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1969-08-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• 7. Jl'ea~h Man· Fnu~a J.~· ,.,, 't . ' . . _., ... ~ .. ·:Floail.'!I ~akod~ ~.~eoliee . ·stay ·iM.uni .. ~· . . . on Buntingi•ii., . • •• • • o(... • ,• • • • Away :Fi".om ··.Bo.at -~ .: . '. . '· Murder Chairg~~.-- --. . \. ! . . .. ., .. . ' ' MONDAY AFTERNOON', AOGUST ·:is: 1969. . ~ . ' ' VOL. U.• JrlO. ,.,_ S SICTl~NS, :It.PAGES • • .. ' , . ' • L • r.-' ~ 1' '· . ., CottlnlNe.ir-,.""! .... -. :r ~ ~ . \~ .Blaze Disast1er ' • Misses Modjeska Mo4Jeska Canyon residents who tuf· fered wlnt(r rains and flooding were spared the disaster of fire Sul)dayi as flames erupted in Orange County brushlandl and were iradually ~otrolled el;:~refighters were finally gaining the upper hand over b1azes which broke Ollt ·'Friday ' .. at scauer'ed :. locations throuilJoul the Southla!ld, fed by feverish Speed~at Splits Apart, Sinks Off Balboa Pier winda af!CS.lo)y .humidity. . "Things are looking &ood,11 said a spokesman today,,, as two m a'j o-r b,rustifires were contail!ed and a tliird ' . was expected to be surrotinded by early Tuesday. The aeties of fires whlch broke out left nearly 42:.000 aereg. blackened ·in -three comities, 'While the Modjeska Canyon blaze Sunday night burned only 25 acres. · A total~o'f 110 men aJded by chemicals raining from aerial •bombers· above CCJh.. trolled the. 5 p.m. fire wlihlrf two• hoUrs •after it erupted, pos!ibly cawied b) Children wltb matches. Aequltted oremore •. 1 • State Division of Fore11try infonnaUon Capt. John P. Stevenson ·baa: officer Mike Walsh said winds JuclOJy been,. acquitted Dy an AQStral .. blew the Darites away from the com· ian military cou'tt of charges munity of 700 persons in the mountains that he was pat1ially respc;>o-- A sJieedboat competing in tire 'Hennessy behind the El Toro area. sible for the -cOllislon of his N,, '~ r. ·~!-· ••• IM ... a· r·· ···1·J •. ·au·· '' ~~::i~:.~!:!t~l~e:~~n~~rsa~"d ar~':!.35e~~~,t~t"~~~f:n~: !~·th~U.$~rree~~=1tr~~ 0 On. ' ' ' . . -sank lri 80 feet· of water.· Jts two OC• finally Jlalted a mjle short of the re~ E. Eyaoi. See Jlor;;,,P#lil' 4.' ;> • · • _... • cupaot$ were-rescued b:Y passing boat. community. ' • ' ,. .. • • · · · , . • . ,. _ Hall;)or-V:atrolmen said the octan rac· Further south, •ti.ask force of clvil~n .. • ""t ~ ~ · ·, t i · W ldB' n· il·z~· tna: boat :;ank about. hau mile orr the nremenandMartnesweregradu~1ry~ ..,.\ . . ... l':..Otorama ,r ·Oters OU ll9' r ~ng .Balboapieralterltsbowsplitapart. tro11Jng a wlde·r•nlinc· .. ries ·of}fires Beach Man Found • · , ~ .. .., .. ·, · . .._ \' ••. "' • · .: ............ -,.... . ... Wayne '°'ler · 30,.:of Cypreu, was at which charred about 21,0llO acres. 1 . .-ii TuOMAS, McCANN • : . Sfioi!!il:~U '$.)1llng be. bannejl ali aJoiia the Wboel "'ben. the 22-foot Luger craft Touched . off by nillltary .ll)'rot,.Ynlc n .. .. ~ 0 • • • ,. Of "" °"" Pli.t ita!f the or'1'it.Cout, ? Y,es, 67.7 ~rcetd.;']i0, !fllit r' up. 1Us Co-competitor WU Jerry tratning devices Frtdly,· the main blaze .n.n"..I at Sea; 30 per<e t l!hu., 25, of Long.Beacil. . ate Its "''Y 1wlrtly....., the sprawlll!I. .~ . Fptorama vi.aiJs>rs, ~ould · n.<J1. leg_alize Should "the iega1 voling age be lowered · Patrolmen laid the ~t, valued· at , ~~Y·. C01p· "Peadi:etoa' -~ eJt:reldd · .... 1 the use of m.anjtlana in Calif<lm1a, w~ld 'to""lS' No;..6l 8 percent'· Yes ,41 l"pe1'9tot' about $4,oOO, stopped short. wtM!n the· bow N•tiOnil F.ornt Um~~··" .i A lt -· Ord ~ ~!t.uw~~?aJ~"~ ~~gs~hr~~~'~ wuh ·paru~~(fa~rfva~1f~v:, ~·!'l~Je~l:~(I :r~er~~~~~t.~~ w:::·:r~J~:::ri:tr:. ' ~ OJlSYj ereaj (wllh-.'parental1apprOVal)'in-~bliC'·jufU9r . lse~ eclUC~ .oor a fu:i1 ; tis, Jt'i f:~ 'his nose. " ' fjremen, 150 ·ot; them Marinlll, Wll' er· The &ctY~ I l·year-old HunUncton hilJ! schriilli, IN! ,aren't tbO iure.wb•ll'l'r • ~nt:'i~~~1r1 ~(.. • ; , :· ii:· Both m'l'·abandolled ship: Immediately · pec:ted to pli1 contrO! of the."""'"""' Beach·.,.n -found floaUng race doWn or l)Ot ·11-ytar .. ld! ahould b!' '/l•wed· to ·ShouliH~ '\Jill.Wt; States go.for"Mars •after the inlshap.. • fitme1 by .lliilig!ll. . a few yvda from .bis clriftlng clhin vo~, . . . • , , .• , .-i • : •and all-out texokira!iont-of: ·flPAC'f., yes, "An un!de~UOed .,p~ssing boat pic~ed Wealbir 1 cOhdit.lons Which ~ttd cruller Sunday oU' Emerald &v· near Those are-1some of the, result~ ~f a . 163 6 petctfit·iN"b.·38.'3 ~L' " 'them up and calle<I for help, patrolmen to the orfliul h!lzes were , ~_!levjated Lian,.. Beach. . , . r . . ' ' '. • • · : · · :ew Gi~M .....• :._ •• ' • • t ~"J!!li. .. ~·~'',;h;s: · , . , , t t • .r . . l ·For·:Calalnitjr .' ·: By JEROME F. COUINll. .. • ot .. hllr ''"' ..., • t PreJ!clent Ni>on SUnday nfllrt' eahd Hurricane Camille "tile went iDatilral disdter wi.hava.had in. th.i. cenfur;;"' 1 Vice President Spiro Agnew toaay P VI . ' ' two reasons why:, , · • f .. -lle!or1 C&mille struck ille Gu Cout maioliiida U.S:Nivy,J$ne ne,,. into the eye • of the hqrriea .. \ Wilh the rlli\I ll)~log/c~I eqolPilJeill!bul.tlie mni: type or 'alrCra/t. Jl.t the 'qme lllJ!<!• ·tho u;s .. ~ir Force made the fiiii,l witll lhe ~-"_..f <I • but " -!J~,, ftta-l.vt I.,....• ..,ear,, ill Q.~~ • .--.- . -.:.::Lake Pont.chartnrtn,.L'aboVW.'-Nllf .Orleans his . Jriadequa~ ~~ facllitfes, a point¥ma&' tri Y.•clelr wh<1t. Its w~ter.,. "'oil"' bf. , · '* deluge, over!!Ol\'ed; and Wlpeii OUf uioµsapds of homes ... , . t ' -~ told a pras <onlerinee Ir!. !lit Weitetn White llolile lh·San.Clefnenta he had dlscuu.d' the .. situatibo ·~lib tho Pres~! and aid ·"be .Xpreslld }Teal conc:em." • , · \ ' l I ' . 11ie vice pr .. ld"'t m~ ,his .~ aft.er. t~ing1 lb e atmn-devut'.akd •talel ·01 Mi..WlPPf. and' ~r.i.na.· . He.said he wai lnstrUcted ~ Nblon to taie up with" DI'. Lei, DuBridp'. tho ~·s·ICie!n ......... tho.prob. or "relnfordq ew lllllllr 1o·,..... these llorml In ~ K I ~ Esttmatt;s ti clmW ~ '1 C.mllle In· addlilon to the Jou ol blJi>. ~retf• cifllm, has'beln·i>l....i u illlb llf ~'million, aid Aal><w1" • • • ~ 1 He predicted t)l!i ~ ... -. through variou's •aerie)el; "will 1!1Uba1111 fpetid more ·In~ ...... ...... I· 1see~· .... ll " ... • ••qutci.ie qu1i" the DAILY PtOOr 1ntf\fd· t Do J~vM 'aperiditurl}. of .--u11~ee,, t said. • ' ' ~ . somewhat Sunday. aa. cool JllOlit ocean .-- ed ,ls part 1 of _the b.!lllot • on -~~ch . imonei.: mpre. '1o\vn·fo..earltl pi'oj~ ' 1 'l'he bbat w'_a• described a1 a total loss, wind& swept lni lowerirC tern~ Oraitca ~ Harbor -De~t Wea6er i Votoroma • a1, totoram.. p"flk1pants • 1Y'es{ 61.7 Pef<tnt~o, i,~ lflir=t.: . pallelmen said · ' lllee F!JIB, Pap, I) ' spo1c...,.. Ulcl the body or Cbarlel R. •sunny. """1111111 1 k I eo wlll . voted.~ .TtUrsdlly, ~ay · and·:t~· · --... • ,. .. ; ' ~, j·, '1' Floyd Jr,, 1111 Garfield Ave., wu toUad beam• brightly , over. tba--t OQaae day If. J;!lhkf f~nd tn Newport ac ..... I .. .,, 'r . '" . {J-.,9 . • , • , -, . . at 8 a.m. 'llbiltW f.lce ap. .. Coast on _Tuesday. Add . 11 deo- ... !§!fl'ilmmr~!r'I/,· .;i :!.H . .,,,,,,00. ·, ·'.;·i1'Jl11u' --der ·C ' se· Seer· et The'PO(!llilior'tiilMumadetbelb-gretseastofthebelcbc1U•, The' queottons ·.,.~1 ~~11Y"c:Oli" i qr·. ' <--!JJ! ·. t • a . . ..1ua1C111 ,~1!'9~l~f'"r '", .... " , :•JNS1-tll TOD.tY lnwtnial subject.a were included In i · .... " e;. • •1 • ~ ~·· ··a. £i ~ .tt )f'. .:.:.1..1 1J~ .. A 1iiil ~;lr · · ballotaetupoo·volinfIJ!.~~(prNjb· 1 ,.., ,.,' ;,, ~~ !-oi:"<.~ 1 ; '' ·,,, t t t~" ' \ body, lllr IMoot Clbbt. cndlef was ·E~, 1aai .10'9 "d~rcd . ed .by lbe ~ulinlUe· •Ollilt' )!Rhine. 1 dloco• .... 1111!111 8"" ""'1>lllDOd 111hcr• t"4 .,.,t<rlJU "-' ,,...., ~atioo.-,. , , ly TftRY .COVll.LE cion ol 10ticitlng murder, ri>bbf:y •nd ~onl'BI--. . . · . · , but they· came~ ..W. t-\ Vifus wore almost evi~ly dlvided • ..,,.._,,,.,,.. ,burtl>ll'~bl1fonnahrr'1811111tnlwH 1be stoeky Garden Gme-~'l~lljduntopjy o .. r tfte .,.,k'11<1'·to Qdd iplrtl • between.men ancf'womet\ :.17,6 pe!j:<nl · r ocheclultd late "!<I&~ m Wes! Orange wu ~under arm!.., tbe c:huae< ·ts~ Tllft-• nldonco ol l'olll · to b(lati•g aelivitica. l'ollO IO. 1 men and !Z. I pereeot ..,.,n. • Corflpiele,-ol • bizarre mJ.:*r· County Judicial District Court. lfW .U.,edly outllnloi 1 p\atl to lllnlll• plaf, tboJ m,11. -· • • • -•-" Molt of them (57.4 percent) ~··over fm-~ire-J)lot. cracked by Hun gton Tbe novel cue -·nrst of Its klod In a,fa1'1 ac;cldent for hi.I girUrtend. They aald Floyd Jett AnabeJm. marina c•llftri!Mi • Miit .. ..,,.. ,. a.~. b\it 29.i percer'll were between 18 and BelC!b detectives will remain aecret un,Ul . HWltinaton Beach h~-:Unfokfed Fry. 11The ap))areat moUve was a miall. at Suneet Beach Siturday night at at>oqt ~=:,.1tt.1t ~ ,... -.. ~ 2S yean old and IU percent ,,,... 21 to ""1t proloottinp,qa.illll the defend'!'~ day on the athlelle field al Fountain lript .. lndmmity insurance po 11 c y , ' ' 7 p.m ... -lrig ,,.. Nem>411 ~ ,..._. . " &• 11 • a; • 1utiiorlt1e1 alid today. ,l'.alley J!llh Scbool under clraunljancea DetecUve Sgt. Moot~ McKoanon ex· Rosary wUI be reclt.d al 7:30 p.m. :=,. ..,._ ,l -a Here) how they voted on the '11'"" • No • .~ ·.,.. being taken that paraDelllng a TV .•bow. . J!llilned today.. · • tonlihl at Dllday.BNro. Mor1lw'y Clllpd, =.:r ,I . : lions: ll!'lrtal ~11 oould dam.,. the ·~ ~al«I said • couple ol ebfldrtn :rtie aDtpd target.ol the llCddoftl. Miii li1Dltfn""'1 ll<acb. •-,,..~ ~ " S""'ld the"" o( marijuana be tegall\. 11111181 llldilid D. Reed, JI, o( 12512 wakhfng 10. ploinllot'-nen lllm>Und Kl\thleion Docl<ell, ol Ille umt Garden Roqulem ""' WUI be ee~ ~t t 't;."ti\\,.. Jl -..: ed lo the llate of California? No. 7U pet· Koe! Ave., -G,..,.. · Rood and an o(Hetr -u a paid GtoY1 ~ hu ...,. h1lo Ndulfon ~!':'.:..1~, 11 .. ~.~ ·'"'!I J¥e -. • -.. ....,1; Yea, 21.3 percenl. Reed)•H booked l~sl Friday on auspi· slayer interrupted lo ask 11 they were (Sol DEA111 PW!', Pap I) ~•NH< -w• ·--C/O" lleoc'I' ' • ,._ , ... -' -... . . . .,, .. •' l . . ' -' -' . ' .. •' J : .1 • -- • I • • s 'Spin' Exeevted Isra~li,_ Arabs U.S. Troops I Kill 76Reds l In New Attacks At 'Citadel' • JyUnllMl'm&la- 'llrMll jeti bombed Jordap lodly and Arab suemuas ambushed an 1eraell Pltrcl Mar the Lebanese border. lraq ex· ecuted 15 penons,Jncludlng two Jew1, on charaes ol oPYlni for llrael and the U.S. Ctntnl llllelU&tnce Agency (C(A), Israel &aid the Jeti bombejl a Jordanian anny peet. ind guerrilla camp. Jordn Mid the attack was on civilian targets &Del that four clvlliana were killed. 23 Gls Spend 20th Day· in • Two Qiurches By BRUCE A. COOK llltlOLULU (UPI) -Twenty·lbree U.S. ~ oppoeed to the war in vw.m. extended their s y m b o I i c aanctuary in two clnaches to 20 days tG- day u mWtary authorities watched and walt.d. "ll they think that we are going to send down a p:iuplt of squads of &oldips to ai;; mt thelil, llley are out ol their minds. an ArmJ tpOtesman said. '"Ihis is lftdlely what they want UI to do -a prtUy deroonstratim ol violence at the cluzrcbn: in front of a batter)' of television cmneras," be added. The "oPirltual leader" of the IBilCtuary JJ the Re-Y. Robdt Warner, 21, wbo was flrOd from bis job ... school cbaplaln became parents complained he COllducted biwTe. unorthodox services. Warner called on other churches Sun-- day "to break tbrougjl their aeUisb con- cern for security and barmooy" and help out with the aancllWY. whlcb he deacrlb- ed .. "poWltially -ol the -algnlf~ eanl eDlllples ol _.!loo wl)b mUllary ln!osti<e in U.S. hlJl«y." 'l1le aanctuary II headquaMed al tho 40-)'dl'<Jld chutth ol the cnllSroOlll, w h I c b Is alfillaled with the Unlled a...ch ol OiriJt. The Unitarian Church of llonolulu, three mile• "°""' town, became a aecOnd sanctuary atte Friday when thret Gls were tramferred there. The Cburcll of the Croosroads, acroos a freeway from the University of Hawail campus, bu long heeo a plberinl plaM for antiwar students and CJ"OUPI ad- vocating llberalism and interradallsm. It f"'J"entl7 {eaturea ~ Oil 111C1> topics u LSD, seJ. and hippies. . . Lui February the 001111'egaUon vot.d to dler it&. ho<p!Iality to dr>ll dodgen and ....icemen w1» oppoae tho Vietnlm ...... 3 Young Men Jailed in Knife Attack on M~n Three young men were belllg held in Anaheim jail today on chariea of repeatedly stabbing a Santa Ana man in the back and chest with hunting tnlve1. The victim of lhe attack, Robert L. Scott, rt, was treated at Orange County Medical Center and relea>cd. A hospital spoktsman said nooe of the thrusts atruck vital organs. Anaheim police uld they would aetk complaints today charging Nathan H. Allen, ts; Samuel T. StranagUa, 19, and Gary M. Foearty, 22, roommates at an Anaheim apartment wilh assauJL with in- tent to commit murder. According to police. Scott had spotted two of the trio going through • car park· ed out.side an Anaheim bar Saturday night and yelled to swe !hem off. Upon leaving the bar later we was attacked by three men, each wleldlng a hunting knile. DAIL\ f'IL0 1 .......................... ----C.0- CALlfObllA OMHOI CCU1 ""9lllMtMO OOMMffY ...... N. "'"' ---J•U. •• c..1.., Vb,.,..._~ ........ T"-t• Ktnil .... T~t111•1 A. M.,.,\ln ~.-.iw - Tho llraeU communique 111d the . planu attaehd tarsets~ 30 m I I e 1 northeast of the Dead Sea. An Amman spokesman said the Israeli planes ra1ded civilian areas west of the villqe of AH;uknen 15 ljrllea norlhwell Of Amman. Jordan'• ooly OU refinery which Ii controlled bY the U.S. Arabian • American OU Co. (ARAMCO) II In that area. Four Arab guerrilla att.acks were reported in northern Israel, including the ambush oo a patrol near MOlhav Av1 vlm, two milts south of Lebanon. Seven l1r1eU &Oldien were wounded, the Jerusalem communique said. , UPtt.._... --SAIGON (OPI! ;_-U.S • .liilantrymen' tilled 71 Norlh Vleln1111e1<. lroOJ" In IWo ballles near a Communist •l/Ul&hold known u "tl\e ClladOl" norlhwe:.t of S:llgoo, mllltar)' apnke.m.n aald today. 'fbey exchanged rockel ,.....,., from u close as 200 yanla oparl. , MllJiary oources aald the North Viet· namese and Viet Cone in the. area 30 miles northwest or Sa.lion were about ready for another drive tn their so-called autumn campaign and would open a ter .. rer campaign In Salgon. 'Ibe new dt'lves were expected before the Sept. 2 IMlversary of North Viet .. nam's declaration of lndependenct from France in 1945, the sources sakl. Baghdad Radlo said nine of the men ez~Wtd were c1villam ·"~ ·weA.,.l}anged at Central Prison. The rest were mllllary men who were sbot by a firing squad at an anny ump out.side the city . It ~ to 51 the number of Iraqis executeil on spying et>nvictlons since Jan. :?. 'Ille total included 11 Jews. BURNED OUT CAR $MOLDERS A$ BRUSH FIRE IGNITES BUTANE .TANK NEAR EL CAJ.ON Tho Rolfts Co..,., It.. Bn1sh G,_ Taft and Then II Got Hot1 ·~ n Windy ' " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~-~~., ' . The two battles near "the Citadel'• lruited all day Sunday. American troop! were aided by jet fighter bombers and artillery. • Military apokeamen uld the lntm.e fightlng In the rice paddlea and ·woodlands between Saigon and the Cam· bodian border included several houri of c;omparat1vel;: close exchanges of ·rocket lftlUldes and' howitzer rounds, some as close as 200 yards. . -. The eiecutlons were evidence the tra~ qi regime:JJ delennined to continue Its policy "ofpurging lraq o( all spies and imperialilt agents," the statt-c;ontrolled Baghdad aald. • Spying r. worse threat to Arab na· tions than "the continuing aggresston the Israelis have been waging on Arab forces," the newspapers said. Nation Pours Out Help For ·Hurricane Victims I• ·Fro,. P"fJe. 1 FIRE •. : . . and ralllng humidity. Firemen and equipment from as far !¥lrlh ·u Sacramento ,1'tfe, ~ to help batUe the holoclUlla wbfdl·-. out in San Diego, San Bernardino and Riverside cotlnties. In Ille Mekoog Delta, the senior U.S. of· fictt there aald today the North Vie~ namese: anny for the first time in the war ju moved a regular anny ~ Into lho delta. In Amman, a Jordanian military &pOkesman said .a aroup 9' lsra,eU fighter planes raided civilian targets 11 miles nortbeasl ol the Capital The Israeli lllale radio said today lwo Israeli soldlen were killed and two WOOD- ded SUnday When lhelf:-..army vehicle atnick a mine norlb of the D<ad Sea. In Cairo, foreign ministers of the •14-na- .tk>n Arab' Leque j:alhered to decide what to do llloUt the burning of El Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, ooe of the Moslem world'• holiest shrines. Polltical .observers said Lhe meeling displayed more Arab unity lhan in years. In Jerusalem, Iar1el opened ita in- vesti1aUon of the fire and blghly placed political IOUrces said the 1ovemment would lry the Australian aispecl In the fire under aecurity arrangemebta &! ltrict aa the !rial ol Mott Eichmann. The 10Urct1 ukl the trial ol Michael Dennla WUllam Rohen, 28, an Australian lheep ahearer KalSed of startlng the fire Thuraday, wll1 be planned in an effort to ensure the kind of world press coverage given the trial of Eichmann, who planned the execution of Jews under AQolf HlUer in World War 11. Anaheim Man's Cause of Deatli At Bar Unknown 0nmae Cc\!llllY corooen depullu today ldmtuied a man who dropped dead -a Wutmlnater bar Friday nliht u Brian S. Oakey. %4, an Anaheim cbemical flnn employe. Oakey coUapacd at U :45 p.m. out.ide the In Dowd, a ~go Lavern at Beach Boulevard and McFadden Avenue, pclloe said. An autopsy cooducted Sunday by coroner& failed to clilcloee the cause of dealh. A depuly explained lhal loilcology and mJCl'tlllCOpic tests could lead to 1 determination rl the mysterious death but that the resulta wouk! probably not be known for 1everal day•. LL Jack Shockley of the We.slminster police department said preliminary in- vestigaUons showed that no foul play was involved. "There were no signs of any brulaes on tbe bod)'," he said. Si%itag (Jp Role By THE ASSOCIATED PllJ!llS Thousands of contributions' furn their countrymen heart.ned Miaialpplam to- day as they continued their fiCbt hick rtom_ Jhe c h au left by Hutricaot Camille. The American Red Cl'Ols, meanwhile, said i! needs a minimum of $15 million 1n donations to meet the oost of emergency aid and recovery help for. the hurricane victims. The relief agency had asked for $6 million last week. Some 69,000 In Loui!iana, MissiJsippi. Alabama, Virginia and West Virginia were affected by the hurrice.ne, the agen- cy said and at least 20,000 famUJea would need Red Cross help. U.S. Army helicopter pilots aearcbtd mnote parts of the GuU Coast for in- From Page l DISASTER ... Ulan on any in our history." Camille, which packed winds of Up to 200 mJJes per hour, was far worse than had been anticipated, Agnew explained. He said the reuon was less-than-ac. curate meteorological reports based on invesUgaUonal flights. TIUNGS MIXED "The Navy plane had a wonderful equipment package." he said, "but it couldn't stand up to the winds. And the Air Fottt bad a wonderful plane, but not the right meuwing devices." "We have to increase our ability to predict where these storms will be com- ing ashore and their intensity when they do, and we must solidify the ability of local government to work efficiently with the offlct (l( emergency preparedneu and the Red Cross." Nl1on termed Camille the nation's "worst natural dlsuter" ln a ~ tinental telephone call to Bob Hope. The comedian toolr: the open line call from San Clemente while serving u master of ceremonies of a fund·raiaing telethon in Jackson, Mlss. The President praised Hope and other participants in the telethon show wh.ich Sunday night raised D'Kre than $1.3 million to help storm and flood victims. Among donations was $1,000 from the Pres idenrs family and the White House st.a ff. DAILY P'ILOT lltll ~ With help from his wile, Orrllla. Judge Lloyd Blanpied Jr., newest member or the West Orange County Municipal bench , tries on robes of office following swearing In ceremonies last Fr1day. New Juri s!, a fqnner Newport Beach attorney, started work this morning. Gavel was gift from friend s in Newport's Goof-Oilers Club. habitanll laolaled ~Y the atonn. OlfldAll al 3rd Anny headqUarters, FL McPhenoo. Ga., reported finding ooe stranded family of 12 persons near Wig- gim. Mlu., about 30 miles north of the kmtated1lll«ll0'1..am. T)le familyJµd been without food or water for two days. Helicopters flew in enough food for thrtt day1 fort more than 130 isolated refugees · found 10 miles south of Poplarville, which is about 40 mileg north of the coast. The eiact death toll was confused by a number of conflicting estimates and re· maioed unknown. Gov. J oho Sell Williama placed !he figure at aboul 200, reduc:lnc bil earlier estimate of 300. Water systems we.re operating but not aafe for drinking in Pasa Christian, a nearby beach community. and Bay St. Louis, near the Louisiana border. Eltc· triciiy in these communities w a 1 available for emergencies onJy. • Gulfport fared somewhat better, with power largely restored and the water system operating and declared safe. Biloxi, lo the east, had its water system safely In operation, but only a third of the city had power. Cleanup operatioos also continued in the bayou aru of IOUth Louisiana, large- ly ln oil·rlch Plaqucmln'-' Parish. JC Registration Open for All Wednesday will be the first of two open dates In which anyone may regi!ter for evening classes at Orange Coast and Golden \Vest Colleges. Registration will be held in the OCC gym from S p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The second date will be Sept. Z at lhe same time and place. Golden West's registration will also be held from I p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the same date in IM College Cent.er Building. Alphabetical registration has been completed at OCC, with the two heaviest dates, the open dates, coming up. College officials said that vacancies are still available in both classes, but that they will fill rapidly on those two dates. Students should come early to avoid being shut out. Followint those two dates, registration will continue, vacancies pennllting, on Sept. I, IO, 11, 15-18 and 22·24. The fee Ls $5 per class. Despite optimism on the part of fireflgtters, the series of blazes over the weekend are only the vanguard or what ma)' .be a record Southland fire sea~ NO REAL DAMAGE Brush and 'vegetation brought on by last winter's record rainfaU ta now brittle and llnd<Mry, while September and October are the Southland's hottest months. ... 'Overs' Must Cover 'Unders' At Laguna High ' The yard.slick bas been tO&Sed out by Laguna Beach H1gb S c b o o 1 ad- ministrators in determlnini whether a girl's skirt i• too short. But that doesn't mean there's no limit on tiow high the skirt.I may rile. Tile 'fir!!' clothing board ai>d ad- ministrators have decided that '~J skirt is too short U the toPs ot hO&e or Im-' dergannenta &how at artytime." Last year, the rule read thal skirts cooldn't be greater than ••about three in- ches" Above the top ol the knee. The thorn ln the aide of the .,.,,. clothes board in the put bas been the in- terpretation ol lhe hair length. Last year's rule stated that hair must be "combed neatly and tapered;" and that .sideburns couldn 't grow below mido ear. • This year, sideburns will be allowed to grow to the bottom of the ear. The rule also states, "Hair must be tapered. Hair cannot Oop over the ears or fall on the shoulders." The other major complaint by boys last year dealt with the rule, "Sandals must be worn with socks." That has not been changed by the administration. Girls wlll be allowed to wear slacks lo school if it is raining when they leave home. Slacks will also be permitted dur- ing finals week, and when otberwise designated by the Student Council. . The school's Student Court will have the responsibility to enforce the ruJes. It has the power of suspenaion. "We're going to keep a close tab on students' responsibility towards the rules. "If we're impressed, the administration might be more flexible in the aecond semester," Principal Robert Reeve.s said. Maj. Gen. Roderick Wetherill, com· mander of the Della Military Assistance Command, ldentifled the unit as the 18B Regiment of the 1st North Vietnamese Division. WeUterUI said the 2,000 men of the regi- ment were in Chau Doc province, 140 miles !Ou'thwest of Saigon. The delta, South Vietnam's rice pro- ducing area with haU the nation's 17.S mill ion people, has long. been a stronghold of the Vitt Cong. U.S. 9tb Infantry Division troops in the delta killed nine Communist troops Sun- day, including Col . Hai Tram, com- mander of several North Viebwnese bat· t.llool. The colonel played dead unlit a U.S. Ranger platoon approached. Then he threw a grenade. They shot him, 'nle U.S. Command said a North Viet. namese army captain was captured despite his efforts to hide beneath the 11Urface of a pond five miles southeast of · the Cambodian border. Military spokesmen said. the captain told them his unit wu heading for Cam- bodia when it waa cauP.t by American infanlrym8l and bellcopttr gunships. Al least 28 North Vietnamese soldiers w... tilled Sunclay In wh>l military spotesmen calJed a suk:tde attack aplnst the U.S. 10111 Airborne Dlvislol> bale called Be1'cbtesgaden al® a hill in the A Shau Valley, 375 miles northeast of Saigon. From P .. e 1 DEATH PLOT •• and will not discuss the case. The drama began last Tuesday wben police received an aOCJr1ymous telephone tip alleging that Reed was looking for a man to kill his girl fr:lend. The tip was followed with the asaign· ment of an undercover man to contact Reed. A meeting was arranged fOt' Wednesday at .._ Huntington Beach bar on Beach Boulevard. A detective met Reed at the bar. Their discussion then moved to Lake Park and was followed by the scheduled meeting in Fountain Va1Iey. "This was one of the wierdest cases I've been involved in,'' 5ald McKennon. explaining the careful arrangements made to trap Reed. The athletic field was surrounded by ten detectives -one from Fountain Valley -with electronic equipment to record the conversation of film and tape. Once Reed outlined his plans, detec· lives moved in for the arrest. truly ''the usel!I of ad,·ersity Will the President proclaim it ''Buy .. are l!l"·eet, '' The l!le''ere com- ~tition actually made this a better store. Anot11er thing. Jt hu ntade me a more aggres11ive adver· tieer. Since I l!ltarted to ad,·er· tir,e 52 weeks a year I have sta.rled drawing husine!s from every corn er of Oranpe County . From .. Bidwell Week''? Unfortunately for my doctor, I'm not a wonier. If I could learn to bite my fingeruails, I'd get 10me ulcen. In 1965 there were 14 men'• 1tores within a radius of len rulles from my etore. Bul!linen at Bidwell'1 wu good. I was happy. My wife was happy. Ever')·body "'U happy. Then they opened that blasted Newport Center or Fashion ltland or whatever it'• called lately, up lhere on lhe bill. You: 1honld ,count the mfln'• ''°""' (and department stol'f: men'• de~rtmenta) j111t in tl1at one shopping center. The Broadway, BaU11nts' l)ee.. mond'a, Roward'1, Meapr'a, Penney'1, Robimon'a.. and Silverwood'•· Ei1h1 of lhem. I'm 1uni lbtt my •nag and \ pro1!ipe.rou1 litlle 1hop1 were not the reason all tho.e •tores came rul!lhing to Newport Beach. If I thought oo, I'd be flattered. Or I gu ... I would. Bui today instead of 14 co1npetiton I have 37. Same ten mile rad..iul!I. Figure it out. 18% mol'f: p0pulation; 118o/o n1ore men's stores. Th.at, dear friend• and fellow pbilooo- pben, i1 modem mat11. At (int, when all thote new t1torn opened, it waa real toupi. For e\•erybody. But now my bu&ineu is on die up again. !\Iv ules each week are mu· ni'hg well ahead of tut year. Tboup I lorf!"t wbn "id It, I have cu&toDJen "·ho live as far away BJ Trahuco Can. yon. Unheard of in 1965. And from Sa11 Clemente, Uuntiu~ton Harbour, and even La Habra. That's why it wo11]d 11ure he nice if the President would proclaim next week "Natio-nal lluy. A. Suit· From. Bidwell'• Week.'' I could uee a few t"Os- 1omers from Cincinnati, Boise, and Baltimore. In cue you're one of those, and.you're 1tayiq at the New· porter Inn, my 1riit prieet nm from $85 lo $185. ~ly doon open et 9:30. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, jull beyond lhe Arch .. onrpu• over Pacific Cout HJpway. Telephone 67114510. Drive between Udo Theoter &t my llore &t park in rear, Copyr!pt 1969, Jack Bidwell. • , I I I I 1 .I I .I I I I ' I ~ I . I Buniingtoii_ voi:. 62, N0.-203, 3 $ECTIONS,,32. PA66S . . ·1 ' ' • lXOil ..s , ' Death Piot • .. •. •J ' ,, . ' . • ' -,. • . . , " Secret Beac"1 Police Mum .~~ 'Hir ed Mu~de r' · P.eed and an offieer posing as 1 paid • 1 I e • • . TEN CENTJ ' ' . Agnew Tells Reason s fo r ' Disaster • ' By JEROME F. IJOLLINS By TElplV COVILLE -·Of·ftirt-oai!Y ,...,._,ttff···' • Reed was booked last Friday on suspi- cion .of -IOliciUng -murder,-rOb~ .. ancL burglary .,00 bis ,fj>n11al arr&lgnment was scheduled late. today in West Orange Cou.11,lf J11dicial Oistrlct Court, 61.ayer interrupled· Jo-· ask ·if they. wer.e ...... -:---_ . .!f 1111 Dellp PAii ,... , ,._ l"'f. _ _,.,. Complete. delalls of. a bizarre murder· ror.-hlre plot cracked by Hunt ington Beach detectives will remain secret until court procffdtngs against the defelKlanl, .authorities said today . No c.hahctll are being taken lbat pretrial publicity could dama ge the case against J'.Uchard D. Reed, 28, of 12;12 Keel: Ave.,'Garden Grove. ' The novel cake ....'.. first or its kind in Hunllngtoh Beach histcry-urifolded Fri· day on the a,thletic field at t~ountain Valley High School ~dcr circumstances parallelling a TV show. Jnvestigal.orJi said .a Couple of children watcbfug · 10 plainslolbesmen surround . Flood-VJctlms Spared-. . . ' ~· .. ,. '· ~ Blaze Disaster Miss es .. Res ide nts in _Modj~ska · Modjeska Canyon residents who suf· fered winter ra>.ns and flooding were spared the disaster of fire Sunday, as fla~· ·~~ed in Or,ange ~nty; fbru1&Umds and wer.e gradually controlled ' . ''"""'*" . Weary ·firtfighf.erl ltere fmally gaining the upper band ovet ~s which twoke · out., Fridaf . at · ·a'trited locations thr~ lhe Southland, fed by fev'erish win4i and Jo:w humidity,~ "Things are looklng gOod," said a ipokesman today, as two m a j o r brushfires were contained and a third was expected to be surrounded by early Tuesday. The.aeries olfires wfUch broke out left nearly 42,oob acres blackened in thrte counUts, while the Modjeska ~nyon bhue Sunday night burned only 25 acres. A'tOtaJ ol. UD men akled by chemicals raining from atrial bombers above con- trolled the 5 p.m. fire within two hours after it empted, poialbly caused · by children 'with matches. oremore · , State Djvision of FOrestry infonnalion officer Mike Walsh said . wind! luckily blew· the ·flames, away from the com· tnunlty of 700 pe.rsorur in the mountains behind the El Toro att.Ji. Ooe ol 3& bomes in the Harding canyon -. . arr.a was evacuated... but ,the.. blaze wu finally baliecra mile sbor\.of.tht mnote cooununity. · Furthe~ aouth, 'a ,task f1?rce .ot .civilian) ~i~~~n .. and ~~Inf• we~~Y, con. ~"""·"'.'l!'.J'~ fit' ... ~ whj.clt cllarted a~ 2G, ams. ~ouched , off by military ~cynic trilning divictf. Friday, tbt main blue ali II> wi1 awiljJy ..,._ tho spraw!Jol, b!J"lly Camp Ptod~l<il! bdo Cl<v<iaDd National Forat• Umber IJ'Ufl. . Abotlt S.008 a;tm Of the national forest was left charreit, but' a tata1 of hearty 1QO firemen, 150 of them Marine!, wu t•· pected lo gain conltol GI th< remaining flames by lonlght. Weather conclit.ioiu which contributed to the original blues were alleviated sOmewbat Sunday, as cool plOist ~ willdl· nept· In. low•dlli tanperatum ... raising Mnldhy. firemen and <qulpm<nt from u , far north ,.as Sacramento-" were dilpatcbed to h<lp batUe th< hol'1'..is which )>11>1!e out In San· Diego, SU B<rnaidino m1d River1lde counijee. , . Despite optimism , on th< Jlirl of firefightei:s, the se.rlea'oi blaza over the. weekend are only the vanguard of wha.1 may be a· record Soutllland fire Sf8IOll. Bnlsh 1od veg<tatlon brouglit on by (S<e FIRE, Pap I) filming an FBI series show. The stocky Garden Gro1·e hairdresser was placed under arrest on the charges a1 ter allegedly outlining a plan to arrange a fatal accidenL for his girl11·iend. "'The, apparent moti ve was a small, ttiple·lndemnity insurance po Ii c y , ' ' Detective Sgt. Monty McKennon ex• (S.. DRATH PLOT, h&• I) Beach -Man Found Dead Near Boat The body of a 51-year-old Huntington Beach man wu found floating face down a few yards from bi1 drift1nl cabin cruiser. S~y oU Emerald Bay near Laguna Beach. Orange County Harbor Department spokeun<n Slid th< .. llodY. GI QlarlH R. ,,.,,, Jr.; 1111 cirniW ln:. 'lrU loimd 1t I a.m. llolllpc ("" u1' . . The spqrlf!llier 'Doi """ made the In· ltlal ..n lo Ille -~ ~. About one-ball mil< awa;'lhrln Floyd's body, his 1.1-foot aibin cruiser wu discovered adrift and unmanned. Coconer'1 lnveltigaton said In auto:PIY is pending. There was no evidence oC rou.1 play, they .. Id. ni.1 said Flo,d ltll Anaheim marina al Sunset B<aeb S.turd.1 nJPt 11 1boul 1 p.m., hudin& ,.,. N<wport B<llcl>. Roslry will be recited at f :JO ·p.m. tonight at Dilday !rm. Mortuary Qi.ape!, Huntlniton Beach. Requiem. Miua -.W bf:. celebrated at I a.m. Tuuday at St.. Simon and . Jude C.tliolle Chureh, Huntingtoo Beach. OV Trustees • To Set Bond Vote Trustees of the Ocean View School District will be asked tOnlght to 1et Nov. 11 aa the date for a '7.5 million bond election. The board met.Ung begins at 7:30 p.m .• In the board room at Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue. District Superintendent Clarence Hall Hid the bond election ha.!! been made oecwary by the lmpoplbility of aelling , fl.7 million In bonds cui:renUy held by the dlltrtct. New atate lawa have alldWed the in- t#ftlt rate on 1ebool bond! lo JO fibove 1 tbe five percent limit. A new election will ' b< required lo git --'hl&h<r rate - lnt<resl bll>da .. lhe nwtet, said Hall. ·- OAILY f'ILOf Stefl'..._, Si:ing lf p Role President Nixon Sunday night · caDed Hurricane Camllle ."the worst natural diSaster we have had in this century." Vice President Spiro Agnew today gave , tw~.reasons why: -Before CamJUe• ilruck th< Gull Coul. mainJand a U.S. Navy plane &w into th& eye of the hurrlcaOe • with the· _rtgbt m•leorological equl_,it but th< . ......,. ! type of atfcran. At tbe u'me time, the 11.S. Air Force made lllo Olgbl wllb-lbt .....--~ect-gearobut an "obloleleent.!!..plane.. , -Lake Pontchartrain · ~bOve , New Orleans has lhadequate, llood . control facllftie!, a point made tragicaO)r ·cleir when il.9 waten, swollen by Camille's, deluge, overflowed and. wiped out thousands of homes. Agnew t0Jd a press conference at the Western Whlte House In San Clemente be had discussed the situation· 111itb the President ind said "h< <IJlfessed. irut concern." . With help from his wife, Orrilla, Judge lJoyd Blanpled Jr.; newest mt{llber of the West Orange County Municip81 tiench, trles on robes of office fol~owing swe3ring in ceremonies last Friday. New jurilt, · a form~r Newport ~ch attorney, started work Ulls mbrnlng. Gavel . was &lit from ,friends in Newport's Goal-Offen· Club. . . ' 'Ille vice . president made hi1 report after touring · t b e atonn-devutated states of Mississippi and Louisiana.. He said' he wai lnstructed by Nixon to take up· with Dr~ Lee Dueridge,. tht l'mlilail'• lcltnce<&dvller, th< probl<m GI '.'nlpforc~ our ability te Jnll!lln these storms 1n advanct." ~j:' t ,i ' ' ! .W£.t.t I • f ; p;. J, ) ~i:; "·i fi'f' '~1r: i -49,ooo:Flo ekto Beaeh~s; • Water Temperature Dips · Mild wea.~r condiUons and cold Water failed to deter approximately 149,000 IUD worshipers who rushed to Huntington BeacJ:I sands· over die weekend, Belch Departm<nl olflcills reported 111 •ttfndanc< of 110,oq, at Huntington Cit~ Beach whll• 11g!lrd' for Bolsa Chica and . , . lhmtington· State· Bet;'Zhes exceeded 39,00Q. Weekend water temperature! dipped to a low'of 58 degrees at all three beaches, while air temperatures ranged in the· mld-70.. A cold southwest current, which caused lhe drop In water temperature to near· winter levels, chanf(ed ·Sunday to a wanner south swell. Mild IUrf kept rescues to a minimum with .19 recorded at Huntington Clty. Beach and 32 at Huntington State Beacti. 'There were no rescues at Bolsa Chica State Beach. ' Melvin M. Bowman, direcf,or of: harbors. and beaches, expedl heavy attend:ance to Stock Marleen NEW YORK (AP -: The;otoci mar~et closed a loser tod y., aACr ·an early d· • fort to keep its l111test advance moving faltered. (See quotatlOIUI, Pages 11-19), rTrading near th.p close was slow. The Dow Jones ·industrial average at J p.m. Wit o(f $.1$ It &'D.10' • continue up through the weekend. ' Labor. il<Y . H• predicted that dally all<rid~ OllUr<I would probably drop Jft<r th•4 e:rc!pt for Saturday• and Sundayl.. ' , ' "La6or Day ia .usuallJr our 1ait' big weekend but we bav< 1"'111' aoOcl -on weekeMs up tlirough October ,-n the sealOD ends," Bawmlzll 1ald .. i .. r :-. ' Anahei m Ma n's · Calise of Death At Bar Un k nown ' . Orange CQunty coroners depuUea today identified a man who dropped • deOll outside a Westminster bar Friday night es Brian S. Oakey, 24, an Anabelm chemical firm employe, Oakey collapsed at 11 :45 p.m. outside the Jn Oitwd, a gt>go tavern at Be.ah Boor~Uit od McFlddeo Avinue, p0up, lald. Eitlniat<i ol dlmift .......... by CalliiJJe Jn, lddlUOn to lhe I~ GI huJi. drodliif Uvea, baa been placedit•hilh u llGO mllllon, said Agn<w. • He predlclod lbe I-al -~ lbrough variou• ag<ncles. "will pr<rblbly apend more in prOJ>Ol'tion oo th.ii atonn. than on any lo our hlatory.'' Camlllei which packed Windl. ot 'UP to 200 miles per hour, wu far worse than had-beeo-antJclpaled. Agnew nplalnid.. He said the reuon "'' Jess-than-ac> curate' meteorological report.!l 'bued on lnvestigaUooal fllghls. '"l'lle Navy plane bid a wonclirful equipment package.'" ht said, ·0 but 1t couldn't 1tand up to the wtndl .. And the Air Foree bad a wonderful plane, but not the right measuring devices. 0 "We ~ave to Iner~ our abillty to predict whtr• µ...., storlns wJU,be c:om- in1(asbore and th<& Intensity wb<n.tl!ey (S<e DISASTER, hie Z) Beach Man Asks 'Hwricane' Aid ..Our street looka Uke MlssissipPl llter: hurricane Camille swept· through," W. Jl. Lund of 1841 Pine Ave., has complllned lo th< HuoUnglon B<ach City-Council. Lund says the city tree department bu slash'ed down a fine row of eucalyptu! trees fronting his: and hia: neighbors pro- perty. "That's right," replies City Engineer Bill Hartje, "the roots of thole old trees were tearing up ~ aldewalkl, curbs and paving. We •&re rtplaclng: them with some attra.ctlve ev.ergreen pear trees which do not have the deatructlve tactics ol eucalyptus." . . . • No -o~.·~arijuana An autopsy conducted Sunday by cor~a ·failed lo1;.diaclose the cause:, of death. A depaty explained that toxicology and mlcroecopic idt.· could !<Id to ·a determlnatioR' ol the mysterioul1 death but !bit lb< results •ould.proliably ootbe known for several d'>"· · 1,1. Jick ShockIOy ol th< Weatmlniter police "'i>arti?><llt ,.id ' prilimlnirf ... veltlptk!M ltiowed that no fouf play·Was Involved. :•there ·,rtte no. 'sto.is of . any ~rubes on· the body,11 ht uld. · Harli• says It'• all port ol th< city's , conUnulng beauWicaUon program, but Lund doesn'r eee it that way. •!11Je street . looked just !iJ\e h<fore uiooe hurricane experts moved in." F otora ma Voters W ouldBan Drillin g ... By THOMAS McCANN Of ,... Dlllr f'lfllt ..... Fotorama "1si~ woUld not 1q1llze 111o iae otinarljuana in Ca!Homia, """Id ban Ill oil drilling alcq ,lllo o.an,. Cout, would like to aee 1e1 educa1oin (with par<nlal appr•u]) In 110bllc Jlpllor high tchoola, but uen~ too 11n wli<lher ar not 11-year..idt' -bt a1lonl to vote. • • • · Thoee are aomt of the tt1t4hs of a "quickie qul1" th< DAIL V PILOr lnclud· od a port of ljle baJlol on which Votarama •t F-111111 partldpanU -last Tbunday, Friday .and Satur. day at Fublon ltland In Newp>r! Buch. (S<e winnm. Pq! I). The . que!UoM .... on aim:ntly co~ troYmlal lub~ wm lnehided In a ballol .01 1111· on 'IOllllg machln<1 llaniah-• -~,.,..,. ...,.,.,,. ___ -.oc1Mk-.~ll)r""t...._, A8fomallc--Votinc MIChlne~ KIDS 'STUFF' BALLOT BOX AT l'OTORAMA SHOW Corporatloft. ' Adult Volt rt Ott Htlp on l'IMI Day 11 flillhlen lllancl' Volerl -wvt abnolf a<alt' 11tldoC ; ' • I ' t betw~ men .and women -47.6. percent men and $2:.t percent ~. • MOii ol tt>•m ($\.4 pere<nl) -•over IS, bu! IU percent wert bet'""' II and 25 ywa old JIDd 14.J ~ -. • lo :1$. Hen'• bow they '1lled oo I h"e -tiona: , ShooJd Iha -'ol marljua.,. Ii< ~ ed In th< Nie ol C.lifornll! No, ?U per· cent: Vea, •. I pertenl. Sho\lld oil clrtlllnl bt -Ill almig the OraJIP Coull Y-. ff.7 per<enj;rNi>, JD percent. .... • l Should the-)epl v.tlnc' ... be lowered lo 11? No, IU -1; Yes, 48.J pttCOnl. With par<nfi! aPfll"Y'l, do you 1a- 1t1 edueatlon (family lif•l """"" In public junior hJp ochoobt Vet, 11 per- cent; No. 11.l 1pilrctnt. Should th< Uniled States go far II., •nd all-out nploraUon GI tpOC<! Y11, 63.fi percent; NO, 3&.S perttnt. Do-you-fn ... ~ol "fl>llce" montY ·an ,a:nor• dowMHarth projedaf , Y-. ll.1 poranl; No, II.I pelUDI. ... .. " Cz-ecb· Boy Dies Bl\NO, Coecbollovaida (I/Pl) -· A lea>qer who set hlma<U liJra dullnc a~U.SOVleiGemOntcntlooa h<re laat week 'ha• d1ecl, weU-lnlonned -tajd tO< di)'. . Orpge Weatllu Sunny. aeventylsh • t J e 1 will beam brighUy ·over th< Onnge Coast on Tue9day. Add JO • greet east ol Ure b<teb dUes. INSmB TODAY I'' j I j • ! OAll.Y P!lOT' H Mondly, A-_25, 1'69 ~spies' E:iceewted _Israeli, ~Arab~ -. ' ~,. ... -~ ... in Ne~ Atta~is · ' ' 11J lltdllol Prtu llllenaUoall lsradl jeoi bombed Jonlan today oQd Arab euen-uw ambu.sbed. an lsraeU palt<l nw \b< Lebanese border. Iraq ex· ecuted 15 penons, including two Jews, on charges of 1p1in& Jar Jsrae.l aod the U.S. Central 1n1eWPDC< Agency (CIA). Israel said tbe jell bombed a Jordlnl•• •mq' Polll and guerrW. camp. Jordan said the attack was on clvlUan target& and that four civillans were killed . The JsraeU communique said the planes attacked targets 30 m i I e s northwl -of the Dead Sea. . ; American OU Co. (ARAMCO) ls· in llfal ·~·-Four Arab guerrilla attacks wete reported in northern llrael, jncluding the ambush on a patrol near Mosha,v Avlvlm, two miles IOUU'I of Lebanon. Seven Israeli $0ldif!r11 were wounded, the Jerusalem communique 51\d. Bag~ Radio said nine of the. men e-xecuted were civlllana who were hanged at Central Prison. The rest were mlllta."')' men who were soot by a firing squad at an army camp outside the city. Jt brought to 51 the number of Iraqis executed on spying convictions alnce Jan. 27. The total inclwled 11 Jews. -- "", ........ . . U.S. Troop~ Kill76Reds At 'Citadel' SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Infanl!yll\en tilled 76 North Vietnamese troops In two battles near a Communist stronghold kMwn as "the Citadel" northwest oC ~~gon, military spokesmen said today. Thty exchanged rocket grenades rrom as close as 200 yards apart. Military source3 said -the North Viet· narnese and VieL Cong in the area 30 miles northwest or Saigon were atiout ready tor another dri ve in their so-called autumn campaign and would open a ter· rC1r campaign in Saigon. The new drives were expected before the Sept. 2 anniversary of North Viet· nam's declaration of independence from France in 1945, the sources said. An Amman spOke&mlD aaid the lsratll planes. raided C.ivlliim areas wesl of the villtee q( AJ-Suknen 15 milts ~ortbwe.st; of Am.mall. Jordan's only oil refinery w~ch ii contralled by the U.S. Arabia.a 'The eiecuUons were evidence the Ira· qi r<glme is deltrmlned to coolinui Ill policy "of purginJ Iraq of aR spla and imperiallat agenta," the slate-cOntroUed Bashdad press aald. Spying is a wane threat to Arab 11a· u,.. than "the conllnuing aqre&ion Ille BURNED 'ouT CAR SMOLDERS AS BRUSH FIRE IGNITES' aliTANE TANid NEAR EL CAJON The Riina C1rrte, the Brush Grew Tall ind Then It Got Hot, Dry ind Windy The two battles near "tbe Citadel» lasted all day Sunday. American troops wtre aided by jet fighter bombers and artill!ry . • 23 Gls Spend 20th Day in ·--'fwo Churches By BRUCE A. COOK HONOLULU (UPI) -Twenty·tllr" U.S. servicemen opposed to the wu in Vietnam extended their I y m b O l i C aanctuary in two churcht$ to 20 days to- di1 ... ,;.mtary authorities wotclled and waited. "II lhej think lhal we are aoing to IOnd down a couple of squads of aoldlera to ar~ reet them, they are out of tbeir-mindS," an Army spokesman iaid. "This iJ precisely what they want us to do -a pretty demOOltration of violence at the churches in front of a battery of television camerag," he added. Tbe "spiritual leader" of the sanctuary is the Rev. Robert Warn~r. %6, who was Ored from bis job as a achool chaplain becauSe parents complained he conducted blzlrre, unorthodox services. Warner called on other cburcllts Su& day "to brW. lhrougb their aelllah con-cern for security and bannOnY" and btlp out wJlh the sanctuary, which he describ- ed as ••potentially ooe of the most lignlfj.. cant examples of n~aUoo wltll mllltary injustice in U.S. hlstory." The sanctuary is headquartered at the 40-year-old.. 'churcl> • oi the "'""1'Glds, w h I ch .ls 'li!ilia!al Wilh tbe United Church of Christ. 'nle Unilarlan:'cburch o( Honolulu. three miles across towa, became a aecood sanctuary site Friday when three Gls were trmsferred there. The CWrch of the Crossroad!, across a freeway from the Univeraity of. Hawaii campus; hlS long betn a galhering place fix_ anUw_ar .1ii.Ydentl_, ~ grou~ _ad- vocating Uberallsm and interraclallsm. It frequently features discussions on 1Uch topics as LSD, sex and hlpplea. Last February the congregation voted to oiler ill hospilalily to drafl dodgers and servicemen who oppose tbe Vietnam war. Drug Abuse TallC Set in Santa Ana An "Innovative Solution to Drug Miause" will be discussed in Santa Ana by Herbert Brayer at the meeting of the Supplementary EducaUonal Ce n t e r ' s Planning Commltltt Wedne>day. Brayer wiU explain the Coronado School District's program for the Mlution of the drug problem. The I a.m. meeting will be held in the Board Room of Ille Orange County Department of Education, 1104 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana. DAILY PILOT OIU.NWl CQA$T PUil lSH1Hl3 COMl'AH'r ••lt••• N. 'W••I Prullknl W Pvblllllfr J•tk JI. Cvdty VlUi Prolllftlt "'° Gelw•al Mt1111.., TI10111•1 K••"tl Efllof lit•,,.•• A. Mv1phi11• Mtnltl~t Efllot >.!h1rl W. 11111 .. 1 .. cr111 t:<11'°" H111tl1,.._ lfttll Offl~ lOt 5tli $1rt•l • M1ili~t A4clr1111 r.o. ••• 1TO, '2•41 OJfler Offtttt tCfM*I tlt1ctl: 1111 w.-i! ltltl!ll ll«lle\llrf Cot!t ,Y.,11' lJO Wr\! 11 .. $1tttl L--.. ltKll1 ~21 feml Avtl'll/9 Jsraells have been wqinc on Anh forces.'' the newap1per1· aald1 In Amman, a Jordanian miJitary spokesman aald a group·of lSJ'aeJI fighter planes raided clvlllan tir&etS 19 miles Nation Pours ·out Help .From Page l ' FIRE ••• Military spokesmen said the intense fighting in the rice paddies and woodlands between Saigon and the Cam· bodian border included several hours of comparatively close exchanges or rocket grer.ades and howitzer rounds, some as close as 200 yards. northeast \)( the capital: , 1be lafaeli state radio iaid today two F n· • lswlboldiera l\'.Ol'.t.llJledJlnd.l\'LO .. W®I!: .... -. .. ... (). r -·· urrrea ne ded Sunday when thdr army vehicl• -Victims last winter's record rainfall is now brittle and Under-dry, while September and October are -the ·southlanars····oonest months. In the Mekong Delta, the senior U.S. of· Jicer there .said tOOay .. Jhe ll!.c;irU1 .. V).~t· namese anny for the first time in the war jas moved a regular army unit into th~ delta. struck a min< north of lhe ~Sea, ' In Cairo, foreien minilter1 Of. the lf.na. tion .Arab Leagut gathered to decide what to do about the burnina of El Aqsa• Mosque in Jerusalem, one ol t~ Moslem worlcl!t holies! ibrines. Political observers uid the weting &splayed more Arab unity !hon In years. In -.Jeruaal<m, Israel opened lla ln- veatlialion ol the !ire and hJClliy placed polillcal -... uid the government would try the AUltril!an suspecl In the fire -under security arrancem.rts al stricl'" lhe trial of Adolf Elclunann. The """"" said the !rial of Mlehael Den.nil William lloben, 28, an Australian sheep shearer accused of atartillg the ·fire Thursday, will be planned In aa effort to ensure the kind of world press coverage given. the trial of Eichmann, who planned I.he execution of Jews under Adolf Hitler in World War tl. Nixon Men Tour Irvine Ranch As Urban 'Trip' .Seven,cabtnet memben and other key officiall of the Nixon AdminilltaUon toured Irv~ Company ranchlands today. They went, said White House sourttS, to find Ollt how the Irvine COmpeny copes with urban problems by building modun ciUes from the ground up. . The high level visitors comprised lhe PJ:e&iaeiit•s Urban Affairs CounU. They t09k tbe tour, touching down by helicop- ter at Bonimer Canyon inland of Corona del Mar, after a. two-hour confertnce at the Western White House in ~n Clemen~ . The irouP Included Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch;' Housing · Secretary George Romney; Transportation SecrEtary John Volpe; Interior Secretar; Walter Hickel; Labor Secretary George Schultz; Commerce Secretary Maurice S t an s , and Agricultural Secretary Clifford Hardin. . On Tuesday, the Urban Affairs Council ls scheduled to huddle on pollution pro- blems. at a Newport.er Inn conference. Included in those talks will be diS<:usslons of government-directed ef· fort& to produce a smog-free automobile. A few such experimental vehicles today were reported to be under wraps at the Philco-Ford Aeronutronic Division in Newport Beach. By TUE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thousan& ol conlrlbutlons from their countrymen heWned Miab~pplans to. doy as Ibey continued their fighl back from the c b • o s left ·by Hurrlcme Camille. . The American · Red croa, meanwhile. said it needs a minimum of $15 mlllkm in donations to meet the cost of. emqeocy ~aid "and recovery help for the burricaDe vlctlnls. The reilel agency had ul:ed for '6 mllllon last week. Some 69,IMll in Loulalana. Mlsslssippl, Alabama, Vlrginia and West Virginia were affected by the hurricane, the agen-cy said and at least 20,000 (amilles would need Red Cross help. U.S. Army helicopter pilots searched remote parts or the Gulf Coast for in· habitants isolated by the storm. Officials at 3rd Army headqua~ri. Ft. McPherson, Ga., reported finding one :stranded family of 12 persons near Wig· gins, Mi:ss., about 30 miles north of the devastated Gulfport area. The family had been without food or water for two days. Helicopters Dew in enough food for three dars. for more, th~n 130 isolated refugees ' found 10 miles south of Poplarville, which is about 40 miles north or the coast. The exa.ct de.a.th ton wu confused by a number of Conruettng e!timale.s and re. mained unknown. Gov, John Bell \\'llliams placed the figure al about 200, JC Regist1·ation Opeii for All Wednesday wlU be the first of two open dates in which anyone may regi!ter for evening classes at Orange Coast and Golden West Coll~es. Registration will be held in the CX:C gym from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The second date will be Sept. 2 at the same time and place. Golden West's registration will also be held from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the same date in the College Center Building. Alphabetical reglstrallon has been cvmpleted at OCC, with the two heaviest dates, the open dates, coming up. College officials said that vacancies are still available in both classes, but that they will fill rapidly on those two dates. Students should come early to avoid being shut out. Following those two dates, registralion wilt continue, vacancies permitting, on Sept. 8, 10, 11, 15-lS and 22-lf. Tht fee is ;s per cla55. Ex-principal Selected As Valley. Personnel, Chief Robert Sampica, 3t Santa Ana, ts Ult aew administrator of per!IOllnel services for tbe Fountain Valley School Distrlcl He fills the spot Jeft vacant earlier this summer when former personnel services administrator Michael Brick was promoted to district superintendent. The new administrator has been the principal of the district's William T. Newland School since 1966. He taught six years In Garden Grove before coming to the Fountain Valley School Dislric~ in 1!164. ' Sampica earned his bachelor's aegrtt at Cal.State Long Beach and bis ma&- ter'a d e Ir e e at Chapman CO liege, Orange. He ts c:urrentlJ enrolled in a doctoral Pf<llltam al US'C. lk ta the current president of the Foi.mtaln Valley Leadership AuoclaUon and a member of Phi Delta Kappa, an educaUonal honorary orgardiation. 8amplca and his wife Martl3n. a ~ochool teacher in Plactntia. make their home at 1911 N. Sherry Lane, Stnt.a Aiia. Solo Sailor 'Sileni' M1AM1 (AP) -Solo sailer BUI Verity hsn'l boen htar<I from •Ince llurrlcano Debbie 1ript. acro11 his projtcttd course, the Coast <luard r<porled today • • WINS SCHOOL POST Fount1ln Valley'• Sample• reducing his earlier estimate of 300. Water systems were operating but not gafe for dririking in Pass Christian, a nearby ·be&$ community, and Bay St. Louis, near the Louisiana border, Elec· lricity in these communities w a s available for emergencies only. Gulfport fared somewhat better, with Power largely restored and the water system operating and declared safe. Biloxi, to the east, had its water system safely in operation, but only a third of the city had power. . Cleanup operations also continued in the bayou area of south Louisiana, large. ly in oil-rich Plaquemines,Parish. .f't'Otll Page l DISASTER ••. do, and we muat aolidily the abiUty of local government to work efficiently with the office o( emergency preparedness and tbe Red Cross." Nixon termed Camille the nation's "worst natural disaster" In a Ct"OSll-COn· tinenlal tel~e call t.o Bob Hope. The comedian took the open line call from San Clemente while serv!ng as master of ceremonies of a fund·rai&ing telethon in Jackson, Mi!:s. The President praised Hope and other -participants in the telethon &:how which Sunday night raised more than $1.3 million to help storm and flood victims. Among donations was $1,000 from the President's family and the White House staff. Red Cross Ups Little real damage was cawed by fires over the weekend, although six expensive homes and an avocado gr o v e were destroyed in a blaze near El Cajon, in Sar. Diego County. Damage there was estimated a $360,000 by tl}e State Division of Forestry, while the only structure consumed in the Camp Pendleton inferno was a tent. 'Overs' Must Cover 'Unders' 'At Laguna High The yardstick has been tossed out by Laguna Beach High s c b o o 1 ad· mlnistrators in detennining whether a girl '! skirt is too short. But that doesn't mean there's no limit on how high the skirts may rise. The girls' Clothing board and ad· mlnfstraton have decided that "a skirt is too sboU if the tops of hose or un- dercarm8ma ahow at anytime.'' Lut year, the rule read that skirts . ' cou1dn't be greater than Habout three in- ches" above the top of the knee. The thorn in the side of the boys' clothes board in Ule past bas been the in- terpretation of the hair length. Last year's rule stated that hair must be "comhed neatly and tapered," and that sidebur11s couldn't grow below mid-- ear. This year, sideburns will be allowed to grow to the bottom of the ear. The rule also at.ates, "Hatr must be tapered. Hair cannot flop over the ears or fall oa tht shoulders." The other major complaint by boys last St F d G I year dealt with the rule, "Sandals must onn un oa be worn with socks ... Thal has not been ,,. changed by the administration. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The damage Girls will be allowed to wear stacks to from hurricane Cam!Ue bu prompted the schOol if it Is raining when they leave Red Cross to increase from $6 to $15 home. Slacks will also be permitted dur· million Jts fund-raising goal to help stom1 ing finals week, and when otherwise vict.i~. designated by the Student Council. The original goal was set .last week but The sch~l'.s. Student Court will ha ve a spokesman said new evidence of the the respons1b1hty to enforce the rules. It storm's devastaUon caused the appeal to bas the power of :suspension. be increased. "We're going to keep a close tab on He 8ald more than 69,000 families In students' responsibility towards tl:le rules. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia "lf we're impressed, the admini!traUon and West Virglnia were affected, in some miaht be more fiexJble in the second way or another, by the storm. semester," Principa} Robert Reeves said. Will the President proclaim it ~'Buy· From-Bidwell Week''? Unfortu.nately for my doc::tor, I'm nOt a wonier. U I could learn to bite my tingemails, I'd get some ulcen. Jn 1965 there were 14 men's 11tores lt'ithin a radios of ten miles Irom my store. Businen at Bidwell'• ...,·as good. I wu happy. My wife wa1 happy. Everybody wa1 happy. Thon they opened that bluled Newport Center or Faohion h lllJld or wh11e..,r it'o called lately, up there on the hW. prosperou1 little 1hop1 were not the reuon all thoee 1toret came r 01hin8 to Newport Beach. II I thought oo, rd be :flattered. Or I 81'"'!' I would. Bat today inatead of 14 competiton I have 37. Same ten mile radlu1. Figure it ont. 18o/0 more population; lU)o/o more men'• 11ores. That, dear friend• and fellow phU- phen, io modem math. At fint, when all th-.JISW tlol'ff opened, ii ,... real tough. For e•Ol')'hocly. Bat now my hu11n-1a on the ap opln. My 1111 .. each week ue nan• ning well ahead of \all yeer. TbonJdi I for89t who oald lt, hfaj. Gen. Roderick Wetherill. com· mander of the Delta Military Assistance Command, identitied the unit as the 188 Regiment of the LSl North Vietnamese Division. Wetherill said the 2,000 men of the regf. ment were in Olau Doc province, 140 miles southwest of Saigon. The delta, South Vietnam's rice pro- <tuclng area with half the nation'• 17.5 million people, has long been a stronghold of the Viet Cong. U.S. 9th Infantry Division troops in the delta killed nine Communist troops Sun. day, including Col. Hai Tram, com· mander of :several North Vietnamese bat• talions. The colonel played dead until a U.S. Ranger platoon approached . Then he threw a grenade. They shot him. The U.S. Command said a North Vie!· namese army captain was ca ptured despite his efforts to hide beneath the surface of a pond five miles southeast of the-Cambodian border. Military spokesmen said the captain told them his unit was heading tor Cam· bodia when it was caught by American infMtrymen and helicopter gunships. At least 28 North Vietnamese soldiers were killed Sunday in what military spokesmen called a suicide attack against the U.S. 101st Airborne Division base called Berchtesgaden atop a hill in the A Shau Valley, 375 miles northeast ot Saigon. .From Page l DEATH PLOT • • plained today. The alleged target Of the accident, Miss Kathleen Duckett, of the same Garden Grove address , has gone into seclusion and will not discuss the case. The drama began ·1ast Tuesday when police received an anonymous telephone tip alleging that Reed was looking for a man to kill his girl friend . The tip was followed with the assign- ment of an undercover man to contact Reed. A meeting was arranged for \Vednesday at a Huntington Beach bar on Beach Boulevard. A detective met Reed at the bar. Their discussion then moved to Lake Park and was followed by the scheduled meeting in Fountain Valley. "This was one of the wierdest cases I've been tnvolved in," said McKennorr. explaining the careful arrangements made to trap Reed. tmly ''the uses of adversity are sweet,'' Tbe severe com· petition actually made thi5 a better store. Another thing. It baa made me a more aggressive adver· tiser. Since I started to adver- tise 52 weelus a year I have 1tarted drawin8 b111ineN from every corner of Oranfre County. I have customers "''ho live u far away u Trabuc:o Can· yon. Unheard of in 1965. And from San Clemente~ Huntington Harbour, and even La Habra. That's why it would 111re l-e niee U the President would proclaim next week ''National Buy • A • Sult ·From • Bidwell'• Week.'' I eould aee a few ettl* tomen from Cincinnati, Boiee, and Baltimore. In cue yoa're one of thotet md yon'"' 1tayl~ at the New• porter Inn, my tu.it priCa 1"UJI from SOS to 8185. My doon open at 9:30. You should count the mf'ln't 1tore1 (and department store men'• depa~enll) j111t in that one 1hoppln1 center. The Broadway, Buf(um1' De... mond's, 1loward'a, MMpr'e.. Penney'1, Robinton'~ and Sil•...,.ood'o, Ei1h1 of thorn. Jack Bidwell rm tu.re lhat my 1nug and • 3"67 Via Udo, juot be10nd the~ overpu1 o""r Pacific Co..iHigluriy. Telephone 673.<ISlO. Drive between 'Lido Theater .t my •to.., a: park in:...,., Copyrisht 1969, Jack Bidwell. } i I I I l I I ) ; ' ; ,j : l ' I I 1 ' At ACT Compatafl Stage\VorkEndnres Sharon Tate's Death • Brings Her Stardom HOLLYWOOD (AP) -In death, Sharon Tate has ad· vanced to star billing in advertlaing of her best known movie. of pictures had proved pro- fitable in Seattle. "Valley of the Ooll.s' sl.ar· ring Sharon Tate, Barbara Perkin!!, Patty Duke," reads a current ad for a chain of 12 theaters. Before her death, Miss Tate -slain Aug. 9 with four o~s at her home -was bill- ~d behind Miss Perkins, Ptiiss Duke and Peter Falk. The sludio says ' • T h e Fearless Vampire Killers'' was released early last year and has been showing somewhere ever since. Its on- ly previous exhibition in this area was on one night, Friday, Sept. 13, in a number of theaters. The picture is a takeoff on old-time horror movies, with '91 is s Tate playing an inn· keeper's daughter. Susan Hayward gets special billing In the picture but is missing rrom the new movie ad. A I s o in release here is another Tate film, ''The Fearless Vampire Killers," billed as second feature to ••The Green Slime." Daily Variety r c po r I s "Valley of the Dolls" was "rushed in" last week as com- panion feature to • ' T h e Chainnan" in its thlrd week at a downtown theater. But an MGM spokesman uys the CUlTent booking was ut last June, after the pairing The theater's gros! for the week ending Tuesday was $7 ,21 t compared with $6,900 in the previous week when "100 runes" was the aecond feature. Crossword P11zzle AC ROS~ 44 Mtlal· lurglst's 1 1 Causing concrrn dtalh 4& Ctrt111 onial ' Brol!y actions 110 Baby 48 Earlh 's carrlagt tnve lope 114 Trtat badly 49 Ump's lS OJI : companion Comb. fot11 SI Mischief l' Ore body SJ Salts clttk's l 1 Coot In 1nswer: ctrblln Wj7 2 words 18 Flshtrman s 57 Got up 1ccessory 58 Prtposltlon 19 Turkl:Lb -57 2nd highest VIPs ptlk. In 20 Portr1ytr of No: Americas 7 Sulfate or E111llt Zol1 'l Russian sta aluminum 21 Accept &S Big affair 8 Virtue as !rut on Oahu 9 Kind of 2Z Thomas &6 lmplemtnt Justlct Hardy li7 Harden by 10 Kint! of Iott heroine txerclse 11 Nottd 2l Forte of li8 Kind of dagger Jex ico· Casper <1nd li7 Of an gr1phtt Ba lding historic 12 Rec:ipe ~5 Foddtt crop period quantity: .21 Anlma l 70 Bird 2 words 1ssocl1lPd' 7l Drlt'd 11p lJ Untidy with 1 holldq 72. Bank on 21 Atasken JI Common· 7J Petfor111 , NIUVt wealth of a bilktry 24 Out of the Nations optr1Uon Ofdln1ry 111tmbtr: 2& lrtsllin9 Abbr. DOWN <1rena .32. Slate : Abbr. fi1lu1e 33 Claud•-: l M1n <1ge 111d 27 Btlllc port Eng. hlghw11" cultivate land 28 Chtraic<1I 1111n 2 Fa\t!er: Ar1b. c:0111pound 35 Reg ion bthlnd l M1l1y1n fora 29 l111gt or the B••boo of address 1 divinity Curt<1ln 4 Transftt to 30 Kind of 39Word of anothtt transit . appronl 5 Ttnnls JC Without 41 Lactln; 11mplrt's ex1gQtr1tion • In passion decision 36 Vessel 43 Italian 6 1197 IOanclkt 37 African ptovlnce manl1; 2 Ml'ds nobleman 'I " l/25/li9 3! Unlltd • Empire L011llst: lnf0!'111a1 .110 Lttol 42 English coun ty 45 "-le••!'' 47F1111lly "tmber: lnlor•al 50 St199er 52 Depend llpon' 2 WOt'dS SJ Egg parts 54 Variant of 67 Across 55 Means of 90ln9 up and down 56 Thomas or Garry --OQ Ter111ln<1/ point of a ract '2 Bu111 ptin Ill Din's Sptclaltl 64 Ltt out ct lflllpofll)' "" ,, E11speratt , La Winters Freezes Up In Ozarks MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. (UPI ) -Some tempermental heat from the Hollywood hills "'anned up an Ozark film set Thursday as actress Shelley Winters threatened to walk out on the filming of "Bloody Mama." It was Miss 'Vinlers' most impa,ssioned performance in Arkansas since she was in Lit· lie Rock on a campaign trip for Hubert H. Humphrey and forgot to mention his name. •·r don't-have to take this," :t.fiss Winters screamed when a crew member grumbled about her holding up pro- duction or the movie which is about tbe notorious Ma Barker gang that terrorized I h e J\.1idwcst in the 1930s. She shrieked: "Tell Roger I'm leaving," referring to Roger Corman, prod u c e.r • director. Miss Winters stood in the middle of a road in a multicolored print housedress and a burnt-red wig wailing lor a car to take her away. A publicity man said Miss 'Vinters meant she was going back to the company's head· quarters on Lake Bull Shoals. He said there should not be an "negative publicity" abouL 1t1iss 'Yinters' blowup. Executive Producer Elliot Shick appeared In the scene and told Miss \Vint c rs : "You're supposed to be in makeup by 10 a.m." It was 11 :50. PLUS WALT DISNIY'S "WINNIE THI POOH " Wlt~~t 0,IN Nl6HTLY 6:41 MAT. M.T. & JUM. 9t 2100 YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE lhe lnCr«l/bltl little'''' !.•----.AUO rLAYINC. -W'•lt Oloey'1 "INCRIDllLI J OURNEY" M~, AutuSt 25, 196t DAILY PILOT JZ 'Little Help' W as Big He lp For British S oul Si nge r HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Tl'· w1nl a visual perlonnance. I Cocker,' whose'brown hair Is hear Joe Cocker 11n1, ,,,u'd don't think they dUferenUste long and scraggly and whose -they qon•t seem to know ti-year.old face Js Urtd 111d swear he was • black aool which ls 1 good band and lad-lookl'll.g, has beWl called linger from deep in the land af which isn't.'' the wbit6Ray Oha.rtcs. magnollal an4 Spanish ffiOM. Cocku is ba~ked up by four "When I was young," he ex- .But yOu'd be wrong. musicians he calls The Grtnse pl&Uied, "I used' to bur all Ray Joe Cocker, whose version Band, and their ll'Wllic is cate-C h a r I e s ' albU('llS and af the John Lennon-Paul gorir.ed a bluesy rock and roll. memorize every bit or· his He puts on a vlsual show phrasing. I had , a fiJaUon Mccartney SOllrl'· "With • Lit,. himself when he sings. about him. t forgQt it later, tie Htlp From My Friends," "I do tend to shift a lot of but 'I guess I absorbed a lot ot wa..i a hit about a year qo, is energy about," he admits. h1s saund." a white Et11llshman, who untlJ,l-=~....::=o.....:::.o:.==::..-1....::::..:....::.:.:... __ ~--- recently wu fitting &as stoves in his native SheUleld by day and singing in pubs by night. As lead singer in Vance Arnold and the Avengtrs, he made $30 a week. Then, in 1963, he v•s signed to a recording contract. ''I thought it was my big breci.k," Cacker said. "l paced up the job and set off starry. eyed. A year later I returned home brokenhearted and pen- niless. The record bombed and the tour folded. "For a year or sa I just laid about feeling sorry f o r myself. Sometimes I'd go lis- ten to other groups and I'd think, they're rotten. So I got started again," ,....,-~ .. , 111 ~· T .. lflll 1111• Sitting in the offices af A&M1 ====::::;:;::;:;:;___!;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;~ Records here, Cacktr recalled[; how he and his friend, baS! player Chris Stainton, got an idea to do "Wilh a Little Help From My Friends" in -% time. Joey Bishop and Della Reese television shows. By VERNON SCOTr forget Little Egypt, but it HOLL Y\VOOD (UPI) \vasn 't e~actly ballroom stuff Tanya Lemani Is a Persian either. belly dancer who is attempting "Twa years ago J returned to wriggle her way to loftier to Las Vega.s -again at the artistic endeavors. Flamingo Hotel -as the star She was born in Iran some of 'Cleopatra and I , 0 0 I 25 yfars ago. Tanya"S motlier Krtighls',"-Tanya said proudl y. is Russian and her father is Owners of televl.s.ion sets Iranian wha abhars belly dan· saw Tanya perfonn her clng a.s a low means oC en· speciall y Sunday on the Elvi! terlng show bit. Presley video show. Her role "Belly dancing In Persian on the show is small but will night clubs is frowned upon by not go WIDotlced. decent peaple," Tanya ex-"Belly dancing Is really plained, "bel;ause the girls Egyptian and Turkish.'' Tanya have bad reputation!. uplained. "The Persians just "But it is a common en-picked it up. His first album, reaturing Denny Cordell. wha is Cocker's retording manager now, heard the tape. "Denny said it would make a good single and I said, fair enough. I didn't koow what would make a record and what wouldn 't," said Cocker, a stralghforward young man who describes hi! numbers as "a nice little song," or "a bit al nonsense, really.'' tertainment in private homes "It began with Turkish where mothers and daughters gypsies and spread through dan~ exotically for the men the Arabic countries. Persia - in the family. That !JOrt ar or Ira., if that's what you belly dancing is acceptable. In want to call it now -is not fact thal's where I lirsl saw Arabic. and J don't particular· As a single (and recorded 1""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'~~""-"'_,,_,,_,., under his real name), "Wlth AD it." ly like belly dancing. Tanya is an olive-skinned ';I'd like to become a seriou!I Little Help From My Friends'' sold more than 300,000 coplts and 'tl'as No. l on the charts both in the United Stales and in Europe. beauty with green eyes and actress and do better things in ON TOUR long. dark hair. Site was ap· movies. I returned to Persia a Jn April, Cocke r began a pearing in plays and movies in ftw years ago and worked in a coast-to-coast toor or the Tehran when she was 4 years picturt. They wanted me to United States, appearing at old. stay, but oppartunities are rock and roll concerts. He a)> She came la the United better in Hollywood." peared on the Ed Sullivan States at age 10 without ever Tanya was reminded that show on his first day in the having executed a belly dance Hollywood i! full af hopeful States, and also was an the in her life. actresses, but good belly "With A Little Help From My "I was taking ballet lessons dancer& will always be In de· Friends" and ••Fee 11 n g here five years ago in a school mand. 1 Alright,'' whJch ls currently on where a stage campany was "Yes, I know;' Tanya•con· the charts, sold 125,000 copies rehearsing 'Cleopatra' to open eluded. ''I've been ch8lied in the first six weeks. He is in Las Vegas," Tanya re· around enough desks to llnd working naw on a second counted. "One ot the girls out. That's why I want to album, to be relea&ed In dropped out and I h e become an actress.'• October to coincide with his choreagrapher convinced me f second American tour. should replace her on one Audiences are different in day's notice. · 'Cotwt1·y Dance' the United Stat" than in Bri· "When we got to Las Vegas tain. Cocker says. I was terrified. All the ether JfOLL YWOOD (IJPI) "The kid.1 here Jike to see a i The r: 1tra'!11••t J trio ever to tratk a killer. 'l'i.iiUI ,.,.t/Olll r"'lf•wn·iiillllflY MMlirn ..S ·~IOOE !Dm!i j·~ ..... ,. ~-· ~~1-..1 1l11111Q:.~ •·• M;;ineet Da ily e 2nd Popular Hit <UuSirJe.,,.. "''~ounlAja n.ilorF£Cm; girls in the chorus had Peter Oioole and Susannah Jot of energy spent," he said. rehearsed for weeks doing a York will star in "Country "I doa't know if it la altogether belly dance. Dance" for ti.fG1.f on location a good thing. Instead of li$1.en- "The director shoved me on, ,.!:in~l~'~el~and~:;•n::d~Scot~~i:;and~.==,.::in~g~to~g!!ood:!;·~t~igh!:.t;.m:::u~s~ic;,. _::the~y,f:.O""'""""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""""""""""'""'""'""""""'""''] stage with the rest and told1, me to move my arms, roll my eye& and shake all aver, and that's what I did." By the encl of the engage- ment, Tanya had become an accomplished belly dancer. She would not mak e the warld eNow . Ends Tuesdaye I ll• ... et 7;H 9114 11:00 e St•rts Wt dnesdey e -SpMl91 SHw n-- Fe8ture St•rts 6:30 •nd 9:45 Lest sri.-51.t Men: Wlflrt.lhwel fM 4 YMrt -Will •et SHw .. T.Y- NAnoNAL GEN!RAL ~Tte»I Fiiiimi.!!!! ,,...,...,......., ........ ~1111 ACJl lS OP FJll l PAlKING lt11tfi o.., .... ACADIMT AWAJID WINNllt IN NOW PLAYINli l IOX OPPICI OPINS 1 :00 SHOW STAll:TI 1 :JI COOLED llY Rl FRUHU TION Gerel4JN p_,. IMMY AWAll:D WINNIR -A~O CO MID'f CO·HIT - IOI HOPI ' .IACkll •LU.SON IN "How To Commit Marria9•" IMI ' I .1111 I tM.utOI I CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. """'°" '*" ........ ...._ ............ Ule w.-ot, .... ,. EXCLUSIVE RUN -FIRST RUN- ·~ WILT •EY -.. -... --..