111e Dl•IK, ti$f 1dif5tlble scrt·~. l·l1c• Stral1•t Tri••tr 1 98 l·llc~ Srwl11 1·11cl Dt1111111k1t !DUI CJIOICC I ( j Cotton 11~ satin shkh oants with striptd kllit shirt with lbh' aP1JllQue. Yello·tt 2 ga or b!Lte. S11es 9 !o 24 ll'(l!lt~s and?lo t • LITTLE GllLS' ~~~~~.~.e,~~ .. ~ets oan'i v.•lh p.1\le!i\fd ~~11 ~h1rt \11th v.orm aool/llut. 2 gs Pin~ or lwquo•se. Sizes 9 to ~4 mont~s and 2 !o·•. • ~ ............. ~ •. --~.,.,;a -. 8 Pc. Snack Set ' . . . . ,,. .. MIN'S ACE Pocket Combs WITH CUP •• ' ha1d 1ubbf.I 39c polished mnrl)f-SJOOOl~. 11111b line and ca~r5e !e~h . --· ........ ~, ...... ·-· Car Seat Cushion VENTILATED • , • Perlt11ated loam, wire-frame S11j)p0rttd allows iii!' Ill ci1C111ate 11tder 1 ga aild lfOO!ld you. 17•34". R111l1rlJ 2.4! • ·-·-· -.. ~, .. ·~, ......... --. sea & Ski Suntan Lotion 4 DZ. TUI[ ••• Tans you ~ark, !ans you fist protects q 1inst sunbur11. Helps pr•· 1 09 vent peelinp;, chappint, and 'ry llP.r s~rn. lfl. 1.31 • •• I ..... .._ --· .. U.S. Coins Guide Book \i'~ITMAN'S •. , Hiew 1910 1 ag ed1ll0ft zf !ht tO'll colltd· or's "Rid Bo:~". lt1. 2.11 • Coin Tubes Pac~1ge of s tubes to ~Id le. 49c ~. Ilk, 25c ft'llts. 111. lk Coi1 folders WHITMAN ••• ror an d!ioom· 29c Jlla!io•s of U.S. coins. lq. 35e S•Hia2es D!MMISllll ••• 1'11 ~ldd.1 gc ,.eke! of 1000. 1tpk Foreign Slamps MISSION .• , Allcllt ~00 un-5gc sorttd rmi!d fcwti&n ~11"'1. ,llj. lk -· .'!"_ ..... .. .. ... '" ... "' "' tll. •• Hello tbtre1 boys and girls, and welcome to another edi· tion of Uncle Len 's Corner for • Sa~y morning. OUr President Nixon art <.'Ontest, drew quite a few en- tries ~ w~ with Terilyn Kelly 0( 'tOeta 'Mesa coming up wit.hi the best likeness. Un(ortunate:iy1 Terilyn's draw· in& wu the \\'rong size, so Heidi SPitUer won t h e Ken- oedy' haU ~ollir" for this week. ~::=:-..;:g!'! TWO RlJNNEllS.UP In this "·~s contest were Mary Gustafaoo of R u n t I n c t o n. ~:::;;:~§ Beadl, and Merl Hayda of Newpcirl .Beach. --..-.::::~ Nm weeli; boyo and Rirb. we 'll be heading into Labor Day weekend and our art con-,..-------------------------------.! test will be llJ about that holi- day. * PRIZE WINNER * l'IANUTS (( '"' ,., '" , ''" Af~r Labor , Day, of course, all yoo ldda wt!L be startin_i b~k to IChooJ, so Jet'• be thinl<iBJ-' .;.ut lb•l for the followina weet's contest. This week's contest ~inner is Heidi Spittler, 10351 Christmas Drive, Huntington Beach "" . ' " HONORABLE mt!'ltion win- nel'3 in ~ wiet'1 art contest are : Bobby Kryllllik, t. HWI· Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len'1 Art Contest. Here's all you do : (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper s• inches wide ~d 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not cOpy or"lracie picture. It mwt be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and adclrns on back of drawing. Mall it to Uncle I.en's Art Conteit, Box ll!eO, DAIL¥ PILOT, Costa Mesa. WiMer wW . receive KeMedy half dollar. 111 1 "'' '"' JUD5E PARKD '"' I q I "" tington "Be a c h ; Sarah Kry1taflk. 7, Hunti n gton._ ____________ _,_ _______________ ...,., Beach ; Tony Hicks. 10, Costa l\fesa: Beverly Sham, 10, Newport Beach ; Su!f.u Tonge. 11, Corona del Mar; Heather Burns, 10, Corona de! Mar ; Peggy Josephson, a, Costa Mesa, AM Duane Josephson, 9, Calta Mesa. -Heidi SpitUer, tingto n Beach a. Hun- Crossword Puzzle M0! ME'S s8W& MILP Fosi: J11PGE PAIUCEt'5 COll 'T IM Tl\E ~ING! ME w~ Oijf Oll B-'11. ~r SIM· IL.-., CHJ.l&ES! lWE U$E W-'S l'llE TO COME Uf' IN A WEEtc: ! SUN AND MOON A vacation on the aun I'd llkei it very much. But !0!11ed1y I'll -like lhe mooo And be there very soon. CHARLIE I ha ve a rat named Charlie, He'a obviously cute, , The reason people say that_ ls because be'• eat a IUili lify sister's very jealous, She wanbl to have my rat, But t would never giveµt to tier ~ Because &he's got a cat. -PraUUUa Raj, Sou~ Lapn1 KITTY'S HUNT -' \ QuieUy as a mouse, slinky as an owl, Nearer I<> the rabbit kitty c~ does prowl: Closer, closer he does creep, Oops, oh, no; what was that peep? '' Swiftly through the bushes the rabbit will run' "Oh, well," he says, "it was just for fun , "But tomorrow I'll get that rabbit; "Tomorrow he 'fr<have had it." . '. ... K-"lr ~·" ""'' -............. I Ul"Jll. Dll St1Tint Sii" Drh t , Ct,_I lflf l•\lr, ftr ""-Wlllfll"t ei!ln' la flll tltry Inf _,.. ctllttll, Miii rMlr "'"' tr tltn' It Uftc lt L.,., .. ~ IUf, Ctllt Mna, C1HNn!11. ,~~~~-~aro/; ~orn~,.-~~~-, RIDDLES AND JOKES * Dear Carol : Of what vegetable do you throw away the outside, cook the in· side then eat the outside and Lhro\v away the inside? 'CfO) t'ff U0 \IJO~ :JtMlyV -TtrJY" Ktll'lt. ,, CIUI MUii Dear Carol: Why are boy scouts fat? ·,no A.nl • tpunoJ 8u1•no3s esn1t:M9 :JeMsuy -MMl'JMr '"""-(.,.... lfll Mtr Rwty: My dog used to be a point.er but my mother spoiled him. Buster : How? • ,. Rusty: She taught him it wasn'i polite I<> point. -Tl"' ,,....... IU4 MMtlrt A .... (1111 MIN Dear Carol : If a rooster laid an egg on the top of a barn which way would it roll? ., ... .<11 ,,uop SJ•••oo}f .,,up1"9M ,, :JIMtuy Judge: Why did you park your car in that mark· ed zone ? Mo~rjat: \Veil , the sign said "Fine for Park· in(." -.... -..... -. 'C/• 0..,. C... hly ...,, ... lhl, c.... ...... c.19f. ~e din• tr1plc•I <yc1-e pt Ill -.,.? The ttopic!al cyclone, alias lhe hurritane, Is powered by the same celeltiaJ entine that \Vafla the gfllt)e brleztS and twirls lbe wild wlrnls of the lornado, creates the clouds. lhe pearly dew and every other earthly weather event. The radiant aun provides the fuel lfor the mi.&hty engine. The earth converts thl1 JOlar fuel to ener&fu the molecules or ill J.....,. all)losph<,... And this 'lnercY ppwers all our resUeu wuther events. Lei'• !"lfmate the -of the mighty engine that crutu our weather and thm trace how Jt workl to enerstse a tropical cyclone. Every II d1yt tt Uftl an 1vu11e ot a,100 cubic mllea of moi1ture from one to aeven mtlu above the '1urfa~ o( the earth. The •·elgl!\ ol this moist freight is ti liluptndous. One inch or nm. fall c:ovv1nc ---wtlllU 72,11111 i-. Th t welll>t ol a cul>fc mfle ol Wiler In -Is n,11111 multiplied by 11,lllO. N°" mu!Uply that fiaur• by 3,1~ cubic miles. The welcbt ls the same whether the moisture is gaseous vapor, let crystals or Uquld droplets of cloudy mist. Our mighlf weather engine elevatea this watery freight, holda II aloft w hi I e traruiporting it, maybe hun· dreds of miles, and then dumps It back down °" lbt Jlobe. . A tropical cyclone, aliU I hunicant, fl a huae and vloietll llOtm. It llllY be ftom 3GO to IOll miles wide and 111 wild wlodl " aplral toward the center faster and futtf from 71 to maybe 200 m.p.h. Alonr lta line ct travel, it moves at about 10 m.p.h~ toutns IJ't•l waves In the aea and plowirl& a path ol stauerin1 deltruc- lion acl'061 Ute land. True, , ACROSS 1 L119t birds S Part of an elKfllcal systtm ' Ph1rm1· c1utic1 r antisepti c 14 Sllplt cotton fiber IS Author un· known: Abbr. 1' lt1l l1n man's name 17 liltditer· r1ntanlsl1nof 11 Cttlaln st11l lons t 20 Nickname of noted horse ,uviourrct1 21 Low-m elt· Irr; t lfm t11I 22: Put in 23 Doe s 1 11001· lnQ Job 25 "Ltlttr ·-·-lrt 8l1ek" O Medic.111: Alar. Yt sle1d1y 's Puzzlt Solved? 45 Stick oot jauntily 4' C•lle91 In.Iowa 47 Member of lhe cat f1111lly 49 Canlnt; Slang 51 Trtts 54 Blblic.111 strong 111 111 51 Pro-: For tht tll'!t bf Ing '0"On1.'11r •ay! ' 'l Ad1ptfd lo1 ~ , Light- t1kln9 hold f" colored 4tJ Air 10 Possts1 iv t 64 Iii ass of 11tl1I word &5 Unsettled 11 Elevatiol'I && English 12: On t who essaylsl 9tO•s old io7 Lf1pil'l9 13 Sho1>9irr9-- 1mphibi1rr~ l ' Wfnl Wllh ill Prior: speed l'refh: 24 Senst or smell "' 01'-tht level 2' on, with 1up1un1tur1 I DOJN pow t r ZI Crone JO W0td of l Choose 1s tndt1r191rrt 31 .. ,,.,;e .. .,.1 ~o M•k• dlspl•••t1•j 41 Carpet ftllUl t 4& Stitt : Ab lr . 41 Gt! lhr btUtr of 4'C1rl , S1ndllu19 ind Bl iss C1r1111n 50 Strf of 1nclen t Sp•rt. 27 Advanct bv s11tlll dt9rets 2' Ont of tht fat left JO Poktr ho \6in9 34 Pronoun an officer JI Microscopic I 111000: 0~1n !sm . Prtfll lZ "~ot·· S2 Unrn sonabk enth111ln111 53 Co111111 U 1 crlmt 54 -ball -TUMBLEWEEDS 36 Consllll'led 38 Feel 39 Enloylrrt ont st lf: 2 words 42 NGt concr~ltd ~l Uakt noise I 1ikt 1 shetp . I 2 l ' I • :S Dou~t1r -·! ': 4 lPart of 2 Wfl'dS 1 flowt r J) Cl1rintl, 5 Jt•c• tr1clc for on' eondltl•n l4 Look for & Jttmo\t'I bonds totd buys 7 ErJ!o: 35 Possess Z Words ·37 Forbidde n I Football lo p1ofilnt pllYtr usr · 1 • 55 ., ... o E11rop1 5' N11111t1tc1r prefix 57 Not b1r1- fooltd 5' Assign by mtasurt &2 Tint' Seo • 10 11 " Mun AND JEFF while it lastJ lt i1 a powerhouse of raslnl energy. But Ute cele1U•I .engine Utal ~· up our weather provides the enero for huodreda of lhele stonm everr rur -and llill hu enoup power to .-po ~ -ctobal weather eftnL n.. land and oceam convert tome tolar rad.lance into heat, and I ~ of this WP111S the lowest lev.I of the 11- motpbtre. Gueous molecul~ use hut to speed up and spread api.rt. This warm, Udrtty air enporates tons o( vapor from the oetans. Mean- time l'"lvlty tries to keep the rilfrt ol the ·-·~ motphere evtnly dlltrlboted. At nrm, lllhl air muaes ex· PIM Ind tlle, dtnltt air tends to blow In I<> "Place It. Tht wlndl blow Inward and the earth's rotaUon twills them In spirals, clocb!lll IOU1h of lu bullflll equator and ocunterctockwl1t In .our hemlophue. The aun prov\del the fuel tor the en&fDI and the Hrlll creates lht patt1rn and mo- tions of the .ft.Orm. In the wild ,, turbulence, tons of gaseous vapor condense hick into ll-i.. -....._ ., qtlld rain. Thole vapor 1MA/l/ 16 1'f.b1'TJIJ• ff moleculn aaed up hut eoeru -, l/ON-roxJC, 1• ., · whoo they' eflporated. NCIW ' 0114Rll>IR.e ON US they must mum lL 'Ille ·I ._ f>!d/ICT4/ , ......, If .,,...a 1rom ~, n1n-~ · m,. If d"'!'l 11Addedtqtbe~00-• I '•~•' I tivlllel ol the -tiler ........ . •iJ -..-- 'Ille hue• hurrlctne II now ~--· 1 enerafad and ~Y to move. 1 But the nitnl afant Is jual I · ~al ltorm, a mere pocket In . ,- the globe! ftlthtr. 11 11 rw•pl i• .C along a certain path by the ~ ~ 1'" majeattc ptanotary wlnda. ._.,...· ____ _ .1. burrlc1111t 11at<h .. abovO:a MISS PEACH warm ocean nett the ,equator where the troplcl.1i 1·u n eVIPl<M 1 llodpie of llCfl~ rlllne air.. Cooler air mlllll bli>w In and the hllltlng - 11in up 1 aton1I ol splralllq r&ltt .-_ V-. dlqlnl back I<> lflllr' "'"' up heal to odd ..... -lo the Wild wariare. Bui u the llorm rages, ltl turbulent air m11111 ml• and blend. 'Ille motaturt falls and the ain>oaphtto'I balance ii -· Then the enafne 1"11111 Cltll ol ener11 and the hurricane dies a natural death. • I ' I • ~I ,111. .. ~ '' . '""" -' -·. ~. ,, "'' '", ... , ... , . l HOP~ 1 4RoW up "TO 8Ei LIKIO You. ' • S1tunt11, Autult 2l.1969 D.iLY PILOT J7 ly Charles M.: Sclltlll I • ly Sauncltn •d 0Yertard • • - \II I '" '"' .... \H I 11 .. , ... ~~ .... ""' "'' 11U '"' '"' 11 •, "' .... HEIE'S A LITTLE TII' FOR Q , ADEY! WHEN ¥Ot1 PO RETAIN~ L>.wvu TO TA.l(E we Of-'tOllll: PWOBLEM OU LPCEN, AIW(E SU RE \IOI ff.LL HIM ™E ~UTH ! .... ...... ,,., "'' IT'S BEEN A VERY INTERESTIN6 EVENING! •• GOOO ,Nl6MT I ly To111 K. Ryan Tll~~~~'l-J . A HALF~ 'TIW~ .. MY FOOT 60IN' T'Sl.ftr ! '1 ,, fl By Al Smith _ .. .. , ... ... ,. ,ly Mell \ . \ i I r \ \ l I • I \ c • • • l • \ 1 I • , • ' I I . . . LAS CHRYSl.lR . PLYMOUTHS' ENTIRE STOCK ~f. SAVINGS AS NEVE' BEFORE ~~ AT •. m$ A.ND TOP QUALITY USED CARS. lVEkY-·.i,..., ,,..., '69·~HRY$LERS ·AND. PL'fh\Oll · -1Tll ~•uT S'VlllGS·fOlt YOU ,··· ' ao., •. ,. .... , sAl.l PRtaD w . .,,.... , " AUTOMOBILE YEAl END CLEARANCl . ...;,;._ • .i ~ ' BRAl4D MEW 1 '/IJ PLYMOUTH - 2 .Dr. Belvedere . · . Seri•\·No. Rl2169Ell9<13 · Plus 1&x &nd licen!tl r., ..,.i;1y _,., . aut..Wler, · .......... ·pri<H, wlft('t• .....,., .. , .... A"°' St!'lict Dep1rtmtnl, ·""1~1 pride makes "11 ~iffer· Wi MVt'wNI WI . ente. • • . . d feel to be the linest-.ll'llt• t-Dt- pirtment in·Or1ng1 Coun!'f • pend1bk inti-Et.ntmic•I '~" and M1inten1ntt w~ iccomphshtd b ftclOY trained ptno11ntl. y • for your ·conv111itfttt w1 honor u,t.TE ·~~h,l!..P'"!~s rtt~•· .....,.J:J..W. lMflN/Zt.i'C/i.o ' . · '6.7 0'91 .Stltion Wagon • . "62 DODIE PICK-UP .... & t.lw, ...... ("°"'. •788 • ,I -------- . . '66 FORD IAll. 500 . '64 OLDSMOBILE . . ·" -· .... ,. •• ··~ '~. '68 VOLKSWAGEN • ... S ""*'• M1¥ *'':"' --... CWIC WI). -·1688 • '67 'DODGE , Coronet 440 Or. H.T., v;a. ~ 1r-........ ,· ~-_ ... ~-IUIV ~1. I •1788 . . '66· Plym; Valiant 4 Qr. Sdu: , ' . ...... "~ ••• , ..... ·~ w .66 PLYMOUTH Barracuda . .. CHRYSLER PlYftlO·,l/TH · tltf PfRllll • • I I ( ' 1 \ ' .... • " "" ( ., • ! I '' , . ,. , ' . . . ·Executive Car and Demonsffa· for · S.aJe. Tremei,d.ous Sa~ on "~'.' Bjrds:.,Mu~tl!l~.CJS, Tori~-· s, -~gJ~~fes, Falcons,·C~rtinl!I~ ••. '. M'u~ry!. · " ,,, . ·-• . . . . ' , ' • • • .i. . -I ........ * ·' ' . •. 11 · Ji.:_,,, ... ~-·'!~! . ~. . ~-~:~A·O. • ·~.,~.Choose · ,,(i:M .. . . ' ' . ~HUGE ·DiSCO~NIS ·~· . . • I •• - ' • .I, ~ • • •• . ' . . . AT·· , I . " . ' "' ,. ,. :' '• ;,D.UMION FORD~S Clearance, .c1earatl~e, Clearance SALE • ·• · ~.:. -.;.· , ' OM ,.(LL N'EW 69'S. MUSTANGS ,.. TORINOS, T·BIRDS GALAXIES, LTD'S T~ey Mi!~T ~e..~old, so COME-IN TODAY! -' < WE'RE READY TO DEAL! I '°I, •a '<>·, HUGE Slfl .. MENTS ' .~ \ - .. JUST ARRIVED' I ... ·FORD colii'NAS Choose -From' .OVER 60 All Body S~yles & •Colors ' '' ) . ~. . . CAMPER·s . r· ' a Tt.. wff41 .. CMll"ft -....... ~ trfftett ••IM h1 ~nllty c•111,.n. """' <1111effs fe tt. I ..... .. a Ile_, II .. C.-.,1n wftll tM ~ ....,,..ty_ "le111•rrew'a c •• ,., ,..,, ... llle ..... , ,...,., ........ ,..;! COMPARE OUR PACXAGE P.RICEI Wo f~oturo tho BEST ot ·tho< ~Q.WEST PtUEll CHOOsE 'FRQM · : "~ · O¥·l'a-·'(ff~~· C•RS & TRUC~ : ' . AMIGOS. y· Y(Clf.IOS Los invito1 • qu• <t•nt•n . • OU,NTOl'!4 10 f:ORO, pare qUe h•g~n le• mejor co'mpra,Ge Su ·vid•. TenemoS pr•ciosos b'ajOs' y exc~lente• ••rvicO ·~is ptr•s ·.:di',.les· ¥•nti1 . 'ES:t'l- mos aqui. p•r• s•r.¥irki11 ....;.StJ ·SE~VIDOR· l ACK-HORN "J ··Dunton Deal' •• J J Your Guarantee al the Best $$ Buy Anf:w/iere $3195 111 VI , •ulom•tic tren1, i .. ,tory t ir, P'l""tr 1lttri"~· powt r ~li1c iw•~•S, rt9io, het ltr, whi!ew1ll tirt1, low l'rlile~. XHV66), $2395 ~· :500 2 door h•.'cltop, l!O. V1 •.• •11tometic~fr1"1, ,pow1r liter· 1119.,,rad.10, h11f1r, wh1t1w1JI t 1r11, t111t1J" 9l1u. V'l-IA.611. $1595 Vl!tA.'CRU ISER. o flASS. WAGO~. V-1 , A11t11f'llttic, Factory 1ir, Power 1f11ri11g, Power br1kc1, Radio, Ho1t1r. l itJn11 VTU Sl5. '65 MUSTANG $1195 2+2 fit1ib1ck, VI, 111te1r11tlc tr1111 .• 111ow1r 1t11d11111, rti:lio, h11t1r. NHE 150 ' ' " ~·6 CHEVROLET $14.95 fMPAt:A 7 'DR. H •. T. v.a, At.1to1111tic, P.ow1r 1te1ri119, Radio, H11!1r. U6ettt11SQl.Oll. ' •6&MUST,1'NG . $895 .. H~r4top.' VI, pow1r .t1erl119"'7~"" i11p1ti1I. R111i1 9011d. ATl71 6 ~67 FAIRLANE 500 $1995 2-Door h1rd :op, V!, euiofftetlc lr,ttt, pow1r, tl11ri~9. rtdio. h11i1r,, whit1w1ll lir11. U,SS5S • '65 FORD $1095 G111x•e SOO, 4-door 1td1", V6, tufomilic tr1ni. pow t• 1lttrin9. rtdio, httlt 1, whlttw1U.tirt1. S'l'l20l '65 FALCON $895 '64 FALCON $795 '67 FORD $1795 '67 MUSTAN~ $1695 H.T, V-1, AutOPVt tlc, Power 1t1tli11t. lt19'io, H11f1r, ¥i11yJ roof. l ic11111 TUR 0)0, '65 FOJtD '67 FORD . kANCH WAGON. V.I, Auforn•+;c, ~itclory •Ir, Power hr1ktt, krtlJ•t• r1r.t 0 lic11111 TYO 10?·.·. •1 • !68 MUSTANG I $209 5 , S2195 CONVERTllLE. V.1, Autorn1tic., Pow1r \f'.,fl't• ~1cfit. con1ol1,1 buc••t 111tt, power fop. Lic11111 VRk liJ. '67 GALAXIE'SOO~ ... i,,5. .. ~ 2·cfoor h1rdtop. VI, 1utorn1fir. tr1111, f1cl1ry ;f,, l>01!1'et 1l11ri119, powlf hr1ke1, rtdio, h11!1r, whil1w1U fi r11, ¥i11•l foof, ti11t.cf 91111. UKH116 • ~ ' ' '66 FORD ' .. ,\$1595 GAL SDO -2 Dlt H.T. V-1, Aulom 1lic. F1ciorv 1ir"~ 1ow1• 1f1tr· '69 'VolkswGqen i119, 1.etlio, H.1t1t: Lic1n11. UOU 560. · ~l?95 '66 FAl~LAN~ 500$1495 ' . ' '67 MUSTANG $.1695 ' ':16:~.v· .,,, ... ;, '''"' ,;, ,,,;;i;.,;,1'1 ~ .... , .... ;:; ' .,'69 ~FOl\1> ·:~3195 CONVERTllLE. V·I , Autornefic, P11w1r t+11rift,, R"1tlie, H1~t1r, Pow1r ... ,. l ictfttt UON 2<41. -' -' GAL. 500~fASflACl(.1V:l .. A11lom11tic, F1Ctery,<1ir,Jow., 1t.1ri119, r•wer''"1aibs, Retlio, H•tl•~·· Ucff .. KTH•IJI. Sl.09~ '67. FOR·D I .. · Sl.495 \ 'CUSTOM SD0 '1'DR. V.1 •• Awtoni~tic. Power 1l1tri119 •• R•t1i•, Heil· 0 l' ' TJM .. , ' ' ' ''· 1c1n11 1 ''··. • • , • 1 • '66 FORD '' ''$1795 ·l' • COUNTl.Y SQUIRE 10 PASS. V.f, Awltmt~ir., 1'0~1 ... 1t1~int .• ,,...,. If br1k11, Recfie, H11t1r, lu1Jt•1J• rer.t LlctfiM l.(TI 7tl1 ' " - • • I ' .' .. . • . • . 1 . I ' ' • . I I ,1 I ................ .., • • . . ' . .. -~OUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HC?~~OR SA~E HOUSIS ,OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES '011 SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE neul lOOt Gttwr~I j lOIO Gener.ii 1000 ~el ·' llllO-ral . . 10006'neral : lOOOGonerel 1000 $\ ---· 4 BEDROOM ' MESA VERDE .. FINIR HOMES CAMEO SHORES ' ' • ·Old world charm abounds In the finest o! craftsrnansbip in the eXpensivt! use of rich I paneling, beam ceilings & used brick, in this ; truly custorn, 4 bedroom horhe ; huge family ( room with room for billiard table. Magnifi,4 Bcaulitul nl'\V carPetln&:. Lo.-1, eated on QUIEr eul-dwac street. Ha.. a tarce cov~ !: enclosed FRONT-PA110. even room ror boat or trail· ct. ExceUent v 1t I u e at $ZT,jOCI, Call no\v ai; I h i s pcipular plan \\'ill $1!ll fast 546-9521 or S-31 I cent view or o·cean & jetty ........... $130,000 Open Sat. & Sun. 4615 Perham CdM I , ' DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT ? Spectacular· 4 bedroom home, with an unus- 1 ual blending or ele.gance & warmth. Large, ·I formal dining room with split brick flqoring. ~ A spiral stairway leads to a magnificent. high • ceilinged living room. Priced at, ... $UIJ.500. ; Open Sat. & Sun. 225 North Star Larle ' BAYCREST i 1st time offered. Beautiful 4 bedroo~ borne, ; localed on choice corner lot: lush, minimum I care lan_dscap.ing, large pool \vith lovely deck area. An iminaculate home, ready for yout I immediate occupancy ............... $72,500. Open daily. 1756 Skylark I CAMEO SHORES View of • ocean from this beautiful custom J home, bqill by owner. 2 Bedrooms, cozy den wi~ brick fifeplace~ g~e room, studio, large dining room, large.living room with un· fill~ 'ti'avertfrie marble fireplace, luxurious muter bedroom suite with mirrored ward- robes & sautia bath. Elegantly "decorated. .................................... $64,500. Call !or app't. I ' I DOVER SHORES ! DeJjgbt{~ 2-story home on corner lot, with er:io.rmous living room, 4 bedrooms, formal dining room, formal entrance· court with fountain. Vie\v of back bay from all rooms. ' ................................... $92,500. Call for a~p't. DOVER SHORES-VIEW Large 4,000 sq . .fl. of luxury with heated and filtered pool. and a view of the Back Bay. A real family home, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. family room, formal dining room. Ideal tor entertaining. Only 21h years old. Beautiful, and well priced at $104,000. Call for app't. DOVER SHORES 24 Stoi'y view home, 5 bedrooms or 4 · & den. H~~e built to order for.family living & enter· tammg. Enormous far;n!ly room \Vith 'vet bar. separate maid':J's uarters. Terrace overlook-. I . 1111 poo size y & play area ... ~ ... $811,500. Open Sat. & Sun.. . 1712 Antigua Way. SOPHISTICATED COTTAGE OPEN SUN. 1 • S 32.1 Poppy, Corona del Mar \Valk lo Little Corona from this newly dee· orated 2 bedroom, 1 bath home, with fire-pla~e. & separate guest accomodations. An exciting home on a (ot &'a half, ...... $47,500. iohn macnab REALTY COMPANY 901 Dovor Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 General 1000 FOREST E. OLSON loc. Jtcaltors COSTA MESA 53/4/, $125 MO. Coastal \Va t e r s, just minutes away. Bright & cheerful 3 b<.>droom, family room, kitchen \\ilh built-Ins. Quiet I: -tcrene. Private swim &: tennis club. All of this for only $2a,500! As. sume FHA Juan. No fee! Betlrr be fast! Call 645-0303. SPAN ISH SEN OR! 4 BEDROOMS Spenish clE"·ganl"C. <I lge. bedromis, 2 tiled baths. Spanish tile entry. Mas· sive double firepla«. ()pen Oame cookitlr in a gourmet kitchen + deluxe built-ins. Huge play room il only $29.- 950. CaJI now Senor t 645-0303 RANCH IN THE CI TY ASSUME 6% LOA N Large 4 bedrooms, fam- ily home. Big-country kitchen "'ith deluxe blt-lns. Hu,gr , hugC' lot. Right in lhf' city~ Plenty of elbow roon1. You can have hOTSf\li l.oo! The big 6% loan pay!' cvt<ry- ttilng at $166.50 mo. Don't delay? can loday &15-0303 NEWPORT BEACH . DELUXE DUPLEX Sand prbblcs IJ1ro\v Crom that wonderful cool !;ea. T"'O large bed- rooms and largr kitchen with deluxe built -irui, i;undecks. Great loca- ·tion. Big rents pays for itself. Only $38.500. To- day's best buy! Call now 645-0303 EARLY CALI F. CUSTOM HOM E General 1000 1 $ ! 8,950 ; LENDERS SHOPPING for a home? I They don't build lhcm EPOSSESSION l,l,,I , ..,., • or vmt o<" of. fi~ for your free L'OPY flf and pla;;ter. 2 Bdrm&., E Call -1 · · like lhii; anymore. Lath . ' \ Op!JR Hou~e$ r THIS WEEKEND lee' thh ll11111d't dlrec,..., wit• Y•• tllls ..,....,.; n fOlt t4!: h••• •utlflt. All tM locott.M llsl'M Mlow .,. dnufbed •• .,...., #oil .. , ..rnrtfslitt ., .... ""'""'• 111 '"°"°" DAILY PILOT WANT ADI. P.m111 11towhi9 opo11 ku'" fflf NM: •t te ro11t .,.. .,..,.i to II.It t11Ch J11'9tllll0flo11 111 ttih col•-Md ffWlor. (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2502 Crest View Drive, Newport Beach 645-0303 (Sun 1 to dusk) (3 Bedroom) 960 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 494&36 (Open Housel 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sat l..'i ) 600 Aldean (Newport Heights) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-51 4821 Cortland. Corona de1 Mar 833-0700 ; 644-2430 <Open 1-5) 2402 Vista Hogar (The B!yffs) NB . 675Al30 (Stin 1-5) 1993 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa 5411'3097 2122 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa (Sun) 646-7034 (Sal 10-4\ 1501 Bavadere Terr. (Irvine Terr) CdM 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5\ *460 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa 646-7 171 (Sa l & Sun 1·5) 459 E. 19th St. (Near Westcliff) CM · 646-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3236 Idaho (Mesa Verde) CM 54().1151 (Sat &'Sun 1-5) 20151 Midland. Huntington Beach 546-2313 (Sal & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Don) 324 ~nug Harbor, (Clillhaven) NB 646-2000. · • (Daily 1·51 2813 Drake' Ave .. (l\1esa de! Mar) CM 675-3745 I l'ri., Sat. & Sun. 1-5) 969 Governor. Costa Mesa 543-9142 or 530-6725 rSal & Sun by ap- pointment) 19301 Hickory Lane. Huntington Beach 962-1131 (Sun 9-8 ) 717 Poppy Ave .. Co rona del Mar 675-2101 (Sun 1-5 ) 3233 New York Ave. (M esa Verde) CM 541).4265 ' (Sat & Sun 1-5) *~7 Setting Sun Dr., Corona del Mar 644-2732 (Sat & Sun 12-6) 26622 Cortina. Mission Viejo 83().1583 /Daily. all day) * 1224 Nottingham Rd .. rweslc!iff) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5\ 3023 Counlry Club ·0r:. ('Mesa Verd~) CM 540-1720 (Sun 1:30 -6:30) 17942 Mann St. <University Pa rk) 6754130 (Sun 1-5) 316 Ruby Street, Balboa Island 675-3331 (Sun 1-5) *450 E. 21st St. (Back Bay) NB 548-0355 (Daily 2-7 ) 1845 Pitcairn Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5990 -1sun 1-5) 435 Irvine Ave . (Ne,vport 1-leights) NB 641).2414 . rsun 1-5) 2~4 Redwood, Costa Mesa '46-7171 (S•l & Sun 1-5) 19.13 Teresita Lane fBaycrest) NB 675-3000 1Sat & Sun 1-5\ 2033 Paloma, Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5\ 3098 Donnybrook. Coste Mesa 645-0303 (Sun I-?) ubmit all oUen on lhi1 our "Home11 r·or Liv ing" hard\vood floorlnJl, Ko1>-[X'r kettle kitchen \\'Ith !&rat VACANT -t bedroom, 2 Magazi!W, with pictw-es, tlle galol'f'! Even the fba.ih family home. Only ~t prices &. details of our cozy Veranda for that •)mile 1rom Ocean lJ1 prime ~ll'!Cl li!lings In Newport \\'e~tetn l i v I n g just I N:sidential area. Ocean view Beach. COl'Ona Dtl Mar & freshly pairtP.l'.I._ ha.rd to 4 Bedroom) jtrom spacious electric built-Costa Mesa. RED CARPET ~1!1;1-03! ""ro'.tcr h"uriy!' C!lll 2915 Catalpa (Eastbluffs) Cd?\1 In kitchen; largt' family REALTY, 2025 \V. Balboa U'w 675-2102 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 'room with brick fireplace: Blv., Ne'"'POrt Beach, 92660. f'OREST E. *1756 Skylark (Baycrest) NB hu,p Jot. Asking: only S33.00J 675-6000. 642--8235 (Dai'lv) •net ~OUS!! ! ' I -'-'-""==~===--0 L s 0 N I WE SELL A HOME SPOTLESS! *2437 Fordham Dr .. rCollege Park) C~1 /EVERY ll M 3 BR. + family rm., 2 balh 646-881 1 (Sat 1·5) lk &INULTES hon\C, \\•/rov. palio, sundeck 2016 N, Capella Cou rt. Costa Mesa a er ee w/ocean vie\v? J~'i~ loan Inc. Rce.ltors 546-0479 {Sat & Sun 1•5) may be Msunird. s2·1.:ion J.'P l I *140 Harbor Island 0 d (oU Bayside D•) 1tN3 Weslclill Dr. BALBOA BAY PROP. at ·!arbor Centrr li. , 17u 0 E · 6~7.-AN'-l'IE 2'299 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. NB, 675--8331 - -(Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Don) 115 Milford Rd., (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-6996 , (Sat & Sun J.2.5) 442 Riverside Drive, Newport Beadi 548-2986 (Sat le sun 10-8) 1430 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Sh9res) NB 646-1550 -(Dally) 225 North Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdM 64~8235 (Sat&Sun) 1380 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2152 National Ave., (Westside) CM 548-7711 !Sat 2-Sl 979 Denver Ave., CM 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) 1941 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sat 1-5) 1894 Rhqdes Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5990 !Sat & Sun 1-5) **415 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sun 2-6) 2755 Albatross Dr .. (M esa Verde) CM 546-5990 (Sat 1-5) 912 Presidio Drive, Costa Mesa 545-8375 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 1836 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Sun 1·5J 2084 Goldeneye, Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sat & Sun 1-5) IS Bedroom) 4512 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM 833-0700 ; 644-2430 !Sun) **14 Linda hie Dr (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 12-5) IS Bedroom & Famiiy or Den) 17952 Hopkins (University Park) 833-0820 (Sal & Sun 1·51 3032 Capri Lane <Mesa Verde) Cllt1 540-1151 (Sun 1-5) *4536 lloxbury Rd., (Came<> Shores) CdM 675-3520 (Sun 1-5) 1712 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 . (Sat & Sun) 1536 Galaxy Dr .. (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 !Sat & Sun) 8882 La Roca Ave .. Fountain VaUey 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) 1718 Port Abbey (Harbor View Hills) NB 548-8281 (Sat & Sun 2-4 ) 1807 Buttonsbell Lane (Baycrest) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 2060 PharaJoue, Costa Mesa 546-2313 · !Sat 1·5) 207 Santa Ana Ave, Costa Mesa 548-0588 (Sat & Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS ii Boaroom) *8145 Foxhall Drive, Huntington Beach 596-0185 (Sun 2-5) 12 ·Bedroom) 426 Emerson, Costa Mesa 645-0303 (3 Bedroom) (Sun l..'i) 140 Lexington (Monticello) Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Su n 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (3 Bedroom + 2 Bedroom) 210 9th St., Huntington Beach 536-2579 (Open Sat & Sun 1·5) 415 Iris, Corona del Mar 673-6210: 675-0998 (Sal & Sun) 13 Bedroom & I Bedroom) **3409 Finley, Newport Beach 833-0700: 644-2430 !Sun 1-6 1 13 Bedroom & 2 Bedroom) 518 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673·2222 (Sat & Sun I-S J 604 -606 Orchid, Corona del Mar 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 14 Bedroom & Den) 5001-A River Ave., Newport Beach 642-3490 (All daySat&Sun) 14 Bedroom & I Bedroom) 715 J asmine, Corona del r..1ar 673-2222 * * * Pool 0114 Wo..,,..fft * • Wttterfro11t * , .. , (Sun 1·5 l .. . . ~-... -. ' -. ....---------- HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi. Go'Mrol lOOOGeneral , 1000 MATT LA BORDE, Realtor LOVELY WlfE · WAN'{ED With family and charming husband,16 occupy this dreamy newly decorated THREE BED- ROOM, TWO BATH HOME. Dining room, breakfast bar and built-in .kilchen. ,Large vine covered patio off family room. Bearing fruit trees. well landscaped and cotripletely fenced. Price to lit the "B U o G E T CON• SCIOUS" at only .................... $24,950 SUBMIT 10% DOWN. UPPER BAY EXCLUSIVE Beautiful entry, expensive carpels, elegant drapes and exquisite decorating greets you as you walk in. THREE LARGE BED· ROOMS, TWO PULLMAN TILED BATHS. Bright cheery kitchen with buil t-ins, includ- ing dishwasher and service area wi th pantry. Family room with sllding glass doors to large patio surrounded with Jush dichondra lawns, ROCK WATER·FALL and cement block wall. Double garage, electric door opener and con- crete drive. This home can be yours for only $34,950, if you hurry!! CHEAPIE -CLOSE IN ONLY $18,950. Don't let the price fool you. This two bedroom • elegantly carpeted over wood floors has been remodeled recently and oUers a BEAUTIFUL BUil T·IN KITCHEN WITH ASH CABINETS, breakfast bar. din- ette a rea and s e p a r a t e service porch. Live in comfort and shop only two blocks away at E. 17th Street Shopping Center. R-2 LOT· ADD ANOTHER UNIT LATER. FHA-VA TERMS SIX YEAR NEW, completely redecorated. FOUR BEDROOM, family room, 1% bath home with fireplace, forced air heat and built-in kitchen. Completely carpeted and 'draped. Large over-sized double garage with washing facilities. 15'x20' patio, fenced yard -sprinklers. Only minutes from major shop- .I ping and schools. Conveniently located to '•·COSTA MESA & HUNTINGTON BEACH. ONLY $27,950. '·• ACRE • UPPER BAY .~NEWPORT BE Ac H Two bedroom, 1% , , bath plus guest room -offering country at. mosphere and a home for you.r horse. Owner has architectural plans to remodel and en- ,. large into a rambling ranch home. Why fight , the crowds -Check this property's numerous possibilities. P r i c e d under surrounding homes at only $71 ,000 -SHOWN BY AP· POINTMENT. SALESMEN -~ SALESWOMEN NEEDED 220 I. SOYent-111 St. IE. 171h St. Slloppl"t Ctr.I COSTA MESA Evening• Call 64M579 or 646-lOJO 1000 Generel 1000 .!Jrrepfaceabfe JJnJa .!}dfe Open Sunday 12 .s 14 Linda l1le Driv• A Rare Find on Waterfront In final stages of completion, beautiful. 5 Bedroom, 41h ·Bath wa terfront home. Large spaci ou s rooms, fireplaces in living room & master bedroom, fully carpeted, landscaped & complete concrete boat dock. Priced at $135.000. LINDA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO. 1080 B1y1ide Dr., N.B. Bill Grundy 675-3210 pen ves, l-_:::•~::::~=.0 ::::.~":'.:".:'....-l'========='i 1959 Vista Caudal (The Bluffs) CdM w· 642-5671 tor RESULTS White ·Elephants r DAILY PILOT Classified -675--5930 (Sat & Sun 1-5) u;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~:=;;;;;;:,_~==,;;;;;;:;,,;;;;;;;;;;:~"'"~~~'~""~"~hgow~'=======-~JJ~;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;~ ~ Gen•r•I lOOOGeneral 1000 G1nlt1"11 1000 ·General J THE REAL ES'rATERS HARBOR OFFICE 546-23.13 .MISA VIRDE -REPUILIC HOME On a large corner lol \\'ith room for A pool + boat or trailer -4 Bedrooms with fonna.I dining room and large lam· Hy room with fireplace -2 yearg new $45,7~. .. TUAS MINMtANCH Perteet for Your little Olly and'Mr. PAI. too!'. IA hori;e. of coursC'l l·Ioe-clo"'n tarire ramUy "00111 • 3 bedrooms • 2 bath! • 2 lirepJacl?!'I -tack house! 4 bi~ orraJ • fttd barn -$3500 do\\'ll -Yours for $34,950--GP,llop tn Back Bay. THI GOOD LIFf .In another one in beauUful btesii. Vcn:lt" Pride of ownership 1ho~,. throughout tbia 3 bedroom, 2 bath charmer. A plan· ned covered patio overlooka a profu- 11ona.lly landacaped yard. !I%% V .A loi.n can be aaumcd. Full price $33.950. SOMI PIOl'lE EXPOCT 'l'H~ MOOJ<, but ~ ...... tJio "6l buJI '"Uncl.,. \ t1'e, Sunf>t Sl\lnnqig 3 bt4• room. 20x2G 1•ncled de-~ "ilh drlrtwood atone firt• pis«. rormel dlnlnri rocm. 1 buths t ~r'k-llkc ;rount1•. Thta "-"-11-IJWlt. home hat 2i100 11q. ft, unequal~ at $42,9l!O. 646-7171 NEWPORT OFFICE WATCH THE IOATS GO IY F'rom your o"'n patio at \valer'$ edge. Dock space for 40' boaL 3 bedroom& on quiet seeluded stl'ctt. Spotless through- out -S69.500. OWNER WILL FINANCE AT 7'h% No loan cost \\'hen you buy th\~ charm- ing Back Ba y 3 bedroom \11th lar,e pool In a IC'tling or Kpl<'ndor-1 Call 1oda.y to Inspect. MESA VEROE-lmmldlole Poundcitl One of our best offerlnss at present markl't condltlonil. :i bedroom plus large family room OPtning to 'dC'lightfu.I be.ck yard. Nolhlng lil<e it Bl Uits price $26,950 -T'ty fHA or VA. SPllNI> FRES!i IN OLIN MAI 3 Btd1'00ln1, 'l beth1 in spar kllnr con· dftion·on qulc1 \vtll ke111 cnl·dr.•UC. Car-· ~t.t ·and dr11.j')('J1 II.rt r~ctllent. A mu1t ate Ill $25.900. 11 lOOOGenerol 1000Gen•raf "LOOK fOR THIS SIGN" We Want You To Think Of Us THINKING OF SELLING? \Vhy s<'tUc for enythlng lt'SS thu,n !hr beat -For t~ modern way to merchan- dise your home and 'Oii JlllULTI cp,lJ an)' of our off1ct>& where you \\'Ill Al-wa» tt«ive KNOWLIDGI -COUfl· TllY -SlllVKI. PROOF l'OSmVE f\,Jk anyone o( our clients. -\Ve: will be glad to give you names trom our !Uei - 70% of our buslness cornea fron1 rirf'•,.. r•I• and t.rm•r clltnta. \O ~THE REAL '()( ESTATERS 1000 General 1000Generel 1000 General THE REAL ESTATERS 673-8550 CORONA DEL MAR PRICE REDUCED $5000 • Immediate occupancy Is avaJJable on the unique vacant 4 bedroom 2 bath home. Only steps &\YB¥ from Jo~Jy little Cor- ona Beach in one of the finest avaJlable location, In CDf.f -Our absenttt ownrr 18)'8 SELL -REDUCED TO $64,500. IOOKED UP ALL SUMMER She earns $1200 in July and August 11nd !1600 the res t of the year \l•ilh Of'\.\' makeup. thl11 south of the hhvay rt>nt11l would tX' cv1>n more PQpular. J bed- rooms, c:overt'd µalio \\'1th bullt·ln BBQ -Plus room and zoning for a 2nd lH. lle money-maker. Only S31.500. CHOICE CDM FOUIPLEX Only 3\i bJocks to Big Corona Beact- Th6e \Veil krpt units are In one of the mogL desirable rtntal areas in Southern Callrornla. Efll!llY financed and well priced. can us on this rare offerlnr. i\fANY, ~TAN\' HOMES ANO DUPLEX- ES TN CHOICE LOCATIONS-LET US HELP YOU FIND TIIE HO?.tE FOR YOUJ I• INVESTMENT MONEY MAKERS INCOME MONEr MAKERS 2 Complimenting tourplexe!I wlth 2-3 bedroom & 6-2 bedroom.a -All units have 2 baths and aU bullt-lns. Shov;s ex- cellenl ttturn and could be a fine llve-in O\.\'ner property. $139,000. FIRST TIME OFFER!D I )( Sharp l bN:!roon1 units. 110' frontage in excellent location, $800.00 month In· rrnn<'. ($900.00 potential I. Assumable fi ~ loan -Only $10,000 down -$80,000. BE'ITER IiURRY! M· l WITH HOME I. MFV. ILDI>. Propert1 Is ('()mrle:te:ly ptved and 1111.1 ('{'fn enL block wal on 3 sldef, Mfg. billld· lngs AN! used for boat building and a.re divided Into stalls. 120xl40 over all. Plus & 3 bedroom home wlth fenced peUo & pool. $67 ,500. For full infonnatton on 11ny of lhe: above . . , PleMe call 11ny one of our offlcc:s -'\'e're open a.U da,y SUNDAY. . . . 1000 r ... S.turdl>',·AU9<111 2!, 1'16' OAll. Y PILOT 21 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUS1$ l'OR SALi HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSI S l'Olt SALi HOUSI OR SALE HOUSIS l'Olt SALi O-r•I 1000-...1 1000 -·• 1ooe -.1 1000 0 ...... 1 llliGOftiraJ -filb O::r.i 1000-•I ••-·• 1• 4 BIG,-IEDROOMS ,. Lo~ely 1 story home with SHAKI ROO F & HUGE REAR YARD just perfect for addlllon o! a POOi., tennis court or ! ? • Big.double gate access to rear for st-Orage of BOAT, TRAILER or CAMPER. Lovely covered patio, cul-d&-sac, sprinklers front & rear & it's all wrapped up with CE- MENT BLOCK WALL. U you can find aJl this somewhere else for less than $31, 750 then BUY IT. BIG HOUSE·SMALL MONEY $29,900 for a 2 story 'Glen Mar home with VA/FHA terms. Walking distance to o.ne of Sou th er n California's outstandfug schools & to excellent ·shopping center. COATS & WALLAC~ REALTORS <i>w! 1491 BAKER STREET 5464141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. OPEN DOORS! Three Excellent Buys 1000 BEAT UP -This one's seen some wear, but il'• the popular 2 story, 4 bdrm 3 bath floor plan in bighJy desirable "upper" Mesa Ver· de. Price $4,000 below comparable. FIRST TIME OPEN -Sa\!Sun. 1894 R H 0 0 E S. ''' '''''''''' '''. '' ,, ,, '.,.''''.' ... $38,950. REPUBLIC BEAUTY -Single story , 4 bd· rm with elegant carpets, immaculate grounds & interior, Asking .................... $35.500. OPEN SATURDAY 2755 ALBATROSS. NEW LISTING -3 bdrm Pacesetter with covered patio, all electric kitchen & large Jot. Top ~fesa Verde area. Offered at $33.950 firm. OPEN SUNDAY at 1845 PITCAIRN. tlJO MISA VllDI Dlt. e COSTA MISA e PHONl 1~6·5•90 For The Man Who Has "Mode Good" Absolute Spanish elegance designed for the active family and gracious entertain· ing. 4 bedroom plus 3 baths, large family room with built.in wet bar. Less than 2 years new. Prestige Baycrest address. A must see at $76,500. Best Buy Harbour Hi9hlonds How long has it been since you have seen a Harbour Highlands home priced at just $29,500? Three large bedrooms. I SA baths, bright country kitchen with breakfast area. Separate sheltered patio, plus fenced rear yard. Add just a little paint and save big!! Couples Attention Here it is - A wonderfully comfortable t"'-o bedroom home. It's bright and cheer- ful \Vood burning fireplace, double de· tached garage. Located on a quiet close-in Eastside street. Hardwood floors. A rare find at only $22 ,250. FOR A WISE BUY COLESWORTHY & CO. 642·7777 ''" llc9Me tTeh11., et L•111blff1 Scffof liilJlllO ''" s.1 .. ...-.1, a... • l1mntHI ht A ..... •tote C.rwr1 DR 111ys "MOYEI" ·. ~<iOftg:! = .. MAR NIT 111% "20 JA~~nNE'AVE. l')U1Tu Shelteron••~ 1 .. llGE EXECUTIVE HOMI' c bdrm 3 bt.tti 1: den. Mo Inc Eutaldit. units ta ,Optta wit ....,.bl• •1'!1 '°""· M•-.' blkl to --Over 4,000 sq. ft. of decking :. lanJl1<p(. 1 Pinc. 61>$ 19<o, ~ CUrlol!I delfgned by BrowneJI; • Jiit. 3 Ba. FIXER UPPER d""'1'atod; ....... .t -l!ool. Do no! mias seeing thil on Sun. Eutlide, Ot!. c::loM In on :~:'".:C. ~ ~= Open 1·5 140 Harbor Island Rd. "" lol KHchen • livl!w w. N ... lY cptd "'d\'P\I, tu bs (off of Bayside Or., N.B.) $93,000 room oompJerety remodeled. le shov.w.. 2 BacbelOr unlll 0en. tiathraom " bdrml W WI R--.. ..... work. qver ,..... .. "°"""' .. " • m. nton, ..... or tastef\llly IW1'11thtd except 22f Marlnt, lllbff 1111"41 INCOME PROPERTY 4 • 2 bdrm unita. l bdrm guest ho~ + 2 Bdrm home on large land&caped lot. Must sclL 20NA LOT N•wport H.Jght1 Are•. 2 hdrm 1 bath each. Asldna m.ooo. COSTA MESA l bdtTl1 2 baths + family room. Beautifully Ja.ndscep. ed grounds. Oose to school. NET 25% Return on your cash tnwat. ment. 8 • 2 BR 1 ba.th unit.I. Lochen my er Re.:i ltor 1860 Newport mvd .• CM CALL 646-ml Eves. tit2-W.BS ti<J.t..l~ COLLEGE PARK POOL HOME HARDWOOD FLOORS. 4 lxlnns., 2 baths with built·in family siud kitchen. $26,950 (4~•/. Loan Av1il.) OPEN SAT. 1-5 2437 FORDHAM DR. Newport •I Victorl• (•nytime) IF SWIMMING ls your cup or tea, don't mis1 this .i bedroom, 2 bath home ~ith no maintenallC'" back y&i'CI.! NO DOWN VETS or take owr GI 5\~ loan at $132 per month. FIREPLACE! Lovely carpels &. drapes. All ~uilt in large kitchen. Waler ' softener. Separate bath to Poot area. Just gorgeous arxl a LOW. LO\V $26,500. ' WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 2i90 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 5G-M65 Open 'Lil !I Pri.r OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11·4 No down V .A. or )ow down 1'~.ll.A, 2200 SQ. Ft. ol con- venience with all the ex-tra1 for just SJl ,000, See 251 E. Bay this Swxi&y or call for a ppointment a t your con- VMlie~. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee --2()13-\Yestcttff Dr. 6~771.1 Open Eves. Liv• Ye It Upl Vacation a month or more In fabuloo., MAUI J.IA\V.All ! Shrui> 2 bdrm rompletely furnished anJo unit on beach. Call for further info. S:OO/mo. 1-., 2 BR uni! '°"'pl<t<IJI 675·3331 Opon 'Iii 9 lwwy Nl•ht fenced. Sepe.Rte roofed pt.· • Uo with ~uipment to lnat&Uil~~~~~ patio kitchen, '12fJV. ~\: for pool, Furni.ahi"8;s Inc, 2 dr. refril .• ps rana:e. couch. General llllO Gonorol 1..0 es, dinette '9@t, cbesta °'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ otlict), Mostly fumlshed ine. ~ (~.:~::,_l%J bu..... refrig.. 11· '"'"'" B twin beds, rolle.way bed. _ _ WEEKEND SPECIALS Many extra. Qle:tom decora-tp1 tor Ieatur,n. Pot bellied stove in den. Kitchen&: bath remodeled last year. Enc. patios front & rear. All maintenance extraa: host!ri, tools, trash cans, 6' ladder. rental agreements, tttelpt booka, etc. NEVER vacant. Zoned for additional income. ,..._ 4 BEDROOMS $157 MONTH Ye&, thi.s Is a GI 5%~ •1· aumable loan. Ideal location near San DI* Frttway In Huntington Beach. P i n k block wall, ~ patio &: sprinklers In rear yard. 001 nylon carpeting In 12x1.5· liv- ing room &: large master bedroom. Call now to 11t1e. $24,995 (loan $19, 100) Newport •I Victorl• -11 C. 0 . M. view, 3 Bdrm. Price $49,500. Full 0. Rm. Lge PaUo, Cor lot 120' frontage. Ex storage. CONDITION A-OK ! $37,900 3 Bdrm + Den 21h Ba, Best area. Tastefully · decorated. Like-new Cpts. See It. HARBOR & OCEAN VIEW 169,500 Custom bit. 3 Bdrm. Fam. Rm. Irv. Terrace Q u a I i t y thruout. Cathedral cell: L. R. A beauty. INVESTMENT, INCOME -$44,500 COM So. o! hwy. Duplex, not far from New· port Center. 2 & 1 bdrm. OWNER HELPS ON FINANCING Lovely 3 Bdrm & hobby. Rm. 3 Ba. Quality all the way. Asking $57,500. Negotiable terms. TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE 4 bdrm, 3 Ba. exlnt. cond. many decorative touches. Big Pool. Asking $69,500 Cash talks. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, Inc. Corona del Mir office 2407 E11t Co11t Hwy. 675°3000 An G•ner•I ytlme 1000 LITTLE HACIENDA WOULD YOU BELIEVl •• MESA VERDE l bdtT11.s 2 baths. Assumable rnA I o a n 'vilh pay· ments including ta.'<es &. insurance, Jes.s than $160/month, & w/w car· pels, drapes, detached d o u b I e garage with DARK -RDmf etc & all for 11. totaJ price of only S25,950. Hurry! Hurry! ~ ~OATJ ~ wA.:"LAa REALTOIS --5-544461-44141- (()pon h.niftpl Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: BAYFRONT-OPEN SUN. 2·6 415 Bayside Dr. 4 Br. 41h bath home. Fam. nn. w /wet bar & BBQ. rm. for pool table. Dock for 59' 6oat. Owner leaving coon.try. . ''.'.' .. '.'' ...... ' .. ''. ''.' '' .$110,000 Kathryn Tennille CAMEO SHORES-VIEW Large3Br. home ; lam. rm. w/BBQ&!rpl ; swimming pool. .Rm. to add. Ocean & jetty view. Owner will carry 1st TD ...... $79,500 Kathryn TeMville WATERFRONT DUPLEX-$79 ,500 Open Sun. 1·6; 3409 Finley, N. B. slip & pier -custom 3 Br. -2 ba., 2 frplcs. Lge. waterfront patio; also l·Br. charming apt. vr-'deck. Open for oilers. Mary Lou Marion OPEN SUN. P.M.-VIEW, POOL 4512 Roxbury, Cameo Shores. New listing. 4 Bdrm. plus convertible den. Spacious pa· tio. Separate child's play yard. Small lease· hold. .. ............................ $69,500 Kathryn l\aulston LIDO ISLE-VIA GENOA Custom built. Beamed ceilings. La r g e South patio: landscaped by Beeson. 3 Bd· rms. 2 Baths. Ex. cond ............. S67,000 Kathryn Raulston BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME 5<6'5110 - 9 ~fonths old, bas everything for ~untiful Jiving -fam. nn., brkfst. 1"Ttl .1 ~in. rm. Great vie\v from most rooms (sit down view). Prof. landscaped. 3 Car garafe. ' ................................. $641 50 (nnrcmtmattleltrel $21,950 11 Th• Pric• OLLEGE REALTY The payment on this tieauli· ISOOM&'lall'"rbot,CM. ful VA loan is $132 per Walter Haase HARBOR VIEW HILLS month v.·hich includes taxes , and insurance. The home I :°"="°=':.'1:_ ____ 1:.:000:::.G:::;••:::•::r:.•1:_ ___ _:1.::000.::..::G.::•:.:••:.:•.::•:;1 ____ 1:.:000;.::_ he.JI l qUttn size bedrooms al.so 2 ha.th11, Double Garqe. Panoramic view from most of this Lusk 3 BR 2'h ba. home. All elec. kitch .. for· mal din. rm .. lge. fam. rm., 2 fireplaces; Soloc a Simpl< Scrmnbl<d Word Pw:zlc fOF • C1uo<klc IGANIEL I I I I I I I ~F_U_LF_E_M~-~ .. 1 Man who iurned In hi& _ I' I I I I driver's license to the 0... :::::::::::::::::::::::'.:=; partment of M<ilor Veh~ IPURIEM Ides, •1•ve given 'up driv- i.;....:l,..;;;..;;l,.;;..;.;.1:......,.1 ~, ..Jr ing on these city 1Jree1S. I L...L.-1.c....1.. -'-·__. _ _,_just don't have tho -~-----~for it.• ~1t,.E~v_v.,...1 r.,.....,..._,.;I .. c..o ....... "'"""' 8~ .' I I I I I* :~~::.~:.:. .. ""'....._.._...._ G r~i~·... I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r· I _u ..... rw ...... :1·_._I .J.-1 I I I . I I I_ I I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A·UNE Fenced Ya.rd. Carpet.I & Drape&, 1.lodem lcitchen with ll!rvjng bar. SUbmtt )'Ollr down payment. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee '1S82 Edirwt>t 842-4400 or 54().5140 Open n et. VACANT 5 BR 3 BA cpb/drpit. Lnd.scped 961 Paularino. Aat Open. SA llils Vacant 2 BR duplex. Sg1 gar $140 mo. You paint, 111 ls. L8e: option OT aell. 31211 Birch. Alao * 3 BR ta: ram rm, frplt", cpts, drpa, bit-ins, dshv.·shr. Le fnced yd. Ul\v rnA Int. 20214 Bayview, SA Hgts. Owner, Agt 847--8086. M Pt.I OWNER'S LOSS YOUR GAIN; l\todem n.nch tYPt: home,. 3 sparkling bed· TOOml ana 2 baths. O\arm- lna kitchen and fam[Jy room -IO clean :YOU can eat off the l1oor! Nevtt IO much ho~ for '° little. Priced to d at 1-25.960. CAU. DAN LEE S40-ll51 Herita.&e RM.I F'.11la~ fO()l"n t:\'t!S) 4 Bednn°$19 ,850 Sharp A: clean. 2 bat h a. t'herrful kitchen, lwn1r.; built-ins. Lat1~ • \l<tll Jand. 11e.arrd yard, p11 t ~. 1460604 TARBE~l elegantly decoraled. Asking ........ $59,950. Chuck Place LUSK RESALE, 4 BR. $59,000 Beaut. v iew from magnificent picturesque patio. Family rm. \V/cozy frpl. 3carpanet. ed garage. Superb lndscpg. w/sprinklers·. Jmmac,,tbruout. Mary 'Lou Marion OWNER WILL FINANCE lmmedlate occupancy of this luxurious 3 bdrm. view property. Perfect for couple who like ·td travel or enjoy carefree living. '''' ''''''"' '"'"".'"" "' .... $54,500 hfrs. Harvey OPEN HOUSE 1·5 4821 CORTLAND CAMEO HIGHLANDS VIEW. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Built-ins, beam ceil's. Ch,rming yard. Co. rona Del Mar High School •........ $43,950 Al Fink IA YSHORES-REDUCED $3M Now just $391000 for most charming home. in this private area. a BR. 2 Ba .. comp . re- done by pro. decorator. Move fast on this. Joe Clarkson COLDWELL, IANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CINTIR DR ., NEWPORT BEACH UJ.4700 IT'S THE SOLD THAT COUNTS! LIST with Paul-White-Carnahan and put your property in CJOOd hands. Relax - P.W.C. and the Multiple Listln9 Service will do the work for you. This means com· plete information on your property is CJiven to 850 salespeople who meet buy· ers in all areas. This assure you of CJreat· er exposure and more buyers. LIST NOW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RICHLY APPOINTED FIVl IEDROOM MANSION Lw.:urloua ~ hon'M! in BA YCREST has de~ that 1vW please a 11 members. Huge kitchen with modern built-ins + dishwubl!T, rece ssed llrhtina:, . quality curved forn1al dining room , Scpaa"atc den oH kitchen. 11idlna; doors open out to parklike yard and lovely healed Tahillan pool. 3 bath.s -all carpeted, hu~e n1a1:1ter bedroom with o\\11 private bath, 24 foot livinr room with lush wall 1'o \\,JI carpet&. A mU!t lee at $73.400 -Good terms - Vacant. S4&-5440 lAKE OVER S V• •;. FHA l!?,AN No change In interest rate, Payments ~182.00 111onlh 'that's all. Fine 3 BR home in good location. Near .school& & shoppin1. 1.Jany extras. t.I I r r o r p a n e I e d \\'all cover fireplace. Quality w/w cpt.s. Drapes. 31 x 15 Blue Haven healed pool with allde & board we.II decked. Blt-in kit. 2 baths. Also added panelled + tiled iaragc converted to rum- PUil room. A mutt .e at s:n,300 546-M4t KOOL -KOMFY - KLASSY Relax -this craciou• pool home Is a fine value. Features. 3 £ood GiM ~s plus.' !-'amily room + 1~ baths, 17 x 21 livina: room. Wall to wall cpt:s l drapes. F ireplace. Step saver kitc he n . Bit-Ins &: dish1va.sM-r. Double y ard we ll developed. Asking $32,SjQ. VA no do"'11 or min }'"J.IA terms. 546-5440 A NIFTY FOR THE THRIFTY At only $22,500 with eye openinr tenru. \Ve say don't delay. This 3 BR, 2 bath home al no down payment en VA or JotlA terms won't last. SH it today -ne-¥1)' paintt'd in· lcrior Ir: exterior. Bti~ht kite~ bill in oven ra.n&"e. dish"·asher. \\'all to "'all cptl!I in all rooms. B1k walled yard. lfuny, 51&5444 STEPS TO THE SURF Owner liquidation, \Vill sell thi1 2 BR beach home plUI 1 t>edf'oom unit oYt1' the prqe at a reduced price:. Kina llize kitchen \\·ilh modem bit-in oven, rani:e, ref rig er at o r. Canary yello1v fonnica 11ink tops. Natural wood (.'&bineu. Nict 11 v i n r room. 1~ bat h1. Co m p letely turnisbtd. A.skin&; $40,000. Make )'OW' offer. ~ PRUTIGE ARIA Thia lovely 3 Brt home ha.s hard wood Doon. 2 Baths. Spacious livinc room ~ith fireplace. Nice si7.e bedrooms. lAb of clO!let 1pact. Convenient to \Vcstcljtf shop pl nc Plaza &. ldml. tbolce Newpo'rt location. Onl7> $28.000. EZ 1.....- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MEN. WOMEN • LEARN MORE· EARN MORE Fine opportunity for experienced or inexperienctcl peopl-for o rewardin9 profeulonal R. E. CAREER -Insurance Benefits -Bonus -Openin9s now! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MASSIVE MASTH JOI lllANSNl TIRED OF RDROOM °"'"" muot ,.u S BR INFLATED fRICU? with it.s own dmsinc home in convenient loca-Call us on tbia 1 yr new • room + bath, 5 BIR, 2 tton near schools A: 1hop. BR&:: FIR, 1% bath with story -Pt1n.a de! Mar -ping. Vacant Ir. waitinc large block walled yard Immaculate home jwit 1900 eq feet. L • r I e room for pool. Tra1fie lh1ted -3 bath.~ -over toe:da.rwood eioset.s custom f1tt llvh1&' room. Fl.rple. 2400 sq feet of lll'ing al'l!a. drapes I: w/w cplll. 25 \\'/111 cpll. Dream kit.- Sparkling large kitchen -chen. e1t:.1ns. O o u b I e 1vith electric oven, + x 16 Hvina: room "'ith Kink. fonnka tops. Large range -Brk Bar -traUJe 11tone llrcplace. Tenitle ~·alk in close\3 lovely free !Iv room. l'"irplc. kitchen with bit Ins & Spanll!ih styled horm only drap~s . Park-like diahwa.~her. 2 bathi . $27,350 1vlll 1ell VA. No yard-1prinklers. Bo at ......, . ~<= do11·n or ~rt apaci. $37,950 546-~0 rnce $33,751r.J\1a .. e any offer. 546-MofO l'IOIV S46-5440 ENCHANTMENT FOR SALE At a low rttluced pritt. Immaculate 4 BR Republic Home that is toda.y's btst buy a t $35.500. Upgraded W/W cp\3 ln all room 1. Separate master bedroom with balh &. dressing room, Traiflc h'ee liv room. Flrp)c. TelTllic kif. Bric Bar. 811-im. Ex- pensive indoor outdoor w/1v carpe~. Perfe c t ya r d. Patio. "1e\t land st"ap ed. Call 00\V. 546-5440 t IEDROOM MUA VlRDl l IR./FAM. RM. ~tter hurry this v;on't 111.111. Buyer may assume 514.'if. VA IOIUl with pymbl of $150. month includes all. 1% lmtM. I I a I I sho\\-er. Ls.Jire 11 v I n g room. \.\•ith fireplace, V.'/W Cp[s + drapes. Ex. cellent location n e a r achools &: 1hopping. Wat~r 80ftener. Nict covered $26,900. 546-5440 llAUTYI l RDROOM Ncl"d el.bow room? Thi11 CONDOMINIUM Ideal family home has I.Ive r uy In your own over 2400 aq feet o( .livin&: -home. No 0 u t 11 I d 11 area! Immaculate eon-. ditlon Inside &: out. Hieb maintenance lo do. :.! mi.cit' new w/1v cpts & bath.'!. 2 11tory. ~'paciolJS drapts. J baths.-Great 11 v In r room w i l h Io cation. Professionally fireplace:. w/w cpts &; Ja.nd.scaped. pool s I z e .. _ V k _ . -~ S , kl ~tlo ll.i-.pe1. \ al to luupp1na: yaro. pnn ers. r• . On I y S 31, O O O EZ center, school. A must iee te:nns 546-M40 a t $3:1,500 54&-0440 RUSTIC llAUTY NEWPORT HACH Just listed 3 BR. Ru!tic ho m e on tree shaded stttet. Early American, <'XIXISt'd beam ceiling liv- ing room . Hure floor to celling used brick F'P • Terrific klcation. Near Harbor Htgh &: \Vestdift Shopping Ccnlcr. W/\Y cpl& It. drapes. Comtt location. Price $34,!JjQ. EZ tc1ms COLLEGE PARK J Q , I. FAM. .lM. This nice borne has bttn c o mplete rtt0Cdit~ throuzhout. New paint, nev.· carpeU. l ~ bathl, .U cltttrlc built-in oven 4 ranaP.. O>pper plumbjn(. Larae yard-room t o r trailer. Price $27.00l EZ tenn11. 546-5440 I Open House, Sunday 12130 to 5130 I J07Z TAYLOR Lovely 3 Bdrm., tam rm. home "'ith heatrd pool + slide. Ideal for family fun -1 '6 baths. ~ra:e llvlna; room, quaJlty w/1v carpets • drapes. l\lany e:<tras. Price $31,300. 546-6440 977 PAULARINO t HDROOMS, l IATHS Drop by after church and inspect this Immaculate home. Just listed - ;1400 1q. ft. Ideal bl t·ln kit. Spacious llvlna room. Quality w/w carpet.I thruout. Lov~ly yard, fl!nced. t prlnk .. lera. Only JJ,1,000. E-Z ttrms. 5'6'5440 PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN fte•Ull C•. 1093 IAKER STREn, COSTA MESA 546-5440 • • ' ---·--·------------• ' . ..._,.,23,lM l'Oll SALi HOUSIS. l'_oit SALi HOUll.1..l'Oll SAi.i -HOUHS.l'Oll IA&.1-HOUHI ,. SAL-I ... HCIUlll"l'Olt SALl~l~ii'~l~l'~Olti-UiUii~ou5•·~wi. ~Oll~SA~t•i;J lrw~~~~i~~~~j;~~i~~l~~fh;;~~~~·;;;;;;~1-~~0~-~.~~~==~~ii~i·~~i-~ih~·~·~,~-~~~~~i-~·~·i·~~~1 ~~~~--~--~~~ iii alAllMING Bade ""1 I la p. n ·ft n -· "i, .,. POil uoo isu LOCKED OUT of ~.~~::..-lllYE I IEFUIE w. STAI~ ' •14 V.:>al'l'fl Ktlalt °'l"N HouSI 1.s Ml ¥1Elf. a poo1 .,..,. New bonlu, ready to move Jn. 1 1o·1 bell-· I I I , 1 . 'll>at'• riPt. -year SAT. & SUN. YOUI NEW HOME beltboy.3Br,3Blea-l'001DJ,21o3batba.!;mllefrolll~h.,,,..t Pn~n iD -11) llllo ~ '*"" 119 VIA ZUR,l~H -t l9llO' ••••• payment up '° eo days --Jn. .a II-pool -• bulll O>e<dl>I 3 Md.--•-ll2,IOO. '" GIS VA/l'HA T.-,....,. mtlll' 111 j&tW:ld. Don't 'wotr)' about with a ,,...t )ocltlotl; b f trik "' """' 1 "" DOVER SHORES -NIW LISTING! This .,.._ '"" olcle, ,.u hH ....U polio a aund<dl, eel 118 Q I es. • • DELu~ ,..,.._,.., ~. 2 • view home ii cuatom built" elegantly decor-....... the .... ,.,. .... Jn. briclt -!!I :;:rSr!°"'...:;,""°· Xlnt I The -Beach -a1ed" by-J:-H. Bl(ger:-J bdrml, 3\i baths, -,.,... o., .... T--•, ~~~~~· We havo two new 4-bed"'°"'. homu Rood• Howl I-======== (on 11-~-~ I mllo -of AUm•I maid's room, !ormal dining"'°"'• adult fain--~·~ ·~--~ ' Nowport Ho.lthls 1210 ·-"""" ilyroomwllhsunk..imwetbar&fireplace.sep-You'D ""',...... """".,., 1>1.llo You •elect carpet color. 962 °1353 arate teenage .,.....lion room with wet bar :r": i:,.m:tll~= s.e Jae .,........, a., m<JIJI '2.IGO ~vu you In Gi.D Illar West. Sii THIS FOR PRICI 0 I -opening to pool It patio area. C b e e r y, londocaped Pont 1o back, Your new home Is In a prime AND COMPARE Lido Isle IUI HOUSES P R SAL bright. built.in eleclr1c kitchen with suMy except ror 1he "'"'~' Huntington Btacll locatlon. Spac""" nvtnc nn. • ,..,11y ....,;;;;;..;=----'=I Huntl....._ ....,. 1411 breakfast area overlooklng bay. 3 car gar,gi ~~ ...... ~.ot .. tllll. ~'! Only $23.950 nn. l ........... SIOnt lrple. LOVI L y LIDO HOM!!: .... -. w 11 b automatic garage o~ner. IJ\tercom, ·~·"' ·-·~ -Co 1 11 fin ~ .,... HW doors. N.....,.... cus1mn -· .,. radiant beat. Approx. 3700 1q ft of huurtous • "'°""' • .,..._ -din-nvent on ancinf. Cl<an A lbuf>. Good H-J;>on Koll. 3 -Br. • GHOST IN family llvlng. ine a: a bla llvlnS room, A Just $2M per month pay1 all! atft. 1 Blk from aur Dr. 2 ha. on 2nd &or: llvlns THE Fllmu .a CE tidJ' kllchen &I•• -RI AL TOllS Bullt-lns fencing ll1ht fixtures iricluded HAWAIIAN LAM&I nn., dln. rm., lamlly rm. A "".,. home mWr U.. -• mod-673-.... 00 ' ' . .., -~ hf 11oor N or i. It only • .,. --$JOOO PRICE RIDUCTlONI B~ycrest -Va<>-'"' o1 """"'"'"'-. n>il ..., In purclwe price. W•ll kept l sha>i> l bedroom ~--er nn. on · .. anl Deslfoed for relaxed famJJv llving. Most l•n"~c 0 -or , ~-· ~··/;;:=:::::;::::;;:;;:;::/ home with krve],y tmplcal thin& finer tor 1he price. aingins: • happy *?"C. ln the . cl d , 'bdr d uiau' '"" .... "" "'Y lanai, kitchen l>Jt·fnl. dlnlnr $8i,500 chimney of this Jc:db-, bi'and popular oor plan ID u •• • ms .. en, .. • Ol'EN HOUSE • Call Mr. Randazzo at (714) 962-4456 rm., bri<k --Carage on LIDO REAL TY INC. new, ""'""'."""' 2 li>!ll family room & formal dining room. Kitchen $31,950 Frl/s.t/S.... 1_5 alloy pluo.bo&Vtrir -· 3400 vta Udo 673-8830 home! Really, ,_. ham't overlooks large pool. lovely garden. A•klntr 131.500. LARGE FAMILY? ""'" time ftir a iholt 10 1 WESTCL IFF -Vacant. This 3 bdnn, lam" ity room & dining room home is ready for a family to gel settled before scbOOI starts - & a pool ready for swJmming. Low mainten- ' ance yard. 1224 Nottlnghem Rd. !Sunday 1·5) Office Open Seturd1y1 & Sundeys PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 Wftfc liff Dr., N.I . 642-5200 Au'.imabl~ >ow lnt~rat VA hi::-lnof co:t, :::dttddia~ Selet Office Open: 10 A.M. 'til 5:30 P.M. Delly IF YOU WANT THE New Encland charm. 5 lid-~~:!n~ ~ klan available. 2813 Dnke Ave., !ifesa Del BEST , nni., din. A: tam, nna., 5 new .t: rMdy tar you ID move Mar. 3 BR., lam. nn. home. Thi• ii the best home on the bas., worknn. 3rd Cat Q.ce. lnto before tc:hocl. Great Fenced rear yard wllae. M V rd l I IO •lrttt for pride or owner-50' lot. . BIG So, pt.tJo. kitchen filled with built.In covered patio • play area. ~Olf• Meta 1100 •11 e e &hip, Pre1Uae 3 bedroom.I, .$105,000. appliances indud.Jnc n.qre, 127,lOO. 2 Story & Pool 126.950 Auume Sii% ra;, 3 family nn., 2 """"· p1., • R. c. GREER, a .. 1,,. oven, diohwuber, d- ORANGE COUNTY'S f;"'" 8R, ' BA bOautllul patlo ......V. boo"' room. IG,!QJ m; V1a Llcto 67J.9.100 wall/wall .,.,,...,,., drape~ LARGEST 21I07S.nt1An1Avo. home.Vocant°'""1'.0peo = • 316 RUBY ST 10.,r.oclng,Oont,....lond. 15166 Golden Wot! OPEN SAT & SUN ""'" Sat • Sun 1-s. 9! ,... • ocaping wUh lpli!>tdtn. Hunringtop Beach 5 BR, 3 BA. trplc, dlnina: 545-.f2l!5 -·----3 BR, family room. Open Only $27.lBO. VA, !1tA or tf4.5313 34.l.l East O>ut Hwy. rm, family rm, plus rues11 c1;-:B:;D:;RM=.-=showp!ace==--.,,,.._, l I A L T \' hou.lle SUnday l·S.. Near c.onvtntional. 6801 Luct.m l' ... ""'i::::""""tCo~ro~no~de~l~Mar;~~67;5-.1~7:4.l:J houSf' with kitchen, bath. resslonally landaca--' by N'ear Npl. Post ore:, 646-2~14 North Bay, $58,000; House In Drive. <n4) 5.n.1400. De.lb Ba anrl l'vi.... ~ I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Al condition, 11...A.?if to 7 P.1'1. Bkr. YCNSt ' .• ""· owner !46-0!79 Wllll1m Winton POOL SIDE sm down -\Vill VA l "'"'!'~~""'~""'l!!i!'~I You'll love entertainins in NEWPORT REAL TY De•tr Shores '. 