HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesalloniington Beaeh *' * V.Ot:. 62, NO. 205, 5 SECT10 1'!S, '68 PAGES 11 ·Beaeh Di·strict I ~ RUDI NIEDZlEUKI °' "" Dall'/' ..... li.lf ,I Admlnimtlon ol the Huntington ! Beach. Union IDgh SCbool District were p!a'ced' Oil the hot ... t Tuesday by a citiu:n who demanded to know what ocreen1ng pn>e<diiru are being used to keep "rabble roosen" from lnfiltratlni lb teacbln& stall. Joseph Ferm, a representative ot the Voit't of the EledDrate Regarding Schoo1a (VOTERS), told trustees· that he had seen a Berkeley grad111te with a ma· jot' tn hlstory -and a minor ln-an· thropology on the li!t ol ~achers lo be rur.d. "Whal'ldnd of screening procm do you use so we're not taking a c.bance on get· EDITION • Ill Hot Ung a bad.one?" Ferm ulced. "What do you cooaider a bad ooe!'' retorted Ti-ustee Rolph Bauer. "You can't say that all Berlceley·lludenta.are bad." "A rabble rouaer," repueis·renn. "'Well, l'm a rabble rouser," wu ~uer's annrer. "It all depends on what kind IA. rabble you rouse. with, Dr. Bauer," added -• • Today's Final N.Y. Sioelu TEN CENTS • Sea;t ·Over 'Screening' • I told Fenn that by law the dlsttld connol determine a teacher's suitability on-.hia poUUcal or r<lli!Olll views. "We're primarily .brteresUd:tn IOOleone wbo llkee to teach.~· added ~an. "Do you •wort with lntelflpnce agen. cles Who can provide you witll roporll on U>ese lndividualst'" rerm demanded to ll:now. "No," WU J'lan1pn'1-replJ. He said, however, that all appUcanta are fingerprinted. ''Tbeoe poUUcaJ philooopllJes ~entually come out ln the clamoorn'' Fenn aaid about pollUcal activist teachers, Tru!lees then told Fenn that U he, or .anyooe ~ bad any -llfaintl abo<Jt any al the teachers to De lifted, be could 1ddmll a letter to the board wlllcb would receive tbeir uc1oaest attenlioo:'' ' \ Nixon~ Greet LBJ Clan ~LY LOT fttfl "-'" •r•M JUST ABOUT TO BLOW MY MrNJ Cat Br-r's Wtt. Fm• In Anaheim Hope._ for Cats Bree der Gets Desert Citizens' Help Stranded wiUl 50 stricken Jungle cats, sn Anaheim .. wOdlife alnservationisl to- day ~'to limp on from El Cenl!o in his ar~like 1949 truck to Yuma. Ariz., a haven of hope for repain and relief. Citizens of the broiling California de$ert commun~ty collected waler cans Tueoday to help Todd Leuthold keep· the malfunctioning radiator fWl en· route to Ole larger Arizona town. Mrs. Dorothy Leuthold, of 7521 Red Gum St., Anaheim, sa'id-she talked to her husbatld at midnight for a progress report in their lf9ubled . move lo Brooks1de.1''1a., with the exotic cargo. ''The cats are holding on pretty well," n!d Mn. Leuthold, who learne4 Monday rught that two leopar~. eacb carrying three rare cubs by a black 5ire, had died in the blistering be~ • Engine trouble <caused a halt In the ctoss-contintntal caravan by Leuthold and a truck-driving companion in El Cen- tro, '!'here addiUonal dilficulUes !ilruck Tuesday. . "He thinks the block Is cracked and then the freezer pve out," liatd Mrs. Leuthold, explaining that 1 nine-foot froew contalnlng •:tOO pounds ol lro!tn chicken for the cat& is steadily warming up. ••He can't wet lhe animals down, because in that heal the !hock would kill them," she conUnued, telling of one well- meant. but fuWe . offer of help which came Tuesday night. "A man called:to ask if there was any ·'Way lo bring them back ..... and he offered us a place In Hemet -but that's in the desert," she said. "They're dying in Uie desert now •. " The Leutholds operated The Hbuse of ·Martu, a domestic. cat breeding and ·boarding facility until earller this year, when forced to shut down by county authorities. No money has come in since June and Mrs. Leuthold had to remain behind because of laclr of space on the cat caravan or rommercial transportation fund!. Loss of the two pregnant mother leopards and .cubs was a $16,000 blow, whilP. the surviving animals are valued at severa1 lhousaod more. The couple hopes some day .to open their own zoo tn,,Florida, but increasing troubles are dimmln·g that dream today. "I !eel like just gotog down to the jail and saying: 'lock 10e up', I'm just about to blow my mind/' the destitute woman said today. "But I told my liu>band on !ho phone that at leaat rm with him In ,~1. And God ls watdiing do,.. too. ebody must be ••• " By JEROME F. COLLINS Former pre!ident Lyndon B. JohnsOn, Lady Bird Johnson, their c;taughtera and sons-in-law were happily greeted at the Wtstern White House this mornlJ1I by President Nixon, his family 1 1~ newsmen and a mariachi band. The band played the •1Ycllow Rose of Teus1" u the Johmou, 1xamtq, step- LBJ Greeted A t El Toro W ith Song B7 ARTHUR !t~ ..... __ -· A small crowd . ••uapp·7 Bkthday".Foeted 1..,..,..~dent Lyn. don B. Jobnooo 111 Ille ~ T-Marine Corps Air Station todp •,he anhed·lcr a visit with hla sUc~~ An Afr Force """ catr)'Ini Mr. Johnson, his wife, lAMt, Blrd, and lhelr two daugh&er1 andt80Dl-bNaw, landed It 10:10 a.m. The group ,... on the pound only two minut-. belore hopplq aboard the presidential helicopter for a meeting with President aod Mra. Nbon at the Western White House in San Clemente. There the sroup will ceJebrate LBJ'• 6Jst birthday. Lady Bird Joru..oo, beaming In the sunlight stepped out of t.bt big jet and wa! followed by her husband, daugbtefa Lynda Bird Robb and Lud Nugent, plus their hUS~I· Lynda Ind Luci wore dul:ltng 7ellow dresses. ' Commanding officer• greeted the John.sons, Robbs and Nugent.I who atrode directly from the jetliner to the waiting helicopter. fltajor Robb wore a snappy blue suit but his regulaUon haircut made his branch "Of the service obvtoua as he shook hands with Marine Corpa brass en route to the be1icopter. The crowd of SO to IO Marine OJrpl famiUes stood behind a feoce along the apron during the informal arrival One group of children chanted "Happy Birthday" and held a banner of welcome. The former cbltf encuUve hlmeelf looked fit and cheerful en route to a birthday IW'.cbeon hosted by the one-time poUUcal roe whp uaumed the cares of of· flee. .. NEW YORK (AP) -The llock mlrUt closed on an upbeat todl!Y, after working its way out ot so early decline. (Set quotations, Pages ll-:it). Tradinfl -quiet ..... much of .the -The Do.. J"""' ' lndullrlal avera&e at 2 p.m. w11 up 2J1 at 111.m. . Weather Haey skies win prevail over the Onnge Coast. Ull II , a.m .. follow· td by the mual fair weather. •Ith temperatures bouncing rrom '13 along the ocean to 84 in mid· county. Tricia Feels Much Better, But to Rest Another Day INSWE TODAV Gtorge DatDt"a, N t ao 1' o" t Btaeh '• ntao Harbor and Tide· Lattdi Coordinator. may have had a carter u 4 Morine, bMt ~i• fi"t -lln't II\• land,, ii~ the tea. Pa~o 10. • Tricia Nixon w11 out ol bed' and sitting up In Walter lleed Medical center today as her abdominal pelns subsided. She wW star there anolbcr ctq, preoidellttal aides nld In San Clellieftle lodaJ. - The Presidertl.. 11.yeot<>ld dauglller WIS admitted Tuelday lo the presldenU1l suite of the Washington, D.C., medical cenltr afler tailing the Western WbJte House at San Clemente and teUln1 the President'• physician of Increasingly _mere abdominal pain. The petite, blonde eldest daughter of the NiXOIUI nm felt the pains Monday, a clay alter arrlv!ni ID the .. uoo'• capital I vl ' lr<n San CiemfDtt. She nld nolhlnc about them until Tueedlf, Prealdei)Ual opokmnen In SI a Clemente lllld Ill lesb cooducted Tues- day yielded l10Tlllll r8SllilL There were no °'Oclat report.I oft the cause of tl1' abdomll'lal pa.tm, 1 but spe<:Uiallon still ran blab that Miii Nlion llllflered a mild we al oppeodlcltll. Iler lrfenda to S.. Clemente rtportoG th1t Trlda had not beeo feellhc nil fer lbe put 10 dsyt Ind nceotfJ'llecltllod I 11Ulng dale wllh.'Jl<p. 8m:TJ ~111t', Jr. in Newport ~ ~ U. Goldwaten blve 1 ...,_ liomi. • I Plllr from the-Marino C-Orps ·One ~·at the Loran Cout Guard Sta- Uon ~ San Clemente. . · ~t 'Nixon tlien urged everybody t9~ "l!appy Birthday" to Johnson, ~ It toctu. body.did,. led bf the.Presicfenl. Alo• .. ,,_ Secr<t· Service agenta, Whflio llouae Ula and their wives clooed ln·ae the·two First Famllles, lira. NWm Planners -led Mra. J00-."'111i • bouquet ol 7ellow roses and lllld: "We're so excited about your vtsJUng us .. "And l knew you,'d be wearing yellow." A· noon birthday party at the Nll'on family home was to follow a one-hour private conference between Nixon and Johnson in the Prealdent'1 admln111traUve offices. A& Secr<t-Servlce agent. drove goll Given ' carb carrylq Mr. Nl1<>ft and ·Jolalaoll'a family to the summer home on the.~ side of the Coast Guard staUon wan, Nix· on shouted to Luci Nugent: "W.e'll be there in about.an hour. You can use the pool if you want, and m)' surfboard. I never use that." The President then took the wheel of another golf cart and gave Johnson a lift Crom . the helicopter pad to bis office, about 100 yards away. Quaker Peace Pickets Ma rch ~~~~~.,:~r~?~~?~~}~--·~~· .. A t ~:':i'!:~-.. , , , ,,, r I I C111tur ~ ....... ~-.. ~ .............. _,; ... ~ ..... ~.~· •! ........... ... . tleve!opinei>t wu ~, lo the T1>e wort tomed over lo ~ coo-seventy.five members of • Quaker Hiji\@iia101dl~acji )'lamitn& i;.nmi-olsted al • ..Ir!• of map& ct.l>Jctlilff Ibo peace organization picketed P•esid!Ol ~ ., • ., tbO llnlt!. i.ID4 e)IJ..,ew• .. llllM' and muter -N,... -hlmsert-LQllUor -lodt\7·1to -. cru-.-............ "-"-·-.. lil'beodl ..... plus ' sai,Clerne.... ~'lliit 1 --~ ""'"""" how .. na ·Jl!ll!it develop w11Ji, -v1&am War. -~ <l114l· '......~--·~'--'-..::~-· .. _ withoql, • clowulfWll parking authori(J. S)lOkesman 'amle N~ of the ~ ... .,......,..., ..,,_.~ ~ lenlrliJy . ....,,. that ol.a ~·AmertcanFrtendsServlceC.0.. poldt _, It DNOI -.... lo fnm the llOMli ~ to'Tllbett A-0 mlttee ..pialned the 1ppsrenl 1r'01Q' la YoOt for polf"l' maktog," ptellnen were and !rom fln<land Street to the dty'i Ibis way: told by UC! chalrmsn M<11te N-, --...,. oa the BolSI Chica "We gave the Nl>oo Adrnlnlstrall"'1 m . City C9uncilman :ti.sled ~proved ~ conili~ or lhtnth.,to. B>adi City COuncllman Georg~ McCractea I 1 t'POrted tmprov.d 'today at Hunilngton ~-unity HoopltaL He wu rushed .. the apllal ·Swiday night cturtn& • llimop of his dlabtllc coodiUon.· . The c;ttY Council Mngtb lw ' boon reduced tO four men·· 'this weet' w..U.h McerOcten tn the booplt,11. ~an lerry•Matney ln>Teua·!or the flmeral of bl•·~· and Coandlman' .Donald Shlp~y ~ vacaUon ln ·Europe. Only Mayor J~k Green and Cow!- ~llrnen Al Coen, Hen?}'. Koulman and Ted Bartlett are aarently available. I • •• I , ' lands. moo.tbs to conclude the war in VJeUlllrl ll includet the proposed central park, and they haven't done It!' mosl·of the old oil fleldo and the bllghted 'O~ Quaker organization held a 'W!gil downtown ,~. near the Western White House in pro-. What the ULI committee bad done, testing Americans killed and wounded in said Nitzkowski after the meetlng1 was Vietnam. coordinate study elforts on economic Members of the Al"SC read a list of develop:qent in the mid-beach aector of men killed b1 Vietnam and carried signs the city. urging immediale withdrawal of troops "We are. not presenting a propoaed plan from South Vietnam. of development.'' he said, "but diagrams Newton said that although Nixon ls a ahowtng the prohab1e and log i c a I Quaker, he has not shown tbe AFSC ecooomJc ~ ol Ibis area wben cer-group that be lntenda to get the United tain f~ are conaidered." States~ of Vietnam tn. the near future. ~ fact.on center around .tbe pro-"We are dem~nding an lmm.ediat.t posed development ol. a parking authority withdrawal ol all troops and an end Qi th• w!Dcb would>make a parking lol on that war. We have not made any gains in part .al downloWn Huntington Beach Vietnam and we are just wasting money closest to the beach. and American lives there," Newton ad4 With • . parking lot, tbe UL! com· ded. rnlttee'1 p?QjecUons ahow greater com· The group of protesters said they were merci.i} 4fO:wth downtown and mare condemning the war ln Vietnam in the (SO. PLANNING, P1ge ZI (See QUAKEllS, Page I) ' ·DeAnn Denoy Marylou Meisch, Lianne Botts and Rene ,Miller. <ltrls practice twice a week on• loolball 1feld. ' 1 ' 1 I ' ----- H Huntington Park Work Moving Right Along FLIGHTS OF FANCY ON MURDY PARK'S PUMPKIN Perks Are for Children, Tffn1, Old Folks, Too Coast Residents. Watch Rms Missile Light Show Thau&ands of Or1nge Coast residents TUeeday night saw a double-header light show in the sky and the second feature - a dylq RuMl.an mbslle sect.ioa -wu by far the most spectaculalr. Poll~ switchboards in all coast com· mtllliUes began li&hling up 1t 11:50 p.m. when &be huge, streaking fireball and tpa'b whiued over the area.. St.me thought the d I s p I a y Wll I (!~atlng Jet. others thoi'.Jght it WU mNoil's burnlog ln the atmosphere, or a Oytn& .. ucer. ~ aftl'l\"f, ho'wtver, nnal\y came tr... North Amerlcln Air DefenK Com- mand at Colorado Sprlnp, Colo. Spokmnen there said the display was clllll!d by the blri-nlng in the atmosphere of a aecUon of a Russian Cosmos rockd launched AUJ. 19. • ' PerlOlioe:I' In Colorado ' tracked the Beach Youth, 18 Dies of Injuries A HunUngton Beach youth, Steven Lee Coeiptr, 11. dJtd Tuuday of Mad injurlu suff't:rtd while playing "kick the Cl.I)" nine days ago with friend.I\. Mr. Cooper, of 19S2'1 Ram1gate Lane., died In Huntiniton lntercommunity H"'l)IW without ever re11ining con- ac:lousness. Ii coroner's deputy said Mr. Cooper collided bead.on wjlh another youth in the tlOO block of Voyager Street on Aug. 18, fell backwards and hit his head on the pavement. He leavea his mother. Mrs. Vada Wiles, of the home address: hls falhu, Francis CooJ>1:r cf Anaheim, and brothers, Jeeepb, Of the home, and John, in the Anny. Semca will be Friday noon at lhe QsuTch of Our Fathers, ForeJt Lawn, en-- ' DAILY PILOT OIU.Ht• COUT P\ltlllff1MO C~l"Atf'r 1ttMti N. Weed ,.,.,llttllt Wiiii ""* ....... J1clr It. Cv•ley Y'8IJ f'rllll*nf ,,.. Gmtrll IMNMt llltfllet K1Hn EdlW Tli1"'•• A. Mwr11hi111 Me'lf•l"'t IOlitr "1'"'' w •••••• Allkla!I lfllOr " .............. °"* sot 1111 Sff••' M1rl119 M4r.tt1 P.O. 111 l,O, t2641 .,,..._ ......,. lltetl: ltll _, a.1tJ111 ..,..,.,.. (ltll MIMI »t Wttl tty l!rtJI L...-. ....., m ,.,... ,.,_ streaking, sparkling pltce of space i;arbage down the Pacific Coast until il fell into the &ea of! La Pu. Bolivia. ''It was pbenommal," said a Newport Beach police sergeant "I saw tt from the balcony of my house in Costa Meu for about 30 seconds, ind the nen thir11 I heard was a radio report that It had be<n 1lgbi.d in Arizona." be added. Patrolmen 1n fieveral Orange Coast <IU.., reported by radio lbe alghllh& of tile flrtball. The lint part al th< c.lestlal double header oc:curred an hour before when a zlc·iae· traJI of Ice crysta11 ldt from the ei:hawt of a Minuteman JI missile Caught lhe setting sun's rays over Vandenber& AFB near Lon1Jpoc:. · The missile trail, a common sight in re- cent rr1or.th& caused nary a stir. But at the HOllywoocf Bowl, members of a concert audience oohed and ailed a~ the brief, ~ spect.acular appearance of the Soviet rocket part overhud. Atotorist& !topping lo see the flrebaD caused traffic jams in uveral Soutbefn Callfornia cities. Ment.al Hospiuil Wins Approval A much · debited private mental hospital on the outskirts o£ Westminste r will be built in spite ol cJU.Zen pressure against it. The five-member We!lminste r City Council Tuesday night unanimously refused to reopen a public hearing on the 111-bed unit proposed for a lite at 10S24 Bolsa Ave. Councilmen said that no new evidence had been presented which would warrant a continuation of the hearing, as tt· qut.$ted by the we'slmlnster-Garden Grove Homeowner's AasoclaUon. Angered by the most recent council decision, the homeowners have proml.std lo continue their fl&ht to oust the hospital. Tbty have ICheduled a g en er a 1 memberahlp .... ion for 7:!0 p.ril . S.pt. I In the multipurpose room of Anthony School to see If more funds can be eol· lected to lake th< fight to court. f'ro111 P .. e l PLANNING •.• apartment use •'!'tin& Pacific Coast Hlahw1y. Without It •lower and !en'con. cenlrat~ &rowth II prtdlcttd. Specific factors are not pil1 ol lM ln-- fonnaUon tumtd over to the planntns c:ommlsalt>a. emphasiud NillkOW1kl. Whal WU pretented Wll I blrreJ rull o( lnfonnaUon to be u..ci In d..aloplna a clear policy for mld.IJeach -lopmtiil PIUUlOrl lllated they would Deed to do a lol of bomewwk, and hold ,...,., lllUdy -. and public hearfnp before """""'endinl a muter plan to tile dly COWICiL Empress Expecting ' TllllRAN (UPI) -Empnss Far>h of Iran II UJ><CUOl htr fourth tli!Jd', a toUrt communique 111nounctd today. ft dkl not uy when the cblld ll.'IS expeeted. • • .. n:HP .:.::r.'-1: ~~~-i:· liliY ..., l>u1!4 • lioift -·! k ... develop vartOus nelifibo;hOod par.a. · Since lha1 dale lhi city bu: -A«!uir«I $704,412 from the U.S. Department of Hou:i.ln1 and Urban Developn!ent (HUD) to buy 90 more acres for the ctfltnl park. -tnred Tom St:vems from tbt county to rl~e ahotgun on the cU;y's overall park dtvelcpment -$Chiduled intemtws last wetk and this wUh %2 naUonally known landscape ar<httects, one of whom will dealp the ctntral park. -Acquired 114,141 from HUD. to develop OU VJew Park u one of the neighborhood pro)ecls. --Oo!nbinod Farquhar Piasa and Cil<le Park into one downtown fldllty. -Launched 111 act.Ive prosi'am under Conservative Wins County School Seat Dr. Dora M. Araujo -~-~ day to the Oranae C<>unty BCard of Edu· ·cation giving c0nstrvaUve1 a working 3-2 majority on the counly school board. Dr. Araujo polled IU percent al lbe vote to defeale moderate RJchanl L. Acton. Complete returna from 17 precincU showed Dr. Araujo will> U41 v .... ; Ac- ton with 3,48S, and Phfllp Ramstyer. who withdrew too late for hia: name to be tak<n off lbe ba!lol, with m. The election. !or the F04rth Dlalrict seat was held In· tht Mission Viejo and El Toro areu, tnd ln Or~. VlUa Park and a part of Aplbelm. VOi.er turnout In the special eleeUttn was 9.269, only l .f petcent of the 110,1115 ellifble voters. Dr. Araujo, 45, Is a ... -al Oran&• Park Acna and a ~allst in !ntemal medicine. She todlctted dw1ng her cam- paign she agretS tenerally 'with coMer· vaUve board mtmbtrs Clay Mitcbtll and Dr. Dale Rallison and with COunty School Superintendent Robert Petenoo. She will replact Lyle Guipre, 'Who va. cated the seat and n'lO'\•ed to Ptloenlx. Ariz. He wually had aided wit.b board mod erates, Donald Jordan and A. E. "Pat" Arnold. 81-he left hi May lbe board has 1pUt 2-J on major laaues. Or. Araujo opposes 1tr edueat\on Jn public chools and suppon. Superintend· ent Peteraon's riebt to coaduct Ill opln- ton poll In barber llhopo. She ....,•t be fflled for several -ks. until election resuhl Me catWed 1nd her statement oC campel&n upendlturu la checked. Both maltm .,. f<>Utlna. -.. 111t llale ........... ,.. 111;.rt~""'r ' ~•ppl.o.:hod ah school dlS1rlcts about Jola!-_.,15 tO develop paru llaoWO~-rr-r -Studied the Oranp County fentral planning program. -Moved the portable tolleb In Lake .Puk down wJ.nd from the speaker's plat· fonn. ''We're on the brink or full' develop- ment." •aid Stverna, now the clty 't of· flclaJ coordln1\or of part and ttc:'l'U· tionaJ development, "in two years we ahoukt be weU on our way." Bluest project in the city'.s pocket is the tentra1 park which Ont day may spread 221 acm from north of Talbert Avenue, IOUlh tt'ong Goldenwest Street to the propoeed Paclfic Coast Freeway near the blulf1. The city now owns 57 acres of the prt> posed centr1I park properly. Immediate pllnl call for purchase of aootber. to Seek Beach Ilse 81'1"' and IJio llltrl <!I d•~l aio<inJ lhl bkea. ' Severns and 68Ver•I staff membe:rt have spel)t the Jan two weeks lourlllJ community cen ter faclUties 1n othtr cities for a guideline toward constructlon of· facilities In the central park. Preliminary plans call for a new library, a community or teen center, ptrhaps an art facility, aM one or two other buildin&• for the central park, says Severns. A date for conatruc:Uon of the ptoJ)O!ed golf course and additional acreage down to lhe Pacific Coast lUghway has not been sel Total master plan predicta 62 parb ot varloua mes and JS ipecial factUtlu. The city currenUy Jias lS neighborhood par Qi, two .community plrks and 57 actts of the central park. The muter plan predicts a total of 170.S acre1 in nelgbborhood p<lrkll. 17.3 acrts in com- mwllty parks and 259 acres in the central wt. without U!o pl course. 11We want to flt aU population groul?'-", an segmenta ana aµ area.s of the city,'' explalne<.. Sevenis. One interesting dlsepver)r fOUnd during their e:rploraUoh of other cities was that teen centers are rarely used durlna: the day, especially school hours, and a com- bination facility with older folks .would bring Ole best usage. "We'rf' still evaluating the best method for meeUng the needs or JOUth," said · Severns, "and we are making quite a fe\v discoveries." "Now we're thinking along the lines of multi·purpose facillUes al our lar£er parks." be added. "\Ve also have to consider use of the parks by large groups, not just in- dividuals,'' expl!Uned Severns. Huntington Beach bases ils goal for park development on the state recom- mended average or four acres of park for every 1,000 re&idents. Anti-war Group • Ill Court Anti·war demonstraton aided by the American Civil U~es Union ;Nill be seek.Inc legal aid in federal court in Loe Angeles ThutSday, en the eve of another rally near the Western White "°""' Sun<l<y. Tlle Peace Acllon Cooncll and ACLU attomeyi A. L. Wlrin and Fr>d Okrand are seeklnl an injunction to prevent thelt beblg denied use of San Clemente State Btacb for a staging ground Sunday. Part Supt. James Whitehead is apect. ed to deny the PAC pmni5Sion to use lb• fadllty -1ittady booked up will> Labor Day campers-but the dissidents hopt to thwart this through legal means. From Page I QUAKERS .•. "spirit o( Friends." The groQJ> was made up of QuUer1 from all of Southern c·alifornia and several other groups pro- ttstlng the war. The group gathered at the eastern cor- ner of the San Clemente Beach State Fart anci' fhen held th< protest near tile ctrance to the Cotton Estate. Memben o( the AFSC gathered this momlnc at lit a.m. and will be rudlnc tile Ust of dead until S p .... thta ev"!lnl. ~Vici lifill{O~id-.tbo -~to mtft the'MW itdmtnlsttaUon aWart Of its feellitp by pro(eallftl' today. "We are also holding vigils at lbe White Hou,. In Orange County PAC Tuder Robert O. Bland, of Laguna Beach, Is one of the plalnUHs in the injunction action, chal- Jengtna a secllon of lbe rtate adJnini&. traUve code primarily involved. The precise aecllon glvn part.a super- lntendmta the right to grant or deny pa.ri: use to Jar1e 11oups and requlre $300,000 liability Insurance, damage de- posits and pe:rmit fees. "Authorities 1n San Clemente have at.empted to dtny or inhibit our right to assemble peacably and petiUon the West- ern White House for a redresg of our grievance against continuation of the Vietnam War," Bland said. He added that the ACLU believes de- nial of such rights of assembly and free speech is uncoosUtuUonal. "Our attomeya: are confident of victory In thlJ legal struule. even jf the matter mult be taken at the last hour to a U.S. Supreme c.ourt Jun.ice," he conUnued. The PAC, wfilcb staged a protest demOMtraUon near the Western White House Aug. 17, plans another Sunday at 2 p.m., whether Judge David Williams' three-man federal panel grants the ln- JuncUon 'Ibursday or not "We are determined to establlsb a free speech zone in the shadow « fhe Western White HOUJe ao that our aov· ernment will bear Joud and clear th~ voice of those Americans who dtmanfl the immediate and unilateral wlthdraW7)1 al all U.S. troops from Vietnam," Blo/'1 conllnued. / He said the PAC conUngent plan11 to assemble in the 3000 block of South Via de Frtnte, for a 1peteh by ACLU atlor· ney Wirin on the siinificance of / the struqle for free speech. AnU-war speakers are also schedu1ed. with a march to follow to the Western White House, led by Vietnam war veter- ans demom:traUng against the conflict.. A peUtion carrying more than 5,000 signatures of Vietnam war foes demand· ing an end to the fiahUng, the 10 percent income tax surcharge helping pay for il and withdrawal of all U.S. soldiers. "We invite all peace-minded Southern Californians to jom us in tb!1 activity," Bland continued. Even if the PAC wins ·jtg injuncUon Jn court Thursday, San Clemente State Beach will already be Jammed l\'llh va- cationers Sw>day, Callfornla Parks and Recreation Dittctor William Perm Mott Jr. warned Tuesdar.. He said that facility ls one of many throughoul lbe state already booked solid !or the last-fling summer weekend and urged campers Without ruervaUons 1o bead fw remote areas. , Nixon to Dedicate Dam Sept. 8 on Retum East Washington, D.G." .. B h' M Newton and Munro are both from the e3C 8 ayor AFSC headquarten located ln Pasadena. President Nixon will take his golf clubs Ordaz last spoke to an American Pre&i· They taJd they upect the group of pro-and family back to Washington on Sept. dent last Deeember. just before Lyndon Laslles Citiz• ens testers to enlarge to about 200 by the end 8 di h John:Son fi nished out his tenn. of the afternoon. ' en ng a one·mont working vacation Nixon's schedule between now and Nl::ron ls a member of the First Friends fll the Western White House in San Sept. 8 remains fairly flexible, except for 0 Y th S Church in East Whittier. · Cltmente. a planned appearance al the Governors' n OU upport En route to the nation's capital, he 'A:i\I Conference in Denver, Colo., on Sept. 2, stop over al Del ruo. Tu:., where lte and the day after Labor Day. Mayor Jack a .... hn lubed out at ov School Official. Pre~dent Diu Ordaz of !dOllco will The p,..sident today prepared to play the lack of "community su-" for the jointly dedicate the $78 million Amistad host to Johnson, Mni. Johll50n, thelr Hunlln .. _ e-ach You" .::.::.~ •••• -Named lo Park Board (Spanish for "friendship") Dam. . daughters and son .. 1n.Jaw. ....... U'll:" U1 ....umuuun. • .-The dam is on the .Rio Grande, 11 miles Nixon and Johnson were to confer cent production of "How To Succeed In upstream ol Del Rio. Ila construction, prh·ately earlier in the day while Mrs. Buslnesa Without Really Tryin&." Kent McClish, Ocean View School which began si~ years ago, was financed NLlon enttrtained Lady Bird Johnson •nd I I ' Hia comment& were spawned by tht ap-Dirtrid administrative assistant in by the U.S. and M~xico. her family in the President's summer parent flna.nclal failure of •'How to Sue-penonnel, ha1 been nominated by the White HOUse spokesmen said Tuesday home. . ~ boa.rd of trustees to the Huntington Beach the meeting of the two chle! executives The two pre~idential couples, after an ceed. • ·" whlcb ran Au1. 2G-U. Abou t toO Rttrtalion and Parks Comrnl&slon. will provide Nixon and Ordaz "an op-lnfonnal luncheon, were then to fly to rtsldents viewed the at.ace produc:Uan, Hla official appointment ii expecled at port.unity to renew presldenllal con-California's Redwood country to dt.dlcate which had cost $1,900 to produce. tht Sept. 2 HunUnaton Beach City Council versatlona: on matters of mutual in-the Lady Bird Johnson Redwood drove in 1'The produetlon was mapilietnl," ats1lon. terest." Humboldt County. said Grttn, "if there is a failure here. tt Is l~;::=====================================;­ lhat the adults of the community failed to ktep faith with Ult youth." "With a few notable e1ceptl0M the younasten got pndous little wpport from the bustne:ss community," ht added. The mayor has H<Jllaaled lell<n from thoee who nw the play to lndlcate their feelin&s •bout further sud> productions. "We'd like to know U eventa of Ibis kind '" wbot the """"lllllty tl>lnb b iood for the. yowipten or whether the. coundl should a-it& fllht to kll1' 1ood younpten eoc>d and lielp ollMrs cblllfle," llfd Gnan. Murder for Hire Hearing Slated Sept. 4 hn baan Mt as !ftU!olnary hearlni dale for ~ Dav~ llaocl, a Gardin G...,. halrdr-cNfpd by Hllnllnilon Btach police with trytnr 16 hire an unc1.,...,ar detectlva to klD hla atrl friend . -· 11, .... arraiped ~ hi Well Oranp C«utty Munlclpal Court. Ills ball WU reductd i-f!00,000 to ll0,000, and be .... cbarpd oely wtlll .Ibo - c:oonl of solicllln& ..-to conunlt murder. l\eod Wll amNd by Hl!llllnPn Bead! detocll911 fut Fr1d17, followlnc c1... IOMillanca el 1111 allepd plot to klD J(alhJmi llucktlt for -tr... bar Insurance pollcy. Miss DucktU .... r<por1od Uvtna at lbe ..,.. addr111 at•an by RMd, bot alnce t.i1<1n1 wilh poU<t hu -rnto ""lualon. Reed II curnnUy tn Orona• Coonty Jall and has !IOI yet hlrad an at- lomey to ddend hfmr He facu a pooslblt pen'1ty at I Jo 5 years bnprlsoamen~ li coov1c:i.d. To the .moon and back To ttt to !hi moon'°" WUld hew to vndlqo .... Of .. molt f 1rve1111:1 teats for nilltbllitf. rugec11._ and dtplndablf'1' • •• , accele,.tlon ftom 0 to 2',IOOMl'H,_.._ ..,. ............... In _..,,penti;n and Mocb lo nttle .,., bontl lft JOUI' f -......... -..... mentnMttuMWl~d. And ... a::ltlnl thet .. VtifJ ••m• $peedm11ter " wekh • c»nywa Milded I wltttout aflJ' modlnc.tioM lby NASA for en manntd "PIC9 mltllonL Tift l'ICllll" nltlon, truly • mrMd tor u- an.nc., mekll us ~ tlli M your •Utf'oriled Ome1• Jtweftr, Come In ••• -tNI handM>t'll., z lbDtton. 4 dlat.. Cm•1• Speadmaat•r cf'lron• 1niph. The anlJ' wtb:h worn bJ' the """ Clfl the l'OOOf\. Price $195. CONVINJENT TUM$ IANICAMUJCARD MASTIR CHAR&i J. C. .JJu11Lp~ritJ& 'J.tJwefer& I Ill NEWPORT A VENUE COSTA MESA ' ll YlARS $AMI LOCATION PHONE 10.)401 I ' I I I I I .I ' \ r r I •,I .. L •• t •• DAILY PILOT 17'. LEGAL NOTICI: , YOUR PROBLEM: -Irish Acting Out c•aTI" Tt 0, IU11Nltl ~NW I ·' . TIOUI MA~· ,, You want to ttll some Item . that you no longer nHd but tomeone tlM ctn uM for NOT OVER $50 Centuries of Hate T II t llnCltflllMd eo «rllf¥ I II t y~ ~11"" 1 Mlrit• ti "21 'flltRt ttr.1 i.MllM IM<ll. C111ton1a., ~ ?f ~ firm ,..,,., of I( ... I' P • DILIU!JS•I N It .._, TAU It.lo H IAl(CltY 9l'MI Thlf N ld tlfnl' It Clll'll 7 7 7 ? 7 YOUR ANSWER: 7 O! ..,. fro!lqwllll "!"KN 1'111 C_T ...... wtlHt "'"* 1 .. fllll' "" 'Jeni .. r..1c1.n<a tr• •• .. I'°""! LONDONDERRY, Northern Rlghta Auoclatian w a I .:!~""'•~,l. '~~"1 "c.,;;;...:!~ Ireland (AP) -The Lon-lonned w•--·--··l WIS ~A A\IWlij•· ~Uflll P•rt. Ctlltonllt. uvftl MUr-~"' LIMIT O PAlllTNlll!-. lr.!,,..J l!lc.o donderry rlotett burllnc rockl government's Special 'Power• 'r111e1•1 11-« or v.1"'"' ..., """111 and 1uollne bombs at their N9twlo" SOYll'ltf'lll, N•'*"°'' hl!cll. police enemy were aCUna: oµt Act and Its ban on clubs linked ~L~1,t""' s. 1"'· · 2 You coll THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for Clanlfled Advertl1ing, end place • PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE " " LINES TIMES DOLLARS AND YOUR C~EDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 Cooling Ott a ritual of hit• and· Violence with the Republic Of Irelind to ico P ::~ ~ •• 1," embedded to centuries or Irlllt the south. G!NE11tA l'A1tTN£11t "·t , IM':'!'• Inc~ ""' Of)'· The campaian c h 1 n 1 e d ~~e:r;.~ •. rL.v1" 'Ibe rltual 11 hardened by course and picked up lteam in ITATi."i:iP CAl 1il01tN1.t. I ~-·-· and bit•·r m·-ory of . COUN'IY OP" -ORANG!! ' IS ' W'll ~ "' ...... June 1988 when the as;oclatlon °" ~~at s. .,., litflr• IN. "" the Irbh who will Sf)' olten ori--•--• 1 sit In In r-•-•'n \fftdtnl•""'·, "°''"' P11D llt lit t;l"tot lh I th f el lhJn and ;l.llWllQ • VAM;:\IU Miii Clunl'f tllll Sltlt, H'10llfl .... -a ey org no I aft.er 1 1t-year-<1ld single ,..,.... trY'" •· L.-111 11-.. l'llt " • forgive nothing. ' '"' Prt1lftnt. or~ co,,_.11or1 t11t.t ... Protestant llrl WU all«Wd I tcuttd ll'te wltflfll . '"'~"''' ~~. • Since the 9th century, when hoUJe rather than a Catholic :N:11!: '111t~,,_°" ""':.:r~·:: the Norsemen btgan their family. A n t I • Ca t b o I i c COl'Porfitroh lfltrtlfl 11e_"'"• a_11 • Pl d . Ped 111 on di-~-' ti i · •· ho "*"""'ltdt"' ~"" tllt't we11 °""""" un er1ng e x I • 1'1.:l"UluDa on n JOua, U!e-e11ffVffcl 1t1t1 wtthlfl" ~nt ..,,..,.flt outsiders have always coveted tng and voting -·'atlona to its bv-lewt .,. .• "''°""'°"""' w.r. lhl l I nd • <;&... el dlrec;ttr._ II s a . became the target. l WITNESS my II..,. end oftlel•I ... r. The Normans who took In October, the as~ialion 10''1C~~~>~. · England by storm in 1066 IOOD staged lb: fint mass march ill ~~!:TN~~~~~1' turned their attenUon to Londonderry, which bad · been Or•n•• Ct1111tv Ireland and today names like aeethillg for years because, n~ ':'J'T~ . .,...,,. Fltu:immom· and Fltzlerald unlike other cltiu in Nortber:n '''"' o1 c..itor111,, Or•• ~,.,; !·•• of ( b t Jn 1 Oii A'-'"'t•J, lHP, ~ mt. • NWlf'V are rem uvcrs a • Ireland, C.thollca are a ma· ''*'It rn •Pld' • Mid ''™'· ~11., vaslon: jorlty. 'Catholic demanstz't· ;:-;.~~.,~.;_~ ~J; ': (Taft fNe N .... Cffllty 140-IUOJ What rottld be better than a cold keg of beer on a hot summer day in New York? Charlie, polar bear at the Bronx Zoo, appears to have had one too many as he plays with the keg in his pool. , _ _.:; __ ...:._ _____________ i NEW ELEMENT lions p r o d u c e d Protestant 1t1t1 w1111111 l1t1tf'\llMflf .,.. •ctnow__,, B ~-itlOO i l d Ir II nd ii 'l "' fttttl!td fflt "111.. • • • • y ul'(I s a new e emen emons a oos. a wun IOFFtCIAL s!AL~,. · • was added to the conflict -long before the two factors ~~~-~v111;&11fort11• religion . En1land had re-were battling. 1>t111e1"1 Ot!lc. 111 ~·1 ,\'.\~I.\ NOW· at DAVIS-BROWN 5579'5 ltmote Control Co1or TV model CF506WL H•ndsom• Cont•mpor•ry dasir· of d1luxe Welnut-greined Vinyl 011 maf•f c•binet. Ful MS sq. in. view•ble picture erea. -'Picturemetic" AFC Autometic Fino Tuning tunes tha pic· ture at th• touch of • button. Includes ramoto unit I: 1191. SEE IT TODA y. ONL y s579n CF466P -Spawlsh Provlnclal style. Pec•n ;enearl end select wood solids. Ultra-roli•ble Gilbr•lter@ ch•ssis. "Picturam•tic" AFC Autom•+ic Fina Tunin9 tunas tha si9· nal et th• touch of 1 buton. V•rieble tone control. Full 295 sq. in. color bri9ht 85@ pic tur• tub •. "Ultrematic" full function ramote control-optional, 1xtrt. SINCE 1941 Labor Day Death Toll Predictions Near 700 Or1ntt Covilty nounced the Pope and become TENSION GROWS 1'r ~cwom~lol) boll'flt a Protestant nation. lreland As tension crew in 1969 ,11b1w,'!.,"' A!~;.. co.st c111r .. net, remalned staunchly Roman Prime Mlnl1ttr Te r e n c e Ave~11 •· is. ~ 21. 1Ht 1~ Catholic. O'Nelll lr!ed to build a bridge LEGAL ·NCYrICE 1be kin1s ol England deck!· between his two warring com··i----------- ed that the island presented a munlties, . and put through su,••to• C'OU•T °'" TMa •• threa~ to tbe survival of their reforms satWying ml'Dy of '!=~•c:tMW:O~':::S1t way of lire and bloody battles the Catholic dem&Nb. But , . , · .u~·"'°C._, c-........ °'"'" were fought for control of the Northern Ireland Wday ts no vAL.r1t11! JEAN ,1J01NoUTl!lt. Pr.in- l!:land. In 1190, Wllllam of place for moderates. O'NeµI ~i11111to1E1tt L~E NllNDtxT11t, By MURRAY J. BROWN emergency. If you miss your Orange trounced King James was forced to resign in AprU, PfOl"LE. OF ·,,...., SU.TE .ol" UPI Travel F.clllor turnoff, It 1-aafer to conUnue at the BatUe of tbe Boyne and mistrusted both by his own ~n~:FOlllNIA 1~ "" illiM ;-rne111 ~ NEW YORK -Something lo "e neat elO·l than lo back Protestant suprt1rD1cy Jn UnJonist party and the You '"' Pitt.Dr~""'" t. 111e •writ· WI ltn tltldlfll Ill ,_ .. f1 ... """"" like 700 Americans who read Ulster was assured. Catholics. ton\llJtinr Ill' ..,, •boV9 rWtNill Dlfi!:IH be up or cut acrou: traffic. If you 1 ,_, tm 1 lin ed . b th w1t11 t11t c1tr11 of 111t •bo~·.ntrtllcl cwrt this today won't around r..,., resen en con u . Politicians worried y e 1n 1111 •lllovt e111111ef 1'~ Wwtht reading anything com e must stop, get oft the hlghv.·ay ln the soutb It exploded Jnto 5·1tuatlon know that tt will lake •11r,,.1 Yov •n ""' court. w1111111 ,TIN if Ible Ir Y~· 't ~ hen 1r· h In 0.YI •!'ttr the llftVIC. on Yob llf thlt lllJl'l-Tuesday, they'll be dead. POIS •• "" can , Or-D open warfare w l! • more than a series of ad-mont. " .. rVtd w1111111 me 1\lm """*' This ls the projection of tile lhe hood and trunk and set up surgents fought against mlnlstrative ·a~'of reform to!':'~~~ w1lh111 n+1•TY •an" Mt'VM National Safety Council in flares a safe d Is tan c e BrlLish troops on Easter Mon· clear away a·hatred and fUspi· Y1111 ·•r1 Mmr'M11trld thtit lll'ltt. .W aw. ne"e' fte"er ~--d in d 9 6 llO flit I W•lfttn l'tlHnllvt ,i..11111111, 'tlltl Chicago which notes: 597 men, Y-• · • • " ... ' ay 1 l . clon that 1oe5 ·batk tti tvtntl Pltlnt!tt w111 t•k• 11H11ment for 111y ll"lllLW., womu and chlldren died on the road behind your car and The Hghting led to southern generations ago but whidt to ~ti.'rn?!: .~~I:~ :.,,'::t,":"= the nation's highways during try to wave oU oncom.tna: Ireland's independence but people of Northern Ireland are '"""''-!tie ~ou" ,.,. t.11Y ....,., ~ thls year's Memorial Day drlre;rs. Northern Ireland remained as fresh as if 'they took place ~~~.:'n'!'..~::'1u~1~ Hollday1 and I09 died during NO TAILGATING linked with the Brltllh crown tut week. !i'.i:"" .,."!•:: = ~ ":i.:;; the July 4th weekend. -Don't tallgate, particularly in accordance with the w1ahes ..,_,"' ht c011w1t.c w1t111n ,... 1t1M 1t1t11t ltlANY ro· DIE at high ·ipeed. Leave plenty of of Its Protestant majority. LEGAL NOTICE ~1:~~1; t1s .:m:.:T;,~111111 • ~ For this Labor Day, the space. between you and the car From the outset 50 years p.,.,.. O•ltf JUntJ11.1Nt; · .. council predict.a that as many ahead but without disrupting ago, many of N or th e r n ca•T:r~~fT~:u~' N~UJ~"•ss :r Ii~ fN:~r11 If oot more Americans w 111 the stream of. traffic. 3e Ireland's Catholics oppoaed Tiit u.w.r11,.,.. ~ un11y 11t '' _. o..iuiv Cltt'k. di. In Ir.ff,_ acdden•· as loot 1 d 1 th the partition and claimed 1i..... duet!1111 , bi.ii,.... ,, PO 1011; ..u. c o1t1 PA11C11-. sa•L•Y a w1r.uAMS A;" W doubly · C8Ut 0US ur ng e • .,..,, Mt11, Ctlllornll, u~ 1M fldl\IOu1 firm -Mtrltl Mtl11 .,,_ · their lives during the 1968 early morning and late even· wanted the temlory to fonn n11·111 of HA11to1t YACHT MAIN· sinte A11a, c1111tnlli·ft"t Labor Day weekend. The ing hours when mJ&t or dew part of the liiOUthem republic. ~i;:H;.( ~"" f~~:!./..:10 ~::..1•·.J::: x;~~~ ::=-.. ~ figure then was 818. can make the roads slick. c~ BORDER h ;:.;;:.'.n 11111 eM 11•c. '!' r111c1ff1<1 1e 11 ... i:~~,, ~·;r.-;,:-Ceil'f 1!1!. All told, 25,890 Americam: -Ylel~'t fiaht road Members of the illegal Ir:ls l uC .. cijrrv w111. Jr .. 3200 1. M1tn,1c::=-=.-=.-=..-=...c.---~=i::+ I~ ••-.. · ll•es in road accfl. Th Republican Anny ( l R A ) s.1111 .t.n1, c1111. LEGAL NOTICE ' vr:u •·"'° hogs and W8'Vers. ey are D1tec1 Auo. 12. '™· l"I · , dents In lhe.f1r1t ail months of parUcularly dangerous 0 n crossed the border and Luc11 c. w111, ~. ,.0,1c1 op 111innn u..a thi s year. crowded roads. And be ready Belfast, Londonderry . a n d ·11~ ~u;.•;1~~!:t. 0= c;.:"."~: Not•N °" · Oflohr 1"."'1::.1~, 11:oe t'tlirtt nus frightful toll is not at all t•-es lo m 8 k , other centers were sub1ected '""lie 1n •ncl '°" .. 1c1 '""· ""°"'11Y A.M •• 1t "" seuwt'Mll!t .,,,,,_.,. Wllf "" adl lnati _..., Liie. Curry W1t1, Jr, kllOWn to Ml! 5trnl or 1f1t1 old CoumY Covrt1-, necessary. allowances for _ and an· to spor c ll!SU! ooa, ,,... 1o ii. t11e Hrwi '""'°" n.me 11 111 ''" c11y of 11nt• A111 c11KW11i. • ·1 .. 1 of the accidents a•e at· I ~-u··· """"''•gs arson IUblcrlbld '° 11\t Wllhlfl '"'""""""' •ncl WESTElllN MUTUAL C01tl"0RATION •• " " tlcipate -"honest" driv ng 00""' ·• • v•n.&U<• • ~...,...,Pit ••tC11, .. 1t1e "''"· c111,...,1, ewpor111011. " rru.i.., llfldtr tributed by t h e experts to errors: by other drivers. and riots. tOfJF'1C:1AL se-ALI rM dffd Ill' 1n111 m•• w 1tOl!11tT L. d . ft d --Rom r·-'o!-cJ-1-MAlllY K. N!:NltY GEltMANO • l'T\1rri.d mtn Q lllt r l v e r err or I a h ',.,. an \Allll ..., 1U.Ur Nof•rt P111>11c -c.a11111irnl• -.eHr•lf ..,:~rtv •nllll r-dfd .1111. ,., carelessness. -Allow cars pulling onto t e ed that the Protestant ma-1"r111e11111 oi11e1 In i"'· In look nts. P101 "°' "' .::it' hl.ghway '• front of you ample di · 1m1na·-.1 _1_... or1n1• cou11tv •---, .. 0,,-1 c1111n1Y, C:• ,, No one bas yet come up with u• jorlty scr l.C\i ag&Wwii Mv commtu\orl E••I,,• 11';t';w1o ~urt ~; lndtbl"""'" 1n ,.. In -Ume and space to move into In and w.. and Ho ·u. 1tn ""' a sure-fire way of i1'1prov g them In ho9s g ~-,wnih~· m•* cot1t ·0111v P11,,., :'n11TA~;~.;aE~~i~e1rg;~E::"C!'. • the performance of the "nut 1t the flow of traffic. Don't you genymandered e I e ct or a I A1111u11 u. 20. 21 •nit1 $t~11miw l, cor-•llen doine bll11n111 ,, MESA .,,L. the wheel,'._ even while the yourself try to steamroller districts tO t.-r. the 1ovem· "" . 151)11ff ,,.,.... oeVeLOPMENT co,, i lt111t..,... Way onto the "'•hway "'~". rurt n<Wr owMd incl held ll'f .. m• 1IW safety and performance of the your ...,. · ment of Catholic towns In LEGAL NOTICE · · ,..aWll of m. 11tt•cro f//f «rf•!n o111111': can they drive are bting im· ~y',.·"'!d~ ~e :!fom~yg ~!;fi~~ Protestant handt. •OTICI INVITINO 111:11 ~~ :~;:; ,,:~~ ::.-:.~ ..... proved. Jn November 1966 the Civil Nolle• 1• IMl'Rv ,1vtf\ ""'' "" '°'"' of :llM, of 11111 oi11c1e1 Rt<'Ol'd1. w111 "" '' Bui l.f you 8_ not 8 nul Don'L cut across the whlte Truirtti ,1 !lot 0,11111! co.it Junior 1111b11c 111c111111 to t11t1 h111111t ltldcllr .,. ... " !I ch xii I Cor!Ht Orstrlcf of Ortl>tl Ctwn!Y. (.11h, Pl~1b1f 111 llWfut ~ fll yours.If •nd look out for the nes on approa or e anes C•lttor1111, w111 rtQlvt ... ltd b1111 v' II) vn1'" $'''" •t 111t ''-" ulf, w11t1out --.. unle1s they are free of cars. • 11 :00 1.m .. Thurldir. Seottmblr " lNf, ""rr•11ly •• '° 1111e. -"'•IDll or ...,. nuts who never turn -you'll Pr'lll' ce G1 s .. .,, Purchhlllll Otef, of llld school CUl!'lbrlnc; ... lhl lnltr .. r convtrld "' •l)'f h ood h o! -··· TAKE sv•AK ve dl•trlet IOC.l'ICI 11 2701 FllNltw Rotcl, llDW htlcl by 1eld1:rm1 .. 111'1dtr .. rd C>Md ave a g c ance ""''""'6 n.1:o °"" Meai, Cillt., 11 which tlm• 1111 of Trull, 1n ""'. 11;1""10111W1111 M1ct1M111 home from your weekend alive -U you are driving long 111d1 w111 tie P1Jbllc1Y OHi\ .. •M re11111 '°" ''°"'IY· to-wit. and in one piece. distances, lake a break every 50 50 s lit (11 Ht!•dlnt Corn-llD~ M•chlnt wu~ ,~:~°t11 Te:: r.;; ~'L'f:"."1:. Dur! lh t k nd d 'l two hours. Get -·t of the car p '°"" ll>r Gr1~la Am O•Pt •• 111 llfotooy c1u11~1 ot Mltt1ll•-1 Ml"' ,,__ ng • W.. • on .,,.. • !lWlf. a $Upplltt, !Jl Mlcrost'Cllft tor • llolODY. fl) Swtther. llltr, .. TrKlw fOI' ef °'"'"''County, C1UIOrlll1, let one of the nuts be you . and stretch your arms and Airlculfllr• Dept ~ "" eu..--. of •v11111 ""''~ Take re.-ab!e cart and legs, drink a cup of hot coffee .t.11 bid• 1r1 ht ht 1n 1ceor11..a w111o IM;1JJ'W bY ••kl Dffll 111etl.ld'lnt • -· Of R lllli h1tlnKtlOlll ' C&M!Jttoft1 Incl "'• c1Mir1tt Ind ,...,._ of ""' TMtM tfld precaution and you'll have a or tea jf possible. Avoid evenue 1peclllc1tlon1 wllkll .,. -""file •llCI of,;:::d A"uo~l 11, lHt good chance of comifto home an· ...... lng stronger. ITllY bl ln111tcled Ind Mcu~CI In lh• Of. WESTERN MU TUAL -.., J"'' nc1 of fhf.l"ijf(M!ll'll Aatnl Clf ••Id CORPOllATION alive and ln one piece. -Shift your PoSltion behind LONOON (AP) -Prince ~h d~~~:;· must tllbmlt .,,..;"'hi• 1111 , Tr111i. CAR OKA y the wheel from time to time Char lea h e I r to the British Cl-'tltr'• dlKk. ctr!lfl .. dltd(, or bid· erc:~u~cr'!1Vllk.rtbureh. F'~ of course you w"! a nol lo gel loo com thr 'h d-lded he d-'l .,.,. .• 11c11\d m•d• P•r•bl• 1o tht or0tr °' "''' "'"''"• t ,u !O S • ODe, as ~ ~" !he Or1ntl Co.II Junior C011fft Dlifrlct Putl111Md Ortfllll Co.ti Dlf.... ,llot, have made sure your car ia in fort.able and become droway . really need 111 his future in-ewn1 of Tru11"1 rn •n •")lllln1 "'°' ttu Avev.i 17 ''"' $et>1tll'll>fr i. 10. 1,.. l h bef-etting oul d lo 111.., 11v1 H•t11~' u11.1 et 1t;t 1um Dtllll •• '""" ops ape .... e :S • Move your eyes aroun come. ••u•r1n!fft11111h1b1dclNWlll1'1111r lnto1-----------"'- You'll have checked, or had a avoid the bypnoUc effect of As a 21st birthday gift to ::1,:~rm~c1~1rt~ ,!'tr,:":, 1!j1~~. ~ LEGAL NOTICE mechanic check, your car'1 1taring at th e road ahead . the nation, Charles Is giving .mar 11110 •UCh CG11•r1c1, 1111 Prect>tds ror -----------brake111 and the tires, including Keep a window ·~·.play the ha" h'is yearly revenue from 1111 thtck w111 11t 1om 11N, or 1n ""c••• su,1:11tro1t cou11tT o' TH• ..._.. 11 of 1 bo!ld, !hi! full 1~m lherl'Of •Ill bf STAT• OP CALl"OlllMIA '°" the spare, the windshield radio (no sleepytime music) the Duchy of Cornwall to the 1tr1t1ttc1 ID u 1d 1C11001 1111111r1('1, TMI couNTY 011 01tA11101 h d W I P e r ' · h , U · I I No bkldtr m1r wlltKlrtw 1111 blllll tGr • CASI NUMa•ll OoMCn w a s e r s a n • or talk to t h e others 1n t e government s nanc1a poo • H rlod o1 1or1v.11vc 144) d•~• 111tr 1111 suMMONs headlights, slo!) lights and tall car-without turning to look at At present the Income from d11t "' fllr 111, OPlfll"" 1111r1e11. Lot• A"" L•mbt<'I. 1"111n1m v" ''""' ' • TM . Bo•nl ot Tru11ta rt11rvn lllt lruu Ltmblrt. Otttlld•llt JlghtS, and the battery. them. the duchy goes to the pnnce't ... IYl'-iot Of r1lldl1111 tnY 1nd 111 b~ ff . PEOl"LE 0.. TME STA.Tl! Of' You won't block your vlew -Keep the windshield and mother, Queen Elizabeth n. W11h": 111'~ b\:i:u1'!';::.''b1J1~ •• In· ~n't:FOllNlA to tllt. •boY• "'""' ~ through the rear win.-other windows clean, Lower The prince will be 21 Nov. 14. l"rlct 11!""' '"" ou1•rl't' 11t1111 tc1u1~ Y(H,I 1r1 htt•tw di~ to 11,. , wrt-~-rti I ! Ith " • · I Prtftrt!ltf Will bf 11lnn Yo thl Pf'OclU(ll 1tn 11M11no 111 ""'°"'" 11 llw Yltllltdr UV>Y-pa cu ar Y W &Ou your headlight beams when Charles dec1s on w a !I al). erwwn. m1nvt•ctur .. , or p"°'uCICI In tht can111t•1n1 of 1114r '"°~ 11emM '""'"" clubs, fishing rods, skis or &~roaching oncom••g cars or 'lOUnCed by the Queen's house-"'"'(ft ceu1or"11. AH m11~1111 Pr<iYIOMI with 1111 (i._r; of "'' •l!ov• e"'HIH eowt .,, lllt'IMI" lhJt blCI .,,111 com•lr wllh In Ille 1ba\r1 1nt1tlld 1Cllon ltrolltlif similar objects which can ., n catching up with one in hold at Buckingham Palace. G1 .. 1rnmtnr C:Ode sec11-"30l>-tlOS 1tt-•••lnit vou 111 1111 CO!rft, w1111111 TEN become deadly projectiles If front. The announcement said the (t~!!~·~ ~, •· '"' 11:oe i .rn. =..•~er .. ~":~"1111;:i,:!'~:~ you have to brake suddenly. -Don't ex~• __. limits. government has accepted the NORMAN e. wAT&ON1 ~""'·or w111o1n TMtRTY d•n If.,,..,.. Y 'l Id Ith t t'· •~ ,,.._ ff ''"·• 11o1r11 Cl! T~ 1111Wtotrt. OU won r e W OU I~ 0 er. Publl-'1"' Or1no• Cotit• 1>111¥ l"Ual, YOil tr-t Pltr1tw nollntcl !loll Uf\flQ Wr1.1 seat or chest belts fastened. If on.e income com ea solel;: """''"' 20. 21, 1Nt 1sa..t &0 ni.. • wr1111!11 •r*"'"1"' 111 .. r,., .. 111 #" ' J!l lntlff Wiii 111tt IUdtll'llll'll for lft'I' .,_. you have a blby riding in one BOAT BUFFS from the rents and other rev· LEGAL NOTICE QI' c11 .... 0" delft111C111d h1 "" Yfrtntd Or those d~chable seats, enues of the duchi-a kind 1 --c-=======:=--!'°"''1t1n1 •• •r1111111 u-centr•ct. or wm -I t• 111111¥ to tht t:OU•I tor ,,,., olfltlr ralltf you11 make aure Jt is firmly All'llOll LMlt1b.y It tit• 011 ., of princedom inal the Unit· NOTIC• 0, TttUST•l'J IAL.• llllefTl•l'ldtd In "" Vltlllftl comtttlnl. rlx • I f11ll0tlm• ~ •• tint H it., w•tki119 a.I Kingdo Ne. ., ... ,,,. You mlY ... tllt ldYic. Clf Ill •llorrlW ed and wont tear OOst OD eu m. Oii t11t '"' MY of '--'""btr' lNt, tt 1111 ,,,., m•tt•r eon11te1.c wlm ""' -sudden ~...-. •11 '"" "'Wl'•p•r ht °''"'' 'Ille 5tM(I 1plit with the gov4 l!!tvtn A.M .• '' m. £1111111 '""' ,,.. 111.1111 or "'Is ~ Slldl •~ """Y"' C•1,111ty. Hit •XClittlft l•ffrl,. , tr111« Yo lfltl MW Cou11ty Court HO\IN tllol.lld 1M cot1tlll!tC with!~ llM 11-llm11 Here are some other Wesav. of boitlflf ,11c1 yi1ihtlt1t 11,.,. ernment will leave Charles 1oe11tct ,, 100 w111 ti~ strfft 11tu•t"' 111 1t1ttd ffl "''' '""'-"' r111iw • wrttlefl Ing II-·. lo , '•lly •~, .. ,, •ft'• DAILY wfth about "'' 000 a year 1111 CllY ~ s..1111 An•· Countr Clf Or1111t, 1>te1dl1111 tt "'' com,r.1111. t"" • "' " .,_.., • SllM of C•llloml1, BANIC OF AMERICA C11N ""· U. 1Nt. -Never ~ suddenly on I PILOT. One of the prince's proper-NAT10N~L TfU.ilT ANO SAYINGS w. f. IT JOHN, Cllr11 ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~e~~=~~=~;~==========~~.,~~~l~~~~~~-~~Pr\~~~,~1AISOCIATlON, 11 TmlM ul'ldlf DMd OI By C. W, '""'""• W """' ' Ttvtl lllltted Otctn111tr 11. lffl, U«lllld 0.111V Cllrt bY l'ATltlCIA ANN •o•!lft,. m1rrltllll (l!At.l , Wf!l'ltfl 'Wlll l~lrtO tltlf It ,A.TRICIA ltOIPT A, •ASTMAN ANN llAUIA Incl tt.CDnlld Oii 0tc;,mber 1Jtt M1ttw -.Ullv11'1111, Huntington Beach Office: located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington Beach. Olfltf tHi...t WllltllAI Otrl'tc•1 ilt» Wlt•lll,. lllYO. • *·12M LA. CIVIC CIJfTllh """' ' l 10Hw91 • ut-1102 - IAllTA .OJlllCAI T11 WUNili. 9tN. • Ml.o7'8 IAlf NlMllOi 10111 & Ptolllt • N l.n4l WltT CO\'llfA: l1tUti114 &hoPJllllO Cu,• Uf.ttOI IN YOUR NllGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is IAFI • CONYINllNT • AVAILAllLI Marktt nuctttetlont don't worry Coat •nd Southem uve,. •.. lh1lr capital II •tnrs rlllnt In value. And )!Ml',. sure of the h!gh..t .. m119 conaJatent with aatttt '4mtn you ••ve 1t coat and Southam. Forern0tl aaauranot of tl'I ... bentnll It the outstanding fln1ncl•l 1trangttt mtlnlllned throuoh thl Yt•ra by the mll)o- •01m1nt of Cout and Southtm Fede11I 81-Anoa. INSURANCE TO $15,000/IESOURCIS OVH 110 MILLION 'A"OIWIA CITfa .. ,. v .... llYI llW.. "2·1111 LONG lucttr DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL COAST AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS 3rd 4 l.ocutt • Q 7-74'1 ........ l.OAM ••11tv1c1 •GINCY! 1to11N1. M11n ti.• (7141647 .. 241 17, lt't Ill •OOll Nit,.,,,. 1f2. "' Offlcltl """ ... """Mr Jll 't "toOl'cb 01 CoutltY of Or11111, Ctlllotlllt, Cett. Mflt, Ctlw.rtllt fUU tl~ ~ HC11rt 111 I""~' 111 ltvQI' Tth Int) ,.....,. or HARRY It, HliAllTMAN, 1 ,,_.,,Jed Aftwlwt tw ,lelflliff ITllll, by r .. ..,, ot "" brlldl ef (tfllln Pll»UWitllll Otl/lff c-1 o.u., "'"'· a1t1to1tlcM Mtvrtlt llltrtbY, netlce of AU11J1I t7 •ntl Wltmbtl' &-11, n, Wiiiett Wit ,_,,eel on ...... !I 2J, IN1 Ill INf ~ AIM lt•I, , ... lt.S, of Olf\clll ltKOrd• 1------------- ef 11111 Ol'•hft CMMl'f, wm NII 11 ""'blk LEGAL NOTICE M'IOll " llll lllehtll blllllOtr rot Cll>ll NY·· l---'----------•bl• 111 ltwtlll "'°""' ot ~ Ulllled l llltl ,._ " ,t,merl(f, ., time ot ""· wllfltlll Cl•Tl .. ICATa o .. tut1N• ' COWl\ent or ¥1'1rr1111'Y. ul"ttn or .~lllf, "ICTITtout MAMB •• to llllf, -.t1lon 0t tflCIH'llbt1-. TM \llMflt11tMd ._ CHtlfY 1'lrW "" Ille lr!ltmt tollYIYfllll to entl ,_ f1411d IW COMVC11n1 I ltlllll!IN .t 11'1t ~ TM NlO Ti"llflM UllCltl' ttld OMd ol St,. FOU11lelll V1I~, Cllfflnllet """"" h TM!, 111 Ind to !flt -1~1111 ftKtlbtd lltflllOUJ fl"'I 111rt1W • •L.ielMI IHIU. .,..,.,...,., 1llvtltt lrl ltllt (O\lht'f or SElllYICE •net t!\411 .. Wt fll1fl Ill _,..... Ot'tfltt, a11to -' C.lltotlllt, ,.._Ht of 111e tol!owlnt ..,,.,,.. .... ~ II\ lit 1' In Tttd ''"-" "' m., 11111 1t1e1 •lie• or m ldttln ''• • -. ftcD,..._ lfl &eel!: fl peff 1' ot lowt: M1Kt01MOUe Mtn ·lt_.R ot Or111tt Gtortt W. lll(lflf llnd Dllt W. lllllM. twr.IY, '-"""'"· lttlt S.11 ''It" St. IJ"1f IN "'rt'OM tf N Ylnt tlll1t111-O..!M A11evtt U , lfff. _.,... Irr 111d Dttf Clf Tr11tl, !MlutllM GWM W. l!lll!M , ... ' CfM,....., 11111 ftHtlltl ftl 1111 Ollt W, 1.ii- TM*• MYlfltft, If t11r, wMtt llofl lltto of C•l'""'I" Orllltt COtllll'rl i.tfl'll "' .. kl DIM If Trlftl •!Ill ln1ttttl Oii A\1111!1 IJ. Ifft, .._.,, ,f!ll; • MMary """-tN ,IQ,000.0f, I" _. .. HlflclH I ,lllllk Ill lllf fot .. 10 9111f, ,.,,...l!f "' 111t ilolll llCl/Nd by .. !d Otellll of TM!, _,,.,,.,. 0"',I.! ~'. i:tllil!';I ll'ld Dell W. W1t11 llltwtlt 11 If!'' mffl Dlclmblt It. l!:lkl11• 11~ .. 1M tt 1111 ft'lt ...,.... IHI 19 ..... or •II. ~ n1"'• •rt tuberi'lllld .. "" "'1tlllll ...... A"'"'' t. 1,. • lflflMl'ltflt 1111 ~ """ .. l"NI( °' """l'-ICi\ tcYted 11\t llilM. H°'TIOHAL t UST 'ANO 1011,l(IAI. sULI 1 1 SAVINOI !MIOCIATK>f4; 1toa11tT vi BAl!ilt 11 Tt~IM Noltn' 'llbl t • Cettrtrnll Ir GMr" Nt"M111t ''rnc.11111 Otllce '" i1r1Jll Ollietrl °''"" Ctlll'lt'f •r .s...w11 v101rr111 MY c-ml'lllOll f.at>lm (AU11ltr>I Tri•fl Offlurl '"''· ,,, ltn I ..,,. { 'ubti,lltd °"""' C.lf Dllf'f 1"!1tl't. Pllllllel\ld °'"'" COMf Dlllr ,,..,., ,tr1111wt >7 .,.. "•"''""' JJ 1' 1r. A111ut1 11 to. "'· lfft 1..wt 1"9 1 ...... 1' 11 I • I 2f OAltY l'llOT L&GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE COMPUTER CHIEF Robert T. Adkins CdM Man OVER T1JE COUNTER NASO Ll1tln91 fot' Tu1ad1y, Aut111t 26, 1969 ... -.. ~.-.. .. ' \ . .· ... ~ ::-. _, -... -. . -~----.-----~ .. -~7="'- Complete-New York Stock List • 1 r r I, d r • • • l Wednesday's Closing I 1 I ' Pr.ices-Complete New York Stocks Go Higher . As Volume Drops NEW YORK (UPI) -Stoel<• turned hlaber, Wedneld~y ·in what analysts described 11 "a tech-- nical rea<ljustment after two dismal performances." Shortly before the close, the UPI marketwide indicator was up 0.30 percent on 1,516 issues on the Uipe. There were 704 advances and 551 declines. 'Ibe Dow Jones indUJtria'.1 averaae showed • gabi of 1.65 at 825.17 near the cloae. Volume of .more than 8,0001000 was slighUy 1* · low Tuesday's at a comparable period. In the news }>udget was a predicUon•from a top government, economist that tnfiaUon will 'plague the nalion for the balance of the year despite Washinl· Jon's efforts lo put a clamp on the price spiral. W)lliam H. Chartener. assl1tant secretary of· commerce for economic affaJrs , said "I do not see any sign of abating of inflation to any significant degree over the remainder of 1969. "We will continue to see price increases at an annual rate ot 5 percent for the rest of the year," he told a news conference in Washington. Active issues included •Jim Walter, Cities Serv· ice, Benguet, City Investing, Natomas a~ Litton. Oils and electronics \Vtre among the widest moving issues. Oils iTIOved in both dirtct.lons, '\vhife electronics generally trended higher. AJrlines &bowed scattered strength after drilt-· ing easier 1n recent sessions. Aircrafts and rails traded on both sides of previous closings. Motors, steels and chemicals traded in frac- tions, as did most gold m.i.Jllna: shares, all of which lacl<ed a deOnlte pattern . Prices were firm in light tradlni on· lll• Ameri· can Stock Exchange. DAllY "l~OT II Stock Exchange .. Lis~ . . In All Home Editions .• .. - ... . ,, ' r , .. .. • ~IUJT .AJIVEJtTISEJt WtdntsdlJ, A119ust 27, 1969 1]0 DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor · Chief ·-Finds Use 'for Love of ·,sea 'By JORN VALTERZA Jlarbor. We have to start It Moss ls ttjll growln& in tome reeling a crisis before U even achedule, And ~ws o( a aet this project tbrolJah, .. be ling are for larger docU to acme cOoperation from the 'ff ... """ ,0.1 Si.tf now, or elM It will be 'jU.!Jl too areaa ol the harbbr, and there begins. ni14Uon-dollar clft ol free sand aald. bold bigger boa.ti," be ex· yacht clube, we can control Georae Dawes ended his late," he aatd. still are dying llsh. S:.omelhln.( ·the h~¥hJ that ~art~ tor NewpOrt's beaches made Another pre5$1ng problem, plained. Ule traffic a llWe ilsier." ·1 c.:areer u 1 t.tarine offk:er las t To do it, he SB id, will lake .at Seems aJittle wrong, ahd..if we e:lrly thl1 year with a sewage-Dllwes-and many otherr Dawes says, ls crowding of To add to the barbor's coo-Dawes i.s a chainpion for yt&r, but '' • mar iner, he'll least four or five years oI can eet started on plllJ\lt and filled Santa Ana River, follow-happy. Newport Bav'a waterways. gestion, sailboat racio& events youth sailing activiU~ vlew- ntver reti~. work with half 3 dozen-it stu!lies right 1way, it will be ed by more tr06ion of tht Howt!ver a slrike of ··tnl! naroor is sarurated, are attracting more claau ot Ing~ pastJme for chi~n as Dawes, who began 8 s least-govunmtnt agenciu. easier." city'• ~chei still ren1ain tor bulldolet operators 11.u vut both with pier& and boat.l, but bolls and more aiippers. the best 1pOrt pos!ible. Newport Beacb'• first.ever ··we are seeing some in· Dawes sald he stresses the Dawes tOday. the entire P"JJect in1ilnbo: the trend seems to bl toward '"Jbat problem, l think can "l ~gly believe that 'lt'• harbor and tidelands ad· dicationa for the need right importance of water quaUty At the beginning of summer, "It looks like a month or bigger, wkter boats. ln fact, it be stabilized and stllJ make the ~t way to riiae a klcl-I mlnlsl.rator last sun1iner, may now, even though it's im-studies ·~a~ it is easier to groin construction in west more ol . mos;e hurried calla seems all the pier permit ap-the yachtsmen happy. I Utink at the \Ul1er ot • 1ailboat," tit ' have served in a land«ientcd possible to peg anything down. tiave the methods fDr • cor· Newport wai.> well ahead pf . and meetings to see H we can pUeations we ha\'e been get· by tighter schedulin1 and said. branch ol the service, but lbel-'---'--'--'--..:....---------"''---...:....-------'--'----=------'-'------...;:_-....::.._:;_ ___ _.: __________ _ sta and sailing have been is love sinoe childhood. Finally. he has had a chMCt to put that Jove \0 ust as an administrator. Dawes, 47, approaches his new, yet significant job with confidence. He 's building his post as he goes along. blending mountains cl paperwork and file building with scores of field checks of projects on Newport Bay. "A lot of the work that Is piling up during these first few months isn't rtally glamorous.'' he said. "But it's reall y In- dispensable. We have lo com· p1I' all the old files, permit applications and ci l her document3 sine' the harbor started and match each docu· ment with a pier in Newport Bay. We havt to know ~hat we have in reality, not just cin paper ... Once that job is finished, the department will sail oo a 1:11.raightcr course, he said. Since he started lbe busy post last lllmmer Dawes already hu added a new seg· ment to his long title. The word "tidelands'' became part of the title after . Dawes, wrestled with Newpor\""rs \'ex..ing problem s of beach erosion and pollution from sewage for the first half ClC the year. The probleim, for the most part, were finally cleared up (the erosloo work will really near completion as 5000 as a heavy equipment operator's strike Is settled). "I found myself working ~ and more in the ocean tidelands area than in the harbor last spring. I couldn't even oount the phone calls and meetings Jt took lo finally see that quarantine t n d ' d , ' ' Dawes said. Since he was a C'hild at- tending schools in Singapore , the sea, and especially com- petition sailing. has been lm· porta.nl lo George Dawes. l:le was born in Newport, Rhode ls.land. in 1921, lo a family that has had sailing in Ha blood for generatiow. "My dad was a Navy Cl(ficer and lhe family lived in the Orient for several years. We went on two tours lo the old ·cruna Station' and I attended schools in Singapore and the Philippines." His grandfather and great· ,,-and.father bClth sailed the cild China tea trade out or Boston. 1-lis older brother i Dawes is tht. youngest of three children) currently is a rear admiral. Dawes started competition sailing at age 10 at the Ts· Jngt.ao Yacht Club in Singapore. After lhe family moved back to Rhode Island Dawes, sailed in S\ar com· petitions. When he attended t h e Southern California f\.iilitary Academy in the late 1930s. Dawes sailed a lake SCClW. ll was then that he first saw Newport Beach. Yachting gav~ \\'ay tci military service for Dawes in 1942. He started with the Marine Reserves, q u i c \ I y went into active duty , and 8tayed with t~ corps unLil he reLired Jan. I, 1968, as a col- ooel. Dawes didn't do much com· petitive sailing during the War, bUt during later service he organized sailing e\'ents and racing activities at almost all his assignments--Quan· ttco, Va .. and e~n lake sailing competitions in Kansss City, A-10. Befor,hls re Ii r e 1n en t . J)awes organized and helped charter the San Diego Na \'al and Sailing Club at Coronado. •re served as vice commodore for two years and then as commodore. HARIOR HIS JOB Newport'• D•W'•1 Coffee- Mate N••·•airy ctlltt c'11m1r 11 tt. JAi ------------------~-~ ... ·\~iC~fJIKf (·'~ TM! FAMllY UVOlllE ARDEN or >'i I CARNATION j .. " co Ma~e yem ow11 i.t1!1dacs aiid 69 gi1l~W~e~ at home. C , Yi CAUON llllllll CllTON c:~~M CONES lamo11s s~v.011 Quality in )'Diii' lavirite tJ&wir. Slq:lt l ip P1Rl1 Di' 10C 15c Nylon Panty Hose 11GH-lllvt ••• Fits! 11uatity s~ top stretdl IJloll p111tJ ho>e ii cboiLe ~I tt11or::. ••i.1.1188c .. ____ :;::::::.-=:-: -. . •::6::::::·-=:-::·:·=·:-::----····· ~-. ~----·•=41 ·--·-----Hi-Intensity Desk Lamps : PEltEJIAY ••• "S111dy Buddy"-:lir-Oded SWlrel sh*, Sli!llie '.11eel bast, JO~ ile'l:it;le I 211!1, ott.-switth. C!lotct ct 4 88 • UliOJS. 'U.llllNIEEI ONl-Tnl • I lit tltrl·Slrtq'ti ,111 rtUewer IDOlE Of J" .ftt •J',dst1u,1 · 111LIOffiE Reynolds Wrap ALUMlllUM FOIL ln•.,Sirt It" 115' Ladies' r Auto Clean-Up S~t Fancy Blouses 5 PllCI sn ... •oc-...... . polish1111 ,rntt. brae CM m ggc 1 Per~t A'esa and WriMle spon~e. new po!is~ing cloth and :;.~ ~sfalt KodeJ Polyester-Cot· spetial whlte •all scrubber. V. "' "" ~"" boo1; ~ .mms and pastel cokn. A-;,. sorted sty~ "' ~ and :i'biirt ""'"' All SAY-ON Storoswm a. OPEN LABOR DAY Sl!IS 3!·31 2 98 !~~!~.~~ .~~~nger Kit. •• , 1'U gloss l:ill' wn wit!! Free 1 39 g 01. tloltle 11 taf intttior lOA.M.tolP.M. SIZES 1 t• 4 ••• VJl.,i!t. ~ ~ 8llf liig\ ""'h 'N:.1-'""""""""'""'"'· gee YfUI CltOICl Boys' Polo Shirts SIZES: l h I ... 100~ t!iltnfl. M:'# Nd, sliort ~·::eYC~ a . ..ert?d pallei'1$ ard 1»lo1:.1.19 Permanent Press Pants OINTMENT 1.49 tlf .. ;_i;J i' 3/o" TAPE .I~· lll'led Wars ,) 8" x !'.".' 50 Star -Outdoor U.S. FLAG KIT AND ll-44 • I Permanent Press Pants SClES3UU: ••• Stmcbcottoat.illill 1 98 t!11e style paat. Cbtuce tt ~ knJ ' Gold. • Girls' Basic Pants SUD l IJ U .•• fo•d KM Sfim.Jmo. - Piess cotton r.orlkltay ~ Pi~ Wide· 1 98 ..,·ale Colduloy Flare JWV[S. k.sorted CDJ. or~ -YOUR CHO ICE 1 Permanent Press Shirts SllES 3 t1 IX ••• lon1~l1"JevesinruttoR 2 89 t o11n collill', 1.ilcrite o/ Sf)'les ill! colors. Neve< llte<k i!Dllifig. • Girls' Bulky Swea.ters 1.98 FLUID FORMULA • fl, Oz . •••. 1.51 1.75 t.lea11er. • ~n°!~~.~~a~~r~et 11· :U!:~~~l 19 easystans. • Liquid Turtle Wax 11 DL SlZE ••• ens arid 1 29 slrilltS " "Ha'd S11e1r FiRia Wortd's llrgest selli111 •ax. • -----! AM Radio & Cassette Player i I "Hot Char" Charcoal Briquets Choi<e Northein Hardwoods tor cleaner, ~nger bornmi. 59c I I .. " •' •' 3 X 5 tt. heavy colloo !tag, 6 tt. jaioted 2 pc. po!e, rope halyard, and melll bracket for lllOIJllliig. Filler Paper Steno Book ,,_ ;J; Dll·POIMT , •. l·ho!e ptMZ~. 200 ,.,... Dll.nlMT ••• Cr~ii Riiiie. daice of . • """' ,.;..ieo. ~. " 2!77c whtte Gr CJU!I p.r. 23c Picnic Plates EYCIYDIY ••• 9~~ d ru:er ~·.,_ .. ,,,m 66c Picnic Plates DIXIC ••• tle:be 1ilite. 6·111tk "l:eJtl• n:.1111 29c ELECTRIC Charcoal Lighter MCTEOI ••• S~l.t>. ll;rr, "1' ·I 1 l.ll at~ b Ii tt1d. 1.49 I 10 lb. Bag Cold Cups DIXIE ••. LOlon~l "fN .• f' dr.:·,;;~, •. 1 l~. ~ ie . 11r111~1 Rt&. llt Hot Cups llXIE ... Coio>rluJ "l.t.:st" C~11 ••. 1111. Slro. 79c PLASTIC Forks & Spoons DIXI( . , . r..,. • nt :'~ f~r' f' , . ~~'J06i "IS..l'!Cd lll 2iJJt '\ ' \ \\ • • . \ COMPLETE !IT 3 49 BOXED • 11111M11n•11111!11M1111tllllllll!IM•11111•11111111111amu1 •111••1•• 1 JO PllCES PR£YA1l: fk~rs••r. A11. Ziik tin SM••IJ,AI&. list. BANKAMERICAJID DRUG STORES HUNTINIHOll KACH ... , ... "' ...... ...,.. HllNTINIHON NA..:H ................. _ NEWPORT BEACH T 020 1,..i,.., ht W"ttllff ,, .. , Bongo Lunch Bags THElfllOS ••• Loo~ liU ot ~1'fldbal- CIOfl!Plete will! 8 oz. Thermos klttte. 2.79 Canvas Binder WITI tllP ••• 3 Ri1~ ?;~ .. ta- ,, p;K;1tr.Oolblt &octer. 99c Sheet Protectors · nw ... ~loll lll'dl, 8ll"rtr '; I tlolr-1fl,o!t<. I ~J-• 2!15C 24 Senator Pencils mtlS ... fliJll'be' Z sett Mock lead. l!d erners. yal• wood. ii 3-Ring Binder PltsS IOlll-Assorted atr.. 1 R•ts. 112 io:l caodl. 5gc Vinyl Binder MOI l '4NT!MP11111T , , • l Rmg. 1 Inell C¥ac11,, OMle =ksol!d 1~29 12 Colored Pencils nm ... 1-. CllQy"""" aHor teal •1ls. 59c Pencil Sharpener tllo;ct of c:o!tJ&. D-MIK!l ... ~•tr.I """"'"' 59c l. .......................... _. ..... -~~~~~--,_.;:--~~~~~~..:.;.:.i • _ .. , • t I j ' ' - I I· I I I -. 11 • ' ' ·Fountain Valley voi:. 62, NO. 205, 5 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES . Beach Di·strict By RUDI' NIEDZIEtAKI Of .. Dell»' ........... Administrators o£ the Huntington Beach Union HJ1h School Dlstrlct were placed on the ~ seat Tuesday by a 1 .fil!zen wbo demanded to know what screening procedures are being used to keep "rabble rouser&" from infiltrating it& teaching 6taff. Joseph Ferm. a representative cf the Voict of the Electorate Regarding Schools (VOTERS), told trustees that he had seen a Berkeley graduate with a ma- jor in history and a minor In an- thropology on the list of teachers to be hired. "What kind or screening process do you use so we're not taking a chance on gel· • , '\ li&il. 4 Ptl.O>: 11111,,.,. 'l'M JUST-AIOUT TO I LOW MY MINc' C.t Bl'ffdor'• Wllo Froio In Anaheim Dope for Cats Breeder Geu Desert Cit izens' Help stranded with 50 stricken Jungle catii, an Anaheim wildlife conservationist ~ day hoped to Ump on !rom El Cent:o in his ark-like 1M9 lruct to Yuma, Am., a haven of hope for repairs and relief. CiUzens ol the broiling Califocnla desert community collected watel" cans Tuesday to•beip Todd Leuthold keep the malfunctioning radiator full en route to the Jarger Arizona town. l\fu. •llorothy LeulJlold, of_. mt Red Gum St., Anaheim, said sbe talked to her husband at midnight for a progre~ report In their troubled move to Brook.side, Fla., with the exotic cargo. "The cal! are holding on pretty well," uid Mrs. Leuthold, who learned Monday night that two leopards, eacll carrying three rare cubs by a black sire, had died in the bll.!lerlng heaL Engine trouble caused a halt tn the ~nental <aravan by LeuUtold and 8tmck."4riving companion In El Cen- tro, wllere addltiooal clillkulllea struck Tuesday. .. He thinks Ute block la cracked and then the freezer gave out," said Mn. · Leuthold, uplainlni that a itlne-lool freer.er contahUng 300 poundll of frozen chlclien for the cats is steadily wanning up. ''He can't wet the animals down, because .in that heat the shock would kill them," she conUnued, telling of one well· meant, but futile offer of help which came Tuesday night. "A man called·to ask if~ was any 'way to bring them back.-...· and he offered us a place In Hem.et -but that'& in the desert," 5he said. "They're dying in 'the-desert now." The Leutholds ·operated The House of Martu, a domestic cat breeding 2nd boarding facility unUI earlier this year, when forced to shut down by county authorities. No money 'has come in since June and Mn. Leuthold had to n:main behind because of lack of space on We cat caravan or commercial tramportaUoo funds. Loss of the two pregnant mother leopardJ and aibs was & $1~00> blow. whil11t the surviving animals are valued at several thousand more. The couple hopes llOIIlt day to tipen their own zoo in Florida, but increaAing troubles are dimmln.g that dream today. "1 leel llke just going down to the jall and saying : 'loct me 'up'. I'm Just about to blow my mind," tlie de!Utute woman :said today. "But I told my huSband on the pltooe that at least rm with him ID splrlL ,And God ts wal<ltln& -.i lOO. Somebody musl be •• :• ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 TEN CENTS l . • Ill Hot Se at Over 'Screening' ting a bad one?" Ftnn asked. "What do you consider a bad one?" retorted Trustee Ralph Bauer. "You can't say that all Berkeley .student.a are bad." "A rabble rouser," repUed Fenn. ••well, I'm a rabble rouser," was Bauer's answer. "It an depends on what kind of rabble you rouse with. Dr. Bauer." added Tnlllee ~an Maltltew We)'llktr. "I think"" au agree that Ult coneges·a.re lo a atate Of-turmoil. Bui our oclmlnl8tr1tor. are ·c~QM!e people, who through use of th•= language. can pretty much de 1f a. teacber .is suited ·to our dtstrlct not. .. ~ Jtn to think ,.. do a pretty good job, salt ,Assistant Sllperintend<ht \of &1ucalloliil.Sel'vlw 'Scott Flinag&n. Ha 'Y e-Zlow RQse of· Texas' ' however, that all appllcantl 1 re fingerprinted. "n-political phllooophleg eventually come out In the claasroam'" Ferm l8id about pollUcal acllvlll teocllera. Tnmleeo·tlt"1 tol<IP'enn lhal H be, ct anyone elle had "1fJ compialotl about any. o1 the teaclten to bl ltlred, he could addreM a _,to the board wltlcb.would receive tbelr .. closest attmtkm." I ·~ Nixonsj Greet LBJ Cl~n By JEROME F. COLLIJ\IS Of ... Dlllr "'"' ..... F(lftner president Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnsoo, their daqlttera and sons-in-law were happily ~ at. the Western White Houoe lhll momtna by President Nixon, his family, 150 Dewamm and a mariachi baod. The band played lhe "Yellow Rose of Texas,"· as 1.be Johoaooa:, be•mllJI. ate~ LBJ Greeted At El Toro W ith So rig 111 ARTHUll•R. ~ ...... -...,., ... ....,. A Sll\OU -,~ "HfPP'J Birthday., ll'etted '-er Pftsidelll1LYi!- doo B. Johnlo!t ol-9",ll ,._ Norine Corps Air StaU...todoy u lt('orrtvecf for a Viall with bl1 ....... An Air toi'ce tli!te cmy1J11 Mr. Johnson, his wile. ~ Blril, and their two daughters and IDnl·in4aw, landed at lO:lO a.m. The group was on the ground only two minutes before bopping aboard the presidential he.llcopler for a mffiinl with President and Mrs. Nixon at the West.em White House In San Clemmie. There the group will celebrate LBJ's 6lst birthday. Lady Bird Johnson, beaming in th< sunllg!tl stepped out of the big jet and was followed by her husband. daughters Lynda Bird Robb and Luci Nugent, plus their husband!. Lynda and u.ict wore dazrJing yellow dresses. Commanding olficm greeted the Jobnsons, Robbs and Nu1enta who lllrod< directly from the ·jetlbter .to the waiting helicopter. Major Robb wore a snappy· blue autt but hl! regulation haln:ut made tus branch tif the. aervl~ obvious as ht shoot hands with Marine C.orps brass en route to the helicopter. The crowd o( Ml to 60 Marine CorJ.IS familles stood behind a fence along the apron during the infonnal arrival. One group of chlldren chanted "Happy Birthday" and held a banner of welcome. Tlte former chl<I .....UV. hlmseU looked ill and ~ul ea • roote to a birthday Jur.clieon hosted by the -political foe who uswned the cares of of. flee. NEW YORK (AP) -Ttie lllock m~rk<t closed oo an upbeat today, after wotking~ Jts· way out of an early decline. (See quotau...., Pages 23-19). Trading wu quiet aver much of Ute .... ion. Tito Dow Jones lnduttrial averqe aL 2 p.m. wu up 2J1 at m.oa. ped dO'lll( lrom the Marine o.-p. One beilCX>fllalOI the Loran Coast Guard Sia· Uon In Seij ci......te. . ~ N~n ili<n ttrKed everybody to 'llna, "ital>PY Blrlljdor" to Joltnaon, who ll 4) pray., Evetyboilf did, led by the Pmldenl. Al newamen, Secret Service agentl, Whitt HouR aides and their wives closed in oo the~wo P'int Famlllea, 1t1ra. Nbcou Planners pmaited Mn. JobDIOCI with a bouquet of yellow rooes Ull\ said : "'We're so excited a~t your vtsU.ing us. "And I knew you'd be·wearlng yellow.11 · A noon blltltdly party al the Nbcon famlly borne w11 to follow 1 one-hour private conference between NlxQn and Johnson in the President's admlnistraUve offices. M Secret Service agenls drove goH Given B.e.a~h ... Prop,~sal . . '.. . ' -. . . ,. ' . -~~_.;.-ini_~~m~:~·'": , .... ' ' ~ ~;,. !bioi' ·-lcinted .. _ .... -.. -. " 'lieOCJl' Pi..nt.,~ ~ ell • o.ne. ol '""' a~il!i the "'-'-• "'""'I ... ·~ "~-cll1'J --llltd ..-.; p1-n for ._, . ....., .., ·~ ~-Land the mlcl-boach area, plus proposals '!I ln!Ulllte·CillJeta 6teerlni Com!nltta ~-~""a~ develop with; 111!1 (ULI). . · • w......, a,.......,. poilcla( atltoril)r, • ''Our ~ttmbta/ilwo.t Ith l'!itdted Ute ~,~.,.,....,that .,.a pO[nt wit<h ~ Dtllll k tumed aver to tmit lhe~lllla!iil'loTalberi A..aue you for policy ma,kln1,", planners •ere and . tr.;n Newland Street to the city'• told bY UCI cltalmtan; Monte Nlllowsld, northern bou~ on Ute BoJso. Cltlca ' Janda, ' ' City Councilman Listed Improved Tito' cinndlUon of Hulitlngton Beach City CouncllmaD. George McCracken t 1 reported improved today at Huntington lnter~ty Hospital. He was ruatted to the Ital Swtd13 night during a flareup ol dlabeUc cond1tion. The City Council strength hu betn reduced to fOur men this week wllh M~k<i) In the hospital, CoUndlman Jerry Mainey In ~ let tho funenl.ol his ,sti!pn\ollter o,nd Councllmin Donald Shipley OJ1,Yacatfon In Eufope'. , Only ~r Jack 1GrMl ahd COl.tn- cilmen;AJ croen: Heiuy Kaufthan and Ted Bartlett an cWU:llU,. available. It lnclU\fa tho propooed central park, mOll ot ~· old .U.flelds and the blighted downtown area. What tlte UL! commlllee had done, said N"*""Bld ofter the m .. llng. wu coordlna&e ll&Ud7 efforts on eoonam~ deye19Pmnl In the mJd.beach -of the clly. "We are not presentlng a proposed plan or development," 'he said, "but d1agrams showlni the probable and I o g I c a I econoinlc growth of this area when cer· taln factors art comldered," Thoee factors center •around the pro- pooed development ot 1 parldhg authority which would mike a parking lot on thal part f!I· downtown ~ -d-to th .. beach-. . . ' ' ' With a parldnc lot, tho, UL! com· mltlee'I• projeetions· show greater com· me1'Cial growth downtown and more (lleo PLANNING, P•!!t It wts carrying Mr. Nimn and Jolmsnn'r family to the summer home· on tbe cCber aid• of tho Coast,Guarrl atatioo wall, Nix• on shouted to Luci Nugent: .. We'll be l1tete In about an hour. Yoo can use the pool l! you want, and mY, surfboard. I never use that.,. The President then took the wheel of another golf cart and gave Johnson a lift from the bellcopler pad to bis olflce, about 100 yud.s away. Quaker Peace Pic ket s March A t C~mente ' • ,. I ~ • • lly lWmT'Sl!!LVE . Of ... PlllJ ,.., letfl sevUtY~va ~~ al a · Clllllra;r peace organlzatioa plctceWd -fibcob -blmaU a Qoalmr -todq lo IJ• Claneiolt in a protal ogalllll Ute Vietnam War. , Spoil°"""" Janie Ne"1on of· lhe Qullm' American Friends Servloi·Can- mlttee ezplatned the appamit Irony ID thla way: "We gave the Nixon AdmlnJstrallon\lis months to conclude the war in Vietnam and they haven't done It." 1be Quaker organlzation held a vigil near the Western White Hotl!e in proo teattng Americans Jcllled and wounded In Vlelnam. Members or -the AFSC read a list ol men tilled b1 Vietnam and ·Carried Ill.pl urging Immediate willtdrawal of troop. from South Vietnam. Newton said that although Ni.J:oo la 1 ~er, he has ool shown the AFSC gro.ip lhat he intends: to get the United States out of Vietnam in the near future. "We are deinandlng an immediate withdrawal of all troopo and an end of the war. We hava not made any pl.DI ID Vietnam. and we are Just wuting money and American lives there," Newton ad- ded., 'nte ifOUP. of protesttrs sajd they were condemning the war In Vietnam· in the (See QUAKERS, Po1e II Weather Hazy sii• will prevail over the Orange Coast till 11 a.m., follow· ed by the usual !air weather, with temperatures bouncing from '13 along Ute ocean to 84 In mld- county. Tr icia Feels Much Better , But to Rest Another Day INSmE TOD~Y George Dawes, New po T t Be~·h'& 'un.o Harbor and Tide· lands Coordinator, mow hen.•• hbd a oorl!'er at a Merine, but hi..' fir1t love isn't thr land. ii~• the sea. Page 30. 1 Trldl Nixon WIS oul of bod llltd silting up In Walter Reed Medical Center today as her abdominal polm subsided. She will stay I.here aaotbcr day, preaide.nuat aides 58.id la San Clemente tDday. The. Presidenl'1 1.J.year-old daughter was admitted Tue!di,y to the pruidtnUa.1 tulle of the WB!hlngton, D.C .• medical centu after calllna Lhe Western White HOU!e al 'Sm Clemt.nte and telling the Pmtdent'• physician of ln<ruslngly severe abdominal pain. .. The petite, blonde t.k:lesl daughter of the Nlxons first felt lht pain• Monday. a day ofter arrlvina In the naU00'1 capital !run San Clemente. She &aid nolhlna about them unW Tuesday. PrtsidenUal apokumen in S a n. Clemente said all teN conducted TUes- day yle1ded normal reaulta. There were no official reports on the -c1use of the abdondnal pilnl, b\Jt spoculatlo!t still ran ltlllt that Miu Nh<oo sufl.....i o mlld ~e11e o!·•ppencllctU.. Her friends In San Olemente ,.ported that Trtda bad not been leelinc wiU for the put to d<)'I ano rectntly declined a n lllna dole with Rep. Borq· Goldwiter, Jr. In Newport Beaclt, whe"' the Goldwalon havt a IUlllDIOr bome. ' . ' ' I " Slt11lllfl Edbw• P i'Glie• Edi.On High School ln lliinUnglol\ Beacli tsn•t openr yet, but Its J>r8ise1 .iready &1:9 being sllrtg by lhl1 bevy of 10ni!eeders ltd by Pat Tbom\Oll (fore. ground). Other Charger IOftllleadm are (Imm left) J i~ • DeAM Deney~ Marylou Meisch, Lianne Boll• and lleile Miller. o.;lrts pmctlce twice a week on football field. I DAIL V PILDT K Huntington Park Work Moving Right Alo a1 TPl\Y covnu ................... On JllM' lid ~ -Volln ll'll'l'lel I • .UU. Wlool -· !D buy ond build I llUp ctnlrll Jlll'k 1114 de velop varlbui net~btlrbood parks. Since that date the city bu: -Acquired '70Utl from the U.S. Department of Houaina and Urban Development (HUD) to buy 90 more aerts for tbe central park. -Hired Tom S."""' from !ht COWlty tG r1dt shotgun on the clty'a overaU park development. -SCheduJed lntervlew't Jut Wffk Ind this with 22 nationally koown lond ... pe architects, one of whom wW dtslgn the central park. -AcqultOd $M,M7 from HUD lo 1 ' develop Oak View Pari u one of the 00,hborhood pro~. . --O>mblned F11quhor Pino Ind Ctn:le P.rk lnlo one down"""' flldll1¥. -Launcbed an actJ.ve proaram under DAU.'( Pit.OT lletl' , ... ,_ FLIGHTS OF FANCY ON MURDY PARK'S PUMPKIN P•rka Are for Chlldren, Tffn1, Old ,olks, Too Coast Residents. Watch Russ Missile Light Show Tbouaands of Orange Coast reJidel\lS Tuud1y Dl&ht 11w a ctoublt-held•r U1ht show in the sky and the second feature - a dying Russian missile 5eelion -wu by far the mogt gpectaculalr. Po~ swltchboard!. in all cout com· muniUes began lighting up at 8:MI p.m. when the huge, streaking fireball and sparks whined over the area. some thought the d I s p I a y was a '°1iJinttgr1ting Jtt. other! thought it WU meteors bum.Jn& in the almoaphtre, or a llylng .. ...,. The answer. however, finally came from North Amerlca.n Air Deten&e Com-- mind at Colorado Springs, Colo. Spokesmen Uwe sakl the display wu calued by the burning in the abnosphere of a aecUon of a Ruuian CoaniOll rocket 1aundi<d A111. 11. . Peraonnel in Colorado tracked Ule ·Beach Youth, 18 Dies of Injuries A Huntington Beach youth, Steven Lee Cooper. 11. died Tu~ay ol head injurl'-' aufftred while playing "kick the can•• nlne da11 110 with friends. Mr. Cooper, of 19937 Rlmsaate Lane, died in HunUngton Jntercommunlty Ha1plt.al without ever re11alning con· 1eJousnea:s. A coroner's d1pt.1ly said Mr. Cooper collided held-on with another yoo(n in the 9900 block or Voyager Street on Aug. 111, fell backwards and b1t his head on the pivemenL He leavn hl11 mother. Mra. Vada Wiles. of the home address: his father, Francis Cooper o( Anaheim, and brothers, Joseph. oI the home, and John, in lhe Anny. Services will be Friday nooo at the Church of Our Father1, Forest. Lawn, Cypnoa. DAI LY PILOT OllANtl CQln" f'UILl~lttO COM"AH'f lo\lrf N. W11I Prnlftftl .,.,.. "'*411Mr Jotlr It. Cutlty \'kt rral*nl .... Gc11111el MtN•O Tlioll'•t "'"'" !.dlltr Thol'IOI A. M111,l1lfto Mtnnlnt l(f1lw ,,Albert W. 11!01 AHK'-1• l(dllW "'"''""" ..... Offke lOt Ith Slf••t Mott'1111 Mt11on1 P.O. I•• no, tt6•1 0"11t Offtc-. -....._., ...,., nu "'"' .. .,,. ,..,..,_. C..11 MeM1 J.1111 wnt 11w &treel &....-.. kK!ll Ul Fwul A- streaking. sparkling piece or space garbage down the Pacific Coast until il fell into the sea off La Paz, Bolivia. "It wu phenomenal," said a Newport Beach police seraeanl "I saw it lrom the balcony of my hou!e in Costa f.!esa for about 30 seconds. and the next thing I heard was a radio report that il had been si&hted in Ariiona," he added. Patrolmen tn 5evera! · Orange Coast cities rtported by radio the 11&hUn1 of the flnball. ~ tint part of the cel11Jtial double ~tr occurred an hour before when a zic·r.11 trill of ice crystals ~rt from the elhalJl!!t of a Minuteman JI missile cauaht the &etting &un's rays over Vandenberg AP'lli near Lompoc. The mluile trail. a common sight in r.- cent·mor.lhs caused nary a 1tlr. But at the Hollywood Bowl, mtmbe.rs of a et1ncert audience oohed and ahld 1t the brief, but «Pect•cular appaarance or the Soviet rocket part overhead. 1.1otoriata .topplng to llet the nrebell caused traffic jams in several Southern canromra cll.iis. Mental Hospital Wins Approval A much debated private mental hospital Ol:I lhe outskirts of Westmlruter \\'ill be built Jn spite ol cllllen pressure against lt. The five-mem~r Westmlnater City Council Tuesday night unanlmously refused to re<>ptn a public hearing on the 112-bed unit proposed for a lite at I0Sl4 Bolia Ave. Councilmen Aid thet no new evidence had been prtsented which would warrant a continl.ll.Uon of the h1arina, as no q'uested by the \Ve1tmlnster-Gardtn Grave Homeowner's Association. Angered by the moat rtctnt council dtdsion, the homeownen have prom!Md to conUnue their fight to oust the bospiLll. They have 1ehtduled a 1 e n e r a l mtmberslllp sesaloo for 7:30 p.m. Stpt. 3 in the multip.1rpose room oC Anthony School to see U more funds can be col· locled lo Llkt tht fl&bt to court. Front Pqe 1 PLANNING ••• 1pulm<nt UH • ...., P1clflc Coaot H!1hw1y. Without It alower •nd !w con- centrated crowth is predicted. Specific l1ctori •re not pert of the. Jn. fonnaUon turned .ovl!lr to tM plaMlng COllUlllalloo. emphoslitd Nlluowsld. Wha\ was presented Yi'ls • barrel hill of Jnlonn1Uon lo be uM<I In cleveloplna 1 clear J)Olley for mhl·beach developmtnt. PllllnttJ llaled they would Med lo do • lot of homework. ind bold MVtral study 1HSlons and public ht:artna1 before """"mendlnc 1 muter plu lo the cli, """'°"· Empress Expecting ' TEHRAN tUPI) -!lmpreH Farlh ol Iran I• erpecUna hfr lourth child, a court communique announced today. ll did not say when the child "'IS expected. Conservative Wins County School Seat • Dr. Doria M. Anujo "" •lecled Tu• ~ay lo the Orqt Counl)I ~ of Edu- caUon giving cooservauves a working 3-2 majority on ~ county school board. Dr. Araujo poUed 59.9 percent of the vote to deteat.e moderate Richard L. Acton. Complete retnrns from f7 preclnd.1 l'lh01'ed Pr. Araujo with i .MI votes ; Ac· ton with 3,.i, and Phllip Ramaeyer, who withdrew too late fot l\11 name to be Liken of! the b1llot, with m. The electJon for the Fourth District seat wa1 held in the Mission Viejo and El Toro areu, and in Oran&•, Villa Park Ind a part of Anaheim. Voter turnout in the special elrctJnn \\'IS 9,2&9, on1y 1.4 percent af the 110,195 ellglble voters. Dr. Araujo . 4.S, is a resident of Orange Park Acres and t speeialltt 1n Internal medicine. She indicated durlnc her earn .. p1lgn she agrees 1ener1U1 with ct1nser· \•ative board members Clay MJtchtll and Dr. Dale Rallison and with County School Supf;rlntendent Robert Peterson. She will rep~ Lyle Guipre, whO va· cated the seat and moved to Phoenix-. Arb. He usually had aldtcf with board moderates. Donald Jordan and A. t . ''Pat" Arnold. Since he left in Mlly the boa.rd has split 1·! on major issues. Or. Araujo opposes 1ex education in J>Ublic cllools on4 supports Superiolend- ent Pettraon·a rlahf. to conduct an opi,n .. Ion poll In barber 1hops. She woo't be suted for several weeb. until election rt.SUlts are cert.lfied and her -atatement of CIJl'lpaltn 1xptnd1tur1s la chtcked. Both mattm are roullne. • .Beach's Mayor Lashes Citizens On Youth Support Ml,)·or Jack Green bu lashed out at the lack of "community support" for the HunUnaton Beach Youth ColJIUon's re- cent production of "How To Suecttd In llusin<5' Without Reilly Tryq." His commtnta;: were JPIWMd by the ap- parent fin1ndal faUure of "How to Sue-- cwt .•. " which ran Au1 . 20-U. About too reaidents vltTfed the staae pniduction, which had C011t Sl,900 to product. ''The productlon wu maantflcent,'' said Green, "ll there Ls a failure here It ls tha l th• adul18 ol the communlcy !ailed lo keep faith with the youth." "With a few notable exceptions the youncsters 1ot precious little 1uPPort from the business cornmun!ty,11 be added. The mayor bu nqueated JelterJ from those who a.aw the play to indfcat.e their ffflinp 1bout further web pn>dudlono. "We'd like to know ii evtnts of th.ls kind are what the oommunlty~thlnks Is eood for the younpters or whttht:r the councll lhould 1budon ILi fi1ht lo ke<p good y'""'llan good Ind help othtn change," Mid Green. Murder for Hire Hearing Slated Stpt. I 11>1 -l<I u P"'llrninlllY h•IJ1nrl dote for R!chlfd l>lvla llood, 1 Gu11en Grovo hl!nlr..,er chlfled by HWlllnflon Beach. police with tryJns to hire an undttcOVer det.ecl.lve to lUl his sJrl .Jrlend. Jleed, ll, Wll UTlipld Tu-y In Woat °"'"" Cowity Munlc!JOI Court. His ball WU reduced from fJOO,llOO lo flQ,000,. and he .... ohuged. Clllty with tht, - cowit of aoll<ltinc· -lo commit murder. J!eed WU onOllld "7·,Huntln(llon llt1ch d&dll>U 1111 f'l1dl1 .. folJowlna -"""'1lllllce " bla lllepd plot lo kW Kllhk<n Du<htl far.,..., fJvm her lnaurl!IC< polley. - Ml .. Duckett WUrtpor1od lrinl II the umt address itven by Rellf. but. ti.net taltln& wit!> pollce 1111 aone lnl• 3eelu1don. Rttd II currently: in orana1 Cowlly Jall and h>a .not )'ti~ u 11- lorney to deltlld him. Ht !acts I posalblt penllty ol I lo I yean lmprlaocunen~ U coovlci.d. . ' so"'"" lo ..,k 11111 ""1 prlvalt ilJn4I for l'l'k de'°""""L -~-llod an school d~lrlcll about loin\ ...,..n ...-,.ni. to develop parks llel~eeolloo~ · -Studied the Orange County genernl plannln( program. -Moved t1'le portable toilet• fn Lake Par~ down wlnd from the •peaker'a plat· form. "We're on lhe brlnk of run deve)op- mtt'll." said Severm, now the city's of· rlclal eoordlnator of park and rec:rea- Uona.I ·development, "in two yiars we should be well on OW' way." Blgge1t project In lhe city's pocket is the ctntral park which one day may spread m acres from north ot Talbert Avenue, IOUth 1ioo1 Golcknweat Street to the propoMd Pacllic Cout Freeway near the blufla. The city· now owns 57 acres of the ~ posed central park property, .Im.mediate plans call for purclwe of anothu 90 Seek Beach If se ..,... a(ld tht 11111 gt clcvf)opment ltOUllJ the ltk ... Severns and teveral staff mtmbers have spent the lut two weeks touring community center faCilltl es in other ciUcs for a guideline toward con.nrucUon or facilities In the central park. Preliminary plans call for a new Jlbrary, a community or teen center, perhaps an art facility, and one or two other buildin&s for the central park, says Severns. A date for construcUon of Ute proposed golf courae and addlUon1l acreage down to the Paclf!c Coast Hlahway 'has not bttn 1el. Total master plan pre(jicts 62 parks of various 1izes and 11 special facilities. The city currently hu IS nei&hborhood parka, t•10 community parks arid 57 acres of the central park. The master plan pffiilct& a total of 170.5 acrt.s in M.ighborhood parks, 17.3 acres U:i com· munity parU and W .acres in lhe central • por~. without the (OJI COUTat. "We want to flt ill population fl'OUp.!1, all segments and all areas of the city:" explainec.. Severns. One interesting discovery found during their exploratlon of other cities wes Iha~ tetn cenle.rs are rarely Used durlng the day. especially M:hool hours, and a com· blnation facility with older folks would bring the best usage. "We're still evaluating the belt method for meeUng the need.5 of youth," 1eid Severns. "and we are makJn& quite a fc1v dlsco~rles." '"N°ow we·re thinkin£ along the lines of multi·purpose facilities al our larger parks," he added. "We also have to consider use of the parks by large sroups, not just in· dlviduaJs." explained Se1•ems. Huntington 'Beach hues 1111 i;:oal for park development on the 1tate rtCOm· mended average of four acres o! park for every 1,000 residents. Anti-war Group Ill Court AnU-war demonat:atora: aided by the Amerlctn Clvll Uberties Union will be seeking leaal aid in federal court in Loe: Angeles Thursday. on the eve or another rally near tht W~stern \Vhite House Sunday. The Peactl A~ioo Council and ACLU attorneys A. L Wirin and Fred Okrand are 1ffklna: an injunction to prevent their belng dOJlied uu of San Clemente SLlte lltach fM I ata1lng er<>und Sunday. Part Supt. J011101 Whllell,.d ia upecl- e.d to deny the PAC pmnisalon to Uff: the facility -already booked up with Labor Day campers-but the d.Widentll hope to thwart thls throoah legal mean.s. From Page l QUAKERS ... 4'spirit Of Friends." The group v.·as made up or Quakers from all of Southern California and several other groups pro- tl'sting the war. The group gathered at the eastern cor- ner of the San Clemtnle Beach Slate Park and then held the protest near the entrance ~ I.he Cotton Estate. Members of the AFSC gathered this mornln1 1t 10 a.m. and wl.11 be rta9lni tile llsl of 4i•d Wrttl 1 p.m. this evening . Oranae County PAC leader Robert O. Bland, of Laguna Beach. is one of the pla.lnU!fs In Lhe injunction action, cha!· lmgtni a section of the llate adminis- trative code primarily Involved. The precioe secUon gives parks super· lntendenta th~ right to graol or deny park use to larae JfOOp.s and require $.100,000 liability insurance, damage de- posits and permit fees. "Authorltfea: in ~n Clemente ha ve attmpted to deny or inhibit our right to asaemble pe:acably and peUtlon the West- ern Whlte House for a redrtsa of our grievance a1alna:t continuation of the Vietnam War," Bland sald. He added that the ACLU believes de- nial of such rightJ of assembly and free speech Is unconsUtutlonaJ. "OUr attorneys are confident of victory In tltla. legal 1trugle, even l! the matter must be taken at the last hour to a U.S. Supreme Court justice," he conUnued. The PAC, which staged a protest demonstration near the Westtrn White House Aug. 17, plans another Sunday at 2 p.m., whether Judge David Wllllams' three-man federal panel f?Anls the In- junction Thursday or not. . "We are determined to establish a free speech :r:one In the shadow of the Western White House so that our iov, enunenl will hear loud and clur the voice or those Americans who dernend the immediate and unilateral withdrawal of all U.S. troop.1 from Vietnam," Bland continued. He said the PAC cont.ingmt plans to awmble in the 30JO block ol South Via de Frente, for a apeecb by ACLU aUor· ney Wlrin on the significance of the struggle for free speech. AnU-war speaken are allO scheduled. with a march to follow to the Western White House, led by Vietnam war veter- ans demonstrating a1ainst the connicl. A peUUon carrying more tha n 5,000 signatures of Vietnam war foes demand· ing an end to the fighting, the 10 percent income tax surcharge helping pay for it and withdrawal of all U.S. soldiers. "We invite all peace-minded Southern Callfornians to join us in thi5 activity," Bland continued. Even if the PAC wins its injWlct.ion in court Thursday, San Clemente Slate Beach will already be lammed with va· cat.ionus Sunday, California Parks and Recru.Uon Director William PeM Moll Jr. warned Tuesdar.. He uld that facility is one of many 1 throughout the state already bookM solid for the last.fling summer weekend and urged campers without reservations to bead for remote areu. David Munro said the group hopes to make the new admlnlstratioo aware of it1 fee.111111 by piotestlng today. 1'We are also holdln1 vla1-ls at the White House in Washington, D.C." Sept. 8 011 Return East Newton and Munro are both from the AFSC headquarters located In ·Pasadena. They aaJd they expect tht group of pr~ testers to enlarae to about 200 by the end of the afternoon. Nl1on Is a member of the Flrit Friends CHurch ln Eut WhttUer. OV School Official Nruned to Park Board Kent 1'fcClish, Ocean View School District administraUve assistant 1in pe:rsonnet, has been nominated by the board of trustea to the Huntinaton Beach Recreation and Parka Com.mls.sion. His official appointment is expected at th< Stpl l HWltln(llon Beach Clly Council aeulon. President Nixon will take his goll clubs and famil y back to \Vasbington on Sept. 8. ending a one-month \\'Orking vacation at the Western \\'hite House in San Clemente. En route to the nation's capital, he ""ill stop over at Del Rio, Tex .. where he and President Dlai: Ordaz of P..texico "i.11 jointly dedicate the $78 million Amistad (Spanish for "friendship") Dam. The dam is on the Rio Grande, I I miles upstream ol Del Rio. Jts construellon, \\'hich began six years ago, was finanad by the U.S. and 1.1exl~. White House spokesmen said Tuesday the meeting or the. two chief executives will provide "Nixon and Ordu "an op- portunlly to renew presidential con· versaUons on matters of mulual in· tert!L" Tothemoon and back To att to tf'll moon )'O'I would hl'M ta ""*"° IOnM ot' the mDlt •ruelln1 te1ts for r1li1blllly, rugedn .. •nd dllpendltiSitr ••• 1ecaleratlon from o to · 24,IOO MPH, ..,,..,ru1 pm.o euN $,...., utlwt• r11 .tem""*"9 •f'ld IMcb: to rattle nt'f borM In )'OIX' body ••• )'OU •nd )OUf ~~ mint muat 11\!Mwi tMm lllt. And It'• lldlnl ht .. very ••m• SpHdma1ttr .. watchwca,.,,.wnMtect.d , wlttlout 1ny modlflca.tlons · by NASA lor an m1nn•d tpace millions. TNs ..c:ot- nltlon, tntly • r-...nl tot ex- ctllera, ,_... "' pnQr to be your •uthoriz•d Om•a• jlwel1r. Come In ••• Me Wt handaome. 2 button. 4 dl1J, Omt1a Spt•dma1ttr chrono- lttph. TM onty watdt """' 111 tht men on tM moon. "1ct $115. Ordaz last spo'ke to an American Pres!· dent last December, just before Lyndon Johnson finished ool his tenn. Nixon·s schedule between now and Sept. 8 remains fairly flexible, except for a planned appearance al the Governors' Conference in Oen,·er, Colo., on Sept. 2, the day after Labor Day. The President today prepared to piay host to Johnson, fo.1rs. Johnson, their daughters and soos-in-law. Nixon and Johnson were to confer pri,·ately earlier in the day while Mrs. Nixon entertained Lady Bird Johnson and her family in the Prtsldent's summer home. The two presidential cooples, after an lnfonnal luncheon, were then to fly lG California's Redwood country to dl!'dicate the Lady Bird Johnson Redwood Grove in Humboldt County. CONvtNllNT URMS IANIC;,MUICA~D MASTU CHAR'£ J. C. .JJ.umphriet> 'JaweferJ 21 YEARS SAME LOCATIO~l 1121 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE so.1401 I I 11 I: I I I I I Ii I I I Saddlehaek voi;. 62, NO. 205, 5 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CACIFORNI~ • • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST• 27. '1969 TEN CENTs -• IX ODS .o · nsons I Down the Mission· ·.Trail Trabuco Group Buys Fire Truck CAPISTllANO -The Trabuco and ffi>. ly Jim cabin Owners Jmprovement A!soclailon will buy !or $75 an old 1943 model fin engine replaced by a newer rig al the ~ty fire station in San Juan Capistrano. Counly Fire Warden Elmer Osterman said the volunteerl!i 0£ Trabuco and Holy Jim canyons by protecting th e 1 r own property will help protect the 8UT- roundlng blgb value watershed. e Fiest• PlaKned CAPISTRANO -Members of the San Juan Community Center will 1tage an authentic Mexican Fiesta thili Saturday in San Juan Capistrano. '111e fund railing fiesta 7111 be btld .from 4 p.m. to midnight and .rill !ealur< l!trolilng Mariachis, flower Jlirls, !ood. games and dancing. It win be beld at 26891 Spring StreeL Proceedl from tho Ii-will ·be uoed by Ille SU Juall Qimmunity Center !or -and -prv!edL e Talent fgnup Set LAKE FOBES~ -T11em<d LOe For· est chllm.n ore lnvttad to ,alp ,iq> !or the unditeaYered ta 1 en t corDpetition Friday. Trophles and ribbons will be awarded at the 2:30 p.m. dlow at the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club. Cqntestantl mu~ be at the tlub by J p.m. Everyone 1S invited. e E1>ealng Cluh Dve MISSION VIEJO -Memben of the Rancho Viejo Women's Club are toDSid· ering the fonnatlon of an evening pro- gram for members who work or who n1ust care for children during the day. Interested Mission Viejo area women may caJI Mrs. Suzanne Conroy 1t 837· 5310, or Mrs. Joan Dorman at 830-275$ for infonnation. e Sc11Mlt2' to Speak EL TORO -The Exchonge Club of El Ton>-Laguna Hills will hear State Senator John Schmitz at their luncheon meeting Thursday. . The guest ~ke_r will discuss 1969 legislation enacted 1n Sacr_amento. _The meeting to take place 1n Mannings Restaur~nt, (Laguna Hills) is open to the publir.. County Schools Post Captured By Conser~ative Dr. Doris M. Araujo lflS elected Tues-- day to the Orange Counly Board of ~u.­ cation giving conservatives a working 3-2 majority on the CllUnty xchool bnerd. Dr. Araujo polled 59.1 percent or Ille '1ot.e to defeate moderate Richard I. Act.on. Complete retum11 from 5't preclncb showed Dr. Araujo wtt.h 5,541 votes; Ac- ton with 3,488, and Philip 'Ram!M!)'U, who withdrew too late for his name to be taken off the ballot, with 232. The election for the 'Fourth District 11eat was held In the Mi ssion Viejo and El Toro areas, and In Orange, Villa Park and a part of Anaheim. . Voter turnout In the special elect.ion was 9,8 , only 1.4 peretnt of lhe 110,196 eligible voten. Or. Araujo, 45, b 1 resident of Orange Park Acm and a specialist In tntemal mtdicine. She Indicated during her cam- palgn she agrees gener1U1 "'1th comer· va.Uve board members Clay Mltchet1 and Dr. Dale Rallison aod With COOnty School Superintendent Robert Petenon. She 11101 replace Lyle Gulpre, who VI· cated the seal and moved lo Phoenix. Art1. He u!Ually had skied with board moderates. Donald Jordan end A. E. ''Pat" Arnold. Since he left ln May I.be bo&rd hu f,Ut 2-S on roajor Issues. Or. Arau appose1 aes education In public choo s and supporb superintend· ent Petermm's right to conduct 111 opin· ion poll in barber l!lhopr. She won't be seated for several weeks. unlU election resutll are cetlfled and 11'1' lt>temtnt ol compalgn exponditura ls cl\eCked. Bolb matlm are niullne. I Tax Rates Take Rise In County Orange County supervisors today 5et county tu rates that generally are hlgber than last year. The rate f~ general county govern- ment operaUoM, however, is down a peo- ny at l!.67 per 1100 ol usesse<I volualion, Biggest inaea>e la 10 ce<M in Ille flood control rate, generally a p p I i c a b 11 throughout the county, to repair damage done during winter storms. Other countywide tax Increases are two cents because the coonty's ratio of assessed valuation to market value Is leu than the state average, and a haH<ent for scbooling menlally-relarded children. Nearly aJl county residents also wilt pey haU a cent more to the Harbor District. tn additkln, for resident! o£ unln· corporated areu the fire prot.ectlon rate h'.!s gone up nine cents. The county publlc librarJ rate shows a cent increase, levied on unincorporated areas and those cities that contract with the county library system. All told , the tu rate increue 11 about 12 cents for persons who live Within city limll! and :Z: ceola for lboM who do llol. 'Tas ralos were -ty adopted by"the Board ol su..-1 aim' presen- tatlmo by-O>omty Aodljor Vic Helm. Alll adopted _. lb ralea !or ~( dlstrjcta • ...,ei.i ~ cl!llrli:ta Cbt i<unlY< Qty la ........ 1>1 a. Boan! or·stipem.cn. M Ol!lna tho on< cent redoctlm in the county general land rate, Board Chairman Wllliarh Hlr!Jteln was moved to remark, uwe are tfrateful for small favors." 'Flflb Dlslricl SupmlBor Alton E. ADen ci Laguna Beach said ht llllnu Ille coun- ty auditot'1 staff is entitled to con- gratulatiom for doin& ... very dUficult, complicated job.• Heim said bi1 staff put In 300 hours of overtime to meet the deadline. Figuring the tax rate was complicated, be said, by the state property tu rebate and business inventory exemptions. · The tax rates were pegged lo raise from assessed valuation s u r f I c i e n t revenue to mett budgets. Left out. of assessed valuation totals, Hehn sald. was " million in disputed oil revenues, SIS,312,8110 In Upper Newport Bay 8s.!eSSfllents, and s 1 4 ' 7 1 6 • 1 1 5 in agricultural preserve assessments. Heim said county counsel Adrian Kuyper concurs that the disputed assess.. ed valuation amounts should not be in• elud ed. County Administrative Assistant David Hitchcock pointed out to Supervisors that the county general fund tax rate has re- mained remarkably stable, locreaaln1 on- ly one cent during the last 12 years. He said the tax rate haa fluctuated from $1.59 lo 11.73 during lllet period. Supervisor Hirstein said the county's tax rat.e stability i1 pa.rt l cu I a r l y beneficial to big businessea that have tremendous tai: respoMiblU1y. Stacie ltfarlcets NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market closed on an upbeat today, after worklnl: its way oot of an UJ"1 decllne. (5el quotation!, Poges IWI). Trading was quiet ...,. mocb 11· Ille session. The Dow Jone1 industrial average at 2 p.m. WM up :1.51 at tam. -"''l• .• r ;·. · a.l 1 11.. • 1 DAn.Y Pit.OT ...... ., i.....pay119 THE PRESIDENT ANDl HIS.J'RE~CEtsolt ,..EIT' ON ·A 'Hl!LICDPTER. PAD IN SAN•CLEMENTE 'Happy Blrthdoy kynolon' · "''i'.t'""'.RoM o1 l'm•'·lly tho o •• ~1., ... Muchocho• . t ':. .. Tricia Feels Muell Better, But to 'Rest Aiioth~r Day Tricia Nixon ,.., out of ,bed 1!1<1 alWnC up In Wallcr Reed Medical <:eillet today as her abdominal PaIM Sllbs!ded.Sbt will •lay,ihore -cr.day.presldenilll 11""8 said In San Clemente today,. ... the Pre&ldent's 23-year-old daughter wes admitted Tuesday to the presldenUal suite of the Washington, D.C., medical center after calling . the Western Wh1te House at San Clemente aod telling the Pnosldent'• pllylliclan ol Increasingly severe abdominal pain. " · The petite, blonde eldesl daughter of the Nlxom !intlelt.lhe palna Monday; a day after arriving in th& MLion.'1 capital !rmt San Clemente. Slie llid nolhll1c abotil them until ~. Prestdentfal · spokesm~ tn s 1 n Clemente said all te.ia ~ Tut~ • Burn Victim, 4, Dies SAN DIEGO (AP) -A 4-year.o!d girl died today ol bums 111!1ei<d Sunday - a coff .. can (u(I ci lig!lter fluid ·lgnlted while ber lather tried lo'ligbl a bad<yar.t grill. Katti! -Bank died In Oillclrtn'1 Health Center. clxf·71<Jded -~ ' n-were• 111> '"1llc1al rtpOriB ..,-the ..... of 1he •bdQmlnal' palm, but •peculaUon 111111 ran hlgb lllet.M!" Nixon su!!ered ' mlld cue of append!etlla. Her frJends in San Clemente reporfed ·that Tricia had nol beenleellnl well for the pasL to' day1 ·and recenU1 declined a Bai.j.lng date with Rep. Barry Qo~water, Jr.' In Newport B<ach, w&ere the Gold'fltm 111.ve 1 ....-home. CONSTRUCTION STRIKE ENDS llOS ANGIUS (AP) -Tiie lkfay strike ol neorly 20,000,btavy equipment openlol'i that >erlppled m1jor c:on- MldlOa Jn -. Califonil WU lel- llell lodq., -bert <I Locll u rallfied • - UNilloil lhet ~ wlD il•e then & 1'01-of. -.. hour-· Ove l!!'!· Johnson Greeted With Bir.thday Song at El Toro ' . lltr ,AllTllJJll; R. VINpEL Of .. Dair PM Sr.tr A muill crowd singing " H 1 p p y Birthday" greetec1 .fprmer President Lyn. don ·B. Johnson at 'Ille El Toro Marine eo,po Alt Stailon ti>clay ,88 ~e arrived for a visit with hi!J successor. An Air Force plane carrying Mr. Jobnapn, his 'Wife, Lady Bird, and their two daughten and IOIJl.fn.taw, landed at 10:10 Lin. "!lie group· "" oo Ille ground only two minutes before hopping. abnlrd Ille prealdepUal belloopter for a meeting with Pres1det1t and Mn. Nl:son at tbe: Western White a ..... in ·San Clemente. L!l<Jy Bl(d Johnson, booming in the sunllihl •tepped out or the big jet end wu loUowed J>)r bu husband, daughtut Lynda Bird Bobb end Luet Nugent, pl•• their husbands. Lynda and Luci wore dazzling yellow dr ...... Commending offlcen greeted Ille Jobnaons. Robbi and Nugent! who 1trode d1rodly from the jelllner to the watttnc. hellcopUI!'. 'We Gave Him 6 Montlt•' M~ Bobb ....., 1 amppy blue suit but hll regulaUon llalrcul made his branch of the aervb! obvious p: he shook bando with Marine Carps brm en route to the helicopter. The crowd ol 110 to IO Morine Corps families stood beh!Dd a fence tlong the apron during th• informal arrival. One group of children chanted 'i~Happy Birthday" 111<1 held 1 ..,,_ o1 .... 1come. Quakers · Picket ·President By llANDY SDLYE Of ........ ..., Seventy.five members ol 1 Q<Joker pea"' O<ll•niJallon pid<eled PrWden\ Nixon -himlelf a Quaker -today In San C\emente In 1 pn>Cal 1gainol the Vietnam War. spo«Uman Jemie Newton <I the Quakers' American Friendi Ser.ice eom.. mittee explained the app&nnt lniny in lb11 way: "We gave the Nilon Admlnl5tratlon sia months to coocl'ude the w&r in Vietnam and they haven't done It." The Quaker organlaailon held 1 villi near the \Vesle l"n White House In 'pro- testing Americs.ns killed and wounded In VloinML ~ of the All'8C IUd • 1111 ol Tbe, former chit! uecullve h!mllell loohd Ill end c~ en roule to 1 bltihdlY hlJ?cbeon -by the -time pil!ticol foe who.-lhtcora of or. !1oe. Blaze Battled .In Brea Canyon !'!rt ll1el -out In Bru Cal1)'0ll and _..s Into Lot Angtla COunty terrliq<y cooaumed 4 ,...., o1 ·bnllb Tuead1y n1gbl. Mon tllln llO !lre!lgbtm !tQm Orange and Lot ¥ot counlla blltled the blaza !rom l :lO unUI I p.m. and tho llUV!ly trovtled Bru Canyoo llold\hod lo bt clooed dW'ln& lht evening l1llh hour. ") ) • LBJ Feted In Clemente On Birthday: By JEROME F. COLLIN! Of ... Dlll1 "IM ltlff . 'Former (>ffilklenl Lyndon B. J.,,_, Lady Bird Johnson, lbe!r daugl!ten ..,j' l!OlllHn-law were bapptly greeted 11 Ibo Western While House lbls '!!'l"Jlnl ~ Prealdent Nis:on, his f.amily, 150 otWIJl4. and a mariaclll band. The band played the "Yellow Rose of' Tezas," as the JohnsoM1 beamlnt, Ile~· peel down from tbe Marlhe Cotps Ono helicopter at the Loran Coast Guard Sta.. lion in San Clemente. President Nixon lheo urged everybc:ldy> lo llng, "Hippy Birthdll)'" lo J"'-wbo la SI today. · ' · Everybody did, led.by/Ille Pr-II. _. l ' Aa .......... ·~1lili = Wblte-'olclu """" .• In on ll)e tW<l'F!rsl .Fim)ll.,, Mr& Nbon . P""'nted Mrs. John.on wtlll 1 bouquet of yellow' roaes and said : ···we~re ao excifed' about your vfsttlng us. ' "And I knew you'd ~.wearing ye.llow." A noon bltlbday party at Ille NllOa famil y home was to follow a one-hour private con!ereoce between Nbron ind; Johnoon in Ille Prestdent'1 ad!nlnlatralln -Al Secret -agenla dr<M IOI! carts carryl'!I Mr. Nixl>o lind -·· ~ .. lbt~ lidmt• llli-ild• ol ·llw~ Gll&nf -1'1Jl, N!z.o ... _ .. Lud·ll-: ' ..We'll bt there 1n a\out 111 holat\ YOI.' con u.e !he pool ff you iron~ ona 1111 Rrfboard. 1 never ue tb&l." · The Prealdent then look the whoil of another golr cart and gave John!On a Utt from the helicopter pad to hb: off!ce, about 100 yards away. Johnson, sporting sideburns and nstllly dressed in a gtay, pin·strlped suit. looked more hale and hearty than be hu in Years. veteran White House cor· respondents noted. He and Nixon bantered animatedly and never stopped smiling during the 15 minutes they posed for photographers. It was, to all appearances, a very hap. PY oecasion for the two. Johnson shook hands with several newsmen and key admlnJstraUOfl officla11 who were on baud to greet him. They included llBnlel P. Moynihan, Ille President's advilu on url>a4 affainr Arthur Burns, economtc:a conaultanti and !ff. Henry Kls>inger, foreign policy Id· v1ser. Informal luncheon plans for the two families featured for dessert a white three.layer birthday cake with lemon fill! Ing and decorated with blue bonnets and yellow roses. Iced lettering on the top tier reed, "Happy Blrlhday." The Johnsons flew In from Austin Tex., aboard one of the Presklent1i backup Air Force planes. They landed at El ·Toro Marine Corps Air Station shortly after 11 a.m. and took the presidential helicopter from there te Ille Western White Housa. n.. eight.piece mariachi band that greele:d them their arrival at the Coast Guard staUon was President Nixon'• own choice. He first heard them at El Adobe Restaurant in San Juan Capllltrano. Band members called themselves the !See JOHNSON, Pqe I) Orange Weadler Hazy skies will prevail over the Orange Coast till JI a.m., follow· ed by the usual' ta.It weather, with temperatures bouncing from 73 aJong the oceM to 14 in mid- county. INSIDE TODAY Georoe Dowe1, N t w Po rt BeacA11 ntUI Harbor and Tkff'· land.t Coordinator, mau ha,;, Md a. ocreer 01 a MarlM, bu& hll firit low I••~ the land, It's the lta. Page 30. ~~ j §=,:_ 11:11 Ctnllc• l4 11ta1:tMt -... (l'M...,., -u °'"'" c....., °'flll MtkU i t ltcl•I ..... it• Dl\fllf'C.. ii '""' ::ii afrtwltl ,f'IM ' Qt, tttlflcT'lllll 1 •""'11Mll' " "'°.,...,.,. ::::.. ·= =~ .... , AMI ... .....,. # W9lftllf Mel... ' ...... ,...., .. I • • • 1 J r r _:z DA!lV PILOT l W~,"""'t27, 1'69 Seek Rall1 OK Anti-war Group . Going to Court Anil·Wlf demonstrators aided by the American Clvll Uberttes Union w!U be lttklng legal aid In federal court in Los Angeles Thursday, on the eve of another rally oar the Western White House Suoday. 'Jbe Peace Action Council and ACLU altornel'I A. L. Wlrln and Fred Okrand an aeeklng an injunction to provent Heart Attack Laguna Ai1ist's Cause of Deatl1 A heart attack wu blamed by lhe Orange C.OUnty Coroner's Office today in the death of Festival of Arts exhihltot James Co11etta, 44, pulled from heavy zurf Mondi¥ off Laguna Beach M11n Buch. Collella was swimmitli al the foot of Laguna Avenue when he complained to nearby swimmers that ht was feeling: faint. Four swimmers swam to hls aid, but loot him In the heavy, chllly surf. HiJ body wu retrieved a minute and a hill later by llleguarda. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitaUoo and external c a r d i a c massage on the beach and m route to South C..1t Communlly llo<pltal failed to revive the artist. Flmeral services will be held in Ea.sl Hanover, New Jersey, near the home of hia mother, brother and lister. Laguna Planning Bright Yuletide Lquna Beach will be festooned '"'" more brllllanUy thl1 Clristmu than last when tbe city won many prba Including sweepgtakes for its Ol.ristmas UghUn& ef. fort. . Pl1n1 preoented to the Ownbu of Commerce Board of D!reclors Tuesday •how that another Ughted 1talned 1lua ••wtMow" will be. put up, light strings will be doubled on city Chtlsbnas trees and lbe 1arlands along Forest Avenue will be thickened. ID addition, 2G eight-foot taU Chrhtmu tree decoraUona wt.II be. huna: from elec· tric polu along Coast Hi&bway tn the ci· ty. 