-... ·----Also 'St I g •---ilrnllUI' &rm..m -· ·--w--,, "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHER IFF" I I IV., lt.t'lf $tem f ,,M. '----------' 1 C••t, s ... •M 111•, ff•M 2 It·"'• JaCk Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" T-." l!i!IO A O....c..ttt f1h~ioot. A trUtlDMI Gc.ral ~11re1 ltdiirrw. MATINEES DAILY • NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME EXCLUSlilE L YI INDS TUISDAY DUE '"G IT • , ' • " .. " ,._ I • , -· .. . • • • , • ,. - JI DAILY ~!LOT .H Mesa Man Opens Beacl1 Franchise A I Ill ri;rowlnc dlaln ol automotive brake 1 a f el y centers, 1be Big Brake, broke Ungton Beach, Connie Pflsler,. helped owner John Gum:n tau u.. r1rs1 8COOI> o1 groond lrom the .site. AllO present ground ln Hun~ ~ were two of Ourrt.n'i sons. this week. 'The Big Brake is a John Jr and Gary · Associate franchise chain of automotive ' City PJinner J~ Murphy: !Wake saltety centers featur· Chamber of Commerce Presl- llll allgnmtnt and Ura, dent Bill Woods• Ecooomlc The new Big Brake site, the Dcvek>pment Dlre'ctor William M«lfld lln Orange County is Back and Chamber of Com· locatedi1t JllO!ll Beach Blvd., mree hosts Darrell Ward, · and isj acheduled to open Carole WalJ Jean Morehouse, around Sept. JS. Miss Hun-He.lea Ste~art, and Clssle WE'VE GOT THE ANSWIRI TAI W1lL ANSWER YOUR TElEPHONE ... WAICIE YOU UP ... DEUVER YOUR MESSAGES ... TAKE YOUR ORDERS ... AND F1l.L llANY OTHER NEEDS •• , FOR. AS LOW AS 14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR tNFORMATJON ANO A BROCHURE. 1h=:i: BUREAU 543-2222 t OFFICES TO SERVE ALL OF ORANGE CO. Casey. n.e Big Brake ts the first franchise venture for owne.r Gut;ren wbo has been with the J. C, Carter Compu.y, Costa Mesa for 17 yean. Gurren wiU remain with the company and his son, John Jr., wUl take an act.Ive part in the business. The younger Gun-en majored In automotives at. Qral'lge c.oast and Golden W e s t Colleges. Gumn, an. auto rac. ing enthusiast, alm lives in Costa Mesa. All Mor.-All Modeh "Wh•1• Strvi.;1 M•••• tli• Diff1r111t1" Or•11tot (UNUY ~17' C..lftflllf Dr. littw(lllrl ad1. 17HI MWIU LM Allttln ,.. .. Wt1l1,. C2UJ 711-1.U * HALLI DAY'S * itost. men have a favorite suit and because they wear it more frequenUy, they want it to last lqer. DEANSGATE® uses an extra sturdy cheviot worsted in this great looking natural shoulder herringbone suiL $11$.0ll MEN'S TRADITIONAL CUlTHlNG 17tti I IRVINE AVE. NEWPORT IEACH -WESTCLl,_F l'LAZA PH, 645·0192 ANNOUNCING. •• our new name is Southern California College of Medical and Dental Assistants ( ............. ....,..con.,. .. _) and ~I AJsist.nb of ~ Cowlty only the-n cllllntlN .•• not the fN'OtlrMn I Southern cari1om1a College of Medial and DenW Assistants Is MONTE CARLO SPORT COUPE - New Chevrolet for 1970 is the long- hood, shorkleck Monte Carlo. Avail· able only as a hardtop coupe, the plush new model will be shown Sept. 18 at dealershipc along with the entire Chev- rolet Une. In High Gear Chevrolet Plans Unveiling CARL CARSTENSEN, Jr. Diiiy P'llol Auttmtll~• l!Clltft "Chevrolet will continue lo set the industry pace with a variety of cars and options which will aJlow you to custom tailor your personal transpor. talion," John Z. DeLorean, General 'Motors Vice Presi· dent and Chevrolet General Manager, said today in in~ ducing the new 1970 models. Current Corvettes 1 n d Cama~ will be cootinued un· til the end of this year wilh new models in each line scheduled r o r introduction later in the model year. Del..orean said that among L-rnportant 1970 engine changes the base v.a of the big Chevy is Increased to 350 cubic in-. ches to give added-power. The base kylinder engine of Chevrolet will also be in- creased. ONE MODEL A ne.w 400 cubic inch V-8 will be available for both Chevrolet The Monte Carlo, Chev· rolet's new personal Jux. ury car, headlines their new produd. "Monte Carlo adds a new market 'dimension of in·l------------ dividua l high fashion styling and intermediate size. hand!· i ng and performance", DeLorcan said. All the new Chevrolet models-with the exctption of the Corvette and Camaro will go on sale Sept. 18. LEGAL NOTICE tolOTICa O" TllUSTlll'I SALC On FrlCl•Y, Septe111be< S, 1'6'1, •I ll:OD O'clodt A.NI., UNITED ST ATE$ HOLOINCO COMP'AHY ... Tru51ee undtr •ncl 1>11nutnl 1ID '9ed of lrvsl Mfed SIPf.rtibtf" 17, INZ. IJKu'lird IW 1C11t1frine ~-!tr tr1111t, • m•rrlH -..1n. ll!d •-'OM klltembfr 71, 1981, In Boolt •7!7, '"' 1~ of OfOcllll ll9C.O<CI• 111 the ofllu at lhit Jl:Ko!'Oer ol Or11191 CllUf>!Y. c11noml•, wm .-ell 11 .,w11c •lll;tlort to the flltlhQI bldlMr for c__,. Co1ytble 11 11...e (If Nie In Mwllll ""'f\t' <If Ille UnlttCI 5tl!u) I! 1111 ioull• front 1nlr1nct II) 1111 aid Or•nDt County Courtt.ouse, In IN Cllv ol 111111 An1, Ol"tn1i1 Counly, C1!1t,,,.nt1. 1H ""''' llllt •ncl lnlert11 o:M'lv.wd to Incl """ IMICI by H l.WIOer 1•ICI ltltcl In 1111 -ty <v1t1 In "'-City <If Coll• Mt$11, COll!lll' of Or1119e, St1I• of Cl11· fol"n l•• dtlc:rll>M 1J: TM Nort1twesterlY H led ol ll'le $aurhe1tMrlY ltt lftf of l he NorlhNlll!""' 12S ft.el of Loi IOI ot T••cl JOO. 111 sl'lown on m111 lllln!ol rt<:ordtd Ill llaook U, Plllet II Ind 12 of Ml~ell•MOU• Ml,... r.eor<k of ••Id Or1r>111 Cou"IY. S.ld 1o1i. w11t be l'l\ilde, but .. 11i-1 COWMnl or w1rr•nh" ,K•r• or lrnloli.d, ""lrdl"' 11111. --Ion. W en- cumbr.,l(tl, lo HY IN un1111ld bet•nc:• of IM 11rlnc:IPll IU111 Of IM note UCU,eCI bl' 111d dNCI, 1-11: 11,116.00, w!lll l11ttm1 lrom APrl1 lJ. 1'61, 11 In t.11d l'IOll 11ro- vkted. 1te1v1..cn, H l l'l'P', ul!dlr ff>I l1r1111 of t.lld Cllfell f-. d\l ... n Incl ll'ltftlHI of lllt Tr111te.-•nd d th1 tr111l1 cre1Md 1W 11kl CltfCI. TM blfllf\cf1t\I ur.dlr 1o1ld dl'l'd, I>.-'"*°'" or 1 brt.tell or C1d1u11 In lhtl oOllt1tton1 H't\ll"ld ltl•rtby, Mr•lotore 111,ecvlld -ftllver.O lo IM -•t.IDN'CI 1 wrlt1-e11 D1elllr1tl011 ot Oft1u11 •"" o .. m1NI tor S.lt, Incl written Notice ot D•f•ult •nd EhlttlOn la Sell Uneler Dff<ll of Trint "' ~u1e IN 11ndl:'r1lgned la 1ell t.1ICI 1>rOP1rl\I to 11ll11V H id obllgl!k>M, 1M fMrwtler, on AMII "· lfft, ~ und.-nltnld c1uwd uld Nolle• of o.t1u11 111C1 EIK1klll hi Sell lo be ~orCl!'CI' 11 tn1lf\lmtnl No. llHl, In Book 119lf, Pill!t m Ofllct11 llecordl of Or11191 COl'"fy, tlllfornll. 01tect: At11111t i. It.If. (SEAL) UNITED $TATES Hal.DING COMPANY. II n ld Tr111ttt, a, P1ul F. G.,'brr, Vlc:1 PralOlnl By Ju ... 111 Mlrtl ... .,...,,.", Sla"t!Af'l' P'llbli.ritd Ol'IMt (011! Deity Pllol, Aut~ll II, le, 2J. 19H ELECTED PRESIDENT Beach's Logi n Don Logan Elected to Top Post Don R. Logan, Huntington Beach, has been elected presi- dent and general manager of the Long Beach Iron Workii, Inc. You t11l THE DAILY PILOT, .. k fo r Clau lfled Aclv•rtl ting, and pl1c1 a PILOT PENNY PINCHER ACCREDITED CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE • • .,,. .,., Aftf'f:d!!1111 ,_ ..... N tM N~' , ""911, " 1rd. _, ltdw!lol kMI. Write or ...,,_ fs ftw ... ' c 1111Soulh1oiolchunc An.lheim -·~3450 .......................... 2 LIN ES 2 TIMES 2DOLLA RS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I D I A-L N 0 W D I R E C T I 642 -5678 IT.rt,,_"*"" c....., 140.llltt Complete-New York Stock List I ~ I :,! ~ '" ... "' '"' '"' '"' '"' ~· I l"t ... '"' '"' •• •T '"' \~ '"' /;l '"' '"' "' •w " " "' ·~ \'11 " .,. L• w L· L· L L· t L• L L• L L• L t L• t L t L t t t t I ~ I t I I l L L L L L L L L t L L L L • • • • ' • • ' • t ' • • • • • • • • ' • • • ' • • ' • • • • • • ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' 11 I \I I _ ........ "'·. """""=• .. " .... ,.. 0 ••••• 0 ' Monday's Closing Prices-~lete New 0 : H York Stock Exchange List f • .. lf-DAll.Y nt.Gf Moodo1, "-125, lM Winds Baek Coast Channel Kicks Up WW., cib ~"" biv1 the westerlies gone? Far two. 1e110U .that _bu been lhe llm"11 ol Newport 1•1d>smen ..00 more o!ltlt than not have 11iled in ever)'thln& from bl u._1 t er y westerlies to sou-westerlies to fiuk,y easterlies. Saturday t b e westerlies were· back. In . lac~ bef..-e l\tWJ>Orl Harbor Yacht Club's Coast. Channtl race was an 'hour old a fresh wtaterly waa klcki.nc up wblle capo along the coast to. Loog Beoch, and once the fleet tacked across channel toward Ship Rock, the weather mark of. the course, the breeze wa1 whlstllng at 18-20 knots and chopping aome holes In the 'oceai1 surface. Several of the smaIJ boats crossed the chonnel with ....red nwns'ls. The wind held during the ear)J evening hours for the lead yadlts beaded on a close ~b to Point Fennin and began to ,..lten a. the fleet turned. toward the finish line at Buotington Pier. The lead boats ...,led mough wind with them to finish the 63-mile course In less than 10 hours, but aa the wemrly disappeared after midnight the Clll5S C & D boats tvere hard pressed IG rinlsh on a soft oil.shore zephyr }?efore dawn. First boat lo fJnish was Job n Hall's Columbia-57 Concerto, NHYC, fresh back from her Class A victory in the Honolulu race. Concerto flnlabed the .,...,,. In 9.7120 hours, followed closely by Peter Davi!' Orient. But neitl)er of the leaders were Don Ayres Firebrand Winner of 66 Series Don Ayres Jr. 's Erlcson-41 Flrebrand from Newport HartxJ: Yacht Cub has been declared the overall wirmer of BaJboa Yacht Cub's 66 Series. The 66 Seriell Js a best five out of seven races of ap- proximately siz: houn dura- tion. In ,1968 Ayres was the Ocean Racing champion qi Southern caJifonlla after wimlng a chompiooshlp ,.,.i.. composed or the top yachts in major Southland series races. Ayres won lhe championship in his Cal-40 which he later shipped to Florida and placed second in Ute Southern Ocean Racing Cooference or six ocean races off the coast of Florida, Ayres lert the Cal-40 on the East Coast and chartered the Erlcson-41 for campaigning in the 66 Series and Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Ahmanson Series. Sec1'nd overall in the 66 Serles was Bill B a r r y ' s Columbia.SO Serapis IJ from NHYC, and th i r ,d was Jim Linderman'a: &-meLer Prelude from Balboa Yacht Club. Following are the overall and Class standings for the 5erles: OVERALL-Cl) Firebrand, Don Ayres, Jr., NHYC; (2) Serapis II, Bill Barry, NHYC; (3) Prelude, Jim Linderman, BYC; (4) SwiSJ Navy (Cal-29) Dick Deaver, BYC; ( 5 ) Impetuous (L-40) Ch a r I es Glasgow, BYC. CLASS A-(1) Serapis TI ; (1) Prelude; (3) Newsboy, Jack Baillie, BYC ; { 4) Sparkle, Alex Irving, BYC; (5) Talisman, Bob Williams , NHYC. CLASS B-(1) Firebrand; (2) Alar!, John Cazier BYC; (3) Sanderling, Morrie Kirk & Bob Poole, BYC & BCYC; (4) La Prensa, Al Lockabey, BYC; (5) Vela, Jack Bibb, BYC. CLASS C-(1) Impetuous; (2) Brava, Jack Hog an , NHYC; (3) Falcon, Bob Smith, BYC; (4) Marvida, John Payne, BYC: (5) Holi- day, Page Noll, NHYC. CLASS 0-(t) Swiss Navy; (2) Volante II , Mike Hirsh , BYC; (3) Arriba, Smiley & 'T'horne, BYC; (4) Edelweiss, David Lang, BYC; ( S) Sandpiper ll, M. R. Mintey, sssc. MORF -(1) Seaquacious, Craig & Doug RasteUo, LBYC ; (2) Goldylock!, 'Eddie Arnold, BCYC; (3) Veloz:,. Ken Ross, BYC: (4) Gretn Giant, John Granath, BYc'; (5) Eveosta.r, Leslie Simmonds, VYC. A ronow Wins H e:n:ne ssg Identical Powe r Boats Provide Ra cing Thrills Two virtually identical 32· Beach to Ensenada race foot boats gave the offshore earlier this year. power boat raclng fans a thrill Aronow's victory Saturday Saturday when they finished was parUcUlarly hnpreMive the Hennes,.,y Cup race within 6ince he bad to come from five seconds of each other at behind. I-le was first across Belmont Pier, Long Beach. the startiJ1€line. but prop trou· The winner was D o..n ~!e near ~olnt Vicente ~lied Aronow's nie CigareUe, the-mm dea.d in th e water .until his leader in national and in-mecharuc Berry Cordi.Dgly in- ternationaJ polnL standinss. stalled a DeW' wheel. and the runner-up was Peter Arono~ caught and passed R 0 th schild's ThunderbaUs Rothscl.uld on the approach to from Newport Beach. Ocearunde and rrom there the two pilots staged a bow-and-A~ow . is a. 40-year old bow duel to the finish . Mlam1 m1!Hona1re who has Peter ruttmaster of Mia~I domlna~ the world offshore crossed the finish line third In raclng ctrcuits for the past American Mopple. Fourth was two year1 . He left lrn· 8111 Cooper·of Marina del Rey mediately after the race to ny in Spooky JI, but he was dls- to Cowes, England, for the qualified when he came atart of the Cowes~Torquay through the wroog breakwater race ICfOIS th( English Chan· entrance. neJ. An early favorite, Bob ~t the rugg~ c~ race Nordskog of-Van Nuys wu out can t be much: rougher than ot the race early with englne Seturday11 Hennessy classic in trouble and was never able &o .mJd> ....terly winds whipped gel atarted again. Qi> a wlcied chop thal 1lowed William S c h r o e d e r of the offshore J>OWer boe13 to an Newport Buch won th e aver•ge of 41 mlles per hrr•I' cruiser claSB In M•gnum-35 In the 206-mll• • •nd Gery Rigdon o1 Newport The Cigarette and Thun-Beach was second In Rapid der'bllla t r • ldenticiJ Ctrey Tr•mi.IL The crui!er1 raced Hulll powered by IMn 496 cu. over a short course to In. MerCrul1en. Rolh.!chlld, Oc"11'ide and ba<k while the an oO company executive from o(fshore &peedstert navigated Newport Beach, hod hl1 boll 1 eourae from Long Jl<JCh, bulll ofter trilling Aronow In •roond CataliM to Oceanside Ibo reconlumashlnc Long and back to Long Beach. l25 Sail ln LIYC Regatta Sears at this LOW, LOW PRICE 23-in. Diagonal Me~~ure Picture Color TV Corisolette 25,000 Volia 0£ Picture Power Our meet powdfot cba11i1 for 1h1rp· eat. eleare1t pio- turoo poHiblo. Automatic Keyed Gaia Control Eliminatn annoy· ing picture flutter due to aircraft fly. iug overh•d. .. Non·Glare Piclure Tube Etched. tlnted pio. ture tube belpt pre. ve.o.t annoying light reflecliona. Only Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plano Largest Screen Made- None Larger Anywhere! Automatic Otroma Co'ntrol Koepo colerb>....,_ 1ity levelcomtant-· no need to al••)'I adjuet eolor. Memory Fine Toning Set it once • , • no need to re·tune when you change' VHF 1t•tiont. Automatic Colqr Purifier Colon remain punt ew:n. after eet ha1 beeb. moved to dil· ferent localion, PHONE SEARS • •• 1£ You C•n't Come Jn, We'Jl C ome to Yoar Home. 1U1NA. p,ur TA l·••OO, 621-4.S30 CAHOOA P411C 340°0641 ll -"'ONlt Gt 3-3P11 GllNOAll CH '·100l, Q 4-4611 HOllYWOOO HO 9°.5P' I JHOUWOOO Ol 1·2l21 lOHO 11ACM H! .5.0121 NOIWAll UN 4.7761 CltY~' IOTO AN 1·5211 OIAHGt 637·2100 PAS.ACIEl'IA ~U 1-a211, fl 1-4211 PICO W! •·•262 &ANJA ANA Kl. 7-ll71 fOllAHCl .54 7· 1511 SANTA fl Sl'lHGI f.f,,8Q11 VA.lth' PO 3·1461, .,14.2120 CONIJOH NE 6°2.S811 N? 2·.5761 COVIN.\ '66-0611 AlHAMIU ftS...fJSI AICADIA ~100 CHINO '27·1S11 CUI.VU QTY U7°12'1 aPRW ""'"° OOWHIY t23·tl.•I l'UUltTOM "2$.1191 GAtDEH GAOVI 131,1700 OIANADA HUS )d0.10JI HACl!HOA H01'S. ~I POMONA ID 2·11'.f• NA 9°!161, YU. 6·67SI Wf flJNAMOO lM 1·7121 SEARS CATALOG AND APPLIANCE STORES HAwntOaf\ll •79-0Ml ~,M:K,"'3M1 Hl.IMTIHGl'ON llAOt IQ~Stl WlWOOOUW'UI l0$ ""'°' Jt7.2f4 ~on..me MONTIOtl 2""210 OKJARtO ..... ,,,, PALOS VllDD J77..-01 MQHM.12:"4110 ~llAOtm-wJ: atKOA s.u.9111 SAN PfOIO W..uJJ llUM»i OW fll.,lllD IUt«AHD ).tt""51 u.HfA MONICA IX 4·6711 VlRMONT Pl P· I Pl I SOUTH COAU ll4lA. '40·333J WtAND tls.1'27 WUfcttUTD m.7020 WDfMHSTEI lf').4Slf WHmlO ff14666 • WIMJNGTON IJ0.001f l'otl Can't Do IHfter Thon. SflGT1 Scars -Sati1foctiort Gvarontffd or Your Money lock• Shop 6 Nlghll Monday through Saturday 9:30 A..M. lo 9:30 P.M. ~ ,. i • • • 1· • j J • I j I I I I '1 I ' I I ' , ! ' I ' I I ' ' • t r. l I I I voi:. ··~· NO. 203, J SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ·• .-1xon ·a ' ORANGE COUNTY, Cf;UfO~. •• • --· I • . Deat.h ·J?·l·ot . Secret •. 11._ • . )"-. "'' -~ .. •• TEf':I CENTS ' . -- Agnew Tells ' ' Reason s fo t • • • B~ach ·Police Mum ·on 'Hired Murder? I ' Disastfil· t' ' • ... • • • 'I I By TERl'V 'COVILLE Of llM' O•llJI "lier Sl•tf . I ' , . Corpplete details .of •a bizarre .murder- for..f)lfe , plot . cracked. by Huntington Beach detectives will remain s~et unlil , court. proceedings against the defeqdant, autbor:IUes said today. No · chances are being taken that • pretrial publicity could damage the case against Richard D. Reed, 28, of l~U Keel Ave:, -Garden Grove. ·Reed' wu bbOked 'l1Ut Friday-on suspi· cion. of soliciUna: murder, robbery and burglany and his. formal.arraigrunen( was sChedufed~'lafe toClaY ln West Oril.nge County Judicial Districl Court. · 'The novel caM ....: first of its kind in Huntington Beath history-unfolded Fri- day. _on . tpe . attiletic field at Fountain Valley High School tplder circum.staoces patallelling ·a TY Show. Inv.estigators said a couple of children Watching JO 'pla'inslolhesmen surround . ., 1, • Flood Victims Spared ·Bla ze Disaster Misses ' . Residents in: Modjeska · Modjeska Canyon residents who · suf- fered winter rains and flooding were 1pared the disaster of fire Sunday, as flames eruPteQ.. In Orang~ County ~'I'<! wa'e,gnidual!y'iontry>lled eilriliere. : .. . · , wUcy Jirefllhterr were flnall!I ,&¥ng ' ' ' • I art'a was evacUated, but lttf. bljlzt was lin~ly batted a mile sh0rt' of 'the remote community. Further ·south, a taSk fon:;e of civi~an firemen ind Matinea·were gradu.ally con) t!:oP.lnl • '!l'i<I<:~ ~ of ·~~· ~ldi~~.ioo 'icm. ' ~ 1 the upper hand ,over ~e eut "Friday at sca~ations tllr°""""t the Southland, led by ·leyerlsh winds aDd low humidity. , "Thhi'p .are looiing 'gdod," said a ToUcbeil oir by military pyiolecynic tfjinlllg d<vke FrldaJ, the mtln blue a1<· J!o wll)l swl!tl,Y:•C{OJI U,, sprawling, ~rl'sli/' ~~~' lnto Cleveland Nallobal Fini timber •i:eas· 'AbQut'S,OO&·acres of the national foml \,-as feft" cha·rred, but a total of nearly 800 firemen, 150 tf. them Marines, was ex·. pected tor gall!) control ol t1¥ remaining flames ·by JqniBht. . 1' I 1pokeJ01an today, as two m· a j o r bruahfir:es were contained and a third wu expected to be sunounded by early TueJ!lay. The .aeries of fires which broke iCUt left nearly 42,000 acres blackened in lhr~ COUDUts. while the Modjeska Canyon blue Sunday night burned only 25 ·acres. A'tlltal of 110 men ~ed by chemicals \ raining from aerial bombers .above con- trollf:d -the 5 p.m. fire \filhin two .. hours alter it erupted, pou!hly ca..00 by chDdien with matches. ......... Stete,DJvision of Forestry lnfonnation officer Mike Walsh said winds luckjly blew the jlames· away from. the com- muatfy of 700 pe.raons in lht mountains behind the El Toro area. Ooe' ol S$ llome> in the Hardinl! c:Myon Weather co~ions. which contributed· lo the o~ig~ blazes were alleviated somewhat Sunday, as cool moist ocean winds swept · In, .lowering temperatures ~ r;iisinJ hllinlditx. : . Firemen and equipment from as far ~ · aa Sacramento were dllpatched to be.lp 15attle 'the bolocau.sts\\:hlch broke out · in San ·Di~go. San Bernardino It'd IUVtrside counUes .. D<!sPile oplfJi1ism ob the part ol firefighters ... the senes o( blazes over tfie weekei!d, are .only the "'!'guard ol w~al may be a record.Southlalidflre sealOf'I. Brush and vegetation brought on by , (See FIRE, Pap %) 9¥.1' ,....., ""',.. KIDS 'STUFF' BALLOT BOX AT FOTORAMA SHOW -• 'AiliiTt· Voters Gtt Help on Fliler Diy-it Faohlon lolind-- \ f ' Reed and an officer posing as ,a paid sla yer interrupted to' ask if they wert flln1lng an FBI series show. The stocky Garden Grove hairdresser v.·as placed under an:eiit on lbe ·charges after allegedly outllriing .t plan to arrange a fatal accident for hi! girllriend. "The apparent mOtive was a · small, triple-indemnity insurance po I fc y , ' ' Detective Sgt. Monty McKennon el· (See DEATH PLOT, Page %) Beach Man Found Dead Near Boat • • • . ~ I \ ' . . ' The body ol a 51-year.Otd'.Huntinaton Si~f"fl ~p·.ftole ·1 1 .. ~ •• CA/LT !'ILOT 1!911' ~~~ . Beach man was found OoaUna: face down . , ~ . . ' a few yuds lrom bis drilling cabin With help ~rom h!s · wife. drr\na,. J!ldaa,Lli>yd Blanpled Jr.~neweU'· cruiser Sunday off Emerald 'Bay ntar . qlefnbtr of tbe ·W~s( Orange.eountf M:Unlcipal bench, tries·on robei, - Laguna'Biach. of dfflcf:'l!Opowing·sw!aring·in ceremonies la5t Friday. New jurist •• Orange County Harbor Departmtnt a fo'E!ef N~l'I, Be~ch·itt~ney.0 started wort.um m~~· ,Gave~ spokesmen said the,llody o( Chatlel.R. . W¥·1ilf fNI' fri~n<y }O NeWport s Goof.Clffm.()lub. • . . , . FtoydJr.,lll~.G~'1Wil:4ve., ~~I ,;, · ! '1 1 I' •· '. ' < ·t"f ,.. "" l 'tt',,_ -! :r""~ f" ' "' C' ' ,,,..,. I ,. • "' , ~ atl1.m.Ooatlngtace~ • ~. ,,·, .,.~ "Fl' ''k .. 8 f·. The spoitflshaolli!l'Mll'macl<'the·ln· 14' 000 ' . 0 , ·i··. : " '.. itiat .. u .. th• bFbor p11ro1. · · • , , · · . ·OC 0 eac es, Alxiui one:j,.jr ll)fle aWJiy Iron) Floyd'1 · ' • " ' . . • : ' ' 1 body, hi1 ~foot Clhin cn.Uaer was · · · di:::~;~~~~:::::!.uto~y Wat er Temp· .. erature Dips ,: ls pending. Thm was ho evideOce~ot·fouJ • . • • • ,. · , · ' • J 1 , • play, they said. . . .. I , 1 I .. They ,.Id Floyd lt(t Anaheim marina Mild weather cqnclltlons and cold water continue·. up · through : the Lobor ·Oliy at Sunael Beach Saturday night at about failed to dt!ttr ip~ately 1,49,000 ~n, weekend. ' 7 p.m., heading for Newi)ort Beach. worshipers. who rushed to Huntington ' He pi-edlcted that dally,· atleOdadce · Rosary will be recited at ?:XI -p.m~ Beecll.~.over the.weeke~. · • ffgures 1woUJd probably drop-aft.er ·that. tonight at Dilday Bros. Mortuary Cbap<I. · Beach Depart!'\i:at ol!~l~ repqr:tict an, excipl lot Sa\llnl•Y• and'Sllnda}r: ..• · Huntington Beach. , , . •ttenda-ol'llP-°'°J•l Hanlin(tan City, '"Lalfor Diy It Csually our•lut !Ilg Requiem Mw ·will ~~.'ce~bra•..::.r~at I Beach whllz fifU!es•tor11olu...Qiica aDd1 weekend •but we have Jfttfy'·good c:rOwcis 1 a.m. Tuesday al St. Simon and'°"Judt J1m1Ungi0ri · Staie ' ;~ae'bh elCffdtd m 'Wttiendi' up lbto\lili October; ~ ci.tholic' Church, a .... 1i .. i:.t..;..,Beacb. 39 doo.· · k-; • " '') • • tfle lelSOn melt.'' Bo.wman aakl. . ! ..._...... · Y.,ffktnd wafer tem,,Uatures-~HpPed1to1 • 1 , • a '°'9 .of .$8 degr~ at all three beaches,. Ov T, WbJte ,ilr · t~inperatures ·r~ged "l.in U\e, rustees · rtrld-ios. , · · · /. ·c01d scitrll1Wtst cumnt, whJCh• Caused· A~aheim Man's ' • • I ' · the-drop 'In .•ater. tempttature to Dl!'lr· To Set Bond Vote·-w1nier_,11v.ets~. changed sm'ilay to •' Caitse of Deaik Trustees of th·e 'Ocean View sChool District will be asked tonight to set Nov. 19 u the date for a $7 .S million bond election. The board me~ting begins at 7:30 p.m., Jn the board room at. Beach Boulevard and Warner.Avenue. " District Superintendent Clarence Hall said the bond election has been made necessary by the lmpossibitity of selling IL t mlltioo in bonds currently bekl by the district. New state laws have allowed the in- terest rate on achool bonds to go above the five-percent Jlmtt. A new elecUon will be: required to get new -hlgbu rate - Interest bonds on lhe marl.et, aid Hall. wanner ·south swen: MUd 1urf kept rescues to a.minimum with i9 recorded at !lunlihgton City BeaCh' '1!d 32 at H,untlhgton State. Beach. There were-no' rescuts at Bolsa Chica- State Beacl1. · · Melvin M. Bowma'n, director of harb;lrs arid beaches, expects heavy a~tendariet to'. A t Bar Unknown: · Orange County coronen deputtea· today .klenlifled a man who dropped ·dead 91Jtslde' a Westminster bar Friday 0 nlght, as ' Bri~n S. Oakey, 24, an Anaheim chemical firm employe. . Stacie Markets Oakey collapsed at 11:45 p.m. outside NEW YORK (AP) -Tlle Jllock !riarkif, the In Cro~d, 1 go-go tavern at ~J<h closed 1 l~r tod~ ,ner u-:-4-rty , 1 ~W:vard·and McFadden Avenue •• Ji:O~ce fort ID ke<p ·!Ir latnf 'adVfn<e mi>Yjilg wd. • . . faltered . \See quotatlono, Pages t~t), An outopsy conducted Sunday by Trading near the c~~ wa slow~ Ttle coroners failed to dlaclose the cause of ~ JoriOs !ftdlialria~ aver,e ~I~ P;m~ dea\h-A deputy e,Ptal;,..i ibol toficokiiY WU o1f 5.15 at.83ZJO ~ ~ :and ' Jt\kt05COP1c tfstl,..coulcJ le*1·, to~.a No· on .Marijuana det.ermi.Dation· of the mysterious dei~ but that the resuita would probabcy not.be knOwhlor'JeVeral da"yt. . :··. •t I,t. J~, Shockley oi the w-.ins1<r police ·de~t .,.Id 0Prtlimi!'"'l'1 ln- vesUaaU~ ~ed. tl}at n0:f~I pl'!Y'i"~ involved.•"Tbere. were no sign.a of any Fotorama Voters Wo~ldBanDrilling .. By THQlllAS Mc<:ANN Of.,... o.itr·ftMlt ,,.., Fotorama vl1lton -would not legalize the use of marijuana ln Calllomla, would ban all pll drillillg" along the Oran1e Cout, would like to aee sex educatoln fwith portntal approval) ln·public junior high achools, but aren't too """' whether or nol !~year-olds should be alJowecl to vote. Those are some of the rtsulll. ~ • , "quickie quil" ibe D¥,\-Y PJ;LOT'Jni:tud. ed u part ol Uilt :i.n.t: on 1'llkh Vatoramo •! -.,\ ~'.• , voltd tast,Tllind>1.,F~y .lllld !\9\U'• ·d•t •l P'•ol!Jon llt-ln:!!ffl!Or:i'l!ili!ll. t • I (Seo '!inptn, P•I• S) .• The qutstlOo; ... curtt'ntty ..... trtvenlal sub)em' ••'*':lllC!ude<I In • · . bollot set up Oii, ~ miohlnoo lun)t~ ed by the AlllOIDa!'Ci vol!rw Mocblne 1 Co<poratlon.='=· ; ' • "otii• were-__,;~~; •• .Jll; • ~ ~ • 1 .. ;., ihi"' -,... ·~ _I T • brulaes ,on the body," he said. ·• · ' HB €0UNCiLMi4N • ' • • • 1 SERIOUS'LY 'ILL !: .. By J,!:ROME F, COLLIN8 Of "' o.iw ., .. ,,.,, ~: '" .. · Preaident Nlxon Swxtay nisht \calltd Hurricane Camille "the worst natural disaster wt have hlcfin·thls' ceritury." • VJce Pres.ident SJ>Y'o Aine;w todly 11ve two .reuons w)ly: , , :.. -~Belore ·Ca!niJle ~k the GUl! Coul maJntand •:U.S. Navy ·plane llelf'fnlA! the eye. of the ~cane. wJth the-: rlcht meteorological equipment but the wroni t1pe .of. aircraft. At , the· same. Unie, tb• · U.S .. A~ Force made the fillbt wit!), tile c;orrect gear, but an "obsoleacent" plane. -Lake · POntch"artraln · above New Orleans has inai:l:equate flood '. cont.rot raclliUea; a point made traaically,eltar when· its waters, swollen by Camille'• delug~, overflowed and wiped • out thousands of hOmes. ' · Agnew told a pre11i eonfertnce at tM Western White Ho'use in 8an Cielnente be had: discussed the situation with. the Prealden! 'and sald "be expreS;sed grtat concern. ' · · The vice president made his nport 4fter: . lOUrliig . l h e storm-de,vastated ... ~ ol Miss~sippi and Lo<Jlsiana .. , He raid .he was lnsln!c(ed by f'!~ to take UP,' .with o,.: Uo DuBrldao, tho ~aldelit's'IGl••c< ad~er, the Jirpblem al "r$1orclni 'oor • to· meqore lh..O .._.In·~· ' ' E~ter II · d~ "'llUlfll by ~In a4dttfm lo 1he loU ol 11\Di. ctreclJ !!I lives, ~ been ~-u blib u Ptl) JB\lliOn, iDf AgJlew. He pi'edlcted . the Jfidl!ral 1ove1mment, throuib varlQUS agehqes, ''will pt,0bably spend more in proportJon on. 'thia: atonn. than on ' any In our hi.story." · Camille" which packed wlnd1 ol up to 200 ,miles per hour, Was. fir worae than ha~ fieen anlkipat<d, Agnew •.Plained. He. ,aajd · the reason W¥ . Jqs-tban-aC· ~ur•\e: lJl•teorol0£lcal: reporta .buecl on !nvestJa:aUonal OJghts. · "'!be. N .. vy plane had · • wonderful equJ~n.t ~~ge.'' be ~i~,, ~~.it couldn't aland up to the wtndJ. · Ancl the AJr l'm Md0 a W~ul plane, but DOI the right measuring devicea." · "We have to increaae our abllily to predict where.these atomui wW be com- ijlg iatiort. anil lfiiir •inlirudty,when·Uley (flee DIBASTER, Pqe· IJ B~e~ 1'fan As~ 'H~c~e' Aid . "Our .rlreet loob like Miaaiasippl alter hurricane Camille swept through," w. R. Lund of 1841 Pine Av,~ .• bu,corp.9t.lned to the-Huntington Beich City Council. Lund says the city tree ,dej)arlm~t,bas slashed · down a fine row-of eucalyptus =fronliJ>g hil and,hil ~-pro- "That'1 rigttl," replitt--Clty Engineer Bjll Hartje. "the roots q those old lreU were tearing up the•atdewalkl. curbs and paving. W4!! are replactn, them wftb aome aUractive evergreen pear treei which.do not have the deJltu<tiva "'1l<o , ol eUcalyptus." · Hartje saya ' WI on· part iJI the city'• cQlltinuing tieautiftcatlon program, but Lund doesn't see it that WaY~ 0 Tbe street looked .fuit line bef0re 'tbooe bUrrtcane eipert.s' moved Jn." · · , i Oruge .Cea•& ' . % QAll.Y PILOT ·~ 'Spies' E$Utlt,ed U.S. Troops I.sraeli, Arabs I 1Gll 76Reds ' - ·in New Attaeks . ' At 'Citadel' ' ;1 ualtod·,.,..,1..,..11ou1 l!raeU Joli lxlmbed Jordan ~ •nd Arab prrtll•• ambuabed an llraeU pa~ near tile, Leban<Se border. Iraq ,.,. eculed·15 pel'IOl'll, lnell.ldln& two Jews, on cbarl!d at-mini far larul and the U.S. Ceolral lnteillilenct A'"'*1 (CL\). lsrJel Jlld tlle jell bombed a.Jordanl>n anny pool , and ,..rrilla camp. Jordan said the attack wu on clvfllan Watts and that four civilil.DI were killed. Tbt. Jlraell communique sakl the planes attacked target& 30 m 11 e a nortllelill al 1he !>tad S<a. An -JpOkl!llDlll Jlld Ille lar1<U plana raldfd civilian areu w•t of the village of Al.Suknen 15 miles northwtllt or Amman. Jordan's only oil refillery which ii conq_ollld .b1 Iba U.S. Arabian 23 Gls Spend 20th Day in · Two Churches By BRUCE A. COOi\ HONOLULU (UPI) -Twlftty·lhr,. U.S. servicemen opposed to the war in Vietnam utended the.lr a y m b o l t c aanctuary In two chur<hel to :IO days to- d17 u mllitarY aulborttles watdied and wilted. "If !liey think that we are IOinl lo oend down a couple of 1quada of IOldJeta to ar· rat them, they are .out "-the.tr mindl," an Army tp0tesman said. "Tbla t.s lftClltly what they want ua lo do -• pretty demOOlll'ltlon of viol...,. .at the Cburchtl in front of I battery of television cameru." bf. added. . The "aplrltual leader" of the unctuary la the Rev. Robert Warner, 28, who w11 fired from his Job as a ocbool chaplain becauae pareni.·c<>mplained he conducted bium, unortbodos. services. Warner called on other churclles Sun- day "lo brdk tbrw&b lh<lr .. llllh .... cern !or JOCUiity and harmony" and btlp eut with the aaoctuary, which be clelCrib- ed u 11potenU&lly cne of the mmt alpifi--c:ant exampl.. al ....._.11on willl. milllary ill,IUlllce In U.S. hlllory." • The anctuary ls headquan.red. at Ilia •yW<>ld church al the .,,_., w h I c b ls alllllat.d wllll lhl United Churdl al CllrUt. ''nle Unllarlan QJurch of Honolulu, three mllu ac:rou town. beeline a aecorid unctuary Jfte l"rlday when -Gii were tranafmed lllere. ,,,. O>urch al Ille Cn>aroadl, lcn>ll. freeway from lhl Unlvmlty al Hawaii campus, liu loq been a 1111>erfnc place !or anUwai studenta and llf<IUJ>I ad- vocating ltberalllm and lntenaclaliml. It l"'l"ently features dllCul~ons on IUCh top~ II LSD, H::l and hippies. Lut FebrUary the coocre11Uon voted lo oiler ti. hospltallly lo draft clod1era and aervlcllnen who Clll!IOH Ille Vlelnam. ...... Drug Abuse TalK Set in Santa Ana An "Innovative Solution to Drug itisuae" will be diacussed in Santa Ana by Herbert Brayer at tht rneeUnc of the Supplementary EducaUonal C en t e r ' 1 Planning Commillee Wednesday. Brayer will explain the Coronado School District's prorram for the solution al the dru& problem. The t 1 .m. meeting will be held in the Bolrd Room of the Orange County Department of EducaUon, 1104 Civic center Drive West, Santa Ana. OA ll Y PILOT OIANCI COAST PUa&.ISM1Me COMNJn ••Mrt N. W••' Praldltll Mill PW!lthtt J.,~ 11:. c.,1.., Yk• Jl'rUhMni ~ Gt11rr .. '-"-"' n ..... , k11n1 EllMr Th11111' A. M1 rphl"1 ,,,,_,1,. f:tl!Or 1-rbert w .••••• AUO(ie" (tllt ... H111tl""91llffdotflce JOf Ith Str11I Malli"t "41411111 P.0 .1, .. no. tf6(1 o• Offk" Jl.-1 let(•: 1111 .,...., ,,...,. ""'""•r• _., C..M MIM: Uf Wt11 Ill' 'l!ttl '--,.. lpU\1 ill ,wtll llWfMM • American Oil C..' (AMMCO) Is in' Iha! area. Four Arab guerrWa 1t~cks were reparted ln norlhem llrael, Including the ambush on 1 Pltrol near MOlhav Avlvlm, two rnilea toUth M Leba.ncxt. Seven Jsraell aoldlen were wounded, the JeruWlm cammunlque aald. Baghdad Radio said nine of the men executed Were clvlllana who were hanged at Central Prison. The rest were mlUtary men who were shot by a firlnC aquad 1t an army camp outside the city. It brought to 51 lbe number of Iraqis executed ori spyln1 convlcUona lince Jin. %7. ~total tnc:1uded ll Jews. The u-were evldenca the Ira-qi reJlme ii-detennloed lo continue IU policy "of purclnf Iraq ol all ople1 and imperWlst .......... lhl atat&<onlrolled Baghdad preu uld. SPY!nl ii a ,.... lhrut to Arab ... UOOI than "the cantlauln1 IQfelllon the Israella have been wastnc oo Arab forcu," tbe ntwtp:apen Mid. In Amman, a Jordanian mllltary opokeanan Jlld a llf<IUP al llraell llp!Jr planel. raided civilian tar1eta ll mllu nor1heut al the cap!lal. The larllll llale radio uld lodq two Jsrull aoldlen were kWed and two.....,. ded 811DdaJ When lhatr lflll1 vehlcla struck • mine norlll al the Dead -Jo Cairo, f«elp rnln!Jlen al the lka· tioo Arab Leque gathered to dedda. what lo do about ~ buniln( al El Aqu Moaque In Jeruaa!tin, ona al Ille MOllom world'• hoUeat ahrlnu. PollllW oboervon Aid the .-., dilplayed more Arab unity than In Jlltl. Jo Jeruaalem, Jarael -* llJ ln- v..UCaUon al Iba Ore and hl"1!1· placod pollllcal aources Jlld the pernmeel w<1ulcl-lr1·lbo.AWllrlllan ~In lhe lire under lec:urltJ llTlfll'lllClla 11 strlct u the trial al Adolf ElcllmaJl!I. The -... said the trlal al llllchael Deonll Wlillam Rohen, II, on Australian llleep·obearer accusecl al atartllll the llre 1buraday, will ht planned In on ellGrl .!o ensure the kind ol. world preu coveraa•. giffn lhe trlal al Elclmann. who planned the etecution of Jew1 under Adolf Hitler in World War lI. Nixon Men Tour Irvine Ranch As Urban 'TriP.' seven Cabinet membm and other key otticlals of the Nixon Administration toured Irvine Company ranchlands today, 'Ibey went. aUI WNtt House sources, lo !Ind oul ho!r Ille Irvine Company copes wllll url>an problems by building modem ciUea from the llf<IUnd up. 1be hlib level villlofJ compriaed the· President'& Urban Affairs Counil. They tool< Ille lour, touch!nl dawn by helicop- ter II Bommer Canyon Inland of Corona del Mar, after a twf>hour confauce at the w .. 1m1 While HOCllO In San Clemente. The lfOOP lncmded Health, EducaUcn and Wellore 5ecr!Wy Robert J'inch;· .Housing Secretary George Romney; TransporlaUolO Secretary John Volpe:· lnlerlar Secretaey Waller llickel; Labor Secretary George Schull!; Commerce Secretary Maurice S t a n 1 , and Agricultural 5ecretary Clifford Hardin. On Tuesday, the Urban Affair& Council is scheduled to huddle on poUudon pre> bl.ems at a Newpocter Inn conference. Included in tbo.se talks will be diJcusslons of pvernment-<lfrected tf· forta to produce a amoa-free automoblle. A !ew auch experimental vehicles today were reported to be under wrap. at the Philco-Ford Aeronutronic Divlalon In Newport Beach. .,,,,, ........ BURNED OUT CAR SMOLDERS AS BRUSH l'IRE IGNITIS BUTANE TANK NEAR EL CAJON The R•fns C•m•, th• lru•h Graw Tall •nd Then It Got Hot, Dry •nd Windy J.V ation Pours Out Help For Hurricane Victims From Pqe 1 FIRE •.. last winter's record rainfall b now brittle and tindtt-dry, while Sept,mber and October ue the Southland's hottest months. lly THE A!llOCIATZD PllESS Thoulll)Ci• al cootrllsullona. lrom their CGUDtryineo hear\ened Mlnfnfpplaol lo- daJ 11 lheJ contirlltd their fi&ht back !nm the chaOJ left by Hurricane c.mille. 1'bt American J\td Croa. meanwhile. uld lt needa a minimum of 115 mllllno In donaUoal to meet the cost of emeraeney ald and recovery help !or the hurrlcaoe vlcllmt. The relltl qency had ul<ed !or .. mllUon last --Some •,ooo 1n Locllllana, Mlullalppl. Alabama, Vlfllnla ind West Virginia "'"' affected by Ille hurricane, the ...... cy Al~ lnJI at 1eut :io,ooo lamWes would need Red er.. help. U.S. Anny helicopter pilots surehed remote part.a of the Gulf Coast for in· habllan!J llolat.d by the alorm. Officials it !rd Army btaclquarters, Ft. McPhel"lj)n. Ga., reported findin& one 1lranded lamtly al LI perlOCll near Wig- gins, Miu., about 30 miles north ol Ille devutaled Gulfport area. The family had been without food or water for two day1. HellcopC<ra new In enouah food !or three daf• for more than 130 i!olated refugets founCi 10 m11es south of Poplarville, which is about 40 miles north ol the COllt. The uact death toll wu contused by a nwnber of confllcting estimates and re- mained unknown. Gov. John Bell William., placed the figure at about 200, reducing his earlier eltlmate ol 300. Waler systems were operating but not safe for drinking in Pass Chriatian, a nearby beach community, and Bay St. Louis, near the Louisiana border. Elec> lricity in these communiUes w a s available for emergencies only. Gulfport fa~ somewhat better, '<':ilb pov,,er largely reltom:I and the water system operaUng and declared safe. Biloxi, lo the east. had Jls water system safely in operaUon, but only a third or tbt city had power. Cleanup operotlona also continued in the bayou area of south Louisiana, large- ly in oil-rich Plaquemlnes Parbb. From Pqe l DISASTER ... Little real d1ma1e was caused by fires over the weekend, although six: expensive homes and an avocado gr o v e were destroyed in a blaze near El Cajoo, in Sar. Diego County. Damage there was estimated a $360,000 by the State Divisk>n of Forestry. while the only structure consumed in the Camp Pendleton inferno was a tent. 'Overs' Must Cover 'Unders' '.At Laguna High The yardstick has been tossed out by Laguna Beach High S c h o o 1 ad- miniat.rators in determining whether a girl's skirt is too short. But that doesn't mean there's no limit do, and we must tolidify the abiUty of on how high the skirts may rise. local government to wort efficiently with The a:lrls' clothlna: board and ad· the office of emergency prepvednes.s and ministraton have decided that "a skirt is the Red CrOM." Nls.on termed Camille the nation's too short if the tops of host or un· "worst natural disaster" in a cross-con· deraarment.s show at anytime." tlnental telephone call to Bob Hope. The Lut year, the rule read that skirts comedian took the open line call from couldn't be a:reater than °about three in· San Clemente while serving as master of ches" above the top o! the knee. ceremonies of a fund·raiain1 telethon in 'Ibe thorn in the side of the boys' Jackaon, Mill. d th -~ b •·-th •-· The President praised Hope and other clothes boar in e Pa.:i• u ~ e ...... Jc ReglS• tration partlclpanla In the lelelhon show which terpretatlon or the hair length. Sunday nl1ht raised more than .1.3 Last year's rule stated that ha1r must mllllon to help storm and flood yjcllms. be .. romhed neatly and tapered," and ' SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Wantrynlen ldllecl ?I North Vieloamese lroopa In lwo battle• near a Communist stronghold known u ''the Citadel" northWe1t of Saigon, military spokesmen said today. :They exchanged roclcet grenadea rr.m 11 cklle u 20o yards ap.Jrt. , Mllllary aources said the North Viel· ' namue and Viet Cont 1n the area 30 milts northweSt of Saigon were about ready for another drive in their so.called autumn campaign and wou1d open a ler· r('I!" campaign in Saigon. The new drives were expected berore the SepL Z anniversary or North Viet· nam's declaraUon of independence from France in 194$, the sources said • The two batUes near "the Qtadet" lasted all d11 Sunda7, American~ Wtrtl aided by jet flll:lter bomber• and artlllery. Military 1poke.smen said the Intense fight.inc in the rice paddies .and woodlands betw,.. Sal1on and Ille Cam- bodian border included several houn ol comparaUvely close exchana:es of rocket grcr,ades and howitzer rounds, some as close as 200 yards. Jn the MtkOl'lg Delta, the aenior U.S. or· ficer there 1aid today the North Viet,.. namese army for the first time tn the war ju movt.d a regular army unit into the delta. Maj. G<n. Roderick Wetherill, ccm- mander of the Delta Military Aa.!listance Command, identified the unit as the llB Re&Unenl ol the tst North Vi~tnamese Divlslon. Wetherill sald lhe 2,0!lO men al the ,.g1. ment were Jn Chau Doc province, 140 miles southwest or Saigon. The delta, South Vietnam's rice pro- dul1ng area with bait the natloQ) 17.I mlllion people, bas looj been a strori'a:hold of the Vlet Cong. U.S. 9th Infantry Divis.ion ttoopa in the dell& killed nine Communist lroope Sun- daj, Including Col. Hal Tram, com- mander of several North Vietnamese bat• ta lions. The colonel played dead unUI a U.S. Ranger platoon approached. Then ht ·threw a grenadt. They shot him. The U.S. Command sald a North Viel· namese army capt.Jin was captured despite hls efforta to hlde beneath the surface of a pond five miles southeast of thf' Cambodian border. Military spokesmen said the captain told them hls unit wu heading for Cam- bodia when it was caught by American inlanlrj'Cnen and helicopler gunsblpa. Al !tall 21 North Vlebwnese aoldlers were kUled Sunday In whal mllilary spokmnen called a IUldde attack 1ga!nal the U.S. 10111 Airborne DMsloo bast c.Ued Berchtesgaden atop a 11111 In the A Shau Valley, 375 milu northeast of Salaoo. From Pllfle 1 DEATH PLOT • • Open fo, r All Amons donations was St,000 from the th1t sideburns cou1dn1t grow below mido President'1 family and tbe White House ear. staff, Thia year, sideburns will be allowed to plained today. Wednesday will be the fint of two open grow to the bottom of the ear. The rule The allegtil target of the accldfflt, Miss dates ln which anyooe may register for also states, "H,alr must be tapered. Hair Kathleen Duckett, of the ume Garden evenln& cluMI at Oranae COalt and Red Cross Ups cannot flop over the ears or fall on the Grove lddreu, bu gone into Hclulion Golden Wat Colleges. shoulders." and will not dilCUU the caae . lttflltraUon will be held in the OCC nit other major complaint by boys last The drama began last Tuesday whel'l gym rn:m I p.m. to I:~ p.m. The second Storm Fund /"'-a} year dealt with the rule, "Sandals must police received an anonymous telephone date wW bt Sept. J at the aame Ume and '-rtJ be worn with socks." That bas not been tip alleginl that Reed was lookina far a place. changed by the administration. man to klll his girl friend. Golden West's ttliatration will also be WASHINGTON (UPI) _ The dam.age Girls will be allowed to wear slack• to The tip was followed with the assign. held from I p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the same from hurri?'ane Camille has prompted the achoo! lt it ia raining when they leave mmt of an undercover man to cootact date in the College Center Building. Red Cross to increaae from $8 to •t5 home. Slacks will also be permitted dur· Reed. A meeUnc w11. arranged for AlpbabeUcal rtjiatr1Uon bu been million ltl fund-raising aoal to help storm ing finals week, and when otherwise Wednesday at a Huntington Beach bar on cunpleted at OCC. with the two heaviest vktl designated by the Student Council . Beach Boulevard. dates, the open date.s, cominl up. College ~o'.rlginal goal was set lasl week but The school's Student Court will have A detective met Reed at the bar. Their offlclals aaid that vacancies are sU\1 a spokesman said new evidence of the the nsponslbWty to enforCe the rules. It dlscu!!lon then moved to Lake Park Ind avaUable in both ctusu, but that they storm's devutaUon caused the appeal to hu the power of suspension. wu followed by the scheduled meeting in will fill rapidly on those two dates: be Increased. "We're 1olng to keep a close tab on Fountain Valley. Students lboul4 come early to avoid He said more than 69,000 families in atudentA' reaponslbWty towards the rules. "This wu one of the wlerdest cases being Mut out. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia "If we're impreued, the admlnlatraUon I've been ·lnvolved in," II.id McKennon, Followina those two dates , registration and West VlrglnJa were affected, In some mipt be more fin.Ible in the .second uplainlng the carerul arranaemenlJ will conUnue, vacancies penntttln1, on way Of' another, by the ttonn. semester," Principal Robert Reeves aaJd. made to trap Reed. Sept. I, 10, 11, 16-11 and ZZ·21. The fee is .~~~=:==::==::,==::,;;;;;;;========'==:;::===================f 15 per c!UL traJy ''the a11e1 of adversity . Ex-principal Selected Will the President proclaim it ''Buy- are sweet,'' Tliie te.,ere eom· petition aeta.ally made thi~ a better ltore.. Aaothor ~ It hu made me a more t.gl"Mlive ad.,.. tlaer. s1n ... I alarted IO ad>'el'> ti1e 52 weeb a yeer I have etarted dnowi"!! ha.U-. &om e.,ery corner of 0n.n,e '.As Valley. Personnel, Chief Rober\ Sampica, 31, Santa Ana, Is lhl new adminlJtr•tor of penonnel servkts for the Fountain Valley School Dlotrlct. He fllla: the apot left vacant earlier th\1 summer when former peraoMel services adm\nistrator Michael Brick was promoted to dlm:lct superintendent. ... 'Jbe t'leW admlnlsfrator has been the principal of the district's WOilam T. Newland School alnce llliM. He tauabt als years in Garden Gro\1e befort coming to She Fountain Valley School District In 1964. Sampica urned h1s bachelor's dtll'ff at CaJ.State Lona Beach and bis mat- ter'• d e 1 r e e at Chapman C01le1e. 0r1.nae. He IJ cumntly tnr01ltd ll'I a doctoral P.fOirlm at use. He i. the current prtSldent ol Ille Founlalo Valley Leaderthlp AlloclaUon and a member ol Phi. Della Kappe, an educational honorary or1anl11tlon. Sampica and his wllt Mul1yn. a achool teachtr In Plactntil. make their bom• at lilt N. Sl!eny Lane, Santa Ana. Solo Sailor 'Sileni' MJ.V.U (AP) -Solo ulla Bill Verily llun't been heard from •lnct Hurr1cane Debbie ,..,.p1....., hi• projected court<, tl\eCOHrGOald-rtported today. WINS SCHOOL POST 'ounl•lrr·V•ll•y's-Samplca .From-Bidwell Week''? Unfortunately for my doctor, 1'm not • worrier. If I could learn to bite my finsemail1, I'd pt 10me ulcen. lit 1965 there "'·ere 14 men'" etore1 "'ithiu a radiu1 of ten mile1 from my 8lore. Bu1lneu at Bidwell's was pod. 1 wao happy. My wife wu happy. E•erybody wu happy. Then they opened that bla1ted Newport Ceeter or Faahlon J1land or whateffr it'• called lately, up there on the hill. Yoo ahould count the m•..n'• aloree (and department store men'• departmentl) j111t in that one 1hoppia1 eenter. The Broadw•11 Buffun11' De. tnond'a, JJowa.rd'a, M~'~ Penney'-. Robinton'~ and Sll•e...Jood't. El1ht of thorn. I'm tu.re that my 1npg and pro1peroua little 1hop1 were County. not the reaeoa all thoee 1toree I ha.,e ca1tomer1 who li•e came r u1 hi n g to Newport u fir away u Trahaeo Can. Beach. If I thoupl ao, I'd be yon. Unheard of In I 965. llauered. Or I SU.., I would. And from San Clemente, But today in1tead of 14 Buntin111ton lla.rbour, and competitor& I have 37. Same ewn La Habra. ten mile radiua. Figure it oat. Th1t'1 why it·would aore he 18o/c mo"' populatlon; 118% nl.., if the Prealdent would more men'• 1toree. That, dMI' proclaim next week ''NatJoftal lrl•nda and fellow phll_. Buy ·A• Sult· From ·Bidwell'• phen. i. modem math. Week." I could aoe a few.., .. At flnt, when all th-new tomen &om Cincinnati, Bolie, etoru ope a e d, it wu TMl ad BaJtimore. loup. For neryhody. Bat now Ia ta1t1 you're one of tit-. m1 ba1lnea1 l1 on the ap apln. and you're ataylng at the N-· My ..i.. ..ch week an nm· porlel' Inn, my aalt pri-nm nlng well a& .. d of Jut .,.,.... from t85 to SI 85. Thoush I fol'@et who aald It, MY deon open at 9130. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, jwt be)'oad tlte Arehea o'""Pa11 o•er Pacific Coaat lllghway. Telephone 6734510. Drive between Udo Thea~ my 1tore &: park in rear. Cop,..lpt 1969, Jack Bidwell. '· ' I I ' I I I J '· ~ I •, I • ) ...... .. ' • -· ) ·Lag~~a Beaeh '< r "EDITION TMay'• Fl-I :?v.:Y:~,. ' -voe. 62. NO. 203, 3 SECTIO~s. 32 PAGES ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAtlF01!1'111\___, . ., . ·-• r-.. ,. Fe.-sti val Ends With President Still ' . -. ~-. ' ' . ' . ' -. . . Missillg , · By tJA.CK· CHAPPELL pei-baps see the Pageant of the 1'1hters. presidenUal vlsll that night . • cootlngtnt or Laguna Beach VtP!; in. At the · Art·A·Fair '69, some :I0,900 . : · ot·• ~ ,.1w Sid •1Well, 'Jf rie doesn't' come tonight, t A.I.so fueling the rumors were reports cludin( Mayor Glenn E. Vedder and Persons went throuihl the gates, aiid R. lch d M NI d'd 't mi."i he i·ust ilin''t go1'°" to' at all," :said · that secret Service men hid )Ooked over f0ttntr· M"yor ·and pres"nt President of Joan Short, group .secret.an~ PrealdeJ\l · .ar · xon 1 n "-u06 the Festival ot Arla Board o( Directors The l>aul Tilley reqwood palntln& gi~en 1ho-ft"·up ,again at tfic Laguna Beach one deflated artist. the ground! during the previous week to \Villiam D. M8rtin, wailed. away_ Sunday went to"lhe wldow of the F~~~I of Ar:ts:as it c Io s e d Sunday Sunday night speculation ran especially map plans ror protecting the President. The man v.·ho wasn't there,* didn't man who wu chosan. Jack Wooten .0t night. · high that Atr. Nixon would make an ap-Among lhe artists, tliscuss.ions ~.t~red come. B:uena Park, lhe first man io·re~ter'for Evfr siJ>ce ttje President arrived al his peatan<:e\ on, "I! he likes one of my palnungs, At the close Of the Festival of AN, ail the painting, died Friday. · I _,. western. White HOU!e ln San Clemente, ' Rumors were apparepUy buoyed by a should t g'lve it to him?" About hllf the etU,m,t~.238,000 persons walked, ttJrough At the Sawdust Ftstiva11 an eleventh nimor mills whi(red crank111g out will+ visit. dUring the afternoon by a television artist.s decided they would and half decid-the grounds, Sales were reparted very hour auction or art work'nelted $50D 'Sairt- ~ itan'ts·that Mr. Nixon would pay news .camera crew filming batkvp ed they would not. · good t.W11 year with the sale of several -day. 'Total sales dWin.&:. the ..(im .-. an unic1tedule;d 'visit .to the ~esUval and ~afui.ll' for what they said would ·be a At the enlranct of the ftstival lf'OW')ds. items worth more lhan $2,000. estimated to be about-:_fl3,~ ~)be .. •• ' •' ( . ·IXOil ' ' r ' . a s ' F. ire Skips Canyon Modjeska Esca;pes Second Disaste1· M~jeska Canyon residents who suf- feNd winter rains and flooding were apareil the disaster of fire Sunday, as names .. erupted in Orange. County brulh1indJ and were gradually controlled elaewbere. "Things are looking good," said a spokesman toda.y, as two m a'j or brusbfires "Were contained and a third was expected to be surrounded by early · Tuesday. · The aeries of fires wtµch _broke out: ~tfl nearly 42,000 acres blackened jn three counties, while the Modjeska Canyon blaze Suntlay njgbt"bQrn~ ~nly Z;i acres. 1i;elled the 5 p.m, fire within two hours alter it erupted, possibly caused by chlklren with matches. State Division of Forestry ·tnfonnation offictr Mike . Walsh said winds luckily blew the flames away from the com· munlty of 700 persons in 'the ·mountains' behind ,jhe. El Toro area. . . . . . ::.: ',.! . '.' ·.t , ' ' .. -.. ·-· --.,--. - 111.Jes 1:ootb ~ three to four times 11 creat. as last yaar. "It coUldn't have tieen .-~ tuc· cessful show,"...sald Edmond Van "Deuaen. Sawdust spoke.sl'llan. Today, arUsts scurrl~1 about the grounds of al~ three r~lvall <berinc their usorted wares and 11lannfn& for ne,Jt year's sea.son. - Obwved one, .. 11'1 lil<a hlttlni youn.tl in the ht!!ad wtth a hammer. You do It becau.. h feeb so good when you tUJp." ' ' Agnew: Tells Reas.ons for Disaster By JEROME F. COLLINS • Of. ltlt DllN ...... ltlfl · Pmld<iit NIJ.a Sunday nigbi.called Hurricane · Cl{nllle "the wor~ natural dJaaster.w1 have hid' in th1.s Cftrtury ... Vlc .. PrOaldent Splro'Agnew loday pva , two reasons why : ·wear, firefighters were finally ·gaining the lipper hand O".et blaies whicli broke.· out · Fridir. a\ 'SC<ittered JocatloM th~l lhe''So'!Jhiarid, fed by feverish wii>lla aiicl Tow ~umidlty: · . . . ~,~I of 1111 .fneri aid~ by chemicals raining fi:om aerial 'bomber' ibove ,Icon; t~esday' s School Board V Qte F.t;>rming M.~jority One of 35 homes in the Harding Canyon area was -evacuated, but the bl&se Was fi!lally ball•~ ' IJlfl• •i!Olf or tlie.f<!'1)1111 (Seo rmg,''f'ii< I) • . Man Found Dead •Off . -~ore Camille ~~k tbt Gulf C-t mainland a, u .s. N.avy pl~ flew into th• eye : of,,~ burr!~ ·with the rtiht .1111taorq1ofiical "IUIPnMai 1!111 'U. !lrona ' t);pe of airtraft. A1 tJif aame tinie. the tr.s: -Air F~rce' made tb'e ru1111 •Ill! ·tilt ~.gear, bQf ID "ollloJ.acerit" plane. -Lau Ponlclilrlr11n above · '?itw QtleanJ )l.U iaodoqlfale tlood CODtroi laclli~•. a i!ofn~ made. triglcaJ!y clear when 11.s waters, swollen by Cainllle'a delllfle; ~v.rtfowed ape! ·wiped oul ' ' ~ ' . . . ' . r ' , _ ·' I , I "By"'l'll()\llAS PORTUNE ' ' oi• DWlt PIW Staff A-pivoW decli~n win be bold Tuesday · t'o liU a _vac8.ted se.at.on;lhe ,~ly-split. OraQp<;oooty Board or Education. . Contenders are Dr: Doris M. Arau}o.' ~~ ifleJe.cted to line up wi\h ~he two poil~cal ~rvallv,e members o.f the county . a~ board, :ind_ Richard L. A.ctol\ incijiaed to agree with the two ~ate ·~ ll)efDbers. . 1'hO votf3'Will be"in the fourth district, the largest' and least settled of th~ couJ1- ty'1 ( frve school · districts. ·including .. J\lbl!Oli VifJ<! and E) .T~ . U1Ual]f .lurno!rt•.I• liC!it' for .a ,apedal d~ Pplla J'll! be O\J<D 111 IJ locallons (rotn 7 a.m. until I p.m. -App'oximate!Y . tl0,000 persoqs au eUglble to , vote. •The electH>n was called to fill the v.acancy 'qeated. in ,ll-1ay· when Lyle Guipre movt!J to Phoenix. Gui~'s four· year tenn has three yea11 Jen to run. · Since he left the board. 2-2 votes have been cast . oD just , about every major issue. Ou the me siQe aupporting county • (S.e ELJ!crlON, P ... I ) .. ~ DA11.Yf>Q.Of ....... KIDS 'STUFF' BALLOT IOX AT'F.OTORAM,A SljQYL Adult Voter• Got Htlp on Flnol O"ty at Falhlon l•I""' " ' ., . . Emerald. Bay r ' • , · The body of a 51.year .. ld Huntllilton BeaCh man wu·fouDd floaUng rl:Ce'tknm a rew yards ,from hil drifting c1bin cruiser ·Sunday off• Emerald Bay l'IW' Laguna ' Beach. . Orange County Harbor Department spokesme n said the 'boay of Charies ft. . . ' . ~oyd Jr., 8111 Garfield' Ave,, was found at I am. floating lace up. The sportflsher Del Mar made the irtoo Illa! Call to the· harbor patrol. About one-half mile away from Floyd'• bQdy, his ?J-Coot cabin cruiser wu dlscoveied adrifl and unmanned. · Coroner's Investigators said an autopsy I! pending. There was no evidence of foul play, they said. Tiiey said Floyd left Anaheim marina at Sunset Beach Saturday night at about 7 p.m., heading for Newport Beach. Rosary will be reelted at 7:30 p.m. tonight at Dilday Bros. Mortuary Chapel, HunUnglon Beach. Requiem Mass will be celebrated •t t a.m. Tuesday at St. Simon and Jude Catholic Cburcb, Hunlingloo Buch. Floyd, a pr~aln. engineer fcir 'North American Aviation, l~ves his widow. Vltglnl11 and 1!1 children, Charle• 111, Robert, Christopher. Joteph, · Maureen and Mrs. Sbella·Hartley. PRESID)~;., ViC~,P,~1~~ "'IUPD~· i.1N .~ci:t,.\i':'~ · Ttit Tflllc.Wel'~'·fllffrtcl;ie,'C iW,c.iii;iille>' • '.."· ·" ' -.• .,,, 1' I ~ . I .. ;~~ -'I • ' • 4 .. '• ., 'i1 ' i'"• .... , Pt~~fdent'~~Vrliqn. Grf!¥8 • <( ,• •, 'r ' \,,_ Tour~ Ir.vine Ranchla ftJj ' . . . Seven Cabinet menlbers and other key officials of t.h'e . Nixon Administration toured Irvine Company r8nChl8nd!ftoday. They went, said White House sources, to find out how the Irvine Company copes with urban ,problems by buildlng modefn cities from the ground up. The high level visitors comprised the Presidentl& Urbin ..u'raifa · Coww1.. •They took the lnur, totichi\if doWn 1Jy bellfui~ · ter at Bommer Canyon inland of Corona def Mar,. "af.l<r a lwOl>Our~coof!rence :at the Western White H~ In San , Clemente. ' . -. ·'. . The krt>UP lricluded Hetlth,· Education and Wellare Secretary Robert Finch; Housing Secretary Georae ·Rbinney; 1ranspoitation Secr<lary John Volpo; Interior Secref.al7 'Walter liltket: Labor S~et.arY Georae ·Schultz; Coq)nlerte Sect~· · ],jaarfco• ~ t 1 a,a.,: , iild • Agrtcuiiunl ~ Cflltooa'llard'rn. No on · Mar~joana · °" Tuead.ay,. Ifie l(r~~· ¥f•!n eouiicu I• scheiiuled. lo ~~· .on .l>'Jliutlon pro. ~le~ at a. New:PpMer_Jnn. c(!llfer_e9C! .• . Included in iHose· • talks wW be dlscuul6ha 'of government-dlrec.ted .er. forfa to .pr.od= a smog·f~ outoinoblle.' A CeW 11uch e.xperimerital ·vehicles today were reported to be under wraps at il}e: F otora1na Voters Would Ban Drilling By THOMAS McCANN Of "" .,.11, .. , ....... Fotorcima •vlslton: woutd not Jtialize the.use of marJjuana in California, would ban all oil drilling .along the Orange Cout, would like to see se1 educatoin (with parental apptoval) in public j~nlor hlgh'•11Choola, but aren't too IW"e whtther "'·no1 !S.ye11M>ldl ahould be allow<d to vo~.. • · ' , ! Tho5e are some or the resullll of a "quJckle qui .. " the DAILY PILOT includ· ed as· part of U,· ballot ' on which Votorama at Fotorama pirtlcloants voted last Thursday, Frid&)' •nd S.lur· day at Fa&hion Island in.Newport Beach. £See Winnen, P!te J). - The quesl1ons on ~rrenlly ., con· trovenlal aub}ects "'"' 'hli:~ In. • ballot tel up on voUna DichiMI furillsh- ed by th< Automall!: 1 \'.ollf!c }lacbiae CorPQraUon. • I Voten were elmo!l· ~lvtded · Phjlco-Ji'ord Aeronutronic Div1~oo 1n Newport Beach. lhouaand1 of homes. • Affe\l";lold a prtia «ltiler'eiic. al thO W<llm White Houae·ln San Cl....U·he bad dll'Cal"d tbt •ilualton ·wflb· Ibo Presldmt~od aakt *'he apMled irut concern." · · The , vlj:e 'p<Ufdent ""'"' hfl ~ arter tourfng ' ·{he ·itorm•vaatated atatts of ~~~-1!'.d J,cxdai'ana.· . . . l~ DIBASfEl\. Pai• I) . '. '. r • Surfers Fitu;l . Water Chilly , ~ along IOU\b Or.Inge CooA beac:be! -!belt inaulatal. we! lllibl today as • they · paddled, t h r 9 •· r h ..,.uOOal>ty cold water to ride live to aeveo-loot:. wa.vea. . A:small lloplcal ~\onn ·off the Up ol Baja Caliromia wa1 ca\lSing U,e big> IW1 loday, ·ureguardg exglalned. Over . the weekend,.surf ranged lrom one to three feet. . .Laguna lifeguards nported 57 degree water temperature. over the "'ee-~ - the coldest ever recorded in lifeauard logbooks. this time of year, -said Li1ejuard tt. Euieae DePa\lfls. J ' • !Ni;W YORtt (A~) .:..:n. • .iocI< mafut clooed· a I~ loday;, aller'an early el· fort to keep· ita litesj advahce movlllfl •filtered. (See ;qtiotitioni, Pl(es la.ti). !Ttadlng ~r Ille c1..o .... ·,io;.. Tl>• QOw -Jones .~al· average at i p.m. 'fat·off 5.15 at 832.10. 1 Oraage .. .-1"ealller ~nay', .. Veqty~, I tit I WOJ , beam l<i&)it]f , over tbt Orange 4 Coast on Tueolfty. Add fO dt- 1 erees east ot. the "beach dUes. 1 INSIDE TODAY -1 • • l, • .. 1 t Evt"f011• 1101 10 o" d·~ red 1 ~here the 1011lerLlts hcvt gOM, 1 but thttt cdmt baolt ~tf( fore• t I °""' the lj!Hkmd to odd •J>fril . I t6 bhott~ll' actibltt.1. •. l'f9<. 20. • . ~ lltftlllt 2' M.,,..... '-liUol•••n ) , ( ......... ~ ·• ,.. .. ...,.,.... " ~ ... ..,_ ,, C...itt '' .............. .. ~ ,, ..... c..., • .,.... ....... ' ...... '""' .,.,. ~ ,,, ...,. ,.. ...... ,...., ...... ___ .... .,.,..,....... . It T......... M ,.... •1• ,__.... ,, "'"*"" ,, ...... • -. ...... li •• WMt " ~..... . ............ 1 • • ' .1 -.. --_______ ..,... .... . .. ~...... •'--'· . . "·------. .. --· . 2 DAll.V PllOT I.sraeli,_ Arabs Mission In New Attacks Trail ., . BJ l1mW Pm1 llleflalloall lmltll Jets -bee! Jordan today ond Arab guerrlllu ambushed an lsraeU patrol near Ule Lef>anese bQrder.1raq t:r· ecuted 15 ~,foe~ Lwo .Jew•, oo charil" of IPYfnl f0r 'lirMI and the U.S. Central ll'Ullfience ~ (CIA). . Israel uid the Jtts bombed 1 JOl'danlan umy post and gutrrilll carnp. Jorda• said the attlck wu on dyillan .taraet.s and Illa! four civilllm ~ llllled. The tsr .. 11 communique said th• planes att.acktd taratts JO m J I e 1 northeas! of tho o..d SU. An AmDl&n spokesman said the Israeli planes raided cJ1ltian arus west of the villaio of IJ.SuU>on 15 mllos northwest of AmmaD.. Jordan's' only ell ttnnery which is coolrQJled . b)' tho U $. Ar1blan Amorlclo Oil Co. (ARAMCO) Is hi lhlt llU. . Four Arab guerrilla attacks were reported in northern Iarael, including the 23 .Gls Spend . 20th .Day in Two Churches lly BRUCE A. COOlt HONOLULU (UPI) -Twonty.thr,. U.S • .....,..,.,. opposed to tho war in Vietnam 'ate.nded thelr 1 y m b o l i c: oaDdulry bi lwo chur<l101 to 20 clly1 to- day u military authorities watched and waited. "U they think that we are going to tend down a couple of aquadl of 'aoldiua to ar· rest them, they are out of their minds,'• an Army spokesman said. "This ii precisely what they •vant us to do -a pretly demooatraUOn of violence at the cburches'ln front of a baUery of television cmperp, .. he added. The •splrllwll ludor" of tho unctuary la the Rev. Robert Warner, 21, who WU fired from hlJ job as I ICbool chlpllin bocall!e par..ta cornplalned II< cooducled, bizarre. unortbodox se"icts. Warner called on other churches SlJDoo dly "to -through theJr IOl!llh COD> com Irr JOCUrtty 1r111 harmi>ny" aoo holp out witll tho anclwlry, wbfitll II< ~. ed u "potonllllly cm of Ill• most algnlll' cant UJmMs of non-cooperatloo wUb mllillrY iojultlco la U.S:hlltocy.'' Tbe AocbWY ls beadqulrtored II lhl to-year-old churcb ol the "'*°'da,. w b t ch 'ls llllll11od with the 'United Church ol Christ. The Unlllrlln Church ol HMOlulu, tbr<o miles ICl'OSS town, became a second aanctuuy site Friday' when three Gii were transferred there, l'rom P .. e l ELECTION .•. lchools Supt. Dr. l!ohort Potonon are comervattves Cl11y MltdleR and Dr. Dale Rallison. On the other are Don Jordan and A. E. "Pal" Arnold. Three cancfjdlta' namea will appear on the ballot but Philip Ramseyer, of Anahtim. a Loog Beach high achol teachu ha.a withdrawn rrom ~ race aince the stale educaUoo code says an employe of a school district ma:y not .erve. He learned of thls after blilots alttady W.ro printed. Dr. Araujo, 45, of Orange, Is a apeciallst 1n internal medicine. She ap- peared before the board in March to testify In opposition lo se1 education in the public schools. She defends Dr. Peterson's right to conduct an opinion pell in barber shops and thinks the Grand Jury missed the mart In crlUclDng the board when it could better have commented on drug ahUle and campus unttst. CllAlll! ~ ..,. ..... ~ ......... w .... _ ... _ J"' .. c.t., Viet .............. ....,, n....r.u -Tli•••• A. M_..u,. -··· kl•~•r4 P. N•d ·--Cb ltltlw L ......... Dffke J 11 iF.tMt A,M, M•lll111 Mf<tt11 P.O. I• HI. t2•1Z --• MtMr M wal ... a.... ......,. 9"Cll1 mt·w.1...,.. .. .....,.. '""""' ..... ...0: •• """' ambush on a patrol ntltt r.toWv A\rlvlm,' 1wo miles south of Lebanon. Stvtn liraell sokliera-were wounded, lhe Jerusalem commwilque said. , · Baghdad Radio said nine of tho men eJCecuted were civiJians who wert han&ed at Central Prison. The rut were military mtn who were shot by a !iring squad at an army camp out.side the city. DAILY Pll.OT tMft"'"' Capo Planning-, Fiesta Aug. 30 , SAii JUAll CAPISTRANO -Uvd,y mariachi music will fill the quad of San' Juan Elementary School Aug. 30 durlni the community center's f.irtt fiesta. It brou&bt to 51 the number of Itaqis eJCecuted on spying convictions &ince 'Jan. %7. The total included 11 Jews. AT HEAD DF TABLE, CHAIRMAN MOYNIHAN PRESIDES AT URBAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL SESSION After Two.Hour Confertnce 1t White HouM West, • Tour of the lrvln• Ranch Games, booths and food will be !eatured from 4 p.m.. ta midnight with d1ncing beglnnin1 at I p.m. Proceeds from these events will be used for tht center's,projeds. Admls.sion .is free, ac- cording to Ray Estrada, president of the governing board. The executions were evidence the Ira· qi regime fs determined to cootbwe its policy "of pur&ini Jra4 0: all spies arid imperialist agenl&," the state-controJled Baghdad prw said. Spyi~ is a worse threat lo Arab na· tiona than "the conUnulng aggression the JsraeUs have been waging on Arab forces," the newspapers said. Nation Pours Out Help Groundh1·eaking Due Next Month For Unique Zoo e l'iejo Do•• Carcled MISSION VIEJO -Ticketa are now on sale for the ~ annual Miss~ V1ej1> Days dance Saturday Sept. 6. In Amman, a Jordanian military spokesman said a croup of Israeli fighter planes raided civilian targets 19 miles northeast of the Capital. For Hurricane Victims Sponsoi-ed by the Mission Viejo Activitiea Committee, Ucket.s may be purchased !or $2 a couple at the recru-· tion center, 25800 MontaDOBO P,.. The Israeli state radio said today two Israeli soldiers were killed and two woun-- ded Sunday when their anny vehicle struck a mine north of the Dead Sea. 1n Cairo, foreign ministers of the 14-na· tion Arab League gathered to decide what lo do about the burning of El Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, one of the Moslem world's holiest shrines. • PoliU~ observers said the meeting displayed .... Arlb unity, thazi hi,..,.. In Joruaalom, IJraol -ill· i... v"'1iplioa ol tho flro lrlll highly pllcod pollUCll IOUrCOS said tho gav- woold try tho Australian suspect hi tho fire UDder teeurity arran1ements as •trict aa tho trial ol AdoH Elcbmlnn. The llOW'COS iald tho tri1f of Michael Dtnnis William Rohen, 21, an Australian sheep lhu.rer accused of atarUng the fire 'niursday, will be planned tn an effort to ensure the kind of world preaa covera1e given the trial of Elclvnann, who planned the execution er Jews under Adolf Hiller in World War IL By ne Auoclalod Preas Thousands of contrfbutioas from their countrymen heartened Mississipptana ~ day as they continued l.Oeir fight back from the c b a o s left by Hurricane Camille. The American Red Cro5s, -meanwhile, said it needs a minimum oC $15 million in donations to meet the cost of emergency aid and recqyuy help for the burrkane vldlmJ. 'l'lli• ftllef 111""7 llad Wed f0< II mllllao llot w..t. Same .tl,GOI in ]n1isJ•M, Mia!~ Allblm>, Vlrllnla llDll, Wat •• ,. -b)' tho hurrlwlt, tho·- cy llld and at leut 20,000 families would need Rod c-holp. . U.S. ArrnJ hollcopltt pilots awched romole par1J of tho Gull Coul for in· hablllnls llolated by tho storm. Officlall 11 3rd Army hoadquarttn, Ft. McPherson, Ga., reported flndinl one stranded family of IZ ponooa nOlr WJ&· gins, Mils .. about 30 rnn.. nor\11 of th• clevostaled Gullport area. '!'be·hmllY had DAIL ""f PILOT llllt ,,.. .. EMPLOYMENT COUNSELOR CHATS WITH JOB HUNTER At th• Y, Mrs. Flt11imon1 H1lp1 Atv1y M1aon y Ser-ves Needs Employme11t Agency Aills Youth By TOM GORMAN Of !tit Oeltr 'lllf Shit ~{ore o{ten th.an not, a visit to the nt- CA in Laguna Beach means work inste.d of play. · 1be La&una Y doesn't have a swim· ming pool and it ®esn't have a gym· nasium. Nobody's complaining. The Y does have an employment center !hat is the first stop for many young Lagunans in sear<:h of gainful employ· ment. And. if tbey 'ri! in search of a job, they're on their way to getting one by l i. ll in g to Dorothy Fitzsimons. She~a the lady with the English accent who earl gel them a job, 'Itat's htt job. Mrs. Fit.z.simons ("I don't have an accent -you do.") Is employed by tho state employment service, but her space lrlll lelophooe art doolled b)' tho South Orange Colmly YMCA. So. tho official name of her service is, "Tht YMCA Yooth Employment Service." Job seeken dm't have lo be Younc- She'll try lo find a job for lftYOllO, no milter how old lhe. person is, ''Havi!c no other agency In town.'' 1he eiplatned. "people just sort of tr~kle In here. There's no charge for placement, of course." The figures show it's moce than a trickle. Since the &ervice was lnlUated In January of 1962, 11,111 jobs have bctn filled. Since Jan. 1 ol this year, 1,267 jobs have been found. That averqes about 160 job!'! a month, 40 jobs a week. "There an rnore people than jobli, .. rifrs. Fitzsimons saJd ... Some days tbert'1 a slack, but there's always i lot of "'ork lo catch up on." Her desk is cluttered -ln an organized manner, of course -with !orms for both employ~ and employers. "J\toel of the' kids who come in here. are. alter cuual work -sardenlng, clean-up, dtllvery boy, a:as ataUon pumper, babysitter, bus boys, -end the Jikt, "One woman had a horrible. smtll in her aarage, and hired a boy to look for It. He foond a fish. It didn't take. him very long, ao she gave him tomelhlnc else to do." ahe said. Older pooplt who 1pply for jobs are looking f« babJllUJrc or housokeeplnf work, she added. How Jona does it like for a teenqer to 1tt • job! "Usually. lhtrt'a a restaurant job lm· mediately," Mra. F'llaJmons ukf. ''Ot.btr kids wait around In the olDet. Some phone back r<IUlorly, Ind thole who don't have phones drop b)' tho offict dally to check up." Somt employera 1n wruna are hesitant about turnint to the Y for prospecUve employ.,, thlnklni lhey'U be sent "'hlppie types." been without food or water for two days. Helicopters 0ew ln enough food for three days for more than 130 isolated refugees found 10 miles south of Poplarville, which is about 40 miles north or the coast. The exact death toll was confused by a number or conflicting estimates and re. mained unknown. Gav. John Bell Williams placed the figure al about 200, reducing hls earlier estimate of 300. Water systems were opera~ but not safe ror drinking in Pass Oiristian, a nearby beach community, and Bay St. Loots, near the Loulslana border. Elec4 triclty in these communities-w a 1 available for emergencies l)ll)y. Gulfport fared somewhat better, with power largely restored and the water system operating and declared u.fe. BiloJCI, to the easl, had its water system safely in optratlon, but on1y a third of the city had power. Cleanup operations also continued in the bayou area of south Louisiana, large. Jy in oll·rich Plaquemines Parish. Jlrom Pagel DISASTER •.. He said he was instructed by Nimn to take up with Dr. Lee DuBrid1e, the President'• science adviser, the probltm of "n inforciag our ability to measure these storms in advance." Estimates of damage wrought by camille in addition to the Jou of him. dreds of lives-, has been placed as high as $500 million, said Agnew. He predicled the federal government, through various a1encies1 "will probably spend more in proportion on this storm than on any in our history ." Camille, which packed winds of up to 200 miles per hour, was far wcrae than had been anticipated, Agnew explained. He aid the reason was less--than-ac- curate meteorolo1lcal reports based on investiptJ<¥tal fUgbts. "'Mle Navy plane had a wonderful equipment package." be sald, "but it couJdn't stand up to the winds.. And the Air fortf; had a wonderful plane, but not the right measuring devices." "We have to increase our ability to predict where th~ storms will be com- ing ashore and their intensity when they do, and we must. solidify the ability of local government to work efflcienUy with the office of emergency preparedness and the Red Crou." Nixon termed Camille the nation's "worst natural disaster" in a cros&-con· tinental telephone call to Bob Hope. The comedian took the open line can rrom San Clemente while serving as mast.er of ceremonies of 1 fund-ral&iag telethon in Jackson, Miss. Groundbreaking for a unique zoo - with the animals running free and hwnans locked up In their cars -is ex· pected by mid-September. The zoo, the second or its type In the United States and the fifth in the world, \viii spring up on 500 acres of south coun- ty Irvine Ranch property and be ready for operation by next summer, according to National Leisure, Inc.' Its official name is Lion Country Safari. a $11.5 million development l\'hich will featUTe hundreds of v.'lld African animal!:. The animals will be aUowed to roam free within the fenced-in ainfines of the p~serve, located at the junction of the San Dlea:o and Laguna Freeways. In addition to the preserve itself, Lion Country will include a treetop reslaurant, movie theater, a J,000 seat amphitheater, amusement rides, movie-making racUilies, a "free-fllgbt" aviary encased in natural fojlage, and an African Queen· type riverboat cruise. President Harry Shuster said later plans may include a high-rise hotel and an international plaza, along with African motif paviliom. Children w:ill be allowed to pet and feed young animals on display at a pet corner. A ma~e !ann and curio shops featuring authentic African artifacts are also plan· ned, Shuster said. From Page l FIR.E ... community. Further south, 1 task force of civilian firemen and J\farines were gradually con-- trolling a wide-ranging series of fires y,·hich charred about 20,000 acres. Touched oU by mWtary pyrotecynic training devices Friday, the main blaze ate its way swiftly across the sprawling, brushy Camp Pendleton Into Cleveland National Forest timber areas. About 5,000 acres of the national forest was left chal'{ed, but a total of nearly rm firemen, 150 of them Marines, was ex· pected to gain control ol the remaining flames by tonight. Weather conditions which contributed lo the original blues were alleviated somewhat Sunday, as cool moist ocean winds swept In, lowering temperatures: and raising humidity. Firemtn and equlpment from as far north as Sacramento '4'ere dispatched to help battle the holocawts which brolle out in San Diego, San Bernardino and Rh·erside counties. Despite optimism on the part of firefighters. the series of blazes over the weekend are only the vanguard o( what ma,y ~ a record Southland fire season. Brush and vegelaUon brought on bX last winter's record ratnfall is now brlttle and Under-dry, while Seplembor lrlll October are the Southland's hottut months. Music from waltz to rock will bt played by the Bob Cassen quartet in the main hall. Herb Lesher will be callint square dances in the outdoor area. Tickets are limited on a first-come, first-serve basis. For further information call the Recreation Center at &17~. e Teen Danre Slated MISSION VIEJO -Teenage reaidt.nts of the community will be dancing to the muslc of the Liquid SWnd Wednesda1, .Auguat 27 at the Recreation Center. Dress is casual for the I p.m. to U p.