1227 Real Estate 675-3331 4 a.droom V•cint UU. channing 1 bdnn, Jua' COCKTAILS & INVESTMENT Coll ... Pork 1115 _ _ _ _ _ BUNGALOW tor 2. beamed $21,tlO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!I family room, fonnal dinmg Th.ls home ii ln a beautiful Ml-0588 a.n;ytime Assume 4¥•"• r: ...__ ~ celllnp frpl 2 lm&ll Hua:e corntt location Jilth 1000 General 1000 =ing~M~:wSc:= pttsti&e ~· in back bl,y • Wntdlff Plaza GI LMn ror sale by Uwner Bedrm'~ onec, bath. xh1t country atmorphere, With • 1941 WINDWARD, N.B. 3 large bedroorna, 2 ovusJ.i.. 4 Bdrm, 1% Ba. 26' liv rm. cond. St to St. Via Koron. libtle paint UU. home. wid ,GeMr1I i;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;.1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;:;:;;~1 OP~ SATURDAY 1-5 ed baths, fOO 14. ·ft, enclo-. Jun 1 block tr:om th.ii sparlc-RIO, dlhwhr, dbl ear pr, SpaciOUI custom 2·story ex-$39,750. 213:799-8771 be •beauty. Dftp pile av- 1' VACHIT HOME ed sun room enttring onto Jlne, landacaped, dtsltrier tncd, Blk to achl• a: shop's. eeuUve home. Larre fotTnal * 4 BR, 3 BA. Auumable ocado ahaa'. ~a. Mod. Open Th ia Wnkencl Ml • the pool and• ~utilul pr. home. 3 apacious bdnna, Vacant DI 950 ma Cor-dining room. Panel@d den S~% 1 8 em built in kitchen ft Mom. 927 l'ORONADO OR. .. <SUNDAY ONLY ) VA APPRAISAL . Just ar- ,ri\•ed • $29.130, No do\\-'11 • only closing cos1s to nlO'IM .in. 3 bdrm, 2 baths on eor· 'l1fr with 00..t area etc. Lefs IO . ri.(ht ncrw.psymenta Je5s than rent~ 1 1815 ~tAUI CIRCLE fabulous S month old Iarae c:uatom home close to golf coutW. l 11tot'Y • thake roof. Ainin& .l brea.kful 1.1-ea, 4 "'bdrms etc. lmrr.~late occupancy Jor \~!~anZ,, ~!!!'!~.t :'~~~~:.=Jot. ~~:rn: HJJoo;~l::-"'="=·-616-,,.·-=-,,.....·,, .... ~·-·,...,..-~\ ti~w~w~~~3t=""=·=""=· =:!:.=im==y=o=wncr=. ~~y =: ~ your tamDY Newly deCOrat-Harbor High. Early Amw-~'ant perftcl. landscaphig 3 BR, 2 BA. Separate ~est bdr, 3% baths. Garden en-lJk' rent Also FHA avail- ed l fully · carpeted Ideal can, 3 bdnn, l~i bath home. ~ this hon>e toda.Y CALL room w/bath. Pool. 6"-% try, View of bey A: moon-Balbu l1l1ncf 1355 abl,, CtJ.1 location near We:slcllfi Plaza 600 Al.DEAN OPEN SAT/ 5f0.U51 Herftage RH-t Es-loan. By Owner. 545-1'813 tairnl. $82.500. '41-21$1 WE SILL A HOMl!i s.. thb !ov"y 3 lxlnn horn; SUN r-> ORANGE COUNTY'S '"''",,,"==-==""""== 1200 ~ 212 SAPP!ilRE EVERY 31 Ml,.UTES today, &% private par1y fl. LARGEST BIG LOT. IJ'ITLE HOUSE. ;No;;w~po;rt;;;~lle;•;•;h;;;;;;;;/ *UNIQUELY 3 BR, 2 BA &: den. 24 x 30 w lk & L nancing . m loan chllrges. JEAN SMITH, 293 E. 17th St., 646-MM Oltt Ir: clean 1% bat.1'1, MW Different "Old World" Co.n. brick patio, exposed beam a er ee OPEN SAT/5UN 1-5 R~'--r carpets, compl@ttly furflWl-temporary, executive lux-ceilJnp, completely remod. 45' W. l'llh St., CM -""' $23,500 ed. """"-°"'" M.,.. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 ';[! ~-oMm '· VUUnobltn>cted By owoer $52,lOO. ""°"" ..,:= :;''~110 Newport 646-3255 WATERFALL ...... $15.950. CAIL GLEN '28 62nd Street -Y ~ "' -moat rm• 400 E. 17th C.O.ta ~1eu Larae covered patio, BBQ. QUEEN 540-llW. Heritaae EXQUISITE 4 Jldr, Water-m> aq ft. 4 Br, 4" Ba + Hunti""'" &Nch 1400 Open .,ws. Bia bedrooms, invttin& fire. Real Estate front homl-. WW trade for mak!a qtrs, Ideal for enter-ll'45 Foxhall Dr. ... 1....... Full .41..;,.,. room home in San D"'-Valley. ta.intne. Easy maint, Iouned NO NOISE Ideally aituattd on 1'eacb ~·· --·• . FIXl!R·Ul'PER .. ,. Occup&ncy Fumr.hed Blvd. near ocean. ""°'· l SAT & SUN I to 5 Sprinkl•"'· Beat flnlnclns! POLLY BLEEKER 645'1tm ~18 000 •~---••a:•·•-"" -379 SantA Ju.bel 5t0-t720 3 BR. Vacant. R-2 Lot. ...... • • ~ ... •oo: y,_ '" _..,_ NO TRAFFIC °"' boule in eat. Victoria OPEN II -II 4 Bedroom" 2\1 ball••, den TARBELL 2955 Horbor 196ll FULLERTON AVE. NEWPORT SHORES Box 1632 N.B. 548-7241 . Pollo con-. to ._. 1812 row; STREET !anytime) • tonnal dining room. 0rop S BEDROOM 115,r"° -10% Down . By appointment .• ONLY 9UIET Huie 1111. Pool,...,.. ..... (ror. Cali!oml& St.l by'"'.,. how nlco a home c.n, MR. ROBINSON BEAMED ..Ulna• through-Coron1 def Mir 1250 LONELY IEACHI clbhse. Con own lea than {SATURDAY ONLY) I ~=======::ti c:11n ~. + l IATH -$2',9501 Davia Realty 642--7000 out. 3 Bdr, 2 Ba, bullt·in 'Brand new home on cha.rm· ~~ SUn. :J-5.. ~ E."'(ceptionallyclea.nll: tam-I ' N POOL kitchen. ImrMdtate P<Msn-604~~·JR.CH1o 1iJg cul-de·sac with no traf. ~=~=~==~-1 'Dy room -room for boat. ewport Beach fi1k about reeJ Wnlly Uvinc 511401 LOAN .!'°E~; !*in&PARTCH$2S,~ .• ,,1...... New twin dupleite1. 3 Br. tlc. no noise&: you can walk WHY PAY RENT? er,c:amptt,etc:.tmmed---View-$39,500 ata•pricetoHtyoU?budiet 74 10 t::J ~ ,,.._.,,., to the beac:h? 3 B<lrma, 2 Yr. old Spanl1h atyJ.t, A• ia1e poaseuion. Offered a.t Th" ~-1 I .. see this! Rich "''OOd panel. 4 BR with pool tam room, BARGAIN AT $24,tlO ~-~.' 2 Br. 2 ba. ~.500 'bath.I, living, dlninr &: tam. tume 6'4 % fllA lo&n. 3 Bit.., ....,""" 1s '"'"'t' s ready to bt IV· tTOO Neti.'J)Ort ~TI71 ,_ "--.1---e bar El nt I" •· N chool, •. •· Sii DAHLIA n.. All 1 kit hen ~ BBQ bl'·· '" lo ...,.,,"""'. ed In now It' cant ..... ,..,..........,.., · ep ,., ""'· ear 1 1 .. ""'· Contemporary Design UJ ft>Ol1l. I"" c: pa...,, ' ..... .,...,,. "&546·5110 a beauiitui 4 ~~mv; bath BAYFRONT APT. fi.ttplace. Excdlent areL Cout Pl.au.. lmmtd pop, 3 BR 2 BA built'-2 Nf'W dupl~<. -·dy for occu-with l"lDge:. self c~ roll counie, pool P!.'50 nurmw.ttlllliWI home with an unobstructed Vi ta Dd Lido P\ A: alip 5fG.1T20 Cell Martin Rltr. S4S-6332 ~Qui k' :u.111, ...... own, di.s.bwuher, diaposal CORll~RTIN ' -~::~;i:;i ~~o:,.:~':.~u:; .~.bl •. ~~·" ....... TA,oolRBE~L s2'2"4Hs1orobo1r Better Colege Park POLLY .~~imo '6isE~J~~:~~soo. ~~":"~~.:rt ~~~. Hwy .• ~~sc t~~~~~"!'!~~!!I new, an built tn kltc:hen and G Wiiii '11Son -1 SALISPEOPLE master bedroom with own P VALUE PACKED ii cleaner than new. See it, eorge a Newly decorated. Family tun 3 BR hdme. extru ioclude WANTID: .4c°~'Y.1FR1NK&.i: private bath. Completely Be1utlful luyl . , OPEN HOUSES ........ will lov it. REALETOR 67., •= .. • in the pool. BeautiM 1idf bia: fam rm. $28,500, Open RAPIDLY --... .... u .... com-fenced, privatr eate, front Larae 4 bdrm \haJ<e niof~ .. ..~-e 673-4350 Wll, .,.....,.,.., ... tio w'1th trellt.twining vln. Sat &: SUn W. 'l372 ItuJ&tn.. ...., _ .. ~!....-we REAL TOR landscaping. lmmedlate oo-be 21t ba•"--~ S!6-ll093-. ---'""" .., •• ----. e 6'13-2'222 e '2!.99o auty-"!Vtth 7a "18• al I r SAT/SUN 1TO5 • 3 BR 1'~ b&ttui carpets ea • nice BBQ. GeiierUua\--,,=,,,-~===--1 have many out-of-town bu.y-1----C===='"--I rA, a,~.t.. ... al. -(~:; only $25,000. Oeck out-~v~ $.$ -AJswne S~% Ln. 3 ,&.:._ -~ d' sized bedroomt Form.al din. HOME le INCOME en. * SACRIFICE * ........... stand!rw tmns on this ran ..BR. on quiet CIJl.de.sac, drapes, -..r;e fci-..-. ya~ ' Ing room. ' S BR home avail for own BELLE PARTCH 645-1070 Fabuloua view home In 968-l99'7. 2191.l Summer find. 2911 Paper Ln. ORANGE COUNTY'S ~~:. -lmm!d, poa!ession. 142""691 TARBELL 2 BR home is rtnttd Corona del Mar. 3 BR. fam O.rcle, H.B. Bkr. Pacific Sho~s Jtealty • LARGl!ST Well .. MeCerdla, Rlfn. Bro1dm-Bey View Nr Hnpu Sehl. Ownor JAY w. YEATS co. rm. 211 Ba, pool, all new, ....... ~$'!'16l",5!!'00~-!!!11!/34!""' Eves, llU'IO! Pril't'd at mA • •• ••• $36,!IOO 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 1810 Newport Blvd., C.fif. NE\V OFFERING Ml-!460 371 Newport Blvd., NB a Pp I I a n c e 1 ' new I y I ~~ dint-• ~am. room deeorated, landscaped. Xtra 3 BR 2 bath, electric built· Reduced $25 500 Dl'iflt ..P-:i po; Ln.. . -REDUCED $1000-548-7729 anytime O:lmer poolsb:e Jot with ocean A'ITRACTIVE TownhouM, 3 R:ft•••w H!W.. l&'ll living rm w/frplc:, lie in range & oven, p.rbage • ' l""~~'!"!''!'!!!'!'~""''"I A: bay vil!\v; 4 Br., tam. rm ., BR. 2~; BA. Pool, clbh.lt. •--ta Occu 1 ti dj.sposal, FA heal double Near ocean -Owner n:.n> ! • MESA VERDE fonnal din. e:xtenaive dttk· Nice 1arden A: patio. 5%% LIKE to live on • amaU c:"""" · pancy n me prqe with boat door. '10x fernd. LuxurioU. 2-1tory. 4 I 'l'rtt Wded prden rourt; Sharp l bdnn 2 bath Condo, LARGE FAMILY RM. lfll w/ta.ntutic: v it w a! loan. $21,T';Jl.l. 545-1933 i~Iand1' For ~ by owner for school. Price ~ 101' fe~ Jot, carpets, bdr, 2 ba.. fireplace , din m\. I , ~ hl.,<ay Duplex C.dM. in choice Joc:a.tioo acrnss $26,500 $69,500. BY OWNER S23 SOD due to divorce. Charmln1 from $69,500 to 59,500 for drapes. $1850 down • pay. elect bit-ins, 2-car car. cptJ, 441 FernlHf from pool ~ club house. Spacious. home • hand.aome Ch~hlre Ruf Eitate 3 Bdrm., 2 ba .. crpt$., drpl., ::·2°~;.,~ ~~ :!.C::m aaJ~ ~~ncow;: ment leas than rem. dtp1. Nr school. aboppiJW "b~i :n-roun:in. quiet gar. Priced ~qu~:~ ~1 .,· breakfast bar in family room ~2500 639-54!2 frplc. 2 patios. 6""°% GI completely rem ode Jed. . ,o"'rtve'°"'.~~~rn,........,... g ~~r :"wcl191usl4ve cntz7 d1rlt. 1den':"J~t ~r .. 2 BR. & 140'"'t;'~~ C:ne adjoins the dream hlxury 1'99 TUSTIN &. 20TH loan. 646-'ro34 modern klt. w/bltns. Lots -. OPEN HOUSES i A" 1 !f!'1UJM vw~ - den. kitchen, .hullt·lns. 2• baths. CUstom buUt & beautltuL 20 S8SOO euh . a.asume 5%.% of 1toraae. Used brick lrplc 2915 CATALPA, EastbluUJ:, T'!!'T~ COOL POOL 1301 Bonnie Doon• ~ Formalihnlngroom .5-IO-lTZO X24Livina;rm.famllynn. FHA Joan. $131 mo. le. 3 Ii: dlnln& room wal l . Sat / Sun. 1-5. Spotleu.l,,,===~~-~~1 2Storyhomeforgra.douallv. e ii & TARBELL 2955 Harbor area plus Iat. paneled din. br., hm. "93 Meyer Pl., Bathrooma new w/aunken VIEW; 4 BR. or l & den. GLEN MAR by Owner; 4 Br, ing. 3 huge bdrms, 26' tarn: Contempora.ry ~rnh. Ch\•n. • ;j;f .-i~] $31,500 -S BEDROOM nn. 2 BR_.., l~ baths, Cptl, eor. Seal. ~~lyLrrpam .. -:i:e:~ t~'t::: Move in before school 1tarta. 1~ ba, fireplace. d.6hwhr, or eame nn. Is dln area. _rr will finance w/$30C<I down. -· •• Jr eslate grounds _ room d.rps, blt-1ns. $32.(Q). 3 BR heme + den on eomer bl~. aprnklrs. New paint Year old 30' pool, Shl.1'P! llOOI Norton V COMPANV ~~ lll\fil!~te • OWNER 646-28« lot. Bac:ka--on alMy. 54l-~ AcroY at. . froi:!_I Bay on 2 nT POP.PY.....An....SWl......kS;.. inside & out; very c:lean. _Qnty S¥i MO CALL MR. r-~ HA L PINCHIN *..,..1:f771 Anytime * prclly shunen, drw.pea & 2 _ 4 _ 6 _I FHA bm Only $26,960. 2288 5ii:1HT 3D1Ks. ~ocean. ideal brighl airy family GOOd l'lt'igtiborhood. 600 1q. NELSON 54Q..lW Heriti.&'9 l ::=:=:=:=:=:=i::::i~I carpetlna. 2 atory. Fire· UNITS Meyer. 548-6252 Rltr $42,500 buys thll 4 Br home. 'hom~ sun-oufided by Jowly ft. patio. Lots of cement A Real Estate &. ASSOCIATES l '" 1 ....... 4008 Marcus, NB 6'1>G3 or --..., countrv. allnosphere. raised plantrrs. Garage, --,5,.,.,,.,"°""''G~==~-1 DOVER SHORES P a~e . .,, m';S l'r ""'""i:oc'~ . Take Your plc:k 3 BORM .• 130 n'. WIDE 49f..M20, u..,..., SEMPLE handymans dream, c:abnta. ,.,<;it .L $17S -MO. 675-4392 ~dlOOnal fi replace 111. ~V· Pyramid Exchangon 646-212!1 • ,,._. al---t new cp.. 1 m•· all chain •lo-• walk Ne1vport \Vest 3 BR, 2 BA. ANYTIME mg room. Fonnal dm.ang &A>'&, ...... • I/I REAL ESTATE .,..... f ,, mJ to buch GE DRIVE IY VIEW room_ All electr ic "A\\·ard" B~~ER, 4 :; 2% :'"· .$21,<m. OWNER 541-«165 TIRED HOUSE! GR E A"T 7515 E. Coalit Hwy. 815-2101 !:i ~e~C ~.~~~i:· 2 k~ ~;~~ dr]>a, t~ 0 push button bullt·il'lll. Tru.ly J :n;; !W&-~ · 3 Br, den. 2 Ba, aUached 2 NEIGHBORHOOD! "Fixer· <cr;u;;,;;:10;;m;;-<cr;o;;n;;te;m;;;;;po;;;r;;,;,..,; I~~~~~~~~-I patio, fenced, land1e1.ped, JIG 5 IEDRO M 113' Santiago Drive exceptional! ~1 720 _ • ear prg. I: lndry nn. Upper'' that will tt'lDy pay 0 bu h be tltul 1 BY OWNER trplc:. New paint ;27,900. $2l,§QQ OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 TARBELL 2955 Harbor ,, ~3-9142 or S30-m5 otf! 4 bedroomt:, 2-% bathl, yr°"'ne: ~~ bu~~ horn~. Owner will take 2nd. 22022 3-WJ aq ft of luxury under VA REPO Cotta Mesa 1100 3 BR, lg. R-2 Jot. near Rrvice room. Le.rp Hv\nr 3 Br. 2 Ba, lg. Uvina nn l Walk to Beac:h, '1 months Capistrano Ln. HB 540-9MS !t will be held open Ofl Sun-Spanish tile roof. 4 lxtnns. sc:hoola, C.M. Hrta. $21,000 room, kitchen Ir family room family rm, kits of slau &: new. Adult oc:cupil!d. Up-or 968-4132 day from 1 to '· go by and family room, 311,, baths, 28x G 'I R Owner MJ-4245 open onto qarldinz pool. wood. Pvt. llvtng behirxt graded cpta I d.,,., 4 BR., -,~u~.400=/~Bo~.-,~o~.-"'-... ;, "" "'''" " """' '" '""'><'"' atrium wtlh $1250 DOWN OV epO Exlrl ,1., ,...., ,.,.. walled courtyd. m Coldon. tomtdlnlng nn. ''"'· lri1c1> 6* arudous, wUI sell FHA or retractlble roor for enter· Mew Del M.r 1105 ....... ,ah tor volley bill or $6340 Down/$1 /Me. VA tenns. n·5 s bedroom 2 lalning ln any \\-eathc:r. 27x 2 story l BR + fam + bonus $1250 down pt,Y"tMnt to any. --... ti 1Y JR. rod. Can for appoint 613-MGI. en. Indoor I outdoor patia. 5%% + 1,~ MMJ • aisume bath on a big klt. The ad-71' txinus room O\'tr 3 c:ar DAVIDSON Rea~ty one-. 2 atory bonus room It IMMID. OCCUPANCY ~t~~~rlc:e S79.S00hy 0\\'llt'r. AuumefllA.loan.Dlneasln .$19,060k>an.3BR 2 ba. ~~ ~,,2,.11 hlonte Vista in g.o"""'d· ~!Wv1clyndcarpcd1. 546-M5'60 V d Eves.$54 23 , 9 ,, 50 42 ~ w.indl"'.:-~earLonewt 4 IR IY OWNll onb' $46,000. ~ BinY 2TBHE+SEA d ~~Y. 96&-llTS &tter 6:30 .. ~~!~?0A;atRchE1~Y••" I u.o .... " · , 1-a~. a scape . es• •r e _ , ~.......,. reco uuo""'. wes Pe.rfect cond ne..r acbools lty & hich ... ,,ann g r. conv. en ......... Price below repla cemenl No Down G.I. po11\ble lnterMt to veta M fam. nn. 2 Ba. 561315 ' R fly I + fonnal din, nn.; attic VACANT 870 \Varner, F.V. 842~ I 103 ~ r. v·--~ u • nc. 2 !rpt ailed -~ 3 bdnn Inn condl"· \Y ASSUME '" O ,uuv. Desirable area 3 bedroom11 non·ve .•• , .... ~-tee , ...... ay. t>cWer s apace, .: w ·-· ew .... n. as s ~c•/. L AN j ~ Roy J . W•r~ Co. 2 baths. euui Jn range&_ CALL DAVE MYHRE Meta Verde 1110 =-~ or1;,;es,'"~~ den, VIE\V of ocean Ir: jet-ad.Wt occupied. Extremely 4 BR, 2 BA, elec kit. blJ f (8ayce1t OUiceJ oven. Freahly painted. Ex. 540-llSl H«ita&e Rn.I £a. ty. Steps to beac:h, Auume la.rre m .. ter bdnn, B r ick y&rd, quiet Oil~ aac. 200II r ORANGE COUNTY'S 1"30 Gala.v Dr. 646-1550 quilritc c I 0 s I ng coats tate OWNER TR.ANSl'ERRED OPEN SAT A: SUn. 44.2 loan at 6~%. $1111,!iOO. fireplace. All bullt·ln kttchtn :r.foontlde 962·1~ Owner I ~!!!!!!~~~..,~~"l'l~54()..t1'.20 · Priced for innnedlate ale R I v er 1 Ide Dr.. N.B. Walker Rlty. 67s.5200 appllanc:e1 Purchued leu l LARGEST Swffplng Ocean View I AR BELL 2955 Harbor POOL HOME at $27,950, Imm a cut ate Prt•ttre Cllltom home:. 4 • Broadmoor'Bav View than 1 ye., aao. Owner -'µs,-"-ooo-'-. ~O~UP=l£X=~--1 I m E. 17th St., '46-4494 Reel ed $5 000 Immaculate 4 BR Mesa Del home wt th 3 tw.rshred BR lge. rurJ!l>UJ rm.. 4-1 mUAit -w1ll take S2SOO down UC ' Mar home eompltt. wilh bdrm&, 2 ~ baths, leve:L Fenced yd., 2 fn>lcs, Front aeat, box seat, lo(res & Ja3" all eo1ts. Priced low l COOl & LOVELY . . $30,0001 . ' ATIRACTIYE manicured lawn A cltamlnr Wse famDy room, double blt·inl, ovtrstzed pr. on -you have them aD bere at $24,960. t -2 BR. 2 ba th. 4 -art ~ Pacit1c:, ~unsets &: ga.i]boata. 4 bdnn 3 bath stom built -1 ,_ ft of klw railed hearth tinPla:ce, ~"" alley. POol alze lot Ctpta, In thll lovcly 4 BR and tam-..,..,_ T--me 1-t mo'.· -~ ., Kine s1Ud bedrooms 2 . c:u ........,.. -tq arac ner lot A quiet CUl-dt-tac. ·~· -ily room home wiU. an all ,.. ..... _ .u"'v RV i:... I 'irMcs new deilan by Ivan bath•, family room. Difiina WrstcliU ~me. Ddlibttul llvina. HIJ"h 514" Joan can Cal.I ~. Sou.th Cout drpl................ time bty & ocean 'flew. terms. Owner wanta otrer. 'well& Will be ready for you room. Bullt·ln -kilchen . pool t patio. be UIUmed with no loan RMI Etta~. UNITS Former model borne, prof. R. 0. SLATES <In -1"' "hool. 1 """"· ciwmtna btta1c1ut room. EXCEPTIONAL ,.._ l'Ull """only 133• 950 · IMMEDIATE ""'-'°"' choa, :iJM '"°"'"' • '"'-· 113'000 1 -.;mUiiiiiB.>iiiuiill ~"~'-3>10~;,_~~.,._;...._~~I .3 ba + pov.·d~r rm. Beam. Pule -like grounds. Im· CALL LARRY 5f0.l151 Htrl-· van. f the WI · Cheshire Real E1tat. NEW Spanish ?ilod Duplex. • .ed c:e.Uing enlry livlng nn &: medlate pos;tession. 5't0-11'20 5 bdrm 3~~ belh Ba)tttts1 tlCe Real Estate OCCUPANCY a ~&XI 1e inwltor. 115-2SOO Q9.S.&12 ·Oco.n Vu. 3 Br, 2 BA + l' ;oepon1, !om...t dining nn. TA"RBELL 29" Harbor home. All 1"11• ""'"''· i.ovt. COLLEGE PARK 1 B•l "°· 20110,. tt. """" "Pit'oPiRT71'S':'isT READY FOR YOU .,.. 2 Bil. crpt., ""'' Rlch panelled family nn. OPEN ly muter suite. Out ol town owner 'l't&htl to extru. $44,~ 5%'Ao Joan. 1028 8 Ide NB 67Hl30 READY FOR SCHOOL 4 levels at IUXW')' livlfW, 4 trplC', dswhr, aundec:ll. 10 'with rirtplace ~ w&lk·ID ... ~ Arnold & Freucl aell thelr lovtly 3 Br, f&Dlib' Drtw by and can I« aPPtl'lt. """"""'"""'"=''='='"""~ bdrms. 3 balN:, formal di~ main!. $44,SOO. Ope.n Sat ' .bu. SpadoUs muter becJ. SAT&SUN1to 5 lSS E.t?ta St..Cl\J :i~·l'!.i~frpl·':: 1834 Se.mar Dr. Owner. 4 ~~·::!~~bcr r~~'1~=1• 3 8drmi., ~~1=t~u't:':iar::1! Sun l-5. no 9th st, H.B. .i'OOO'I "'i lh opulent Roman 460 E. 21st. St. Realtors M&-'M'$ yd l*tlo. MS-6221 1959 VISTA CAUDAL Undbofl Co. 53&-2579 :!.e "';~ ::::";r.,C:~ ~!~ ~=r w.: ~~ :;:o·P1~ ~~ 5Vc% Assumable LHn ~1~ 1t ~~ 3F;:: Open Sal l Sun. 1-5 = ::':~.=. Ust Prtced / iiE!_llx•oc•ut&f,,. ..... Mliioin;i;to"liiiia/ .J<.r ..-yud pool•,..,.,. nnanc'"' 1~%. Doo'I mo• UNHEARDOf 12131 2451100; ""· (llS) N.:;. ";.~twl'tua,/ ,~_3,.bdr, 1~ Crpts. ""-.,..,, Xlru. , BOYD Rl!ALTY MUTUAL REAL TY h VJtw of the ba1 below. thl1 exceptional opportunlcy, 4:V.% Assumable LNn 790-Ztlll. ect' ,.;;um m.900 ... ~ ~; Xlnt financlrW, 541-8281 3629 E. C.oa.sl Hwy., QIM 142°1411 anytime ::..~ :.~o:.,~ We hi.Ye the key at lf30 ForlnrormationcaJ1MG-11n onthia immaculattlBRCol-ASSUME 5Vc% ,Ollt eidtttni loan. 'a1 ow'!er DUPLEX 67S.St30 PAY ATTENTION ApriceclatSU.000.Attrac- G4ty °SvW o~C dolly, THE RliAL ESTATE RS ""Park home. °'""'lot OUTSTANDING S!6-t85! botw !Upm. . Sale or !eue, tnunoc, rum, FAMILY HOME OUT TH I REI uv.1'""" ~ ~Uk:e~ ''Blue Rlltbon'' Value w/puk • like 8ettlnc au.r-VALUE IN ALL 3 BR'•BY OWNER near bff.ch, 4 Br, den, 2 a., PIUS: p.ra.ge &pt ., on 2 lots. Hett'• a Falnnont home on 'l'ac:ltlc Short11 Realty GaluY 641-1550 Newport Hgts-$19,500 round.lna enc:D!d patio. Full COLL EOE PARK 9SO Vtckria SJJ.500 GI 2 ~ 2M unit 1astd at l Min. to ba.1 or ~an. a eor lot w/ df'tlchi!d Pl" 53M8SC EV'tS. ~ I. MIO ~ _ neat 1c immaculate . P1:!~,,...$2$.0ND950· "~~1 JHACX 3 BR, 2 BA, fam rrn, •P 4111 2111J rtdml Ul,CQ) 5'4 . !'.:6 .. ~· $10.IQJ dn. owner Open HouselL'i IHIS.1 8· A 9.ln. aae 6% 'l\ VA *1t tor you ~ UV>ll•n ~u;1 2 -~ .... :i:: § W ~ to ; ••• --. ---all ro, R sale or leue ..._, owntr ·2 laqe bf!drocma.. gn.ck>us ,... R.E rm. · a.,,.__,_ a1nut 121.!IOG '~1--,,======--......, ., ... ~ . .,.,.6 ,.....,.. "J 'LIGAN'T NEWPORT llW. room • invtlirw ftr& . Jdtchl!n. utll rm. lnun&c &Uaannah S215.5(W) 5~ OWNEfi'.SAciiii'tCE Jones Realty, Inc:. We WUI htlp 1'ltl wtth tht l BR Glen Mar West Heme. iV•"'-LOAN -,H>l'l20 BetterCol .... ·Park io.Quallt>•x1rao .... to ...,..tabo,.rloano 38dnn,2balhhcme. 67J..<710or6-dopymnt W.lhanl>TOld.Pholli µ.. !!I ..... """"Ill 1 TARBl ~L 1955 Ha rbor "'19 """"· By •"""· Ewo A te!W8-I059•e 16•32 Poc!. 1511 SyM1 Ln. LCE. hilltop !ol. Pinn. vt"r Rex L. HodtH, Rltr. ....~=:=:i:'=====d ~--)¥ .. tht, Formal 7 3 BR home:. otra1 Include wknds. s.t9-U2o. BY O\YNER: 3 BR. 2 BA, 541--Dl &r 641-21111 o1 oce11.n &: hills. Priva.ey. 847·2SlS - Clbdns_,_· 2 n,.p1a..,. Ready to Expand b;c "m nn. 123.!QJ. Open *ti,<,% FHA * l•m nn. htt1, block wall. DUPLEX WE ST BAY Re'1lor ~IO· t-~R~E=p=os=s=E=ss~1~6N~-t Huntlopn Carpc11, dr.p. ~sq ft or pcloUI Uvlnc, Sal l Sun 1~. 2312 Rul&tr1, Allume loan • 1119 mo, 4 patio, 1~rn. 2953 RO)'ll Ot.rMr wW. c:atrY TD, no loan CA ~I E O SH 0 R E S ~ VACANT Harbour 1405 art te11 than 5 t:normoUJ bdnns, 3 t JM't'• ~. BR. 1trrt ram rm. Wnt· Palm Or. SM.500. 5*-MM to "'· n..placu, etc. BMrooms-$79.500 By owner. LARGE • BDRM. """' ....... See .. rod-• 30' + l)()Q(AC'f; an4 • Bdt --~ pru. ~ a;,&or mt. app ~ACRE &Wltr)' Eltate, l8x side. S2UI>. 4 BDJ\M. 2 Ba. Ne:arb' new m.ou4. * 67~ * NE\V CARPETING. Nl.,VLY I" 8& a.pt atlached. Call p '-". ~• H ~o ' tct CALL ~~';; 36 pool. 3 OR cu•tom home. c:o.ta ·Mna lnYHtnwnl CD. evptll. Clt&n. Nr. tchoob EASTBLUi'F 3 eit J BA. • CAi\fEO SflORES 1f PAINTED JN A: OUT. Montaome:ry (213 ) 4J4..6H9 1AltllLL .,_ arbor 5t().11Sl He:ritlfe RtaJ Eliate Rea )'U'd: hontt or units. * •mt * A markttl. $27,800. Assume tam rm. ~I lmmaC'. Oc:Tanlront 4 BR&: Den HAFFOAL REALTY MeGra~·SN.nk 0:t. (21J) Wldtt ~ $4l.~. ~. 5.'11-U. !NII tllPl\antlf DlmH.Jlnt low nlA. Owner. 5'M413 $39,950 by n<ne:r. 64 ... :UOS 115 lllUford. Sf5..6996 1740 Wamtr F.V, 8~ 4.1&--4Ul, ·-------- • -• _.__.. -0. S11""111, Alltl"Jl 23, 1'169 • DAllV l'll.o1' J3 HOUns-,OR SALi llll>ITAt RENTALS UNT.Al.s 'lE.NtAl.S RENTAi. -llENTAl..S -....... .l>!I~ lliNTAU ~ I -•In Volley 1410 -Purnlshod H1u111 Purnllholl ._ UnlurnlohM H-1 Uftfvrnllhell Apt1. 'uml AplL Un ul'l)fohed AplL u..tvl'lllth..-Apia. lhllvr....._ , O,EN'HOUSI -•lo te Sha,. 2005 5....,_, ..... ,.. 2910 Nowp!rl ~ch 3200 Fov~t•ln V•l'-Y 3410 Newport 8aach 42dil O.norol 5000 Nawpor! S.oc!> 5200 H":'H"f."!! ~h VACit1l'r. ootntt ... U, mA l:.40Y to .... •lJIJ'tJrienf, QEAP( Belboa Beuh Units. * 3 BDRM. , BA. Jrx ~ POOL hor»t. ' bdr, 2 ba. NEW, 2 BR. t BA, f\lrtl apt, DIEZ ORO APARTMEl'ITS .,. VA. i "'""· IDClude• ... _..,, 1(16 mo. -2 kl 10; ,.. -yard. $250'"" Avail Sept """' yd. v..,. "· ...... W/cp<I, ..,,., <ltct "'""'. VEN DOME BEACH 8234 Atlaot> cpWd,,,._ 1>riv< by: ·* 60-7"11 * -coll m-8M!l 15. 6*-1915 W.. Ullhno. M2-1tlS1 wn d-0-to bnch • I Bdt'nl, Pr! IA1' """1, 9164 II. Tango SINGLE 21 )'I' or...,. sUi to :USE. Balboa Blvd., Balboa , al..p""1<. .Martl.d--plo IMMACULAT!: APTS! .._,,_r. Sl&-39'll • ...... 2 Bdrn> Apt.,.,..,.., 1 BDRM ·-•• , on lay ShoNo 3225 w .. 1nunstw 3612 only. ml. incl'• ulllltln. ADULT. FAMILY APARTMENTS 2BR.crpta, d<pe, bi"'"" No ., ......... CaJ16«""460l&ft5:30. cknnd. Newport laland, WATERFRONT NW' BSC., 8r i Ba. t..mD ~lOMarket.N.aStJ...197S SECTIONS AVAD..ABLE chi ldren or »eta. '\ilmtti-'111Jm""" MALE 21 yr, or OYe'l'. 2 BR, 2 '125 Jltl' wk. 414 38th Sl. luxury l BR, 3 BA., with co~~ patio. ~· SINGLE Yourc ~ll Lux· Clote to shoppfne, Parle J:'lSH, SURF, S\VJM Wlhr/dr)lf, pool $15 o. •~====~~~~1 BAJ l bile to heh. $110 mo. (upataln). Call 119-Dil. prdeQtt, >'1'b' Sept. U to 4 blt·ina. ~ ts A: ,._· W')' ~ apb with coun. * Spadoua 3 8t'1, 2 Ba ''In your own Iront yard'• 968-$766 Aft 6 pm. A'M'RACl'IVELY ~ 615--7408 LAGUNA 1Br~.1 blodc YftUS. Rnp, ldullt no pets, ' erp ... ,.... try club atmospben! and * z Bedrooms Featwinc pdvJ.to clubhoule, 1..,=c-=-=,.-,""'.,--.:::,..,..,. 3 yr, old borne on spac.. Jot. 10 beach. $80 wk. (Wini.er TI4«Z{jil14 91' 2)3..~ Cl~an $225. ~ complete privacy. SOUTH * Swlm Pool, Pul/~n heated pool, aauru, private NE\Y 2 BR duplex. Blt.-tnl. 3 Br 2 Ba + HO IQ. ft hml· BAOI,. :ti. wfJ Br. apt., rates $LG ma.) :JS;i5 Gle.n-L •-BAY CLUB AP'l'S. Jrv1ne al * P'r'pJ.. lndiv/lndry fac'ls 1att w/24 hr •tcurit)I guard. apts, drps. Sl!iO~ AduUs lY nit or xtra ~rm A~dtn. wpt. BeacM12> per month. neyre. 494-6® W•stcliff 3230 _!!Una -•ch 3705 16th Nt'wport Beach. 114S AMheim Ave. l\fedlterranean adult Uv111g. only. lSM Ollw. ~ I 5'(9' nlA,.10" dn, OWDI'! ~~After T;30 PM. 2 BR Jla1hOa aiit adj Jl65 2 BR, J Ba. 8lt.lm, cpt., 2•8.R. 1 BA. ocean view. No (n•U 64>-0550 COS'l'A MESA 642-2$24 % BEDR00l\1S, 2 BAT11S % I: j BDRM. 2 Ba, pvt Pl.~ wUl t&b 2nds. m-0164 WANTED: Female room· beacbn/pitt $?$150 wk!¥. Beamed eellinp. Hee.led pe:ts. Sl90 mo. OCEANFRONT Ouplt:x • 2 ' FROM SZ?S. ::C:~:O:. ~ n • w I 1 $28,900 mate to #are house, ())rof)a 5J6-.3911. 615--5810 pool. First I: tut month's • 1( 494-'r.1'24 • Bdtllt. avail SCpt 6 to Jul¥ 6 • RENT • \Vllll.wat~N~g~riiewi .. 1.======'===""I de! Mar.~ BALBOA lnl!x-pemlve cot-rent, S50 cleanlne' cha:. 4 BR 2 BA, im1nac, bllim. on;~. tl7S d"tr mo, to GE bl.t-lns with rdrl&tr7' Tustin 5640 1620 STABLE working woman 2$. tage1 -wXty rates. Avail Adults, no pets. 642-2514 desirable area, pirnt fence. rtrPOnS!ble-ad\d(a. Call L'Ol.. 3 Roomt Fumitur• aior k rlish,vasN!-e· ---------,.5_•_nt_i_A_no _____ l 30to1ha<e Bacl< Bay condo. ""-..., tccft%1Sl'193<1!28<VO< $20·$25 & UI' THE ASPENS CHARMING ' bdrm .. w/w $100. "'8-7"1'1 now. 548-3158 Corona dol Mar 3250 -1642 BACH Apt, pvt kitChon, both. Montl>T...,coth Rootals HUNTINGTON l5iiS2 WUliam St tpt:I. paneled llbruy; 2 BAatELOR 30 w/2 BR apt RENTALS IRV1N.E TERRACF. L .. una Nigwl 3707 iMtn.nce. SUndttk, n r. \VlDE SELECTION PACIFIC Tuatin's prt.sd(e adth~ll pa.ijog. trplc. $26,990; $1.U ln Corona del Mar. $100. Hout.I Unfurnished Deluxe home for yearly . oce&.t1, prefer mature Applianca A TV'• avail. 711 OCEAN AVENU~ Adult living:. no pe1J Mor:lth. See 1417 Shawnee. mo. 673--0216 aft 6 PM. lease. 3 &:Irma.. d1ninz SMOG b'et: Laguna H~s. gentleman. Avail Sept. l No Security Deposit (3 blkll \V, of H.B. Pie.r\ To•-•~ -~J~- 54Q-SZ51 General 3000 room, lY liv~ room. AU Lovely <I BR. enc~ patio. 67J-1083 l-IFRC Furniture Rentals tTI 41 S3Mfil6. 536-1487 ... v~b;'' .... ,. Newport Beach 2200 WE have a few rentals in beautifully carpeted I Ftnct!d yard. Bll·lM, ~a.se. PANORAMIC View: adults, 517 W. 19th, CM 543-3481 l !!!!!!~~~""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I S."11 An• Hgt1. 1630 nd dn.ped. Lovely heated pool. Ck.1., Jst. o~tion. \Valer pd. 2 Bdrm11; lireplace, spilt lli& W. Lncln. Anhm 774-2800 BAY VIEW liymnatiuma &: Saunas , ~="""=;;....;==-'"-' DOVER Shores b ay t to n t our Book. Stop by a All built·; •• tnclucJJn ....... ;... $295. 830-2655 eves. Apartments trom $150 ' ho 6 BR. 4 BA 1~-browSl!"through it ,._ ... •u.. level, e!t-Q:ant carpet, $13:J. 1 Br. S\Vintmi.ng pool. \\'lnlrr lease avail. ln 'brand t'or lnfonnation ma?[ BEAUTIFUL Brick walled me, . ' ....... · & dishwasher, Pool ma.int 3 BR. 2 BA, beautiful view. drapes, ---...... .,.,,,. Bllns, \V/W. Avail 9/l. patio 70' -•vat, dock w lk & l .. -... ~ J'tO"'"""'" new. <ft-luxe duplrx; cl05e to oonier kit. <I Br, library, 3 A ail.Se t •~•":"..,.., lse inoo0 a er ee ~ prdel'll!:r inc>J. $450 per Bllins, dsh,..·hr, crpts, drpg, Local Bkr 64.5--0lll beaches, churefies l: mar. ba Armstrorc Medlter· v P .,.., l''Y , •· mo. Refs., pieB.Sf'. CaU frpl.c. 836-S750 or ~1215 2 BR rum apt, UOO mo. ~an vinyl Ooorin&; in lrJ mo. ~ 1 3 : 7 I 0 ·501 3 or '1682 Edinroer Student.s ok. S~. I BR. Crpts, drps, pool. kcls. F'ml., plush ~·arpet. tam rm, kitclle.n I:; formal 213:785-6333 ... owner. 673-5513. * ~9683 * aitults. Netu' ocx:. Local Ready for immed. occu- no1 SEASHORE i I M:.!...4455 or 540-5140 View home \\'/pool. 4. Br. Duplexn Unfum. 397S Bkr. K>-O.ll1 panc:y. dininc rm. All cJec 'kitchen • s na: e Open eves. Avail .,. t <Ith OCEANVIEW: 2 BR, \\'lnler ;;o;;--;-;;;:-o-=-c=:-..,-3 BR, 2 Ba. lo1,1•er ...... SJOO w/ bit-in bar. $38.500. By larae 4 bdr, 2 ha. near • .,..p · · WATERFRONT Ls(. Lo\.-ely 1.se., SUIO or 2 BR, family $120 1 BR 4-plex, RIO, w/w, • Owner. lti02 Pepsua st., beach. Avail Sept 21)...June ~Oil~~" ~~;,ts,~ ~k Terr. J BR. \\'/pool. like new 2 BR,% BA. Extra rm, winter jse, $195. pool. rm~~ !~i ~:~~·~= Santa Ana Hgts. ~~-::rn~Y· 1213) Bkr 64.5--0.lll Don Fra~i~fr ~= Jge llv rm. frpl c, elcc 6U-M36 · Brokt'r 5341980 "r yrly, lease. M!'S. Joy. 2 BR & 3 BR for rent . kitchen, patio. Adulb, not-.-N=E~W~B-A~Y~F~R~O=N~T~ $1 35. 2 BR, RIO. W/W, eves., 641-2'la3 .. or Lagun• Hill• 1700 WINTER rental, Bay Shores. OiARi~ING 3 Bdrm home. pets. $2%1. Doc:k avail. \V' tab 1 B 2 Bll d.rps. pool. BURR WHITE :,;;.=-------3 BR, modern kitchen, $225. You paint & $11.Ye. 'Frplc, bit-ins. crpts, drps. 675-7899 inter ren -. r, 8.t'Ukcl· 534-6,qg() EXCITING 3 bdr. d~n, La 646-3833 Agnt/Owner 847-8086 Immediate occupancy. ;:!9S1---~------I lwn_ Avllll sept 6. Sll5, mo, I-'-"-"~====~:--;c N I ALS -",,,'.,,':;;'th=S"'l."&7_>-0236===,,....,,..11150. 2 BR studio. Pu M"wion Viejo. By e BA YSHORES e pl!r mo. 6'1':>-4004 A t F • heel • owner •• Assume 6'10 titA. 9 1\-los. winter renlals. 3 & Co1taMfH 31001 :-_,,.:-..,--""'--,--,--1 _ _,Pc....1• __ u_r_n_ts ___ e \V lNTER RENTALS e \Y/w drapeii;. Avatl Anxious! immed o e cup . .f Br. turn. From $275. ""'"""-'-"-----2 Bdr, den. Yearly lease. ,._ I 4000 \VlNIFRED L. FOSS. A&t. Brolu-r 534-6980 . ESTA= .;.. family hom•, Adults, no ..... ts. Shown '"'ner• e "'" --e ========= I 830-1583 "C'' ·moMAS, Realtor ~............ .... ~ -2 Bdrm, 2 baths upstatn. Liv zz• W. Coast Hwy. 548-~7 larte a:rounds. xlnt k>catlon. week~nds U-2• eves call Sl.50. 2 Br. pooJ, nicely furn. LARCE'l BEDROOM rm w/fJ:plc, dining area. AD LaguM Balch 1705 BLUFFS c.ondo l Br, 2 Ba, 1275 mo. lease. 1293 Baker S36-948S. 513 Avocado A\'e. Near :iilores, adulta. Loc:al Sl.50 month, )'t'atly Cost• Mesa ~100 ell'C kitchen, wasbcNlryer 1--=---------1,va.lk to pools&: shop'g, C.'t· St. 546-5522 or 67';,.-4081 OCEAN &: C&talina view. l Bkr. 645-0lll •67l-3>88• .;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,[ incl. Cllrpeted &,. draped. En. HANDYM'AN bu, Lse. $.350. 644-4186 ll'i1'ft.1ED. occupancy Sl.35. l Bedrooms, dining room. 1'S"°IJS."-,.1"s"R,.-•-·/~.-. -... """1-.-,-,all BRIGHT & cheerful 2 BR closed patio, 2 car rara&e. Br, garg a: amaU yd. on Del S420 Month 6 ' ' co11rmurnn11 Us~ ol clubhouse, pool & SPECIAL BAYFRONT & dock J B:, 3 Mar Ave near Newpt Blvd.1 Call:c·=.,,.,,;'""'="~t ~&12-8235=~-~"=-5-0653~-=· 91 · 8,_, .... ,..,A coon 6"!r~~t, Patio, W 1 n l tr ' IUlll un sauna hlilh. $250 Pt'r mo, Ba den. Lease/option $500. .., .._, ......,-v;rou ·~ HERE'S A REAL BUY FOR mo. 675-4331. Also unfurn, No pels. 646-0758 LOVELY HOME, 3 B~. 2 BA, 517;-i. 2 BR i;;tudio. W/I'/, JUST COMPLETING J\fac~~~ RJry THE AMBmOUS. Spark,ll~lgt 2 BDR. bit-in~. garage, laun-<.'lits & drp:s, least. $375 mo. bllins, avail °""" adullil: -OCE,~,•,,N. Fy~? .. NTJy 1' .. ~!.RDel, :!uxB•'· 2 s...,..., architeetutt, bw U I · p k 2237 ,. •• ~ l BDR 0~2002 ,-...... ,...,._ 3 BR :l BA ~-·"·lull -:.., .•• lot THAT OFF. n vers1ty ar_____ w:y rm. lu.3U •.r Brk 5l4-'698IJ $350. 6TJ-70l.l. H • ..,_.,~ &J'l'a. on ~1...uc • __ garage apt. Least . 2057 I-========= ~===~--~~. arbor Heights Four r74j Domirl&o Dr, N.B.J ERS A SCENIC OCEAN TIRED OF RENTING? Tustin Aw. Gen•ral 3000 5 R..'d&.2 BR. sundcdt ... "tu 2 & 3 BR UNITS B1·and new, balcony view VlE\Y. CLASSIC, ALL Do . bl •'~=-,--=~-~----------C I M 41 00 !ucn. $160 mo ye••ly . .,,...._ all with fireplaces, t'.rom both m"'ter BR• 1,·v wn paynt I i!l pro cm -1? 0 .. -hou ~·· J $l85. 3 BR. 2', Ba. -odo. _ .. __ • __ •_••------~ WOOD EXTERIOR, w:se Hav~ )'OU c&ued Red Hill -ow se f....,., mo. PUS ._., 28th. St. 6Ta-4625 disbwaahcrs & 2 bath!!. rn1 area, h"plc, d!!h\\.'lihr, 1un porches enclo8ed wilb al ~ 2 util. CaU a.ftu 6 pm Patio. pr, Children OK. $30 00 k Rental Manager -S310 mo. No children or ... t It. rails. R,,_..e ty . W:aue· have/!, ~bddorm. r.~~-642-5961~~~ Rec. facilities. 61a-. 534-6980 • W • up Unlw'n 2 6R apt, yearly. l\lrs. Otristienscn .. 260 av w ow \Vn ---~ D k F'u•,, ..,·nt•• -•ta!, 2 BR, pet.s. a-1 or SU-8482 SPRAWLING C BDRl\1. It. .• . ~ SR •-···· 2 BA •· -1 e a.Y, wee-, month. " ..__. '"'-r 3117-A C'•nnamon Ave. DEN FLOOR. PLAN. has paymts. Call for dl'fails. " rlVW>I:, • ~· .--• ~. 3 BR. ulil pd gard pd. e Studio" Baeb... Apb, adulli;, no pets 50"l Irvhlf' NE \VP 0 RT Be a c h Wf\li c"_,et; .... & custom EDINBUR.GH MODE.L fenced yd. S300 mo. Yearly 1''ruit trtts, Oi.ildren &-. pets e lncl Util:s le Phone sen. Cost• Mes• W11.lert'.ront 'l bdr. 2 ba, New -• -~ T h ood t t lse. 645-l6l5 o •• Bkr 534-<980 Corona del Mar •2•0 Phone 546-1034 luxury bldg. bu 11 t. t n,. drapee thrlKIUt Interestina own ouse. in g oca 10n. t ===~~-~---·"'· · • Ma.id Service. TV avail. "' J '" h h 3·BR. 2% baths \Vill sell &SIDE 2 br, frplc, beams, ~~.--------1 . N ,..._1 .. _ .,.__ 11ubte1T"clllean n.i11·kin•, boat island type ,.,tc en as • . · Huntin ... on h•ch 3400 ew ...... e .,. P<.ar NEW 5 5 ~ BILT·IN RANGE &. OVEN very low down. fncd yd , patio, ad1b, no pets ~BR'°"i";;;;';;;o,;;;:-iVa;i;;:l"~7G~N~ewpo~~rt~B~lvd~. ~543-~!rlSO~l IOC:EANSIDE Hwy, 2 BR, PANI H slips avail, REALTOR RIO, 2901 N'pt. Blvd., NB 6"'15-4630 911. STUDIO APT Dani Point ~740 2 BR Duplex, Ieue, a'ptJ. dl'J)I, bit-in&. relrig, no peti. $190. ITI~) 689-64:73 Optf1 Sun. :US.ll AkCLW' j · Dana Po111t. REAL ESTATI Gener ii I I ' Rent•ls Wanted . 5990 NOTICE l RJ::AL TORS & R£NTER$j The howiing office of Uni~· sity of California, Irvhle, • expanding ita listing aerv1cf for ofl campus rentals. Rnf- lors l priva (f: owners ~ encouraged to tnclude iUt - able married It. W1g1e at dents &: faculty accommo- tlations in our fil(?s. Write or phoJle for a Gsttnr tonii from: Housing Otf:ice. Li· bra1y Administration Bids, UC Irvine, Irvine, CaJQ. 9'2664 Phone: {TI4) 83.l-68lf. DISHWSHR., GARB. DISP'. e Red Hill Re1lty Sl38 lse. 613-7629 2 BR to~l\Ouse. Washer, WANTED-COUPLE tum, \\'alk 10 shops, adults VILLAGE APTS. Carlbe Balboa &: EXTENSIVE USE 01'' 18068 Cul~r Dr., lrvilll! dryer, ttfrig, range. oven, only, no pets, yrly~ 54D-3864. & '.! BORl\1, Furn or un· 310 Fernando St. UNf'URN Home 3-4 BR, 1 DEEP STAINED MAHOG-OPEN 9 AM-8 P~t &::.3-0SZO Mesa Verde 3 I lO crpts, drps, pool SUrO n10. M0_,2E, MR~1 ~UbyRWNI 2 BR AVAlL. now! 1-Br. view apl. fun1. Air<Olld, ds.hwhn. sell ==--'-'13-~3003~-.,--·t Bf., Bltins, cpts, drp&, J~ ANY CABINETS. 968-1673 after 6 pm, Sat ,....., a~ t ~n nr. beach. clean·, ovens, patio, break-VlE\V apt. adults only, one Corona dt'I ?.1ar Hia:h Dist,. Open ll:a.irc:alie leads lo 2Dd C d I Ml 22_5.0 3 Bdrm, teoced Y •rd ' after U noon Pool. ~ Bltns.1:1S5Call. No Don i'"ranklin, RJtr 67;~2222 fast bars, privale fundec:ks, large roon1 w/firepl. &. sm. (8051 <19'l-32'n, ( 7 l .f) levd witb 2 bdrms_ ba. 0 th 20 • orGna e r carpets. drapes. S715 mo. URGENT! pct~tanagc~v~~6974 BEAQI cottage, winter SITJ lrg :slora.gt closets. Heated kitchen avail. Sl65 mo. 64Z.9881 t • •or~ DEN !APPR X 1775 ~.-,gt id 1 ~0 St J•-•s Rd Npt • -) · •--c==-,..,,.~-~~~ pool, saunas. bar-b-qucs.. ~;o """'4 Sat/SUn or oJt<r ti ...-..~ • ; :r w·11. e. res ence. "'·"' · ..__.,_ ·• · a..caSt-or ease option. ocau. ;--;-n10 ·, -ty -"''· '.17 Sound f ~-LANDLORDS· I"• ha v NG \VJTH G' •ss VALUE Ad It I nl ., J• •""' proo , ... alls, walk in p•1 ... , .• .,,.. . ' rr. LO J ..,.UN Blk. lrom ocean. 2 BR., Hglli. liful 4 Bclnn. den, formal BR • u,_ ~ 0 y. ~ llr..liorrope. 67:1-3.~ closets, 1..'0vered C".....,,rt. " " u tenanUI 1vaiting for rentabi \VAl:.LS OPENING TO S trpl., patio; 1 blk. t'.rom dining room, 3 baths. l car . •· no pcu., ... ,...,, ~ts, -..... 2 BR 2 ba. c.lec kit tnil und SUrO F · DECK IV I OCEAN VIEW ho 1 3 · ' blk fro d d1shv.·asher hid pool quiet AdalU, no pell!. · · ' · c, er · ree servioe. · " pp l1i area. Adu It a . N•wport B•ach 200 garage · s m san Y · · . · B lb TllE CALlFORNlAN enc car. Stc1.•s lo heh. lse. Local Broker, 6ti-QUl l Thi! nev•er home L1 VA· .,,., oono bea.ch 'Nr schls & shop'< $145. 2295 Pacific Ave, C.M. I 01 4300 •·r~ ,,, 67., ·~ -,.,=--c,.-=--.,,,-....,,.1 E 0 '.roou<> • • • 5-18-6878 642-44'19 Phone 546.2727 .,.,..,, n.... .~.......... 0 t' NEED 2 Bdrm. apt ifl CANT & HAS BE N NE-S CAMEO SHORES Sell or llARBOR View. New 2 bdrm $4Zi mo. 16831 1-larkncss or -BAYi''RONT-Yrarly, couple, 5.18-3181 H•-• ""h. ·-a M • Sept, GLECTED. IT N EE D · . & don, alt elcc. kitchen, C~do, HB. 846-0144 DELUXE I BR. $125. Poot. HARBOR GREENS -~ ~ -· ., YARD \VORK. s 0 ?.l E lea..se small, luxurJOUS 2 S250 mo. 1 BR, lrg liv rn1. VJE'\V apt. 2 Bedrms, spUt Rcaaonable, "5-11$ PAINTING -&: MINOR RE-Bdrm, den hom~. Newly !!CU-cleaning oven, re!rig. 4 BR, 2 BA, crpts & drps. Idea! for b a ch t 1°r 1 • lrplc, patio overlooking bay. level. Elegai1l carpeting, 1--,e:-:L-A"N=D"L"O"R"'D=s..,e.-tll PAIRS Offered "AS IS" for carpeted &: d t co r a t e d _ fireplace:, 2 baths. New Sl55 yrly. Isl I:. last It. dpst. i;;p.aciou~. 1993 Church · Open S!:pt. 13. b~790 BACllELOR unrurn r r nm drapes. garaae. fireplace, V N! '$29 950 Estalied garden. 0 c ea n cart:ie:ting "draper i e 5 • Walk 11ebools, 2 chlldn:!n ok.1~"..,8-~"'~'-'--..,..--,....-II BR apt.I, i'U.m. year-round, SUO. A180 avail 1 _ 2 &: 3 Call alt 6 PM 54~2394 1''REE RENTAL SER I......, • View. Police pat r o I ed . lArge patio &: fenced rear \Vater paid, dbl 1:ar, no l BR. new, bl'a.ut. furn. $130 nlO. Util pd, 1312 \V. Bdrm. Hl:'atcd pools, child .,.....,,,-.--:-""'=..,...~~ -.,=,.B-"""...,.'=~-,......,.._.i l fULL PRICE yard. Pao! _!,_ _c aha n a •~ V ___ ,, d N 4 BR duplex, ~ blk to beach, ~N'ICE 3 _ 4 BR ap•or ~.-Adult$ only, na pell!. $550 pc..,, cry ~ Y · r. monllHo-month S160.-Adulls ·Balboii. Blvd. C&l·e center. adj to :shoppln&'. view of ocean. 67>1977 ..... '' ,.......,. incl gardening. Call owner, privileges. Water & softener Beach Blvd. &: Slater. only. mi Elden 6<&-1251 OCEANFRONT--No pet!. wkdyg alter a. unfurn or Nm. Go o f! LAGUNA 'S BESI' BUY! 6'J5..0098 pd. Obi prage. Splinkl~n !W2-Jj63. evt'~. !iOO Petenon \Vay l'l'sidenHa.I area. Re 1 p\. 985M~~s~ :!~'L!~na MODERN furniture 2 Br.1..;•300 ..... mo ... yr ... ly ..... • .. ........, ............ '3 BR. '.! bath house with FURN I BR Apls &: Stud!OS __ -_ll_C_a_,;..~.;.i::'..;m.:.R:..APT-·---1-..,c,_ ... ,,,·ta=-=M"c.a==546-03=°"'='-· 1 Wutcliff 5230 67>5139 l Phone (]l4) 494-0731 with garage. Larkspur near B/B built-ins, fireplace &: double a.va.il &pt. lsL $UO & $120. MARTINlnUE ---------WANT: 1 BR fumill.hed apt -~ Hiway can eve 545-2086 1::arage. Newly painted & 2135 l::ldcn, Apt. 6. Adults Balboa Island 4355 T SND prf, 2 BR. i BA, cpl, Cdrtt. 2 ynt; working qUiet -.S O TO\VNHOUSE new carpets. Wal ki n g only! GARDEN APTS. drp, l.rplc, bltins, across men. Call 673-9157 I For ale By wner B•lboa 2300 2 BR. 2 baths. bllns .. frple. dRli~n~ .. '~ •• ·Jcbool. $225/mo.t oLO=vn~-~Y~B~;.-,~B-,-. -1.~r.-.. ~. L~~~~1yBf~; na:lli ~l~cd ~ EXL'Cllcnt, park.like surround-trn1 Coco's. S225 & $200. BUSJNESS Lady desire• l carpets, drapes, $22:i month. .. . ....,,....__. • Pool, pat~. adul'·. $'~. inas tor adults only, Adults. 642--0'l39, ~665 Irvine. lx:lr apl or hou,., ---'"" -'. Ba li •· I hom B & B h "" .,,, .wu Private -available Sept I to lW'llWJCQ 3 BR. l . sp l u::ve e. OCEANF'RONT 4 Bdrm enc ay eGC 3 BR. -2 bath hooi;e with 2310 Santa Ana 645-2933 June 30. Leasc only Sl50. Bach, 1, 2 & 3 BR. Apt!. days; ~2982 32X22 Living room. Nr. yard Winte.r $2'l5 inc.' util. Re•lty, Inc. built-ins, fireplace & double ' ·' ..., Pool, nr shoppini:. East Bluff 5242 IChool. pool, beach; ocean 308 E. Oe-ean Front G'"'""'"'e. N~\\.iy paint~ &: 2 BR. adults. Sl40. ?.1o. 16\3 per mo. Cllll <~13) 92:J...Oa49 1777 Santa Ana, Apt. llJ, 3 or.( BR. Older home view. $44,951!. '194-6l74 M.1 001 Dover Dr .. NB SUite 126 ,;;w-carpel.!!. W a 1k 1 n g Santa Ana Ave,. c _ M. or lief! Aug 30 after 2 or Aug • 646-5542 • DELUXE all clec. 2 &: 3 Br., ~ ij~ ~ ~i!m l:~to~l~O~&~e~v~,.~~~~~:l !:!.~..!!!!_ ____ J~~l ''.,._~-!!""1.,..~!!!!!!Ev~".,·.,,.........,.., distance lo school. S225/mo. 613-3911. eves 54J...8572 Jl befort" noon. 21 9 •1 LGJ:: Bachelor unit Shn-, 211 83, cloi;ect gar. $300 up. si::i. siso_ s.ts.8515 :J: ~ Ltdo Isle 1, Rltr, !)16-(1-41. BEAUTIFULLY FURN Abalone Ave. C ....... 752 Amigos \Vay, N.B. Near _ OCEAN VIEW HOME CHA.Rr.\UNG 3 Br Harbor 2 BR ed I WINTER Rental 4 BP.. All pls/drps. Nr. So. Coast CdM HI Sehl. 6Ta-5033 BUSJNEs.S Lady desirea ~ -' . · LIDO NORD BAYFRONT ffi&hl&JXU Newly decorated. PACIFIC SANDS ' mi •heat poo • adul!s, no Pia.la , OCC. $125 incl re!rig. bdnn unfum apl To Sll . :'>.."LN'J' Vet Joan assumption. Executive home turnishcd 3 Lovely garden Ip at i o. from beach, 2 b1k.s 2 from pets, Sl55 + uW. t>-12-9:120 clcc. dish~vshr. disp. gar, & u111. Sec at 973 Valencia Corona clel Mir 5250 Call 6424ll!& :;;.t. ;ai:a, w~/ no~~j 3 BR, conv. den, 3 sA., Gardener incl. dshwsh.r. elcmcn. school, &tone frpl. 3 1 BR fw·n Sl20. mo. 1 or 2 lrplc. 120"s Agate. 6?3-8918 Apt. 2 alt, 5 PM wkda,ys i.: ~MA~LE~-,,.~ .. -,~t-.,.-,ks--,.,,.--+m l ' • w ~ ... '. '--'l' c. recently decorated. Pier & Yearly lease. $275. Call Sun-81', 2 Ba., w a 11-1o-wa 11 adults. Call af1 5 pm. or !2131 728-7065 all wkcnds. CoA r !ot; <.'Ompbl .Pt nvaFcy/P. slip. 126' Chris Cran op-, _da_y_.,.... __ 790_~----t ~t!~~ drps, bit-ins Sl.95. ~"'~"'..,'-"-~~..,..-:---BACH. Apt., ~boa Island, usr s;dc Em P 1 0 Y, d ... ; ncBo.r2lu,c ~illl!. ~1· P. 't .,:500x 10 u 15 -5 u mi ' lional). Lease Sept. 10 tor· ~~ ~ avail, Aug. 30th thru Sept. ' ~ x · .-.,way, ....ul ' t ..,...... OCEAN VIE'\V. 2 Br. den. 2·-----==~--tS115. Large Bachelor. Laun-couple. large 1 BR., Iv rm, .. · P • ··CE· RE ·'TY ............. June 15. Owner. ,-v IL SEPT d rl Ad It 6th: $125. 675-0241 Aft 5 PM din •·m ,,.t scrv ~ h ~ art• "" ..u.. .,......,,.,.. f213) 2.fl-1425 ba., range, refrig. Patkl. A A • • I. ryl rooin, • carpo '11 u 2 BDR. attached """"""'"· · ' · ...,re · Roo-for .Rant 599° COMMANDING Yrly. lsc S32S h1o, Incl. 3 B 2, Ba ndo ~le ll on y. 642-2550, 546-6 6 •--548-6986 .. ,.. ~ $750.. LEASE. Lux 3 .,._ 3 d D · RJ r co ._,,, A Adul ts, \Vinter or yearly ON TEN ACRES Ba + i~-W'Y .. ~_·• ' nr Vacant. avL!I ty. appliances: patio, Pool C!OllC NICE 1 BR 0 UP LEX , l!:'ase. ~ Onyx 2 BR UNITS: T\\'flh.se $165. .i 1 &: 2 SR. Furn & Unfurn LARGE plcaWll ro o:t ., ..uge guest stuuio or !'tit. Robinson 642-7000 to ••"-'-, ~-· $l80. adult!. $99.50 -----'----·I Cot,.-$155 81"--t~ PRIVATE ·n-·-. W View lol in Laguna Beach, 41h Br. GatdeN!r, Owner ===..,,.~.,...,.~..,...-,I ..... ,....,.,, """'""' ._.. · ~. ,.... "'• Fireplaces I priv. patlos I .. u'""""" $6,950. Small bot level. 673--8780. HARBOR Hi 1 h I ands . 4 962-4167 * ~9--(1833 * Orange Co"nty ~600 gar. AdulU!, no pets. Avail Pools, Tennis_ Contnl'l BkfBl in&: man only. 64&-7504 • fl,000 Do~. v.J. at S70 N~'"Y •-•·•·, 4 BR 4 bedroom 2 bath nr schools. 4 BR .. 2 Ba., dra-, -·-. DELUXE l Br. ne1,1•ly dee, 9/1. 3009 Coolidge 5-19--04.11 900 Sea Lane, CdM 64+26ll LOV~Y heh ho vt hA ..,. .,.,... ,..,,._.,,,,""' Ch,·td-n • -ts OK 1300 ,.....u ~,..., SINGLE Young adults, lu..x-c..1. • me. P • ...,. month. 494-ll37 • Ba, avail Sept l5th. Wi~l"r W,. 1 ~pd•-A .1 · Se 1 bit-ins: walk to hi school, new erpl. dshwshr, i:arg. U""' garden apls, w/full JM MAC :! bdrm Tri-plex. fl'tfacArthur nr. Coast ~hry) '1. entry, Kit priv, $85 mq. ~ "' mo. a er · vai · P · ...-d, -·hool, bc•rh, all R••p. -~ult. 11.·~. 0-•000~. ., Opls, drp~. blt·ins, "'"'•· ~I t k. I d ~ 1so• VIEW,f just ..completed 3 or longer. (7141 675-1349 3. 61~1335 •"' .... ~.. au '" "'io-=JU recreation tacilifies &.. con1-"''' e wor tng a y. BR. 2',~ BA, 300 l'lq. ft. rURN 4 BR l BA t ====;o.,c-=7c---c i;tores. Patio: fenCt'd yard. PURNISHED plcle privacy. South Bay Adults. no pet!. ~140. 3 BR l Ba $280: 3 Br 2 Ba, cvr. _ sundeck. Arch Beach Hgt5. • : con emp. A'rl'RACTIVE 3 Bdrm. 2 ha Yrly lac. $235. 492-0768 Gi\RAGE APf_ Club Apt!i. 277 s 0 . :>16-5386 after 5 p,n1. deck, uti.I $300. Both cptd, 1 •VE=R~Y~l~g-. -,-.m-.-,r7;v_,bo,...,,ll\H rn.~~~1~No~s ~~;1~n~·orA;:i~. ~ ~:!fu.. ~~lc.~=her~'~'.:~ LG 2-slory, l-Br. d I'! n. 275 Broadway, cr.1. ~=urst, Anaheim 1714) -.f'"a"irw_a_y"""V,,i"'ll'"a-.A,..p"'t_s_ 1 ::· ti2~r.l\1a~=te. A~~~ cpts. tlrps, Priv. entr~. pa!io &. fenced )'rd. Nr all flreplace. 21,i Ba, nr. beach, 2 BR apt. Pool. NASSAU Open Sal '1. Sun 1213) nr. OCC. ;}6-0138 ( 1 BR apt, close to beaches, B Ibo 11Chls. $22.J mo, 54i)..J..341 $235 mo. A\lail Scpl 1. PALI\1S 177 E 22nd St G d G C610 Near Oa'alla;e Co A'--rt &: 790-6009 PRIVATl: Entry, men onJ,y, park, markets. Range, refr, a. • Island 235S --..~====--.--·I 644--1058 '* 642-36.5 * , a r •n rove ... ..., .,--::-=,,--.-o~--.,..-$4:>. mo. 548-3696 alttr f opts d...... Only S32 500 • BAYCRESf • J'ii!iR::-i2!itiA.l"ii-;;I.',:-, ,...;;a;: •• :.1 ====o-'='-=====· ls1NGLE y, .... AduJ•~ I·-. ~~,· AnaAdu!Ats o~~·.,_20122 2 BR SOI.Ith o( hiway, crpt!., P••· • .,.... ' JST TIME off"ttd· nicely Beaut. unt, 4. Br. 4 ba. f'or-l .. t' .,... -'6 "" .......,. ......,, a vc . .r.v-~'"" d •-1 N hild cash Owner 894-2413 bit\ sz-:,o bes ff ant ts ·o rpa., "'"" garg. 0 c • · fumished, 2 BR.. 2 bath: mllldin.nn .. pool.$550. ·nl!. ·or .t o .et. NewPotl •·ach 4200 W'Y gl ,'" 1•P whe• 'coo.,,n-no pets. Yrly Ise. Still mo. SLEEPING room. E:mployefl tHE "TRE'Sf'LE HOUSE" choice location. Adults S250 "C" THOMAS Realtor 512 I SP arrow Dr . v. lry cu a mosp tt a1 SEPARATE, new 1 BR. gar. Avail g/J. Art. 1, &ia-3717 gcntlen1an or slllde:nl Award-wtnnini hillside home mo. call Pasadena 798-4003 224 W Coast Hwy' S48-5027 TI4-962-8994 for appt. Newport B~ach complete privacy. SOU'MI •JIL .East&k:le. 1 Adult. 642-{i()()O l'!ves. 54&--0300 wJocean view. 3Br, 2 Ba, 3 BR 2% ha. bltins, pool $265.1,·~-~.~,,..bo.--S~p~ri-nid-"1~,-& COUNTRY CLUB BAY CLUB APTS 13100 BH.ns. $125, incl. elcc. 2 BR. large apt., bu.ins, new close to school!!-$47,000. Huntington Beach 2400 lease. Avail 9/1. warner . ; 2 5 o, tu 11 y LIVING CHAP?itAN Ave., Garden 64G-2105 crp.t., freshly painted. Cpl. Gue1t Homn 494-6336 Laguna Bea.eh. 729-8038 alt 6 Pl\1 ed IW7 5384 Grove 17141 ti:!G-~ 0/40, no pefs. 673--0130. · 1 BR a"' close to beaches, $150 BEA~Y tum, D"'" ............... ~SE Llk , 1 -'~"""..o.-.,c;t .c..·7~,,_·~~---Luxury garden 11partn1ents IOO CLIFF DRIVE THE SEV1U.E 2 BR, l \li ba. LARGE J BDR, 2 BA, Jaund PP.I room in lic·d Gueat •• ~. m .. .'.:' .... e•· o ...... e, rerr. a1r cond. mobile home in ~2 s.'"";:_1 . •, .. ,w. w ............. vum house. olfering complete privacy, w/ga.racc. S150. Adull s _ rm, priv polio, bit-ins, dih-Jiome. Good food, <.'Ollgen141 _.,, .,-,. ~ ,_., beautiful park l k 1 n DJ., ., ..... c., poo, car Available Oct. l.Jlt. beautUuJ la.ndscapinJ:: &: un· 1'"o bodroom furni!ihcd t·r11t i; -dllffi -Sit-ins. f'cnc-\I'S.hr. Chlldren over n OK. atmosphe.re. A\lail n o W'i. ~..:._~~= $12.500 cuh, d 1 a 1 a n c e '0 ;v ab e a c~ pr. $250. Bkr. 646-0732: 962-8578 for info paralleled rccreat,ional facil-AU Delu."te Feature$ ed yd, ~lll Sant& Ana Ave., f l15/mo. 675-379~ aft 5:;,(l. 548-5225. I 1 .:~.:;;:~::..,=.:.=::...~=="I Teacher/Owner on leave. BACK BAY 3 BR den, S BR Glen Mar, $Z7S mo l.Jit iliCl!l In a country club al· Waf~ ~\~y t~!:;acb t ~.,...=-"°~~-----·tl BR Apt. Ulil, pool, S. 11Jck PIUVATE Room & bl.lh ' 2 ~R,. fenced yard. S14.500. Can be attn by appL Refs. formal dining, family 2~~ .i last. rnospbere, Now lcasini;: lll 494-2449 NEW l BR apts. ·Avail 9/1 o( C5t Hwy. Least only $1.jj m1ture lady. KI t ch e ~~ lot tint TD or'!'. req'd. !213)378-2643. baths-Lease $380. 646--4144 1t 962-4307 • N"'PJ.~~~h,Strcet 1'1a.tw'll Adults. no pels. a;ar, t ~mo=·-......,~~'7·~-~~c privg~. C.M. Are.a~ -f'1rni4hed or unfurni~hcd G•rdei:-Gro.•_•_46_ !__!) ref. R. Cpts. $100. 311 Mesa 2 Bdrm. s. or H\vy, I blk 10 M' R 1 5..i. · --Or. 548-240'7 '• be ch $1&a ISC. ent1 S ;:::J. Daf'I• Point 1730 ~ T ;r Mod.eta open noon 10 9 pm PAN o RAM IC v I e w . a · mo . .i;.Wf/f\ S ~R GA'ZER:l<~ .71<' 642-'170 ovorlook;ng AlIBo Beado, 2 BACHELOR Apt $100. Ideal ~~•-542_'_-7_8"1 __ *~~ o"J'ORAGE """""'· Mly CUSTOM BUILT WITH :Bra.AT.I.PO OAKWOOD lx:lr .. furn. All elect. l't·Jature for 2 studcnl,. or artlsL t BR, rear <.--ottage, frplc, enc108ed. Avail Sept. l:f· LUXURIOUS 2 BR. -"' AR)d M ~ y_.Doiti.-di.,;tyc.Hdt M u1u. adults, 00 cbildl'l'n, no pets. Ocen,.!.. view. 6 .t 6 .. J 706 pat.ios. Immed. occupancy SZI. mo ea, Sf8..29'lL C.M..:J OWNER APT. :A :z.·:~ v .. ccord1'111 t. the Stora. v :;:: ~ GARDEN Sl85/mo. Eves.: 499.JT.'>5. :;.tJ......,.,, "$=17=0·"'='"=-=='=''=·Ltod==·== $20/Mo ll:ll.!'9.Je for rent. stot Thia 5 unit is all lhat & then 1• ~&.-I To de.,elop '!'I~ for Suncloy, 2"32-36-.D: APARTMENTS * \VINTER RENTAL * I BDR, gar, cpt.~. drps, -age only. 641-2657 East Sid1· oom. t:, 2 Bacbelon, 2-1 BR.. 18-20-ll NOCIWOl"dscorrespondirig torournben; 506613• Prefer !cacher or couple, Balboa S300 C.M. f f Zed birth Spacious 2 BR 2 BA ocean ---------a11 turn. + owner apt, w/ c 'fOAll ioc · sign. SCOIPIO NEW SPANISH tront apt in beaut i f u 1 212 f'lo1,1.·er. 6 4. 2 -7 8 0 6, OCEANFRONT U 2 WANTED: SloMl.et garqp fabulous brick trpl, parquet 1~ JIC.. ''<:onf9oto'I(• oc.t.u ·v1L' 'GE APTS • .,,.,, 646-JMj prier tor mcrchlll'ltllse. S. ~ • · kftl bl rt 2You 32 Mok-e 6l~ • """ ' Laguna Royale . ....,.., -~~-·-----~ &Jnn conv '!_c~· No ~111ldrcn or Dana Pt area. C.U -ft.rt .• a~in ·J% b; lH~ llrie1\l<t ~w~• NOY.ZI 1 & 2 BDRM, Furn or llll-TI4:871-l700 2 BR, w/w crpta, Urps. bit· or ~ts. S22.'.i inc uW yrly. lect TI4--0330 :!:. See thle ,c!~:U : ~.... ~ ~ ~~ ll;~,.. tum. AiNond, dshwtin, iteII =D~n=ux~'~E~,~.,-,-1 "'a"r.-su=nd..,re=k.· I Ins. 1-1 childrtn Ok. Sl30. 308 i-.:. Ocean >"'ront -"'"':..;.;.;..;;;;;. ____ ~ I A: you decide! 'l*'t :w ~ "~ cle1n'1: ovens. patio, break-i.Je.t, ocean view, carport, ni•>. Nr. tchools. ~ Inco me Property 6000 $82,!iOO. Exceptional !Inane. 70... 31.0f 41.._ fast ban, private lundccks, Sl&S feilJIC. Util pd. '499-1473 LARGE 2 Br. 2 Ba. Adull.s. Lido Isle 5351 POINT REAL TY ;~ ~= !;~ trg atoraa:e closell. Heated no pct11. Clsed gar, play )'l'd. TRIPLEX Ul.56 (hut H O ln lOOf <IO~ JOlf pool, aaunu, baf..tMJuea. Laguna i&e1ch 4705 ~ 632--43.'i7 1 BR. YR.. lcaJM!-Util Pd. PRIDE or ownership. 1J\l.e " ('714) ~,,.Po 1 :!~ ~=::, ~~ Sound proof walls, walk In NE\V 1 BR apl, cpt., d......, $1~115. In ow~'• unit A kt the ,,,..._, A.Sn-nr. cto.el.s, covered cuporl 2 BR duplex, fum 1': unf\11'11, bl .,.,..., 6r:>-I8:1'2' BR. unltt "'1 your" RENTALS l,........., AATn.-74M Adults, bo pet.a. or Vie liuf[o. new lin11, gar. Patios. Adulta. $44,!iOO_ Drive by 63l.. Hou-... FurntlhH t1~-:e:,.. ~~·• TH'E CALIFORNIAN c:ptt/drps., trpl. r • r • Mgr. mo Eldtn 64S-l'162 lalboa lsl•nd 5355 mtr. CM., tt1cn CBll - 11llrlbll ..,T_, 77~ Phone 546-2727 .f97-1056 CLEAN • •ltr. 2 BDR1( Delancy Rul lbfete lt9ntalt to Share 2005 l::::. ::~ ~i: l;;,====,-.,.--~~11 BR turn flt untum nr. bch. ~ drpt, blt-lnl. carport. YEARLY. unturn. btautltuJ 2828 E. Chut Hwy., ODf 2>~ SO"TWll IOSllfo. \VINTER rtnt&I. tee. crpld 2 Patio · , HI pd. ~ No pell, adults 548-6769 upper duplex Apt. Very m.JT10 SmGI.Xnyr.arowrciz1tD ~= .... ~=.. &I,•lld!lW Br, 2 Bl. bJt.lrls. clmed ~ru~5iiuS20SC A~ 2~Bdrm~-.~ .. -N~-.. ~ .. -.,-.,.·t the to So. s.,y. 4 Br. 2 ===~--,--""-:!:I abare J Bdrm. Apt . 2l5tdol ~v lll'l'o patio &: iar•-ge, Dr · · ·' N' · r Call. baths. Saimbury Rl"1'. DUPU:XcarrlcaPITI W/MJM. Catt 64~ aft. 24~ ,.,:: MDli:,... Wbhtt/dryt'r Avail ~pt.1 ,.:::,:,·-~~~~..,..~c ler, 0 ~pets, 6'J3.690J $l2.000 In. on val. Cl.~ S:ll ~I:;:-;:~ Ht ~\S Neptune. Call 114: 2 BR, l blk Bluebird Bch.l ,: .. :1;'::'::":::T:,·:==:::·:::==I"""======== Ac. lot wm1h S3TM. C. • 2VG. Profl!t!Sfonalmenwbh 7TS-ST Atf«:t .,~ 629-t492• trplc, balcony. IK'Cluded. Newport S..Ch 5200 Huntinaton I HCh 5 400 $27,500PT'.rnt:flllllm~ · 3rd to thare rMI. f'urn . ~~"' ~=-::~b'• "1"'&,...,,3°B"'R'"•-P71'-.~Fro,-m-=1u:;,=~t-0 1 SIOO wk. 494-1.996 ;alp on S1"00 eqult)' '°""1J1H,, 3 BR, 2~ BA .. I;. :.o~ ..OOf 'HJ~ll $115. No children or petJ, 1 II. 2 BR. comtna.nd O<:eR.n e EXCLUSIVE 3 BR.. 2 BA, NE\V l -1 BR APTS. ca.re~~o ~r..:;...._ 1 alud,y, Univ. Pk. frvine . Gooil '°"AitwM {)Ne~ IS25 Placentia, Also avaU. ylew, newly cSftc. lmmcd. erpl:r.1 drps. bltn5. S214. mo. PRlios. Bfl.lconl!s, privacy ......... ~ &.U.2588 a.tttr 6 pm, \SI ==='-----•:;;;"'"='":.:.·~----~" ~~· ~35 IM!. 645-1024 8262 AUil.ilia, KB~ r& W. 19th ~ Coast ltne-C1talina 59" ., ... ., . ·. .. .-. - J4 DAILY PILOT SIUWq, ... Ult }J.1969 dh!l--:~;;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;:';;;;;11"i.amil -1stiT1 . -1 ••AL ISTATI DAILY PILOT Gonoral _... . * ..,alnw Proport\' 6610 induslrfal ltonlal 6090 C-1 OFF,!CE For L11J1 4200 Sq Fti :_-i;.,~11:·.:'.i, :!~;'. CShop 11118 ~r Dnlo1Jn v a ca n l. Ca.non 'Rfllty 01t1 Meu. M.ny lde1I 675-3581 u111. Contact ewrwr, Mr. Dlckerton. * CLAlllPllD INDIX ,., Put ~le• 1nd l.,.rt Auktanc. DIAL DIRECT W-5fl7• HOUSES FOR SALE flt,1,l~E• , ... 1(, "'' ltnlMQ ft•nt•I 6060 '42 ..... D•v• eUllMUI ••Jff.t.L ........... .... ••••RA'-.................. • oll'flte• •lrl'ITAL • ...... " .. 1, 548--5'52 Ev11 COSTA Ml lA ................ ~ .. lMOUITlllAL ,.llOfllllTV ....... e rRIME RcWI lAca.Uon...• . -• MIJA o•L MA• .............. 1 • toMMlllCt,t.L ............ s-11,.11• ··•nt ........ 0 10.220 sq n Concrele -bloclc M11A VlllOI ............ • 1111 INOUITlttAL l.IMTAI. ............ ~ '' • ''" Bl-''" .,. 000 •-COLLI Oe flA&IC .............. 11~ l.OTl .. , .............. ,,,,..,, .. traffic. 18n Harbor, C.lit .....,, "'• ~ ft Balcony MIWf'Olt'T llACM ............ 12 IANCMn .... ··-···-···-·-''" 64&..6654: w/1.25 sq ft or offices, 12,000 ~ MIWf'Ol!,.'t'•'°• MTS '"'""":~: CltltUS elO'IQ ............. '1JS tc.. ft. of feM-~ vard. Aua>'I °" t.t.L.80.& ...,... ..••......•. u111.t.01 . -............... •Ht MARINERS --ER "" r-. , ... ..,., <# • ; * * SERVICE DIRECTORY When You Want it done right ••• ' Call one of' the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY •••""'•MO••• ........... 1ne u."' .... ,"••• .............. .,. . . ...LI~' 1e&$'!. ean after&: ~T~ Whc:t• want? w ... · .. ""-• Got• s.&l'ClllS1' ··""""'''" ..... im •UOll1' '•CN"lnT ........... Oftice i: 1tore. bkla. rent or or 54 .. ,,.u.. ,.._, r sanMOR•s ................. nu 011AN0• co. ••o'"••fi ..... ., •;;,,,,;;;~;,,;,·~w=""'====I S'ECI... C' ••s1F1c•TION FOR •·'-1tt· 65"0 El 1 1 .... H 1 1 673" OOYlll SMCNtll ............... ltU OUT 011' IT.&TI "°'"· ........ ,I• ltue. $15 to $120 per tn0.1; ~ ~ "" Dll .. ,. tng ~ ectr c• -DUHC e•n n1 ~ w11STCLIPI' ........... UM ~OUlfTArN • 01.s11T ........ •t1t 149 Riverside Ave. MS--241• FOR Lease Ml b Id a ·• NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS 14Al•Oll· NICUtLANDI ........ IW SUllKYdlOfl LUD .......... •111 4800-2406$00-135G-1500 "I $-lof •·to ATTN Mothers! ftcl, licensed e ELECTRICIAN M Job HOUSE\VORK \Vallted b)' 1tNtYlllllTY P.&IUC. .......... :il~ •IAI. CSl'.&TI llll'ltCI .,,,,UU .. 1_...,. . ... .. --"-b · 0 · -'I F lb "-"-N .. , •• _ .. 111vtMI ".................... 1 t,£ 1xcNAN•• ,,,_, ......... UH lusineaa Rental .L.u." ~·· wi-a.,B-13 Pl&Crf!'ntia s Lin•-5 limn_ 5 bucLs ..... ysitter. peruni;:s a11ail too sm.... or pt'ompt e '"""· o ..-u....., .. &.. IACK IAY ..................... l~ '· .. •AHTlllO " #............. VVVY Av,, C.Osta Mesa. Geo. " now. Rot lunches, xlnt catt. &el'Vice call S§-4614 66.23&8 ~."'J:;.•11.u:: .... e;:·:::::::::::::e: BUSINESS •nd BALBOA ISLA.NP. Leal!e 2 Woode. 646-l164 or 675-1380 J-WMt.,.... ...!ut..:'•_; ... Ar.D MUfl'~,u~ .. llf 111 .,.... Pau!Jlrino, Hellybrook area. 6660 \VINDO\VS oiRTY! toaONA D•L. ...... .............. FINANCIAL s·--•. toge'"·-., "P·· J01"l~==========d ~'l'OUlllt ~ .-i""........ ......, ""'-Of ffVtnltl"" 546--0949 Fencing Jo"·-y Dunn -·--· 1.&LIO• .. llUHSUU ........ ,1 I I .... wt..: ""°. 'II '-HOTHIHG "'Olt U.LI! -TJl.101$ OHL.YI 1uu1 ...... .., •··-• ,., ................ ins 1u 1H11 o TUNtT11e:1. •• ••~~: ..... A"e. -_,, Lots 6100 PHONE 6-4 -••• IUlllllllll WANTED ..... ............. ~ lll-'>'01.... "5671 BABYSmlNG •• my ""'"' FENCE B" t' Id,. n.. ,... service. Ji)'e' est. &tl--23&1 Ul' lu,ANOS ................. IJl;YIUTMINT OillMrtlMittei'•' :ijf 0 b ke '-"-'------_;:.;;~ ~ "' '" 1.100 111.1 ............... "',?!! IHVllTMINT wAHTllD ·· ~11 r aee ~ to r BARGAIN. 2 apt to•-""-·•~ To Pl•c• Your Tr1der'1 P1radl11 Ad by Ute wk, nice tncd yrd. door-.outdoor housepainling. ••1.10A 1suNo · .......... -.. ·, ...... .n ""' ...u..... •• t v· ta hi dis ~-0 -11 ""~2 I · 6755 KUMTINOTON auCM ....... 14.. NE. 0 LOAN ........ -... m• sm 1tore 11.f A 19 .• ._ "'~ . • .. one Ill At t. .....umate~; ...... ll"...-..o 1 ron1ng . MUHT•N•TON llAlllOU• ..... u• •lllOHU.I. LOANl ............ .w C&lalina Wand S75 Mo. eaa. um ~a..., unit. \VILL exehlltlle •125,000 'l'RADE 11-fY EQUITY IN .. :_..:c,....,.c:;;.~-------1 --~'------~I 11ouHTA1N v•&.LIY .......... u11 t~~f,,\"sY.Ji?"~HI .......... ~*: Phone Avalon 187 Exoe.l Joe, _645-2060 or eqty in land at Rancho 1969 PONTIAC GRAND ,,. FIOor!! 6665 • )\'ILL dq ironing in ~ ll!AL ll!ACM ................. 11 .. UI 11••l EITAtl! LOANs "··· .. ··tM· 536--0131. Anytime. Calif'. where '"· aolion ;. PRIX FOR OLDER CAR. MAT. woman, child care, bome. l5c a piece. IUNllT IUCN ............... MO•TOAllS. y Ult _ ....... asd c d I ., 250 .. UC "' h 0 •• I GA•OIH ••ovE .............. lUS MONIY w•wr1'0 ""u.u orooa e •• ar, 11(1 " DOUB!.E, Jot, corner· with 3 for 16 + wUts, Need ~ LIST PRICE $5500. MS-2174 your ome. 1o1'n uans. Carpet Viny Tiie * 548-5104 * L!l::w'ifo"oCH ·:::::::::::::::~::: ANNOUNCEMENTS · office. Arcade Bldg. &th. Br house in C.M. 1''uture ae· preciation owner. ~. _R~o~f~··~-~Sl~"~'-h~r~, ~·~•ll-4JSS...::;::..._ All iilyle, P.'ld colors IRONING. Fast. dependable. -'* P&rkin< $65 673-3048 n--""" HAVE: 1..1i acre + sharp 2 WILL Bab . I b 1· t L' •-.n lAAtt•• COUNTY ............. ind NOTICES · • eel.ls road to Univ, by ().\'Mt' '"""' v•6, Tustin, BR homo. A•a••• St. S.A. ys1t )'Our Kime y ~ !!_; !<;;. ~!u. l'lfy home, Fountain V ey OUT oir COUNTY ............. ltU -· 000 546-3767 Hg••, $28.SOO~cl~.: •• ho-• the v:cek. You furnish ......,.,~ '1't0"'1'ti0 area. 96S-~9 :.,uAT,.::NsTAT~.:-:::::::::::::::~m ~No'~ .. -~!.:::::::::.:· .. : Office Rentel 6070 .. ~. . . SAN GABRIEL HOME 2 .. ~ ....... ·~ transportation. 642-1407 •ESTMINSTE• ................ 1•11 P111soNALs ................. '41111 BR, 30' den, pool, $10,000. ok. WANT: 2Dx55' trailer, ~='===~--'----1 Gardening 6680 ~=~:1 .. '.ITl' :::::::::::::::::~: :r:~NC.~~~~:~ .. :::::;::::::::l: COSTA P.ltaa. ICatce.-CJ:OUDCI Acr••se 6200 ~7 ::m3-4 ~:::. wiB~ Brokl!'r. 642-58~1. BABYSITIING ln my home, ____ :.______ J•nitori1I •'-NTA AHA HGTS. ............ 1"' FUHl•ALS .................. Mir fl-r au;-,, 2 oo ........ 1 .... , L:luna •-ach ru•-~· I -3133 , Street/off road dune b .. .-.., CM area. ANTHONY'S --L-------- 6790 o••we1a ................ 1.it •AIO OllTUAIY ............. '411 "" "-" ..,.,....,..,'6 U9 un J;W ,...,. _,..,. Call 548-3823 It \VA LS, \Vibdows, flOCIJ'S. ruSTllt .. • ................ 1..e FUNt:••1. 01•1CT011s ....... '414 a/c, panellina:, erpts, drpg, 7 ACR S W/PERMIT · · r.ntirely ne-.v design. '65 Cot-------'-----1 1 ' carpets. Commercial & NOllTM TUSTIN ............... 1'45 Ft.0•1m ............ ,.'41S ample .... ..t.in ... 4::;... .,... It. TO K~!ft HORSES ~at lot neat" Newp_,t. valr eni. $1600 vo1.I. For Nl."\\1PORT Heights mother 644•4860 ,,,,.,,0,;al. 0 .; ... , woe•>.. 11.NAJlllllM .............. 14.St CAJlO 0 .. TMAJlllKI ............ '41t _ ...... ,. -.. -. .., r" Pi d lal .,~ · u ....,_, ~ t11.vrtt•oo CANYON ......... 1w IN Mt!ll«l•t•M ........... _. .. '411 ..,"-.. mo ""-term l•a•• Adj l •··".. '~" g. ren area. -x boat or?? wishes to care for pre and/or •lo. S9l-"?."" u.coUHA MILLS .............. 11• C5MITl•Y LOTS ............. '411 ~ · o31N&• • ' .~ acen »U..,,...VlSJOn ° n e 85"$37,500 will trade $10,000 496-2500 school child over 2. 642·1596 The Best, co!ls no more! '~""' uoUNA et•c•·i · .............. 1111 CaMttl•l' c•Tl'Ts ......... ••n with If, tenn opuon. 1556 mile E. of hwy. util a•-il. -tylor•m.nho .. •-orTDs SPARKLE Jan•'to'rial • , .. .,. UOUHA HIOUl!I. ............ 1111 caMnl•Y caYPTs _ ....... MU Baker 5ii6-4890 $35 000 IL Cash bal ls .... ~.. """' . 3 BR 1.a· ba !rplc 1 lot CHILD care in my home E:"perienced Maintenance "' •Y • MISSION Yl•IO ............ ,,. ~ttlM.&TO•l•S ............. tel . ' • 71; ' t trust Briags Rltr. 6Tl-8110 ,, • • g • • B•dget Land• .• ,... dow t•leaning Serv. \Vin· ,._,. CLIMENYI! ....... 1111 MIMO•tAL P.&••s ........... "21 MODERN OFFICES deed. ... t>-<lra 18x22' garage, $25.500 vicinity Del !\far I.:. Santa c 1 ,AN iu.1.w CAl"IST•AHO ...... 1nt lUCTIOJill ... ................ MAKE OFFER I 1 Cabin Crui5'r 31' top cond. 38300 \V t A A C !11' 54B-49S5 Graduate Horticu1twist dows, resid .. co1nel. eons.t. CAl"llT•.&NO llACH ......... ltU AVIATION s11v1c• .......... ...,, FROM $6.l PER MONTH SI. 6 ··-· v ,. ,. eq. an camper, na ve.. .. . . Cleanup. Free ~SI. 96&--:Sl. OANA l"OINT .......... , ....... 11H T•AV•L ................... .w A' nd arkin tr&l I Write or contact· Geora:e R P8 • , .. .,, · s, ra 10 travel trlr, late mod. car or AL'S Gardening &: La1o1•n e•ttu••O ..................... 11n A1• TllANll"O•T.&TI01'11 ....... Mii ~~-co ·• P i. een o-Ktt Box: 9i4 · phone, auto pilot etc Want TDs. Owner/ A&t. 546-5580 ?-.1aintcnance. Commercial, ESTATE Maint Tree 5'rv ~=~:1~: ········:;:::::::::~:ft t~ll .. '=~:t3:"A~l~~.::::::l c•2"30'0"'E· "17',re~al seMl"Viet:. Bea~ or phone ·~~a vacant lot, TD'! of. ??! Big Bear A·fl'ame cabin. Brick,M1sonry1 etc. industrial & residential. Removal & trimmings, tr-ee 111v11s1oe couNTT ......... 11tt e1•MAN a TUTot1JN• .. · .. «ti . t .. ....,,ta esa Valued $11 cm '13-2431 6560 *646-3629• estimate Call 541--0088 t1ou11s TO ·•• MOYIO ······'"' SERVICE DIRECTORY 642-1415 ACREAGE For Sale, com-' · · Crpt& &: blt·ins, Swed. trple. --------'---l=~.,.cc.::::..:::::.:c........,,-1---~·-----· -·I cowooM1w1uM · ............ 1•• cco•-•• '·t 1 · 6 Apts $7 680 --s Ex· .,._,,,.· e ·-· $14 000 -ty NEW lawna r ,--•,·n 01.1"1.1.X•l FOi IALE 1'11 ... .... .. ............ ,,.. SEE At 188 E 17th St CM pu: ey engineeftd & im-. f ' ••V<>. .--• .., .......... ' -.. . BUILD. Remodel. repair. e • =u g. RE~'TALS •o• u.1.a·: ... ;:,,.. :~~11~~.o ::~%:if, ·;lfti'..!m Next lo ~ty P~clfi~ proved on San Di'KO Frwy. ~~:e or house, land or ~~r s'::1wne~;s_~;.1s. or Brick, block, concret,, ~gmb'te~bl~~n mco~h. ~~ Ho .... Furniahtd :~;:A~~ .. :~~s ·::::::: .. :::::·m: Nat'I Bank. Plenty of park· Zanedlo "" Ml, one ailcre.,~arcel5 · r6RTIN, REALTOR carpentry, no job too !mall. estimate11. For info, call •uTo. s.1 .. n.. ,.,.. ate. 1'41 · II u'I · I d d .u acres ava . co:tween 642 ~ E ••• _90 20 Acres ranch. 3 Mod'm Lie. Contr. 962-ii945 1 ~64&-0932==::,:oorc,:c8'=~~1~99=3~--t1M1aA1. .. .. .. ......... HM IAll'SITTIH• •ss• lfli, a u . l n c u e . Crowr. Vall p kwa .........., ves. ~ lllNT•u TO IMAlll ......... = ao•T MA1,.'l'IN•~c1 .. :::::::·uu 642-4210 Ra ~ V~~ a: Lay & El 1701,.A 'l/estcliU Dr. N.B. homes, 2 wells: fenced. MASONRY . •II typeal ERV'S LAWN &. COSTA MlfA ................. , 1111c1<, MAJONllY, •le. .•.... :tut 0 b nc leJO in guna . • Training track, hUJ(e barn. ~ ..... est,,,,· ,•-.·. "A• 0448 GARDENING SERVTCE MlSA DI!&. MA• .............. 1u 1u11N1s1 M11v1c1s ........ .wt 2 FFICES a11aila 1~. ap.-Niguel Call 10 A r.t to 12 2 ARROWHEAD Villas view ,4 -•i FOR I nd ·•• ,. '" """' .,....... MIS& Yl:llDltlll IUILOC•S ' ................ t$11 Alie ft . • ·• • I . ~ I . ' SlW :s: a . uni...,, res/Comc'l/Indus. Reas: co1.1.l!GI l".&•M .............. 1111 C.&'rll•tNCI un prox °""' 8Q • Pttt to 4. 499-1355, Stan ot ..... ear. Al util, Nice A. (Ir ? $45.000 EQ. 675-6259 642-7756 NIWl"D•T ll.&CN ............ not CAllHETM.AICtH• ............. istl tr& Baker, CT\1 Allen Brokers welcome frame cabin site. $150() val. B · S · 6562 NIEW,OAT MQYS ............... 1211 CAJll"INTl•IHG 'Jlt 549-llil ti.1 th F'r • . l d I d l.ake Arro\\'hcad \\'ater-u11nass 1rv1ce RE.5PONSJBLE stud~nl. n.ow Nl"Wl"D•Y 1No•1:1 .......... tt'lt cl!MINf, c..cm."::::::::::::"°' . on ru 1 • Cryatal.aire GoU CJub • llf, ~ e or a, trans car IAYIMO•ES ................ mJ C"ILO CA•r, LICNIMI ........ "11 Of!i-• o'eak spa-, . . or ? ' :>4.6-6277. front lot ~.OIXI lllll. Pacific BOOKKEEPING • Account-& edge lav.·n (average) $10 oov•11 IHOllES ............... tl:U CGHTll.&CTO•S .......... &Of ..... <>;: .. .._ area: 10 Ac. In booming:!----------Pal' ,_ "-· v· I ' 6910 ' * Lic'd landscape Contra.0. tor: complete lnd!cp&' 4 alao Japanese gard"ns 831).3037 LANDSCAPING Ycccu for sale, call Juan Pantoja, , P1p•rh1n9in9 P•lnting 6150 .... CL'', , .. c•••IT ~·--·~..:a1 -"' .. , c . T . D I isa""'" V<..:an 1e\11 0' , .• , • T--"·-••'"e. R-•""" mo. &tZ-3315 bel 5:30 & 6:30 ............. C&.EANrN• ....... u2s .x:u.,..,, se,v.ce. Antelope Valley SlSOO A i;i 1'\llsel' W111 . au o ..,. ~ •• ~ ",,.,, .. UNl'llllrTY •Alllt ......... .,tt.17 CAl,IY u.YtN• a 111,Alll 4'M N--rt C>'~ Cenfe" · c. p'•I t -"• lZOO m· R-nt $27,500 val. \Vant: lncon1e . •ble raf•a. p;ck·UP & dnliv· _P_'-'--------PAl"TlNG lnf • Ext Lowe-' lltVtMI ........................ HJI ou.,1111e1 ................. 4'>1 .... ,... •• e •• Release clauses, tem1s. 0 • ·-... e 1• ....... Bkr <>•m1 " " " "' ;o.\ I.UY tLUFI' "41 DRMOl.ITltlN 675-1601 "AO 000 \Vill Sid . ........ ery, 531.00C4 alter 6 PM. GARDEN COUNSELOR contracted prices. Fully"'" ilVINI tl•U.'1":::::::::::·2145 OUl'TINO s1liVicil ........... :~ CANON REALTY 675-3581 Sut'VCY "'d'_.; con .. . ~•ONA OIL MA• ........... ml EL.llctlllCAL .............. PRIVATE OFJ-'ICE , Ct' trust =u or sm er Malibu near pier. Priv. Qul!Jily, Exper, Capable Satisfaellon guai. Free ~st. SALIDA ....................... 1»1 •OUll"MIHT aiMTAi..S" .. """u ,_ drp o. lora TAKE over 5 acre!, no down. boat Owner 1n4) 729-3400 -"d 4 BR. 3 >a din;•g 418 HamUton CM Jin1 Weeks 673-ll66 1.100 111.1 -.................... mt FINC•N• ............... :::;:::.... crp ... ., s •a re space $25. mo. Near la)(, & town .. 1.::=:·....:.;c;;::::..· c.:;.:;,,.c.:;,.;:.:~ ...... " '" Builders 6570 --------'-' -"' -·--•.&Y isuwot"0 ................ r,: fl'LOOAs .................. -.... "° in the Glmdale F'ed Savings 894-4T4l Agt 17' Gulfstream fllT&l& boat, and/OI' fa.m. rm. FOR Hunt-J•panen Gardener CLARK & CLARK r:i..'°:1.J~Lf .... ::::::::::::::nn ;~::f,.CJ.:\"'l!A.Witi\~ -... wt Bldi •• Qlrona del Mar. $50. · '66, inbolrd.(M.ltdrive, 150hp lngton Harbour. $59,000 * Room Additions Exper .. comp! yard &etvice! CUSTO~f PAINTING IACIC l•Y ..................... tw a a1,1N11"•• "" mo. Call Evelyn Halbaldten Mount. & Desert 6210 ::.be_vy_6-eyl, and cub. value. 713145&-2556. 213/535. * Apartments & Units Free est. 66-0912, 968-2303 •~==·~"~'-~""-'-·-~-·I Lt.CIC 11.&Y "" ............. ,,... IA•DllUMO '4M 67" .,... .,.: .... ., -·-f la mod I MGD .. ~ b * ~.. H Kil "·-MUMTINOTOM II.I.CM ......... , .... G•H•••L. 1•1tv1c1s' ........ "*I .,...,,,.... or ~~ ••owe or te e P' LJQ,J us. ... =tom omes * I c .. .,.,s CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST! PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs. l'OUHTAIN VAL.LIT .......... 201 0 ,.0,,0 •••c•,. ......... ,., . 1 •••••••• , GT vw et• °'" ~i * ' Sto-s-,·a1,-,,, FREE s1:•1. si.1.cM ................. l4M " ' ........... CARPETS, drapes, air con. • • "· .,...,...,_ · 19":>9 Classic' tkirgwood '"' ..-~ ~lowing, '"•'--, odd ,.. bs. in Harbor area. Lie. &: l.Olf9 IL\CM UM GL.AQ ................. "'' . LEXES ._k.. . la.vout/rlt>SifT'I 20 yrs exp "'6 ,, ... """~ 0..,,.01 couNT.;·:::::::::::::, ... :e:•:HJ;'u"'• ................. !m dltionrni:;, plenty of parlrlnr. 2 D1:fP -,...uuGeim. Coupe 27 mpg. Exceptional P•cific Coast Builders. Reasonable. 548--695.5 bonded. Refll. turn.~. SANTA AMA .................. 2'1• MIULTM (I.USS ::::::::::::·;·,ne $10 & up. \Ve~MeCardle, Quality 3 bdr., 2 ba. I'065 l\-1 condition for l\lustang EXPERIENCED Japanese SUBURBAN Palntina/Dec we:tTMJNsTr• ............... ,,u ""ULINO ............. : ... •nt Rltn. 548--7729. RANCH So15 mo. Trade for IM-ach or late model Econoline or 2435 E. Coast }lwy. garden••· Rel'-"'•. 0,.~73 E-. rt G"·-·tttd Work MIDWAY CITY ............ , .. ,,u MOUS•C:LILlNINO .............• -. . .. Corona def M•r ,.,,n91 ....... ......~ .. ,.,.. .......... . IANTA ANA H•1Gttr1 ........ "" IHT•••o• oico•ATlN• ..... ,;;; LARGE Exeeullve office HOUSE area uruts or home. Owne1 · i·ord. ~13 aJt J. 548.QSjO 1 "' for lree estima~ Free est. No job to0 larae COAIT•L. ................. 21" INCOME TAX t74t NB •• .. lli ... after 6 644-0>17 \Vkdys. ' all '"' ~ .. UOUHA ll.&CM .............. rm t•OH Df'N_,.., .. ,,c: ......... ,7Jt .. ,. .. so sm 0 ce m ' . J[M'S Gardening & lawn ..,.~o~'-c"'""''~m __ . .,.,~,..,.'~..,.1 L.lOVNA NIGVEL ............ l7t7 lllOHiNo • . ........ HS $45 Owne 6ri>4644 & c t • 6590 • ' ::~u~:;j~~~ ···::··:::::::.ID: :::~~t•,N.,o ·::::::::::::::::::·,,',",, . mo. r. ACREAGE .. * * * * * •rpen iring maintenance. Rel!. & Com· • F'or better painttn: call ... ' ".N C •• '.T•AHO 1721 .................. !!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!liil!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l~~~~~!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!i CARPENTRY mercial. * 548-8411 experienced painte-rs • t J ..... 1Nv1:1T1ct.t.T1Ho Detldlv. ,, ... In_ duatr·i•I Prop. 6090 64""17 alt-6 P'''· c.t.•llTltANO ••Ac" ......... va JA.HITO•i•1. ' .. :.,,. • cu Ed La ~ " OAHA 1'01HT .............. 11•• Jl!Wt:LllY 111;,4'{.t"rk:" .... "'•l;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;,I BUSINESS and MINOR REPAIRS. No Job t&: ge wn :l'Z~~~· 11c;',!'TN•l'; :·::.:·:: .. : ~DICAl"IH• ... : ...... :;::::u11 LOT .; •• l00xl7!1 with office BUSINESS and FINANCIAL Tot' Small. Ca.billet in Pl'· Maintenance, Licen~ PAPER SPECIAL!STS - Sl.IMMI• ••NTAU ......... Jt11 ~~~l~M•llKli .............. ::: •-<Ox-40' 1 b .. " ,_1 NEWBERRY FINANCIAL ages le other cabinets. , --"""""1-"='"~~'-'-23~10'-'-a"fl,_4_ Calf •1" beralsl fo~;7i~!!!· fiocb, cONOOMINIUM ................ tttt Mov1•0 i. s'rOaAO .......... ·.... "" 5 a Wlu• 1""" Money to LNn 6320 545-8175, U no aMWer IN.ve 'jIM'S GARDENING & lawn 01 • mu s. "" ·w.sJ eves. 0UP1.1x1s "V•M ............. n1s P.&llllTlftG, ,,_.11t1ii;""••·4111 frame only. ideal !or truck. SPRING·S RENTALS PAINTtNO, lleM ......... ::::::.,,, ing firm. $2fi,OOO ~ best of msg at 646-2372. H. O. maintenance. Res. I: Coro· HousM Unfurnished :~~~C:oi'.i;>1o1v·····;::·:··:::::: tenna, Owner will carry 111 CITY OF LAKES lut. Opportunltl• 6300 ~~~ ~oar:n ~ qu~ :And""'e"'no"'-'n==~---merciaJ. * 548-Mll. •IMl!AAL .... -.................. ;t"1T1•1wo, l"ttcll. •w•lr ··"" TD. MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE CANDY SUPPLY -rty ..... without disturbing CARPENTERING, room ad· 642-4700 ~°.1l: o';t1~.li '::::::::::::::~:f ,,'?"':~=M•"•"""''" ...... :::: Wells·McCardlt, Rltrs. 20 ~tiles Ea.st of Barstow on ROVTE .. Your 1;, interest 1st TOs. dition11, patio decks & Reliable Lawn Maintenance •,0•,•,•,•0,",•,•,, ................ i•"•'• ~=~•"•';,",',,,.-· ............ •,"',,, 1810 Newport Blvd .• C.M. 1 ~ ·-ft N AFFILI TE "'° buyers tor 2nd TDs. covers. Quality, cu s-1 om Gardening and Clear>-Up ........... · ........... · reeway. ~e11. "'""" . ear A k 645--0115 NIW"D•T 1eAeH ............ tttl PUMP s1Jtv1cs ............... •tt• 5-18-7729 anytime , ..,_ Lo W d --~ .,_,, . s.ttUer Mortgaxe Co. Inc. \\'Or ·. G I S . 66 2 NIWl"OtT MONTS ............. ltlt ltOO,INO .. , ............... tJt •!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!! .... 1 .-e reen. on erfu! la11u !No OXlling Involved) r---'~ H bo ·---"" P.EPAIRS AL~ERATIO •n•r• erv1t•S 8 Hl!Wf'OttT l"OlllS .......... me ""010• ttHln. Ille ...... ., ... ,;:ti M·l Lot al ••• \", •••" 8-l. for apricots, altalfa, nut ttte Excellent 'ineon1e for few ""'svuig ar r tu"'4 ON yn. • ·• NS IAYSNOlllS ................ tttS l'.EMODl!.LlWG .... e: .. .-.r. ''~O "" ,y ~ • .... .. kl k 336 E. 17U. St. CABINl:.'TS: Any size job CONSTRUCTION silt cll!an· oov1a 1M01111 ............... nu lllMOOl!UNO. 10TcN•N• ... •MS Costa M's.a· lJ2'x300' All or growrng, '"" rt1S1ng, horse hour.i \VCC y "'Or {Days or ., nn 545--06 2:> llTCLtl'I' ................ nit sc1110•• 111AaP1N ..... 1'. ... '"' .. .,, -~i -·• ··•·""•Term•. ranch, boalin&. etc: etc; cven_ingg). Refilling .i:. col-64.o-11 yrs. exper. 54.8--6713 up, haulini;. ~'Prinkler sys-UHIYl!llflTY •A•IC ........... nn 1•w1H1 . .. .... .. ..... ·"" .. , w11 ............. "IU'" 1 1 M rt TD, 63,5 QUALITY ·-~;-_ Alt•-· terns inst.'1645-lod_ 08.\2&_ repaired. IVINS . ... . ......... _ .. ;mt llWINCI MACMINI! •••.&llS tHt ectin1 money tom COlll op. "' ...:..-g ... 1av1H• Tl!•tACE ............ :nu •••TIC TANICt. 1...,., IJC. .. tfft S42•500•1Call Ms.-0529 or eves 40 Acres Ranch Land, im· erated dispensers in C.OSta -!. gigu, ' '1 Hons -New const.. by hour -==="""":;:::;;=== Plastering. Repair 6180 e PATCH PLASTERING. All types. Free ('!slimate. Call "'"""' Plumbing 6190 PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small • 642-3123 • COllONA Oii. ,,,,.. ............ :mt TAILOllU.. . ........ ~ ..... ff1t f.99-Jl5 proved \VITI-I modern?. BR Mesa •-surrouodir-area. CONSTRUCTION ., 0 n. y o~r~Co;::";"~·=';'-~"6-c:::.~344:.::.'-~ .H II 673 IALIOA ..................... »Ii TllMITE coHT1to1. ............ n • ~"' " .. ,, 1u nn O R od 1 R . t.t.Y ISi.ANOS ................. mt TILS, C•ral'lllC ................. tt74 ranch hou1c. Jie liv rm, We est. route. (Handles available !or income pro-REPAIR. Partitions Small • •.rn. •, epa1r. 1.100 111.1 · · · · .............. asi TILi. 1.1M11iw11o • M.,..,. ...... •ns Commercial 6015 beam~ ceilin•, b--"fa-n•-e b r ' n d •andy •. I ·-6940 IA&.soa Ill.ANO ............. iw Tiii! 111av1c1 ·-.......... ''" ""--"""-'-'"'-'---,;..;._;. = ,.,.,. ~• "'" " o; dueing property. Fore ill & Remodel. etc. Nite or day, HAULING, cleanup. lots etc. 1'1Wl"OllT WIST .............. nn TILIYlllON, • ....,.. lie. ,,,,,.. nn, kitcben. modern bath le snacks) $1575. Cl.sh requir· domestic. l\1otels, Nursins: Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 Handyman anyti'm• yo" MUNTIHOTOff •t.&CM ....... MM u"MOUTsav ............... tnt RARE FIND 1 b' T k h -• · i NUMT•NGTON Mll.•IOUJt .•... J4U w1.1.01No . . ..,. p um mg. an ouse en· ed. For per~ ..... wterv ew Homes, Shoppins Centers, ----------call. · l'OUHTAIN VAL&.IY .......... :Mu JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Approx. 3500 iKI. ft. zoned closing 1000 gal plv. stor-in Costa Mesa area. :ii end or ft c e Bui Id in gs. .. * * 642-3398• * 11"'-IU.CM · ............... ;Mh JOI wANTao -Cl bid•·· fronlage on 2 well tank nd ,. lb ·"d • ho GA1101No•oY1 .............. :MIJ ~oswANTe . . ........ ,.,,... are u er;, spres· name,..., re11.s""P n,num-Apartments, etc. \Vrite or C C 6600 LONO SUCH .............. JMt Joe WANTEg• •-........ 1rt• ttavl!'led Costa Meu 1treets, 9.ll'e. With double gar. Con-ber to P.tulti·State Inc .. 9057 call Title Really k •,,,.nt, oncnte CLEAN UP & lite movini:; OtlANOE COUNTY ............. :Nit ••• I WO ,·, lSc ,, ft 5 .,.. lca.se ........ 1 Li' l k .. •• E I 'al H Do Tree & shrub removal. l.&NTAANA .................... MU OOMUTIC:l!1. ................. 7UI .. JO, ..-~· cree sep c an. ~ec ... mper1 W'i.. woey, Insurance Company, 21;). CONCRETE \\'Ol'k all RcMOnable. 549-1359 :~l~~~"~j~ ·:::·;::::::::::::: AGINCIES, Miii .::::::::::::::~:: sible_ 5 hp pump, 301 gal per min Calit 911242 C213) 861-0871 Clark Bu 11 d i ng, Binn-lypel!. Pool decb & custom. SANTA ANA MllO"Ts ......... iut ::i:c'r::"':D· Me• .......... 1111 Boyd Realty 675-5930 at 80' depth. Improvements: AAA CANDY SUPPL y iniham. Alabaina 35203 Call 5'8-llZ4 *GARAGE cleanup, trash COASTAL ............... 11 .. Ml!l.P w MT.-......... J:IN C-1 a• RGAIN Fenced with 1" by 6' x 300 ft Phone f205l 2jl-5286. ----------haul ing. By the job or by U.GUfllA •lACM .............. am JOa~ I o, W•-...... 1•• "" red ood t 7 Mil Ea ROUTE CEMENT WORK . b loo 646-U.GUNA HICIUIL ............. s1t1 Ae11Nc1•1 ,:,.":,""' ...... 1s• OLD Dup\,x on big C-1 bus. w enee. es st N 17" 000 1st TD on 11 000 i ' no JO 1 .c:'"':.:..:"='~-::::~'=""=-----M11S10H v11:'0 ............ 11tt SCNOOLI i IHST1tu"i;'I"'" .... 1sse lol, 63,,293 •. "-n'--' loca· of school. S76,CKXI, in Cash, { '.'~IE BR.AND CANDY) a, • sq. small, reasonable. i--re e TRASH HAULING AN CLIMllllTI .............. 1111 JOI ,.. l"AllATION ON .... 1• ...., ll"KI ba1 lat trust deed. Will ne. ExCJting work rcsellint & ft. brick commerc. bide. on estim. H. Stuflick. 548-8615 BUJLD, Remodel, Repair Brick, block, conc rete, crpntry. no job too email Lie. Contr. 962-ti94.5 Sewing 6960 25 YRS. exper Seamstren, alterations & repair, me111 clo!hing i;pecialty. 6f.5..0731 Alter 1 t ions--642-5145 Neat, accurate, 20 years exp . "c•'•'•'n"•'•" .. ' •••c• ........... iru• rMU.TlllCAL · .... 1-1• tion. J27,500. Terms. ~l-6661, ,.._ oolle·o·ng f · lo""·term leased I and. 1 • 64~-......... 11 • .. .. 1otiate. -..uurteay to broker. " money rom com ·'b * CONCRETE Work, bond-., c"='="'="'=b='---''---'"~"'-·'=~ &NA '01NT .................. Jut MERCHANDISE FOR 547-2331 oA1~ aft 6 PM. operated dispensel'3 in your Payable S750 per mo. incl . 1 C 1 697, ONOOMINIUM . . ......... ,,.,. SALE 'NO T".DE ~ JON All d 5 R t I cd & lie. Pat\0$/drvwyl YARD/gar cleanup. Remove TILE, •ram c .. ou'Lexes UHl"U•N. ......... ,.n "" ~ ... _... ••••••••• area. :"ofust be able to devot' .,,,, uc-yn_ en a --~-------1 SVMMI• ••NT.1.1.s .......... ms ll'V•HITUlll! .......... ittt,, ;l~nd::u:•l~r;l•:l~R:•:"':•:l~;~;..:;;1;~=:==~==~<= 2 to 8 hn! per wed: to make income-$2,400 per mo. W'/o etc. Phillips Ceme nt , tre,s, ivy, dirl, tractor * Verne, The Tile Man • RENTAL) OF111c:e: ll'UllNJTUllE ........ 1t1t 1 -.....i . N _,, Discount. 548-6380 backhoe, grade 962-3745 A P Ith d o''"JC' IQUll"MINT ......... nn l Small indurtrl&l unil8 • R. E. Wintecf 6240 vtry auuu income. o am.i-========== Cu~t. work. Install & repain. pts. urn • u~~ ::.Ull'MIHT .......... 1111 atorag, or sniall bu!ineas J;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,: ~ jnvol11ed. __ ,.,.:B;ro~k~·~·~'9;'~·'~"~"=--I Hou1ecl••nin9 6735 No job -too 1mall. Plaster •1N•llAL ......................... •A• ••ulPT,::::NT .......... ,. "''' $995 to $3,980 required 15·'· DISCOUNT Car"""t er •••. ,.. 6625 n<>tch. Leakin.. sh 0 we r COSTA Ml!SA .................. 4111t KO\JllMOLD •0001 ........... MIS Newport Beach, 646-..... , /I ... -• ..... -::~~0",.\•i~.c.:i··:::::::::::::: OA•Aoa SAi.i ... ":::::::.'=: 6T'>43Z7. :Based on :::r ~t ~ tim.i.l 1st TD on whilt 1vater view CARPET &: -Furn cleaning· BRIGHTER-SIDE cleaning repair. 847-1957/846--0206 :::~g:~ ~:!~~1' .:::::::::::;: ~~:~':3tls ·-~~-~'.~~.::::::·::= FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. ft. $$ MORE (ASH $$ y1:ur ~::. se~nt~~ a~~ @lo: ~ ~~na i~i8c~c,s5.: lot 1 day !Ctvi~ & qualltY :i;;ce·cl=~· "r~: :~~: TrH Service 6980 'l'lllTCLI'""' ........... 4UI ~=~•ou11s · · ......... 1111 industrial bldg. 9c ft. 1639 dreM l ,00 to d·-3 ~ e"rok·r'••• "11•38 _._rk, call Sterlin& for UN IVlll"TY PAll K ........... a» ING MACHI... .. ...... 11n ., . CM -w11 . . .. ne no. : ..... ...~ ~ ;rt-.. 54&-4134 IACIC SA y .. . .............. 4~H MUSICAL !NSTaUM•lllT ...... l lU "(lnrovta, . ~!.>-For Your Home Equity TRANS·WESTERN DIST, co. . brtgh(ness~ 642--8520 GENE'S TREB s ER v : t:AiT •L.Ufl'll' ............. uu PIANOS. OllOAHS ............ lllf Abaolutely no c~t. • • o:.a.. N A A $500) 2nd TD \\'ell secured· CARPETS, Window!, flrs. trees/shrubbery removed, o•ONA Dt&. MA11 ........... •Ut ••010 ...................... tnt """ o. :tusa '-"· ed 2 61,e: qt 3 DIAMOND Is a carpets best etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnl ••1.10.& ................... 4 .. t~~·~s101t11 ................... nt1 to you the Seller! Covina, Calli. 917Zl season yr. 1 ~0 y, yr friend! Diamond Carpet trimmed, hauled away 1•Y ISLANDS ................. •ut TA·.,~ 11rt:~.~~li!"""""'""'' L3 "tars of .,.,..,;"g more cub· I---==:::..=::..:::.:::._ duf'. 00% disc. &44-4265. Cl••-ra. .,.1317 work Reas! Refs. 54S-4lll 54.9-13.'19 1.100 1s1.a. ................ 4lS1 ......... nt1 ~ .....,~. A1ACHINE SHOP ....... .....,... ==========ol IALSO.& 111..11.Ho .............. 4:W e.&MIAAS a lllUIPMIMT .... 1Jtt for Orange County propert)' ,..., . 1 M Bay & Beach Cleanina: Serv "U111T1itoTON ll!ACM ............ 1o101sv 1u,.•1.1as _, ............ Call h R · v:•vner re I 1 t n g. \Veil-oney Wanted 6350 Carpet Cleaning Servi~ 990 fOUNT.&•H VALLIY ........ 441t ll'O•TINO eooos ......... IHI HOW'S THE t e 'st··. equipped tor research a n d Licensed, insured. Carpclll, windoY.'!, floors, etc Upholstery 6 ti&&. 1r•cH ., ...... : ........ : ... llH10CUua,1.,scop1s .......... ,. Then c.n the &st d 1 l 1 \Viii ,.,.., 10~,, on $30,000 1·n-Res & Commc'I ~1401 czy<'OSKl'S CUST. U-"•'. 1.oNo eucN ................ -utt Mt c11.uw u1 ............. •• eveopmen or genera >"'"-3 :ruaranreed. 646-0'1.M n l'4...,. )1flA1'1109 COUNTY ............ ,4ttt MUC. WANTIO ................ "!t machi~ w 0 f' k. Nice ve5tmenl in s u c c c Ii s f u I WOULD You believe J \Vill Euro-an Craftsmanship IAlitOll\I OtOVI[ .............. 4tlt MAGNINlllY. ltc. ............ ti• BEVERLY JACKSON . . ho . H' h . ,. W91TM!Nn•• ................ 4'lt LUMll!• ....................... 111• buildins; with ~~ acre, 1'1-1 Juntots pp1ngccnter. Jg clean your home tor Blue lCKV;'o fin! 642--1454 ti111DWAY crrv ................... ,. ~1':~::11 MATliii.t.L" ........ 1n s TIME FOR property in Costa J\.fesa. interest ratf' makes re-C1rp1t L1ytng &. l cC~h;ip~S;ta~m~pa;i.?~897;.-73.iO,;;·~~;,!,;,;;i'i;"~'~N;;ewporti;ii;;i;~Bl~ .• ~c;.~M~.;;I 1.t.lfT• AN& .... · · ............. iw"'l'l s ...... :;: R£AlJY \Vill consider sell int pmp· financing unfeasable ll t Repoir 6'\26 U.MTA AN• llllOffTS ............. PETS . nd LIVESTOCK fU"IN . , ................ 4'" 1 erty on I y. Call owner: present. Call O\\'ncr 962-8996 y Ad Sh Id I H ·• co•n•L ................. ,. !,','s' ·""'"' ............. -• 642-'601 or ""'1261 ANNOUNCEMENTS-FOR CARPETING OUr OU 8 er I tt:~:: =~0~:1. .............. •:: .. . ................... -...... QUICK CASH 147-6033 or 545-1245 MISiM* VllM> .:::::::::::··:,.. =;~.i ·:::::::::::::::::::::." ·= . P,.,A.~TNti·-E.R\<'~!i"t,~~· .·.cwliVf!..! and NOTICES OR CARPET LAYING They're Looking For Ill i.t.N Cl.IMl!'HTe .............. 411t l.l\lllTOCIC . UM ,. ... c.><,. .,.. .,.~ C. A. Page 642-2070'1\ ........... ...:;.. ........................ .::::;...--,.-~ WA•~':!.·::::::::::::::·::::: CALIFORNiA''LiViNG l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I duct protected by us pa. Found (Fr" Ads) 6400 . uNTAL11sM ········-········· :.:=~~:·Poi:ii.i"·:::::::::::::: THROUGH A BUSINESS end ~~~ufa~ "0zitri~?:~: BLACK k white dog, all • u I I L • .J l"ATIOI ........... -..... -......... , ,INANCIAL "".:u. bl k f ale bl ck I ·NNOUNCEMENTS 'NNOUNCIMENTS "PIL n urn '""" 'w'""' ,. .................... .,.. 67"..s<ll. " '"'· m ' a "'. " " ANNOUNCtMINTS •1Ji1t1tAL •• tltt VACATIONS ..... "", ..... 1----------IB!:ER, wine l: dtti; liquor Jar with silver buttons. and NOTICES ind NOTICES -• MllA .. : .. ::;:;::;;;;;;;;,.. TRANSPORTATION •o•nd Ne·-~ Be•ch and NOTICES · MU.A v••o• ................. 111• •o•T•. Y•c--DAILY PILOT a Op ~ It' 6300 potential. Established llfO. re .... ..t""'. • "l:::r-••ACM n111 "'. ............. "' -, .. un 1•1 646--4273 ,. T ,.111"ri ........... ;211 u.11.aOATli ................. fflt • -in rrowinr community. ---·-------Lost Lost 6401 6401 P1rson1l1 6405 MIWl"CHIT SllfOttss .::::::::::SUI ,•,•1•1• .. ~-~.•,•>1,•oa"r ............ ,.,."" DISTRIBUTOR 537-lT';iS. Sl-tALL Grey I y,•ht. female :::.;;_ _____ ..;:::::;:.: "'f.TC&.tl', 51111 __... .......... FEMAl.E Sealpoint Siamese "I llTT .. , ........... · SOAT T•A11.1a1 , .fQf 11•o•v~•G Prtnt s~ w'•th kitlen. Vlc. Bt:a's Laun· L\DJES \vall t t. v,·, Ctnter I , --1----------u•.. • ..... . .......... Im IOAT MAtHTl!NAl'CCI ......... _ """"" .,.,.. FU l grown. Ltr.!l vicinity IAC:K .... Y ............. S)llt •O.t,T L.lUNCMIN• ........ ..,.. WANT AD AB Dick photomat plate d,,..,,rom.,.a_I. Baker St., C.M. sr. Ci\1 orJrd Ave .. Laguna 21st, Costa Mesa. 548-6315. Utt Sl.V"I' ............ ,Mt M.&••H• ltUI" .......... ". s f I f'I •• .. Be I ~ 011. MA• ........... sue 10,,, ILtl", Mo0a iN9·:-.:·:: .. :m. ucettu u na rorp. ttqUu· m1ker, otlstt p rint i n r .::.:::.::=-------ac 1. F'ri 811. Valuable ne11.·lltd. ................... snt IOAT s111v1cn M» e! rt>Liable party P.1AN OR press. For Dle or leas('. \VRl.PPET. Malt, epprox 6 pap t t s. Reward . .f9!1o-2369 l.&Y """'"~ ................. PH aoAT ••HT.&U .............. ,.. l"D••A" to h di h 1 \VHITE female poodle. Jost LIOCl 'llLI! ................ JHI SOATC•••,•• ............... _ • 'I 1-. an e II.' 0~· 548--0791 01' 642-0920. 177 mos. collar. Nr. Talbert&: afl. 6. SALIDA Ill.ANO SUS ............... 642 567 ... d -· ti' I . al I ===~~-----8/10 HB. No idcnt: 6 MtlftTINITON •••c•r :::::::::s ... l'tS'41HO IOAn. ............... tilt • 8 ...... e ISu • u on 0 n•tion -Riverside, NB. -"~'~"":c..:'~"~Nc;:B~. ~"'=~-=3S~1 ___ 1SHAGGY Black ~1 •. few "°"'"Tj.IN VAU-l'Y Mlt tO.&T MO\llQ ................ tlU ly & TV • 1dverti.!4-d con. -rvuu children waiting. 962-14.34 SUL IUCM ........ :::::::::'.'4tt ::::ss°t:A".:,•,"o,·········"· ··= Nnt•ttl)Oat items. Deliver *LIQUOR UCI.'NSES• }o~~tALE Gennan Shepherd grey ha.its. 1&" ta 11 . GRIEVING: Beautiful cal it.'O =:.-.•~=riY' ............. = AiacaAirT .:::;::::::::::,,.. & collttt onJy our establish-lnlcr-County Transfers 11pprox l Yl'· Sanb. Ana & Ar1$\\'Crs to "Rolo". Vic cal, ins to "Ciea" jTsclsaJ. •••H• e•o•• .:::::::::::::,.,. ltLYlNCI LSISOMS ........... ,.,,,. ed accnt.'I. ... ORANGE COUNTY * Del M&r. 64>0127 Bola Chica &: Springdale, 546-996S --••• ,.-MOllLI ftOMll .............. ,.,.. OFF SALE SIOOOO II B Child's -t "·w·~ 1..:.::...::;: ______ _ ....... ............. •. .. MOTOll NOMIS tilt ' ShtALL Black & bro'll.'n . . .. ~ . f'l.l: 9",I. ,..,. ...... CTT'I' .............. .,.141• •1CYCl.E.S .::::~::::::::::-Ynu -· ···n ON SALE 112.-fom·'• d-. v~ Ed .. -~. •-&92-1551 Af'GltAN Hound, bro\\'M, '*"" AM ................. .Hal •Lt:CTllC: CAlll "" ,_,, .. """" ~ Vft .... w .. u .. f nlal • -t . H ·11 • _,.AM Ml.leMTS ............ MIMI a1KU _, .. :;;:;:::;;;;:·fin wry hi""" JtlOl'ltllly i"-me ~Yinston (213) 2'7M249 collect Bolsa, HB. 893-1162 BEIGE Leather bag loat on P'laooeno"a-~!•.s.c,,,., 11!!:1'2°" Ill .. ~ ... ~., •· "' .,. ,., .... , .... MOfDllCYCLIS ,. . • • .• .. .. ... tN1 •" '"""' ""'' D>ff1""0U M.=,. ......... -...... SNI MOT0•1COOT1•t ............ fllt Tb qua.Illy, you must M'l'e JNVEST il500 and \VOtk with VIC Ora Cty • Bt.lbol Isl. Jn de1perate ~ ............. ,,. AllTO 111v1t:11 • ,,.,. -~ ~ ·-•i be nge · arrport n·-• of -n-t• Pia ··'! PEKE: amall nd female Nletl anr .... •"""' car, ., ......... .:.r=1 t. It lt. No welling. Very h1"h · t h • ID ~ I t '""' "" .,,,, """' .......... " AUTO TOOLS a ••u•'· ....... Mli bl <& man 5 wa c u••ce c 6_ •••" or -· _,7 ,;""'h". Vic .,... Verde. ==~ ....... = r11•1L11t. TUY& ........... MU • e to make. a ca1h Invert-ttturns. SUnday A.M. only. In ixm. 643--1028 ,,,....w °"""'..,... -"' Hl!tf!_,, .. , .. ,;::::;,,... 1:A',l::," "'""" ............... ,.,,. mtnt of $3.$6,000 1eeur'f'd. Noothtttlme&). lnwatlpt.e, GLASSES, 250 bl~k on .!!!.ward. 5'45-4873. UAL llTAT~ Jllu~u ,:::.:::::::::;:;::::::.... For~ deWll, on the moet Sundl.y Mail J.nc. GREY rabbit 54&-Sl"6 or 17th SL, C.M. _OJIJWn on BLACK Lab-Sctl('t~ v 1 c °'"'"' c~'tilitt •i~Au ............ :;;: t:X"eihnc new butinese oppor. ~fr. Bruce. {7141 871-1..C43 5-19--SSSS t".Uf', ReWl\td.. 714: ~1 Bro.sdway A: Santa An• . ........., -. ................. m. DUHi! 1utct11s "" tunity that m1y ever come BIRTH CER IFICATE An11wen lO "Spur." 6*-6181 tliUM.-1o1:··"·~· ..... ,_ .... Wl"O•TllO AUTOS ............... YoUt WIY Wtit.e brief re. PLASTIC Bia. for sale. Jnj. 646-21tl SIAMESE cat. IJllJ"'ru'I to -•1rt••• .......... .-•.a•T C:Au ......... :,.11 llrM of Ru A .~,, no l• molded plc tr11.mc11. S8200 + I ==~-"~::..:.~---trcckle1. female. lA$t vie nT ........ ,,.,,,,. ANTIQUll, (.U.ftKS ......... IOI --.... """' • -.~ •~ CA ~-ff "' _._ ii .. ~ .... ··'"' f"' ca••· "001 ........... ''" H. Roaii, 5223 La.nJutraheim 1nvenlol)'. ._........., l\JERA In N' w po r I -~=•~t~B~lu:;::·~~::..:..==...• __ w:rnu. •"-1 COU•fl '"1 uro avt•TS ................ Hll Blvd., No. Jiolly\vood. \Vant ESTABLISHED ~auty S3Jon Heightll tdcntity. ~ LARGE Black l ~hlte. ~ GUO'f lo I '"' ll.ltOS 'fi'ANTIP .............. tNt ~IK.•INT•L'\ .,. NIW(A111 ····-···········• put,y C.J)f;hle-of nuki111 in OOf. 6 chain. newly LRG B l ack Getman die mi.'C, Vic of Eulbluft. IHGOMf ••or ,.... . ......... 'UlO ...... ,. ................ ftlf ,............ Sll41!.000 """r yr. ~atcd. 6~ Shtpherd. Call 6({:.137t1&! ·:.::.<-~•=352=-------tvll"I"' j11,(Wl.lJl1Y ttJf •'110 CAltl ,,. ............ .,,.,... .,.. " ,. P1tton1l1 6-405 AUl>HOLTCS Anon.r mout Phol'll: 542-1217 or ,..Tite to P.O. 81))11223 Costa r.teSll. FREE! Buie Boatin1 Course ottered to the public by the Balboa Pov.·cr Squadron for people illtere&ted io sailboatt '' \\'ell A!t power boats. E11ory Monday ni;ht for 13 'Nl!tk• beiiMing 7 P~t. t.ton .. Sept. 15. conn, ootebook ti.rat nl&hl) at Ne\vl)Ort Harbor Yacht Oub, 12o W. 8a,y Ave.. Newport Beach. No advance ~(lltn.tlon. E:nroU at cltAS. Any 11ue1tion call 673-1855. *DIVORCED YES fT'S YOUR FAULT For recordtd melAlie thal wlt1 Chatlle your Ill~ eAU ORANGE CO, S<:.6637 '24 hour reeordina " Satwdor. A.....,t 2,, !WA DAll.Y I'll.OT JS ANNOUNCIME~TS oncl NOTICIS JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a EMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYM&NT JOBS A EMPLOYMENT JOBS a amPLO'r~ .,, J.•• _,.. -·-._._ Help Wonted, Moft 7200 Hel Wonted, Mon 1200 Help WMted, ,_n 1200 Help Wented, Men 7200H.lp w.~ ... Men-7200 .... w-H.1; 0 Want•d . Htlp W•nf;j 7·~ P1r.onal1 •¢'!'3"'' I ' 1"~ Women 7400 Women ...,. w.,,,... 74001;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;~1 U)VE bUna' Ra.le I. bev- ty widower yacbl1m&• wllhe11 lO mttl a!Ouent unattJchtd female. Dr:pen.. dant OK. Share t:Xptn!l9, "·otk, • fun aboard lux- wious Yacht, 1213), (J).3J05 DR·AFJSMAN ,~ .. 1.1 QAl"10 VICTOR A..,...ivon;::; """"""" * * MOR 001\troRT BRA l!:nlarre •ppe•rant."t with no pad•. Supports f\IU bu1t. For fitUni or job call Atn. Conway. 96&-621.9 after 6 PP.I or Sat. (It 'ATite Box .f8&, Huntlllifon Stach. LICENSEO Spiritual Readil?&s. advice on all matte.rs. 312 N, El C&mlno Real, Su Cltme-nte 492-M, 496-95()1 10 A.i\f • 10 PM Attracllve Expert YOUNG wor.1AN dancer will teach you all LI.lest steps, can Ardell 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM ENJOY economy vacation Calalina l!la.nd, F r o m $8 mkf'A-eek for two. Hennoaa Hotel. Phone Avalon IB7. IF YoU have rtnted a ladder during June, 1967, please call546--0198 MR. Ken Allen : Our books are open for inspec:tion. Get your facls straight J. K. Cemetery Crypts 6419 FOR Sale, double Cl'ipt No. 28 in t.fau!IOleum of RePo:sc. plus endo\Vrnenf c:are at \Vestmlnsler !\leinoriaJ Parlt \VUl dlM'OUnt. \Vrite r.frs. L. R. J'aeks, Aptos. Calil. 160 SI. Andn?Y.'I Dr. 9J003 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, L•dy 7020 BOOKKEEPER • Phone • PBX·Rec:eptionist. ?ilin. typ- ing. 1'~ o r m e r Executive Secretary Handicapped 1,•ith ar1hrilic aiin. Experit-nc:ed llta~-e1nent F i n a n c e , lnsuranc:t", Real Est ate . P\euant attractive grandmother. Drives o\\·n cu. Avail part.time or tuU. S.W.-1997 REFINED Lady, Pha1ma· cists 11,.ife, interested in full or part time \\'k. Cosmetics, drugs, bizying, selling, Jn. vent, etc. .15 yrs. exper. Pleasant, honest, reliable. Call !\frs. Bie1man ~323. QVALIFIED, Resp. I a d y seeks position as Cont· panion. Drive, S\liim, Free to travel. Avail. won Box f.1681, Dally Pilot JAPANESE Sc:hool G i r I mother's aid, L ive-in, American family close to o.c.c. 962-27'i7 Domestic Htlp 703S Chinete liv(!..ins. Clieerful Permanent. ~rienc:ed. Far Ea.st Agfiicy 6'U103 George Allen Byland Agency Employer Pays Fee 11J6.B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 Help Wontod, Mon 7200 ELECTRONICS AVTEL The Avtel Corporation, a leadirc manufacturer of sol. ii • atate J:IO\\W conversion ~ystems. has Immediate op- portunities for persons ex· ~rlenced In digital control c:ircuitry, SCR I o g i c &. 1witching techniques. , JUNIOll MECHANICAL Al&n'llS\ve, youna-man. Min. imun1 t\l.'O )'Tl exper, able to 'l't"Ork: lrom deslfJ\ la.you! on cloee loler1;1'1(le radar eqWpment, Some elrct. btlp. tUI but not nee, K:oowkdge: of ltfill.Spd.-100 a mWlt. Xlnt c:hance tor advancement for the right man. Good work· In& conditions aJld top ben. cfiU. TASKER INDUSTRIES Radiab."Ollica Div, 188U Teller A'·enue Newport Beach, Calil, F.quaJ opportunity employer STOCK ROOM TOOL CRIB AMNDANT J\1ust ha\•e recent exper· ~nee or incoming re- eeivlng of 1tores and ra1Y materials, tool c:1ib con- trol. and shipping & pac:kaging p1'0Cedures. Call Jiln Hya.ml\. Days S·l2·2·l00. Eves. 546-0319 GULTON INOUSTRlES 1644 \Vhinier Ave, Costa l>fe&a, Calif. Equal oppartuniry employer ACCOUNTANT One or the c:ountrles top building r i r m s . B~ht. young n1an for initial as- slgnn1enl in Orange County. Unlimiled oppo11unily for a degreed accountant lo broaden his experience and prepare Ior i. ~lid futwoe. Construction e-"<per. helpful but not manda.tol'y. Salary commenstuate with abWly p1Ul5 excellent fringe benefits of a world-wide parent c:om. pe.ny, Contac:t W, C. Baker (TI4J 540-9710 • SAWMAN • PLUMBERS •STOCK ROOM & RECEIVING • CARPET LAYERS Experienced only ISLANDER l\.fOTOR HOl\.tES 2135 Canyon Dr., Costa l\fcsa SERVICE STATION SALES MECHANIC Full lime. ?itust know brakes, tuneup. 3 yn:, ttt. exp, neat appearance. See J im, Z190 Ne'vport Bl\'d., C.?it. WAITER Apply in pe1~n 11fter 5 p.n1. KA RAM'S SOI 30th St., N.8. (Oosed AlondayJ FULL-Time po.sitions 7 Ai'f lo 3 PM ahift. and 11 PM to 7 A&I shift available. MU!ll ix' local resident w i t h references. Salary and com· mission. Apply in per.!IOn STOtCK ~ND SHIPPING CLIRICS . -e-\\'e have two lmrned.itte openina:1 lOf manldacfWini clerical ~net STOCK CLERK \Ve p1't.ler a ttc:e.nt ndrumwn 1:lf one )ll':&f'«tockroom exper. tenec with the electronics lnduslr)' and be able to work with a minlmwn o1. direction on lleCOlld shift. SHIPPING CLERK ?!lust bave valid Calltoml.a drivers license &M a rttenl drivini \Vork history. We tt· 9ui1'1' 11. n1inimum of ollt' year experience and know!. edge cl packina-electronic equipment ls pre(er1'ed, \Vill perfomt a variety of ship. ping department duties, --Good sta11ing i-.i.tes and benefits varian data m·achine A VARIAN SUBSIDlARY 2722 1\1ichelson Driv~ (San Diego Fw>', to J amboreo! ofi i;unp 1 blk S, to flHchelson Or.) Irvine, calif. 9~ An F.qual Opportunity Employer ht&.F CLERICAL ITT JABSCO TIME KEEPER· COST CLERK Good oppo11uility for a n1an with S<lme ac:count- in&" or related cleric:al ex· perienc:e to come Into con. tact ~·ith a.II departments or the 1..""0mpany_ Prefer ltigh School and some ac· countlna; trainin&:. P1ease apply in ~r· :!On or In writini: tc Personnel Dept. GOOD BENEFITS AJ\"D \VORKlNG CONDITIONS Equal Oppo11unity E1nployer 148.l DALE \VAY CO:,iA MESA, CALii'', 926'26 lil4) 545-8251 BUSBOYS Now and thnJ lhe ~I year. 18 or over. Apply al- lcrnoon1 12-5 pn1 at FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANT l801 E. Pacilic Coast llw. Corona del Mar * EXPERIENC'EO * COOKS BUSBOYS DISHWASHERS APPLY IN PERSON only: 8 lo s. REUBEN E LEE BA YSHORE RICHFIELD • 200 W. Coast Hwy, NB 151 E. Co•st Hwy. A Newport Beach TEST suPERv1soR erospace Fasteners 1--B°'u""s...,Bo"'y'"'s-- ~nn1mun1 '"'o years super· Part or full time. E>.11 not ''iso1y or lead e.'(perienc:e. *S•t·up Operators* necessary. Xlnt pay, Apply Capable of handling teo man Tr•nsfer Heederi Jn person to l-fr. Horst Chiesi !iection. Prefer power con-T NEWPORT HARBOR version experience. revbs end Economyi YACHT CLUB ELEcTRoNtc TEcHs Rockford Aerospace '111) w. aa,. N .. btwn U-12 noon &:: 6-7 pm l!X- Ale .... In edv1nc:e4 ECM System loceted 1n Bolmont, Cellfor- nl•, 20 mlle• Sout& of Sin Francisco on the be•utlf'4 S.n Fr1ncl"' co Ptrtlnwla. h11 IMM£DIATE OPENINGS for: ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS FINAL TEST Chall~nai~ 3'!nJor • level v.·ork In chttk-out and trou. ble·&hootlrc for stal~-or·the­ art, sophl1tlcattd rad.at hom. inj:; and \\'amin&: i;y5lems. YOU ' CAN JOIN A VIT~L EXPANl>ING INDUSTRY, WITH THE FOREMOST MANUFACTURER OF AUTOMATIC VALVES AND CONmOLS. THESE PERMANENT POSITIONS ARE AVAIL· ABLE IMM.EDIATELY * TURRET LATHE OPERATOR No. 3 & No. 5 Warner .&. Sw•HY Potter & Johnton 1utom1tlcs. ...... a1rl wllh ·-and new acoounta upe:ricnce in Bank or Savinp A. LOan. t to 2 )TS. pn:fcL Plcuant, una1l ofik:e atmospbml. Conta<.1 P.1r, Lapp. 00\VNEY SA VIN CS & LOAN f\.SSOCIATlON 837-49ll or 642~ NEWPORT BEACH AD AGENCY N LE NEEDS * MULTIPLE SPI D Port tlmo holp. Good Drill Pr111 Opar1tDr typist for clerical d.,... * * * * * flu, errencls. $1.'5 per hour. Call Barb•r• •t We have provided over 20 years ot1 .... ...,.,..64,..2·,..3' .. •o ... ...,.,..1 steady employmenl for aur employees. CLA-VAL COMPANY abilities anlimiteo agenc;y Qualit)I Positions for Qualified Applk:an\5 '88 E. 17th St., SUile 22.f J, C. PENNEY COMPANY 1'11hlon l1l1nd -Newport Be1ch NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Housewives & Mothert Can you spare a few hours each day and add to the family in c ome at the same time? Schedules convenient for J' mornings, af· ternoons, evenings or co inatlons of all. \Vork ln store under tbe fin st of conditions a.nd top supervision. APPLY IN PE ON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AM to 5 PM Monday thru Friday All studen~ positions filled. Equal opportuni ty employer ' * * These pemiane:nt positions require a thorou&:h koo11·!- edge of RF and transistor circuits. 1·3 years cxperi· eoc-e. required, 1Yi!11 se.rvic:e e.\'J)Crience eonsidc1-ed. Llb- f'l'lll relocation assi.sta~e. E."<celleJJt bellclils and wo1·k· ing conditions! S4.+I per hr. 171h & PLACENTIA COSTA MESA, CALIF. 714-548-220 I Ol5ta r.lcsa 6-12-1470 Helo Wanted Women tftlp Wanted 7400 TO ARRANGE LOCAL INTERVIEW PHONE COLLECT to En1ployn1ent P..1anagcr in Bcl- n10nl. Phone : (41.ii 591-l.tl4 from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. or 1.t~6l 591-0.'l.58 rrom 5 p.m.-7 p.n1. on Tuesday or \Ve<lncsday evcnin:;s (onJy) (August 16 •ncl 27). DALMO VICTOR 1 TEXTRON Division tal5 Jnchutrlal \Vay Belmont, CaW01·nia 94002 An equal opportunity cn1ployer U.S. DIVERS DRAFTSMAN Twtt years expericll<.'f" tt- quired. JANITOR Tu·o years expel'iencc 1~ quired. Capablt> of hcavY lifting. ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Two years t':xperiene.e in elec:. trical tooling &:: molding r"e- pair. WAREHOUSEMEN T"'"D years experie~ re- quired. &11 ...... ..,_...111.hy .,.,, • .,..,. Executive Secretary "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IFc1· publishing Co. President. :;::; Experienced and adaptable H I W t d M 7200 to a wkle variety of projects. Help W1nted, Men 7200 e P •n • • tn Heavy s1enorette dictaticn. -------JANITOR \VORK~vi!inings Shorthand hdplul. fifust Ix> * DRIVERS * Pa rt-tin1c. Ne,vport-Costa wc\J.groomed, ai·tlculate, at- fi'lesa.. Apply days, 320 s. tracti\'l', Excellent 1\·orkln~ No Experience Glassell jst, Orangt>. conditions, and company =~-,,-'-,--,-7'7--=-I fringe benefits.~ Necessary! f\TAN. steady par:. time job.1-~-------1 XlnL L.A. Timel route lltust have clean Caliromla 1 · $200 + driving record. A~pl)I open, rv1ne area, . YELLOW CAB CO. mo . ........, JS6 E. 161.h St. l\laintenanci! Meat D e p t . Costa ~1esa Clean up 7-9 p.m., S day$. -~-""~~~~-·I Gd ralt". Richard's ?ilkl. Controller $12,000 3'13.1 Via Lido, N.B. 613-6360 TELLER UNI TEO CALIFORNIA BANK Excpt'I opply with leading PAN \Va.sher, all around non-deferu;e mr;:, coinpany. kltch n1a11. Langlois Fant.-y :!0'2'9 Hai•1>o1· BlvcJ. Call Kent. :145-5410 1''rozen Foods, 2L144 La.guna Costa ~h::sa, calif. JASON BEST Cnyn Rd., Lag. e. 494-7020 5-l&-2.03.1 l!:mployment Agency :!120 So. i\lain, Santa Ana YOUNG Man \li•llh car. part FEMALE HELP BOYS TO. 14 time work, early morning. PART·Tll\JE 11 Afil-2 PM PH.: 54S--4T::i2 Ideal for ~!others 'l't'ilh child· Carrier Routes Opon =====-=.,.,--=~cl t·•' ba k ID hool BARTENDER, Nights, 30 or ren S .., ung C 8C , for ovtr. Beer bar Costa l\!esa Unifunn5 6 meals furnished. La;una Beach, So. Laauna 5"8-9Z!6 Contac:t !\tr. Dinius. DAILY PII.OT McOONALO'S 642.4321 ESTABLISHED Insurance -of HARBOR, lNC. COOK _ Exp'd. Leads avail, N.B. office. 3141 Harbor Blvd., c.r.t. Top pay. Apply in Person C&reer oppt. 675--6383 e Mf>.994.1 e Bk~f1:Ji\i~ ~ERVJCE Station attendant LVN & Nurses Aides 33;;5 Via Lido Exper, ness. See Mike. La r &: e, prngresslve ECF Newport Beac:h .\678 Campus Dr. NB l'lt'eds U. Orientation provld. Salesmen Wanted PLur.mER. E."<J)erienced in cd by a full time, in service, plumbing Cr heating. Fringe educator. Openin&:s 3 to U & full and pal't-lin1e benefits. 646-4922 11 to 7 shlf!s. Inquire in pel'S;,ln \VANTED: Utility man, KINGS FOR MEN ri1esa Center Automotive Coll ROYALE' 5.16-6450 -+. 2300 Harbor Blvd., 0-1 196 E. l~th St. Cflf GOOD Repair .ervic:e 1nan I ·-~-"!~-~-~!'!-~-.,..-~_,.-.-:~-.. -~-,.--;:~1----------1 lor s\vimming pool service. • Pl'oduc:tion SuperVisors e Huntington Pool Supply • Quality Control Inspec:tors 16459 1'-1agnoUa 1631 Pla.ce.nli1, C.1\1.. \Vestm.inster 84.2-2813 l::xperlenccd TELLER SHOE Salesmen, full & part-time. Leed',; Shoe Store, So. Coast Plaza. Con- tact r.1r. Phelps Help Wonted Women 7'00 UNITEO CALIFORNIA • BANK ADMIN ASST $9600 Fee paid. Grnd Or oppty! Report lo Pres, B.A. er equiv C>."P. Also fee jobs. Call Ke-n t, 54&-54.10. ACCOUNTING CLERKS JASON BEST VIU'ian Data fi.tachines 222 Ocean Av,., Laguna Be.aeh ,...,.,. Clerk Typist $400 Beaut ofcs, xlnt Jivine co .. goad boss? Top benefits. Call Kay, S.16-5410. JASON BEST El\JPlDY!\fENT AGENCY loca1ed in the llvlne Indus. Zl2(I So. fit.a.in, Santa Ana trial Comp1u of 0ranr:e Employmenl Agency e JANITOR-GARDENER e County, has a.n immediate 2120 So. ?!ta.in, Sant.a Ana *PART TIME Pe r m an {' n t position, need for three aocounting startint at $489/mo, 40 clerics. You will work in a hr/v.·k. excellent f r inge new, air-cond. building, and Apply ln person benefits. Send resume to: all po&ition.5 will require the Pre!er bankinr experience. Personnel Dept. Personnel Dept, P. O. Box ability to V."Ork a IO key add. \VW train ii applicant has 3323 \V. \Varner '17l, Scuth Laguna Ing machine, lilt: typing pre-strong related quallfication1. Santa Ana, Calif. lcl1'td. CALL 540-2111. A'ITENDANT for apartment Cost Accountant complex, age l& &. over, 00 JR PAYROLL Babytftter $100 Accounls payable, general long hair, good pay. Apply • 1'1atut? fur workinr mother, -Jedrer :.! yrs, exp, to $700. in person at 31423 Cout CLERK no housework, call Loraine Women 7400 SECRETARY 1\tinin1uin four yeal'S ~!'<'· retaria.1 e'<P"rienc:r. Short· hand 80, l)'Ping SO. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 4:30 P1\1to1:00 MI shift. ~fust have Dill' year book· keeping expc1'ience. CLERK ·r\\·o )leal'5 cleri1.-al exper- lcn1,.oe. Lllt": typing, addi~ rmc:hine, calc:ulator, \\"Ork with fifU,re:s. Must have math or ac:etg. back· around. PBX OPERA TOR Day :a:hlft. r.fust have f\1-o years lnllu.slrial e:i.-peri· ence on 2 or 3 position PBX board. Knowledge of leletrPc desirable. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 J•mboree Ro•d · Newport Bt•ch ~qual opJXlr1unily rmploycr GENERAL PRODUCTION NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Apply in person THE HARTLEY CO. .1987 Placentia Ave. Costa r.fesa ATTENTION- HOUSEWIVES for qualified man, call Ann H ..., So th 1 .......... Aferchants Personnel Agen. Merchants Personnel Agen. v.,,, u .._...i..-CEDP cxperieflC<'I cy, 2043 Westclilf Dr., N.B. liieOoriakl'1 f'amily Re!ltau- cy 200 Westcliff Dr, 645-27'iO EXPERIENCED Mechanic 645-27i0 rants have position."! avail- er Meehanic's helper. Own ACCOUNTING 1---.,,TE=l.!.ER=,----·I able !or \Yomen, \Vork in GALLEN Kamp Shoes tool5. Guar salary. Plenty cl S c:Jean, pleasant surround· snore Salesman part-time for \\,,rk. OW's Auto Repair, CLERK Need • change? Some ex· ings with unilonns .tumish- ba.ck·fo.lchool period. Exp'd 1747 Anaheim Ave., C.M. Otte _ position requires CX· perience ~ . good a~ eel, hi!e meals and liberal prefen'ed. Contact Mgr, 54 ..... rlenc:e in COii! acrountinr pe.arance will win a. &pot in hours. If you have children THE NEWPORTER INN RECPT.'HOSTESS O\·er 21 • under 35. Typ- ing preferred. Contact Kay Ct'1"0ld behveen 10 am and ·1 pm. 1107 Jamboree Rd. Newport Bew.c:h 6#-1700 SNACK BAR OPERATOR PREVIOUS s c h o o 1 ex· perienc:e preferred. Salary 12.49-S:l.02 per hour. Apply In per.ion, SAN JOAQUIN SCHOOL DISTRICT 14600 S. \\'. Sand Canyon Aw., East Irvine, Calif. ORAPERY , WORKROOM 1 Exp'd & Trainee11, Various openlrig1. BEACH ORAPERY 000 \V. 17th St. Co~ta l.fesa. 540-6464 NURSES 0 • RN-Relief duty, two days per \\'eek. , • LYN-Relief, four shifts · per week. ~na Beach Nunlni: Home . ...,.,., Exec. Sec. $600 Corporate Exp. excellent 1kllls, beach area, call Lo- raine, Mel'chants Personnel Agency, 20t3 Westclilf Dr.. I N.B. 64;).2T10 I BABYSITTER w(lite housekttping for school age j child. Mon lhru Jo'ri. 3 to 6 pm. 01\ lran.5. 6Tr1190 Cd1\r MOTEL Maids, prefe~bly I 1\ith experie~. r.1 E S A ' MOTEL. 646-9681 GRAVEYARD \VAITRESS, , 10 PM to 6 Ml. 1400 W. ~ Pacific Coast Hwy, N.B. DESK Clerk College boy; pl time, Ken Niles Motel, 1021 1 ~Ide Dr .. N.8. C•Nteri• Employment 7 to 3: ltlcn thru Fri Call 833-0600 ext. 2036 ~WDS l·lo!el/J\totcl cxperienc. 673-9410 Sl1TER, our home, wkdays for 2 children 6 mos &: 21,i )'I'S. 968-6009 BEER BAR, nights. Apply in pel'90l1 2--4 PM T H E HANGER. 2000 Newport Blvd. c.~f. Housekeeper, Laguna. ••• $400 Cook, lite h.skpa: ......... $300 • r.Unilnum two years experi. p od ! I cept Afon. "'"' '" o·""''"°' ""u"''" r UC S, nc. • WAITERS int~ted c:irculls, &: dlg!taJ F hlo I I nd NB CONST. Supt. lor a.pis & ,.~ th be b bank as n s a • · or material control 1vhile 111 ac area · who attend school and you t ---~~~~---1 house~. Give experience & TRAINEE irtarting salary. Reply Daily the other • position requires WOMAN-housewife, u~ your \\'Ould like to cam up to Employer pays fee George Allen Byland Agency 100.B E. 16th S.A. 547-0395 """"'t "''' """''" ''"''. • ---•--_•_7_4o_•---1 • BUS BOYS !unities. • - Apply in person or send resume lo: Avtel Corporation 1130 E. Cypress Street eovtna. C&lit. 91m Phone 213-l1J. .c66l Engineering SR. ENGINEERING -AIDE- $614. to $111. per Month e BUSBOYS e t>JSHW ASHERS Full and part time. Neat ap. pe&J"AJ'ICe, No exper, nt'C. Apply In person 10.5 pm. BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa INSTRUCTORS P.lature, Yottna adult, lcok· ing for good luture, able to meet the public. Apply in ......... CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Holid•y Health Spa Ott~ opportunity to dewlop 1..,.,..-e_..CMta,--=M-•.,. .. .,,..e"="= \vllh the grov.1h of the Har-Ofc. S•les Clerk'to $500 bar and Tidelands division. Xlnt opply, co. moving to Ir. Involves harbor &.. marine vine. Pref exp or will train. oriented engi~ring, evaJu. Call Bert, 546-5410 atioll research &. Inspection. J•tDn Bett Requires a.ny combination of Employment Agency educalbn and expe~ 1120 S. Milin, Santa Ana totallna; two yrs, in the civil t":fll'inttrina field , Apply be. forf' S p.m. Fri .. Sep(embl!r 12th. to ti-= Pert0nne1 Office, ctty cf Newpart Bcaeh. 3800 Newport Bl:vd ., Newport Be a c h. calltornia, rn4) '""""· SNACK SHOP #9 SERVICE st.atV>n nttds ex· pe.r. man. Cood worldJll condltlon1. Da·ys , pe.nnanent. 393 '-:. lith St., C.?tt. SALES!'fEN, Shoes. Fl &: PT I Guar. comm. PM's time men. Ell.per'd only, Guar. + """' *BUSBOYS 1 comm. PM's Appl)i 333 ,E. l'?th. CM. * DISHWASHERS Part time • day and night shifts avaUablc thru echool )'ta.t. Apply in peratll Mon. Fri., 3 to ~ p.m. DELlVffiY ~»:man SI30 wk an.er trn.g per. Initl&lly 16-12 hrs dilly. laltr after route learned ~1 hr a;. Pttm11"1Cnt. Rers r ~ q . Servlaolt, 506 3lst SI ., N.B. J.'"16 E. Cots! 1lW)'. THE SUN NEVER SETS o. Orron.t dt':I fifar Cla:111llled'1 •cl'lon power. /iliiiii.,.iiiiilliiiiOiii-• I Fer an ad to llf1J around Wh>te Elephan•• ! U. dock. call 60-661I Experie~ BERKSHIRE'S RESTAURANT 3450 Vlo Oporto Newport Beach titt. _patric:k REUBEN'S COCO'S *DISHWASHER* Apply in person 1555 W. Ad•ms Cost• Mes• P'H I UJ,.PS , PErROLE:UM . co Now hiring for s a 1 • r y - operated scnlce 61ation, Experlenct desired. Good starting s I. I a r y plUll aenerous commission, with excellent opportuniliet for advancement. For in- formation contact man.ger, Brnokhunt Ir: Adams, Hun. tl~n Br:ach. MAN \VTTH HELPER. Perm. part time, to avenac f\\'O hn;. daily for early rnomini newspaper delivtty I o homes in N.B. Over S200. averap ))t':r mo. l\fusl have late model stal.lon wagon and be dependable. ca:ir L.A. Tlme1 642-4.800 Experimental Alachlnlsl Draftaman • Ttthnloal Advanced Klne1.k'I: Inc. 1231 ~ St., C.M. 64&-m; an cquAI oppor. emplO)'Cr f"UU. TIME DcJJcates&en men, 5 da,ys a week, Sec 'rtm. HI-Time Liquor 4~ E. 11th St., C.M. LI &..9314 for food prep&: cooking Pilot Box M 870 invoic:lng and ditto machine spare time to eam money. $100/per month during your \\'ilh ability to adv quickly. e.xperience. \Vin pri:i:e11, no age limit. no spare Hmc, apply a!: 199-4132 or 499--JOCW). SERV. STA. ATI: 2 Full -·-time limit. Will train 111 MC DONALD'S CoUee Shop Manager tlme J\1en. Over 21. Must Good starung salary and ex-Beauty Counselors. 847....{1846 16886 Beach Blvd, lffi 21.JO. Sa!U')' Ir. bonus. Send have eirper. & a hair cut. cellenl company benefits in-NEED cl MC DONAL O'S 490 E. 17th St. C.M. eluding twelve day• vaca· ttllp. person. to ean 6561 Edinger, HB resvmr. 502 S. Beach, ---,.====---·I tion during lint year of em-~. al~erna.tc }"'ri. S2 hr.1 __ ~~~=,.,o..,,=-- Anaheim Exp'd 0~~~i~ls, 5 day ploymcnt, slock purchase Trans I( nee (flB area) -ACCQUNTS-- SERV srA ATT. Nigh! man, wk, no wknds. Call 64.2--6023 pl'Oifllm and a l'ioliday vaca.-1 ,!l6Ul43~~-~-----1 PAYABLE CLERK IO PM to I AM. App 2!0I E. Uoo 1 .. 1urlog -pald fDr LADY pensiooor wants belp eoa.t Hwy a. Goldenrod, 11ervi1..>e mngr. time off lrom Christmas day dA)'s. SlOO mo. 1821 Viola Cdltt. Pll: 6i:i-0033 LOT MAN &. PORTER tht"U the Monday followin1 Pl., C.M . (rear beach) EXP. Ser. Sta. Salary + New e.ar dealer. Full t\1ne. New Ye.an. 642-957'1 conun, o/time pay a.fl 40 Call 642-0023 s e r v i c c "s~rrr=ER~~,.-0,~,-.. -,-,-. ---ed-.1 hn. Full/t. Perm. 990 E. manager varian data Regular hours, wkdys. 2:30 Cst HW)', NB. =sE=n=v~t°'CE~~S,.~t~-,-..,~,-,-m-an-. lhru 6:30. ?>1esa Verde. Own Moonllghter-Evu S to 9 Exp'd, ag, no """"· Lull maChl"neS trana, start Aug 29. 54>-13<5 Over 21. Ca.11 on new parents. time, salary + comm. COSMI.i'ICIAN, also exper. :~.= $5 hr, comm. ~d~U:U~nfllit~ EJ Toro A VAR.AN SUBSIDIARY salesgirDI. }1 or Sopl-Sanllme. ' N!Cfrr ·-rl< •· •·•·•-27 1 M' h I O , New ru; aklre. . ta SERVICE Station attendant. ..-""' ... .,_ .,,. 2 IC e SDn f1Ye Ana. ~l openlnj ihlfL Andenon's Make donuts and jl5sl1t. (San Diego Frwy to Jambo-. Union SeMl1oe. 16-15 Adams, 't'Totter':11 Bakery, 234 Forest ree oU ramp 1 block s to CHILO Car/Life Housekeep- C.M. 541).1206 Ave .. Laguna Sch Michelson Orlw,) • Ing. Care ol 3 e.hlldttn. COOK &. food prep man NEWSPAPER Rcute, boy 12 Jrvlnt, C•llf, 92664 Days ... References requlre<l. Seafood, broiler. HI & h lo 14 yn:. Allernoon rt. An Equal Oppol'fllnily 1-'l<-Oll30--:--,,,..-..,,,-..---I r.al/benef\ts, 4!K-2050 Newport Area. M6-3006 Employer M & F Do You H•v• Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 Holp Wonted, Men 7200 ....... MANUFACTURING • Collogo Accounti"t CPA OFFICE BAKER PREVIOUS school cafeteria Sa.lary $2.37-$2.88 per hour. lntl're1fina·Challtf111na Apply in person: Commcnsurale pa,)', 54S-&87il SAN JOAQUIN * * * SECR£TARY. Io r One year expe1ienc:e. Proce!IS vendor invoices and purchase orders, compute-cost variances. 10 key adding rnachinc, calculalol's and lite typ- i"i· MASTER SPECIAL TIES CO. 1640 Monrovl• Av•. Cott• Me11 642-207 An equal opportunity employtr DR. nds penn. hskpr cook. arc for 3 children, live-in. Bc:h frnt 11n. BA &. TV. Re.ls. 494-7842 aft 6 BABYSITTER 'l't:anted my home. 10 hr day, 4 day wk. Live in or out. 536-7420 &ft 5. Dil'ITA.L ASSISTANT Ex· perie~ f<ll' Pedo ~. • 644-0611 • HOUSEKEEPER alternoons -2 or 3 hl'll. Must have trans lo CdM area. 644-2621 ORTHODONTIC ASSlSTANT -Oper•tor .. Sporttw11r- OOOD PAY, STEADY EMP. """" • 1-lOUSEKEEPINGchlld care, steady. S days •k, CT\!. 642-4594 HOUSEKEEPER • Babysit. fer 4\.1 day week, U pm weeltrla)l1, i,t day Wat. !>;Z-9943. BIKINI Barmaid/dancer. F\111 or part-tirnt. Costa r.tese 646-7301 i TRAINEEs l !:iCHOOL OISTJtlCT advutislng tirm. Sborthand 14600 S. W. Sand Canyon 80. typ~ 60, lite book-Experience Preferred \VAITRE.s.S Experie~. 18 I • Calli k I \-... Ca I Pam to 22 )'T'S old. Part timt":. Ap. TELLER NO lXl'ElltlENCE' NEC!SSARY. 11 10 JS YEARS. : HUPH SCHOOL GRADUATE. If YOU HAVE THE Al'-I flTUDE, WE Will TRAIN YOU. Pf:RMANENT l M- PlOYMENT lXClLUNT 01'1'0ATUNITY FOA AD· VANClMlNT. INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRI. • SPS Western : 2701 So. Horbor, Sant• An• i AN lQUAl Oil'rolllfUNlTY EMPLOYlk \ .•................. , Ave .. Ee.st rvme. • eep "I requ ·~· I , Apply In person to Mrs. ply In per.ion between 2 4 4. STEMO. TYPIST at 615-2711 bet. 9 AM • 5 ""' •124000 Mon thru Thurs. Mr. Si.al<, '' PM MARINERS SAVINGS Part tJm. I •Jrl oUJ-""" 2267 Fairview, C.l\f. • "· -Enc. Sec. $600.00 ANO LOAN 1====,.---,.-·I for •IJ'Pt. 54o.2-t'1! Corporate exp exoe:Uenl 1~15 \Vestcllfl Dr. BABYSITTER: your hom&i Nltlonal Elac:tronla skllla. bHclt .lea. cAll t,.o. Newport Beach y,·ttkdQ-1. Newport Sbon!1: 43(1. Birch, fnr M&cArlhurl ralne Mfl'Chants Pnlonnel NURSES AIDES 2 children •fl.et s c b 1. Newport Beach. A,ency. 200 WestcliU Or .. Experltnced Sl9-3061 l-"-6-&184-======--l E::~~: ~;:;..=. ""'" """"' . BOOKKEEPER For 1~=.~~our °" 1nd overloclt. Good pltte Accounta P*.f•ble for apart. nc:e. Mom. I aftnoon lhth. v."Ork pr\cr::11, steady work. ment buUdt1·. Preler con-Cd; P&¥ Ph. Mn. 'PhU. &ti- Apply in Person EDDY 1\10SS 14012 Locust 1tn1ctlon e.xpr:r. E.'<1-'tlllent TI:U. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 pm dailJI SURF & SIRLOIN St., \Ves:t.1nlnlter, 5.l441'3& benellt1, Stnd resume·to Mr. BABYSITTER Wanted, M 5930 P•c. Cst. Hwy. Rena1d Com1tr, 316.1 R~ Hill wkdya. 2 ehUdrtn. pre* Newport 8 .. th SOCK lT TO 'ENI Avt.1 O:>lla Mf'u. 92621. penn. fB.3'100 e.\'tll. ------------------ I { I I ( ' ' I ' l•i , ' . l I· . ' I I. ~~!!!;ir.m~ 1-LOYMIHT MlllQWllDlll l'Oll Mlaow.Dlll l'Oll Jollo Men. Wom. 7500 IALI AND TRADI IALl..AND -THI -""J!!!!r• ... ........_ 7400 NIWl'ORTIRINN Sou~!.~L U.S. DIYERS · •l'IOTEL CAS/lllR ' LOST OUR LEASE ~St. SEWING MACHINE --NalCOO."""' o.-..-lll•o• It.,..~ ..... oPERAToRs =:: ~ .:·,,.:;,:: Must Vacate Now ltu1'~~ ~'T Requlrn t qierience on doU. e1Jtl. " a118 Im ef _. .... .-• -DE)'l'. !!ICR. _ bl& aeed!e macblno. CoCllact Edward lnal• Our -tti. fl.~ SIKlr l_nUlt ... Mid Appt> in penon ~ll ... Apply In ........ Tues.-SW>. Alt 1l A.M. 'Open lo PUlsllc frlrit 11- ~":.=n.': """""'' ilk'°"~'.~=; 1107 JemborM RNd 31-,....., V.i.. 0--$1000. Now $319. po us EK g E p ER, So. 1 'ii-Saiiiintaii;;iAno. ... ;iCalalfii. _. Newport &Mch, Cell!. e 5 pc. w•I itdlc ........... tot, e M ........ ._..., 1., ...,....,..., 1, __ ...,;,14"'1=1~700,;..~--I 14 Nit 1'lllt 56 ... •I lloe '--, ., -e lemllY; live !n, priva'" room s.. Boll> Bruce et + NOTICE + 5 ,0.,.... ~Mt ttftle "'· e· J...., W. le bl.th,,' pleuant home. 7 m fl Fot" the 1st time fit 1969, ltetrw Nf •• 4 ...... , tep -.W. ..... fer ctWdrtn, all in scm>oJ I W C...Xsc Fanow Realty hu 2 open. fl••..._ well bemvtd. Otbe'r htlp bi ina:1 for real estate u.ln-One:• in a lifetime pric.es of 100 I other ittms. ~ 1att:iernoo,:~cat1~ = c:!:.t C:::., ;~ :;::, ~'fn.~ = Plus an •xtre •pecial offer $5 off on •ny $I 00 cape.bk! 0 f supm.ol.P>n. BJ appofnt.. 64&-3939 co. benetiL Go with the lat&· purchese or more, with a copy of this ad. Salary " time oU esL •IO pc. Quilted Corn•r Assemble .. -... -$159.95 neeotf.Ule. Rekrence• re-F IC Bkkpr., • 96 i1t. Quitted Sofa, w/56 ,ln. love 1ut _ .. $149.95 qulrt<d. a:z.a Jr Acd te $750 • 60 in. Heevy Spaniah Coff•e T•ble..... .......... 29.94 tmmed opening with st•ble • lar9• Metchin9 lamp Tal:.fta ··-.. ··········-·$19.95 SALESCilRLS Youna mature r!rla able to meet the public. Idea.I u eve. job for workina: Wes alrlL Must bt attractive wiUa • &OOd ficure, co. Data Process.C:0.1 acct&. ORANGE COUNTY'S • Spani1h D•coretor La.mps, fram •........ _ .... -fJ4.95 Call Kay, 54ft.54tO LARGEST • 6uarenteed lox'Spgs. & Mettresses, from $19.95 JASON BEST 2'3 E. 17th St., 646-44'4 • Stacks & Stacka of ,, yr. Qu1lity kln9 a Queen EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Id Sal Soh •I TERRIFIC SAVINGS. :?120 So. Ma.in, Santa Ana OuF•R· EEe ur.UDERSHIP' link T ermli Store Cherg• Mister Ch1r9e 111(.11111 • lenkAmeticard All Accepted MlllCHAHDISI l'OR MlllQWIDlll llCIR ~~ D'•• ....... -SALFAND IALTNID"W--~\lf-ANP.-;!UD' ., ., -,._.. ·11ao l.'No~flrms 1U-Keifsii\1 .. c>r..,.... .,,~ ... be•h•1 ftWy ••• r ... ti.,.. columns. ·.-r:• 2. EACH ITEM fot .... ~. ,NJllO, Jl.!00. ..,. must ... """" - K-lGll. 11(.UO, M-1. i,100, no price -$25. --~; '1111 .1;100. 1-L ,_ 1115-T.,.,• 3. DIME • A • l 1 N E Of I ' ~ ~"'!'HEATER. » ,..i. HI .,. occepled incl S •• & •' ... • • _. ilo; ---l ' publshld .. • .... "! .. ,, ............ ,,. .AU. WMD .. .. ~~~2"'--..~,, ~~-toDAourlL0 poPt....ILO f.pc. Ml<liter<e-11<1,_ Suite I• '•A•, w "',~--:: -. .. ~:t~ L ~". P T IR09. •349.00J ........ -........ _ ... NOW $161.11 , 111 CORON.<~~ NlllYU t... to 6••9""' Sp4•1•~ Custom lulM Sole with 31$1 ~-O>ut 11..y_ m.-lmit their p . tion metchl11t lo••· S.el-Ch•i.• •I l.oeulfful • MOM 1 DAD lo one diy each well:. leb'rfc1. IRe9. $41t.HI .......... NOW $22l.09 oo rr1<0Wll DIMS-A.lJNE icle 1,. ~:rw1~~!E::'1i:~i.;·;~T~fi~~-:r~b"1;;·~1~:;:: =.:. '::' !:.~::'. siriclty cuh .wllll copy. Tell Otcorator T •bl• Lt min a1-ft.W., ti. beet taac:~ ,__. .,. -... to ,.. (Re9. f'\9.'51 ····-···----HOW $11.11 '" a.....-Oom.-. .... pro•ptl~ to.., Spanish H•n9fl'l9 Sw•1 Uunp1 lltnr, K:nab!, P'llc6tr 6 DAIL'! PILOT Clullr'IM IRe9. $49.951 ............................ NOW $1'.ll -. S)!lnell. I Contol., Dopu1mml OlJ7 .,,......., A decoritor drum houst on display - 3 :.':'U:~· RonlaJ< 1rom no ~J!:: DllllW.·U.....,.. rooms of gorgeous S)llflbh furniture (WIS 0..14 l«yslc C•mllO•Y BEIGE ""''" 125. Complete reg. $1295.()0 :IOC511N·1~.;i'-'&jl<l681) double .... $35. --Ill ....... OJA ~ <>-.:tWlY rtfriprator· $25. Lawn SACllFICE ..... FronclslM ClooMut "'°"" 110. 0u.-rrlll 15. 0 ' ' ' ' ' .... Thi·,...... lioa Cl'dered cl.,. Callee !able 11. -Credit Terms Avail. Credit Cleer•tl lrnm•diefely out ot 4 CoblOle a 2 Spinet t/29, 98!-Jm. Appl)' In person lloliday Health 8PI. 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. e \VAJTRESS e ts to 25, neat appearinc. No exper. ntt_ Full time. Apply in person. II m .P1anal on a COlt'ilhtl bull. FOUR 3.15 x l$ Goodyear °'""""' oeJUoc to -, RJRNITURE N"'er .,.in,...,._,,. Tilll .. wall . tittl, ..., new wive• dlrect? Add UI to )'Otll' llkt,.-~' J'\nt coin.· flrlt Sll. f73. 7413 or 64M$63 line for extra eommiulot\ ,~ meom<. Keep m shape..... ·2065 Clwle St. Cestll Mesi 1144 llnrJOrt BIJ• • WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO Hl·FI amplltier 110. c.m. 0,. M Ully-ht. N , S,.; 10.S 54MMO WAITRESSES Part or full time. Over 2J. Xlnt pay, Apply in person lo ?i.fr. Hor1t Chleti NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB 72o W. Ba)', NB btwn 11-12 noon l 6-7 pm rxcept Mon. BOB'S BIG BOY I.;.J E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Repregentative1 needed ell .~---.) UU NewJOrt, CJL '4U48t pina atoola 50c ta.ch. DoubW ~-~·-t Behind "Harbor Ctr Wa1h" ..__. I-"'~"='~:;,.,::;;;;;.,.;;·~.;,,; metal toldin; bed $5. TUri over "'""~" """"" Y· E II H b ANYBODY GOT PIANOS? t-•·i "· '-··line , ••• 549-3368 or 842-1451 nter o amirron or Bernard St. Costa .. I y ha .,.. ___ , "'<;!""' ... U1llKI _.., A l'tll h -• t • • • h h on y "••••.•• we Ve ..--... ...,., ui... each. M-~caey -k,, H I'd H Ith S ' • .,.. • ""•· ~t wort t • 4•11ert Y•~ t•Y•I """° .,.., '"" 01 ay ea p1 Ytt ...... ~·con nnt A "~ pa;n•~ , ... _ ., credit all moniee: toward .., . ...,, .cu ....,. ... • Costa ?i.ft'sa • hwy ... 'Tl t -WK, Sit. I S.. ~I . Punle1 $1 ucit Child's H 0 U S E K E E P E R for _ _::-.::=;..:;:=..:;..-purchase. paint ta.ad $5 Dolls 51)e.$1 motherle&s home v.·bo attka 'urnltuN IOOO Furnfture IOOO ========~IYt_1 ..•• "'e have W1U'lilur Pole floor lamp, need• paint. permanent pooltion. Nice fRY COOKS OVER -STOCKED MOVING to onWl apt-mutt Cbr ... Sole to22 ""'""-1100 p;...,, 1"' 14 S.tunlay onty 412 ~tARRIED'!' TOO t.tANY room overlookln& the water. u bt tifuJ. aitrry twin HOUSI 01' HARMONY Acacia Aft O>rona dt! 'Mu .f children. run houaekeep... Top waa:e•, permanent, hon--at au APT. SaJe.-GE Re.fri&eratar SACRinCE Eltc. ra1:11t 41 J'uhlon hLaod · · 8 1 LL S? Pennaneol-part Ing and cooking. Driven est, and •·orfdn& conditions MUSJ Slll! bed• w/Sealey sprtni mat-$75. Bkmde Bdnn s e I $215, Cop p er tone GE Newp0n Bncb IH-0391 PAIR Ford chrome whMia Ume help \\'M~ in ant.ck license desired. Car will be in area's Jeadlng restaurant. tressn' box apringg. Cher-w/box tpriJ'WI Ir Mattrtu Americana dbl OV.n ftotil H.UD(OND s• ... 1-..... y *20: Stt of bucket lll!ata Ja]. bar. See manaa:er alter 7:30 ry butter r1 y table. ..,en. ufi-.a • • K-N, .. .., -• Chevy v...a motor $20. Olds pm. Paulo Drive 1 n providl'd. Call (213) 4Jl.7351 Apply 9 am to 5 pm for in-New 9 pc. comer 1rrana:. Fruitwood frame, Fr Prov -· 4-pogter dbl btd. A ~ l yr Coll $575. maba. ntllf'_A ued pJaool dual _point dilbibutor $5. Theater, 3051 Newport Blvd, (homeJ. or 432-7477 tuview at choice ot clts, reg. $230. acla. l maple chests. Green matt $50._ 8 panels white 546-Q2'7. · ol. all makte, Beat buy1 ln S-volt baltery $5. Ford CM. BABYSITI'ER. Te ache r now $149.50. Headbrd•; vinyl lounge cbr W-ot-drapea $50. Lamps, card GE Auto. washer. Top cond. So. Callf. rlabt.bere. Pick up pa.rtl SS-$25 Ford 1 ~"===~-=--=-1 wants niatut"t v.·oman 10 MANNING'S KIDas, $15, Queens $12.~. toman. 4 pn full lna:th Sloan tables, ~tlcrue slaas 6 jut $65. Hamlltoi: au.to. ru SCXMIDT MUSIC 00.. 312 ~tor $20. 2586 • S&nta COMBINATION. Sharp Bar care for Infant, boy JO, a:irl COFFEE SHOP Full $10.50, Twins $3.!». made IOft & odds N ends. 275 E. U St. dryer '35. 54&-0587 1907 N. Main. Alli Ave CM Ma.ids It Go Go Dancers. 24001 D Toro Rd. Trundle sets (duo riser) w/ cus . I r n Apt :II CM. Befott 11 after I Santa Ana " · · Top Y.'&&es S3.004J.50 to 9. Housekeeping &lw. J-lunt Lelsu.re World Lap.Ila Hills inner sprlni matt, J'tl. $.10&, draperies, w/valance boxea. PM 5411-.fMl KENMORE_ Aut oma tic ii1'0I . BELL And Howtll movM: sW'L Ph. for int. 54.5-9983, _Bch_~""'~·~-~""~""'=""'=~-837-1014 now $'1'9.50. Roll-a-way beds 3 pn red A yellow EnelWI wuher, iood cond. $40. BECKER . Playtt piano projector $25. Kodak 8mm Sassy 1..a.ssy, 2901 Harbor, •• , OPERATORS ... MAY CO. w I inn. •Prine matt. res. Otlntz draperies. Many=; hl~new l~pholt * 847-lllS * w/115rolls~eub. movie camera 43. SuftliPt C.1\1. Experienced in ilnt:le needle Sou. th ~-Pl• .. • f.;9.50, now $39.SO. Full a. other items incl f In e I I S50 M ...i-:_._,~~ 12 CU. ft. new GE for taldii, indoor pictures aDd overlocks. Good plece ~~ -stttper-sota 1'!1. $239.50, now bl&nktta. 56-1446 a.ft 9:30 1 00 ' · • a_, DCJ._.. ... r refri&erator. Ultd 2 months. WANTED $8. 5 pl aquarium $3.50. SCHOOL TEACHIRSll work prices, steady work. 3333 Brimt St. $169.50, New bedl: K I n e a.m. ~!:rb, .. ~. •-~~~ 9U--2952 • , PIANOC 1' ORGANS 1'0ddler'1 bicycle· 1tat $1.50. \Vould )'~ l\kt 'du~-*'~ EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust Cost.a Mesa $99.50, Queens, $89.:;o. Full 61Ai' BROWN rouch, $100. 2 ou:;;; ~;"' K1 .... .:t;; LARGE Tub wuhin&: tnach. ··~ Doubk-bed frame $3. M&trb extra $ • for 1 wmler · St. \Vestminster; 534-8738. $49.50, Twina $39.50, fully twin couches (1'), turq, hid bed . .,, __ ,_ .. ,. ~ g mos Like arrw' $30. modftft walnut will plct\.ltt Try a new catftr part time =;,· -,.---,.,,..--..,-..,.,=I 01JJ'SIDE suan,n. n. sz. s;n:ad1 $9.95 $100/pair. W a. l nu. t pre> e-a· m ~ llluth. 677 Victoria, CM T.-WllJen l20I 11'' x 158" $10. G.E. 3 Speed • licensed or not, cill Canon EARN money at home DRAPERY SALES Chrlatmas 1-··-.aw•"'s now 1 •·• • --· d $00. 12 cu ·ft rttrtr $95.. • · , . solid •lat• -·bl• --~ Rtalty 675-3581 handling small Par I • · Apply in perwn. Interviewina: a&1· ~ • v nc ... ~r re ll s er 1 Stereo, sewlng madllnr, REFRIGERATOR, Cl'Oiltop; ENTERT~ Ctnter; i-·~ ... ., r-n-ol ,·~-Previous y,·ork or hobby SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1977 As9orted tables j: chairs. ..._,_ a. I NO ... ~--1 -TV .~, -AM/.... p...,. .. , •"· .-. e &mJll NURSE: Relklent J?Osltion hours 10.12 &l'ld 1-4 Mon. Harbor Blvd., Of 645-2760 673-1916 rugs,' ~ ., mac.. r.er, Pf'l"J.1:1; • l wna /1 m walnut trim $6 and m' open for a practical nuree qualifies you. Send details thru Fri. dally 10.9 Sat-Sun lo.6. JUNK! Aftemool)S from condition $35. ~ , .• ~ xlnt eood. $ 71. Dark-brown human Mk at Continental Manor, La-="""=°'415"!", ;!N;;,-ne_9266<=== Equ.al opportunity employer 1-~-------CANOPY BR set "Ttenette" 3;30 and aJJ day Sat. 197'1 LARGE copper Frllidaift 911-ailO q $t 988-3105 suna. 6'-9458 BABYSITTER • Brookhunt, 17 Pc KilHJ Sile FR. Prov. wht w/gold trim, Bushard St., H.B. 962-1069. t'f:fri&erator. G ~ 0 d con-. "LOVEL""'""~'""'Ma""··""'-·-,,...cl= .... =I •~-"""'·CHER=~w~-,.~,,.~.,,· 1 G°""!d atta HB. Own ESCROW • -top. 3 d<awu -• BIG GADIP[ SAL£ d!llob. $50. "' 1116&. HI-Fl I -1210 -~ • 'WI\. · ants babysit-tran1. Call aft 3:30 pm. Bedroom w/ hutch book shelf. Desk Mii and undu'A-ear, siu1 10-14 baby1ltler or """ """" 96&-1980 OFFICER ' ·-e 9 dral''et dreuer mir-ot· dresser, nite lltand, val FRIµm~ electric dryer, 1969 STEREO ·Comcile, db:, 25o--4l. lnfanta ud boy'1 t er/housekeeper. ~ .. ===~==-..,-,,--.. ._.. • '""°" _,, ... u. 642-'1984 Co~r hutch, cottte table xlnt cond. $50. in beaut cabinet, complete clothes to liae (, Sc-.$110me rv t'OUNTER HELP. full or ~· ~~~ ~· ~ ....,.,.....,.. .....,.... dinette .et. clothes, draJ>ir: *141-1115* w/~w 1 u. a rant e e. 4 ntw. 1.adlet clothlna:, •lzu cx"'"'x~•~.x<"'IN"'G~lad~y-.-a~nted-,-·02 1 part time. \Apply •t Taco -NEWPORT-ze ___. .. , me, quilt.. MOVING, Obie bed. mat-iee misc bric a brae houte-TWINDOR Collhpot white Speaker n&nd Qltlm, .4 apd 10-14, 2 5 c-$ 5. ?.fe n's daY1 a week on Lido J.!ile. &Jl, 699 So. eoui Hwy-, NATIONAL BANK ed mattrW, sbeet1, blaJlk.. treu, box lp!'ina'., trple hold itftfll. Auto ' piam::. bottom t:ttztt. ~ $500: En&J.lab cbupr, IOUd state clothln;, ?Mdhun dllrtt 1iu Pleue write a.nd itve Lq. Bch. 9-3 PM etl, etc. , dttutt, Bauett m & k e · headtl'!I, chrome wfletisl, bell ltll PJ(I. MO-e?O I: -~·needla •. EQ ott 40 •ports <.'Of.ts, p an ts t'f:lereace1. Dally Pilot Box EXP'O SALESLADY CONTACT MR. CARTER Choice at Spc.sb 988-Q56 S moa. old. Sac houslna:s, etc. . . balol$1l.10-oreuy~. 3$o4.1. $4M%13. 129 'Monte .,, 9tl3. .,,. & w.,.,. .. Ciolhinc "~'w Ai MF:,"' $sj49 1125. Sat & Sun Al Day ~= :""'"'· GNdlt .__,.. · Vbta, ~- " o us EKE E PER .... 1 ===*,,;se5'83=~~·-~ SPAN!SH-Kino ,;,, Bdnn ,2014 A W llac '7&-0756 PDRTABLE St.,.. -B"AB=Y.-eu"""""bed...,..13.=-"car-.. -., ddJdren. full time. Salary HOUSEKEEPER, Jive . ln. e Exp'd \Vaitrtss over 21. No down • Pmta:. only $9 mo. 11et, IOfa il k1ve 1tat, lampe, 1 • G e, . ~. J apaUin:a. $!O. st. Baby SWinl:.· lmlll ' -open. PH: 54&-3681 after 1 Priv. rm It bath. 2 children .• Busboy 4 Dishwuher, WELK'S WAREHOUSE end tablts. mile. Call r:oata Mesa H 0 T p 0 !NT Rdri&mtor M&--2231 Y&porizff $L 1r· portable PM 541-4n1 du. r In e Ftn. Va!J 842-7254 over lB, ne.at appe&ranCe. 613-9393 near new White. Great f« TV, wortui $15. 96J..3831 • . ' I I • • • I • .1-..ti....... Apply in peraon O DRArrING table new apta. ~ S-lnt ~~. ISOO =="°",.,---='-=~I .....,......... BEAUTY operator full time, Berliner Continental 600 W. 4th St., Santa Am M VIN G. muat 1tll, wardrobe closet, 'd:reulni: I"""''· _. DANISH 8eip 1tCti1onaI $12. PIE shop v.'Of"k, pt-time No guar waae A conim. Gwen's Restaurant <>Pen Dally 9 . t .acriftce! c.ompkte hou1&-tab! & 1 chest n ,llTOL Rattan ann chair SS. Toya "' .. ' ~· "'°"~"' Sty. Shop, 4M-3294 Sat.9-6 Sun.U.6 hold fllrniture. 64&-0ilO .sun. d e .. ~t~~---of An"--1110 • ~-... liO Moon --" · '""-· ....,.....,, lS582 Beach Blvd Mon-Tues r&.wen. ~ .... ,.~, misc .... -.22 .calibre pistol .(COLT) 4S ..... _._ ' ... -¥ .. •• SUSAN LYNN PIES MAID, full or part lime. Huntin&ton Beach WHITE prov dreut.r & mil'-• item11. 963-574&. 20lll Port . repllca., Complete with last-~ bed,$6. Clotbts ~. 1510 Baker, C.M. $175/hr. 6 du/wk. Laguna =~=="~~-,,---ror $50. Pr·ltaliab Amethyst QUAl.JTY King bed, quilted. Circle HD ENGUSH il Spanish Antiqu.e draw hollter i50. 546-72].9 Whffl baJTow $1. .Partable l'EXP=~ERIEN==CE=o'-=FJ"'C,-,-boo..,,.k· I Shores 1.-lotel. 494-8521. JOIN HAIR I CO. -three elau lamps $20. Bed side Complete, u n 111 e d $105; ' · fUmitutt. Chippendale 1kte .~ ; PM hoet winder $3. Dishes · far out hair st;yllltll! Just cbell iio Cul bit prov love worth $250. A1I 5 or wkndl FOLDING davenport, lamps, cbalr. 16,lh century Span1ah ...... · 5c-35c:. 971 Qrooado, C.M. keeper, full time lor Joe.al Jobs--Men, Wom. 7500 opened in Balboa Island. ttat $40." Cha.ir il otto $15. 847--0406 tables, TV, chesta, cvnlv&l qak 1m;.I.1 library table. SE& "POOL TABLES" IN st0-1984 Mfa.,Flnn. ,can ~1 lor Call SUn, Mon, Tues, Wed. Dbl bed-Beauty Rest matt *BIRCH o•·•--•-,.1 glass, typewriter etc. Also UpboWered wtte. Ptneap-Miscellaneoul 1o1' ale col-~N=EVER=~u~,..~-0~,-,-1-0-, • wport v• ... .u.:iu v• I box sprirw• $50. Miac fUrn. Jot ule 4 chain plua 1 _.. -· ..,e m.....,. .. ..,. _,,., ....,. motorcycle helmet $25. 1 appo ntmen · ~ n<·. -•••• -on other ..... ,. n.uvu• OVl!rbead cam-......,. D ~ -~-dbl ~ ~-umn. GENERAL OFnCE. ?atusl 08 · days, 213: 449-6961 Wrlnp, &U-3f30 or 541-Zlll bolt ~ hutch. $250 Car!,yon Dr .• C.M. 60-ml 1prinp 1:. matt. Jtems not bed and frame to be an- m.. ID "°"' w;lh """""" p8fSOnnel COUPLE To menap .. Ht 1!16. ....<m , WATER tank '"' camper, !med. lllUlU MIKOllo--tiqu<d 17.511. Wood bed' $5 • Gd. ben'1, pluab oWct. f.lr. maintain 18 unit motel in oo b ta heat I · -~ .. ~~ Quinn. ~7T'":;iO '•agency Costa Mesa, Must be hard N'T Give up! You m-.:r 5 Pc. oak t.amlly rm .et $1155; u . nit er, c. m p n I L•rry Meft,tn Anthaut• POOL· 'TABLES cut .... ..........~ and BARMAID Wanted, exp'd I S. 1 work.en, no exper. nee. ~It •=ca!i,.1: S pc. wlullabnrt ttininr .t $'15; ~~uto~ !,~· •-~~~~! •-'ii" and l" llate· lopl. New ~1$5,2. =~~ty. ~ ~ A 1 1•· Pro.t....asion• rv ca 11_ ~ Latex a btd w/frarne ' . ' AUJUu.;;&J• • .,......_ .ru.. • ... ..1.... Wllh ~-·t · p .... e ... 'Cl.I. pp y '""' •• $200/mo plus turn. ln ...... furn!~ store. Cor. Redhill .. hdbnl -,. ... __ ,. you. name· lt-..,. _rot. It! tfque1. Mu.st mah room 1or COY.,...... . ~ ll"IJ.llUU nttd• ~ l'l1irn>r $1'.50. WAILLEFt. 1506 Ocean HB. for the employer apt. 546-9279 .. sa ""·-· • · •""· ;nor"''"' 839-1&55 coin •ttaclu1ietrta. In .l'tock: "!-"-.....__ .. ~"-... nta Ana ..... ,.. Tnsttn. l ~ lhlpment.. See at; 2 4xl'a. four'% a\zle Priced ~· ..,...,gany s: 1'1:111.:11 ~'uy .. ,. LITE Hskpe & cook meal8 and the applicant RESIDENT DtREC'I'OR mi So. of Newport Fwy. HIDE-a-bed, 5', fall colors GAR.AGE SALE 2380 or 2428 Newport Blvd. to Hlll Liquldatirc "venctl:Jla cial table $20. Trunk, has for tingle elderly lady, CM. ., 133 Dover Dr•• N. B. for boys. Older man or cou· Open 362 day1 per yr. $90. 1'-1'.lsc h 0 u • e h 0 1 d Birch hutch It dining set. Coata Mel&, 548-7383 route. Financlnc ava.Dal:ii.. drawen and ha n e er s , Oill LI 8-3750 ~ p.m. 642-3170 549-2743 pie. SI.nail privall school. 544-5470 reasonable. M0-205'1. 90(&, 2 rattan ann chain 2 COLLECTOR'S SHOP "John", 642-2$42, 64&-nK)T kntthole de.!ik: $15. 45 'rpm PART time help over :n. lun-613-9410 e Furniture • CUSTOM Danlsh 9' IOla $50. oc:cuio,.J. chain: -~-So H.1 .... for I reoord rack 50c. Heat laa1p . ch hn. Prepare sandwkbe1. Experienced INTERESTED In tul1 or part Apptl•nce1 e Color TV 8 matcbin& cuahkim $30. back, ~ Way Lane, China ~ ..... ~~.I!_~ watwtarlkcoo:; ~!iJ. S $3. 4 Chev map $2(.,,. 2 Zubie's CdM. 6'5-1904 time work! New space qe AOK AUCTION &42-l'138 Cove, CdM. Sat il Sun. 2G1 Nwpt Blvd CM .... tane -2 ton F7~14 ttrea $25 tach ZP'7tl BOOKKEEPER Call 3 chests .. .,.. h, · ~--.. chain bcilat. Ull!d 1x $1!i0. 14 01" no-each. Renau.tt RELL\Bl..E woman to can!: for tchl. agers, 11-f PM daily.Cd f..f area 673-25.sc Hufttinston Valley Convalescent Hospital Exp'd barmaid. day•. Beu bar in Costa Mesa 8382 Newman Ave. 548-9226 Hunt. Bch. 842-5651 YOUNG Woman J0.45 for Profa111on•I p.1,, work. Vela's. \Yestcll!f Employment Plaza. N.B. 642-1197 A11ltt•nce MAID COASTAL AGENCY $1.65 per hour. A member ol S43-2129, r,tS-3>29 Snelling A: Snellir:w, Inc. f.tR DONUT needs v.'Omen 21 Z19o Harbor Bl, CN S4CMi05& yrs or ovtr. Apply In penon W01'fAN-MAN. Grut op- 135 E. 17th, C.l.f. portunlly, chooff hrs. Write HELP needed in Accountil"ll 12262 1'taypole Dr, Garden office. Wllllni to train. Grow or call aft 11 prn, -534-0142 H.l1t Wanted Wemon ASSlMILl~S Help W•nted 7400 Woman ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS 7400 Ve,le11 Dile Me&hl11•1, le&•t-4 la • II•• .;, itelldlt10111• ,1 •• t 111 the 1,...i11• lfttl111tr-lel C•""Pl•ic af Ore119• Cou11ly ,, •• , the •''"•'*· het , • .,.,.1 !l'lm•~ll•h •l'•lllrit• f,, el•t.tr•11I" •11•111bl.r1. ltt 1hlft 17:JOA.M. te41ot P.M.) •"" 2"41 11.iff 14:11 P.M. te 12:45 A.M.) ••• a.i.1 •. W• w•ul4 ,,.f,, Y•• to •it•• tlte "'ler cocla e11tl Ceffl· , ... 11.... • &eH 1tutiflt r1!1 •ftfl •"'"elle11I be11eflh l11c.luil i'"I 12 •• .,. "'"•tio• 4111rl111t fh e lit ... ,., el •ffll'l•vfflt11!, 1te1lr P:¥tcha1a Pfot'•"" e!!tl • h•li41y •ec.1!io11 f••l~ri119 t~• ,,:. fer +l!l'le eff fre!l'I Oiri1tfft •• Oev t. the Mo11 - •• , fell.~ .. New v,.,· •. If .,.. .,. tet11111 h wet• ot •t• ,.,,,.. W1"rlil119, w~w 11et f.,...ttlfeM the .,,.rtu11itie1 e t V.D.M., • t••• pl•c• te -k. ' · • Interviews Doily from I A.M. to 5 P.M. AK for Undo Cl1rk V1ri11 Data Machines A VA~IAN SUISIDIAA.l' 2722 Michel•• Drive, lrvlnt, Cell!, 92664 f$e• Of .... """'· t. J1111Mt•• off.re111p I "'"-It S. •' Mlc.h•l1e11 DriYe ) AH IQUAL O,H>A.TUNITT IMPLO'l'f", M·F product for the home. 'T1Zl Garden Grove mvd. new .-eac f..1'.0VING , Rare almond wood __,,.., Famco No. 2. Burin& Ptea tin! $3'. Pi1110 rnualc. be,U,. &12-6559 10 am-3 pm only. Westminlter nr G.G. Frwy. matdllnc desk $35. 2 k>wl&e llbruy tbl, mrtJl top c:ocktail WE Repair nuany leaded $35. 2 whl au steel hu.V)' nera $1. Paper b&cb 10c. RELIABLE Cple to help Tues It Thurs 1 PM.sat 6:30 chain $1& each. 5'0-97"9 end tbl, many m1ac. Hans. lamPI A. ltaiMd sia. win-duty box trlr $160, Ptlla Stefto tapes., 4 track $2.50 manap I units tor put EstAte conqnmt. Repo, New 4 Itallan chain $9 each il 3 33! Walnut, Newpt Shorts, dows. Also have IOfM lor foldlnc door $20. Alrco each. 548-6955 ~nl Must have ref's. 1 WALNUT Flsche!' Conlole benches $15. 2 formal lamps N.B. 6U-3744 ale. radk>fraph cutttni machine PORTABLE Record t child~. Weabnln. 839-2314 Plano S725. 5-pc antique SIC each. Sto-9149 CARPFJ', ahq, bi-lo HEW TtITANY HOOSE 541-3751 « track Sl'5. o.nish walnut $5. Larae Spanish Pn:: WAITERS, w a 1tre11e 1 , blue bdr suite. 11-pc blonde NEAR new quality queen BR $4 IQ. yd, 391 Hamilton, ANTIQUI SALi corn. table $2). 2 ntllc tbll keys, perfect for decoratlnc euit»y. PreL up'fl. Apply: dinlni: rm ut S225. Walnut aet. Solid teak din. table. 158 C.M. &iturday only. :£verythine 30 to 50% on. $3. 842-4192 an entrance S2 ee.ch. 01 d 21n E. Coast Hwy. Cd M. 1nu1ti·section wall u n I I. Shalimar Of. GARAGE SALE -everythina: MARY JANE'S ANTIQUES * AUCTION * pteee OI furniture would be MOTEL MANAGER. couple 1.-tetal desk. 2-dn.wer file 2 TWIN ma,ple pogter beds. must ro! 3&C E. 16th Place, 2432 Newport Blvd.. Costa mlllVelous aand bluted or prdtm!d. Quarten and sal-= Some m 1 • c • mattreaeet A box IJJrlnp. Calta Mesa. 645-0BM.. 1.fna.. U;;: ~u:: -~ antlq11ta for a Spanish de&k ary, 494-SO:a Will adl for $50. &18-0744 HUGE Garage Sale, Aua:. 16 Aucticm. J'ridQ' ~ •• p.m.. $.7. Lovely candle• in &1au CHURCH ORGANIST ANTIQUE Gat• '•Wd lablo, A 11· 25!< Baya!de °'• CdM Sowl .. --l120 Wi .1.. • · '°' Cbruhnu 12 each. 540-%l79 MS-721.1 ma.eh. Duncan Phyfe maha ANYntING and E\'erythlncl 1n ... 1 '1 Auction Bern MM2U. 129 Moote Vista, °' eoektail t&bl<. Map 1 • Office furnltvn IOIO T~ valuu. !88115 Watnu• 1969 SINCil!R S.h!nd Too7'• -lfat't C.M. Grandfather clock. Wht il ""' ., b ~ -I ::.===-.-:--.:-=I $chool .. lnttrudlon 7600 &old dbl dreuer. Walnut AN AEROSPACE Ftn Va.I, IJ62..4839 Zlc.cas ca """" IUlhtl)' 2075% Newport. CM 1*8688 OLD Standard typewriter $8. bookca~. Blond Philco TV. CORP. RELEASES ANTIQUE tea car us. t• used, styUlh wll cab. Does NYLON carpet, sand Mta:e Man1lt itontr $~. 5f3....f691. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Other misc .mau item•. all * SJ.8.61)1:34 Walnut de•ks. Sold/blue .ofa, excellent ~ ~ ... ~= 40 )Ida., ?Ida cleaai.na, St yd.1 *~="'only'""'_. -.-,-,--..,-,-I Co. Fairgrounds. sr. 1-3 in &ood oond. ~ if no with never marrtd tops, eondJUon $35. 540--3894 make button holes, ltW on Pad 50 certU )'d. St&-3eT. SET Of bunk bedl, comptet• Whe~ the Prorram ans 5fi8..85.5.1 refurbished ...... $7C.50 DROP leaf dialnr table with buttons, ·1wm drelltl. mde REEL to Reel tape tterwo, $25. Deak $5. Bautnette and Fila tbe Child DESPERATE! Le av l n I * l2-4 door lttter flit pada $40. -Cleek Protector fancy ltltcbel tic. S Yr. bit-in ll>kn. new ntO. stand ~ Bun:Y $10. 4 Willard H. SaucenMl!, state, must 11!:11 ENTIRE ........... •. • '• • •. $3S ea. $411. • 540-3894 part.a il Rl'Vice par. Pay Tlpn Incl 673-1003. C:OwOOy c:urt.a1M tach 36" 540-COOO F.d. D. Enroll now hou.setu.11 or furniture • ap... * 4 • walnut aecretarlal ' $5.88 dn • I pymna of $5.BS * 52 YARDS n 7 Io n Jona x 36" '!rid@, pk1ted Eves 648-1758 pliance1. 1'foatly Spani.!ib units ....... ····• Sl25 ea. SAT -SUN. Freeaer, SCOWi, mo DO lntettst chatp or: W'Ptfu!&" belp cob' vny tops 17, tor all. 54MM2 Sat .~ .... No ttuonal>le .... • A!.. ........ lab 1. ~ furn, odds .... •nd• ~ ...::. Prlc $51 ao· -.....u..... 541-Uis tW 5 P.M. Sunday ""' 12. F.ducaUonal Vacation 5th fused Prt Pty ~ chain, work tables 1tff.l F.&lt m. Colt& 1.ksa ""' e .IO~~ pden •.. Sr Cltlzenl tt,~ earn· i..::._,:. HB desks.. credenzas. fire tiJ. For DO obl!J .. free ho m 1 ~.Lo THI CL~ Wl2'AD~.~ for tall a• x Qillcoat 10 ~ typlnc ~•..v ... ,....'"' _.., · · es, etc. demo Call credit Mir 'tll I ... _.,. ~I: UU110UJJ _.. ~'""' Sehl. Trial Lesson. 113 Ott COUCH-new. neWr Ultd, off McMAHAN'S Furniture Auctlen I025 PM. 0Jf toll, caD ccUtct. anlmala. ~u. MM290 11" Portable TV $25. IT" 1'1'.at, C.M. ~ whldlte linen, avocado piping. 1S30 S.. An.ahreim Blvd. 21J: 5J1·HM CHILD Craft bookl 50. 1 ton portable TV $31. Black D n't match ntw dtcor, 'Tl2-MSO Anaheim e 'urnlture e ~-SIN,__ ._,_i..-.~tt.. window air condl"--""· talephone $10. Honda 8 MERCHANDISE FOR -··· •m ~-~ !"·-·••--~ ~--~• -SALi AND TRADE ,.~~~ -· -• CO!lt .......,_ S.A, Fwy. Appllenceo e Celor TV ala ... ,,._ holn, _, 644-lru. ...... 125-5 0-80 °'' $499. Camto Shorn. . at Ka.td!al AOK AUCTION on tiuHan., blind berm. MATalEo let. Z t n·t th S39-a371. 1880 Whtmtr Aw ., furniture 1000 673-t'1.f7 T'l2:l Garden Gl'OVI mYd. $34.11 or $U1 mo. S3S-86lf Mlcrollthlc, Z-2 Ill in the Apt. A • • C:O.ta Mtu. --------COVED, LooM: p It Io"' Offi E I nt I011 \Vea:tmlnstu nr. G.G. l"rwy. . tv hellJ1"8 ak!a. MUii .n, BOOKCASE Headboard S2S. LEAVING STATE. Medit-oatme&l IOfa $125. Xlnt ce flU prM T\:ies I Thun 1 PM·Sat l :.i Musical Inst. 1121 M2-0993 Double btd $25. Cridcal ternnean 8' IOI.a It klVt 1e1t. cond. Antique hanalnC ll;ht TYPEWRITER, Add. mach, Eshtte conspmt, Repo. New · chair $1C. Veru.We ~ collee tab&t, 2 end eom-fixture $25 Q>tttemporvy calculator, Very reuonaMe. Ll:S Paul cu.tom Guitar ENDURO Go c.&rt. lQ chain wtth wooden arma $5 modes. hidt-4·bed, ltn°'PI· table lamp 125. 5fi&..M63 NB Xlnt cond. 893-2'23 9Ve1. R llOO black with p&d trtrn, Hum: down; enr MC 15. 2% Sal t.acb. Step table 11 O . '1'1'om.1sville Spanllb klna QUALITY 'Nhite oak BR .et, ROY AL Eltt: au tom at I c App .nc.. btlcfdnd Sold p I e k. Ntw ::.:· S250 incl puts. 546-6311 •tie . bedrm &el A 1 1 0 complett. w/6 dr cbelt, typewriter (DI lttwn per = .!:.' ::;:; J::' C::, G.UEBo! Le apa.ca.hme: AQU.uutJM Complete wtth beautiful formal dinlrw nn ~. box.'~ tic. dll.f) $850 61S-ll22 f.fAYTAG washer, like new Call Dan ~ -, ...__ -..L --:...11, ~-~ 6~ or ftllu pump. top 110. .et. All 2 mo&. old. WUI l?S. ~ . $90. RCA Wblrlpool: IU -..,..,. ..,...., """ ..-~ - IWlritlot. Call coll ect 0 S.le _..... drytr $'75. Wtt"'---·• ~m otter.&awdutt:Featt•al, _e;::!J.-;l002:-----,,-----,=I DANISH Modtrn liv. rm 1tl: tr... .,,,......, ..,.,..,.. VW •--........... -tor $50. CAMOR4 U 1tr $ l 2 I Lquna. "Dowltl" 49W4a Pon &Cd....,. ..... "'~' SPANISH ::;, ~bllo. """°"'' 44" x 32" POOL lab!e 145. _,_ :ll1lla Santa Alta GUILD 1'..m l400. Or 11ooi PDRTAllLE d_.., Ill :.,.,. ~ =-s.!l! MIDITIRllANIAN $WP ---~ '"·-"'''· """' ...,,,. A .,,,,,. '°' '"4· s. A. an.n. 146-!"'9 "'-._.,. llL 23" bom ._.....,,_, .,.. .. ...,,. mlnl-bikt $2S 12 veil Ply-OLSHWASHER: '69 Ktn-Znit1' black I whit& TV $2425. Dlrome rlma., Ford Al Shon bl model ts. al• cbatr SO. Both. lJ mouth l"ntral'OI' or itarter mott, top load\111 portabll, uo BASS Conttllo a.ecordkln. SlO. !otMW. ts each. ~ 251 Santa 3 Rml of furn, (din nn, U• 8-(1139 Colia Mt&a ~ GM htad tt1ts $S Slmca 2 ,..,..1t1, cpto"' 1150 ed. cond .• S trtbM A 2 bus l.sabtl, C.M . ......._ rm. le bedrml priced ti• -~~ · · IW'ltchtL $27S.. ~23Tl POWER. mo-tt (rolll)'), , -• where at m Is JOUll today f'URNITURE: "Berkey I. part• $1. Lt s.ncT fl.fa.Int contract 1 v a 11. rtc1ntlJ O'Vttblu.ltd, ex-NEW ~ bfd, c:ornJ)itte sz. at onl1 $399. Eat)' cndll Gay, ~r I cheat ol PATIO S&lt: Good 1V $?0. 847-1107. Pl & "-• ll• celltnl cond.ltion, $ 2 s. Other box •prlnr and mll· Terml. dra•'!l"I ~ each. "2-3469 AM/FM bi fi..phono $30. OU COPPERTONE Refripn.tor tMI ..,.., rM ~15. ttt.. $12. Stack type foot Sant• An• FurnJtu,.. sv.ur. dlntna rm, 1tt art1f.tcts, ITllJ'1 o 1 her G. 1;. Froltlesa Bot!Om MOVTN0-1'1ua:t .ell. SMiTH 1tn011 U. ONch • n d cha.If 476 W. Cth St., Santi Alli Mcrtfice tor $95 lh\na:1;, 11%1 lndlanatJ9lls. f'huer. 14 cu ft. l1$ ~I 'A BARNES uprilht piano, P\:r l>eJJ1 ,Piiot Want Adi $11.-3"11 A EuL2l1t, C.M. e 5tT-cmt e MW!l6 6.'IM69T -; -cond 1110, ~-. Dial -tor a£IUl.TS HORSE Bii $5. SIS-ID! • y • • E d • II T 0 ft '· • I· • " ~ ~ • " " •• 5. :h " " ,_ If ~ " " 2. ., n rt. 12 '· .. D. 1' ~ rd rd .. ;. m bl " •• •• ... .. rd rd •• J. "' .. 14 "• " .. ,., .. ,, " al '" ,, :;: ,, .. ~. .. " d. a l .. •• "' "' y. D. .. ... • • m IP 2 lD tll .. c. ;o " al , ,. ,.. "' .. h. •• 8. I. ,. Id • i" -• ,. ~ '· ~ .. ~ S5 I. iii 1. ~ . I· " Ir - -· ._, 23, 1969 DAILY '!LOT ,,,,fOUI CONYINllNT ()fflCU_ TO SERY! YOU ... H1re's..Jlow...Yo.• Cu U..~­ Ow fu11wus Dline •A • U- e NIWPOllT llACH 2211 .......... e ..... -.. .,..,., .. __ .,.,... .. .... _. __ ""'_ e COSTA MllSA I'° -11r • ... Cf!MlliercW .. • ...... e HUNTINGTON llACH.-Jot l'IM - e LA•UNA llACH JU -A-• :rr--... ...--.. -- ...... _.. ~-~===~ SAT. and Sin. '65 V.W ... ti be!! m c-i..i ss. MllC'ellaneous Cc:cvair parts $1-$10. Walnut i p •a k er enclowtt SS. 535-Tlm LAMP $2. Ntrron $10 'Mch CASIE'ITE Tape= ~r PRF.CISION ' tooll: SWTett GOOD rtfric'en,tor, sood WALNtrJ' Dinette table $21. f UNDER.WOOD ~ SURFBOARD Ru.uel 9'6'', KING 11Je rn&ttre... a- Oltrts PS eac:b. 8fd $25. $25. AC adapttt ·SI. ~ Micrometer, OQL.Jnc~n working condltkln .$ 2 5. lavender chlJf'I no earib 9' $20. JfOOYtr tank ft.C!Uum good conditk>n $25. ~ eel\ent condJUon J 2 5 . Olnina: .et SJ). Flower &I'--_ce4,1Driff t1 eacll. Slk;le lhouaandlhl, aa.tin chrome Ml-2887 x I' umbrella tent ~. _JU. 4 RCA GE~ 001$ tadl<!i NEW I mm tUm1--Wunl-A I ~-=21~111c,,.--,,_.-,....,.... ~ett::.Puss-:·:,:1~; ~ and $1.1. $Unday ::-ll~ new~l~ ~n 2 Sl'INGRAYS: a " tioy·1 ~;: _ca.mp •love $5. $6-.$10. RCA OONble TV Hardy, F.-tnireMttlln. etc. $1 ANTIQUE treitU1! .ewtnc •--· "'-•::: -_;i • ua lit: ....... __ ' n-and slrl'• with tui-.et SJJ 111 10°· 0";'~bol>r re<:ord pl~ each. 613--2900 machine ns Dlvtll ta JJl"O! flu.n ......., •. 50. ·1'V $15. . ned,y Kit Tool ...unl, MVtn ' b Whl 1 ... hmuter good $22. 2 M chi h 1 ~ .. ""EALEY Box IPrine ·s15. Mattfta'$15;: Bookc • • e Madtmrd $15. Frame SS • All in txotllent condition. !42-0SU 543-7311. ~4. 315 3 Fl~D For beac h' draWUI $25. Helios six inch tac · le or m I c I\ HIGH Chair $5. Chlld'1 . 6 BELL y Bo AR o 5 • at ng c a r .,, ... Y\lkon.A\if..., C.M. bOokOo fun. barbtques and Caliper 11.tin ebrome scale, ~m aet: SI mm on' 1 wardroba SI). Bookcue.$3. Scblc:k hair'~ $6. UHF knl!eboarda 2'9" to 4'5" footstool Ul Solid birch cot'· . , • ftn!plaee tbil winter S2 box. with cue $20. Stutett 12 ln-doubh~ mattreu and bu Record stand Sl. Reoords converter aeriaJ $15. Record $12.50 to $25. Surfboard fM table $15 End table $1 4 DOUBLE Bed $i Bo i ~ eh aalln chrOme rule $5. aprina U> each. 2 nlaht 5c. Net play pen SlO. Baby ::;:bl~~ °:~ i;:~ 6'10" S25. South Lqu111. wrouaht Iron cbafn '20 sprinp, mattreu S 1 5. NICholson swts. Pattem •tandl · S5 each. Bookcue dothn »$1. <:oats and 499-U.53 Telephone table and cbafr Bedside table $5. Olr1t• ot ~--~ ~ S::W: Ftle aet $5. Set of numbtftd headboard $10 Comer d~ 1we1.tm' 25c. Oi.&hea. com. ~kl~~ Olanoe1 PL. STAMPS s. AN 0 $2 rirl's Bl~ $1.S. 61'3-3153. QUEEN Siu bed very clean drawen $11. w 0 0 d t n .-...,. ,__ drUl& In drill Index SS. One-$10 Bed frame $5 Dru-. pl.ete tetl and odds pieces · · U. 42'7 Orchid, r.d?o1. $UDda)' or rnattreu $21. Box 1prinp breakfast table SUI. Bl.by waahl!'r $15, runs eoo<f, Exh!eneth to one half dl1UI with mirror S2S. All like SOc--$2. OotbU. an mea l Samaonlte chain; S5 each. FOREIGN le to $25. Double attw. $2!). Frame $5. 5 piece ·~e• .$5. OaJr $7. Ad· Older Hor:w~ u PT i r ht In h~ex S15. Letttted drllls new. Children's 1et: Love 5c-$2. Jump -.at $3. LamP!i SuNonlte table ~ 536-9t92 ~ (=~ a;iv hes;~ ~ ~OIR:;;;c;.0>1E=-,.-,,-.. ~.bl~•-&l1d~"'1' dinette sttU't ?.tap le couch ju.stable bed frame $4. vacuum $1.50869 New Port In lndrx $1!1. Other lools 10c seat and l chain SS. ~ $2. Bowlfrla baa: and ball $5. OOFTEE Table: SU.SO. Small ta $2 2s · Book • eoo: chain $).!j Blutll sweepv and chair $20. Maple roUee Power mower $15. Hand Helghtl ~l to $5. 8411l'Friesland Drive, Paloma Dr. C.M. 6f6..{J610 New BBQ f2,M. ' Pans glass top table $4~50. Small :nc1m~5 :Ome ~d and $4 30 gal tru:h can 53&-t693 ' :~e ~O:OrWa=ei''klst~~ mower $10. 962"'319 PING Poo&: table to P • two blocks AOUtb of Warntr, $21 EXECt11'IVE desk $25 l0o4t~. Olei:k PlO·~or mlrror .$5. Bassinet or car some new 25c ID $24. CASH 4 drawer deik and cha.tr U.l. Phonograph needs needle WE.S'J'INGHOUSE Dryer .$10. weathtted S'J, 64&-3341 ott Newland in Huntincton Sink/cabinet $25. &f2....M12 $10. 'Jt/JfJ ck Aeat;ia St, Sa la bed S1 'Batblnette table $4. ONLY -p!eue P ho n e 2-4 dra.,.·er chesta~ ll5 and $15. TV floor modcl eood 2 ti.res ~ ":*11 m 1' 15 GOLD Pocket watch s25. Beach. MELODY guitar, &ood con-Ana. Ba ~ area. Antique milk can 16.50. 3 4.Sf.-1891 after l Pti.t PS. '20: 3 a:lu1 top wrought tron picture $25. 84i-t6M .$10 each. Pair snow c:haina 9>-US8 UNDERWOOD Nolseleu dlUon ns. 60-0022 LAO~ aothes, Oligir\llla $5 =plured valance traverse hfarlne U V baltety fl. end tables $5 eac:b. Gius TENTS. 18. x 8. umbrella, 1 $4. ~ t bitch $5. 19U 12 Gau,e !MtJun $ 2 5 . Typewriter, &ood condition ea.ch. Foti a~ pans 50c-$1. $2 each pair. Cap~n ONE dll,)' only~ Movin& Ulil top wrought 1n?n ta~e $25. 4 auto repa.ir manuaJ $10. 546-1258 $2S. Foldin& card table, UMBRELLA clothes dryer S5 4 dlnina: chain $2.50 each. chairs $12.50. ~t ~ 1.1.-eek. ?>lust i;ell: set of chain $15 uch. E:itctllmt =~ ~43 mountain, $15 t.fodel T Ford tooj1 $3 each. PACKARD i.u 20.. TV kicking legs. h&ndle, beij:e ~~~s:i = 1986 Fullerton, C.M. :;nillt~, 64-=naJ piece diahei (8 pea.) no. Aftt condition, blue and ll'ffn. Platform roc:lttr •$6. 0%" Maple cabinet with mnot~ tqp,· bronze trim. like new , ' 1956 Dod&e Station Waion. e.• · ,. . Clock Radio $3. Deep Fryer 875-4442, CdM SLEEPING Bagi, l~n Jabsco pump . $15. Pair cont?ol $25. 646-6285 $10. Four foldlna IT!irtal' GDU. S clothea, . ~ta to Good znotor, bilttery, ·ttrn, GlRL S 3l btcyde S14. Pair $l4. Teflon pan met of 4 Sl FORMICA Top dine~ aet, 4 lilled, 1..dacron filled $1D roller skates, sue 9, near . chairs, p each. Coklnial 1be 4 Sc-41. Girl. 1 school body ln aood 5hllpe. Need!: matching end tables 48. Step Stninless flat ware $5. Mllic. chain $25. Double bed with each. 962-1143 new, cost $25, $10. 646-8tl1 DRAPES. Like new $1.50 to bridge ta~e-la.mti. maple 1hoe1 35c pa.Ir, Cradle gym reneral repair. Low mileage table $2. Foot locker .$3. gluaes 5c eac:h. Skins SS frame S25. M8-Jln 21 INCH TV, B/\V, remote CHEF I-lats SOc. Knives· .$3. .$3 pr. CUt'taina 'lSe to Sl pr .. ,finish, $8. Room Divider $5. 75c: Car meat $2 Nunery bird $25. 548-4890 Small electric heater $4. e&.l"h. Hatch-type c 0 free ,...,LINDER P·-•-t ·•- control console $25. 962-.1143 Pant& S2 S4S-1519 Lamps shades l5c-S1 each. Copper drawer pull1, new. mobile 75c Folding )'Cllth _ Ping ponz table $7. 3 cup table $l5. Table & 4 c:haln '"'' ai·""'"" -.~ · Shoes, $1 pr and !Oc:. Thrtt tor Sl. Coc:oa·belge hi&h chair S3 Baby bed ROO!-f Divider ~· Pole table lamp $2. Barbeque $3. $20. paperback books lOc: and e q u I p rn e n t 110. TV $10. So!as SS each. Single CONTRACTORS: Structural Blouses 50c each. All Alea drapes. 8 feet wide, 54 Jn.. bumper pad, new $1.50 cabinet 1helf unit .$ 5 . Bamboo draw curtain S3. RoUaway bed $10. New 110fa bed $1.5. Fl'ef! bird atttl &S90rted I e n &' t h 1 I ca.sh. 545-1641 c:hes log $.5. Cosco loldin& Maternity dothes ~ s h 0 w er a I ~ , new S:JIJ. Tablt: radk> $3. 2 TV'a $7l each. Pl.ace: ~ta (6} $1.50. c:rocbeted rua: $2. New caae. Rolla way bed no mat-Ana:le iron 1" ~ ft. l~" v• •ES ~ ~ K 11 • h, n h~~balr. _._,_,_ -.. Catalina wool knit _ .... *, Dllhmuter lik.e new $20. each. All .,_..._ o;_. ,,U> ,"""' \Vaffle iron $3. Steam iron bumper jack $3.50. Bronze tre5I $4. Goldfish 10 lor St. 35c: a tt. l~" 40c a ft. 11;(" n.:> ---· .. ,...,.. • ........_ .. ...,. -..... Ladj Sam50 te •'&rd.robe """'-"' ...,..,, ~~ $3 1ronin& board .$3. Mildne Prf'lidentlal coin Rt i5, S1 $25 Pik> roodif'• $1. White Danish SlO. Matchin& matlrffl and 12-16 $4 pr. Italian wool knit ei ru TAPE ~r cost nearl OO:W1s (!) $l.50. Leather-P&intinp --. tuntt a ft. 2'' 50c a rt. Square lamp $2.50. Child's loya box &pr\T!K single ilu:, iuits, U.14 \Vool plaid cue $20. Patty Bel'I golf SDI &ell tor $u Mo~ type wine bottle no. Wall T .. v tables $2 kl $4. i..clie1 Ml/FM $20. 3124. Monroe ;~~~ ~ 50c Ill~=--~*~~ ~50. C1othts., wome11'a clean.. $25. 'Kinpil.e white jumper, iize 14 $6. La.dies ~~b& ~nd Ge cart S ~, Wt~ up 7 inch ~ need 3 plaque1 Sl.00. Indian Brau Tlnk lkatn, ai%e T, SS. Way, C.M. 1", 2" ...,,_ __ .. ~,,_ ' ft. 8" clothes, iile ~IO $ 5 . quilted bedspread $10. 8403 apparel, 9-14 50c-$l Men:• 11~ ......_ ~-lm0/12e i:ubber drive belta that COil tea Rt SS. Electric Coffee Paperback boob 20c each. REMINGTON E 1 e c t r i c -' .,,.. '""" Everytt..; .... 'reasonable 379 Friesland Drlw two bloc:kl s b I r t 1 medlwn liic 1 · ..,,.,sses, coa... • Croquet set $1. !&fr.2921' .,,.,.writer $20. 1601 Linc:oJll channel iro11 $2 a ft. 545-1481 ·~-. , · ' f Occora.•_: _.,.,.,_ial •--115 Haven Pl., N.B. 64~1295 $4.90. New chrome. faucet pot $2. Cake tilis, muffin ·~ ~ Sat and Sun. Santa lsabel. Sat on!y 8-3. IOU th of Warner, of ..,-'" ... ......: .. ...., assembly with anti-syphon tins, oookie a.heel 30c each. BIRD Cqe, 5 ft white Lane 548-$868 MAYTAG 2 speed washer Newland, HB. Sunbeam electric fry pan $3 ORANGE Arm occa.slonal valve, <mt $30, st:ll $l4. Wall clock $2.50. Alarm pagoda $8.50. Mirror lup JUNIOR High dresses, pants, 4 BAR stools $10 each Double $25. S44--0lS8 SCRAM-LETS Carafe, cream~ and 1uaar chair Sl2.50, table lamp Flberglaa matting, 7, x 20, clock $1.00. _ Don't for&et. wood framed plate 11l•1a sweaten Sl-410. MG-2389 bed $25 Bedroom met $25. BONANZA ?I-Uni bike frame set 7Sc Ortho Wlrly-blrd whit-e $5. 962-fl601. SlO. New po1.1.'er brake $5. Sat. !2-4 p .M. 385 Mennaid $15. Hang In& lamp $5. IA.rae TIRE 735xl4 rood oondlUon CoHee table $20 Ski racks SS spreader $1,50 Monkeypod 3 &ilxl5 Goodyear eylon tires New lnter-rMtic: time clock St., Laguna Be~b.. ceramic while lamp l$7.50. S9. Aquariurn·JN?ttps $6-$12. and S8 Record cabinet S18 ~2tem;t ~~ $7. Rear ANSWERS table $6 Desk lamps Sl-$2. almost new $8 ea c: h . lo!' lia:ht1 or other u11es, cosl QUAUTY Collegiate clothts Chair, caneback S 1 'i. 5 o . '·-e .. i .. tt toy do& $4. Deacon's bench $20 Sid •IBN -~ ,.~., 3 ~ JP...,,.,I U '0osc:rolls !1·50Meac;ti W;.terproof tarpaulin ap. S18. Sell S9 Rabbit hand Yard a I e rem n a ft t •· ~• ........ boob, size 7 and 9 S15 eac:h. " ..,,.. IW"" .. ~.. u c 1.1.•en; •:JC en 1 1 1 l 16, 16. •~ plane ia-new 14 SZ.US. size S.10 excellent 25c:. AW!ltrian curtains. new Recxrdl eood selection N 0 ~~-•·-•-A . ,_ Alrfl'·ht ... ,1, ....... ~• n--'•l proxmaey x ...,... • ''"'' . . • -~1uon pl---· -·· --•-• $143. Custom planters, kr-2390 E I den o. 1 · ....,,..,. bikes $18 '8ch. Silver coin ~,.ie--Pleee' -..... ,,.,a .. ...... ~ #" .----."' U HF $5 Rowxl Ma l Boating ''"'"' · ""'"' ~ white nylon $5. J.,~ -~--and m 1" 1 tl'ft'!I Mesa 5'8-4320 je-.1.'!'lry, cut In silhouette, -Muffle -BumPtt -Ver. "'~n v.'Ool blanket S5 · ·k · tantenna $8 33 .. hi x Sea a:~: cnhetsl ~a: n 50· also med. length Brown Wi&: fonnals. &itt 12, SU.SO. ~._.. Toddlm f 11 u re PREITY Virture Broa din. Mereury dime earrinp $4. lty -VOCABULARY Royal Blue Batea bedspread r;?d::meC: $8. 'ean dter 2-21 -inch TV, needa m~ $25. Ladles plb'Sf's 25c:. Boy'1 sk&tel $2. Pole lamp $1. lng room table S25 Leaf S7 6 Sliver and baU dollar Bolo ?I-tan who turned in bis driv. $3. StaUon wagon pad $3. ?.tonday 536-lln. repair in beautiful cabinets ELECTRIC trains. Am Oyer, leather jacket slit 18, like Clothing and aC'Cff&Ories excellent vinyl upholsterwd. ties S8. S12. BuHalo nickel er's llcfllaeMo'-'vo ~·-~· ~ 986WWo Lane, C.M. GUIT"o" ted "·-1.1.1th doot'8, one Salem Ma· steam engine no, Dleael new $3.50. Boy"s suit, blue · 1 highbac:k chairs UJ eac:h. ear r in a: 1 $ 5. 3 0 2 6 ment ol ...... e(Ul.;IQ; ve .....,..1 ru>Jo ac:cep gw..., .. pl Wal t $l4 ch engine $10, ,vreci<er $7, 8 green, prep 1ize, like-naw Sl-45. 545-&9 Entire set cost $285.. new.· Klllybrooke Ln., C • M • a:lwm up driving on these BICYCLE 16" conffrtlble and acceuories in payment ;.;.:;: trucM. nu rt:iuret!: ri' c:an S2 each, big $7.50. 2'l39 Vlsta Huerta, COMPLETE Double bed ex· _.. 54>2835 city 1tttets I just do not 110 3104 v B c M ol bad debt. atraps, all ca · b·anslormer $5 train board Bluth area, Nev.'POrt Beach, cellent condition $'15. 2100 Lane walnut coHoe·.and. e'"". , . hftve the v6cABULARY for · an uren, · · style1 Sl.50 each, complete Hand pick Sl. l3 ft plywood . ' near Et RanchO Market, Federal. C.M. tablff $17 each,· ~t. IH5'. 3 PIECE Early American 'k.'' 545--8997 black diamond strina: 11eta S1 boal $10 KE slilre nile with and track 1 $5, 9123 But.. Blulll shopping cenl1!T'. each new. ElectriC can Ketilna1 $12 per section, , MAPLE Packard BeU TV each cues $4 50 eac:h book $3. 18 new lodu $3 for tercup, Fountain Valley, .=:.=:.c=::!CC:::'-=:;c'=~I WEBER BBQ S2.5. BBQ c:art c>pener and knife ·""""'"" _na.up.hyde couch $25. Dine!·' GIRL'S SUngray• 20" b J k e '5'1. 'A'Ofks well, tuner needs Am,.' ~. aU ,.,·,-· -w· alt 55 hea''Y masonite 8 ·,nch 842-8001. WRINGER \VL"ber $3. 3 "· ·~•1,·cial planl SS. Out· M -•-"" .. _._ .....,. 115 G l l d La ...., ""' '"' fl lam ~ h ~ n1... $9 Clothing: en • ....... !-·te table $25. 6 C:n•u.111 •""'· , , r s a n -adjustment Slll S tee I 778-2&36 Jellf'!'s klr signs $3 for au. T. V. swivel table $4. hemp oor J'll ......., e a c · door carpeting 7dl $25. mM. \.\'Omen's 1itto to.lf'W llt' TV. •s is $10. CoHee: 'dies mod clothing, many typewriter 'table st. 549-1338 Metal dog and bed and pad rug 8 x 10 $5, StauHer couch Hatdv.'OOd 1'.t'ee stand t n a: Beninette $10. Canister 1E't babies to 2 Yl'll 506f14 table $12. End table 110. 6 ~ tJr.e 8-U, ~ BABY Crib $15. Matttt: $5 SOFA S25. Ph. 968-3875 $2. I.mt use of stnrage $25, 6 Badmltton racquets double headboard $20. Extra $5. Carpel sweeper $5. Set Shoes, si7.e 6-8 .~ ~'. J;>rexel dining room chain Ntw mat!'l'ial 50c yd .. Shoes, Portacrlb S'1 Blau i:i1ki~ 4 6.50 x 16 6 ply titts tubes, a;arqe. 642-7495 Sunday S2, new water skis $25, long double bed mattrels of ?i!elmac dishes $.l. Golf and hab ~U DWttiU.bft! '$5 each. Chest ~I drawers hats, ha n db a is, ~ hone SU. Bike baby c:airler $3 to SlO. Stroller $5. Lawn GUITAR SlS 24 x 36. Cubiatic: Joi ding metal table $3, and box sprinl:;1 S20 each. bat $7.50. 642-9006 and f c:haira $10 New~ SlS. 3 nursery p1ctuft1 il. •holtlebold item& ll 5 c -$ 4 $2 and basket $1 T Mc mowtr $2. Bowling baUa $1 Int' S25 ~ damp on boat !lea!" 50:::, Mat c: ht n g set or !? LARGE Air Jan cooler. tray1 and server $4 ~ Early American picture and W pool table, complete tts. TV stand $2 675-°!~ each: 842-6369 17342 Almelo pa mg ' Rattan headboard S4. ice Rl!htrays, I I a: ht er and portable $10, 673-2964 naugahyde couch fl)· 91 frame $5. Ellliy cha.Jr and '1'wO sno* fttt• 850xl4. $4.50 up. ' Ln .. H.a ' ADULT aluminum walkini: akatea $4, sled $2, foolltool cigarette box ISL Bar utem!I GOOD Summer and light bed frame $4 Nn-·"C\ltl rt >haMoc:k $25. Electric )lroom ff~. All Qf'Stturday. DK! BEDS Complete f.1o:uble ~· 42 .. Round dining or game aid, like new $10. 542-4701. $3, many games and books &el Sl. Metal service table weight \.\'OOl dresse1 lG-l2 set $3 Sal A Sun. 968--~. j). Baby bathtub $1. Lara:e l'ofational'·~ve.~ Costa Mllfll, Bunk 122. Schwinn 26 · table f.1edtterra:riean style RE:EO Fence 6 x 15 $2.50, 5c·50c, vases SOc-$2. 11 St Metal col and pad SOc. SZ-$4. Man's suit 42 tong a.tter 10 AM. 21331 Bulkheid d\l.per pail $1. Twin bed we1t on 19th St. right on Boys bike $15. Unusual hand $15 • Old amaU cale Ch1ld'a pool $2 Frf&ht fa«> wooden llllld bawls $2. 1 Metal chair 50c. lronirlr $3-$4. 646-9714 Circle, HB trame $2. 2 Maple niebt Mol'lrma, left on National. braided hall ':r 3x~' wainut u:.ry table 1w:lth tory set S:S· 642-Jl63 do:ten ahrlmp cocktail teen board 50c. Barbeque $5. POLE Lamp $5. Small mar-COOK .11tove with rotl&lerit: 1tands $15. 963-0302 GE 'upright vacuum $12.00 Sl20. ~~ $3.!IO ~.; ~ea.I ends $15. or both CLOnlES, •ize 16, excellent with linen SOc each, Bench SOc. Neon deak lamp ble and iron table $10. Elec-S15. 548-690t 2 Bar'1tooll, gray ~ black Automatic: percolator $5 GE ~ drill S4 50 . Table tahie1 for $25. Small wall quality, excellent condition, 842-JMS -'°'=·cc61$-:::..:_7754:::.:_ _____ I tric heater $5. Fedual mir-17" PORTABLE 1V $25. $2 each. ~ ~ Box steam and spray ~n $4 :a.dill $4 Pup · ~nt sz ac:ceMOf)' mirror 9" x 22" Bttnnxlai, capris, shiftl, TIRE cMlns new fer 7.35-14 METAL Double door 36" ror $7. Signal Generator 548-6529 sprinp $5, 11nite. 2 bed Bath acale S3.50 Foldtnz kit.. Household lterru: ~ Sat. wtth simulated bamboo blouses, dresses. knit lllill, SS. 968-3750 each x 80%. new. all at- L s G 1 o new $?. 5 o. bed5 d frames, Maple, antiqued cben •tool $1.50 Lara:e 9-4 Sun to noon 324 Colton, frame $3. Quilted, doubled gfloes SOc...$25. Buggy $20. ANTIQUE sewing mac:hine tachrnenll no. Door brals Cabin-Cra!t rug J' x 6~· SS. ~'f:ruu iize = ~=~ _head and footrei>t $.S. 2 Pde ?itaple frame picture $14 Newport Shores· bed5pread SID. Excdlent Infallt seal SJ. T 0 Y s S2S. homt bar $15, d 0 0 r s knobs 24 x 78 S:J. Swtna:lna: 22 caliber lingle shot rt.fie lncludea dust rutne SlO tabl1:1 $1 each. Gold waron High picture~ ArTUl.& ' . . mndltion, llOft green S1-f7.50. 1826 Buttonshell, Sl.50 each, aquariums .~ rloor Tl~~ x 27" $2. lAmpa and cue $20. H • n d $3. Two lamps $2. Hatd'A'OOd $25 Other bull fieht plcturn GRANNY S Rttlred. Stove backimund with pa ate I NeWJ)Ol1 Beach Baycrest. $5. Plymo!fUi car radio $3. 5 75o-$.S. Vinyl ube&tOI llller crocheted nia: s7. ~3)5? Large white lamp $ 5 • dining table ;5. Chaise $3-$10. Matador and Bull $.5 $25. 2 Chrome dlnettel nowen of shaded grttna WASTE Ki .. ~ u' . 1 gallon &as can for camper 9" x 9" at 5c eac:h. Desk 1 ..:::::::::;:c:..::::~-:-'i'--.;;::; I 646-4506 lounge: $1.50. 2'.118 Avalon Mexican a:oocfiea 25c·$lll. SlG-$15. Twip mattr'U!I and and blue. 5.16-8340 dish h .. ,. $.; 1 vLe rs a $.5. tnlsceUaneout lt~s for lamp $5. Cabinet door 12" x 2 Swivel bat stools $5. Blond SOY'S 24" bicycle, lll!;'.f'I St., C.M. Ladle1 1hoe-s, purse a, box aprinp $10. Laree EVINRUDE Outboard motor ?.la: er told! · W: r$~e kitchen .Z-$5. e 1e ct•r 1 c: 22', variow! size1 15 each. TVand1tereoneed1l'llpair tires, newly paint~, ex· CARPETING 12• x ll' and clotblqi 2»$5. Ladles dresser $5.50. Electrolux 7% h with tank $25 K any !111 ewin, broiler $5, gun rack $2.SO. Plywood 44-12x12" x • $2). Baby high c:hair l2. 2 cellent c: o n d t t I o n . 226 nan S~ 3 pllon ro..111 White wool Slll Black vacuum works fl.SO. 2 wood P , • enmore cabine se & various min 15c each. ~ .. Metal bed frame• S2 nch. Cabrillo St. $17.50. MS-~ ...:..... .. ~Ir n.aini ..na 1 ... 1 wool $7. mack ~e evenlne chain $3 each. Maple table ~.~.er 1"°""ik .!:, Chi 0 1•0• mac,~ $20. Dou11 "", bed mail box .50, swtngina: a:ate x ~ pipeboard $150 each. Shav\nr light $2, G:E. cofft:e CM ..... L., ""~ • ~ $12 Fur •tole $25 Jewelry, S4. Small table and drawer .,....... e ·~.. · ma ... ~.ex c: e en c:on-for counter $5, electric clock Boat Mabopny bot.rd 6,, x maker u. 548-2398 t:nam~ SlO. Se Hque: and costumt toe-$2 50 Very Wp oval braid-&17·7500. dltion, BunJc bed mat-$1, Beam bottles $5 each, 18,. $2.50 eacll. 4 .. a.!Lnnimim 14 u.-t whHe gold rinr DOUBLE bed and OOokc:ase cab 1 n e t J l 5 ( !" o tlco r !;! .,_,_ 15c to $1 Pr hob-ed . ..;,... .,...., a:ood $10 2 RADIO (1.enith, wood ~.. excellent condition oolored a:raveJ tor fish &lldl"" dobn beams $2 eac:h. nai.. headboard $25 MAple couch, repairable). Campir.c e ..,.,. guur\s • .._. ·-,, -' FM AFC _ no So!a. soiled need.a tanks, white red green & .,. without settilig $25. ~1258 make• into bed $20 3 ?itaple box $3 Fireplace tool• $3 nail lamps $8 Table lamp S4 F1oor lamps $4-$5. 540-2110 cabinet} AM/ ..... , · ' •• Ch . _ _: .. _ blue IL50 •• ;h, ~ ..... ""' .50 Jump chair $L50. MU&ical • · · D' he I ta, pan1 comp 1 et e a:lau door rover'"'' air, ·~ CO\'er ...... "" .,.. cribmoblle $U(l 5@..5143 2 LB diving "'~ights Tx chairs $10 each White couch Log: ba.lket $3. ~ u I I c: is s, a: aasea, po • GOLF Cube, 2 woods, f bl f tub SIO 3 $5. Utlllty tables $1. Map!a each, big boy Bar-8-Q · · each. 546-1258 SlO Dishei lOc-Sl Pictures cabinet $3. Steel cabmet $3. placemata Sc-$5 New wallets irons $25. 6'6-1220 ~ ~:-1 h Poi headboard double .$3 580 motor new $2• old radio 2214 Elden Ave,, C.M. 25 lb bow $1 54&-1258 Sl-$3. 548-fm Excellent i\n~le bedb,.:lroTVm· 1S4l ~:r:;:wma .. · t~rt~: BABY Bathlnette $9. Swing Jam:e$5. Couc: ;:.c Doubt! HamUton,' C.M. ' WM'tMirk $1, movie screen SINGLE mattress, very eood POSTER bed twin size plete S2S. 20 ca ""' • ' $5 546-03)6 ....., -S2.50, slot cars $5, eac:h, 897· condition $15. 646-.2105 19" RCA table model TV. It ' ' $20 as is. Strong gteel bed no pa.d S2 Nehru pant suit $5 · box 11prlng $5. -~n111. MOBILES $7. Size U-12 7350 worka S25. 542-8114 complete, good condition $20 frame 15, 3l9064tb Ave., cat ahow cage decor S5 GIRJ..S Handmade school 1 Bed sofa, &ood cohdltlon Fiesta or square dance ==-~-~~~~ DAY Bed $20. Twin bed $l5 . Chantilly lace w e d di n I ~ 13 "" cl the all new 3 and 4 r1 kir I 1 1 STEEL guitar S25, signal Double bed $15. Dresstt $20. WALNUT No m"~ Inn dinette · · 5o I """n& Tupperware ..-;• m• 0 S. ' ' •• s. 1 motor mower $10, S 15 10-$25, ff atch Ilg "•fri •·•no ••· ~ •• ... ""l' gown, separate train, g1ze · ...,... .,..,,_wrl,. -,..___ •J Sat 9-4 -1.. · booliter lor TV $5. fish ....., gera..,. . _,,.a.,, .. ,. table with one leaf. Ideal !or $125 ll $25 . led tal bar ington .,,....,., r ..., ..........., none ~ .... · .......,. SJ6..1542 tops $5, Geometric and 1 king lze bed $15. 4 fl apt or family room. area ~t lena:iJi ~ell s5 23~!"~st~~~-Ner: wooden SlO Kitchen cloek $3.50 ~ 642-lr.;5 REFRIGERATORS $5, $2. floral wall plaques 50c-75c. !:'! :r:soo5 e~':. ~ ~ m~ SS. Vacuum aeals 4--6 S20. 4 l\iexican Corning ware. 1killet and 4 x 4 sandbox $5. lnlant E . .2h~ St. C.M. 646-46911 STINGRAY Bike boys St5. Foldlna: bed $7.50. Double MOfiiaicl $5. Naugahyde floor 1et hinges "new" .25 pair, c:leantr $15. Adjmtable bed style: dark wood and straw ca.umilea U-S3 Cannister bac:k paclc $5. White full me NEW OiriJtmu Moora&n Drafting table and lamp $10. bed $15, (almo1t Dew mat· Clllhklna $24. B e ad e d "' roll barb wire $3.50, rail $10. Crutches S 5 . chain $4 each. Garden met $1. 192 E. 18th St. C.M. Thaye.r crib and mattresa! D41 Cottee table $1 Oelk,·corner, aM malchl"! treu). Coleman camp ice Dower ~ments $7.50 ~'OOden ICn!W 1n ler.i .25 Portable TV. needl ttpatr wheel barrow, top quality 646-4657 a:ood c:ondltlon $3). Women'• PluUc moldl fer realn 50c bookca1e and drawers $5 box $4.50. 119 Dgbth St., Gift wrap tie--ons 12 lor $L each, 10' travia rod $5, 3' i $5. Cormole TV $2S. Pro- $7. All in exce:Uenl con-BEAUTIFUL red lutber H tnch bike with child car· Ootbea SOo.$1 ~· 21~ each. 642-S078 Hunt. Bch. fupstaln). ~7 travia rod $2, 6' roll of new jecttne table $3. Fan belt& dltion. 540--0681 louna:e c:h.i.ir $25. 646-6365. rler $10. 2006A State St., 20c J•well'y . c • c SURFBOARD 6'6'' pld con-lJ'ITLE Iila.nd IAle 107 LOVELY Platinum human chicken wire $.5, 1954 FORD $1 ea.ch. Water akl $10. Soow SHELVING lOc pr I I · 1147 Gleneagles Terrace C.?ot. &f2-.9152 BJankeU TSc ~ new dition. Ride1 weU $25. Crystal Bed frames $3. Mir lall, 20 inches long, radio $.1, 897-7350 s k I and po 1 es '8. A ttcal tile 10c NaUs 25c .... · 1 0 0 "'· ;. d 1'n I r a 1 Solid State 673-&98 1 cl · 2 50 G 0 paid $00.96 worn onoe, $25. Tape-recorder (Gennany) cous · C.M. ASH Blonde w•& -,., automatic phonograph and B cy e S · · 0 r 1 e u s White Id Florentine ladle• MOP bucket & aqueeZl'r $15, 1150 Fl1in lb. CAulldng (Un& 15c. WEI:x;EWOOD ps stow $25 human h&lr, ~ only record.I $20 Portable .ewinc WALNUT Buruu S 2 5. bric-e·bra.c. weddl go band . 7 t ma.1d1 c:art UJ,,mop handles :1;1!c:~~ lro~ ~ Plastic buckets 10c:~l28 Waste Kina: dilbwuher, to twice $25. 545-7841 d· rna.c:hlne Sl5 Eltctrlc fey Danish chair SIS. Annc:ha.lr, BOY Seoul t:quipment: 2 175 50 na: 's~~ ~ Sl each, new 17'' c:arpet ker USO Trinity Or., C.M. 54 be put under counter S2S. ternoon. pan $3. 2560 Newport Blvd. leather eat $10. l'r23 Plua Yucca packs $l each. 2 ~te'r, :Wrks ~ $2. G.E. brush $25, ir· istripplng I: ~:~w ~ ~. t>aniah SOFA And chairC.'I ~·71~37 Baby be.thinttte, 1 yr old. GIRLS Ille lD ~be, C. f.L Flnt trailer Sundq del Sur lars;e Ponchos $4 eac:h. 2 Suntan lamp with clamp, pol ishing hloc:k $15, 17" chair SJ.50. Tires and wheel. Trinity Dr.. "· .r..r SlO 546-5434 outpown. Over 25 '".,...es, only. KINGSIZE Mattrese S 2 5 . Pack nclcl $5 each. RCA new atlll in box $S. Bird ICrlb bnah $5, 17'' poll.shlnr all sh.es $2. 645-0077. 886 '62 corvair body p art • a..crnn:s hamper St. Ii'on an handmade or 11 { n a 1 FURNITURE: Tabin: $1.fr French doon $10. Scott VlctDr phonograph for child ca g e and stand. Genuine 1' 1trip Pada $2 each, ba.rrel Towne St., Colta Mesa Sl·$10. Front IU!Jllllll~ and lronins board .$5 each dftaea. blOU,!IH, I kt rt• ' Double headboard, hot pink radk>: • pt: a k er $20. $10. Pirate ~ Fox puppet Hendricks bran PI a t e d ' tipper & itancl on wheels $2$. Brakes $10. Wheel& with Wastebasket S1 ftnt ye a r capriL All for $25. 847-6319 velvet $8 CUrtainl and Record pll.)'U $25. Bike $5. $.1 each. Twin Sert.a box black wrought Iron atand, SlS, wet & dry vactmm $25, tln!s SS each. Seats S20 pair. Law book $2..$4. Studio EVEREST and Jenn In a: s drapes $1. $2, $3. g and 10 ft Drapeey track $2. ~ springs and matttt:u $25 m1t S2S, &ell for S10 com. new hoae for a.me S5, oven f bbl manifold S 2 & • couch spread and · bolster Roll-Aider. Invalid Walker. tra'lttle rods $1.50 And $2. U N I VERS A L Vacuum each. 673--0lflS plete. Coflee table 60'' x 20" cleaner SS gallon, 89'1-7350 Carburetor $25. 646-478) pillows SS. c •mp 1 n & Cost.$56 he•. Wlll aell fur Electrte bltnket $10 C&mera cleaner, worb lood $3. WIGS, Blonde, brown $5-425. x 17'' SW. Admiral T.V. 19" eoy·s 3 speed bike. Ex. MAiTRESS And roatchina thermo1$1.Surveyor '1 S20. 841~19 $UO MeW portable Stereo apeakm pail' $4. 531-7ln3 works good Ui. 642-1775 cellent condition $25 . box 1prinl, dOUblt:, rood tripod 1tand .$3. Pressure MENS lllr'Vioe •hoes si?.e tl. · clothelllne $1.50 Dilbe1 lQc. Good record player $2:.50. 18• BOAT bath, IOO!I con-eves or Sa.t-&m. &nytime h=-:ii-'-'-''------- 125. ~1375 cooker $5 Pctl *"lt PAN U Black. $3. Girls sjze 6% $S. Re.lier $1 New hand Vlewmuter projector with dltlon, dry itored lo!' pait after 10 A.M. AOL _ b POLAROID Swini;er camera. and $2. 645-0156 brown patent shof:1, new. $.1. lawn mower. metal $15 llldee $l. 548--7994 year Good tor poweT or MOVING North. Rt~ 110 Lb we:lghta $10. TMrmoa near new $5. ~1375 9'6" SURFBOARD. rood IA.din 1ize lf..16 dresees. $2 Utlllb' 9e:l'Vln& cart $3 Metal TV Works aood m '55 1mail sail boat $15. 644--1156 co u c: h S l 5. Or• n 11: beer kea: cooler SJ. \Vadina "'"D ....... ,e and 4 chairs $9. condition, only $25. Rack $5. each. 847..Q19 · cues ot ac:outbcal tile 10c Ouyaler u is m. Tin1 OLD c.-1-aeu.i-machine naugahyde casual chairs $6 p!IOl 15" x 6', near new $3. 5;0:1m,......_ eau Dennis 54&-05.51 BELLY board, Wed re per We. Lad1H a:;~ 900X15 $4 each. Kitchen type worb"~ ;i,.014 amn: each. End table $3. Brome Deak 80'' x 34'', typewriter AUTOMATIC he $25 mpecia1 $25 Fdldinr 5' bar 1~ black ' tah'I: $3. Bike 26" pu $2. movie jeetl)r ru Chest table piece Pl Apt llae ftU $3. Vl!Mtisn blmd1, I fdahopny dlnirw; chair. $20 was r $25 Kitchlm double sink $5. ~; .. ~obagga_nfaU •J !,~~-~ Vanity PS. SaUSun 5C1 of dn..!: $25. ~~ •i.ncle bed with sheell $15, a:r@t'n, 2.34~". 144~" 11 each Pair braU andlron1 Gu ruwe and oven $20. ~ ....... ... Da.111'1 ~ Catalina er., N , w port Reflnllhed cabinet $1 5 . each. Bamboo curtain, 8' $12.sO. Mahopn)' maa:azine 847-8495 human hair, oost $49.50, IM!lJ Helfbhl 846-.73'15 FM TuneT for f or a tn.ck Girt'• bike $7. Foldlnc card Jolli $5. Tl.re 7.50 x JS, 4 ply rack $20. ~1619 8' RUBBER raft with Nill, NEW motoreyde he Im et• $6. 117 E. Sq St. No. B, 6~ ft Oec:hd tape deck~ S25. Sid poles table $. Punching bag on t\YIOn $.1. Metal clothesline O:IIFF-A·ROBE s20. Che•t oan $25. 54>1914 man·a aiu, MW S 11 . C.M. 60-1224. · red and 11'&1 $4. ChaJ.e lounge You trame and glove.a $10. I' po181 $7 Ht. 6 n owrhead ct drawen $15. Small rock. TURQUOISE IOI& 7' SZ'i Blue ao-.nML SPARTUS.V•nauard eamera :;~e ':!ne ~ tt-1'1?b Tx. Foldlfl&' drytl'll( ·~ h1dder $3. Toddler bike floureseent Uaht ss. red ce- lng d'lair $20. 2316 Sant& Ana taf& $10 Jee che1t 21" $10 4 TEST tube cent:rifup $25. kit, complete with film •nd c~lr and ottoma.n $)'!. rack 50c. 6424!086 teat $2. Fish bowl $1. ment stepplna: stones, 12" x Avt .. Apt. 3. M2-832l x WeatberbJ IOOPI! $10. 6ft..1121. tluhbulbi $T K od I k, Yellow chrome dinftte table OLD Pine dropleaf table 540-0966 12", 10c each. Double bead- ALM OST New work auli. 56-0101 TV 21" rood condltton $25 BtowNeHolidQc:une:ra$.\.. $20. Four matcblns stripped tnd oiled 11eat1 6211" Girl'1 bike1 $2 Md $5. board, sturdy, e60d fdr ar> and dre-u.es. 1Chool clothel. REFRIGERATOR m, 2 Cabinet for router S2 Elec· 545-1114. uphalltered chain S 2 O. $20. Whitt vinyl blac~! 12'' trike $1 Toys. See and tlqulne $2. Metal shoe radc capriA. blouse1. sweaters. aofa1 $10 each. 2 arm c:MJn trlc he11.1tt $5. Tn.wne T.V. "HMtman ·OOOllOJe $2S. I.up mirror $$. Wrinpr pull down Uvi.de for $4 Say Sl. Marvel Mt11tana 15. 50c1 Pt.Ir cnlthces $ 2 • coats. 1izr 1G-l2 &-SlO. $5-$3. 3 c:besta $201 $15, $10. rods. 1 cuter pull, l comer attn' t PM. 333 W. 811, •Nhhll rnaehtne, txoeUtnt window $3. Ytllow _and Johnny Aatro S1 (all thret! ChUd'a car 1eat St. slna)tJ 'Record playt:r Mand $4. ·Delp rut. Mi x 10~~ $8. pull, .cljustablt: $4 each. Space No. 3, C:M. motor $15 50-287\1 S.11-&ln brown plakt Otnnon no-uon near new). Gamet and toys adju.lable crutch '1· Met.al Keir dfTer $5. New iron SS. Map!• table 125, Cot mat-Rue•. small SOe4J Vlbrator, ANTtQtJD· 131 E. :lltb St. 10..S &n)'t!Me weekdaya. twin bed9Jftids $1 eacb. T' ~ from 2Se--50e:., BQlC of· Ironing board and c::owr, all Tqwel llbelving extension ll'lll 15. Wuher hoM $l pr. electric l\a.nd modd $3 C.M ~bos~ can-REFlllGERATOR $20. Crib l'oldlna blby u.tew ptt: Im Uny toys fer te-lOc. t.ft lttl like new $5. Graa calc:hf:r unit for blthtQom S 4 . Bollkl l(leo.25c. uuufy table Rotluerie. ele<:'b'lc 'patkl n\a~ t SID 50 Clorner '"'""'-SS. Gi"f Victoria lwllmn1cs or •ta~ $3. 3' Blue the T'11tltN lJOrM tor hand rriower, newr ullf!d IMlbea. cuamk!t 25c:-$1. 12. Jnflist clothe• 25o41. type $8. Electric Iron i l .50 ch&lr $U, ~ mllkcJau No. a, C.M. • loldlrl& pte S1. 64M08f OOc. Bird ~ and Jtand U. !~50·, .. 1:~34.~,:,. .. ":' Toya 2r>c-U. Bookl 25c. 4 Untforml 9'10, U-12 $1 JioWt.r ~nts SW. $2 50 lo $6 50 SanttwSch sia-50 Fttl of 2 toot redwood SevmJ t:abl• cloths &le. • ... ...,, ,... bar 11oo11 14, E. r I y each. w Dlde a:lrl ~· 3n E. ~th. SM.-2127. t S4 50 . Mirror btveStd BABY Walktt $4. Electrlc ffnclrc .$:5. Alla 25 feet ot 2 GJrt Scvut dreu, nteatir Flt'fiplac. snte $1. 2 splndlt Amfrican pole lamp $7. 3100 25c--$2. Mluea c I o t ti I n r E LE CTR 1 C refrtatrator :med ·walnut S1! 'o1d tamib hand under $8. Coat, alze 5, toot win rienoe SS. 1826 and aceulOriN. alre 10 polt1 4'. $1 each M64J.U Ydlowltorte Dr., C • M · 1~12. 25c42. Bird cagt fl. ft.9.SO Cu n.na:e $14.5) album $15 Primittw Wart ct..mel ccloe' D), All lfmll Newport 81\td. Space 23 fl.50 ...... Bmwnle dms and to-FOUR P\e<:t Melional IOlt, S..1.-&m. Jan 5c each. 2307 Santa Mahopny dinitw table $15. $1#. Gi....wate o:illtttlble1 like ntW. SCW214 -M.2o3'781. cealOtMI, ab:ie 10 $4. New s:io e1Ch l@Cllon. Colfee RUG S b• m: po o er and A,._ C.M. t-6. Corner cabinet, 11an door 25c46. Ooronation wue $2... 3) PUlf •hoCCUn $25. ffWi BOY'S SHllfl'&Y $3). ~" ttyf• Bluebtrd dren. bloulll! IAlile and lamp ta:ble each ,...'Hper $3 ach. SUctlon HUFFY Stln& Ray bike. MW and wood door. 202I Wallace $6. IEn&llah)l;nallsh AYOl1 power pell.lfun ~. &fJ-1412 ho)t'1 $8. 3'" lad.Jn $1&. 26" ant bat. &lze lO, $3. 1387 with pne drawer 110 nd!. I.an U. Garden tools $2. p!llllnt. excellent condlHon st. Apt. .A. Colla Me... oottap c:hlna, 24 plecu $-lO O'KEEFE And M fl r r It t 1nln'1 r1&. Slncle wbH1 ~wa,y i.ne. 545-3833 T~n tff'C('lmtor IMnp 125 . M.\-1519 S25. ~ SUJt.f'BOARO 7' tCJUUe tall, 'hrtTt ·aprtnp and m•ttreu atow, wh1tl' .96" tt:Oon "14-trailer S20. Sf0..2847 WO It K t N C Underoounter h101.1m"Y'I ~lk 11-mlon $25. TWO Stovu ror ale 123 MODEL A coupe wltb doon eicctlltnt c:ondltion Jacobt $U. Bl•n~11 $1 .5043.50. dle 115. &f2-7041 Atn'OMA'MC Wuher, worluri dllhwtihm' SU. 64>1584 ~GU-c:,,""4~'-,.,.--=c-:-:- ffeh., 6Q.4SJ9 Pl 5G-Sl86 ,., .. ' both s:z&. 5'5-t02S. ·~7 FORD 425. &U-tm. WbN t.Jerbanta '!' $2$. 