'Ille Clwnber plam on spending 14,000 this year -•t,000 moce than lut -on the dec:oraUOns. their belng denied u1e ol San Clemt'nte State Beach for a staging ground Sunday. Part Supt. James Whitehead is expect· ed to deny the PAC permlssion to use the facility -alrta<ty booked up with Labor Day camper1-bul the dissidents hope to thwart this through legal means. Orange County PAC leader Robert 0. Bland, ol Laauna Beach, Is one of the plainUffs in lhe injunction action, chal· lenging a section or the state admini&- trative code primarily involved. The precise section gives parks super- intendent! the righL to grant or den,y part-use to lar~e -groups and require $300,000 liability insurance, damage de- f>Ollls and J>ml!lt fe ... 0 Authorities in San Clemente have a tempted to deny or Inhibit our right tto assemble peaeably and peUtion Ute West· em White House for a redress of our grievance aga1nst continuaUon of tho Vletnam War," Bland said. He added that the ACLU believes de- nial of such ri1hts of auembly and free speech is unconstitutional. "Our attorneys are confident of victory in this IegaI struggle, even if the matter must be takrn af the laat hour to a U.S. Supreme Court justice," he continued. The PAC. which staged a protest demonstraUon near the Western White House Aug. 17, plans another Sunday at 2 p.m., whether Judge David Williams' three-man federaJ panel grants the in- junction Thursday or not. "We are dete:rmined to establish a free spee:cli zone in the shadow of the Weaten Wltite House so that our gov· ernment will hur loud and clear the voice d those Amerlcans who demand tile lmmed.iate aM unilateral withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Vietnam," Bland continued. He said the PAC conUngent plans to assemble in the 3000 block of South Via de Frtnt.e, for a speech by ACLU attor- ney Wirin on the signi!icance of the strugale for free speech. Anil-war speakers are also scheduled. with a march to follow to the Western White House, led by Vietnam war veter- ans demonstraUn1 against the conflict. A peUUon carrying more than 5,000 slgnatiues of Vietnam war foes demand- ini an end to the fighting. the 10 percent income tu surcharge helping pay for it and withdrawal of all U.S. soldiers. "We invite all puce-minded So!Jthern Californians to join us in this activity," Bland continued. Even if the PAC wW !Ls injunction In court Thunday, S.n Clemente Sl.tte Beach will already beJ.•mmed with va· caUonen Sunday,· Cal' ornia Parks •nd Rec:U:Uon Director William Penn MOU Jr. warned TUe.sday. He sa.ld that facUUy 11 one of many t"""'1bout l!le state already booked solid for the last.fling summer weekend .tnd uraed campera without reservaUons to head for remote are&&. From P•fe 1 JOHNSON VISITS NIXON ••• "Guadalajara Boys'' -to the cha,rin of their mana1er. an eldtrly man clearly . mt a Guadalajaran. ; "That's not their name,'' he told newsmen. "It's a be.tter name than thal" Asked what it was, he replied: "I don't know. But it's oot Guadalajara boy1." The language barrier was ~aJiy hurciled to the manager's aat.iafactlon when aome newsmen agreed to eaU the band the "Guadalajara Muchaehos" in their stories. The wife of one While Houae official took a pbotocrapb of the band, after ask· . ""' "Do 1 have to pay you to take yotn' pie· · lure?" The only response she rot waa a bewildered look from a iuJtarist. While the Nixons and John.sons stood at the akle of I.he. helicopter, with the mariachis energeUeally p I a y I n g "Guadalajara,'' Mrs. Nixon asked Linda Robb whether she bad bought her "dad- dy" a present yet. OAANOI! COAlt PUM llHING COt111JrMY a.MrfN.w, .. ---J ... I: t. c.d., ftll...,.,,,.., 0-.. ,...... 1\9Mtl Jt..,-il ·-·-· A. M•• .. l111 ........... 14;(., l td,,_,'· NeU ---Cltr lfllor ---112 hfeat A .... w.rr ... Mt11•1 1.0. 1 .. ..a. tJPl --Qde __ r_,........,.,,.. ..._,'"°'mt,,,.,-.-.. ... ....... ~ ..... ; .... ..... "I'm waitln' to give It to him till we get back home," she dr11wled. ''I gave him a little pre.sent I bought rum on the trip." Later in the day, P.lr. and P.1rs. Johnson and the Nb:ons were lo fly lo the Redwood Country in Humboldt County to dedicate Lady Bird Johnson Grove. The Johnsons v.•ere to fly back to Texas this evening, ending a big day, jusL visiting. .. IL't' PILOT tf9ff .... AMIULANCIPIEADS-l'Olt HOSPITAL WITH -ACCIOINT VICTIM Al'TER LAGUNA PILEUP Ch1ln fltMcllon Colll11on1 Tl1 Up Coos! Hlghw1y Trafflc a..wffn Brooks ind Oak StrHI• Runaway Auto Triggers 7 -car Crash in. Laguna Two persons were injured and teVen \•ehlcles damaged as a car cartlMd north alon& South Co8'l H!Jhway be- tween Brooks and Oak streeta: 1n Laguna Beach Tuesday. Injured were f.trs. Ruth Ludunan, It, of 32712 Mediterranean. Drive, South La· guna and Kenneth Kerr, 70, of New Jer· se.y. Both were released after treatment at South Cout Community Hoopllal. According to a police departmmt dla· gram of the accident tctne. a car driven by Mrs. Leachmlll first collided wU.b a vrhlcle driven by Dorothy b"ens, 11, ol New Jersey as she was stopped at a at-Op sign at the interaecUon of B~ and South Coast Highway. Mrs. Evans' car then was launched for· ward strlkln1 a c11r driven by Jack Lee Smith, 41, ol Anaheim. h1ts. Leacbman's ear swtrved rlaht onto Coast Highway, colUdlna with a vehicle driven by 'Imn· as A. Rhodes, S7, of San Diego, then hlt- 'Un& a parked car which rammed tWG can in front of il Mrs. l:eaclunan's vehicle came to rest 232 feet from the in!Ual point of impact. the report 1aid. Mn:. Leachman told of· rtcen ahe had been unable to stop her cat. Another accident TUesday injured Rob-- ert Wheeler, 53, of 471 Shadow Lane, La· guna Beach. 1. Wheeler was struck by hi.! own parked car aftei a colli1lon between It and a ve- hicle driven by Robert Allen Behrendt. '4, ~ 251 Beach St., Lquna Beach. Leary Granted Another Delay On Drug Charge A further delay of Superior Court action against Or. Timothy Leary and his family was granted Tuesday by Judge Howard Cameron. Leary, 49, his wife Rosemary, 33, and son John Bush Ltary, Ill, must now r@)rt for trial on drug vlolaLion char1e1 Oct. I with a hearing on a motion to suppress evidence set for Sept. 2. The latter date had been held for commence- ment of the trial of the trio. Attorney George Chula successfully argued Tuesday that he v.·01.dd need more time to prel'lre the defense of the LSD cult.Isl and his son. Attorney Robert Law is detendlng Mrs. Leary. The Lear:ys are accused of being in po!&esslon o( marijuana and LSD when they .were arrested ast Dec. 26 In Laguna Beach. Orange County court action agalnst the former Harvard professor is expecttd. to take precedepce over chara· es filed against him In Riverside C<iunty. Saddlebaek Eyes Class . Fo1· Nnrses Jn response to an uratnt plea by.South Coest Community Hospital PresldenL John Weld, Saddleback College trustees have agreed to meet wllh hospital d1rec· tor.; to discuss a nurse training procram. The hospital, which races a" 4:ritical Bhotta&e of nurses, wants to aet the Junior college moving OD earlier-shelved plans to train nurses. In April, Saddleback trustttS decided not to offer a nurse training program this next school year because they dldn't fiiure enrollment w o u 1 d justify the csUmated $5:;,000 cost. But Hospital Administrator Stanley Volga says the hospital is willing to help the college finance the program. College trustees ~1ooday night chose from among themselves Michael Collins and Lou ZJtnlk to mett with South Coast flospital directors. Collins read a letter from Weld signed "sincerely and urgenlly." It spoke of the nurse shortage forcing the hospital to ac· ctp~ only critical 11nd arute patients. By regulation, \\'eld noted in the Jetter, It takes a year to formulat e the course be.fore inst.ruction begins. He said the hospital nffds 100 nurses but only has 82. A recent advertising campaign co~;ting several hundred dollars brought only twa nuses to Ute hospital, causing Volga ta conclude tht South Coast area wiU have to raise its own crop of nurses. The nursing program was turned down by college trustees in April. with only Patrick Backus voting for ii, because on- ly 21 South Coast students were taking .. urs ing in a transfer program al Orange Coast College. En1press Expecting TEHRAN (UPI) -Empress Farah of Iran ts expecting her fourth child, a court communique announced today. It dld not gay when the cblld was eipected. Baker Wonders If President's Mentory Super •Disaster" at Festival By PAMELA HAU.AN ot 1'111: otlb PIMit Sillff Does President Nixon have a iuper memory'? Mr. and Mrs. R.ay Bradley of San Juan Capistrano are beJinnlnC to wonder. Owners of Bradley's QuaUty Food1, it w11 their bakery that received an order for former Preaident Lyndon Johnson'• birthday cake, to be delivered thia morn· ing to the San Clemetrt.e Inn. "The cake was to have yelk>w rOMl and bluebonnets," said Mrs. Bradley, describlna the white cake with lemon fill· Ing. "'.J'hty sold il WH to be ~ed l'lth lemon sherbet." Needless to sa.y. the ~adley:1 were speechless when they rteeived the order. But then they remembered that on President Nixon's 1ut via it to Capistrano -an unannounced dinner stop -they happened to meet him in the El Adobe Restaurant. "He was very friendly an1 we chJlted quite a while," &aid Mrs. Bradley. "We discussed the food business and told him the name of our business and invited him to drop by ." So the Bradleys are wooderlng, was it a coincidence, or did be re.aHy remember! DAIL T PIL-OT ,..,. llf Artfwt Vlllltt Performers Do Their Thing to End Seruo11 By TOM GORMAN Of Hie Dlltr Plllt llltf'I The second annual "Paau.nt of Dill.Ur" was ju.st as prunised -a diusler. And the :speelal audience lovtd it. TUesdaiy nlght'a p-oduct.ion wu a spoor of the world·re.noM\td living pictures, staged and enjoyed by nearly 500 volun- tttrs \n th.e 1969 venlon ol the Pageant of the Masters. It was the highlight of the traditional cast and crew party. All the profe1alonal characteristics of the real Pageant -prrclslon. btauty, timely lighting and music, and the at- mosphere of awe and reverence -v.•ere Jacking in the prOOuction of "Disast~r." The "Disaster" provided lhe f Ir It chance for many of the volunteer• to sit on the aud ience-side of the woodsy Irvine Bowl. But what they ~aw v.•oukl never have put Laguna Beach on the culture map. The internationally famous artists whose v.·orks are reproduced in the Pageant would have cringed if they saw how their works were distortfi! for the fun of the cast and crew. But the volunteers figured they earned a light-bearte<I producUon after strug· gling thn:lu&h six weeks of pure dipity. Six pictures were reproduc:ed for the linal time. "Reynolds Gallery" was portrayed by clowns. "The Wine Harvest was complete with grape 11tompera and men clutching their jugs of wine. "Dance on Deck" was reproduced with 10-go dancers and riverboat gambler11. Festival director Verner Beck at- templed to portray Galatea (the now- famous pigeon-pecked nude). but his clothed body didn't quite do justice. "Venice Bell" wasn't quite the aame, either. The two figures !pent more time knocking each other in.5tead of the be.11. And when they did hit the bell, an that was heard was the thud of hose bitting bron ... "The Boat at Giverny" almost wasn·t, as the crew showed the audience how a living picture is constructed. By the time the crew finally put the boal together, there was a gaping crack down the mld· die . Befort the "Disaster" bq:an,·producer Don Williamscm presented one final award -to the real pifeon-pecked Galatea. "This ptrllOll ul!ied so much poise in the Tothemoon and back To a.t to tl'll moon ,eu would....,. ta UncMllO 90rM of th9 mtlilt 1rutlln1 t••t• for rellablll~. n.iutd" ... •nd •Plndffll~ ••• aecel•rtllo" frem 0 to 24,600 MPH, powoitf\11 pm. Mire c:hl....,. &di••• kl ltmplrwtuN •nd shoeka to rattle .wry boftll In )'OW body ••• you and~•~ nwnt must turvtwil them an. And tt's eadliftl ttwit tM vtry ••m• lpe•4mattar .. wtteh wt cany-. Mllcttd 1 without any modiflc.tlon11 by NASA for an manned •PICI miulonL This i"IOOI" nitlon, truly • ~ flf • c1l1•n<:e. m•ktl ut ,,.,uill to be your •uthorlia41 Cm11• )IW!.ler. Cornl lit ..... tftilil tl•ndsotnt, 2 button, 4 dill. Cmt1• lpt•dm11ttr chreno. araph. 1lle only ~ wom ti)' thti m1n on tnt moon. Prk.e $195. line or pigeon fire, this lJ the least sh• deserves .• , He then 'Presented the mode), who was aUacked by a homelel!i! homing pigeon during the last week of the show, with a model pigeon, C001plete with 1 purple heart. · The aud ience applauded in apprecialion for the brave nude, who remained un· daUTited during the fluttering a[tack. "I'd Uke. to make one more award," Williamson said, "to the pigeon with so n1uch impeccable t1i1te." The audience loved it. There were serious moments, though. Williamson expre5sed. his appreciation to the volunteers for their dedicated performance. "But there is no plateau of success," he said. "There are always mountains lo climb. I hope vie can be even better oe:it year," he said. Besides the "Disaster," entertainment Included the Laguna Beach High School C:Oncert Choir, a roving mariachi band, and a rock band that even dr1w some noise complaints as the night drew on. Now. all's quiet. Al least until the neJ;t party in January when the crew for the 1970 Pageant is selected. CONVINllNT JIRMS IANICAMIRICA~O MASTER CHA.~8£ J. C. fiumphrie6 'J~welr.s 21 YEARS SAMI LOCA TIOll llU NIWPOU AViNU& COSTA M£5.4 PHONE '41.340 I LBJ, BIRTHDAY PARTY·BOUNO, DEBARKS WITH 'AMIL Y A Democrat Celebrates In Rock·RlbbM Orant• County • . I , I • t t I I ' ' f::::::: . Laguna Beaeh • Today't1 Fln•I YOll 62, NO. 205, 5 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, WEDNESDAY, AU&UST 27; '1969' TEN CENTS .. • IXOilS· come 0 nsons Down the Mission Trail Trahuco Group Buys Fire , Truck CAPISTRANO -The: Tnlbuco and Ho- ly Jim Cabin OWnen Improvement AssoclaUoo will bey for flS an old 1943 model nre engine replaced by a newer rtg at the county Ure station in San Juan Caplslrlno. Cotmty Fire Warden Elmer Oslennan aaid the volunteers of Trabuco and Holy Jim canyons by protecting th e i r own property will help protect the SUI'• rounding high value watershed. e Fleatu Planned CAPISTRANO -Members or the San Juan Community Center will stage an authentic Mexican Fiesta this Saturday in San Jua'n capistrano. The fund raising fiesta will lie held from 4 p.m. to midnight and will feature itrolling Mariachis, flower girls, food, games and dancing. Jt will be held at 26891 Spring Street. Proceeds from the fiesta will be used by the San Juan Community Center for aslistance and tutorial •oject.s. e Talent Sl911•p Se t LAKE FOREST ~ Talenttd ~ For· esi children are invited tc 1i1D up f:?l' the undiscovered ta I e n t CMDpetiUon Frld•1· Troi>hies and ribbons will be awarded at lhe Z:30 p.m. show at the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club. Contes\ant.S mutt be at tbe club by 2 p.m. Everyone iS invited. e E1'enln9 Club Due MISSION VIEJO -Members of the Rancho Viejo Women's Club are consi~ ering the formation of an evening pro- gram for members who work or who musL care for children during the day. Interested Mission Viejo area women may call Mrs. SUzanne Conroy at 837· 5310, or Mrs. Joan Dorman aL 830-2755 for information. e Scla.,llz lo Speak EL TORO -The E1change Club of El 'Toro-Laguna Hills will hear State Senator John Schmitz at their lui'lcheon meeting Thursday. The guest speaker will diSCUM 1969 1e11islation enacted In Sacr.amento .. The meeling, to take place 1n Manrungs Restaurant, (Laguna Hills) is open to lhe publi.:. , County Schools Post Captured By Conservative Dr. Doris M. Araujo •as elect,ed Tues. day to the Orange County Board of Edu· cation giving conservatives a working 3-3 majority on Lhe county school board. Dr. Ar aujo polled 59.I percent of the wte to defeate moderate Richard 1... Acton. Complete return!! from fi1 precincts showed nr. Araujo with 5,MJ. votes; Ac- t.on with 3,486, and Philip Ramseyer, who wlthdre\v too late for his name to be taken off the ballot. with m. . The election for the F~ Dlstrlct '-tat w11s held In the Mission Viejo and El•Toro areas, and in Orange, Villi Park and a part. of Anaheim. Valer turnout In the &peela1 elecUon was' 9i2&1, on1y a.4 percent of the 110,195 eligible voters. Or. Araujo, 45, Is a resident of orange Pirk Acres and a 11pecialisl in tn&ernal m<dlclne. She Indicated during her cm- palgn ghe 111ree1 generally with comer· vaUve board members Clay Mitchell and Dr. DaJe Rallison and with County School SUperinlendenl R~ Peterson. She will n:place Lyle Clripre, who va- cated the seat and moved to Phoenix, AriJ. He usually bad sided with board maderale3. Donald Jordan and A. E. "Pat" Arnold. Since he len In May the board has spUt 2·1 on major is.sues. Dr. Araujo opposes 9e.I education In ll'lbiic thools and supportJ Superintend· ent Pet.erson's right to conduct an Opin- ion poll in barber shops. She won't be stiled ror MveraJ wetU, onlll election result.I are certlfled and htr atatement or campaign expenditures Is cht<Ud. Both mattera •re ""1tlnt. -Tax Rates Take Ri,se .. In County Orange County supervisors today se.t coonty ta:r rates that generally are higher than last year. The rate for general county govern- ment operatioos, however, jg down a pen- ny at $1 .67 per '100 of as.sessed valuation. Biggest increase is 10 centa tn the flood control rate, generally a p p 11 c a b I e throughout the county, to repair damage done during winter storms. Other countywlde tax incrtases are. two cents because the county's ratio of assessed valuation to market value is less than the state average, and a half-cent for schooling mentally-retarded children. Nearly all county residents also will pay half a cent more to the Harbor District. In addition, for residents of unJn- torporated areas the fire protection rate h?s gone up nine cents. The county public library rate shows a cent increase, levied on unincorporated areas and those cities that contract with the county library system. All told. the tat rate Increase 111 about 12 cents for persona who live within city limita and 22 centl tor those who do not. Tax rate.s were unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervbor1 after pruen- tat,lon by County Auditor Vic Heim. AI.so •twled were tu rates for school -lllld rpecW -.sment district.I ~the C<Mllty, City ta:i rates an not acf9ptod b7 the Boan! of Supervil<>n. Yenilonlng the one c:enl rodllCllon In the counly general fund rate, Board Chafmwi WIOJam lllrttein waa mom to remark, •4we are grateful for 1111all favors." Fifth District Supervlw Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach said he thinks lbe coun· ty auditor's rt.all Js entitled to con- grat.ulations for doing "a very difficult, complicated job.'' Heim sald his staff pl!! in 300 hoon of overtime to meet the deadline. Figuring the tax rate was complicated, ht sajd, by the state property tax rebate and business inventory e1emptJons. The lax rates were pegged Lo ralse Crom asseMed valL18Uon 1 u r f i c i e n t revenue to meet budgets. Left out of asseued.valuation totals, Heim said, was $9 million in disputed oil revenues, $16.371,860 in Upper Newport Bay assessments, and ' I 4 , 7 1 6 , 1 I 5 in agricultural preserve assessment,,. Heim said c o u n l y counsel Adrian Kuyper concurs that the disputed assess- ed valuation amounts should not be in- cluded. County Administrative Assistant David Hitchcock pointed out to Supervisors that the county general fund tax rate has re- mained remarkably stable, increasing on· Jy one cent during the last 13 yean. He said the tax rate has Ouctuated from $1.59 to $1.73 during that pertod. Supervisor H!rstein said the county's tax rate stability js particularly beneficial lo big businesses that have tmnendous tax responsibility. Stacie Marlceta NEW YORK (AP) -The ajocl:tTiarket closed on an upbeat today,,lft.er workiq: its way out of an earlJ decline; (See quotall<>ns, Pages 1.1-29). Trading was quiet over much or the session. The Dow 1' Jones industrial average al 2 p.m. was up t .61at126.0L I , 1 • , ' • " ' MILT Pn#f ....... .., \..w ,,.,_ THE PRESID.ENT AN.D HIS PREDECl!,SSOR MEIT ·ON A' HILICOPTER PAD IN SAN CLEMENTE 'Happy Blrthdoy Lyndon' •nd 'Y•llow Rou of Tax11' by1he Guodalo)ara Muchachot Tricia Feels Much Better, But to Rest Another Day Tricia Nixon"" out•M>ed Ille! siUin& up in Walter Rt<d Mfldlcal Cenl<r today as her abdominal paW subsided. She will stay there another day, presidentlal aides said in San CJl'!mente today. The President'• 23-year-old .daughter was admitted Tuesday to the presidential suite of the Washington, D.C., medical center after calling the We!ltern Whlte House at San Clemente and· telling the Pre~denl's phl'siclan of in<:r<asingly severe abdodlin'al pain. The petite, blonde eldest daughter or the Nlxons first felt the pains Monday, a day attP arriving in the nation's capital from.,~ Clemente. She said nothing abotlt them unW Tuesday. Presidential spoi:e!IDlen In S an Clemente oaid all tut& cood11<1od Tues- Bum Victim, .4, Dies SAN DIEGO (AP) _; A 4-yw<>ld Cir! died today of bllrns suffer«! S\llldly when a colfee can hill ol lighter fluid ignited whUe her father tried to Ught a backyard grill. Karen Doreen Bank died in • Qlildr<n's Health Center. day yleldod normal m ulls. Tllere were no offR:lal reports~ on the cause of the abdominal pains, but speculaUon still ran high that Mi&s Nixon sllflerod a mild case of appendiciUs. Her friends in San Cltmeote reported thll Tricia had not been feeling ... u for the past 10 days and recently declined a &ailing date with Rep. Barry Goldwater, Jr. in Newport Beach, where the Coldwatera have a mmmer home. CONSTRUCTION STRIKE ENDS LOS ANGELES (AP) -'!be llk!ay t!lrln• o1 ,,_1y :IJl,ooo bea'I)' equipment ol><ti""1' 1llal Cl1pplod major con- -ID lloutltan Calilomia WU eet.. tled loday. Memhen ol Locil U raUflod a new contract that~ will pve lh<l>t a pay Jlln of u centi an hoor ...,. five yean: Joh1f.8on Greeted With Birthday Song at El Toro • By A11111UR R. VIN!EI. Of ... Dtlf'lt "" ,, .... , A 1mall cr<iWd singing 1 1 H a p p y Birthday" greeted former President Lyn. don B. JohnllOll at the El Toro Marino Corp:s AJr Station today u be arrived for a Visit wJtb his successor. An Air Force plane carrying Mr. Johnson, his wile, Lady Bird, and their two daughters and IOlls-Jn-law, landed at 10:10 a.m. 1'he grou p waa on the ground only two mJnutes before hopping ~d the. presldenUal helicopter for a meeting with President and Mrs. Nixon at tbe Westerri White Houe in San Clemente. Lady Blnf Johnson, beamlnt ill the sunlight stepped oot of the big jet lllld was followed by her hUJband, daughters Ll'Qda Bini Robb and Lud Nugen~ pla. their lrusbandl. Lr.id• and Lucl wore duzllog yellow c1r ...... Commandlnc ofOcen gr .. tod the J91>nsons. Robbi and Ni>genta who llrode dir<Ctly from the jelliner to Ille walling helicopter. 'We Gave Him 6 Month•' Major Robb wore a 1nappy blue suit but hb .-gutaUoo haircut ·made bil branch of the'tefvice obvious as he shook hands With Marine Corps brass en route to the helicopter. The crowd Ill IO to !O Marine Corps families llood behind a f.-1I011g the arsr-. daring the· Informal arrival. One group of chlldr<n ' chanted "Happy Blrll>day" and held •1-ol ,,.lcome. ,'Ille former chi<! .....ni.e himoell lo<ilced fit lllld cileerful .. route to • birthday llll>Cheon -by the-um. political foe who u,umod the cares of ol· • Quakers. Picket Preside·nt By RANDY SEELYE Of .. ~ ...... Seventy.five 'members of a Quaker peace orgaolzatioo picketed Pt<sident Nixon -hlmself a Quaker -today In San Clemente in a protest against the Vietnam War, Spokemian Jamie Newton of the Quaken' American Frieuds Service Com· mlltee explained the apparent Irony lo this way: ''We gave the Nlton AdmlnlJtraUon Bis months to conclude the war 1n Vietnam and they h1ven 't done It." The Quaker oraantzaUon held 1 vigil near the Weste.m White House In p~ te·1t1n1 Americans kl.lied ind woo.nded In Vietnam. Memben of the AFSC ,.,4 a !bl of I men killod In Vietnam lllld wried signs urging immediate withdrawal of lnl!>Jll from South Vietnam. Newton said that although Nixon Is a Quaker, he has not 1bown the AFSC grDllp Iha! he inteodl to get the United States out ci Vietnam in the near .future. "We "" de!)>aoding an lmmodiaia withdrawal of all t,_ and an end ol the war. We have not made 1J!1 1alns ln Vietnam and ,.. m ,)ult wullng money and American liV!I there." Nntaa ad-- dod. The gmip ol1>fOl~illld they~ condemning the w1r ln Vietnam ln the ''Aplrit of Frlendf." 'nt.1roup Wiii mflde up of Quakera from all ol 5"'thm> Califomla and 'M.venl otl>er -I'"" lcsllng the war, ' -f}ce. • Blaze Battled In Brea Canyon P'trt tbal broh oat ill Bru'CG)'oo lllld ..... Joto Los Anlelet CooulJ tmitory CODIW110d f acrea -ol hnlth Tumay ulght. Mort than llO flreRghtera from Orange lllld Los Angel<• counties hitUed the blue from l :IO unUI I p.m . and the , ......,, .VavelecUlroa Cln10ll lload' had ./:i.ir~ clOtOcl dllflnl the O\'Wnf Mb LBJ Feted lnOemente On Birth<Jay By JEROME F. C0LUNS Of .. ~" '"" ..... Former president Lyndon B. John.son, Lady Bird Johnson, their dallghters and sons-in-Jaw were happily greeted at thli Western While HOll!e thb morning ~ Presldenl Nixon, his family, 150........,; and a mariachl band. The band played the uy ellaw Role of Tena." aa the Jobosonl, beaming, atop. pod down from the Marine Corpa Ono helicopter at the Loran Coast Guild Sta· lion in San Clemente. President Nlxon then urged everybody to !ling, "Happy Birthday" to Jobnsoo.' who is 61 today. Everybody did, 1ed by the President. As newsmen, Secret Service alfl'l!, White House aldea and their wives cloeed In on the two First Families, Mrs. Nixon presented Mrs. Johnson with a bouquet of yellow roses and said: "We're ao excited about your viliting • •• "And r knew you'd be wearing yellow.'' A noon birthday party at the Nixon fa.pilly home was to follow a cne-hour private conference bttween Nl1on and Jolllohmon in the Presld"1t'1 4dminlltfa~vt1 ca. Aa Se<:no1 Sefvlce ageols drove 1011 cam carrying Mr. Nill<>• lllld J-1 family to the ll1lmlll<r home oo the c<ber "ill• ol the Coa'ai Guard station wall, Nia· og shoulod to Loci Nugent: 1'We'll be there in about an hour. You can U&e !be JlOOI il you want, and 1111' Wrfboard t nevtr \lie thaL" . The PJsident then took the wheel 9! another golf cart and gave Johnson a Ult from the helicopter pad to hia office, about 100 yards away. Johnson, sporting sideburns and naUily dressed ill a gray, pin·sirlpod suil, lookod more hale and hearty than he hall In years, veteran White H o u 1 e cor· respondent.'! noted. He and Nixon bantered animatedly and never stopped millng during the ts minutes they posed for photographers. It was, to all appearances, a very hip- py occasion for the two. Johnson shook hand!! with geverat newsmen and key administration oUU:ialt who were on hand to greet him. They included Daniel P. MQYnlhan, the President's adviser on urba)i aflain; Arthur Burns; economiCI consultant ; and Dr. Henry KiAsinger, foreign policy ad- viser. IPlfonnal luncheon planJ for the two families featured for dessert a white,, three-layer birthday cake with lemon fill· if)g and decorated with blue bonnets and yellow roses. Iced lettering on I.he top tier read, "Happy Birthday." The Jobnsons new in from Auatin, Tex., aboard one of the Presklent'I backup Air Forc.e planes. They landod al El Toro Marine QJrpo Air StaUon shortly after 11 a.m. and took the presidential helicopter from there to the Western White House. Th· elgh~plece mariachi band that greeted them their mi.val at the Coast Guard station was President Nlxoo'1 own choice. · He first heard them at El Adobe Restaurant in San Juan Capiltrano. Band memt>ers called themselves the (See JOHNSON, Pa1e l) Orange Weather Hazy skies wlll prevail over lhe Orange Coast till 11 a.m., follow. ed by the usual fair weather 1 with temperatures bouncing from 73 along the ocean to 14 In mid· county. INSWE TODAY George Dciof1, N c top or t Beach'• Harbor and Tkk- Landl oordinator, ma11 have had a rt"er oi o Marine, but "" fin lot>e lm't the Ind, ii'• lht sea. PCQe 30. l • L $. c::. - SHh Ballf OK Anti-war Group ' Going to Court Anti.war demonstrators aided by Ult American Civil Llbertits Onion will be aeekin& legal aid in fedtr1.I court in Loe Angeles Thursday, on the eve of another rally near the Western White House Sunday. 'lbe Peace Action Cowtcll and AQ.U altomoys A. L. Wlrln and Fred Okrlllld are &eWng an inJunctlon to prevent Heart Attack Laguna Artist's Cause of Death A heart att.c't was blamed by the Orange County Coroner's Office today in the de1th of Festival of Arts elhlbi\Or James Colletta, 44, pulled from heavy IUlf Monday off Laiuna Beach Maln Buch. CoHetta was swimming at the foot of Laguna Avenue when he complained to nearby swimmers that he was feeling faint. Four swimmers &Warn lo hia aid, but loot him in the huvy, chilly surf. Ills body was retrieved a minute and a half later by lifeguards. Mouth-te>-moulh reausclt&lion and external c a r d I a c m.uaqe ou the beach and en route to s...th Coast Community Hoepltal Wied to revive the artist. Funeral services will be held In Eut Hanlwe:r, New Jersey, near the home of hil --bn>tber lllld llirter. Laguna Planning Bright Yuletide Ll(ana Beach w1ll be festooned even more brilllanUy this Quistmu than last wbm the city won many prlzea tnc.luding &weepgtakes for its Christmas lighting d· forl. Plans pmented to the Chamber of Commerce Board of Dlrecton rue.day •how that another llgbtod aialn<d glus "window" will be put up, light atrlnp wW b& doubled on city Christmas trees .net the garlands along Fcrest Avenue will be thlcteoed. Jn •ddWon, JO ei,tlt·!oot ti.JI Chrlstmu tree decorations will be bung from elec· tric poles along Cout lllglnrQ In the ci- ty. The Chamber pl111s Oii opendl~ fl,000 this year -•t,OOI) more than Wt -. on the decorations. their beln; denied use of San Clemente State Beach for a staglpg ground Sunday. Part supt. James Whitehead is expect- ed to deny the PAC permission to uae the fa ci lity -already booked up wlth Labar Day campers-but the dissidents hope to thwart this through legal me.ans. Orange County PAC leader Robert O. Dime!, rl. Lqw1a Beach. is one of the plaJntlffs in the Injunction acUon, chal· lenging a section of the state adminls-- trative code primarily involved. The precise section gives park5 super· lnt.enderita the right to IJ'ant or deny park Ille to large groups and require lllX'.000 liability Insurance, damqe d,. posits and omni! fees. "Alrthorttfes in San Clemente have atem~ to deny or lnhlblt our right to assemble peacab]y ,.nd peUtlon the West· em White House for a redreu of oar grievance· aa:atut conUnuati<11 of the Vietnam War," Bland said. He added thJt the ACLU believes de- nial of such right. of uaembly and free speech Is unconstitutionaJ. "Our attorneys art confident of v1ctory In this Itgal struggle. even U the matter must be taken at the. lut hour to a U.S. Supreme Court justice," he continued. The PAC, which •Ulged a prot.st demon.stratlon nt1.r the Western White Hause Aug. 17, plans another Sunday at 2 p.m., whether Judge David Wllllams' lhrte-man federal panel grants the in· junction Thuraday or not. "We are determined to establish a free speech zone in the shadow of the Western Wldte House so that our gov· emment wW bear loud and clear the voice of those Americans who demand the immediate and unilateral withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Vietnam," Bland cootlnued. He uJd the PAC conUngent plans to asaemblt in the 3000 block of South Via de Frente, for a 1peee~b ACLU attor· ney Wlrin on the si e of the struule for free speec . AntJ.war 11peaker1 are al!o scheduled, with a march to follow to the Weste.rn White House, led by Vietnam war veter· ans drmonstraUng against the connlct. A peUtion carrying more thsn 5,000 11ignatures of Vietnam war fw demand· ing an end to the fighting, the 10 percent income tax surcharge helping pay for It and withdrawal of all U.S. soldJers. "We invite all peace-minded Southern Californians to jom us in this activity," Bland conUnued". Even If the PAC wtnJ II! Injunction In court Thunday, San Clemente Stite Beach w1ll alrealb' be fammed with va· caUone.rs Sunday, CalifonUa Pru-ks and Recreall1JD Dlr<ctor William PeM Mott Jr. warned Tue9dar.. He said that facility Is one of many lhn>lilhout the, state already j>ooked I01lil lor the J!sW!lng sunlmu w .. keild and urged campers Without reaervaUona to bud lot rtmote areas. F,.._ Pqe l JOHNSON VISITS NIXON ' . . • • • "Guadalajara Boy1'' -to the chasrln of their m.anqe.r, an elderly man clearly not a Guad.alajar&n. '"That's not their name," be told newsmen . "It's a better name than that." Asked what it was, he replied : "I don't know. But it's not Guld1l1Jar1 boy1." The langua1e barrier was ~ally . tl_unt*I to the managtT'I 11UsfacUon ·~ Borne newsmen a;reect to call the band the "Guadalajara Muchachol" in their stories. The. wife of one White House official took a ~holograph of the band, after aalc· j"': "Do l have lo pay you to take your pic· lure?" The only re&ponse she fol WIS a bewlldmd look from • suitarlst. While. the Ni%0111 and JohnlOlls stood at "I'm waiUn' to give It lo him till we get back hOme," she drawled. "I gave him a little present t bOught him on 'the trip." Later in the day, r.1r. and r.1rs. Johnson and the Nlxons were to fly to the Redwood Country In Humboldt County to dedicate Lady Bini Johnson Grove. The Johnson.s were to fly back to Texas this evening, ending a big day, jusl vi Sling. the aide of the helicopter, with the mariachis energeUcally p I a y I n I "Guldalajara," Mrs. NilOn asked Linda Rol>b wl>Other she had bouaht her "did-' dy" a present yel [.11\I(! i•110I OUNC~ mt.IT ""*-...... Cl:IMHJl'r L'*1 N.W ... ---J•~• •. °"'.., n. ................. "-"' n.. .. 1e....a ·-no::.:;. ':::t111• l ltlit"" P. Ntl ..__ Cll'r I ... ---211 ._ ... ,..,.. u.m., M41_, P.O.._ 661. t2MJ --~ ............ ...... ......, ..... ,,.n..,,.. ....... ....,. ............. : .... .... . , \ DAILY ,ILOT 111n r11ti. AMBULANCE HEADS ,OR HOSPITAL WITH ACCIDENT VICTIM--AFT,ER LAGU~A PILEUP Choln RNctlon Coll\1ionl Tio Up CN•I H1"1woy Trofflc a.twHn llr°"'-' ond Oak StrHI• Runaway Auto Triggers 7 -car Crash in Laguna Two persons were injured and seven \'ehlcles damaged as a car careened north along Sooth Cola! Highway be· Lween Brooks and Oak atreela in Lquna Beach Tuesday. Injured were Mrs. Ruth La.cbman, 81, of 32732 Mediterranean Drive, South La· guna and Kenneth Kerr, '10, of New Jer· sey. Both were rtleued after treatment at South Coast Comn)unlty HOlpltal. Accordinl to a police deporlmect di•· gram of the accident acene, a car driven by Mrs. Leachman ftrat collided wtth a veh icle driven by Dorothy Evena, 17, ol New Jersey as ahe wu stopped at a 1top :!lgn at the Intersection of Broob and South Cout Hllhway. Mrs. Evans' car then was launched for- ward striking a car dr iven by Jack Lee SmJth, C, of Anaheim. Mrs. Leaehman's car swerved right onto Coast Highway, cotlidlng with a vehicle driven by Thom· as A. Rhodt.1, 37, of San Dle10~ then hit. ting a parked car which rammed two cart In front ol It. Mrs. Uaclunaa'1 vehlele came to te1l = feet 11'«11 the lnltW point "' Impact, Ibo roport said. Mn. Leachmon told of. ncen she h•d hoea W>able to atop her car. Another acddent 'l'Uesdoy lnjund ftd>. etl Wheel<r, 53, of 471 Shadow Lone, Lo-auna lluch. Wheeler wu struck by his own parked car after a collision between It and a ve- hicle driven by Robert Allen Behrtndt. 64, of l54 Beach St., Lquna Beach. . , Leary G'l'anted Anotl1er Delay 011 Drug Charge A rurther delay or Superior Court act.ion aga i!'lSt Dr. Timothy Leary and his family was CJ°anted Tuesday by Judge Howard Cameron. Leary, 49, his wife Ros~mary, 33, and son John Bush Leary, Jt, must now report for trial on drug violation chargts Get. a with a hearing on a motion to suppress evidence set for Sept 1. The latter dsite had been held for commence- ment of the trial of the. trio. Attorney George Chula auecessfully argued Tuesday that he wouJd need rilore Ume to pr~e the defense ol the LSD culUst and hia son. Altotney Robert Law la defending Mn. Leary. The Learys art accl15ed of belnc 1n possession of marijuana and LSD when they wen arrested last Dec. 28 In Laguna Beach. Orange County court acU<!" again11t the former Harvard professor is expected to take precedence over charg· e.s fiJed agaimt him in Rivenide County. Saddlebacl{ Eyes Class For Nurses 1n rtSJlOl1" to ,;. .;,.,rt plea by 5ooth Coast Community HMpltal Pre!ldfttt John Weld, Saddleback College trustees have agreed to meet with hospital dirtc· ton to discuss a nurse training program. The hospital, which faces a critical t1hortage of nurses, wanll to gel the junior college moving on earlier-shelved pl,.ng to tralp nurses. In April , Saddleback trustees decided not to oner a nurse training program this next school year because they didn't figure enrollment w o u I d justify the estimated "55,000 cost. But Hospital Administrator Stanley Volga says the hospital is willing to help the college finance the program . College trustees Monday nljht chose from among themselves 1.fichael Collins and Lou Zltnlk to meet with South Coast Hospital directors. Collins read a letter from Weld signed ''sincerely and urgently." It spoke of the nurse shortage forcing the hospita l lo ac- ttp~ only critical and acute patients. By regulation, Weld noted in the letter, It takes a year to formulate the cour5e be.fore Instru ction begins. He said the hospital needs 100 nurses but only has .82. A recent advertising campaign costing several hundred dollars brought only two nuses to the hospjtal . causing Volga to conclude tht; South Coast area will have to raise Its OWD crop o( nurses. The" nursing program was turned down by college trustees in , April. with only, Patrick Backus voUng for lt, because on .. iy 21 South Coast students were taking nursing In a tramfer program at Orange Coast College. Empress Expecting TEHRAN (UPI) -Empress Farah of Iran is expect.Ing her fourth child, a court communique announced today. It d!d not uy when the child was expected. Baker Wonders If President's Memory Super •oisasier' ai Festival By PAMELA HAUAN Of 1M 0.11.,. ~llfl IM" Does President Ni.on have a auper memory? Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradley of San Juan Capiatrano are bet1nn1na to wonder. Owntt1 of Bra~ey'i 'Quality Foods, it was their bakery that received an order for former Preald!"I Lyndon John"'"'' tilr1hd•)I cake, to lie delivered th1I morn- ing tO the San Clemente Inn. "The Cake was to have yellow roses and blueboMel!," aaJd Mrs . .-~le.y, deocriblng .lbe whit. cake With Jem<>h Ill~ lng •. '"nley.aaWlt wao to be '"""d with lemon shtrbet." Needless to say, the B.radleys were speechless when they received tbt order. But then ~ remembered that on President Nixon a.Jan visit to Cajl.st.rano -an unannounced dinner stop -they happened to meet him ln the. El Adobe Restaurant. "He was very ftiendly and we chatt.e.d quite a while," said Mrs. Bradley. •iwe discussed the food bu&iness and told him the name of our business and invited him lo drop by." . So the BradJe.yg -are woMtring, was it a coincidence, or dld ht rea.lly remember? OAM,.'f rn.of•,_ "'-ArttW \I' .... Performers Do Their Thing to End Season , B1 TOM GORMAN Of ... ~ "9f1Nrf The aecond annual •· Pa1eant of DlNstet" wu Jud .aa promlled -a -~·And the~ - I 'lt~t ,, '" ' Tuesda1 nllht's proclllctlon was a spoof of the world·r<llOW11<d llvtna picturu, staged and enjoyed by nearly 500 volun- teers in the 19'9 verslon of lhe Pageant of the Masters. It was the. highlight of the traditional cui and c:;rew party. All the professional cbar1cterislica of the rt al Pagu~ -precialon, beauty, tlmtly lighting and music. and the al· morphere of awe ind rtverentt -were la cking in the production of "Disaster." The "Disa11ter" provided the first chance for many of the volunteers to &It on the audience·slde of the. woodsy Jrvlne Bowl. But v.·hat they saw would never ha\'t. pot Llifil1& Beach on lhe culture map. The Internationally famous artists whose works are rewoduced in the Pageant would have cr1nged if they saw how their works were distorted for the fun of tht cast and crew. ·nut the volunteers figured they earned • light·heorted production aft.r atrug· alin& through &ix weeka of pure qlgnlly. Sit: pictures were reprod.uctd tor lhe final llm~ "Rtynoldl G1Uory" ·- porlrl)'ed by clowns, "The Wine Harv~ wu complet. with grape •*"!?l~ "ii men clutching their luas of Wine. "Dance on Deck" wu ~with g1>go dancers and rJverboal gamble.n. Festival director Verner Beck at· t.empted to portray Galatea (the now· famous pigeon-pecked nude), but his clothed body didn't quite do justict. "Venice Bell" wun't quite the same:. either. The two figures spent more. tlme knocking: each other Instead of the be.II. And when they did hit the bell, all that wag heard was the thud of ho!le hitting bronz<. "The Boat al Giverny'' almost wasn't, u the crew showed the audience how a 1lvtn1 picture is constructed. By the time the crew finally put the boat together, there wu a PPinl crack down the mid· die. Before the "DWiater'' began, producer Don Wflliamm presented one final award -to the real pl1eon-pecked Galatea. "This pen.on used so much poise in the Tothemoon and back To 1.t lob moon JOU would M¥li to undltto tome of tt. mGllt cru•li"I U•ts for rwll•blUty, rua-dn"' •nd d9ptndtbflltr ... _ •cc:•l•r1tlo1t from O to 24,600 MPH. powll'ful ,,_.. Mini er.,,.._ atr.mt1 hi um~ aftd lhodla to rattl• .WfY bane In JO'#' body .......... ,_....,.. ment muatsunl\11 tMm Ill. And ft'• QdtJns th9t the vary 11m1 IPMdmaster " w1tchwtcany..,Mledld without 1ny modltlcttlo!'IW by NA.SA for 111 m•nn•d space mlnionl. ThiS niooe- nltlon.. truly a ,..... fir• c:•ll•nce. mek .. ut iwouid to be your •UlJ'lori11t1 Om111 jewtltf. COftMI "" ........ h1nll1omt. 2 lllutton. .t. dla\. Omep l1M•dM11t1r c:11,.no- 1n1ph. The Ol'lly Witch WOnl w tn. men on \ht moon. Price $195. ' line or pigeon fire. this ... ls.J.he least ah t de.serves." '· He ~.presented the ni+1, who W8' at.tacked by a homele41 homing pigeon dUrfng the I art week :rit--the lhaw, with a ~~ pig~n. complete -~ a purple The audience applauded in appreciation for the brave nude, who remained wr daunted t!urlng the flut\eriog' attack. "I'd like to make one more award," Williamson said, "to th e pigeon with so much impeccable taste." The audience klvtd jt. . There were serious moments. though. WUliamson expressed his appreciation to Ule volunteers for their dedicated perfonnance. "But there is n<l pla teau of success," he said. ''There are always mountains to climb. t hope we can be even better nert year," he said. Qcsides the "Disaster." entertainment Included the. Laguna Beach High School Concert Choir, a roving marlachi band, and a rock band that even drew 11ome noi&e complaint.& a.s the night drew on. Now, all's quiet. Al least until the next party in January when the crew for the 1970 Pageant is selected. CONVINllNT .TUMS UNICAMIRICARO MASTU CH.<.Rlif J. C. .JJ.umphriej 'JMwefero 12 YEAR~\ , SAMi LOCATIO"N.._ rHONE 541-l40t LiJ, BIRTHDAY l'ARTY·BOUND, DEBARKS WITH 'AMIL Y A Democrot Celobratu ln Rock·Rlbbod Oron1• Covnty \Ill NiWrORT AViNUE COSTA MESA ' , _L ___ _ \ \ l CAILY PILOT 1J Mediawr· Se.nt • To North. Ireland Anti-Soviet Protests Vsed as Reµson Dubcek Faces Purge I . , .._ ~ BELFAST. Northern~ C.Uaghan said he intends lo .• , ,. •1 I fair I. for '"" vi""-'A (UPt)' . The ' 'For bOtb, the handwntfo1 tile demnn•traliolll. (AP) -Britain's ·home nsure P Y '1.; J:.il"<II'I r ti\ untst 'secreGry, Jimes Call••.,an, CathoUc mlmrity, ··ddl~; 'I' Czethoslovak aovenunenl is already is ·pa lhe ,vaJI. Rude Pravo, e Comm ..... shall therefore pursue WI~ t~e ""'eparlng to use lasf week 's ' bW'ir1 the detnoostrations Party newspaper, has chu1· arrived today to try to con· aovernment here the qlltStlon r. mark Ina: the ' first anniversary ed Uuif •1Ufe 1 d e o I o g I c a 1 • •!reel f1'•htln• as a reason ror , -'t" • I d nd · '··• ciliate ·feuding religioua fac-or .bow those fears afkt any o e of ~ &Met "Gccu pation of ea er• a main organ,__,• tions in Northern Ireland so discrimination that may exist ~r8:1ng the last remaining CsecMslovalda, demanslrat· o~ U1e provocaUon are tod•Y that "life can return to nonnal Jean be removed._. jlrogressives from positions af ors ch1nttd · "Dubcek", and sitting peAce.fully before,J • and the troops can be I am not here to dictate to power in Prague. dlplomalic ••smrkovSky." Specu lation has glass of wine in a moun""'ln the Northern Jreland ""Vern· reports reaching here today Increased thal these chants chalel or a.re hunUn& dett' withdrawn." ,.. W" tarted b t ,,..., nur Ksisice , .. lh~se people ment. I've come here to help, said. were. a Y provoca e-.., drink wine at the firepl1ee at During hi.5 three-day visit 1 can't solve this problem. On· NSA Oka ys The first to ao. the report! aMlous 'lo discredit the two hunt at • tlm.t when blood bl Callaghan plans to meet Jy the people here can decide sald, Will be the two leading men Ind set them up for re. shed in our cities. aut they are Roman Cat"Alic and Protes--y.·hether they are wilting to heroes of lhe reform days or pris1l~ from the government. .. . w 1· · · r-~--· f •-p I .. I Leaflet.I appeared on Prague known. . tant leaders, including the ive tn peace, in r-=uuiu, in $50 000 lu.:-" rague spr ng -A ex-· walls during the demonstra· Tlle reference was not clei\o. militant Protestant firebrand, equality. •' ·oi• ander Dubcek and Jo se f tfons reading, "with OUbcek But both Dubcek ·arid · 1 "I put m)•self at the disposal Smrkovsky. analnst Soviet oppression." Smrko\isky are known to enjqy the Rev. Ian Pais ey. or Northern Ireland to try to Bl k G Other progressives s l i I 1 The diplomats d 0 u b t e d both mountain huntin£. ~ At Belfast Air P 0 rt • enStlll: that those conditions ac )'QlJP holding lower·level govern· demonstrators themselves \vine. - Callaghan stressed tbe SO-exist but only you , the people ment jobs also are expected lo would have had time to Prague rad io ehln1ed lriwilh year-0Jd partition or Ireland of Northern Ireland. can take EL PASO. Tex. CAP) -The ·be lossed out o( public life, prepare 1 be "'ell-printed a deinand that the demonstra~ will not be an issue in bis the necessary steps to achieve National Student Association they said. The purges are ex· leaflets and pl'aster lbem oa lions be used to ''open a batUe discussions. The b o r d e.r them and make them lasting bas climaxed its 2!nd annual peeled lo come at a special the walls. against ... those who lead oCr between the Brlllsll-ruled and and permanent." convention by app roving a session or Lhc Co1nmunist Par· The g 0 v er nm en t has young people into adventure's. mainly Protestant North and Callaghan said a respected claim for $50,000 by a break· ty Central Committee. in N!sponded to this with thinly \Ve must remove from public the Csthollc Irish Republic to police rorce is part of the away black student associa· September. veiled hints that Dubcek and life those rorces which were the south will rem ain as long necessary ~ment for a true lion. Dubcek was lhe Communist Smrkovsky actually organized responsible." as the Northern l re I a n d democracy and "I sh a 11 Delegates to the convention, Party first secretary durlng1;===='===''======='========::; .. S111·vivors Scratttble Parliament and people want therefore be talking with numbering about 500, acted the reform and Smrkovsky it, he said. Callaghan also said representatives of the police, late Tuesday nlght on the mili-. was chairman ot the Federal he will not be principally con-the men as well a.s their ex-tants' demand after a rlotous Assembly (parliament ). Both SWAP MEET Two Survivors. of ,Aust~alian freighter Noon Gah, \\'hicb sank ofI the coast of Sydney, climb to safety aboard the freighter M.eringa after 12 hours in the \Yater. T\venty are still missing. 200 Tau11t Dean Rusi{ cerned with inquiries into the eeutlves." session the preCeding night. sioce have been demoted - causes of the recent religious The role or the police In during 'A'hich black dissidents Dubcek to chairman of the riots in which eight people Northern Ireland's strife was took control of the meeting. Assembly and Smrkovsky to1 ii;;~iEvory S_undoy -7 A.M. to 4 P.M. ~ were killed and hundreds "''idely criticized by Catllolics, The black milita nts demand· the chairmanship of one house I \VOundcd before British troops who claim Northern Irish law ed t"hat NSA pay back to black of the Assembly. \1ere ca!led in. officers are aggressjve and studehts fuilds recei\"ed from Dubcek also still holds a ''I am convinced that lhere religiously biased. foundation!'I" since 1961 for civil seal on the Comm un is ll Pop -Mom & th• Kldt ADMISSION FREE WITJ:i THIS AD ;ire real ;ind deep seated feel-Charges of brutality . ha ve rights \\'Ork. Party"s ruling Presidium and ings of injustice and been burled at the ProJeslant A spokesman, G\vcn Patton. Sn1rkov sky sits on the Party I MISSION DRIVE• IN THEATRE discrimination held by a "8-Special'' police reserves, said the new National Associa-Central Committee. The two 111 C•ol s ... J11011 C•plttr•n• nu1nbcr of people in Northern an 8.000..man force that "'as tion or Black Students esti-men are expected to lose all su Dl9t• ,,...,,, ort ... Hwy. Twn1 Off '· Mter Bankers' Talk Ireland ," the home secretary recently ordered to turn in its mated the amoun( due to be these jobs in any purge, the Seiters Prime Spaces-$2.00 said. .i -~arm~s~·~~~~~~~~__:sso~.~ooo~.~~~~~~~~~r~epo~r~ls~s~a~1d~.~~~~~-ll======================::'::===:! "The fear exists, and no ~·MADISON. \Vis. (UPI) - .About 200 young persons demonstrated noisily outside locked doors ·al a campus theater 'Yhcre to r m e r Former IRS Chief Calls For Reforms WASHINGTON IU PI) - Former lnternill Revenue Commissi8ner Pi1orilrner ~J. Caplin ha1-c:allfd for 1weepihg refonns he says Would permit tax r.ates 4o be slashed by 14 JlffCCnt. _ _ ~ r The refonns would 'be faP rd.ore comprehensive th a n those passed by the ffouse this · summer and now under coo: slderalion by the Senate Finance ·committee. ''The exemption for interest nn s t a t e and local go~·ernmen.rs should go. .so should the special privileges for ·the· cpmmercial activities or coopera'Uves, churches and other exempt organiutions. The opportunities lo tum real· estate investment into tax 1 shelters sho_uld b~ el'.minated:_ I THE N·E·W !or HAIRSTYLING b:-; the area·:oi TOP STYLISTS! Complimentary Make.ups t!t F•cial1 • Eye Tebbing M1nicures and Pt dic urn By Appo~ntment YIYIANI w'OOD.&•D • COSMlTIC$ maflie~ WIG, & BEAUTY ' SALON 541-3446 2so.D lett 11tti ,.,. ... HILLGREN SQUAAE cost• MW ON THE TUBE Secrttary of state Dean Ru sk spoke Tuesiiay night. His car \\'as stoned as he left. Rusk addressed a C1:1n· vention of bankers at the University of Wisco n sin graduate schOoi of banking. fie · v.·as CSC9rted by police from a side door of the Union Theater after his half hour talk . About a do:ten rocks, bottle~ ~nd other .objects were hurled <1t the car as it departed. Some struck the car. but it ap· parently wa.s not damaged . Some youths kicked the vchiple as it mo\'ed slo"•ly past. A few sat down in Ille sl.rett in front of it. but got oot of the way when ll ap- proached. Some rocks also w e r c thrown at poliee ·cars. There v.•ere ·no arrests. For several day s society can be stable unless those feelings are examined and. if they are found justified, removed." {:.r * * Miss Devlin Gets $1,000 Froni 2 Men NEW YORK (AP) -Berna- dette Devlin. touring America to raise $1 million for Roman Catholics left homele33 by dis· orders in Northern. Ireland, had $1.000 in cash thrust into her hand by two men "'ho said they we.re from County Kerry. 1feland. , The Incident occurred Tues- day night as she was entering a ballr!dn to address 2.000 perso1'5. Today she takes her cam paign to Los Angeles. demoostratlon leaders • had promoted a 1'Rout ."Ru s k Rally" to coincide with' hi~ l!!lk. Abou t 70 young people crowded the union toyer dur- in&o the speech , banging on do3n and yelling. The others milled about outside. the t~eater,_,chanUng. ~·vou couldn't win in Vietnam -you can't win here." and '·Ho. Ho, Ho Chi f\-1inh ." f.llss Devlin, a pet It e 22- vear..old .member of the Brit- ish Parliament. said fn an 1n- tcrvie\\' Tuesday night that her tour V.:.as i: o i n g "quite_ . well . · "Every nickel ·we s:et "ill be y.·ell s~t and well used,'' she added: HALF PRICE 3 DAYS ONLY Thur1.·Frl .• Sat.-Au9. 21·2•..JO One Group The most fonlaslic collection of iabrics, mo.dels •nd colors MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING ¥2,,!l~S~ 5 U I TS SPORT COATS DRESS SLACKS DRESS SHIRTS SOUTH COAST l'l.AZA ONLY lfll,TOL AT SAN OllGO PWY. COST A MIU. "40· 1502 I A $100 to $1000 check in your mailbox every month_! "-,. ' ,, .. Announcing the New California Federal Monthly Money Plan .The Cahfomia Federal Monthly Money Plan is a new type of savings withdrawal plan -a new way to stretch your capital over ttie years witti a ctieck-a· montli for you for 10 years! You start the plan by depositing $10,000 lo .$100,000. We add "1terest computed at our highest rate possible and you receive ..• A monlhly check for rettr•ment malled to you on the tirst of every month. - Or, 1 MOl'lthlJ check for .,,. r1aaon -for your child'• room •nd board in college, for the support ot aged parents., for church pledges or favorite chafities. Cntl for 10 yeara -end the possibil l-ty of h~ing money left over when you complete the plan! SrfetJ lor your copltaL Funds in your Monthly Money Plan hne the same safety enjoyed by regular savir)Qa accounts. Payments up to .$1000 montllly. The larger your initial deposit is, the larger your monthly check can be. No ch1rges of any kind. You pay no sales com· missions, "load" charges or fees at any time. And, you're never too okl to 1t1rt. Any aduft, 21 or older, is eligible fo r Monthly Money Plan. And no medical examination is required.1 Flr11step:1ead our Free MQftttity ~on•r Pl1n book~\. Just ask for it a t our neareet office. We also have a free, 95-page re-- tirement g uidebook for you. 1tlists, describes and gives you t he coSf$ of hundreds of retirement communities and fac!li· lies in Callfomla. Slop in now for these helpful books. TWO FR!£ BOOlll! More than eYer ••• the place for the money you can't afford to rlsk. California Federal Savings and Loan AJsociation • 11 Ofti«s • Altds over $1.S Billion NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EUCLID AVE.• 771-2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD. • 541-2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810W. CHAPIWll AVE.• 83t-30S3 Head omce: 15670 Wiishire Blvd., 1.co .vcieies • If , • -... ... ""' ' .. i ' • ' ' -· .- •, .. l ~. :e ·-.tAILY PILoiJ'-~lTOBIAL P AJSE __ -· -- ... r . ~ . ., .. ' .. . •• te' ' • ~- .. ~tor~ D~ai~:~ Mone y 'Ille ~ ~ch City Cooncll chJmbers "'"'' J*:)<~"}ast woelt witb Irate d\lu111., They'd received auessment bills for the '478,()00 Sleepy Hollow storm drain project that \Vere much biih•r than they had expected them to be. Tbe as.&essment& for the 796 k>\I' in the Top of the Wortd~Park Avenue area ranse from $200 to ,$2,200, de--pending on the size and location of the benefitted prop. erties. Whether the council can resolve the issue to every· one's satisI~Uon is extremely ~oubtfuL !h~ storm drain project wa s needed. There t! no questionmg that. The equity of financing it "through as.sessment dia· trict proceedings, however, may bear re-examination. Row much should developers of hillsides be made to 'pay! Should drainage projects ht financed by the entire city! ls there another formuJp."! As matters now stand. 'unless some revision in the procedure is ~ade, there will .M .many_ mor.e ira~ citizens appeanng. be.fore ~ou~cilmen. i:tie reason 1s that there are a lot of hillsides and hilltops around Laa:una that are not yet developed . A Happy Solution Two money-poor school dis'lricts -San Joaquin Elementary and Capistrano Unified ...:_. have been bail· ed oot to !he tune of about $250,000 by the Mission Viejo Comjlany. . The money has been put. up .by t.he land develop- ment company to en~ble the school dist~cts to get. fi. nancing for construction of new schools in the Mission Viejo area. ~ perconl and the aolng money rate. • 'Tbua able to obtain 1 .. n,, lbe school dlatricta can go ahead with building new schools, the first two due a little more than a year from now. Ml5Sion Viejo Campany was acting in its lont range best lntereat in cominf lo the school dlstrlct. rescue. Ne1&h1;>orh&cl schools are an important se1ling point with home buyers. But It is to the company's credit that it recognized the ·Importance ot new schools bting built along with new homes ·and was not altald to part with the n~es· 1ary money • A iitt to the school districts or an inveslment in the ••new town" project, whJcheve~, the money provides a happy solution to what could have been a· thorny problern -what to do with all the school kids a year hence! Three Successful Shows The shows are over. AU three of them . And everybody -spokesmen for the Festival of Arts, the Sawdust Festival and the Art-a-Fair -says he's bappy. . Festival of Arts officials report 238,000 people visit- ed the grounds during the six-week summer season, 12,000 more than a year ago .. Nobody counted at the Sawdust Festival (it's free}. but the cirtists there said they had plenty Of customers and no caus-e to grumble. The Art-a-Fair estimated 22,000 visitors, an increase of about 2.000 over 1968. . Leaders of the two smaller festivals, buoyed by this-past sea son, plan to be back next year. It's a happy notion . We just hope that the land is there for them to set up their booths. ' .. School districls are limited by Jaw to paying only five percent interest on borrowed .mon,ey. ~niortun~t~ ly five percent money no longer exists,. so Mission V1eJO Company agreed to foot the difference between the five . If not, FesttvaJ of Arts di~ectors may have to con· sider double-decking the groupds. 7a~s of the Gree" Berets' ~he Worst . ··s 'Kind of Filth Peddl.ers • .._,. 'r''" l / n t.ni: TBANKS TO our efforts, most et.ates have p1Bied alrk:t laws prohibiting the. depiction of violence in books, plays. movies and night clubs. But recent Suprtme Court decisions permitting violence, if the work shows ••redeeming eocial importance" have opened the floodgates to the unscuPtJ.lous peddlers who prey on the warped tastes of jaded voyeurs and the innocent young. Do you reallu that Hollywood_ toda)t is producing X·rated m o v l e a m which ~g men actually hit and shoot each ·Gttier on the acreen. whili! bandying-about ,....letter wonk usually seen only on 111Q'I room wa\ls -words such as •:.oclt," "glap" and ''gore?" "1>o you know that In seedy little movie houses on skid row streets purveyors of debauchery show cheap Uttle quickie lffins depicting whippings , stabbings •nd ilf· tort.s of unbelievable acts of naked b\ta.gtry designed to appeal to twistod tillnds! '.L ...:tN SOME CITIES, moral standards bne fallen so low that "topless joints" fbuiab. There. male entut.atnert, bared tD'. the waist, pummel each other with J9dded fist! as dlul.pated customers De ar Gloomy Gus: .J. went ~ Laguna's Main Beach la!Jt weekend. and I found the nud- ity barelr tolerable. It was 10 distracting, in . fact, that l bump- ed into seve'ral fence pods. They're barely tolerable too. Tl'lb ffflur• Nfllcl1 ,..._,,. ¥itw., 11111 11KnUr!lr ""-· .t 1M "~"'-. s...-,._ ,.. -• •IMfflr ..,.. o.i11 t'llM. scream their approval, blood·lust in lheir eye5. And on newsstands acr06S the country. m~azine& ~ paper-back books gr.apbicaijy diBting with murdertflssa~lt, bom~ind a.bd' battery are ~~1y dlrplayed to the pOblic gaze .. Do you wani suCb vile· trub I.ailing into the hands of your.school . ..a&e cblld? So!!J~ lfl>ert\l!el argue that Ibis di11solute filth cluaea_ .no harm to those wbo in&eit IL Indeed; they' cl4!in tliat ii serves aa "a utety valve'' ·-alloWln1 the ref-der or yiewer to fant.aslze ~ vi~Jent emotion.a deep within his soul. NONSENSE: Who khow1 how many men, their passions whipped to a frenzy by some violent boOk or movie, have rushed out on the slreet to mug or club the fin;t innocent passcr·by? Is it any wonder our citi (.J are unsafe? So j o i n your neighborhood Crusade Against Blood Lust. Help your local police stamp out these merchanl.9 of ·violence. And above all, instill in· your children lhe strlct moral values that will enable them to resist the temptations of these filth pedd.1ers. TAKE THEM TO movies the whole family can enjoy. Recommended this week is "sex K.ittena at Pl'Y" -the wholesome--story of two coeds and a young college professor ena:age(fln genUe acts of love in all their glorious God·gi-ven nakedness. for if we can teach our boys and girls the joys of loving and giving, they will torn their backs on the. evil1 of hatred and violenct. Yes, with the belp of movies like these. v;e can still hope our young people will grow up to be aood, decent ChriJtlllJl:5. 'Innovation' Pretense 1'oa&bla Al Lar1e: All orgaoiz.ations pretend to themselves .. t they are deeply intemt.d In "in- CWation." but what they really want art rpw chsnaes that can be handled the IF'lt old ways by the same old people Wllh the nme old 1tttt.udea. (I • • • ~ mass of Amerk:ans are idealistic ~ 11Cience. but cynk:al about politics t.rorUcal ruult being thst their in· fo political issues has turned into an auxiliary of ·government, ln!nforced tbe potltlca of power. • • • no accident that people have the BfbUcal uytn1 into ''Money is . ol all ml." when It roda "Lovt ii tbe -of 1111 evil" -thus ~<iii'!! "the blame from their own to Ille cOinage i"'lf. • • • ant prrwon1 call Lalin a ''dead" e wbta It'• rtally an "lmmort•I'' me, the only l1nguage 5till spoken ..... all -le ~ had It u a ... tongue .... dead." • • • A.a qot1lt ii a m•n who la brash --to llY about hlma<lf •vtJYlblna ,..~.-,.....11. • • • alone? • • • The same people who are proud of changing their shirts: every day are equally proud of the fact that tbey haven't changed their minds 1n 20 years, oblivious or the fact that mental dirt 1c- cumulates jull!\ as Inevitably as phy11icat dirt, and is even harder to 1et off 11rter years of ~tant wear, • • • Altl>ougb I appreciate the Jl'tat ln<lodle linel of oper11. I CIJIDOI abl4e tbe tcenar1o< of moot of them and must l'1'ff with Voltaire's old pre}udlct that "Anything that Iii too 1tupld to be 1poken. is SUl\I," • • • Writers and Intellectuals who ytarn to be tht emlDtoct ar&se behind IOmt lJ'D. portant publlc filW'• eventually Jtarn that they tum permanently Jfl.Y while becomlna only temporarily minent. • • • When youths sttal a car for 1 ''joy• fide," it's because they're !O mlurable tlley don't know wbRI else to do: tbe llit thln4 in the world Ibey cao comprehend ls "Joy.'" L Iii Tliese Days of Stress and Tur11ioil A Reader Sugg~sts: Share To the Editor: In these days of· i;tress and turmoil, 1t becomes difficult for the individual to know just exactly what he can do to help .overcome the overwhelming chan ges which seem to be threatening the very existence of this world. One suggestion : Share a smile . A smile eases tension and helps create a feeling of harmon,.. It's this lack or harmony among the peoples or this community, lhis state. tbi.s nation and this world 11·hich is responsible for the ·stress and lunnoi/. This "Share a ~mile" campaign J am urging is not a Pollyannaishlilnile. which tie.ems to say, "Look, rm hapi)y." This is iiot. rtalisli8. -· · -· • ~ OUR SMILES are motivated ,by a deeper impulse -one which is the foun· dation of humanity. These smiles say, ''I accept you and I respect you." It's this lack of re11ped and of acceptance which ,, creates the turmoil in our society. ' A tmile accompanied by a cheery "hello" or ''good morning" or "good day" becomes a spiritual greeting. "Hello," a derivative from the term Allah -the Arabic word for God -in· vokes God's bless-Ing as does "good morning," a contraction of "God be with you lhls morning." I believe that harmony and wilh It 1 binding unity can and will be estab- lished in this world, provided each of us does what he can to heJp create this harmony. First step : Share a smile. acCQmpanied tzy_ a call to GOO for the wt-11 being: of our fenow man in the fonn of a spirttuaUy felt, "Hello.'' BEN ASHELL Salt Cre ek P la11 To the Editor: The folJowlng is a plan for the develop· n\ent of Salt Creek on our South Coast that. would provide an orderly and con- trolled ust of the beac:hfronl and be of benetlt to residents as well as visitors. tr your readers like it. they should so respond to the county supervisors. lttyself, I think It's great! I. A two-line highway with access only to Route JOI would run a1ong the route of the old Young's Beach Camp road, but obviously higher up-· maybe half way up lhe cliff. :Z. At the eM of the road would be 1 tum-around. 3. ALONC THE BEACH part of the road, space for angle parking ~·ould be provided on both sides Of the road. Thtre could IY metertrl spaces for summer and weekend collection. 4. Pavemen ts would be on both sides but thf' beacl-side -pavtment Y.'Ould bt wider and more in the fla vor of a prom· enadc. $, 1\\'0 or three restrooms \\•ould be built Into the cliff side at intervals. 6. Private access from the residential arta up on the cliff would bi provided. Th8nb for lettlna: me express my brtillstonr .. MRS. EUGENE P. HARRINGTON Role• R ea:n1ed T6 the Editor : P!l'blps by this tJme you have retelved many ltt1.er1 cooceming the tnclo.scd arUcle ("Pyrmalion Unruffled," Aug. JI), -.hlch ii 111 wr<>n&- Tht• Gretk story writt'-n by George Bernard .. Shaw lt.lls of tht ICUlptor. Pypnallon, wi-wife w11 Cynioc1, cll'Vin1 a statue of a beautiful wom11n, Galatea. He falls tn love with tM statue and prays It will CGme alive, which it does Thereby hangs tbt tale. Cynlsca calls down the cunc of blindness on her hos· let!tn ll'OI" r11°'" 1rt .....,1~0••11. Norm•ur wrfl~u llloulll ~-n lh~r ....,,Ntt i.. JOO _,. •• Ot II». l"-rithl to C1Nllton1e ltti.ro to fJt "'«•or ellmJn.ti. 11bf'I II r.te...,.lld All """••• mu,r !ne!ude 1ivn1lur~ tnd mtllllll edd•ut, blll "'""" wlll i.. wl!Mtlll on rttiunt If 11rll!clon1 tttson ri 1111>1rfflt, band. fl1r. Collins got "h:s .. and "hers" mixed up. MRS. LILLIAN W. RILEY Reporter Cr>fllhs ietili.zed hP. had reversed the Pygmalion and Galateri roles-the moment he saw his feature article in print. flis e1nbarrassment is sliared by editors who failed to catch the error. SllU a Good Stor11 To the Editor: The August 2 feature article about the pounding pigeon at the Pageant of the l\fasters \lo'as most cleverly written -but if the pigeon tried to perch on Pygmalion's "chest" no wonder it slipped off. The a\'Crage man is pretty flat. chested . Thomas Bulfinch, author of "The Age of Fable," recognized authority on classic myths, standard dictlonaries and en· cyclopedias all desc'ribe the male sculptor as Pygrrialion. Perhaps Mr. Collins may be excused. if even the festival publicist didn't know the difference. Oh well. it was still a good story. MARJORlE MAY The Nullon's Yeast To the Editor : I th\nk .before long you will be rather .Bshamed of your editorial "Contrast in Attitudes" in the Aug. UI DAILY PILOT. Every passing day brings more evidence of ju!t what a degenerate en· tcrprlse our adventure in Vietnam ac· tual!y Is. The \'iCtims in Porlcrville who have losl their sons in this wicked business are certalnly to be deeply pitied. but unfortun ately the blind faith and passivity of such people is just what has made it possible for vain, foolis~ and fre- quenUy corrupt men !o lead our-:-.atiOn into th.is quagmire. TR!: YEAST JN this nation. like all others, is in its dissenters (e.g. our found· Inc fathers v.·ho in revolting agaln&t the British brought our country into e-x- islence.) The ardenl young people Of tt)o day \\'ho rejeel and oppose this war are the yeast. and contrary lo your timid no- tions. are certainly the "spirit or America" as it was concei\'ed by t,h c author of our most treasured documen t, that great radical, Thoma~ Jefferson! MARGARET NOLEN Tl1 e ed ito rial fu que stion c01ttrost· cd the activities and attit1,des of thr. Peocc Action Comniittee's march ot Snn Clemente Aug1u t 17 wit/1 the non· protest t 1l Portervills, a smoU Tula re County town whiclt has suff tred a dl!proportionntc llt.1n1be r of gold stars Iii t11e Vieht111"11 \Va r. The maYor $0id rcsid1111s feel a protest "woltld be ii la.Ck of faith. nt ou r co1ou r11." -Editor' '''ot "1a11or's Dol11g To !he Editor : 1 wall aorry to see A piece in your paper 1Gloomy Gus. Aug. 14) about Mayor Ved .. der being lnhoepltable. on this beach - turning the hose on a couple. You ahould h11ve done some research on such a tale before publh1htn1 It. I feel you owe an apology to him. It \vas I ·who turned the hose on them! And for a good reason. This beach - Shav. .. s Co~·e -is a private beach. We bought our property 26 years ago. We do not O\vn to high tide as son\t do -we own a certain number of feet from a J:;"iven point on the street. Y.'e own some on the sand. We pay high taxes. so high we figure by feet we pay SI a day taxes on our be.:ich alone. THERE IS A sign at the canyon \\al kway telling those who come do\vn it"s a private b e a c h and owners can ask anyone to leave they want·10. Hcspitality "me eye." They C1>me down wi th all their food, children and doss and leave the beach a messy, trashy sight. 'Ve have no public help in keeping it tleAn. Every morning Mr. Vedder goes on the beach and picks up trash -bottles, cans. \Ve go down and join him. . The fishermen come down at night and in the morning 'l'C have beer cans, '-'-"hiskey bottles . old bait and rotten fi sh to clean up. HOSPITALITY? It gets pretiy hard to ~ee it. We get pretty fed up. Do you allov1 people to picnic on your !ront la'>'•n? I'll bet you dor.·1. Yet we are supposed lo be hospitable and clean up after !hem. Then after 9 o'clock al night do people park on yo11r front, gel under blankets and \\'restle -and you know what for - I'll bet you don't. Hospitable~ Wlly can't they use home or cars -no doubt for a good reason! Why can't they use the hills as the cows do! 111IS COUPLE wasn •t even down on the beach -they were up a hill on our bluff. They weren't enjoying the sea or waves or sky or moon -they weren't en· joying nature. They v.1ere there for one purpose. as many, many do, and think they are justified in doinlt' so. T am liberal.minded, but not lo the point of our front yards being used as a place of assignation. So I turned the hose on them to cool them off. And they blame ?\-1r. Vedder. I'd say they have rotten manners and don't deserve our hospitality. rd be pleased if they :stayed et home. NAME WlTHHELD tl'fthln T lee1nael t<e• To the Editor : ConctrniJll lhe bl&ol.g or Laguna Beach : Why don't all of the business people cet It all together and open op a co'n· ct11lration camp similar to Santa Rita Prison Farm In Alameda County? The Cellber of the comparatively ne\f · of- ficers on our police (orce would tit tn be:a.utifully: lh('y could 111 be t'IRrds with their insults: and total humil iation for 1vhoever they are herrassing or. in lea al words, lnterro1allng. I OON'T CONDONE evel')'thfna hi~ do, but, who are au of lhe business peop1, to condamn or judce another human ticinc? ,..., Ah yes! t waaer thty call themseJve,, Rood Christians and do-aooden. Any hippies l have bad t.ht pleall.lre. ot 1uocl1t1na wiih have more Godllnesa In Ultm and are more charllllble to lhtlr fellow man than tbt arut white f1Ultr& ever thcN&ht of belnl. They 1i leasl. kno.,.. where God It tl. Tht buslnea l*>J)le don't tvtn know "there they'r. It, Jet llont God. TUE PROBLEM Isn't blppl .. : It ,..., much deeper than th•t. lt11 the buelneia people. They had better take ttme off from their bu.slne:Si and lake a lood deep • • • a Smile look within themselves Instead of that cash register because that's where il is all al -within themselves. ROSEMARY JONES li11a 11swet'ed flttestlo11 s To the Editor: Recent reporting on budget hearing! and your editorial of Aug. 14 leave me deeply concerned. There is far more to this than personalities and sensational donneybrooks! However, the public should be told that in the profound study of our 1969-70 budget. all councilmen were asked to meet With the Taxira-yers Association. This was in an united effort to effect EVERY savings possible. Coun- cilman Charlton P. Boyd \ as the only representative of the citizens concerned enough to attend! There are many unanswered question:i: WHY l'(AS COUNCILMAN ·o'sUlllvan intent on accepting this budgel after about a week, saying items had been "ex- plained" by the city manager? Why.sit irt Judgment and then be satisfied with answers taken only fr(lm the city ma~a1.er'. who formulated this budget! fTh1s 1s hke correcUng one's own exam paper without the proof sheet of fact:!, This certainly i& not a judicious ap-proach.) Why should Mayor Vedder be. so an1· iolis "to wap it up" shortly thtreafltr, JUSl so the city manager could go on a J().. day vacation? Who was so unconcuned and short-sighted as to approve this absence at crucial budget lime? Is this the kind of responslbillty 1ve deserve from City Manager Wheaton and the City Council? \VHY WERE COUNC:JLfl.f EN ap- parently anxious to defend this budget and protect the city manager, rather than concern thcmseh•es '\'ilh the savlngs and interests of the taxpaying citi zens? \\Thy \\'asn't this budget mo rt: thoroughly studied and reviewed for ad· ded savings·! Why 1vere Col. \Vm. E. Butcher and the budget critique shown such discourtesy and disdain? \Vhy were the augge.stions for savings criticized and sneered at. then investigated , and accepted , but credited to the city manager by Mayor Vedder? ls this not proof that there WAS NO IN-DEPTH STUDY OF EVERY POSSIBLE SAVINGS in this extrava&ant document? • . IN CONC'LUSfON, it it 'Well lb remind the CounC1lmen t-bat I.hey m erected, NOT just •110 make -chclsiona," but to prope.tly represent the citizens or Laguna Beach. and to listen lo what 11IBY have to say? To sit as judge and jury on a podium or po\\1er is prl!.!umptuous and certainly not "the wl,l of the people"! MARY V. LOUNSBERY -----iliiiillilltlii · Wednesday, August 27, 11169 1111 cdllorial Jl<IQ• or lh• Dolly Pilot sc:cl.:1 to iftform a"d stim- lt!ot1•!tackrs bit prUtJUfng WI fttlotpoptr't opfnfo-ns ond com,.. mentarv °" topic• of iutere.st and lfontf!tance. b~ protiidino • for um for the t%J)f'nrion o/ 011r uader.i• opinions. an.d &u pre.setiting the dioerst' ofew- poltt ta of lnfONlted obscrwcr1 and ipokcsmtn on toplei of th• dav. Robert N. Weed. Publisher • l • 1. DAILY PICOT f' · \: Pepsi Cola ) 111 26-oz. Family Size ~ Y REMODELED SELF SERVICE DRUG STORE ,, ~ IMnl111•--.. c•1 wt111 h.-y Coov .. leoce .... ._.to Mako Y .. r $1iopp11t llallfl '15' ·~n , e cosTA MESA PRICES ALSO GOOD AT: l,t;I SHOlftPING CINftR • '* H.,.,_ llH. "WU-SI., HarMr ..... "" PllCU 9001 THIU TUIS., Sl1'T, 2 Your Pet's Favorite! Skippy Dog Food 7' ... $1495 Morgan-Jones · • : ' I r· •• •'•' ' .... .... .;-: * >:· :J FIRST QUALITY -.~Bed .· Spreads s 77 ,,. ~:: .;::: ~ ~~· ~ ~::: , .... :::: -:-;. :::::: ;:::. :~:; .. .. ::::: ~~: ·:.:·: ·:·: ::::· ~=-- ·;.;-:~l : ': .. :;:~ Dl:~:NT WJ :::; . . ..... . p ·~ · icen14' scul~t~ed "Chalet" spread! of 57% cotton and 43% U ~:.: r in hl·lo design that 1oes with every decor. Rieb, 11owin1 ::::· with harmonizing fringe at border. Machine w11hable -;:~ e dry!! "Be~t buy!" ' ;~:::::: ::::>.:::· t:~:~ Decorator Lamps That Really Work! .,·.··;· ....... . ·.·:·:•.• ....... . 99~ ea. Kerosane Novelty La.mps ;:;::~::: ~;:':'ld1a:,:'J!l :;.2 :0F·$1· a romantic touch to yaur ....... R . vinyl In Si.di , ... ..-199 ll'Lllf., • ...,.. roun. ,, Sl.00 11¥11\fl . J7 Color Pak II _,gf a.roid Camera r~l'.".'~kln .. ~ $2424 l!leCOndl! Eltc· , ,Jransistorlzcd wr automatic S9c Volue . Steno Book 21~ Jumbo Cookies Full Pound Bag =~~.:;: 4 IAGS $1 ,._"" ., .1c1. •"' POR '9""I •llltl. Lewt$1 llM'Plfl ...... I Reg. 39c Bagged Can~ies 3· ~ $1 St.ode up on thete I t:amUJ favorite: ••• $399 Deluxe Sponge SORSIDE ·:·: .... -;.; . f: White or Colors1 8 Rolls 86. 29' Aurora Tiss~.~K ... ,, . c "Cold Cream" Vinyl Luggage s 22 151/1 or . 161/1 loch 8 Reg. $4.99, 18 *, 19 1,.i ,,. $2.72 •·$5.95, 21'' or 23" 1b;e SJ.2:.1 , .. •• White King ~:::iexion amo fipEdQ SllE PRICE 49' Car Sponge (PrestoneJ 7' 9 Volt 29' Transistor Battery Works Fast! 69' DOW ·Bathroom . . Cleaner Each bag comes with double nyl011 zipper :~1 tor am~th In euy opening. Good looking, li&htweicth .•. "~t buys!" t.1aka up a l!'. Easy To Use! set and pve no~'. 53~. ' -~r,4 I': -~ '~ ~. -/--~/./ J;k • . I .// .) • '1 / .. -·~ ~ .·!' $)0.88 Heavy Duty Foot lockers ~~ 1n""b':J.loC_!•'*1h$7 77. . baked enaniel With 1tur-. dy leether handJes. Great - for slorin& clothes, books. · Reg. $34.88 5 Ft. Credenza -··2999 $1.59 Imported Scissor Assortment All Reg~ 49~ S Pack Cigars Most popular naUonally 3 SC advtrlise clgars in pack of 5. Save llc on e•ch. Reg. 39c Ronsonol > Ughtw Raid 4~~·· 19c 69' Faultless Spray Starch Sale! Reg. 10~ & 13~ . School Supplies • tk Ple•lle SM"'°""', ~Ty,. I 1De n•• Plntlc: ltul• . . Uk Protr~ ll:ulet' 0 ~:"" " '" cu• I Ne Piper Cllpo, lo&'• lie ll:ulecl Id", kid•~ Catdt. ... e Ile Pud!le Feldll' e lie I HOie t \.Ull"' Olwl-•m.. "• e lk .. liole Ac'9111!t Al- llvm Sl'IHll. c--;::_' YOUR ~ CHOICE . =·· 6'. 1 ~,~-.:! c --.;.:::-··. ,.-.. ~~----··- Reg. 99c Assorted 11114" prints 23' Sulll 1 cl1 fer ~ 11 111111 ''" ......... lnlk• 1r~ -..... ..,, $1.49 Value! 36-lnch Y2 Gallon Jalta. Vodka $629 Thrifty exclusive and best seller! ~kes " pleuai1t dif-ference-the tclling's In the luting. .,.,. .... :::: *~ . ::: :;:~ :~~ :::~ ~ ~' .. .. 'I'." :·:·: ~·=-; 5149 to 523' r: ;,. .. : Aluminum X·! Cookware s:: <!·:· 99 w C ~(: , . I~ t:: "· Household Tools i:i •.·.: Sale! Deluxe ::; ::;.~ 4 F$1 ''" 0 :::~ .R. ,,, :;::;. . ~~:.<::. •. i::::~ ~=:::: :~::::~ ··.·:·:·; "t;~· : ... :.; :.:;:==:, .... • . ... . :?: Wood Frame :· Door Mirrors : i:i' .... •2s·a ~ $3.98 ~, ~ . ~·u n length 14x50" miITors In handsome wooden ~?.: frame finished in "'alnut color or white. Pith· : ... buri::h glass for no-distortion rl'flection. ' ~:·. ;:;;: Reg. 4.99 Wales ~ Surf Rider ·~ ·~· Grand l:>' $1.1 42-Quart Poly Opening $299 -~ Sale Priced .~ Ice Chests ,, 97 .~• l it fttt1ll'f t ilt wlllt tt1r· c · .,., htJMl!ft, Orett 111Wtll!' If ftl .. .,.,.. I ~ . t,~l • ;$$,.{ ~.:).-! ~~t:-~?.i ~ ~>:::: • • PLOOY OF flEE rARKING COURTEOUS SALESPEOPLE AT YOUR SERVICE ~ !, : ' :.:.,-. 1cal for pool or poolside ••. :;:: for 1urfing! Com t 1 equl~ pf!d with foPt. 4!8x.U inch ,.,. 1lze. Op('n ng Saht ~u1)Cr• :~ Spe<:iaJ ! Get youn. • • • r • .. ... .... ... •.! :;: •• . ' :-. :~ ' .. .... •• ' tl ~ ii" I : :· . ~J ... ::-,. :. ., • •• :· •• ... • • • . :, . . •• . .. • • !· '· .. .. . • .. • ... ... .. .. . . ~ ... ... ... -:· ... ·' :~: .~ :;.: ... :=: .. ... . . ... , ... ;:; .. .• . .. ·:· .. ~ ; . :: .. . :. ' " ~ '!; • I , l ". 11 f Wtdoadq. -i7, 1!69. I TIER AND CAFE CURTAIN CLEAR·ANCE . ci.o...tr...,.._., .... n o.u. ..... ..a. ., prim Mm U--wttw. Hirey Iott! $.100 ..... · Mamiya/Sekor 500TL .,....... ....... ft,__ JO •• f.2 9Wt9. 1"5. Orl9. :ltt.00 NOW 9CJOO SUMMER PAJAMA CLEARANCE lont ........... ,,...,. styling. 1 44 Men'• Ila. In aut. colon. Orlf. J..tl NOW • SUMMER HEADWEAR CLEARANCE· Good Mlectlon of straw 1tyln. lreken size• 2 88 In ANortetl colen. Orig. 4.tl & S.tl NOW • HOSIERY CLEARANCE FANCIE PATTERNS Orl9"/Ny ... a.lend. 50 51-retular anll Jart•· Or~ I.Gt NOW o llETTll sroanHllT CLEARANCE Auortell styl• In knitl and WOVM L 4 88 Men's al•• s.M-L-XL Ori,. .s.n-a.n NOW • IETTEl SPORT SHIRT CLEARANCE Auertllll stylH In knits and WIMIM 3 88 M""'• II-S-M-1.-Xt.. 0•19. UM.ti NOW • SHORT SLEEVE SWEATSHIRT VALUES FuhlOft.,. .._,c celerattonl Men's 111• 2/3 00 In S~-L-XL. • 100'/o CRESLDN@ PINSTRIPE SWEATSHIRT AYailebl• In a11ortecl fa1hlon colon. . 2 88 Me,i's siz." In 5-M-L-XL. Orig. J.tl NOW • BETTER DRESS SLACK CLEARANCE 100% wool-Dacron/wool-wMl/silb "14· 88 Men's slzH. Ant. colon. Ori,. 22.51 NOW • llETTER DRESS SLACK CLEARANCE ' t•% WooJ-Da .. on/WMJ bl .... L 10 88" Men'1 1lzu In asst. color .. Orig. 17.11 NOW • MENS SPORT COAT SLACI<-COMBOS. 0.cron/r .. yon fencle duos. 34 88 27 only in •Ht. sizes. Orig. 40.00 NOW • SPORT COAT CLEARANCE · 1•11 wool fOMIOL 24 9•· lroli.en 1ize1 In eut. colon. Orl1. Jl.00 NOW • Dr SPORT COAT CLEARANCE Re yon / .c•t11t• f•shlon solldL Men'• s11 .. In aut. colon. Orig, 25.IO J40W· MEN'S lmER SUIT CLEARANCE ~ Woel/111k-100% woof fUrics. Men'• six• In f•shlon colWL Or;g. H ...... .00 NOW WALK SHORT CLEARAHCE Pl•lds, soll41, llnM WUYel. Men'I 1i1H 16.88 68.00 ' In auorted colors. Orlt. 7.H NOW 4.88 WALK SHORT CLEARANCE .,.. ... ...... ....... ...... 2.88· Men'1 sl&e1 JO.a Orig. 4.tl NOW YOUNG MEN'S SUIT CLEARANCE ....... , ....... _ ....... 37 88 Man's 1b:H 31 to 42. Orig. 50.00 NOW • STRETCH DENIM ANKLE PANTS Nylon and cotton ltlen4 for perffft flt. Summer pastel1 only. Orig. S.00 FLARE LEG ANKLE PANTS HOW aright print• with metchln1 w•h Hit. 4 00 Dra1tlc•lly reduced. 51.m 5-12. Or~t 7.00 NOW • WOMEN'S SUMMERTIME SHIFTS •r• sh lft1 and tetvlar styJel In bright prints 4 88 .,. cotton PhiveL Ori• f.00-11 .to NOW • FINAL SWIM SUIT CLEARANCE One an• two piece styte& nductrd. Solidi anti prints , , , ..... ""'~•·· 3 99 6 99 Orig. to 1t.OO NOW • • • WOMEN'S BLOUSE CLEARANCE Fwsy blouns, tallored 1hlrta, crop tops ln ,aolkt1 and prlntL _ .......... , ... 2 88 Orie. 4.00-6.00 lllOW • . WOMEN'S FRILLY COLLARS • .. . T• WNr with dr .... , jumpot1, etc. T•bots. ~atten. SWNtfl'I coll•n. Or ig. 3.00-3.SO NOW WOMEN'S SWIM CAPS 1.44 Fin• qu•llty novelty 1tylH for pool or !teach. 99 0•19. 3.00-J.OI NOW • MEN'S, WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S THONGS Thong Mndl• f.,. IN•ch •r poolside fer fll 19 slu feet. Orig. 2tc-3tc NOW • BRIGHTLY COLORED BEACH BAGS '• many UMI -9Mch, picnics, etc. Doultla , 50 as tote bags hr shopplnf. Orig. 1.004.00 NOW • STRAW HANDBAG CLEARANCE All of our 1tr•w and boechll· hllMltap. Drastl,•lly reduced. Orlg. J.oo..5.0I NOW VINYL AND FABRIC HANDBAGS NOM tWMlll ltags In sumfMt" cot.,.., Al• vinyl •nll · pla1tlcs. Orif. J. ..... IO · NOW WOMEN'S COSTUME JEWELRY .99 1.88 , .. ,. ... met•I loolta, enamet .W •nti4ue. Dr•stlc racluctlon1 ... .......... 44 99 Orig. to 3.00 NOW • •• 2 • PC NYLON CULOTTES lare midriff style with lotl of ruffle trim. 3 88 Orl9. J.00 NOW • YOUNG MODERN SLEEPWEAR Sl .. p1hirt ancl panti•s. M1tchod up for dorm 1 88 or home wQr. Ori,. 3.00 NOW • NEVER · IRON BRUNCH COATS P•tel Pann-Pre1t 1hlft l•ntth. 2 88 lutten-front roMt. Ori9. 4.00..S.OO NOW • PRACTICAL AND VERSATILE DRESSES -.. ................. tu. • 4 88 6 88 Sin a.I&. Or5f. I.It to 12.ot NOW • • • REDUCED BETTER DRESSES ovtttancllnt AYlntL Junior and Mlues sliH .. 0.Jt. ta.II t• 2J.IO NOW 10.81• 14.88 SAVINGS JUNIOR DRESSES -··-.... , ....... 11'" 4 88 10 88 )..fS. Or .. IM te 14.00 NOW • • • OUTSTANDING VALUES IN UNIFORMS MMr •trlH •nil tabricL Jun I er, Ml-•M h•lf •lz ... 0•19. UG to l:Z.00 NOW 3.18•4.88 ~ l/llt STOOLS VINYL lwtw.f Met. Duraltlt <••trvctlen. 24 91 0.li->t• NOW • . -' --... .--. • END-OP-MONTH • . Penncraft' Rider Mower Orlf. Jlt.ot NOW 19995 23" COLOR H~E THEATRE --·. -_ ... "'-• 69'°° 71 W..,._ AM /FM·fMS .... Orit-tts.ot NOW BAR STOOLS BLACK VINYL Swlyel ... t. Ouraille cen1tructlon. 22.00 Orr,. H .00 NOW . BAR STOOLS SWIVEL SEAT llaclc. winy!. Our11a.lo 1wt• ... t. 2 6 •95 Or1t 34.95 NOW DESK · EARLY AMERICAN 7 DRAWER Solltl maple. Early Amerlun d•lsn. 122 95 Orig. 1Jt.t5 NOW • SUMMER TOYS Your choke of MVn ltomL l~I t.r bMc.11 tun. Oris. 1.H NOW 1.44 SLUGGER BAT & BALL Sato ,,._tic fer ,...... ..... itl•yerL Ori ..... .54 NQW ' 52" snuo CO,!;ISOU 50 Watt• 9f ....,.; lta1, Prev .. 'lnlsh Waln'6t/Maple ltyl ... Ori,. Jtt,• NOW 239.00 M UYEL GAS RANGE Lfff'~ lleer. llike •nll 1"911 even Cl•k .. o..,. Control. ori.. J49.ts ' Now298.00 t • ~ ' . - 23" 'COLOR TELEVISION JI-, ................. ......,~ 59900 H•'-•M w/...,_ Chit-61t.t5 NOW ' ELECTRIC DRYER · I 1rr1 .. "•••• S....,. ..., lwltal. 13800 .. ....... ,..,........ . . on,. 17'.H NOW HEADBOARDS TWIN SIZE Walnut Rtket ... v. ftll9ft. Ori• )4.ff LOVE SEAT BLACK PLASTIC .. NOW 15.00 RewnlWa cuthleM. , 164 00 c .. -,_..,,. °"• ...... NOW • CHAIR MEOITERRAN,EA"f Delu•• comfert. 88 00 Du"""' •tHk olUtl' ·O•lt· 100.01 NOW • OTTOMAN MEDITERRANEAN. linart 4•1tn. 29 00 Durat.te llack ,lutlc. O~t· 4t.H NOW • RECLINElt T.V. t.ck ,..iti.n. Cemfert ... nr111 luJtury. lrewn er lei .. Vinyl, Orlt. "·°' NOW RECLINER 66.00 Smart ll•ltn· 90 00 ltallan style. llack. Ori1. 10t.N NOW • 6 DRAWER WHITE fRENCtt PROV. DRESSljR Plutt< .... ,,_,, ,.,.... .... , '"'••· 1 19 00 OM Only. Ori• 14&00 NOW • W~.Au .... 27, lM "lOT-ADVERTISER :J NEWPORT. BEACH FASHION ISLAND OPEN EVERY( NIGW( \ l'ILL ,..Ja'OR, YOUR · , . ' ' ! Sl:IOPPl~G CO.NV~NIE~E-.. . , ' ·~ ---A~ Elec rlc Dryer Programmer . . ~' ..:tr 'ti.. ....... 11&00 ..,,.. efJ . Orlf. 114.fJ NOW o-- '";-.... '·.• .. .. ... . PROFESSIONAL '·GLASS -FLITE CLUBS NOW . 79,. . PIECE o6o6S .MNANTS s.a-t fNftt 'c.tteM, ltlWs or 5 20eL -''"' ;,,.,., ..... ..,,. ....... ave . -,• FROSTED .GLASS BATHROOM ACCESSORIES / Comtom...,.,, tleMtn In a.1_.. or:-coral.·.,.,. · 1' 00 c.ottM IMiltaw tlec:or•ttv•...,.. Oriti· S.ll·NO¥' • . . LUXURIOUSLY QUILTED 'BEDSPREADS Throw styla. loll4 colw er ,.-Intl. Twin ·or 1 J 00' Full 1lu. Ori·· t6.•11..... NOW • , DEORATOR TOWEL ENSEMBLE HAND lllE . , • lie WAIH ·CLOTH • • · 44C: 1 66 IATH SIU O•I• :Z.11 NOW • GIFT SERVING PIECES Gl"Mft or ....,.e en WMdtone. Rndy fer 11ny 1 00 •c•ulon. . ·Orlf. J.OI and $2.0I NOW • CERAMIC HOME GIFT ASSORTMENT (-from ~lroyO. Va ...... lowlL 30•J'.. lnMrtce JOW home. ltEDUCID 7t CARYL l~HARDS R91ular n hard te hold. NITE STAND CLEAR PLllTIC CAR .MATS 44 Plutk ..... ...-n Prwlnclal ... It"• 50 00 Thkt dureltle. ' 1 44 Orff .. 6t NOW • P't9Mh Pnwtncl•L Orlt. 65.11 NOW e' jRoll er Plaln .. • ~ Or11: ~ NOW • GAS DlTfl PROGRAMMED • Drtl .. ,...,..,., ti Ml""'• Tlmw. 148 00 SOFA BED QOEEN SIZE BETTER RUBBER CAR MATS All Typn ., FabrlcL Ori• 114.t5 NOW • Dur.W. ....... btric. • 240 00 Protect your np. V.INYL PLAY BALLS · One .nty. -Or .. 279.• NOW • C9'en to cheoM. OrJt. J.tt NOW _, '°' ..... .,, ba<kr"• '••· •57. HCLINll ·EMfl TDRTIDN BARS o.r,. ... NOW AJ....... .... .... 134 00 ,,.., .... ........... 8 00 GLEEM TOOTHPASTE Gol4 TWMd. Orig. 16t.10 NOW • 2 'Only! Orig. 1~.ts NOW • w ... s.,..:GL-10: SOFA tAEDITERRANEAN ....... .... o.r, .. 74 NOW .54 ..... ., ... , ••• , ......... -··· 177.00 12 GAUGE PRIMARY WIRE LILT HOME PERMANENT Orig. 20t.eo NOW HUvy for wlrint trailer llthts.~ . . 50 ~~ 'ltettle a"llc,;tw. SOFA. 92" VELVET , ( .tt NOW • -.... , .. &' ·-·· O•lt· .... "ow 1.13 .......... c ... , ... L ,.,., ,,...... 229 00 :HURST, CREGER, KEYSTQ E MAGS TOWNCRAFT GIFT SETS FOR MEN c1 ... Out IMCiiil. Ori• 44t.ot NOW • .OcNs "~ E..U. t,. ~IMrl · ... t .fltft 00 s ., DOUBLE TAPER COMBINATION SKIS I;, ' O.li 42.15 & U.H l -· ,.., ' -and ......... ,., 94 Lock~·tt< ., .. _ • 29 88 ·t:'!' E G•1N ..,Z TRANSCEIYllS ·~'' ' after •han antll col..._ Ori,. I.II NOW • .......... _ r.-~· :rJ · a ,J' SHEAFFER PEN AND PENCIL SET Size 1%"x5'f''. Ori• 44.tl NOW • : tuaa d-*"tratilirs. ~ cl.llir. '' 1~~00 <,,,_ ""''h wl"' • .,, • ...,II 1w ,.., 5 88 CYPRESS GARD~NS COMBINATION SKIS .2 Oolyt "<>•Ii-Ut,11 .. W . • MJuot .... ;;,.. ,.--.. L 22 88 'ANTENA Gl:lliTEfl CLIPS .. ' ·' . Ori• 7.U NOW • ""-It •• Taff'·--PENNCREST 'DETERGENT Shr• 6Y."d't". "" · .... tt NOW • o.n • 50 PRO-STYLE BOWLING BAG Cl-·-1· :i. '! • on,. 1,25 NOW • ~ :',;, ',~.:'.""· 0.11. 2.11 NOW 1 .49 MoldM ball heldw. 6 88 MOTORCYCLE TACHOMETER • PIECE SALAD SET Shirt ... ohH pock•t. O•t1. 12·11 NOW • ' She<k --· w ......... _.. 10 88 •. FOREMOST PANEL KEYSTONE BOWLING BAG 2 O•trl . . 0.tt. 2f,ff NOW , • :e.~:..~ ..... :.~!~ o.1t. 2.fl NOW 2~22 --1.Nthe• ha..itu. 3 88 AL TERJil>,fOR GEfilEO-TOR TESTERS · 1 • ·- MINI' POPS KITCHEN•ACCESSORIES Mot•N ball /cu,; . Ort1. 7.11 NOW • .C-ot<lol .va11ty.' o.o.i;(lfl., ; 1 ~ lf su .. r, cre11mer, •YtvlL 44 PENNCRAFT-9'' TA:aLE SAW 1 Nch. ' OrJI. 2t.tS NOW ~ , GI••• with Wtetat r.,. Orlt. ,ff NOW , • Motorl1M wl~ 11,4 ._, meter. 99.00 "'1" SET~MUSTANG HEADE'RS • j·~ PARKER PEN AND PENCIL Ort1. Ut.ll NOW Orl<od,. <l•ar. 30.00 Gehl or chreme with 11111rant... PENNCRAFT 4" JOINTER Mlck.y T'*""llMft. • Orlf.:st.f5 NOW - o t 5.18 DlluH M..., No. 4>16. 59.·99 DASH BOARD WOOD PANEL SETS ·, KODAK CAROUSEL r I· 7.11 NOW . Ori• '5.ff NOW , .. ,,..., pd, WhU• 'tftoy lestl ! . . I ·2:.oo .......... ''"' a 00 PENNCRAFT LIGHT FIXTURES EMPI VAN-EXHAUST ~y''s''TE"M' NOW ' ; Autorn•tlc timer. •. 5 an• ' tight fixtures. 23 88 '• ARGUS 294 CAMERA Orl9. 2f.OO-Jt.oo NOW · • lxtractor,plpos only. 20 00 Automatic.,. m•nlllll .,.ratlllfl. 44;AO PENNCRAFT LIGHT FIXTURES I only . ..._ 31t Ori1 .. ff.tS NOW • , ...... ,...... . O•lt· ..... "OW -I ••• 11.... ......... 1 7 88 CHROME CAllUtnoa SCOOP -• kODAk Mii MOVll CA.MIU • OrJt. lt.00 to 2t.OO NOW • -Ca1t elurnlnum with filter. 5 00 2 t• 1 -t.•L 8 II CLOCK AND ODOR CHIME . 0,1,. t .15 NOW • ln1tant IMlllng. OrJg. 66.11 NOW 5 • Walnut wood celtlnet. 39 18 REGULATOR GENERATOR COVERS KODAK M61 PROJECTOR 0•11· St.II NOW • loouttlul , • ....,.. 50 Autom•ll< th....01•• 79 81 ODOR CHIMES · i.~'" 1..,..11"1"; 0.1• I.It NOW • loom lonL ort• t7.tl NOW • Woeclen or plutlc cabinets. 9 98 HROMc ,WING BOLT SET KODAK M" PROJ"CTDR Orl1. 12.tl to 11.tl NOW . • '' Fer valWo cotoot1. 1 44 ·~ c PENNCRAFT ANTIQUE COLOR KITS •" ..... at thl• prl<L 0.19. UI NOW • Dual I autem•tlc thr•ocUng. 77 00 CAST ALUMINUM VALVE 0 ERS Aut9"'atlc rewind. Or .. ft.SO NOW • Oltl Cinnamon and C9nt•mpor•ry, Driftwood, 2.49· C V SAWYERS 707 AQ PROJECTOR "1" klh ·,o.rg. 4·11 NOW -.. polt.b fl•I.._ 20 00 lullt-ln Mir.tr. 8 PENNCRAFT SE.Ml -GLOSS PAINT OM •nd Feri{ carL Orig. M.ts NOW • Autom•tlc focus. Ori• 112.11 NOW 94.8 011 ~""· en• coat covers. 4 99 DISCONTl~OEQ 5EAT COVERS S~W,YiERS 600A PROJ.CTOR Applies like latex. Orig. 7.tl NOW • lro,ken stack ._,. W• m•y haw• your 1lle. 5 Q:Q AOt•matl< focuL 78 88 BEST 24" ALUMINUM LADDER ' , ' 0.-19. 24.11 NOW • Romo1•"~Dntrel. . Oris. It.ts NO-W • D-Rung -1%" flet 1tep. 24 99 MAGNETIC-D'ASH TRAYS AIREOUIPT SLIDE· PROJECTOR U.L. listed. or11. 22.H NOW • Hendy colors t• m1tch your cart. 1 00 • llST 20' ALUMINUM LA.DOE• • Orig. t .ff NOW • 0r9:'::..c::;0:~. Orlt. Jt.tt NOW 44.88 D-1tun1 • 1%" fl•t 1tep. 18.99 BAt.L AND SOCKET TRAILER HITCK Blh SWINGER U.L. ll1ted Ori,. 27.tl NOW Self> l1t1:hlnt ha•!L 5 00 .1it1&4n fluh. BEST 16' ALUMINUM LADDER Fifi on any trailer. Orlt . t.2t NOW • ·-.,.._ 0,11. 11.11 NOW 11.88 D-R•ot·1% .. flot ••••· 14.99 TOP CAlllEl SUCTION CUPS, STlAPS KODAK S.10 CAMERA U.L. llstoll. Or,Js. 21 .,.. NOW Set of 4 c.,,.,. .. t ef 4 strapt. 50 st .. II ._, ' O.lt .. n NOW • ~~~~i.'.1~.~~AEJ:~2.ro "ow 21.88 ~ ~"!..'C£.~~IT CA::~~s · NOW ,!88 1 0 88 · · · ·-· · DILUXI .CAI HEAD RESTS fl••h cuboL O.lf.· 12.11 NOW • ASSORTED INFANTS DRESS APPAii.EL -.,, _.,. .. .._ POLAROID CARRYING CASE For Nth lteY'• and tlrl'1 AN Items •r• waww.. • ~et. wltfrl 1trecket1. Orlt. 1.ts NOW 1.77 Vlnyl-clall ... ther. 1 W. ._ &c S Full .,.nl"e fl•,_ Orl1. 2.16 NOW .99 Orl.4.to tof.OI NoW I •99"&·~·"'...-~ts ",!..~';'.;AP , KODAK Mll CASE ONE AND TWO ~IECE INFANT PLAYSUlTS ,,..,., ~ . 0<11. 1.11 NOW 1.00 Stunty c•nttrvctlen. , 4 88 loy'1 •nd 9trl't ..,, anll _,.rti~ Whllf ttt.r.. &Ntl-.,. DILUXI.. N,¥1Vll, TllLI, TOPS · . · • •oam ll•M, · 0.19, 6.11 NOW • I 2 •9 ,;M. RUGER BLACKHAWK .357 MAGNUM 0.11. 1.11·1• >.H • NO'W .8 • ·•11" ttr°'...':•.,.....:. Orlt. 4t.15 NOW 2$.00 st .. I• .. , ... ""•''"· ' 88 50 POLY· MAGIC TODDLER'S PlAY WEAR !I'' "' ' , • • ~ ~~G~~· Sl~~·E · s1~'1Ji '~:':. cA'~1~ER • ~=-:::° .. '"" ':,',.1~r.:':z.~.., ':.'~w 1·;9, ~f!::~ ~' sr,.t• Hll"" ""0''"· 62 50 BOY'S ASSOR'TED STYLE SUMMER P.J .'s ~ __ WHhrn ltyla. Orlt. It.SO NOW • I IHI Hd ni a....1 ... tyS.. Sh 11 I I HAMILTON llCYCLE EXElCISH "' ' ' , .. 1 ' ' °" •• ""' .. L CONSTRUCTION WHEELBARRoW .. M .... I .... ,..,, , .. ha .. lo "" octt... 98 00 0.111-2.2t !• >.51 NOW 1.22•, .99. • ..... -~ ... all,..... ,..)ectL 1 a'' '-•Nd ·lty G.E. mo..,. Orie. I It.ti NOW • BOY 'S ASSORTED STYLE SWIMWEAR ; 4!4. ·cu. ft. ·.,.en,. ~ 2Ut NOW •• RUGER SUPER SINGLE· SIX "-"' .. ,..,.,,,., ,_, t• ,._..., ... """' -PINNCRAl'T 3' tt.P. l'ReMIUM ltEEl. M0WD Slnwlo actfein re.e1..,._n L.A. 70 00 1 22 1 " -tW. ... Eatra cy llftllllor fer 22 Mlt' Orlt. n.• NOW • ' ortt. 1.7t t• J.tl NOW • • ·• 1.Wi...:':Z. at"-qrij: 12t.tS Now I 09. HIGH STANDARD PISTOL . 22 L.R. ' PRE. S~HODL BOY'S ASSORTED PANTS ' f TAlll-Al-IAl-a;qqr • A•alla•to In 4" I I" ....... ........ .a.• 00 ....... •I•_, , ...... All M•J..,. 1 99· ·2 9 •or ,,..,. _. -..-1 . .1111 .-lt shot mat11IM. Orl9. 41.11 NOW .._.. wash.· Oiig. 2.tl te J.tl NOW • • • c.fttNcf fin4-,--,..;tUI.. Orft. f,ft NOW ..... FOREMOST PROFESSIONAL POOL T,t;BLE 100'/, PPLYESTIR KNIT SPORT SH(Rt· PElllNCRA~T 2\"i H.P. CUUDM REEL' MowlR ..... 1u ,.,. <•..-,., ••"· · 299 00 ..... ~c-'" _,.. --2.88 -" .,,d. • a·a 00 AllJuttaltle let IPelen. Orlf. 4".11 NOW • . Orlto i..9 NOW . Inc .... ,:... u~. 0rlf. 119.95 tlOW • CHANDLER HARPER PRESIDENTIAL CLUBS • GIRL'S !11 ·TONE ANKLE PANTS ' ,DREMOST DELUXE SMOKER WAGON , 2 _.._. 1''"" 49 18 ,., the '1" Ml <hll•. 99 H,.., duty "'' olumlnum. T-.._.... ~;a 18 Steel •h•ftt. Ori• "'" NOW • • .. , ca,.. WMh. Or~ ).ti ~ow • cvttln1 M9n1L Oflt. 54.fl NOW ~· WOMEN'S SIASDNAL JACKm TWO PIECE GIRL'S SHORT SETS FOREMOST ALUMINUM SMOKER 11-84 2.88 Llth-tht wt ....... ,.. AMI, 6 81 14 ·11 ... _.,_ '"1 '°"''"'· ••• '1'" u,, 99 Adju .. al>le _,.lo .... heal.-, 38 8 1 ...,.IL Orlf. 10.00-14.00 NOW • • ... Or't• l.00 NOW • cuttlnt •'11. °'"' ff.ti NOW .. WASHER PlOGRAMMID BETTER PIECE GOODS CLEARANCE ALUMINUM SMOKER WAGON All ~r '9t'te1at~ halt Cycle. 201 00 C~ tr9"' cotton1. cetten ltl.....ts •rMf syntMtl,1 50 Calt al•M"'"-MJ__.. 21 81 All Tr... ........ ..... ..... NOW • .. ....... wW• °'"' ·'"''-" HOW • ... n--.,,... ..... NOW • . PENNEY,'S NEWPORT BEACH ONLY ••• LIKE IT-CHARGE IT! - • -... Newport Barbor . N.Y. Stoeka YO!! 61, NO. 205. ' SECTIONS, 76 PAGES • ' -lXOllS • Flood· Tab Soars ·Tax Rates Jump ·Orange County ·Ql'lice c.unty ~ today set ""1nlY tu rat.. !hat ,.,,.,any are hJihu than last year. Tbe rate for geotral , county govnn- menl operallons, however. ia down a pen- ny JI IU7 per 1100 o! ~-valuali<XI. ll!igt'1 jncreaae ill I 0 e<nta in Jl1e llood ~I rate, g_eaerally a pp 11 e ab I e ~ 1he c;ounty. ta repair damage -durin&--Otber coun\yWide tu iric:ra• an two eeDti btclUM ~ COWU.t)''I ratio ti. u..-.ci<NUWlon to inartet vabie is lUll llm·tbe ~te average, and a half-cent 'far .IChooltil mentally-«tarded children. llWly all <ounly resicl<nta Ibo will ~11,a «nt• more to the Harbor '. DAt\.Y ~"",,... VANDALS GIVEN THE SLIP &ollh• Chocks o......i ·Polo Pole Greased, So Lifeguard . . , Sigii Stays Up Just about every wee.t this summer, vandall Md Ulleves have shimmied up a !:Wool pot. al Balboa Ponlnalla'a Wedge Beach and stolen sign• warnlq of no B!quml on duty. Bui ane llelpiard, angered at the theft&. wu on duty Jn another way .. cap1. Buddy llellbe pondered Ille pro. bltm for a montb or '°• he llld today, then came up with a fool.,...i pin lo • pibtilem lhat eeemed to l)a .. oo .......,.. llelalJt dtoVI lo Ille city ~ lllld crdeied his matertals, then retm 11ed wfth a ll!lall can and a hrulh to the popUlar bod)' min& area. J"rvm lhe can ~W>e took oot • good 1iztd gob of ule srease and wedt to wort on Jl1e entire lenglh of the post. The sign baa stlyed then ever stnce. ht sakl. '"l'bey've tried for lhe t"'st lhree -u lo get st that ~gn. hlrt lhe1 lltill haven't made n. You can M finger marb all over tbe ll'tele. but none of the: vlndall h•ft made H ~ -lour feet Iran tba 11,ai," he uicL • • I Jn addition, for rtSldenb or U!Un- corporated attaS lhe !ire protection rate hla gone up nine cents. The county public library rate 1Mow1 a cent increase, levied on unincorporated areas and tllO.W cities that contract with Jl1e county library l)'stern. All told, the tat rate increue Is about 12 cents for persona who live within city limlta and Z2 cents for those who do not. Tu rates were unanlmously adopted by the Board of Superviaorw titer preaen- tation by County Auditor Vic Heim. Alto adop~ were tar rates for K:hoot diatrictl and special assessment cil!tricts thr41Ugbout the county. City tai: rates are not adopted by the Board of Supervisors. MenUoning the one cent reduction in the county general fund rate, Board Chairman William Hlrst.e1n was moved to remark, "We · are grateful for small favora:• Filth Diltrict Supervi&I!' Alton E. Allen of Laguna lleoch Iii<! he lhillk• the COllll- ty auditor'• start Js enutled to con- gratulalioaa for doin& "a very dilficult, compllcal<d job." HPn ~ 1\1! llalf ~ !n 3111! boun of . , (Ill '1'.U. ·rae1 Z) • .. ' l Couhty Schools Post Captured By Conservative Dr. Dorll M. Araujo wu elected Tu.,. day lo Ibo Orange County Board of Edu- cation gl~ng conservativu a workinC 3-Z majority on the county lchool board. Dr. Araujo polled 51.9 percent of the vote to defeate moderate Richard L. Acton . . Comp)et.e returns lrom fi'1 preciocta showed Dr. Araujo with 5,Ml vote!; Ac· ton with 3,il&, and Philip Ramseyer, who withdrew ioo late for his name to be taken off lhe ballot, with 232. The election for the Fourth Dbltrlcl seat wu htld in the Mission. Viejo and El Toro anas, and ln Orange, Villa P~k and a part of Anaheim. Voter turnoot In lhe special election was 9,269, only 8.4 percent or the 110,195 eligible voters. Dr. Araujo, 4S, ls a resident or Orange Part Acres and a specialist in internal medicine. She tndlcated during her cam· palgn Me agrees genu.Uy with conser· vaUye board member'! Clay Mitchell and Dr. Dale Rallison and with County School Superint.nd<nl Robert Pelmoo. She will replace Lyle Guipre, who va- cated the seat and moved to PboeniJ, Arlz. He usually bad akltd with board moderates, Donal4 Jm-dan and A. E. "Pat'' Arnold. Since be ldt in May the board ha! split W oo major l.....,, Dr. Araujo oppolN!S aex education tn public chools and supparta Superintend· ent Peterson's rl&ht to COllduct an oplo- ion poll In barber lhopo. She won't he ... l<d lor ....,11·-a, unt.U election rsutts-are eertlf:leCI Of "" staJement of c.mpa11n upenc11i..... ill checked. Botll mattm .,. roulllle. Leary Grant.ed Another Delay On Drug Charge A further delay of Superior Court -agalnll n-.. Timothy Leary and hl1 family wu pnl<d Tuioday by Judge Howard cameron. Leary, ff, Illa wilt llooemary. 13, and aon Jobn Bulb Leary, lt, mun no• report for trial on *"' vlolltioo charges Oct. I with a hsm1nC on a moUoo to llUJJP'1!SI evldeocl set for Sept. I. The latter date had been held for commence- ment of the trial ol lhe trio. Attorney <l<or&• Chula successfully antued Tuesday Iha! ht woold need mOr. time to prtpaf< lhe defenoe n1 lhe LSD cu!Ust and hill ""'-Attorney Robert 11 .. ill defONl!ng Mn. Leary. The Learya are accUJed of being In posstSSion of marlJUana 1nd LSD when they were arrut.ed last pee. 28 in Laguna Beach. Orange County court action aplnst the -Harvard prolesaor II eipecl<d lo tab prectdtnct over cbarg. u filed agalnst hlm ln.!Uvenldo County. ' •• , . ORANGE COUNr.f, ·CALIFORNIA 0 nsons THE PRESIDENT AND Hl:JUDECESSOR MllT ON A 0 !HILICOPTER> I'~· ~l;Nl({"'~'Ei.'1'E"' 'Hoppy Birthday L on' n 'Yellow .R-· '! _Tou4' lly tllo GuoolaloJor• ., • .,..., Quakers Picket President Over VietnaminClemente By llANDY SEEL YE alJo boldlq vlalJ&.al the Wblta-llouao· lft 0t .. hRY l'lllt lttff Wuhington, D.C." .. Seventy-five memhen of a •. Quaker • Newton and Munre ara both· from the peace organizatk>n plcke~ President AJl'SC ~ ~ m Ptlldena. Nil:on -himself a Quaker -today in. They said they aped the lfOUP of pro- San Clemente In. a prolest agalnst the testers IA> enlarge to 1bout ~by Jl1e end Vietnam war. of the afternoon._ , Spokesman Jamie Newtoo af: the NiJon..111 a member ol the: F1nt Friend! Quaker1' American Frlencla Service Com· Church In East Whlttler. mlUee up!alned the apparont Irony In Ulla way: "We gave the Nixon Admlni.stralion siz months to conclude the war in Vietnam and they haven't done Jt." The Quaker organization held a vigil near the Western White House in pro- testing Americana killed and wounded in Vietnam. · Members of the AFSC m.d a list ~ men killed ill Vietnam and carried aigns urging immediate withdrawal ol lr!)OPI lrom,Sollllt Vietnam. Newti!o aald· thal allh!>oalt N!JOe !1 a Quaker, he bu not ....... the AF6C group !hat ho -IA> set the Ulllt.d St.ates out of Vleto~. In the near future. "We are dtmMding an immedlate wllhdrllfal of all troops and .. end of the war. We hive not made aDy gains ln Vietnam and wt are just wasting money and American llm theft!," Newton ad- ded. The-group of protesterl said they were condemnlng Jl1e war In VU.loam In tho "'spirit of Frlenda." The group waa made up of Quaken from all of Southern Call!ornia and several ot.ber croups Pf!> testing· the war. The group gathered at the emem ~ ner of. the San Clemente Beach Staie Park and then held the proteli near Ibo entrance to the Cotton Estate. Members of the AFSC gathered th11 morning at 10 a.m. and will be readJ.nC the list of dead until I p.m. thll ...n!nl- Davld MllM> lald the IJOUll ~ lo make the new fdminlstraUon awate" ltt feellncs by pnitt~ lodaf. "We are NEW YORK (AP) -The llock inarket cloaed "' 1n upbut loday, after """'11111 ii.a way out of an early ~. (See quotations, Pages 13-19). Tradin& ,. .. quiet over mucb of·tho .... 1on. The Dow JCllltl matdal average au p.m. wu 1111 UI •~Ill.GI. • Baker Wonders If President's Memory Super 87 PAMELA ·mU:AN Of .. D9llr Pllt IWI !Joes, Pmldent· Nixon have a - • • memory ., __ _ Mr. and ""· !111 Bradley of 8an J11111 Capistrano '!fO ~g lo wonder. °""'"' of ~·1 Quality Foodl. ft WU w ·bakefy 'that recei:t'ed an order I« former l'relldtnt Lyndon Johnaon'a bir1hday cue, lo he delivered thll morn- ing to lhe san Clemente Inn. '"lbe cake wu to have y.ellow' t'Oltl and bluebonneti, • lald Mn. Bradley, deacrlblng the white cue wllh lemon fill· Inc-''They'Ald l\.wu lo he """ed wilh lemon lherbet." ' Needleu te "Y· the BJ1dleys were gpeechlesa wben they received the order.. But then the1 remembered ·111a1 on President Nbon'a 'lut visit to Capiltrlino -.. -dinner atop -" iliey haPJ!tMC( lo -him In the &I Adobe RutauranL • "He ·waa :"."] friendly and',,. dlat'ted qulto • whllo, 'Uld Mr•~ 8radJ!!1. 1'We d-Illa ---and.iold l,llli the llalllO ol N .. _ *"" ln-]blm 'to' drop 5"r"'=' ' i , ' t"'"; • • • ~· u.. . "" ..... !ni. 'Wair II • ~, ' 'lioriolly ........ lier!' . ., r ··--.. -· • I Burn Victim, 4, .Dies SAii DIEOQ (AP) _.A ... ,_,o14·111r1 died today"' ""'"' .. ~ ~ .. • Coll• .. loll " llali\w tlGld 'lpitod 'whlltlilr -~ .. ~ .. Mayan! ..... .xarea. ~ llilt.-.W· • aawn. .. 11a11111.c... I Johnson Greet:ed ' With Birthday Song at El Toro By. ARTHIJll II. VINSEL ,A 11m~ll crcrWd ·•inliqg ••11·appy Blrthdii'' smt.d'lormtt President Ll'D: d'"' B. Jphnann at the' El Toro Marine Corpa Alr StaUon today u be' arrived lot a v:i&Jt with hls 11.1cceseor. An Atr FQr<e plone carryfJ1g Mr. 'Johnson; .h!J wlle, LadY. Bird, and their two daughterl' and fOm.'tn-iaw, landed a't 10:10 a.m. '!be 8100P.' wae on the llfOlllld cmly two mliiut.i ·be!°"' bopping aboard the ~ldentlal b~llcopter fw a mtttin( with Prtsideat and Mrs. Niion at lhe Western White House· in San Clemente. Ladr Bird Johnson, beaming 1n the 1unllg11t 11<pped out of tho blg Jet and wu folloWed by her liusband, daughters Lynda Blnl Robb and Luci Nugent, plua thelt" !Uhlildl. · LYJll!f ' and Lud wort duzllnt yellow dr~'. ·Commandltill offtcera greeted tho Jolmonl, Robbi and Nugent.I wbo strode directly from the jetlinor lo !he waiting hellcopter. . Major Robb wore a snappy blue suit but his ·regulation ·halrcUt made lila branch of the Service obvtOWI as be shoot hands with Merine Corps brw en rollte lo lhe hellcopter. The cro1'd of IO to· IO Marine Corps famlllea otood •behind I f-along tho apron during -the Informal' arrival. One group of children · chanted "Happy BirlhdQ'" and 'held ·a banner of welcome. The former ~ chltf esecuUve: bilDJelf looked fit and cheerful· .,.,...,to lo· a b~ay laocheon bolted by u.- poUUcal ·roe who amnlied the cares of of4 lict. '. .Blau. Battled LBJ Feted fu Clemente On Birthday By JEROME F. COU.INI Fonner \)l'Wdent Lyndon B. J.-, Lady Bird Jolwon, lhetr daughten and 80ns·in-law wen happily &reeled at tbe Western White HOU!< thll mornift( by President Nixon, hi1family,150 newlZfttD and a marlachl band. . The band played the 0 Yellow Role or Te1aa," u the Johnsons, beaming. ltep. pod dO!'ll from the Merine Corps One helloopter· at the Loran eo..t Guard St. tlon in San Clemente. President Nixon then "'lied ....,.body to sing, "Happy Birthday" lo Jolmlon, who ill et today. Everybody did, led b)I the Presldtnt. Aa newsmen, Secrtt Service qenll, White House aldes and their wives cloeed in on the two First Families, Mrs. Nilon presented Mrs. Johnson with a bouguet ot yellow roses and said : "We're ao excited about your vlaltlnc .... "And t knew you'd be wearing yellow." A llQOll blrlhday party at the Nixon family home was 1o 'follow a CIDe-bour privote conference betweet1 Nixon lllld Johnson In the Presldeot'a adnlln!oiratlvo Glllceo. Ai lemt ~ •IJlnla -plf cam <arry1q Mr. NJiOa 111111 J"-'• lomily lo the -home .. lhe .., ~d!f!_the CooetGuml lllltlon wall, NI»-'° .,_i.r lo Luci Nucent: .. We'll be ~ in 1bout an bour.J Yau can ,-..ll!LpooUf Y'"-•inl.-aaa rtr1 llll'fbblrd. l Dever Ult that." Tho President then toot the wheel GI U<!lher golf clrl and save Jobnlon a lift from the hellcop\ol' pod lo hia o1fk:e, about loo yards away. J ohneon, oporting sideburns lllld nattilf dr..,.<( !n I gJ'ay, pin-striped IUi~ looked more hale and hearty than he bu In years, veteran White Hou 1 e cor~ respondents noted. He and Nixon bantered animatedly and never stopped smiling during the 15 mlnut.. they poaed for pliolosrapben. lt was, to all appearances, a VUJ hap- py occasion for the two. Johnson shook handa with 1everu newsmen and key admtnlstratkxl oUidall .who, were on hand to IJ'eei him. '!'bey included Daniel P. Moynihan. the President'• adviser on urban attain; Arthur Burns, economlai conlUltant; and Dr. Henry Kls>lnger, foreign policy 16- vil!er. In!onnaf hmchenn plana for the two famllles featured for dessert a white, ~layer birthday cake with lemon fill- ing and decorated with blue bonnet.a and (See JOHNSON, Page I) CONSTRUCTION STRIKE EN.DS LOS ANGELES CAP) -The lO<lay strike of nearly l0,000 buvy equlpmeol operators that crippled major con-. atructlon In Southern Calll"11la wu ..i.- Ued today, , Members of ~.II roU!ied a ..,. contract that reported\y wW give them a pay hike of IS cents an baur over five yearL Oraage Cea•& WeatJier . Hazy 1klet vrlll prevail· over the orange Coal WI 11 a. m., follow· ed by the U!Ual fair weather, wlth Jemper1blrta bouncing from ?I along the ocean to 14 tn mido county. INSmE TODAY Gtorgc Daw11, N t io po r C BfOCk'r MW Harbor aM fick· ~ Coordinator, nec11 havt + Md 4 oarcfr 111 a Marbw, ht llW jiral love il!l't tltc /mid, lt'1 ' tltc ....... Pogo JO. • ~...._,, -" _.... a,u --. --.. ~~ ,, --.... -.... Dr. ""bl -,, ...,. __ ... ·-.. = "': ............... • l • . ... -· I llA!lY PllOT N 4 ~--~ -~-- Seek Rul1 OK Anti-war Group Going to Court Antl·war demonstrators aided br, the Am91can Civil Liberties Union will bt Mekln& legal aid in federal court in Los Angele! Thursday. on lhe eve .of another rally near the Western White 11-Sw>day. The Peace Action Council and ACLU al1orneyg A. L. Wirin and fred OiTand are teekiDC an injuocdon to prev81lt tMLr be:lna" denied use of San Clemente it.lie B .. ili for• staling ground SUadoy. Part Supt. Ja.mea Wbit.ehud la elJ>ecl.· td to dtny the PAC permission to use the facility -already booked up with Labor Day campers-bot the dissidents hope to thwart this through legal means. Orange County PAC leader Robtrl O. Bland. of Laguna Beach, is one of the plainUffa In the injunction action. ch~l­le~ a section of thl! Jtale adnllnt.5· trative code primarily iavolvtd. 'l'be preci&e section gives parks 1uper- tntendents tbe right to grant or de_ny park llff: to Jvge sroupa and rtqture t3Q0,000 liability insurance, dam11e de- posits and ~It fees. "Authorities in San Clemente have att.rnpted to denv or Inhibit our risht to a..sse.rnble peacably and petition the West- ern White HOIJJt for a redreu of our oievanee against continuation of the ~etnam War," Bland said. He added that the ACLU believes de- nial of such rights of assembly and fret speech is aneonstltutlonal. "OUr attorneys are confidtnl of victory tn this legal struggle, even U the matter must be ta.ken aflhe last hour to a U.S. supreme Court Ju•tict," ht conUnued. Tbe PAC, wfuch staged a protest d~ation near the We1ttn1 White House Aug. 17, plans another Sunday at i p.m., whelher Judae David Williama' thrff.man federal panel grants the ina jWlt'tlon Thursday or not. "We "re detttmintd to establiah a free speech zoce in the shadow of the Western Y.'hite Houst so that our a:ov· emment will bear Jood and clear the voice of tho5e Americans who demand the immediate and U111latual withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Vietnam," Bland continued. He said the PAC contingent plans to assemble in the 3000 block of South Via de Frente, for a speech by ACLU a\. •r- ney Wirin on lhe signilicance of the 1truule for free speech. Antl-war speakers are also scheduled. •ith a march to follow to the Western White HOUM', led by Vietnam war veter- ans demon.!ltratlng against the conlllcl A petition carrying more than 5,000 algnatures of Vietnam war foes demand· ing ,. end to th< fighting, the 10 perct11t income tax surcharge helping pay for It and withdrawal of all U.S. aolcUers. "We invite all peace-minded Southern Californians to join us in this acUvity," Bland continued'. Even if the PAC wins its injunctlon in court Thurtday, San Clemente State Buch will alrtady M lammed with VA• calloners Sunday, Calllomia Parks and RecnaUon Dlr<dor Wllli&m Penn ?,loll Jr. warned TUeaday. He uld that facility Is one of many throoahout the state •!ready booked goUd lor the last.