~ evOftt for High scbool qed students. Adm.Wion fees are 50 ceota for memben and II for non-rnombon. Proof · ol residence will be required. 12 Ne1v Classes Slated in Fall At Laguna High · Twelve new classes havt! been initiated for the new llCbool year by Laguna Beach High School administrators. 'Ille classes range from ''Fashion DeJjlD" and "History of Taste" to .. Russian History" and "The Jodividual, Community, and tho Law.'' One cfass, "Minority Voices in Literature~· win deal with Meskan· NnerlCan lrlll Neiro-Amufoon culture., acc6ralnl lo helld guidance ....,,.llor Don Holllslor. . A business class, in a two-period block, will offer instruction in office machines, stenography and advaaced dictation. Hollister said. other classes include: -"Fashion Design," offering ' th~ distaff students new techniques in home decorating." -"Modero Medill," evalu(l,Unc mass communication through t e 1 e v I s i o n , newspapers, films, and of.Mr 11J~i, -"Dance,''. i n v o Iv i n g lnteryretive, modem, and ballet dance Instruction. -"The Individual, Qmmunlty, and I.ht Law," showing man's relationship with the community and the law, and bow a man survives under the law. -"Art History," discussing the hi.!itory of art from an artist's point of view. -"ltistory or Taste," surveying the development of western civilization's culture. -"Russian History" looking into the history of that country. -"Oceanology," introducing students to marine biology and ecology tbrou;:h te1tbooks and field trips. -"Music WrtUng," giving students the chance to write, arrimge, and conduct their own piectJ. -''Psychology," discussing m 1 n's behavior, how be learns, feels, etc. truly ''the uses of ad..-enily Will the President proclaim it ''Buy- are aweet, '' The eevere com· pelilioa actually made thi1 a bet1er otore. Another thing. It bu made me a more agg:re:Hive adver. tioer. Sin<e I 1tlrled to 1d,,.... li90 52 weeb a year I haWJ •tarted dra'lfintl baain ... from e•ery corner of ~ From-Bidwell Week''? Unfortunatelr for my doctor, I'm not a worrier. If I eou1d leam to bite my fingernails, I'd pt IOmc ulu.n. In 1965 there "ett 14 men'!I a1orc1 'Yl;thin a radius of ten mile• lrom my 1tore. Bu1ine11 at Bidwell'• 'Yl'B.S 1ood. I wao hippy. ~ly wife "'•a happy. Everybody wa1 happy. Then they opened thlt bluted Newport Con I er or Fuh.lon I1Iand or whateft!" it'• ealled l1tely, up thue on the blU. You 1bould count the mf'..n'a 11ore1 (and department 1tol'fl men'• departmenta} ju&t in. that one 1boppin1 center. The Broadway, BuUunu' Dee-- mobd'o, llow•rd'o, ~1""8"1''1, Penney'e, Robluon'a. and Silverwood'•· Eifhl of thom. rm '""' that my 111ng and proeperou1 little 1hop1 ,.-ere not the reaton all thoee dOl'ft came r 01 b i QI to· Newport Beach. II I tbou(!lit oo, I'd be fiauered. Or I flUeM I would. But 1od1y io1tead or 14 compelilon I have 37. Same ten mile ndiua. Figure it out. 18% mo"' population; 118% more men'• 1ton'JI. That, dear friend• and fellow philooo- pbero, ii modern math. At fint, when all thoeo new Ito.rel opene~ Jt wu 1'MI toa(!li. For everybody. Bat now my bnai-11 on the ap apln. My ulea-'> week are n1a- nlng well lbead of wt year. Thoup I fo'1!'1'1 who oald It, County. i; I have custo en who live a1 far away aa uco Can· yon. Unheard of tn 1965. And from San Clemen~ Huntington Harbour, end e.,en t. Habra. That'• why ii wooJd aure he nice if the President would proclaim next week "National Buy · A· Snit· From. Bidwell'• Week.'' I could •ee a few cus- tomen from Oneinnali, Bolte, and Baltimore. In -you're one of th-, and you're staying at the New. porter l11D, my mil pri ... nm from S85 to 8185. )Jy doon open at 9 130. Jack Bidwell 3467 Vii Udo, Juot beyond tho Archet o•erpuo oYer .Poe.Ifie Cout Hip~. Telephone 67S4SIO. Drhe between Udo TIJealel' 4 my''°"" 4 park In rear. Cop)'ri(!lit 1969, Jack Bidwell. I , , J ri c J: ,, u I h II ~ c • I p • mood -are (left lo right) the Mmes. Terrell Root, John Kllleler an<! Robert H. Blandford. Scene of the brunch will be Don the Beaeb<:omber restaurant. Charity Aid 'Combed' There will be no need for members of the New- port Harbor Auxiliary of Children's Home Society lo comb lhe beach for charity on Sunday, Sept. 7. Ninety.five. fortunate auiiliary couples will be guests in Don the Beachcomber renaurant for a benefit Mai Tai Luau Brunch from '11 :00 a.m. to 2p.m. · Not only will ·the ·restaurant enterprises pick up the Juncheon. tab .for the post~ening gala, but they will present a $2000 check: to Edw.ard J. Mooney, district director of the.Santa Ana officf of the Ghil· dren's Home Society. I • r. 8 Arrangements for the brunch, solely to bene- fit the Children's Home Society's Santa Ana office, now in the process of fumisliing a. recenUy-com- pleted addition, were made by Raymond Fine, a restaurant executive. Mrs. Wilson V. Woodman, auxiliary president, reports that the society now is making plans to work with other agencies in the state on a new ap- proach for placing older children. .The society estimates that there are 5000 olde'r children now in foster homes who are able to be immediately and legally ·treed for adoption. At present, the Santa ·Ana office has 11 children under care who are free for legal adoption but be- cause of medical problems and other factors are classified as difficult to place. As the society's addition is completed, directors also hope that graduate students working for their masters degre~s in social work will be able to com- plete their necessary field service there. Mrs. George w. Gurr Jr. is Newport Harbor Auxiliary's chairman for the luau, and working with Ur to .make the brunch a memorable occa- sion are the Mmes. Robert H. Blandford, William F~ Krumpboli and Les IJtuejobn. I Ha rbor Area Debutantes Enterta inecl ' It was truly a debutanle party yesterday when Mrs. Martin Lockney entertained in her Lido Isle home for the guest list Included 19'9 Children's Home Society, National Charily League and Empire de- butantes. Al the informal brunch, the hostess (left) welcomes· and offers punch to honored CHS debut- anles (left to right), th~ MiS1es Linda ~slee IJUle- john and Jessica Morford Jones. Their mother!, Mrs. Vernon Lester Littlejohn and Mrs. Heney Lin· coin Jones also at\ended. ,, I -· • , ~men . ' • • ..,.,,,.__,._,..,., &. !P ... 11 BABY TALK -If lllUe 'l'Om11Jy Walker UI could walk he would be. sure to visit the an- nual PeaCock Alley luncheOn~ arid fashion show Sept. 25. Sponsoring the·beneflt gala is Madrecita• Auxiliary of. the Holy · Fam'ily . . . . ' i ~ • I. ' DAIL y r1Lo:r ..... " llldlwll Kwlllff Adoplton Service. Tommy, who was adopted througJl.· lhe Orange County service, is draw- ing attention from (left to right) the Mmes. Ernest Scanl0'1, Thomas 'Riley and T. Peter "'.~r IJ,., • Manneqv.i'ns • S trut l ike-Peac.ocks. " I ' !. ' ~ • : . ·Styles , ·Right· Down Alley ' I ' ' Believe It or not.;. fall ls just arnund the ·son, IJaguna·Nigtnil, patronesses; RQ.bert Han· comer. And with this approaChing seaaoo comes cock. San Clemente, invit~tions; Charles Lusin, new styles in fashion. · Santa Ana, p~rams, and Michael Dolinski, Outfils for the fashion Uiinded ~ ~ mode~ , South Laguna, publicity. ' ec1 during the fifth annual Peacock' ~e~ lunc~eon Proceeds !mm lh1s exciting event will aid tha and show in the Balboa' Bay .. Clul> Thursday, Or.arige County Holy F&nVIy Adoption Service. Segt .. 25. " '. , •, • Ft!nds will furlber'the wotk in placing children . . for ad.option and providing suitable care for them Spo~~ring the social a~air ls t~e Madrecl-in approved foster homes: while they wait for tas Auxiliary of Ho.ly Fa~ily Adoption. Service. adoptive placement. The luncheon \Viii begin at 12 :30,.with a soc-· tat hour preceding at 11 :30. Ann Folger of Fash-The a4option service is the second largest ion Island will show her fall line with co1nmen-adoption agency in California. tary by Miss Florence Smales. An extra attrac- tiOn will be the great numbers of prizes offered members and guests. Executive board members are the Mmes. Riley, presideiit ; Con don , first vice president: HuU, second viCe president; Allan Burgess, third Mrs. ~omas Riley of Newport.Beach, auxil-vice ptesident; .~ord Kaiser, recording secre- {ary president, has named Mrs. John Condon of tary; Hh~k. · ~rresponding secretary; Law .. Newport Beach as luncheon and fashion show son, treasurer; ,Marshall, parliamentarian, and 'Chelrman. Mn. Norman Huff of Corona del Mar Dolinski, press 'Chairman. · 11 co-chairman. Mi's. 'ThOmas Roden is the immediate past president. · Working on the committee are the. Mmes. T. Peter Walker 11. Garden Grove, decorations; The group's other main fund raiser is the Htnry Ullman , Corona del Mar, reservations: Christmas card sale which continues from June Ernest ,SCanlon, Balboa Island. prizes; Robert , through September. Mrs. Burgess is the chair· Marshall, San Juan Capistrano and John Law-m.an, ·· I I Dad Dotes DEAR ANN;: This ls the oecond m•r· riage for UJ both. We eadl .have two children. The problem Is my husband'• J3-year~ld daughter. on Daughter: Disaster p~te r;~ed :,,~:/p istance 11 Nk:ollana alata, alflnla. Ir haa phlle a han4 fun • of cooklel, c!tlllcl<l"!I me. dred cookies, lean lllm wtlll • loool ~ floWers and a atrnng fnlgrancei Tbe''tlay·' becatbe I am ndl "Uio/ougll" -'1· ·' ply of medleatiGa, lll<k op Ille doctor I Either she b ha111ing all over him or he b hanging all over her. They can 'l keep their bands off each other. Whenever be sitJ down ahe plops herself on his lap. II be entera a room where she Is seated he aoeai over aod pJlls her ooto his chair. Is Uiis abnormal or am l driving myself crazy foe nothing! Wlta.! can I do lo put an end lo lhls llckenlni behavior! -DEE TROIT j DEAR DEE: Prnbably llOlfllng, !Jal do 111• yoar lm•baDCI l.o t.alk l.o a doctor. A profeuloaal eplakll. wlll cat more mut&rd &laaa crilldam from a wife. A ANN LANDERS ril father aholld Ht be pawtng bis la.year. old dugbltr, aor 1boold &lie b<'IoDy1•1· 11•1 .. ., HIM. DEAR READERS: I printed a letter !mm a woman who wanted to know the name of a tweet...Wlln& plan! which her mother called .laamlne Tobacco. It was espodallJ lngant at nlgbl. "lloatalglo Nancy," u me signed henell, said she grew up In Oregon where the plant was popular. but oul East no one seemt to know what It it. l asked my ttaders to give Nancy an assist The results -Ann Landtrs now has rt pack.ages of Nieo- liana aeeds, 24 seed catalogues and 3900 letters to answer. T1Je most infonnaUve letter came r rom Mrs. Robert M. a retired Ollcaao botanlal She wrol&: . The name of..lli• nljhl·fiowertns plant . . blooming lype, llicollana •Y vestrls Is Thill rotldng cNalr Jtlilel1nteildenl 11 ~~ namber llear Ille ,.-ad llOO)twhat IHI rraarant. but offers a well enough MJ drJve 30 m'.lles to vi.sit have a ctod Woe. wider range of colors. Both plants can be anothtr old cool but· he can't pick up his ; grown from teed. underwear &lid JiNl 1t tn lhe hamper. Give-in or lose him .•. when a guy Nancy should be aware that these The current problem bi lhls: I'd love to gives you this line, look out! For Ups oo plants are 1 variety or tobacco, which go back to my old home town. I haven't how to handte the supersex salesman. means they can be toxic or narcotic. u visited there for several years. But It's check Ann Landers. Read her booklet. Nancy has atnall chlldre:n or pets who arc an overnight. trip and my husband S&Yf t "Neckln& and PetUng -Whal An: the inclined to wander in the garden and can't leave him. 'Is It my dUt'y to lit Limlta?'' Send your request to Ann start chewing the leaves, she might wish around until I'm too old ' lo enjoy Landen in tare. al U\la riewapaper. ahe had settled ror geraniuma. anythln&? Please advlM. 'enclosing 50 cents in coin and • lone. -CllAINED ·stamped • .ell.addressed envelope. DEAR ANN LANDERS: M)' husband drank hlmseU lnto one heart attack thtn ale hlm.1<1f Into another. Now I do all the work ll'OUDd the house while be sits -with DEAR CHAINED: U y,.r blband _ Ann Landen will be glad' lo help you caa drive 30 miles to vltlt a frlead, he'• with your problafns. 5end them to htr 11' .well tnoap IO ba b)' )llm .. u for a few care or !he DAn;Y' PILOT, oncloslnf 1 di~•· S&tc.k the larder, bake a few lnm-self-addressed, stamped envelope_.. - I '. I ' " , ' ;J · DAILY PILOT Horoscope Sagittarius:_ Protect P·roperty ' . TUESDAY Money matters, special ac· CAPIUOOR.N (Dec. 2%-Jan. money. Ship that comes In C<1Unls n«d •ttention. Ftnd Ill: Short J'lurney ..,Y be 1p-someday ohould be placed In out what ia your own, what is proprtate, U not necessw. proper perlJ)eCUve. Mcssaae a. mere promJse. Be aure. Ott ~ Uea with relatives. will be clear. AUGUST 26 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 2l·Aprtl II): it in wril.lng. Great day for ex· Take notes. Be alert, obser· PISCES (Feb. lt.Mirch 20): pressing original ideas, _con· , vant. And do display that often Cycle hia:b. Good Ume for new cepla. · hldfien &en1e of humor. contacts. Take in\UaUve. Toss You have feellng of well-beinf, even though' mloor mystery perliata. Friends, fa m I I Y dlJplly loyally. Thi• bolaters 1plrit. Work In conjunction with charitable organlzaUon. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ·AQUARIUS (Jan. _ZO.Feb. aside tendency to be overly Play waiting game. Permlt 11): ~trate on finances:, shy. Yoor asset.s art ap· others to be center ol at· budeet, chance to add to p~aled. Know this and teniion. Time to be a shrewd pouealons. Be realistic about move with confidence. observer. Be · aware of PLEASE HELP ME -Young Gwendolyn Miles Is oil ready to start lrlndergarten Sept. 15, bUt she won't be able to unless · &Omeone climbe into the driver'• .... t to lal:e her from public ICllool to a day Musical Awards Seven Given Grants Seven music majo1s on tw,o campuses were recipients of a total of '1000 in achieve- ment awards presented. by the Orange Coun· IY Philharmooic Society. · TAUllUS (April JO.M.1y :IO): Gd togdher wltl\ AriK In- dividual. Wbsl ·,..ms 1trloos on IW'face could tu ""r·n into healthy humor. You may have to adlpl youraell to changing 'coodiUons. But all worQ oot in your favor . "' GEMINI l>fay 21,June 211): Pfrinenhlp opportunlUes, ln- Cludlng marriage. LIBI\,\ (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Steody approach Is be!t. Avoid er.ceu, · including speed on highway. Guard health; get sufficient rest. eo..wori.er, associate provJdu amusement and constructive methods. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Now you have chance to enhance personal pleasures. Some restrictioll! are lifted. IJG IRASS PLAYS FAREWELL TO SUMMER ' FINAL CONCERT TONIGHT ON THE MALL 9 P.M. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER PACl•IC COAST Hl•HWAY -NIWPOltT llACH Pio&rt11 b .key today. You rective recognition in your specialty. CUrrent cycle points to added authority, greater rewards. Deal with. those in auUlorily, Cul through red 11\pe. Greater self-expreuion 1 s1I~~~~~ possible. Give of yourself andh you also will receive. care center each day so her mother can work. Little.Gwendolyn is typical A>! many youngsters who cannot at.an school unless someone volunteers to drive them daily after their public school •ession. Rides Needed Driver's Seat Empty CANCER (June 21.July 22): Good lunar upecl loolihl colnclde1 with ~ creaUve ex- prtlli.on, conatnlcUve con, tacts1 communicate desires. Pleasant aurprile is due - al<ls Mure security. LEO (July U-Aug. 22): Peering ENTRANTS IN domestic. arts competition for Los Angeles County Fair taking place from Sept. U through 2& in Pdmona are Mrs. Eyla W. Giesch of Fountain Valley and Mrs. Shirley F.dgerJey of Mission Viejo. Mrs. Giesch Is entering dressed dolls In the com· pet.lt.ion far the first time, while Mrs. Edgerley ha s sub· milled entries in the yearly SAGlTrAJUlJS (Nov. 2%- Dec. 21): PracUcal issues dominate. Obtain hint from Ubn message. Protect home, property. One who ia free with promises may lack material means of fulfilling them . Around event eight times. Besides dolls dressed In crocheted, knitted and sewn costumes, she has entered a handmade baby quilt. A TI'ENDING national con- vention of Elks in Dallas w e r e Larry Seals, exalted ruler of Newport Harbor Elks Lodge, anC. 1'.1rs. Seals. Seals reported that California Elks raised more than $1 million for charity during the past A few minutes spent J>ehind serve in the Motor Pool of the year. the wheel or a car can be Volunteer Bureau, supplying RECENT guests at the San· F I. ve Yea r ta Barbara Billmo<e were Mr. sheer frustration or pure transportation to old and and ~trs. .Roberl Allan of pleasurt. young. eorOna del Mar and Mr. and MON BIJOU JEWELERS/DESIGNERS 'ANNOUNCES A SALE of fine jewelry in 9old, platinum, and diamonds. 25% OFF. 6 DAYS ONLY MONDAY. AUGUST 25 THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST J O MON BIJOU 29 TOWN & COUNTRY, ORANGE 714(836-7777 • From the UCI c~mpus, the winners are Roger llickman, Kerry Grant, Pamela Wesp and Judy Edgerley. Fred Gillett, Brealnn Almond and Debra Tooer are thooe receiving grants on the Orange C<>a>t Col· Jege campu<. 11 can be pleasurable If the Additional drivers are need· Reun1'on Set ~-'!·oRaBlephacb.Mills of Hun· driving is done to help some. ed, however, as many children Ulla- one else, p •rt 1cular1 y if and needy adull.s now are Plam for a five-year reunionl _ _:::~-iiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;;::-Utey are M& ..... driven to doc--forced to be "school dropouts" ~l ......... are being completed by the Mn. Eric Duran, Orange County Phil· harmooic Society chairman fur tlleir music ldlolarsbip program, ~ that the funda fur the •econcl ._alive year Will be divid- ed among tho .Wdintl to cover cost ti. in- otructlon. tors, clinics or other agencies or forego important treat· 1964 graduaUng chm of H~ which serve thtir needs. menl tingtoo Beach High School. Many doctors and therapists . Anyone wishing to volunteer The gatherinc will take 84 STORES ••• ALL 72° and open nightl)I till 9 :30 South Coast ?tua will offer their 5ervtcea free to his time and car may contact place In the Newpcrter Inn on patients in desperater11eed who the Volunteer Bureau. a Friday, Sept. 5, and ticket in· cannot afford the treatment. formation may be obtained by and many coo~ty a cncies of. United Fund-Community Chest calling Mrs. LeRoy (Sue Hall) -1~· Do K to ~al. AT_,. DltDO f1ilaWA'I', c:col.tA ~ fer free or · payment ~·~g~eoc~y,~at~00;-0963;~· ~f:rom:_~•_;N~o~rth~.!~:v:~:·~':'.::n.:•:J• -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_-trtalment, but all Js wasted a.m. to noon weekdays. 962-8269. unless the patients can be Betrothal ·News Told The betrothal of Elinor Louise Brisso to W e s I e y Courvoisier bas b e e n an· nounced by her parent!, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Brisso of Costa Mesa. The bride-to-be and her fian- ce, son of Mr. and Mr. Norman Courvoisier of Long Beach, bolh were graduated · from Lutheran High School, Los Angeles, and attend eon. cordi.a Teachers C o 11 t g e , Rlver Forest, Ill. transported to t b e ap- pointment. . Also1 many small children are ji:i need or rides to. day care centers after public :1chool each day ,becaµse their mothers m~ work and caq. not be home to take cue of them. On the job are a smali group or dedicated. volunteers who •' Miss Brisso, who also at· tended Orange Coast College, 1eTVes on the home-coming committee and the yearbook It.a.ff at ere. Her fiance is a member of the tennis team. Christ Lutheran Church, WEIGHT• WATCHERS. • Some t1Jking, some listening and Colla Mesa, will be the setting ELINOR BRISSO for the vow exchange. Ta Say Vows 1 progr1m that works. t111 2FUl IROCHURl-CALl 135·5505 TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY PRE-LABOR DAY SPECIAL SALE 25% to 50% OFF SHIFTS AND HOT WEATHER DRESSES, PATENT LEATHER THONGS & SANDALS, DISCONTINUED "KORATRON" STYLES. SWIM SUITS UP TO 50°/o OFF SALE STARTS 9130 A.M. TUESDAY IN COSTA MESA IT'S DEPAftTM!HT aTOl\a 1116 NEWPORT IOULEVARD 'ARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE U1e You,.._la"~Americ1rd, Mister Ch1r9e, Oin1r1 , C1rt1 81enc:h• Credit Carel• , O~EN DAILY 9:J0.6, FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Lose 10 Inches in First 10 Viaits to Gloria Marshall's Based on olU'actual recohh •• , our average patnm loeee: 10 inches witliin the first I 0 visilll lrom hips, wai>~ thighs, tummy and anns. BY POPULAR DEMAND 1 MORE WEEK ONLY! FINAL WEEK OF OFFER JIIG1JBE t::ONTBOL SALOMI THI WOlLD'S LIA.DIN• FllU•I CONTlOL S\'STIM lallJ M, &at. H • il:l.A.ritlri .. a&.llr &a!irD ~ NEWPORT IEACH 00 Pocfyc Coalt Highway -642·3630 " a 11K1r.1 1!111 of e11D01 ••'I' c 111111 SANTA ANA lMO Wffl 17th StrHl-543.9457 • An1h1lm, Beverly Hilla, Covln1, Cren1hew, Downey, Glen· dale, Lakewood, Lang Be1ch, Newport Be1ch, No. Hollywood, Ont•rio, PaMden1, Sin Diego, S1nta Anl, S1nt1 81rb1r1 , Sunl•nd, Tanan1, Whittler. Salons alt0 In Fresno, S1cr1· mento, Sin Jo11, Sunnyvele, Walnut CrMk. (CJ coi:iv11thl l•O Glfrll Me·~•l1 M.t! Cs !flt .. I - ] I lb Fe ni1 1 Wt ru tbl "" - ] le 11 n ht el ~ : .. I i k Q " p ~ A n , .c=~.~~~~·--=~,=:~~,__~==--=~~=.c::~~r"'?'.~~~~:'r!'~".8:"'"'1;'""1?~~~~~~~""1!"'~~-,,.-:-,.......t"'-".,,...,.--:-~-m ~ • ------ ehaek Ii! DIJ 10.N Tedity~•·Flliil N.Y:~s VO(. 62, NO. 203, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES . . . ORANG~ COUNTY, ~l -. TEN CENTS • ~ . . \ ~ -" . .P r.e·s~ideD.t , ' : I ' . ' ;· .. Festival Ends ··· ... With 'I' , . . By JACK CQAPPELL ' perhaps see the Pageant ol the Masters. • .Of ... .,.... Pllft IMft' "Well,· off he d6eln't rcome torU1ht, I P.re1ldent .Richard M. Nixon didn't guess, be just ~:t :a:oln& to.at all," said 1 ho W, up a,giin . at the Laguna Beach· one deflated•artlst. ' 1 Fe1Uvl.l of Arts· as it c I· o s e d Sunday Sunday'nlgbt speculation ran especially nigbt. • high that ?ttr. Nixon would make an ap- Ever since the President' arrived at his · pearance. ~ ... wemfn~,White HOU!e in ~San Clemente, Ruinon were apparently buoyed by .• -a rumor mills whirred cranking out win+ visit during the afternoon by a television the-w\ap stories iJilt.Mr.1Nllon'wooklpay news · camera . 1crew filming backup an llllicWllOd visit·to ,U,.· Fostlvlll and · material f!r'w~t. tl!fY IP.I woo)d be 'a ,-. •• '. ' .. • .IXOil •• " _., • • • . ' prosldenttlll visit that nipt. a C<lll!lriJOlll..t Lqut1a Bueh,'.VIPI. In- Also fuelln, the rumors were reparts cludinc 1da)'or Glenn E. Vfdder al)d · that Secret Service lMll had looked over• • f~.~~or ~~ P"~n~ P~~ldejll,.ol the ' sUv of ~rts Boaru ot''Dtr«ior3 the groon<jl· dorlng the P""'IOtll week, to Wll m· D. · 1o; waited. · map plans for protectina: lb& President. The man whO wasn't lhert, didn't Among the artists, discussions centered come. on, "lf he likes one ,of my paintings, A~ the cl0$e ti fhe FesUvi1 of .. Arll, -an should I give.it to him?" About ~If ,the e&Um~ 231,000 ~ waU~•fthroulh artists decided they, would and hilf decld-t~ 1ioWlds. ~1., '°"' ~ ~ry. ed they would not. gQC!d t!>!rY""' wJth Jhe ~e ol .ieveral At the entranct of the fesUval 1!"0Ullds. items worth QIOO than $a,fl00. • • • • • ' -4-,~-. -... ·· ; .. : ~ . . _., o ---OL .. • ... • •• -.-~ ., . . • -4 ~ --s· ..• • • .. Fire Skips Canyon ~odjeska Escape8 Second Disaster . . ' ' . . ModjW:a Cai}yon residents who 1ul- ftl'Jld wii'tter' raiJ:ta and floodlng were 1pared the ·disaster of fire Sunday, as names .. qupt.ed in OrJnge County bruahiucls and were gradually controlled elsewhere. Weary firefigb~er• were f}nally gaining the uppe"° hand, over blaus whJch ·broke ~l· ' ~ay ! ' ~-r ~a~ed _locations . tliroupout the~,.fed bY•feverllb,, winds ~·Jilw lll@!li!tilX" • , • ' i r ''Thlnp art · lookliit JOOd." aaid a gpokuman tA:lday, ' aa two m a j o r btushflrt.s were ·contained and a t.bird was expected to bt surrounded by early Tuesday.. ' ' The series ot .ftres which ~ke otit left nearly 41,000 acres blackened in thttt counties, while, the ModjeaU. Canyon blaze Son<loy ~tMnql MIY » acrea. A. total Ol '!10 ~\~·1>y·dJemtcals rilolitt fr!!li...,. ~ Ug\'• .,.. • trolled the 5 p.m. fire 'within two houri after it erupted, pouibly -caused by children with matches. State Division of Forulr)' lnfonnation officer Mike Walsh. Aid winds lqckily blew the Rames' away · liorn the com4 munity of 700 peraons in tht mquntalns. behind the El TOro area. · One ol 3$ 11&n..-1n the Hmllnf., clnyoo · ~;ji!i~~-·.t ri::!J . .' ,... 1)T<J '.. Y' ' ·r-:""";· ' • '. f.J,_ ' • . . ·· ·Siill ,l\'.(i'ssittg· • ' ' ' : I • I" At · the .Arl.A·F•lr '&t.: oom•··IO,llOO, lllu· boOu. -Ulree tO ,_ -u W80M ·went thr~ ,the~ 1ates~. ,aald irut lil&a yaar. . . ·~ Joan ShOrt, eroup.'.ectetaey:, • . . . .. ,t tOuldn't have been a ~.l- 'The Paul TllleyredWOoil ollilllng given cesafUlahow," oald Edmond \'.an·lloale, awaf S~nday went ti Ute\' wfdow of :the· Sawdust spokes.man. . man wtio' was chosm .. Jack Wooten1.0f ·Today, arthts aclUTled about , 1111;e Buena P_arlc, the ilrlt<IJ'lan'lo)te&iater fell', • grouods of ·•II three festivata · 11\blrinl the ~llN!. pi'!l .Frlilly;. , · \ 1 1 their USO<led warn , ll1d ~ for At tbe Sawdust' Featlval, an eleventh( nut year's se&50ll. • , liout aucUon of art "'"'k'nel~)SOO~ Observed.one, "!l's like bi!llng )'OW'lell ~1·.,Tol&I , aalea dotlnf JM run ...,... in the heAd w.lth a ha11)1l1U, ,'(ou !lo> it • ...U..i.c!' In ~ a~'1J,OJIO'U1rW&hJ~. beca"" ii fee Ls ao good when yoo ltop." .. ' . . ~ ~-· .. . . • . . .. - .. . . '. t I ..:..r-" ... .. -. . ·,. . ' Agnew Tells Reasons for. Disaster . ·By JEROME II'. COWNI Of tlll o.l#'Pllt ltlff -' • ~ i. -., . Pr.ealdent •N1""' Suoday. nllht.caDod Hurricane Camille "'"the wont naturll di.ruler we have had ln lhiJ.~tuiy.'! Viet Prtsltlent ~plro .,.~ tOdaf·gl:V. lv.·o reasoii1 why: · • · -Before ~ue ltz!lck th< G¥1f·C<iisl ftlainland a U.S: Navy plane fiew into. the eye ~Of the' hurricane with the rlibt ' ' • • • ' • t , i.neteorol~alcal ecio!prnent:bilt the wroo1 · IYpe ol ,a&crait. ·At lllo,eame tiln.,' the \1.1..:~~··?dt tt...Silllt s:Mlt, .. ctrred'Mo blfl, •• ~·~H .... -b4llO Ponlclmtr•ln abo.. New Qrteana has inedequ.ate flood cciiiliol facltilits, a jjoint made tragically clear whm its w,aters, swoU.en bJ; Camille's d•I.,.,. ovefflowll! : ~ . wiped ,out ~ of•bCJm~ , II' . •:r1tokt,1 -cqol-al.the Weatm> While HOU!O In San Clemente ho ht4 di:8cUssed the. 1itu1tion· with the ' PrelideritJa*aaid'1'he·U:~ irut .,, ..... ,, ~ .. eceurilC8cemril. • • . Tbe>vke, --~1/•i•l' J)!fOlt Altel; otrAlrlll( •. tb_e' ,_,.;tbilill9I states.of Mb::sllaippl and JorlslHa • • · · ,( .. DIJ.iln:ll;~·l)' 1 '<I' • I . > • ; ' ' ' f')'~.1 · •• •• , •• ' Surfers ' ':Find.· · ' ' ' I ' ' ' _: ' Water , Chill y · • ' I ' ' • ' , ' . surier1• along • sOu!h '0r._ Coub beac!hes 'damted their fnsu!afid •wet.adta. today as they paddled ·th ro u.1.b. llhsUsonably c:llld waler to rlde'Jlv• to seven-foot waves. · ' A r small tropical storm off the Up of Baja,Calllomta was <•••lnl the tilg ao!(· today, lifeguards explained.1 Over ·the weekend, surf raDjlid .from one to three reet. ., . · •. :.:· • IJagona lifeJtlMds reported 57 c1ogree, water teniperature over the weekend.-, the coldest ever recorde4 tn llftpard. lot:books, lhls. Ume of year, llld. Lifeauar.d LL Euaeoe DeP..Ua. • NEW YORK (;\!')-"Ibo llioCtllmalkel closed a Josee to4aY, after.an early tl• fort to keep, Its latest 'advapce moyin& faltered. (See qootattoni,. Pages 111-11). I Trading n<F 1he 'ctoee wu...atow; The Dow Janet induitrlal averaie at J·p.m. 1t'il off 5.15 atid .10.' • , Oraage Wead~ .. Sunny,• ommytah i k l'."eca wµi beam o brigbllr ov"' !be Orange Coaat oo Tueaday. Add 10 de- greea easl ol the ·be•dl d!Jea. INSWE TOD~Y . \ • I I . l. ' ~:""' ...................... _. ....................... -: ...... ~ .............. """_. ....................................................................................... ....,""" .... ""'"'"'""" ................... ...,"""""'"""'"°"~~·~M·~~~~~ . z-0.UU.n.GL~ L ---~ --,,'.-. B.19'9 I • Israeli, Arabs . . . . -. . In NeW .Attacks • . B1_1J_ l'n!la 1111auu.i11 1mel( ;eta ~bed Jord.ln today ...i Arab guerrlllu &mbushed u l•aeli pau.J near tllie ~ ~· tr1q u· ecutodill -. lncludlail two, ..... , •• chvpl ot11P1t01 far !Jroil llld 1111 IJ.S. Cenlrll lntellllonce AgeDC)' (CIA). · Itml aid Ille jets bombed a Jordanian army poll and guerrilla camp. Jordan llld •Ibo allatk wu aa cMllln !Orgota and that foot clvillapa Wt:re tUled. • ' . . • • ambulh oo a~ltol noar Moohav Avlvlm, two mllu south of Lebanon. Sewn l1rae.ll toldfers were wounded. tbt· Jeru111lem communique .. Id. . llagbdad Radlo aid nlle GI the men executed Wert clvW1111 wbo were hanged at Central Prison. The rut were military men who wue shot by a firina squad at an army camp oufalde the cit;-. Oo\M.Y •ti.OT lletf ...... ' . Mission Trail cSpo Planning Fiesta Aug. 30 SAN JUAN CAPISTllANO -Lively mariachi music will fill the quad ol San Juan Elementary School A111. 30 during the community cente.r's firA fiesta. Tllo tmell communique oak! Ille pllnu attacked tafftll JO m II• 1 nortbeut ol lbe Dead a... It bnJqhl in II the nwnh<r of Iraqis eµcuted on 1pylna; CODVktJoDt a1Dct Jan. rt. The total lnclucled 11 Jow1. Tbe uecutloOI wttt evidenct the Ir• AT HIAD OP TAILI,, CHAIRMAN MOYNIHAN "RlllDl!S AT IJRBAN APFAIRS COUNCIL SESSION After Tw.Heur Conference •f White Houa Weit,• Tour of the Irvin• Ranch Games, booUll and food will be featured from 4 p.m. to midnight with dancing beglnning al I p.m. Proceed• from theee events will be UHd for lhe center'• project.s. Admlllion ls !tee, ac· c!ording to !lay Eolrada, president ol the aovernin& board. Ab Ammen ipokllman laid the lmell planeo raided civilian ....., w .. l ol the vtlJap"' ~ 1J mile• n«1lnret\ ol Amman. Jonlan'• ooly oil rlllllery which it --by Ibo U.S. Arabian Am<llclll·Oll Co. (ARAMCO) II In lbal aru. . Four Arab guerrilla attacks were r<parled in m1hern Israel, lncludinl tho 23 Gls Spend 20th Day in Two Churches By ll!IUCE A .. COOK HONOLULU (UP!) -Twenty·lhree U.S. scnkemen opposed to the war in Vielnlm ere.ended tbtiJ' 1 y m b o Ii c aanctull"f in two churches to IO U,1 to.. day a.s military authorities watcbr.id and waited. "If they th1nk tbll we are 1oin1 to send down a couple of lqUldl of IOldler1 to .,... i-e'6l them, they are out of their minds,'• an Anny apokeaman aaid. "This ls precletly what they want us to do -•J:re::emoostraUon of violence at the 1n front GI a batt.ry of teleYtakln cameru. • he added. 'Ibe "lpirib.&ll leader" ol the 11.DChwJ' iJ the Rev • .Robert Warner, 2', who wu fired from his job as a school chaplain because parents complain<d he conducted blwTe, m.:.1hodalt 1tmcu. Warner called on otbtt cburchel Sun- d<J "in break lhrouah lbelr Mlllab con-, c«n for MCllrily and hannooy" and help CIOl with the sanctuary,~ he descrlb:- ed II "pot.entialJJ Clle t:J the most aign1ft. cant ewnpleo GI ~ with mllllaQ' ln)mllce In u.a. blll«il' The andllary II ~ 11 the -.,..r<>ld chuttb ot the """'""""'· whlc)I ls affUllted wltb the United Cburdl o( Cbrill. The UnltarWI C1urcb cl Honolubi, thne mlleo lcnlll town, beeame a second sanctuary llte ·1'11da7 wllen thne Gia~ tnmlemd then. ........ P .. e 1 ELECTION ••. schools SUpt. Dr. Robe1 Petenon are c:onsen<atives Clay Mitcbell and Or. Dale Rallison. On the other are Don Jordan and A. E. "Pat" Arnold. nu.. candidates' nameo '!rill appear on the ballot but PbHlp Ramseyer, of Anaheim, a "Lcoa: Beach hi&h tcbol tucher bu wttbdnwn from tbe net since the stile education code uy1 an anploye ol 1 school cllltrict may not "'""· He lamed ol this after ballota alre.t.y were printed. Dr. Arau.Jo. ~ ol Oranae, . ls a speciaUst in internal medicine. She •P-i-red before the boenl in March to testify in opi-!Uoo to ae:x educatlon. in t.be public scbool1. Silo de&Jnd.t Dr. Pelerson°1 rl&bt in cona1uct an opinion poll in barber shops and lblnb the Grand Jw-y mlll<d the miut. lD criUclzinc the board whtn It could better have cc•tunented on dn&c abuR ant campJS unrtJt. qi """" ll --to -Ila policy "ol pur&lni•lrsq ·GI all opla llld imperlalllt qenll," the -trolled llqbdld preu oald. SJ>Ylnl II a wane throat in Arab na-tions than "the -unuinr auresston the Israelis have been waging on Arab f~/' the 11ewspaper1 said. Nation Pours Out · Help . Groundbreaking Due Next Month For Unique Zoo e Vfefo ·0.11• Corcled MISSION VIEJO -'J1cketl are now on ale I..-the MCOOd annual Milolon Viejo Daya dance Saturday Sept. I. In Amman, a Jord&nitn military spokesman II.Id a P'OUP of Israeli fighter planes raided ctvWan largels 19 miles northuat ol the ctpJtal. For Hurricane Victims Sponsored by tht Mi&\ion Viejo Activities Committee, tickets may be purchased for $% a coupie at lhe recrea· tlon center, 25800 Montanoso Dr. The lsrull llala radio laid today two braeli IOldlm were killed and two woun- ded Sunday when the~ army vihiclt itruck a mine north of tbe Dead Su. Jn Cairo, f.,.ipi min!Jtus ol the lkl· tion Arab League gathered to decl4,e what in do about the burning of El Aqsa Mooque in Jorunlem, ono GI the MOllom world's holiest shrines. Polltlcal -.,.., oakl d ho mootJnc displayed more Arab 111111)' U..,, In ~ In Jlnllll1111, !Jrael opined 111 11> velllptlon GI Ibo fire and b1P1J plaeid polftlcll ........ aid Ibo ......... 1111 would ·1ry lbe Allllrallan llQlpect In the lire undor HCurlly 1m111-tr u itrlct u the trll1 al! Adolf E'clmwm. The -laid tho trial "' Mlehul Dennla William Rohen, II, an Autrallan """" -... --ol llartlnc th• fire ThundQ', will "" planned Jn an -to enwe the tlnd o( w..-ld prOll coverqo glVfn Ille trial ol Elcllmann, who planned the Hecullon ol Jew1 under ·Adolf IDU. in World War-II. · • lyTbeAnodllMPrett ?l..i.mdl ct cootrlllalloao from lbe!r ~ hoarWted Miull&loolonl.to- day as they continued their fijht b.tct from tht c b Io I left by Hurricane Camille. The American Red Cross, meanwhile, nld~t needs a mlnim11111 ol 115 millim in donaUom to meet the coet of emergency aid .... ..... bolp I« tho --. '!'be :iti _,. llld ubd lor " mWloa !alt ..-t. - -11,0lll In 141.tiu, Mlullllppl, At.NIN, Vtrpnia IDd Wiit Vtrpila ..... alloctadtiylhe-. the ..... t:1 laid ad al 1-IO,OllO lunlllsa ...Wd -lied c-bolp. . IJ.9. """' bolkopfer pllota ---pull ~ the Gull Coat f..-ln- habllaall -by Ibo.Ilona. Olllclallat lrd Amr/ btadqllll1m, trL Mcl'llenila. Ga., reported llDdtllC - llraoded family ol U -llNr Wiii· ,,.,.;· Miii., •boUt '° mii. nartb "' Ibo devutated Gulfport -.,The lamlly bad EMPLOYMENT COUNS!LOllt CHATS WITH JOI HUNTER ·At tho Y, Mrs. Fltulmon1 HtlIK Alvey M•- y Serves Needs Employment Agency Aids Youth By TOM GORMAN Of ... °'"' """ .... M<n often than not, a vllll in the YM· CA in Lagun1 lleacll lllMl1I wort i!lllad of play. The Lapma Y doesn't have • swim- ming pool ll1d lt doesn't have a fYlll" nastwn. Nobody'• complalntni. The Y does have an emploYJnel1t center that i.!I the flrsl stop for many young Lngunans Jn search of gain!uJ employ· meot. And. U they"" In search ol a job, they're on lhtir way to getting one by ta I kl n I in Dorothy F~. Sho'1 Lli< lady wilh Ille Encllsll accent who can get them • job. That'• her job. Mn.. Fltulmonl ("1 cton't have an accent -you do.") ii employed by tho atale employment servlc<, but her ._ and telephone are donated by tho South Orqe County YMCA. So, the ollldal Mme of her 1erv1ce ii, 1"11le YMCA y CJUth Employment Ser\'lct., II Jnh eetken don't have in bt JOlllll. She'll try to find 'I job for -1lO m1tuir how old the -ll. "Hav1n1 no other~ in towtl,"' lbe aplalned, ''p<Ople )uJI IOrl ol trlcklt In here. Then'• no charge for pll<:emeol, ol _ .. 'Mle figures show It'• mn than 1 trickle. Since Ille aerv1ce wu Initiated in J1nuary of tta, 11 ,lll jobo have been filled. Slru Jan. 1 or this year, ·1,%67 jobs hive bee!1 found. Tbat averaaea about 160 joi:t • month, 40 jobs I -k. '"lbere .,. more people than jobs,• ttirs. Fltz.simOll! said. 11Some days theft's a slack, but there'• alwaya a lot of work to caLdl. up on." Her de1k iJ cluttered -ln an ar1anized mamer, of courae -with fonnl for both employt.S and employera. "MOit ol the kids who come ln here are after cuual work -1ardtnlnc1 clean-up, deUvery boy, IU otallon pumper, habyllller, bus hoy1, Ind the lite. "Ont WGi1lM hid· a horrible smell in btr 1arage, and hired a boy to look for It. Ht found a f.i.lh. It didn 't take him vtry iona. 10 1he pve him eomeUUn1 tlle to Lio," ahe aaid. Old« people who oPP1Y !or jobo are lookin1 for babytlutna or bousekeepina work, 1be added. How Ion& clou it take for a teenqer in 1et a ·job! "UIUlll)', the:re.'1 a reataurant job Im· mediately," Mrt. Fluam-laid. "Other ~idl wait lJ"O\IJld in the office. Some phone hacl< r<sutarl,y, ll1d thole who don"! hove~ drop by the offlco dally to check up." Some employers In Lqun1 are hesitant about luminf to the Y for proopecttve employ,., lhlnkln( they'll be sent ''hippie typrs." • been without food or water for two daya. Htlicoplers flew In e~ food for three days (or more than 130 i5olated refupes found 10 mlle1 toulh cf Pcplarville, which is about 40 miles north of the coast. 1'be exact death toll was confused by a number of conflicting estimates and rt;. malned unknown. Gov. John Bell Williams placed the figure at about 200, reducing his earlier estimate of 300. Water !)'Stems were operaUng but not safe for drink1q in Pus Cu1.at1an, a nearby" beach commualty, end Bay St Louis, near the Loui'1ana bonier. El<c· tricity tn these ccmmwilttes w a s iivallable for emergenclea only. Gulfport fared somewhat better, with power largely restort;d and the water system operaUng and declared safe. Biloxi, lo the tut, had its water aystem safely in operation, blJt only a third of tbe city had JJOWt.r. , Cleanup ope:raUoru: also continued ln the bayou 1rea of south Louiaiana. lar&e· ly Jn dl·rlcb Plaquemlntl Pubb. * * From Pqe 1 DISASTER •.. He Aid he wu inltructed by Nixon to Wie up with Dr. Lee DuBrldge, th< President's science adviser, tht problem ol "re.inf'orcing oor J1bility to measure these Jtonns in advance." GroundbreUiJli for a unique zoo - wi\11 the animaJJ running free and human1 locked up in their cars -is ti· peeled by mld-Seplember. The -the """'4. of its type in the Unlted"States and the fifth in the world, will spring up on 500 acres of south coun- ty Irvine Ranch property and be ready for operation by next summer, according to National Leisure, lee. Its offJclal name is Lion Country Safari, a $11.5 million development whlch will feature hundreds of wild African anlmall. The animals will ~ allowed to roam free within the felletd·ln coalJnea of the prese.rvt, located at the junction cf ~ San Diego and Laguna Freeways. In addition to the preserve itself, Lion Country will include a treetop restaurant, mol/le thealer, a 1,000 seat amphitheater, amusement ridts, movie-making facilltitr11, 1 "free.fliaht" .aviary encued in natural foU&&e, and an African Queen· type riverboat cruise. President Harry Shuster said later plans may include a blgh-rise hot.el and an International plaza, afong with African moU! pavilions. Ollldren will be allowed in pel ind feed young anbnall on display at a pet etirner. A snake fann and curio shops featurin&: authentic African artifacts are also plan- ned, Shuater Wd. E'rom Page 1 FIRE •.. EsUmates ol daml&• wrou&ht by -community. Camille in addlUon to the loll of bun-. Further aouth, a Wk force of dvilian dreda of livt.s, has been placed as high as fire~ and Marlnt.s '.f'U'e gradually ~ '500 million said A&new trolling • wide-ranging serie.s of tu-es: . ' • which charred about 20,000 acrt;s. He predicted the fedeta,I, 1ovemment, Touched ofl, by milila.ry pyrdecynjc through various agencies, will probably trainina devices·~' the main bla.r.e spend more .in proporllon .?" this storm ate its way 1wifUy acroa the aprawJlnc, than on any Ul our hlat«y. brushy Camp Pendleton into Cleveland ~. which packed winds of up to National Forest timber areas. 200 miles per hour, was far worse than About 5 000 acrea of the naUonal (orest had been anticipated, Agnew etplJined. wu left c.harred. but a total of nearly Q He uid the rtaJOn wu less-than«· firemen, 150 of them Marines, wa1 e.z. curate meteorolog1cal rtports baaed on peeled to gain coatroJ oI the remainlnc lnvelligaUaaal .llJrhu. names by looiflhl '"nle Navy plane had a wmderful Weather conditions which conlrlbuted equipment package." he sald, "but it to the original blazes we~ alleviated couldn't atand up to the winds. And the somewhat Sunday, a1 cool molat ocean ~ Force bad I wonderful plane, but not winds 1wept in lowerin& temperatures th~ right measurl~g devk:ea." . and raising hu~ldlty.' Wt hal/e to 1ncreue our ability to Firemen and equipment from aa far predict where theae llonna will be com-north as Sacramento were dl1patched ing uhCl'e and their intensity when they to help batUe the bolocaust.!I which broke do, and we muat IOUdUy the 1bllity of out in San Diego, San Bernardino and local 1ovemment to wort efflclently with Riverside COWlUes. the of!Jce of emergency preparedneu and Despite optimism. on lhe part. of the Red Croa1. '' Urefi&hlen, the ""ies ol blazes over the Nixon termed CamUle the nation's weekend are only the vangu.vd of what "worst natunl dllaater" In a CJ'ODoCOl'I-may be 1 rtCOn:I SoutbJand fire le&IOll. tlnental telephone call to Bob Hope. The Brush and vecetatlon broulht on by comedian took lhe open line call !rem laat winter's record rainfall 111 now brltUe San CJemente while aervlni as master of and Under-dry, whlle September and ctttmonies of a fund·raillnc telethon in October are the Southlud'1 ~at Jackson. Miss. months. Will the President proclaim it ''Buy- From-Bidwell Week''? Muaie from walti to rock will be played by the Bob Caseen quartet in the main hall. Herb Lesher wlU be caWna: square dances 1n the outdoor area. Tickets ar1 limited on a Jirst~mt, first-senre bas.ii. For further information caU the Recreation Center at 837-4084. e Teen Dance Slated .?\-USSION VIEJO -Teenage residents of the community will be dancing to the mus.le of the Uquid Soond WedfteBdaY, Augult 27 at the Recrt;aUon Center. Dress is casual for the I p.m. to 11 p.m. event for !Hgh school aged 1tudenta.· Admlafon ftt.s are 50 cen1a f«·memberr and $1 for non-members. Proof ol residence. will be required. 12 New Classes Slated in Fall At Laguna High Twelve new classes have bttn inillated for the new tchool year by Laguna Beach High School administrators. The cl1.11t1 ~e from "Fashion Oeslp" and uHl.st:or)' of Taste" t.o "Ruaaian History" and ''The Individual, Community, and the Law." One clug. 11Mlnority Volcel In Literature," will de.al with Maican- American and Negro-AmeriC8JI cultures, •_.ilng to head pildance c:ounJellor Don Hollltler. A tAisinus clasa, Jn a two-period block, will olfer instruction in office machines, stenography and advanced dictation, Holli5ter said. Other clUIU include: ---Fuhlon Deilgt1," offerinl th t distaff stuOOlt.s new techniques in -home decorating." -"Atodern Media," evaluatlna mass communication through t e I e,v Is ion, new.spapera, flhm, and other nvdla. -"D.anct," 1nvolv1 n I interpretive, modem, and ballet dance instructlon. -"'l'be Individual, Community, and lbe Law," ahowlng man'1 relaUcmhlp wtth the mrununity and the law, and bow a man survives under the law. -"Art Hlltory," dlscul!lng the history ol art from an artist's point of view. -"History of Taste," 1urveying the development of western dvilliation'1 cullw<. -"Russian History" lookin& into the history of that COllJltry. -"Oceanology," Introducing student~ to marine blol'I)' and ecology through tetlbootl and field trips. -"Mualc Writlni," 1lvin& 1t.udenta the chance to write, arrange, and oonduct their .... pl<cq. -"Psyd:ioloa," discuuing man' a beba•ior, how be learns, feel1, etc. truly "the a-o( acl>enity are •weet." The eeftl"e eom- petltloa aetully made this a belt.... ........ Another thing. It 1-made me a more agrMliWt adYer· -· Slnee I 1tart8d to .d..,... tloe 52 .,. ..... a yHr I ba.., Unfortunately for my doctor, I'm not a worrier. 11 I eoold learn to bite my fingemail11, I'd pt "°""' alcen. 1tarted d......U., ba11-from eTery eor•er of On:nfr9 prooperou1 little obopo -Comity. not the reuon all tbooe •-I lur'9 ..,....,_. who li•e eame ra1hin1 to Newport u far away u Trabueo C... Beach. U I thoapl oo, I'd be yon. Um-rd o( ill 1965. In 1965 there were 14 men's 1tore1 within a radja1 of ten milet from. my 1tore. Bu11ineu at Bidwell'• wa1 pod. I wu happy. My wile ,... happy. E,...,.body we1 happy. Then they oponed that bla1ted Newport Center or Fashion l!1and or whatever it'• callecl lately, up there on the hlD. You 1houJd count the mr.a'• 1toreo (ud deportment 110"' men'• departmenta) jn1t in 1h1t one 1hoppI11 g eenter. The B,..,.dway, BuUUD11' 0... mond'a, llowartl'a, Meqor's, Penney'e, Robineon• .. and SUverwood'o. Eirltl o( them. rm ....... th11 my mus and flattered. Or I p-I would. And from Stm Clemente. Bui today imtelld o( 14 Huntington Harbour, and competitors I ha.., 37. Same • ..,., La Hahn. ten mile radla1. Flpre It oat. That'• why it would oun he 18% more popalatloa; 118% ni<e if the l'l9lcleat woald more mea'• .-. That, ,cleu proelalm nnt week "NodONI lriend1 and fellow phll-Bay· A · Salt· From. Bldwell'1 pbe .. , i1 modem .ath. Week." I eoald aoe a f,,,. ..,.. At fl"t, when aO thooe new tomen from Clndmutd, Boise, 1toret1 opened, It wu real ud Baltimore. toqb. For ••&lbodr· Bat now la -you're one of"'- nly ba11MM lo on the up epln. ud you're ota:rfns ot the N-- My uleo Mdt week .,,, ran• porter Inn, my mlt pri-ran nlq well •head of lut year. from 185 to Sl85. Thoa,ta I forwet who "'Id It, M• doon open at 9130. Jack Bidwell 5467VlaUdo, )Dllheyoad theAreheoo""'l'&N....,. Podflc Cout IIJahw~. Teleph-673-4610. DriYe bet,,_ Lido Theater .t my ''°"' .t park la ....,.. CopyrijllH969, Jock Bidwell. I arhor Vot:. U, NO. JOJ;-1-sECTIONS, 31 PA6ES : .. .. • IXOll • • " G11irracters :Smf:f(Jr~Crowd . ' . ' . . .. . i . ' . . . . Of ·160 ·000 .Around . ' ' . .. , ' Thlrty-tive ol Newport Harbor 's saltiest boats made lheir annual procwkm for an utimated 100.000•onlooken Saturday afternoon in the ninth· annual. Character Boat Parade. From' t8e 'fitld or tugs, barges, 11lon· tare)-.hulls and steamboats, three judges. eel,ected 10 trophy winners. · ll'lhn star Dorothy Lamour. announcer ,Ja.c~. J,Jn~letl<;r and· Mayoc poreen Marshall cl\05e.tbe wlnner~as fOl!Ows : . . wm StauS'1 dear Oki' Girl, !llg Toot Awaril; PQI!y Pi~'s ' Polly's ' Folly, BPIY· Biruulcle Award ; The Balbo1 Boy Bay . . . Judge's Trophy; Newport N 1 t lo n a I Bank's barge, Theme Trophy ; Walter Luiphle7S N-E. Hour, Swabbiest .Swab award, and Richard Croul's African Queen, the Wheel, Steam and Bell Award . The thrtt-hour aMuil t lassic featurec;I a theme ~of Meniorable Moments in HWory,,u • Pred!cta:bly, the dominant trend of dedoraUon centefed around ·the Moon Walk. ·other deeoralions included ~sceneB on board depicting tnighta in lhining armor and. ij)I , Preaident'a ·stay at the San Clemente Summer. White House., s Flood At·ea - Spm·ed by B1·usl1 Fh·e t1odjeska Canyon resident.I who suf. fercd winter rains and flooding were spared the disaster of fire Sunday-' as flames en1ptcd in Orange County . . ' brushlands and were gradually con~lled elsewhere. Weary fir.ctighters were finally gaining the upper hand ovcr ·blazes which broke out Friday al scattered locations throughout the Southland, fed by feverish winds and low humidity. "Things are looking good;" said ·a spokesman today, as two major brushfires were contained and a ' third was expected to be !UJTOOnded by early, Tuesday. The series o( fires which broke out Jert nearly 42,000 acres blackened in three l.'OWlUes, while the MOdjeska Canyon bla:te Sunday night burned only 25 acres. A tolal of 110 men aided by ch'emicals raining from aerial bombers above con- trolled the 5 p.m. fire within two hours after it erupted, possibly cauaed by children with matches. State Dlvision of Forestry"lnformation orflcer Mike WaJsh said winds luckily blew 'the names away from 'the com· munlty of 700 peraona .in tbt mountllnil' behind 1the El• Toro' ._ . fi • (1 One of 3S 1bomet1 in,thi 1jl•rdina: ~ a'rtt wu-evacu1tea;"bat'. the bfua wak finally halted a milt sbOrt of the remote community. J'Urtber aooth, a tuk force of civilian firemen and.¥arfnes were graduallf ton· Lrollinl a wide-ranging 1eriea of fires whlcif charrett aboui 20,000 ICJ"eS, Touched oil by rnilltaey PJlrolecynlc training devices Friday, the main blaze ate its 1way swiftly acro:is the sprawl!Qg; brushy Camp. Pendleton• into Cleveland National Forest timber areas . About 5.000.acres of. lhe national forest was left charred, but a tot.al of nearly 800 firemen, 150 of them 1'-tarines. was tX· peeled to gain coo.trol oC the remaining flames by tonight. Wealher conditions which cootnbuted lo the original blazes, were alleviated somewhat Sunday, as cool moist ocean (See FIRE, Pap l) I • ·- "' . ·-• • .-. ,... , ..: '' -, ' I -' ; ;Jo~iiso.lf.: ,r.i~ <W-d11~ Sibim~ · · J '1 • • • • J,. ~ .. 1 ........ ,, , ' ':i ' ' ors 1-' ' . A~ewTeUs Reas0ns I or.: .Disaster ' . . ' ' ' .. ' .. .. 0.S; Committee ' · gub's barge and tug, the DriPPJ' Stulflng BOX Award;'Blackie Gadarian's Official, Dirty Old Manifold Award; Richard Par.' riah'.5. Island Princess, 'the Loose Screw, Award; The Ancient Mariner's Ancient Annie. the Ancient Mariner Award ; G. ' William Grundy's Shipqoust, the Jack.Barnett, mana·ger of the 'sponsor- .ihg ·Newport Harbor ·O.amber' of ·Com- merce said the total of entrjes was ex· act}y the same as last yaar. , 'tit wu just as big a success as last Year, too," He said. Speedboat Sp.lits Apart, Sinks Off Balboa Pier A speedboat competing in the HennesS)' Cup race off the Balboa Peninsula Sun- day split apart at 35 miles per hour and sank in 60 feet of water. Its two OC· cupanL1 were rescued by passing boat. M.eets in NeWJ>ort tTuesday's School Board Harbor Patrolmen said the ocean rac- ing boat sank about a 'half mile off the Balboa pier after its bow split apart. Calf!ornia Republican Ctnlral Como mlttee Chairman Dennis Carpenter will hoot an lnfonnaf '1..nci-m-:;:,f for the President'• Adv.iaory: Co · on . . Vote Forming Majority Wayne Fowler, 30, of Cypress, was at the wheel when the D:foot Lug~ craft :split up. His clM!Olllpetitor was Jerry Rhue, 25, of Long Beach. Environmental Control TueldaY: • ~·...,Ion at the Ne..p.n.r lnii In Newpcrt Beach, will give the GOP-grwp aichance ~ .. &et started on Ill own atai. level pend. . . . . Patrolmen said lhe boat, valued at By THOMAS FORTUNE schools Supt. Dr. Robert Peterson are about $4.000, stopped short when the bow ot,,.. Dlll'I' "'"'''"" c:onservaUves Clay Mitchell and Dr. Dale spilt, Fowler was thrown against ·its A pivotal election will be held TueSday Ralli90ll . On lbe other are Don Jordan windshield and suffered a minor cut on Al Domu, l}>Ohomln for Ibo Republic.an organlzaUon, aald tho com- nilJtee'dicdleCI 1t•a wtekmf.m<elli1c Joi Sfn ·FranClaco W~organize:i Jll own » vilory groUp·on eavlronrrientll control. Donner said . lhil' will be, Ille first ·veno l1itt by. Ille, ~trt!,_commll~ Into Ibo to rill a vacated ' :seat on the •deeply-splil and A. E. "Pat" Arnold. his nose. Orange County Board or EducaUon. Three candidates' names w.ill appear on Both men abandoned &hip immediately Contenders are Dr. Doris ~{. Araujo, the ballot but , Philip Ramseyer, or after the mishap. expected U elected to line up with the two Anaheim. a Long Beach high :iChol An unidentified passing boat pick~ political conservative members of the teacher has withdrawn from the race them up and called for help, patrolmen county school board, and Richard L. since the st.ate education code says an sa id. Acton. tncllned to a;gree' with the two employe or a ~hool district may not. The boal was described as a total loss, moderate board members. . serve. He, learned ol thl! after ballots patrolmen said. D t so·; s· R' . d Th.? voting will be in the (ourth d.lslrict. ' already w~re printed.. oc or n .. ' escu· . e • • Nfl.'I' PM.OT ...... HI DIDN 'T CHEA . '. W1fru1 Winner Johneen .. atta of conseryalioii. · .. Orufe I ' ·- .: ... the \frg"t and least setUed o! Ille coun-Dr., Araujo, 45, ol Orange, ls a ' ' . •,. ~ · '' • 1 ' · • ; ty'i five school districts, Including apec;ialist .~ internal m~dlcine.1 She ap· ·90 000 v~"'l't .., ' : Ml!sion Viejo and El Toro. l,l'8"d b•!ore u.. boiro In Mareh to ' "'. • • · · neadie~ usua1i, 1urnout is light for. IP<d•l .te.tily 1n oppos1uon to ... <ducatioa 1o h. From Rngge-· · .. d'c .. ·-=erra Ili....-11 , ~~.i::..~~--~.· -~~·0r•.,,..will iltction. Pons will be open at ll locatlons the pubUc achooJa., N rt Beac es .::Ji ~'~ -..m -... ....., ....... --MIS from. 7 Lm. until I p.rn. Approximately ' Sb< d<f<ndl Or. Pelerson'1 rilht lo ewpo 'eo..t on TuoodllJ'. Add JO d• 1101000 pe:l'IODI are eUglble to vote. . conduct 1n' opinion poll In barber _shops · t .. ' " • ' f rrees w1 J Ille be--• ctU 'M\e. election was called to fin tbt and lhinks the Grand Jury mls.sed the An esUmated 90,000 beach v\alton were ·· ' ·1 • '" • .,._ • 1 .. ..,. •:n ea. vac.oncy created in May when Lyl• mule In criUcli:lng the boanl when K gni<ted with sulU\)!, warm akles in Oonu de! Mor ph)slctla Dr0 1"""" 1"-'r-:0....,_'l!o~·rork INSmE ToDAY Gulpre moved to Phoenix. Culpre:1 four· could better hive commented on drug Newport Beach Sbriday llong with th 1~ B.. Hirt ind fi11 1,Dllll -, ~. • ti U.-lllr~_ ...... ~<". -· , year .tenn has three years left io run. a!J!,lse and .campus unrut. coldest w-1er temtraturu'On record '°1~ t D .feltlpg at LaJa Id tow~ '1111' Jlflrtl • ~and>~ wbfn Evcrvont ho1 10 o "4 c.r c d Sll\L't he left the boarJ1 l-2 votes haye ' , 1 t~ moolh or August. . 1 ~ atler ~I rescue 1n ~ of the1 1ttlld ."° tllli I ~imt • .to ~ wher,e tht_ wqttrlle1 MV;\ gone, beeil cast ,.., just abollt evert ml)or ·µr~s.ssid-most .o(U.. beachg°""' , r 1 > • • Ll(~U. A_.., ,...,_,,Ill ml ~ul th•¥ came l>acl< wit~ Jon:c 1.,u.. 'June File 1\Ton't kcp1tilielr activlUes rtsli~ to iii')' la<litl;~ ·tlll Sierra n<or M~ tlP uzJOd. to r,.-Jlio iedilr Ull •-lh<v • 1 ·rtp<~ ~~'"l<l"Gd!l IJ!iril ' On lht one side supporting county because cA. the 57-de~ water.' TtrQ· ~'11'e JJ,-year~ld .. and .his'..,_.. ~1'111. : . ~. tl ;~·~ •. ;.. 'ilf~~' rcy ·b~~-~· 1"' 20. peraturea ti\ that range, llfeguartk old aon were. Iott foi".thrtt days OW' Spoli:iimta 1t<~ Hiri'a ·JllrWJr e1 ...... • • • ~L._" Be· Seen ~Y Hoffa areoomrnonlnll<cember.• • Mil'a'PoOtpllto!liUOloalMonumont. office Aid the t\(o . .-•ljpd,and ·-, -• -• t ~ Tho chilly Wfier appeared 11!1 ~ aald the !Oii hikers slep( liltlt lnqry" bit 1_.ir.""9!1 iiJlt! ~ "'JI :0 -~ NEW YORK (Al?) -Tilt stocll mark\ CHA1T.INOOGA, Tenn. (UPI)• -A abruptly following Wllllll readinp In Ind hlid n<olher Joa.ts. biankt1I nor Ille& 11'.-irip. · • · -' =• ' • . " :::r -• .: clootd a low today, arter an early <f • led<ral cwrl Judi< ttfuaed today to tum higll IOI mHow l'Os. • ,' l ' ' td!es to,i,. ~ wmn ~ dtt", • Dr• IJadl 'llJCI· bis !i\ftlfr~·.•1 It --tf =--. e fort to keep Its !ala! 1dvm m~...., to~ !or J1111<1 R. Ho!la.Jl!l!.-_'.l1i< surf, !Jo!re!er. b ri•liii· ' ~l~ .• ...._. ~ ~ , i!olll:tllalr-'--~,:---l: faltmd. (Seo qu0iall0iis7'1'1ges a.1'). lliiilil' .flietij>oecm-•'Jiine-Fil<" and-Waves 1veraglng !rur t~' 1&11::. , JI'•• '!!"''".aid 'lht'•'jt'jt . • •f)or LUor.0.,. • E£: ''"' ,_. " Trading"'" the c1 ........ 1ow. ,,,. olber .docun)c•ll . dt•llri& w!th govern-commOll ··~emo<I. tod•Y«~~~' m!ft'I .*!' .... ~led lO mlt,. "1JIMlti •,~'. " . 1"'·9 ~ -... ...-.. :: :::: .... .: Dow Jones Industrial average al I p.m. ma.t •avuclr0pp1n1 on the T•am>lerl • clylng troplCal storm •· '~;Li Ii> mcJI '1'1ilj>litlnM!le!'~ Y.illt\f. '''""' ·'hi cliliiii1 -• --.. wu off 1~5 at m.10. • un1 .. 1. camom11. • -• --'•'lfiotfed ~ ~urida~. · • ' -·want to do, n.w.1 ll!k!nf: -• Steel< Market. .. 1 1 • 3 ' .... • '' • . •· . . ' ' l I f • I ----:i -- ' • . ~I\ Y r1LOT s .... Piii* AT HEAD OF TABLE, CHAIRMAN MOYNIHAN PRESIDES AT URBAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL SESSION After Two-Hour Conference at Whitt House West, • Tour of the Irvine Ranch Beach Man Found Dea(} at Sea; I Autopsy Ordered 'The body ol a 51·Y<ar-old Huntlilgton Beach man was found noaUng race down a ftw yards from his drifting cabin c:ru~ SUpday off Emera1d Bay near Laguna Beach. Oranie County Harbor Department &p0!:""1en said the body o! Ch>rles R. FIOyd Jr., 1111 Garfield Ave., wu found at l..a.m. floltiq race up. The sportlisher Del Mar made the In- ltlil call .. the harbor patrol. About me-half mile away from Floyd'• bod;y. ~.bll ! 23-foot cabin cruiser was dilwteed adrift and unmanned. Ccroner'• Investigators uid an aatops~ II pendinC:. Thtn wu no evidence of foul play, they uid. They 18ld Floyd left Anaheim marina at SuQlet Beach Saturday night at abOut 7 p.m., headinc lor Newport Beach. ~ llol8ry will be ffClted at 7:ll0 p.m. toniaht at Dilday Bros. Mortuary Ch1pel, Huntington Beach. Requiem Mal! will be celebrated at t a.m. -'l'Delday 1t St. Simon and Jude · CathDlie Chureh1 Huntington Beach. Floyd, a prolram encinter fer Nortb American Aviation, leaves hiJ widow, Vir&inla, and &i< ehildnn, Charlet ID, -. ChriJto!iher, JOl<Ph. Maureen and Mn; 5llella Hartley. Newport·M~ District to Fill l)' -• • f Bl~pied . Seat 'Ille npl.anent for Mlllliclpal JUdl• u.,d E. Blanplec( Jr. who ftalped lnm the N~M-Unllled School Diotrlel Board lial ....t will be -,_ lonnll appllc.otloal llUbmlUed lo the cllllrlcl. Candidate& for appointment lo tho lh~YMI' term on the board must Uve ln the .,.. which Juilp Blanpled JeptlE!ntfd -all the district territory east ol Upper Newport Bay, lnciudt!>r Balboa bland and North Bay. Appllcatkm are avall1ble 1t the district headquarters, 1601 11th St., Ntwpellt·l!each. To be .u,tble (or appointment an ap. plleanl mblt llave be<n a resident and l'Olistmd voler In Trust.e Am Fool and must have resided Jn the county at least 90 days and in the district at least M days. The appUcation fonn reque~· name. address, martial statw, educaUonal backgmlnd, community ,.rvlee activity, emplayment, the applicant's beliers about public education and a statement of purpoae cltina:, what the applieant hopes to accomplish on the board.' Sept. 15 el I p.m. Is the deadline !or ftturn ol the completod applleatlons. The board lw unUl Oct. 21 to ,.leet the new member. OAllY PllOI CIWIM COU1 .w.a. ... '91»rt ......... w ... ---J..l L """"1 .... ,,..... .......... ....., 'n.Mtt Ke..,;I .... ,,.._,. A. M.,.pt.1111 """""" fdllw . J1r-• F. C.OiM --°" •11ar ---1111 w..t •"-... '""'' M1m., ~ r..o. a.1111. ,, .. ,_ --c-. .... 1•w.9.., ... ........ -..cflr m ,_. •-It ....... , .......... ·- ,, ..... ..,,.,;-.. • ..... ..,.IClll • ~ .... ~'·-.... ._ ..,, --..... ............................. • ._. "-' ...... 11•••4-........ ., ... , ....... ... ........ .... °"""' c..i ,......,. cw-. ................. .,.,.1 .... ......... -........ ......... . -~ ..... c.i.--. • Thi: :r tn41 MMlft Q ,M.f 'f I ltlkl NIMJI .. ,, ........... c:.-,.......... ---=··· ..... .-... ..... •1•!1 ..... .... •1UAJ· .......... ................. __ SJ ....... ..._. ... .. ""9 .... ...... I ... II .. .., ......,._ ,.,,.. .......... , -., .,.,_.,,, PresUl.en~'s Urban Group Tours Irvine . Ranchland Seven Cabinet members and ottier key ollielalJ of the Nbon Admlnlllrallon toured Irvine Company ranchlandl today. They went, said 'White House IOUl'CN, to find out ho)1r the Irvine Com.pany·cope1 with urban probl<1111 by buildlni modem clUes from the ground up. '!'be high level viaiton c:ornprlsed the Pmident'1 Urban Allain CounU. They -the -· loochlq clown bl' l>e1lcop. ter el -CaJIY9n Inland of Corona de! Mar, an.. a ---at the Western White H-tn San Clemente. · The lrouP incloded Health, F.duc1tJon ..d Wellare Secretary Robert Fhieh; Hou1in1 Secretary Geol'I• ll<>mney; • TranoportaUon SecrEtary John Volpe ; Interior secretary Walter Hickel: Lal:lor Secrellry George Scbwtl; Commerce secretary MaurtCt . s t I n I • and Acrleultural Secretary Cli!lord U...Up. OU Tue!day, the U~ Allain COunc:il Is ICbeduled to huddle on pollution l"O' b1ems at a Newporter Inn eonlerence. lneluded Jn thole. ta1U will be -" -t.dlftctad of. IW lo~· llllO(--e. A ,.,. such aparimentll nhlelta today were reported to be under wraps at the Phll10-P'ord Aeronulroalc: Dtvlalon tn Nawport Beach. From P•e l WALRUS SWIM WINNER • • lmpl'!l1ented Plan -B. They went after their au.rfboa:rds hld· denn<arl>y. "There'• nothlnr Jn the rules that l«.bids surfboards/' Reed chortled as he aod bis men dulled !or the chilly brine.· "Anyway, W1 too darned oold 'lo iwlin today," one lifeguard, clad in an' olive drab trtochcoat and skull cap, added. 1be ccmpe~ was on. Ron Jobnlon, with propellen allachtd to his white helmet, lagged be!ihil( at · first, but while his fellow pad(:)Jera were haralllng the judges he made his move. Prqpe(len Ginni.ng. ailver wings a!· fixed 1 to ,bil arms flipping, the huaky U!egWd paddled around the tip ol Newport pier. Fishermen above cheered him on, their shouts' ]l<litetuated by Uying blta ol boolto wliich tbey'·bad-ltved for the affair. · ' The Wanded judges. meanwhile, :i:um- moned aid f(OIU 0 Ancient Annie," a pass- ing v:~l out of Newport Beach's An· Cient Mariner marina. 'lbe crew of the old .one-lunger, llOUf'Ctl •lid, had be<n loel overnight 111.r taking the wtang turn fn Saturday's Character Boat Parede. ''We were looting ,for the wa1 home wben we kiund tbD8e three nub In the ffld dory;•• one crew member was ovtdleard to S&f. MWwbile, Ch1e! WalruJ Reed, hurlln& epithels at the three ltranded iud&es, pulled 1 new tactic. He and his !ollowtr1 paddled throu&h the pier. The judges' cry o( "foul" went unheed- ed. Then Reed gave the high. aign to "An· eient Annie's'' crew, wbo promWy brought out bucketa of chilly salt water ind coo!ed off the hot-1.&'npe.red jud&~~· Si:ing Vp Role Up altead . • • way altead, JalmlO!I CIUl)ll a pWtnf bJUbr and M'fed Into lhore. · '!be ...i ol the field atauared In momenta: later. Oti•f Wilrua Reed . was ant<Jn1 the laggar11s. He ....,eel pleued. HU face diap!&YJni obvicuo pleasure he told a walUng reporter: "Hab ••• JIAll. They !or&ot lo ]l<ll the riife Iii abiiut nc,.llWfbOOtds;and we show. ed ·em. We oulfoied them. We outflanked then\. The)' never had a chance. Hee, bee!' .. 11• waillJ\ for the judgu to drill ln through the surf, then CC11ftonted them about their rules. "You played awful dirty , out there, Reed," Mcinnis llJ'OWled. . "'lbat'a the last time you'U be able to 11Ull thlt lllll1board triek, Reed," aald l!oi•ro. ' "Cruelty and decei~ lned truelty and deceit/' Reed replied, "and )'OU ltarttd It." Tapers cooled a littlt after that. And to help It aJooc a bl~ competitors and Jud&es alike dunked one another Into tbe d!llly .... 'l't\ey then lhouted, ••set the press." They fOI tbe .,....., all npt. The only reporter lnve ....,,it lo covtr lbe &Maal event went nrimmina. clothtll aod all. '!'be drlpplna, paotlna partlclpaota were unleuhlng their Jut upletlvQ whtn a doleraUan ol beachloen wa!Ud up. T'1ey setmed amuaed but ClOrlfUsed ind curious. ''What'I aoi.Jll on here?'' they uked Chief Wllrwl Reed. "Ob, nothlllg," he nplied. CAIL T 'ILOT Slldlft ,,.... Wllh help from his wife, Orrllla, Judge Lloyd Blanpied Jr., neweat member of the West Oran1e County Municipal bench, tries on robtis of orfice following swearing in ceremonlea last Friday. Ntw jurist • a former Newport ·aeach· aftornoy, started work this morning. Gavel was gilt from friends ln Newport's Goof-Oiiers Club. UC Re:view On Krisman In Works? Oppoeltlan by the 0oota MOia Chambtt of c.lnmen:e and other ll'OO]ll lo tbe ~ ... fnl' of eontrovenlal student leader Mille Krisman as a UC Irvine adviler may ltad to review by the UC Qoerd of Re,.ni.. Repllea from the regenlJ to a letter by Chamber Of COmmerce Presklent Jack Hammett lndk:ate strong interest in tbt whole aUalr, it was announced today, Ownber of Commerce Executive 'ft1anager Ni ck Zlener said s ta t e Superintendent or Public tnstrucUon Mu Rafferty bas proml.wd to vote aaaintt the Krisman appointment Sept. 19 when regents next meet. Krisman is an academic adviser, but holds the UUe of. alSlStant dean of cstudenta. leading lo IJ'Ul mlswl· demudini about the Students for a DemocratJc Society mmtber'1 true job role. Ziener said today that response by in· divklual Regents generally ·acreea with Pre!ident Harnmett'a request (or them to nullify UCI Chancellor Daniel G • Aldrich's aflpolntment of Krisman. Re1ent Allen Grant, of Berkeley, said he ls very concerned and will take up the matter with Aldrich. Regent Dean A. Watkins, of Palo Alto. mertly acknowled1ed recei vin1 hi.a copy of the Hammeu letter. Peter L. Tweedt, an assistant to Lleutenant Gov. Ed Reinecke, s.a1d be ex. pecta the Kliaman appolntmeot will be dlscwHd by Reinecke and otber l'etlenll. A letter from Coogresaman Junes B. Utt (ft.Tustin) sent by his stall thomlChlY bllsten bolb KriJman Ind Aldrlcb, Zle:ner aid. Wax Job Turns Into Crash as Car Runs Away "All I wanted to do wu ret my car wued," moamed Mra. Breta Gllchri&:t who came all the way from Madiaon, wac .• to vl.ait friend• on Balboa 1111aDcl. Instead, a brick wall took a stiff w11· Ing Saturday from her 1181 car, driven by a 15-yur-otd unlicenaed driver, Newport Bemch police .. id. 'Mle youth was employed by the au staUon where Mrr. Gllchriat took her car. He was taking the car around the block: 1o enter the staUoo. at Park and Marint. Police nid the youth kilt control of the ~ and Jt hlt two .parked bicycles at 22111> Sapp!tire,.1!1lboa l!lalld. The blk,. fell over, 1trtk.lna: their" owners, Lon Lux· enbue:r1, t, and his brother, Matthew, I, injuring them allgbUy. The car hurtled onward, pJowin& into a $2,000 brick will at 227 COral Ave. The wall, and the house behind 14 is owned by William Mowell. The patio was empty, and there were no injuries. The driver ol the car wu not injured. He will be cited, police uid. Fro"' ·Page 1 FIRE ... winds sv.·ept tn, lowerln1 temptratun.s and raising humidity. Firemen and equipment from as far north u Sacramento were dispatched to help batUe the holocaust& which broke out in San Diego, San Bernardino and Riverside counUes. Despite optimism on the part of firefighters, the series of blazes over the weekend art only the vanguard of what may be a reeord Southland fire season. Brullh and vegetation brought on by last winter'• record rainfall is now brittle and tinder-dry, while September and oetober are the Southland's hoUe.st months. DAIL T ,ILOT Si.ff ,.... KIDS 'STUFF' BALLOT llOX AT FOTORAMA SHOW Adult Votors Got Help on Fina! Day at Faahlon bland No on· Marijuana F otorama Voters W ouldBan Drilling By THOil!As MeCANN Of .... o.i... ''"' ... " Fotorama vlaltor1 would not legalize the use o! m1rlJuana 1n Cautorn111 would ban all oil drilllna alan&-lhe Orange Cout, would like to see NJ: liiducatoin !with pareotal approval) In pUblle Junior h1gb ochoob, but &ftn1 too aure wbetber or not ta.year-olds ahould be allowed to vote. Those are IOme of the multi of a "quickie quls" tbe DAILY PILOT lnclud· ed 11 part ol the ballot on which Votoiama 1t Fotorama participants voted last Thuraday, Friday and Sabir- d13 at F.-Jalaod in Newport &.-i:h. (See winners, Page 3). The questions on currently con- troversial 1ubjectl were: includtd In 1 baUot set up on voling machines furnis)l.. ed by the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation. Voters were almOlt evenly divided Actress' Ex Victim of Theft Barber Glenn Mowell ol Newport Beach, eJ·huSband of movie • 5tar Junt Allyt0n, lost $1,490 in m~chal')<iiae from. rus 46-foot ketch, Marco Polo, late Satur- day night, ponce said. The ketch wu docked at 3i50 Via Oporto when the thleve.s entered lhe main cabin after prying loo.!le a front hatch. They removed a radio, a battery- operated television, and a pair ol high- powered binoculars. The Marco Polo became a focal point in divorce proceedings wten Mazwell, 37, was allowed to keep the boat, provided he ktpt up payments. The boat was given to him by t.i iss Allyson. between men and women -47 .I percent men and 52.1 percent women. Mo.st of them (~7.4 percent) were over 3S, but 29.8 percent were between 18 and ' 25 years old and 14.9 perteDt were 28'ta 35. Here's bow they voted oo t b • ques- tions : Should the use of marijuana be Je1allz.. ed in the state of California? No, 73.I per· cent; Y.., 21.3 pereenl Should oil drilling be banned all llong the Oran1e Coast? Yes, 67.7 percent; No, 130-l Should the legal voting age be low.ered ~to.JI? No. 51.8 percept: Yes, 48.l perctnt. · W#h parental aJ>Provil, do you favor 1e1: edueaUop (family life) a>Utl!S in pubJ!e jUnlor high schools? y.,, 81 per- cent; No. 18.1 percent. Should lbe United States go for Mars and all-out ~ploration of space? Yes, 63.& percent; No, 3e.t percent. Do you favor expenditure of "•~" TTM?fley on more down-to-earth proJtctl? Yes, 61.7 pereent ; No, 38.3 percent. From .Page 1 ·DISASTER ••. local government to work efficiently with t,he office of emer1ency preparednesll and the Red Cross." Ni1on termed Camille the naUon'll "worst natural disaster" in 1 cro.ss-eon- tinental telephone call to Bob Hope. The comedian took the open line call from San Clemente while 11erving as master of ceremonies of a fund-raising telethon in Jackson, Miss. The Pre1Jident praised Hope and other participants in the telethon show which Sunday night ra ised more than $1.3 million to help storm and flood victims. Among donation! was $1 ,000 from the President's family and the Whlte House stall. ~ ''the u1e1 of ad ... enity Will the President proclaim it ''Buy- are sweet,'' The .evere com· petibo11 actually 1118de th.i! a better 1tore. Another thing. It bu made me a more aggregsive adver- tiser. Since I 1tarted to adver· tise 52 weeb a year I ha"e alarted drawing bu1ine111 from e ... ery corner of Onm,e From-Bidwell Week''? Unfortunately for my doc:tor, I'm 1101 a "'·orrier. If I could IMm to bite my fingen11il1, I'd get tome ulcen . In 1965 th ere were 14 rnen's atol"e8 within a radiu1 of ten n1ila. lrom my 1tore. Bu1i11e11 at Bidwell'• wa1 good. I WH happy. My ,.ife wa1 hippy. Everyhodr -..-11 happy. Then they opened that bla1ted Newport Ce 11 t er or Faahlon l1land or wbatewr it'• called lately, up there on the hlll. You 1hoald count the mft'D't 1tore1 (and department 1tore men'• departmenll) j1Ut in that one 1 hop pin I center • The Broadway, Baffunu' De.. mond'1, Howard'•, ~leapr'a, Penney' 1, Roblnton'a. and Silverwood'•· E;jf/11 of them. Pm •Ure that -my 1nos and pro1perou1 little 1bop1 were Connl-y. not the reaeon all tha.e 1tore1 I ha11e cu1ton1en wlio live came ruabing to Newport IA far away u Trahuco Can• Beach. If I thoqht oo, I'd be yon. Unheard of in 1965. flattered. Or I II" .. ' I would. And !rom San O~mente, But today in11ead of 14 Huntin1Zlon Harbour. and eompetiton I have 37. Same even La Habra. ten mJle radia1. Fipre it out. That'• "'·by it wo11ld eure he 18% more population; ll8o/o nice i! the Preeldent would more men'• etoree. That. dear proclaim next week ''National friend1 and fellow pbiloso-Buy .. A .. Suit .. From· Bidwell'• phen. ia modem math. Week.'' I could U!le a few cu .. At fint. when all thote new tomera from Clncinnatl, Boise. 1tore1 opened, it wu real and Baltimore. tough. For e ... erybody. Bat now In cue you're one of ~ my business i1 011 the up apiu. and you're 1tayi.ng at the New· Mv 111Je11 each "'·eek are run· porter Inn, my mil price. run ni;,g well ahead of last year. from S85 to 1185 • Thou~ I !or,..t who eaid It, M• doors open at 9 :30. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, ju11 beyond the Arehee ovorpan ~ Padflc Co111t ID1bway. Tefephone 673-ISlO. ' DrivebetweenUdoTheater&myatore&parkin rear. Cop)Tlpt..1969,Jaek Bidwell • I I • 1 DAILY ,ILDT tt.tf ..,,... PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT HUDDLE IN SAN CLEMENTE The Topic Was a Hurricane Callff C1mlll!I Araujo vs Acton Tuesday ·School Voting . . . ' • • ' + :~~ill: ~(3t B~urd ·Policy · ,, . . . ~ . - ' I • ' ' By THOMAS YORTUNE ,ot "" ~..,.... tt.ft A pivotal etedion will be held Tueiday lo fill l vacated,. on the deeply-31>1it Orange aaunty. Board()( Education. CMte.nders are Dr. Doris .M. Araujo, expected if elected to·line up 'f'ilh the two political .conservative members of the county sc;h.ool board. and Richnrd L. A~. in~llned to agree with the two moderate board members. The voting will be ja the fourth district, the largest and least aeUled of the coun- ty!s five ,school districts.