442 E. ltth St .. C.M. Whll• titpbt11111 Olm....Jlnt DAn.'Y J'lJLOT W,U,'T ADS! \ HOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 842-5671 I • -.-~ -.. -~ ------------~~~---------~--------~---·------------·-·----- H . DAA Y l'llOT Sit-. .._ 2', lM iMtkHlNISIH POii MllttRANDID l'Otl H TS•"' LIVllMCIC TRANSl'OltTATION TIU.NSl'OllT.ATION TIU.NSl'ORTATION TRANSPORt ATION TRANSl'OllTATION SALK AND TIIADI ----FREE TO YOU SALi AND TRADI _ _ Dep ~ ..;. SallMoll 9010 lloll-Yoclit • ,.,,._.,.. tlQO .Oune._""91" tS25 lmportod Autn _,11_ -Mhlcoll"'"'"' l600 SACIUTJCE! ch I h •a h• a ~::r l:".,!1 * SA!fl'AN~ 12 * a..twi -·• -115, • ,..,. * LA PAZ * FIAT -""pple~ M.i.., 1-old. eon.. ud t1!1t h ,.,.,/ mu,. ,_/cr11loo. 5 allo. ~·TER aWfnal -· tQO m~ LIKE S....,, &Wd.,•, 3623 w. w.,. Home We f....,,t.1ln NORCI!! Wuhtt A Drytt, These art D'Om 0-mplon Mon-l'd.Ml-l891. • Nltphnir, bl!wr,_tpW.ktr. U om .. Sall t:tt~ NEW. $t5D. m.M bet I A ntr, SA 546-4.0&5, dl,)'1 a.t •17 nAT &50 tu1,pe Vttr; $<11 . ""'talnod, •"tmt. llatehfd Rt $611. C.. ""I' ttocli 6 .,.~-u, SW NdL I·--xtru. Sklppmd local -Jltl>Joc 5,. 49f..2.191 llU '69 DUNE BUGGY; '61 l '68 aood cond. -.Sill .iter 5 otHI ,.!rip,.l<d EVl'R. 125 A $33. lllnl.. u.blo 4 ht -With $15 -CX>NS1RUCl'IQI< Suld, AJ> Pr J>I>. (213) 82J-lltl ..tdy. -Cruilel -"MOO! HONDA IO Scnmbl<r ' dirt oom.,...nt>. Flnlih :,...,..U. ....... rnoSr home llO(!a 1-ountaln. Chairs wlbutl'•t '55. Braid· their cbob, ~ pup-prox. 1 yd. 1&-2348 -$!.A le: ou' '• duper1.ttiy FA.n ~ Jtlftfe;t. f'llll)' xtru, W. new $275.., UtU. ~-0350, 6t6-7!TO -·--· , ""'"""°"'l<d lallC<l>, four "' .. """ 110. R•~.125. Gilb PY 1114 ..._ 11'9 fi4(NSPOllTATIC!N -a MAIN all .,. 22 eqp'd. Morlln dain. ""1\1· ""· ttabto • llceMO $15. FERR.\RI O.wr dlsptlllf:l"I. 3%" wiM 2' and Boys 28 Bibi $13 Dontt. Ltne. C.J\f. FOOT A LB A T fl OS S , am. poles & reell ' tor 11118-lWf I ......-.. Auto. 9600 and 29·· deep. ~Im the kkla ea. ~ <attp) t •~I e LA'BRADOii Retnewr pQpa. ..... a YacMI fOOO 604119 I marlin • aJbtoote. <2U> . _m...:,,...._ '.;.;..-.;.c:.;.;..'-----' I FERR.All b>ppy! °"1 lf.15. T•l<e l200 w/tamp $1. Eloc . .....,. SU. ~Id ~ Show il<>ck. 5 -. 'rl HONDA 1'0 Scnmbl<r lo ALFA ROMEO or maJce oiler ~-9U4 Auto wuhtr SU. The Hou• f e tn a I e ,-t rn a 1 e FREE! :n~ VlKlNG ~ux. ~ul.o~· mlln:, ad. cond. Helmet A: N.wport lmpoN Ltd~ . l pi Back. 447~; E. 17th ---•-~' K-··•· CM. Buie 80 .. lnr ~·-· .,:0::.~',"!.~· Mr.~•-·,· CAL24.S2Sday-S150wk Xb'al$3:50.!i31-l31S '61 ALFA~-. Rblt '""· a nee c.owiry's an1y a KEN1'-f0RE Fro 1 t-re e 64~ in rear of AttanUc ~e ....... ,e eiu-.i, · "-'Y'Y.... ~ -..n ..-............ CAL 36 $95 day • ~'fl) wk ...... l"" ._ tied dealer. retrll', SllO. Dtnetk ~I'. 6 "l"~ic s-&16-0SSO offered to the pubUc by the ~ For Charter 846-2gs'7 "67 HONDA a. 450 New Plrellla, Xll:lt cond. SALES·SERVIC&-PARTS -•-~ "" ' ~-1 d'"'"" ".... • a.-i-B&lboa. Power Squadron for Excellent condition. -so ... ·-3100 w Cout H~ "',." .. _., ..,,.,,.e ~.. WELSH Olr&I (~.,.vo..,) ~le interest~ lf1 llilboats O)LUMBIA 29, 1l~ps 6, ,., • ~ ' ~.,. ~Ira $30. .3-pe Early FOR SALE: Star [)epagltory d\a.mplon Sf.red, 5 maJc:1, 3 u \Vc:ll u po\\'c:r .boa.ti. 30HP 'frlboerd. ?\tU ~acing Alrcr1{t 9100 New tires $695. 6461-!1163 "2·9'~ewport :eea;:O-l'NU Amer. Sect Ion a 1 $35. fl.1oney Sale, CDP...S, Serial lcmalea. Prlct'd accorcllq Every Monday nlght tor 13 Loaded w/optionals. Xlnt <I HIGH TfME PILOTS! * 61 KAWASAKI 4,US'J'IN HEALEY AuthQrlzed 1.lG Dealer 962rG302. No. 32247. Brand new. $500. to quality. M$-492S. \\.'eeks, be.Jinnina:'. 7 p.m., oond. ,.94-773,\ 64MM7 Shi.re expenses, lull lFR $3511, Good oond. GUNS, 12 p . pump $j0, :JO (cost $630.) Movmi:"c.wt not 3 Gr-eat Dane PIUIS. blaCk. Mon., Sept. 15 (bring note. SABOTS Complete equipt Beecbcraft Bonan:&a. 2005 Santa Ana., CM '62 A.H. 300), Good C'Ohd. HILLMAN ca. :youth 11.n&le $20. 32 H & lncluded in &Ille price, )'Ol.I AKC rec'd. $50. 10 mo. old b:>ok first niaht) at N~rf Rea(ly to Race! $26.l. Call MS-012& '69 KAWASA.g:I 250cc, 250 Hard top, Extras, fi1ust sell. R snub he* I.: Holster & handle tale &: dcrUvery of female, black $100. 1959 Harbor Y~cht Qub, 120 w. 2912 \V. Cout. H.lahway miles, Call 67J..3.IC. alter 1 "ISOO~_lo-'~..:'.c'·~61= .. ..:318=0~-~ '61 HILLMAN MINX ammo S25. 30.1 Enfield &: same. Contact John Federal Ave., C.M.. Ba,y Ave., Newport Beach. Newport BHCh * &t5--0810 Mobile Homes 9200 p.m. '65 Sprite with tape deck. roll \VAGON. GOOR OONDITJON Arnmo. 548-6500 art er 4 Fearnley, 1.lon-Fri, I to S MJN. Poodle pUppic:t, AKC Noadvat'lee ~Oon. En. PENGUIN Allbo&t 11 "', ly".u=IAILl=,,...,305=.,,Scram==bl"•"°r°"'68,"'° bar, i tops, rd. cond. $12XI -::::ii:':;";,· ;:*:613-:=:;':;rn:==:I weekda,ys p.m. The Newpol'ter lnn, rea'd, bt,ack It bro"'tl. J\fov· roll.at class. Any q~tlOn. w/u..11 Al: trailer. Top ~. perleeL Must ~I. make of. or will trade:. ~1 " ~r~~~-~~~~: ~17~amboree Rd .. N.B. ma. must Rll 644-491& call61l-J~. dltlon$425. 831--8598 • GREENLEAF fer. ?11orn. 675-1981 =.,.~A--H~-Rd~.~ ... -,.~N~,"'w--..... -~&'1 ___ J_A_G_U_A_R ___ I on and pe.ttemt. Ftte VrRTUE dln. set, 1 chn $30. ADORABLE Teddy Bear -ROBERT BARKER l FOR.sale Lldo14 ••di ~:::er. p R NEW 360 ?.fontesa racing =ry· Ex. cond. $600. JAGUAR 3.4 Sedan, 1960. 4 estimates. 'Uc. Cont r . 1-1' Friridllire, iood oond. MAKkC ""n' 5:~97na 3 mo. ASSOCIATES Xlnt oond~~l A K ;;:_~~· .. ~~!'~'nn1 ;_Her. spd, o/d, new p11.inl. Int. .. MG-4471. $35. Table saw ~ Lady a e 0 ·er . .ntr .,.., N.1v.1I Archl .. ctur e .,,,......., ......, DATSUN parts. Betit ofr over $1450. WEDG\VD/Hly &to\oe & O\.~n }{enmore ps dryer, xJnt Cock·•·Poo Terriers · and De~lgn HOURLY RENTALS in clear, clean, cool 0.ta '69 i;a TRIUMPK, like oew, ?.lust see to appreciate. Call "'/hood $5.l. Hotpnt refrl&: cond. $15. HI-Fl, 16 1pla1 &: 1 wkl, 646-2633 CUSTOM DESIGNING * Rhodes 19'1 * J\fesa. New D2 spae;e Adult 683 ml, $580. BARWICK IMPORTS 1--687-2596 wkdQ1 att 5:30, ... ~. CUstom ... ,-"-~r 120. eabn. $20. 91%3 Buttercup POO LE Pu 1 t In POWER & SAIL Fun· Zone Boat Co. Balboa Pa1:k NOW OPEN! filobile 494-3342 AUTHORIZED all wkend. -·-~,, A"• F V •-soo1 D PP es, 0 )' •' Home Di...,1"'" J\lodels &: '67 TRIUMPH BonneVille -'----'------Iron--rile mlln5!!1e S 2 0 . y ·• • • ~ pure-bred. Shots. Qreams &: Reatyling. Repowerlng & Re. Celestial Navi1ation Sales owc;*'~ated at Park. DA JS UN 1969 JAGUAR XKE 2+2. Sbopsmlth $210. Wrouiht-iron \VROUGHT-iron f J x I u re I Apricots. $50. 84'1-1074 decorating • our speciality. Course $'750. Call 642-994.l 943 Arr, air. Afi.1-FM.SW. ndio couch, cha.it, 2 tahles, patio Hang!~ lamps, and wall AKO Bealle, 2 i'no&. Old Write Box 243 Verdogo City, Cooke * 673-1166 OP.EN E~rireen St., C.M. Bir sedan, auto trans, o~r-bouJ:ht J uly 31, just 300 m i. set $50. 64&-6669 Trade for 5e0nes from $12 to $38. aJ!tr female. From field itock. Cal. or ph, 12µ) 249-2924 RHODES ll, Racing &: plea• 9 AM TO 6 PM '61 Triumph 500, Custom seat head 'cam, disc brks, radio, New. $76'00 car, Mu1t .ell Bike for 2. 6 Pt-.f Friday; 9 AM lo 6 PJ\t ~-646-404? Evenings. ure s.loop, Gd cond. 1 sails. & lank. 5,IXX> mi. Xlnt cone!. heater, 28 ml per gal., after _!6350'---·-""--"-"----- CLEANJNG House; J\lake of· Sunday .. 6 7 3-6 214. Ill FULL blooded Ger man FOR SALE or trade, :28' Jel· $4100. 6T:>6005 or 675.2326 ACCENT MOB1l£ _1_150_,,. "61">-"7"532=~==-· I 2,800 mi. Full tact warranty, '63 JAG. }..'KE Co u Pe • rers on: Cor\cord tape· tif~~e. CD~t . . Shepherd pilpa $lS lrlebo s fishing boat. Hull re· !OTE No 676 '68 HONDA ''90" PL 51()..()44826. chrome win wheels, wide. tte'Ol'der, J\lkiland cassett 1/3 OFf on all b1.kln1a &: eaii 548-u54 tlomed 1963. New 350 hp Aqua Blue. Xint ~nd. HOM£ S W Trail bike. Ext;ellent shape. 4y2 Fine Aviil track tlrc:.!i, Sl!r15. 642-1994. ta,pe, 8mm Brownle movie covCf·UP&; Arty . size '?P eng, encl bridge, C.B. I:. * 673-3848 * A Low mileage. 637-6843. FULL PRICE $1850 '56 JAG $500 camerll, Yashlca 35 mm. w/any bottom. ~14 su1~ PU{{E bred fem. miniature marine radios: &: antennas.1~--~~:.:.,;=c.::.---=========:I 6U-5.U3 now $9.80. Anything Goes. ~le pup. $22. call after ~. 1967.0S. 15 mph cruise. Good 20' SLOOP, beautiful con-1750 Whittler Ave Auto S•rvlcea S:~4 Coa~t.f~· ~L.~~l Call 548-3754 1..:.::...:=-----~--1 2400 w. est. Hwy. N.B. Sf9-1827 range. \VUl consider new or d!llon. C.Omplere w/uila. & Pi'~ 9 400 ~-l 1 1. V3 OFF on all blldnis &: cov. Open SuncfaYs! IRISH Setter puPf. To good antique can or what have Slip avail. $500. 6~1979 Costa Mesa 11• uvo:s not nc · ta.'< or ic. er-Ups. Jury size top w/any TYPEWRITER $40, ti:umpet hoine only. AKC. Adorable! you. MB-2560 alter 6 pm. . CAL 24. 3rd 1n Nationals 2 714: 642• 1350 AUSTIN Htaly Sprite 64 ORANGE COUNTY'S bottom. $14. iuits ncrw $75, maple hutch $50 .. 2 Door Jnh!Tnted! Call 546-7~ BARGAINS I )ttl'I.. Full set ot sail~. $3700 parts: Front end $50 Rear NO. 1 $9.80. Anything Goe•. 2400 oak chest $20. 5 drawer POODLES, ch a m·p a g n e , ·no Sharp, Inbd, ask •••• $2495 846-2957 '.""~~~':"'!""""!!(!!!~'I end ~ Misc. parts. Hard DATSUN DEALER \V. Cst Hwy, N.B. Open SUn. v.·hlte chest $20. 64Z-44.32 smaU standard 6 "'~ks old 33' TS SpoTtfish ask •••• $8495 1 BR, lllx50 Great Lakes. top $75. 548-5205. Rear, %18 DOT DATSUN SURPLUS lactory d ~ e ~ ~ eves. . $JO, M6-6fi66 38' Owens, '&I, below market! Power CrulMr1 9020 ~~ •. s': ;.&~~M.1:_1~?1 Santa Isabel. Ct-.1. fabrics & remnants. o ROYAL electric typewrite• PACIFIC YACHT SALES FISH OR SKI Drak 21, . to the public 3-4 Monda.y · ' HorMa 1130 34.i& Via Oporto Newport e hvin 10 :ic 46. T BR, :X1nt cond. 9425 !!:'",. Sat. 1820 P.tomwia, ~~ :~e, v.wks ~ e 6n.157i) • eng-spo11 1ishc1. fly brldge, Inexpensive housing. Space ....,, AQHA Perm. Reg. loaded! Ready to g o tt!nl $35. 642-4664 TRAVEL trailer. 14', 11lp.!i 4, KIRBY vacuum Oeaner DELUXE 8' slldln,e a:lau Quarter Horse. Beaullful 6 '67 GLASSPAR Cit at i 0 n • anywhere. Sat.'l°. S 5 8 0 0 . -=========•I port. cabana rn1. 'G:i model d • •A" Slldi"" Jnboardo()IJ!boord. 120 Mere. 673-5822 M" B k 927S " 'A'ilh at 1 a chm en ts: l.: OOl" screen .,.... .... year old Buckskin Geldinz. 1ni i ea in gd :iha!M!' $i00. 17.::...1 San- poliaher. Take: over small bathtub doors $7.50. 53&-3126 Ex~llent tor trail l.:. t'ruis:er v.·ith. p<ll\'er jet &: * SKIPJACK 20· LOADED ta Cata1ina. f"tn. Va I . raid I •1 ll kl JlO"'er triln. Full cover. 8. . . , TACO 4'1, 31~ hp, :X1nt cond. 841 t•o• pymt1 or $41.10 cuh. Credit 115 Pr clear eme cut P msul'f!. " u111 11e ·as na: n-ady to ,010. y. All 1m1n1 top & outr1.a:er11 to -,,.,., •~ •· ·~ Call n<: ... jackshafl. rear s u s p e n 1 • -:======== Dept S3i>-Tl89. diamond $900. Valued at -or uc&I o ... ..,r. m·•-te•,• _ ~-1 g,.,,m steps &: trim tabs. ~ ' ~ ~'" d """ .,.,.... ....,., ........... '""""'""~· 67" "''"'" f\\'d. shocks. 673-7584 2 1''0RMA1.S -Blue 9/10, $1800. 963---4082 .,...,.......,. ays or ......,........ O\'lnet. KI 6-4444 .rv.uo I ========~ I evenings or 111·ec:kend!. CLASSIC 22 "· ye:\Jow 'l/8 with ht'adpie<:ell. 15' All Glass. 75 hp Johnaon, · 1963 ~ntury Call 548-1962 between ~7 Misc. Win~ 1610 Good spirited r idina large whl trlr, tull cover. Raven utility.Ex: c e 11 c n t fl.f!NI Bike-RUPP 350, needs new home. $9J. * 6-i4-1618 * p.n1• horse for sale. Co 11 t neiv 52500 H a Ye cond. 1213) 37~49 or Mamn1oth Lakes Bargain WE PAY MORE Call 673-5Ta,j larger boat, must ~ll now! 1.,,:,",:0-<>6.,::.=U'---------LIKE New Taco mini-bike 1tly mobile home (winterized) GENTLE Gelding with $1095 Firm. 644-1194 CRUJZON 16' Cabin cruiser Sl.25. llardly used. Sac. $3995. Ex. cond. 531-3374 Call 56-2860 alt 6 pm. mac. Jnbrd, S/S rad, h•M, $5.)(1. S.tf>....4:)88 ** 10~:1 MI NI·BU.-E ** Furn.· stps 7, J\fa.ny· Elr:tras! CASH spirit, perlect fol" ifrl.!i. $200. 23' TR6J. Cab. Cruis. Im· ";:ood/~ls; motor & trlr. --~=-&'-1"'4-4~66""'i=~~ GOOD CONDITION 2 T\VIN beds, steel framei:: 111'.al. OOl'ers. $2350. or trade: s...-..1 Sk-_-·9·- 1 · 90 •30 <9H283 Trucks YlOO CLEAN '62 Chevy ~-ton, step bumper. tool box. heavy duty pipe rack. /\fter 6 pm, 646-0lll '62 Chevy Pickup. xlnt cone!. $000 or Best offer. Call 968-2842 * PICKUP COVERS 1883.i Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 8-12-1781 or 54G-0442 '68 DATSUN Immaculate \Va go n, aulo. trans., overhead cam, dlr. disc brakes. Small down, low pymnui. \Viii take older car in trade. \\o"BJ 589 -LB. Call Ken, 5-15-0634 '61 DATSUN SEDAN Auto tranS, radio, new tires, beautiful thruout! $1 495. WQD 388. i\fARQUIS l'o101'0RS 900 S. Cst Hwy, Laguna Bc!i 491-7503 or 54()..3100 '07 DATSUN &clan. Xnlt KARMANN GHIA '&I KARl\1ANN GHIA 19CO •r...ms MERCEDES BENZ 01.1 11~i' (ou n •v •, L .1r qe $' S.-l"c'1011 New & U~'·d 'Mei ced•.'\ Bent Jim Sl emons Imps. W J rner & M,1111 St San ta Ana 546-4 114 1960 MB 23> S. Air. New tires . X nl t con d. Reasonable. Private early. 54&-7558. $30 each. Corner table $15. FREE TO YOU Trailer/boat. 6-J6...2389 _..._....-'-!.!_!_ _ ========= C&ll 673-1226 . 1,:::::,~c:.:=--~~~-1 For furniture. appliances, NA.TUR.AL ranch mink a~ole. colored TV. pianos. 011:ans Valu~ at $800, sell for $550. and antiques. 675-l2iO Day or nia;ht ONE Female pup, 6 "'ks. 3 yr. old fem. Cock-A-Poo! 8 mo. ff'm. Cock-A-Poo . 546-6689 8/:!J '66 Snipe w/trlr. '68 Cyp>esa 18' Flbergls boat &: on shore Gudc-n Fllvver \\'/trlr. 1010 moo•lng 110 hp Volvo, stern S. 1-larbor Blvd., S A . drive. s/s radio, bait tanks, 83~440 etc. Xln t cond. Gd. ski boat. ::O' 1-~lshlng boat $5000. ford 4 On i>hore moorl~ Ba.lboa 9300 cab-hi. steel. fo1· pickups, cond. $1100 or be.!il offer. El Camino.s, Rancheros, Call 54:r6660 aft 6 pn1. 1960 Mt>rcedes 19(1. CleM, Long Horns, D a t s u n l:i , ==-=='°· .-. ====· I new tires. $700 f i r nt . Joo"'. Sl•" •l I I H. EN GUSH FORD 6-12-4452 ""· 830-1800 -' . .,=-',=,,:..,,..=..:,,'---100-. -R-/~H.1 DOUBLE 1vall healer like new $2.>;-Kin;: vize bed 6U-3620 :C:!~.~"! .. "'"' s WE·""'a=u=y~s~ equip. J\Usc engs & pt.1 $.125 FURNITURE 19 50 Gi\1C P i c kUp . Radio I htr. Good transpor- tation. Sl2J. 8l7-2490 '63 FORD F"-250, ~ ton k yl, 3-speed. $8jl). Dir. 5-19-2361 ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 ?.10DELS stick, Jthr. xlnt cond. $650. 67l-~. eves 67f>-0909 MG '67 MGB Roadster or best. 962-'17-41 $ $ f'xS' Brunswick 1 \," slate APPLIANCES 936 Sun!.et loU Monrovia), c y J d i es e 1, rad 1 0 , Isl, No. Bay 71H7;>.289!1 C.til. Old boat, &d. tor fathometer, Of, AP. ref:rig 17~ OUTBOARD cab In lumber . Old cars, tires. box. TI 4 / 5 2 9 -4 o 9 8 or cruiser, s.leep.!i 2, glassed up misc. 8/25 962-2604 aft 5 pm. to the 1\·atu line, w/trailcr, PET Black Belgian Hare, 14' FIBERGLASS boat 25 both licenud. NO fl.fOTOR. Australian Sliver silky rah-Hp. fi1erc. motor. tront 'con-$245. 494-2189 after 6 P~f ·o.i DODGE P/U, 100 series, Immediate delivery OverdriVt', wire wheels. ,reen V8. UOO o~l" wholesale bk. LARGE SELECTION 'Ai lh black intel"lor, $1.!W. Bonneville S49-009t Theodore CT 5216. 650. Pr Ice 1.!i $850. e '&2 ROBINS FORD !\1ARQUIS MaI'ORS pool tabll". !j()(). Color TVt-l'i•"o1:...St••••• * M64484 * 1 '*• H H•llM r.'11 bit lo aooct home . trols, windshield. extras. 10%' Fiber&Jass 1 p e c d =~===~.:::::-~ 536-1960 8/26 Trailer new S::75. ~7250. boat, w/trlr. 20hp P.1erc. CARPET CASH IN JI MINUTES Sh.ail. f\\·eeds, hi-lo pile. All · • 541--4531 • SIA~IESE-?ilanx: kitten, 9 17' Gla.satron, 1/0, V-8, Make oller. 646-8693. 400 "·ks, \vhlte. blue pointii, bob-loaded \V/extras. r.t Int Signal Rd., NB Triumph 65t1 Dirt Bike $350. '63 CHEVY Pick·up, stick 900 So. est Hwy, J..a."'tlna Bch e "69 llonda 90 $275. shill, V-8, make oHer. 2060 lJarbor Blvd. 494-/:XlJ or 540-3100 *6'l2-575l * 842-5939. Costa J\1esa ~2-0010 -1002=-M-"GO-A=M~ar-'k--',.ll:.:..,Cou~pe-.' ·-s;-Y_AM__:AH:::.:A:.:"6;_::::.:CC:,_Y_D~A-3·.l I c.63.,_;;F;;O;;R;;O,-;Eo:.,,=.,.:;h::.,.;;--,p;tt/U '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I Good rwfg oond. S450 cah. ~;,''" '"· Llo Con.. WE PAY CASH ta i I . housebroke cond. $WOO. 546-1946 18' (),•;ens 1v/85 hp M!rc '194-fJ608 8/26 31' Ctuizon. li b, under re· eng:, igl" whl h·lr, 1kiln~ like new S 3 5 o. '68 $4j(I or best otr. Call FIAT $500 belw book. 9fi2...«M KA \VASA.KI 650 CC SS, like 1 _54_ .. __ 1588~~·'~"~'°"""°="°"·,.,,,--- QUALITY kins: bed, quiltM. LOVABLE, Gentle, hoU!le· model $3300. incl. JDOOrin&. equtp. Good cond. $1395 Co I d II~ • WANTED b kn 546-1946 MS-2631 mpete, unu se uu: r ·. St. lkmard mix:, 8 1 "~""'="""=;-;-;;;;;-,=:I;;=-,"'="'"--,"''" ne\v $925. Private part)'. '47 DODGE P.U. FIAT 642-0136 i\fech. Ex. $150. 675-126.l For The 'A.'Ol'lh SXiO. After 5 or '"knds FURNITURE wks, old, x:lnt with c!"Jlld. TAKE OVER LOAN. 22' Day 14'6" GLASPAR. 7 5 Hp &17...{14()6 673--3084 8/23 Cruiser, a.II xtras, rigged for Evlntude motor. Good con- ic '°'A~L~V~A~N-IZ~ED=~s~ho-p--,be-noh~.1 TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes LOVABLE Grey female kit· fishing, 1/s radto. 546-9872. di lion $625. 673-5158 MGB lx8'. lx&' lront plank, W ' Quality furniture, color TV's ten wandered ln & can't 1967 16, Glastron, 50 . h.p. 3-WHEEL Harley-Davidson l . .::ba=ok::,:•:::l<>:?:P:,.· ::l"::·c.:,.....,,:::..;::;:.l __ 1 •olllctereo11; appliances tools, keep her. 646-0304 or 2060 90lO J\fel"Cllry. >.lnt cond. $l49S. 45. J\1etal plates, black lace, ... "''p S.llbo1ts Ve1"' Clean, needs work. 9510 •·by ~· -mpl•l• · R• .. bli" CJ\f. 8/25 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 Call 673-2259 ~ 4 \Vheel Drive us """ ...... 531 1112 .... ?!lake oiler. 54s-3.i69 ask Jor 97 • ~~31 * l--w=E-:P_A_Y. _C.A"'S"H"'l.-·12 B1;A;! :~-~1; !~ri:ies AUGUST SALE! ·~brg~~~ak~~ ; tr~~~ George. ·~m~!~ R~;d~t~~. :rr. '-=-"~-'-'=~----1 1or .... 1"7 '68 4;Al HONDA Scrambler, .~.~ 1 k.JNG Siu mattreu, box DARLING part bea&le pup. TRADE• INS I=-.·~~~-~~·~~--~= xlnt cond $600; '66 Honda ,67 T OYOTA $1297 1ptin1. like new $40. e NOT Checks p I e 1. 6 ,.,. k 1 . 0 1 d. BELOW ALLOWANCE 15' 'Horizon Ski boat. 80 llP 90, -btt ,,.,. "M5Q: trail · · · · 644-1361 546-4310. 8/l9 COLUMBIA 21 ...••• $2295 !>ferc. NelV trailer. $1250. blaze'r~ best "~fr .... S49-059l Landc11.1iser, hardtop, looks '-=--"'"''-=:.;,_~--. lfor GOOD USED (l'.)UJMBIA Challe""'er, full 642-9917 alt 4 PM like ne,1 .. uor uo r.tlNfBike,1pov.·eredzen,l • HEALTHY, Happy kittens, ra~. boat bathe~'"".. S4500 '65 1-IONDA 150 '66 JEEP •...... $2297 hand digger. For 1 a I e Furniture, Stereo, TV or .. 1veaned & housebroken. J\tARINER S249S Orig ()o.vner $300 \Vagonecr, big 6, po111•tt 1!eer. reaaonabJe! Call 646-5206. Household Item! or any kind. 548-4615 8/23 CORONAOO ·;3· ·:::.".'.' Sl~ Marin. Equip. 9035 Call 847-849.1 ing niN.'o;t in town. SVF. 3&1 188'tii J\1errlll Pl, Cl\1 • 547·5722 • FREE Puppies, mothe r <DRONAOO Victory •• $2350 ONE faclory it!-buUt (never I~========--I 157 JEEP Pickup . $997 * * * * SUP WANTED maltese poodle, black & 2912 \V. Coast H\&:hway run) Gen·i J\1tn. s.71 model M,OTOR HOMES 9215 /\little '"'ork horse. Lie. f"SP F"Ari.tILY membership i n Pv. pty. looking for slip lo white. 64&6618 8123 Newpon Beach * &J5.<©0 64 HNG grey marine diesel 073. Irvine C'.out Country Club dock '6942' Ollis Cra.tt. FREE Rall: l.ll culors. Good engine. Complete w/twln· '51 JEEP ....... · $997 for &ale. Pvt pty. 613-1918 6·l;>.16ll or (2l3) 6S7-6'l8J petJ for children O)MPLETE custom SABO'I' di&e reduction aear 2:1 \\filitnty type . Only one in DESK~; dresser with mir-\\TILTON l'IU>i tugs l 3xl3 4: 646-8346 , ot build your own from our ratio. Fol" further delall.!i, 101,·n. Lie. YXVI 63AI . Al rot $55; bedrm Rt $135; hlO. Runners 4x9 It 4xlS. 5 PIECE i ect:lona.l couch. fibera:Ia15 hull. Sabo I call P. Sutton (2131 626-9301 Beat De.1 I re ~ch$100: goltc~ubs,pain· Cocoa. AllO 2 nylon coco.a n·eeds 1llp-cover1 repalrs -anytime. S•bol weekdays. or (714) 546--0438 DEAN LEWIS unas. etc. 673-!IOf:i rugs "'/pada 9xl1. $S5. 673--0053 8125 hm:hvard & new Sabot weekends. 1-Iealth Spa memberships, 838-0144 3 Kittens 6 Wffks old. parts: mast, boonls'. lee $~A:;l;.L::.;;;IA"L~E~---N~e-w-, -u~ ... ~. ,_ boards. rudders & tillers. U l 1 d M . J . b 12 months £over 200 vialtsJ .=~--------549-2306 aft • PJ\I 8/23 f'lnlshed as ·"'ell as un -nc a me a1ns, I 11 , for $99. Re"'•larly $200. ?lflss USED baby dress\~ ~ble. 3 DARLING p l kl r· l •·• 0 . kd . Genoas, Spinnakers. A~ Is 0 ¥ Musi be In --t condition &: p/ en an I· 1n &•-=· pen \Vee ays .. ,1 _, ti F ' l Lane, 5-19-l423• reasonable. ~74. I en s. 6 7 5 • l 8 8 7 or 5::\0-8:30, W~kends 1-7 PM. or ~-.. ....ter 10 :11u • in T\\'O Bnuming draft I ng \YANTEO l •.• .. 67~184 8125 87() \V. 17th Street CM CODA"v"s' o'N"L"Y "Arved. t T,,w~ hlne 2f' $50 map e c 1 ero 64'> 91·1 64&-6219 -ugus "" mac s, arm:11, in A·l Conditio n Abo toy 1 Wks old 3 Cocker puppies. .,,.. -:> • 24. 10 A.J\f. -4 P.M. HAN· ea~. pedal car. 646-5194 Free to good home. MUST BE SOLD J NA SAJU.IAKERS. 861 W. SE \V 1 ~ ~16~: c h i ne ~NEE~EDD-'j;bri~clu~-'0i;i .. ;-;;,0>;1;Joll0,iii; 1,-~~!1,,_~~~~_!8!~23 26' Sloop, OB. 4 Berths. -i 18th St. Cost.I l\tesa 548-3464 \Vesli•"•""'•.... portable, ex-reasonably priced,, 6#-4687 FREE · Cute Teni-Poo pup... • Sails, T~ • • • · "''' ~3300! '57 3a HP Evlntude w/f•el ,.., ... """' p'e1, 6 \vkt old. 839-7297 8123 33' Sloop, f1berglas 1 n b d cellent condition S 3 5. h 8700 Sharp! Loaded! •• JlS,SSO pump. manual start. :tint HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES 1966 Harbor, C.i\f, &16-9303 '51 MERCEDES 190SL Roadster. A Real Classic. Llc !NE 383. $1397. Beat O.ala Are At DEAN LEWIS 968-3G49. Mic lnery, •tc. NEE D Good homes for PACI.nc YACHT SALES concl. Recent o/haul $125 or MOVING To desert, must FORlC..tF"l' 600) lb. Clarie. Mlva.ble klttena. aut'd colors 3446 Via Oporto, Newport best offer. 962-3831 CAMPER sell by Sunday. 3 hp out· $lO'l5. Runs ~ a: aees. 8,16-449J 8123 • 673-1570 • 16 hp Scott outboard Salo• • Rantols board motor $60 or best 642-3393 * E~:11. 891·2433 SACRinCE to app r oved N SABOT $27!1 Xlnt runnlni:' Conditton 67!>-45.14 ho1ne, adorable Boston Ter-ew '· ·' "• "· · $?r.i e 673-7416 Aut.horlud Del&lc:r PETS .1nd LIVESTOCK r ler ma.I@. AKC re 1 • LIDO 14• trlr • • · ·' •• •• • S8'15. Eldorado ~ Four Winds Vdi£?~NAD0..,., Calr~ ""1. N con-C I 8820 837-3400. Dl6~NSCOGHYIYS from ... ••• $SA~· ~"::,,.ER~RHY";fl~~~ &otsman . BatT&cuda OOner. -· ""' auau I I ""==,.-,==:::;-=-,,,. ·"" .. ·· •· · ...,,,. .,. · •J". ........ FREE ZEBRA ?lllNI BIKE • • H " t B, c... . GEJU\.IAN Shepherd 10 mo TOMCAT BOATS hou r. 213/~2-1006 ~84,·.·1'K<! unufli' on ~ " ' SEAL.POINT Slameee kit· ON DIW Y THE All Mnt with purchase ot any ,...., tens, 9 "'et.kl, box trained. ~'!:,.186~ ~a t c b do I' 2614 Npt Blvd., NB 615-2400 . DODGE "EXPLORER" camper or camper packa&el •QNbewport ... ~hl"h 14 r 00 ,nn+i5 SlS eaeh. 494-S7SI ~M~A~LE.~~y~-~~ •• -1-,.--,T~---..--. hTIE A: YARD DOLLY No. BOit Slip Mooring 9036 Theodore U mom~, P w~• u n '51. N•w in 1• 96. 9• Seo ..... -SLIP. WANTE_D_ ''"•-" •"' * ·-ROB NS FORD trans fee. 644-1852. * BEAUTlFUL 10 mo old No children. 968-2126 8123 No. 84, Baiua Corinthian tl••ltt. ftll Mt• •it•...... I female Bluepoint 81ame5e. K~' O hod U • Yacht Club. $195. call B. Pv. Pty, looklna: far elip lo Hkllff, dt"4 •Jslt. 2060 Harbor mvd 'IREESWEET Valencias S3 a ,1., ,,.~ ... ~ • • • r.1,,. ne psyc e c, . ~ 15 ........ nAa tor fl Jo. .....,.,,...,.. wk• old. 20C5 011.)' st,, N.8 . Mueller. 636-4100 day1, or dock ·6$4.2· Chris Cl'll.II. A\.~ 1iica. 21 rooT, n •oO'f. O>lta ?lfesa 642-0010 -:;:·.1... t"""'"' ..... RU$1AN Blue cats, 2 ~ 812J 644-43?4 nites. 645-1633 or (213) 697-6781 11 1oo'f, • """"' •••AHC• --1111 A• ""'11ov1a c11t•1t. CHEVY -1 Pl-female, 1 male $10 each. FREE While Cock·a·poo 7 26' T-BIRD Sloop. Slpa 4, WANTED: Permanently lor '68 cu.,1 vl\' ... r.. GlR.t.S Schwinn Stingray 1986 Fullerta!!, C.?r.1. ~1 I ho rood Head, ialley, pulpit, l))eedo. 23' sloop, Quicl lenants. Call UP \V I 1 01~· SELF CON. bike, $40. ~Udre~.eM~t~' . Spin. o/b, fa.st. Oean. 66-1028 • TAtNED CAB OVER CAM- Call 642-1984 Dogs .. 25 $31Th. &IZ-1400. ext. 9. THE QUI~ YOU CALL. PER. Many Extra11. No reaa I' VAIUETY of kittens to ... n.11,o1.. offer ref~. Owner. OOUBJ,.E wall he•ttr 1kr ADORABLE tnL'<ed poodle chOD&c from, clca.n, t.-uti I: 16' Peanon 1i.llboat le b'lr. niE QUICKER YOU SEU. TI4/533-7S79 new -: Ki"• 1U• bed L I · •-Id "' .... I Xlnt -nd -~, or trod• ~--===~---- frame iT.!IO ~2938 ~~. . v.uu 0 ..,. I,.-,,•.,•,,•=·,_,"',,....."""'..,·,.,...,.,._~-. 499-loM' . ""'"'· . ~bil• Homes 9200 MobU• Hotne:a 9200 '66 DREAJ\.fER. eab--ow.r F'RJENDLY eolld black part ~i;'iif.'No.n;:-'.ip;;;;;&>;;:;J~.;-;:;;::;:;;:;:;;;;;;::;;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 camper. Butane ref r ig., 1' Or lan41cape sravd AFC~ Inn AKC white Siamese. ~ Jdllen. CAL 20. No. 375. spinnaker, •tow 1. oven. Ukt new $776. 1tQI 1n place w Ith wltiQc mule. C:bamP: bkiod· •61J-'™'6 * OB. boat bath, many extras. BAY L1ARBOR MOllLI SALES Comkler boat in trade. Bond-Rod<. SIUT1& Uno, 646-3111 $2350. 61~ rj HOMI ~ •-1 Ii'""""""='""....,.-,,_,_, CAT le KITTENS. al.I sizes• -",r;..;:,;..;;;::,.~-~~·11 c S -• SPEED -$00: I Ill.ACK Cod<........ 6 -.. H•brkn • ".. •Spec,lal IT Na""'4! °"' learance ale 1963=-"°'CWP~"'E"'R~a..~.~,...,T=-on lkilP-A: Stratton mlnt-llike weeks old, $10 each. 147-615&1 ans Oeal1n. dac slila, bil'. chassis mount, maey ex- act-$1.l • ....mi * S4M159 * $293. &«k Boats 673-2050 °" An '!':';ri!~ .. n14'.-~ '"• b'U. Excel cond s:noo. •UKE new n "' Petrillo DAOfSHUND, beautlh.d AKC FREE KITTENS 8/23 32 • x u x 5 A I k In I c ~7395 lllll'(baerd $'15. ~. I months. All lbott =613-<236==~,_-,,.......,,,-,-,,-1 doubl.e~nder hull for sale. ~-.-0-,-.._.-w-.-,-N ~~~!~~,,-W--,-.-11-,-,.-1-• -~R~E~N~T~-A~:S~H-E~l~l--•6H-2917• SS), 64..MMS. DlNE'tTE Booth llo'lth table. Elctnornely. che11.p! 64:?-896! CASA LOJ4A IAT HA••o• HOMml "'EEh.'ENOS. \VEE .... Ly SJNGl,£ m.,,; b. re 111 p . AIREDALE, fe-m . 1 mot, MS-MZS 8123 Ii' 1'HISTI.E gloop No. 91;}. CAllTAS co•Nlll CILll.lff t.ION11U.Y + 8J9..1800 Balboa 817 Cwb. n,m_ Call Ql01'fl AKC. ahol1, 10\'e1 WIU. )'OU a:ive a Pl'1!1!1 cal a 2 Sell nils, trlr. Bta.ut. all SHlllAfON MANOI ,ASHION MAHOI I AHAAA MUST e ll. '$9 Chev. truck a.fitt t P .M. '15-5GOJ ~ cats. $60. 4M-4G44 hpme' 54()..2674 "·ood. $930. ~S-M69 and '&3 carnptr. Best on ...... .~:r.,. a-• be•-. JI x tlt:OJCE Boxtt puppy AKC, CUl'E JlaUy kittens, Iona: SABOT·Racltll r%f. 1425 BAKER ST., COSTA MESA Gd. cond. ~'1003. ,..,,....,...,. 'P"'.. ,.~ Sh hllr. I wlu, lt1--069l V1 ll•t*i ... , ef H•rhr 011 IUtf • Best Selection e Best Trad~in •Best P rice CALIFORNIA SPORT CARS 542-8801 '67 FIAT 830 Sport Q:lupe, nicest in tOl'l'n. # 9989 $1397 Beat Deal• Art At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.i\f. 646-9303 '68 FIAT .12-1 Sport Coupe. Dark Green, Like new. hfake oHer. Prv p r t y 613-8662 DIAL direct ~'18, Oiarp your ad, then sit back and they are looking -DAILY Pl.AO: your want ad where Usten to the phone ting! PILOT cla.ssilied! 642-0678 '63 ?.fGB, hard &. aort top, new tires, radio, wire wheels. Very Sood cond. MuR aell. l\Iake oUer. 494-9808 '68 Red MGB-GT MAKE OFFER -MUSf SELL • 675-7662 • '64 !llGB; British raclna: green, "'ire \l'hls, :dnt cond. 833-1100. PORSCHE + '6S CONVERT * Xlnt cond. All .xtru, nu pnt, top, J\1u.!it 1cll. 646-1234 '61 PORSCHE, lti<Xk.'c, all xtras, pert. cond. $2100. 673-82()( '60 PORSCHE SUPER Must Sell! $1600 * 67~108:1 • '60 Super H.T. Cabrolet, Xlnt mec.h. Recent p a I n t . Radials. $1700. 546-7039 '60 Pors c h e C ou pe , 6JS..1256 or 542-9327 9600 ~Think ~··volvo'' YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR DEAL BEST SELECTION ~ BEST SERVICE ~ uSEE'' HERB FRIEDLANDER 1J7SO HACH llVD., WESTMINSTER 893.7566 (Hy. )ti I Mb. 537 L824 ... tlf o .•. ,,.,, -v 11, S1$. .. OIDd(n.ft '95. Qwnplon slttod. o I a ' Good condlUon. $300 CALL S40.f471 TODAY TilE QVlCKER YOU SEik !Ml-«ll7 .W..60-4386 Whl~al<plw>blOun....U.. ~~~·~"~~~u;a~·=-~~ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~-"'""'------··----~~~~.....;~-,;..,;.:::.:::::....---1 I, I . ' -~- FABULOUS ROVERS INCOMPARABLl.....SAfETY, COMPORT . .HANDLING, ROAOAllLITY 1969 ROVER 2000 t .c. I I tt•M, Im l,Mt ..... ••91!!1,.. ........ M-. tit ..,..,, ...................... ......., .......... . ··~ ........................ --. ... ..... .Um t1r·uii -"9w w -·••i· $3852.75 CW..ef J. tJtUD) JHI, 2000 T.C. · u.1 119W c• ~ I• • ...,.,., er~ Amt& ...... ...... w.k ............ ,.,..,, ............... ..._...,. JO,NI ...... tilt c."41$2i--. _............... 52.75 11t111• . '1967 2000 T.C. ....... .,.., ,......, ... ..,..,., ~ ._ .......,, ... .ff ~ WM 'fl!IYI _._ wil w..t...,. --.......... -...... $2595.00 .., .ia.. 11J'fZA, TOYOTA'$ ''7 VW SIDAN '" °""'°' ... , .. SAV• =-1::::':--~ =:: °"'"• ol 2 .. -. I!'*" ftill pr $13911 'Ylll --'61 Corona Cl'l'i from cat in t:nidt. VOENrt8. .................. $179t cann.u....,,,,.-. OMMce Qf 3 • V'I'L!8t 'IT vw xi. eantl. Dllal a ''1 c,..... W-.. $11tt haust --.· -. i. All vdJU • obarp = ~.:.. ~-~ ~ '67 Corona • dr'1 .. ft'Ofll ~ -or ,,_.. --. ................... $IM1-----.,..--·11 t-in-ctock. Auto. and 1Uck '155 VW, 2 door, 4 .,.m, trarnr UCPlM. ~ heater, beautlflal red '66 c;;;.... Ur~ •.. $12" iii! .....,,. ILUM-140. $1Cll6. One owner • clean. SBV130 Carl'• Koter Co. Inc .• 00 Bolt 0..11 /Ut At ........ C.M. 6C-OU3. DEAN LEWIS '60 vw Bua. '61 -· • ., · , trans, new brakes 6: ' paint, new. head.' Beat "otJtr over 1!166 u.-. C.M. "'6-9300 -'5*-1511 ELMORE MOTORS '66 vw-c.m="-... ---... -.1 • SUndial int. Xlnt coD4. DQI MGB-GT COUPES • 'Huge Selectfon •Al Colors e. Immediate .Dellverj •Financing AvaRabie I ~ l ~ l 1 '. 1 • --· s.tlJld,,.., """"'a, lM' TllANS,ORTATION TRANS ~T T VOLVO ' VOLVO IUYS 'A Volye 142 , .. . f,14f7 f IPHd. l'ldk>, hNt•r, 1 _. er~ XlH.(8) ~ ''7 1n ........... ,1m Avtomatic, rtu:Uo • bMW. NOOIR111.W - IT.IQlV.(OITIAI e 1HUGE SELECTION e '69 TOYOTA f"°"' $1790 ' TrMU Extra llbarp, ' ~., 144 .......... am e llG • SAVINGS e f door. Ue. No, uV A333 A.-ttc ,,.._ ... ,.., "" s:ncu.nV9. c•• uu N.OWI c'Oftdlttontrw. ~ "-f'-llJ .~J '~Al """1 '61 544 .......... $1m ,NEW fOYOTA MARK H' Fut Baclr, tcarce model. · • l -! ' ! " .-. -··' •Pff<I. "°' NEW HI· LUX PICK· UP . i;we. I •u PIM ....... $12'7 NOW ON DISPLA YI 1, 1 Sport coupe, SilvH wltb nd WI NllD Y9UI TlADl.1ff ,01 Ulterior. Lie. HD..111. . · OUI NIW Ullt CAl LOT • ' , Bost O..la /Ut At ~ 1 I I I ! ' I • • ' 1 , I ~ L L fUXllU frNANCIN• •INllOUS TU.DI ALLOWANCIS Authoriz~dAusii~A~orico-, ,l7_Deolor !~~.e~EW.J! DEAN LEWIS '.i CH•adquarlen) * '62 vw c.m,...uoo, N.., 3100 W. COAST HWY., N.B. '! ~;'°~;t.,~: ..!: ou .. 1 COUNTY ;OTOtA.YOL'fO HU"'UAllTllS .1! • t.ari; .. 1 ,.lectlon ol a 11 patnl 1";T. tlrn. Xlnt 642•9405 -540• 17 64: Drlw, H.B. 96M322 • ' 6 I 6 • 9 3 0 3 , > j TOYOTA ' = . .. '12'l9,-• v. I modela rolo" lrom the "'l)d. """-1966•·HARIOR ltVD. COSTA MUA • 1a,. .. ,·,..,.. .. '•.ate•. ]"'~vw~!c.m!""~· :-~1-'~·1111111;;111111~A!n~t1~qu;"~·~C;l~•nlE": .. ;96;i~s~liiiiiiiiliill~·l FRITZ WARREN'S' · SPORT CAR CENTER NICEsr USED CARS e~ need• work. StOO or \ I IN ORANGE COUNTY ~t. 5$-2332 Sl.A Vicky p&rt1y reblt. ~ t 15300 Beach Blvd. '66 VW SQUARE BACK W/283 OleY en 1. ·ur.. \' Wettminster Phone 894-3:m STATION WAGoN, S9,000 mounted.~~ .,. '68 Toyota. auto. new f.sl\y mi $1415 56-0MB' 1' ~J =:";.i. ~~ vw •66 s..... ~ Oriainat1-,:U~ood~~c~·"iiiiiiiiiiiiii~-~~U~ood~~c:..~ .. ~---.-... Uoadiiiiiic.iiiii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii9900iiiiiiiuiioodiiiil:iiaii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiii.ii 1 1ha4iiiiiicii.ii .. iiiiiiiiiiiii""'•· iiiil•;',. weekends 673.1591. owner,'xlnt cond. 111 m-m> 'SS TOYOTA Sta. Wan. good I =~=""",.-'""==--,,­cond, rebuilt eni., $750. '67 VW Buz, 20.000 mllea, 545-4588 R/H. Xlnt cond. BHt otter ===--=,-,-=="'I ·ol Sl390, it2-'1342 lm~A~ . PORSCHE 9600 Imported Autos RENAULT -BILL MAXEY '66 vw Bue. Xlnt "'""· Cream wired int. Must ell !TIOIY!OIT!AJ :: .. ~Cs.':"': 1969 Porsche 911 S Targo T&na:erine with black inter- ior. 950 miles on this unbe- lievable car. Stt &-drive to believe. _l?t·tuplll I j\!JJ:llll I '.· 5,. It You'll Buy Ill 11111 BEACH BLVD. ,;;SUn~. ~--=-~ '67 Ren•ult R·lO Hunt. Be•ch 147..USS '65 VW camper, fully eqp'd, 3 mi N, of c.out Hwy. on Bcb J,(KX) ml ottreblt etijt. $1915. Radio, hl'aler, Wpecd Aft 6 "" "'"" .. 99 er p.m., .............., or .. ..,. 897""'1 (UES ()34) TRIUMPH '61 vw Ptcl<-up, 40hp, ,,,.. BILL MAXEY 1-------,,.., ""b damae..i. ""' of. S•• It You'll Buy It! fer. 531-1318 !TIOiYIQIT(AI '65 Trl$u1~ TR4 ~.ss~vw=, ....,xlnt_body-.~ • .,-,.=blt • --· -· -.-r-r engine a: trans, clean int. , 11111 BEACH BL VD. INMK OOll $S7>. 64>-9'199 lioo Iv. Cou!·Hwy. N.B. '. Hunt. Buch 147.aill BILL MAXEY -.,.-vw=.-x1n-,---.. -..,-,.-..,-. &fl.94<& ' 54o.it'sl . 3 mi N. ot CoUt Hwy. on Bcb new int., klw mileage. 1532 AlJ!laiud MG 0ea1.r , -· !TIOIYIOJTIAJ .::-;;·:: "::u1ec1. IHI Poncho 9,12 Tarv• • SUNBEAM · • --- Sfinal i..i With tlxe<I ,..., S It y 'II B It! 11111 BEACH BLVD. .J:" """';,. clulcll, ~1289 window ' AM/FM 5 e• ov uy r _Hunt. IMch 147.a5SS - speed, Fia':~s~· in every de-'67 Sunbea~ Alpine s ml N. of Cout HWJ. oa Bcb '68 vw Bus, 9 pus, iold, 1&11. Roadster. radJO, beater, -TR.J's (4) $250 to $150. 3040 white tbp, 15,000 mt. _11 rtupor 1 311nport 0, 15$.00099ml. Cleveland Ave.. c . M. 96l-3670 after 6 pm 14 ~-'68-VW rta;-blk int. Wood wM, chrm rims, radlal tires. stereo: $1£50. 673-8532 3100 W. Cout Hwy .. N.B. 642-M{ij 540.1764 Authorlttd 1.IC Dealer 1967 Poroche 911 S. Coupo Aqua blue w1th ·blk. interior. Spectacular condition. Fully equip. incld, electric 1un- roor. Hurry Oii tb1s one. lUVE 400) BIIL MAXE~ !TIQlv!orri!AI 11111 BEACH BLVD •. Hunt. Beach 147~ a ttU N. of O>ut Hwy, on Bcb Se• It You'll Buy It! '66 Sunboain H.T. Radio, healer $12'9 {THV 263) BIIL MAXEY VOLKSWAGEN S•e It You'll Buy ft! '61 vw Automatic transmission, radio, heater $1599 '6.1' ~:;wr;;~;, 17:!; . ' '· '• (XTK 501) '64 'VW. SUla'rllf;· llMdl work BILL MAXEY 1495."•~• !T!OJYlOlT!AJ il965 '"',nso'""vw"". ""ISOO=>s"'.,,,.,.="-=. 11811 BEACH BLVD. '91•1830• Ask far DON _l 11' lll j.J Ll l'l il111pnr1s Hunt. Boach 147 .. SSJ '66 VW Sedan eho '67 VW 3 ml N. o1 Qut Hwy. on Bdl Sedan/or trade fm' VW Bua. 9"2-2329 !TIQIY!OJTIAJ s,. It You'll Buy Ill •57 vw Converobl•, low ml, ~W. Cout Hwy.,~~iS< 11111 BEACH BLVO. '65 VW Sun Roof aood '°""· M>l<e ol!u. Authori~d MC Dealtt . Hunt. B.ach 147-1555 Radio, heat$o999r, ailver finlah 675-0305 eves. 1963 VW. ~an A excdlenl! 3miN,ofO>UtHWy,onBch (POK 190) $100. Daya I~ uk b' 1966 Porsche 911 5 gpeed COUPt with all Porsche acces110ries. Finish- ed in beautiful tangerine. Has tun black inter. Jmmac. ulate thruout. '65SUNBEAMALPINE, BILL MAXEY _n.=··=id===== mNVERTIBLE ~ Beautiful! - 0~::u!~~..,:~ int. ITfOIVIOITIAJ MARQUIS MOTORS --· - VOLVO 900 So. Cst Hwy, Laguna Bch 11111 BEACH BLVD. 494-7503 or 54(1.3100 Hunt. Beach 147.UU VOLVO 3 m1 N, of Cl:lrut Hwy. on Bcb TOYOTA ... vw, n.IXXI mu .... ,. a.st Dtal• 1Ut At --;;:;;;;;:;;::;:;;;;;;;:;:;I ""11 '"' "'"""'°"· •till under DEAN LE'WIS' ~-Col!t Hwy.5!1~64 [t(OlvLQIT@ ::c~ty~ sedlla~~I: J1rtt1por1 31111port~, Authorized P.1G DeaJer Best De•ls Are At 492--8482 evea. 1966 Harbor, CM. 6M-9303 DEAN LEWIS MUST .. u 1966 Deluxe VW ''6 Volvo, 122 S,12 dr. $1395. 1'65 Porsche S.C. Coup Mlcrobus. Xlnt ?Jnd, $1600; RVP 709. Marquia Moton, Ruby red with black inter. make ofr. ong. owner. 900 S. Oit Hwy, l.afuna fully equip Refleets mctlcu· 1966 Harbor, C.M. &46-9303 847.ant Bch. -494-1503 or MG-31!» lous care. '11i1ust be seen &: '67 Toyot• Corona· driven to be believed. Automatic tram. One owner.11S~po~rtii;iiiC~•~rti;;;;;jjij~96~1~0~,S~po~rtiiiC:....iiiiii~iiiiiiii~I Beautiful! $1395. UNA 035 ?itARQUIS MOTORS _i1rtuport 31111por1 s ~ S. Cit Hwy, Laguna Bcb 64-1503 or M0-3100 DAILY PIUYI' DIME.A· 3100 W. Coaat Hwy., N.B. LINES. You can we them 642.9405 · 541).1764 for jU5t .pennJe1 a dq. Dial Authorized MC Dealer 64Ui67I Imported Autot 9600 Imported Autos Think ••F· t'' · ID YOU CAN1 _ BEAT OUR DEAL BEST SELECTION " BEST SERVICE " ''5EE'' HERB FRIEDLANDER 9625 GAllDEN ••on II.VD. 9600 S37·T177 G••• ._. "4-3333 TAKE A LOOK! Take A Good look! fLUllU PINANCIN6 -llST WARRANTY HI.HIST 'TU.Dl·IN Aµ.OWANCU IMMIDIAfl CRIDIT APPIOYAL. Aultin Healey '65 A.H. JOOO I( l '64 A.H. 1000 MK l '61 A.H. JOOO MK l '66 A.H. Sprite MOB '61 MGI GT '66 M&I '65 M61 MG '66 M19 Midt•I '65 MG M1d9tt '61 MG Midttl 'IJ M&TD TRIUMPH '69 Trlilf!I~ Tk6 '67 Triirtl!ISlll TRol '66 Tri•lllPh TRol '6S Tri•r11S1h Tl-4 '64 Trhrmph TRol '6J Triul!lph Tlol ·-----c.. c..w ............ 1'tt1i A"-' It! FRITZ WARREN'S SPORT CAR CEHJER 710 E. 1St ALPINE '67 Alpl11• l41ft. a.tti 1.,1 DATSUN '67 D1h1111 lii'ttt. 1600 Ml~ '67 ft1t 110 c, •. '61 JVl lrlthh c,.. .,. lVl lflti1tr. c, •. '62 VOi•• P-lttO Cp1. '61 V'o ... 122'~2 Dr. '67 J•tMr Xll:E 2+1 '6t Re•"" 2000 TC, Air '61 Re••r 2000 TC, Air '67 le.., 1000 TC, Air ' OFFICIAL 1969 CLEARANCE . ' FORD CLEA~NCE . BEFORE YOU IUY - ANYWHERE! NEW 1969 THUNDERBIR·DS CHECK OUR DISCOUNTS ON NEW 1969 FORDS -MUSTANGS FORD TRUCKS ' OVER 200 NEW '69's NOW AT FINAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! $ -. VACATION SPECIAL! WhY "Break Cernp" to go pleet1 when we will ti•• you • new Zebre Mini Bike ab1olutely FREE with eny n•w camper, truck •nd cemper or motor home you buyl FREE MINI BIKE WllH Every Canipe!:',·. TruCtf' & Camper Unit Or Motor Moine PackaCJ• Sold ! ' Example Vacation Package: . . . NIW 1Hf V .. PORD 1/a•TON PICKUf t' a.it, G.llvges, la:tre Larte Re4l1t9f', HNwy Duty l,rlnp. P11YlllflNL:-· NIW IARRACUDA to0 CAMPIR Cl~ver, lutaM aNI '11Ktric ~Ll1htt. Dln- ln1 NMk Talll•, W1, llAlr: and Drain, Dr•,.., •fc. : NIW 1Ht mu MINI 11Ki · . . .. ~. ' ' , .. · REN -YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! Yfll/' te whtN ttu .. Rt, ltlf ...... ,..., .... wtl..wt tdtM .. UIM er ,_.,.ltlefts ..... JW ,..., • AMltl Dlfuo Pkk•' Cem,.r er Cen4er M.rw H.,..., • " 'I • • ' 4 • 't, • l . ' 1 • ·" ' , .. " f I , 'f',, ' . ' - . ' C~~~:.. ALL s3295 MINI llKI FOR RIASONAILI "4m ": VJ1lt evr CMtPl•te cam,., Centw-CrutNIN, r.ur IESEIVI UILY l Wlnllt, hrrac""e, CMfMl!M lflO:I,.,, IUJMflal, 11-t dor11'1e, 0..... T•it• Mini Hewn-.. ,Py!Af1 Meunh,. • .. ________ ...,, ·.'·~/ ALL RIADY TO ROLLI · .\t OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAYINGS! -,, '67 MUSTANG PASTU.CK •.T, FACTOll:Y Alll:, Power 1teeri119, flOWer 4 itc lireket, Cr11i1 'Otn1tic, rtclle, lte•ter. lr.nd 1ttw wide •••I tires. One owner. YCJ 530. '69 COBRA fASTIACI(, A11to., llH, P.S .. •P· pro•, 4,100 111iln , Ille fl•w. Bleck l•de. Ftctory worronly eveil1bl •• fZLHllJI '6B PONTIAC GTO Power •'•-"ttt• ,H;. ell4 h•tfllf', livclfet 1e1t., Ha11Hfwl Rtetellic fi"i1!ii., l•w MiJ.., •vtemttlc tt11u, SYUll. ' '68 TORINO GT 2 O.er her4f.p. JtO VI, FACTOlY Allt, pewtr tf .. ,1..,, ,.w,r tll1c i.relfe1, •i"yf re•f, "•W Wi~• o•el1, 2 I ,000 !'llllfl. WX& 111. F1cforf W1ne1dy Av11!111tl._ '68 GALAXIE 500 J·DOOl herrJt.,, Jto VI, •Mio., .i"yl roef, PS, •r.,,••· 11,000 "''· Fie W1r A•eileli •! IWX$47•) .. ''5 IUIC:K , 195 StaUon Wag.• ~~· R~~ ~·m1. !.IPF 430 'H VOLVO 122$, 4·Speed ttanzmisslon. (RRE321) '1295 14' TRAILIR '1195 Northwest. , Coach. Sl~PI 6, . 1tove. ice box. · dinette, 2 but.e.ne tank& Beau· tiful condition. (FE7017) ~l.~;;.1o,s1795 P.S., air, R&H. (UKU-157) 'H CHIVY '2595 ~~=,;, . 327 V-8, auto., , P.S. R&:H, Iu1. rack. Approx • 26,000.mL VZ\\'819 'H IMPALA ·51·399 S.S. V-8, auto. . P.S., Rldl. (SJS733)· ·· . ' ' '67 FORD . ,195 O...l V·tt'J'AC.. • TORY AIR. RAH, , PS, PB. (Yetm:IO) ' ~=":: -·· s995 Auto., rad.Jo., heater. (~45() _. . ''4 DOffl J'.lvL. Economy· pJus. (PBY605) s495 4-Dr. Sedan. Cjty radio, he&ter, of Newport cat. V-8. (NYPf60) s995 ' i , • . ' •I ~ ' , ''4 F-'LCON 'H OLDS s995 . 2-0.. H.T. Auto. ~:;·~::;3112,S) 895. -~-: Sa-L llJ-~-l~-?r-.&.-:H-p:_t'_8_9_5~ 4 ' Spo..Uman. ·Auto.' App, 38,~1 ; Window Van. . mlln. Exotllent coruL TEZ093' • • •• Auto., htr. VIN~ · , ' " 37Q..Sal• Pricedl ''7 PONTIAC "495 GTO ConvL -I . r ;:i.:~vor $1·5· 95 Xti"1ii~h . . ~.~-~~ 1 . ·64 PALCON 5795. tatned at Theo. .Rol)tna. 39!> vs, .DdUxe . w .. on. ~vs. crulto., heater1._P.S.," ~ auto,..faet. air cond.j 36,000tnL (llfW'l) Jug rack (SUY871 , ' ! • ,~, ·' ' -~ ' • • - ' .~ ' • s. , I .,.. "' t I'•""· MM-M e ht I ...-. te • Iii·"" '"" 10 1 .111. ... ''"'' fAllTI a SlllYICl .. HOUllS 1 ... 1111 ...... tl .... rA~Tl Ct LY t I I 1 •. .,. '\e • ,..., M.,. • 7 .... h • '·'"· T1i••·f1\ ' -~----.... ------ Se DAllY PILOT . " ' ! • .... Can ,__ Cir0 1 -Now C.n TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION , TRANSPORTATION ~~:~:;;;;:~~~~;;;;;;;;;~--~~~~~~~iiiiii!~~~~~il!iiiii~~~Jj-~~ca~""~-~~·2-~ u...i con 9'00 u;;c~ 99dO TRANSPORTATION • QVER ACTUAL . FACTORY INVOICE OVER 75 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM You c11 drive home JOUr choice of I 00 1989 models' at exactlJ 6% over oar actaal faclort invoice. Coma in todar for bast 1elacllo1. •NO SALES EXPENSE •NO PREPARATION CHARGE • NO ADD-ON CHARGES • IMMEDlATE ~EJJV~Rf . NEW 1969 .0LDS 98 HOLIDAY COUPE '· IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-8, FACTORY AIR COND., auloma· lie trans., power steering, radio & heater, power brakes, tinted glass, power antenna, white wall tires, rear speaker, vinyl top, tilt wheel, iemoie control mirror. Serial No. 384579M382586. ! s NEW 1969 OLDS DELTA 88 2 DOOR HARDTOP :~~o:d'we~Rbr~k~. a~=,~~e!~r~;~~~ $ 3 7 9 4 !uxe .radio, white side wal.1 fires, de luxe anterior, lamp group, mirror group &. tinted glass. Serial No. 354379(117303. NEW 1969 CUTLASS 2 DR. H.T. 53328 ' F.4.CTORY AIR, V-8, automatic trans, power steering, de luxe radio, da luxe sea t belts, white wall tires, tinted glass, visor vanity mirror, ll:!ggage compartment lamp, under ~Qod lamp, glove box & ash tray lamps ,also map lamp. Seria l No. 336879ZI 283.55. DEMONSTIUlTOR · & EXECUTIVE CARS GO ON SALE THIS WEEKEND 25 DBIONSTRATOR I ·mcuTM• CARS ON SALE. TAKE TOUR '1CIC OF TORONADO'S, CUT\ASS'S, '98'1, DELTAS I VISTA CRUISERS. THESE fflYrllEN TRIATID WITH TENDER CARE 1Y OUR EXECUTIVES I STAFF. All HAVE LOW MILEAGE & READY FOi iMMEDiATE DRIVERY. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS THIS WEEKEND USED CARS D1RASTICALL Y REDUCED '65 OLDS '66 DODGE '62 PONTIAC '64 PONTIAC 88 4 DR. CORONET 2 DR. H.T. GRAND PRIX TEMPEST COUPE J-&. ~!j(c ,~ II•, Power 1'4, .t.11klfll.tic, """"" atwr"'9. OTV v.a. A11iom.flcbl'•ctorY err. ,,_ ~·I. ,t.111am1tlc, rldlo lo 11t1ter. OWK 15• 11-lflo, Mho,. H•ltr, UJG Ul, IU. llW'"I· JHl-t $995 $895 $795 $695 '63 OLDS '66 T·BIRD '67 OLDS 88 '66 OLDS F4S COUP£ VA, ~ t?C!at)' ,Ir, l"OW"tr 88 4 DOOR HARDTOP CUTLASS WAGON slffrl!lv~ ~· OWtr '"I"· , r •II, 1dlo, Hee v .1, Autom•tle-.F•:J:l)l'Y llr, Pow~r o/·I, Avta..."11tlc. Pciwer 11•erl .... T!11I· V4 AlltorTNtk Rldli. Hffler. J."'96. m•;t~ • Tlntld t l1n. L=I =1r:ti111~1"'::. t>;~G"hfow•r ,..,,.,. ..i tllln. WOY 1'4. $595 ~995 $2295 $1895 '65 G.M.C. '61 FORD '66 DODGE '66 CHRYSLER \\ TON PICKUP RANCHIR O 440 4 DOOR NEWPORT 1'., I sod., Itri~ Htlrier. H•YV $-Cy!., St\dt, FJX f/:11. ... 1, A11IOt!'11tk. Rtdio. Ht11Tr PDG. ''"'· A\11om1tlcR P-r llM•lrtl Cl\l'Y IClulPI. WI I r "'lo. Me. IOt, "' 111010. H"1'e'r, TU .st. $1495 $595 $995 $1495 '67 CHEVROLET '63 CHEVROLET '65 CHEVROLET '67 FORD BEL AIR 4 DOOR WAGON IMPALA 4 DOOR GALAXIE 500 4 ODOR H.T. X .... AlllOIMI~ p-lltel'IN. ••• V·L A1110f'fll11cv ,,_ 11toir1M, 11 .. V--1. A~~1cton' tit, ,,_. V.t, A111om1:. '::.o1 Alrw._PWlff" io. Heeter. U T ,u. •'o. H .. ltr. OJ 4'0, 111irll'lt .N 1!"1'lno. n 91111-l ~495 $895 ~195 ~595 • OLDSMOBILE e 2850 HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA 54o.9640 Open 7 Days A Week I I, • . . " Uood Can 99qO ) . 'St """"' ...;i, 980 FWd --· ' .... , ""· Pont _, •net. C!1EYROLET CORVETfE FORD /tmftt_. 10" mQ.. )!AH ' 168 • lllckt. lube front ·end, CHEV. 167 Nova R{H, pwr, CORVET!f,E:.J...89, 435 hp. 7 / rol.lbar. .hdn &; exbal.l4t brak~ tlllto trana. fTSK-lnunac cood. FORD '6 Sta. wa.aon. Pwr. $fiOO A6:182'J ' · · * 646--l»Jl ,. •leer. & brakes, R/H, auto. fYllem. -. . . 'JO'l) two year. 24.000 mi. l;;;;-;;;;;;;'"-i"C,::7''=--1 trans., (UK.1980> 'two yr., A ~ W ~ A 700 · WIU':re'f'ty, ~. 'el VET. Wpeed, 350 eng. 24,000 mi. warranty $2399. u-a•·-, SUNSET FORD $4599. 2980 Jacaranda, CM. SUNSET FORO 544o Garden Grove Blvd, after 6 PM. . 5140 Garden Grove Blvd. We&tmlniter, 6.16-4010 We&lntlnster 636-4010 '66 CHEVELLE COUGAR !960 Faloo• Rand,.ro. Good .Malibu Cpe, atreond,. auto, 00 , \ condiUon. R/H. S39S. Make WI PAY . • 'CASH pt, larida:u top, Like new! UGAfl. 61 ~c. &J.l'., hill oiler, 54().lf>U tor med can: A"t:rocb just SVZ 59t. S1895. pwr., RIH fUZTml f't\-'o yr., -::=,;:,;;:=====I call tm: tor.'free ttttma.te. MARQUIS MOTORS 2~.COJ ml. warranty $1999, MERCURY GROTH ftmlftftln 900 s. Cit Hwy, I.oguna ll<;h SUNSET FORD \IJl;JKV&&:I ~T503 or 5f0.3100 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. Alk tor sales MaJ)l.Ctr CHEV. 'ti5 Malibu SIS 2 dr. Westminster. 6364010 COUGAR '67 auto. trans., p/ stett'. R/lf, (TZG-415) tl\'O yr.. 24,000 mi. wa.rranly $2299 • 182ll l'el<b Blvd. H.T., pwr. steer. & bnU<.,, DODGE Hunttn;:to.n ~ auto1 R/H, (N0E728) two Kl ,..,,,_ )It.,. 2-4,000 mi. warrantyl--------- ' · ~ • $1599. '61 OODGE Dart. m 4-bar. SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. \Vest.minster 636-4010 '67 l\-1erc Col. Pk. \Vi n. 10 pa8S, a/c, rack, PIS. PIS. PIW. pwr. seats. spd. cont, auto d001' lock. AM/FM. much more. $2650. 830-6448 CONFIDENTIALLY SUNSET FORD rel, v ... """'· """ con•. ~We Pa1 More For ~ Garden Grove Blvd. SIOOO. Ms.-0932 _ Foreign Or Sporti Cars \Vestmlnster 636-4010 '67 Polaro, 9 pass sta. wgn, PAIO FOii DR NOT '66 CHEVY II ...... ~. 21,00 mi., xlnt """"· I. J. SPORTSCAR 2-DR. SAF HARDTOP moo. ""'""'· CENTER Loaded, dk, one owner. Sao-FALCON 2833 Harbor Bl ritici! $895. Will take oldt!r 1---------1966 l'01tET. Carl's Motor Co. lne., 1941 Harbor, CM, 642-&113. ~a Mesa ~ car In trade. SVG 325 LB~ FALCON '66 4 dr. 6 cyl. I"""';;~~;;;-;;;;;-'-= II ~can~B~il~l_;Mf>oo:w~~·:,,,,~--1 Auto. trant. {RYE723) two WE PAY WH '65 CHEV IMPALA Y"., '"""mi. w""'oty 17lll 2 Door, hardtop, loaded, dlr, SUNSET FORD '69 MARQUIS WAGON Air/pwr, S4200. ~ FOR YOUR .w air, light green with match-5440 ~arden Grove Blvd . '"• "'''"°'· FoU "' n•"-w'"'""'""" ........no OLDSMOBILE Will-take older car in trade. 61 FALCON, 2 doors, stick. ----~--­ CONNEL,L CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR far good. ciian used can. all ,,,.,..... ... Georx• Ray Theodore Roblns Ford 2000 Harbor Blvd. C.M. &U-0010 Will Buy Your Volkswagen or Porsche & pa,y top dollars. Paid /Dr or nol Call Ralph 67M900 IMPORTS WANTED ""-n.mu .. TOP $ BUYER BILL MAXEX, TOYO'l'A IS8!I B4<:h Blvd R. Bel<h. Ph. 147.,m; Auto Leising 9110 ,... LEASE ... '68 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, fully equipped. $129 mo, '67 Ford, 10 ran staUon,wag- on, rib, air, Pit $75,mo. '67 Gal. 500 Cpc, ~r. $65 mo. SOUTH CO~T ~ CAR 'LEASING ~ W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 LEASE· RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES FORD AUTHORIZED LEASING SYSTEM Gel Our Competitive Rates Theodor• ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Rlvd. Costa J\tesa 642-0010 UMd Cars 9900 TRANSPORTATION CARS llWPORTER MOTORS RFH 582 LB, Call Pat, Good cond. first S150 takes . 494-9773 or 5-iS.0634 646-53i5, 164 E. 19th, CJ\f, 1966 q.JEVROLET BELAIR '61 1''ALCON, slick, 2 dr, gd. 4 door VB, po1ver steering, shape $125. radio, heater, Lie TBG 907 64~ $1295 Carl's Motor Co. Inc. FALCON panel '63, New 1941 Harbor Blvd., 642-0tlJ paint, tires, AM·F!\t: Pert. CHEV, '63 lmpala. 2 dr. H.T., running cond.. ~ fac. air, full pwr., R&H. IVllLIOO) 'l'wo ,,,.., "·""mi. FORD ""'""'" S'l699. -..,.---"'..,;...:.= __ _ SUN9ET FORot• ro'RD •ii6 Gataxie, fac. air, 544o Garden Grove Blvd'. J'l''l', steer:., R/H, CUQV716l \Vestminr;ter 63640.10 t11'0 yr .• 24.oOO mi. warranty '62 Chevy Nova clean Set-$1399. Earl at T.,.;..,, is9S Sl,INSET FORD Superior, C.?l-1. 1 5«o Garden Grove Blvd. '62 4 Dr. Chevy Impala. P/s, ~estm.inster 636-4010 Plb. Radial tires. Xlnt 65 FORD i door wagon, VB. condo l65o 548-26:">4 automatlc, power steering, FORD ,67 F · 1 · Pw radio. heater, beautiful red. steer di :~ ~· YPS744. $1295. Carl's Motor (Yrr0iO) ~ .,.. 24•000 .' Co. Inc., 1941 Harbor, CM, J• ., ' mi. 64Z-Otl3 wan-anty $l9!19. liii-i::=· """==~~-SUNSET FORD !963 FORD 2 DOOR Han! top 5«{I Garden Grove Blvd V8, automatic transmision, "'._estm.inster &36-4Dto power steering, r a d i o , '59 CHEVY Bel Air. !2· Dr.. heat;-r. Lie QHM 180 $595. 348-3 speed. Chrome rims & Carl 5 !\1otor Co.. file. 1941 mags. RIH. MAKE · OF·_ Harbor Blvd., 642-0413 FER. 642--0289 aft 5 p.m., FORD ·~ GaJaxie 2 dr. H.T., '65 Chevy Impala 2 or. 018' radk>. heater. p/sleering, cond.. Auto, V-8, SJ.200, auto. trans. l\\'EG853J t11·0 • • 5% OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE OVER 1DO 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROMI You can drive home your choice of 100 1969 modela at exactly 50o/o over our actual ta.ctory invoice. e NO SALES EXPENSE e NO ADD-ON CHARGES e NO PREPARATION CHARGE e :U.1MEDIATE DELIVERY University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Costa Me!a 540.9640 t"15-6578 . 'jl'. 24,000 mi. 1\•ananty '56 Che"" Z--tl• wago,, '~·UNSET FORD • • _ Clean, needs paint. 5'140 Garden Grove Blvd. ~=========-! ' S4r9 673-7416 Westminster 636-4010 --;; '63 CHEV. Nova wagon, Xlnl 1966 .FAIRLANE GT Con. RAMBLER 2nd ~r. turq. Best offer vertible One owner 3fl0 ---------! over $575. 548-5623 aft 6. Auto. Showroom clean. Best • OTHERS '67 CHEVY lmpala Super orrer over w ho le g a 1 e . Sport. 27,000 mi .. xlnt cond. f'inance help avail. 6'16-821li. e TURNED 1'1US! ~II $1750. 673-5264 '62 FALCON stick shill, _gd 57 CHEVY 210 Sl.aJion Wagon brakes, clutch &-n1nnin~ e YOU m. RIH, Automatic. Grey. eon<I. $100/be!>t o r re r Good condition. 547-3182 &-16-07•11 1965 CHEVY ln1pala Sedan .. -66--F-OR_D_\°'V~ago-o.-J~,.~lly • DOWN Air. 8 cyl. Very clean. equpd w/alr. PIS. P/B. Reasonable. &18-7558. $2350. &12-8400 d a Y s. e NEW IN CALlF. '63 CHEVY Bel Air. New 1c54:.:8--01!l:,;.;;c7"•:.:':::";:.·"'"',-.---e BEEN BANKRUPT brakes, good mech cond.. '66 Ford Fairlan• • 1-IAD A REPOSSESSION $650. Call 847-6579 aft 5. . . $495 ''Come & See Us'' '62 CHEVY Impala Con-2 Door Loaded. V8, etc. Lie. l . No Side Loans vertible. Orig owner. Xnlt Ifu,t9-19. Phone 642-6023 Dir. 2. No Furniture Loans -HARBOR BLVD. cond. $600. 67~2274 . 1900 Forti Falrlane 500. V-8, J N S I l ,wv . o a ary oans COSTA MESA '64 Impala, air, pis. V8, 8 u t 0 ' air' P / S · 4. No Ci>signers Needed 548-5294 or 548-8511 auto. Must sell this week: DESPERATE. set! below 5. No Coll ateral Need.cl FINANCING AVAILABLE make offer. 494-4509 book. 493-.1109 WC! rarry (l\lf Oi1'n Contracts '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700 '66 Malibu SS. 4 on the floor, F'O/RD '67 Gbalaxk·ic, faRc./airl.I '60 C'hC\'. Corvair ...... $295 $1400. 962-2059 P ~terr .~ ra es, . TXT 242 ml., a.tr. pwr., vinyl top. Top r~~·--4" 1TVN~70) \lvo yc<ir, 24.000 1 1295 -.,1,·uo• '"' 3232 . '''"'" ·59 Chevi'Q l.'t •••.• •• ... i'w="='-"•' =·~=-~~·===! ----1111. i1'111Ta11ty,' '"'"· SBP 780 CHRYSLER SUNSET FORD ·53 Rombler .......... 1295 BARRACUDA ---· -·----j~IO Carden Grove Blvrl. COL 283 BARRACUDA, '64 p/brakr. R/H fSAE378) two yr, 2~.000 m!. \\'11.rran1y SJ099. '67 CHRYSLER "'"lm'"'"" 636""0 . ., Fo,., .............. $395 '6·1 GALAXIE a,1r, PIS, P/B JEC O'J7 2-DOOR HARDTOP clean moving -Take Best '62 Pont Tempest •••• $395 offer over $750 Call 675--0750 RAX 701 SUNSET FORD 5-J4o Garden Grove Blvd. V-8, auton1atic, factory air, I ,,., eves '61 Chl.'vro ct ••.• , , , •.• ~ po1,·cr ,;teel'ing, po11·l!r bra· " JFM 747 kcs, radio & heater. Jmn1a· '61 Falcon Sia. Wgn . .66 f' "~ culate. {UDE 7431 r/h, al e. ~:;oo or oU!er ord .............. .,,,.,,, $2295. 5'9-1460 ,,.u '" \Vestmin!lter 636-4010 '62 Llncoln •• , •• , • , •• , • $695 '61 f.,LCON Sia. w,,, !!1561 JRO 901 BUICK 'Gj BUlCK \Vildc11.l Convl!rf. J..()1~"ner, PIS, r1s. R&Jr. Beauty Sll'JO. 67~7899 ATLAS Trenlon Lane, 1\.6. 962--J753 '63 V.\V, .............. $69:> ·57 STATION \Vag-on S2(1() DES SU Good transportation 847-849j HOLIDAY 1961 BUICK Electra, $325. R&H. air, oe1v tin!s. 2328 La Linda. fi,16-5970 CHRYSLER -l'LYi\.tOUTH " ·u 2929 HARBOR BLVD. P~NNlNG to. move. You RAMBLER COSTA !\'fESA 546·1!134 find an amazing number.ol 1969 HARBOR BLVD. Open Daily 'tit 10 p.m. homes in today's Classl.fied 642-6023 COSTA MESA 1962 BUICK Special convert. Ne1v !ires, R&H, $<12:1. 2328 La Linda. NB 646-5970 1968 CHRYSLER N cw .Ads. Check them now. Ynrker 4 door Hard top. Used <;,•rs 9906 Used C.trs Factory air conditioning. I.:;,;=..;-=::.....--...;...---=;,..;.-"----.;,,;.. 1960 BUICK. good trans. !60. * 548--8737 • CADILLAC Mechonic Speciol Full po1ver. Loaded & im. n1a cul11.tc. LIC UTI041 - $3795 Carl'll Mo lor Co., Inc, 1941 Harbor Blvd., 642--0413 COMET '61 cadillac Se-dan deVille. '61 CO!\tET, arig. owner Full J)(l\l'Cr including factory S275. 4..-lr, stick s h if t . 1tir conditioning, power steer.1 ,;";;;6-;;;234~1,;•;;;'";;;'.;S.;P_;M~== ing & brakes, 6-way ~at, I · 11.utomatic trunk ape.ner, power 1'-indo11·s. $MXI or best CONTINENTAL offt'I'. B~ 1966 Llncoln Conlinental Can· '67 CAD. DeVille converl., verlible. EverythiJll power white 'A'/blk. lthr. inter., +air. X1nt cond. Low ml. 1 lull p11T. equip. incl. fAcl. owner. Selling for '11bolesale air. Beaut cond. $3. 750. al $2250. 2014 Vl.5ta Cajon, Ow~r 673--9060; 675-4747 I .;,N;B;;;. ======= eve. I • '61 Cad. Ne'' lrans, eng. $8l(), • '6~ V\V, all new, $900. • Honda 50. all new & painted, $50. 540-2™. '61 CAD Sedan DeyWe. Good cond. $495. 642-3850 Days; """""'"" "'11 ~ CHEVROLET CORVAIR '62 CORVAIR l>fonza. AUto, lna.ded, dlr, Green with blade int, Im· maculate, Sacrifice, Small dn, low pyml!;, MDR6211.JJ. Call Bill m9773 or 545-<1334, '64 CORVAIR Cpe, auro., wbt w/blue int. Great gchool car. $395 Whsle CHEV '67 I t I -~ ' ,,,,:"':::' ..:E;:;·,;Ba~y ,;S;I. .:&16-.:;::104::::_:1_ • p Ii eer., a r "V<"''• i; Riff, auto trans. {TSA630) 1963 CORVAJR 11 o n ta h\.'O yr., 2•.oco m.I. wama.ntv, Coupe. 4 sl)ffil. Sharp! $2299. Phone 5.16-8534 aft 6 pm. SUNSET FORD '61 Corva.ir, 4 dr, &u to, l'l h, 5«0 Garden Grove s1 .. '\'.f. gd, cnnd, pvt pty, S-195. Westminsttt 636-4010 8*-1440 1=-=----' AUGUST CLEARANCE FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK . MORE THAN 200 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM HERE ARE TWO EXAMPLES '64 IMPALA SUPl!R SPORT v.1, Autorn•tic., ft1dlo, h11ter, powor 1l1ori"g. Foetory 1ir .. >. root "Je·1 ear. Shop 0Yorywh1re !ht" CO"'I If! ' buy thi1 on1, & ''"' $600. OTW.. "' $999 '66 EL CAMINO CHEY. P/U Fully oqpt. hc.1U1nt c.o"• dition i111 id1 & out. Abao· lul• "'0ftey b1t lr lJlll••ft• le1 if not ••tiili1d. TIO· "' OP" 7 D11y1 Tiii 10 P.M. 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach H"1• Jt 1o. ot S-DJ .. o fwy. Phone 545-1863 •• 147-6839 Opon 1 D1y1 'Tll 10 P.M. • •' 1 I NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ' " Our Hlectlon ·of brand new .1969 Cadlllac;s Is th• flnesf In our history. I ut dri:ve today; ••• "J.h• Mast••P.lece From Master Craftsmen" ••• Then select your model, equlP.ment It col.on nowl • ' 1969 CONVERTIBLE DE VILLE l969 COUPE DE VILLE Cba1uu M111'fe witll bltek top and black luth"" lrim. F11ll pnrer. f1clMy air l"Oittiitio11in1, 1ti!:rei:i AM-FM, tilt ..-heel. pown door locka, power trunk lock, Urili&ht .e.11tifld. Vope Tyres, at1d muda aiore. Low mileat;e o:ar. (X"WG3J6) Strikint tuedo )ll1ck eilerior with blflllOlliWll full le1tlier izitcrior. n.I. one ii lh.clntd7 i-ded with optiou iriduahis full JM)Wot equi,_nl plu. factorJ ,•ir i.ditiorii:DroS.: twfilaht -.tiM!. power door Joeb, ·etc., etc. f.arly n-ur ll'•d•i. wltlri ...., Jew mileap. CYCMf.72) . SALE $5858 PRICE SALE $5858 PRICE SALE . 1967 EL DORADO Fittmi11 R-ood with bto1"h l*dded 1oof I 1tddl1 lu.tlaer trim. Full power. fK\. air, tUt teie-fl9 wheel, AM-FM radio, ~f, ffor lock., light tentillel I: dimm.er, rear windo.:w· dcfq1er, dite $4646 Nici -OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM 1.967 CADILLAC Sedu de Ville. Full power, lactory air condir.ioaiq. P1dded f60{, WOlldtr·blr radio, tilt·td1 wbul, door loch. ete. (VIH7851 brake.. (TVX617) · 't SALE IALI 1966 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville. Lime peeia J"11h Hnd~wood lojt and m1tchin1 cloth l leather lrim. full Po•er. IM"tory air eond_ 1ipal-aeekin1 radio, power '~Ill windowa, ete. (VACIU) $2525 1966 CADILLAC fleetwood Broush.1m, f1ctor'f' 1lr condl1io~ln1. ttu'8 A~f.fM, full powtr plut door loek., lilt wlletl. t~thu ~terior, etc:. cTEC6S9l $2828 1967 CADILU'C - Coupt l>eVille. fiuitom it']H 'Willl b!w.& l61tJi• lnlfrior. r.n JIOlf« equipmezt plu1 factarJ Ur .,, •• .i11iotilil&o (UJA357) Pila PllCI SALi 1966 MERCEDES BENZ 230S 4-Door Sed1a. Auto. tnn1 .. air COftditioa· ing. po.er 11eerin1 l br1kn, Saddlo lemther ~ ·-1'SVC2168) PllCI SALE $29·29 -SALE 1965 THUNDERBIRD Con1·~ble. full powu, factor)' air, tilt-away whet!, eto:, Siher ...-ith bl.O.: lop 111d m1kbin1 •i11yl trim. ( PDP4901 $1313 1964 CADILLAC Coupe t>. Ville. A11tiq111 1old with 1old dolh and 1111.lher iataior, fWl powtt, factory •Ir t..ot1dltionlai. tirnll] teek.iii1 ndio. (RGV889) $1616 PllCI _._ ' PllCI SALE SALi 1964 CADILLAC 5edu o. vm .. r..n ,....... 1aqory I.it, power "mt . 1"iado-..·r., AM·FM. 1wili&hl ~till.el, tilt wheel. fQUH274> $1515 A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale 1961 CHRYILIR WAGON 9.,_.._ Ton I C'.oulrJ'. F!J.11 pewer, f.etory 1ir condi~in1o AM·Fll rid~ luwa• rtck. •ddl• •iiirl trim, tilt wheel. (VTP971) $3838 Pila PllCI IALE SALE 1961 CADILLAC f.1)1!. d11 Ville. Sil~"" pine ~ with 1at1dal•ood top 1"d 1111trhln1 Juther trim. fall power, f1c1orr 1ir rond.. Ah1-f'M r&dit, rill whttl.. J!C'll'tT door lock .. r ... ·ilisht llf:ntinel. power tntnk Ol)l!net, ttt, (VIC'.8911 $4848 SAL! PtlCfl fJJKTIV! 1966 CADILLAC fl~ PJ Dor1do. run power. f1ct011 air, full lutlier interior. ltweo Mf,fM, tilt wlscel, .,.err eonc:ei•thlt option. CTEITT,I> $2525 PllCI THROUGH TU!SOAY, AUGUST 26, 1969 All NII l~j«f .. ,.,., .,. Piia Your Fadory Authorl11d Cadillac Dealer Senl111 the Or•1• Coast Harbor Aroa ,_~NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 SA i .ES DEPARTMENT OPEN r---.i .... IWlllllllllffrttll•iilhlltilllBAMUMH NABERS CADILLAC Announces A New Subsidiary ''NLC'' (Nabers Leasing Corp.) LIASE DIRECT Order Your 1970 Cadillac Today for October Delivery I Outstanding service facility at Oranre County'• mogt modem dea.Jel"Shio. 