-flln& summer wetktnd and urged camptra without reservations to bead for remote areas. OAU,Y 'II.OT PMlt IW Af'tllW Vlftttl LIJ, BIRTHDAY PARTY.BOUND, DEBARKS WITH l'AMIL Y A Damocrat CalebrolH In Rock-Ribbed Orengo County Fr-Pllfle 1 Hope for Ca~s Breeder Geu Desert .Citi zens' Help Stranded wt~trlcku,luqlc catc, •. ~ ~, .. ~ 1lo,td to JbD .. ""'" El ctalro Ill hb" ark-Uke lMI ~ to Yiun1. Arb., a havtn cl hope for npaln and rt.lief. CIUztnS ol the broiling C•llfornla d~mt community collected •attt cans Tue>day to h<lp Todd L<utl\old keop tho malfunctioning radiator full tn route to the larger ArizoQJ town . M". Dorolhy Ltulhold, ol 7621 lied Gum St., Anaheim, sald she talked to her huaband at midnight for a proa:riess report h1 their troubled movt to Brookalde. Fla., with the esotlc carao. "'nle cats are boldlila on ptJtty wetl," Mid Mn. Ltuthold, wbo lelflled MoodoJ night lhat two leopardl, eadt c1nyln& thrte rare cubs by 1 blatk au., l),ad 41ea· ·1n Ill• bll1tering boa( · · Engine trouble caused a halt In the cross-Contine.ntal caravan by Leuthold and a truck-driving companion tn El Cen- tro, where adctitlonal difficulties· struck Tuesday. "He thlllks the block Is cracked and then the freezer gave out," said Mrl'. Leuthold, e:.:plalning that a niftt.foot frttier containln1 300 pounds of froien chicken for the cats is 1teadily warming up . "He can't y,•et the animals down, because in that heat the shock would kill ~."''!II! cootloued. t•llinl !JI ~ ... n. nMiol, ~!illll",ofltr al bdp wbl<h ..... J'olchl "A map coiled to ~ U Ihm WU lllY "'ay to brine them Net -and be offer~ us a place ln Hemet -bul that's in the dfsert," she said. "They're dyln1 jn the desert oow. ·• The Leulholds operated The House or f>.lartu, a domestic cat breeding and boarding facility unlll earlier this year. when forcetl to shut down by county authorities. ' No money has come in alnce June and Mrs. Ltuthold bad to n:maln behind bec:tuae of lack ot space on the cat car1van or comme.rdal transportation funds. Loss of the two pregnant mother leopards and cub~ was a •1&,000 blow, whil" the survlvlna animals are valued at several thousand more. The couple hopes some day to open their own zoo In Florida, but increasing troubles are dimming that dream today. "I feel like just a:oing down to the jail aa<i saying: ;lock me up', I'm just about to blow my mh1d ," the destitute woman .. id~. "But J told my husband on the phone that at least I'm with him in aplrit. And God is watching ~·n too. Somebody muat be • , ." Coast Residents. Watch Russ Missile Light Show ThQUland.1 of orange Coast re1ident11 Tuesday night aaw a double-header U,ht lhow in the 1ky and tbe 1econd future - a dying Russian misslle section -wu by far the moet spect.aculair. cities reported by radio the sia;htint flf the fireball . Negro Wins EOP Position; • • JOHNSON Mexicans Blast Dec1s1on VISITS NIXON ••• Pol!¥-e switchboards in au coast com- munities began lightina; up at 1:50 p.m. when the huge, struking fireball and sparks whizzed over the area. The first part of the cetee.tial dwble header occurred an hour before when a. z.ig·ug trail 'of ice Cl')'&tab left from the exhaust of a Minuteman IJ mls&ile cauJht the setting sun's rays over Vandmberg AFB near Lompoc. 'Ibe m.JUile trail, a common light in fe"" cent trior.tha caused nary a stir. B1 m oMAS FORTUNE Of JM Oflty Pllft lttft A black man, to the dlspleu\Jtf: of tome Mo:ican-Amm.can leaders, la the new diredor of the Educollonal OJ>- poriml!U.1 Proaram al UC Irvine. He 1J T1mothy S. Knowl<J, 25, who ~ea to lrviDe from the aame post at San J ... Sllte. Announcement of the appointment was made Tuelday in the name ol UCI Cllancellor Danl<I G. Aldrtch Jr. Sup- p:ieedly Knowles wu choeen W'lanimoualY by minority otud<J>ll 011 ""'111111 and. the EOP ataU. although Mexkan-AmtrlClll studenlJ had to be periuadtd not lo llold out for one of their own for the poelUon. It was learned that Chicano 1tudtnt.s 1ave thelr conl!e!lt when tcld a job ofl~r u aulatant dean of studenta had beth e:rtended to a Me1lcan-Amerlcan. "There is an offer out to a very bl1hly quallfled Ch!cano," Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs John C. Hoy 11td. ••we hope to be able to make pos!Uve an- nounctment very shortly." 11BADS PROGRAM A• director ol EOP. KnowleJ will lleod 1 pro1ram that acrttn1 and adrnlta dlaadvantaged student. to ucr on ~he balls of promise, without any llmJtatlon bueo. on their prior a c a d e m i c perfonnance. He wu one oI 10 applicants for the EOr dlredonihip, a Ueki that Included four blacks, four Chicanos and two Anglos. acoordlng to l!oy. Strmg criUdsm of the appointment bu come from Mexican-American leader Ralph Echave, who ln a lettar to O.ancello< Aldrich wrote: "I l'UIO'lallY question the vuacity of the Anglo chanctllor at UCI and I am forced to concur with the lnctians that white man speaks with forked tongue." Echave contends that the Lea.fJe or United LaUn American CiUzens, of which he Is st.ate civil ri&hb chairman. was not notified as promised of the deadline for applying ror the job; that Knowles doea UAllY PllOI ....u ci».n ~"'*"'• ~ ••"-" N. w, .. ---J•c• •. c ... 1.,. " . .,..... .......... ..... n...., 1-'I ·-n-t• A. M•rtiWM ........ ., ... . J.,..• '· eo1n .. ~.::-___ 1211 W ... l•HIH .......... M11&9t ~P.O. a.. 1ar' tl&U, --CMll'""84l _.,., ......... l-...., m ,._,,,_ ................... ·-l..!.,."'· Mii ...... -.. ................... ::: ......... '"-.. ...... °"" ...... ~ ............. . .............. .,. .............. ... ,,..... ........... a.it ........ ~......_ ... .,.. .. .,u ... ............................ ............ c... ..... · :~ o tn4t '4Mm G-; ?Al II•,....,. ........... ~c... ....... .:....... ..... ·--·-· .... ___._ "-···--.... := ............... --· -· -~-......... _ ............ .. --·---" ...., ...,, ....... _, .....,., a:tl 1p I ... _,..,, nol -either by educaUon or by ex· pertence the publllhed job requirements, and that the 111).M ratio for black and Chicano admiaalon1 t.b1s fall ia not beln1 beld to. DISClllMINATORY The new EOP director WU IUppo&ed to havt a masters degree plus four yean of experience In student related activity, Echavt Aid. ''My lnfonnatlon i1 that Knowles bu but one year of experience and • bochelorl degree. nii. 1J discriminatory to those persona who would' have applied U the requiremeolJ had been lt11.' - Know!" graduoled ~ San Joee Sllle In 1917 with dual blodielora 'degreeo tn n;11themaUC1 and phyalcaJ educaUon. Ht stayed at the oolle1e u a Jectunr and tt1chln1· usiatant and lit.came th~ ~am· pus. c0W1Jelor for the college .com· mitment program. rislna: in EOP to become its director. . Knowles founded the SJS campus' Black Educational 0 p po r t u n l t y ocholonhlp program and th• Mar11n Luther King scholarshlp committee. Ht now is workina: on a masters degree and wu aceepled as a doctoral candidate in educational ph!IOM>phy to the Unlversl· ty of Oregon but chose to take the UCJ job ln.!lead. Under 11Teement w\lh Aldrich lt wu the students. two from the Black Student Union and two from the United Mexican· American Students, iilus the EOP staff ·who picked the dirttlor. At lrv\ne the past year EOP students numbered S3 blacks, nine Mesican· Americans, one Puerto Rican and one Italian. REllUNDElt It ii that di!proportionate Necro rtpreaent.tUon thal galls Echave and othu Me1lcan-Arr,erl can leaders. Twelve percent of Orange County risklents are Chicano but less than one percent black, thty remind. Fer this fall, 80 new EOP sludenta have been accepted -40 blacks. 31 Melican- Americans, one Chinese and one Anglo, according to the university. "It ii my widersLandlng there •~ several Indiana and several from Lalin countrlea in the ~1exican-Amerlcan group," said Echave. "Our 50 percent promt11~ to m h11.!i been diluted.' Echave said, "It's been thrown at 11s time and again -the Mexican·Amtrlcan hUll'l done anything. We know eiacUy whit they're talldng about. We havrn't demonstrated, broken the law o r destroyed property. The main impetus Is p.acUicatlon of lM black." The tOP directorship oiw:ned when Alan Miiier. lhe direct.or the past ytar reslil\ll!d because ''a wblte person dot:i:n't have the background In living, hasn't ghared experiences al the primacy level with the students." Formerly an anlstant profeSJOr of pt1ychology at Irvine, he has bten IP.- potnted to a new posiUon -assl!lant to t.be cb1nctllor for urban af(aira crlats. JOCKEYING BEGAN The jockeying betwttn blacks and Chicanos for control of °'e po61tion bea:•n \\-~11 ~lllltr rell.itied. But consent to t~ appointment WU mana&ed, Ind Echave notwlthstJndll'\i. the appearance of wianlmity clvtn. lloY, newly hired and ju.st arrived on the campu1 f.1onday, had a hind In it. Ht ipokt \o the Chicano students of \he new 1sslst.ant dean poelt.km. ••ta that 1 promise?" ht al.id he wu 1Jkod • He said lie promlled whll he couldo "I am c11er to see more minority people on the lllff •nd will work In Illa! dlroctlon • Thit is a promise." yeaow,..... Iced letterin1 on \he top tier read, 1'H1ppy Blrthday." The Johnaons flew in from Aust.in, Tu., aboard one of the Preitdent's backup Air Foree planes. They londed ot El Toro Marine Corps Alr Station ahortly after ti a.m. and took the preatdential helicopter from there to President Sets Dam Dedication After Departure the Western White Houae. Some thought the d I a p I a y waa a Tt.~ ~ght·piece mari1chl band that d1slntegrating Jet, others thought it was greeted them their arrival 1t the Coast meteors buminl in the atmosphere, ar a Guard station waa President Niion·s fiyl ng saucer. own choice. He first heard them at El Adobe The. answer, however, finally came Restaurant ln San Juan Capmrano. from N:orth American Air Defenae Com- Band members called th~selve.s the mand at Q>lorado Spriaga, Colo. "GuadaJaj1ra Boys" -to the chagrin of Spokesmen there said the display was their managu, an elderly man clearly caused by the burning In the atmosphere not a Guadalajaran. of 1 aecUon of a Ruasian Cosmos rocket ''That's not lheir name," he told launched Aug. 19. newsmen. "It's a better name than that." Per9CJOnel In Colorado tracked the But at the Hollywood Bowl, memhers cf 1 conc;ert audience oohed and ahed at the brief, but spectacular appearance ot the Soviet rockel part overhead. Molorisls skipping to see the fireball caused &raUic jlDlli in several Southern California cIUes. From P-.e 1 TAX RATE •.• Asked what it was, he replied: 1treakin1, sparkling piece of space bo'r'',.~:n''' k?ow· But it'• not Gi.iadalaJira garbage down the P.ctflc Coast unlil it overtime to 'O\ffl U>e dUdlint. Fi"'""'•c feU into the sea off LI Paz, Bolivia. 5"' "' Thie laniuaa:e barrier was partially ··1t wai phenomenal," said 1 Newport tht tax rate was complicated, be u.id, by hurdled to the, manager'• aati&factioll Beach police sergeanL ., ~ the ata.te properti tu rtbate and when IOme neumen qreed to call the "I llw it from the bal,.._ of ""' ~ .• ~ bualntu · ven•_,. tiero......_•_. band t1>t "Guit<lllJW• ~y~" in -·• "• """"' _, •-~ Prea!dent NU:on wUJ. tak;e hla a:olf clubs their atoriJI. •' in Colla t.fe.sa for aboot 30 MCOndl', and The ta rates were peged to raise and f1mlly back to Wa.ahinclm on Sept. The wtf& ot om: White Houae official I.ht neJt th ing I heard WN a radio repiort from 1.uesstd valuation au fl i c i en t I, tndl.n& a ~th •orkln& vacation took a photograpb of the band, after ask-that it had been sighted ln Art.zona," he revenue to meet budg~. 14fl out of at the Western White House in San ing: added . assessed valuation totals, H11,m said, was Cltrntnle. , "Do 1 have, to pay yw to take your .pie-Patrolmen in several Oraftie Coast .... mill' •-· ed oU En route ·to·ai. nation's capital, he will ture?" ... ion in d..,., .. t revenues. st.op over at Del ,Rto, Tei., where he and The tnly response she got was a $Ul,37l,a&O in Upper Newport Bay Prelldent Diaz Ort'laz of 1'1exico will bewildered look from a guitarist. Boys Clubs P. Ian a1Se1Sments, and 'l 4, 7 l 6 , 1 ts In jointly dedicate the $71 million Amlstad \\'hlle the Nixons and Johnsons stood at .,ncultural prt~e assesments. (Spanish for "fritndshlp") Dam . t~ 1ide of the helicopler, •1th '"· I · 1 A'"·---d •· '"-Rl G-~ ti ·1 •~ 0 R • W k Hem said county counae wl411 J1-.: ~ lD Otl ~,., O 1ainie, m1 es mariachis energeUcally pl 1 y Ing e ,.. 0 upttream ot Dt1 RJo. Jta construcUon. ''Gu.adalajara," Mrs. Nixon asked Linda D pa.1...1. f Kuyper concurs that the disputed assess- whlcb began sis: years a10, was financed Robb whether she had bought her "dad· ed valuation amounts should not be in· by the U.S. and Mexico. dy" a present yet. Begtnn1ng ne'lt Monday. both branches eluded. White House spokesmen said Tuesday "I'm \vai tin' to give tl to him till we get of the Boys Club of the Harbor Area will County Administrative Assistant David the meeting of the two c'hlef eiecutlves back home." she drav.·led. close for one week of palnUni a.nd Hitchcock pointed out to Supervisors that will provide Nb:OD 111d Ordu "u op-"I gave him a little present I boua;ht ~pairs, followin1 a busy summer. the county general fund tax rate has re- portunlty to m!tW presidential con· him on the trip." The facilltie1 at 594 Center St., ind 2131 mained remarkably stable, incrtasin& on- versationa on matteri of mutual ln· Later In the day, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Tustin Ave., will reopen Sept. 9 at 3 p.m,, ly one ctpt during the la &t 12 years. He terest.." . 11nd the Nixons were to fly lo !he according to E1ecuUve Secrelary Lou said tche tax rat• has fluctuated from Ordaz last spokt to an American Pl'!sl· ""Rec:l\\'ood Country ln Humboldt County to Yantom. $1.59 to $1.73 durlna that period. dent last December, just bf.fore Lyndon dedicate Lady Bird Johnson Grove. OperaUonal hours for the fall schedule SupervllOf' Hirstein uld the county's Johnson flnlehed out hla term. The Johnsons were to fly back to Te1as will be 3 to 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 to I p.m. tu rate atabillly is part i cu I a r I y N!Jon'a schedule between now and this even!ng. ending a big day, just fttonday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to~ benetlclal to bla: busineSlll!S that have StpL I remains fairly fiexiblt, except for visiting. p.m. Saturdays. tremendous tax responsibility. a plll\Md appear:ance at the Governors' -====-==::;:;===============================:;-Confertnct in Denver. Colo., on Sept. a. r the day alttr Labor Day. 'Ille. President today prepared to ptay h0$t to Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, their daughters and Mnl·l n·law. Nixon and Johnson y,·tre to confer prh·at!ly ear\ler In the day while Mrs. Nixon entertained Lady Bird JohnfOn and her family in the President's summer home. The two presidential couples, after an lnfonnal luncheon, wert lhtn lo fly to California's Redwood country to dedicate the LadJ Bird Johnson Redwood Grove In Humboldt County. Newport Leader George Wilcox Services Held Memorial servicts wtrt eoflducted to- day for Newport Beach community leader Georp Wilcoi:, ao. who died litsl Friday in Hoq Memorial Hospital. Mr. Wilcoi, 50, died of a kidney ail· mtnt. Ht WU a fonntr pre1ldtnt ef the Newport Shorts Community Auociotion . Mr. Wllco1 waa left partially para1)'1td frMt 1 stroke two yHn 110. Ha alto :imf- ftrtd from a kidi;,ey aliment and \\'II prtparinl te under&e treatmtnt on •n artUlctal illdnq mlchllle l!lortly bdo~ his deeth • l>Qplle !ht parll•I paraly1l1 from !ht stroke he conUnued 11 • rtprutntative tor tht Wllttr and Pearson Co . A noUve OallfOf!llOq, Ill had !Iv«! tn the Harbor •rtt for the put JG )!tars. He ltavt1 hla Widow, Kelly, •nd a d1U&111er. Pornel• el the-. 411 Sanla Ano Ave. Olbor aul'Yll"ll'S Include his mother. Mn. i..11 Wllcm ol Bolboo f1lan4; twe ether d~qllwn, Mandy ond Ttna. both of lM 4n,.lt1, and • son, Bradley, alao el !.A>I An.l•lt1. To the moon and back to pt to tM moeft,OU~ u. to unduaa Mme of tM malt 1ru•lln1 tuts for rellatllltty. ruqedn .. •rtd dtpencllbfllfr •• , •cc•l•r•Uon from 0 to 24,600 MPH, pow9rM ,._., su,. c:N,...._ adran• • tl!mjMrttut9 •nd ahacb to r.tttlti ~ry bon• In )'OW' body ••• you •ncl )'CXJf .... lpo rnent mltlf: aurvi: .. .,_,.,.L And n•a actunc ttttt fM v•ry ••111• SDffdmnter " Wlltdl -Qny--.cttd wlthOut eny modlfteatlow by H.UA tor Ill n'llftftt4 aPICI mluions. TNa ,.... nltlon, truty a rtWlrd tor ... cell•iu. rmkel 111 pnQi tO b• your •utJ!orlz•d Otn•P )lwtl.,. Come In ...... tNa h1nd1ome, 2 button. 4 dlar. Om11a tlptedma ster cllron• 1r•ph. The only wMcll worn lllr th• ,..,. flPI the ""°'°"' ,.. Slt5. CONVENllNT THMS IANKAMIRICARD MASTER CHAR5E J. C. .JJ.umphrifj 'JQU/sferJ llll NEWrORT AVlNUE COSTA MUA • 22 TEARS SAME LOCATIOll ~HONE 541.)<0I ' I • Mediator .. Sent To .North f reldnd ~ ,t t l • 9ELl'AST, Northem:tr.lahd Call1gban Wei.he lliter.4> 1o (AP) Britain' )I insur. fair play ·for Ute - ' 0111 ' Catl\OUc m~I\\', ~ding; '"[, ..Crc.t.rf. Jam .. CaJlq)l111, shaU \hert,fott punu< Vflth tM ·arrived today to try lo COO· government here tM question ciliate feudln& religious f•c· 4 or how thQse. feara • and any Uons in· Northern Ireland ao discrhnini.tion tllat may eKllt that "life can return tO nonnal can be ~emoved. . · and the Lroops c:an b e , I am· not be~ to diCtate \0 withdrawn." -the Northu:D Ireland aovtrn· ment. I've come here to'heJp, Durlnc hls~ three-day visit I can't :solve thJs problem. On· NSA o•-av, s Callaghan plans to meet ly the people here can decide ft: 'ii ' · Roman Catholic and Protes· whether they ire willing to ~ tan~ leaders, including the ~·~a~y::'ce, in freedom, in $50,00Jtl lot; ' milltant Protestant firebrand, '"1 V "I put myself at the disposal , the Rev. Ian Paisley. North Ireland At ·Belfast Airport, :~sure~~ those c!:JrJ~: ·Black G1·0np Callaghan stressed Lhe SO. exist but. only 10:0· ~e people • • , ye&Mlld partition of Ireland of Northern ltelan9, can take ' EL PASb, Tex. (AP) The will pc\' bf! an issue in bis the nteeS!ill'Y steps to• achieve National Studetlt-AssOcll.tion discussklos. The b o r d e r them and make them lut.inr has cUmued its and aMual between the British-ruled and and perlTllJ)ei:it." convention by approving · a ' ·~ ..... -.. pubcek ~aces ~urge ' -. . : :4nti•Soviet Pr.-0~st,s Vsed as Reason .. ' ' I• J •' 4., •) Vl&N~A tUPJ).. 1 -·hnlt • •For .,lolh. ~itM hand.,.·rltlm:: the demonetrauOn11 cUciio.lova!< 8.,;;,Qm.111 <lr.•~'f'\i i<, 11 !l)e wall. . , l!l>Qe,Pravo. th< Communiot Preparing t6 use ta!t Weekts During the . demo11Strations Pal1y newspaper, has charg~ . . · . tl'llTki!JI the flnt anniverpa ed lbat "tha I d e o I o 1 I ea 1 street f1ght1ng aa a reason fbr of. Ole' Soviet occupation .-0f Jea'ilcts and main organizers purging the last remaining eucboilov~tia, dec;nanstrat;. ot the provocation are today progressives from p0$itions of ~ ora chanted "Dubcek'.' and sltUng peact!ully before a power in Prague dlpIDmatic • •:smrkovsky." Speculation has glau of wln<: in a mountain reports reaching ~here today ll)q-eaae:d that ~these chants chalet .or are hunting deer :said. were started by provocateurs near Koslce ... these people ---"' 't d"-dlt th t 0 drink wine al the f.iteplace or The first lo go, the _ reports-cu~IS 0 ,.,,.;• e c w hunt at a time when blood is said, Will be lbe ·twci ·1eading men· and set. them up for re-sh11d In Our ciUes. But they ale heroes or the reform day15; of prlials from the government. known:" he "P · .r• Al t..eanets appeared on Prague t rague SP.fl}l& -ex· . walls durlfll the demonstra· The rtference waa not clear. ander Dubcek and Jo s ~ f 1._. d'""" " · h" 0 beck Bu~ both Dubcek 1 0 d Smrkovsky. lwua rea ~~· wit u against So'(let oppressioo." Smrkovsky are known to enjoy Other progressives s l i 11 The . diplomats d 0 u b t e d both mountain bunling and holding lower-level 10Vern-d e itt 0 n1trators lbemselves wine. ment jobs also are experted to would hive had time to · Prague radio chimed in with be W,,sed out ol public life, prepare th-e _ "'ell-printed a demand that the demonstr,- theycdsald . The purgeS are ~x-1 Jeafiets and plaster them on lions be used to "ppen a baUle pect to come at a . spee1a Uie walll. against , .. those "'ho lead our mairily Protest.ant North and Callaghan said a respected claim for "°'Of() by a br~k· the Catholic Irish Republic t.o police force is part of the .1:way black student associa- lhe south Will remain as long necessary ~ment for a true Uon. session of the Communist Pa~· The g 0 v er nm en t has young people into adventures. ty. Central Co~1mlttee tn .. responded to this with thinly \Vt must rerrio\•e from pllblic September. veiled ,hints that Dubcek and life those forcci which wea 11'1 T•l ..... t• ' ! as t:tie Nortb~rn -Ire I and. democra_cy and "1 sh• 11 Delegates to the convention. ~~rliam~nt and people "'a~t . therefore be talking with numbering about 500, . acted- 1t. he. said. Calla~han also said representatives of the police, late Tuesday nighl qn ~e rnili;. he will not be prtnclpally con· the men as ·WeJt ·as · their CJ· tants' demand alter a riotous cerned \V\th inquiries into . the eculives." session the preceding night, causes. of th? rec~nt religious The role or the police in during "'hlch blac k dissidenU riots ·1n which eight people Northern Ireland's strlfe ~·as \ook controJ fl.f the meeting. - \•,.ere killed and .. hundreds widely criticlz~ by Catholics, The i{ack; tnUltants ~emfnd· wounded before British troops who clalin 'Northern Irish Jiw ed that NSA pay back to black were called in. officers are aggress.ive and students ful'lds received from Dubcek was lhe Communist Smrkovsky actually organized respon.sfbft." Party first secretary durlngi;:;::::;;;;;;;:i=;==~====='========; the refornl !!ind • S~r~gvsky · · E Stirvivo1•s Sc1·a1nble· !'<OS chairman ol !be federal s·w. ·AP ME T Assembly (parliament). Both since have beeil dcmoled :.... Dubcek to chairman or the Assembly and Smrkovsky to . the c~airmanshl p of one house of the Assembly. Two s"urvivors of Australian · freighter Noon Gnh . lvhich sa nk of( the coast of Sydney, climb to ~afety aboard the freighter ~1erina-a after 12 hours in the _water. T\venty are still missmg. "I am convinced that there religiously bi ased. foundatioll!: aince 1961 Ior civil Dubcek also sliU .IJ.olds a seat on the Commu11!1t P~rty's ruline: Pi'esldlum and Smrkovsky sita on the Party Central Committee. Tbe two .men are expected lo lose 1111 these jobs in any purge, the reports said. Pop -~m & tho ICids ADMISSION. FREE WITH THIS AO 200 Tamil Dean Rusk After Ba11l{ers' Talk ll!'e real and deep seated feel -Charges , .of· brutality Ha Ye rights: work. · . ings or injustice and been hurltd aC the Protestant A 'Spokesman,· Gwe!f Patton. discrimination held by a "B-SpeeiaJ" polk:c . uservcs, said the new National Associa· number ol people in Nprthern · an 8.000-man force that was tiOO o( Black Students e.sti· Ireland," the hQme sCcretary rcet>ntly orde~ to turn in its mated the amount due to be MISSION DRIVE· IN THEATRE 11 Ce•I S• h• Ce~ktf•H said. arms. $50,080. Se DI .. • f1ttw.., • Ort.ft! Hwy. T11r11 Off Sellers Prime-Spit•• -$2.00 r.1ADISON, \Yis. I L'Pl) - About 200 young persons demonstrated noiS1ly oulsidt locked doors at a campus th~ter ~-here f o r m e r Former IRS Chief Calls For Reforms WASHINGTON (UPI) - Fonner Internal R e v e n u e Commissioner P.tortimer M. Caplin has called for sweeping refonns he says would permit tax rates to be slashed by 14 percent. ~ The reforms would ~ far more com;rehcnsive t }J a n those )as:te.d. by the House lhis wmmer and now under con· 'lidcratlon by the Senate Finance Committee. .. The exempli6n for infercst t1n s late and l ocal governments should gO. So shbuld the special pri.vilegcs for the commercial activities of cooperatives, ·churchel and ' other exempt organiiaLions. The opportunities to turn real· , l'!slate investment into tax shelters should~ eliminated._ I THE 'N·E -W !'or HAIRSTYLING by lhe area's TOP STYLISTS! Compl imentary M1ke-up1 8 Faci1lt • Eye Tebbing Manicures ind Pedicures By Appointment 'f'IYIANI W:OODAll.D tOIMnlC.S 1!JrJaf4e4 WIG & BEAUTY SALO~ S41-3446 ·- 2SO·D I_, 17tlrl ~ Hlll6JIEN SQUAJl1- C01TA MIS.A -. ON THE TUBE Fer tkt bt1I 9uidt to wktl'• hoip•nl119 on TV, •••4 Tit W Ek -4lotrlbultd wUll tht St(urd1y 1dHion of l~t DAILY ~llOT. Secretary of Stale Dean Jlu ::;J; spoke Tuesday night. H.is car \\'as stoned as he left. Rusk addressed' a con- vention of bankers at the University· of WI s eons in graduate scliool of banking. He "'as escorted by police from a side door of the Union 11'\eater after his half hour talk. About a dozen rocks. bottles and other objects \\'ere hurled at the car as it departed. Some struck the car, but it ap· pa·rently was not damaged. Some ·youtrus kicked the vehic.le as it moved 1lowly past. A few sat down in the street in froi\t of 11, but got out of the way when it ap.. proached. • Some rock5 atso w e r e thrown at police cars. There "'ere ·no afrcsl6. fo'.t' seve ral , da.y~ --demonstration leadeh ,bad promoted a •·Rout R Q s k Rally " to coincide with hi~ talk. About 7.D young people cro\vded thC union foyer dur· ing the speech , banging on doors and yelling. The others ," milled about oUtside lhe theater, chantirig, "You couldn't win in Vietnam -you c~n't win here," and ''Ho, l~o. Ho Chi Minh." ' "The fear exists. and no society can b:? stable unless thOl'ie feelings are examined and. if they are r o u n d justified, remov ed ." * Miss Devliii Gets $1,000 Front 2 Men NE\V YORK (AP) -Berna· dette Devlin. touring America to raise $1 million for Roman Catholicl left homeless by dis- orders in Northern Ireland, had $1,000 in cash thrust into her· hand by' tv.·o men who said ·they were from County Kerry. Ireland. The intjqent occurred Tu.es· d~ night;as she "'as entenng a ball~ lo address 2.000 persorus. Today she takes her. cam paign to Los Angel~. Miss 'Devlin, a pet It e 22· vear-old member of the Brit· ish Parli.ament. said in an in· terview · TUesday night that her tout W'as g o i n g "quite well. "Every ni ckel we get will be "·ell spent and v.•ell used," she added. HALF PRICE 3 DAYS ONLY Thur1 .• rrl.~Sat-Awg. 2'·2'·30 One Group The most fantastic collection of fabrics, models and c;olors MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING . ~,,!:l~S~ SU I TS .SPORJ COATS -DRESS SLACKS DRUS SHIRTS SOUTH COAST l'LA1A ONLY ~~~~~~~~~~~ IJl:llTOL AT IAN DllOO 'WY. I C:OSYA l!llSA 540·150? , ... -.._ ___ _ A $100 ,to $1000 check in your mailbox e\tery month! : Announcing the New California Federal Monthly Money Plan The Califomla Federal Monthly Money Plan is a new type, Of savings withdrS:W~I plan -a new way ·to strelch your capital over th9 years wilh a check·a· month for you tor 10 years!. " You start the plan by depositing $10,000 to $100,000. We add interest computed at our highest rate poaaib~ and you receive ••• A -hlJ chock-far Nllr.,,,..,t mailed to you on ' the firs! of every month. . Or, • lnOnthly check for any reason -!or your child's room and board in college, for the supp~rt of aged pare~&, for church pledges or favor i'le charities. CMh for 10 y1ar1 -and the possibLli ly of having money l~ft aver when you complete the plan! lafelf few JOUf capt~!. Funds in your Mqnlllly Money Plll'I lwft•the aame safety en joyed by reoular •..tnQo accoW* . .- P1yri11nt1 up to $1000 monthty. The larger your in1Ua1 deposit Js, the larger your monthly check can be. ' No charges of 1ny kind. You pay·nd sales com- missions, ''load" charges or fees at any time. And, you're never too okl to start. Any aduft, 21 or older, is eligible for Month ly Money Plan. And no medlcal examinatlon is required, . First st11): read our Fr•• MonthfJ Money Plan bDok111. Just ask for ir at our n~arest office. we al-SO · have a free, 95-page re· l1rement gu idebook fo r you . It lists, describes and gives you the costs of hundreds of retirement commufllties and faci\j. ti.es in Ciillfornia. Slop in now for these helpful book•. TWO FRl!l IOOKll More than PNer ••• the place.for th~ money yo~ can 't afford lo risk . California Federal Sa\tings and Loaa bocial• • ti Oflcea • A..u OflCll' SJ.S l lllioa · NAh<>N'SLARGEsr ~ ' ' 'ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. f;UCLID AVE.• 778-2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HAR80R BLVD. • 548-2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 619-3033 ' ~ead Office: 5670 Wllahlro Blvd., lo< ~1111 .....,.... 111~ Ufl lo S1$,000 !Ji lht F1d1rt1 SW""il$' Lotti hwtll'l!'lca ~•!Jon,. Ot/IT\IMN •11•ncyoftht "Urm..d S"*CklWml'Mflt. ' ' . ' ., ; ' " - ,· . . ~ I ' : 1 ' • " . ' l· ' ! i' • ' . " 0 r t I I ~ ... • . .. ··1·•· \~··..o• .i.__ •• • • • •• -_ -.. ~ PIUl'l.".:"lmlTOBIAL . ..PAGE--. __ . __ ·-----· ,,. ~ I -· . --·----·-___ ..... __ . ... )th~,: .~~x . :Pr~4i~c~ni,e: t_~c '!be taxing tactics. political gamesman1hlp and UnlorhmtWJ. Hlpabaw'a lon&·•landln&.~ bitter pa..-at,..,ta&onisms of ·Countr. AssOllOr Andrew Hin-' . i!»la&olil.!ll> to the Irvine 'Cl>mpaey, and more 'rltenti, ahaw ~ )!io~iY• jjlterestinr, '!i!>~lili!r'1!u•nUy my1\i. • ~IJJqU'arttjJ wlilf the county s)JlieMllirs • ...U..~bly !Yhlf lo"tlie' ayers lllvol1'id and Often irritalbll'IO • i., •• ,.._.~IUll'lolo!l.IPI be has uao4 \he veri ·~~' fellow county o · cials. · • ·llOWclr....av~le '8 • ......... iq carry on his pe~ But now some 2'1;GOO students In the Newyo{t-MHa , .. ,liatt)e ,["_,tl1erthajj to comt up with the f>ul poSllhlt Unillid School 'Dlstt!Ct' mlij! fiM'•Uiemselves unhappily ! i:i'' rellO!u...,.. ot WI allluitlon. > cauibt in ·the mlddte· of·HIJBJimcJatest'power piay in • • >. H!l).6~'• deoillon on the i111eismerrt1 In t,he UPl"r the Upper Newpo_rt 8.tY. squabbl~. . •. Bay may fit dellj;loilsly lntQ, bll con\ifl\jinJ campaiSJI ~ .; "· At iuue ls Whellier Hinshaw'! 'refusal lo. make a , to ftght wllli ~· supervisors and the .lmne Company, ,,.. , • 1bfficient detennlnaUon or some Of tlie taxing parcels · But if it doe~ resllJt. In v\>iding thOie .tai a11el8· • •• ,. .. ' involved ,ln the Uppet Bay'.tand exch1111ge negotiations m,elits, as !he counfy So'"l!'•l fears, il 'l'PI Inflict ''ri· between Orange County and the Irvine Company will t hardship qll' UM JC!tool district and the studenu . deprive the Newport-Mesa Unlfied ·School District 01· a: because ~f Its deUben.te nature, it ·will constitute· . some $400,000 in badly-needed incoJlle for an already· 'xcusable coiJdUft on ·!thf !"rl of'\h• '"!J•so'r .. ~ ~~ . . . . ijinsJfaw:s unusuaJ and arbitrary decision to com· i · ' .; mlllgl• P.,..••mabty ~xabl• and non.t:aubte 1~d1. and Fvo"' '. ........ · ..r ... ·to Cage to nOt descnbe certain new parcels tn the Upper Bay ,....... \,;II. .,. ('11.J area has brought a -grim warning from· county Counsel \ " Adrian Kuyper. He warns that 'aisessments. totalling Newport Bi\ilcb city crew• soon Will start lnatlllfug ,l.6 million may be voidod and lost to !he various cov· iron bars and eat<• llelOIS the openln4 ot one of 11\0 emmentat·bodies. Harbor ·area'• lllOll ·excilloi natural ~er,.. . , • · Orange Coast College District and the city of New· And the ca1fe at Pilate's ·COv~ Will 'be reduced 'to ']. '))Ort Beach also would be among l;he li>sets in this sifua. the hum.iliating 1..~i of,a ~,ge, ·_, ' , ~ ~ 1 tioo, to bring to about· $800,000 the:toll!I amount of in· It will be a caga designed not 'to ·kef p animals in, ., come various local agencir:s couJd ·tos~., ' but instea\1, to keep the 1anima1s·-th,._t.Wo-Jegged •af. At the moment, the onlY. course open. to the school iety ~ f;orcwulng th'e •caV..iJi at nl#hl too !fiat they ·district and .the city of .Newport Beacli appears to be. can brefk the I.:Wiinobserv~·· • ,r· to meet with Hinshaw, to appeal to him to sugg~st .a Almost IJ> people ba've 'lleen ~arrestect' there over soluti.pn or change his approach. 'TAe·· cb,811ces are that the last 12 months. Untold hUQdredS more misused the he will do neither. . . ·~. .eaven,i W(th cnwe, hWnf!I (ilth and ·garbage. without The p<>ssibiHty then is th.at. ti!• sc!Jqq).s and the city bemg caught. : · · . . · may have t9 ft1e.. court action ag•im\ ,.the assessor's · · .. '-~elti~tant city couitcllmen agreed that the tieSt decision. . . :: ,.. solution IS to put gates at the cavern's two openings. Hinshaw insists .that .h.is"course,,is:the proper one, The public will be able to explore it by day, but not and that he has "ensured, until the>cOUrts have deter-after _dark. The gates will stay closed during.tile winter. -· - • --· -. '1lined the extent of ownership tight!• (In the Upper .. . ' Like so many otbe_r Qf our.natura•·¥tractions th~t Bay), that property texes 'Wlll -~me due and paytblec " _ · · man bas befoulell, lhe .~ave will still bo there, to enjoy to the counly... . -but caged, it will never lie qllite the lame. 'Talea of tM Green, Beteta' (NI .. ' .... "' ?the Worst lrl T hese Days of Stress fifld Tur11aoil .. Kind of Filth Peddwrs Dear Gloomy · t , .,,Gus: r Jriisb ~·s police would raid A Reader Suggests: Share tlJOiO ·mapzine stands that sell c'.?. the ~!A!ilor:.. •l .. ~pubficatiOftg·with pictures of atarv-~ In U1ese Tays ot Sfresa aftd turmoil, 1t !ni Bfafr:m children, deed ~mer· becomes difficult for the JndjvidUl.I to 1can sold1~ ... and simulat.,S,'. ~Ill'\' . know just exactly whal be ej.o do to htlp de;&~ (such If on detectin:-lmag••,.. \ OY!C'come the overwhelrflill chan&es ..,.. <<Win\. Tlley'r• jFeliY· 'W!Jlch '. seem lo be threa~ the · .. ry obseene, in my opwon. ,· eilstence of this world. ....\ ' -H. H. 0 . S" '. , "P TMt ....,.,.. l"fflKls ,._,.,,. ,,.....,, 1111 oe ~ggesUon : nare a smile. A :;mile :'I sst. Mac." whispered -this sleeiy -~ ....__ .i tttt ,__,.,._ "'"'.. eases tension and helps CrtJte a feel~ clllracter, lu.u!ng at my c:atstetve, .._. !"!' "'" "'r•"'""" ... ~ ,,..,, · ot· harriioiy . ..-tt's ·tliis -lacfl of l)atmony~ 'Aj"arma ~ a violent ~d .. Stra1cb\ .(" . · among the peQples1 of tblt.:ocommunity, . Shows mutil~ttd bodtt$ com.. . . . this state. this nation and this world blood and... ., . scream the1r-a,ppr-oval. blood·IUS1, 1n their "'hich is res)>onsible for ~ stress and )'OU purveyor of fifth, "'J flid",.: eyes.d ·~ d th ! .bun . turmoij. . '-I • Ail ott~ 5 aero.% e try, This "Share a Smlle" cainpaign t am you, you mother-shooter," ht maga~s aod paper·back b 0 0 ks urging Is not a Pollyannaish _,mile which -.ttertd. along with ot~ ~. grap~1callt~ w1°'.murde~, assault,~ see.ms to salJ'~j'hi'.Jw.p ."'This is ~lies,•IJ be ICUttled aw~y.; f• ~mbifiis 'iilrd '~ttery art -~y [iof·r:eAJrStic .. ----y lt cl~ lhis dis811'tinl 'fll!l<riente', id.II· displ8J'.ed lo,tlie public g•"· Do you want litrate 'M ~ ll)tm~n of ~ "'gi~, . ~¥te. truti !,a1~n~ mto the hands o{ OUR SMILES arc motivated by a 4f·Ot(ency. the MoraJ.Upllft L..ei~'and qqT-~~e:,·ehild . . deepulmpulse-one which is the toun· Glbes-do-good groups must·nmain -ever -.Soirit· .c tuiMfnes .,.ar~ that this datJon of humanity. These smiles say. "I Vi&ilant apinsL the dec~ent tiQe of ~ISSO~U~ fi)tb cauaes, IJO:~~~J ~ ICC!~ )'Oii Jnd J cl'tlpeCl you," It's this pernici<Jus .. violence · that threatens lo who,'!'IUl ll.l.o.ieed; the!i~.i:ib:' . l~;)il ~ aod of a~ptance which tJ1IU!f oUr nation. 1iervea 11! '1 ( ~~ty , valv~" ".""' _p.u ., .~Cr.ta -'thrilijrmotl !D ~ society. TRUE ·~ TO our efforts, mo.51 states have pas.ed sti1ct 'laws prohibiting · the depiction of violence. in books, plays, movies and night clubs. But recent Supnme Court decisions permitting . ,10leftce ·if Uie work sbciws "~eemin& eociaJ import.aJlce" ~hive opened the floodgates to the unscupulous peddlers no prey on the warped tastes of jaded voyeura and tlte innocenl. young. Do YG1J re.aliu that-Hollywood toaay is ..,.oduclog X·rated mo v i e s in which tladiog men actually hit and shoot each lllbtr oo tlte screen, while J>andying about ~Jetter words usually seen only-. On iMC•s room walls -words such aa '°lock:' "slap" and "gore~" Do you know that ln seedy little movie h:mes on skid row streets purveyors of ..,._uchef)' .. show che-ap little quickie ~ depicting whippings, stabbings and all eorts of unbelievable acts of naked aYagf:ry designed to appeal to twisted lllinds? tne reade!" of .YI....,. to. !."iltaiile. the A> ~ '~ocom~ by a cheery vjolef!t emo~~ deep wtUWI hll soul ... ). ''hello'' -.or· "'good ~ming" or .t~ ' • ·' • • . 1'-__ • _day'' ·beC<iines .a :,Piritual greeting. NONSENSE: .Who..·~ how mu>:, '!H~Jo,", a derlvaU"! from the tern1 men, their p1mons W\u~ to a fremy . ~ ... tM .A~l~ ~rd for GOO -in-- by some Violent book or movje, ba,. · ,,....... <God:• ble:l u does "good Ttahed' odt· on 1he street to, ~ or club iA9r'riing;'' a Cootraetl ' of "God be with the first tnnocent passer-by.!, • .,. you thi$ mornJng." ' Is ii.an¥ wonder Ol': clt~J lrt unsafe!!'_ 1 bcUeve that _ha ony and with It' 5<! J o 1 n your ne1ghbolbood Crtisade a binding untty can and will be estab-Ag~t ."Blqoci . Lust.. ·Help your local Ushed in this world, provided ~ch or police· stamp out these merchants ot us does what he can tq: help create th1a violence. And ~bove aU. insUIJ in Y°':lr harmony. i children the litt1ct r.noral value! th.at ~1U Fifst step: Share .11 ~ile, accomp6llied enable . them to ·resist the tet}'ptations of J>y a.call to God for the ?vell being (I our t.hese tiW:. peddlers. .• , fellow ma'n in the form~·of 1 fPltltuany TAKE 'nliM-:-To moV1et1·tbe "'.w~e :,,f~t. "Hello/' ; BE.'N ASRELL family ca1l.-.enjoy. Recomm~nded-. Que. .., w .. k is "Stir lmtens a\ J'lly",-·ui.a · · . wnole1101De. story of lw~ ·~. and 1 • . Salt Creelcl Pla11 young college professor enlaged tn gentle aclS of love in all their glorloua·God·giYen 'fo the Edjtor : nakedness. The following is a plan for the develop- Fof tf. we can t~act;i our.~ and g\r.ls ment of Salt Creek on our South Coast the joys of · loving a!'ll;t giVIJig, they Wtll that ,.oukl -provide an ofderly and ·con. turn their ha($$ on the e\l\b ~ ha\ttd ti:o~ 1.1se_ or the beachfront and be of and violeoce. benerit;to resident.. as well as vislton. Lellt11'11 tntm •ffd!Vt •l't .. 1-. tlom'Mllll' ..,,ll•u Mloo.IW ·.:onyw ll>l!lr mt~t 111 a wonh tw Jeu. r~, rlVl'tl 1o1 ClltldMH let!t'1i lol tit liffct ., •l!ml"t1' llbel It rn.tn'ed. All i.tten mu11 tnc.li.tdl t11!1M1l11,.. •'"9 rn.1tr119 Miii.-.. """ ,.,.,..., wlll M wtttmtltt on rtoiw.• " 1ulflcO.t11 rt•IOll 11 tPN...,.., 2lJ. ·vhich is all wrong. . Thl~ Greek story ~itten . by Georie Bernard Shaw tell! of the SCUiptor Pyginalion, whose wife wa.s. Cynisca: carving a statue of a beautiful woman . Galatea. He falls in love with the statue and prays it will come alive, which it does Theret.y hangs the ta.le. Cynisca calls dt1wn the curse of blindness on her hus- band. Mr. Collins got ··h:s'' and "hers" mixed up. MRS. LILLIAN W. RILEY Reporter Collins rtaliztd he had rtvC:1'std tht Pygmalion and Go loteB roles th,e moment ht saw hi.! feaittrt article tn Jlrint. Hi$ tmbarra.ssment is shartd -by editors who failed to ca tch the error. Sdll a Goo• S tor11 To the ·Editor : Tht August 2 feature article about the pounding pigeon at the Pageant of the l\fasters was most cleruly written -bu~ U the pigeon tried to perth on Pygmalion's "chest" no wooder It slipped off. The average man is prtlty flat· chested. Thomas Bulfinch, author of "The Age of Fable," recognized aull>Ority on classic myths, standard dictionaries and en·. ·cyclopedias all describe the male sculptor as Pygrr1alion. Perhaps Mr. Collins may be excused, if even the festi val publicist didn·t know tht difference. Oh \fell, it was still 1. &ood story. -MARJORIE MAY The Notion'• 1' eas t ' To the Editor: I thtnlt before long you will be rather ashamed of your editorial "ConVast in Attitudes" in the Aug. Jt OAtLY PILOT. Every passing day brings more evidence -of just wbat a degenerate en. terprise our adventure in Vietnam ac: Lu1lly is. The victiw in Portervlllt who have Jost their sons in trus wicked business are certainly to be deeply pitied, but unfortunately the blind faith Mid ~vity of sYCh people i! just what bas made it'Pouible for vain, fooliat and fre· quenlly corrupt men :o lead our Jation into this quagmire. THE YEAST IN this nilion, Ukt 1.tl o&hert, is in its dissenters ( e.a:. Our found- ing fathers who in reYoltin& a&ainst the British brought our country Into e1- istence.) The ardent young people or to- day \\'ho reject Ind oppose this war aff·· the yeast, aod contrary to your Umid no- tions, are. certainly 1be "spltlt or America" as it was conceived by th t author of our most treasured document, that a:reat radical, Thoma-' Jtffenon ! MARGARET NOLEN Tht: editorial in question contrasl· i>:d th e activities and attitud-u of· tilt Peace Aition Committee's marCh at San Clemente August 17 with tht: non-- prote1t in Portervills, a small Tulare County town whicll has 1t1.fftrt:d a disprOJ?Orlionate 11umber of pold stars in the 1Vfttnom \Var. The ~ said residtnU feef a protcJt. "wot1.ld be a lack of faith in our country." -EditOf Agalnat Se:c Edeceatlon Th• majority of the publicity in our • • • a nt\\'S media ls favorable to 1he aex education and family life progranlS. It ii only fair that the large sepi'tnt of parents and citizens who are opposed to lhis ,program as being hazardous to the emotional development or many innocent children, unproven to have any beneficial valut for any or the social problems and a tremendous tax e1pense, shoµld be broughl .out. It is hoped that 'the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce educatiort com· i:n,jltee .will give more considerapon to the pa.renLs, , cltizell,,'i and org~ations: flP"' posed to this proiram Ulan Oley have been doing, accordina: to the newspaper reports of their investigation. F. J., WILLIAMS,.M.D. " .. ·-. . . .. . .... .... Cot1f11sed Co 11ncll . To'thf Editor: ·: l wOoder if anyone else noticed that .,,.e have a rather confused City Council in Newport Beach. An August ti headline in yoQr paper read as-follows : "NEWPORT"COUNClL EYING $400,000 USE TAX" Within this article was a claJSsic revela· lion: "If the:y decide in favor of this tu. they wtll also study ways to apetid the money". \Vhy doesn·t some member of this im- portant body representing the people o[ Ne\\'port Beach come up with a· brand new idea! IF' THEY HAVE TO :>ludy ways to spend the money, perhaps, j11SL•maybe, they don 't need this tax nor the money at all . No wonder we are in the kind of a tu bind we are in \\'ith this kind of fttickty Mouse ,thinking. . · • On second thought, l shouldn't mention ri1ickey i Mouse in the same breath with this group. He mt1y be a little mixed up on the fun ny side but do\vn underneath he is all Milid thrifty businPs«. Al,T A I. KASTER JN SO~IE CITIES. moral standards have fallen so low that "topleu joints" &Qurilh. Then!, male entertainers. bared t. the waist, pummel each other ~th 111cide<1 fists as diaslpaled c-ra ' . Yes. wi"' the help of movies like thc5!?. If your readers like it. they should so we. can stUJ hope-our youila: ~pie Will . respond .to the count)' 1upervlsor1. grow:·.Ul'.:19·.~ 1ood, decent Christlans. .· My5'lf, I think it'a gr.rat ! · -!.· 4 two..la:rte highway \lt'lth acceu ·onJy People to Send to the Moon ·' 'I t. • ' p··. :;-: .. :: te ~R:i3Je~:n~?:'~~;h al~~~heroaro:eb~ n1WVa Wn re me obviouslyhigherup-max)>ehalfwoyup the cliff. _ ~ n.,.p" Al Llr&e: All organizations pretend ~ thtmselves tbal they are deeply intmated in "in- mvatlon," but what they really want are in <hanges that can bO bandied !he ..,.. old ways by tbe,umo aid JIOCIPI• aloaei WillJ the ..,.. olctattlludU. • • • "' •· •, .. :,\. mass of Americans are tdeatrstlc Uie same people who ate proud of a:ltnct:, but cynical .aboUt poUt\cl changinl their 1birts every day are "T 6e ·ir'ocaiW resuli bein& lhl.t their in-equally proud of the fact . that they =.IO politica. ,I iulles hu turne<I haven't changed their minds ~ 20 rear1. oblivious of tbe fact that mental dirt ac-to an auxihary of goYernment, cumul,ates just as Inevitably as physical rtlDforced ilte politics o{ power. dirt. and is even harder: to 0 el o{f alter • • • • • .. ~ years ol>coostent wear. _tit• no aceidt'nl that people have • • •' z. At tilt. tnd of the I wOuJ~ be a tum-&r0und. . ' .~. ALONG THE BEA part of . tne road, spact for angle pa ·re wou~ be prov:ided on bolh side.! of the roa~. There could or inetereO 8pact.s fOr «ummer and -weekend collection. ~ 4. ·Pavements would be 1on both sides but tht beact-side pavem®t "·ould be wider and more in th4? na~r of a prom- enade. • S. Two or three restroom:> "'ould be built in~ the cllff side at inWYals. 6. Private access from ·tW residential area up on lhe cliff would b'l•providcd . Thanks for lcttin& me ~txpress my brain1torn.. t-~ MRS. EUGENE P. HlfUUNGTOI! , tfriltld )he Blblical,.NYln& ~to "M~y ii, Althou&h· I appreciate the areat ~ nol al an tvO, wbu It ~· LOve • melodic ,]lop or Opttll, I cllllllOI 1bidl If -II the root of aU .. u -tlllll Ille ,.....,.. al ntoat of -...i mllSI • the bla~ llOID their ftl . lll'ft w!lh Voltaite's old. Jl"J,,diC. tliat . . . Jlolea Jleto••e"'~'-e•• .. the collla;eitadf. :·Anythina lhat1.s U>a stupi<l IO bO•pok'en. 'to lh< Editor : ' • * • IS sung" Jpor• pertoOS call LaDn a "dead'' · • • • · ~ps by this time you have ~h·ed wba tt's reall7 1n ·•tmmortal" l'n•1'3' ·1e~~rs conce~g the ~~cl~ ·~= laamiat still apok!:n Writers and intellectu11a who yearn to artitle ( Pygmalion tJnrufrled, Aug. -•• be th< tm!ffl<O tTtH bth\nd -Jm-......,. wbo d tt as • -~ •nt N•bllc fiM-evtntually leam ...,. ...... .,.. dead." !i;i lhef"tum ..;;DioentlY ,,.., while B11 Georre • • • becominl only temparartly eminent. .Ill ~ U a man who ii brash • • • _..... to ,., Moot. himtelt e.veryth1tlr -Whan youths steal a car for a "joy •. ,.. .... -,...,...u. , rlde," lt'r lfecau .. lhe)"re so mlstr•ble • • • ~On 't know wbal e1te to do : tbe lB$l .. -IVlr collacl 1 hYpoc:ltan-In ·the world they cu c:ompreMod .... ,.... """Clll'llM•• w ftlOlllh y.• • ' 1 ' CONFID~TIAL TO S'l:tlDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIEY : Whaddya mean, I'm bigoted? Some of my besl frieoda an Demotrats. PEOPLE WHO send you Chri.stnlas cards in Augtlftt. All pet owntfs..who slick their squirm· jng ails, dog,s, p.arateets and go)dflsh in your ·face and demand. "Oki you ever ..ee -.n)'thlna cultrl" ·A!tY fel~ under 30 seen carrfan1 1 peacock fei.Ule( in public. U he.'1 over 30, it might Just be temporary in&anfty.• All people who think any oOuntry flJJ solve Its problems by drop~ill( bJcb'<IOll bombs on !!Orne other counlry, Any secretary whose flngernl)ls lre longer than her false eyelashes. Office employes who pick tJieir teolh aflcr lunch with an unbent paptr clip. PEOPLE WHO JIEAD your newspaper O\'er your l!houlder on the bui becl.Ull lhcy a.re too cheap to buy a copy of their own. People on Lht bui who, when you have " ANYaODY WJlj) wlllll ~ lo wltnt., his list wut·and tntimerit lMrt won't tet you rea~ the documtnt eo )'OU tan find out whether your name 11 among iliose the: ti&htwad ts leavm& his doulh to . --W.. Wednesday, August 27, 1~ Th.e---editoriol f'QIJ OJ t1tl Dailt1 Pilot 1ell>1 to ft\fof'm. and~ 1tim- ulo\( ,.oders bu P'"""~~ ntwapoJH"'• optnlonl ana ~ me1i.tof.tl on~ Ja~cs o1 fntnclj 1ud ilantficcnce. bu prouiditig o forum for the ezprutlon. o) ottr rcad«rt' opi11i011 .s. aftd. by pre1enting tit,. divcrst v1cur ooint.t of 1nfonntd observtf'& and 1pokcsmcn cni toP1cs of tltf de11. • Robert N. Weed , Publisher 11 I ' ' ; • . ' ~.D I TI ON • • - 1 • I ) fl l l• \ ,1xons . . , . . . ..., F leOd; Talt. So•"-· • -1;~ .. ·Bate·~· Jump,. • • f • ~~of~nge County . t Dr. Dorie: M. Araujo waa-f:led:td Tuti- d"Y to the Orange.Cowrty ~ of £00. catton gtvlng ~ .• wanuc 3-Z majority on the COU111J ifd>ool board. .Br. Araujo• poJ!ed 119.f pm;.nt of tho 'ZC.._ to delute ""'f'"!e lllcbard L. 'C..0 hie nbm/ I-ff/~ llr. Ari!" w1111 ~;.Ac­• .......... 191 1'ilh .... • ,...,, . ' ,, W!lhdr...-!Oo· te fur IU ,-·to, be takm elf theA>allol, ..rtli :Ill' ·The· tf«:IJ.., far the Fourlh Dislrlct ...i w11 ·111id ·ln the MIJsieo ~ORCI EtToro aria!, anil "lh Orange, Villa'Patk and ·a pari of Aosbeim. Voter .turnout in the special election. ""!' 9,., onl,y U pett<Dt of the 110,1115 elliibl• voters. Dr.#au}o. 4S, i! a rtsldenl of Orange fark Acm arid a sped-In Internal medkine. She iodjcated durlnl 1le:r cam- paig)i !he agrees l'Mfllly wftb Gll'll6• votive board members Cla;t MlldlOll llld IJn Dale RalU-.... wllll ColmJ;Y School ~periot.ndeot Robert?m· • 1111• will repl-L11e, , wbo ... oaled the -.... . to ~ Aris. He usuoDJ 11M "111111.bboid _ .... Donold ~ ;ml}A. E. "Piii" Aroold. -Jit.loll lii·¥q'tbe boOrd bas spUrn •iMlol'-. Dr. Araolo-W• ... --.Jn pd>lle dlools ad _,. lloqlo!rlnteod-~ Pet.raen'1 i:fal>t to -aa opti>-trip poll ' In berllor ilqis. -!he woo'I w .-lor omdl ....U. m>til elecliotl."resuJll an -and liOr sta~ of campalp dpeildl- 11 checked: llolb mattm .. -. "· Mesa Tta&h Pickup Slat~ for.Labo.r D!!Y TrHll Jiclupl lly.CIJ'of.OOola - (l:eWI w!il prciceed u ....i Labar Dly, dlY '"""' Aid today. ~Tho ncirmaJ namller GI lracb ad'"Ulf ·u 1ie .. 111o Job. but IP'k-· Aid 11111 ..,.,, ap llla!>llY earlier thin ... -.... ~ • lation lly Counly Auditor Vic Heim. Also adopted were tax rates for achoo! tf1Slricti and special assessment d1sttict5 throagbcKd. the county. City Lu ralel are _ not ""°l!l<d bJ Ille Boud of SIIpuvioorL Mentientni Ille one -r-1l!n In the county ~al fund rat!. r~ OWrfnan WUJiam RlnUin WU mOnd to reDmrk. "We art ·pteful tor ,wnaU faVora. H ' I Jl'illh'!>Ulricl s_.i.or ,\lll>l(E. Alleo ol ~ Beach said he lhli\l<i Ille - tr ·~·· stall la ••llllfd to -'gratqlitJ(ios for dolni "a very dilficull, "''••led ........ . . cmn~. 1"¥ i Heim uld bl& llall pot Jn 300 boun ol overtime to meet the deadline. Figuring the.tax rate was com~led, he aaid, by Ibo • llate property tax ·rebate and busines& inventory e:remplions. The' tu rates wh peU;ed to raiae from auessed va1~ttoa ,, u ff l c le n t rev'"""' to med bodllell-.Ldt out of as.ses&ed valuaUOn totals, Reim said, was '9.,million in..--,cfiMiuted oil nvenues, '1.&.m.ll!O ;i Upper Newport Bay ~ ~ $H,718,115 In ~~ _pmerwe usemnenta . .. '¥1":~ · ·••ojy ~ Adri,. K"'-·-lhe.i:c>led·.,..... ed'"'-'• ~ ~-not'bth.- cludld. . a Adoolnlalrative AllilWJt llavid k p61ed out Ill~~ !hat · Gi!lllY -'1.tudil I'll rflt ~ r<-&~ :;i~ A":rr~~ aiia tiit-'••Tim liU n11e1uateci trom •u• i. $i.n-doi1111t 111a1 pericld. &Jpervlaot -said the cooinly'• '4.1 rate lt.lbilltyrJs p articularly beneficial to big businesses &hat have b emeadool tali mpomiblllty. SOviet Missile, ' Space Fireball Light Up· Sky ,,,;,,...,.;, o1 "oraoge eout mic1en1& TUelidaf Dip\ 1aw a doable-header tight *'-in Ult Uy and the. second feabn - a dyfrig "Ruisi.an missile section -wu by far the moot speclaculair. Poll~ nitcbboards in all coast com- llluilllies began lighllng up at 1,50 p.m. when Ille huge, <lreaklng fireball and sparta whil.zed over the aru. Some thought the d I 1 p 1 a y waa a dis.integrating Jet, others thought ll was :,~F:a=.1°' in the atmospbm, or a 1be answer, however, fmally came from North American Air Defense Com- mand at Colorado Sprlop, COio. Spol< ...... there said the dilplay .... ~ lly tile _, In tile atmoopbere ol·a oeclloo d .. Russian COomol rocket Jauod!ed Aog. Ii . r.....,..1 11> COlando" tracked 11ie -.Jdng. ~ piece of. llpOOe prl>age don the Plldfic Coast uoW U leD info the au oil La Pu, Bolh!L "IL was phee101uienal1" Aid·• Newport Beach police lel"pant. •1 .... u from Ille balcooy ol.my houae In Co8ta M_esa for •bou! 31 -., aod • tile nen lblng I lleard "aa·a r-report t!lal ii had -aipled In ~" he added. Palrolmeo In IOVetal Orange COUt cilles reported by radio Ibo tlP!I,. ol -lh< llhbaU. • \ n.. Ont part.<( the -doable lleadtt oc:anod·an hour before when ·• ...... lrall el loe ..,,... left lrom Ibo ...... of.-....u..-,caug11t Ille aetlfn& ..... ray1·...,. Vandeabq AFB near ,._, • -Nmillllo traU. a ..,..,.. lltlbl In re- ceot-modbo -..,., • lllr. 11\11: al Ibo lla01woocl llolll. menben of a oancert wl9o oohed a abed at the"btlol, ... ~--ol Ille l!09td --part -11ea(!. Motor1Jla ~ lo w lbe llreball cauoea tm11c Jam 1n ......i Soulllero CaJllotnia - .1i!lf YO~::l-·'!lle llodi Dllrkt cJc-l'Gll •• l<Mla)>, oiler wortlrc ill "'1 out of an early decline. (!eo quol.tl'-, Pqa -). Tradlq -..iet O'l<I' much ol Ille -..,., Dow Jonet lndUllrial ••fill' at 1 p.m. wu up J.51 at ae.03. ;,: BI llANDY llBELYE ... Dlffr , ........ Seventy-lift member• « a {luak.,. peace orpoilation picketed Pmideot Nixon -hhmelf a Quaker -today in San Clemente in a protest ag8.fnst ·the Vietnam War. Spokesman Jam~e Newtcn of the Quakers' American Friends SUv1ce Com· mltt.ee explained the apparent irony lit this way: , "We gave -the Nixon Admfnllllratloij m month!: to conclude' the war in Vietnam and they. haven't dooe· ll" The· Quaker orpniutlOn lield a Tlgil neardbe .. W..i.m "Wbito HOllSO In - testqAmericaoa tilled aod "OUlilled ln ~.· , . Memben ot tile AFsc relld a lilt of tnell killed io Vietnam and carried ligJ1I llr8iDi i:nmediat. wttbdraw&l of troops from South Vietnam. Newlon .aid tbal allhougb Nllon ·la a Quaker, be llas DOI .._. ' the AFSC group that Ile Intends to pt Ille United Slates out ·o1 Vietnam In the ..., Mure. "We ate demandinll an lmmedlate wlthdrlWal of all troops and an end of the ' war .. We have id made any·cilnl In Vietnam and W. ire fuit ,.,ittni.,,,_l and Ame'rlcan llvei thert,"·N-~ ded. • . • 'l'he. group of protesters said they were· condemning lhe war in Vietnam in the "spirit of 'Frienc18." "lbe group wa! made up of Quakers from all ol SoUthem Callfomla .and several other iroups pro- testing lhe war. ' . The group gathered at the eastern cor· ner of the San •Clemente Beacli .Si.to Pnk and then lleld the' protest our Ille -to· the Cottoo Estste. Merqbers of the AFSC p~ lllfs ll!OfDlnl .at 10 ..... : arid .,;n .he rUdlnc . . ' the llat"' -uatll I p.m. w..,..,,q .. ·David Muon Mid the """"·bOpes to mile tbe'aew.~tion aware of-tta feel\DP lly pi.-ng. today. "We are al•lbOldlog Vilils "at the Wblle a-In Wublq\oo, D.C. '' N.-aod l!fumo.ate boll> from the AFSC hea<lquarters located io Puadetlo. Tiley Hid they uped Ille .,..,p <I pro- -to ~e·to aboul IOO by-Ille eod oftbeol-· Nlxon ls a member of the First Friends Cburcb In Eu! Wblltier. ~ ... FOCITS ·on You.Jli.: .Group · Gives Help ·to Students · . . ' 0 ~•ft••' I , N.l:'. SC•±• J . . llSQllS, LBJ Feted~--. ·" In .aenieltte ' ' . . o,~ni~th:day j • •• " ... 1 . . ' • ! ' , ~v r1~~!. • ?; .~ , .... ~'!!!r~rrii ..... 21.:.1~ Negro Wins EOP Post; Mexica~s Jlispleas ~d ' •> TBOM.U ro~ or • Oelf "*' IJ9tt A bl.:t< -· to tl!e 41!Pltfll!P ol -Mnlctn·~ ......... If Ille .. w director ol tlie E<jucaUon•I Op- portunities Program al ue lr\•lnt. He ia1 Timothy S. Knowlei. 25, wbo ...,.. to Irvine from Die ...,. poot 1t San J.,. St.le. Announcement of the appointment was ' made T\Jead•Y In the name Of UCI Cbonce11t.r Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. Sup- Soviets Silent On Cra sh With 112 on Board M06COW (UPI) -Soviet oflldals and news outlets tept a llrid 1Uenct today on the naming crash landing outside Moacow or a Soviet commercial air lloer with 112 person& believed aboard. The foreign mlniotry, In th• only ol· ficiaJ comment on the erash, said there were no foreigners on the niaht. Thal was all the official infonnation available. casualtits were not known . Only ~k1 and ambulancta with sirens 1Ueaming as they raced out of Moscow toward Vnukovo airport 15 miles away gave any clue to the lfJiousDesl of the accident Tuaday nigbL Unofficial ...,..,.. uid the iurbop!Op llJI d the NaUonal Aeroflot airline was c:arrying ftJurlN to M'*"" !rom the Bia Sea ,..,,., at Soehl. Ont employe at Vnukovo A.Id there had bee. "vicUnu." From a dlst.ance. witnesses could see ambulanca 'eavtng the scene for Moscow, their blue Jigbta flashJni. Offlclall o! AeroDot and or lntourut, the oltlclal 11tate travel agency, Wd they had no word on cuualUea. The Soviet. rarely report crubea unless foreign passengers are Involved. The unofficial account. of ~ cruh u\d tht plane had been unable to &et tt.s lan- cfing gear down, circled tho airport to burn up euess fuel and thon attempt.cl the belly landing, buntlnl Into llama. Moecow radio and t.lev!Jlon -..nl orr the air Tuesday nllht wtthoul mention ol thti crash. Morning newspaperz bid no craab accaunta. The oUicial newa qeney, Tua, lUld notbin& 12 hours after the ac- Clidenl . Attoflot URS the lLll, a foir-engine lu!bopmj; capable ol carrylnc mon thaa 100 _.. for medium-haul Dl&l>t.. A<n>llol ciaJma ta be the world's blpesi plble and ""' of tho ulut. . Tile last known AeroOot emit Involved a n.11 UW went down near Svmlm1k 111 Ncmmbe• or 1117. No caaualt1e1 were ewr announced •lthoulh u effidal :in"I :: ...U,llfoo of lbe acxldent wu beld. · .. Legion 'Evicted' "· ' On Paper as New Lease Drawn A 1 .... DI 20 yean Nndlnr with Colla Mesa· American Legion Post 4$5 wu tmnlnaled Tu<sday by Orat!le County superviaors. but only bee& ... "' a ktal ta:lmlcality. ~· order~ a new agreement " be n<&otlated IO tJie Le&ioo post c&JI COA• tinue to have Jll: hall on Harbor Area Judld.al District property at 18th s1r .. t and Newport Bmlevard. Tbt original Jeue, signed 20 yura ago, ca11td for SI per year annual rtr1lll f" for %5 years. lkl.t the county counsel's of. fica later dlscavertd thal lC> yws is the mutmum the lease could run Wlder the Military and Vot.ram Code. Tile county Roi Property Servicts , Deptrbnent was charaed w I t b ~ neptlatlng the new Jeaat. " . . u r~it • ;11lG l --tt ·--... ~----JIOW•hr ...... w.11oo--•.o.a.1Nt.t2&16 --...... ...-:ntJ ....... .._. .......... l ,. ,..,... """"' llaTJcls 11fO.i JI'~- Ml\.'I' """'· ~. ----............ ~ ............ ::..:. -=---.::... ~ ._. ...... ...,., .• ~ p:~::;::.~· """"""' ... ---f 's' m cJ MM• . D p•tM ••:••::.. !i-~J:.=! s:.4~;:~~ OAll.T rtLfn' ...... IW ~ \lle..t LBJ, BIRTHDAY PARTY·llOllND, DlllAllKS WITH FAMILY A Dotnocnt Ctltbr1tH In llock·ltlbiMd Dnnge County · Fro• P .. e l • JOHNSON' 1VISITS ' NIXON ••• '. "Guadilo)ara Boys" -i.;· ihe chasrln ol bewildered.Jpok ·jrol)I J pltarist. th!,ii ~ .. an elil¢i' 'inn clca!IY , While the Nbllll·and Johnsons stood at not .a Guadalafaran. the alde o! the Mlicopter, with the "That's 1J0t the.Ir name:• he to}\t • . • •1~ newmnen. "lrs 1 belter name thin thal. IJ manachis energetically p I a y l n g &k~.what. Jt wu, he ~lied: "Guadalaj1ra," ~. Ni~on asked Linda ·•1 dotl"l know. But it'• not Guadalajara Robb wbelhtr aht bad bought her "dad· bays." dy" a prue.nt ytt., The linsuqe barrier ·wu partialf, "I'm wallin' to a:lve It to him till we gel hurdle(! to the: manaaer's aatiafactlon back home," !be drawled. when aome ntwmlen atrffe! to call the. "l aa\•e. him a uwe present l bought band tbt "Guadalajara Muchachoa'' in him on the b1p." their stories. Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson The ·we of one: White HOUR ofHcial ind the Nixons were to fly to ~he. took a phOto,raph o( the band, after a6k-Redwood CounttJ in Hwnboldt County to ing: dtdleate Lady Bird Jobmon Grove. "Do t have to pay you to take your pie· The Johneonl were.to ny btck to Tens ture!" ' · thla evenlug. endin& a big day, just 1be onJy rupoo.se ahe aot was a vi•iUng. Hope for Cats Breeder Gets Desert Citizens' Help . ' Stranded with 50 5tricken jun&le cats. an Anaheim wildlife conservaUonl&t to- day hoped to limp on rrom El Centro in his ark·llke 1149 truck to Yuma, Atli., a haven of hope for rtpalni and relief. Citiiens of the broiling California desert community collected water cans Tuesdoy to help Todd Louthold keep the maUuncUonlng radiator htil en route to the larger Ariiona town. Mrs. Dorothy Leuthold, ol 7Ht Red Gum Sl, Anaheim, sald the talktd to her husba.od at midnight for a prosnss report In the.tr troubled move lo Brook!ide.. Fla., with the ~xotic c1r10. "The cats art holding on pretty well,·• Aid Mra. Ltuthold, wtio learned ~fonday nJallt that two ltop1rds. each carrying three rare cubs by a black sire, had died in the bl~lerlng heat. Engine trouble caused a halt In the Cl'06M«IUMntal caravan by Le4thold and a truck.drlTina: companion In El Cen-t... wbtre 1d4Jtlboal difilculties struck Tutoday . "He Ullnb the block la cracked and then the freenr gave <lll,,. 11ld Mrs. Levthold, trplalning that a nine.foot. freezer cont1lnln1 300 JIOUnM of frortn chicken ror lhe cats is .steadily "''tnnln& up. "fie can't 'ft'tt the animals down, b«au,. I• tbat hul tho shock would kill tbem.'' iht -ln\lld. lellin& ol one we!~ mean~ but lutlle orrer or belp which -Tu<>dtJ nlgbt. "A man e11led to ask U thtre -·•s any WI)' ta brln.I th•m back -and he olftrtd us • placo In Hemet -but thlt'1 In tha ~l(:d," • aald - "'nlcy'ra dyJna In the dHerl no•." 'l1le Leutholds operated The KOUM ol Mertu, a clomutlc cat breodi'n& and bOOnllN !acUltt unru earlier lhls ytlr, -1'"*1 ta shut doWn by COW1ly alllhorfH ... No m011e)' bai come in 1lnc11 June and Mrs. Leuthold had to mnain behind because of lack of space on die cal caravan or commercial transportaUon runds. Loss of the two preanant mother leopards and cubs was a $18,cn> blow, whlt"'t the surviving animals are valued at several thousand more. The couple hopes some day to open their own IOO In Florida, but .incrta!ln& troublu are dimming that drtam today. "I fffl like jwt 1otnc down to the JaU and sa.yJJ'lg: 'lock me up', I'm just about to blow my mind/' the de5litute woman ilid tod1y. "But t tcld my husbtnd on the J)hone th1t at least I'm Witb him In aplril And God ia watchin&: doWn too. Somebody mus be •• :· House Ref uses Powell 'Plan' W ASR!NGTON (UP!l -The Hou" refused today to rt~lnd its $2$,000 flnt. ag:alnlit Rep.. Adam Clayton Powen Jr. In e1u:han1e f« droppinc hi.a clalm for !M,000 In bock pay. Attorneys for tht H<IU.Se or Rtpresen- lttives rejected lh1 Powell. propoeaJ in a llatantnt In U.S. dlstrlct court The Harlem Democrat h•d ofltred lhroup hi< llW)'trs Joel -k ta diop his bac~ J>IY claim U the HOUff would nullify tlie !ll.000 llnt 11 lovJ<jj &I a c:oodltloo or h~ ,..llltl In the CUmtll Conatua last Juuaty-. But a ffOUM ati«ney, 811100 B"""lcy, !Old Judp Glo(p t.. Harl Jr. that Powell bacl no bidt P.7 comlU ta him btc11.11t the H o u a 1 ·wu tnUUtd "to l'tt'Ofer $49,D and mtYbt m~" that. Powell alle1tdly ml .. pproprltted In Houoe l\Jnds. • "'II" f"l!I )!~American leaokr lal"1 !:e!l*vt, ""' lit • 'li ci,ann11or .\Jdllctt "'91&: . "I perf'M!IY ,uti!l!an the veraeity Ill tho <\J\llo ~Dor al UC! and f •m ~ .. -.. 1th \hf lndlanp th4t wh!te ma.n 1peaka with forktd tonpe!' Echave contends that the Leap of United Latin American Cltliena, of wb)ch he Ii alate civil rla:hta .chtlnnan, Wlf pot noWled .a! prOfnlaed of the dea~ for applyln1 !ot tlie job; thit Kltowles doea Rally Set Sunday no! '11*' itlliar 'by O<!ucotfoO .. .., ... ~'t~..t'.::-=:. Cid~ '""""'Joni, till• fall Is "" ... lni lleld ta. D!&CRJMlNATORY The i\e>: EOP director waa ~ la have a masters de1ree plUJ fottt' ytan of experience in tt.udent nlattd actlvJb', Echave said. "'My infOrmallon 11 I.hit. K~wles,has but one year ot exptrlerjCfl and a bachelors degree. This ts discriminatory to thote . persoM 'ho ' • ~ .?:~fijed u Ult ~b ll'Jlri'loo~ !rom S.• ,Joot Stale Jn 111eT·l'1!il'ciulCiiache1ors cfe1rees In malMmatica alll] ,-yattel educa.Uon. lte at.ayed at the cOllege 41 a lecturer and t.eachlna asalstanl.and became..t.he cam· pus counselor for the colleae com· mitment program , rising In EOP to become its director. Knowles rounded the SJ~ campus' Black Educational 0 p p o r t u n I t Y scQolarahip program and the ritarlin -Lu~r King scholarship committee. l!e bow ia working on a masten degree aricfwas actepted as a doctoral candida te ir. edueatlonaJ pbiJ050phy to the Universi· ty of Oregon· but ·chO!e to lake the UCt Peace Council, .ACL U_ job instead. Under agreement with Aldricb it was the students, two from the Black Stu dent Union and two !rom the .United P.texican· American StudenU, plus lbe EOP staff ,,.00 picked the director. In Court on Beach Use • At Irvine the past ye.tr EOP students numl:iir.CS 33 blacks, nine Mexican- Amf:ricans, one Puerto Rlca.n and one !lalian • Antl-wu del!IO!lllratan aided bf the Amei1can ClvU Llbertln Union .wfll be seeking legal aid rn federal court. in Las Anaeles Thuradaf; on the eve .of another rlilly near the ·Western WhJte House Sunday. The Peace Action Council and ACLU 1ttomey1 A. L. Wirtn and Fred Okrand are aeeklng an injuncUon to prevent their being denied use of San Clemente State Beach for a staring ground Sunday. Part Supt James Whiteltead is expect· eel to deny the PAC permisSon IO' use lhe racllllJI -already booked up with Labor Day campen-but tho dlssldents hope to thwart this through legal means. Oran1e Q:amty PAC lead<r Robert O. Bland, of Laguna Beach. ls one or u,. plalntllfs In tho JojUnctlon actloo. chaJ. lqlna a aectioo of lbe lllate ad.minis- President Sets Dam Dedication After Departure Prealdent Nl:J:on will take his goU club! and family back lo Washington on Sept. a. ending a one·montb workina; vacation at the Wutem White House in San Clemente. Ea l'OUte to the nation's capital, be will stop over at Del Rio, Tex., where he and Prtsldent Dia• Ordu of Mexico will Joinlly dedlalle tlie $71 million Amutad !Spaniah 1w "friendship") Dam. The dani ls on tbO Rio <l!Ollde. II miles upstrum of !>ti Rio. Ila conslniction. ~hich bel'"jjx yun 1110, wu financed by tho U.S. tod Mellco., White Hotiiii spokesmen .iald Tuesday the gi .. tllltl of Ill; 11'•~ pO<Ulivtf Will prov., Nina .... L !)l'dii •'-'all 'iit.- portunlty .. ..-pmldentlal -''ersaUons on matters of mutual in- terest." Ordaz tast spoke to ap American Presi· ~ent'last Pece:mber, }ust N:fore Lyndon Johnson finished out. his term. Nb:On's 1chedul• betw.een now and Sept. a rtmains faJrly flexible, except for 1. planned appearance at the Governors' Conference In Denver, Colo., on Sept. 2, the day after Labor Day. The Prtstdent today prepared to p1ay host to Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, their dauahttn and sons-In-law. Nixon and Johnson were to confer priratel y earlier In the day while Mrs. Nixon entptajntd Wdy Bird Johnson and her family in the President's summ~r home. The two presldenUal couples, alter an Informal luncheon. were then to fly to California's Redwood country to dedicate the Lady Bird Johnson Redwood Grove in Hurriboldt County. .. trative q::>c!;e primarily Involved. RnJINDER Tilt pttclse section ldvea parka super--It~ ii that disproportionate Negro lntendents the rtgbt fa crant or deny representation thal galls Echive and pari use lo l11ge groups and require other fl.1txican-Arr.erican leaders. Twelve $300,000 liability insurance, damage de-pef-eent of Orange County resident3 are posits and permit fe es. t bl k •·Authorities in San Clemente have Chicano but less !han one percen ac , alempted to deny or inhibit our right to they remind. assemble peacably and petition the West· For thls fall , 80 new EOP students have ern White House for a redress of our been accepted -40 blacks. 38 fl.1 exican- grievance against tonlinuation of the Americans. one Chinese and one Anglo, Vietnam War." Bland said. according to the wllversity. He added that !he ACLU believes de--.. It is my understandipg I.here are nial of such rtghts of assembly aitd free several Indians and several from Latin spe«h is uncoostitutional. countries in the Mexican-American "Our aUorneys are confident of victory group... said Echave. "Our 50 percenl in this legal struggle, even if the matter ·promise to us .bas been diluted." must. be taken at the last hour to a U.S. Echave said, "Ifs been thrown at us Suprtine Court justice," he conUnued . · time and again_ the ?i-1exican-American The fAC, •ilkh slaged a protest d ···••· W kno ct! de.rrlonsti'aUon near the Wester.n White ~3m't on~. -!l~·tnt· e w exa '! House Aug. 17, plans another Sunday ~t. what they're: talking about. We haven t 2 p,m.~ whether Judge David Williams' ifemonstrated. broken 1 the Jaw or three-man federal panel grants the ~ destroyed property. The main impetus is junction ' Thursday or not. j)olciflcatlon or the black ... .,We are determ.lned to establish a The EOP direetonhip opened when free gpeech zone in the shadow of the 'Alan Miller, the director the past year Western White House so that our goV-reslped because "a while person doe:in 't emmeni wlll hear loud and clear the have the background in Uvtng, hun't \•oice of those Americans who demand shared experiences at the primary level the immediate and unilateral withdrawal with the students." ~ of all U.S. troops from Vietnam," Bland formerly an asslst,nl profes50r or continued. psychology at Irvine, he has beer. ap- He .aaid the PAC conUngent plans to poirited to a new position -assistant to assemble in !he 3000 block of South Via the cli3ncellor for urban affairs crises. de frente, for a speech b.Y ACLU atlor- ney Wirin on lhe siinllicance of ~ JOCKEYING BEGAN struqle for free sped. The jockeying between blacks and AnU-ll.·ar speakers are also schedule<i, f 1 -""· -u •· l\'ith a march to fonow to the Western Chicano.1 or cont.ro Ill uie pos1 • on l.l'Cgan White Hbuse, led by Vietnam War veter· when MiDei rlsigbed. But con.sent lo the ans demonstraling agalM~ the d>nfllcl appointment was managed, aJ¥I Echave A pe®on carrying moni "than S,000 notwithstanding. tht appeahnct nf ·sigt)&tures of Vietnam war foes demand-UDaJlhniJJ "'etl~ ' ing ·an end to the fighting, the 10~ ·Hoy, newly hired and just 'arrived on jocome la.x surcharge helpicg P.I)'. fot tt the ca~ Monday, had ~ hand in it. He and withdrawal of all U.S. aoldl~ 1~ to ~Cliicano studitlt.s of the new "We ln~ite a~a~mlnded • assiAant. deiiJ PQSition. · Call!cnlans to join us ln UUs ac:tJY '' "Is tlllt .• promiae?" be 1aid be wu Bland colltinued. I .. -~ ..... '' ll:ed. • : Eten If the PAC wins ts lnjuni:wn 'ln ' 'Re &~d he promiHd what he could : "I court · Thursday, San. mementt ; State Rni eager to &ee more minority people on Beach will already be· fammtd •wttb va-the S~aff and will work in that dlrecUon. catio"ners Sunday, California Parts and Recreation Director William Penn Mott Th~t i a promise," Jr. Wllnled Tuesday. He said that facility . is .one oI many throughout the state already booked solid ror the last-fling summer weekend and urged campers without reaervatiom to head ror remote areas. 5,000 Ml 6s Rejected WORCESTER. Mass. fUPll -The Army has rejected about S.000 Ml& rifles because .lbey failed.;1 to pass lnspect1on, the Wor.ceJter ,T!legrlm aaid lpday. All five lots prOduced by the Harrinlton and Rlchard.soo ·Qorp,. · since July 125 were reprrted turned dOwn by Defense Depart- ment inspectors for defective barrels and bolt carriers, improper lubrication and discolored upper and lower rece:ivers. Bo ys Ouhs Plan On Repair Work Beginnini next Monday, both branche! or the Boys Club of the Harbor Area will close for one \l'te.k of pa.intin& and repairs,.followlng a buiy summer. The facilities at 594. Center St., and 2131 Tustin Ave., will reopen Sept. 9 at 3 p.m .• "according to Executive Secretary Lou Yantom. Ope.rational hours for the fall schedule "''ill be 3 to 5:30 p.m. and 6 :~ to 9 p.m. 1'.1onday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to S p.m. Saturdays. Tothemoon and back To pt to tflt lnOOl'I )'OU 1llaUfd haw tai undlip ton1e of the MOit 1rutlln1 teata for .-.lt.blllty, ru119dneu and clepencllbfllty •.• •ectlt.-.tlon ftom·o to 24,600 MPH. porwwfuf pm.. &UIW ct.,.._ extr.m. I• .ternptrttur11 aftd atlocbi to nta. Miy tlOne In your , . body ••• ~ •nd rour ecrulp-~ rntntrnintaurvlY'l"*"lllL - And tr'• acttl,.-thtt tM "•ry ••m• lp1edrn1tt•r ., '#ltchMClnyWls Ml«tld 1 •ltltout any modlflcatio1t1 by NASA fo r •II ma nn•CI ap.ICI mlMlons. This ~ nltion, truly • mrard tot•• t:el~ m1to. U1 ptaUd tt · bt your •utltorlnd Omtp )nrMler. Com9 !ft - .... tNI h1ndaomt. 2 button, 4 dial, Om111 lpt•dm1•t•r chrono- lt"lph. lbe onty "9tch wom b1 tfll ,,_on the INICla. P'l'lee $195. CONVINllNT TUMS IANKAMlRICARO MAST5R CHAR•E -J. C. ..Jlump~ri.J 'J•w~&r4 L I 1111 NEWPORT AV!NUI COSTA MISA I ' 21 YEARS SAME ~OCATION PHONE J.41.l40 I 11 11 I . ' I I I I ,, Survivors Scramble . ' Twb~ survivors of .Australian _freighter Noon Gabi wtµch sank off the coast of Sydney, climb to safet1 aboard the freighter Merin8a after 12 hours 1n the \vater. Twenty are still missing. w-.r, l ulllbt 27, 1'16? /DlllY,l'Jl~ I • 7 Duh~ek f,~ces P;urge . . ' .MedUiim Sen . To Nori~ lrelafr,d • I• I r Ant~S.O'Diet Pr.Qtes(s Vsed a.s ·Reason BELFAST, NorthUn IN!aod . C.llag)nln said Hi inliond• to (AP) -Britain ls ~1'1o rn 'ti Insur• r.alr "play fb! .• the VIENNA (UPl~ -The • ror ?Kith.~ thC hendwriUni; tbe dtmonstratl0fl5. • c.n••• · Calhollc minority, l!ldlhg: "l" Cteclloolovat gover_.t . Is . olri!ady ll'on the wall. Rude Pravo, lhe Communist setre.Lar1; James ..... an, shall theref~ puJ1Ue with the nreparw. .. to Uie last week 't ~I.Ill the demon~tratfon1 Party °"'spaper, has char1· arrived 1kKl~y to ~ to ~· gov-emme.ot, ~re the question ,.. ".16 • marking the tint 1nn1ver1ary ed that '"I.ht-1 d e o lo g I e 1 l ciliate feudlflg. relig1ous .fac-of how ttx>ee~ fe&ra" and any street f1ght1111 a1 a reaf()n !or of the SOvlet occupation ol. leaders and maJn organiz.er.1 tions j.I\ Northern Ireland so dlscriminatJon 'tbal miy ellst purging the last remaining CUchoofovakia. dem1DStrat· of the proVQC:aUon ire today that "Ille C:af'\_relurn to normal can be removed . progressives from po6itioas or. oi's chaated .. Dubcek" and 1ltling peacefully before a .and th. l~ """' be I am not hert to dictate to power in Prague. diplomatic "Smrkovsky." Speculation has glhass of wine inh 1 .~dtain ... ~ ~ tod l ··• th t 11.---chants c: alet or are ununs eer itbdr • ..,., •• I.he Northern Ireland govern· reports reaclllng here ay ncrea~ a 1~ K . ••··-1 w .... t I' •-· to hel Slid. we.re $tarted. by provocateurs near 081ce · · · "'-peop • · · men · ve come~~ p, the drlnk ,wine al the f~place or Dwilll' hill three-day v1s1t I can't solve this problem. ()n.. NSA Ok y· The Urst to go, the reports anxious to d1scred.it l¥'0 hunt ~t ii time when. ~~ is Callaghan plans to meet ly the people here can decide 8 S :sakl, will be the two leading ~men .and set t~em up for .re-shed Jn our ciUea. But they ar. Roman Catholic and Prolu-whether they are willing to 'heroes of the re!orm days or p1l1als fi:om the governnient. known.,, "•t' leaders, •'""ludln• the live in. peace,_ in freedom. ln $50,00.0 for .U\e "Praau,. spring" -AJex· Leaflet,appcairedonPrague ,.., ·~ • Lit -d 0~ .. bcek J 1 wallll during the demonstra· The reterence was not clear. • tn'utant Protestant firebrand equa Y· an er v. u and 0 5 e tioM reading, "with Dubcek But both Dubcek and 1 I ' "I put myself at the disposal Smrko sky. . . against Soviet oppression.·• Smrkovsky are known to enjoy the Rev. Ian Pals ey. of Northern Ireland to try to BJ k G ' Ot)lcr progressives it 111 The diplomats d 0 u b t e d both mountain hunting ~ At Belfast Air Pott• ensure that thOs~ conditionl'-8~ , . . t•ou p holding lower-level govern-de m 0 nstrators U1emsel\'ea \Vine. Cillaghan ~tressed the ~ exist but only y ·, the peopl' ment jobs also are expected to woold have had tilne to Prague radio chimed in U1 year-Qld partltlon of lreland of Norther,n lrel . , can take EL PASO, 1'tX. (AP\ -The be tossed out of public life, prepare the well-printed a demaod that the demon.str_.. 'Will not be ~ an issue in ~ the necessary -~teps lo achJ~ve National Student Association lhey said. The purges are ex· leaflets and plaster them on lions be used to "open a battle disctlssiohs. The b o r d e r them and make them laslin& has climaxed. its %2nd aMual peel~ to come at a . special the walls. against ... those who lead our between the Brilish-ruled and and permanent." convention by approving a session of·lhe Cornmu.nist Pat· tbe g 0 v er nm en t has young people into adventure&. mainly Protestant North and CaUaghan sald a respected claim for $50.«Kl by a break· ty Central Co1nnuuee In responded to this with thinly \Ve. must remove from pubUe the Cjlthollc lr!Jih ff:epubllc to police rorce is part or the a'11·ay black s(udcnt associa · September. veiled hints thar Dubcek and life those forces which were the south \\'ill remain as long necessary C:?ment for a true lion. DttDcek was the Communist Smrkovsky actually organ:tied reSponsibJC." as. ~ Norlhe{'n Ir e I and democracy and •·t sh a 11 Delegates to the convention. Party first secretary during:1;:::=;;;;;;:;;:,0:;;;::;;;:::=====;;=======~ P.arbament and people wa~t there!ore be talking with numbering about 500. acted the reforn1 and Smrkoinky it. he sald. Callaghan also said representatives of the poUct: Jate Tuesday nighfon the mili· \\'as chairman of the Federal he will not be principally con· the men as ·well as their e1.: tants' demand after a riotous Assembly (parliament). Both cerned with inquiries in~. the ecuUves." session the preceding night. since have been demoted - causes: or th~ rece_nt religious The role of the police Jn during which black dissidents Dubcek to chairman of lM riots 1n which eight people Northern Ireland's strife was took control of the meeting. Assembly and Smrkovsky tol \.\·ere killed and .. hundreds Widely crilicized by Catholia, The black militants dematl(l. the chairmanship of one house wounded before Br1t1sh troops 11,·h-O claim Northern Irish law cd that NSA: pay back 10 bfack of the Assembly. · 1rer.c called in. officers are aggressive and students funds received from Dubcek also still . holds a I •;t am con\'inccd that there religiously biased. foundationl': since 1961 far civil scaL on the Com m uni s 1 ,SWAP ·MEET Pop -MOrii & tfio Kids·. ADMISSION FREE WITH THIS AD arc real and deep se;;i.ted feel· Charges of brutali ty have rights \\·ork. P.irty"s ruling Prel5idium and! ings ol injustice and been hurled at lbe Protestant A spokesman. Gwen° Pat ton. Smrkovsky sits on I.ht Party discrimination held by a "8-Speclal " police reserves. said the new National Associ a-CC'fltral Committee. The two 11 C•.t s... -'••• C•pistr•H number of people in Northern an 8.000-man force that \\'as tion of Black Students esti· men are expected to lose all '"" 01.,. frHW•¥ • o,..,. Hwy, T11"' Otf- MISSION DRIVE • IN THEATRE 200 Taunt Dean Ru sk After Ba11kers' Tall{ lrelaqd," the home secretary recently ordered to turn in its mated the arc?Unt due to be these jobs in any purge, the Sellers Prim• Spices-$2.0D t said. _:arm~~'·:_ ______ ,.-..:s~so~,~ooo~.:_ _______ _'.'cpo~r'.'.ls~sa'.':id~-------1'==================== "The fear exists. and no I· society can b! stable unJess those feelings are examined MADISON, \Yis. (UPI) - About 200 • young persoru demOQStrated noisily out.side 1oc~ed doors at a· ~pus theate.r \\·here ( o r m e r Fornier IRS Chief Calls Secretary of Slate Dean Ru 5k spoke Tuesday night. His car was stoned as he left. Rusk addressed a con· vention of bankers at the Universi ty (If W i s c o n s i n graduate school of banking. He was escorted by police from · a side door of the Union Theater after his hair hour talk. About a dozeii rocks, bottles and other obj~ts were hurled at _ the car as it departed. Fol. Refo1·ms Some struck the car, but it ap-parently was not dainaged . Some youths kicked the \VASHINGTON (UPI) ";"'" vehicle as It moved slowly ~ Former Internal Re v e n u e • PoiSl. A fe.w SB;t d(lwn in the · Commissioner MQl'timer '"'M. slreet in front tl(.;l, but got out . caplin has caned for swttplng of the ' way when it ap. J refoi;:ms be says would pennit proachcd. tax· rates to be slashed by 14 Some rocks also were 1'reent. • ...... ~ thrown at Pq!ice ;:ars. There ! The refonns wou1~ be far were pi arreS<s . ~more comprehenSi:Ve' ba.n For seve ral , days ., u,o.se ~d .by. the House U1u;, demonstration leadeis. had summer 'and now under con· promoted a .. Rou( R u S k" side ration by . the Senate.. Rally" to coincide \.\'ith hi:i1 Finance Committee. talk. About 70 young people "The exemption for interest crowded the union foyer dur- n n s t a t·,e a n d Jo ca I (ng .the speech, banging on governmenta should go. So doors and yelling: should the special prjvilegcs The others milled about for 'the ·commercial a'Ctivilles outside the 'theater, chanting. or coope ratives, churches and "You couldn't win in Vietnam other er.empt organiz.ations. - you can't win here," and The opportunities to turn real· '·Ho. Ho. Ho Chi l\1inh." estate investment .into tax ifiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and. ii they are .found JUilified, removed ." * * * Miss Devlin Gets $1,000 Froni2 Men NEW YORK (AP) -Berna· dette Devlin. touring Americ~• to raise SJ million for Roman Catholics left homeless by dis· orders in Nonhem Ireland, had Sl,000 in cash thrust lhto her hand by two men who said th'Y were from County Kerry, Irc1aJ1d. . . The incident occurred 1\les, day nJght as she was entering a .ballra<rn to addre55 2.000 persol'IS. ,.oday she takes her campaign to J,.os Angele~. l\1iss Devlin, a p e t I t e f!. vear.old .member or the Bfit.. lsh Parliament. said in 111 in- terview Tuesday night that her tour \\'Is g o i n g "quite well. "E\•ecy nickel we get will be well spent and well used," she addect, shelte rs should~ c1i?1ina.ted -_ I HALF PRICE THE N·E·W Jar " HAIRSTYLING * * by the arca·s TOP STYLISTSI • Compliment1ry M1ke;up1 e F1ci1l1 • Eye Tebbin9. M1nlcure1 •nd Pedic urH By Appointment 3 DAYS ONLY Thurs.·Frl.-.Set.-Avg. 21-29~0 One Group The most fontostic: colloction of fabr ics, models and colors MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING I YIYIANI W90DARI COSMITICS ~,,!:'~S~ .. 'JllJaf/it!6 • WIG' I llAUTY ' SALON. • S41.J446 2:50-D lftt ''" Sffftt Hlll&REN SQU>iltE COSTA MDA bN THE TUBE • ' - SU I TS .. SPORT COATS DRISS SLACKS DRUS SHIRTS SOUTll COAST l'LAD Olll.T llllllTOL AT IAN DllGO ~. ·COSTA .MISA. 540.llDZ J . , A $100 to $1000 check in your mailbox every month!-' . '. Announcing the \ New California Federal Monthly Money Plan .The California Federal Monthly Money Plan Is a new type Of savings withdrawal plan -a new way to stretch your capital ove r th~ years with a check-a· month for you tor 10 years! You start t he plan by depositing $10,000 1o $100,000., We add Interest computed at our highest rate posaible and you receive .•• A nlOftthty dteck for retirement maTied to you on the first of every month. or, I , lnOnthty check for any r1uon -for your child's room and board in college, for the support of aged paren1s, for church pledges or fav-orile charities. CMh for 10 )'Hrs-and the possibility of h~ving money Jett over when you complete the plan I S•felJ for rour copil1L Funds in your Monlhly Money Plll'I have the Pme safety e njoyed by regular savings 1ccounts. Payments UJ1 lo S1 000 monlllly. Th• la1ger ycur 1nl1lat deposit Is, the larger your monthly check cari be. No charges of •ny kind. You pay no sales com-- missions, ''load" charges or fees at any time. And, you're never loo okl to 1tert. Any eduft, 21 or older, is eligible for Monthly Money P lan. And no rnedital examination is requ ired. Flr1t 1l1p: re1d our Fr11 Monthly MoMy?ten bOoklet. Just ask for it at our nearest office. We also have a free , 95-page re· t1rement gul"debook for you. It lists, describes and gives you the costs of hundreds of retirement c·ommunitles and faclli· Iles in Californ ia. Stop in now for these helpful books. . T'jWO l'llR IOOKll ·!Aero than ever ... Ille place for the monoy you can't afford to risk. California Federal Savings ind Lou A.-ci&tion • 11 Onka • A»ets over Sl.S lijllon NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE : 800 N. EUCLID AVE. • 77S.2222 COSTA MESA DFFlCE:'2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 54&-DOC! ORANGE omc:e: 3810 w. CHAPMAN°AW. ' Q"'3033 Heed Oflloo: 5670 Wiishire Blvd., t.csM>Qllls ) ' . .. - • ... t • ' • • i • • l ' ' ' -. " .. I I • • 1. ·~~ -....,,.,.--· The --Tax ' ... ' . , ... ____ .,.__ ... -.. -reaica)Jient ___ ~--~----., --- 1 'tllo talf.., t.c~ I>QHUcal "1ainelinan1hlp ponou1 Mtoionlams 4f .c..lnly-ASffslGr Andrew mw are at.,aya inler•Ung, t.bOUlh trtquenUy my•li· 111111 to tbe iu-en involved and often l~ritai~I lo fell"!' cqunty olliclats. , But"" 1om• 27 000 students in!tbe ·NeWI>Qrl-Mt" Unlfted '5ebool Olstrfct may 11nd t.bemselve1 pnhapplly caUlht in t.be middle of Hinshaw'• laiett power pliy in'.' tbe lipper Newporl Bay squabble. _ . , . ~t ·ipuo .Is wliether Hinsl\aw'.~ refusal lo make a 1. aufficlen! .retermlnallon o~·some of il)e-taxing parcel•· Involved In !he Upper Bay land exchange negoUatlons · raise .t.be ... p1c1o~ t.bal be .... used the' very extenJlve pQWers aftllable lo-an auesaor to-.:ar,Y-on l!lt perol1111t • ~ battle rather then lo come up with the best poulble resolution of this situation. , Hinllhlw'1 declaloli on the usesamenii in the Upper Bay llllY Ill d.Ucloualy into Illa contlnuln1 campalllJ IQ D,11bt with 'the SUJ111'Vlsors and the 11\V!ne' Company. Bot µ It doei ~ult ill voldlilg tho•• tax as101s- ineiits; •• the coulitY cout»el feaf•, it w~I lnnlct seri· ous . hardsJHp on !he f.Cbool ' district· 'a~ Uiet 1tll\lonl1. And, .because of Ill {ellbera\e natur~, 1t 'wlll consUtule lnex~able conduct on the part of me assessor. I ' ' ..... ~. ~ bet~n· Orange Count:v and the Irvine Company wll~ deprive · the NeW)lort·Mesa Unified -School District ol ' aome ,400,000 in badl,V-needed income for an , alre8!1Y,* thin budget. . • . · . ' M'. • , . ,· · .Cl1~cking Garage · Sales •: .. " t . • • ! !-I; Rin.shlw 'a unu&ual and arbit('ary decisiob to com.r · tnlngle presumably taxable and hon-taxable Ian~•. and lo not describe certain new pare.ls ig \Ile Upper Bay area bas brought a irim wami!;)g frru:n Cou.nty COUnsel Adrian Kuyper. He warp.s that ass.essments to~ing .1.6 million may be voided and lost lo the vahous 1ov· ernmental bodies. · . -.,, , ~ • · · Tliat good old Arilerican tradi'lton .of 1r .. e~terprise In one of ilnnost popujat coolem\i1!raey suburban forms -' -,liie 'Jar4ie sale -is :beiQC ic!uilnlz'4 by Costa Mesa ... t \..'. 'I{ IC' •• ,. \1" " '~ ;-~ ... . ,.;;;.. -~ . ' ~ .- 1 Orange Coast College District and. the cilf 101 ~ew* porl ~ch also would be among the loiers In llil• 1ltua· tioo, lo hr.int lo about $800,000 the \ol.il--amo~nt Of '.In· come various local agencies could Jose. ~ , . · At Ille momen~ the only coutso open· to 1111• ~ool district and the city of Newport' Beach ~ppears, lo be lo meet with. Hinshaw, to appeal to bim· lo '1uggelt' solution or change h1s approai:b._ The ~!lances arl!. tlial authonUes~ , i , ~ Controls , aimed at curbing, alleged abuses could be forthcomini JI t.be probl.U. cited re<lllltly by Council· man Willla.m L. St. Clair is incleed a problem. A fur• nlture siore ·owner _complained to bim of unlaif compe. tlUon by persons liter&P.y doing contfoued business in residential :areas. the c0i111ctlman rtporled. The city's 'conc~o ~pparen!\.Y Wojild Jle In !he bus- iness license fees being-a.voided. the. sales tax revenue lost and the violation ol >;0nlng l'l!gulatlons. Presumably laws already exist co;verin'g tJ:lese .. \rj9l4tions . .. ....... he witl do neither. .J;.., ., It ls highly doubUul• t~e city· f~lbers can come up with a determination ~f, s•Y.~ how , many t;Jmes a year a family should be entitled to sell Ii• unwanted posses- sions. Likewise, the i~~a of having tq_ obtain some Kind ' :fi: ,?J" " •. •• .; ' "' • ~ The poo!lbllity !llen is that the scllools and ·th! cit)ll , · · may have to rue· court action against the assessqr's . ·deciSion . : -• Hirishaw. insists that his @urse ·1&·the proper drit, · and that he has "ensured. Unfit ·the courts have deter.: mined the , extent of ownership rights .(in the Upper Bay), t.bat property laxes will become due and payable to the county." ... . · Unfortunately, Hinsbaw's ·long-standing and bitter, antagonism to the Irvine Company. and ·more r~dlX,.... his quarrels with the county supervis DTs, inevitiblf"". · · ol permJt strike& us. as too much Big Broiherism . , JC. there i_s a serious ,probl'm -and this has not yet been · established -the answer probably lies in the same realm as the policing of tax dodgers: tips from people in the neighborhood and spot checks by police from their o~servations during normal patrol. . WhicjtJ" about !he sys\em · oow In efieot. here and , _ elsewh·e,.,. Like most law enforj:ement, •it requires ont,i" a litUe help from lb• citizen to be efl~ijve. . -' 'Tale• of tM Gr«•1' B.ret8 (() ·.~ -:The · Worst Dear 114 . These Days of Stress and . Turnaoil • • • • :Kind of. Filth ·::p~(ld~"J.s i ·' , •< . ' Gloomy t ,. A Reader Sugg~·sts:·~Share In rfPl7 .to El. w. E. (Gu•, Aur. 21 ). ·u CoU~iJman Tucker wl rt ask his' bUdget quesUons ,.pr city olflciaJs, he'll set an the eorrect answers. His "position i.pera".., and ·ereu release.-an .wUttc~ publldl)' aeeidng and notbinr .i.e. ~H.T. ftit fiMlvrl ...0.C:I• ~ "'""-ftlt ~,, ..... ., till ---· ..... ,_ "' -.., ..... , ... _.. ""'· TJ>. \he ~-~ltor: , In these days of stress lilsf tunn.oil, it becomes dlfflailt for the '..!individual to know just exactly what he ea do to help ove[come the overwhelming changes which seem lo be threate~ the very existence of Qi is world. __.. •, One suggestion: Sha.re a smile. A smile _eases ~nsioo ~ helps cr:#te a feeling of hannony. It's tlll! 1acii'ol hannony I ' among the pi(iplea--of thiSr communlty, , . . this state. this nation and this world scream ll'letr 1pproval, blood·!~ tn thc!ir \rhich is responsible for I.hi stress and eyes. • turmoil. Jr And on ~stand! across thf: country. This "Share a ~mlle'' catnpaign t am mag~rt;us ... ~~; .... pa~r·bac~-b.~ .. ~uklts urging is not a PollyannaislJ smile. which grap y ~16 Wlu1 muruoc:r , _.... • ·-um• to •• ., ~k J'm "'"-y " This is bombinp and. battery are-.. epenly _.__.,.,. ..... -~~·-'· '""'f'Y • displayed to the public gaze. Do you want not realistic. such vile tr:aib f~IUng into tbe bands of OUR SMILES are motivated by a your IChool-aae cbild? deepu Impulse -one 1fhich is the foun· 8eme lll:iertRilill arcµe that thia datlon al humanity. These smiles say. "I di slOJute tutb ,caur.e;s •do,'~ to those accept yau and I mpect you," It's th is who. tnplt it. lOdeed. -tbeJ' $tm U..t .. tt lick o{ -~ and of acceptance which servea as· "•~...-ety valve" !.. atlowln& Creattt~l:hli tuniioil in. our society. the reader or ·vi~ to ftnt.Ulu rthe A imlle-a«omp&nlcd by a cheery viOlelit emoti~ deep wlthin hls sbul~ ''hello'' or 1'g'ood""-mornlng" or · "good .t • day" becomes a spiritual greeting. NONSENil: Who know• how many "Hell0," a ~eriVaUve from the tern1 men, their paeaiOM whipped to I frenry A,llah' -the AraJ>ic-word for God -in· by some violent book ot movie . have vokes God'• blesslr:lg as does "good rushed olJt OD"1he ltl'fft to mu1 or club mofnlng," a contraction of "God be. with the first iitnoctnt passer·by? you this morning." · Is it any wonder our citil l·lrt Wl!afe? J believe that harmony and with it So j o i n ,your nelghtxir~ Cooade a binding unity can and will be estal>- Af:aimt Blood · Lust. H1Jp your local lished in this world, provided each of pOllce . stamp oul these merchants of us does what he can to help create tbi1 violence. And above all, instill in your harmony. children the filrict moral values that wUI First Jtep: Share a smile. accompanied enable (htm to resi~t the temptations of by a C11l to God !or the ~·ell being of our these filth pedd}ers. • fellow man in the form or a splfifually TAKE THEM TO movies lbe .'lli•boJe family can enjoy. Recommeo'ded _ this week is "Sex Kittens at P.lay'' -the wholesome story of two · ~1 ~ a young college proiessor engaged tn gentle acts of love in all their aklrlous God-gjven nakedne:;s. For If \ol'e can teach our boys and girls lhe joys of loving and g!Ving, they wl\I turn their blcks on 1i'ie' evJls of hatred and violence. Yes. wltl'I the help of movies like Ulese. we cao still hope-our young people will crow up 'J.o be aood. decea~ ChrlsUans. fell , "Hello." BEN ASHELL Snit Cref!lt Plan 'fo the Editor: • The following is a plan for t.he develop- 1nent of Sall Creek on our South Coasl that would provide an orderly and con- trolled use of tilt beachfront and be of benefit to residents as well as viSltorS. If your readers like It. they should so respond to the county supervlsOrs. J\lyse!f, I think it's great! · Lttftre from re-<1 •!"' we~. N•rm111, wri~ lllOuloll UlllYH their 'lrlttHtt lo! 300 'Mlllll or Ins. ttle rillht ,. _,. ltf!OUI • fll -ct or llllTllnllt liblll " , _ _,_ All letl-""""" tiictw. •i911"'-" •hit "'•llll'lf ..sd .. u. but Pl..-ila wm ti. .. 1111Mk1 1111 ""'*' If lllf1ktenl , •• _ b ... "'""''· 21 J, --vhich is all wrong . This Greek story ·written by G~rge Bernard · Shaw tell! or the scufptor, Pygmalion, whose wife was Cyni.sea, carving a statue or a beautiful" woman, Ga lalea. He f311.s in love with the statue and prays It will come alive, which it does Thereby hangs the talc. Cynisca calls down the curse of .blindness on her hWi· • band. Mr. Colliru; got "h!g" and "hers" mixed up. MRS. LILLIAN w. RILEY . Rtpor.Ur Colllru .realized he had rsv~rsed the, P#'.gmal£on~and. Galatea role! the momfnt· 1'~ IOW his /t"atrirc article in print. Hit el'hbarrasfm.tllt is shared br.t editorr who failed 10 catc;h the error. ~till a Good SI or !J TD t11t FJ!jtor: · . Tbe A1.1gust Z. feature i;ticle. a.bout tpe poundJng pigeon at the P1gean.t of the J\fasters was man cleverly.'Wrltten -but if the pigeon tried to pei'th on Pygmalion'& "chest'; qo wonder it &lipped off. The averaae man is pretty flat- chested. Thomu Bul!inch, author 'of 1·The Age of Fable ," recogniud authority on c\a,ssic 1nyths, standard dictionaries and en· cyclopedias all describe the male aculplor as Pyg1nallon. Perhaps Mr. Collins may be excused, if ~ven thafestlval p1,1bli.cist didn't know the difference. Oh well, it was tllll a good story. . MARJORlt MAY The Nation'• Yf!aat To the Editor: ·, t th!n1r before long you will be rather ashamed QI your editorial "Contrast in Attitudes" ln'lhe Aug. 19 DATLY PILOT. Every pas&ing day brings more evidence of jl(!t what a degenerate en· terprise our a'dventure in Vietnam ac• tual~y is. The victims in Porterville who have lost their sons in this wicked busiDess are cutainly to be deeply pitied, but unfortunately lhe blind faith and passivity of such people Is just what hu made it possible for vain, foolist-and lre· quently corrupt me n to lead our :ialioo into this quagmirt. . THE YEAST IN this nation, like 111 oth'ers, is in its dissenters (e.g. our found· ing fathers who in revolting aaalnst the British brought our country into e1· isi.ence.) The ardent young people of to- day, \\'bo, re~( and oppose thls war are the yeast. 'atMI Contrary to your timid no- tions, arc certainly the "spirit of Ameri'Ca" as it was copceQ<bi by the author of our most treasured.docUment,' thaf. areal radical. Thon1ai; JeffCr!lifn! MARGARET NOLEN Tiit: ed itorial in question contrast· , cd the activities and at&itudes of1h« Peace ~ction Comm ittee's march ·at · San Clemente Augus c 17 With the non· protest .in Porteruill.i, a small Tulare County town which hos suffered a di.sp rOportibnate number of gold stars ill the Vietr1am \Var. Tilt mayor .11oid ,.esidenU feel t1 protest "would be ii lhck of faith in OU?' country." -Bdit01' T11c~f!r'• Rf!quf!•t To the Editor : \Viii you please get off the back of Councilman George Tucker, «litorially? You seem to· overlook the fact that be was elected to office and that many 9f the people . Uke \Ye wan ted BOmeone to represent 1JS. not the small old-timer cli· que that has run Costa Mesa since its J.1·th. I think Mr. Tucker's -request for a straight·forward a n d understandable fiscal budget is logical and good businw. WllY ~1UST someone take . it u personal crltici.!m when a Juggestion i:I mad e to put the city "under modern a Smile m1na1ement method.9!" Thie city has outgrown the small·loW'n method! of rule by old·time. businessmen t:oncerned mostly with their personal in-- terests. You seem to think we netd a "rubber-stamp" councilman instead of someone with ideas. Come on, let Costa Mesa grow up. MRS. FRANCIS MacDONALD . ' .'IV at 'Pul>licltv Bill•' To the Ed itors: Jn re DAIL y ·pfLQT editorial of Auiust ?ti: T hal'dly · consider COOrfcUman Tucker's move mere "pullllcity bids." A rowtcilrrian is 1upposed to ask the ques. lion! for us and we would ask tbe sam• questions had he not done so. Further, I believe the editor'f ttate- ment that "COunCllnlan Tticker ineptly and sometimes rudely questJons the acts and motives of his fellow cmmtilmen a'od eiti si.fff" is not at all Correct. Ht was not criticizing hi! fellow councilmen as the story or August lt re1d·, merely asking "pointed" questioM. ~ PERHAPS COUNCIUtAN T u c k: ~ r ''\oseg ground" in your view where "rocking the bo3t" Is bad g1:1vemment, but in my view he has a:ained r~pect a.s an elected representative ~av~ he ha1 asked que$lion.ll we would like answered. Questions such as why are we taxed for mosquito abatement diWict, qsta.Mesa Sanitary .District, Cos'-Mesa County \\'ater District, MWD. Coat.a , Mesa ?tfunicipal Water and not given an ac- counting of the funds so derived. THESE ARE quest.ions we would like answered . These taxes and assessments .are taken from your tax bill. Check ii and sec. Councilman Tucker is correct when he says "reports 111adc separately or without reference to one budget in erfect creale two seU!J -<t( books for the rily." A peraon who says that he lives on an Income of .SO per week and yet supporL• a big car. a yacht. a new house, hu to bt a liar or have an ou bide income. So does Costa Mesa,, Who is 1ctountin1 for it?· R. E. WYMEN 'Innovation' P·ret,ense 1: A two-lane highway with access only lo Roule 101 would run along the route of lhe old Young'g Beach Camp road, but obviously higher up • maybe half way up the cliff. People :~ S-~·~ t<>-tlfe :·~oon 1'oapta Al Larp: All orpni.utlom prdtnlf to themselvu that they ~ deeply jJltemted in "in- no1tJ$cin," but what UteX rully want are hew chan&es tllat can be llanilled !he -old way1 by the ume old peopl• Mill Ille .same old "'1!1tudeo. • • • ... 'J'be' mus of·Amerlclm art idealirtic ~.science. but cynical aboot politics -the 111>n!cal Mui: being that th<lr in· dlrlefence-to polltlcal issues has turned iinc:e 1nto an auitl~-of government, n:inforced ,fhe polil ICI o( power. • • • ;It'11 uo acc1dcnt that people h3\rt t,w-the Bibllcal PYlna loto "Money is tM FO(ll..d all evU.1' when it reads "Love af ......, la the root ol an ..U" -thus ~ the blame ""'" their own ...a~to tfit colnoae ti.elf. ~7-• • • t1par1ct pmons call Latin a "dead'' 1&niulP when It'• really an ''Immortal" apo, 1!<1111 the only languq• .Ull 1poken _,. all people who hid It as 1 oalh9 tqllO .... dead." • • • Aa .....,. la a llllD WM la brHh enmllll lo J01 .about hlmadl everythin& 1"" lliiol: about 70U'10lf. •-I • • • • ltll --mr <ailed a h)'JlOCl»n· aris a ,...an who can't leave UI tnouah alone? • • • The same peoi!le who are proud of changina thllJ' shirts e't'ery day are equally proud of the fact Illa! !hey haven't changed their minds in 20 years. oblivious o( lhe fact Ulat mental dirt ac- cumulates just a~ lne.vitably as P;hyslcal dirt, and. is even harder to aet Off after years of c~ant wear. • • • Al~ I oppreclale flit lfUt melodic llnea of oj>eru. I ~ ibi<le Ute ...,..,;,, of mp!I ol thtm, aild mat qree wlth Voltalre'a old prtJ_udlct that: "Anylblog illat ~loo aluplcl to be apoken, is 1ung." • • • Writers and tntellectuits whO yearn to be the emloeact anae behind aome im- portant public flluro eveolulll!y · ltm:n ihat ihey tum permaoent!y &r&Y Willie becomlnr only ltmporarlly emloeot. • • • Wlien youths fifeal a Cat fot a "joy, ride," lt'1 becl.use t~y're IO _mlw1ble ih<1 doni know whsl else to'llo; !he lut thlng in the world they can com~hend ' fs "joy." · 2. At the end or the road would be a tum-around. ' 3. ALONG THE BEACH .part of lhe road. space ""for angle parking wouJd be proYided on both sides of the road. Thtre cou'd .,.. metered spaces for summer and weekrnd collect.ion. 4. Pa ve1nenhr ";ould °b(! on both mde! but tbfo beact-side pavenient would be wider and more in th e Oavo r of a prom· enade, S. Two or three re.o;trooms would be built Into the cliff Fide at intervals. 6. Private acces.« from the re,,idenlial area up on the cliff would bi provided . _ Thanks for letting me eJeress rny braiDltorrr.. MRS. EUGENE P. llAR~GTON Jtolf!a llf!ver••ll 1'1 ·th! Ed itor: P~baPI by thiJ time you have. recei\"ed many letten concunina the enck>ied article (''Pygmalton Unrufned," Aua. ---a, Geol'fft! ---. CONFIDENTIAL TO STIJDEN'TS . FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIEY: V.'haddya mun. I'm bigoted? Some of my best Crienda 1re'Demoa:ats. • . ' • , "'" L Some a8y the moon ma.y be co\onU-el ~ · ~:g~~1:".~~:~~'t,~~-, of =:i~e~=~ they can't teil you a -If BOme way can be found to provi~t i~ Jecrtt _ tben tell tt to everyone tlse. \\'ith an atmosphere. . . . .. •-Alf money-hungry authara who write This shouldn't toke too Jong. Allrth'At is • about sex as if it were a four-lette r word. needed ts a simple 3ystcm for e~ng· 1 All w~ten: who brlna: you 1andwiche!I Lo-our lunar satelllte 8 third of the"lfOt llr• .bffice ern.ployes who p1clc their spread )Vit.b mayonnai!e after you've told .i..:.. them.you're on• diet and don't want any tb8t emanates from mankl'nd ea~,..._,;-an.er lunCh with an unbenl paper clip. sandwichel spread with mayonnaise. Once the moon is made habltabl!.·~~ do you think should go there? N~urally, you ha\•e to consider that if they went to . .othes moon you might '?lever get lo ~e lhen1 again in jour lifeUme. With that fact In-mind, here are a few '. olfh111nd nominations : PEOPLE 11'110 READ yOUJ\ n<wSpapet ovei:.your shoulder on the bua beclUll they a.re too cheap \o buy a copy of tht:ir own, ~ , People-Oil pit bus w~. "hen you ban r~ lo hll1·~ "'"flPlP"f· IW'n ...i ftown 1l 7ou f9f lt)llii41o teacl !heir COl>1 i>EOPLE WllO scr.d you Ch<l.,lmis over tr,;lt lhqilldtr. > t C•nls \n AUgll51. • Al>,Ybod)' ~ho hu .!DOH pr\dc 1J1 fli1 ' All pel owners "'ho Stick their 1qulrtn· ~tor& Shu faith and' Popes for t h t " Ing cab. doGs. parakett1 and goldrjgh in · paiOrmanct of ~Olfn progeny. your race and demand, "Did you evv ..ec 9ut&tn wllb ovtnrtl&ht thumb5. But can you recan tftf metllnl a butcher 1nything cuter!" w\lh i.n -uDcfe.rweighl thinnb? Any fillow under 30 .wen carryina: I Dtmurt ladies who, whu you start lo pt•cock feather In pt1bllc. lf,he'1 over 30, +!in them, lurn the.tr cheek 1t Int last 1t might lus:t be te.mporary 111sanity. • momtnl -(u'1.,~ 10'f"Wlth • moulttfU) All people who ihlnk any <®nlty tan' 61 f..,C powdfr. • llllive Ila. problems by dropping hydrogen bombl on somt1 other counlry. Any ~e<:retsry whoM fingernails are lonae.r than ber false eyeluhu. "' LADIES WHO, "' rali!Y daf&. ao heedlegsly down busy sldewalb coll~tlng Ille eyeball! of passers-by on Uie pronas ..... iiiiliiii-. Wednesday , August 27. 1960 T~• tdUorlol poor or ,., DoJrg Not lttb to ipform and. afim. ula t'll• 1todtn b11 preantino this 1ttl.VSPIPfr'• opinfo111 and co,,.. 'ft"lfTitcrv 011 -topfa ot iftterut ond dgnJfiOOn«. by prOlli<Uag • fonu1• for th• e<ptenlotl of our T"et'l:dtrt' ~11;fon.s, atid. btJ prcsrnthtg tht diV'"'', vi«U>- pofnta of fn/onntd. obstrvr:rt and 4P.0kt1mn. on iopica of tht d .. J. . Roberl N. Weed. Publisher • • • • -·' ~: SHOPPING FOR CARS -General Motors execu- tive James Gurnbleton (left) turns salesman as he explains GM's electric car to high-powered auto shoppers. With Gumbleton are (from left) John Volpe, U.S. Secretary of Transportation; Jerome \Volfe, science advisor to Vice President Agnew, and Los Angeles County Supervisor Warren Dorn and Los Angeles l\1ayor Sam Yorty. DAILY PILOT Pllffn "'° llkMrf Kllll .. r EX-AUTO MAN INSPECTS MINI-CAil HU0'1 Romney Wields 2 x 4 DUBRIDGE SEES BRIGHT FUTURE Pushing Smog Back to 1940 Final Week! 10th Semi-Annual CLEARANCE SA VE 20% TO 50% tr••r•I Ttrmt A••1l••I• -. ON FURNITURE LAMPS • ACCESSQRIES Open 0an, 10.(S P.M. Motiilay orld Fri. Till 9 P.M. 1500 Adams Ave. ·;4~~~~~~· Costa Mesa --, Wfdrltlday, August 27, 1969 · DAILY PllAI' 3 Ta~.e 'Sm9gl~.ss~ .Ride .. Environmept .Council Visits Philco-Ford . . ' . .. .. ,.. By J~ICB BERMAN_ .... ~;...,....,. ' Prealdent Nllon's c a b l,n t t • 1 t v e I Envln>omentaJ.Qual!ty Council '""""' up • polluUon-eeartd. day,, with a visit ~ Philco-Fon! Aeronul"flc p·J an t 111 Newport B.each to view uperimental smog-reducing cars with a variety of engines. They followed their tour with a hellCGpter ride over smog-laden Los Angeles, with Mayor Sam Yorty along aa tour tulde. . Seeretarles George Romney, John Voigt, Robert Finch and olher cabintt ol· flclals joined "1111 Sen. Cl«qe. Murphy, Mayor Yorty and aclentilic ldvilen to Nixon in lnspecting the car1. Ranged. In a rllli' lrouod ,lhe parking lot, they nprHented · 1 wkle spectrum of efforts to combat poUution, from the auto industry to small subcontractors of lhe federal government. Publlc utilities were represented with natural gas engines. Other engines on display included a thermal reactor, turbine~ and .itam powmd fthlcles, alon1 wltli • ~Jtt<y opiralod· ... 'that looted like ..... ~Ill. . A car wtttl an . experlmental •team engine belched white amoke, popped and tweeted a ~leW tlm•, tl)en circled the parking lot wllh a carload. ot.dlp!taries, traiUng a pluriie of whlte vapor. The dloplay held an obvioul luclnaUon Jor Secretary of l!Quslnt and Urban Development Georte Romney, hlmJtll a former president of American Mot.ors. Romney poked h!J head jnto lhe engine compertroent of a gasolinMlectrJc hybrid lolinlcar, dealgned with funda sup- plied lhloUllh lbe Departmeol o I Transportation. The car would be used for an urban traoslt system., At the lnvitaUan of one of the car's developer,.: Romney teaed IU durability by whacking its fiber glaas frame with a two-by.four,. He cracke:d It. 1 Unda1mted1 he bopped in for a spin in the lilUe gray car, capable of a top speed of 70 miles per hour. He said, "It's roomy * ·* * * * * Nixon Scie.nce Adviser . J~ Predicts Snwg Decline .... . . Preaich;ot Nixon's sci~nce adviser, Dr. Lee A. DuBrtdge, said Tuesday that hydrocarbon emissions from autos, a ma· Joe ca~ of air. pollution, will, decline in Loi Angel's ~y 1900 to the level o~ 1940. ' DuBrtdge, a member of the President's Council on Environmental Quality, made his prediction as Cabinet.level council members, 'state and . local officials began a close-up look at pollutant-reducing au tos and engines on display for their benefit at Phllco-Ford Aeronutronic, Newport Beach. The scienttSt said the government is spending $2J million per year to combat auto pollutiot\, and hopes to double that am ount. Private companies "see the market and are developing new engines them~elve!," he added . "l think the auto makers themselve! are anxious to develop smog-free vehicles," DuBridge said. "I'm Im· pressed with what they 've done and will continue to do." The cars arrayed in a circle around the parking lot, he said, represented Ways "of the past, pre.sent and future" to com· bat air pollution; · 0 e v I c e s with the "economy and· reliability characteristics of the rresent (internal combuaUon) engine" wit be re- Rttire4 Jor mass production In the future. DuBridge said. "W~ will have to depend on the gas engine for the ne1t 10 to 20 years," the Three Arch Bay resident said. He noted that· smog-reducing deYlcea on new autos b~ve helped reduce pollution in recent years. Pollution "would be reduc- td by a factor of four if the old engines had tht characteristics of the new one!I," he said. But "it takes ten year& to get the old aut.oa of.f the streets," be ad~. Catalina Airport Planned by LA LOS ANGELES IUPJ) -Los Angeles County Supervisors have approved a feulbility report on construction of a new airport at Catalina Island . The report, filed Tuesday by County Engineer John A. Lamble, ihowed the airport would be self supporting within thrte years. AuthortzaUon was also given to file for state and federal funds to help financ1 construction. ,. ~ Cost of tliie airport waa eitimattd at $3.3 million but $1.4 million would be in the form or a land donaUon from the San- ta Catalina laland Co. and almple In get Into." Sen. Ge6rp Murphy lnape<led a car with a,n exhaust manlfold reactor l')'ltem. He commented, "If you could cbMge aJ1 the c111 immediately, you'd have a 75 to IO per cent cutdown In 11110g. BUI you can't." Of the WlSuccess£ul attempt to ban the internal combustion engine in Californ ia tluooth ltgiaiaUO!l, he .. Id, "It WU kind of an impractical bill. We could cure smog Immediately by telling people they can't drive their cars anymore, but that's not possible." The former Hollywood star ncalled his first car. "1 drove a Columbia 11ix~llnder. ~fy first eiperience with pollutants was in 1913, in Fatrmont Park, Pa. They had rules about too much exhaust furn~. 