-including l\fwr.. VleJo and E~Toro. U!Ually turnout is liiht !or a spedal elecUOn. Polls will be open al It locations from 7 a.m. until I p.m. Approximately 110,000·persons are 1!ligible to vo~e. 1be election was called lo fill the vacancy created in May when Lyle Guipre maxed to P~niI. Gulpre's four· year term ha.s three years left to run. s~ be left the boarJ, 2-1 votes have Burglar Escapes SCene of Crime -in Cadillac One•burglar-llwihed by .... arriving at w~k early -and oth«1· who, came and went unseen looted several Co8ta. MM. lminesses. and ~ over the weekei>d. · · Whoever broke into a metiic'al bulldlhf 8~ 440· Fair Drive ran put' a couple (of: wMker1 at 1:15. a.m. Saturday, jumP,ed into a late model Cadillac -and •roared away. In vestigation turned up $U8 l n viluablei, including a camera and· cash, from Dr. Wallact M. Landholm's sufU, wbere the door had befn._pried, said. Of. ficer John Stoneback .• ~ Wt · in J!i;it •boot 'every major IMue. , On th< . ..M slde .iUJ!Portllll county schools Supt. · Dr. Robttt Ptlei:son are O)f'lsttvativel Pay Ptlltcbell a~ Dr, Dale Rallison. On the other are Don Jordan and .A. E .. "Pat" ·Afuold. ' Three candl~ates• names will apptar on the ballot • but Philip Ramseyer, 'or Anaheim, • Loni Buch high schol teacher has withdr~wn from the ra~ aince the lilte education code u.y1 an employt of · a :tdioot' dl!trict mi:y not serve. He learned ol this alter baiiots already were printed. Dr~ AraujO, ,41.,. of Orange, is a specialist in Internal medictne. She ap- pear!?d· before ttte: board in March to testify. in OJ>P,OSltion W ·.ex tducaUon in the puDlic sChoola. She defends Dr. Peterso~s right to conduct an opinion poll in barber shops and thinks the Grand Jury missed the mark in criUcizina the board when it could better have commented on drug .abuse and campus unrest. Acton, 32, a\JO of Orange. is an ex· ecutive adviser recommended by Guipre to succeed him. He aays Dr. Peter.!lon should consult with the board before em· barking on pollinf and agrees with the Grand Jury that recent b o 1 rd di.!cussiona have betn a wa1te of time and mlJdirtction of the board'• energy. MARJ Which ever candidate is eiected won't be aealed until ii.it •montl! .. F~ eieo- tion results have 'to be-certified...nd the winner's campaign es:penditure ~ed. · The Fourth District covenlthe. moun. lain areaa of the' coun.ty southea!t"Uf the Santa AnaJUv~ ,and 1oetucies a -small sectio0 o( Anahein), most of Orange, Villa Ptrk and fast-crowing new residen- tial areas of 'MJssion Viejo and El Toro. ReturnS will be ~avallab1e beginning at \1:30 p.m. Tuuday from the coonty clerk'• olfice, teitphoqc 134·22«. . . . • ORJ\NGE COUNTY,: OAl.IFORNIA \.I • ... -~ a ' . . .. ·• ' -.~·::.. Camille ·· 'Worst DisRster~ -' PT-esident -Expresse~ Gr~at··Concern·· • I,• '~ By JEROME F. COLLINS Of t11e n.llY Plitt SM" Pmldent Nlxon Sunday nlghl called Hurricane Camille "t!Je. worst natµral disaster v.-e .have had· in this century." . . Vice President Spiro Agnew today a:ave lWo teasoiis why : -Be£ore Camille struck the Gui£ Coast mainland a U.S. Navy plane flewitnto the e.ve or the hurricane • with the right meteorologica l equipment but the wroog Regents Hint Review Over Krisman Case Opp<isition by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce and other groups to the hir· ing ol. controversial student leader Mike Krism~n as 1 UC Irvine adviser may lead ta review by the UC Buan:I of Regent!. Replie.!1 from the regents to a lelter by Chambet: cf Commerce President Jack H'ammett indicite strong interest in the whole aUair, it was announced today. Chamber of Commerce Executive Manager Nlclt Ziener said 1 t a t e S1,1perintendent of Public JnstrucU01,1 Max Rafferty has promised to vote against Uie Krisman appointment Sept lJ when regents next mHt. Kri!man is an academic adviser, but holds the title of assistant dean of £1.udents, leading to great misun· derstandlng aboot the Student• for a Democratic 'Soc:letJ,·111'"'/><''• .• in. l9b role. Ziener 11id today that respon1t by in· dlvldllli. )lepnta cenmUy all1ft'. with Pre.l4oal lliainlMt'a ~ ror lhlm to nullil}' · lJCI °'*'IC"llGr Dioiel G · Aldrich's appointment ol krwnan. Re1ent Allen Grant, Qt Berkeley, uid he is very concerned •nd will take.up the matter with Aldrich. Regent Dean A. Watkins, or Palo Alto, merely ack'nowledged receiving his copy o( ·the Hammett letter. · Peter L. Tweedt, an assistant . b:> Lieutenant Gov. Ed Reinecke, said he ex- pects the Krisman appointment will be discuased by Reinecke and other regents:. A letter from Coogressman James B. Uu (It-Tustin) sent by his .· staff thoroughly blisters both Kri.!lnan and Aldrich, Ziener sai~. U.S. Conimittee Meets in Newport California Republican Cenll'al Com· mittee Chainnan Dennis Carpenter will host an informal luncheon meeting for the President's Advi..!Jory Council on Environmental Control Tuesday. The se11eion at the Newparter Inn In Newport Beach, will give the GOP group a chance to get started on its own 1tate level panel. AI Donner, 1pakesman for the Republican crganization, said the . col'!'· mlttee decdied at a weekend meeting in San. Francisco to organize ill own ad· vaiory group on environmental control. Donner said this wUI be the flnt ven• lure by the central comrnJttee lnto the area of conse.rVaUon. Czech Boy Dies BRNO, Czechoslovakia (UP I) -A teeil-ager Who set himself afif-e during anti-Soviet demonstrations here last week has died, well-informed !OOl'Ces 111d to- day. type of aircraft. At .the same time, the U.S. ~ir For~ made the (llpt wilh the correct gear, but an "Ob¥>le&eenl" plane. -Lake Pontchartrain above New Orleans has inadequate flood control faciijties, a poiot made .tragically clear when if:& w~te~~. S'flt'ollen by .c~u~·s del,ugt. overtiinred and w1pe9 ~t th3Usands 'of hOmes. Agnew told a prts5 confe rence at the \Vestero 'V.'hlte tlov.ae in San Clemenle he had' alscU!SeC!' the sltUaUon With the ULll T"'"'"" ~J.''''~"" ' . " ,.,.,.. Capt. John P. Stevenson bu been acquitted by an Austrat. ian mUitary court of ctiargel that he was partially risj>1ln- si ble for the collision of his ship, the carrier Melbourne, and the U.S. destroyer · Frank E. Evans. See story, page· 4i Planners T~ke Up Apa~tment ~i,ie ' ' ' I Proposal Tonight ' . I ' A short agenda Including' a , 'ZOl'le Q:. ' • • J ception permit for a U.unit apartment development in-an older. 1lowly develop- ing part ~f town is scheduled ·for the Costa Mesa Planning Comm l 11 ion President and sai4 "he apresaed ir~t concern." '11ie 1 v,ice • president" mide his., nport after touring t h e storm-dev!stat.ed states of Mi1s.lsslppi and Louisiana. He aaid he wu lnstructed by Nlxon to ta~e _up )¥Ith · Or. ~ DuBrl4ge,, tlae Preilde'11.'1 S:cience adviser. the' plem or ''reintorcing our ·ability to measure these stonns in advabce." Estimates ol damage wrought by Camille in aadition to· the !Os! Of hun- \ f ' Co1atrol Neur drec(• of Uves, h~ been placod ai *.,! l500 million.. a.aid Apew. · -' I!• pnc1lc.1~-the. !ederl . " ~·"1 ~ lhrOugb V&rtuW11 ·lllent ei. '!will~ I apend more In propor.Uoo -. ..a Ulan on a.ny in O\.!l' hlltorY.~'1 ~~~· ·~ Camille, which ,,.eked wtndl of:<ap,tJ. 200 miles per hour, was fat wont tbaii had been• aoUclpatcd; A-explalni4. He said • the reUOn WU ~ curate' meteorological reparta 'bald 6n (Set DISASTEll, P ... ll . . . . . - ~. ( ' ' . . . Blaze ·Disaster .. -:2·· • • ' J ' ' ' • ... ' ~ ' #-• • •• • .. -. -• -. ·--. .. ....... . ::... .. ~ ·odjes~· . . . Misses ~10d.iesk1 Ca nyon residents who •uf· 1te lta way swiftly lcrt161, Qi.~~ fered winter rains .and flooding · were brushy , ~p Peodleton Jilta:.Clff spared the disaster of fire Sunday, as National ForeSt timber art11: ~ ·; ... flame! • erupted in Orange , Cdunty AbOul 5,090 acres ~ lhe nitl~ to~ . was left charred, ~t·• total «....-l7 IOI brushland.!I and were gradually controlled firemen, .150 cf them . .M"rl-. .. w .. 0 • eisewpere. • . · '' in trol ol the '-•·• Wearyilre!ighters"Were•fjnaljy ·gainl1JI peeled to ga con . ,...,._ the upper hand over blriel wblcli broke names by tonllh~ ,. • out Frklay at scittered · JoClUoni Weather. ,CotldlUons which cantrtbuted. lhroul!iouf'the Soulhtand, fed by r!vmllh to .U.. onginal blues, were .~ winds ahd Iow'bumidlly. ' • , aomewhal SW¥illy. u cool .molot. ~ "Tlllpgs are looking good " • uld'-a -·Windl awept in, lowerlll& tanpondluU 11p01tesmin \today , as two' mi j 0 r ,and raiaing humidity: ' ·. ' -.• hruahllru w~re .c:ontai~ and•ai·tJiii'd F~f snd ~I~ fl'orl:,'ati<ff! was expected.to be lllrrciuDded•bJ·•ly .nortti.\aa_ ~·tntnto .wve>.~l'fll*tMil ........ y ; . ' . • ' , ,, ,tol\Olp battle tbe'bol-1illldr~ ..,,.,. ....... or fi..U Wfik11.'1Me t.lf'llri • GUI bi San ·bll'°' "" -ad nearly a ooo acret -~ in tJlrel; RJvenide countiu. · ' , ' 1 C:Cllll>µ~ 'While the Modjah C&-Diiplto .,,timllfll. Gii :Ulo "" '</, blaio SUoday nilh! burned onJy SS......... nrenpters, the -.'ol W.. M1ha A,IOllJ of 110 min aided 1iJ dttmlcala -lad· are ..1;•!11' .......... 411,Wllat raloing '!rom aerial bomberi alme CCJn-mi)'·be a UOOl)I Si>a.tlllan4 llre ~ trolled the I p.m. fin wttbin two hours Brus1I and ve~ ~ etl by alter It erupted, poliibly . caUled by 11111 wi!!ler's record ?ilnlall Ii -brltt!• chlldren wiul mataier: ' aod Uode!'<lry: wblle ·. Septembir a1i<1 State Dlvialon of Forestry infonnation October are the Soutbllad'1 hottest officer Mike Walllh said 'wlhds' lµcldly months. blew the names aw8f from the, com· munlty of 700 persons Jn :th~ moutttaln1 behil)d the El Toro •ref\. • Off oJ 3a homes in the Harding C.eyon tree Wal tVlt'Ulled. ltut th6 bW, .,,U llilaliy· baited a mile obort of· u.e nmcite c:oOununtty. . . . . . Furtlier IOUth1 I tu\ force 0( civilian nnmen'and'Morinri ~to gradually con- lrolllnc a. 'flde-ronctni . ICI~ or fire• "t"Vh.lch cb8)'1'1d about 20,(!00 ~re1.1 • · T9Uc;lied o11 ·by n(llltary ~cynic trainilli devices Frldly, the maln 'blaze ' " I ' Engine Buyer 'Citadel' Battle · Rages in Y:i.e~"· . " . .... . :16 ·N; Viet.s.,Killed . ' . · SklGbN (UPI) :_i US.• fni~...,;, killed ie North Vlelnafnilo """""jo two balUt'S• near a Gommunlst ~ known . a' "tl}e, C1tadel"~ ~ ;,, Saigon., o\Ultary 11J10keimen· said ~' They uchanged rocket' gmidea ·-a too•ght. 0 M Lo The business portion of the m«Ong Ut Oney~· Ot cl.,. as IOO yai\ls ~ ' · · -.-' Mlllta/y' sources said tho Nortll-Vlel- namese and Viet Cong Iii the; ari!i 3lt mile! northwest of s&fg6n Wiri~Uout. rt8dy-f0r another drive In their, to:CtJlecJ autumn campaign •and would ~~a·lll'•' starts at 7:30 p.m. in City ~cil A c9sta ·Mesa man tod1y stands •• a chambers, following the 5 p.m. field Jn-, good ·example of. the old slogan: I:.et· the specti<>n tour. buyer beware. The city planninC atalf baa •recom• He WU atrested Tburld1y O!J"SU!piclon oded al r •--•-n "~'rd! , of, poslellion of stolen ~y .. a 1988 me aPP,rOV o nim.HI mi.va e 1 Porlche automobile eric{ne which he apartment project at 111 E. !Ith SL, In bough\ from two strangen ~ 11 ,000, 1 ... an are.a now zoned for commercl1l than hall its real vllue. developmenl Pojloe ...,. Upped o11 l)y a•susplclolll . . Fulten.n •mecbanic who checked out the Commisaionen: will alM> conaJdet • engine number when offered a chance to zone exception penntt for Ezplortr Molor buy the 1rigl>performailce gear last week Home1 Corp., 3021,'Newport:Blvd., for an •nit detemtl{i~ It !faS,stolen •. auxiliary dlstrJbl.ltion tot at m lklst:bl ~ve Amokl. ApplenJan .•aid .~ -· · I , ,. orlgi11&l pµri:l!Oser hi!<l bo!Jght ·the engine St., Hlr~! c0¢me~la ·zo~. • · . . hi.good filth and District Attorn9)' ~1 ~tOflt other' matter• on the; IO:Jlem A. Hicks' refused to issue a complaliit agenda ire more rouUne, such· aa nz.on.. against him . in& of Charles L. Heller ~temorial Perk Re Joet'hia ,1,000 outla)'., however, and froril duplex lo rnsU.tutJonal and recrtt• the tnaurance company W already pafd . the Loi Ange1es man from whom the tlonal use zoning. enaJne wu stolen. Appleman noted, IO the iteln ~ llltlrL rClf' camplllgn in Saigon. · · The new drives wire expected wor.. the Sept. % aMlvenary of Nor!Ir Vlet- itam'a ·declart1.tloii or lnde~.nc. -b'om fr Mee in 11146,' the SCJUl<C!a uld. The ' two batUtl · near . "the <:itlael,. lasted all day SundOJ. ~m·'.fmlpo• (See VIE'INAM, Pap J)· rq:w. YO,R.K (/f.l '7 1'!< fock mar~t closed a loser lollay, after an earft tf• fort 'to keep ·tts~la.ttsi ldv•nce movtna faltered. (S<• qu0tlit1on1, !"ages lf.11). Trading near 'the clOM was e:tow. 1'blt Dow Jtines industrial averaae at t p.nl. waa off 5.15 a~ IS2.10. . . ' . ' Ceu& An adjacent dental suite: occupied J,i'y Dr. Ll()yd A. Budwlg had been entered by forcing the door with body weight, but nothing was taken . investlgaton uid·. A pair of burglar& broke a r•room window to get into Larry S. Kraus' Mesa Df1 Mar Liquor Store, 7$0,SL Clait St .• «frylll( oft 1311 in valullbles lnctOOlng 50 Police .Mum . ' ' . on Death Plot ' And u a result, the lnformant Jn Ule cue. has made arrangements to purcha1e the stolen ittm -•legally -·rrom the in· 1t1t•nc• company, alJo at a tm1ah1 base- ment price. c'"1ool of dgar<ttes. • -...... passing ... •partmenl " llliO Center Sl, ~ Jon1 eooqh 5uoday to grab a freshly painted '50 radio belonging to David W. Posey. of 9lll ~halo Drive, li1.1ntington Beach, the vfc. ti.Di told police. Dental technician Donna L. Schuler, o( 211/6 Placentia Ave.,..reporled a '200 cash lou to police ·Sunday, but the caM was· ilsted as grand.theft. Investigators .said Miss ·Sc:hulf:r and a Pl companion were gone IDr the Wttkend, but acquaintances from out or town stayed at lhe apartment durinl 111e time the cash dilappeartd. ;he victim said the two flOOl>lllo ..,.,. ht ad envelope in her jewelry box, adding 1i,1 Ille envt!Ope lilnled up in her garbap di-I, mln111 lhe money. -· Detq,ils to' Remain. Secret 1j~til, Court Action Youth Scratched ·-~·· By ·~ COYILLE Of .. ...., ,. ""' C<>i'i!J>kte dit.U. of 'a bizarre m\irder. for-hire ' ~kit Cr1Cked b}'. HuriU~ lJtacl\ detective1'will 'ftlmah1 secret until <OW'! proceedlnp api!llt the defendant, Htbor!Liee Mid today. ' fl•·. dlanota V. · belnf taken ,tbit pretrial pubbcily could damage the ·case against ~.-Rted, ll, of 11511 Xeel A ... ,Ganlon Gn>,. .• R"'1 "1' booked lut Friday on 11111pl· cldl "'6 ..UOtln( murder, robbery and bursltr)' ondnli formal UTallJ"Mllt WIS ..-ted 'late ' lodaJ in West Orona• c.u.ty JIOlielal .lllalrl<\ Caart. Th•.-•1 --r~st o1 tt.'<fnd in HUll!lD(lol Beoch hiator,._..Dloldod Fri- • I day on the athletic fiefd at Fountain Valley Hip School under. drcwMtanCta pariU.111111 a TV show. lnvestla:ator• ,sakf a couple ot cblld~n watchln& 10 plainslothe.!Jmen surround Reed and an oCflcer· posioa: as 1 paid tilaytt interrupted to uk il they wue filming an FBI selics Mow. The stocky Garden Grove. hairdreaer _was plltetd under arrest on the charges after alltgedly outlinin1 a plan to arrana• a fatal accident for his glrUrlend. ''The 1pparfnt moU1e wU a snail, trlplc>lndemnlty IMUrance po 11 c 1 • ' • DetoctJva SIL Monty McKennon .,. I>l•lned loday. ·The alleged targe( of tile acclden!> Mi,u Kalhletn Duciltl~ of tbe-aama uardu - Gro•e addrela, hu .... Into Nciua1on and will nol -the -· The dranla bepn last Tueoday •hen pollce recdved an anonymoua lelephone In Mesa Mishap Up tllqlng tlial -'WU lookln1 for a A l'ullerlOG mcllorcyclllt ~ mao to kill hi• slrl friend. aerlolll !nJucy Sonday lilcbl w\l!fl ho The Up was followed with the ·a..,. tum«I around to checll It-.tlicood ment ol an._ man to --Illa machine • ..-tlle oent0r!ine Reed. A 'moolilll WU arrallpd for ol a Costa Meoo -·-~with WedniadaJ al a~ Boada bolr OD a car. Beocb --• .i:-L. l..ej'ne. It, o1 • lllf S. A _,. md -al the blr. 'l!lelt lloutl!pU A'!', --to bl "."!'!!Jll....,...._ d ......... °"" ......, to Loko'l'llrlr and r... abr-.. Illa .... and ... bl WU followed by the IChedu)ed _.,. bl hoaclon cnab GO Vlclliria -and Fountain Valley. ~ ValleJ llood, po1Jct &aid. "'!Ilia wu one .of Ille wlerdat -• Motorist Barbara J. Mlchatl, II, ol :Dll i;v,_been i!l~y~ In." 111d.MCK<nnon.... l'Ml!R, ~.,..,..Coota le-. trlod to.. . uplalnlng tile careful arraniemmta ......._ I/Ml •VOid the acdcleot, but ..,., mad1 to trao Reed. • unable to-do ... ' • .___ ______ ..__-__ _. ' II t I . <: l I I I ) ' I OAl\.Y Pit.OT lt•ll Pi.t. AT HEAD OF TABLE, CHAIRMAN MOYNIHAN PRESIDES AT URIAN AptptAlllS COUNCIL SESSION After T-.Hour Confer.,.. •I Whli. Housa Wnt, • Tour of !ha lrvlna Ranch 23 Gls Spend 20th Day in Two ·Chm·ches By BRUCE A. COOK HONOLULU (UP!) -Twenty.thr .. U.S •. terVicmien opposed to the war in Vietnam utended their 1 y m b o J i c 1Janctuary in two churches to 20 days ~ day ar ~ autborttle5 watched and waited. "II they think tllatwe are gofnr to ..... dmrn a couple of squads of IOldim to ar· rest them,_l!><f are out ol their ,mlnds, ~ an Ann7 'l'Okesman uld. "nlti. pricloeb' what tlley Wllll'US to do'-• P!tll1-.Uon of vtolence •t the churclieo in fronl ol a batl<!JI of televis.ion cameras,•• be added. The "apiritual Jeadtt" of the sanctuary !1 the Rev. Jt.obert W~er. 21. who w•• fired from Im job .. a adlool chaplain --~ts complained ht conducted blurre, unartbodoz aervlca. Warner callod.0n Giber churches Sun· day "to -throop their Kllllh .... en for oecurity and harmony" and help oot wltll the ianctulll)', wlllch be "-10. "" u ''polenllallJ one GI tile moot licJilli- cant eumpln of "'"""'l'•raUon wltll mllilary lnjuatke In U.S. blllory." 1'be uDdu1ry II beadq1lartered at the ~yUM!d drurcb ol the .,._....,, W b I c b ls, allljlalai •Wltb Illa , United Cbardl ol OU1lt. 'Ille Un11ariaa Cburch ol -··· -ml1eo ...... town, becamo a -mctwat llite FrldaJ when thl'ft GI.s were trlDlfaTed there. Tl!e~ol~ui~ -a freew111.lrlll! tbe nl""~~r!i"'ail -;~lq -~ _ ... plOcO lot anlbrar ,w.iila .. ...... ad, "°""""' tiboioliom· ancl lnlerridalian. ll lnqueol1J ,...,,.. ~ .. IUCh toPcs u UD, ,.. and blpp!ea. Newport-Mesa District to Fill Blm:ipied Seat '!be replaciJnent for Municipal J IJd&e Lloyd E. Blanpled Jr. who reslgnecl from Ille Newpoit.Meu Unified School lll!trkt Boen1 lut week wW be «iectcd Imm formal •ppllcatiou submitted t.o the -Candidlte1 for appointment \o the three-yea,r term on the board must live in the aru. which Judee B I a n p I e d repmenUocl -a U the district t.rrltory east of Upper Newport Bay, includin& Balboa I1land and Nortll Bay. Applicatkm are available at the dialricl htadquarten, !IOI 16th St., Newport Beach. To be elicible for appointment an ·~ pllcam ~t ha .. betn a resident and "'liltered voter In TnJltee Area Foor and must have resided in the county at !wt IO daya and 'f' !be di!trlcl at leaal 51 days, ' J, .. L CM.r WIDI,,..... W o-tl *"-' 11tMl•1 ~ti ·-1\t1111t A. M1rplif•t _ ...... .._ __ ill ... ..,. $fftott M.lr ... -............ ,,11. --......-.-. .. , ............... '---t.lllln .. -..... --"""" ......... .... PresUlent's Urban Group !Tours Irvine Ranchland Seven Cabinet members ~and otper key Clflicials ot the Nixon Admlnislration louml Irvine Company ranchlands today. They went. 51id White House sourte.5, to find out bow lht Irvine COmpany copes with urban problems by biillding modern dUa' from the ground up. 1l}e high level viBitora c:omprised the -t'1 Urban Allaln C<>wllL They took Ille loot, touchllig down by helicot>' ter al' Bommer Clll)'OO tnlllld of Corona , Actress' Ex V.ictim of Theft Barber Glenn 1.ianell of Newport Beach1 u-husblnd of movie star June Ally1<1n, lolt $1,490 in merchandise from Im If.loot ketch, Marco Polo, lite Satur· d1y night, police aald. The ketch wu docked at 3450 Via Oporto when the thieves entered the ma.in cabin after pryln1 loose a front hitch. They removed a radio, a battery· operated television, and a pair of hi&h· powered binocular&. The Marco Polo became a focal point in divorce proceed.lop when Maxwell, 37. wu allowed to keep the boa~ irovlded be kept up payments. The boat was elven to hhD by Miss AllyllOll. del 1.far, aft.er a twoi.hour conference al the Western White HOU5e in San Clemente. The group included Health, Education and lfel!ore SOcretary Robert Finch; Housing Secretary Georae Romney; Transportation Secra&ry John Volpe: Interior Becretor; Walter Hickel; Labor SOcretary Geor11 -5dnJJIJ; Commerce Secretary ·Mawl<lt 8 la Ii I , and Ap1cullural _...,,, Cllllord llMdln. On Tlielday, Ille 'Utban AllaJJ'I CouocD ls-ledtoi.tddltan~proo bleim 111 ~ ~rwport<r IM coolm'eoce. Incblded in lhoee talb wW be di-ol 1ovenunent<!lrected el· lorll ~ produce a llJlOI'{,.. automobile. A ff!W 1uch eipulm.entaJ vehicles today were reported to be under wraps at the Philco-Ford AUU!utronlc Division ln Ncwport Beach. 'June File' Won't Be Seen by Hoffa CHATl'ANOOGA, TeM. (UPI) -A federal cour' judae refuaed today to turn O\'lf to 1ttorneys for Jame1 R. Holla por. tiona al the tpp«eret "June FOe" and- other documents dealing with govern· ment eavesdropping on the Teamsters Union. Characters Sail for. Crowd Of 100,000 Around Bay . 'J1iirly·!i'vt <JI Newport Harbor's aaltil!t bOIU: :made their 1Mua1 procession for· an esllmllled 1111,000 onlooltera Satunlay .-In the Dlntll annuli Olar1cter Boat P1rlde. • From Ille field ol tuis. baller. M..,. lerey ,hullt and 1twnboata, lbr .. lU<Jaes oel-10 lropby wlMer~ Film slat' Dorothy Lamour, announcer Jack Unkletter and ?i.fayor Doreen Mmha11 chooe the winners u !ollowo: Will Slaub's dear Old Girl, BJ1 Toot Award; Polly Pierce's Polly's Folly, Bllgy Binnacle Award; The Balboa Bay Club's barge and IU(, Ille Iirll'l'Y Stufllllf Box Award; Blackle Gadarlan'• Of!lcial, Dirty Old M&nlfold Award; Richard Par· rish'a bland Princess, the Loose Screw Award; The :Ancient Mariner's Anclent Annie, the Ancient Mariner Award; G. WIUJ11n Gruody 's Sbipbouso, tilt Judie'• Tn!jlhy; Newport Na ti 0 II a I Bank'• barae, Thema Trophy; Walter Lulphle's N·E. Hour, Swabblest Swab award, and Richard Cr01d's African Queen, the Wheel, steam and Bell Award. The thm-hour annual cla.aslc featured a I.be.me of Memorable Moments in llitt.ory.'' Predictably, the dominant trend of decoration centered around the Moon Walk. Other decorations included scenes on bolrd deplclfnr knJih!s in shining armor and tbt President's 1tay at the San Clemente Summer White HOuse. Jick Barnett, manager of the sponsor· Ing Newport Harbor Chamber or Com- merce 1aid the total of entries was ex- actly the same as last yaar. ••tt was just u blg a success as last year, too," he 11kf. BLACKIE OADAIUAN'S TUG ALL DECKID OUT Wino Dirty Old Manihld Award In Annual P•ru1 I Hit Jordan; 15 Killed llf UDll<d. Pnu lllena- lsrtell jets bombed Jordan Mday and Arab ,guerrillas ambushed an IataeU patrol near the Lebanese border. Jraq ex.· ecuted 15 persons, includina two Jews, on cbar1ea ol spying for Israel and the U.S. Central lnlelllience Agency (CIA J. Israel said the jets bombed a Jordanian army post and guerrilla camp. Jordan sald the attack was on civilian targets and that four civilians were killed. The lsraell communique said the planes attacked targets 30 m i I e 1 northeast of the Dead Sea. An Amman 1pokeaman said the Jsraell planes raided clvillan areu west of the villq:e of Al.Suknen 15 miles northw•st of Amman. Jordan'• only oil refinuy which is controlled by the U.S. Arabian American Oil CO. !ARAMCO) ls In tllat area. Four Arab guerrilla 1Uack1 were reported in northern lsrael. including the ambush on a patrol near MO!hav Avivim, two miles sou th of Lebanon. Seven Israeli soldiers were wounded, the Jerusalem communique said. Baghdad Radle> said nine of the men executed ~·ere civilians who were hanged at Central Prison. The rest were milita.ry men who we.re shot by a firing squad at an army camp outside the cit~._ It brought to 51 the number or lraqit t:xecuttd on spying convictions since Jan. 27. The total included 11 Jews. The executions were evidence the Ira- qi regime Ls determined to conUnue Us policy "of purging Iraq of au apies and JmperJalist agents.'' the state.controlled Baghdad press said. Spying Js a worse lhrta.t to Anb na· tiona: than "the continuing aggre!lion the Iaraelia have been waging on Arab forceJ," the newspapers said. In Amman, a Jordanian military spokesman said a group of Israeli fighter planes raided civilian large~ 19 mile• northeast of the capital. The Israeli state radio said today two Israeli soldiers were killed and two woun- ded Sunday when their army vehicle 11truck a mine north of the Dead Sea. In Cairo, foreign mJnist.ers of the 14-na· tion Arab League gathered to decide what to do about the burning of EI Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. one of the Moslem world 's holiest shrines. Fron• Page 1 VIETNAM ... were alded by jel. fighter bombers ·and artill!ry. Military spokmnen said. the intense fighting in the rice paddies and woodlands between Saigon ·and the Cam· bo1ian border included se.veral hours of comparatively close exchanges of rocket grer.ades and howitzer rounds, 30me as close as 200 yards. In the Mekong Delta, the senior U.S. of- ficer there said today the North Viet- namese army for the first time in the war jas moved ii regular army unit into th< delta. Maj. Gen. Roderick Wetherill, com- mander of the Delta Military Asllistance Command, identified the unit as the 188 Regiment of the lst North Vietnamese Division . Wethe.rlll 1aid the 1,000 men or the regi· ment were in Chau Doc province, 140 miles sou!J1west of Saigon. The delta, South Vietnam's rice pr~ duting area with half the nation's 17.5 million people, has long been a slronghold of the Viet Cong. U.S. 9th Infantry Division troops in the delta killed nine C<inirtu.r.nist troops Sun· day, Including Col. Hai Tram, com· mander of several North Vietnamese bat· t31ions. The <:0lonel played dead until a U.S. Ranger platoon approached. Then he thrtw a ,grenade. They shot him. . Or'IS. Y PILOT 111ff ..... KIDS 'STUFF' BALLOT BOX AT FDTORAIM SHOW Adult VDle(i Got H•lp ... fllnal D•r •I "•Ihlen ltl•nd F No on Marij.uana F owrama Voters Would Ban Drilling By THOMA! McCANN Of IM 0.1,., Pl191 lt•ft Fotorama visitor• would not legallze the use o[ marijuana in California, would ban all oil drilling along the Orange Coast, would Uke to see se1 educatoln (with parental approval) in public junior high schools, but aren't too sure whether or not IS.year-olds should be allowed to vote. Those are some or the results ol a ';quickie quiz" the DAILY PILOT includ- ed as part of the ballot on which Votorama at Fotorama participants voted 111~~ ~bw'lday, Friday and Satw-• day at Faihion Jaland ln Newport Beach. ' CSee winners, Pagt il. ' '• The questions on ctUTtntly con· trovtrslal subjects were included in a ballot set up on voting machine. furnlah-- ed by the AutomaUc Voting MacbJoe Corporation. Voters were a]moat evenly divided between men and women -47.6 percent men and 5Z.1 percent women . ?ttost of them (57.4 percent) were aver 35, but 29.8 percent were betwffn 18 and 25 years old and 14.t percent were 26 to 35. Here's how they voted on the ques- tions; 'First Man on Moon' Stamp Issue Slated WASHINGTON (UPI)-The "Firat Man C1n the Moon'' postage atamp honoring Apollo 11 astronauts Nell A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael COllins v.ill be issued Jn Washlnaton Sept. 9, It was announced today. The astronauta, will participate in I.he formal issuance of the JG-ant air mail stamp made from dies they carried to the moon and on the followin( day will address a joint se&slon of Congress. Should the use or marijuana be le&aliz.. ed in the state of Callforn!a? No, 73.t pt.r· cent: Yes, 28.3 percent. Should oil drilling be banned all along the Orangt Coast? Yes, 67.7 percent; No , 30 percent. Should the legal voting age be lowered to 18? No, 51.8 pe.rctnt ; Yes, 48.1 perc!nt. With parental approval, do you favor sex education (fanllly life) course! In public junior high schools? Ye1, 81 per· cent: No, 18J percent. · Should the United States go .for Mars and all-out exploratlon of spact? Yes, 63.6 f!t=llti No, :JU percent. t · ot~,,,a fa+or ezpencQture of ''apace" ~ey on more down-&o-elrth Pf9jKU!? l'e.; .11.7<Ptrcenl; NO;:au percont. I ,, . Fntm Poge 1 DISASTER ••. investigational lliahls. "The Navy plane had a. wonderful equiprpenl pac~e." be said, "but it couldn't st.and up to-the winds. And the Air Force had a wonderfu1 p1ane, but not the right measurine devices." "We have to increase our ability lo predict where thue ltorm! will be com· ing ashore and their intensity when they do, and we mu.st so1ldify the ability of local aovemmtnt to work efflclenUy with the office of emergency preparedness and the Red CT'08s." Nix on termed Camllle the nation's "worat natural disaster" in a cross-con· tinental telephone call to Bob Hope. The comedian took the open line call from San Clemente while serving as master of ceremonies of a fund-raising telethon ln Jackson, l\tiss. The Presidtnl praised Hope and other participants in the telethon show whlch Sunday night raised more than 11.J million to help storm and flood victims. Amona donations Wall 11,000 from the President's family and the White House staff. tru1r ''the u1e1 of adveraity Will the President proclaim it ''Buy- are sweet,'' The aevere eom- ,,etitlon aetudly made ·this a better 110~. Another thing. It bu made me a more agre11ive adve"" ti-. Sinee I llarted lo ad•""' tite 52 week.. • yeer I have lltarted drawing bueineu from every corner of ~ From-Bidwell Week''? Unfortunately for my doctor. I'm 1101 a worrier. If I could learn to bile my fingeruaiJ1, I'd get some ulcers. 111 1965 there \t·cre 14- men~s atorea "·itbin a rad.iut ol ten milet lrom my 1tott. Business at Bid\t-efl's was good. I "'IS ltappy. l\Jy \t'ife ,. .• , happy. Everybody wat hiippy. Then I.hey opened that bluted Newport Center or Fatbion IRiand or •·bateYer jt'a callod lately, up there on the hill. Yon 1hould count the m"n'1 01ore1 (and department •lore men'a depart.meata) juat In. that one 1boppfn1 center. n... Bl'Olldway, Buffuruo' o. .. mond'~ Howard's, Meager'a.. Penne1'1, Robintoo'' and Siiverwood'•· El1h1 of them. I'm '""' that my •ting and pro1perou1 little abop1 were County. nol lhe reaeon all lhoee stores I have cu1tomen who live came r 01 h in g to Newporl u far a,_·•y u Trabaco Can· Beach. IC I thought so, I'd be• yon. Unbend of in 1965. 0.tlflred. Or I gu ... I would. And from San Clemen~ Bat today imlead of 14 Huntinglon Harbour, and eom.pelilon I have 37. Same even La .Habra. ten mile rtdiu1. Figure it ont. That'• why it woaJd eoni he 18% mo,., populatio1t; 118% nice if tlie Preeident "ould more men'• 1tore1. Th.at, dear proclaim next week ''NatfoJJal friend• and fellow philooo-Boy. A, Sult. From. Bidwell'• phen, it modern math. Week.'' I could UIO a kw .., .. At lint, wb6n all ti.-new tomen from Cincinnati, Boioe, •loreo open o d, it wu rul and Bel limo"'. toulJli. For e.....,.body. Bat"°" In .... yon're one of th-, my ~II on the up apin. and yon're otayln« at the Now• My .. 1eo each week are .,..,. porter 1DJ1, my oalt priceo nm nl"I well •head of lut yur. from ass to •1 ss. Thoup I fol'l81 who .. td it, My doin open at 91SO. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido, j1Ut beyond the Ardieo o...,._ O'Otl' Pacific Cout Highway, Telephone 673-4510. DriVfl between Lido Tbealllr .t my 11ore .t park ;,, rear. Copyr!pt 1969, Jaek Bld...,11. Tennis Anyone? Well. not jwt anrOne. Actually, it's Vice President Spiro Agnew. volleying during a doubles match Sunday afternoon at the Newport Beach Tennis CJub in Eastbluff. After the match, the Vice Presi· derit 'paused. to sign aul'ograpbs for (from left) Laura McCrimmon, ~; Diane McCrimmon, 4, .and Susan Sailer. 9. Grim-faced men in business suits are Secret Service agents. Dinah Shore was one of r.1r. Agnew 's playing partners. Club officials declined to identify athe~ or to reveal score. Play was ~escribed as "spirited." Fotoranaa Contest Long, Wild· Weekend For Ni.Xon Goll. swimming llld football -and a mad 4aJh lrom a howlln& mob. , , Those were a r_ew ol the acllVIUe~ ' Presldenl Nixon packed into a vacation weekend h:e Should long remember. He golled at the Loll Angeles Country Club with Attorney General John Mil· chell; swam at Camp Pendleton's Sand Beach with David and Julle.EiJenbower; and toot in the football game at the Loll • Angeles Coliseum : That's where he - like the Los Angeles Rams -got crwh-1 ed. Almost. The President left the game with one second remaining on the clock and the score 42-14 in favor of the Kansai City Chiefs. ·Be didn't leave soon enough. As he left, surrounded by burly Secret Service agents, thousands in the crowd plunged oilt of the exits with him. The throng swirled about the President, cheering repeatedly, as the Secret Service agents and a cadre of Los Angeles policemen attempted to clear a path to the waiting Air Force One helicopter, just beyond the Coliseum fence. The crowd swiftly grew very large, very jammed -some might say very tight -and very aggressive. The Secret Service agents locked anns, releasing their hold only enough to fight people off, especially some men who, newsmen noted, seemed to be getUng hysterioal. •~1t was maddelling getting to the chop- pers,"' 1 a I d one disheveled newsman later. There was a helicopter waiting for the press too. • Before the press helicopter could urt off, however, it had to wait for two wire service reporters who had gotten into a scurne with five police officers. The newsmen, Maurice Johnson (UPI) and Harvey George (AP), tried to ex· plain to lhe olfi<:i!rs that they had a legitimate reason for chasing the Presi· denl But the officers apparently had beard that .story before. The struggle ensued. Then Tim Elboume., a presidential aide, tried ln· tervening. A police sergeant wouldn't listen to Elboume, either. The officer grabbed Elboume, spun him around, and was ebout u. pacify him with a nlgbutick when a Secret Service agent came to Elboume's rescue. The agent rest.rained the police !er&eant. Elboume -and the two reporters -fled to the press bell copter. By then the Preiident had been safely bUstled aboard hil belicopter and everyone flew back to San Clemenle. The President's round of golf with At· lorfMlY General Mitchell earlier In the day wa1 less hectic. All he ran into on the links was a wedding party, with both bride llld bridegroom giggling beyood W> d<rstanding. Nixon shot his usual 91. It was on ~unday that he cooled off tn the aurf at Sand Beach. Nol even a wed· ding party ahowed up there. Bomb Rips Sao Paulo SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) -At least eight persons were injured -none seriously -by a bomb that exploded ear· ly Sunday In ~town Sao Paulo. SA Widow Lucky Winner A working widow from Santa Ana today knows she is the big winner in the DAILY PILOT's Fotorama aL Fash.ion Island which closed Saturday at the Newport Beach shopping center. Mrs. Alyce Toohey of 2118 E. 20th St., Santa Ana, woo the $360 stereo radio. phonograph console which topped a list or 26 prizes wor.ijl more than $1,100 offered by radio stalion KOCM as part or uvotorama at Fotorama." And just lo prove that she really is 1ucky, Mrs. Toohey has her son, Kenneth tiUchael, 24, a Navy man, home from Vietnam on leave just at the right time to help her haul her prize home from Radio KOCM's Fashion Island studios. 2J .9 percent vote .for "Moment of Trulh," a bullfight photograph submitted by Cory Sagel of Newport Beach and 19.6 percent for 'Crashed Oul.' a picture ol a youth asleep in front of a psychedelic shop in the Haight·Ashbury distriCt or San Fran· cisco. The latter was submitted by John Sparks ol Costa Mesa. It won first place in the &econd week ol the amateur photographer contest. WINNER WIDOW Mrs. Toohey, a widow or the past t 4 months, w<rb as a secretary in the Division ol Industrial Relations ol the State Department of Welfare In Santa Ana. She Aid she "1Ure could use" the TWO WINNERS combination FM·AM radio and record Mrs. Toohey was one Q( two big win-player console she won at Fotorama. ners determined in the closing tninute.s "I'll just put that little goodle right in Salurday of the lhree-day Fotorama my bedroom where It matches the event. furniture." The other major winner as Lloyd K. She praised Fot.orama for putting on Denny of 1632 Windsor Lane, Sant.a Ana. public display two major photojournalism His photograph of a girl talking to a seal traveling exhiblb, a collection of print! on the beach near Newport Pier -"Girl coorilinaled by the Society o f Talk" -was eelected by popular vote as Professional Photographers West and the grand prize winner ln 1be Fotorama Mara "closeups" from the Mariner S.and Camera Cont.est.. 7 voyages furnished by Jet Propulaloo Denny already had won $25 Jn Fashion Laboratory. 1sland gift certificates for the picture as But her favorite exhibit al lhe DAILY first place winner In lhe flTlt week or the PILOT show was a serles of ictures contest staged f 0 r noo-pro!essional made available by NASA through United photographers. Prw International -prints of pictures ADD $5'8 GifT taken on the moon by Astronaull Nell Now, lh1 Fashion Island Merchanls Armstrong, "Buzz'' Aldrin and Michael Asoociatioo will add $500 in gilt Collins. ctrtificates to his wlnnihgs on the basis S.be also thought use of the Printomatlc of voting at Fotorama. tmlts lurnlshed by lhe AutomaUc Voting An estimated 1,000 persoos attended Machine Corp. was "a valuable public the show and viewed Its varklus &erYict." photographJI -lnclU<llng the three lop She 11 I d she thought the u 11 ol amateur pictUl'fJS vying for the grand mechanical voU11g will help cltlzeru gel prh:e -but. not all of the visitors accustomed to uelng machines in future regia:tered and voted. _ofUclal elections In the coonty. The voters gave Denny's picture a big Twenty.five other winners we Te majority-56.3 percent-compared to a selected al Fotorama. ' Two or them each will receive portable FM·AM radios with built-in tape recor· ding uniLs valued at $109.95 each. These winners are Brad SberTlll of 5310 Brighton Drive, Riverside, and Don Poyas, 225 Lexington Circle, Newport Beach. Winners of lhree FM "cube" clock radios, each valued at $29.05, are Elizabeth J. Cott.on, 2109 Sickel St., Los Angeles; Fred NyquJst. 3311 Via Lido, Newport Beach; and O.arlea Thompson, :MO Cumberklnd Road, Glendale. Twenty winners were selected to receive sets of five stereo record albums each. These packages are valued at ap. proximately $2$ each. On hand to pick up their records Satur- day at Fotorama were Virginia Brown, 15731 Pacific St., Tu.Un, and John Christopher Hendricksen, 1150 E. Looisa Ave., West Covina, OTHERS LISTED Other record album winnere: Frank Ruecker, IU76 Pescador Drive, Newport Beach: Edwina Dattler, *>7 JollM. Costa Mesa; Emma Smith, 1849 Deermont Road, Glendale: R. A. Pucillo, 2024 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa: Chris Freeberg, 13204 Lorca Road. LI Mirada, Helen Kennedy, 505 Cedar, Long Beach; Wlllda Vazquez, 3612 E. 15th Sl, Long Beach ; Tom Hornbeak, 2to1 Blackthorn st., Newport Beach; Rovin Rider, 114. Peart. Newport Beacll; Chuci< Ripley, 911 S. Western Ave., Anaheim; W.W. Callow, 0 Comet Drive, Foster City, C.tlf.; Watter T. Sobota, 6241 Warner Ave., Hunttngton Beach; David Cross, ~C Cre!tvJew Drive, Newport Beach; Ka7 Drtckey, 11565 Dllmont Drive, Tu/unga ; Adrienne ~fCCumber, 2156 Ruta Place, Costa Mefta; Florence Davey, 2198 Rut11l Lane. Colta Mm: Suaan Hochman, 2411 Napall Way. Coita Meaa ; and Joan Ga1e, 2610 Llngo.n Lane, Santa Ana. ~---,_ DAil Y l'J\OT if • • .. Save *10!. ,. All-Metal Chevron Typewriter· •Cast aluminum shell gives overall quality and durable constn:1etion you can see R~gular '49. 99 e 88 character keyboard, new longer 9-inch line of write. 1 p...,..et tabs (8 on elite) l, 2, 3 line opacing • Molded lid for protection. 2-color ribbon reveno, California·yello:w with rally strip• Save •10 Now on Reg. •49.95· Student Des·k 3988 Heavy gauge 1teel construction. deep utilii,. dnwer. on nylon rollen. Uiility drawer, file W-.wer with lock. Black or deaert 1age, walnut wood grain finiih platie laminated top. 40d0x29~·in. high. Jwnbo·MetaJ·Penonal File 299 . • 1(1 tiig·lllll·l'OOlll1'with .iadex foJden-.--.. ·-- $18.95, 2-l>'llwet File Cabinet· }388 bu<d 11ttl OGtor•llltll, aluminum cud holdm-- $5.98, ru.raU.nlltr Ump 5" Hi~aopoct plaltic with walour myl trim----- S22.95, Secretarial Chair }888 Comfortable chair with padded telt and back Nauphyd< \'ioyl blaclC ""°"lsrery--·--~ • • • • ~-----------------------~------------------------~ I ...,,,,uc aMOHrt LOHOIUOt • ..CO•--fOMOHA IOUWto:MIJIUIM 1 C.t.MOOA Pll« Ot&DW ot'fWIC & IOtO ' IANtA AMA 1'09lllCI I CO#fTQrl HOU.TWOOD • CIANCI ~ MNtAft... Vl>Mlf I CXMN4 l«M!WOOD ,ASAl>IH,\ ' MNl'A MONICA WllMOtft ~ .... ,________________________ ea.rs----------------~---- ,...., rt tau 1 •• ...,...,.... - -.... ...,..-.......... ._.. ... u. .. ,.r& ' • I ~ I • ....,.. ......... ,......, Glorla Sw-returned to tho town Iha( made her a legend for the marriage ol her granddau&h- ter, 8,.... -.,_,, to J1""'1 YOUllf. Ml11 Swanson, now a fash- len and cosmetic executive, makes tier home In Portugal and New Vort. After the Hollywood wedding Die former actress will return to ,urope, t • Ta Barnum, a bit player, IDillldr.,. froM hi< •ol< m "Th< MoonllliM War'' t"Cther than OJ>" pear ft1"ie in a roomful of, 100mcft aa ccUrd for in the tcripL "Wt can get ell the to07fVft toe want to 1trlp in mo- oiu.'" laid a spokeiman /Of' tht film In Holll/10fl0d, "bul Irr 'llOt <"'11 lo find acto., who will." • Sprlngfi~d, Ore., Police Chief Pierce' Brooks couldn't keep a crowd from· pushing closer and clOIU to a downtown fire. He grab- bed a bullhorn and uked how many Springfield high school atudenls were in the crowd of 300 persons. Many hands went up. "Are we go- ing to best Eugene (a nearby city) in football this fall?" he asked. The crowd shouted appTOval. Brooks quieUy asked them to move back and they did. • A 14-year-<>ld muscular dystrophy victim, whose aunt asked her con· gressman to 1urprtse him with a birthday catd, received a lotter from Pretklent N I x o n instead. Kim Mo<10, oi North . English, Iowa, who celebrated bis 14th birth- day Sunday, gol the can! a!U!r bis aunt, Mr..: H1rrlet a.II, asked U.S. Rep. FNCI ~1, (R-lowa), to •end him a card. Schwengel then asked Nixon to send his greetings. The President's letter pr a i a e d youni Morse for his ''exceptional cou.rtge" and said llis •'brave, cbeiHUI spirit" was ''A fine aam- ple for all young Amertcans.'' • For a 'li-year-<>ld lion tamer u for any other performer, tho ;J.;w must go ..,._.,ven If the lion blU!• down when yoo put your h~ In Its mouth; Jula Joc:ot lorced the big cal'• jaws apart and finished bis performance at the· St. Louis Zoo before going to Jewish Hospi· ta1 to be treated fur gashes on the temple, cheek and neck. • Th• Rev. Max Williams, of Kert- Jing, 1!ngland, who needed about $25,000 fw parish work, found three ancient ailver colns in an old troa. bound chest behind the organ In bis church. Appraised, the coins proved to be worth about $25,000. What a heavenly coincidence. • Police ticketed. 28-year-<>ld Den- ver cab driver Edw.1rd Hepp for careless driving. He ran into a plane at Stapleton International Airport. Hepp said he was on his way to pick up a passenger at the Combs Aircraft Office when h I s cab strucl< the wing of a plane parked out!:ide a hangar. "I didn't &ee it," Hepp explained. Ex.Cong Shows How Former Viet Cong who has defected to the South Vietruunese dem· onstrates how the VC can cut through barbed wire without making a sound. It is claimed they are able to cut: through 200 etrands in 90 seconds. Recently attacking Viet Cong commandos cut through the wire around a U.S. Marine base near Da Nang and planted the Communi&t flag inside the compound before the defenders could drive them off.. · l(opechne Parents Say DA (;an't Exhume Body WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (AP) -The porents of Mary Jo Kopeclme argued to- day that a Mas.sachusetll dist:r:lct at. tomey could oot ask: Pennsylvania to ex· hume their daughter's body for an autopsy beca1111 "no crime bas been committed 1n Penr.sylvanla.1' The 2&-year-<>ld Mias Kopechne drown- ed last month when a car driven by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (0-Mass.), plunged off a narrow bridge on ChappaquJddjck lsllllld on the Musacbusetls coast. She is buried in nearby Larksville. Joseph Flanagan of Wilkes-Barre, an attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopeclme of Berkeley Heights, N.J., told judge Bernard C. Bromlnski of Common Pleu Court that the state had no jurisdiction to grant lbe autopsy petition cl Dist. Atty. Edmund Dlnls, of New Bed!°"" Mau. P'tanagan Wed for the immediate d'sw'™t fo Dinls' peUtion. t'lp ooJ1 one Jn.stance have the criminal Virginia Flood Toll Mounting; Ill Now Missing IDCHMOND, Va. (AP) -Virginia's death toll from ltiller floOOa that ravaged a wlde portion of the st.ate last week rose to 75 today and the number « persona of • ficlaDy mlsslng lncrused to Ill. The property damage figure from the davutating floods ln west.cent r a 1 Virginia, spawnod by lorrential rains from dying hurricane C&mllle, remained al fll2.I million. Civil defense officials agreed that all three figures -the death toll, the miss- ing and property damage would climb upward as the ~spot assessment of the effects of the Ooods continued. In Richmond, the easternmost point to experience the crippling floodwaten, police today reduced a restricted area where 1 serious fire threat was posed by a lake of hlgh octane ga90llne. When the leak was d1'covered Sabir· day, Nat.looal Guardsmen sealed off a ZS.. block area of the city south of the James river. Several hundred workmen and a n&nber oI families were evacuated. courts ol Pennsylvania entertained and allowed a petition far exhumation and autopsy," Flanagan said Jn a 21-plge brief at a hearing on his motion for dismissal "In that case, a crime had been com- mitted ... and a defeodant wu on trial" In the state. He said that "in the situation now before the court no crime had been com· mJtted in Pennsylvania." "ln fact,11 be said, "there ls not even any reason sufficient to believe that a crime has been Jn Pennsylvania or eisewhere, nor are there criminal pro- ceedlngs or a criminal trial pending in the Commonwealth." He said the judge should reject the peUUon unless Dinis who flew here to argue ln behalf of his peUUon, can show. "the facts """gbt will be established by an autopsy.'' Dinis' assistant, Annand Fernandes Jr., rejected the Kopecbne argument. He said that coorts o{ equity in all sta.tes "haft jmisdlcUon over dead bodies." "This court has the jurisdiction," he said. "It has the power, even though there was no crime involved and even though the purpose of lhe autopsy has nothing to do with Pennsylvania." * * * 3 Top Democrats Standby Kennedy WASIDNGTON (UPI) -Three leading Democratl -Sens. George S. McGovern, F.dmund S. Musk.le and Fred R. Harris - have diacounted the effecta: Jast month's automobOe accident might have had on the career of Se.n. Edward M. Kennedy. Harris, the DemocraUc n a t I o n a 1 chairman, saJd be felt no repfu-cussions from the incident in which a Kennedy secretary was killed when t h e Massachusett.I Senator's car ran off a bridge. He said the Democrats are still gettlng requests from across the country for Kennedy appearances at party func. lions. All three were Interviewed on radio (Metromedia New1) Sunday. McGovern, from South Dakota, repeated an ea rlier predlcUon be expected to see Kennedy in the White House !Ol'lle day, though not in 1m. Rain, Heat Plague Nation Southern Plains Caught With Heavy Downpours Cellfoml• Latl o. Mtw • i J• ., V .S. Sum_..,, Tl'Mldtn11n'M """bled ~ "" ~ Pi.JM ,_..y, tp!Hlflt '-•YY r•ll'I. """""" Mf "" Wf l ill ...... ~ for llWCh ., !fie tllllllll. lncfW. llltl "" "°""""" llodtltt. ....... ttrn-,.,.""" ... ~ lltllllel'. DICICllf ... ,__ 11110 fMl'f\Clil* llmlM Ml1fl DI N~tl'd. 111 ~ ...... br IM dlUIY Nenl'I ..... llMk. 0.1• ... ,111.... """' •11111 •lon9 the l'eclfk C61olt ff'Oltl Hortll HMCI, Ort,, ID T1IDO!ofl llllnd, Wt1h. l<llMll CIOUlh _,.. u.tl!H S!IMIY rtl9hf llffr l.lllllloct.. Tu,, wltldl to!· leCtM rnort IM11 I lncl>H ol .. ~ T.,,.,MIOtt IOU'Ctlttl dowft Mtt C"*'• fl)l'I tl'NI Hltrlwwll. T111. OOttH c111. "'"" ,,., ,,..,.,., 1"' IMhtl of r1I" lrt 1111 '*'l'f.. lfll ,.,.... t1111lo, TD,. l'lt<I 1•\ ~. l!I"-" .. ~l!lt. Tmi .. 11«! ......... ''"' I""'°" 111 " ' ""'-"'• l1Untlt ld 11 ...... rtk l •M ....... 11-v11i. "-ClllC1111'1el'I °"W' ..... _ Ottralt F1Jm1tb Fort Worth ··-H•lfnt "'"''' (;tty Li t Vtt .. La. Al!Mlft Ml•rnl ..,_. -"'-_, ... Hot1~ "''"-°'""" OllM!lofN City """"' ""'" Sltrltltl ,_ Rat>llt ·-· l'llhOu••~ ""'lt•nd Ruld City Rt<I ll\lfl ·-S.cr•mtnto $.Ill L.tllt City S.rtO• !.!!rt Frffl(!i.ce 11111'• 190!\t'lf Tr..1'1"~! , .. Mt111 L#ll '""'· " .. " .. n " n " , .... K .. n " ,. n .. .. " " " " " " .. .. ·" .. " " " ·~ ,. .. " ·~ .. .. .. " • ... u g .. " n n ... .. " .. " " .. ., " " ., '" .. a " • " " .. " .. " G " .. .. .. .. ~ " " " " •• " .. " Hanoi Want·s Coalition Peace Awaits Change in Saig~n Government L 0 N D 0 N (UPI) -A ~ielnam peace eetUemeot must await the fonnaUon of a Hanoi-approved coallUoo government in Sation wh!Ch -will negotiate the lemlJ of Anierfcaa withdrawal, a high CommunJJt dlplomaUc source sald t.od.17. Tbe 'aource, fully acquainted wtth Hanoi's present posture, said there will be no concrete negoliaUont at the Paris conference table unlll a coalition govern- ment emergea in SaiJon. It would tale tbt place at the Puls conference table of the present North and SOulb Vietnamese delegaUons. Until then the Paris talks will mark time. with Hanoi remalrung noncommit· la!. Hanoi wMts a l!ietUement and feels It could be reached within 18 mootha. But failing to establish the coalition regime, Hanoi apects the Paril talb to drag on indefinitely, according to the informant The Hanoi-proposed coallUon would have to embrace the National UberaUon Front for South VJetnam (the Viet Cong's poliUcal arm} the so called Democratic Alliance in South Vietnam (undefined but Communist.backed), so-called Democratic representatives of th e present government, Buddhists and other "liberal forces," the diplomat aald. The coallUon government would im· mediate1y start concrete negottations in Pari!, arranging for seneraJ elections to be lllld ..,.. the Amr!cua leave. Tbe dlplomatlc bilonnant ,... tlllJ brood· out1loe ol illllol'a pe1ee c-.pt for lbe VlellJam CGOIUcl: Tho Communlltl ln1lal on a polllkal aeU!emenl ot lhe coolllcl before tnlerini lolo Ill mllJlaty upecl.s. They reject I ceue-llre u a preJ.im.JJwy move. Aussie Skipper Acquitted SYllNri; Allltnlla (UPI) -Ao AUllrallan mllllaty cowt ~ _,itted tha Wppa.· ot the • l r c r a f t earner Melbourne ol charps be was partly to blame for lhe June s ooiualon with the U.S. destroJer Frank E. Evans that lclll· ed ,. American aaUon. , The JudO advocote fOJWal of the court ordered a dlrect.ed verdclt of "not gullly all(! honorably acqullled""lor C.pl. John P. SleveolOa. One of the charges wu that Stevenson failed to give the Evaaa proper dlnctloos when a colliaion appeared imminent. The other wu be failed to take necauary measures to avoid a coUlalon. Stevenaoo. 47, wu given back the ceremonlal sword he 11urrendered to the court when lt opened 1wlons Wed· nesday. Re w a 1 k e d from the court, declining comment. The slender, sandy-haired of'flctr who joined the navy when he was 13, had in· sisled throughout the: six week joint Australian-U.6. investigation of. the col· lllloo the AmerlCID ahip was fully to blame. The carrier cut the Ev1n11 in two dur· Ill( a Soulhellll A 1 I a Treaty Or&anlza· tfon (SEATO) operalloo in the South Qilna Sea. ThaiS Clarify Attitude on Gls BANGKOI\ (AP) -Thaillllld b oot seeking an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops 1tatloned on 'its soil, Prime Mlnlsler Tha1>om KltUkacborn sald today. Thanom, making the flrst official Thai comment on Washington reports that Thailand had IOllsht negotiations for a U.S. withdrawal, also said Thailand did not want all of the 50,000 American troops lo the =lry pulled oul junior high ''go-together'' sportswear makes the fashi on scene for Back- to-Scbool! Bonded Acrylic Knit in royal purple • , , teamed with Jong sl eeved whice ruffle crimme d blouse. Junior sizes 6] to 14]. Flip jumper witlt scoop 9 .. necklin~------ Long sleeve blouse wilh 6 .. ruffle front, cuf~--- Scoop neck top with tiny 5 .. bullonL..------ ~lip 8 11ore skirt with back 6 .. 11pper: · Fl•re le11 p•nt1 with front 6,, 1ipper (not 1hown) __ _ Gir/;'W111r D1pt. Use Seara Revolving Charge ~------------------------------------------·------. I ~ •A.U fl MOHll IONO HACH "°'...... fOMON4 '°"™ ClDAIT r\AIA. I CANOO,t. PAii: Gl(NO~ Ol.Y.wtC • IOto u.HTA NM. 101UHC1 I COW'rOH HOUY'#OOD Ot.v«;f ~ WftA,. ...cs VAUl't' I COWolA tfOtlWOOO PAIAOIM4 ears '4NIA MCINCA VUMC:tff ....... ~------------------------------------------J ,.Safl1f.clioft Gvw•lltffll et 1'ew Mtfttthdt'" ---• Skf' • N'tlttt ......, "-'ell ~ t:lO A.M." NO P .M. ~ M~. August 2.5, 1960 DAILY PILOT $ Older ThQD Expeeted Polanski Seeks De.ath Cl·ues l Moon Rocks .May . Be Key NEW YORK (UPI)-" Movie dlr<dor llqman P o lanski believes ' tits wile, actress Sharon Tate, was asleep wl\en tbt killer who murderfd her arKI four othert began bis wild rampage. Lile rnNj:azine said today. • r ' . awa\.,,.d by lhe noise and pt the ""ul\ ol """" wt, ol up.1• 1 ' cuJt.11& drui.and-ax rttuat I "Sliarvn probably -~ htd "!>but 1he wu too nlco to He Walked down a hall Into 1'We smoked pot at mY in'niw him out. II · To Birth of Solar System the llvlng room. house,,. Polanski said, "but I and ftlrdos went up':Yt nm by Sharoq'1 lovltation." "Tbey hit her }lere,"' he don't thJ.nk I've.ever been to a said. "She tried to set out illat Hoili'woocl party where It door, and lhey drau¢ !>er In-WIUll't," • F10008 Hit SPACE CENTER, HoUston (UPI) -Th< Apollo 11 moon rocks, scie.nUst.s have found to their surprise and ucilement. date back much farther than expected -"blllioos 0 r yean," and perhaps to the birth of the solar syslem. This di500very, announced SurKiay, indicates the moon ii more ancient and that its surface features devek>ped more slowly than most scien- tists bad expected. tt means I.hat the moon, relatively undisturbed through the ages since it was lonn· ed., might Prove a storehouse of UDeJpect.ed clues about the Czechs Call More Troops P RA GUE (A P ) Demonstrating that t h e government" is determined to stop anti-Soviet protests in Czechoslovakia, trucM car· ' rying about 800 troops rolled into Prague Sunday night. The troops closed t w o bridges and took up positions on lbe west bank ol the Vltava River opposite d o w n to w n Prague. There were not as many soldiers as were brought into the city last week to oon- trol rioting on the first an- niversary of the Soviet in- vasion. The arrival of the troops ap- parenUy was staged to coin- cide with the end of a football game between two major Czechoslovak teams. T h e military maneuver kept the crowd of 3,000 from the neighborhood of the Com- munist party headquarters, which is between the two clos- ed bridges. The crowd appeared quiet and no arrests were noted. Any disturbance in such a crowd would be grounds for arrest under severe new emergency laws promu1gated alter the violence last w~k on the first anniversary of the Soviet invasion. Witnesses said police set up a roadblock on a third bridge, stopping cars and &earcbing li0!1!0. Travelers said parts of the huge ~etvak military force that occupied Prague Wednesday and Thursday still were on the outskirts of lhe capital. Some sources said they would remain near Prague through today as part of an eight-day urban defense ex- ercise in the anniversary periGd. Troop concentrations also were reported outside otber major cities. Under a headline that ttad 1 •Co u nter· Revolutklnary Forces Defeated in Open Bal· tie," the Communist party daily Rude Pravo said today that those whet sought to overthrow Communi!m in Czechetsletva1<1a "suffered a complete defeat." CIA 'Cover' Oaimed in Beret Case NEW YORK (AP) -A lawyer for three or eight Army Green Berets charged with murdering a Vietnamese, reportedly a double agent, says a Central IntelU.aence Agency representative 1'1ied" at a pretrial bearing last wttk to "cover up for his own mistakes and stupidity." "The CIA," said attorney Henry B, Rolh bla tt , "distOrted infonnatlon t o precipitate the hearing. Tben, tn cross examination, a representative of the aaency was caught In ties and hid behind execuUve privilege." RothblaU returaed Sunday from Saigon and said be was confktent the Army would drop charges against the eight Special Forces m e m b e r s "within a WMk." 0 Tbey jult doo't have any evidence," he Aid of the Army. RolhhiaU said he cooJd not discuss details of the case because they wt.re classified by the military. fie said, however, that the c~ was fouled up by "I~ comP.etent.s on one le:vcl acf.. vising Incompetents on a higher level." The Vietnpmese they are ac-- cused ol killing lul Juoe lO wu reportedly worklllr !or both the CIA and the North , Vlel.rnlmese. way the earth,. the solar scieoUsts working in lhe system aDd the universe were Houstoo laboratory where the formed. At ICNt IOme acien- 1.ists viewed 11 u the most Un. 54 poqnds of 1DOM rock and portant dl8co\'ery yet to come dirt, scooped !run the surface out ol the Apollo II lunar Jan-ol Tranquillity Base July 20 by dlng mission. Neil A. Armstrong aod Edwin The moon rocks are at least E. "Bun" Aldrin, are locked as old aS the most ancient in quarantine. rocks found in the "These age estlmates are earth'1 crust, which date back important in wxlerstanding about S.S billion yean1 said the origin of the moon and the Dr. WiJJnot N. Hess chief solar system," Hess said. scientl.st at the Howston Space '"nle old age -billions of Center. years -ror tbt crystalline They might be as old u the rocks indicates the Sea of solar system itse.lf, which Tranquillity was formed early sclintists believe was formed !n the history o{ the solar some 4.5 billion years ago. system. And for "hundreds of millions "The time tbtt' these rocks of years," Hess said, they were 1ylnc wlthin a meter (S9 have rested within a few in-inebes) of the moon's surface ches of the lunar surface or on -'1f unexpectedly large, in· the surface. -Gicating that the lunaf aur!ace Hess 1ald the dating of the undergoes changes very slow· lunar rocks was done by four ly.'' Tub Sailor Cross es Lake MANITOWOC. Wis. (UPl)- Victor Jackson, the EI st Lansing, Mich., electrmlcs re- pairman who tried and failed a month ago lo Cf'OS.3 Lake Michigan in a souped-up while cast iron bathtub, made lhe 81).mile trip Sunday after more than lJ hours on tbe Jake. Jackson wa.5 the object of a search by Coast Guard craft after reports he had run out of fuel Life writer . Thomas Thoml"O!I,. a lo!l&.llmo lrtend, accompanied P9lanakl on a lour or Jhe direclor'• blood· spattered H~lywood home, where the mJ1llJgle murd~rs occumd Aug. 8. Polanski, who was 1n'1LoncSoin when his wife was ki lled, was on an unSuccessful search for a "thread" whlch might pro- vide some clue to a so!Qtlon. ''Sharon must have been asleep that night," 'Ibetmpson quoted Polanski u saying. "Look inere, the pillows -she always put them that way when I was gone." Thompson said Polanski was looking at a big double bed, with the bedclothes rUmpled on o,oe side. Two bi.g pillows had been laid end to end down the center of ~ bed .• "She bugged I ows In· stead of me • kl ex· plained. "She ve been totheUvingroomandcild ••• T h ompson r eported it.;,. 11ouae wru iusrar.ine· :;:-:.i.:::!. ~~1~!;,hi:.~ Mexj.co. City , police had left it, and. Frokowakl was •'tnto 1 harder MEXICO '•CITY' (UPJ)· ~ Thompsoo said in elfect illat cinli octne Ulan pot." He did Rampaging floodwatorw ciaoed' spauen, smears and stalns ot not' elaborate. portions of major bighny1 in blood on walls, doon and "Roman didn't know what the IOUthem part ol lhe nallon carpels lent emphasis lo the Well was · going on at his today and inundated outl~ Polanski's reconstruction. houite," ThornPIOD quoted a Rctlons of Mexico City. Killed with Mis.! Tate were friend as say1ng. "All he knew OUlcials reported at Jean 11' Jay Sebring, a hair stylist who was that one of his beloved dead and more than SO.GO!\ was once her fiance ; Voityck Poles was staying there. . refugees. -( Frokowsky and Abt 1 a l lo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j Folger, house guests of thell .Polanskis, and Steven Parent, a youin who had been visiting their caretaker. Polanski said Frokowsky and Mlss Folger, heiress to a colfee fortune, had bten guestJ In his Hollywood home since spring, when both he and Miss Tale were in Europe. Hfi said they stayed in ~ter her retum to keep her company until he came home. The d I r e c t o r discounted reports that the murder w~ BIG BRASS PLAYS FAREWELL TO SUMMIR FINAL (ONCERT TONIGHT ON THE MALL t P.M. FASHION ISJ.AND NEWPORT CENTER PACIPIC COAST Hl•HWAY -HIWron llACH Sears Back-to-School VALUES! " SAVE l 7o/o to 28o/o! Boys' andoStudents' Jeans and Shirts • A: $3.99 PERMA·PRESTe Double-Knee Jeans in DuPont 420 nylon and cotton. Western style. Regular, slim. Sizes 6 IO 12. · B. S3.99 PERMA0PREST9 H~igbt Canvas Jeans. Rallyback styling. Polyester and co!IOll. Regular and slim. Sizes 6 co 12. C. $4.99 PERMA·l'REST9 Fancy Rallybaek Jean s in TIOllen plaids of polyester<Otton. Assorted colors. Sizes 6 to 12. D. $4.99 Studenls' Cumo Jeans. Beefy ll~~z. can-.as of poly· ester and cotton. twlyt.ck styling. Waist sizes 25 co 32. E. S3.99 Acrylic Knit Shirio with full fashioned sliort sleeves. Mock cunleneck. Bright suipes. solids. Sizes 8 co 20. f . $%.99 Fies Roll Shirts. Tapered lllld 13ils for trim fir. IVJ j'lex· roll collar. Ca1ifomia colon. Sizes 6 to 18. 2ror '6, 2ror f6 2rorf7 2ror$7 2cor f6 2ror 85 . Ask to See Our-~ew Selections of Husky Size ]elllS ( • ' ' ' \ ' ------------------------------------~------------~ I =~ARC ~L= ~~~c~%ro P1COa1...., ~" ~ASTIWA I , I ~· = ~~~ s ~~!~~GS ~~ilf'ONTatSlcMM I , ________ ------------ - - - -eai-s ·-· - ---- - - ---- - - ---_ _, "Salalldlaa°"9'a11111dorYowMoney.Badt" \ ' ' ' j I • 1 , ' - • DAD.y Po.oT EDITORIAJ.; PAGE Meeting e·ea~h Needs 1'114 best news lo com, out of Ille conUnuing di .. cuulon on ..:qalrin1 .public acetss lo th• ocean In the Salt Creek ane 11 ·that this apparently bu prompted Oru1e-Cow1J to awlllea to the ·~ 1or a 'senous, Joni-rans• I at the quutlOll ol acqulrlng some addl· tional Oran1e County COU1lipe for public use. Jost a few weeks ilgo the COUnty supervisors p,ut lntO the budget a penn,y fax to bepn building up a fund tor acqulsl~n ol. beiil:h property. Now the 1upervl.sors have ii.ken the necessary steps of Jeeking a master plan and priority !ht for recreational areas on the county's '2 miles of coesillne, 20 miles of whicll Is now ID private ownenblp. · The OD11 w13 that the people of Orange County can come, to grips with th~8.,robtem o! acquisition and development of public sbo e is to have some speci· fie proposals with some specific price tags upon whicb to pass judgment. • state participation In the funding seems essential for any very major new beach park developments. The •tale always hss been tong on political posturing and short on performance in thi1 field, regardless of the party In power. But we'll have to keep tryinc. Meanwblle. the poositlulty of acquiring public ac· cess to the Salt Creek beach remains under adive con. 'ideration. Some very difficult questions are yet ~ answered. . There seems to be an unfortunate tendency in some quarters to gloss over the importance of acqU;iring suf· ficlent back-up land to mat'e even miqimal access to Sall Creek Beach really effective and worthwhile. Any plan which does not consider realistically some park· ing, and--sitch items-is a pulilic restroom. lifeguard service, etc. is a very short-range approach that could become a cruel deception. II the county determines that some public beach access is deslra·ble In the Salt Creek area, then the proper thing to do is to lace up forthrightly lo buying whatever portion of the beech and the back·up area is ' necf11ary to do an adel!uole job of provldlnc pubUc we. ,. , A prompt diterminaUon of. uie county'1 intanUoas and an adequote •plu ii .lb• c:outH for Ille county la U!e Salt Creek llftdi' !Hile. · ' Beyond that there b real oncour11oment In the fact that 'WO apparently are (Olnf' lo t.ce up to U!e whole broad problem QI Pl!blic b.acbes, ·and U!e need for some big thinkin( ind solid, tong-range plans. We wovfd,hope ·IOl,ftt propoaal1 for heacb park pur- cbase would 110 on the ballot before ahOlller year is out. Acton Is the Choice Voters In tbO. e11tem part of Orange County wUI have an opporlunll)I tomorrow to bring back a measure ot. stability In purpo1e and action to tho county boerd of aducation. , The antics of board president Cloy Mitchell and Dr. Dale Ra!H1on in injecting ullra:conservative politics ipto aducalional aa,trs where they don't belon~, are well known. If Doris Araujo Is elected. she promUes to side with Milcb'l!I and Rallhc>n, U!us continuing U!e zaniness. Richard L. Acton, a moderate Republican, can be expected to alien himself w114 the two board moder- ates, A. E. (Pat) Arnold, vice president, and Don Jor- dan. This combination could ·curb the irresponsible board actions which brought criticism from many sources, including the Orange County Grand Jury. Acton wouJd hive the board work harder on pro- viding services desired and needad by scbool districla and davel"!' .valuable progrm,,. Instead of "using meet- ings as poJ1t1cal forums for rigbtwing extremists." ~o help return the tounty school board to a con· structive, common sense operation the vote shouJd be for Richard Actop. ' A Bar to Crackdown on Carmielaael Black Panther Groups Differ Only in Means Citizenship Is Protected WASffiNGTOl'I - A SUpftme c.ort ruling b barrlni the way In rev-. Ille U.S. clliUMlllp cl bale a ad vkience- pruching black ~ Stokely Carmicbael. In May 1117• In Beys Alroyim vs. Secretary cl S t a le Dean Rusk. t h e tribunal, In • far-ftaclllng decilloll wri~ ten by luatlce Hueo Black, uplJcllly declared lovalld any congressJooal action aimed 11 cancellJng U.S. ciUlenlhlp. Black. oldest member ol Ille court, p clahned: ... "We hold that the F....-11 AJlllll6. ment wu designed to and -p&'otOcl e•r:t'f ciliun of Dis naU.. aplNt a ...,. gresslonal forcible deMlclloo cl hil citizenship, whatever his creed, race Ol color. Our holding does no man than gtvo ta this citizen that which is bls own, a coM.ttutiooal right to remain a cit1J.en in a ftee country unle.ss he vol~ relin- quishes that citizenship." CONG~ONAL con&ideration cl vigorous)J cracking down on Cannidlatl developed last rmntb after he gave vent to a series of vituperative demmciatlons of the U,S. while au.ndlng the o>cailed Pan-AfriclJI CUitural Festival in pro- Soviet AJgtriL In the forefront or this proposed move was Rep. Paul Rogers, D-FlL Jooa: a caustic critic of black revoluUonLlta. But after a cattful explcratlon of the matter, Rogen: found the way barred by the sweeping 1987 Supreme Court. dtcl'ff. This &pecilically forbids any con- gresaional action lo deprive Carmichael of bis citizenship. 1be one-time Hre-breathjng bead of lht Student Nori;illelll Coontinalini Com- mitlee (SNCC) and former top Black P--olllcill WU born in Trinidad, Wut lodles. in June lMl, aftd was automaticllly naturalized wheiJ bit lather wu made a citizen by a special act of Concraa in 1151. Carmichael ii now liv· tar in the AlrlCSJ1 n1tion of Guinea, ' IN A PUBLISHED interview in Algiers, ' durin& the Pan-African Cultural Festival, t h e vlolencNpoutin& revolutionary declared blmaeU· "primarily an African and not an Amtl1ca:n'', and sten~ly called for "armed 11tugglo by blacks In America." "It ii for my black people," he fulminated "that I am willing to kill or dJe." Carmichael, closely aS30Clated with Kwame Nkrumah, depCJ&ed dictator of Ghana, talked at length about the need for j'armed 1truule in order to break out completely from the White culture or America.'~ln the U.S. and elsewhere, be held, blacu mult "etrive for revolution nol only In pin power bot alto to further the culture with wbk:b they ftve and form tbelr values. •• 'lbnlugbout, Carmichael v1..,....1y op- pooed any cooper•tlon wllh whltu, mstn- tainlng that the 11black n&Uonlll!l move- ment must grow stronger befort allying with anyone. The only way for black pro- gress is by arqied struute and revolu- tion." THE Jtn SUPREME COURT decision arose out Of • ca. in wblcb a Polish im- migrant who became naturaliled left the U.S. and •oled lo a foreign election. Wh<n he applied for a U.S. pauport, the State Department relUled to grut il on the ground he lcX'll hll cHf1fft1hip by violating the ING Natkmllty Act. Jt pr1> vldes a U.S. cJUu:a lhall "be" hls ciUr.en.Wp if be votea "in a pollUcal elec· ti on in a foreign state." The State Department's riilinr was upheld by lower courts, bot revenect by the Supreme. Court. JUJtlce Blick, in speaking fer • majority of the tribunal, held that: "CtUienahlp In this nation is a part of a cooperaUve ~flair. Its citllml')' Ls the country and the coo.ntry ii itl clUzenry. 'Jbe very nature of our free eovemment mates it completely incongruous t.o have a rule cl law under whJcb a group of citlzenl temporarily in office (Congress) can deJ!fve another group ol dtiJens of their c1Uunship." By Robert S. Allen ind Job A. Gtldamltll Sydney Slang's f)iscovery Herewith onoUter unwrlttni. chop. t er from U&ot ""P~lishtd work, "A Hi.storv of IM World, 1850 to 1999." lt6 title: "The Communl.tt.s Save 1\mtrica." The discovery of The Bolshotkin Papers In a hollow rutabaga on a farm near Jdylwtld, N.J., caused a nationwide aensaUon in the summer of 1961. The f I n d was made by eighl·Ye&r~ld Sidney Slang, son of an ldylwlld pant& pru&er. He quickly became a nat.lonal hero, The papers (actually they were. rolls ol mla'Ofilm) contained de ta 11 e d in- atructioni from one An a s t h e s t a 1 Bolsbotkin in the Kremlin to his sub- versive agents In the United States. HU: orders were simple: "Each good communilt mu6t continue to give his all to pollute every river, lake and stream in the U.S. in order to demonstrate the decadence of lmpariallltJc ca¢taliam." TllB llE~TION that waler pollu- tion was a Communlst plot caused a furor. . ii """' . ' annually for the war in Vietnam. With povert¥ beln1 licked, YOlll!I Slsnr mllde llllll anotl>et llnd -thla In a hollow marschino cherry. "Comrades," ordered the indefatigable Bolshotkln, "In order to sel American aaainst American you must quadruple your efforts to promote racial hltred. ti ,,,1A week later, Senator EuUand took ~kely Carmichael to runch. The John Blrcll Society, on or....I. frolll Robert Welch, abudoned Its flibt qalnst dumptns !Ju«lde In American waters and took up lht fljhl ara1n11 dumr.l"g garh••e in American waters lo-ALL MJGllT have gone well if young .,.... ...,. Slane hadn't produced still another 5tl of llead. And acrou the country rlsht.wlnJI Bolsbolkln Popera provill8 that dragging groups rote up In patriotlc wrath to llt.Ue boya to the denlilt . wu a Com- follow suit. munlat plot, Grilled by' bit perenls, he So great wu the politlcal pl'UIUnl ~ finally ~lted the whole tbin& had been a hoaz !rom the beglnnlnr. ln all months the me;>ace wu averted 1't)e newt stunned Ute naUon. The and _America's w.at.erway1 were Oil!'' dililhd:joned Bircher• went back to Olllll c:ryotaJ clur. fighting fluorldalioo and au eduuUoo, It was then that youn1 Slanc the banRn went back to maldn1 money, dlllCovend the HCOod •I of Bo~ Consr<M ruclnded lhe inti-poverty Papen in a hollow c u e u m be r. leatai&tlon and Stnator Eastland eent "COmrades," the ordtn rud, "l.n °"""' ~ Canntchael a bill ror bis ball of to promote el.ul warlaro and the molo-,~ lllbch chick. u..,, you mllll ndoublt JOU' eJlor1s Ii! W.... llldnay Slang was, of course, create poverty amooc Ibo doWDll-4,.11o,...r,)l'tl!rlm1nded for bla pert In the wwkera." affair. Ba~ u he told ldnUt1nl lrlendl on tbt bloCk. "lt awe wu fun running THE REVELATION lbal poveri)' was the CC!1111rY !or 1 while!' alJo. Commmdll plot ........ -f\Jror, The Blrdlm pva up their fight qalnst ,.. edllCaU'"1 to IOI up "Jlod. blooded Amerlcan ::U.f IOtcben5u In the slums, The Nall , AlloC!aUon of Manu!acturtn sllged a petrtoUc all·ln on the !loot of the Stock E.tchanp to d .. mand lllther corporate tarea to pay for ln<:rtaaed wtUue benefits. and Coocma no•hed through a '20 billion anu.,.....ir bill -almost i• mucit u k appropriated Quotes Lorll R. Menymaa, L."'-"Crlmo prevail! only whtre larae number• have becomt apathetic, and can br. abated onl7 if c1Uzen1 become more involved." Dear Gloomy Gus: 1 ste. thlt Sen1ton Ea1lland of Mlailalppl and 1burmond of Soutll C1rollna havt botll )lralled !'ml· de:nt NlJon'1 nominalion of Clem· tnl u.,-In the U.S. Su· premt Court. Thal'• nice. -E. C. Tflh ,,.._ rtflKtl ,....,,. ...... - llftftMfttr """ .. .... ......."'