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. e. 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. 9900 UHd Co" 9900 (loed C1rs 9900 MUSTANG MUSTANG OLDSMOllLE , . SHARP '67 Olds 442. -kpd ~ MU5TANG 65 fac. air, pl ......... P/8, P/8, n•H, '61 Mustang hardtop, 4 "..... .._ speed. V-8, ntw wide ovals. steering (REl..598) i'A"O yr., l'ac. air, l&ch, 1 p t! c 24,000 ml. Mn-any J1499, --·•·•-~--~ hi """° tapo, low mli.t, xlnt SUNSET FORD u~~-..... , ~""' w ~ Cll:md. $105. ~iMl555 c.a.t.. ,.._ .......... _ d $2SIO. 9G-66l7 or eves ........... U&JVCJ• Grove mv • 968-$73 MUSTANG '67 lac, air, pwr. WeatminllttT 6JS...WO °''6S"°O"LDS~"'l,_d,_r~o.-1-,.-. -"-u;·t-om- :.· PlbrakN, Rl.H, auto, MUSTANG '66 p/.tttr., RI tnt. l OWner. RAH. tac air, 24,t.:Jo m~~';;,,~: H CSEIU32517) t'MI yr., P/B. P/S. Tilt whl, tinted SUNSET ~ORD 2'.000 ml. .,..,..nty Sir.et, llul. prt "'1· -~4o Carden Grove Blvd. SUNSET FORD 'U OLDS F-85 pu1 1taUon Wtltmin9tt'.r 6J6.4010 Mto Carden Grove Blvd. w.,on w/roof rack. 712 \\'eabninster 6J6..it<l10 "'7 MU5TANG-ln wam.ntf. 7'nt5"iif.O;f,;;"'j ... Niil I .!Lotb~~pu~r,~Cd~'1;,,. -,-,,---\r.s, auto, Xlnt cond. $179$. Mutt S.114olne Abroell SS OLDS .99 4 dr t.11 aft 6 pm, 53fr7351 ·~ MUJte.nr Brome color. Hardt.op. FUJI Power. 'l'AJCE Ovu Jeued '61 convt V-!, auto, mac wheela, ater-Air SUOO. 642-1525 m~n. Only 7,<m mi. 12 eo taPt. $1300. KWl114 1-=oc-AJL=Y"'P=nm="'w=ANT=-A"'o=si mos. 11t 1103.71. 646-7301 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! THE QUICKER. YOU CALL. Uatd Ca rs 9900 UHd Cir-9900 OLDSMOllLE OLDSMOllLE u...i C.ri 9900 PONTIAC PONTIAC ttA~ILIR 9900 u...ic ... -------T·BIRD 9900 """c ... UMclCo,. ~--~· Old FOR ··• b PONT. 'SS Bonni!viue.Fae, ,,.7~TIAC '•u•Nl 'lll llAMBLE!t Convert ''6T·llnl2Dr.H•rdtop REAi.. .,. ..... ., -, -..e Y owner-1968 air, !ull pwr., R/H, auto r lit" .,... ~ Clulle. AU power, belt at. v.a, auto. trana.. factory air CUUus. Hol. Coupe. Gold Cn.nd Prix, low mile~. trtJV. (R1'1'134) t'fr'o yr,, Full power, air, dlr, 1UV'tf t.r. fT3..3&40 afltr 5. condt&nlQs, power •teerl!W, with blk. Landau top, kl io.ded! Xlnt c:ond. BeioW 24,000 ml. warnu;ty Sl28t. blUe, with tuck interior. lm. ~ pjWll!l' bnbl,. power wift. mlg, nu whu...U w.. "' book. S3,385. 54W829 SUNSET FORD maculoi.1 !'nil pr$~ w1ll • T llRD -ndJo. ~t•r, ~te- brk• RIH. CIHl1om blk llhr PLYMOUTH S44o Garden GM1, Blvd. older cir In tnd•. TKl\ :Ill • wall tu.s. FUily ......, with int & bucket llt!atl. Contolt Wntmfnster • 636-4010 LB, Call Kftl, •tm • ... T ........ .,,,m. low, low mlln. ROW TG with tach, PIS, P/B, P/W. ,63 Grand Prix. Riii Pit, 546<J634. ' w ·-- laet air. 111..i ... '56PLYMOIJnl. --P/b AM·l'M Low ml .1========•1 T .. -. Owner $2188 "'"""'' Prtval< l'lrty. Be on Ji&hl ''"""· New bat· or ,,e,t oUer, i1a.3UO ttAMILll l;;;:;.,..613-;;;:;'415ri;or'1":fjS.2fl67==<= 1 ;:=======:( oUer. 962-2860 tery, food tlre1 a. 11te.reo. 1956 Ponf Conva"Uhie l--------·i'64 T·Blrd. fW1 poMr' A air. 1. 'U OLDS DYN II 1125. 6'2-l'(le Good ...... ~·Beat oUu. · MAltUN '16 pwr • .teer. a ,;::i--· !14!1-l!32 VALIANT 4 dr. PIS, R/H, Air cond. 'st JiLY. B@lv. '82 rtblt 548-3323 bl'fh1, Mf, auto trans. -------- Lo mUe1• New ti~•. Excel· ChryAl. 327 cu in ena:. Nu (VWW4n> Th'O )"I'. 24,000 '65 T-BlRD, one owner. Xlnt 1963 VALIANT "200" 4 dr>or. Jent condlOon. Best offer! trans, 111hock1, 1Jre1. $250. '6' PONTIAC Wagon. P~~ mJ. W'ftJTRnt.v Sl299. cond. Driven 23,0CXI ml. 6 eyllndtr. Au tom 1 t t c 3JO W. Bay, C,M. &42.-29Q. SJ.t.\V. WllAOn, CM. ~~·co~'. :;_Ji[· .$1095. SUNSET FORD ~9'76•S17§ transmlulon. 'ndlo. hel .. r. rr·s Beach hoUM tlme, Big· '65 Pt.YlfOlml Va 11 ant ·~· PONTIAC, 3«0 Garden Grove Blvd. PLACE YoUT ~lad. "9hml Lie FVf' "' lW5 Cal-1'1 p!Jt. ~lfl'C'Hon ewrl Sc!e the Convertible. $650. '16 000 1 Weltmlnrter 83MOIO, they at'9 look1nt -DAn.Y Motor Co., Jn., 1941' mirbor DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! * 6'15-0.156 + s9i * ~~ DAILY PILOT 'fANT ADS! PILOT clautned 642.s611 Blvd., 64l--04:13. ' ~ ' I I r, I • • JI D.tll Y PILOT I' -. '66 PONTIAC ' § I LE MANS 2 DR. H.T: J V-1. -•l•rl"9, rMI ... flt•!.,, .,iflYI ln!erlor, IN.d:lf -fl SIL •n i. i=! '67 PLYMOUTH l.:J FURY SEDAN $1088 TOTAi. l'lllCI + T•ll I lie. ,88 TOTAi. N ICI + ,, •• llc. J '64 DODGE DART $s· 88 .· G.T. HARDTOP CPE. · I y._ ..torlvtJc """'"llflM. r•lf a "-"t. T \'lm'I Mlllf ·.-t9. IOMlt ffn f~'l'a , ....... :@ • ( • • ·o 1 oO% UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE· 'Loot( FOa''till GoLD STAR 'IN THE WINDSHIELD 0 '65 P~ YMOU1H VALIANT I • I -- . DAILY PILOT ' I I I I I I I . Ask Them Y ourseH ftHt nu!fCES DICBT, Dincw o/ U.S. Pcup.n AIOC1 rWc:A .,.. 11ae ,,....., ~ for ,_..,,_., •P. pUc.liolu1--Del ,,..,.,,., ........., ...... e May and June, wbeo motl of the IUID· mer tr&Yele.n and college 1tudenh are applyiD.g for puaporta. Our big.best week eo f.a:.r ._year wu May 15 througb May 21. whe. we pnoeMed 60,633 pwport applatioM. On May 19 we receiYed 13.,. 46J apptarm1, the lai.ebeai daily figure ia oar m..T'f. l"Olt YICl'Oa BOL'I' • Ja~ PrnUat. Cootly.., Tin ll1UI R11bb11r Co. H,,. ... ,. IJhe,_ .,.. llHa.ble /or._,,_.. ,_,.,,_..1 B0t0--" ,_. • -.......... '"'" Co.ti,_, t'hfl'P 8• I. C-,, n, Yr' a, Cal. • By -.id of tb + er. three Ura .W,. will he in operatioa. c..t,._r blimpe we not najJabJe for ad~ __,. bf ... ~ noapolitical pubJio. .me. •a h • , for wlaich Coodye.y > '1 ._ •• f . a hnWmt_lid '$ I f • ,., s~ "--._.. ........ .,.. ,... .... , /r•• tile C. .. rw-..1 ,,. .. riy ,,,........ ;. ,.. ·-•-!o.•-•111111nww •I .u ,....,. ...... _., ..... Spud F I) .. r.i.. ,~J'lllllll' ... ..--.. ..&.L, • I •• • a 1o --,,..... I ..c, f .... F !)f'I i•~-•rz :a.= \, r,...~ Ala. • n.u-. ve untrue. Tbe .A,..b.>-• .--& ed by aale of 1,-11 ...... of i....tiouJ 5pw1 • ., a..... _.. • IAlt u.-Oil Co. of C.lifonia .......... .....-cndit dlu.el&. I 1MrH ... nl ,-. ,_ ....... 1.,. .... ..._ fOll .,.re ...... J. .... ,,...,1 ,, .......... _.. 4111 7Jea .. i.1'1-Bauy ·-.. iU_._. ... , r-. .... ., ..... D poiands. Jt ... •11 le .... .., ooW _,.,,,, -..l '"' ., .... pouibl.e .yap. ,._ •I Ile.rt 1roa11W1- llra. l&rrill E--. -4...._ ........... FOa LEFIS B. REasBEY, Sd«IUie &Nii« DirK4or FeN llMll reeUy rejflded /r09 lla.e llrw/I IA F orltl .,..,. II....._ IMy INn! 11Ju.Nde1-Berlliu. .4• .-... , Dnti& t.h, N.D. e Al the beginning of World War TI, the alinimal mmtal ataodard required fOI' acceptance WU the ability to read and WTite on a fourth-grade level lo Ausuat. 1942. educationally de6cient re1- istrants were accepted for induction on a quota bui&. ln Jun~ 1943. illituates be· pn beinc train~ and the quot.a re· atricliou on iodoction of this group were lifted. Then mental tesla were cneo at induction ~ten to all registrant.I who were DOl hich-achooJ graduates. l'Oa I' .tVL B.tltYn' 0. ..., o/ ,.11r i. 11pPffr- ....,.. ,.. ~--. Prrrile• .4 .. •in• ..._ -.. •Jliioe /.w • Mora ,,.rW-..ao·~ ..,_, •I die ,,,....,,.,.,,.1«:1.. r1ao --s4IWt -l'r Ile.•1--Mra. :A"'-'e C.U-fl.~v .. 1a • Jamee Knox Polk. our 11th Prniden~ cmded hie ten. of office at aoon on a Sun- clsy. ~ Zachary Taylor de- cliaed to take the oeth of o8ice until the _ant d.,. Dar:iq tlaie brief period. Sen. Dnid Rice A•Mieoll CDan.·Ky.) WU ,._ .. , , POlt DOltlS D.4.Y F'Aio .el.eek' ck I.a eJail, ...,. iA lla.e "Doria Day si..."'1 T'-1 .re ••• .r~~ f"'.--B«r'Olll s,,..,.., y .. .,.... ... "•· ~ tl.e 6aa1 -1actian. and l &«Jtt ... & ..... ,. U/dilAI! laowM ..... "° ,.. """' .,.., ..... ;. ,...r ...... •Hr· ... t-O..,ifl Neill, Jolua-· ..ta • d..he.elwr, "--,,.. ,_.., ... .-., ,, ... .... 1-0 •• ui Deauell, l•...W,N.Y. e I got into ahow bia via lhe New York City ec.bool 1yat.ca. I ueed 1o emcee fac- ulty a...,.-.. Tlaiis 1pilled ower to the ..W •taide. Teadaen are 8till my bewt IJllClimce. too. -· ----· d ,,,__....._. .... ...._. ... _ .... ....._ .... .._.,. ...-,...era ... plJMs-· .,.._.,_ .. .._1' ........ .,....,.661' 'U A-..."-Y .... N.Y. -. .. ~a .... ... ............ _._...., WHAT T~ WORLD! Ca•p with Cotnpastlon Camp Henry Horner, the pioneering comp at Round Lake, Ill., that previously in- tegrated the handicapped boy with the normal boy, this yeor expanded its p109rom to include girls far the first time. Spon10fed by Young MM.'1 Jewish Council, the nondenornlnaflonol praoram 9ive1 the emotionally, men· tally, CK physically hondicopped child the opportunity to experience the prob- lems and joys of everyday living in a nonhandicopped world. He partict- potes in all comp odivities. tt's not unusual to see a boy in a wheel choir playing first base, a blind girl di-ting off the pier. According to YMJC, the "living experience" for the "nonnal" youngs1er is no less important: he learns compauion.. Outdoor ~ing Indoors If a ..d- den IUMM« shower intenvptl 'fO'W outdoor barbecue, think twice before you continue it Inside. lurmng dMlr· cool gives off carbon monoxkie in odorleu amounts that can cau1e ill- ness or deoth If permitted to accumu- late in an unventilated area, accord- ing to the National Safety Council. Solution: indoors, place charcoal burn- er near an open window or door with on outdoor draft or in a fireplace with the damper wide open. Man'• .... _Mat? Do not try to cultfvate the friendship of a strange dog, wams the Women's Medkal News Service; he may not want yours. Instead, if he Ignores you, do the 1Dme. If he growls, stond still; do not look him In the eye. If he doesn't ceme, try soothing-with 10ft words, no ges- tures-slowly walk past. If he jumps you, cover face with anns, each hand holding the opposite elbow. If wont comes to worst, and y04J're thrown down, roll on to .. your stomach ond cover your head and ~ with your arms. With dogs as with people don't be a pushy type. SNalfy Jolt 8enjamin Horrison wen President of the United States when l 3-y9or-old Joe Carrolo got a job woning on a metTy-90-'0Und in 1890. Now he's 92 and still in the carousel business, worklng eight hours a day, sewn days a w.elc at hk ride in God- Jo. Cots rolo takes a ride dard Park. Warwidc, R.I. He figures he hen given some 15 miUion penom rides. His daughter Alice, 67, oho runs a cOTOUsel. Joe complains: "T rov- ble today is you can't get good young help. They're all in love, and carousels come second. Carousels must come fintt'' ..._ hrel Helium-filled bolloons-W.. kind that slay up in the air-were becoming a rarity. Tt.y r.quired helium tanks and profeuional -.noon men to operate them. Bolloon men, IDO, ...,. fast becoming a vanishing breed. lut now there's an automated balloon blower ID 1 c ii,; .. problem. lnwt a min~ cwt comes a balloon, then a big puff of helium. ~y cMtadt the lighter-than-air balloon-ond hold it tightfy. Family~···', ..... s I ~ L MV90W r1 ,._, WIOll W "let'· ,_. W. PW 1'1CH .. OM .W..•1W..,,...,,,. 90llAla M. .... DID A•••••• A.'"'11Wtw......, _. flll I RI Oii U•>ft CM.I Mat ITAM • ......._ M'9r ~11.IWA.n~ -·-. PllOff r-• .... A rr late •Mtwe.: _. L llOWN ~A~M-..r ....... Akouaf .. Miii ....... ~ L _.... .,....,..u .. ..,fd •• .....,, ,_.,........, ,..._ ...._. ..._LOus '. , ... c:i... A._,, rw O/lfw.: ... • :;z:. .._.. .._ y ... ~ ........... ..._ •11, MID9-A•hfHC A'1 ~ .......... __, ................... ..a, 8'11......., ..... ..._.,O//taa:MI be' .. t ....... .......................... .._._.... ._, .... llY ..... rat Mr -+e< •• ..... It. c:a...,, a.. ... .._ @ 1Mt, WT ~Y, IMC. ll ow.I. M ft[llla __. CIYSTAL MNTAIY Asn ••. 20 ,.. .. Clwilhw ~ ~ cllllgned In-. glow'.ag colors ••• froated with exquisite cry1tall of _ ........ llOll 11M81-.ulel Am ... \ 8 breethtald199ly beautiful All· Occ11• carlk •.. colorful floral tiOUqU9el with ~ ...... ... Dlling. Everyone You Know Needs Greeting Cards and Everyone Loves Wallace Brown Cards Do yoo know 10 people 1 Of course you do! Add up several relatives, perhaps a few neighbors, the but.cher, the baker, the milkman, the grocer, your dentist, several friends and other tradespeople-and you probably have even more than 10. So what are you waiting for ? These folk8 alone can bring you in at least $50.00, probably $100.00 to $200.00, extra money in just a few hours spare time. And this is just a start I Most everyone you know needs Greeting Cards, and when you show them the spectacular, nationally famous 1969 Wallace Brown Line of Cards and Gift ltem8-it's love at first sight. They'll snap up 2, S, 6 or more Christmas Card ~xes and other things right on the spot! This is the fun way of making money because it's so easy. You don't have to be a salesman, because we send you samples that do the selling for you. Folks will thank you for doing them such a nice favor and you'll make money fast.er than you ever dreamed l And, besides making money, you'll save money on your own personal Christmas Cards, Gifts, Wrappings, etc. at r-----------------------------.1 wholesale prices. See for yourself without I I risking a penny. Mail the coupon below-I Tiii EHllE FOll-OYH CHPOI llAIH A llO·PISTAIE·IQllHI I TODAY. You'll be glad you did! I llSlllUS·IEPlY HYUOPL Fill Ill YOUI llAll( AllD AHIEH... I I THEii CUT OUT AlOlll DITTO LllU ... FOll, HAL AllD llAIL. I I WALLACE BROWN, Dept. WIY -534 I Free Catalog, Too : 10 Martin• Ave., White Plain•, N.Y. 10606 1 IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY I Be first in your neighborhood to Ca8h in on I 1 _. .. _.. IXTll MONn ...,.. .. w • ._ .. _ 0-.-.. c-4 a... ...a. th.is easy way to extra money with the new I .. ...._ •••••w' .-1 HCrJllMI ...._,.,A•• ,_ .. • -... ,., ... 1, 969 Wallace B Li f G t . C ds ,a. Fiii ..._el...._....,, ....... ~ C-4 S...-. .. 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White "4Mn1 New Yortc, 10606 ~ I I I I I r t I I t r I (Acl""'--t) Bring'fheBloom of &Wty l>YourOmplexjon Every day your complexion can srow a littk lovdier, lavishly cared for with a re.. mark.able tropical moist oil which nas the akin-cherishing ability to help capture and maintain the precious bloom of true compleaion beauty. The fine, fair promi1e of a.tin beauty is initiaUy determined deep down under the surf ace, where the tiny oil and moisture resenoin establish a ddicatc balanc::e by releasing just the right amounts o f pcrf ccl, nat- ural nourishment to keep the complexion soft, supple and gloriously alive. Cosmetic researchers have constantly home in mind this basic understanding of the hu- man akin in their efforts to find ways and means to improve and cherish its most precious qual- ities. With the discovery of the tropical beauty ftWd bas come the realization that at last it is possible to assist nature in main- taining the now of the skin'• natural oil and moisture and beJp in every way to bring long- term youth and beauty to the complexX>ns of women living in all the differing climates of the globe. When the beautifying moist oil is lavished on your skin nightly before your sleep, and worn every day beneath your make-up. your complexion will hendlt immediately from its isotonic action. which is calcu- lated to take comerving ftuids directly down to where they are most needed. Deina remartably compatible Y•ith the natural fluids of lbe skin, this moist oil readily mcrp with existing raerves and helps boost the dwindling ceRular levels so that the com- plcxion is eocou.raged to regain ita equilibrium. The beauty ftuid alt0 helps to maintain the vital measures of moisture responsible for the dew-fresh appearance of a lovely complexion. It enc:our- aaes the natural hygroscopic at- traction of moisture from the surrounding atmosphere and sponsors the moistun>ret.ainjng ability of .lhe tissues .IO that youthful freshness and radiance become wonderfully constant on the skin. In America this unique moist oil is available from drugista as oil of Olay, a remarkable blend of precious clements that brings your skin its softest. smoothest bloom of beauty. ._.,~c .. 'lwa .. , , .. To take odl1tmtage of IM beautifying proJWnies of this moiSI oil tmd 10 gille '"'" com- plexioft mwothltUS, cktzrtwn and yOflthf ul loveliness, always smooth on a film of oil of Olay over the face and tteclt before applying malc~p. Baltles cite,.._ islting anti betunifying. t~ Olay oil will inau-e that y0tn nU1lce-up luu " per/ea ""'' ~. • • • A "as wJa,re age-signs {int /Hgin to show ntt:d extra ricla corr at night. Mazsage oil of Olay over )'OtU throat alU1 ruck II.ltd tap it lighlly into the tlel- icate tissues aroiund Y""' eyes to smooth attd /Hmdify the skin. • • • To keep '""' lips soft and pretty . gi"U IMm a gen<r<HU q"""1 of the bedldifying moi.lt uiJ wltat Y'* do >'""' Jo«. Thu light film of oil of 014y w/11 also act as a J""ttdation f OI' the mtooth """ lasting o.pp/kmion of .vow Upstid. PATTERNS The Couture Suit By R.OSALYN ABREVAYA TJIE SUIT is a fashion to reckon with for fall, not.ably one with a longer jacket and easy skirt. This elegant suit, which doesn't require dressmaking genius to create, features a gently shaped jacket with darts at front and back. Detail is added to the neckline by top- stitching, and the wrist-length, narrow sleeves are given extra fit by a simple elbow dart. Sew this costume in a tweed or lightweight wool for day or, for more glamorous occasions, perhaps in a silk or a silk-acetate blend. .. I ( F-250 A CUT AND PRFOltATEO ,ATTHN -------------------------------------- Send to: FAMILY WEEKLY FASHION PATTERNS, 129 West 29th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10001 ... 10, 12, "· 11., 11 (New Sil"'9) r-250 Ni""'~---------------..._ u.. s.tld $ 1 JJO plw 25 CMb *°' postoge ~ "-ds19; -"· ct.di, -~ ....... SftffT _______________ __ CITY~--------------~ STAT..__ __________ .,,. ___ _ -------------------------------------- : kind of people buy a new Pontiac LeMans at th~ time of year? The W*-T,_. P:MlytDr._GtMcl Ml. ~e..oi-. ~. ~GTO, LeMe/11, ~ S. T•-IMd F1t*d. PM1K MaWDMUon. - Smart people. Very smart peo ple. Sure. They've had a th ing for LeMans since way lost September. Styling that won't quit. Wide-Track stance. Big, comfortable bucket seats. And they've given more than a little thought to their choice o f power. America's strongest OHC Six !standard). O r one of the two great V-8s you can order. But, above all, they've been patient. Waiting for just the right time. Fo r the best possible deal. Now their wait is over . . They're our kind of people. Smart. Very smart. Maybe you? Find out at your local Pontiac dealer's. Soon. • I I I I I I ·1 ll-r I I I I Ba dawglttlr Jlia F•rro"' 09't. • IMM mottler Jloven O'StdlitHlfll • ~ I i • • I 8i1'11 Cr'11b¥ ertiot1etl 9"-.t ~" u a•~ ""· Hu '"""' '°"' did Mt /olUno i" Tt.U footttq•. A CENTURY AGO an English boxer by the fi name of Maurice Blythe changed his name to Barrymore because it had, he said,. "a gentlemanly ring--one suit,.. able for both boxing and the stage." In so doing, boxer Blythe started some- thing--among other things, America's first "star" dynasty. One day Mr. Barrymore, alias Blythe, wu strollina the boardwalk at the English seaaide resort of Brlrhton. Then be chanced upon a well-known EngU.h actor by th4S name of Charles Vandenhotr. Tbe latt.er, at that moment. wu-be- ing bent by two tourba who had. in the time- bonored manner of tourba, taken exception to the fact that Va.Menbo1f had, in the time-honored manner of actora, a rirl on each arm. In any cue. boxer Barrymore promptly ruahed to Vandenho«'s rescue and with tTo punches dispersed the toughs. Afterward, .when Vanden- hoff heard Barrymore bad acting ambitions, he o«ered him a job in hit eompuy. Traveling to Alnerlca with this company, Bar- rymore fell in love with and later married .an American girl by the name of Kiss Georgie Drew. Mias Drew was not only an actreu herself but also the daughter of lire. John Drew, the cele- brated actresa-mana.rer of Philadelphia's Arch Street Tbeatre-a lady who, incidentally, held out for some time arainat the marriage on the grounds that, profeuional as Maurice was as a boxer, as an actor he was an amateur. N onetheleaa, Maurice and Georgie soon bad three extremely profesaional children-Lionel, Ethel. and John-all of whom SOOD made the Bar- rymore name not only the royal one of the Ameri- can the.\ter but of Hollywood as weU. And if the oft'spring of tbeae three. notably the late Diana • Must -the Kids of Stars Some Hollywood offspring have found greater are blurred copies who find the hardest role By CLEVELAND AMQJtY Avtt-of "Who did~" BarrymoH, did their part to make the family democratic apin, they allo let the it.ace, with John Banymore, lr., Ethel Barrymore Colt. and othen, tor a delu.se of other actor-families. For 80me time, however, the Barrymone reiped u a dynuty virtually alone. There was, it ii true. an occaaional father.eon combination like the Dou~luel Fai.rbanb, ~ and ~, or, more recently, Ed and Kfienan WJ1lll, bat there was cert&i.DJy nothlq appra.chiq-a real dynasty or even any auch ~ u todq'e tzend.. Indeed. stan of yesterday took a dim view of Hollywood'• traditional nepotiam eltewhere-p&r- ttcalarly in the producer ranks. It was the late Spencer Tracy, for example, who ftnt commented on the fact that the late David Selmick aaw bi8 career take a sharp turn for the bettl!T on the occuion of his marriage to Irene )(ayer, daqbter of the late Looi.a B. lh.yer. "The son-in-law,,. Tracy l&id, ''also rieea." lecently, howe'¥9f', the show baa been on the other foot. On stage, screen, and television there bu been such an influx of star-studded eona and daughters that nowadays you can hardl,y go to a 1how without meetiQJ' the whole family-the star'a, that is, not youn. Eftl'YWhere you turn you are offel'ed the oft. spring of Charlie Chaplin, Biq Crosby, Henry Fonda, Frank Slnatn, Bex lhrrieon, John Wayne, Dean llartin, Danny Thomu, Lloyd Bridpe. Edgar Berren. Raymond Jluaey, Robert Jlitcbum, Kirk Dou&'laa. John Carradine, Vau- reen O'Sullivan, Ann Sothem, Gordon and Sheila KacRae, Des.i Arnas and Lucille Ball. etc., etc. Even Errol Flynn's daqhter is a stunt girl-- which. we aoppoee, in some way ftgurea--and one dau_rhter of not one but two stars, Jean Pierre Aamont and Ilaria Monte&, recent17 adorned, un- adorned. "Playboy" map.sine. Some of theee, of coone, are more talented than others. Jane and Peter Fonda would ro high on this list, u would Geraldine Chaplin anct Candice Beraen. Some even would have to be rated far more talented than their parental stars ever were-- Kia Farrow, for eumple, over Maureen O'Sulli- van. And some, of course. a.re more talented than others rirht in the same family-be it Chaplina, llartins, Sinatra.a, or who. With the ,,... MDforlty, however, from Pat W a.yne to Luci and Desi Arnu IV. far too many of them are like bad photoetat&-overe:rpoeed and underdeveloped-and the main reaction one has to watching them Js that they all may want to get into the aet all rtsht. but the only trouble ie- moet of them can't act. Tbe current trend maJ' be said to date to the Croeby boy&--all four of whom uaayed 1bow- baaineu careen.. From Denn.ia, with hi.I marital ., problem&, to Gary, who had more ftghta out.aide the riq than many people in it (not to aiention Philip and Lindea,y), all of them SOOD proved that tbeir best perf ormancee were reserved not for the entertaimpent pagee but for gossip columna. '"The old man and I," aa.ld Gary Crosby of his eatrangement from Bing, "juat don't jive." In fairneee tD the Croeby boya, however, they wen 900ll joined bJ a ho8t ot tar wane IMICOJld. reneratton trouble&-notably Edward G. Robin- ton. Jr.,and Cheryl Crane, daQl'ht.er of Lana Tur- ner and Steve Crane. And even in the caaee where the 1ituation wu 1eu ad. there wu much hidden evidence that playing a eon or Claughter of a 1tar i8 one of the hardest ro1ea there ~ff the stare or on it. Doqlu Fairbanlm, Jr., recalls his f.ather spealring frankly to him about being a father. "You know, .. he aaid. "I have no more pat.emal feeling than a tirer in the jungle for hia cub." And on the Boll,ywood dist&« aide, things are no better. Two of Joan Crawford's four adopted children, Christine and Christopher, made head- lines with their revolt.a. "Kost of rnY friend.a," says Jayne Meadows. wife of St.eve Allen, .. are lousy mothen-including the actresaee--no mat- t.er what they aay. Half of them are never even around their children. The other half who are with them might just as well stay away." Most of such dimcultiea are, of coune, not con- ftned to Hollywood. They are the aecond-cenera- tion problems of the rich in general. But Holly- wood's second-generation problems in which, to riches, is added fame, and in •hich. to fame is added multiple marriage, have reached incredi- ble proportiona. In Hollywood, it is not only a wiee mother who knows her own son-it's a pretty amart father, too. Take, for example, the Chaplin family. Two of the star's sons, the late Cha.rlee Chaplin, Jr. and Cluiriu Cluipl.i•'• do•glater ~ dine n.cu~d. toltn~ lwotla.en fail ed. Mother 00ft4 ia i• ruw. I Family ~I AugMat '"· 1969 Become Stars, Too? success than their f arnous parents-but most in life is that of bei ng a celebrity's son or daughter Michael, nen wrote whole boob about their mia- ery-Michael's being entitled, "I Couldn't Smoke the Grua on My Father's X..wu." Kicbael wrote, ''To be the son o! a peat man can be a diaadY&D- tace. It ia like livinc next to a huce monument; one spend.a one's life circll:ng a.round~ either to remain in the shade or to avoid ita abadowa." ly his own llflhts, ho~, Michael felt be was a succesa. "As a pop singer," be said, "I aeemed to be making out. Little chick.a clawed at me in the street, like the one who said, 'Pleue ai.-n this here !or me. My panmta bate your pta ! That'a why I want your autocraph.'" Even Sydne,-Chaplin, the only one of the Cha~ lina besides Genldine to achiwe 1J01De atardom- he played the male lead in Broadway• "Bella Are Rtncing" and 'Tunny Girl'!-hu aid, "'I'm no g~iua, and I don't have Dad'a cap.cit:T for work. .. As for Charles Chaplin. Jr., who died laat year, he wrote, "For the longest time Syd and I didn't see our father at all ... I have wanted only to be worthy of my name .•. I wu sorry my father could not aee me in thia role.'' 01 all stare' daughters, Candice Beiven feels perhaps the farthe8' from her parents. "Iias hope. leas now between my pa.rent& and me." abe eaya. On the other band, Mia Farrow, wboee fame baa soared far above that of her star-mother, ia an COtlld Jau atld P~trr F °""4 umutlU'' fad.rr Bnrr (IAft) Y .. example of an actreea who f eela sbe haa been able to keep up a real relationahip with her mother. "It's not a practical motber-dauchter relationabip any more." she said ... She'a more lib a dear friend. But ahe waa delighted when I married Frank. She adored bbn." In ~ cue of the Fondu, we interviewed stal'- parent aa wen as star-children. Henry Fonda Aid frankly that he tboqbt both Jane and Peter would go f u beyond. u be modestly put it. .. any auccea lw Md." Be told m that Peter already knew IDC»"9 about an ph&eee of motion-picture rnakins tll9 m 1-d been ab)e to 1eam in 88 ,.,.. "I fMJ,'' M aid, "'lib a novice when I'm talk- inc to 111a.· T•t a 9' Jane. hi.I eyes sparkled. "God," be uclaimed, .. lhl'. an ndtiq younr actnu r And ahe baa alnady aunived more miatakea than most .ch wea are allowed m a lifetime." Jane benelf told u• abe tboucht it wu a Jot harder "to be Henry Fonda'• aon than Henry Fonda'• daugb1er." .. Peter adorea my father," she continued reda:tivel,-, "but he wu rejectinc him." Jane told us that abe feela, jodgi.ng from her own chiJdhoocl, that there an four deftnite stages of parental relaUonabip. She de9cribed the tint u "complete wonhip'' and £be eeeond u ''dia- iDo.aion"-"you bow, wben you aay, 'He makes so ""'"Y mistakes,' and you start blaming him for the troubles you have." She de1er1'bed the third of these stages aa "complete rejection.., "The fourth," she said, "1• when yoa reach maturity and can aay, 'nobody's perfect.' " Jane frankly told ue she married Rorer Va.dim after years of livins' with him for two reaaone.- one, livi~ with Vadim'• children and two, ber father. "I knew I waa hu.rting him." ahe said. "I always said I would never pt married until some- one pve me one good reason for marriage, uide from the aocial. conventional one. Nobody ever did, but I married anyway, f OT social, convention- al reaaon.e---and ~ father. 1 '1 thlM/' .... eot1ll u all, "that In the future it should be made aa difBcult to set married aa it ia now to get a divorc&-<>r adopt children, for that matter. Take my father. All right. maybe be baa been married five timea. But if he'd been married only once and had four different aft'aire, nobody would think a thing of it. Maybe he's the moralist. He ,,.amed them.. And take Elisabeth Taylor. I think she'• Miu Morale herself. And Roser Va- dim la. too." What, we aaked her, did her father think of Vadim. "Well," ahe eaid. "Dad la Omaha, Nebru- ka, and Vadim la France and Ruaia. But l'lJ tell fOQ one ~. if Vadlm beat me up. Dad would beat Aim up!" One etar-fatber who'• proud of briQinr up his children to be act.on le Lloyd Brf daea. Be beamed aa be toad us bow be bad, u be put it, ~'brou.gbt Beau aloq'' by putting him in episodea of all three ol his tv series even though his son at Ant did not want to do it and was embarnaaed about it. "I told him," Bridrea aaid, •• 'Listen, Beau, it's just • job. If you're rood, you'll get other jobs. If you'l"e not. 70u won't.' .. And now," Bridsee continued, ••Beau's taking mr role with Aia brother Jeff. Beau's making a bea11titul actor out of Jell." What about bis daughter Cindy? we asked. Here Bridree admitted he had not encouraged her acting, although when he wu doinr a play and one of tbe actreaeea had become ill, he bad pat Cindy in the pari-..nd she bad been good in it. .. ActreNea," be told ua, "don't have the best lives-or make the beat wivea. They have to have tremendous egoe. I, for one, couldn't have mar- ried one." Does tt. chllcl of a star-parent have an easy road to atardom T Let Marlo Thomas, daughter of Danny Thomu, take that one. "When I wanted to go into ahow buaineaa," ahe told me. "Daddy made me promise to give it only two years. I aaid, 'Listen, It took you like a hundred r "I don't know," Marlo went on, "whether beiJl&' the child of someone famoaa makee it twice as bard or just u hard. But whatever it ia, I thou•bt it wu &'Oing to be juat the other way. I thought everybody wu 1oiq to ctve me everything, and I wouldn't be ready-and ·then I found it wun't like that at alt There i• a preconception that ex- ist.-that child.nm of talented people catr't be talented. It uaed to hurt. But not any more. "I love Daddy," II.ado concluded., "and I love beinc ~n:ny Thomas' daughter. But it does some- thins to you emotionall)'. Nobody wanta to be somebody's aomething-not neo a very special somebody's very l'J)eCial something. You jwst want to be 11ou!' Finally, Llza Kinnelli la one star daurbter, al- beit an ill-etarred one, who feela that beina-the daughter of a star can come naturally ... Bat peo- ple don't like you for it," she told m . "They're curious, but they don't necesaarily like you.'' Miss Mi.nnelli ftrst went on the stage at the age of six. Her mother uked her to come U1> and join her in •inrins a aonc at the conclusion of her act-for which. Miu MinneDi recalle, 1he wu paid ftve dollan. But then that, too, waa perbape u it-should have been. For Judy Garland herself had ft.rat been a.eked up on the stq'e bJ ltrr mother-at, ot all aaree, the are of two. • • ~ ... -.. --. .. ---,....... .. -. I l I MagJ!ificent Mural ...__..._____.• In Full Color! LONELY LITTLE KIITENS-16" x 20" Mural Fabulously Beautiful Masterpiece-YOURS FREE When You Purchase These Four Exquisite Kitten Prints 4 For Only$} The B()J[PZ'l'EAD Bome Decorator Service a I --------·---------·,·------M-------~ Tht BD• &if.&AD, .,.,._ PM-19 I B _ _. ... 84aiWi•K 1 1 Ne,Kae. N.J. t77U I Pleue lend me the four full color Kitten printa I (plaa FREE mural) for only $1 plu1 10¢ postaae I on t.n money heel guarw.ntiee if I am not de-I .... ted. I Bnclcl9edu$~~~~~~~~~-I I <P'--Pmlt) I Clt1 Stat. Zip-- 0 8.AVB! SPBCIAL OFFBR: Order THREE .... of all' print.a (ploa 8 Free murala) for onl7 $2. (You •n $1.80). Extra aeta mab Ideal sifta. I I I I I I ·--------------------· Imagine decorating your home or office with these breatbtaki~gly beautiful mastu- pieces. You'll understand why they are eo appealing once you aee the exquisite colon and craftsmanship employed by the artist. Order Now To Get Your FREE Mural Never before has there been such an amaz... ing art off er t We will send you all 4 Kitten print.a (plus your FREE Mural) for only $1 plus 10; poetage.. Offw Wiii Not Be Repeated This SeasM To take advantage of this special FREE OFFER, mail coupon today. Allow up to 4 weeb for delivery. This incredible offer will not be repeated this 9M80n in Fam- ily Weekly. 800TS lWlfQQ.£ FWffY .... ~ .. ii ... Clllr .. Grillml Plliltilp. lql r 11r Fiii c... ... ~acu111 ... 111111 Ftr ..... • Otllce. JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Since big sister baa outgrown her pony, little brother take.s over. Here be la getting hia ftrat lesson. Find his riding oiitftt--e pair of cowboy boota, cowboy hat, belt. and hia dog. Pim Owe To a three-letter word for a line of sweet com. add a ftrat letter and get a black bird that likes to feed OD it. (See A"81Ctr Bos) A Birthday Treat Riddle .. 11als What did the baby porcupine say when he backed into a C9Ctus in the deaertT (Su AUtew Boz) Arrange 18 toothpicks n n n D as in the illustration. Now rearrange them so they spell the principal treat at a birthday party. (See Amwer Boz) Y .. llame It ANSWIJI BOX (Su AMtDw 80%) : ln.JJ. .<spqµ'a v "lUetDOJ( :a••N·•·at>JB ,.4 VW8J( 'no.< l1"{1 11.. !"J'IJ. aw a1pPf11 ·w1wd P9ll0d : ll ~N no A ·e1p-19JO :aao ... ..,. ·•o.1:>-•011 :a.I() m1d ~ . .,.... ...... Br ~tttt Da.Wloto A bottle shape (Whatever'a WJ'Ong with old Kiq Koq T) . ........ From a four-letter word tor eomething that people do when they think they•re too tat, take away the lut letter and get a atampiq tool. (Su Aat0er Bos) H .... •llAml Bidden iD UU. MD- tence ii a word for a abort period of time: 'the Alamo, mentioned in ev- ery hiatory of Texas, ia a creat tourist attrac.. tion for all (Se8 AMtHr Bos) "I was worried sick about my husband's heart attack ... -until I read the fint issue of that monthly magazine, HBART-O-ORAM." Heart-O-Oram Illa a lon1-fdt need. lt ii • moelltfy mapzine for heal1 rUatta. ediled by doctofl l.Dd .muai an a lay- man'• w.,u.,e. PullUlhed moathly, Hcart-O-Oram con-tAI•• .. Do'• and 000'1'1" for heart patienca. tntftlll and rec:jpea, diet infor- mation, Qpa OD daily JiYina-work ....,.. -hobbia-.aivida-r..an ---Moria about odw heart palieab. Hean-O-Orwft llltmMc:a au the cumot and Important infonnadon about the heart -l'Mdieal and noo Nldical ia one euy-to-read mombly jountal. It caa tbonea tbe roed to recowry. It can preveac a recurTCDCe ol bean aroul!lle. Ill fact, M one ~ bean ..,ciclalill uys. "It can CDftedvabty aaw 200,000 liWI. yar." Wlw&t DoclDn .My Alot11 H~.,.,40,,_ "Serves a real need" ... "'Will help in the ft,tlt qalnst heart dkeate" ..... Should be recommended to "'ery patient" ... "A ftne proiect" ... "'Writtet1 in layman'• ..,...., is a real uxt" ... "F.ducadon needs comil&encle ... r----------------------------. I' I Heut-O-Oram. lnc. P.0. ... 4Jll f«1 Lslld1r.W.. ,,_... 1111r...., •• ol SS.00 f« .,_ .,_, loM oel1 •"-• ~•W bJ' Ulla ~· 0 M1 cti.t '°' U.00 ---0 P'-.. -. , .. ......._~~~~~~~~ • :°" ... .....__ I ' I .._.. .. _.,.,_ ...... : ................ I I L---------------------------~ How We Rescue Our Downed Airmen in Vietnam It ta kes teamwork and training to snatch a pilot from certain dea th or cap tu re- but mostl y i t ta kes courage By JACK RYAN PARA-RESCUEMAN Donald H. Goodlett, Jr., Dover, Fla., crouched in the door of his helicopter, ready to jump into the choppy seas off east- ern South Vietnam. Below bobbed two downed F-4 jet pilots, helplessly entangled in their parachutes. It was a tough asaign- ment for Goodlett, who'd already saved 10 U.S. airmen in the Vietnam war. Then the Air Force chopper's radfo crackled with a report from another hovering helicopt.er: "Tell your paraman sbarkB are headed to- ward him." In previous flights, Goodlett had seen sharks, aa many u 10 in one day. "They were on my mind, all right, when I jumped," he said later. Nevertheless, Goodlett cut the shrouds from one pilot ; both were lifted aboard the rescue craft, which then ftew 200 yards to the second lost airman. He appeared seriously entangled in his lines and drowning. Goodlett jumped immediately. It took anxious minutea to cut the airman f~. Choppers skimmed the waters, trying to scare off the ajghted sharks. Finally, Goodlett gave a sig- nal to be hoisted aboard with the pilot-aaf ely. Goodlett won an Airman's Medal for that rescue ("I didn't have time to look for aharka-and didn't want to see them, anyway."), one of thou- sands which have saved our flyers from certain capture or death after they crashed in Vietnamese wate1'8 or jungles. From 1964 through July 14, 1969, there have been 1,847 aavea made in hostile area&-340 this year alone. Another 845 airmen have been res- cued in noncombat areas of South- east Asia in 5~ yean. This cue ie not an unusual one of bravery and selflessness. An Anny helicopter, asairned to reacue an en- trapped patrol, wu shot down in a canopied jungle canyon; its four- man crew was severely injured. Holding on to a jungle-penetrator hoist, ,air Force Sergeants Michael Fish, Lake Oswego, Ore., and Nor- man Reeves, Anderson, Ind., crashed through a jungle canopy to reach the men. They gave first aid to three and saw them safely off in litters. But the Army pilot's leg was trapped in the wreckage of his helicopter. At they tried to chop him free, enemy gunners opened fire about 200 yards off. Hovering U.S. gunships tried t.o suppress the ftre. An enemy patrol moved within 160 yards, how- ever, before the gunships killed at least fou:r in a clearing and sent the VC for cover. The rescuemen cou Id not free the pilot, so Reeves, a firefighter, re- turned to a helicopter. Rescueman Fish remained through the eerie night with the sedated pilot and four members of the beleaguered patrol. Flare ships lighted the rescue area the entire night. But Fish recalls, ''We could hear the enemy moving about in a creek 30 yards away. At one time we heard close sounds and fired point-blank into the jungle." The next morning the sky was crowded with gunships, which en- gaged in a ft~rce fir efight with an enemy group trying to close in on the Americana. Two Army reacue- men with special equipment were lowered to help free the pilot; then an the embattled men were hoisted to safety. As they soared off, they could see enemy figures scurrying through the rescue area. As much organization as courage goea into the rescues. Reports of downed planes come from the dis- abled pilot or accompanying com- rades, who give approximate loca- tions. The messages are Teceived by a radio-ladened turboprop aircraft, circling certain regions on 12-hour duty periods. This flying command post nlays the distress call to a ground-rescue center which. in turn, a lerts the nearut heUcopter teams. The teams take off with an escort of jet tighten for overhead cover plus helicopter gull8hips and slow-moving antiquated prop planes-the latter for suppress- ing ground fire. Rescue personnel have been trained aa a highly coordinated team and are dedicated to the job of saving livea. For ex.ample, Airman lat Joel Talley, Farmland, Ind., jumped into a known Vietcong trap, baited with a badly wounded American flyer. Four pre- vious rescue attempta had failed. Talley hacked through jungle un- dergrowth, often being pinned down by enemy fire. He found the helpleea pilot, strapped him on a Jitter, u4 signaled for the hoist to be lift.t. The enemy zeroed in on the pair at this moment, and Talley grabbed the litter hoist, too. The small-arms fire became 80 intense that the heli- copter pilot was forced to move off at maximum speed with Talley and the pilot dangling below, Talley's boota brushing through the trees. Afterward, Talley remarked, "I didn't think about what was happen- ing-it's such a tremendous thing to help somebody." + Every shape and size that plain pld-fashioned fruit jars come in ... yet costs no more! -Wllllo'91J ........ -.. .... ,.,., , ....... ~ mede home canning the ,,n" thing to do. Now, 1•11 acore• •1•ln with ~..,.... Young W••tern homem• k•r• haw• learned theN'a nothing more rewarding than W'Ylng or giving aomethlng out of uu. Jan or 1••111 .•• aomethlng JOU can call rour ftl'J own. And .....,.._ aus mak• It look• good• It,_, .. , Charming ralaed ,.._ medallion. Handaome black-ort-901d w.a. Ida ••• the ,...,... ''Dome" Ida that ... themletne without paraffin. (Nice clun ....,.. .....a Rnlng. Bright -.. Ing lingl) TapeNd eldee, too ••• 80 JOU can uee them tor freezing, a well a canning. Trr It. Get.......,._ au.. at ,our Dealer'a. now! ._J . ~--------------------.------, I MLTa.PD•DMT I I c_.,......,_,, I All' UMmD l1Mf. CIWIMM......,. OP uu......... I •, .-,... .... D .............................. a •I I-' .._..._ .. _. • ...._...,....,_.. I. --I I I I -----------I UU..IB'T.IW·\P.O.IGX ......... ~... I -----------------~--~ I • ltU "4L 1•1'HU U •PHY. II~ • .................. iiiiliiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:=============----------------J J 1 I --~~-------------------~--------------· Soothed away by Chooz chewing gum antacid. Gas, heartburn. stom- ach upset due to acid indigestion all vanish. And fast. Added at- traction: Chooz ~um is just plain defic1ous. Pass the Chooz. please. Chooz. The only chewlna pm antacid. \ y; MEN-WOMEN -COUPLES MOTEL CAREERS AVAILABLE Wouki you like a new axc:lting cwear In the rowing motet lndustrv1 UniYeral Motet Sc:hooll an train you for • stimu- lating. well peying position • Mot91 A~lJ!!firt:i """"""' Alllstant Managiws. ct.rb, Ho..-k..,_. end Host--. Meet famous .. end lnt«estlng people; tnwt if you -.nt to; join in IOCW ec:tMtiel; liw In ~ 1UrTOUndlng1. A..,unent usually furnished. Aee no berrier -maturity an ~. Train at home In your 11>9re time followed bv two W!Mk1 reident traln- ing et eidler of our two motels -BLUE SEAS, MIAMI BEACH cw SAVOY, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. Keep pre11nt Job until r-.cty to Mitch through our exc:ettent local end nation.I tmployment ..utance. Don't Deley-Wrt. now fOf' cotnP•• details. No-obl ... tk>ft. I "problem" • • persp1rat1on .. solved .,., '" tt.SIHs ••• ''"'"'' •uYilJ All antiperspirant that really worka! Solves underarm proble~ for m&ny who bad dHpaired of efrective help. MUehum Antl-Penplrant k.eepe underanna abeolutely dry for tboueanda or grateful uan, with com.Plete gentleneN t-0 normal akin and clothing. Thia una.mual formula from a trust- worthy 66-year-<>ld labont.ory ia guaranteed to aatiary or dealer will refund ~urcb ... price. So get the pomtive .~ tection or Mitchum Antl-Pw- eplran&, Liquid or cream. $3.00, ~ eupply. Available at your r.. vont.ecl,.. cw toileuy count.er. .. llail Gn• f,... F•ily W11lly ''"-ali.. ., to ,_ ..-S fw dtllwery. Tht llh -"'-" ., ~ ~In.. lllt IUoM Md '°" -tlltebd ,. ..... abilitr ., r.111111 wm11. toe. If ,,,... MY ~lat! Mewl -11 ..-. jllM •I«: Silfotic. Oit!llrt-. F""llJ W.IJ, 641 U-Sl•11t11 A-. New Yet\, N.Y. 10022. rHOTO CREDITS eo.,.,, u. s. Aw forc:e. Poge 21 AIC1 Ocrytofto l"'9motional Speedway; lob ~ few MltWr lndudriea. Paoe 6r U'L Pogo 7: UPI; W"tdo Wotid. Poge 10: U. S. AW fofa... Now Ma•y Wear FALSE TEETH Witla Mon Co•fort To belp relleft d»com.tort •bee dentu:re. 1Up down and come lOOle. Juat -1Dkl• PAd'iDIH OD 70UZ pjallll& PABIUI& bolds 6wilW Armer toncw. You caa bta budw, ., ru&er. feel mon oomtonal)le. PA&i&&IH la alblllle-WOD'i eov. o.ntw. \bat at .,. -ua.1 to beaa&b. a.. JOV .. '*"' ~ . 0. PM'nm'l'll Mall dNs OIND.._ FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK a Cfieese Cake Oe1if(fit MELANIE DEPROFr Food F.dimr l ewel-lilu red .manuehiM oltM'f'iu a"4 dnnob6f"f'U• gliatn bnea.tll G erim.n gloH i" tliu dmctable CltM'f11-B wry ChuHCak • Tltree red.pa make tbia one c:leuert. Crut 11.ke a batter eookie may doable•• pe.try for piae _. lala..F°~ ,.il&lioal alae Cl'Wl. becomee a. pudding •ncl a. eilazy·buq uowa. adda glamoar to aay cle.ert. Cherry-Berry Cheese Cake Cookie-Style eru.t CGttap C1lM9e Pudding l. Prepare Crust and Pudding. %. Preas dough f OT crust evenly onto bottom and up sides of an 8-in. pan. slightly overlapping edge. 3. Bake in a 400°F. oven about 10 min. or until lfrhtly browned. Cool on a wire rack. Reduce oven temperature to S50°F . 4. Tum the Cottage Cheese Pudding mix- ture into the slightly cooled crust. R~ turn to oven and bake at 350°F. about 60 min. until set. Cool on nck; then top. Cherry-Berry Topping Mix 1 lh teaapoons sugar, 1 ~ teaspoons COl"Utarda in a saucepan. Stir 5 drop& red food coloring into Y.J cup water, and blend with the cornstarch mixture until 81Dootb. Add Y.J cup aa.ruch.hao cherry syrup. Stirring conatantly, bring to boil- ing and cook 2 min.; remove from heat. Blend in 1 teaapoon lem• juice and 2 teaspoons butter or ••rgarine. Set aside. Arrange halved, bulled, ripe strawberries (1 pt.) and •arucltlao chnrles with steas (about 16) over cooled tilling. Spoon the cooked cherry glaze over all. Chill slightly, if desired, before serving. 0.-C 8-1.Jt. clteu• cake Cookie-Style Crust ~ nap batter or aar1arine 1 teupooa nailla ertract ~ e11pnpr 1 e«I 1 % npe aiftecl replu all·P•l'POM lour L Crum the butter or margarine with the vanilla extract. Add aupr gradually, creaming until light and ftutry. 2. Beat in egr and a few grains of salt. 3. Add flour gradually, blending thor- oughly after each addition. 4. Use the dough to line an 8-in. pan aa for Cherry-Berry Cheese Cake. Note: If using a prepared padding ud · pie flll i1'g ah or a ready-to-eene eanMd pudding. prick the pastry before baking; bake at 400°F . about 20 min. Cool and ftll as deeired. Cover with Cberry- Berry Topping. OM 8-i•. crnt Cottage Cheese Pudding 2 cupa (1 lb.) ettaaed cott.e1e dattM 1 teaapoea nailla ertract 1 capn1ar 1 tablapooa lour % teupooa salt Ya t.eaapooa nutaeg 3 egp J teaspoon crated lemon peel I tablespoon le•on juice 1. Beat cheese and vanilla extract to- gether. 2. Blend sugar, ftour, salt, and nutmeg; add gradually to cheese, beating until thoroughly mixed. 3. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the lemon peel and juice. 4-. For Cherry-Berry Cheese Cake, turn into partially baked crust and follow the recipe. Note: If desired, tum mixture into an unlined baking dish and bake at S50°F. 45 to 50 min. or until set. Cool on wire rack before adding the CherTY-Berry Top-ping. (Mg 1 ~ -pt. P"tddiJSD ... J 7 §---·-· 4.-_, \ t i t BB a SWinger/ flBlltMJd of MBnstrual IJlstrfJss As an actrYe woman, )Ou pt around. Where your 1111 ~ you are too. Golf. Cototiouts. Pa111n. No time Lo slow d~. and you don't have to. Not ...,en beaus. of lunetioNI menstrual dis- tress. Howl With MIOOI... Bttausa MIOOL•con!alns: •An uclu,ive antl·spasmodlc th1t helps STOP CAAN"5 .. , • Medlcalfy.1pproved i~redienh th1t Rcucvt Ht:AOACHE. Low BACKACHC ... CALM JUMPY N ERVES ••• • Plus • mood briaht11ner ttl•t aets you throua11 the trrina i>r•menstru.I oeriod faellna e1lm and comfoltable. 81 a sw1n1er. ~day. With M1001... Cleans Jreasy, dirty engines by turning grease into soap which washe s away quickly ... leaves engines bright and clean. Re · duces fire hazard. for cars, trucks. tractors, outboard motors and pow- er mowers.. v_..,.... .• , ...... Why doft"I ~ do • Mr.. Oleeon, of Stodl· hotftl, does? She cvta end tr•-regul-ly IM llelr of ell her 5 children eo perf9Ctty, II« ne19t1- bout1 -ell ed1911r .. lon. Dog learly llches toDeatla BACKACHE Painful Joints You long to eue Iha. pain.. even temporarlly, 11nlll the cause la cleared up. Why not join million• of other uaers and try DeWitt'• Piiis? Famou• for over 60 years. DeWl11'1 Piiia contain an ana!Qesle lo reduce pain., and a mild diuretic to help eliminate retained fluids. thus flushing out bladder wast" Which can c:.use such pa.Ins. DeWitt'• Piiia often suc- ceed where others fall. II pain persists, alwaya consult your OOC1or, but first. try DeWitt' s Pills lu1t-•or~­Mlf how -lly, MIOOthly ~ evet1ly )'00 C\lt ue1~ Ind "'"' wlltl ,.,,." HAl~IPI NOW IN U9AI • lMf-. ere -11 -100000 eettlfled VMf'S 1n Swlden, die country of ort9 1n. Ind • wee ~ ol ~ tnlll'llOlllale. So ~ c.n't go ~. HAl~IP 11 die klng'a ._.., to • eoNl.tly 1l91ant Ind youd'l#lll COll'fur•. Tirf KAl"-<'U' FM:l ... OUA r1ekl If you -noc fully ut1 .. rt.d IUllt t'ltUm It Md lllY • 2 ...... ,_ .... 11eYe ~ P9MY INldl. '-' ,1" + a c .... EM-SALlS 9C)W.,2'A uu• ... •&J, NIW YOM M.Y.t•tt WMll I 81ve Mr Wife an Inch .... " .................... U we e•er do re..-J. I ua prom.Ue to my .poue That the bed.room de.ea rocl11 Raa Ille fall leqth of Ille home. -Hal Cluidwklc QUIPS AND QUOTES M~ t1ovel: OM that nuut be ob1cene fo be GPPJ'ICiated. -Rutli Cha.dtoick Little Edna wu taken to the seaabore tor the very drat time. When she arrived home, all bel' little friends gathered around her and uked bow ahe liked it. "Juat wonderful." the little girl said. ••And the beaches are nice and clean be.- cause they keep ft us bing them an the time." -V. D. Palat Golf u tcha.t oivu I/OU 1ometl&ino to do 1cl&ilt loli1111 l/O'ttr te*~. -Fn11•klin P. Jonts Nine Thinp H ..... •ds Shouldn't Say for Nine Months 1. What do you mean Agnes recommended a good obstetrician? I thought you weren't going to tell anybody yet. ' 2. What you need is a good hearty break- fast of bacon and ens. 3. No wonder you don't feel well. You can't get any nourishment out of dry soda crackers. 4. I don't see bow you can J>088ibly have gained 10 pounds already. According to the book, the baby is only eight inches long and doean't even weigh ball a pound yet. S. I can't see any sense spending money for a new dreas when you're only going to wear it for a couple of months. 6. Why don't you uk the doctor about those cramp.e in your lep. That'a what you have a doctor for, isn't it? 7. No wonder your feet swell. You don't get enough exerciae. a. l can't understand why your mother wanta to come all the way from Sanduaky when Mn. Shults next door aaid ahe'd be glad to help out if y(lu need anything. 9. Where'a your bag? Wh.o bas the car keys? Don't move! Who's excited? Not me! Call the baby ..• my wife ia having a doctor ! -SMZ4AM Dottgl.au All aomt /olb have -recu/11 /or a ?"GiKU da11 i8 a n.ewl11 woalud car. -Lucille J. Good11ear llom Too Soon Ja•a marvelou t.be way thU generatioa Adapea 11.aeH ao well to aalomation. I gaeN the only reuon I deplore it J. jwet lhal I wu never pwegraamed for it! -Jane He,..IJ You ~er realize MIC' much a perao7t.'8 vofoe can cltanoe wntil 11<>ur ·flJi.f t .topa 11tll- ing 4111ou and anawera the pkOM. / I I ~ r, -I ohft Shot well "Y 0tc're luckv I ma.dt it here •.. 1 ju1t ran out of gM." (Advutl.emeol) •• ...,"9-my snake-catching hubby .. I by losing 79 pounds. I declare, at 223 pounds, I was the hippiest girl in Jacksonville, Florida. Now if I had been a rattlesnake, my husband would have appreciated my si7.e. He catches them and he could have sold me to a reptile show for a pretty penny. But being bis wife, I know now that be really wished for me to lose back to where I was when he married me. Morris never insulted me in front of people, though.But at home, he'd kiddingly say: "You Rue I am at 223 pounds. And wearing a splashy plaid at that. I sme wanted to be noticed. Before and After Meuu1e11ie:nta Before After Height 5'5 ~" 5'5 ~-:4 " Weight 223 lbs. 144 lbs. Bust 46" 36" Waist 37" 27'' Hips 54" 40'' Dress 22 1~ 14 This is how I look at 144 pounds. And nobody's touched up this picture. You just ask my neighbors. By Wannette Davis-as told to Ruth L McCarthy all look like a short bale of cotton, Wannette." Unfortunately, I never took the hint, because, honest, .J really didn't think I looked as bad as I did. You see, I love to cook and I used to.Joad that table till it groaned. I'd take turnip roots and boil them with neck bones, then add corn bread to the pot liquor and come up with the most delicious dumplings you ever ta!5ted. As you can see, they mostly wound up on my .. hips, along with my sausage sandwiches and home-baked peach cobblers and pineapple upside-down cakes. It's no wonder I gained 50 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter. After she came, I tried to get those pounds off, but I couldn't budge them. Finally, I took some diet pills, but they made me so high- strung, Morris just threw them out the back door. Even my step-daughter, Pauline, who came to live with us, couldn't stand me and went back to her real mother. l tell you, I was such a size il[ound the hips, ., nothing fit. And since I had a job, it made it hard dressing. I remember, at work one day, I just broke right out of my skirt. So I called up Morris and told him to buy me a new one right away. Well, he got a big one, but it still bunched up over the humps. I just went into the ladies' room and cried. But I wouldn't let him change it. I worked in it the rest of the day and it hung in my closet till I gave it away. Finally, my boss lady suggested I try the Ayds Plan. I said: "Will you go along with me?" And she and some of the girls said they would. So I went to the drugstore and bought a box of the plain chocolate fudge-type Ayds. (I noticed they had a chocolate mint fuclie and a chewy vanilla caramel kind, too.) Well, anyway, I started taking two Ayda before meals like the directions say. With a hot drink. Coffee for me. And the Ayds Plan really helped me to cut back my appetite,. Like for breakfast, I began having half a grapefruit, a scrambled egg and bread with a little butter, whereas before I'd have about five canned biscuits, sour cream with maple syrup, sausage, eggs and anything else I wanted. Yes, the Ayds Plan really made a dif- ference in how I ate. The girls and I, we used to get weighed three times a week at the drugstore. I was so big at first, I had to start with the 200.pound scale weight. But I tell you, the day I lost enough to start with the 100.pound weight ... was the greatest. The girls all wanted to cele- brate with chocolate cake. But I was so happy, all I wanted was black coffee. I wasn't nervous reducing with Ayds, either. You see, they don't contain any harm- ful drugs. Why, my stepdaughter even came back to us and started on the Ayds Plan her- self. And by the time I'd lost 79 pounds, she'd lost 33. Morris sure is proud of us today. Prouder'n if he had caught a six-foot rattler. We've even got a little pact between us. From now on, I'm going to keep Ayds around, so he can be~ to get his arm around me. ... I I 1 I I I I I I 1 • I i I i t' . NOii fOR 110 • WOllM SACROTONE t1ID ~MACH BULGE .u.uaTMI ...... p ...,. Tlelfn.Y What mwn doan't. undetectable Sacrotone CUSTOfll.CUT PflOll QUALITY doal Acta lib a whole et of new yoona "m111-E.MTICIZID llATIJUAL clea .. to she you that atb&edc, youthful ~ol Plrm, Jet marmousJy 10ft. So comfortable, you you U9ed to ha.e. ~ch bec:oma ftatteT, waat-can wear for tennis, aolf. bowling-women wear line~· lab diappean. You loot up to 5 while doina houlcwor'ltl Carefully made f.rom ape> pound& dliDDa inltamfJ, and feel ao much better. ciaJ efuciciz:ed s-t-r~t~h fabrk, cut to your Alf 1!ND AT LAST TO NAGGING UCKACHR•. euct ~swements; no biadlq c:rotcb,. rein-. . forced ••th Baible a.11 hoot and back. 111-zaa SdeldkaJly ~. medicallY ~ Secro-stitched for addi1ionaJ mpport. kmg weu. No toae liftl you the tind of firm. but aentJc lumbar, rollina. no wrinkling no ridi1-g up' lllCl"Olliac: and pott-openti'fe herala aapport most • · of os need 10 badly. No wondeT Secroc.0oe ii rec-MONO' llACK IN 10 DAYS W YOU'lt! NOT Dt- oau,nended by so many docton. 1be design, the LIGHTED-U you don't loolt better, fttl better, it ftltible ltays lhal bend with you. the choice of you are oot comDletety free of back ~ if at material are all J191t of the immedi.ltc freedom. least one penon has oot said to you: 'you look from..9ain, the good feeling Sacrotone gjyes you. so much Yo11Q1Cf-wba1 have you done'l"-)'OVT fuU PQTchaae prke wDI be refunded -no qua- •/,. _,. _ wlNr~ ~ npfHWt II~. lions asked. WOMIN-loelt iWeeer NI W.tl MIN-loelt .,,._,:thou~! "MAGIC Lin" Posture Brace & Bast Lift (tlftdet.ct.W. -* clottli119) ~ ... City ·---Stela1 ____ z1p_ L--PUAM TA.Ka .Ul"1W' FJTt TIOtm.T -- Million-Dollar By A. R. ROALMAN H ERE AU BNGINDIUNG and design ideas some experts suapect could be worth millions-if produced and marketed properly. What's unusual about the ideas is that they are free to anyone who might want to utilize them. The ideaa come from students at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Jay Ooblin, director of llT's Institute of Design, tells them: 44Don't bother patenting your ideas. You're here to learn design of new prodncts--that's all." So each year 40 to 60 imaginative products are exhibited al IlT, then put in storage (though some large companies have adapted their features and paid the students). There's a baby crib that ex- pands for lifetime uee; a plastic card that could replace our money system; and a lock that can be opened only by the owner's signature . Pictured here are eome other unique designs-free to market and to make milliona for the wise entrepreneur. • Ma.11-mercJuutdiucl. uua bor- rO'wed for p-OUri"fl Cottgh BJlntP for aquirmera -juat peel back top of meruured spoonf11l.. •Only your aignature. writteti by the tip of the finger, m011ing center button, ca" O'pen tli is almost foolproof loc-k. Power chair steered with • tiller Nu aelf-energiznig rear-wl1eel hand brake and occupies 15 aqua.re feet. ~ Combin,ed fork an.d ~on beccmies "foon,'' or "spork." It ac-oops and 1Ptars food; the other cuu, puJJh>U. and spread.,. .r deas- y ours for Free Phcnu ~ tmip1 of/ j&tal . charge from piutic card. Cen- tral reeot"da it a.nd give.a OIOftff eot&fi,denti.o.J 1'1mtber for f Mrth'8r UH. Otha-baui11U1 1na-u be tranaactid in. flu a«inie ""''II· ~Watch gi11u fWeci.H f'Od.io..aignal tim• b11 tHarer railtittg l&ia a.rm to hu ' ear. receifli"fl at.a.lion'• tiMe aignaJ. Coit., a.bONI II. It ttH>Hld al.ao be MH- ftd for civil-tk/eue e11t.ergmteie11. <1111 Efltire book 1'1411 be vriflted '* thiff plutic rolU Oft. tmit. I right), thm i1t- 1erted i• tu readi"fl Pit f l6f t ). Roll move..! at delired IPUd. Book ahippmg co.ta wi>tdd be r~ed. <1111 S'1tt41J. trailer "*lulbr k#" u t.ofOed b11 a ct1r, th.a ,,.. ... u.to • «a- ixitor or a:pa.rt1fMntt. W It.ult .,., r.., moved at dutiMti.ott. 10kre fH"HMl elferla alread11 are 1tor"ff4. R~ fN.eftded. for 11tf«Uftf4 -4 Migrat.. 