1 was driving, and we got a ticket. My sister was with me, and she got prett1. sore," he laughed. Earlier in the day, the council met for three hours with President Nixon in Sao Clemente. President Says Inflation Fight Gets Priority In a speclal Labor Day statem~ from San Clemente Tuesday, President Nixon told Lhe "working people" his ad- ministration had made the fight against· inflation "a malter of highest priOrity." "We believe that, with the cooperaUon of all Americans, we can prevent another wage.price spiral and restore stability to our economy," Nlloo said. The chlef executive al110 promiJed tn the weeka ahead to "make progress" In the fields of tax reform. crime control and "of course the pursuit of peace." "And we will proceed toward all of these goals with greate\ confidence because we know that the labor force of this ·country shares our commitment and supports these efforts," he aald. Nixon a!Jo a.,.rted h!J beilel that lhe "process of collecltve barg~ must be atrong and effecUve and e1erciled with self-restraint on all 1idea. "Thia nation has always. been dedicated to the proposition that honor .liol in ho ... l toil," be said. He outlined moves his admirustnition has made to bring about full employment with a compreheDJ.lve manpower tralnln& program aDd hie; proposals for national standards for 58.fe and heaJthy places to work. DUAL 1019 TURNTABLE ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-4X ,_.. "IBT IUY,. A•tel!Mfk a-ter s,.d .. I Mir,,...•• tllll ,_ "HST IUY" 10-fr•lw -" .. tlxK!ly It ll'ttw"J .... Pri .. $139.50 SALE s7noo PRICE 7 .... Prk• $54.00 SALE s35 PRICE UNIVERSITY ULTRAD ELECTRO VOICE LT·125 l·WAY BOOKSHELF SYSTEMS SA.LI PRICI .... $36.00 SALE . s23 .... 174.10 HER~ ARE THIS WEEK-END'S SPECIAL PRICES Reg. SALE * CONCERTONE TAPE RCDR. ,., ................................ .. * FISHER SERIES 90 T~NER ..•.••••••••••••.•••••••.••••.•••• Jtt.00 * FISHER 160-T AM/'M ...... ·-..................................... 1 ... .. * HA~MAN·KARDON CITATION Ill .................... 221.00 * GAR.RARD SL-95 -• ...-. c-.............................. 12u• *SHURE M-91E ...... ·c...,1,.. .......................................... 4t.tl 125" 3900 168" 62" 7400 17" 30% to 50% DISCOUNTS on STEREO, TAPE RECORDERS, TAPES · & RECORDS ! Some New, Some Demonstrators, .Some One·of·a·Kind! Thurs .. Fri" Sat., Sunday Only! Sale Ends Sunday! OP.IN Nltlis M IUNDATI" -atlantic • music 445 E.17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! 1unday1 12-5 1alurday1 9-6 dail 1 12-9 p.m. clo1 ed wedne1da11 I I • ! ' I l' I I ' l I !' ·~~Uto Mayor ~1ch•rd J. D1ly ·<J ~&ii{ on the first anpiversary of the start of the 1968 Democratic Na- -uonal Con'4'ention, that ''the city ·~'.lia11 nOt been hurt one iota" by the ;:bmwltuous events of convention ·:week: But, the mayor added, ••cer· ':\ainly we all regret all that hap- ,.pelled.· ~ hope the disorders will -,JK>t happen again in our city." -.• ;· The Redstone Shopping Center in Stoneham, Mass. was treated to -an unusuill display this 'veek, not ; sponsoted by the local s~nnar­ ~ ket. Dawn :revi\aledthe· shopping I center tb 1:)e covered With Obscene : graffiti -on walls, posters and : even on 20-foot~higb banners, with : multico!Qred leltars a foot tall. The : verbal assault was aimed at the : town's policre, who·recently got into : a brawl with 150 youths when they : tried to m3ke mests at a party. : Town Workers. 3.Ad shopping center : maintenance men eradicated the I obscenities. Police would not allow : anyone to photograph the writings. ~ . . -. ,.......,, ... _,.~1 : Girl wotcher1 at M~t Beat:h Jn Ma.ssachuiettl hod something for their bi'nocular.s when Barbara Eyget. 2J, of Boston 1hotofd !'P /or a T'omp i1' the 1uTf. SM uw ta.Jcmg adocmtage of tht fine btach. toeatMr before a" "nexptcttd cold front movts into New England. • Tllret members of the Fran k Sinatra fo:mil11 will have featured bUUng at three hottU in Las Veg as next monlh. Daughter Nan cy, 28. optns Frida11 at the lnt.ernal.wnal Hotel Jt will be her night club debut. Frank Jr., 24, start1 an engagement the foUowing Thu rsda11 at Iloward Hughls' Frontier Hotel. The family patriarcl~ llimself, now 53, is the attraction at Cae!ar't Palace be girming Sept. J9. .... ---- .... _ 1"4tie•t Hearl.,, , Judg~:~·-en~~dy . ' . ' . ' Must Be ·'·Prese:rit EDGARTOWN. ~·(UPl)-DI~ lfqe James A. Boyl0 ·118i11 today~.il­ Sen. Edward M. ~did not volun- tarily appear al a ICboduled Sepl I Jo. quest inlo U>e de>tlt of Mary Jo Kopechnt, he would lua!o'A IUbpoala lo farce bbn to appear. "It 'la ...... t1a1 tlial Mr. ~ be present ... witn.a ~·thia ~ .. Boyle lald. "!I he -DOt _ ..... - iarily. l will see that a~ ii•luued for bis appearance." ~. • Pullout Halt ' • -Ji '· ·)IDw! G. <;iari. ''·· "6e of Kennedy'• JO<{T •\lorne)'I, a.wred the Jude• that Ktnoed)' wcU!d be ~t wbei! the in· qUest _.a1!tll l\'eilnezd.ay. " Boyle made his-Cojnment at a pre-in· ~ bearing info U>e accident bl which .ICA Kopechnt <lied when Kerint<l)"I car )mjled off a bridge Into a pond on t'bap- fll!luidd!c~ Islancl-Jaat mqnth. BRl1>G! SPANNING RIVANNA RIVER SNAPPED BY tAST WEEK'S VIRGINIA F[OODS Many Victims of N1tion'1 Word N11turel Dl1uter Mey Never Be Found ~~~~~~~-'-~~-Called Until . Dl!l Atty. Edmund S. Dinis reYealed thaVhe had .asked Jucf&t Boyle in a'let!tr lo !"'li*>< U>e ~· llcnJ<vo(, Dini• .told tlie judje. ~oday. 0 1 want~ withdraw .tpat request for postponement. The.Com· m6rnl(taltb ls ready, to go forward on :!efl.1.'' -TllJ .atllJmeys representing Kennedy ud.-. wbo •\ltnded·a party on Chap-paqul!Idl<.t 1sl@d wior to the accident Thailand Denies Talks Prompted To Kick Out Gls BANGKOK (UPI/ -Thailand'• foreign minister said today his nation was not trying to "kick out" American troops in seeking negotiations with U.S. officials on at least a partial withdrawal. Both sides announced Tuesday the negotiations on a "graduated reducUon" of the 49,000 U.S. GIJ in Thailand would begin Monday between U.S. Amba~ Leonard Ungar and the Foreign minister, Thanat Kboman. Thailand requested the negotialiona following the conlroversy in the. United Sta1es over a top secret commitment tnat had been made to back Thailand against Communist insurgents in c er t a i n circumstances. "We don't want to kfck ~out or. push out the American forces altogether," Thanal a&id. "We want to ahow our sincerity In our policy of self nlianct. We will deal wilh Communist imurgeocy with our own fprces... However. ii there is open ag· gresSfon, then it becomes an international a.ff . u air. He said Thailand woo1d consider "with sympathy" any American request lo keep troops in Thailand In support of the Viet- nam Wa1'. 1if08t of the µr•s In Thailand are airmen involved In bombing tnissions in South Vietnam and Laos. the nlgbt Of JuJy 11 pleaded with the R. d R d court "to establish ground rulea for the Martinl Law Eiuls Today P!s,~n-~~:onwill !Jfu:: .. ~~:;:J~~:::= hold off announcing more U.S. tf9op examination of witnesses -all those A l H • c withdrawals from Vietnam Wit.ii the elemental rights gUaranteed by the Con· Ong UrrlCane Oast C<>mmunlstsdemonstratetheyarewilllng stitution. _ toNel~onU>e•s ~'"8(el• A~I3ecdesoorneg'a1",·,'i'orid0 U>daH_?.:, "We ask you in the na'me of justice" A i.:.iu r~ ..... u J Clark continued, "to give U8 the basis and • Cabot Lodge, brought back that message the ground rules whereby this inquest is Br Ualitd Prtu laterutlolal pliea. Wllliamz zaid the coast was still Tuesday for the Viet Cong and .,North going1 to pr:oceed." • 1itartial law eods today alon& the "In desperate need" of cmmed goods, Vietnamese after conSDltationa •Ith tbt 1Attomey 'l>aul; J, Redmond, represen. Missi&slppl GuU c:oast shattered by bur· meat, fruit and cereals. President in the United States. ting the five girls who attended the party ricane camille. Virginia Gov. Mills E. Tons of food and other suppliea have Exactly what sign would be acceptable llong with Miu Kopeehne and abo three Godwin grimly predicted that many of been PJQrlng Jnto the area from -a decline in battlefield atU.:.U or· a friends of lhe,5enatOr, told Jir;lge Boyle: the flood victlms in his state may never througbout the naUon, bui a civil defense new move at the peace table -was nol "We don't wari\ to stall this inquest. We be found . representative sa.kS "we've never had clear. Nixan's initial 25.00Cknan pullout want it to go ahead. But without ground The season's fifth tropical storm. Eve, enough and the stluation ill serious. We're was to be completed Thursday. rules we are operating in a vacuum. It moved up the: AUaDilc, well off the numing Very knv." "The message is clear_ it is tirnf: for would put us in an untenable position to eastern seaboard. Pac.king 50-mile-an. The death toll cooUnued to rile. the other side to respond, to do something advise our client!." hour winds, Eve wu located about 325 However, officlala have discontinued an. in return," one source within the Allied Boyle said in answer to some of the miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C., nounclng any specific toll following wide delegation said. lawyers' questions that the SCORt of the early today. discrepancies betwf!len the actual number Nixon delayed indefinitely plans to an· inquest would be to determine when. Mississippi Gov. John Bell WilllM15 of bodies in funeral bomes and estimata nounce another pulloul last week after where and by 'Whta means the death OC• said all of Mississippi's Gull Coast would or UKl5e killed In the. massive hunicane. new Viet C<.lg and North Vietnamese at· curred. He added that all the material be turned back over to JocaJ officials al The latest figure issued by the Red Croa tacks on the battlefield and no progresa circumstances surrounding Mary Jo's midnight with the end of partial martial was 1311 known dead, but many others at lhe P~rls peace table. death would be investigated to determine law. were reported missing. On bis return. Lodge would nol discl06e if any "unlawful act" had been com· Limited martial law was imposed along The toll from Virginia.'a"worst natural what his advice had been on the matter milted. the ooce--plusb coast shortly after Camllle di!&Ster stood at 83 known dead, 104 but sa1d Nlzon "wants to leave no stone He said he would call any witnesses a:s crubed into ' the -area ll dayg ago, others missing and more than flOO unlumed for peace." Lodge spent 10 day! evidence in the inquest developed which spreading death and destruction. million in damages. in the United States. "would add ~ det.erminJng the truth." The governor Wd a large force of jj"i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, Mississippi National Guardsme~ would n.m:ain. on duty, however. to as.sill local officials in every way J>CSible. Disaster officials reporte<fthat restora· lion of public utilities, including elec· tricity. water and sewage faciliUes, was progressing gradually and a number of stores and businesses have reopened. Hundreds of persons r e m a i n e d homeless, however, and a new appeal wu issued Tuesday night for food &up- ' PUBLIC NOTICE!! L&J ENTERPRISES, INC. WlU SAVI: YPU MONEY! ORANGE COUNTY'S ,WGEST CARPEi' WAREffOUSE 'i ' . ~"~'·;l;o-nM ';Up .. • 'J • \ • WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE OUR AUDITORS SAY: WE IUST REDUCE OUR STOOi llYEITORY Bl Sll,000 DUR1118 AUIUST! · h:ai1 I flat ion P.U;ture Jn V.S. ' -. -t • ' ~ • • • ' I . ' Wi::GTON ,{UPI) T J. top~-peasi'I lft9'1tY·· ment ~predicted today,lq.flaUoD. • ~ k&fs1atJo!l ln the congress ion a 1 will pl · tliehatiorifOtthertst _of.ftte.-•·ptpelide-•llOwing the tn·co me tu year despite Nixon admWstration efforts surtax to apire next June 30 and a-tax to slow its pace. cut for the middle class which Is con. William H. Chartener, a·1 s Isl ant talned In the House-passed tax refonn !leCretary of commerce for economic af. bill will "continue to pose inflationary fairs, sald while there had been few signs pres.sures in the economy," Cbartener of a slawdown In the economy, they said. reflected declints in productivity rather tltan a leveling off in prices and mn· sumption. . '''do not see any sign of abating of ii):' 'llaUOll lo any llgnilicant degree over the Def.eqse Expenditures . ' 100°/o Aerilan Hollytex Leading Lady htN ........... ti •1Ntot c ...... M ... .......... 7ss s • .,. $2.00 S1ve 2.00 : CARPET oNLY I 00% ll'(LOll PILI Wl W1U. SAVI YOU 40% TO 70% ON CAIPfT YALU£$ UP TO $14.95 * OUR PRICES S.TART AT $2J4 SQ. YD. * 10 REASOIABll OFFER REFUSED! ·SH US lffOft·YOU i$YJ Wf HAVI -AVAJLAmm -REMNANTS __ ... " ........ 209.00 ' 64.00 ----...... ll""'""""""""'"";c""':::i1.;-;..."•""'-... reinalndei Of this year." Chartener told a Fall to 1966 Level O*C ..... lZll:",...... -...... 69.00 122.00 • C1rl Wilson, a member of the Beach Boys singing group, !aces trial in fede ral court Nov. 4 in con· nection with hls military status. The 22-year.old entcrtaine['s trial date was set after he pleaded inno- cent to a cbarg, lhat he failed to complete a ci\ril jan job assigned lo him in lieu of duly will! the arm· ed services. oews conference. "We will continue. lo· see (pri~)·in¢,e~ at an aMual rate of five peroenl fM the rest of the year.." Chartener accompanied his prediction with a re1>9rt on leading economic in· idcators, which often forecast the future direction of the e(:{)nomy. Although the compo6ite Index of il)o dlcators showed a decline of four-tenths of one percent. this was chleOy accounted for by a slump in the housing industry. The slump was born of scarce and ex· WASHmGTON (.\!') -·De It n se purclwes in the first hall of this year constituted a smaller part of the naUon's Gross National Product t.hQ.n for any time since the end of 1966, the Commerce Uepart.ment said today. Asst. Secretary William H. Chart.ener in a broad review of trade and defense spending, said the defen.se purchases in· dicate "a diminishing impact of defense spending on the total economy." 100% DUFCMIT NYLON PIU ""'° ~ ..... 121C21'•~ -.• cw.·. 'Zl;14'$ .. ' ll!SI " .. Tb1tT" I ..., ...... 1hlr1.,.. .. ...., -.,._ l2d'I"' 1'1fD ..... T .............. 1111-K ... 1 .,... .,,.. • ,..._ 1b!l'S" L. ,_ H1ll.,tn ,,..___ ........ '°' t/I ,... TZdl"J'" L.-H~ C--' A__.. ............. KW4 OwPlwt .. ·-·· .. ~& ....... .......... ~ 1IO.OD 79.00 ....... 140.1111 70.00 ...... 1H.OO 36.00 111 ... 120.• 69.DO l't ... llllO.• 249.00 ....... .,. 311.00 .....10ILOD 548.35 --· 259.70 Rains Again Wet Plains IOI. S.H 4.00 ... --~ ..• , .. -....... th' ..... 111..,.. -.oe 125.00 -"-~INI:~,.. -.... 211.00 91.00 85.00 . W aterspouts Sig hted AU Along Gulf Comt I!'" ltrlt•tla!I ....... l'llkttld tom)'. Tl>if Air "111111tlort COll!l'OI Dl1trld •Id ""'9 w11 .,..1y :"'trt -11'1 n.. La~ llMlll. Tiii U.5. WM!hto' lkw9" ...... l(.Jt M -.1111110111'1 INI ,..., imit..i "'Jl- -.Nra r.r IM l'IUt ffW den _.., • llld fllrouthoul 50U1Mm C.11""'111· ... .,... Mii low <'-"-II': 9lll _,., mon.1,_ •NII ~.... bJ I ..... ...... Tfllt Mtfl ._..ivr. _. 111 t11t '*""' 1111 wtille Wiiier i.rn. ,,....... ,.,.... front Q ...... nt "*""•"--llYIWP' wlttl t\11111 ffl "" .... _. ,_,._ 111 h ._,,. ft -"*"' - Wltll -~ """' ... , s.... "'-· Tjtift M Ill .................. !ol HJ In .,. ..... ........ &llflt TllMfin IM#"""""I Mid .... lllk!M !Nii'.'"'*"-,....., ,.,, WIK'M a.iflwll Clfttlr1!1e lol:9llti.t1 LOftt ...... ..,, .... ~ '""11, llltf'-....... ... jtM, ~ 12"2, ,. ... ,... ... ....... ·'"'*" ...... "''"' ~ 11t-11L --~lid ....,, .S.1'0 ... ,.,.,. .,.. ..... ..,..,.. 1).71. • WIDNDDAY "'""' .................. j ; .. '·"'· 1,1 Flrll tllffl .. f .t<C '·"'· •·• TMUa•N.Y ,.,,., '" ............... •:• ..... '·' ,.Int tllfll ................ :• '""· J ~ '**""' -............. •1• f .1'11. '·' ..... Mfll ...... , ·• •• 1':• '·"'' &.I Sn """ ' n , "'· "" 1 11 '·"'• Mlllll ..... l l• "·"'-1111 t:U t .m. U.S. _s.;_ .. UJI HMW N'li. tall • ..... ....,.. l"lelllt ...... ....,. ~ .. , ttoMy llld .... ""' ....... COllllMMll Ir: t'1M1 ••I "'" Of ttlf MtlDl'I, WlftClt ot Mi!>kai ''-lvt lt1· """" ... """" "' """"'· 11111 "" 11wlft, U!l'IW'lll :IH 1911... ..... ..... ~ 9"I .. (-Ml:--H..(M -.... _,,....., ... ,. '""" 11\t U.'-"'tlnltlllll. 1.~lt<M. Tin ........ 1.» ~ et ,.lfl -.irl.. • 11111Mt•""111 lllM T_.., f\ft:flt. l1tfllr, ce11111., Tn .• hlll Ill """' d ••Ill. a w~ .,,. tn fVNltl noun ._, ....... -!ti " leblM ,...,. 9lt .._ r .. .,. ~ c-.. .. ""'9fUWI w11 ...,. TlltMliftl •ttv"-_, Kiii Wnl. flL ., ~ • • .. • " .. • • " u " ,. .. ., n .. " '" .. " • " .. a .. • " "' .. ... , l: .. .. • ., " • .. n .. ... .. .. .. .. .. " " " • .. ~ " .. " " I! . .ff " ~ " n " " " .. .. .. ,, .. • " ... .. u .. .. .. " .. .. .. " .. .. " ..... " .. " 21h " L ... $Mt. I •,_ ICoMll't MWd ..... IO.,._,."''"· fi95 · • . Rog. 10.95 NOW CARPET ONL TO SHOP AT HOME •• ... ~. 1lollfO"W" _.___. •'!'• ........ -*"""'" a..._.. W W r , ------Jl .. ~o.49 ......... :'SMC ~ .... tlld9' Ill ... "''°' ~. 179-00 19.00 ..... 141.0I 129.00 111..,-.. 140,00 ..... 1111.00 125.00 Ill ... -.. 160-flO ~-·· 196.00 Jlec;. 111.0C: 158.00 O IOW IN STOCK • l • MOUi INSlAU.AnoN • LOCATED .. THE CEHTR Of fllUWAY5 St41•vivo1•s SC1·nt1able T\vO survivors of Australian freighter Noon Gah , \Vhich sank off the coast of Sydriey, climb to ~aJety aboard the freighter Merin~a after 12 hours 1n the \rater. h ·enty are still nliss1ng. 200 Tau11t Dea11 Rusi\: After Ba1ikers' Tall{ J\fAD ISON, \\'is . (UP IJ - About 200 young person~ demoostraled noisily outsid'c locked doors at a campus theater where f o r m e r Former IRS Chief Calls Secretary of Stale Dean Rusk spoke Tuesday night. His car was stoned as he lelt. Rusk addressed a con- vention of bankers at the University of \Visco n si n ~raduate school of ba nking. He v.•as escorted by police fron1 a side door or 1hc Union Theater after hi s half hour talk. About a dozen rocks. bottlcl!I and other objects v.·ere hurled ;it the car as it depsrted. Fol• Ref oi·ms Some struck the car. but it ap· pareotly was not damaged. Some youths kicked Lhe WASHINGTON (U PI ) vehicle as it mO\'ed slov.·Jy Former Internal Re v e n u e past. A few sat down in lhe Commissioner l\tortimer ~· street in front of it. but got out Caplin has called for S\\'ecping of U1c way \rhcn it ap· reforms he says would pcrn1it preached. tax fate's to be sl<ished by 14 Some rocks also '" e r e percent. ~ lhrolt'n at pol~ cars. There · The reforms \l'Ould be rar v.•cre~no arresrs. more comprehensive than FO',r severa l days !hose passed by the I-louse this de1nonstration leaders 'ha.d summer and now under ct1n· prorruited a "Rout R-u !I k slderation by the Senate Rally" to coincide v.'ith his Finance Committee. ta!k. About 70 young people '•The exempt)on for interest crowded lhe union foyer dur- o n s tate and I oc a I ing lbe speech. banging on governments shou ld go. So doors and yelling. should the special privileges The others mUled abou~ for the coounercial activities out.side the theater, chanling, or cooperatives, churches and "You couldn"t win in Vietnam other exempt organizahons. -you can't v.•in here," and The oppartunititll to tum real-•·110. Ho, Ho Chi J\finh.'' ~.~17,1"9 Dfoll.Y PILlf I ' " Mediatolf Se~t ··. ' To North .Ireland Dubcek ~aces Purge . . , Anti-Soviet Protests Used m Reason BELFAST, NO<lhun.lrilllni! Callaahan sal~ he lnttnds .l~-. · , , · , . (AP) __., Brillln't •llom e hisurt fair Olay ' fbr lhe ' VIENNA (UPI) -The ,!'or bolh1 ti>< handwr!Unc t11~·demonstr1U,... secretarJ: James CUl#•n. Catholic mbSorJty, adCllnc: '11 Ciechoslovik government is alrca_dy is an the w~U. ~Rude_E~·.:.~. ~~ shall therefore pu:rsue With tbt preparing: to use last Week's During the demonatratJons ~-~..-...-,.._ .... -. arrived tod:ay to try Lo i:tll' government here Lbe question . marklna t~ fltSt anniversary th1l ••the t d e o 1 o I l ta I ciliate Ceudlfli rellgl;ous fac-or how thO&e fws and any atrtet lighting as a reason for ot the . soviet occupatioµ 9f Jeidet1· and main or1anlr.trl tions j·n Northern Ireland so dlscrlminaUon thaf; 11\ilY ext$ purging the last remaining Czechosl'ovaltla: demanstrat-o~ ~ provocation are today that •'life can return to normal ' can be removed. , progrcssi\1es from JX>Sitlons ol' ors chanted "Dub:cf:k" and 11lttln1 peacefltlly befcn a and the troops ciin be I am not here to 4ictate to power in Pr<1gue, diplomatic "Snvkovsky·."Spe<:UJationhas · &I .. ofwint inh,!umoundtaia Wl'"drawn." the Northern Jreland eovem-reports reaching here today increased ,thabt lheSe c~~!5 -chalet or are Ill eer "'' ment. l've come here to help, said. we_re atarted Y provocaiCW"s near K95ice · · · these people During his Uu'ee-day visit t can't solve this problem. o~ NSA Okays The first lo ao. tlte rei:iort.f anxicus to discredit the two ~:k .~~ u~~:nei:= ~ Callaghan plans to meet ly th! people here can dtclde 5ak1, will be the two Jeadinit rntn and set them up for re-shed in OIJl' clUet. But theJ 1t• Roman Catholic and Proles-. whether they are-wWln1 to heroes of the refonn days of prlsals from th~ CO\.~mment knov.·,Jl.,. tant leaden., Including the live in peace, in freedom, in $50,000 {OJ' the "Prague spring" -Alex-Leaflds appeared on Prague 1 militant Protestant firebrand, equality. ander Dubcek and Jo 3 er n·a!Js di,:& ~ ·~~m= B:e ~~p:~~ ca':i "I put myself at the disposal Smrkovsky. ons rea g, WI _1 '"e Rev tan Paisley . . &"a.Inst · Soviet oppresskln. '' S1nr1tovaky are known to ~qO'f "'' -. of Northern Ireland to try to Bl k G Ot~er progressives s t I 11 rhe dJplomats d 0 u b-t e d both mountaJn bunUn& ud At Belfast Ai r p 0 rt' ensure U\at those, condllions ' aC 1·011 p hold1n~ 10\\·er.]evel govtm· de m 0 nstra~s themselves wlne. Callaghan stre~ U1e 50-eldsl but only Y.OU, the people ment_Jobs also are ex~t~ to would · have had Ume to Praiue radio chimed in with year.o~ partition or Ireland of Northern Ireland, can take EL PASO, Tex. (AP) - The be tossed out of pub hc life, preJ>i:re' the well-printed a demand that the demonrtra- wlll 'nol be an Issue ln his the neressary &taps to achieve , National Student Association they said. The purges ire ex· leafld.s and plaster them on lloris be used to "open 1 blW. discussk>M. ~ 1. b ~.~ d edr them and make them lasting has climaxed its 22nd annu RI peel~ lo conic at a .special the walls. agaln;st ••. those who Jeld our· between the Br1tisu-ruicu an and permanent." convention by approving a session of the-Comm~iSt Par.. Th£' i 0 v ·t r 0· m en 't 'ha; ~'oulil:l'tOPlt·into· adVCntut'U. mainly PrOtestant North and Callaghan said 1 respected claim for $50,000 by a break-ty Central Con1m1ttee in responded to this with thinly \\'e must remove from publle the Galholic Irish Republic to police force is part of the l\\'ay black student associa· September. veiled !tints that Dubcek and . life those fol'CC3 which were the 30Uth \\•ill re.inain a5 long necessary cement for a true lion. Dubcek was the Communist Smrkovsky actually organized responsible." as Ule Northern I re I and democracy and "I s h a 11 Delegates to I.he convention. Parly first secretary durlng11;::::==='==='======'=========; Parliament and people \Vant therefore be talking \\'ith numbering about $00, acted the reform and Smrkovsky I it, he said. Callaghan also said representatives of the police, late Tuesday night on the mili-\vas chainnan or the f'edera: he \Viii not be principally coo-the men a~ well as thelr ex. tant.s' demand after a riotous Assen1bly (parlian1entl. Both cerned with inquiries inlo the eculives.'' session lhe preceding night, shK'e have been demoted -l causes of the recent religious The role or the polict in during ,,·hich black dissidents Dubcek to chairman of the 1 riots in which eight people Northern Ireland's strife was took control of the meeUng. Assembly and Sm rkovsky to l '''ere killed and hundreds \\'idely criticized by Catholics, The black militants demand-the chalrmanshlp of one house '"''ounded before British troops \\'ho claim Northern lrfSh la\v ed that NSA pay back to black ofl the Assembl)'. \l'cre called in. officers are agg:ressi\•e and student~ funds recr1ved from Dubcek al~ still holds a "t am convinced that there religiously biased. foundation.~ since 1961 for civil scat on the Co m m u n i & I I SWAP .MEET Pop -Momt. tho ICl<i• ADM!SSION PllEE WITH THIS, AD are real and deep sealed feel-Charges of brutality have ri ghts "'ork. Part y's ruling Pre5klium aod l in gs of inju~tlce a n d beeo hurled at the Protestant A spokesman. GwCn Patton, S1nrkovsky sits on the Party I discrimination held by a ''8.Sl>tC.lal" police reser,•eJ. said the ne1v National Associa-Central Committee. The two 1 I• c • .e s.. ,,. .. C.pbh••• nwnber of pe<iple in Northern an '8.000-man force that "'as tion of Black Students csti· men are expected to lose all S•• DM1• ffow..-. on., •. Hwy. ,,,. Off MISSION DRIVE • IN ·THEATRE Ireland," the home secretary rccenLly ordered to turn in its meted the antount ·due to be these jobs in any purge, the Sellers Prim• Spaces-$2.00 said. · -•~rm~s~-~~~~~~~~_..!1~50~.000~.~~~~~~~~__.'.:'C~po~rt=s~s:ai~d~-~~~~~-1~========================;: "The fear exists. and nol society can b:! stable unless those feelings are exctmined and. if they are fou nd justified, removed.'' ..f:· ·' Miss Devlin Gets $1,000 Froni 2 Men NE'V YORK (AP)·-Berna-, dettc Devlin, touring f.merlca to raite $1 million for Roman Catholics left homeless by dis- orders Jn Northern Ireland, had Sl.000 in cash thrust into her hand by l\1•0 Jl\Cn «<·ho said they v.·ere fro m County Kerry, Ireland . The incident occurred Tues- day night as she v.·as entering a · b<i1lr001n to address 2.000 petsons. ~oday she takes her campaign to Los .. \ngeles. · hflss De1•lln. a p e t I t e %!- year-old 'member of the Brit· ish ·Parliament, said in an in· tervie"' Tuesday night tha t her taur ":as go I n g "quite \\'ell; "El'ery nickel Yt'e get will be "·ell spent and well used," she added .. • • A $100 to $1000 check in your mailbox every month! . "' • I ( j • I I estate inveslment into tax .-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii shelters should be eliminated. I THE N·E·W LQQI( ma!Ae~ for HAIRSTYLING . by the arca1s TOP STYLISTS! * * Complimentary Make·ups • Facials • Eye Tebbing Mani cur•• and Pedicur" By Appointment YIYIAHI WOODARD COSMITICS r/Jaff;ej WIG I BEAUTY SALON 548-34-46 JSD·D Int 17tll $tfMt HILLQREH SQUARl COSTA MISA ON THE TUBE Fer th• b•,t 'lluld• I• •htft kt),~1119 e~ TV, r•ed T'¥ WfEK -clitlrihvtecl witk tht Selurd•r ecll!le11 &f lh• DAil Y rlLOT. HALF PRICE I 3 DAY·S ONLY Thur1.-Frl ... Sat.-Au9. 21·2'-30 One Group The most fantast ic collectio.n of fabrics, models •n<I colorc MEN'S F.ASHION CLOTHING ~'1!}5J SUITS SPORT COATS DRiSS SLACKS ,. . DRUS SHIRTS ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA ONLY lltlSTOL AT IAN DllOO ,WY. COSTA MISA • , ' '40·1102 I I Announcing the New California Federal Monthly Money Plan The California Feaer~I Month ly Money Plan ls a new type of savings withdrawal plan -a new way to stretch your capital over the years with a checlo:-a- month for you for 10 years! You start the plan by depositing $10,000 lo $1 00 ,000. We add interes l computed at our highest rate possible and you receive _ .. A monthly check for retlr1m1nt malled to you on the first of every month. Or1 • monthly check for •ny reason -ror your child's room and board in college, for the support ot aged parents, for church pledges or favorite charities. Call for 10 yNrl-and the possibility of having money left cwer when you complete the plan! &nllJ lot JOU!' c.plt•I. Funds in your Monthly Money Plmn haye the tame safety enjoyed by regular S1Mng9 aocounts. P1ym•nt1 up to $1000 ,,,...thly, The larger yo\Jr initial deposit is, the larger your monthly cheek c... be. No ch1rgea or any kind. You pay no ..,e. com- missions, ''load" charges or fees at any time. And, you'ro ,,..., too old I'! llllt. Any adult, 21 or older, is e li gible for Monthly Money Plan. And no medical examination is required. First 1l1p: read our Fr•• '4oftlhly @19n•r. ':fin • booklet. J usl ask for it at our neareet offfce .. Y(e 1lao f)ave a free, 95-page re· lirement gu idebook for you. It lists, describes and gives you the costs C?f hundreds of retirement communiti es and faclli· ties in Californ ia. Stop in now for these helpful book•. TWO 1'1111 IOqlCll . More than ever ••. the place for the money you can't afford to rlsk. California Federal Savings •nd Loan Mlociation • JI Offica • AMe1S OYCl Sl.S ~11'9n NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EUCLID AVE.• 771-2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR llLVD. • 54&-2800 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AYE.• &394033 HHd Offlcl: 6870 Wllshirt Blvd., Los Ange let • ' . ' I . . ' .. - ... ...... 1 I I I I I l • - ~ .: .. •AlliY -piu;T EDITORIAL PAGE -___ .. -· ··-. . . ' / • ' Se~vice S.tation ali·~ht. ' Sellin&·archltectural 1tandard1 for all future serv· Ice a1a11on1 arlllled pennlu bY Ille city bas been sug- lllted by HunUngton Beocb )!ayor Jack Groea. He :..med out that some newly.constructed s~Uons w.ere not attractive and w:god that the city's DeS1gn Review Board and Board or 'ZonJng Adjustment• closely check 1111 future stations. The mayor is headed tn the riiht direction. NeiChboring Cqsta Mesa's Planners have been wresUin( with fhe service station "headache" for many years Some of their thoughts may be helpful. Tiley have come up with recommend~ new regu· laUons which will, they hope, cau•e the 011 purveying industry to be more selective in site localioi:t and be- come more aware of area needs through their market research. . . ·nc1 · What the Costa Mesa planners are saying m 1 !· rect fashion ts that "ii we regulate them enougb, oil companies will do a better job of prov1cling Ille com· munlty with better Jooldng structures." Costa Mesa made a survey of the 84 stations in the city and nted them on general appearance. Thirteen were rated "very good," 32 "good' and on down the line to 1$ rated upoor." . 'Ibe aspect..s of a station which resulted in the rat· ing from very good to poor were lis~ed and new laws for improvement suggested. These include: -Land•caping to be required !or ID percent of the Jot area and to include extensive planter areas, especi..- lllly' on the property line. -A minlmum lot area of 22,500 square feel. (Only 29 of the 84 stations surveyed ~et this requirem~rrt ). • -No guoline service station, shall engage 111 . ~e busines1 of renting, selling, leas1n1 or storing utility trailers automobiles, trucks, dolly carts, boats, travel buses aiid other similar item•. . -Coia operated car washes. alla:nment r~ks m the open, tire rocapping ~d the remanufacturing of ailtomollve puts are pr<Jlliblted. ' _r ... Costa Mua planner• note, · •• clid M•Y6• Gf-· lhat ·some major oll CGmpanies "bava· nsat.,i ~ c11an1e to new archltectllral ~ncepll that are more pleaslng to Iha eye and hannonloua to> the •urroundlllc developments of tbt area.-'' '· The answer, ?4f. Maypr, ·~<to bo tO n~i. them e~ ·10 thll they get'the Idea thllt the City l• interested m iood tooklnr service 1taUoh1, not ey• sores. A Luau for Whole Family Community •Pirit II a hard Illini to· 41volop, but the Fountain Valley Kiwanis eJub can be creclited with one event that should help. It's their Labor Di,y Luau, Sept. I, a day ot South Sea adventure and general tam.Uy fun at,tbe clvic can· ter, 10200 Slater A.ve. It doesn't CG&t much -$2 -to enjoy ioocl food, meet new people and perhaps have a few !aught. Some of the items on tap for the d!IY inclode luau food, a dance featuring a musical battle belween two bands, and a running and jogglnr contest with entrants from age 6 to 60. Hilo Hattie won't fly over from the islands for the day. but A1iss Fountain Valley will be there, and a froup of young Tahitian daf\Cers from the Tahitian Vill111 in Downey will perform a fire dance and other ·island entertainment. Community spirit won't rtop when the day ends. Proceeds from the luau will a:o toward Kiwanis youth acUvities, with a major portion earmarked 11 a dona· tion to the Fountain Valley Boys' Club. Remember, Labor Day Luau, Sept. I. Taite tho whole ~amily and see how many new friend• ;rou can make m one day, Healthy commuruty· splrtt u a bit community asset. s . ' The Worst J(.ind of Filth Peddlers Dear Gloomy Gus: lti The•e Da11• of Stre•• and Turmoil ••• A Reader Suggests: Share a Smile •·put. Mac.,. whllpertd this aleeiy -cblncter, tualiDI at 1111 co,.t.sleeve, bay a'w.r..t po&tcar4? SlralltJI Paril. Sbowa muUlated bodieo com. wtth blood and ••• " ~~ pirveyor of filth." I said t..:-: you, you mother-sbooter." he ~. _, with -.-led tlel, .. he llClll!led ·-· :; l die tllls ~ e:q>etiiiiice •le U· .... lltat we:memben of the l.ealon al ll6oency, .the Moral UpUll ~ and -do>lood poupa 1111111 ,..,... ever ~ qainat the decadent tide or ~rddoua vk>leoce that threaten& to eniuJ! our nlllon. 11\UE THANKS TO our effort&. most 11a1eo have puaed 1tr1ct lam pnillibltinc the depktion of violence in books, plays, movies and night clubl. But ~nt ~ Court deelsions permituna: ~ if the: work ahowa "redeeming aodal importaoce" ha•• opened the floodgatu to the unscupulous peddlers -.ho P«Y oo the warped tasl<s of jaded \'O)'tUfl and. the innocent young. Do you rtallze that Hollywood today is orocSucln& X-rt.ied mo v i e s in which leadift& men actually tiJl and shoot each ""e&ller cm the ICl'ffD, while bandying about iw:f..Wttr word& usually seen only on ~·a niom walls -words such II t'IDCk" ••1tap" and "care?" · Do ).ou know that in aeedy little movie haulet cm akkt row stretll purveyors of tltbauehuy show cheap little quickie · fi1ma depleting whlppinp, sWibblng1 and jab aorta of unbelievable acts of naked · ~!ry de.signed to appeal lo twisted · IN som: crm:s, moral slalldard• have fallen ao low um "top1e11 jotnta" • -Ooturilh. n.ete, malt enterta.ine.rs, bared ~~t& the "Waist., pummel each othtr wllh podded fills ., dlallpaled customers 1 like aummer in Huntington Beach but l'U be glad to see the crowds slack off after Labor Day. lmagine, 149,000 bodies on our beaches on one weekend! -B.S.J. TJlll hlTU/'11 nfl9clt ..... .,,, w..W.. tMi' -•tNrH,-flltH II l~t -'""'· 1111• ,..,. "' ... ~ .... OIMl!lr °"' 0111r ,Utt. scream their approval. blood-lusl in their eyes. And .on newsstands acros.s the country. magazines and. paper.back book 1 craphically_dealing with murder, assau; bombinp and battery are o~nij displayed to the public gate . Do you want such vile trash fall ing into the hands of your scbool ... ge child? Somt Ubertina arsue that this dissolute filth cause• no harm to thole who 1-It. llld~, theJ cllilll lhel tt &ervea u •1a ufety valve" -lllowln& the reader « viewer to f.antaait.t the violent emoUoDI deep within bis soul. NONSENSE : Wbo knows how many men, their pwlon1 whipped to a frenzy by tome violent book or movie, have rushed out on the street to mua <1r club the first innocent passer·by? Is it any wonder our cities art unsafe? So j o i n yool' neighbol'bood Crusadf; Against Blood Lust. Help your local p<>lice stamp out tbtse merchants <1f violence. And above all, instill in yoor children the strict moral valuea that will enable them to resist the temptations or theJ< fllth peddlers. TAKE TRDt TO movies tht whole family can enjoy. Recommended thll week i1 "Sn Kittens at Pla1" -the wholet0me story of two coeds and a young college professor 1mgaged in gentle actJ: of love in all their glorious God·given nakedness. For if we can teach our boys and girls the joys of lovina: and glvina. they wl\I lw"n their backs on the evils of hatred and violence. Yes wllh Ole help of movies like these. wt c~ still hope our young people wiU ~ up to be &ood, decent Christians. To the Edit9r: Jn these days of stress and turmoil, lt becomes difficult for the individual to know just exacUy what he CID do t.o htlp overcome lhe <1verwhelmJog cbangea which seem to be threattnlna lhe very existence of this mrld. One suggestion: Share a smile. A smile eases tensioo and helps create a feelinJ of harmony. Ifs this lack of harmony among the peoples or Ults community, this state. this nalion and this world \\'hich is responsible for the stress and tunnoil. This "Share a Smile" campaign 1 am urgina: is not a Pollyannai5h smile. which seems to say, "Look, l'q.:happy." Th.is is not-<l'Uliatic.· ' --. -· - OUR SMILES are motivated by a deeptr impulse -<1ne which is the roun· dation of humanity. These smiles say, "1 accept 1tlU and 1 respect you." It's this tact of reapec:t and or acceptance which creates &be turmoil in our society. A amtle accompanied by a cbetry "hello" or .,good m<1ming" or "good day" be<:omea a spiritual greeting. "Hello," a dertvaUve from the tenn Allah -the Arabic word for God -in· vok11 God's blesalnJ a1 dots "good morning," a contraction of "God be with yoo this morning.·• I believe 1 that harmony aoct with tt s binding unity can and wUI be estab- lished in this world , provided each o( us does what ht can to help create thLs harmony. First slep: Share a smile. accompanied· by a call to God for the well betnC of our fellow man in the fonn al 1 1plrllually felt, "Hello." BEN ASHELL Slllt Creek Plall To lhe Editor: The following is a plan for the develop- ment of Salt Creek on ot.µ" South Coast that would provide an orderly and con· trolled use of the beachfrorrt and be ol benefit to rtsldenta as wt:ll as vtatton. II your readers like It. they should 10 Nllpond to the county supervisors. Myself, t think it's 11tat! 'Innovation' Prete1ise I. A tw<'-lane highway with leetU nnly to Route 101 would run alon1 the route of the okt Young's Beach Camp road, but obviously higher up -·maybe half way up the cliff. ftlopll Al 1-' All or&aoiullool jX'.itnd lo tllemtel ... >llltl Uiey ... deeply lalereslld in "ln- inov1t1on," but what. tbiJ nall1 want art : .... dwiiel that ... ... handled the _...,. old wayt bJ Iba -old people '111111 llie ...,. old otlltlldM • • • $ Tl)o ,.... or -.. are lde111a11c a11out acl<nce. but cynkal about polltks .. ~ tht ironical result betna: th1l their in· · :::.nee to poltticll issues hu tW"oed f lnt.o an auxiliary of governmtnt. laiDd relnlorood Ill< politk:I or power. f • • • l ~·~ _no accldent tNl people havt tt-·Uie B!bllcal saying Into "Money~ Ila -ol ail .. u." wbeo 11 reads "'- W -II the -ti all t'ril" -Ila ;ijeM11inC tbe bWnl from tMit own ..... to Ibo cotllll• llHJf. • • • • i,-at -call Latin a "dead" •:.•htn It'• really an "lmmortll" -, Ille ooly laJ!iU&gt lllll spoken *'1111 all -1• who had tt as a 'llltivt tonaue: are dead." i • • • Aa ept1lt. ii a man who 11 brash _.,. lo 111 about hlllllell evtt)'lhln& ,... tlilot oi>CXll ,.....u. • • • • 1111 en)'ODt ever c.aUed a h>'POC:bon-~ •• -Who caol WYO !D ·.....,ii alone? • • • The samt people who are proud of thangina: their shirts every day are equally proud of tkt fact that they haven't changed their minds in 20 yearg, oblivious of the fact thaL mental dirt ac. cumulates just u Inevitably as physical dirt , and is t\'tn harder lO act off after year1 <1f constant wear. • • • Althwlh I appreciate the grtat molodk: 1ioes cl operas, 1 ClllllOI ~Ide Ille _.riot cl moot cl them, l1ld must a.--Voltaire's oldJrt;.Jdica Iha( "Anythinc that ts Ibo llUp· 14 bt spoken, Is autll·" • • • \Vriter1 and intellectual& who ye11rn to be the emJOtlct arJtt behind IOmt iffi. port.ant public flturt eventually learn that lh<y tum prrmenaru!JI any while be<omlni only lemporarUy emlnent. • • • When youthl &teal a cir for a ••jor,· ride," il'I becau1te they 're IO ml1tr1b e they don' know what ellt 14 do: the lai!I th1nl ln the W<ll'id th~y cu comprehend la "joy." 2. At the end of the road would be 1 lum·around. :. ALONG THE BEACH part of tile road, apace for angle parking would be provided on both sides of Ill< '9ad. 1bere could b,. mitered spaces l<lr summer and weekend collection. 4. Pavements would be on both 1ides bul tht beachside pavement would be wider"ind mort in the Oavor of a prom· cnadc. 5. Two or three reslrooms "A'ould be buill inlo the cliff side at Intervals. 6. Prirate access from tilt nsidtnlial area up on the cliff "'ould b"! provided. Thanks for lellin1 me expre!3 my braln.!ilorTT .. MRS. EUGENE P. HARRINGTON Roles fteceraell ·To the Edllor: P~ps by this tJme you have receh•ed m11.ny tetttra conccmln& the enclosed article ("Pygmalion VnrufOed," Aug. ---•• Geo,..e --~ CONFIDENTIAL TO STUDENTS !'OR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIEY : Whaddya mun, I'm blloted? Some 0( my bd:t friend• are bemocrata. Letter• from readerr a.re welcome. NormoU11 writtra 1hould conve~ thtir rn.euage1 m 300 words ill-leis. The right to co·ndeme i.turr to fit rpa.cc or etfminctc libel ii rt1ertl'ed. AU let- ters muat tncludt rignature and m4i£. ing addres1, bvt Mme1 mo:v be toit/L- ~el.c! on request i/ ltlfficUf&t rcaaon is a.ppuent. 21), "'hich 13 all wrona:. This Gretk ltMy written by Geor1e Bernard Shaw ttlls of Utt ICUlptor, Pygmalion, whost wife wq CyniJca, carvm, 11 alatue of a beautiful woman, Galatea. He falla in love with the 1lalut and prays it will come aUve, which il does ' Thereby hanp the talc. C)'nisc.I calb dolm the cune of bUndness on her hus. band. Pi.It. Collins cot "h!.s" and ·~hen'' mlxed up. MRS. LILLIAN W. RILEY RepOrter Collini reolfttd .ht hod reversed tltc Pygmalion muf Galoteii rolc1 tht m.omtnt he IQ.to hia feoture article in print. Hi.! tlriborra.1smeni is •~red by editor• who foiled to catc/l .th1 mew. Still • Geo• Stet-11 To Ill< Editor: The August t feature article about the poundin.J: pigeon at the P11eant or the ?ifaatera was most'cleverly written -but if the pleeon tried t.o perch on Pypalion'1 "chest" no wonder it slipped olf. The averaae man is pretty nat· chested. Thomas Bulfinch, authhr of "The Aae Qt Fable," rteogNud authority on clauk myths, ltandard dletlonaries and en- cyciopedie an describe the male sculptor a.s Pygmalion. Perhapt Mr. Collins may be excused, if even Uie le.Uva! publicist didn't know tht dUfuenc1. Oh well, it \\'ls still a good story. MARJORIE MAY The l\'atioll'I Yea•t T<I the Editor: I th~k before long you wilt be rather ashamed <If your editorial "Contrast in Attitudes" In the Aug. 19 DATLY PlLOT. Every passing day brings more e\'ldtnee of just what a degenerate en- terprise our adventure in Vietnam ac· tual!y i1. The Yk:tlms in Porterville who hayt IMl their sons In this wicked busfneu are certainly to be deeply pitied. but unf<1rtunately the blind faith and passivity of 1ucb people is just what has made Jt possible for vain, foollst: and fre· qutntly corrupt men to lead our :iaUon into um quagmire. THE YEAST IN this nation, like all others, lJ ln its dissenter• (e.a:. our found· ~ fatherl who .in re\·olUng aa:ainst the Bnlisb. broua:ht our country into t.x· tsttnce.) The ardent youna people of lo. day who rtjed and <1ppoae this war are the ;ea1t, and contrary to your timid no- ti<1ns, are c~rta:inly the "spirit . or Amt.rica'' as it was conce1ved by the author cf our most lre&suted documtnt, that are•t racllcal, Thomas Jefferson ! MARGARET NOLEN Tile editorial in que1tion contra.st· ed the octivitie1 Gnd attitudes of the Peoce Acticm Committee's marcll ai Son Clemt11te Augu1t 11 with the non.- protest in Porurvills, 11 small Tulare County town tol1ich hOl nffercd a disproportionate number of gold stai·s in the Viet-nom \Var. Tile mat1or 1oid residtntl feet a protest "would be o lack a/ faith in our countr11." -Editor Som" Stork-taking To the Editor: On the ver,e of departure for Jndia (Himala)'u) \o hole up for a year and take stock, J have eommeoc;ed some preliminary stock-taking about this land of my adoption. Ruder• m.ight llkt to come in on the act. Here are some points thal em<rged: I. Physically, the country Is In worse shape than for the last generaUon - many ot our cttiea scarcely habitable, or vtry soon not. i. Ethnically, the root problem of race relallona is recognir.ed, with some resul· tant proarw, but the current "aoluUons" are utterly Inadequate. Very few whites 11ttm av.·are of what's going on, or of their monstrous Ml and debt. Tht blacks have almost given up on the ••hites. :S. POLITICALLY. observe at h<1me a strange paradox. Aside from 1laves, th• counLry was settled largely by European fugitives from peace-time conscriplion. American men io large numbers are deserting and emigratin( to avoid pea ce-- time conscription. Abroad , we are di1lik· eel , partly owning to our power and p~ perity, but mainly because foreigners lite through our persistent neurosi!I about ·COmmunism. They still. however, ·tnvy our electoral aystem and true remaining freedoms. 4. Educationally. there is much turmoil, owing partly to breakdown cl youth's trust in lhe "power elite," tnU more directly to ownership and control ol !IChool administration by those ilnin· lere.sted in knowledge. s. !\.tORALLY, there are 1igns or shift of attention from identification ot morali- ty with Rxuality, and of growing realiu· tion that many elements of the "ac· quisitlve society" operate on the deeper ilnmorality of greed and fraud. This shift has thrilling potential. w e a. k e n 1 d , however, by 'scapism of drug abu5e. 6. Religiously, Christian sectarianism la on the wane. With the y<1uth there ill 1 great surge or concern with religion, or \rith the reality that religions symbolize. 7. HU~tA~'LY, I am loo partial to make reliable asses1ment. American women seem far the most beautiful and intelligent in the world. men the nicest. i.e., most modest, humorous. efficient and kind. This is the pri vate fact. Th• public face is mostly th' opposite: ar- rogant, waste ful. short·sighted. dishonest and actually cruel. The str<1ngest, moil independent figures v.·HI remain in danger of sudden death. In general, the bad belongs as usual to complacency, the ~ to change -in fact. lo the "generation gap." !\.icLuhan is proba bly right. The "Gutenberg Man'' (subject and object of my profession., teachinj;) is passing, the "Electric Man'' taking over. I find this sad but am not quit e narrow enough to call it bad . JOHN THEOBALD People to Send to the Moon SOM• day the moon may bt eolonlttd -if tcme way can be found to prqvldt It with an atmosphere. ~.. · 'l'hls shouldn't toke Ibo Ion(. All tjlat ii needed ls a simple system for e.iporUnc ," •• to our lunar satellite a third of uie bot air aner lunch with an unbent paper clip. lhat emanates from mankind eadl day : • Once the moon is m1de habitable, who PEOPLE WHO READ your newspaper ao you think should ao thtre! Naturally, O\'U your 1houkltr on the bus becaute you have to consider lhat if &hey Wtnt to they lrt l<IO cheap to buy a copy of thtit the moon you might never att to 1et own. them aa:aln in. your UftUme. People on the bus who, when you have Wltk that fact in mind, here are a few for1ot.ten to bu:J a newapaper , &um and ollhand llOl!llMtlons: trow. at you for lrYln& 14 raid lllelr copy OYtr_tllllr -·-PEOl'LS WHO send you Otttstmas cards in Augult.. All pet ownm who llicl< thtlt aquinft. inl cats, dop, pmkeeil and roldOolr in yoo.r face and demand, "Oki J'OI tvtr-M- anyth!na: cuter?" Any fellow under :io secn carryinl o peacock fe.athtr in public. U bt'1 over JO,. il ml;ltl just be ttmpoury ~\)'. AU people who thJnk any country cu solve 111 problem1 'r droppin& hy4- bombe on IOl'l\t oU\er country. Alty oecrelary 1'llotle llnpniails are i<rller Utan lJtr falao tJ1tla1hta. Olfict employta ·wl>o plclt lbolr iaelh Aa7b0dY wbo bu more pride In hi• -thaa llllh and hopes f« I h • por1 ......... o1 hi• -,.,,,..y. lutlben with ovdwtl&ht thumbs. But .. caa.,.. remit .,..-mtttlnc a butcher with• .. anclorwellhl thumb! ' Dcmln 1adiH wbo, when )'OU Siar! lo kill ll*Do lllm lhelt cheek al the last momtnl -leavm, )'Oii with a mouthful cl lice powder. uon:s WHO, on rainy dl)'I, 10 lteodlessly down busy sidewalks colltctin1 the eyeballs of paaserlob)I on lhe pron&• of Ih•~ umbrellas. I Gossips who insist they can't tell y()Q.I secret -then tell it to everyone elle. ~ All money·hungry a11thors who wrtw about .se.x as if it were a four·letter word. All waiters who bring you sandwicbt.~ spread with mayonnaise after yoo've told them you're on a diet and don't wanl any 1lU'ldwiches spread with may<1nnalse. . -----.. Wednesday, August 'Ji/, 11169 Th• tdltorlol poo• 01 itte Oailv Pilot reeks io inform crnd 1tim- ulatf reodrra b11 {»"$Win" iM. newipa:ptr 's opinions ond· com- mtktorM' on lopJCI of fnttreil 111d •ill'nlfie<tn«, bJ provtdb!o •- forum for iM e.rpre1Ri08 of our readtr.s' oplnton.s. and br prc!l!'11tit1a the dlt:erst vi1w- potnts of lnJormtd obs1rvtr• and 1pokesmen on topics of '-'• day. Roberl N. Weed, Publisher • Wed""4\y, l"""t 27, 1%9 OA!l Y '1lOT 'f -! ·-..,,,z#,1•••*'"····-............... All for Sports . Now at Thrifty Whether it'5 fi s h~ng , baseball. football, tenni s, volleyball, badminton, ping pong, or any sport; you name it, and Thrifty's newly enlargff ed Sporting 'Goods department has it. Such is the case in the remodeled Thrifty Drug and · Discount Store. In facl, it is one cl the most popular and largest sections in the store. selection of golf equipment, 'in- cluding clubs, bags, golf carts, Lees, gloves and name brand golf balls, plus a wide seleb-Uon ol other accessories. _ · ~ Of special interest to anglers is the complete fishing section. Rods, reels, leaders, hooks, lures, flies, sinkers, tabkle boxes and other items Of fishing gear will be displayed in convenient self.service gon· dolas. If information or special items are desired, a couterous salesperson will be available. In sports and recrealion- mined California, Thrifty • ·ID SOFT GOO'os -Enlarged, too at Thrifty is soft goods. Tbe prices here . are among the best in the Costa Mesa area on bedding, towels· and the many color- fUI rugs and accessories that can add an inexpensive higbli&bt lo Ibo home. Street East 17th At Orange Costa Mesa . .-shopping Center All equipment for t h e sportsman is available, from fishing gear and table tennis to baseball and gp\f, au at Thrifty's low discount prices. Customers will be gratified with the huge \'ariety offered in regulation and nationally advertised brand merchan- dise, as well as "Junior" equipment. ' Golfing enlbusiasls will be delighted to find a CQmplete places heavy emphasis 00 this illll!llll!llll!llll! department and keeps it stocked with the very latest in sporting goodi. Among o!he.r • things, il 's a great place to shop ror gilts for t b • youngsten;. · Don't Miss It Housewares · Has -. ··-· ., .. -. ff" .... ··-·-. Amazing Array EYS)' housewife in the com· munlty will want to visit Thrifty to see the magnificent array of · items in t h e Housewares Department. She will be delighted to find almost everything a kitchen requirts plus a lot of gadgels · that are just plain run. Thrilty's policy is to offer the utmosl in values on every item in every department. This certainly holds true in ltousewares. From cookware to eled.ric irons, nationally ad· vertised brands can be found at low discount prices. During the Grand Opening festivities. and even thereafter, 1nany JI.ems in thi s department will be featured at specially reduc· ed prices. If it is time to replace the dishes or maybe add, another set for a 1rowing young family, Melmac urr • breakable dishes may be the aru;wcr. At Thrifty, the price is righl. IL is hard t.o rea1ize that a drug and variety store can carry such a complete line of houseware items. For ex- ample, there is the Teflon name on fry pans and roasting pans. This nalionally ad- vertised brand name has been a revolution to California housewives. The best names in small appliances can also be found in Thrifty's remodeled store.. Sunbeam m i x e r s , General Electric coffeemakers and irons, UdicO can openers, to name only a few. U you are just starting your home, replacing appliances or looking for a low cost but \velcome gift, T h r i f t y ' s· Houseware Department will be a joy to shop. Yoy .will .find whal you need at low, discount prices. Cosmetics Ge.t Special Attention ·· · • ····· When Thrifty Drug stores management planned the' departments ror the remodel- ed store, special attention Was directed to the Cosmetic Department. This very important • seg- ment of the store has. m. corporated the very latest in showcase design as well as a complete inventory ol na- tionally advertised brands of Revlon, Mu Factor, DuBarry. Dorothy (;.-.y, Har.el Bishop, Helena Rubenstein, p I u.1 , "fragrance lines" from c.ty, Dana, Lanvin and maoy othe~. In celebraUon of the Grand Opening, Thrifty buyers have succeeded in securing special low prices on many items-. A special attractJon is the Llpslick Bar, which affords "'! ••;...,., \ .·: • . .. every customer th e. op-· ' • portunity to view all national VERY LATEST -Thrifty's Cosmetic: Department and adjacent men's bar fea- lipsllclt brands end aelect the turing·lbe very latest in the ever expanding world of cosmetics and beauty aids. particular 1hlde sWtabte to From. tbe newest lipstick shades to the 4Jrlque men's fragrances now. avail- the indivi&lal able, Thrifty lw srocked t.'!11 c1et>4rtment with. ereat cai:o. . ' . ' .l\J~•rllt1iM1d -~4...ff..-• Costa ~· Mesa • ·Over 25 ~000 · Items Shown · Crews are working overtime lo ccmplele the enlarging ol the Tbrlfly Drug and Dl!count Store ar 233 East 17th street near Orange by Thursday · depirtmenll which were mado J)Osllblt bY the upaNloa. Thi sporting good$, wearing ap- morning. ' Eue of shopping Will be quickly apparent to custom.en in the newly enlarged area. The new displays and greatly upanded !ize will enable them lo discoVflr the more than 25,000 items available at Thrifty. -ThrUty StOres throughout s e v e n West.em states are • fttl known for their discount prices. In addiUon to those low price tags on almost every item In the store, Thrifty has planned special, lower·than- dlscount bargains in celebra- Uon o{ th~GrantfOpening. Acconllng lo Manny Borun, Thrifty Executive V 1 c e President, "The Costa Mesa Store is now nearly a third larger and looks brand new thrOughout. Our T e g \11 a r customers won't recognize it. For one thing, mosl of ·the features of our new stores. the Qll" built from !be grouiid up, have been incorporated." As part .of the enJargement process,· several departments have been given new emphasis and some new departments have been added. The st.ore now ]Ju 'IUmllure and Jai!iP . .. .•. parel and soft a: o o d 1 departments have be e D enlar(ed, ollerlng Thrilty'a customers a greater variety ol merchandise than ever before In !hb storo. "All departments b a v t benefitted in. IOme way.'' Bonin coriUrtued, "with the tl'emendods addlUon ot space. Jn most CaeeS we've been able to bring jte:ms 'up front' with better, mort functional di.splay techniques. Pe9ple are toiDC to be finding thlnP they dldn'I know We' had, and at prtca they e.an aftord." The stoni has remained open throughout the remodel• ing pl'OC!ss. &ctentiflc li.gbtlnC. an easy.to.read department ln- denWicatlon system an 4 carpeUng li1 tho cosmetk, photo, wearing apparel and greeting card sections arw among the m a n y im- provements. According lo store manager Ray Mlller, .. I can. bardly believe it. This store has been here a long time. Now il ha the look and the mercbandlla or OW"o.brand new....-it.s. l'JP amazed al the change and t know our customers will •. be delighted.,, .• . .. ' . .... ~ ~- FAST SERVICE -The.Thrifty Pbiqmaey ~ • ment Is the center for fast efficient serv!<:e 'tot ;lill~· prescription needs. Now glass·enclosea, tlie Phiil' 1 tnal'Y is a m~ern, well il,Jum;nated_te~ W> Thrifty'• attention, lo quality aM,11ecuracy, ·.• ·• .. , 't I f, Bonded · ·or.uggist:·~ Heart. of Store • The 'bonded PrescrlpliOn Department ' is Uie -atlona!' btart of this and every Thrifty Drug and Discount Store. Deaigned with the sole purpose of giving the finest. in pharmaceutical service, each Jl!"SCI'IPtl•• filled by '!,'hrlfty , phannacUts b guaranleed· In writing I<> be exactly wbat the doctor prescribed. Thls year, over 7 million prescriptions will be filled by pharmacists in the Thrifty chain. Thrifty's quality and low prices are dram a tic al I y demonstrated in the Prescrip. tlon Department whlCh uses phannaceuUcats from such firmll as Lilly. Squibb, Upjohn, I t Parke-Davi>, Lec!e!le, M~ Ciba, Wyeth, 'litnuirot>. UIS others ci lop quali!J .i.O ·~ the c::U8lomer of the . finelt drug products at all tfmea. Down !Jirough !he Y,ei!i. Thrllif~ name has ~ synonymous. with..~ preoctipUOIL ,servl~: ... Tlfo presctlplloh rac11tties ·ql tho store will be unexcelled lDd the finest. most modern equJp- ment will be u"!'IPl<VUR!IQ!Ji.. Thrlftl( Drui and lltscoollt Stores are very prou('Gf the ract Oiat when your .. doctot knows 61 1 new dru( !hat lo available, the store will have it. HOUSEWARES -Neatly lucked into Thrl!ly is a housewares departmenl•feo· lurinf every kind of kitchen gadget available. Also on hand are famous name -.ma! appliances, afl bearing Thrifty'• low discount prices. Wonders from the t·or1d of ;plastics, aluminum and stainless steel. 'U.N -'NI!> GAMES.-will Oe on display in Turifly's Toy Departmetl\. Th& newe st parlor games, fevor- lte model of the-famous Huffy "dragster" bike and a .wide rqe of toys for children of au ages are avallllta. HIGH~IGHT -One of !he highlights or Thirfty's newly reniodeled store ts Q1e liquor and tobacco department similar to the one pictu red here. A ~m ete range Of brand-name spJriu IS'avallab!e as well as Tl\rifly's lamU!ar llJ priced items. Just ri1ht to stock up for those. late summer 1t4tlo pe as fell. tunng tall, cool relreshmenb. " · I • I . . I Oo\11.Y Pl\.OT . ' Girl's 20" Huffy Dragster like Glrl•" ~\tr ---d ... c .. slff .,..., av.m. ,,_ ...... FREE ORCHIDS '795 Value! MEN'S TRIM Slacks GRAND s OPENINCi SALE PRICE 97 1'1'en'1 trim dress alacks of 50Y. Fortrel and 50% combed cotton. ~ from Tatters&ll and Glen Plaid pattttna. Buy &even.I pair at this Grand Openlll1 SI.le price! Sizes 28 to 38: e Theme From "Alfie" • Venatile Nancy Ames MANY MOU :~:: ..... s1oo Men's Orlon~, Stretch Sox l 2 ~ •1 ~£ . ·:-: ~·.· Orlon acrylic socks come ~;g in ton~ of brown, ollvt, IV)', tan. blue, dark ox· -:::; ford. Alao blacll. white or '% 1old. One W:e fits 10 • 13. ~:::: ~~.::: tm i Reg. S].98 Casual (:i Vinyl Slippers DISCOUNT PRICED s1s':·.' I S~lea, colon 1aJore! Soft c••· ;:~ ual lllpptl'I for Y.~111' Indoors or wt! Vlnyl uppem. Cushioned inaole an httl. Sizes S·"l·I....XL. ~· l>ldt ~ ...... .,. ~··~ .... "'*"'" "' -*IKa. ?-! .. ,.,... ,ii.. WK., ,._., ............. ,~ .. '°'"'"""'"""~· .,.. Wlllltm• ft '/WI ~ ,-. _........ &· . . . ;m. ·;"¢'i$ ;,,,"'.;. • f PILOT·ADV£RTISER =·----.·- : ·: •1 99 Pack of 5 Pair 29' ... Women's -FULL CUT ACETATE \ MEN'S 100% conoN Crew .. ·Socks Heavywef&ht dnbed cotton IOCka in white, blue, green, &old or brown. SUes 10 to 13. Absorbent, colorfut. ; Machi~ WAih-i able, of course! s 43 $1.99 Pac:k of 5 Pair Boys' Cotton Crew Sox Whit., colors In 7-10\1. Roin· '126 force heels, toes. Pack of 5 pair. Lowest Price Ever! '1" Cantrece II Panty Hose I ~· e lEPEA T OF A SEUOUTI 'ity •FIRST 9UALITYI < Fall colon In first quality nylon lo slvt 1ood fit, extra wuribilit)t, Snq rniiitant tor extra wur. Four sizes! ( : Tailored Briefs Buy 5 & save 46c t'ull cu l, elll.Slic leg, tailored briefs in hi shade1', soil pe.s- lels, an "'hite. All are euy· care, washable, [ast drying, c·omforta.ble and Jong \\'Car• ing in sizes of 5 to 10. Reg. $1.00 to $2.00 Savings in our Notions Dept. e H•lr S,,.., DWtl e A,.tMc.,,. KJt e fluff c-e N•H P•lhlii ._..., ,_. e hlillt94 lnllll e T,..,.. MlrNr e Clt•.nti c-e Tfnff Cft4y e l ei• s.t e S.Wl11t1 llt e J•lflk Scrtl• C1rlff ht Your Choice • . • • . • • • • •• • I • • • • • ' • . . .. •: $ ! ' Sale gl'OUP ot famous Kleinert quality notions a l lttmCnouA savings. All an: saily decorated ., sure lo fit Into y ou r de co r llCh@OlC. (. 'r.i · girls ., ...... l detig In, L I ty, I I etc. Girl's Paiama.s Flannel ----------· !-Boy's No-Iron ;•lo ;oHOLAD oD• OuGRuvN.. '"s.4PiRAiit v • 99~ !! (rc;;:;'I. S rt Sh"rt • • • . , I Cole po I S ":: i59i '2'· Caq cotton flannda tn .., prints w1u. c1a1nv lace and rv.tne trim. For --and """••··· Full cut &izes 4 to lt. Boy's Cotton Knit Shirts '1'· No-Iron knit shirts, machine • wuhab~ Ii: color-fast. Solids or fashion 1lri!>'I to choose from. Si.tes 8 to 18. . HGUl.Al Ol IXTllA HOLD-1-•ce 8 8 -s1 aa 512 " DIPPITY DO ~·:i. ~. I~ CONCENTRATE 44¥ i1 ~r ,. Inn boY-1 """ thins ift lOO' certon. .. pOrpUltf 11*"4 t.lll'la. Cle111t button 4owll coll•,. • to 1'. Girl's Cotton or Acetate Panties PACK OF 2 99c Full cut, long y,·ear- ing. Perfrct for th'" young .el's mirU sktrU. Si?.es 4-14. 1.7 .... c• T•IM 60' PRELL SHAMPOO ••• PACK OF 5 STAINLUS snEL ILADU 69'.4 WILKINSON 4-once lottle ~!:r;;shave 22' ; 59' Barbasol IOX OF 45 .i •oy's Pak-Knit Long Sleeved 77' I IOTTLI OP 60 TAIUTS Co Polo Shirts •129 Nylon Tops '2'• $1°5 EXCEDRIN .... 66(~ § • • No• iron., mactllne-- able. Crew neck, short sleeved. Strlpe1 in manJ colon. Sizes 3 to 7. Double knft. Raglan 1leeve with rib krUt tur- lle ne<:k. Solid fall colon and st.ripes. S·M·l.. Men's Short Sleeve Sport Shirts f'tne detailflrls and tafJortns:. Cotton & poty.,t<r bl•nds. '1 'I Pmna pr@'ll. So1ldJ •nd plaids In dark tone coton for tau. Sias S-M-L. . IOTTLI OF 100 TAii.iTS @ :L' ASPIRIN •••••• • 9c: s . ! T -· ··.t ... • .....,. Aqflot 27. 1"9 .. •2•1 ............ l[llllll ....... a .. 2 .. 11m111•2 .................. ----,._~~~~~--~~~~-·~ • PILDT·ADVHTISU 7 CAIL V PILOT I)• ""' =i>epsl -C:ola • • • . . LY REMODELED SELF SERVICE DRUG STORE Big 26·0:1. Family Size 15( ~~ ~ '"" C110plotoly Ro4eoftHll --i. Ceftlot wl" ....., C-•'-• 1-lllablo i. Miiiie Yow Sllopplot le>lerl 0 COSTA MUA PIUCES AL$0 GOOD AT: range SHOPPING CENTIR .... ~ .............. w 1i... .... H ..... sh., Ctr. PllCD .OOD THIU 1VD.. SIPT. Z Your Pet's Favorite! Skippy Dog Food 7cl • . : • .. ' . . .. • • I • • I I . z • • • • •• • ,. .. ... .. Decorator Lamps That Really Work! i Aladdin & Thermos i $2.59 Flat Metal 99~ ea. Kerosane I -.,; .. *LP~~~~ Kits Novelty Lamps ' .~ho1'1!llf~e~~=: $178 2F$-1 · 1~=~!::uch~ [!~~~ ?1*£S1:1E ~~YE~ 0 In, Land or Gia11t.s. Chit-'room. R 'ty. Chitty, Bana:. Bang, ~ ete. ,,. ' i • ... . '39 ' Deluxe Sponge SOFT SIDE White or Colors! 8 Rolls 86 29' Aurora Tiss~.~« ... " c Vinyl Luggage s 22 151/J or . 16 1/J Inch e R(h. $-1.99, lB~.19~ , • , $2.il • $5.95, 21" or 23" size $3.2'! >::O.ch bag cornt"!I \Vit h double nylon zip11r1· ~~~ Works Fast! 69' DOW Bathroom Cleaner fOf.' !illlOOth in easy opening. Good looking, li1htv.:eigth .•. "b<>st buys!" P.1a.ke up a set and save no\\', ~::: Easy To Use! 69' Faultless Sa.le! .Reg. 10~ & 13~ ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, School Supplies :· ... "" .... .. .. ... ..... ,•,•. Spray Starch 53c $10.88 Heavy Duty ~::: Foot lockers ~1nm'~,'oc;,~·ct711 baked -.eJ With •l!lrl"tf' d,y lealhir~bandles. Gri!al for storing clothes, books. Reg. 99c Assorted 11x14" Prints 23' Sulll t cts for ..,.,.., "'"''' P1ir "''"' or mak• grouplllf t -11¥1 blgl Y2 Gallon Jal ta. Household Tools Sale! Deluxe . ~~ ~ ..... . . A; .!~4~•1 ~. v, I Bargain packed. usort-~c~,',' Drl 3 JJ, wrenc:h1 , 6-pc. ::~ f _ _,'rtP"".11111 1gn1 on,· -pc. too, 2-pc, ::~· ~ i;crewdrive.r, wedge sel<i, =-~-;ji plirt"!I, \\•ire, awls, many •. ,. ~ IJ morr. J\.lade to last! :::1 Vodka '629 St&.97 Color Pak II Jumbo Cookies All Reg. 49P Re g . $3.9 8 s2s•r,: .. . . cl!!~!o!~. Camera Full Pound -Bag S Pack Cigars C. ~1'••k-.e.~·El~$2424 f,::•~i.:;i: 4 IAGS $1 Moot popolar naUonally 38' t . ·-translstorited ' ... advtttiR clpn in -.. k - ,._.. "•· ~R ot o s. ~ 1 . for automatic · '1'911111 •Ilk•. ~t rv · ve llc on e.cb. e . , ~ . ---•-_• _....;;..,.. ____ ,, ______ ....., ___ Thrlf~ exclusive and best IH~.ller! !\lakes a pleasant dif- ference-the telling'• In the tasting, rull J"ngth l •l"5()" mlrron In h&ndsorne \\'OOdcn !;:;: frame finished In ,,·alnut color or while. Pitta· ;·· burgh glass ror no-distortion rcncction. :. .... ~~: -Polaroid Color Film Reg. 39c Bagged Reg. 39c Ronsonol Scotts Glen C: a )ij.osure $366 Candies 3 ~ $1 •' Typ-: 108 Stock up on thOI< I ,. family favorite!: , •. Lighter Fluid 4Vtor.19c can . -IJ!!!!llllll!!!lllli!!ll~!l'lll!! 11111!!111111£m!11!!111!!!1!1 ... llllllll!!!!!lllll!!![ml ,~ t"~ ~ ~ ::.x::: :$";:::~ ~ ~ .... ....... .... :iv . . , $1.18 4!-Qaart Poly · i Ice Chests ,, . :;.: I•~ lomnv t it• "1111 e.s•· 9 7 c ' .,19 ll1....i111 Gtf9t P~lllC',W . " tl( 1•~111911 ?,:: . t: I PLENTY OF FREE PARKING COURTEOUS SALESPEOPLE AT YOUR SERVICE -------------------- :::~ ~:; '.•:::::~ .-.~ . Re g. 4.99 Wales ;::i Surf Rider 1~ • ::f.. Grand ''" Opening •2 99 B Sale Pric~d Ttsl ror pool or poolside.,. fur 1urrini,:! Com• 1 ~Ul1>- "' I:·, ,, 1 ... d '' 11 h rOI''° :J.8x43 inch ,,. • ~tu-Cl11enlni::-&\le Su1x-r· ~;: SIJl't'IOl l Ct•t )'llltl'!I. . ' ' ' ' .. ·' ·. . • • ' .. .. .. ·: . ·: .. . . ' . ' . , ·-• • •• .• • • • • • . . . . . ·l • . • • . . . • . f . • • • . .. • -... • . • -.. • . ~ • .. • ' . . •. .. .. .. 1-• . . •: ,. • • ; • • • I • -··- :JI DAILY PllOT S Wednosd«Y,, A""'t 27, 1969 ' Starts Thursday, August 28, 10 am WOMEN'S SWIMWEAR J pc. t uih, 5, 7, f , •"ti 11 •n!y. 2 88 0116. t .lt t• 11.tt ·······-···-·-··· .. -··· .. -·········-···Jr40W • WOMEN'S SLACKS =••.1•1:.;i~~~.~-.:~ ... ~.:~ ............................. NOW 4,00 WOM,EN 'S LOUNGEWEAR ~~-";'.;;:•.::~.:: .. ~-~-'.~~-~ .............. _,, .................. NOW ], 99 WOMENS LOUNGEWEAR ~;. ... ~:.;~i: 4:11 ........................................ H NOW 1.88 WOMEN'S HANDIAGS H•11tlb•.11 i11 •11 •1tortrMt1t ,f 1tylM.•114 c•l•n-011•. 4.tl & I.ff .... . .... 1.00 WOMEN'S COSTUME JEWELRY A~t ef ,,, ...... i._lry ~ Oii;.. I.It -·-······-····-·-··-··--···········---·NOW ' HUNTINGTON BE ·AC.H $tORE QNLY 7777 EDINGER, HU N:rlNGTON BEACH . - . '• " ' . " .... <I -• • r '' "" ' •• _._ • ' • , • ~ f .-I END-OP-MONrrHi . ) . . • .. \. " RED ,~~~D FROM STOCK! · ~IMIT~D I . QUANTITIES! ' FIRST FLOOR WOMEN'S SHOE CLEAR4NCE Choos• from h••l1, flats, s1nd1 ls , 1s1ort.d colors ind styles. Ollfi. J,,, le 11.,, .. -.. -·-········NOW MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS ·.Short sleeve I 00 "/; c.ott0n"V91oUr,~ ' , 2.88 sfti,.d only, 9old .a brown, s~m;·t. ·. : · 5·.88 Ollfi. 7.H ........ -... -... ~----·HOW .. , .. • .! . ' ' - MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS . lorua sleeve p1stels only, sizes IS, llVJ, It. 1.88 Ollfi. J.H -··-····--·-· ...... _JIOW MEN'S SUITS Si lk and wool bleiwl's two t,utton ~'sid9 ••nts. 59 88 Ollfi. I0.00 le llUO ....•......... NOW • '·' s·ECOND Fl:OOR MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS C!t 11ie: t •'lf blh. Sins M I L. 5.88 Oki•. ,_,. ---·-·--······-···-.. ···--··•-•H ...... _ .......... NOW DESIGNER L!IGGAGE Htrdlid1, Nd •11ly, w..ktitd 111.i .,11l11¥1t •. 11.a :: ::: :.::::::====-~~~=:= 22 88 TOILETRIES l ubbl111t bttt. eil. 12 ft •1, 66* OIHi> .. 1.•t ·······-·---·····-............................. NOW MULTIPLE VITAMINS 110 teb!•it ,,. OllG-. 1.29 -........................................................ NOW MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Clt cr o11• poly1•t•r '"d w1•1 bl•11~h 9 88 OllCio.. 17.0t.~-·-··-··-········· .. ····-------···· ........... NOW • MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS :,.~~~:; ~~~~~~--..................................... NOW 4.88 'MEN'S SLACKS w.,~ •'"' -•' 8.88 Oii .. 11.ff ····-·--···-... : ....... --...... -........... -... MOW GIRLS PANTl-HOSE STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE . ) 1001. ittt lc!t 11yl.11. 88" 12·14, 14·1•. -·········-·········· ..................................... ONLY GIRLS DRESSES GIRLS SUMMER PLA YWEAR CLEARANCE PRICED A11ortment of shorts, 2 pc.. pl 1y1uiti, knit tops. I pc. 1un1uit1 21 1 OQ l to 6x ari d7 to 1"4 ........... -............. 0' e ACCENT AREA RUG 10010 , ..... " ......... '-27•••· 6.44 Oll6. I t .fl ···-· .. ·--·-········ .. ···· ................. NOW RUG SAMPLES 271141, ,.,,iou• f•btie1. A11•rt•' eol•..s .......................... . RAPALA LURES Auorf•d 1it t J t 11d c•lori. OltCi. 1.6, t• 2.,, ........ --·· .. NOW 99• DRIU KIT . v." .inn. 2 '"r., 6.88 Oll•. 10.11 ................................... -................ _. NOW · DRILL STAND 11i .. a,;n. 1 0111.,. 20.88 Oii.i•. 27.ft '""""'" ........................................ NOW WALKING SPRINKLER kt 1l1 h•1t up, t trily. 11 88 Oii.i•. If.f f .............. -............................. ,. .... NOW 1 IANDINI OXAUS CONTROL F.rtilitt, t lld •~11ctici~ •• so nu. 99• 0111. 2.44 ....... _ .......... -................ -..................... NOW "ADRESJ.S 11.~1r. ,.a. bti91, whitt , 011.1•. ,_,, ,.. '·'' ._ .. ........ NOW 2,88 TUNE UP SET l114liN111• fi 111i11t litht, 't1¥10I• lit rlt ,, .. f,UUl'fl fllil t, 7 88 e:•1¥1,rH tio11 ie1 .. r. OllG. 12.11 ........................ NOW • CAR RADIO It •M out ,.rt.bl. r1oilio, 4 011ly. 0.. UM --·--····---·~"'~" ~JtOW 17.88 . I I • CUSTOM STEERIN<; WHEELS A¥•il1hl• in white, blu 1, 9old o;~~.fl;.~;· .~.~ .. :~~~ ........ -............ NOW 5.88 BATH TOWEL ENSEMBLES ,T.,ic.k ·a nd thirsty: scr••n pri nts 11th towels ot:IG. 2.25._ .... _ .. _. __ ...... NOW 1.66 H•1ul tow1ls OllG. 1.20 ... --··-··----··NOW lie We1h cloth' OllG. 6k·----····---·· .. NOW 44c . Prints, solids, shi ers, frimm 1d styl•1, 2'4", 30", 36" le"gth s. Ollfi. I.ft le 2.91 .................. NOW PR. SEWING NOTIONS REDUCED TO CLEAR Seam binding, bi•i t•p1, and rick r•ck, 1.44 ~~~i. Y1".f: !.~:~~-~-'.: ...... ::: .................. NOW 1.0c HALL RUN~ERS ' Nylon twt:•d 26'1 ~idth 611::"' ORlfi. 1.2' 11---~ ....................... NOW ~fl. Nylon solids 27-" w~~t~ ·· 69¢ ORIG. 1.l t fl._. __ ,.. ................... :.NOW ft . RIDE ON MOWER ' 126" cutting wi dth, 6 H.P. motor, I only, 218 00 Ollfi. Jlf.00 .. _ ................ NOW e POWER TOOLS Reduced to cl ear, ci rcu lar saw 71/1" he avy duty, 2 H.P. OllG. Jt.11 Sender 11~ H.P. he evy duty ORlfi. 34.H ········"····-' ..... .NOW 23.88 FINAL CLEARANCE ON SUMMER YARDAGE Popular pri nts, solicl 1, l6" to '45" widths Group I OllG. Ste to 7tc .............. NOW Z for 1.DO G•oup II OllG. ,.. ... 1:4' .. _ ....... _ ...... NOW 77c G•°"P 111Ollfi.1.4f 1e l .H ._. __ .... NOW "' . ' . -- FABRIC REMNANTS . Skirt and blouse l•n9ths greatly reduc•d. • 4QOA 6QOA Ol'F'llGUCAI ICTAIL.... 0 to 0 . . ' ' PENN~RESJ~ . DETERGEN1 Conc.•ntrated low suds,. hoi or cold cl eaning power, 10-lb. bolt, ORlfi. 2.49 .................................. NOW 1.49 . . .. . . . POWER TOOLS . REDUCED TO CJ.EAR ·-' . ·' . El•ctric grindir, '7~ H1P, 6" wheels, ORIG, 34.11. Router, I 'I~ H.P., 29.88 ORlfi. 49.81 ......................... NOW TENTS Yellow top r•flec:+a heat, in•ide ' zipper1d window1 , 6 only. ' 77.88, Ollfi. tt.00 ···-··-······· .. ··-······NO~ . ~. ' . . . . . . . . . . PR OLINE BOWLING BALLS . . ' I aw. only, 14 •nly.., . OllG. ~7:9'' ... "-.~:. ......... : .. ' ... NOW 19.88 ' . .. . ' ' i '· • . 14 pc. Jtl"YiC• for 6. " 011.IW, 7.91 ................ " ................................... NOW 50 pc, i•r.-ict fo r I. OltG>. 14.tl ............................ _ ......................... MOW NOVELTY SHAKERS 4.88 8.88 LAMPS , : '' Table l•mps, huq lamps, modern, tr1ditiontl { "i. or ••rly 1rnerican styles, " ........... ~~::~1.:~'.1o .~~:''.. 18.88 .. 21.aa I •.,' 'I•' DRILL ' 1/a" DRIU H•twy dwty • .S Qnly. OlJG. 14,,a,.-. ... 1... ___ ,. .......................... -. .... ,NOW 8.88 WILSON G'oLF CLUIS ~i:~-.P~~~O~ i~~.:: .. ~~~-~-~.-~~ ... '.~:'..~: ............... NOW . 54.88 WILSON SUPERSTROKE Wood;. OllCk 21.lf ......... . ...................... NOW 22.88 TENT '•' hi·w•ll, •""'i"• frt1¥1•, "•1 ;.". 24.88 Oii&. ''·'' -·· .. -·--··· .. ··-·-·-···--•MU-NOW POOL TABLE TOP ~~1~:·~o;.:i;t:.'.~.~·.~-~~-~_:.:~.~.'.: ... 1 .• _~~'.~'. ...... -••• 'wow 9.a ~ VACUCEl: ICE CHEST Si'yrelo•"'-<f4 ~f. cept cify. 011-... J,4 0 M""""""'"-·--•••••••••'"-"'"''"'""'"'""' "'"''' " WN TO· TENT' ' ' ~- NOW 2.66 7'2",.. •• , ..... It.. hitll,.....,. 2· ... •• ~ 22 .. ; ~ OI,._ Jt.tt ., ___ .. ___ , .. _____ MOW··~ .. . . ,• ...... AUTO C'ENTEl <; .. ' ' AUTO CENTER LOCATED AT ENTRANCE TO HUNTINGTON CENTER CITIZEN BAND RADIO REDUCED TO CllAR MOBILE UNITS • G•oup I ORIG. 4!.11.·-··-·-·-·--.,.NOW ,44 ... G•oup 11 Ollfi. 74.11. ___ , ... ....:...~.NOW U.li. ' G•oup Ill OAl5. U .H -·--···-.... NOW $54.11 '-" u,;i ORIG. 154.11 ...... -........... NOW 134.H CARGO MASTER TIRES 6 PL'f NYLON ' Limi t•d Qu1ntiti11 DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHER ' . ' I' I . ' . ' ' U1. •11 , • .., t il, t •••1• 111.i •l•cl,k1I f!rt 1. 2.88 OAI•. <f.t f . .................. ... . ........... NOW \ MINI BIKES " REDUCED TO CLEAR Oemon1tration"n;irii &ike1, J l/i H.P.113 88 I only. 0115. 14'.'5 .......... NOW • Miki Tho1np1on, l H,pi. ORIG. 16t.t l 1 ONLY ·-- ~ - • • • • " •• • • ... ,, .. . . I -. # ·. " I ' , . • THROUGH SATUR·DA~ ONtY! . . • :WE'VI REDUCED SLACKS .FOR THE • • • ME~ AND SHIRTS FOR THE WOMEN! 7 women's shirts on sale! Slacks on sale for young men! Now through Saturday Our fabulous Penn Prest® Penney exclusives that never need ironing ... I A handsome anortment of Towncroft CCII· uals. Imagine! Rough and rugged polyestti' .... blended with cottons, rayons, acrylics ... for machine wash and dryobility! Select . from vibront ploids and chocks ... and a ' wide anortment of colorful solids .•. smart -Grad cut in men's si'tes. r I .~ Reg. 7.98 NOW 6.99 Plain weave in U·Grad styling Reg. 8.98 NOW 7.99 _____ ,..,.. ---~ All of your. favorite styles ... Classic long sleeved shirts ... Salori style .•. the new Statu1 collar style ... Apache tie fashions! Many· ore polyester/cotton Penn Prest• for nev•r·irqn ease of core ••. round collared cotto"n prints!~Colors as for as you can see ••• white, light blue, navy, pink, maize, gold, brown, green! Mines sizes 8-16 ... junior 1izes • 7-151 Wt show just a 1ol1ct few ... but we've reduced all $4 ond $5 .shirts! UKI IT ... CHAAGf !Tl Our $4 shirts NOW .... . 2 for$7 Our *5 shirts NOW 2 for$8 .. .,,.. ' •• AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE. i ' I . - I \ T VU.I llele I ' I Actuary • Not Just Dull Job . By JOYCE LAIN "I'm I """' m•I.,,, t l'llll nw '"IN!' wn•stflt I c<111sldtr W-c:el!'h'lll 111 ln>ti•tnu t ctu•rv, I ~" know -1 Wiltld•• ii w, M 41111." A. -For some, acluaries do have the image of slaid, ~sk· bound, introverts; one \\'riter has described them as "lovers of sadistic statistks," and another as ''calamity calculators.'' ' VERY FUN· NY. But hardly descriptive of the stimulating m e n t a I challenge or re.,rards at- tainable in this manpo\vcr· hungry field, • tiiathemaUcians ""ho want to be in volved in the business world -and rise to a top ex· ecutive position -shou ld definitely consider actuarial acience say s H e r b e r t DePrenger, .elecutive vice president of the Cont'iiiCntal Assurance Co .. a giant life in- surance subsidiary ol the Coo- tinental Ass urance Co .. a giant life insurance subsidiary of the CNA Financial Corp. i n Chicago. He noles that sil of the 10 largest life insurance companies In the last docade have had a chief executive of. ficer who trained as an ac· tuary. ACTUAL ACTUARIAL WORK. There are two basic kinds of actuaries. The life ac· tuary de als \\·ith the problems o( Insuri ng the \·aluc or a 'human life. The casualty ac· tuary i:s concerned \V i t h coverage on properly and protection against liability claims. ,A specialist in either a r c a helps design new types of in- 1 u ran c e • plans, called ~·p~ucts" by insuranct pro- fessionals. He also analyzes Uie company's expenses in ad- ministering the i n"s u r a1p;c e ·- plans, helps desl.gn and;_ ln'i· plemenl coot control sy~. analyzes experience studies and milkes sure his comgany meets ·state standards on new policies and other financial matters. Many \Vork on pehsloo plans. · ACADEMIC ANGLES . The actuary needs a bachelor's or master's degree in actuarial science, m a t h, statisUcs, economics or buslness ad- ministration -or anotl1er degree \rhich includes 1 thort01h grounding in ~culus, probability a n d Jtatistics. He (only 3 percent are·women} the:fl must take a &eries ol exams on math and insuraoce to become a full· fledged actuary, or "Fellows." There are 10 exams for life insurance actuaries, and nine for oasualty actuarie:s. ,After passing five of the life ctams, a man is an associate memDer ()f the Society of Actuaries; the same is true ·after com· pleting five or the Casualty Actuarial Sociely exams: You should begin taking lhe exams .,,·hlle st.ill in college to help you evaluate your potential as an actuary. and to receive a higher starting salary. Tt generally takes five to IO years to complele the Cl· aminations. WHERE T H E JOBS ARE. Private insurance companies employ nearly two-thirds of go me 4,000 actuaries : the vast majori ty are in lire in~"Urance. Almost one-third are employed by rating burea.us (associa· lions "'hlch supply act.uarial data to member companies) and consulting finns. The rest v.·ork for private organizations which administer independent pension and welfare p1ans, government agencies. or teach in colleges and universities. WHAT nlE PAY IS. Salary increases ma y be expected with experience and com· pletion of either Society's series of ex am in a ti on s. DcPrenger sa.Ys ifs in the *20,000 range withln a short time aft.tr an actuary passe! all of the eiams. Based on limited data available, the atarting range for beginners if $7·10.000. Those in e1ecutlve pesllioos in large companies pull dol'-'J' over $2$.000. FREE FOl.LOW·VP. A . <!Olnpllmentary career bookJet ts your for the asklnJ from both the Sodety of Actuaries, JOI S. LaSall• St .. Chlaigo, !IL '°804; and The Casually Actulrlal Society, 200 E. 42nd St .. N•w York, N.Y. ~17. SeH )IMU' MUetilols for htare ntam.1 ttpfcs te Joyce t 1 I w1 carm Ctrler. e./t DAILY PILO'I'. Sen71 M mall Ulwtl'I CU bt Sf\.'tJ. ' l , ' SPECIAL BUY! Penncraft9 Premium guaranteed 1 coat exterior latex 9.99 • ' 2 gal. ~a.n-w~it~ onty.' G1H1ton1ted to cov•r in ju1t en• coot .• , t'len ~overs'd•rk•r colon. Apply with brush er roll•r .•• it d~ie1 fast in 30 minutes too beau· tiful hard mane finish. Smooth fin· • 1 ,. Exterieff wffcl 1tein1 .•• cu•l•m finish ir'I • 'h•i<• •f 21 n•tural WH4I dl!ers th•t 1t•n•lrete1 •n4 1tr•t•CfJ ... lteeutifUllv! per 1•ll•n 4.99 • II "Color me ~ • happy'' /) . ' SALE! Save 2.051 Penncralt8 Premium guaranteed . 1 coat interior latex Reg . 7.49, NOW 5.44 factory mixed colors only lhe point that mak•1 you look like o prof•uiono11 Guaronteed to icover in just on• coot. Won't Grip . , , flow& eosily with brush er roller. Oclor.lfls, n•eds no mix· int and dri's in just 20 minutes! ' . CIVlflP: Mot ft Ext••': • ,,PrrtiO)l$11 .-int!d Sll(f.ces-400 s~ .. rt. ptf p ll•n • Pofo~s.J11r11CH -mlSO!lfY,.il)*klJ tltd-•~lAlltt ioo t• 2so ~. n. Jtr· 111rDil. IHTUIOI: Clfll'tet• •Net t1 kctH: • ,,tvitu1l1 ''illtM UirlKH=-4011 s.. Ft. pu 111lon • ,...,. llllONY_,100 to 2~0 s.. ft. , ...... , ... + You're sure to find the right ladder ·for all your do-it·your$elf work at Penneys ... finest quality ot o price you con affor d. Stop in ond iee our huge selection todoy! 16 foot exttnolon lodder ........................................ 14.99 20 foot extension ladd•r .............. ,,,,,,,, ................. 18.99 24 foot exten•i~n lodder ........................................ 23.99 S faot aluminum steplotlder., •••••••••.• ,,,,,,,,, •... •·•••·•••• 8.88• • 1,et aluminum stepladder .............................. ' ..... 9.88 Think school! 1, .. • SaturdciY.i<)nly!. ·~ \ .. •• ' ,.J SALE! Start packing but leave room for the money you save TOWNCRAFT* LUGGAGI THltU SATUltDAY ONLY The perfect travel mat•s in this pick·up-:and·go era I Choose the sizes you nttd in the colors you love. Fa~hion Fle;cside& 21 " weekender . Reg. 19.98, now, , • , . '16 Fashion F,lt~side: 21 " companion. Reg. 21 :98, now ... 18.50 Fashion Ffexsidtt 21 '', 1 •uit, carry;Ori_. Reg . 24.98, now .• •20 Designer 21" weekender. Rtg 29 . .IO,now .•• , ..•••. 23.50 Designer 21 " companion.' Reg. 29.SO, now ....• ,. 23.SO Super Ftex1ide 21" weekender. Reg. 29.50, now .. ,. 23.50 LIKE IT ... CHARGE ITI SALE! PENNCRIS\'9 TYPIWlllTEllS THIU SATURDAY ONLY CARAVELLE MANUALS toke stu- dents or work-at·homes in their strid•. llu• or tan all steel, vinyl clad carrying coses make them travel rightt09l CAltAVELlE 12 MANUAL with big 12" carriage for extra wide typing, odd·o•type kty and pico type. Think Penrieys! llet. $99 ............. :.NOW '89 ,. Caravolle ·10 with 10' carriage and cholC. of pico or ell1e type. · CANOGA PARK •• MONTCLAIR --- DOWNEY FULLERTON NEWPORT BEACH Rot. 7,9.99 .............. NOW *69 • CONCOll09 ELECTRICS moko typ- ing a bnteit. Sletk, modern iy,,.. writers ~at ore fast and accurate. CONCORD 12 DELUXE electric with • 12" extra wid• carriage, plCO 'YI"· hg. $165 ............. NOW '139 Concord 10 •lectric wilti 10'' wide carriage, choice of elite or pa type , Rt9. $139 ............. NOW *11 9 HUNTINGTON BEACH VENTURA LAKEWOOD -~ -l I . • • . ' • I , I i I • • l • ' ' ' " " ; • -""1. A1/911!1 27, 1969 DAILY l'!lOT J! Biac·k Stridie·s Leader Drops SF Deman~s ' "Ob oh-he's got the bull horn.. Tha.t mea,ns &0me- : I bodfl going to get a. lecture!" ' Sad Birthday SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - One of the leadina; ,fiKtJrtS in dlsruptJona 1t Sao Francbco State College last spring an- nounced Tuesday he l! aban-donlna: his conlroversial c» mand to head lht school's black studies department in lhe faU. ' . ;. ( .. ' ,. . 'Novarro Suspect , Weeps LOS ANGELES (UPI) - One of two brothers on tr\al for the murder of Ramon Novarro says he v.'aS in a "don·t give a damn" mood the night the silent screen star v.·as slain because his wile lelt him the day.before. Pal.ii }\obert Ferguson, 23, \Vept · undet· cross examination by the attorney 'for his ' brother. Thomas, 13. :N 0 Party for Rabies Victin1 F"guson said after hb wile , waJ~ed out Oct. 29, he iOl ; LAKESIDE (AP) -Tommy my is still near· Otath. drunk and into a brawl, and jBuchman's third birthday is a Although bis , muscles r~· ihe n _ drank too much at Sad time without a cake and pond t-0 extremf stimulus, the Novarro's home the next even· ~·ithoul a party. · response b IDvoluntary. ing. , "There is only.hope," Mrs. A respiralQl'1)Ump.i air Into "Your· state of mind on Oct. f\.fax Buchmann said sadly of Tommy's lungs, liquid formula 30 was that you Juit didn't her son, hlstory's longest is funneled through his nose . ~urivor of rabies. . . and he has gro"'" In hls ·cmn· give a da_mn?" asked the al· : The brown·hal~ed boy,_lles In &lose paraU<sis. Btit · dQi:tbrs . '°!'."'Y· .R1eba;d Wal\°!1· Jhe deep con1a into "'h1ch . ht say be app&rooUy , 1ee 1 5 • 'Thats r _1 $ h ~, Paul fell April 28, four weeks after th· answef!!d. wiping the tears being bitten by a rabid bobcat no~~:· the Buchmans thoucht fr~m ristee~~titd f\t d b Outside his hom e·~ ~ he sa~ them. Onct, they bee:~e ~k at ~o:irro·! i;~k.esn:ian at . San ~rego s thought they saw a tear. Holl},v.·ood llill:s mansion and Unn'ersity Hospital sa1 Tom· On his s ec on d birt hdar. passed ·Out' on a. couch. ~ Tommy celebrated with his next thing he remembered brother ~1ax Jr., who was S y,·as his-younger brolher last Sept. 4. awakening him and saying, . Man Killed, The older boy ~·ill observe ''He's dead." :Nine Hu1'.t his birthday alone this Sept. 4. The prosecution contenM Neit~f Qe nm:: their sisttr the Chicago brothers wenl to Elizabeth... ttl, hM seen To111· I.he 69-year-old actor's home~ , my since he w4s sent Jo the rob him of $&,000 they ·. In ExpJos~··Oll hospital. Mar sleeps near mistakenly believed was hJd· .a.: Tommy's en1pty bed in the den there.' , room they were going to _ Fe.rgu!On testified they in- NEYiHALL (AP) -An ex· share. tended to "hustle" Novarro, .plosion rocked a munitions A stuffed teddy bear sits on and that the actor thought he , ;ind flare manufacturing plant Tommy's dresser and another Paul, could be a "superstar on his bed. • •. like Burrr.ii.ncaster." 'building Tuesday night, killing ti.lax Buchmann. a chicken The younger brd\her is ex· 'one man and injuring nine farmer with 28,000 layinc peeled to testify Thursday . . others. sheriff's deputies said. hens, and hi~ wife are taking a11.==========. Jl ,1·as the second dea_tl} • little _pres~t to T~n1¥ -a \\ithin a v•eek from art•·'~~a.f. l't OrMu~· btrthday ON. THE TUBE ' .· h I I ~ "W6:i nCllC1ay.,_1 . ,;r · W 'tke. bt)t 9wide to wh•t', p\os1on al_ sue a pan. ''We · doli't know tf' he' -ti.,,.~~119 -.,. TV, •••cl rv ·olher eonung last Thursd17J.n h ,, Mrs B chm ·d WEEK -lll'a),ibuticl wilh tho ·an explosive-making plant it-ears, · u aM sai · S•tw•cl •y .ditio" of th• DAILY another company's nearby "He ,r;iay. We only hope he PILOT. fiite . . _:doel::::.·-----'----~==========I Fire officials fiaid there was ·absolutely no suspicion o[ ; arson or sabotage. Both firms involved have extensive : defense contracls, officials :said. ; The dead man "·as not im· 'mrdiately identified. The building, at the Bermite : Po11rder CoAtlree miles east of ·Newhall, was destroyed with . $20,000 damage. Los Angele6 ; Couaty fire officials 1ald. , The cause was unknown but · the sheriff's sut>:;tatlon at Newhall said it received a report that a worker saw a spark just be.fore the ex· ploslon, which touched off a ' fire that engulfed the struc- ture of steel and concrete. · Flares and expl~ives were :Jnade in the . building, oUicials said. Man Jailed In Bradley Aide's Death • C0~1PTON !AP) -Police : ;i:rrested a 23~yea r·Old • Compton man In CQllnection : 'vllh lhc shooting deaths of a · Los Angeles city councilman'& ; seeretary and her boyfriend •. • Taken into custody at bis home Tuesday was Stanley C. ~ Rhinehart. ()fficers said he ~ was bOOked for Investigation 1 of murder. • The victims were. Patricia j Graham, 22. and Osborn 1 Crump, 23. SUMMER SPECIAL! Dr, Nathan Hare, militant interim head of the black studies unit, who once shou!ed down college President Dr. S. l Hayakawa, sakl he will work instead on • new black intellectual magazine. algnlftcant role" In the mili-of labor In I.his struggle by to promote the black Jn. intelligentsia," and he dots tant black movemtnl. Negroes," JI are saki, "and 1 tellectual level." ool w a n t lo ''1et bogged Or. Hayakay,•a refused to can best contribute by moving He said the ma1uine will be down ..• fighting nincom· renew Han!'s contract for lhe to this new level and helping "a call to anns bJ the black poops such aa Hayakawa." coming year and named•---------'--=-------"'----~-'-----'---~ The magaline, BI a ck Scholar, wUJ be a journal of black' studies and research' and Its first Wue will be published Oct I, Hare said. He said he was "tempted to continue the struggle" at the college but fee.ls that as publisher of the new magaline he v.rill be playing "a mon! Robert Chrisman aa interim head of the black studies pro- gram. Hare said Chrisman will be editor! of the ne1v magazine, which will feature articles by such militants as B I a c k Panther fugit1ve E I d r I d g e Cleaver and Stokley CamUch· ael , novelist John O. Kitlens and LeRoe Jones. "I think there: Is a divi sion enne~1 ALWAYS FIRST GUA,LITV ~4 STOR'E~ ... ALL 72° J .. .,;; • anil opeJ'i 'nightly till 9 :30 South Coast ?lua • • . ' Save a b·ig '$1 ·00 on our Deluxe· Penncrest® coJ;or· stereo theatre . ' ' ' . ' ' Orig. $799 NOW Here's· whet-you get: TELEVISION • 23" when diagonally mea .. ired • All channel rec:eption • C~or nming meter and light • 3 high gain stages of boosting power • 25,000 volts of picture power • Glare•proof"f(osted" and tinted . safety glass banded to picture tube • lighted VHF-UHF channel selectors • 8uilt·in automatic co lor purifi er , CABINET • Genuine cherry veneer and hardwood construction with hand rubbed ' distressed finish • 2 woofers, 2 cone speakers, plus 1 TV speaker AM/FM RADIO/PHONO • "Solid-State" tuner-amplifier • AfC to minimize FM drift • 75 watts peak power output • FM st8'eo indicator lights • Garrard 3000 charger • Continuous ploy, simulta11, reverse, tape in put and output : Investigato rs said "f..11 s s r Graham. a member of Coun· ~ cllmanThomas Brad l ey 's ; staff since 1967, was shot as t she and Crump 11a\ in 1a parked l car in Compton h1onday nJght. 1 She jumped from the car : and :iitarted to run, police said, • and was felled by a second i shot. lier assailant then drove ' away with Crump in the car. I . lma9inel All channel color TV -FM/ AM/Ftf.$ rad io and stereo phonogra ph , all in a beaut;ful Frencll Mediterranoon cabinet that was design ed to 'Sllll'-ff>r much more, now .all for the pr ice of a color tel••*°" • ,. • 4 ' • • alone! · : Crump's body was found : Tuesday moming in the cor. : v.·hich had been .parked in tha Firestone district. . . BUENA'PARK BURBANK . CANOGA PARK COMPTON cliLVER CITY tlKE 11'. ... ~l:'IARGE IT.! ·odWN!v' ~' FULLERTON GRAMADA HILi,5 HONTIMGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK INQLEWOOD LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS MONTCLAIR NE,WPOllT IEACH NORTH HOLL YWOOO SAN FERNANDO · SANTA ANA TORRANCE ---~~~-"'~-----~"""--=---=========""""-~--~-----~~--------- VAN NUYS Vl!Nl\lllA WESTCHESTER WEST COVINA • f) ·-------------------·------~ ~-~ -......---~ ---------- 4 DAIL V "LOT Wtdlltsday, Allqust t11 1969 ·~u.s. Air, Water Rated as .'Bad' ) WAS!!lNOTQN (UPI) - Air: Very bad. Water: Bad. &oil, foresLs. wildlife: Only fair. That, &<.'COrdlng to the Na· Uooal Wildlife Federation, is the sorry condition or the American environment. Of the six categorle-s sur\•eyed in the federation's newly issued Environmental Quality Index (EQ), only mineral& got a good rating and they were judg:ed to be oo lhe ~line. The federation released the EQ as the first of futurt an- nual reports by which the na· tlon cao judge the success or failure of erforts to re\'erse n1an·s destruction or h Is natw-al habJU.t. By far the most serious prob- lem, t h e federation con· 84 STORES .•. ALL 72° and open nightly till 9 :30 South Coast ?taza FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT Outtfoor Living is u way of life in Southern (u/il cludtd, ls air pollution, which it said was setting worse- despite new laws and new emphasis on pollutlon controls. GREAT POLLUTER "AutomobUe exhaust is by far the gttatest polluter," the federation said, "followed by home heating, Industry and the burning of garbage and other wastes." "Air pollution is lhe more serious kind of pollution since on<:e in the atmosphere man is helpless and must rely on nature to purtly it," the federation said. Next to air, the report said, water is the dirtiest element of the American environme nt, getting a "bad" rating on a scale ranging from very bad to bad, poor, fai r, good, \•ery ·good and excellent. The report described the waler siluation as "gloomy." but cited some progress in the Federal Water Pollu· tian Control A c t, which re- quires every st.ate to eatablish its own water quality st•l\CI~ ards or submit to federal standard s. SOIL FAIR As for the nation's sail, rated fair, the study said the old problem of erosion is still here coupled wllb lhe relative- ly new problem of pollution by fertillurs, herbicides a n d pesticides. "And every day airporta, highway s and suburban development voraciously gobble up bun· dreds of acres of land-lost foreve r as green s p a c e , wildlife habitat and recreation centers." Forests. also rated fair by the federation, are suffering from excessive t i m b e r harvests and lack of manage- ment In timber producing areas, it said. "The immediate challenge to the timber managers is to increase th e production on timber lands through better wlldltfe 'cture "'is not very bright," altbough it was rated falr. However, lhe federation aaid that management programs hive incr~ a:ame herds - the deer supply ls the large,,t in the history of the coun· try-and th.at millions of acre! have been set ulde as animal refuges. PAID FREIGHT "Currently, and in the past, hunters and fishermen have pald the freight for most. wildlUe con&ervation efforts," the report said . "As the burden Increases. the general public will have to ass ume more of the fin a ncial responsibility, particularly for the management of nongame species." Although minerals go the best of all ratings. good, the federation noted th•t they are not renewable, "We can grow more trees, produce more wildlife, re]uvenate our soil a n d cleanse our air and water,'' the report said, "but when minerals are depleted, they are gone forever." The federation urged that in the future all mineral ex- ploitaUon "should be rlone under a leasing arrangement, whereby the surface values of the land may be preserved for grazing, Umber, wildlife and recreation." MAKES CLEAR The report makes it clear that the environmental quality of the nation is getling v.·orse. the fede ration sa id. ''The prospects are ex. tremely disturbing," said Tom Ki1nball, executive director of the federation, ·'but not really surprising. ··You get j us t what you pay for, and far less than 1 percent of every tax dollar goes into program~ even remotely related to pro- tect.ion and improvement of our environment." Lo.westi Price Ever Fora Great Ma~ag Pair! Model AI06 090 These are not "stri A"'rii~r!Ftf® · odels ... they have all these great dependable Maytag features. WASHIR: e J W11t•• T1mp1 e Po1ili"• M1t.r.d Fill e Full Cycl1 S1f1ty l id e Swirl· 1w1y dr1i11i119 tclion in lint 11mo .. 1r tvb e Auto,,.tlic un btl1nc• lo1d prot1ction e R.u!l proof lid bill hiti<ft l e R.u99•d·pro .. 1n h1lictl driY• e Ftrnou1 M1yl.t9 cl1p1ncl1 bility! DRY!R: "H•lo of H••I" dryin9 e R1 .. ol~inf dl1t lint filltr e Portt lain 1n1rn1I dr11m e l 11l1etlon1 for prop1r dryin<J of t ll ftbritt e S1f1ty door & Pu1li·io·lit rl b11Ho n e Full optnin9 door for lotding ton.,,•ni1n'•• ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODAY! management practices," the ;===========.! EQ report said. "Hybrid trees, fertilizer and insect control ©DAVIS BROWN , 411 E. 17th St. • THE BEST can help grow bigger trees in R••d••1hiF po I l 1 p10"• less time ." "P••nuh" i1 011• of th• world'1 Costa Mesa 646· 1684 Daily 9.9 • Sot. 9·6 The NEW LOOK for '69 CANVAS AWNINGS YALANGS CURTAINS ALUMINUM SCREENED PATIOS Because of CQntinuing loss of nit1! popul•• comic 1trip1. R••d habitat, the report said the,;=':::' :::':::•':::'':::'::':::'::"::":::A:;IL:;Y=:Pl::;L::;o::;T.=:;::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;::, Ne.th ing d.coral" Ilk• caJ'lvttt • loovtitul n1w colon. & new fobriu. for ho1'1•f • , • for bu1inel1 , , , for tfailtFI ••• for COlrlP•"'' llllllfAa.D • 11nauu FREE ESTIMATES HO OILIOATION WE DESIGN WE MANUFACTURE WE INSTAU Planned for lar99, smell • mobile home• • , • compllH'ely .... .,,.._., WINDOW and DOOR AWNINGS Mony styles & 18 stunning decorator colors for your selection Wilson New Assistant P1·incipal Tho111as C. Wilson Jr. has betn named Assistant Prin- cipal of Newport Harbor High School. The 33-year-old educator was chosen by a district screening committee from among 15 applicants , spokesmen for the Newport. Mesa Unified School District said Monday, Wilson comes to the job fram Calllornia Polytechnic College at Pomona, where he was an assistant professor of social sciences ror the past three years. Before that, he taught at high schools in La Canada and Azusa. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co. Wilson received his B.A. from UC Sa nta Barbara and his M.A. from California State at Los Angeles. He is in the process of completing his doc· loral dissertation in cirriculum at the Uni\'ersity of Sl)Uthern California. FACTORY SHOWROOM 2202 So. Main Santa Ana • 545-0491 See tut COl'l'l,I ... INDOOR· OUlDOOlt fttt1dr1r1 4ispl•J BRANCH OFFICE:ORANGE COUNTY AWNING CO •!is main responsibilities at Harbor High will be in cur- riculum research and develop- ment. He is married and the father of three. The Wllsons cur· rently make their home in Phone 197-6732 -Serving North Or1nge County .... ; ' ~~« ~ ~ 4. "l-~\. l\nnelf• introducing Glimmerick SUNSHl~E PALES wo .. r..color•d .,.. 1hodow in thr•• great ntw shimm•r Jhode.s, pfJt in the mlni-e1t poils lhat act 01 mixer tOo. One color, 1.75 Sel of three tolors, 3 .50 BURBANK CA.NOGA PARK CHULA VIS-TA COLL.EGE GROVE DOWNEY FULLERTON • HUNTINGTON BEACH INGLEWOOO LAKEWOOD Altadena. we ••• Yordley SLICKERSCOPE" in your future ••• The 11ort foretell of tfrtree fre1h, new ihodes of Slkk•r4'1ip gloss and noiil polith ••• .act! 1hodo Jo IJIOlfe yov lt>Clry tn love and o 1lflo1f\ Jo l®k ot. CopptrKOpe, •o•y·in· 1he·1lfy a nd Corol-ln.your-future. And o Slickerttope free with eo<hl lip t lOJt, 1.50 LONG BEACH MONTCLAIR Nell poli1h, 1.25 NORTH HOLL YWOOO NORTH PAFIK SANTAANA TORRANCE. VENTURA •. FINE ~7 JEWEL SWISS WATCHES I SPECIAL gw<M Fai/v PURCHASE! OUR AGlftr IS BACK W1'IH SHOALS 101t YOUI YOUR. CHOla ONLY Direct from the Swiss Fair at Basile Switzerland, to YOU! Eons of shoCk absorbent, water repellent watches, calendars, pendants, brace- lets, lapels and rings. Sport watches tool Each one created· in the famous Swiss tradition ••• with quality and fashion in .mind! 1995 CHARGE IT AT YOUR P~NNEY'S FINE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT FULLERTON Or•11t• Ceiit•r H1rbtr et OrS1191fh•'l" NEWPORT BEACH m•i•" 111.11• M.cArtl111r •I P'oclflc Ct9!1t ""'' • HUNTINGTON BEACH H111tlnttn e.,.t.r ld/11ter irt h11t DI .. • ,.,,, • • ... • '• A .. ;, t •• : •• .. ~ ! ,. ~ ••• j "' .. ~ -• N , -.: ~ .~ ~ ,, •• "' ... •• ·-•• :J! ,: •• ... . ,, ~ ... ., '< •• •• ,. ~ • ' I • .. For the ~· Marriage Licenses ._, HAll:OY·Wlf:SHIE•, Joll!I T,, ,~, flf 17S E. ltffl 51., C"I• Mttt •Ill lllltle L., -.i, ol "61 "'1111111 Dr!w. Hunllntlofl •••dlr ' MIL\.lllt·ICAHN, JOI r .. ,,, Ind Jullt M .. tt. botll eJ * Cerwon Atre. Orl¥t. l..•1u..._ B4•C11 MARflN•MAAK.S, T"-1 9 .. 11. 1"11 (llMll' A,, 11, IMtfl fl! 1706 Fo~Mll Une, Hu11tl1111ton lhtc:h McOONAL0.5CHALLENIAVM, Dlvld L., lt, ol 1'291 Vlllt .. W11 Ind ()pal O,. It, ol 510t Altrld Avt .. bolll flf l Wall'llifl51ff ANIEll:-tOMMElt, Joh11 f ., ?l, cf l~l N1wl"'d Ind S!ltrt1" £ .. 11, of 56'1 Vtlle<"llo Or!vt, both of W•lmlnrter MYNOERUP·OUPUY, 01le G .. 1f, el t1' S. Cot1o! Hl91\w1v, L111un1 !IP~(n I nd NlrKY II: .. 10, Qf 111 E. M•rlla $1 .• tt1rlC!ford, Kl'"'J Cou"1y, Cttlf. SHEEHAN-S!':NNOTT, P'11r 0 ., ,J, or I J11 LlewtllVn and O•adY$ K .• 54. ,,, l•U C1rrllol t>rlvt. bell! of L11u111 Btteh. _,, Jl.EM!t.lA.AP·"ltENCH, Jllhn F.. ?I, Ind MllW C., f.f, both of 2472 Gltit-"irvro, l.atnml &doth WlllGHT·SVTTON, SllC',r;' G .. '1. o1 7'3~1 Ourvte. El Torti ,,,., ~ J .. ?1. ol 111 Jof, P1r1on. s1n11 Al\I llEIUl:Y·ANOEll:SON, Alvl11 L., 31. of n.s Alltnte •nd M.l•ille. J .• 11. of 11'071 ••• St., "°"-of Hunti119IDft El~tch Auto. t ClllOS5·WESTEN ,it.1111 C .. :M, tnd !et- f'f "'·· ·~. bQrh cl 1"*4 S111 C1rto., 1'0011 .. ln V1lley • TOVATT·SUNAMIE, W!IHtm It., 'H, of 1611)5 Gr•h•m St. ~ 5hlrus, 72, flf , 425 Uth SI .• bolt! of M11nllnolan 8Hcfi HANSON-POWELL, Cllfl9n W., ''• ot H:Ul ClndV ll»e tnd 8tflld• I(_. 11, af non Caplitreno L•n~, bo • Ml.lnllntlon B••ch W1LLIAMSON»IAN01;:1t81l , Robert A .. 74, of 13819 E. ltlunon•, Wtilttltr •NI 8•rb1r11, 71, of 10'.U C1nvon Vl1w. L111un1 Bt•th CA!TR().CALZAOA, luls M .. 37, cf ID1 10 McFtddtn, West"'lnsler •nd Mottll A .. 2t, of 1111 $. Fairview, Sll'lll An1 ltlDLEV·MIJRPlfl!"f. 0t¥kl E .. 71. of ~no N. lleOfnood, '"~•nv. Okie .. I/Id C1t'l)I A.. 21, of Ult! Wtl'Wlck Clt<k, Wtslmlrld1r Oelll!ll:Sl!-CLEMEt.ITE. Connlv A .. 11, flf Ulll Visit Del $ol Orlve,, H1m- tlnofo!I Budl Ind Lind• J., 11, of 113.1 N. Brhfol, 51nt1 .-,,.. 8UllAACK·LIEFFll:ING, Lonnv l ,. 1', •Piii LISSI M., lt, l!olh ol 11<15 Antllelm A¥e., Cost• Mesi GONSALES•THOMPSON. Al!M" A., ?I. <If ltS2 ll:t!llburn. W•1lmlns1er 1r>d Berber• A •• 11. ot 611 s. Pacific Orlve, Ful~""" J f NSEN·MANNING, Grev W .. ?I. nf 110 Townt 1"'1 Ch•l•lle, ?1, of 763 H1m!lton St .• bo1h of Cos!1 Mes• H1LORE"TH·WtE$E, Jame1 A., U, al 1l7$1 Edw1ro1 and Hel~e. n, of 13106 P•cmc, t!oth of W•sl"'lns!er KNAPP-THOMAS, Allan L .. 21, of llJO P~!lt1r$Oll ~Piii $~ndr11 L • 11, of tol1~r Elll1, b<llh ol HUnl!nvtcn 8Nch 8EltT"IAM-NOll:lllS, Ronalcl L.. 15. of "'I Sllnl Paul Circle, Hunllnt1o~ flaach elld Jovce IC., 2J, flf sn1 Br!ercrttl, l1kfwood £RNST-ICROUSE, J<>11n II: .. 57. af 1111 12'\d St., We11mln1111r •"d Alltne M., 43. of ?ill? "'di"'!· O•a-... OAM·KLEINER. P•rrv 11;., 18, flf 117, Mtple A~ .. C01!a Mf>a Ind Gltuda $., 11, of Bo1t '• M!. Hamlilc!I Road. •.....;:> ----...,. ---" -- ---.• ----- -- - ------ Record Three Win Delays in Theft Trial Killed Kin, Cellmate SANTA All/\ -Coovlcltd .~n Die10 Superior COUrl. double murder when the killer Joatpb Morte bu. betn , That verdict was belnl bat· California Supreme Court rul- granted a chanae of vtnue for tled in appellate courts when td thlt two confess.tons slgned SANTA ANA -Three men a new trial that must take Morse strangled a fellow fn. by hlm were obtained In viola· tndlcted by the orange County precedence over his Oct. 27 mate or San Diego City JaU on tlon of h i s constitutional Grand Jury on cha~es of action in Or&RJe County Aug. 14, 1964. lt was tesUfled rights. Superior Court. at the SK'OlMI piiurder trial The hi&h court had earlier steaUJw nearly $$,000 from Mone. 25, of Chula Vial.I, that Thomas tarry Taddei commuted Morse's se.ntenet: to Berkshire's R e s t a 11 r a n t • wlll be tried in San Bem•rdtno wu strangled with 1 mattress life impri.eonment when they Newport Beach, have won a at a date still to be set for the cover braided into a cord ruled that jurors had bee Im· delay of their Superiof Court -------=---slayl.n& tn t9G of his mother when he refused to pay Morse properly advised that im· trial. Lef TV WEEK Mrs. Hope Mone, $1, and 1'il the 10 packag"· ol clg11'tllet postuon ot a lile "ntence sister. JeMifer1 12, 1 vlcUm ot, the latter won 1n a a:ame of would mean that Morse was Judge Samuel P, re.I z e n cysUc flbr~ls. He was con.. dominoes. eligible for parole ln seven DAILY ,!LOT }/) Morse's appearance In Orange County Superior Court w UI be for new -ateumenLI ln the penalty phue of lib 1'"1- dd trial. The SupremeiCOUrt reversed Morse's death penalty ln. tb1t lrlal but not the ~vlcUon. 1t was held ·by tho hllb. court that jUroni ~ to eapital punishment were lrnproper11 exC\lsed from atrvice OD the cancelled the Aue .~ lrlal sel-Turn You On vlcted ol. the double murder ·ln Morse 1ot. new trial for the years time. ting ~r Anthony Umberlol---------~~~~~---------'~--~~~---------------~-~ panet Rossi, 33, or 3171 Monterey St., South Laguna, Henry William \Vill.mfug, 30, of 2139 Republic Ave., Costa Mesa and John George FllizzoJa, 46, of i..aa: Vegas. He ordered Ule trio to return to court Sept. lS (or a new trlai da~. Indictment of the three on grand theft chargt;t followed testimony In whlch the trio was accused of planning a safecrackJng last June S at Berkshire's, 3450 Via Oporto . Cash, checks and credit cards valued at $4,700 were taken from the safe. Police said \Vlllming, a n.lght bartender at the Newport eatery. provided information Lhat led to the arrest of his two companions • Pait· Nabbed For Stolen 'Speed' Pills SANTA ANA -Santa Ana police narcotics officers have reported the ar· rest of two men who they claim \\'ere in Possess.ion of 500,000 amphetamine plllil known to young people u "speed". SALE on - storage bui.ld ·ings thru Saturday only! · -DEATH NOTICES Police allege the pills were stolen ln a burglary of Cole Pharmaceutical lnc. in Santa Ana last week. REED .klhn T. Reed. 327 W. Wll»11, C01!1 Mffl. Otlt of detll!, A.ut ujl 2S. Sur- vl~td bv wile, Mllbtl I. Rff<l 1 twr wns, Tl!o"'as w. Ated. of Founttln vau..,., John Ree<!, Sin Ft1nclleo; 0.la LllCI>. L1 Pll"'I' trid Hfrnllfl Lll(tl. Slnle 81rtN1r1; end 10 tr•lld· e!!!klr~ Gr1v111dt 1ervlc1~. Thllrs· <:11y, 11 AM. ROH 1-11111 CHntltlrY. lltlh M<irtu1rv, 1741 su111r1or, Co1t1 N,n1, 0 1t9Clllrt.. MILBURN . WIHlt1 0 . Mllbll"'. 31'6 8'1111)1 SI., Ca.It Mtu. 0.11 of ~111!, ""9Ull :U, s~""!V«i nv wll., A"'t.,.rll Mllburn1 ooiw, Mikt M!lburn end llonakf Wt lk· .,,, boll! of P'-nlx1 611\jtflle<, M•I. Maro11re1 WitiiLn1, RIV11rsi<11; bnllhar, Lflln Mll~rn. AbU-. TtXlll sl1!1r, Mrs. Cl1r11 c111r1, Ft. Wor11!, Tt•a,; •llCf elthl or1nochltdre-n. Fu~rtl Hrv- kn •nd lnltrl!'ltlnl will be held In P11otnrx. Baur MDf'Tutrv, 1141 SuPtr· ior, Co1t1 Mna. Forw1rdrno D!rtclcln. HOL TSLANDER lntt E. HoU1t1ndtr. 651 Viti• &onl!1. N-Pfl!'I Btech, Oelt of ftllh, Auoull 15. S11rvlved bv Otut httr. Lllldl Jovct Holll!lf>der, NOWPCrl fl t1ct>1 alf!I! brotllfr1 1nd .itttrs. St rvlCfl 'll'lH bl htld Tl!ur~I'; 11 AM. Paclfk Vf4¥1 c111""'1, with Re~. John P, AtlMV ot-flcla!lno. tn!trmmt, For~I LIWll, Gllnd111. Olrtcltd bv Pacific View Mol'1Ylf¥, LANGFORD Thomes Lu111 l1,,..lord . .M6 lrot&-"''~' C.0'11 ,,,,_, 0.11 of dHtll, Autu" 18. 51,....1cn pendlM •I Well· ellff C1!1p1I Mal'luil"f', '46-41A. PmERSEN Ptkr Pt)ll1tn. '600 IE . 7111 $1., l- Betcll. olllt of dC!•lh. Au11utl ''· .SUr· ¥1""4 bv wltt Lllll•n1 d.1uthter. JO- Anil; 1on1. W!H11m Incl Rober1 Pdor· wn. Servltea, Thurt.dllv, 10 AM., Wnl· t lfff CllaJ>i!I, lnltl'!Mf!I, Ml. 011wt. Chltato. 1111ner1. 01r1c1t<1 ov Wlll-ttlff Cli.IP&I MOru!IN, MS-'lltl. TROYER R1lph Trover. 01te ol 111111" Auou•t ii. Swrvlct ' ~Int al We11cllfl Ct>111- el Mor1u•rv, "'6-'llt. Divorces l"'TlltLOCUTOllY DlC.ltl!'EJ HOLL1~AY, Jutnllt l 1>ui11e "' l(ffl<' tlflft ~·Ill' iOROA , Olden VI H•HI ~'M~,OLY~!' E,., "•':U M,11 • O~ ,.,ar vn . vs erm r , u H6Lz, Atvmorid anle v1 AD$elt1 I ... G RA.KOS .S~"" P. VI JCKDh 4 ""%EV, Lorrie Let v1 Ron1kl Jatk FtMI ' P•ltl(il A. .... T110m1s J. "~ LOCI(, f>larv M, vs DDrtt> A, ~ OC.K. Sandri K. vs Jam~• A. 1TZ Pearl Ann vs JO!l C!~Y RKER M•rnrP.I "' Fronk W. STEWART, P1trlc!1 Ann "' Wlllltm sJ~~!~AW. MtVletfl J. "' Ge•tld Lfsl~ KRUE EA, Btlt'f "' Rt1~ L. MA.RM N. Slll'Ofl Kt v YI R11n11d fJr~llt,, 1ti.ridcl~ M. V'I JNll l . ci:iAs '.i.1N. C1r111 Lvna vs ~"\'Ci-c;,,... ~~K'f,.\lt7 l:'n~"l1t~~vi CIY~ '~" HANNA, &.th' V'I LloYd E. M~\;~"'~· · Mary A. VI L1wrtnct OAVIS!!N, St.J.-n A. vs ltl~hltd Leo TAVLOR. ft.I 8rut1 vs Cltrt McClo11-si1il EH50N, Vlr11lnl1 An11 vs Ellftl'lt C ~Ann V1 Fred Jr. MA A, tlef'I J. Vt Cl11r"1 It •• :~N~E , '..!..<t'1o:11orJ. Frie~'\.~ Carl •nne• BA ;;r.WAY, EvtWn Ir-vs J!m"'lt M~a~"-' C11rt1tv11 c ..... Jt11ttl0" P ..... VAff Hultk, FloY P•tl "' IUcJ'le,,. ta~rml Jr. iK).E,~ lttnnelll Ct~~"' Vcltl• .i,.,:itt ~°8~1ve·A~ .. 1. itC.1 o . lgNE~ K11na Ch'°' VI Ge••IO O@lmar J J'IE:, OP•I Glen vs Cwr1l1 M1"'l" HAll:O , M•tll•rtl Vnll VI lle.1 Patrick Prendergast, 22, of Santa Ana , charged with burglary and possession for sale of restricted dangerous drugs, has been freed on $3,000 bail, police said. William Caines. 23. of Santa Ana , charged in addition with another burglary, is being held in lieu of bail totaling $62,000. Police Chief Edward Allen said the-pharmaceutical firm vaJued the stolen pills at •15, but he asserted that the tablets illicit street sale value is about $50,000. Road Project Bids Sought SANTA ANA The California D i v l s i o n of Highways is asking for bids on two Orange County projects to improve hazardous condlUons. Modifications are needed for traffic signals and intersection lighting at the corner of Lin· coin Ave., and Brookhurst St . in Anahehn . $200,000 i s available for the project, M~~!'H~ Edwin l ovd \'I Rebttce HfW6~?JrA. Ook:ir•• Oomltlflue• ~1 CKLE • •~ <U A~1etl<1• ttt<lllb\!1!111 ARBU a; .--.~ <BUUELL. C1rol¥" $..,. ¥1 G1rv AnoU1er traffic safety COil· struclion project at the corner of Garden Grove Blvd. and Bolsa Chica Rd ., Westminster. is up for bids. It calls for new traffic signals and lighting at an estimated cosl. of $22.000. luf M __ , RICl!lrd \Vestc ....... ., 5,lOAAIC, Sand•• 0. " Mlch••I m E. 11lb St.. Costa Mesa TRrm'B~. Lind• An.Wiit .... Rlthl rd 848-4111 Pitre E¥1 Ard1119 vs, Wtrwltll ll:O'f • E'4LER$. Corrll'lt Met V$ Maltolm LIDrltl BALTZ MORTUARIF.8 11-;:::::::::::::===============:;-CorOna dcl l\lar OR 3-1450 II Co1ta Mesa ft.U 6-UU • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway. Costa ft.lc1a LI 1-3133 • DILDAY BROTHERS llundngtoa Valley r.tortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. llunlingtoo Beacb IU-'1'771 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 Laguna Cuyon Road Laguna Beicb . 4H-Hll • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARI\ Cemeiery • M:ortnry Chapel 3500 Pacific Vltw Drive Newport Beach, Ca1Uonl1 llU'ltt • PSElt 1',\Mlt,_\'_ .< COLONIAL FUN1'BAL HOMS 7181 Bol11 Ave. \Vestmln1ter U3-3IU • SHEFFER MQRTUARY Laguna Beacla · 4&4-1535 SU Oemente CtulDI • SMITHS' MORTUARY en Mala Si. llunOn"°" B<ocll - l\low! PSA jets ~hotir ootliehour to San Fmncisoo! ' 7 ttfl to t pm. lloth wrs • 7·8-1·10·11 •rn-12-1·24"4-'·1-7·1·1 pm, Mor• on wtoekendt. 1:15 ... lo10:10 ..... -.. ..,.. 1:1&-l:S0.9:30-10"41-11:I0-1l:30.1 :3N:JW:36- 4:30.5:30.•:1M:30-7:3N:3o.10:10 pm, More ort WMlcencla. Why WOfrf •bout• f'IHrwtion when PSA hn owr 160 fllghla a d11y? Sueh an euy·ti>remembar aehedule you can ctny It •round In your head . Why remember lowe•t fares? Or all !ell? Or gr&al serv+ce to Oakland, San Jose, and S10-- ramento? Or that kid• under 12 fly PSA. (with thllr pirenta} I« hall f•re? SIUJ went a reservation? Ju&t can your trav11 agent orwhfllslt•nam• 1lrlll'lfl:s . PSA gn.e. rou •Aft. --·----·-___. ----------------""' _______ : _____ _ Save 20. 9 5 ! Chalet steel storage building Attractive end gable design steel storage build· ing in ~hite with decorative trim. Tough and dur• able triple coated plastic fini1h aver galvanized 1teel. Doors roll easily on nylon bearings. Equipped with ribbed •teal panels for ll'Orl strength. 8' x 1 O' building with 44" door opening. CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD --~---·- Save $10 Ponnmft premlum21• 1lumlnum rotary mowor bg. $88 Now•78 Powerful 31'1 H.P . •ngine with deluxt shroud. EZ oil fill, gas 9aug1. Many more faatur11! DOWNEY MONTCLAIR 8'x10' Reg . .169.95 NOW$149 SIVo 15,95 8rx7r Reg .119.95 NOW •104 S.vo J0,95 7'x6' Reg. 89.95 NOW •79 Savo 20. t5 '"'""•" premium 21 • rotlry power mower log, 144,95 NqW $124 Rug god 3~ H.P., 4 C)'cl, 011gine has ,.ul~ up "1ido rocoll" star1wr. · Gra• catcher inclucledl FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • I I JI OAll.Y PllOT Wed11t.MIU', Augl.ISt 27, 1969 It's America ' ..... Silly Season -as ·-. ·-... W 11--· -·-e . as Britain I • BY TOM BARLgy or .... Dllli. "" .... _. . ~ • •• .. bird who'• plannlng to premiere her _. If . ..-the dlw!nlao lhlt the ......... ll1rougb bl!>use at the annual ml\Ollnl Jll • •. tirll ~ DAIL\'..l'ILOT reader 11 loaa- the Daugltlera ot)he Br!U'!h ~11\re. tog for. Lei tlio: Po :) •, the'mca ind We're all a bit niitlr!,wbeo'the ~ Ille UJ'I'!' Bay coot·• ia the .-.ie11 hlts th<! nlneUes Jet's facO.Jl ,<;nil that's aedi<ioi !or • wee1< ll< two w .