· ..... ,_..,._"••--r•n.o.ur,.111t. ' \ ,, • l • ~ l, . Black Power, In the Jaraon ol its pro- ponents, meant\ either cultural na- tionalism or revQli;rtbwy n.aUOballlm. ' ' The difference between tbe two coactpts is one d meau ntber than etl!dl, bu\, it Is large enough to bave caused bitter wrangling ll!IOlll mllllalll black leaders. Cultural nationalilta like St o k e I y. Carm.ichael (now living In Conakry, Guinea) and LeRoi Jones eachew ' alliances with white groups, and they often adopt African namea and customs. Jones , for example, ruu taken the name Ameer Baraka. He and other memben of Newark's Black Community Developrnfnt and Defense wear colorful African atUH. REVOLUTIONARY nationalism is tbe special provlnct of the Black Panther Party. ll! leadel'I, includin1 self-exil ed Eldridge Cleaver (recently in Alaiers) and lmprlaoned Huey P. Newton, welcome the support of sympatheUc white lfOUJ>I. ho of these are Detroirs Wlllte Panthers and the San Francisco Bay Area's Honkies for Huey. The Panther poeitioh on African culture, as uprt.Sled by Newton, is that "those thlnp that are outdated, that are an- Uque, we will look upon with respect, and • fac:t or our heritage, but not aa the ba· all for a pattern of behavior to follow in the presenl time." The deep antagonism between cultural natiooalists and revolutlOnary na· Uonalists was ~er~ed by the recent ........ Uon ol Stol<ely CarmJchatl as "tionorary prime minister" of the Black Panther Party. In a letter made public July 3, Cannichael wrote that "The party has become dogmatic in ll! ideology. All those who disagree with the party line are lumped into the same category and labeled eultural naUonalista. pork chop naUonalist.11 reaclionary pigs." AOORWING Carmichael In an open leUer printed by Ramparl.6, Cleaver awrted that "you know nothing about the revol\ttionary process. • .even less about the United States and Its people ... and It.Ill 1• about hwnanity lhan you do about tht rest .... " Cleaver explained : "You speak about 'an undY1nl love: for blatk peoplt.' An undying love for black people lhat derrlee the humanity of other people ls doomed. It wu an undying love of white people for each othtr which led them to deny the humanity ol colored people and which has stripped white people of humanity Jtse.lf." The lnwanJ.Jooking cultur1I nallon>llru prtsumably wW dominate the fourth an- nual NaUonaJ Black Power Conference opening ill Loi Angeles next Friday, Aug. 21. JO!lel and the llk•rnlnded Ron Kare:nga wtte lnstrume.ntal In arranglnJ the 1967 and Jll68 conlerencu: aa well as the forthcomtr11 one. A IDGln.IGHT OF !he 1161 rnettJna In Pbllade:Jphla was adoption of a ruoluUon to "finance and support the creation of a black urban army'' to c:omblt white .......... RtcOnltrUcUOn, the I.heme of this ~s conftrenct, does not rt.fe:r to the pool.Civil War tra In the Soutll. Rather, tt means rt-fialuatkm oC events ot the preceding ,..,-. Moreover, lJ7Q lo lo bt the yur of _.allon, whllt 1111 ~ In bl the year of perrUlas, 1n whtch dtfense instead of ckvetoi>nten\ will be lln:sled. At"aome point 1 yw of reconciliation, devoted to clts!ng the brtach In black power ranks, mllht ICtlD a £ood idea. f' •••• '·?•i ,, .... ~-~- Only Universal Man Can Survive I am really hoping that 1>0llutlon aeta much worse in &be next few yeara. It lllllY be our ooly ._, The sltuatkn .11 bad DOW, but not bid enough. We U'I polsonin1 the world en- vironment -~. air, and water -with suJphur from' fuel combustion, with Jn. duslrial wast.es, with chemical runoffs from fertijized farmlanda. When we start buOding mere nl.tcletr power plant" they will dbcharre trillioM ol tons of heattd water into our rivers and streams; In a few ye1r1, thia thennal polluUoo m01 kltl .olf moet marine life. WILLIAM lAMD Aid at the begin. ning of our century that mankln:I milbt not· ~·e unless we found the "moral equivalesat" of war between nations. Pollution, oddly ellOllgb, ml)' PnJVlde thi.s moral equlv&lent. I would HU to see.the whole world get to work cleanint up the mt• we bave c:ttf.ted. ~t we need ls a musive war to preserve the tlobal eovironmetlt. becauae lllet la the ooly way we can preaerve ounelvb ind our qa.Uonl. · No moral or splrituil or reUgloua creed hu jet been able to unite the human race. I doubt that anythlff 11111 impending disaster can do It. Fur, not Jove, ls what lnsplres us to action. IF THE WORLD gela foul enough, filthy enougjl. tllrutenJnr enough lo health•and life -then, perhaps, we may call a truce lo our antmoelUe..s and decide that 11ving the planet la: a more urgent task than sbootlng one another in wars that &olve nothing and save nothiDar We delperate\1 med • llobal crlala to unite us, u flood or forest Ore or bur· rlcane unite the people of an area, despite their other differences. And ll we can unite -even for a few years -to make the earth habitable, this maJ teacb us that we can cooperate to eliminate the man-made pestilence of war. WE NEED SOMETHING bigger than naUons, bluer t.han politics, bluer than ideologies - a grim reminder of o u r common anceatry and common fate on this Uny spaCHhip we inhabit, with only a thin layer of atmosphere protecting u~ from total extinction. It i.s time for 111 to step up to a new-- plateau of sistence; t.o leave behind the outworn hu6k of parochial and primitive man, and to assume the role of universal man. For only universal man can &urvive in the coming a$e ; only he can cope with the menace of hi1 own technology. But the. menace must become greater more obvious, more pervu.ive, mor;. compelling. Then a war to tame t h ~ world we live on mlght--Just mleht-rup· plant our prlmlUve drive to destroy our broUlers. Freer, Franker, Warmer To the Editor: Perhaps the Kiwanis Club of Laguna lll\ls has invited Mike Krisman to ape~k be.fore their club. This would lttDl .an ex· -cellent thine t.o do, alnc6 thla 11 both a way to bridge a cuif, and to learn the thinking of the younger gener1Uon. -Youtb today ....U,.. that •lolence IJ no lonpr t>b1aical -1111iy. It •lso derives from wars, social injustices, racial dlscriminaUon and .archaic lnstit1.0tions. The l'OllJll will no looaer tolerate the in. justices and dlaorder of the world -and in fact, 1uch 0dJsorde.r cannot be tolerated If we are to have a worlcl.. Tbe powtr of the atom and of human potenUal muot combine for the belterment·of llft for all or mankind . ' SO, LEADING educatorw everywhere art beglnnini to llsten. Dr. Gwinar Myrdal bas apoken to the lack ol w«ld plsnnlnf. It bu been otated that 1111- .,...,,........,. uplalN oo much ol con- tradictions. ten0on1,. and shocks 11 new ae1~erb'::t =· lnu!tv~U:, in the ICademlc, aclenttlic and ralJrJou> communitJes are saying, "We mlltlt listen." Jt ii encouraging that )'OUOI ~ ple over the world are ~monatratlng a1a1n1t war and Jnjullllce and racism. We know that many trlldlUons m wttberlng. We know, too. thtl y<ulh sre demanding frNr, franker and warmer human rela- llonl tball -"culllvaltd" by 1 paot ...... lion. SO, u:T VS -the -" and arlllllPl"ou -admit that experlenca hu "'°"" that If (lven the reopact and tnut they iUk for and 'daont, )'OllllC people eve17Wbm will come through with II.Ying colora. n,., have •hown that they can lhtnk for thtmstlvu:, ad courageously, efflcltntly and with vigor. ANN SHERMAN GOMES 'Cant!el IMtnediatel11' To the Editor: On August 13, 1969, at a aeneral business meet1n1 Ol Ole Newport Harbor Post No. 291, The American Legion, Department or Califorol1, the moUon "tblt the. Newport Harbor P01t No. 291 of the American Legion as Americans, Veterans and tupayers of the State or Callfomll do object to the. appolnlmtnl of an SDS actlvltt, one Mike Krisman , a!I As.9ist.ant Dean oC Students at tht Unlvttalty of Califomla, Irvine arid we rtquest tM Board of Reae:nts to cancel his employment immed.latelY" was unanlmOU&Jy approved. Th.II Post No. 291 consists of 564 members. JOHN J. McHVGH CoilllDOnder r---811 Ge.rte --~ Dear Gtorae : My aon-ln:1&w called me • dodo. Is I.hat aood or bad! What ts a dodo! MRS .. T, Otar Mrs. T.: A dodo la an utinct bin! tl!lt can't fly, u It ll uUnct. I'm SUN ywr ~in-law meana that as a &erm of endtartntnl. JUch u "old crow*' or ''magpie.~ Stnd him a nice prtttnt II wtll lllrJlrl•• Mm, fllo)'l If It "rnn1 for this col· urnn, world peace would be ln l Wotff shape than it j,.) Ross on Kremlin Not Dealing At ~U With West • ,, WIW.ut L RYAN mention Ro9l•nia, whtre Wtx· aw•y its "le•din& role,'' tbm r'P ._... c.n-11•1 ••1 on was en~ally recelv-wrenchlnf the. countcy out of , l!O bell!Jei'.lllly d<fenalve eel, bu! h clruly enoull> sug-!he Comm\lllW community. ani !he Rus.!i1111 In !he wake &-IDMJ~ .'W 11 h Thil having failed, tt uJd, !he of event! in czecbOaJovakia Romania trkl· it1 rtlllta.nce lo AmericlDI are trJbt1 to and on the Cbtna frontier Ulat Moscow dominaUon. 0 modemile" brldg~ng MOlcow ....,. to hive slam-WORST OFFENIE tacllcs by usinJI other metho<IJ ' med !he -to 11111 approach "TICllCI GI b 111td11·1 GI pmelralloo, mcb as trade from the United States, at bridges," Jtveslia-indicates, and sclenU!ic-technlc&l coo- leut until tr gets matters c o n 1 t J tu t e d lhe ~ Yt'Ont tacts. cfeaned up ln its OWn sphere. American 'offense.• ft said' 'lbe CommimJst movement Embarrassed apin by the these tactlcs were a~ed In haa dtnd lttblcka: because extent of Ci echo a Io v a k 1964 by President Lyndon 8. of the Czed»IJovai and resistance and anaered' by Johnson. Tbe Americans. it Chinne development!. If the military clashes' wtpa the said, dkl not confipe Uieir·ef-RUlllans intend to punish real Cldntse, the SOviet party ap-forts to East !urope, but and imagined ''enemies.. for pem, to be lootblg for broadcast In 17 or the soviet all this, they can only make scapegoats. The. Soviets 'ire Union's mlnortty ·&angu.,• reli:Uoos wJUr tbt West even likely lit uncover some In with the klea or arousing na· ~more strained. But in any Czechoslovakia itself, but the tlonallst feelings, "Working ' ease, the Izvestia arUcle and tone of the Soviet press seems through a special plan of ac-many other recent ones sug- -so nervous that it suggests tion for each of, the Union gest little hope ol a mettlng of political dlfficuJty in MOscow Republics." Soviet and American minds at ltaetr. The Americans, s a I d the ~t time oo any iln- S~ In the cold' war have Izvestia, try to propagate the por;tant tMl.teS. the! Sovjet Communlsts been idea that the.re is not really so much on the defensife as much diffe rence b e t w e e n . 1oci.y. They J!'Of•as t6 ,.. capita11sm aoc1 "soc1al!jm" in Birds Scared hei~s "lmP'flaUst" plotl on this • er:: of techno)Qg; and all sidea, real threats not only that eventually the Sovie! F 8 t 1· to their European empire, but system "Will evolve 'int 0 rotn 0 u ism to the polltieal stablllty of the llOmething like "capitalism Soviet ·Union. wittlto;ut capitalists." • SACRA11ENTO (UPI) - U.S. BLAMED In Eastern EizrOpe,. it said, Stale and federal wildlile For these woes, MOM:Ow the Americans used "nl· authorities took to air boats makes Americana, past and tionalism and revisionism" 1ri and an airplane Tbw&dly ·to present the main villains. To efforts to erode "socialism", .scare off some I 0 0 , 0 0 0 htar the Soviet prtss ttll it, from with.Jn 1nd to suggest migratory bird!: from landtng Americaru are trying to break that a reversion to capitali&t on water tainted witll •·deadly the Communist front and to methods it inevitable. pobon. penetrate the Soviet Union NEW ~10DEL Waterfowl botiallsm ·-a itself with propaganda in-I~ said the culmination of all distase which a f I e c t s naming nationalist feelings in this came with the 1111 waterrowl only -bas killed the Soviet republics. c z echosJovak developmehts-almost 10,000 birds so far, An article this week in the and the attempt to install "a with losses in the past two government n e w s p a p c t new model of !IOCialism " The days alone more than 800 - Izvestia claimed secret orders aim it added was to ,Upport mostly pintail ducks, ac- had gone oot to U.S. propagan-"anil.s 0 c i 1 i ls t and coun-cording to the Calilomia da services to sup~· prt> terrevolutionaryt' forces, split Department of Fish a D d Ch in e se Commu ni sts the Communist party and take Game. everywhere and to encourage"------'--'-------------! Mao Tse-lung's Pekin gl~------------------J rtgime, so a11 to increase its potential . for splitting the movement. This prominently displayed article said Czccho.sk>vakla'1 rebelliousness resulted from four years o( intensive U.S. "bridge-building" e. f f o r t s wh.lcb were epitomized even recently by President Nixon's world tour. The article. did not enne~1 · ALWAYS FIRST QUALJtv Sh·opat home! • F .... consultation! ·• Fr•• estimate! COM£ TOAPRE! Christian Science Lecture • No obligation I • We bring samples! ·, ·-· ":'!'<i, .....a:>. §""' ,,, .. ,,.,,~.Y--~~~. ··.rr;.~~ .. ,, .. ·' · ... r.~-. ' • .~ y ,I A Fabric and labor for the price of the fabric alone ... 6 smart fabrics! FABRIC AND LABOR 2.99 yd. Choo .. lrom a beautiful colleclion of antique satins, slub woo~ ... homespuns, jacquards ond textured fabrics. Included ore: Off Shores, Cl~udlD11ds, Sabra, Del Ray, Mustang and Aria. All at""* low price including labor. Hurry, timiJed quantities on some fabrics. (~h1i11u11" '•"v'h 72") • '\ I ' ' .. . . ~? .. ' UKE,IT ... CHARGE ITI • Mand.,, August 2', 1969 DAILY PILOT 7 Th&se fa rics , are ~-real · scholcirshi~ material ..• save! Bonded acrylic .,Ottems make the grade for school clotlfesl 298yd. Versatile acrylic patterned fabriu ' bonded to ·acetate tricot backing ... groat for sewing jumpers, sl<irts, dreu. and pants .•. in seasonable brawns and . oli'l8'· 54".wicl,. Penn Prest• polyester .double knits doublel fashion dollars 499yd. The perfect year 'round fabric.for stitch- ing up never·iron fashions ... in alive, chestnut, gold, turquoise, white, black. 60" wid~. 'Gallaire', versatile solid and patterned coordinates -~ 198 yd. A marvelous crush resistant, ""'5l;able fabric that comes in rayon/ acetate knit patterns to coordinate with" rayon knit solids in olive, (Hd1irown, gold, stririg. · 54" wide. Organi·ze ••• save workl ' Plastic sewing chest ••• a sewing pl- • -· • ' . ~ ,. A place for all your sowing neic!I~!' that's tho beauty of it in avocodo,clear, gold . Drit1 electric scissors really cut it 7.95 Stainless steel blades' on these •- for-qual ity scissors. 8 It. UL oppra...I cord. Make Penneys your sewii:i.; headquarters! We'Ye, got eyery- thing you need .... thread, zip- pers, binding, needles, pins, sci$SOl's, morel .. • AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • '· j• ' .. ,. \ ' I ' I 'I 1 I I I I i t •' I ~,, ... J DlQ. Y 'llOf -.,, -25, 1969 . Wife Hits ··-.. --------.:;.• o ";•""' •I ' ,...,. Blach Studies Boofu --,;~ -...... -' -r ,. •' ~,,--~-• ... ,. .• .,, -'• • .:..:...:::._ ~--. '---- . Husband, Teen Girl Alioto -Raps . 'Rafferty-on Ban ' SAN 'FRANCISCO (AP)- Mayor Joseph Alioto has warned state acboola chief Max Rafferty against a~ temptfng to censor the San FranclscO school: sys t e m·'·s book list. tendent llob<rt jenkins 'last ""'cl the-two boob violates boob, he did" u_y be would atand ttrm· ••1pta.st.' th e ,.~ve inlerference cl the .state .superintendent." di~ lliey will yield lo aar. ferty censorship to avert a court battle during which some teachers could be out or Work. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Mrs. Bonnie Bradford, Los Wednesday scratcheictEldf\dge. no law." School offtclala have ln-1 Angeles, was booked on suspi· clon of murder early t.oday after her hasband was tilled when her small foreign car collided with 'bis motorcycle. Cleaver's "SoUI on 1~·· aDd Al\bougb Alioto did not state Lel\o)' JOfiies1 "DU.~an,. wbetller he would encourage fniin tire hf&h schdel•' blacl J~, to, ft}>lace Ibo two studies program. Bot.I> books,-~---~----------------------- Wete' approved by Che sCbool Alioto said in a statement Police sa1d Charles Brad- ford, 25, was killed in the col- lision and his son, Kyle, 3. a pa~ger in his mother's cu, died of injuries suffered when the vehlcle continued on after the collision and crashed into • • • . - 1 Sunday that "The school district and If need be', the city itself, should seek an ln- junctlon againsl '' the superintendent of public in- struction if he threatens decerillication of teachers us- ing babned book.s. After Rafferty made such a warning, s c h o o I Superin- a parked car. A passenger on Bradford'• --= motorcycle. Miss D a 1 e t:!:~~==~~ll!~;;,~~~;'!;::§~==~ Johnson, 19, 1"s Angeles, told • 'Slid: to the cut potll. Stick to the cart path' 'J>OliCe Mrs. Bradford obstrved tbat allJVll·can uy?- lhem on the motorcycle and --------------------! was chasing them in her car prior to the collision. Police said Bradford and Miss Johnson, who was in critical ~ition at USCCoun· ty Medical CenU!r, we.re thrown 70 feet by the impact of the collision. 3 Major Brush Fires Nearly Under Control • Authorities 1aid Mr~. Brad· ford and another passenger in her car 11uffered minor io· juries. Boy Jailed In Stabbing Of Grandma S A N D I E 'G O (UPI) - Authorities e:a:pected to fully control today three major bnuh fire.a which burned more than 41,800 acre! during the weekend in mounlainouJ areas of Southern California. Cooling lemperahres and dimini!hing winds S u n d a y enabled fire fighters to bait the progl""' of W. fim major blues of the So uth ern California brush fire teUOn, which runs throulh October. SAN DIEGO (AP)-Police All the fires wtre reported arresled a 14-year~ld boy completely encircled by fire after his great-grandmother u--1.1e Sunda The u s was found dead Sunday with ~ .. y. · • repeated ice. pick stab, wounds Weather Bureau predicted the in her chest and stomach. coollnf trend would continue burned north of Escondido, $00 men mopping up hot spots. Cootrol expected toolght. Several other smaller blau:s, the norm for thia time of year, were knocked down Saturday and Sunday. Fire of-ficials say t h a t becaust: of record winter rains, · the bru.1h growth in mountain areas during the spring was unusually lush. This created 11 11evere fire hazard Jn the th:4, dry mooth.1 ' ol autumn. 40 Held -In Melee Homicide -Lt. -Ed Stevens today and forecast acattered said the yoqth wis arrested Uiundersbowera in the moun- for investigation cf murder ta.ins. when be arrived at llle apart• The status cl the major fir., LOS ANGELES (UPI) - ment of Lucille Hayden. 73, early today : Sherifrs deputies toolt 40 sbortly after her body was -Walker Baa.in, 19,800 acres youths into custoct; early to- • discovered. No moUve for Ult burned along the Riverside-day after a rock and bottle slaying Was immediately a~ San Diego COunty lints, 590 throwing. melff trupted along parent. Stevens said. men on the lines with full con--a sb: block ara. of WhiWer Police said the YoUlh told 1ro1 erpected todoy. Boulevard. them he often vfsited Mrs. -Sail Mateo Canyon, 191800 Authorities uy the charges Hayden and had la.rt .... boi' · ,acre&•bladrmecj 00 1'e Comp •galnat the youths Included SalUrdoy morning. Ofl!<en Pendletm Maiii>e Bae llld in fallurt lo disperse, burglary said they believe the lfOIDUl the C1eveland NaUonal Fores' and curfew violations. At the died Saturday. ._ ~t of the incident, deputies Mrs. Hayden's body was 480 men slandinf br" on Z aala eoo youths gatbertd and discovered by the landJard's miles'~ fire ., full control windows at nine businesses nephew, Gerald Grubbs. who predicted today. were smashed. No injurlet!I had broken down the door be--Moou Canyon, 1,200 .aes were reported. ausehe ~oupt~eml&ht ~lt=====================:::::::==========~I " board April 15. Alioto stressed that he was not deCending the two booka but that "1 do defend local educatiOll against intrusion by a distant bureaucrat. "The state education code clearly empowers local sch(>ol , boards to select h.igh schodl text boo k s. and the school district's legal adviser said the oick, S~vens aaid. K'N IT Club's Battle; r • .,·11 i.. "•11tifM11, i1r.,,..,.,,. f••hi•"'• KNIT KNIT • Canvas oxfords fa-happy feet! 1111ar ... t. 8 I • d Your Wttilll'o'-• .,11illlttt will 't i ftrther,·•llli- UJUTe "'"•h •' "'' . , Wt 'd lo"• to "''' ytu -Com• i11 tN •vl .SAN~FERNANDO (AP)-THE KNIT . WIT Two riva1 car clubs cla!hed with guns, knives and club.! SOUTH COAST P\.AZA in crowded San Fernando L•-~ Park Sunday afternoon, injur-lrittel • ':... ~4~; 1C-. .... !1!ti_ ak many as eight, police l===================:::!I 3.99 Wo1uM(1 llwb loo oafords with 65°_. Daaon" polJ-1w/35% cotton """°"' uopo design rubber cuholo, cushion inoolo. 81adc, white, MN'( or chino. , Gilf's 111ub too ohoM of oir-lod COlhft army cluclc uppon, ' anhlen inoole, bvlf aepe design rubber -i... alack, whtte or l'llCL.-................... -•• 0;:..••··-···············;, ... .2.99 ; A JO-year-old bystander, caugbl in tbe melee involving 30, was shot in the hand, ~ lice said. Three of the brawJ. ers were taken to hospital.5. The youngster, Wilford Pre> vost o( San Fernando, had a .22-<:alibe.r bu 11 e t removed from his right hand, police aaid. Dacron® polyester/ cotton deck shoes for her:~.great! Police said about 500 people were in the parJt when the fight broke out among the youths at about 2:30 Sunday afternoon. Authorities could not etplain why the two clubs-"hos Vag- abondos" and '-r'he Un· knowns"-were fighting. holyoM """ Reil to bt free ••• fTOolromsicloless , •• ponrty ••• unhappiness ••• bad loobi!s. lilrl - importuf, IVefyOllO cM cllil l!lltlr--. Hear "Claim Yoor Fr"d«n r ... a publit h!tillro by Euc<ne Depold Tye. C.S., w!IO I• a member of The Christiat Sciet!co Boord d leclllreship. Ile wil tell •bout .,.. dMoo lf&ht torr-. """ Gjl[lio llilw,.. ..... ft JOUnell 1linllfP God'• holp. C-willl """'* af .,.. f•nilY 111d lrieods. ---- 'lhe girf with a vissnr wimd hairtut goes lo the head of' lhe doss! 1.88 -a.ulta·rww 1 by I' Is I C-*$10 4.99 Girf'• slz:as ............... a.99 New flot molded boat "- ,.;th 65% °""""" polyett«/ 3.5% cotton upper, cushion insole, troadod rubber - oot.. w-·· ,;-1n whito. · ""'Y "' faded blue. Girl's iizn in faded blue. 84 STORES ••• ALL 72" " and open night!)! tlll 9 :30 , South Coast 'Plaza • ' Men and boys love our boat ·shoes ... for work and play 4.99 Y"'11h's sixes ••••••••••••••••• 3:99 ColorM "-far -' or CIOIUCll wwar. They ""'9 uppers cl cool "°""" ""'f cMI<, "'"" rubber ouholes that keep you on your r..t, ........ inoolo and -..ct bolonao arch 1upparis. N...y, '°""'or whll9 lo_.., bays or~·· 1iz.,, UICI IT ... CHAKGE IT! lace to toe basketball oxfords 3.99 Out basbllial "-en of air cooled cotlal army dudt uppers, cuohkMi 1Nolo, lllOldod -cup dotlgn ouholo. Wcnhablo ••• }Olllh'1 -In blaCk. ...,., and bays lius in block and white. ' ' l:tt 111'.M. T...,, ...... 11 ,.,. '"'° ., c...,,.., ldtftti.t. "'' Vt. L-. .. ...,,.,. '-di. CM• c.,. ,,...._, .......... _ ....... •lltJTIM9TOJI UACM """""""' c..t... MIWHl:T •IAe# I """"" ........ AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ... ...... ~ hf l'lloll', """" .... ,._, ......,..,. -• Search Posse Aids County Search· Team ed by other means, '1 Rhea It volunteer mounted pos~ said today, to assist the South Orange Any man between 2t and 65 ,.Cou.nty Judicial -District with years of age who own• a horae aeuch and reacue operations ts ellaible for the volunteer 1t being formed· in the arta, group. Chairman . IS a r r y according 1 to Marshal Don Snyder and vice-chalrman Cap Rhea. Crowl, both ot South Laiuna, l!ondq, Augv1t 25, 1969 DA11.Y PlllJT f COurse Cra sh Brings Suit SANTA ANA -A conlston coroplalnt Died by Cblrloo H. In l,a(Wlll HUii gold course Clarke 1611 caue ~ Is porilQi lot llU led to the !Uing Ed rd H. ~--171 0 ol a $50,000 damage ault in wa .,._, • Superfot cc;iurt. AVenida Se-Alla, bath o I Nlm<jl ·"' 'delendonl In the Laguna HUit. BIOlf!ASS·PL~YS FAREWELL TO SUMMll R .. ·flN~L (QNCERT TONIGHT "ON'TAE'MALL 1 P.M. •'ThJ.s organflaUon wlll be are headh1g lhe new 1roup, reeognl:ed as an Important ad-AddlUonal lnl'onnaUon may ----------II dlUon to the ,.gular rorce's el-be obtained by calling -Lef TV WEEK -FASHION ISLAND forta to rescue persons who NEWPORT CENTER hive suffered accldental in-• or by dropping by the COUNTY'S FIRST MOUNTED POSSE FORMING UP 1.N l:A_GUl'IA jury or who may have become Marshal's oUlce at :m Third Turn You On PACl,IC COAST HlaHWAY -NIW'°IT IUCH Marshall Don Rh•• •nd voluntMr• 8 1ry Snyd11~r_:<'_'.l~oft~),~C~o!p_:C::ro~w~l---~lo.<~t ~in'._.,.~~as~no<~e~a,~stl~y~re~a'.:ch'.'.:·~_::S~tre<~t:.. --------===========:!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moon )'lemories Lunar Greetings Reduced MOON SOUVENIR New port's Elms DEATH NOT ICES SULLIVAN Austln.8•11• S11lllv111. fl Amt, Lido Par~. NewPQ<1 8Hth. Oart al death. Auu111t n Sur'lllv..i 11'1' brother, Biii E. $ulllven, Rlch1rd11011, Te•a•: two nl.-c•t-Mn. S.•11! l<•l<lvk•, Bilo~I. Mluhsl11r>I; Mr1. G1vl1 Mudll1, l.ubo- bock. T•x••; """'""· Wl!tll m Ptt- Not cnly was the well- publicized plaque left on the moon's surface by astronaut , Neil Armstrong, but another disk of silicone, 1-n inches in diameter aod one half inch thick was deposit~ "A scroll presented by the Pope ; a message by Queen Elizabeth cf E n g I a D d ; message:: of 70 heads of state and a picture of the famou1 plaque, all re~uced 200 times in a new techruque of a mic~ miniature process was in- scribed.'" James Elms IV, form.er resident of Nl!Wp<lrt Beach and presently a director cf NASA. at the Electronics Research Center, Cambrtdce, Mass., said today. "Two dis.ks were made," Elms explained hold.In& the t h i n dollar-size circle, "one was for a backup in case something happened to tht first." Elms was interviewed the day following the Presidential dinner hono r in1 the astronauts. •ick Sull!v•"· ll:ldlerd)Ofl. To:1t-Serv-Elms whose home is now kel wtrt awi<lucttd !od1y. Mon<llv, e111r co11• MH• C11e1>&1. with 11:1v. within 20 minutes of the new, H1r11n Kotlltnll•!I 0111c11t1ne. ll'lltr· 32-floor NASA Elect r 0 n i c mtn!. Pacific v~·., Mt1T>llri1I Ptr~. e111r Mortu•rv. 1141 su<>1rlor, co111 Research Center at Cam- Me••· 01r1e1or1. bridge, was general manager KOSTEi\ lli•llt E. i.:ositr 1171 fl Ctmll'IO 0•.. or Space Research at Ford Ctilt Mei.. Dltt ol dt11~, Autuil Aeronautics in 1960. 23. Survl11.0 to. l!u11:>1.,,,. Gor<lon J. Whil f ••-hi d El l<°'t•r· !IOn, Jo/!fl: d•vgMer, K1111er-e n Lnt: soul an , m s lne: mo111er Gertrv<k Teer...-, com1"9, had a conference at Edwards N~ Yor1<; bn>t!'ltr>, 11:-rl tllll Gor- Oon Te..ter; '''''"'· M1~1nt H•ck1t1 AFB, after attending the I nd Jean Gtr.,..,, Ill ol Corning; •nd • Astrofete and . look the op-C~1rloll1 Croll, SvrlC\1$1, New Yorll. ' Mrs. ICDlltr ...... I membtr of '"' portunit)' to fly a glider •t El (<>111 Women• Cl11b DI COFWIL Off Mirage \ Mer. COST.I Me11 Womtn11 Club, 11/ld ' • • ' .,..,, 1e11v1 ln Nt wr>Dri BNCI! Boy •Old He also visited with his Girt Scgut1. s.tnoktt, Tllts4'Y. n AM. th . b k h horn Pacll!c v11w c11epe1. 1n1ermtn1. HOP• mo er w o ma es er e c ..... lf!'Y• COr11!119, N-Yort. DI-in Laguna Beach. nci.r 01 f'•c111c: """" Mortuerr. Of the four Elms children WILCOX . GtOt"Ot P. w11cox.. ,35 s11n11 AM ~111.. who attended school 1 n NewPo<'f ee11eh. 011• of ONlll. ....,,1111 • N rt B ch ~--opher 2'1. SU•vlv«l bv .... 1i., 1<e11y; ""'"· ewpo ea , '-''"Q• , Brldllv. ol No. Holly.,..DOCI; (leugl\l1f.. 24, valedictorian of NHHS Crl•llr>e A. Wllco-. No, HollvWllOO, graduating CJ&SS or }964 and •'Ill P1mtl1 Wll<o•, Nt.,..POrt 8•1"11 mo111er. L•ll• w11co., e11~ 1111n<1. Stanlord graduate, PhJ Beta ~ .. vices. T11eod•'f 3 PM, P11c111c view Kappa, was married lut C~•..el. Olrecllld bY P1clflC View Mor1u1ry. month to the former Peggy HORN Cummings of New York. Both 11tusR l1 W. Horn. Sil? M11>9n.un, H.,,.. I on11or> eeK!I. °''' o1 ""111, AllllU•I wUI be teaching at Gi roy, 21. survived bY wlle, Sy1vl1. ~ren11, Calif, Mr. en(! Mrl, Wl111rd Hom; (la....,.ttr, CVn!llll Horn1 brolhtr. HO'/lll •i:f Hornl Mrs. Ebns when she can 111ter, Phv1111 Holsombocl<. se ..... 1ce1 spare the lime away from the .,.,rt fltll<I tod1v, Mon01v, ll AM. 0111i.v Bro!her• C11t1>1t lntermtnt. family re.spons.ibillUes is a we1tmiMler Mtm0r!al Perk. 01rec1.o •-·rnamenl duplicate brl.l"e 11'1' Dlkll'f Brot~ ... Mor!Ull,Y, w -1n1. WU ur; HANEY player, life master. The Elms J1n1111 11. H,,,..,. 201 Like s1 .. Hun!· maintain a home at Kina• lneton 8*1cll. Gr1vnio. oervlcu , TuelOSIY, 10 AM. GooO s~t1t1wr<1 cem-Place, Newport Beach. t 1trY. OlrK!e<I b'f Oillll"I' Brot!'ler1 -----'-------1 """"ON· M'"'" DEATH NOTICES SPENCE Le"• E. Spence. 0111 ol de1ll1, AYOUil 71. SurYIVl!'d bv '°"' Herold •. 5PtllCl1 1r1nd1DIO. Cltrlllolllle•. S...-Vlc:ti were 1111<1 SunO~v. ? PM. Olld11 llrolhet1 Ch1ptl. Prlv11t In- ARBUCKLE & WELSH WestclU( Mortuary 4!7 E. 17th SI., Costa Me51 646-4888 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del l\lar OR 3-9450 Coil.a l\lesa P.D 6-!Uf • BELL BROADWAY MORTUA RY 110 Broadway, Costa l\lesa LI 8-313.1 • DILDAY BROTHERS Uunttniton Valley M-lll'Y 11911 Beodl Blvd. Hut1Ungt0n Beaela 81%-1'11 • McCORllUcic LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17tS Laaun• 'Canyon. Road Laguna Beacla 194-9115 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e l\torluary Chapel 1500 PacUic View Drive Newport Beach, CaWornia 6~4-%700 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 71C11 BoJsa Avt. Westminster 1'34W • SHEFFER MOR11JAR~ Laguna B"clt IH-IUI San Clemente •n.tlOI • SMITHS' MOR11JARY C7 ftfala St. Huatln gton Beacll - 11rm111t. Dllct1r •rv1/ltf1 Morlu1ry, 1'2·1111, DlrKlof1. !)AWES Wllli•m I . o.-. S?'Jl Vtl'll\lri Dr .. tl11/lllfttlon luch, Dl19 DI ONlll, Allt· us! 21. So.ll'Vlwd b'f wit., JIU!ll E. Otwn; dlutllleo., 5llldr1 J. Vin NHI I nd Rutll M... ,._,_., 1111«, Mro. SNw• 1rl Armlh•M: 11'111 fow frllllkfl!lmn. St rvkf1. W"6MMll1, t f'M, Olide"!' llrol"'ro Ch1pel, lnlfrni.f!l, Wnlmlrl- 1l1r MtmOtll l P1rk. D!rtcilld b'I" DU· ,,.., erot/!e!'s Mortu••Y· M2·771l • FLOYD, JR. Cll1rl" It. Flewd. Jr. 1111 GtrtleUI, tl11nllft9k111 1""11. Dltt DI 1111111'1, AU91111 n. SwrYlwd b; wHt, Vlt'fln!. M. FloY01 IOJll, (11tri.1 Ill. Flo'f(I HI· Jooellll P., ll:Dberl J. u'ICI Clw'\1t.ii.r E. Fkwdl dl1101111r1. &Mila M. H1rl· lllY I nd MeUrlltl T. FloYdl 1ltl1t, V••t J-'1 moth..-, Mr•. All!O Pl'll~ llPI. Rourv. tontehf, MO!ICl•t Olldly Brolhlro Ch1pel, 7:JO PM. Jt""1tm '-YU. T111Sd1y, t AM, SS SlfTIDll j, Judi C1lllolk:: Cl!\lrcll. lnt.,m..,1, Geod Shirplt...-d ClmlltrY. D[...clld by DlldlY 1ro1111ro Mol1U•rY, 14-m1 • MAC~ o-N N. MKlnMh. um u Miii lAlll, H""llllllOl'I IMCll ... ,,, .... n wlN, JohlM41t -. Wllllam1 ....... 1..-, l.Yllntl I~ Wllltt' ~ Mr. MlclYllOlh Wll &ecl'lt.,.,...T,.. ... '"~ !It "" ,,,.,,,... .... "" .. Ctrtll c.oinHll'I'. StNlcM, Tu__.,, ' f'M, Olldt1 l f11Mn Clltl..... lnl...-nt, Wltlm1"11tr ~l Pt rk. DlrecMf 11r or111a.,. •rvtt'ltf1 M01111V1. ld·mt . O'OONALD Jld" Mlrtln O'o.n.MI. 11121 lltlna«t Drh't. HllnflnetM kikl'L Dt ll .r llellh.. A111111tt 22. SVMllM; II'+' •lf'- AllMJl,,.1 lw9 "°"" crtlif WHUt m tl'ld Mlctlttl AnlllonY D"Do ... ld· ..,.. 11th, Mr. tri<I Mrs. M•m' O'Dlftlld, G1tt1111i.. Mnb1 ltde1, MonMll', I PM, Wfftmln»I!' ,....,,..,ta! P1A; CMNI. McClll'fl\lct l.1tuna ... di .Mortwry, OlrlH!ltl. FLOWER 1tttr "'-"'· m ,.,...... °''"· u. 1111111 9"ctl. Ditti If 0.11'1, A119111t 11. iurvllltd 1W ........ •1111111. Mrl. 11l1!111\ , ........ GllMlll1 Mn.· 0$Uf Tr'-1, N-1 9-cfl1 Mn. A, J, P""""trl, W.ktltl .... 1 -.,,...,., J. H. VIII 01111, GfUlt .... f'r1'HM MrYl(ll W'Ut llt!cl. F1mll1 llUftlllt 'llloM .,..hfl1nt to --· -1•1 OfllMtMf. llont. 11HN contrlbut. lo IM AINr- lce11 c-Soclftlf. Ml';Cwmkt LA- 911111 1111<1\ Mwtwn" DlrKlwl. CAN OGA PARK __ Ftirriiture Fair SALEI 20% OFF ON ' CORNER· GROUP.SI UK& IT ••• otARGI ITI NEWPORT BEACH FULLERTON HUNTI NGTON BEACH VENTURA Save 39.80 on our Modem poly.foaftl corner· group ... Reg. $199 NOW . 1,S9.20 Group featurfis two 6" polyfoam mcit- tresses, I walnut fmished comer table with laru inaletf pla°itic top. We show it ·in marigold plaid, but we11 caver to year custom order. YOUR CHOICE Save 59.80 Boy's storage custom order group ••• Group features a 36# innerspring, . tel<lured walnut fini•hed storage. Take ours in black/ white checlr or pick out your own fabric. Save 59.80 Girl's white French provincial group See our lovely gill's comer group in antique white. Wtlve uphol- stered it in fiesta red, we11 cover to you r C\lstom ord•r. Reg. $299 NOW 239.20 LAKEWOOD DOWNEY . MONTCLAIR - .. I ' I ' ., \ r ···1 Jf DAllY I'll.OT Mond17, Auoull 25, 1969 . Orange Coast Area Men in Service Around. the World Pfc.· TerrtDCt D. carttr. a•ard for inerJtorloo! aervlee HJgh Sohool, he atlendcd Seaman Appren. Jtf(~y w. , serving aboard t b-e nuclear Robert R. Haller of ' 1671 Mr 1 • Vera Olson Uves tn Wes\min1ter, bas been usJcn- USMC. aon of Mrs. Antionrtte as operations aeraeant with orange Coast College where Fltld, USN, son of h1r. and powered crui$er USS LonJ PtllM' Drlv~. Santa~' 11 a ' ~aduate . of ed tO Co. C, 15th Inf .. 1'13rd MaUoc:k ol Co6la ·Mesa, is Company B., )SI ·l!attalion of he majored In music before Mrs. Frc<J!rlck Field of 5401 Beach, whlcb recently took lltlcbto, Is alt.ending ,'jj~. M~ High School Ind Alrbollrne Brigade, Vietnam. lltl'Ving wilh the T1\1rd Ba~ the cfivision'• Hth Armor. entering the service. , Bruce Crescent Dr ive ' part in Fleet El: er t I' e,, marine school at N~ London. attends Univ er 11 t 'Y of tie is a member ot the Loog talion, Ninth Regiment, Third . "Beagle Baton." off lhe coast "~--. • Calltomla., D_avla. • Range Reconnaissance Patrol, Marine DivisiOn In Okinawa. SlOttkeepet i.e. Barry w. Newport Beach. ls serving f so the Calif . """w and previoully , aerved in His battalion is part ol: the -~ ~~ IOll ~ Mr. Jnd, Two ·Costa Mesa men are ·aboard the aircraft carrier, 0 · u rn pnua. ' A graduate ol the Corona del Pfc. Gil~ J. COia••· son of Germany after. lralnloi at FL Ninth Regimental Landing Mrs: Jfffrq A.' COOi< o1 4119 "serving aboird the anti-sub-USS Cons)e llation. The7 are Date Systema Mar Hlgh Scliool, 11117, Haller Mr. and Mn. Donald J, Ord and Fl. Gordan, FL JI.en. TtlJn WlilCb 18 being deployed Btitk8tll Jtoad,.CMl'Mesai 1i marine aircraft carrier,, USS Ttchnlelan %.C Georie Turntr, a former employli ol the D~-Colgan of 170l Rochelle Ave., ning, from Vietuatn toOltinawa.. serviq: aboard the amphibious Yorktow'n, flagship for Cirrier EDJ. Raker R. Uamlllon , sOn son of Mr. and' Mrs. Jot\b A. ).)' Pilot wu diSbict manager -~·-···~;~~~~-ffi!W~~~~ _ tranaPGrt ·W tbe. 11SS DivlsJon Sixteen. of Capt. and Mrs.· Baker Turner Cf 258'1 WeStminsier, of the Huntington BeaCb of.I I Lance Cpl. Arthur c. N;&ea, .Du~~ RThetbetfy ared AiU·S~ Leoflan~~~· HS amLaill.on or8 t990h Chlenneyre CR~_!des8a a~ Bolltrmud'--Z.ofC lice. USMC, son of ~trs. Barban J. . , u qr , "'·• soq lnn. l., guns eac • as coro-omin . '""u au, ,son. Nilsen of 681 Victoria St., li!lrtman Jobe R. F.dmiltoe, Shirley Rutherfot(l .of 319 Det pleted one phase of te Naval Mrs. Mary Scudder of 4.232 E. Cldet MlcUel Olton~ aon of Costa Mesa. is serving with_ USN, sOQ of ?i{r. and Mrs. Mar and Avl1Uon Boatlwaln"1 Aviation Program1 F 11 g ht <;oast Highway. Corona del Clebourn Olaoo.Mol 162 Soilora the Fira:t Marine Aircraft ,Jfaul &.tmilt:oo."' M2t.J4spare Mate 3.C. Richard E. Crane, Systems School ai-Naval Air Mar. · RO(ld, eosta esa, is at- Wing in the 1 Corps area ol Way., Costa Mesa, graduated son of Mr. aild Mrf. R. E. Station, Pensacola, Fla. tendin& buk: ROTC wmmer Vietnam. rrom Basie pr 0 p u Is i 0 n Crane oC 94D W. 18th St. Fireman Apprt:O./ Robert A. · camp et Ft. Benning, Ga. Sgl Mark S. Culp. 19. '°" of Mrs. Jean Baking of 211 }Tarbor Blvd, Costa M e s a, received the Army Com· mendation Medal while serv- ing with the 4th Infantry DivisiOiintar-Pleiku;-Vietnam. Tbe sergeant earned the War P1·otest Set to Go This Fall Antiwar groups, generally quiet during the first seven months of the Nixon ad- ministration, are mapping a bU-!,Y fall. One group, which includes veterans of the 1 9 6 I McCarthy-for;wesident cam- paign, reports organizations on more than 300 college cam· puses plan to take part in a one-day moratorium on regular activities Ocl. 15. Jn mid-November, a two-day moratorium is p I a n n e d • together with stepped-up ef- forts to gain off-campus sup- porl. Another organization, the New Mobilization Committee, Is planning a mass march on Washington . to protest the Vietnam war in m I d ~ November . SjmJ lar demonstrations occurred here in 1966 and 1967. "Antiwar activity Is reaDy on the increase again," says Davi4 Minier, 23, the fonner Mc:Carthy youth chief who is one ol the leaders of the Viet- nam Moratorium Committee. He sald protests have picked up new impelus from Prefli- d<nl Nixon'• 1'1ppcirl of the preeent Sou t b Vietnamese regime dur.ing the vi,,it to Saip. "Everyone knows that lhis government Is one of the main tilings holding up a set· tlement," Mixner said in an Interview. A national steering com- mittee being + formed to organize the effort includes Rep. Donald Fraser ( D - Minn.); The Rev. Joseph Duf- fey, national chairman of Americans for Democratic Ac· tion, and Washington lawyer Joseph L. Rauh Jr. In addition, £'rforts are under way to win backing from organized labor. The moratorium committee Is working with the New fl,fobilization Committee, an outgrowth of the old National Mobilization Committee. It claims broader membership than in lhe past. Unlike in past efforts, it is welcoming sup- port from more moderate an- tiwar groups such as the Na- tional Council of Churches. SANE, ADA and the New Democratic CoalitiOii. Pro!. Sid ney Peck o f Cleveland's Western Reserve University, a cochairman oC the Washington demonstra- tion, said in a telephone in- terview the extent of the new coalition "will be<x>me ap- parent" Sept. IO at a news conference in New York . The other cochainnan is stewart Meacham of tbe American Friends S e r v i c e Committee. Peck said this is another indication of "the definite expansion of forces" to take in religious, labor and servicemen's protest organiza- tions. ' Engineering School at Great.-----===:_ ____ T:_:'•:•:.:O::r::an~g:'.:e.::C::oun::'.:IY:_:m::::••:;•:r.:•_:H:•::ll•:r.:., 20::.;, so::::n;:;of:_:Mi'=:-~and:'..Mn:'.;::_· _.:_'lll~•-•:•~del:._.:_w~hose~.....'.'.m'.'.:oth~er::_,==================== Lakes NavaJ Tralning Center, JI( He is now attending Machinist's Mate Schoo I where he· will study and operate a ship's steam pro- pulsion plant. --Ll William M. Nice, USAF , Sbn of Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Nice of 1200 Highland Driv~. Newport Beach, iB on duty at Phu Cat, AB, Vietnam. The lieutenant, an air traffic controller, is in a unit of lhe Air Force CommunicaUons Service. A graduate o t Newport Harbor Hlgh School. He earned bis A.B. degree from the University o r Hedlaod.!. -- Slall Sgl Rober! V. Daney Jr., son of Mrs. D. B. Fairbanks of sm Garden Grove Blvd ., Westminster, is a finance specialist with the 12th Tact,ical Fighter Wlng at Cam Hanh Bay AB, Vietnam. Airmaa Paul Canaday, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Cana- day of 19820 Beach Blvd., Hun· _,, lington Beach, has b e en ' assigned to Chanute AFB, Ill for training ill fuel services. The airmtn is a graduate of Marina High School, 19!!6, and attended Golden State tollege befMe entering the service. Airman Barbara G. Sin~ ford, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stratford o( 805 Driftwood Ave., Seal Beach, has been assigned to Keesler AFB, ftliss,, for training in the administrative field. The airman is a graduate of Marina High School, 1969. LL David W. Brant, U.S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Branl. oi 2612 Vista Drive, Newport Beach, has been assigned to the 4th Tranaportation Command in Vietnam. The tielitenant, 2', is a sup- ply oUicer. His wife, Christine, .uves at 6U Collins Ave., Balboa lsland. Nava] Aviation Officer Ca1>- didate Slephn M .. Reece, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Reece of 1216 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach, completed six weeks .Of training at Aviation Officer Candidate S c h o o I , Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. • When he finishes his college education he will be com- missioned an ensign and report for active duty. Lt. Col. George W. ft1arti n, U.S. Army, son of Rhea S. Martin or 106 35th St., Newport Beach. received the Army Commendation Medal during ceremonies held at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Lt. Col. Martin received the medal for meritorious service while serving as cbie.f of the 'I.'roop Evaluation B r a n c h , Organization, Literature and Troop Evaluation Division, U.S. Army Combat Developments C o mm a n d Combat Arms Group at the fort . Sgt. Jobn· Batey Bu 1 b e 1, son of Clyde 0 . Hughes of Escalon, formerly Of Costa Mesa, has been aiosigned to Ft. Lewis, Wash. The sergeant has j u s t returned from Vietnam where he served in the combat an!a as a radio technician in the Department of Com- munications. A graduate of Costa Mesa I See By Today's Want Ads: • Tho..-e old Pie.no Roll Blu~s rn.tly ll\."e on! Beck'er BroA. P~ Piano w/ 95 roils, e F'lo~l'IC" Night~ng&~ Is really alive and living in Laguna Beach. Pot!tlon open for practical live-In ....... e Saw.dU1l FntiYRJ b reUr- ins; i!li Gazebo: L&rle •pace hme, deck, roof, benchel. S'120. f AU11 -~ CENTER 'EL TIGRE' SALE! Tire saver special • 8.88 • front end a lignment • S tires rotated • 4 wheels balanced • Brake adjustment 2-PL Y FIBER GLASS BELT WITH 2-PL Y POLYESTER .CORD $ NOW plus feel. tax and old tire White tubeless Size . Reg. _fed, tax 700-13 ••.•••••••••••••• 28,95 •••••••••••••••• 1.16 (71#14 -••.••.••••••••• 28.95 ••..•••••••••••• 1,90 pl111 fed. tox and old tir• White tubeless Fed. Size . Reg. tax E71·14 ,., 3o.95 ,,, 2.11 F71·14 ••• 32.95 • , • 2.36 F71-15 ... 32.95 ... 2.50 NQW$32 ph11 f•d. taJ: end old tiro White tubeless . Fed. ·Sire Re9. tax .G71·14 , • ."34.95,,, 2.44 H71·14 _,, 36.95 ... 2.61 J78-14 • "38.95 ' •• 2.86 G78·15 ••• 34.95 •••• 2.68 H78-15 ,,, 36.95 • ., 2.77 900-15 ' .. 38.95 ' •• 2.77 40 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 20 MONTHS GUARANTEE FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE GUARANTEE AGAINST TREAD WEAROUT lf your tire wears out duri ng the first half of the. iuarantee period, return it with your &l!arantee certificate and Penne)'5' will replace YoUr tire with a 'new tire, charging you 50% less than the current selli n·g price includ ing Federal Excise Tax; if your tire wears out during the second half, you pay 25% less than the current selling pric!' includ ing Federal Excise Tax. GUARANTEE AGAINST FAILURE If we replace the tire during the free-replacement period, there is no charge; if we replace the tire after the free-replacement period, you pay 50% or 25% less than the current selling priCA of the tire including Federal Excise Tax. CO.MMERCIAL USE This guarantee is void where passenger tires are used on trueks, used for business, or driven over 30.000 miles in one yea r. Here's tww your 1u•r1ntn •&ainst f1ilurt worics: Intlr. autrtnte1 p1riod -·--·-·······-----...... 40 n11mth1 ,,., ,..1ae1m1nt·pe:riod -----·----.1·20montll• IO% eff Ptrletd -··-·----------.. 21-30 month• 2SY. d psrlod -··---··-----·--··-.. ---· .. -"'.31-40 months USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN SALE! Foremost® heavy duty shock absorber REG. 5.88 ... NOW 4.88 tns1011a~onadd;,.,,,.1. A new, super-heavy shodc for extra service, extra comfort -on the rood. Up to -43% more cushioning pist'on area than ordinary shocks for greater control of wheel bounce ••• to kup you in control all tl,t Ytay. DR!Vl IN ••• CHAllGI IT! BUENA PARK (0'~~1:~~:;:") CHULA VISTA DOWNEY LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR VENTURA 'I • ;f M01da, Augout 2S, 196'1 • Vital Statisties for the Orange Coast Area Jtlqf'riage Licetases Divorces ' D1Wlf'Clll FOid Ree, lobblt G. "' K1t1Mrl,.,. M, G1llow•Y• Lolt J. VI Bob L" A.lttn, Rntm1r1t D. 111 JI"'" F. Cerlltde.. loMll Lou VI Wl!lltm , ..... c.io~oM. K1lllllrlM VI Mcl•lo C11ru1o, l"rat1clsul Lerm1 n ltMCla P1tMco , tluck. Mtl!CY L vs Vl111ll lt"rol Sd'lmlclt, lfYllflY ,ltirin VI 0!"flllt J, A1ul11Hl t.Or1c;l1 G. YI ltlYl'nOftlf It. L.n1, fl.111!'1 Ellmbtfh V't Frink Oa«or Nld&1, lt111101 F, VI lt"-111 Fur11r.on. Cecll C. ltl vs K11hlffll A, 'Roberl$0!1. Met..! E. YI RoMrt Wlll!•m Smllh, Jilin M, vs Jul'ln !illch•td $1ePhtnt. P•trlc!• Mn 113 lloblrt ll•r· ·~· Stonfl'IQc;ker, Et18ll M. YS G1rv 0 . C111rw. Donn• P. -.. Cllarles w: A.Viti•, Mllr"f Vs F1u1to A...M.-i, Vinci Lr1111 vs llthcu•ld• 111:11 M-e. l8rbllt• L. "' Ph!Hl1 l<IY Br1dtf""f, K1t11rm L. VI L-1ure11« M. C1mllbtll. M1101 G. v1 !lovd t.. llrotkt, Emlko YI ,,,., EhMI'" Tlne1l1h, Tl>omYI ll:uth ~• EIYln l(r!lh Kf1nv. Tha!NI Jorin YI MefY Htlttl Norlhtllfl, 11111 VI 1C.nn<1lh A.. Oumoud!tl, Hl!lell 0 . V1 JoltPh fl. Noune. l11'N111 J. YI ''*'-rick H. Cupelij. At!Nlnf \l"I ~II MIY IRtl'ft, Jeflll S. VI FtY l(lo(.k~ Glorlt C. 1r1 lltrmond Fttt'IC!t MCPllttlOft, l<tllllet!fl S. n Thom11 A. Le1~11. llrbtf11 YI Jollft v11..-i1r,,. II uutH, , .. ,,. L. \rt T'*"">r9 D, MORI MOit• ,.,,._ llldl•rd YI Jl:O!lll J11n Adle1, f1111itr1 s.. YI Hovetor'I A., Jr. G1lllOhfr, Donne M. w llto!Mrl F. a~ "-1 I', vs Georlt E. Mlln1r, l<trtfl w Pr-..ci. '"'' Wllto11, lllf,...·1<1 llilblrt Ottool"I' Ctt'#ft, C1rol AMI vii lflomet fllofl WOl'r•ll, Pttrkll Alln YI Jol'WI Af'llllll' Sl1rll. Ktnntltl JI,,,.. YI 1(-lY!lll lttYflllkll. •-rlt n W11111m M1'1 Mutltefl, e1t1nor Mtir19 "' EdWltN J1cluon Sllrlm111n1 Mttl Ellll'll VI K11111t1h OM' Wll1!1, M1rt'l1 C. "' Allt!'I L. Schoen. S111C1r1 n Wlttlun Ley, Htrtlton L. n Shltltl' Mlf Nfllo, Amolll A., \rl JOlft A. ,.,,..,, c-11 J1111 w w 11111m (1(11 lt•-lokl. a.n.dkt .... ...,.,,., J4llll SIOcl ... °'9111111 \II GIOl'lt "· Howt, IJllY A. \II CIM!tlfil .laf!ll M.~ Wl!Nit A. Jt, W lotlblt Suet Jlmet. Olllt• ''°rlU' .,. k11n'!IOl'ld ''"'" Wtllfl. Ptlrld t Atlft w Lolli Alllrl ~lmli SVdfl VI W1!1t1m A. Wl'lkJt811, Ewfl'n n JOflll h•t1 Oflllltit, Jo¥Oll ll!li!M' fl" ltklllN 0. Owert, C4.Nllftt a • .,. lltCIJltr I(, MeCtnn. DotllhY •• VI Oofllld Ef!'llr•IG fleii lltt. t.u1111111 M. 'It •-1'1' o. llrflblt, lll!'111dlt111 n J1mts J\l'lllof' llt•rta. $111rltt i.. .,. l n.ICI v. BIG BRASS PLAYS FAREWELL TO SUMMER FINAL CONCERT TONIGHT ON THE MALL 9 P.M. FASHION ISL'AND NEWPORT CENTER PACIFIC COAST Hl•HWAT -NIWPORT llACH A!!!!!!~'fJ Wall. to wall carpeting in three of our most. popular styles 100°/o continuous filament nylon tweeds or solids 3.50 ~: luxuriously rugged, long wear· ing nylon available now at Penney's low, low price! Select your carpeting now from 6 decorator colors. Lasb lOOo/o nylon shag "Atheas" solids or tweeds 4e50~: Sink into deep piled shag car· poling! Choose from our solec• tion of 6 beautiful decorator cclon. Priced ·for savings! "Ch1rchlll'' pattern 100°/o polyester pile carpeting 4.99 ~g: Now you can have our cvt and loop pattern carpet in 5 beauti· ful colors. Now available at Penney's low, low pricel Padding and lns!allClllon Mllable at regular law Penney prices. Av1il1bl1 at th111 -or shop It hamo (714) 52ull1 CANOGA PAAIC IAKEWQOD (IQ.UdO) !"'"-• DOWNfV MONTCIAlt • Free estimate. (16MS,1) (4214111) FULLERTON NEWPORT RACH • Frn consultation. tt71""343) (IU07f2.I No obligation . HIJNTINGTON BEACll VENTURA • 191·7771 -llO·Ofll ""1ml • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COME TOA- Chrfatlan Science Lectur9 • • • at El Rancho: the supermarket where the price is right! REFRESHING --.....: FAMOUS NAME Sego Dieting ., 4"' '1 ............. ' .... Think thin •• , choose your flavon ! ••. 10 O'Z. Apple Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 "' ~1 _ Mott'! ... 15 oan~ size ... chill and enjoy J Apple Juice .......................... 39t Seneca ••• pure and delightful I ••. 40 ounce. DELICIOUS BUDGET PRICED Chiffon. liquid ..................... 4~ For ~leaminr,dishes! ... Big 32 ounce aize. Miracle White .................... 69' Save on qu_art size fabric softener! Aurora Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4 "' '1 Two roll packs .•. lightly scented ..• colon, tool Meal-makers for early-in-the week! Beef Liver ..... . YOUNG! TENDER! •••••••••••••••••••• So rich in all the uut.riti\.'e v&lues your family needs . , ·. and ao easy on the budget, too! Meat Loaf ......... ~!~":ft!~~~ ......... 7 9t Finest preci5ion ground meat. •• : aea.soned just right .•. and made with fresh whole eas! Sliced Bacon ........................ '7r. Sweet Breads ..................... 79". El Rancho's own ranch styli!! ..• so lean l Dare to lkrve something different! For salads ... for sandwiches ..• for-enioument Chiquita Banana$ .......... 2 LBS. 25' Golden ripe ••• Just riiht foru....n. ••• or will> your fav<1rite breakfast coreal. Pricu i" effect MML, Tuea., Wed., Au..,ut ts, u, t1. No aa.lu 14 deolori. ARCADIA: SUnset and HuntinctDn Dr. IP lbndlo c.llrt PASADENA: 3211 West CdOllC!o Blvd. SOllTH P.ASADDCA1 frtmont onc1 Hu11tic1111111r. HU1111118TOll WCK: Wamer ond All'Jllllllia Q!Omllwll Clnlel! NEWPORT BEACH: . 2m Newport Btol. Ind 2555 Eislblvff Dr. ~IUll VllllCI c.e.t • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 0 t I I , " I ' I ' ' E~-cons Adjust To Life RIVERSIDE (AP) -Onr man. perfeclly normal·,... ually, was terrified wm be • had lo lalk '-Ith woineo, Another , dilla'I .. t properly. Still another returned homr each oi&!>l '!ilh a big pockcllul ct "coins. Neurotic behavior? N o t reaJly. These were aome of the curious little problems en- counlered by ei-convicts aft.e1' lont years of imprisonment. They were described at a meeting of The Winners, a relatively new organization or frttd prisoners which holds "·eekly sessions in t h e R i v e rsi~ Bemardino- Pomona area. Their stories drew laughter from others present because mosl had gone lhrougb -uptriences. These art the bonds between 'Ibe Winnen and the men they lry to help. PRIME MOVER Tom Marsh. a prime mover behind The Winners, said the ex-con who accumulated so many coins had forgotten how to make change and was too ashamed to ask for help. He made every Small purchase with a dollar bill. Marsh said the fear of talk· Ing lo women is common among newly released prisoners. As one man put it, after being confined for years in an all male society "the on· ly thing 1 had lo talk about was prison stuff .... "It was like an eight-year blank in my life." Marsh explained in an in- terview why many ex-eona develop nutritional problems. "You miss a lot or meals al first because no one tells you when to eat." When you're behind bars, he said, "they always tell you." GROUP EXPANDS He estimated their number at 35 to 40 and said they are rapidly expanding. The group hopes to establish chapters both north and south of the present area It serves. Normally. under terms of his parole, a released prisooer Is not permitted to associate wtth other ex<OOS. But 1be Winners received a speciaJ dispensaUon from the state Division of Parole to carry out their work. The Winners are inclined to scoff at official erfort.s toward rehabilitaUng ex~ns. One dictionary def i nition of rehabilitation is "to reestabHsh the good repula- tion, rights or standing of an Individual ." "No one makes any OOiies about not rehabilitating us," Mani! said. .U.L HAD TURN "The. copg had their shot at us. then lhe district attorney . then the judge and now the private citlzerui." he said. He's c:oovlnced that punish- ment doesn 't end when a man is reJeased from prisoo be· cause public reaction contin· ues to follow the ex<on. Former inmates, f.1 a r s h sald. have often concluded that although state prisons are called "correclional facilities" the name too often serves only lo ease the conscience of some members ol the public. The Winners usually begin 1heir work with a man '>''hile he is still in prison. Their technique : To reach the individual: treat him as an individual ; perhaps find him a job, and, more importantly, help him overcome the at- titude which makes it im- possible for him to adjust to a "square life." SELDOM TOLD While the group encourages the cons to tell of their backgrounds, old crime stories are seldOm told. One of the organiiation's admoltilioos is "stop giving power to the past." When this happens, Marsh said, "the past with its mistakes, Joses its power over U5." He added that he and many others are tired of "talking about how tough we used to be." One member or The Win· ners, now a successful tradesman In Riverside, told an incident In hi1 life. "A j!Migt in Pasadena once 8S.ked me, "Have you gOl a problem!" TENSION EASES "Yeah, I Wd. I got two. "-1Y wife and the Pasadena PO." The pisonen laugb<d and tension eased. "Now.'' the 1peaker con· tirNed, "I'm going to remarry my ex-wile, And my children and grandchildren are going to pertJcipale Jn the ctrf!ITlOfly. ··My way ti. ure i1~aimple.. 1 jull do the best I Clll each daJ, ' "I'm not I goodie-goodle.. 'lllortJon'I In flllOlloo I h a I 111J pne ol you hu had lhat I -~bl•• In spadc1. • ,~ ... • Sears Plastic Top ,Col~nial Bedroom .Pieces • SA VE 'I 0 on Full or Twin Innerspring Mattress or Multi-Coil Foundation Regular $59.95 4988 Slumber-smooth mattress. '44 coi!J · in full 1i2e. 384 coils in rwin size. Extra strong vertically st itched bor· der. floral print CO\'er with quihed rop. Cord handfe·s, mcraJ veou. Mar.ch· ing niulti<oil fo undations have pla$tic corner guards. Aik About Sean Convenient Credil Plan• (, YOUR CHOICE a. S69. 95 Single Dresser Baoe e . $69.95 Student Deo k g. 559.95 Bachelor Cheat • S69.95 4-drawer Che1t • 159.95 Spindle Bed • S69.95 Bonk Bed • $69.95 Book.-~ •Not Show• 8 Each Furnirure with country-house charm , , , loved by city dwellers and suburban- ites alike. Authentically styled in warm Colonial birch finish with heavy b.ases. Solid hardwood sba~d drawer fronts. ·Plastic tops are mar-resisant. h. Framed Plate Glaos MirrorJJO d, Corner Tabl 44.88 c. Bookca.e 49.95 f, Desk Chair 24.95 OthtrCoordintted Pieces at Sears Low Prices Sears Low, Low Prices ... Simmons Oversize Hide-A-Bed Sofa Sleepers SA VE '116 on '365 \}ueen Size llide-A-Bed• , Trini Contemporl).ry Style Scorchgard® treated texrured tweed cover. 364<oil innerspring mattress. Aiso available in supported-back vi· nyl at same low price! '. • .~·· . ' . . SA VE '106 on Regular •455 King Size Hide-A-Bed~ in Contemporary Style long-wearing upesuy cover ueued with Scotchprd•. De. luxe king 1ize fearuttS com- fortable 4g5-coil innerspring mattress. s349 • ~------------------------------------------------~, I •ulNA,Atl TA 8-4.400, $21o4530 ll MONTE GI 3·3911 \ONG W.ot HE $.0121 l'OMONA EO ""2;t11f,,NA 9·5161, YU 6-67$1 PICO W! 1·4262 SOUTH COA$T l'LAZA 540-3333 CJ.NOG.A PAak 340.0661 GllNbAlf: CH s.100,, Cl ,.,611 OLYMPIC & ~o AN 1.s211 SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 tottANCI! 542-1511 I I <°""""'NE 6·2581, NE 1·'761 HOUl'WOOO HO 9-59•1 .,..,... 637·2100 SANTA R SMIGS 94.(-Slll VAIUY PO 3-8'61, 984·2220 I Com.\ 964-0611 -~ 8·2521 ............ 611-32t1, 3'1-<211 Sears .............. IX 4-4711 VftMONJ" 9·"" ~------------------------____________________ , "Satisfaction Guaranteed or You~ MoneVBack" """"""""-"" Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ' ..--------·------------' ~men JOOEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 ...._,,~ti. IHf I ''" II Members Get Together Luau Lures. Provi.sionals Bidding "aloha" to summer will be members of the Assistance League of Huntington Beach, who will honor both provisionals and husbands during a luau in the Huntington Harboor homo of Mrs. 0 . B. Root. Prospect,ive and active memb;eril: and their mates will become better acquainted while relaxing around the patio and pool beginning at 6:30 p.m. saturday, Aug. 30. A gala evening of swimming, dining ond dancing await.s those attending, and planning the Polynesian affair are Mrs. Root, Mrs. D. R. Parsch and Mrs. Richard Burgess. A buffet table loaded with Hawaiian dishes pre- pared by members will tempt the hungry, and an add· ed attraction will be the initia'tlon of husbands into the Resistance League by club president Mrs. Gilbert Turn· bull. To be honored, with their husbands, are the Mmes. Milton llrown, Warren Hair, Robert Murray, Bert Rob- inson, William Steverson, Charles White, Frederick Forster, Edward Howard, Arthur Newlin and William Summerfield. I I • • .,, IN THE SWIM -Husbands will be initiated into the "Resistance.League" when members of the As- sistance League honor provisionals during a luau in the Huntington Harbour home of Mrs. 0. B. Rool. Pooling their resources to get Hugh Stutsman into the swim of fall activities are Mrs. Richard Bur· gess (left) and Mrs. Stutsman. Following the summer social, Jeague members will resume their busy schedule of fall philanthropic actlvi· ties with the first business meeting for the general membership taking place at noon ·Tbursdfly, Sept. 4, in the chapter house, 201 Walnut St, Huntington Beach. · Continuing activities carried out by members in· elude the operation o( the thrift shop, speech center and gift shop in HuntingtQn Intercommunity Hospilal. ·'. :..r.-.c Junior Clubs 'Resume "-. Pages Flipped To September Tum)ng their ey_es and their calendars to Septerrr ber are members of Huntington Valley's Junior WO- man's aubs. Huntington Beach Juniors will reconvene at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept 9, in the clubhouse, 420 10th St., and plans for their Sept. 23 program mee\ing will be dis· cussed. The club also Is collecting commemorative stamps for Long Beach Veterans' Hospital wbere they are used in therapy, according to Mrs. Wendall Emde, Ameri· can.ism chaiqnan. Other continuing project. include the collection of hooks for the Merchant Marine Library, where they are in constant demand for men serving on the high 1eas. Both hardback and paper-bound volumes including current best~seUers, dictionaries and biographies, as well as magazines and comic books are needed. Residents wishing to donate either stamps or books may do so by contacting Mrs. Emde, 847-0657. South Coast Juniors in Fountain Valley will resume their regular business meetings at 7: 30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16, in the new civic center. The Fountain Valley club also Is making plans for a membership tea which will take place Thursday, Sept. 11, and a fund-raising Steak Fry oo Saturday, Sept. 20. The club will host the Los Cerritos District's Pres!· dent's Roundtable tonight in the civic center. Honored guests at the 7 p.m. dinner will be Mrs. Thomas Christianson and Mrs. Gerald Hansick, club presidents, deans, coordinators, federation ertension r::; ______ .. • directors, and a wting delegate from each club. Plan· STEP RIGHT UP -Tickets for an old·fashfoned ning the dinner Is Mrs. Robert Soma. district first vice Country P'air will be available to the public begin- presldent, and also greeting the visitors will be Mrs. ning 5aturday, Sept. 13, and serving as salesmen Jon McKibl>e!I, president of the Fountain Vallei gi:oup. are (Jell to right) Mrs. Robert HollOl'Oll, co-chair· .. man; il\lrs. T. M. &iuth, poster contest chairman, and Mrs. John Figlar, ticket chairman, Sponsoring the lair i• the Green Valley Women's Club, Foun· lain Valley, In , G(een Valley I Club Forecasts 'Fair and Fun' A day of fun and games for young and old current- ly Is being arranged by members of the Green Valle1 Women's Club, Fountain Va1ley. Tickets for an old-fashioned Country Fair will go on sale beginning saturday, Sept. 13, according to Mrs. John Figlar, ticket chairman. All proceeds from tho day.Jong event will be wed to finance the club1s various '.service projects. On 5aturday, Sept. 20, the Green Valley Family Clubhouse will take on th~ aura of excitement a1ways associated with a country fair. Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. brlghUy decorated . booths will oiler games and fOod. A country· store will be filled with an enticing ar· ray of merchan~se, and a bake sale will feature an assortment of cakes, cookies, pies and candy. To encourage the support of the communi~y, tha club also is sponsoring a poster contest for Green Valley children. Two prizes of $5 each will be awarded for pos- ters which best advertise the fair. One award will be presented. to a winner under 12 years of age .. while the other casb prize will be given a boy or girl 13 or over. Serving-<as chairman of the event ls Mrs. Harry C, Fockler and asiisting is Mrs. Robert Holleron, C1>-Cbair· man and ways and means chairman for the club. Othe.rs serving on the committee include the Mmes. Figlar, Ronald Strommen, country store; Jarold Smithi bake sale; John Luebs, booth helpers ; Jack Winkley, booth construction : Clarke Whitney, decorations, and T. M. Smith, publicity and poster contest. The falr will be the first funding event or \he new season for the club, headed by Mrs. John H. Swnmers, president. Husbands were honored recently during a "Sumi mer Bwnmer" social, and in charge of the par1yt which included an Italian dinner, was Mrs. Hal Lock• yer, chairman. Dad Dotes· on Daughter: Disaster Deterred 'by Distance DEAR ANN : This ts the second mar· rtage for us both. We each have two children. The problem Is my hu1band'1i 13-year-old daughter. Either she is hanging all over him or he b hanging all over her. They can't keep their hands off each other. Whenever he llilJ down she plops hen<ll "' his lap. 1f he enters a room when she is aeated ht goes over and pullii her onto hJs chair. It this abnormal or am I driving myself cruy for not.hill&? What can I do to put an end to this sickenlng beharior? -DEE TROIT DEAR DEE: Problbly nolllitl~, bu! do arc• )'oar halb•nd to talk to. doctor. A. profealional ophlloa wlll c11t more mutard tlll'lll criticism from a wife. A. ANN LANDERS lathe< lhoald llOI bt pawlag )11 ll·)'tlr· old duP&er, aor 1tto.ld allt. be lolly1•1· ""' .. u HIM. DEAR READERS: l printed a lelter from a woman who wanted to know lhe name of a sweet-smelling plant which h'r mother called Ja!mine Tobacco. lt wax especially fraganl at night "Nostalgic Nancy." as she signed herself, saJd she grew up In Oregon where the plant was popular, but out Eut no one aecms to know what it 11. I asked my readen to give Nancy an assist. The rtJUlll -Ann Landers now h.., 87 packqes of NiCOo Ilana Reds, 24 seed catalogues and 3900 letters to answer. 1'he most lnformallve letter ceme rrom ?.frs. Robert t.f. a retired (.'hlcago botanlM. She wrote: The oame or the night-Dowering plant -------------~-------- Is NicoUana alata, afflnls. n· has whHe flowers and a strong fragrance. The da y- cloom ing Lype, Nlcotiana 1ylvestris is somewhat less lragranl but offers a wider range of colon. Both plants can be grown from seed. Nancy should be aware that lhe!t plant! are a v1rlety ot l.Obacco, which means they can be toxic or narcotic. If Nancy has mall children or peb who are inclined to wander in lht garden and start chewini the. leaves, she migbt wish she had settled for geraniums. DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband drank himself Into one heiart attack lhen ate himself into another. Now I do all tht work around the house while ht sits with 11 hand full or cookJes, crtUcWng me because I am not "thorough .. enough. This rocking chair superintendent Is well enough to drive 30 miles to visit anot.her old coot but he can't pick up hl.s underwear and put' it In the hamper. The current problem la this: l'd love to go back to my old home town. J haven1t visited there for several yff.1'1. But it's an ovemtgbt trip and my huabe.nd 11)'8 1 can't leave him. 11 It Pit duty to lit around untU l'm too Old to enjay dred tHkiel, lt.IVI btm wt" a pod llp ply tf mtdk1lkMI, t11elc IP the dedor'I telephone umber Hat I.be pboae 111' bave a &ood Ume. anything? Pl<ase advise. Give in or lose him .•• when a gu] givtt you Uils line, look out! For tips CIC bow to haodle the supersex: safesman check Ann Lancltts. Rud her -"Necking and P<ltlng -What Aro tho LlmJta!" Stnd your request to Am Linders In care of this newspaper enclosinl IO cents In coin and • lonC -CHAINED 1lamped, ,.11-1ddr<....t tnvtlope. DEAR CHAINED: If JOOf bulll>ll4 AM Landers will bo .lad to help 1of can drive :at mJle1 to vlMt 1 friend, be'• wlth your problema. Seni:l lhtm to her k wt:ll enouab to be by lltmself for 1 few ... cm of the DAILY PILOT, tncloainl 1 days. Stock tbe: larder, bU& a few hma-se lf.addreased, it.amped envelope. .. I. j i I I I 11 . ·I I I I I I r I " j 1 • DAILY PILOT ' .. • •" . --........ Horoscope ·' S·agittarius: Protect · P·roperty ' .. .. TUESDAY AUGIJST 26 Money matters, special ac-CAPJUCO&N (Dec, 23-.Jant 'money. Ship that con1e! In PLEASE HELP ME -Young Gwendolyn Miles is all ready to start kindergarten Sept. 15, but she \Von't be able to unless someone climbs 'into the driver's seat to take her from public school to a day Musicol Awords Seven Given Grants Seven music majors on two campuses were recipients o! a total of $1000 in achieve- Jnent awards presented by the Orange Coun- ty Philharmonic Society. care' center each day so her mother can work. LitUe Gwendolyn is typicaJ of 1nany youngsters who cannot start school unless someone volunteers to drive them daily alter lheir public school session: Rides Needed By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (Maren 21·Aprl( 19): You have feeling or well-being, even though. minor rnyster,y persists. Friends1 f a m l 1 y display lo)'alty. This bolsters spirit. Work in conjunction wilh charitable organization. TAURUS (April 21).May 20): Get together with Aries in· divldual. Whal ~ms serlow: on surface could t u r-n into healthy humor. You may have to adapt yourself to changing t"onditions. But &JI works out in your favor. GEMINI (,,May 2.t-June 20): Progress is .key today. You receive recognition in your specialty. Current cycle points to added authority, greater rewards. Deal with those in authority. Cut thr'ough red tape, CANCER (June 21-July 22): Good lunar"· aspect tonight coincides with creative ex- pression. constructive con· tacts. Communicate· desires. Pleasant surprise is due - aids future security. LEO (July 23--Aug. 22): Peering counts need attention. Find 19): Short. journey may be'ap-i someday should be placed in out what Is your own, what is pro'prlate, U l)Ol necessary, proper pcrspecUve. t-.Iessage a mere prbml.5e~ Be sure. Get Renew ties with , relatives. will be el car. it in writing. ,Great day tor ex-Take notes. Be alert, obser-PISCES (Feb. 19·?tfarch 20): presa\ng original ideas, con· vant. And do display that often I Cycle high. Goqd Ume for new cepls. hlddel) sel'JSe o{ hUmor. contac~. Take liiltiative. Toss VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): • AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. aside tendency lo be overly Play waiting game. Permit 18): Concentrate on finances1 shy. Your assets arc sp- oUlers to be center of at· budget, chance to add to preciated. Know this and tenUon. Time to be a shrewd ~al_ons. Be rea1istic about move wilh con!idence. observer. Be aware o 11,pii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, partnership opportunities, in- cluding marriage. UBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22): Steady approach is best. Avoid excess, including speed on l'llghway. Guard health; get sufficient r e s t , Co-worker, associate provides amusement and constructive methods, SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Now you have chance to . enhance personal pJeasures. Some restrictions are Jilted. BIG BRASS PLAYS FAREWELL 1'.0 SUMMER FINAL CONCERT TONIGHT ON THE MALL 9 P.M. FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER PACJFIC COAST HICiHWAY -NEWPOlllT llACH Greater sell-expression i s1J~~~~~~~~~~~~~ posslbl~. Give of yourself and~ you also will receive. SAGlTfARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): PracUcal issues dominate. Obtain hint Crom Libra message. Protect home, properly. One who is free with promises may lack material means of fulfilling them. Around MON BIJOU' JEWELERS/DESIGNERS ANNOUNCES A SALE of fine jewelry ENTRANTS lN domestic event eight times. Besides arts competition for Los dolls dressed in crocheted, Angeles County Fair tak!Tig knitted and sewn costumes, place from Sept. 12 lhrough ZS she has entered a handmade in Pomona are Mrs. Eyla \V. baby quilt. in gold, platinum , and diamonds. 25% OFF Giesch of Fountain Valley and ATTENDING nalional con-Our Regu1e r Prices ., Mrs. Shirley Edgerley of vention of Elks in Dallas /\1ission Viejo. ,.,. er e 1..arry Seals, exalled H Mrs. Giesch is entering ruler of Newport Harbor Elk& ~. dressed dolls in the com· Lodge. anc! Mrs. Seals. Seals b DAYS ONLY MONDAY. AUGUST 25 THRU SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 Driver's Seat E t petition for the first time , reported that Calilornia Elks ' mp y "'~i:~ h-1rsi ~g,~rlerh ha s ~~ raised more than $1 h million r1 mil en r1es Jn e ye for charity during t e past ~ A few 1ninutcs spent behind st'rve in the !'\lotor Pool of the ~ year. !•·,· the wheel of a car can be \roiuntce r Bureau, supplying RECENT guests at the San-F I. ve Year ta Barbara Billmoce were Mr. sheer frustration or pure transportalion to old and and l\1rs. Robert Allan <lf ¥" pleasure. young. Corona dcl f\1ar an d fltr. and MON BIJOU 29 TOWN & COUNTRY, ORANGE 714/836-7777 From the UCI campus, the winners are Roger Hickman. Kerry Grant, Pame:a . \Vesp and Judy Edgerley. Fred Gillett, Brenton Almond and Debra Toner are those ~ It can be pleasurable H the 1\dditional drivers are need· Reun 1' on Set Mrs. Ralph Mills of Hun·1 driving is done lo help some-ed. however , as many children tington Beach. one else, pa r l i cu I a r I y if and needy adults now arc Plans for a five.year reunion -~::;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiij;~--receiving gfants on the Orange Coast Col · Jege campus. Mrs. Eric Duran. Orange County Phil· harmonic Society chairman for their music ~ scholarship program. reports th·at the funds for the second consecutive year will be divid· lhey are being driven to doc· forced to be "school dropout s·• are being completed by the tors, clinics or other agencies or forego important treat· 1964 graduating class of H.un· which serve their needs. ment. tinglon Beach High School . Many doctors and therapists Anyone wishing to volunteer The Bathering will take will offer their services tree to 'his lime and car may contact pla"ce in the New;pOrter Inn on . "'"'ients in desperate need who Friday, Sept. 5. and tic"ket in· ..,.... lhe Volunteer Bureau. a f · •-bta' db cannot afford the treatment, ormation may ue o me Y 84 STORES .•. ALL 72° and open nightl:( till 9 :30 ~outh Coast ?taza ed among the students 'l.o cover cost of in· · l:)truction . j' and many county agencies of· United Fund-Community Chest calling Mrs. LeRoy (Sue Hall) ~ K lo . ·•JUSTCL AT $AN DIE;GO l'ltft'N"-'f, C091" .... M'l!.54 fer free or parti:11:l payment .a~g~en=c~y~, ·~a~t~ti42;-0963;~· ~f:r•:m~9'._~N~ortll~,~8:9'l:·l~tlS.1:_, ~or~~:·:_:~a'.:j, --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_-a; e :wrrw~:::u.;:ym 21&1~ •• treatment, but all Is wasted _a .m. to noon weekdays. 962:f289. unless the patienls can be Betrothal News Told The betrothal of Elinor Louise Brisso to \Y e s I e y Courvoisie r has b e e n an- nounced by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Brisso of Costa Mesa. The bride.to-be and her fian- ce, son of ~1r. and Mr. Norman Courvoisier of Long Beach. both were graduated from Lutheran High School, Los Angeles. and attend Coo· cord ia Teachers Co 11 e g e , River Forest, Ill. Miss Brisso, who also at- tc:.1ded Orange Coast College, serves (In the home-coming con1mittee and the yearbook !:ilalf al CTC. Her fiancc is a member of the tennis tea m. Christ Lutheran Church, Costa Mesa . will be the setting for the vow exchange. ' ELINOR BRISSO To Say Vows • transported to the ap- pointment. Also, many small children are in need of rides to day care centers after public school each day because their mothers must work and can- not be home to take care of them. On the job are a small group of dedicated volunteers who WEIGHT~ WATCHERS. -• Some t1lking, some liste'liing ind 1 progr1m th1t works. 