17 AMAZING SAMPLE 01 FER from the famous Golden Ware people! GENUINE 24-KARAT -..CTRO PLATllD GOLD FUfWARE YOUR RRST 5-PIECE PLACE SETTING BELOW COST! IMAGINE I ONLY.,~ (only one .ample otter,,., cuatomerl) FOR ALL I PIECH , ...... ~, CMo.e"01.--..A1>11DI ... " IMtaa ...,... ............ ..,of .. ,....,.. ......... I T IS TO 1"T'llOOUC8 100 to the beauty, the splendor of u - quili.te Go.Iden Ware in 4 excidna new peucrm that we make 1his pract.ically ,;ve-away o&r. Your dm 24-Kanit Gold ~ S-piecc place 9ettiftt uebelicv...,. pciced be.low our COM! Frankly, it ii our hope that lib many otlacr dilcriminalin1 cm&omcra, You will fall in k>Ye ..-lib OcMd llalware IOd llAlt buildina a compJecc ect at cont.inWll1 low dircc:t~r prices. We'R pmblina a fOIUIDc oa dw hopcl Open stock ii alw-.ys availab&c, plus many apecia1 sale o1fen. You allo recei~ free '"rep! 6~-brochures cram- med full of fucinatin1 11>lden sifis not available anywhere in MOrcs in Your areal Eaq crodit IUIDl,a low• SIO down. ~ GUALm -•MM19 •ffM OUAAMfT'D Your beautiful 11>Jdware ii lint sculptuRd in lilctime bca'fY· duty ll&inlaa lleol., then heavily clccuoplalOd not with or· dinary 22 or 23 karat 11>ld, but with eolid 24-Karat Gold (which ii •solid u Gold can pn!). Fineicwelry finiab ii fully cuarameect for S yeara. It ha been iptdally lroated to never wnish, never need polilb.ina. The o.n,inal bril.Uant shine reuum with just a damp doth! OffH MY ttOT .. ....aATm •TIMI flt*ICATIOM Uo.denta.rubbly, only a limiled ou.m~r of below-colt pl11CD ICttino have been let aside for this special sample olfcr (J>leue-only one offer per family!). To avoid diaappo.ilu- mcnt. mail coupoo below today! GOLDEN WARE -Dept. c-1. 2421 o,... ,._.,......., N. v. 11110 ,-- -- --f llAIL NO-fUSK COUPON TODAY-MOWEY.aACK GUAIWfTH I-- --, I GOU>EN WAM. Dept. c-1, tat Gt.-Aw ..... lake, N. Y. 11110 I I n. ..a.cna ' ""* ts I ,,_, N-I I (sq~ I) ,..._ I I ICJadly ,... .., S1*oe ...... liMtL I eloctrop&aud Gold .,a-•tJna 4t -IY I I $US. <""'1 -olw ,_ /-1/y,) "y Ckr -------------cbt<k cw ~ order • eadoee4. u I I I -oot ~, 11'11 _,. wm 11e I I ~..,....., s-. ,.,.,. ___ _ !.....------------WE PAY ALLPOSTMe ----------~J I I ~1 I • i t l ........... y .... e 4 ,_.. ,.._ .... TCM9111a. 2 PMll. 2 Gold e t .... Callw ._. TCM9111a. 3 "'*-3 Gokl e I lolld QIW Hllillld ...., T...-(~ 3 "'*. S 'Gotd ....... --a.... 3 "'*-s Gold •• Florlll ,... ... a.... 2 "'*-2 ..... ~ ...... 0 t11f C.. To.la~. 2 A9d, 2-. 2 ..... 12 Kmt ..... aa.. •• P'ioe NDNlfa n "* pa !! fib Btt 11 F l Ja. "pu Cot 59f Dei N.1 RI& sun and tell · invi YOUI inch able Dep· Sta., Mont new film 1 and c 8naPf Send of pa 821, 1 f'PO-DR.4Rlt PILE t. trJal.. PltETTY "11'-0lf -Tou..0. nMt woodgra.la j&Jid "lidu" Bolero Au ~'De Ao• ~· <Uld Uql '"'Mat. crocleU4 look t. tON~ !~l~z1r. Ma.tU of atroftg oriota aerrlic. lt'a "l.ig1't," ret fibreboard COMtnietiotia t0it1' "t.aku of!" tM el&iU. W1'ite, st¥rdr•~dfnitM.l6.95fll.wa btCJek, 1'i•k, Uglt blt1e . 11 poata.ge. Barda11, Dept. CcnMa iA mu 8-18. l_..50 FW-g, 17Q-.80 Ja.~ A"e., ppd. Ferry H<>tUe, Dqt. 8, LOYB 'If !JCMU JtmGS Gen- itle ;aM (~ of '°"' ""'1• i• 1.u<t o~ ftl~ gree 1ettit1g1. l .Y,H, a.djut. Stoeetluart (tofJ) l&4a ~ too, 84ff4(L), CknJer(R), U eae~. Write to World Ja.tU, Dept. 8--14FW, ~ Fint St., Nonoolk, CmMI. 08880. Ja.ma.ica., N.Y. llU!. Dobbs Ferrw, N .Y. 105!!. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE EAR-LOIS keep eye- glaues from slipping and sliding. Elastic t.aba fit ove.r the ends of ear pieces. No more "pushing-in-place,.. tab& fit all frames. Comfortable. For men. women and children. 59f a pair; two pairs for $1 ppd. Dorsay, Dept. FW-8, 200 West 67th St., New York. N.Y. 10019. CURL AND YA VE BAIR without permanent waving. Stir 2 spoonfuls of Rinsa Rama Protein Rime in gla.s& tt ofwater,oombthrough hair, ~ put up on curlers or pins. 11 Enough to make 2 galloM, $2.50 ppd. Fleetwood. Dept. R156, (27 W. Randolph. Chicago,,DJ. 60606. SUDDENLY you are taller and no one wiU be able t.o teU why. Simply slip these invisible height pads into your shoes and t-w-o whole inches are added instantly! Interchange- able. State shoe size. $1.98 per pair. Liftee, Dept. FW-8, P .O. Box 608 Church Street Sta., New York, N.Y. 10007. FREE SAMPLE, MontgomeeyWarda new 1?.6 color print film for lnstamatic and other cartridse snapshot cameras. • ~ ·. _. ... ~ / Send ?.6t for poet. with eelf--addreued elip of paper to Wardway Film Oftel', P .O. Box 821. Roeemount, Minn. 66068. UGRI' THE 'WAY for your organization to make proftta of $604406. Sell Cathedral Candles with velour .tlniah, stained gla88 "window•.'' poimettiu. For details, Abi- gail Martin, 1118 Washington Ave., Dept. 28E, St. Louis, llo. 63101. • ENJOY "Butterfly Palma" in youl' home this fall and win- t.er. Can grow up to 10 ft. Little care. S tropical pa.Ima in 1 pot, '8 ; 6 in 2 pot.a, $6; 9 in S, $7. Palm Nureeey Sales. Dept. FW-8, 56 W. IS5th St., New York, N.Y. 10019. LAST complete '64 silver set. Un- circulated Den- ver or Philadel- phia mint with scarce J'.F.K. sil- ver 1h dollars. $2.96; both eeta, $6.60. 10 aeta, $49.60; 20 eeta, $95. Add 25¢ post. each eet. 60 eeta, $226 ppd. Free catalog. Novel Nummnatica, Dept. FW-14, 31 2nd A~, New York, N.Y. 10008. READ TINY PRINT euily with half-frame magnifying gla88es. •'Look over" for nor- mal viewing. Men's or women's (specify) with silver thread; brown with eold. black or brown tortoiee. $6.96. loy Optical. Dept. 874, 84 Fifth Ave.. New York, N.Y. 10011. SELL SHOES and earn extra CLBh. Run a "shoe store" in your own home in your spare time. Starting outfit baa 276 varioua aty'lea for men and women in 4.-16 sises, AA-EEE widths. Wriu to Muon Shoe )(f g. Co., Dept. H-613, Chippewa Falla, Wis. 64729. WHA:nd Slvlpper itetiu arw NOT ad~. If~ 11lot1M are wot &"4il4ble at 1tore1, order frtmt. ""~ luted. Fa•tlr W~, AMf"ld ,,, lHI 19 WE HAYE YOUR SIZE 2 to 14. AAA.A to EEE ..., w me COtOa CAT~ lll111trttllla -of 111eat ,....... ......... . ..-. ............ ...... --' .... C9lt ...... tl4.• $1111 ,..,uo''· ... ............. .,... cMc* tr MA HIU.. BROTHERS OEPT. C23 241 ~It.. WtttNM. ...._ mM SALE R£0T~CEO •2 GENUINE JADE DOUBLE SWIRL LOVE RING c.tdl ·-AIM'• .-.J -....... 11.4 v AB.All'l' *'-" ...,.._ nl ... n&a. rallilnta. -In.a. ................. ow. ,._... •IU. -wlU..t 1Uff7. su.riu ,.._ ~ ........ .-.n. .., .. ----.... tlf11 Ml•I ~ Joie .,,u.p IA..._ 91• ,..aU...._nn~·~---. HAVAHMT, S7·T • ..., ..... .......... Y..tt1-" _ _._,~_...-11.e&. N ... 1~~~~~~~~~- OVERWEIGHT? ' i ~ ! l Hill HOlDER Dick • ...._ WILSON FORD llatiqu. Baell PITY THE POOR WOMAH driver. She has been the obit...ct of more corny jokes than we care to remember. Howtver, here are a few Cerni regarding the fairer sex that are foe-real. A quote from the Journal of Insurance Information: "As my .,u~ " backing ouL of the- 1ara1e," a mon reported to hll insurance company, "she bJt the 1arage door, ran over our son's bike, cltove acroes the lawn, tore up the rose. and then she lost control ol the car." Another 1ood one: A woman denJed vebemenUy that she bad beef1 in an accident or bad failed ~ pay a number ol parkin1 fines. lnve.etlpUoG proved fitt ri1lit. The guilty party bad been drlv· lng around with his license plates on upside down. His number WU--· Hera WU ...... How about this: ~t a re- cent traffic court appearance a man wboee wife bad been ~ mooed was overheard t o remark, "my wife la IUCb a rc.t- ten driver the polJce 1ave her a 1euon ticket." Speaking of eeaaons, now that lt'• a hot cme, here at Willon Ford Sales in .Huntlngton we have all the Hot Ones from Ford. And the best thing that bu ever· happened t. any car is the addlt1on o( air conditioning. Any new Food or Cortina purchased from our ltore here at las5 Beach Blvd. can be ordered with the finest factory Installed air conditlonlng made. That lncludel our truck, van and camper· Une. Jf you already have air cood.ltionln&.. in your present car then you know what a Joy It ls to have on these warm aun.mer days. But be a.are to check your cooUn1 system before tatinc off for the mountalna or desert. Like any fine ·pl«.-e ol machlnery, an air C$nd1Uoolng unit requires a cer- tain amount of up-keep. And uhJesa )'OU are a hlahly stilled technician. doo't attempt it younelf. That'• what out ex· pert.a are for. THE DAILY PILOT, TY WUK. AUGUST 21. 1111 DICK WILSON'S ------' WILSON FORD SALES ; FORD ; 18255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH L------, 1222221112 11 .. 1121 .. 11111111111211111111111121ia12111111221111112 MEET ~ First of the 70'1 at -lMO~r&c.. , ........ 1•••••••1111112121111a111111111111111111111111111111111111 BRAND NEW SAYE AT LEASJ 1• . $]200 THUNDERBIRDS BRAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG '2288 BRAND NEW 1969 CORTIN·A BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA '2788 '1888 BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 '2488 ,_ lie. LUXE SEDAN, '7A C.I. 0. 11 H.P. Mtlnl, fully tYfldlf'Onll· Id .. ...., !,...,,..ton, dllc breMI. rinyl llWUI -ta. fvllY ce1119fed, air· 1i.w wntlletlaft ,....... a. dlfroaler, In-..,. ,.. . ...., ....., .,..... ...., "'-· Plddld dllfl • ¥'-'t. .:ectrlc Wlndsflle:d BRAND NEW 1969 RANCH ERO '2288 EL DORADO CAMPER SPEClll s39as Brand tMw '69 F250 StyleMde & El Dorado 10'12 Mohawk Campw JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO .FRWY. ON BEACH ILYD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD · HUNTINGTON IEACM . 842-6611 SAUS HPf. t ...... 10, , ••• 7 hp SllY1CI OPIN '"•· tllrll hf,. I •·& t9 I P·•· Me!'I., ••••• ,. t , .•. 12:~ 1 :~ 2:( 4:( 7:( 9:< 8.~ ., ll:C 12~ l :f 5:1 .. .. r .. ,. ,. • -' r-- , . . - - • SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 12:30 tJ Qj Cl) AAU Track •nd Field Meet (C) 1:30 8 9 (j) NFL Action (C) "The Rookie." A revealing filmed ~rtrait of the trials and tribulations and islolation associated with every rookie breaking in with a pro football team. Gary Beban, Earl McCulloch and 0 . J. Simpson are featured. (R) B @Ci) Avco Golf Classic (C) The world's leading pros play their final round of the $150,000 Avco Classic, a 72·hole tour· nament. at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in Sutton, Mass. Thera Js.. no defending cbam.pioo_aUleasant VaUe.y_becausa this is the Inaugural Avco Classic. First prize is $30,000 . NBC Sportscasters Jim Simpson, Charlie Jones, Pat Hernon and Jay Randolph are stationed at the last four holes on the course to describe play. 2:00 8 R•ms Pnt-Senon Footn.11 (C) Los Angeles Rams vs. Kan· sas City Chiefs at the L.A. Coliseum. Gil Stratton and Don Paul provide commentary. 4:00 O UCLA Football (C) As one of the three 1968 games to be highlighted on consecutive Sunday afternoons, the 1968 ba&tle of the UCLA Bruins vs. Stanford Indians is replayed. 7:00 m I bm1L I Tokyo otympi.d (C) Jack Douglas narrates filmed highlight.s of the 18th Olympiad in Tokyo, Japan.• Featured are such athletes as the U.S. Bob Hayes, acclaimed as the world's fastest athlete in Tokyo; crewcut Billy Mills. winner of the 10.000 meter run; and Ann Packer, winner of the women's 800 meter run. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 8:30 O R•ms Highlights (C) Highlights of Saturday's pre-season game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Los Angeles Rams. 9:00 O Wrestling (C) Ernie (The Cat) Ladd returns to the all-star wrestling program tonight. Jules Strongbow and Mike LeBell are ringside. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 8:30 O Boxing (C) Rodolfo Gonzales (41-4) vs. Steve Freeman (27·3·2) in a lO·round lightweight bout. Dave Niehaus and Mickey Davies are ringside. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 11:00 AM B ~Ci) Major Leaeue Baseball (C) Teams to be an· nounced. 12:30 O (jJJ CI> U.S. Men's Amateur Golf (C) Final round of play from the Oakmont Country Club in Oakmont. Pa. Commen· taters are Chris Schenkel, Keith Jackson, Bud Palmef', Jim McKay, Byron Nelson. Leading the players are defending champion Bruce Fleisher, 20.year-old Miami, Fla. golfer, and Vinnie Giles, a lawyer from Lynchburg, Va., who finished a stroke behind Fleisher last year. The Oakmont Country Club course is 6,670 yards with a par of 71. 1:00 tJ Qt) Cl) U.S. Open Tennis Championship (C) The $125,000 tournament is telecast live from the West Side Tennis Club, Forest Hills, Long Island, New York. Bud Collins, Jack Kramer commentate. 3:30 tJ ® (j) NFL Pre-Season Football (C) Washington Redskins vs. Detroit Lions, live from Detroit. 5:00 0 An1els e .. eball (C) Californla Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles. O @ CI> Wide World of Sports (C) Jim McKay hosts. 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ........ . May be used on envelopes as return address labels. Also very hondy es identification labels for marking personal items such os books, recol'Cfs, photos, etc. t-aOef s stick o n gltfss and moy be used for marking home conned food items. All labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper ond packed in reusable magic seal top container. Mrs. CMstN Brown 969 Pott Road Cott. Mes.a, C.&f. 92626 r------------, I I I I I I I I I I Rll J11 +Illa cHpon, cflp end lft1i1 with $1 .00 to: Pilot ,ri11t&t.1-label Div., loa 1175, No..,.,t leech, Colif. t2HJ· -----····-···················---············-----······ .. .. ,,. to .... y .. , :z;, Co4• I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L ------------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE RB SET OF . PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. ,. ..... ............ . -' MORE aovs & GtRLS NEEDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIALS Thia h tfie l•tHt worcl frolft the "'•lor •9ents •nd produc:e" 111 Holfywood. Televiaion comm•rciala •r• blCJ bu1Jn•u. It la • buainen th•t •mploy1 a l•rqe number of children and paya them l1r9e HI· erlH. lut whet• clld these kids cOl'l\e fl'Ora, and how did th•y t•t "-•r• 7 w.11. would you btli•ve th•y're founcl In such fer out plecH H Fullerton, Sant• Ana, or tft• outer r•qiona of lon9 •••ch or Pomon• 7 Som• of thHe youn9· atert' may ~:ve ri9ht next door! lut who finds th"• taluted boys •nd· 9irls to fill tfie production naads 7 The studios end •t•nh don't have time, to •s • result, there Is • large demand, end to flit tfiis d•m•ncl. • Public Rel•· tlons Colflptny ullad TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. has turned Us enerflH encl reiourcH to fill. Jn9 tt.ia need. T AKP I PODUC. ~IONS makH profeuional contach '" Hollywood for n•wcomer1c. SINDY ENNEN Local school girl's eemings reach $10,000 in TV ocm- merci.als .a few months after b e i n g signed by Talre I ftoductiorw. If YOU ARE IETWEEN THE AGES OF l AND 19, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER· CIALS AND T.V. Cell 547-6251 N•w Tab 1 Pn»ductlon1, Inc. ORANGE CO. OFFICE The National Broadcasting Company will contribute a total ofJl,500,000 in sup- port of ucational television stations and to the Corpora- tion for Public Broadcasting. The grants to educational television stations will be al- located in the five cities where NBC owns television stations. Two initial grants were made simultaneously with announcement of the plan: $500,000 to the Cor- poration for Public Broad- casting and $300,000 to KCET, Channel 28, in Los Angeles, Calif. "NBC's contributions of $1.500.000 to the Corpora- tion for Public Broadcasting and to educational television stations in the communities in which NBC itself owns stations is a further demon- stration of our continued support of educational broad· casting," Julian Goodman, NBC President. said. "We hope the NBC contributions will also serve to generate additional community finan· cial support for the educa- tional stations. NBC's con- tributions will be made to- wards the costs of capital construction and improve- ment for these educational stations, a course which both we and the stations have found to be the most prac· tical. '' • • • Dr. Joyce Brothers was se- lected as one of the 10 most admired American women In a survey of college students made recently for "Moni- tor's" College Poll broadcast on the NBC Radio Network. The survey, conducted by the Greenwich College Re- search Center on over 100 campuses throughout the country, disclosed that the noted psychologist was the only showbusiness personal- ity to be included among the top 10 women. The most admired women included Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr., Mrs. Ethel Kennedy, Mrs. Rose Kennedy, Dr. Mar· garet Mead, Mrs. Aristotle Onassis, Mrs. Richard Nixon, Mrs. Dwight 0 . Eisenhower, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and '------------Mrs. Hubert H. Humphrey. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. AUGUST 23, 1969 '11 NocM cit Estreeo (2 hr) SATURDAY 1:30,, 9 (j) ~ llrte Sons (C) (30) • @ (]) m The lllolt and Mn. Muir (C) (30) "Strictly Relativt." AUGUST 23 Carolyn's in.laws urae her to many the mysterious Captain Gregg. CR) fJ CHl Cl)&) Llwrtnct Well! (C) (60) lhe Champaane Music Makers start off with "Alexander's R11-EVENING 6 00 tJ II time Band" on tonight's show. {R) : I News (C) (60) Clete Rob· m I sdcijC i Tiie Maklna of a. •0rts·..,. m .:.. President 1964-llJ (C) (90) Writ- • ltil l.!J UJ Huntley • lrlnkley ten by Theodore White and Pf'O- Saturdq Report (C) (30) duced by Mel Stuart. this docu. 1J Ont Step lhJond (30) ~• p tJ loas City (C) (60) Sam Riddle mentary traces the 19V't reslden. hoata. tlal campaign. n. TM I!) luck Owens (C) (30) ., lnvadefs (C) (60) 9:00119 Ci) Hocan'a Heroes (C) (30) 1:301 KNIC Newa C.nfertnce (C) <30> The enemy attempts to use Hor•n Melody Ranch (C) (60) George as an agent to persuade the Atiles Lin.dny auests. (R) to surrender, after forcing him to I ROMY Crier (C) (30) Plqlnc tile Cultar (30) (R) witness a demonstration of their Ahn feature (C) (30) "On the devastating "ultimate weapon." Ni- Edge of Eternity." ta Talbot guests. {R) ft\ E C ( 0 @ @ 8) NIC Saturday Mft. w Clrl From UNCL ( ) 60) It: (C) "TIM Wllole Wor1d Is Watd+ 7:00 tJ Qi Ci) CIS News (C) (30) In(' (drama) '69-Burl Ives, Jos. Roger Mudd. eph Campanella, James Farentlno, 8 KNIC Surwy (C) (30) Hal Holbrook. Steve Ihnat, Stephen Tiit Anniv1r11ry C1111t (C) (30) McNally, Rick Ely. ~Hr:.~~ h~~~iy Days {C) {30) I!) Bill Andtr1on (C) (30) "Price of the Oyster Pirates." His 9:25 0 World er $fMN1s (C) mastery over a waterfront bully 9:30 i) ~ (j) Petticoat Junctitn (C) starts young Jack London on a (30) Steve Elliott is declared out career of writing and adventure. of bounds in his own house when m I SflC•A I Keep A111trica Sing· It appears that his baby daughter in1 (C) (60) Dennis Day and Herb is allergic to him. (R) Shriner star, with special guest IJ Movie: "Wild Harvest'' {adven· Margaret Whiting, In a hometown ture) '47---Alan Ladd. Dorothy la- barbershop setting, The show fea· mour. tures top American barbershop 0 @ @ ·m JohnnJ Caah (C) (60) quartets, The Four Stal8$1Tien. Chet Atkins, Fannie Aagg, John Homer Garrett's Hollywood Square Hartford and Lulu guest. Daooers and the Up With Peop:e tJ News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. teens. I!) Kitty Wells (C) (30) II) Wonders of tlle World (C) C30) 10:001 Qt Ci) Mannix (C) (60) fJD NET Journ1I (C) (60) "The Bat· • PhilbTn'1 People (C) (90) tered Child." (R) News (C) (30) Ken Jones. 8' Do-Rt·MI (30) &nest Tubbl (C) (30) 8) Rat Patrol (C) (30) : NET Playtieuse (90) "The Lady 7:30 tJ ~ (j) Jecki• Clmon (C) (60) With the Dog." (R) The Kramdens and the Hortons @m Box cit Mnico (90) visit Germany on their 'round-the-10:301 Newa (C) (30) Bill Bonds. world travels and promptly triuer Jet '1ne (C) (2 hr) a nearly international Incident. (ft) S.ln&fn' eo.1 (C) (60) 0 ta@ m Ad11t-12 (C) (30) • Passport to Travel (C) (30) 1J Movie: "Never Say OM" (com· 11:00 0 fJ 8) Q) Ntn (C} edy) '39--Sob Hope, Andy Devine, 11:15 F1buleus 52: "Mlddlt of tM Martha Raye. Comedy about a hypo. ipf' (drama) '59-fredric Marth, chondriac who ls convalescina in a Kim Novak. Swiss sanitarium. fJ Satutdar Movlt: "Ridt, V• O @CIJQ) The D1tln1 la•e quero!" (adventure) '53 -Robert (!:) (30) Jim Lange hosts. Taylor, Ava Gardner. tJ Millien $ Movie: (C) "Dial 'M' 11:301 m Toni&ht Show (C) for Murdef" (mystery) '54--Ray Mil· Movie: "The Bia Clock" (mys· land, Grace Kelly. tery) '48 -Ray Milland. Maureen II) World of Women (C) (30) "In O'Sullivan. Old Dublin City." Elmear Cantwell O Movie: "Tiit Steel Juncte" (dra· takes viewers to Ireland. (R) ma) '56-Perry Lopez. 8' Los Caudillos (30) I!) The Empreu (C) 1:00 0 @@ 8) Cet Sfllart (C) (30) 11:'5 I!) Movie: "No Minor Vices" (com· "Leadside." A wheelchair· bound edy) '48-Dana Andrews, lllll Palm. master criminal vows to extinguish er. his chief nemesis, Maxwell Smart. 12:30 w Men In Crisis (R) 1:00 Movie: "Riff-Riff" (mystery) 0 @ @ &) The Newlywed Q1111 ' 7-Pat O'Brien. Walter Slezak. (9 (j~~cif ~Eubanks hosts. O Movie: (C) ''TllrM..PtnnJ Opera" m Beware of tllt Wind (muslcal) '65 -Sammy Davis Jr., (C) (30) ard·hitting world in· Curt Jurgens. dlctment of amog, this program was m All·Nlpt Show: "Lifeboat." photographed and produced by the "loser Takes All," and "Sam90n George Washln&ton University In and the Seven Miracles of the Washington, D.C. World." m Public Strvk• (C) (30) 1:15 R AdVtntures of the Staaprq (C) ED An Ennln1 of Au*allan Tele· 1:30 Movie: "'ne List lanclir' (ad- vt.Ion (2 hr) Excerpts of shows venture) '49-Willlam Elliott. Adrl· currently broadcast In· Austr1t11, an Booth. 0) ,., t." T'/ R) C) tl'S I· R) ... it· '0- tU· n· 0) tn " 1o tir Ii- •· ... S- o. !n t) ut tn er n· I · D) m .. h, I· rt ,, tn !· ,. ,_ t) •" .. n • :) •· i· YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e ArAITMlNTS & UNITS e CUSTOM HOMIS • KITCHIN or11n e TWO STOIY SrlCIALISTS Patios -Walks -Driveways "" LAry... • DeaJ.- 20 y..,.. llperieKe Call now -OPff w .. kday1 Set. & S.•. AH1t1. AMII. 1 ••• , ... .,, .. , ..... 14JI L c .. t H'-wey c .............. CARPITING Llcensecl -Reasonable Rates Use Remnants tor Extra Rooms and SA VE 50% ! -Free Estimates - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION J. J. KNICKIRIOCKIR 642-4210 or 673-6675 eves. (Town a: Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd., 962-3351 Block WaU &: Wood Fence Building -Add Attractiveness and Value to Your Home ! TermJtes, Rats, Roaches, Fleas & Ants Exterminated Custom Work -Reasonable (Licens• No. 3626) JOHNSTON, S4M116 w C•ll '46-0l21 anytime .. "An 'Ordinary' Special with John Barbour," is the title of an hour presentation on KTTV, Channel 11 , Saturday at 9 PM. Canadian comedian John Barbour is host to special guests Ketty Lester. Meredith MacRae, Rip Taylor and Jackie Gayle. A frequent guest on top variety shows. Bar- bour has also subbed as host for Merv Griffin. --..-.... ..,..- MIRRORED WARDaOll DOORS * Ornate Front Entry Doorr * Room Dividers * Shutters 1t Millworl< In:;tallatior CURTIS LARSON 673-1126 Plumbing Repair Drain Cleaning -Free Estimates - S,.IDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs.&: Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540.7217 LAWN SERVICE Mow -Edge< . Vacuume Clean-Up and Hauling Reasonable Rat~ RUSS J ONES LAWN S ERV. 545-2'43 VI TS I ONDI D PAINTING -10 Years In Area - Llcensed It Insured Reasonable Rates. Interior -Exterior Call '42-M27 anytime Jazz great Shelly Manne has been signed to compose and conduct the music for Jambo, the Ivan Tors' half. hour series which will have its premiere colorcast on September 6 on NBC. Manne, composer and con· ductor for the four-year-run of the Tors-MGM Daktari se- ries, has a brilliant record of versatility and success. He is notable as a jazz drum- mer, leader of his own group, composer for films and owner of one of this era's top jazz night clubs, Shelly's Manne-Hole where almost every major combo and band has played since it opened in Hollywood in 1960. Jambo will present per- so nalized animal stories, a CARPET & FURNITURI CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quallt. Wvrk ... CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642~ SPARK LI JANITORIAL Windows Our Speclalt)' CZYKOIKl'I Cu1tom Uphol1tery & Rer:lr European Craftsmansh o 100% flnancln~-Contlnuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Seledion of Fabrics 1131 Newport II., Cc.-ta Ml\a '42-1454 Roof Coating and Repair "Rock Roof Our Specialty'' Guaranteed Work -Free Estimates - 541-4nt different animal star each week, with Marshall Thomp· son as host·narrator and Judy the Chimp as hostess and sometimes animal inter· preter. • • • Jack lord. who stars in Hawaii Five-0 Wednesday on the CBS Television Network, has three woodcuts and two lithographs in the permanent collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He has sold some $40,000 worth of his paintings to pri· vate collectors in the main- land United States and Ha· wail in the past 18 mont hs. Lord majored in Fine Arts at New York University before he began his career as an actor. hi a: rr fl oi a1 Y' tt a: tc w F I P' S1 Now it begins ail over again • . . in just a few we*; the new season begins, and as usual the networks have 1et loose a barrage ot primed matter opUmistically singing the praises of tbeir new little gems. The series, as bailybooed by the network p~ agents. always faJI into the following categories. Adwnture series are "spin&- tingling." FamHy situatJon comedies a.re "heartwarming." ------· Drama is ''tense'' or ''socially-<XJDSCious'' and the musicai shows will set yoor toes a-tspping with ''the best of contemporary sound.'' It is interesting to note that this paean of praise received prior to the ~ ginning of this past season was as usual pretty inaccurate. Indeed such series as Phyllis Oilier, UgH~t Girl in Town, Blondie, Journey to the Unknown and Don Rickles weren't even around for the full season. The Outcasts. That's Life. The Outsider have had it. RICH The only standout was Julia and perhaps to that you could add Mod Squad. There's something a little sad about it all. I mean. tbe hopes of literally htmdreds and hlttldreds of hardworking people ride on the annual rash of series. Technicians as well as actors. A few stars, as in the case of Diahann Carroll as Julia, and the three kids OD Mod Squad this season find a certain degree ol fame and fortune. Tbose OD lhe 9CMO series, who bad equally bigb hopes, wind up wldl a steady pay c.beck for a wtllle • • • tbm often as not sink back into job-bundng and virtual obscurity. A number of actors have told me that had they pursued e more mundane oareer, Jike most other people, they'd be much further ahead. But Hollywood Is like Las Vegas. Only a bigger gamble. It mocks most, smiles on but few. * * * Come to think of it what makes a bit series, what is the prin- cipal ingredient? Now, you oan have a well-written, well-produced and well- acted show. You would think that is enough, but it isn't. T'here's one thing mcking. That's a chaMcter or characters you can CARE about. If you do not care about the ctiaraders, what they do and how ttiey feel . . . in short what happens to l!bem in the story . . . you will not be interested in the show. In dtls respect. 1let us consider Westerns. 1 tblmc you will .agree tbat there ls not too much dlfference ID tbe plots of many Westerns. Often the stories betweell hit Westerns anl those not very s~ could be lntercbanf'!d. A horse Is a bone Is a horse and a bad guy ls a bad guy. Tbe good guys always win out. But all ~ millions of people who wateb Bonanza each week are drawn IX> Ben Cartwright, UttJe Joe and Hoss. What h~ t.o 1tlem is the prime concern of all who watch llhe ~ow. ln other words the audience cares. The same may be said for Marshal Dlllon, Doc, Kitty and Festus on Gwismoke. This is equally true of situation comedy and detective series. You can laugh. and feel 90l'fY sometimes wtth and for Lucy. Tbe character movea you deeply. You cannot help but become greatly involved wtdl Pete, Julie and Unc on Mod Squad as you watch tbe boor uafaid. All the roles mentioned have two tlungs in common and d>ese t\VO things are in-depth characters and actors with charisma to portray them. A producer who comes across a series with written characters such as these in the scripts is fortunate indeed. He bas then only to cast die roles properly and the public will do the rest. TOKYO REMEMBERED "Tokyo Olympiad." baiJed by critics the world over as one of the finest motion pictures ever made, airs on KTIV. Channel 11 , Sunday at 1 PM. Produced by the Organizing Committee for the Games of the 18th Olympiad in Tokyo, Japan, it's 90 minutes of superb color film highlights of the Summer Games. The best footage of 164 photographers was culled from 70. hours of color film {half-million feet) by proven filmmaker Kon Ichikawa. "Tokyo Olympiad" has everything: victory, defeat. courage. d-!- ing, heartbreak, despair, and even a Shinto wedding ceremony 10 a language the principals did not understand. It stars real people .. , experieocfng real emotions : •. with ~o- uine laughs . . . heartwarming romance . unbehevable thrills. Director Ichikawa sums up "Tokyo Olympiad" with: "I tried to sciu the instant when a man defies bis own lim- its, to rediscover with surprise the marvel of the human when he fights against hirruelf in order to conquer." But, what Ichikawa princi- patJy did was to make the par- ticipants personal. He concentrates on an ath- lete's face as he screws up his courage and strength . . . catches the intense concentration, the sometimes mysterious rituals ath- letes perform as they prepare for an event . . . gets the nobility and determination of participants. Referred to as one of the greatest "word of mouth" films ever made, viewers will see a petite blonde-haired An:ierican swimmer begin to sob as she receives her gold medal-whil~ the Stars and Stripes are unfurled and the Star Spangled Banner ts played; slow motion camera work as a young woman's expression of ineffable peace comes into focus as she crosses the ftni!b line !ls the winn~r ~mething spectators at the Games could not pos.91bly have Wlt- nessed. The official flag of the Olympic Games-a white banner with five interlocking rings of blue, yellow, black, green and red at it.a center-plays an important role at any Olympiad-and especially so in the extremely impressive opening and closing rites. But, it's a little bit of Japanese expression that steals the show. Tokyo Olympiad is coming to a close. The trumpets are sound- ed, sky rockets ~d Roman. cao~les <:ut through the ~knesa.of the night, the Olympic Aame is eittmgu1shed. the Olympic ftag 1s low- ered and the finaJ anthem is sung by the choir. The band breaks into "Auld Lang Sync" as lights on the mam- moth score board etch into the blackness of the night this message: "SAYONARA." ,... 7 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 23, 1969' SUNDAY l:JO 0 Futu,. (C) "The American Is-tit Mano a Mano Ranclllfll music by the C Major Rhapl'ldy by lands." A photoaraphical and mutl· im Tiiis 11 the Life (C) Dohnariyl. cal visit to the American Islands 10:001 Today's Relipn (C) D Morie: "Alash" (adventure) from Maine to. Vlrainla and Aorida, A&Jicuttwe USA (C) '44-Dean Jager, Kent Taylor. Detroit and Wisconsin to tht Chan· @ (])la) Linus (C) I 'ublic Service (C) nel Islands off Southern California, • Movie· ~ stamped ,, CV S1or1ts of success (C) and Anael Island In San Fraocisco (adventur;) '4S-James Craig Jo!n • Quest for Adventure (C) AUGUST 24 Bay. ebtls wi.-· Ca (C) Leslie. , , . lnsialrt (C) All stations reserve the Movie· ~ <___. > IOral Roberti <C> l:oolmM"t ttie Preu <C> MORNING . · . ...,.,ery · 00 Faitll for today (C) • C:Urtit Chan rl'ht to change proeram· Wiiiiam Benchx, Gene Evans. (I) Tewn Hall M"tJna (C) . War Zone ming without advance no. ~~";:.W::-J:• (W Un Crtto en la Obtcuridad Revival Fires (C) tlce. fM Anaww (C) • Wlnp to AdvtBturt (C) I Cl) U.S. NaVJ Film (C) 9:00 Ca•tra TllrH (C) Aamenco 10-.30 II Mak, Music, Musk (C) A ' Pattern for llvin& (C) 1:15 m Tiit Cltrlstoplltn & rist Sabicas offers thrff num· modem music show featurin& The 1:30 fJ 9 (!) Nfl. Action (C) "Rook· 6:30 m The llblt Afthlt11 (C) bers, and flamenco dancer Maria Duquesne University Band, The Los ie." A portrait of the trials, trlbu· 6:55 fJ 81Ve Us Tiiis Day (C) Alba and the younr flamenco dance Angeles Colleae Combo and The lations, isolation and lonellne.ss 7:001 To11 and J•"J (C) trio, Los ouendes de Espana, per. New Directiont. . suffered by rookies when they try Scinday Funnln (C) form. (R) O@ @ m CuideJ111t (C) "Ten. to break In with a pro team. 7:301 Aq11•111 (C) II MJ rawwtt. S1rw1eo (C) Dr: In& It Like It Is, and How It Ought 0 ~ (i) m Avco Coif Qnlk (C) MorlMn Tabtmade Qolr (C) Henry Kuizenaa Community PreS: To Be." A series of discussions ii· Finals of the lnaur ural $150,000 • OavtJ an.d Qollatll (C) bytertan Churct{ of Beverty Hins, lustratlng the Catholic Church's Avco Classic, a 72-hole test of pf. Sactld Heart (C) ests. Interest in social involvement. To· in& skill for pros from the Pleasant 7:45 II) Tht QriatDp11en (C) 0., of DilcDnfy (C) dey's conve~tlon Is between Don Vallei_ Count~ Club in Sutton. Mass. 1:00 R 9 Ci)! lflc!A I SW.rs In u... Chllltna-Dunphy, ~x!ng a~nouncer, and D l1ZJ (I}(ii) laws and AntMra .V-tf1d (C) The c:hanrin& role of the Cospet Miiiie (C) Carmen Basiho, box1n1 champion. iC> Howard K. Smith intmiews Rev. Catholic nuns since the second iA. A. Allen I~~&> Kinr Kont (C) Billy Graham. Vatican Council, with emphasls on .....,,. l1ta1 .. 1 (C) or Today (C) Cl) Voice of Calnry (C) their departure from tradition, Is Toti and Jerry (C) Ci) Feature 2:00 1J RI• Pr•Sta10n FootbaD (C) the subjtct of this study. MVa Clta 11 :00 fJ Projtct Head Start (C) Children L.A. Rams vs. Kansas City Chiefs 8 m TM ClwlltoplMn (C) &Ad ud Jiu la a.. ZOil Ceft. ol Italy are featured. from the Los Angeles Coliseum. Gil buy I Thia la tt1e Lffe (C) Stratton calls the play-by-play, and 11 THE CATHEDRAL OF !Apiculbnl """'(C) Homebuyer'a Quld1 '(C) Don Paul provides color coverare. * TOMORROW-In Colort t-.30 Cotrvtrutio• WJtti a hJdlla· (lll @ G) lullwinllle (C) D Movie: '10rders To Kill" (dra-wfth Rex Humbard Maude (C) Movie: "Saraband" (drama) '49 ma) '59-Paul Massie, Lillian Gish. ·Aimee & m·-1-1 • -Aeffl a E~la for All Alts (C) "The -Stewart. Granier, Joan Greenwood. I Press Conference (C) ....w. •"' AIU-Vocation or Awocatlonr• I Clteirdl In ttle Home (C) Roller Derby (C) I Catlledral IJf TOtHmlW (C) U Mn: "Ho• ....,. Ona" . @ Flr$t Baptist Church (]) Sunday MatlnM 0., of Dllawtfy (C) fcframa) '44-franchot Tone, Vero, (I) Wratll111 (C) Cl) Sunday Sbow Wondtra .. (C) nlca Lake. • Compasa (C) • Ch~IMI el Roto A11tt1 Rerival tlour (C) I~ (I)IQl DldltJ Do-it,,.. (C) 11:30 fJ Tell It Lib It Wu (C) "Great · Ladies Day (C) CV Oney and Colliltl (C) 6 Oral R°'*11 (C) Black Women." Dallie pays dramatic 2:30 0 Movie: (C) "Winp of tbe 00 Cod Is the Aftswtr (C) Aqua .. • (C) and musical tribute to four unusual H~k'' (adventure) '53-Van Heflin, ---:J:--k::-:M-:-:-------------------------1 women from the pages of history. Juhe Adams. . , o~ ahoney .. as Tarzan, saves Jai, the elephant boy, from Sojourner Truth Bessie Smith Mary fJ Million $ Mme: 'The Blad! bemg ~rffshed m a .rtampede of elephants, in "Tart.an Goes Mcleod Bethu~e and Harriet Tub· ~Ion" (drama) '57 -Rieh•nf to India on The CBS Friday Night Movie at 9 PM. man. Dennin&. Mara Corday. Gia Scala guest stars as Angel, and Paul Henreid guest stars as Inspector IJ_erman in "The Artist Is for Framing," action-ad~enture_ which finds an innocent man being linked to a series of 1ewel robberies, in ABC's It Takes a Thief, Thurs- day at 10 PM. Actor Fess Parker is contrasted with a picture of the real f?avy c;;ockett, the m~~ h~ became. fa"!ous for portraying in the Da.vy Crock ett mlogy. This history-making three- part .rliow 1s rebroadcast on Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color. NBC. Sunday evenings of Aug. 24. 31 and Sept. 7 at 7:30 PM. B Miiestones of Man (C) • Holiday (C) (lll CI) GJ Dilcovety (C) "Stock· American Problems (C) holm -The Town Between the 3:00 • Youtll and the Pollet (C) Bridges." Legend has it that In Outer Li•itl l 250 A.O. a man named Birger Jarl Sam•n (C) built a castle fortress on one of 00 Feature fllm 12 Islands In Sweden connected by • Holiday (C) 42 brldres. These islands eventually · Scope (C) became Stockholm, one of the most 3:30 0 On Ca111pus (C) "The Mad Mo· picturesque and busiest capitals of iiilt)' -An Expose." Dr. Vemard the ¥H>rld. (R) Bier, Professor of Religion at La fJ Morie: ''Opefltion Pacific" (ad· Verne College, contends that MAD venture) '51-John Wayne, Patricia Magazine teaches moral lessons Neal. that are "unsurpassed in their ef· m Accent on Action (C) feetiveness." I ta:!:r~ ttle Colonel Udlts Day (C) 3:55 World of Sports (C) 12:001 Fact ttle Nation (C) 4:00 Coollin& With David Wlff (C) Read Rlgtlt! (C) UCLA Football (C) A 90·minute Movie: (C) "Untamed Fr0tttitr" replay of the Bruins' 1968 battle (western) '52-Joseph Cotten, Shel· with the Stanford 'Indians_ I Winters. 0 cm CV m Summer Focus 1969 Essentially Sex (C) (C) "To Be Black." An in$lght in· ~ T1lis fl tlte Lift (C) to the secret inner conscience of Feature Fnm the Nerro in predominantly white Ft1tvre United States. A team of black • Cin.. en Sci Casa psychiatrists points out that some • Profiles of Proaress (C) psychological problems persist even Araied Forca Hl&flllatrtl (C) when conditions of equal oprx>r· 12:30 fJ Qt (i) WI Tracl 1nd FWd tunity are provided. Mttt (Cf An International track I M1n F. rom UNCLE (C) meet at Oslo, Norway. McH•le'a NaVJ D Claartct.ra in ttle Arts <C) "The Vida de Cfllto Innocent Lover." In this first of Enalan O'Toole /\fTFRNOO'; four pro&rams dealing with the 4:301 N..,.aktB (C) character of the Lover, Dr. stem • NIWI (C) introducu !he Innocent LOYer as Tiie Munsttrs exemplified in drama by Shake· (i) Felturt (C) speare's Romeo and Juliet, and In : Mlsterottn' Ntigtlbot'Mocl ~ , by ure) >Ok· lbu- 1ea try (C) 000 !Olf· 11nt ISi. "" ~ev. (C) lefs Gil and re. :lra- ish. .... llin, .ad! 1ard ~0· ard La tAD ons ef· C) ute tt1t alt In· of lit• tcil mt ten IC)(· s•~:7:: m C..pmh ... """ (C) lliwie: (C),...... .... (comedy) '6.l-Jamea Dar- ren, Cindy Carol. • ..,,, (C} .... ''"'"' (C) ......... <C) (I) ..... Arts 1'ulrt ce.i tf ant (i) I DJ-. tf JMgle (C) .r.. .. ,., ,.., Life (C) S:JO Qt Cl) a..ti.r ..._ (C) -..up (C} Bill Leyden. Dr ........ Adwe•t.i• (C) Cldpt (C) ,..,_,s lsl111d me.ca ... " Ci) Meet Ille'*-(C} : l1i1l C... tlle stm (C) IV[Nl~<. 5.'00 R .. Cl)~ 21st Cet1t11rJ (C) (30) 'Eye tn the Sky." A survey of the vast areas of new knowledp that satellite technoloo makes available to us. (R) I 1r1 Acadl9it CCl (30) r.1u ,.,.. (C} <60> Let Me Talk Te • . . (C) (60) Keith Welker hosts. Ol i IPlc!AC I Tllil Nation larHI (C) {60) Bill Burrud hosts a film in· vestiaatinc the multlple·clty that is IS11el, before, durlna and after the Six Day War. (R) I Willia• Tell (30) Werlcl T-.now '(C) (30) ~nc Mtlliul Artistt (30) Pl· anlst Barbara Nlssman pefforms "Elfht Plano Pieces. Op. 76," by Johannes Brahms. I Maa fre11 UNCLE (C} (60) ':30 111"9 5'efy (C) (30) 9 Ci) m frank McCM Sun· i tepiif (C) (30) lllllOt (C) (30) ......... 22 (60) Tiie Frend! Clltf (30) Julia Dllld praparu piperade for lunch. a Ci)-., cc> c3o> 7:00 fJ ~CJ) l.alil (C) (30) In an all-an1mil episode, lassie faces a difficult challenae in her attempts to rescue a flylnc squirrel that finds Itself trapped and at the mercr._ of a vicious ~te. (R) 0 Q3@ m Hid Flan (C) (30) ''The Terrible· Tempered Khaleef." Huck and Tom must re$Cue Becky from a •a monster. (R) I ..... " (60) (]) m Lind of die Giants m) "R~." Steve and Dan descend a caved-In well shaft to help two trapped 1iant children. (R) I Wurs Mr Linet (C) (30) I IHc!A( Tokyo OIJ•iN-d (C) ( ) Jack Dou&fas narrates filmed hiahlichts of the 18th Olympiad in Tokyo, Japan. featured are such athletes as the U.S. Bob Hayes; crewcut Biiiy Miiis. winner of the 10,000 meter run; and Ann Packer, winner of the Women's 800 meter run. m Paa,ert .. Tr.wel (C) (30) "Middle of the Land." A visit to the cradle of history-Thebes, LuxM, Cairo, Beirut, the GrHk Islands, the alofy of Rome and the storied land of the Bible. (R) Em SpecwatiH (60) ''The Alco· hollc Generation." Dr. Kefltl Bef. wick and suests dltcuu the prob· lem of 10CJ.I drinklnr and MW " dies to a eure. (R) c.-.. J Cwtn• (30) 1:30 a Ci)...... .. <C> <30> Ben becomes the tariet lor u - ploitation b1 a ctmfval owner efter the bear wins a $100 match u a sldethow wrestler. (R) l)~D~ '~ 1:!.:'Al?. er." The flr1t episode of the fam- ous "Crocbtt" trilo1Y that cata· pulted Fess Parktf to f11M. Davy Crockett and Georst-RUSllll (Bud· dy Ebsen) help put down the Indian CfHk uprisint or 1813. (R) B HfC llewle: (C) "'ft Catdt I ftiitr (comedy-mystery) ·s~ry Grant, Grace Kelly. m Claalletlclq Ste (C) (30) "A Trttoa of the Sea." Three ot the sea's most curious animals, the elrht-armed oetopus, the male tea hortt and a ala nt •a tu rtte are f•tured. (R) 1111 Pids• (30) lei C.lldlllet (30) 1:00 Qt Ci) fd SuHlwa1 (C) (60) Stars and cut members,. who •P· peared In three of Bro1dway's blc· 1est hlb-"Flddler on the Roof," "Cabarer' ind "Zorba"-perfonn In musle1I numbers. The Fifth Dimen· slon, Myron Cohen, Glenn Yarbrouah. Michele Lee and Dickie Hender10n ~ ere also featured. Herxhel Bemar· di. Anita Gillette and Martin Ross and Harry Goz perlonn in elabofate Rod McKuen-singer, ruording artist, compostr, concert production numbers from the staae performer and btst-stlling p<Nt-sings stvtral of his own shows, all produced by Harold songs when he is a aunt on tht Kraft Music Hall from Prince. (R) 0 B ROLLER GAMES.LIVE! (C) __ H_a_wa_i_i _co_1_or_c_as_1_o_n_N_B_c_, _w_e_d_nt_s_d_ay_a1_9 _P_M_. ____ _ * ~B.!,~~.!! (g~~~v.Blrds 8Jth1 :!'~ s.t (C) (30) 10:30 = =';> (C) (30) vs. Detroit Devils. w..-.. y..-. .. (30) §., .... , C) 0 (ff) (I)&J AIC Sllndlf Movie: .. ,. ._,. --n ( (30) "Is Paris larnln(?'' (spectacular) 9:00 fJ 19 CJ) .._.Haw (C} (60) Guesta 10:.45 ~ ..... (C) '66--Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles are fhe lfa1ers. Merle Hauard and 11:00 News (C) Boyer, Leslie Caron, Jean-Pierre Cai-Bonnie Owens. ef y....,... (C) set, Georae Ctiakiris, Alain Delon. a@ (6) m lounu (C) (60) 9 (f) ...... (C) Kirk Dou&fu, Glenn Ford, Gert ''Emlty."A Jilted wife accuses lltt11 Wid'Tdwentutt (C) "Journey In· frobe, Yves Montand. The film d•· Joe of attemptinc to rob 1 bank to Yesterdlf." Biii Burrud takes tails many heroic stories of the shipment to finance 1 trip with her viewer Into unexplored Mllko, French Resistance, and that mo-to South America. Beth Brld!tll and where until a few years 110. Indians ment In history when Paris es· Ron Hayes cuest (R) worshipped the God of Flrt with ~ed Hitle(s death sentence. (R) 0 MllllH $ Movie: (C) "Tiie human sacrifices. (R) W W1ncltftuat (C) (30) "Tahiti's EA•., ...,. (1dventure) '57 -0 Mowte: (C) "T1le Due"-ti Lure." Bill Burrud explores the Robert Mitchum, Curt Jurcens. ldallo" (romance) ·~th..-Wll· South Sas lsl1nd by bicyde, horse-1 He•lltud/,.._ (C) llama, Van Johnson. back and canoe. (R) PtW I•• (30) 11:30 II Mewie: "Dr. Jel)tl ud Mr. fl) Tiie F1ttMf fa•llJ (30) Deel..-Herdel (30) Hyde" (classlc) '41--5pencer Trtcy, EJl) Sotlncls of Su••tt (C) (90) 9:301 MJ Metlllr, die Car (C} (30) lncrld Beraman. "Aspen Music Festival: Oscar Ghl· Mr. l Mrs. No'* (30) ... THE LOHMAN •-BARKLEY 1lia, Classical Guitarist." Steve Al· . NatJonal r .. 1111 f.-IMpood .._ • · len hosts at the twentieth season i) * SHOW-New Seaton of the Aspen Music Fmlval ft1· c.. .. ntar1o1 r ~ Premi•es TONIGHTI turina Oscar Ghi1tla. Additional en-( ) ! l.ollu1 and ._.., (C) tertainment includes chamber en· 10:00 a 9 (I) ...... : ......... (C) Willia• f. ....., ... (C) sembles:, operas and symphony 0<· {60) Cinnamon and Rollln becomo uestlna is the heir to Aust:Nn chestras. cabaret performers In 1 plot tD throne, Otto von Hapsburc. who 1:30 0 9 @ m Tiie Motllers-ln·Llw make deran1ed Emit Skarbeck (Fritr has renounced his claim to the tlttt (C) (30) "Make Room fM Baby." Wea'ilf) fall In love with annamon, or Emperor. Eve and Kaye plan to have a room part of an IMF plan tD remove him I Ctiiller added to Jerry and Suz.ie's apart-from COfltentlon for 1 Yitai police Tiie ~ (C) ment. but the plan baekfires and post. (Rescheduled) (R) Ci) ••&tit the couple is literally frozen out II 9 (I} ID MJ f._, y_, (C} 11:.45 er..... Sundlr: "Please, Mr. of their home. (R) ~)-nnie Shortest C.OUrtllllp." Tony Balz1c." m I IHcW: I Tiie Maklq of ... NoY'lllo becomes an unwllll111 bride-U:OO B hbllc Stnlc:e {C) P'r11id1nt 1964--UJ (90) Stoty of croom after belnr blackmalled Into 12:30 Speakl11 FrMIJ (C) Gutst 11 the 1964 Presidential campaifn, ~ partlclpatlnc In 1n lnt.ernational Janet Travel!, M.D.. White Houtt rinnlnc with urty efforts of SUP· smuuttnr plot. William Windom Ptlyskl1n to Presidents Kennedy porters of Republican Senator Barry n (R) end Johnson. Goldwater throurh nomln1tln1 con· m .._. (C) (30) 1:001J .... : "Man Ill die a.dew" ventlons. election campalrn and, L*f ..,.... (C} (30) (mystery) ·~Zachary Scott. Filth finally, o.moerat Lyndon B. John. ... .... ,.,. Domeraue. aon'a record-Jh1tterln1 victory at 1rM THtn (60) l:lO 11 .... (C) ...... Pueblo: A Question of Intelligence NBC News offers a special close-up stuJy of a traumatic military event in American life, and attempts to assess the implications of that event on American society today, in "Pueblo; A Question of Intelligence," a special one-hour documentary in color, Monday at 7:30 PM on NBC. CAPTAIN OF THE PUEBLO-Comdr. Lloyd Bucher is seen 1peal<.ing at a news con/erenu in North Korea where he war ~ed by a North Korean news agency. The scene is from "Pueblo: A Question of Intelligence." The purpose of the NBC News special will be to examine all factors concerning the seizure of an American ship in neutral waters by an enemy natjon, the internment of her crew in that country, and the failure of the military and the intelligence community to foresee what might happen under the existing circumstances-and to act when it did happen. Producer of the special program for NBC News is Fred Freed. ''Sometimes," Mr. Freed said, "something happens that is more than simply a news story. It may be a big story (like the Apollo moon flight) or a small story. But we recognize immediately that it has a special meaning for ua all." The special colorcast examines the actual event: the methods of ga_thering military information, and the role of the intelligence com- munity in the United States today. To search for more satisfactory answers. the Pueblo story is ex- ar.1ined on aU its levels, and aJI its aspects. The program asks: What is the meaning of duty? Honor? Country? First-A study of the mission itself. The special will try to answer such questions as: What was it? Why was it? Was the Pueblo mission because of its small import- ance just a calculated risk in the much larger and overall picture of gathering military information? Se<:ood-Who was to blame? In this segment the NBC News special will attempt to assess the failures of the military and the intelligence community lo foresee what could happen to the Pueblo and to act when it did happen. Was the incident more than just a failure of a man, or a ship, or a service, or a government or a national policy? Third-The role of the intelligence community, and the methods of gathering of military information. What is really happening in the intelligence community today? Was the Pueblo expendable because it was such a small part of a much larger and complex organization devoted to the gathering oN_op secret information? How much of it is going on all over the woil<I, today? How provocative has it become? How large a change frony'the cloak-and-dagger methods of 50 years ago has taken place? Have the intelligence community and the people of the United States become so sophisticated that they no longer have the ability to respond to a situation like the Pueblo? The purpose of the NBC News special is to examine the factors that will help understanding of the Pueblo incident and its implica- tions. The documentary hopes to probe beyond these facts. It does not intend simply to recapitulate the well known events. Pep 10 THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, AUGUST 23, 1969 MORNING 10:30 I Qt Ci) Did Yen Dyke ' 9 00 m Hollywood Sqlllfn C Peter Marshall hosts. s:ss B 5ift Us TMs o., ID ltOJ Rortr1 1:00 -S4llll1Mr S.IHltlf' (C) 10:50 O Fasbions in Sewinr (C) starrin1 a1 Lucille Rivef'1. &:30154!•..r ScMel (C) ll:008!(jJuve of lift (C) • Education hdlaq• (C) 0 @ m Jeopardy (C) Art Drue Abuse Flem na hosts. Educational Fil•• 0 n. 5a11opier &our..t (C) Ttdlnlul CefMt Graham Kerr. • Q)@ ~'1'ht Today Show (C) Sheriff Jolin (C) 7:00 I CIS News (C) Joseph Senti. I Debbie Drab Dancerdze (C) ugh Downs hosts. Ro111per Root1 (C) I wn:i~ W'rtll 51oria (C) 11:25 -_..,. (jJ CIS News (C) Dou1las Mr. Wishboflt (C) ~ ~ Felix the Cat (C) Edwards. Co11eoclity/S~ Report 11:30 B fit@ S..r" for TtmotTOW (C) 7:30 I Tiie Ed Nelton Show (C) 0 9 00 m Ere 5um (C) Bill Tit• flinhtonts (C) Cullen hosts. News (C) 0 Johnnr 5~ant at Uniwel'MI (C) O Tiie Anniversary 511111 (C) Al 8:00 B ~ [j) ea,tlin Kanraroo (C) Hamel hosts. With Bob Keesllan. O Tempo (C) Bob Doman and Roy I Abbott Ii Cotttllo Cartoons (C) Elwell co·host. MllMJ Moust (C) I!) World Adventure (C) Mon., Fri.; 511111bJ (C) Trnel (C) Tues.·Thurs. 8:15@ (I) Video Diaest (C) Ell Market Ctose 8:251J Community Bulletin Board (C) 11:55 0 Corris 5UJ (C) Wed. Thurs. 8:30 I Public Service Films (C) Thurs. • Astronaut Cartoons (C) Bup lunnr (C) 12:00 B loutjque (C) Steve Dunne hosU. Rocket Robin Hood (C) 0 @ 00 m You're P'lrttinc Me 1 (I) Rockr and His Friends (C) On (C) Host Bill Leyden and reau· •·55 -Co :... Bulletin Board (C) lar panelists Larry Blyden an~ • -1111111111"" · Pew Cass welcome guests Eh 9:001J Tiie Luer Show (C) Wallach. Anne Jackson, Chelsea CJ Q1 @ m It Tates Two (C) Brown and Burt Reynolds. Vin Scully hosts. Howard Morris. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Geor1e Lindsay, Buddy Greco and @ (i) hwitdltd their wives guest. 0) News (C) O Movie: See Daytime Movies. · Stock Martlet Analysis Johnny Grant hMts. (jJ The Unkletter Shew (C) 0 ~ovie: ~e Daytime Movies. 12-15 I!) Stretdl and Sew Wed. Jackie Joseph 1s hMtess. • ' I Movie: see Daytime Movies. 12:30 I tljm As the World Tums (C) @ CV Jte* u unnt (C) • @ 6 m Dars of Our Lives Underdoc (C) M Ma nald Carey stars. Cl) Andy Ciriffittl; Ann 5utchef @ CI) That Girl (C) Fri. Movie: See Daytime Movies. l ltJJ illbill Ben Hunter hosts. 9:30 8tvtrlJ H .Its I!) Diallne for Dollari (C) Dave 6 m Concentration (C) Ed McMahon hosts. As special guest. Reeves. hostt" lohnny Carson has daringly accept· Ell Office 0 Ult President ed host Ed's challenae to play 1:00 B Cit) (jJ lo'll Is a M1111 Splen· against him in as many games as dored Thing (C) time allOW!, with the winnings go· CJ ~ 00 m The Doctors (C) AFTERNOON Ing to the stars' favorite charities. James Pritchett star$. Announcer Bob Clayton will fill In O @ CV Drt1111 HoUM (C) Mike as host on Monday for the match Darow hosts. between Big Ed and his nighttime Ei) Technical Corner ~oss for the 11th. anniversary edi· l:301Cj(jJTht 5uidin& l ilfrt (C) t1on of ConcenlrattO~. . • ID 00 m Anelhtf Wor1d (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Father bows lest 5umby (C), @ CI) al Let's Make a Deal @ Harden • H11PtMnlnc (C) (C) Monty Hall hosts. 10:00 B AndJ 5riffitll m Joan Rivers Sllow (C) D fB (jJ m P•10nalitr (C) tar· Ei) Co1111HditJ I stodt Report ry Blyden welcomes 1uests Shella 2:00 II Qt (j) Seetet Stof"' (C) MacRae, Bill Cullen and Julia CJ @ 00 m You Don't Say (C) Meade. Tom Kennedy hosts. ID Pvblk Strvkt Films (C) 1J love That Bob; Coolclna (C) ID Sunnr Today (C) Wed. 1969 PROGRAMS Y thru FRIDAY ,...,.. arring (C) Art (C) 1ugtas "' (C) ~ Bill (C) ~ Al ~ Roy , Fri.; I \OstS. : Me regu· and • Eli 1etsea s. l (C) lives ivies. Dave plen· (C) Mike 'C) ~C) Dtll (C) (C) 0 @ CI) Q) TM Ntwlrwtd Q1mt (C) Bob t ubanks hosts. ID Movie: See Daytime Movies. fl> Tiit Pltm Show 2:30 1J Qt Ci) The Edit of Nllht (C) Iii CiJ @ m Tllt Mitch Qantt (e) Gene Rayburn hosts. e Tiit Cflt1ters D @ (3) m Tiie D1tin1 Camt (C) Jim Lange hosts. 3:00 I Tht llnklttttr Show (C) • P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. ~IJ Patrol · @ (}) Q) Stntral Hospital (C) • Movlt: See Daytime Movies. Tom Frandsen hosts. ID 1.oorlnta (C) Mon., Fri.; Felix ttlt Cit (C) Tues.-Thurs. I @ M1tinff: Don Rodewald. Ci) Afternoon Show Mltlnee: Don Wilson. 3:30 IJ lucky Pllr (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. I Mille Dou&fu (C) Ont Step Beyond @ (]) G) Ont Uf1 To live (C) My Flworit1 Martian Hobo Kelly (C) • 4:00 IJ S. Hunt; Movie: See Daytime Movies on Friday. ' 0 Qirt T1lll (C) 0 ~ (]) &l Dari! Sltadowa (C) Jonathan Frid stars. m Tiit Fllntstentt (C) 4:30 IJ Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Divorce Court (C) O News (C) BDI Bonds. m Pay Cards (C) Art James. ID Bozo's Bil Top Show (C) @ (1) Perry Maen ~(I) Sllalltf s Pizza P1~ (C) m 1ew1tc1tect 5:00 I kNBC NeWMtYlct (C) Ntws (C) Tom Reddin. • Tiit Qroovy Show (C) Robert W. Morgan hosts. I News (C) George Putnam. i Mottler~ tht Ctt. <e> Jimmy Thomison Sbow (C) Tiit luq Sttow (C) Qlllipn'a lsl1nd (C) Tll1t liirl (C) • 5:30 1 f> ~~.;:Non (C) Frank (i) Tbis Dq 1969 (C) M'""isttf'Oprs' Ntl&tibor'Mod (f)Newseye (C) Town Tilt (C) Johnny Carson, host and star of NBC's The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson, will be the special guest of his an- nOL4(!Cer-sidekick, Ed M cMahon, on a special anniversary edittd'n of NBC's Concentration, Monday al 9:30 AM. Ed, host of Concentration, will lead the festivities celebrating the I I th anniversary of the program, the longest-running day- time game show on network television. 'The Galloping Gourmet' Take an Englishman of &ottish anccttry, educate him in eome of the beat culinary schools in Europe, court-martial him four times in Her Majesty's army, settle him in Australia with a wife and three children, produoe his cooking show in Ottawa, Canada, show him on U.S. television and you have Gr-aba.m Kerr, "The GalloJ'ing Gourmet," seen weekdays at 11 :00 AM on Cbannel 7. This is a "cooking" show like you have never seen before. Kerr (pro9ounced Care) appears on the elaborate kitchen set attired In a costume tliat may or may not have anythioa to do with the day's recipe and ranges from a bush jack.et to a tuxedo. In his daily, introduction he may aive a bumoroua hiltory 'f the dish, talk of the oriainatlng region with rather far-out llin clips he has taken during his research travels, or simply be reminded of a funny story by that day's recipe. His British accent is sprinkled with Australian vernacularisms mid punrnt commenta such u, "Cocktail parties are social suicide-their object is to cliacharae hospitality en masae to people wh!:> don't rate a dinner." It is not what be cooks so much as the wax be cooks it Newsweek magazine says "he comes across like Julia Child's un- inhibited younger brother:• Although his re<:ipes are meticulously p.repared, oo the air Kerr tells bis viewers to add a "slosh" of this or to "swack" this about a bit. , Despite the careful preearation, things occasionally go wrong on the show-a bowl is spilled, a towel catches on tire, a finger ii cut-but they are left on the tape because it makes the program more human and it gives Kerr a chance to show how to cope with minor kitchen emergencies. About those four courts martial, Graham Kerr says, "At eighteen I was called up to serve Her M'jesty the Queen as a radar mechanic -as befitted my career with food and wine. Four petty convictioba resulted in 'guilty as charged' for: sending yorbhire pudding to 1bc Ministry of Health to be analyzed; having whitewash poured over me in the shower; refusing to teach army cooks to prepare classical French garnishes; and for Laughing at the Colonel when he tripped over tUs sword in the Coronation Parade." During the proaram, taped before a live audience, a glass of wine is never far from Kerr's hand-it is almost a trademark. And, when it is time to sample the dish at the end of the show, you can be sure that it wiU be accompanied by the appropiate wine. Although he is not as famous as the koala bear, Graham Kerr ia a welcome .import from the othU-side of the globe. hpll -- MONDAY AUGUST 25 For morninc and afternoon li1tin11, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. AU sta· tlons reserve the right to chanae proeramming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 1J ..,...._,. (dram1) 'SO -Anna Ntaflt, Tmor Howard. D "Ne lfl&tnra1 II th SQ" (dra· IM) '51-J1mes Stew1rt, M1r1ene Dietrich. a ........ •• a °' ... ' .,.. .. CdrarM) '57-Ywnne MltcbeU, An· ttlOny Quayle. 9:30 m "A W....'a Stent" (drama) ·~ -Maurttn O'H1r1, Mttvyn Doualu lZ.-00 8 "Abroad Wltll Tw Yub" (comedy)-'44-William Bendix, Den· nls O'Keefe. U:JO OJ "Celdllct" (mystery) '4S--4ium· phrey Boaart ...... bra1ult'' (drama) '3~har1es Lauahton. . 2:00 m "Tile 8rMt Aut8le" (drama) -«urt Jursens, Dana Wynter. 3:00 fJ "Sleep. llJ Lowl" (drama) '48 ~laudette Colbert, Don Ameche. 4:30 II (C) "VllltJ .... Klqa" (Id· venture) '54-Robtrt Taylor, Eleanor Parter. rvr NING 5~ ID 5 PM NEW TIME FOR * PUTNAM NEWS ON Knv 6:0011 Tlle 111 Nwa (C) (60) Jerry Dun~!!f 8 m H..u.,.trlallty (C) (30) St.we AltM SM (C) (90) Jack Burns, Shelley Berman, Mlchael Dees. and Deep Purple auest. D Sil O'Clocl Movie: "All I O. M" (dram1) '53 -Barbara Stan· Richard Cubon. Spy (C) (60) left LllCJ (60) ,...,. (C) (30) m .... Deqlaa <C> <90> filrs Jfftt1 (30) Tonlitrt's fifma study turtles, Ion rock· eta and lranlan folk sonp. II) JWNtllcl Divine Ttt0ro (30) &> News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. ':lOl QllC ....... ,ice (C) (60) httJ DIU (30) Ci) H1atley-lridltJ (C) (30) l r.tn Clrde .......... (C) (30) Cf) m ..... (C) (30) ffitidir. 