• Ou! just the sort of ~torY, that 1rill even tike .:== 11C11D1 .cbo1oe ·~j~ ~:' your eyes oU a bikiltle:d bird for a couple . .T~t the .. ollier ~day I m:e ~::elevitor ~. of minutes. * ·with a ,$Ui-rior Court Juda:e 'bo'd have Thea hol August day1 m known lo '""-Ill iny naUve Brltalp u the ••suty• Sta!Ol'I" -•n Ideal time to cut one's bread and butt.er beat to the bone tg'id ttiale UM! equally ja<iedi.relder with llorne kooky copy that Wouldn't merit more than a passing g~ in April .or P.ctober. : : Dul lt'8 Impossible to convince seep- ~! American edltors.~r a fact_ of awn ~rtim& Ille that their British coon brparts willingly concede'; that the sun-~ped aubscriber witb bla derrlert in a iltck chair will only go beyond the ~ \rage for a nk:ely wrapped. tantaliziJigly That's more than~ any ar:tlcle at>out ihe niade ~ he,adllaes JI he'd offer.111111 off. offered spot of spice. wallpaper \hat the PresidMl'a ,orderl(lg ' the-bench •rtiltr11n an Old S,\&e.y-Un. (Editor's note: Go ahead and .convince · for lhc suoomer White House. will do. tt , * us. By the way, Amerlcan editora do 'Lakes nothing Jes& lhan a landing On the. ' Wotda failed him when he tried to eon.. know how to spell skeptical.) ·moon lo subdue~ yawtl8 o~ readers wbo vey the ibOwmamh.jp of Liberace u seen It's the time of year over, come when ' find the evening pp.per perfect anti-glare in a recent TV appW-ance40 ·~~ the city council meeting will take • back. material for the bOt August sun. lo give Us -myaelf, a court ~ and a seat to an arty story about a king-legged. ~ow ls the time for all "with i~" editors 11pirlted1'bich4tepplng clog ~;It wu ·• . :'. Extra-marital Sex • • Now Normal Routine . NEW YORK IUPll -Su· ual affairs outside marriage , • have become almost l~e rule . rather than the exception, ac-- • cording to the Jnstitute for Sex Research founded by the late Dr. Allred Klnsey. Dr. Paul Gebhard, head or the institu~ at J n d J a n a University, said about 60 per· cent of married men and 35 to 40 percent of married women ha\'e affairs· with part.nm other than their spouses. Gebhard commented on statistics quoted in Morton Runt's book, "The Affair," in a condensation in lhe current mue of Ladies' Home Journal. Gebhard, Kinsey's sue· cessor, recalled that the Kinsey reports of 1948 and 1953 estimated th a t ap- proximately 50 percent of men and 25 percent or women engaged in extramarital sex. "'This is change, but not revoluUon ," Gebhard said. "'The klea that there has been a sexual revolution in the past decade or two comes from the fact that we have beCome eo rapidly permlsiive about what you can say and print." Hunt's book indicates that 50 percent of the men on whom his statistics are based did not have their first affairs until they had been married al least &ix years. A quarter of the men did not have their f eitra-marital Ding unW after 10 yean. "W"""' did not deloy l!Ult. .so loog," the author-said; .,Those who becllme unfaithful t<iided lo do so while' llley·lltfll hid their youthful looks." ti1ore than hall the men In· terviewed said boredom of one type or another led to dalliance. Almost two-thlrdl~or the women blamed "the emo- tional boredom of marriage." on all makes and models ;, •COLORTV •RADIO: •STEREO Prompt ••• efficient dependable service with top-quality RCA Receiving Tubes Picture Tubes ncn *STAR · TY* SA tel: &-illel ~ ' 275 E;-1"7tJ.-St., .CO$.TA ME5i\ "2-9742 SALE! Foremost®hec:ivy duty shock absorber 1~1.l~NOW 4.88. A MW, nip1r-heavy Wd for utro .....SC., utra comfort on the road, Up to _.3% rncM'e cushioning piston area thon ordinary shocks fOI' greot~r control of whee.I bouni:e ••• to kHp you in control oll the way. ln1tollatlon odditional. .. .. 1· •• • 2-PLY FiaER GLASS ' BELT . . . WITH 2.~PL Y .POLYESTER CORD , . ' ' . . ' $ .. .,,· .. NOW .· r ' " .. hcl. tax .... ~ tiff .. . White hilMJns Size • Ret." Fed. tax . ~ . . 700-11 ••••.•.•••••••••• 21.95 \ ••••••••••••••• 1.16 · C71-14 •••••• •·•,,,.,, •• 21.t5 ..•.••• , •..•••.. 1.90 .· . NOW'29 NOW'32 ................... lll•Wta_.9Wltire IM\&e !U~1m Whiie tubeteu Feel • -Si~·· .... tit 171:14 t •. ~ts • • • 2.11 '71-14 et t ii.ts "• 2,36 P71-1S ". 32.ts ". 2.50 Fed. ·Sin Ret. tax G71· 1~ • " :M.95 •• I 2.44 H71-14 ,., 36.95 ... 2.61 J71·14 •.•. 31.95 ••• 2.16 G71-15 ... :M.95 ••• 2.61 H71·15 I •• 36.95 ••• 2.77 900.15 •I. Jl.95 • 0: 2.77 40 MO~THS GUARANTEE WITH 20 MONTHS GUARANTEE FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE GUARANT£E AGAINST TRfAD W[AROUT tf )lelJr' tire WNfl out durlrW the 'first hllf of the prantt. perlo4, r9bn it trith )our JUlrantell ctrtificlte and Penneyt will ~*',,..-.in with a new tire. chlrsfrc YoU SO~·leu than the cunwnt 111111'11 prica lneludJrw F~I Excise Tax; lf )OUl'tire wwsoutdurirw thtsecond half, you PIY 25% less th.lit the cun.t sellifw: ~ce includirc FtdeRt bcise Tax. GUARAllTEE AGAINST FAllU!IE If we replace h tiN durina: the ~lacement period, thml 11 "° ehlrlt; If we retilaee tht tire after the frff.feplace1T11111t period. JO" PIY 50% er 25% ·1ess than the current selling price of the tn .. includl'rw Feclenll ExciM Ta COMMERCIAi. USE 1:/""-l•Wlid-_ti,..aii!Medontruclal, tot bu&lness. er driYen dlW 30,000 mU• in one ,..,. Hernl.w)'OUl'.-....,..lal .. -IMIN ....... ..... . _... ,,.. ,.,, ....... ,... 140 ....... IO%ett,.rSMI . ' WO'"""" 21% .., . ..,... MO.-... USE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT l'lAN " ' SLIP.()lo! VINn .. HEADREST .. 6.99 FOREMOST PREMIUM SEAT BELT ....... 3.99 I Our great 'El Tigre' I Mag wheels are the sportiest wheels yet. 34.75- c;..;. 1 )liMa all;1iw "'-I M Illa al '61 Lnibi ..I ;;aatl•ud ....a. ........ 1(' a r, 1..-Ji. r ..... aMaU.. -·---USHER'S GREEN STRIPE BUENA PARK ( O<ao .. tho'"""') Val1tyV1ew DOWNEY LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BµCH 8iD<e 1853, die !Waillll liaht Scotch .. ,,..., _.,....,.1111~ Ol•ttllm COfp .• ~WIJYltlt, KJ. •I"' " ' • •• CANQGA PARK FULLERTON I ' • HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR VENTURA '• . .. ·11111cnrrlage ~ ' Don 't Get W'Orried Ort This By P~ttr ' Stelncrohn, MD. Dear Or. Steincrohn: I am Z2 years old and very happily married. My hu sband and I ~·ant chi ldren very much but J had two miscarriages in the last eight m9nlhs. I was told I may , have a thyroid problem. Can 1t be corrected. \Vhat are my chances of having a norm•I baby ~ -Mrs. c . . COl\.1MENT: Last \hlng.s f1r~I to put your mind at ease. It 1s not serious. There's no reason why you can'l ha ve a baby becaus'! you ''may have a thyroid problem." With lhat reassuring bit out of the way, lefs talk a little <1bout misca rriages. It's possi· jfij fi~j THE HOUSE thyroid ma y co ntribute to miscarriages, but it is not probable. Even if you h a v e hypothyroidism . your doctor can prescribe thyroid extract to bring up its function to nqnnal. 80,.1.ETUtfES we can only guess al U1e real cause or spontaneous abortion o r miscarriage. They usually oc- cur during the first three months or pregnancy. tlr the loss or the embryo occurs afte r the seventh month ii is l'alled a premature birth.) Perhaps more than half of miscarriages are due t o something wrong with the fo rmation of the imbcdding of !he egg. Precipitating causes ?re such as falls, blows or Jars. Any woman like yourself. r.1rs. C., who ha s had repeated miscarriages should h a v e special t~ls and treatmenl.'i by a competent obstetri cian or gynecologist. IN \VOl\1EN who have had two lo three early misca rriges so~e doctors advise against having sex relations during the first three or four months of the pregnancy. Others pro- hibit Jong. tiring auto trips or anything else which will pro- duce fatigue. Rec e iv in g hormones may be important. but having the proper mental atlitude is equally important. Mainly, getting to your doc· tor early is essential. Many n1iscarriages can be prevent- ed if treatment is started ear- 1.v enough .. l\1EDICALE'M'ES (Replies t0 1 Readers) !Jear · Dr. Steincrohn : A week ago I figured I caught a cold after shampooing. For the next da~ I had a running n1;>se, sneezing, and a tern· pcrature of 99.6. Pi1y nose is helter, the sneezing has stop- ped but It 1 tin1es my te1n- pcrature fa lls below 98.6 to 98. Then in the evening it climbs back to around 98.6 again . Should I visit the doctor because of this flucluating temperature? -Mrs. H. CO~U.I ENT: I would say lhat was normal fluctuation. Daily temperature reading dif· fer in mostly all of us who are healthy. I think it's time to put the thermometer away. doO't you? Dear Dr. Steincrohn : A very close friend of mine is about to have h is prostate g I and removed. Does this mean he wil l no longer be able to have gcxual intercourse? -Mr. D. COMMENT : I have talked to many urologist friends about this and all seem to agree that pn:istatectomy does not end the ability to ha ve sex· ual relations. However, like most answers in medicine. one must not. give a blanket answer that covers all . There may be individual cases who lose their potency f o r psychological or o t b e r reasons. FOR l\.IR. H.: The treatment or tachycardia (fast ptilsej depends upon Its cause. For example, (ever it.self may cause fast pulse. (What's cau s ing the fever?) Tachyca rdia may be due to hyperthyroidism. To heart failure. To many other con- diUons. First. we try to find the reason for it; then we 'treat it. Onassis Seeks Japanese Aid.· ATHENS (UPI) -Shipping m•gnate Ari!totle Onasala Is set lclng Japanese aid tn his betUe to win a '500 million in· dustri al developmtnt projecl from rival Stavros Nia<:llm. Onassis announced Tuesda7 four Japanese firms were weighing plans to join him In the tiuge venturt, which would include facilities for th e manufacture of aluminum, electric power and chemicals. Prices Effective Thru Salurday, Aug. 30 ALLSTATt: Pas.:.e ni;er Tire f;µa ra.ntee T READ LIFE GUARA1'T.l::E t.uu-•'""" "~i1111: All '•"· urcs ~•he urc rc•uho"' l1om norm1I rood b.azirds tll' <kfci .. ;,..mau:ro•J. or ., . ..,,~"''"sh•p. t•.,... H-1..,,., For 1ht h!c ol rile 0<•..un:il nea.l. 'hit '1ill ~ ... °'" Rtr•ir fl;IJI J!Ullflll.J'~ <ii WI doar,y:. 1~ r~c u...c ol i.durc •• c ... h•n""' tor tt>fo nrc. t~l..._c i•.Lb.,Jl>d.l orJv mr "'"'"°"'"a of unr~m: rrJ1Ul11 .,.lhlll' rr~ r h" fed. c••! f'lo. "'" T.u th01 tc:prcw:ou u"4u>C'd. TR~AD •'t:AR.OUT f;t:AllANl'J.:E G1ur,111ud AJ:unoC Trc.d '"'C.lt.OU!. J nr H_ Lti..., Thf. num~r ol l:nnntM 'l""•ii...t. ,.h.r 11 iU :-.. ... Do: ta M" •h·~e tor me '"C. u•rl'<.e "· ~lurg•!IJ rM-1 ~rren1 <r~JU' aelh~ prfrc plJ5 FM.-nl Er· '"''"'Fu 1-cMo lo1Jo.,1Qg .iio-ncr. M-115 G111,..•Meed 1 ~1 .. 24 !7ta39 Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans XSR 4 -Ply NYLO~ 21 ·Month Nationwide Guarantee • ' I ' • 6.50x13 Tubeless Blackwall ... _, ... l'udo.I• ,,, .. Tu.hele~s B t..51h.;IJ 19.9.i fi.95~ 14 2Q.9:> 7~15<14 2:?.9.) 'i.':'.';x l4 :!·t.9:1 8.25),, ' 2i.'J5 8.55x l4 30.9.l 7.i5xl.i 24.9;) . ' Plus $1.79 Fed. Exr .... Tax ' And Old Tire.~ • Extra-wide tread design puts more rub}>er on the road •Guaranteed by Sears lo ~ear fo r a foll 21 mo nlhs SIZE Trad.la F.E.T. Pri~ TUBELESS BLACKW .. rLS 650xl3 9.95 1.79 735x14 12.95 2.07 775xJ4 14.95 2.20 • 82.5xl4 • 16.95 . 2.36 775x l5 ' 14.95 2.21 TUBEl .. ..,cc WHTTEW.,LLS 650x 13 . 12.95 1.79 735x14 15.95 2.~ 775x l4 17.95 2.20 825xl4 19.95 2.36 855"14 21.95 2.57 775xl5 17.95 2.21 . Regular •19.95. Trade-In Price ~1. .. ,., .. Tr..i. !1> f .LT. SIZE Tr•W. FLT. ''" ... ... ~ ui·kw II 14.9:i 1::q • 1:;.71 'I. 'lti ti.9:;.; 4 li.:!1 2.07 7.35:c 4 IR.i l 2.20 7.7.ix l4 20.96 2.20 :!O.CH) z .. l6 8.2:ix l4 30.95 23.21 2.36 23.21 2~'i7 8.55:c.14 :\3.9$ 25.46 2.57 18.71 2.21 95. 6.50xl3 Tube le•• Blac kwaU. Pl us l.79F.E.T. And Old Tire . .... ~.i. SIZE Tr•I• -~ , ..... ....... , ... Tu~lese Whitew1ll 7.i5x15 27.95 20.96 2.%1 8.151 30,9;; 23.21 !!.J8 8.25:cl.i 8.45/ 33.95 2M6 :!.57 8.55:c1S 9.00tl5 JIJ.95 29.95 :!.83 Tubele~ Blackwall~ U.% 6.00 l&.9.; 25.~5 6.~9 19."t 21.95 t.22 ,._,. Regular '24.95 Trade-In Price 29.95 7d9 ~-~ ~;,,, ~.9~ U:l 24.71 a.;~I' 35.IJ.:i .... ~~ 95 ~]5 p.~ 5.99 L1.96 775xl 5 :?9.lf.> 7.flJ 2:!4§ Tubele.!!e Wh'itewall~ &!1;§13 i!;7,9ii t"' ®·96 l~ ~25!):l ;:8.25 i.~ 31,71 1.1-1 7jif!Ji ;H!.9~ Li} =~·ii 1.11 650x13 lihli . D:!i!~ 1:::1 liIL la!ii ~~lt 35.95 !L!! ~26 .t.11 Tabeles• fiJJj 38.95 9.:z! aYI I" Blackwall• .l«lx!S ~ . ~li: :Yl LS: Pl us 1.56 F.E.T. 715'.tll ..... I.Ii a11 I.!'! And Old Ti"' 825xl5 ~.95 ~ft ,., .. Z.l!l fiws , ... , ..... "'" ... #-------------------------------------------------, I IUIN.\ rm TA a..c,oo, 521-'S)O n MONIE GI 3.3911 tOHG IEA04 HE 5-01 21 PICO WE M262 SANT.\ ANA Kl 7..J371 row.NCI 542-1511 I CANOGA P.W: 3.C0-0661 GltNOMC Of 5-100,, 0 4-.4611 OlYMC & $010 AN 8°5211 K>MONA E0 2·1145, NA. 9·5161, YU 6-67.Sl SANTA fE SPfl1NGI 94'.alf l UIUNO f&S.1'27 • .. .. ~ • •• ;! '· l .1 • • i • I I l • I f ! . • i • l i . i ' • • • ' ' ~ ' • • • ' • • • I coMPToN Ne 6-2ss1, NE 2 . .s761 HOllYWOOo HO 9.5,, 1 o•ANGt: 631-2100 ••Hr• MONICA. o ..c-6711 v•llrr PO ,.,,61. 91,c.n20 I COVINA 9-66-0611 tNGtfWOOP 01 8·2521 l'ASADf:NA. 681 ·3211, l.Sl -4211 SOUTH COA!lf PLAZA 540·3333 't'OMOHf Pl 9·1911 ~-------------------------~------------------~; I Sears . . . • • • . • l ----------------- Wldlotdlr, Moult tr, 1969 Dust Cloud Forming Don Werl of the Detroit Tigers slides safely into second base before Berl Campaneris of Oakland can come down on bag with high throw. Wert was sacrificed to second on but by Tiger pttcher Fred Lasher in the first game of a twinbill at Tiger Stadium. The t wo clubs split. Sports In Brief Canadians Seek l(e yes; Haywood Suit Pending VANCOUVER, B.C. -The British Cohlmbl&. Lions of the Canadian Football League announctd Tuesday they have made "a substantial contract offer" to AU-America rwming back LeRoy Keyes ol Purdue. Denny Veitch, Lions• general manager, said the club has been dealing with Chicago lawyer Arthur Morse, agent for Keys, and a final decisioa from Keyes ls expecte<i Thursday. Tenns ol the Lions' offer were. not discl06ed and Veilch said no other llnin- cier or parties are lavcSlved in the negotiations. Keyes, ZZ. was the fir11t Tound draft choice o( Philadelphia of the ~iU..ooal Football League. . ' DETROIT -The University Of Detroit says iL will file a protest with the N• liooal Collegiate Athletic Ai-soclatlon fNCAA) on the signing of Spencer Haywood by Denver of the American· Basketball Assoclalion. Announcing the decision, athletic direc- tor Bob Caliban l'iaid: "We hope the NCAA governing body will take whatever steps can be taken on our behaU and for whatner can be dooe in future situaUons that arise between universlUes and the ABA.t1 Denvet aMounced last Salurday il had signed Hayward to a professiol'!al con· tract ~ter he had pleaded "financial hatdlhip" prevented his continuing ln college. He s1ill had two more years or collegiate eligibility. • The running of converted linebacker Jeff Queen imp~ San Diego football coache~ TUeSday as the Chargers ran through a scrimmage for Saturday's home exhibition with Los Angeles. Against Cleveland last Satµrday, Queen moved the ball Sl yards in 16 Carries. . The Chargers worked malnlY. on pass defense after drilling rookies and second· year men in the morning. The 'injured, including running back Gent Foster wilh an ankle sprain suff· ered in the 19-19 tie with the Browns, are ~ counted on Saturday. • .SEATI'LE -"I've ne ver said J'oe Schulµ was firtd," 1t11ll'Vln MUkes said Tuesday In objecUng to reports lhat he was oustlhg t.he fie.kl. manager oJ. the SeatU. Pll\>ls. "Sik:b reports are humiliaUng lo Joe and to' U..'' said the general manager of lbe American League e1pan&lon team. • HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. -The Now York Jets cut $tVen.players, including veteran cornerback Johnny Sample, Tuesday but coach-genera1 manager Weeb Ewbank In- dicated he-would recall some if othe.r tea ms claimed them on waivers. Sample sQJI Is hospitalized ·.Yith a back Injury suffered ·in the All·Star Ga1nc In Chicago. Laver Opens Grand, Sia°' Bid NEW YORK CUPn -S.V.n -- between Corona del Mar Rod Llvtr and hlJ oecood Jl'lUld slam ol the world'• !OW' lop tonnll Ulla bm at Forti! Hllll. "! don'I ti-wbal the nan... wUl bo but It maket no dllference." aaya the 31~ year .. ld lefty, known tbn>uaJioul the workt a.s The RockeL "You bave to win aevm toU&h ooea ot you 're finlsbed." One name be does knOW -;Adi Garcia of Mexk:o. Thit'a hJs tirst~round foe 1n the $131,000 U.S. Open Cbamptonsblpo 1tartin1 today wllh tbe ontlro Hold ol 118 men flal.lln& away on the 15 arau courta at the West Side TennlJ Club. Laver, already winner ol the Australian, Frer>eh and W I m b 1 e d o o crowns, ts the No. 1 seed and Itron& favorite to add the U.S. Optn as the: fourth llllcl final let ol the ll'•nd slam. R• ... ,p1 the IOW' big tournaioents .. an amateur in 11112, tbe on(y player to dupUcate the feat of Don Budgt in 11138. That'• the year Laver was born. Thla richest tournament In the two year hLst.ory ol. open teMls actually Is a seven ring circua. CompetiUon Is offered fn men 's 1lngIe1 and doubles, women's alna;les and doubles, mixed doubles and two conao:atlon tourn4ments with $12,000 in total prize money fo} rtrst round losers ln men's and women's singles. While Laver refused to concede any of his seven foes ls easier or more difficult than another, aome of the names he may have lo face Include defending charn· pion Arthur Ashe, 1968 runner up Tom Okker of The ?\elberlaods, Tony Roche and John Newcombe ol A1.1,1tralla and Clark Gtaebner, A.she's Davi& Cup team- mate and double! partntr. Ashe, who had lo pass up $11,000 In prize money because. be was an amateur when be ~on the UUe a .)'tar qo, now Is •llglble ,., lhlJ year's top prile or 111,000. ¥h'· ''r<gJstered ptoyu" oc semi-pro w1tb "PrlU: privileges, e»pens against yaung Dtck Stockton of Garden City, N.Y. Allhougt he hu ,won only ono tourna· meat all th1s seuon, A.she was seeded fourth. ~ be worlds the lllnb out ol his service and ailing elbow, be'U rate that fourth ....r but be admlts he's playing well below bis standard of last August. OkkP..r, beaten in last year's final by Ashe but winner ol the fin! prize ol $14,00D as iU1 eliftble. money player, drew the optning assignment on tht center court agalnst tough Mark Cox, a British Davis Cupper. Third·st.."tded Roche opens tile hard way against Bob LutJ of Los Angeles, run- nerup Jn last week's U.S. Nationals at Cheslltu\ Hill~ Mass., and a potential Davis Cup singa player. Stan Smith of Pasadena, Calif., winner or the Chestnut Hill final and the hottest U.S. player, waS paired again.rt Patricio Rodriguez of Chile. The ladles take over on Thursday with delending champion Virginia W a d e ot Great Britain In.. the li!ts bul Wimbledon champ Ann Haydon Jones already a casualty. ~lrs. Jones, a contract pro. recently re-ipjured her left shoulder and has returned home for treatmenL Phillips Gives Voss His Chance And Pow! Home Run, ·2 Singles By GLENN WHITE Of "" oall1 I'll" .,.,, CLEVELAND -.For Bill Voss, fonner Newport Harbor High aad Orange Coat College baseball star, the Angela' firing of manager Bill Rigney three months ago meant a new lease on life. And so it did for the Halos. a club mired in the cellar or the American League's Western division at that Ume. Voss was playing sparsely and hitting an anemic .161 when be did see duty. Then came the change of field bosses an~ Harold "Lefty" Phillips was given the chore of picking up the pieces. One of PhUUps' first moves wu to put Voss in action. 'lbe gamble paid oil Voss is now swatting .253 and catnt up with three hit.I in four times at bat Tuelday night here to aid the Angela ove r Cleveland's lndiaru, M. He collected two singlea and a home run. A what? That's right. a homer. What's mort, he 1ot i' oU Mike Paul -h.11 first ever major league round·trlpper of! a aouthpaw. The Orange Coast area whiz seldom sees acUon against lef~slded touera, he fares so poorly against them. Voss, who will sit out tonight.11 Wt BaITy Is Key To Merger; Stars Move? SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Fran~lln Mleuli, owner of the San Francisco War· rtors of: the NaUonal Basketball AllOcla· Uon, said Tuesday be baa lteanl nolhin1 further from star forward Rick Barry on the po<alblllty ol returning to the War· r lors. Barry, who left the Warrior• to play for the Oakland ·oak• of lhe rival American Basketball Association, said Monday he would not 10 with the Oaks lo Washington, D.C., with their new owner Earl Foreman. Barry ls the by factor in both the merger of the two leagues and the flnallz.. ing of the move of tbe Oaks to Washington. . "Barry has Indicated he wants to come back," Mieull said, "and I've indicated that I want him back. Now It's just a matter of him coming to rile and aaylng he's looking for a jbb and me saying that I have an opening." Meanwhile, Sam Schulman, president of the NBA Seattle Supersonics, revealed Tue1day that NBA ground rules for a merier require the Oakland franchise lo be moved to Portland. Ore. and the. Los Angeles Stars franchise to be shifted to Houst\111, Tex. . Whether the Oaks stay in Oakland or move to Washington, Schulman said, "the ABA bas not barglintd in good faith and talks fi a merger have ended." Barry, sW1 in Los Angeles conferring with bla a ttorney, left the Warriors after bolnc named rookie ol the year his !Int aeuon and leadln8 the league's scoren in his second. 1be IJOOl-7 forward was forced by a cour.. rulllli to sit out one season. Then be· played the lll!H9 campalan for the OW. He abo la a 15 perttnl owner of 1 the club llllcl reportedly would get !400,000 tor his 1hare of the fl.6 million sale. Both Barry and Oaka's Coach Alex Hannum, who also coached the Wmlors during Barry'i rookie season, have ln· dlcated they will l\Ot make the move to Wash ington. Bul Foreman said he will not make the Q\OVt! without Barry, and he alao waht• Hannum. Bill VOSS because qeveland Is using lefthander Sam McDowell , is batting .466 against the Tribe. Regarding his homer, Voss said in lbe clubhouse afterward, "I knew t hit It real well but 1 didn't know Jt was over the fe nce. l hit a lot of balls well, but they doo't go out of the park." It was his sec· ood home run of the campaign. Phillips, who has guided the Che rubs to ei~ wins in their last 10 outings and third J>ll:ce in the Western division, says Yem lw become a put asset to the team-mt only with his hitting bot with a strong and accurate throwing arm and 1ood play In the outfield. Vcm' well·pegged toss in the third in· nine kept a Tribe runner from coming borne. The U.year-0ld Angel says he'd like to hit .%70 or .%IJ this season and believes he la capable of eventually hitti ng .300. "l think any hil~r should feel he can hit .300 or any pitcher sh'ould believe he ca.ri win 20 games if he is any kind of competitor," Voss states. Ha says he gained confidence· as Phillips let him play regularly and fee ls that move is responsible for bringing his batlina averaee to a reSpectab le level . Phillips says he wants to glv_e Voss an opportunity because Bill hit over .400 in spring ball and none of the men playing early in the regular seaso n were doing anything anyhow. "I wanted to give him a good ¢ot at il ••. not pull him out if he dldn't get a hit in three or four games ••. but let tum have a fair chance to show what he could do,'' Phillips told the DAILY PILOT. The Angels collected 14 hits against the Indians with AurClio Rodriguez picking up two doubles and a single in five at bats to a~ the c:;ause. The Halos have had more hits on only three occasions this year. CALIFO•NIA Cl.EllE~NO •trllrflt ••rllrlll Aloma•. ~ j • I 0 C1rcien.!, cl 5 I l a Spotnc-r, ID s 0 • 0 k.Hmcnotk, lb .s I 1 11 Fr~\, u l l I D 9Ktr, H 5 I l 0 JOl'!Mtonl. (I • 1 1 0 T.HDtlon. 111 • I I I Jlelcht•dl, rt J I 1 2 H1rr11w1. rr ' o 1 1 Vo:..,rt •ll1$1mt,c 1 110 A,llooriou.i. lb J o J l Fu11.,, lb • 1 I 1 Arcue,c iDllL-.i, .. 1 110 Kiu1ey,p 2 0DOH.lt .. n,p 2 1 00 Gtl~kert. p I 0 0 0 Pe11I, p I I 0 0 K.Tatvnt. p I I 1 1 SchllnDh;m, pl\ I 1 I I $,Wllll1m1, p 0 0 I 11 Snydtr, pl! I O O O Tall!• IA) I U I Tot111 31 ' 12 4 c111~rnt1 MIO 010 HI -I Cl•~tllncl 101 000 X10 -• LOI -Ctllfornlt t, CltVtland I. 211 -l.l'Of'I, A.. llcllrlgvtr J, $dltlnblum, JoM1tone. lltkl'>l•dl, C:ard...,el. Hit -Kllmcl!Dciii tfJ, VO.. (2), K, T11\1111 UL Sil -VO». Alol'!lll~.. N • ;\. ils SO Ke•ltv 1·2/l 1 l 2 1 4 ~li"-•t (W,1·0) • l 1 1 I 1 l(.T1tum 2·111 1 O O O 2 Htr~n (1..5-11) .S t J J • l Paut 21110 J $.Wiltlerm. l • 1 1 O l S.~t -I(. Tuum. Tll'!lll -2:«1. A!ttndtnct -.,IOI. Davis ' Stre ak Now 23 Dodgers Exposed to Victory LOS ANGELES (AP) -Home cooking and I.he Montreal Expos snapped the Los Angeles Dodgers out or their doldrums.· The Dod1ers came home with a four· game losing streak and in ·fourth place. They'll sUll fourth in the National League West but Utey t r a i ) pace-setting San Francisco by only one game alter trip. ping Montreal 6-0 Tuesday night. Claude Osteen fashioned a seve n·hil shutout and polled his 17th victory, equalllng a career high. Willie Davis, swinging the hottest and heaviest bat of his career, lengthened his current hitting streak to 23 games. high for the majors. He passed Cincinnati's Vada Pinson With a ground single to left in the fifth innJng. "This Is by far the best opportunity I've had to win 20 games," said Osteen, whose sixth shutout Is also a career high. "If I don't do it, I have no one to bla1n11 but myself." Bill Singer. ls-8, goes for the Dodgers tonight. Former Dodger Howle Reed, 6-3, starts for Montreal. Osteen said he had been having trouble with his delivery. "It wasn't a big thing," he explained, "bul it seemed like J was throwing dead f\&h up there instead of fast balls." The JeU-hander's control, however, was not the be1t. He walked five and struck out five. Davis, whQSt longest string before this * * * MOHT••AL LOI ANOILlll ••r~rtl4 •••~rfll Sltll\trlfnd, :Ill ' 2 ,t WHl1. 11 J I t 0 $111141, ti J O I MOt1, It 5 I t I l1lley. It l I t W.O.Vls, d l 0 I I L1~y.lb l lt•er•,..,111 11 11 HWrt••· d I • Crt'llltwCI. t1 J • 1 I F1lrly. lD O I RllllflH, rl 1 1 I I 1111111, < ' ' I L•ftO't ... , 3111 J I 1 I WIM. II J • • Hiiier. c t • I I J.JtOO.,.t1a11, • 1 I I leol.c.D, pll 0 I I 0 llttmf!\o pll 1 I t TOl1oOl'I. c I I I 0 McOlnn. p I 0 I SI~ Ill ' 0 I I Wt1i.w.lll, p 0 I I C.O.lelll. p ' I I I TDltlt. 2f 1 I T~111 15 l 11 4 Mtntl'HI DOii 000 oot -I l.Ol ""9tlts lOt 000 ~ -I I! -Wini, Wiiia, l rlnd. OP -I.OS A.nvllin I. LOS -11\0l'lll"ffl 1, LO$ Af19111i; I . 211 -Plrll,tr L Htlltr, SultllrllM. SI -W11't t, W. tMvb. I -Htllw, 1•H•••11so J.JtoOll'bOll ll..+11) 1 1 3 J 2 ' McGlllll 21 •1210 Wnl.-.nk1 111 0 O o O O <:.01t9111 tW,17·1 0 t 1 0 o 5 s W,. -(. 0.1•. flmt -l:.,._ Alttnlltl\CI -11.m. one was 17, said he remembers vividly the day it was broken. "It was against Larry Jackson In Chicago and it &eemed like I was hitting shots against the walls all day which were just outs." His . slnling hitting has lifted his average over .300. On hi1 single Tuesday, Davis grounded an outside pitch to lert field. "\Yilh my old swing I probably would have tried to pull it -and it would have just beeh a· Jong out,t• the lelt·hander said. ( Dout11es by Wes Parker and Tom Haller capped,a first·inning outburst th at gave Ost.een a'•3-0 lead. The DCldgers ad· ded three more in lhe bottom of the eighth. Feet Fly,. Leo Calls Umpire Liar CHICAGO (AP) -Manager Leo Dutochet ol tbe Chicago Qibs feds then'• a conspiracy aplnsl hlm among Natlooal L<•aue umptm. As a ruult Wrochtr was toued out of 1\aetdly'1 a.7 lOM lo the ClncinnaU Reds roUowtni • bklwup with umplrt Shag Q'•wford whlch nearlY rtaulttd in a swlqlni maldt. cr1wfocd U.wnbed Durocher out or the game In Iba .oecond Inning. Dunne lhe !racu craw[ord clenched hil nn and Durocher dared I.he umpire to swing. "I ~r~ hlm." Wd Durocher after the game "and to~ hlm I'd spol him lhe llrst ol)ot. Then I kicked dlrl on him." Crawford had a different version and uld Durocher kk:ked his root . "He's a liar lf be says l kicked him," '81d Oorocht!r. HHe'o a liar If he aaya be didn't tick me," did Crawford. "I've only kicked two umpires In my llfe," sald Durocher, '1on<:e. 1 kicked the \ late Bill Stowart llllcl then I got Into the kk:klng battle wltll Jocko Conlon. Conkin and t were kJckin& each other in the shins unUI I reallied I WU aeWnJ the worst of It beca ... be "" wtarin( shin guaall ... DuroCher 'a ~ Tuesday began ID the second innina when he tenl coach Verten Walker Ollt lo lift atartfnl pitcher Dick ~Ima. 11 Walker no sooner p to the foul line when the umplrts started for the mound," old Durocher. "Th1t'1 when I jumped off lhe bencb and started for the ---------- mound myself. "All l want to know is why when t or one of my coaches go to the mound, the umplrts immediately converge upon my pitcher! They nevtr give us a chance." ''You know, J asked another wnpire - don't use hla name -why they oevtr gl\o't us a chance. You know what he told me. lie said 'Leo, you're the smartest manager In the league 11nd we want to know What )'Oll°~ &Oing IO say Olll there.' Now •• ask you, 11 that the altitude lhcy shoo.Id heve?" UPIT .......... THE LIP OOES HIS THIN G -Leo Durocher, manager of the Chl· cago Cubs, argues vehemently with Umpire Shag Crawford in game with Cincinnati Reds. Crawford won the argument and booted Leo out of the game, claiming Durocher was using delaying tactics to allow a pitcher to \Varm up. Umpire Frank Dezelan stands by to help Crawlord. \ ) ------------~--~~----------....,-------,--------~-­\ - ) DAILY PILDf J9 Shackleford · We lconle_s .55, Loo ks Ahe ad to Best .. Year By HOWARD L. HANDY ot ""' _., l'IW ll•tf "This tear."t reminds me ol the first year at Golden West when we had a squad oJ SI players averaginll'. atx>ut 174 pounds. Th!S year'a club may have more players and might be &lightly larger in· divld~ally, but I am• sure It will do better Utan any oC the three previous clubs." Speaker was Ray Shackleford, head football coach at the Rustler lnsUtuUon as he greeted a turnout of SS prospect.s, including 19 lettermen, Tuesday night. "There Are about ten more boys we ex· peel to report Thursday evening for physicals and if they all show up, it will mark the largest turnout ever for football at Golden West" ' In each of the three previous cam· palgns the RusUers have won five games. This season they open against Orange Coast in a game that should fill LeBard Stadium. "This is our biggest game and I wish it was our last one instead of our first," Shackleford said. Operating tfom an 1-formalloa , the· · )Qot In hJa eye. Rustle" ""' more lhrn they ..,.. . ,OJ>ol1iJ>c day dlllb llorl to J(Cllld.q although statistics would bOlle lhis pgure; (Lllbor Day) wlth 'tbe clllb ~out OD · Ttie Golden ,West club haa led Its leagu~ tbe'.followlng acbedule lbe fl('8l fi•• days: . toll a.m.; l·J p.m.; and ._:»4:30 p.m. An each seaso.n in passing despite the fact lnfOl'mill, c:oa'1'0lled ~lmmqe ltallon Shackleford thinks ol them as a runnlni with GJ~ is sc~Wed for 5aturd.1y tealn. "We pass pei'hal>l 40 percent of the morni ng, Sept, I at, tbt Vaquero lnstitu- tlrne," he admitted. Uoo ~inning at 10. One of !he bll!8"1 players on the club * * is Jack Murry, a 220-pound tackle from Anaheim High School, Westminster and Marina provided the club with si.J: players apiece on ~ first night of physicals. Fountain Valley was clOC· behind with five with ·Rancho Alamitos sending four prospects to the Rustler campus. Tom Allanson , a linebacker from · 1t1arina v.·ho was In school during the spring semester. will be ·sidelined for~at lea¥l a monlh with a bt;oken wrlst.1 He sutrered the injury in a mo\Orcycle ac- cident a week ago. "He should De rea1fy for our conference opener with East lps Angeles," Shackleford aakt wltb a wistflll How They Stand • l'ACl,ICA -'Ktnt 8athwelt 1011, •ITANCIA ... lllb (orn'*t (Tl), llll Wl"CMtT -•OMr Kfl'IMY CT), • A~AHllM -Jtdl Mlln'V M"I. • PHYSICAL CHECKUP -Dr. Andy Dugger gives checkup to Charlie Meyerett as Golden \Vest Col~ Jege football prospects checked in Tuesday night. On left is head coach Ray Shackleford. writing DAILY .. llOT lt•ll !lMtt down pertinent information from doctoo r while Pete Afarindi (right} looks on . , Both Meyerett and Merandi (riJtllt) Jooks on. Both Meyerett and Merandi are lettennen on the Rustler squad. Exam s l\.ickoff OCC Foo tball Seas on Dick Tucker and his Orange Coast returning lettermen Including running Daryl Carlson, Steve Corwin and Mike College football coaching staff expect back Ray Ricardo, offensive li ne men H:iynes and linemen Tom Arnold, Curt. about 70 prospects to show up Thursday Marshall Johnson, Ray Hunt and Jlob Clemens and Harvey Suprenant. I h f h · 1 Pur"eil a"d defens•· .. , 1,·nen>en R•'ck Tucker will begin sending his charges and Fr day nig ts or P ys1ca ex· " " • through contact work r..1onday wtth two amination.s prior to lhe start of drills on \Vhile, John .Noutary and Paul Warren. Satu rday scrimmages scheduled before Labor Day. Transfers and freshmen, however, wil l the Bucs open their l969 schedule Sept.,zo The Pirates will hold physicals and makeup the bulk of tbe Orange Coas t against Golden West. squad and some of the p\ayeni the Sept. 6 Orange Coast will travel south Issue equipment both nights from 6:30 to Pirates will be counting on in the fall are for a scrum against Mira Costa College 8 ln the team ~ing room south of quarterbacks Mike Tamiyasu and Red and Sept. 13 will scrimmage under the LeBard Stadium. Stephens, ends Karl Pederson and Bob lights in Le.Bard .stadium against Whit. Heading the list prospecl'I are 14 ' Wickersham, backs Tony Ventimiglia, tier Colle e, a four.year school. ~~o ~~I NATIONAL LEAGUE We il Division W L Pct SAN FRANCISCO 70 57 .551 CINCJNNATI 68 56 .5'!' ATLANTA 71 59 .546 LOS ANGELES 68 57 .544 HOUSTON 67 60 .528 SAN DIEGO 37 91 .289 Easl Division CHICAGO NEW YORK ST. UlUIS . PJ'\"l'SBURGH PHILADELPHIA MONTREAL 78 51 .605 73 52 .584 70 58 .547 • 68 57 ,544· 52 73 .416 39 00 .302 GB ., " I 3 331,~ 3 7 ~i ' 24 39 AMERICAN LEAGUE West l>tvlslon WLPd.GB 71 51 .591 MINNESCYrA OAKLAND , CALIFORNIA KANSAS Cl'lll' SEAITLE CHICAGO 73 52 .SM 2 52 71 .423 22 s1 74 .a. 24 49 76 .392 26 49 77 .389 261i East Dlvl1lon BAL TIM ORE !7 41 .5'0 D£:1'RO IT 72 54 .571 BOSTON 67 59 . .Ma WASHING TON 68 13 .512 NEW YOJ.U( . 62 65 ,48a CLEVELAND M 75 ,.419 .,..,....,._ 0111tt1 (P\lt-), Ntw Yortl 2, JO lnn1im c1nfornl• a. cw....11n11 • SQ11!1 2, 911Jlll'IOA I Bo•"'° A, IC•n .. 1 C)h' 1 O.k!1n4I .. ,, Owff'llll ... Mift~aoll 4 W1llllne!On ' T-Y'•0-1 14 19 21 1.i 24~~ 33~~ W11hl"''°" fColem1n t.lDJ •I Mlflnttoll fPerrv IJ.Sl, nl9llt S.1l11t (Brunet 1.t) 1t lltllt'l'IO!'I (CIHll•r 17- lD!. "~llt Cl'llt-(l'lltrt 1·12) 11 New YortF; (Slottle- myrt 1a.111 OPI~ (Hunltr t.111 II Otltroll CICllkftlfl)' ~ •l. nl9hl C1lllornl1 (Mll<Pfrl' 7•1!) II Clcvwllnd {Ml> OoMll l+.IOl. nltht IC1rn.11 (""'"(loot.ti'" •·ID) 11 8ott1Dn (A-+. II. nllllt TMrMllY'IOMlltl OMi.nct .i o.tto11. nltlll Se1tttti •I ~lttmor•, nllllt K1nMt CifY .. lollefl OnlY ,.,,,.. ldledulC.. COllONA DIL MAR -~ '""'*'" lfll. ,.,~T'9!_.sl'ATI -Miki ~!..~· ~T~I, &::-iii.~~~~ ·Gaucho Physicals 'Set for Thursday Between Ill and 78. playen are nJ*led lo ahow up 1'boflday nlghl when Sad- dlebact Collep opem Ila oecood football """" by -· ·equlpmenl and' llY!Dg physical examlnaUons. Included amonl tbe btnool will be n Jette~ off.,of last.year's teana which posted a M record under the.dilecUon of coach Georce Hartman. ' Following the i)hysicals, which will be given at the aCliool's temporary qu.irlers, 2765% Cimino Capistrano In Ml&lton Vie-- Jo, the Gauchos will have three day1 off. 'I1le serious work of preparing for the season will start Labor Day, with two-a- day drills. Hartman will conduct an I& tersquad game Sept. s. "We're going to film the lntmquad game, aDd I think we'll have a better chance to evaluate our pertomel than if we 1Criinma1ed another team." Hartmm oald. 'YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINE SS! DUNLOP GOLD SEAL TIRES If you'Ve waited this late in the yearJ to drive a bargain-• 735,14 735.15 825114 125.15 4 PLY RAYON TUBEL ESS WHITEWALL 88 520-13 650 -1 3 520-14 SAVE $$$$$ WITH THE BEST! 19.88 775-14 22 .88 775-15 ' 25 .88 8SS·14 27.88 855·1S Ex. Tax J.30 to 2.54 ond Old Tire CORONA del MAR TIRE & TEXACO 3601 EAST COAST HIGHWAY e , Corano dol Mor e 675-2266 ' • drive a . You couldn't have pie.Iced a ahrewder time to sa.ve yourseltlbme money. Don't goof no., by settling for a not· so.shrewd choice of truck. A make, for eumplo, that d...,,'t offer. the double-walled 1tnngt.h you'll find m that Chevy Fleotaide'1 pickup box above. Tb~ ~ouble walls not.only add durability, bu t keep your truck looking ' YH',. N Cherroltt s .. 11111 Tima .._.., , • .. ' ·on~e. ' I' I, All of which 1imply adda up to what iii~Ultzy IQ'appage rat.. have lhon ,j for yeare: 'I Cbi vy truc:klliave a lo-worlcini life than the othera. Check yo ur dealer now for a year-ci4 bey that'll keep you happier for,..,. •tocomo. -' Pui£in1 ,ou ftrat. k-ui 6nL • • ------~~-------------------------------• -• -----•r--+.. e *' = • +--• ------= t •=-'C .. --......,..,.,.~......,:-----......,~,,,..--~...,...'.""""""' _______ ..,,..,.....,.,._...,.,,..,.., ..... -----------.... ---== ... ~'7'1 ... J:iJ .. ,,,_,'-T'1T•1'·0-:·="""-----"'-='"·="""""'"',._ ..... ··----~-.,, . ~ . . ' • • •*!1111.0T ' • "'"' .... ~21,1"9 -' Once. Aroluid . .Area Greem . "\Vade, ·!sher Win. . . "' .... . . 1,; tiftll me. wu Jact and Dotolby Elam and limy and Jane. llou4 with 131 wblle Gene d Nicole Ronald and Nedandllu1>ara Kbor<y Wert ..... ,_-. allowllb a llMI IH lllJy. 5'turdly'1 ¥ii"' at lrvlno Coul WU 0 -ball ol m"''' ~ wl!b Hint --~ An,D•~ Ill· inti lbt mot wllb a ntl IO. SlcoDd ·~ tied between -Wll)ker and Beyu -lllda1c~-.,,1a llld Jack Harabedlan, both teaJDI wllb'G. In lodlel' doy competlllon lut wtek It .... Edna MclluP capluriq clall A ha8ora Jl'I • "Leut Pulta'' '""I with ao. Race Results """""'' .... "'.,., . CM••• of1tm,leau J<e"af, ~lat. Sc/ioof ; al l~e COSTA MESA LOCATION 145 E. 19tll S11UT A~NOUNCU EVENING BROKER CLASSES ' ..ON TMURS~~Y$ Ai.so 7· 10 P.M. MORNINGS lTllunClay> 9:30·NOON JAMU M. DtCOT -I 4 PLY NYLON CORD "MARATHON" TIRE,,, l/VRAP·AROUND TREAD •kin tov.P, T11{1tp ftbb&r for atl91lJ,th . ···ll"lns•U.... •Men 6m IMIO pippins edpt sin good tndlO. to lti.,:-ttop-r1ln. or 1hlnt. ' ' SAVI •OW-at)TllADI NllDED -"'I::.:" --.. ·-U01U llUO $11.11 lJSa 14 llUS 111.M l .7SJ 1• 117.22 Uh14 $23.05 $11.74 5J0115 $11.55 $11.11 7.75x 15 $20.25 111.22 . &.25115 05 1ll4 BLACK WALLS 6.00•1J tubl:IHri plUI · l\Jt ,ed. b. T-. No , __ Un O•r Eny l'•'I /l~n • FREE MOUNTING- GWCG!Dl r 't" Bid .Givto Cams in ... . • . "tsl/'sm . C~a,rley sent you" • • . l • SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE . CO. YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. • . ( Ut6NIWPOaT -- 4U OCIAN AYI. ...... 4'4-6664 LAGUNA I I . . I , D.lll. v "" ll HoUantf 1 Timetable I011' Victory Deep sea· Fisli ~~pPrt 3-Year Plan Nears Maturity 1 . 11 llOOP CAJUAON ................... 0-wllat 0r..,. Cout -· hlP l<hool c:oach aald • ,..,. ...... , ....., th ... : ,.... 1o Piii tliJa ICbool on the ~-"! u y~ -ror the man M the ' hot seat ii Dave ' ·Jlolllnd d Coraoi dtl Mar, ~ ,..,..u u for the dq. JWlandll..-iJyjireps,. t,,. hi• Boa Jtl~ pidders for the 1• ...... Ud his "'°' ..... _.,. lo be .. -·· Lut )'tar his etevn 'fitnt s. 4 and wu uncrowned chazn. llfeli " the Ot-Coul ana'a four 1rvint Le~ -wttlt wino -t.iita M .... Estancia and P'ounlaln .Valley. 1!11 ..... -11·· "Ila 1ut ..... ooUnp with .-only' to eventual CIF AAA dmn- plon 1.Au'I, 31-IO, .t n d Mqnoila. Perb1pa the hl&hll1hl or the •tuon came in non-leacue play where bis ·Sea K I n 11 dtmolllhed Paclllca of tile ~ Gn,. League, 56-<I. Now, ht 1ay1, bl.I tum.ls Hidy for a ~ at au the .nwblel. ''111o put c:auple el years ha ... ftquhcl • Jot ·" ...... tatJon to -°"'players they wtre capable d ltlylq --· "I illlnk 1aat 1eor'1 11UCCeS5 ha! """'" ti to llMm and now we'll be menially pnpattd on a ntk.to-wttt baal.a... aaya Ibo Sea ltlq - ' •• ' I , DAVI HOLLAND One ol the Sea Klno lougher lasts cl the fW' wfll come in the openin1 game cl the seasoo ,.hen they meet district rival Newport Harbor. The Sanora ue conaldered a solid' thrul lo the Ilk• d Anallelm and Santa Alla In the nilled" -Leaall• and could easily be one " tht two rwctiest tests or the ...,.. for Holland's cnw. In 11111 t b e Sailors ratll<d Corona del Mar's featben far a 21-f vlct«y and V... lar1tly responstble for QIM's dull, 1..in1 performance the 1on- in1 week. Holland seemi in an en, viable poolUon al this time Clj FiShingNear Normal Pace Filhlni In local "'"" .. bealmlnl to pick up OO<t again alltr a --k el IWthlq ended on Mon- day. 0-.. N...-be d Art's Llndlnc 1111 boallo are lhow· in( up In ....... -~ and 11111·...i baa are hlttloi once apln: '"JM .. .,._ pldunl Is bqinnlnc lo 1et br1111t4r," Ne'"""11be -.i. ''Orr Mon- day we had 22 ~n1ers on eur alblcore bOat and they landed 20 fish. It iJ about l 5 to 5\2 ~r ride to a point nortll ud eul ol lhe 11 milt blnk." Dave Ch1lolf of Huntlngt.On Beach landtd a 1T·pound ytllewtall Meodq oil Catalina laland. Let c;l•rk d Davty's Lan· ding hkew!oe report>d that local flohln( WU Mglnnina lo pick up tllls --••• .., --. ' .,_, da~lq ala d hll H••n 'm0 r, ·kl the Una clear1y docidol ilx' llrlt·team berths. ...,. be talu about bl• line tllO -.. u,, Up or his -.. are Xel'lt SCudder. Jim , lfA Jdl Goellll Ind DotJI Jlllllard. ne an· important -k spot. oeeminlly ....,...,.. for JunJar ' Ke1th lialmutls In the 1prlng, ~ beJna dtllllon(Od by Glenn Miller, I ._.1or wbo was sidelined by ln· ~its llit year. The fullback slot la up for grabs between Steve Judith · and Rick Petroa. 'Ille leading prospect !0< lallhack is Jell Qamqa. The .:bedule also 1etm1 to favor Corona del ~tar, where the Sea Kings enter combat '1x times at Davidson Field, indudinl llJolr aho"trdown with Loara, klllsPln ol the Irvine Leal\le for the put two years. I Holland'' ol!en.IV< au.ck, ' an Orqon Slate .C,le belly series, ls destined for an even more conaervaUve ttyle than !" the past. ! "To be • big l{inner yoU ! don't hi.va to have a lot of raule-dazzle, you just have to have a f"f baJtc pla,ya and do them well. "That, and 1 10UDd defel\K. ls what we hope to go with," said Holland. His defenstve ~~~ •• is built around the EfflCTM MTINq, UPHILL AND DOWNH!LL Whapl'IW you mu1t .adcfrMa thotwlthono foot hlpw ti-the ,othw, the arc ofyourtwlng wtll chal'G"', Y<N will not 11rike tfi.' boll ...-ry uni• you pltlon It tn a lnCIMll' to compenmte for the~loarc. 1 nomall)lacldlo. my pittswlth my.-allgoodowrthObal!. How-•vw, I find I achieve a m«e ' t0lld putt !If on u ph I! I pith, .I' ·play tl<e bo I a ahiide farther for- wani.011-l'!fl No. I). Down- hill. putts I !lay· 11lghtly, bodtlo my -011-lon No. 2) •. Qirrently llolland'• ,....,., are going through their pac,. in the pre-«l!ldllloninl week before ._. bead-lmocking ___ _ commences Sept. 2. I think YOO! will fMI,.... ..,.. r..tml• ;"~ 11y.. ror-,__. 'low thl1 • You should~ Holland says he's uUlidng ~ of the time alloted for class-rocm work. .. loy bettw club-ball contact .. ...... it. "Our kids have b e e n • o,... *""Mo......,• .. phylically ready all summerlL..---------_;,...;_ ____ ._:-J lorlg," :says Holland. . . DELTA SUPER QUALffY Tires Cost Ltfss ' Complel• U111 of ' • 1"' F1lltrtlt1t ltl~ llrH ;._.•111•1 .. Ml• St9rt .t Sl1 .tl ,eli •.LT. Flbertl_,, Wlcl1 Ov1l1 -S11per '''"'"'"' -R1dl1I• -Sporh -S·11ti lum -· A aft Sii11 Tru~k Tlrtt , -BE~G'S .. DEL TA TIRES 141 E. 17th St.· Costa M-• 645"2010 l111kA1111ri11~ , IOpp11l1a 19'1 ... hyl M,,,,; Chttt• ' ·2001WIST1M. SANTA ANA-1414tt4 ~~;;;;Jc:G1FISK WH .. ll'S TIMI TO Jll.Tlll IUY FISK !~~~!4~ OIOOINAJ.. IQUIPIRNT Jlll'LACEMBNT TYPE SHOCK AND ALIGNMENT SPECIAL HDl'I W'RAT WI DO. •MJMl, .... 6~-• w .......... , ·--.... , 2 PIOIT ITAUl.10 SllKll •ITAWD r111 • YOlf CUI~ ~n.,. .. ,,.,. ...... 1290 "" . .-1e ..... un-·~c-~-.;...,t .. _ M.l WH~ ,Ufotlllll 9' fM:n11 TIU•ll ll'Kllllltl WISTMINSllR 11440 llACH a.VD. IUENA PARK SllJ LINCOLN AVL • AtVllleJVlew 126 llOO At Mds••11 IUENA PARK 1301 IEACH ILVD. At Lultwleler 52J.J040 .,, 1 .• , 112 1.N $13 2.01 . ,,~ 111 •.i.touw1 MOTOll OIL 27• 20.30 tt. Wt. • ' COSTA MISA SANTA ·ANA 2200 HAllOl ILVD. 1400 EDIN•D ,. At W..... ' At lrlttol 541.zon "'"'u' -. .. ~"' ··-...... ..... •· ---------.!~-----· • - . - Sailor :Realizes-· Brean• • of . .. , .... • .I. U.S;; :Diiels ' . ' -British r . . , 1 fu:~hies U.S .• coUecial< sailors m Jocttd tn a tight duel with llfll!Jll ill>)verslty skippers !or JM Lipton Trophy oo Webh ll•rp, LOOdon. The com· peUtloa ls.Jn FireOy dinghiet. Miu LeolJe Messenger, U.S. team 'JDIDqer from Newport 8e9Ch wired the DAILY PILOT l<J&!y 1hat the U,S. team won fOlll' ra~ Monday 'Ind the British -thTee -bu! one ol the rac:a is 1!f1<>1 j>!'Oleltad. ~ Monda)''• races were ~lled In. IS.knot gusty winds. The compeUilon cootlnaid Tu ... Jl>Y iz! .fi ... knot lhllly wl"4s land ~ ceo1iz1ue 1hl'OIJ&h- Tllurolla)'. • . Jam ·" ' ua. 1'lm .H ' !J'op,$E' cm the U.S. l!J~· Olril Seaver, ~ I!'!!" . r,.., Newport Bach. llouthlud:llilon ... Ille ilc"'-ica!I ·-ar. Tmn Jer ud Sd llcLaulhltn 'o/ «;,,.Q.ptl<iiqo Stale. ·Miu r r ls lrom the l)lvoriljy ol Calllomla, Sonia r&ra.· I The 11n11 ... n1 in the ,,111,. -.... <;ompetlllon ls lot r. BrltJ 1h·Am er l_!: a a Dlvmllles COp.sept. H. -. j John ilate j'RQce No_w i bilitational I Sou~m Yacht Club of 'If!' Diego bu lllllOUllCed the ~ • ·of die John Bate might llllin.g pee to an in- Hatlooll lllllr open I<> Ill ~~·:·~.Allon In Southern The ...;, ttirts Sept. • and ~ s':u: =::)It~~~ yldlll 'trill then· anchor od spend' Ibo. ntghl_ ud !)nlsh ™"' !>ock at • Sin Diego 'bor JIM 11¢.dlf· 'll1ls Is • ...... u.n;-1n which ei.p.ed UJnes are com· · pl bandlciipped lo , !he winner. 1'ht 'loco bu l>e!n pr.viou,. limited ta ~memben of weitern Ya<lil Club. tey fonlis, m available at . or 11!17 he Jdephooed 1'11<> tio'Clnb<llk<. (714) m. fill._, AR entrl., must he ft<ei9td by I p.m. Sep!. I. i '"Qil' Boats rLead Races • . • her. Sltutday, "The l\ardeft part ol the trip came three days allet l left Ca'lifomia " Cox iaid. "I bil a ' storm .Whkb drove me. abopt 100 mlle1 .off cowse and wiped my wlnd vane off." Cox aaid Wltbout the wind vane, an a\JtotnaUc steering device, .he was left witb the choice of returning home aiid starting again or continuing • and doina all the '1cerlng by hand. 1 I J "I thought 1f I go back now , I may never try aga!D," Cox said. "and ~llO 1 htadtd m to Honolulll, ;i..,in/! by hand all t.he way., \\'hen 1I wante,d to sl~. I1d}let lhe118Us down ®<I 1e1 11 ,.u; • , "I ~wasn't 1 Jonely/1 ht said. "l didn't have time" Cox said the Jack or a wind vane ,...ulted In lilt lrlp ta~· Jog 1 Joogu, time lhan lhe :Ill I<> 15 ~ ... oli,tnany ... peeled. ' "Thal firs1 port ol the !rip tn. lhe storm was the harde!t," Coa: recall~ ''bul t~ I went Int<> :Ill aaio "'roe .aiid dldn' tset!: the-~ or ·moon once dur· Ing that entire time." Retying "<In his radio. Cox managed to keep oo course. "I wasn't trying to. set any Yachting ls a ·Fa11aily Atfa~r ·' Ot·soit woµld·seem for the ne\v champion of the Endeavor Clas&. \Vinner GeofJe Hine of California Yacht Club bad as bis crew • hi1 wife· al'd son.,. Harqson. Pr'eseQling.the trophy is Bryan C·arter. rear coinmodore ot Bahia. Corinthian Yacbt Club, host for the championship Seri~s.· ... . ~. '. " . i ' ' ' . STEREO SEN.SAT.ION I The colorful souni: of Ora119e County Music .,. • " 30. ' . , • record," Cox explained. "I ilLll wented the 18\bflCllon ol HY!ni I mad• It." ' cc.x a11<rhe hm !>Oen think· log :bout the trip for 30 years and decided "not I<> wail lllY longer .. " . . ' . ,. "Ooe think .that occumd to me.," he said, ••wa,s ibat men made ·a trip to the moon, l•nd· ed 'and caine back and I was back with me ln· it lf, 1J Win· only500 miles from Ca11fornla. led/' he . said, "but~ f, thlnk I really tell like I was from . we'll just relu tor a wtilJe.'i ' ' . " . ' ' .opens · O~t. 19 .. .'. Boat Show .Fills~: , . ' Most of Spaces .: ' . -' TAKE IN· A /llOVIE THIS WEEK 111• Mcl!.•ll' ktH• "foolr1 tlto ct1f11, th•lr ctH·..,•111 11111!01 .... k ih fl'li•fn•• -•'"' t\011 Ht., +oeli., 9fl tho -.rhlf ,. .. • ' PLUS: THI "SUD'll COMIDT o• TNI 1'1Al' Jt111tt 6''"'' -J••• H1cli.ff -WtlG.r lt.1111••· • RADIO KOCM 103.1'"FM From Fashion Island, Ne;wport Beach i t&il!liiW•- ... • • .. ; t t ' .J~ i;ont. DllJr-2 · '-M;, : t • .. Pl•nly . •I F.Rll '. PA~KING ..... Two llJ Plctu,.. • · ' ! ... ' ' . ....:; Patrlck WyMrk • Michael 1;1<5rrlem ' -A~ 2mfllG AriRACTION ' .. .Jheir New .: :. ! 1 .·· ·· Fall~ ' Mmer -- I , I I • ••• . . ' " ' ~ " -;::i..-~ ... >tw..tw.tt.....,...e, ...... ,__.. 1:. "PITl!R PAN~ ' ' ' ' . ~ . . ... !".SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" ..... --·~~-• JO ' MOvln•E"!ioY . .t....tllY',..,. • . ' ' -" . • , • , •• j, :-i·""·• ·...,;.~ i--.. , ... ~.~-~·-.~~0-• ., 0..., ... ...... ,1,, ' ......... .. ·. "POPI"' .... t.,_......,.. .... M.._. "" IT!S TUISOAY THlf MUST ·~ •iLOIUM" •• ' 0 Harbor Girl Entertains In Far East ' \ G111m .i.. YllltANc:t , • PDWICI. ·;. T •• TOU 0 RING SINGER MOrilyYI Holden ----------~ ------ . \ -.. Lost Silent . "Sn'i()thers . Film Found Form · Firm NEW YORK (l.f).,-Tom B £' ~ chs Smoth<ri has announced the Y ~e formation o1 a. -pany .that will Jl"'duce ' add' \iii.riot NEW YORK (UPI).-A.lost televlslon specl1l1, motion plc- aileDt film cluaic, "Stark tures, records and booU, Lave," which cle\>ided'tbe life The comp1ny'I fint offering of . J.liollted mount.ainetra Jn will .be the Smotbers·Brolbtrs -----,------,.- ~ .. -'--· & Ken•···•y, baa turned up in television program rejected by w..:. the COiumbia Broadcasllng Czechoslovak.a a n d will be system earlier this year, iiven to the Museum ~ is;m~other~~·~· sa~kl~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~iiiii~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~, Modl'l'll •Art's lihn library• '1Y "". • • the Czeclioslov1k F i 1 m Institute. Willard ' Van Duke, the museum'• mm director, sakt the orlllinal tint.cl F,lnt of the film bears Cuchollavaklan rubtJtlea and a search ia CUI'· rently bm.i made for ·the oripa1 English uues. The.. 'were wr:ltttn In Elizabethan dialect that wa.s spoken by Kentucky blllfolt near the T ........ border. van Dyke pointtd out that the film Ii an inviluable bit of Americana slpce the way of life depleted was already dyin& out when filmmaker Karl Brown, foUowing the tradition of naturalistic drama d"elope<I by Robgt Flaherty, made the film m ltH. Th e film opened to rave reviews It Nt'i" Yort'a,camero Thea· ter in February, 1127. ·:n;;; film wu: flnlnced by Jd• Laaky wbo was impress- ed by the 111ccea·o1F1aherty'1 "Nanook of tpt North" and "Moana " botb milestontl Jn film' naiur~. Brown, then Ill, wed the JllOl!lltalntera .. bill cut In the .eltb>J of their own cablna and cabbqe ~ Pllcbei: NOW TOGITHEll FPll THE PlllST TIME EXCLUSIVELY I n.. ......... trio ••• te tnlck a kiHer. , HUMAIS'. .. RUE '\G IT EVERY FA'rHER'S ,DAUGlrrE.~· I ' • .. IS A VIRGIN ! . ' •, -OR 'ts SHE? YOU. MUST Sil , THE ORAHGl COUNTY PRlMIERE PRESEtfTA TION Of,. ... _ . GOODBY~, COLUM9US .. f ..... ~.;. . ·:~~.j~~' .. l .:. '•t. {', • ..,, s· , c~ '"·"'' "I • • Mat ..... .,...,""!.... wm .. joy lhe_>cting of aen.1•r.:;~· ............ nlnt -1' -Al ~J( M.o..,,, ,the frank,,... of tho if 1 "-·anti "-" totldff wf ...... rol~ ... llotwoon lho two. I . l j t "GENUINELY INTIMATE LOVE 1 SCENES'~ .:...1 1 ~~~r "REFRESHING TO SEE''-i~,., -!.'M~MORABLE!'' ~' 'r.'C'.&:' ; -21111 OUTSTANDIN•. HIT •• I I I II I • DAILY PllDT SCllNCE FICTION -Dana Aildrew(and Janette Scot! play husbarid and wife in the moUon picture 41Crack in the World," tonight .at 9 p;m_ .. on Chan. nel 7. Special effects hlgbllgbl the. p1clu.re and heighten lbe suspense of the <100.msday thriller. TELEVISION VIEWS Nabors Has Old Buddy By CYNTHIA LOWRY HOLLYWOOD (AP) , Frank Sutton was bel· lowing furiously at Jim Nab0r1. Jim Nabors, io that high·pitcbed., back-country voice, wU .ilino:- cenUy protesting . . The pair, abetted by a young New York actress named Karen Morrow, was rebearatng a sketch for the new. "Jim. Nabors Sh'Ow." Jt could have been a ~•arsal for the dear, depar\ed "Gomer Pyl&- USMC" which over the paal five seasons made Jf. top-Nielsen TV star o! Nabors, and that was nO coincidence. ? THE DIFFERENCE, when the skelch was put on tape lwo days laler, was that bolh Sulton and Nabors werejn civilian clothes instead of unlforms and \Vere playing their new parts as brothers·in~ law. The weekly sketch is one important way by. \Vhich Gomer Pyle is being converted into Jim Nabors, singing, dancing variety host, while - hopefully -carrying along Iha! legion of Gomer !ans. - The network, CBS, would have been happy lo · continue as ·long as there we1 We in the simple, innocent comedy of Gomer and his fearsome nemesis, Sgt. Carter. But Nabors wanted a change or pace and. unlike most TV stars. was determined to abandon Gomer when be was still ahead • . THE NEW SHOW, like most or the new and re. turning variety hours, wi11 be a mix:ture of music, chorus dancin g, comedy sketches and guest stars. ti•bors will periodically uncork his Ji.ch, deep voice , in solos1 work Jn the comedy aketehes aJ)d intro- duce the guest talent. '"" ·? • The run-through , held In ·a big CBS rehearsal hall, was watched closely ~Y an audience of 50 or n1ore -nol one of them a casual onJO()ker and all worting on or in the series. •' Sutton , a Broadway dramatic actor who has been Naborli' foil duri ng the Gomer years mopped bls brow and looked relieved after lbe rebeai'sal. l<frank has never done anything like this 11 Nabors explained. "Bui we tbOught ii would be gOOcl . lor the show il he caine along-over with us. We ~dn't want !o push. b~t h~ ~ought it over and de· c1ded to do 1t. Now he s singing a litUe dancing a li!Ut and doing fine." ' • ACTUALLY, the trans!onnation of simple. minded Genier Pyle into tall, \vell-dreSsed Jim Nabors has been in progress for several seasons. He has a.ppcar~ out or comedy character in his own special variety hours se veral times and been a guest star on a lot or other shows. Gomer has given Jim a handsome hilltop h0me in t~e San Fernando Valley which most onen ts shared by visiting members of his family from Sylacau,l!a, AJa., a Roll~ Royce. swimming pool, ~ wall& lull ol good art and a healthy bank account. I THE ~UESTION, ~\•hich only can be answered ~ In the coming months, 1s whether lt is ffim or Gom- er that the public really loves. On the answer bangs !• a lot of money, effort and the stuff that makes ulc~rs. i' ~c..:.;.:~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 l De111ai• the Menace • t • 1 PERKINS Mun iND JEFF L.;.,.;.;;;.; GORDO . ' ' " WEll, YOU JUST YELL If YOU NffP HELP •• l.NO l'Ll 6Er A. COll'lf OF 1\fE OlllEJl -·· I IN PU&Uc? -n-IERE\; NOBODY AllDUND HER.&! lj John MHn By Md \ "" t r r~ I ', [I h y "" ' . 1 Auiun 2J e s N NEW TIME FOR * MllAM NEWSON KTTV ""e ... -(CJ ,.., ""' ........ _tcl(!O) • Ill!" - -(CJ (II)) ,_ l"'C..,"'°M•fo-. "'" ....... •flf Sllll!llJ lo ..... --~ ............. . .......... ( ....... ) 'Sl- .. 0.. °""· ,,._ ..,,. . • , ... (CJ (IO) ., i... ..... (IO) ·-(CJ(30) ID!!])--(CJ (90> • Wlllt'1 ""' ()!)) ~ tnd VNI"'°"' 1111Ms; f11tll tor sp1e1 tr1vtl; Ylttt11111Mt 11\U:icll lnJtro. menh: 1Ml 11tllvt 111111 .,, fN· tu~. UIJ ....... ""-T .... (30) 0» flleM (C) (60) Jlcl Hiday. l~DMIC ll1 _ua1M tA (eO) • ..--·(30) D (I) If z : 1111• CC> (30) ··-(JOI • Cll e ._ (CJ (J!O) ., _ J4 (CJ (IO) T 'I u i' l l' .. < 1 e JOB -PRINTING e PUILICA tlOt-1$ e -t-IEW5PAl'EllS Ou•llly Ptlot10f •114 -0.,•..Ulll. S•,.,l•• 1., ,,,.,. ihtft • ~.,.,.., ., • ,,fth;y. PllOT p: "ill'. . • ~" wm IAllll.\ ....... ···-··" .. MMHI • . '· I - ~- ~ -' " t... t'-~ i:.. 1._. -~ r -. ~--. ' .. ~ . . • .. . . ~ r , • • "': -" 1bo !at!Jesl Slodr . ~ '" .Ill or..ge Couatr! ... .. ' Select From Over 20,000 -~PAIRS LEVI'S® In Stock ar Grant's! LEVI'S ® CORDS CAREFREE Cordur;oy that always looks great $ 5 98 because it'• L.evi's9. Pidt your fovorite ·coJor of Gold, B.;g•, Chocolate Brown, Oltve, ••. Pale or Royal .,ue. Sixes 26 to 38. .BOYS' SIZES ISllms and Regulars) ... $4.98 I· PLUS MANY, MANY O,TH.ER ?LIVl'r ST~! I . WHITE LEVl'S9 HfM. Wf GO wttli ~ ef a. 9'Mi99 ..._...._ n.... -....... """"· '-'· lit. ..... -4 .~'"""'"-· si-t7~L '$-'91M , -· ·NUV09 HOPSACKS i'Hf -LONG-ll!AN l•.,;•.e i..t N'I • "°'" .-.... "ft'i"I -· ..... -....... """'-· 0.-. ~-~ .._,. ""°'"- ..... 2f .. ,._ $800 ' 'Grant's Has 'Emf '' .... ~ -~ ·_For All 'Ages 6 IG. 6'! FLARES?. "· .. , ~--c;_ • J!' = • . 1..MliirGls sg.$12 USE YOUR CREDl1 at GRAll11S! ~ TAILORED to give you faultless fit in a 'tide s_.ectfon, pf Sto•Prest9 FobrfO--!solld ~ion c.otors., stripe• and potter!!• in • stroiiht 190 or ftare. Si&• 6 to 11 '°' thort--; medium and toll gol1. UYl'S3 ••• for Men & w .. en -tors Mfl Girls! BLUE Lev1·s JEANS • SUPER.TOUGH Jeans •.. th.i world's most copied pants. World's toughest denim, reinforced wtth coppet" rivets cind stitched to 1toy. Shrink-to-fit ••• a n•W pair free if they rip. MEN 'S XX DENIM JEANS (sizes 27-46) $5.91 BOYS' XX DENIM JEANS (sizes 0-12) .. $4.98 BOYS' SLIMFIT, Slims & R!'QS. (4-12) .. $3.69 1750 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ·w;~~~o~~~-h ~~~~~~e~;!" ------- - • ~ ~ I . • • -~--------~~~~ .. ~~ ...................... ~ .................................................................................................. 11illllllllll ...... -' ' ' ' ....... " ~ ' • ' -~,._-•-"" .\. ... ~ ....... - ::. .. ~ •: . ~. ~~--· -' . • ----- '" c.;.. •• •·•~·· ... :r-·••!,._• ·~ ..,"""" :.-r"'• l • • .• .. ..,...,. ... rlle $faclrs Tltat flew.er fleed Ironing! By Mr. Hicks • • • ' . . . SBe TH£M IACK ft tdtMI iR .... ft'Wlllf.d• en.a slacks tr .. Mr, tlkks ••• ~ "X,._" -llMJ--lroolot. Sizis tr-21 t• 42 lo 10 - f11f-.. . Regularly s1.oo $ .. r .88 2 FOR '10; 119w .Fall Colon Just Arrived! . *lllST *GIE'( .*un llUE *GRHN I *GOUI *NAVT *BROWN *TAN Famous Mr.I Leggs DRESS SHIRTS '"" "' ~ for llack-To.sdooel • ~ $ 3,8 -• l'llf AU NlW I ......... !Mrh ~ ~...,.. .......... ~ ..... . ~ n.i., ..... "'. 'rifi' ~· .. s.M-l. 1. ....... ...-f• • 1•, . ...... ....... -~ ....... . 4-Pages 61 Gront's ·Baclr-10-Sclloof Valves! . I I ! ! ' ' t r. ~ ~\ l: • • ; • ~ BACK;;. TO-SCHOOL-SAVINGS! PACIFIC ~ '11:.Y.Y. ~ Pacific Trail's 100o/o Nylon 11WIND KING11 JACKETS *YELLOW *LITE BLUE *AVOCADO *BEIGE *NAVY *BROWN *ORANGE *AQUA llOW! -$10 *TAN *GOLD *OLIVE *WHITT HERE THEY AREi Those rug ged, windproof, luxury jotkets lly P1tiflt Trail. Fnturing the newest ''outdoor look" in 12 dyn1mic oolors. Sius. 34 to 46. . 'mcddwd.1 ~! For Guy~ (Ind Gals! Fully Lined CPO JACKETS $1495 .. llOW! .. fASHtoN TOGflHERNESS stands tut In tht11 MW CPO jack1ts. Fully fllfft lintel with Winn euyflc. In MW, WIWllf ,...,, .... Dltk II ... Ow most 0.l'f.!•dl~ •Vil 1-.-1.etsl s.M-t-Xl In •""· _, . ..- • UNLINED CPO JACKET /SHIRTS ....... 58.88 ' ;; ALL COLORS SWEAT SHIRTS Tew choke e( O¥er 20 llritht new ut.n" ln ...... ,., 1hort 1le1¥11 )ult la tiMo t.r scMef, •2 29 swuTrANlS $191 Im HlflRti BLUE CHAMBRAY BOYS' SHIRTS IASY TO CARE FOR ll lv1 ch1mlir1y dllrt1 for S1ck·t•·Scheot. hy's 1i1e1 14 te 17. $298 LINED LEVI'S® JACKETS The ''"'°"' lAYl'19 denim l1clt1ts with colorful ill·wool bl1nket Ii,._ in1. s119• Unlined Denim Jack1t1 ... $1.U :::: ....,. ,Ill .SCHOOL *All . SIZES! Sta-Prest® CASUAL SLACKS by Levi's® * GLEN PLAIDS * POPLINS *HEATHER CLOTH TRADITIONAL campus favorites in a host of casual and dress-up fabrics all with 1 Sta. Prest~ crease that never comes out. Sizes 26- 38. $7SO TO $11 SEE BACK PAGE ..... ft .... 9 HER LEVIS· ----_,..., *All STYLES! Over 20,000 Pair LEVI'S ® In Stock! *All COLORS!~ STRETCH SOCKS $1 so Pit •• -- AOUl.'S fhMlt llVIRty lb'ltch h•M hi 30 .n.ht _colon . .AIM-· -cury • comphte ateck •f Acll•r'1 •V9t·the-c•lf ho ... LEATHER BELTS from s2so M£N'S ANO IOY'S !either Mitt of e\l'ffy description. In •II of the l1te1t wide ind n1rrow 1lyl11 •.. incl W11tern styles. tool FOR BACK·TO·SCHOOL __ , BLACK OXFORDS Ro9. $8.9S $688 MUit1ry style pl1in to1 fer •re .. 'T w11r. military 1cheel. etc. $11•1 6 lo 13 in 111 widths. ~~ ~~''J-''"'~ . -c .. w•n• DECK SHOES . $a•s . THOSE FAMOUS Co"Yffl• Deck Sho.1 th1t 1uw• you •I • ,..,. fee.I fit. Po1itiff trip toS-1, In Navy incl White. All .tre1. Nationally Advertised UNDERWEAR Fruit * Briefs * T·Shirts *Boxer Shorts of the Loom 3i•265 HANE'S BRIEFS AND T-SHIRTS 3i 5 3 69 Fruit of the Loom BAN DANAS , 39c > Choice of Red or llue Genuine Leather RAWHIDE LACES PAI; 49c SPICIAl! SCHOOL SLACKS Regularly $7.95 2~$11 PflMA!llllll t,IE$S l lKU .... Mr, Unt.. , ... ....... "-Wei ...... . ... i. ....... , ..... (J l-. SitH JO I• 41. "(barge It! ••• anti Save Money, too ••• at Grant's! OPEN DAILY 9 UNTIL 9 SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 9-5 IWllAMERICARD • MASTER CHARGE -. . . -··---• t '""~~!:~,~GJ. .lf.~OUllTS ·-:. llWI_., l-•f'elflita-•:--- HANG-TEN T-SHIRTS GranYs has the greatest 1eledio11 of )tang-Ten products in Southern Callfomi1. Tremendou1 seleclion of all nf the newest wide ancl na"ow stripe stytei . . • and solid colon, tool fin- est 100% combetl cottoa that won't wrinkle, shrink er ever need Ironing. Siies S-M-1.-XL $6 s7_sa SPORT SHIRTS 2 FOi 's5 Regularly $3.98 EASY CARE perrnonent prtss sport shirts in butt°"" down ond wide collar styles. SoHds, Ploidf, Chec:b, Stripes, Short Sleeves. S.M·L·XL Sare More af Gra,.Ys!. CORDUROY JACKETS s14•• TO S29.95 ALL STYUS ..• lull! 1tyle, lle1ctd lined, Slither tri"1mecl. hi OliYe, Tin, er lrown. Sii11 34 to SO . IUStt STYL[ SHOWN $27.tl . . . .. . -. . . . .. 1/ 0.'ff <';'I'-; Vt~·~J,1l_ ....... • ~~'\ 100% NYLON JACKETS s3aa All NYLON witliM4 J.det1 IA • iv•• •• i.ctto• ef 10 ............ Citmpl9te 'Miii ef • NAVY STYLE P-JACKETS $1695 "" .. ., .................. _ ,.,.. "' ............... .,,.,.,, .......,, ................. , 1i11S 34 .... _ , .... ,\. .. :. I' I r 9 1 ..:_~.i.,.. ... J(.L. ·-~ -.'7\io•· .. ;-.t•l: ~ .. ( f • =· .....,_.~. ,;;.::_ .. -._. •• ·~ ~~~~~~~~~~-----------~;...._~--~~~-_I -. N·· · l ·"-~·I· ·-· l_Q·~t.E··JQ• di lAs~~"l.~\~.1.-. .. M ..... " .. -, _ _...._..,."'~.t"'4"·Nu~ t::i ---. - - ' ~ ·=· -. I 1 I I ----·---------,-------------------~----~ ------------------- .. , DAii. y I'll.Of J7 YOUR PROBLiM: -·Irish Acting Out •' ......., ! ·~ <llfl•.CATI GI' llKINIU PICTITIOlll tlAMI ,You Wint to Mii IOrM lttm th•t you oo l'!"gor oood but IOmfllJ'M 11•\. can \IM for N 0 T 0 V,E R S 5 0 ? ·1 ? ? ? ? • Centuries of Hate T fl I Wldel'•lfMO 4' ""'"" t Ir! t~rt ~IN• M l-11 tt7 TIMlllt LHvnt ... C1llior11i.., ll!lllllr ft!t' tlttc. 11rrn -ff IC 1" "' 1" 'f OILICATlt5EH ltt:tTAUltANT tAIU!ltV ~ thf,t ..... I'"" Ii c..... " th..• fot10'4l!l\f Mrtolll .,,.. eor."i.tt \Idlest flam" 111 NII _, tllca of rH!Glf\CI .,.. 11 fol~! ~ LONDONDERRY, Northtm Riibll AuoclJtlon w 1 a csN111W. ,.,. Tlrrltlit -·''""''' T •• 1 . • ICN1t11. tl• Wtlf c.Mtutm11111• YOUR ANSWER: ~and (AP) -The ~ lonned w•··· •••_, 111S o.1.. Av..,.... ll.ltlM ,.,,., C1l"*"'l1, INK' ..... ..,~ wa LtMITeO •A•TNe• -,,.,.,..., *·· donderry rlotttl hurUna, roe.ks government'• Sped.al Powtra "'1nc1o11 111tct ot 1us1-1, ... l!IOrt" and auollne bombs at tbllr ;, _ ~ hillf'••rd. "'WHrt """- 2 You cell THE DAILY PI LOT, ••k for Cl1u[fltd Advtrllslog. aod pltco a PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE " LINES TI ME S "DO L LA R S AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 6 4' 2 • 5 6 7 8 Coolittg Ott ' police enemy .,.,.. ~Gut Act and ill ban on c1ubl llDked c1111om11, with the Repub1ic ot lreland to 1:'J:' •~LU:' ~. ~"!'·" ·-of·~-~ -~ embedded ln centuries of Irllh the south. 01NEIW.. P.UU411it "'-' lfY'lno'• lftG,) ' 1U#lory. The campalsn c h·a n t t d et ,,...lft·•. 1..n1l' The ritual Is hardened by course and plcked up swam In sTAT.._.';;r''<"cr:t'1"o"N1• ••· JOllg ••• bi"•• m•-~ of · COUHTV Cir C>AAHOI } tt wlllt' aaiu """" --; J11Re IMS when the usoctaUon 0n .Mt1111 " ,.., ••• ""' "" the Irish who will ••Y often a~I-~ it in in ~-!--"• ul!dfflll'llf4, • Hotlt'I' haltc '" "" fvr th t b f·' •hi•• nd Wgauu.1;1U I I ' OJCl CIW.ID ~hi Ctu"lv· llld Stm, 1Mrtlllfl"°'. -a t ey wget no-"'6 a arter a 19-yearo(lld sJ.~le PflrH 1tv111 1. Lnln _,...." to -,. o. forgive no••'n( · 1118 ,llrffl;..llt, ef ffle CorterttfM rMt U • Wll • Protestant llrl wu allotte a ll(IJIH 11111 w11h1r1 1,,.1""'"411•~ ~ 1e Since the 9th century, \\'hen house rather than a Catholic !:I'll': 'Tn1~':,~°" Wl'IO~:CV: :'.! the Norsemen began their ram.Uy. An l l ·ca t h 0 I j c COf"NrlJflOll ,,,_,II flemM,. .!\. plundering e x p e d I t i o n a • di.scriminatk>n isl jobs, house-!.,;C:."°f: :it:":~=::.*...; outsiders have always coveted ing and voUng re111lations .. tl'I. w.i.wt ~ e l"HIMtoll • ttt ...,, hi l l ' -dlrtc"'1. · t s sand. became the target. . w1T,,.ru,,.,, 11.,...,.., ""'"•1 ..i. The Normans who took In October, the &1110CtaUon !OPP1c~r;:~10~11c . England by 1torm in IOM soon Jtqed Hi flrat Q'llU march in ~~:"..ti~t,4~fofl'llt turned their attention to Londonderry. which had been or111t• c-ry ~ l~land and today namts like seething for years becauae, Tuv,,. ~~,.,.,~,. Filt.almmoM and Fltz&eratd unlike other ewes in Northern 1111e " c111tot1111. o:::i c-itY: I d f t h l Oii Allfl,I# 4 1Hf,, ""• ·e ,...,... are rem n ers o at n· Ireland, Cathollcl'·are a ma· ,ut.11t ,111 ,,.. ..,,., .. Id tf41trt., """"'"" vasion. jorlty .. Catholic demonstra· :tt=.:1::.!. .. ::'..!"':" .J:.:.C'': What could be better than a cold keg of beer on a hot swnmer day in New York? Charlie, polar bear at the Bronx Zoo, .appears to have had one too many as he plays with the keg in his pool. NEW ELDtENT lions p rod u c e d Protestant "'-wfflllfl ·™'""""" """ ~ d •• I' nd 'l 'l l'lt ·~KUtM tl'lt Hint. By the 1800s a new element emons ... a ions, a 1 wun !OF,ICIAL $EAll • · 1, NOW-at DAVIS-BROWN Rtmote C°"""' Color TV mod~ CFS06WIL Hindsom1 Contempor•rf d1sig n of delux• W•lnut-9rained Vinyl on meta l c•bin•t. Full 295 sq. in. viewabl1 picture area, "Pictur1·matic1' AFC Automatic Fine Tuning tunes the pie. ture at th• touc h of • button. lnclude1 remote unit & legs, SEE IT TODAY· ONLY '579" CF466P -Spanish ProYlnclal styl•. P1can ·ven•er;~ and select wood solids . Ultra-r1li•bl• Gi/breltar@ c;hass is. "Pictur1m1tic" AFC Automatic Fini Tuning tunes the sig. nal •t th• touch of a buton. V•riable tone c;ontroL Full 29 5 sq. in, color bright 85@ pictur1 tube. "Ulfr•mefic" full functi on remote control-optional, e•fr4. SINCE 1947 ~--=---..:...--~~~---~~-~! Labor Day Death Toll Predictions Near 700 Y.'lS added to tbe conflict -long before the two factors ~=r.h ~u~:t""""" religion. England had re-were battling. Pr111c ,.1 °""" m nounced the Pope and become TENSJON GROWS i":'tem~":t°on hit,. 1 a Protestant nation. Ireland As tension grew in 19'9 flubllat:' &-.:0 coott.• 011"' ,1ia1• remained staunchly Roman Prime Mlnilter Te r e n c e Au111111 '· 1s. n. 11. "" ,,,,... Catholic. O'Ne!U lried to build a bridge LEGAL NOTICE The kings of England decid· between h1.t two(wmina: com· , ed that the. iala.nd presented & m\W,i, 0~ and nut thfOqb lU,ll•IUOt. .COj•T ..... 'nlS I thr ~-i i of ~ · ""*-' tn'~ ••• I ITATC o, CAI.' 'o• rA l'Oft eat to utc surv va u1e1r refonn1 !lawe1Y C ma..., o TH• ~OUMTY o, ou~a way of life and bloody battles the Catholic demands. But c-~':C .. ~· were fougbt for control of the Northern Ireland today iJ no VAL1"1e JIAN fl'01HD1XTt11. fl'J11"" island. In UNO. Wllllam of place for ~ode.rates. O'Neill ~~~1111to•1RT Lie -~IH0ur111. By MURRAY J. BROWN emergency. If you miss your Orange trounced Klcg James was forced to resign in April, PliOf'Le oF ill~ STATE ,OF UPI Travel Editor lurnoff , it is safer to continue at the Battle of the Boyne and mi1trusted . both by bis . own ~:11\:FORN·'" 111 ""' •"""" 111"'" °" .... NE\V YORK -Something tO the next exit than to back Protestant supremacy Jn Unionist puty iand t be 1~e::i.~':i~':.bl",..:=!:' :·;, .:.:fi~ like 700 Americans who read up or cul ac-·s traffi'c. If you Ulster was assured. Catholics. · comp1,1n1 ct 1t1t •tiow ,,_,,,, .. 111111tt d '~ I '·h tm t tin ed • rrled b th with "'"' C'lolrk of ttlt •bow ""'""' ..,... this today won't be aroun must stop, get off lbe highway r~ reset1 en con u . Politicians wo y e in "" •bov• "''"IH •ct1tn M'IUl!lf reading anything c o m e In the south it exploded into situation know that it wtll take 11•r1U11 YN 1n said uYrt,• -.ittilll' TIN Tuesday, they'll be dead. 'if possible, If you can't, open open ·warfare when Irlah in· more than a aeries of ad· =:._•117r~~.:.·r;i~rn1111C,:.!~:&; This is the projection of the the hood and trunk and set up surgents fought agains t mlniitratlve' acts of reform to :"'~~ w1111rn t H11tTY u n •"rt" National Safety Council in flares a safe dist a ndc.e British troops on Easter Mon· ciw' away 1 hatred and IUB~i: 90Y1~ ~,.w~rC~=:. .. 1ve':' ..... ~·:_~ Chlcago which notes: 597 men, away-never. never stan 1n day 1916. cion that goes back to even~ Pllflll!ff wm 11-. '""'"""' fw111Y~ women and children died on lhe road behind your car and The fighting led to southern gcne:rationa a,a:O but 'which to :m::.'rn7!! 1~:1,:'::.t ~":,,., 11 the-nation's highways during try lo wave off oncoming lreland '5: independence but people of Notthern Ireland are 1H~ 1o "'• court tor tft't, fllltf' lff this year's Memorial Day drivers. Northern Ireland remained as freth as lf they took place "'~ 111~ :=ie.-;-,~~ Holiday, and 609 died during NO TAILGATING linked with the Brltsb crown tut week en 1n., ma111r 'CDl'lllO(l9d wlll! 111t ~ J . d 1·· th is"·~ . ,111111 ... ttll• ·~· l\ldl ·~ the uly 4Ul weekend. -Don't tailgate, particularly in accor ance w "'' e w '"'° a!IOlllll "'c.oM~:.=:111111 .lflt time 1 ~tANY TO DIE at high spetd. Leave plenty of of Its Protestant majority. 1 ____ LE_G_AL __ ·N_OTl_CE ___ ::~ ~1;;_. (9mfll!f:,~""' •"' ,. For this Labor Doy, the space between you and the car From the outset :.0 yeara •·Mm D•tfd J11n• 11.1Mt, council predicts that as many ahead but without disrupting ago, many of N o r th e r n c•1tT~r~iM~ui' "~",ljN•ss :'; ~i~ ~~tlS:i~~ri l lf not more Americans w i I I •i.., s•·eam ol trafi1'c ""· Ireland's Catholics opposed ""' 111'1du1111net1 dflOI ttttlf¥ "'• 1t cl»' ci..vtY c"" die·rn· tratttc·acctdents··,is·\os·t · ·~Ubly"' cautious during th; thC partition and. claimed they ~.~~·c:11::-~1~:..,,~ ~·1~~~ ~: ::-.:.=· =:L:.:.f WIL\;IAMs .,, their lives during the 1968 earlv. nioming and late even· wanted the terntory to form "'"'e at HA1t 101t VACHT MA•N-"""'Ate, C•llWll• mt1 j h bu TENAN'(E •1111 th.II 1114 tln'l'I It corn-Tl~ 17141 '4P•1 ' Labor Day weekend. The ing houn when mist or dew part of the soul ern repu c. '°' .. o1 th• 1Gl1ow1,,. M-. wMH At1er•w•"" •l&IJllllt figure then was 888. can make "e -·ads slick . CROSS BORDER n•m• in 11111 1nd 11111<1" r11fdtnct •• 11 ~11t11r111t11 Or11111 Cout 011iw; ,"'',· "' •• iii 11 I h IGll0\\11' Allfllllll 4 13, 211. ,,., ,,., ~ All told, zs,89o Americans -Yield-don't fight road Members of the e_1a r a L~C..s cu,t'I' win. Jr,, »OD !, M1111, :ti lost their lives In road acci-hogs and weavers. They are Republican Army ( l R A ) ~~~:i .:"u!: ,~'\';"· LEGAL NO'l1C& ~ dtnLs in the firstslt month! or particularly dangerous 0 n crossed the border and Luc•• c. w111, Jr. "°"" OI' 'T'lluSTSl'I tALa i this year. crowded roads. And be ready BeUast, L«idonderry . an d SI~~ r~·\1~i'~:t.0: ~"Z' N~'" On <kloMT 1':"'11:t0!, 11:~ .. clec\: This frightful toll is not at all ti'mes to m a k e other centers were sub1ected l"ubllc "' 1nc1 tor "'' '""' ""°"''11'1' A.M., 11 th• SOI.Ith Mtrn ..,,,,11e1 Oil wn1 .-. lnat' _I,.. Lii~ Curry Will , J,, ltnow'll to •lh Slrttt o1 the old COllrlfV COlltthoUN necessary. allowances for _ and an-lo sporowc: •s.sus ions, -111 be flt ,.,_ ""°" ,,,_ 11 1,. 111e city of s.nii All•, cet1temi; Most Or the accl'dents are at shooting• l·"""'mgs, arson tiit.cl'lbtd .. !ht Wltlll" lnstru111t111 .... W£STE"N MUTUAL COllPOllATIOM .• • ticipate -"honest" driving • T'"""'' •dulowlld1td l'lt 1xl(uNd !ht 11m•. C•llfofl'll• COf'POf'•tlotl. 1, '""'"' ulld•~ tributed by the experts· to errors by other drivers. and riots. 10,P1t.1AL SIALJ fflt! dwll o1 tr1111 m..,. lt!I Ro•111.T l. d r I v e r er r o r s a n d The Roman Ca th toles claim-::i:~ :i:ibl~(1~11~,11f'llml• ~:r~N~~rtv "'!:is"'!'.C:J: J:. !',.~ carelessness. -Allow cars pulling onto the ed that the Protestant ma-,.,1nc;1p,11 01uct •n im 111 eook nu. "'" ua. "' 0ttic111 . h h1'gh•"ay m' front or yoa ample . I d' I . t d ., 1~... Or•na• C111,1ntv ·---· .. o..... <---. "·1rr~1 •• No one has yet come up ~·Jt .. ]Or ty ISCf m1na e IMWI• Mr CommlulOl'I E~Jlr" 11;'e';i'"«o tecurt •n l11d0bt ..... -... f1'~ • sure-fire way or Improving time and space to move into them in housing and t..bl and Nev. 2~. 1•n ot TARTAN HOM&s, rNc, 1 co""'•l!lft. th n. of traff1'c Don't you . JV •ullll"'*" Or•~ C6t•I OlllV P'(10f, 11111 HESTER OEVELOPMl!NT Ct,;' • the performahce of the "nut at e uvW ' gerrymandered e 1 e c t Or a I Au1u11 1J, 20. 21 '"" Set>ttrr.Mr 3. C$n>0r111on 111o111t b\111""" 11 MllA t$L the wheel,'' even while the yourself try lo steamroller d'-trt'cts ... keep the aovern--1Hr . . 'sot'' MA" DIY'ELOPMENT co .. • folrrf-.. l th highway I;) w • lur1 now e'ft!IM 1nc1 Mllll Ill" -!lrf safety and performance of the your way on ° e • ment of catholic towna ln LEGAL NOTICE ,, • ..., Of tt.. breKh of «rt•lfl ~!IHl!OM Can they drive are bel·ng Im-Even if t.he slgn only says to p •••tant hands lletl,,d ttwr-.eor. 110t1oe ot w11~ "' ro...... . . ' NOTICI INVITJN• ••Ol recordtlll M•v 20, ltff, In look IH2. "'" proved. "yield" to oncoming traffic. In November 1986 the Civil Matice 1, twr•tov 11v111 th1t 111t 10ttc1 °' ''"' ot ••kl 0tnei11 lltcOrdt. wm Mll '' But l·r you are not a nut Don't cut acrOtls the white Trvitt•• at "" or1""' co111 Ju111or pUbnc 111e11on tv 1111 M1~ .. , 11o111c11r '"' ii h 't I Collete Dlttrlcl ol Or.n11 Ct\llllV. c1tJ'I, PIVlbi. 111 llW!vl IMlll'J' af .IM Yourself-and look nut for the nes on approac or eXI anes c1111or1111, wm tl(e1v1 ''''" bldJ u• 10 un11M s111" •' thl 11""" ""· wtt11tu1 .... unless they are free of cars • 11:00 '·"'·· TI'lllrsd&Y. ~t.,.,,Mr 4, 1N<r, w1rr1ntv •• 11:1 11111, "°'""!°" or""' nuts who never learn -you'll . p . G1 es •l lh• Purth11rne OHll. " ltld ICl'IOOI cumbr111C". ffll lnttl"ltl COl'IYt'ltd "'~ have a good chance of coming TAKE BREAK I'lllce V dlslrlct toc•ltd 1r 21n1 •ti•v!ew II.Gld, now htld tlY ••ltl Trust .. """"" .. Id°'" c .. 11 Mnt Ctlll 11 wll!dl tlm• stld af Trvtl, In 11111 IO IM flllleWlfll *WllM home from your weekend alive -U you are drivin g long tit•• w10 t11' 11u1:111ciY OHtiH •fld r11c1 1cr Pf'CJI~ .. ·•,· io;w}~: ... No.. ~ •• _. .:,, d . . d' l t k b k 50 s Ii 111 H11111"" CemllOlllDr MICMM . wllh g .... . • • an 1n one piece. JS ances, a e a rea every 5 o }> l F.,,tt ler Gr•~!u Arb Dept., n> a1o1o1., rfCfltdf!CI' 111 look 1n, P"" M" " • ,.,.. Dutl·ng "•t weekend, don't two hours. Get out of the car • E•I• " supejlln, CJl Ml,roice11n '"' clu1IY• " M!tctll1nt0ui Mll!lo rtcor1t WO • 8 I I. tor 1or' of Or11ltt Count'f, C1lllornl1. let one of the nuts be you . and stretch your arms and llolopr, C~J swer/\lr, •tr, Trit 1or "'-111rP01t of p1v1,.,. o~llt•llln• A1r!C\ll1Ur1 Dept, _. .... ,.. Cl"' lncludl"' "" T k .bl . re a d I d ' k a cup of hot coffee ''' bld1 •rt '° 1H In 1Ccord111ee wttti tecur.,. "" 11"' · ' a e ream e ca n egs, r1n 0£ R 111; 1 lrvctr.,,, • COnctll!On• inct 1111 ch1r1n ,,,,.. "'"111" ot ""' T""'" ll'lll precaution and you'U have a or tea if pogsible. Avoid evenue t!MClll~~.i-'Mlldl trt llOW en flll l fld °'O:~:ci Auoutl ,, ,..., good Chance Of Coming inlme anythm' g stronger ,,,, ..... "' IJ'rlllltll'd •rid tKUl'f'CI Ill ff\9·ef<. WESTERN' MUTUAL · fl« of !ht Purtf\Allfll A••~I of ••Id COll•OJtATJON alive and in one pie<:e. r..l"fl your position behind LONDON (AP) Prince 1choo1 d11rr1c1. Tru1tee ---.;i U -Eto:ll bidder 111~11 111bm!I Wltll hl1 ll!d I CAR OKAY the wheel from time to time Charles. heir to the British e.1hll•'I ChllCll. c.trlltild dllck, or .. ~ ere:~:"Ytt'..~tVllk.nburth. First, of course, you will so as not to get too com· th _ has '-'ded he doesn't ffr'• llolld m1de 11y1b1e .., 1111 etc1w " ..,11 ro,,.., UQW , , !I'll Or1n11 COit! Junior Coli.ti Dl1lrlct .. Ullllthtd Orl!'!l1' Co11I OlllV •lie!. have made sure your car is in fortable and become drowsy. really need all h111 future 1n-ao.rc1 . at Tr1111-in 111 1miw111 "°' 11u A11tuir 2, •~d $ffteinbtr ,, 1.. 1"' t Shape b·'ore setting out M d t ""'" l•vr 111te1n1 u-.1 flf IM wrn bid •• Im.ff op C'I • ove your eyes aroun o come. • 1u1r111111 !hit lllt bldoH win 11111r ln«i l----------::.:.:: You'll have cheeked, or had • avoid the hypnotic effect of As a 21st bi'rthday girl to "" •reHSl<I con1,1c1 If "" 11rne 1t LEGAL NOTICE . . IWttdeod 10 lllm, 111 flM IYtnl of f•llur1 lo mechanic check, your ear's staring at the road ahead. the nation, Charles Is giving IMtr 11110 1uc11 0011lrtt1, tri• •roceec11 torl------------ brake<i and the tires, including 'Keep a window open, play the half his yearly revenue !rom 1;' :~~W,e ~u~,._.~~·~":11~•: ;~:J:•g: c~':.~:J":r,, ::: the spare, the windshield radio (no sleepytime music) the Duchy of Cornwall to the fl>•l•lttO to slid tthool dlstr1ct. TNI COUtrfTY 011 ORANGI h d · , · cl I I No blddlr 1111y wlllldr•w hll bllll far 1 CASI" NUMI•• O.t44n w a s er s a n w 1 P e r s , or talk to th e others in th e government s fJnan a poo . P1rtoc1 of «ortv-flv• flll d•n 111.r 111e suMMONI headlights, stop llghts and tail car-wlUJou t turning lo look at At present the income from 111111"' f'llr 111, _,,.. thlritaf. L1>11 Ann t.111111itrt, ,11111n11ff v1. J•11111 li h d ••• b ' , Thi 8011'111 of Tr111ftff rrurvtt lilt Bruce t.1mblrl, Dtfff.d1111 g ts , an Ul'I' atlery. them. the duchy goes to the princes Pl'lvlllttl et ,.itc11"" .nY 11111 111 bid• or . P'eOPLE oF THe STATE ~ You Won't block your view oth r Quee Elizabeth 11 to w11w 1nr 1rr .. 1111r111es or ,,.. CALIFORNIA 1o flle 111o .... 1111Tlld cio-. -Keep the windshield and m e · n · term111111t 111 •m b~ or 111 t11e tilddlnt. d1.,1: • through the re a r win-other wi·ndows clean. Lower The prince will be 21 Nov. 14. ''k• 11tntu 1M (llj111w w1111 "~11, vw ,,1 llet•b'f ~nrectM " 111t • i d rt. I I Ith goU , I · 11f'tfer111e1 will bl 01v111 M th1 pnld!l(l'I 1111 •d1111 In '""'°"'., 11:1 1111 Ylt ow-pa ICU ar Y w your headlight beams when Charle! dee s1on w a s an· tl'OWl'I •. 111111u1aciur..i, or prDlifucect 111 lh1 c-111n1 of "" 1'8w n""" 1111 clubs. flahlng rods , skis or approachi'ng onc~;ng earl or nouneed by the Queen's house-111t. o1 C•lltw11!1. AU m111rl•l• ~~ovldff''" w1111 tilt e1e..-of "", .. ~ ..,11111c1:"\f,, -·•T ' 1111'11119h !Ml, bl4 _ Jhlll cotrlt•Y W " 111 Ille 1boYt tn h_, ldlOll I similar objects whlch can when catching up with one In hold at Buckingham Pa1ace. oov•mm•nt cec1e src11-"'3004XIJ 1,.. .. 111111 vou 111 uld . court, w11t1111 T H become dead"· ~0Ject1'ies if ~ t s 'd the <lu•lvt d1y1 II!•• th• servlet 1111 Yell" !hit tllfl. '-3 ,.. front. 111e announce men · a1 OP1n': s.cit1mblr ,, '"" 11 :ot '·"'· _ .. 11 ffrvtd w11h111 1111 •boY1 11errilll you have to brake suddenly. government has accepted the NOllMAN e. WATSON, C'Cuntv, Ol'·wi111111 TH11tTY 111av1 If llNlllil You won't ride without the -Don't exceed speed llmJts. 11 stcV .. 11o1rc1 .i Tnn1e11 111e111tier•. -,,, 0 er. P'ub!l.i.IHI Or1ntl COl•I 0111'1' 1"11011 You 1rt 111.TebV llOllllM 11111 ""''"' 'l*r seat or chest belts fastened. U The income comes solely,.•:"'~":"~N=·~•21,~":::."----~·~-::.::'I '°flit• wr1"'"' •nPGM•w1 1111e1c11,., "flJCI 1· 1l1lnflff wilt ttk• I01C11m~ tor .w ~ you have a baby riding 1n one BOAT BUFFS from the rents and other rev-LEGAL NOTICE er d1.,..gtt '"""11d9111 111 "" ¥trffltll of thost detachable sea ta, enues of the duchy -a kind l--~CC..:,,.cco==""""':--1!:':11;:' :~. ·~::,~ ~ .~':, • ,.~ You'll make sure it 11 firmly Alr11e11 Lo•k•~•Y 1, th• o~ly of prlnctdom inside the Unit· NOTtc• o, lRu1T11•1 IALI dltMl!Otd 1n ttit ....,111111 ciornt111~1, f II ti •o•tl't odlfot wo•kl't Ki d Nt, ,4,'74 You mav tttk 1111111\1"9 of lfl 1flwftef fixed and won'l tear loose on u • 111• • ed nr om. °"' 111t slh d1., at SePTll'flblr, 1Kt, 11 on 1,,.., "'''"r con..,ec,... wi111 "" cem· sudden Stops. on •"Y nowspir,tr In Ort llte The 50-50 split with the gov· El1Ytn A.M .• •• 11'11 Ei'lhlh '""' e"' Pltlnt or 11111 '"""""""'· Sud! •lflrNY Co11nty. Hft l llC lf.t;Ye UYtr•t• lrtnct 19 !ht ntw CouMV Court HO!llt tl!Ould tit coruultld wlflllfl fl'lf flfYM' 11."111 Here are some other llfesav· of boitlfll ·~' v•chtint no wt ernment will leave Charles 1oc11to1 11 100 w111 tt~ str .. 1 111111'-cl lf1 ''''" 111t11111-."" flllNI • .,,,,... Ing tlP-': 11 1 G11lv f1et.re of #11 O.AILY with abOut $264,000 a year. ~!i.c1!r ~.,:;~~.~":A~:"~': ~E~~ •= ,':.,, ~i 1c:;."191"'· : -Never stop suddenly on a ,ILOT. One of the prince'• prow· NATIONAL TRUST ANO 5AV1NO$ W, E. IT JOMM, C»n! ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~:'~·g~~~~~~~-~-::::~I AISOC1A-T10M, •• Trvt"let undOr o.w °' er c. .w, ,P'fVIY, hig way un tu n In .. es 111 a oor .--''°'"'"· Tru•t d•tect Dtamber u. IHI.-•xttulect 0.,11,.,. ci.r11. "",ATlllCIA ANN ll08EllTt, 1marrrect (ltAll -111 "'1\o 1tc111lrtd 1111• If 'ATlllCIA lt0911tT A. .IAITMA" ANH ltAVlA tncl rtC'Crdld on Cltcttnbtt 17" "I"""" 911u~ • • Huntington Beach Office: Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington Beach. lllAIN omc11 tll'I & HHI, Loi Allltitt • Ulo!MI Oht.nltoel •1L1Ntlll O"ICI! UU Wlltl!lll 81Yd. • 3M·11U LA. CIVIC CIKTl•h t11d . •~1, • .a-11112 TAWN~ 1t111 Yelllllrl lh'f,. Jq-411• IANTA MONICA: 111 Wl!MIN 81.,._ • IQ.0141 •All ,UROt-10111 l '.01fl1•tJ14341 WUTOOVINA: lutltnd Mio~llfl"D Ctr.• ~1.2201 IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Fede ra l Savings, where your account is SAFE • CONYINllNT • AVAILABLE M•rktt nuc1uetlon1 don't worry COMt •nd SovtMm ••vtra , •• their capl11I 61 1hrlp ""nt In v111111. Atld ,.U'N •u;rw or the htgh .. t eamlngs con1ilt1nt with Mitty whtn you ••vt et CO.at •nd Southlm. Foremoet ""urance of then b.ntntt II tht outttlt'ldll'IO fln1nc11I 1tt'lngth m1lnt1/n1d through ltl1 ye1N by th• man. •gtment of Coat 1nd Southem Ftdtral S.vJno .. IN$URANC[ TO $15,DDD/RUOUICES OVH 100 MILLION 'ANOltAMA Cln: tl1l v .. Nw1' I ll'\!,• lf1·1111 Lc»IO KA~Nt . . HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES · ~:2<?.~ I ~;,~o~~. I ~~~" DiVIDl!NDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL COAST Std l 14cul! • 4)1-7 .. 1 AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS U, lffl 1,, looll MIJ, PIO• 7'1, ef Offlcl1l s.11'1 N1111111rtt' Jll lt:tctll'dl t1' Cowr!Y of Or-t. C..lllon'lf1, Ctlll Mitt, (•llttnllt fUU t lvtn 10 M<!IPI 111 1~btedntM Ill llYtr 'T•li (7UJ ~ ol HAllltV "· HEAlt:TM,.t,N, • mlrtlld AffttfltY .... •1oi111•r 1'1'11n, 1t!1 t .. ""' of 11>t llt"M-eh of COtrlllti P-llllllJl'ltd Or11111 c ... 1 0•11r piMt, ltlll91llo!I• Hellf"ld llltr.tlY, ntllc• of o\11111.11! ff· 111411 ..,t.!Mow 3,. It. 'ij, ~Ith WI• l'ICOl"dW Ofl APl'll 29, lflt Ill Ifft , .... •ciok "41, P'lft 11J. ot Olllc:l1I ltlCOl'lll• ef ••kl or1"" COU11t'f, wrn 1111 '' Jlllbllc LEGAL NOTICE •vctloll lo ti. n19hftt blclltll' tot CIOlh HV·l------------•111• Ill l1wful _, at lh• U1111ed tt11t1 ,...-. ol Aml,rc.. ef tl!M flf ..... W"'*1! c•1tTil'ICATS Ofl •lllin•• c.Y0111t1I or wl!'"r111tv. fllP•m tr 1m,u.t, ,lllCllTIOUS NAM.I ..... tit~. POIU»lOll "' l!ICllfl'lbrlM"· TM undlrlltnod .... a,,.., fflW .... lhe ll'll1rt1t OOllvmd lo 111111 llOW l'ltkl lt\I COllG\ldlnt I IMlllltt II 11'1t MllMfll ffl9 Mid f tUJ!" vncter ••Id °"" of it .. '°""11111 V•t...,, C•Wflnllllt .,....,. ""9 Trvtt, Ill 1fld lo 1111 lollowlnt dts<rlbl'd llcllllo\ll nn'fl -fll lLKltrft lfflLL lliwtrtv, 1llll1ltd In 111t C-IV el' SEltVICI •11111 tlllt Mr.t flrfft II .,..,.... Orflllfl, 51111 If (1~1111, to-Wiil of Jiit lollowlflt ,.,_, --~ 'lfl I.bl 1'' 111· Tr.cf' ti& M .. r ""' fvll 11111 tllcte et ~ 1r, • ftlo ttrirdld Iii look " e... It " ltwl: I; Mlfctllt"'°"' MeH 11--. ol Dr-• 0..,... W. tll.lnt 1M 0111 W. lllr.1111. (lllttll'f, C1llfortl1", 19'1' 1111 ''"" 11, ,_.. 1M ""'"" et ...,1111' ollli.tl~t O.tN-A1.11wt tS. I .... tltlill'tf bV ftN' ~ of TNtt, lll(Clud!OW gtert1 Yi, l"rlillM I-dltr.-tt. tild ~ ol lhl 111 W. ElllM TMNot, 'ettollCIM, · ·1t e111. vllcllr 1111 Stile of t11111rf11t. Otli'!'M C""""'; ftml• fl .. Id °'" et Trlltt ll'ICI lnltr•tt 0.. ~vtu•I 1$. 1..,, ....,, J'M, I ......, lf\tl'Mll> ll'ICI ., •.• ,,. Uf!P•ki 11rlncl,..I •1.1t111t Ill 11'1111 IW .. Id .,.,.. M!"MMllJ • .,.,_'!Ott MCtMd W .. ld• P4od of Trvs!. IHIMfH Gfrirlt W, fllllftf tftli Otit. W. '#1111 lfl~t tl,1* fttp'I ~r , .. l!llllM 11.llOWll .. me .. le "" ... ,... lftl fl "" tf Ult, ....... nl!Pllll •rO ,.,._, .. to ~ Wlftll!I ~ AJ;1;11t1l 1, ltff ltlllrvft'lllll W tdtMW... -• .-. '=~i:C03:L~JD~ ~~o m~c'trL ":fll, $,AVINO! ASIOCrlt10N, ROllllT Y. lAt:lt " Tl'Vlttt Nol1rr P~ll( . C•W+ttfl!1 IY ~ NIMllt f'rltlc1HI . Olfke In 11nn1 Oftlttrl Or•llM CooMI> •r Sylvl• Vtl'•rrt•I M., CCft\1'11,tklll l•illlr• (AUlllltlf Tr>•ff Offlettl $'lit, 1', 1'71 4lffl •11blblltd Ort!'lff (Mtl 01!lr ,Uot, 'lllllltllff o.-.nM CNtl O•llr Plitt, Awwt f1 ,,.,. fill*"""" "' tt, ,,. Aue\111 IJ, ,0, 21, Ifft l•Mt '"' ., .... ! • t:J • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE c.1•T11'1CATI ff •ut•MISI l'ICJITtoUI MA.Ml U• 1* TM """'""""'" .. Cltl'tlf'P' _., • r a IUl'llllOtt f;OUIT CM" 'TKI ~ .. • ~ tf 1114 ~¥It ITATI OP CALll'OIMIA "Oil A-. C°"9 ~. C1ttfomle. """* !tie TN& COUffT'I' 01" 011.¥101 flallltw ffml 1M1M .. STAllE lllOS. end Ht, ~ fl'lll Nloli nrlft II _,_... "' Jiit fllllo"" 'IOTICI 01' MIAll\HO 011 f'IT!TIOfll 1i'1 ...,_ V.-. --Ill fl.Ill 1M l'Oll l'llOUTI 01' WILL AMO 1'011 11r-., ~I -• """'"' t..lnlll TIJTAMllCTAll't ""*"9 ltf,., 1!21 Mir ...... Aftlllelfft. Elt1!1 fl DOltOT"tA fl:OIS WESTON, c11....,.i.. f*Oi 0« Shire, no ._,.. o.c...-. "' Cl~lt. Hunfllltbo Hmrbour, """'° NOTICI!! IS H!lll;EIY GIVEN Tl'llt 111\ttwl BMdl. (.ellfwf1'1!1 '2M7, HAllVEY SOMEllS .... flied ,._,..111 1 Ot!W A11eut.1 tS. *"· itefllloll fv f'robe"' ol Wiii 111011 for Mer~ Jr.rt 1uv1nce l'I' l..,.,.. THt1..,.....,.,. tt ,.el~ Clllt Stire tiotltf, rfftrena to wlltdl It medl tor 'llM Ill C.llfor11la, Ofllltl Cel;l111Y: ~ Nrtkut.rt.. itf'd Wiii !he tlm. '"" 0.. ~ 2S, ,,., Mfote ""' I NI,.,., llfw ef ~ tht -l'ltt bftll Mf '9r f'llM!c "" """ ..,. ..... 11.re. ..,.,.I,,. s...1 .... w ll, Ifft, II ·~· A.M. .. Ill fh9 ,_,,.... Ml"' It-111111 Cllet 111,. CIMlrtroMI « De111,.,,,,.nl N1, l of 11kl ~ 111 f!lf .... ""---wllffll ~.It ltO W. Eltlllfl StrM!, In IM Cltv NIMI 11'9 lublc•lbW t. h wltlllft In. flf San!• .._,.., C1!1foml1. Ill'-! Ml ldtMwlefltMI lllty lktc:\11ecl Dlhid Avt1111t II, INf "" -· W, E. ST JOHN IOfl,ICIAl S~All Ct11nh-Clt<ti JOAN M. STAlltE l>Ullt'l'Q CAllt,INTl!llt AHO IAlltHll Nor1rr P'Wlk • C.litwnle '' '"'"' J,'kMf, ..... °''"" ~ ,.., Drl• Otl ........ ,. '" M' C-lllltlll llO#lns ,.__, htdl. C:.llf, ,,... A-r. lf,, It)') ,.. .. , iHI} "'"°'"' P'~.i~ O•tnte Clllft DtllY' "llDI, Aftwllfn fw ,.,......., .._..,.,_., lJ 11111 :to._,.,.., I, 10. 11, Pllbll""'M •Ortr'le Cols! ,,., ,.,... """"" "" !1. ''· "" 0.11, P'llllt. ...... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE t ()VER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List NASO Ll•tln91 lo< Tuescl•y, Autu•I 2', 1'H CDMPUl'.ER CHIEF Robtrt T. Adkins CdM Man . ---------------- • • • I : • • t ~ i • i • • ' ~ • • ~ ' ~ ,, • " " ~ ~ •• ~ ~ .. .. .. .. \'I ,, .. . ,, ~ .. .. • .. " " " ~ .. ·.; ''t " • ,. • •• " 'I " ' .. ' .. .. "' '" ,. •• - , Prices-Complete New .York Stock Exchange ~ • DAil Y Plll!T ' ·. . •• ' ' . I 11 \ , ... .. .. "lOT-AOVEkTISEk Wtitntsd.-y, A11911st 27, lfWI 30 DAil Y PILOT W~nesday, A11911st 27, l961J Newport Ha rbo r· Chief of Sea Lo ve Finds . Use · 'f r I lly JORN VALTl'JRU or .., D-"" ''"'. ttttt . ... .. . Harbor. We have lO aan <it M'o&s la still irowlnt ln some reetlng 1 crisis before It even1 IChedu~. ·and neWI ol a get this project dlfouih,•' be tin1 ire for larger docks o now, or else It will be ~too mu. of the harbor, and there begin$. mlWon-dotl.ar Fft ol free 1and aald. hok:I bigger boa1a," !'Ml x- George Dlwcs ended hi!1 late," he said. sUU are dyq fish. Something The headaches lhal started tor Newport's beachea made Another · preuiAg problmi, plained. . career U a Marine officer last To do it, he said, will lake at seem1'11lttle WJ'Ofl&,.and U we eurly this year with a se\\·age-Dawes-and many others-Dawea .says, la crowdin& ol To add to the harbor's con- some coopvatlon ' from the yacht clubs, we can control the traffic 1 JitUe ueier.'t year, but as a mariner, he 'll least four or five years of can get stahed on plana and filled Santa Ana R!ver, follow· happy.. Newport Bav'1 waterways. gestlon, sailt".(>al racing evenlB nevtr rellre. work with half a doieo-jlt studies right awily, Jt will be ed by more erosion of the 'However 1 Wike of "'l'nts naroor ts saturated, are attracting more cla.sse.s of Dawes is a champion !or youth sailing activities, view· ing the pasUme for children aa the best 1port possible. DaWts, ¥ltlo began 1 s leasl-government agencies. easier. '1 city's beaches still remain lor bulldozer operators has, put both with piers and boatJ, but boats and more Wppers. Newport Beach's firsl-·ever '"We are see ing sume in. Dawes said, he stresses the Dawes today. tlie entire project in limbo. the trend seems to be toward "That p~lem, I think can ministrator last summer, may now, even though il's im· studies "because ,lt is easier to groin cmu;truction in We.bi. more ot ~ hurrl .. calls seems all the pier It ap-the yachtsmen happy. J think "I strongly believe that ll'• the best way to raise a kld- al lhe Liller of a sailboat," he hatbpr •od tidelands ad· dicalk>ns for the need rlght in1P:'?f'l•nce ·of .-ater quality At the beginning ol suo1mer, "It k>oka like a month or bigger, wider boata.~n act. It be stabilized.. all(!. litill tnake have senied in a land-orle.ntcd possible to peg anything down. have the methods tor cor-Newport was well a'head ol aod meetings lq set•lf we fin plicatioos we have get-by Ughtir scheduling and branch or the service. bot the l _; ___ .:....::_.:___:: _________ ~-----'-----------------'--'--.;....-.:_ _______ _:__....:._..:_ ____ _:_ ___________ _ said. sea and Wling have been is love since childhood. Finally. he has had a cha net to put that love to USt! as an administrator. Dawes, 47, approa<:hcs his new, yet liignificanl job wi~ confidence. He's bulkUng his pmt as he goes along, blending mountains o( paperwork and file building with scores o( field checks ol projects on Newport Bay. "A lot of the work that Is piling up during these first few months i s n't really glamorous," ht said. "But it's really in· dispensable. We have to com· pile all Lhe old files, permit applicalions and o l her documents since !he harbor started and match each docu· ment with a pier in Newport Bay. We have to know what we have in reality, not just on paper." Once that job is finished. the department will sail on a straighter course. he said. Since he started the busy post last summer Dawes alrrady has added a new seg· meol to his long title. The word "tidelands" became part of lhe-litle after Dawes, wre stl ed with Newport's ve:icing problems of beach erosion and pollution from sewage for the first half of the year. The problems. for the most part. were finally cleared up (the .,rosion work will really near completion a.s soon as a heavy equipment operator's strike ls settled). "l round mysell working more and more in the ocean ti delands area than in the harbor last spring. I couldn't even count the phone calls and meetings iL took to Iinally see that quarantine e n d e. d , ' ' Dawes said. Since he was a child' al· tending schools in Singapore, the sea, and especially com- petition sailing. has been im· poriant lo George Dawes. J.le was born in Newport, Rhode Island. in 1921 . to a family that has had sailing in its blood for generations. "My dad was a Navy officer and the family lived in lhe Orient for several years. We went on two tours lo the old 'China Sta tion' and I attended schools in Singapore and the Philippines." His grandfather and greal· grandfather both sailed the old China tea trade out of Boslon. His older brother (Dawes is the youngest of 1hrce children) currently is a rear admiral. Dawes started competition sailing at age 10 at the Ts· Jngtao Yach! Club i n Singapore. After the famil y moved back lo Rhode Island Dawes, •sailed in Star tom· petitions. When he attellded I h e Southern California t.1ilitary Academy in the late 1930s. Dawes sailed a lake scow. It was then that he first saw Newport Beach. Yacht i n g &11\'e way to military service for Dawes in 194.2. He starled with the J\fa rine Reserves. q u i ck I y wenl into active duty, and stayed wilh I.he corps until he retired Jan. 1, 1968, as a c:ol· one!. Dawes didn't do much com· petitive sailing during the \Var. bul during later service he organiied sailing event.'i and racing activities at almost all his assignments-Quan- tico. Va., and even lake sa1lin& competitions in Kansas City, P.1o. • Be(orehis rel ire1n en t , Dawes organized and helped charter the San Diego Naval and Sailing Club at Coronado, He served as vicl' commodore ror two years and then as commodore. HAlllOR HIS JOB Newperl'• O•••• , ... IM CREAM ----· ........ CONES H••·•ai!Y c1llc1 cr1a111r Jiil.JAi ., ... _ ................. _ .. '" ... _ .., __ _ . .,,.._.,. ... _ .............. . Nylon Panty Hose IRON·WUYE ••• l 1~! Q\lil111 i.heet \Ip I ~trelc~ nyioH panty !lo~e iR dluice 111 l:l!kll'"... , ··~ l.11 88c I __ , .... -_... ............. ____ ... -.-~ ,--~:·~.~i;~;·Stan;·-·· · 1 ( TIP-TOP lull i.l1ro!0o1rn ~'!id \\;+Ii ~IJnd \._., t~a1 hal4si.ecuret1. ~ 1.29 1 , ....... ,""'-· ._._ ............... ~ . ..,.. ........... ..-. ... "' .. --.""'"" .. -~· ..... .._... -·-·-· .............. , Hi-Intensity Desk Lamps PDIElUY ••• "SL1nl• R\16dy"-air-OXJkd ZN11vel i'.r.ide, Slable Meel base, JO" tle.i1ble f a1m, oH·IHI swifc~. Cllc1cc ol 4 88 I t OltllS. 'll.WHlllD Oftl·YEAI • t Picn ic Plates [VlRYD4Y.,. 9 'nt~ d•~' •r ~"~. .. ,,1100 66c Picn ic Plates DIJIE ••• tlek.u ~!li'te 6-l!r.~ IDie 5'lt. Pli.ol II 29C IL!CTRIC Charcoal Lighter METtDI ..• ~•'t. ~~'t, qJ. d Ut a~ 111td' b I\. Wd 1.49 T•t tlh'l-Slrlltt~ ••i• relintr BOTTLE OF lit RAPID-SURE SAFE RELIEF ''DX-114'' For Athlete 's Foot L1~Y lo "-P11!1! No Rd111!a~! S1ay I~ r:.~1 !)Ji.:\ Drfi•&! POWDER 1.19 LIQU ID 1.49 OINTMENT 1.49 s~~;:n1 Ill of lOD Ret. tic Hot Cups 11m ... ColorlJ ·r,.;sr do<iii' ••. i o.t. S•ze. •ac•' so •ec.19c PLASTIC 79c Forks & Spoons DIXIE, •• f'lll P nl ~~ Forr Ill" ~J Spo~1t;, in n!iO!l'd c~l..t· 2!33c ftr lpMt1'1eac• 1ZtL .. ffit -. Wrap ALUMINUM FOIL W•.,Sltt 1r11r • SHOP TONIGHT ladies' Fancy Blouses chewablr vitamins 5·C•l•ti, S·fl1· r·~-1-. v1rs ... Re~~l..c or N~w. W.!il l!oa. ~G l1tt111t 111's 2 99 a11111r 2.JS • Permanent Press Pants SIZES J ti II.,. Stir.tell cattol twiH ;.1 98 tl~ie siyle p.nt. Olrnce al Hll'o'j, 8efff & Gold. • Girls' Basic Pants SllES l t• i i ... tined Knit Shm·Jims, Pemiaoent P!ns toffoa coidoroy Sto•e pjpes, W1de· 1 98 wale Co1duroy flaie ca11t::.. As~r1ed col· ors. -YOO CHOICE • Permanent Press Shirts SIZES 3 It &l ..• lo"t sll!eYe~ in butlan 2 89 ~Ml (Gii~. dii>•te of :.t~lts ~ cokKs. He-m •e1b i1on111g. • Girls' Bulky Sweaters Girls' Bulky Sweaters children's chew1ble vitamin& ~ >tol10 . 1-11•· ";· 'jJ nrs ... Reg~ldl' IJ 'ii' 01 ~""· .. 1111 1ro•. ~-"'I ~..) lontu 11Ws 3 19 l t1Ml.H • 1.98 "Nit C111tcl1• Wit• hr SetitlJ 1/2 PRICE SPECIALS ~ ROYALBEE ~ CREAM l/l or. 2 50 li1. S.11 • '" "· 4 25 lt1. I.SI • 2 Fl. Or. lie&. 3.SO 'I•" TAPE A~~orted Calors • 8' K J:.:' 'fl. Or. R11. &.51 SO Star -Outdoor U.S. FLAG KIT 3 X 5 It heayY cotton Ila~ 6 It j01nlerl 1 pc. pol~ rope halyard, and '"tal brac ket 1or ""'ting. tat litttf AllS1r•11t 251~.w Auto Clean-Up Set 5 PIFCE SEr ••• IN:hldes !locket, po!~•g mitt, large car 'll'aslt 99c . sPOAge. new polistling cloth and .• ~prt:lal white wall SC.rubber. •n '{,,, ' I~~!!i~~ .~~!,nger Kit. ••• HJ gkls~ Ca! wax w1ttr frtl! 1 39 I Of, bcrtle t1I C¥ iate1i.Gr l ie•rtef. • Booster Cable Set I SEl Of! .•• 8 fool "°0-' lvr ati lt ar Miri11e 11se. ColtllfCt trom 6attery-to.81tt:ry !Of 119 IJ.:>Y ~l11rts. • Liquid Turtle Wax 11 OZ. SIZE , •• Cleans aod 1 29 snmt'.: lo "Hard Slltlr' F1ni~b. Wot!d's l11gest selling wat. • ) . ----~·-···-~ ·--•••w---~---_.,,.. . ....,. _ __, I AM Radio & Cassette Player ..ca,i11r -p!<1ys mono at1d sleieo rire- 1~.orded CiJSsenes ••• "'m """' 10 ""' -Ws 22 88 1e.dy to ~e. le1. l&.11 • ... ~., ,.. ... -~ -.. I ., --·-- Youth Supporter IAUEI & llJCK ••• B~~·to·i.cf'ool ~iS t111 ll'l!s li:llTIOllS Athletic Supportei. W1isl Sitts 11·2'; 25-32; 32·31 i.=- Stena ~ook Dll·POINT ••• G1eu ~ tbflliee" wflite or usen ~r. 23c THEIM OS ••• loo•~ li~e a handhag - c.oml!le!e v.itn i az. TheMOS l>otHe. 3-Ring Binder HESS IOARO -li~s.ort~d colors, j Rlrig~ li 2 tnch r.ao.v.it1 • DRUG STORES HUNTI NCOTOil lllACH . Atl_-4 .... ll•nt H~NTINCHON llA..:H ,,,. .......... ..., NEWPORT BEACH 1010 1"1•. ii W"tclrH rfeit ' 2.79 Canvas Binder • f 59c Vinyl Binder MOI I COKl!lll'O&AIT ••• 3 ~ .. ~~:ed~f. 2Q 12'ro1ored PenciTs l'ENUS •• , ff<!lm Calouy ..SSOl'tal color lrMl p("-·' . 59c Pe ncil Sharpener MIOCET • D•• US! Jr.tli1 ~1~ , tflo:u ol coklrs. 1.3 J I -------___....-~-------------------------~---------------------~ • • Shores Yie fd ' -I .T eriipting F ~re l t By JODEAN HAS1 1NGS 01,IM b•lly ~lift Stiff 1 Succulent fate.. prized by Californians and todayJf jet commuters isn't even mentioned' in most highly regarded cookbook! . . Abalone, muscular foot of a shellfish, is one of the least known and most :delicious seafood dishes to be found. . As a preservative measure, the st a t e ' s De~ent ~f Fish-and Game prohibits its export from the state although tnmmrngs, 1n the form of' chowtder, meal or patties, may be shipped. . J T!ie moUusk, tasting something like a cross between a si;allop and a mild oyster, still is abundant in rocky areas o~ the Orange Coast and especially between Corona del Mar and Dana Po1nl It may be taken by dpyone possessing a $3 fishing license between March 16 and Jan. 16. ~I EIGHT SPEC IES \ Among lhe eight species common to California shores, pinks, greens and blacks are most available to sportsmen, although of tile thousands whO fish abalone. less than one percent know which. sp~ies they take. Minimum sizes are six inches for pink and green, and five mches for black. . TAKE YOUR DINNER OUTSIDE -WITH EASE . - Reds, the most important commerciaJ abalone, also are ~e largest, reachiq;g more than 11 inches in dia!fleter. , Ta~en almost _entirely from the San Simeon-Morro Bay area, thi s species 1s p~esseo fresh-frozen and sold to restaurants or fresh fish markets where they average between $1.50 en~ $2. 75 per pound. . ' All "abs" cling to underwater rocks .and ledges below th~ low tide line with their ~trong •·feet," feeding on i:n1nute ~l~ae. G!Owth 1s regular during1 the first few years with most species attairung a diameter of thr~e to four inches within four or five yea rs. Some never grow larger than six or seven inches. Outdoor Cooking's a Breeze Stodgy indi viduals for seafarers. abalone seldom venture far from their or)ginal home. Tagging experiments conducted by l:he D~partment of Fish and Game have shown that most of the mollusks 1n their normal depths seldom wander more than a few feet. The trick to catching· them is to sneak up on them, insert an "ab i.Ton" under the shell arid pry them up quickly before ~ey have an oppor· tunity to exert their tremendous force and cljlJJlp their sbe~s down . TA LE S EXAGGERATED :The strength of the abalone's muscJe has given currency to tales of divecs who drowned because their fingers were caugflt under the clos~ ing ·shells, but tlte Stories probably were .exaggerated. · A.balone fishing -actually diving today: although al one 'lime the tasty mollusks could easily be picked from shoreside rocks -is best in the early morning when tides a nd winds are low. The live moUusk. one of the most primitive \\•ho se fossil form has been found in rocks some 30 to 35 million years old, is brought to shore and the mu scular foot shucked from the shelJ . The black outer mantle a,nd viscera is peeled off. leaving the pinkish white inner core which has the consistency of a hockey puck. From this point. preparation determines whether abalone will be.. come a gourmet's delight or tough as old shoe leather. Quick cooking is essential in the prepara'lion of abalone steaks which, when fixed properly, can be cut with a dull fork. It isn't cooked -just' heated through. Black abalone, more abundant and least desired by divers beca use it is con sidered tou gher, actually has a better flavor, according to Charles Turner. Department of Fish and Game, San Pedro. Frequently prepared by breading with egg and .either flour or crumbs, or served with sauces. California 's abalone acquired its rep11la- t'.ion on the Monterey wharf where it is said to have been "di scovered" by Pop Ernst more than 40 years ago . Hi s si mple method of cooking accents 1the true, delicate fla vor of the shellfish : POP ERNST'S ABA LON E STEAKS . \Vipe pounded steak \Vilh a damp cloth. Put in sizzli ng, very hot butter in a frying pan fo r 30 seconds on one side, 20 seconds on the othr'-"'· Sprinkle with salt and pepper. and serve with temort. (The browning but- ter enhances the fiavor.) Another n1ethod of cooking abalone 'vhich also emphasizes its lus- cious flavor is favored by many area skin divers: Dip the freshly sliced steak quickly into seasoned bread crumbs. To the melted butter in a frying pan add a sprinkling of fresh, finely chop- ped parsley and juice squeezed from a quarter of a fresh lemon (to taste) before adding the steaks for their b1ief exposure to the heat. Abalone also may be ground and used as a base for a savory chow- der or hors d' oeuvre. Turner suggests using blacks in this manner. and he prepares a tasty hors d' oeuvre by boiling the ground shellfi sh for 10 minutes in a mixture of soy sauce, enough water to cover, and salt and pepper to taste. Summertime -the weather is balmy and you want to be outside . Well, summertime's the right time to forget forma lity -so, relax and en· joy life. Whether you're feeding the family or the boss, go ahead -now is 1he'time to cook and eat outside where the breeze is soft and the sun is warm. What cou ld be. simpler than ready-in -minutes fish portions cooked to perfeetion on a g'rill ? Freezer-ready portions are great anytime of year and are especially appropriate in the summer when the less time spent cooking -the better! Whether you're planning a dinner on the patio, a picnic, on a camping t.rip, fish por- tiOfls are rigbt and ready, no mu:iis -no luss, just good eal· ing. He're L~ a new recipe, Charcoal Broiled P o r I i o n s With Choron Sauce, which i.s great for special occasions. The Choron Sauce, a variatk>n of world-famous Bearnaise Sauce , elevates the practical, good-every-day rish portion in- to the gourmet class. Quickly cooked corn on the cob and flavorful broccoli or o t h e r in-season vegetables com plete the feast. Be !ure to have plenty of fish pci:rtion.s on hand: they will be eaten almost as quickly u you can grill them. Did you know that fish por- tions are generally made from groundfish which incJudes cOO, haddock and , pol~~ The tender, serving-slle )leces are cut from frozen .tiJocU.'of fish' fillets and are 100 perce.nt edi· ble. Portions ar~ always sold frozen and may be purcba3ed breaded or unbreaded~ incJ either raw or partially took• ed. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes to flt all needs. Keep frozen until ready to use, and cook without thaw· Ing. Fish porUons may be baked. deep-fat fried, oven-fried, pan- fried. broiled, or ch arc o a I broiled on a grill. CHARCOAL BROILED PORTIONS WITH CHORON SAUCE 12 frozen raw breaded fish. portions (21ii: to 3 ounces each) I cup oil Paprika Choron Sauce Dip frozen portions in oil and sprinkle with paprika. Place portions in well-greased, hinged, wire grills, cook about 4 inches from moderately hot coals for 5 to 7 minutes. Tum. Cook for 5 to 7 minutes longer or until fish are brown and flake easily when tested with a fork . Serve with Choron Sauce. Makes 12 servings. Cboron Sauce 12 cup butter or margarine ~~ cup water 4 egg yo lks 2 tablespoons t a r r a go n vinegar J teaspoon instant minced onion 1 teaspoon dried parsley ., flakes v, teaspoon sa!L Dash cayenne. 3 tablespoons tomato paste Melt butter In water In top of double boiler over direct heat. Remove from beat. Add egg yolks. Beat until mixture almost doubles in bulk. SUr i" vinegar, onion, parsley, salt and cayenne. To prepare it for chowder. simply add a \vhole onion to the ground meal and water to cover. Simmef for a half hour before proceeding 'vith your favorite chowder recipe. ' Un iform Size Meat Balls Guaranteed Cook over hot water 5 minutes or until thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Stir In tomato paste. Serve warm. M a k e s ap- proximately 2 cups sauce. ' To 1nal<e· 1neat balli;. or uniform size . spread the mixture in an ice-cube Lray, then press the di vider down lo separate the meat into even size squares. Remove divider and form squares lightly into balls. Mos,t Disliked Job Eliminated by a Little Prevention By DOROTHY WENCK Or1m tevnfY i.MIM Aftiw Well girls, this is il. Today the: ovcn- cleaning has got to be dQile. Now if you're a lucky one, and have a self-cleaning ove.n. all you have to do iS close and latch the oven door, set the dial to "clean," set lhe timer for the desired cleaning lime -and away yo~ go. off to the beach wh.iJe the ('Ven cleans itself., When you come back. you have a tiny pile of ashes to wipe up. You can also put in lbc oven the reflec· lor eans from your range' top and the com panion oven panels and racks Crom your auxilliary oven. if you have ont. These loo will be cleaned automatically. WWle you're at the beach. or shopping. or at the Ubrary or wherever you go· when you've got free time, the rest of us will be. at home slavi~ Jtway over one of the dirtiest, messiest, most.-likely-to-be- postponed home care tasks. MOST DISUKED JOB Womt1 who atttod my classes on "Wort Smartf'r, Not. Harder," always li~t oven-tleantnc 11 one< or their most dltlik· ,. Home News and Views 'td jobs -and no one ever says they like to clean the oven! Homemakers always want me to gtve &hem some _.. formula for o•eu-cleanlng that Involves no mu11s, fu11!, or elbow greue. ' My answer, of course, is "buy a self· cleaning oven." However, most or w are stock with what we've got so that answer isn't too helpful. My next suggestion is, don't be a pr~ craslinator. When something in your oven spills, clean il up before you use the oven again. ll's UJosc cooked-on sPots that are so dif(kull to remove. lf a pie or casserole runs over, or grease spills and you can't lurn oU the oven to clean it up, you can keep from • having a horrlble scorched-on mess b)' completely covering the spot with salt. The i;all absorbs the food and will darllen, tiut not .sUck. You can remove It easily after the oven cooll! with a pancake ( lumer and a damp paper towel. If you form the habit of wiping out the oven, while It's still warnl, whenever you've baked or broiled anything that spatters, you'll never have a major ovr.n: cleaning job. You loo can go to the be1:1ch. A UTILE PllEVENTION A little prevenUon Js helpful too.r Ult baking pans i.rld ca1scr0Jes lhat are large. eiloogh. or not over-filled, 80 they dOD't boll over. And If you expect a splhover, a sheet or aluminum foil, tar1er lbtan lbe. dish. but not ai; large as the shelf, placed on the shdf below &lwes a measure or security. In an electric range, il is not a good idea to place. th.~ foil on Ult bottom of the oven as it may conla ct the unJt and damage it. ln a gus oven, ron can be Qlactd Of'I the oven bottom, but be sure it docm1 cover 'lhe openings around· tht sides as this will Interfere with the circulation or heat. Bul what about the ovens that have been neglected -that have a build-up or burned-on grease spots? You have a choice of cleaning methods. You might use one of the many oven cleaning products on the market· that do loosen the grime reasonably well. They come in both aerosol tans and in jar8. The aerosols are easier to use but cost n1ore and a.re more daneerous since serious eye damage can resull U }'OU spray out .illstead of in. In either case you have to wipe away the,loosened sludge and this is messy. It can also be hazardous sinte these pr~ ducts are all vr.ry alkaline.. Be sure to Collow the precautions on the label when .,using these. Don't get them on yourself or on anyU1ing other than the inside of yGUr oven. J personally do not core to have these extremely hazardous sub.stances In my home, so l u!IC the okj elbow grease 1nethod in my ov~n. Soap-rilled steel wool pods do • good Job, I rind, if I don'I l~I ' the oven go too long. A dish er household a1nmonia, placed in the .oven the night before you clean it, wUI help to soften up the spots so they're easier to remove. Apd I hope those of you who went to the beach tOday instead of cleaning your oven had fun ! 1 QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED Q. I'm lhinklng .or ,buying a 1elf-cle•n· Ing owen and I flad t~re are two 1dU· ferent lype1 -pyrolytic and caU&lyUc. Can you tell me whtcb of these 11 lltlLer? A. These two types ol oven..cleanin( processes are dilferent. In the pyrolytic, a very high temperature is used lo lilerally incinerate all lhe son. It has been on lhe market ror over 5 year1 and has proven itsell to be very etlective and sale. Becaui;e or the high temperature u8ed In the process, the pyrolytic setf-cle1nlng oveil must be very well insulated, which meam leq heat loss for regular cookina too -an Qnporlant advantage. The catalytic method 1$ newer. and t'Onsumer testing agencies have not yet • committed tlhemselves as to IL! ef. ficiency, nor can l This method uses a coating which is bonded to the oven walls. The coating ci>ntalns 1 catalyst that lowers the temperature at wfiich. food Mlil will be oxidized. According to the manuract urers, the soil will "cook away" during 'nonnal baking. Theoretically, the oven never gel! dlr· ty, since son cooks away. Competitors aay, ,however, that not all the sol.I is removed and that in time this builds u~. and that some hand cleaning is ne«I.