11i1 2Fllllf ll:OCHURl-CAU llS·SSOS TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY PRE-LABOR DAY SPECIAL SALE 25% to 50% OFF SHIFTS AND HOT WEATHER DRESSES, PATENT LEATHER THONGS & SANDALS, DISCONTINUED "KORATRON" STYLES. SWIM SUITS UP TO 50°/o OFF SALE STARTS 9:30 A.M. TUESDAY IN COSTA MESA IT'S DEPArtTM~NT &TQl\E. 1114 NEWPORT BOULEVARD PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENT RANCE ' Us• Your-BitnlcArnerit•rd, Mester Charge, Oineri, Carte Bl•nc:h11 Credit C•rd 1 OPEN DAILY .j:30.6, FRIDAY 'TIL 9 Lose 10 Inches in First 10 Visits to Gloria Marshall' a Based on our acmal records ••• our averag-e patron loses 10 inches within the first 10 visit.a from hips, waist, tjiighs, tummy andll?Dl& NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pecfllc CoMt Highway -642·3630 u 11oc.1<t E''' or a1u10-l•r tlubl SANTA ANA 1840 W••t 17th StrHt-543·9457 1 BY POPULAR DEMAND MORE WEEK ONLY! FIGURE CONTROL SALONS Dall1 a.1, Sat. 1-s • ll~rteart --' M•ltr Ctup WilCfU Anaht'im, Beverly Hill1, Covina, Cren1h•w, Downey, Glen· dale, Lakewoodi Long Bt1ch, Newport Beech, No. Hollywood, Ontario, Pasadena, Sen Diego, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Sunland, Tar11n1 , Whitti•r. Salons alto in Frt1no, Sacra- mento, Sin Jose, Sunnyvale, Walnut Cr'lttk. (Cl Comrrtirhl !Ml' G!w!t M•r•ht ll MQ• Co l~t.. 13 ' ; ' . • . . . . . MRS. MICHAEL G. DINGER Costa Mesi Bride Susan Faulkner Now Mrs. Michael Dinger Honeymooning in Hawaii before making their first home in Costa Mesa are newlywed Mr. , aod Mr1. Michael G. Dinger who were married in St., Andrew'g Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr. Char l es Dierenfif.ld performed th e mo rn ing d oub l ~ r ing ceremony. The form er Susan Faulkner Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer E. Faulkner of Costa Mesa and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Dinger, also of Costa Masa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride selected a gown with a high Victorian neckline and lace bodice. Her full skirt was softly gathered in back and fell into a chapel length panel train, and the shoulder length veiling of silk illusion was caught to a daisy lace headpiece. r Sh~ carried a bouquet o[ orchids and stephanotls. Gowned in pale pi nk floor ]ength gowns with silk il1usion headpieces were Mrs. Edward Harrison, the bride's sister, malron ot honor; Miss Cindy Dinger, the bridegroom's sister, and Mrs. J essie Flores, bridesmaids. Roses, camalions a n d baby's breaUt formed their ' bouquets.· Asked to stand as besl man Bowls Emptied For Ice Cream f\.1embers of the F i r s l Assembly of God Olurch , Costa Mesa, will gather on the church patio Friday, Aug. %9, !or an ice cream social. Sponsored by the cl!uf<!l's nursery department., the even-mg ·will Include entertainment by a barbershop quartet and a drawing for a door prize. Tickets may be purchased et the door of the 6 to t p.m. event at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. was Mark B. Bolding. Usher- ing the guests to their pews were Rich Brown, M l k e Faulkner, the bride's brother and Hanison. The reception for 100 took place in the church's Fireside Room. Circulating the guest book was Miss Kathy Dinger, the benedict's sister. Among special guests were Mrs. Ethel Dinger o£ Costa Mesa, the benedict's grandmother and Mrs. Jess Bolding of Costa Me s a , the bride's grandmother. Following was a champagne buffet reception for close friends and ~latives Jn tbe bridegroom'• parents' home. The fonner Miss Faulkner i!I a graduate o( Estancia High School and her husband is an ahnnnus of Corona del Mar High School. He just com- pleted four and a hall years with the Navy and recently was stationed aboard the USS New Jersey. September Date Set Wedding VOWI will be exi changed befor~ the altar ol th~ First Uniied Methodl a J Cburch, Costa Meoa, Sept. II I by Ale.is Scoogall and Robei;t Stephan, both of Costa Mesa. Their engagement bas been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scoug!lll of Costa Mesa, parents of the bride-to-be. Miss Scougall was graduated !rom Costa Mesa High School. and her !lance, son of Mr. and Mrs. ~ Stepban 'of S~ Ana, 11 an alumnus of Newport Harbor High School. CM Overeaten Overeaten: Anonymeu!I gather every Wednesday even· ing at 8•in Bear Street School, Co!ta Mesa. · FINAL WEEK! BIG GARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL ·E ' FURNITURE, CARPETS, I ' LAMPS, ACCESSORIES J.tt.'B111evs.. PASADENA: Colorado at El Molino POMONA: Hol~ u st of Garey SANTA ANA Main at Eleventh ._ ... ____ . Debutantes in Limelight Party Series Continues 1 Tobtes. COl'•red with red coin Jones, mothin of the Duyan, .Dlao'o r r.1 i/1 el le , clotha and Ce!ltered with crttn bonoRd debulanlel. Robynn AlbUtA N.-; Carol llocted flower pots filled with Other CHS debutantes ti· Jeao Rooenut, Rooda Dianne goldeo lllllflowen, eohanced tendlni were the Mbees V08'1 and Bartilrr. ""'"* -.,, A-25, 1969 " 0,IJLV PILOT JS e4 STORES ••• ALL 7'2 . ' and open nlghtlY, tlll 9 :30 S..tb Coast ?ta.za t ~ _.....,., ... ~,_,,,_....,.. the Lido r.le home ol Mn. Ellzabe1h HaNon C a rv e r, Woolley, , Martin L«kney ,_rday Marianne -Cox, T1rry Other Had>or Area. )'OODI I I when she eti\ertained Ul&t Ann EWs, Laurie E 11 en women. at:endinl were u.o.e:l---'--------J,---------,.-,-----.,,-------- debutanteo with an Informal Fraser, Virginia CI a Ire prmnted at U,, Empire : _ brunch. Howell, Karen Kue mm el Debu~te Ball In .June~~ , / Co-ho1tlll'g wu her Jacbon, Lauren Ann a.retheMl.sielLa ·~C:eJjay · da,.gbte~tn-law, Mrs. Martin Kalmbach, Kathryn Leoni ~lien, Karen Lymi • llitJey, , .. 1 Lockney Jr., a recent mother Lynch, Pamela Jean Meserve, Nancy Sue Btrgl!IOO, Marti , of an.1 adol!_ted baby' from Margaret Lenore Parker, Mueller Chotloer, Su 1 a ii: Children'• l{<ime Socle\f. Deanna Kay Peyton, Diane Margaret. Hart. µ.. Marlo Naturally, hoooftd guests Plumb and Sharon 'l'hompooo. Laughlin,·· Ouilllbe Joeleeti ...,.. two CHS debutan .... the-Also Invited ,,.,. t181 Na-Martla. Sue Anne " Mendoza, Mlnes Leslee Linda L!ttlejoll!l ttonal Charity Le a g u e Martlyo Kathleen l"ed<. ~D and Jessica Morion! Jones. debutantes, the Misses JanlJ Lynne Futed>augll, Pa a I a Others bidden to the affair Linden Caldwell, K r I• t I n e Louise Sprague and Mary were 1Mra. Vernor Lester Lit· Laun. SUsan Barne s on, Cbriatlne'Wblte. ilejobn and Mrs. Henry Lin-Stephanie U.Oer, Emmylou Canadian Honeymoon Follows Formal Rites Friends Collate Programs A Juliet style gown of dacron chlffon with a chapel train was chosen by Nanci Noffke for her weddln& to John Bradley Brown l n Falrv1ew Baptist Churclt. The Rev. Dr. Franc is ~fcOlasb officiated for the double ring ceremony, when the bride wu given in mar· riage by her Inother and father. Sbe b the dai;ghter ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke of Costa Mesa. Her husband is the SOD of Mr.·anct Mr!. John Brown of Newport Beach. Venise lace formed the bodice of the bride's gown, and a headpiece of lace and chiffon caught her elbovr length veil. She carried a cucade o( chrysanthemums and daisie!. Miss Carolyn Breed Ing, maid of booor, attended the the bridegroom ts a graduate of Newport Harbor High School. MRS. JOHN BROWN Costa Mas• Home Eleven Orange C o \I n t y Friends of the Library groups were represented at a lun- cheon booorlng Mrs. Thomas Hall of Irvine, presldeot..iect of the Friends of t b e California Libraries. The Greenbrier Inn f n Garden Grove was the ~ lun- cheon setting, after which Mrs. Hall revlewld cunent programs of calllomia unit.a. Orange Coast area repmen- tatives attending were Mn. W1lliam Collum, Costa Mesa; • Mrs. Charles Bauer, ffun. lingion Beach; the Mmes. Stanley Le Lievre and Horace Benjamin, Newport Beach; Mrs . Frank Parker, San Clemente; Dr. L. H. Under, UCI; and ff. G. Gregory, Miss Rosa Pollard and the Mmes. Harriet Dworkin, Eleanora Marega and Blanche Becker, Lelaure World, Seal Beacb. bride In an empire styled 1fi0iiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;,;;;;;;iiiiiiil gown of magenta colored &ilk. She canied a matdling bou- quet of carnatiOO!I. Robeil~Hlppi &erved u ties£ IT'S A FACT! man. · AS!ll!ti ng at the reception in the church patio following the ce r emony were t be br idegroom's grandmother, Mr!. George Brown, and a family fr iend, Mrs. Jay G. If you spent 30 seconds lookin9 at each of our sha9 samples, it would take you over 9 hours to see them all- so come early and bring your lunch. crowt.y. · Following. a honeymoon tn Canida the newlywedJ will make their borne in Costa DON'S CARPET SHOP Mesa. . The bride ls a Jun1<r In Costa Mesa High &:hool, and 426 SO, MAIN (2 Biko. No. of lullock'sl ORAN~I HOUU: f·l:JI DAILY' CLOllD SUNDAY' ROBINSON'S COIF SHAPE-UP; CUT & CONDITIONED ROBINSON1S OWN CUTeee 1COHTOURED 1 TO THE HUG OF THE HEAD.•• SCULPTURING YOUR HAIR THE WAY IT WANTS TO,.GO ANO GROW. IT1S A HAIRDO THAT HOLCS ITS LI NE, IT~ SHAPE, ITS VERVE1 FOR WEEKS ANO WEEKS •• ,GROWJNG LOVELIER AS IT GROWS LONGER• AND TO KEEP IT BOUNcY, HEALTHY• SHINV, •• FERMODYL, OUR IMPORTED BELGIAN FORMULA TO PROTECT IT, RADJANTLY, AGAINST THE BRITTLING, RAVAGING SUN. ALSO A MUST AFTER HAIRCOLORJNG AND WAVING. CUT• CONDITIONER, SHAMPOO ANO SET, 11.00. EXCEPT BEVERLY HILLS, 13.00. ' ROBINSON'S NEWPORT• FASHION ISLAN D • 644-2800 • SALE Buy three pairs and save on Vassaretta panties •.. now through August 30th How's lhe perfect time to replenish your su pply of lamous Vassaretta triefs, bikinis oi trunks of soft white nyl on . All beaut ifully made !01 a slim, sleek fit. And, they have 1eplaceable elastic waistband. Bikini, sizes 4 to 6; reg. 1.35 •••••••••••••••••• now 3/1.11 Pantle trunk; sizes 5 to 7, reg.1.65 .............. naw S/4,21 sizes B to 9, reg. 2.00 ..... , ....... now S/1.21 Blief, sizes 4 to 71 reg. l,50 : ••••. , ............ now 111,'ll sizes B to 9, reg. 1.75 ................... now 1/4,11. Lingerie, all stores except Ma1ina u mS' • I I I • ~·· PUllLO INQUIRY -Frank McGee, above, ,... ports on an bour·long news special tonight at 7:30 on Channel 4. Tilled, "Pueblo: A Question of ln- tellJ&ence," the program will examine the Pileblo Incident and the efficiency -0! U.S. inteWgence operations .. TELEVISION VIEWS Mike Connors Back Again HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Television's Jut sur- viving private eye, "ManniJ:," will keep his gun loaded and hi& fists clenched and bare during a season when man-to.man physical confrontationJ are definitely out ol style. Mike Connors, star ol the CBS series that IOOll will start it.s third 5eason, believes that a Jitue ac- tion can go a long way but that Ille audience will feel cheated and unhappy without lll!Y· "THERE ARE lew enough action aeriea left," he ruminated glumly as he munched a ham and cheese sandwich during a lunch breek. "But we will •till have fights when they •eem necessary -it ii logical when the criminal ia about to be apprehended. And we'll have some gun-play, too." Connon blamed pres&ure from the top for the trend away from violence. ''Sen. Pastore (a critic of TV violence) and a few others are really censoring what you and I are goina: to "' oo our television l'iCreens," Connors said. "I jut don't think that people want it that way. ''We have the very best censoring devices in our own .homes. U we don't like what we see on television, w.e can tum off the sel Whal I don't like ii having llO!IU!C'1e "8ying ahead ol lime what I can ,ae and what l qm'l 0 C!>NNORS, In a director's chair on the aide- walk ot •a mld.flol!ywood residential street, paused to open a container of buttermilk. · "I remember when J ·Was growing up and watching John Wayne's 'w i Ides t fights oo the ocreen," be continued. "He was In g~ ll&htlng shows about a clear><:Ut American wbcr was . d .. fendUlg the right He waa .a• stnmg man. "U we're going to ouuaw violence lit'i really dQ IL Let's get rid of football, boxlnr.' hockey and wrestling. That's all based on violence and mOS't af it, like the blood spilled, is real." CoMors said that of course he believes that television shows should be in good taste -two \vords which are hard to define -but that he de. plores "letting a few men impose their standards and tell you what you can see." PARENTS, he said, are responsible for !heir children's viewing habiU. He has two of hiJ own and said that a routine question from his IO.year: old ~n and 9-year-old daughter ts 11Pop, what'• the moVIe? Can I watch it?" He often says no and makes it stick. · "But on lhe olher hand, I don 't want my kids to grow up believing that there is nothing destruct· ive in the world. I want them to know that tJ1ere Is good and bad in the world, Jhat you can be hurt ph,vslcally, that guns can kilt you, that drugs are bad for you, that not everyone means well." ABC HAO SECOND thoughts about NBC's double specials on Sept. 22, and postponed the pre- mieres of two of its big series, "The Survivors" and "Love, American Style" until Sepl 29. No- body, nOC. even Lana Turner, wants to battle Bob Hope and two dozen top comedians followed by Flip Wilson. Dennis the Menace • • .... ,. .. ~ ......... ..-.;.. .... ~ l'ERKINS JUDGE PARKER Al'lllOl&ll EXASPatATfP rf -Sl'al<ER'• ,.....,,= IJ£.K OF LOOIG, 5IJA mveR ANM.lY A6R:S3 10' INTRVIEW HEf FRIENP IROPY! ~ MUTI AND JEFF ---·--··- GORDO MISS PEACH i I I I ' ·····-···· ' ' ...... ....... -·--· ..... _ ........ 1 ~ ..... ~ ....... .. ...... ',......... ..... . - By John MDes By Harold Le Doux ml. JEn\' 10 SHOW "IQ& 10 UOC'Y''S CEt.L! 6000 Ula! YOU MAY NEED rr1 WHY. OF CoURSEl '/OO!re M'f FOREIGN I CORRESRJNl16'/t SAY, DON'T YOU KNOW ~TS AGAINST 'll1E LIWtCllDN'T )'l'.>U SEE "Tf-\A: 1 SIGN, . . "DoN'T wi.J..Jt'? By Al Smith WHO WAL.KEO? By Gn Arriola • ~AOt.JQ t,'f "" I m 5 PM NEW TIME FOR * PUTNAM NEWS ON KT1V ........ -(C) (II) ""' -· ••••••• ....., (q (30) ·-- -(C) (IO) "" .-..._ Shellft ..,....., Mltblll ..................... ........... _ ... ,,,. .... (dnlU) '53-llftie,. Sb• W)'tt. Rldlttt C.rboL 8 I "" (C) (IOI ID11-...,(IO) ·-(C) (JO) l!ll (])--(C) (90) GI WWt "'9t (lO) Tonl&hf't IJiiHt flln ttud1 fllrtl-. 5oll rock· 1t1 11141 l11nl111 folll IOllp.. fl) JWl!lbMI ... ,.,. (30) GB Nns (CJ (ll)) J1ct; Hldcl)'. 1:30 II MIC lllNrvk:I (CJ l60) m•..,-caoi QJ Ill-(Cf (30) 11!1 , ... --(C) (30) am m -!Cl <30l OJ -14 !Cl (IO) 7 ............. -(t) (JO) Wilt• Crontltt. C!J WW• MJ U.? (C) (30) Host \liiUy 8n11• 111d JttUIM ptMlls'I NlfM frandl Wlk:orM 1U11t1 Ni,. '" ltuutll, Btrt r.o.nvy, JQlnn.1 B1tMS 1M Mut Qood.to&. ID iooiooM !Cl l30l ""' ""' luddlll Wllc:e111e1 1ui1t1 .kll1 Fo11- t11nt Md .Mell Jonu. IB Mc:RIW1 ..., (30) "''. -... (C) (10) (,.. f!llft do-. his fix .ft allop 1nlll mlrn. (R) • "" -(C) (60) o l!ll (]) m no -«> (60) Htfun110i-• Limb." Elr1 Cony OCNTIU undlr con1ldtr1b!t pmsur• Whlll It Is btJIS¥td tfllt hi kllDWtl whd $50,000 In b1nk loot b hid· 11 ... T1mm1 Grimes ind Mikt Rold t11td. (R) fD llfck Jo•nitl (C) (601 An 11- amll'lltiofl of th• 1111rttitllll of South Afrtca as ¥itwld bf' th1 b11tk 111111. QICl)n. -(C) (30) t:SI IJ ,.., Arf•lr (t) {30) Whtft U11cl1 llH taus Iii• femlly ID S,.ln for 1 ft11•·monlil &ojour-11, 111 4ottn't !or.wt tht tdwntu1n 1h•d.. l'lrt I of I lllr•Plrt storJ. (R) Cl._ (C) 00> T .. ~ m1mcwr,.... lQ CIO) int ttvill• 111d apills .. mf'll'll •rt upturtd ~ ttia -""" ol action " ttw bl1 .... el ~ trllil, H#tl~ South Atrb. Ille C.ribbt•n 111111 ttt. Wiil c.t. Im 8umid llOtb. (R) iBCil""""'• ... "" QJ Cl) - -(t) (10) CJ hrilta M..ic.t (lOt m.-. -"' •-i::r. (30) "The Lila of Utt.• Alf11 W1tb dltamn tllt Zen phllolOphy lt:CIO 8 9 (I) n.1111...,.... (C) (&l) of ttirowin1 off th1 decePtiont ot Siii1•-eompostt Bobbf RlllMl1 Olto chlldllood. H• points Ollt thlt ac-wme "Honey" 111d '\Jttle Gt111 oordl111 to Z.11, tlll lrwllvldut! win Alpl•") ind COMdlltl Scoe' Mitch· ts 1 liction. 111 ruut. am•..., M• !Cl (30) om-i<:H!al 1111 _.• ...,. !Cl l30l 0 l!ll (])ID,... -!Cl (!al fl Dr-. .... (CJ (30) Q Dlbl (t) (60) KIJt SIMnr flllt i11 n hMtm for the 1ili111 ~-· ... ""' -(30) ID""" UDl fl 1hrll P'r• (C) (IO) A lllf!I. llllfY ct clob1I prm r11ctlotll to toe.~ Mtlonll tnd lntwnallonl/ ...... OJ .. ·-(C) (90) T UE SD AY DAmME MOVIES Otflj, Lou RaW11 plllb. m ™"' Uni (C) (60) "'Coler Problems ill U&1111d: WllH1nt Buckler 1Ad [lllldl Powtlt, ~r· ••tM 1111111"-of Par1illnlftt N 11 trJlnr to perilllde Nqron t. -Nd; to Afrk:I. dltcuss "" ls.sue. B Morie: (C) "'*"""" (dr•IM) '5J-M1rloll BrllldD, Rtd lllttona, MIJDlhl Umekl. m LitdNI'• lalllrJ (C) M11Y to11 Collins, Stu Gllliun 111d Alt)llldre R11 rutst. Won! portnlta trt al 0. J. Simpson ind YMen l11,lll. m---~<dr•ll'll> 'S7-Stlr1111J Kl1M\ RuUI ·-~ tl!)CllO.. II WM' (C) A loc$. me/ltlfY prod!Kd br th• Cofl'lmit· tH of Rupol'llibi1ity ahowl111 Vitt· nal'IUI dllldren ~JM to till United St.It .. 1or trtllmlllt II In· Jurin sllfllfad 111 Vlltnt111.. * He's mervelous on the MERV GRIFFIN SHOW IJ 18 (() Men lrtfflt (C) 8 IU l1l Ill ''"'Pt -!Cl 8 Mllll: •A W1t111n't v.,._. (mystery) '4-Ch1r1n Bayw, At!11 . .,.,. 0 IJ1l (]) Ill JMJ '""" (C) 1:001J Mwic .,.. n .. '' • '~ (dflntl) 'S1-.llot«t V111Jfln. ~ ""'~ 80-(tl 0 C:.11tilf17 lllflltitl .... Q e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu11ity Prlntln9 ind D•p•nd1ble Service for mor• thin • quarter of • c1ntury. PI LOT PRINllNG 1211 WIST IAUOA an .. NIWPOlT llACH -Ml-4121 ---- At ACT Couapattfl ' Stage WorkEndures By DUSTON HARVEY SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The nrk ol the atlge dtr«"tor i. flutlng. Unlike his movie coun· terpart, he knows that no mat- ter how brilliant hia theatrical improvisatlon11, they generally will lut. only as long a.s a play's run. But dlrtdor )Villiam Ball btUevea his American COnservatory 'nleater a n d &imllar repertory companies may be the means of making stagecraft at least aemi· permanent. Bau; energetic, 31-year-old founder and geMral man11er ol ACT -and an occa&Jaoally outrageous extKJnent of "dine· tor's theater" -argues that masterful productlons abould survive along with t he playwright's words. concern ot regional theaters must be their own audience. "Playwrights and producers conceivably could v I e w regional theaters u hot plates ror Broadway," he Jaid . .,It's not in our interest to be used that way. "Taking a play to New York ls ju.st as incidental aa taking iJ to Los Angeles, Albuquerque or Tokyo." Ball. whose company performs in rotating repertory at two theaters, does think a new play or two should be in- cluded in the "balanced dJel" provided the local audience. But he doesn't believe future His production or Piran· Broadwpy success should be a dello's "Six Characters in c.rlteria In their selection. Search oC An Author'' is lZ ' He concedes artistic con- years old while h.Ls staging of slder1tions must be balanced Dylan Thomas' '•under b~1box office ~ntiaJ. ~lil.kwood" has survived for a Art and finance are tn- decade separable. The audJence must • . be there. It is just as much a Ball, a balding blond who part of the theater as the moved hls company here after writer and the actors " he a year in Pittsburgh. and one said . ' • SHE WANTS TO BE SERIOUS Persian Belly Dancer Tanya Lem ani DAILY PILOT ll 'Little Help' Was Big Help For British S oul Singer HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -To want 1 vlsuat pe.rfonnance. I Cocker. whose brown hair ls hear Joe Cocker slng, you'd don'l lhlnk they differentiate long and SCfjCKIY and whose I -they don't seem to know 2$:rear-old ~ce_ Is Lind ~nd IWWt--h&--WU-a-black-IOU WhlCI\ frliOOCI 6and!ric1Sad-lpokriig, Iias been carrca &Inger from deep ln lhe land of which isn't." the white Ray Charles. magnolias and Spanish moss. CQcker Is backed up by four "When I wos young," he ex. But you'd be wroog. musicians he Calls The Grease plained. "I used to buy all JUiy Joe Cocker, whose version Band, 21nd their nw6ic Is cate-Ch a r I ell ' albums and of the John Lenoon·Paul gorized a bluesy rock and roll , memorize every bil of his McCartney ~•. "With a Lit· lie puts on a visual show phrasing. I hud a fixation .._,. hlm!elf whe11 he $ings. about hi.m. I forgot. it later, tie Help From My Friends," •·r do tend to shift a lot of but J guess I absorbed a Jot of was a hit aboUt • year ago, is energy about," he admits~ his sound." a white Engli.shman, who unu11-='-"'-=="-"---="--1---------- reeflltl)' was Otting g11 stoves in his native Sheffield by day and singing in pubs by night. As lead sin1er in Vance Arnold and the Avengers, he made *-'°' a week. then, in 1963, he ws signed to 1 rtcQrding contract. "I thought it was my big break," Cocker said. "I paced up the job and set off starry- eyed. A year later I returned home brokenhearted and pen- niless. The record bombed and the tour folded. Mii"''" "°""~ "l::it Ttflitlll 11 l :)t m. .. N:l\lll_ .. _ o-iiv~ ''One of the values ol our kind of operation is lbat good -k just doesn't die," he said tn an Interview. "We can bring back our best productions and keep them allve. "Eventually, we would have plays enter the repertory each year, or every other year, for six or a doun performances." on the road, also has a warn· Ball who cut ACT's third ing for hls fellow managers of seaso~ a mooth ahore because the nation's regional theater•: of ml.Odling box office after B 11 1 • They . must avoid tne eight months, • dozen new e y nte1·est1no temptation to become Otll4· productions and s e v e n e ··For a year or so J just laid about feeling sorry r o r myself. Sometimes l'd go lis- ten to other groups and I'd think, they're rotten. So I got started again." town "hot plates'" for revivals, is already lining up Ball has kept his best works on the boads by organizing his "'<lWn company, completing its third season in San Francisco as the n1tion'1 biggest and buliest reput«y groop. Broadway. U!.e fourth season's 17 plays. D E S ' R le In a year wnen the hin· The 196~70 December.June ancer yes eriOUS 0 te~lands provided New York season will include seven with "Great White Hope," U!.e revivals -including a few of • PuUtzCr and Tony award! win-those recurring "best pro- ner, and a half dozen other ductions" which Ball wants lo Sitting in the offices of A&M 1 _ _;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Records here, Cocker recalled!; how he and his frie nd, bass player Chris Stalnton, gOf. an idea to do "With a Little Help From tity Friends" in % time. Joey Bishop and Della Reese television shows. By VERNON SCO'IT HO!L YWOOD (UPI) plays, Ball insists the only keep alive. 'l'anya Le:mani is a Persian forget Lillie Egypt, bul it wasn·t exactly ballroom stuff eilher. belly dancer who is attempting "Two years ago I returned to wriggle her way lo loftier to Las Vrgas -again at the artistic endeavors. Flamingo Hotel -as the star Sharon Tate's Death Brings Her Stardom HOILYWOOD (AP) -In death, Sharon Tate ha! ad- vanced to st.ar billing in advertising: of her best known movie. of pictures bad proved prcr fltable in Seattle. "Valley of the Dolls' st.ar- ring Sharon Tale, Barbara Perkins, Patty Duke," reads a current ad for • chain of 12 thl!!aters. Before her death, ?.1iss Tate -slain Aug. 9 Y.ith four others at her home -was bill- ed behind ?.fiss Perkins, Miss Duke and Peter Falk. The studio says • ' T h e Fearless Vampire Killera" was released early last year and has been showing somewhere ever since. Its on- ly pnvious exhi.biUon in this area was on one night, Friday, Sept. 13, in a number ol theaters. The picture Is a takeoff on old-time horror movies, with M i s s Tate playing an inn- keeper's daughter. Susan Hayward geta special billing in the picture but is mis.nng from the new movie ad. A 1 s o In release here ts another Tate film, ' ' T b e Fearless Vampire Killers." billed as second feature to ''The Green Slime." Daily Variety reports ''Valley ol the Dolls" was "rusbed .in" last week as com~ panlon feature to ' ' T h e Chainnan" in its third week at a downtown theater. Bul an MGM spokesman gays the cun-ent booking was set last June, after the pairing The theater's gross for the week ending Tuesday was $7,211 com~ed with $6,900 in the previous week when "UlO runes" v.·as the ' e c 0 n d feature. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 44 •ital· lurg lst's 1 1 Ca1slng concrrn dtath 46 Ctrt11onl1I 6 Brolly acllons jlO !11h' 48 Earft's carTlagt tnvtl~ 114 Trrat badly 49 U111p's 15 011: tom~nion Comb. form 51 Ulschltl 1 lo Ort body 53 Salts tleri:'s 17 Cook In answtt: ctrtaln war 2 words lB Ftshtrman s 57 Got up accrssory 58 Prtposltion 19 Turkish · 59 2nd hlghtst VIPs peat in 20 Portlaytr or No : Americas 7 Sullate of Emilt Zola 61 Russian Sta aluminum 21 Accept &5 Big affair 8 Virtue as lr111! on Oahu 'i Kind or 22 Thomas 66 lmpltmtnl justice Hardy 67 Harden by 10 Kind of IO'Yt heroine txerclse 11 Nottd ~l Fortt of 68 Kind al dagll'!r lt•lte>o Casper and b9 Of an grapher Bald ing hlstori~ 12 Rttlpe '25 Foddtt crop period quanUly : 27 An ima l 70 Bird 2 words assoclalf'd 71 Dr ltd up 13 Untidy wllh a holiday 72 Sant on 21 Alaskan .Jl Common-73 Pttlor111 111\iYe wraith of a bake1y 24 Out ol lht Nations operation ordinary 111tmber: 26 Wrestling Abbr. OOI N artna :JZ Slltt: Abbr. fixture Jl Ct1ude --: l lllan• and 27 Baltic port En;. highway-cullinte land 28 CMr11k:•I man .2 Father: Arab. compound JS Rtgion bthlod 3 Malayan for• Z' J111a9e of the B111boo of address 1 diYlnlty Curlaln 4 Transfer to 30 Kind of 39Word of anolhtr transit . approYal 5 Ttnnls 34 Without 141 ~1ckln9 u111plre's exaggmtion 1n passion decl1lo1t 36 Vessel 43 llallan 6 l8'11 1ClnlU1t 37 Afrlc•n provlnce Nria:Zwcrds 11obl••11 • 8/25/69 38 Unll~d Empirt loyalist: lnlormal AO ltrot 4Z Engl lsb county •s "-11a11! .. 47famlly mtmbtr: lnlonnal 50 Slaggrr 5Z Oepeld upon' 2 words 53 Egg patls 54 Variant of 67 Acro ss 55 Mtans of going Ull and doWI!. !i6 Thomas or Garry --bO Ttf"'inal point of a raee 6Z Bumpkin 63 Diva's speciallr 64 let out !er temporary "" 67 E•asptrate La Winters Freezes Up In Ozarks She was born in Iran some of 'Cleopatra and 1, 0 O 1 25 years ago. Tanya's mother Knights','' Tanya said proudly. is Russian and her father is Ownerll of television sets Iranian who abhors belly dan-sa w Tanya perform her cing as a low means or en-specialty Sunday on the Elvis tering show biz. Presley video show. Her role ''Belly dancing in Persian on the· show is small bul will night clubs is frowned upon by not go winoticed. decent people," Tanya ex-"Belly dancing Is really plained, "because the girls EgypUan and Turkish ," Tanya have bad reputations. explaJned. 1'The Persians just "But it is a common en-picked it up. His first album, featuring Denny Cordell, who i s Cocker's reeording manager now, heard the tape. "Denny said it would make a good single and 1 said, faJr enough. I didn't know what would make a record and what wouldn't," said Cocker, a straighforward young man who describes his numbers aa "a nice litUe song,'' or "• bit of nonsense, really." [!)9i' As .a single (and recorded _ _ under his real name ). "With A --- MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. (UPI) -Some tempermental heat from the Hollywood hills warmed up an Oz.ark film set Thursday as actress Shelley Winters threattned to walk out on the filming ol "Bloody Mama.'' tertainmenl Jn priyate homes "It began with Turkish whert mothers and daugbters gypsies and spread through dance exotically for the men the Arabic countries. Persia - in the famil y. That .90rt of or Ira,, if that's what you belly dancing is acceptable. In want to call il now -is not fact that's where I first saw Arabic. and I don't particular- Little Help From My F•l•nds" JOHf.I WAYNE, 61.E'N CAMPBB.l •KIM DARBY sold more than 300,000 copies , .. "'l!f"Jt . ., . _ • It was ~fiss Winters' most Impassioned performance in Arkansas since she waa in Lit· tie Rock Cll'I a campaign trip for Hubert H. Humphrey and forgot to mention his name. "J don't have to take th.is,'' Miss Winters screamed when a crew member grumbled about her holding up pro- duction of the movie which is about the notorious Ma Barktr gang that terrorized l h e Midwest in the 1930s. She shrieked: "Tell Roger T'm leaving,'' referring to lloger Connan, p r o d u c c r • director. ~fiss Winters stood in the middle of a road in a multicolored print houscdress and a bumt·red wig waiting for a car to take her away. it." ly like belly dancing. and was No. I on the charts '* . · both in the United Stat.ts and . , Tanya Is an olive-skinned "I'd like to become 1 serious in Europe. beauty with green eyes and actress and do better things in ON TOUit long, dark hair. She was a?-movies. I returned to Persia a In April, Cocker began a pearirlg in play& and movies in few years ago and ~uked in a t"Oalt·l<H.'Oi.Sl tour of the Tehran when she was 4 years picture. They wanted me to United States. appearing at old. stay, but opportunities are rock and roll coocerts. He ap- She came lo the United better in Hollywood." peared on the Ed Sullivan States at age 10 without ever Tanya was reminded that show on his first day in the having executed a belly dance Hollywood is full or hopeful States, and also was on the in her life. actresses, but good btlly "With A Little Help From M.Y "I was taking ballel lessons dancera will always be in de-Friends" and • •Fee I i n a: here five years ago in a achoo! mand. Alright," wh.ich ts currently on where a stage company was "Yes, J know," Tanya con-the charts, sold 125,000 copies rehearsing 'Cleopatra' to open eluded. ';I've been chased in the first six weeks. He ls in Las Vegas ," Tanya re-around tnough desks to find working now on a second counted. "One of the girls out. That's why I want tG album, lo be released in dropped out and t h e become an actress." October to coincide v.•ith his choreographer convinced me I second American tour. should replace her on one Audiences are different In day's notice. 'Country Dance' '"'United States tnan In Bri· "When we gol lo Las Vegas tain, Cocker says. J was terrified. All the other l!OU.YWOOD fUPI) "The kids here like to see a The l1 strangest l trio ever to track a killer. - A publicity man said t.tiss Winters meant she was going back to the company's htad· quarters oo Lake Bull Shoals. He said there should not be an ''ntgative publicity" about li.tiss Winters' blowup. girls in the chorus had Peter O'Toole and Susannah lot of energy spent," he said. rehearsed for weeks doing 8 York will star in "Country ''I don't know if it ia altogether belly dance. Dance" for MGM on location a good thing. Instead ol llsten. "The director shoved me on -;~n~l~"~l;::and~a;::n~d~Scol~~la:nd~. ==..:.:;n:!!g~t~o.!g~ood~·~t~;g~h~t .::m::;u::;~~c,~lhe~y.I)..::.:==========="""""""""""""""~===""= stage with the rest and told1; ---- me to movr: my anns, roll my eyes and shake all over, and that's what I did.'' Exett1tive Producer Elliot Shick appeared in the scene and told Miss Wint e r s: "You're supposed lo be in n1akeup by 10 a.m." It was 11 :.50. By the end of the engage- ment, Tanya had become an accomplished belly dancer. She would not make the world BALBOA 673-4048 OPIN 6:45 7M I. ••11,_ --•11 lllMI hnlnaul• C•11tht11•n Dolly fr•• Z:OO ·~ PLUS WAlt DllHIY'S "WINNIE THI POOH" OPIM Ml•HTlT 6:41 MAT. SAT. & SUN. 1tt l :ot YOUl.L LOVE HEABIE th1 lncrtdlbl1 llfU1 earl eNow .. Ends Tuesday• Siio•• •t 7:00 •ti 11 :00 AM -et t :JO 011ly --~~~~ ~ ..... ,ti~ .. ~ : -. .' ~:·· ; .... ·-: .:, .: .. ~: , . ··:-.··.: lhe1ildess ~•r I ·---·- e Starts Wedn11day e -s,..i.r '"" Tlfllft- Featur• Starts 6:30 llnd 9:45 t..t s11 .. 1-. hf- w1,......e t.r • '"" -Will !lot Sffw •• T.Y- • H•~l ~Al COA'lflOIUTil)lll Fifi~~ •• o...,. r,,_.,. .t lrinl • .sti-11~ ACIU OF Fllll PA ltllHG lh1tll ......... ACA DIMY AWARD WINNER IN NOW PLAYING! IOX OPPICI OPIHS 1 :00 SHOW STAllTS 1 :JO COOLED IY RIFRIGEllATION Gtt'elclht• r ... lM MY AWAllD WIHHl l -ALSO COMI DY CO·HIT - IOI HOPI&: JAC.11 •LIA.SON IN ''How To Commit Marria9e" IMI NIWf'OtT llACM -...... -.. ,_.._._ ll'* ltle -OL ,_tllt EXCLUSIVE RUN Bait T.aD1if I II '= ... --w--lo "SUPPORT YOU R LOCAL SHER "F" i.,., SMw St"'1i 7 ""'· c ... ,. Sat ..... SYll. ff•nt 1 '·"'· Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" T~• l!ie& AO,.. c.en.,r l'11mt. fl't-.a1-. A NMioall c.-r.l Piaul'ft ~ MATINEES DAILY WALT DISNEY ,...,., .... ~!' TECHllCOl.Ofl• ........ --tit--.-. ·--...... -- NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME EXCLUSIVELY I Fun Feature .... TUISDAY STARTS WED. AUG. 271h-.'.IATINEES ~:.:'Ne HA,U'JJ,,WS' GLENN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY G·UllD R,UE . G IT • l I 'I JI DAILY PILOT s -· August 25, 1969 ' Mesa Man Opens Beacl1 Franchise • • ,. ' • A fut growln( chain of 1utomotJve brake 1 a I el y 1---+~~r.u.Jirokc groond In Huntington Beach thb week. The Big Brake ls a franchlse chain of automotive brake saftety centers featur· log alignment and tires. ' . ' > The new Big Brake site, the second in Orange County is located at Ili091 Beach Blvd., and is scheduled to open around Sept. 15. Miss Hun- WE'VE GOT THE ANSW•RI TAB WILL ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE ••• WAKE YOU UP ... DELIVER YOUR MESSAGES ••• TAKE YOUR ORDERS ... AND FILL MANY OTHER NEEDS ... FOR AS LOW AS $14.50 PER MO. CALL US NOW FOR INFORMATION AND A BAOCJWAf.. r llllPJIONE · -Jib AlfSwERIN& IURfAU 543-2222 I OFFICES TO SERVE ALI. OF ORANGE CO. tingtoa Beach, Connie Pflst.r, helped owner John Ourren take the first scoop of ground fnmt the-s1t :.-Atso-prtSent were two of Gurren's sons, John Jr. and Gary; Associate , City Plaooer Jerre Murphy: Chamber of Commeree Presl. dent Bill Woods; Economic Development Director William Back and Chambir or Com- mrce hosts Darrell Ward, Carole Wall, Jean Morehoyse. Helen Stewart. and Cissie Casey. The Big Brake ls the first franchise venture for owner Gurren who bas been with the J . C. Carter Company, Costa Mesa for 17 yean. Gurren will temain with the company and his son, John Jr., will lake an active part in the busµless. 'Ibe younger Gurren majored in automotives at Orange Coast and Golde.a W e s t Colleges. Gurren, an auto rac. Ing enthusiast, also livea in Costa Mesa . All Mlk-All Models ~--T~ ''Wher• s,,.,;,, Melfi the Difftrllltt" or.,,.. CIWfltY ...,. <•'"""' °'· N-ptrf l dl. (11') Mf.m.I I.ts Al!ttltt M6 I. Westen 12111 nl-1'14 * HALLI DAY'S * / MONTE CARLO SPORT COUPE New Chevrolet for 1970 is the Jong· hood, short-deck Monte Carlo, Avail· .able only as a hardtop coupe, the plush new model will be shown Sept. 18 at dealerships along with the entire Chev~ role! line. In High Gear Chevrolet Plans Unveiling Of New Monte Carlo Model CARL-CARSTENSEN. Jr. Dilly l'li.t .lll'l-llvt lfllllw ''Chevrole t will continue to set the industry pace wilh a variety of cars and .lplions which will allow yoo to custom tailor your personal transpor. talion,·• John Z. De.Lorean, General Motors Vice Presi- dent and Chevrolet General Manager. said today in intro- ducing the new J!r10 models. , Current Corvettes an d Camaros will be continued un- til the end of this year with new models in each line scheduled f o r introduction later in the model year. DeLorean said that among important 197'0 engine changes the base v-a of the big Chevy is increased l<t 350 cubic in- ches to give added powu, The base &-cylinder engine or Chevrolet will also be in- creased. ONE MODEL A new 400 cubic inch V-8 will be available for both Chevrolet The Monte Carlo, Chev· rolet's new personal lux · ury car, headlines their new product, "Monte Carlo adds a new n;arkcl dimension of in·l---------- divid11a\ high fashion styling and intermediate size, hand!- ! n g and performance", DeLorea n said. All the new Chevro l e t models with the exception of tilt Corvette and Camaro will go on sale Sept. 18. LEGAL 'NOTICE NOTICIE OIL' TllU$TIE'S SILE and the Monte Carlo. 'Ille Monte Carlo is new for Chevrolet ahd is classed as a sporty personal luxury car with only one model-a 2-door hard top coupe. It is built on a J 18 inch wheel base and cOm- pared to the larger Impala Coupe ls 9-inclies shorter over all , more than 1-lncb lower and 4-lncireJI in width. The interior Is f i n e 1 y tailored and the wide cluster of gages 8nd control give the instrument panel a distinctive look. Five V-8 engines a r e available and a special version called the Monte Carlos SS is equlped with a 360 horsepower v ... The regular size Chevrolet has 11 new front end ap- pearance for 1970, with only minor changes visable. The top selling Chevelle has a new look for 1170. A bold front end design is emphasized and skie styling gives it a strong resemblance to the larger Chevrolet. The pace setting S t 8 Chevelle now takes nearly one oul of every five CbeYelle 11ales and tOr the coming year ill engine power wlll be in· creased to 350-horsepower. Numerous power tn sport ac- • Foam Tire Tests Show Durability NEW YORK (UPI)-Would YOU. bellev• an "airJeu• ~ one iiOt even a 6Wiet can punc-•·• ' -·· , Goodyear 'llre & RUbber .Co. Md Firestone aclentista: are fn tbe advance tesUng .stage with an 1'aJrless, foam-Oiled'' tire which may be ready for lndua- trlal and army Ythicle use within the next lwo )'e&tl. Both companies adnllt aucb a tire ltlII 1sni practical for the average car which travels at expresswttr speeds becauM! of over heating and we.lg.ht ~blems. The foaming mater- ials, pre-mh:ed with special chemJcals, is placed inslde the Ure casing. Then under beat treatment. the c,h em i ca Is cause the material to ezpand into a dense, spongelike 1t1b- atance complelely filling the casing. The Army and Afr Foret are a:tudying the ''bullet proof" tire for vehlcles used in load- ing airplanes in cam~t zonea. Companies using mi n i n g, heavy construction and agrl- cultural vehlcles, ¥1bere dur- ability, oot speed, ii easenlial, also are interested. In one test, a car equipped with th foam-filled tire was driven 70 mph on' a freeway with a One- inch chunk out ol one Ure. Jt stood up perfectly. It al!o hu resisted splkeSi glass and jag· ged rocks. John J. Hartz, vice presi- dent fur Goodyur's tire de- velopment department. saJd the new lire has been le!t driven up to 80 mph at tracU in Ohio, Mid:tiBan mt Texas and no tread wear wu de- tected. And the ride proved smooth . Dow Corning Corp. of Mid- land. Mich.. which developed lhe foam, said other Ure com· panies are in,teristed. General Tire & Rubber Co. oonfirms that it has discussed the tire with Dow Corning. B. F. Good· rich says it is oot interested. And Uniroyal doesn't think the "airless" tire ia feasible for passenger cars. Qne.. reason ii the c05t fa c-tor. GoOdyear eslimatea that such a tire wouJd cost substan- tially more than the Ure cas· • ing itse:U but believes it wouJd prove economical where punc- ture problems are prtlvalenl. Anyplace where the land Is rough and speed not essentiaJ might p-ovide a market for the "airless" ti:re-oo farms, at oil exploration and mining sites, in areal of heavy con-struction and at land fill and dwnp lites. Most men havt a favorlle suit 11.nd because they wear It more f~uently, they want it to last longer. On l'•kllY. So:lll9fnbtr J. ltff, ti 1);111 t'~JOClt • 1>.,M_, UNITED ST A T'E 5 HOl.J)IHG COM,AMY,. 11 '"°""" -r 11111 PlllWl"I J1:t dtecll el' trUJI dlltd Sllllffl"tber 17, lH:t. tJ:K~ by K•!Mrl ... uwllf'. ll'lllll. • 1Nrrilill -· ...cl rKOr<llld kf>Nrnbtr J1, it•2. 1n Book l2j1. '''' 15' crf Ollklll fl_. I" ll'le ofl1ct el' 1119 RKlll'dfJr flf Ori"" County, car1torni.. will Hl1' 11'~1lc euf;lklft ta lfM "'9hnl bldQw ftr Cl"" (N rtble II llrM If Nie Jn 11.,..,ul ~ DI Ille United Sl1!11! 11 the IOI/Ill l'Oll'I '1•1rer>et J'O !ht ~d Or1nte COUl!l'Y Courtl'low«, I" Ille CllY of ~&rill AH; °"""Ill' C°"nf'I, C1lllornl1, t!t •1..,1. 1!111 ~nd lntere1t C!ll'IVtYed to 11\11 now IHl!d by 11 utlder 111<1 illltd In ltll .,,.,.,.,,, tll~ate In '"' Clly o! Co•lt Mn1, CtuntY ot Or1noe, S!fll <ti Call· fornl1o ~rlt>fd 11· cessories are available. p•im•••-••nc 1'he 1970 Nova continues its . ~ ., ·' ·1 :1 . ' • ·l .. DEANSGATE® uses an extra sturdy cheviot worstOO in lhia great looking natural shoulder herringbone suit. 1111.1111 MENis TRADITIONAL CLOTHING I 7th & Ill.VIN~ AVE. -WESTCLIFF PLAZA NEWPORT BEACH PH. 6'4S.079? ANNOUNCING. •• our new name is Southern California College of Medical and Dental Assistants (-lM ........ eoa,..of""""') Md Oentil Au.islMb °' 0...,... c.o.e, onlytMnmN /a t:hllnt/lld ... not tM prof/I-/ Wt .,....,, ._ d dimllls • ,,... ..idl ....ch 1 Jlhe:no._.e ......,.. d ~ °""' "'" --..ii.Me ...... -ew-_,., ~-~~~ ... ,_,.., ow.,..., .... ~ .......... ..m • ._. Southern Califomiil College of Medial and Dental Aaisl';ants is ACCREDITED bf 0. ~ Co:;awl..- fli .... Nlt'f. ~ Ill '"'-tlll4 Tmdwlkml 5rMt. Write • flhoel:t b ,,_ .. • a 1717 Soulh lrool<hanl Anaheim Pho ne: 635-3450 ..,,,..., lidloob •••::•• ... ~ Tiii Nortllwnter1y 411 tfff ol "" Saull'lenle•l'I JU IMI of I II' Norl~1nle•IY 115 '1!et of l ot 109 DI T"c! JOO, It 1Mwn <111 map llltrt<tt --In --1~. NOH II encl n of Ml1celllnto:111t MIPto record• of 1111' 0 ,.11111 Counl'I'. S.ld .. too will bl m-. buf wl!ll<tu! atYtf1tnt"' "''"'""'· e~1orin1 or lmplltd, r~1rdl1111 11111, ooueul<tn. "' ,,.. tumb<1..cn, to oey lhl ""<tlld ttti.nc:1 ol Ille ••IM!NI swm of 11\e no1e setured trt .. Id oetd. lo-wit: $1,nl.00, wlth lnltrttl '""" Aorll U. ltM. 11 In w ld note 1ro-v1-, tdv111C~. II ....,, ulldtr Ille """' IJI .. Id ,,..,.,, IM\, thtrteo Incl tlO>t<lHI of ltw T•UllN al!CI af Ille tr~'1. (rHfld by """ deed. Thr btr.tlltlltY I.Hider wld dttd, by , .. ...,, ol 1 l!rHCll or det1urr '" llHiP obllt1t1Gn1 1«ur9CI Iller.try, tlrrlt!Olore tKteUTlld 1tld dtllvtrtd lo 1111 unMrsltMd • wrlrfton D..:11r111on al Def111tl 11111 Oe· ..,.IHI tor Sile, 11111 written Nolle• ol Otl1urt Ind Elti:tlon lo 5411 Uncftr Oftd DI Tl'Ull lo CIUH the l>nd1!1'1lgMCI 10 .. II wld prOPt•TY !o .. 1111Y stld <tlllltll!<tlli. lftO !hrr11lllr, oro A<tr11 If, 19'9, 1111 unot'r1lvntd u uW'd 1111' Hollc1 al Ot11urt lftO Eitel~ la Sell lo ~ rtCO•ded •I tn1ll'Umflll Ho. 11'91. I" llooli: nn. P1t11e 134. O!l(tllt Rtc0rd1 or Or11191 CCYn!y, C11tror~f1. D1!ed: .t.uwu~I '· lfft. (SEALI UNITEO STATES l"OLOING COMPl>.NY, ~· llld Tr111IH, 81 P•ul F. Olrber. Vice Pre1l<knl BY Jutnllt Mtrlltl, Auf1!1"! ill:nl1r r Publl,t\ed 0'11'1111 Cotll 011!1 PllG!, 4UWllSI 11. IL ,J, IUI Ull_., I ELECTED PRESIOENT · Beech's Logan Don Logan Elected to Top Post Don R. Logan, Huntington Beach, has been elected presi· dent and general manager of the Long Beach Iron Works, Inc. The 30-year-<lld executive joined the firm in 1965 as a sales representative and then became a part owner when the business became a cor- poration. Logan is a member of the Chamber of Commerce , American Foundry Society, Iron Institute and Engineering General Contractors Associa- tion. The Long Beach manufac- turing company p r o d u c e s manhole oovers, fire hydrants, fabricated steel products and does job casting. blend of styling and economy, with chassis refinements giv· Ing the car a smoother ride. MERCEDES CENTER Mercedes-Benz of N o r t h America has just opened a new One Million dollar vehicle preparation center and office building to serve its dealers throughout Southern Ca llfomia, Arizona and parts of Nevada. According to Los Angeles Zone Manager James Marooney virtually every new Mercedes-Benz shipped t o Southem California will pass through this new center on ita \\'ay to area dealen. Localed on an eight acre site in Carson, the new facility has the capacily to prepare 6,000 cars a year. It is the newest of six of these centers maintalned by the · W e s t German auto importer in the United States. Wllh the addition of this new facility the company has rais- ed its building and property in America :.0 more than $U million • t.fercedes·Beni !ales in this area have boomed in the last fi'le years from 1960 to a 1970 projection of over 5,000, ac- cording to Marooney. YOUR PROBLEM: - You want to sell some ft•m that you no longer n"d but 'IOmeOne elM can UH for NOT OVER 7 ? 7 7 YOUR ANSWER: $50 7 7 Yov ctll THE DAILY PILOT, Hk !Gr Cl1ulfied Advertl1in9, and place a PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RAR 2 LINES 2 TIMES 2ooLLARS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642 -5678 ITc:ft lt9rt N•rtti CHflty 141·12201 ...... ,,"''''' ' Finance Briefs f MIDLAND, Mich. (UPI) - Dow Chemical Co. and Cordis Corp. of Miami have an· nounced they are exploring the possibility of a joint venture \o make and market a hollow fiber artificial k I d n e y developed by Dow for blood dialysi5. PITTSBl'RGH (UPI) Westinghouse Electric Corp. will spend $3 million to modernize Its heat transfer equipment r a c t o r y at Philadelphia. COLMAR, Pa. (UP! I ~fooney Aircraft Corp. has ob- tained $1. 742 million in bank financing for expansion of Its plants at Kerr ville and San Angelo, Tex. Burris Gets New Position Walter L. Burris of Laguna Niguel bas been n a m e d rtgional manager of the Los Angeles investment depart· ment at ?roperty Research CorporaUon. In his n e w iwignment, Burris will take charge of the overall marketing of investment p~ grams in Southern California. Burris bolds a B.B.A. degree in economics from Loyola University. He ha! also done graduate work at l h e University of So u t h e r n California. -- THE NEEDLE ' IS MIGHTIELlHAtuHE PEN And the man who 1mow1 just hot.0 to tum tM phnut to get tht moat out of th• barb ii DAILY PILOT colum"'°" ill S¢Mfl Horril, H< ha.I been called the modern· dou Henry Mencke n, If you're read11 [or hU Ult of th.t add adjective and tho t.1 ah t . provoking pro.se to give vau the needle ••• if you wont to find 1omethina to think about in what you read. ••• if you have a ftmt" of hu'11or, you b e 1 o n g with readers who delight in telling · others what "S11d said .. tn one of the nation's ~.it · quoted columm. Some Sample Bar/Js . Recently Thrown By Sydn~y Harris: ''One of the highest paid jobs In America con1l1ts of standing up in front of a mic· rophone, separating the good records from the bad ones -•nd playing the ' b~d ones." ''It's sad but true that while alcoholics are the best arkum~nt for abstinence, so many amtainers are equally effective ar· iU!Dent for a little drink now and then." "Most of the so-called 'lncomp.atibillty' In m1rrl1ge springs from th• fact that to most men, 1ex is an lf;t; while to all women, It is an emotion. ~nd this differ- •nce in attitude can be bridged only by love." ''The sole difference between a 'dedJca- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement with his objectives.'• ''The most explo1ive combin•tion In the world consists of 1inc:erity added to Ignorance," ''\Vhenever I am the recipient of an ex- cessively hearty handshake, I suspect · ~1r. !\fuscles is trying to sell something, hide something, or prove something." Check The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- umn, A Regular Feature of the DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Dally Newsp1 ptr • • DAILY PILOT . . AMONG ·TH ·E.. GRE-AT . • Here , among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old frienCI. The DAILY PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rock as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with whaYs hap- pening at city hall. Whether it's news from around the world or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you. And the simple fact is that, because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local coverage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it 's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- est one in the world (for local news). • ONES -. DAILY PILOT I l I I I - 'n DA!lY PILOT Mondaf, -2', l9M Winds Ba~k Coast Channel Kicks Up ' Whore, oh "here .bave the we&tetlles gone! For two seasons lhal hal been Ille .lameo\ l>I Newpot'\ yalchmnen who more often than not have 11lled In everythln& from b I u s t er y west.trllel to sou-westerlies to fluky wtullts. Sa!urd•1 t b e we..rterliea ... were back. In fad before Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Coast Chamel race was an hour old a freoh we8\el'1y was ldckiq up white caps along the coast t to Long Beach, and once the neet tacked acr'05S channel toward Ship Rock, the weather mark ot the course, the breeze was whistJing at 18-20 knoll and chopplJig spiµe ho1's in the ocean mace. Several of the small boats crossed the, chaMtl with reefed mains'ls. The wind held during the early evening hours for the lead yachts headed on a dose reach to Point Fermin and began to soften as the fleet > turned toward the flnish lloe .,, at Huntington Pier. : The lead boatJ carried ... enough wind with them to finish the 63-mile course In less than 10 hours, but as the ~erly !IJ.iappeared after midnlg)it the Class C & D boat& were hard pressed to finish on a soft offshore zephyr before dawn. First boat to finish was John Hall's Colwnbia-57 Concerto, NHYC, fresh back from her Class A victory in the Honolulu race. Concerto finished Ille coune In 9.7120 ~ hours, followed closely by Peter Davis' Orient. But nei1her of the leaders were • Don Ayres Firebrand Winner of 66 Series • Don Ayres Jr.'s Ericson-41 Firebrand from N e w po r t Harbor Yacht CUb has been declared the overall winner o( Ba1boa Yachl Cub's 66 Serie!. The 68 Series la a best five oot of seven races of ap- proximately siz bour1 dura- tion. In 1961 Ayres was the Ocean " Racing champion cl ~hem CalilomJa alter winning a championship series Composed of the ·top yachts in major ~ Southland series races. Ayres won the champiolishjp in his Cal-40 which be later shJpped to Florida and placed second in the Southern Ocean Racing Conference of sil" ocean races off the coast of Florida. Ayres left the Cal-40 on the East Coast and chartered the EriC!On-41 for campaigning in the 66 Series and Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Ahmanson Serles. Second overall in the 66 Series was Bill Barry's Columbia-SO Serapis 11 from NHYC, and l h i rd wa:s Jim Llnderman's 8-meter Prelude from Balboa Yacht Club. Following are the overall and Class standings for the. &erles: OVERALL-I l) Firebrand, Don Ayres, Jr., NHYC; (2) Serapis U, Bill Barry, NHYC; (3) Prelude, Jim Llndennan, BYC; (4) Swiss Navy (Cal-29) Dick Deaver, BYC; ( S) Impetuous (L-40) C h a r 1 e 1 Cliugow, BYC. CLASS A-(1) Serapio II; (2) Prelude; (3) Newsboy, Jack Baillie, BYC: ( 4) Sparkle. Ah!x lrving, BYC; (5) Tallml.an, Bob W i 11fam11 NHYC. CLASS 11-(1) F~ebrand ; (2) Atari, John Cazi<r BYC; · C3l Sanderling, Mom• Kirk & Bob Poole, BYC & BCYC; (4) La .Prensa. Al 1.«kabey, BYC; (5) Vela, Jack Bibb, BYC. CLASS e--m Impetuous; (2) Brava, Jack Hog an, NHYC; (3) Falcon, B o b Smith, lJYC; (4) Marvida, John Payne, BYC; (5) HoU- da y, Page Noll, NHYC. CLASS D-fl) SwW Navy; (2) Volante II. Pl-1ike Hirsh, BYC; (3) Arriba, Smiley & Thorne, BYC; (4) Edelweiss, David Lang, BYC ; C 5) Sanrtpiper il, M. R. Minley, sssc. MORF -(1) Seaquaciou:s, Craig & Doug Rastello, LBYC ; (2) Gotdylocks, Eddie Arnold, BCYC; (3) Veloz. Ken Ross, BYC; (4) Green Giant, John Granath, BYC: (5) Evenstar, Leslie Simmonds, VYC. Aronow Wins Hennessy Identical Power Boats Provide Racing Thrills Two virtually Identical 32- loot boats gave the offshore power OOat racing fans a thrill Saturday when they finished the Hennessy Cup race wllhl n five seconds of each other at Belmont Pier, Long Beach. The winner was Do n Aronow's The Cigarette, the leader In national and in- ternational point :standings, and the runner-up wu Peter R o l h schild's Thunderballs from Newport Beach. Aronow is a 4()-year old Miami millionaire who has dominated the world offshore racing circuit.I for the past two yean. He Jell Im· mediately after the race to ny to Cowes, EngtJ, for the Bllrl of Ille Cowes'l'orquay race uross the English Chan· 11el. But the tllgged channel race can't be much ~r than Satu.rday11,Benoesgy classic ln whlcb -Y wlndl whipped up 1 wld<ed chop that alowed the olfabore power boa.ta to an i ,....,. ot '9 mllea per h~·- 111 the-.Ule · · ,,. a.--and '!bun- _. 1 r • idmtJeaJ Carey Jlldll powaed by twin 416 cu. In. M<rOillsen. Rothschild. •all mnpaoy executive from Newport Beach, had hi• boat ball& after trallin1 Aronow In 1111 nca-..mashlog Lons Beach to Ensenada race earlier this year. Aronow's victory Saturday was particularly impressive since he had to come from hehind. He was first across the starting line but prop trou- ble near Point Vicente stalled him dead in the water until hU mechanic Berry Cordingly in- stalled a new wheel. Aronow caughl and passed Rothschild on the approach to Oceanside and from there the two pilots staged a bow~and· bow duel to the finish. Peter Riltmaster of Miami cros.cied the finish line th ird In American Moppie. Fourth was Bill Cooper of Pl-farina de! Rey Jn Spooky Jf, but he was dis- qualified when he c a m e through the wrong breakwater entrance. An early favorite, Bob Nordsk.og of Van Nuys was oul Of the race early with engine trouble and was never able to &et started again. William Schroeder of Newport Beach won I b • cruiaer class In Magnum-3$, and Gary Rigdon of Newport Beach was second In Rapid Transit. The cruisera raced over a short course to Oceanside and back while the o!lshore speedsters navigat.ed • course from Long Beaeh, t1tound Catatlna to Occinslde and back to Long Beach. Sears at this LOW, LOW PRICE • 23-iµ, Di.ag.oµal Measure ·Picture C~Io·r· TV "Consolette . . Only Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plam Largest Screen Made- None Larger Anywhere! Automatic Keyed Automatic · · """'-_,,. Automatic . . <liroma Control ~~~... Color Purifier Keept color jnten• Coton i:emain puN Utylevelcooat.ant-eTen after eet b.1 no need to alway• httn. moved to dil .. 3 Year Color Picture· -Tube Guarantee Plus 1-Yeal' Part• Guarantee Plu!!i. • f"EE Service 90.Day " · Gain Control Eliminatet anDOy- ing picture flutt.u due to ain.Taft fly· ing overhe.d. ~~ adj111l color. le.rent location. -A~~~ be jf original . free pic.ture . ru within 3 years provts cl.cf~•:ie. ()ther tube from d1te ·r iginals prove 0, r.a111fre~1 . or ear-Free de ~1ive f'~" d.,~~y(ln-bo~ stf'll~C.C 0 al\ b\tdt and .,m11e sertlce on \es .nd color nd color canto ite ~le inodels; in-1t0rc ~ _11 other rnodeb}. on~ 25,000 Volta of Picture Power Oor moet powerful ehaHi1 for 1harp• e•t. eleare1t pio- tutt11 pc>MibJe. 11.!lNA P.W: TA 1-4400, 521 ... .SlO a MOHtl GI 3-3911 CA.HOGA PAil 340-0661 • 041HDAU at 5·100l, 0 .l-4611 CO.WJOH NE 6-2Sl1, NE 2·'761 HOtl'l'WOOO HO f·S941 COVNA "6-0&11 MllWOOO OI 1·2521 AUWi.IU llMSJI J.RCJ.DIA -"MlOO atHO w .1511 Cll\IH COY ll7-12f1 CYPllESS 126-ISJO ''Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Mon•y Back• Non-Glare Picture Tube Etched, tinted pie> ture tube he.Ip• pre- vent annoying light re.Oectiona. Alemory Fine Tuning Set it once ••• no need to re·lune when you chugs VHF atationa. PHONE SEARS ••• Jf Yoa C•n•t Come 111, We'll Come to Yoar Home. LONG MACH HE S-0121 WO.W.Ml ~ ... 7761 Ollwte & IOTO AN 1-521 1 0.,1,NG( 637-2100 PASADENA 11\U 1-3211, fl l-4211 PICO Wf 1-4261 MHTAAHAXI 7·2371 10UAHCtS42-1Sll POMONA ED 2-114$, NA f·S16t, YU 6-6751 u.N PUHAt«IO EM 1·7121 SEARS CATALOG AND APPLIANCE STORES _llACH......,, tUrOA U.Wlll SANrmAOJD~ SHUMAN 0.W. fll41CID SUt«ANO ut-"51 SANTA R Sl'WGS f44.j01t \'Allrt' l'O 3-1461, '984-2220 MHTA MOtlCA fX ... 6111 VUMONf rl 9·1911 IOUnt COAST PlAlA $40-3333 f.llUiND tu.1'17 WUratma '10-10'>& WntMINISTO .,,..,., ~"14666 WU41NGfON IJO.OOIJ Scars Shop 6 Nights Monday through Soturdoy 9,30 A.M. lo 9 ,30 P.M. I -~··~-, """'111, A-I 2', 196• DAILY PILOT Jli ,, Tlllrd~place Angels EIDhark on 'Road . Swing \ 1) , .. ' -. .;, . • • Ii Stti mhling Shaw·.Win s ' . . I I By I Shot .... '• '. I sirrroN, 'Mas. (AP) -Tam Shaw I. a bkind, amll!ni YOWll man who r. t)'Pl<al ol lbe )'001!( lloos who mo movlog into a dominant J>OSltion In pro110U -.a ,mOv~ent that Bobby Stanton uy1-b Julf lieglnning. . ' ')Tbete · will be even more young PJiY,,,.,ilming'IOXl year than lhi•," the sltm,' 23-year .. J<l .\USlr•llan predlct«l Sunday after ----ruilShing one shot· back of bw ID tbt 1110;000 AY<O Goll Clusic. '"!be younger players prlCtice SQ:ft, .. , Stanton uid. ''Tbe older guys art Juy. They don't work as hard at Jt. If they lhoot a 66, thai~s fine. ll they ahoot • '{6 th~t'1.~, too. i''.Anid ."playert'like Atnold P.atmer, ,Jack Nlcklawi arwrGary Playu arai't piiying u much as they used .to. SomeJlM hU to wln. And ii will be tbt Y1lllllll ooea." shair, 211, who won' the Doral <JP.tft earlier this year, 1~ the ~ Orie ..oinds, bill 1alter<d In the mlfib gOtng cin the final 11, sl\00ti1lg a fat 77, fife over par o1i the 7~12-yard P~Ulnt Valley eountry Club course..-' He firilshtd with. 280 ·while · Stariton, who had a final 71, was11t 281. slitw; who built a seven llrole ad- vantage with roirnds of• II, 17, 1ikl: . ."'J'he way I finished, 1t's a ·good thing t wu ·IC)' far ahead: I'd been aayJng all week, 'Gin:·me the ball and 111 nm with tt.• WeH, J ran with it and aomebody tackled me. I guess.this coorae jail lot tirtd d. being.taken advantage of. "J'rn aur.e g1ad I had a cushion. It wu just ooe of those da)'I wtlm it wouldn't eo in. . "l guess I'm not going to be known for my st.tong finishes." . Tom Welrki>pf locik third place with a 1!16 for 283, white Player bowed out of hJs curleol United'SWU tour with .a 71 for 294. Nlel!la111 Jjypused tbt event while Palmer, mining an ailing hip, terved u a television·~. ' . NO MISCUE· BY AZCUE -Angel .catcher Joe Azcue holds µp the ball for the benelit of tile umpire alter a collision at horoe plate with Detroit'a,Mickey st,anley. Stanley tried to score on a ground'ball to . ' ' ~ILY PILOT Plitt. n llldl• ... ltMllltf first, but Jim ·~~ncer nabbed him at the plate with a petfe<:I throw as ·the· Halos Won, S-2. Gurney Third , Dodger Qldtir:ners Win, 2.0 ' • At · Monterey MONTEREY, , CIUI. (AP) -Mark Dooohue Of Media Pa., ,driving a Touch of Nostalgia at ~p·ig A . '; a..vr.lel Caman>,. captured bis fourth ly''JIOlfARD RANDY ~ • stratcfit r~ in the Trani American of • _., -.., 1..,, . , aporta. ledlD aeries Sanday, averaginc IO.S.mllia ~-for ttie ·ll mil<'f' at A lempnzy sCrten WU aet up bl left Loguna. Seca Raceway. field by tbt Angels when Wally Moon Teeammale Ed. Lesli6-ol Monterey ~I. lo bal followed Donohue (IVfr the~nine-tum, I'.S. And pitcher Joe Black wu Introduced mile track to win~ and all .but as Jackie Robinson by Fred Hessler in wrap ,up the 12-rece series for ·t'bevrole,. pre-lante batting drills. Dan ·aumey, of CoSta Mesa•was third in Jim PiersalJ carried a bQltle of Vital is a Filr'tl Mllllang. " ,, · . , °"' to pitcher '!loo lll'yldale. Danohue'• vtClorY' .... Chevrolet'· 17 It WU an I ·pa11.o1 tbt ~· -""1nb to·F""1'1 M. adlvi!1 attendant with Jilt iata11ic Pamelli J-·and Gf!>rie Follmer, the "~ ol ntort th!p II a~!, and lop two -1 qualjihq In M.,.•np, ~. stan' bel<n an appredlUve ""' flnl Ind·-, ... lapL nomer -"Z';lll _,,,.n.r-· ar.u... loot -·IM leod .IDll Jones dropped to "'/::' !':"filile diff-"~"the' fans leCCD!, with Doaoa1rue running ·thin!. . ·~ _,,_ ed th tlii' ln~-On ,the 44th lap Jones' car cau~ fire Wuu wiu.J.es.s • e ee-game tn i~transmluk>n.and be was forced out. ~~"rie~-~~= woo, , :ii~ Follmer made a pit atop on the same Jap ~oinr ~fef.l: With tfte fM1J:. ' for a-tire change and tralled•Donohue·tm-1 A -roillJon dollars Worth ·-' wlll.Chl tat Ul the 9Sth laP when hb! car Jost a whe\!J. · tftt paraded. to the ~in~'u ~e.; "ihe·IUY who·fiie1 away at the bqin-aucceuion of switches. Ding ii not alwaya.1he winner," mnarked The winners started with Sandy Kou· Donohue. "You have to have a car under r-, on . the mouOO apd wfltn he struck you wbm you finlab." out the An1els' ltadoff batter, Johnny 'POdrel wu1 prompted to remark : "Sandy hasn.'t changed a bit. He's atill striklng them out." When Drysdale came in to replace Sandy after two outs in the first inning, he faced Pitraall. Time was .caUed and the ti:-Angel Oyhawk r~ to the mooqd to display a botUe tal the non-greasy-kid ·Stuff, . ~ When Pocires ~~ ex-te~mmal.t Carl Eniine upoq. his ll'J'ival.hJ boisted : "Do you know . whal I did this year! I welit from ..mt.pi;<> ba,.ball to lht big 'time and then to the oldtimera a;ame, all in one 1tUOD." Koulax IP""led ·former Angel and Dodl'f nlld expert Ari Fowler with th11: ''Billy (Martin, manager of the Minneaota Twins)· called and said yoo better get in your~ruhlilng today." F'ow- 'ter io pilcltlng coacb of th• Twins and · believt in 1 ·Jot of running for bis cho.rses. Most d the former -playen are auc- ctllful bwllne.umen or are still in base- 'ball ¥ coacbea. ma,nagers, scouta, ' - broadcaatera·Dr tome other capacity. Fnkine, the flnt IJlln to pitch a base- ball in a major leawe game in Southern Callfornla at Che C.Olheum, llvea in An- denon, Ind. He ii a successful insurance broker, bank direclO< and baseball coach at Andenon University. He also has a Saturday sports show on the local radio sllUon. 'Clem Labine, rormer rtllef specialist li;:r tl;>e Dodgers, baa a succeulul Jackel muufacturina comJ'!'!ll' In Rhode bland. Norm Larker is with an importJnc firm In Florida. • The llrt roes on and on. HaJ Greg OWDI I rutaurant in Ana.helm. KouCu: Is with NBC and Qryodale 15 lnterealed In breeding bones. Roy Campanella, brought ~t fi'ofi1 New York to mabage the Dodier OldUmen:, ha11 • buaineu In New Jersey: Tbe game will nev_b. fo down In history for' flneose, but ii wll be •perpelualed beoauae of the reapome and enthuslUl)l ol the fans present,. according to Angtl dtrector ol. public reJalionl, George ~· Came to U.S. With-310 Angel Offici4l Got.Licks At Nazis, Lived to Telllt Not many J"'' living dwiJll the Hitler eta got In aey llob at the Nuls and lived to tell about It. In fact, not too many liv- ed to · tell about anything u the World War II death camps wiped out sb:.million ot·them. But there is one esceptJon and he no~ Aerv'1 as public relations director f9f tbe CaijIQrnia Angela. He' ja, (1.year~kl George Lederer, a fellow who opeMI llawleaa Engljlh and <>111 who 1hal indeed come a b:'I way ..... ,....,.. ••A .... ;cobiiiUCOUUI .WHITE WASH . ...... ''''''''''''' since the dayo he lived In a Bbdll"uml town with hls'mother and fatbtr. .. 'We . wtren't too popular in' Germany becaUM: Wt were Jewish," Lederer ad- ciit.a:. Although he waa loci YOW11-11 at the time -to grup the lull ecope or H.iUtr'a ptan1 for geqocide of the•Jews, J:ie w:U made aware he IOmehow wu dtffenht Imm the ao<:alled pur<-blood Germans. He was denied 1dmluion In IClioOI dur- 1111 the early j>ll't ol 1931. The famitr home w11 • targel for barlM anti rock lhrowlng. Hl• father was taken. to .Dlcbau con- ttntration cam-p, lht Ame f a t e thouaanda of " othti" tJen were-to u; .. portence. Fonunalely, the It·~ 10niOr Ledem' was,._ alter four lnOlllha confinement .. he <OUld ..n bil wholt!ai< electrical ~ bullneio - arid tum over the _, to the·Cl«man !tate. 81 now Hiller's ftnal IOluUoa to the Je\o:l'h · ··•em wu ·~ ud the ln..,es~· .: i.1 Poland wu onlJ a ftw monthll distant. Cleatly, N ul Germany wu a less than desirable· place to live.-especially for Jews. The Lederers had sensed what wal!I about to happen and for two year11 had sought a visa to the Unlte,d States, wbert they b"1 relatives. Feur ·months before World War II eruple!I tl1f7 11!'1 the permit to the USA. They left with flO apiece and the.Ir clolhu. Alt elJe mnained behind, acept the fumkure .. }t WU tent to.Holland for Mure 1hil'P4>1 but wu IOll·ln tbt born· blnp. Just before · departurt, Ledertr a;ot in his Uct at the Naz.la. ~ youngater clKl6e him off for a l)'lllllllium -lm1nc · bout. And young G«q• ·~led .the lad, bloodYinl hit-. "MY eldera told me later I had made a bi&· ntiatOo, ..... recalls. "But _, morelcame of iL" .. UOlmr rOcans hit firit lmjrfllllion ol the U,U\2d States. And being an ll·year· old boY, Illa --celllel'ed '''"""' a pereOnll.t:Jperlence t1ther0 thaD a lleD- 1.lmmt aboUt arriving in the new .. land. !'I remember ""' first meal In New Y"'~"be'~llj. "I wu ..,.ed corn Dakes with tttawb:errlee:. l· had ntver seen com Ott~ ~rere and I never heard of 'lrD)'ont utiail stralJberriU for brukfut." · Alli! with that be llarted down the poth that . lld °'"""' 21 yw. .. • ~ for the Long Beach lnd<tJl!ll' clent;Praa Telqram and -bis pool with U., Angelo. ' Handicapped b7 the languagt barri01', ht WU ploced In llie .JleOOnd' IJ'ade. But be plcted EngU.h 1111 awlltly, Al· be pull it, '.'.Jt WU lmt OI' swlm." lnld' '"°'"bl he adv-·to the flfth ..... and ••entJJalty -... to -Long Btoch Ci(). Coli<lt belare elllerlna pruitamooal joumalllm. A. yw qo ht joined Ille !Woo. Thole traumatic yun u a perRCUted Jewlab boy.th Gerniaey'-...., far In the paat. ' · However •. u Gecqe ldrnitr, "they an thinp•JJO'llr to beloraotten.'' DAILY PILOT NcH ,..... ooOot HUNTiNG;FOR!JA<llUE ~ .. ira11 of ·famer Ji.ckie ·l}ob-. ~g "f'!f' llle .l>Qdiler oldtim· era,. flag• 'OUt 'Ol<•Angel Ken HWJt at second in Sun· day'• ql~tb110r1 game ·lt•th& Big, A. Backing up On the J>lily is Charlie.Neal. The Dodge_rt won the . game, to, and bolll :teams left llle·!ield to a stand· ·~$ ovation. ' ( . ' ' . Smith Ma y:;Switch ·to Singles BROOKLINE, Masa. !AP) , Calir'Ol'llia'11Stan 'Smith, wt)(I aalned In· teritatioiial ttnnla famt u a doubltt player with Bob .Lull, ii the new U. S. alngles champion," but hla job on America's Davia CUp team still remalna to·be decided. • Smith, II, tanner 'S<lulbem Calil«nia llt.ar, made a stronc bld for ·the nation's N°' I ranking and a 111111<> berth In• the Davis cup lwn, aald when qu<ried Lui& f.7, W, M In the lljlJ U.S. cllam· plmahlpa at Lonpoocl. "Based on the recom today, wt ha~ r« to give Smith aerioul CONktera~on," Donald Dell, non-pl;yln& <apWlll ol tht llamla Cup team, uld -·queried abol.lt the young atar'a slnalca ltatus. . ' "Or,lce you mate your selections, YQtl have to~ttve with them.·· Dell uplained. '1'btre are no second thoughts. That is one reason you have to atlll con.skier <Jtartc Graeboer and Arthur Ashe." .Smtih. M,. llrongly. beliovu ht deserves.· to pl«Y alncles as well as , doublfl when the Uni~ Stole< doltods the . coveted Cup q1lnlt Bomarlla In Clevo""" nut month. However, ht laughed when told ol Dell'• .. _ con- aiderallon" stale.ment. "That II • vllry bis llep !orwanl f0< me." Smith 111d. ''To receive con· alderation now, J al leut 1"1'111 be on his mind. HOwever, J thlni tbt guy who 111 playing the best llllould play ·In the •Davis t\Jp, Thal stlU II a mooth oll and a lot <i • lennis remains lo be played· until then. We will see how it goes." Smith, currently the nation'•· [ifth rant- ed player, and Lutz, also a former Southern Californla star. were dethroned as .U.S. nat.lonal doublts champion, but seem assured of playing a g a I n 1 t .Romania. Their dOublea victory clinched the Davia CUp against Australia lul. year • However, the light ror ~nglu' bertha remains un11etUed u the U.S. team movta on to Forest Hills, N.Y., for tbe U.S. Open. Albe, defending champion at Foreat Hilla, was beaten by Lula ln the semlflnalr h,ere, while Graebner wu OU!ted In tht quarter.finAll. Both amrtd 1ingle1 victories against Australla in l~. 27,1 00 See Halos Stop Detroit, 5-2 ' Ok!Umen day lured 27,100 fans to. the stadium but the y0W1ger players tent them bomt bappy. Home nms b7 Jim Fregosi and Jim Spencer and Jim McGlothlin'1 tint vi~ tory in 15 ltartl gave Callromia a 5-J triumph over the Detroit Ttge:rs &mday and moved the Angels Into third ~ in A,..ei si.te ...... 2' Anoels 1t ClirYtle!W •:4 ,.m. ICMPC (1101 A14. fl """Iii 1t c~ •r• p.m.. KMl"C f71f Aut. 2t Anclell 11 ll1tl'lmoffl2I t :SS '·"'-ICMJ'IC 011) AIOI. JI ""9eil et .. ltlmore •:SS .. 11'1. KM,C 11111 """· l1 ""8•1t et ••ltlmwe '!" jl.l'I\.' QI"( 17'411 the American I.tap WtsL lt was the largest crowd of the aeaam Including ConuniMJontt Bawl< Kulm: which watched the Angels tan their .,_ canct slralght rrom Detroit -tboy beal rookie Mike KUkenny and the Tigers by the same score Saturday -to close a 7.J home stand, their be.st in more than a year. CalifQl'llia now tmbarks on 1 10 game road trip which opens Tuesday niJ}lt in Cleveland. Roolde Steve Kealey, who threw a seven.hJt shutout at Baltimore Jn his first major league 11111 lut Tburs- day, is expected to face the Indians. McGlothlin, f.12, had been baltlinf 6 sore elbow and received. a corUsone shot last week . After the game he said: '"Mle ~rm re1t fine warmJng up. It felt tine d\U'• mg the game and It reels fine now. "I wasit't concerned about golnf nine Innings," said McGlothlln, who needed late-inning relief. "I just wanted to wln. It reachod the poiJJ1 wtJm I wu ju11 walllna for IOmtthlng to ba!ll'en lo pk• ,.. • loaer, like the aluda WUnc ilolrn • or IOrl1<lblng. N°" I know I can ., out and w~ I lry banf.enoogli.'' ... MlcktJ: Lollch, lf.7, -.t1nf l,Jll llOlN career victory, ".., the loeer for DetrOit although he wu nicked for' oaly four hlto In a stVen·lnnln1 lllnl A bit baQnyn and S.n<!y Alomar's bloop -pve the Angell their first nm In tbt third before Fregosi capped tbt Inning wllll llil tOo. run homer. · Lollch held the Angtll wllhooil a80iher hll unUI AUtt!io ~ b8it 4111 1 bunt wllh one clown to the -Spencer followed wjth hit' nintlJ bomOr·OI the year an<! thin! In three 1-. · ' . D•TltOIT ULl'!'flt"lA llilrltrlli T ..,,,.1'1111 s .. nl1y, cf ' t 1 t ofiltmlr, ai s I 0 , Tr•.u 4111~d' tt Hertllrvp, rt 4 I t t ·:=r.,. .. ' • 4 1 1 2 C.111.11 ...... rt~•·· W.)forterl, Ir 4 t 1 I ...,.;: rf J t t t Mekllldt. a S t t t ... ' rt, , _ I I t t Fl'Ml'left, 4:: 4 1 1 I A.flt..,.....; IJ), J 1 I t Wert, Jl:I 4 1 2 I ~·J• 'J 1 1 2 Lolldl, • 2 t t I ...u.; e ' I I . t t G.a.-...-t I I I~,,, 11-t I ... ~ ' I l "t t K.lll,..., , t t• t t TOMi. SJ2•1 ,. ... ,. .. •s•s !!',!:!'!.. -.111,,ttt -1 ...,,...,., • ..... -*-S E -Alo!Mr. lO• -Oltrotf .. C&llfllftlle T. 18 -AIO<IYr, S,_nlly, Wlff.~Mll ,.... ,,..._, 001, $ptn«1' ltl .• -McGlollllll} ~ IP M II r:lit ar SO LOlkll .IL. ... 1) J 4 • J ' J i s P.Oob$ori I I I I t I Mc.GlothJl.l'I !'# ... Ill J·l/2 4 2 1 2 I a ' IC.t1;1Ym 1-t/2 t I t r i • i S." -K. l~. Ht.--br JMIOI CAicut t. Wfl -L.tlch. Tlmt t :N. A.lttnNnri~-11,-. ' Swohoda's Bat Clubs Dodg.ers Into 4th Plate ,, NEW YORK (~) .:.:CN L1>a Mieles Dodgen find themaelv,. In folwlb place In Ille N1Uonal Leque Weot =:: to a H abell1cklng from tile. · Meta. ' . -Los Angele, oqw hu: h>lt fciur iD ._row, matching Ill loqeat losing alrealc ol the 1eison. A two.nm homer by Wes Parter and two hlll by Wiilie Davis that alrelch- ed hla hitting streak to Zl'game:s Went for naqgbt. , : ,-.. • ·, • Tcx\ly 1he Dod(en are ldlo. Sunday'a dd .. 1 pve the Meis .U six games played ....... the DodCtn um year in Shea ·StacUum." • ''The !fell ll'C! not that' good ' o( I team" conflndid DodlieJ' G<nerat; Man• l1 :::i:.~.~ ~be It "'." a aaUofytDc iame ~ J Ron Swoboda ol the Mell. , "Yea, ht went up qu1fe a few notcf'lu," ••Kt Manager Gii Hodges whea and if Swoboda. had elevated lthntell ill the manager's esUmaUon . Swoboda coukln't have been , ttiuch higher after walking to fortt in tne run, singling to aet ue another Ind· then belUng a three-run double in a fOUM'WI seventh that overcame a il.s deficlt • He also uncorked two rocket throw• from right field, one cutting dOtlpl a nan- ner at third ba&e and the other dllcotlr•C- ing another to acore from third on a fly ball. LOI A"OtL•S "'" Yell( "'"'"' "r•l'lll Wiit..• SllfAfM,d J,tll Mot.,lf •ltt,ieH,Jll .,,, W,DeYl .. cf tltl~ .. lttl l'1rtitf, 111 I l I 1 C,..,_ If S I J t H1llH, c 4 I t I lf\enllrll;l't 111 J 1 1 t lttthf'I, • • I I I fer--., Ill I t t I Cr~l'f Jlll ..... l.ft , .. ,. St1~!b •t 2l I..,..., rt t l!I ~.11 J lltG"'te,c 4Jll '""""' p t I I t Herl'flMll. M • t I o Mlllkt .. .n. 11 t I t I Q.,1ry, • I t I 0.Wie... lft 1 I t 0 DI~ ~ I t I t M1rtlft. lift I t I t Oet'ft'ft.a 1111 lotelo 3:1 4 10 • TeNolo 31 111 Lft ,.,...1. 112 llt .. -f Jt.w Ywk "' It\ •-l' l -.-er11tt, .+Mte. 0--Htw .,_.. I, LOI -LOI """'* ........ YM11. f . 2t ~ '"°""" C. ""'"-Sllffnikf, °""' ........ L.,....., "" -l"t~er llJJ. SI -Wllll. Cr....,., • -~ • . , .......... .. S"""' (L,IS.UJ • ti J 2 t • ~f·-. ltt•• Ma -1111911 I I I t I ! 09fttrv t.711 1 t ~ t I Oluvr. 1-1/' I I t 1 t k~ (W,t.-Jt i t t t t I W" -°'"'"'· TllN -11M. A~e -.... I I I · I I \ • t ' ' JI DoULY MLOT ~.-25,1969 U.S. 0-pen Pairings Unheard-of Foe ' • Jets; ),{ams Manhandled ·For CdM's Laver . ' NEW YORK (AP) -The (ichelt ·teMla tournament eveT, the '1'7,000 secood· U¢ted States Open, starts WedneSd,y at the Weal Side TeMIJ Club In Forest llills wilh Arthur Ashe ol the United Slates and Virginia Wl<le of Engl&Od defending their ,tlU ... HOftWr,·Coron8del Mar's Rod Laver b the top .ted -ani:l: it be lives up Lo it will become the first mao·tn history to reconl.a.double grand slam. The llarn ls winning Wimbledon. the U.S., Jl"rench and Australian opens. Laver draws an unknown 114med Garcia -a rellow Forest Hills officials admit not even tnowing Ult. first name ol, ' Ashe wi)I duel Richard Stockton in the Emerton battles Yug~Jav Frani Franu· lovtc. Aihe, who beat Tom Okier of Holland lut year for the crown, finds himself seeded fourth behind Laver. John NeWC90lbe and Tony Roche. Okker is 1el<led fifth . Miss Wade ts seeded fifth in the •omen's singles, otpped by Ann Jones of Great Brilain, '-fargaret Court of Austl'alil, and Billle Jean King and Julie Heldman oC the United States. Last year Ml.a Wade. beat Mrs. King for the title. Wirmer of thf men's singles gets $16,000 and w.inner of the wome.n'.s singles $6,000, the largest amoUnts ever offered in ten- nis. The lO\a"Dament runs W e d n t: s d a y lbmlgb Sept. 7. There are 1211 in the men's singles. The women's entrants bring the total over 200, repersenllng 30 nallOl!I- Because ol tile M1l1C r,..tan flavor, UlllW Pml ..