34 (C) (60) 7:00 R CIS &eal11 Nnrl (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 8 WMt'a MJ Line? (C') (30) Host Wally Bruner and re1ul1r panelist Arlene Francis welcome auests Nip· sey Russell, Bert Convy, .lolnna Bame! ind Mark Goodson. OJ P'uswd (C) (30) Host Allen Ludden weloomes auests Joan Fon· taine and J1ek Jones. II) Mdtale'a NIWJ (30) ~ (j) Monday Movie (C) (90) Pete Cochran (Michael Cole, left) helps Capt. Greer (Tige Andrews) after a forced plane cra.rh in "Flight Five Doesn't Answer'' on ABC's The Mod Squad, Tuesday at 7:30 PM. ,... 12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 23, 1969 m Eutem w.... * .. ..,. m hwW Fmt cc> <90> I Oft (30) "The life of Zen." Alan &) Riii fer Yow Ufe (C) (60) Watts discusses the Zen philosophy 9:00 II M"'*1Y Rf'D (C) (30) Em· of throwina off the deceptions of rnett closes his fix·lt shop ind childhood. He Points out t.hat ae· retires. (R) cordina to Zen, the lndivlclu11 will a DON'T MISS THE BARON Is a fiction. I Cl) Fa•llJ Alflir (C) (30) * In THIS thriller! etiar's Wtrld (C) (30) I Th ._. (C) (60) Dr... ...... (C) (30) cm CV EE TM OlftCllb (C) 7:30 6 Qt(j) C...,.. (C) (60) ) "Huna for a lamb." Eu1 Corey ''The Money Store." The small son comes under considereble pressure and dauahter of a poor, honest dirt when it Is belleved th1t he knows farmer aet their dad in trouble where $50,000 In bank loot is hid· when they take an envelope full of den. Timmy Grimes and Mike Road money from their uncle's bank after ~ (R) he denies their father a badly need· W Iba JMmal (C) (60) An ex· ed loan. Eric Shea, P1melyn Ferdin, amination of the apartheid of South Char1es AJdm1n and Wiiiiam Schal· Africa es viewed by the black man. lert J!!.ts1'9R I 9 m The f'lltltltooa (C) (30) D ~ I TM Pueblo: A 9:30 I) Fl•ilJ Affair (C) (30) When QVatiM lntlllireoce (C) (60) Uncle Bill takes the family to Spain This NBC News special studies the for a thr•-month sojourn, he implications of the Pueblo Incident doun't foresee the adventures on American society today. The ahead. P1rt I of a three -part story. show examines all the factors con· (R) eemlna the seizure of an American ~News fl (30) Ted Meyers. ship In neutral waters by 1n enemy I l6c1_ I Wipe-out (C) (60) n1tion, and the Internment of her e thrills end spills of surfing crew In th1t oountry. are captured In this new lllm of e Jadl '""'' (30) Tennessee [r-1ction OR the big waves of Aus· nit Ford_JUests. tralla, Hawaii, South Africa, the D @ W Q) Tiit Awe11aers (C) Caribbean and the West Co1St. Bill {60) "The Joker." Mr1 Peel, visit· Burrud hosts. (R) inr the house of an expert In I (i) McH1le'a NIWJ (30) bridae. finds herself in a mysterl· · llfttsta Musical (30) ous 11me In which she may be 10:00 Qt (I) Jl••it Rodaen (C) (60) f1tally trumped. (R) Slnaer-<:e>mposer Bobby Russell (he O Milllttl $ Mevil: "MJ Coulift wrote "Honey" end "little Green Radttf'' (dlllma) '53 -Olivia de· Apples") and comedian Scoey Mitch· Havilland, Richard Burton. Ill guest I Trutll or Coftaaqutncea (C) (30) I m News (C) (60) Peny Maaon (60) @ gJ ft) Diet Clwtt (C) (60) l1110¥1tlons (30) "Teflon Appli· • Della. (C) (60) Kaye Stevens cations." Three 1uthorilies on the fills In as hosteu for the allinf uses of teflon diaeuss Its applica· Della. tlons for the future With host Dr. fll) Flrlna Line (C) (60) ''Color Richard Brenneman. Problems In En&land." Wiiiiam I Cluldlo el Rote (30) Buckley and Enoch Powell, conser· 1:00 Ottt st._ ltyoed (30) vative Member of P1rll1ment who Hazel (30) is tryina to persuade Nerroes to World firm (C) (60) A sum· move back to Africa, discuss the miry of alobel press reactions to Issue. local, n1tlon1I and International I Mu All• cit la Muerta (C') (30) events. 10:30 News (C) (30) Bill Johns. @!)Hit Parade (C) (90) Un Crtto tt1 la Obsc.-idld (30) 1:30 a am Htrt'• L1KJ <C> <30> u:00 o o au~ m """ <C> Lucy and Carol Burnett araduate nit liiutm from an airline stewardess' school, • Mowir. (C) "Sayonara" (drama) and in their 1radu1tlon show, movie 'S -Marlon Brando, Red Buttons. areats Buddy Roaers and Rlch1rd Miyoshi Umekl. Arlen re-create their orlalnal roles m Ludc*a'1 Calleiy (C) Miry Lou from the movie epic "Wlnp" as 1 COilins, Stu Giiiiam and Alejandro part of a musical story on the be-Rey auest. Word portraits are of alnn!!'P. of aviation. (R) 0. J. Simpson and V'ivlen Lelah. 0 rg ~ m NIC Monday Movie! m Mn: "fift Stlps te DanPI" (?) A !We In U.. Hud'' (comedy) (Cframa) 'S7-ster1ina Hayden, Ruth '59-frank Sinatra, Edward G. Rob· Roman. lnson. Eleanor Parlier, Carolyn (jJ) (3)@ Cil tli} Cl) News (C) Jones. Thelma Ritter, KHnan Wynn, Ell) Cilldrtn of-War (C) A docu- Eddie Hodaes. A widower's efforts mentary produced by the Commit· to raise his youna son ere compli· tee of Responsibility showing Viet· cated by tlle irresponsible antics namese ehlldren bl'g.l,!Jht to the of his madcap airtfrlend and the United States for tre1fment of In· prospect of loslna his seedy Miami .. .,Juries suffered In Vietnam. Beach hotel. The United Artists re· 11:~ I ~(]) Mtrv Criffin (C) lease WIS produced 1nd directed by • ~ (j) m Tonillrt 5* (C) frank Capra from a aereenplay by Movie: "AWe>a11n's Ven11ua" Arnold Schulm1n. (R) (mystery) '48-Char1es Boyer, Ann 8 Colden Voyaae (C) (30) "Tas· ii h. mania to Australia." ti7J @ 4f) Jo., lisllet» (C) 0 @ m ~ Tiie Cons of Will 12!30 Ciict IJd Sonntlt {C") (30) "A Town In Ter· Adioft 1\eatrr. "Escape by ror." Part I of two par'h. The Son· ~ht.'' nets are cauaht In a cattlemen's 1:00 6 Movie: •'fto TIM To It Yo..,.. and sheepherders' war, and they (drama) '57-Robert Vauahn, Kathy hear that a man on the payroll of Nolan. the cattlemen Is elaimlna that he I 0 Newa (C) has killed James Sonnett. (R) Co••••"1 lollttin hen! (C) ( ( l s E E I ! ~ t i I t r c ( t t ( c ( I ( t \ r r i f 1969 1) Em· I Ind (C) Corey !SSUre knows s hid· Road ,, t!JI· South man. 0) When Spain • he 1tures story. s. (60) nflnr m of A4!S· the • Bill (60) I (he ireen lltoh· (60) IYtnS •lllnr ::Olor llJ1m Bier· Who s to the (30) (30) :) 1m1) 'Ona, Lou 1dro I of l. r:;; :) )CU· mlt- fiet· the In· ) ct" ~n GARY OWENS • • • AN INSEGREVIOUS TALENT A luncheon with Gary Owens is a little like the Jack-in-the-Box television commer- cial with the fire engine rushing through the drive-in on its way to a fire. A sort of "just passing through on my way to'' stop for some corned beef (without the horseradish) and a "dry" salad. Blinded by the sun, be groped bis way to our booth in the dark interior of the restau- rant, and proceeded -in his best Owenese -to apologiz.e for the last-minute change in a taping session that precipitated our "kwik- lunch." The bespectacled Mr. Owens maintains a schedule that would confuse even the most professional team of efficiency experts. He's the harried emcee in the radio booth (band cupped to ear) for Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In (on NBC); bills himself as "The Friend of Those Who Want No Friends" on his KMPC radio show (6 days a week from 3 to 6 PM); has made over 350 com- mercials this past year; done scores of car- toon voice-overs; narrated three record al- bums and written a new book. The Laugh-Jn show has made Gary known to millions and his Owenisms house- hold words and phrases. H is many other interests, however, have kept him from par- ticipating in more of the Laugh-In skits. But he will take part in some this coming sea.son -including wheel chair races at John Bur- roughs High School (you'll have to look closely though as he's dressed as a little old man in beard and fright wig). In the industry Owens is known as "The .. Golden Throat," as his many sponsors can attest. His elegantly distinctive tones (he calls it his "doomsday quality") have made him one of the leading commerciaJ an- nouncers in the business. At the latest count he has 25 spots airing simultaneously. He delivers a perfectly absurd line with utter conviction and absolute control. When you ask Gary Owens to descnl>e his mystique, he's apt to say that he's "one of those rare, insegrevious talents who every decade or so shine through the banality of Hollywood, breathing the spirit of affirma- tion, but not." he hastens to add, "necessari- ly entirely." Along with being a talented actor, emcee, writer and one of the busiest announcers in radio and television, be is also the posses- sor of a four-dimensional sense of humor. And what's more important. it's humor with- out bitterness. rancor or cruelty. It's like relating something from your past-you re- member the best or funniest parts and tend to for get the bad. Gary is able to do this with tbe present, the here and now, from moment to moment. He finds humor in the most mundane, common or ordinary hap- pening, phrase or word. His Owenisms are frequently quoted by columnists in Holly- wood and around the country; Mickey Mouse enjoyed a new surge of popularity thanks to Gary (and Soupy Sales); and he has inYented a vocabulary that-to quote him-"baa horrified Merriam-Webster and bas sent Mr. Wagnall into a permanent Funk.." Gary claims Mitchell. South Dakota, as his birthplace. ua town DOW famous for de- porting me to beautiful downtown Burbank." He started his career as .. one of America's leading whimsy dealers,'' by working bis way through Wesleyan University in South Dako- ta as a reporter-cartoonist on a daily new~ paper, and u a newscuter on a a.mall radio station. During his rapid rise in broadcasting, he became a top-rated personality in Den- ver, San Antonio, New Orleans, St. Louis and San Francisco. He arrived in Los An- geles in 1961, weot to work for radio station KMPC, and bas just signed a oew tb.rec- year contract for bis "G.O. Show." He is among the highest paid radio persooalities in the country. Twice, in 1966 and 1968, the respected NationaJ Gavin Poll voted Gary "Disc Joc- key of the Year." He was named "Best An- nouncer of 1968" by 1V editors and col- umnists in the annual poll cooducted by Fame Magar.ine, and bas the distinctioo of being the only disc jockey locally to be rated Number One at both ends of the music spectrum-rock 'n' roU and "beauti- ful music." Owens is a former honorary mayor of Woodland Hills, Calif., and has received countless accolades for his public service activities that include the United Crusade, City of Hope, the YMCA. B'nai B'rith and many more. The Los Angeles City Council and County Board of Supervisors have both cited him for his public service activities. Gary is much in demand as an emcee and speaker. In March be emceed the annual International Broadcasters Awards of the Hollywood Radio and T elevision Society, and returned to the Century Plaza the next night to do the bonon at the Grammy Awards of the National Academy of Re- cording Arts and Sciences. He is an advoory member of the Pasa- dena School System and Pasadena City Col- lege in the field of telecommunications. He i1 a winner of the Hollywood Junior Cham- ber of Commerce distinguished service award and was named outstanding Young Man of the Year. Gary appeared in at least 40 televisi0n shows before Laugh-In ("always cut as a scientist. professor, psychologist or doctor"), including Batman, The Green Hornet. the Don Rickles Show, Bob Hope Chrysler \fbe- atre, and bas been a guest on The Tonight Show, DonaJd O'Connor Show, The Smoth- ers Brothen and the Steve Allen Show. His secret ambition is to host a light variety show much like that done by Steve Allen, whom Gary greatly admires. He has appeared in two motion pictures, Disney Productions' ''The Love Bug," (just released) and "McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force.'' He is alJo the lead voice for two cartoon series, Hanna-Barbera's Space Ghost (oo CBS) and Roger Ramjet (m syndica- tion). He bas just finished the announcing chores for a new cartoon series titled .. 1be Perils of Penelope Pitstop," starring Paul Lynde. He starred in the pilot of a new cartoon series, ''The Man From Alphabet," that will debut in November as a part of Educational Televisions "Sesame Street"-a new concept in children's programming, aimed at enter- taining AND educating the pre-schoolers. There's the possibility, however, that be may not be able to continue in the series due to his many other commitments. On Monday, September 29 (at 2:30 PM on NBC) Gary will add to his 75-hour work week by acting as host and emcee of a new daytime game show, "Letters to Laugh-In." There'll be a panel of four celebrities (in- cluding one member of the regular Laugh-In cast) that will change each week. Panelista will perform jokes submitted by viewers through the majl before a "Joke Jury,'' con- sisting of 12 members of the studio audi- ence. The jurors will vote electronically on each joke, and at the end of the week. prizes wiU be awarded to the contn'butors of the best and worst joke, as well as to those wbo performed them. Each week's winner will be brought to Burbank to receive their prizes and to serve on the jury the next week. The prize for the best joke will be one week's vacation in beautiful downtown Burbank. The prize for the worst joke is TWO week's vacation in beautiful downtown Burbank. Gary is co-author of "Elephants, Pickles and Grapes," and bas just finished writing "Gary Owens' Something for Nothing Book," scheduled for release late this fall by tho New American Library. In bis "spare" time Gary relaxes by prac.- ticing karate and collecting antique boob of which be bas over 5,000 volumes ("and every Friday afternoon I have a nervous breakdown"). That last remark was purely insegreviousl TUESDAY AUGUST 21 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programmin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:001J "JM Palooka" (comedy) '34- Jlmmy Durante. fJ (C) "Yn, Sir, That's My l1by" (comedy) '49 -Donald O'Connor, Gloria De Haven. c:J (C) "flthf Ca111t, Too" (oom· edy) '63-James Robertson Justice. Leslie Phillips. 9:30 m ''Tiit Min Who Could Work llfr1du" (comedy) '37 -Roland Youni. Joan Gardner. 12:00 0 "Ambush" (mystery) '39 - Gladys Swarthout, Lloyd Nolan. 12:30 m ''Tiit Youn1 Lovers" (documen· tary) 'SO-Sally Forrest. ''TIM llua Alibi" (mystery} ·~Paul Kelly. 2:00 m "Last of tilt Dttpttldots" (western} '55 -James Crala. Jim Davis. 3:00 0 (C) "On Mtonlicht llY" (mu· SGI) '51-0oris Day, Gordon Mac· Rae. 4:30 IJ "Little Cl1nt" (comedy) '46- Abbott & Costello. SICARD GIANT SWIMMING POOL f V f N I N (; 5:00 m 5 PM NEW TIME FOR * PUTNAtA NEWS ON KTIV 6:00 I Tiie •ft News (C) (60) · m HuntleJ·lrinklty (C) (30) Steve Allen Sllow (C) (90) Scoey chlll, Paul Gilbert, Georie Lind· ~ and Peppermint Rainbow iuest. U Six O't*li Mowt.: (C} ''Tiit Ltwtea lrttcl" (western) -Rock Hudson, Julie Adams. 11 Spy (C) (60) I lMt UtcJ (60) l1ttn1n (C) (30) (3) Mille Douitu (C) (90) Whit's New? (30) Featured are lizards and snakes; nuclear rockets and Uranium 235; the Buddhist prayer wheel and NepalHe folk tunes. I Juventud Dlvlno TISOfo (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey 6:30 KNIC Ntwserrice (C} (60) Patty Dulle (30) ~ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) @E News (C) (30) fitt of Hawkes 11J (C) (30) A look at the many attractions and industries of the prosperous prov- ince In the north-east of New Zea· land's North Island-Hawkes Bay. I Netlder9 34 (C) (60) 7:00 CIS EvH1'11 Hen (C) (30) Whirs Mr line? (C) (30) m MISS BLACK AMERICA * A SWINGIN' PAGEANT 7 TONIGHT KTIV 11 m I Sf ICIM I Miu Black Alll•ica Parunt (C) (90) New York radio SALE mra-ws CIU'ICAll , ... "" EASY TERMS $Locations To Serve You. 9 Yeol'I' Experl•nce 323 5. Main, Or•ge 532-1992 YES, WI HAVE OVALS TOOi OPIN 10:30ft>7i30-7DAn ..... 14 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 23, 1969 and television personality Hal Jack· arine Ross. A suspense drama about son hosts the n1tional event ema· a youni couple whole offbeat natina from New York's New Madi· games take on an ominous tone son Square Garden. Flnalists art when an uninvited auest moves In selected from all over America for with them. (R) their beauty, charm and talent. Fea· 8 Showca.sa 5 (C) (6{)) "Sympho· tu red entertainers are Stevie Won-'!l._ of fashion." der, Curtis Mayfield, The lmpres-W NET festival (C) (60) "Leins· slons, The Rev. James Cleveland dorf Re-creates." Music director and James Cleveland Sinaers, plus Eric Leinsdorf rehearses youni mu. Novella Nelson. slCians of the New Eniland Con· ~ McHale's NIVJ (30) servatory of Music in the third (i) America! (C) (30) movement of Mahler's Symphony Museum Open House (30) "The No. 1. Other Side of the Canvas." Host· @E ~ QO) curator Russell Connor examines 9:30 II Qt; Cl) Doris Dar (C) (30) An the sculpture of some 19th and Air Force colonel (Frank A.latter) 20th century utists·sculptors. In· bets the men In his squadron that eluded are works by Daumier. he can make a direct hit on the Deias. Gauguin and Renoir. heart of Doris Martin. (R) I (j) Tiit Qood Cays (C) (30) fJ @ ffi (E NYPD (C) (30) "The lsllnds In the Sun (C) (30) Body In a Trunk." A dead fir1 Is Dr•m HouM (C) (30) found inside a trunk fished from 7:30 Qt (j) Lancer (C) (60) Anael the river and Detectives Mike Day (Cloris Leachman), a dance· Haines. Jeff Ward and John Corso hall performer who is an old friend have to contend with l111te parents. of Murdoch Lancer. proves to be a fri1htened boyf rlend ind an the loni·mlssin& mother of Mur-abortionist as they conduct their doch's ward, Teresa. (R) lnvest11ation. (R) ~ @E St.Ir Trek (C} (60) "The c:J News ~ (30) Ted Meyers. L11hts of Zetar." Hostile alien brains G) I l!ICI I Contect! (C) (60) become a threat to the Enterprise Speci1I iuest Dile Evans talks with when they take over the mind and Oral Roberts. body of one of the officers. (R) el Chucho Avellantt (C) (30) 0 Jaa hnnr Sbow (30) Mickey 10:00 II KNXT Reports (C) (30) "Come Roo'!!l ~ests. On, C.rri! Come On!" A dramatic D Ull lV (E Mod Squad (C) (60) new approach to promotin& physic· "Fiight Five Doesn't Answer.'' While al fitness amon1 mentally retarded Pete. Linc, and Capt. Greer are children is revealed. Clete Roberts trans.portin1 a prisoner by com· is narrator for program focusln1 on mercial airline, a passenger causes the Western Special Olympics for a crash landln1. (R) mentally r~tarded youth at the O Million $ Movie: "L111ue of L.A. Memorial Coliseum. Cenu .. en" (drama) '61 -Jack Im News (C) (60) Hawkins, Nigel Patrick. (jJ) (3) Ci) Dick Cavett (C) (60) Perry M11on (60) • Dtlli'!(C) (60) (i) Dr1I Robefts (C) (60) : USC Music festival (60) Mal· : rrtnch Chef (30) colm Hamilton performs selections Chucho tf Roto (30) by Bach. Scarlatti and others on 1:00 OM Step lf7'0fld (30) the harpsichord. : feature (60) l (f) KBAK feature (30) Discotheque a Co-Co (C) (60) • Mas Alla de la Muerte (C) (30) 1:30 t3 (j) TIM Liberace Sllow (C) 10:30 9 (I) Who, What, Wllta, (60) Sacha Distel. Stu Giiiiam, Anita re, Wiiy? (C) (30) Harry Rea- Harris and the Duke of Bedford soner reports on a conversation iuest. with Julian Bond. D @@ m Julia (C) (30) "Dan· I News (C) (30) Bill Johns. cer in the Dar11." Julia Is asked by · Un Grito en la Obscuridad (30) a fellow employee to help their 11:00 0 D @Em CD News (C} company hire a football hero. (R) Tiit liiuters IJ Gisele MacKenzie's letter HaH • Movie: (C) "Dr. Blood's Coffin" Hour_iC) (30) (sci·fi) '61 -Kieron Moore. Hazel fJ OCD CV CD I s!foi&l "In tilt Coun. Dud of Ni&trt'' (C) (60) suspense m ludden's G1llery (C) Guests are drama about a young woman who Johnny Tillotson, Senta Beraer and inherits a haunted house. Angela Pat Harrington, plus Belland and Marten, a youna and beautiful sec· Somerville and ~anny Cox. retary, inherits Blaisedon, an enor· m Movie: "Conftrm or Deny" (dra· mous Victorian mansion located on ma) '41-Don Ameche, Joan Ben· the Hudson River. After hearing nett. eerie noises, she hires a ghost-Im <a3 @9 CJ) Newa (C) hun1er and his assistant to solve : Children of War (C) (R) the mystery. Stars are Kerwin Mar· 11:30 § 00 Merv Crlffln (C) hews as Jonathan Fletcher, the · (ti) m Tonllflt Show (C} 11host·hunter· Marj Dusay as An· ovle: "Undercover .Mtn~ (mys· gela Marte~. the secretary; Cal tery) '49-Glenn Ford, Nina Foch. Bellini as Sajeed Bau, Fletcher's I @ m m Joey l lsllop (C) assistant; Thayer David as the : Reac1n News Conference strange, brawny keeper of the es· 12:30 Chiller tete; and Louis Edmonds as Com· Action Th11tre: "Stranie lllu· modore Nicholas Blaise, Angela's s1on." deceased uncle and previous owner 1:00 II Movie: ''Tiit Gunfi(lltet" (west· of the estate. ern) '50 -Gregory Peck, Miiierd m Davkl Frost (C) (90) Mitchell. G) Run for Your lift (C) (60) 0 D News (C) 9:00 0 ~ @ m NBC Tuesd1r Movie: 0 c!O•tnunitJ lullttln Boerd (C) (C) "Games" (drama) '67-Simone 1:30 m All·NIPt Show: ''The Lodlet'," Signoret, James Caan, Don Stroud, "Mission of the Sea hawk," and Kent Smith, Estelle Winwood. Kath· "Train of Events.'' ,969 1 about offbeat s tone we1 In ,mp ho· "Leins- lirector •i mu- 1 Con· third ~phony 10) An ~etter) n that 1n the ) 'The girl Is from Mike Corso 1rents. d an their rs. (60) s with 'Come 1matlc 1hyslc· larded Qberti nr on :s tor : the I (60) Mil· ctions rs on (30) tllen, Rea- 1alion (30) IC) 1ffln" Hazel s are and and (dra· Ben· C) !'!st· ll1rd (C) rer,'' and WEDNESDAY AUGUST XI For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "Kit Carson" (western) '40- Jon Hall, Dana Andrews. Q "You OnlJ live One." (drama) '37-Henry Fonda, Sylvia Sydney. fJ (C) "Down Amonc the Sbelllf· Ina Palm1" (comedy) '53 -Mitzi Gaynor. William Lundigan. 9:30 m ''The Rinctr" (mystery) '50- Herbert Lorn, Greta Gynt. 12:00 O" .. Blonde Venlll" (drama) '32- Martene Dietrich, Cary Grant. 12:30 m "An Inspector Ciiis" (mystery) '55 -Alastair Sim. "Clouds Over Europe'' (mystery) '39 -Laurence Olivier. • ~ 2:00 Q) "The Ghost That Walks Alone" (honor) '44 -Arthur Lake. Janis Carter. 3:00 fJ "A C"Ud 11 Waitinc'' (drama) '63-Surt Lancaster, Judy Garland. 4:00 I) "So Well Remembered'' (dra- ma) '47-John Mills. Trevor How· ard. fVEN I NG 7:308Tlll.ln (C) (60) Nellvts, prod· O @(J)Ef)AIC WtdaudeJ ded by a dlabollcal promotlf', plan lr"ovle: (C) l<Qack la Ille WOflcr' to kill a 10una alr1 wltti a death (SCl·fi) '64-0ana AndrtwJ. Janette curse unless she sells her diamond Scott, Kieron Moore, AJeunder Knox. mine to him. Frankie (Barbara A sclen~ thriller about two men Luna) learns that witchcraft Is be· who attempt to taP. the unlimited lleved to have caused her father's enero Jn the Earth s core. As ProJ· death and that natives plan to ect Inner Space reaches a critical transfer the CUrM to the air1 If she stage, Nobel·Priz&-winner Stephen fails to do their biddlna. CR) Sorensen reject$ the advice of his D @OO m T1tt Vlrcint.n (C) aide. Ted R1mpion, and orders (90) "Storm Over Shiloh." Eliz.a. detonation of an atomic bomb beth's riderless horse returns to miles below the surface ol Earth to Shiloh Ranch settina off a wide· break throuah to the core. (R) spread search amid fears that she fJl) Yow Dollat't Wtftla (60) An may have been attacked by wolves. examination of the standards of the (R) drua industry, with a special focua a Jal knJIJ Sllow (30) Jane on drug control, prices ind prac· Morgan .!!!esb tices. Interviews with Dr. Herbert Q @ l.Val Heu Co•t th Ley. head of the Food and Orua I rides (C) (60) "The Crimpel'$.." Administration, and several phar· Jeremy and Joshua Bolt are shan· maceutical company executives. are ahaied while on a business trip to featureo. Port Anaeles. Juon, Stempel and f!I s.t_lvia J £nriq111 (60) Clancey sail to their rescue with 9:30 I) Q!J (j) Qreen Aan (C) (30) stowaways Candy and Biddie. (R) Oliver and Lisa Dourtas are sus-e Million $ Movie: (C) "ltJOnd peeled of being jewel thieves when All llmlta" (drama) '~Jack Pal· they find priceless &ems in their ance, Maria Felix. boxes of lnexpenslve breakfast m Trutll Of Coftsequencn (C) (30) cereal. (R) Pmr Muon (60) B N11n (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Joyce c.... Cooks (30) "Era m I Vic IA I lifestrum • . . Ewo- Rolls." Mrs. Chen makes this fa. hltion et Heart SurJtry (C) (60) vorite Chinese appetizer using either The life-and·death drama of open· home·i:nllde or store·bouaht en !leart surgery is rec.orded. (R) roll skms. 10:00 I)~ (j) Haw1il five-0 (C) (60) ti?l Ci) 8ttt of HollJWOod (2 hr) McGarrett plays a lone sl\ot and g) Chucho el Roto (30) offers himself as the key hosta1e 3:00 I One Step BtJOnd (30) In an attempted prison break. Gavin Hazel (30) Macleod and Gerald O'Loughlin : Tt•po (30) "Noise.'' The music play convicts who demand the prls- of jau saxophonist Roland Kirk is on gates be cpentd in exchange for fused with the unorthodox views of the lives of fellow Inmates whom composer Hohn Caae. Interspersed they are holding &s hostaaes. (R) 5:00 with the music are Cage's readings 0 @ 00 m Tbe Outalder (C) m 5 PM NEW TIME FOR from his book. "Silence." (60) "Periwinkle Blue." A man * PUTNAM NEWS el lmpactoa Musicales (30) fem his wife is plotting his death ON KTTV 8.38 -The Good G•-(C) (30) 8 rt an1 hires Ross to investigate. Lois 6:00 8 The Bia News (C) (60) Jerry • ~ .,. e Nettleton guests. (R) Dunphy. Gramus goes to a lonely woodland Im News (C) (60) D m HunUtJ·Brinkler (C) (30) cabin. but ca~'t stand the solitude • Della! (C) (60) 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Imo· and 15 over1oYed-for a while-: Speculation (60) "A Conversa· gene Coca, Anne Marie Bennstrom, when Rufus shows up. (R) tion With Eric Goldman " "The Ken Greenwald and Simmy Bow 0 Rams Hi&hli&Ms ,(C) (30) High· Trnaedy of Lyndon 8. Joh.nson" is guest liahts of Saturdays pre·season discussed Q s;. O'Clock Movie; "The Under· aai:ne between the Kansas City I Mn Alla de la MDtrtt (C) (30) water Warrior" (adventure) '58-Chiefs and the L.A. Rams. 10:30 NIWI (C) (30) Bill John&. Dan Dailey, James Gregory. fJ @ @~ T1lt Kine FamllJ (C) • Un Grlto en la Obscuridld (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) (30). The five tunes that were 11:00 D 0 mm m N ... (C) 1 love Lucy (60) nominated for Best Song Academy The Cbeliira Batman (C) (30) Award this year are featured. (R) • Movie: "Cly of Ult City" (dra· ~ M'L Do c I David Frost Show (C) (90) ) ·~s v· . l..!Li ••• usJas ( ) (90) Run for Your lift (C) (60) ma "' -ictor Mature, Richard Whit's N8"? (30) Oviparous and Conte viviparous snakes; fuels for space Book ~·~ (C~ (30) "The In· m L~dtn's Gallery (C) Guests are travel; Vietnamese musical instru· land Island . 15 discussed by host Linda Cristal. Mason Wiiiiams, Skiles ments and native songs are fea· Ro.bert Cromie and authoress Jose-and Henderson, Belland and Somer· lured. phine Jo.hnson. ville and Danny Cox. • Juventud Divlno Tesoro (30) g) SonriSu po) l!J Movie: "Hit ucellencf' (dra· • News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 9:00 8 Beverly Hillbillies (C) (30) A ma) '56 -Eric Portman, Cecil 6:30 KNBC Newservice (C) (60) building inspector (Herb Vigran) Parker. Patty Duke (30) probes the strangely assorted Jed I @ ~ @ ~ CiJ Ntwt (C) @ Hur.UeJ·BrinkleJ (C) (30) Clampett Enterprises on the fifth : Chlldrtn ol War (C) (R) i Feature (30) floor of Orysdale's bank buildina. 11:30 ~ (iJ Mert Griffin (C) (j) a;, News (C) (30) (R) • @@ m Tonllflt st.ow (C) , Noticiero 34 (C) (60) O KRAFT MUSIC HALL Movie: ''This Woman 11 Mine" 7:00 CBS benin& Newa (C) (30) * Don Ho, Rod McKuen, (Bdrur• .. ~.a) '41-Franchot Tone, Carol • Whit'• My lint? (C) (30) VO McHale's NaVJ (30) Robin Wilson ·1 crn (j) &) Joey Blttlop (C) 00 You Asked for It (30) 0 @@ a;, Kraft Mutlc· Hall (C) 12:30 Chiller ; Black Viewpoint (30) "The Black (60) Don Ho, in Hawaii, welcomes Action Theatre: "You're a SWeef · Experience Yesterday and Today.'' guests Pat Cooper, Rod Mcltuen, heart.'' A discussion of black history. Robert Robin Wilson, Tobyn Alyn, Angel 1:0011 Movie: "Cry D•naer'' (mystery) Witt Ames' wood·cut mural on Pablo and The Elsner Sisters. '51-0ick Powell, Rhonda flemlng. Negro history is studied followed by O Wrestlln1 (C) (60) Ernie (The Q 0 News (C) a discussion of i~ contents. Cat) Ladd returns to the all·star 0 Community Bulletln Board (C) ~ (j) BeverlJ Hillbillies (C) (30) wrestllna program tonight. Jules 1:30 m All·Nlpt Show: "The Women of a;, Wanderlwt (C) (30) Strongbow and Mike LeBell are Pffcairn Island," "flaxy Martin" and ® Dream Houae (C) (30) ringside. "P,;thfinder and the Mohican." llAGllE YOURSELF BEHllD THE MICROPHONE I I ~.~ ifll WHICH OF THESE 4 FASCllATllG _CAREERS llTERESTS YOU 1 O DISC JOCU'f 0 NlWSCUTll 0 SHITSCASTtl 0 COMMERCIAL AMNOUMCb Fill VOICE ANALYSIS TIUS YOU IF YOU HAVI "HIDDEN TALINf"l TllAIH AT HOME Oii IN OUlt BEAUTIFUL NEW STUDIO SCHOOL? You C111 atudJ bfotOC'HI technlQU .. •t "°"''· Ill '°"' tpart tlmt, or In our 111w lr0telc:11t. 1n1 School-LOCATED lllGttT Hf.Ill IN lO-S ANCEll S-undtr 1111 wpervlsloft of our OhKt1n1 faculty ot 11 t1moua b101dt11lt"· lltdlo-TV stations everywhere lltY• 111 IMMEDIATE D[~ND for botll """ llld wome11 IQ t•ll• ewer f11tPOrUnl aood· payln1 tobs rlaht now. NATIOH·WID( PLACEMENT AS!ISTAHC:l 1t no 11tr1 cost! Tuition 1ul1t1nc:1 1v1lltlllt. send to CAREER ACADEMY'S dlvllfOll of f4mo111 Bro.tdcastera fof flt(( booll· let, record, •nd 'tOk• 1111l15ls dttalla. NOTICE: ENltOU. NOW AMt CAllU.lt ACADEMY'S N!XT ClASll THIS COULD R YOUJt CHAHCI: TO l'tlT YOUllllLP UHIND 1"E ll~ND •An eccr9dfted member of the Na· tlon1l Home Study Cot.Inell and the • National AHoc:l1tlon of Tr9de and Technlc•I School• • Appnived fOf' Vetenn Tr1lnlna • Member of C.llfomla Ataoo11t101t fOf' Pr1V11te Ed~ation •An ell•lble Institution under the feder1lly ln•ured Student &.o.n Procnm. ,--------------------· : CAREER ACADEMY t!\ : ' ,., ....,,...,~ •••1tn JfL • I Ut ....... Callfttala a2I : ,....:-(213) 414-4ZZI • :•-eta .... lfl ............... ., I lll(ltiille .nll ............ ,._ ,_ ' ............. . I ·-----------Ne me A.ddrKs City, Stiate/Zlp Phone AC• I am lnt-.t.d In 1 0 CIHIM"OOm 0 Home Study 1 ~-• ----------_ o_e~A!~e.1_! THURSDAY AUGUST 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day' 1 movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to chance proeramming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 23, 1969 He concludta with a short prelude ~r...lenl (C) (2lh hr') ~Robert de Vis.see. t:oo 9 (I) CIS TWldaJ ..... S:CMt I} Trw Mwefte.e (C) (30) tNUllf" (Wsi>ense) '6S--Bett; e 5 PM NEW TIME FOR . Drea}I ..._ (C) (30) Davb, William Dix. P1mel1 Franklin, 7 .JO Jill Bennett. A sinister rel1tlonshlp * PUTNAM NEWS ON KTTV 9 Kai Kan Presents eodsts between the ninny and a 10· l:GOIJTM lit "-' (C) (60) Jerry * ANIMAL WORLD 1ear·old boy. (R) IDun~.Hu..U.,..lrillkteJ (C) (30> "Winced Treasure" P.n~ ~'W,~~·M= L~t~:C:,> Slwe Alltft Aew (C) (90) The The brillient·hued birds of the Ero-fren kffries, The Who, end Pet Irish Rove11, Allan Sherman and adorlan junale are featured on to-Peulse~uest. (R) Sharl lewis auest. i' rs show. 9:30 0 @ 6 m Orapet (C) (30) 0 Sia O'Clecl Meww. "Hew Te • Q) (i1 a;) Daniel 1eene (C) "fraud R:J6." Friday 1nd Gen· MMa a .......,.. (horror) '53-( ) "Bll. Black and Out There." non inveiti11te 1 $100.000 mer- Robert Hanis. Daniel and Gideon set out lo chandise short11e from 1 deP1rt· f V f ~ I '~ C lat.a• (C) (30) been terrorizlna the countryside unusual swindle scheme. Anthony 11 Sn (C) (60) capture • "black Indian" who hes ment store chain ind discover an (1) Miiie Deqla (C) (90) and he sets Oen and Gideon aaainst Eisley and Chanin Hile auest. (R) t :OO ..... ,, hi t1at lret1 M_., (dra-Wiara Ntwl (30) Alms study each other by ctelmina he is a 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. ma) '39 -Louis H1yw1rd, Joan snakes' 1ttactln1 methods, clrclinf mistreated runaway slave. Gideon, m Hl11tw111 of AcoftJ (C) (30) Bennett. satellites, and Israeli son1s.. a free-bom Nearo, sympathizes with A 1ruesome treatise of hlfhway car· 0 (C) "Ma and Pa kettle lael .., I Jwtatud Dtwlno T.ort (30) the min, but Daniel sees throueh nage, this film is definitely not for tit far•" (comedy) 'SI-Marjorie "-' CC) (60) Jack Hickey. his story. Don Pedro Colley Is tea -children. IITTV offers this ar•phlc M1in, Percy Kilbride. 6:30 OllC NtwMfYlcit (C) (60) tured, and Yaphet Kotto guests. serl~s of illustrations as 1 public: B "S...11 of Pllsioll" (comedy) rattr Dub (30) (R) seMce safety w1mln1 just before •ff-Ernest Bor1nine, Anne Buter. Ci) Hutley-lrl11kieJ (C) (30) I Jict le1!!!7 (30) the am,~I weekend. 9:30 m (C) "'!ptllen of tt.e femt" fie lntltipton (C) (30) "The (i1) (J)aJ The f'11in1 Nun (C) m Slauallttr oo th (adventure) '56 _ Rod Cameron Incredible Dr. franklin." Oramatiz1· ( 0) "Alr Alone by the Convent Hlins (C) ( 5) A dramatic action- Vera Ralston. ' tions Illustrate the contributions of Phone." Sister Bertrllle's im11in•· packed story showine a thunderin1 12:001J "It Wilt, Yeu11a M .. " (com-Benjamin franklin to science ind tlon works overtime while the other stampede of thousands of buffalo ecty) ·3~11 West. the culture of his dey. nuns are away for a party and craslflna to their destruction. 12:30 m (C) "o..t lllidtrs" (adven· Ci) in Ntwa (C) (30) Capt fomento drops by to tell her 1· Wasltlnaton In Review (C) (30) ture) '63 -KJr11 Morris. "Miiiions · Nitidtro 34 (C) (60) he is lookina for an armed bank lC>:to • 9 Ci) m Tiie '-'ddla ers (C) LIU Us" 7:00 Cl~vtniq News (C) (30) robber. (R) ( ) the hit tunes of 1945 pro- (dr1m1) '42-Eric Port-Wllllt'a MJ Lilltt (C) (30) 0 Miiiien $ Movie: "Dino" (dra-v!de one of the hiehli&hts on to· 2:00 m~ttest Ttwn" (western) '56-,._.rd (C) (30) m1) '57-Sal Mineo, Brl1n Keith. n11ht's show. Comedy numbers in- Kent Tiylor, John Smith. ~Ci) Mdtale's Navy (30) I Trutll or Conlequnc;a (C) (30) elude Paul Lynde in a barbershop Ci) Rrp •nd Wild (C) (30) ,.,..., Mu.11 (60) sketch, Stanley Myron Handelman 3:00 B (C) "TH View fre• h •pey's : ri.,tni tilt Guitar (30) "Com· : Casals Miiter Clm (30) Pablo as he meets • 1ir1 in the laundro-tiiaci" (dram•) '53-Richard Ei•n. pletion af the Fifth Position." In· Casals discusses the importance of mat .. and Jonathan Moore u an Dina Wynter. structor Frederick No1d adds daily musical edition. He instructs two ~nehstiman who makes observa- 4:301J (C) "fert TI" (adventure) '53 exercises, and he leads further students in works for cello by Bach. t1ons 11bout America. Gail Martin -GIOf'&e Montaomery, Joan Vohs. study on the work by J. s. Bach. @!) Cltucllo tf Ret. (30) end Lou Rawls star. :::'!n~a~~ stars in !he ti~le role in :·rhe Nanny," powerful l :OO ! ~~~:::::~::a (~ie~~~ IJ ~ ~$Ci't t~u llllf (C) anJ h ama 1ealmg wlfh a con/ l1ct between a governess ~ith a plan as mad as It is ambi-(~) Th~ Artist Is for fr1mln1." 9 ;;.,,young c arge, on The CBS Thursday Night Movie tt0us, and runs into opposition Swiss pohce Inspector Berman Ir· aJ • from a lovely but deneerous lady. rests Al Mundy for the perpetration (R) of a series of Jewel robberies. The - One Stap aa,onc1 (30) only way he can prove his In· (i1) m Q) Thlt 81rt (C) (30) nocence Is to esupe and find the e Oe1r.nt One." While market-eullty party. Paul Henreld and Gia Ina Ann comes to the rescue of a Sula guest (R) small boy who stole I cendy bar e Dtll1! (C) (60) He clalms his home is on Part til) S.11ncb of Sll•IMr (C) (90) A~enue, but after Ann explains to "Aspen Music festival." Steve Allen htm that poverty is nothine to be hosts. (R) ashamed of. he tells her of his un-10:15 ID News (C) happy life in the tenements. (R) 10:30 ID He..tud (C) (30) m Dnld frost (C) (90) 11:001 CJ fJ II) a;) al Ntn (C) til) NET '11ytteuse (90) "The Ma. T1lt 5.itlln dras House." A f1scinalin1 picture • Movie: (C) "Secnt In~•" of Edwardian Enaland's boredom (drama) '64--Stewart Granier Raf •nd snobbery by Harley Granville Vallone. ' B1r1cer. m lllddtn's C1hfy (C) Marty In· fl> ftUeluo! (C) (30) &els. Johnny Mathis 1nd Vikki LIW· 1:30 0 @ ~ m Ironside (C) (60) rence auest. Word portraits 1ra of ''Repose. ' Wounded during a rob-John Wayne and Vito Genove.se. bery, Officer Eve Whitfield hovers ID Movie: "stnnpr en U.. rr..t" near death as her friends and co· (mystery) '53 -Paul Munl Join worllers recall their first meetings Lorri!!(. ' with her. Nancy Wickwire, Eddie Ci1J C..V @ @Qj Cl) NfWI (C) Firestone and Irene Hervey guest. 11:301 tB (IJ Merv Griffin CR) • Q)@ m Tonlpt Sbow (C) U Bo1ln1 (C) (90) Dave Niehaus Movie: "And Now Tomorrvw" and Mickey Davies are ringside for (drama) '44-Loretta Youna Alan e lO·round llghtweight bout be-Lr.dd. ' tween Rodolfo Gonzales (41-4) and O @ (])(D Joey Bishop (C) Steve freeman (27·3·2). 12:301 Chiller ~ (i1) CI)~ Bewitdted (C) (30) Action TMatra: "Secret Venture.'' '~Ing Ai)e. Sam zaps a young 1:00 Movie: "Ride the Hi ti ln.n" chimp Into human form to find out (drama) '57-0on Taylor \aymond where he lives and finds herself Burr ' with • youna man who possesse.s I U News (C) an unusual •mount of "animal C.•iaun'-1 l ulletl ao. d (C) marnetism." Lou Antonio auests. 1:30 All·Nlitrt Shor. ~'GuaJilcanal (R) Diary," "Adam Ind Evalyn " and m lt1n fw Your Life (C) (60) "Mr. Universe." ' hie 16 1 l 1969 lhvit: -8ette 1nklln, onshlp a 10· ) (60) 1thleu, d Pat (30) Gan- mtr· epart- er an 1thony L (R) IS. (30) ~car­ ~t for '1phic ~ubllc >efore I ... ction· le ring ~ff1lo (30) I (C) pro. , to- s In· 'Shop Iman ~dro· 1 an erva- artin f (C) ing." I Ir· 1tlon The In- the Gia (90) Hien on" Raf In· aW· I ol wt" O.tn ~ 'If/' Ian e." ~n" ind :) 1al nd FRIDAY AUGUST 29 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:0011 "My Sen, My Son" (drama) '40 -8rian Aheme, Louis Hayward. U (C) "for Ult Love of MIU" (drama) ·ro-Richard Basehart, Stu Erwin. B (C) "TIN lmt OM'' (drama) '56-Michel Ray, Rodolfo Hoyos. 9:30 m "Aff1ir W"ltll I Stran&ef" (d!I· ma) '54 -Jean Simmons, Victor Mature. 12:00 11 "Tiit Cirut Moment'' (drama) '44--Joel McCrea, 8etty Field. 12:30 m ''Out of tlle llut" (oomedy) ·47 -George Brent. "lancer s,,.. (mystery) '37---0eorge Sanders. 2:00 OJ "ladies of the Chom" (ro- mance) '49 -Adele Jergens, Rand Brooks. 3:00 B "Tiit Cillost and Mrs. M1lf' (fantasy) '47-Rex Harrison, Gent Tierney. 4:30 IJ "God Is My Partntf" (drama) '57-Waller Brennan. fVE NING 5:00 m 5 PM NEW TIME FOR * PUTNAM NEWS ON KTTV 6:00 IJ Tiie 81& News (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. 0 m Huntl1J-lrin.i11 (C) (30) U Sttft Allen Show (C) (90) Ruby Cooper, Sarah Vaughn, Phil Foster and Guy Marks guest. u Six o·a.c. Movie: "W1tdl It, Sailor!" (comedy) '3G-John Mell· Ion, Vera Day. 11 Sn (C) (60) I lftt luq (60) l1m1n (C) (30) (3) Mille Deu&fls (C) (90) Miat't New? (30) Fllms exam· lne alllptors in action, space-age launchings and landings, and old American sonp. ti) Jntntud·Dlvfno Tesol'll (30) a) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 I DIC NIWMfVict (C) (60) Patty °"'' (30) 00 tf unttey-Brinllty (C) (30) SD•• hat (C) (30) "The In· land Island." Host Robert Cromie and authoress Josephine Johnson discuss her new book. (R) Qt Cl) m News (C) (30) @I) Notidtro 34 (C) (60) 7 :00 1J CBS Evtnin& Ntws (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. B Whirs My lint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m f>IStWOrd (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosta. OJ McHalt'a Nevy (30) @ Ci) Cinta1 Sllowwe (C) (90) Vidal, The Three Doa Nlpt, Mort 10:30 II) News (C) (30) Bill Johna. Ell) fll• Ftltllrt (C) (30) "Who Sahl and Mora1n1 Kina euest. g) Un lrttt tfl 11 Oblc.tdld (30) ~~~:cid~~pr· A documentary on !..~C)CJ(Jr .. ~dow~f !9':m:.: moo11aoeee·Ntn (t) 5 Ci) M1ybtny ltfD (C) (30) Judd defends a youne unmarried D 1't CINettrl ~ A '-· W (C) (30) mother who Is shleldina the real D tettn.. MM: (C) "'1111 1:1:1 •r-n est criminal in an assault and robbery Mfflrtlln" (drama) '56 -Spencer al Dru• House (C) (30) case Quentin Dean guests.. (R) Tracy, Robert Wasner. 7:306aCl)1\t Wild, Wild Wnt @I) Nuevt Cfta Maiul (30) U, lllllldla'111'*1 (C) Sue Raney, (Cj (60) The nation's security Is Otis Youna i nd J1c:kle Vernon threatened by the loss of a secret 9:30 fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. auest. Word Portr11ts .,, of Wal· "Doomsday Formula'' and James m I IHSiAl Uniwtrul City (C) ·ttr Brennan and Lennie Bruce. West enters the camp of a rene· (60) A alltterina empire In the San OJ Movie: (C) "let's le ...,,,.. gade Civil War general to recover Fernando Valley is captured by .(musical) '57-Tony M1rtln, Vtr•· it. Kevin McCarthy guests. (R) KOOP cameras and Biii Burrud Ellen. 0 m Hip a..,,.rral (C) (60) takes viewers to an intimate behind· ()1) Cl)@ @Qt Cl) Nen (C) "Stinky Flanagan." Frank Gorshin the-scenes look at this worfd of . guests as a flamboyant Irishman motion picture and television pro· 11:301J OJ (I) Mn ll'tttln (C) who cons Buck Into buying a camel. duction. (R) D O 00 m Tooiot Slltw (C) wears out his welcome at Cannon Ell) Adnntllrt (30) "Dlsclples of 11 Mowle: (C) "Tiie ltd ,_,,. Ranch In a hurry, cheats at poker, the Sword" is a journey to the Cd.ram•) '49 -Myrna Loy, Robert steals Buck's girl, and finally ad· Sikhs, who live in the Punjab Val· Mitchum. mlts that his camel can't herd ley of India and are reputed to be 0 @ (}) aJ Joey • ....., (C) cattle. {R) among the worfd's fiercest flghtlng 9 (I) WIHtnd SIMW 11 Jact Benny (30) Raymond Burr men. 12:30 m CllRltr fUesb. ai) Consttl1don (30) m Action 1'eatn: "Mission In D (i7J m a> Let's Mae 1 Dt1t Moi ·• -(C) (JO)Monty Hall hosts 10:00 0 0 (i) m 1'e S.int (C) (60) orocco. B Million $ Mowie: (C) •11.. Bar· ''Legacy Tor !ht Saint." The Saint 12:45 fJ Colo111111 Mtvle: (C) ''leldl- blrian and tlM GtisM" (drama) '58 turns th.ief and steals .one million lleld" (advtnture) '38-Tony Curtis, -John Wayne, Eiko Ando. ~unds in gold to protect a pretty Frank Lovejoy. m Trvtll or Consequences (C) (30) gir1. (R) 1:00 fJ Mevlt: "T ... r ti Uftden" Perry MllOtl (60) 11 m News (C) (60) (mystery) '39-Borls Karfoff Basil Tiie City Wattlltrs (C) (60) U @ Cil Q) Diet Cavett (C) (60) Rathbone. ' Char1es ~hamplin, Art Seidenbaum fJ Delli! (C) (60) 0 0 Ntwt (C} and David Graber are featured. l!'r.'l ..... R-'-(60) •on. St g Country Miiiie (C) @I) ClulCho ti Roto (30) U:J ...., ... _ '"' •n· • ford Linear Accelerator." The enor· 1:30 m All·Nl&flt SMw: "flyln& Ser· 1:00 11 °"' Step Beyond (30) mous and powerful tool for re· pent " "Hurtaches " "Bluebeard" 0 tHl (}) (D Joh D~idson (C) search in hip enero physics is and '''The Pretendei." (60) Tulu and The Committee guest surveyed by Dr. Hibbs to show how 2:00 11 Co111111nlty lallttkt INnl (C) 2:30 0 ColotlMI (C) "Slerl'I Biron," i'lflood Alley" and "Arrowhead." m Hutt (C) (30) and why such colossal devices are @I) luctdta (C) (30) used. @I) MIS Alla de II Mutrte (C) (30) 8:30 1J Qt (i) Go11tr Pytt (C) (30) SergeantCarter feels he will suffer------------------------- a nervous breakdown unless he gets away from Gomer, so he flies to Wichita to vbit his mother (Kathleen Freeman), un1ware that Gomer is on the same plane. (R) B Qj 00 m Name of ltlt Ci•• (C) (90) "An Agent for the Plain· tfff.'1 Glenn Howard rushes off to London when he leams that he and a number of British press lords are being sued fqr libel by a dash· Ing young race driver, Anthony Malcolm. Howard suspecb a fraud when he teams that Malcolm's at· torney (Honor Blacllman) has been dating him while pretending to be in love with an Industrialist. Brian Bedford and Maurice Evans are featured. (R) 11 Across t1MI Stftn Stat (C) (30) "Midnight at Amsterdam." I Dlvld fmt (C) (90) Run for Your Utt (C) (60) Duke Elllneton (60) From the French Riviera comes a repeat of a program featuring the Ellington Orchestra at a jazz festival on the Cote d'Azure. Ellington Is escorted on a tour of the town by painter Joan Miro. and Ella Atzgarald ls featured In the musical finale. @I) Nochts T1ptti11 (30) 9:oo e ~ m cas FrtdlJ Mowit: <C> •'flmn Tot1 to lndil" (1dventure) '62 -Jock Mahoney, Maril Dana. Tarzan Is summoned by a Mahlra· jah to attempt to save the lives of thousands of elephents ind other wild life when their valley home is submerred behind a 11ew dam. (R) 0 PllJboJ After 01,. (C) (60) Pat Collins, John Hartford, Gore KHJ, Channel 9, launches its Labor Day "Colorama" of 20 feature films with "The Mountain," starring Spencer Tracy and Robert Wagner, Friday at JI PM. ''Colorama" continues throughout rhe holiday weekend with westerns such as "Tire Bravados." starring Gregory Peck; "White Feather," starring Robert Wagner; adventure dramas like "Hurricane Smith," with John Ireland; "Captain From Castile," with Tyrone Power; and war dramas like "The Hunters,'' starring Robert Mitchum; and "Beachhead," with Tony Curtis. ..... 17 Gil Stratton Calls 'Em How do you call 'em, the flashing plays in professional footbaU, that is, when you don't always see them? That's the problem faced by KNXTs Gil Stratton for the Chan- nel 2 broadcasts of the Los Angeles Rams pre-season games. The problem can be momentous, particularly since hundreds of thous- ands of viewers hang on his ev~ry word-with some se.crctly hop- ing Gil will make 11 mistake. Gil. who popularized the phrase "time to caU 'cm as we sec 'em," readily acknowledges the fact that calling every play, giving proper credit to a tackle or an end, would be 'viriually impossible without some kind of off-camera help. Called "spotters," these off-camera helpers are men whose job it is to telephone reports on anything of interest to the announcer's booth. This supplemental information can range from identifying all the players involved in a goal line scrimmage,. to reporting the knowledge that a player is wearing a number different from his usual jersey designation. This, coupled with what Gil sees himself, k~eps viewers con- stantly informed about what is going on down on the playing field. And there is also the matter of statistics. To know, for example. that the just-completed pass set a new record for distance in the air, takes a mind that stores facts like a computer, plus stacks of readily available research material. Calling a football game is a real test of Gil's memory ban~. He has to ltnow. for example, all about player trades and how a new member of the Rams performed with his old team. But the real test is keeping track of who's who and who is wearing what numbered jersey. KNXrs Gil Stratton is caught in a pensive mood as the Los Angeles Rams prepare to run through a light practice. Gil begins feeding information about players to his prodigious memory banks long before the actual game begins. He must memorize each position. offense and defense, for both teams that arc to compete. He calls this process "three deeps," there being three athletes to any one position. So, naturally, if one player has all his jerseys destroyed in the game and has to change num- bers, this can lead to confusion. And last-minute assignment changes can create havoc. It's readily understandable how the description of a particular play may not exactly coincide with .what the viewer sees on his home screen. Cameramen, excellent though they are, ''boor" one once in awhile; a spotter may l).ave missed the action; and Gil is left to straighten out an unfortunate situation. But even at that, it beats covering a live track meet. ··1 always have the uneasy feeling that a shot put is about to drop on my foot, or a javelin will go sailing into my leg, or 1'11 be scalped by the discus. And I try not to think about the hammer throw," Gil says. ..... 11 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 23, 1969 ii!J Maries ol tile Week I SUNDAY, AUGUST 2A 8:00 0 @ (3) "Is Paris Buml"lr' Jean·Paul Belmondo, Charles Boyer. Leslie Caron, Jean·Pierre Cassel, George Chakirls, Alain Delon, Kirl< Douglas, Glenn Ford, Gert Frobe and Yves Montand are but a few of the international all·star cast that tells the stories of the French Resistance and of that moment in history when Paris escaped Hitler's death sentence. MONDAY, AUGUST 25 8:30 O ta (i) "A Hole In the Head." Frank Sinatra. Carolyn Jones andtddTe Hodges star in this 1959 funny film about a man who tries to raise his son without a mother (she's dead), and despite his madcap, irresponsible girlfriend, his brother and slster·ln·law, and creditors who are trying to foreclose on his seedy Miami hotel. TUESDAY, AUGUST 26 9:00 O @ 00 ''Games.'' Simone Signoret, James Caan and Kath· arine Ross star in a suspense drama about a young couple whose offbeat games take on an ominous tone when an un· Invited guest moves in with them. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 9:00 O (i7J (I) "Crack In the Wortd." Dana Andrews, Janette Scott andKieron Moore star in a scl-fi thriller about two men who attempt to tap the unlimited energy in the Earth's core. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 9:00 I) 9 (j) ''The Nanny." Bette Davis, William Dix and Pamela Franklin star in a suspense-drama about the sinister relation· ship that exists between a 10-year·old boy and his nanny. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 9:00 f) Qt {j) "Tarzan Goes to India." Jock Mahoney, as the ape- man. goes to India to save elephants from extinction by a man-made dam. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 9:00 0 @ (i) "Wild Seed." The best movie to be shown this week stars Mlchael Parks (soon to be seen weekly in NBC's Then Came Bronson) and Celia Kaye in a touching, warm, sensitive story about an itinerant crop worker and a young orphan who travel about together and discover the world and love. CHANNEL LISTINGS Information for these I~ is furnished by the television stations. TV WEEK Ill not respoosible for ast-minute changes In prosram listings. a KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles Q KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles e KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles 0 KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles m KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCOP {Ind.) Los Angeles &> KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles m KCET (NEn Los Angeles m KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs m KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs (I) KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield (I) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield @ KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield ID KERO (NBC) Bakersfield ~ KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star C*) preceding a log listing indicates it is a paid adver- tisement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS (TEST PATTERNS) Chennel 2--6:48 AM Sunday, 6:08 AM Monday through Friday, 7:18 AM Saturday. Channel 4--7:00 AM Sunday, 6:00 AM Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM Saturday. , Chen11•l 7--ProcrammlnJ starts at 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday throulfl Friday and :30 AM 011 Saturdey. Thlll m•aazlne ls published w"kly for thlll newspaper by lV WEIEK1 • dlvlalo11 of Qrtmn l"rintlna. and utflOSraph Co., Inc:., editonal and proauc:-tion offlcas1 P.O. Box 11901 Qlendale, Calif. Address advertlsln1 lnqulr1• to ~ dlsp 1y advertlslns aepartment of this newsp1per. F -f • c .. $ t SATURDAY I R11ff 'n' RtclcfJ (C) s., ...... Tllutre Estuctio cit r.dro Ytrps !\ I T I P ~ <> 0 :'\i · al SM tllt USA (C) 3:00 AJ....a. c.tlttt .. (C) CMIMr 9:30 I ! Ci) WKky Rieu (C) 12:00 I 9 (I) Duun! (C) @ m Btrttna Splits (C) Movlt: "lhM Bloed" (drtma) AU t e stars of NBC's new Satur-' 1-8111 Wiiiiams, Jane Nlah. AUGUST 30 s. .... (C) Jwttltltd Dfvlno r..... · • 111 PlctDrt (C) MORNING day mornina proarams are featured @!) Tutro fH1lllu In a~ecial~esentatlon today. 12:30 f!9 ~ JonnJ Quest (C) · Rainbow TMttr1 (C) 3:30 9 (i) Nfl Pr•Seelon Foot. bill (C) -rtle Washlnaton Redskins vs. the Detroit Lions. telecast live from Detroit. .._ ,... m 0 (I) • F1ntastic Yoyap (C) @ (E) U.S Men's Autew 7:00 v 18 ~ m Untanltd Wtrtcl (C) m W. ( ) "Annapolis StofJ" (C) rom the. Oakmont Coun· ~I ~8:111':~1e: (C) "Amw ift (dr1ma) ·ss -John Derek. Diana ~ Club In Oakmont, Pennsytvenia. tlle Dust" (adventure) '54 -Ster· ~Amazina Thrtt . :.W :l\So-Novlk Report (C) 8111 Alai ling Hayden, Coleen Gray. ii) us Eatrtlln y Usttd 1.00 iiifm Ci) U.S. Open Tennis Cl&I• IB ~i. w~:boc:: (C) 10:00 8 ~ (j) The Archie Show (C) en Col~r~~ Movit: (C) "Hurrlcl.nt Movie: (C) ''TIM Prince Wiiie Was A Th1tr• (adventure) '51-Tony Curtis, Piper Laurie. 7:251) Give Us This OIJ (C) CI) aJ Journey to the Ctn· Smith" (adventure) '52-John lre- ttr o the Earth (C) land. Yvonne De Carlo. Patty Dub • Tmel Ult World (C) Quest for Adftnturt (C) 4:00 • w.,.n Train (C) Mdlalt's NIVJ 7:30 I S11111mer Stmtst.r (C) e Movie-:. "Son of Btllt Stlrr" m Movie: ''The Searttt f'i•pemel" . ~e~M~s:=. Squam h~!re~m) 53--Keith Larsen, Oona &t!~~> '35-Leslle Howard, Mer1e Campus Dl(tst Ii) Movie: "QlneM Bunplow" aJ ... tstead/Publlc s.vict (C) C.11pus Profile lama) '56 -Paul Lukas, @!) Mn All• dt 11 M.,.,. (C) Bozo the Clown (C) P1ttem for llvln1 , t:OO I Qt Ci) Go-Go Gophers (C) las VictimH 1 :30 0 Movie,: 'Corsican lrotherf (ad· • Silvtr Wlnp • Set tM USA (C) 4:301 An(tls W1r111-up (C) Outer Umlts @oomsuper Six (C) 10:301Qj(I)Batm. an/Supemtan (C) venture) 41 -Doualas Fairbanks Co11ntry Music (C) • @ @ m Undtrdof (C) Jr.. Ruth ~arrick. @ Cil fl> C.IP« (C) Movie: ''rsllnd of lost Souls" aJ WruU•n& (C) Tales of Wells flreo (hor~ '33-Bela Lueosi. 2:00 I) Qi (j) Moby Dick (C) The Munsters • Bronco · R1lnbow lllu1re (C) Gumby (C) 0 CU') (3) (E) Fant.astk FOtlr (C) 0 Double Felblrt: "A Sli&ht Case 1:30 I) (ij Ci) lup Bunny/ Road Run-fl) 111• ilblt Answers or larceny" and "Captain Falcon" 5:00 0 C....Up (C) Piers Anderton hosts. Mf Hou~C) 11:00 0 aJ@m Mejor Lurae Ba• (in color). I ~ 6 -Cool McCool (C) ball~) Teams to be announ. ced. D @ OO:al Happenln& (C) @ · Gulliver (C) 0 (I)&) Geor&e of the Jun· m Sports In Action (C) • Ant* lattbaJI (C) The Califor· n11 Angels meet the BaltllTIOft Ori· oles. o @ m m wide wortd of i rts (C) ilm McKay. Homestaad (C) lnnovltions (R) Futbll·Socur Movie: " rtdlin1 Crew" (ad· e!t. e ( ) 2:30 fJ Diel M for Musk (C) Father venture) '42-Richard Arlen, Ches· m Movie: "Yelley of the Doomtd" Norman J. O'Connor welcomes a ter M_orris. . (spectacular) '62 -Don Meaowan. aroup called The Robert De Co<mier m Cisco Kid • 11:3019~TM Htreulolds (C) Slnaers. who present African folk m Rodtt Robin Hood (C) @ (E) American llftdstand 90n&s and a South American folk 9:00 0 ~ 00 m Tiit Aintstones (C) (g Dick lark hosts. mass. • Twill&'t Zont 5:301 kNIC Ntwlervlct (C) 0 Movie: ''Cfime Yfrthout P• '1J Movie: (C) '1iunflpt at Dodae 0 Movie: .. Bomb In the Hip sioft" (~~) '34-Claude Rains. City" (western) '59-Joel McCrea, StrHt'' (mystery) '63-Ronald How. Min From UNCU (C) Glllipn's lsllnd . D @w w fpldtrm1n (C) m Movie: "Iron Sh1rlff'' (western) ard, Terry Palmer. m Jaw la Lann• (C) ·~--sterling Hayden. G l•ttl• cry : Yo11r Dollel'a Wd (R) · Alrlaltture USA (C) Peter Marshall's Home Reflects His Career Peter Marshall's home tells somc1hlng about his · career. "There's our 'Bye. Bye Birdie' kitchen. there's the 'High Button Shoes' den with wet bar, and there's the new addition. a second story with master bathroom which we caU 'The Hollywood Squares' addition," said Marshall. Jn so naming the improvements. Ma.rsbaU paid grateful tribute to the success of his various professional ventures. . Jn fact. Marshall ill prett) arateful for the way things are aoing. LAT&f't ADDll'ION-ftti ...._, flOr1 ,_ 6ftill ....., addrd orrd # cwOrd Tit• Holfywootl Sq""''' addition, In ltonor of tltr strl,1 which lttlJWt/ 11ar-ltost Ptttr Mars/tall f'4Y for his ltomt improvcmtnt pr"lram. Frolicking in front o/ th• ltCtmr a" Mr. and Mrs. Matsltall and thrir cwn/11~ ~t. He ;s hosl of The Hollywood Squares, colorcast daytime Monday throuJh Friday. and of a new series. Storybook SquarC$, Saturday momma. both on NBC. "I've had a lot of offers this last year to do things I just don't have time for." he aid. "I was asked 10 do a Broadway show. a movie with John Wayne, summer and winter stock:. Even though I couldn't accept. it made me feel good." Also he11 be coming out with his first song album (for Dot) in March. "Jt11 be a contemporary thing." he ~aid. "111 be doing some standards. sort of Englebert Humperdinlc. that kind of middle thing." Marshall stays in shape by watching his weight and going to the gym five days a week for an hour's workout. "Basically I don't like to exercise but I look forward to ii because when I'm done. ii feels great," he said. He can use the conditioning because of the commercials, rather than the shows. 'Tve done 26 Kellogg's commercials," be said. "Of aJI my work. the toughest things are the commercials. I did a jogging one. I jogged from 8 AM to 11 PM until it was done. I went through six sweat suits. All for a one-minute commercial.·• The only one of his flourishing business interests that didn't do too well lasl year is a discotheque, the Yum Yum Room, in Bak.ers6eld. Calif. Marshall. who has written three screenplays, hasn't had a chance to aet to the typewriter recently. "I wish I could do more writing," he said , "but I just haven't had time. 1 have some marveloui1 story ideas, if J can ever sil down." The difference btween Hollywood S<\uares and Storybook Squares. as far as Marshall is concerned, 1s that one comes easy now (it began in Nov. 1966) and the 1econd is still a chat1cnge. ''Storybook is still a aame to be played," he said. "Hollywood Sq1111,. is now at die point wbere we can juat enjoy doin~ show. Ukc Wally (Cox) said, 'it's tettfns toaether with f you lilte and ,etbng paid for it.• .. Once Storybook Squares gets to that point. Marshall should be ready to add another room to the boule. .... II SAVE $20.00! BUY NOW! PRICES GO UP ON SEVERAL MODELS ON SEPT. 1st! NEWEST -3-HEAD 630-D PROFESSIONAL STEREO TAPE DECK Sony's Model 630-0 solid state, 4 trdclc stereo tape deck is for the customer who wants a sophistic:a· led tape recorder. It provides in· put end •witching fec:ilities for two microphones and three .eparate high-level stereo sources. The mod· el 630-0 comes complete with one empty 7" reel, two reel caps, two RK-74 p.stc:h cords, one AC power cord, Ol\o hud cleaning ribbon, and a dust cover. SONY f!L.'1F'.~ Save ~20.00! Buy Before Sept. 1 Model 50 Solld State Pocket CHsette SONY. Model 20 Automobile Ca11ette Player Syatem