~. Oven racks and bott'om may ·not. be coated with catalyst. Q. Do sunflower seeds baVe u mau caloi-le1 •• peaa11l17 A. There ls we.ry UtUe dilJerence tn caloric count between peanuta: 1.nd sunflower seeds. Both have about 1~ calories per ounce. Q. I have 111 old cookbook and 19fttt el the redpu can for ... ~ C..kl yoo teU me what tbit 11! A. Suet Is beef rat, from the kidney t!'r.a ol the nnimal. -·- t I I ----------~ -------~-----------~ • -.. ------------·------~· H DAILY PILOT Wt4tttsd1y1 AutVSt 27, 1169 • • "- 1 Piary1qnd ·R·in·g ,Proves to Be No 'Best Friend' to 1 WidoY'f ' . DL\11 ANN LANDERS: ftoctnUy 1 -lo eoJo1 IOllnl me. I Wte llMm, exporL Ile can call a battalion ol UJ>1rti eyuybody. -DllllJB RALPH -Ill)' llulbaod. Ho llld-1 '*uli!UI. • loo, bul ••tf'1 time I come -from an II woni help. VIAii RALPH: 'llllllll !tr Ille dilmoad rln& wblcb he ..., Y1tf pi...s ol ' baur in that heuae I !lave 1 'J)llUln( I w~ed with • couplo ol nuts Uh that .:....;.., ~t lledlcal .dace eaa 1tw Qd.be won It all the Umt. 1 wanted him hndvbe l tnow the bhdaches are and t¥ problem II not the air eoo-ihre aid ud ttm!ort It ~ m_,.ual to be burlod with the tin& aod I lhoulht ,....... Ill' 1eollno. -t obould I do! dlUooJ!c, It's !Mm. Enuna sat all sum--. Aod beft'• aa uldt IO ab mea my wlabd bad been respected until -DILEMMA JN scorrso.ALE mer Wearing a wool coat and ealoshea. wM: m111t llvt wltll • eomplalalq yesttrdo.y. · -YOUR FRIEND ALIC~ -"e. We'----~-> ollly Iii ll&o\ll8COni1 TllUl,_an .. She inolsted there wu a dralt oo her e~.Qlela47.llr1eherlo1ffad..,; My IClll's wile lold me lhal jUlt before s. -.:P l" JDUTill'I ~ r "' '°'!f :=~~ t: ~~:~~~-=~: ~~ .!,~~: :.8:~~l~~~ =~ ~~:' ,::! ::. ".o."'1o*; =~ ~ .:.-::-,:. ~ .:-.: ::~ed beroe~;"'ll6 ':;'f ~~ir.n: ilow will you kqOw when the real thln1 in an envelope. She uked me If I wuted. lllell,.. ""'11Y _.... •rwlte. wUh him wbea·be· vllHa his cblldr..,_ opla. ....... tlllU llo llrjlc ... -. would lllrn the lb-"'1'4iij-up and IO come. along! Mk Ann Landers. Send for it. f wu ae hurt I could barely 1peok. •' 1 RQul Y• aee9fl tlla r1lll ... plll II Tiiey are U and a ,_. ol4. I lael ... II ,_ ...... 0i: Ill·-.... • uy ol mlnutea Iller Molly tu~ Jt down. When her liooklet "Lave or Sex and How lo Tell J cannot bear to took at lhlt rtna:, AM. . , -wit .......... ......... '8ditc, tb.tlng, Molly opened the wlndowa, Emma closed the DiUerence." Send ~ cents Jn coin and lt wu to much a part of my beloved hUJ. away lOr• Jear. Yt1 mayf"' flflirnd:Y , ,CCllQfortalM in hia ·Dnt •'• bomt. Sbe ........ , l'Wlq, ...... -Ult U.t b them. · a1ona, setf-addreaaed, stamped envelope band I.hit it moves me lo tean to Lttlnk ot, •I\'>"• &_t la&er. Perll•• 1• wm Nt ,.....~· W V"1 formal q{ cool to me ahhoutb l ...... Finally we got a new officeJJW18'tt'-wltb.your requesL It. I don 't know who gave the funeral soe.,.. crudaoa &e Uve 11111 rt.c..u.'a'. had nothlng to do wlUI tbt1r brtU:up., a vtry !matt, lell·ll·Uke-lt-la dall)e who I.~ Laoders will be glad to help you dln<tnr instnlct.ion lo remove II. 11 there keepoake. • They •lre'4Y ""'llvlDI aput ..... Jell DUR ANN LANDERS: You wasted Instructed l>olh of those kooill to goto the with your problems. Send them to her in a.nytbinc I can do about it now? What and l met. your Uine illlinc 11Jl'reaina Francee" to doctor and .get change-of-life medieine. Jt 1care of the DAU..Y J>lLOT, encloling a lhould be done wllh tlJe rinl! , DEAR ANN LANDERS! I am •""'°'1<1 Jell'• children .,. darllil& and. tlily all t6e baa lo ..U u alr-eoodltlooin1 a o Ive d , the prob I em. for self.addrmed, stamped envelooe. ' ., . . ' • Horoscope Cancer: Be · Dignified THURSDAY AUGUST 28 By SYDNEY OMARR .. -rell~t." &lme roMho;ds. are no limitations'.-ei.cept those ' outinoded. KnoW 'this and -you set (or yourscll Relu. revile them-think, , . VIRGO (Aug. »-Sept. JI): GEMINl (May 21.June 20]: Excellent for lllldlnJI the why Obt.a1n h l n t from 'Ta11tU1 o{ things. Don't acctpt the Lunar po1ltJon ceathHttl message. There can be fun superficial. Dig deep for ·h:YOl'llWt for flab.tn1, ~nUn1. ·and gamts· tonlaht>. Bu~ co,.. reasons. Be analyUcaJ. By so Dtv~la «car &eaapt C!nti:ate, on the nflW,_ Diacard dolnJ, you could Te.IJ4e ·a ~ wldcJt appear ... affect steel atW which have represented fit Act'~. Laugh off .. .._..,_ preuure, sorrow. Be a bit threats. . '~CER 'IJ •%l4ul D)· UBRA (Sept. 2S-Oct. 22l : Alqa (March 21-Aptll lt): une Y · Keep up with · I ates t Cycle moves up .. Express in-Tonl&bt.Y~ .!:f. be-cboHn to developmentJ. ·You may have \ nate' delire lo lead. Be In-· r<preanl I y, IJl'"UP. or competlUon from unt1peeled dtjlendeDt in lhouahl. action. club. ~ey ls to act with di,IJli· aourcea.. BdrlC forewarned is . stress ortgtnaUty torUgbL You ty. eat lion'\ leave sense of being-forearmed. Speclflcally fpay be asked to a~ humor at home. ~t can break compeUebr may have accW si*iaJ duties. ..-ice encl.make fOl.r a auccess. to new• leak. 'tAURVS (Apii!Nay'21): LEO ·'(JulY. 13-Aug. %l)o SCORPIO (Oct· 13-Nov 21)' YoUr.,,fl;i<nda early today malle Money COC!"""" with travel · . · • fine ~-'fClllillll lhere , nr publilhli:c could he ll\lbJeet You do best ul111111, "; coukl be ~ m I ri o r disap-for CliJcusSion tonight Key ls ~in& t at ~· f Don t pointment-Key is · to ·be self-to broaden horizons. There are . s r. 1' 1 -q 9 .. @ t r o m · familiar. Those who want you to take chances probably have nothing to iose themselves. lteallze this -respond ac- cordingly. SAGGITARIUS ( Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Good lunar aspect tonight coincides with roman~ tic inclinations. You are al-... fecUonate. You give o ( yourself. But do rtal.lu that there is a tomorrow. Give logic equal time with emo- tions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Cootinue with striving toward practicality. You may ht tempttd to delegate authority. Qui key is lo know what's happening -and • where. Accent on property, real est.ate, basic security. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ti)! Be alert to opportunilies. You may have to hurry up a project. This is the time to . 01.!TTll.llNG PLANS .:..; Di!cus5ing this . ·y~r·s lntel'l\aUonal Jiorse Show to take place OC't. 8-12 in the ,Eprum are (standing) Mrs. M. 'Keith Gaede cil Laguna Beach and lier husband, with Ben Deane of Newport Beach and Mrs. Deane. 1'1ie.y review a copy of f.' . Horses magazine, whose editors presented the trgphy on the piano as show·~f·lhe-year aw_aAA la.it y;ear. Tbe Gaedes add Deanes were among Orange Coa~t residents attending cocktail reception ' in the Santa Ana home of the William Hadleys. 1 linlab nlhtr than to belln. An,---,----------------., October Horse Show MRS. GLEN UNGERMAN Temple •in Utah Nuptial Setting· ' ' . ' ' . : ~ . . The Church of Jesus Christ o( Latler-Oay-Saiilfl "Temple in Sall Lake City WIS the setUng for the wedding ·of Mary Austin, daughter of the Edwin Gean Austins of L a g u n a Beach, and Glf:n Ungerman. son of the Theo Ungermans of Castle Dale, Utah .. Elder Legrand Rlchard.5. member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, performed the ceremony. , The bride selected a y,·hilc October Rite Date - Selected Mr. and Mr•.· Fr11ik RlllStll Nelduman of Anaheim an- nounced I.ht be:trolhal of their daUlhter, M tli•~ a . Ann Nticlennan lo Joeeph Tunolhy ~' son of Mr. and Mra. Pettr Thomas Saltam*lllo ol LIJUlll Beach. MIU Nijdttrnin la Ill alum- ni GI Westen Hllh School and la ennl~ ~t Cyfll(" Junior llloed~lect W I I fro. ,Wfft Covina sdiool •"' Cal Poly " ~Obi·~ • _.... will take Oet. a l:r & C.lherloe'• Churctl In Lapna satin A•line s.own with pearls and ' lace adoining 1 t b e neckline. The lace . w a a repeated on tht scalloped sleeves and qn the removable watleal. chtpel train. Her ca!Cading bouquet was-design. ed with baby's breath, white gladioli and pink roses. P.tiss Claire Austin was her sister's maid of honor. At- tendants were Miss Lillian Austin. another sister and ti-tiss Janice Proctor of Vin Nuys. , They wore noOr · ten'gth gowm of pipk and held boo· quell! ot pink camat101U1. Best man was Edwin Gean - Austin. Jr .• the bride 's brother. Several days following the wedding an evening recepllon took place in the Laguna Beach LOS cultural hall. Ushering were Mark and John Lundwall and Miss Rosemary Lundwall of Costa ·"tesa ~·as in charge of the guest resister ' Assisting were Mrs. Cecile Ctnclt, Mlu·Nancy Nles Ind Mils Charlotte Ostraff, 111 o( Laguna Beach; Miss Elna Lin- ford of Studio City and Mn. Eldon Jones and CIOy Fnncil, both of Lapna. The bride is a lf•duate of LaJtllna Beod: Hf&h School and 'Brigham' Yoonr Unlvei'li· ty. Her husband is an alumnus of the C.llta• of Flamm Utah. He completed a two- year church million in 'Uu!: eastern UnitN Sllta. The newlywedli will be mak· Ing lbelr IM:me In Price, Utah. important q u e s t I o n is answered. Relpond to in- fonnaUon received. PUICEI (Feb. If.March 20\' Cycle contlnuea hlih· You have chance to add to posaesJJions. Recent coollc1 proves instrument.l In pro- viding galn. Accent on money and potential income increue. IF TOPAY 1ll YOUR .Jllft'lllDAY you are dynamic, o<ten wilUng to break with tradition. Yoo art a pioneer in )'our•OWn r'-'1t and fulfillment ol major delire ia on boriaon. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are nm1nded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the w_eddlng. For en111ement announcements Jt is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glouy picture, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce-- ment and wedding date are six weeks: or less apart. only the wedding photo will be ac· ceptect To htlp fill requirement.. on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-IMU. 'Vows Exchanged JU~IE GRONEMIYIR Ent11td Nov.ember Plans Told l!'tr: and P.1rs. John }I. Gronemeyer of Santa Ana h1v1 announced the enca1e· menl ol lhelr daughter, Julie AM Gronemeyer to Richard W. Callla, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Callis of Newport Belch. They plan lo marry Nov. U In St. Cece.Ila'• Church. TusUn. Mlaa G1'9nemeyer is a gradu1te ol Foothill J.ftgh School and presently is 1 aenlor 11. UCI. Her fl1nce, a M11er ~ Hi1h School alum- nus, gr1duatK cum lal.tde from UCI where he now b dolnf iraduate v.'Ork in the School of En81neeMn1. The Geneva Presbyterian Church, Long Beach was lht setting selected for the y.•ed· ding of Jo Allison Seybert and Robert Dean Merriam of lhat city. The bride is the daughter of 1'.1r, and l\1rs. Robert A. Seybert of Huntington Beach. For tne double ring cettmony she selected a white satin gown with. appliquea or cban· Ully lace \vhlch were repeated on her sheer train, and she carried a bouquet of white daisies and yellow baby roses centered \\'Ith a white orchid. She asked her sister, "11ss Diana Jill Seybert to aerve as Art Media Demonstrated Sculp«lrt, painters. wattr coltriatt ind artista In other medla will prtHnt demonatra· tlons durin1 a lhret-daJ art show in the M•ll of the Botrdwalk Shopping Ctnler Huntington JtarbOur. The public Is Invited to view the lrt works bttwetn JO a.m. and 7 p.m. be1inning Thurs- day, Sept. •. maid of honor and bridumalds \lr'ere Atlss Janet Lee Seybert and Pt1ias Sally Schmlckralh. Their 90wns were pale gold crepe de1i1ned with empire waists and k>fig sheer sleeves, and they carried pale yellow daisies mingled with white baby'~ breath. The bridegroom, son or Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Merriam of Long Beach, uked Roy Langhcld or An11heim to serve as bc.!!l man. Seating guests were ~1ark Ko vac k s , \Vtstminster: RJch1rd Hansen anti James Pete, Long Beach. and Jeffrey A. Seybert, the brldt's brother from Hun- Lington Beich. , Following the ceremony 100 iueata greeted ~ newlyweds during a rectpUon In the church hall where 1'frs. Jef. trey A. 5eybeM ulilltd. The br1dt la a araduate of HunUniton Beach Hl1h School and attends California s ... te COlltgt at Lona Beach, whtre &he 11 majoring in physical education. The bridegroom Is a graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School, Lon1 Beac:l1 and CSCLB. The coupl~ will make the~ home In Lon1 Beach. ··-~ -* -· .... ~·-.......... ~--. Plans Take Spotlight Orange Coast horse lovers were among thoae gathering (or a cocktail reeepUon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hadley in Santa Ana to hear plans for this fall 's Intema- iional Horse Show. A trophy will be awarded to the thoroughbred horse of the year at the event to be sta1ed in the Forum on Oct. a through Oct. 12. Last year's slaging was awarded show-of· the-year trophy in a contest Lagunan To Display Art Works Featured artist ol Sep- tember named by the Newport Beach Junior Ebell Club is Mrs. Leah Vasquez, whose w1>rks will be oo view in Mariners Library until Oct. I. l1'IC Laguna Bea$ resident hr; ; e.xhlblted in the Los At \eles Outdoor Art Festlval ~t \Jarnsdahl Park where she rec-!lved a water color award, the Los Angeles City Hall, the W Angeles County Museum or Science and Industry and tht Newport Annual Art Show among ether places. The artisl hu been a children's art instructor in the Harbor Area, both in the ChUdrtn's Art Work shop, Corona del Mar, and Harbor Day Sdlool. 'l1)e recipient of a !Cholanhlp to Otis A r t InsUtult, she lt:arned the art or print mak.lna "hld:I she. In· -atn1ota. In U\e prtlit making 1t1xna now connectad with the Laguna Buch School or Art and Dalgn. Laguha Group Amtr\can Legion Aiulllary of Laguna Stach 1•lhtr1 the aeomd and fourth Thursday eveninp in the Leaion Hall. poll conducted by Horses magaz.ine. Guests at the party also were inviled to b~e c o m e memben of· Diamond Horse Shoe, a supporting group of the International Horse Show which will benelit the City of Hope. Those attending the gather- ing and admiring the trophy presented by the magazine as well a.s the original gold Quet.n Victoria A.scot Hunt Cup, donated by Mrs. Ju n,e McAbee, were Messrs. arid &.tmes. w. D. Lusk, B6t Deane, William Bak.er. Gavin Hetbert Jr., Jack C&ldwell, Max Binswang~ and Anthoriy Molso from Newpoft: ~.1 O~s present Included u;e f..fessrs. and t.1mes. 'J"rarik Atichelena, Lew Turner and .i. P. Hadley from Corona cijJ Mar ; John Murphy frem Eait Irvine, and Phil J. Reilly lroo: Mission Viejo. } I Couple Recite Vows In Formal Ceremony j At home in Costa Mesa after · a honeymoon ' trip to Las Vegas are Mr. 4tKI. Mrs. John Hardy, who were.1 married at noon in St. Francis of Assisi Calholic Church. The bride, formerlJ Linda Lou ise W!esheier of Hun- tington Beach, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wie&heier of Akron. The bridegroom i• the ton of Mrs. ~"' ~1, • '"'"' .. Maurice-Hardy of Fountain .... ~1 Valley. The Rev. Colman Colloty of- ficiated for the ceremony, and the bride's father gave her ~ marriage. She wore a gown Ot Ivory taffeta with panels of lace, and her cathedral length manUlla veU was pf matching !act. Be.sides her bouquet of gardenias and stepbaootis, she carried her great· grandmolher's 11Un<overed Bible, which her mother also had carried on her wedding day. Miss Joy Marie Wielheier, maid of honor. wort a town of orchid chlt!on ovtr cot.top arid can1ed a bouquft of wblte chrysanthemums. B r I d e s-m•lds, the. Mmes. Gerald LAiand and Marilyn R°"5. wore similar 1 o w n 1 and c1rried ytlll7W' b o u q u e t s • Mar1ar1t Wk!sheler was the junior bridesmaid. Johp JohMtn served •• belt mfln. Seating IU'st5 were Anthony Seeley and Duke ' MRS. JOHN HARDY .Co1ta M••• H""9 I Manfredi. :! For a champaane net In the Newport liarbor Club, Miu Mary Peter clrculaled the au•st Special iueata included t bride's t unt Mr1. J ob DocheJY, from Penna:ytvan and the btidt1room'1 br Jame s Hardy Ire W ashlngton. ' ''" ~-11 u-:... n n .._ • ._ __,__. n =.!.1..uA.b..-..L.1..a:.i ~ ............... ~ -"-''--'._.._....._._.._.,. ____________________________________________ ... _ -.....--------------·----------· --------~-.. -------·-------------~---- II • • •• ' ~ r 1' I Se pf ember Rites Date Dis"losed Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Lortie of Hunlingt.on Beach have an· nounced the engagement o[ her daught~r,·Jacqueline Dia- mond to Richard J a m e s • •' Youngman. stepson and son or ?t1r. and Mrs. Wayne Sillasen of Cypress. The couple will be married ... in Ferndale Weddihg Chapel, "' Santa Ana on Saturday, Sept 8. The future bride Le; a graduate of Huntington ~each ~ High Sfhool and her fiance is i> an aJumnus of~Kennedy High ~ School, Lo ~·-' I 1· " \ ·' MOON.LIGHT SALE • • TJIU8S~AY, AUG. 28th -*3.HOURS .ONLY * 8 PM 'TIL 11 PM Hundreds of Dollars in Prizes Will Fall From. The Sky! .. : .. Sears Big, Glorious Bxll COLOR Portrait of Your Child Offer Expires Saturday Aug. 30 at 5 p.m. c A colorful keepsake for all time ••• 8x10 natural color portrait . . , unmounted, suitable for framing. , • Limit: one per child, two per family • , • -3 111ontho to IZ yearo • Children'• fl'OUPI tak<11 at t9c per child extra • Subject. •hould be weD r..-ied • Ne appointment neceaaary • Pbotographera houra 11 a.m. ta 8 p.m. (Saturday 801ll'I U a.m. to S p.m.) Localed In the Lower Level Sears Costa Mua Jn the South CotUt Pla:i:a Pho11e 540-3333 • . . S9n Francisco Honeymoon S.T. Dowd Claims Bride Arran1ements of w b i t e ~ chrysanf.hemums, carnationa ~ ;.;:~ and gladioli adorned St . Bonlfaee Catholic C h u r c h when ;Janet Sue Keefer became the bride of Steven Terry Do\vd of Beacon Bay. Parents or lhe bridal couple are fl.1r . and J\~rs. Harry Keefer of Anaheint and Mrs. Ralph J. Timmerman of Beacon Bay and Ira E. Dov.•d of Newport Beach. Given In marriage by her falhe);r the bride wore an em- pire wn of trnpO~ed silk orga.,D{p . The e nse·mbl e, f~ with a chapel train, Wtl!J Jrlmmed with appliques of laqe and seed pearls. A jace bandeau caught her cath~al length veil, and for'}Jing · her bouquet were rru;;ature c arn a t ions , see anotis, slock, pompons a baby's breath. '~Spring green linen gowns were selecled for her en· tOUrage. Miss Susan \Vebb was the maid of hOnor, who car- ried a colonial bouquet of white carnations tipped in pink and baby's brea th. Pink carnation b o u q u e t s with baby's breath v.•cre car· ried by bridesmaids, the Misses Cam Doherty, Janis Johnson, Cindy V a I I e r g a , Cheryl Henry and Bonnie \\1esterback. Serving as flov.·er girl was Erica Lindman in a short pink voile frock. ' MRS. STEVEN T. DOWD Anaheim Home Selected Best n1an was Ken Smith and ushering guests to thei; seats "'ere Roger Alevizos. Randy Poag, Craig Cook, Tom Keefer. the bride's brother and Glenn Warren. Carrying lhe rings was David Dowd. ne"'!yweds \\'ill reside in Anaheim. The bride, a graduate cf Anaheim High School and Fullerton Junior College, now is a senior at Calilornia State College. She is a member or Alpha Phi. Her husband is a graduate cf Corona del Mar High Sch()(ll and Orange Ccast College and be .also is a senior at CSCLB. Assisling at the reeeption in the An ah e I m Ass.istance'1r===================;I League clubhouse were Mrs . Gary Graham, Mrs. Steven Hosmer and Miss Glenda Flora . I Following a honeymoon trip to Sa n Francisco, t h e 1 Officer Discusses Narcotics Orange County L e g a I Secretaries will host Sgt. Ray- mond T. Sharp during a meeting Thursday, Sept 4, in the Gal axy restaurant, Santa Ana. Sgt. Sharp, or the narcoti cs division of I~ Buena Park Police Department received his BA degree in psychology at CaliFomia Slate College al Fullerton and his juris doc· torate cf law at Pepperdine College. Presently he is stu· dying fo r the California State l Bar examination. ~frs. Sharp also Is a law stu- dent and will lake the ex-1 amination v.•ith her husband . I Reservations for the dinner gathering may be made with Miss Joan Broadhurst of Balboa, 646-9663. Social hour begin.~ at 6:30 p.m. "'"it h dinner .at 7. Guesls are welcome. FRO M OUR GLASSWARE GALLERIES Old Bohemian "Vine and Wreath" pattern. Freezer proof parfaits, Set of 8. $10. leers and liners to match, Set of 4. S5.95. SLA.YICK'S 18 -SHIO N ISLAND NEWPOk T BEACH -644.1380 Your (~rg• A~<Dllrll -BankAmt rlcard, Mas!tr (IY'11•• it10 Op.,. Molld•r, Frld•y 1111tll f :JO p.1t1. FINE HOME FURNISHINGS AND INTERIOR DESIGN SINCE 1916 FINAL WEEK OF SUMMER SALE PRICES ON Benredon Upholstery Heritage Upholstery Drexel Esperanto Bedroom-Dining and O ccasional Henredon Carmel Bedroom and Dining Henredon Warwlek Bedroom and Dini in Henredon Costa ':Brava Bedroom Heritage Madrigal Bedroom Heritage Grand Tour l st Edition Heritage Bronzini Occasio11al Tables Sal• Ends Saturday, Aug. 30 Moy w• suggest you toke odwontag• of consulting with o"y OM of our mott e xcellerrt stoff of int•rlor de1igner1 ot no chorg• to you. We ON •ure th•r con be ln1trvm•ntof in helpi"f you to create the home thot "'••ts your parttcular • needs. ' 1975 LONG BEACH BLVD ., LONG BEACH PHONE 591 .1347 STORE HOURS, MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9,30 A.M . to 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS -9,30.5,30 --- I I I • ' • . • OAft.Y '11.0Tl :Ja Club Picks New Friend A new project bu befD an- nounctd by Mrt. La r r y Carter, mental hi a Ith chairma n of the Youn I Wcmen'a Civic: League. 1 The club wlU sponsor a yoon&. lfh'l who Is a paUent in Fairview State H o s p I t a l throuch the friendship "rvlce, which Include:, visits, dooa- Uons, presenlin( gtrts· and celebrating special holidtys with the patient. .. MONB·IJOU JEWELERS/DESIGNERS ANNOUNCES A SALE of fine jewelry in gold, platin~m. · and diamonds. 'nle league, an afflllate of Oraage District. Californi a FederaUon of Women's Clubs, will convene fcllcwinl the opening of school, b u t members have betn visiting the hospital throughout the 25% OFF Our A.~9uler Price• SPECIAL! IHOWll CUITAIN ... 99 . .,.. c IHOWll & WINDOW CUITAIN Ill ·--199 ••11111 •• ,.... • HOUSE OF MARCUS 6 DAYS ONlY MONDAY, AUGUST 25 THRU SATURDAY, AUGl/ST 30 MONBIJO.U 29 TOWN & COUNTRY, ORANGE 714/136°7777 Today's Final Stocks Today • 84 STORES •.• ALL 7'Z and open nigh"tl~ tll! 0:30 South Co•st ?tua I rare English books with leather bindin~s at May Co Costa Mesa Ro re books. mony ore over I 00 yea rs old. Moy Ce hos collected them in E~glond from old booksto.-.1 e nd privete homes. Some collectors· item s. Some tr• eveileble in one or two copies only. Come in earl.y for best selection. Some examples from our collection. I. Works of Victor Hugo 1864 2. Byron's Works 1833 3. Hermon's Works 1833 4. Cicoro 1862 ' . 5. Wor,s·of George Elliot o. Waverly Novels 7. History of Europe 8. Scotts Poetic ol Worls 9. Punch Megezine I 0. Life of Prince Consort 1831 .1833 1859 1872 ' 1901>.19!1> 1876 I I. Riso end Foll of the Romon Empir• (8 vol. set) 12. Seekers Works (3 vol. set) 1792 . each, 6.50 tech, 6.00 tech, 7.00 •1ch, 10.00 1ach, 15.00 i1ch, 4.00 tack, 6.00 ' 9ach, 15.00 •••h, 6.50 set, 65.00 ••t. 11.00 set, 60.00 . . '• •• ,r j;.' may <o booka ~•. lower lnol -costo MOH ooly - sorry no mail or phone ordora MAVCO 11 ' I I I I I ,.,-,..,.._,..,........,~...-,-..,. .... , .. , .... ~.-.-......... --.-~------~~-....--..-~~~~·~w-•n~;'""'t <"" <'l'!""rtt<••-•M>+••t•••• -• ...__,,.W"<PCl9 "·~-r.._ ""'1* '"''··• --.-v • • 34 DAl\.V PILOT Wed~. A""rt '17, 1969 Huntington Beach Pair Repea t Nup'f'ial Vows The Huntington Beach home ol Mr. and f.lrs. !\tartln Spellman was lighted wllb candlf:s for lhe weddlng of UDda Jene Byars and David Roger Bowman. Reading the double ring rite&, wtilch were followed by a reception for HID guests. was the Rev. C. Fred Schroeder. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Spellman of Huntington &!ach and the late !\ir. wuuam E. Byars. was gi ven in marriage brolhr.r's best man. The bride was _ graduated from Estancia High School and aUended Orange Coast College •lie bllsbaJ>I, '°" o1 Mr.:Ancr Mt•· l\1111« -o/ llw>-t1ngton Beach, Wl)I (r&duated from Huntington Beact;i Hi&b' School and now is serving 1n Ute Army. ' ~ They honeymooned Jn 9an Fr ancl!lco. by her stepfather. .., .. ..,.,..., • ..,_, __ She chole a silk organza gl>""n trimmtd in venise lace and designed with a chapel train, and her elbow length veil \4'as caughl to a cluster of pearl flowers. A bouquet of turquoise and 1o11hite carnations completed her bridal eftS"Ul· ble. Attending her step-s.ister 85' maid of honor was Robin Spellman. She-was gowned In turquoise chifion and carried a n3Segay of light turquoise carnations. PTA Notes (£41Mr's Helf: A ... .,...DIN ,. Founr.i11 v.n.r, H11111l1>1ko'I h.U.. Ou1n VI f w, Se.i lhKll tlld W..t. mlflSltr S<;l'llol Dl1trlcT Nftlll·leldl- e<' Ol'-lu!l111f11 •UI IPHlt jll I h • D'-ll V PILOT tKto '"'"41. l"'9nnll"°'I """"'"' rwelwd 1rt MA. Gllbol'l T-btiltl. W I Mftlgn,m °'""'' H\mllrt•tan = ~ JI """" l'rJNf for "'1blk•llOD eonesa.1.1 Ful ton PTO Las Olas Investig ate Creativity Training Creativity will be the theme Woodburn. Speakers will be the 1'bea membtn of Lu Olas Mmes. Cla~oce Hendrickson , Toutmiatms Club m e e l JJall ,Hermarmi, Allan Kennedy ~l ln ~Mercury Savings and Wabana Vellutini and and Loan building, Huntington '.A.frs. Cbrence Double will Beach direct the evaluation. ~ 1 · Women interested in •reater They will · test th~ training freedom of expression are in- p r ti gram, education . vited to'atteod. Additional in- demOmtratioo and eyaluation, formation may be obtai ned by ·SUUUled by lnlemational calling Mrs. Rollo West, 536-- , "'° Teutmistress Clubs, a non-.-3052-·-------- . )lC'Olll educotlooal organ!Ul- tioo for women with bead- quarten In Lynwood. Education wW be presented by Miss Marge Dewey. A O)'ITI· poslum, demomlrollng the aspects of crtativlty, wi!J be moderated by Mn. Douglas "Why do I gain weig ht ? ..,, I 11e·1u >it down 1~ to ea t." 1 VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE lll4 E.1t C.a1f Hwy. • Corona 4el Mer Phon~ 673-1050 Th• f•ll l •Wltt 1pt•• t••lly tot 1111cl•tw•Y l•1f •••t We filMI 1f li~t•t•1tll'lf th• r••l•l'll 10 lfl•ll'f •re l•Wl11t th•11 .. l 'f't, •rwl if Ji • f1, cry fro"' •Co1101'1'1y •1•11•. Will ll1t t f•w o••l'll• pl11 •• tol .. by our &111f•1t1•n1 • I * £11l•r to ""'•• o t •rfll•l'lf tho" .. , .u.,. •110111. * C111'+ 1l•nd tho poor work111on1hip, '"'" 01 10 c1llH ·~uolity t•tll'l•llh. * "'•""'"'' tri Mll'l od with cho1p liutt•1n oH i11f•rior ltro1dt. * Er•rytklflt to •••rt fw 't•lr t•lt. * Too 111 0117 ~h1doidiol f'""•llll, " •11• '"••k tho111 .. l•11 to •'*•"· If .,. ...... ~ ttr.••• .,., Pt •vn' •••· vl1it .,, •~II •"' H~ct ft-•11r l•rt• 4i¥•rtlfiocl 1teclr, 10111•tlii11t t11it• .. I• for t ll •9•• •114 oll 10110111 ,,. .. •II •«•tioM th •f '"' 1r11k• y•ur ..... ori9l111l1, with ~utli ~ triMt .... lll.tf•l'l1 N.t • "1•w1r", •• ,try o dr•um•li1r to ht lp Y•ll 101•• .,.~, cl•th•• probl1P11. Hop• l• SlfVo Y•u S•o11, Vll;GINIA New Scissors WEIGHf(l Shun Battery ~~!ft!~ .,d' I~~ Jef( Bowman served as his J\ln. ,Arthur Brown Pre$ident COMING UP: Executi ve board will present. a·back-to- school luncheon at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 3, in FU1too School Honored at the luncheon will be ,faculty memben and E. P. Lavelle, principal. It. s:peclal welcome will be extended to new teachers. Arrangemenls for t b e lqncbeon. a r e being bandied by the ldmu. Clyde Eaton,. hospitality chairman, and Ivan Ubaldin.i, co- dlaiftn•n .... ·Kathryn White Becomes Bride New power ICisllOn ofieT ,Flit~:~~~~;:~:,';., Weekend Bonus: Every Saturday the safely and convenJence of1 =========~~I_ ____ . __________ ,__ _ _,,__ _ _( battery--operated ones without!-·'· OF DESIGNER FASHIONS FINAL 3 DAYS ALL MERCHANDISE OFF SALE PRICE "CDARJT Y B EGI NS AT HOllfE'' Cf(gOH(( f in 'Jas/tf(IH cJ •*·»·»·»·»·»· llUMlll IUVlll u FASHION ISWID NlWl'Ol1 l lACK 644-2252 .. tn ' 'ID eVtnlng ceremony sole.malled In Qlrist Church by ,_ ~.l(afllryn Elizabeth \\'!Ute became the bride of Jerry Wolfe Alward. The Rev. Dr. Boyce Van Os· de:I officiated for the exchange of vows and rings uniting the daughter of ?.fr. and Pitrs. H. \Varren White of Balboa Jslcpid and the son of Mr. and Piln. ' George Alward, who came from Grand Haven, Mich. for the wedding. Escorted to the flower trim· med alta r on her father's arm, the bride was gowned in while organza embossed with roses on lhe short lileeved bodice and skirt. A lace and crystal bead cluster caught her short veil of illusion, and she carried a cascade of phalaenopsil, roses and stephanoti!. Traveling from the East to be members of the bridal par· ty were the bride's sis ter, Mn. Jamea Abell of Fairfield, Conn., who was matron of honor and Miss Jan Alward, the bridegroom 's sister from Grand Haven . Other bridesmaid• we.re 111rs. John Block and the Misses Caroline Balley, Oirlsty Thomas and Cydney Jobmon. , They 1fOte dresses of yellow chHfon over taffeta appliqued In coral and green. Their bow headdresses were green, and they carried cascades of yellow daisies. J&d Alward also came from Grand Ha ven to serve as his brotber's best man, and Je.ff Alward headed lhe ushers who incJuded Willi am Rakow, Grc-g !\forrell, Paul Beck and Abell. Approximately 250 relatives and friends attended a ~ tion in ~ Newporter Inn follawing the ceremony, where Miss Ann Davis circulated the guest book. San Franciscans attending were Mrs. Glen Kearney and Miss Antionetle Kearney. The newlyweds have travel- ed to Puerto Vallarta for thei r honeymoon. They will make their home ln Los Angeles upon theif return. The bride is doing graduate work at the University of Southern California, where she received her ba c h e lor 's degree. She is affillated with See and Hear Sylvania's New I ,------------A11124¢a: .......... ~ $eptfllt l!rltYlstlfllO Mlled f ir ~ SCIZOW 1lon apeak"' •pf"11 '"flt t>ll tonv.l'lientlJ placed .,,,....,... In It. ll1ttinlng r-. ------Whl" not In 11-. •ten lhllfn in ~c.blrlet. ;:----,. Tltl\ll"'°'"I l'19•igl1n top lhl1 glkMI into tt1' cablfltt. ~~~AlllDllldclT......_ Gerrtrd Cuslom O.lu•• l\lllO!rlll>O Tum- IM!le. Di--.d 1tylllt,, flfll "ll plttltM'.U APM apifldtt . T-Mll~ Solid S111t FM &i.r.,/FMIAlil. Fll\IO!'IM sttrlonl -lri.tanlty ··on~. 11Hul1tully •• 11roductd Wtlgh1•d 111•1'1••1 1u.,1~;. t1ghlec1 11o11 2S wtn1 E1"- C_, W1lnut Of RoM.ood gr~ v1"yl on wood '""" INM on ~Sit•• lor Clll!lpi<e\t' lftODlltty, • Seo the no-I look and ll1ton In S-Hl·FI ••• for the famify who warrts th• convenience of 1 portable,, the latest styling innovations of• console and the sound quality of aeparate cuslom components. Come Jn today .•• make your home the most exciting place in town I •@ Q . .\VI S B R 0 W N 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa-646-1684 Dally 9-9-Sat 9·6 Alpha Delta Pl sorority. Her husband attended the University of Iowa, where he 1\'as president of Sipla Chi frat.enllty. using balleries, the manufac· turt:r aays. This Is accomplished by us- ing a special plug which con- verts hot, hiih voltage AC house current to safe, cool, low DC power for continuaus, economical operation of the scissors. 1he scissors are stored in a large utility sewing tray with handy pin and needle cushion. 84 STORES ••• ALL 7Z' and open nlghtlJ! ti!! 9:30 South Coast ?lua r.--------------------------S TORE COUPON 700FF KRAFT BARBECUE SAUCE Regvler, Hot, Garfic or Hickory Smoke ft1Vored AND HAVE THE BEST Kraft Barbecue Sauce doesn't just sit there. It simmers real cookout flavor all through the meat. The flavor of 19 herbs and spices all through the meat. America 's favorite ! Regular, Hot, Garl ic or Hickory Smoke flavored (KRAFT) --~ ~---------· -------~----------------------------------------·--- ' ' ll I 1 • ----.. -- ------·~ ---~~ .... ~....,...............------..,---.---------..--·------···· ··-·-----------· ,-·-.•.. , ... ---·---.,. _,---.-----,,.-----.. ·-·---....---- HOURS: .9 A. M •. 1'0 8 P.M. , Wtdntsdoy, Aug1nl 27, 1%9 DAILY PILOT 3 .. . , .; . ., Prices Effective . Aul: 28th. thru Sept. 1st . # 888 (WT '.BALBOA BLVD., IALBOA PHONE: 673-8311 f~r your,.~bor Day.;· ~ . Fancy Cut s Our Specialty FRESH FROM OUR PRODUCE 1DEPT. FRESH FROM OUR DELICATESSEN FARMER JOHN'S WIENERS I U..59C FARMER JOHN'S .•, ..__ 39 , s1RL01N 11r ~0As1 $ . :,._BONE . , ,1 , OR ' :· :CLU.B· ST.EAi " · 19 LB. RUMP ROAST. Boneless· LB • . ......._ ___ ·~~--..·-·~~-•' ......... ~,.PORTERHOUSE .. :· s .STEAK LB. THE FINEST USDA CHOICE MEATS KABOBS ·MARINATED for lar~B-Queiilg SIRLOIN -TIP · , .. . $. 29 lll STEAK .. LB. LB. FROM OUR G.R~C.E~Y · DEPARTMENT ~r Coron~t TISSUE :: · . 2 R~n 19¢ '.i ,. Pack · EA. ~ : CORONET ' : .;. FACIAL TISSUE :; ' 1"9¢ EA. ;. FBITOS :; CORN CHIPS f 11 oz. Pkg. 39¢ Reg. 53c ;: 2 L~S; s11~ -~ ,. ALL FLAVORS 'h GAL ·POTATO CHIPS .LAY'S GIANT TWIN PACK : Roydl OGk ., '. Charcoal· Briquets · · .~ • : ', • • I .. : 10 LB. 69¢ ~ ·'-BAG · -·. ( . 20 LB. BAG-.Sl .35 WEBER'S . "· •· ... , , HOT DOG ·:. . ' ' • 1 \ ANO , ~ ·;· HAMBURGER . BUNS -~ , , Pkg. of 6 '! ' . ' . '-.. .. t Pepsi-Cola ~~ . 10 Pk. 9c ··; . . . ' . ::.· " " , ONE WAY BOTTLES " BACON M.J,I. -1'12.P-4 ,...... . INSTANT ·RICE 59~:: 60-Count Packat• 1 OC Zee .NAPKINS . o.. .. '/' ' . • SHASTA -12-• C.. NABISCO · , GIANT . · · • , · ~n~ck Crac~ers ~ BOLD Detergent 69!.. "'"~' ~'"'"' SOCIAILIS Ttts•m 'I'• • ' '-· Canned Pop 10~99'· I Lb. • - • CHICllN•N·llSCUtT 'hlAN•LI ' ' ' . . ' '. ' '''. ' • , " . ' . ' DC).D.t.os UCON THINS • 'FRO.Ji ou·1t' . '. • ,, "· < '<,,· ,' I l '$10(l ~ c~o.<r.s~k... i 59'~· ~ ·'., .. i .: · . , _ __._....,......,...~-.....;.-. . . BA1.BOA " · · . .. · ·V Oi>KA . , , ·~onade Mii ·: ".'.~ ~ 25' s77:9 ·,BALBOA. MARKEi 1/2 Gal. , . . , Plus \~ " 601 EAST BALBOA BOUUVARD, BALIOa • • l . . . ... TIMPO -Pock"!I• of 20 19' Styrofoam CUPS "· . ' "'" •• ' • I ., ,/ • WE GIVE BLUE 'CHIP S,T AMPS w •• ...,.. • . , ... lt~tlt t• Limit. I 'I ll 1' Ii 1· -- - --- - - -- -------- ------------------- --------~----------------~---·---------------~--~.~ • ··-, .. ~ .. • ~ • '. ' .. 11'' '···· •• ' . ·! • • • ~ -, ~ ~ .. •d' ' . .. , • • • .. , ' U.S.D.A. ch oice heel ... aged O· naturally. ~. for naturally better 4' flavo~· ! Compare quality ... and y0u'l• choose El Rancho beef! T~e summ·er :, ~l·~ ~e~son en:ds .with an;· El "?Raneho·-·~· /Ii_ , • , ... . . • ...... :-• . ' . - . Piivflio• ,, .... "" -. ' .. " · TopSil'loin··, Beef at its be8t ! So tender because $ it's selected for quality ••. so flavorful because it's naturally aged! lfere's dining delight! . ·-- . . . , ,.. ~ . .. . ' . ., . . G~ou~d ftound .................... :'. ...... 89~ GroiJ.nd !resh •.. sOld !re.sh •• , to afford You more fine11a,·or. Swor.elfish · Steaks FRESH' 98~ ~ ' : ................. .. Chopped Sirloin Steak ..... 99~ · P8.tliea that will broil to perfection! 3 lo a µound. ' . Freahl •• , to live f,OU the flavor you favor -.ii _:_ • • , ... .-L, ' ' ' ' ' ... . ... ' .. '• -' ;,.. . . .. ... ... Gro cery ·Specials .:for ·Sup:er,;_ Shop~r8 · · 1~. ': , ' Snack ·(rackers.;~ .... :,.~~!c.0 •.• ~.' ••• ~l .••i:'. Brin'i on the dips ••. and fill, the platte~ w.ith. a \vide ·,variety of these snack favoritea·~iReg. 4Qcf · .. ' ' .. ) -~ ,; . Orange Juice ..... "~ ..... ~~1.1~1 •.••• ·.~ •.• $ for 5(1 California goodness ... frozen--i91 & ou}\ce cans to preaerve precious flavor ! ~plv(.otnice ~ie 39c ! . '...' \ '' • ' -"•' . . ·1 I ~ F' Barbecue ·Sauce ................... _,a·~ ~1 · Dari~!lf ~utter ........ : .. :~ ... : .... ;-.J9:. Chris & Pitt's_, • tl\e-iaruo.\l~ one: ....... J4;oz •. J • ?.lade front fresh dair,v.c.:rearn ! ''AA'' q1.1ality. ; ' ~ ~ > ' ' 'I r .w • ' . . -\ Ripe Pitted· Olives ................... 39'-· Avocado Dip ... : ...... ~ ... :.:: ..... : ... > 49¢ Lindsa~;. /: larg~ si~e ' ... sive lOC! No. '3Qd. ·' ~ .-, F·rom the Calavo people ••.. frozen .•• 71,4. oz. Stuffed Green Olives .,; ............ S9~ ~~ Jepo's ,'pizza Rol~: ..... T·~ .......... 59' Spencer~·· Queens for value! •.. 8 OZ .. jar. . · G,-eatJi~rs d'6euvres .• f frozen .•. 6 oz. pkg. ' .. '· . ' ,.. -,~'J Cucumber Piddes .· ........ ~.:.: ...... 39:• ehfnet ·Steak Plates : .. :... .. ... 39' , , . Crisp slices from S&\\f'\ •.•. ~or,. jar.'' fBig ovals .... sturdf .. : coated! Pkg. 0 0! 8. Baked Bearis .. : ............. : ........ 3-;., '1 . . ' .. . ~ k• f d -~lat lOU'IM& ·79•-1ngs or ue-.~ s ..... ,.!" ........... . ' ~' ' 'Burns hotter, longer, cleaner!'~0~11:J.; bar_ 1.49. ' B&?tl ••• O\'en style, rich sauce! 28 oz. cabs. Fruit C9cktail ................. ,., ... s ,. 51 , Royal JIOst-l~e Crea9J ... "' .. "··· .. 69' Stokely's ... sa\·e 35c on five! ... No. 303 cans. Everybody's fa.VorlJ \ieaiert! RoU.nd.hil!-gallon. ~ . I t .• I '' . Paper Towels ........................ 4 1or 'l .. Zee ••• jumbo rolls ... attracli,·e prints! ~-• • El··'Rancho Beer ........ 6 "'19' • Folger' s · Coffee .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . 65~ y,,.o pound can .... l.29 Three t>ound can .• :.i.so Light and so refreshing ,~ •• 12 oz. cans. ' "t C I · io,oi . 6 ·79; oca o 1 .. ,..... ...... ..... . ~' The natioh!-1' favorite ~oft-drink •• No • ,1·e't-urn ! • ~ viclta.: ........ :.~.~~~'. ......... ~.:.*i.99 . l1oliday Times • : •• for happy hollday11 ! • 'CAL • El Rancho Gin : ... ~: ........ '8.88 Ninety proof .•. save lvhen you buy this 1izel ~ . ._ · " I Tequila ... .-.. •'Uf: : ..... ~ '5. El Rancho'a. for.llargorith for pl ... urel ' ' . . D,~licatessen · Values ! . ~ . .. . Osc M W• 1-ll. P!G. 69¢ ar ayer . 1~rs ........... :.. · Choice : All meat or all beef. ... . ' ' . Leo's Imported Cooked Ham .·~· 59' ln thJ popular 4r'1 size, aliced for sandwiches. Nalley' s Salads ....... 1~~ .. ~~... . . 3 "' '1 So -...r I<> "'"'e-IO. deli1htf ul, loo I ) ~·---•---"'-----"--"~--~-------------~------------------ .. '· . ' .' t .. l -' .. •' ~~t~ . '! , Elwell Farms Corni sh Game Hens Game Hens Stuffect with Wild Rice .......................... S'J .25 Gourmet deligl1t .•• the .hen is a treat .•• but, oh .•. that dressing! 10 oi;; · . Game Hens Stuffed with Brown Rice ......................... fl.19 So ~sy to serve •.• and such a plea.s ure to dine On! 10 oz. , · ... s119 Game Hens with Apple-Almond .. '. .......... :.................. • A dressing that invites you to enjoy U1is treat again and again I 10 oz. . . . . . $ Game Hens Cordon Bleu . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . 1.19 The French treatm~n~ GPf11Pliments U1e tc,nder poultry! 9 oz. ' 1~. ~ Super fresh Produce ! Tomatoes ' Large and firm and red ripe! Perfect f or slicing ... for salads .•• &and,,·iches ! Delightful flavor'! Bartlett Pears . ... .. .. . . . . .. . . 21bs. 291. Ripe and flavOl'fu~ .. f irm and sl\·ett ! Red Onions, ... -: .. , ...................... 10~ Su·eet lt.o.lian style .•• {iavor 'vithout strength! WE WILL BE CLOSED LAioR DAY ••• MONDAY, SEPT. 1 \· • r I Pr ice& in effect Thur. thro1fgk Su11.. , 1 Aug. 28, 19, 30, 31. No sale& to dealer&. As~ th~ manager about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTIN'GTpN, HAR~OUR: Warner.Ave. & Algonqu in St . NqtPORT·BEACH: 2.727 Newport ~lvd, • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Villa~e Center). Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ., - ' ' PILOT ·ADVHTISER fS Hearty Skewe r' Supper TeMls~~' Who'd ... ~I...' "'"l lellllis WU onliDoll.f.j -., ~ a Major W, C, WINJleld o1 EnsJand to be. ayocf'primari.• ly by w~ at l1Wn~Jest , Today, tennis ls' a vigorous in- lcrnallonal sport amJ those men and wom·en Who enjoy It, develop Jess lhan ·feminine ap- petites. After the tennis n1atch, plan a hearty party with kabobs, For different and attraclively colorful kabobs, s t r i n g skewers with frankfurter&, lllctbinl sliceJ and cheny torqatoe.s. Then for robust flavor, sauce ltabo~ witb spiky mushroom gravy. l Wod""611, ~~· 27, 1169 Wtdntsday, August 27, 1969 D~IL Y PILOT :n' Piqµot;1f Grillecl Fish ' Soup Sauces Sea.bobs Ship ahoy mates! , . . tomalo soup's double richness there'a a seafarln' party. Not makes the perfect 1auee tor many can manage a luxurious all outdoor cookfug. yacht party, but who cares? SEABOBS WITH Your baclcylll<I b jual as much PIQUANT SAUCE fun and 1 lo( more steady. For YOW' Mafarin" .party 1 can (10'~ ouces) con· se.rve 11eafood ; kabobs. Get denscd tomato soup away from the .W idea that ~l cup water kabobo .,. Dilly Jct beef and ~teaapoon.horseradllh lunb: Skewer IOPie *1mp. ~ 1 tcbeoo Worcestershire cucumber cbunka1 salmon, and • ~ ~aspoon dried dlll leaves v.:Dole white onions for a -,a. • cnisbeid ' fresh 'trtfit that any cr~w Co!N>in6 all ingredients ror would en1oy. barbecue sauce. t.takes I \~ "Seabobs" get their snappy cups sauce. flavor from the soup that SEAFOOD KABOB sauces them. Cannul con· Prepare sauce. On a densc<I tonlal.O soup plus the skewers, alternate 'h pound • lively additions of horseradish, (aboul 16) shrimp, p<:eled and Worcestershire , and dill make cleaned; 11 powXI halibut or • quick and perky Piquant u lmoo_.sl.eAk. al ia 16 pieces: Sauce. Brush Seabobs while 1 can (1 pound ) whole white cooki11I: and again before serv· onioas, drained; and IS cubes ' ing, cucumber (about 1-inch), You~won't need an elaborate Grill kabobs f·lnches above buttir and then with eoup 1auce. He.at rerna1nlnc aauce and 1erve with kabo~ Makes 4 ~rvinlJ. Diet Includes Spicy Treat IC you are watchin& your weight, here'a a spicy treat that will add only 17 caJorle.1 per cup to your diet. Canned mushroom gravy make! great barbecue sauce base. Add to it a bit or onion, garlic, oregano and hot cherry pepper, and tt:1~ wake up the flavor of any kabob. ' ~~ teaspoon crushed 0 r • 6 ' n 0 ~Pl' /KAB?BS-~A~l:~~:PO~TSMe:·s :~~~T;;e ~ I collection of barbecue sauces ~ &lowing coals for about 20 If )'OU keep tomato soup han· mfoutes or uritll done, turning dy. Switch around yo ur and brushing: the first Ill seasonings, and you'll find minutes with .\~ ·cup melted " .. To prepare aimple and unusual Hawalian Co o I e r, brin& contents of a 46-ounce can of low calorie fruit juicy red Haw•ilan ~ to a boil with one whole cardamom seed, ,. teaspoon around ma,ct, and ~ teaspoon sround cinnamon. RtmoVt • c.trdamom 1 n d cblll; JerVt: over I~ You'll appreciate the con- vcnienee and gO<>dnQs of can- ned gravy, No fussing or wor- rying ~t a smooth and plt.aslng cravy ••• all this is a canned guarantee. 2 tablespoom butt.er or • 1 1 margarUle Ac~m~y kabob! w i t h potato ,.alad .. eo)d drink! and a big ba.W:f' at assorted fi'esh fruits. SAUCY HOT DOG KABOBS 6 f~urtel"3, each cut into 4 pieces 1 medium zucchini ( ~l pound) cut in 20 thin slicts 12 cherry tomatoes 113 chopped onlnn I medfum clove garlic, minced Spong• Coke rr you like your sp6nge cak!! moist, choOseta recipe that in· r.lude.s water or other liquid in the in.gredient!. Lamb n' Orange L can {IO~l ounces ) mushroom gravy ~> teaspoon finely chopped hot cherry pepper Arrange allernately o n skewers: frankfurters . ....-z11c· chini and tomatoes. 1 n saucepan, f!OC!k onion. garlic and or.egano in bulter until onion 1s tender. Add gravy and cherry pepper. Broil kabobs 4 inches from heat for, 10 minutes, turning and brushing frequenUy · with I sauce. He~t remaming puce; r a~ 1"Ui ltal:iobs, ~ell 4 I servings. i Oatd.Oor Method Prepare kabobs and sauce as above. Place kabobs oo grill f inches above glowin& coals. Cook 10 minutes turnina: and brushing freqdently with sauce. Heat remaining sauce; 1erve with kabobs. Flavors 'Apeeling' Skewered chunks of lamb, given a dilJ.navored marinade. and cooked on the outdoor grill are a good. choice for outdoor cooking. But what eoes with the kebabs!· • · Green P.tJ)per, tomato and onion! Suf.e, that's the usual accompaniment. Just to ring changes, we lrled something new and intereslina: that tastes deligl>Uul with the lamb. You might like to follow suit. This combination consists of wedges of cucumber, unpeeled orange and small slices or onion inserted on skewers and pille«. Because the vegetables and fruit take a lilUe less grilling time than tht Jamb we use separate skewers for them. Hot cooked rice or cracked wheat is the usual go-along for lamb kebabs. But for outdoor service you'll find that crusty seeded rolls can do duty instead. Split and butter the rolls in the kitchen, then heal lhem on the outdoor grill. LAMB KEBABS PLUS ,,J cup ouv~ oil 2 ta.J>lt!spoons leml)fl. juice '•.cup pUnCed fresh dill 14 teaspeon'~lt ~4 .tWlpOen' coarsely ground black m>Pf' 2 pounds boDed let of lamb, cut into 1 ~J · to :·inch -chunks 2 medium cucumbers, pared 2 small or m,dium seedless oranges, each cut into I wedges 3 small onions:, sliced \14·\nch thick (12 slices needed) Jn a shollow dish, with a fork, beat together the oil. lemon juice, dill, salt and pep- per: add lamb and Wm lO coat with the marinade. Cover tightly ; refrigerate for 6 to 12 hours, tumin1 lamb in marinade once to twice. Insert lamb on f long skewers, reserving marinade. Cut each cucumber in half lengthwise : cut in thirds crosswise. On 4 more skewers alternate cucumber!, unpeeled orange wedges and onion slices. Grill lamb kebabs 7 to a minutes on each side or until meat is done as q:iuch as you like. I Grill orange-and-vegetable kebabs 4 to 5 minutes on each side or unUI cucumber and onion are te.ndeM:risp. - Brush .all k e b a ti s oc· casloru;dly w~lt ' r e s e r v c d marinade. Pa.as salt and a pepper mill when you serve the kebabs. P.fakes 4 servings -at least 4 chunks of lamb per portion. . Slow As Molasses? Not Household Expert DE.\R NAN : Whal is meut by u1atpnred molasses? J boy It t11· .• 111e 111tH llllcl ii au seems db tt me but IOme r<dpea lpodf1 ouotpnm. Alto, -eu I pt Ille U,. 4epooll Ina Ille ......, el 11\f alu1 tu leUle more el tbu tcnbllllt io hrd 1teel wOll eete., • week! • n1rne. pteue. 1•.t 1hy! - OSA WATOMJE. KANSAS , About the-'molasscs. U 111 depends · on whether J h e manuf1etuier ltart! !f to make ·mollpsel in the\. lint place or whether he ~ su1ar .flnt and enda up with moluoea. Unsulpbutod ia the real thlllc, made lrom the juice of sun ripened iUg1r cane, lully "°"" In Ibo l\'eal lndles. According to mol1!1ses authoritla I contacted, "SulphUred molas.s is a pro- duct of sugar miking. The very efficiency of modem 1ugar pllnt.. haf' lowered the Cl"alll)' ol ......... by ... tr1ctln& much rJ the sugar from the orillnal cane juice. "Most sufphured molassc." comea from areas other than the West Indies. Sinct the ripening season In ~ areas ls not long enoogh to mature the cane, green cane Is trtated wilb sulphur fumea during the sugar ertracting p r o c e • s . All clear! • ' t Plain old household 1m-' monil does wonMn 1or set~ Ung deposits orr ti Juot •boot aoytliln,, including glau tea ketUes. Will make il spark:k, too. same aa any other glassware .• Let a little 1m- monia set Id the covered ketUc overnight~ Or bolliQI vUteaar in lbe' tetti. 11111. bflp. Old Umen -to keep a bit oyster lhel la their )el- Ues, lime depolils clunc to the shell. 'When it wu full it wa!I r<placed wttlt 1 ,,.;, -. I hive ..,_. ontlque dellen to pour a cola drink into those onclent bord·Lo-Onclood crueta. Yoa wlP II.ii tantllldn1 nmmertime rtdpn lJ Nin'• booklet, "SJ11ply S a p e r Saldi." For Wt botklel, ple11t teltd II ttnlt ud • foe.1 , telf·lddrttltd, stamped envelope '° Na• Wiley in care el Ille DAIL V PILOT. • I OPEN LABOR DAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. PIKES IFFICTIY! THURS.-S~N.,'AiiG. ~1·31, 196' FREEIOO E11tr• llH Clilji St•_,1 WITll $7,SI ~UaCllASI· htlHll,.. .-ii~ ,...we.,. ki..o<"". ~- WIYN YNIS COU~Oll .. FRIE 100 Eatr• llH CW, Sto.,1 WITH 'll•CHASE Of fOUI .. 01. CANS '90lfH FLAY .. ·PAC llAllll JllCI WITH THIS COUPON 1;.,.,, o ... c-~~· '" c ......... V•ll<il Tio....., th• S••.,A .... 21. 2', 30, I I, 1,6' ~ J~ . . FREE5.0 FREE50 FREl-50 E11tr• llue Chip Stomps Eatra llue Chip StoBlpS Extra llH CW, 51._,1 E11tr• llilt Cl.Ip s1_,1 WITH PURCHASE Of WIT H PUI CH AS! OP: WITH P'U•CHASE Of W1TH PU•CHASE Of LOllD011 aao1L ICl81RG LITTUCI ,OOOGIANTWISCOMMN S~RATSTARCN LOllGNOall CNIHAa WITH THIS COUPON WITH THll COUP"ON WITH THIS COUPON 1""'' o~. c·~~" '•• c .... _ 1; .. ~ o... c ...... ,., c... .. -1 ... , o... c •• , .. ,., c .. i._ Pallll COUllTltT STYLI SPARERIBS 69.~ WHOlE 59c lfGS&. !HIGHS llt. VOUNG TVtlCIY DaUMSTICKI L.t.tGf lOIN PORK CHOPS 33.t.· $1-fl, U.S.D.A. CHOlct•ff IONIU5' TOP sllloul mAK IAI ·s•, SN!Okf-HOUS!., f.uMf• JOHN BONELESS HAMS (ONfY /It.AND 69 Eitra Lt .. HOT DOGS 1t. 1 w.1.0 • .<.c....:•-$139 POITEIHISE STEAK 11 •• , 89<1\ lb. WlfH IATTf• HOT DK ON STl(K MAGIC CHIP CHARCOAL SAN f[tHA ... 00 f)(f-A LA•GE rinto HARDWOOD . BRIQUETS I0::.4te LIQUOR SPECI ALS RIGlllCY n--LiiC\ ·2~. ~ 12.0LCAHS ••••..,_ 100" (ltAll< srt•ns VODKA ......... $,,. ttG.17:1't ::r alPI 'OLIYll I ALL GRINDS DIAMOND ,~!~~ .. (.?~~;;, LUNCH PLSAT 9 Es 2·1b. con ......... 51.43 Pkg.Of C INSlANT, ID-oz. Sl .19 •O OAIOP' Nt5", OIHM C•tSP CILlllY u.s. 11 -"'4&0,1W1n ···-······ MIRAClE WHIPPED MARGARINE, I ·I~ pkg ............... 3Sc BERNSTEIN DA~ISH Bl!U/GREEH GODlitSS, I 0-oz. bll.'.49c VIVA DECORAT!O TOWELS, 2-roll Pok (incl. 4c o!O ..... 43c HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP. 26-oz. blL ..................... 43c ROYAL PUDOING MIXES, smoll pk9 ................. 3 for 35t GLAD SANDWICH BAGS, ~kg, of BO ....................... 35t . -' M.l.D.A. CHOICt It• totll 98 C BMP HAST '" 1~. 19~ 2 .. 29• 3 ... 19' GU-TGOOq , POTATO CHIPS TWIN PACK ···· Ste ,,. ~ DELIC ATCSSE N LWS "HAUTT" FRANKS Ste SCGPI . MOUTllWAI• ........ 9j .. STRAIN£00!' JUICE BAHGO POP.CORN 2·1b. 29< pkg. GERBER'S·BABY FOOD rog, 1 Qc ,., iv....-"" i:11t rru 41' POPCORN OIL ' 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St •• Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa -------------------~----~--------------- II ,, • Wtdntsday, .lU911st 27, 1969 Market Basket helps you f19ht inflati everyweek with~ • ~ . I ! COP'fRIGHT 1'969 MARKET BASKET AUGUST27' USDA CHOICE Only Market Basket Dis'counts U.S.D.A. Choice ,Beef! 'Every pound of .Market Botket fresh beef is graded "CHOICE," by an eJt:p•rt of the Federal Gove rn· me nt. So, it's not our word. Or som. meat cutter's. But Uncle Sam's. All we do is sell U.S.D.A. Choice Beef, discount-priced. MARKET BASKET MAYONNAISE QT. 3"' JAR 7;,,,...,....._ DEE~UT SPlCIAL kcitt FGl!!itf CllifninSSr (&d. 3r; 00 Lobel) Toilet Tissue .• ~~ 31' Margarine ••... i:.~ 39' MUlll's Al$wttfld Jc Oii ~ Tomato Sauce •• ·~ 10' Margarine ••••• i:~ 2 5 c Al Plll'pCM Ord 7c Off Lall W Oil "'°'-68< '-1>'-lOOO b ..... Oo~o~H-esson • .. · "' Dressing ••••••• ~:' 38' Hiii!'• Cats o.29' '-"-up • .... • • • 't. Dress·1ng "' 4 7' ~fTuit ••••I I• B!l Cockta,11 '""-23c'._w.,ood.5<0ff """I ••••••• c. p· M' . ' 3ac A'Ol'JOll°•l'W • :21.cn.31 c IDG IX ••• ~ 1 2~~ L llDIOllll • • • • • • t it ~,....foarnCarpet Shampoo "-0.$1" •••••• (Orl Sitrra Voley 2 f""'" Diet Drinks •••• 'I!: 33' 1Mcre1 C.rvpelrvif Juice ••••••.••• ~!L 35c Mireclt ~ s~ (lllcl 1 Ot Oii La btO Cleaner •••••••• ::i 63c ~.SJ.HatKL l.SC Dlf IABW Otodotot11 Ber Al C*s Dial Soap ....... ::: 14 • .. IATHIM.a., U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STE~ TOP ·s1RLOI 49 ,\ LB. ·-""" Tea Bags •.... :·:," 49 ' J ERSEYMAID CATERING QUAUTY Sugar '1 ··45 ' . . . . . . . . . ...•} ICE CREAM l(rcft Jet Pufftlf Manhmallows ~,':27' S<mpJ v .. ilkl-l'lit-" 12 Ice Cream Cups ... 2~': ' ltldtfor..,,.,,8.0Z.Blt. Mort .. llllbtfllth.sive Creme Rinse .•. ~:. 72' Airliner Gin ••• ,,o1.$699 ~st61'.0Z.CaR ~rntwd'f~hriolt Hot Lather .... ';'.'97' Ezra Brooks .. ,,.$)059 """CIWtl Jbt.Sfing Sps9'f' o.do!W-3..3-41. Can <• " 2A 12-0z. Cools .soft 'N Dri ••••• ~~ 78' Brau Haus Beer •• $297 SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE ~'Juicy ltOiDn Prune Plums ...... 19' s ""'·.llliey l«llttt Pears •••••• , , • 4u ... 88c en,,. i..,.ttdllof Lettuce •••....• ~. 1oc ....... TOllllltoes ......... 19' T""._.,. Lemons ............ 23< 1£it~Pokt 6 "°- LARGE JUMBO MELONS CASABA OR HONEYDEW EACH Thirst Ades •••• "'' 59' ...... ~ S..... l •O.. ,...,.....W..Wlc.tll...,. """tllfW{M 7!Wlc. -• 1'0.. WI lml'Yl TM MllT TO UMIT • hr41 .............. °" 17c II-ch •••••••••••••• ,.., 41c M.,.RR•I••······· '~Oil. J2c ,'.!~,,:::;w•••••••••• c. 2 1 c ;r.:,:•..,.te ,!,:•••·•••• en 2t c tuunms. IO SM.a TO WIOlf· -**" '"'*"*Cll 1.ww....,...-...~ --t.o.. was • D1ST1t1VT01L ...,.,..ty ... , ... ».._0<.Jsc D-•l•t•••••••"'''l-Qr.• ~l e Pl•itlc •••• ..... , S.•ce ............. ,.1oor..,, 67c 11"9 0 11 ........... t• 4fc _., ___ ,._ ......,....,.,.....,_ -,.,._ Ill ..i ••••••• .10 ,. ll!Jlll .. ,._ ~....-W IWfVll '7 .,l)Oi: l'llt--~ 2'.(k. Ol"!ttll_,_ 11).0r. M\ 1~ • • N l•'\.(la. ttrir.i T-....,,51tM1 'J J, 1Nf at.rt •••••••••••••• "" ·24c l p.....ii.,,, .. ,,,.,,, ,1s J9c Chll1l .. ,,,,,,, •.... C..,ri l~c 1Chil111., ............ c. 1 t • tff1,,.,,,.,,, C• l •c EXCEPT STORES IN NEWPOltT BEACH AND M.4.t.IBU WHICH WI LL BE orEN 9 A.M.-1 P'.M. STORES IN MONROVIA AND ~ADIA Will BE CLOSED. U.S.DA Choice lmdmy lk'oud 8"1 7-Bone Steak •• " 59' . U.S.OA Choa TMClefoy llrond BHf 7-Bone Roast .... 59' . Ru I II Honey Glo.ztd Canned Ham ••• ~;~$491 HOIW)'l«~IJ h'ozllf'I w11h f.:rrNV T key 20-0.$169 ur ••••• I • I Pkg. Morlrt Bcsbt 7 Vo:iriii!I* Lunch Meats •• 't:-85' Morltl bbt .... Meat W• '""'59' 1eners ••••••• ~~!). ·All BEIF FRANICS, ltt MNIKfr BASUI suao Ham Loaf ...... t.0;35 ' 12.0Z.,ltc lM Rto1 Mc.Coy Sliced Corned aetf Ill' Sliced Salami •• '..~ 59' · Morket b kel Calalow.ffeahh.Maalrlrli or Potato Salad •• '1~29' 33-0Z..S7c MOl'bt bkd l.qhor~ Cheddar Cheese ... 83' a.;;;e Balls •. 't.:.' 87' .AIDS Slicecl Ncrtvrol Swiss Cheese •. ';..":: 47c 12-0Z., 77c S<lll!.l'Jiw St6te frozt" 01 range Juice •• ~~ 23' 2-0Z. CAN. 4Sc SWllllSorl frowi Chiden J Noodle. Ck~ & !m"!, ~ & 1led or Spogheth & Meal Dinners ••••... """' 38' C& w BrCICOll!nes « I talion Srylr I ro:e11 Vegetables •.•• ~t 37' C&'N rrottn W.ih Wo1~r CM~!f'!I!~ Pea. POcls •••••• "• 47' P£T1Tf"""' Mortt.1°frozt11...rl Vorit!~ lru.t ~ Cr111111 09¥1 Pies •••••••••• '8:..-0&. 57c e COSTA MESA_,::!.""""• · e NEWPORT BEACH-•:::.·~:!::O·i:.!!~.~·~ ... , e HUNTINGTON BEACH....,~!.":::., .... e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-':.'~.~=~ e SANTA ANA 4!::.•.:;• ... -~-. .... -___ -... --... -~·--~ ---;..--:-!"•_ .... .,,.:.;..:.;-.~ ... --...;.:;;;...,;-·.-· ;o;:-;i;~· r =•c:-;;;;;;,-;,-;jr;T:;•;,·,,.;r-;;; iC.CFi. ii~•<t~I ;, ;, '• :, -.~.~, •, ~; ,,,,,.;;,-,1 '·'"" "H' • ·" • 1•1 " '' • '' •• " PILOT·ADVERTlSt.R . JJ ' H Wedntsday, August 27, 1969 Wednesday, August 20, 196t· FOR •• T-BONI STEAK u.s5~ft:O~ oa· CIRTIFllDll .. s1~u! PORTER C 'till~ I ST ATER BROS. IHFSTEAK $1~~ . CHUCK ROAST U.S.0.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 41~. ALL MEAT WIENERS BAR-MIUUC . llllY 'EM IY 1111 POUND ORS-l&IOX 49~. US.O.A.(MOtCIOllT,..nllltOIUlf $149 IONIUIS .. SH04ADll 89' TOP SIRLOIN 11ull . . ... Lt. ROLUD ROAST ........ ····-· Lt. U.S.0.A.CHOIQOllTATllHOl.aW 98C U,$.p.A,QtOICIOISTATllllOl.MD 79' SIRLOIN TIP ITUI( -·············· Lt.. R"MP ROAST ·-··· ... Lt. U.S.O.A.CHOICIOllT.t.TllMOS.lllJ 98C AtlH•U.ut•GIOl.leMCMm.Y 53' CUBI ITEAK ............. -............ Lt. GROUND BDF ............. -Lt. u.s.0.4.CHOICIOltlTATllNOS.11• 59c MOlllLL'1YOB8•1.U.NG. 69' • BEEF ROAIT =~ ........ , ...... Lt. ILICID BACON -~:t:::.\~~ia.. OSCAIMAYll \.LL 6ftc _,,_ 5ftc MOlltlU.-IUUt-... s39a WIENERS AU.Mli.r . ;;r BRAUNSCHWEIGER 1.u. ;,· CANN~D PICNIC ... s.ia. ... -_· ·:-_._ .. -.. -.-~---.. -.. -:.;·-·"':: .. _-; ---:---·, .. ·-.. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-fULLJ!AYS-THURS. thiu wms .. AUG. 2Bth:S~PJ. 3rd ANAHEIM cosr" MISA • SANT" ANA 3430 W. LINCOLN AVENUE 2180 NEWl'ORT IOU LEVA RO 2830 EOIN~ER AVENUE 26154 WEST BROADWAY 707WEST19T" STREET 2803 WEST17Tlf STREET 1171 BAKER STREET WISTMINSTIR HUNTINGTON llACH 8522 WESTMINSTER 8LVO. 6862 EOIN<iERAVE. WHITTIER-1421 2 MINES AVE. GARDIN GROVI 888 CHAPMAN AVENUE \ ' • I I I I I '"' .. -..,. • • ' ' • ' I< .. • ' I • .. .::::: •• -;;;::::::;:;;;; ... ~. ,;;, = .. :;;. _;:;::,,::., .. ::.,;-;.:;_;::;:, ::, :: .. ::.::.:::. :-;-, ~-:;,-;, ;:,.;-:,-;,~,;:;, .. -.;:-. ~. ~• ,-;-,. • ' ft DAJlY I'll.OT 1 I Wtdntsday, Augusl 11, 196? • Altd,fa Betats Man iO , Blue· sa;s:. +--~ ... . . ttt,.~ IE1', • 1srou.1.L1,.,..·· J·ll. Cwow · GRADE AA aunER . 791. r----~----------.-------, • t ' ' save· ybu J1 ) . ' All Alph . Beta: Storesl:OPEft ',. • •TOT.II. SA'll~ flGll!E IS COMPl/ltD Ofl S'"6l.E IJilT ~ 1 SWEEJ • m m • WHll.£ WATERMELON :CAITAL . SWEET wsaous • ~lllE RIPE HONEYDEW ' "TffE GOOltMO?S DEUtHt'! • !WEii' . \,ll!if. CRANSHAWS , ltll'E AND READY • $\lf. PERSIANS SWEET • e JUICY SANTA CLAUS · . . •, . . -,_ " lH[S( PROOUC£ PRICES UfECTIYt TIIURSDAY throup WIDIU:sDAY, Aoot.IST 21 thtau&h WIIM8EI $ • l~IA\ i<ISCO UNTS l'.[RY UAY ' BAGGIES • • SAIDWlcH IAGS TDIAl OISCOUHTS EVERY DAY I \~At>llAl[T.l I • , £ DISCOUNT I P~ICE I I~ ··1 I G!ANTS12:C ... I I JOY LIQUID' ,~,...., 1 __ DE~~GE~~-..,~--~t Sac ~l @ g OUNCE P.l.CUG!: GUCAA SUISTTTUTt ea.. 731 SWUT 'N LOW •~ SUGAR £Ul!STIME ~·· @ 7.ll OUNCE PACUGt SUGAR TWIN &le 111'1' t:::M\_ HEINZ • l~~ O'Z. CAN 8' '-e/ TOMATO SOUP Ile •· ~ BETTY CfloettR • tll-OZ. PICG. \!!'.::V ~:~nw MIX l9c 67' PIU.S!!JJIY •Ii J'ACI: •VA.Nit.LA. @ CHOC. h.!_ALT OR MIU:: CHOC. .INSTANT .18'1 IRUKFAST 51c .... i'H'1UMCO~rcAii'! c.\flroN &Sc &&1 Jll'1!~ lff" •~c l! VAtUt 83' lllSCONSIM lllLO CHEDDAR CMtESE • I 12 OUNCE EOTTU: • I IVORY LIQUID . '1 DETERGENT 5t Sac -------------· I I GJ.\NT Sitt PACL\GE 1 CASCADE for AUTOMATIC . l DISHWASHERS . 75' ,,. I·---------------------· I ?3 OUNCE aornz ' I I TOP JOI ,. I I LIQUID CLEAllER 73° 661 I . 1-------------------, -1 I llEGUUJtSIU ' I ZEST DEODORAllT . I 1 BEAUTY BAR , 17' .1,44 l I ---------------1 I " . I I ~ TOTAL [ll((QUNT S EVERY DA¥ CIANT mE PACtAOL TIDE DETERGEllT • ~ 2C ) . LB. ,5~ . , 10~ ' 10~ .10~ ,.10" - 83° a2' I Wl.'"I If.ti! • f'llOZr.N • 2f..oz. PtG. .,.., " GIAllT SIZE I SHOESTRlllC ·PDTATOES ... VAL ..... 4 --..- ----------------------4 PACllAGE l @ID."ijfS';&toRo\'.UAU u: 67' t<. I I I I I COOKIN' IAG ENTRUS 29c ' AQTIOI I !ANQUET•"""""~·AUVAR. 27' BLEACH ! I NWZV'S •FROZEN. AU. VA.It [flP!t>.•JO QV~CEPACUGt fl. 2·1-llRDS£fl PLU OR CORM ... \ SOME' STO!llS CHAAGE 71c I XIJT DINllW ' ~4 • 1100UU.ft 5IZt 73c l, IM SOAP fil\llM'iE IAR SOAP • -', !'.i.a.aox 0 1.0W8UD5•·~1.~vAt.ut •111 ----------------------, Rll'lfA IETR DETEIGlllT 1 1 Kl!lO SIZS PAC:xl.Ct ) GOLD SEAt. • II OZ. PIG1 ··-GAi. ~ SNOWY IWCN 41c W I . I ~ "°'· PACUOt "" .. . I DETUGEIT : )11 '1 H . I .,, .... ~ ·~· .... .. l---------· ·------.J @ a""su"°ill°'IATH 3to 31' !TOH HOURS MOH ....... f,ll, 10 AM·f PM SAT. -·SUH. 10 AM to 7 PM COSTA M~4t L 17 .. St. HUN1'1N6TON llACH-tt41 ..... NUNTINlllTON llACH-19411 N. M• St. fOUNTAIN U.UIY ...... tH W.,_ SOUTH LA•VMA.-JllU t. c..t ......, LA•UNA HILLS-4)141 c:.11 • .. i..IM IRYINl-1 "41 c,.,.,, Dlll•**"'f Pwt ' ------- 31 OUNC% JOX• lk ... I • I . I I 1·--------------:---·1 SOME STORES CHAAGI: IJc. • - ,, ' - ~ ( - '.l • ' r, , ~ -,, 1C • , S' l'WRIST QUAL ITY FWWERS AT DISCOUNT PRICES TOTAl DISCCIJ NTS i~lRY DAY "" , ST llARY Tt:RRY TOWEL . DOUILl DISCOUITS ~ YO.!!I CffO{CE or SOLID6 OR STJUP£S ~li'fii?liitl:'s , .. 881 ~:O,.@lfiif1:oww 98c sac • ~!!.JNC>IUXl21NCRtS 28 , .,.~ ~ w~I .CLOTIS 49c -flOM :ii"" · • 5.0Z. At!l.OSOL CAN JlO!I~ 1-t'J"PlllART = SOr1· I 11·. -. $1oa Dt:ODORAIT , 135 ;;giaiY' 01 i'. 11• $1 11 t.4.o:. CAif Of :1m1AG SPllA.'f. THE HEAr rBQM TOVI\ Qtm:ll TµRNS ON THt HOLD '1 $1 LEITRO ~ET llJ TOii 111 I ~TJNC? iont.t • Wedlwt4q, l...,t 21, 1969 • . '~. )o ) ' '. -r .. . '"' AtPHA 1£\'A Htf'*""" lulchtr lllll Mo! In Ille lod l!>ron1"""'1 Olfm BUTCHElt'S P!tlDE MEATS MIA1S YOU'U. ... Pilouo fO -YI •DISCOUNT PRICED •QUALITY l SATISFACTION GUARANTUD •U.S. GOVERNMENT IHSIECTiD BW ,.------ s fRIED ~~~ ..... ~CHICKEN~ I ~Iii(~ wr. 8 Ot UU. !Ml.I · GROUND· BEEF .~ :Co'tu c LB. ALPHA B£TA • OEIUDABLE QUALITY nBll·Oll9UllD ROUND ta.oz. CUP·• 21c VALUE RUH CHOPPID ONIONI in REUSABLE Pl,ASTIC BUCKET .,,~~ ~lii.s.~~ ~'=I': .68 EA • llO Nr:ct<S OI! GIBLETS 87• 25' -.~' -~-----""'!'l""'--..it!. l ~ . . . ~ , ..... 9'" .r. ' l1IJE llEAT PRICES mtlm'll ll!WOAY -Wlllll!Jl)AY AUtuST 2& I-SEl'lllllllt J . . . TOL'l iHSCOUNTS F~lHY DAY ~ 50Ml Al.'llA llTA Sfl»CS OISCOllHT CKAKC ,_ICC l • ~ PAC< OP IO Y£U.OW 19 ' ~ EA&Ll PEllCILS 49' 1 BACll TO SCHOOl DISCOUNTS --o -typing paper _'.[iil'_ ~~C'· - COMPIJ:T! StlrcTION OF l\EOut.AR AND fASHIONA.BU: BINDERS IW'CLIJt>INGI "G!AL TALK" ENStMBW ALSOTlltMf: Boca TN A VAJUm or COLORS GM sw~~ "GIRi. TALt' AU AT FANTASTIC DISCOUNT PRIC:ISI e.•.c11 TIJ ~r~not J1i)LUL N!< ALPHA BETA IUTCHElt'S RIDE BEE "GREAT ON THE GRILL"" BARBECUE FAVORITE BONELESS· ROTISSERIE ROAST I J01Al D:<, .!LJNI\ i~lRt OA• c • ' r.¥1is0tiarsrz1°" IVORY IAR SOAP 29' 251 SOME W'HA 1£T4 ITORfl DllCOUlff CllA~E rll~ SAVI Ille W~Hl l~S COUl'Oll Oltt ONlY I! OUNCE PICl<.\CE WNEATIES 27' REQUL.J Sin• . ,COMn CLEAISEI jlCLUDES :It CJf ;g ·t ~ • ._ .. -IRt:CI CRUI RIISE 871 fer ILOilDt:S 111 ~ W..11.011. ~ lllDU 15' ~C'oi:l\li ~L:~ .. OTF 71 ,. • ~TODD PASR 99' .... ' .. • Wl -111£-·IQ llVlf•llllUJ lV -l!L DDl.llS •SAW Tlll CtlUIC1lD lll>IJ. TAX*£ tTlllS I • • ., ~~ •1•1 • 1 • . ~edeem YIU f11od1stamps in 111Y Loi AnalllS CGdilrAlplia ~ ' ' • " • . ' 1 • ' " I • \ \ ., • 1 . . . . ... •• ~·· •r • • -'• ._ . , A DAILY 'l~OT WedntMay, August 27, 1969 Wrdl!HdaY, At1g11$l 27, 1969 PJLOT·ADVERTISER J7 '"Practical, Convenient Guide to Chinese G.6oking Offer,ed Jim i.e. ts 1 born teacher. Chlneite panley, watercrus. Be cerdul not to Hver the and monosodlum glutamate on clean. cooking utensil. tonp and pl11ce on paper Puff shrlmp need not !la: .AuUlor of the receoUy publish-. or lettuce leaves (op. hJlvu completely. each. Put a.side. Add water a little at a time HeaL the oil tn a wok. or a to.well to drain. served at Once, because the 'eel 0 Jlm Lte'a Cb1ne1e tlonal), · Remove black 'velns .and Place flour, bakinJ: powder, while &1.lrrln1. until the dough deep-fr>;ing u\enaU, to~ ~ qn serving pllte'. bread.in' will noi turn limp Cookbdok'' (Harper & Row), Remove shells fl'Om the rlose the ghrlmp well Place and &aU in a mixing bciwl. Mix becomes lbe conalltenc:y o( delP'tl'•· and .gamlsb 't'.lth parsley on.-and· ~ggy. he is a aplendld guide !or thoroughly. pancake batter. Take each •hrlmP,' by the watertrus. · , Keep tllem In a . prebeatod cooks iho want t<1 leam bow shrimp except (()I' the tut tall <1n paper towels and. pat dry. Add the 1k cup (lit, a lltUe at ('lbe. thicker Ute batter, the tall, and d1p It tnto the batter. A few leaves of l•l~tje '111)-dearee <1ven aod th 1 tL Pl'PI'" authentic CJ>IMM •ection. With a sharp knife, Arrange sllrh11p on • plait a time, while st!JTlng will> • thlcil~ the ctWil will be on the Put wimp dlreCtly lnlo the under the shrbnps help lo &l!rimp ljlll •IW be hot and dWiel In a prai:tical and con-cut the shrimp rtom the under or platter, with tpllt aide up. wooden f<1rk or spoon unW all COQked"shri!l)P·) bot oU epe at a time, make the dish look fuller and crisp .ror half a:n hour or vcnitnt'way. side almost throu&h to tbe Rub a little tarllc juice on the ingredients form a btll Place the shrimp and the Aa each turns a gOlden prf:tUer, and tbete al!O}V ~Y l(lnaer. T<1 become 8 painstatina back. each. Sprinkle a touch of salt and th e sides or the OOWI are batter conveniently near your brown, remove from oil wipi e~cesa oil to drain. ) N<1 dip or gravy la required. au1~.besoughtlhebelp~11-==='--~~~~,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~-'-~~~~~-'-~'--~~~~~~'--~~-'---=---'-~...'........:.::. ptofessJOnal Chinese chef -Jim bilnstlf teaches ceramics · n a New York junior high 'school -and he spent four years in the preparatJon of bia ' book. All Ulis ad& up to the fact the ''Jptl Lee's Chil'lese CookbCIOk" contains loadl of inf()rl'ftaUon given 1n an in- tere.sting, persona] way and the recipes are well-cho5en al'ld clearly written. One of the most useful feat.- ures of Jim's book are the paragrl!-phs devoted to •·substitutions and Variations" · after many <If the recipes. There's a brief list of 1rocery stores in major cities ~·here Chinese lngrtdJents may be had; llited, too, are a couple of stores that will sell mail-order. JIM LEE'S PUFF SHRIMP (FAU JAB HAI 12 large shrimp (about 111.J pounds) 1,: tealpOOlt garlic juice (0· tr act from a garlic pteu) 1,-. teaspoon salt 1,J. teaspoon monosoclium glut:tm•tt 11,i cups white nour (no not use unbleached Oour -it turns gray instead ol. golden brown) 1 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 i t.tupoon aalt i,J. cup ve~etable oil 1 cup col~ water Oil fer deep fl}'inll (I lo 3 quarts I Papayas Related To Melons i Cali!Qmia'1 fabulous fruit ason gets an exotic accent (If papayas from Hawaii Like most fruits. papayu ced little preparation before ting. 11ley mb. Lastefully :with other fniltl ... especially avocados. citrus and melons . · By any other name, a apaya is known as frula mba, lita, mllikane and be-1, epending on your country, land, or Hawaiian locale of rlgin. In Australia, you called it a ~ wpaw (not to be CQnfused with the unrelated North ·Americu fruit of the same -name). But in California markets, -Ole label is "papaya." PaP11P are tropcal relatives <If the melon family. As such, they neither nttd nor Ike refrigeration until fully .ripe. You'll fiod them ln y<1ur . market, in an unc <1oled counter, probably beside the vocadoa, b a n a n a s and pineapples. They may or tnay not be eaten ripe. The fruit is picked when firm ripe . . . m06tly green 'colored with just a blush of yello~·. From that slage, it takes three to five days to be- come at least h1lf yellow, the amoont of color conaldered the sign of eating ripeness. No doubt some papayas become eating ripe during the trip from Hawaii t<1 California. You are smart to plan your papaya buying two or three days ahead of the planned use. Firm ripe fruit will have am· pie time to ripen at home, out of the sun at room tempera· tu re. Should you be lucky enough to find eating ripe papayas in your market. you can store them In the refrige rator. They'll keep ... and be nicely chilled as well. lf you have visited Hawaii, you know the cluslc breakfast fruit is a chilled papaya half with a wedge of lime. Papaya preparation is just that easy ... cut chilled fruit in half and remove the seeds. Or peel the whole chilled frull, then slice:. chop <1r dice It 1for use with other fruits in salads and desle:rt.s. The seeds? They can be Ir· riLaUng to the digestive Uact • , . as CJn some "holly" sea· 1ooed foods. However, a lable. spoon tun of coarsely ground seeds tn three CUP* ot plaln or honey French salad dressing makes either piquanUy dlf· rerenl FRYER PARTS FRESH THIGHS • FRESH BREASTS FR ESH D/S TICKS SPENCER STEAK '""',.; 1" '''t' t• !o ·••••••••••••••• SPENCER Roll ,,;"'""··· -1" Y6Jt0·~~~·••• 10. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SHORT RIBS "".,"'" ...................•. 49i ROUND STEAK , •• ~:,~:::" .................. 9Bi SWISS STEAK '"°"L:n':.' ••.•..••.••.•....•• BB i RUMP ROAST .;~:1: .................... .1 09 CURE Bl HAM ·······---.. 1" l'l"I! Ot We,,.•i tb. , , ,, •' ',, o o •••• o o ·HOT DOGS "·"-·'~"·,,. .................. 69i BONELESS HAM ·-·· ,.,. ..... ,. 1" '·i19•' "' '"" •• , ,o ••••••• •••••• SLICED BACON , ,., , '"' ........••••.. 69 i FRYER W'NGS ,., •· ...................... 29 i CHICKEN LIVER '"' ...................... 69 i SWORDFISH frtV.Ce,,,.,r>,,e-.:i. ••••••••••••••••• 11• FRESH SHRIMP '"'''·'"'·' 1'; ~~o•S,,~ I :i lo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FRIED CHICKEN DELICIOUS EDEN FARMS COOKEO·READYTO 93c HEA T AND EAT OR. ENJOY lT COLO ... 18. RIB STEAK GAME HENS GROUND BEEF CANNED HAM ~ U.S.D.A CHOICE • WELL TR IMME D • BONE IN ARMOUR ST.AR • 18 oz . SI ZE • TRY ON ROTISSERIE WIENERS """""" ..... , ........................•... ,..5 Si POTATO SALAD ... ,.. " .................. .! 5.9i CHIPPED MEA1'.S :;:::::;::~:: ...•.•...•.. >m.3/1. FRESH HOURLY • FAMILY PA CK • 3 POUNDS ANO OVER SLICED BOLOGNA :;~::,::::·: .................... , 69i SLICED ROUND CHEESE ::;:,,:;:: ..•............. 68i CHEDDAR CHEESE ''"'"~'"""'"'" . 89' Mild. ito...i""' w,;~;,i ••••••••••••••• 10.. • 5ptCIAl ' POTATO •••""" 59 CHI PS ""'"o"·s ""· ........ . SPEC IAL 'I' GIANT •••""" 71 ~ TIDE ................................ . • lb. HOFFM AN OR OVAL WILSON CORN KING • Att MEAT 79 5 lbs • OAK "ANNED HAM ,,., ... ,.,, .. ., 3•• '-·"'••<l•d· •••••••••••••••• -1~. ,,~ OAK CANNED HAM ,, .. ,,.,...... 1" N~..,<d •••••••••••••• L 11 'b ''~ OAK CANNED BACON ::".'..~;::·~::: .......... 83i SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT-7DAYS A WEEK . • ~ '" Save at Al bertson ·s OTH~R PP.ICE OUR PRICE Save at Albertson·s ' OTHER PRICE OUR PRICE Save at Albertson 's OTHER OUR PRICE ' P~lCE Save at Albertson·s OTHER PRICE out .: PRICE °" TOMATOES , .... " , .......... . 33' 31 i OLIVES ~;~;· .. ';;~'.'..~............... 53' 46i PICKLES ~";::·:.'.'.::::· ..•••••.•.• " 37' 33i SYRUP ,,.,, .. ..,, ...•...••.....• 41 • 37i DETERGENT """'· .. i ' ~~"' ~~' ............ . l " 12• TEABAGS ...... _.,,,·, ............. 59' 48i SPRINGWATER .,. ..... u «»•·· 39' 37i f>UDDING •••. ,, ..... , .•.....•. 3/35< lOi ~ TOMA TOES "·"·'""'' '" ....... . 23 ' 21 i PEPPER '""'···"'"'·'"············ 35 ' 33i DISTILLED WATER ,,._,.,,"·'~· 39' 37i BATH SOAP ...... •........... 66 ' 49i • MARSHMALLOWS ;·;;·.';· ..... . 29' 27i FOllWRAP ,,.,.,.. "• ,,., ....... 53 ' 49i SARAN WRAP ,, .. ""•·•········· 63' S9i POTATO BOATS ,.,,.,,, ........ 39' 33i • CORN FLAKES .,,_, "" ..... . 41' 39 i GELA TIN ·~·"-···-············ 2/19' 9 i QUICK GRITS ·~···········-· 23"' 21 i OLIVE O i l ~ •.....•......... 99' 89i ., SPECIAL K '·'"'""'"· ........ .. 55' S3 i CLAMATO JUICE,., .. , ......... 75 ' 68i CORN MEAL ;:~;.~::;:: ...•...... 39' 37i VBCOCKTA IL v.,,.,,,, .•.•. ,,, 43' 42i ~ 55' 52 i CHARCO AL , ,..,,, , ,., .... 99 ' 79i ; PORK & BEANS .... ,.,., ..... . 45 ' 39i DEVILED HAM ~-~·:::;;, •..•..... 49• 4Si SANDWICH BAGS ,,,,~.,o·.<- PEPSODENT Toothbrus h FRESH LOCAL CORN PEPSODENT Tooth Paste on the COB POTATOES ~&,',, 1Q ,.,49 i SPINACH ~·;;,i:,"" ,J.1 Qi SCHILLING Black PEPPER ... 1 Qi 39 0~ SCHOOL LUNCH KIT 1st QUALI TY NYLONS 38c RO"Al • Mli.JESTY REG. A9c ·Green NABI SCO SUC..AllF!NG 45 i C001i\lf5· 1Sc:. I C J.'b•·"~ • 69< ce rea m 1 ''"'''~~~"'"~···-·· V I bl w,,.,~ 32 < ege 0 es .o.,,or1tG, 11 •II"••••• Fruit Dri nks MCl>•o'"••········· 9c Pit 0"''•"''" 36' o a oes Y..*"·"·, ••.•••••••••• P ·I """ 4/1 OpSIC e 11.; ... ..., ao-....... ·-··· • Cream Pies """~~,·.E·~,b······ 28c GOLDENGRAIN 119 CHOCOLATE ~E~ ~'~~;~~;~;:~~ ...... "; l 34 ~~H~ ~A~R ...... 9 8 C BEER ~"i:;~l~~~:-~:~:: .............. 11• BEER K"~·bo. .. y\V·,~e··., 3a Cn ~2.t 12ol.(o·, .... , •• , ••• GIN Albertiori't f, 'I o ... ti.• •• •••••••• 331J WINE '"'·""'.:!''' 9S i (~-,1'1 1-..,, .:CtlC'"•••••••••• LI BBY 'S GERBER OUEE 'I 21 ~ STRAINfO 1 o~ . OtlVfS 3 b~ !ASY f OOO HOT DOG OR HAMBURGER BUNS 4 c RE~DY St!CED "och ASSORTED FRUIT f llLED 59 ~ COFFEE CAKES ......... ,. PLAIN OR SEE Oto 3 ~ HARD ROLLS ............... ,," .-;: . • • • ... • . • , • ' • ·• . • . ' ' I • • .. • • 4 •• .. ' = ,. • , ' . • . Huntington Beac:h -89 11 Adams Corona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. Fountain Yaney -16042 MaCJnofia Huntington Beach -15511 So. Edwards! • 1.acJuna Beac:h -700 So. Coast Hwy. . I ------ ----r --------·---------· -------~------------·-----... -..---....-----------.... --.---. ------------..--- FRESH PRODUCE LAKE COUNTY IARTLETT PEARS FRESH LOCAL SUMMER SQUASH FRESH LOCAL SWEET 19~ 2;29~ NEW CROP CALIFORNIA MolNTOSH APPLES· SWIET THOMPSON SEEDLESS 19~ GRAPES OSCAR MAYER . ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF 12 01. PkCJ. BOLOGNA ALSO THICK SLICED , -MIL Y PILOT 4= ., • ·WE Will BE CLOSED MONDAY ••• LABOR DAY • BLUE BONNET-1 lb. carto"s -ReCJular 29c 4"' ORF $1 · MARGARIN ~: ::: :::~~~~:: FOltEMOST SOUR CREAM • • One Pint 49< GOGGROUNDS Toast~~reat 3 i $1 • 0 GALA ' DINNER NAPKINS Ref~s~c 4i$1 PAPER . TOWELS Big Rolls 3 i $1 VALUABLE COUP'ON conc1ensec1 Detel'CJe~ 4· 9c ALL Giant: Size WITH THll COUPON -AIMI SJ.00 MIN11t11111 ,.,.. di .. Limit •i19 b.x ,_, coupoi. -On• coupon p•r cutfOft'IOt. Alcohol!• lt¥•r•1•• •nd Fr•1h Flulcl D•lry Prff11eft •'"' cl9•r0Ho1 •llcl11dttf from minimllft'I put• cht1• by l•w• Yoi• •fftr S11Rcl•y, S•pt. ). . GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET - VALUABLE COUPON . . DIET • RITE COLA . .· 1/bo:!rts~19~ .· R . I . b TWs C~ V.W A ..... Sua. A ... Ji LIMIT I BOTTLES NO MINIMUM PURCHASE GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET . VALUABLE COUPON FOREMOST -Pint carton COTTAGE CHEESE I METRECAL 29( 8 01. cans . • COFFEE or ·• STRAWBERRY Wfttl TWs C..p._ V.W Afm Su•. Aug. JI NO MINIMUM PURCHASE -LIMIT I CANS GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET Ii ;t•>A~:,•:•X•1•1;1 Laura Scudder's C Royal Host Premium Jumbo Twin Pack-Re9. 73¢ POTATO CHIPS ~:EAM ·~~~~: 6 9' ROYAL GELA!IN ~ WHIPPED TO~~ING l·oun .. Pkg1. 3o25' lij · R • Gil a•;,·•••ce cons 3~$1 cifoPPEo'lioccou -2 ~ 25~ ' . Island Inn -6 oz. Cana COCKTAIL MIXES CAMPFIRE KERN 'S MARSHMALLOWS TOMATO CATSUP 4°FR$1 $ l 0Pot1nd lags 5 F 1 14•0L 0 lottla K L•nolln·Rich -14·01. Pla1tic Bottle Pacific RG •·•· "'"'''" 25" ,.,... .... .. Ivory Snow 61 "' .... '" 79c THRILL ~:':.";"~. 49c DREFT ~.~:. 73c WOODBURY LOTION R•g. 99' Royal Cr"t -16 oz. pl11tfc bottle MOUTHWASH and GARGLE CHE ER De"1~','" 73 ... ....... c CASCADE =~·:~:....... 39c \ TOOTHBRUSHES Reg. 690 USDA CHOICE CHUCK STEAK FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF OVEN READY MEAT LOAF· MIX lb. MEATY ·SPARE RIBS U.S.D.A. CHOICE ROUND BONE ROAST . STEWING BEEF ' PRICES EFFECTIVE: Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday Au9. 28 • 31 Prices 1ublect to stock on hand . WE GIVI BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA v-~ WI GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS 19th Ind PllClnlfl 710 W. Chapman - - -_____________ _____........__ ...... ____ _ --------* ----·---......._ ... M .0. .. - - - --- - - ----- - -...... -~ ~ --- -.. --- -----~ ~ -~--• - ' I Mustard Adds Zip . To Sauce Yesterday'• foist .makes perted. picnic fare U you drw it up ele1antly ln Musw.khife 'Dr.,.lng. Thh zippy sauce ls rure to please the men with its hearty fla vor!ul tang. • lie lure lo dlill tHborooghly before packing. it off to the beach or the woods. It should be kept cool. Tuck ii in next to the watermelon and the Iced drinks in the cooler. Perfect as a nippy addition t.o roast beef, you can also uae • it as sauce for asparagus and broccoli, baked ham, corned beef and cold sliced turkey or as a raw vegetable dip. MUSTAllo.cHIVE DRESSING 1~ cup mayonnaise ~2 cup dalry sour cream 2 tablespoons snipped chives 1h teaspoon hot mustard I teaspoon soy sauce Combine all ingredients until DRISSING MAKES ROAST BEEF PICNIC FARE well·biended. Chill i lo 3 hours for flavors to blend. Makes ap- proximately one cup. , ' ' , ~ leak far the blae windmin at selected S11penaariets. mps Special Prices, Tllllrs.-Mon. August 28-Sept 1 Labor Day Specials! Miik· Cliocolate Layer Coke Two """" •' "'°"'"""' layer> ol riclt llli1k cl!oco-Jote coke snake a grand fillole for a ~me ~rt. If• rhe bes you can get i.o:-e """100ke only the be.1, Fre.h -mak chocolot. li!ling o"d fl,;dc milk chocolate icing. 2-i.n $] .19 l Cooki•1: Chocelote Chip, Alm0ttd Ice a.~ M•ple P-.coa or Dutch Cri1p Everybody's fOYOl'"rta cookies: From rich almond 1 coolO~ and chocolate ch ips with km ol'd ~ts of chocolate chips to mopJe..flovored pecan ond but. I tery tasting Dutch Crisps! Pick tip el'H)Ugh for every body. ' \ • P1ck111 39c (hc..fk) D•11kette1: CruMb, Su1•r or Alsorte4 Va. de Komp's famous dvnkif\g doughnuts make duMUng ·o pleosurel And they come with a cookie ~ ~, ond sugar topping. htch li99 Coffee Cake f;,s '°""" lo llle Old Wodd's trodit\oooj coffee ring. The "'°king" fr..n egg -rol doogft, lots and lets ol fresh chopped d-Ir.,,.-'PK••· Cofifonoio walnuts lor llle ~ iced with olmo"d ~ed k1ng. 11 .. L 39c (lie&-41c) C~ocoleto f•tl10 S<i••re Coke A deep, dork troal lor fudge lowr" VOft de Komp'> Chocolote Fodge CoU. A chocolote mo-p;.c. in one "'°""'lous ,,,,..,__ loyer. Aod lo lop ~ oll off, thick choc:olote fudve. J.J 11er 65c (hf. 7kl Oivl•lty fn1• l <k>L ••••••••••• ~""" 19<) 79< C•k••'the "-"th Cerw••I H•t l~e4 Or•-. .. Chiff•111 C•kt.,, 81 e All Pl•••r• ke Creeww Y2 GaL ••• (ileg.$!.29) $1.19 ~~ ••• • • 11,.. 39') 35< 411 Pl-. Slterloet-l'hots .. iy •• (ho. ,29cl 25< ~Cw oriiallilllbN it _,. Va. 0. k'.CIPnP't Jlor.,) V~n~4tK@mp's. ~ We ba~ the Wfl you would. If you had Uie time. SAIL INTO A HEARTY MEAL Stock Ship's Galley Kabobs Head for shore, lower the sails and get out the Picnic basket -it's Lime for a delicious meal. This one is complete In every way from California beef to watermelon. These hearty chunks of beef chuck will satisfy the mosl ravenous appetites. Made with Jess expensive boneless beef chuck, the beef tenderizes in a wine marinade for two or three days. Onion, oregano, thyme and pepper are the special 11easoners but you maY ad lib on these as you wish. When going sailing take Boaters' Boast these beef kabobs along in a thermos. II you're planning meals for a week on a houseboat, package them in a moisture proof plastic bag so they take up a minimum amount of space in ice chest or refrigerator. TOday boaling is T H E THING in California. Pick your class -sail boats. row boats, paddle boats. motor boats and houseboats are skimming our beautiful lakes, rivers and oceans. GALLEY BEEF CHUNKS 3 pounds boneless California beef .:huck l Vs cups while dinner wine I tablespoon wlne vinegar ' 1 teaspoon oregano i:. teaspoon thyme r teaspoon pepper 1 sliced onion Cut beef into l 1h-inch cubes. Combine all remaining in- grcqients. Pour over beef. Coytlfi and refrigerate 2 to 3 day!. Drain beef. Grill over cha rcoal or broil until welt browned. Turn to brown on all side!. Makes 4 to fi servings. FOR THE UNUSUAL ••• FINAL CLEARAWAY ... RICH4RD'S LIDO CENTER FINAL REDUCTIONS FROM All DEPARTMENTS HOME & GIFT SHOP AND YACHT SHOP OPEN DAILY 9·6 3433 Via lido, Newport Beach 673-6360 ---.. -. ____ _ --~~ . -. . . 1WITH SALLIE HERE'S FRUIT DIJNKING TO VOU I'm not & t"eclpe lrid tta.lly, but t just oouJdn't let .um· mer to by and not have >'Olil know about Fondue ~ , , • a very ~.,, ocitlrc Y:ay to do lhe fruit thi'W' alter a big meal. Firtt of all you bttw a fresh pot of coll~. It'1 1otta be freal), \Vbile this is 1oirtr on. 1quiab tqrether l tour ounce pkg, IClftened cream chee# and 3 tablespoons of brown sup.r. In another bowl tiGP U'OWld J ~ rrated Gru- yere Cheese with 2 table- 1poons flour, Put the hot co!· fee into a chal\ng dish or fondUe pot, and stir in the 2 cheese mixtul'es until it'll all nlce and amooth and thickened to dWlkll11' t.-on· Alstency. On the aide hav~ bl&' bowls of b'esh lruila ••• peach and nectarine \\.'ed,ea, plum halves, whole atra~ berries, alicea ot pinnpple, roelora, etc. ' Veey aim~ slyiish a n d scrumptious. Fun to have around with U.; fn.lill: plain crisp cookiel and sweet or salty crackers~. NATURAL QVA.l..l'DES Ot' CA.ST AC&l'LIC Step lnto my lab, and 111 try to explain these new bot and coJd servlna: beauties. First of all they look Uk• beautiful &llttery Jucite and eotne in wnplioua colon, , • smoke, clear, blue and red, You'll find blr bowls, ltttk bowls, and double. bowlll. ( know serving piece ia the preferred norner, but you 'll enJoY knowlns how 1lmpl• and easy to clean sparkly lookinf they arc, First, a aquare container you put either ice cubes or hot water in. Next, the round bowl with the same ~ top to lit pcrfecUy, It's the , 2 squares fitted lot;ethl!r that seal in thr hot oc cold . . , quite a desiinina feat. really. Don't know ho# Raymor manaf'd to dream. Temp.a up and have it &c• rive-., a:o~eous:. Finally, a· round dome cover r oes cwt evecythin1. titUnc perfectly int" the round bowl to tur- ther keep ~ cold and hot in, Whk:-. ends my leu:m in fitting 1quare pea:1 into round holes .. Elegant enoup for the most J)06h bullet, durable enough for a picnic. U the Fondue Cake sends ynu tten!a.minc for a. tondue pot, you'll find tome brand new pottery budget priced cutiea in tile &lit 1tiop too. ~ colors are tremendous yeUowa, blues, oranzes, and' whites. Onr model is Italian by Rosenthal Netter, mc)l-. of a candle wanner thini. rea.lly, and would be perfect for Fondue Cake. But U. olhcr model which it Jap-o a.nese and will m~ you 1it up and take notice. The fir. ing is completely diUerent., And would you believe an alcohol burner is built ript in lhe bottom. Now those Ut the know about burners. know that alcohol bumiJw is much hotter than 1terno, and i.~ recommended for doinl meat bobbles. The tbouzht or mixing thi.! heat with pot· tery mi&ht raise an eye- brow or two. But remember I said I.he firinr was dilter- ent. ' 'TIS is.\ID l:.ATrNG RELIEVES BOREDOM • . . it also quiel.a quer- ulous kids and nervous dors, and padtiet tensions result .. ing from too 1onr a 111D Ut a small boat, ""ell filled fuselages, or just plain tnJ. tic. Why not tote alonr pW. aativl! tidbits on toothpicks lo pop into mouths befcn the howls take over. lf you're not golna; anywhe,.. this Labor Day, aave theM for next Nrw Year. Try cubes of Gn.iyere c~ with brandied Kumquatt· • . • or canned vine leaws stuffed with rloe, alternated with o!ivea and cherry tom.. toes • • • a whole meal If yOU've had a yen to do tome. thing with a qualJ en, but didn 't kno"' what. hent'"9 what: CUt In half and mun the yoll>s \1'lth 1n\Ok«t pale . •. could be ha1n h"Om Den. mark or French liver wlllt Madeira, put beck lorcUMir and skCW!'r "'Ith baart1 0( pa.Im Y."hk:h .. -e·re Olll ot right now becaU!IC .,-e·re waltina tor the nex1 cuttirtr ot the palm, You COUid wbo 1titute artichoke he a r I a. Canned fish balla mta:ht IM nice if rhe)"rt: tolJed Vt frttze..d!Wd chlvn alone with W'\J>ttled cucwnbQ: munkl. CUbea al rye w..t atnu'I& with a lherltln and • nibble or ~ toriaue. n. member more than ttu-ee II a Cl"O\\"d ' ltlctwd~ the P e op I $1.dtt. ~·bi!re .-e will bt t'IO!St!d Labor Oi.y, . P.ijONE "71•UO, FOR HOME ,DEUV~Y . ' PRICES,EFFlCTjVE AUG. 28, 29, ~ ' t • • • .. • Orgen .. S.ron1de ~- For Your P1Hsuro by LIDO MARker .CENTER ) NEWPORT BLVD. AT Tt\E ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE .. Bornico F.1y ' . PltDDVGI ' . ' . . Wodnt1<111, ""91nt 27, 1969 CLOSED LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEPT, t •• ' , . . ; : .. :... . · ll·B '"' . .. ... . . . I~ ,,{ '· ' ·Al \1 . \ -. ..... f~ • ' • • ' ·· ~TOJl 'OF THE &~E. U.S,D.A:' CHOICE · A MAN'.S FAVORITE, P"A~ED FOR EASY. CARVING, • ' . ' , , ' PRIME .RIB ·ROAST ~ ,~;cy f~~ .,bocvoi . THE EYE OF THE RIB /" · ' " SPENCER JEAKS THE KING Of THE ROTIS~~RIE ~OASTS ,. .. V1ryttonclor· & flovorful ' < I ~. . , • 1 SPENCER ROAST °:.~ ~1 vrion of popper llMk LEAN ENGLISH ·STYLE J.· ', · • SHORT Rl9$ -OF BEEF HAVE A' HAMBURGER FEAS.TI -' ' • • • • .. HAMBURGER ;. PA TIIES . ·2 lb. Box, 5 pll!IOI por lb. ' ,FOR VEAL PARMESAN, FROZEN I VEAL CUTLETS : . I zACK'f fl,RMS. 6'.LIFORNl; GROWN • 1.89l:~. • 1~89l~·· : ss-~ .. ·-·9·-' . ~ ,, 1.-.i ~ . .i . 89¢J ·,' LB., ·' Combine w1t1rmelon b•lls; with other m~1ons i1nd .fruit11 add dry white wine. . . ~ ., SPLIT 8ROllERS;. Mfrlnato In '•" Aft~'~ ., ' flnorfvl· ~·-1-t7 • LI. 'HAND-SELECTED. THE "IEST OE THE FIELD" SWEET, RED, RIPE Watermelon ~~f~· LB. s~ Top with• scoop of lemo".l juice or lime ic1. DELICIOUSLY SWEET. VINE-RIPENED HONEYDEW LB. 10- Serve coo~ed, coolec:f, io vin~rett• s1uc:• FRESH. YOUNG & TENDER, MARSHIURN'S · (.ARROTS 3 ~i:: 29~ HAMBURGER SIZE GENUINE. SWEET. ITALIAN RED ONIONS 2 LBS. 25¢; BELIEITEllEH OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT. ALL BEEF, 10 to Pound WIENERS . 1 LB. PKG. 79¢. URGER, FATTER, o'sCAR MAYER I to • Po""d WIENERS 1 LB. PKG. 79¢ RICHELIEU, FOR RO/>ST BEEF, B·oi. Horseradish Sauce 4f HOFFMAN'S AL[ IEEF • Salami Chub Ph LB. 1 .. 25 CACHE VALLEY NATURAL, SLICED Swiss Cheese '1• LB. 69¢ V~RY LIGHTLY 'SALTED, for 1pr•1d•, with s1l1d1 BREMNER w.A.FERS ..... 49e UNUSUAL IN A MARTINI, NICE HORS D'OEUVRES PICKLED GREEN TOMA!OES ATKINS TOMbllVES ... 59e PltD!EH PDDDI 7 EASY.· FLAVORFUL SNACKING, 6 VARIETIES Jeno's Pizza Rolls 49~ STOUFFER'S MACARONI and BEEF11•1 ••• 59c STOUFFER'S Tuna Noodle C~sserole uv .... 59e STOUFFER'S, N;co fo, b'""ch, CREAMED CHIPPED BEEF 11.. 89c STOUFFER'S LunchNn f01 th• l1die1 CREAM~D QHICKEN 11 v .... 89e . ' • ' I A leisurely l • D1y W oek· end -rel11 ind on joy it with the family or 1 few 90~ friends. Shop loisuroly loo -cool, soft lights and plHsanl music. Individual service is our speciality. Como to Richard's where the people ire nice •nd the variety unrival•d ! ~· . .. .. TWO HOLIDA y DINNERS' BARBECUE DINNER RAW VEGETABLE PLATE with DUNKING SAUCE BARBECUED PRIME Riii , BEEF FLA VO RED RICE MIX TOSSED GREEN SALAD with BACOl!l BITS ' ' • • f ICE CREAM with COINTREAU FLAVORED SL CED PEACHES • CHATEAUNEAUF ,DE,PAPE WINE ' -. ~ .. ·: COLD BUFFET •· · · · COLD BAKED HAM with SPICY GLAZE MACARONI SALAD VEGETABLES VINAGRETIE POTATO ROLLS HONEYDEW with LEMON ICE JOHANNISBERG REISLING WINE r ' . ~ I , .. ,,.I . . . • 7 • THE FINEST, BAR-M. WHOLE HAMS 1.39LB. Vz or% HAM 1.49 u. Alasken Tiny Cocktail Shrimp 2.98 ,,, . . . ' .. Stuffed Thick Pork Chops 1.49 "· Persley. dres~i'n9 Marinated Chuck Roast ;:.:.,., 69c ·u. · U.S.D.A. PRIME 9EEF, TOO &llDEEllY UNCLE BEN'S. Gr.it with barb•cu•d MNt1 Rice Mixes 411!:.~. 4 FOR $1 1 ... LAWRY'S ALL FLAVORS SALAD DRESSINGS , ... 3,., '1 ' . I KlkKOMAN A' b'arbecue 1l.tncl1N-. · TERIY AKI SAUCE 1,... 49c . ' ' KNUDSEN 't.A ·aoN 1·omR, I LB • . • SUNSHlt,.IE -GREAT SNACK CRACKERS HI-HO CRACKERS ,.. 29c CAL-FAME FRUIT DRINKS ..... 4 ,,..$) ,. I PllLSBURY ASSORTED FLAVORS -.. " CAKE MIXES . • •• : ... 29(.. ·' ' .. HILLS IROS. • COFFEE I LB. 69¢ HILLS BROS. COFfEE ,,._ l.37 PLANTER'S 11 • .,, ,,. • MIXED NUTS -"'"' ,..;;.n · · •• 79c GERBER'S STRAINED l ·''I BABY FO'OD ·~ ... 10 ,.. '1 CAMP9ELL'S HOME Sl:vLE PORK and BEANS .. ;; .. 4,., s1 HEINZ 26-ot. . ·-• BARBECUE SAUCE ..... • • · 59c ' '·. . . ~ DIAMOND Delux~ Dinner Plates '"· 4 ..;'l KINGSFORD CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 10 ~ .. ·~0 -89¢ . '· ' CAL.,..FAME11 (Try J 1n9• .1le1•d chicken) EIRDY 7 • ·11KllY · ·Orange Juice , ... 4 FOR $1 PASCALL IMPORTED 39c SUMMER FRUIT Bl~DSEYE DELUXE WHOLE GREEN BEANS .... 4,., '1 CANDIES Liv•l y flevors, wrapp•d ·PLB!Elt IHDP . . . . FRESH CUT FLOWERS FILL A HOUSE WITH CHARM . . · 25 RED ROSES llRDSEYE DELUXE 9¢ 1 98 . TEND~R 'TINl( PEAS ... 4,., '1 ~EG. $1 LI. 7 LB. • . .. . ~ LIGHTLY DUSTED WITH POTAtO F~ou~· POTATO ROLLS 6,.,31c OUR OWN LIGHT DANISH PASTRY • ' ' Cinn(lmon T:.vist Danish ...... 15' · .. ? \ ' A REALLY FLAVORFUL LOAF • Buckwh~t n' Honey . Bread 45c FUDGE ICING WITH WALNUT~ FUDG~. LOAF ;. .... 79c . . , '' 21a it: :u ••: 21acs aau s :asu2 ro s zru r••t 21arts Slur rs J rs u a ausrr uirora u 2 rra•u s;s•• 'Jan a nz nis 7 zaZ# 7 1rru s" no u s,no 7 r2 :wtiJJ r us r • ~ ' • • . '2.tJ."""ct-MARKET HOME & Gl~T SHOP LIDO YAGHT·SHOP A'NTHONY'S ,SHOE .REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEA:NERS OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9,6 OPEN DAILY 9,6, SUN. 10.3 DAILY 9.5,30, SAT. 9,5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY, 1~14, SAT. 1 ,30.5 ' . ' . !!M!!!llm!I •. . ' ) \ • • ' • ~~~~~---··--=·----------····--·-·· ··--··-· .--...~~~~~~~~~~-----~-----------------------~ --~-----~-~ • " I ff Nll.Y Pll.OT 'Bloody Rare' Roast llY JOBN.I. BLINN NEW YORK -"I i..e Jove. II'. bloocll' -i beef," English aca-Alee McCowen aald, lloWlas up 1 rare slice ol ...... Ho .... -to coo-ltruc:t • prprnu sandwich lnllD • _,. ol foods po~ II netpborhood dellcoleUena. ''This II just like beln( at MacFisher's cold-euts couo.ttt In London," he said delighted- ly. "I'd been complainq about tbe mustard over here so a friend brought me some from England." he squirted gene"""' blobs ol Engll!ll naustard o0 a bunk of pum- pernickel. "J Jove the dark. brtadl and this 11 so lovely," he uld, snif· fing tile pumpernickel. Alec sPoke of his vlonds in son tones, a contrast to the verbal pyrotechnics he dlspl>ya In hll stan1"1 P...roadway role of , "Hadrian VII." CWSE TO SOURCE ''Beef Is dearer than Jamb ( lop VALU I DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET I 19th & HARBOR • COST A MESA Prices Eff ective Aug. 28 ·Sept. 3 Ol'fN LAIOR DAY 10-7 Farmer John's Shank Half HAM 39~ l/4 Shank HaH 49~ Farmer Johns Butt End HAM 49~ l/4 Butt Half 59~ U.S.D.A. TURKEY U.S.D.A. GRADE A Drumsticks or Legs CHICKEN BREASTS 2s~ 49~ SMALL FRESH LEAN TURKEYS GROUND BEEF 29fb 49~ SPAR·E RIBS BABY BEEF LIVER 39~ 39~ U.S.D.A. U.S.D.A. ROCK CORNISH CORNED 'BEEF G.AME HENS 49~ 20 en:. 59c each U.S.D.A. GRADE A BULK TURKEY ROLLS BOLOGNA ... ~19~ 29fb Bulk Cotto S.1l1mi 39c lb. De Carlo Kitchen Fresh Sprln9field • or 12 oz. Canned RtCJ. 59c Size Sprln9field SODA BREAD POTATO CHIPS POP 5 lo.vet •1 FM Golden Ripe Central American BANANAS Fnsll Solld Green CABBAGE .5~ • 45' 12 F •1 0 • .. Juicy Sweet Yellow . PEACHES 3:29' Garden Fresh R£D RADISHES GREEN ONIONS 5c BUNCH ~ . , , L 6 PflOT ·ADVERTISER Suits English Actor or chicken In the dellt back ChantUly-cream {fttdtned. Ve~ ooobd tn lhlt home. And we get wonderful 1Uf!ly -· helvy .,..m). fuliGa will came '"'I t;rilp Dutch, French and German Waa hb mot1Mr -.\ed and blul(llld on Uio llllitde. cheeses there simply because with tbe tbelter, he wu For v e I et 1 b J e ~ we're so close to the sourca," uked. • compan.bnenw Alt<: 1.ila be said, sa·..mg at the Swlss "She wu fonnetty a SOf.l.. broad beans •(cooked q ch..,e. brette' and ~ II '..... like l'f'!I peu, 0.v.,.., wt "The kitchen here i. only •Ide • COllCti'!: My f•lbef nt ,,., mmmer aa~ or large enough for makln& cof. every night ancJ. watchell her parsleJ 'butler u~) and fee. You can't ll))l'ead out pro-from the fron( row. He was a cai.d.iflower (cooked. dnibwd perty to make a sandwich." real · slale<loor Johnnlel She and anointed with Hollan. He had covered the table In marrl<cl lilno •117 and rell...i dalse l8UCe or llghUy. dtllted the living room of bis hotel from the · ltage. My father is with lleved hard-cooked egg, apartment with newspaper. a peramOuJator aakmnan, but snlpped fresh parsJey, butt.er. "Already this i s ID-they both were very pleased browned bread crwn~ salt digesti<>nco" be commented as when I chose the sjage." and pepper). he grated bl>ck pepper on the ORDEAL OF FOOD SUMMER PVDDING tomato slices, hanf..cooked Al Hadrian, an unsuccess-I slices 1'"1tte tn-e.d, crusts egg, dill pickle, "bloody" ~f ~a:hokla~!~~ J!!:~ trhnmed and Swiss cheese ~f hLS elected the firat English Pope, 2 pints cleaned ':1: Dagwood before popplQg on · Alec faces a dalltordeal of faspberrlu ' the "lid.'! food. "I can hardly face an-Vanilla sugar to taste t ','My American cousin (Mrs. other pickled oiiion." he said. 113 cup) Dorothy ~"--) fro Cl •· be ouJ•be p be · I cup heavv cream (or sour """"""' m eve-~ 1 w ..,. oPe1 is ·~ land would love thl!. She's in obliged to eat the oruons in cream) town with her three red-head· the same way one munches Place four alices of bread in ed sona doing the 'Life Wllh oo an apple. bottom of. • al.us baain. Top Father' ·mt." Of hJs own role "I Jlke scallions when I'm wfth c1 us bed rupberrtea as Hadrian, an almost three-not working, but no actor eats sweetened With vanilla supr. hour monologue laden with onions when he's performing," Top with four remaining bread polysyllabic word!S, he said, he stated. "The role's so de:· slices. Cover with a plate and "It's an actor's dream but a manding, I have to watch weight it on top. Refrigerate very demanding role. I learn-what I eat. One of the joys several hours (or until bread ed the whole thing firsl as 1 of not working is being able Is very moist.} would a poem, using a tape to eat carelessly. But now, Whip cream until sUf!, rec:Order." !or instance. J can't eat shell-sweeten as desired to spoon • ~ , ~ , . .E. '!tfADE FOR BULL SHOTS' fish with rich sauces." over the top. Serves 6-8. ~ . *'. .· . ' His multistoried sandwich He said that New York has a Afterthoughll: Vanilla sugar ,.~; · L :wJ1~,. · · was. almost completed, "I'm wider variety of restaurants can be made by placing a ,'Pt~ ~· . J •·i~Ji.~ gettinf it now. I can'( wait to than London. "I live in NotUnc vanilla pod (available at k o. "' ~~· eat this," he said gleefully H 111 Ga le . In my grocery stores) ill a closed DAGW"°D SANDWICH MA KI NGS taking his first bite. "I love neighborhood, we have° 12 sugar canister. Alec McCowan your American food," he Italian restaurants but no'l----''"=·'".c':..• "c:-=:::"c.:':::M:... -------·---------------went on. F~ or Grtek ones. Here, "In !act. I'm made for your within a small radlu.s, I can bull shots. They 're bard to eat all kinds of food. I• even gb make in England. You must to an automat and enjoy good have the right kind of tinned American baked ham, and the soup. I triec;f making them pudding there Is divine." once, but it was ierribly He commented on the dif· wrong because I used lemon fere.nces between American and you need lime I suppose." d E llsh A bull shot is a tall drink of an ng restaurants. "In vodka and beef bouillon. England, you have a tern"ble "l have a special place 1 go lime getting a glass of water. for buII sbof.i and cold beef It Is so peaceful to have a in London, the Rib Room at glus of water sitting there in the CarJton Towers in Sloane front of you if you want it. In Street," -ne said, adding "I American restaurants, the rather like bitter lemon 'and waiters are reluctant to give orange, Loo." you a menu to make a deasert His palate does nol em-selecUon. Invariably they say brace all English foods. "l 'We have cake, ice cream: hated bread-and-butter pud. elc.' · ding so much when J had it "I miss rriy kitchen back in achoo!, I'd stow it in my home. I have a nice big handkerchief rather than eat ldtchen in my London flat, and it. Once when I had to blow J sit in it a great deal. It's so my nose, I pulled out the comforta ble to read t h e handkerchief and. the pudding newspaper spread out on the fell all over my desk. It'1 kitchen table and have some really only a filler-upper for tea and blscui'" ,. he said. English school boys. J did .., love, however, the trifles and "My Sunday ritual is to summer pudding my mother make a roast beef or shoulder used to make." 'lbe summer of lamb. Just peel t h e pudding is sliced wtiite bread vegetables and place on top of (or pwnd cake) spread wilh the roast. Shove it in the oven fruit·ilweason, topped off with and two how's later out comes the crisp, wonderful vegetables. All it takes is one basting. I add cauliflower or broad beans and my meal's complete. That's my Sunday roast and I make a ritual o! watching Sunday night at the Palladium on the telly." Sew Big There's ne\'er a dull m~ ment for a cblld with this merry-eyed doll around! So much doll to play with and love -he's 32" tall! Wears size-2 clothes, hi a real playmate for girt or boy. Pat· tern 7339; doll pattern only. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each paltem for first<lass malling and speelal handling: otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks the DAI - LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept .. Box ·163, Old O\elsca Station, New York, N.Y. 10011 , Print Nttme, Adrreas, Zip Pat"ra Number. Giant, new lMI Needlecraft Cataloc - over 200 designs to choose, 3 free patterns printed inside . Send so cents now. NEW! "50 INSTA NT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys, decorator accessories., Make k today, give it tomor· row ! Ideal for all occasions, 50 cents. "11 Jiffy Rup" to tnlt, crochet, weave, sew. hook. 50 ctnta. Boot of 12 Prise Afghut. 50 cent.. Bargain! QuUt Book 1 has II beautiful patterns. SO cents. Museum Quilt Book Z -patterns for IZ Sllperti quilt<. 50 "'"''· Book 3. •'QuJlta for Today'• Ltvllc''. 15 patterns. 50 cenlS. ' .. . Recipes from the Dagwood expert follow : ALEC McCOWEN'S SUNDAY MEAL-IN-ONE Knob or suet (size of walnut) Sirloin or rib roa st beer weighing about S pounds ' 8 small potatoes 8 small tender parsnips Salt, freshly ground pepper I. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place suet in roasting pan (the pan should be large enough to com- fortably bold roast a n d vege~bles); place roasting pan In oven unUI suet begins to sizzle. Place roast In heated roasting pan: return to oven. Bro\l!·n meat on aJI sides (about 20 mins.) Reduce temperature to 325 degrees F. . Peel potatoes and parsnips; rinse off, dry wtll with paper to"'•eling. Arrange potatoes and parsnip! around the roast in roasting pan. Season roast liberally with salt and pepper. ConUnue cooking uncovered about I ~ hours (or until meat tests rare by running a skewer inLo the roast and juice is a pinkish-red color). Baste roast once with pan juices, tum vegetables several limes to brown on all sides. Remove meat to heated platter while k e e p i n g vegetables hot In oven. Pour off excess fat ln the roasting pan, use natural jWces to make the gmvy. Stir in any small scraps of meat, dilute slightly "'·ith water, add salt and pepper to taste. Heat to boiling. reduce slightly. Strain and serve in a sauceboat with roast. Roast may also be serv. ed with horseradish Sauce, Scnres 6-3. HORSERADfSH SAUCE in cup prepared horseradish. drained I tablespoon wine vinegar '2 teaspoon mustard powder Dash cayenne '-i teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons cream Combine all Ule Ingredients except cream ; mix well. Gradually stir in cream. Serve cold with roast beef. Afterthoughts : Alec lifcCowen's Sunday dinner is cooked in the truly English fashion with minimal season- ing. ror more exact liming of tile ro1st. R\low IS.JI minutes per pound for beef rare lft.24 minutes for medium and ~ minutes for well d o n e . Th Tllrll Sun. AugUsl 28 to 31. 19&9 Prices'Effecti'll At uc.enseO Saltways urs. • ~~ ~ " 86 PrflOf. SM Sl.40 . . , MacNair's Scotch Bourbon Whisky Old Ciltlaufl. S&-P'r.1 Milt $87t Slott SI.OD • lift•• 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach. 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna " t I . .... . . . . . :l ' PILOT-ADVERTISER 7 l Wednolday, Allgurt 27, 1969 _wo1_no_l4a_Y._A.,_u_11 _20,_1'16_, ____ o_All_V Pll~ 4.~7- n11...,.. • ... ~'" Double Blue Chip Stamps °'" ...... ~ Cipn-.,, fJIW Milk .W llll'llt · UMIT on ioufDI PU flllltLT .. o...; .......... k •aJJ. lll•IPS.-, IHllst Flnor Edwards Coffee HOLIDAY FUNTIME! lndwucllc Cu111erc ~"I:!.""':'.. •r : CX•l26 Koclacolor Fll•l!;... -•11•::: CX·l27 llodtlcolorFllM ~ ""'114 1!: 1·115 111111._ Polll'Old Fiim Pack .......... __... '1'' ktl#f4WWlt.A~.. MU 8Ut... ... 10"""""' • IOl ~ ~... .... A ,I , ~Giit Lucerne Ice Milk Hi-COunhy Briquets LOW PRICE FROZEN FOOD BUYS! Cream Pies =-=•166.t 3 IC .. L •100 """"'Clllhllll..,........ • ... Heath lar• ~~:i rru11 ::~ 594 I C t.. .. Dllllll ...... 69' ,. 1'9Qftl " Anl fllwor1 111, L d Sl:tlch T1t1t l••Jo 11' emona • conttrl~rtt ... Cora-on-Cob :::: 6 ;::; 69' lel-alr Fries ~ .::::_ :<~ 49' hlou :':!.i~ 5 ~~: 11 . Morten's Pies :::Ii ~."o.. ":..-59' U.S. Ila. l's-To 8aM, fry Or IWlll 10c49c 119 Produce Valuetl Grapes ::..::: ~-.. 29' 1..-:.:-...... 5 .. '1 Party Pride Potato Chips Granulated nion Sugar Dubuque Famlly Size $ La~e llooeless CilUled ·9·lb, . ~Great 1.-Soldwidles. oval '"'I I ... H .... I-It. 111 . can ~ ~ ~ Stokely's Gatorade · Depend On Safeway For U.S.D.A. Choice BHll Full Center Cut Of .... U.S.D.A. Ckelce Ifft 11 llm-f•WloicJ"".T•'" I .. '""""• s.r..., '"" u.- B el H ._.. ...... -s1-°"' . '11111 ... ,..linll ..,... on ess am . .,,,, ._,_ -... . . ' Beulm 1., Sirtoi• 11t1u = .. -.• 80111111 s,...... Steaks :.~:.. .. 'I" ,.,.!,~:h!areribs Fresh Turkeys ~.::.:..... .. 49' ::::-.c':r!'::i,.~~· 1• 79c Beef Rib Steaks :'=. .. 89' r.nestu••ml'ork • fam•1ly Steaks Louu111-cho1 .. ·~ , .. 98' Veal Chops l::!:;~:~ .. 79' - Veal steaks ~..:: • ..: 89' Sirloin Tip Steaks ~.':':-. .. $1'' Veal Chops ~,.~· 89' Pork Steaks ::.•J: .. 79' Cornish Game Hens l?:.:'~ ...... 89' !~.~!n5; lamb Chops :::::.. "'!:: ,. 99' Best of Fryer :: = "''' .. 59' " "'·' , •• lambRibChops ~ .. -'1" Fresh Ground Chuck ~::. .. 79' Gilio Salalli ·-98' ll· ... •1 .. leg of lamb :::: :::.·~ 98' Beef Short Ribs ~:."::' .. 49' .... . ... . Farmer John Bacon Fresh Oxtails 1:'~:.::r,"'... .. 49' ~=a; 59' Fllltt of Sole =:-·· .. 79! Da1tla Mali Gourmet Shrimp i::::.:. '1" :~ W :: 191 ...,=" .. -........ ·_· .... ~-· .... 6-.5•_. IMI• Sill Un-Terder llolden Ke- 10 -J9c 21L29c LOW .. Jlc • ... , Low Produce Prices! ii lelm =:-n:•11 .. 9' Or11ges ::r.:-· 8~ 98' COME STOCK-UP AT SAVINGS ... THEN '~A.WAY TO ·HOLIDAY FUNTIME! 211 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dr .. Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna 636• N. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Be,ch • Santa Ana Freewaf al la Paz, Mission Viejo ' -------· ................. ·=. = •••. ·= ••. ·--. -·-= =. ·-----. -----....... ·-.. "' ..... -__ .. --------- -------------------~ ----- • 1 ' ! ' • • I I I I ! • I • • I l i t ' ·-·------·~·---··---~~----~ ............. -............. ,..,.. .......... ._..._.,_.....,._....,,....._ ......... _. ..... ...,. ______ ....,. __________ _ 4• DAILY PILOT • , I I •• l • MAYFAIR MARKETS WILL REMAIN OPEN LABOR DAY1MON.,SEPT. lst FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE MOUIS Will IE POSTED . MAYFAIRCHARCOAL ~ec BRIQUETS ... 10.LB. BAG ··---······ .. ·•·M-•• .. -············"'' HAMBURGEROR 29·c ... HOT DOG BUNS MAYFRESH8COUNTPKG. ............... ~ £€{;.!~~~-.. ~~............. . .. 49c ,t ... ~ _· ~ ~ COUNTRY PRIDE Er;'l'!ou1c•SERV,80 ~~~~~-5 gc l LARCiCiSE :'ii ECi ~a!~~!~~!~!~ .... -....... -5 f!r1 ~ LARGEGRADEAA ~-\ ZEE PAPER NAPKINS ~6'~60~~~ ...... 10' ~ ta ~i. ~ y ~ IMPERIAL OLEO ~-fs"~~i\oN ...... 37' ji DOZ.~ REY OL S WRAP 69 .1j MAYFRESH ii" N D l2"X 75' ' ".~.i) LARGEGRADEAADOI.4S< :~ VAN CAMP'S PORK & BE~~~--.. :·~:~~~~~ . 23' ~ ~~X~:teD~:tD'f'h,.4~z. 49,~ HEAD & SHOULD.ERS SHAMPOO CONCENTRATE s 110 ·~~m~\il~!l1'!'~>;,~~~.d FAMILY SIZE DEAL PACK ..... .. FIXINGS FOR THE HOLIDAY FRENCH'S MUSTARD •-oz ................................................ 17• BARBECUE SAUCE CHRIS' & PITT'S 1'-0z ................ J ;' I LINDSAY LARGE RIPE OLIVES NO. 300 CAN PITTED .•..• 39' NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS a.oz ............ _ ................... 43' LADY'S CHOICE PICKU RELISH 12-0z ......................... 29' SLICING TOMATC.ES LARG£5llf ---·-·--···· LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS GARDEN Fltf5tt -M--~------···· CRISP CELERY GAROEH FR.ESH -········-.. -....... TENDER 2 2e~ !-oEJ:!~-FOR . · BEEF BACON MAYFRESH 1'.l.-OZ..CAN SODA POP REGULAR OR LOW CALORll $ M!!f!!!!J .. YEGET ABLES 7 ,0~1 .MIX 'VEGETA~lES & PEAS. , , TO-OZ. PKG. , .. ~!!,t~;.! ~~!!.~~~~'.'.'-79• ~!!~~~~! __________ 33• TAVERN BONELESS 1 3 I llAM5 READY HOffMAN ______ yo EAT LI. e . !!!!~ .. A a«>cr-. -LI. 9 Be REAlMt5:.C1t 12-0l.l'lG.. FRYER FRYER 59c ~~'~TS _ 1:'9':L~~ Yf~iE a . WWW~WWWJ Van9s~Rf\~mp's SPECIALS Th1111.-Mon. !u1ust 28.sipl 1 Dutch Ring lSc Coffee Cake .... 10 oL Chocolate &Sc Fudge Cake .... "'''" ChDC•l•I• Chip, Almond Jee Box, Map11 Pecan, 1r Dute~ Crisp 3gc Cookies ........... rt~ WWWJWJWJWJWJ PROCTOR AND '!;AMBLE SPW,ll.S ...._,....... . .... IYOffrcnotallOlt-4iwDI CllMJUntlOI# 1ilrU. WllAYCOWl.DIOllOAP-Jllrl1t mTMTfflOIP 1WDI Wll&l.llDUTMIOU -llwlk UllllUD OOMrLUIOl IO., I lilr DI LI........ ltttlt • .,... c•n. ma..JJfair Dd.iM,tc&sc.n. ~ FRANKS '\\l Ol'VIRG\NIA45 , .. TENDER y . TASTY ,12-0Z.PKG. S!!N .. ~!!.~o!~~~o.~~-~A~--$ 4 49 LUNCHEON MEATS 12.oz. 69< All MlATOR ALL r.EEf BOlOGNA RA TH 'S COTTO SA\.AMI ll.INCHEOl'I MEAT -"·-· .................... . ARDEN CHEESE FOOD ~~g~~'ti~''.'.'~65< BOLOGNA ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF . OSCAllMA)"lN 12-0l.Pt\C:.-. -·-·""'·-·•· .. ··• .... --.. ··-· .. ·--79' OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT FRANKS 1&89' IOIUS DmtCIUIT Git .. 11t DASH onnlllT IH. Mt M.st UL Vo nm1aorr _ a111 .• m.1a. DIE1TD£T£11DIT-Gftl.-t!nllt IVOIY IMOW Clll.'*t ... 1vo•rrutta L1t.t1n17• llOUIDYMllLL OnDGlWT -12tt.f~ C.tttJllD£M DllMWISMEll _ JHL 7k ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THl,IRSDAY, AUG. 28 THRU SEPT. 3rd 175 EAST 17th STREET, COSTA MESA 20l0 WEST lot S~•EET, SANTA ANA --989Z WfSTMINSTH AVE., GA•DEN GROVE ----J r ICE CREAM ARDEN FLAVOR FRESH CATERING QUALITY HALE GAL. "# r. • • • ', • , • • <'),.,. °'" • ~ ' •o "I • .., -. _. , 4 ..._ ..-,...,. _,_ ....... '' 1 -. '• '• , • • • ' -I •, • "• • • ., " 0 • •, '"I • , -, • •. •. •• "• •, '" ~· -~'c_:•C......:"....'..__;'_;0::._.-::._· •:.....:....· ;_• .:._• .:._• .;_;"..:..• :..:•:..:-.:_:-.:_:"._,.:•_,.:. •:...-"'--~""·-_:.-_:.· ..:,• --:.· ........ ~~---.... Grab Enzymes Provide Answer a POMONA, Calij. (llf!J) - Okay hou&ewivt!, you might kno~ ~ that ll tough. beef i! coot~ long and .•Jowly it becomes tender. But do )'°"' ki\OW why this la so! Cornell University grailuate Eini Laakstonen found the answer after obse:r:vln1 th e ilow method or cooking lw de!irable cull or meat iii her native Finland. Miss Laakstonen reported to the 'Amer1Can Meat Auocia· lion meetln& here that ni.turai enzyoau, known a s e<1l· lag~, are present in meat and Clpable of attacking con- nective tiuue. '"1e tissue is the animal fiber that holds muscle cells tog~er and this tissue i1 al&!)lficantly r e I a t e d to IOUillntaa. . . At constant t o w tern· ptratilrts. Miss Laakstonen repoi'Jed, the lies! condltlon• exist>-for the acUon of the tlssut-•ttacklN: e n 1 y m e 1 . Th~.,.., the .nzymes aolten the fiber and m11-~e the meat t<ndjr. - Sti? ' Feminine Appetites Satisfied A juot-rllhl !;esh fruit cup !!r the glrll! 'IHRBU'JllJlT CUP 1 cantalOllpe 4 froth ptllches t cup orange sections Halve cantaloupe ; remove sffd~·i q uarter each half; cut nesb·awty from rind in strips ; dice flesh . Co:Ver peaches with boiling water and let stand loo& enoush to 1o6len skins - about 2 mlrtutes; remove akiris, pit and dice. Mlx peaches with orange tections; add cantaloupe. COY~ and chill. Makes 4 serv· Jngs. I Gourmets D.elighted A s i m p J e • t o-asse.rnble demrt that's !w gourmets. EPICUREAN sTRA WBEl\RY SUNDAE 1 pint strawberrl~ 14 cup superflne.11.1pr Y4 cup orange-flavored U· queur I pint vanilla ice cream W8'h strawberries in cold waler; hull. CUI amall befrl<J in 1)1.lf, large berries in quaflorl. Ml1 ~a w1th sugar I.pd liq-. Cov« anil chill. Serve berries 11 a sauce for the Ice cream. Makes 4 serv· lnp. Milk Works · Health' Magii;: Many socltUes hive at· tac¥d mystlcll 1n4 magical Powen to mUk~ Tddly we know that the only d)aglc mUk periorma is to give "you exlra vim for yuur dally :.ct.lvlUea. Adilltl lhoUld dl'lnk I or more 11..... ol milk each day, ,.mlnda D1try Coonc:il of CalUomJ1. Moteriqls Mix OAllV '1LOT 4f> Quick Dessert from Pantry Shelf Easy Picnic Fare Basket Pack Eggs Porterhouse Steaks .,,'::. $13! Boneless Round ~rv>~~ 9t ... Top ·Sirloin Steaks ""~nr~y fJ5! CHARCOAL BRIQUETS . ft.l.hwi'ltlflci"7••• 0 IJ, ::·.:~ ':!!::~.. \ "' Assorted Color• , •• COLD POWER Vegetables ".IA.M~Dn ...... 2' .... °'°"8 ~ IW .tole ' ~7· C~l~l'ICO. ......... I AIU-Stitzer """'~~ St' lutl-AWSlieerSlrip ~ Ill Lmril .. ,..... ".lfL ... CHUCK STEAKS SS· T oP I_. Steak '=' '1 '! Grom Chet ..,., .......... 69• Grouli ..... ~ 79• Beef Shrt Rills -:::~ . 45~ USDA CHOICE BEEF ROASTS CD1T11 cur 01Udt 55c Ol7- ..... a.ck "~ ll. IOHWSS ROUND "'!" 98' OR SHOULDER aOD "' "' A tEAl auoGrT ~ 10 fu.Hl(S pUPl(y. MILLllOOK Eastern Qwtif1 ••• Western flavorl ,fUllY COOKED loFUll SHANK l~HALF ~7-1 lb."""' llllT 65" • POITIOll • • 1n Molood ~....ttdlons , Wbil ...... S1iri1, sm., ...... 89' , ..... ·'1"" QllClt NODN IOI • .. Mo u. l'IOl1-• ,, l'l'll«t • •• IL ~ .w.. stidd. i:---. _,., nc 0-,.., ..... -.-...-. ....... $1.n 0.. M at.,. MIC. ---ISt co.. ,.. Mr. ....... -·-··-=-... ':-' ""'--~ .............. -..... 1 ... SLICED BACO N Boneless Hams ~,~·= $13! I • 7S ' F hH T k 4ftc WalerlllOI ~~-79' res en ur eys,.~\~:~. 7 >L LinkS.auge ·-:::::o li't · s. ... Roll "fir=' W Tyson Game Hens =~-:. 79'.... o.u,.111a1s ~ '1'! ' ~ RESH SALADS AIERICAI CHEESE. v.-u.o..a.. "• .... 1k -3''1 .... 59i ~ ....... ~ ~""'"'""~ Tops 'n Pop ,~i~ .. Morehouse Mustard ·~· 10:89' 29' . Pitted Ripe Olives ":'£ 35c . . Vita Pakt Juice Bars ~-39' Vons Premium Coffee :;::t:1:59' ' CREAM PIES Morlo11,~d,fnn.tt1 ••• VODKA ...,,,._.,a~•~ 37 Shepherds Bread ~~ c 14-0t. ... ~~·;~ s2•• .!°!!!.~ ... ~~FflNi ""'""'" ~.......... 3 i 1 <"'-' '"'"' - lhllolr-o.1tr PIClllRE DF ASTIOIWIT Michael Colli11 IN YOllS YlRlnY BREADS °"'_ .............. -Mkh9ol""'-• """' _..., ... t1o1o ....... nw.,..A 1M •..ii•-.lfM'llo II _ _.. ......... ,_ ......... -... nHCia.c.. ••• c ......... LIMJf SrurflNCI llQ .. ,.,,.,. .... Jerseylflaii SHERBET J.Jlt'd '""°'' ... VONS SlUITI TO IUOI I • I • ,,,_ """""" '81 k P NMf,....,.._. ,-. ........ -...... ., . .,_, u. Ian Mogle: kMI'•~""--_ .. _ .... -... We _ ~ I -y-J ic..w • .....-." 4,, ,,__ ... ,..,. ...... .,., oc epptr ,,...c...Cll ..... , .................... s1.01 "-"....,._.,,__ .._ ............. _ .. "" W h I ol .,., •51 #.J.L lk1'~ .. -. .................... w, ..... '7c IOUo.llO'llOlf L .. , .or. L ._.,,"""',__ .,_,,..,..,.,.,:Ile mat=~~i.~°:ou,:!~~~faU wt ............. ., llit ............... -..--. •• • -···• u.otain ...... g., a ............. o Qni'IO..,.Mt,--. ............................. n-t ~t'..'..5.~;3, I ~ ... ~1~ .. 82' I 179.SO Maanona, fountain Vellty 21082 Beach Blvd., Ht11llngto1 hie~ S922 Edinger Ave., 11 Springdale, Hunlinaton Beach ciot11s co11 [tcUom.r 1• paTr1~na1 ~.1011 Adams Ave., al Brookhursl, Huntlnglon Beach unusua . au 1ne gere ~'"!111.:?t~O:: 1~t'":'!~~ 3.al1 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Bolch either lame or t'tct. ' \I I• l \ ---~----·-· ••• 0 ••••••• so a.• ea ·a •• r o as·• a er a$ CC q = C ft••= e ... e C p C ;d •.•• ·-.. -------------~---------- -- St DAILY PILOT Wednesday, Au9ust 27, 1969 Wednfsdat. Augusl 20, 1'169 L JO PltOT•~DV~~TISE~ -• ALL STORES OPEN PLAY ART I . ·HOUSE PARTY GAME :. LABOR DAY!!! . LINKLEnER1 S . ' ' " ' . I CH·~~.