__ opening day hu been ...tgnal<d lnl<m&· Footblll lw who oee tonllbt'•; et· UOllll Doy and Seaetary General U hlbltlon 1ame between !ht ' Oakland 111anl ol the United Nations alonl wllb Raiden and the New York .Jeta u a J1WIJ' U.N. ambwadon are espected ~ prw1ew o1 the American football ~ aU.od. . Utle &amt bad better check llnl with Capt. Mike Gib9oo, the Wimbledon ol a ~J referee, will pr!;!ide at Forut Hilll,"iOOC'e Len DIWIOD the Kanus ty ~1. the sacred preclnds of amateur tennis DtiWlllh, M, the Cblefa' quart~ but now open to ptQlessionals, amateurs,, fired four toucbdown puaes Saturday and players who can accept boCh ti•' ~ 11 KJnw City trounced the Loi p<nses and priJe money bui llJll CU • Anctlea Rams 42.14 In an lntet·leque compete iD amateur tournaments. COMltL.llT• oaaw l'lllST llOUNO ltAllllN8S LI.,.,. Vt. ~(ti.I Blil!llH•I VI ltlnl• 9rM Sccl!I w V•11 Dillen McKl't' ... fllll>I lllls.lllll VI Qrpo111t.r S!llwell 'A Qu.I 12 Aloe ....... VI Qllvl f16 Gw"*I "' OU.I I' Drytdlle Vt. Ofotld$0ft 8...,lng ........... Hotmbtrt" vs Qull fl 01~1r1 n 81rlfl Emtf"IOl'I VI Ff111Ulftk 0....lb \II Gtrlltn Zule!t \II L...:11 "'""' Vt. eo....., AllM 'II II. Shid.11111 C. MCK!lllty Vt. CrMl't' Osllom .... Q\111 ;1 R. H-w Ltll Rov,'I( n ltret S~nE~ Dell! Vf. McM1ftU. El~ "" G"'*"- 911Cf!ho1t VI 1t1i.loa Koa.w~ . Curtis n ~ti W YI Oklltt \. Mtelev VI Ol.oll ,, Ltrl Vf. U1Tld1 Rlltltll VI Clrn'l~l OUtl #11 Vf. Gonzllu 1'11$(1lbb0rl vs Qu.I 111 Gu'ITll" \II Aytll KKll: Vf. Qvtl flt Lvll WI llodM llldley' Vt. CN!WI' R°'*"'9 .... II. Otll OVtl IU n Qu.r H H. J-VI SNlll ~11)1111 ..... H!nlnl 0\111 ff YI AddlloOll CO\ll'COI VI I). Ofll Lloyd \II P111r1JI R. McKlnll't' \II C•rlsttin T1v1er VI c;....,, M••rnu.....,,,... VI ~-· MO,zur YI Grtlllntr R.....,,.11 vs Crteme• Qui! #ll n II, M-1 M~fl'!N \II ltMi< Rv1n n Tlrllc: $. Smllll "' llodrlguel "ltllM Vt. Cnoll...oa. G~flrd \If. 81ttrkk El Shilt! vs 5/\lr~ Lo't'O-M•VD \II O..nlrMU Stewtoon ft? L-rf ll\111111 \11 •tllilll F11rrl1 n II.._ Cor"'lll " 9trttoN 'II. ~Jltl ~I Ktlble Qull ;1 .... °""' 15 OU.I 110 YS MtwcOl'rli.. , ..... 1ht victory was the fourth straigbl In ~ pfay lot the Chiefs, and it was ·Ille first Ume they had beaten the Rams in'lhr« trlea. , Da,.... bit Frank PIUa with a '12-yard ' ocoriDg toss to tie the -7-7 In the first quarter and then tbmr TD -ol M-yarda to G101ter Rlcblrdaoa, elgbl yards to Mike Gamotl and 10.yarda to Robert Holmes. Quarterboct Joe Namath ol the Jela h eipected to ploy ooly the Drat ball tonfgbl wilh veteran Bahe Partlli and rookie Al Woodall takln& over In the .,. cond ball. Daryle Lamonkja w:ill It.art for the Raiders, but Eldrkla:e D I c k e y and George Blanda will probably see a lot or action for Oakland. There is no love lost between the two clubs, which met twice Jut year, in the "Heidi" gamt: and in the title coot.est, so both coaches wUJ be wing the came strictly as a lever for future squad cuts.. In tonlgbl'a other game D«roit (NFL)" meets Bolton (AFL) In Mootreal. The San Diego Chargers lied a football game 19-19 Saturday nliht with the Cleveland Browns -but lost their No. 1 draft choice. Bob Babich, Ille higl)ly n!gar<led linebacker from Miami of Ohio, tore ca.rlilage and a ligament in his left knee in the first quarter. "Lolinc Bob Babich wu a cruel blow,'' aaid Charger c.oach Std Gillman. "He ls done for the year." Meanwhile the Charger offense showed slgM of snapping out of a slump that pn>- duced only one touchdown in the first three preaeuori games. Quarterback John Had.I, completin& 17 of 21 passes for 20S yards, thrtw touchdown puau of aeven yards to Willie Fruie.r and 40 yards to Lance Alwortb. Hadl alJo threw a screen pass lo Jacque Mac.Kinnon that nearly won the ball game in the last minute. The play carried 32 yords Jo the Cleveland lb:. Theo the Browna stopped the drive aod linebacker Bob Mat.bt:lon blocked Jlemis Parlee'• 10.yord field 1oal attempt witb 17 JeCOOda to play. In olber gamu play'ed Saturday night Dallu but Green Bay S1·13, Denver upset San Francisco Jt-15, Plttabura:h outscored New Orleans 34-24, Minneaota' lnJunced SL Louis 41·1S, Washington top. 'pred AUanta 14-7 and ClnctrmaU defeated Miami 28-21. Craig Morton and Dan Reeves each threw a touchdown paas and tht Dallu deCente put unrtlentl.QI pressure on quarterbock Bart SWT Ill nlgbl as the Cowboys handed the Packers their ae- cood pre 1ea10n 1oll in three: games. Pete Llake threw a 41-yard scorinc l!lrlke to Mlte Haffner and Bobby Hllwlleld booted lour field ,..11 to lead Denver past San Franctaco .. Dick Shiner hurled two touchdown puses and bac.t:up quarterback Kent ~Ix IJUided the steelers to two more as Pltlaburgb deleal<d New Orleans. Don Cockroft bad Ued the 1ame with six min~ Jett with a 15-yard field goal. Gary Cuozzo threw two TD pa.ssea and Clint Jmt1 and BUI Brown scored on runs of four and one yards respectively to l~ad Mlnneaota over St. Louis. Sonny Jurgenson completed t&-of-23 puses for two touchdowns as Washington beat Atllnta. Ferraro Wins By Eyelash TWO IN A ROW? -Lamar Keck of Raeda will be shooting for his secood rt:nligbt title tonight in the West Coast Match Game Elimin· ations at Kona Lanes. If he turns the trick, he will be the firs t bowler to win back-~ba<:k tiUes. Baseball ii 1Uppoaed to bt a 1ame of Inches. But now dra1 'racing at Orange County International Ractway ii turnina: into the aame ttnd of 1ame. At lea.rt that WU the story Saturday at OCIR's featured fuel altertd eliminator program. Jn the finals. Tom Ferraro of Yorba Linda and Harry Burkholder of Sacra- mento battled for the f500 first prize and the final result bolled down to inchu. Defying Tradltio1a Keck Guns f 01· 2nd Title Lamar Keck will be out to dcry tradl· tlon tonight at Kona Lanes ln Coita M-The 2&·yur old Reseda bowler will at· tempt l.o be the lint to win the Well COut Maleh Gai:ne Eliminatlo04 two atraJgbt. years and the first to win the event after leading the tourney going Into Ille lloal nigh!. To tum the trick and win the 1700 first prize he'll hive to get by the likes of Msty A.ndefaon of Anaheim, Roland A'°tndfr of Wut Loi Angeles and Mike Setttr ct Torrance. Keck wJIJ be on the g-Jdellnea when lht competitJon ata.ru at 9:15. Tonighfs schedule has Alexander tak- tng on Anderson in the first game with the loser meeting Seaver in game two. Game three will pit Seaver against the wiMer of game one. Ir one bowler wins both or his game.a, he advances to the final! against Keet. lr Anderson, Seaver and Alexander should evenly divide t.helr three cames, the bowl<r with the blJhest pin coont will move on to challenge Keck. The eventual whmtr will go on to mett the champion of a 1iroilar toumamtnt being CMducted at L&L Castle Lanes In San Francisco in a home and home seriet over Llbor Day weekend . Both left the sWUng line wttb nearly ldential ructlons ol fJve CIOHamdredths ri 1 second for Burtboldu and six ont· hundredths for Ferraro. Ferraro nosed ahead of his Northern California rival and captured tbe. low elapsed time of the meet with a 7.70 se- cond performanct and had 1 205.01 mllu per hour clocking. Burkholder w11 Inches behind him at the finish in 7.77 lf!COr'lds and &tt a new top speed for the fuel altereds at llS.95 mph. That Ume, atranply eno111h, broke Ferraro's old mark of ic».eo. Thia weekend OCIR will prt&ent 1 varied three-day program. Saturday night'• dra1 prosram will feature the open gu superchar1ed cars. Sunday's canl will be hlgbllgbted by an AFM motorcycle tnduro to be followed by an air show Monday that wtn Jnclud• ..tn1 111lkina, -uca, c1o1 fig)lll, mlnJ.bfplane raceo llld antique fiy-bya. Big Worry For Pirates Is Depth 81 JOEL llOllWARZ ' ...... Nl't ........ Dlclt Tucbr pot toc•ther .. -· offellllve -•lne Jail fall et Oranre Coaat Colfop lhol gobbled up ranli&t at a lantulle cllp uoW the lnjul'y bo&•boo Jill the Plrlla. ' Several by lnJurlt1 pointed out Orance Coaat'1 l11<k of depth and turned What <Oq]d !lave been a hlgbl,y ...,,lllflil ,.. IOll Into I M record, How with a lUUe men than one week to ID bel'"' the Bu<1 open football drilll, Oranp Coaat -to be laced w!tlt tho -problem In 1Jlt -plenty ol front. line talenl but little btb1nd ll ll'bUe Tucker II VICIUoalng prior to tho , lone aeucn 11111tant cor.ch D a I e Wonacotl -depth la Orance Coaat'1 biggell wany. "We can put a real IOOd club m the field both W&yl; but then we tel pretty thin. In <MD" tough league you need depth and 100 have to anticipate a cerbJn num- ber of Injuries," be uy1. TUcker'1 1981 club was the 1Chool'1 best ollenalve!J, and the 1111 outfit hu tbe Dllklnla ol llloiher up .. lve. group. Leadms back I ..... p ol H lettermen ore -catdlerl Bruce Hieb and Robert Cast1l1o and halfback Ray Rlcanlo. Cutlllo and Hlcks are txceptlonal receivers and are slated for duty at end and llan1cer back. Hlcu ia a aught q.,... tioo mark because of achllltt tendon surgery alter being hampered ll!Oll ol Jut ...... with teMooitll. However, W~qtt 11ys he'a ·~ pan!lltly fully ncovtred. Sophomore Bob Wkkenham, who ' retumo from tbe Unlvtralty o I Washington, is another top. notch receJver. ·Swinging Old Duffer George "Tiger" Miller )Viii celebrate his 92nd birthday .Sept. 1~14 ·with a. two-day golf tournament in his honor al Anaheim Municipal golf cou~e. Miller, who bas been golfing for the last 37 years, won the national senJors tournament in 1961 at age 84. Sports In Brief A's Win Long Twinbill; Reif Edged by 1 Stroke OAKLAND -Three doean't l'O into two -except perhaps when the Oakl1nd AthJetica anc;t the Baltimore Orioles get together for .an afternoon of baseball. It took ,rt· inning! Sunday -the equlvllent of three full games -before the Aui.IetJcs :1wept a nine· b our doubleheader. The first contest wu a 9-1 run-away. But the nigtMcap, a veritable twin-bill In Its own rl«ht, didn't end unUJ Oat1ancl short.stop N KubJat'1 18th-inning single acored the dedalve run in 1 9-8 viclor}I. Oakland's Reale Ja_ckson ended a brtefl clivugbt ·by blutlng home l'Ulll in each game to raise his major league leadlng total to <:>. • two remaining years ti college tl.lgibility. "l have a mother and nine children to support. 1 just had to d() it." Terms of Haywood'• contract were not released, but Detroit 50urce1 said it Wl.9 in excess of $2.00,000. • WINNIPEG -Tall Carol MaM, of Buffalo, N.Y ., defeated 22-year~ld Jan Ferraris of San Francisco on the first hole of a sudden death playoff Sunday to take first place in the $20,000 Tournament of Champions. Miss Mann parred the flnt overtime hole, while Miss Ferraris missed 1 flvt· foot putt alter blasting out ol a trap, and had to setUe for a bogey. .llTl'ERllllG BACK Rkmlo la I nrill jitterblJa hallback who ahared the nmning duUea fut ltUOn with the deported Waine Tinlin and Ethan Oliver. Thia yearlle flcures to bl one or the llandout bacu in the South Colst Conference. One ol the Bues bigpat ollemlvo pro. blema w1l1 be finding a M!plac<ment fo. the rraduated Paul Lemoine at quarterback. RJght now the Piratea have two main cootender1 for the job -former Marina High star Mike Tamiyaau, a tranafer from Oregon State, and Red Stepbtns, a Chicago product. The offensive line will be bu.ill around returning veteran at.arters Marlhall Jotmoo, Ray Hunt and Rob Purnell. Pumell figures to be aoe of. the con- fennce'a top centers. GREEN ON DEFENSE Deienslvely, the Pinta are much .....-. and wtll have 1 bani time n!placlog the likes ol tackle Kevin Grady (he ployed both ways) and hallbacl: Bill Jenkina. Both were alk:onfertnce lt:lec-- tions for two years. The Pirates' biggest wukntll rtgbl now appears to be in the aecondary, ac-- ccrdJng to Wonacott. lllck Selbert is the <lily -who returns, although lettermen Bruce Roa> and Ed Wuhko al!IO are b.clc. Up front, the BUCI will be led by defensive end Rick White, tactlts John Noutary and Paul Warrtn and llntbacker Flnch Sterllng. Among tbe newcomen the Plratea are counting on are backs Tony VenUmialia (Marina), Daryl CltllOll (El Miid ... ), Steve Corwin (El Modena) and MUI• Haynes (Westminster). Also, end Karl Pe. ~rson (Huntingtoft Beach), and guards Harvey Suprenant (Mater Del), Tom Arnold (Huntington Beach) and Curt Clemens (HunUngton Beach). Yanks Win Cup MfLWAUKEE -The United Stat,. held off 1 valiant Charge by Great Bri· t.ain's golfers Saturday and defeated lhe visitors UM to n!taln the Walker CUp lot. another two years. It w .. the 20th Ume In 23 lllfflinp thlt America has won the coveted in- t.emaUonal amateur pU trophy. Gnat Britain'• only vk:tory carne In 1938, and the 1985 meeu.na between the two teams ended in a tie. SANTA MARIA-Terry Small or Long Btach fired a 214 to defeat defending champion Ronnie Rell of Costa Mesa golf and country club by one stroke to win the California State Open Sunday. Small broke a Joe-jam on the final bole by hit· ting the fla1stkk from IJ'.l feet, then dropped a 21},-foot putt lo win the flllOO fin( priJe. How They Stand Jack Fleck ol Mission Viejo was out ol the money. • GREENSBORO. N.C. -Buty Cun· nin1ham, all-NaLk>nal Basketball AAocla· Uon player with the Philadelphia 76e.rs last season, plans to jump to the rh•al American Basketball Association in two years. The former All-Amerlcao at the University of North Carolina hu been with the 76ers for three years, but more money and the: Jure of fans from his adopted state cheertng him on have persuaded the New York City native to awltch to the Carolina Cougars. • • DENVER-For Spencer Haywood, the &-root·9 dynamo who starred for the University of Detroit and the U.S. Olym- pic team, there was virtually no chotce In lum1na profess!onal, "I had overwhelming fa m I I y re1panslbllitles,11 said Haywood after algnfng with the American B11ketb1ll AsaoclaUon Denver Rockets deaplte his NA110NAL LEAGUE Eu! Dfvlaleo Woo Lost Pd. GB CHICAGO 71 II .414 NEW YORK 71 52 .577 5 ST. LOUIS 89 57 .541 I V. Pf'ITSBURGH 61 51 .541 I V. PHILADELPHIA 52 '12 .411 24\lo MONTREAL 39 • .305 llV. Wqt Dtvillell SAN FRANCISCO 119 57 .Ml ATLANTA 71! 11 .SC \I CINCINNA11 116 SS J41 I LOS ANGELES 67 57 .540 1 HOUSTON 66 59 .5211 2'> SAN DfEGO S7 19 .JM '2 ,.,.,......,.. II•"' Al11t1l1 l. SI, l.oolk l Plttsbvrtll .L ctnci-n I ChQto 11. "-tori 5 Nww Yri l. LOii Aflotlft t .....~1111111 1 •..... °'"" • Stn Fr111Cl.c. &. Montl'ltl t ......... II ..... Atltnl• '·ti. IA\lho 1 II• IMlnpl Plttabvrtfl t, CIMIMIH t Clllctoe lt-1, t'tillllwl ~ HN VOl'k 71 Lit """""' • lt~!l~ll 6, S.11 0 .... • S.n l"rtnci.c:o '-~1 t ~ T ... Y't ••mt Clr!t"-11 Ottlt" NI lft Olldtf IK"* 11-ltl °""' """' Klltd\li.. T_,.,....._. "'*'" ,, "'""""""' """' Clrl(!MtH •I Cl'tlctoo. I HO\lllOl'I •I SI, Levta. i ~Jtht ,_...,. Y0111: It Ill'! oi.o., t'M.1111111 MOnl .... I •I """ Allfti... "fO!ll Pft1ltcltlJlfll1 at S.11 ,fllltite. • • t ) • t , ' • • • • • , ' , t • n d y ,, d .. n ' 0 I h k n d • h " • " • d ll L ,. "' ,. ly JI ,,. ot .. I'/ .. " .. la ), '" "' nt .. ll1 .. ;. ,. ... 11 .. ln ,. I :" tt~ Iii ' .. ,~_ .......... ACCllPATI CLUI ON IHOl!T SHOTS A common foutt •mon1 hip hondlcap &<>lfwrs r. their f1llura to make the clubh11d ~ccel1r- 1tt Into tho boll on short shots to th4 """· Frequ1nt1Y you ... t11e11 players Ilk• an w:ol!llonolly loncbackswin1 (illu•tratio~ f I) ond thin sort ol lot tho club- h11d limply drop down to tho bll~ Tho USUll re1utt r. thot tho club cuts Into tho turf be- hind the bin, and they '1chili· dip•• the shot. Short ahots require • firm stroke into th'• ball. Keep your swing smooth and rhythmical, but keep your bai;kswing less than full (illustration f2) and . accelerate the clubhead into the back of the ball, striking it just' before the Club cuts into the turf. ·· ..... If you make this short. ac· celeratin_g stroke, with your wrists firm at impact. you will soon discover that more fre- quently you are hitting the ball squarely and with better con· trol of the distance it will fly, ..... · •• •• ' .. -·· ··-···· . .,, IRON OUT THOSE IRON SHOTS!Arnok:I Palmer's bookltt~'Hittln1 th1 Irons'" 1ivu dlarnpionship tip& to tielp 5tl1rp1n yOur lronahot \Khnique. Send 20s ind 1 stlmptd. retur• .,,....iop. to Atnold h lmer, in car• of this n•WIP'pef'· Los Alamitos -Entries --,.-------·-----~·------~ Baek In 1941 Savage Set 1st Penalty. Flag ToResume • Made of Costume Cycling • YOUNGSl'OWll, Oldo (AP) This WMk, ht"tumed Kover -New -·tlonl Of IOOtball lo lhe COflege Foalball Hall Of 1...-nave leamed that a s!pal Fame In JlulCerl, N.J., 11 the Oas· II thrown whenevet' ao of-i:equest Of dlrtdor Harvey . .Hannon. f1cii1. det.ec:tl a rules in-One note ol lldnesli must be ll'aelioo. Included, howem. But did you ever Clvt any Seeders wife, Inna, who had lhougbl lo jlllt·how lhls simple an,lmportanl part tn.clesiplng maneuver -the loaln.r of a the ..-lglnaf Oar, dled 1V od- flq -originated! nesday, al the qe ol 16. Dwight lllke Beede, lhe only It "" Mrs. Beed< who tamed the UUe Of The Be)Jy football coach Younastown .Jlou Of Football because her State UnJverslty ever baa had, talents wtth a aewin• machine la credited with lnlilallng the il"•"" In th f usage on Oct. 11, !kl when his were 1,1 ~ e manu ac-- squad met Oklahoma City at tut< Of the foor or!Blnal nags. Youngstown Rayen Stadium. Beede recalla the facts Jack McPhee, consklered behind bl! innovation quite one of college football's top of· vividly • Odals over a two-decade "I bad ·this Idea for some period starting in 1939, worked time'.. recalls Beede, who in that hi~ game 1od is begins bis 31st ye1r u head perhaps nsponsible for wide football coach at Youngstown adoption of the signal nag. State next month. ''Prior to the inclusion of the "I came home from pr1ctice nag horns and whistles were one day and asked my wife to used to lnfonn of lnfractlon11.'" do a little sewing." explains ·McPhee. From daughter Gretchen's "The i n v o I v e m e n t of old Halloween costume1 Mrs. television in college football Beebe obtained several yards gives more importance to the of bright red cloth. A bed Oa " Un··~ M pi..A. sheet :served to divide the col· g,, con lft:U c ·~l. "Can you imagine the con-or pattern into the ~white fusion, say if O.J. Simpson ran dfect. back t ki<:koff JOO yards, ooly The linlshed product was 11 to have the run nullified inches square and loaded at ~ause ol a penalty! one end with weights obtalned In the old days, the play from a pair of drapes. would. be recalled by the blow· That night, Beede convinced ing of a horn. If that were true McPhee and his officlailng today, the television announc· crew to use tbe flags. Swede Sov .... auto rllclng proilge Of Dan Gurney, will rtlum lo his naturol hablttl - motortycle racing -for the A merlcan Leg\OIHJIOllllC""d I'*°" 1peedway motorcycl< races at the Los Angeles Sports Artna three weekends btglnning Soturday. Cius A motorcyolel, the II B b I w e I g h t fuel-burnlni! machines that draw crowds ol 75,000 in Europe, will also race Sept. 7 and 13 al lhe Sports Arena. The young Santa Ana rider, who will celebrate · bis %3rd birthday the week of the rirst race, only :recently took up Class A speedway racing, but he is a veteran ot nearly 10 years of motorcycle com· petition. He started racing two- wbeeltra al the age ot 14 near his San Bernardino home. By fudging . a hit about his age Savage became an American Motortycle Aun. pro when be was 17 and was the top novi~ rider In the U.S. In 1963. He finished second In his first in- ternaUonal race, the ' 6 4 Daytona JOO. Dist'Overed by Gurney 'fork· ing in a Hollywood motorcycle shop .two years ago, Savage was introduced to Ford of. ficials and soon !tad a job rac- ing NA.SCAR stock can in the Carolinas . Fish Report er nestled about a quarter.of-a McPbee <:arTied bis flag for mile away from the action, many years. He used it' in tbe N1W'1111.T CArf'• u .. 111.) _ 106 wOuklbejustubewilderedas b i g Prmceton.Yale con-1rw1er1: a "oft l ft. 4t ii.-. 1 . and I Ohi Wl1Dw11ll. 111 'rec:t Ol:ld. 10.W'f'1. the fan. frontationa a o state ~>-M7 _ ..... : .,, -.1.._ • "'Through the use of a si-"' games: 11oan. >n rode ad. 1 l\llJOwt. &•,.. l•AL SaACM-121 -Ifft: G nag, everyone tn the stadium The nag eventually found its """~ u ._,.., » und 11tu. no know. ..-·'"·• .,. ~•. way into the Rose Bow• where rodl: m . OM '''"' 141 •111llln: 14 .,..,.......,.. ... --e .. btrr1CU111, lM lloit/h. U Miid Ma, '2 It's been a big help," claimed . McPhee tossed it before some "'t~:C:19•ACM IPecllk ........,.1-174 McPbee. 100,000 fans. _1e,..: 20 tlbtcort. • ¥illllllwl'!n t\11'11, Ap:-tly s e n s 1 n g ' lbe It took time for usage to 1 Y•llowt•Hr ' btrr1a111e, :Ml "•" J ''"" lwllbut, II Danlto. 311 rod; Cod. (!'I .... revo utiooary significance, become a naUonal habit. """' Lllllll ... 1-306 •111r.r1: tu 11& .. , McPbee retained posaession of Bu\ when tt did, officials ~1::"1~"' 1 veuowti ri. no rock c:ed, 4 the Wt remaining' nag UAed in were quick to a~ with u.N cL•MaNTR-:m 1neie"': 11t .,.__ bolll~. 14 b&a. _. 111nb\lt, 1 btrr1cw.o. t bat Younptown-Okiaboma Beede, "it makes for a better oc1Aw110•~ .,..1er1: ''° btr· • • DAR.V PILOT ,t; I ' • Fantastic Value! Auto Stereo Tape Players • Sean univerHI undeMlash model •Enjoy muisic wi~ no annoying interruptions •For Antos, Boats, Campers, Trailers 19881 .. ,_ ........,., ....... ""'"'"'4ltl Dey C ..... 6 Pall. Pint .._, 11• f'.M. a.WtMt•tl!Mlt-' 0.......,1111 Nltltll a~ lluu.i.r (Plvrnbl Cr1Sh ..... (.W.lr) Wllltl1' Ooo IW1~l CINI o.cl. (ltldlol,dal City ga,me. game.'' r1CU'Cl1. Ut ..... 1,1115 bonito. ' tohl!f "' __ :_:_; _______ _;:;__; ________ _:-:..:"::~:..;;"::.' ~,.::: ... :::::"::"..:'..:'"::"::""'::·...:.._1 •w l'lllJT RAC~ SI \'11'111. M11c*I t v11r oldt. ,.,,,... ll1Ult. Cl1lmlne ..-k1 ~ ... B•rftrl'I Bir 1s11,.1 F1111«11 Qufl!lon IM«rlal L1 Polvwa (Cardol1) R.0..ol' lllrlntlQ') w-(Str1uuJ &old ,.._ cw.1 ..... 1 Llr'1 l 'llt llfl IR l1nk1) Chrispin IP ... ) Mii Anchor W1tdl {H1rl) Kll>tY'I CMWt (AUlr) 1•ce»to •AC•. «» Y..-d•. ' .,..r olds Incl ~ Ill Gr.de A Ml-ltml' In C1llf. Pvr .. SllOO, Ml1W15-,_,., rw11S011) 117 Ton Min IW1tsonl IU Chu Chu Bob 1 lllrlnl<ltYJ 116 11\ldd"I' Mtc-•Y (Mol'rl1l 117 TrulY HI (S11poe) 111 SP<ll'ltl'I Proml~ (H1rll 117 Ch11> At Tt.. lllt (ltlch1r6'.I 1711 Ayi.mll• •••end (SlrlUU) no Mr. Mln1 IB1nl111I Ill Mr. Sllndl' .. , (MorrllOll.) 117 TMISD ltAC:I. 3Jll VI ,.,., 2 11101. Allow•ncH. Pu .... ~Puwm ll:1<1utlt lAd•!rl ll:ld Cl'llffer hr CW•'-i) Moo!-" C>trl ($tr•us1l Mr. A.dftllolle (II: S.nkll) ~ Slit !Al:llld&c1l ~ SAFECO INSURANCE '" "' F11tfi119 IE1111'11 IMorrlll ,... "' "' '" '" "' "' l'OUll:TM ll:A(E, l5CI Y•rda. 3 l'Hr ohh •ncl UP i11 Grldlt A l'lut. PurH -· FrD1tY H-wk fC•nlOl:1I H1lf Clown ($mlll'll l'I,,_ Rodcf! IMortl1) U111H•dled CD B•l'lllil J1t Mt Jet (II: 811'11111 Lurty B•rt Joe (Wl t1onl Mldl't Moc>n '" "' "' "' "' "' •• for special GOOD STUDENT. DISCOUNTS on your Fomily Mr, 5'11 h m (Ad1!•l Mr'I. PllN B•r fAPOllllC•) Molil!'I Bnt (H•rt) "' •• "' ' "'"" ll:ACE. :uo ¥1rd1. 3 l'ttr 111ld1 incl ~. cr.i....1119. PurM u 100. c11lml119 erlce S2000. M11-. Llldt (5mlll'll Cl'lldladeolle (Adllrl Mr. !.o)me Cr..n11 2 IW1llOll l Triple Glllf"' {Brlnkl~) Merk II Now (K•nl1) Gold 11111111 (H1rt) "' '" "' '" '" "' SIXTH ll:ACe. $.., l'•rd1. J l'N r tlldt ..... \IP. AtlOWl llCtS. Pur .. 11100. war On Pfrlltl1l' IWrltl'lll 117 0\111 F11t CMorrltl 114 TN •It M..i {Slr1u11) lU Doll KH r !A.dllrl 11• llolt'• 1111111$ 1K111111 1n Nott l oek {lllcNl'lh) 17CI Tito Dtnch' (APtidfCll 11' DHll Tlll'TI IClrdor•l 11) Tarnrn'f Rvt1r ISmtt!ll lll P1rker B"' IW•horl 111 sa\laNTM 11.M:I:. \lnHlt $r. Cwne -11' ''"' .. , 'fllf' old• ,,,.. •. Cl•ln'llnt. h rM '2000, Clll!Tllnt ~ 1160f. • 1110• McCo'f (Moffit) llUM'l''I W•rrlol' Sir W1r Btm Ml l'retelo fll. .. liks) A uto Insura nce Bob Paley and Anoclates INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 l\low!PSA • every ·minulesto San Jose! 7 1m 10 l:JO pm. lolh wa)'I. 7:00-1 :30· 10:00-t 1~ a""'1:00.2:3M:oo-5:30-7:004:IO pM. More on WHkandl. Why WOfT'f about • '9Mf'Vatton wh9n PSA f\u OV8f' 160 nlghtt. ct..y? Such an e~bw 8Chedt.1Je YoU ean "NY tt arnunel In your hMd. 'Wrrf r11member Jowest fares? Or all Je'8? Or great service to San Franctsc:o, Oaklat'ld, Sin Diego, and S.tcramenlo? Or that kid• und.-12 lly PSA (With w..lr pel'9nts) for helf 1•1'9? Still want a reservation! Just ~J!~t111vel t<gtnt or whalflitsname altllnes. l'Mli'wwlW-'llL Major surgery or j .ust an aspirin? There's !12 guesswork at Penneys Auto Diagnostic Center. Either there is or there . ' isn't something wrong with your car ... and we'll find out scientifically! MONTClAIA ~ Ins thtn one hour, we put your car through a series of scj. entiflc teat1 (212 of them, lo be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems-end wam of pot en ti al one1. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission. Electrical and cooling and fuel and axhaust- systema. Expert analysis of e'terythlng from headlights to ••!lpipL You watch the results come • out on an eiectronlc typewriter • A skilled dlagnostlclan goes over the rePort with you. II you wish, he'll give you an eslimale of any neces.sal')' repairs. You'll be able to take care of ama.11 problems now, before they d• velop tnto big problem• costing big money. • . And, If you Wls;h. Penneys will make the repalr.-qulckly, 1c- curatety, «onomlcally. Repairs 1hat could prevent a needless OlghwayblNk-.. U yOu prefer. YoU can 'take the repott ln)where YoU flJce. n..-1o.1y9.88 Pretty f'llllOftlble for a doctor, lh ... daya. / 1 enneysAuto Diagnostic Center T .. Seiontlllcl-lfl FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH BUENA PARKJ~,. • v_,.,. Vlt•l NEWl'ORT 8EAC>i Outstanding Value on Sears Stereo Cartridge Tapes • Hundl'1'ds to ehoo•e from: . .. •Featuring Mamas & Papa•, Wilson Pickett, Turtles, Jeannie Seely, Grass Rooll!, Roger William•-}99 and. many more OFF SAVE FROM 11TO 810 on Any Heavy Duty MUFFLER .. Sliop •• ..., am 11111 ,,, 9:30 A.M. I• 9:3' P ... • • • } l • I • 2C OAIL V '!LOT CarSafetv At Mercy Of Solons? I' WASHINGTON (UPI) - 'Ille government'• auto IOlety I' pn>gram ii abort on fulkll, leadu•hlp and pniopecta for both, -"iol to criUcs. The' preoldent of the Na- tional sately Council, Howard P1le." IPd: ''There ls -a real criafa ot confidence u to -lbe·Coognss Is HOily -aboul traffic safety in Ulla country." Dr. WWlam Haddoo Jr., the first bead ol the National Highway Safety Bureau, wu man bhmt. He told Congress the hJ&hway safety program "is fut becoming • victim ol bureaucratic encirclement and resource starvation." BLAMB PLACED Safety crusader Ra Ip h ~ Nader says the blame Ia many' I sided: .. 'Mle White House has grown Indifferent; Congress: is more concerned about the moon and misailes; the tramportaUon dep1rtment ha11 never considered the program anything more than a atep-cbUd ... Why the rising criUcism? One obrlous re.aaon Is the 1ap between what aafety ad- vocate. would like to see done, and the amount of money con- gms_bu put up .. do the job. Auto accident. tilled 55,000 Americans last ymr and ~ jured 4,508,IOO. Presidenta L y n d o n B. Jolm.!oo and Nixon both ..&igned .... IO/ety • high priority. But the ncord dlliers from the anDOWlCtd intention, criUcs claim. ,. NO n.llNDS For esample, Cooireas ts ' , not bacldq , up Ila IUpporl •" wtth funda. rcr fllc&l 1•. the hlghw"l' safely buruu aolted for $.111 million /er wlo safety. It pt Ill mllllon. In flacal ll'IO, it allted for 135 mll1loa ml ao far bu got-teu _.., ..,.., !bough the fllOal ytar ltarted ID July. The burtau now has a staff • of 500. It hoped io have a total l .. ol 2,000 by 1969. II a1ao hoped I · to have an Independent test : center built to determ1ne whether automakers " e r e 1-complying with saltly .W.. darda it Issued. u ltlII ii aniting a congresDonal a~ propriation fo rthe center. w-. and .-obvious the crillcl claim, II the fact that I since Haddon resigned In •I,!. Febnwy, the salelf bureau t has been without a dlnctor. 1-Tra._tetlon 5ecretary John : : A. Volpe aid recenUy he ex- ' pect.d to name a succea« to Haddon lhonly. Haddoo bu been among the egency'a harshest criU.......lnce ho resigned. He told emgr.,. recailly: OTHER WUES '"n'te:re are many other Jlllblk: 11fety -" great "'1l'D01 that I coulil bave rats. eel "" )'OUr COOl!deration. But all ......,,., necllllble in c:on- trut \o cruclal natioDIJ im- porlance <t reversing the already advanced l bureaucratic destruction of • the natiooal hlgbway safely '" J.l'ograrnl which you and ' othera have worked 10 hard lo create." Aa:ording to Haddoo, !hue appeara to ho little hope that the Wbite llDUse will give the safety pnlll'&m strona back· t ing. ~ £ '"lbere b yet no convincing i evidence, other t h a ft oc- culooal rep<j!Uon <t the same 1eneraI pbruet, that any •P- proprtate priority far highway ufety will emerge from the necuttve branch in t b e .! fore1ee1.ble future. In fact, all pi-eaent indieaUoos are to the cm'rrF'J·" . ' ·' .. OO'l!IO'LA Y llAF!:l'Y Nader puts part of the Name on the auto industry for the declining interest o f ~, CGngrftl tn auto aafety. He A)'I the tndultry "c:<>ntinue• to <iownpllJ wety and is up- pllJlng lobbying" to dampen It ' any new at.templa at federal 111.fet.y regulation. •• But there a a plus side to the 1tfely problem, d .. pli. the 11oom ti the crtUc1. New can are safer than old« ODel due to 1tand1rd1 lmpoeed by the safely buruu, ranglif1 from brakes and .,. seatbelts to collap!ible ateer- .ing wbetJ1 and bead rests. .. More lmportanUy. safety .,. per11 ue hopeful that tho new lnnovatJca wlJI bring about I downturn In the highway death rate. ·· BOAT BUFFS #fl. AhwM LM•effy 11 ftt• •"'' ' fvrl.flMe IM;atf119 Mltff werlil"t ff .. ., HWlll!.t"9' I• Or.t"t• tl e-.ty, Kit •1ttl,,tl"9 C:•v.r•t• •• .. ... 1... '"~ •••hflllf " ...... '1 It • '•llr feetvre ef th1 DAILY 't'{ ,IL.Of. , .. -T -.Sears Prices Effcclife Tbru Saturday. ~30 AUSl'ATE "'" PaMengerTue Guarantee TREAD LIFF! G.UARANTEB Cwwwwead ~ All r.a. -d. dM-UR" iaalUllf f-. ..11111 .... ~OC'diefKa I• .-:ria4 « ~ ... t'w How l.elll' Far dR lite '11 the or' ·..i 11-.d. TAM ~iU S-.. Dee 'Rep.it ... u ~. llO dlmp. '• die c.-d. r.ihft i• nchlllp b doc~ ~r.. ii, ca.sift& ... 1, die proportim of oim:oc rta:uJ. wlli111 pric:e plus hd- n.l EK;.., Ta tlia ttPRMllU ........... TBEADWEAR--Our GUAllAJ'Q'EE C-.•tM Api•t1 T,_. . --.. .. 8-1-1\e-t.rrA ...... _.. .... YUt Yiii Se.-D.: t. -. ... fOr the -~latt" iii. 1:1wfina Ibo ~ rquhir 1110lli11& price pt.., flt'doeW &- 1:11e T11t kM ,..,, followinJ '"'"'"'" lfontli9c-.ae.4 Allooo- J2 .. ff JO' .. :1 •• ,, ~ Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans XSR 4-Ply NYLON 21 Month Nationwide Gna,rantee 6.50xl3 'Tubele8s Blackwall 7.35:.:14 22 95 7.7Sx14 24.95 8.25 14 27.95 8.SSxJ<t. 30.95 7.75:.:15 M.95 95 Pins $1.79 Fed. Exe. Tax And Old Tire • Extra-wide tread deeigo pull more robber ou the ro~d • Goannteed l>y Sean to war for • foll 21 montha _5JZE_,. T.-.de-la UT. -Price- TUBELESS BLACKWALIS 650xl3 9.95 1.79 735x14 12.95 2.07 77Sx14 14.95 %.20 825d4 16.95 2.36' 775xl5 14.95 Z.21 TUBELESS WHITEWALIS 650x13 12.95 1.79 735xl4 15.95 .2.07 775xl4 17.95 2.20 825x14 19.95 2.36 8.15xl4 21.95' 2.57 . 775d5 17.95 2.21 R egnlar '19.95 Trade-In Price F.LT. 14.95 15.il l.96 17 21 2.07 JR.71 2.20 20.96 2.36 23.21 2.57 18.71 2.21 6.50xl3 Tnbel ... Blackwal111 Plos l.79F.E.T. And Old Tire Tubeless WhitewalL 79 ... 07 27.95 20.96 2..20 8.Z5xl4 30.95 23.%1 2.36 8.55.r.l' 33.95 25.46 2..57 7.75sl5 8.151 8.2SxIS 8.45( 8.55x15 9.00xl5 27.95 20.96 30.95 23.21 33.95 25.'6 39.95 29.95 I .... ....... ..... Tobeleu Bl11ckwall11 M0.13 zt~ §,00 JS.ti t!Dli 2S.9S "ti J2.M llDll 27.~ t..22 ..... .... ~ l.21 2.38 . :t.57 2.83 Regular '24.95 Tr ade-In Price ]1S11,l! 29.95 l1t2 22.46 81Sxlj a.~ l.M till 8$Sgl4 15.9$ .... 26.96 95 :i!!211~. U.§ ~22 JI-~ J.~i 775112 a2.~ 7.49 22lt L!2 Tabelet111 Whitew~l1 65h)S %1.95 6.ft ..... !Jf 695:sli !m9i IJ:• ZJ.71 J,U 1SS.lt: iWii I.1i W l J,11 650xl3 ll•lt: :12.9) l.H "'ll In 82S:r:lt '3S.9S I.!! ,.. .. Z.1§ Tube le .. Wxlt 38.95 9,jj NI .... Blackwall• 560tli zti!i §.li :YI ),~ Plo1 l.S6 F.E.T • 77Stli ll.95 UI u.11 J.22 And Old Tire GS11.li 35.!lj l.!2 2!i,96 ~ ISSx15 38.95 .... .... 143 ~-------------------------------------------------, I IUlNA. PAK TA 8...C400, 521"""~30 (l MOHTf GI 3-391 1 lOHG llACH HE 5-0121 PICO WE 8-4262 SAHJA AHA Kl 7~3371 TOIMNCl 5'2·1511 CANOGA •m 340.0661 oLtNo"u. os s.1004, a 4.46 11 0tvM1>1c , :10To AN s-s211 POMONA ED 2.114s, NA 9.5161, vu 6-6751 SANTA" SPttNG.S 9.u«111 UftAHO JU.1m I I COMrrOH Nf 6-2591, NE 2-5761 HOll\'WOOO HO 9-~941 OUNGf 637-2-100 SANJA MQNICA E( .C-6711 VAUIY PO 3·8461, 914·2220 I COYH.\9.66-0611 INGLCWOOD0R8·2521 PASADfN.t.681 ·3211, 351-4211 SOUTHCOAITP\AZA.540.3333 VDMOHTP19-1911 ,________________________ -~------------------' Sears "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Bock" Shop 6 Nighh Monday throuah Saturday 9:30 A.No. to 9t30 P .M. -.l . 6 4 2 - 5 6 1 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T. c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 A DAllY "1.0T 1$ ' . DAllJY PILOT WA:NT ADS . ' ' f'li! ....... ,..,,..,.._.J&«pl•ee-f'lle er-.• c-i. P,._. "2""7B HOUSU ,Oil SALi OllANOI COUNTY'S LAROllT 2'11 I . 17th St. -M LOOK AT THIS! -3 B£DRM. 2 BATH $22,250 owner movins out of area and ~rant. to aetl, thia home 11' located in COila mna on a COl'nl!!' lot with block wall fence endoeed, it'• doM to school• and aboppi.nc. f.t ~ low k>w price of $22,250 it won't lul NEWPORT BEACH VIEW -$39,500 this home ts ready lo bt lived in -now -it'• vacant. a btau.tiful f bedroom 2 bath home with a n unoMtructed view ol the pacific coast, it b a 1 carpettnc that'• like new, all built in kitchen and ii cleaner than MW. See it. you will love it COSTA MESA CHARMER a 3 bedroom doll house 'With added Wnily room !bat teaturH: a beautiful floo!' to ceUl.Qe sandstone ~place, all new deluxe ahq carpettna: thf'ou&:bout, cowrtd pt.tio and Iota of tall tbade ~ FHA, -VA terms. Hurry on this one POOL SIDE COCKTAILS WI home b in a beautiful --lnbocl<bay- 1 ..... ....._... oveniled blti.. 100 911. tt. endoaed tun room entttinz onto lht pool and a bautifUl prden backyard, cul de sac lot. Ell:ecuttve home. $39,500 3 BEDROOM $20,95D it 90Ullda unbdicvable but thi1 home hu a remodeled kitcllvl with rich wood cabinets, st&inleu Utt! link. built in diehwaahtr, carpet is ntar new con- dition, bedroom bu bttn expanded with alidin& gla11 daor. At that price )'OU can't rniu. BEACH BUNGALOW tbis home is ao close to the beach that )'OU can surf t11ht up to the D'ont door, well maybe not that dole but do6e. A sharp 2 bedroom 2 bath beach cot· tap with an atrium of tM mute!' bedroom. F u 11 price on thls ls $26,500. DIRTY BARGAIN it's dirty, ii needs p&lnl, the lawn needl to be mowed, nobody ll\U the.re, it'• vacant, the nelahborhood ls nice and clan thou&:h. it"& Sot everythln& )'Oll need to make lt a borne you 'll be pn>ud ol, 4 bis bedrooms, 2 bathl, built ln kitchen with rprinklus front and l'f:ar steal it! DRIVE BY BIG 5 BEDROOM $28,500 It wilt be held open on &att- day from 1 t.o 4. ao b>' and 1ee It. the cnmu • my anxious wUI tell with ntA or VA ttnM. It'I S bfdroom, 2 bath OD a bl& lot tht Wldttn ia:· 211 ~ "'ttl-lh corta m ffl., ORANGE COUNTY'S LAROIST 2'3 I , 17th St. 141 HM HOUSIS FOil SALi HOUSU FOtt SALi HOUSES POR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! ' 1000 Gen.!rol JODI 0...rol 1000 Gonor•I IOOI MESA VERDE DR soys "MOVE!" s llodrwm Trl-1,w•I lnY9'10n ~ET 10% with • .._...,. .,. ... , s. :Attention .Pl~ Tax Shelter on .t ehann. loveb' 4 'Plckly. ar• a. Duufck c:o.ta Meu and Just trw Eubiide u.nita in Coeta appotn~ ~ CU onlY Me11a.. 2 bib to tNJor ihop-ttll YoU tt bu llepll'&fie • tNock trom the s. A. Covn- Plnr. 6'%90 loon. Custom FAMILY ROOM With ~ Ir)' Club. Six pide of: owner- dl!OOl'llted, unique A moat place, bu plut entertatrn,,. ah.Ip units. 5 .two bedroom auracttve, All with !lreplac. ~ DlNlNO ROOM:! uni fl plU1 1 one bedroom col· eg, beamed ieetUnp. dia~ Wdeawa.y tn )'OUr PltlVATE t.qe. O::increte drive, RSJIU'" ala. Newl,}rcptd • ~. tubl DEN. Eitjoy S E ~ 0 N ,D ete pat'°-t, top ibape It ibowera. 2 Bachdor unita FIR.EPl..ACE In the IWHP throulbout. plenl')' of prt. over Praatt co1nPlettly I: iaC livinc: roorp, Ranch m. Vk'Y tar all. $69,500 full ta.stefull)' fumished except ed MEDA.WON Et.EC price and excellent tinandna: linens. J BR unit coMpJetely TRlC Krl'CHEN A diabWub-available. feniCed. &etulte ·roc:nct Pl· er. Now, we'll let )'OU drool tio with equipment to install when )'OU lnapect th.la shake patio klt.chen, 220v. Room rooted beaut)' at a rkllc.,.. for pool, Futnishirws inc. J loualy LO\V 1'5.950. ck."''""",..,..,..., ooocl> WI SELL A HOME "· <tinett. "''· '"'"' GI E1(ERY 11 Ml~UTIS =."'i ~."'~~~.:; Walke ~ & Lee ~trMce (could be used u ott'ice). MostJ,y fllrnilhed inc. 2'l'90 Harbor Blvd. at Adams blt·ins, refri&,, 17' freeier, 54&9191 twin beds. ~Wl,Y bed. Open 'til 9 Pl'( Maey "'""Cullom.....,__ LOVELY Wl,E w reatut'H. Pot belll!d WANTED stove in deli. KUchen le bath remodel!d. last year. Enc. With fa.rplly and cbatmine . "!'or A Wise Bo;" c.swdy & Co. "·· ~-1 .._ • " husband to OCCQpy thill PIL•..,. '"'" ., rear. ftU dreaRzy newly <leconted 111.,...,_ .... _=.,.iiiiiiiiOiiii m&infenan<e extru' "°""• 'lHREE..BEDRO!lM,_~1· tools, tiish-cw--:--s"liaaer. BAm HOME rellf.aJ ~. receipt • Dini,_ room. la! breakfast bar and built.in boo , ric. NEVER vacant. kitchen. , ·-e Vine OOY.-r'td Zoned for addttlooal incomce. ...... ~ patio ott famlly room. Beu. I "'"'"";;;o;;;o"";;;i;""'""" I in& trutt tree•. 11.en land· 4 BEDROOMS tcaped &n4-completeij' fenc. ed. Prlco lo fit the "BµDG- ET t'ONOCIOUS" al only· $.157 MONTH ~~. -SUBMIT l0% -UmE - HACIENDA With deluxe apartment; in OJrona del Mar, on 2 Jt..2 Loll! Cute u cu be wtm adobe w.n. A ftrtplaoe. Formal -room, 2 bedrootrl•. 1 bl.th, La.ra:e kitchen which opens Ol'lto aunlit pt.Lio. \Von't Jut at 151.SOO . · INDOOR POOL Thlfa rlcbt, swim yeer around In thil tndOcir' hll.lltd .&; fil~red pool wtt;b a bullt In Jacuzzi. Don't WO"J' alloG~ the "'eat~ out 11dr. )'OU control the tempttat\lN ~ sictf'. Fre• G•rden Tools You'll 1lve yoUn away be- cause lhis beautiful pic'Nr• ei(fue home Is tirttllcalb' landscaped front ~ Jit,ck. e:<cept for the JhNbber)'. Other fealureti; of this U month oW home fs J beef. l"OOJllll, 2 beth#, lormaJ ~ ing & a big llvina J'OC¥ft, A tidy kitchen glvet )'OW' home ,,,...,,. "" _. --ern or conveJUcooes. Tbil fanl.utlc one ol & kind bQY $31,950 • Msumable low Interest VA loan available. ORANGE c()!JNTY•r LARGEST 1sw Golden w .. 1 Huntinzton Beacb 194-5313 • HARBOR VIEW HILLS View ol Mountain ' Sea; 1 year okl Lusk home; 3 Md. rooms. Jarse family room. electric kitchen, brff)dut room • bl'N.ldut. hilt'. ~ ly carpeted " dra,ped. W-U -· WI"' llmed 1Prinlde!'I. Fee tttie ' '-Ad availalile. ' An 1 • oirtrtidldirw Ye:s, this is a GI S%.% •• aumeble loan. Ideal locadon neal' San Diep .J'rerefty 11'1 HunliJ'laton &acb. P i 11 k b&ock wan. a:increte patio " sprinklers in 1'etlr yard. 501 nylon carpetine in Ux25' Uv- ina roon1 • ~ muter bedroom. Call now to 1ee. $24,995 COLLEGE PARK POOL HOME REALTORS YOlue at 152,50>. Olli r • r app't. 1 (LHn $1',IOI) Newport •t Vlctorlo 646-1111 Anytime Sharp 3 bdrm 2 ba,th Condo, in 'choice location a.Cl'ClM from poo1. and dub. bc>UH. Prioed for oalck ..i.. ... °""' am 1 .. 140 1-LIM., - PERRON -" •'""•'<:? ;:rt .. * 142-1771 Anytime* HORSES! HORSES! Good 3 BR homr, de- tached p.rqe, r o o'4 aft& for doc kennel. Priced to sell S:?S,500. Jf!i/1111,,.. COATS ~WA~ce •EALTOIS 546 4141-co,... •••• ..., ShagglHtl The •hauiest shq'. car- pet in town ii in thia 3 BR Mesa Verde home. OIRpnin& decor, ma:ny fee.tum " cloee to the aolf coune at :rno Iowa. 126.950. •):·._, l-\: ;,', 1; • 546-5990 Lido layfr~nt Dock your boat• (up" to !IO, tt.) m1-. ........ ~ .... tt. o( llllCUl")f. Brftthtllk· tna view Of ~ and ~ tal.rul. Owner offl!l'fl out- stlndln«-tmn.s. WE SIL~ A HOME EVERY 11 MINUTES HARDWOOD FLOORS. ~ bdrma:, 2 baths wlth buill·in famlQI •I.zed kitchen. $26,950 (4o/4•/. lot1n Av•H.) N1wport ot Victor I• l4Mlll Conytlmo) ---==-=-=-------- lirrett Reilly ~ ' -''-1" ~ .. AIULOU~ !;MllO SHORES'·-"llEWI N""'1,y decorated .t bdrm, 3 '-9 Cl sep'ua~ b' makf Ol' ruettJ. ionnal . dlniria: room -a truly delllf'lttul ct1tf.om built.~, F;l'c:itlna: ~e te~ With fulh laWnt &. prdens. Well .pric- ed •t $79,500 • ownrr wW fl. nance • tmmt!idt.te ~ Irion poa:i~. ta Wflltclilf Dr fNB tc=1200 . . ' 'Z Tiff fiF:/IL ! · T ~er • . ·' , " I.!<::; .~ }: Tr 673-4400 john mpcnab FOREST E. C114l.14UW . , 0 L S 0 NI '"'901!!"!0o!"'!N~~· pri'!:!"..,_!!i!l&ll:!"l!'ie uo~1 1 4 BEDROOM MESA VERDE Beaut:UW new carpetinr. cat.ed on QUIET cul-de-lac atreet, Has a latte'> c:oVf!red le enclosed FRONT PATIO, even room for boat or trail· e:r. Excellent v a 1 u e al $27,500, Clll 'mw as this' ....... ., plait will scll l.u1. 546-t521 or -• FOR THE INVESTOR ' Own you~ own corporation " • 4 BR-3 bath borne lnt beautiful Cmonl del Mar. 3'! mlnutea:Tfrom beach for ollly $46,llOO Lach en myer R .. ttv• 1860 Newport Blvd •• CM CALL 1:1'-mJ • Eves. 642--0ij& , 644-165.: Mis• Verde- Ropubllc Homo On a large comer kit wi t room for a pool + boat o traner -.f Bedroom.a with fonnll dinilw room larp family room with flft. place. -2 .)'e6n new $45, 150. , 'I't !i: REAL ·"R_ fS'l'ATERS 2 story 3 BR + ram + bom.ia 546-2313 • 64&·7171 2043 W"tclltt Dr. DAVIDSON RNlly " 3 BR 1% bothl, cupets, I ~--,.~~-=-,.I Walker & Lee '46-'7711 Open Ewa. $t6-5f60 ' Ews, :MS-5142 drape11.1al'lf: !theed y' rd. SwHplne Ocl•n VMwl UP & AWAY -$J7,7't Cool & Lovoly =. hnm..s_ "°'*'•loo. Rod~,OllO • t.aeum llvinr at trl()(fett 1 lvu w~· new deaip, Ct. Wtllt-McC1rdle1 tltrs. Pacific, •uneU 6: sailbom! pr,loe, 3 Bdrm. 2 b&. ·~ yard pool • .\ .weepinc view ,"" N Blvd. ~.. --•--~--,, kYtl. Mice c:ondlHon Loads "'-bv. ' bdnn 3 b& + pow. -ewpon • ....-: ..,~ ucw"""" of cban.ck!r. Beam~ teU. der 'rm. Formal d1n rm.· SCB-7729 &n)'time beth!, family rocm. D~ I room. Built·bl kltd:len · • q, lllnloul, Fonlutlc ·'!" w hple • wet u ••• V ~-$•• t50 ·•·-•"• ~w ••• -~-OCfllft ' hWlide view, Car. fJar, eJ' lt Roy J. Ward Co. fTI'S9e tr--._., ..,....,, .... ,.. .,.___. """""" •-, e.x. rt....,...,_ + rumpm: lUJ·Cakpt Or. &t&-tSSO No Down G:t. Pa.rk • like-punds, I -~ ~·....... Duirablo atta. 3 bedroClmJ. med.lat. pouewJoo. 540-l ""· N'IOtilble """'· You 2 IR 2 BATHS z bolhl. Built to ....,.. A TARBELL 2H$ H•rbol'j narnt tt. f22 500 ovtn, Frtthly .,.inted. Ex. - S.y&BoochRlty,lnc, NodownVA'•• low down qui&!<. Clo•l•s "°"'· 5 IEDROOM I "'17 E, Cout Hwy, OW FHA. Cllle hom•, """""'" 540-1120 + 3 BATH -$2',9501 615-3000 Evtt, 6l>4668 eirt loca~n. Wt.In k1t, new. TARBELL 2t5S Harbor POOL 1 SHOPPING for a llome'P ly ,.,.rm.eel, w/w cpts, Hurr)'I SPOTLESSI Talk about re&l familt llvl~ C.11. write or vtslt our of-P. \f_.C. S4U4t0 3 1m.. + tt.mll1 nn" i bl.th at a price to .Ji!. ~ ~· : ~~ rc; i!JiJ! 2-4-·6 -I hOmc,w/cov.paUo,1uodeclt ln,fl~~tl= Mqu!oe, with p""'1eo UNIT$ ,.,.., .. Ylowl 51'9' lou ~ Ex.:.a.iM - priCH l detalll ot ~ 'J'lke your p)Ck ml.)' be alMlmfd. ~,$00 1'P 540-l'l'ZO • ,.i..,1 u....,.. m N-" ~ldE><cha1'""'6*2C29 IALIOA IAY PROP, TARBILL)ftlHo ..... B«cb, Corona, Dtl Mar •• '6 ACRE Q:luntry Estate, 11Jt 613-1QI ANYTIME , ~ • Ootla -RED <:A1l!'ET :IS pool, I BR. .... rom home. BY OWNER, 4 BR. ·~ BA, BUSIEST -!!. ~ REALTY, ~ W. Bllboa .Jttar )'ltd; hottet or unit&. f.amllt raorn, 2toO 1111'· ft. fOW1l. The DAILY rUNL. 81v., Nt'WpOl't Boach. l3860. $0,500. Owner. 531-7$36. $29,900 * 5'f6.T90.1 0."1f.ltod' Mftklni. Sa•• . .,.._, DAlLY l'l1DT WANT ADS k ""11, l'tlol Wut Mt -· dmo 6 -. ~ ·--------·· ~Dlal=-!'F"'=;;:..::1or::...:.RESUt;==1".;; BRIJ1G "f'1"TS' Dial 1GM11 --'-'-"--...,..-...,..- J • I .\ I ......... ~· .............. ' ... ... . ''" ·~·-.... ······· .. 1A1L V PB.Of JlllPOAW:I , _, ' ......,, Allpt 25, ni.. , .-. " • ' . ' -'-• 1-u,. -" " -'tlNTAU ' -RINT~ -.. HtiijS1S PC!l SALi .HOUlll PO!t tA•<•._ HOUlll 'OR~ HOUl9!'eJ'¥LI HOUlll P'v~«IAL . •n ,.,... a... ..., riloh, ... , -------1--· =,227 ........ -.... ....:.. tlhL\,k..., llMlh l4't 'L--h· l7'S HOIJHI Unfurn~ 11&2111 l.Wwll~ .,..... . , 1100 Coolo Mooe 11• * UNIQU!I' L ;! 2' AA>! = ' =:.,. --. , ' f""''l= , ',.", lwrol ....o,.i..,........, a4io il!m;ort 9' ~ !;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ ,,.,._., '1)M0 W-""' o(lDI>-• • 1 li: . l1EW S Ill!-'S !IA. ... "Ill lov;t le..a · · *'~%-~ ~ .. --su-;..,1.... IMl-lf•SC•STam \... . i:.~·':,~.: --u••iNTr · i:: .. ,.;.,-.-1111ai1 C.-Mllo 11210 ..... ...-~~-~i.;.~!. ";;.t i:;;, ~·;;,;~,:: Nrir b-; rea'df to m .... ln, 'A ·.mlle ' ·~~ u.&:"=.~: 1-1k-~-l '::rl::;i::-,:: =~- -· J Olll'l -,_ " sl .... -.• .... "'I ft. ·tcBr, C)I .. t from boatll. IVlt payment up lo IO ..,. -.!'!""-. _,., .... I er • .. dlallls -a -J'... •. 1311. Ind'• ~ ..,c...,. llMl Nw _new CoMa M~ llrMUoe.nt O>. ~ qtr.. 't~~.eafer-after. mov• in. ~ -vlew.'f""~· leHJ'ft Al( pnp. s blb _,,_ _.., mt Mutrat. N.8. fl')..U1$ lllllr ...,,...u-. 1-11 • * SIS-Till 1\' ........ Elor nialntltmmec! Tor"" llAl•HA. ''""' $12.f!!. to loiJV•• , . · 1'11 Edlllpr ·-Nr, 1ehll 6 ll!Ol!'f. 8INGl.I: y-<Allllil ..,. -'""mt-ID""' or ATl'IUCl'IVJ:.--. 3 ~-'~.,.i.w. CORAL SHOttlS MM<!lordlC.~11) 141$ ""' 11131 -otiy -"""'Oljtll "'I"" -¥"'""'-"' todq. BR. 211 BA. Pool, d-• 1111,GOD .. -ill~ ir'1· C~NOING · Opell .W.. 0.., Kil. -"" -.-, .... , ml cw. IMV'I llYHltE 'Nice ..... A ....... s~r. J!al<Jmll'l'.Bc lCl-1'49 ~l...Cllali~.. CO•ux:E-od ...... -s .... ,. ----.i.1e ~-'I0\111! SIO-illl -.... Reel c. -· 111,no. 1C5-ll33 • . ' (OD Garfllld between BelC!l • ll•palla Vlew JOt ID Lasuoa &.och. ....,.., ... ehlld. -.... ,_,_..,...,. • -BAY <Lua APrs. '"""'"' '"" s BDIUI ... ut n". WlOE Un~·Pa'rk lln7 f62•·1•35,J!;' > ~ ~~;Small but le••\1'! --.toleuo~Blt1111U•·-· 'Naw!J llllale\I 1 .llllt--.·.c., LOT; .-,_ ..... ilR -2~1ATHS ll.':°~·'ll• II ors 111< ,_: ~ 118, -_... Walkt11 lnCJCCH!!O 2 Story &. Pool flt.GOD. OWNER -11 ..;.a, hinll: -11 -mo 111. rv .... -~.JllD. SOlrtlllJ -., -. =-ocwmtoNT , &iiOi • 2 2MJ l,Mlta Alla A••· S Br, den. 2 Ila, otladled 2 ::.:. "'-·!Aw iio,, Huf,""""" IMch Hit Hunllnt* -· 1400 D"~ hint 17:!0 Sept JS. ..,U -bdoft Rib» MMlCl. •. Bdrm. avall "9!,I to J\tlrf Ol'l'N s.\T & SUN '*' ..,.. a lndr1 ~ .. Ill .. HNI •ully 1 • I ml Iller I. • · 3410 "' -· 1111 >er -•to I Bit, ',BA. ft\>lc, dlnlne 1113-9142 ... -· 180l3 ~ nr: -· CUS10M IUIL t WITH $18S. ' lilt. 2\1 Bl. condo. ~· Vollty ~lllo·odlllta. Clll·""' nn, .ramu, "'""'"' CUW 3 BR. J&. R~ lo~,,.., OPEN.l ·AM'-IPM m:Ol20 NO NOISE !GHOST IN Lw&llUOUS 2111. Pa"",.., O>lldle• OK.POOL ...... ' bclr, 2.., leet"1S!llM1'h..._ ...,. ..,,h klieht11, -tcbooli, c.M. ff&U. 121.009 • THE 'FIREPLACE AIWNER APT. R<c,...Wtlos. Bkr. --· >d-v..,.· "· P!>OI· -• • ""~-WIUVA Ownor-C...na .. Mlr 1250 ~~L~:i ., Is K '""''dlo !!;wtod TbiJ~unit!s~llltall'lll'n':;,flllt.utUPl~'t Loooe,1311..,,IO-llWI C-4tl-· 42fll NEWPORT RIAL TY Moll Verde 1111 IY THI' SIA ,. •ln;;nc • happy -In the :;;"~ "i~!t !;;''!'i o K ~ pe ~ lletch 370S OCEAMSlllE ll!'>'o J 9R, .. lNVESTMID!T 011rmi••• 2 s. .. +_e<inv. ~ LONEL y IEACHI ··imna~ ... un;~"·i"~ IA.....,;·brlcl<·frpl,, ........ mo .. ;Br 2 B ...: ....... ilrpi: --•• · ___ bfu.. ..tunf, ........ d.p;;-iililll ~anytime •• DE + t.onnal dfn;.rm.: ·~ BrandneWhomtottcbarim· new, a.....,. nn , On aunkentubinba priv -·' ··a. ' CB.ft2 .~ ~ac •• '! __ , onb'.noJeis."'7,.-.. OWNER TRANSFERRED _ ME..., VIR -space. 2 frpL; w.nod ..,. Ins cul-de-tac with no lral· home? Rieally. thtte nun t patk, aurrounded by ·lovieiY Cbillften welcome. l.ocaJ detitablJ·UU. piebl imm. AVAIL. ~! '-pr. view •.PL Mdt quiddy 1e11 Im-J:~la':e!'°:aM~ion t dtn, VIEW at ~ • fet· tic, no noise A: )W eui walk !::: :e~~ 4:'t ~ g~ See thla tor yoW'8df Bkr 66-0lll .1K "'""-UO, · nr, beadt. • ' ml.Clllatt Mela Verde home OU! ~ . • *Y; steps 1D bel.ef! .. .U.ume to the beach! S .Bdrm!, 2 apectt u1ar hom spanldnc Ir )W decide! C• MMil 3,M .. . Don Frankµn,, ltltr 11J..22z:t pr:iced rit $27,950. Dtaitable ;~ ~ e ::U; IOM a(C1ilf.~ 11,,500. baths, livin&:. dJtllnr le tam. · new a:~ .for~ bJ move $82,~ ,Exceptional tinanc. ~ ,... U.,U....... , ~ BEA(JI 1~ Wl,.w $11' """" lot on cuMI ...... 3 room ....t:;'l:':. <l<llgh• '\ll'alttr Rlty. l~Jl5211 Uy "'°'"· All ..... kllcl>en Into be!ore ICboOI, Gmt POINT RIAL TY EST~TE•iloe tamu, home, SMOG" -l.allll* Um.. mo; )Tb-12:15 0... 211 1pa~ BRI. 2 bath&. hUiJ tut back )'l.l'd. 4 Nothlnc IEST. i,LU,,~ IUY with raxwe, self =~ kitchen filled "?Ith buUt·ln 34156 Coast HW)', Dana Point 1up ~·· xlnt,loeation. Low11 'BR: ehclolild patio. HtUotrope. fl~ family room with railed likt it at tlda price S26.950 .. l~; custom. improved oven. dlsh...uhcr. . ~ indudins rarwe. 1n•> 496-5.12.1 r.m mo. Jeue., 1293 Baka' Fenced )'ird. Bit-IN. Leut. ' Marth fireplace. Perfect Try FHA Gr'VA. 3 Br., end motel, on quitt ~:ll~ = oven. dlsbwuber, diepolll, RENTALS St. SM--~ or m..f081 0et. 1tl eptiaQ, Water pd, lal .... • - landtc1pYw with brict cul~ ae-adJ. arter:ibelt muter~ wu:b owi: wall/walltarpetinc, drtller· t1ouM• Fvmtshad DIMEO. occ:upancy .$135. 3 1295.131).2111!6 eves. BAYFJWN'r ... Yeuty -·«iqple~ walk. Submit tmna. cw. Owner ;dlJleip_Jlnuoe. nme bath-Coa\Pletel)I -iel,---1enciiw,~trant ~"&and· ' --Br. prc-a--anan~ on Dd 3 "' 2 Bi beaut111d vlft'. l2i mo. 1' lllt; iri ll• m: ,.._llSI Httl.... !teal O!\IY ,!11.500 fenced privoi. .... U.nt "'Pl.. wllh 'Pnnklen. lttnloll le Shiro 2005 Mor Ave..., J<lcwpt mvd. JllU... alt .. apta....... -potlo •ov_,...,. E&ta.te Hal Plnetl..-.& Am:uc. ~. ~te ro-Only $27,180. VA, FR.\ or . No-peu. MS-<nSa .._.. ... ~Orsa-.im Qpat·Stpt. u. ~ · 3900 E Q>ast Hwy: 615-4392 Pinc. Coavent:k>nd, tlOl Loc:Sento SINGLE 21 yr. or over atrt to ' upoo. '. · w.~, .... POOLHOME . . . cupancy.onlf121,!llO-VA, om. !lli!•Sll.UOO.lloily •bar> 2 Bdrm., Ap1,3Blt,,._,2BA.,1a.poo1, crclALS • lmmacUlalt < Bit Mea Del PRICED I« llnm<dlai. "" CHARMEIU FllA. Con'"'"°""· ln<I 11 AM to 1 PM Bkr .,, ...... Call ..,._ Ill ·,.,.,.. yd. $300 mo. Y-Mh. ,_...... lolbu loltuNI 4US Mar home ~~ witll _!_t pj,ZO. 1 !!l!L! c u_l_~ r -~ew ~ ,1t)'le 2 .. 1y,, l _ 961-1997. rn summer ., · · · , 5:30; . . lie. 66-1615 -~ WJNTElt Rental ·<I 'BlL AD mWCiiiiCfliwn..l 1le'"&ml~ home wlth"'l 1~ 2 bdmt:, ""2-batbr. Vacant 1 Circle, H.B. Bkr. 4 Bedroom Vacant GRAD -23 lffkl &SIDE 2 br frplc be-ams General 4000 1 di b'Nlllr d1-' ~ pool 1800 ~ ft. ot lftclolla partdlq hathl ..... tattil ready fot oceupancy $39,500 fncd yd ti ~ ~ e tt. I • , -· pr, tivrn',. HlP 5'4% loan w1 ~ d 'bl nJJed .O.Lancy:lltal fat... $17,tst . '$21,'51 . . Youna' proteuk>nal to·lfwe $l311M'·1~1..,. ,nope $150. 2Br, pool, nicd)i turn. frplc. 120% Al!~ f7U9l8 ~ U8WDecf. with tw:t Joan room! ou e 282t E. o.t ffW)'., CdM Pl"iee include• carpets. ihp. Huie-~ loc!tion Wlllt 2 Br· apt. Cal.I 833-1611 ext • v:-.: Near 1tores, dultl. Local or (213) 'f28..TOB.1 tee. FUll price only-$33.950. ~artb ~c_e, il~~ 5n;mo .. ea, built·im, wa*er 4 dr)I. ~try atmospbett. With a 2706, 8 to 5 pm. N i. • a.iCh 32o0 Bia. Ms-.o1ll 2 BDR, attached pnp, CAU. LAJUt.YSfO.ll51 Htr1· RA~AUl..Tm;~··l 151 LGE. JWllDp Jot.~Pum. view 'erpJ'bacedlspc-.16 nnct/ :.ttte t:tnt ~ ~ GIRL 21-25 wants to •hare 3 ~ $135. f BJt. w/w, pool avail AIM.ta. Winlfto• er ~ taae Re-1 ,Eatate Herltap Real FAtt.te of octan A b:illl. Prtvaey. ovea. Bhin&le roof patio oe.:O ·=~· Mod. Br beach apt .w/two. Avail •. , .• ~ 9/6. .leue. 230 ~ COLL:IGE ,Al.K OWNER TRANSFERRED ReaHor 673-:mO complittely fenced. Walk to em built in kitehen for Mom, Sept . .e:. 60-8652 aft 6. . -Btoka: MM880 Oni ,,.__ . .... - Out ol town owr:ier wants to Priced tor immtdlatt" ..te aboppins.SUbmttyourdQwn DQU~ Girqt. GI'• NO \VILL share my 2BR ~ ~ _ 1~ 2 BR 1~. w/w, ·!'!':'"'"tr ~-'~ Kil theit·kw!ty 3 Br, f:amib' at $27,950. Imm a c 1!11 a te Lido ... tslt_ 1H1 pe,ymeet ;·f1t9/m0. includes MONEY DOWN. P&yJM:ntl apt w'lpool w/strlotcd..mor-2 BR. ~ = ~-rfl'Plc· t;iltlnt. avail now. ad\llts -~CLE ,..Y!WW' ad\4ll, Jux. rm home, 1~ Ba, frpl. fenc. home w 1 t b a oversized LoYIL y LIDO HOME W'8 1:-ins. like rent Abo FHA avail-aU. Ref, M2-3&9t • QJ.l'Peti, 1. $225 month. Brk .SM-alQ Ul')' ..,._, ;.,U. w/full "' reu yd with pollo. Mk· l::.:""'·1 2 opor!dlna .\:,'l::; 11 ..... _ Cllllom 'bdme . by able. Call SING!lE 21 ,,,.., ovor'rld to lay ' & lhach . _..., fOdlltlel 4 COM· Inc only 124,950. Olll Dlvkl ...U.:. ~ =" "'~ Don Koll. l .....,,. Br l WE SELL A HOME ~ 2 Bdrm Apt ,.,..,.., RNlty, Inc. c..ta -4100 1'1<1e ¢!a<>' .. Soulll a., ~~ 1:1:!.''t.ji;j nerilot 1: qWtt ~c. 2 be. on 2ncl ,ftool'; Ii~ EVE·RY,31 MINUTES c.au&C-46Cl&tt5:30. · 901DcwilrDi-.,NB 'SUit&U£. ' ~ Dub ~; ~m -So. 190-2181. ~. 5§.1424, -.Cnul ,,,,., dlil, ""·•family""·. GLEN MAR by Owner; c 8', Wa·lker & lee MALE 2!yr. orover.2BH.2 U..:lnl Evet. -$3jl.OO wlc. ., =qrjf; -~ tn</ 0 · ._,~t&te -· powder rm, on lit noor. No. 1, ba, fireplace, dshwhr, BA/ 1 bllc to beb.·$1.UI mo. e ,Dl.Y, week. DlODth. 51/40/0 l AN lt'4MEDIATE ' lhinc!lner!of""prl<._ bl!Jls, 1pmldn. New paint "1112 Edinre• b"l>-7406 . CHARMING 3. S. ,.._ •stJldlo•Blcll.Apll. 01.• ...... '4610 "/A IC · SM.500 inatde 1: out; very clean. 842-4455 5fD.5l(O . Hi&bl&ndl Newly dto:lrated. • Incl Utlbi A Phone .en. · OCCUPANCY LIDO REAL TY INC. Good nelahborhood. llOO oq. 0pe:'°~wo. WANTED. Fomalo "'°"'' Lovely rar.de h/ pa II•· e llkk! -·TV 1voll. S\NGLE Y"'l"J"'dulll Lax· 4 BR with pool, tam room, 1'6 ba. NW' IChoola • So. Caul PlaM. I ...... -· Ctll ~ Rltr. 541-6332 Re.ad The DAILY1 PILOT c L A s s :I • ·F· I D l•IT llYll t B~3 bl, 2900 1q 11. Many 34'0 Via Lido ,173-8830 11. potiG.--ot cemeot l WHY PAY RENT? ::":it..'~· eo..,. ~---~ ~._ e New Clle .• Bir· • -. "'1 _. opta w!lh . ....,. """"' 14',t!O. 5%% -· LIDO T•• PLIX railed ,...._ G._, Ye-v -· ~,.. --D11 Newport Blvd. ..... ~ tey, chob ,a-e. and DrlV< ;,, and c1IU>t ._._ -:G • ' handymano dream,' cabni.. Yr. okl 'SpanW> ot>le. A• BACHELOR "' "" BH IPI a.,, 6CM190 • • WANTID-.-COUN.• -· -· SOl!Tll 1834 Samu Dr.' o .. n er. ~ .. v,!.,ry ~~ cor:=:~ 1 mi an chain ~ walk • awnetlo,61iBBQ" mAbl.~~~~ .. ·• in Corona del Mar. $100. OCEAN VIEW. 2· Br. ~. 2 Mil'V\IRN ;URN. i 91 &U .a.us APJ'S lllOO &.l:U')')'I • •• ":""" Upp!:'l' <-. .... el h, l 'ml to HS .. pa • .. .... ~. mo. '73-0216 aft 6 PM. ... _ -----....... _ 'l'"""'' ' ' QlAP1IAN ' Aw., Garden --r-· 2 bdnn&' I bllb + oleep. w om IC '• oil pool "6950 ~. ·-•·• ·-~· ,.~. 216fllaPle.byowu.>p "S"°l4"'•%"°"A>,..........,--.w."'-"'"L""Hll.,-I '°" rm.' !Or weekends. mi .,JC$26.SOO. 111).1153 r coRiiN.Mi.RTIN Yrly. be 132:1 ~1?. ll>d. Pool.'si;u,..Jlltns: $1M.']<o a..,.!!/<>~--.. II• SoCbul ....... 3 bdt, iii $lf.6,000 " BY OWNER REALTORS ~1662 Newport Bo1ch 2200 (<lnr Vl<llll DIV>S Riiy. pell,,Kldo -· 11. Cll1 "' CLifP DllVI! ba., Uvnn w/ hltJc 4 pa.net. R, C. GR.Et:ft. Aetlty 3Q3S E. Coast Hwy CdM OOVER Shores b a y tr 0 11 t Mr. ~ '42--7CMX> .M..,_, "6-697.t TWo bedroom ftlmilbed cd wall. $26,900, Pay dn to 3353 Via Lldo· °' 673-9300 · ', th! " home. 6 BR. 4 BA, larp CHARMING 3 'BR Harbor VALUE Adult CCIQPie'~. 2 All Del'"9 Peatme. exlsU, ICllLJI. By owner. BUNGALOW tor 2• beamed .: lt!•ch. 1 monu~ Reduced .. $25,500 patio, 70• privat,. dock Higtland.s. Newly dt«Jtated. SR. ~ pets, drpi mta. W~ ~.~~~ 546.Wl belw 1U pm. ceilinp, trplc, 2 1mall · c ~ ~. BR, N'a.r ocean • Owner trans-Avail Sept 1st. yrQo !se, $1000 Lov~ ptdell(patio. Gard-dil:hwuher, htd pool. quiet. ~ ~ - 'AU. 3 BR'•BY OWNER Btdrm'•, one ~th, idnt Cm~ nn, e?:~ kitch-fetTed.,,~ 2-st?r:Y· 4 mo. 213: 710·5013 or •Der incl. Dab""*· Yearly $145. 229G Pacific Ave. C.M. 49f.-244f , 950Victoria $19,SOOGI cond. St to St. yia Koton. en.· Indoor I outdoor patio. bdr,2·tii:fireplace,d111nn, 213:78>6333 leue. $215. MM790 5f8..Q71 orM1-1129 , P ,ANOJ!AMIC Vie~. nm Federal $21,000 S"-$39,750. 213:m,ml Assume FHA loan. Illness in elect blt-ins. 2-car.aar, c~ts. n01 SEASHORE, 1 in1 I e DELX TWNHSE. Like new, 2 D~ 1 B& $U5. '°°"", ~~ ~ ~ 2 422Walnut l21,Sl0 6% * 4 BR. 3 BA. Alalmatile ·funiJy 961-1171a1te!'1:30 drps. Nr't'l.~1• ~PJU: large• bCtr 'l .ba, r:iear Br,2Ba.;trpic.,to0l,2Cu Idol Im' bacbelor1 , ~':~,All~Mab.a 1 203Susannah t2G.500S% 5~li~f loa.r\. ,Sy ~-P.M. • ' cntri:ex us1ve~ .. ,-u. beach. Avafl .. Sept z.June pr,$Zi0.Bkr.•M&-OJl2 ' • ~.l99s Ch d'r~1ti. w.iwta.noddldftn,noJM:ta. ~ -..... ..... -· """ . . . NEAN °""" !il&-191' 15. -Fomily nnly .. (213) BACK BAY 3 Bit ..... 5li:-963l $1lSllllG· """"-~ ••541-lfllM• . MEDITIRRA " COOL POOL 196-ifµ.or 62M58'1 !ormol dlninr, Wnlly 2\1 BR, new, bell&I.-MO. * IVlllTER RENTAL*· $26,950 _ Sl;.,. mA, 3 lt-·llltntl •· 1355 MASTERPIECE 2 Stol7bome1?rlfldo\ls·li•· BAytlt()NT "'d!J!!!.'3'8', 3 bllhl. Leue~. 6'M1U .;.,,~ $161). ~ulll S ....... 2 Bit 2 BA....,, , BR, 'BA ... utilul 111U. 212 .,.,,,Hiii' 4 levds GI IUXU<Y llvU>i._ C. lnt. 3 INCe ....... ._26' '"" Ba dell. Ceue/op~ l50ll. * 3 BDRM, 2 BA. Irr !na! onlf. 2220 Elden ~ =-IP~b;,;:.ttllll ho~. ~ .~-~ 3 BR 2 BA &: de 24 30 bdmu, 3 bath!'., formal Jin-or. pme nn, ir dm area. mo. 6Ta-43Sl. A1lo unrum. ~-$250 mo. Avail Sepe eve.. tt•im~l'100 house un . • . "· x ifw, lll!llU*te ~ room a: Year old 30' pool. Sharp! 15. &f&..1915 FURN l BR ApU A Stud1ot ===c-' ..,.,=--.,..,-I 545-""5 i.kk pat~. •"-'1 '=' I titt-""" !hi,, -on Ooly 135,950. CALL MR. Un1¥orslty Pork . ~37 , . _ aVall Sept lit. WO f, $11 DELtlXE la. 1 Br, """'""'· c.n!!" Park "IS 3 B& 2 BA. Separate cue•t room w/batb. Pool. 6'6% loan. By 0.-r. 5&'1113 Bceilinp, ~;!."1!.,.>::.,. . >1!"' mut .. liat. Pl1ced . l'IELSPN M<>l&51 Hen.... TIUD OF ,;INTING• llOy Sheroo 3225 2135 Eldeo Aot ._ Adulll ""· ....., view, -. Y ownr.r --· v•-rflht at JG,900, Real Eata.te " " 1 ' $165 leue. UtD pd. -.1m MUTUAL REAL TY Down paym't 1 -mT WATERFRONT 11.., BBC,lion1y;;;.;;· ,,,..=-;;;:-"ttLO: 142-141' anytime Sonia An1 H9IL 1630 Haw you ·"11ed -~ HID IUXU<Y 3 BR, 3 BA. wllh LOVELY Bir 2 S., lll Bl. '"-._ 470S NOW'. 1· ~THE ~~·. ~!Webave2.~bdnn. prdener,yr\ySept.15to• Pool, patio, adults. $190. ~ 5!4 % G.L $175 MO. models avail, w/low doWD )tMn: Reap adult! 00 pets 2310 Santa Ana. 16-2933 2 BR dujiez. fUrn 4 untl:lrn, . '(. . Newport West 3 BR. 2 BA. BEA1111FtJl. Br1ct walled ~ta. Call for ,te&,Ua. ' I n~4 "or 213-~ . DELUXE 1 Br newly dee, ·nr Vie H" I 0 ' new N-rt Boach 1200 • !1n1rm,%ml1Dbeaclt.GE corner<lol.<S.,libruy,l EDINIURGH ·MODJ!L ~ c1.bww 1,... ...., ...... !rpl, au. .'. TIME FOR 1c1c ep,., ...... .....,,., ... """-Medi"" Townhouse '" &00<1 1ocou.11. Wmcllff 3230 ::_':.it 1125. .W..-1,.;,m,,,-"'°""'-'-----I patio, fenced. ~caped, ranean vinyl :lloorin&: in 11'1: 3 BR. 2~ baths Wlll lell · ' • l BR tum « wWrn nr. bch. $5,000 WIU. PUT YOU INTO flplc. New paint $21,900. tam rin liitchen 4 formal veey ~ <Jown • $1'5 2 BR. l Ba, Bit-ins, cpts, FURNISHED Patio. ·rd tU pd Jtesp ~~blockatto""s· .. ~~: QUICK CASH Owner will take 2nd. 22022 dinin&' ~ All etee ki~ • Rid Hlil l.talty. Beamed. eeillrtp. Heatt;d GAAAGE API'. PtrtaDI. ~-"sz SC: Anoe! va_.QILll ~ capi!tnno Ln, HB 54G--S545 w/ b~t.-in bu. $38,500. By l8068 CUiver Dr. Irvine "°°!· F;t 6'.d lu~mo~I 275 Broadway, C?.f. Dr. in Balboa! One 'bedroom · • • or961-W2 ' Owner. 1602 Pea:uua St., OPEN9AM-3PM ~tA,nopets.e~2514 ·2 BR apt. Pool. NASSAU l 2'~8R,~l~bl-k~B-lu-eb_ird_Bc-h, '"" •nil I.art• """' ... THROUllff A AISOLUTELY NO ""'"""' ~-PALMS. 1n E. 22n<1 St. 1rpic,. bllcony. RCluded. lio. FWl pric. • 139,SOO. U DN l'YMNT TO VET 1700 C...,,. dot Mar 2250 CoNM dtl Mar 32SO * ..,_,... * 11110 wlc. "4-1996 Bay and ~c.h Raahy, DAI , .. p LOT 4 BR blDu~b r:v::ttisw=. . L11vn• Hiii• $215; Furn. agle. residence. 1 IRVINE TERRACE Newport ,;;;. 4200 1 I. 2 Bk, COlnl1Wlcf ocean 9al Dover Dr .. 'Suite 126 NB L '. I ~ vtw Uie trY Hur-EXClTINC 3 bdr, den, La Bllt. · from ocean. 2 BR., DtJuxe home tor yearly view, newly dee. Immed. 645--Eva&, 673-1355 r tt:r, ea. eoun ' Pu: Mission Viejo. By frpl, patio; 1 blk. from leHt. J Bdrrnl.. d1n1nc Newport 8Uch occup&ncy. 49f-673S Primo Htlthll A,.. WAN'T' AD' 11125[.0 Hod-lllttr owner. """"" 6% FKA. shoppln1 ""''· Adu 11 .. toOm, :JJ' llvln& ronm. All COUNTRY CLUI UNTALS Lar&e liviD& rm. I. l&mily ' tx '47 2525 • Anxious! immed o cc u P. ~ beautifully carptted A LIVING AptL Unfurttlttttd nn, Fint': 3 bdrm. home. • • 13()...1583 CAMEb SHORES. Sell or draped. Lovely heated pool. Luxury prden aputme'ntl · ~--· ~ HW Ono u Vm · 1705 leue 1m.U, IOxurious 2 All built-ma includlnr rlrlc. Gll<rlnc oomplell privacy, GtMrtll 5000 o3Wf"ll: ... .,.e. rs, cp · 642-5871 la9un1 lffch Bdrfu. d'n hom, • .Newb' a: dlahwas~. Pool malnt. beautiful landlcapin; I. un--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.! & drpe, Oean I: lharp, Ask-. See our deal on this vacant ,_. • "' VIEW HOME carpettd & d e e orate d . I: prckner tncl. $4SO per i:ianlleled recreatlonal fadJ.. • U.-$28.000. Mike ott,r. ..t, lharp 3 bdnn. ~minutes to ~, I".,, U In -club t VEN DOME. Graham Rtalty~2414 · • beach. $450 will move you XLNT Vet bft UlWTlption. Estalied garden. Oc ean mo. Reta., pJeue . .....,... i ea a coun .. ,-•· ·. Near Newport Po!t Office in on approvtd credit, Call lilt. nte will not incrtase. 3 View. Police pa tr o I e d • OWl>'l'. 673-5513. molPhere. Now leulnc in HARBOR VIEW Art,.S LATE S REALTY Br. 2 Ba, w/w crpUi, lrplc. Adulb only .• no peta.. $550 View home w/pOOL ' Br. N~100~·Strtet BBIAOJLATS APTSJ _,_ -··· .. -3 B' ,~,,_•-. W-3519. Eves. 5l6-m C.Or lot; compl privacy. l6ncl75,,_ J.....a.l'de.ninl· Call owner, Avail. Sept. 4th. ---·~-.. or·' ....... _,.-.. a:..-rs•1.v"~ ... ~ _ •'--,._.. • """ "'' Anxlou1-1ubmit. FfP --Irvine T 3 Bil w/pool 1t w~ uuuu"W~ "' ~ ownmihlp """'· °"""' ASSUME SV•% LOAN 'r" · . Models .... ...., to I Piil C .... te ohtpphft, Pork D'IOlt a.nx1oua. c.aJJ to att. ' f BR, 2 BA, dee kit, bl& ru~ REALTY 494--'104 Lide lilt 2351 :~:-n~tr m-222!2 1lf: "2.a:tnt * sp.dou l Br'a. J-Ba ~~ElllTIES WEST . ~.:":.;1j.""o!:: HANDYMAN'S f/?<O.LEASE.Lwcu,,38' .. 3 CllAltMING 3 Bdrm....... OAKWOOD :~Put/_., 1021J -e, 11.B. m<UO $21,000. Spectal! • Income Wllll 120 Ba., + IUi• ''"'' 1tudlo .np!c, blt-IJ'o. """' chi>I; GARDEN * "'1>I, lndtvllndJ7 OM:'ls OWNER'S SACRIFICE ""'· 10 be1Ch, Patioo, d'!'"' 4th lh'. Gani""'. Owner ,Immediate occu"""";· 1295 ap "RTMENTS' . 1145 Anohtlm A~ 4or 58R,2cno.oldHarbor DOH'T •JUSJ'w:s;fb'.torn .. w/OOHn view, Nds.~. 61l-IT80.1 permo.675-490t A A . COSTA. ll£SA • 60-m4 Hilla home. LR. DR. Fam. lhirw to tumlsh )'Om' home etc, Sbould IJ'Oll 19,wo yr. NEWLY furnlWd 4 BR. 4 OCEAN 1: Catalloa 'liew. 3 BACH Apt, pvt'kltchen. bath, I '!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!I R with frpl A bv. 3 Ba. · • • flDd put bu1• In ~ Pr. $68,600. Consider tradet. Bl. avail Sept 15th. Wiota BedRloma. 4ln1nC room. to~ &mdeck, n. r • I: • ....,. Crpta. drpt, many Xtru. ?1!01t7T m 111'• Owified Ads. MISSION REALTY fM.0731 or lonif:r. (tt4) 67>1349 $GJ Montb ocean, pttfer m•"ture l\Snl • - X1nt llnlnclnc. -:.. -="~cr "' ..... ~ 2000 Ge-·· ..... FURN c BR, 3 BA, ......... Call ..... -~-...,U.mu. AVlll Sept. T. 3 11-.PumltvN DUl'Lix CleMfll ' , 20000•-•I -Newly dt<. Avail Sept I LOVELY HOME, 3 BR, 2 BA. 61$-11113 $20 • $25 & UP wntr ttntal or yriy. m-3I04 cpta A drJt,._&eut. P1'5 mo. PANOft.UUC View: adult.a, Moatho,.._Moadt Rtbtm ~ or let.le, tmmae, tum, near beach, <I Br, den. t Ba, 2 frpla, 2nd unit 1eued at S355 mo. $10,1'.lt dn, awrier <M>-3490. OWNER-SACRD1CE 3 Bdrm, 2 blth bome." l!X!2 Pool. 1.111 SylYia Ln. S4l-32i1 (If t.f)..2601 DUPLEX WIST IAY ~ will c:at'l7 TD, no loan to &et. Fiftpja.cee, etc. 1113<Jll4. OWUIING Bad< .... 3 le br, 2 bl. epta/drpa, bllna. °"""'· $21,G). -DELUXE Townhowle, 2 Br, 2 Bl. ""'· ..... llt.210. lOtJI tmm,Bkr'4Mlll. -Shtro1 1227 .· S(C~~lA-4£~s· S-aSloopleS....bltdW'ml'lml4foraO..W. •tw:s t• ""-' fl .. ...... .. , ......... ................... INYOLUS I _i .111r1. IOLAC I, I!! 0 l I I!-_, cOntploining obout • L I · I r hit .. """',. ,,., •• ""°'' ~-=-=·=~· =-=·-. thallf-Ulld1o1r.,;n- I SOUIAI 1 ..... fiirlMnglno-.•. h· ..,.......,......,,_.-.-.i. 0 ~.!'!! ~ d...at. ... ;~ .. ... ' ... 1__._I ... 1_: .i-1 ....__. ,..·.:.....-i..:~·.t1.'i." .................... SCR:AM~L!TS ANSWER IN dLASSIFICATION 7500 17M002 ' Bdrm>: !l\oeplac<, opllt WIDE SELECr!OH' l•~.•-1~ 23SSHvntl ...... -h J4iii1 teveL .,.,..t ~et, ~·'l'Y"•avoll. !Sf _TIME oll<l'ed. l>lc<b 3 BR. 2' bit> houle wtlh -· ....... HFltC~t.~ furn11hed, 2 BR. 2 bath; buUWlll, tireplaee i: double 2 BR. ~ apt, $SX'I mo. 517 W. l9lh. OI 541-3411 chab locatton, Adult! S%lO praat Newly painted I Studati ok, ~ 1MI W Lndn. Anbra 'fJf-300 mo. Call Pal&lltna 798--4003 ftl!W ~ta. W a J k i Q I * 646-9683 * ' , ========I di.tance,. "'1IOGl, IZl3/mo. t • l·B& '""·-. su;. 10 Sl35. I Br. "'1!nm1nl pool • Huntfn9Nt1 lt1ch 2400 Rltr. 5t6-4141. Sl15. No children or-vats. = S:~vail 1/1. 1UO BEAUTIFULLY -. PACIFIC · ~ II mi 1525 Plaoontio. Alie 1~ :;;;:;:-70;:i'-ii-:,;;:;:':----,. J air cond. mobile home ln rrom bu.ch. 2 blkJ trom unflp. SUO. 1 BR. o,itl. drpt, pool, baauutul pan-w a I kin i elelntn. IChool. atone ir,1. 3 OCEANVJE\V: 2 BR. w\M adults. Nev OCX:. l.ocaJ d l 1 tan c e 'of be a ch. Br, 2 Ba, w a l.1 : to· w a I J llt., $160 or. 2 BR, fam.111 .,•;,·,;61S'f!l!;;;_;""',_..,=,--,.-I Teache-r/Owntt on Jnve. c:rptlnc. drpe, bit-ins JW, rm. winter be, S 1 9 i. $l2J. 1 BR. f.plQ, JVO. w/w, qn be lftft by appt. l\da. 53WS2l. IG-64M . . pool. _ . rNd. 1m1.~:l643. 'At l:-SEF • • +NEW ~YJ'ROtl1' ,..,._. - S lltttl lo :zt'10 3 Br ,, Bl, condo floplc All Wlnter',.olals, 2 B•. 2 Ba 1m. ' BR, RIO, W/W, ummtr I applianou, patio Pool 6-tum. Avail ~pt C. $225. mo. 4rJia. ~ axAN Balboa Beach ·unu.. to achoOls,· 1~1. SllO. 227 ltth St. m.o23& ~~ Sleep. 2 to 10; for IU 9C-C'16'l • WINTER RENTAU e $150. J BR studio. RIO. tt9ttVaUons call m..M . . WJND"RED L. FOSS. AIL .,./w dnpea. Awil 111 m E. Balboa Blvd., Btlbot LG 2-ltory, 3-Br. den'· • 6f2-3850 • , Broker SU.-. ,..,.=,,....,-=-.,....~rr:-.-i tirtplact, 2~ •· nr. beach.l-o;;ir<;,n.;;;;;nn.;;-c:.=::::::::::::===I LAGUNA I Br houle, 1 l>lock l'JO jno, Avlll Sept L LARGE I BEDROOM ;_.,_ ~-SIOO IG beoeh. llO w1c. (Wlntor ""'1611 • ' lllO -,_.iy -- raltl $US MO.) J$55 Glen-3 Bit. J BA, trpJc, iltJ', ·~· NEW 1 BFl a»tt-Avail lft fflft, 49MI083 • bU·lnt. S2SQ. ttt best ottt:r. OCEAN1'RONT, I BR, 2 Bl Mature Mkltta. no pett. llJ' 2 BR a..tllol &Pt adj 5121 Spal'row Dr. i'rpk:.Ycart¥1eaat.De.luu. J'lf,.R.Cpts.lJ.00.lll~ be1cheo/pla .$1$.lllO wkly. -lor oppt. $316. 813-1053. Dr. -• '· 536-39U, 6'15-68lO s bedroom houtt. l R1.f5.2 Bll. sundeck, well a.EAN • attr. ·2 BDRM Gtneral 3000 2'8R. a: 3 8R tar rent. You paint A&&\'!'. AanUOwntt 8474086 ' Available Oct. lst. turn. $160 mo )'Cad)<. 2Xs erpta; drpt, blt-W, carporl 98U518 for Info 28th St. 67l-4623 No -pets. adiilts 548-6169 S BR Glen Mar, Jl75 mo lit I: lot. I .. 962-430'1 .. Unturn 2 BR llpt, )-tarly. Fum wlnttr ttn~t. 2 BR, 1tdull5, no pets @ Trvlr" ' . " -··--~----~---.-,--------......... ------------~~~ ...------~----------~-~- \ lllNTALS RINTAU RIAL !STATE RIAv ESTATI Genlr1I Aptt. Unfvnllohool A""-Unfurnlohod Gonorol Ceo!• Mou 5100 C:-0 .. -5250 Mloc. Rontol1 5999 Ac,.. 6200 COllSllllC'IDl- JUST COMPlDllG --"-----• v STORAGE ......... fully L;rs; ...... 11.C:::.....;. ;::::s~A=-~M~ !~C~.~~~=~T ~ PQ1Mo ...-. tor rat Slor. Uj~· aubdl~ •one ON TEN ACRES ... onljo. IG-:l&ST l:ut Sldo. mile !;; (ffj h~, alll avail. 1 ~ l BR. Fum Ai Unturn c:M. ~· "t ~ l",000, 16 CUb,'. 1111111 trust Fireplaot5 I prlY, patios I , deed.. • ~ """"-TeMlt.Otnbtl'lBkbt. ~::::!;:. .. . MAKI 01':1'11111 * 900 Se& Lane, CdM 6'4-26U ori·Dua Pt ~ c.q .J'ite « oontact::.'C-.e R. (Mltclrt>ur nr. Cl>ut Hwyl i.c4 m.-03."ii n. th 9H. Laguna >.>l * * * * When You Want it dene . right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! ' I -"'""'~::::.:;....~''----' ......,, or,.,.,,. 414-<nG. SPACIOUS 1 BR. ,.,.., 1-l'ro~ Whaddyo Wiatt Whaddyo Gott SERVICE DIRECTORY SlllVICI DllECTORY SERVICE DIRECTOJIY -•· halrol\Y, pr. $160. 6210 SPECIAL CLAISIPICATION FOii S.'-mo/le.... Avail Sept lll N#.TUIU\L IOllN SWAPPIU .,.lltlng 6550 Ganlonlnt 6680 Jonitorlal 6790 6ls.«ll8 , •••••••• 1 Spocl1l Rote ATTN Mothe.s! Rel.'""""" ·-s WALi.'!. w1nc1o,,,,, - U. W. ' Alf 'LMl:-bl the lllicdeioi unit Ii: 5 Lines-$ times -5 ·ltucb babysitter. Openings aYail ·' MIOURI carpetJ. Commercial Ir: '""""" ' . -->L-• _,_ 1-1 ltUL£S -AD lo\US"T IMC\.UOI now. Hot lunches, xlnt care. residential. Daily, w9cldy IµOIELOR Wlf\llil Ir• A:', 1 Ba.I Ya. •.-Udl pd. ~':,t" 6f6.e '"""'a; RANCM ~~. ~ ~,JJ ... "~ ~ C. ':"' ..::,,..~ Paularino, Killybrooke area. 644-4860 and/or Mo. 897~1350 HARBOid SLlO. Abo aval l .. J 6-"°! .JUD.41'15. :-> • • • HOUSE · 1-f!OTHlffG "<lit SA1.I -TR.ADU ot11.Y1 546-0949 T2}e: Belt. COlta no more! SPARKLE JanUoriaJ le. wm. Bdrm. H«at:lJ ... ,child "5;tm PHONI. 642-5671 BABYSJTI'ING in my hOme Ex;petlenoed ll&lntenance dow cleaning Serv. \Vi~ N care ctnter, ._~ au.lw Rentel '°60 ) , To Place Your Trader"a P1radlM M b)' the wk, nice fncd yrd. BUdcet ~ping dows, resid., comcl, const. • ...... -............ ~ __ .. .. ,. ..... GE l\lonlt V•ta •chi dial c .. d. •d•• •'---·'•··~-· Clo ~-t ~ -2700Peteraon..., ~ -.. ....,. e--pJUKgllitd'LocitlOn e ;-_J,..,_ ~ ·Ocelnfrontaot~nnrNewpt. -Stl'fft./ottroaddunatiQay, ~-,.......-~\I.I ... .., anup. ~·=-es .---.-.~. Costa Mtta ~ YEArtLY . Unturn beautUul. Stori ltd), slnt ft. a: auto ' Pi~, ed. rtntal atta. ~ entirely riew dKJp. •es eor. . AL'S G&raenlng .l l.awn ESTATE Mai:tlt Tree Serv l-°"".,_.,.;,.:,='°'°"'"-":.;:..-1 UJIOl'J" ti"-'--'..w V#t tramc. ll'l'1 Harbor, C.M. . : 85' 131',500 will tradt $10,000 vair erw $1600 vaJ for WI1J.. Babyalt )'O'Ut borne by Maintmia~ Omunercial Removal &: trimmings. troee MARTINl9UE cio. ' "$;" ·~--"'"Wl"'UY ,qtyloramoll-orTllL boar or i! · · the ""'": You !urnlsh lllclQliJ"lll,. ,....ntial. ' "Unutto. Call 541-0088. G .. RDEN am. ha' ta ;o. !k>'. 4 II<. 2 _.;.n5 " , Br1a11<ur:11U110 496-2500 tranopcr1auon. .u.1101 '*M6-36li• .. .. lhs. SalWiury IUIY. ' MARl!IERS CENTER . SP"IN'"-5. L d I ~t, park-like surround-m.6900 , ()ttlcs, 6 at.en bide. mi.t or "" "' cablfiO\IUer ,E.' top cond. 3 BR 1,i ba., fr'plc., la lot. NEWPORT Hel&hb~ .mother NEW . la~ re • seeding. an 1cap ng ina:s for adults only. RENTALS kaae. S'l5 to $1JD per mo. .->.~ITV OP )AJCIS Slpa I, twin v-.a·~ rad» extra 18x22' ra.raee $25,500 '1!13hH to care for pre ComPleM; i.wn care, clean 6110 Baeh, 1, 2" 3 BR. Apts, Apta. Unfurnished 149 !Uwnide Aw. Hl4U4 ~ YOUR ~ 1tAK£ phone, alouto J!Dtt..ete, \~ln! -SS300 eq. want Camper, a'.Chaol child over 2. 642-1596 ~:.~~ °toi°o~~ Fcr:ll Poot. nr lhoPPinl· small store vacant I, TD's or • ! · travel trlr, late mod. c-&r or B I k, Ml 846-0932.or 893+1995 1m Santa Ana, Apt. 113, Huntington Beach 5400 Catalina Island,$15 Mo. 3D Miles Eut of ,Barstow 'OIJ Valiaed Sll.000. m.2431. TD!. Ownt'1Agt. 546-55lr) r c eonry, etc. .&.l'.:u\ l:RV'S LAWN &: e 646-~ e Phone Avalon 187 freeway. Elev •• 2000 ft. Ne.U 6 'Apt., $7,680 rroa. Ex· Big Bear A-frame: eabln. --GARDF;NrNG SERVtCE CHEZ ORO APAR'n!ENTS Lllke Loreen. Wonderful land chance for hoU5e land or bl 111$ Swed '-1 . ,.__. LGE Bacbelor un it. Sharp. 8234 Atlanta Corona de! Mar, 250 sq ft tor apricots, alfaJh, nut UM T.D'a. • Crpta_ Ir t· , ; ""l"c. BUILD, Remodel, ftpalr, f'811.,_Qc'lllndU&. Reas! * Llc'd land!Cape cont.nu>. tor: complete lndscpg & alao Japanese gard .. n! 8J0.3031 LANDSCAPING Yuccas fOr sale, call Juan Panlo;ja, .i l ~/drps.OCC. '!:°~ ~-Coa&t 1 Bdnn, Pri gar. Pool, oUi~. Arcade Bldg. Bath. growing, Gib n.ls:1ng, bcl'lt FQRTIN REALTOR ~•tige area, UC.OCO-eq1y. Brick, block, ooncnte, &f).1'58 .., 1 ,P1perh1n9ing rMU~, •.LW mcl rtfrig. washer/dryer. 536-3927. Parking. $65. 673-~8 ranch, boating, ftc! etc; &f2..SOOO ' EvH 54S-0190 For local ho~fJ. or carpentry, no job too smell. RESPONSIBLE &tudent mow Painting 6150 &: utiJ. See at 973 VaJencla 2 BR lTOl·A Westclilf Dr .. N.B, !? By ownel" • ' Lie. Contr. 962-«MS Ir edge 1iwn (a~'t SlD 1---=------'- Apt. 2 aJt. 5 PM wkdays &: . .' crpts, drpa, bit-ins. No Office Rental 6070 40 Acres Ranch Land, tm. 20 AcA!s ranch. J ¥odcm mo. 6f2..&1l6 bet 5:30 & 6:30 NEED PAINTING? all wkends ch t l d re n or pet•. mod ARROWHEAD Villas view homes, 2 wells; renced. Builders 6570 PM Call us! Reliable ~-"'·-w/ ' . Wsbr/dryr, pool S 15 0. COSTA MHa $C&l'Ce '""'und proved \Vlnl e.rn z BR lot; Otar. All utU, Nlct A-.. ""'•JU:" EAST Side, Employed 968.5766 Aft 6 pm. n-of!l-s. 2 -nnect··-,ng. ranch hou.se. lge liv rm, l ,. --• Training track. bll:le bam, ';----..... ltionl-; J1naMM. G•rdtne-r Quality al ill best, at the COUp! • l 1 BR 1 ""'' ..... ...... beamed celling. breakfast rame ca in •11"· Sl~ ~ 14 stalls; FOR land, unita nuwn ~ ,...... most reasonable prices • . arge ' v nn, 1 BDRM apt, fenced yard, a/c, panelling, crpll, drps. rm, kitchen. modem bath & uc, trade !or gd trans car or '! $-GOOO Eq 615-'259 * ApartJM:ot.& 4 Units Exper., compl )'ard service! Free estimate! 646-2831 . din rm, kit, 11erv. porch. childrn ok, 4 blk.s to bch ample parking. 45c sq ft. plumbing. Tank house en-or ! '! 