~.0•••0••l•H•ITl~ .... 0.~"0""0"1' OVER $235,ooo: 1N PRIZEs-a ,361 w~NNEils ••• ·RLUt BLUE ·cHIP ·1STIMPS · · . -...... . .SOME HOUSE .PAR~ ,Aft\~ WINNERS: 'NEW ' 1969 · YAC/.T)ON 1N , , CASH PRIH CAft'~RO HAWJ,. . · $ ~ ,000.00 JUNE ARMSTEAD ROGER SEARLE BE~SIE BRANDON' CORRINE VERHULST LOS ANGELES COLTON EMPLOYEE WEST LOS ANGELES . . Y 011 Cu1i Be u Wintie~ -N~W CARS, APP~IANCES, CASH, VACATIONS IN HAWAII ' AND LAS VEGAS s1~~ .. : ANY 5 LB. HAM WITH BRANO CAN COUPON LIMIT-I coutoN PER AOIJlT CUS"tOMl:t COU,ON GOOD ... U6. 2t, lt, l~,JI FROZEN FOOD Delicatessen Specials C1rn1tio 11 Fill1h of l·lb. 79c SOLi .•••. • • • • • · • • • • pk9. C1r111tiort Fill1h of 1.Jb. 63' ll. S'! D. A. "Clioice • Steer Beel 5 ·E KS CORN KING FRA KS 12.oz:-PKG. OF 10 PlRCH .•. , , , •••• , • . pkg:. C1rn1lion 12-ot. 39• FISH CAKfS _, · , ,., • • • • pkt. Four fi 1h1rm.in · 2~·ot. 98' FISH STICKS , , • , , , • • • pk9. . Mr1. Frid1y'1 l -01. 79• GO.URMl'T SHllMP • , , pkg. Sh11rn Fr11h 12-ot. 69c TIOUT .••.. , .. . . . . • p~9 . Hon•ySudd• w/Gr1vy 0-ot. 35• SLICED TURKEY •••..• pk9. C1111p'1 811tt•••d 12·ot. 75c IEEF STEAKS • , • • • • • • pk9. C C1J11p'1 7-oL 39• 1191Lll STEAKS , •• , • pkg. Pric• plY1 t•l 2-lb. 55• P!"TIUllGEll •.• , ••••• , pk9. ' FRESD SEAFOOD N,w S~11on Fresh p1r 99c HAlllUT STEA.Kl , , •••• lb. . Fr11h loc1I • p•r S 1" SWORDFl.SH STIAKS , , • lb. Fr11h FHl1h of p1r 98' DOVll SOLE , .•.•• , • •# lb. Frt1h D1 i[y L1r9• ~.or. 98' COOklD SHllMP •••• h 1y c THOMPSON SEEDLESS 19 GRAPES . . . . . . . . . . . ~ VITA-PAKT ORANGE, GRAPE, PUNCH 43 C JUICE DRINKS ~Al: :A; .. . ' PINEAPPLES .......... 3 9~ BIG QU-ART JAR LAURA SCUDDER-TWIN PACK POTATO REG ·CHIPS ....... 1 :' •• I • ' j ' • TENDER AGED IARIEcu.-SPECIALS · · C'HUCK STEAKS c LB. SEVEN-BONE ROUND-BONE STEAKS STEAKS 59~ 69~ c Butt Portion 65~ i Ham Slices $ 19 • l 1b. l Whl. Hams 65~ ALL DELICIOUS FLAVORS HALF GAL. CTNS. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS . thru SUN., AUG. 28, 29 , 30, 31 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 13922 BROOKHURST. GAPDF-N '.10VE • 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA . 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ,_ I r , I .... ,.. ~ """'~"'"' 11-"""' ~... ... ...... • ....... •4 .. ··:.-.···--... ,. ..•.. • .......... ~ ··" "•'···· ~ ••••• •• "'·" .•• , ............ ·~.~ . ' . ., ......... ~.~·.· -·-· ". ' ,. "" a •• '· ' •• ~· • • • "' ~ • . , , ••• • 22 PILOT·AOV!UISER Wod....iar, AugOlt 27, 1969 Wodnfsdlt, Auiust V, 1969 DAil V PILOT J~ . \ I • • • • ' . . ,•,• • / ' ~ .. . • ' . ' • ·1·•:..: (. -.. . , ' . , CJtDILL _AC N.INETEEN SIXTY-NINE . !. : ' ., . Our Sel~on of brand ,new 1969 Cadillacs is the fines,J in our ~tocy. Test driye today ..•. "The Masterp~ece ~~~m l'tlaster Craftsmen" ••. th~n eelect your model, equipment & colors now! .. ' ., ' . . • . 1969 CONVER1'IBLE Df~ '711~~ • 1969 COtJP'E DE VILLE > ' , . a.tau ·Mauve with bl&clt top and bla.clc leather trim. F\iU power, fat:tory alr condiUonln&, stefto AM·FM, Wt wheel, power door locks, power trunk lock, twill&ht aentinel, Votue Tyrn, and much more. Low milea&e car. (XWG336) Strlklnc -bluk ~or'Wfj!l ·-dnc l\ill lealbor bitm;,.. .. Tbls one t. absolutely loaded w:ith optlom lndudlnc full power eqillpment pJus factory air cond.iHonlng, twtllght aentintJ. power door Jocks, etc., etc. Early new car trade-in with every low ~· (YCMt72l 1 • . '.·~~A~ ~$858 PRICE • I.ALI 5858 'PRICI .. '~.. "! ' I ; " .. • , 1967 EL DORADO l'iremlst Rosewood .. Wtth brown padd~ roof &: f&ddle leather trl~ f'l.111 power, fact ./!)r, tilt tele1cope whttl; ~·'ll'M radio, •e: $ SALi 4646 OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOM;OBILES 1967 CADILLAC SAU $3434· Sedan ~e Ville. Full power, fa ctory air c.ondltlonlnJ, fl!ldded roof, wonder-bar radio. I Control. door locks, light 1intlnel & dimmer, l'llCI rep window defoQer, dh;e brak~. •:CWK· . -. ' .. ' I tilt-tele wheel, door locks, etc. CVIH785J l'llql . ~". . . ' . . SAi.i 1966 CADILliAC $2525 Sean de Ville. Ume green w1th aandalwood top and matching cloth I: leathtt trbD: Full power. factory air eond., signa]-seekfn& ra• PRICI dlo, power vent windows, etc. (VACl-44) 1967 CADILLAC SALi $3737 Gou.,. DeVilk Phutoa ltlae wi~ ltloe lulhfir inlf!I''°'· r.n power eqaipmeat plu1 faetorJ air eo9- druoain1-(UJA3S7) PRICI TO SELECT FROM . ' e ... '"I• . 1968 CHRYSUR •. ,, $3'31 ·-. WAGON 9-pui. Town A Country. Full ~- er, factory &fr contttontnc, AM·FM ra~ lugp.g&=-rack,-1&ddJe-.Yinrl,.trfm, Wt whttl., (VI'P 971). • ~ICI · 1966 MERCIDES . ' 1929< . ' BENZ 230$' 4·Door Sedan. Auto. tram., i.ir conditlonina, pc>\\·er sleerifie I; braJfes, Sad· die leather trim. (SVC'lSS) PRICI 1965 THUNDERBIRD $ SALi ConvertJble. Full power, factory air, tilt-1212 away .whftl, etc. Silver wtth black top and matching ~I trim. CPDP490) l'llCI 1967 CADILLAC SALi $31l1 ConvertJble. Grecian whit• with black top and black , full leathu Jnterior. Full ·power including power 1teerin~brakt1 • window•· l'llCI 6. way seat,. AM·FM ra ('7168072) , . 1969 MAKO SHARK $ SALE Corvette Futbll.ck with removable panelL 5555 Full power, factory air cond.itJontn1, AM• FM 1tereo radio, tilt 1teerlng whet!. Gor• 1964 FLEETWOOD SALi $1717 Sedan. Bahama Sand extdior with Andie- wood leather lnt,erior. ru1r power, factot')' . -i,eou1 ,Cobalt firemlst with matching tnttt• r. CXNZ819! P.Rl<;I air conldtionlng, AM-FM racffo, all poulble options. (OQB 616) ~ PRICI -~· .. . ~. 1965 CADILLAC $2424 CouJ!i DeVJlle. Shenvood green with black pa top and black lea.ther inter!OT. run ' power, factory air eoftitlonfn&, · AM·FM ra• dlo, tJlt stttr:lng wheel, power trunk opener. PRICE INCB337). 1966° CADli.tAC: SAtl $25 25 Fleet...-ood ii Dmado. r.n pcJnr, l1e1ory d:. Ml • leadi."' mteril'lr, atett!I AM·fM. tilt Whet!. -""' . eonee:i'fable optiot.. CTIH7•1) ~RICI . . • , ... ~ • Y~ FllClory luthorl1td Cadillac Dealer Serving the OrGlll• Cout llarllor Ana · ' .. NABER·S 2600 Harbor .. Blvd.,~ · Co.sta Mesa • 540-9100 -. . . SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM l\fon. thru Fri. • 9:00 A 'tlf to 6:00 PM Sat and Sun. . ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROU&H TUESDAY, SEPTEMIER •• 2,19bt . . .. ' • NABERS. CADll ... AC ANlilOUNCES · A NEW SUBSIDIARY "NLC" (Nabers l.easinl C.,.). LEASI DIRECT ORDER YOUR 1970 Ca•ac Today for OctOber Delivery Qwltl•n4in~ s ... 1 •• flcllity •• Otntt" Ceurity's mett 0mod•nt daal~hip. • • • ' ' • • . • .. . . "' • . . : • I I . I .. . . . . ~ \' •·'""·-· ,. ·~ ' ........ ,, .... ,-~ -~--~ .....---~---~---............ --.... ---r-·-------------~---------~-::::::;::::::;;;::-:~=-==-c::;:;;;:~--;;;;;;;;.,~.;;:;.;ii:~~-• ..... " • • .. _ •• _ .. ______ ._ •• _._._· .• ···---· ........ -...... !.:_•_! • .!:'~·~·~ .. ~··~·~· ..... ~-..--.. " ••• •••••• •. ... .. ,. .. ., ""'.... ... .... _ .... .... • j . ·. I : I i• .. ,· t .. I " ... I I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ·HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSl!S l'OR SAl!E ~~~~~~~~..--~~~~~~1 HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSEfFOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Goner•l 10000.noral 1000 Gonor•I 1000Cknor.t 1000 G-rol 1000 0-.•1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimllcc~oo;i1&&iL~o~v;ohly~~~ 1000 Gentr•t 1000 M••• Verde 1110 IN COSTA MESA S LUCKY PEOPLE can have IMM EDIATE POSSES· SION in any one of these 5 custom hon1es '~·hich are no\v completed. lllany features such as: e 1/4.Acre lot e Wood Roof e Fireplaces e Concrete Drives e Patio Kitchens with P1ntrys e 4 Bedrooms e Wall to Wall Carpeting e AND Much Mort V .A. -F'.1-l.A . -Conventional fi· nancing available. Prices from ~29.175. Hurry: Hurry! COATS & WALLACE, REALTORS <Yt.1 1491 BAKER STREET ~141 COSTA MESA, CAL IF. .~ -- 1000 Gener1I OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY Eastside Duplex 2j,9 FLOWER SfllEl:."T COST A 1\1 ES..\ INCOME 4 • 2 BR units + I BR gucsl house + :! BR ranch hoine on large lot. Must sell. Low Iinarn:ini;:. HORSE RANCH 2 BR l bath home & garage on 66x2t'?' lot for only $23,500 • 10~;, dov.·n. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 on a k>t, :t BR I bat.'! in each home Ior only tQ_SOO. COSTA MESA Li~ new l BR 2 bath l: ram. ily room . T'he home you can"t resist! FIXER UPPER Home 11'\th kitchen Ir livin; room compJe1ely remodeled. Thf' re•t needs \\-ork. Must "'"· Lochenmyer Realtor l !K'iO Ne"wrt Blvd., CM CALL 646-3921 E1:es. Gfl.()185 s-16-2"190 HOME & BUSINESS 84'x2ll' C-I Jot l: a sharp 3 BR home. 01·1\'t by 1919 An. ahdn1, C.1\1. $39,500 {Owner will Fin,) BEST BUY HARBOUR HIGHLANDS lto1v long has it bt't'n sintt you ha\•e seen a Harbour 11.ig!J.lands home priced at just 129,500'.' Tl\r~ large bedrooms. 1'4 baths. bright l.OOntr)' kitr.hen with break. last area. Separate shelter- ed patio. pill.! fenr.ed rear .va.rd. Add just a little pa.int and save bi&!: "For A \Vlst Buy" ColesworlhJ & Co. &.\2.n71 SPANISH DELIGHT 3 tile roof ~nlals. near Coun. try C1ub on 71xl50" lot. ln· <."Ome $380 ~r 1non1h, $29,900 { 10•;. Down OK) Newport •I Victoria 646-1111 (anytime) READ fHIS • • • • Are you in the mar- ket for a new borne, a home in a prime area very close to Huntington State Beach; a borne you can customize while it ls being built, a home de- signed by outstanding archi- tects and constructed by Frank I·!. Ayres & Son; ·a Company that has been in business since 1905? IF YOU ARE e e e e Corne to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Huntingt-On Beach any day between 10 A.M . & 7 P. ~1. and select your home in our newly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $25,990 to $34,200 968·2929 or 96S.1ll8 Jvan \Veils' new ck!"'n. Ct. ya1'd 1>001 « 111o·eepin& \/Ir"' of bay, 4 bdrm 3 ba + pow. Uer rm. r~orn1al din nn. family rot w/frplc le wet bar. Kr.y at Rey J. Ward O:I. 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 CAREF.REE · Ltvtnc in thi.r bca\.llil~l own your own 1.P.rtmenl ""Ith spaclOllll living roon1, c.ip1ning onto Jov<'IY patlo, Jarcc mastt'r bedrooin suite "'ith Roman beth. Guest bl!drootn &: bith Vac•nt S BDRM Be1utilul decor Chol~ Joe. nr !IC:hooi!I & $-IS 500 !hops. l '• ba. lovely blt·in lit \\•all Hailt>e kit & dlshwshr, 25' liv rm, r, Y re frplc, 11 1lz bdrms, ql,Ull. w/w cpts I drps. Alklng S33,7CX). m~ offer. P.\V.C. 5-16-54.W QlARGE IT! 1000 I FOREST E. OLSON lnc, Real to1·s CAMEO SHORES Vie\v ol ocean r r o m this beautiful eustoni bo1nc, built by owner. 2 Bedrooms, c:ozy den \Vilh brick fireplace, game roon1, studio, lal"iC dining roo1n, large living CUSTOM RANCH room with un1iU6!1 trave.r. COUNTRY CLUB tjne n1arble fireplaCt', lux- urious master bedrooo1 11uite ..Rustic cwlom r ~ n c h with 1nirrored \Yardrobe1 & home. Near one 0 I sauna bath. Elcga.Illly dee· Newport areas 11 n e 1 t orated. $84,500. C&ll Ior country dubs. 3 I a r a e app't. INDOOR POOL That'll rlt;hl. swirn }C'<ir around in !his indoor he11ted &: fllletoed pool with 11 built In jaeuu:I. Don't \\"Orl'y about •he wealllt'r out .!lidi:. you control. lhe teompcra ture in- $38,500 -5 BDRM Ji·. <.'Slate grrJ1Jnds • pi'tlty shu1ters, 2 tit-Ory, Jo~lrcplal.'C Jn mas1er bcdroon1 • addi- ti<mal !~place In llvin~ room. Dining room. All clec. Irie buill·ins. 540.17"!0 TARBELL 1!m I !arbor sidt'. * 3 BR l 'i baths, carpets. Free Garden Tools drape5, ).;:11-ge ren<.-ed yard, You"ll 11ve )'Oijt'5 away be-Vacant • ilnmed. posses.sion. cause thi!: beautUul plclw--Sl9,900. e!IQ'ue home Is artilically Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. land5caped front & back, 1810 Nr.wport Blvd., C.~I. t'Xcept for Ihle lhrubbcry. StS-7729 anytime Other features ol this 181 ~!!'!!!'!~~~~~~~ n10nlh. nld homr b: 3 bed- room~. 2 bll.th11, !01mal din-. Costa Mesa 1100 Ing &. a h!g livlne: room. A tidy kitchen gives your hon1e makc1· the m06t mod- e1·n of conveniencr,;. This fanta.sllc one ol a kind buy " $31,950 Assumablr Jo1v !ntert.'!sl VA loan available. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST Assume FHA Loon '" 5-Bedroom . 2 Bath ho111e 11·ith llrep!acc VACt\i~T $ax) di\ anc;I pay $23:.' lllO. including everything · ln1· n1cd, poss. on credi1 approv. aJ. Ne-.tr school &· transpor. tation. 546·2313 • 646•7171 O\VNER TRANSFER.RED Priced for i1nn1ed1ate =>9.ie at $17 .950. hnmaculale home "'ilh 3 ovt·nb:ed bdnn1, 2 sparkling balh&, la.~ faml· Jy roon1, double ral::M!d he anh lireplaCf'. c:orner lot & quiet cul.<Jf'-Sac:. Call ~~21, South Coa!t R.e&I Estate IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY t Br-3 ba, 1600 sq ti. P.1any r:.lras. SH.950. 51!.~k Joan. Dnvc by and ca.ti for appmt. 1834 Samar Dr. 0 1v n er. 6-12-62'11 ALL 3 BR":;·BY O\VNER 9::-.0 Vicioria $19.500 GI 2103 federal ~ll,000 ~~ 422 \\'alrnJl $21,:.'XI 6\i 203 S1tsannah t.ZS.500 5U Large t11kc ovr.r loaiu ·•~S--10:-i!•• ~.9JO VACANT Assumr a~';(, F'HA. Beaut. 3 Br, 2 Ba, patio honie. F'arn rin. bll·ins, crpls, drps. By owner 5'1M265 STOP by Ceran11c Ille f'nlry! NCIY carpets? .. BR, 2 BA. lam rm. 01\:ncr. 1860 New Jer'S<'y $28.500. 540--0863 I 1000 G I 1000 bedrooms, 2 balhl loa~ed • h m b ~G..:•;.;".:"':.c•:c_ ____ ~ ,. ;;";;"°;;:'•;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;JI with 1u.e vaulted cell· 10 n GCftG 15366 Golden West lfitntllljl:ton Beach 194-5313 l'~I Selling a very el'-'!;ant iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• I house in !l·lesa Verd£'. If you are u1lcresled, call ~ for appml. 14 BRt GOVERNMENT CHEAl'IE-I • in•-Hvln• room w Ith (7141 642.a235 4 BIG BEDROOMS •httvy beoms. All rooms 001 Coved Drive, Sult• 1'~ Loi Owners ... A 3-Bedroom Home Foreclosure CLOSE IN center around a huge Newport Beach atrium. Hard\\'OOd• 1a10tt II ~;=::= +· b o n u ~ loft truly a I! Big 2 story bo nu.o: rooni t.: screened lanai. $12:"!0 down, lull price S29, 1:-ia. Near Ill'\\". fully rcdecora!ed. Lowe!it Gl interesi raie lo all buy· ers. Vacant. S.10.1151 Heri- tage ReaJ Estate College Park 1115 ONLY SIS,9j(l. Don't let lht price fool you. This '"'O bl:d- roon1 • elegantly <:tlrl)l'lt!d over ,vood Doors has been remodeled rcct':nlly and olf. r.n a BEAUTIFUL BUILT- IN KITCHEN \VITI! ASH CABINETS, breakfast bar, dlnfile area and s:epan.le ..ervice porch. Live ·ro oom- fort and 1hop oDly t w o block& away al E, 17th Sl.:rect Shoppln& Center. "R4 LOT -ADD ANOTll&R UNIT LATER. LOOK AT THIS! 3 Bedrm. 2 Bath $22,250 Owner movln& out of area and wanlJi lo sell. lhi:-1 homP i$ located in Coma .tiles.a oo a eomer lot 1vith block wall fence enclosed, It"s cl~ to schools and shopping. a I lhil low low pri~ or $22.2a0 it v.-on't last. -Farr.,.,W- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST Lowly 2 story homP 1\•ith SJ-lAKE ROOF' & llUGE REAR YARD JU&t ~r1ttt for addition of a P<X>L. tennis court or ~ ? . Big double gate accen 10 rear tor stor· agP of BOAT. TRAIL- ER or CA~1PER. Lov('. ly eowred patio, cul· d~ssc, $Prinklers front & rear &: it's all "''l"ap... i)r.d up with CEl\fENT BJPCK WALL. lf )"Oll can find au thl.s somi-. \\•he>re else for INlS than $31, 750 then BUY IT. co: Ts WALLACE REALTORS _.,,54 .. ,6-4141- (0pen Evenings) 2038 N. CAPELLA New !isling. 3 Bclrn1 Paccsettr.r, i n1 mac. Added C(!Vt'red & Ct\· closed pa1io. lirll'st landscpi;:, quiet sll'et'I lll'ar school. Offered at *·'""· ''1•···'·.,,.·r;., t. l .~.:>u \~ l l . \\.I 546-5990 No Down "VA" quallty buy al on I y , VA Appr•isal S29.750. Call now 6-1:,....0303 Just Arrived 'INANCED NOW.I No do"'". only closing costs r to n1ove. in . .1 Bdrnt. :1 baths TAKE OVER 53~ o;0 on (.'(lrll('r '''ith boot arr:ii I ' ett. Let"s go right no1v · Cautiou:ii horpe buyers payn1ents less than rcnl! only! fo~HA 53, r,;, loon pays all at Sl3l. n10 . 3 large bedroom!, 2 baths, huge ,;tcp do1vn fan1ily roon1. bcaulilully done ln rich koo1ty piflt'". 1''om1al dining loo! Even TOOm 10 expand! Seller \5 1vllling to hf:lp finance for right party. Only S2t500. Co.~la f.te 5.a. Bellt'r Hurry: Call 64;,....oJOJ NEAR BEACH 4 + FAM ILY \Vow'. 4 bedroon1s + family r o o n1. 2 Balhs. Built-in~, and breakfast bar ;n clrca1n kl1chen. Nc1v custom drapes. \Vall to "'all carpels. Forcrd sir heating! Only S20,000 · belier be last. Call now 645-0303 Lease/2 Bdrm -Pool Cute Deane Bro!I. home in Huntington Beach for Jeue. S190 I mo. \vith option at S22.500. Available immedi a!eh. LIDO ISLE VIA GENOA Custon1 built. Bean1cd <·cil- ings: large south . al:o. landscaped by Bcc:IOn. l Behm!!... 2 bath!':. E.xccllcnt <.-ondilion . S67.000. Kalhn'n Raulston FOR ONLY $10,495 BUILT ON YOUR LAND' F'EATURING: e 1080 IKI. fl. • Doublto garage • AU lath Ind plaster e Pullman bath • Spacious "·ardroht-s CALL 537.03IO •In most Oranie County and other approved areas. STANCO Builders Inc. OPEN'7 Da}s l lli66 \Vestrninster Ave. Garden Grove Balanced Power Home11 REDUCED $1000 Sharp ::: bdl'nl 2 bath. Condo, in choier location at·ross f.1"Uo1 pool and club house. Priced ror quirk salt:. -COLLEGE -PA)!K'S~ SHARPEST. ASSUME 5 l/4 o; •. $178 PAYS ALL !! HELP !! Out or statt: 011·ner v.•anta otre~ t)l1 spat:ious 3 BR POOL /IO~tE in Collqe Park a~a. Asking o n I y S27,:i00. Do 11 good IUrn • 111akc an olrcr today . 540-u.51 Hcritagc Real Estalt: 3 BR, 2 BA. Separate guest roo1n 11•/ba\h. Pool'.:-6~ 7iu Joan. By 01vlll'r. $.!j..7873 3 BR, 2 BA, fam rm, din rm, 2, fittplaet:s, fully cqp'd kitchen, utilHy rm, Extra.~ ralorP! Come and look eves & weekends. By owner Newport Btac:h 1200 549-1920. 1--~------ 2 Story & Pool WESTCLIY~/~.·: LOAN! S BR. 3 BA. !fple. dinina: SpoUesa 3 bedroom 2 bath rm. family rm, plus guest home. Small dirunr room, house v.ith kitchen, bath. CO\Pered patio. Larve corner a.nrl living rm. Joi! Price onl.v $48.500. $5000 down • \\'ill VA Bay & Beach Rlty .. Inc. NEWPORT REAL TY 901 ~r Drive:. Suite 126 NB & INVESTMENT 6-l:-r2!Xkl Eves. :>48-6966 548-ffi&S anytin1e * BY OWNER * POOL HOME--Oceanfront Horn£>. 3 BR. util Tmmaeu.late 4 BR ?.lcsa Del 1·1n, M'\lling rn1. liv m1 Mar home complete .. -tth "'/1rplc &: ocean view. manicured la"'" & gleaming Roon1y kit. 111/bllns &: pool. 1800 sq rt of gracious 11.vocado shag crptg t.hru· living. 1-:lia:h 5~ ~;, loan can out. Front yd 11·/palio &: -4 + POOL be assumed "!th no loan CABANNA. S63,:i00. 573.5990 JBAYCREST fee. Full price only $33,~. or (2131 6!1S-3677. Coldwell, B.nker & Co. CALL URRY 5'~1151 Hrri· =======~ Supe.rb Ne11.1J0rl Beach ~ Nel''port C£>ntr.r or. 1age Real Estatr. BEACON BAY CHARM e' ta t e. 4 ma' t er Newpm1 Bcach. C81H. _;;:::,C~O~L~L'-"E~G~E;.:.,P~A~R=K~-1 Designed for one family or bedroon1~. Huge I JI c d 3• 700 "'2430 can be 2 units. 4 BO. J Ba. 8 .,,..o .,_.. SHOPPING !or 11 hon1e? Out o! town owner \\'ants to + l Bd . apl. 40' On bl.y. baths. i''amily room and 'I•""!!!!!!!!!"'"!!!!""""""!!!!! Call, l\T i!c or visit our of-sell thelr lovely 3 Br, fainily east wi"er view or a II near 1 e n n i s, shoppin(. -.. BAYFRONT APT. fice for your free ropy of 1·m hon1e. 1% Ba, !rpl, rcnc. $9S.30D lropical utting around our '"Homes For Living'• NI rear yd with patio. Ask-R c. GREI::R. Realty ol)'mpic size pool. 10-X. Vista Del Lido. Pier l:: slip Magazine, w11h pictures, ing only S24.950. Cail David 3355 Via Lido 6i3-9300 do1vn. Beat of tcrn1s. Call available-. Enclosed garai:;e. price's &. details ol our Carlson, Dorn, Platz & Co. today. 645-0303 S'.!8.500 sell!Cl listings in Nr.wport 1213) 245-6706: eves. <2131 UNITS George Wiiiiamson Beach, Corona Del t.lar & 700-1188. ?.1akr your choit"": ~·l-4-5 REAL WR CM;ta ~1csa. RED CARPET -'~c:;:~,-'=-~~~,-' avail. for the 111i5" 1nve11lor. EAST SIDE ' Newport at Victori1 213 E. 171h St. 646-4494 EXQUISITE -MESA VERDE HOMEI Prestige locatKln nt:1r Coun- SwHping Ocean View I try Oub. Inner courtyard e n. Reduced $5,000 try. 471~ fl. of glass • ex· 1''1rit Hmc off~ at the~ lerms. Sharp Back Bay • l bedroom + large ramily room . Doublr !ircplarc · Intercom . (:Qw red patio - Pool siu-yard. Immediate possr..sa!Qn • $3-1.,~. $24995 Gr.;~1r.o E\'t'll. 673-l:M REALTY. 202.) \V. Balboa 5"!40/0 LOAN t"ro m S27,500 10 S75.000 ''Blue Ribbon" Value Blv., f\c1vport Beach, 92660. PROPERTIES WEST $30,000 I quls1tely draped acrou rear Pacific, 11unsets & sallboals~ of home. Formal dinin,: Kl1ll: sized bedroon1s. 2 room. 11UJtE" bedrooms. 2 baths, family room. Dinin& rireplaces. Family roo1n. room. Buill·in kitchen -540-lm charming breakfast room. TARBELL 2955 Harbor (anytime) Park -like g1"Qunds. Im· ---------- 1""'"""""""""""""""""1 med•••• """'"'""· '"~1 120 COLLEGE PARK 1-TARBELL 2955 Harbor $23,500 WATERFALL MOVE IN TODAY IArge covered palio. BBQ. HUiC 4 Br. Spanish + rental Big bedrooms, 1n\'llin;; lire-& rm. lo build; Overlookin1 pla<.'f'. 1'Ull dinlni;: rooni. &oil t-oursc. 161 Mf'Sa Dr., Sprinklm;. Br.it financlni:! C.M. ;,~1 7"!0 Madgr Davi~ Rl'!n1ty 642-7000 TARBELL 2955 Hubor Jlj )r old home: lpro!. d<'l"Ol"t. Xlnt l."Ond, :\ Br. 2 S.. family rtn. $32.500. 12382 Fleet Lane, 11 .B. fH6.<32R STORAGE GARAGE $20 Month Ed Rkldle Realtor ~11 Ne1v 1i&tin1. :\ BR t den, la.J1;e covered patio, J'OOlll !or pool. DAVIDSON RHlly 54(;.,';460 Eve1. 549-1058 4 Bedrm-$22,500 LESS THAN RENTI 2 baths. Elegant fln.>plact. llugf" Jiving room. Natural 1\ood paneling. Load! or t':<.- tra rea•W'f!1? 142-6691 TARBELL NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-7111 2CM3 Wt1tcllff Dr. at Irvine Opon EvonlOfl RA NC HETTI 300 f l. lot In cholte F;e.1Uide Costa '-1est (ne11r Irvine\ offt r~ room fnr 111r kids to roam. Custom homf' SCI 1mon& ta.II ll'~t'S is delightlul for family enjoyment. ()wn(>r v.·\11 ll·sde for Income property. IARCOA1N HUNTERS' 51'EC1ALS 2 bN:!room near Newport Hcighl.s; ncv.· carixun! and paint. SIS.MIO :l bcdroom11 Pl.US 2 bedroom~: aood ttntal a rt:a. Qwnl'r 11,;i I fina11cr, r r1tf' ~17.950. 3 bed · room l ~1 baths. NO down V.A., just $18,000. SCHOOL TI ME SPECIALS Ack your i!Chool and M?t u' for M'lttt values In vacant . readY·IO·CllJOY homes. 2 t.o 5 bedroc:ims. $18,000 to $34..950. VA and FHA (1nanc1n •. WALK TO SHOP 1'1aJor mArket, bank, drur and 11peci1.lty sto~ ire only 2 block11 from lhn~: big family home. School and church ~UlllY convenltnl. Jkaul\fu\ly landscaped. -4 ~ 2 batha wtU1 large COWl\J'Y kitchen and all the exlru . Ten·\fic \'Slue at $32,9l0 l\'llh choh.~ \('rnu. , __ Jmmaculale 3 bedroom home:. Olnin1 room wilh beamed cellln1. Nt:wly decoratl'd ln and out! New plush pile carpeting. Ne1v tile in kitchen and b a I h ! Giant lanai ovtrlook1 immense garden of palms. Bonus feature~ Alley ac<:i!u for boalll and trailers. Great location! 'The price Is right! Hurry!. C 1 11 ~ Newport Hgts _ $19,500 1 _6_7_,._ __ . ------4 BR 11 1\h pool , !arn rooin , 1028 Bayside. NB 67.i-4130 Cozy. rM'a\ & ininiacu!all' _ i a, ba. Nl'ar school!! & So. 2627 N£>11por1 Blvd. li'i:>-1642 1-0 THE REAL \"°'ESTATERS 2 large bc<lroonis. gracious l11t1idt Costa 1-Aesa Coasl Plaza. lmmed poss, O\VNER"S SACRlflCE living roo1n . inVJting lire. 4 Sharp units, l11r in one. Ct'il l\Tartin Rltr. 5~~ If or 5 BR, 2 mo. old Harbor place:. 510.1720 eoll~<'J l'Clll an ::. l Br., JI.~ * 61/2% FHA* Hills home. Lit OR, i''am. TARBELL 2955 Harbor bn. ca. Good urea. Good Assumr-loan _ Sl79 n1o. ~ R \\·ith frpl l:: bnr. J Ba. ''. ' 4 Bedroom cond. Good vah1r. SJS.500: BR. large fam rin. \\'~st-Crpts. drpg. 111a11y Xtru. priced li ke a ~1 ngle fa mily ~lde, $24,200. Xlnt linancing. fl48-8281 Newport Heights Within walking distance of l!arOOr High. Early Ameri· can. :l bdrin, l~~ bath ho.mi.!. s;l.950. Colltge Park hon1r. Bt 11tr tuk,. 11 look! Costa Mesa lnvesln1ent Co. OUP[EX BY owner. Vacant & niusl be 81y & Beach Rlty, Inc. • 548·7711 * sold this 1veek. Assume 2407 E . eoas1 11111 •.• Cd~1 o-="""-':.:C.~~::_== I Sale or lease, ln1mac. rum. 5~1~;. loan. \Vill accep! any 67!Ntro 548.8868 Eves. 3 BDRM., 130 FT. WJDE near beach. 4 Br. den. 2 Ba, reasonable ofler. 543-1849 LOT: almofil new cplJl:. 2 fri>ls. 2nd unit leased at 5 BEDROOM 121,000. OWNER 543-<965 135' mo. ll0.000 '"' °""'" JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-3255 400 L. I 7lh. Colla ~1eu ~1 ACRI:: Cou11try E stalt'. 18x l 3G pool. ::: BR <·u.sto111 hon1c. Rt:ar yard; hors£'s or units. 1 S43,500. Owner. J.31-7636. ! FOREST E. OLSON lnc. r.eallon iit 1111.rbor Center 2299 !!arbor Blvd., C.~t. 4 Bedrm·S19,850 Sharp &. cleu.n. 2 b a I h s. Cheerful kitrhen. luxury built-ii'!!. La11t _ 11·eu land- 11capecl yard. patio. 146-0604 TARBELL I BY O\\'f\Ell. ~ Bit. 21z BA, lan1ily room. 2-100 sq. fl, S29.9.'i0 * ~i003 + 3 BATH -$26,9501 J Br, clcn. 2 Ba, attached 2 1 _.,~"="!Ml~·~---~-t POOL car garg. & lndry rm. O\VNER-SACRIF'ICE Talk a bout rC'a l fa mily Jiving 543-9142 or 530-672.i 3 Bdrm, 2 biuh home. al a pdce lo hi your budget J BR, lg. R-2 lot. near 16l<31 Pool. 1:>18 Sylvia Ln. • sec thi'i! Rirh wood ""nel. boo'· c 'I Hg•· 1~ 000 5-'S--3261 or 642-2601 .~ 5C ""· ·". .a. ~·-~=~=~=~=~· in;;. hanc.Jsu1nr b:1r. 1'.Je11;a.nt Olvner 642-42.f> DUPLEX WEST BAY lu"t'pl aN'. C:.'ll."<!llc111 area . .:::;::::_:.::_:.:::_ ____ I Ov.·ner wiU ca11·y TD. no loan 540.11'10 For Daily Pilo{ \Vant Ada lo gel. 1''i~places, etc, TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS 613--0114. 1000 General lOOOGe ner1I 1000Gener1I 1000 Gtner•I 1000 Gtner1t 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY HUNTINGTON BEACH OFF.ICE<-842-4455 7681 l4ln9or OltltOSIT• 0 L . I _____ :":"'~·~·:••:·~·;'~'~';"~":';..____ ,. ........ NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY THAT rooL HOME! 4 J~urc bedroom!!. 2 luxurious baths. Pool is 17x34 Heatf'd & f lll1>rtd 11nd 011ly I yrar old. Aslum" fHA 1()8.n "'Ith ve,ymt'llt of $190 P.l.TJ. Co'Vt'N'd Patio 20"22 (or th11t :::rea l callfornia Uvlni:. l..el us show .)OU lh\1 l>f'autr'. ASSUME $18,000 -,.,~ G .I. LOAN At ~1 4 1 rier month TQTAl.! Lovely "ha.kc roof home 1vi lh :I lar$;c )l(-droom$ 111'd 2 pullman ba~hs. \Valk to Park! Olrpeb ~ Drapes. AU.. ELECTRlC KITC1i EN · & DISH\\'ASliER ~ l..ovt'ly ru~ton1 firf'tl1a('C and l:w>am cr\Hnc fa mily roorn: Gra- cious back yard 11•lth COVERED l'ATIO, and block 111111 lcnc1n". $22,000 4 HDROOMS $140 per month includes all on existlna Joan an)'one can assume 111thout quall· fytng~! Fraturfn~ 4 H"uii,. Bedroom!. 2 Lu1n1rlou1 Baths. Charmin~ "Quttm" Kltctien. Great li ving room 11i th r ich panclin;. :\nklc deep carpeting. Excellent cul-dt'·Sal". $1',500 FULL rRICE Nr~·lyv.·t:ds1 Planning your future Is simp\1!' 1n thit r11tc •I yc11r old Ftanchero 3 bedrooms of(ers room for family i:::ro\\lh p\u& 2 baths. Bnck Firt'plact. El«:lrit' bullt·ln!, D!Sh\\'Uhl'r, carpet& 11.od Oro.prL l"o Cash l.Jown Cl II{ $16j lncludf!tJ all. Fl IA $900 d Dl\•n, No CIO$ln£ Costs. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES COST A MESA OFFICE-545-9491·540-0465 27tO HARIO~R-1;.;L;.Y.;.D;.. -------O~P;;"".;...l;.•.;.••-1"9• 'Ill t r .M. LOT SO x 127 Ont of !riv rrm11in1 n~ in de&irable Ni!'wporl Htl;ht~ &t"l'a. Low SJ.000 dO\\ n pay. n1cnt. YOUNGSTERS' OR OLDSTERS' DELIGHT LESS TliAN RE NT al 1134 per month Fl{A 5 ~· loin or Sl,300 dtm-n to new FHA. Three bedroom11 :! b&th11 and fA)flLY ROO~ll Gl>t a Jo.,d o( thr. nPar nf!\\' plu11h carpets A. drap<'ll throui;!hout. Sprinklered beautiful \1wn. Tnv.·crlnt shade trtts in rambli ni; back yard with room for Pool\ I rOOL AND rRESTIGE 11;1h only a low do1\·n 1o lhis attr1ctive Gl LOAN. ThrH super sized bedrvoms It 2 full baths 11·i1h &pteloua fAl\W.Y ROO~f plu& FORP.IAL DlNING R00)1! f.lcganl ~old carpets throughout. Musive CUSTOM FJREPl..ACE. Separt1ll! OEN if you \1 ish ~ 0\t'"lzed '2 ~1 car gara¥e. All th.ts in beautlful 1.rta NF.1AR ni& BEACll al only S~ per month plus taxn. Ttlt most exciting home: ~·ve evt'r had ! .......... ' •• ' I r 3 " y .. -" • 7 5 • I() '! th n, IB 66 til m •• 4 •· & "" ii' or ... ~. "'· h\ r. 30 " or n. ~. ~. '" :a. at ., ~. ( an le. -' • !d PllOT·ADVt!TllE! W~l\llda! ...... It 27, IM W~oudor, AU9U>t 27, l 'l69 OAllY PILOT $3 R!NTALS .• " ... , RENTl\LS H0USl!S l'OR SAU! HOUSES FOR SALE H OUSES FOR SALi ltl NTALS ltiNTALS ~~NT.AU '"----'-"---ll -------------"'-- 1 - 400 -1 Housas F•rnlshod Hou,.. Unlurnlahod Ho"'" U..l•mlshecl Newport Beach 1200 ... HuntJnaton Btach ~~untinaton _ e.ech Aph: f.urn lthocl Aptt. F•rnlshod -'••~ Ll~hirnioW ·'.7,;~~~~;;;::-;a;~lm.iiiiiiii::miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiii~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiil Goneral 2000 COii•-3100 co...,. dol Mu ,3250 U.1?.ff.O, Poueu. l Bl'. 2 Ba. cplJ. drpg, bJW: Baek Bay. S26.m Owner 64641698 Go""'-=•;.;1 ____ 4_ooo_ 1N;.._-.;.P"':...rl'-"ll..,•:.<:.h __ 4_200.;.;; 1 Goneral '* N!W·IAY FRONT \\'fntnr ltt1tal4, 2 Bt, 2' Ba hlh't. Avail Stpt t. $225, mo. %2Tltth St. m-o23e CHARMING Back Ba.y 3 lg hr. 2 ba. cpta/d.rps. bltns. Ownr:r. $27,450. 646-8698 DELUXE Townhoul'le. 2 Br. 2 Ba, bar, pool. $28,250. Xlnt term&, Bkr 6-46-0732. IOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STAllS New homes. ready to move In. 2 lo 5 bed· rooms , 2 to 3 baths. 'h mile from bel\c!I· First payment up to 60 days attet move In. VA/FHA Ter ms. From $23,990 SINGl..E Glrl over n 10 ih8.re 2 BR ape. i..,una Stach ~ wtU. 1hare rn.y 2BR film apt, pool "''/&:irl of &d mor. all 20-35. Ref, &t2-36&t alt t. MALE OCC 1<ud•11t k>okine tor u.me to share apt. call Cn.!)m<l7'8 ,.o •t,INT View home wff#>l. 4 Br. "' , A v.U. SepL 4th. 4 bedmom me ln hteaa 1rYfnt Ttrr. 3 .8;J\. wJpool. Vtrde. Ntw ahq c&rPetL Quick oc:c1.1pa.ney. S225/peT" month ...... Bier .. Don l"n.nldln. Rltr 813-22'22 ~t$21 or 540-"'31 2 BDRM. er.ta. dTJto. blllll. The Beach a:araae. Quiet cpl or 2 okitr ladle1. No clilldttn or pets. Avail Sept. l ·Yearly . 673--22'78 Newport Heights 1210 FEMALE R oom mat el!"!!!!!'!!"!!"!'!'!"! .... _. Y HOME (on Brookhur1t 1 mlle South of Ad1m1} "''anted. Share CM ....... 5 BED R. o o r.t + 3•~ Single Young Adults e WINTER RENTA!.3 • WINIFRED L. FOSS, Aat. ·~· J.t4 Baytkle Vll4l;;, 2 Br, 2 Ba, trp!c, pool. 9 mo lease. 673-IMUI VEN DOME l~IMACULATE APTSJ ADULT 6' FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE Closo to,.._,..,. Perk • Spaclottl I Br', 2 Bo • 2 Bedrooma * Swim Poot, PuVireert * FrpJ. Jndlv/ltldQ' fac'll 114.S Anaheim Ave. • H•pp 962 1353 ' ....... Huntington leach -v ~ ~ • 18-25 yn. pet OK. 646-llll flREPLACE. f o c I u d I o I !ff this 1paeious llylns rm. ll&tk>. Carpets, draiies, all Leese Option $250 mo. Luxury aingle, 1 & 2 bedroom apartinents, •furnished 1nd unfur- nished, with complete privacy and landsclp· ed country cl ub at. mospbere including $750,000 w o r t h ol recreational facilities designed and operal· ed just for s i n g I e people. 1 BR near the pier. Util fret. $100 mo. Wlnttt rental 826-3184 COSTA MF..SA 1'2-212' f.t Family nn. fine 3 bednn. LADY Alone wU lihaJ'e furn built Im. No11h Cos!a M'sa Nr ocea n . 0....-ner tra.nafcr- homt>, Stone t1'J)lc. H\V Huntington Beach 1400 Hunt1ngton bun&akl\v wit h employed area. sm. Leue. Real red, Lu."<urious 2 1ty. 4 BR, Doors, cpts. & draps., car-r ;;;;;;;::::;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;, Harbour 1405 lady. $63/mo, MS-206I Ea:taton 2 BA, f.i'J)lc. din mi, tlec peted patio. fancy landacap.I' -'="'-'""·---..;.;~I GlRL 21.2;; wanted lo share ~,-B"'R,=-'-""r.-m~l~ly-,.-m-. -81-1_~1.,-. bltnli, 2 car gar, ct'J>(s, drps; 1ni. $28,000 NO NOISE }IUNTJNGTON' MA R l N A 3 Br beach &.pt w/h110. Avail New cpt.s. dtps. fenced, nr schl.s, ihp'i' ctr & tx· G r1h1m Rlty. 646-2414 NO TRAFFIC HERE'S a littlt hldw.way Sept. 6, 536-1286 ah 6. covered patio. Central 1oca· ciulive Oltry Cub. Owner, Near Newport Post Ofrlct for the tired executive. 3 BACHELOR 30 -.·/2 BR apt lion. Lease U0 mo. Avail 536.-1914, 2M52 Catamaran ONLY QUIET bdrm, boat dock on main in Corona de! ?.tar. flOO. lmnlediately, S45-Y178 Ln, 11.B. Dover Shores 1227 LONELY BEACH! ~.~950 I. EAZ ,beauty at only mo. 673-0216 aft 6 P?o.t. 3'°'""B"R,.....,-""+-~,,-,~00""m-,~ln 3 BR. 2 bath house "''Ith I ~;:::;:;:;::;;;.;;;;::;:;;;;;;;;:~j .....,, · ~ ema. built-ins, fireplace l: double I~ ~rand ntw ho!l'K" on charm-R. D, Slates, Re&lly Costa Mell 2100 HWcrnt llrta S225. garage. Newly pa.in!e<I &: e WINTER RENTALS e \VlNll'~RED L. ross. Aat. • 642-3850 • LARGf; 1 BEDROOM $150 month. yearly . ...._. A'M'ENTION Tea che rs ! 1".tOd. 1 BR owner's pat. Carport. Pvt. patio. ll32 w. Balboa Blvd, Apt B e iENT e 3 R-.1 F•mlturo $20·$25 & UP Month-TD-Monti! Rent&ll \VIDE SELECTION ApplJancel I: 1V'1 avail. No Securtt7 l)epol!t HnlC J'Urnlture Rentak 517 W. 19th, CM 548-Ull for sale by Owner ;~ ~1;!e;'~ ~~ c: ~ _ .. _l..1$1 __ • __ E_.,_ .. _. __ ,,._ __ IOR tJ nfurn. $250. l BR. au I :-=call~cc5'0-,-.,;28!-l,.&tt--er--•__ new ~ls. \Va I k In i:: ...., 3 -. 2 BR attracllvr-h0tne, range dlstt.nce to IChool. Ul5/mo. S I I , I lbao ~~,.~acb?d.3' Bdrm,•. 2 Weslmlnster 1612 yudtll .._pd..,., ~~~,nr. lo\·ely Ji.replace. S l !IO/m o n t h . Rltr. 546-ofil(]. ANAHEIM N-port Ht!s. 4210 1>66 w. Lltcln. ,,_ n...oo I--'---=-"----$150. 2 BR s<udio. RIO, pac ous cu• om •. s ory ex-ti .... 1VIJ\i, 1nmg & am-• · U"M~.o.;oo ' Realtor 642-72Z2 ecuth•c home, Large fol'mal ii)'-room. All glass kitchen ~==~-----PAClFJC SANDS. ~i mi 277 So. BrookhW'SI * Clean 1 or 2 BR • \\'IW, drpa. Avail 9/1. Bkt dlnin1 room. Paneled den with range, self cleaning 3 BDRM. 1 Bath Cu lie .. Lo_iv Newport leach 2200 EASTSIDE 3 BR 2 baths. from beach, 2 blks lrom tl b.lk. So. cf Lincoln) (Il4J m-eoo Adult:s. no pets, 2421 E. 16th 534-Ql80 with \\'et bar & f1ttplacc oven, dishwasher, di1posal. clov.TI, low pa,ymts. Buill-in • •P ..-_...:.;;.; Vacant. Imme<!. occupancy elemen. achoo.I, stone trpl, 3 Sitting room w/fireplace. 3 Draper ies throughou t, car· range, oven. F.P. S21,500. OOVER Shortt b ay fron t UXl/mo. Act. 546-4141 Br. 2 Ba, w a 11·to.111 a 11 GARDEN GROVE St. $US mo, up. 646-1801 Sl=lO~. -J~B~Jt.-~2~8&-4--p~l-ox-.1 R/0, patio. \V/W. Children belt, 3') baths. Garden t>n· pcti11g in livlng, dining, hall, BY OWNER 642-3092 home, 6 BR. 4 BA, large CLEAN 2 BR du plex. Prlv rrptlni. drps, blt-ins $195. Ceron• del Mir 4250 & pets O.K. Bkr 5.34-6980 try. View o( bay & 1noun. master bedrooni with own paUo, 10' priva~ dock. fenced yd, Some cpts. drps. 53fN521 Ltlns. $82.500. 6•16-:Zlil private bath. Completely Laguna Hiiis 1700 Avail Sept 1st, yrly lse, $1000 Gar. $120. 5411"6680 LEASE 2 Story, near beach. Sn'GLE · bath & $165. 2 BR. 1 ~ Ba, aundtck. 13100 Chapman A'\lfJ 11~ • pnv. entry: Vle\11 of ocean. Local Broker ~ fenced, private gale, front -----mo. 213 : 78D·SOl 3 or 3 BR. 2\S BA, blt·ins, ram *UNIQUELY landscaping, Jn1me<liate OC· EXCITING 3 bdr, den, La 213:785-6333 Newport leach 3200 rocun, with -frplc. Fenced (4 blks \V. Santa Ana Fwy,) 1100 Ato. incl. util. Quiet &45-0lll cn4l 636-3030 \\'orking -.'Oman: p re t . DiHet'!lnl "Old World" Qin. cupancy ·only $28,990 ·VA. Paz l\1ission Viejo. By BACHELOR Suite r ight on yard. Carpeting, drapes, 2 675-2955 $190. 2 & OEN. Studio. lype. temporary, executive lux· FHA, Conventional. 17141 ow~r. Assume 6% FHA. Oceanfront. Qu.let, 3ecluded car garage. 962-75n ury ho n1 e. Unobstructl'd 968-199'7. 21911 S u mmer Anxious! .immed o cc up . spot. Includes [rplc. $150 mo B/B NEWPORT BEACH '"A~V-Al~L.---1 ~Br ___ , P•llo, pool. Toto O.K. A•.U now! -, view apt. now. Local Bkr 64,.5..(llll Irvine and 1 nr. beach. Bay &: Mtn VU-most nnit. Circle, H.B. Bkr. 830-1583 In,.; all utiL 7210 \V. Ocean· TOWNHOUSE $:· e~:· ~~.w t>i~-: ~ <TI4) ~o.;.;o Don Franklin, Rltr 673-2222 Coote Mesa 4300 .5000 sq tt. 4 Br, 4 ~ Ba + _ front 538-3m or 637-2777 Adults only, 3 BR. 2~ Ba, pr. Lge fenced yd . .ca.II maids qtn;. Ideal tor enter. 10 • BAYSHORES e Beaut. decorated. $275 montb ~12 South Bey Club Bolboe 5100 talning. Easy maint. Irnn1td GHOST IN L19un1 Beech I 5 9 Months Winter rentals Bay & Beach 1 -========-occupancy, Furnillhed. THE F E 3 8d ... _.. • Apartments DELUXE Duplex. Crpts, IR PLACE THIS "< nns.. '""'"'~ Roalty, Inc. Fount1in V•lley 3410•--......:.-----1 <h'pa, frpl, 2 Br •ach. $178,000, Assume 6~·~ loan. "C'' TiiOMAS, Realtor 1 -__ _. Bolf 1632 N.B. 5-18-72·19 or is-it only , the sea...,•ind OLDE 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 blt-im, le~ yard . University Park 1237 Sharp! Sharp! Sharp! 4 en·!., 2 bath!. 6'~'~ as- sumable loa n. F.P, S3J.9,j(). e Red H ill Realty 18068 Culver Dr., lrvine OPEN 9 At.1-8 Pf\1 833-c.!20 singin& a happy aong in thr ?2-1 \V. Coast H\vy. 54S-5;)21 645-2000 Evts. 5-18·6966 ! BEDROOM + Family. Cost1 MeN 4100 543-l(J.jl chin1ncy of this lonrly, bnil1d HOUSE BAYSHORES -4 Bedroom, 3 ~~~~!!!:."~!"'~'!""' J Md) rumpus room. Large 3 BR, 2 BA apt, oceanfront nE'\V, beach:--4 bdnn 'l be th N , bath.. Sept.June I ea e e. t'HA.RMJNG 3 BR Harbor yard, Kids OK. $250. .H. $JQ.OO wk. Up Balboa. Avail Sept-Junt. home! Really. there hasn't BF.LONGS TO .A BYGO t: Privale l'Qmmunity w I Hi...,,1ands. Nt'Wly decorated. \Vlnttrs. 54~2313 . ..., __ , f •7 , .. ,. •· ~· '"" ERA • --t•d • '"-heart "'" '========== • Day, w .. k. mon· lb. IU'C" .... or ~ ' ......,n..,, """""""" been llme for a ghost lo ·....,._,a n.u1t: .. " l>tach S315 mo &12-5211 Lovely garden/patio. Cud· I' i,_ ,.. • land of Lagunas R1vtera · · S•nla Ana 36l0 •Studio I Bach. Apts. ta.-c up resiuonce 1n this r--•"•-. Slt•alod 0_ .._.. \VlNTER rental near Ck-tan ner incl. Oshwshr. Yearly e 1.~ Util A H 1·~ 11 .. h 4400 spectacular home, spanking .......,. .... " ..,,." 2 Bd t de ts $100 lea~. sn;;. 646.f190 '"" s Pbona •en:, un 1,,..... c new & ready tor you IO move shaded Il'QUnds &r sheltered rm, 00 s u n · · 1 ~==-~~~---LOVELY h1odem 4 BR, 3 BA •Ma.Id SeMce. 1V avail. . into btfor~ school, Greal by hilh brick \Valls, in patio 120 31th St. BLUFFS -Condo. 2 BR. 2 home in nice art'a near OC e New Cale 4 Bar l BDRM, I urn I• h I!~· kilc'le.i filled "''ilh built.in garden setting that affords BAYFRONT &: dock 3 Br, 3 Ba. den. Furn '310. Unfum airpt. $275 mo lease. Prin-2376 Newport mvd. 5e975S Downtown atta. 526 Main COMSTRtiCTIOll JUST COMPIDlllG Harbor Heights Four 2 & 3 BR. UNrrs all with fireplaces, dish'o\'Uhf!rl Ir: 2 ba lba. Rental Manager - Mrs. CbrilUtnsen 3117-A Cinnamon Av .. 1250 appliancei; including rang~. a SCENIC VIE\V OF THE Ba den. Lease/option $500. $285. 6 mo or yrs lse. ciµa.Js only. 540-S793 VALUE, Adult couple only, 2 SI. •536-7396 * Cost• Mesa Phone 546-1034 oven, dishwasher, disposal, OCEAN &. CATALINA IS. mo. tiT»-4.lll. Also unfum. 644-1395. BR. no pets. drpa, crpts., =~=-"'--''-~~~I "•all/v.•all carpeting, draper. LANDS. CHARMING Dlx. 4 Br. 211,, Laguna le1ch 3705 dishwasher, hid pool, quie t. 3 BR, 2 BA. nlcely furn. Con-,..~~~t"'!!!'!!'~'!!'•I OCEAN VIEW ies, fencing, front yard land. THE ANTIQ,U..ATED . 3 BO-Coron1 del Mar 2250 ba. home on the watu. Xlnt $145. 2295 Pacific Ave, C.M. do. Lease $225 mo. Pool. HARBOR GREENS scaplng ,vilh sprinklers. !U"f. FLOORl>LAN, : ttm,l BEAOi cottage, winter s175 cornl. JJse $3Ta mo. Bkr 1 BR. yard, 2 blks to beach. 1 ;::"':;;8-687=:;.~B;,o;,•_:64~2-4<29~::_---l ;536-'i;-2076M;;;;;m;;;-;;;;;;;;--;;;; Only $27.190 _ VA, FltA or in\~nt of anotht'r me . mo· yrly $22J mo. 217 S.18-1290 $165 year lease. Adults only. I RELIABLE Cple lo help J Br Mtdall)on, condo, ~I 3 "·d bl 1 Convent ional 6601 Luciento plact. Ma:ull\'1? liv. rin. Ln H 1• ,_ 6-~ ~~ .. 9 DELX TWNl'SE. Lo'k• now, 2 No ]>ebl. Available Sept. l man•., 1o _ 2 BR lum ""'la blt-ln. refrlg, encl patiO, ~ rooms, convert1 e c en, Drive ITI4J . 5.1l·8400 ~ "GREAT HALL DESIGN," e .10 ... upe. i;r-......., ~ 494-1513 .6 ... u family room anti forn1al dln. 11 AM lo 1 P M Bkr • HAS COVED CEILINGS & I Ibo Br, Z Ba., frplc .• pool, 2 car for part ~nl. References. pool. quie t. Sl.30. 675-5034 ing room with a 180 Degree · · HEAV'I' \VOOO BEAPiIS, a a 2300 gar. ST;,O. Bia. 64~1n 4 BR 2 BA, din rm, OC'Can 642-9520 alt~r 5 pm. rd G •610 · f nd · All view lro•t • back --~ '!Bi~ .. ;;,---;;;;;;.:-;;;;;;;:I !~·~'!~"..5!!''o~v~•!__-~·~ view 0 ocean a Jetty, --WHERE SOFT SUNLIGHT . ' " .JOLI"• 11 BR. ne\v, beaut. fum . this PLUS a gorgeous large A H Th-IS FILTER ED THROUGH Spcctaclllar ot't'an view l1y Shern 3225 frpl. $260. 494-9937 month-lo-month SlfiO. Adults 100 CLIFF DRIVE pool in a protected co11rt. ome w• TRANSPARENT SK y. 4 Bdrms. 2 Ba. ae,~;h;,!.198 1--'----'-----2 HOUSES: 1 BR ea, ne\\•ly only. 2220 Elden 645-1251 Tv.·o bedroom furnished yard • tor ihr family that Pays For Itself LlGIIT GRANDIOS. Lo G Avail. Sept. llth. J-oN<N \\'.t.TERFRONT Near BBC, redec. cloM? bch/ahops. ~ ev~. All Dtluxe Features deserve.~ the best. y I' he -t!l·s BURNiNG FIREPLACE, . :~ luxury 3 BR, 3 BA. with S. Coast, 494-6848 W-'.., Dis•---to 8' b • S77 .;oo .. ou r_an ive c aper in · 1 rram-" by rouch he\\·n tim-Lido Isle 2351 prdener, yrly Sti)L 15 to 4 FURN l BR Apt!f I.:. Studios ..,.,ng:· ...., .. ..,. ac 673-8550 Spanish modern DUP LEX. ""' YH.rl. Resp, adults, no pets. 2 BR 1 BA. ocean view, avail Sept. 1st. SllO It. $120. $22S -Yearly Je;ue THE fJEAL E S T ATERS Cooled by ocean breezes just Ix-rs & mantle. F'OR.hlAL NE\VLY fu rnished 4 BR, 4 n +&tl-5674 or 213-~ sundeck. No pets. S:n:'.I mo. 213;; Elden, ~t. 6. Adults •2449 1t le-w stePS lo tht-South· DlNING R~f. HAS B ~ G B1, avail Sept 15th. \Vinter .. * 494-1924 * * only! * WINTER RENTAL * land's l1l061 beautiful beach. BA Y \VINDO\VS OVER· or longer. {Tl-t) 67;)-1349 W•stcliff 3230 --------- lnchldes a home-like 3 bdnn LOOKING TllE BALCONY 1 BDRM, CRPl'S, ORPS, Spacious 2 BR 2 BA ocean with fireplacr. v.'alk in clos· \\I/OCEAN VlE\V. LEASE. Luxury 3 13:r .. 3 Ba., $165 2 BR, l Ba, Bll·iru!, cpts, L1gurta Niguel 3707 Adult. Ollly. On.na:e &: 15th front apt In be• u ti t u I BACHELOR unfurn r re m $LIO. Also avail l . l .l 3 Bdrm. f leattd pools, child care ce nter, adJ lo lhopplnc. No pell. 2700 Peteraon Way Cost.a Meu. ~70 MARTINIQUE GARDEN Am. Exoellent. park-like mrt'OUDIS- ings !or adult& only. Bach, t, 2 l: 3 BR, Apta. Pool. nr aboppinc. C'EST MAGN IFIQUE ! ets. sundecks, tile rool, Remod('ltd kitchen, opens to ~ large .ruest studJO. Owner Beamed ceilings. Heated St. 11ic. $100. mo . 642--0538. Laguna Royale. $350. ocean view + a spaciowi olde fa.shione-d drudgery & 61l-8180. pool . F irst " la.'lt month'& S~10G frtt LagUna Hills. $115. I.arp Bachelor. Laun-TI4:871-1700 LGE .Bachelor unit, Sharp. 2 bdrm, low maintai~. Sf!\\'inl room 1hal overlook! FURN 4 BR, 3 BA, contemp. rent. S50 cleaning ch&". Lovely 4 BR. enclo&td patio. dry room, carport. Adult DELUXE IKo 1 er, mndttk, Cpts/drp5. Nr. So. Olut 1 n7 Santa Ana. Apt. lll. • 64&.s5f2 • B 0 00 7~~11;, drapes, landscapin.11; tUhN,I QpaUttEo 'o'L""'o'E'· ,T101UJS!ES Newly d1o.,c. Ava1il ~_P~,.! Adult&, no pr-U.-. 64Z..2514 ~nce;1st~tio~t~1~a:· only. ~6 var. ocean v\ew, carport, Plaza, CX:::C. Sl25 ind tt!ri&:. R ADM R ocean viC\V luuudtd. . wntr ren or yr y. 01.......,.,.,,.. • • • ' LOVELY Big 2 Br, ltt Ba. $16;, lea.st. Util pd. 4~1473 & util. Stt at 973 Valel'ICia delu."e 4 BR homl'. lmmt'di· Terry R•alty 536-1459 1-4\S BEEN COMPl...ETELY East Bluff 3242 S295. 836-265:-i eves. .,_, ._ ApL 2 -'L 5 PM w~ ... , •. ·"' R"~RED Ir •• noo ' BR, 2 BA ~ "ul . r UU1, pat.... adults, noo. ch •705 M 0 -• ate possession. $7'l ,500, C<w ~·u . a!\ ·~1\' r , ....,auh.1 view. 2310 Santa Ana, 645-2933 Laguna ha "' Kaye Neal, 6l:lM23 MEDITERRANEAN coverings cal'peling, decor-B1lbo.;:a_l;.:•c;l•.;;n~d-_2;c.3;.:5.;c5 1 UNSURPASSED BAY VIEW Bltins, dsh.vhr, crpts, drpg, l :F""'=:::.::;:;.;.;::,;::;::,.,~1--'":""".""::::'.':--:--:-all wkend&. Don.i.ld hi. Bird & Assoc. , ating, et~ If you ha,•c bren ..• . 40' PORCH, 2 BR, 2 BA + trple. 83&-5150 or 54Z..1215 2 BR apt. Pool. NASSAU BLUE LAGOON, elegantly NEWLY Cptd, drpd itMios, 1621 E. 17th Sl. MASTERPIECE looking f~r an oldci' home WINTER rental, nieetr furn, pool Immed occ. Lease S415 PAL.MS. l'M E. 22nd St. tumi1hed 2 bedroom 2 bath w/pool " bU-lna. ,$140. Santa Ana ;.17.7041 \v/character consider thi5 modern 3 .. BR, 2~~ BA, mo or option to buy. * 642-3645 • aparlment. Charming at· Prefer newly murledls or 4 levels ol luxury living, 4 1 • formal diru ng, Iv rm "'"·--* 6--DuplexH Unlurn. 3975 "-2 -• t n;· NEWL y LISTED bdl'ms, 3 baths, formal din-a II uwu~r. •;)..~4• 1 BEDROOM furnilhed. $100. moa:pncre. ~!;, en ,..., Adulbl w/ children over ' ·ng, ••o•~t• g•mc -m • · $31950 PULL PRICE w/frplc. 2 patios. Ava utilitie& included. o I der patio, private bea c h, 15. ~6.CM96 after 6 P M. 2 Bdrm on corner Joi, with .... ,.....w .. '"" / SepL 8 675-1238 eves· NE\V :i ·er, 2~i Ba, all elec, ul 1-~~-~=~~--1 hdwd firs., forced air heat. 2 fireplaN's pu1s this one on !\ts'SiOr~~~~~Y ~1541 days. · Coron• del Mir 3250 dlshwahr, dillp, garg, frpl, tenanti 642-0560 ~u~ ~~ v~ ! fairway VIiia AptS lge. country-style k It.: nr. your must see list. Pril.'l!d IST TIME oUo-" no·-ty near beach It shop'g. $240. EAST Side 2 BR furn, clean, .6n~ ~""~ shops and brach. $38.500. right at S42.900. 9S5 So. Coll.SI l·h1•y .. L;iguna f"-ishod 2 BR·~·, ba··,... IRVINE TERRACE 675-56.12 adults only, no peta. 364 E.1 ~·~-=~~~-~- D•Lency Ree l Estate MUTUAL REALTY Phone (714) 494-0731 c'b;ice b:ation. Adults $Xio Delux~ home lor yearly I----------16th Place. C165. Mo. PANORAM I C V i ew , 2828 E, Coast Hwy., Cdi\J 842-1418 anytim• OCEAN VIEW HOME mil. Call Puadena 79S-4oo.1 leae. l Bdrms., dining RENTAL~ =========I overlookin& Ali9o Beach, 2 Near Ore.nge C.O Alrport & ucr. Adult• only. 20izi Santa An.a Ave. ~Z191i 67JJ7TO ·--.~y~-o=w"""Nc.,.,E=R~ XLiVT Vet loan assumption. room. 30' living room. All Apts. Unfurnlsh.t Nawport a.1ch 4200 bdr., furn. All elect. Mature \Vlnter; z..3 or 4 BR. beautifully ....,,._led & --'----------.:...-------1 adulta, m children, m peta. •-~=-=-~--• So Hwy DUPLEX Int. rate will not increase. 3 00 '·Ind •-J --~ Ev 4--• THE SEVILLE 2 BR " • • • uses . ...., a nc::a ty, draped. Lowly hea~ pool General 4000 OCEANFRONT-3 BR, S225 $185tmo . es.: ~,...,. , l7W 3 1 BR.:\·ner's unit, re,adt ~or Assume FHA loa n w/Sl0,000 ~ 2 1~· \\~~1;:-Pl;~ie:~:l-:='"="=ar=k=A=v='·="=.,.='=""= All built-ins includina' rlrii. winier, $325 yearly. 300' 2 BR duplex, fum 6; Wlfum, ba. w/pnge. Sl.50. Adult.a mm · occupa.~cy ~ · r. down or cash + small 2nd 1· & d ishwasher. Pool main!. $145. 2 BR, pool, gar, trom Oceanfront; 2 BR-$150 nr Vic: H ti g 0 , llf!W -cprts -dtp!'I -BJt-inl. apt. for mother;1n-1aworelf. or U'ade do\\'n. \\'alk 10 Anx i o u s ·s ubmiL FIP Huntington Beach 2400 I: gardener incl. $450 per dilih\l'llShtr. Avail 9 11 . winter, $225 yearly. 3 cptsfdrp&, lrpl, r ar. Fenced yd. 2619 Santa Ana tra rent~I. $4~.::ioo. beach. 7 mo, new. Adull $44•500· mo. Reis.. please. Call Adula. Local B ro ker BR.$160 winter. $240 yearly. 497-l056 Ave,. 636-4121 Hal P1nch1n & As soc. occupied. 4 BR, ram /dln rm. PLACE REALTY 494-9704 $150 BEAUTIFUU...Y fllrn, o\vner. 673-S5l3. 645-0111 2 BR-Costa Mesa. $135 u tUl,LARGC.:.,,.:;,E,,.c.S~ud~.-~. -~.- 3900 E. Co."tsl th1y, 67.'l439'2 elec kit. ln".loor / outdoor ~ air cond. mobile home in Sl50 2 BR / 1 ll incl W-3837 t IO, view. un· LGE ··u I p . . =111s aJ • •o For Sale By Owner beauliful park, w a I k i n . OIARMING 3 Bdrm home -. ' w w. poo . ava. . maculate. $150. u w. pd. . 111 lop ol. erm. view patio. J<N+ ter : ""· 9/7 O I d t r ·•ild Brok•' NEW 2 BR 2 BA f -pt d i • t an c e of be a ch. yearly lease. Paneled, beam · .... ., · · • • u ... 8 · * 494-mS * 1 BDR J>ptx, gar, cptl, drpt, Prefer tncher or couple. 242 Flower. 642-1101, 646-3845. ot ocean&: hills. Privacy. Redueed-$25,500 0 I Ill 1· & BR 534-6980 w/cpts, drp!i, elect kitch & . Realtor 673-2010 Teacher/ l\'lltr on eave. ce ng iv rm multt . Hun deck. Close to beach &: 2 BR. l block Bluebird Bch, l=========~INear ocean • Oi\·ner trans· 3 BR. 2 Ba. split level home. Can be seen by appt. Rel!. Frplc. crpts, drps, patio, $110. Bachelor a11t. W/w, ulil shopping, \Vtnter rental S200. lrplc, balcony. ?J week. 2 BR Studio apt. l}I ba. erx:I Lido Isl• 1351 fPn-ed. Lu:oeurious 2-story, ~ :!'::'::1, Llpoo'v\n.g be~~· oc!r~•-""-'d_. _1_21_J _1J7_ .. _.,,_,_. --oversized aar w I b I t n pd. Avail no1v. Bkr 534-6980. incl's utlllties. 3510 Marcus, 494-1996 or 213: 451i-Q61 gar, patio, c PI• J d r PI' bd 2 ba f. I ,. .._,...,., storaae. Convenient I'\ bch bll·in&. $150. Dll'• 5G-3S24 r, · irep ace. m rm, vie\\'. S44,0CJO, 49 1-6174 AM I---------N.B. 67l-1915 I & 2 BR, command ocean EvPs. 546-0689 LOVELY LIDO HOME elect blt·ins. 2-car gar, cpts. 10 10 •. eves. Summer Rentals 2910 &: shop'r. Gardener incl. NOW'•· THE OCEANFRONT Dupt•x • 2 vlew, newly dee.._ Immed. I ==~...,..~--..,..=="' N t • b d N •-t I o :~~-~~~~~~".':1;::;;;';;~;:;;;:';;;::::;;-;;;:;;;-$335 mo. Avail Sept. 15. ~ .... CLEAN • a-2 BDRM ear·llf'\\I c:us 01n uomc y l1'S. r SCuvv , s iopp ng ~ Bdrm. av all Sept 6 to July 6 occupancy. 494-€735 •u • • Don Koll. 3 spacious Br. & rntr I.:. r:<clusive entry club. COMMANDING CLEAN Balboa Beach Uni ts. -'='.,_=711=4~/C,occ':c•icPP7t_. -....,.-crptg, drps. blt~IM. carport. 2 •· ' d fl 1· . ~ 536 1914 SI 2 I 10 f ~O ERN BR fO on lease. $175 Pe r mo to N •· d I'· 54""1769 ""· on n oor; 1\•1ng v1vncr . Coastline·C•talln1 ""'e.r~~•l;,.,,o 'c•t't' ·.~~~r5 M D t house, stove, TIME R responsible adults. Call col. RENTALS ope._.., a. u .. rm., di n. r111., family rm. &l-~p=oo=L~1=s~c~oo=L--'"''.._.... .... ,,,..,,"" disposal. rehig, Jrplc, drpio;. .. 1 U 1 i '"-... i.J\RGE 2 BR near cxc $145. powder nn. on 1st floor. No-THE HOME IS BIG View lot in Laguna Beach, 3l5 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 2 Blocks m11.rket, sboJ)ll, lcct (2131793-0728 eves. ""'pa. n urn srf9q Avail Sept 3. No pets. Phone: thing finer .. ~or500the prier . j BRs BIG & THE TER..'1S ~·:· .Jomwa;: ~~! l~~eliro 2 BR Ralboa apt 11.dj China Cove. $140. mo. 408 Ci)UICK CASH PANORAMIC View: adults, Gen•r•I 5000 541).9680 or 54&-$19 LIDO R~E•A. LTY INC. are \VIDE OPEN. $37,500 n1~n1h 494-1137 , beaches/pier .$T~$150 wkly. Femleaf, CdM. Shown A\li. 21 Bdnnl '1; fireplace, spltll • Ba I "1"115=P"er,,-mo..,.,-.°"2'°"B"R.-:-1-tmall=;.I Is RIG Irr PRICE "-===·=======lri5~36-39:=::~11~,~670:C>-58~~10';;:;:-;-;;-;;-; 30 & Sept. Isl. eve . e epnt c arp e , $165. 2 BR. 1~ • w IV, clilld OK. No -·-. Blt-•·-3400 Vl11 Lido 673-8830 · A ! IX"au-~=c='....,.-,---,,,,.--;-THROUGH A drapeii, garage. 548-2394 R/0, walk to beach. Bkr ,...... u-. l'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•J !ifully located Pr e 11 ti i; e . . • . $250 \'11 . Lu x u r 1 o u 1 • BDR duplex. 2'~ bll, ., ... .,non apl1l, drps. 53&--9462. Aft S I" !lorn<' M1 s11on V1e10 1708 \l'&tcrfront apt. pool. 1•urn l bit-ins, d•h...,,ahr, 2200 sq fl. 1'2 BR apt.. From $1.35. tot ;:-~~.,..,,-----..;,;"'~'i'i'=====o-J BAYFRONT HOMES 3 o 117' N ci>lld 1 1' T L RENT•LS Rex L. Hodges, Rltr. BEA UT. '·sto-. 3 BR. d•·. BR, 2 BA. !714) 673-ml Year lease.. S O Imo . DAILY PILOT · o ren or pe •· REN A ~ ,.. Pdl.'cd rrom S98Ji00 8.17.~E, .,, " 540-7573 1525 Placentia. AISG avail. Apts, Furnished Apts. FumlshM &e us for 1hc Lido _ ., G 1 1 ,10 La Paz f\llssion V1e;o. BYI ---------loOCEA==N,.-;•-,,C&"'W""'tna--v°';ew-. '°"l unfurn. _:~:;;..:..;;.;:..:;;.;.;:.. __ _.;.;:;... _____ _,'.".:"." llome lo s11i1 your ncrd.<J :>'•'1 • · • $1;J 1 • owner. Assume 6% FHA. Dupl•x•s Furn. 2975 0 __,_ms, din\•• room.I~ :,;BR:,;:."-~1-b-lk-1---l,jN~•;w;;pot~rt~l~e~ac~h~~4~2~00~N~ow~po~rt~lle~ec~h~;;4~200~il Walker Rlty. 675-5200 Ne...,'port \Vest J BR. 2 BA. h1Rkt' nrler. lmmed. Oceup. Dt:Ulo"" • .,.. WANT AD · ·· poo • · 0 ocean; ..~~.., Vla Llrlo NB o,..n Sun. fam rn1. 1,j mi to beach. GE 830-Ijg:J, NE\V 3 Br. 2'~ Ba. All elec. Ul) ?.Jonth singles. S125 to S 1 3 S. -' k klr.! CaJI a,.nt ~135 673-~ ~2)35: &'4-0637 Evf!t. 1 --• I N wport •---h "· c•"· ...... 'P' . . "'"""''· ,;,. . .,,.,,. ""'· • :;;;~;;;;;;;:.;;;~========.i.========ll Now _..sing n • ......,_ BUNGALOW for 2, beamed palio, lenced. land1<:aped, ---------·I near htoach &: shop'g. $240. I• d Ct'il ings:. Jrplc, 2 small lrµlc. Nc1v paint $27.900. Dana Point 1730 67>-5652 General 4000GeMral 4000 G•ner1I 4000 oakwoo Bedrm's. one bath. xln\ 0\lner will lake 2nd. 22022 ---- Ca . t • -HB 540-""'~~ Sl7,500 BARGAIN? I cond. St to St. Via Koron. pis rano uo" "'7W S111all 3 Br, 1 ba. modem. ltl!NTALS The best of two ' w,::»r ds • • • $39.750. 213:199-8171 1_•_r_968-< __ 1_32 _____ Clean. Nr. Harbor. S4,.l50 HouMs Unfurnish.d Qt?Q'O .&\"It.'--f)-C ~Q.• d t I b ~~ J.'~ ~). ~ P(f"i:J. your home ari your coun ry cu I.Ibo• bland 1355 BARGAIN ?~.11,11m0 .• "!·,!IOS34032 Copp<< General 3000 I I I ' ~.. -~ SolocaSlta~ScronobledWon!Pazzr.forcClltteklc Fo< your homo, 11fe<I rom. • n9~, ••• 212 SAPPHIRE J BR l'-4 ba, 22x20' fam nn. RENTALS \\'E have a fl'W rental.a in .and two b•droorn •p•rim•nts. Furnith•d Blk wall fll('t', Total ca.sh h our ' Book. Stop by and O~ ~ of tM ar unfurnish•d, ••Ch 1s profe11ion•lly clec- 3 BR, 2 BA l den, 21 x: 30 StCOO • awune GI ln • no Houses Furni1 ed browse thn:iugh it four .aao....bled 'fllCfdt "-= •••lod ond "on<ludt• '"pttinn, dr•peries, brick paho, ~posed bl.'am qualifying _ pmtll u n d e r -· low f r -word .., ceillng•, co1npletely_ ~mod. S200/n10. Gen!''' -2000 Walker & Lee to OfM O!JI' ti .. .11 •• 1.ctric w.itinghau•• •ppli1nc••· By ownrr S52,500. 6r5.m<>I BRAS-HEAR REAL TY $2?5. 3 Br nl«IY turn. ITH 11 OD I 1tortgt space tpleniy and pr1v1te btl- Huntington &eich l~OO 84T&31 Eve$. 968-ll78 Gll.rdcner & utll. paid. 7682 Edingc!1.,, 1 j I j I I cony patia. Childn>n If pets O.K. Bkr 812-445:1 or 540.;:o '"' _ • • • • Just it•r• from your door i1 • whol• S:Y. •;. WHY PAY RENT? :,~4..fill80 Open C\'t'S. world 0 t xclu1iv• country club r•cr••· A'FumP cxi~l :n,• VA loitn. 3 Yr old,., ;!)11,?HisAh I st)'lr.; BA,,"" \V A N T ED • Respon!lble COLLEG~ucatcd Y.'Orkina IN ACK It. I ti on: BR 1 h bA.lh. Lo"'' down 5un:"" .,. ,.. oan, ". ,._, nla.turt lady to ahart lovely couple, one child. one doe, ·t I I I 1r • ,,•f•ni•"-1 ,: •• T .,.,,.,;, Ce 11th payment. Acrou from 'l Pll.llG, BBQ. bltl\li. AdJ. to 2 BR apt. Prlval~ pi1lio A: desire lo lease 2 BR and den I . . . . • ••iicl1111 Tt 1111i1 f't ofeule11el 11141 Sl<l•p •~·immlng pooli & a 21 actt golf course, ?OOl, S76.950. pool privUeaes. 6 4 6-9 7 8 4 or 3 BR home: CM, N8, • OlyMpi~ dn Swl111111i11t '••I park golf <.'O\UW Oiildren COR81N·MARTIN Eves. F'V .•.. under $21'.MJ. Startlrc I I • wtii1lpool l •lh1 wcl~mf! No yani \\'Ork or REALTORS 6i5-166'l 2 YG. ProJesaional men wish Sept 15. call ~5623 btkn I WET NI • f'1clcllt Te1111!1, Volltvb•il, l11kt tb1 ll C.ert. V.'On)'. $20.1 per month tn. 3036 E. Coa!t Hwy., CdM 3rd lo lhare N!nt. Furn. a and a.lier 6. I 1• I r Owrhtord: ~"•ff• and J Anet • 20,000 1qu•t• fo ot clubhou1e offtn cludlnit PIT! A AuoclaMon townl'lse, 3 BR, 211 BA., ts. SZ!(I. 3 BR. 2 Ba. f)-plc, • _ _ _ • broke up blcotne of Ul naa In th•1• features: fee1. Ju11t livt' It up & !hey UNIELIEV ABLE! study. Univ. Plc, Irvine. bltn~. nr bcacb. Children ...---------. the fomily. I got-o1-• • $1p1r•t• Mt11'1 ,Ml WtM•11'1 He1 l1h Ch11M "''W do the f't~L $168 Total per Month 833-2588 after 6 pm. O.K. Local Broktt 645-0lll 1· AM s ID I •n with St 1111•• P A low loa , ... -..-........ -.... -.-1 • Compl."9 tN ~ ~ • lllflo•t Wolf Dti¥1"' R111t•· 1n11.N. •••M I' lllfiN@ltjfjl\ ;e 3 BR ~~~1w11a~~ Ci= P~~~12!o = 2 .:· ~:':9: c~I~.~'.·· C.t.I. I I' I )1 I by fi/1:1 "' tti. 11111111 WOfd • Tlle•tr. TV Lt1111t1.1Ar1 S11M11 .. '•tJrtf.lkMIM " ,.m, T!!"T 54MTo tor tmiler or boitt. 2 Br apt Call 833-lSU f!Xt 542.2259 'fOd dtv91op f'Of& "'P No. ""*'· Modtl1 op•n noen unti 9 :00 p.m. 11 Y H AF F DAL REALTY 2706,. lo; pm. • •,N.,NTTH(~~~~.u, mos r• r r r Ii I' I' I OAKWOOD MOVE in before school? S R74(1 \'i'111ner. f\I 842·41f0.S SINGLE 21 -0, o"•r <I" ID Co1t1 Mell 3100 . ::!"" ~""""~ _ _ _ _ • _ • • en. 3 BA. beaut. ll"IV lllll'•I-..:.._;._;"----"-'-,. • " ;;.;;.;.c.:; _ _; ____ .c.; uoy. homo, All8Qmt GI A SSUME SV•% LOAN ...,.. 2 Bdm Apt w/wne. SllBLET. N'"·Port Rl•I"' _f>_,,""...,sc.,""",..." .. r .. u_n_u_s l__.l._l__.l~I Of l I I I GARDEN APARTMENTS $44.9.'ll. 8·1i--Ol63 " DR, z BA, elr.c kit, big C&ll &42-4008 att 5:11'.l. Condominium. 3 an, 2\i '21 ,4.NSWfS . . . . • . . • • &Y Q"•ner, 2-410f'¥, 4 Bit yiuU, quiet <'UI d,. MC. 20081 LAG UNA lfll\1. Matun: m•n BA. $200 mo. Cont.act Mnar. ._...,...,.............,.._--17 00 •16th Streei1 N•wfO" l11ch '°""'r lot, Gl.n M" horn•. Moonlldc !162-189; Owner "'"" lo ''"" '•· home. Mr. Gla8', 3lO RM<T& D•.. SCRAM•LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7500 Phont: 642·11 0 Mwit stU. fl68..6663 $25.000. Rit, privs.. "49-UU C.M. • .. -~ --------·-----·---~-·--~-----·-··--------·---...... -----------· ~~------·--........ -... --. -~ LAJtll"E 1 Br, t Ba. Adalt!, NEW 1-2 BR APN. J'IC> pttL ClMd IU, plaJ )"I'd, Palkls, Balconlea, prlVat°Y , SJ3..0T36.'~f 8262 Allanta. HB 536-2IKlO I l DOR. p.r, cpts, di'PS. w ~1 st Preff-r lffchn or couple. ••••n n tr t JC f'loifm, C!.M, REUABLE Cple l J BR UNITS: TWllbse fliS. l manqe 3 unlls for part • Cotta.re $~ Bltlns, patio, rent. Mu1t have ttrs. 1 pr~ Adults, no pet&. Avail dtUd oil. Westmln. 83!J...2314 sn. m °""""' 549--0!33 NEW 1 BR. •Pl. cpts, drps, Tustin 5640 ~ I btliDI, pr. Patio<. Adu!u. THE ASPENS • Whacldyt Wint? Whlddy1 Got? Mar. 2110 Eld<n 6 ... 1162 ll652 Wlll;.m St SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR ·--··· "''""" ...,i;g. ,..,.u NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ! 1'.1-wrrt BN<h 5200 Adwt Hvln&. no pou Spteltl Ritt ' IAY VIEW Sha& carpets 5 Lines - 5 timff - 5 bucks I Total air conditioning RULll -"'° MUIT INCLUDE Wint-'··•· a·-ll. •• b-·• U ( :~i....a t-Wftlt -naw " ""'°'· ,_wtiat .,.... "'"' 11'1 trMil. I ,... tql.... •• ... ,.,.,... n urn~icu ~YOUtt ,,_. ,~1., ..,,... +-J HMt et M'<o•n1t1n .. itew, deluxe duplex; CIQSe to Cymnaaiums & Saunas t-HOTHING FOii Ult -TA:ADEI ONLYI 1 beacbrs, churches Ir. mar-Apartments from $150 PHONE 642·5671 fttL Frpl., pJu!ih carpet. For inlormalion 8.15-fi681 fo Plt c• Your Trider'• P1r1dlH Ad Ruey 1or lmmed. occu-Lake Arro~·llead ~·ater-2 DUPLEXES • Anaheim. p&ney. Dana Point 5740 front lot $50,000 val. Pacilic Qualify 3 bdr'., 2 ba. Grou 3 BR. 2 Ba. lower ...... $300 Palisades Ocean View lot 4 BR. 2 Ba. upper ....... ~ 2 BR Du~lex, I~, apt&, S77,50D val, Want: Income: $615 mo. Trade for beach Owner mi&ht rum. or com1d-drps, blt-1ng, retrig, no pets. Bkr M8-7m art>a units or home. Ownu: er yrly lei.BC Mrs Joy, $190. fTI4l 689-6478 Open • after 6, 1»4-«>11. eves., 642.225.1. :or · Sun. 33S.12 Alcazar Or., ARRO\VHEAD Vllliu; view BURR WHm Dana Point. lot: Ocar. All util, Nice A· ==~===---1£rame cabin &ile. $1500 val- REALTOR REAL ESTATE ue , trade tor a:d trans car 2901 N'pt. Blvd, NB 6Ta-4630 Gener1I or '!' '!' 546-6277. $3()0 to $395 \Vaterfront. t.m;. a I W _, urioos &. elegant 2 BR, 2 "enta 1 •nt-5990 Beautiful 3 Br, J Ba, play. rm. lolt. home + active in. come, \~ Acre, T1wy JO, Running Springs, for home, RA, pool, pri balcony, view apts. Boat slips avail, subterranean parking. RENTAL flNDE"S beach area. $27,000 eqty. llJllUGl¥l ... CUAUITBD 642-1574 Carlbe Balboa Apts 310 Fernando St, N.8. (714) 613-3003 .~ ElaTIAL-MllSS 1'1~7'-G,C.Wf~,~,,.-am-~tb~,..,b~boa~t. ArT.-IOOMMAn S8'Vkl '66, inboan:l.ootdrive, 150hp NEWPORT Beac h :hevy6-cyl, and cash. Waterfront 2 bdr, 2 ha, New ·OSW.ttt\,c..t..._,....,11 Trade for late model MGB- luxury bldJ'. bu 11t·Iboans1• REFINED Mature cpl w/ GT, VW, etc. 846-3221. aubterranean parking, 1 Vall xlnt Joe ref!, 18 yrs in area. 3 BR, J BA Bayv ew Bh.1tfs llips a Carlbe Balboa 'Vant 2 BR unfum apt In ex· Condo, beaut upgraded·but- 310 Fernando SI. ch for assist tnnlf for ler's pantry, mirrored ward· 673-3003 r;/rent. Adults only. N.8. or robe, ete. SU,tm eq for~ J,.~=,....,:.;c..~~~--1 CdM area. Write Daily Pilot Income, cars, etc. ~. BEACH.J Bdr 2 Ba Furn or .,._ M ~-6 A •7 680 r. lig Bear A-frame cabin. (°1'J)t.S & bit-in.a, S\\'ed. frplc, Prestige area, $14.00 eqty. For local home, units, or '!' ! By 01vner 96S-3597. B,\ YFRONT & DOCK 3 BR. 3 BA. Val $89,500. For T.D's (consider I-Sf" I option) 01· trade for ? i No. 2 Balboa Coves. Owner 6/a-4331. 20 Acres ranch. 3 Modern homes. 2 wells: fenced. Tnainil'lg track, huge bam. 14 stails: FOR land, units or ? $45,000 Eq. 6'7"=>-6259 l\taUbu near pier. Pl'iv. road 4 BR, 3 ba., dining and/or fam.<rni. FOR Hunt· ington Harbour. s;;e,ooo value. !13/456-2555, 213/535. 1368 bus. Urtfurn Frplc BI t -i n s .,.,,. ....,.,.. pts. • • groSll, ,.,.... Oisposal Crptd Drpd Lower COLLEGE-Educated . work· 't:,~ge for house, land or 75' Cruiser Twin D, auto \~of ~-er duplex. sm yr. Ing cou~lt\ one child, one · F~RTIN REALTOR pilot, range 1200 mi. Recent IY or S200 winter. See at dog, deslJ"e unfw-n. 2 heir. &: 642-5000 • Eves 548_0300 survey $40,000. \Vill consid. 1809 w. Balboa eves. den or 3 Bclr home to leaae; llOl.·A Weslclitl Or., N.B. er lrU.~t dred or smaller ~2221 O f, NB, FV., .under $200.l~--,.,-.,,---,-..,.-,--'c,---boat. Owner. (TI4) 729-3400 l;-;;;O;;;;-:::;--;;--;;::;:=::-:::;:;I Starling Sept. 15. 518-5623 Street/otf road dune buggy What do yoU have to tradeT '. $$ M,ORE ~ $$ • For Your Homi Equltt Ab&olulcbt no C05t , • • fO ,. the Sellttl u,....ot~moro<Nb r .. Onlla• °""'11 "'""'"'' Cll1 tho Rat. •. 'I'btn can tht nett: BEYERL Y JACKSON REALTY 147-6033 or 54s.tt45 BUSINESS incl FINANCIAL Bus. Opportunities 11300 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE AIT1LlATE (No Selllng Involved) Excellent inco!l'lf: for few houl'll ~kly work (Days or e1reningsl, Refilling &: col. Ject1ng money from coin OI>" erated dispenseni in Costa ~fesa. k surrounding area. \Ve est. route. {H a 11 d 1 es name b r a n d c&lldy &. snacks) $1575. Cash requir- ed. F o r personal Interview in Costa lofesa area, a e n d name, addre55 & phone num- bc1· lo Multi.Slate Jnc., 91157 E. Imperial Hwy., Downey, Calif. 90242 £213) 861·1'.171 DEALERS for exclusiv• Or•ng• County di1tril:iutor system (no ••lllng) • six hours - SUNDAY AM ONLY Small investment puts you in your own busi. ness • .L: ·-:· ·~.!.. Bednru, ~plit before 8 and aner 6. entirely new design. '65 Cor. List It here -in Orange L ..-c., .. nt carpeting, vair eng t1600 val f'ot CALL MR ROG ~pes. ~. fireplace. WANTED. 5 or 6 rm older boat or ?.! · County's Wxest read trad-• ERS Call olt 6 PM ,....,.. """"' """· "' partly, Eut 4JJ6.2SOO Ing,..,_ oM make. deal SUN DA y MAIL IO t •11' Pool CM o• NB. No yaung ..& * * * * INC · . ap • · mo. ' chHdren $1.15-l!SO. 540-lllll >< * • ;:=m. Call after 6 Eve. Bob & Donna Long l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (714) 171-1443 . UNFURN Homo 3-4 BR. 2 REAL ESTATE ~Rdupl~, 1,3blktobeach, Ba Bl ' " d . Gener1I AAA CANDY SUPPLY view of ocean. 675-1977 • tins, cp • rp«, 1"1---------wkd""' after 5 Corona del Mar High rn.t. • I .L,., .. ,. ROUTE >-~'=·~-·=~=-·I (805) 497-3277, ( 1 14) Business Rent• vvvv lndustrl•I Rent1I 6090 INAJ\IE BRANO CANDY) BALBOA BAY CLUB 642-9881 E.'lcitlng work rese:lling & E:tquislte 1 BR unfurn Apl.1~===~=----1 • PRIME Ret&ll Location • RENT new M~1: UZJ sq. ft. collecting monpy from coin 548-221l ut 105 LANDLORDS: We have Store 17x40, xlnt ft. !: auto $115 nio . 2250 sq. ft.. $225 opera!ed di~pensf'l'5 in your >----------1 lenanls waiting for renbl.11 traffic. 1871 Harbor, C.f\f. mo. 1.~ Logan, C . f\t. arf'a. r.tust be abll": to devote under $150. f'ree service. 646-6654 _6'1~5-5=1"'°16~,.,.,-.,=-,,---I 2 to 8 Ill's per week to make Newport HgtL 5210 LDcal Broker, 645-0111 l--.-!A-RIN--E-RS--CENT--E-R-2· sr.tALL industrial un its -11ery good income, No sell· ELUXE DPLX. 3 BR. 2 NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in Office &: store bide, re:nt or storage or small businer.a. ing involved. BA. aptl drps. frplc A: gar. Hlll'JN!t' Sch. area by SepL l lease. $75 lo S120 per mo. Nrwport Beach. 646-1724 S995 ro S3,980 required 56-8395 ~ ~ Reuonable, 645-1155 149 Riverside Ave. &t&-241( (Based on part or full tim~l e LANDLORDS e small store lots 6100 For pel'$0nal Interview in 5230 FREE RENTAL SERVICE Catalina Island $75 "to. SAN Cleint'nle R-4, lS units. ~~u;s ~l'E'paho~°!.111~~' ad· Broker 534-6982 Phone Avalon 187 ... ., pr! 2 BR 2 BA t -Dana Point R-2, 6 uni!.!. TRANS.\VESTERN DfST. CO. • ·. ' cp • WA NTED: Apt for 2 working Corona del ~1ar. 250 sq ft Both Ocean Vio1.1'. 59o No. Azusa Ave. drp. ~7 ~~ns..•~ g\rls, need 2 car garg, to office. Arcade Bldg. Bath. Chvner * ~..s.352 Covina, Calif. 91722 h'm o...uui 6· •"" ........,. S200 675 T737 Park' $65 673-3043 :Adnlts. 642-0239. 1665 Irvine. mo. ~ ing. · I f.IACHINE SHOP 3 or ( BR. Older boml": would Off' R 1 Owne t · l w ll 52•• be. ..-at! Eut of N. •wport ice ent1 6070 Acreage 6200 r re 1 r n g. e · -•·· iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii equippl'.!d for research and lli='=c..:;.;;.,:. _____ ii. possible. Alty location con· COSTA Mesa 6Cal'ce ground development or g I! n er a I , tJ\ISURPASSED VlE\V sidered. $160. 5t5-8515 floor office~. 2 connecting, 1nachine , ... or k. Nice BR. ttlllll. drpg, bltns, pool SERIOUS Sludent desires a/c. panelling, crpts, drps, ACREAGE building: ~'ilh ~ acre, t.1-1 l:SI~"'~· 673-==~""'~:;:::==;;;;~l ,~'maU§~hou~"'~CM~}are~a.'-•~•=ax ample parking. 4!Jc sq ft. property in Co11ta f.Jesa. $100. 644-0174 bef 5:30. $2;,2 mo. snort lf!rm lease f rll[ Will consider sellin& prop. ~Cot~jj-iiij'"iiijd~tliiijMjjtjjriiijjj5jj25mOI FURN studio or 1 BR apt, ~ith lg. term option. 1555 OR Wit erty on 1 y. Call 01vner: ii CdM. 2 men, quiet, workina:, Baker. 546-4800 &12-2601 or 54S-:261 ,,..:: rcls. 673--0146 MODERN OFFICES Complrtely engineered & Im. 'VORKING Print Shop wilh .. • proved on San Di-o free. AB o,·ck phol t I rnO~! $65 PER MONTH ~.. ome pate ,... 1\·ay. Zoned l\f i, one aCTI! m k fl t · t · ... -• Rooma for Rtnl 5995 Alr-coM., """king, central lo-8 er, o · se Pr 1 n 1 n g ..-parcels lo 15 acres available. p-F I I 1---------·t cation~. Secretarial service. i.;s5. or sa. c or ea.~c. Bel\\'t'en Crov.•n Valley Park· ~·0 """'! "'" -I" ON TEN A,_c-.. RETIRED Protestant lady to 230 E. 17H1, Co~t& l\fesa ~'" or .,,....-v~ .. ,... 17 \,JUAI 11"ay & F.l Rancho Viejo in R. 'd NB • 2 BR. F"-• Uni"-lihatt: home 1o1.•ith san1c in 642-1.1•r 1vers1 e, . Ill'. ""'" ..... ~ Laguna Niguel. Fittplaces I fJriv. patios I exchan~e for 1.ight SEE At 188 E. 171h St .• 01. Call 10 A:\1lo12 noon or:! *LIQUOR LICENSES• Pools Tennis Contnrt Bkfst ho u i;keep1 n g, k1teh<!n N t 0 • "t p u· P'I to 4 P>I. 4~1'~'. Stan Inter-County Transfers . • . ''! +12~' e.'l(t O""'CU••Y ac1c" ~"""' .. ORNGECO Sea Lani! CdM 64+26ll privi eges .J1ffiO. N•t't Bak Pt ' '-k Allen. Brokers v.·('Jcome. * A UNTY * • • .,1939 n · en Y ot par -OFF SALE •to 000 (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwy) ...,,.. ing, all util. inc I u de d . .. ' SLEEPING roon1 on I y, 642-42lO ON SALE ~12.50o • Large 1 Br over garg. gentleman prefer. Pl-iv. en· . l B h \\'inston (213) 272-4249 collect R.eJ:rig, apU. w a I king try, patio; nr. Ftwy. & 2 OFf'lCES available, ap-1 AC~lusnW,;~~MIT ESTABLISHED Beauty salon distancl! to mrkt. Adults beach. SS5 Per month. prox ~ sq ft. in CdJ\f. 6 chail'll, newly only. 673-8936 !l6:J.-4l'13 tm Baker, CM TO KEEP HORSES d~rated. 6f;i.-J4ro · ;,49-1151 ~ton thru f'ri Adjacent subdivision o n e BR unfurn, frplc, S. of PRIVATE room , kit prlvs. Office a: desk space, mile E. of hwy, ulil avail. , Hwy. 314 r.targuerite. Call Nr. 21st & Santa AM. $17. $li,OO), \ii Cash, ba] 1st trust (213) 431-119j \\'k. S45-l2S4 . Employed on-Secretarifll service. d-•t. Ne"':port Civic Center, ~· ~BR.. large apt., bit-ins, new ly. 6'5-1601 MAKE OFFER! I crpl., freshly paintf'd. Cpi.J iw:ffiv;fE'i:i.'iY'ihc;;;:hh.:'"hh.o;;;m;;,:-, opvVit:-, ;;,,.;J ___ __:~~~--- 0/4ll, no pets. 673-0130. & t'ntry. Kit priv, $85 mo. PRIVATE OFFICE BDRM. S. of H\\'Y, I blk. to Quiet "'uking lady. ~ crpts., drp.1 ilt storap .11pace beach. $16J mo. l!Ve. ln the Glendale Fed Savings * &12-7898 • FURJN Bldg .. C.Orona del Mar. $50. · or u n f u r n room, mo. Call Evelyn Halbakken 1 BR. rear cottage:, Irplc, employed woman. Hunting· 675-5'144 or 56-3165 'patiol. Jmmed. occupancy IOl'I Beach area. 968~737 LARGE Executive office $170.6~ McLeoc:t Pvt room & bath, QlM, turn, N.B. Also small olllct! from [ $60 UI ll pd, &tilable lor Stu· $45 mo Owner 675-4644 . S.lbol l1l1nd 5355 dent. 673-3315 evn · · I -·y .,· ~ 1 HUGE bdrm pn· tntrance " lndustri1I Prop. 6080 .i.n.u •• u , ucau. upper • ·------~--- duplex apt. Very close to bath, maid Aervicc, TV, pr. h1-l Lot at 824 \V. 18th St, So. Bay. '1 BR. 2 baths. UtD pd, 646-1®. Costa Mesa, 132'x300' All or 'sbury Rily. 673-6900 VERY lg. nn. priv bath, part, will sub--Oivlde Terms. cpts, drps, Prlv. enll'ance. $42,500. Call 646-0529 or eves untlngton Buch 5400 nr. OCC. 54:Mll38 499--3157 URN IS HE D OR UN· ROOM for rent-Furnished. INDUSTRIAL Lot C. M . FURNISHED Student or employed lady, SOx300. Bargain! $13,500. 8tdroom carpets, drapes, $30 mo. 64~47 Phil SuJHvan ~761. .._builtim. good kx:ation. One IN pri home, ldtcb PMvileres. Commerciel 608.5 jolock to 5 Points SI.ores. \Vest C.Osta Mesa. area. -.,-------- $130 t1p. ~ 642-2835. 646-139!1 ' RARE FIND Manager 7701 Elli.I Apt D Approx. 3jOO ~. Jt. zoned M2-330.1. Guest Ho 5998 C l bids: .. fl'ont~e on 2 wen \Vrite or contact: Ge<>rge 11. 1mss, Box 914, L11i;::una Beach or phone 494-4i26. TAKE 011er 5 acres, no doY.'fl. S2.5. mo. f\;ear lake & t01vn. 894-4743 Ag!. Mount. & Deurt 6210 , •••••••• 1 RANCH HOUSE & ACREAGE NEWBERRY SPRINGS CITY OF LAKES MAKE \'OUR OWN LAKE Investment Oppor. 6310 EXCLUSIVE FRANCIQSE Naliona!ly known Pcrma· Curb pioneers ill the-11rt of extruding concrete. No f'X· ()l!r. req. lo qual. applicanls. Unbelie11Bbte margin of pro· fit. SIOOD net gu11r 1st n10. Pt:RMA.CURB 306 J2nd St NB \VIII pay lO'il:i on $30.000 Jn. vestment In s u ccessfu l junior shOpping centt'r. High interest rate 1nakes re. financing unfea.sablr a I present. Call owlM'r 962-8996 Money to Loin 6320 ls: & 2nd loa1t1 for quick ca.sh. Bomnv on your ~ perty eq withool dlsturbina your low interest l5t TDs. Also buyf'n for 2nd TOs. Sitttler hfortgal'! Co. Inc. Serving Harbor Are111 20 yrs. 336 E. 17U. St. &fZ-2171 54S--06ll . BDRM apt. fenced yard, mes lravelf'd CM.ta 1\.1cM ~treets. childm ok, ( blla lo heh PRI room in Jlc'd Guest IX sq. fl. :; yr. lca&e J'O$· 20 "tiles Ell.st of Ba rstow on Mo_rt919ea, T.D.'1 6345 flOO mo l.sl A last l'l!q'd, Home for elderly pe1'90n ~ible. freeway. F.le\•. 2000 f1. Near CONSTRUCTION t.1 0 n e y ' 1961 Good food, congenial at: Boyd Realty 675-5930 Lake Loreen. \Vonder.f\Jl land Avallable: for incom(' pro- ODERN 2 Bdrm, Crpts, mo1phere, avail n n w. C-1 BARGAl_N__ for apricots. alfaHa, nut trer duclng property. t'oreign .l drps, bllnl. En<'loscd gar. l 548-5225 01.J) Duplex on big C-1 bus. &l'O\\in~. fish rai:oin;. horse rlomestic. J\lolel~. Nursina: ~~. OK. $13J nw:i. 2616 PRJVATE Room & bath for lot, 63'x2!13'. Central loca· n.ncb, bootini:-. ete: ttc: Home~. Shopping Center~ • .z.npand St. ~ n.1ature lady. h: Itch en tlon. $21,500. Tenns. S41"661, 40 Aa·cs RAnch Lflnd. Im· 0 ff i cc Bui Id in gs, 01EZ ORO APARThtENTS prlvp. C.M. Atta 646-1843 M7-233l proved \VITII modern 2 BR Apartments, etc. \\'rite or ~• All 1 Cllll Tiiie Realty • OW"I an a ranch house, lge liv rm, Bdrm, Pr1 pr. Poc:il, Misc. Rentils 5999 lndustri1I Rent1I 6090 beamed ceJllng, break.fut ~';:~~u 11C:~~~· si!~ ...ubn'Jdrytt. 536-3921. rm, kitchen. modt>rn bath 6 BR. -·· -. bit-ins. No S'roRAGE .,.,.._ f\ll!y 10.220 SQ Ft. Concrete block plumbi..... Tank hou1e t'n-Ingham. Alaban1e 3S20J _,..., ... ...,. •---.-Bld• S 000 Sq It Bal "'ti Phone (2l);j) 2:!1-5286. c bl Id re n or pets, ericloeed. Avail Sept. lst. · ' cony closing 1000 gal galv. ator--'-'~;...,:o"---;-c.c~~- Wshr/dr)T pool 11 SO $~. mo n, MS-2921. C.ht w/l2S sq fl of of!lce5. 12.000 age Uink t1ndt'r 45 lb1 P"'ll-20% Ret. for 3 Yrs. ~116 Ait 6 pm. •WANTED: Storage aarage ~~f~~~1teyan(r 6 .. "6;•~.~~ sure. \Vltb double iar. Con-$3,571.43 2nd truel rleed bc-for mtrthand' s La ,,..,....., ctele aeptlc tank. all el~. hind sn1all lal on lot \\'Ith AU<'°~; 3 Br .. pr. 0 Pt JM!, ·cauruC: or 5'1!41746 s hp pump, 301 gal Pf't' min Lflauna 's finest ocean vi"'''· diMnhr. ".,..... drp:t Patio. or al\l · aru. · F'OR Lease Ml b Id a:· g al SO' dep1h. tmprovementa: $40 per month Incl. 9% 3 Dlii. No q-. 111.-:? 2,ttl, T74-0UI 4800-2$-~llM-1500 sq Fl"nced v.ilh 1" by 6' x 300 ft Yl'$, 22~ DIM"Otlnl. t:W la. J Br oee9ll view, I P-_.... 6000 fl. 1667...fi9B..73 Placentia m!wood lence. 7 ~t11es !Ast BROh"ER -c9-t.Ul7 IAPdeck. lndtf. bit.-. $135 rtCOme ·~··,-Aw. Cos!a r.tesa, Goo. of school. $76.000. ~Cash, -~1~5~%~D~l~S~C~07U~N~T~ mo. 222 Ith SI, li,9. I N D UST RI AL BI d I \\'ood~. 6'1&-ll64 or 67$-:1380 b.11 lat lruat deed, \YW ne-l st TD on \\'hile v.•&ter "le\\' I. J Bl:lfU4, 2 Ba, pvt patio, Newport, 3 IOl)d ten1nt•. 1-'0R Le:ase-New 2500 i;q, 1'1. l\'IUate. Com1e'Y to broker. Joi in Laguna Beach. $6,000 heated pool, newly IO«i net N'f\lrn. Phll lnd1111tr1al bids. lien, 1639 ll4.7-66·40·•1t·&·PM •.•• (fi $60 lll<I., lni:I. 9~~. all .. l!d--5ull!.,n MHWI Momwll. Cid. &13-1017 ,f,.,. ~ ,,.,, Broker 4!Jl.11J.• I • ' I ... • •• -.. . . . . . ; .. -r•--"'- Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Ofi"hese Things A DAILY PILOT , WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Gult1r 3. B•by Crib 4. Electr ic Saw 5. C•mer• 6. Washer 7. Outboard Motor I . Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Cl.trlnet 11. Refrlger•tor 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing M1chin• 14. Surfbo1rd 1S. Machine Tools 16. Dishwasher 11. Pup~y 18. Cabin Cruiser 19. Golf Cert 20. Barometer 21 . St1mp Collection 2'2. Dinette Set 23. Ploy Ptn 24. Bowling B•ll 25. Water Skis 26. Free1er 27. Suitcase 28. Clock Will Sell fast! 2'1. Bicyc le 30. Typewriter 31 . B•r Stools 32. Encyc:lopedi1 33. V•cuum Cl111ner 34. Trooic:el Fish 35. Hot Rod Eauipm't 36. File Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 31. Sterling Silver 3'1. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41 . Slid1 Projector 4'l. lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tires 45. Pia no 46. Fur Coat 47. Dral)es 48. linens 419. Horse SO. Airplane 51 . Org1n 5'l. Exercyc:le 53.· R•r• Books 54. Ski Boots 55 . High Ch1lr 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1ln 58. Kitten 59. Cl•ssic Auto t-0. Coffee Table 61. Motorcvcl• 62. Accordion 63. Skla 64. TV St! 65. Workbench 66. Di1mond W•tch 67. Go-Kirt 68. Ironer 69. Camping Trailer 70. Antique Furniture 71 . T •pe Recorder 72. S1ilbo•t 73. SPorts Cer 7 4. Mattress, Box Spgs 75. lnbo•rd Speedboat 16. Shotgun 77. Siddle 78. Dart G1me 79. Punching Beg 80. B•by Carriage 81 . Drums 82. Riflt 83. Desk 84. SCUBA G11r These or ony other extra things around the house may be turned into cash with a DA IL Y PI L 0 T WA NT· AD so • • e Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 • (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The Action Today! , When Yo u. Want it done right ... llUSINESS and PINANCIAL Mortg._ T.D.'1 6345 I JOllS & EMP~OYMENT JOllS & EMPLOYM!NT --··---... tttl!I Wanted, Men 720li Help Wanted. Men 7'200 Tecl)ll!clans • GENERAL AUTOMATION AtlY«fifff'I mey •'•c• tlil•lr atl• lly titlephene ' Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. ' lo Noon Saturday -Closed Sunday DIAL DIRECT ••. 642-5678 , Call one of the experts listed below/! sm.eo> lit TD on u.ooo 14. ti. brick commei;c. bl~ oo lone-term let.iCd la n d • Atyahle fr.IO per mo. b'ICI. 10~. All due S yn. Rental income $2400 pt!r mo. 20'4 Oi11collnl. Brnker 497-UlO Ha• Immediate openlntl for WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540.1226 ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES • TECHNICIANS Experienced In digital computer testing, manufaclur and systems integration. Huntington Beach: 540-1220 L19un1 Beach : I Hours-Reguletions-Deedlines SERVICE DIRECTORY " SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Found !Fr .. Adil 6'°° ---------1---------Jo"EMALE, Under I yt, 6680 Janitorial 6790 .8 1! aglc.t~ \v/Shephenl • DESIGN/DRAFTSMEN Experi enced in computer drafting and de. sign. Challenging work. Opportunity for pro-- gress. Regular revie\vs. Excellent fr i n g t l llRORS: Atlvertl..,• 1hot.1ltl check their 1d1 dally 1rMI ,..,.rt lmmotllettly .,rerf or m l1cl1t•lflutlena. THI DAILY PILOT a11t.1mtl lltbllltY. ttr errert 9"1J ~ the e1tent of pullllthlnt tho 1dvertltomont corr•ctly .rte time. j ----------1 markings. Vie. F.dmaer J:. WIU. Baby,lt """ ho\no ., ANTHONY'S WAL!.'l. Window.. lloon , Hell, N.B. 847-0258 r B1by1lttln9 6SJO Gardonlnt -~-~-~--benefits. · DlADLl"lt: r OR COPY A"ID KILLS: S:JD P.M. JIM tl•y Mfore publication, ozcNf for WHkentl itlltlen 1nd Menclty 1Ktlon1 when cloalnt tlme 19 J:» ,_,... ,, .... ,. t . ' tbe "'eek. YOO l'u1·nis.h car_pets. Com1!1erctal &: FOUND female lcitten, ivl'\ite tr&nipoiu.tion. SU..1407 re6'denllal. Daily: weekly \Ylth striped bead "-tail, 1 •BABYSl'l'TING 11\)' lflnie:, 644•4860 and/or f.lo. 897-T'..50 lge. liPOla· Vic 1..aguna AH Please apply in person to: General Automation I YOU MUST HAVE KILL. NUMllltl Whtn ld llin1 on ad ltectvte of 111ulck '"" lte •vr• to mok1 1 r.cord 1f the kill nt.tmlMr 9lvtn you by JMr 1tl taker I v1rlflc1tlon ef your 1:111. vie Be11.ch & Edinger, 118. ·1~ Best. t'Ol>!S no mora! ESTATE Mafnt Tree SttY FestiYal. 54.>-1225 Reis. 6·17-7102 i:-.. ...... n·o·-• M-'·teo··-·• Rcnioval & trimmintr"· treel~==-~-""---·I ~ ... ,.... ,...._. ..,, -..; estimate ..:an 541-008&. PUPPY, S "1 a 11 fl'!.)' 706 West K1tall1 Every offort 11 made to kill or cerr«t a new M th1t h11 llMn ortl1re4, llut we ca BABYSJTIING, roon1 for l Budget l..and&caping ' female, docked tall. Found ' ntt 1u1rtntet to irlo 10 until th• 1tl htt 1ppe1ro4 In tho pl..,. more. 2-5 yn, aa playmate Graduate HorticulturL::it · vii" ~ ......... i:n • F'uU Or1ns1, Callfotnla 92667 =-,,--..,,---,----0---,..-· I Landscaping 6110 · • ._ .......... o; erlotl DIME·A·Ll"lt: Atl1 trt 1trlctly c:11h In 1dv1nct lly m•ll If' 1t •"J Me ef our~ NO phone ortltr1. l ="~•~m_;_,.,_._co~M~·~"~"--""'=-1AL·s Gardening &: Lawn Sts, C.J.1 . 540-1979 An equal opportunity employer ~1Y home: will ch·ive child to ?olaintenance. Commercia.I, * Lic'd IVJdscape contrac. BLA"ji~CKc;;,·:Pu~p:p~y:. l3~"""~·'J•~ld~.il~!"!!"!~~~!;;;!!!;;!;!_;~;;;;~~~~~!"!!"!!"!~ Tho DAILY PILOT l'tltrVH the ri1ht to cltulfy, Mlt, CIMM'.,. rlfvM •ny ... t lttm•nt, •n4 to ch1n9e ltt r1t11 aM rttt.1l1tlon1 wltho\lt f"'I• rtetkt. and lrom lt1onte Vista indu.slrla.I & residentiCl.I. 10r; oompl.ie lndacpg le also -Vic. OraJlit It 20th, C.M. J. - school. 548-9614 *646-3629 * Japanese ct,rd•ns 83().3(13;' &1~2593 1 ob Wanted, L1dy 7020 Help Wanted, Men 7200 1 'L~IC,,..-. ~o~.,,-,-.-.. -.~.~.~,.~,~:30~.1 NEW lawne; re . seeding. LANDSCAPING y f LARGE Bia k • b't ~ QUALI FIED •• I d Complete lawn earl!, clean 1:ccas or c v.• 1 e, .--.....,... • '"'sp. 11. y Toddler, hot me a I s · up by job or mOfl th. Ftte sale, call J uan Pantoja, die mix. Vic of Easlbluff. itttks position as Corn· The Rigger 1-larbor-Baker. 516-1539 estimatei;. f or info, call SW-1852 panion. Drive. S11'in1, Fl'Ct" # 16 FASHION TSLAND NE\VPORT BEAD( Brick, Masonry, etc. 6560 BUILD, R!!nlodcl. t't!JWir . Brick, bloch, concrete, carpentry, no job too i;ma ll. U c. Co""· 962-$<5 C1rpenterin9 6590 CARPENTRY flfINOR REPAIRS. No Job TOl' small Cabinet 1n glll'- aa:n I o I h e r cabinets. , 54>&175, if no a ns\\·e r leave ms: at 6-16-2372. H. 0. , Anderson CARPENTERrNG, room ad· dilions, patio decki; & coven. Quali!y, cu s I o m \\'Ork. 64.'>--0415 ' .REPAIRS, ALTE RATIONS CABINF:I'S. Any size job 25 )TII. exper. 548-6TI3 QUALITY Repairs -AJtera· tions -Ne\IJ const. by hour or Contract. 64G-3442 REPAIR. Partitions Small r Remodel, etc. Nile or da.y, Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 8"6-0932 or 89J.199j Paperhinging BLACK Kitten, long-hair, 2 to travel. Avail. i;oon Bo.-.; P1intlnt 6850 collal'li. Vic. est J-hvy,1_"-"-'-· _D_•il~y_P_i10_1 __ _ ERV'S LA\VN & GARDENING SERVICE res/Con1e'lflodus, Reas! 642-7756 RESPONSIBLE student, mow & edge lawn (average/ SlO mo. 642-8315 bet 5: 30 I 6; 30 PM Japanese Gardener Exper., COIJlPI yard sel'vlce! F ree ~l. &iS-0912, 968--2303 CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST~ !\lowing, edging, odd jobs. Reasonable. 54&-69:)5 EA"PERIENCED Japanese gardener. Reliable. 540.7373 fur lr<>e estimate- JU,t'S Gardeninr I.:. maintenan~. Res. I.: merciaJ. • S48-&lll """' Com· Cul It Edge La1vn !\1aintenance, Licensed S4&-4808/~5-2310 alt .( JIM'S GARDENING &: la1vn mainienance. Res. &· Com· m~rciaJ, * 548-8411. 642-4.766 Ttc liablc l,a\vn l\talnlenance Gardening and Clean-up ---.:..-------Irvine Te1T. C.d?.1 6iJ.JS7j NEED ~AINTIN.G? ALL \VHITE CAT \1•/clear Domestic Help 7035 Call us! Relia ble Service 1v/ Oea collar. Vic or Collcrel------'----- Quallty at Ills best, at the Par.k School. 548-0-150 n1osl real!Ollable priccl. FOUND: Boat _ Christiana Free c11lmates ~28S7 ~=""==~~~-=-! Bay, Owner please identify. Chine~e Hv~ins. Cheerful Permanent. Espc.rienl~. Far East Agency 642-8703 SUBURBAN Painllng!Dec e 5!)2..2313 e Expert Guaranteed Work 1"'"""°'===-,,--,-~-1Goorge Allen Byla.nd Arency Free .est. No job 100 large BLUE ,l'arakeet. lound vie. Employer Pa~s Fee or too small. 494-3190 Goldem~I «· Edv.'ards. lOS.B E. 16th, SA ~7--039,; 892-4016. PAlf\'TlNG Int. 1, Ext Lowest "rn!TE K'oto•" A 22 I ---------- contracted pn1.:es. Fully ins. ~';,_.1~ N ~. on Ul'.:· · Help Wanted. Men 7200 SaliafacUon giw. Free esL ;~~'-';'.'~·~··~·~·~==~-1 ·-'--------- J ini Weeks 673-1166 !GREY rabbit. 54&-5146 or INT & ext 11·ork guar. Spray! a.i9-?.888 or bru6h. F ree eBl!male. Call ;871 R=T~H~C~E~R~T~l~F~l~C~A~T=E I-Jerman 642--0132 646-2191 CLARK & CLAR.K GREY l'iiaJe cat. by Newport CUSTO?tt PAINTING B<:h City HaJI. 548-8372 e &12-29:i6 e CAMERA In Newp or,t REFUSE CREWMAN SS2l-S636 per montli CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PAU-.'TING, P aper ing 16 yrs. Heights identify. ~ Requirc:s sh: months i;:cneral in H.arbor area. Lie. & labor rxpe1ien('('. comp]e. ~· Rers. !urn. 64Z.2ll6.1'L--1-------64-0-1·1 lion or eighth i::l'lldc. Apply • For better painling c;Rll . 0• im1nediately. ?ct·sonnel 0[f. experienced painlen at LOST 8/2-1, Toy Poodle, while ice, City Hall, City elf Ne11·. 646-4077 after 6 pm. 11• / aprk.'Of. Vic, Neivpoi1 port Beach, 1300 N"wporl PA P E R SPECIALIS1·s _ Blvd & Cst Hi\·y. \l'Ca.rin<> Blvd., f\'e1\'port Beach, Calif. 0 :J'.!060. <71·H 67:' ... 663:: ~1·8 be~t for vinyls, nocl\s. orange jc11·l'llcd c o 11 a r . fo il, mural$. 8,17-1659 ,ves. Re"'ard. 12131 962-741 4 MACHINIST-- Nt:EOS A Full time e x perienced •DISHWASHER• Apply in perM>n only SADDLEBACK COLLEGE MEN TI1e DAILY PILOT has an opening for a d1'i11er to de. li\·rr oe1v:Spapcrs to ca1~ riers, slorPll and liUbscribers in your al'ea. Approxin1atf'ly lhn.'e hours each artemoon and Saturday mornin::;s. Re. quires a de!X'ndable car and valid dril'er·:s licenSl'. TP!e. phone 642-\.1:.?1 !or intt>rview with Mr. Ben \ViUlam~. * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! Cement, Concrate 6600 G S , 668• ener1l erv1ces , Progrcs~lve 111nall pa1·ts man. uracturer with l'~ccllen! 11·orking condUlons a n d !\·Tu~! have clean California driving record. Anply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. l61h SI. Costa l\lesa e CONCRETE \1·ork a 11 types. Pool decks It custom. Call ~8-132·1 CONSTRUCTION !ile clean- up, b.aullng, sprinkler sys- tems installed & repaired. ..,...,, fr!n~e bcnefiti;, has im111ed1. ate opcnin~ for Bro11'f! &: Sharpe and Traub Scrt'IV !\iachine Setup Operators. ** DISHWASHER OVER 18, + AP PLY 1N ,\i\I & Pi\1 PERSON * CE?i-1ENT \VORK, no job too ' !mall, reasonable. F r e (' estim. Ji. Stuflick. 548-8615 1--------6-7-30 • CONCRETE \Vork. bo!YJ· Hauling I ed & lie. PaUos/dl'V\yYS Plumbing 6890 Apply 1300 E. Normandy Pl.. Santa Ana. II blk. north or i\1cF adden, \:1 blk. \Vest or Grand.) Snack Shop No. 1 2305 E . Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, C a l. CLEAN UP & tile moving etc. Phillips Cement . Tree & shrub rcn1ovRJ. 1S.1S-ti3$0 Reasonable. 0 '."" .. 1~1:rL1 PLU?i!BING REPAIR No job loo sn1a.U • 642-3128 • ~.!IN. Grey poodle, male: 1·ir·. \\'1t~on & Fordh<1m. BUSBOYS S H UL.NG R od I R . 6940 ~;~,!. •--.""Ch1ild1't'n's ~t. Re\1ard Carpet Cle• __ n_;n_g,__6_6_25 !RA•·-·-bHI• •A 64,2720 ·~ ~-!.!_. !P••r. ~ ~~',", .. ',',"',,'"0'"voc.'".'1 Pl•~l·y·l"",,'.1 Al~~u:~~~Tior ~~~nc1~1; -•... ......... ... ..... BUILD, Rcmorlc1. Repair LOST. J n10 old Calico kitten. ~-- CAP.PET l 1'~urn. cleaning; YARD/gar cleanup. Remove Bri(·k, block, co n c r et e, Plastic flea 1·oll~r. l\lesa iernoons 1 7·~1 pn1 a1 ~i·ang(' ~· 1 C~A firni, Tll\L!li for 1 dav, l!ervitt & quality trees. ivy. dil'I. lractor et"'ntl"', no job too small V::rd~ Golf Cours(' area. FIVE CROWNS ;ivr a u -yn.. l'f'ttn "' J 11uh\1r ilt't.'Ou111ing r x p. 11"0rk. call Sterling for backhoe, grade 962-8745 Lie. Contr. 962-6943 o "·ncr g:rt'iving !H0-70S:: RESTAURANT ,. a P a h 1 r 0 r 11 u d l t brightness! &12-K>-"Q I -CC.C..'-"..::.-'------SHAGGY Grey poocll('. loy 3801 F.. Paclrk Co:1s1 l hi·. responsiliilitics. CPA or DlAl\fOND Ts a carpels hest Houaecleininq 6735 ~ewin9 6960 mJl!e. "J\.1ike". vi('. Gisler. Coruna d!.'l fllar CPA 1;andlda1e only. Call ·friend! Diamond Carpet 25 YRS. espc-r Sc:inlstrcss, C~1. Child's pel :>t9-10:i7 l\1GR. T R NEE : Sin· ~>47-7061 for a ppoint. Cleaners. 645-1317 H 0 U S EC L E A N ING & alterations & •~pair, n1cns SIAi\1ESE cal, ansv.·e1"S to ccre/alcrt man. irte1't!at>e lot!ULTRASLIOE 0 p ER : General Mainte nance. Call clothing spcclaJty. 6~5--0731 freckles. female. Lost vie sal polen!ial 'as train in fast Great ll11ore 10 $5.00 hr to Corpat Laying Ii an)1in1r: good r e f 's. • Drcssmakin,. • Alterations East Bluff. 644-4j29 ~1vl ng Co. Start $7::.00 yr, start 11•\\h l'ull Co. bc-ns & 6·1&-0084 ° •~=~--~----~• full ben:s, .<ne1· t1·n ... polen. ' Repeir 61126 Custon1 Dcsi;ns LOST: OIX' desel1 tortoise, ., lni."Urancc. --• -CARPETS, \\'1r1ckl\VS, nrs, &16 61 16 Coll p k S!llctry SJ0.000. Call GERR y \\IH ITE 5'10·6ffi5 FOR CARPETING etc. Res or Conic:'\. Xlnt 1 -~~-•7• . - . * cgc 11r att;,i.. Call GERRY WH!Tf; !°il().ti(f.i;) COASTAL AGE:NCY All.r.t'·on· L~2·5845 54:;..z;o3 COASTAL AG•,'"CV OR CARPET LAYING i .:"c.:''.:.''c..::R.:.,.='.:.' -'"'-''cc''.:.· '-01-'~-"~'~'-.__.. "" 2790 11arbo1· Bl. Cost !\lesa C. A. Page 6,12•2010 Bay & Beach Cleaning Serv Neat, accurate, 20 years c:.p. PARROT, Green-yell~~· bl~e 2790 Har bor Bl. Cosra rite511 ~COUNTANT hca<l . Vic 74th St. r-..:11·a1-u.liiiii0ii0ii0ii0ii0ii0ii0iiiiii0ii0 Ca1·pets, windo1vs, floors, etc TILE, Cer1mic 6974 6'i5-6871 e RECEIVING & Dcgrct' or cquhndan! i1ork --------66-4-0-1 Res & Con1mc'I 646-1401 record lo $900. Beach ai't!a ~lectric•I \~'OULD You believe I 1\·ill * Ve11M?. The Tile ?!Ian + \\'HITE fe male poodle. Jo~l STOCK ROOM fin11 c.'l:panding, 1•all Ann e ELECTRICIAN no job too small. For pron1pt v rvice call 54:;...1514 Floon 6665 Carpet Vinyl Tile All styles ~·"<! colors f'l'ee est. Lie. contr. S.10.7262 5'16-'1·178 BUSIEST market place in to11.-n. The OAil.Y PILOT C a.ssifll!d section. S ave money, time 6 effort, Look now!!! clean your ho1ne for Slue Cust. \l'011f. Install & repairs. 8'i:J:d HB .. t10 ~~~~~4 6 ISLANDER ri1ercha11ts Pel"l!Onnel Agcn- Chip Stamps? 897-7LO No job too sniall. P laster c rcn \\'ai in;. MOTOR HOMES r·y, 2013 \Vcstclilf Dr., N.8. \VINOO\VS DIRTY'! patch. Leaking s ho w e r 1--------6-G-'..1770 .Johnny Dunn your local l't'patr. &17-1957/846-0206 Peraonal1 6405 213.J Canyon 01".. Cosla :'><lrsa I c:.::c.:.:.:.:...,.-:~-.,.,,-ri-,-"'-.,.,.~--- servicc. t•'rtt est. &tt-2364 6980 ** SUPERVISOR FRY COOK Tree Service FREE' • Young. 1natul'e ni<tlc, ncal :-.:Q Sundays-Holidays GENE·s TREE' SE R V in appca1·IUIC'C!·, Must be ablr KR • .\i\·IER'S ,J_•_n_;i_o_r_i_•_l _____ 6_7_9_0 !recs/shrubbery rcn1ovcd:. Basic Boa ling Course ~f~~ lo n1cct a11d deal ll'ith :ii:!\\', 19th St., C~T I t I ·• h 1..., to the public by the a """'PIC. Apply in ""1'!!011: E".·P. .••.•. s •-. ,,,,,, + SPARKLE Jan1to\'1al & "' n· r 111m~-.... au"""' a w a Y Po\\'C'r Squadron for people 1·~v .,~ .... '·' "" .., J dow cleanin& &rv. \Vin· .,,'"="'=13'0'09...,.~-,.--=--o--l lntl'rested in sailboats 8 5 J&j85 i\1ain ~r., j Points cumn1. o/1itnl' 1111y art lO do\1·c. resit!., con1cl. t'On.st. .E.ST'TE 'la•'••l ~.,. o--· bo E Shopping Ccn\l'I'. H.B. hn;. 1''ull/\. Prt•m. !l'JO E. " " " , , .. =• v 11•cll as po11·e1· ats. vcry1-~~--C'-.,-,-,~-,.-~~ Cleanup. Free est. 96&-2691 . Removal I.; trimmings, [rec l\fonday night for 13 \\'l'ttks E.xperln1ental !\1achlnh;1 Cs! HI\)', NB. For Daily Pilot Want Dial 642·5678 eslin1ate, Call 541--0088 beginning 7 Pl\t, Mon .• Sepl. Dra ftsman • Technical FULL Tf i\1E Delicalessen EXPERT JAPANESE 15, (Brin&" notebook first Arlvanctd Klnellcs Jnr. men, 5 days 8 \\1.'ek. See n;ghtl at Ne11.....,rt Harbor 1231 Victoria St., C.rif. Ten·y. Hi-T!me Liquor 495 Re11/Con1c'l •J11dus. &16--0:!M ••Y Yacht Club. 720 W. Bay 646-1165 J:o;. 17th St.. C.?if, LI 8-9314 Builders 6570 Bu!lden 6570 Upholstery 6990 CZ\'KOSKI'S CUST. Uphoi. Ave., Ne11.'Jl0n: Beach. No an ~al oppor . e mployer APPRENTICE in PHARJ\IA· advance registration. Enroll UNDEROOVER A GEN T : CEUTICAL plan learning a t cla.52;. Any question call Lea:al arc. $2.2:> hr + co tradC', 6-16-3931 for appoint· ' > • Add A Room • Apartment & Units • Custom Homes • Kitchen Experts • Two Story Specialists FREE LAYOUT l DESIGN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE • CALL MOW O,EN WlllDA JS 675•7191 S.t.T. & $UN • .trns. Al',lll.. IN OUl O!'FICE OR YOUlt HOMJ 2435 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR Your Ad Should Be Here, They're Looking for It! European Craftsmanship 100% fin: 642-1454 1831 Nl'11.'JXll1 Bl., C.M. NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH 673-18;)5. bcn and insural'ICl'. n1ent. WANTED! Call GERRY \VHrrE 540-6055 PI..U?ilBER. 1'.l.•--rlcnced in COAST AL AGENCY ,... Overweight Ladiel 2790 llarbor Bl. C.Ota ti-te11a plun1bing & healing. Fringe l lo ho lo bcnC'ht:s. S46·49'n want 11·on1en w a~ SHOI:: Sale!! en full k pounds or mOT'l? ove1'1'e1ght m ·, · PLUMBER. t:."perienccd in to take part in group wl'i&hl '!8rt-ll~c. Lcf!d s Sh 0 e plumbing & heatini;. r r. IOS!I program of i;po:-ciallzcd Stott, so. Coast Plaza. Con· lrn;:c bo:'nl'fit!'. 6-16-492'! reducing, All inquiries con-1act Mr. P help& fidential, Ask for ~trs. Thom. CofJee Shop Manai:cr PLACE your Wt>fll acs where as-537-5412. 21.JO. Salary & bonus. Send they are looking -DAILY resume, 502 S. Beach, Pll.01' classified 642·5678 *live! Anaheim THROUGH A M"'l lhal ,ped.t "moone & begin to live. ORANGE CQ. 54.7-6668 If you'•• found whit you're looking for in tod1y's PILOT Cl1sslfi•d Ads. Y Pl LOT 24 hour rtoording DAIL 'w=,=,T=Eo~, -Lev~, •• ~. ,~;.~,, cht"l'rful n111n over SO to be WANT AD falh<'r lo 3 teenage glrls t:l hu~band to our mother, I Send namr. address & 642-5678 d"''''P· lo P. 0 Box 4210 Lt,•lnc. Calif. LICENSED Spiritual Rcadinp, advb on all matters. 312 N, El Camim ~;· ~mente 10 Al\1 1 .10 PM Atlrectlve E•pert YOUNG WOMAN denccr will teach )'OU all latest 111t-:p1. Call Ardell 213: s:n-4538 1·10 PM ENJOY tc00011ll' vacation I CtJallna lalar.d. r r o m SS midweek for t\\'O. HmnOM l'lotcl. Pholle' A\•alon 18T. ALCOHOCJCS Anonymous Phone s.i.1211 Of wrtW to P.O. Box 1223 Ont.a Men.. FIND OUT NOW A simple phone c 1ll will do it t nd you c t n Inq uire e bout t he ifem y ou i re in° tere1ted in and f ind out for 1ure if it is whet you a re s11lri ng. This Is jutf 1 nothtr o f the 9re1t thin91 ebout DA ILY PILOT C la11ifl1d Ad i .•. they help you to find whi t you ftttd qui~~ly end ••1ily. Mtll Adirlru1: lo:r 1175, NtWport INch, Ctllhrni. t LASSlf'IED COUNTIRS •ro lec•tM •1 folloYn: Doily Pilot Classified CLASSIFIED INDEX HOUSES FOR SALE MIS,1 Vl'ltDI GIHl ltA L I ... NI Wl"Oltl 11!,l(t< (OSlA MESA llN HI W .. OllT "llOHTS Ml'5A oe:L M,lt llff 111w .. o•T llfl'lltll MIS.l VlltlDI 111t WISTCLIF .. 4111 ... 0 11 .... ... OIMOlltlOlf DllA''l"G 19•¥1CI ILICT•ICAL IOUIPMl/OIT •IHTALI l'INCINe COll l OI .. .lll:k llH UNIVl ll:SIJ Y il'.l.tll NEWl"O•T t lN:" 11N l.lcK l ,I T IAIT I LIJil'!I' Noi!W1'011T "llGHTI 1111 COltON.l Dll M"t IALID.l COVl'I 1111 NIWl"OltT SHOllll 11U l.lLIO.l 1.lVClt ESl lttJ IAV ISU IU>I IAYSHOIUES \?U LIDO ISLI' DOVElt SHOlll' IUI IALIOA ISl.At<O WISTCLlil'F 17)1 HUNTINGTON l l!ACH H.lltlOlt HIOHl ANOS IUI !l'OUNTAtN VALLI:\' UHtVll'ltSITV l'.lllr: 1711 Sl<.ll ll!ACN lltVIHli ltMI LONG II.I.CH IACk l,I T U•• 01.t.NOE COUHTT l .lSTILUF!I' UO 0.lltOIN GltOVI lltVll.jl' TElltACI 1161 Wl lTM'NSTll COlt01'1A Oil MA it llM MIOW,I V crrv 1.lLIOA l'I Nl1'1SUl.A 11'1 I.I.HT .. ANA 11!.l(ON IA'r TlU SANTA .l/ol.l Hl lGHlS l,I Y ISLANDS Ust TUSTIN LIDO ISLI! \Ul CDASTU. IA L•OA ISLAND lUil LAGUNA l l'ACH HUHTINOrON 11.lCH Hiit LACUNA NIOUIL NU1'1TINOTON H,IJllOUlt HK MJIUON VIEJO FOll HT.llN VALLI\' 101 !AN CLIMl l'ITI se•.L 11.lCH ,.,. DANA !"DINT SUNSeT IEAC:H !US Tlt lPLlll. tic, OAllO EN GROVI UJS CONl>OM INIU"' LONG I EACM 1$H RENTALS "" "" ... .... ... ... ••• ••• •• ·~'· ... ... "" "" ... "" •• .... ... ... "" ... ... 0 11 ... ''" flll ~~~:~ogouNt'r :: Apts. Unfurnished our 011' COUNT\' UH Ge Nl!IAL "" OUT 0,. ST.I.Tl !i H COSTA MESA '1H STANt0" l"l ME!.l VlltOI $Ill Wl!'$TMINSTl!lt lilt H£W1'01T •1,1,CH I~~ MIDW.lV CIJ T 1111 NEW,OltT MIEIGi-tTS l!U SAHT.l ANA 16H NIWl"Oltt SH01tl$ Sttl SANTA ANA MGt l. 11:11 WISJCLll'I' IUI Olt.lHGI lllt UNIV l l SITV l'.lltk IUJ JUITI H 11•1 ••CK f.l'f 11 .. NORTH t USTllf lkS EAlt ILU'fl tl'tt AN•HIUM IUI COJtONA Dll MA ii JUt SILVe lt.1.00 ( ... NVON l~S aALI O.l $'!11 H•VASU LAKE UJI IAV ISLANDS fl" LA GUNA Mil li Htt LIDO ISLl l lll LAOUN.l SI .I.CH 11lS HUNT INOrON ll"ACM Ulf L.lGllNA NlG\llEL 1111 '0 UNTAIN VAll l V Hll MISSIOH VllJD 11M l,ll.tOA ISLAND ms SAN CLIMl!NTI 1111 Sl:.lL 11.lCN S-U SAA JUA" CA .. tS.,.ltANO 1111 LONG l l!ACH JS" CA l'ISTltAHO Sl .I CN 117' OltANGI!' COlllolT'r UN O.l lolA il'Ol"T llll G.lltO l!N GltOVI U lt U ltl.11'0 lld WISTMIHSTllt Sf!J OCl!.lHSIOI! 11H MIOWAY Ctt V Hll ....... "UltNAC• •l'~All!S. •tc. 'llltNITUlll JtlSTO•INe & •l l'IMISIUNe G.f.1 01.HIMG 01.Nel.ll lllltVtCIS Glt.lOIMG. DlltlN• Gl.AlS GREl!N fHUMI OUN IHOI" Ml!4LrN CLUat HAULING HOUSf:t l t•111Nt llltt1•1Dtt Gl:(OltAtlMt INCOMI JAX llltON, Of'lltrllHI .. , II'" lllONINCI INIVUTINO INSll•ANCI INVISTIG.lTINI. Dfl«tl.,. JANITORIAL JIWlll'f ll•l"Atll. lk. UNOKA,.ING LOCKSMtTN M.lSONltV, a1t1CK MOVING a ITOltAGI 11'.lltlf lNG, l"1,_a11tlllt PAtNfllltG. lllM fATIOS l"HOTOOll:.lil'Mt l"LASTllllNG. "'''"-l"LUMl l!olG 1'1T GIOOMIN• l"GO\ Sll'VI(' '"OWlll SWllJtlM• ~U MI" t fo ltVlt• ltOOF IMO lt.f.010, lltNJl"lo llC. •l!'MOOELl"G • ll"Alll ltllMO!llLINe, ICITTNIJlll SdoaW$ laW'Nft $1WINe t ftlHe M.l(HINI ltt ,AIQ Sl,TIC TMKS. S.--. llt- t.llLORIHO TllMITI! CONt•Ol TILE. Ctr-k TILi'. LI ...... a MerMe tltll SlllVKI! TllliV\$1011, It-'"-ltc. Ul"HOLITllt'r Wl!'lDINe JOBS l EMPLOYMEN SAN 01100 1n1 s•.HT.l ANA WM JOI WANTI D. Mt11 lt lVlltSIOI COl)NTT l tN l.lNTA .lljA Nl!IGllfl Stll JOI W.lNTl!'O, w.m .. HOUSfS TO t i MOVfD ltll JUSTIN 1"9 JOI W.tHTl!O, CONDOMINIUM ltSI COASTAL 1111 I 0\l l'l'i)C'!S FO• IAl l UH LAGU NA I EI CN nu ME N. WOM H Al"A ll TNll!'Nt 5 l'Olt SALE llH l "r."OIA Nl"""L '7tJ OOMllJIC Hl!l.I" MISSIOH Vl6JO 11'M AGl:NCllS. Mtll RENTALS ,,, .... tlf.MINJE U tl Hi ll" W.lNTID. M• H F · h d SAN JUAN cAPtSTll ANO 1m AOINc111, w-Gl'Nli~~~es urn11 e IHI DANA l'OINT ., .. ~.Lu:..NT:ow:" ltENT.ll.S TO ........ lHI REAL ESTATE. AGINClll.,.... -- COSf.l MISA 11H Gen•r•I SCHOO.LS • INST•UCTlotl MSSA Oi l MAI 11U JOI Pltll"AUTION Mll.l VlltDll 1111 tltl"t:IX, .tc. HM THIAT1t1C•L coLL101 ""'•tc 1111 co1<1DOMIHlll M mt MERCH-NDISE FOlt N1w .. o•' •1A(M "" •eNtALs wANT•~ '"' SALE AND T••DI'· Nl!Wl'OltT HOTS. 1111 IOOMS 1'011 lt l!'Nt fftl ~ HIEWl"ORt SHOllll 1211 llOOM & •OAllO SfN "UllNITUltt IAVSllOllP~ "" MOTl!LS, TllAILllt COUltTI "" OFF IC• ,UltJOTUltl OOVI!• , .. ORI S rn1 OUISt HOMI S ,,.I 01',l(I IOUl,Ml"T ~/EStCLIF" HJI MIS(. lltlE NTALS Sftf STOltl IOUl,.MIHT INCOMI! il'IOl"l!ltTV Utt IH• \lNtVl'llt SITV !l'Allll 1117 I USINE SS ,_lltOl"IRT'r '"' CAl'lf, ltllT.lUll t•VINI! n • •Al IEllUll'MINt IACI( IAT 1U• TllJl lLE• .... llKS '"' HOUSINOl.O .ocios 1!•.ST ILUFF 11•1 I USINl!SI lll!NTAl '1141 OAlt.lOI IALI ll'llNll' t l!ll lt.lCI 1111 0"'1CE ltlENTAL flil il'UltNITUltl AUC1'MIN COIOl<IA Dll!l MA ii 1/!I INOUSTltlAl "10,lltTr ftll ...,l'LIANCll IALIOA 1JN (OMMl!I Cl.ll fllS •MTIOUIS SAY ISLA ND\ flit INOU5flt l.ll lllMT"L lfU SllWIHI MACN INll LIDO ISLE tul ~!1~HIS :;: MUSICAL INSTltUMl"T 1.lllO.l llL,lllD 1lSl CITllUS GltOVIS llJS JtlANOI & OlltOANS MllNTINGTON I I .I.CH 1fCI IUOIO FOUNTA IN YALLIV 1411 .lCltl!AGE llN TILI VISIOft 51.lL •I ACll 1•!1 L.UCE I LStNOll Ut! 'It-,! a ITllltlO LONG l llACN lJM ltlSORt "IOil'!iltl"t' im f.ll"I lllCO•CllltS ORANGI! COU ... TT "" OIANGI! co ... llOrEltT'r no CAMlllAS • IOUIP'MIMT i,l.HJA A"A 1611 OllT OF l f4Tll "110... n u HOllY tlll",.lllS Nli STMtNSTEI 1111 MOU NTA IN I. CIESl!I T ltll Sl"OltT1HO 00001 ~tn"'llV CIT¥ 1~1I Sll l DIV ISIOl<I U NO ~,,, llNOCUU•S, SC°'ll SANfA AHA HllGHJ$ 11)1 l f AL ESTATI! SElt VIC I IJIS MISCILLAMIOUS tOASIA l lllO I.Ii, IE)(CHANGI IUI MISC. WANTID 1.AGU''" 11!.l(.H UH I. I. WANTED '1lt M.lCMINlltV, ltc. L,1.e.uN" H•ou•L 1101 BU!\INESS and 1..uM11E11 MISSION V11JO 1/0I •USINPSS WAHTl!D fltS STOllAOI • .. ,.. (.LlMINTI '11G '""l'ltME"' o ... 1rh1nltl•• •r1• I UILOINO M.lTlltl.t.U ,,,. JUAN c,.,.,,,.,.No n u FINANCIAL SWAl'S '"'"1tt1t:ANO 111AcH 1111 PETS and LIVESTOCK' OAN.l .. OINT 1711 I USIN!IS 01"1'01tT\lHITlllS f.llf ll:IYlllSIOI COUHTT 110! INVISrMENt WANJIO 111• il'tTS. •tN•llAl. YACATIO/ol ltlHT.llS !IN MONET TO LO.tll' 6nl C00 .. 011 CONOOMINIUM tt~I t>•ltSON.ll LOANS 6W HO•lll !>Ul"LIXlS ttU•M. 1'JJ ~IWllltV LOAMS fUt 'OVll•O<K COLl.ATE•AL LOA l<ll m l RENTALS ••AL l!STATI lDANS "'" CALIFORNIA LIVING Houses Unfurnislied M01tTG.t0l!S. t r.., o.,., ''41 Nu1ts1•11s MONl!V WAMTEO f,JJI OHi •DO'I Ol'Nllt.ll ... ANNOUNCEMENTS SWIMM .. COSTA MI SA llM 11'.lTIOS 111•1• 011L MA• ,,., ind NOTICES AWIUHOS Mt S.l Vl!ltOI. l11t VACATIONS COLLIOt ..... It 1111 ~:~:o 1'"'" "''1 !!: TRANSPORTATION NIW"O•T l l AC " nH l"'EISON.llS 14'1 •OATI 6 T'A CHTI Nl!Wl'OIT HOTS. n ll .f.HNOUNCl!MINft .. 11 S.llllO.lTS Nl!WP'Oltl SHO•I S rm l lll TMS wn ..ow•• CRUISlltl IAVSNOlt ES ml f'UHIEllALS 1412 lil'l'l!D-111:1 IOAn OOVl!lt s11a11e1 JUI ,.AIO OAITU AltT ~11 10.lT TII AILl!ltl WESTCLl,.F lf:JI FUN•ltAl Otll l!CTO•S 1•1• 10.tT M.llHTINANCI UHIVl.ltl lTV ~AllK Jnl l'LOR Jl1'S ..it IOAt UUNCMINI lllVIN I am CA.Ito 0" THANKS Mtt M.UIHI IOUIJt. •ACK IA'r ll.. IN MIMDIUAM 6'U •OAT SL"', MOO•IMe ,...,. ILUF, '"' CIMITl •• l,OfS .. ,. •O•T 1111tmn lltVIHI Tll •ACI n • CIMUlllY c•v•TI •••• 90AT lllMTAU COROMA Dll ...... n H c•IMATOIUIS ,.,. IOAT CHAIT•• IALIOA llN MIMDlllAL t>Altl(S .-n ll'tSNIMe llOATS IAV ISLANDI Wt AUCTIONS .._ aoAT MOVINe LIDO •LI! U.1 AVIA.TIOM lllVICI .. n '°'-T STOllAtt •ALaOA llLUID uP 'l'UVl.L t01 IO,tTS WAWTmD MIW"°ltT WlST )m Altl TUNIJIOllTA:TIOllll .... AllCltAll'T 'l"'•T'INOrON llAtM :Mii AUTO Tllt.lNl .. OllTA'T10• ..... JtL1'1Ne 1.assot1s MUlfTINOTOtt MA•IO'll• __, LIOA\. MOTK9S .... MOllL& ~~IS ITAIH VALLI T M1t Ol•MAM & TUTOll!Ne f4't •TO• llOM9S SlAL ll'ACH .... ERVICE DIRECTORY llCY'CLIS IAltDllll e•ove >471 5 ILlt:TltlC CA•t LONO llAt:M HOI ACCOUNTIH• ... MIMI 10111 OJt•.HGI CDUMT'1' llN ANSWlllHO s1evic:1 '* MOTOICTCLll '"'"'"' """ Mii .ll"f'L!•l'l"C ltll"AlltS. "'"' .,.~ lll'"Tt:'tlt•f'f\OTCltt WllTMtNlt l lt *"' Al",.ltAlllNe 6111 AUTO SlltVICl l & t>AltTI MtOWAT CIJT Mlt .lSil'H.llT, DNs Wit AUTO TOOLS 6 IQUI,.. !AHTA ANA "411GHTt U» AUTO 111.l"A IRS '531 l ltAILl ll, Tlt.lVl l. CO,l.JT.ll 2'tt AUJO, S.el ltlllo Tha. l ie. .Sii flt.llll•l. Ullllty LAGll1'1.t 11.lC.M q 1111 ll.laTSITTING 6"11 TllUCKI l l Ol'llA "'"Ull r n lO.t.T """IHT.IN,IHC« .SU Jiii'\ MISSIOM VllJO JfM lRICK, JA.ltONltT, tic. Uff CAMl"l lll i"ll CLIM• .. t l 1111 IUSINISI Sl ltVte•S 6)62 CAM,.f tl •tNT.lU C.ll'IST•ANO vu 11111.0l ltS ..,. OUNI 1uaa111 CArllTlt,1110 11.ll'N snt CATl•IHlf on IM .. OltT•D llUTOS DAMA t>OIN1 11• CAllNITM.lkt"e iJn PO•T C.US ~NOeMINIUM ,, .. CA•,.•NTl~INO .,,. ANTIOUll. CU.lllCI Ot.lil'LIX•I UN,UIN. .,,. C:IMIHJ, c_,... , .. u e• C.lltS. •oos 1t£NTALS CMtlO ca111, UC... ult AllTO l vt:MTS CONTUCTOll • 6'tt AU'TOS WANTl:e Apts. Fu"'ished c..._.,.,, CLIAHure ..a "'" '"" l l Me•Al 41N CAll"l'T LAYINe a tll,.AI• "'-AUTe l.IAtlwt '°"" Mt •A ••• o-.v111111 ... w•o CAfll _____________________ ....;; HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? l ,... . ~ 'J.s twl.Y "l.i01' WtctneM11, A11911st 27, 1969 & IMhOYMENr' JblS & EMPlOVMINT JOIS & EM~LOYM!NT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT WedMsdll', Autillt 21: 1969-"LOT·AOVUTIS~ JOllS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & IMPLOYMINT JOBS & IMPLOY-NT •u•• & IMPLOYMINT •uu & _,PLOYMaN 1 --·-. Help Want• I 'H~a~lp~W~a~n~tod~;;;;d~~H~a~lp~W~a~nt:od~;;;;~~;\~Jo~b;o-Me~~n;, ;w~om;;:;1~soo~;J~oill;;;;M~1111~,~W~om;·; ''7;SOI~ _w_-~ __ n ____ ,_4_oo 1 ; w....... 1400 w-. 1400 , J. C. Penney Company Inc:. Assemblers Clerical • • J. C. Pet111:J' Com-ny Inc:. " tlolp Wanted, Moe not> Help Wanted Mon 7200 Help Wanted, Mon 7200H•lo w .. ted •. Mon 7200 Factory • • Sec ure your futur e with Dana J..abor&torle1. a ra. p , r-f'~asblon I sla.ndHa~ewport Beach ~ld~e:~;~: ,:~;!,': GcNERAL AUJoMATION f'asl~ion H~::o,:.:i~?°~ Beach ~GENERAL AUTOMATION Key po1ition oponln gs mont '"•'""'"'"* ""' . Dlsolay SpeclaRst ' For lle\ltral openln1.s for f!.¥-H•• lmmedl•f• opening• for I 'vith recent. run time work e~nAY'ience in pr ... IMMED IATE OPENINGS FOR M ha d • M I Tra·i-e pe~ el~1ronie1 u-, ,_ d ere: n IH anagemen ·~ ,.mbl•n. • .,..,..., 6 SECRETAR'IES paring window and Interior dbplays: a .,. ' • Stoc:k Clerk \\'ilh recent graduation from college or equi· monthl to 3 yeart recent sire to crow wJtb i rapidly expandtn1 natiOJl-" valent in colle~e and full lime \Vork exper-expt_rlence In e:lec.tronic al organization. ience combinationj a desire to participate Jn component auembly op. e 80 WPM Shorth•nd Apply in per1on a training program for management with a eratlons, M\lst knowc ol· e 70 WPM T 1 10 AM , to s PM, Mond•y thru S•turd1y · • Receiving lnspec:lor • line lnspe;lor • "I" Assemblers rapidly expanding national organization. or code and bands IOlde.r-YP "SI inc: technScz'u6 • Know!. Should be experienced at the adminlslrative J. C. Penney's I Th. I · ed lh · b · · ~ Qf lcllematics ta~ d 1s s an organtt on-e-10 trammg pro-iirable but not manda· or epartmentaJ level. =2• F•1hion Island, Ntwport a.ach gram. Our policy of promotion from \\•ithin · ......... ,.,, opportunity ...... -1 ........ r -·-Recent exper ience in electronics or computer i manufactur de sired. Xlnt !r.inge benefits. to1y. Vi!.1t Send r11um1 In confidence • ~· .. ~,..... ..."¥'""" makes this particuJ arly attractive. DANA * ' APPLY IN PERSON TO ' Apply in person L1boratorl11, Inc. or apply In person lo • I ' General Automation Help Wafttld H1IP, Wanted Gen,ral Automation 10 AM to ~.P'C~j.o;t~~;;:~ S•turd•Y 2401,~~.:::C~i?t'.1" 706 West Kattll• :24.Fashion.l sland,.Newport .Beach An equal opportunity 706 West K•ftlla Or•nt•• Californit 92667 An ~ual opportunity en1ploycr employc: Or•nt•• California 9'2667 ~w_._.,.~n~~~~7-4DO_ l ·--'w~o~m~e"n;......~~-"7.._400 REGI~ERED NURSE SU· PER"8CJR. 1 am to S:lO pm .,;!!!!!!!!!!!A!!n!!e!!!qu!!al~op!!po!!r!"'tun'!!!iti!!!y!!e!!mi!!!pl~oy~e~r !!!!!!~ I ~"'====~======* URGENTLY NEEDED. , An equal opportunity employer PROOF I" I ~ 1"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1 OPERATOR Holp Wanted, Mon 7200 H•lp Wanted, Mon 7200 Help Wa•ted, Mon 7200 Wo'""n 7400 • Typists I . UCENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE. ?.ledic&tiona A: tJ'Catmenta. 1 am to 3:30 'Pm CLERICAL DRAFTSMAN* * H•lp Wantad e Sec:r.....,rillS Halp Wanted H•IP Wanteci UNITED CALIFORNIA 111>•~ Women 7400 Women 7400 ,, BANK NURSES AIDES. All 1hittl. Experienced .r.. trainees. ' ITT JABSCO TIME KEEPER· COST CLERK Good opportunity for a m111 11·irh some accoun1. ',In;-or relart'd clerical CX· '.J)e'lience to l'OlllC' into con- , ta ct \\'ilh all de?Brtmenl.~ ""or the l'Om pany:-l>rcfrr .High School and some ac- counting tralning. • Pica!-;(> apply in per· 50n or in 1v1ilinc to , Personnel Dept . GOOD BEN l:J"JTS AND \VORKING CONDITIONS I ' Eqwtl Dpportunliy Employer • I 148;i OAl..E \VAY OOST A AtESA, CALIF. 926:?6 <714) 545-8'lal MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR ;;2 $605. to $73'. per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RequiJ'C5 two years drl\'· U. Ione ~or relaled equipment. Apply hW>rf' Aug. 29th. lo Personnel Office, C.'ily of Newport · Beach, 3300 Ne\vport Blvd., 1\le11'por1 Bea1;h, Calif. 92Sti0. 171·1) 61J.66,3.:: e BROILER MAN e DISHWASHERS Apply between L2 • a p.1n. }~rins:e bc-l'll'flts. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANT 3801 E, P1eilic Coast llw, Corona del Mar * $11,000.00 BSE * Engineer 1vlt h deg~c. 1n1cro electronic eompoocri!s no! Rmiconduc!o1·., travel. call Ann l\1crchanLs Personnel A&e'ncy. 20U \l.'estciiU Drive, N.e . 64;..mo SEP.VICI:. :o:.tATION SALES ?ilECHANIC Full lime. t.1ust kn o 1v brakes, iuncup. 3 yrs. ttt. exp, neat appearance. See Jim, :Z:,00 Ne1vport Blvd., C.fi.1. WAITER .\pply in !)('r>•rll ll fll'I' :i I"·'"· KA RAM 'S 501 30th St., N.B. 1QOllCd ?.fondayl SAL ES, ADVERTlSING: JUNIOR MECHANICAL Aggrcssh•r. young man. l\1in. in1um f\1·0 yrs exper, ablC' lo \1•ork from deairn la)'OUI on cloSf' tolerance radar equipment. Some elect. help. ful but not nee. Knowledie of l\lill·Spd .. JOO a must. XJnl <'l111ncc for advallCl!ment for lhr 1·bht 1nan. Good work. In~ cvndilion:i aod lop ben. cf1t ~. TASKER INOUSTRIES rt;.idiatronics Div. 188·12 Teller Avenut> Nrwport Beach, Calif. Equal opportunity r mployrr CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR .1. C. PBNNE\' CO. f"ASHION ISL.ANO NE:\\'PORT BE:ACll 1las t'ull tin1e po~ition~ open for Buffers and Janitorial Mainllnan;e Rertnt. 5uctcssful ,.spcri· t'nce in all phase! prden't'd, C.Ompctativr 1v3'eS. out- 1tarn:Hng benel1ts ioe.ludina; profit sharing. .\PPLY JN PERSON !\Ion .. Sat. 10 am 10 9 pm J. C. Penney Co. 24 F•shion Island Newport Be1ch, Calif. ;\n Lqual Opportunity En1ploycc Se;retary •• Vice · President & General Manager \\'ho ean take .shorthand 100 \lo'pm, likes varil!ry and fia· lll'tl, type 60 "'Pm or bet- ter. Many CGmpany bene- Work when •nd where you want I INTERIM PERSONNEL SERVICE 445 E. 17th St. Co1ta Mesa, Calif. 642-7S23 HOSTESS PART· TIME ror eoco·S in Costa Me!l4 Tlfu.st be O\.~r 18 Apply in persen REUBEN'S COCO'S fits auch as pakl vac:aUorui, TSSS W. Adami sick leave, paid medical and Intcrvic1,·i11&: ~1on. thni f'rl. Costa Mes• life insurancr. g:¢it union -s AM to 5 Pi'fl --l:;,=-----"'.c_ __ (you may have to ktep ils Equal opportunity t"mplO)'cr NE\V con1p9.1\Y needs com. books), pension plan, etc:. pctenl, versatile. well ad- Call lhc DAIL'{ PILOT for __ justed secrll ar y . an appointmenl. 6"2-4321 and Bookkeeper '·' '' '·' to ~ (Auto mo t iv c exp. & ask for Mrs. Greenman. Secretary • ·' ·' ·''' • · ·'' ~ lihOrthand helpful . , ...... , , ==~~-'-~~~,.C...~ jTyp1st • ·• ··. ·· •· ·• ·• · · · ~Opportunity to move ahead ~IIDDLE Age lady lo live in Ge~ral Ofh~e ........ ~ \\'ilh upcoming CXCl'lllivr in & IH! companion lo t:lderly PBXIR_ocT•RApllo!NEnlstE;... $32J distribution ol ox•lti'"• -,, \\'On1an "'ho is not invalid. .:r-.. '"' Llve in one of the most T · .... "" car Import · · · · · · •.......... YP~t • •• • • • • · · • · ·" •" ~ Salary open..romparable to de1h·1ble l'Ommunities in Cttdit Che~ker •....... S32J experience. Amer. Bayside Villq-e in Bank Teller .....•.• to ~ Contact Sandra Heibel N.B. Pvt. 11wimmin& pool A: Nun;ts A~ ........... $1.6.'.i (TI<ll 645-0050 for ,.. b in. beach le 1t1 forth. Salary $50 11·k + board & room. Tel for AU.SET AGL"NCY tcrvie11•• l!.ppoint, 6~ 1-Huntin&ton Beach 17612 Beach Blvd. THE NEWPORTER INN $7S4 . to $916. por month * * *PART TIME 6~7~ 2-Ga.rden Grove 17"191 Harbor Blvd . 63$-jl50 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PH I Ll.IPS Pt;TROLEUM co Prefer banklng e.xperil!nt.~. \\'ill train if applicant has i;;trong related quaJ ifications. CALL ;>40-2111. BOOKKEEPER Now hiring for s ala ry· lnvolvt·~ physical lm1pcc1ion operated scr.,.iN" station. ol public \VOl'ks constnJCtion Experience desired. Good projecls in the city, Rcquir· starting 11. a I a r y plus es four years of recent con-generous rommill8ion. \Vith stnlction inspection experi. t:xc:ellenl opportunities for A<:<:oun1s 11ayable for apart. e~. Apply bdoM Sept. 5th, advancement. t~ or in· mcnt builder. Prc!l"r l'OD- to Personnel Office, Cly of formation l'Ontact manager, Btruclion e.x~r. Excellent Newport Beach. 3300 N~. Brookhu~t & Adams., Hun-bcncf11s. Send resume to Mr. port Blvd .. Newport Beach,, ~"~"·~·'~'-"~Be'--'-'"-·-----Ronald Comer. 3163 Red Hill Calif. 9'1fi60 17141 613-6633 i • I -A~•-•_ .. _c_o_"_•>_t,,,.~·~92627 __ . __ FI C BOOKKEEPER RECPT.'HOSTESS Over 21 -under L . Typ. l"J: pt'<!!t>n'<!d. Contarl Kay Gt'rold ~111·f'f'n 10 am and <I pm . 111}7 Jambo1'l'C Rd . foi' daily !>a.IP.ii ~umn\<1.ry, SC· Newport Beach counts reccivcable &: oollec· 644-1700 Prec1sln11 Grindcr.s • , • , •. SJ. ~1ill l Lathe ... t ........ S·t Shcc:t !\tc1al . . .. . .. . .. $3.::.0 MaJnlcnanet" i\lcc:ha n\(· Sl.23 -TRAINEES- Produrtion F'ortm8ll .... $J. Pipe ~1.raightt'ncr .... S2.5(1 General Factory ...... S'.!.25 Shippini;:: & Receiving .. $1.70 ALLSl'T AGENCY l·Huntington Beach l761Z Beach Blvd; 347-iiOOI :?.Garden Gro11c 1~191 Harbor Blvd. 638-51~ SNACK SHOP #9 '"""' *BUSBOYS * DISHWASHERS e BUSBOYS e OISH\VASHERS Full 1nd pa.rt timr. Nc;,it al>' pt>arance. No rxpcr, ll('C, Apply in pcT'iOn 1().5 pm. l::!EELINE FASHIONS needs th1'f'r stylists in lhis a1'<!a. Quit.l irlcations: !. o v e .. 1u•hc11, drh·f' Clll'. No •'<>I· lcc1ions or deliveries. Call :~:-,ii;.::; T~CH ER 1\'12 schl aged BOB'S BIG BOY children nccd:i; cunacnial la.\ E. 17rh St. liv~in help, t'OOk k lite Co!ila Mcs:.i hskpg. P1•1. rm I:. ba. ---~====-:::--,: i &91-0864 eves. ELECTRONIC TEOiNIClAN 1 ~=~~-----­-to support desi&n engj. NEED Daily or Pa.rt Time neering &: product evalua. child Clltt Ior J 1,3 yr a;irl, lion or microelectronic de-your homl' "' I other child. vices. l\tust have strong \'ou pro.,.idC' traru;p, Loe. background In .'