546-6277. • . * CUstom Homei * Kifcbens Free e•t. 645-0912, OO.S.2303 548-G986 II -=o'I Cake Arrowhead Mier· "1 2 Story Speclallsts FREE ,... ..,..,. •• \IP SPECIAL!ST' PAit\TING Int & Ext Lowest 00 mo 1st '= Wt ttq'd. .. ...... mo. Short tenn lease closing 1000 gal galv. stor-75' Cruiser T\\•in D. autO -.... n.. .,. \..WLAJ" --' 2 BR tTNl'!"'l: Twnhse ..,65 .._ ,..,., • 1 · -tront lot $6(1,....., -.. T•CluC layout/daign 20 )TS. w. Mo....i.... ..:1....i.... odd . ,:. contracto:u prices. Fully ins. ·., •.•• ~: ...,_ . ,,.. ...... -1961 wtlh g. tenn opuon. 1555 age tank under 45 lbs pres-pilot, range 1200 mi. Re<.:erit PaliJades Ocean V)ew 1oti Pacific Coest Builders Re~bl-oe• "'-'~ .. ~-2 JO~. Satislaction auai. Free est. Cottag.Adul$.15.S. Blttn~ patioil, NEW l _ 2 BR APTS. Baker. 546-4890 sure. With double gar. Con-!Ul'Vey $40.COO. \Vill con!id-$2f,50I) va1: Want:_Jncomt. ,. • ..,. E. "···t H-. • ......,.._.., Jin\ Weekll 673-!166 gar. lll, m pt...,. Ava. p · ft-• MODERN OFFICES crete septic tank, all elec .• er trust deed or smaller ..... "'"~ ftoW \,d,IQ ··~ EXPERIENCED J M. 3009 Coolidge 549--0413 ~u;;i:n~~rt;: t'ROM $6;; PER MONnl s hp pump, lJ1 gal per min boat. Owner. 1n4l 179-3•100 Bkr • .,.,..,,..... C.Orona "del Mar 675-7Ul gudeber. Reliable.=~ 1m;, & ext work guar. Spray IMl!AC 2 bdrm Tri·plex. W"'.,. ....... _.. ~~ •• parking, central Jo. at !Kt' dep~ I~prvv~erits: 17. GuUstream fbrglg boat, f,.fallbu near pier. Prtv. C I 6590 'tot fret eatimate or rush. Fl'ft estlmate. Call -·· •-bit · r..i.. -.on to .....-«Ul; l Br., gar, Fenced with l by 6 x 300 ft • ._ _ _, Id . Ull.. road f BR, s ba., dining lrpertt•r nt .,....,.,8 r-~·•-t. lawn l·ferman 642-013? ............ ua....,, ·Ill&, re .. ,.. dishwshr, cptd, drpd. Patio. cations, Secretarial service. 66 m ............ -0u nve i ....... p .i.ua __ Adults, no pets. Sl«l. $195. No does. M7.J957 230 E. l64712h·,1~~ Jl.trsa redwood feoct. 7 Miles East ~ h,t> v y 6-cyl, and. cash. ~or Ja~ FOR.,!!.U: CARPENTRY maintma.nce. RH. 6 Com. CLARK & CLARK M&-5386 alter 5 p.m. ~ or achool. t16,(0), i,i, Cash, Tracie 1or late model JI.JCS. ~· ..... _.,_, ....:0, ~~" MINOR REPAIRS. No Job mm:lal. * 5&M11 CUSTO. :!,. ~INTCN. G • NE\V '2 BR duplej1(. Blt-U., bal 1st trust cjeed. WW ne-GT VW etc 146-3221 ... ~~ ""'>',,,_ ...,_~ Fairway Y-dla Apts _,....,, ..,.._ IJSO. """"' sEE At 188 E. l?ttt si .. CM. """""· Court""' 1o bn>ker. · • · • 1368 ""-Too SmatL ea•1ne1 1n .... a.1 ~Edge IAWJt only. 1508 Olive. S3S-IS23 Next to Security Pacitic 847-6640 aft 6 PM. 1!69 CI a as i c Boll;Ward . ages 4 o t be r cabinets. Ma.inte:IW>Ot, lJcenetd, PAINTING. PaperiQc 16 yn. Nal'l Bank Plenty of par:k .......... Coupe 27 mpg Exceplioaal 2 DUPLEXES • Maheim. ~75. U no answer leave S.18-48ce/64>23l0 att f In Harbor area. Lie. le Near Orange Co Airport A-2 & l BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio. · all util . 1 d d -' A-1 conditlon ·for 1.1usfanc Quality 3 bdr., 2 ba. Gl'O!ls msg at 646-2372. IL o. bonded. Rers. furn. 642-2351. UCJ. Adults only. 20122 heated po o I, new I y ::..no · 1 n c u e • or late model Econoline or $61& mo. Trade for beach Andenon JIM'S GAR{>ENING I: lawn SUBUR.BAN Painting/Dec Santa Ana Ave, S40-2796 decorated. 962--8994 2 OFFICES avaiW>le, ap. R. E. Wanted 6240 Font 646-3J13 a.ft:;, 5C8..(850 area units or home. Owner: CARPENTERING, room ad· =~~~· ~. Com-Expert Guaranteed Work THE SEVW..E 2 BR. iu •·. Tustin .. 5..: .. " prox 486 sq ll.-wkdy!. al!Pr 6. 6#-<64T. ditions,. patio decb & 6'12-t186 Free est. No job too la.rp n ..,. -'""" ft.1-,....._1 ~·al"ty 1 or too small . .m319() v>'/~e. $150. Adulta _ M».> .--or,._.., $ .., * * * * * rovers. "'" 1 • cu s om Reliable Lawn Maln~nance crpts _ drPI. Bit-ins. Fenc-1lfE ASPENS ~l151 ~Jon thru Fri $ MORE Wff $$ .,._ "'Ork. 66-0415 Gardening and CleatMlp • For better painting call •• yd l.5652 William St Ot1l • t REP IRS e"-perlenced painters at eu . 2619 Santa Ana Ave., oe I: oes SJlllCe, A , ALTERATIONS ,._ I S I ~ .a...:-64&-4071 f 636-4120 Tustin's presfi&e address -Secretarial RrVice. For Your Home Equity BUSINESS and BUSINESS •nd CABINETS. Any size job ""n•r• trv cet -4'. I ,.-..-;=-;;',-1,,•.,•..,6-'pm=.==--I BACHELOR Apt $100. Ideal for 2 studentJ or artist Ocean view. 6 4 6 ~ 31 0 Ii Adult Uvip&, no peta Newport Civic Ce.Iller, Absolutely no coe1 . • • FINANCIAL FINANCIAL. 25 yn. eieper. S4U7L1 t'ONSTRUCTION site ~ PAPER SPECIALlSTS -st.& carpds ; ~1601 to YoU the Seller! Qu~• rr-v ft-• .. ,1 up. baulinf,• spn·nkl~ Cal's best for vinyls, nockl, Total air condl--t2 r · -·'-..,...~ i. ""'"~" -ftl era. 05 • .,_,. ra1 8'? Uftfurnished PRIVA~ omCE f >'~ =more" ..... ' lus. Opportvntt~'6300 Mong1ge1, T.D.'s 634S Uonl -. N~.·O>mt. b)I hour terns Jnsta,,!~-~'> re · . J.W.J, mu s, -1659 eves. 541-5697 . G.,,.,. ..... m ...... •-"'···---,....ti., .a-6 .t.-.--1.,.,.. or e property. or Contract 6f6.34.42 J=;===~;;:;::;===d -1 .. .. --·-• _..,.. -.. -~ ....... _ ... ,_.,._ Call the Rest -~ P asterin•, R-1·r 6880 A ........ ..._ • ..__ .... .,,. in the Glendale Fed Savin&s . ' • CANDY SU.PPLY CONSTRUCTION •1 0 n • y REPAIR Partitions sm&1i 1 BDR, gar, cpts, drps, .,.... ............ uvu• ........... si..i .... Corom. del Ma.r. ·~. Then call the Best " Remod I NI d H1uling 6730 •· PATCH p• ·~-·c. Prefer leachel" or CO\lple. For infGrmation ~ ._ ..,., ROUTE available for income oro-c , etc. ,le or ay, ....,w,"-J\.IJ• 242 Flower. 6 4 2-7 8 06, , mo. Call Evdyn Halbakke.n BEVERLY JA(VfNI AFFIUATE ' ducing property. Foreign & Reas! Call KEN 540-4619 HAULING, cleanup. lots etc. All typeg. Free estimate. 64&-3845. D1n1 Point 5740 f75...5.H4 or 56-3lfi6 JUVn (No Selling Involw.d) domestic. Motels, Nursing Handyman anylioic You '-=Call=='S4:iQ."25=======i ~~ 2 Br, 2 .~ Adult~ 2 BR. ~ 1 .. ue, crpta. CARPETS.dl~inc, ... ~r:i.pey !'r -air ~~ Excellent income •or fl"IY Homes, Shopping Centers, C•ment, Concrete 6600 call. 1,. no·ptti.. Cbed gar, play yrd. ..-., bit-ins, ~ •.. no.~t&. or-· RfAlfY ' boun v,<eekly work (Days or Off i c,e Bui Id I ng s. . ** 642-3398 • • Plumbing 6890 833--07li, 632-45a"°7 fi00, (U 4 ) ~=~.78 Ope.,.. n $70 A: up. Wetl!-McCardle, eveninp). Re.tilling fr: col-Apartments, elc. \Vrite or • CONCRETE v.·ork a 11 CLEAN UP & lite movinC -PWMB-.<--"lN-G-REP--AIR..:.:.:.: ~ Rttrs. 548--7729. 147-6033 or S4S..S245 lecting money from coin op. call TIUe Realty & types. Pool decks & custom. T?1!e &: shrub telnO'.'al. No job too !'mall NEW 1 BR. apt, cpta. drpl:, Sun. 33913 ' Aicaul'~ Dr. LARGE Executive oftil% trat.ed dlapensers in Costa Insurance Company, 215 Call 548-1324 Reasonable. 549-~ • 642-3128 • bl tins, gar. Patios. Adults. Dana PbinL '· N~B. A1lo small otfice trOm 1.1esa ' surrounding area. Clark B u i 1 d I n g , Binn· CEMENT WORKl no job too· ~.~GjjA~RAW'.G:EE:;·1'le;;;anmu;;p~. ~-;;;;;.~. J :;:=~~:;;;~~===' Mgr. mo Elden ~1762 REAL .IS1'.AB··· ,···ham Alohama ,,_, 11 ,.. ,. ' • ·~ -mo. "'-·--. 6T~4 BUSINESS .~ Wt -. routt. !Handles ..... · ~uv sma , reasona n:. re e R--~ I R 6940 1 DOR ~ vwucc ,_ "''"' Pho r~) 251 """" o..n..... hauling, By the job or by ....-•, en.air, • gar, cpf!, dt1>$, Gen•r•I Fl name b rand candy &: ne LMJ ....,...,.,. esUm.' H. Stnnlck. ~15 he ,.- Prefer teacher or couple. 5 _. ~~-duttrlil Prop. 6080 NANCIAL snacksl $1575. Cash requir-15°/. DISCOUNT * CONCRETE Work, bond- 1 hr. &46-lS68 1 slin.o. Rtimodel, Repair :.H2 Fbwer. C.!d. Rent•lll WtlntW 77V lut. Opportunltl .. 6300 ed. For penonaJ intexvlew Ist TD on whi~ water view ed &: lie. Patios/drvwys TRASH HAULING .. Brict, block. con c re I•, ---· ------·-· lOD:tl70' Ith ottioe ln Costa Mesa area. 'end l-Ot in Laeuna Beach. $6,000 etc. Phillips Cement. reasonable • 54;,...2720 ,crpnll')'. no job too small Newport 8•1ch 5200 LOT !lze, ~ AAA CANDY SUPPL'.Y name, addrtn & phone num· @ S60 mo., incl. 9%, all 548-6380 YARD/gar cleanup, Remove· ~.Q:intr. 962-6945 It 40xf0 slab Wlth t'leel · ROUTE ber to Multi-State Inc., 91li7 dUe 3 yrs, Broker '494-ll.38 .Ay VIEW frame only. fdtal !or truck-~-• H Do ""'· ,ivy, dirt, ""'"" .._...., 6960 tni firm. $26,00> • best of (N~IE BRAND CANDY) E. Im.,....-. wy., wney, C baddlOC, grade 962-8745 _..,,.-x Winter lease avail. in brand • ..._ •• Owner will ........... ~-1 ~citµl&_ i.york resellina: Ir Calif. 91?!42 1213j 861~n Money Wanted 6350 arpet Cl~aning 66251 -========o= I =:.;;.;'----....::.= d .1 • ~.... -·., -.. __ 25 YRS. exper Seamstred, new, c.iuxe duplex; cloSe to TD. co~ting money from coin MACHINE SHOP \VUJ pay lO% on $30.000 in-CARPET & ~· cleanlng: Hou1ecleanin9 673$ <er,ations & repair, mens beachts, churches & mar. Well ... McCardle, Rltrs, operatM di.spemera in your Owner l' et i r I ng. \Vcll· vestment ins 0 c ce1 af u 1 for 1 day service &, qJMLll~y BRlG~..mrrco clttning. ~ gpeeialty. 645--0731 kd.s. Frpl., plush carpet GW, •c..t......,MMttl 1110 Newport Blvd. C.M. aree. Must be able m devote equipptd for rtstarch a nd Junior shOpping center. High work; cal, I Stee1lng: for q~ ... ,....._..,"' Ready for ifruned, occu-·--' 'VP· -Pll! SM-Tm ~e 2 to I hrs per week ro make development or it en er a 1 interest rate makes re· brightness. 642-3520 service. Carpet, flrs & win. • Dressntaldlll'. • Alterations pancy. COLLEG£..Elduci.ted wortc'· wry good income, No 15elJ. machine w o r k . Nice do1v! cleaned. Free 1 est. Custon1 Dc?5jgns 3 BR. 2 Ba. ~'er ...... SlC.(I ing couple, one child, one M-1 Lot at 824 W. 18th St, ing involved. bulldlnit with lJ.i: acre, M·l financing un!easablt at '?~:'ND ~a a carpe~t 548-4134 . * &l&-&W& * 4 BR. 2 Ba. upper ...... ~ dog. desli-e unfum. 2 bdr. I: Costa Me• utxlOO' All or $995 to $3.980 requlred prOperty in Cosla 1.1esa. present. Call owner 96i.8996 Cl . ! :nd.1 t CARPETS, Window5, flrs. Alterationt-642-514) ~ Owner mia:ht furn. or consi(l; den or 3 Bdr home to Seut: part. will sub-divide Terms. (Based on part ~r full. tinl'<!~ Will consider selling pro&1-ANNOUNCEMENTS eanua. 131 ' etc, Ria or C.omc'I. Xlnt Neat, accurate, 2{I years e.xp. er yrly. le&R, Mrs. Joy,1 C~f NB FV ....... _ _...., $42.500. Call 646-0029 or eves For personal 1nte~1ew 1n erty on I y. Call 01vner: ind NOTICES carpet Cleaning Seivice work Reas! Ref!. 548-41.ll eve,;., 642-22;).1 .• or ' . • · ' .... ......,.., _,.., -... r:. your an>a. !!end name, ai:J.. GU-2601 or 548--l261 Licensed, in1ured, E I .UR Starting Sept 15 ~.U<M ~· d • F d F Ad 1.~ ... -o ... & •-o•h Cl•·ni"" "'--· TIL , Cer1m c 6974 R WHITE · · ...._ ttM circ pbone no. io: '"ORKlNG Pnnt Shop with oun < r" a) 6400 guaran """· U'l<P"VU;rt ~ Ul' " '""" -· .. ..,.,, • before 8 and after 6. TRANS-\V'ESTERN DIST co " Carpets, windows, 1loots, etc . REALTOR UNFURN Home 3-4 BR. 2 Commercial 6085 590 No. Azusa Ave: • AB Dick photomat plate BLACK & v,·hlle dog all ~ Res & Commc'l 646-1401 * Verne, The Tile Man * Cust. work. Install & repairs. No job too small. Pia.stet patch. ll'!aking •ho we r repair. 847-1957/846--0200 29111 N pt. mvd., NB 6T.....t630 Ba, Bltin!, cpl!, drpf. in RARE FIND O:lvina, Calif. 91722 malrer, offset printing black face, male; black col· Carpet L1ytn9•& \VOULD You believe I v,•111 3 BR, 2 BA Eutblutt area. Corona del Mar HIP Dist. Appra11: 3500 a1 ft mned •LIQUOR UCENSES• pres~. For ~I<' or leue. ler \\·ith silver buttons. Rep1lr ~26 clean your l'IOme for 'Blue (745 Domingo Or, N.BJ (805) 491-3277, ( 714) Cl bl.;'",, o.nt ~ .. · • 00 2 well brttr-County Transfers 548--0791 or &42-0020. lTI Found Ne"·port Be a ch 1-----.....:---Chip Stamps! 897-'1350 Brand new, bakony view-642-9881 travel~ Cosla Mesa sbttls. * ORANGE t'OUNTY * Rlvenlde. NB. 646-4273 , FOR CARPETING WINOOWS DIRTY'! trom bath rnasttt BR 11\ liv LANDWRDS: \Ve have l;ic ICf. ft 5 yr, lease pos· OFF SALE $10.<m Money to Loan 6320 FOUND female kitten, wh.lte OR CARPET LAYING Johnny Dunn your local Tree Service 6980 nn area, frplc, . dshwahr, tenants waitin&: ror rent.ah ti.bk. ON SALE $12.500 with striped bead & tail. 2 C. A. Page 642-2070 service. r~rec e!lt. 642.-2364 =· ::_~o orch:.=i or under $150. Fne serviot. Boyd l!l .. lty 675-$930 Winston (Zlll 112-4249 collect 1s1 Ir 2nd loans for qu1ck ~e';11~:.ts~~ l..aguna Art Electrical 6640 ~~=;,;;===;;;;;, ~~;:hru~= ~~v!t:. NEWPORT B-eacb LocalBroker.645-0lll C•18ARGAIN ~Esr~and11o"Ork"'.ith caah.Bonowonyour~ Ironing 6755 trimmed, hnuled away W terlront 2 bdt 2 ba N NEED 2 Bdrm. a»t in OLQ Duplex on bl& C-l bus. it. No sellmg. Very hlgh pertyl'O\lt-:::! ;::i~ ~t;.,lllg \VHIPPET, 1.{ale, approx 6 e ELECl'RI~ no job e \VILL do ironing bi my 549-1359 t~ bldg. b ~ 11 t .'j n ~w Harper Sch. area by StpL 1. lot, 63'x293'. Central k>ca· retuml. ~nday A.1.t .only. Also b1.1yers for 2nd TDs. ino!. collar. Nr. Talbert It too small. '4" prompt home. 15c a piece. ==""'======! '"bit --·• --ng ~·"r Reaaonable, •1155 tion.$27.500. Tenns.541-i661. Nootbiertunes). Invtst1gatc, I Hwy 39, NB. 540-6357 . tm'ice call 545-4614 * 543--5104 * Upholstery 6990 ........ _ • .,....... • boal StT-2331 SUnda,y MaU Inc. SAlUer ?.1ortgage Co. ne. E slips avail-e LANDLORQS e Mr Bruce (7!1! 871_14,,~ Serving Harbor Area 20 )Tl. F MALE Gennan Shepherd Flo,n ~ DAD...Y PILOT DIME·A· CZYKOSKI'S CUST. Upboi. Cllribe Balboa. FREE RENTAL SERVICE • • ' .., 336 E. 17U. St. approx l yr. Santa Ana '° LINE& Yoil: can use them European Craftsmanship 310 Fem&ndo st. Broker ~ lndustrtAI R•ntll 6090 PLASrlC Bus. for sale. Jnj. 64Z..2ln M5-061l Del Mat. 645--0127 ·Cai'_P!'t Vinyl ·TU• ~ ~·~ daJ'. Dial lOO'iO fin! ~145"1 673-3003 WANT: 1 BR furnished apt' Por Le•M -*'111111 .. Ft molQed plc frames, $&200 + Mortg•-. T.O.'s 6345 VIC Orange Cty. ·airport •All Styles P."Ci oOiorl I ~~~;;;;;;;s~~s;...:.~1831~.;N~ewpoiii;;i"i;;i;Bl:ii .• .;c:;.Miiii;;. 'ii VIEW apt. adults only, one CdM 2 orkina quiet a.-Bl ~Dhtow lnYenl.or)'. 496-2500 •-· ma.n's watch Ir. ID bracelet ~ est.' ··uc. coritr. 1 ~ Iara• room w/!lttpL ~ .... men: Call~;l57 c~ ~g N~ny w.." 1 l!:STABLlSHED Beauty >a(on '"""' 2nd TD well •ecur«I· in box. '45-!028-54fl.7l62 "6-411ll , • "ou.r Acl Should •• Here, kitchen ava:U. -$165 mo. • sa. r-• in OW. 6 cluurs, nc"•ly aeN011ed 2 yr. 6~i'7~ q1y. 3 yr GREY rabbit. 540--5146 or DIAL direct ~78. Ouil'ge 543-2394 Sat/Sun or &!ter I BUSINESS Lady -·I ...... Contort...,., deQorattd. ·~ "'" di .. ....,., >t>-""8 Your od., """ 111 hac~ and I, hey're Looking For It! PM wkdaya. bdr apt 0' -· lumllhed. tftr. Dlcltw-, due. ,, "· . BIRTH CERTIFICATE lilttD ta the phone rlnsl 1'-.;.._...::-...;,,_;..;;,.;;.,;;;_;;;;,::::..,;;...;.;;..,;;;;_:"-J VIEW apt 2 Bednns .,iii """ 546-2982 · 642-Ooye ' luL' OpportunlliH 6300 646-2191 ' · level £iqan1 carPetinc. 3 or 4 BR. Oldtt home would 541-5452 Ens. • • be areat ' F.aat ot ~ drapt•, prqe, fireplace:. H pOSllbl!-Any'location COi» 10,23) Sq n. O:locnte block Call aft I PM 5C3-2l!M tide.red, $iso. $C5.8515 Bld,t. S!tm Sq tt Ba.loony i'iiR dU.Plex, ~ blk to beach, BUSINESS Lady detires 1 w/125 Ml ft of otftces. 12,000 view of oetan. 17>-1977 bdrm unfurn apt. To $110. Sq ft of fenctd .l'ard_· Avail on wkibl "'er s. Cail 642-®86 :.~~ alter 6. ~ •EXCl;tUSIVE-3 BR. 2 BA, MALE atudent seeks room erpea,.,_drpl, bUN, $210. mo. near UC ll"liM. Carr, P. 0. 'II<. JKs-1024 Box 212. -.,.. Calli. Watdlff 5230 Rooms m -1.c..="i------.5f9S -SND pr!, 2 BR, 2 BA. ept, LOVEt.Y llch. -·pvt. ba drp, frplc. bltinl, acrou & entry. Kit prlv, SSS mo. "'" eoeo·~ U25 • mi. Quit! -kine 1,ey. 61Wl64 Adulta. 642-023t. JJl!l5 tmne. noe. FOR Leue loft b I d g ' 1 Cll00-2.m-~W0.1500 aq ft. 1.6$1""698-73 Placentia Avt. 0.ta ~tesa. Geo. Woods. MS-11&1 or 67$-1380 2 Smil1 tndUJtrial units ~ s1orale or amall buslnesa. Newport Beach. M&-1124 6""'321. CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE M111 or wom•n to r•stoclr new typ• coin dl1penser1 with higlt qualif y ptC~tt• c•ndy prodod" NO SELLING! I DEPENDAB LE PERSON CAN ~RN U TO $.BQO.OQ..A_MQNTl:I f'•rt or full tirn• posifictn• needed l1t thi1 .,.. •• Rtquires c•r, e~ch1n9e of referenC.1, •1450 to f2990 ce1h, secured by inventory •nd ~Uipment. -.... . . ' Write for ptrsonaf interview, .t lvlrtt ph_pne numl:ler tot t.-., ' Strat•gic Francltises Oept~89 Sll Sovth 2ncl West Soff Lok• City, Utah 8~101 CA~fERA In Newport 1-leight! Identify 548-5360 · ANNOUNCtMINTS L RG Bla(!k .German •nd NOTICES Shepherd. Call 6'4-1370 Lott 6401 ------_-..:..;c:.; FREE! LOVE Boating? Hale A: hear- L \DIES walll!t. V1c C.c:nte.r Btl3le BoAtlng Course offered ty widower y a c b t s n1 a n St. 01 or ~rd Ave., Laguna to the public by the Balboa wishes to meet affluent Beach, lt"ri 8/1. Valuable Pawtt Squadron tor people unattached female. Ocpe~ pap• r L RewlQ!. 499-2369 intemJttd tp tatlboats as dant OK. Share t!Xpen.M:s, all 6. well as JIO'llf'rt' boats.. Every wock, • hm aboard )we. SHAGGY Black Poodle, few Monda,y' nlght for 13 weekt urlous yacht (2131 ~ grey hairs, 18 .. tall . beitnrrlrig7Pf..f,Mon.,Sept, LICENSED AnaWcrs 10 "Raio". Vlc ,ls. (Brina: notebook Ih-st Spiritual Rtadlnp. advice BolN. Chica .l Springdale, nlghll at Newport Harbor on all. matters. 312 N. El H.B. ~ild'1 pet. Reward. Yacht Club, 71.o W. &_v Camino Real San Clemente "2·=1 Ave. e tJ!Ort_Beach.-N9--4n:913'j0~96-0007 TEP>f:AtE Stalpoint S\aJnese advance registration, Enroll 10 AM'.'° PM )'ull lf'OWn. Lott Ylclnlty at cl~ Any question call Attracttve Expert 7lst. Cort.a Mtu •. stMSJ.5. ~13-~ YOUNG 1iOMAlf BOOKKEEPER • PhOl'lfJ • PSX·Rectptionist Min. typ. "-· Former Executive Se<ntary Handicapped with arthritic arm, Experienced l\tanagemcnt F l n a n c e , Insurance, Real Est a to . Pleasant attractive grandmother. Drive! own car. Avail part-tune or full. 0«>-1997 QUALIFIED, Resp·. I ad y aeckl po1il ion as Com· panion. Drlv~. swtm. Free Jo travel. Avail. soon Box WI, Dally Pllo! Rew•"'· * 1• I t::· w111 """' ,.. oJt SW!ESE "~ ......,. .. 1¥1 . .. ~ !."!-<¥..-PM 1.1ono1e11. Help fttektes, ftJnaJe, 4.o1l• W • • .,IO, _.._ L._ I >:ast Blull. f44-d M.,t tbat -W ;;,.... EllJOY ~~ '"""'*!! i:-~..-..--,,v-~-1------llll-I 7035 L.ARGE Blick • white -• '-'In lo '"-Calollnri Jola~:_ F"" m ., -• ---~· ' ..--.. .._. ~. mkl•NI f« wv. Ha ' PcmwtenL Eiperlenced. die f\1lx. Vlc ol Eo<lblutt. ORANGE CO. $47---L• ~-•·-~ ·-r.r F.aot Agtncy ~ 64 .. llS1. 21 W'"""'""' ~. ~ ---.~ .. • , ~ ..Allen Byland A&t-wtl ~ WIUTE fem.lit poodle, loll MR. l\en1 Alltn: Our boob ~"1 Cryptl 641: Employer Paya Ft11t 8/10 HD. No kltftt; f are apen tor inlpecdon.., Get • lQS.8 E. J6tb SA 54.7..(1395 ch\~ren wfJUna. 9Q.l43C your lad.I •hlibL J. ~ FOR'. Saht, double Cript No.1 "'"'"-.::..=;;.• =-== PEKE: 1t1\811 rtd female AIJX>HOLJICS • ~ 28 In Mau80le1Un of Repoec ~USIEST • D'IMkt:t;tllee ln ' •:ugh'', Vic Mesa VCl'Qe. Phone SO.T21T o.-wrltt lo ptu.s endowme'nt cart al to'M'I. Tht DAILY Prt.OT Reward. ~. P.O. Bmr 1223 O:la1a Met&. Wt>~tmlnattt Memotlal f>&ric Ow:Uied KdJon. Sa••• iii:ACK LAb-SttlCt, v I c PLACE )"OUt wlltlt ad where WUl dlacounl \Vrtte Mrs, L. money, time A tffort Look Broad~~ I: SAnla .An4. they a.re ~Ing -DAILY n. Jack.1, AptOI, CAJU, 160 1!0W1 II ).M'M!lf'\O "Spur." &4&-$1113 en.oT da"!~Oo56il St. Andre"" Or. !l'llnl ---------'-" • • I ~ WITH -Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" ' I North County, 540-1220, ton free I ........... ············· ··-~ ...... -... ~····" .. -I ' IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS NEW-LOW~RATE 3 LINES • l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR . LESS e EACH ,ITEM MUST BE PRICED e ' . . . • NO ITEM ovfR $50 • NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS • e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e ' -. Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! • ·"""'· .._, 25, 1'169 DAILY l'IUIT JOU'& IM'LOYMENT JOIS & IMPLOYli\INT JOU A IMPLOYMINT JOIS A IM'LOYMENT JOU A ilM'LOY>nlMT JOIS A IMPLOYMINT JOU A IMPLOY J NT . ~~~~~-Ho Ip Wonted, Mon 7200 Holp Wonted, Mon 7200Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 Holo Won ..... Min 7200 Holp Wlfttod, Mon 7200 Hol• Wo-Mon ,7200 W-n 7400 Holp Wont.:. Cl-~--· ~·r wo.... w-7400 u~ Facl4ry DALMO VICTOR A 1-r In advanctd ECM Symm loc1t.d In Belmont, c.ufor. nl•, 20 mllN South of Sin Franclsc:o on the be•utlful San Francis- co Penlnsule, has IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for: rue• TECHNICIANS FINAL TEST ChaJ~ncUv seruor • 1"el work In check.(lut and trou- bl.e-lbootlrc for atate-of-the- art. 90phisticated radar bom. in& and wamina' sy1tems. Theae pm:nanent pogttionl require a tbaroua:h knowl· edge of RF and transistor circuits. 1·3 years experi- ence required, with aervice experle~ cons.idlM'td. Lib. en! relocation ..:!stance. Excellent beneflbl and work- in& conditioos! $4.44 per hr. TO ARRANGE LOCAL INTERVIEW PHONE COLLECT to Employment Ma,naaer In Bel- mnnt. """""' (4151 S91·1414 fmn 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. or (4'm) 591--0358 bun 5 p.m.-T p.m. on Tuesday or Wednesday evenlnp (only) lAuaust 26 and 27), DALMO VICTOR 1 TEXTRON Dlvl1lon 1515 lndustNl Way Belmont, Califomia 94001 An equal opportunll;y employer Engineering GENERAL AUTOMATION SECR·EJ ARIES •IOWPM-...Ood • 70 WPM Typlnt Should be experienced at tile admlnlstratlve or departmental level. • Send resume In COftfldenceo o r epply In perMl'I to General Automation 7Q6 w .. t Kmll• Orene-1• Callfornle 92667 An equal opportunity employer Holp Wtnt.d, Mon 7200 Holp W1ntld, Mon 7200 DR·AFTSMAN :JUNIOR MECHANICAL ~ve, )'OUDI man. Min. imwn two yn exper, able to work from design layout on close to1erance radar equipment. Some elect ~~ tuJ but not nee. Koowledae of Mlll-Spd.0100 a lDus( Xlnl chance for advalloement !or the right man. Good work- Inc conditions 11.Dd toP bell- ef!ta. TASKER INDUSTRIES Radiatronica Div, 18842 Teller Avenue Newport&acb,c.lif. EquaJ opportUnity employer CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR $754. to $916. per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1nw1--1n-o1 public works comtruction projects in the city, Requir- es four years ot recent con- struction ftpeetion experi- ern. Apply before Sept. 5th, to Persoonel Office, City of Newport Beach, 3300 New. port Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif. 9'1660 Cn4l ~ STOCK AND SHIPPING CLERKS --We have two tmmedl11.te openlnrs for manulacturtn& clerical personnel. STOCK CLERK We p~er a recent minimum of one )'ear stoclaoom exper. ience with the electronics lD!iustry and be able to work with a minimum o1 direction on aecond shift. SHIPPING CLERK ltlust have valid Calilomia drivers llceme and a recent drlvi'l[ work history. We re..: quin! a minimum of one year experience and knowl- edge of pacldnc eleelronlc equipment it preferred. Will perform a variety of lhfp.. pillg, department duties. --Good startin&'. rates and bendlU --varr1n data machine A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Mlcllelaon Drive (S&n Dlego F\vy. to Jam~ di ramp 1 bl.It S, to • Mk:belaon Dr.) Irvine, Caill. 984 AJ(Equal ()ppo.-tun!ly Empley<r M&F SR. ENGINEERING PMcWoo G-...... ss. -AIDE -Mill ~ Lo ............... 14. IMMEDIATE HELP WANTED $614. to $131. per Month• ...., --........... S3-50 ~ Mechanic $123 CITY OF -TRAINEES-- NEWPORT BEACH Pm!"""'" F.....,.. •••• $.1. ""' --•••• $2.50 General Factory •••• , • $2.2'' smpptng .. R<oolvlng •• $!. 10 AU-5ET AGENCY Offers opportunity to develop with the growth of the Har· bor and Tideland1 divlDon. Involves harbor &: marine oriented engineering, evalu-1-Huntrngtorl. Beach ation ruean::h & inspection. lm.2 Beach Blvd. Requires any comblne.tlon of ~1-8lll education and experience DMSIO~ EXPA1'SION IN . ORANGE COUNTY' ~es immediate employ. ment fcrr residents of the area. Experience isn 't nece .. · aary u compeny traln1nz is furnished. START AT $480 PER MONTH YOU CAN JOIN A VITAL WANliiN6 • INDUSTRY, WITH THE -FORDIOST MANUFACTURQ OF AUTOMATIC, VALVES AND CON1lOLS. THESE PERMANENT POSITIONS ARE AVAii.or ABLE IMMll!OIATEL Y • ' *' TURRn LATHE· OPERATOR No. I A No. 5 W•rMr & Sw11ty Potter & Johnston .utometlcs. * MULTIPLE SPINDLE Drill Pr-Oper1lor ***** We have provided over 20 years of steady employment for our emplor-. GENERAL AUTOMATION IMMl!!)IATE OPENl~S P.OR • Sf04 Clfrk • Rec91vlng IMpKtor • Une Inspector • "B" AIMmblers ' -·-Recen t t!i!perienee in electronics or computer manufaclur desired. Xlni fringe benellL!. APPLY IN PERSON T01 ' General Automation 706 WHt K11tllt Orange, Celffornle 92667 SECRnARY Mlnlmum four Yftl'I lt'C<- retarlal experierw:e. Short. hand !O, """" 50. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR CLERK ACCOUNTING CLERKS Va.N.n Data Macbll'M!I 1oc:a tee! 111 the lrY1ne Indus. l!'la1 O>mpl~f o,.... County, bas n lmm«Uatt need f-Or •ccounti"I'. clerics, You w Jn a new, alMond. dlna, and all positions wW requite the ability to vrork a 1 O key add. in&' machinr. lite typln&' p,. lomd. JR. PAYROLL CLERK (EDP experience) ACCOUNTING An equal opportunity employer CLA .. VAL COMPANY l!!Ho!!lp!!!!!W•!!'!nt.d'!'!! .. !!Mon!!!!!!72!$00!""H!!!l•l!!p W~on!!!t.il~!!!!!!!!I """,..... cln'lcal ....... lenot. t.Jte typing, adding mactUne, calculator, work wlth·ftlures.• Must haw math ar· acct&. back~ """"'· CLERKS One • position requires ex. perience in cost accoun~ or materlaJ control while the other • poalUon requi.m lnvolclfle and: ditto ma.chine experience. 17th & PLACENTIA w-7400 PIX OPERATOR COSTA MESA, CALIF. * DRIVER$ * 714-548-2201 No .lenct NectssCiryl Dana L&bc>ntnrie1. a ra- pldl,y lrowl\lr ............ al el~lcl ttst lnltlil> ment rna.nu.racturer "81 aevenll cpniop tar-ex- perienced electtQrUcs u- &m1bltn:. Requtm 6 months m 3 )'etu:S recent experience In electronie mnponent aqembly op- o.y shift. Must have two ~ lDdu.strial experi- ence on 2 or 3 position PBX board. Knowled&e of teletype desirable. -0 - ------~ Technicians GENERAL AUTOMATION Has immediate opening• for • TECHNICiANS Experienced in digital computer testing, manufactur and systems integration. • DESIGN/DRAFTSMEN Experienced in computer drafting and de- sign. Challenging work. Opportunity for pro- gress. Regular reviews. Excellent f r i n g e benefits. .Plea .. apply in person to: General Automation Must have ckUI Califonrll drMnr '""°"'· AotilY YELLOW CAB C°t 186 E. lSth-St. O>elaNl>el ASST OFFICE MGR t _,_._ __ .. eratlOni. Must Jmowc ol-. To $600,-N i~wn1w-R"U. Technical backaround bet~ or code and hands IOldu- ful, Xlnt opportunity to ad. l.nr technlquts. Know!. vance wttb growUv oom· edge ot achematim brde- COLLINS : RADIO CO. 19700 JamborM Road Newport Beach pan,yl AJao 'fte jobs. sftble ·but ricit manrfa. ABIUTlES tory, ~t Equal opportunU;y employer UNLIMITED AGENCY DANA PRESS Good atarting salary and ex- cellent oompall.)' bencllta in. cludlni twelve days vaca. tion during .first year of em- ployment, stock purchase pn:igram and a hollda.y vaca. lion featuring time pald far time oU trom Chrialmu day thru the Monday 1ollow1na: New Years. varian data machines 488 E, lllb St., Sui,. 2'l4 Ltbor1torlM, Ire. OPERATOR A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY a.ta M"-642-1470 2401 C•mput Drive 2n1 Michelson Drive JANITOR WORK--lrvlnt, Calff., -TRAINEES--(San Diego""'> '° Jambo-pa rt-UJne'; Newport~ta An equal opporlunl... ree ott ramp 1 block S. to Mesa. "Apply da,ys, 33J s. e~ "I Mature women needed to as. Mieheh1on Drive.) .GluseUJst.. Ota.nge. aeui,bfe_ mi~; operatt Irvine, Ca lif, 92664 pf"H!lea, ma~ plutie trays, An Equal Opportunity SERVICE St&tlon attendant Bookkeepu ••• ••••• to $55(1 nl.ght 11\i!i '4~ Pit' to 1 am. Em~r M i F ~ .. nesa.. ~ Mike, Secretary .............. $500 Afon-Fri, ·Mltiinrcm height I"""""""'::':':~!!!!!!!!!! 4613 Cam""' Dr, NB Typ1>1 ................ $308 5'!", -.be ~and THE 706 West Ket.lie PLUMBER. Experienced In G<ne.-.1 °""" ····•••• 1325 .,Ue. WoJ......;:>Ulually NEWPORTER INN Orange, C•lifornia 92667 X>IG:mblrw • heatin&. Fringe PBX/ReeepUonhlt . .•• ~ make C'OOiJ. preu ~tors. beoe~ls . ...__ -TR,AJNEES-Mu.t be .,,,, .,;c ....... and RECPT/HOSTESS I '~~~An~. ~e~qu~al-;;o~p~po~rt~un~i~t~~e;m;p~lo!y;e~r~~!!!!l e-~ucUrtn--&tperviltft e-~uU-ll.!.tlJ.ll.L• Im rtad_E . • · · · • ~ .... ~ ~n-• ,,.......,,.,.._ a-edit O!ecker •••••••• $3~ Phone: UT.3531 OVt:r 21 • uooer Jr.TYJ>. ..,._.....,. .......... ,., ... ~ ........ n--·· "'-ll .... ·-tng preferred. Contact 1631 Placentia, C.M.. OG.111\ '"' er •••••••• "" ..,.... Mr Hon!@)', Per.:i~ ?i.f:r. Kay Gerold between 10 Help Wanted, Mlft 7200 Help W•nted, M9n 7200 ======== Nunes Aide ••• •• •• ••• $1.65 CAMBRO "MFG. b::>. 1 am and 4 pm. Htlp Wint.cl AU.SET AGENCY 'l6lll (hy, H11nt.1B<:b, CLERICAL ITT IABSCO TIME KEEPER· COST CLERK Good opportunity tor a :in.au with ~account. lng or r&.ted-clerlcil tx· perlenee to 0011'1e Into con- iact with all departments of the company~ Prefer Hi8'1 School a.iid eonle ac- countlng tralning, Please apply tn per- llOll or in writing to Penonnel Dept. MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR #2 $605. to $736. ,., momh . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Womtn 7400 l-HUJrtJrclon Beech ATTENT.l()jii 110! '""'"°""Rd. BAKER 17612 8'acb Blvd. HOUSEWlyES N•wpo>t ""'"' PREVIOUS school cafeteria M7-6001 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;&14-;;;;;l;lOO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Salary $2.37-$2.88 per hour. 2-Gan\en Grove McDonald'• Famfiy Ra:\Bu-1• Apply in pmion: 12291 Harbor Blvd. rant& have PJS!tloiU · i.va.il-T ,!QI, J SAN JOAQlJlN ~150 able 1or women. Work. in _ ~ _ SCHOOL DISTRICT --~------I cltan, pleasant nmiunci-...t ~ • 14600 S. W. Send CM>on Bookkiotpor lnia wllb unllonn, I "'1 Rrqllirm two )ftJ'I driv. Ave., Eut Irvin!, Calif. It you know what a ledga @d, free meals and J~~r&l us a.l!INDla.I , ,,,_,. .,,,_, inc lore trucks or related STENO-TYPIST book looks like, " know • houri. u )'OU have childreh ... c-,., Dr •• "'"-' ._., equipment, Apply before debtt f r o m a credlt. then wbG attend school &lid JOU "-"i1t«v~cm ~ Aug. 29th, to P«aoMCL. Part time 1 girl office. C&ll YQIJ. quality! would like to eam up ,fD .' , Ottl<e, ctty of Ne...,,1 '°' <PPt. 540-2418 MISS EXEC AGENCY SIOO/"" moolh ............... ~"!!"!"'!~~,..!!!!!!I Bee.ch. 3300 Newport N1tlon1I Electronics ao w. Oxtt u1..t.way lpll1'!l time, apply at: 1= Blvd. N •-• MacArlh l ._.. MC DONALO'S . SNACK BAR , ewport Beach, 4341 B ......... (nr ur Newport Beach 646-3939 lli886 ~ch Blvd HB OPERATOR Calli, 93660. <n<t) 673-6833 Newport Beach. MC DONALD'S =ous , ch o o 1 n:- c.,.irollor $12,000 EXPERIENCEO TELLER 6561 Edtng-. HB ' • """ prelomd. Salary Ex<pt'I oppty wllh l•adlna WAITRESS ' UI S'-02 .,, hour. Apply oon.detense mtg, comp&ny. Exp1rlenc1 Preftrrecl Executive Secretary ·m ~n. Call Ke"!: 546-5410 Apply ln per80h to Mn. For publiablng Co. Prtsldenl. '1~ SAN JOAQUIN JA~ON BEST Apply In Penon BrRy 642-4000 Experienced and adaplltblf .--SOIOOL DISTRICT Empioymen1 Ag'""Y SURF l SIRlOIN MARINERS SAVINGS to a w~e var!et:r of project<. lfllOll • s. w. Send """°n Gi>oD BENEFITS AND 217.0 So. Main, San!a Ana 5930 Pie:. Cit. Hwy. AND LOAN Heavy 1tenorette dlctatiorl, Ai-t., Eut Irvine, Ca.Ill. WORKING (l)NDITIONS ADMIN ASST $9600 Newport Boch 1515 Wntdllf Dr. Shorthand helpful. Must--be ., , DRAPERY totaling two yrs, In the clvU viglneerlng tleld. Apply be- ..,,._ G"""' 12291 Harbor Blvd. .....,,,, fore 5 p.m. Fri., September -~-=~~=- Fee paid. Crnd .flr oppty! SI'ITER For 2 OOys, needed. Newport Beach well-croomed, articulate, at..~~~ WORKROOM. U qualified and accepted, iO ~-·~1 Op--·-• A I t nt Bkk tractive. Excellent working ,.' on payroll thit week, ...,......... ....,. ....... ty Report to Pres, B.A. or ~gular hours. wkd)'I. 2:30 SI s a pr conditions, and company ~·11 & Traineel. Vartowi HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE Emplo~ equiv ~. Aho fM jobL thru 6: 30. Mesa Verde. Own Private Cub. To trial baJ. frin~ benefitl. ~ openings. AGES 20 TO '1 Call Kent, 5t6-MIO. traM, start Aug 29. 545-&'WS ance, duties diversified, BEACH DRAPERY 1 YEAR RESIDENT rosrl~ ~::. 92626 EMPiif=~TcENcr ~~ c::~te 3Ho~~~~ ~rEXEch~OENCY Experl6lced <»a~ ;~?lh ~ IN AREA (Titl M><25I 2l2a So. •lain. Sanla Ana Days. Rel"'""' """"""1 410 W. Cout HJa!>way EXECUTIVE SEC=°" C.W. Mon. " Tu.,, BOYS 10 • 14 54+0030 N.....,.. Beoch 646-'939 TELLER I T Large, national company, ex-n~71S3 BUSBOYS O C.orporate background a --~•-In ~-, o.mty, -c=====~ Carrier !too"" °""' Do You Htv• B OKKEEPER musL r.,, okllh "" .... ~ 121h. "' '"' P•""'"'' ou;,._ PART TIME City of Newport Beach, 330G Newport mvd., Nt'W))Ort. s, a,"' ~1a. m•> NOW HIRING '"''"'" PART TIME ~-~ ~--~ REUBEN'S for UNITEO Now hiring eight {8) m@n . We need part time men to Now and tbru the tcbool ,.......... College Accounting Accounts pe.yal)Je for apart. CALIFORNIA BANK lent comPILll)' ln Lqlma ~e a>r1>Cfttlon, E. Ana· ;~~ evenings G:30 to l0:30 year. 18 or over. Apply al-_ ... 0~~ Lquna CPA OFFI CE ~~ ~~ix~c:: ~~~$EXEC AGENCY heim branch. Pleasant worf<.. TOP STARTING PAY COCO'S temoons 12-5 pm 1.t 642-C.321 lnteresting..Qulllen1ln1 benettta. Send rn~ to Mr. 3029 Harbor BlVd. 410 W. O:iaat Hia:hway ing conditions, eves. 6:31>-No experience neceuary. FIVE CROWNS e JANITOR-GARDENER e Commensurate pay, 548#74 Ronald Comer, ll63 Red Hill Costa Mesa. calU. Newport Bee.ch 646-3939 9:30. ean 630-1600. For interview ca11 Mon.&: *DISHWASHER* RESTAURANT Permanent position,*** SECRETARY, tor ~A~v~o.~.c..~1a~M~e,.~~~26~21~.:.:_::=1--; ... ui546-~2tl33~iifin-l"'"::'.~";;~"'::;",'~iiil GROW Wini EXPANDING Tu.s. Apply In person 38fJl ~~~ ~t Hw. starting at $489/mo, fO advertising Jinn. Shorthand A/P &: A'R FEMALE HELP Part Time Bkkpr NATIONAL OOMPANY 774-n51 lSSS W. Adams -,-,=====-..,--I hr/wk, excellent fr Inge 80, typing 60, lite book-Accurate l)'J)ing with good PART-TIME 11 AM-2 PM SEEKING SALES REP. to * EXPERIENCED * benefits. Send resume lo: keeping required. Call Pam, accounting ba.ci....--• ...t 11). Ideal for Mothers wlib child-'""--h T I l Bala SNACK SHOP .#_9 Costa Mesa Pel'!lllnnel Dept. P. O. Box at ~2142 bet 9 AM &: S . .._ • ., ....... , l"l!n atart:lng back to achool •• .. vwa r a nee. sell new com Put er i led pH 1 LI.JPS PETROLEUM 4n, South Laguna PM key adder, &'Olrll lo IBM ln UnUomu & meal& fuiruabed. Houra nexible. Smalt office. ~~~:i~nt ~~: .. tom~~: ~ co COOKS Ji-COOK • Exp'd. $600 00 ~1$$~XEc AGENCY Contact Mr. 01n111S. . MISS EXEC AGENCY Compl. training provided. * BUSBOYS Now hirilli for •a Ja r Y. BUSBOYS Top pay. Apply Jn Penon Exec. Sec:. .cell t McDONALD'S (lll W. Coe.st Hla:hwe.y * DISHW.SHERS operated service station. DISHWASHERS BLUE OOIPHJN Corporate exp, ex en 410 W. Coast HlihW&Y of HARBOR, INC Newport Beach 646-3939 6'l2--6603 Experience desired. Good RESTAURANT skilll!, beach area, call 1'°i Newport Beach 6C6-3939 31tl Harbor Blvd., CM. NURSES MECHANlC and · ht atarting a a I a r y plus 3355 Vla Lido ralne Merchant. Personne WAITRESS Experienced, 18 e 56994." e • RN-Relief dUty, two ~ Exp'd only. Own tooUi. 5 day Part time • dtt1 nig ienerous comml.uion, wilh APPLY IN PERSON Newport Beach Agency, 2043 WestcllU Dr., lo 22 )'I'll old. Pa.rt time. Ap-per wttk wk, no wknds. Call 642.-602J' ~~ :;:~::., llC~ toxcellent opportunities for GOOD Repair service man N.B. &IS-2TIO pjy In pert0n between 2 & 4, LVN & Nunes Aldu • LVN-~llcl. four shifts service IMll'· advancement. For In-REUBEN E. LEE for swilTlJ?ling pool aervlce. i3li:pa1enced ln alngle nffdle Mon thru Thun. Mr. Steak, Large, p~lve ECF per week Lquna Beach LOT MAN & PORTER Fri., 3 to 5 p.m. tormaUon oontact managn', 151 E. Coast Hwy. Hwitinglon Pool Supply and overlock. Good p\ece 2'J6'1 Fairview, C.M: needs U. Orluta~ provid. Nun.ins H~ Brookhurst 6. A.i .. --H ll-16459 Magnolia work prices. steady work. M........,.. M~'.. ..._, bly ed bf &Jull titnt', In service, .f94..8015 New car dealer. Full time. 3446 E. Coast Hwy, tineton Beach. .._..... u Newport BNch Westminster M2-28ll EDOY M~ lf042 Locult ,ri'tt,_c.""~. rM'ts >.. educator. Openlnas 3·to U li-~~-~~=--I Call ~ 11 e r v I c e ~;;";Corone~~~d;:;el;;M;:_;"'~;=~ I e WAITERS St., Westminster; 53'-8138 MOTEL. S46-96S1 11 to 7 ahlftl. Exec. Sec, $600 manager _ Maintenance Meat D e p t . Corporate Elrp. excellent SERVICE Slatkm "'1•una&. INSTRUCTORS •BUSBOYS • IUS BOYS Cloan up ,_. p.m., 5 days. NURSES AIOES GRAVEYARD WAITRESS, C1ll ROYALi!' alclJU, beaoh area. ooll Lo- Exp'd. aa:e no barrier. Lull Maturt:, young adult, klok-•DISHWASHERS ~ Gd rate. Richard'• Mkt, Experienced S49-306l ~:: ~ ~· ~~ W. 546-M!iO raine .. Merchants Penonr9el am" ..i.,,, + a>mm. Ing hr .... lutlme, ablo I<> BERKSHIRE'S 3433 VI• Lido, N.B. 67$-"60 DDITAL ASSISTANT Ex-wy, , , Agency, 200 W"'clitt Dr .. Mobll Sta.Hon, 2W2 El Toro med the pobllc. Apply ln Full and part time, Neat llfl"' AiAN. steady part ttme job. ptrlenced lor Pedo ofnce. DESK Clerk Colleae boy; pl N.B, &IS.7710 Rd., Lquna Hills. pt!'IOQ. pee.ranee. No exi>tt. nee. RESTAURANT Xlnt. L.A. Times route * 644--06ll * time, Ken Niles Mold. lCW Eiq:ierienced PIE ahGp work. pt.lime No ~:...".'·,,,sm1a•. _":"!J; ~ Hol iday Health Spa .....,, In..,... 111-5 pm. 3450 VI• Oporto ;:'"~ '""" l>XI. + HOUSEKEEPER afl•moo"' ""'Ide DrMAID .. N.BS. TELLER ..,,.su's· neu. '""'"· S ::::'.'_"'"Full/'' Pe;;;. 990 E. e Costa Mesa e BOB'S BIG BOY Newport Beech . • 2cor 3 hrs. M~~.~ tram • AN LYNN Pl E ••• • ,., E 7 h S Mr. Patrick YOUNG Man with car, part to dM ~a • .,...,..-~ Hotel/Mold experlenca · 1510 Baker, C.M. C.at H""', NB. Ole. S•lt1 Clerk to $500 -Coo· 1 M1 L u· .. ~ 1 --•-· ~ ~10 UNITED CALIPORNIA "' ta C ""' ~··· .., Y "-"w•· ORTIIOOONTIC ••~ BIKINI •·-ald/da--. Moonllghter.Eves 5 to 9 )Ont opp~. co. movin& to lr-esa ost Acc:ountent Pit.: 548-475.2 ASSisrANT Sl'ITER,. our home. wkdayt BANK Full or ~-'time. ~ Over n. Call on new pa.rents. vine. Prtf exp or will train. MAN WlTH HELPER. Perm. Accowita payable, genera.I BARTENDER Nights 30 or 963-56tlO Jor 2 chlldn!n e moe ~ 2~ 222 Ocean Ave. Meaa Nal'l concmi $5 hr, oomm. cau Bert. 546-5410 part time, 10 average two ·leda:er 2 yn. exp. to $TOO. ' • Lquna Beach Euy M.>S!lcr.i Jason Best hra. daily for early mornina: for qualified man call Ann over. Beer bar C.C.ta Me&a Operator ... Sportswe•r· yn. ~ 494-5646 646-7301 FUU.. TIME Delleateaen ~m~~~'in.. :::'7: N.:~ll= ii:. ~~~~~~:°~~645-~ :te~ephanlll Dun.a-line GOOD PA~8i:sADY EMP. B:!n ~nia~1:f Ai;~~ BeeCl1-rk Typxl 1,s!~ B~~ w;;~·y ii:: men. 5 days a week. St'e av•--"'""°· Muoi haw HANG-XIX! N--• ut n .uvin& to., WAIU.ER. 1!506 Ocean I-La Hi-Tl Liquor 495 ·-¥ ExperlmenW Macltlnitt "''"' .... ....,., &'OOd tx.1 Top benefiQi. CAUl.-":,=;=:.;:.;;;,...;..c_c.~~-1 Ten")'. me . SERVICE ,. ___, la.le model muon wagon Drafls-·n • T-hn•-• Help Wenttd, Men 7200 Help W•ntecl, Min 7200 Blvd. C.M. w .... , .~ .. 10_ PART time help over 21, lun-E. 11th St., C.M. L1 S-9314 llta ~ .. ~,,.'!i..~ and be d-ndable. Call """ ~ l<,;fi •vy ~ per man ..........u ......... ,. ~.-~!.va~ KJnetics Inc. • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• .... Houtekeeper, Lquna ••• $400 JASON BEST ;bhl'll : ProCdM..,.6~1'!~· SERV SfA A'M'. Nigh~~ co~ d I t 1·0 n g. Day I' L.A. Thnn fjti....48)0 .uw.i V11.:taria St., C.M. ·1 MANUFACTU•INW Cook, lite hlkpi ••••••••• $300 Emp!Qyment Agency .JL e I . ,.,... "'" 10 PM I<> 7 AM. App"~· ,.nnanenL 393 ~ 171h SL SERVICE STATION 646-71S5 O UCTION. E!op)Qyor pays fN 2l2tl So, Main, Sanla Ana REUABLE Woman ID care COlst I-fwy I".. Goldenrvu, ·•· ' ._.., .,..._. M~•u1c -··• -~ PR 0 ~-CdM. Pll' 67><033 C.M. ~ ~-· '"·•-oppor. em~·•·• _,,. Alli!n Byllnd ... ,,.., tm ,.hi . ...,.., 11-4 PM l"ES;:_;:1A°'Bl=",1SHED===""'1nourano1~--~--~:._ ?olus3l know CALLEN' Kamp Sitts TRAINEES 100-8 E. 16th S.A. 547.o395 * PART TIME dally.Cd M area 673--ZM Loda avail, N.B. oUJoe. DElJVE.'RY ~man .S130 ;_;c-~;t::ara~. ~ Shoe Sal~smt.n part.Hmt f« DR. ndti perm. hllkpr cook, EKp'd bannakl daya. c:arttr oppt. 615-6383 wk after ~ p!'f ~ back-IO«hool flerlod, E:xp'd are fof 3 chlldn!n. ltw-lll. Prefer bankfrw ~-, Beer bar In Colla Meu SERVICE sl.Uon attendant4 l0.12 In da.lly. ~ta' d'm' ~u:t 2590 Newport Blvd., prtfen'N. c.ontact Mar. ~I ' ~ Bcb. frnl nn. BA • TV: WW train u apPJ!dnt hai 548-8226 fr.'inl~·""L .. ~ •• :JOUte kll-ned S.7 hr •• ' --,:u'. ... N0;•--1,,,,:,F;::uhlo::::;,•,:;la!W=::·.;.N;;:B::,-=~ • NO EXn•lfNCE NECESSA•Y. 21 TO JS YtAl.S. Rer.. 49f..78C aft I .uv .. related qqaliticadons_' Y~""'' w--· ~·· ·-..... ~~ ,,._,_._l'I, R.e.ll I WAITER • HIGH SCHOOL WlADUATE. IF YOU HAVE THE"'· &Ulm.J -T ...... ~ ----· ~ .... k>n • ce. l8fS __...._ ~ ..... ·--~ re q' SHOE Salesmen, lull I i flTUDE. WE WILL TIAIN YOU. ,E.MANENT EM· BABYSITrEJt wanted ~ ~ -"""-.-___ ..._.:...... Mlc!s work. Veta'11, \l.'ntclltf CM. 540-1206 ; • ~tt. SO& 3lft st., N.B. part-thrw. Leed'• Sh 0 e Pl.OYMENT EXCELLENT Ol'PO•TUNITY FOi. AO· home, 10 hr di.)', 4 day "fPk. Baliy1ltt.r $100· PJ.Ua; N.8. &U-1.197 COOK • tood it'e».' P:l&D EXP.ERlENGED Median~ APf!lt In peTtOn store, So.. Coast Plaa.. C.00.. VANCEMEHT. Uve 1n Ol' oul 53&-T420 aft Mature for..woitdns J!IPthtr. ( MAID Seafood, broJlor, • B l1·h or M«banlc"• l>el..,.. °"" "11" 5 • m. !act Mr. Phelps INTERVIEWS MON. THRU FRl ~ no -•cat. coll C.Orlw ' SI '5 .,, -sallbeoefits. ut-QO , lOOla. Guar aI&ry. Plenty ot KARAM'S 'J1UJNEE NEED retP· peraon to dea.n Mt'l'l!hantl •Ptrtollflfl ~,._ • 5Q.:2129 scg..~ N:W1~p;.: :'~ h1r: :::-.:=:n !:. ~r· ~ ~~·~· wlr: ::J:e: a~::~. SPS Western ~al~,,: ~ S2.,:; ~ Wes~ nr~. N~. 't.m .OONUT ~women 21 Newport Aru. 54ll-3IXl6 ' SAJlAMffl, Shoes. n It PT A'ITENDANT tor apartment t99--032 or 49{1..3!KJO. -.a3(3 WOMAN~hoU....ewffe1 U&e)'OUr >"'or aver. /l.pply 1n pl!t'Mln THE SUN NEVER sgrs ~ Gua:r., COft\m, PM'a tlme compltx, ap JS I: over, no Coffee Shop M•tlQfl' LADY pensionu' want. help fl)AJ't tlme to earn moooy. _us!:. tTlh, C.M.~~~• OAN!fted'• ocllon ..-. m"' E<pcfd only. Guor. + tone ,,..,, .... P<l'· Appl:r :n~. 5'IU)' & bonus. Send 270 I S.. Harbor, Sant• Ana days. 1100 mo. lll2I Viol& Win prttts. no a.p Umll, no EXP'O SALESLADY For an ad to •b around comm. PM'1 Apply 333 In penon at 31'23 Cout re.slime, 502 S. Beac:h, AN IQUAL O'PPO•TUNITY fMPLOYER. Pl.;' C.M. (rear be&ch) time limit, Will train u Moo .I: \V'Uflent Oothlns tbli clock. ea1I tOWll E. \?th. CM. HW)'. South l.quna Al\&helm • • • • • • • • e 11 • • • • • • • • •.. 64:~77 Beaub' CouNl!Jora. l.f7...()94G * SO-Mil * I • J -- -----------------~--:----~---.-----~--.-.~--- DAILY PILOT Moodoy, A\JIUSl ~ 1969 ·--• & IMPUIYMINfJOiS i IMPLOYl\\INT ,Oil & EMPLDYl)llNT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT MlllCHANDISI POI MllCHANDISI l'OI Ml!lCHANDISI POI MllCHANDISI POI MllCHANDISI FDlt ·--SALi AND TlADI SALi AND TIADI SALi AND TRADE SALi AND TRADIL SALE AND TRADE * Check Here J. C. PINNEY COMPANY Pllhlon ldoncl-Newport a.1ch NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES agency o.. ....... ·?···· .............. !:!t! ~!f:.~!;: 833 ~DRIVE wi·th the Must Vacate Now DECOU 11m c»n•AllON ;: .. i::., ";..-. l.'""~: NEWPOllTSEACll ·'!_ • I •• ..,_ ... __ Of 11 WXUIY •• AITMINTS ... Ebd , .... ) ..... 642-38111 Our -~ft. Stora S-muat be M!d ,... wllamp 11. Eloc. m,... 1).5. __ ,_,. Admln AHi $-IP'' Oppt;y .for • pntleman with 5 yee.n ex~ 1n bAranct, s&L, advertisl"I ot re.lated bualnen acttvlt)ea. , M1mt TrnM lo $- 0,..toPullllc ,lrtttl-s-1111 & MtllM--hnilln Auto waeher SU. Th<"""" J b K• I • · ' ' r-All IUND ;.;;.. In Bad<. •'711 E. 11U• 0 lngs '3R0o.MFwLv.-o...s1000.11ow .. •-. """ -·"'""'otAUanu. , o . e :.r.-lllllaotlc ~ ..._ ... e N ~_.,. f·pc. IK1dltorr1no10 Bedroom Suite In hcon M""le sim.. C1111 yob spare a few houn each day and add to the f•nillJ' ro-c om e at the same ttme? Schedules convenient for you. mornings, af· tm;noons, evenings or combinattona of all Work In store µnder the finest of conditions 1111d top 1upervlslon. EPF ~ ~ •• L ::z.:· ~ IR•9. ,349.001 ···-··--··--·.l'IOW $161.00 IHI t • -1 -• --• -...,, • • 60"9eou1 Sp1nl1h Cu1tom Built Sof• with WEOGWD Y rove s ~ MALE ' S pc.. S,.... Mnettt,... · .., • 2...., W. m1tchln9 lo.v• Seet-Choic.e of be1utifuf w/boOd i55. Uotpnt ~h1g ~•aa M t\1 _.... tip ............ fw I I NO 5 00 $65. ·Cuatom halrdryer JXI. fllMfnteD-. l1brlc1. Re9. $419.95 ----· W $22. 1....,.rlte mangle ,20 . APPLY IN PERSON 'PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AM to 5 PM Monday lhnl Friday All 1tudent positions filled. Equal opportunity employer Must have eolltp detree 6 dre.It exempL Eaec Sec to $650 EPP Top 11dlls A appearance with corpona te bkaround. Eaec S.c to $650 EPP \\'orll: for ttnl mgr of f.ood proceuina' company with full medical • dental ~ ·lnaura.nce + pn>/.il lbarlrw ·~ other bend.Ila. * .* Secretory $520 EP, Salfti or adve:rtis:lna: bllcll-11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'7'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ j ground with ability ID wark Help W1nteci w-n 7400 Help w'1nted Women 7400 ~ H 0 USE KEE p ~"It,-~· I_---........ --.·------ ' Laguna, 1 or phygiclan'a HUGHES well behaved. Other help In I f.unUy, live ht, private room J .t t.th, pleuant home. 7 1~ children, all In school & . "°"" afternoons. Appllant NEWPORT BEACH :i mu 1 t be re11pomlble I: '1 C&fl&ble o 1 5Upervi5'on. bu bnmedia~ openings fur ..: S..lary ~ t ime oH ;; negotiable. Retertocea rt· HYBRID I: :1 qu~~:;IRLS =~~= A minimum ol six months of · Y ounc mature rirU able to experience ii de:&lrable, 1 meet the public. Ideal u i ~. job for worklna: sale• Openlnp are on lat and 2nd J ctrls. Must be attractive shifts.. , witb a gOOd figure'. Appl.y in pel"llOn p•--7 .. -1 .. in tn Holiday Health Spa ""'"ue _...,,. per..:m : HUGHES l 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. COMBINATION. Sharp Bar , Maida: A-Go Go Dancers. , Top wagH $lilt).$3 . ., to NEWPORT BEACH J atart. Ph. for int. 56-9983 ,. i SaA:y Lauy, 2001 Harbor, 500 SUperior Avenue 1---C.l!I.. --~ ~~ C&llf. ~: Reaident pogltian Equal opportunity ~ open llt' a practical nune employer • M & y ; at ~.tlnenlal Manor, J.a. i .,,..:,.....,,. 1--=,..:;:._:::-."'."'.:""-·I j CLEANING lady wanted 2 F'C Bk ...... or I' dsya a week on LM:lo Iale. Jr Acd to $750 Plea.se v.rlte and pve lmmm opening v.ith •table J relerenctL Daily Pilot Box co. Data Procesa-Cost acctg. Call Kay, 546-SCIO • M 90l. JASON BEST l l,MA_TURE=="°'w=o-man.--..,fuh=:.1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY • 01ipe lhOp. 5 Points, H.B. 7120 So. Main; Santa Ana t 12. hr. Jund! .....,.,-... hr .. wk_ DO Sat or 8'.m, Pblmfl J 962-0333 for inL e WAITRESS e with men, people iii teJe- phoneL Located 1n FAit L.A .• Exceptional bendl.ta! 5octy to $600 APF --~-JI> 'at dicta.phone 'for technical publications depl S..ty to $550 'h EPF Leaal or R.E. back&round to deal tn commercial proper- ties. • Seely to $525 APF National finn located In l'UI. luton needa ~ 11.rl with good &kills. Acct9 Cler~ $520 APF Payroll aper helpful + lite typing A lllOtnl! EDP bqmd. Girl"Frld•y lo $411 V. EPF -'h CRF lra'1nUlCe background help. ful, type: 50 wpm, use rood judgmt'l'lt, detail m!nded. Will advance! MTST ()per to $435 EPF Top advanctment oppty, must be familiar with MTST operation. . S.Cty $500 EPF Work with 4.s Youna: tngi- neen for oc~ l"fl· Ja.ied company. Secretory $500 EPF Prefer Government Contl'act1 background · + good skill• & lront office appearaoc-e, Acct1 Payable Clerk to $4IO APF l\finimum 1 year exper. to key, calculator + IOIJle"lile \)'Pinc. genl Ole $175 CRF Girl Friday for young insur- ance Exec, ¥mrk in Miulon Viejo IJ'l!L Fili Clerk $350 CRF Will tnln·to maintain CO[l)Or· ate central f.ilH. Pttfer 1irl with methodical mind. l8 kl 25, neat appearing. No exper. nee. Full time, Apply in puiOn. £1'H~O~u"s'"E"°"K"E"°"E"'P'°'E"°"R-.°"' .... = ~ cbildttn, lull time. Salary •· open. PH: 54&-3681 after 7 ! PM !148-4nl durin1 • EPF, employer i ..,..,.,._ BOB'S BIG BOY pay• I" ~ BABYSITl'ER. Teacher J.5.4 E. 17th;St. • APF, •ppllcant ~ wanta · mature Y.'Onlan to Costa Mesa pays f" ., care tor infant, boy 10, girl ,,.,======-::--::: • CRF, comp11ny ... 9. HOWlekeeping also. Hunt H 0 U SEK E,E PE R for ___ r_e_im_bu_ro_e_s_fee __ _ • Bch area. 897-¢978 molherle.sa home who 9"1!k:a ~l---.:===.._,.---1 permanent position.. Nice • ••• OPERATORS ••• ExperlellCl!d in Jingle needle room oveJ'loclclne the water. :. and ovtrlocka. Good piece 4 children. Full bous.ekttp- wark prices, steady work. lng and cooking. Drivers EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust license dnlnd. Car will be St., We-slmlnster: 5J4.8738. provided. CaU f2ill 4.13-7351 (home), or 43Z-7477 BABYSITI"ER • Brookburst, Garfidd area HB. Own lo1A.RRIED-! TOO MANY trallll. Call aft 3: 30 pm. B 1 L L s "? Ptrmanent-pu:t ~1980 time help wanted in snack 'co-IJJllTER-=-H~ELP='","""'"ru"'u,......,-, bar. See manager alter 7: 30 part tlmt. Apply at Taco pm. Paulo Drive I n Bell, 699 So. Cout Hwy, Theater, 3051 Newport Blvd, Lq. Bch. S-3 PM CM. BABYSITTER. p1,..... SECRETARY View School area, ls!. grad· er A: infant, ?o1on thru Frt. SU-a'.M3 after 6 p.m. GENERAL OFF1CE. Must like to work with ligures. Gd. ben'A. plW!b ollice. Mr. Quinn. 833-2150 SALESWOMAN, MATURE Part-time young M&temity shops So. Chait ~. PM's only HOUSEKEEPER, live -tn. Prlv. nn I: ht.th. 2 children. Ftn. Vall. 842--7254 BEAUTY operator, full time, guar wage A: comm. Gwen's Bty. Shop, 49W2'l4 P.tAJO, lull or part time, n.'75/hr. g du/wk. Lqu:na Shores Mot~. 494-8521. Shtd 80, typing 60 up, Con- struction background helpful. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 W, Coast Highway Newport Beech 646-3939 Jobt-Men, Wom. 7500 Outsld~ SaJes FREE MEMBERSHIP! CUrrently Rlllng to house- wives direct? Add us to your line for extra commission income. Keep in shape tree. Repre!!!!ntatives needed all over Orange C.Dunty. 549-3368 or 842-1451 Holiday Health Spa e Costa Mea e ASSEMBLERS- MECHANICAL Experie~ In precision aue.mbly involving cloee tolerance al!inment and titting on products 1uch as delicate gear tralna. valves l.Dd irlitruments. Call P•rsonnel Dtpt. (714) 494-"411 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. l19une Beach Equal opportunl ty e1TQ1loytt -THE -NEWPORTER INN HOTEL CASHIER COMMERCIAL Coot Acct $l5t Muat Jmcnr.: all phuea ot '°"L Eloctrlcel P•rll M•n $550 Familiar wi~ cou nttr eJectrlcal parts worll:. Mfr T,,_1 to $100 Saka A public oriented. Lumber S11lea & Y ord Mon from $450 Know ltllllba' A buildina materials. Fir Supervisor In Lumber It Hrdw11re s.i.. $600 Complete ··back.er'oUnd in · lumber; 6 hudware. 0.tslcle c .. hler to $600 EXpetlenced TECHNICAL L•b Tech from $450 Auilt In MD lab. Pl'.09ra!!)_Ar!•lnt 19 $1000 M yean it! Cobal &: Bal. Send ....... Sr Electronic Lob Tech to $170 wk Be 1amUiar with band toola .t te_st equip, trou)>le shoot. EIK!rlcl•n from $3. hr "-buildq ...... " llD tom. · - Ceblftll Meker Ir $3. hr Muat be experienced cabinet maktr. Job will lead to foreman Supervitor for Y 11cht Y 11rd from $3. hr }(.now all phasn of yacht building-&: 8Upervi!ion.- Foreman'Graveyarcl Ir $700 Be able to 8Upervjse large crew A: must know boat in. dwlr)'. Ship & Recelv Clk to $2.25 hr Will consider ~. Delivery Driver $2. hr Clean driving license, know Orange Cou.nty &: ..... ~ Driver Cl••• I Ir $.1.41 hr Muat know moving. Main! Mech $3.IO hr ~-a must. ~ ~ C•blrtet A1Mmbl•r to $2.75 hr Mut be experienced ln cabh>tt aue.mbly, UNSKILLED F11ctory Tr11inets $2.25 hr All Milts. FEMALE Genl Office lo $350 \Vill take young high school crad with good typi.nr akllls, light filing, Secret•I"( lo $475 Genttal office du~, good typing ~ shorthand skill• Secretory lo $500 Typr fiO +. 1horthar.c:t 80 G1nl Ole/ Rec pt fr $350 Lighl type, good phone penonallty. NCR Bkkpt ()per $475 1'1usl know NCR with bkkpg hfl.ckground. Keypunch Oper1 to $2.75 hr Xlnt Co, good w o r k benefits. G ... 1 Office $400 Accounting dept, familiar wttb A/R It_· A/P, Clerk Typists lo $100 wk Good typing skills, front o{. fioe. MTSC ()peretor $4. hr Part time. Must be ex- perienced. Cosmetic Girl fr $1. hr flfust be experienced in cosmetic Wes. Help W1ntld Women Help W•ntld 7400 Wom•n P/U & Dellv Girl Exprlen«d NCR 4200. """' $1 .65 hr front desk, tlw ~)' wk:. 18 +, dean drivina: license = M1ary and tr1111e ben. Electronic AsMmbler ASSEMIU:RS ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS 7400 V•rl t11 Dttt Mtchh1t t, loc1tM h1 t fl•• t ir c6"ilio11td ,1111t in th• lrvh1t lncl111t,l1I Co111pl1:1 of Ort11t• Cou11ty N•r tht airport, htt 11vt r1I lmrn1cli1lt op111i1191 for 11tt.lro11lc •111111hltrt, Ill 1hift I J:JO A.M. to 4i00 P.M.I 1-.i 211d 1hift (4:11 P.M. to 12:<41 A.M.I t v1lltblt . We •01114 prtftr yo1 lo ll11ow tht color co41 1"'4 COlll• ,.,,,,.,., ..... 1ltrfl119 rift i nd ••ttlltnl b.Mfih i~h1dint I J d1y1 ¥1c:11tlo11 duri11t Hi e I Ii Y••r of tmpleymt11I, 1tocli ~htlt '''9''"' 11Mf • hoUl!i 1y vtc1tle11 fe1h1rl119 tli11e ,,14 for llmt off fro"' Chrl1ti1111 D1y to the Mo11· tl•v f,u,.,..;"' N.w y,,,•,. If ,.., ire t1tlllf ft •Irk er .trt 11ow workln9, why Pl.Of lfw11t,t1M ti!. op,.rtu11Hit 1 t i V.D.M,. 1 901d plttt to ·~" lntorvieWI Daily from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Ask for Lindo a1rl: Varian Data Machines A VAllAH SUISIDIAl'r 2722 Micholoon DriYO, lrvlno, C•lll. 92664 11,,. o;.,. ,.,...,, t. Jo.,..,flf•• eff.r'"'' I .,,,,_ .. S, el Mltlri,1to11 Orlvtl AN lQUAl 0,.-0lfUHITY f M,LOYll, M·F Contact Edward Jnz]e fr $1.90 hr Tues . ..Sun. Aft u A.M. Must know t10lderln&: It Ille 1107 J•mbor" Rood Newport Beach, C1Hf. 644-1700 SCRAM-.LETS ANSWERS Snugly -Cora] -Pn>M - Arouse -CAPSULE A man complainlnc about his apartmt!nt: "It'• to mW! tha.t It w111 used to tnlin a• trona.1111 for livlf'll in a CAP- Sln.E." fl. an ht. pa Id in advanct •tamping clrculan at home lar ua.. No material• to bu1 at all. \Vc a 11 pp I)' e~hlng. Send 1elf -drHfed rt.amped ermlopf!. Products Unlhnlled. 8ox AJ,,113, Woodbwy. N.J. -WOMAN-:t.fAN. Great oP- portunlt)', chOoe hn. Write 1n'62 Maypole Dr. Glr'den Grove or c:aU aft. I pm, ~ ... harnegg, ('(IU)d lead to leadlady. Factory Trnff1 $l.70 hr All 1hHt1 All abUU MEDICAL Beck Office from $3.!0 Mu1t know El<G, X-n.y. ,tw aho!J. Nur.Hs Aides $1 .65 hi' (4) All lhlfts, trnets. \York near home! APEX Employment Agency 'THE.EASY WAY (uk us why) 1B73 HARBOR BLVD. (HI block So. o1 t9thl COSTA MESA 548-3426 I Once in • llfttlm• prices of 1001 other lttms. ~!ildi~a~11:~"1 i:~i.;-;~d·c;u;;··;:~b·i;;·:frt.:: =~:.e;~ :::;h~1: Plus •n extr1 special offer S5 off on •ny $100 Tall O•coretor Tebl• Lemp1 1et $50. ~ Trade tor purc9h••t_ odr more, with• copy of this ad . lRe 9• '49.951 ·--···-····-··-··-··NOW $11.00 B1b fer 2. • 10 pc. ui1ra CornJr Assemble -···-..$159.95 Spenish H1n9 i"T Sw19 L..mpo , US OFF &lJ blkl •-• • 96 1n. Quilted .Sofa, w/56 in. lov1 1eet -$149.95 I on n.., · R19. $49.95 -·-·-·--..... NOW $If.SO ..........,. Any al» tao • 60 In. H11Yy Sp1nl1 h Coif .. T1bl•---i$29.94 A decorator dream house on displw _ 3 wlaey bottom. u• ""'b •Large Matchin9 L..mp T1l:tl11 ----119.95 -1 mw S9JO.. Anything Coes, e Sp1n i1h Decoretor L1mp1, from --·--$14.95 rooms Of gor~ Spanish fumihn (WIS >tOO W. C.L Hwy. N.B. •. &S1uerken~••sdt ·~-~ Sp19s. & MQ1ttr•I ues, fr om S '·'' reg. $1295.00 0pen SUndays! at: I • •en o IS yr. ut ity King l Qu••n s GUNS, 1l ga. pump $50, :I> Soto ol TERRIFIC SAVIN&S. ACllFICE ~HO ga. yooth •ln&le $3). 32 H & lenk Tarms Store Char9e Mastar Ch1r9e • • • • • • """"' R snub 1lOM' &: Holater & lanltAm•ricard ~If ·Acceptad Cr•dit T•rms Av•il. Cr•dit CIMred lmm•cliat•ly ammo $25. :m Enfield 1z. 0,. .... Mny-Sit. N, s.. 1.0-5 $41.96'0 •m =:~)'!~ a 1 t er 4 m_ · RJ.BNITURE ~.;~::.:.~~ui:i· 2065 ·C1wfe St. COita-Mill ~ .. - APPR V 0 FUR NITURE ••hind "H1rbor Cir Wash" 1844 le~porl Blvd.Ha:, hi.) :!'~t:! ~~-on~ Ent•r off H1milton or B•rn1rd-St. Cost M I 54&-447B. A llttl• h•rlf hi ffM,'.,11t worth tti. tlolltr. YH •••• 1 I .. on J TYPEWRITER $40. trumpet $75, maple hutch $50. 2 Door hwy Nlfht~ t-~s.t. &S.. ~ 6 oak c be 1 t $20. 5 drawer while chest $20. 642-4432 JOBS & E PLDYMENT F urnftvre J~ Men, Wom. 7SOO!--------- OVER -STOCKED eves. 8022 .Mu.Jul lnat. -I 1_25 1/3 OFF on all bildnil "COY· 10·-RA-F-"J-·JN-G--,.-bl-.-.-.-,-w llO n,.,.,. ,,.._ ts'lo aecord· , er--Ui». Any aiie top w/arry FRY COOKS Top wagea, permanent, bon- ed, and wo.rldng condillona 1n area's leadlna: re1tauranl Apply 9 am to 5 pra tot in. terview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24ml El Toro Rd. Leilll19 World l.quna Hills 837-1014 Experienced 900KKEEPER ·Huntington Valley Convalescent HospltaJ 8382 Nn-man Ave. Hunt. &h, 342.5551 • Exp'd Waitress over 21. e Busboy & Dishwuher, Over 18, neat appearance, AppJy in person Berliner Continental Rnlaurant 185112 Beach Blvd Huntington' lk'ach Profess Iona I Employmont. , A111ttanc9 COASTAL AGENCY A member of Soelllna:; " Snellln&. Inc. 279() Harbor ,Bl. CM 54!)--6055 OOUPLE To mi'Jage A: maintain 18 unit motel in Costa Mesa, Must be hard workers, no exper. nee. $200/mo plus furn. 1%' bdr apt. 546-9279 INTERESTED 111 full or part time work? New AP&CI! age product for the home. Call &12-6559 10 am-J pm only. RELIABLE Cple to help manage S unita for part rent. lo,lust have n!fll, 1 child ok. Weatmin. 839-2314 WAITERS. W a 1tre•1 es, Busboy. Pref. exp'd. Apply: 2121 E. Cout Hwy. Cd M. l\fOTEL MANAGER, couple prderred. Quartera and W.. ary, .c!K-5002 CHURCH ORGANIST 54D.2279 or 548-ms School1-ln1tructlon 7600 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Co. Falrsrounds, gr. 1-8 Wht>ni the Program Fits the Child \Villatd H. Saucerman, • Ed. D. 540-4060 Enroll now Eves 548-1758 Educational Vacation 5th iiraden • • . Sr CiU:tena Chilcoat 10 les.<10n typing Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Mar, C.M. 548-2859 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 8000 MUST SELL! .. ~ ...... n ~ ion, bottom JI4 auita now w·ardrobe closet, dressina id-. cond., 5 tttble & 2 bus $9.80. Anylhl~ Goes, 2400 table &:. stool, chest al 1witche&. $275.. 54Q..2371 w. est Hwy, NB. Open SUn. New 9 pc. comer arrana. dra"'va. batr dryer. misc cbob ot cll"I. feg. $230, llemL 968-574.1. 20lll Port PlaltOI & Orgens now $149.50. Headbrd.s: Circle, HB . 1130 SURPLUS factory d r e 1 11 fabrica ii rem.nanta. So I d UMd H11mmoncl Organ "to the public 8-4 M~y SALE ~ SaL ,,,. Momov>a. Kinp, ns, Queens m.so.1'ro=w=m=a~ .. ~ ... -n---.~ .... -,.-. Full $10.SO. Twins $3.95. tables. TV chtsts, carnival Trundle sets (duo riser) w/ 11au. .....:..._-lftt etc. Al90 •R--""'""' ..,.r-.. •• KIRBY Vacuum Oeaner """"'" sp ... ,. matt reg. $106, ovubead camper. 2205 D. B-3 Ir. Leslie, A-JOO, B-100, with at t ac b men t • Ir. now ~.SO. Roll-a.way beds Canyon Dr./'C.M. 64W521 H-100. M-100. M-3. l,100, -her. Take over small w I inn, aprin& matt. nr. . J '"" S.I ~-~-T $:i9.50, now $39.50. Full az. MOVING. Ratt almond~ ·.uiu, • "''""' -· erms. pymta or $41.10 cuh. Credit sleeper-sofa rec. $2.19.50, now library tbl, mrbl top ~kta.il ALLEN THEATER, 32 pett. Dept 535-7289. S169.50. New beds: Kl n g end tbl., many misc. items. als almost new• CARPET $99.50, Qutt!ns, $89.50, Full 338 Walnut, Newpt Shores, • · Shags, tweeds, hi-lo plle, All $49.50, Twina $39.:i(I. fully N.B. 642-3744 Big savings Now 1n our End colon. Frff e1L Uc C.Ontr. guaran, n:-ii. ~pttii.da: $9.95 CARPET, shag', hi-lo NEW at Summer Clearance Sale! 'i,,:"°"...,.'"°'1:8;,,. ~-,_-,-..,,.,...,-! Oiristmas lay-aways now. $4 sq. yd, 396 Hamilton, HAMMOND QUALITY kill&" bed, gullied. SIESTA SLEEP SHOP, 19Z7 C.M. Saturday only. In CORONA DEL MAR. Complete, u nu 1 e d $105: Harbor Blvd., CM 64.l-2760 Sal 16 -·· E ~---1 H orth ~~ Mt 5 ,_,_ daily 1D.9 Sat S "(1.6' HUGE Garage e, Aua:. _,., . .........., wy. w _.. er or111PJAQ • un j. • A: 17. 2514 Bays:ide Dr, O;!At MOM & DAD 847--040i 17 Pc. Kin CJ Size ~ ~ ~1:ze::.ci~oo;;;4 While ~ hr:v::! ~atest1r . .:.AMI--L-Y_*_m_*_em7*-,:'",,.-h-lp--l -n 1 Bedroom East 20th, c.oata Meu. selection, the mast reason-Irvine Coast Country Club Large 9 drawer dre&Sel', mlr-_ able rentals. the best teach. for sale. Pvt pty. ~1918 !'Ol', 2 bedside sta.nd!, king Fumlture Auction I02S e_r. Choose from Conn, Wur-Health Spa. memberships, alz.e headboard. frame, quilt-I--:-. -------litzer, Knabe, F°JaCher ii lZ months {owr 200 visits) ed mattruft, sbttta, blank. e Fumftur• e othen. Spinet.I, &: CoMOles for $99. Regularly $200. Miu ets. ttc. Appliences e Coklr TV from S579. Rentala trom $10 Lane. 54~1425. a.o1ce of Spa:'.sh AOK AUCTION monthly. · or Modem Style 7'l22 Garden Grove Blvd. Gould Music Comp.1ny * Newport Beach Tenn111 AU For $249 Westmlnater nr, G.G: Frwy. 206 N. Main SA 547-0Qll Oub membership. $0 + (Jµst ,~ft SA Ftt~) ttaN fee. 64.f-1852 • No down . Pmta. oaix. $9 mo. Tues Ir 'fhw's 7 PM-Sat ti:iO -~F~r::ench~!,.l!11::_.;C~'-~--::;~·~-~~RvooiinF .. OrC>.:-J.1a;;nd;;.,;:;,,.;;;--;;.,..;;;,,,ci1I WEU('S W'1RDIOUSE .,...,. ""'•mm~ Repo. New -ll ~ factory bu ordo?red close stays in place w I t h AppUances 1100 out cil. f Owole A 2 Spinet Bond-Rock. 642-5Tl6 600 W. '4th S.L, Santa AJ1a,I-'"'--------Plario1 ·on & cost.plus baAili. 3 SPEED motoDCOOler $50; C>Pen Daily 9 • 9 SACRIFICE Elec. r a n a e Never qain piano barraira Br1gg11 & Stn.tton mini-bike Sat.' 9 • 6 Sim. 11 - 6 $215, Co p p e r lo n e GE lllCe fhese! First come .. flrlt engine $20. 646-9778 MOVING 1o small apt-must Americana dbl oftn, Rolls served. · SINGLE me m be rs h I p , ae.D beautftUI ~f?')' twi1i Used 1 yr Coat $575. WARD'S.BALDWIN STUDIO Balboa. Bay Club, $7ro. Call beds w/Sealey spring mat-546-6127. l8'l9 Newport, C.M. 642-8484 after 9 P.M. 675--5001 lre88t'1 & box~ Cher.l'KEN"";iM;iO;;R;;E;-7A-,uc;t-:o-:m::--::a7l;::i c ~A~NY~BOBOiD~YtiG:COTrfPPiJ.ANiAiiiCoiSs?1 'l~~~~;;:,;;;;;;;;;;~=,.I r:v butter t I y table. waaher, good cond. S40. Yn •••••• we have Pianos! Misc. W1nted Fniitwood frame, Fl' Prov 1r 847-8U5 * Yes • • • • . • you can rent & ~fa. 2 maple chests. Green LARGE Tub '"'ashing mach. credit all monies toward vinyl lounge chr W~t-used 6 mos. LiU new $8(). purcha!le. toman. 4 prs: fUll Ingth Sloan 671 Victoria, CM Yes •••• we bave \VurlHzc?r cwi mad soft Pianoa! e gr n REFRIGERATOR. crosstop HOUSE OF HARMONY draperies, w/val~ boxes. freezer perfect working 3 pra red l yellow English condit~ $35. 842--851~. 48 Fashk>n 1Sland 1610 WE PAY MORE CASH Chintz draperies. Man y . . . NeWpOrt Beach 6#-0391 o I h e r items incl f i n e LARGE copper f'rigida.ire HAMMO..'lD -Steinway • Y•· For furniture, appliancet, blankel4. 545-1446 aft 9:~ ~lrigerator. G 0 0 d con-maha • new Ii: n.sed pianoa colored 1V, pianos, ori:;ans a.m. dition. $50. 644-4869. of all makeL Best buys in a.nd antlqueL DON 'T Give up! You may FRIGIDAIRf:'. electric dryer, So. Calit rl.i:bt here. Dey or night find it at An-.erlca's largest, xlnt cond. $50. SOiMIDT MUSIC CO., 20 most unusual unfinished *847-8115* 1907 N. Main, 636.3' furniture store. Cor. Redhill T\\'INDOR Coldspol, wh!le, Santa Ana $WE BUY$ & Santa Ana Fwy, Tustin. l bottom freezer. C'.oll $500, 1JOVING-Must sell, SM.ITI-1 mJ So. of Newport Fwy. MU $300. 54G-S749 & BARNES upright piano, Open 362 ~ dll)'l 1'flr yr. GOOD UISl!!d relrigerator, I ,;"'°"=,,"'=nd°"l_ll_0_.,, ..... ,,....1,..306_,,. -I 544-5470 \Vestinghouse $20. BECKER Bros. Player piano 61,S' BROWN couch, $100. 2 6'J$..0756 w/95 rolls. $300 cash. twin couches (7°) turq,1===========1 962-3841 $1110/pair. W a 1 nu I pro-AntlquM 1110 WANTED vincial 9--drwr d re s 1 e r , .c....io.;.:______ PIANO!:' A ORGANS Assorted ·tables & chain. Larry Morg1n Antique• *636-J620* $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV1-Pitno-Sf1rt a1 1 PJeu •r H-F•ll CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 • 673-1916 a..EARANCE SALE! I-========== MOVING, Dble bed. mat· American & European An. Hl·FI ~ SterM 1210·'--:--:-:c:-;===-·I lrell'!l. box spring. trp.le Hque&. .MU5t make room for I'-"""~--"-"'----' r • WANTED WE PAY CASH dresser. Bassett make . new shipment. See at: 1969 STERm O:>nsole, dlx, ~ .,~ ' old Sa 2380 or 2428 Newport Blvd. in beaut cabinet, mmplet.e FURNITURE ~ mos. · c Costa Mesa. 548-7383 $.......... w/new g u a r a n tee . 4 TOP CASH IN 30 ~llnute11 · ANTIQUE SALE Speaker llOUnd system, 4 spd Qua.lily furniture, color TV's l\t O :i.I ~ G eom;ust ~ Everything 30 to 50s;, off, English changer, Did stale 1tereoa, ttppUancts tools, 58C ice.. ete !\'CARY JANE'S ANTIQUES I: dlamond oeedle. P91 oH office equip. hold fum1tW"t'. 646-041.o Sun-2432 Newport mvd Costa b8l of $79JO or easy pymntl. 531 .. 1212 Mon-Tues. ·• '"""~~1~' ~0e~·~"="""~~""'~==,l-1W1:-Jilln:iloor-1 QtQUWALITYWTYlOJ{tnil..-;;;hedd,,ququiliiii·ted;;:.ll ~M~eu~. =-=== ' WE PAY CASH! Complete. u nu a e d Sllli; Sewing Mechfnet 1120 Mlacell1neous l600 worth $Z'JO. Aft 5 or wknds e 0 CL-1... 847-<><06 1969 SINGER * AUCTION * N T ... c ... 5 Pc. oak family rm"' $185; z;g . .., cab mnd olighUy U,,.. will ..U or""' For GOOD, USED As Shown In modrl homes. 5 pc. walnut dining set $7'5; u~. Styllah \\'al cab. Doea give Windy a try FumilUI'e, Stereo, TV or 3 Rmi of turn, ldln rm, 11., Latex full in btd w/frame everything without attach. Auctlont ~ 7:30 p.m. Household Items of ariy kind. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN rm, & bedrml priced else-A: hdbrd. S90. 540-9749 Blt·in control• 10 overcast, Windy's Auction Bem e 547-5722 • where at $895 is youra today "m"o"°&"•"·hed=,-..,.-. •1a1"1,-ro"1"0...,=I make button holea, sew on SLIP WANTED S90. M'.,, h 0 u , , h 0 1 d buttons, hem dl-e1LSe10 make Behind Tony'• Bldg, Mat'l at only $399. Easy Credit ........,,1 N rt CM ... o•o• Terms. rettsonable. 540-2057. fancy stitches etc. 5 Yr. w •J1 ewpo • <7Tu-<JVOU Pv, Ply, 1oollllng for 1Up to 5.nf. An. Furnl•·re l3;;-=,..-°"11e=ic---;,.o. .. .,-~h'"I parts &: service ruar. Pay ENDURO Go Cart. lay dock '69-42' Chria Craft, iv new c 5 11 _, eac • $5.88 dn A 9 pymnts ot $5,88 down:-eni MC 75, 2Mi aal 645-16.13 or (713) 697'6181 426 W. 4th St., Sanl.8. Ana ma!rhlng desk $35. 2 lounge ,_1 l ~--•--•· •<xA ·nc1 e 547..()789 • cM.irs $16 each. 540-9749 mo., no ... em c._, • .e or: JU ""U\. _..... J parts. WILTON ""'OCH nip 13xl3 &. e Furniture e 4 Italian <'hain $9 each & 3 FuU Price $58.80 675-1544 9'l10. Runnrf'JI 4x9 .l 4x15. Appll•ncea e Cofor TV benches $15, 2 formal la.nips For no obllg., free b om e GAZEBO? Le space-frame: Coma. Aleo 2 nylon cocoa AOK •ucTION SJ4 each 54Q..9749 demo. CaJI credit ~tar 'til 9 deck, roof, benches. $11JJ or ruaa w/pa.ds 9:<12. $85. ~ · PM. It toll, call collect, of!er. Sawdust F e a t I v •I , 83&--0'T44 '172'l Garden Grove.Jllvd. NEAR new quality queen BR 213• 531 9'94 Laguna ··t>ow111" 4$.-3469 l;;;-==c-=-==:c I Westmlnsler nr G.G. F'rwy. set Solid leak din. table 758 ' • · WANTED maple chlHerobe Tuoa &: Thurs 7 Pr.t-Sat G:30 S~llmat CM. ' 196$ SINGER to&.lch-+ma.tic, 'PORTABLE dl11bwuhet $1.~ in A·l CondlUon Aho toy Es!Ate consgnmt. Repo. New• I ·-;;c.,,;;;--:;,:;:::-::::-=-11:1& zag. button holts, tews ~ mow.r $1~. 23 pedal car. 646-6194 BEA~:~;· set on buttons, bUnd hem& Zenith lJlack I .:hilt TV NEED bricks one 10 11'.m. DESPER.ATE! Le av l n 1 atate, mwt .ell El«IRE howlf:full of fUmlturt I: ap- pllances. M011tly Spanlah pM!tta. No tta.aonable offer refuted. Priv. pty, 96l-SU9 l9"IS6 Cambrtdp Ln. HB. QUALITY white oak BR .el, com,plett w/6 dr chest, dre:s.~r. hox •Pf'\nia, etc. 115. M~IO. DANlSH P.fod'm llv. rm set: JOta, chair. table1, hauoclc; Slut. 536-3997 548-814& $34.88 or $4.16 mo. ~6 Pl. 546--059. rtaD'lably priced. 644-4687 2 T\VIN maple poster beds, Muslcel Inst. 111$ ~W:-1 :W:'~ PETS 11nd LIVESTOCK mattrt_. I: box sprinp. • ~nt condition. $ 2 S. Catt 8820 Will sell for $50. 8:J8..0744 LES Paul Custom GulW-. 1MWS1~~~=.,,,...,....,..-,==-l:;;~;;:;;;;;:;:-7,-;;:-::;;; I ===o=====~I bla~ with rold trim. ~: -Mam.moth Lakea Sartain •BEAUTtFUL 10 mo old Offle9 Equipment 8011 ~~$650~ 1 ;!rs for My mobile home lwinterhtd) ftmale. Bluepoint Slarnete. PEWR.ITER, Md. mach; $t90 'With Mrd shell C'Ue. f"llrn. sl111 7. Many E:rtraal ~ 645--a1S6 c•leulator, Very ttuonable. Call nan 49t-4006; home S.e. S2'995. Ex. cond. Sll-3374 1125 Xlnt cond. 893-2423 eve•. 49-t-2007 2 1'WIN beds. ateel fn.n.t.1 1.Dov_~•--------I ROYAL Dec au Io ma 11 c PLACE )'OW' wwrt ad wbmi $30 each. Comd' tablt ~ DACHSHUND, bt:oul.llUI Al\ typewrlter 1200 lettm pe:r they a.r. looklnc -DAILY Call 673-7226 fem!lle, 6 months. All 1ho day1 ~. m-112Z en.or ctuainett MW61I CHAR.GE rr1 $50. ~. I " ' • ' ' • • ' . . . ' ' ' ' r ' ' ) • l I ' ' ) ' I ' . r -~---~------------- ' I w; : • • 5 ' I • • 0 LE ''5 FORD $1095 IPAL. 100, '4 Jr 1Mt11. VI, •ute, PS, ltlH, wlriit;w•ll tlr;1. SYl20J '69 FORD '3295 GAL 100 F•lt••ck. Y-1, ;ufo, f;t;t. air, PS, Pl, t f • 4to, lt•tft r. JCTH Ill, ''5 FORD $12'5 Ctry Ssd, VI, tut•, PS, A&H, •·•·•, tint tltu. lut r•c•. TRKll7 '67 FORD f1495 C111t. 100 :r ''· v.1, 111.., •S, ltlH. lJM 966. '66 FORD $1795 Ct1111trf' Sq11lr; 10 11••&.o v.1, '"''" fS, Pt. UH, lu11•1• rscL un 7tl. DUNTON FORD 2240 S. Main 546-7076 • I - • I - I I ··--------. . . . . . . . ..... • • ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ' . . • D . ' . ' ,·ORAIGE COUNn'S . FINEST U$ED ··CARS . , loJuuqn .'& Sen ,ff•• '.fllae lleputat•on of Offering the Fine•t Selection of V•ed Car• ·in tlae CovnttJ ' • , • I .. CougQrs Lin·col.ns : ' M t · . · '68 CO"l'flN,NTAL • · e"'.. u rys · ......... < ....... --· .. ~, ... ,....,.. ;., ... I ! I ,.. .. '*'''f f\111 PDWll'· f'K,j.,. 11, '. I $4,95 ... ··--·---'69 COUGAR ,_,. _,...,..... ,._. w.i.. fMIWY elr, Llnfitw -. rMte, ........ WlelN'tk trl-. t'IC. YIL Ill. $3490 ·· .'61J COUGAR ,._......,.,.. _....,,,.,, lllliMMtlc "'""" Nlllo, Metw, -.wim · · $2650 . - '68 CONTINENTAL 2<do&r, lttetwy t it, IMthtr: ~.-. .. Ul'lftll '°"' •1119 ITlnt. '"'°' llHMr, "'" ptww, tltt•wtwel. l'K, zuc ,,, . $499.5 . '67 CONTINENTAL Oll'rttt11b ... tun ..-, *""" tif', IMl'Mr lntlrlor, l1..,_ """ wtfrMllc lfl""" AMfFM r9dlf,. tilt ....... U0G IM ' $3l,~: : " '69 COUGAR XR7 ,_, •'9trlnl. ~ IH'Ml-. fktlry '"· tvt19Mtlc trw. nidla. bMW, Ilk. Vt"T .. '3580 ' . . . '. '69 MAR9UIS '4590 ' . . '68 MERCURY '67 CONTIHENT'AL·' "door. tun "°-· fKIDf't 1rr. hi1119t lftttflll', i..ndtv top, ' • 1111 wh•I, radio. ,..,..., 1Vl'or!vtlt. t i<. '61 FORD LTD C!....., """' t1'110fl ..,.. (f ii-ufrlttl'), ,._. lfilfflng, ,.._-llr10t. ttlno ,..._ ~ 1lr, iMllOINllc trt111o , .. •i.. MllW, ~ $TIC iDt $3895 '67 COUGAR ~ "-1"f• ll'OWW llrNft,,ktlot\! •Ir, LlndW toc1. 111lo-m11\c fr•nt. rtdlo. Miter, m:. OOG fl' $2150 '67 COUGAA ,_ ""'"-" 111to!Ntk trf111, rMJe.. ...... .tc.. UON 117 $2150 '67 COUGAR "-tfttrtlll, ......,. lltrllcft, ~ 1lr, lllfomltlc fr•lllo rldkt llMltt, .tc;. UNZ :1111 .$2395 ' '65 COMET ~ WllOfto lutll'nltk tr-. , ... llllfW, ete. ttlN sa $1495 $3795 '66 CONTININTAL Ueet. full poWtr. flclOIY 1lr, lwther lfl!trlor, L1ndl11 fop, 1111 ......,.~ rtdlo. llt91l1!', 11110rMtk. tic. $31,5 '65 CONTINENTAL ·C-•llltl1. full ,.,_, tectory 1lr, lttlller lnllrktr, r•dlo, t!Mllr, 111t11m111c '''""· m. $2195 '64 .CONTINENTAL 4-door, fllll poWtr, fMJory 11r, INIMr" lnllrlor, ewlornltlc 1r1111, rtdkt. lltlttr, m. ost •1 $l895 '64 CONTINENTAL Co•wtrtll!k, fvll pOWtr, f&clory 11r, lffllltr Interior, rtdlo. llM!tr, 111tornttlc tr1n1, t ic.. OML M7 $1795 '62 CONTINENTAL c;o,,,., .....,.... "'"'1111· "°"" ltnkes. fKtorr 1tr, Lendl11 lllPt 1utom1Jk tr1n1, r..:llo. l'lffl:er, 11C.. '2795 '67 FORD I-door 111,.,iop. ,awtlr 11Mrlnf, powt1r br11i:,e1. f1ctory 11r, ~nci.111 top, 1ll!omllk ~r1n., rtdlO, llMler, 1tt. VVZ 131 '2295 '67 T·llRQ Fun ·P'WW· '-""""' 1tr, l1nd1v "'" wtoln.11c tr1111. rMlo. 1111ttr, 1tt. TTW M '2695 '66 FORD ~la•'-a. t ,_ h•rdfllll, .-11Mrlnf, rie-r bt..._ ... , fedlf-'t tlr, t14116. l\MM, -lie IT•"'-etc. 11/f O.SZ '1895 ... -~ • '6.6 T·llRD '1975 '65 FORD 500 lltrdlOll tfl.llpe, pOW9f .. 1ar1~ 1\/fllfWMllc tr1ns. rtdlO. 11 .. i.r, ~ ltOV 7"5 '1295 '67 CADILLAC COll!lt tSt vni.. fV11 povrtW, !ncudlnt llcfDrY 1lr <ondllitlf!lng, tlt!!Vfff\11 IHllltt lnTerlOI', L1111H11 q.. tit! wheel, 1terto AMJfM r..:iio. t utol'n91k tr-mlli.lcwl tic,. 1 lltavlll., "''• VOi. ,. '4295 '64 JEEI" WAGONEER '1495 '64 VW IUG VGA m '1095 '67 ·01'1L k1datt, r.cio. lllltlr, 4 ....,.. . '1095 ' ' • -$- ' . BARGAIN .. : :.CORNER In Our Bargain"'€orner we "have nurn-· erous used cars. Some dean, some not sO ·cleon. Somo thot oro duplications, some We've had too long -in any event these ca:rs are real bargains. look 'em over. ' ' 1966 MERCURY $1·775 Full pg,wer., factory •ti:, au~ f' matlc traDS, .AM/F.M, healer, . etc. RRY444 1'65 MERCURY 51275 9 pugenger Colony Park Station Wag., P.S., P.B .. auto., ndio, heater, etc. RYS094 1966 CHEVY I llSCAYNI $725 \VAGON. 4-Dr. Stick. R&r.H. ' SVZ063. Needs a little paint . and metal work. 1H6 MUSTAN• COU~I $1225 it'riu'882e too many Jn stock. 1966 CHEVROLET B\1cayne Station Wagon. Radio and heater, V-8, etc. SVZ063 1964 PONTIAC IONNEVILLI $775 4-Dr. Hardtop, P.S .. P.B. P-wlnd, factory air, radio, heater, au~ maUc transmission. NOY223 ) 1966 T0 llRDS 121 51825 CHOICE OF TW0-RT8724, Lenda~ British melaUic green flnl&h With niatching interior and black Jandau roof. Equipped ,Jith auio. trans, RAH, P.S., P.W., P.B., factory air etc. Prlced below Kell)''• Wholtsale Blu& Book. ~~.oo~ m 0 ~ ~ oo©woow 0 ·©®W®~™ • . . , 262'6 HARBC)R BOULiVARD,_ .. C:osTA MESA ,, '·"" .. __ , -·- .,_ -' . NEW CARS: MQ-5630 1 Mile . South of 642-0981 t.,e San Diego Freeway • I I I USID C.ARS: 540-5''35 I