!C1nirond Ul.'-Huntington Harbor 1u-ca. 101· circuit!!:. S·lli-393,j tion, Fasl aceurate \\'orker.1------'---- good typist, Pttfer automcr live-experience Ask ror COLOR and NCR r.1rs. Brant. . PROOF OPERATOR JOHNSON & SON UNITED CALIFORNIA Linc:oln Merc:ury BANK 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-S630 ruu Tir-IE HOSTESS N ight~ &. weekrnds 1'.lusl bt over 21 FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANT :.SOl E. Pacific Coast llwy, Corona ck!! l\Tar ':t)9 ~!1.1.Jn Sl,t'(l('I lluntina:to11 BCach :i.16-8811 !-'NACK BAR OPERATOR PREVIOUS sc h o o I c:o.:· pcriencc preferred. Salary S2A!hSJ.02 per hour. Apply In person. SAN JOAQUIN SC1-JOOL DISTRICT 14600 S. \V. Sand Canyon Ave .. East rtviM, Calif. EXECUTIVE SECTY Con1act Eng, illgr., Siliron BEELINI:: Fashions r11•C'ds l SECTY. EXEC: ·outstanding Legal ~r exec .b.ackgtound. Gf'!l{'ral Inc. 73.3:.! Bolsa Ave, stylists in thi~ arr a, allraclivr. Plush 0 ff i cc , Top skill!!. eoxqu1 st!e new of- \Vc stminstcr. 83~ Qu a 11 f ic a t i o ns : love d · e r•I Ii •d and ad iN's. \VE IX"Cd men Ior temporary clothes. drives car; no col· m:nvistrative typr \\lll'k t~ MISS EXEC AGENCY 11·are:house, rartory, outside lccling or deliver'g. :>39-2961 $600. 4lD \Y, Colt.st High""Y work. Top rate~. Daily draw. BABYSI'ITER ror aJ:eS 1 & Call J ean aro11•11 :,.i{µj()j.) Newport &-ach 646-3939 Apply ready lo 11·ork 6:» :i, Giesll!r Sehl. di!!., my COASTAL AGENCY ACCOUNTANT. JR.: full 9 A.i\l . home or yours. can 968-4645 2190 Harbor Bl, Cm;ta ?.lcsa chargl' Bkkpr. Top Qi needs Parr ttn1l' • day and niaht MANPOWER, INC. 01• ask for ShC'ran La11Tl"nce O TYPIST capable person permanent, a.hilts available lhru school m N. Anahel111, Anaheim or 54j..!Jiaa STEN • ll'ilh high le\'el firm. s;.oo year. Apply in per.son l\lon.1 __ ~=~"~~~-~=~----DENTAL Secretary, over 22 Part time 1 girl otHce. Call CaJI JEAN BROWN~ J."l'i . :: to 5 p.m. OFFSET PRESS needed for 1 (irl offit.'t'. At tOr appl, 540-1116 COA~IAL AGEJ\'.C\' :'.116 E. Coas1 1111~· Cot'Ona del i\1ar OPERATOR leai;t 2 y~ dc!!k exp. N1tion1I Electronia 2190 llarbor SI, Costa i\tesa :Hlay "·eek, perm. job, Good tiil-6443 4341 Bii'Ch, lnr r.tacArthutl DR.APER.Yo working ronditlons. l\lany LIVE-IN HOUSEKEt:Pt:R. Ncii•port Beach. WORKROOM fringe bcneri\11, Spani~h or Japanese i;peak· Assistant Bkkpr I Exp'd & Tl'ain<'r~. \'11r1 ous NATIONAL SYSTEl\·JS CORP ing QI\. Pv1. rm. Salary Pl'ivate Qub. To tl'lal bill· opcni111J~. 4101 Birch Street open. 847-4856 aoce, dutle~ divl!niified. BEACH DRAPERY Ne1vport Beach ood 11 900 IV 1-lh SI =~~=~=--=~-1Dr:S PERA TE L Y nttd g pen1nans1p. . . 1 . Start wirh i;alary & comm. Full Co. bC'nct1ts and friend· , ly people. U:ARN TOOL -CUTIER t;ft!NDING TRAD!::: il111r- r1C\/ men Jltt'ferred. ~lust be amb1tiou.~. ll.S. i:.rad 11•ith n1alh bkgrnd I:.. be mechanically inclined. Good \\llrking cond's & fril'l&'e bent'lits. FOREMAN, E.'<P: S8600 ~T babysitter -1 child, 1 1~ yn. MISS EXEC AGENCY Costa i\lesa. :>ltJ-6%~ '"start & all Co.lhbcns. C?P-hrs: J:JO to S:30 daily i\l·t·. . 410 \\'. C.O...t Highll'ay Clerk Typist ply to advance wi aro1Vlfll'. 642-1316. Nt\Vport Beach '"6-3939 Co. _;;;;.,;~~~----1 -~"H"O"'S"TE""S"S'--1 rn_ &Jrs Department, Typing Call GERRY \VH?TE S4().G05ci WANTED: l\lature \voman 00 ur1. dlctanhonc. Call GERRY \VHfrE 540-60l5 ('()ASTAL AGENCY 2190 Harbor Bl . Cmta Mesa· ATTENDANT lor apartment cmnple:x. age 18 & O\'er, no kmg hair, good pay. Apply in person al 31423 Coast Hwy, South La.J,:;una BOYS 10-14 Carrlt:r Routes Open roe Ll.,,""UM Beach, So. l...quna DAILY PILOT 642-<321 DAILY G.RINDING lNC. 3822 C&mpus Dt .. N.B. SALES: Sharp iast movlnr mnn to step oul 1\'ilh active Co. S8:'JOO yr 1o start + car and bonus and lull Co. bens. Call GERR\" \VlllTE Sit().6055 COASTAL AGENCY 1790 I larbor Bl. CD8ta t.lcsa COASTAL AGENCY lor perm. babyilitting"" lite New Homes MISS EXEC AGENCY 2190 Harbor Bl , Costa f.leaa hsc\iTk. 8 : 3 O • 5 : 3 0 · 2 • 410 \V. Coast HiJ:h11·ay MATURI-: Alan for retail children. 968-1620 aJI 6. '2-l llay1 per l11!ck. SOmt: Nr11•port ~ach 616-J!\39 D=R=--_7"_,--=-,h~kp=--=k-1 Real Estate cxperlcfl('r. Ask -____ _ salt's in Hardware.. Rion · ""1 penn. s r coo ' lor l\lr. Partt. P l A S T I C S Hartl11·a1'C, l~ Irv i n r , arc. for 3 child~n. live-in. 536-3313 TRAINEES: lnjrclion 1nuld. \"•sl·lt'fl Pia-•. N . B. Bch li:nt nn. BA & TV. I " I II " c -SALL.<'\\'"':llA.'. M, ATURt: nt on grav,.yah1 ~ 1 r. <:A'J ll"". 11~k tor Phil. Rel!!. 494-184:! a(I 6 """' v. M ' .__ I -· bl I ,,..,,-.,),; Part-time U!'.I ..,... < rpr .. ua r, 11nc ap. COCl-.."TAIJ, Girl for thr . . ply i11 prrson: S Ill •1 Pi\1 . fabulous fling. No food , 5 \ oun1t i\lalernlty Shops 85o \V 18th ~l C 111 INSTRUCTORS So. Coast Pl1u, PAt's only · · ·· .d • nilt's, 14j E. 19th SI. C.l\I. • , T\'PI.ST : Accuratr, 101· i:ri-111 ~fillUl'I', )'OUn(: adult, look· 7400 • f·AcroRY PACKER. 5':i" BI" I N I &r~aid/da_ncer. (."ti. bt:>ncfi t.s p I u 5 atJ. Help Wented Women Ing for ;:ood future, able lo MISSION VIEJO. or o\•er. ~'1111 time. S\,G,j per FUii or part-tmie. Costa \'11once1ncn!. Star1 $J;IQ. m~l lhe public. Apply in hr. 548-512:'.i 1.lesa Call J ean Bro,,.n :;.~ pet'>OO EL TORO 61S-730l COASfAL AGENCY e JANITOR-GARDENER e ' HOUSEKEEPER afternoons per m an e n t position, Holiday Health Spa HOUSEWIV.ES _ :z or 3 hrs. Mu~t have trans \VANTED; \\'on1an to r 2190 H11:rbor Bl. Costa !\lr~a atf.rt\ng at $489/mo. 40 • C.Osta l!fesa • 10 CdM ateL 644-lilrm gtl)(!ral house\i'Ork. a few NURSES hr/wk, excellent 1rlnre SA.LES TRAINEE: Join ad-~nrii~~! :~er~:: COOK -housekeeper, lit hour_•· 2 days a \vcek. •RN-Relief duty, two dll)':S beneiita. &nd resume to: vanccd Co. S7800 yr to start liver neivtpapen to car-nunlng dulies, 11 v e . In, MS-l 457 per 11·eek. PtrMmnc.I Dept, P. o . Box & all Co. be"'fita ,v:lth car rieni, stores and aubsaiber1 rrferences, top pay. 673-J328 YOUNG \\'on1an 31H5 !or • J.VN-Reliel. lour !:lhllts In, Sooth • ·-••0 • ·-mm. sales 1\'0rk. Vt"ta's, "'estcliU per 'll'Cek. :..&g\Jna Geach '====---''-,.--....,--.,-I -.v in )-OUr area. Approximately PBX Ans"'t'-rlng sen:ice -Na 6<"U97 I "COLLEGE de Call GERRY \VIUTE ~ h r Plaza. · · s-Nurslrc 1-ome stu nl. part· th~ houn eac a temooa E~r. pref. Varied 1hllts. 49"-81Ji:i time during !!Choo!, full·thne OOASTAL AGENC\" 1.nd Saturday 1nornints. ~ Haarea. :i.16-8.UI BARMAID \\ranted. rxp'd 1=-~=~~~-~--- 1umn1er. al Chevron ~1t1lkin 2'71IO Harbor Bl. C:Mta AICft quirt'~ 11. dtpcndable r.ar and ~"77"~-----c-p1•rfeJT1.>d. 1\p PI 'I 1ht Ti:.LLER \Vanring a change . ,aJld d">-r'1t Hccn~ .... Tele. R!.1.IABL}; woinan r o r \\' AILLE"R. 1506 (k:c.an HB. Beach 11.rea $•KIO. Cnll Ann on beach In Laguna. ~lust SAl.ES~fEN, Shoe8. !-,I Ir PT n .,_ ·"'-hou~\\'Ork 2 day11 a v.·eek. be 18. NO tone hair, Sal11ry-GUllr. l'Onini. p~f'i lime phone: ti l'.!·432 1 for intcrv1c1v 2--2019 Ho u s I!: KEE p ER lor !\lf'rch11on1.1 Perl'Onncl Agl"n· comm. wilh l'al'l<':!I. 494-9003 men. Expcr'd on~. {OU.It ,+ 11'\th i\1r. Ben \Villlll'llll, &ck Bay, N.B. !ff l'OUple. Li l'r In oi· out. ry. 20 1:1 \\'clllcl\U, N.B. J\f~ wa.nLCd. C'Otlllll. PM's Appcy 3Jl Ll·:ASING Agent. lor country \Vatcrlronl. $22'i. 673-1~ '~"=;.~m~'~--.,----£XEC SJ:;CTY : Abo ve d uh apts, HB. Guat. :Wary 1-:: D' N ~ .. Union 78 Station £. lith. 01. .. ,.,., BABYSmER tfom 2:ll !ti \\' nlA1 -.""'!ll""'lfe. Ulill? yaur ave--f""i""' £: Sil Jkllls .t bonus. E"per. 642 '" 11 JSX1 Ne.........i BJvd, C M. GOOD Re · _._ ·-h ~., ... 6·."" in l\lesa Verck', "'kd••i1 spare me lo earn nlO!lCy. ~....-• pa_ir IC•""-" man for a •lamour olllce.. Be in •m DONUT ~---21 ~ ~ li I I I ,_ pOtl -"-'~"" '"""'-" for 2 child. ~ \Vin prltts. no age mt, no ESTABLISllED Insurance -or S\V mm .. ,~ II!• ..... ...,, on Bolrd mt'e:tinp.. Look yn or over. Appl.)' ln pcnon 1 ..:.::...::.,:.,:::_:,,,,,o,"-~.---.~ time limit. Will tr.In u 1.-dl avail, N.8. office. Jluntlng:ton Pool Su,pply ywr best lkntfil• besides! lJj E. 11th, c.~f. HOUSEKEEPER, In~ · 1n. Beauty Coun!ldon. 8'17--0&tti OU'etr oppt. GT~ l.&459 ?tfaanolia Call Jean Brown :>4G-&l35 I .;;::,,:;,""'i;ii'i=== Prlv. nn .l bath. 2 ehUdrcn. . smlfl'u::E StlUon aHenda.nl \\'cstmioster 842-2813 COASTAL AGENCY EXP'D SALEStADY rtn. Vall." a.tZ-72.j.( SALESGIRLS tor I ab r 1 c -~-Bl Cott 'f ?iten &: \V?mens Clothlna: 1 11hop Apply in peraon. C AB. Eqler. '*'-See: Mike. ~ NfCJfT .,'Ork In bakery. l1 ;N Ha'""' . ta "esa * MS-5383 * BEAUTY operator. full t m7. BO'li"S rASRJCS, 2610 E. t611 Cl.l'nl)US Or. NB MO. donut.I M.nd ualsl. CR ED t T COLLECTION: guat 11'-:t: I:. co111m. Gwen S Coa I-I COM PARTS man ln motorqcle Trotccr'a BUtry, ~ t"ottst Dip. sln>fll chA'l"ac:ter . fully GltA\IEYARD ~\'AITRF ... ~. Bly, Shop, -ls.1-3294 SI 'fY)'. . ·-· PttmlnenL J680 A\'t .. Laguna 8dt taf)Rblt lo takf' c:t\8.r;t. 10 Pl\! •o 6 Al\!. 1400 \V. TEACHER nrcds Cl\1'" for DREAM Job -f\:ee11' )llUf ~j;n Blvd. C.M. t\NOWLEDCEABLf; Stc!reo $800. Pac:iflc tout H11y, N.B. Jl # yr old, 8-3 l\'ttkly. nl,)' lm~ant .)ob 1s wife. le. _,,mponent $111C~ trl)lrlfC. Cd~ JUN BH.0\\'N :itO-(i(fJ.i DESK Oerk C.OUl'li! boy: pl hOnlt Rel1 ~ls.-68,j9 nio.h(!r & cam a 11;k!y PJ\RT·llnJC: dbh"'it.hel' ,_.,. "'--Ito Bl ~ '! linic, fo\l!n Niles l!lotel, 1001 ' · -pe,ycl~·k. :;.t4-JS54. ~ Villa Roma ')te11aur.11t 21-JO )'rL C&IJ ~I r. Vann ''"" ncu t ' >"""'" "csa $50 W i EKLY 646-4211 ll46-ii91' 8ABYSmt-::R \\'llllcd m,y Ba15idt' Dr .. N.B. . & , _7.l" PART Time Steqrtphcr b:c-::=°",::-;;:::::;;r=;:;;;J1 NEED tcmHttlred. 51)...81 homt, JO hr d!Q', 4 da> 11;)(, DENTAL ~tt. Sce·a:s115t. __!:!!_kP;.J dll.)ll. L.'-.i ....:._ for Sa.lei M11~er. TYPf' 80 • ftQtUcUoa Sl.lperviaon.. ~ helper for l!Wnin& Ltw In f:lt out. S:.-1\.ol'I an JIB. Exp. sctl•ry open, In. MOTEL MAT OS \\'JM'Yl plu dic:taphone e:<· e t:r"' ~ .. ~~tori W(l'k. OR 3..m s. quirt am-pm 71~152 196T Newport BJ~il , Cl\f pe-.itnce: t't'qUirtd. ~-~125 •, ------- SECRnARY ~llnimum four year.; scr- l'etariaJ e"perlcn<lf'. Short· hand 80, 1yplni;" 50. '2'1'! Ocean Aw-_ ~una Beach <94-6546 General Offic• T rn, $325 Typing ·15 to 50 wpm hand· ling ne\v accounts prev. gc!l- eral orlice exp, he'lpful Btacl! area & co. will pay the Jee, call Loratnt, A1cr. chants Personnel Arency. PARK LIDO CONVALESCENT CENTER 466 Fl•gthip Newport Be•ch, Calif. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES COLLINS RADIO CO. 1().13 \VestcliU Dt., N.B. Mc:Donakl'a Family Ret ta.u-i;.o.mo labo ff!f! job$J teller rants have positions avail- openingll to $400.00. able for women, \Vork in BAKER · clean: lea.sant 11UTTOUnd· 19700 Jamboree Rotd PREVIOUS school cafeteria i.nga with unilonna f'urniab. Newpor t Beach Salary $2.Jl42.88 per hour. ed, f~ meaJs and liberal Apply in person: hours. If you have chlldreJI Equal opportunity cnlployrr SAN JOAQUIN 1vho attend sc:hool and you SALESGIRLS SCHOOL DISTRlCT 1\'0U1d like to earn up to 14600 S. \V. Sand Canyon $100/pcr month durina: your Young mature a;irls able to Ave .• E:.aiit Irvine, Calif. spat't'l tin1c, apply at: nicet. the public .. Ideal as EXPERIENCED MC DONALD'S l"Ve. JO/) !or working Klllcs 16886 Sfach Blvd, J-{8 girls. Johal be attractive WAITRESS MC DONALD'S 1vilh a gOOd fiilU"-'. 6j61 Edin~r. HB Apply in person Apply in Person Holiday Health Spa SURF & SIR.LOIN 2300 Harbor Blvd .. c.~r. S9JO C H Pac. 1t. wy. TELLER Newport Be•ch -*-OUALIFTED-- MASSEUSE To ~!"\•Ice ladies only, :\tu.st UNITED CALIFORNIA fumish. kK-a1 rrlerences and BANK hav~ c:11y llcC'llSC, Plca.'!l'l ap. '.!'.!:!Ocean A\'f'. Laguna Belich 494-j&IG ----.~~=~~~-1 * BE A WINNER! Reg1stt"r ror a temporary .iob and l'nttr our Lucky L1ernsr Contcs1. plv in peT'iOn for intel'View Holiday Hea lth Spa 1.100 Harbor Blvd .. C.:0.1. Se;ly lo $500 Xlnt oJipty to advance with growing Ne11'J)Ort Beach Co. ABTLITIES UNLfJ\fITED AGENCY 488 E. 17th St., Suite ?24 Cost11 Mrsa &12-1470 e \VAITRESS e ~ to 25, nc1t .appeariJl.a:. No exper. nee. full time. Apply in person. BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th SI, Costa ?i!esa NEWPORT BEACH AD AGENCY !\'EEDS P1rt time help. Good typist for cltrie•I du. ties, 1rr•nd1. $1.65 per SECTY LEGAL A hour. Call Barbara •t Western Girl Inc;. . ~ · ~ : i·e Y?U 642-3910. :-iio.ol!~i Chic . BC!nus plul!. IH!~1~s 1 _________ _ ---_ ralorc. \Vhat a spol! This 1J SECTY/RECEPT ideal. S:IX> · Executive Secretary h"no1v shorthand. gOOd trping CaJI JEAN BRO\VN 5'10-6C)j,j For publishint Co. Pre1ident. skills. basir bkkpg. heavy COA.!:llAL AGENCY Experienced Jnd adaptable pho!l{'s. F'ront ortlef' appear· 2790 Harbor BI. Costa i\Jeu. to a 1vkle variety ot projects. am;.'f' -F /C-B kk 5-Heavy stenorelte dictaUon. MISS EXEC AGENCY 00 •~per $ OO Shorthand helptuI. Must' bi! 410 \V_ Coast Highway Stable, rcspomible, 1 a k e well-rroomed, articulate, st. Ne1vpo11 Beach 646-3939 books 10 trial balance, tracli\'e, Excellent .. -orkina Beach area, call Loralne. ** BARMAID ** Mcrchanlll Personnel Agcn. condilioru. and l'Ompany N binge bene fits. 54().K)6 1 o exp. necessary, no cos.. cy, 2().13 \Vcstdiff Dr., N.B, runic req'd. To $3 per hour. ~mo LVN & Nurses Aides Phonf' ;.,·::!-9'117 or 544--03'!7. 1 CH=I~L~D-S~i-ll-,,-,-... -"'-.,-d~,.-,,.-,, 1 La r gr, pro~essl\·e ECF Anolv fo1• 2 school &i'C children of fl('eds U. Oritntation provid. HONEYCOMB teaching parents. Reside in cd by a lull time, in setvitfl, ::12:, E. Chaprnun. Oran;!" E. Costa Meu.. Need IH!forc educator. Openinp: 3 to 11 !: * \\' AITRESSES * Experl-school 7.SAA1 & after i;chool 11 lo 7 shills. enccd. Ovci· ZJ. All shills 1:304 Pt.I. ~>48--2712 ava il. --o ·O vou Hav1 The Blue Dolphin College Accounting RHtaurant CPA O FFICE 1Apply in person only\ 335.i Via Lido, N.B. lntc1'Cslin~-.Clla!lenginG TRAINEE. DATA : If )'OU Commcnau1·ate pay, 548-8874 h11.vr a lillll"' keypunch rapid *** SECRETARY, for advanee. For a m b i t i o u s advrrlisin: firm. Shorthand sharp gal. 1>lar1 t:.:".O. 80, 1yp1ng 60. lite book- Call Jrnn Bro1vn J40-60:i.:. keeping required. Call Pam, COASTAL r\GE:NCY al 675--27•12 brl. 9 Al\1 & J :l7!IO I !arbor Bl, Cost~ !\lcsa P .\I J\IARRIED? TOO !\"!ANY Ex=P<=ri~oo~,~,,,.-,-,,~,-,~,,-<71e-,,,-,~d'""lo B I L l. S " Pr 1·111ilncnt-parc 111xl overl ock. Good iiiece Un1e help 11·anted \11 snack \vork prlccs, t!ileady \\'Ork. bar. SCf' ntallllgt'r aflt>r 7:30 EDDY J\IOSS 14GU Locust pm . Paulo Drive In St .. \\'cstmlnsttt: J34...fl738 Thea1cr. 3(ljJ Newport Blvd. AIATURE \Voman tor retail CM. sale!! in Houstwatt$ and COA1BINATION. Sharp Bat H11.rthvare. Rion Hardware. Alaids & Go (.;o Dancers. 102-1 lrvh}(.', \VestclifI Plaza, Top \1·ages SJ.OCHJ.50 to N.8. 642-1.133 Ask for Phil. ~tart. Ph. for int. ;,.p.998J J\1ATURE nwther's helper. Sassy Lassy, 2901 Harbor, TurUt' Rock area. 3-7 pn1, C.r.t. Aton.f'ri. 0111n trans. S2 hr NURSL: Rcsidcnl position plu~ mf'11l. ~>-1&-:?:ral allrr 6 open for 11 prdctlcal nurse Ptll. al Conlin<'ntat r.lanor La· ~P-AR=r-.~T~,,-,.--m-,-,-"-,.-, l;Ut1a, 19 1·!11~ r.t ~ 0 !IC A LSECIU.IARY CLE-4.NTNC lady "'II/lied 2 for doctor·~ orliC~'. f\{?111 1h1,~ 11 11'('(•:c on Lirlo 1~1r. M,\r rxpcr1cnc-e 111 otfia; PICa:>r 11ri1c ;ind i:i\-C n1anagc1nrnt. 499-13211 rrferc~. Dally Pilot Box rxperienced 1'11 903. \\'AITRESSES.All t h i 11 1 . , . , OPE RA TORS • • • Xlnt Ups. App in ~rson E.'tpol'ltnced In slna:le needle COTT~GE COFF'EE SHOP i nd Overlocks. Good piece 562 \V. 19th, C.M. work price!!, steady \~llrk. REFINED c omp an Ion · EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust hou~ket'JX'T' for e Ide rl y St., \Vesuninstcr; SJc.1738, lady. Li1·c-in. Light \\llrk. COUNTER girl 11 am -4 pm Rlllboa Island. 613-1"50 "0""'' lhnt >'ri. Apply ,, w AITRESS pru only t"Q)llrr r rcet.r !>99 \V. 19th SI., t .1'1. 1\pply ill TllE ~l.\.ING SU'T- LJ-:R. Experienced. 67J.0977 Call ROYALE' ~ Secretary to $650 X1nt oppty. good co .. uln oriented, make executive de. <:ii.ions. Call Dla11C, 546-MlD. J•son Best ~mployment AitlK'Y 2120 So, Main, S,A. ~Al.ES\V0~1AN . E X· pcricnced in ladies ready.to-. ll't!ar. Over:!:'> INVENTORY CLl::RK. Local ref's. required. Ot.·er 2j Apply l\lon lhru f'ri 10-4 APROPO'S. r-;o. 21 To11'JI £: Country. Orange. GIRL FRIDAY: Matuft: with good KkUla can go far with local company. SI ab I•, Respons., to $450 Call Jean Brown 540-605.$ COASTAL AGENCY 2700 Harbor Bl. Co5ta Mtsa. Jobs--Mtn, Wom. 7500 -THE - NEWPORTER INN HOTEL CASHIER E.-.:pnehl~ NCR. 4'200. Busy ll'Ont desk, hve day Y•k. Good salary a.nd lrince bcn- eOt5. Contact I::dward lll&lt: TuC!l.·SUn. Alt ll A.M. 1107 Jamberff lllHd Newport leech, C•llf. 644-1711 Out11d'-" Sales FREE MEMBERSHIP! i\\anleuril;t. C;\-p'd. bu~y shop DEN'.1'AL ASSISTAi"t'T . Ex-Currently aellln;: to hou• l.1do art'll GuaranlC<'tl & flC'ril'nrrd for Pedo office. wives dlrl!Ct! Add u1 to your t'On1n1. 1\111:~1 fX'd\c:urt al!lO. • 61-l~ll '* line for extn commlhion 613-t1B6 HOUSEKEEPER. Li~in. lncol'ne. K~p in shlpt frtt. COUNTER HELP, lull or Lltc \\'Orll. ll25. mo. Repreeentt.U~s needed all part time. Apply "' Taco PH: 613-3284 owr On.n&c County. Btll. 699 Sa. Ce>ast J!wy, PART 1in1e help over 21, lun· '349-3368 or 842.Jm La.&. Bch. 9-3 PM rh hrs. Prt!(l&l'C sundwiches. Holidty He1fth Sp• BABYSITIER, p 1 fl as an t Zuble't Cdf\1. 67~1004 • C.Osta P.fesa • \Ill"'' S.:bool 11~a. lst 111'3d· • COUNTER GlJU. t COUPLE W /med 1lz1 tr & lnlnnt. l\ton lhnl Fri. Ktnlucky F'ried O lc:ken for maintenance "'Of'k ln 81:l-81'.M3 •lier 6 p.m. 693 S. C.OUl. LAI: Bch tralkr park. Knowl. fl( Gl':O'lt-:RAJ. Oh1'"1Ct;. i\lu.<tl HOUS&l\l,\10 • E1"41.ll$h., Gtlr-minor elect &-plumb. Sll. likr to \\'Ot'k \\'Ith fi5'ures. man or S~h. L.aJuna space I< utlls fum. Q:l..1921 G<I bcn'~. plush offlct. Tltr. ~•. 49'~110 IVE T ERIN ARY AMl•11.nl. Qulnn. 833-2iJO TEAC1-IER Nttds \\~men to 1 P;t.rt lln1e:. ExPf:r. prtlt'!r- THE QUICKER YOU CAU.. ceno for ehildf"t'l"I. •rt• S a. l"l'ld. Inf~ tie~ 10. mE QUIOCER YOU SEU. '1. n~rjl req. ·~ . 12. :am Harber Btvd. CM . . . ..... .. Wldot1day, Au,ort 21, 1'69 WodMWlr, Alltust 21, 1969 1i o.lltY I'll.OT tn',' JOU i IMJiLOYMINl "' MCHANDIH fOR ,,, •~HANDISI l'OR MIRCHANDISI FpR • • MERCHANDISI 1'011 SALi AND >'RADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TllADI M!llCHANOISI l'OR MlllCHAHOISI M iJ ' SALi AND TllADE SALi AND TllAOe S~~~D TtlAD! FREE TO YO i Jl•·~ .. ~~h~lo~·~·~"'~""'"!!!:.~7~500!!!11-;;:7::;;::::--~~~;;;;;;;;;o.;;;;;;:;;:::-~~~ .. ;;a _;.,,,,_ Furniture IOOOFur"ih.IN 1000 Fumft\lre IOOO Furnltvre -Muotcal Inst. 11" MltcoHo_, MOO Ml,..!lo_, 8'00 WANTED-. Good -ill >j J. W. Robinson HH oponJnt1 for, SECURITY GUA.RI,> ---MAID -·-PART TIME COOK/IA.KEii Apply Per~oonel 10 l.o 4 9.n1. Robinson's Newport FHhlon lslond, N.I . Equal opportunity emplO)"Cr Put Work 11Avon1' effert an ••ctli.nt opportunity in .,, •1t1bll1hed territory near your hem•. F ,... tralnlnt end be1uty course. CAL1. ;j1Q-71Ml 518.Jltl FRY COOKS -- LOST OUR L~SE °"" ...... --~"Iii! .. ..w. M.ust Vacate Now ........ of..,. 1Ma Ot' COit Our 6000 sq. ft. Store Stock mutt ff Mid Oprtn,. Public Fir1t time ' 3 Rooms Fum. Valuo Over$1000. Now $389. • .S ,c. authentk Splftl1h lllnn. set, e 96 la. 4ull~ 14 Mf1 with 56 1'1. •tchMt le" Hit, .,. cit.Jr e 5 ,c. Sp1ni1h Diftlf'te, ... teltl1 top e S hel'J' Me4- lt1rrenun mtt1;htnt t.til", ''' 4ur1bl1 •""th fer Fl1minp DMC1. Onc.e in a tlf,tim• prices of 1001 other items. Plus an ••tr• specie! offer $5 off on eny $100 purc.h1se or mote, with 1 copy 'of this •d. • 10 pc. Quilted Corn•r A111mble ............ $159.95 • 96 in. Quilt•d Sofa, w/56 in. love seat .... $149.95 • 60 in. Heavy Spanilh Coffee Ttble .......... $$29.94 • lerge Metching l•mp T •bl•s .................... $19.95 •Spanish 01c.or1tor ltmp1, fr,.m .................. $14.95 • Gu1ranteed 8011; Sp91. & M•ttre11e1, from $1 9.95 • Stecks & Stacks of IS yr. Qutlity Kin9 & Queen Soh 11 TERRIFIC SAVINGS, link Terms Store Ch1rg• M•1f•r Ch•rge 8•nkAmeric1rd All Accepted o,.., 9.f 4e11y -Sit. t-6, SUI!. 10.5 APPR V D FURNITURE 206S Charle SI., Costa Mou Behind "Herber ~Ir Wish" Enter off Hemilton or B•rnerd St. A liitlo h1r.t t• fiPld, but worth tho clotl•rs you 1•vo! PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATot Gm CANClllATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Spanl1h & Modi1trr11111n Furniture All BRAND NEW 9·pc. Mtditerr•n•an Bedroom Suit• In P•c~n IR09. $349.001 ........................ NO'll $1H.OO Gor9eous Sp•nish Custom Built Soft with metching Lo'le Seat--Cholce of be1ufiful fobr;c,, IR09. $419.96 1 ............ NO'll $ll5.00 ~~~di~. ~i ~~1 r5:~ i.~. ·~·~ d .. c~·; ;·~~-·r·~ b'i~·;· ~:tr:::: Tell Decortta.r Table L•mps IR09. $49.95 1 ............................ NO'll $11.00 Spanish Hen9in9 Swa9 ~•mps IR09. 149.951 ....................... _ ... NO'll $1'.50 A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 -·-coontry tor m,y l yur Oki , KAY Protmknl S.U l'RlClDAlRE Wuhtr 191'1, malt. blond, port wtre l v~""· Very ............ 1100 Mllldilnr Romlnndt * AUCTION * balnd Ttrrltr. He'• oj. Call ~ aft 6 pm. lll'l\PI $25 Malchi.nt Cherry fecOonate, houaetralMc:. • a t ESPANA Sj*nilb cultar •nd t&blra " eottn table fRIDAY -•ua. -wondtrhil pell I'm • .,,. \ ,,_,,,,, ._. PQ. Dnun ta~. anUqlll! t"" ,.,. _ ... ,.,.. --•-$50. ~-white S23. MS-9138 ah & PM 7:• P.M.. .._ ....... --nn. •• &etlltnt condition From Repopeuk>M 6 Bank-PLEASE s..... ua from t1w 1-=='=======::;::• J KlRBf v a c" um Otaner Nptclts. NEW k USED Pound! We ue cute llttll Pianos I Organs 1130 lvltb • t tac b m • n t 1 I: FURNITURE Comblnattonl: brotht'T ' titter ldttena tn ]Xlli1ber. Take over an.11 O:i1ot TV 6 Stereo, Bedroom va.r1ou1 colors tn need of , 8-3 & L.e1Ht, A-100, S.lOO, H-100. ~f-100. l\l.J, (...100, J·IOO. S.1. f'rom $195. Term1. pymls or Stl.10 cub. CrtdJl --i ..._.~ ·~ ••93 •-• De 535-128fl aets, Divans. CoUee tablt•. • ....... '"""-· _...,.., MM I pt. • Che1ta, Deaka. Lamps, Pie-CX>CKER,..Poodle, 5~ IDOi. VlNYl.. TILE. 11 I o o I• u m • ture1. Dinettes, Bunk beds, ~ ibot1, Af o t h • r ! Alphalt TUt -Beautlful coJ. Mattres11e1, Typtwrittn, Cocker-Poodle too. Good I on a nd patterns. Fl'te Side by Side Relrleerator/ with chUdr&n. tc-«il5 aftrr 1 estimates. Lie. Co tit r. Fteeier, otber Refr .. ra. 5. 1128 5(0..M78. ton, Stovn, Wuhert. Gu f :'.LLEN THEATER, 32 pOO. 113 OFF on all blklnlt A: C'OV· 0cye8' I: MUCH AfORE:! ! ~ed aU :::!~ :;"':: i at., almost new! e1'-UP1. Any tlze top w/any COME BROWSE AROVNO Yorkshire Tttritr. pleue •I bottom. Ill. 111111 now WINDY'S AUCTION call qaln! fm chlldffill' • SI; Savin;::. Now in our F.nd $9.80. AnythlJlc Cota. 2-COO 96$-2128 119 : or sumn;:!~~~ Sale!! w. Cot Hwy, N.B , Open Sun, 20731,, N1wpott Blvd. EXCEPTIONALLY BeutitW I SURPLUS Jactory d re t I Behind T<NQl's Bid:_ Mat'ls. ,.m"O"I ha'-• ld"•nt. T In CORONA DEL MAR 1A~ •-ta s Id ........ A ,,A~·-~ -~ ,.. • -~cs .. remnan , o ......,.~ l>leaa * .,._._ wkl old. Weaned A hlbkrn. 1' 28M E. Cotit Hwy, 673-893t'I to the public M MOl'lday ""!'!!!O~PEN .... ,.o .. •,,IL .. Y!!!!9!!to!!!!!• .... 1 2 cUlco. 1 ll'tY lb'lped. 2 EVEN PEOPLE ~ s.1. ""' ~nrov1a, ,, "'"" • whit.. 111-17951121 E·~y "l•vin .. a Piano or 1 ~~=~~----~ TENT Trailtr, •letpe 4• $1TS. ""•TS OR KITl'-'S '"" ,,. "Y -... QUAlJ'l'Y klnr bod, quilted. Steamer trunk, tr a 11 e r """ ~~ I o-an. es~y if it came •11 .1....... ....i--m I ••d r1~ GOULD 'S in Santa Complete, u nu a e d $llli; hitches; TV, maple cabinet. ......._ -~.. 1 worth -.... After 5 or wknds Car air cond. 5J6...3074 breeds, etc. box-traiMd. \ Ana, j\L&l ott !he SA f'ree. 8,7 .,06...., 847....ss:il W -v-. * NewPQrt Buch Tennis O.ub 'llle:mberlblp. $tOO + FREE cactus plant.. aar ,,· Credit Terms Ave ii. Credit Cleared lmmedletely way. From $57'9 -Rtntala too, CARPET installtr hu one mm FURNITURE from SlCl mon thlv, roll, avocado _nyk>n carpet, . Gould Music Compony doubt. jute.bacl<ed. Will sell . 2045 N, f\fain, SA 547·0681 all or part, S 3 /ya rd • ANYBODY GOT PIANOS! 54()..72~5 1844 lewport Blvd. H•~~ 11~.1 y., ...... '" h•" p;,,,.., ----=CA=RP=rr~-ves •.•.•• you can rent & Shq;s, tweeds, hi·lo pile. All trans lee. 6#-1853 Cortland Dr., C • m • o 00 Or I I Hiahlandl, Corona del Mar, R F andseape grave 673-4038 1131 a;tays In place w I t h Bond-Rock. 642-5776 • SINGLE membership, B&Jboa. Bay Club. $750. C.alt after 9 P.M. f75..5001 J Costa Mesa only ~~~se~ monies towaro ::u.F\'te e.t. Uc Contr. fnry Night 'Tilt -WM~ Sat. I Svn. 'Tl 6 Ye.5 •• , • ,,., have \Vurlitzcr P"A"'"IN=T'°"'F.<tu=t'"p-. "'s,--d'"rooo=-• ..,,, IMl1c. W1nted 1610 Top wages, permanent. hon· Ht, and worldnc conditions ln ana'11udlna r11taurant. Apply 9 am to 5 pm for ~ terview at t=urniture ·----Hpo"u"°s"e· OF HARMONY buckets, 3 pol~s. 5 bruahe:s, IOOO 2 rollers. etc $20. Wed alt ----------·-· 48 Fashion Island 54~1341 'NE PAY MORE FREE To qual~ home beauUfu)Jy bealtll,y 1 Mam kittens. 2 bol)..C.aila, 3 normal tails. M9-l84fi 1121 Al...L Black ~ Slaritete kit• ten. House trained. sood wtchlldftn. 4 mot.. oM. J!39..MQ S/21 NEED Good home f o 1 .adorahl!' I wk old • blk Codtero-terrler mix. Small breed. MG-311& --MANNING'.S COFl'EE SHOP Z·KSl D Tol"I nd. Lei.sure \\'orld l.quna Jlilb 137-1014 -·FURNITURE""&' -OVEKR.-"'STOCKE0::: Appll1ncos 1100 A.~.tiq~. .. . ... -. 1,,1)9. ,;<e~() "!;~~·-----"' ........... _ .,. .... ,._.,. LARGE selection of recondi-L•rry Morian Antiques 'r•nchlM Closeout FAMILY membenhlp l n STORAGE MUST SELL! lioned appliances, repos, ilP. CLEARANCE SALE! The lactory has orcl..'l'l!d close Irvine Coast ('.ountry Club AUCTION pllances l.rom n1odel homes AineriClll\ & European An-out of 4 Con,,ole & 2 Spinet for sale. Pvt pty. 8T3-191J TWURSDAY *AUG 28 Ne1v 9 pc. corner a.rrang. \\·:1'.s:::..~:n~cd\ve Financ!! tiques. ~lust make room for ~~~5 ; .. ~ ;;s~~~~ Health Spa memberships, For furniture, appllancn, -cASH GARAGE 12' x 20'. Jtemov. intact or aalvqe lumber. 642-4321. A1k for Mn. Greenman 8nB SCRAM LETS 7 30 PM choice of clrs. rci:. S?"..O, DUNLAP new shipment.. See at: like these! First come. lint 12 months (over 200 viallt) colored TV. pianos, cq:a.ns • Lai-p .scl~tion of NE\V &: n.~ \11 S1~9.50. •readb~s: APPLIANCE ~'JM or 2428 Ne\vpoI1 Blvd. served. for S99. R~ S200. Mbs &nd antique&. ANSWERS USED Furniture " Appli-~r5·$l~~~. Q~: st ::: 181;) Ne•\'bort Blvd., c.~f. Costa P.f~A. Sl8-138J \VARD'S BALDWIN sruo10 ,~l.ano==' ~-=l-425.~---~ Day or night anres to c~ from: Trundle set& lduo rilerl w 1 • so.nao • STORAGE SALE! 1Sl9 Newport, C.M. 642-MM ~~:<;i0Bo~~~ :-""'""'"63'-=-36=20==-=-"" Hotbed'-Crank-Twine -8Ki. Pitt.enr 11, .. ~in~f'OCl":m s:e/~ inner spring matl re,. noo. -.FINAL WEE"K HAMMOND· Steinway· Ya-mac h In e In w a 1 nut $ WE BUY $ Diul'm SICK f HER ....,. now S79.50. Roll.a-way beds ol this fa.ntastk close out Antiques l ldlic Furniture. maha • new t.. used pianos cabinet, $25. 646-2998 ?ttOON KJttens. Born the dQ ; """' landtd on the moon. 5\-i i \l'k6. old. All blk A ailYer j tabby. 548-0179 1121 I ·-0 sofa, love sea.15, ooior TV's. w I iM p..i .... m tt &: bric·a·brac, 235 w. Fern ol all makes. Best buys in I===""--=----='.,..---Ovtm!ard: "My wile and stereos stoves fl"Olt tree . s , .. .., a . rt1. sale! All rtmainint:' 1969 m~ S T 28 -h So Calif ..i ... ht .__ ENOURO Go Cart, lay $ FURNITURE $ I ~~ ' •-rill ' ' ~..9.50, now $39.50. Full "· dcl "'"•erato-wash•"'" l., u.stin. th, ~· .. h, 30! · · · ''6 ,...,re. APPLIANCES """""UI' -.;&Ute 0 ne111 rebi&eralon d i nette 1 ·"b "' ,.., SOIMJDT MUSIC CO down· •nr MC 'I" "'' .. I "' the,,family. J 101 SJCK ol chtfts. m ~ P 1 e rockers'. i;li!el>:,'r-sofa rTg , $239.50, now color TV's. stereos etc. to be ANTIQUE SALE· ·• ' J, ••• ' ...,.. Sl69.50. Ne1v beds: K i nc ,.ld at-,c··-·t. Hurry•.'· · .. ,,, 1907 N. Main. WIS tank. $200 Incl parll. Color TV-r1,110-.Storoot •i;.n.. desks, hutc~s. box springs ~99 50 Q ... -........ Everything ..-.O lo 50 -,o orr. Santa Ana 6'15-15'14 1 ""•., He-.. r.n &. mattresses • all s i 1 cs, · • ueens, $89.SO, Full These won't Jai;I! Sec al: MARY JANE'S ANTIQUES M $49.SO, T1vins $39.50, rully HENDERSON'S 1877 J-lar-2432 Nc11·port Bl•d "··la Klr-.fBALL baby irand. xlnt NE\V, Juon Binoculars T to CASH I JO MINUld Expe~enccd RCA Whirlpool 1U retzi&ttator. Larae trener. You pick up. 645-2149 alt. 5 pr-,f ' PETS ond LIVESTOCK Poh, Generol llGO I ,j I lunp, decorators items. a · ·• ......,. nd bo · l · '" xt --• Sold O 5' I '531 0 gu'-!"an· . st. spreads S9.95 bor Blvd., c~: 5·l8-0l~ Mesa. co , autJ(u tone. Private l;,.'C ..... zoom, • nt .. v...... .,. ..., Over 200 lo!$ 10 !>.'! sold. Chnstmas lay-aways n O\\'. , • • • perly. 494-3007 new for $120, take $85. Lar;e lj('_leclion of a.ntlques! SIESTA SLEEP SHOP 1977 68 Kcn.n1orc gas range, GE Sewing Machines 1120 I ~-'-~,~V~A"N=TE=o~--~ WE PAY CASH ADAMS tfarbor Blvd., C.'\f 00-2'160 re 1 '. igerator iv/sepai_-atc PIANO" & ORGANS PARISIAN Orl&lna.I 0 11 BOOKKEEPER OSCELOT tor sale, tame, 3 j yr old 1payed female. $500 1' I :::•• offer. ln-!352 IHO ' \ Huntincton Valley Convalescent Hoepita] FURNITURE doily 1 ~9 S.t-Sun '"'-g:i•::;; i:''part. M""'"'· 1969 •SINGER •636-3620• Pal"tinr" eu>tom framH, WE PAY CASHI, 6~;· BRO\VN couch, $100. 2 > ----'"-.Call di I ~, OR MA.RT Zig·zai cab mod alightly ....,~.., v .... ·~·~ .. -A twin coo. cht>s <1'1 turq, Ant'•quos 1110 used. S1yl1sh \l."a.I cab. Does Hi·ff It Ster.o 1210 .",,""=",,==-.,,-.,-:-=·I -A '~ei\•m;v, \'e. """ E r.-0"3410 1100/ W I 0 NOT CL--L-Hunt Sch 8-1.2-j,j5J 11.,...,, · ......,,,...n ~ pa.ir. a nu 1 pro-1 ;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; C\'f:rything \\'ilhoul artach. SACRIFICE, beaut 3 row • ~ · . . HawailaJt Gardens. J blcks E. vincial 9-drY.T d re .1 s er .1 1 Bir.in controls: to overcast. 1969 STEREO Console, dlx, weddln&: diamond rt n I· For GOOD USED SIAMESE kittens. Blue and s..t Point $20. !14&-2127 fl-an hr. paid in advance ot ~ Frwy Formerly Pat's Assorted tables &: chairs. SPECIAL make-button holes, sew on In beaut cabinet, complete \Y:--.. u 1 5 T 5, • stamping circularx at homc1"!"~~~·~~~~~ 673-1916 -Fumltutt Stereo TV or e•~•IESE KITl'ENS " ANTl"'UES buttons, herri dresses, make "''/new l:' u a ra nt e e . 4 892-3119 aft 5·30 • • v•Wl' tor w . No matttials to buy 20 PC ''MADRID'' I~======== .,, fancy ititchts ('tc. S Yr. Speaker !IDUnd system, 4 spd . HOUlthold ltem1 of •"Y kind, 135 i.: Up. or sell. \Ve .1 u PP I Y • Office Equipment 1011 & ESTATE parts & M?rvice iuar. ?&JI }'..'ngli.sh chanier. oolld stale NEAR NE\Y! -~~·--754.,-7~-5'-722~=·'=--IDays 5'6-0010, eves 962-2633 everything. Send selt ad· 3 Room Group S5.88 dn &: 9 pymnts ot $5.SS 1:-. diamond needle. Pa)' oU 8' rowboat $tiO e WANTED •BEAUTIFUL · 10 mo old dttssed stamped envelope. FROi\f r-.100EL HOMES TYPEWRITER, IBri.f E.\:ec. AUCTION nlo., no interest cha11:~ or. bal of $79.10 or easy pymnu.. 64&-18&1 femaJe Bluepoint Stame.. Products linlimited, Box Includes: Quilt~ sofa and C Mod, 13" can·. -xlnt cond. THURSDAY* AUG 28 full Price $58.80 Credit Dept, 5.»7289 &Z lift trailer hitch. like FURNfTURE $75. 645--0l56 AL--31::, \\'oodbuty, N.J. chair -2 end tablea l.: c:of-best orr. ~7-WI Jerry 7:30 PM DELMONICO (GE) Solid new $55. 'I' n&UJahyde aofa TOP CASH IN 30 Mil'lutes ll!tJ$ "'table -2 lamp•_ ..... ~.. For no obl11:;., free h o n1 e t:1;. u 11 7806 ·~ ..... CURTA Hand Calculator. Signt'd statues, Slgned lamps, d "·'l · 9 State Stereo 2 spcak'r-.,,._. ~~-~~~~-_,,.,, 1 Quality turn11~. eolor TV'• er -mirror -headboard -emo . ....,, credit t11gr 'Iii • ' • ':"": Dop am • Exp'd \\'aitrcss ovl'r 21. rK"\V, 8 place. $100. Call aft 8 Sil\lcr \\'3.1'<', Carved cup-P?.f. If toU, call• eoilcct, \1•alnu1 _cabinet, nc.\v Sl30, LP~lectric rtfri1erator 3.5 sle~s. appliances too?., e Busboy & Oishv.'ashcr, quilled bo" spring & matt. pm, :i40-:i9-10 board!, Carvrd side boards, 'lll: 531_9694 only $95. \Vcd all 5, ~1341 cu fl, Idea.I for camper. oUlce equip. SACRinCE! Ch I h u ab u a 6vtr 18, neat appearance. rcssbl -. ,s !,C,:_~~ningh . room; TYPEWRITER, Add. niach, Hand Carved tables . all siz. JU.0. ·646-1851 ' 531·1212 pupple1. Males, T weeks old. Apply in per.ion ta e · ,,. . .,.."" c alJ's. cs, d c s k ~. Grandfather Singer, auto, zig za1. 6 mos Ta...., Recorders 1220 ThHe are lrom Champion OOMPARE AT S7'9.9a calculator, Very reasonable. clocks, \Vall clocks. (h.ter ol d. No attach needed 10 do r--NE\V built·in oak BAR. SLIP WANTED I klr worth $150ach Bcrli~sta~':n~entaJ $399 Xlnt cond. 8"-24.23 evel!. :?OO Hand c.a1vcd Items!! design, monorn.011. blind COMPLETE SONY 520 tape Reiin r;J~&-~12°1; ~oot. Pv. Pt)'. lookins for slip to ;sr:c per:: with $75 p~ 18532 Beach Blvd No ilnvm--Pmts only flS mo, Store Equipment 1012 Bo!Uts signed. Paintings, he1ns. $5.2'1 mo or i42.00 deck unit, 14 mos old, S200. dock '69-42' Chris Crall their choice. remalnlna pu~ •. A Carved fern stands. callh 5~6 \VESCOR model3000 tape WASHER l Dryer $50 each. 645-1633 or (213) -~· pv $100. ~. 1119 ·~="un~tinfto~"~-·_•h ~L· wr•~·s w RDIOUSE w•~·~ ' •= • u.n QUITI'ING BUSIN ESS Other lten1s too numerotls tn A \VfflT E that rloe• deck unlt, brand ne1v Sl4:i. :~.couch, Cood co= NEED bricks one. to lOOO, Dorset Lane. C.M. ~~~n J° uni~-:~1 in 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana NOW! Retail store equl~ n1cn1ion. MUST BE SOLD~! cve1·ything but talk. s;-,o like Call art 8 pm, 540-5940 reu:>nabJy priced. 644--468'1 LABRADOR Retriever pupa. Co3ta l\Ie11a. l\lust be hard Open Daily g..g ment must go by Sat. Lath. ADAMS new. To :i;e, 10 like Miscellineout 600 STOVE S2.i Reb1~rator $25 FieJd 1: Show 1toclf. ~ k So ... S JJ . hangers, rocks; '''all uni ts. FURNITURE ~I!l:il I OWiwuher $20. House in Maichlnery, etc. 1700 fem a I es, 1 m a I 1 . \l'Of' crs, 00 exper. l'K'C. · t. un · desk, elc. 494--201 J back. 4'5~~ E. 17th. 64~ $200!mo plus furn. 1'1 bdr SPANISH MAR 8125 LARGE pond goldfish * f'ORKUFT _ 400) lb ~.~ .... JU'idae Kennell, CM. apt. 546-9279 MEDITERRANEAN T Music1I Inst. 10c lo ~. Cl...EAN Typewriters. Elec-~ Gc_•_ra"g"o_S:..•:..l:..• __ _..c8:.:0c:c:22 U!IY.l E, carson 800.3170 -------&12-6606 tric. Portable t.. Standard. Yale.~. Butant. lZ' hl-Jo l ·WE=-LSH=-eo-~--,~p-,-m----,1 WAITERS, \Vat tr cs ~ c s . As S110"''" in modal homes. -LES p uJ c l G ·1a C m11.st. Sharp -Excellent! ••• Buslxiy. Pref. exp'd. Apply: 3 Rm~ of tum, ldin rm, Jiv 5 Pc. dining rm tel; Hoover l~a~~i~n G~en~. 3 ~lc;8 ~· black \~Ith go~~ 01~m. ~1u~'. 2 T\\'IN bedll, steel frames -"-"-'~E~'"'~"-· -·~M-·~--~ 1 Sl6.10. 642-839.1 or Eves. call ~= ~ 5::::::..:. 2171 E. Coast H\vy. Cd l\l. nn, tc bedrml priced el~ vacuum; Norce he11.vy duty 10°~~~~""'~;,· ;;'~r~m~'";!'"'Y ~•~t 1 buckind gold P iek. N ... w $30 each. Comer table $15. 11" SLIM portable TV. 11.1orkl 897-2433 .-..... ~ - 1vhere at S80CJ is youn today 11·asher; many h s eh o I di:;: wilh case $650: yours for Call 673-1226 excell~t. $30. to q:ualJty. 546-«921. Sc.,,_l.,.lnltrvctfon 7600 at only $399. Easy c::redlt items. J06t Crest¥ \Vay, COLLECTOR'S SHOP \$400 with hard shell case. ONE-Way ticket to London, ~1525 FREE TO YOU WElJ..tralned yell' old Terms. l..agw1a Bch. ~94--1323 Somelhlng for everyone I Call Dan 494-4006; horn~ lea\·f'~ S!29. $lOO. 3 J 3 21..ar&e rose wlvet rnatchln& Gennan Shtphe:rd m Ix. S•nte Ana Furniture Rummage Sale HELEN ?i,1ANNIN.G Antiques 494-2!)9'1' Amethyst, Bal Isle, lounge chain $4;> each. rn!X-Approximately 250 ft $15/be1t otter. H Elden t26 W. 4th St., Senta An• t'n. AIJ6'.. 29. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 2428 Nwpt Blvd 0 1 642-9251 FENDER Musting guitar lt'fOVING! ltfust Sell! Retri:;:t. c"cc,...:...c288.::_-~----· 1 cyclone c?laln link tence.1,D~AARLIN;,pt~B=~G~\V~~-,.•-.,.·'--,-tem_,111-I • ;,.t'l--0789 • p.m. \Vhite Elepha.nb '!' S300 v a 1 u e -~la ke or-stove, misceUaneQus. 8&4 White Elepbanlt! Come and take it al'•'&Y· .. "' •i-.u DON'T Give up: YQU may 610 \V. 18th St. OAl LY PD.DI' \VANT ADS! fer. 673-6753 cCo:=;""='="='· =C=.>=t.=548-13=-="'==--='Vhi;_'to=•I=-=='=' =J>boe.o==-llne=· I Mon·Fri. 646-161M. e1!.8_; 1,~K.S•.,, ~_:kL X1nt find it at Arr.erica's lill"i:esl, ~C..~>a'..M~,,.~J~r-c_'l~Vo~m~•:'."~'::'Q~u~bi-::===7===:".'=.-:===7====::::-w SUPER I ova b It, 1uper1,_-..,.,""'°·=~-~__,~·,_,,_.,,..1 IN A HURRY FOR SUCCESS? niost unusual unfinished APT. saJr: blond oak Br. set ~porting G~1 1500Sporting Goods 1500 Sporti~I Goods ISOOSporting Goods 1500 adorable puppies. 2 2 'I 2 AKC Gennan Shepherds, On September l :>, l'!lt Ne"'· furniture store. Cor. Redhill comp, $100 : ~ poster bed I ~-:;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;,;-;::·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 Broadway, C.M. 8/28 male, l'i» )'I'll&: 4 mos. port School of Business be-· & Santa Ana f\1•y. Tustin. 1 "' / matt. S25 Ant ique!! &II TAKE Your ,,,.,,._ 642-0739 ~~~r~ ~~11Y~~1~f ~ct~~: ~1~n&i.::6~t ~a:~~po~rF~'. ~k!~?l~1ti~f1~~p1. ''WE PAMPER "THE CAMPER'' beauUh.d kit;ns_-:.z°~1;1 'w=rn"E,..-7rox,,,-.,t"'em.="' .. "',-,AKC=I ment p1"0p'lm for \\'omen S44-5"170 ' · · Pharalope Ct. 0-1 8129 reg"d, 6 wkB, 3 maleL $75 l "''ho are 11in<:~rc about 1---=-~~~-~-Gain! Rumm11.1e Sale ALL Black auinea pl&:. 1100. 968-5U7 b~~ their skll\:1 t: bus-• Furniture • Aue. 28. 29, 30th. MOO!!e r r 1 end I y pt t . 3 o o MIN. Poodle pupple1, lie ;,,.., knowledg< up '' dak. AppJ;1ncH 0 Color TV Lodi< 435 E. lllh St., C.M. * LABOR DA y SPECIALS * F•rnbuth, CM 8129 ttl'd, blacl< & m..m. Mw· HundrTds ol successful & AOK AUCTION Free parking ln rear '"'"', must seU. 644-4916 "·••·· h e -G-~-G Bl DARLING Slack It wblte ... sau~h,, .. ,. carerrs 1v ,,..., .. ....,n rove vd. TifURS-f"rl. 4.10 p.m. Furn, AD()••-~ mix·• ~•- .. ..bl.I.~• ~-l II' · G G male kltttns. 7 "''ks old. ~ IC\I .........-en es .,.,.;u u=&use o estmtruter nr .. f'nvy, antiques, <'iothlna:. pictures, our pro&f'lm. Non• HoU. Tues&Thun:7P?lt-Satt:30 etc.1418 \V. Bay Ave .. N.B. DOVE LOADS OASIS CANTEEN Hsbkm. Cdt-.1. 675-S9TI 11'28 ~~~';;.I wtekt old $5. man at 6'2-3870, will be E1tate corugnmt, Repo. New !Penn.) FREE Pup9l~1. mixed Pi» happy to &JU\\'er l11Y ques-DESP~ 'TE' L 1 die and S heep -do a . Cock+Poo Terrlera • £,.IV\ • ea v n I CARPET. sh~. hi-lo NE\V s 190 s 19s ::::: Ki::~ina: your partic:· st:lte.. musi sell i::.vrtRE $i i;q. yd. 396 Hamilton, FOR THE HUNTIElt IOX THI kWINCHIR ggg..UJ9 l/21 1 wks, &t&-2l33 T N S h I houseMI ol rurnlturc &: ap.. c.P.t Sa!unlay only. THIS WEEK ONLY CLIPS ON llLT • 5 DARLING K-lttens to good 1roo '="0"1.E..,,--,Pu,;...,p-plo~.--:,-,0-1-1-,1 he ewport C 00 pHa»eu Mos•ly Spa.,;•h e "Li:i'i'SofGoOdic.:"4t II ;,;,;;;._;.;~;_;,;;;..;_ _____ ,.;_;;;,;.;_..;., ___ .;,;;;;,;;.,;.;;,.;;;;;,.;__;;_..;.___ home, """"' • hs<brokon. p>n-bred. Sholl, """"' ~ piece~. No realiOnablC' orrcr •"LOTS 01 Goodies"' • 646-1403 1121 Apricots. $50. 34'7-'10'14 ~~;;~;,,,,":;:;.=•t.,.~,, .. 36< E.~:: .t. ~:; "'" 1 Thermos Ice Chest I Hunters Pak Chair '::it. ~·':::"w"'~''p~:;....~RE~~-rcd7.~:;;n-.-;,...-m7':n.r~;a7.,,..-~-' SOFAS l dincllc sets return-10 AM• 6 PM WU} deliver. ~2632 8121 54~1821 133 0.v1r Dr., N.8, ed from lease at 50~. of 881 Victoria St .. C.~f. WITH JU~ s39s ~/SH"LL AND s79s PART~-·-• ldtt•n. I-~. __ . __ cost. H.F.R.C, 517 \V, 19Ut. l-:========lt .,.. " .., _:g·-~ .h-~':: IRISH Setter pupt. To sood ••uCER.__.._,.,. SCHOOL 548-3481 ; 540-6842 Furniture Auction 8025 IOTH FOR GAME IA• tr&! .... 16 """'' a._.UK". bon>e only. AKC. Ador.b .. ! ~ '"""' "•-------------------------------..., ~ S/21 ln....,t.dT Call!W&-'llflC Of Business Co, t~aqrounds, 1r. l~ PARK YoUr trailer. boat or e Furnltur• e II 3 ,..__ 4"· Mo old Coco Brown--•- Whef9 the Pqram camper behind locked le.nee. c BOAT & TRAILER J'EMALE, ltlos. ..-r111 l'S -ms""' ChUd 17,50 Poe mo"'" Appllonce•. Color T-V amouflage Su1·ts Shtp/Collle call ofter <:!O Poodle 145. wwaro "' Se"°'""'"· N•m """Co. 531.J.17• AOK AUCTION HITCHES INSTALLED !U-191T 1128 .. "3&-1'U .. Ed. o . lco'=u"'CH<f-:,.,:0.-,-,,.--,..~ 7'1'2: Carden Grove Blvd. 3 MorJble kltttns. 7 wks old. FEMALE PULi-10 mGI • ..,...... E.,,.u now -· A"tlquo burtel w .. tmi"''" "'· G.G. """· s59s WHILE" YOU WAIT Slom• .. mother, ~ • ...,. • Al<C. Good wllh -· Eves su.1raa $5C. Walnut dining !iet, 4 Tues&: Thurs 7 PM·Sat 6:30 WITH FIEE HAT houseldcn. f'l3-«l03 1121 ~19 l=-~.c;..'"°''-'-0---~~1 chairs S20. Obie bed Sl:i. Est1teconsf11ml, Repo. New THIS WEEK ONLY PHONE FOR A"-INT"'INT =~~-----"' Educational VacaUon • 5th 1\\•in beds SJ). GU-'1467 i-rv m CUTE Black kittens. part AKC Puppltt1 io,._.l'l&lnd cradtn •.. Sr CIOzens A 1. 1100 Manx some short tJtlt. Chihuahua $35. O\Ucoat 10 lcsliOn t)tplna 8 PC. t~·in bcdnu set.. coffee pp 111nc11 6n-a963 1139 6*"S636 &:hi. Tl'ill.I l.es9on. 173 Del "· l"nd Ibis, TV strreo eom-_N_,.O.,.RG--E-,"',.,.,-m-c-,-.. -,-;-z e PRll ~tar, C.lt. 54&-2&:J,9 bin,~ dbl bed. 8al"&'&ina. rtlrigeratot. ('OpJ'l('rtone -UNI fOI MONTESSORI trainin&. aps 6~ art S pm. t:ood ('OfldiUon US. CaU YOUI lllL BLACK remaJt poodle, 8 monthl, mlniatuf'I, m ....... f'ii to 5. Oiw your chlld BEAl!l'IFUU.Y de ta {I e d 64.24!'32 11.fter 6 pnl. •IUH 01 SALT 1lat ed Hon it&-.1'106 fndtV1'00d FRENCH Provin-l;;;==""°-..,.,7-~,-JI CONSI'RUC'l'ION Send, Ap-?t1ln Schnauur. rrtf. AKC, • UC& • • ci&I Dlnin;: Table, 2 leaw:s KEN~IORE A 111 0 m at I c WATll prox.'1 yd. ~ al'I c:ropptd, 1 yr q, .u. '911llCHANDIH fOll m; ..._1Bl7 washer. "°"" oond. 140. 1 YR. old .._ .,. to ap. Very -· m-1• I AND TRADE QU..;,,.,. Kl°" bed, quilt.d. • Ml4Ul * -provtd boma. ..._ 1121 POODl.E Pup-SU,.r 1°0)', I 'umiture IOOO Compll!te, u o "' st d Sldi: 1.ARGE tub w a• h i n. I HUNTIM• & WHITE Kittens Box Trained. weeks A.KC, ~ ---------1 v.wth USO. Aft 5 or wkndl machine. Uaed 6 mo.. Llkt w.antd. 54l'.M'l91 8/2S + fl93.1MI * BIRCH dln~ .. 1, .... M7--0tll6 ..,. l!O. '77 B Vldorl .. OI PISHIN• BEIGE "DallY' -"°l• hutch. 2 occ eaM beck 8' 50F A, never uted, quilted COLDSPOT Rttrtc. Approx I UCINSI part ttrrrier, JtS..214T 1129 Ho,... thak'I. tofa. m..1226 !Jara!, KOtch-euardf!d. sm. )Tl ol:d, xlnt c:ond. $JOO. AQH:A p R4'J MOVING, mu.I .. u by Set. M1tchl.,. '°'' .... 175. -""" 5 FRED SON TRAILER SUPPLY '""' s. .. r .... o1.. Quarter u....:me.. .. iu ' m!.c fum, Nolhlna O\-.r $7, 537-I032 P 0 RT A BLE Dlahwuhtf, 1 -, A.R.C. t ff, old yeu olct Buckakin ~ Call al!tr I: 54&-J390 DANISH 1-lodmi Ji \'. rm tie!~ :\1nt tond. $100. Only ullld 4 4 Rltttns f'tl.d1 for your Exalltnl for trail • mooths. Ml-78$3 homt1. -S/:111 l >I -~-~ •• •MUST SELL by Sunday. riofa, chalr. tables, basaock; P tuun:. urt _.._.._.. H-hold F" r n 11 u '" Blue. -NORGE outomatlc "''"'" 815 North Harbor -South of 17th-Santa Ana--839°5555 & Kltl•rw; '-· 3 blacl<, $900 .. .. .. '0"''" Clll ~nabl,y. S43-4MJ• MUST Sell! •• ,1 00,,1 •• late model, xnlt cond. 176, _ 5'$-2&:20 1121 ~ d&y1 OT lll..:s3lli ~ ' Ml •u!! u.t': -,,.,._ "'"-'* .. , ~--.111• e 1141~•.,_. leet tt.iltr p•m l ,.,._., ,.1 .. 1t.YMrMH ..,..l•h ev.nlnp or --NO matur Whal It la, )'Ol.I gold ti!odem 10l• k chair. ""' -> or .,,...._,. DIJLT PILOT "' .. fled • · "" ooll It wltll • DAILY Cock1all ..... -DAILY PIL(JT WANT AOSI "·-M·O-N._T_H_R_u_T_H_U_R_s._•_r_o_s,,_o __ ,_._1._r1_L_L_, __ s_AT ••• r_1_L_L_s __ c_Lo_s_1_D_su_N. __ ., ;;;sec;.;;llon=.;..llOW=•----' Whlto ~f • • I I ' I • I l • ' ' ' . _ _... . Wtdntsday, August 27, 1%~ PILOT·ADVERTISU TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTAtlON TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOR1'ATION TRANSPORT'ATION TRANSPOllTA TION --!.m.J>.!rfld ~~'='-';;.:600::: Imported Au~lo.c.;..• -;.9600;;;; impoHld A-~· 11M1> & Yachts 9010 INl·Y1eht Auto Sorvlc" Dune Buggltt 9525 Imported Au!".~--= Hob;e Col W/Troiler Ch1rlera 9039 A P•rt• 9400 * LA l'AZ * " DATSUN ' ' FltEEI ~ Sll95. * .f93..ltltl CAL 25 SS$ per de.y. tn. 8ugg)I Bulldet'!, 30'23 W. War. -~--'---"-FIRL\RI MGA ~ OPEL ·---1 ";;~ 1:.,'~1~~1• by !be Celestl1I N1v'9etlon '"'"""' ,,::Ucl. ~"IP'd, FOR SALEll oer, SA 54040'5. dt11 8"T 8ARl'(ICK IMPORTS Balboa ~ Squadron for Coolse * ti'Tl-Uli6 race or H'. •• STREF:J'/oft f'Oftd dur:ie ~a ' AUTHORJZF.'.O > people intefttltd in aailboata • ~. entµ-cJy fle\1,' de11.1go, 155 'DATSUN FERRARI ' i1GA IGC!l. •gi xln\ bo¢1, Newport lfl:lporta L\d. Qr. run1 great. SSS) er best ol~. an;e Cou.f:Y•'/On\)t autOOr· 49f-,3992 eves or 540-4U3 '67 0 Ptl Station W1gon Radio, heater. whiteY.'llll tlr~ es, Ext'rtmtly clran v.>!th rack. VGY 51& u well ., power boat• Power Cruisers 9020 Alr~r1h.. 9100 AUTO PARTS eo,,,.1r '""· 11600. <00-2500 !:vet')' Mondl)I nl1ht for lS . , I HIGH TIME Pft..OTS! 'G9 DUNE BUGGY;°"61 & 'fig wteks. be;lnnina 1 p,m., ~1~1fornl(n · fg. w/Jlyl: Shar.e eicpensea tull JF'R .66 vw Squarebaek body co m po n e n t s . Flhl.sb Mon .• Sept. 15 (brin& note-"O"•mentc ~~~;.., hvp,_ equlpt Beechcri.n Bonanza. wheels and interior Rea'..1.;,"°;""'=;IJ;:. ;';:'i..-0350;;::;· ,;""":=7:6:=70 book ftrst nlahU at Newport engs, op ... ._... ~t.ra· Call 549-0126 · ·w' 1 · 356 · be' Hartxir Yacht Oub. 72(1 \V. fuel. 2 8-D baits. Bl& elect ~ e. A ti9 • ~ Pore Imported Autos 9600 Ba)' A Newport Beach panel, bJl-in charger. Monel M ~l'lp'l(!, transm111s10n, nter· --'--'..;;....;..;.;.c:;__;.o;;. No ad~ registration. ~ 5J'lalts. 150 watt r a.d. Mob114' Homes .,..OO 101' and body Pft.11'. ALFA ROMEO roll al cl>..._ Any •""'"'"• CB-ADF. de plh '""'"'"· BAY HARBOR 119 E .• LS~~:.'ia";''~ M""' • ' call 673-1855, Many other Xtras .• Sl.2,500. Mobile Home Sales N.E\Y '68 AUa GT 1300 Span Call after 5 PM. ~1708 Cua Loma Roll • Away • !!~~..,~~..,..,!!!!!!!!, coupe. s spct, r/h, Pirelli * SKIPJACK 20' LOADED Sheraton Manor • Hometle . ENGINE: '63 Toyota Jeep, tires, only 1 in US $3,000. i.ed dMJtt. Mr. er fl.ti's. SehifJ SALEs·SCRFICE-PAATS i BIC fiedan, auto t11uit1, over. 8100 w. Coast JIWy. ' 'GOI MGA hardtQp, win head cam, dLsc brks, radio. Newport Bee.ch \Vheels, rieed• trans. \YOrk, Ma:ler, 28 ml,per ;al., afler. 642·94(6 540.1764 $325. 5$-11)9 r :t 2,800ml, Full fllct wC1..rranty. Authoriz~ );!G Dealu '·59 MGA . I S3W PL 510-0HS26. wire \Vbeels, new tires.. CHRYSLER -P~YMOUTH 4'h Fin~ Av.II . . JA.G.l,IAR 546-611YJ Ilk for Klm. ""!!<"• IWlBOR BLY,t:·,.,. FULi_ PRICE $1l50 'liO , G w .. llESA -~ 998 So. Coast Hwy. Lag Sch ·Gt JAG. m Coupe, mi~ e~. ~ru:~P~~ _.;.0po:..;.."_D_a_ll"--y•_1il_l0-'p'-,m-. -I 545-0634 O.A.C. 494-9771· chrome ~ wheels, w\dc $615 or'!' Aft s..~7-2187 Does not incl. tax or fie. track flre11, $1875. 642-199.f. 1 ,;:;;;;;,;~2~;;;~= $1111 ATLAS SUNBEAM· ROBERT BARKER & Bimini top & out:ri&Ken to Kit • Prestige • Sahara 135 hp, 30.lm mi. Runs like m-<M37 ORANGE CQUNTY'S I--------- ASSOCIATES ~'!'126"''' & trim tabo. ALL SIZES new. $80. ~ I-=='====== NO. I l(~l"~tAN N GHIA '67 TIGER 289 Coovert. N•••I Architecture 00~ NOW ON DISPLAY AUSTIN HEALEY DATSUN DEALER '63 MGB. hard & "tt top, modifi«I. h> ,....,nable ol· MGB '55 CHEVY lro'k motm\ S. · d. w! h I ind Design CLASSIC 22' 1963 Century ·1425 Baker Sl., Costa Mesa noy DATSUN '64 KG coupe, vecy clean. new Ures. ra 10, re w ee 1. fer. Dave: 646-28.lJ or CUSTOM DESIGNING Raven utility.Ex c e I Jent \i block Ea.$1 of Hllrbol' Blvtl. cyl. for trade of '5l Chevy '62 AH 1:: Goo<! cone! ,.. Good cond . Prlc:ed \veU Very good cond. Must sell. ~04349 In POWER .. SAIL cond. (Z13) 378-6449 or Costa Mesa Cn4) M()..9470 motor. Call &4Z-679S Hard·t~p.. t~as. r-.1usl sell: l883:) Beach Blvd. under book. An'<ioUs to $ell.M ·:::::ak::•,;0;::":;,"7·,:'7":,;·!ISOS,;::~----------- '' • ~11 950 1-funUngton Beach .... ... -1---------R~tyling. Repo">erlng & Re. .rvfl GREENLEAF PARK $ loller. ~180 842-7781 or 540-0442 V', • ......,..40. '68 Red ~tGB-GT y TA d~orating . our speciality. CRUJZON 16' Cabin cruiser in clear, clean, oool Costa Triller, Tr•vet 9425 '65 Sprite with lape deck. roll -:::::::C::::::::::::;::::;:== ·61 ConveH. Karmann Ghla ~1AKE OF'FER·~ST SEL.L TO 0 Write-Box 243 Venlugo City wood/,(b&ls, motor &: lrlr. ~fesa. New 9'l space adult TRAVEL iraiI 14, 1 4 bar. ~ tops, &d. cond. $1200 X l n t Ir an ~ p. car. :==*=:670-:::7"'==*== ----------1 Cal, or ph. C2!3l 249.,,,. ' i:;;o. 545-4i>88 park. Modeb & Sa!6 ollk• "· ·'PS · or wlll lrnd•. 546--0341 ENGUSH FORD $500. 67:!-1143 TOYOTA'S located at Park. Open 9 AM JXlrt. cabana rm. '65 modelll====="==""""=== -~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;II========= l VE ''"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'I Speed-Ski 8o1ta 9030 to' PM. '" •' 'ha"" 1100. 11564 s.,. CORTINA • PORSCHE ~"°9 ,~.·::;;•o; ;.&.;,;, s:<$l<J! '' A~NT MOBILE ta ea1ai;,., ""'· v a I . ·--===.:.:.::...._ ORANGE COUNTY'S MERCEDES BENZ _ _;_.;........;;..:..:.::__ , BARGAINS I 18' ni..rg1s boa! & 0,....., HdME SAi.ES 847-1358 VOLUME 'ENGl!SH '67 "°""'"' 911, 5-•pd tran" '68 Coron• CRE 's from 22: Sharp, lnbd, uk .... $249J moor\ng UO hp Volvo, sttrti 1750-Whittier Ave. =========l.6 1 7 0 500eotti1:181 • 4 DR. 4 spd. FORD DEALER elect sunroof. AM -FM . . ... , .. -.......... )1799 33, TS ~b.ask •.•• $8495 drive, g/s radio, bait tanl(s, Co.sta Mesa TI4: 642·1350 Tr1ilers, Utility 9450 · mies. $l200. Call aft SALES:· SERVICE \\1ust i;ell. 830-2885 Ask '67CrownWagon .. $1899 38 Owens, M, below market! etc Xlnt oond Gd i:;kl bo&L 5 p.m., SG-7'293. '69 MODEis $.l195; accept best oner All r:\tras. JO.harp TXS5l5 PACIFIC YAOIT SALES On. ghore ~rtni Balboi CASH FOR YOUR SEAR'S 1 wheel trailer, new --------Immediat'e delivery ,t. '65 CONVER.T * '67 Corona 4 dr's .. from 3446 Via Oporto Newport 1 1 N u .... 7 4-675-2899 box, .t i;pare tire & \vhl. Call $1399 • 613-15m • '. o. ~ I . MOBILE HOME 842-3869 '" 2 pm. DATSUN L.·\RqE SELECT!ON t """'· AU xlta.. "' pnt, .......... . l'l~, OUTBOARD cab in Private pa rty wants 8 x .10 or I:::======:::::::::::= I---------Theodot::e top. Must seU. 646-1234 4-in·sloCk. Aulos and 1tick '61 GLASSPAR Ci t>a t i on . cruiser, sleeps 2, glassed up larger to be moved to. moun-T ks 9500 '68 DATSUN ROBINS fORD ·50 PORSCHE SUP ER trans. UCPlOO. Inboard-outboard. 120 ~terc. lo the water line, ,v/trailer, tain lol. Send descrlpHon, _r_u_c-'--------Harbor Blvd. '66 Coron• 4-dr .... $1299 Cruiser ":1th l>O"'tt Jel & bof!t Licensed. NO MOTOR. price & location to: \Vrite .65 OOOCE 1' Ton, V-8, In1maculate \Va go n, auto. Costa MeSa 642-00IO M~st67~:~:; S!600 One owne1· • clean. ::iBV730 power trim. Full cover. $24::i. 49f....2189 after 6 PM Box p 424 Daily Pilot fleet long bed, new tires trans., overhead cam, dl.r, 1960 Mercedes 190. Clean, =~-==-c~--~ Be•t Deals Are At Ready to enjoy. A 11 101.1:' Fiber&J.a,s& s P eed "~~~Sky!' II k I ·. .• &: brakes. Rack & tool box. disc brakes. Small down, low '64 Ford Cortina, wh>'t< 2 "··, new lites .. $'750 f Ir m. '60 Super H.T. Cabrolet, Xlnt DEAN LEWIS malnte:wice records. 1 boat, w/trlr. 20hp 1t1erc. o.......... UU:.· v.·e ep in~i e $875 644--0156 pymnts. Will take older car -..... 642-4452 eves. mecli. Reeeot pa i n t . owner. KJ&-4444 !\-fake otter &t6-869l 400 & out . 8xl5 canva." awning, · · * in trade. WBJ 589 _LB. one owner. Gd. ,co nd .t----------Radials. SlTOO. 546-W39 18• F'•· I boat , ~ s·gna1 Rd .NB ' new 5x7 · stor. shed. $1875. PICKUP CAMPER Shells Can Ken, s.15-00.31 S600 673-1625 """"::::;_::.;.;:c,c:.:;~::::;,.,,-.1 1966 H•rbor, C.?-.f. 6$-9303 1':'"'rg s "" on snu•~ 1 ., _ 4gs...a225 eves. calrhi, slight freight '60 Porsche Coupe, beautiiully! "'ii:;~~~;r;.:~:V':'il mooring UO hp. Volvo, stern 18' Owens w/85 bp Mere _ _ dam•-."·Cheap•. , .. ~ .... 11800 .'!rr'.'.'PAJ'fil.JN. ... Sedan. ___.'{nl UI'!. n1ainralned. 639-1256 or .•• LTJt..\bl. . .IOITIAJ drlve. s/s radio, ha.It tanks, eng., lge whl trlr skiing • . . ' -~ <>="'"!: cona. ,$1100 or best olfer. ···' ~ .. -.Fi~··"-· ·-·--~-l!!Y----·--·~2::9~-"·----· .. -··-t:'J=.L:..1::::,1;·ra etc. Xlnt cond. Gd, ski boat. equip. Good conci. Sl.395 M1n1 B1ktt 9275 ·.;z Fo_rd P/U, mech. xlnt. ~aU 545-6660 aft 6 pm. ----·-----'51 MGTD, ne1V brake~.' '!iG Pol'Nche. 91215. ,~d Best Dealt Are At On shore mooring Balboa 54s-.2631 ' 2 MEYERS LYNX. mini eng_ JUSt reblt. 646-4790 or '68 FIAT 12-t Sport Coupe. h"an~, elc. $600. 11·/blk inter. Ab1-t~f tuned LEWIS Isl, No. Bay n~75-2899 l~'S" GLASPAR. 7 5 Hp bikes, 5 hp. Used ontt. Xlnt 675-1914 lT'S Beach house time. BJg. Dark Green. Like new. "'18-15_17____ c.xhst. 5'11-888a after 5. DEAN OWENS 27• plank hull, twin Evlnrude motor. Good con-condition. $130 each. Call '67 Datsun pickup, radio & gest sclection ever~ See the Make oiler. Prv pr t y '64 MG MIDGET · screw. Loaded! Sacrifice al clition $625. 673-5Th!I bety,·een 8 & 5 PM 540-6498 heater. SllOO. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 673-8662 .l...--SSOO. Need~ \\'Ork. 6·12-3272 Wh ite elephants! Dtmr-a-line 1966 Ha.rbor. C.M. 6f&,.e3o3 3,·,5 ~J""10'11 NM~~ -~Ors, 1967 16' Glaatron, 50 h.p. ~ lO%i H.P. MINI-BIKE * * 4 !)3- 1981 * k New C1rs 9800N-Cars 9•N• Ne-Cars 9800 New Cars 9800Ne-C1-9800 Ng BP ~-J· 91•1169._,s1...,, , Mercury. Xlnt corn:I. $l49S. GOOD CONDITION '63 CHEVY Pick-up, stic ;;~m;~-·-~iiiiiiiii~"iiii"~~--iliiiiii-iiii~~"~~;;;jjjjjjiiiiijjiiii~iii~~~;;;---;iii~~"~~··iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ ·--. =~ --R--~ 16' Fiberglas. 6' ·beam, dtoep 15• Horizon Ski boat. 80 HP _m=='"'=·====== ~·Ir 40 ~ J= Amer. Mere. New trailer. $125il. Motorcycl9! . 9300 ~ • e . 642--9917 aft 4 PM '67 HONDA 160 1 ·J:.:"="'=-----..:.: 15' Lyman wt trailer. $125. 4 \Vh~I Drive Good fishing boat Tip top oondillon. #60159 * 646-4547 * Marine Equip. 9035 $349 '68 JEEP · · · · · · AT LAS s;~nando Roadstcl'. sharp. ON ALL ONE factory re-built (never CORONADO YACHTS nml c;,,·1 M>r• s.n model l!ffective Sept. 1st. SAVE UP TO $1355 This \Veekend ! r 64 HNG grey marine diesel engine. Complete 1vttwin- disc reduction gear 2:1 ratio. For further details, call P. Sutton (213) ~1 Honda' * Hadako1 Mo•o,cyd~ Troilcr-s Pon• * Sc•wit~ Ftnan'i"9 & ln•~•onc~ TUSTIN HONDA t.14 (. Fint Ot Newport TwU1n 838-5712 '67 TOYOTA .... $2297 Landc.ruii;er, hai'dtop, looks like nc1v. UOF 110 '66 JEEP ....... $2297 \Vagonccr. big 6, po1Vl'r :.tccr- log nitl'st in toovn. SVE ::GI 'S7 JEEP Pickup . $997 A lHUc work horse. Lie. 1'~sp 073. '52 JEEP ........ $997 Military type, Only one in town. Llc. Y':\'V 631. Best Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS 290 W. Coast Highv.•ay ~-eekdays. or (71_.J 546--04381·.~.~67~===,....:=::..:::= Ne~'POrt Beach * 645-0810 weeke.nds. 650. pr i cc is $850. e '62 i C:J966=,,="=•:..'"°'""'·~C:;·:;:M::.· ....,;6:,:l~:..93=03 ·57 35 HP Evlnrudc 11•/fuel Triumph 6JO Dirt Bike SJj(I. 50 \V1LLYS Jeep P.U. 4 1vhl MUST BE SOLO 1 pump, manual start. xlnt e'69 Honda 90 S275~ · llr. S650. 171 E. 22nd St. Ap! 26' Sloop, OB, 4 Berlhs, 4 e<incl. Recent o/haul S12S or *642-5751 * lll, c .r.J. , S&lls, 'f'n: ........ SJ.100! best offer. 962-3831 '65 YAl\'lAHA 250 CC YDA J, 35 Sloop; f1bera;~a8 I n b d * t.fERCURY 3.9 outboard like ne1v $ 3 5 o . '68 P~'"?tC ~~ ·Jl~~ en&itlt. $99. Huntington Har-KA\VASAKJ 650_ cc ss. like VW CAMPER 3446 Via Oporto. Newport bour, 213/592-1036 new · $915. Private. party . • ~13-ISIO • S42--0lJ6 SALE KITE & YARD DOLLY No. Boat SllP. f,\iing 9036 S~ZUKI 100 CC 17 hp, dirt l·'Sg 65L New in 1969 See • \t.:i · --bike. Factory bit for nwto.x 1 .-~ No. 84, B.&.hla . Cori:I~~: SLIP' ~ NTED & [..T. ttlany >.:tra features. 2-'66'1 Yacht Oub. fl95. Call s . P v. Pty. looking for slip to•1..:.96:.:..c7306=~· ---~~= 2-'65's Mueller. 636-4100 days, or dock '6942' Chrls Craft. HONDA 30Ci street cycle 1967. 1-'67 Bus 644-43" nite11. 6~5-1633 or {213) 697-6781 300 miles. like new S150. 1-'6.\ Bus 9520 C•mper1 SABOTS * $265 16' WIDE U SLIP Chuck"ll Garag(>, 14W'Z Ran-~ $100 month cho Rd, '\"estn1inster. C:Omplete • Ready . to race! , * 673-6880 * "61 J-IONDA 100 Scran1bler lo c~ ~ 2912 W. Coa.l!t Highway . 0 Nl!WpOrt Beach * 645-0810 UP To 70' pwr or sailboat. ~1\es, gd. ~nd .,, Heln1et & ' ~s t-~--~-----1 SlOO mo. N•wport JI Xtras $350. 531-1.:.18 * SANTANA 22 * . . ' . '1-'-=,.c.,,:_,==--- FULL I . S 'I Seelye, Box 2008. C.f\1. '69 250 TRJUl\IPH, hke 1>e1v. A,,.4~ race cru1Sfl. sa1 s .. 1-========= I> ~ Nu spd~tr, hdwr, spinnaker. Bo.tit Rtnt•la 9038 683 mi, S~~.S3~2 6 hp Evinrude. Many xtra&, ·-. I=-===~~-~ Pr pt)'. (213) 622--1108 \vkly. FAST Fishing boat. for '67 _ TRIUMPH ., Bo1~~evllle .)-19-3031 Ext/66 or tl7 26' T·BIRD Sloop. Sips. 4. IC'a11r . outriggers. n1arlin S7JO. Call &1..-994., 943 1970~~~,~fg~VD. Head, galley, pulpit, sJ)ttdo. chairs. Your sklpper or Evergreen St., C.?ii. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Spin, O/B. tast. Clean. mine. 213: 693-0238 or '67 Triumph 500, Custom 11eat $3,175. 642-1403, Ext. 9. 699-0903 & tank. 5,000 ml. Xlnt cond. CAMPER Sales -Rentals Authorited Deltler Eldorado . Fout Winds Scotsman . Barracuda FREE ZEBRA 1't1NI BIKE II $750. 675-7532 SEA Sc o u t ' s desperately B I y hi nttd a ?>1AIN sail for 22 OI • IC '68 HONDA "90" FOOT ALB AT ROSS . Charters 9039 Trail bike. Excellent shape. 642-5769 BLUEWATER CHARM Low mileage. 637-6843. 27' VIKING AUX. Beaut end. u Dri\ll? Sail 01· Powf'r 1968 YA~lA11A. ':\1nt (.'Ond. l\1oor avail. Trrl 0 K . Skippered local sport fishing Frwy approved. Asking ~ 546-8030 x434 l\tr. Postma.. Harbor Cruise!! 646-9000 er best offer over . s.1s..m2 894-4094 FAST 35' Jeffries, fully '69 tleathkit goo11ie-bike 5 32 x 11 x S A I kin eqp'd. ?.1.arlin chairs, outrig. hp, 2-spd, near ne1v. 1vlth purchase of any camper or camper pack~c! Theodore ROBINS FORD 200) Harbor Blvd. COJ>ta J\fesa 642·0010 double~nder hull for sale. geN;. poles & reels for $200. 968-1581 Extremely. cheap! 642-8961 marlin k albacore. (213) FOR Sale or trade, 24' 699-0903. Auto Service1 Trimaran. Slps 2 ti·tr o /Btl========o= & Parts 9400 REN·T·A·SHEL L-- motor. $1800. 545-3505 MOTOR HOMES 9215 \Vl':EKENDS. \VE 8 KL Y 'J7·60 1" o r d PL:. Custon1 t.'IONTHLY It-S::9-ISCKI KITE 646, trailer, mast cover. Xlnt cond. S795. 642-3919 l't' THISTLE sloop No. 915. 2 &!ts sail&, trlr. Beaut. all ""°"·"""·-CAL 28, fully equip, race or cruise, muat sell. Price .tubed to $8350. 846-3711 NEWPORT F 1 n n 165. all Xtra.s. xlnt c.ood. 615-1378, 215 Pearl, Balbol PENGUIN Ailboat 11 \1 ' w/aail &-trailer. Top con- dition -S37-i5!11! FOR ll&lt Lido 14 with trailer, Xlnl eond. Call 673-1891 HOURLY RENTALS * Rhodes 19's • run z:one Boat eo. Balboa MUST Sell! 37· Zeeland Yawl. Sleeps 6. Fully eqpL -KITE N<t-616. ...Aoua Bl!Jt. Xln\ """'· * m.;!M8 * CAL 24. 3rd In Nallona.15 1 )'Nn> rllll eet o1 aailJ. $3700 -7 •SpecJal 11' Nlt!Qoal Clo< Dtallrl. du. ....u.. bir. $l95. shock -.. m.:llllO 15 YDtlll AD Ill CLA!SJ. nr;ot -Will be looltin&. lor IL Dial '4U61I . . - HEADQUARTERS FO!i MOTORHOMU ON DIW'f nl' AU mr DODGE "EXPLORER" ""-UI... -tlr tlllfl· ................... •1te11111.~•t. .1.~i •1111. tt '"'· n rooT, U '"'· J YlAflt ,lllAllC• 1111 •• "'"""'• c11r•1f. uphols seots $15. Air·rond I fur sanie s:io. v.s en; ror !'llUST sell. ·~ Chev. truck , sanle SlOO. Split ri111~ & and '63 camper. Best olf P.r. tires f4) $12 ra. Entift' _c_d_._.,._,d_._,..._7_063_. __ truck for t200--lr0nt end 8' Cabover Camper damaflt. 968-lM2 :}45.3-197 or 646-1198 96001mportld Autos IOO~M[Q][f)rAJI e HUGE SELECTION e '69 -TOYOTA FROM $1790 e BIG SAVINGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! NE.W TOYOTA MARK 11 NEW HI • LUX PICK • UP NOW ON DISPLA YI WI HllD YOUI TU.Dl·IN FO• .. OUI NIW USED CAl LOT . DEAN LEWIS OllAHGf COUNTY TOYOTA.YOLYO HIADQUARTllS 646·9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA .. , . . , FINAL CLEAN-UP Every New 1969 in our stock reduced to clear immediately BRAND--.NEW '69 . WJ LP.CAT CUSTOM COUPE $1003 OFF Window Sticker Price ~66379C 120234 48 MORE AT COMP ARABLE DISCOUNTS 'l8 CHEVY $1.,+ion "'"qon. Allio. !t•n1. r<1dio, ~""'"'· SYS1! I. $295 '66 COMET Cl't.10111 Co11pe. Auto. lr1n1., f•clory 1ir cond. TQH264. S1695 '66 MERCEDES Bon• 100, Aulo. h •nt. r~d ·o, ~1e l1r. lmtn<1C U· lete. SVF 251 $2595 '67 RIVIERA SS F•clo•y •ii ":>nd. tom equjpp1•( pwr. ZLK 27S. $3195 Cu1- Full '68 DODGE <1ir COl'd .. 111\0 lr<1n1 .. P.S., 11.&-H. VGI 979 '68 IMPALA trans, powe• 1!11 rin9. WJM 189 '63 PLYMOUTH Fur y. Auto. Irani, r•dio •nd ~e11t1r, air cond. CH0!71 $2395 I $2495 S495 '62 CADILLAC !~CAPRIC E --,6-S MONZA Convrl. F•ct "'' tond. 2 Or h<1r1Hop, t i• cond. Ha rdlop. Aulo, lr•n•., Full pwr, 1,....,,cul•t• 1uio l•~ns, pwr i+eflr, ;.,,m11;ul<1l1 condition, condition. FXG8~9 r.-dio, he&let. SBM 171 !TXJ 170) S995 S1795 S995 '66 vw ·I 1pe.d. r1clio. ~11\er. lRHl70. $1295 '67 MERCURY Mon•1r1y 2 doo1 h1 rd- lop. Auto. !re111, pow•r d eer, R&H . UON.704. $1795 -,-6-5-IM_P_A_L_A_ --,-67-BUIC_K __ --,-66-IM_P_A_LA__ '68 PONTIAC S S ' C <I Doo r H.T. F1t!orv ~ir I 8onnt•ill1. <I doot h1rd· '69 ELECTRA '65 ELEC TRA H1 rd top co11p•. pow1r. FACTORY COND. NCB 420 Full AIR uptr por p1, •11+0., Wildt1I Cu.tom c,,. ' ' " co11d ., <11110 . lr•111 ... oow. lop, FA CT 0 RY AIR ••111, pwr ••er, rta<o, i:1cl. d;, cond., ~uto. healer. ROA557. lonn i. P.S. UUVOS4 er 1'e !r. R&H. SVF527 COND .. P.S., P.B. WXG Cu1tom coupe. Fdtlo•y 1•r cond, Fully power oquipped. YPT 44 6 S1295 I S2595 S1695_\'" $2995 '6S 'I• TON Chew p:dt-11p. IJ1•l ior t1mper. R615Jl $1395 '67 DATSUN Al <I 11. 4 1pled. ttdio. ht•ler. TZJ 2'"· $1295 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1777 '63 BUICK Le S1b•1. Facl et• to,., powtr 1lttr & btek11. (HY M 41 t I $995 '66 T·BIRO F~ttory ••• cond. 11ower. SLV<19! $2395 NO IETTER PRICES ANYWHERE MAKE US PROVE IT! $5195 '61 MUSTANG Au'"· !r1n1., 1ir cond., Full r•dio, "••'e" UCl 806 $1695 S1895 '59 EL CAMINO ~ 1peed. Alll. CO ND. ltebuill interio•, r•d:o. ~e•ier. MCJ 611. $595 JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW -USED Complete Sales ind Service Dep1rtment Open Mon . thru Frt. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK. OPEL . JAGUAR SALES &·SERV ICE • -I -.:,__ ! __ _. '• '.• • .I '> ·--___;• -' . . . ' • ..:·~L -~----'"'-''-''--''------- ,, I • DURING OUR NEW CAR CLEAN UP • •••• AND SURPRISE YOURSELF!! , ltH NU.A NEW LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL t Dr (Ollpl. F•O!>I '-t•r m.11, looolt!tt" 1111.,IOI', •Jt.ct ¥Illy/ ""'· hlg~ tor~..-••lt. wtl ••I! IM!led llre1;--Ytnl wh-wa. • way -1t&1, •ulO- """"" l lr COl'loll. AM ractkl, It S. 1~fler, !ill! 91C1u. (Omplt!t "°.,..' door *.~1. ,.,v11An"°1t NOW ONLY ............ $5920 ..... Nllllr COU'I 1969 COUClff -ti "'"· blut mt!lllk. Autom1ac, w·••h, r;iowtr 11Mr. hra~u. 1lr cood. ractkl. •In! gl1u, 11c. 5tr. , 511011 S!oo;-• utt SAVE WAS 4101.4S NOW JSI S.,7 1'6t MDCURT 4i DOOR HARDTOP lfl~d M"' Wilfl Ill' ~I!~. '*llliflll .... ,.,, 0.-1/llit Wolh J9Cl )'\I VL l lld< IWI, "!«! allitl, w1 .. ·1110, .... , '!"' .,.,,. a 11Mr., rMllt a ......,.. "'I. $<'r. f ~-"2l' •»~1 SAVE WAS 4lfl.ot NOW 4172.M IAAND NEW 1969 CONTINENTAL COUPE NOW ONLY ................ 16084 w.. .~!VE. $51700 MOW J6tt.GO • 1969 NEAR NEW· LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL t Dr, COllPI. LI 9r1rn. Lt•lllt r ln!l!rlor, cl~ .. Ill .,.,,yl root, 111 torq119 ••It, "''' w1U1 tlh:U bel1111, -•• """' wlndowo. • w1y p0w1r -·· un 11ffr '!l'flHI, 1.,to, t it (-, '4M·FM t.OIO, tHr ..... ~~ tin! j!MIH , ~lt!t p0w1!r lo<kl, lttrlll •1'Hl cowr1, t fYllAWMI. NOW ON~Y ................ 1 6080 ~ IRAND NIYf r" I Ht COU•Al MMef ;l ll. 11va, Miid' "1111, w-w1111, llCW'llr 11e1r, br•-U. •Ir cGnd, r1dlo. 09CGr l f'OVP, Uni gl1u. dtlu11.1 ca~· 1r1. $c1. 1112W StOO:ll: f OU SAVE 523 96 WAS 416t .60 NOW 3645.64 Flr1t TllM Ev1r •t S•vlnt1 Llkt Thl1I THE BEAUTIFUL MAR9UIS 4 DOOR HARDTOP I~ •tlfl.I """Ill. llK.I. ~fn11 ,..,, Mitcf .r>lf!, w+ ... 111., lwin ~ort ""h' 11..,, ..-.~ti " 11<. •14.>lol ll«k 2211 SAVE NOW 4410.00 WAS 5111 .10 $731 10 ' I '69 NEAR NEW LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL <I Or' Wdtn, Mad. lltttl• i...111.r 1111.,,.r, dtl "'"' wl~yl roof, 1111111 ror11"' t dt, "''' w1Hoo tl~U bll!tol, P0'"t vtll! wl ... w1, ' WIY pOWff >tll, llft lfffl' wr..et, •UICI, 11• tor><I, AM·FM , ... )0. '''' IPMlf', '"" gl11:1. "°"'•' -IOClu, 1t1r«1 wfl.9el uwe,., , fVl1 .... 1,". NOW ONLY ...........• $6260 1'69 NEAR NEW LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL I Dr •..U". Fl"Ofl! & r11r m11s, 1 .. 111'1 IMtrlor, vinyl •09!. lll9h IOtq .... ••I•. ""'' Wtlh flkU belltcl. p0wor .,..,, wlr.Oows. • ..,..y llO'il'l'I' ... :. lllol•t II(• COV1t, flll \IH,<llf Wllftl, 11«"-llol .......... 1pN(I cQl'Ufol, rtf' clt lOll'Qol<, llllO. t it UIOd. AM,.FM rHJo. Ill\! lllfll, IPP. IVCllK!lo" trOUJ, "°°'"' _.. lo(b, lltrtcl wl\ffl cl>\ltrt. 1 tYl2AIN111 NOW ONLY ............... $6490 Sl!l WAYNI sau11a ·-Sii ,.,,, PILIUllS ' ;::::::::::::::::::::::.==== .. SAVE $58694 WA$ NOW ' 4511.40 l,.14.46 IRAND NIW 1 COLONY PARK WAGON F ln•a.'!.cl !n muoon Wl111 ol2t Vf, 1t!KI Jt>ltl, lut. <t,,litr, l•d Hit, 11<•lo1. o!K r, 1!r cond, lln! oi.a.s 11'111 H D. •ld?t,,.lon. •lt:ltU SAVE WAS IJJ:l.70 NOW 41U.77 575893 t IRAND NIW IHt COUClAR XR7 W~!!• !lni1ll. ltlecl ·~I"· WIWtlh, (-If, ......... 11nr. b'lk•, •Ir tOtld, AM r.Olo, 11111 111'n. QIHlrot. &1r. i lll!IM &tKll ; 'dJ. SAVE WAS 450l.IO NOW 1711.JJ IRAND NIW COLONY PAik WAGON ••rtho1111 •toll a '°""' "'"" tv1rvtt>lnt ln<lulllnt !!IJ WllMI. lnl Mii, .... 1 1Plff,t11. rffiJlll 11'Dck tut --~==~··-=· ==~!!! ' IRAND NIW · -- WA~~!! $81600 .. ow 471t .40 MONTEClO MX Met. wei.. Buclttl "'ty· .... ltt y .. .,., rool, II Kl ohlll, W/i w•llL can~t.. Po'""' 1:ttr, or1k11,. AM rtdla~ Hn1 ;11u. ""'"I <•Vt ,I. lE'I. 15114" STOCK rJIOf "'.~~!.~· s45· gos NOW llll.2:5 ' ' -' THI HOT ONlll CYCLONE 2 DOOR HARDTO, tvc""" Sp01\• It llNICllll wllll ho! iiKi.1 -1-1. ._ JPlf.\tl pwrdltH '''°"' 11t .. ~ .., 1ntl N,.. lnU It JOll, Ser. llt. ~ ,.,.J SAVE WAS l t41.0I NOW 1210.01 . IRA"~ MON ' 4 ODOlt II AN w~~.~~ $476 69 • NOW Jl50.11 w~s~!.~. s49319 NOW 1461 .01 -DNIW MONTllO Ill STATION WAGQN Dirt ,.., .-wM Ut vt. ww t11, - W •t, ,._ ,,_, In~ .. air tft, AM tMll9. llrll t ltlL •60107l 1100:11. JUO w~s~!~. s5451s NOW l7Ji.4S J ... , , ~~ON~T WAIT 100 LONG!! J·OhDson~son .. ., . · . NEW CARS 540-5630 642-0981 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA -· - USED CARS 540-5635 1 Mile South of the San Die90 Freeway ' I " Imported Auto. 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Autos Wanted 1/700 Uood Cers 9900 CADILLAC Used C•rs 9900 Used Can "--'---'------" '9900 Used Cers 9900 Used Cars 9900 OLDSMOBILE TOYOTA ·1-~~~~-.,.~~- ELMORE MOTORS . ' , TOYOlA (Headquarters) • Laraest S<?lection of a 11 1noclels, colors, fron1 the largest Toyota dealer. NICEST USED CARS IN Ort.ANGE COUNTY 15300 Beach Bh·d. \\'estminstcr Phone 89-~ll?i VOLKSWAGEN . (61 VOLKSWAGEN Radio&. heater, 1t1lly laclory Cii,).ilppcd, (WlC' 891). ' $1'81 H·ATLAS CHR'l'SLER -PLYi\101.iTI! '.!9:t9 HARBOR BLVD. CO::>TA J\IESA j!Q.l!J3.I Open Daily 'ti] 10 fl.Ill. --,67 -VWS EOAN- VOLVO ----·--- VOLVO Best Deals At• At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harber, C.!\1. &46-9303 '6.1 VOL \10 Sedan. low mi. r.::-.ccl. 1net:h. ('(Ind . Good tit1!S, S7.){J, 67:)-2791 'JS VOLVO, 4 nc1v lil1!s. $~ or best offl'r. 9121 Annik Drive, H.B. 9fi8..6322 L\TPORTs \\' A."1T'ED Orana:e Countits TOP S BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. tt'. Beach. Ph. U7"'565 Auto Leising 9110 --- "" LEASE "" '68 Cadillac CouPe de Ville, rulJy equipped. $129 mo. '67 Ford. 10 T>ass station "'I'°· on. r/h, air. ps, $Ta mo. '67 Gal. 500 Cpe, air, S65 mo. SOUTH COAST '67 CAD. DeVille convert .. white w/blk. lthr. Inter., lull rr. equip. Incl. fact. alio.~aut. f'.'Dnd $3.1.iO. E>wner, Lido Isle m-9060; 6Ta-47~7 Eves. '69 Cad. Cpe, DeVille, Full po11.>er with Clim cont. A/C. Stereo f'~I. 6,000 mi. $5660. Will drive from Indiana 54~20;>5 alt 8 Pr>f CHEVROLET ' ,. '' CORVAIR '62 CORVAIR Monza, auto. loadt"d, dlr. Green with black Int ln1. maculate. Sacrifict>. SmaJI dn, Jow pymts. i\1DR62ll.B. C.ll BUI 4%9773 or 545-0634. '61 Corvair, 4 dr, auto, r/h, a:d. cond, pvt pty. $19.i 84~1440 ' 'G;i CORVE'ITE STINGRAY, 4 spd trana. Xlnt dlnd. FORD '66 Ford Falrl1ne $495 :? Door Loaded. V8, clc. Lie. IR.Vi9.19. Phone 642-6023 Olr. '61 fi\LCON. xlnt cond. Idea.I trans, rcctnl O'haul, fl('\11 radiaror, carb, tires. $300. 549-3883 '66 FOP.D \Va{:DTI, fully equpd 'v/alr, PIS. P/B. $23j(l. ~2-8400 d a y s . 548--0797 C.\'CS. OLDSMOBILE • • 59/o-~ OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE -------1 65 OLDS 99 4 dr Jfardtop. Full Power. Air 11300. 642·1525 1956 OLDS. $7S. * 543-i537 * . 1964 Cutlass Deluxe Station \Vagon, new lil'C!t, baiter)', brakes. $650. 673-5567 RAMBLER '64 Rambler Sta. \Vag, Runs gd-nu tlre11-?.10Vi111. Sacrifice * 644-136.l BILL MAXEY jt!C>jY lOiT!Al f'ully loaded, air \'Cnls, dlr. ~001v "hi!c w!lh black in) .. full pr $1399. \VUI lltkc olde.r cur in trade. VOE:l47LB. Call Deli 49 1·071;': Dr ;;4;,.06;';.[, CAR lEASING 30c \V. Cst Hwy, ~B. Ma-2182 '66 CHEVY H Ne~r rACt'd. Call 6'Tr™6 '60 ford Station \Vagon . Nc-.v auto trans. 4 Dr. Clean. $2>0. 5'1S.7'943 OVER 100 1!167RamblerAmerica n . Antiques, Class ics 9615 JI.\ Vicky parlly rebll. \\' /283 ChC\' r n g . tin· nmunred. 644·20i9 LEASE. RENT 2-DR. SAF HARDTOP 1969 MODELS auto. R/l{, wsw, good cond. REGRET Parlin.:-\VI' 6 8 aulo11i. V\V bug. But prcS1•nt \\'Ork rcquircs 4-<loor. Lo nii & luggage r-Jck. &M>-:nzg ALL POPULAR Loadod , dlr, 011e o wner. Sac· DODGE MERCURY TO CHOOSE FROM! Sii"°. 6'2-3203 You can drlv~ home your l==P=L=Y=.=M. =0=U=T=H=r==I choice or JOO 1969 models at 11811 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 847-8555 MAKES rihcr! $895. \VIII take olderl-----·---- FORO cHr in trade. SVG 3E LB. '66 DODGE Charger. British ~ 3 mi N. of Coasl Hwy. on Bch 1969 4 \\'heel dn\·e Toyota. Land cruiser n&rd top. \\'arn hub~. R&H. dual t':<- hausl & hi{ih slacks. A-I torn:!. $2%0. 6iG.-5675 e~·e~. Call Bill ~. racing areen, VS, automatic AUTHORIZED ---------factory air. Power steering. LEASING ;65 CHEV IMPALA Power brakes. Sterru tape. '67 l\1erc Col. Pk. \Vgn. 10 pass, ale, rack, P/S, P/B, P /\V, p\\T. Sf'a1~. spd. cont, auto door lock, M.f/F'!\.l, much more. $2650. 830-6448 exactly 50% over our actual factory Jnvoicr. '66 PLYMOUTH e NO SALES EXPENSE: BARRACUDA '61 V\V Xlnt co11d. Dual ex-Autos Wanted hau~t. new rin1~. !ires. & b1·akes. Sl39j, or best o(fer. 67>5T55 9700 SYSTEM / 1 Door. h11.rdtnp, l~ded , dlr, New poly glass tires. Real Get Our Con1pt'litlve lt&lcs air, ligh! Jil'eeh with match. sharp! VCN '1$9 private par· e NO ADD-ON CHARGE& V-8, •UIO. trans.. nd.io I: Th.octorc·-" ing interior. Full pr $1499. ty su~. Phone pt2-los7 ask e NO PREPARATION heater. ISHT ~). WE I"AY ... CASH ROBINS,,. ORD Will take older car in trade. for Tim '56 Mere. Villager Xlnt engine. $100 962-00.19 wq:on. CHARGE ,1281 .•• IMMEDIATE DEL!VERY ATLAS VOLKSWAGEN '51 vw Van, DVCl'haulcd. Rf'H :>82 LB, catJ Pat,1 =~==--~-~ ~000 Harbor R!vd. 494.9773 or ~~0631 '67 DODGE D11rt. 173 4-bar· MUSTANG ' good trans, clutch, clean. ·55 V\V. 2 door, 4 speed, 1·11.dio, healer, beautiful red and sharp, RUi\1 l W. $1005. Carl's !\lot-Or Co. Inc., 00 Harbor. C.t.1 .. 642-0413. lor used cars I: trucks just call us for {f'H' Htlmate. GROTH CHEVROllT Co•l• Mesa 642-0010 •69 NOVA SS, Amer. map, re1, ·v..a, 4-ipd, Xlnt cond. ~=====';;:;=::":I P/S, disc brks, ne1v wide I "'Sl'iOOO="', ..054.c....,,"i-"'--~­-ovals, Loaded & Sharp! 67 Polaro, 9 pus 1!a. 1>o•g1i. ~i0.000 walT!lnty, orig price pwr. •ir 27.000 ml., :>.:Int Used Cars Must Self.Going Al:troad University Oldsmobile .WOO. * 962-1289 1007 V\\'. Good condilion '63 V\V bu{i, Xlnt 1.;ond. throughout. Chvner mus1 IC'l! Private 01ttr. Clean. 2 new 11350. ~-Zfii !ires. ~12-!1707 '66 V\V Snrf, beige w/ blk ·53 V\V deluxe camper. In!. R/H. Porsche rims. Xlnl l"Ond .. $1200 Xlnt rood. Sll'JO. 548-2716 6T.>-fil22 evenings '&:'I V\V Squareback, rebll 196.:> V\V L:iOO s ~uare back. 1600 engine. Xlnt l"Olld. Alik· $1150. lni; $1Zi0. 67J-;;16.1 '197-183.i . Ask for 00.'I V\V '66 Sedan $109.l 01i(;'.inal $t000. Siicrlf!ct! 549-1351 cond. $2600. 96&-JSij. TRANSPORTATION CARS '6a Ailust.ng Bronze color. A4k for S&le1 t.ianarer NEWPORTER MOlORS NO Rea!IOnablr otrcr refu~d. '60 Dodie Slati'ln Wgn v.s. auto, m•i wheels, ster. 1J2U Bl!l:rh Blvd. '61 Converllblr. xlnt. Wv· i S250. co tape. Sl300. 6C5-0ll4 HunUnaton Beach ing US-mu~t i;ell! AllD '60 ti45-0538 MUSTANG '68 Htp., aulO., Kl 9-3331 2036 HARBOR BLVD. Buick Wagon. 54;Hll37 . I R " H • x I n I c D n d • COSTA MESA D-bl p p CONFIDENTIALLY 541-5294 or 548-8S11 '62 •°'·Chery lmpalo. P/s. FORD ~'"""' '· '· 'Y · '64 OLDSMOBILE \\'• ~ .. M, ''' For 1:1NANCING AVA.ILABLE P/b. Radial !ires. Xlnt ,,,54,,_"-~'~'~"==~=~=~~ V8 iuto trans: radio A hfaL 'DJ cond. ~ 548-2654 '65 MUSTANG, V-8, JUH, ' . ., ' Foreign Or Sportl! Can; '&4 NOVA II. super clean, 101 ~-=~~----''6 Ford Ga ht. 500 PIS, Very Clean. er. ,POO<er z.tee~. (01'\V· 2850 Harbor Costa ?tlcaa 540.9640 • • .1--.66~V~l"l'.-2~...,-w-to-·~-,-. -01\ncr, x!nt cone!. >.1nt cond. SlOOS 67l-2S!l0 PAID FOR OR NOT n1lg $750. '61 Ford FaJcon, 2 · 1969 Chevy Jmapal1 ~ v.a, auto, ·trllflll., rild lo & 673--2'1U J49J. $78' ' B. J. SPORTSCAR runnln&: cond $95. 5.16-6129 LMded! .Low mileage. Your he11ter, po \Ver ~reerln;. · · or ~1421 ex~ 388 choice S2,650. SJ.4-5290 (Tf'N ltl9J. '&7 MUSTANG Convert. 39(1 1 • AT' ·AS · CENTER '65 Chevy rm~~•a 2 Or. Good •1,... auto, air. Laey's car. C.011' ' · · ' ' ~ '67 V\Y Bug, 20.000 miles, '68 SPORTS sedan, 13,700 .,... • "" $4500 &ell for sn95 573--9045 R/ll. XI"' -nd. Best offer 283lo Harbor Blvd. . . ..i .. ,,1 T cond. Auto, V-8. $1200. AT LAS • . CHRYSJ.J!:R -PLY~tOUTIJ .. ,_,10 Me•• •'" ,.91 1n1., lllt, pwr .. •uy top. op fl7"' "'"7! '67 M tana In ty lot ,o/ $1390. 892-7312 UJ ... ......,...., condition. 4~-3232. .,r..., us ... w ' x 2929 HARBOR BLVD * 962-3886 * • 1 ~.~63~V\"V~w~llh~bu-rn-t -,al~,.,- j * $400 * 4~31'8 WE Pay tHH ~----'6.l CliEV. Nova wagon, Xlnt cond. with xtra1. Sl795. Call OOSTA AtESA ~1!>34 '61 VW Pick.up. <IOhp, iyn-a UU BUICK 2nd car. tuiq. Best oUer CHRYSLER -PLYi\IOUTH -53&-73Sl ' O~n Dally 'lil 10 p.m. NEAT '56 VW, re·blt e111. cro, ca.b damaged. Beat or-ovtt $515. 5'18-5623 aft 6. 2929 HARBOR BLVD. TAKE Over leased '68 convt. REAL Sharp '66 0-111 llC\Y tires, oow brakes. !\.IUflt fer. 5.11-1318 fOR YOUR CAR . '60 lnvlr.ta \Vaaon . Leaving 57 CHEVY 210 St11.tlo11 WagOll COSTA !\.fESA', fM.1934 Clean. Only 7,000 ml. 12 Cutlas.,, llol. Coupe. Cold sec. * 616-4078 VOLVO US-niust sell! Asking S125. 283. R/ll, Automatic. Grey. Open Dally til lO p.m. mm. at $103.TI. 646-U)l with blk. Landau top, lo '69 V\V, warranty, rallio, CONNELL but no tt11.1Dna.ble oller Good condlllon. 5'7-.3132 '68 CTX A/C, disc. brak~. mlJ, nu wbt/wall tim A. coco n1at11. POP windo\\·! 11!(Used, Aliso '61 Chevy PIS Exe. Cor'ld., mull sell. OLDSMOBILE brks, R/H , Ml!IOm blk lthr 61'"'1019 °'"'"' clcl Alar. VOLVO BUYS CHEVROLET <un•t. "'-><m "''' ""· "'" oos.1691 "'' • bu<:ktt"'"' ~" '64 V\V sman,,$700, '68 Vol'vo 142 . . . . $2n7 I 2821 Harbor iJIYd. BUICK No. JZ. H.. CHRYSLIR '63 }'()RD F~rlane 2 Dr. '63 Oldamoblte Hollda,y, • ...,th. tach. PIS, PIB. P/W. Oria. owner1 ;ti. amd,. 4 l!)ttd, radio, he•ter, 1 O\\ln· CMta !\.teaa M6-1200 everything! "--'-'-· ---""'I iU'pe:r Sport. $315. door ledan. BeauUful con-Jut_1_ alr. Must. iee to 1. GT.'i-i)Jl I ,j er, Xlll.003 , WE PAY TOP-BARGAIN! '67 CHRYSLER • 6f;i-31J4 * dltlon. J-1 as full IAclocy believe! Private-Party. Be111 '&'i V\V CorJV'trt.,_PV. 'Pry. '67 122 ..... , , .. , $1797 j' DOLLAR'. • &42-22.}2 alt~r C P).I . . '65 CHEV tnipala. 2-dr, lo 1equip111ent includ111n1<vlail1 ~~~ o:fer. 962-2860 .IMust sacinfiuc,. xinl liihtl. Auto111atie, raaio k healer. ror a:ood. cleAn uicd c•rs. 1966 RIVIERA. Fully equip. 2:DOOR HARDTOP miles. Ori& owner. Rli.H. uxul')" lealijtt:S, u ~~ t '5 OLDS CUTLASS ,1095. ~122\411 s. 1TMU EA'tra Sharp. : &11 make1. See Geql'le Ray Llkt> new. Top con d I V-8, automatic:, ltclory air, P/S, P/8. 673-m3 tcrior. pov.·et aleerlnr. r(o~ •· HOLIDAY CPE. ,64 SACIUFJCE '67 144 · · • · • · · · · · $2397 Theodore R11bini Fonl S48-2Stl (s..4:SI, !\.f-J?.) power ilecrlna:, po~ tn· '6T GT..axl, ric1v en g, br11.~. ticlDf'J alr co • -V4, 1uto. trans., l>Qwer 1t<!t'r GO NTO SERVlCE: 4 door. Lie. No, lNA33.1 2060 Harbor Blvd. -kek, ndk> Ir: hntcr. Imm.a· S.crtl\ce' c.:.U ~1436 for Radio & heater. Mu1t let l. i"I. radio. ht-1rtt, PCS Jl8. , 613-4624 * Aulomatic traniHu i11SIOll, .r CJ.I.. &U-0010 CADll 1 AQ cul (UDE~ · drive lo appreciate. (Pd PM• $1181 • c~oolllonlng. 1------"'!'""..___ •IO. $229. 5· ' •ppmt. lrl p11o,,. 64<-1224 ' l ATLAS ;' ''6:1 vw Sedan '6S 544 ... :. ' .... $129 7 Wlll Buy Mechanic Speciel '63 FAU:ON V-3. Xlht condf· Jl'OR aale by 0\\'llOr·l961 • -.., SIJO f u t Back, scacee 1nodtl .61 °'dillac Scda.n deVUle. ATLAS tlOn. $19.1. Cll.116#-l2•17 art!r Gtand Prix. low Milca.t~· I 67;;..l'S:ll rtdlo, heate.r, ~ 1,pttd, No .'our Volksw;:a·n o[ Porscht! ~ p.m. loacietl! Xlnt \."Dnd. Below CHRYSLER -PLYMOlITll full po'Mr Including lac.l oti' 2!tlt JIARBQR_BLVD. ~; r/h, :dn~ (.'Obd, ·gd. tn'fl. 1346, & pay top do m . Paid for tlr l"Olltl\Uonhtg, pG\\'Cr it«t-. ~ • 11969 ford Galax· book. Sl,~. ~Hm COSTA ?ilESA ~JS3~ s.n. ~ or bes! o(r. '61 P 1800 . , ...•. $1297 or POl Call Rall}h Ing It brakt1. i--"'11.Y ICI{, ;"CHRYSl.ER _-\'LY~IOt,fl'l,I icflt-1..olM.led! U:>w mlleRCC. '~di '88' n1!"M y;ell. Open D•lly 'Ill 10 p.m. &47~1 Jttf')t SPort collPit. $llvtr wilh rc1 6l"J.O!QI •ulon11\ic Ir u n k opentr, 2t2t HARBOR SL.Yb. Yowr ahol\.'t $2.&:;0, 53,._. ;d. body $100~ f94·3Wll •vt• ~ '68 V\V Bug1 ~·Mte, 4 t: 8 lntcrior. IM. Hrrn. pctwcr windows , $400 or best COSTA MESA 64$-.11134 'U Totlna c;T, 350 hp, 11.lr or 5\0-4113. t.\r, or Mn. track taped~ $16:1>. Best' De•ls Are At IT'S B~ch hollJI ttJM. BW-QUer. Bit-OOSS Open Dally 'lll '\O ~.in. cond, l\&.11. mai;s, xlnt Schiff -* 96U*• * ' "£AN LEWIS ~~~L~1ec~£o;.vtr~:!iri= '&4 C&d; Coupt, loaded, $,XI. qlRYSLER. '64 "300" 4 dr, cond. 54S--2148 aft 5. "'•s1~o~LD=s-,.,,..,~~-.-.,..-."""',1 w. vw. Fair cotldltlon ~t U teCt1on NOWI oVtr klw book. COod Cond. p/i, p/b-;-a\r, 1d-c:ond1 1 '·°"11~r"°ALCO""'~N""s'"'1a.~w'"rn-.~1~il!~1 pan. Xlnt cond. l 5 9 a. c.u a~r s PM a36-S27a l!lC6 Harbor, c.~f. &f6.9:XO ---------, ___ *_,...;.;;;...;.ms'-'--*---'---~=· _P_"'..o""=· _m_._,.,-'-oo __ , Trenftm LAne. H.B. 962--3153 MB-1934 11tt t. ' ' ' SO OLDS 412. 28.000 mi. Nu tlreg, ~ dr, 111\dc, ffil w/..,hlte top. Xlitt cond. $1400 or &tl oUer, 54S-~t CHRYSLER -PLYf.fOUTH 29'.!9 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA 546-L9:M Open Daily 'HI 10 p.m. '60 Plymouth wa&Dn Xlnt cond. New tires. S21S • 968-1135 '69 Plymouth f'\lry Ill. A/C, radio, Land4u lop, 6,000 mi. $.1700. 491'r3:J25 C\ICI PONTIAC '67 POl:jTIAC ~E MANS F11U power. alr, dlr, silVer blUc, with black interior. Im. rh1culate! TUII pr mg;;, wW older ear in trade. TKR 5«i 1..8, Cnll Ken. -194-9m or 5'.;-06l4. MUST tell, lvg. entry. '66 Tempest wagon. P/S, P/8, lael. air, $1199. 54.6-6246, 833-69ll uk lor Ramesh. 1957 Ponlloc $100, .. 536-2075 * T-BIRD ------- '66 T-Bird 2 Dr. Hordtop V.S, •UIO. trans., laetory &I!' condltiOnlfll:, po1ver 1tcerl111, powe.r brakes, PD\"er win- dows. radio, hcaler1 whllt- wall tires. f)llly I01.aed with luw, low n1Ues. ROW 7"9 $2188 '60 T-Bird. rully eqp'd Sul oiler VALIANT 'fiO Valiant, Auto matlc $300/of,ttr. Good c o ' d • , dependable, 842~2 aft .. I Ll ' I ' I . , J • ' Wid""4q,ru,.,n1, 1%9 Pl(OT;AOVERTISn TRANSPORTATION TDHIPOl·TA:r10N TRANSPORTATION TllANSPOJtTATIOll . • 'fRANSPORTATION ~ l'AAH~POi(TATION l .---=.;__--., __ ...__ __ _._ _____ =-=--~.;.;,;;;.i-=;.....,.-_;.;;;=~:.:_-,...MOO=· .:.::: ... ;c:n ' teo0 NewC.n ~ MiN..c.n .;• '9'00• ~ * •••• AND HERE'S WHAT THE SMART· ONU .ARE GETIING AT ROY CARVER'S NOW ••• THE BEST EQUIP· PED, SHARPEST, BRAND-NEW '69 PONTIACS AROUND ·TODAY. AND AT UNBEATABLE PRICES, TOO!·THIS STOCK OF OVEl 100 WON'T LAST LONG • •• SO YOU'LL HAVE TO BE FAST AS WELL AS SMART! SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN: 9,00 .A.M. to 9:lO ·P.M. GTOs FffiEBIRDS CATALINA ~PASS. WAGONS EXECUTIVE HARDTOP CPE BONNEVILLE JIARDTOP CPES • GRAND PRIXS . EVERYDAY CATALINA 9 PASS. WAGONS BONNEVILLE 4 DR HARDTOPS CATALINA 4 DOOR HARDTOPS LE MANS HARDTOP COUPES l'EMPEST CUSTOM WAGONS CUSTOM HARDTOP COUPES LE MANS SAFARI WAGON CATALlNA HARDTOP COUPES EXECUTIVE 6 PASS. WAGONS BONNEVILLE 9 PASS. WAGON EXECUTIVE 4 DR IIARDTOPS CUSTOM S 4 DOOR HARDTOPS EXECUTIVE 9 PASS. WAGONS PRICES PLUS LICENSE· AND TAX. ' . '67 FIREBlRD H. O. s237.7 :~?. .. ~.~ !.~~.!;~~ .. ~!~: .~~!:,, .. s2877 :~~.i~~l~!i~~~olmi,., "'"· hut .. , whilo$17.77 324 VI, <4 IP••d, powtr 1te1rin;, rid.lo and heifer, whit. 1ide well tire1, biirg11ndy wit4. b1eck•i11t1rior. C UJC 7'Jt71 f1ctory eir, redio, ht1fer, whit• 1ide will tire1. Bh.i• "'-" 1id1 will tires, fec:tory t ir.<12,174 ori9intl miles. t1rior with m1tchin9 oti9in1I i11t1rior. \Wll,lJ) '66 CHARGER $2177 :~.!.~.~!~~ .. ~R!.~ ..... b ...... ,,. .. s4277 '67. FIREBIRD 53677 ..... -forqu,llit•, PC!WM 1l••ri11t, radio, ht•l•r, whit• sid• 326, Automatic, pe-r 1iaarlng, radio, h•1fat, land1v watl tira1, 15,975 mila1. Li9ht blua w1th d•rk blue inf•rior. tep, cutfom trim, copp•r color. (VHC 719), s•ah, pow•r wi11dew1, pu1h bulfo11 radio, 111w whifa •ida will tir••· fXSR 3941 . - ' '67 CORVETIE ·$3677 '66 FORD GALAXIE $1877 '68 BUICK WILDCAT . s3477 • 1100 2 Ooor h1rdfop, V•~ •uton!1tic, p-er •fearinf, pow· Radio, ha•far, eulom1tlc, po-r 1 .. ari119, powar win· ar'hra5i:H, r1~io, h., ... ,, whit.·lida w•ll tires, fa ctory a ir ' 2 Door hardtop •• H.,dram1tic, power 1f1arln9, powtr .dow1, ~ top1., Api-•· 24,000 Mlle1, Orij inal I owntr. bra5ie1, radio, hetl•r, while· 1ida wall tir••• f1ctory 1ir . ~ Showroolft.frnh+ cv:vv 1•91, •onditioning. ( RQL 959) ". ~ coriditio11ifl9, lWAE Sll~ . . ' - '69 TOYOTA CORONA s177,7 '66 VW B'1G " s1477 '63 CADILLAC 51477 Sed111. r1dio, heifer. Radio, he•far, white 1ida well tiret. 10.000 miles. Co~vertlbla. A,ppw. Sl',ooo fl!iia1o Calldv .. pple flni1h: I 4 1peed #TIJOI. !SST 104) ow11ar. F1c+erv 1ir, po-r lJ"fndowt, po-r 1e1t. f P4JlAI. ' •.- '1•l••1 lifil ' :•j(•. ROY CARVER PONTIAC IYl~I -l 2925 HARBOR BLVD J COSTA MESA • • Kl-64444 . , _ .. __ t ' , ~ ' • • c.r.w R1g. t.10 C1r1ta Reg. 3/4 C.reta R•g. . 68 c•~ lt9 . . 63 c,,;t. 1t9 . t/2 ~ .. ...,. . 1/2 C.ret Reg. 1/2 C1ret Re9. .31 ~~ ~tg. ·111° C#t" .. R~ 200.00 ledi4'S M1rqui1• pl•t: ~i.~d ting Reg. 4,100.00. __ .Now ladies 40 Diemond Dinner Rin9 Reg. 2,000.00.._.r--·Now • 1.400.00 I . ladies 36 Oiemond Dil1ner Ring Reg. 1,665.oo_. ___ .Now 1,nl.M ' t..4'iM'i4 ltcJuett ring· with Y. et. Muquis• Reg. l,950 New 3,160..IO Men's ring with 7 Diemontl.s· R99. 3'5.00_ •..... -..•.• -.Now 293.00 Man'1 ring with l/l. ct ... OL.monds.' Ret-295_ Now 235.00 Man'1 ster Hppl.i.,. •ttd ONimoncl ring. Reg. $00.00._ Nqw J95.80 ~ . Man's rint with 5 Di•monds tot1lin9 ~ c.t. Reg. ·ns.oo_.Now ,as.to ' ..,. t • , .. t ladles 42 Oi1moecl_~ '()pal .R"m9 4.RecJ. 1,100. ~ow .... 00 ltarllr S111111i111 Center · CISTA ·u 2300 Herbor If.Id • . 545-9485 f. laftlon .1t Tops 1 ..... 7 1.49 . ' I t I I I ·1 OY WOULD Five of ei&ht Barbor Area scholars boaoritl thll 1~ Harbor Center Mer- chants Association diaplay trophies 1beJ woa fOr the ves and their schools. · .. Students include (from left) Robert Sanden, CO!Jfa Mesa High; Kent Ham-~eras, Ne~ Barbor Ri&b; C91mie Olbord. NeWport Harbor Hi&h: Jo 11:,n Taylor, Estancia High, and tom Hoff, .ltdcla. lflmlr*l, but DOt pwt r photo, were Mary· Gutel, Costa Mesa Hlgb, and Katbry)a Lynch~ Rol>ert Wil- liams. both of co._. del·Har High. ·ti'. • SENSATIONAL GUITAR SOUNDS & VOCAL A•RANGEMENTS . c:.mw ..... STEAK & LOISTEI .MtS UDUCID! 1ov·s COLOIFUL SURF JAMMllS lft lwltht H•w~a.n CottM ,........ .. AA 1.--...__ 4 --16 _... . • .. .•. ... . . .. , •• .., .... ''"' .... ' ..... .... ..... ,.~ ... ...--....~-· .... -t-..-.t·-·· EASY-CAii llDSPllAD5--llDUCEDI Decor•~ IN'lntl • ., ....... • CM~• flf Twin er full ...., ··A·--·· .. ·-······· .. ····- 7 Western White .Munl • • "l • ', C• ' . ' ' Hi•sh~W Tells. S:lipervisors DAILY PILO T . ~Be Wants Dis Own Lawye~ * * * 10' * * * 'j -' ' TH URSO.-. Y AFT!:RNOON, AUGUSt 2,, ;1969 ' VOL. U. MO .. IN. J llCTIOHS. • '"'I& -. • • ' I • en ta on: ·' I l!1ascheduted. Stop Ron Martin, 17, provides perch for hummingbird which made abrupt, unscheduled stop at the Costa Mesa service station where Ron works. Bird, stunned lly collision with large window stayed overnight at the station recuperating and supping on sugar water# Hinshaw Tells County He Wants Own ~ttorney By THOMAS FORTUNE Of "" 0.111 P'lllt ,,.,, Pepperf Or~rlge County Assessor Andrew J, Hinshaw Wednesday ask~ Hoard ol Supervisors to hire a privale at- torney to represent his office in legal matters. In a leUer lo supervisors, he said It is abundahlly clear that his office's rela4 lionshlp with County Counsel Adrian Kuyper i(_ trreconcUably breached. Hlnsbaw contended Kuyptlr has mlde a mockery of tht · cllent,attorney relar tionshlp by decM:lirlg·to determine blmself "·hen and · hoW the l:lien( ahaU be represented. ' the bnmediate servlCe of "qualified COfilDMI.". He Hid bec1111< of the coafllct ol Jn. leftSI be uli<Q Kuyper to hold In Ibey. ance actiiin'Oll all Jepl matten'aHectlng the 11seuor's olllce. He _said Kuyper would nol ._ to atop lepresenting him Ind r<Spoodod be -Id ''do my best-lo wspend;l.i u n t 11 further· notice. all endeavors on behalf ol your office, lnlofar as poulble cc:miJteat with my dUUes as YOW'~." s en 'Quadriad' E~ts Inflati.on· Topic ·A\_:, Nixon. Meet By M~ SM1'111 · Ul"I ...................... ' ·~ . President Nli:on, after a festive day wllh his old poUUcal ·foe, former Ptt!l- dent Lyndon B. Joim-, today turned bis atterAion in San Clemente to a more serious matter -inflation. At tbe 'Western White HOO.., the chief executive scheduled a morning meeting of hia "quadriad'' -a group of the federal government'• highest ranking eoonomic experta. The group included Treuury Secretary David M. Kennedy, Budget Director Robert M~Oi Paul McCracken chairman oC the Council ol F.conoml~ Advben; and ~w i 111 am McChesney Martin, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. · ·· 'l'lle· beat 1n·11>e-naU011ancmom:y· tias · Cyclist Scraped In Mesa Crash A Newport Beach motorcyclist whose machine crossed a eosta Mesa street and colllded almost headon with a car escaped with fairly minor Injuries W""-lay nigbl Stanley D. Smith, 27, of u: W. Coaat Highway, Newport Beach, was treated for knee and elbow laceratiOlll at Hoag Memol'lil Hoopttal and releeed. Motortol Dodi M. Purcell, 51, ol 1605 E. Ocean BIY4., Newport Buch, Wll not Injured in Uwj •• eoJUsion on East ltlth Street near Newport Ave D u t, in- vestJ&aton !ltd- lieen I l<lW'tO of clftp IJ'!Sldeollal COO- cem for some weeka. While White House ·officials outwardly pictured today'.s con- ference as ' ~latlvely routine, it was known Nixon ii concerned with the con- tJ.nUed upward pressure of living costs, llkely ~ be a focal point of today's meeting. McCracken indicated at a news con- ference In Los Angeles Wednesday the in- flationary spiral eventually would be reversed. "Basins decisions on (continuing) in- flatlon will produce low rates of return ••• and a substantial amount of discom- fort for those concerned," McCracken aaid. · He said he does not e.ipect lo see any real turnaround Jn the economy before the later part of 1969. .. '.'.ll'ben. YOU..a<e.,!l<ering. a. big .ship,. It does not tum immedJately when you turn ·the rudder," McCracken said. ''ft will continue in the same direction for quite a period before it starts to respond." The Nixon and Johnson famJUes said their farewells late Wednesday at El Toro Marine Corps Air StatlQn, and Nixon returned tO the West.em White House for an extended early evening conference with Senate DemocraUc leader Mike Mansfield of Montana. This w a s Mansrleld'1 first stop upon returning from an Asian tour which Included visits to the Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Laos and Hon.1 Kong. Nexoo's next sc~ed public a~ pearance was in Den+. Monday, Labar Day, before the 1Natlonal Governors Confettnee. After that, will come a meeting on the ,Mexlcan Border near Del ·Rio, 'Tes:., SeJ)t. lwith President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz of Mex.Jco. Nilon then returns to Wasbinifon. -OU U,I T ..... ,. AWAITING APPOINTMENT Sl1'rl1y Templ1 •Bt1ck Shirley . Temple Offered Position I nAdministration SAN CLEMENTE (U PI) -The movies'· "Little Miss 1'-1nrker" may become a United Nations diplomat. Shirley Temple Black, an ardent Republlcan who lost her bid for a con-' gressk>nal seat Jan year, has confirmed Utal she has been offered a job in the ·Nixon admini.straiion, but wou1d not say ·what it was. ' . The Western Wh1te floU&e refused·to- day to confirm or d<ny pul!ltshed reports . that the former child film star would ~ . nained to the United Sta\el' ~·l•gatton ol the ·UN'• 2'1\1 General Ammb)y, coo- venlng SePL ' 16. ·• · • , . . Combat loss Replaced . . -. In Half Year ' . . ·• ~· ' ,.._ , . ~ ' WASjflNGTO!f (AP)-Tbt ,...,,... Aid ioci.y 'Mli1ll Vletnain --JOO"°'·~ lnte lioulh Vlllaam ~ Jb• flnl baK of tb1t ,ur, -" to ... subltanti.ally reP.l.ace"· enemy combat Josaes~ ! I • • ' The Pentagon flgured •ntll\Y klllod -clurins Iha• Wiod at 9:!,653 bot aaHf fbal loss would be expanded when, pritonen, wound~ llnd defection,, are idded Jn. It was the first ttme in monthsi that the Defense .Depaitment hu · releutd jnflllratlon flgutes ·Ind came at a, time when the Pentagon was aeekinl to play down the Jdea that It stands ln sharp disagreement with the State Department over tbe .significance of a recent Jnflltra. lion decline. Defense swkesman Jerry Frtedheim, assertina: that there is no disagnement. said botll' agencies agrM that tnnltraUon Is lower this year and that there may; be a decline of enem)'. streJ}gth in South Vietnam as a rt..sUJL But Whereas tbe , State Department said it viewed the development 11. "sig- nificant;'': ·Friedhetm · said: "We ·Inter- pret thjs cautiously." Friedt>eim uJd the 100,000.man infiltration fJCUfe fer 'the first half of 1969 la half the infiltraUon figure for the .correapoqdlng period In 1968, but he said any comparison' of the two figures. "mu.st ~ rpade $=autloua1y0 because or special factors which exllted last year. Among th'!'. Frledbein) said, are the !act !hat' !n tJIJ'ljl 1918 North' Vietnam was preparing for the big Tet offemlve. He said also the bait of lb• U;S. 'bombing .of North Vietnani last fall and Wllther factors ov:er Laos Olis .apring mmt . be considered in any assessment ol U\11: year's lowered infiltraUon. · Friealieim saJa that wlille tbe enemy may havo dered a aliabt lou Jn strength Jn South Vlelnlm, lib llnnCtb "remains suffident to caDld oPttaUOl)a under his present strateQ." That atrJt- •egy·tblt year, belaaid/bla"llom.- by iewer·larle unit actkm.. • J. .• 1 fYiedbeim UIOd 'ti» 100,oot lnfiltrl111'!! figure, which·.._,... 'Willi Jll0,000 Jill la!! year becaule be••"' be dlcl -t.bllo• "sptcific t figµrfs 'whJ~OUJa ba~ ' ts.<. ntOOPS, 1'i4e I) 1 • 1 .. • •te also charged Kuyper w,ith conflict of Interest in encouraging l'jewport-Me.sa Unified SchOOI District to file legal act.ion 1 against the assess&r over assessment of land involved !•~the Upper Newport Bay Quaker Group Disavows Pickets. ' . ' . . . . . Orufe l , . '· land swap. · Kuyper, on .vac;;atlon, wa~ -unavailable to comment on Hlnshaw's charges. But Clayton Parl er, Kuyper's chief assist.ant, sak1 conflict ol Jnterest on the part or county courisel ls spelled out in the state government code as grounds for supervisors to empkly private legal counsel for the aMeSSOr. "But a difference of opinion doesn't make it a confllct of interest,'' Parker said. Hlnsha" conceded that he does nol think Su_pervisors will grant his request ior priVate counsel ffe said he-bas met twice with rupervisors in cloeecH5ooc' session over his rill wlth Kuyper and E11pervlsors were 110l 1ympatbetic lo his recruat then. The threatened school dlstrid 1ull haa come up since .that time. Hinshaw aay1 the county assesw's oi· fir.e hat legal milters pending. 11everal of tVhich have betn postponed, that require BJ RANDY BllJELYE . .... ....., ........ The American FrlftlCll Service Coo\· mlttoe, wmch picketed the Westen\ White Jtouse ..apinsl the war ln vlfinmn Wedrieaday, b 1atd to be O.. "liberal voice" of the Quakers. s.vln\y.itve memben ol the AFSC held the allelll wtgtl In San Clen.-at.. ing that the U.S. wllbdro" all lroopt from Sooth Vlelnam lmmedtelety and concenti:ate oc prd>l<ros at bqn)e. Today the Call!omla YearlY Mtttlna, an Orp.ntution of SS Qual:er Churches fn the state. aa1d they are lo no "11 CClto nected with AFSC. "We do nol go for m.,,i.of the AFSC Ideas," a •Pl*tm111 ror the Yearly Meeting, beadquarl<red In WbllUer, said. AFSC said lod•y lhat they were picketing the rovemment's pollcy and not 1pectfJcally Prtsident Nixon, who Is • ' Quaker. Nixon II a member of the· rtnt of the Quaker1.11 Friindl Church to Eut WhttUer. Mra. Ashkenazy was quick lo &dd that "Wt cave tbe 'Nixon Admlniltnition six nol all me1rtbe:r11 of AFSC are Quakera. "l mootht to conclude-the war In V~ would l&1 that 1l'oel of the t0,000 people and they ha~'t done tt" James on our malling .llgt are not Quakers. Our N.,.too. wll! led the protest' for AFSC fll'OUP ti mad< ~Pol P'Ople with c00cerm yesterdaJ, uML , for ~. human dignity and human 'l'1le irwP Is pickelin« the war In Viet-light.. nam by readinl a Hit « Americam: tUled , ".U members of our group were drawn In Vlelnatn, taien from the ~ from the 100,000 Quakers in lhll country, at lleconl. They o!>lerved J><ilodl ol w• would have much less support," •be sllmce In raped for the Vldllamele said.. . · dead . Callfomla and Oregon •~e· the only two "AFSC b not--ed With "QUaker ·i!ilo'i'in !ht toontl')> lll1n10 not 11.ivo-a- dnlrch" and not all Qual<en believe the repr<>entaUve lillln& m the Boord ol 1ame things. They are men Uberal than Di-ol Af'$C. moet Ywly Mfttlng Members," the ' The *""'rlcan Friends Servlct Com· WhlWer apokesman Mid. mlttff, which has been Jn eJ.lat.enct linc:e EUnor Ashke:ouy, public relaUons ·World War I was •warded,. the Nobel dlrtetor !or AFSC, c:ooflrmed the Yearly •Peace Prln In Jtfl. It Wat pruented to M,.11"1 orranlzolion'• leellnga. the Ali'SC and to the l'rtendl Servi" • "We are more tlberal than...,,. ol the Ooonott ol London. They rocctved the Yearly Meettnp. We art the liberal voice ii"•arcf for progr1m1 of r e f u I t • t t • . . 1asslstance duitng the flr1t and stcond world wars . Mrs. Ashkenazy said AFSC i.!rmade up of Lwo major comm.lttees, Peace Educa· Uon aad Community RelaUons. · The Peaee .£.dix:aUoh conunltule"1ed otbe vigi) at Sari) Cl<menie 1Wednelld8)'. 1"Tbey oiler dr~ ,~ to ,ylWll :men ian;d' , let'· ~ 1 know J1f lnal .alt.emaUve• to service, ti she SJ)d. ~ .l • • The !;ommunlty ;Rclatlon1<:0mmttlee ts ,primarily coqc<rJIOd with racial and ed-1tsouea. ' . "Wt do not make dem•ndr-OI\ the nu11,.. and poUti:al better~ o(.our 111<1D· bers.'r , MH. Aal\l:l!naey Mid IO•tgoo1>ta made up ol people from au rel!gJous,.rlClal and pol!Ucal beU•f1. The nattonwlde helljquarten fO< the AFSC 11 In Pblt&delphla and 11 cootrotled loc::11ly from the oUlce at tit N. rlit Oaks, Puadena. I I aAll y I'll.OT \ ~LB., Gladly .. _Takes Spei~ght Fro111 . . Nh:on1 . BJ llEUN THOMAS ,~1 JIED1YOOD NATIONAL PARK (UPli :...... Pa tlidzn« ~ pvt form« Prul- • -~ B. -1be spolllpl ~=t•M1 amid tbt JMjelllc: redwood -oodJ-lootU. n......, .. a -w1111 Nixon....,.. . .. 'reuw11>1e ......... 1111 , ... the ... ao bis 1111 blrtlldaJ at the • While RGot0. Hal ID bli hand, ....... '* '·1114 ~ tbe •lribola u a ......,... pell -elder ·Jda1-WI Johlllon .. 1 back at llnl and . let Nixon do all the talJUn&. -TbeD the !flXODI and the Jclmsocs flew l '·Tax Rate Rises For County on Flood Repairs · . er.,. Coon17 1Upervlaon W"'-day set COUDty tax rates thal aenerally are higher than Jut year. The rate fer general county aovun- ment operations. bnever, is down a pen- DY. at l l.67 per $100 of assessed valuation. flw:est increaJt is 10 ceols in the flood control rate, aeaerally a p p l i c a b I e tllr!Jaglloul the county, lo "l'8ir damage -durln(wlnlerll<>nDS. Other oountywide tu lDC!'U5eS are two cents heo'"MI the counlJ's ntio ,of asseswt ~·to inar11:it yaJut is less than the -state ava-ace. and a half~t for tchoollnc mmtally·retaMed childrtn. N-i; oil county ~II also will pay haU a cait m«e to the Harbor Dislrlcl. Io -· for raiden!J o1 tmln-corporated areas tbe fat protectioo rate 1w gone ap-lilne aoll. Tiie COUlllJ [IOl>llc library role -a eenl lncrule. i..Jed on unincorpofa1ed areu and those cities that contract with the county library lyolaD. AP. told, tbe tu rate lncreue la about ' U cfuts tor ~ who Uve within city limit> and :a cellll lor -who do ool. Tu rata wrre unanimously adopted by tlie -"'· Suptrvilan after pr-. ' talion by County Auditor Vic Benn. . Also adopttd ,..... ta rates for school dislricll and special ...._ ... dJslrlcU lhNiilblOll' IM cocmly. City la rala are not adopled by the Board ol Supervioon. Mentioninl the ooe cent reduction in the COUDly geoa:al fund ra~ Board Chairman WUIUm 1lintell wu moved to rmwt "We are &rateful fer amaU . ' . f.a\'Cll'S... • , Firth Dlltrld SUJfCi¥ilOI Alton E. Allen ol Lqillla1*dl -be lhlnb the ...... ty auditor'• staff ts entitled to con- gratulatlolll for doln& "• very dillicult, comp!bted job. t• Helm uld bis atafl put In 300 hours of overtime lo meet tbe dudllne. Figuring the 1u rate wu aimpllcated, he said, by· tbe · ltlt. ~ ta rebate and ball.-Inventory exemptions. Not Guilty Plea Given by Dealer A Harbor Area auto dealer Wedne.olay entered an lnnoccnt plea in Harbor MmUcipl.l Court to a flvt-counl misde· ... ~ ··--~ mlale-''•• ---· __ .,..g -.. ad~ In tbe we of can. cOirt adlon came cm DiJtrict AUDmey Coc11 elcb' complaint against Robert L Swick, owner Of Harbor Dodae lo Costa Mesa. Alt«DeY Paul Caruao, repruenling Swick, sakf hil client "'Is "ourtaged" by the cllorgea. Caruao also declared,Swlck wu only part owner ol the dealenhip when tbe fi¥e aUeged viol1llona occurred in M11 and June. Municipal Judge Donald Dunaan set a jury trial for Nov. 11. Strick 1'11 rek!ued on his own recogniunce. OA\LI fo1LO I ..,... ... p ., .... ------c••wa•u ... _, fta.m•o C(ljllJll&H'f ........ .,,_ ---....... .,...., .......... _. .. MM! ... --· -n.-..A.MllfPli;l11• --- ... ., ....................... . lll••Aca• ............. .... =.:. c::-.:-.:.. o:.= ..... ~ ........ --_____ c... ........ -._ ....... ., ... ·--·--------____ c...... ~ Tr'! mtt.....m & d If I .. MJ.UN I ~::a .... cw.....,.... c ··--;-.:,=-.... -·m .......... -..... -· .. ,...-. 'fl llL1b: .. ---m--____ .......,... ............. - - bm In dedicate the "Lad.Y Bird Johnson Grove" in 1 wooded wonderland with lrta 1,000 )'Un old. It ... all .. happy, 'Ille dlee17 cmrds It the airport , •• Ille fl1end)y Etpll. 11le '"° former poliUcal foes wa!Ud side by side along the fence, each using bQth bands lo g...i f.,... ' 'l'be1 bad so much ".ln commoo," Nlxoo kepi saying. • Jobnsoa kept noddin& In aareement un- til Nixon brought up bis hero ''Tedd,y" Roosevelt as the president "who P,Ul so much emphasis on conservation, ' and praised him to the sky. Whal wued WIS pun vlnlage Jolwon, •l hla ~ ·-best, •·Ith a few polzitod political barl>s thrml In lo mh Iba make hla pSlnl. . , Nixon lnl"*'<ed J-by ·"11nc that he waaa'& ••on I.he pn:cram" but be would like the Jonner pmideo! to 117 a few wordl.- Wllh some'alacrity, Joi.--maidnc his first big public appearance since be 'll'ent into blberoatioo KVtn monUu q:o -came up to bat "President Ni.J:on was talking to you about some of his political heroes and I guess I migbt be pardoned if I also men- JOHNSONS ANO NIXONS STROLL AMONG REDWOODS Former First Lady Cited for Conservaitlon Work Silence Sm·1·ounds Actions Of Animal-car1·yingTruck Nothing bas been beard today from an Anaheim jungle cat brealer who hoped to push on Wednesday from El Centro to Yuma, Ari%., carrying 50 heat-!tri~ken cats aboard a trouble-plagued 194! truck. "I haven't beard anything and I'm wor· ried sick,'' aaJd Mn:. Dorothy Leuthold, of 7521 Red Gum St., whose husband is trying to move the $20,000-plw cargo t.o Florida. President Plans Dam Dedication After Departure President Nixon will take his golf clubs aod f:unUy back to Wa!hington on Sept, 8, ending a one-motnh working va cation .at the Western White House in San Clemente. En route to the nation's capital, he will stop over at Del Rio, Tex., where he and President Dlai Ordai or ~1exico will jointly dedicate the $78 million Amistad (Spanish for "frieodship11 ) Dam. The dam is on the Rio Grande, It miles upstream of Del Rio. Its construction, which began six years ago, was financed by the U.S. and Mexico. White House spokesmen said Tuesday the meeting of the two ch.ief executives wiU provide Nixon and Ordaz "an op- portunity to renew pffilidential con • versa.lions on matters of ·mutoal in- terest." Ordaz last spoke to an American Presi· dent last December, just beJore Lyndon Johnson finished out his term. Nixon's schedule between now and Sept. I re.mains fairly flexible, except for a planne<I appearance at tfie Governon' Conference In Denver, Colo., on Sept. 21 the day after Labor Day. Lido Woman, 44, Held iii Assault El Centro residents donated a number or water cans Tuesday to k~p the old truck's faulty radiator operating - hopefully long enougb for Leuthold to reach Arizona for major repairs. "It's just not like my husband,'' said t.1rs. Leuthold, who had expected a telephone call and progress report about 10 p.m. Wednesday. She hoped tooay that perhaps he was just pushini on through and chose not to &top and ri!k being unable to start the truck carrying their caged animals, in· eluding a Siberian tiger. County authorities for~ the Leulholds to close down their House of :P.fartu, a cal boarding and breeding business, last June and costly problems have been develop- jng ever since. One false start on the transcontinental trip lO Florida , where they hope to open a zoo, ended with a blownup engine at Beaumont. Leuthold had the vehicle towed home for additional repairs and started out again al 5 .a.m. last Saturday, only to en· counter another series of breakdowns crossing the desert. Two pregnant mother leopards car- rying thrff rare cubs each-sired by a black rather -died in lhe blistering heat. a $16,000 loss, but the other animals wtre holding up well al last report. ?i.frs. Leuthold said Wednesday a freezer carried aboard the cage«>vered truck had broken down and 300 pounds of frozen ch.ick:en supplies ror the cats' food was in danger of spoiling. Tricia Leaves Hospital, Rests In White House Tricia Nili:on was rt;Jeased from \\'alter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C. Ur day. The Presidenl's 23-year-<>ld daughter was taken directly to the White House, where she was recovering from the ef· Police lnve!Ugating a neighborhood disturbanct over a parking place on Lldo feds of her two-day Illness. Isle Wednf;lday arrested a 44-year-<1kl \Vestcm \\1hilc House a.ides in San woma n resklent on charges of assaulting Clemente said no diagnosis of Tricia's ii· an officer. lness is yet known. But an announctment f'atrolman William Jenee arrested ed I Jn th '"" J M . Manhens 4 VI Eholl was expect ater e -.,. a~7t :20 ~m. after s~ ~l~~ly arefused The petite, blonde daughter o( the Nix- ---10-be-tattn--tn-lJJI lJel~--dbtm"banc«! -Olll WU-admittl4-.io-WalUt-Rled-Tuts- chJr,ts and tried to take a swing at the day alter complatniag of lncreulngly offlctr. severe abdominal pains. Within 24 boun., Police oid the enUre lnddent was the pains subsided, but Tricia stayed sparked when Plfrs. !\f:t.rt.hens and an . -""--unldentlfltd ntlgh bor argued over 1 park· overn1ghl at Walter Reed for ~rvation. Ina problem and polite were called 10 &tt· She bad complained befort. returning to tie the matter. "'ashington last v.-eekend from San Ml'J. Marthem v.•1s booked And rel~1s.-Clemente that she wasn't fee Ung wrll, td on her own rt>cogniza1tee. • rnendt said . • • lioned a Rooo<vel~" aald Joi.-with a wry grin. "While ~ 8-v<ll wu °"'· ol our p..i presl""'la, -of -put )ll'OlmSi•e leaders. U..,. wu lllOlber -ell •.. that ... -alilijngly _ .. the lleld ol -on." !Ill 1111111 Oaillng, be made 11 clear be WU lalking al>out hla liind ol -.elt - Franklin Delano. • ' Talin( It from there, Joi.-be8M to tell storiea iboul Cburebill, Tnlman and his daddy who used to say 1'hen be was a Uttle boy "Son, )'OU will never tnow what ii Ls to be father unW you are a father, Israeli And one never -. whit It ~ to be president until you are a prt&idtnt. '' Then he thrtw a cune at NWln. ''I would hope lbal ""--lions micht look don the blllolJ ol Ollf put and loot at the 1reat o:mervatioa leaden and that ...,., ol my chlldrtn and my gnndcblldren, even Jll1ldl, could Nd " ... not Daty the -of -. R005eveJ.t and Fraoklin D. 'Roolevett In the field ol COOStrYatioa but that IOCID we might have a book !nllll llldlaM Nbon." Johnson'• wife, Lady Bini. br tbls time was slapping her knees. Ni.J:on managed to ~ his t~th a bit in a smile and looked at his wife, Pal. He bid liven J-an llldt and the old pro id a mUe. Tbe·•udienee wu ·in llllcbel. ADd friencb who knew the ..,.., ol lite• -· llU nqellll ·Billy Gnbam llld, aome ""!ht polll1dam Ub ~. Jll!aaltl J!elPOi Jiii! lllllltd. 'l1lo '"al Jcibnian bad -up ' after """""" the UmellCltl IDd be WU lovlt1r j~ • Iii ~ !nllll Tµaa P1loll lo total 81\d teatimlllll Flnally ho ..... p1eu1na~m.. He told Nllon, "We are very pnlUd In stand behind you and to aupport,you In your earnest quest for ee·ace lo the world and for prosperity at home." · Jets Hit Jordan Raid Retali.at.es for Arav Mortar Attack By United Preli btenatioall lsratti warplanes ltle.aked into. Jard.an today, bombing and strafing Jordanian anny positions in retaliation for a mortar atlack in whlch one Israeli soldier was wounded. On the Egyptian front, Israeli military spokesmen said conunandos penetrated deep Into Egypt alld blasted an army he1dquarter.s \\·itb powerful sbort-range weapon.!. Egypt said the Israeli raid on the ·Nile River base consisted of one plane that was driven off by ground fire. lsradJ spokesmen, giving no details as to the number at type d. planes involved, said the air strike was carried ·out against several Jordanian army positions From Page l TROOPS ... lna:ful for public release." • he uplatoed that specific !nfiltraUon figures, which are gltaned from aerial observaUon, agent rtporls and sensor signals, are subject to considerable re- finement as time passes. Prledhelm said the 100,000 could be me either way by "some thousands." While Fr1edhe1rn said he saw "no aig.. nlficant diHerence of opinion" between lhe Pentagon and lhe State Department assessments, the fact remained that the Pentagon was maintaining that the enemy is "sub&lanti.ally replacing" his losses under the mluCfd iofiltralion while the Stat! Department waa saying that "they are not replacing all their casualties." Greek Bank Rocked • ATHENS (AP) -An exploalon rocked the main offlct of the: Commercial Bank of G~ Thursday shortly after warning phone ca11s to newa agencies fmn persons identifying tbe:msc:lves a s members of the antigovermnent group called Akrills. in lbe Damya Bridge area on the east bank of the Jordan River aibout 50 miles aouth ol lhe Sea ol Galilee. He aald the str!.ke was ordered af"r Jordanians bom· barded Israeli positions with mortar fire, seriously wounding one soldier. The commando raid into Egypt was the third within a year into Eapt's heartland, and the entire raiding party returned safely, Israeli spokesmen sakl. Milllary experts in Tel Aviv considered lhe Wednesday night raid an even more daring demoostration of I 1 r a e 1 ' s r-taliatory power tbaD the attacb that hit power stations:, dams and bridges in the Aswan high dam area of Egypt in September and April. Israeli spokesmen uid the raldlng par· ty shelled the Egyptian army rqlonal headquarters at Manqabad, about 20G miles .aouth of. Cairo on the Nile. River, wllh UDmm mortars, weapons that fire a bigger she.11 1han tht mortars used by U.S. and Communist forces in Vietnam. AJ in the past raids, the Israelis kept secret just bow the raidera reached their target, 145 miles from the nearest coestal point, or bow many troops were Involved. They aald all returned safely to their unidentified base. T:tle Israeli! de.scribed . the raid u retaliation for repeated and conUnuina attacks by Egyptian snlpen and artillery along the Suez Canal. Eleven IaraeD .soldiers have been killed there in Im than two weeks. Gls Slowly, Gain Ground Against Harwi Regulars ' SAIGON (UPI) -American troop! defending a village of South Vietnamese refugees gained gro\1lld slowly today against a force of ~ortb VJetnameae regulars thought to be retreating from the Quo Sonh Valley. At least eight Americana were killt.d in U:.e jungle fighting ln J».degree heat. U.S. military spokesmen said the North Vietnamese appeared lo be figbUn1.almp- ly to delay the Am~' advance r1tber than to dderxl their own posiUons for an attack on Hiep Due, Ii; vUl.agoe of 3,000 refugees comidered lo be I model ol the P1cification program. Earlier, spokem>al nport<d lhll Viet Cong perrtllas -four band .,,..._ into a meeUng of offlcltl• •~ anotber town, killing 24 cl-and W<llll!dbll 01 in the worst Incident of temirlam of Ille year. The U.S. Command's w<ekly cuually report said American lows dropped sharplJ last w~k but remained among the 8Ul?lD1tr's heaviest because of heavy llgbUng In the Que Sonh Valley and elsewhere along the northern cout. A Uoal of 190 Americans died Jut week and 1,3'7 were wounded. 1be battle in the Que Sonh Valley wa.!I 1n its 11th day today, and spokesmen said it had CO&t the Communists more than vision infantrymen inched forward today, communist mortar fire and bunla from I,OOD de.ad. M. Marines and Americ.al Dj. vision infantrymen iDched forward today • COllllllllOlJt mortar lire and bunta from automatic weapons killed at le.ut eiaht Americans ml wounded 4.3 otherL Heat al.lo WU taking a heavy toll OD the Americam, ooe Marine regimental com- ma.oder reporting 50 cases of beat pro- llraUon In the put three da)'!. A Nylon Shag ,That's ,Young in Looks, and .Young 1n Price! 8.95so. Yo. IF YOU CAN'T COME IN-CALL 6411.()275 for an expert carpet consultant who will come to your home ""th samples without any " obligation to you! ---------------·------- PROFESSIONAL H ,JI GAR REfT f URN ITTJ ~~ HARIOR SLVD. INTERIOR DESIGNERS Of>H Moe., Tllon. • "'· ha COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.0275 "46-0276 I